2 classes
This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Arthur Kirkland (Al Pacino), a defense attorney in Baltimore, is in jail on a contempt of court charge after punching Judge Henry T. Fleming (John Forsythe) while arguing the case of Jeff McCullaugh (Thomas G. Waites). McCullagh was stopped for a minor traffic offence, but then mistaken for a killer of the same name and has already spent a year and a half in jail; Fleming has repeatedly stymied Kirkland's efforts to have the case reviewed. Though there is strong new evidence that Jeff is innocent, Fleming refuses McCullaugh's appeal due to its late submission and leaves him in prison. After being released, Arthur takes another case, that of a transgender Ralph Agee (Robert Christian), arrested for small crime and becoming a victim of the legal system. Arthur pays regular visits to his grandfather Sam (Lee Strasberg) in a nursing home, who is progressively becoming senile. It is revealed that Arthur was abandoned by his parents at a young age, and it was Sam who raised him and put him through law school. Arthur also begins a romance with a legal ethics committee member, Gail Packer (Christine Lahti). Arthur has a friendly relationship with Judge Francis Rayford (Jack Warden), who takes him on a hair-raising ride in his personal helicopter, laughing as he tests how far they can possibly go without running out of fuel, while a terrified Arthur begs him to land. Rayford, a veteran of the Korean War, is borderline suicidal and keeps a rifle in his chambers at the courthouse, a 1911 pistol in his shoulder holster at all times, and eats his lunch on the ledge outside his office window, four stories up. One day, Arthur is unexpectedly requested to defend Fleming, who has been accused of brutally assaulting and raping a young woman. As the two loathe each other, Fleming feels that having the person who publicly hates him argue his innocence will be to his advantage. Fleming blackmails Kirkland with an old violation of lawyer-client confidentiality, for which Arthur will likely be disbarred if it were to come to light. Arthur's friend and partner, Jay Porter (Jeffrey Tambor), is also unstable. He feels guilt from gaining acquittals for defendants who were truly guilty of violent crimes, showing up drunk at Arthur's apartment when one commits another murder after his acquittal. After a violent breakdown at the courthouse, throwing plates at people, Jay is taken to a hospital. Before leaving in the ambulance, Arthur asks Warren Fresnell (Larry Bryggman), another partner, to handle Ralph's court hearing in his absence. Arthur gives Warren a corrected version of Ralph's probation report and stresses that it must be shown to the judge so that Ralph will get probation rather than jail time. Unfortunately, Warren fails to appear on time and Ralph is sentenced to jail. Arthur is livid and attacks Warren's car. When Warren argues that Ralph's trial was nothing but "nickels and dimes" and beneath him, Arthur reminds him that "they're people" and then reveals that 30 minutes after he was sentenced, Ralph hanged himself. Meanwhile Jeff, sexually and physically abused by other inmates, finally snaps and takes two hostages. Arthur pleads with him to surrender, promising to get him out, but a police sniper shoots and kills Jeff when he moves in front of a window. A clearly disturbed Arthur takes on Fleming's case. He tries to talk the prosecuting attorney, Frank Bowers (Craig T. Nelson) into throwing the case out but Bowers, who recognizes the prestige that convicting a judge would earn him, refuses to back down. Arthur meets with another client, Carl, who gives him photographs that show Fleming engaged in BDSM acts with a prostitute. Gail warns him not to betray a client, revealing that the ethics committee has been keeping their eye on him ever since the contempt of court incident. He shows the pictures to Fleming, who freely admits he is guilty of the rape. As the trial opens, Fleming makes a casual remark to Arthur about wanting to rape the victim again, which pushes an already disgusted Arthur to a breaking point. In his opening statement, Arthur begins by mocking Bowers' case while speculating on the ultimate objective of the American legal system. He appears to be making a strong case to exonerate Fleming but unexpectedly bursts out and says that the prosecution is not going to get Fleming, because he is going to get him and declares that his client is guilty. Rayford shouts that Arthur is "out of order," to which Arthur retorts, "You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial's out of order!" Arthur is dragged out of the courtroom, venting his rage all the way and condemning Fleming for his and the legal system's abuse of the law. As the courtroom spectators (including Gail) cheer for Arthur, Fleming sits down in defeat, and a fed-up Rayford storms out. In the end, Arthur sits on the courthouse's steps, knowing his antics will probably cost him his career in law. A supposedly cured Jay passes by and tips his wig to Arthur in greeting, leaving him sitting on the steps in disbelief.
...And Justice for All
what is henry t. fleming's profession?
[ "Judge" ]
This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Arthur Kirkland (Al Pacino), a defense attorney in Baltimore, is in jail on a contempt of court charge after punching Judge Henry T. Fleming (John Forsythe) while arguing the case of Jeff McCullaugh (Thomas G. Waites). McCullagh was stopped for a minor traffic offence, but then mistaken for a killer of the same name and has already spent a year and a half in jail; Fleming has repeatedly stymied Kirkland's efforts to have the case reviewed. Though there is strong new evidence that Jeff is innocent, Fleming refuses McCullaugh's appeal due to its late submission and leaves him in prison. After being released, Arthur takes another case, that of a transgender Ralph Agee (Robert Christian), arrested for small crime and becoming a victim of the legal system. Arthur pays regular visits to his grandfather Sam (Lee Strasberg) in a nursing home, who is progressively becoming senile. It is revealed that Arthur was abandoned by his parents at a young age, and it was Sam who raised him and put him through law school. Arthur also begins a romance with a legal ethics committee member, Gail Packer (Christine Lahti). Arthur has a friendly relationship with Judge Francis Rayford (Jack Warden), who takes him on a hair-raising ride in his personal helicopter, laughing as he tests how far they can possibly go without running out of fuel, while a terrified Arthur begs him to land. Rayford, a veteran of the Korean War, is borderline suicidal and keeps a rifle in his chambers at the courthouse, a 1911 pistol in his shoulder holster at all times, and eats his lunch on the ledge outside his office window, four stories up. One day, Arthur is unexpectedly requested to defend Fleming, who has been accused of brutally assaulting and raping a young woman. As the two loathe each other, Fleming feels that having the person who publicly hates him argue his innocence will be to his advantage. Fleming blackmails Kirkland with an old violation of lawyer-client confidentiality, for which Arthur will likely be disbarred if it were to come to light. Arthur's friend and partner, Jay Porter (Jeffrey Tambor), is also unstable. He feels guilt from gaining acquittals for defendants who were truly guilty of violent crimes, showing up drunk at Arthur's apartment when one commits another murder after his acquittal. After a violent breakdown at the courthouse, throwing plates at people, Jay is taken to a hospital. Before leaving in the ambulance, Arthur asks Warren Fresnell (Larry Bryggman), another partner, to handle Ralph's court hearing in his absence. Arthur gives Warren a corrected version of Ralph's probation report and stresses that it must be shown to the judge so that Ralph will get probation rather than jail time. Unfortunately, Warren fails to appear on time and Ralph is sentenced to jail. Arthur is livid and attacks Warren's car. When Warren argues that Ralph's trial was nothing but "nickels and dimes" and beneath him, Arthur reminds him that "they're people" and then reveals that 30 minutes after he was sentenced, Ralph hanged himself. Meanwhile Jeff, sexually and physically abused by other inmates, finally snaps and takes two hostages. Arthur pleads with him to surrender, promising to get him out, but a police sniper shoots and kills Jeff when he moves in front of a window. A clearly disturbed Arthur takes on Fleming's case. He tries to talk the prosecuting attorney, Frank Bowers (Craig T. Nelson) into throwing the case out but Bowers, who recognizes the prestige that convicting a judge would earn him, refuses to back down. Arthur meets with another client, Carl, who gives him photographs that show Fleming engaged in BDSM acts with a prostitute. Gail warns him not to betray a client, revealing that the ethics committee has been keeping their eye on him ever since the contempt of court incident. He shows the pictures to Fleming, who freely admits he is guilty of the rape. As the trial opens, Fleming makes a casual remark to Arthur about wanting to rape the victim again, which pushes an already disgusted Arthur to a breaking point. In his opening statement, Arthur begins by mocking Bowers' case while speculating on the ultimate objective of the American legal system. He appears to be making a strong case to exonerate Fleming but unexpectedly bursts out and says that the prosecution is not going to get Fleming, because he is going to get him and declares that his client is guilty. Rayford shouts that Arthur is "out of order," to which Arthur retorts, "You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial's out of order!" Arthur is dragged out of the courtroom, venting his rage all the way and condemning Fleming for his and the legal system's abuse of the law. As the courtroom spectators (including Gail) cheer for Arthur, Fleming sits down in defeat, and a fed-up Rayford storms out. In the end, Arthur sits on the courthouse's steps, knowing his antics will probably cost him his career in law. A supposedly cured Jay passes by and tips his wig to Arthur in greeting, leaving him sitting on the steps in disbelief.
...And Justice for All
which character does al pacino play?
[ "Arthur Kirkland" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
name the three vampires in army?
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who kills Markus?
[ "Selene", "Michael" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who does Selene take to a safe house?
[ "Michael Corvin", "Michael" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
who is the pendant now possessed by?
[ "Selene", "Marcus" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What does Markus want?
[ "the two keys", "Blood" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who kills Kraven?
[ "Marcus" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What is the key to Williams prison?
[ "Voktor's blood", "Pendant" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Alexander Corvinus has how many sons?
[ "Three sons" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who built Williams prison?
[ "Selene father" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What do the cleaners become after being bitten?
[ "Werewolves" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What is Macaro's real name?
[ "Alexander Corvinus" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who kiilled Selen's family?
[ "Viktor" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
who is the most and powerfull werewolf?
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
where the three vampires arrived?
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Is Selene immune to sunlight?
[ "Yes, at the end she is", "possesses a pure Immortal's immunity to UV light" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What tragedy happened to Alexander?
[ "He blew himself up" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
who was capture their target?
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
Who is the exiled vampire?
[ "Andreas Tannis", "Alexander" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
What did Alexander devote his life to?
[ "containing the Vampire-Lycan War to keep it from escalating into the mortal world" ]
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
which year in army?
NOTE: Sequel to Underworld (2003).Underworld: Evolution opens with Vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsale) recapping the events in Underworld. Selene is a Hungarian Vampire who had been a Death Dealer for the Vampire clan throughtout Europe for 600 years when she was betrayed. She explains how Kraven (Shane Brolly), the ruler of the Vampire clan, formed a secret alliance with Lucian (Michael Sheen), ruler of the Lycan clan. When the Lycans found a third bloodline (human) that also descended from ancestor Alexander Corvinus, they tracked down descendent Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and turned him into a Lycan. After a big fight between Lycans and Vampires, Lucian was killed by Kraven. Before Michael died, however, Lucian told Selene to bite Michael: "Half Vampire, half Lycan -- they're stronger than both." Thus, Selene turned Michael into the first Hybrid. Selene then beheaded Elder Viktor, and she and Michael went into hiding.With two of the three vampire Elders destroyed (see Underworld), Selene's only hope is to awaken the last remaining Elder, Marcus (Tony Curran), who is still in hibernation, and expose the truth before Kraven can kill Marcus. Selene hides Michael in a safehouse and heads over to the Vampire mansion to plead her case. Unfortunately, Kraven has already attempted to awaken Marcus, who has morphed into some sort of bat-like creature, and Marcus has killed Kraven as well as all of the other Vampires in the mansion, including Erika (Sophie Myles) (Note: Erika's brief appearance just before her death appears to be taken from archive footage from the previous movie). By drinking Kraven's blood, Marcus learned everything that has transpired while he was in hibernation, including the making of Michael into a Hybrid. Marcus locates the safehouse in which Michael is hiding, but Michael has gone out for a bite to eat. After downing half a plate of potatoes and cabbage, he begins to retch (being half Vampire, he needs to feed on blood). Suddenly a newsflash is shown of him on the television. Several of the restaurant patrons try to hold him with their guns, but Michael escapes. Selene realizes that Michael is gone and goes after him. Michael has been shot several times and is in need of blood, so Selene makes him drink some of hers.Just then, Marcus flies in. He attempts to drink from Selene (to gain her memories and knowledge), but Michael pumps a few bullets into him. Selene and Michael steal a truck and outrun Marcus, who flies behind them. Suddenly, Selene notices the sun is about to rise. Michael helps her drive the truck into a warehouse and darkens the windows with paint. The two of them hole up there for the day. Big love scene follows as both of them give into their passion and have sex.After sunset, Selene and Michael go looking for Andreas Tannis (Steven Mackintosh), Vampire and exiled historian of Vampire history, in order to get him to identify a pendant necklace that has been in Selene's possession since childhood. Selene learns from Tannis that the pendant is actually a key to Lycan William's prison, a place that was built by Selene's father. Selene now learns the truth about the slaughter of her family: Viktor did it to keep anyone from knowing William's whereabouts. Selene is the only one left who might remember where William's prison is located, and that memory is locked in her subconscious. It is for this reason that Marcus wants her that he can find William. Viktor did not fear for William and Marcus's lives when he ordered William imprisoned for all eternity. He feared that destroying William would destroy the entire Lycan bloodline, thus leaving the Vampires without slaves.Tannis arranges a meeting between Selene and Lorenz Macaro (Derek Jacobi), the only one who may have the power to stop Marcus. Before Selene and Michael can get to Lorenz Macaro, however, Marcus gets to Tannis and learns that there were actually two keys, the one with Selene and the other sewed inside Viktor's abdomen, a key that was removed by Alexander Corvinus upon Viktor's death. Lorenz Macaro turns out to be Alexander Corvinus. Selene begs him to help her stop Marcus, but he refuses to kill his own son. Suddenly, Marcus appears. Michael tries to fight him, but Marcus impales Michael through the chest and takes Selene's key that Michael was holding at the time. Selene shoots Marcus, who flies off. She removes the impalement from Michael's chest, then drains her own blood over the gaping wound... to no avail. Michael is dead.Marcus runs a sword through his father and takes the key that his father took from Viktor's chest. Marcus is now in possession of both keys. As he lays dying, Alexander slits his wrist and makes Selene drink his blood in order to pass on the legacy. "What will I become?" she asks. "The future," Alexander replies. As a helicopter takes off, carrying Selene cradling Michael's body, Alexander blows himself up.Now that Marcus has both keys and the knowledge of where the door lies, he opens it and finds William waiting. Selene leads the helicopter to where she remembers a secret passage into the prison and enters, along with a few backups. Once in, they hear the roar of a werewolf and meet up with William. Selene fires at William just as Marcus appears. Selene fires at Marcus, slowing him just long enough to get through the open door and close it behind her. Unfortunately, a bit of rock prevents the door from closing all the way. William catches up with Selene again. She fires at him repeatedly and blows up the cavern in which they are located. Suddenly, all the backups killed by William begin to turn into werewolves and converge on Selene.Meanwhile, back in the helicopter, Michael lives! He leaps from the helicopter into the fracas and helps Selene battle with William. However, Marcus has managed to get the door open, and he, too, joins the melee. The first thing he does is to grab on to a rope hanging from the helicopter and bring it tumbling down into the cavern where it catches on a catwalk and lies there, blades still spinning. Now it's Michael against William and Selene against Marcus. Eventually, Michael manages to behead William, and Selene shoves Marcus into the helicopter blades, tearing him to pieces.As the sun comes up and Selene realizes that she is no longer burned by the light, thanks to Alexander Corvinus's blood, she and Michael enter each others' arms. Big kiss scene follows.[Synopsis by bj_kuehl]
Underworld: Evolution
how much vampires are led by the army?
[ "three vampire" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Where does the group hide after leaving the club storeroom.
[ "subway tunnels", "A boat", "The U.S. Embassy", "GUM department store shopping mall" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What does the team destroy?
[ "A troop of aliens" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
In which city did survivors destroy an alien mining tower?
[ "Paris" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who developed a microwave gun?
[ "The aliens", "Ben", "TECHNICIANS", "sergei" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What can be used to weaken the alien's force field?
[ "microwave gun", "bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field", "Microwave gun" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who hides behind a pillar?
[ "Vika", "Vinka" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
How did the alien get destroyed?
[ "Sean throws a piece of alien at it" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who is determined to save Natalie?
[ "Natalie", "Sean" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who manage to wound an alien with conventional weapons?
[ "Vika", "A group of armed men" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
In what river is the K-152 submarine waiting?
[ "Moscow", "No ansswer", "Moscow river" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
How does Sergei stun the alien?
[ "microwave rifle", "Using 'disrupter' weapons" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What did the policemen and Vika use to destroy the alien?
[ "Microwave guns amplified by sitting water" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
How does the alien get inside the apartment?
[ "Invisibilty", "From the door", "Beams" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What destroys a large apartment building?
[ "a new light beam" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
How does Anne die?
[ "vaporized" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Where did the police band build another Faraday cage?
[ "Russian State Library" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Ben and Sean travel to which city?
[ "no city mentioned" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Why the plane short circuits?
[ "Electrical short", "No answser", "no plane mentioned" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Swedish business partner Skyler made a deal with whom?
[ "The Russians", "sergei", "the Russians", "The Russian investors." ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who tells the police team that war has begun?
[ "Boris", "Sean" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What do Ben and Sean search for supplies?
[ "the club storeroom", "faraday cage", "in a police car" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who nearly shared a kiss on the submarine?
[ "Sean and Natalie" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
What is that Sean realizes gives the aliens away?
[ "eyes glow", "Cell phones", "light bulbs", "electrical field" ]
In the opening scene, there is an airplane flying to Moscow; on board many of the passengers are asleep as a stewardess does her rounds checking on passenger needs. Sean (Emile Hirsch) is playing a video game on his cell phone. The stewardess (Maria Romanova) tells him to shut off his phone, yet he questions her about the supposed need as he doubts that a phone could make the plane fall out of the sky. His friend Ben (Max Minghella) is embarrassed by his antics, but he does not tell him to stop. Sean asks her if she agrees, just keep her arms crossed. She looks at him and keeps her arms crossed and smiles. The lights go out suddenly due to an electrical short, and the two guys are startled. The plane lands safely at the airport in Moscow, Russia.As they exit they are trying to get ready for a presentation; Ben notices a hole in the sleeve of Sean's suit. Sean says he hasn't worn it since graduation: Ben points out Sean didn't graduate, but Sean says he dressed up in solidarity. Sean gets Ben to use a sharpie marker to colour Sean's shirt black in the area underneath the hole so it won't be noticeable. Sean and Ben are a pair of software developers, and they are trying to market a social media program that would make it easy for people to find parties, events, and friends all around the world. Sean mentions he found a hot Russian nightclub called Zvezda where he hopes to get drunk and meet hot models. Ben tests the app and finds a number of American ladies who are in Moscow. Sean comments that they did not travel this far to meet Americans; if they wanted to do so they could go to Applebees.They enter a boardroom and are taken aback to discover the investment meeting has already started, led by their Swedish associate Skyler (Joel Kinnaman), who speaks fluent Russian. Skyler states the guys are no longer needed, and that they should leave. They accuse him of stealing their project. Skyler tells them they should have had him sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that it is how business is done in Moscow. Ben and Sean are pissed off but leave after security arrives to walk them out.Natalie (Olivia Thirlby) and Anne (Rachael Taylor) are walking around Moscow talking about Anne's upcoming photography exhibition and marveling at how beautiful the city is at night. They mention the blog that Ben and Sean set up and comment that the guys look cute. They take a picture of themselves in front of the Kremlin. Ben and Sean find Zvezda and talk about the possibility of suing Skyler, but they are skeptical that Russia law would agree with them. They see Skyler at the club and confront him; he mocks Sean's shirt with the black sharpie spot, which is visible now he's not wearing a jacket.Skyler tells the boys once again that they are naïve and act like sheep to his wolf.Sean gets drinks and mentions no society exists without alcohol and religion. Ben uses his phone app and finds that Natalie and Anne are in the club; they meet up. They try to impress the girls by saying they invented the app that the ladies were using, and the ladies ask if they are internet millionaires. They say they are internet billionaires. Ben developed the app while Sean is the one who finds the exciting places to party. The group enjoy drinks together and get on great. Nat explains she's waiting to hear from her mom, as Nat left for Moscow with no notice, only leaving behind a note, after her original summer plans fell through, so she's helping Anne with her artistic endeavors. They all take a photo together. Suddenly the lights go out in the club.Cut to outside; our four are in a crowd of surprised Muscovites. Natalie notices her phone does not work. They look up in the sky and see a strong yellow Aurora followed by swirling balls of yellow light that are falling from the sky. The objects divide up, multiplying and falling all over the city. One of the lights lands in a clearing by our foursome, with people surrounding it curiously. The object is mainly invisible, just having a shimmer like a heat haze, with a faint corona of shifting yellow at times. A Moscow policeman (Oleg Poddubnyy) approaches it, holding his nightstick out towards it. As the nightstick touches the object the policeman is suddenly disintegrated into yellow light and gritty ash. His partner takes out his pistol and shoots at the object, but the bullet is shown to shatter on an invisible force field. The crowd panics as more of the alien lights appear and vaporize people. A group including our four runs screaming back into the club and shuts the doors. The windows of the club shatter. We see an alien pov; everything is visible as a network of interlaced sketchy lines; the architecture is silver-white and the people are glowing yellow (the alien pov occurs throughout the film, whenever our crew encounter them, so you can tell if they are successfully hidden or visible). The aliens attack the people at will; using yellow lines of energy to snag them and drag them back to their core, where they turn them to ash .Someone throws a Molotov cocktail at an alien and the fire keeps it at bay momentarily. Skyler saves himself by slamming a door shut on the girl he was with and watches as she is disintegrated. Ben, Sean, Natalie, and Anne exit the club through a hole in the wall and find a storeroom to hide out as more and more people are getting vaporized, taking with them the bartender, who has been wounded. Someone knocks desperately at the door, and although the group tells Natalie not to open the door, she does; it's Skyler.The storeroom acts like a bunker. Through a montage we see the bartender dies so they wrap his body in plastic and duct tape and there is escalating tension and fighting between the guys. A subtitle indicates the passing of each day until...FIVE DAYS LATERThe group is running low on food, and it has been 27 hours since they have heard any noises from outside. They all agree they need to leave, and Ben suggests that they might find help at the US embassy. Skyler suggests the Swedish embassy is closer, but the group says he can go there if he wants, but they want to get home. As they exit the storeroom they see the bar is empty; they grab some liquor bottles and look at a map of Moscow they got at a restaurant, which only has a few main landmarks on it, and few street names. Outside the bar, the whole city is empty; there are weapons and hundreds of cars lying abandoned, but no people. Natalie can't keep up in her high heels, so she takes her shoes off and carries them, barefoot.They walk along the streets, not really sure where they are going, because of their poor map quality. They hear some noises and they find a Russian lady (Alya Nikulina) in her apartment sealing up her window with bricks and mortar. They ask her for directions, but (not understanding them) she tells them in Russian that the "ghosts" are still out there, and they will all die. She does not offer any help and just wants to be left alone. They find a bridge that leads to the Embassy, but it has been destroyed by a Russian warship that crashed into it. They try to find another way to cross the river as they find themselves in Red Square. There is an abandoned police car and a dog barking. The girls and Skyler hide nearby while Ben and Sean go to the police car as they are sure it will have a better street map. They jimmy the boot to find road flares, a flaregun, and a map book of Moscow even though it is in Russian. The dog is barking at something they can not see, and they are surprised to see the dog vaporized by an unseen alien. Ben and Sean hide underneath the police car as the alien searches for more victims to attack. The car's siren and lights activate as the alien approaches. The alien floats over the car. From the alien's pov we can see that the alien can see through the metal body to the engine underneath, objects inside the car etc. The alien cannot see the guys under the car, and they surmise the creatures have weaknesses they can exploit. After it leaves they run into the GUM luxury department store (like an 19th century European arcade, not like a US-style department store) and meet up with the girls and Skyler. Inside the arcade they find a crashed airliner, and they begin to wonder if they can even survive. Skyler tells them that it is a terrible idea to head to the US embassy, but Sean and Ben feel they need to move on to survive. They surmise that the aliens must use some sort of electrical field for protection and that it seems to activate electrical devices. They find some light bulbs they make into necklaces to use as warning devices: the bulb will light up if an alien approaches.Skyler mentions they need to make smart choices and that you do not know who you are till you find yourself in a troubling moment, and that he keeps replaying the moment in his head (presumably the moment he sacrificed the girl to save himself). Ben suggests they need better clothes; Sean then makes a comment about a coat and tie being the clothes for the end of the world.Natalie searches in one store for something to wear and undresses. From the opposite side of the store Sean sees Natalie stripping to her bra and trying on a top, but they are interrupted when the light bulbs begin to light up. Sean is caught in a store display window, taking clothes off a mannequin. He freezes as the alien passes right by him, sure it will see him, however it passes him by without a thought. Natalie hides in amongst clothes racks as an alien walks through the store she is in. Sean grabs Natalie from behind and drags her to a square glass display case. The alien passes so close to them that its shield brushes Natalie's hair, but it does not see them. Sean deduces that the glass may have blocked its sensors since glass is an electrical insulator. The group flee the building and head for the US embassy. Natalie now has shoes and a jacket.They find the US Embassy, but it is empty, with multiple shells from a gunfight in the foyer. Skyler finds a semi-automatic rifle and goes berserk with it, firing at nothing. He stays in the foyer as the others climb up the floors, looking for survivors. They find a situation room. Natalie finds written reports that give them information on the events so far. Apparently global communications lasted for three minutes after the attacks. Most capital cities have been invaded, and no form of resistance seems to work against the aliens. The report does state that underground installations did survive the attack; so the aliens have some weaknesses in their attack plan. They find a map on the table with numbers, and these are estimates of survivors. Natalie reads further that an emergency action station has been setup on a radio frequency but the report ends there. They also find a radio under a birdcage but do not know why it is in there. Sean turns it on, and finds the signal, but the voice is in Russian so no-one can understand it. Anne gets very scared and begs him to turn it off, saying it might draw the aliens. Natalie checks her cell phone but, it still does not work. They look outside and, using a rifle scope, see large alien installations digging all around the city, with thick columns of yellow light and smoke streaming into the sky. Buildings surrounding the pits are collapsing into them as they get bigger. They hear gunshots, and see that Skyler has fled into the streets. The girls want to let him go, but Sean and Ben chase him as they need his ability to speak Russian to understand the radio message: they take the radio and map with them. As Sean and Ben make it outside the girls see from their vantage point that an alien is coming. They run outside to warn the guys. As Sean and Ben reach Skyler and explain he needs to come back with them the car alarms are set off and they realise they're caught in the open. Skyler tells the guys to run, and distracts the alien by shooting at it until it pays attention to him and not to the guys. Skyler is vaporized as the boys make their escape.Sean and Ben join the girls, and Sean notices a room lit with electricity in an apartment building off in the distance. They suspect that this is what made Skyler leave. They move carefully in the night not drawing the attention of the aliens. They are able to make it to the building as sunrise comes. Inside the building, they encounter a young lady with a gun who speaks to them in Russian. They answer in English and are happy that the lady named Vika (Veronika Ozerova) does answer back in English. She tells them to follow her, and she takes them in a room which is completely lined with a metal cage; over all windows and the door. They meet an older Russian man named Sergei who is happy to see more survivors. He has a diesel generator and a ginger cat. He locks the cage behind them and explains that the light is there to draw people to him; he was able to bring Vika and now them. Vika explains that they are in a Faraday Cage and the aliens can not see inside it.They turn on the radio from the embassy, and Vika translates the broadcast for them: the K152 nuclear submarine is in the Moscow River, and will pick up any survivors that reach it before the next morning. They also reported that a number of other submarines are doing the same around the world; Sergei comments that the submarines are perfect Faraday cages. Vika tells the ladies she will need their help getting supplies for their journey: they think she means in the apartment, but she takes them out into the surrounding apartments to scavenge. The latch on the door to the Faraday Cage sticks a little as Anne closes it.Sergei shows Sean and Ben a microwave gun he built that he believes can be used to disrupt the wave-form and electrical shield of the aliens. While getting supplies the aliens spot the three ladies in the building and move in to attack. Vika sees from the exterior lights that the aliens are coming and tells Anne and Natalie to run. Vika heads one way and Anne goes the other; Natalie is torn but follows Anne. They run inside the apartment but cannot lock the cage behind them; they try to block the doors, but an alien follows them in. Anne upends a glass coffee table and the girls hide behind it so the alien cannot see them. Sergei fires the microwave rifle at the alien; it appears to work, and disrupts the alien somewhat, but it doesn't actually damage it, so the creature is still able to attack, vaporizing Sergei.When disrupted, we can see the aliens: they look like the Pokemon Onix, inside the sphere from Contact, if that sphere was made from black vertebrae. Their eyes glow.Sean and Ben climb out through a fire escape and call to the girls to follow. Natalie sets some diesel fuel on fire to cover her escape. She calls to Anne from the window: Anne is too scared to move, and hesitates: by the time she finally leaps out from behind the table the alien sees her and vaporizes her as she reaches for Nat.The group moves on trying to reach the river, but they encounter a group of armed men dressed in metal and carrying makeshift shields. They are able to attack an alien with gun fire, a flamethrower and an RPG. They succeed in hurting the alien and a small piece of hard black metal or glass-like substance comes off it, before the alien retreats: the men explain they can hurt the aliens, but not kill them. They are led by a man on horseback who explains that the aliens are weakest when they use their lightning. Sean picks up the piece that was knocked off the alien, wraps it up and keeps it. The militia appear to be friendly and happy to offer help and protection; our heroes share what they know about the aliens and information about the location of the submarine. The leader of the group is skeptical and tells them that the river is too far, the area is infested, and it is right in the middle of the resource-collecting light towers.Sean says they will go, and is joined by Natalie arguing that this is not her home, and she wants a chance to go home. Vika says she will join them. Nat's impassioned speech persuades the militia guys to help them: they suggest that using the subway tunnels might be the best way to reach the sub. As they climb down to the station they scatter miniature light bulbs along the floor as they move to check if there are aliens in their path. On the platform an alien attacks. They all make it to the track in time except for Vinka, who is trapped hiding behind a pillar as the light-tendrils search for her. Ben saves her, but is grabbed himself, pulled along the platform, and vaporized.The rest are able to run along the tracks and reach the river, where they find a boat to hide inside; they untie it from the jetty so it will float downriver to the submarine. Sean is upset at losing his best friend, and Natalie comforts him as Ben had done for her earlier when she lost Anne. He tells Natalie about how he and Ben became friends when they were little: Ben was in the special advanced class, and his mom made him play with him at first. Sean says he wants to say goodbye to Natalie now, as he never got a chance to say goodbye to Ben.The boat runs aground on some debris, and they are all forced on deck to try and figure if they can free it. They witness a number of alien spaceships using their beams to lift up metals and resources (maybe this scene was deleted in my country; I saw only the same columns of light, no spaceships). The Russian surmises that they are strip mining the planet for metals that they can use; that Moscow is rich in copper and other metals. Vika can see the submarine just downriver, and states they can swim and make it. Suddenly a building next to the riverbank collapses as the extraction hole gets bigger: the debris crashes into the boat and all are tipped out into the river. Sean and most of the others are able to swim out to the submarine, but Natalie is missing. The Captain--------- welcomes them but tells Sean the sub needs to leave now. Sean tells him that Natalie is lost, and he knows she is still alive when they see a flare launch in the distance. The Captain agrees to wait; the technicians on the submarine look over the microwave gun and they offer to build more with better batteries. Sean and the militia leader go out with a group to search for Natalie, armed with two microwave guns and assorted weaponry. Vika wants to come too but they won't let her.As they move they throw out cell phones as warning devices, and proceed to a trolleybus depot that Sean thinks Natalie may be hiding near. One cellphone behind them rings; an alien is approaching. Sean trips over, and his weapon does not work; finally he fires his disrupter, and the rest of the crew are able to destroy the alien with small arms fire and an RPG. They setup an ambush zone: spilling water from a tank truck over a concrete pad to amplify the effect of the microwave guns: if they can disrupt an alien standing in the water then all the aliens standing in the water will be disrupted. Sean leaves them to search for Natalie.The militia group tries to lure three aliens over the water but they won't come close enough. Suddenly Vika appears behind the aliens, and with a few well-aimed molotov cocktails she forces them onto the water. The militia disrupt then kill all three aliens.Natalie hears Sean calling for her, and shouts out the number of the bus she is hiding in, so he can search among them, like an Amazing Race challenge. Finally Sean finds the bus and enters it; she stands up from her hiding place, at the same time as an alien arrives. The electrical surge makes the bus doors shut, trapping them inside with the alien, and the bus start to move. Nat steers the bus as it careens along the streets, bashing past abandoned cars. The alien light-ropes Nat. Sean disrupts it, but has no weapon. As a last resort he throws at it the piece of alien he picked up earlier, finally killing it.With the alien dead, the bus slows to a halt, at exactly the same location as the militia ambush, as this finishes. Reunited, they all head back to the submarine. Sean asks the militia if they will join them on the sub; the militia explain that this is their home, and they need to stay and fight. The leader refers to Napolean's defeat in Moscow in 1812. It is up to Sean to let the rest of the world know what they have learned about the aliens. The submarine leaves and sets sail for the open ocean (giving us the strong impression it will now be crossing the Atlantic to deliver Sean and Nat to the United States of America) .A Russian technician repairs Natalie's cell phone; she is able to get a text message from her mom. It states she is safe, hiding with survivors in Penn Station, and that she loves her and hopes to see her soon.Sean and Natalie almost kiss, but are noticed by Vika who is listening to music on her ipod, who says "Gross!". Later, with Russian naval minions in the background, Sam and Nat look at a map while listening to shortwave radio reports coming in about groups who are fighting back against the alien invasion. One group in Paris has even brought down one of the mining towers. Sean says, stirringly, "This is how it starts" i.e the takeback.The submarine sails on (on the surface of the ocean) as the movie ends. Yet the war between humanity and the aliens continues.
The Darkest Hour
Who do they discover is missing?
[ "Ben", "no answser", "Vinka" ]
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.Secure in Carters cocoon of safety, the girls continue studying into the wee hours of the morning seemingly sheltered by the horrific events happening around them. As the girls sleep, the storm takes a turn for the worse, darkening the neighborhood and trapping them in Harmons web of terror.The story is based on events that took place in one of the producers hometown of Alexandria, Louisiana.
Where was the field trip to?
[ "Mental hospital" ]
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.Secure in Carters cocoon of safety, the girls continue studying into the wee hours of the morning seemingly sheltered by the horrific events happening around them. As the girls sleep, the storm takes a turn for the worse, darkening the neighborhood and trapping them in Harmons web of terror.The story is based on events that took place in one of the producers hometown of Alexandria, Louisiana.
How does Harmon work his way towards them?
[ "Carton" ]
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.Secure in Carters cocoon of safety, the girls continue studying into the wee hours of the morning seemingly sheltered by the horrific events happening around them. As the girls sleep, the storm takes a turn for the worse, darkening the neighborhood and trapping them in Harmons web of terror.The story is based on events that took place in one of the producers hometown of Alexandria, Louisiana.
What is the name of Abby's roommate?
[ "Lynn" ]
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.Secure in Carters cocoon of safety, the girls continue studying into the wee hours of the morning seemingly sheltered by the horrific events happening around them. As the girls sleep, the storm takes a turn for the worse, darkening the neighborhood and trapping them in Harmons web of terror.The story is based on events that took place in one of the producers hometown of Alexandria, Louisiana.
What is Abby's major?
[ "Psychology" ]
While on a class observation trip at a local mental hospital, young psychology major Abby Jones (Christine Evangelista), has a chilling encounter with high-risk patient, Harmon (Dominic Purcell). She returns home for an evening of normal study with her two roommates unaware of the darkness shes awakened within him. Later that evening a storm moves in, while Harmon escapes leaving a trail of death, as he makes his toward an unsuspecting Abby.Meanwhile, Abby and her roommate Lynn (Carly Chaikin) receive a visit from Carter Thomas (Scott Elrod), the neighbor cop across the street, warning them about a local peeper lurking in the area. He reassures them that he is close by and as long as they keep their curtains closed and doors locked they are safe. Little do they know, not even Carter can protect them from the rage unleashed by Harmons newfound obsession, Abby.Secure in Carters cocoon of safety, the girls continue studying into the wee hours of the morning seemingly sheltered by the horrific events happening around them. As the girls sleep, the storm takes a turn for the worse, darkening the neighborhood and trapping them in Harmons web of terror.The story is based on events that took place in one of the producers hometown of Alexandria, Louisiana.
What is the name of police Officer?
[ "Carter Thomas" ]
Single, drug-using mom Loretta Sinclair (Alfre Woodard) lives in a rough Chicago neighborhood with her mother, Rosa Lynn (Mary Alice) and two children, 11-year-old Thomas (Mpho Koaho) and little autistic Tracy (Kulani Hassen). Afraid that her daughter's situation will deteriorate, Rosa Lynn decides to send her daughter and grandchildren to spend the summer with her cousin Earl (Al Freeman, Jr.) in the Mississippi delta.Before their departure, Rosa Lynn pawns a family heirloom candelabrum they refer to as "Nathan", the name of their slave ancestor. Exiting the pawn shop, Loretta throws the pawn ticket in a wastebasket, but on a whim retrieves it; perhaps she thinks she can redeem Nathan later for drugs.The three are welcomed in rural Mississippi by Earl, a man of few words yet wise, where he lives with his senile wife Annie (Esther Rolle) who is cared for by a housekeeper. Earl puts Loretta to work in his chicken joint, where she understandably has a hard time keeping up with the work and the demands of a schedule.Eventually they all bloom, with Thomas teaching Loretta enough arithmetic to be able to waitress and thus make more in tips; Loretta becoming friendly with a nice local customer named Carl (Nigel Shawn Williams), and Tracy actually saying her first words.While a few calamities ensue, one involving Earl teaching Thomas about guns and the other when Annie wanders outside unsupervised, by the end of the summer the initially sullen Loretta decides to stay on and make her life in the delta. In the final scene, Nathan is redeemed and Earl tells them all of their proud family heritage.
Down in the Delta
What is the silver candelabra ?
[ "A family heirloom candelabrum they refer to as \"Nathan\", the name of their slave ancestor." ]
Single, drug-using mom Loretta Sinclair (Alfre Woodard) lives in a rough Chicago neighborhood with her mother, Rosa Lynn (Mary Alice) and two children, 11-year-old Thomas (Mpho Koaho) and little autistic Tracy (Kulani Hassen). Afraid that her daughter's situation will deteriorate, Rosa Lynn decides to send her daughter and grandchildren to spend the summer with her cousin Earl (Al Freeman, Jr.) in the Mississippi delta.Before their departure, Rosa Lynn pawns a family heirloom candelabrum they refer to as "Nathan", the name of their slave ancestor. Exiting the pawn shop, Loretta throws the pawn ticket in a wastebasket, but on a whim retrieves it; perhaps she thinks she can redeem Nathan later for drugs.The three are welcomed in rural Mississippi by Earl, a man of few words yet wise, where he lives with his senile wife Annie (Esther Rolle) who is cared for by a housekeeper. Earl puts Loretta to work in his chicken joint, where she understandably has a hard time keeping up with the work and the demands of a schedule.Eventually they all bloom, with Thomas teaching Loretta enough arithmetic to be able to waitress and thus make more in tips; Loretta becoming friendly with a nice local customer named Carl (Nigel Shawn Williams), and Tracy actually saying her first words.While a few calamities ensue, one involving Earl teaching Thomas about guns and the other when Annie wanders outside unsupervised, by the end of the summer the initially sullen Loretta decides to stay on and make her life in the delta. In the final scene, Nathan is redeemed and Earl tells them all of their proud family heritage.
Down in the Delta
What is the name of Loretta's mom?
[ "Rosa Lynn" ]
Single, drug-using mom Loretta Sinclair (Alfre Woodard) lives in a rough Chicago neighborhood with her mother, Rosa Lynn (Mary Alice) and two children, 11-year-old Thomas (Mpho Koaho) and little autistic Tracy (Kulani Hassen). Afraid that her daughter's situation will deteriorate, Rosa Lynn decides to send her daughter and grandchildren to spend the summer with her cousin Earl (Al Freeman, Jr.) in the Mississippi delta.Before their departure, Rosa Lynn pawns a family heirloom candelabrum they refer to as "Nathan", the name of their slave ancestor. Exiting the pawn shop, Loretta throws the pawn ticket in a wastebasket, but on a whim retrieves it; perhaps she thinks she can redeem Nathan later for drugs.The three are welcomed in rural Mississippi by Earl, a man of few words yet wise, where he lives with his senile wife Annie (Esther Rolle) who is cared for by a housekeeper. Earl puts Loretta to work in his chicken joint, where she understandably has a hard time keeping up with the work and the demands of a schedule.Eventually they all bloom, with Thomas teaching Loretta enough arithmetic to be able to waitress and thus make more in tips; Loretta becoming friendly with a nice local customer named Carl (Nigel Shawn Williams), and Tracy actually saying her first words.While a few calamities ensue, one involving Earl teaching Thomas about guns and the other when Annie wanders outside unsupervised, by the end of the summer the initially sullen Loretta decides to stay on and make her life in the delta. In the final scene, Nathan is redeemed and Earl tells them all of their proud family heritage.
Down in the Delta
What is Earls wife suffering from?
[ "She's senile" ]
Single, drug-using mom Loretta Sinclair (Alfre Woodard) lives in a rough Chicago neighborhood with her mother, Rosa Lynn (Mary Alice) and two children, 11-year-old Thomas (Mpho Koaho) and little autistic Tracy (Kulani Hassen). Afraid that her daughter's situation will deteriorate, Rosa Lynn decides to send her daughter and grandchildren to spend the summer with her cousin Earl (Al Freeman, Jr.) in the Mississippi delta.Before their departure, Rosa Lynn pawns a family heirloom candelabrum they refer to as "Nathan", the name of their slave ancestor. Exiting the pawn shop, Loretta throws the pawn ticket in a wastebasket, but on a whim retrieves it; perhaps she thinks she can redeem Nathan later for drugs.The three are welcomed in rural Mississippi by Earl, a man of few words yet wise, where he lives with his senile wife Annie (Esther Rolle) who is cared for by a housekeeper. Earl puts Loretta to work in his chicken joint, where she understandably has a hard time keeping up with the work and the demands of a schedule.Eventually they all bloom, with Thomas teaching Loretta enough arithmetic to be able to waitress and thus make more in tips; Loretta becoming friendly with a nice local customer named Carl (Nigel Shawn Williams), and Tracy actually saying her first words.While a few calamities ensue, one involving Earl teaching Thomas about guns and the other when Annie wanders outside unsupervised, by the end of the summer the initially sullen Loretta decides to stay on and make her life in the delta. In the final scene, Nathan is redeemed and Earl tells them all of their proud family heritage.
Down in the Delta
What is an important recurring object throughout the film ?
[ "Learning new skills and living a fulfilled life." ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what does a.j. "the reverend" shepherd run?
[ "the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
whom does captain bosch argue with?
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who lives with george cooper?
[ "Lauren" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is clearly willing to kill to protect his employer's secrets?
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what lurks beneath the streets?
[ "monsters" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what happened to the homeless population in manhattan?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
how do the monsters come to the surface?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
where is the waste being hidden?
[ "chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is behind the monster attacks?
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what does wilson do?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
Who attacked the woman in the movie while she was walking her dog?
[ "a creature( CHUD)" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who plays the role of bosch?
[ "christopher curry" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is turning into mutated creatures?
[ "underground homeless" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who finds bosch's gun?
[ "lauren" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who locks a.j. in an underground access tunnel?
[ "hired thug" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is trapped in the sewers?
[ "George and A.J." ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
How do the monsters come to the surface?
[ "through manhole" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who attacked the woman in the movie while she was walking her dog?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what is there lurking beneath the streets?
[ "monsters" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what kind of photographer did george used to be?
[ "fashion photographer" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
where was the toxic wastes hidden?
[ "beneath Manhattan, in abandoned subway tunnels" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
Who's wife was apparently taken by the C.H.U.D.?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who gets locked in an underground access tunnel?
[ "A.J." ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is george cooper's girlfriend?
[ "Lauren" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
with whom does captain bosch argue?
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who kills wilson?
[ "A.J." ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what happens to a woman walking her dog in a darkened city street?
[ "She is attacked by a creature and pulled into a man-hole after her dog" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
why has political bureaucracy forbidden the nrc to transport the toxic wastes through new york?
[ "Large scale danger to public" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who wants to asphyxiate the c.h.u.d
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who attacks the woman?
[ "a creature" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what is the ocupation of the first person that is eaten?
[ "reporter" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who's wife was apparently taken by the c.h.u.d.?
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what are these monsters?
[ "Former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who runs the local homeless shelter?
[ "AJ \"The Reverend \" Shepherd" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what were the monsters previously?
[ "homeless transients" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is overwhelmed by bosch?
[ "Wilson" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
who is to blame for this disaster?
[ "Nuclear Regulatory Commission" ]
The film opens with a woman walking her dog down a empty, darkened city street. As she passes by a manhole, she is attacked by a creature, and the dog is pulled in after her.George Cooper (John Heard) lives with his girlfriend Lauren (Kim Greist). George, a once-prominent fashion photographer, has since forgone the fame and fortune. His current project is photographing New York City's homeless population, specifically those known as "undergrounders", or people who reside within the bowels of the city. Lauren is a current fashion model who met George during one of his photo jobs.A police captain named Bosch (Christopher Curry) is introduced. Bosch has a personal interest in the recent flood of missing persons (most of whom are homeless) being reported to his precinct. Bosch interviews A.J. "The Reverend" Shepherd (Daniel Stern), who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes recent events to be a part of a massive government cover-up and has the evidence to prove it which include an NRC radiation detector and a boot which is part of an anti-contamination crewperson.Bosch's superiors know more than they are letting on and seem to be taking their cues from an overly glib, weasely type named Wilson (George Martin), who works for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.It turns out there are monsters lurking beneath the streets; beings that were once human, but radioactive, chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous, flesh-eating creatures that prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed.When Wilson sends a EPA crew to clean up part of the sewer, Bosch has a group of policemen armed with flamethrowers escort them. Watching through a video camera one of the EPA men has, they encounter an unknown number of the creatures and the video is suddenly cut off.Next, Bosch, Wilson and their associates view a dead creature that was found and Wilson admits that a top-secret goverment file that he has, titled 'C.H.U.D.' that the creatures stand for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, the former homeless people infected by nuclear radiation. Captain Bosch argues with Wilson over how to best deal with the threat: Wilson wants to seal the sewers, open up some methane gas lines, and asphyxiate the C.H.U.D.s, despite the inherent danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface.Through a series of events, both George and A.J. Shepherd find themselves trapped in the sewers. George goes down with a local reporter (who gets eaten). Because of the secret that Wilson and his unseen superiors guard, it leads to the extent of having a mysterious and threatening lackey disrupt A.J. from making phone calls to the press. This thug then locks A.J. in an underground access tunnel. George and A.J. later find each other and attempt to escape from the sewers while evading the creatures.Meanwhile, Lauren is alone in her apartment waiting for George to return when she deals with a clogged shower drain which splurts up blood. Next, a creature comes up through the sewer access point that Lauren unfortunately decided to open in the basement of her apartment building. The so-called CHUD creature kills two policemen who investigate noises in the building. The creature breaks into Lauren's apartment, only to be dispatched when she decapitates it with a sword.Next, a group of the creatures (more then four are never shown on screen) attack a local diner and apparently kill everyone there. Because of the media coverage of the massacre, Wilson decides to take charge the start the flooding of the sewers with gas. When Lauren sees this announcement on her TV set, she sets out to find George, having previously told him that she is pregnant. She takes the murdered policemens car and races off to find help.Through the dangerous investigative efforts of both A.J. and George, the absolute horror is revealed. They find crates of nuclear and radioactive waste in an area which is the CHUD's dwelling place. Seeing the boxes marked 'C.H.U.D.' they realizes that CHUD actually stands for 'Contamination Hazard Urban Disposal.' The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is directly involved in the slaughter that has been going on. Although the political bureaucracy has forbidden the NRC to transport the toxic wastes through New York because of the large-scale danger to the public, it has secretly been hiding the waste by-products beneath Manhattan in abandoned subway tunnels. Unfortunately, the underground homeless population has been coming into contact with these by-products, turning them into the mutated creatures.George and A.J. find the remains of the dead EPA and police crew and use the video camera to call for help and they inform Bosch about what they found. With Wilson already starting the gas flow to kill the creatures, Bosch attempts to save the two men, only for Wilson to stop him. Bosch reveals that he knows all about the goverment cover-up and of the real abreviation for CHUD. Wilson pulls out a gun, intending to kill Bosch to protect his secret, but Bosch overpowers him and takes the keys to a delivery truck blocking a manhole cover to let George and A.J. out. But just when Bosch drives the truck off the manhole cover, Wilson appears and shoots him. Wilson then comandeers the truck to run over and kill George and A.J. However, Lauren also comes upon the scene and attempts to help them escape. A.J. takes Bosch's gun and shoots at Wilson as he drives the truck, fataly wounding him. The truck hits the open manhole and it explodes due to the methane gas pouring out of the sewer. George and Lauren embrace, happy to be reunited, while A.J. is releaved that Bosch, despite being shot through the chest, is still alive as he stands near the remains of the burning truck.
what happened to the underground homeless population?
[ "They have been preyed upon by monster" ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Who is Colin punished and ignored by?
[ "The Govenor" ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Is Colin's family wealthy?
[ "No" ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
where does Colin hide the money?
[ "A drainpipe outside his house." ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Who is running alone?
[ "Colin Smith" ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Who did Colin fall in love with?
[ "Audrey" ]
"The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner" begins with Colin Smith (Tom Courtenay) running, alone, along a bleak country road somewhere in rural England. In a brief voiceover, Colin tells us that running is the way his family has always coped with the world's troubles, but that in the end, the runner is always alone and cut off from spectators, left to deal with life on his own.Next, we see Colin in handcuffs with a group of other similarly encumbered young men. They are being taken to Ruxton Towers, what we would today term a medium security prison for young juvenile offenders. It is overseen by "The Governor" (Michael Redgrave), who believes that the hard work and discipline imposed on his charges will ultimately make them useful members of society. Colin, sullen and rebellious, immediately catches his eye as a test of his beliefs.An important part of The Governor's rehabilitation program is athletics, and he soon notices that Colin is a talented runner, able to easily outrun Ruxton's reigning long distance runner. As The Governor was once a runner himself, he is especially keen on Colin's abilities because for the first time, his charges have been invited to compete in a five-mile marathon against a nearby public school, Ranley, and its privileged students from upper class families. The Governor sees the invitation as an important way to demonstrate the success of his rehabilitation program.As the Governor takes Colin under his wing, offering him outdoor gardening work and eventually the freedom of practice runs outside Ruxton's barbed wire fences, we learn in a series of flashbacks how Colin came to be incarcerated. We see his difficult, economically strained family life in a lower-class workers' complex in industrial Nottingham. Without a job, Colin indulges in petty crimes in the company of his best friend, Mike (James Bolam). Meanwhile, at home, his father's long years of toil in a local factory have resulted in a terminal illness for which his father refuses treatment. Colin is angered by the callousness of his mother (Avis Bunnage), who he knows already has a "fancy man", and who Colin finds has neglected to give his father an herbal concoction for pain and, as Colin believes, brings about his father's death..Colin rebels by refusing a job offered to him at his father's factory and watches with disdain as his mother spends the five hundred pounds in insurance money the company pays her on clothes, a television and new furniture. When his mother's lover moves into the house, and after an argument when his mother tells him to leave, Colin and his best friend Mike (James Bolam) take to the streets. Colin uses his portion of the insurance money to treat Mike and two girls they meet to an outing in Skegness, a nearby coastal resort, where Colin falls in love with his date, Audrey (Topsy Jane), and confesses to her that she is the first woman he's ever slept with. She eventually extracts a half-hearted promise from Colin that he might look for work, implying his feelings for her are such that marriage is a possibility.But one night, while prowling the streets of Nottingham with Mike, the two spot an open window at the back of a building. It's a bakery, with nothing much to steal but the cashbox, which contains about seventy pounds. Mike is all for another outing to Skegness with the girls, but Colin is more cautious and hides the money in a drainpipe outside his house. Soon, the police come calling, accusing Colin of the robbery. He tells the surly detective he has no knowledge of the crime. The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but can find nothing. Finally, frustrated and angry, he returns to say he'll be watching Colin. As the two stand at Colin's front door in the rain, the torrent of water pouring down the drainpipe dislodges the money, which washes out around Colin's feet.This backstory is interspersed in flashbacks with Colin's present-time experiences at Ruxton Towers, where he must contend with the jealousy of his fellow inmates over the favoritism shown to him by The Governor, especially when The Governor decides not to discipline Colin, as he does the others, over a dining hall riot because of Ruxton's bad food. Colin also witnesses the kind of treatment given to his fellows who are not so fortunate - beatings, bread-and-water diets, demeaning work in the machine shop or the kitchen.Finally, the day of the marathon against Ranley arrives, and Colin quickly sizes up who the school's best runner is (played by a very young James Fox) and who he must beat. With a proud Governor looking on, the starting gun is fired. Colin soon overtakes Ranley's star runner and has a comfortable lead with a sure win; but a series of jarring images run through his mind, jumpcut flashes of his life at home and his mother's neglect, his father's dead body, stern lectures from detectives, police, The Governor, the hopelessness of any future life with Audrey. Just yards from the finish line, he stops running and remains in place, despite the calls, howls, protests from the Ruxton Towers crowd, and especially The Governor. In closeup, we see Colin look directly at The Governor as a rebellious sneer plays on his face. The expression remains there as the Ranley runner passes him and crosses the finish line to victory. The Governor's anger is evident.At the end of the film, Colin is back in the machine shop, punished and now ignored by The Governor. But he seems calm, even content, because in the end, he refused to buckle under to authority and has settled into the loneliness of the title.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
Where did Colin's father work?
[ "In a local factory" ]