2 classes
Two horror movie icons team up for this bone-chilling 1973 film by Freddie Francis, a master of the genre. Peter Cushing plays a scientist who begins to believe that a skeleton he has brought back from New Guinea may be infused with evil. Worried that his family will be punished by this malevolent being, he scurries the pile of bones away. Unfortunately, his nefarious brother has other plans for the skeletal find. -Karen NadeauProfessor Emmanual Hildern returns from New Guinea with a skeleton which he believes will revolutionize mankind's theory of evolution, and perhaps win him the coveted Richter Prize. While having breakfast with his daughter, Penelope, Hildern reads a letter from his half-brother, James, which informs him that his wife, Marguerite, has died in James lunatic asylum. Hildern keeps this from Penelope, who believes that her mother died many years earlier. Hildern visits James, and questions him as to whether Marguerite's illness could be hereditary, and thus Penelope be at risk. James informs his brother that he has written a manuscript on that exact subject which he intends to submit for the Richter Prize. He also tells Hildern that he will no longer finance his expeditions. Hildern begins to clean the skeleton, but when he washes one of its fingers, the bones regrow a fleshy covering. Hildern severs the finger and keeps it in a jar. His books contain a New Guinean legend of an evil being buried in the earth which will come to life when it becomes wet. Hildern and his assistant, Wardelow, begin to experiment on the finger. They find that its blood contains strange black cells that attack and consume the cells in normal blood. Hildern hopes to produce a vaccine against Evil to protect mankind. He prepares a serum and inoculates a monkey, whose blood cells later seem protected against the evil black cells. Meanwhile, Penelope has stolen Hilderns keys and gone into her mothers old room, which she was forbidden ever to enter. There she learns that Marguerite was a Folies Bergere dancer, that she went insane, and was institutionalized. Hildern catches her; Penelope becomes hysterical. Terrified that he is seeing the seeds of her mothers illness in her, Hildern injects Penelope with his serum, hoping to protect her against insanity. Later that night, Wardelow finds that the experimental monkey has gone berserk, broken out of its cage, and wrecked part of the laboratory. Hildern rushes upstairs to his daughter, but Penelope has gone....
The Creeping Flesh
What is the skeleton infused with?
[ "Evil." ]
Two horror movie icons team up for this bone-chilling 1973 film by Freddie Francis, a master of the genre. Peter Cushing plays a scientist who begins to believe that a skeleton he has brought back from New Guinea may be infused with evil. Worried that his family will be punished by this malevolent being, he scurries the pile of bones away. Unfortunately, his nefarious brother has other plans for the skeletal find. -Karen NadeauProfessor Emmanual Hildern returns from New Guinea with a skeleton which he believes will revolutionize mankind's theory of evolution, and perhaps win him the coveted Richter Prize. While having breakfast with his daughter, Penelope, Hildern reads a letter from his half-brother, James, which informs him that his wife, Marguerite, has died in James lunatic asylum. Hildern keeps this from Penelope, who believes that her mother died many years earlier. Hildern visits James, and questions him as to whether Marguerite's illness could be hereditary, and thus Penelope be at risk. James informs his brother that he has written a manuscript on that exact subject which he intends to submit for the Richter Prize. He also tells Hildern that he will no longer finance his expeditions. Hildern begins to clean the skeleton, but when he washes one of its fingers, the bones regrow a fleshy covering. Hildern severs the finger and keeps it in a jar. His books contain a New Guinean legend of an evil being buried in the earth which will come to life when it becomes wet. Hildern and his assistant, Wardelow, begin to experiment on the finger. They find that its blood contains strange black cells that attack and consume the cells in normal blood. Hildern hopes to produce a vaccine against Evil to protect mankind. He prepares a serum and inoculates a monkey, whose blood cells later seem protected against the evil black cells. Meanwhile, Penelope has stolen Hilderns keys and gone into her mothers old room, which she was forbidden ever to enter. There she learns that Marguerite was a Folies Bergere dancer, that she went insane, and was institutionalized. Hildern catches her; Penelope becomes hysterical. Terrified that he is seeing the seeds of her mothers illness in her, Hildern injects Penelope with his serum, hoping to protect her against insanity. Later that night, Wardelow finds that the experimental monkey has gone berserk, broken out of its cage, and wrecked part of the laboratory. Hildern rushes upstairs to his daughter, but Penelope has gone....
The Creeping Flesh
Where does Professor Emmanual return from?
[ "Professor Emmanual returns from New Guinea." ]
Two horror movie icons team up for this bone-chilling 1973 film by Freddie Francis, a master of the genre. Peter Cushing plays a scientist who begins to believe that a skeleton he has brought back from New Guinea may be infused with evil. Worried that his family will be punished by this malevolent being, he scurries the pile of bones away. Unfortunately, his nefarious brother has other plans for the skeletal find. -Karen NadeauProfessor Emmanual Hildern returns from New Guinea with a skeleton which he believes will revolutionize mankind's theory of evolution, and perhaps win him the coveted Richter Prize. While having breakfast with his daughter, Penelope, Hildern reads a letter from his half-brother, James, which informs him that his wife, Marguerite, has died in James lunatic asylum. Hildern keeps this from Penelope, who believes that her mother died many years earlier. Hildern visits James, and questions him as to whether Marguerite's illness could be hereditary, and thus Penelope be at risk. James informs his brother that he has written a manuscript on that exact subject which he intends to submit for the Richter Prize. He also tells Hildern that he will no longer finance his expeditions. Hildern begins to clean the skeleton, but when he washes one of its fingers, the bones regrow a fleshy covering. Hildern severs the finger and keeps it in a jar. His books contain a New Guinean legend of an evil being buried in the earth which will come to life when it becomes wet. Hildern and his assistant, Wardelow, begin to experiment on the finger. They find that its blood contains strange black cells that attack and consume the cells in normal blood. Hildern hopes to produce a vaccine against Evil to protect mankind. He prepares a serum and inoculates a monkey, whose blood cells later seem protected against the evil black cells. Meanwhile, Penelope has stolen Hilderns keys and gone into her mothers old room, which she was forbidden ever to enter. There she learns that Marguerite was a Folies Bergere dancer, that she went insane, and was institutionalized. Hildern catches her; Penelope becomes hysterical. Terrified that he is seeing the seeds of her mothers illness in her, Hildern injects Penelope with his serum, hoping to protect her against insanity. Later that night, Wardelow finds that the experimental monkey has gone berserk, broken out of its cage, and wrecked part of the laboratory. Hildern rushes upstairs to his daughter, but Penelope has gone....
The Creeping Flesh
What role does Peter Cushing play?
[ "scientist" ]
Two horror movie icons team up for this bone-chilling 1973 film by Freddie Francis, a master of the genre. Peter Cushing plays a scientist who begins to believe that a skeleton he has brought back from New Guinea may be infused with evil. Worried that his family will be punished by this malevolent being, he scurries the pile of bones away. Unfortunately, his nefarious brother has other plans for the skeletal find. -Karen NadeauProfessor Emmanual Hildern returns from New Guinea with a skeleton which he believes will revolutionize mankind's theory of evolution, and perhaps win him the coveted Richter Prize. While having breakfast with his daughter, Penelope, Hildern reads a letter from his half-brother, James, which informs him that his wife, Marguerite, has died in James lunatic asylum. Hildern keeps this from Penelope, who believes that her mother died many years earlier. Hildern visits James, and questions him as to whether Marguerite's illness could be hereditary, and thus Penelope be at risk. James informs his brother that he has written a manuscript on that exact subject which he intends to submit for the Richter Prize. He also tells Hildern that he will no longer finance his expeditions. Hildern begins to clean the skeleton, but when he washes one of its fingers, the bones regrow a fleshy covering. Hildern severs the finger and keeps it in a jar. His books contain a New Guinean legend of an evil being buried in the earth which will come to life when it becomes wet. Hildern and his assistant, Wardelow, begin to experiment on the finger. They find that its blood contains strange black cells that attack and consume the cells in normal blood. Hildern hopes to produce a vaccine against Evil to protect mankind. He prepares a serum and inoculates a monkey, whose blood cells later seem protected against the evil black cells. Meanwhile, Penelope has stolen Hilderns keys and gone into her mothers old room, which she was forbidden ever to enter. There she learns that Marguerite was a Folies Bergere dancer, that she went insane, and was institutionalized. Hildern catches her; Penelope becomes hysterical. Terrified that he is seeing the seeds of her mothers illness in her, Hildern injects Penelope with his serum, hoping to protect her against insanity. Later that night, Wardelow finds that the experimental monkey has gone berserk, broken out of its cage, and wrecked part of the laboratory. Hildern rushes upstairs to his daughter, but Penelope has gone....
The Creeping Flesh
What does the Professor bring home from New Guinea?
[ "a skeleton" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
How many jets were sent to destroy the camp?
[ "Two" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who did they trek through the jungle with?
[ "Phat's young son" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
What is the name of the town that is being bombed?
[ "Neak Leung" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Wich Prize Sidney won?
[ "Pulitzer" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who does Pran stay in Phnom Penh to help?
[ "Schanberg" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who is trying to locate Pran?
[ "Schanberg is trying to locate Pran" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
When Sidney won the prize?
[ "1976" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Why does Schanberg call Pran's family?
[ "He informs them that Pran is alive and safe." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who escaped prison with four other prisoners?
[ "Pran" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
What nationality was the passport Rockoff and Jon forged for Pran?
[ "British." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Where Pran was pressured to remain?
[ "Cambodia" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Where does Schanberg travel to?
[ "The Red Cross camp" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who meets Rockoff?
[ "Schanberg." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Why is Pran unarmed?
[ "As he is a Cambodian civilian." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
What did they trek through?
[ "The jungle" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who is trying to capture Pran?
[ "The Khmer Rouge" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who plays Al Rockoff in The Killing Fields?
[ "John Malkovich" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
In the movie, who is the Cambodian national army fighting against?
[ "Khmer Rouge" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over?
[ "The Khmer Rouge." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who was being executed?
[ "Two Khmer Rouge operatives" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
What is Tran doing in Cambodia?
[ "He became a forced laborer." ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
What type of money was Phat's son discovered with?
[ "American money" ]
In the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, during May 1973, the Cambodian national army is fighting a civil war with the Khmer Rouge, a result of the Vietnam War overspilling that country’s borders. Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and interpreter for The New York Times, awaits the arrival of reporter Sydney Schanberg at the city's airport but leaves suddenly. Schanberg takes a cab to his hotel where he meets up with Al Rockoff (John Malkovich). Pran meets Schanberg later and tells him that an incident has occurred in a town, Neak Leung; allegedly, an American B-52 has bombed the town. Schanberg and Pran go to Neak Leung where they find that the town has been bombed. Schanberg and Pran are arrested when they try to photograph the execution of two Khmer Rouge operatives. They are eventually released and Schanberg is furious when the international press corps arrives with the U.S. Army. Two years later, in 1975, the Phnom Penh embassies are being evacuated in anticipation of the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. Schanberg secures evacuation for Pran, his wife and their four children. However, Pran insists that he would stay behind to help Schanberg. The Khmer Rouge move into the capital, ostensibly in peace. During a parade through the city, Schanberg meets Rockoff. They are later met by a detachment of the Khmer Rouge, who immediately arrest them. The group is taken through the city to a back alley where prisoners are being held and executed. Pran, unharmed because he is a Cambodian civilian, negotiates to spare the lives of his friends. They do not leave Phnom Penh, but instead retreat to the French embassy. Informed that the Khmer Rouge have ordered all Cambodian citizens in the embassy to be handed over and fearing the embassy will be overrun, the embassies comply. Knowing that Pran will be imprisoned or killed, Rockoff and fellow photographer Jon Swain (Julian Sands) of The Sunday Times try to forge a British passport for Pran; the deception fails when the image of Pran on the passport photo fades to nothing, as they lack adequate photographic developer. Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime. Several months after returning to New York City, Schanberg is in the midst of a personal campaign to locate Pran. In Cambodia, Pran has become a forced labourer under the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" policy, a return to the agrarian ways of the past. Pran is also forced to attend propagandist classes where many undergo re-education. As intellectuals are made to disappear, Pran feigns simple-mindedness. Eventually, he tries to escape, but is recaptured. Before he is found by members of the Khmer Rouge, he slips into a muddy cesspool filled with rotting human corpses; in doing so, he stumbles upon the infamous killing fields of the Pol Pot regime, where as many as 2 million Cambodian citizens were murdered. In 1976 Sydney Schanberg is awarded a Pulitzer prize for his coverage of the Cambodian conflict. At the acceptance dinner he tells the audience that half the recognition for the award belongs to Pran. Later in the restroom, he is confronted by Rockoff, who harshly accuses him of not doing enough to locate Pran and for using his friend to win the award. Schanberg defends his efforts, saying that he has contacted every humanitarian relief agency possible in the time since Pran's disappearance. Rockoff suggests that Schanberg subtly pressured Pran to remain in Cambodia because Pran was so vital to Schanberg's work. This accusation hits close to home, and Schanberg begins to wonder whether he put his own self-interest ahead of Pran's safety. He finally confesses that Pran "stayed because I wanted him to stay". Pran is assigned to the leader of a different prison compound, a man named Phat, and charged mostly with tending to his little boy. Pran continues his self-imposed discipline of behaving as an uneducated peasant, despite several of Phat’s attempts to trick him into revealing his knowledge of both French and English. Phat begins to trust Pran and asks him to take ward of his son in the event that he is killed. The Khmer Rouge are now engaged in a border war with Vietnam. The conflict reaches Pran's region and a battle ensues between the Khmer Rouge of the compound and two jets sent to destroy the camp. After the skirmish has ended, Pran discovers that Phat's son has American money and a map leading to safety. When Phat tries to stop the younger Khmer Rouge officers from killing several of his comrades, he is ignominiously shot. In the confusion, Pran escapes with four other prisoners and they begin a long trek through the jungle with Phat’s young son. The group later splits and three of them head in a different direction; Pran continues following the map with the fourth man. However, Pran’s companion activates a hidden land mine while holding the boy. As Pran pleads with the man to give him the boy, the mine goes off, killing the pair. Pran mourns for a time and continues on. One day he crests the escarpment of the Dângrêk Mountains and sees a Red Cross camp near the border of Thailand. The scene shifts to Schanberg calling Pran's family with the news that Pran is alive and safe. Soon after, Schanberg travels to the Red Cross camp and is reunited with Pran. He asks Pran to forgive him; Pran answers, with a smile, "Nothing to forgive, Sydney", as the two embrace and John Lennon's song "Imagine" is heard in the background. The following credit scene gives short-sentenced conclusions on the characters' lives after the events of the movie.
The Killing Fields
Who was assigned to Phat?
[ "Pran" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who was lost?
[ "Arunachalam" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What is Kathavarayan's proffession?
[ "beeda seller" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who reconsiders the wedding proposal?
[ "Aadhikesavan" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Why are Rangachari's colleagues shocked?
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Where is Vedhavalli from?
[ "The city" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who does Arunachalam resemble?
[ "Vendachalam" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What film does this story share similarities with?
[ "Brewster's Millions" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who are Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap, and Kalaiperumal talking abut killing?
[ "Rangachari" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is appointed as Arunachalam's assistant to take care of expenses?
[ "Nandhini" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who befriends Kathavarayan?
[ "Arunachalam" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who does Vedhavalli get angry at?
[ "Arunachalam" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What was the name of the temple where Arunachalam was found?
[ "Arunachaleshwar temple" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What is the relationship between Arunachalam and Ammayan?
[ "Father and son" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Sr. Vedhavalli informs Arunachalam that he has no right over anything except what item?
[ "Rudraksha he is wearing" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
After producing the movie, what does Arunachalam do next?
[ "Politics" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is the story teller?
[ "Rangachari" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What is the only thing Arunachalam owns?
[ "The Rudraksha" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What does Arunachalam first invest money in?
[ "Horse race" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is opposed to Arunchalam and Vedhavalli's wedding proposal?
[ "Vadivukarasi" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who does Arunachalam produce a movie with?
[ "Arivazhagan" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who does Senior Vedhavalli speak to?
[ "Aadhikesavan" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who hands over the 30 billion property?
[ "Rangachari." ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who does Arunachalam think Vedhavalli is having an affair with?
[ "Nandhini" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Whom does Arunachalam nominate in the campaign?
[ "Katavarayan" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What does Arunachalam's friend come to him with?
[ "Rs.20,000" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who's handbag does the thief snatch?
[ "Nandhini" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What do Vedhavalli and Arunachalam want to do?
[ "Get married" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Where does Ammayapan come to?
[ "Chennai" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What is the first thing Arunachalam invests in?
[ "Horse races" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
How does Arunachalam create trouble in the office?
[ "By chasing his rolling rudraksh" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
How does Nandhini thank him?
[ "By promising him a job in her dad's company" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Where does Sr. Vedhavalli tell Arunachala that he was orphaned and found?
[ "Arunachaleshwar temple" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who gets angry over the bequeathal?
[ "Sr. Vedhavalli" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who consents for the wedding?
[ "Senior Vedhavalli" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who becomes angry with Arunachalam?
[ "Vedhavalli." ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What was Rangachari discussing when the rudraksh landed on the table?
[ "Transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Why will the brother not marry the girl?
[ "She doesn't match his status" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who keeps making Arunachalam win?
[ "the foursome group" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) the son of?
[ "Ammayan (Ravichandran)" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What does Arunachalam finally jump into?
[ "Politics" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who gives Arunachalam his first job?
[ "Kathavarayan" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
When does Arunachalam spend the last of his money?
[ "In the last 30 seconds." ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
When does Arunachalam meet Nandhini?
[ "When a thief snatches her bag" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Arunachalam was taken from his mother during what?
[ "Her last breath" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Why does Arunachalam's brother refuse to marry his lover?
[ "She does not match his status and money" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is Arunachalam's cousin?
[ "Vedhavalli" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
What does Rangachari ask that the money be spent on?
[ "The poor and the needy" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who gets attracted to Arunachalam?
[ "Vedhavalli" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Why did the foursome group create obstacles?
[ "So that he does not win the money." ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Which horse does Arunachalam bet on?
[ "a weakest horse" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who is threatened to be killed?
[ "Rangachari" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
Who bequeaths their inheritance to the girl?
[ "Arunachalam" ]
Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of Ammayan (Ravichandran), one the reputed people from a respectable family in their village. He is well known for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli (Soundarya), a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. She gets attracted towards Arunachalam and slowly love blossoms between them. Their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli (Vadivukarasi). She never likes Arunachalam and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's father Aadhikesavan (Jaishankar) which makes him to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him. Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Sr.Vedhavalli. She discloses the truth that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr.Vedhavalli and leaves the house without informing anyone. Arunachalam comes to Chennai and befriends Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller who gives him a job. He meets Vedhavalli one day and goes to her home only to get insulted by Vedhavalli's father. Arunachalam meets a young girl Nandhini (Rambha) when a thief snatches her hand bag. Nandhini thanks him and in return she promises a job in her dad's company. Next day Arunachalam goes to the office to meet Nadhini's father and he misses his rudraksh there. He chases the rolling rudraksh creating trouble to everyone in the office and finally his rudraksh lands in the table of Rangachari (Visu) who was discussing about transferring of some property belonging to some Vedhachalam to trust along with his colleagues. Arunachalam enters the meeting room and Rangachari is shocked to see Arunachalam. He enquire what is his name to which Arunachalam replies. Rangachari tells him that he is actually son of his boss Vedhachalam (also Rajnikanth), the heir of his entire property. Arunachalam and Rangachari's colleagues Kalaiperumal (V. K. Ramasamy), Prathap (Nizhalgal Ravi), Kurain (Kitty) and Vishwanath (Raghuvaran) are shocked. Rangachari explains that Arunachalam was lost when he was so young and he recognized him with the name mentioned by his father and resemblance of his father Vedhachalam. He tells that Vedhachalam instructed him to play a video tape when Arunachalam is found where Mr.Vedhachalam speaks about how he married Arunachalam's mother Meenakshi against his father's wish, how he got lost in a cruise accident and was misunderstood to be dead, how his mother committed suicide broken by her husband's demise. He got a letter of her which stated that they have a son named Arunachalam. He tells that he has two choices of bequeathing his legacy. Either by accepting a challenge of spending Rs.30 Crore in 30 days and take away 3000 Crore fulfilling the rules or take away just Rs.30 Crore. The reason of this challenge is to make him get allergic to money and the comforts of it, so that he would spend wisely 3,000 Crores for the poor and needy people.The rules for this challenge are no contributions to charities, not to own any assets at the end of the month, and, above all, no one else must know that he would bequeath 30 Crores if he completes the challenge. Arunachalam initially refuses to take up the challenge and says the videotape is enough for him and decides to return to his village to proudly say about his father. However he overhears Vishwanath, Kurain, Prathap and Kalaiperumal talking about killing Rangachari to take away all the assets. Arunachalam understands their true intention and accepts the challenge to spend Rs.30 Crore in 30 days following the rules much to the foursome's shock. Arunachalam challenges them that he would win the challenge and expose them to the world. Nandhini is appointed as his assistant to take care of expenses. From Day 1, Arunachalam starts to implement different tactics and spends lavishly, but the foursome group create all obstacles so that he does not win the challenge. Arunachalam invests the money in horse race which is a way to loose money easily in minutes. He deliberately bets on a weakest horse but due to foursome's plan, the weak horse wins earning him lot of money. Next he buys bumper prize lotteries which also gets him to win ample amount of money, He then produces a movie with his friend Arivazhagan hoping it will fail commercially. However his plan backfires due to the foursome who make him to earn more money from the selling rights. Finally he jumps into politics starting a party, nominating his friend Kattavarayan for upcoming election. He vigorously campaigns for him and lavishly spends all the money so fast. During a meeting, Katavaraayan's speech makes people angry on him and Arunachalam declares that he is apologizing them for nominating a wrong person and asks them not to vote for him. However the foursome group make the other nominees of election to withdraw and Katavarayan is elected as MP. Arunachalam is shocked now, as MP post and the party are both assets as per the challenge. But he makes Kathavarayan to resign the post and he dissolves his party destroying both assets. Finally he is about to win and he spends final left overs in farewell party. Meanwhile Vedhavalli gets angry on Arunachalam for not helping her and her family during their financial crisis and she doubts that he has affair with Nandhini. She consents to wedding with her father's choice. But Arunachalam does not reveal the truth to Vedhavalli as he wants to keep up his father's words. On the last day of handover, during final minutes, Arunachalam's friend comes to him with Rs.20,000 as per plan of foursome so that he cannot spend it at last minute. Nandhini arrives in nick of moment to inform the foursome plan and Arunachalam spends the money in last 30 seconds by paying the money to her as salary thus winning the challenge. Nandhini and Arunchalam explain Rangachari about the evil doings of foursome. Rangachari gets angry and warns to complaint against them in police but they threaten to kill them. After series of struggles and fights Arunachalam hands them over to police. Rangachari hands over the 30 billion property to him but he refuses to take it and asks him to spend to poor and needy as per his father's wish. Meanwhile media gets to know about the happenings and is telecasted across the state. Vedhavalli realizes her mistake. Ammayapan comes to Chennai to take Arunachalam back with him to village and is surprised to see the wedding arrangements with Vedhavalli waiting for him. Senior Vedhavalli also realizes her mistake and consents for their wedding. Arunachalam and Vedhavalli unite finally. The story shares similarity with the english language film, 'Brewster's Millions'(1985).
How does Arunachalam win the challenge?
[ "By paying the money out as salary." ]
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN
What does Turkish man give NELU?
[ "All his money" ]
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN
What is their problems that they have to deal with?
[ "Repairing the old roof of the farm house." ]
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN
What will NELU fish out of the river?
[ "A Turkish man trying to cross the border" ]
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN
In which small town does NELU work as a security guard?
[ "Salonta" ]
NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the border tomorrow, MORGEN
Where does NELU take the stranger?
[ "the farmhouse" ]
The movie relates the story of Ida Dalser, who fell in love with the future Italian Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, supported him while he was unemployed in the early 1910s, and married him, presumably around 1914. She bore Mussolini a son, Benito Albino, before the outbreak of World War I. The two lost touch during the war years and, upon discovering him again in a hospital during the war, she also discovered Rachele Guidi, who had married Mussolini in 1915, and a daughter born in 1910 when Guidi and Mussolini were living together. Historically, following his political ascendency, Mussolini suppressed the information about his first marriage and he (through the Fascist party) persecuted both his first wife and oldest son and committed them forcibly to asylums. Dalser died in an asylum in Venice in 1937 at the age of 57 of brain haemorrhages and Benito Albino died in 1942 at the age of 26 in an asylum near Milan after repeated coma-inducing injections.[3]
Who's story does the movie relate ?
[ "Ida Daiser." ]
The movie relates the story of Ida Dalser, who fell in love with the future Italian Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, supported him while he was unemployed in the early 1910s, and married him, presumably around 1914. She bore Mussolini a son, Benito Albino, before the outbreak of World War I. The two lost touch during the war years and, upon discovering him again in a hospital during the war, she also discovered Rachele Guidi, who had married Mussolini in 1915, and a daughter born in 1910 when Guidi and Mussolini were living together. Historically, following his political ascendency, Mussolini suppressed the information about his first marriage and he (through the Fascist party) persecuted both his first wife and oldest son and committed them forcibly to asylums. Dalser died in an asylum in Venice in 1937 at the age of 57 of brain haemorrhages and Benito Albino died in 1942 at the age of 26 in an asylum near Milan after repeated coma-inducing injections.[3]
Who does Ida Dalser fall in love with ?
[ "Benito Mussolini." ]
The movie relates the story of Ida Dalser, who fell in love with the future Italian Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, supported him while he was unemployed in the early 1910s, and married him, presumably around 1914. She bore Mussolini a son, Benito Albino, before the outbreak of World War I. The two lost touch during the war years and, upon discovering him again in a hospital during the war, she also discovered Rachele Guidi, who had married Mussolini in 1915, and a daughter born in 1910 when Guidi and Mussolini were living together. Historically, following his political ascendency, Mussolini suppressed the information about his first marriage and he (through the Fascist party) persecuted both his first wife and oldest son and committed them forcibly to asylums. Dalser died in an asylum in Venice in 1937 at the age of 57 of brain haemorrhages and Benito Albino died in 1942 at the age of 26 in an asylum near Milan after repeated coma-inducing injections.[3]
His 26 year old son died in an asylum near what city?
[ "Milan" ]
The movie relates the story of Ida Dalser, who fell in love with the future Italian Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, supported him while he was unemployed in the early 1910s, and married him, presumably around 1914. She bore Mussolini a son, Benito Albino, before the outbreak of World War I. The two lost touch during the war years and, upon discovering him again in a hospital during the war, she also discovered Rachele Guidi, who had married Mussolini in 1915, and a daughter born in 1910 when Guidi and Mussolini were living together. Historically, following his political ascendency, Mussolini suppressed the information about his first marriage and he (through the Fascist party) persecuted both his first wife and oldest son and committed them forcibly to asylums. Dalser died in an asylum in Venice in 1937 at the age of 57 of brain haemorrhages and Benito Albino died in 1942 at the age of 26 in an asylum near Milan after repeated coma-inducing injections.[3]
What dictator committed his first wife and son to asylums?
[ "Mussolini" ]
The film opens with a hunting expedition in southern Utah. Chris shoots and wounds an elk and follows it into the forest to end its suffering. After an earthquake, he is shot by an arrow.In modern Los Angeles, Kira and Brock are the only ones attending their mother's funeral. Their social worker informs them that they will be split up by the child services system. Kira protests and plans to flee with her brother. While packing, Brock is visited by a gang member who gives him a package to keep safe. They steal the social worker's car in order to escape. On the way out of the parking lot, they are confronted by some local thugs.The two flee to Utah to hide with their Mormon cousins. They discuss Mormon culture on the trip. On the way and after they arive, Kira has flashbacks of her early childhood and the imaginary friend who lived in the woods.
Passage to Zarahemla
Where does the hunting expedition take place?
[ "southern Utah" ]
The film opens with a hunting expedition in southern Utah. Chris shoots and wounds an elk and follows it into the forest to end its suffering. After an earthquake, he is shot by an arrow.In modern Los Angeles, Kira and Brock are the only ones attending their mother's funeral. Their social worker informs them that they will be split up by the child services system. Kira protests and plans to flee with her brother. While packing, Brock is visited by a gang member who gives him a package to keep safe. They steal the social worker's car in order to escape. On the way out of the parking lot, they are confronted by some local thugs.The two flee to Utah to hide with their Mormon cousins. They discuss Mormon culture on the trip. On the way and after they arive, Kira has flashbacks of her early childhood and the imaginary friend who lived in the woods.
Passage to Zarahemla
Who car was stolen in order for them to escape?
[ "the social worker's" ]
The film opens with a hunting expedition in southern Utah. Chris shoots and wounds an elk and follows it into the forest to end its suffering. After an earthquake, he is shot by an arrow.In modern Los Angeles, Kira and Brock are the only ones attending their mother's funeral. Their social worker informs them that they will be split up by the child services system. Kira protests and plans to flee with her brother. While packing, Brock is visited by a gang member who gives him a package to keep safe. They steal the social worker's car in order to escape. On the way out of the parking lot, they are confronted by some local thugs.The two flee to Utah to hide with their Mormon cousins. They discuss Mormon culture on the trip. On the way and after they arive, Kira has flashbacks of her early childhood and the imaginary friend who lived in the woods.
Passage to Zarahemla
What animal does Chris follow into the forest?
[ "an elk" ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
On what planet are the USS Enterprise officers living in exile?
[ "Vulcan" ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Charges against whom are dropped ?
[ "Charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped," ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
What is the name of the nuclear-powered ship?
[ "Enterprise" ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
The museum is located in what city?
[ "Sausalito" ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Who is taking care of the whales?
[ "Dr. Gillian Taylor" ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
who attempt to locate humpback whales?
[ "Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock." ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
What disables the power of ships?
[ "A large cylindrical probe." ]
In 2286, a large cylindrical probe moves through space, sending out an indecipherable signal and disabling the power of ships it passes. As it takes up orbit around Earth, its signal disables the global power grid and generates planetary storms, creating catastrophic, sun-blocking cloud cover. Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call and warns starships not to approach Earth. On the planet Vulcan, the former officers of the USS Enterprise are living in exile (after the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock). Accompanied by the Vulcan Spock, still recovering from his resurrection, the crew—except for Saavik, who remains on Vulcan—take their captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey starship (nicknamed the Bounty, after the Royal Navy ship) and head to Earth to face trial for their theft and destruction of Enterprise. Hearing Starfleet's warning, Spock determines that the probe's signal matches the song of extinct humpback whales, and that the object will continue to wreak havoc until its call is answered. The crew uses their ship to travel back in time via a slingshot maneuver around the Sun, planning to return with a whale to answer the alien signal. Arriving in 1986, the crew finds their ship's power drained. Hiding their ship in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park using its cloaking device, the crew split up to accomplish several tasks: Admiral James T. Kirk and Spock attempt to locate humpback whales, while Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu construct a tank to hold the whales they need for a return to the 23rd century. Uhura and Pavel Chekov are tasked to find a nuclear reactor, whose energy leakage will enable their ship's power to be restored. Kirk and Spock discover a pair of whales in the care of Dr. Gillian Taylor at a Sausalito museum, and learn they will soon be released into the wild. Kirk tells her of his mission and asks for the tracking frequency for the whales, but she refuses to cooperate. Meanwhile, Scott, McCoy, and Sulu trade the formula of transparent aluminum for the materials needed for the whale tank. Uhura and Chekov locate a nuclear-powered ship, the aircraft carrier Enterprise. They collect the power they need, but are discovered on board. Uhura is beamed back but Chekov is captured and severely injured in an escape attempt. Taylor learns the whales have been released early, and goes to Kirk for assistance. Taylor, Kirk, and McCoy rescue Chekov and return to the now-recharged Bird-of-Prey. After transporting the whales aboard the ship, the crew returns with Taylor to their own time. On approaching Earth, the ship loses power and comes down in San Francisco Bay. Once released, the whales respond to the probe's signal, causing the object to reverse its effects on Earth and return to the depths of space. All charges against the Enterprise crew are dropped, save one for insubordination: for disobeying a superior officer, Kirk is given a demotion from Admiral to Captain. The crew departs on their ship, the newly christened USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), and leaves on a new mission.
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Who does Taylor go for assistance ?
[ "Taylor goes to Kirk for assistance." ]