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Level 1 Exponents | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8htcZca0JIA | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=8htcZca0JIA&ei=gGeUZfP-M8q_p-oPt6C78A8&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:04.430
Welcome to the presentation on exponents.
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If I were to ask you what
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-- let me make sure this pen is the right width--
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if I were to ask you what two times three is,
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well I think at this point this should be pretty easy for you.
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That's the same thing as two plus two plus two, which equals six.
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You didn't have to do this.
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You all know that two times three is equal to six.
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So what we're going to do now is
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we're going to learn exponents which are the same thing
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that multiplication is to addition, exponents are to multiplication.
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I'll explain that in a second.
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I know that probably confused you.
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If I were to say what two to the third power is,
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instead of two plus two plus two,
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this is equal to two times two times two, which equals eight.
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Or if I were to say three the second power,
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that is equal to three times three.
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Remember, I said three times two would be three plus three.
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So the first three times three this equals nine,
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and three plus three equals six.
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The reason why I'm doing this is because there's always this temptation
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when you first learn exponents is to multiply.
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When I first learned it and I saw three to the second power or three squared,
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I'd always be like oh, that's six.
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But you also remember it's three times three,
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which equals nine.
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Let's do some more problems.
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If I were to tell you negative four squared.
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Once again, that's the same thing as
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negative four times negative four.
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Well, we all learn from multiplying negative numbers
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that a negative times a negative is a positive.
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And then four times four,
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well this equals positive sixteen.
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You don't have to write the positive,
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I'm just doing that for emphasis.
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If I would ask you what negative four to the third power is,
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well that equals negative four times negative four
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times negative four.
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Well we know already that negative four times negative four,
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that this equals sixteen, positive sixteen,
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and then we multiply that times negative four.
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And then that equals minus sixty-four.
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So something very interesting here to observe.
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When I took a negative number,
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and we call this the base,
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when the base is negative,
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in this case, negative four,
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and I raise it to an even power,
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I got a positive number, right?
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Negative four to an even power is positive sixteen,
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and when I took a negative number to an odd power, to three,
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I got a negative number.
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And that makes sense because every time
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you multiply by a negative number again,
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it switches signs.
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I'll show you the, I guess you'd call it
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the simplest example.
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Negative one to the one power is equal to negative one, right?
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Because that's just negative one times itself one time.
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And if I said negative one squared,
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well that's negative one times negative one,
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well that equals positive one.
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But if I said negative one to the third power,
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once again that's negative one times negative one times negative one.
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Well now this equals negative one times negative one is positive one
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times negative one equals negative one again.
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So I could tell you
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what negative one to the fifty-first power is.
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Because fifty-one is odd,
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we know that that is equal to negative one.
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If it was a fifty then it would be a positive one.
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Hope I didn't confuse you too much.
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Let's do a couple more problems.
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If I asked you what five to the third power is,
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well that will go into five times five times five,
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which equals one hundred and twenty-five.
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So really if I were ask to ask
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what negative five to the third power is,
00:04:27.703 --> 00:04:36.326
that would be negative five times negative five times negative five,
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which would be negative one hundred and twenty-five.
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Now one principle of exponents
00:04:41.686 --> 00:04:45.060
that might not seem completely intuitive to you at first
00:04:45.060 --> 00:04:46.869
is when I raise something to the zero power.
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So let's say I had two to the zero power.
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It turns out that anything to the zero power is equal to one.
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So two to the zero power is one,
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three to the zero power is equal to one,
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negative nine hundred to the zero power is equal to one.
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And let me see if I can give you a little bit of intuition of
00:05:09.571 --> 00:05:13.009
why that is actually the case.
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So if I were to ask you,
00:05:17.981 --> 00:05:23.231
let's do three to the fourth power.
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That equals three times three times three times three,
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which equals eighty-one.
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three to the third power is equal to twenty-seven,
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this three times three times three.
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three to second power is equal to nine.
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three to the first power is equal to three.
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Now we're going to say what's three to zero power?
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Well we already know, I already told you the rule,
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anything with the zero power is equal to one,
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but this will hopefully give you some intuition.
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When we went from the fourth power to the third power,
00:06:03.500 --> 00:06:05.640
we divided by three, right?
00:06:05.640 --> 00:06:08.240
eighty-one divided by three is twenty-seven.
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When you went from the third power to the second power,
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we divided by three.
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When we went from the second power from nine to three,
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we divided by three.
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So it kind of makes logical sense that
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when we go from the first power to the zero power,
00:06:22.478 --> 00:06:25.911
we'll just divide by three again.
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So three divided by three is one.
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Hopefully that gives you a little bit of an intuitive sense.
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You might want to replay that and think about why that is.
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And there's actually other aspects of exponents that
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why this also makes sense,
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why something to the zero power
00:06:39.683 --> 00:06:41.202
is equal to one.
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But let's just do some more problems in the time we have.
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I don't want to get you too confused.
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So if I were to ask you seven squared,
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well that's seven times seven, that's forty-nine.
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If I asked you negative six to the third power
00:07:00.820 --> 00:07:04.419
-- parentheses around here so you know it's a whole negative six to the third power--
00:07:04.419 --> 00:07:09.086
that equals negative six times negative six times negative six.
00:07:09.117 --> 00:07:15.319
Negative six times negative six is positive thirty-six times negative six,
00:07:15.381 --> 00:07:16.730
and that equals what?
00:07:16.730 --> 00:07:20.127
It's one hundred and eighty and thirty-six,
00:07:20.127 --> 00:07:22.164
that's minus two hundred and sixteen,
00:07:22.164 --> 00:07:24.296
if my mental math is correct.
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You could have actually multiplied it out.
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I think you're getting the point at this point.
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Oh, and another thing,
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if I told you zero to the hundredth power,
00:07:35.176 --> 00:07:36.290
well, that's pretty easy.
00:07:36.290 --> 00:07:39.021
That's zero times itself one hundred times,
00:07:39.021 --> 00:07:41.940
which is still equal to zero.
00:07:41.940 --> 00:07:49.340
If I were to ask you one to the thousandth power,
00:07:49.350 --> 00:07:50.370
well that's just equal to one, right?
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You can multiply one by itself as many times as you want
00:07:52.940 --> 00:07:54.750
and you're still going to get one.
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And remember, if I had negative one to the one thousandth power,
00:07:59.430 --> 00:08:02.910
well, this is an even exponent so you're still going to get one.
00:08:02.920 --> 00:08:06.960
If it was negative one to the one thousand and one,
00:08:06.960 --> 00:08:07.870
then it would be negative one.
00:08:07.870 --> 00:08:09.672
I think you remember why this is,
00:08:09.672 --> 00:08:12.540
because when you multiply a negative times itself an even number of times,
00:08:12.550 --> 00:08:13.550
the negatives cancel out.
00:08:13.550 --> 00:08:16.445
And then if you multiply it by a negative one more time
00:08:16.445 --> 00:08:17.970
it becomes a negative number again.
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Well let's just do some normal problems.
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I just want to make sure you get the basics of exponents down.
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If I were to tell you
00:08:25.682 --> 00:08:28.132
-- let me think of a good one--
00:08:28.132 --> 00:08:30.330
eight squared,
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that equals eight times eight equals sixty-four.
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If I were to tell you twenty-five squared,
00:08:39.442 --> 00:08:46.880
that's twenty-five times twenty-five, which equals six hundred and twenty-five.
00:08:46.880 --> 00:08:49.870
Powers of two is always very interesting.
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It's especially interesting
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if you one day go into computer science.
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So two to the fourth power,
00:08:55.496 --> 00:08:59.820
that's two times two times two times two.
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So two times two is four so this equals sixteen.
00:09:06.750 --> 00:09:08.350
And I did something very interesting here
00:09:08.360 --> 00:09:09.720
kind of on purpose.
00:09:09.720 --> 00:09:18.210
Notice that two to the fourth is equal to four times four, right?
00:09:18.210 --> 00:09:20.370
Because we did four times four here.
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I'm going to detail this more later on,
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but I want to think about what that means.
00:09:24.020 --> 00:09:27.070
Because four itself is the same thing as two squared.
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So we learned, just real fast,
00:09:29.094 --> 00:09:30.381
two to the fourth is the same thing
00:09:30.381 --> 00:09:34.130
as two squared times two squared.
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So I'll let you sit and think about that,
00:09:35.742 --> 00:09:37.727
but other than that I think you have the general idea
00:09:37.727 --> 00:09:40.430
of how basic exponents work,
00:09:40.468 --> 00:09:43.891
and I think you're ready to try the level one exponent module.
00:09:43.891 --> 99:59:59.999
have fun.
Speed translation | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTjNDKlz8G4 | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=aTjNDKlz8G4&ei=gmeUZY-6ILfjxN8P1aC5kAo&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.280 --> 00:00:04.450
Welcome to the
presentation on units.
00:00:04.450 --> 00:00:05.570
Let's get started.
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So if I were to tell you -- let
me make sure my pen is set up
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right -- if I were to tell you
that someone is, let's say
00:00:13.700 --> 00:00:16.893
they're driving at a speed
of -- let's say it's Zack.
00:00:21.750 --> 00:00:24.170
So let's say I have Zack.
00:00:24.170 --> 00:00:29.100
And they're driving at a
speed of, let me say,
00:00:29.100 --> 00:00:38.680
28 feet per minute.
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So what I'm going to ask you is
if he's going 28 feet in every
00:00:44.430 --> 00:00:55.890
minute, how many inches will
Zack travel in 1 second?
00:00:55.890 --> 00:00:59.460
So how many inches per second
is he going to be going?
00:00:59.460 --> 00:01:01.570
Let's try to figure
this one out.
00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:06.700
So let's say if I had 28, and
I'll write ft short for feet,
00:01:06.700 --> 00:01:11.210
feet per minute, and I'll
write min short for a minute.
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So 28 feet per minute, let's
first figure out how many
00:01:14.330 --> 00:01:16.770
inches per minute that is.
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Well, we know that there are
12 inches per foot, right?
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If you didn't know
that you do now.
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So we know that there
are 12 inches per foot.
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So if you're going 28 feet per
minute, he's going to be going
00:01:35.800 --> 00:01:40.800
12 times that many
inches per minute.
00:01:40.800 --> 00:01:47.120
So, 12 times 28 -- let me do
the little work down here -- 28
00:01:47.120 --> 00:01:54.920
times 12 is 16, 56 into 280.
00:01:54.920 --> 00:01:56.930
I probably shouldn't be
doing it this messy.
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And this kind of stuff it would
be OK to use a calculator,
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although it's always good to
do the math yourself,
00:02:01.260 --> 00:02:02.510
it's good practice.
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So that's 6, 5 plus 8 is 13.
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So that equals 336
inches per minute.
00:02:21.280 --> 00:02:23.420
And something interesting
happened here is that you
00:02:23.420 --> 00:02:26.080
noticed that I had a foot in
the numerator here, and I had a
00:02:26.080 --> 00:02:27.730
foot in the denominator here.
00:02:27.730 --> 00:02:29.890
So you can actually treat
units just the same way
00:02:29.890 --> 00:02:32.730
that you would treat actual
numbers or variables.
00:02:32.730 --> 00:02:34.550
You have the same number in the
numerator and you have the same
00:02:34.550 --> 00:02:37.080
number in the denominator, and
your multiplying not adding,
00:02:37.080 --> 00:02:38.150
you can cancel them out.
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So the feet and the feet
canceled out and that's
00:02:41.010 --> 00:02:44.020
why we were left with
inches per minute.
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I could have also written
this as 336 foot per minute
00:02:53.730 --> 00:03:00.380
times inches per foot.
00:03:00.380 --> 00:03:03.180
Because the foot per minute
came from here, and the inches
00:03:03.180 --> 00:03:05.280
per foot came from here.
00:03:05.280 --> 00:03:07.580
Then I'll just cancel this
out and I would have
00:03:07.580 --> 00:03:09.000
gotten inches per minute.
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So anyway, I don't want
to confuse you too much
00:03:10.620 --> 00:03:12.710
with all of that unit
cancellation stuff.
00:03:12.710 --> 00:03:15.650
The bottom line is you just
remember, well if I'm going 28
00:03:15.650 --> 00:03:18.930
feet per minute, I'm going to
go 12 times that many inches
00:03:18.930 --> 00:03:22.580
per minute, right, because
there are 12 inches per foot.
00:03:22.580 --> 00:03:28.380
So I'm going 336
inches per minute.
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So now I have the question, but
we're not done, because the
00:03:30.940 --> 00:03:33.230
question is how many inches am
I going to be traveling
00:03:33.230 --> 00:03:35.030
in 1 second.
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So let me erase some of the
stuff here at the bottom.
00:03:57.170 --> 00:04:09.820
So 336 inches -- let's write it
like that -- inches per minute,
00:04:09.820 --> 00:04:13.390
and I want to know how
many inches per second.
00:04:13.390 --> 00:04:15.010
Well what do we know?
00:04:15.010 --> 00:04:21.730
We know that 1 minute -- and
notice, I write it in the
00:04:21.730 --> 00:04:23.790
numerator here because I want
to cancel it out with
00:04:23.790 --> 00:04:24.970
this minute here.
00:04:24.970 --> 00:04:27.760
1 minute is equal to
how many seconds?
00:04:27.760 --> 00:04:30.370
It equals 60 seconds.
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And this part can be confusing,
but it's always good to just
00:04:37.640 --> 00:04:39.360
take a step back and think
about what I'm doing.
00:04:39.360 --> 00:04:45.370
If I'm going to be going 336
inches per minute, how many
00:04:45.370 --> 00:04:47.380
inches am I going to
travel in 1 second?
00:04:47.380 --> 00:04:50.235
Am I going to travel more
than 336 or am I going
00:04:50.235 --> 00:04:53.640
to travel less than
336 inches per second.
00:04:53.640 --> 00:04:55.650
Well obviously less,
because a second is a much
00:04:55.650 --> 00:04:57.400
shorter period of time.
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So if I'm in a much shorter
period of time, I'm going
00:04:59.475 --> 00:05:02.140
to be traveling a much
shorter distance, if I'm
00:05:02.140 --> 00:05:03.360
going the same speed.
00:05:03.360 --> 00:05:05.910
So I should be dividing by a
number, which makes sense.
00:05:05.910 --> 00:05:08.090
I'm going to be dividing by 60.
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I know this can be very
confusing at the beginning, but
00:05:10.020 --> 00:05:12.840
that's why I always want you to
think about should I be getting
00:05:12.840 --> 00:05:15.370
a larger number or should I be
getting a smaller number and
00:05:15.370 --> 00:05:17.800
that will always give you
a good reality check.
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And if you just want to look at
how it turns out in terms of
00:05:19.830 --> 00:05:23.390
units, we know from the problem
that we want this minutes to
00:05:23.390 --> 00:05:25.630
cancel out with something
and get into seconds.
00:05:25.630 --> 00:05:28.890
So if we have minutes in the
denominator in the units here,
00:05:28.890 --> 00:05:31.910
we want the minutes in the
numerator here, and the seconds
00:05:31.910 --> 00:05:33.250
in the denominator here.
00:05:33.250 --> 00:05:36.950
And 1 minute is equal
to 60 seconds.
00:05:36.950 --> 00:05:39.540
So here, once again,
the minutes and the
00:05:39.540 --> 00:05:41.090
minutes cancel out.
00:05:41.090 --> 00:05:51.275
And we get 336 over 60
inches per second.
00:05:57.020 --> 00:06:01.440
Now if I were to actually
divide this out, actually we
00:06:01.440 --> 00:06:04.910
could just divide the numerator
and the denominator by 6.
00:06:04.910 --> 00:06:08.850
6 goes into 336,
what, 56 times?
00:06:08.850 --> 00:06:14.330
56 over 10, and then we can
divide that again by 2.
00:06:14.330 --> 00:06:18.290
So then that gets us 28 over 5.
00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:30.150
And 28 over 5 -- let's see, 5
goes into 28 five times, 25.
00:06:34.170 --> 00:06:37.680
3, 5.6.
00:06:37.680 --> 00:06:38.775
So this equals 5.6.
00:06:41.890 --> 00:06:45.530
So I think we now just
solved the problem.
00:06:45.530 --> 00:06:49.580
If Zack is going 28 feet in
every minute, that's his
00:06:49.580 --> 00:06:56.240
speed, he's actually going
5.6 inches per second.
00:06:56.240 --> 00:06:58.850
Hopefully that kind
of made sense.
00:06:58.850 --> 00:07:00.400
Let's try to see if we
could do another one.
00:07:05.200 --> 00:07:16.750
If I'm going 91 feet per
second, how many miles
00:07:16.750 --> 00:07:17.730
per hour is that?
00:07:22.860 --> 00:07:27.210
Well, 91 feet per second.
00:07:29.990 --> 00:07:32.080
If we want to say how many
miles that is, should we be
00:07:32.080 --> 00:07:34.480
dividing or should
we be multiplying?
00:07:34.480 --> 00:07:35.640
We should be dividing
because it's going to be a
00:07:35.640 --> 00:07:37.560
smaller number of miles.
00:07:37.560 --> 00:07:44.820
We know that 1 mile is equal to
-- and you might want to just
00:07:44.820 --> 00:07:47.950
memorize this -- 5,280 feet.
00:07:47.950 --> 00:07:50.430
It's actually a pretty
useful number to know.
00:07:50.430 --> 00:07:54.520
And then that will actually
cancel out the feet.
00:07:54.520 --> 00:07:59.150
Then we want to go from
seconds to hours, right?
00:07:59.150 --> 00:08:02.760
So, if we go from seconds to
hours, if I can travel 91 feet
00:08:02.760 --> 00:08:05.190
per second, how many will I
travel in an hour, I'm going to
00:08:05.190 --> 00:08:07.950
be getting a larger number
because an hour's a much larger
00:08:07.950 --> 00:08:09.530
period of time than a second.
00:08:09.530 --> 00:08:11.500
And how many seconds
are there in an hour?
00:08:11.500 --> 00:08:14.080
Well, there are 3,600
seconds in an hour.
00:08:14.080 --> 00:08:18.870
60 seconds per minute and
60 minutes per hour.
00:08:18.870 --> 00:08:26.090
So 3,600 over 1
seconds per hour.
00:08:26.090 --> 00:08:28.880
And these seconds
will cancel out.
00:08:28.880 --> 00:08:32.960
Then we're just left with, we
just multiply everything out.
00:08:32.960 --> 00:08:42.030
We get in the numerator,
91 times 3,600, right?
00:08:42.030 --> 00:08:44.950
91 times 1 times 3,600.
00:08:44.950 --> 00:08:50.880
In the denominator
we just have 5,280.
00:08:50.880 --> 00:08:53.750
This time around I'm actually
going to use a calculator --
00:08:53.750 --> 00:08:55.860
let me bring up the calculator
just to show you that I'm
00:08:55.860 --> 00:08:57.960
using the calculator.
00:08:57.960 --> 00:09:13.180
Let's see, so if I say 91 times
3,600, that equals a huge
00:09:13.180 --> 00:09:31.160
number divided by 5,280.
00:09:31.160 --> 00:09:32.730
Let me see if I can type it.
00:09:32.730 --> 00:09:44.520
91 times 3,600 divided
by 5,280 -- 62.05.
00:09:44.520 --> 00:09:52.380
So that equals 62.05
miles per hour.
Dividing fractions | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQMU-lsMb3U | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=zQMU-lsMb3U&ei=g2eUZbn4LIu4vdIP9OCj8Aw&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.810 --> 00:00:03.110
Welcome to the presentation
on dividing fractions.
00:00:03.110 --> 00:00:04.490
Let's get started.
00:00:04.490 --> 00:00:06.640
So before I give you the
intuition-- actually, I might
00:00:06.640 --> 00:00:09.340
do that in a different module--
I'm just going to show you the
00:00:09.340 --> 00:00:11.740
mechanics of how you
divide a fraction.
00:00:11.740 --> 00:00:13.740
And it turns out that
it's actually not much
00:00:13.740 --> 00:00:16.030
more difficult than
multiplying fractions.
00:00:16.030 --> 00:00:21.410
If I were to ask you, 1/2
divided by 1/2, whenever you
00:00:21.410 --> 00:00:25.110
divide by a fraction, or
actually, when you divide by
00:00:25.110 --> 00:00:29.960
any number, it's the same thing
as multiplying by its inverse.
00:00:29.960 --> 00:00:36.670
So 1/2 divided by 1/2 is
equal to 1/2 times 2/1.
00:00:36.670 --> 00:00:44.990
We just inverted--
inverse-- the second 1/2.
00:00:44.990 --> 00:00:47.630
And we know from the
multiplication module, 1/2
00:00:47.630 --> 00:00:51.110
times 2/1, well, that's
just equal to 2/2,
00:00:51.110 --> 00:00:53.560
or it's equal to 1.
00:00:53.560 --> 00:00:56.020
And that makes sense because,
actually, any number divided
00:00:56.020 --> 00:00:58.750
by itself is equal to 1.
00:00:58.750 --> 00:01:03.220
1/2 divided by 1/2 is 1, just
like 5 divided by 5 is 1, just
00:01:03.220 --> 00:01:05.240
like 100 divided by 100 is 1.
00:01:05.240 --> 00:01:06.850
And this isn't a new principal.
00:01:06.850 --> 00:01:08.970
Actually, you were
always doing it.
00:01:08.970 --> 00:01:15.000
Think about it this way:
What is 2 divided by 2?
00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:16.290
Well, you know that's 1.
00:01:16.290 --> 00:01:20.560
But isn't this also the
same thing as 2 times the
00:01:20.560 --> 00:01:24.210
inverse of 2, which is 1?
00:01:24.210 --> 00:01:24.950
I'll show it to you.
00:01:24.950 --> 00:01:26.990
Actually, let me give you a
couple more examples to show
00:01:26.990 --> 00:01:31.340
that dividing fractions really
isn't a new concept, this whole
00:01:31.340 --> 00:01:34.840
notion of multiplying
by the inverse.
00:01:34.840 --> 00:01:40.540
If I were to tell you
what is 12 divided by 4?
00:01:40.540 --> 00:01:42.650
Well, we know the answer to
this, but I'm going to show
00:01:42.650 --> 00:01:50.640
you that this is the same
thing as 12 times 1/4.
00:01:50.640 --> 00:01:56.230
12/1 times 1/4 4 is
12/4, which is 3.
00:01:56.230 --> 00:01:59.480
And 12/4 is really just another
way of writing 12 divided by 4,
00:01:59.480 --> 00:02:02.535
so it's kind of a long way of
getting to the same point.
00:02:02.535 --> 00:02:04.990
But I just wanted to show you
that what we're doing in this
00:02:04.990 --> 00:02:07.970
module is nothing new than
what we've always been doing
00:02:07.970 --> 00:02:09.320
when we divide by a number.
00:02:09.320 --> 00:02:11.360
Division is the same thing.
00:02:11.360 --> 00:02:14.310
Dividing by a number is the
same thing as multiplying by
00:02:14.310 --> 00:02:15.960
the inverse of that number.
00:02:15.960 --> 00:02:19.880
And just as a review, an
inverse, if I have a number
00:02:19.880 --> 00:02:28.070
A, the inverse-- inv, short
for inverse-- is 1 over A.
00:02:28.070 --> 00:02:36.290
So the inverse of 2/3 is 3/2,
or the inverse of 5, because 5
00:02:36.290 --> 00:02:39.670
is the same thing as 5/1,
so the inverse is 1/5.
00:02:39.670 --> 00:02:41.000
We're just flipping it.
00:02:41.000 --> 00:02:43.320
We're switching the
numerator and denominator.
00:02:43.320 --> 00:02:46.475
So let's do some fraction
division problems.
00:02:49.270 --> 00:02:56.340
What is 2/3 divided by 5/6?
00:02:56.340 --> 00:03:05.970
Well, we know that this is the
same thing as 2/3 times 6/5,
00:03:05.970 --> 00:03:09.230
and that's equal to 12/15.
00:03:09.230 --> 00:03:14.570
We can divide the numerator and
denominator by 3, that's 4/5.
00:03:14.570 --> 00:03:22.900
What is 7/8 divided by 1/4?
00:03:22.900 --> 00:03:30.520
Well, that's the same
thing as 7/8 times 4/1.
00:03:30.520 --> 00:03:32.820
Remember, I just
flipped this 1/4.
00:03:32.820 --> 00:03:36.840
Divide by 1/4 is the same
thing as multiplying by 4/1.
00:03:36.840 --> 00:03:38.230
That's all you've got to do.
00:03:38.230 --> 00:03:39.990
And then we could use a little
shortcut we learned in the
00:03:39.990 --> 00:03:41.480
multiplication module.
00:03:41.480 --> 00:03:42.950
8 divided by 4 is 2.
00:03:42.950 --> 00:03:44.800
4 divided by 4 is 1.
00:03:44.800 --> 00:03:47.450
So that equals 7/2.
00:03:47.450 --> 00:03:49.900
Or if you wanted to write that
as a mixed number, this is, of
00:03:49.900 --> 00:03:51.200
course, an improper fraction.
00:03:51.200 --> 00:03:53.440
Improper fractions have
a numerator larger
00:03:53.440 --> 00:03:54.830
than the denominator.
00:03:54.830 --> 00:03:58.670
If you wanted to write that as
a mixed number, 2 goes into 7
00:03:58.670 --> 00:04:03.680
three times with a remainder
of 1, so that's 3 and a half.
00:04:03.680 --> 00:04:04.440
You can write it either way.
00:04:04.440 --> 00:04:05.990
I tend to keep it this
way because it's
00:04:05.990 --> 00:04:07.800
easier to deal with.
00:04:07.800 --> 00:04:10.130
Let's do a ton of more
problems, or at least as many
00:04:10.130 --> 00:04:13.830
more as we can do in the
next four or five minutes.
00:04:13.830 --> 00:04:23.850
What's negative 2/3
divided by 5/2?
00:04:23.850 --> 00:04:29.110
Once again, that's the same
thing as minus 2/3-- whoops--
00:04:29.110 --> 00:04:34.850
as minus 2/3 times what?
00:04:34.850 --> 00:04:40.110
It's times the inverse of
5/2, which is 2/5, and
00:04:40.110 --> 00:04:45.630
that equals minus 4/15.
00:04:45.630 --> 00:04:52.300
What is 3/2 divided by 1/6?
00:04:52.300 --> 00:04:59.850
Well, that's just the same
thing as 3/2 times 6/1,
00:04:59.850 --> 00:05:03.000
which equals 3 and 1.
00:05:03.000 --> 00:05:09.610
We just divided the 6 by 2 and
the 2 by 2, so that equals 9.
00:05:09.610 --> 00:05:11.280
I think you might
be getting it now.
00:05:11.280 --> 00:05:12.950
Let's see, let's
do a couple more.
00:05:12.950 --> 00:05:16.290
And, of course, you can always
pause, and look at this whole
00:05:16.290 --> 00:05:19.420
presentation again, so you can
get confused all over again.
00:05:19.420 --> 00:05:27.240
Let's see, let's do minus
5/7 divided by 10/3.
00:05:27.240 --> 00:05:33.880
Well, this is the same thing
as minus 5/7 times 3/10.
00:05:33.880 --> 00:05:35.420
I just multiplied
by the inverse.
00:05:35.420 --> 00:05:38.120
That's all I keep doing
over and over again.
00:05:38.120 --> 00:05:40.180
Minus 5 times 3.
00:05:40.180 --> 00:05:42.610
Minus 15.
00:05:42.610 --> 00:05:47.350
7 times 10 is 70.
00:05:47.350 --> 00:05:49.900
If we divide the numerator
and the denominator by
00:05:49.900 --> 00:05:56.050
5, we get minus 3/14.
00:05:56.050 --> 00:05:57.500
We could have also
just done it here.
00:05:57.500 --> 00:05:59.890
We could have done 5, 2,
and we would have gotten
00:05:59.890 --> 00:06:02.510
minus 3/14 as well.
00:06:02.510 --> 00:06:05.420
Let's do one or two
more problems.
00:06:05.420 --> 00:06:06.630
I think you kind of
get it, though.
00:06:09.600 --> 00:06:14.500
Let's say 1/2
divided by minus 3.
00:06:14.500 --> 00:06:14.965
00:06:14.965 --> 00:06:17.940
So what happens when you take a
fraction and you divide it by
00:06:17.940 --> 00:06:19.730
a whole number or an integer?
00:06:19.730 --> 00:06:22.970
Well, we know any whole number
can be written as a fraction.
00:06:22.970 --> 00:06:29.010
This is the same thing as
1/2 divided by minus 3/1.
00:06:29.010 --> 00:06:33.870
And dividing by a fraction is
the same thing as multiplying
00:06:33.870 --> 00:06:37.430
by it's inverse.
00:06:37.430 --> 00:06:42.150
So the inverse of negative 3/1
is negative 1/3, and this
00:06:42.150 --> 00:06:45.200
equals negative 1/6.
00:06:45.200 --> 00:06:46.040
Let's do it the other way.
00:06:46.040 --> 00:06:51.880
What if I had negative
3 divided by 1/2?
00:06:51.880 --> 00:06:52.500
Same thing.
00:06:52.500 --> 00:07:00.370
Negative 3 is the same thing as
minus 3/1 divided by 1/2, which
00:07:00.370 --> 00:07:07.940
is the same thing as minus 3/1
times 2/1, which is equal to
00:07:07.940 --> 00:07:12.010
minus 6/1, which
equals minus 6.
00:07:15.810 --> 00:07:17.350
Now, let me give you a
little bit of intuition
00:07:17.350 --> 00:07:19.730
of why this works.
00:07:19.730 --> 00:07:24.240
Let's say I said 2
divided by 1/3.
00:07:24.240 --> 00:07:27.650
Well, we know that this
is equal to 2/1 times
00:07:27.650 --> 00:07:30.120
3/1, which equals 6.
00:07:30.120 --> 00:07:32.700
So how does 2, 1/3,
and 6 relate?
00:07:32.700 --> 00:07:33.690
Well, let's look
at it this way.
00:07:33.690 --> 00:07:36.930
If I had two pieces of pizza.
00:07:36.930 --> 00:07:38.660
I have two pieces of pizza.
00:07:38.660 --> 00:07:41.520
Here's my two pieces
of pizza right.
00:07:41.520 --> 00:07:42.530
Two right here.
00:07:42.530 --> 00:07:45.050
So I have two pieces of pizza,
and I'm going to divide
00:07:45.050 --> 00:07:48.080
them into thirds.
00:07:48.080 --> 00:07:50.600
So I'm going to divide
each pizza into a third.
00:07:50.600 --> 00:07:52.860
I'll draw the little
Mercedes sign.
00:07:52.860 --> 00:07:57.050
So I'm dividing each pizza
into a third, right?
00:07:57.050 --> 00:07:58.210
How many pieces do I have?
00:07:58.210 --> 00:08:02.925
Let's see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
00:08:02.925 --> 00:08:04.800
I have 6 pieces.
00:08:04.800 --> 00:08:08.140
So you might want to sit and
ponder that for a little bit,
00:08:08.140 --> 00:08:12.850
but I think it might make a
little bit of sense to you.
00:08:12.850 --> 00:08:17.190
Let's do one more just
to tire your brain.
00:08:17.190 --> 00:08:25.750
If I had negative 7/2 divided
by 4/9-- let's pick a negative
00:08:25.750 --> 00:08:30.580
4/9-- well, that's the same
thing as minus 7/2 times
00:08:30.580 --> 00:08:33.720
minus 9/4, right?
00:08:33.720 --> 00:08:37.950
I just multiplied by the
inverse of negative 4/9.
00:08:37.950 --> 00:08:41.220
9 times 7 is equal to--
negative 7 times negative
00:08:41.220 --> 00:08:47.800
9 is positive 63,
and 2 times 4 is 8.
00:08:47.800 --> 00:08:51.460
Hopefully, I think you have a
good idea of how to divide by
00:08:51.460 --> 00:08:55.960
a fraction now, and you can
try out the dividing
00:08:55.960 --> 00:08:57.310
fractions modules.
00:08:57.310 --> 00:08:58.890
Have fun!
Multiplying fractions (old) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnu16kCRW4U | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=Mnu16kCRW4U&ei=gmeUZYKzO7mBhcIPxpOy-Ag&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.180 --> 00:00:04.170
Welcome to the presentation
on multiplying fractions.
00:00:04.170 --> 00:00:08.120
Well, I think today you'll be
very happy because you'll find
00:00:08.120 --> 00:00:10.860
out that this is one of the few
times where multiplying
00:00:10.860 --> 00:00:14.730
something is easier than adding
it, I think, or subtracting
00:00:14.730 --> 00:00:15.630
it for that matter.
00:00:15.630 --> 00:00:17.455
And if you don't believe me,
let's do some problems.
00:00:20.430 --> 00:00:29.020
Let's start with 1/2 times 1/2.
00:00:29.020 --> 00:00:32.200
So when you multiply fractions
it's very straightforward.
00:00:32.200 --> 00:00:34.450
It's essentially just two
separate multiplication
00:00:34.450 --> 00:00:35.360
00:00:35.360 --> 00:00:39.100
You multiply the numerators,
so you get 1 times 1.
00:00:39.100 --> 00:00:43.080
And you multiply the
denominators, 2 times 2.
00:00:43.080 --> 00:00:45.330
1 times 1 is 1.
00:00:45.330 --> 00:00:47.870
2 times 2 is 4.
00:00:47.870 --> 00:00:51.360
So 1/2 times 1/2
is equal to 1/4.
00:00:51.360 --> 00:00:52.140
That makes sense.
00:00:52.140 --> 00:00:58.810
That's like saying 1/2 of 1/2
is 1/4, which makes sense.
00:00:58.810 --> 00:01:00.340
What if we had
negative numbers?
00:01:00.340 --> 00:01:06.880
Well, if I had 1/2 times
negative 1/2 -- and when you
00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:09.280
have a negative fraction it's
good ascribe the
00:01:09.280 --> 00:01:09.970
negative number.
00:01:09.970 --> 00:01:11.540
I tend to ascribe the negative
number to the numerator
00:01:11.540 --> 00:01:15.110
-- negative 1 over 2.
00:01:15.110 --> 00:01:17.740
You realize that negative
1/2 is the same thing
00:01:17.740 --> 00:01:19.820
as negative 1 over 2.
00:01:19.820 --> 00:01:21.950
Hopefully that make sense.
00:01:21.950 --> 00:01:25.670
So 1/2 times negative 1/2,
that's just the same thing as 1
00:01:25.670 --> 00:01:34.070
times negative 1 over 2 times
2, which equals negative 1
00:01:34.070 --> 00:01:40.300
over 4, which is the same
thing as negative 1/4.
00:01:40.300 --> 00:01:42.710
What if I had different
denominators, and when you're
00:01:42.710 --> 00:01:44.430
adding and subtracting
fractions that tends to
00:01:44.430 --> 00:01:45.320
make things difficult.
00:01:45.320 --> 00:01:47.360
Well, it's not necessarily
the case here.
00:01:47.360 --> 00:01:55.590
If I had 2/3 times 1/2, just
multiply the numerators, 2
00:01:55.590 --> 00:01:59.800
times 1, and you multiply
that denominators 3 times 2.
00:01:59.800 --> 00:02:04.690
So you get 2 times 1
is 2, 3 times 2 is 6.
00:02:04.690 --> 00:02:06.920
And 2 over 6 we know from
equivalent fractions is
00:02:06.920 --> 00:02:09.420
the same thing as 1/3.
00:02:09.420 --> 00:02:10.510
That was an
interesting problem.
00:02:10.510 --> 00:02:12.590
Let's do it again and I want to
show you a little trick here.
00:02:15.360 --> 00:02:22.090
So, 2 over 3 times 1/2 -- as
we said, any multiplication
00:02:22.090 --> 00:02:23.890
problem you just multiply the
numerators, multiply the
00:02:23.890 --> 00:02:25.620
denominators and you
have your answer.
00:02:25.620 --> 00:02:31.540
But sometimes there's a little
trick here where you can divide
00:02:31.540 --> 00:02:33.660
the numerators and the
denominators by a number,
00:02:33.660 --> 00:02:35.500
because you know that this is
going to be the same thing as 2
00:02:35.500 --> 00:02:39.360
times 1 over 3 times 2.
00:02:39.360 --> 00:02:41.415
Which is the same thing -- I'm
just switching the order on top
00:02:41.415 --> 00:02:45.910
-- as 1 times 2 over 3 times 2.
00:02:45.910 --> 00:02:48.250
All I did is I switched the
order on top, because you can
00:02:48.250 --> 00:02:49.990
multiply in either direction.
00:02:49.990 --> 00:02:55.170
And that's the same thing
as 1/3 times 2 over 2.
00:02:55.170 --> 00:03:00.430
Well that's just is 1/3 times
1, which is equal to 1/3.
00:03:00.430 --> 00:03:01.700
And why did I do that?
00:03:01.700 --> 00:03:05.110
Well I want to show you that
these 2s, these 2s, all I did
00:03:05.110 --> 00:03:08.040
is switch the order, but at
all times we had 1, 2 in the
00:03:08.040 --> 00:03:10.210
numerator raider and I had
1, 2 in the denominator.
00:03:10.210 --> 00:03:13.320
If I wanted to, and this is
kind of a trick for doing
00:03:13.320 --> 00:03:16.700
multiplication really fast so
you don't have to reduce the
00:03:16.700 --> 00:03:22.650
final fraction too much,
you get 2/3 times 1/3 --
00:03:22.650 --> 00:03:24.650
2/3 times 1/2, sorry.
00:03:24.650 --> 00:03:26.190
You say I have a 2 in the
numerator, 2 in the
00:03:26.190 --> 00:03:30.740
denominator, let me divide them
both by 2, that equals 1/3.
00:03:30.740 --> 00:03:31.680
Just a fast trick.
00:03:31.680 --> 00:03:33.380
I hope I didn't confuse you.
00:03:33.380 --> 00:03:35.190
Let's do a couple of more
problems, and I'll do
00:03:35.190 --> 00:03:38.230
it both with the trick
and without the trick.
00:03:38.230 --> 00:03:44.460
What if I had 3/7
times 2 over 5.
00:03:44.460 --> 00:03:49.640
Well, multiply the
numerators, 3 times 2 is 6.
00:03:49.640 --> 00:03:51.820
7 times 5 is 35.
00:03:51.820 --> 00:03:53.610
That's it.
00:03:53.610 --> 00:03:55.440
Let's do some negative numbers.
00:03:55.440 --> 00:04:05.420
If I had negative 3 over 4
times 2 over 11, well, that's
00:04:05.420 --> 00:04:11.630
negative 6 over 44, which
is the same thing as
00:04:11.630 --> 00:04:14.920
negative 3 over 22.
00:04:14.920 --> 00:04:16.980
And we could have done that
cross-dividing trick here.
00:04:16.980 --> 00:04:18.380
Let's do it again
with the cross--.
00:04:21.240 --> 00:04:23.080
Times 2 over 11.
00:04:23.080 --> 00:04:25.653
We say oh, well 2 and 4,
they're both divisible by 2, so
00:04:25.653 --> 00:04:27.770
let's divide them both by 2.
00:04:27.770 --> 00:04:31.190
So 2 becomes 1, 4 becomes
2, and then our answer
00:04:31.190 --> 00:04:34.280
becomes minus 3 over 22.
00:04:34.280 --> 00:04:37.170
Negative 3 times
1 is minus is 3.
00:04:37.170 --> 00:04:40.560
2 times 11 is 22.
00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:41.470
Do another one right here.
00:04:41.470 --> 00:04:49.760
If I had negative 2/5 times
minus 2/5, well, that just is
00:04:49.760 --> 00:04:54.860
equal to negative 2 times
negative 2 is positive 4.
00:04:54.860 --> 00:04:56.690
It's 5 times 5 is 25.
00:04:56.690 --> 00:04:57.550
4 over 25.
00:04:57.550 --> 00:04:59.450
And that's, just remember, a
negative times a negative is a
00:04:59.450 --> 00:05:02.050
positive, which makes sense.
00:05:02.050 --> 00:05:03.630
Let's just do a couple
more problems since we
00:05:03.630 --> 00:05:04.330
have a lot of time.
00:05:04.330 --> 00:05:06.070
But I think you probably
got this by now.
00:05:06.070 --> 00:05:08.410
You're probably realizing that
multiplying fractions is a
00:05:08.410 --> 00:05:11.890
lot easier than adding or
subtracting them, hopefully.
00:05:11.890 --> 00:05:13.910
I guess it's not a bad thing if
you find adding or subtracting
00:05:13.910 --> 00:05:16.320
fractions easy as well.
00:05:16.320 --> 00:05:18.453
Let's do -- I'm just
making up numbers now
00:05:18.453 --> 00:05:25.910
-- 2/9 times 18 over 2.
00:05:25.910 --> 00:05:28.710
Well here we could, well, we
have a 2 in the numerator
00:05:28.710 --> 00:05:30.310
and a 2 in the denominator.
00:05:30.310 --> 00:05:34.530
Let's divide them both by
2, so they both become 1.
00:05:34.530 --> 00:05:37.460
And we have an 18 in
the numerator and a 9
00:05:37.460 --> 00:05:38.290
in the denominator.
00:05:38.290 --> 00:05:41.090
Well they both are divisible
by 9, so let's divide
00:05:41.090 --> 00:05:41.840
them both by 9.
00:05:41.840 --> 00:05:47.890
So 9 becomes a 1, and
the 18 becomes a 2.
00:05:47.890 --> 00:05:52.600
So you have 1 times 2 over 1
times 1, well, that just equals
00:05:52.600 --> 00:05:54.840
2 over 1 which equals 2.
00:05:54.840 --> 00:05:56.100
That was pretty
00:05:56.100 --> 00:05:58.650
We could have done it, I guess
you could call it the hard
00:05:58.650 --> 00:06:05.940
way, if we said 2 times 2
over 9 times 18 over 2.
00:06:05.940 --> 00:06:08.680
2 times 18 is 36.
00:06:08.680 --> 00:06:11.360
9 times 2 is 18.
00:06:11.360 --> 00:06:15.090
And 36 divided by 18, and we
can see 18 goes into 36 two
00:06:15.090 --> 00:06:17.190
times, that also equals 2.
00:06:17.190 --> 00:06:18.280
Either way is fine.
00:06:18.280 --> 00:06:20.650
If you don't feel comfortable
doing this trick right
00:06:20.650 --> 00:06:21.780
now, you don't have to.
00:06:21.780 --> 00:06:27.710
All that does is you won't end
up with huge numbers in your
00:06:27.710 --> 00:06:29.880
product that you'll have to
figure out if they can
00:06:29.880 --> 00:06:32.700
be reduced further.
00:06:32.700 --> 00:06:34.585
Let's do two more problems.
00:06:38.320 --> 00:06:46.120
Minus 5 over 7 times 1 over 3.
00:06:46.120 --> 00:06:49.950
Minus 5 times 1 is minus 5.
00:06:49.950 --> 00:06:52.750
7 over 3 is 21.
00:06:52.750 --> 00:06:54.270
That's it.
00:06:54.270 --> 00:06:59.650
Let me do one with the
little trick I showed you.
00:06:59.650 --> 00:07:04.660
Say I had 15, and here I think
you'll see why that trick
00:07:04.660 --> 00:07:11.580
is useful, over 21
times 14 over 5.
00:07:11.580 --> 00:07:13.880
Well clearly, if we multiply
this out we end up with
00:07:13.880 --> 00:07:15.090
pretty big numbers.
00:07:15.090 --> 00:07:18.840
I think 220 one 105 and
you have to reduce those.
00:07:18.840 --> 00:07:19.960
It becomes a big mess.
00:07:19.960 --> 00:07:22.770
But we can see that 15 and
5 are both divisible by 5.
00:07:22.770 --> 00:07:24.560
So let's divide them both by 5.
00:07:24.560 --> 00:07:27.260
So 15 divided by 5 is 3.
00:07:27.260 --> 00:07:30.180
5 divided by 5 is 1.
00:07:30.180 --> 00:07:33.240
14 and 21, they're
both divisible by 7.
00:07:33.240 --> 00:07:36.960
14 divided by 7 is 2.
00:07:36.960 --> 00:07:40.770
21 divided by 7 is 3.
00:07:40.770 --> 00:07:48.640
So we got 3 times 2 is 6 over 3
times 1 is 3, which equals 2.
00:07:48.640 --> 00:07:50.090
That's the same thing
as what I said before.
00:07:50.090 --> 00:07:52.510
If we had multiplied 15
times 14 that would
00:07:52.510 --> 00:07:56.200
have been 210 I think.
00:07:56.200 --> 00:07:58.430
Yeah, 15 times 14 is 210.
00:07:58.430 --> 00:08:02.100
And 21 times 5 would have been
105, and you would have to say,
00:08:02.100 --> 00:08:05.320
I guess in this case it's kind
of obvious, that 210 is 2 times
00:08:05.320 --> 00:08:07.840
105 and you would have
gotten 2 as well.
00:08:07.840 --> 00:08:09.530
So hopefully I didn't
confuse you too much
00:08:09.530 --> 00:08:10.670
with that last problem.
00:08:10.670 --> 00:08:12.900
But I hope you realize
multiplication's pretty
00:08:12.900 --> 00:08:13.110
00:08:13.110 --> 00:08:15.340
You just multiply the
numerators, you multiply the
00:08:15.340 --> 00:08:18.400
denominators, and then if you
have to reduce you reduce, but
00:08:18.400 --> 00:08:19.500
you're pretty much done.
00:08:19.500 --> 00:08:22.050
I think you're ready now to try
the multiplication module,
00:08:22.050 --> 00:08:25.120
and I hope you have fun.
Adding and subtracting fractions | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ZlXsFJULI | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=52ZlXsFJULI&ei=gmeUZfjrONLpxN8P3MWeoAo&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.610 --> 00:00:03.710
Welcome to the presentation
on adding and
00:00:03.710 --> 00:00:05.300
subtracting fractions.
00:00:05.300 --> 00:00:08.450
Let's get started.
00:00:08.450 --> 00:00:12.120
Let's start with what I hope
shouldn't confuse you too much.
00:00:12.120 --> 00:00:15.130
This should hopefully be a
relatively easy question.
00:00:15.130 --> 00:00:23.940
If I were to ask you
what 1/4 plus 1/4 is.
00:00:23.940 --> 00:00:25.270
Let's think about
what that means.
00:00:25.270 --> 00:00:32.420
Let's say we had a pie and it
was divided into four pieces.
00:00:32.420 --> 00:00:35.180
So this is like saying this
first 1/4 right here -- let me
00:00:35.180 --> 00:00:37.730
do it in a different color.
00:00:37.730 --> 00:00:39.530
This 1/4 right here,
let's say it's this
00:00:39.530 --> 00:00:42.400
1/4 of the pie, right?
00:00:42.400 --> 00:00:45.570
And we're going to add it
to another 1/4 of the pie.
00:00:45.570 --> 00:00:51.610
Let's make it this one -- let
me change the color -- pink.
00:00:51.610 --> 00:00:57.070
This 1/4, this pink 1/4
is this 1/4 of the pie.
00:00:57.070 --> 00:01:02.270
So if I were to eat both 1/4s
or 1/4 and then I eat another
00:01:02.270 --> 00:01:04.570
1/4, how much have I eaten?
00:01:04.570 --> 00:01:08.260
Well, you could look from just
the picture, I have now eaten 2
00:01:08.260 --> 00:01:10.280
out of the 4 pieces of the pie.
00:01:10.280 --> 00:01:15.480
So if I eat 1/4 of a piece of
pie or 1/4 of a pie, and then I
00:01:15.480 --> 00:01:21.550
eat another 1/4 of a pie, I
will have eaten 2/4 of the pie.
00:01:21.550 --> 00:01:23.940
And we know from the equivalent
fractions module that this is
00:01:23.940 --> 00:01:27.490
the same thing as I've
eaten 1/2 of the pie,
00:01:27.490 --> 00:01:28.330
which makes sense.
00:01:28.330 --> 00:01:32.150
If I eat 2 out of 4 pieces of a
pie, then I've eaten 1/2 of it.
00:01:32.150 --> 00:01:33.700
And if we look at it
mathematically, what
00:01:33.700 --> 00:01:34.960
happened here?
00:01:34.960 --> 00:01:39.230
Well the denominators or the
bottom numbers, the bottom
00:01:39.230 --> 00:01:41.270
numbers in the fraction
stayed the same.
00:01:41.270 --> 00:01:42.730
Because that's just the
total number of pieces
00:01:42.730 --> 00:01:44.360
I have in this example.
00:01:44.360 --> 00:01:47.930
Well, I added the numerators,
which makes sense.
00:01:47.930 --> 00:01:51.490
I had 1 out of the 4 pieces of
pie, then I ate another 1 out
00:01:51.490 --> 00:01:54.600
of the 4 pieces of pie, so I
ate 2 out of the 4 pieces
00:01:54.600 --> 00:01:56.510
of pie, which is 1/2.
00:01:56.510 --> 00:01:57.840
Let me do a couple
more examples.
00:02:01.820 --> 00:02:09.240
What is 2/5 plus 1/5?
00:02:09.240 --> 00:02:11.760
Well we do the same thing here.
00:02:11.760 --> 00:02:14.230
We first check to make sure the
denominators are the same --
00:02:14.230 --> 00:02:16.130
we'll learn in a second what we
do when the denominators
00:02:16.130 --> 00:02:16.900
are different.
00:02:16.900 --> 00:02:19.340
If the denominators are the
same, the denominator of the
00:02:19.340 --> 00:02:21.030
answer will be the same.
00:02:21.030 --> 00:02:22.480
And we just add the numerators.
00:02:22.480 --> 00:02:27.580
2/5 plus 1/5 is just 2
plus 1 over 5, which
00:02:27.580 --> 00:02:31.100
is equal to 3 over 5.
00:02:31.100 --> 00:02:33.390
And it works the same
way with subtraction.
00:02:33.390 --> 00:02:42.430
If I had 3 over 7 minus 2 over
7, that just equals 1 over 7.
00:02:42.430 --> 00:02:45.480
I just subtracted the 3, I
subtracted the 2 from the 3
00:02:45.480 --> 00:02:48.150
to get 1 and I kept the
denominator the same.
00:02:48.150 --> 00:02:48.860
Which makes sense.
00:02:48.860 --> 00:02:53.040
If I have 3 out of the 7 pieces
of a pie and I were to give
00:02:53.040 --> 00:02:57.800
away 2 out of the 7 pieces of a
pie, I'd be left with 1 of
00:02:57.800 --> 00:03:00.180
the 7 pieces of a pie.
00:03:00.180 --> 00:03:02.370
So now let's tackle -- I
think it should be pretty
00:03:02.370 --> 00:03:04.330
straightforward when we
have the same denominator.
00:03:04.330 --> 00:03:05.870
Remember, the denominator
is just the bottom
00:03:05.870 --> 00:03:06.880
number in a fraction.
00:03:06.880 --> 00:03:08.410
Numerator is the top number.
00:03:08.410 --> 00:03:11.430
What happens when we have
different denominators?
00:03:11.430 --> 00:03:15.100
Well, hopefully it won't
be too difficult.
00:03:15.100 --> 00:03:24.330
Let's say I have 1/4 plus 1/2.
00:03:24.330 --> 00:03:27.190
Let's go back to that
original pie example.
00:03:27.190 --> 00:03:28.260
Let me draw that pie.
00:03:33.900 --> 00:03:37.250
So this first 1/4 right here,
let's just color it in,
00:03:37.250 --> 00:03:40.470
that's this 1/4 of the pie.
00:03:40.470 --> 00:03:44.550
And now I'm going to eat
another 1/2 of the pie.
00:03:44.550 --> 00:03:46.460
So I'm going to eat
1/2 of the pie.
00:03:46.460 --> 00:03:49.100
So this 1/2.
00:03:49.100 --> 00:03:51.400
I'll eat this whole
1/2 of the pie.
00:03:54.290 --> 00:03:55.230
So what does that equal?
00:03:55.230 --> 00:03:57.190
Well, there's a couple of ways
we could think about it.
00:03:57.190 --> 00:03:59.210
First we could just
re-write 1/2.
00:03:59.210 --> 00:04:04.135
1/2 of the pie, that's actually
the same thing as 2/4, right?
00:04:06.950 --> 00:04:12.290
There's 1/4 here and
then another 1/4 here.
00:04:12.290 --> 00:04:15.470
So 1/2 is the same thing as
2/4, and we know that from the
00:04:15.470 --> 00:04:17.520
equivalent fractions module.
00:04:17.520 --> 00:04:21.460
So we know that 1/4 plus 1/2,
this is the same thing as
00:04:21.460 --> 00:04:27.110
saying 1/4 plus 2/4, right?
00:04:27.110 --> 00:04:36.160
And all I did here is I changed
the 1/2 to a 2/4 by essentially
00:04:36.160 --> 00:04:38.820
multiplying the numerator
and the denominator of
00:04:38.820 --> 00:04:40.410
this fraction by 2.
00:04:40.410 --> 00:04:41.740
And you can do that
to any fraction.
00:04:41.740 --> 00:04:43.890
As long as you multiply the
numerator and the denominator
00:04:43.890 --> 00:04:47.620
by the same number, you
can multiply by anything.
00:04:47.620 --> 00:04:52.880
That makes sense because
1/2 times 1 is equal
00:04:52.880 --> 00:04:54.440
to 1/2, you know that.
00:04:54.440 --> 00:05:00.080
Well another way of writing
1 is 1/2 times 2/2.
00:05:00.080 --> 00:05:04.490
2 over 2 is the same thing as
1, and that equals 2 over 4.
00:05:04.490 --> 00:05:07.380
The reason why I picked 2
is because I wanted to get
00:05:07.380 --> 00:05:08.580
the same denominator here.
00:05:11.230 --> 00:05:13.530
I hope I'm not completely
confusing you.
00:05:13.530 --> 00:05:15.220
Well, let's just finish
up this problem.
00:05:15.220 --> 00:05:19.220
So we have 1/4 plus 2/4, so we
know that we just add the
00:05:19.220 --> 00:05:22.570
numerators, 3, and the
denominators are the same, 3/4.
00:05:22.570 --> 00:05:25.190
And if we look at the picture,
true enough, we have
00:05:25.190 --> 00:05:29.380
eaten 3/4 of this pie.
00:05:29.380 --> 00:05:30.320
Let's do another one.
00:05:34.030 --> 00:05:44.730
Let's do 1/2 plus 1/3.
00:05:44.730 --> 00:05:47.570
Well once again, we want to get
both denominators to be the
00:05:47.570 --> 00:05:51.370
same, but you can't just
multiply one of them to get --
00:05:51.370 --> 00:05:53.850
there's nothing I can multiply
3 by to get 2, or there's no,
00:05:53.850 --> 00:05:56.510
at least, integer I can
multiply 3 by to get 2.
00:05:56.510 --> 00:05:58.900
And there's nothing I can
multiply 2 by to get 3.
00:05:58.900 --> 00:06:01.870
So I have to multiply both of
them so they equal each other.
00:06:01.870 --> 00:06:06.230
It turns out that what we want
for, what we'll call the common
00:06:06.230 --> 00:06:08.850
denominator, it turns out
to be the least common
00:06:08.850 --> 00:06:11.130
multiple of 2 and 3.
00:06:11.130 --> 00:06:13.400
Well what's the least common
multiple of 2 and 3?
00:06:13.400 --> 00:06:16.750
Well that's the smallest
number that's a multiple
00:06:16.750 --> 00:06:17.860
of both 2 and 3.
00:06:17.860 --> 00:06:19.390
Well the smallest number
that's a multiple of
00:06:19.390 --> 00:06:23.480
both 2 and 3 is 6.
00:06:23.480 --> 00:06:27.890
So let's convert both of these
fractions to something over 6.
00:06:27.890 --> 00:06:30.340
So 1/2 is equal to what over 6.
00:06:30.340 --> 00:06:33.320
You should know this from the
equivalent fractions module.
00:06:33.320 --> 00:06:37.500
Well if I eat 1/2 of a pizza
with 6 pieces, I would have
00:06:37.500 --> 00:06:40.270
eaten 3 pieces, right?
00:06:40.270 --> 00:06:40.820
That make sense.
00:06:40.820 --> 00:06:43.950
1 is 1/2 of 2, 3 is 1/2 of 6.
00:06:43.950 --> 00:06:47.650
Similarly, if I eat 1/3 of a
pizza with 6 pieces, it's
00:06:47.650 --> 00:06:50.730
the same thing as 2 over 6.
00:06:50.730 --> 00:06:57.700
So 1/2 plus 1/3 is the same
thing as 3/6 plus 2/6.
00:06:57.700 --> 00:06:58.980
Notice I didn't do
anything crazy.
00:06:58.980 --> 00:07:02.030
All I did is I re-wrote both
of these fractions with
00:07:02.030 --> 00:07:03.220
different denominators.
00:07:03.220 --> 00:07:06.050
I essentially changed the
number of pieces in the
00:07:06.050 --> 00:07:08.830
pie, if that helps at all.
00:07:08.830 --> 00:07:10.410
Now that we're at this
point then the problem
00:07:10.410 --> 00:07:11.190
becomes very easy.
00:07:11.190 --> 00:07:14.830
We just add the numerators,
3 plus 2 is 5, and we keep
00:07:14.830 --> 00:07:16.430
the denominators the same.
00:07:16.430 --> 00:07:18.970
3 over 6 plus 2
over 6 equals 5/6.
00:07:22.240 --> 00:07:24.740
And subtraction is
the same thing.
00:07:24.740 --> 00:07:31.460
1/2 minus 1/3, well that's
the same thing as 3
00:07:31.460 --> 00:07:35.110
over 6 minus 2 over 6.
00:07:35.110 --> 00:07:39.530
Well that equals 1 over 6.
00:07:39.530 --> 00:07:43.060
Let's do a bunch more problems
and hopefully you'll
00:07:43.060 --> 00:07:43.990
start to get it.
00:07:43.990 --> 00:07:47.120
And always remember you can
re-watch the presentation, or
00:07:47.120 --> 00:07:49.630
you can pause it and try to do
the problems yourself, because
00:07:49.630 --> 00:07:53.250
I think sometimes I talk fast.
00:07:53.250 --> 00:07:55.100
Let me throw you a curve ball.
00:07:55.100 --> 00:07:59.330
What's 1/10 minus 1?
00:07:59.330 --> 00:08:01.630
Well, one doesn't even
look like a fraction.
00:08:01.630 --> 00:08:04.150
But you can write
it as a fraction.
00:08:04.150 --> 00:08:07.970
Well that's the same thing as
1/10 minus -- how could we
00:08:07.970 --> 00:08:11.020
write 1 so it has the
denominator of 10?
00:08:11.020 --> 00:08:11.590
00:08:11.590 --> 00:08:14.830
It's the same thing as
10 over 10, right?
00:08:14.830 --> 00:08:16.330
10 over 10 is 1.
00:08:16.330 --> 00:08:20.900
So 1/10 minus 10 over 10 is the
same thing as 1 minus 10 --
00:08:20.900 --> 00:08:24.950
remember, we only subtract the
numerators and we keep the
00:08:24.950 --> 00:08:31.170
denominator 10, and that
equals negative 9 over 10.
00:08:31.170 --> 00:08:34.380
1/10 minus 1 is equal
to negative 9 over 10.
00:08:34.380 --> 00:08:35.920
Let's do another one.
00:08:35.920 --> 00:08:36.470
Let's do one more.
00:08:36.470 --> 00:08:38.680
I think that's all
I have time for.
00:08:38.680 --> 00:08:47.320
Let's do minus 1/9
minus 1 over 4.
00:08:47.320 --> 00:08:53.770
Well the least common
multiple of 0 and 4 is 36.
00:08:53.770 --> 00:08:55.590
So that's equal to 36.
00:08:55.590 --> 00:09:00.070
So what's negative 1/9 where
we change the denominator
00:09:00.070 --> 00:09:02.010
from 9 to 36?
00:09:02.010 --> 00:09:05.030
Well, we multiply 9
times 4 to get 36.
00:09:05.030 --> 00:09:07.230
We have to multiply the
numerator times 4 as well.
00:09:07.230 --> 00:09:11.860
So we have negative 1, so
it becomes negative 4.
00:09:11.860 --> 00:09:16.860
Then minus over 36.
00:09:16.860 --> 00:09:20.110
Well to go from 4 to 36, we
have to multiply this fraction
00:09:20.110 --> 00:09:23.070
by 9, or we have to multiply
the denominator by 9, so you
00:09:23.070 --> 00:09:25.190
also have to multiply
the numerator by 9.
00:09:25.190 --> 00:09:28.370
1 times 9 is 9.
00:09:28.370 --> 00:09:35.770
So this equals minus 4 minus
9 over 36, which equals
00:09:35.770 --> 00:09:39.580
minus 13 over 36.
00:09:39.580 --> 00:09:41.850
I think that's all I have time
for right now, and I'll
00:09:41.850 --> 00:09:44.000
probably add a couple more
modules, but I think you might
00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:47.520
be ready now to do the adding
and subtracting module.
00:09:47.520 --> 00:09:49.020
Have fun.
Multiplying and dividing negative numbers | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8lP5tR2R3Q | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=d8lP5tR2R3Q&ei=g2eUZZ7_AazLp-oPs6i-oAE&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.940 --> 00:00:03.530
Welcome to the presentation
on multiplying and
00:00:03.530 --> 00:00:05.270
dividing negative numbers.
00:00:05.270 --> 00:00:06.750
Let's get started.
00:00:06.750 --> 00:00:08.920
I think you're going to find
that multiplying and dividing
00:00:08.920 --> 00:00:10.730
negative numbers are a lot
easier than it might
00:00:10.730 --> 00:00:12.000
look initially.
00:00:12.000 --> 00:00:13.760
You just have to remember a
couple rules, and I'm going to
00:00:13.760 --> 00:00:15.790
teach probably in the future
like I'm actually going to give
00:00:15.790 --> 00:00:18.000
you more intuition on
why these rules work.
00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.860
But first let me just teach
you the basic rules.
00:00:20.860 --> 00:00:25.220
So the basic rules are when you
multiply two negative numbers,
00:00:25.220 --> 00:00:31.790
so let's say I had negative
2 times negative 2.
00:00:31.790 --> 00:00:33.970
First you just look at each
of the numbers as if there
00:00:33.970 --> 00:00:35.240
was no negative sign.
00:00:35.240 --> 00:00:40.150
Well you say well, 2
times 2 that equals 4.
00:00:40.150 --> 00:00:42.670
And it turns out that if you
have a negative times a
00:00:42.670 --> 00:00:45.175
negative, that that
equals a positive.
00:00:45.175 --> 00:00:47.710
So let's write that
first rule down.
00:00:47.710 --> 00:00:54.285
A negative times a negative
equals a positive.
00:00:56.860 --> 00:01:02.400
What if it was negative
2 times positive 2?
00:01:02.400 --> 00:01:04.770
Well in this case, let's
first of all look at the
00:01:04.770 --> 00:01:06.060
two numbers without signs.
00:01:06.060 --> 00:01:10.170
We know that 2 times 2 is 4.
00:01:10.170 --> 00:01:13.740
But here we have a negative
times a positive 2, and it
00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:15.910
turns out that when you
multiply a negative times a
00:01:15.910 --> 00:01:18.920
positive you get a negative.
00:01:18.920 --> 00:01:20.260
So that's another rule.
00:01:20.260 --> 00:01:26.255
Negative times positive
is equal to negative.
00:01:28.900 --> 00:01:34.760
What happens if you have a
positive 2 times a negative 2?
00:01:34.760 --> 00:01:37.140
I think you'll probably guess
this one right, as you can tell
00:01:37.140 --> 00:01:41.170
that these two are pretty much
the same thing by, I believe
00:01:41.170 --> 00:01:44.800
it's the transitive property --
no, no I think it's the
00:01:44.800 --> 00:01:45.860
communicative property.
00:01:45.860 --> 00:01:47.700
I have to remember that.
00:01:47.700 --> 00:01:51.780
But 2 times negative 2, this
also equals negative 4.
00:01:51.780 --> 00:01:57.640
So we have the final rule that
a positive times a negative
00:01:57.640 --> 00:01:58.980
also equals the negative.
00:02:01.490 --> 00:02:03.985
And actually these second
two rules, they're kind
00:02:03.985 --> 00:02:04.990
of the same thing.
00:02:04.990 --> 00:02:07.570
A negative times a positive
is a negative, or a positive
00:02:07.570 --> 00:02:09.140
times a negative is negative.
00:02:09.140 --> 00:02:13.730
You could also say that as when
the signs are different and
00:02:13.730 --> 00:02:16.400
you multiply the two numbers,
you get a negative number.
00:02:16.400 --> 00:02:18.890
And of course, you already know
what happens when you have a
00:02:18.890 --> 00:02:21.550
positive times a positive.
00:02:21.550 --> 00:02:22.840
Well that's just a positive.
00:02:22.840 --> 00:02:23.900
So let's review.
00:02:23.900 --> 00:02:27.970
Negative times a
negative is a positive.
00:02:27.970 --> 00:02:30.390
A negative times a
positive is a negative.
00:02:30.390 --> 00:02:32.730
A positive times a
negative is a negative.
00:02:32.730 --> 00:02:36.290
And positive times each
other equals positive.
00:02:36.290 --> 00:02:39.980
I think that last little bit
completely confused you.
00:02:39.980 --> 00:02:42.270
Maybe I can simplify
it for you.
00:02:42.270 --> 00:02:46.350
What if I just told you if when
you're multiplying and they're
00:02:46.350 --> 00:02:55.175
the same signs that gets
you a positive result.
00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:11.010
And different signs gets
you a negative result.
00:03:11.010 --> 00:03:17.780
So that would be either, let's
say a 1 times 1 is equal to 1,
00:03:17.780 --> 00:03:22.120
or if I said negative 1 times
negative 1 is equal to
00:03:22.120 --> 00:03:23.510
positive 1 as well.
00:03:23.510 --> 00:03:29.150
Or if I said 1 times negative
1 is equal to negative 1, or
00:03:29.150 --> 00:03:32.600
negative 1 times 1 is
equal to negative 1.
00:03:32.600 --> 00:03:36.130
You see how on the bottom two
problems I had two different
00:03:36.130 --> 00:03:38.590
signs, positive 1
and negative 1?
00:03:38.590 --> 00:03:41.120
And the top two problems,
this one right here
00:03:41.120 --> 00:03:42.680
both 1s are positive.
00:03:42.680 --> 00:03:45.970
And this one right here
both 1s are negative.
00:03:45.970 --> 00:03:49.110
So let's do a bunch of problems
now, and hopefully it'll hit
00:03:49.110 --> 00:03:51.510
the point home, and you also
could try to do along the
00:03:51.510 --> 00:03:54.010
practice problems and also give
the hints and give you what
00:03:54.010 --> 00:03:56.000
rules to use, so that
should help you as well.
00:03:58.960 --> 00:04:06.750
So if I said negative 4 times
positive 3, well 4 times
00:04:06.750 --> 00:04:11.820
3 is 12, and we have a
negative and a positive.
00:04:11.820 --> 00:04:15.670
So different signs
mean negative.
00:04:15.670 --> 00:04:19.060
So negative 4 times
3 is a negative 12.
00:04:19.060 --> 00:04:21.310
That makes sense because we're
essentially saying what's
00:04:21.310 --> 00:04:25.070
negative 4 times itself three
times, so it's like negative 4
00:04:25.070 --> 00:04:27.800
plus negative 4 plus negative
4, which is negative 12.
00:04:27.800 --> 00:04:31.120
If you've seen the video on
adding and subtracting negative
00:04:31.120 --> 00:04:34.200
numbers, you probably
should watch first.
00:04:34.200 --> 00:04:35.210
Let's do another one.
00:04:35.210 --> 00:04:40.430
What if I said minus
2 times minus 7.
00:04:40.430 --> 00:04:42.470
And you might want to pause the
video at any time to see if you
00:04:42.470 --> 00:04:44.030
know how to do it and
then restart it to see
00:04:44.030 --> 00:04:45.420
what the answer is.
00:04:45.420 --> 00:04:51.190
Well, 2 times 7 is 14, and we
have the same sign here, so
00:04:51.190 --> 00:04:53.530
it's a positive 14 -- normally
you wouldn't have to write the
00:04:53.530 --> 00:04:56.930
positive but that makes it a
little bit more explicit.
00:04:56.930 --> 00:05:05.880
And what if I had -- let me
think -- 9 times negative 5.
00:05:05.880 --> 00:05:08.800
Well, 9 times 5 is 45.
00:05:08.800 --> 00:05:13.660
And once again, the signs are
different so it's a negative.
00:05:13.660 --> 00:05:18.010
And then finally what if it I
had -- let me think of some
00:05:18.010 --> 00:05:24.540
good numbers -- minus
6 times minus 11.
00:05:24.540 --> 00:05:29.730
Well, 6 times 11 is 66 and
then it's a negative and
00:05:29.730 --> 00:05:31.720
negative, it's a positive.
00:05:31.720 --> 00:05:32.910
Let me give you a
trick problem.
00:05:32.910 --> 00:05:39.100
What is 0 times negative 12?
00:05:39.100 --> 00:05:42.740
Well, you might say that the
signs are different, but
00:05:42.740 --> 00:05:46.460
0 is actually neither
positive nor negative.
00:05:46.460 --> 00:05:48.315
And 0 times anything
is still 0.
00:05:48.315 --> 00:05:52.080
It doesn't matter if the thing
you multiply it by is a
00:05:52.080 --> 00:05:53.650
negative number or
a positive number.
00:05:53.650 --> 00:05:57.630
0 times anything is still 0.
00:05:57.630 --> 00:06:00.020
So let's see if we can apply
these same rules to division.
00:06:00.020 --> 00:06:03.080
It actually turns out that
the same rules apply.
00:06:03.080 --> 00:06:09.030
If I have 9 divided
by negative 3.
00:06:09.030 --> 00:06:11.820
Well, first we say
what's 9 divided by 3?
00:06:11.820 --> 00:06:13.640
Well that's 3.
00:06:13.640 --> 00:06:17.920
And they have different signs,
positive 9, negative 3.
00:06:17.920 --> 00:06:22.190
So different signs
means a negative.
00:06:22.190 --> 00:06:27.520
9 divided by negative 3
is equal to negative 3.
00:06:27.520 --> 00:06:33.830
What is minus 16 divided by 8?
00:06:33.830 --> 00:06:37.790
Well, once again, 16
divided by 8 is 2, but
00:06:37.790 --> 00:06:39.370
the signs are different.
00:06:39.370 --> 00:06:44.830
Negative 16 divided by positive
8, that equals negative 2.
00:06:44.830 --> 00:06:49.140
Remember, different signs will
get you a negative result.
00:06:49.140 --> 00:07:00.500
What is minus 54
divided by minus 6?
00:07:00.500 --> 00:07:04.320
Well, 54 divided by 6 is 9.
00:07:04.320 --> 00:07:09.050
And since both terms, the
divisor and the dividend, are
00:07:09.050 --> 00:07:13.890
both negative -- negative 54
and negative 6 -- it turns out
00:07:13.890 --> 00:07:15.000
that the answer is positive.
00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:19.310
Remember, same signs result in
a positive quotient in this
00:07:19.310 --> 00:07:22.350
example we did before,
it was product.
00:07:22.350 --> 00:07:24.730
Let's do one more.
00:07:24.730 --> 00:07:30.500
Obviously, 0 divided by
anything is still 0.
00:07:30.500 --> 00:07:31.510
That's pretty straightforward.
00:07:31.510 --> 00:07:33.200
And of course, you can't
divide anything by 0
00:07:33.200 --> 00:07:36.210
-- that's undefined.
00:07:36.210 --> 00:07:38.420
Let's do one more.
00:07:38.420 --> 00:07:41.890
What is -- I'm just going to
think of random numbers --
00:07:41.890 --> 00:07:44.930
4 divided by negative 1?
00:07:44.930 --> 00:07:50.610
Well, 4 divided by 1 is 4,
but the signs are different.
00:07:50.610 --> 00:07:53.130
So it's negative 4.
00:07:53.130 --> 00:07:54.410
I hope that helps.
00:07:54.410 --> 00:07:57.680
Now what I want you to do is
actually try as many of these
00:07:57.680 --> 00:08:01.380
multiplying and dividing
negative numbers as you can.
00:08:01.380 --> 00:08:03.010
And you click on hints
and it'll remind you
00:08:03.010 --> 00:08:04.260
of which rule to use.
00:08:07.460 --> 00:08:09.460
In your own time you might want
to actually think about why
00:08:09.460 --> 00:08:13.490
these rules apply and what it
means to multiply a negative
00:08:13.490 --> 00:08:15.320
number times a positive number.
00:08:15.320 --> 00:08:17.520
And even more interesting, what
it means to multiply a negative
00:08:17.520 --> 00:08:20.230
number times a negative number.
00:08:20.230 --> 00:08:24.800
But I think at this point,
hopefully, you are ready to
00:08:24.800 --> 00:08:27.160
start doing some problems.
00:08:27.160 --> 00:08:28.620
Good luck.
Adding/subtracting negative numbers | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C38B33ZywWs | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=C38B33ZywWs&ei=gmeUZe6WOc7SxN8Ps5atQA&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.060 --> 00:00:03.720
Welcome to the presentation
on adding and subtracting
00:00:03.720 --> 00:00:04.440
negative numbers.
00:00:04.440 --> 00:00:06.390
So let's get started.
00:00:06.390 --> 00:00:08.530
So what is a negative
number, first of all?
00:00:08.530 --> 00:00:12.090
Well, let me draw
a number line.
00:00:12.090 --> 00:00:13.910
Well it's not much of a
line but I think you'll
00:00:13.910 --> 00:00:15.200
get the picture.
00:00:15.200 --> 00:00:18.930
So we're used to the positive
numbers, so if that's 0, you
00:00:18.930 --> 00:00:24.680
have 1, you have 2, you have 3,
you have 4, and you keep going.
00:00:24.680 --> 00:00:28.640
And if I were to say what's 2
plus 2, you'd start at 2 and
00:00:28.640 --> 00:00:30.790
then you'd add 2 and
you'd get to 4.
00:00:30.790 --> 00:00:32.160
I mean most of us
it's second nature.
00:00:32.160 --> 00:00:33.940
But if you actually drew
it on a number line
00:00:33.940 --> 00:00:36.140
you'd say 2 plus 2 is 4.
00:00:36.140 --> 00:00:38.490
And if I asked you what's
2 minus 1 or let's
00:00:38.490 --> 00:00:39.840
say what's 3 minus 2?
00:00:39.840 --> 00:00:44.280
If you start at 3 and
you subtracted 2, you
00:00:44.280 --> 00:00:45.350
would end up at 1.
00:00:45.350 --> 00:00:51.310
That's 2 plus 2 is equal to 4
and 3 minus 2 is equal to 1.
00:00:51.310 --> 00:00:52.990
And this is a joke for you.
00:00:52.990 --> 00:00:56.990
Now what if I were to
say what is 1 minus 3?
00:00:56.990 --> 00:00:58.160
00:00:58.160 --> 00:01:00.110
Well, it's the same thing.
00:01:00.110 --> 00:01:04.370
You start at 1 and we're going
to go 1 -- well, now we're
00:01:04.370 --> 00:01:06.970
going to go below 0 --
what happens below 0?
00:01:06.970 --> 00:01:08.510
Well then you start going
to the negative numbers.
00:01:08.510 --> 00:01:14.940
Negative 1, negative 2,
negative 3, and so on.
00:01:14.940 --> 00:01:22.550
So if I start at 1 right here,
so 1 minus 3, so I go 1, 2,
00:01:22.550 --> 00:01:25.620
3, I end up at negative 2.
00:01:25.620 --> 00:01:30.690
So 1 minus 3 is equal
to negative 2.
00:01:30.690 --> 00:01:32.290
This is something that you're
probably already doing
00:01:32.290 --> 00:01:33.100
in your everyday life.
00:01:33.100 --> 00:01:36.870
If I were to tell you that boy,
it's very cold today, it's 1
00:01:36.870 --> 00:01:40.830
degree, but tomorrow it's going
to be 3 degrees colder, you
00:01:40.830 --> 00:01:42.710
might already know intuitively,
well then we're going to be
00:01:42.710 --> 00:01:45.810
at a temperature of
negative 2 degrees.
00:01:45.810 --> 00:01:48.050
So that's all a
negative number means.
00:01:48.050 --> 00:01:51.870
And just remember when a
negative number is big, so like
00:01:51.870 --> 00:01:58.100
negative 50, that's actually
colder than negative 20, right?
00:01:58.100 --> 00:02:00.920
So a negative 50 is actually
even a smaller number than
00:02:00.920 --> 00:02:03.890
negative 20 because it's even
further to the left
00:02:03.890 --> 00:02:04.720
of negative 20.
00:02:04.720 --> 00:02:07.170
That's just something you'll
get an intuitive feel for.
00:02:07.170 --> 00:02:09.400
Sometimes when you start you
feel like oh, 50's a bigger
00:02:09.400 --> 00:02:11.770
number than 20, but it's a
negative 50 as opposed
00:02:11.770 --> 00:02:13.860
to a positive 50.
00:02:13.860 --> 00:02:16.470
So let's do some problems, and
I'm going to keep using the
00:02:16.470 --> 00:02:19.290
number line because I
think it's useful.
00:02:19.290 --> 00:02:26.790
So let's do the
problem 5 minus 12.
00:02:26.790 --> 00:02:28.810
I think you already might
have an intuition of
00:02:28.810 --> 00:02:29.896
what this equals.
00:02:29.896 --> 00:02:34.600
But let me draw a
line, 5 minus 12.
00:02:44.910 --> 00:02:52.936
So let me start with minus 10,
minus 9, minus 8 --I think I'm
00:02:52.936 --> 00:02:58.170
going to run out of space --
minus 7, minus 6, minus 5 -- I
00:02:58.170 --> 00:03:03.380
should have this pre-drawn --
minus 4, minus 3, minus 2,
00:03:03.380 --> 00:03:11.470
minus 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
I'll put 5 right here.
00:03:14.410 --> 00:03:15.570
5 minus 12.
00:03:15.570 --> 00:03:18.440
So if we start at 5 -- let me
use a different color -- we
00:03:18.440 --> 00:03:20.945
start at 5 right here and we're
going to go to the left 12
00:03:20.945 --> 00:03:22.800
because we're subtracting 12.
00:03:22.800 --> 00:03:33.880
So then we go 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
00:03:33.880 --> 00:03:34.780
Negative 7.
00:03:38.300 --> 00:03:40.010
That's pretty interesting.
00:03:40.010 --> 00:03:44.020
Because it also happens
to be that 12 minus 5
00:03:44.020 --> 00:03:45.590
is equal to positive 7.
00:03:45.590 --> 00:03:48.910
So, I want you to think a
little bit about why that is.
00:03:48.910 --> 00:03:53.980
Why the difference between 12
and 5 is 7, and the difference
00:03:53.980 --> 00:03:59.200
between -- well, I
guess it's either way.
00:03:59.200 --> 00:04:01.025
Because in this situation we're
also saying that the difference
00:04:01.025 --> 00:04:04.730
between 5 and 12 is negative 7,
but the numbers are that far
00:04:04.730 --> 00:04:07.270
apart, but now we're starting
with the lower number.
00:04:07.270 --> 00:04:09.640
I think that last sentence just
completely confused you, but
00:04:09.640 --> 00:04:11.620
we'll keep moving forward.
00:04:11.620 --> 00:04:18.070
We just said 5 minus 12
is equal to minus 7.
00:04:18.070 --> 00:04:19.480
Let's do another one.
00:04:19.480 --> 00:04:25.720
What's negative 3
plus 5 equals what?
00:04:25.720 --> 00:04:28.060
Well, let's use the
same number line.
00:04:28.060 --> 00:04:31.490
Let's go to negative 3 plus 5.
00:04:31.490 --> 00:04:33.590
So we're going to
go to the right 5.
00:04:33.590 --> 00:04:38.530
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
00:04:38.530 --> 00:04:38.950
It's a 2.
00:04:42.415 --> 00:04:44.230
It equals 2.
00:04:44.230 --> 00:04:48.790
So negative 3 plus
5 is equal to 2.
00:04:48.790 --> 00:04:53.720
That's interesting because 5
minus 3 is also equal to 2.
00:04:53.720 --> 00:04:57.340
Well, it turns out that 5 minus
3 is the same thing, it's just
00:04:57.340 --> 00:05:00.990
another way of writing 5
plus negative 3 or
00:05:00.990 --> 00:05:04.050
negative 3 plus 5.
00:05:04.050 --> 00:05:07.400
A general, easy way to always
do negative numbers is it's
00:05:07.400 --> 00:05:11.650
just like regular subtraction
and addition and subtraction,
00:05:11.650 --> 00:05:17.026
but now when we subtract we
can go to the left below 0.
00:05:17.026 --> 00:05:19.720
Let's do another one.
00:05:19.720 --> 00:05:27.000
So what happens when you get
let's say 2 minus minus 3?
00:05:27.000 --> 00:05:30.960
Well, if you think about how
it should work out I think
00:05:30.960 --> 00:05:32.030
this will make sense.
00:05:32.030 --> 00:05:34.720
But it turns out that the
negative number, the negative
00:05:34.720 --> 00:05:36.150
signs actually cancel out.
00:05:36.150 --> 00:05:40.610
So this is the same thing
as 2 plus plus 3, and
00:05:40.610 --> 00:05:43.060
that just equals 5.
00:05:43.060 --> 00:05:46.530
Another way you could say is --
let's do another one -- what
00:05:46.530 --> 00:05:52.630
is negative 7 minus minus 2?
00:05:52.630 --> 00:05:58.030
Well that's the same thing
as negative 7 plus 2.
00:05:58.030 --> 00:06:00.400
And remember, so we're doing to
start at negative 7 and we're
00:06:00.400 --> 00:06:03.570
going to move two to the right.
00:06:03.570 --> 00:06:06.475
So if we move one to the right
we go to negative 6, and then
00:06:06.475 --> 00:06:08.340
we move two to the right
we get negative 5.
00:06:11.410 --> 00:06:13.950
That makes sense because
negative 7 plus 2, that's the
00:06:13.950 --> 00:06:16.550
same thing as 2 minus 7.
00:06:16.550 --> 00:06:21.720
If it's 2 degrees and it gets 7
degrees colder, it's minus 5.
00:06:21.720 --> 00:06:23.240
Let's do a bunch of these.
00:06:23.240 --> 00:06:25.360
I think the more you do the
more practice you have, and the
00:06:25.360 --> 00:06:29.000
modules explain it pretty well,
probably better than I do.
00:06:29.000 --> 00:06:30.990
So let's just do a
ton of problems.
00:06:30.990 --> 00:06:36.350
So if I said
negative 7 minus 3.
00:06:36.350 --> 00:06:37.760
Well, now we're going
to go three to the
00:06:37.760 --> 00:06:39.410
left of negative 7.
00:06:39.410 --> 00:06:41.740
We're going to get 3 less
than negative 7 so that's
00:06:41.740 --> 00:06:45.430
negative 10, right?
00:06:45.430 --> 00:06:49.280
That makes sense, because if we
had positive 7 plus 3 we're at
00:06:49.280 --> 00:06:51.880
7 to the right of 0 and we're
going to go three more to the
00:06:51.880 --> 00:06:54.045
right of 0 and we
get positive 10.
00:06:54.045 --> 00:06:57.580
So for 7 to the left of 0 and
go three more to the left we're
00:06:57.580 --> 00:06:58.690
going to get negative 10.
00:06:58.690 --> 00:06:59.470
Let's do a bunch more.
00:06:59.470 --> 00:07:02.110
I know I'm probably confusing
you, but practice is what's
00:07:02.110 --> 00:07:04.120
going to really help us.
00:07:04.120 --> 00:07:12.180
So say 3 minus minus 3, well,
these negatives cancel out
00:07:12.180 --> 00:07:14.580
so that just equals 6.
00:07:14.580 --> 00:07:16.990
What's 3 minus 3?
00:07:16.990 --> 00:07:20.410
Well, that's easy
that's just 0.
00:07:20.410 --> 00:07:23.990
What's minus 3 minus 3?
00:07:23.990 --> 00:07:26.420
Well now we're going to get
three less than minus 3,
00:07:26.420 --> 00:07:28.890
well that's minus is 6.
00:07:28.890 --> 00:07:34.040
What's minus 3 minus minus 3?
00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:35.510
00:07:35.510 --> 00:07:40.800
Well, the minuses cancel out
so you get minus 3 plus 3.
00:07:40.800 --> 00:07:43.530
Well, if we start three to the
left of 0 and we move three to
00:07:43.530 --> 00:07:46.070
the right we end up at 0 again.
00:07:46.070 --> 00:07:48.260
So that makes sense, right?
00:07:48.260 --> 00:07:49.370
Let me do that again.
00:07:49.370 --> 00:07:53.290
Minus 3 minus minus 3.
00:07:53.290 --> 00:07:56.400
Anything minus itself
should equal 0, right?
00:07:56.400 --> 00:07:57.960
That's why that equals 0.
00:07:57.960 --> 00:08:00.170
And that's why it makes sense
that those two negatives
00:08:00.170 --> 00:08:02.160
cancel out and that's
the same thing as this.
00:08:05.520 --> 00:08:07.430
Let's do a bunch more.
00:08:07.430 --> 00:08:12.150
Let's do 12 minus 13.
00:08:12.150 --> 00:08:13.620
That's pretty easy.
00:08:13.620 --> 00:08:17.950
Well, 12 minus 12 is 0, so
12 minus 13 is negative 1
00:08:17.950 --> 00:08:20.930
because we're going to
go one the left of 0.
00:08:20.930 --> 00:08:24.670
Let's do 8 minus 5.
00:08:24.670 --> 00:08:27.280
Well, this one is just a
normal problem, that's 3.
00:08:27.280 --> 00:08:29.650
What's 5 minus 8?
00:08:29.650 --> 00:08:33.080
Well, we're going to go all the
way to 0 and then 3 more to the
00:08:33.080 --> 00:08:35.430
left of zero, so it's minus 3.
00:08:35.430 --> 00:08:38.510
I could draw a
number line here.
00:08:38.510 --> 00:08:46.180
If this is 0 this is 5, and now
we're going to go to left 8,
00:08:46.180 --> 00:08:48.310
then we end up and negative 3.
00:08:48.310 --> 00:08:49.410
You could do that
for all of these.
00:08:49.410 --> 00:08:51.780
That actually might
be a good exercise.
00:08:51.780 --> 00:08:54.590
I think this will give you good
introduction and I recommend
00:08:54.590 --> 00:08:57.030
that you just do the modules
because the modules actually,
00:08:57.030 --> 00:08:59.450
especially if you do the hints,
it has a pretty nice graphic
00:08:59.450 --> 00:09:01.350
that's a lot nicer than
anything I could draw
00:09:01.350 --> 00:09:02.870
on this chalkboard.
00:09:02.870 --> 00:09:05.740
So try that out and I'm going
to try to record some more
00:09:05.740 --> 00:09:09.150
modules that hopefully won't
confuse you as badly.
00:09:09.150 --> 00:09:11.210
You could also attend the
seminar on adding and
00:09:11.210 --> 00:09:12.700
subtracting negative numbers.
00:09:12.700 --> 00:09:14.170
I hope you have fun.
00:09:14.170 --> 00:09:15.470
systems of equations | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nok99JOhcjo | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=nok99JOhcjo&ei=gmeUZbTMM9CemLAPlICHqAY&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.050 --> 00:00:04.040
Welcome to the presentation on
systems of linear equations.
00:00:04.040 --> 00:00:06.970
So let's get started and
see what it's all about.
00:00:06.970 --> 00:00:10.110
So let's say I had
two equations now.
00:00:10.110 --> 00:00:15.740
The first equation let
me write it as 9x minus
00:00:15.740 --> 00:00:21.760
4y equals minus 78.
00:00:21.760 --> 00:00:28.950
And the second equation
I will write as 4x plus
00:00:28.950 --> 00:00:33.390
y is equal to mine 18.
00:00:33.390 --> 00:00:35.411
Now what we're going to do now
is we're actually going to
00:00:35.411 --> 00:00:39.700
use both equations to
solve for x and y.
00:00:39.700 --> 00:00:41.900
We already know that if you
have one equation, it has one
00:00:41.900 --> 00:00:44.280
variable, it is very easy to
solve for that one variable.
00:00:44.280 --> 00:00:45.790
But now we have to equations.
00:00:45.790 --> 00:00:47.340
You can almost view them
as two constraints.
00:00:47.340 --> 00:00:50.340
And we're going to solve
for both variables.
00:00:50.340 --> 00:00:51.790
And you might be a
little confused.
00:00:51.790 --> 00:00:52.520
How does that work?
00:00:52.520 --> 00:00:54.910
Is it just magic that two
equations can solves
00:00:54.910 --> 00:00:55.900
for two variables?
00:00:55.900 --> 00:00:56.800
Well it's not.
00:00:56.800 --> 00:00:58.850
Because you can actually
rearranged each of these
00:00:58.850 --> 00:01:01.840
equations so that they
look kind of in normal y
00:01:01.840 --> 00:01:03.700
equals mx plus b format.
00:01:03.700 --> 00:01:06.200
And I'm not going to draw these
actual two equations because I
00:01:06.200 --> 00:01:08.860
don't know what they look like,
but if this was a coordinate
00:01:08.860 --> 00:01:11.620
axis-- and I don't know what
that first line actually does
00:01:11.620 --> 00:01:14.010
look like, we could do another
model where we figured it out
00:01:14.010 --> 00:01:16.500
--but lets just say for sake of
argument, that first line all
00:01:16.500 --> 00:01:20.540
the x's and y's that satisfy 9x
minus 4y equals negative
00:01:20.540 --> 00:01:22.690
78, let's say it looks
something like that.
00:01:22.690 --> 00:01:26.400
And let's say all of the x's
and y's that satisfy that
00:01:26.400 --> 00:01:31.340
second equation, 4x plus y
equals negative 18, let's say
00:01:31.340 --> 00:01:34.680
that looks something like this.
00:01:34.680 --> 00:01:35.620
00:01:35.620 --> 00:01:40.050
So, on the line is all of the
x's and y's that satisfy this
00:01:40.050 --> 00:01:42.555
equation, and on the green
line are all the x's and y's
00:01:42.555 --> 00:01:44.275
that satisfy this equation.
00:01:44.275 --> 00:01:48.170
But there's only one pair of
x and y's that satisfy both
00:01:48.170 --> 00:01:51.430
equations, and you can guess
where that is, that's
00:01:51.430 --> 00:01:52.560
right here right.
00:01:52.560 --> 00:01:57.660
Whatever that point is-- I'll
do it in pink for emphasis.
00:01:57.660 --> 00:02:00.800
Whatever this point is,
notice it's on both lines.
00:02:00.800 --> 00:02:05.260
So whatever x and y that is
would be the solution to
00:02:05.260 --> 00:02:06.670
this system of equations.
00:02:06.670 --> 00:02:09.860
So let's actually figure
out how to do that.
00:02:09.860 --> 00:02:12.080
So what we want to do is
eliminate a variable, because
00:02:12.080 --> 00:02:15.200
if you can eliminate a variable
then we can just solve for
00:02:15.200 --> 00:02:16.430
the one that's left over.
00:02:16.430 --> 00:02:19.930
And the way to do that-- let's
see, I want to eliminate, I
00:02:19.930 --> 00:02:22.210
feel like eliminating this y,
and I think you'll get
00:02:22.210 --> 00:02:24.630
an intuition for how we
can do that later on.
00:02:24.630 --> 00:02:26.620
And the way I'm going to do
that is I'm going to make
00:02:26.620 --> 00:02:29.250
it so that when I had this
to this, they cancel out.
00:02:29.250 --> 00:02:31.340
Well, they don't cancel out
right now, so I have to
00:02:31.340 --> 00:02:34.380
multiply this bottom equation
by 4, and I think it'll be
00:02:34.380 --> 00:02:35.520
obvious why I'm doing it.
00:02:35.520 --> 00:02:37.810
So let's multiply this
bottom equation by 4.
00:02:37.810 --> 00:02:50.820
And I get 16x plus 4y is equal
to 40 plus 32 minus 72.
00:02:50.820 --> 00:02:51.130
00:02:51.130 --> 00:02:53.950
All I did is I multiplied
both sides of the
00:02:53.950 --> 00:02:55.620
equation by 4, right?
00:02:55.620 --> 00:02:57.210
And you have to multiply
every term because
00:02:57.210 --> 00:02:59.500
it's the distributive
property on both sides.
00:02:59.500 --> 00:03:01.050
Whatever you do to one side
you have to do to the other.
00:03:01.050 --> 00:03:03.300
Let me rewrite top
equation again.
00:03:03.300 --> 00:03:05.230
And I'll write in the same
color so we can keep
00:03:05.230 --> 00:03:06.340
track of things.
00:03:06.340 --> 00:03:13.360
9x minus 4y is
equal to minus 78.
00:03:13.360 --> 00:03:18.580
OK, well now, if we were to add
these two equations, when you
00:03:18.580 --> 00:03:20.430
add equations, you just add
the left side and you
00:03:20.430 --> 00:03:22.270
add the right side.
00:03:22.270 --> 00:03:25.440
Well when you add, you
have 16x plus 9x.
00:03:25.440 --> 00:03:28.590
Well that equals 25x.
00:03:28.590 --> 00:03:28.950
00:03:28.950 --> 00:03:31.450
16 plus 9.
00:03:31.450 --> 00:03:34.910
4y minus 4, that just equals 0.
00:03:34.910 --> 00:03:43.680
So that's plus 0 equals, and
then we have minus 72 minus 78.
00:03:43.680 --> 00:03:51.490
So, let's see that's minus
150, minus 150, right?
00:03:51.490 --> 00:03:53.060
Just adding them all together.
00:03:53.060 --> 00:03:58.820
So we have 25x equals 150.
00:03:58.820 --> 00:04:03.420
Well, we could just divide both
sides by 25 or multiply both
00:04:03.420 --> 00:04:05.380
sides by 1/25, it's
the same thing.
00:04:05.380 --> 00:04:08.470
And you get x equals--
that's a negative 150
00:04:08.470 --> 00:04:11.500
--x equals minus 6.
00:04:11.500 --> 00:04:14.870
There we solved
the x-coordinate.
00:04:14.870 --> 00:04:16.950
Now to solve the y-coordinate
we can just use either one of
00:04:16.950 --> 00:04:18.500
these equations up at top.
00:04:18.500 --> 00:04:20.810
So let's use this one,
it seems a little bit,
00:04:20.810 --> 00:04:23.020
marginally simpler.
00:04:23.020 --> 00:04:26.090
So we just substitute the x
back in there and we get
00:04:26.090 --> 00:04:34.716
4 time minus 6 plus y
is equal to minus 18.
00:04:34.716 --> 00:04:35.730
Go up here.
00:04:35.730 --> 00:04:42.565
4 times minus 6 we get minus 24
plus y is equal to minus 18.
00:04:42.565 --> 00:04:47.406
And then get y is
equal to 24 minus 18.
00:04:47.406 --> 00:04:50.510
So y is equal to 6.
00:04:50.510 --> 00:04:54.100
So these two lines or these two
equations, you could even say,
00:04:54.100 --> 00:05:00.300
intersect at the point x is
m inus six and y is plus 6.
00:05:00.300 --> 00:05:02.520
So they actually intersect
someplace around here instead.
00:05:02.520 --> 00:05:05.640
I drew these, the line probably
look something more like that.
00:05:05.640 --> 00:05:06.950
But that's pretty cool, no?
00:05:06.950 --> 00:05:11.830
We actually solved for two
variables using two equations.
00:05:11.830 --> 00:05:12.640
Let's see how much time I have.
00:05:12.640 --> 00:05:14.470
I think we have enough time
to do another problem.
00:05:20.200 --> 00:05:23.020
So let's say I had the points--
and I'm going to write them in
00:05:23.020 --> 00:05:32.940
two different colors again
--minus 7x minus 4y equals 9,
00:05:32.940 --> 00:05:39.150
and then the second equation is
going to be x plus
00:05:39.150 --> 00:05:42.460
2y is equal to 3.
00:05:42.460 --> 00:05:45.140
Now if I were doing this as
fast as possible, I'd probably
00:05:45.140 --> 00:05:47.990
multiply this equation times 7
and it would automatically
00:05:47.990 --> 00:05:49.020
cancel out.
00:05:49.020 --> 00:05:49.850
But that's easy way.
00:05:49.850 --> 00:05:51.290
I'm going to show you that
sometimes you might have to
00:05:51.290 --> 00:05:54.780
multiply both equations--
actually, not in this case.
00:05:54.780 --> 00:05:56.800
Actually let's just do it
the fast way real fast.
00:05:56.800 --> 00:05:59.380
So let's multiply this
bottom equation by 7.
00:05:59.380 --> 00:06:00.830
And the whole reason why I want
to the, multiply it with 7,
00:06:00.830 --> 00:06:03.440
because I want this to
cancel out with this.
00:06:03.440 --> 00:06:10.150
If you multiply it by 7 you get
7x plus 14y is equal to 21.
00:06:10.150 --> 00:06:12.930
Let's write that first
equation down again.
00:06:12.930 --> 00:06:19.065
Minus 7x minus 4y
is equal to 9.
00:06:19.065 --> 00:06:20.330
Now we just add.
00:06:20.330 --> 00:06:24.260
This is a positive 7x, it just
always looks like a negative.
00:06:24.260 --> 00:06:25.900
OK, so that's 0.
00:06:25.900 --> 00:06:32.460
14 minus 4y plus 10y
is equal to 30.
00:06:32.460 --> 00:06:34.750
y is equal to 3.
00:06:34.750 --> 00:06:36.350
Now we just substitute back
into either equation,
00:06:36.350 --> 00:06:37.980
lets do that one.
00:06:37.980 --> 00:06:42.110
x plus 2 times y, 2 times 3.
00:06:42.110 --> 00:06:43.880
x plus 6 equals 3.
00:06:43.880 --> 00:06:45.900
We get x equals negative 3.
00:06:45.900 --> 00:06:48.470
That one was super easy.
00:06:48.470 --> 00:06:49.550
The intercept.
00:06:49.550 --> 00:06:51.210
Hope I didn't do it to fast.
00:06:51.210 --> 00:06:54.430
Well, you can pause it and
watch it again if you have.
00:06:54.430 --> 00:07:00.270
OK, so these two lines
intersect at the point
00:07:00.270 --> 00:07:03.182
negative 3 comma 3.
00:07:03.182 --> 00:07:04.250
Let's do one more.
00:07:07.456 --> 00:07:10.710
Hope this one's harder.
00:07:10.710 --> 00:07:11.510
I think it will.
00:07:11.510 --> 00:07:20.300
OK, negative 3x minus
9y is equal to 66.
00:07:20.300 --> 00:07:27.200
We have minus 7x plus 4y
is equal to minus 71.
00:07:27.200 --> 00:07:28.370
So here it's not obvious.
00:07:28.370 --> 00:07:31.540
What we have to do is, let's
say we want to cancel
00:07:31.540 --> 00:07:33.980
out the y's first.
00:07:33.980 --> 00:07:36.500
What we do is we try to make
both of them equal to the least
00:07:36.500 --> 00:07:38.660
common multiple of 9 and 4.
00:07:38.660 --> 00:07:43.340
So, if we multiply the top
equation by 4 we get--
00:07:43.340 --> 00:07:44.520
I'll do it right here.
00:07:44.520 --> 00:07:45.870
Let's multiply it by 4.
00:07:45.870 --> 00:07:47.960
Times 4.
00:07:47.960 --> 00:07:59.200
We'll get minus 12x minus
36y is equal to 4 times
00:07:59.200 --> 00:08:05.400
240 plus 24 is 264.
00:08:05.400 --> 00:08:06.930
Right, I hope that's right.
00:08:06.930 --> 00:08:09.220
We multiply the second
equation by 9.
00:08:09.220 --> 00:08:25.420
So it's minus 63x plus 36y is
equal to, let's see, 639.
00:08:25.420 --> 00:08:26.030
Big numbers.
00:08:26.030 --> 00:08:29.350
00:08:29.350 --> 00:08:31.540
OK, now we add the
two equations.
00:08:31.540 --> 00:08:43.570
Minus 12 minus 63 thats minus
75x-- these cancel out --equals
00:08:43.570 --> 00:08:50.130
264, let's see what's
639 minus 264.
00:08:50.130 --> 00:08:51.160
See I do this in real time.
00:08:51.160 --> 00:08:55.100
I don't use some kind of
solution manual or something.
00:08:55.100 --> 00:08:59.710
13 and 5, 70.
00:08:59.710 --> 00:09:02.260
I don't know if I'm
right, but we'll see.
00:09:02.260 --> 00:09:06.360
Since it's actually the
negative 639, this is minus
00:09:06.360 --> 00:09:12.440
375, and I know that seventy
five goes into 300 4
00:09:12.440 --> 00:09:16.450
times, so x is equal to 5.
00:09:16.450 --> 00:09:19.515
75 times 5 is 375.
00:09:19.515 --> 00:09:22.460
We just divided
both sides by 75.
00:09:22.460 --> 00:09:25.367
So if x is 5 we just substitute
it back into-- let's
00:09:25.367 --> 00:09:27.890
use this equation.
00:09:27.890 --> 00:09:36.380
So we get minus 3 times 5
minus 9y is equal to 66.
00:09:36.380 --> 00:09:41.920
We get minus 15
minus 9y equals 66.
00:09:41.920 --> 00:09:45.880
Minus 9y is equal to 81.
00:09:45.880 --> 00:09:49.840
And then we get y is
equal to minus 9.
00:09:49.840 --> 00:09:53.530
So the answer is
5 comma minus 9.
00:09:53.530 --> 00:09:55.530
I think you're ready to do some
systems of equations now.
00:09:55.530 --> 00:09:57.090
Have Fun.
Algebra: Slope 3 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XffLj2zvf4 | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=8XffLj2zvf4&ei=gmeUZbTIO7WEp-oPgrSL8Aw&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.940 --> 00:00:02.610
Well, I had to stop that
last presentation because
00:00:02.610 --> 00:00:03.630
I ran out of time.
00:00:03.630 --> 00:00:07.010
But now we can start up
right where we left off.
00:00:07.010 --> 00:00:09.490
So far, we had figured out the
slope and it made sense to
00:00:09.490 --> 00:00:12.350
us because we figured out
the slope was minus 4/3.
00:00:15.390 --> 00:00:16.250
You could look at it two ways.
00:00:16.250 --> 00:00:18.960
When the run is 3, the
rise is negative 4.
00:00:18.960 --> 00:00:22.730
So rise we went down by
negative 4, we ran 3, and
00:00:22.730 --> 00:00:25.310
you can keep doing that on
the line and you'll keep
00:00:25.310 --> 00:00:26.340
ending up on the line.
00:00:26.340 --> 00:00:30.330
You could've also gone down
8 and then moved over 6.
00:00:30.330 --> 00:00:32.250
Or you could move over
6 and go down 8.
00:00:32.250 --> 00:00:34.640
If you went down 8 you
would've showed up here.
00:00:34.640 --> 00:00:36.660
Then you would've
come down back here.
00:00:36.660 --> 00:00:40.880
Whatever the slope is, if you
change the y by the rise, and
00:00:40.880 --> 00:00:43.010
you change the run by the
x, you should end up
00:00:43.010 --> 00:00:44.360
on the line again.
00:00:44.360 --> 00:00:47.420
I know I'm doing this over
and over again, but I think
00:00:47.420 --> 00:00:48.730
it'll slowly sink in.
00:00:48.730 --> 00:00:52.030
But anyway, where we left off
we were going to solve for b so
00:00:52.030 --> 00:00:55.090
that we could figure out the
final equation for this line.
00:00:55.090 --> 00:00:57.780
Well, just like we did the
last time, we just have to
00:00:57.780 --> 00:01:01.240
substitute a y or an x that
we know works for this line.
00:01:01.240 --> 00:01:03.100
We know either of these
coordinates will work,
00:01:03.100 --> 00:01:04.600
and then we solve for b.
00:01:04.600 --> 00:01:07.500
Let's try this first one:
2 comma negative 3.
00:01:07.500 --> 00:01:10.585
So y is negative 3.
00:01:10.585 --> 00:01:13.070
Don't get confused
between x and y.
00:01:13.070 --> 00:01:19.980
y is negative 3 equals minus
4/3 times x, which is 2.
00:01:19.980 --> 00:01:21.570
Plus b.
00:01:21.570 --> 00:01:29.600
And then we get negative 3
equals negative 8/3 plus b.
00:01:29.600 --> 00:01:35.950
And then we get b is equal to--
well, 3 is equal to minus 9/3.
00:01:35.950 --> 00:01:38.130
And then I'm just going to
put this on the other side.
00:01:38.130 --> 00:01:41.040
So that's plus 8/3.
00:01:41.040 --> 00:01:45.270
So we get minus 1/3
is the y-intercept.
00:01:45.270 --> 00:01:51.740
So the equation of this line is
y is equal to minus 4/3 x and
00:01:51.740 --> 00:01:54.430
then this y-intercept
is minus 1/3.
00:01:57.420 --> 00:02:00.110
I know this is extremely messy,
but the equation of this line
00:02:00.110 --> 00:02:04.150
once again, is y equals
minus 4/3 x minus 1/3.
00:02:04.150 --> 00:02:07.920
Now let's look at the graph
and see if that makes sense.
00:02:07.920 --> 00:02:08.870
Well, let's see.
00:02:08.870 --> 00:02:10.810
The y-intercept is right here.
00:02:10.810 --> 00:02:13.070
That's where you intersect
the y-axis at the point.
00:02:13.070 --> 00:02:15.320
And we would know exactly
what that point is.
00:02:15.320 --> 00:02:19.700
It's 0 comma negative 1/3.
00:02:19.700 --> 00:02:21.585
That's the y-intercept,
and it makes sense.
00:02:21.585 --> 00:02:23.770
And even when you look at an
equation it's pretty obvious
00:02:23.770 --> 00:02:25.780
that this is going to be the
y-intercept because when x
00:02:25.780 --> 00:02:27.530
equals 0 this term
gets crossed out.
00:02:27.530 --> 00:02:30.090
Because 0 times negative 4/3.
00:02:30.090 --> 00:02:32.740
And then y would
equal negative 1/3.
00:02:32.740 --> 00:02:37.130
Let's do one more
just to bore you.
00:02:37.130 --> 00:02:40.790
And because my wife is a
resident and she works 30
00:02:40.790 --> 00:02:43.150
hours of time and I have
nothing better to do.
00:02:43.150 --> 00:02:44.280
All right.
00:02:44.280 --> 00:02:47.060
Let me put that
graph back there.
00:02:47.060 --> 00:02:49.000
I joke, but you don't
realize that it's true.
00:02:52.140 --> 00:02:53.810
Let's put the graph back
there and I'm going to do
00:02:53.810 --> 00:02:55.770
another random points.
00:02:55.770 --> 00:02:57.570
I'm going to go a little
faster this time.
00:02:57.570 --> 00:03:05.560
So let's say I had negative 8
comma 5 and I had-- let me
00:03:05.560 --> 00:03:11.840
think of a good one-- 2
comma-- I'm just going
00:03:11.840 --> 00:03:14.140
to make up a number.
00:03:14.140 --> 00:03:19.790
2 comma, let's say 0.
00:03:19.790 --> 00:03:20.800
That's interesting.
00:03:20.800 --> 00:03:21.560
2 comma 0.
00:03:21.560 --> 00:03:23.440
So let's graph
negative 8 comma 5.
00:03:23.440 --> 00:03:27.670
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
00:03:27.670 --> 00:03:31.070
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
00:03:31.070 --> 00:03:35.240
Right there is minus 8 comma 5.
00:03:35.240 --> 00:03:39.270
And then 1, 2, and
then 0 is right here.
00:03:39.270 --> 00:03:41.940
So that's 2 comma 0.
00:03:41.940 --> 00:03:43.415
And now let me draw the line.
00:03:47.180 --> 00:03:47.740
Oh my God.
00:03:47.740 --> 00:03:48.770
I thought I was using
the line tool.
00:03:48.770 --> 00:03:50.350
That's horrendous.
00:03:50.350 --> 00:03:51.210
I wish there was an undo tool.
00:03:53.940 --> 00:03:55.160
That was horrendous.
00:03:55.160 --> 00:03:57.300
That was unacceptable.
00:03:57.300 --> 00:03:59.452
That's a little bit better.
00:03:59.452 --> 00:04:01.460
Just so you know that the
line doesn't end there.
00:04:01.460 --> 00:04:05.190
Lines go on forever and ever
in the coordinate axis.
00:04:05.190 --> 00:04:06.480
There you go.
00:04:06.480 --> 00:04:07.390
00:04:07.390 --> 00:04:09.770
So let's figure out the
slope of this line.
00:04:09.770 --> 00:04:13.420
Well, change in y
over change in x.
00:04:13.420 --> 00:04:14.785
I'm using the line tool again.
00:04:14.785 --> 00:04:15.995
I'm a spaz today.
00:04:19.090 --> 00:04:20.940
Let's take this as
a starting point.
00:04:20.940 --> 00:04:23.140
We'll get 5 minus 0.
00:04:23.140 --> 00:04:25.430
y sub 1 minus y sub 2.
00:04:25.430 --> 00:04:29.770
Over x sub 1-- minus 8 minus 2.
00:04:29.770 --> 00:04:33.650
So it equals 5 over minus 10.
00:04:33.650 --> 00:04:35.730
And that equals minus 1/2.
00:04:35.730 --> 00:04:39.372
So that means for every 2
we go over, we go down 1.
00:04:39.372 --> 00:04:43.150
Well, for every 1 we go
down, we go over 2,
00:04:43.150 --> 00:04:43.800
which makes sense.
00:04:43.800 --> 00:04:47.410
If we go down 2,
we'll go over 4.
00:04:47.410 --> 00:04:49.743
Because 2/4 is the
same thing as 1/2.
00:04:49.743 --> 00:04:51.330
I hope that makes sense to you.
00:04:51.330 --> 00:04:53.630
I know this is a
downwards sloping line.
00:04:53.630 --> 00:04:54.600
So that was fast.
00:04:54.600 --> 00:04:57.230
So we know that the equation
of the line so far is y is
00:04:57.230 --> 00:05:02.170
equal to minus 1/2 x plus b.
00:05:02.170 --> 00:05:03.520
Now we just solve for b.
00:05:03.520 --> 00:05:06.100
Let's substitute some
numbers in here.
00:05:06.100 --> 00:05:06.840
Well, let's use this one.
00:05:06.840 --> 00:05:08.610
This is interesting: 2 comma 0.
00:05:08.610 --> 00:05:10.620
So y is 0.
00:05:10.620 --> 00:05:15.280
Equals minus 1/2
times 2 plus b.
00:05:15.280 --> 00:05:19.130
Well, 0 is equal to and
this is minus 1 plus b.
00:05:19.130 --> 00:05:21.180
And we get b equals 1.
00:05:21.180 --> 00:05:23.050
This is a pretty easy problem.
00:05:23.050 --> 00:05:29.320
So now we get y is equal
to minus 1/2 x plus 1.
00:05:32.150 --> 00:05:35.110
OK, now let's see if this
actually looks right
00:05:35.110 --> 00:05:35.890
on our problem.
00:05:35.890 --> 00:05:37.210
Well, this is telling us
that the y-intercept
00:05:37.210 --> 00:05:39.310
is at the point 0, 1.
00:05:39.310 --> 00:05:41.030
0, 1 is right here.
00:05:41.030 --> 00:05:44.960
And our algebra
confirms our drawing.
00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:47.320
This is the y-intercept
and we see that the
00:05:47.320 --> 00:05:48.990
slope is negative 1/2.
00:05:48.990 --> 00:05:51.590
It makes sense because it's
a downward sloping line,
00:05:51.590 --> 00:05:52.726
but it's not too steep.
00:05:55.350 --> 00:05:58.340
For every 1 that we go
down, we go over 2.
00:05:58.340 --> 00:06:00.200
So that's negative 1/2.
00:06:00.200 --> 00:06:05.580
Or you could say for every 2
we run, we rise negative 1.
00:06:05.580 --> 00:06:07.810
Either one, we end
up on a line again.
00:06:07.810 --> 00:06:09.280
So I hope that helps.
00:06:09.280 --> 00:06:13.130
I think you are definitely
ready to do a lot of these
00:06:13.130 --> 00:06:15.450
slope problems that we
have on the Khan Academy.
00:06:15.450 --> 00:06:17.690
So I hope you have fun and if
you any questions you can
00:06:17.690 --> 00:06:20.410
attend one of the seminars.
00:06:20.410 --> 00:06:22.330
Have fun.
Algebra: Slope 2 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk9IDameJXk | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=Kk9IDameJXk&ei=g2eUZb_iCcG_mLAPory-uAk&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.650 --> 00:00:02.030
00:00:02.030 --> 00:00:04.490
We're now going to do some more
slope, and then maybe some
00:00:04.490 --> 00:00:06.550
y-intercept problems as well.
00:00:06.550 --> 00:00:08.660
Let's get started.
00:00:08.660 --> 00:00:11.090
So let me make up a problem.
00:00:11.090 --> 00:00:17.330
Let's say we have
the points 2, 5.
00:00:17.330 --> 00:00:24.790
The other point, let's make
that negative 3, negative 3.
00:00:24.790 --> 00:00:27.410
Well, first let's just
graph those two points.
00:00:27.410 --> 00:00:29.760
I'm going to graph
them in yellow.
00:00:29.760 --> 00:00:31.280
So 2, 5.
00:00:31.280 --> 00:00:33.920
Let's see that's one two.
00:00:33.920 --> 00:00:36.720
One, two, three, four, five.
00:00:36.720 --> 00:00:40.320
So 2, 5 is going to
be right over there.
00:00:47.300 --> 00:00:48.310
00:00:48.310 --> 00:00:52.080
And then let me graph
negative 3, negative 3.
00:00:52.080 --> 00:00:54.520
So it's one, two, three.
00:00:54.520 --> 00:00:56.260
One, two, three.
00:00:56.260 --> 00:00:59.820
So negative 3, negative
3 is right over there.
00:00:59.820 --> 00:01:03.750
And then now let me draw a
line that will connect them.
00:01:10.920 --> 00:01:11.760
That's my new technique.
00:01:11.760 --> 00:01:14.720
I draw it in two pieces.
00:01:14.720 --> 00:01:15.800
I think that's good enough.
00:01:15.800 --> 00:01:16.170
00:01:16.170 --> 00:01:18.963
So let's see if we can at least
first figure out the slope of
00:01:18.963 --> 00:01:20.640
the line, and then if we have
time we'll try to figure
00:01:20.640 --> 00:01:21.470
out the y-intercept.
00:01:21.470 --> 00:01:23.990
And then we'll know the whole
equation for the line.
00:01:23.990 --> 00:01:28.570
Let me pick a slightly thinner
color, and we'll get started.
00:01:28.570 --> 00:01:32.060
So the slope, if you saw
the last module that just
00:01:32.060 --> 00:01:34.040
introduces how we calculate
the slope, that's
00:01:34.040 --> 00:01:35.430
just rise over run.
00:01:35.430 --> 00:01:41.730
Or, change in y
over change in x.
00:01:41.730 --> 00:01:44.840
This is y.
00:01:44.840 --> 00:01:46.630
So let's just do
that real fast.
00:01:46.630 --> 00:01:48.490
So let's take this as
our starting point.
00:01:48.490 --> 00:01:51.430
So change in y could be
5-- remember, y is the
00:01:51.430 --> 00:01:57.930
second coordinate--
5 minus negative 3.
00:01:57.930 --> 00:01:59.860
And that's this one.
00:01:59.860 --> 00:02:05.210
Over-- now you do the change
in x-- 2 minus, this
00:02:05.210 --> 00:02:07.690
is also negative 3.
00:02:07.690 --> 00:02:11.360
Well 5 minus negative 3,
that's 5 plus plus 3.
00:02:11.360 --> 00:02:13.190
So that equals 8.
00:02:13.190 --> 00:02:15.300
And then 2 minus negative 3.
00:02:15.300 --> 00:02:19.310
Once again that's 2 plus
plus 3, so that equals 5.
00:02:19.310 --> 00:02:21.530
So we figured out the
slope of this equation.
00:02:21.530 --> 00:02:23.060
It's 8/5.
00:02:23.060 --> 00:02:24.640
And let's see if
that makes sense.
00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:27.280
Let's figure out what the
rise and the run is.
00:02:27.280 --> 00:02:31.160
If we were to start at this
point right here, let's see how
00:02:31.160 --> 00:02:34.750
much we have to rise to get to
the same y-coordinate
00:02:34.750 --> 00:02:35.940
as the other point.
00:02:35.940 --> 00:02:37.400
So let's see.
00:02:37.400 --> 00:02:41.480
We're here, and the
other point is up here.
00:02:41.480 --> 00:02:47.840
So let's figure out
what this distance is.
00:02:47.840 --> 00:02:51.830
Actually, now is a good
time to use the fat.
00:02:51.830 --> 00:02:54.110
Oh man, I have a shaky hand.
00:02:54.110 --> 00:02:54.530
00:02:54.530 --> 00:02:55.780
Let's figure out what
that distance is.
00:02:55.780 --> 00:02:59.620
That distance is delta y,
which is change in y.
00:02:59.620 --> 00:03:05.420
So it's one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
00:03:05.420 --> 00:03:07.170
That equals 8.
00:03:07.170 --> 00:03:08.710
And that makes sense, because
if you think about it
00:03:08.710 --> 00:03:09.800
what did we just do?
00:03:09.800 --> 00:03:15.130
We just took y equals 5,
which was up here, minus
00:03:15.130 --> 00:03:17.220
y equals negative 3.
00:03:17.220 --> 00:03:19.440
And so obviously we just
calculated that distance
00:03:19.440 --> 00:03:23.240
just by looking at the two
coordinates 5 minus negative 3.
00:03:23.240 --> 00:03:25.930
When you do this calculation
it actually gives you
00:03:25.930 --> 00:03:27.590
this distance right here.
00:03:27.590 --> 00:03:29.990
So that's how we figure out
how much we have to rise.
00:03:29.990 --> 00:03:32.550
So now let's do the run.
00:03:32.550 --> 00:03:35.170
Well the run, to go from
this point to the other
00:03:35.170 --> 00:03:37.290
point, we went this far.
00:03:40.950 --> 00:03:43.300
And let's count
how far that is.
00:03:43.300 --> 00:03:47.880
Well, it's one, two,
three, four, five units.
00:03:47.880 --> 00:03:52.126
So we can say delta
x is equal to 5.
00:03:52.126 --> 00:03:55.120
And that's exactly what we did.
delta y over delta x was equal
00:03:55.120 --> 00:03:58.820
to 8/5, or rise over
run is equal to 8/5.
00:03:58.820 --> 00:04:01.540
And it would have been the same
thing if we calculated run here
00:04:01.540 --> 00:04:03.300
or if we calculated rise here.
00:04:03.300 --> 00:04:05.430
But it's the same thing.
00:04:05.430 --> 00:04:07.650
Hope that's making
sense to you.
00:04:07.650 --> 00:04:11.020
And I hope that also makes
sense that if the rise for a
00:04:11.020 --> 00:04:13.765
given run becomes more, then
the slope of the line is going
00:04:13.765 --> 00:04:16.650
to become steeper and it'll
become a bigger number.
00:04:16.650 --> 00:04:18.380
So let's see what we
have so far for the
00:04:18.380 --> 00:04:19.490
equation of this line.
00:04:19.490 --> 00:04:23.680
So so far we know the equation
of this line is equal to, y is
00:04:23.680 --> 00:04:31.710
equal to the slope
8/5 x plus b.
00:04:31.710 --> 00:04:32.740
So we're almost done.
00:04:32.740 --> 00:04:39.390
We just have to figure
out this b right here.
00:04:39.390 --> 00:04:41.200
Now that b, just so
you remember, that's
00:04:41.200 --> 00:04:42.400
the y-intercept.
00:04:42.400 --> 00:04:45.130
And that's where we
intersect the y-axis.
00:04:45.130 --> 00:04:48.200
And since this graph is pretty
neat, we can actually inspect
00:04:48.200 --> 00:04:50.530
it and see that, well, it looks
like we're intersecting
00:04:50.530 --> 00:04:51.450
the y-axis at 2.
00:04:51.450 --> 00:04:54.460
So my guess is we're going
to come up with b equals 2.
00:04:54.460 --> 00:04:56.170
But let's solve it, just in
case we didn't have this
00:04:56.170 --> 00:04:58.020
neatly drawn graph here.
00:04:58.020 --> 00:05:00.200
So how can we solve for b?
00:05:00.200 --> 00:05:02.860
Well, we can substitute
values that we know
00:05:02.860 --> 00:05:04.310
that work for x and y.
00:05:04.310 --> 00:05:07.280
Well either of these points
are on that line, so we can
00:05:07.280 --> 00:05:09.340
substitute them in for x and y.
00:05:09.340 --> 00:05:12.310
So let's use the first one.
00:05:12.310 --> 00:05:12.730
00:05:12.730 --> 00:05:21.915
So the y we get 5, will
equal 8/5 times x.
00:05:21.915 --> 00:05:24.050
Well, x there is 2.
00:05:24.050 --> 00:05:27.670
Times 2 plus b.
00:05:27.670 --> 00:05:37.080
Well, now we just get 5
is equal to 16/5 plus b.
00:05:37.080 --> 00:05:44.590
And then we get b equals--
well 5 is 25/5, right?
00:05:44.590 --> 00:05:53.080
5 is 25/5 minus
16/5 equals 9/5.
00:05:53.080 --> 00:05:53.320
All right.
00:05:53.320 --> 00:05:55.140
See, so I was actually wrong.
00:05:55.140 --> 00:05:58.150
When I looked at this graph
I said, oh that looks like
00:05:58.150 --> 00:06:00.930
almost 2, so yeah it's
probably going to be 2.
00:06:00.930 --> 00:06:03.780
But when we actually did it
using algebra, when we did it
00:06:03.780 --> 00:06:07.010
analytically, we actually
saw that b is equal to 9/5.
00:06:07.010 --> 00:06:08.340
So it's almost 2.
00:06:08.340 --> 00:06:11.480
9/5 is 1 and 4/5, or 1.8.
00:06:11.480 --> 00:06:13.430
So that's almost 2,
but it actually turns
00:06:13.430 --> 00:06:14.240
out that it's not.
00:06:14.240 --> 00:06:15.610
It's at 1.8.
00:06:15.610 --> 00:06:16.870
And I can write it
down as a decimal.
00:06:16.870 --> 00:06:18.290
00:06:18.290 --> 00:06:20.330
So the final equation for the
line, I'm going to try to
00:06:20.330 --> 00:06:26.210
squeeze it in at the bottom of
this page, it's going to be y
00:06:26.210 --> 00:06:29.290
is equal to-- well,
we know the slope.
00:06:29.290 --> 00:06:33.560
8/5 x.
00:06:33.560 --> 00:06:36.010
Now we just add
the y-intercept.
00:06:36.010 --> 00:06:38.860
Plus 9/5.
00:06:38.860 --> 00:06:39.260
00:06:39.260 --> 00:06:40.740
We solved it.
00:06:40.740 --> 00:06:41.390
Let's do another one.
00:06:41.390 --> 00:06:43.200
And so-- that's 9/5.
00:06:43.200 --> 00:06:43.840
I don't want to be
too repetitive.
00:06:43.840 --> 00:06:46.400
Let's do another problem.
00:06:46.400 --> 00:06:48.920
Time to do another problem,
and let me put that
00:06:48.920 --> 00:06:50.270
graph back there again.
00:06:53.080 --> 00:06:53.950
There you go.
00:06:53.950 --> 00:06:54.420
All right.
00:06:54.420 --> 00:06:57.180
I'm going to think of two
random numbers again.
00:06:57.180 --> 00:06:59.410
Let me try to do this fast,
because YouTube puts a
00:06:59.410 --> 00:07:01.610
10 minute limit on me.
00:07:01.610 --> 00:07:07.890
So let's say I had the
points 2, negative 3.
00:07:07.890 --> 00:07:13.890
And I had the point
negative 4, 5.
00:07:13.890 --> 00:07:15.240
So 2, negative 3.
00:07:15.240 --> 00:07:19.270
Let's plot that
sucker real fast.
00:07:19.270 --> 00:07:21.810
So x is 2, so it's here.
00:07:21.810 --> 00:07:22.690
And the negative 3.
00:07:22.690 --> 00:07:24.120
One, two, three.
00:07:24.120 --> 00:07:26.510
So 2, negative 3 is there.
00:07:26.510 --> 00:07:28.080
And negative 4, 5.
00:07:28.080 --> 00:07:31.150
So that's one,
two, three, four.
00:07:31.150 --> 00:07:33.180
One, two, three, four, five.
00:07:33.180 --> 00:07:35.180
I have to count like
this because this
00:07:35.180 --> 00:07:36.560
graph is unlabeled.
00:07:36.560 --> 00:07:38.720
But if we actually were to draw
in the coordinates you would
00:07:38.720 --> 00:07:43.750
that see this is 5, and this
is negative 4, and so on.
00:07:43.750 --> 00:07:46.460
And this is 2, and
this is negative 3.
00:07:46.460 --> 00:07:50.770
And now let's just draw a line.
00:07:50.770 --> 00:07:52.875
Let's draw it right there
with my shaky hand.
00:07:57.150 --> 00:07:57.470
00:07:57.470 --> 00:07:59.030
There you go.
00:07:59.030 --> 00:07:59.850
Good line.
00:07:59.850 --> 00:08:03.470
And another good line.
00:08:03.470 --> 00:08:03.960
All right.
00:08:03.960 --> 00:08:05.910
So first we need to
figure out the slope.
00:08:05.910 --> 00:08:09.240
Well we could just do
that doing the algebra.
00:08:09.240 --> 00:08:13.760
So its slope is just delta--
I'm still using the line tool
00:08:13.760 --> 00:08:18.270
again-- delta y over delta x.
00:08:18.270 --> 00:08:20.730
Change in y over change in x.
00:08:20.730 --> 00:08:22.620
Let's take this y as
the first point now.
00:08:22.620 --> 00:08:28.460
So we'll say 5 minus
this y, negative 3.
00:08:30.960 --> 00:08:33.930
Over-- now since we used the
5 first we have to use the
00:08:33.930 --> 00:08:35.390
negative 4 first as well.
00:08:35.390 --> 00:08:39.360
Negative 4 minus 2.
00:08:39.360 --> 00:08:42.990
Well 5 minus negative
3, that equals 8.
00:08:42.990 --> 00:08:47.305
And negative 4 minus 2, well
that equals negative 6.
00:08:47.305 --> 00:08:52.080
And negative 8/6, well
that equals-- they're
00:08:52.080 --> 00:08:53.210
both divisible by 2.
00:08:53.210 --> 00:08:55.070
So that equals minus 4/3.
00:08:57.690 --> 00:08:59.740
And let's see, does that
make sense as the slope?
00:08:59.740 --> 00:09:03.310
Well, if we were to go down
four from this point.
00:09:03.310 --> 00:09:06.660
So if the rise was negative
4-- one, two, three, four.
00:09:06.660 --> 00:09:09.630
So if we go down--
woops, I'm using white.
00:09:09.630 --> 00:09:13.060
So that's why you can't see it.
00:09:13.060 --> 00:09:18.940
We go down by four here, and
then we go to the right
00:09:18.940 --> 00:09:20.350
three, positive 3.
00:09:20.350 --> 00:09:21.580
We still end up on the line.
00:09:21.580 --> 00:09:23.190
So it works.
00:09:23.190 --> 00:09:23.950
Looks good to me.
00:09:23.950 --> 00:09:27.600
Let's see if I can solve the
y-intercept in 30 seconds.
00:09:27.600 --> 00:09:29.170
Otherwise, I'll start
it on the next module.
00:09:29.170 --> 00:09:35.970
So we get y is equal to
minus 4/3 x, plus b.
00:09:35.970 --> 00:09:38.160
And actually what we'll do is
we'll leave off here, and I'm
00:09:38.160 --> 00:09:40.540
going to solve for b-- and you
could try to do it on your
00:09:40.540 --> 00:09:43.990
own-- in the next installment
of this presentation.
Algebra: Slope | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXP1Gv9IMBo | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=hXP1Gv9IMBo&ei=gmeUZYXJOaiMp-oPrfur0AI&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.050 --> 00:00:04.020
Welcome to the presentation
on figuring out the slope.
00:00:04.020 --> 00:00:05.320
Let's get started.
00:00:05.320 --> 00:00:07.780
So, let's say I
have two points.
00:00:07.780 --> 00:00:10.270
And, as we learned in previous
presentations, that all
00:00:10.270 --> 00:00:12.080
you need to define a
line is two points.
00:00:12.080 --> 00:00:15.200
And I think if you think about
that, that makes sense.
00:00:15.200 --> 00:00:16.200
Let's say we have two points.
00:00:16.200 --> 00:00:19.450
And let me write down the two
points we're going to have.
00:00:19.450 --> 00:00:25.020
Let's say one point is,
why isn't it writing.
00:00:25.020 --> 00:00:26.846
Sometimes this thing
acts a little finicky.
00:00:26.846 --> 00:00:30.080
Oh, that's because I was
trying to write in black.
00:00:30.080 --> 00:00:38.160
Let's say that one point
is, negative 1, 3.
00:00:38.160 --> 00:00:38.660
So, let's see.
00:00:38.660 --> 00:00:40.500
Where do we graph that?
00:00:40.500 --> 00:00:42.470
So, this is 0, 0.
00:00:42.470 --> 00:00:47.490
We go negative 1, this
is negative 1 here.
00:00:47.490 --> 00:00:48.970
And then we're
going to go 3 up.
00:00:48.970 --> 00:00:50.530
1, 2, 3.
00:00:50.530 --> 00:00:52.560
Because this is 3 right here.
00:00:52.560 --> 00:00:56.580
So, negative 1, 3 is going
to be right over there.
00:00:56.580 --> 00:00:58.310
OK, so that's the first point.
00:00:58.310 --> 00:01:01.210
The second point, I'm going to
do it in a different color.
00:01:01.210 --> 00:01:06.890
The second point is 2, 1.
00:01:06.890 --> 00:01:08.290
Let's see where we
would put that.
00:01:08.290 --> 00:01:11.080
We would count 1, 2.
00:01:11.080 --> 00:01:13.610
This is 2, 1.
00:01:13.610 --> 00:01:14.670
Because this is 1.
00:01:14.670 --> 00:01:17.530
So the point's
going to be here.
00:01:17.530 --> 00:01:19.710
So we've graphed
our two points.
00:01:19.710 --> 00:01:23.600
And now the line that connects
them, it's going to look
00:01:23.600 --> 00:01:25.450
something thing like this.
00:01:25.450 --> 00:01:27.060
And I hope I can draw it well.
00:01:36.300 --> 00:01:39.078
Through that point.
00:01:39.078 --> 00:01:40.430
Like that.
00:01:40.430 --> 00:01:41.070
Then I'm going to do it.
00:01:41.070 --> 00:01:43.170
And then I'm just going to try
to continue the line from here.
00:01:43.170 --> 00:01:47.400
That might be the
best technique.
00:01:47.400 --> 00:01:48.293
Something like that.
00:01:57.680 --> 00:01:58.570
So, let's look at that line.
00:01:58.570 --> 00:02:02.270
So what we want to do in this
presentation is, figure out
00:02:02.270 --> 00:02:04.000
the slope of that line.
00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:06.225
So let's write out a
couple of things that
00:02:06.225 --> 00:02:07.120
I think will help you.
00:02:07.120 --> 00:02:09.410
So, there's a couple
ways to view slope.
00:02:09.410 --> 00:02:11.930
I think, intuitively, you
know that the slope is the
00:02:11.930 --> 00:02:13.170
inclination of this line.
00:02:13.170 --> 00:02:14.470
And we can already
see that this is a
00:02:14.470 --> 00:02:15.880
downward sloping line.
00:02:15.880 --> 00:02:18.820
Because it comes from the top
left to the bottom right.
00:02:18.820 --> 00:02:20.590
So it's going to be a
negative number, the slope.
00:02:20.590 --> 00:02:22.200
So you know that immediately.
00:02:22.200 --> 00:02:24.770
And we'll have -- what we're
going to do is figure out how
00:02:24.770 --> 00:02:26.750
to figure out the slope.
00:02:26.750 --> 00:02:32.280
So the slope, let me write this
down, slope and -- oftentimes
00:02:32.280 --> 00:02:35.700
they'll use the variable m, for
slope, I have no idea why.
00:02:35.700 --> 00:02:39.060
Because m, clearly, does
not stand for slope.
00:02:39.060 --> 00:02:41.370
That is equal to -- there's
a couple of things
00:02:41.370 --> 00:02:42.300
you might hear.
00:02:42.300 --> 00:02:45.270
Change in y over change in x.
00:02:45.270 --> 00:02:48.920
That triangle, which is
pronounced, delta just a Greek
00:02:48.920 --> 00:02:50.560
letter, that means change.
00:02:50.560 --> 00:02:52.560
The change in y
over change in x.
00:02:52.560 --> 00:02:57.970
And that also is equal
to rise over run.
00:02:57.970 --> 00:02:59.800
And I'm going to explain what
all of this means in a second.
00:02:59.800 --> 00:03:01.650
So let's start at one
of these points.
00:03:01.650 --> 00:03:05.130
Let's start at this green
point, negative 1, 3.
00:03:05.130 --> 00:03:09.760
So how much do we have to rise
and how much do we have to run
00:03:09.760 --> 00:03:12.710
to get to the second
point, 2, 1?
00:03:12.710 --> 00:03:14.130
So let's do the rise first.
00:03:14.130 --> 00:03:21.640
Well, we have to go minus
2, so that's the rise.
00:03:21.640 --> 00:03:25.400
So the rise is
equal to minus 2.
00:03:25.400 --> 00:03:28.120
Because we have to go down
2 to get to the same y
00:03:28.120 --> 00:03:29.290
as this yellow point.
00:03:29.290 --> 00:03:33.450
And then we have to
run right there.
00:03:33.450 --> 00:03:36.830
We have to run plus 3.
00:03:36.830 --> 00:03:42.140
So rise divided by run is
equal to minus 2 over 3.
00:03:42.140 --> 00:03:44.340
Well, how would we do that if
we didn't have this nice graph
00:03:44.340 --> 00:03:46.790
here to actually draw on?
00:03:46.790 --> 00:03:51.400
Well, what we can do is, we
can say let's take this
00:03:51.400 --> 00:03:53.690
as a starting point.
00:03:53.690 --> 00:04:00.360
Change in y, change in y, over
change in x, is equal to
00:04:00.360 --> 00:04:04.110
we take the first y
point, which is 3.
00:04:04.110 --> 00:04:06.010
And we subtract the
second y point, which
00:04:06.010 --> 00:04:07.700
is 1, you see that?
00:04:07.700 --> 00:04:10.590
We just took 3 minus 1.
00:04:10.590 --> 00:04:16.620
So that's the change in y over,
and we take the first x point.
00:04:16.620 --> 00:04:22.250
Negative 1, minus the
second x point, minus
00:04:22.250 --> 00:04:25.345
2, so 3 minus 1 is 2.
00:04:25.345 --> 00:04:30.590
And negative 1 minus 2
is equal to minus 3.
00:04:30.590 --> 00:04:30.990
So, same thing.
00:04:30.990 --> 00:04:33.880
We got minus 2 over 3.
00:04:33.880 --> 00:04:35.070
Now we could have done
it the other way.
00:04:35.070 --> 00:04:36.850
And I'm running out
of space here.
00:04:36.850 --> 00:04:41.380
But we could've made
this the first point.
00:04:41.380 --> 00:04:43.770
If we made that the first
point, then the change in y
00:04:43.770 --> 00:04:47.100
would have been -- I want to
make it really cluttered,
00:04:47.100 --> 00:04:48.460
so to confuse you.
00:04:48.460 --> 00:04:50.300
Change in y would be this y.
00:04:50.300 --> 00:04:57.380
1 minus 3 over change in x,
would be 2, minus minus 1.
00:04:57.380 --> 00:05:00.960
Well, 1 minus 3 is minus 2.
00:05:00.960 --> 00:05:03.330
And 2 minus negative 1 is 3.
00:05:03.330 --> 00:05:06.620
So, once again, we got minus
2/3, So it doesn't matter which
00:05:06.620 --> 00:05:10.030
point we start with, as long
as, if we use the y in this
00:05:10.030 --> 00:05:12.310
coordinate first, then we have
to use the x in that
00:05:12.310 --> 00:05:13.480
coordinate first.
00:05:13.480 --> 00:05:14.900
Let's do some more problems.
00:05:14.900 --> 00:05:17.280
Actually, I'm going to do a
couple just so you see the
00:05:17.280 --> 00:05:19.565
algebra without even
graphing it first.
00:05:22.450 --> 00:05:24.560
So, let's say I wanted to
figure out the slope between
00:05:24.560 --> 00:05:33.100
the points 5, 2, and 3, 5.
00:05:33.100 --> 00:05:35.760
Well, let's take this
as our starting point.
00:05:35.760 --> 00:05:40.930
So, change in y over change in
x, or rise over run, well,
00:05:40.930 --> 00:05:43.430
change in y would be this 5.
00:05:43.430 --> 00:05:46.950
5 minus this 2.
00:05:46.950 --> 00:05:52.471
Over this 3 minus this 5.
00:05:52.471 --> 00:05:59.110
And that gets us 3, this
is a 5, over minus 2.
00:05:59.110 --> 00:06:01.890
Equals minus 3/2.
00:06:01.890 --> 00:06:04.370
Let's do another one.
00:06:04.370 --> 00:06:06.070
This time I'm going to try to
make it color-coded so it'll
00:06:06.070 --> 00:06:08.070
more self-explanatory.
00:06:08.070 --> 00:06:09.410
Say, it's 1, 2.
00:06:09.410 --> 00:06:10.990
That's the first point.
00:06:10.990 --> 00:06:17.390
And then the second
point is 4, 3.
00:06:17.390 --> 00:06:25.120
So, once again, we say slope
is equal to change in
00:06:25.120 --> 00:06:28.790
y over change in x.
00:06:28.790 --> 00:06:29.980
Well, in y.
00:06:29.980 --> 00:06:31.180
We take the first y.
00:06:31.180 --> 00:06:32.270
Let's start here.
00:06:32.270 --> 00:06:33.850
And we'll call that y1.
00:06:33.850 --> 00:06:42.250
So that's 3 minus the
second y, which is that 2.
00:06:42.250 --> 00:06:47.240
And then all of that over,
once again, the first x.
00:06:47.240 --> 00:06:54.045
Which is 4, minus the
second x, which is that 1.
00:06:54.045 --> 00:07:00.230
And this equals 3
minus 2, is 1.
00:07:00.230 --> 00:07:02.620
And 4 minus 1 is 3.
00:07:02.620 --> 00:07:05.540
So the slope in this
example is 1/3.
00:07:05.540 --> 00:07:06.860
And we could have actually
switched it around.
00:07:06.860 --> 00:07:08.440
We could have also
done it other way.
00:07:08.440 --> 00:07:22.380
We could have said, 2
minus 3 over 1 minus 4.
00:07:22.380 --> 00:07:24.820
In which case we would
have gotten negative
00:07:24.820 --> 00:07:26.800
1 over negative 3.
00:07:26.800 --> 00:07:28.170
Well, that just
equals 1/3 again.
00:07:28.170 --> 00:07:29.750
Because the negatives
cancel out.
00:07:29.750 --> 00:07:32.660
So I'll let you think about
why this and this come
00:07:32.660 --> 00:07:34.110
out to the same thing.
00:07:34.110 --> 00:07:36.810
But the important thing to
realize is, if we use the 3
00:07:36.810 --> 00:07:40.290
first, if we use the 3 first
for the y, we also have to
00:07:40.290 --> 00:07:42.320
use the 4 first for the x.
00:07:42.320 --> 00:07:43.550
That's a common mistake.
00:07:43.550 --> 00:07:45.810
And also, you always have to be
very careful with the negative
00:07:45.810 --> 00:07:48.240
signs when you do these
type of problems.
00:07:48.240 --> 00:07:51.240
But I think that will give you
at least enough of a sense that
00:07:51.240 --> 00:07:53.740
you could start the
slope problems.
00:07:53.740 --> 00:07:55.450
The next module, I'll actually
show you how to figure
00:07:55.450 --> 00:07:56.380
out the y intercept.
00:07:56.380 --> 00:07:59.250
Because, as we said, before
the equation of any line is,
00:07:59.250 --> 00:08:02.880
y is equal to m x plus b.
00:08:02.880 --> 00:08:04.680
And I'm going to go
into some more detail.
00:08:04.680 --> 00:08:06.280
Where m is the slope.
00:08:06.280 --> 00:08:08.310
So if you know the
slope of a line.
00:08:08.310 --> 00:08:11.403
And you know the y intercept of
a line, you know everything you
00:08:11.403 --> 00:08:13.350
need to know about the line,
and you can actually write down
00:08:13.350 --> 00:08:15.180
the equation of a line, and
figure out other points
00:08:15.180 --> 00:08:15.990
that are on it.
00:08:15.990 --> 00:08:18.400
So I'm going to do that
in future modules.
00:08:18.400 --> 00:08:20.660
I hope I haven't
confused you too much.
00:08:20.660 --> 00:08:22.620
And try some of those
the slope modules.
00:08:22.620 --> 00:08:23.410
You should be able to do them.
00:08:23.410 --> 00:08:25.710
And I hope you have fun.
Algebra: Slope and Y-intercept intuition | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhn-anmubYU | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=Nhn-anmubYU&ei=g2eUZcuoCZ_QxN8Prsua8A8&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:02.120 --> 00:00:02.770
Good morning.
00:00:02.770 --> 00:00:04.660
Actually I don't know
what time it is for you,
00:00:04.660 --> 00:00:05.680
it's morning for me.
00:00:05.680 --> 00:00:09.490
Welcome to the presentation
on slope and y-intercept.
00:00:09.490 --> 00:00:12.740
This presentation isn't going
to teach you how to solve for
00:00:12.740 --> 00:00:15.760
slope and y-intercept, but
hopefully it will give you
00:00:15.760 --> 00:00:18.660
a good intuition of what
slope and y-intercept is.
00:00:18.660 --> 00:00:21.380
And we're going to do something
a little bit different
00:00:21.380 --> 00:00:22.800
this time as opposed to
what we normally do.
00:00:22.800 --> 00:00:23.880
We're not going to use the
chalkboard, we're actually
00:00:23.880 --> 00:00:27.490
going to go on to the Khan
academy website and use the
00:00:27.490 --> 00:00:30.210
graph of a line exercise to get
a little bit of an intuition
00:00:30.210 --> 00:00:32.810
for what slope and
y-intercept is.
00:00:32.810 --> 00:00:35.420
So when the application starts
off, it starts with the
00:00:35.420 --> 00:00:38.360
equation y equals 1x plus 1.
00:00:38.360 --> 00:00:40.820
So that's the same thing
as y equals x plus 1.
00:00:40.820 --> 00:00:42.790
But we see that the
slope here is 1.
00:00:42.790 --> 00:00:44.580
If you looked at the
introduction to graphing that
00:00:44.580 --> 00:00:46.430
I talked about, the slope is
the same thing is the
00:00:46.430 --> 00:00:49.310
coefficient on the x term.
00:00:49.310 --> 00:00:52.910
And if you see here,
whenever we move over
00:00:52.910 --> 00:00:55.600
by 1, we move up by 1.
00:00:55.600 --> 00:00:57.710
And I'm going to do another
module on that slope is
00:00:57.710 --> 00:01:00.070
actually rise over run.
00:01:00.070 --> 00:01:03.510
So it's for every amount
you rise, how much do you
00:01:03.510 --> 00:01:04.990
have to run to get that?
00:01:04.990 --> 00:01:07.940
And rise just means how much
do you change in y, run means
00:01:07.940 --> 00:01:09.310
how much do you change in x.
00:01:09.310 --> 00:01:14.070
So here rise over run is just
1, and y-intercept is where
00:01:14.070 --> 00:01:16.550
you intercept the y-axis.
00:01:16.550 --> 00:01:20.160
Now, as I change the slope and
the y-intercept for this graph,
00:01:20.160 --> 00:01:21.770
I think it's going to make a
little bit more sense to you.
00:01:21.770 --> 00:01:25.440
Watch what happens when the
slope goes from 1 to 3/2.
00:01:25.440 --> 00:01:27.970
So 3/2 is the same
thing is 1 and 1/2.
00:01:27.970 --> 00:01:29.830
So notice it got steeper.
00:01:29.830 --> 00:01:32.460
And if I increase the slope
more it gets steeper even
00:01:32.460 --> 00:01:35.530
more, and y equals 2x.
00:01:35.530 --> 00:01:37.960
If I increase any more
5/2 is 2 and 1/2.
00:01:37.960 --> 00:01:40.200
So the more I increase
the slope, I think you
00:01:40.200 --> 00:01:40.940
see what's happening.
00:01:40.940 --> 00:01:42.380
This thing jumps around.
00:01:42.380 --> 00:01:44.030
I should fix that.
00:01:44.030 --> 00:01:45.100
Let me move it back.
00:01:45.100 --> 00:01:50.400
And actually, the goal is to
make the line go through
00:01:50.400 --> 00:01:51.490
those two blue points.
00:01:51.490 --> 00:01:54.900
That's the goal of I guess
you'd call it the game.
00:01:54.900 --> 00:01:57.070
I don't like how this thing
jumps around though.
00:01:57.070 --> 00:01:58.835
That was interesting,
let me go back there.
00:02:01.420 --> 00:02:04.460
y equals 0x plus 1.
00:02:04.460 --> 00:02:07.800
We could have rewritten this as
just y equals 1, because 0x
00:02:07.800 --> 00:02:08.700
is the same things as 0.
00:02:08.700 --> 00:02:10.730
And notice it's a
completely flat line.
00:02:10.730 --> 00:02:13.190
No matter what x is y is 1.
00:02:13.190 --> 00:02:14.580
And that makes sense because
this equation would
00:02:14.580 --> 00:02:17.750
just be y equals 1.
00:02:17.750 --> 00:02:20.190
Now I've been showing you
what happens to the slope.
00:02:20.190 --> 00:02:22.395
Now notice we have
a negative slope.
00:02:22.395 --> 00:02:24.560
The slope is now
downwards sloping.
00:02:24.560 --> 00:02:27.610
It's downward sloping
at a slope of 1/2.
00:02:27.610 --> 00:02:31.020
Because let's say the rise in
this situation is negative
00:02:31.020 --> 00:02:32.810
1, and the run is 2.
00:02:32.810 --> 00:02:36.500
So that's why we get
negative 1 over 2.
00:02:36.500 --> 00:02:38.880
And we had just been doing
slope so far and I think you
00:02:38.880 --> 00:02:42.170
get the idea that as we
decrease slope, it's going to
00:02:42.170 --> 00:02:45.640
push the line further and
further-- it's going to
00:02:45.640 --> 00:02:46.720
slope downward even more.
00:02:46.720 --> 00:02:50.490
I hate to use a word in its own
definition, but I think you
00:02:50.490 --> 00:02:52.030
see that now in the picture.
00:02:52.030 --> 00:02:53.520
Now let's put up the
y-intercept a little bit.
00:02:53.520 --> 00:02:54.460
And this is even
more interesting.
00:02:54.460 --> 00:02:59.980
So y-intercept-- oh boy, how
did that happen, that was
00:02:59.980 --> 00:03:03.760
strange --y-intercept--
00:03:03.760 --> 00:03:08.820
Notice, negative 1x plus 2, so
the slope is negative 1 but it
00:03:08.820 --> 00:03:10.420
intersects the y-axis at 2.
00:03:10.420 --> 00:03:13.615
Now if we increase y-intercept
by 1 more it's just going
00:03:13.615 --> 00:03:15.570
to push this line up 1.
00:03:15.570 --> 00:03:17.670
Let's do that.
00:03:17.670 --> 00:03:17.940
00:03:17.940 --> 00:03:21.110
Oh, this is actually increasing
it by increments of 1/2.
00:03:21.110 --> 00:03:23.690
Let's do another one, I just
want to see what happens
00:03:23.690 --> 00:03:24.530
on another graph.
00:03:24.530 --> 00:03:27.670
It actually depends on
the actual problem.
00:03:27.670 --> 00:03:29.350
OK, this is interesting.
00:03:29.350 --> 00:03:30.140
OK, this is the same thing.
00:03:30.140 --> 00:03:31.600
We start at the same point.
00:03:31.600 --> 00:03:37.030
Let's actually try to figure
out the equation of a line that
00:03:37.030 --> 00:03:39.120
goes through these two points.
00:03:39.120 --> 00:03:40.150
Well, let's see.
00:03:40.150 --> 00:03:41.890
It looks like the y-intercept
if is going to have to
00:03:41.890 --> 00:03:43.970
be a little bit lower.
00:03:43.970 --> 00:03:45.980
I do not get why
it would do that.
00:03:49.770 --> 00:03:54.240
It just brings the line down
as we lower the y-intercept.
00:03:54.240 --> 00:03:56.520
And let's see I think the slope
needs to be higher, because
00:03:56.520 --> 00:03:58.100
those two points, the line that
goes through them is
00:03:58.100 --> 00:04:00.270
definitely steeper.
00:04:00.270 --> 00:04:01.980
I apologize for this
thing acting up like.
00:04:01.980 --> 00:04:04.530
That looks like about
the right slope.
00:04:04.530 --> 00:04:08.320
The slope is like that, and
these two points are connected.
00:04:08.320 --> 00:04:10.240
Yeah, I think that looks like
the right slope, but the
00:04:10.240 --> 00:04:11.470
y-intercept has to be lower.
00:04:16.130 --> 00:04:17.875
Almost there, I think.
00:04:20.570 --> 00:04:21.690
There you go!
00:04:21.690 --> 00:04:24.970
So the equation of
this line is 7/4x.
00:04:24.970 --> 00:04:28.410
So 7/4, that's the same
thing as like 1.75.
00:04:28.410 --> 00:04:33.360
So the slope of this line
slopes faster than 1/1 and
00:04:33.360 --> 00:04:34.540
you can kind of see that.
00:04:34.540 --> 00:04:36.300
I'll show you how to figure out
all this, I just want to give
00:04:36.300 --> 00:04:38.980
you an intuitive sense of what
sloping and y-intercept is.
00:04:38.980 --> 00:04:42.520
And it intersects the
y-axis at negative 13/4.
00:04:42.520 --> 00:04:45.210
That's a little more than 3,
which you can-- negative
00:04:45.210 --> 00:04:47.860
3 --which you can
see right there.
00:04:47.860 --> 00:04:50.890
Let's see if we can
do another one.
00:04:50.890 --> 00:04:53.120
And if you want, we can assign
this module to you and you can
00:04:53.120 --> 00:04:55.380
play with it just like
I'm doing right here.
00:04:55.380 --> 00:04:58.290
So let's see, the line that
we want to get will go
00:04:58.290 --> 00:04:59.320
something like that.
00:04:59.320 --> 00:05:02.540
Looks like the current line's
slope is a little too high.
00:05:02.540 --> 00:05:04.130
Let me lower the
slope a little bit.
00:05:04.130 --> 00:05:05.420
That looks about right.
00:05:05.420 --> 00:05:09.140
7/8, so that means for every
8 you move to the right
00:05:09.140 --> 00:05:10.580
you're going to move 7 up.
00:05:10.580 --> 00:05:12.790
And I'm going to draw that
better in another module.
00:05:12.790 --> 00:05:16.470
This module I'm kind of doing
on the fly, so I apologize.
00:05:16.470 --> 00:05:18.920
I do every model on the
fly so I guess I really
00:05:18.920 --> 00:05:20.390
should apologize.
00:05:20.390 --> 00:05:24.350
But you're not paying for this,
so I shouldn't apologize.
00:05:24.350 --> 00:05:27.240
Oh, I distracted very easily.
00:05:27.240 --> 00:05:29.180
Let's see, let's
move this line up.
00:05:29.180 --> 00:05:30.660
And you do that just
by the y-intercept.
00:05:30.660 --> 00:05:32.860
You can see shifting the
y-intercept up just shifts
00:05:32.860 --> 00:05:33.890
the line straight up.
00:05:33.890 --> 00:05:36.200
It doesn't change the
inclination of the line.
00:05:36.200 --> 00:05:38.100
The slope changes the
inclination of the line.
00:05:41.140 --> 00:05:42.190
There we go.
00:05:42.190 --> 00:05:46.390
The equation of this
line is 7/8x plus 13/4.
00:05:46.390 --> 00:05:49.060
Let's see if what I said about
slope is right if we move.
00:05:49.060 --> 00:05:51.640
If we run 8, we should rise 7.
00:05:51.640 --> 00:05:52.040
So let's see.
00:05:52.040 --> 00:05:53.080
Run 8.
00:05:53.080 --> 00:06:02.090
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
00:06:02.090 --> 00:06:03.790
So that gets us right there.
00:06:03.790 --> 00:06:06.670
And then we should rise 7.
00:06:06.670 --> 00:06:14.930
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
00:06:14.930 --> 00:06:16.740
Well that actually gets
us those exact points.
00:06:16.740 --> 00:06:18.250
And we're back on
the line again.
00:06:18.250 --> 00:06:21.170
I'm going to draw another thing
like that for you so if you get
00:06:21.170 --> 00:06:23.240
confused don't lose heart.
00:06:23.240 --> 00:06:26.370
Let's do one more.
00:06:26.370 --> 00:06:27.800
00:06:27.800 --> 00:06:29.090
Where's the other dot?
00:06:29.090 --> 00:06:31.560
I don't know.
00:06:31.560 --> 00:06:33.610
Let me see.
00:06:33.610 --> 00:06:34.870
The other dot doesn't exist.
00:06:34.870 --> 00:06:37.170
I gotta fix all these
bugs in this thing.
00:06:37.170 --> 00:06:37.540
Oh there.
00:06:37.540 --> 00:06:37.830
00:06:37.830 --> 00:06:38.440
It showed up.
00:06:38.440 --> 00:06:39.020
It showed up.
00:06:39.020 --> 00:06:39.850
00:06:39.850 --> 00:06:41.090
OK, so look.
00:06:41.090 --> 00:06:43.530
We have to make the line go
through these two points.
00:06:43.530 --> 00:06:45.910
It looks like the slope
is negative, definitely.
00:06:45.910 --> 00:06:49.120
Not that negative, it's like
a fractional negative slope.
00:06:49.120 --> 00:06:51.720
And it'll intercept the y-axis
somewhere around here.
00:06:51.720 --> 00:06:54.400
The y-intercept is going to
be like 7 and something.
00:06:54.400 --> 00:06:55.360
7 and change.
00:06:55.360 --> 00:06:56.910
So first of all let's
get this slope down.
00:06:56.910 --> 00:06:57.110
Oh boy.
00:06:57.110 --> 00:07:00.410
This thing is going to
jump around again.
00:07:00.410 --> 00:07:02.410
Notice y equals 0, x plus 1.
00:07:02.410 --> 00:07:05.020
If we increase the slope.
00:07:05.020 --> 00:07:07.300
This thing is doing all sorts--
I haven't seen this application
00:07:07.300 --> 00:07:11.130
in a while, so I must've
written it when I had inferior
00:07:11.130 --> 00:07:15.180
programming skills, let me keep
--OK, that slope
00:07:15.180 --> 00:07:16.160
might be right.
00:07:16.160 --> 00:07:17.960
Let's bring the line up higher.
00:07:21.550 --> 00:07:26.200
No, it still seems like my
slope-- see the y-intercept,
00:07:26.200 --> 00:07:27.215
I'm raising the line.
00:07:30.160 --> 00:07:31.830
Oh good, I got it
exactly right.
00:07:31.830 --> 00:07:32.620
And I was right.
00:07:32.620 --> 00:07:36.310
The slope is negative, because
you can see it slopes downward.
00:07:36.310 --> 00:07:38.710
But it's not sloping
downward that fast.
00:07:38.710 --> 00:07:41.130
And that make sense, that
the slope is negative 1/3.
00:07:41.130 --> 00:07:49.850
And that makes sense because if
we run 3, 1, 2, 3, we rise
00:07:49.850 --> 00:07:53.060
negative 1, we rise negative 1.
00:07:53.060 --> 00:07:53.540
Right there.
00:07:53.540 --> 00:07:55.940
So that's why the slope
is negative 1/3.
00:07:55.940 --> 00:07:58.530
And then the
y-intercept is 22/3.
00:07:58.530 --> 00:08:00.170
Well that's 7 and 1/3.
00:08:00.170 --> 00:08:03.650
And right there, we intercept
the y-axis 1/3 of the
00:08:03.650 --> 00:08:06.850
way between 7 and 8.
00:08:06.850 --> 00:08:10.020
Well I think that should at
least give you a little bit of
00:08:10.020 --> 00:08:14.600
an intuition on what slope and
y-intercept are and you can
00:08:14.600 --> 00:08:16.840
have this module assigned for
you, so you could play
00:08:16.840 --> 00:08:17.540
with it yourself.
00:08:17.540 --> 00:08:19.940
And I'm going to do some more
models where you actually
00:08:19.940 --> 00:08:22.650
calculate slope and y-intercept
and hopefully give you even
00:08:22.650 --> 00:08:24.820
though further intuition
on what they are.
00:08:24.820 --> 00:08:28.850
So I hope you have fun playing
around with this stuff.
00:08:28.850 --> 00:08:31.000
I remember I was very excited
when I first learned
00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:32.890
this stuff, because
it's very visual.
00:08:32.890 --> 00:08:34.870
So, have fun.
Algebra: graphing lines 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UrcUfBizyw | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=2UrcUfBizyw&ei=g2eUZbH_B__UxN8P_tWNoAg&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.220 --> 00:00:04.090
Welcome to the presentation
on graphing lines.
00:00:04.090 --> 00:00:06.200
Let's get started.
00:00:06.200 --> 00:00:10.530
So let's say I had the
equation-- let me make sure
00:00:10.530 --> 00:00:14.170
that this line doesn't
show up too thick.
00:00:14.170 --> 00:00:18.370
Let's say I had the equation--
why isn't that showing up?
00:00:18.370 --> 00:00:18.760
Let's see.
00:00:18.760 --> 00:00:19.990
Oh, there you go.
00:00:19.990 --> 00:00:26.692
y is equal to 2x plus 1.
00:00:26.692 --> 00:00:29.670
So this is giving a
relationship between x and y.
00:00:29.670 --> 00:00:35.930
So say x equals 1, then y would
be 2 times 1 plus 1 or 3.
00:00:35.930 --> 00:00:39.140
So for every x that we can
think of we can think
00:00:39.140 --> 00:00:41.350
of a corresponding y.
00:00:41.350 --> 00:00:42.710
So let's do that.
00:00:42.710 --> 00:00:46.520
If we said that-- put
a little table here.
00:00:49.850 --> 00:00:50.400
x and y.
00:00:50.400 --> 00:00:53.630
And let's just throw out
some random numbers for x.
00:00:53.630 --> 00:00:58.940
If x was let's say, negative
1, then y would be 2 times
00:00:58.940 --> 00:01:00.940
negative 1, which
is negative 2.
00:01:00.940 --> 00:01:04.810
Plus 1, which would
be negative 1.
00:01:04.810 --> 00:01:07.480
If x was 0 that's easy.
00:01:07.480 --> 00:01:09.310
It'd be 2 times 0, which is 0.
00:01:09.310 --> 00:01:11.672
Plus 1, which is 1.
00:01:11.672 --> 00:01:17.830
If x was 1, y would be
2 times 1, which is 2.
00:01:17.830 --> 00:01:21.700
Plus 1, which is 3.
00:01:21.700 --> 00:01:26.520
If x was 2, then I think
you get the idea here.
00:01:26.520 --> 00:01:27.730
y would be 5.
00:01:27.730 --> 00:01:29.530
And we could keep on going.
00:01:29.530 --> 00:01:31.540
Obviously, there are an
infinite number of x's we
00:01:31.540 --> 00:01:33.820
could choose and we could
pick a corresponding y.
00:01:33.820 --> 00:01:35.410
So now you see we have a
little table that gives the
00:01:35.410 --> 00:01:37.470
relationships between x and y.
00:01:37.470 --> 00:01:40.540
What we can do now is actually
graph those points on
00:01:40.540 --> 00:01:42.500
a coordinate axis.
00:01:42.500 --> 00:01:46.870
So let me see if I can draw
this somewhat neatly.
00:01:46.870 --> 00:01:50.425
I'll use this line so
I get straight lines.
00:01:55.670 --> 00:01:56.970
That's pretty good.
00:01:56.970 --> 00:02:00.905
Again, let me draw some
coordinate points.
00:02:00.905 --> 00:02:08.210
So let's say that's 1,
that's 2, that's 3.
00:02:08.210 --> 00:02:13.170
This is negative 1,
negative 2, negative 3.
00:02:13.170 --> 00:02:14.180
So this is the x-axis.
00:02:16.950 --> 00:02:22.340
We have 1, 2, 3.
00:02:22.340 --> 00:02:24.020
Notice we could keep going.
00:02:24.020 --> 00:02:28.730
1, 2, 3, and this
is the y-axis.
00:02:32.255 --> 00:02:35.990
And this would be 1,
2, 3, and so on.
00:02:35.990 --> 00:02:37.220
This would be negative 1.
00:02:37.220 --> 00:02:38.360
I think you get the idea.
00:02:38.360 --> 00:02:40.550
So we can graph each
of these points.
00:02:40.550 --> 00:02:45.440
So if we have the point x is
negative 1, y is negative 1.
00:02:45.440 --> 00:02:48.710
So x, we go along the x-axis
here, and we go to x is
00:02:48.710 --> 00:02:49.745
equal to negative 1.
00:02:49.745 --> 00:02:52.990
Then we go to y is equal to
negative 1, so the point
00:02:52.990 --> 00:02:53.775
would be right here.
00:02:53.775 --> 00:02:56.520
Hope that makes sense to you.
00:02:56.520 --> 00:02:57.670
That's the point.
00:02:57.670 --> 00:03:00.650
I'll label it: negative
1 comma negative 1.
00:03:00.650 --> 00:03:01.140
It's a little messy.
00:03:01.140 --> 00:03:02.920
That says negative 1
comma negative 1.
00:03:02.920 --> 00:03:05.330
That point I just
x'ed right there.
00:03:05.330 --> 00:03:06.820
Let's do another one.
00:03:06.820 --> 00:03:07.880
That's this point.
00:03:07.880 --> 00:03:10.280
I'll do it in a different
color this time.
00:03:10.280 --> 00:03:14.960
Let's say we had the
point 0 comma 1.
00:03:14.960 --> 00:03:17.410
Well, x is 0, which is here.
00:03:17.410 --> 00:03:21.110
And y is 1, so that
point is right there.
00:03:21.110 --> 00:03:21.885
Let's do one more.
00:03:21.885 --> 00:03:25.350
If we have the point 1 comma 3.
00:03:25.350 --> 00:03:33.140
Well, 1 comma 3, x is
1 and we have y is 3.
00:03:33.140 --> 00:03:34.730
So we have the
point right there.
00:03:34.730 --> 00:03:36.750
Hope that's making
sense for you.
00:03:36.750 --> 00:03:39.180
And we could keep graphing
them, but I think you see here,
00:03:39.180 --> 00:03:41.550
and especially if I had drawn
this a little bit neater, that
00:03:41.550 --> 00:03:43.090
these points are
forming a line.
00:03:43.090 --> 00:03:46.980
Let me draw that line in.
00:03:46.980 --> 00:03:49.370
The line looks
something like this.
00:03:53.810 --> 00:03:54.860
That's not a good line.
00:03:54.860 --> 00:03:56.280
Let me do it better than that.
00:03:56.280 --> 00:03:58.350
The line looks
something like this.
00:04:03.340 --> 00:04:03.860
You see that?
00:04:03.860 --> 00:04:06.720
Well, that's actually a pretty
bad line that I just drew.
00:04:06.720 --> 00:04:11.670
So it would be a line that goes
through-- let me change tools.
00:04:11.670 --> 00:04:13.960
It'd be a line that goes
through here, through
00:04:13.960 --> 00:04:16.960
here, and through here.
00:04:16.960 --> 00:04:19.010
I don't know if I'm making
this clear at all.
00:04:19.010 --> 00:04:22.630
Let me make these
points a little bit.
00:04:22.630 --> 00:04:24.420
You see the line will go
through all of these points,
00:04:24.420 --> 00:04:27.200
but it will also go through the
point 2 comma 5, which will
00:04:27.200 --> 00:04:30.800
be up here some place.
00:04:30.800 --> 00:04:34.600
For any x that you can think
of, if you had x is equal to
00:04:34.600 --> 00:04:38.510
10,380,000,000 the
corresponding y will
00:04:38.510 --> 00:04:39.770
also be on this line.
00:04:39.770 --> 00:04:44.180
So this pink line, and it
keeps going on forever, that
00:04:44.180 --> 00:04:49.850
represents every possible
combination of x's and y's that
00:04:49.850 --> 00:04:51.580
will satisfy this equation.
00:04:51.580 --> 00:04:53.770
And of course, x doesn't
have to just be whole
00:04:53.770 --> 00:04:54.880
numbers or integers.
00:04:54.880 --> 00:04:59.670
x could be pi-- 3.14159.
00:04:59.670 --> 00:05:02.090
In which case it would be
someplace here and in which
00:05:02.090 --> 00:05:05.240
case y would be 2 pi plus 1.
00:05:05.240 --> 00:05:09.130
So every number that x could
be there's a corresponding y.
00:05:09.130 --> 00:05:09.990
Let's do another 1.
00:05:14.060 --> 00:05:21.535
So if I had the equation y is
equal to-- that's an ugly y. y
00:05:21.535 --> 00:05:29.020
is equal to negative 3x plus 5.
00:05:29.020 --> 00:05:32.180
Well, I'm going to draw it
quick and dirty this time.
00:05:32.180 --> 00:05:34.180
So that's the x-axis.
00:05:34.180 --> 00:05:36.020
That's the y-axis.
00:05:36.020 --> 00:05:39.334
Let's put some values here.
00:05:39.334 --> 00:05:41.630
x and y.
00:05:41.630 --> 00:05:44.860
Let's say if x is negative
1, then negative 1 times
00:05:44.860 --> 00:05:49.245
negative 3 is 3 plus y is 8.
00:05:49.245 --> 00:05:52.750
If x is 0, then y is 5.
00:05:52.750 --> 00:05:54.020
That's pretty easy.
00:05:54.020 --> 00:05:58.690
If x is 1, negative 3
times 1 is negative 3.
00:05:58.690 --> 00:06:00.620
Then y is 2.
00:06:00.620 --> 00:06:04.990
If x is 2, negative 3
times 2 is negative 6.
00:06:04.990 --> 00:06:06.730
Then y is 1.
00:06:06.730 --> 00:06:08.070
Is that right?
00:06:08.070 --> 00:06:09.610
Negative 6-- no, no.
00:06:09.610 --> 00:06:10.315
Negative 1.
00:06:10.315 --> 00:06:12.810
I knew something
was wrong there.
00:06:12.810 --> 00:06:14.610
So let's graph some
of these points.
00:06:14.610 --> 00:06:18.000
So when x is negative 1 and I'm
just kind of approximating.
00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:21.710
When x is negative
1, y is negative 8.
00:06:21.710 --> 00:06:23.610
So that point would be
someplace around here.
00:06:23.610 --> 00:06:25.680
And there's a whole module I'm
graphing coordinates if you're
00:06:25.680 --> 00:06:28.540
finding the graphing a
coordinate pair to be
00:06:28.540 --> 00:06:31.240
a little confusing.
00:06:31.240 --> 00:06:31.700
Oh, wait.
00:06:31.700 --> 00:06:32.790
I just made a mistake.
00:06:32.790 --> 00:06:34.830
When x is negative 1, y is 9.
00:06:34.830 --> 00:06:37.070
Not negative 8, so
ignore this right here.
00:06:37.070 --> 00:06:42.270
When x is negative
1, y is positive 8.
00:06:42.270 --> 00:06:44.610
So y being up here someplace.
00:06:44.610 --> 00:06:47.540
When x is 0, y is 5.
00:06:47.540 --> 00:06:50.440
So it'd be here someplace.
00:06:50.440 --> 00:06:53.720
When x is 1, y is 2.
00:06:53.720 --> 00:06:54.650
So it's like here.
00:06:57.160 --> 00:07:02.310
When x is 2, y is negative 1.
00:07:02.310 --> 00:07:04.550
So as you can see-- and
I've approximated it.
00:07:04.550 --> 00:07:08.740
If I had graphing paper or if I
had a better drawn chart you
00:07:08.740 --> 00:07:11.210
could have seen it and it would
have been exactly right.
00:07:11.210 --> 00:07:14.950
I think this line
will do the job.
00:07:14.950 --> 00:07:19.430
That every point that satisfies
this equation actually
00:07:19.430 --> 00:07:21.470
falls on this line.
00:07:21.470 --> 00:07:23.700
And something interesting
here I'll point out.
00:07:23.700 --> 00:07:26.790
You notice that this line
it slopes downwards.
00:07:26.790 --> 00:07:29.510
It goes from the top left
to the bottom right.
00:07:29.510 --> 00:07:31.800
While the line we had drawn
before had gone from the
00:07:31.800 --> 00:07:35.160
bottom left to the top right.
00:07:35.160 --> 00:07:37.740
Is there anything about this
equation that seems a little
00:07:37.740 --> 00:07:40.320
bit different than the last?
00:07:40.320 --> 00:07:43.240
I'll give you a little
bit of a hint.
00:07:43.240 --> 00:07:47.230
This number-- the negative 3,
or you could say that the
00:07:47.230 --> 00:07:52.280
coefficient on x-- that
determines whether the line
00:07:52.280 --> 00:07:55.040
slopes upward, or the line
slows downward, and it tells
00:07:55.040 --> 00:07:56.725
you also how steep the line is.
00:07:56.725 --> 00:07:58.900
And that actually,
negative 3 is the slope.
00:07:58.900 --> 00:08:02.350
And I'm going to do a whole
nother module on slope.
00:08:02.350 --> 00:08:05.400
And this number here is
called the y-intercept.
00:08:05.400 --> 00:08:06.960
And that actually tells
you where you're going
00:08:06.960 --> 00:08:08.970
to intersect the y-axis.
00:08:08.970 --> 00:08:10.460
And it turns out here,
that you intersect the
00:08:10.460 --> 00:08:13.250
axis at 0 comma 5.
00:08:15.920 --> 00:08:18.470
Let's do one more real fast.
00:08:21.770 --> 00:08:26.130
y is equal to 2--
we already did 2x.
00:08:26.130 --> 00:08:35.374
y is equal to 1/2 x
plus 2 So real fast.
00:08:35.374 --> 00:08:37.180
x and y.
00:08:37.180 --> 00:08:39.270
And you only need two
points for a line, really.
00:08:39.270 --> 00:08:41.120
So you could just say
let's say, x equals 0.
00:08:41.120 --> 00:08:43.410
That's easy. y equals 2.
00:08:43.410 --> 00:08:46.580
And if x equals 2
then y equals 3.
00:08:46.580 --> 00:08:51.660
So before when we were doing 3
and 4 points that was just to
00:08:51.660 --> 00:08:53.650
kind of show you, but you
really just need two
00:08:53.650 --> 00:08:54.230
points for a line.
00:08:54.230 --> 00:08:57.930
So 0 comma 1 2.
00:08:57.930 --> 00:08:58.730
So that's on there.
00:08:58.730 --> 00:09:03.320
And then 1, 2 comma 3.
00:09:03.320 --> 00:09:05.950
So it's there.
00:09:05.950 --> 00:09:08.110
So the line is going to
look something like this.
00:09:12.190 --> 00:09:14.440
So notice here, once again,
we're upward sloping and that's
00:09:14.440 --> 00:09:16.870
because this 1/2 is positive.
00:09:16.870 --> 00:09:20.120
But we're not sloping-- we're
not moving up as quickly as
00:09:20.120 --> 00:09:22.870
when we had y equals
2x. y equals 2x looked
00:09:22.870 --> 00:09:24.452
something like this.
00:09:24.452 --> 00:09:26.390
It was sloping up much,
much, much faster.
00:09:26.390 --> 00:09:27.620
I hope I'm not confusing you.
00:09:27.620 --> 00:09:30.710
And then the y intercept of
course is at 0 comma 2,
00:09:30.710 --> 00:09:32.160
which is right here.
00:09:32.160 --> 00:09:35.300
So if you ever want to graph
a line it's really easy.
00:09:35.300 --> 00:09:37.760
You have to just try out some
points and you can graph it.
00:09:37.760 --> 00:09:39.440
And now in the next module I'm
going to show you a little bit
00:09:39.440 --> 00:09:41.360
more about slope and
y-intercept and you won't
00:09:41.360 --> 00:09:42.480
even have to do this.
00:09:42.480 --> 00:09:45.490
But this gives you good
intuitive feel, I think,
00:09:45.490 --> 00:09:47.320
what a graph of a line is.
00:09:47.320 --> 00:09:49.250
I hope you have fun.
Age word problems 2 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqPj8CAPvI | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=pPqPj8CAPvI&ei=g2eUZYn5AYOsvdIP3a6fsAc&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.430 --> 00:00:06.220
Welcome to the second
set of presentations
00:00:06.220 --> 00:00:08.640
on age word problems.
00:00:08.640 --> 00:00:10.200
I have one typed out here.
00:00:10.200 --> 00:00:11.240
Let's see what it says.
00:00:11.240 --> 00:00:15.530
It says, Salman- that's
me- is 108 years old.
00:00:15.530 --> 00:00:19.500
And so this is clearly at some
vast time in the future.
00:00:19.500 --> 00:00:23.380
And this'll only happen if my
caloric restriction works out.
00:00:23.380 --> 00:00:26.370
But Salman is 108 years old.
00:00:26.370 --> 00:00:29.220
Jonathan is 24 years old.
00:00:29.220 --> 00:00:33.210
How many years will it take
for Salman to be exactly 4
00:00:33.210 --> 00:00:35.930
times as old as Jonathan?
00:00:35.930 --> 00:00:38.720
Well, let's figure
this one out.
00:00:38.720 --> 00:00:41.240
What we're trying to solve for
is how many years will it take.
00:00:41.240 --> 00:00:43.740
So let's use the
variable y, for years.
00:00:43.740 --> 00:00:53.880
So y equals years until, let's
just say Sal, for short.
00:00:53.880 --> 00:00:57.275
Sal is 4 times Jonathan's age.
00:01:02.910 --> 00:01:09.275
Well, if today, I, or Sal, if
Salman, it's hard to speak
00:01:09.275 --> 00:01:10.430
in the third person.
00:01:10.430 --> 00:01:16.840
If Salman is 100 years old
today, in y years, Salman
00:01:16.840 --> 00:01:25.950
will be 108 plus y is
equal to Sal in y years.
00:01:25.950 --> 00:01:28.920
We'll say y years.
00:01:28.920 --> 00:01:32.670
Sal in y years is going
to be 108 plus y.
00:01:32.670 --> 00:01:35.330
And then Jonathan in y
years, that's pretty easy.
00:01:35.330 --> 00:01:39.720
He's going to be 24 plus y.
00:01:39.720 --> 00:01:42.690
So that's, I'll say
Jon for short.
00:01:42.690 --> 00:01:45.440
In y years.
00:01:45.440 --> 00:01:47.870
Not years.
00:01:47.870 --> 00:01:49.180
y years.
00:01:49.180 --> 00:01:51.260
And what else does
the problem say?
00:01:51.260 --> 00:01:54.760
It says, in how many years
would take for Salman to be
00:01:54.760 --> 00:01:57.610
exactly-- I should put that in
another color for emphasis--
00:01:57.610 --> 00:02:02.900
Exactly 4 times as
old as Jonathan?
00:02:02.900 --> 00:02:04.770
Well, and the exactly
is important.
00:02:04.770 --> 00:02:08.220
Because Salman is already
more than 4 times
00:02:08.220 --> 00:02:09.340
as old as Jonathan.
00:02:09.340 --> 00:02:12.590
But they want to figure out
exactly when is Salman going to
00:02:12.590 --> 00:02:14.890
be 4 times as old as Jonathan.
00:02:14.890 --> 00:02:21.450
Well, in y years Salman is
going to be 108 plus y.
00:02:21.450 --> 00:02:22.190
So we know that.
00:02:22.190 --> 00:02:25.810
108 plus y.
00:02:25.810 --> 00:02:28.490
And after y years, he's
going to be 4 times
00:02:28.490 --> 00:02:29.680
as old as Jonathan.
00:02:29.680 --> 00:02:31.460
Exactly 4 times.
00:02:31.460 --> 00:02:35.740
And Jonathan's going to
be 24 plus y years old.
00:02:35.740 --> 00:02:37.690
And now we just
solve the equation.
00:02:37.690 --> 00:02:43.510
Get 108 plus y is
equal to 4 times 24.
00:02:43.510 --> 00:02:45.300
Well, 4 times 25 is 100.
00:02:45.300 --> 00:02:46.670
And we can subtract
4 from there.
00:02:46.670 --> 00:02:49.120
So it's 96.
00:02:49.120 --> 00:02:51.390
Plus 4y.
00:02:51.390 --> 00:02:54.030
And now we just solve
this equation.
00:02:54.030 --> 00:02:56.820
We get 3.
00:02:56.820 --> 00:02:58.990
3, I'm going to skip some
steps, because I think this
00:02:58.990 --> 00:03:00.390
part is easy for you.
00:03:00.390 --> 00:03:05.910
3y will equal 108 minus 96.
00:03:05.910 --> 00:03:13.950
So we get 3y is equal to,
what is that, 12, right?
00:03:13.950 --> 00:03:16.780
So y is equal to 4.
00:03:16.780 --> 00:03:21.635
So our algebra has told us that
in 4 years Salman is going
00:03:21.635 --> 00:03:24.260
to be exactly 4 times
as old as Jonathan.
00:03:24.260 --> 00:03:25.630
Let's see if that's true.
00:03:25.630 --> 00:03:28.480
Well, if Salman is 108
right now, in 4 years
00:03:28.480 --> 00:03:30.780
he's going to be 112.
00:03:30.780 --> 00:03:33.900
And if Jonathan is 24 right
now, in 4 years he's
00:03:33.900 --> 00:03:36.610
going to be 28.
00:03:36.610 --> 00:03:37.540
And let's see.
00:03:37.540 --> 00:03:41.780
28 times 4 is 80 plus 32.
00:03:41.780 --> 00:03:42.730
Yep, exactly.
00:03:42.730 --> 00:03:43.990
He'll be 112.
00:03:43.990 --> 00:03:45.780
Looks like that problem worked.
00:03:45.780 --> 00:03:46.920
00:03:46.920 --> 00:03:50.035
Let's do another one.
00:03:50.035 --> 00:03:53.520
Hope you didn't hear that,
it was my stomach growling.
00:03:53.520 --> 00:03:55.240
See how hard I work
on this site?
00:03:55.240 --> 00:03:56.220
Don't even eat properly.
00:03:59.400 --> 00:04:02.800
Let's do another problem.
00:04:02.800 --> 00:04:04.540
I'll type it in
green this time.
00:04:07.040 --> 00:04:23.670
Tarush is 5 times as old as
Arman is today, 85 years ago.
00:04:23.670 --> 00:04:26.620
We're dealing with
huge swathes of time.
00:04:26.620 --> 00:04:29.920
85 years ago.
00:04:29.920 --> 00:04:39.190
Tarush was 10 times
as old as Arman.
00:04:39.190 --> 00:04:45.730
How old is Arman today?
00:04:45.730 --> 00:04:47.970
Let's see if we can tackle
this quite interesting
00:04:47.970 --> 00:04:50.090
problem, I think.
00:04:50.090 --> 00:04:51.640
00:04:51.640 --> 00:04:53.970
Pen tool on.
00:04:53.970 --> 00:04:55.320
00:04:55.320 --> 00:04:57.380
Well, I think this might be
useful to do one of those
00:04:57.380 --> 00:05:01.030
charts like we did in the
first video presentation.
00:05:01.030 --> 00:05:03.980
Well, we're trying to solve
for how old is Arman today's.
00:05:03.980 --> 00:05:05.750
So let's say Arman.
00:05:09.010 --> 00:05:09.700
And we're going to have today.
00:05:13.350 --> 00:05:14.600
And we're going to have,
what's the other time
00:05:14.600 --> 00:05:15.470
period we're dealing with.
00:05:15.470 --> 00:05:17.020
We're dealing with
85 years ago.
00:05:17.020 --> 00:05:19.096
So, let's say.
00:05:19.096 --> 00:05:23.054
85 years ago.
00:05:23.054 --> 00:05:27.880
In a galaxy far, far away.
00:05:27.880 --> 00:05:34.890
OK, Arman and Tarush.
00:05:34.890 --> 00:05:36.970
Well, we're trying to solve
for how old is Arman today's.
00:05:36.970 --> 00:05:39.280
So let's just make that
x, for simplicity.
00:05:39.280 --> 00:05:43.150
It says Tarush is 5 times
as old as Arman today.
00:05:43.150 --> 00:05:44.550
So let me underline that.
00:05:44.550 --> 00:05:48.310
Tarush is 5 times as
old as Arman today.
00:05:48.310 --> 00:05:53.900
So if Arman is x, that tells us
that Tarush is going to be 5x.
00:05:53.900 --> 00:05:56.330
85 years ago.
00:05:56.330 --> 00:06:03.210
So, 85 years ago, well, Arman
is x today, then 85 years ago,
00:06:03.210 --> 00:06:05.980
Arman would have
been x minus 85.
00:06:08.720 --> 00:06:16.230
And if Tarush is 5x today, then
Tarush would be 5x minus 85.
00:06:16.230 --> 00:06:20.150
I just subtracted 85
from the current age.
00:06:20.150 --> 00:06:22.630
Because we're going 85
years in the past.
00:06:22.630 --> 00:06:25.480
And now we have this extra
piece of information.
00:06:25.480 --> 00:06:30.500
Which tells us that 85
years ago, Tarush was 10
00:06:30.500 --> 00:06:32.420
times as old as Arman.
00:06:32.420 --> 00:06:37.940
So this number is going to be
10 times more than this number.
00:06:37.940 --> 00:06:39.340
That's what that
sentence tells us.
00:06:39.340 --> 00:06:42.040
85 years ago, we're
in this situation.
00:06:42.040 --> 00:06:46.330
Tarush, which is this, was
10 times older than Arman.
00:06:46.330 --> 00:06:48.580
We just write that
out algebraically.
00:06:48.580 --> 00:06:54.230
85 years ago, Tarush
is 5x minus 85.
00:06:54.230 --> 00:06:58.370
And the sentence tells us that
he was 10 times older than
00:06:58.370 --> 00:07:02.620
Arman, who is x minus 85.
00:07:02.620 --> 00:07:04.390
Now we just solve the equation.
00:07:04.390 --> 00:07:14.900
We get 5x minus 85 is
equal to 10x minus 850.
00:07:14.900 --> 00:07:17.900
And then you get-- and I'm
going to do this, skip some
00:07:17.900 --> 00:07:24.830
steps, just to confuse you-- 5x
is equal too-- well, I think
00:07:24.830 --> 00:07:26.370
I just confused myself.
00:07:26.370 --> 00:07:34.790
5x is equal to 850 minus 85.
00:07:34.790 --> 00:07:37.400
Let's see, what's 850 minus 85.
00:07:37.400 --> 00:07:41.230
It'll be 35 less than 800.
00:07:41.230 --> 00:07:46.500
So we could say that
5x-- 35 less than 800.
00:07:46.500 --> 00:07:48.250
30 less than 800 gets 770.
00:07:48.250 --> 00:07:52.070
So 765.
00:07:52.070 --> 00:07:54.590
And then x is equal
to, let me see.
00:07:54.590 --> 00:07:58.520
5 goes into 70.
00:07:58.520 --> 00:08:01.140
1 times 5.
00:08:01.140 --> 00:08:03.260
00:08:03.260 --> 00:08:08.230
5 times 5 is 25.
00:08:08.230 --> 00:08:09.586
00:08:09.586 --> 00:08:13.810
So x is equal to 153.
00:08:13.810 --> 00:08:16.250
We have some
long-lifespanned people.
00:08:16.250 --> 00:08:22.000
So we get the solution that
Arman is 153 years old.
00:08:22.000 --> 00:08:23.190
00:08:23.190 --> 00:08:25.000
Let's see if that makes sense.
00:08:25.000 --> 00:08:31.300
Well, if he's 153, then,
no, that can't be right.
00:08:31.300 --> 00:08:33.370
Because then he's 5.
00:08:33.370 --> 00:08:34.220
00:08:34.220 --> 00:08:35.900
Well, actually I'm
almost out of time.
00:08:35.900 --> 00:08:38.190
Let me see where I might
have messed up on this.
00:08:38.190 --> 00:08:43.320
If Arman is x, Tarush is 5x.
00:08:43.320 --> 00:08:44.820
That makes sense.
00:08:44.820 --> 00:08:46.010
Oh, right, right, right.
00:08:46.010 --> 00:08:47.740
I think this could make sense.
00:08:47.740 --> 00:08:51.220
So, I thought that Tarush had
to be younger than Arman.
00:08:51.220 --> 00:08:54.110
But no, Tarush is 5 times 153.
00:08:54.110 --> 00:08:57.630
So Tarush is actually
765 years old.
00:08:57.630 --> 00:08:59.400
We should call him Methuselah.
00:08:59.400 --> 00:09:04.190
So, Tarush is 765 years old.
00:09:04.190 --> 00:09:09.120
And then if we go 85 years into
the past, Tarush would have
00:09:09.120 --> 00:09:11.040
been-- what did we say?
00:09:11.040 --> 00:09:15.760
If we go 85 years into the
past, so let's write this down.
00:09:15.760 --> 00:09:18.820
This is equal to, I'm about to
run out of time, so you might
00:09:18.820 --> 00:09:20.112
have to check this yourself.
00:09:20.112 --> 00:09:26.010
If that's equal to 153,
then 5x is equal to 765.
00:09:26.010 --> 00:09:27.430
These numbers are big.
00:09:27.430 --> 00:09:30.700
And then 153 minus 85.
00:09:30.700 --> 00:09:35.710
Well, 155 minus 85 would be 73.
00:09:35.710 --> 00:09:39.840
So this would be 72.
00:09:39.840 --> 00:09:44.250
And then Tarush, 85 years ago.
00:09:44.250 --> 00:09:45.550
No, I think I messed
up someplace.
00:09:48.670 --> 00:09:51.150
Well, actually, I only have
ten seconds before YouTube
00:09:51.150 --> 00:09:52.130
won't let me upload it.
00:09:52.130 --> 00:09:54.450
So we'll have to stop there.
00:09:54.450 --> 00:09:55.950
Thank you.
Age word problems 3 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DplUpe3oyWo | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=DplUpe3oyWo&ei=g2eUZe-jHrqfp-oP3e6tiAU&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:02.170 --> 00:00:06.550
Welcome to the third in this
series of age word problems.
00:00:06.550 --> 00:00:09.070
And I just wanted to start
off where I left off
00:00:09.070 --> 00:00:10.210
in the second one.
00:00:10.210 --> 00:00:11.340
I got myself confused.
00:00:11.340 --> 00:00:13.370
You guys make me very nervous
while you just sit there
00:00:13.370 --> 00:00:15.180
listening and I have
to perform for you.
00:00:15.180 --> 00:00:18.180
But, it turns out we did get
the right answer, if you say
00:00:18.180 --> 00:00:24.430
Arman is 153 and Tarush is 765,
then 85 years ago Arman would
00:00:24.430 --> 00:00:28.990
have been 68 and Tarush
would have been 680.
00:00:28.990 --> 00:00:31.720
And notice that's 10 times.
00:00:31.720 --> 00:00:33.040
So it worked out.
00:00:33.040 --> 00:00:35.380
So we're ready to tackle
another problem.
00:00:35.380 --> 00:00:36.540
One more problem.
00:00:36.540 --> 00:00:37.210
Let's see.
00:00:49.140 --> 00:00:58.790
This problem says, Zack is
4 times as old as Salman.
00:00:58.790 --> 00:00:59.590
What a coincidence.
00:00:59.590 --> 00:01:02.560
Salman really shows up
in a lot of problems.
00:01:02.560 --> 00:01:05.340
So Zack is 4 times
as old as Salman.
00:01:05.340 --> 00:01:15.470
Zack is also 3 years
older then Salman.
00:01:15.470 --> 00:01:19.490
How old is Zack?
00:01:19.490 --> 00:01:21.960
Well, actually this one
actually seems fairly
00:01:21.960 --> 00:01:22.620
00:01:22.620 --> 00:01:24.830
We're not dealing with the
present and the future.
00:01:24.830 --> 00:01:26.170
We're just dealing
with the present.
00:01:26.170 --> 00:01:29.320
So let's see if we
can figure this out.
00:01:29.320 --> 00:01:31.530
So we're trying to figure
out how old is Zack.
00:01:31.530 --> 00:01:33.600
Let's say, z for Zack.
00:01:33.600 --> 00:01:35.125
z equals Zack.
00:01:40.460 --> 00:01:42.390
It says Zack is 4 times
as old as Salman.
00:01:45.290 --> 00:01:49.990
So, Salman, if Zack is
z, this first sentence,
00:01:49.990 --> 00:01:52.130
let me circle it.
00:01:52.130 --> 00:01:57.170
Zack is 4 times as
old as Salman.
00:01:57.170 --> 00:02:03.740
So, if Zack is 4 times as old
as Salman, that means that Sal
00:02:03.740 --> 00:02:19.020
is equal to Zack divided by 4,
But then it also says here that
00:02:19.020 --> 00:02:23.940
Zack is also 3 years
older than Salman.
00:02:23.940 --> 00:02:26.600
Well, if Zack is also 3
years older than Salman, so
00:02:26.600 --> 00:02:35.310
that means that also Sal
would be Zack minus 3.
00:02:35.310 --> 00:02:37.510
The first sentence says Zack
is 4 times as old as Salman.
00:02:37.510 --> 00:02:40.150
So that means if you take
Zack's age and divide it
00:02:40.150 --> 00:02:42.110
by 4, you get Sal's age.
00:02:42.110 --> 00:02:45.290
The second sentence says
Zack is also 3 years
00:02:45.290 --> 00:02:46.640
older than Salman.
00:02:46.640 --> 00:02:49.890
So that means if you take
Zack's age and you subtract
00:02:49.890 --> 00:02:53.360
3 from it, you get
Sal's age again.
00:02:53.360 --> 00:02:54.720
Well, we have our
equation set up.
00:02:54.720 --> 00:02:56.190
And, actually, instead of
writing Zack, I should
00:02:56.190 --> 00:02:57.440
have just written z.
00:02:57.440 --> 00:02:59.660
But the equation is
all set up for us.
00:02:59.660 --> 00:03:05.500
We get z over 4 is
equal to z minus 3.
00:03:05.500 --> 00:03:08.780
We can multiply both sides of
this equation times 4 and we'll
00:03:08.780 --> 00:03:15.690
get z is equal to 4z, remember
to distribute, minus 12.
00:03:15.690 --> 00:03:18.290
And then, we'll skip
a couple of steps.
00:03:18.290 --> 00:03:22.030
And I get 3z is equal to 12.
00:03:22.030 --> 00:03:28.820
And I get Zack is
equal to 4 years old.
00:03:28.820 --> 00:03:29.980
Let's see if that makes sense.
00:03:29.980 --> 00:03:33.460
If Zack is 4 years old, then
this first sentence says Zack
00:03:33.460 --> 00:03:35.030
is 4 times as old as Salman.
00:03:35.030 --> 00:03:39.390
So that means Sal
is 1 year old.
00:03:39.390 --> 00:03:41.700
It also says Zack is 3
years older than Salman.
00:03:41.700 --> 00:03:42.570
Well, that's consistent.
00:03:42.570 --> 00:03:44.580
4 is 3 more than 1.
00:03:44.580 --> 00:03:45.350
So we were right.
00:03:45.350 --> 00:03:48.400
Zack is exactly four years old.
00:03:48.400 --> 00:03:49.610
Hope that helps.
00:03:49.610 --> 00:03:50.090
Have fun.
00:03:50.090 --> 00:03:50.900
I think you're ready.
00:03:50.900 --> 00:03:53.820
You've now seen, at
least, every type of
00:03:53.820 --> 00:03:55.000
the age word problems.
00:03:55.000 --> 00:03:56.485
If you're still a little
confused, you might just want
00:03:56.485 --> 00:03:59.790
to re-watch the videos and
maybe pause it right after I
00:03:59.790 --> 00:04:02.060
give you the problem, and see
if you can solve it yourself.
00:04:02.060 --> 00:04:04.030
And remember, you had a lot of
practice problems that you
00:04:04.030 --> 00:04:06.330
can do on the actual
modules themselves.
00:04:06.330 --> 00:04:07.930
Have fun.
Age word problems 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAUT_Pux73w | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=bAUT_Pux73w&ei=g2eUZcGYFI6Dp-oP1LW4gAM&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.190 --> 00:00:04.000
Welcome to the presentation
on age word problems.
00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:04.860
Let's get started.
00:00:04.860 --> 00:00:06.800
Well, I already have
one written down here.
00:00:06.800 --> 00:00:12.630
It says in 4 years, Ali will be
3 times as old as he is today.
00:00:12.630 --> 00:00:14.510
How old is Ali today?
00:00:14.510 --> 00:00:21.520
Well, let's just say that x --
that's a little too big for
00:00:21.520 --> 00:00:29.910
what I want to write -- x
equals Ali's current age.
00:00:29.910 --> 00:00:32.170
Or his age today.
00:00:32.170 --> 00:00:33.170
Please forgive my handwriting.
00:00:35.740 --> 00:00:39.530
If x is Ali's current age --
and here we say, in 4 years.
00:00:39.530 --> 00:00:41.400
So how old is Ali going
to be in 4 years?
00:00:41.400 --> 00:00:44.440
Well, if x is his current age,
in 4 years, he's going to
00:00:44.440 --> 00:00:47.020
be x plus 4 years old.
00:00:47.020 --> 00:00:56.940
So that is equal to
Ali's age in 4 years.
00:01:00.600 --> 00:01:02.155
Let's read what other
information there
00:01:02.155 --> 00:01:02.600
is in the problem.
00:01:02.600 --> 00:01:04.560
It says, in 4 years.
00:01:04.560 --> 00:01:10.040
So in this situation, that's
a 4, x plus 4, in 4 years
00:01:10.040 --> 00:01:13.150
Ali will be 3 times as
old as he is today.
00:01:13.150 --> 00:01:14.750
Well, today he's x.
00:01:14.750 --> 00:01:17.116
So we say, in 4 years.
00:01:17.116 --> 00:01:19.140
x plus 4.
00:01:19.140 --> 00:01:22.520
And that's just --
so, in 4 years.
00:01:22.520 --> 00:01:26.360
So we could translate
that into x plus 4.
00:01:26.360 --> 00:01:32.010
That's going to equal 3 times
as old as he is today.
00:01:32.010 --> 00:01:33.210
Well, we know today he's x.
00:01:33.210 --> 00:01:36.820
So that's going to
be equal to 3x.
00:01:36.820 --> 00:01:38.110
And now we just solve for x.
00:01:38.110 --> 00:01:39.350
Subtract x from both sides.
00:01:39.350 --> 00:01:41.530
You get 2x is equal to 4.
00:01:41.530 --> 00:01:43.280
x equals 2.
00:01:43.280 --> 00:01:47.100
So Ali is 2 years old today.
00:01:47.100 --> 00:01:49.990
Let's do another problem.
00:01:49.990 --> 00:01:53.340
That makes sense, because if
he's 2 today, in 4 years
00:01:53.340 --> 00:01:54.500
he's going to be 6.
00:01:54.500 --> 00:01:56.890
Which is going to be 3 times
as old as he is today.
00:01:56.890 --> 00:01:57.820
So it all works out.
00:01:57.820 --> 00:01:58.780
Let's do another problem.
00:02:01.400 --> 00:02:07.204
Let's clear this and now I'm
going to attempt to type.
00:02:07.204 --> 00:02:08.660
Hope I don't mess up.
00:02:11.610 --> 00:02:12.110
00:02:12.110 --> 00:02:24.420
The problem, is Nazrith is
4 years older then Omama.
00:02:24.420 --> 00:02:36.470
2 years ago, Nazrith was
5 times as old as Omama.
00:02:39.230 --> 00:02:44.690
How old is Nazrith today?
00:02:44.690 --> 00:02:48.106
This one seems more difficult.
00:02:48.106 --> 00:02:51.820
But I think we'll be
able to get through it.
00:02:51.820 --> 00:02:53.140
Let's figure it out.
00:02:53.140 --> 00:02:56.960
All right, so once again what
are we trying to solve for.
00:02:56.960 --> 00:02:59.270
We're trying to solve
for Nazrith today.
00:02:59.270 --> 00:03:01.450
So, let's say this is Nazrith.
00:03:01.450 --> 00:03:02.454
We'll say Naz for short.
00:03:06.100 --> 00:03:07.040
And let's say this is Omama.
00:03:11.320 --> 00:03:13.352
And this is today.
00:03:13.352 --> 00:03:16.780
I'm making a little chart.
00:03:16.780 --> 00:03:19.960
And let's say 4 years from now.
00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:21.580
4 -- oh, no, no.
00:03:21.580 --> 00:03:22.600
Not 4 years from now.
00:03:22.600 --> 00:03:24.640
I'm confusing myself.
00:03:24.640 --> 00:03:27.990
This would be 2 years ago.
00:03:27.990 --> 00:03:29.830
I'm still remembering
the last problem.
00:03:29.830 --> 00:03:31.600
2 years ago.
00:03:31.600 --> 00:03:34.980
So this is today, 2
years into the future.
00:03:34.980 --> 00:03:37.980
Let me make a little chart.
00:03:37.980 --> 00:03:42.910
It's not the cleanest chart,
but I think it'll do the job.
00:03:42.910 --> 00:03:44.500
So we're trying to solve for x.
00:03:44.500 --> 00:03:45.600
How old is Nazrith today.
00:03:45.600 --> 00:03:51.340
So let's just say Naz
today that is equal to x.
00:03:51.340 --> 00:03:55.690
It says Nazrith is 4
years older than Omama.
00:03:55.690 --> 00:03:59.420
So this piece of information up
here-- let me underline it.
00:03:59.420 --> 00:04:03.240
Nazrith is 4 years older Omama.
00:04:03.240 --> 00:04:07.530
Well, that piece of information
tells us that Omama today, if
00:04:07.530 --> 00:04:12.890
Nazrith is x, then Omama's
going to be x minus 4.
00:04:12.890 --> 00:04:17.740
Which makes sense because Naz
is 4 years older than Omama.
00:04:17.740 --> 00:04:20.090
Now we go into the past.
00:04:20.090 --> 00:04:23.430
Let's write like this.
00:04:23.430 --> 00:04:27.680
So, 2 years ago -- so if
Naz is x today, how old
00:04:27.680 --> 00:04:28.900
was she 2 years ago?
00:04:28.900 --> 00:04:32.050
Well, she was going
to be x minus 2.
00:04:32.050 --> 00:04:33.080
That makes sense.
00:04:33.080 --> 00:04:34.940
If I'm 10 years old
today, 2 years ago,
00:04:34.940 --> 00:04:35.970
I'll be 2 years less.
00:04:35.970 --> 00:04:36.960
I'd be 8 years old.
00:04:36.960 --> 00:04:40.900
So, if she's x today, 2 years
ago she was x minus 2.
00:04:40.900 --> 00:04:44.690
And if Omama is x minus 4
today, than 2 years ago
00:04:44.690 --> 00:04:46.580
she'll be 2 less than that.
00:04:46.580 --> 00:04:49.730
So she'll be x minus 4 minus 2.
00:04:49.730 --> 00:04:53.230
And that equals x minus 6.
00:04:53.230 --> 00:04:53.940
Which makes sense.
00:04:53.940 --> 00:04:57.230
And, notice that she's
still 4 years younger
00:04:57.230 --> 00:05:00.050
than Naz, or Nazrith.
00:05:00.050 --> 00:05:03.890
Now we have one final piece of
information in this problem.
00:05:03.890 --> 00:05:12.330
It says, 2 years ago Nazrith
was 5 times as old as Omama.
00:05:12.330 --> 00:05:14.980
So, we're in this situation.
00:05:14.980 --> 00:05:17.500
2 years ago -- that's what the
sentence says, 2, years ago, so
00:05:17.500 --> 00:05:21.570
it's this situation -- Nazrith
was 5 times as old as Omama.
00:05:21.570 --> 00:05:25.450
So Nazrith, which is x minus
2, was 5 times older than
00:05:25.450 --> 00:05:28.010
Omama, which is x minus 6.
00:05:28.010 --> 00:05:30.030
So let's just write that down.
00:05:30.030 --> 00:05:33.160
So, Nazrith, 2 years
ago, was x minus 2.
00:05:33.160 --> 00:05:34.160
We get that from the chart.
00:05:34.160 --> 00:05:37.050
Nazrith was x minus
2, 2 years ago.
00:05:37.050 --> 00:05:41.140
And that sentence tells us,
Nazrith was 5 times older
00:05:41.140 --> 00:05:42.670
than Omama was 2 years ago.
00:05:42.670 --> 00:05:44.860
Omama, 2 years ago,
was x minus 6.
00:05:47.780 --> 00:05:49.670
Well, now we just solve for x.
00:05:49.670 --> 00:05:56.590
x minus 2 is equal
to 5x minus 30.
00:05:56.590 --> 00:05:59.450
Now we could subtract
x from both sides.
00:05:59.450 --> 00:06:02.280
And if you get 4x, I'm going
to switch it around, to
00:06:02.280 --> 00:06:04.120
hopefully confuse you more.
00:06:04.120 --> 00:06:07.870
4x minus 30 equals minus 2.
00:06:07.870 --> 00:06:15.060
And then we get 4x is equal
to 28 and x is equal to 7.
00:06:15.060 --> 00:06:16.880
So we solve the problem.
00:06:16.880 --> 00:06:20.160
Nazrith, today is 7 years old.
00:06:20.160 --> 00:06:21.560
And does this make sense?
00:06:21.560 --> 00:06:26.620
Well, if Nazrith today is 7
years old, then Omama today
00:06:26.620 --> 00:06:28.390
is going to be 3 years old.
00:06:28.390 --> 00:06:30.530
And that makes sense, because
there's a 4 year difference.
00:06:30.530 --> 00:06:34.500
2 years ago, Nazrith
was 5 years old.
00:06:34.500 --> 00:06:38.940
And 2 years ago Omama
was only 1 year old.
00:06:38.940 --> 00:06:40.890
Because x minus 6.
00:06:40.890 --> 00:06:42.080
So it makes sense.
00:06:42.080 --> 00:06:44.570
Nazrith is 4 years older
than Omama; Nazrith is
00:06:44.570 --> 00:06:47.430
7, Omama is 3 right now.
00:06:47.430 --> 00:06:50.130
2 years ago, when Nazrith was
5 times as old as Omama.
00:06:50.130 --> 00:06:53.340
2 years ago, Nazrith
was 5 and Omama was 1.
00:06:53.340 --> 00:06:54.600
So it all works out.
00:06:54.600 --> 00:06:56.000
Pretty deep, no?
00:06:56.000 --> 00:06:57.990
Well, anyway, I think you're
ready to at least try some
00:06:57.990 --> 00:06:59.200
of these age problems.
00:06:59.200 --> 00:07:01.120
And I'm going to do some
more example problems.
00:07:01.120 --> 00:07:05.060
So that you can come back
to this video page and see
00:07:05.060 --> 00:07:07.620
more if you're still a
little bit confused.
00:07:07.620 --> 00:07:08.230
Have fun.
Algebra: Equation of a line | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvwKv6F69F0 | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=gvwKv6F69F0&ei=g2eUZanHKImfp-oPsYqpSA&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.110 --> 00:00:04.540
Welcome to the presentation on
finding the equation of a line.
00:00:04.540 --> 00:00:05.410
Let's get started.
00:00:05.410 --> 00:00:06.345
Say I had two points.
00:00:06.345 --> 00:00:12.360
Let's say I have the point 1
comma 2, and I have the point 3
00:00:12.360 --> 00:00:14.360
comma 4, and I want to figure
out the equation of the
00:00:14.360 --> 00:00:15.360
line through these points.
00:00:15.360 --> 00:00:19.640
So let's at least figure out
what that line looks like.
00:00:19.640 --> 00:00:32.490
So 1 comma 2 is here,
and 2, 3; 3, 4.
00:00:32.490 --> 00:00:39.130
3 comma 4 is here, and if
I want to draw a line
00:00:39.130 --> 00:00:44.050
through them, it'll look
something like that.
00:00:44.050 --> 00:00:46.375
So what we want to do is figure
out the equation of this line.
00:00:46.375 --> 00:00:53.440
Well, we know the form of an
equation of a line is y equals
00:00:53.440 --> 00:01:00.840
mx plus b, where m is the
slope, and that tells you how
00:01:00.840 --> 00:01:03.620
steep the line is, and
b is the y-intercept.
00:01:03.620 --> 00:01:05.430
And I don't know why
people chose m and b.
00:01:05.430 --> 00:01:06.980
We'll have to do some
research on that.
00:01:06.980 --> 00:01:09.270
b is the y-intercept and the
y-intercept is just where does
00:01:09.270 --> 00:01:10.250
it intersect the y-axis.
00:01:13.250 --> 00:01:15.050
And this problem, you could
actually look at it and
00:01:15.050 --> 00:01:17.940
figure it out, but let's
do it mathematically.
00:01:17.940 --> 00:01:24.390
So the equation for the slope
m: it's rise over run.
00:01:24.390 --> 00:01:27.640
Another way to view that is
for any amount that you
00:01:27.640 --> 00:01:31.680
run along the x-axis,
how much do you rise?
00:01:31.680 --> 00:01:33.350
Well, let's do
that numerically.
00:01:33.350 --> 00:01:36.430
Rise is the same thing as
change over y, and run is the
00:01:36.430 --> 00:01:37.800
same thing as change over x.
00:01:37.800 --> 00:01:41.570
Delta, this triangle, means
change, change in y.
00:01:41.570 --> 00:01:44.650
Well, change in y, let's
take the starting
00:01:44.650 --> 00:01:46.280
point to be 3 comma 4.
00:01:46.280 --> 00:01:48.980
Let's say we're going from
3 comma 4 to 2 comma 1.
00:01:48.980 --> 00:01:52.080
The change in y is 4 minus 2.
00:01:52.080 --> 00:02:01.830
We just took this 4 minus
this 2 over 3 minus 1.
00:02:01.830 --> 00:02:02.550
My phone was ringing.
00:02:07.420 --> 00:02:10.760
And that's just this
3 minus this 1.
00:02:10.760 --> 00:02:16.560
So if we just solve for it,
we get 4 minus 2 is 2, and 3
00:02:16.560 --> 00:02:21.280
minus 1 is also 2, so we get
the slope is equal to 1.
00:02:21.280 --> 00:02:24.280
And that makes sense because
when we move over 1 in x,
00:02:24.280 --> 00:02:26.270
we go up exactly 1 in y.
00:02:26.270 --> 00:02:32.790
When we move to the left 1 in
x, we move down exactly 1 in y.
00:02:32.790 --> 00:02:38.490
So now we know the equation is
y equals 1x plus b because
00:02:38.490 --> 00:02:40.880
we solved the m equals 1.
00:02:40.880 --> 00:02:42.580
And this is, of course,
the same thing as
00:02:42.580 --> 00:02:46.200
y equals x plus b.
00:02:46.200 --> 00:02:48.760
Now, all we have left
to do is solve for b.
00:02:48.760 --> 00:02:52.550
Well, how do we do that because
we have three variables here.
00:02:52.550 --> 00:02:55.460
Well, we could actually
substitute one of these pairs
00:02:55.460 --> 00:02:59.780
of points in for y and x, and
that makes sense, because
00:02:59.780 --> 00:03:02.510
these points have to
satisfy this equation.
00:03:02.510 --> 00:03:06.600
So let's take this first
pair. y is equal to 2.
00:03:06.600 --> 00:03:10.360
2 is equal to x,
which is 1 plus b.
00:03:10.360 --> 00:03:12.160
It's a pretty easy
equation to solve.
00:03:12.160 --> 00:03:16.180
We get b equals 1, so that
tells us that the equation of
00:03:16.180 --> 00:03:20.070
this line is y equals x plus 1.
00:03:20.070 --> 00:03:22.490
That's a pretty straightforward
equation, and it makes sense.
00:03:22.490 --> 00:03:25.360
The y-intercept is 1, which
is exactly here, 0 comma
00:03:25.360 --> 00:03:29.100
1, and the slope is 1, and
that's pretty obvious.
00:03:29.100 --> 00:03:31.690
For every amount that we move
to the right, we move the same
00:03:31.690 --> 00:03:34.150
amount up, so the slope is 1.
00:03:34.150 --> 00:03:35.110
Let's do another problem.
00:03:38.090 --> 00:03:40.200
Let's say I wanted to find the
equation of the line between
00:03:40.200 --> 00:03:49.350
the points negative 3 comma
5 and 2 comma negative 6.
00:03:49.350 --> 00:03:51.260
Well, we do the same thing.
00:03:51.260 --> 00:03:55.690
m is equal to change in
y over change in x.
00:03:55.690 --> 00:03:58.630
So let's take this as
the starting point.
00:03:58.630 --> 00:04:01.955
So say negative 6 minus 5.
00:04:01.955 --> 00:04:08.300
So we just took negative
6 minus 5 over 2
00:04:08.300 --> 00:04:11.840
minus negative 3.
00:04:11.840 --> 00:04:13.650
You've got to be real careful
to get the signs right.
00:04:13.650 --> 00:04:16.840
So it's 2 minus negative 3.
00:04:16.840 --> 00:04:22.485
Negative 6 minus 5 is minus 11,
and 2 minus negative 3, well,
00:04:22.485 --> 00:04:26.350
that's the same thing as two
plus plus 3, so that's 5.
00:04:26.350 --> 00:04:30.370
So we have the slope is
equal to negative 11/5.
00:04:30.370 --> 00:04:35.450
And notice that if on the
numerator we use negative 6 as
00:04:35.450 --> 00:04:37.630
the starting point, that in the
denominator, we have to use
00:04:37.630 --> 00:04:39.940
2 as the starting point.
00:04:39.940 --> 00:04:41.090
We could have done it
the other way around.
00:04:41.090 --> 00:04:48.240
We could have said 5 minus
negative 6 over negative 3
00:04:48.240 --> 00:04:51.070
minus 2, in which case we would
have gotten-- this would have
00:04:51.070 --> 00:04:54.570
been 11 over negative 5.
00:04:54.570 --> 00:04:58.305
So as long as you-- if you use
the negative 6 first, then you
00:04:58.305 --> 00:05:00.840
have to use the 2 first, or if
you use the 5 first, then
00:05:00.840 --> 00:05:01.885
you have to use the
negative 3 first.
00:05:01.885 --> 00:05:04.080
I hope I'm not completely
confusing you guys.
00:05:04.080 --> 00:05:07.500
Well, anyway, we know the slope
is negative 11/5, so the
00:05:07.500 --> 00:05:15.680
equation of this line so far is
y equals minus 11/5x plus b.
00:05:15.680 --> 00:05:18.410
Now we can take one of these
pairs on the top and substitute
00:05:18.410 --> 00:05:20.090
back and solve for b.
00:05:20.090 --> 00:05:21.760
Let's take the first pair.
00:05:21.760 --> 00:05:23.390
So 5 is y.
00:05:23.390 --> 00:05:33.320
So we say 5 equals negative
3, so it's negative 11/5
00:05:33.320 --> 00:05:35.750
times negative 3, right?
00:05:35.750 --> 00:05:40.220
I just put the x
in for x plus b.
00:05:40.220 --> 00:05:48.450
So just simplifying that, I get
5 is equal to 33/5 plus b, or b
00:05:48.450 --> 00:06:01.840
is equal to 5 minus 33/5, and
this equals 25 minus 33/5.
00:06:01.840 --> 00:06:05.460
25 minus 33 is minus 8/5.
00:06:07.960 --> 00:06:10.580
So the equation of this line,
and this one wasn't as clean as
00:06:10.580 --> 00:06:13.340
the other one, obviously, is--
let me do it in another color
00:06:13.340 --> 00:06:23.800
for emphasis-- y equals
minus 11/5x minus 8/5.
00:06:26.400 --> 00:06:29.530
Hopefully, those two examples
will give you enough of an idea
00:06:29.530 --> 00:06:34.570
to do the figuring out the
equation of a line problems.
00:06:34.570 --> 00:06:36.820
And if you have problems with
this, you might just want to
00:06:36.820 --> 00:06:39.750
try just the slope of the line
problems or the y-intercept
00:06:39.750 --> 00:06:41.170
problems separately.
00:06:41.170 --> 00:06:43.160
I hope you have fun.
00:06:43.160 --> 00:06:44.460
Level 3 exponents | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYE26a5E1iU | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=aYE26a5E1iU&ei=g2eUZcnFGb6vp-oPj9-noAU&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.120 --> 00:00:03.160
Welcome to level
three exponents.
00:00:03.160 --> 00:00:05.200
Let's get started.
00:00:05.200 --> 00:00:12.590
So if I asked you what 4 to the
1/2 power is, your immediate
00:00:12.590 --> 00:00:14.660
inclination is to view this
probably as like a
00:00:14.660 --> 00:00:18.800
multiplication problem and try
to multiply it somehow or add
00:00:18.800 --> 00:00:19.750
them or something.
00:00:19.750 --> 00:00:21.430
And you always have to
remind yourself this
00:00:21.430 --> 00:00:22.340
is not multiplication.
00:00:22.340 --> 00:00:24.730
I know when I first learned it,
I always was tempted to do
00:00:24.730 --> 00:00:26.620
something with multiplication.
00:00:26.620 --> 00:00:29.820
Well, something to the 1/2
power might not be intuitive to
00:00:29.820 --> 00:00:32.870
you, but it actually turns out
that this means the same thing
00:00:32.870 --> 00:00:36.260
as the square root of 4.
00:00:36.260 --> 00:00:40.390
Or another way, what times
itself is equal to 4,
00:00:40.390 --> 00:00:43.600
and we know that the
square root of 4 is 2.
00:00:43.600 --> 00:00:47.090
It could actually be a positive
2 or a negative 2 because we
00:00:47.090 --> 00:00:49.830
know that either of those
numbers when they're
00:00:49.830 --> 00:00:51.530
squared could equal 4.
00:00:51.530 --> 00:00:54.090
But for the sake of this one
we'll assume it's always
00:00:54.090 --> 00:00:55.110
the positive square root.
00:00:55.110 --> 00:00:58.610
So 4 to the 1/2 is equal to 2.
00:00:58.610 --> 00:01:05.510
Similarly, 9 to the 1/2,
well that would be 3.
00:01:05.510 --> 00:01:09.710
16 to the 1/2 -- oops.
00:01:09.710 --> 00:01:13.270
16 to the 1/2, my subconscious
gave away the answer.
00:01:13.270 --> 00:01:15.920
16 to the 1/2 power is 4.
00:01:15.920 --> 00:01:22.140
25 to the 1/2 power is 5.
00:01:22.140 --> 00:01:24.170
I think that might make
sense to you now.
00:01:24.170 --> 00:01:27.740
So what does it mean when
something is to the 1/3 power?
00:01:27.740 --> 00:01:32.950
Well, if I say 8 to the
1/3 power, you might
00:01:32.950 --> 00:01:34.260
already catch on.
00:01:34.260 --> 00:01:36.522
In the 1/2 power we said
something times something
00:01:36.522 --> 00:01:38.190
is equal to 4.
00:01:38.190 --> 00:01:41.600
Well in the 1/3 power we have
to say that something to the
00:01:41.600 --> 00:01:43.530
third power is equal to 8.
00:01:43.530 --> 00:01:46.730
And if you've been practicing
your exponents you know that 2
00:01:46.730 --> 00:01:50.060
to the third power
is equal to 8.
00:01:50.060 --> 00:01:55.060
So we know that 8 to
the 1/3 is equal to 2.
00:01:55.060 --> 00:02:02.906
Similarly, 27 to the
1/3 is equal to 3.
00:02:02.906 --> 00:02:08.750
And 64 to the 1/3
is equal to 4.
00:02:08.750 --> 00:02:10.920
You might notice that I'm
picking particular numbers,
00:02:10.920 --> 00:02:13.050
like 8 and 27, 64.
00:02:13.050 --> 00:02:15.060
That's because they have
clean, cube roots.
00:02:15.060 --> 00:02:17.050
And then by the way, when
something is to the 1/3 power
00:02:17.050 --> 00:02:20.480
that's the same thing as
saying the cube root.
00:02:20.480 --> 00:02:22.190
I just used terminology
without explaining it,
00:02:22.190 --> 00:02:25.250
which is very bad.
00:02:25.250 --> 00:02:28.900
So I just used 8 and 27 and 64
because when I raised them to
00:02:28.900 --> 00:02:31.010
the fractional exponents, they
actually come out to
00:02:31.010 --> 00:02:31.740
be clean numbers.
00:02:31.740 --> 00:02:34.290
You could use a calculator and
do something like 5 to the 1/3
00:02:34.290 --> 00:02:36.710
power and you'll get
some weird decimal.
00:02:36.710 --> 00:02:37.695
Let's do some more problems.
00:02:41.980 --> 00:02:49.530
So we know that 9 to
the 1/2 is equal to 3.
00:02:49.530 --> 00:02:54.930
Well what do you think 9
to the 2/3 is equal to?
00:02:54.930 --> 00:03:00.970
Well, it turns out that this is
equivalent to 9 to the -- oops,
00:03:00.970 --> 00:03:05.580
I actually didn't want to do
those -- what do you think 9
00:03:05.580 --> 00:03:08.860
to the 3/2 is equivalent to?
00:03:08.860 --> 00:03:14.650
Well this is the same thing
as 9 to the 1/2 power
00:03:14.650 --> 00:03:15.580
to the third power.
00:03:15.580 --> 00:03:20.400
And I'll do a whole
presentation on the actual
00:03:20.400 --> 00:03:24.020
principles of exponents, but
it actually turns out you
00:03:24.020 --> 00:03:24.800
could just multiply.
00:03:24.800 --> 00:03:26.920
When you have one exponent
to another is when you can
00:03:26.920 --> 00:03:28.920
multiply the two and that's
where you get 3/2 .
00:03:28.920 --> 00:03:32.950
But 9 to the 1/2 we know is 3.
00:03:32.950 --> 00:03:36.690
And you're raising it to the
third power, so that equals 27.
00:03:36.690 --> 00:03:38.740
I'm sure at this point
I have confused you.
00:03:38.740 --> 00:03:42.050
Let's do more of these.
00:03:42.050 --> 00:03:47.370
So you know at this point
that 16 to the 1/4 power --
00:03:47.370 --> 00:03:48.270
think about what that is.
00:03:48.270 --> 00:03:51.500
That means that some number
to the fourth power is 16.
00:03:51.500 --> 00:03:54.030
If you've been practicing your
level one exponents, you'll
00:03:54.030 --> 00:03:58.820
probably know that well, that
equals 2, because 2 times 2
00:03:58.820 --> 00:04:01.920
times 2 times 2, well
that equals 16.
00:04:01.920 --> 00:04:06.320
So we know that 16 to
the 1/4 is equal to 2.
00:04:06.320 --> 00:04:11.740
So what do you think 16
to the 2/4 is equal to?
00:04:11.740 --> 00:04:14.270
Well, we already know from that
last problem that that's the
00:04:14.270 --> 00:04:21.710
same thing as 16 to the 1/4
squared -- that's the 2 on both
00:04:21.710 --> 00:04:26.340
sides -- and we know 16 to the
1/4 is 2, so that equals 2
00:04:26.340 --> 00:04:29.600
squared and that equals 4.
00:04:29.600 --> 00:04:32.790
And it all works out because we
know from fractions another way
00:04:32.790 --> 00:04:35.200
to write the fraction
2/4 is to write 1/2.
00:04:35.200 --> 00:04:40.270
So this is the same thing
as 16 to the 1/2 power.
00:04:40.270 --> 00:04:45.410
16 to the 1/2 power, well
that's just equal to 4.
00:04:45.410 --> 00:04:48.790
Now I'm going to mix it up real
good and do some negative
00:04:48.790 --> 00:04:50.790
fractional exponents.
00:04:50.790 --> 00:04:56.680
So what if I were to tell you
16 to the negative 1/2 power?
00:04:56.680 --> 00:04:59.400
Well this might seem very
daunting at first, but as we
00:04:59.400 --> 00:05:01.460
know with the negative
exponents level three,
00:05:01.460 --> 00:05:04.170
immediately we just say well
this is the same thing as 1
00:05:04.170 --> 00:05:11.170
over 16 to the positive 1/2.
00:05:11.170 --> 00:05:17.910
And that's the same thing as 1
to the 1/2 over 16 to the 1/2.
00:05:17.910 --> 00:05:20.640
Well the square root
of 1 is easy, it's 1.
00:05:20.640 --> 00:05:23.130
And 16 to the 1/2 is 4.
00:05:23.130 --> 00:05:24.300
So that wasn't too bad.
00:05:24.300 --> 00:05:26.500
It's a little daunting when you
see a negative exponent, but
00:05:26.500 --> 00:05:29.640
immediately when you see that
negative, just flip the 16 and
00:05:29.640 --> 00:05:33.320
then work it out like a regular
fractional exponent problem.
00:05:33.320 --> 00:05:34.070
Let's do another one.
00:05:38.480 --> 00:05:51.980
8 over 27 to the negative 1/3.
00:05:51.980 --> 00:05:53.660
Immediately when we
see that negative, we
00:05:53.660 --> 00:05:54.560
want to just flip it.
00:05:54.560 --> 00:06:03.440
So we'll say that equals 27
over 8 to the 1/3, and that
00:06:03.440 --> 00:06:11.060
equals 27 to the 1/3
over 8 to the 1/3.
00:06:11.060 --> 00:06:15.860
And we know that 27 to the
1/3, well that equals 3.
00:06:15.860 --> 00:06:20.720
And 8 to the 1/3,
well that equals 2.
00:06:20.720 --> 00:06:26.275
So we've got 8 over 27 to
the negative 1/3 is 3/2.
00:06:26.275 --> 00:06:28.170
The first problem probably
looked very intimidating to
00:06:28.170 --> 00:06:30.280
you, but it only took us two
steps to get there and as you
00:06:30.280 --> 00:06:32.330
do more practice, hopefully
it'll seem more and
00:06:32.330 --> 00:06:34.070
more intuitive to you.
00:06:34.070 --> 00:06:36.760
Let me give you
another problem.
00:06:36.760 --> 00:06:40.890
What's negative 8 to the
negative third power?
00:06:43.990 --> 00:06:44.710
Let me change that.
00:06:44.710 --> 00:06:51.250
What's negative 8 to the
negative 1/3 power?
00:06:51.250 --> 00:06:53.430
Once again, at first this might
confuse you, but when you see
00:06:53.430 --> 00:06:55.590
that negative in the exponent,
we just take the reciprocal of
00:06:55.590 --> 00:06:59.690
the base, so that we say that
that is equal to negative 1
00:06:59.690 --> 00:07:06.680
over 8 to the 1/3 power.
00:07:06.680 --> 00:07:13.650
And we say well that is equal
to, we could write it as 1
00:07:13.650 --> 00:07:16.770
over negative 8 to the 1/3.
00:07:16.770 --> 00:07:21.280
We say what number times itself
3 times is equal to negative 8?
00:07:21.280 --> 00:07:24.540
Well, we know from intuition
there's no real mechanical way
00:07:24.540 --> 00:07:28.440
to do this, but we know that
negative 2 times negative 2 is
00:07:28.440 --> 00:07:31.060
4 times negative
2 is negative 8.
00:07:31.060 --> 00:07:34.340
So we know that this is
equal to 1 over negative
00:07:34.340 --> 00:07:37.956
2 or negative 1/2.
00:07:37.956 --> 00:07:41.175
So negative eight to
the negative 1/3 is
00:07:41.175 --> 00:07:45.210
equal to minus 1/2.
00:07:45.210 --> 00:07:48.760
Let's do another one, one more
problem just to thoroughly
00:07:48.760 --> 00:07:51.070
melt your brain.
00:07:51.070 --> 00:08:03.260
Let's say 9 over 4 to
the negative 3 over 2.
00:08:03.260 --> 00:08:06.170
Well, immediately we see
that negative exponent,
00:08:06.170 --> 00:08:07.670
let's flip the base.
00:08:07.670 --> 00:08:13.250
We get 4 over 9 to the 3/2 .
00:08:13.250 --> 00:08:22.510
Well we know that that equals
4 over 9 to the 1/2, and all
00:08:22.510 --> 00:08:25.700
of that to the third power.
00:08:25.700 --> 00:08:28.100
4 over 9 to the 1/2, I think at
this point you know that's the
00:08:28.100 --> 00:08:31.470
same thing as 4 to the 1/2
which is 2 over 9 to
00:08:31.470 --> 00:08:33.400
the 1/2 which is 3.
00:08:33.400 --> 00:08:37.520
Now we have to just raise
everything to the third power.
00:08:37.520 --> 00:08:39.950
And that's the same thing as
2 the third power which is
00:08:39.950 --> 00:08:45.400
8 divided by 3 to
the third power.
00:08:45.400 --> 00:08:48.030
Well that's 27.
00:08:48.030 --> 00:08:52.470
There we have 9/4 to the
negative 3/2 power is
00:08:52.470 --> 00:08:55.090
equal to 8 over 27.
00:08:55.090 --> 00:08:57.410
Now hopefully you can at
least do these problems.
00:08:57.410 --> 00:09:00.920
You probably don't have a good
intuitive sense for exactly
00:09:00.920 --> 00:09:04.650
what a negative 3/2 power is,
and hopefully I can cover that
00:09:04.650 --> 00:09:06.580
for you in future modules.
00:09:06.580 --> 00:09:08.710
But I think you're ready to
try some of the level three
00:09:08.710 --> 00:09:10.310
exponent practice problems.
00:09:10.310 --> 00:09:11.830
Have fun.
Level 1 multiplying expressions | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc0e6xrRJYY | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=Sc0e6xrRJYY&ei=g2eUZc7_GNC1xN8PgvSfuAE&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.100 --> 00:00:03.570
Welcome to the presentation
on multiplying expressions.
00:00:03.570 --> 00:00:05.260
Let's get started.
00:00:05.260 --> 00:00:11.540
So if I were to ask you what x
plus 2 times, let me use a
00:00:11.540 --> 00:00:20.610
different color, times x plus 3
equals, at first you'd be like,
00:00:20.610 --> 00:00:22.450
huh, that's a little strange.
00:00:22.450 --> 00:00:24.180
But it turns out that you
actually already know
00:00:24.180 --> 00:00:24.940
how to do this problem.
00:00:24.940 --> 00:00:27.060
And it's just the
distributive property.
00:00:27.060 --> 00:00:30.040
Because, if I just had -- let
me write a different problem
00:00:30.040 --> 00:00:33.603
here -- if I just wrote a let
me just make it clear, this is
00:00:33.603 --> 00:00:41.400
a separate problem -- if I just
wrote a times x plus 3, you
00:00:41.400 --> 00:00:58.060
know that that's just a x plus,
you could say a 3, or
00:00:58.060 --> 00:01:00.510
another way to say that
would be 3a, right?
00:01:00.510 --> 00:01:04.020
But as you see, all we did is
distribute it, this a times 3.
00:01:04.020 --> 00:01:07.290
All we did is distribute the
a times the x and the 3.
00:01:07.290 --> 00:01:08.763
Well, we're going to do the
same thing here, but instead
00:01:08.763 --> 00:01:10.630
of a we have x plus 2.
00:01:10.630 --> 00:01:12.050
So let's do that.
00:01:12.050 --> 00:01:18.830
So this would be -- let me
switch to green -- we get x
00:01:18.830 --> 00:01:22.995
plus 2, and since I'm using
green, I'm just going
00:01:22.995 --> 00:01:24.482
to stay with green.
00:01:24.482 --> 00:01:28.400
x plus 2, let me
switch to orange.
00:01:28.400 --> 00:01:33.980
x plus 2 times x plus
x plus 2 times 3.
00:01:33.980 --> 00:01:35.310
Does that make sense?
00:01:35.310 --> 00:01:36.720
If that looks a little
confusing, just pretend
00:01:36.720 --> 00:01:39.550
like that x plus 2 is
the a in this example.
00:01:39.550 --> 00:01:42.080
And all we did is, we
distributed it across
00:01:42.080 --> 00:01:44.110
that x plus three.
00:01:44.110 --> 00:01:46.980
And now it becomes a pretty
straightforward problem.
00:01:46.980 --> 00:01:50.140
What is -- we do distribution
again with each part
00:01:50.140 --> 00:01:51.420
of this problem.
00:01:51.420 --> 00:01:54.740
So, let me stay in orange.
00:01:54.740 --> 00:01:56.950
What is x times x?
00:01:56.950 --> 00:02:00.820
Well that's x squared.
00:02:00.820 --> 00:02:04.850
And then x times 2
-- well, that's 2x.
00:02:04.850 --> 00:02:06.860
So we did this left-hand
side already.
00:02:06.860 --> 00:02:08.680
Now we do this right-hand side.
00:02:08.680 --> 00:02:10.730
What's 3 times x?
00:02:10.730 --> 00:02:13.650
Well that's 3x.
00:02:13.650 --> 00:02:14.940
What's 3 times 2?
00:02:14.940 --> 00:02:17.680
Well, that's 6.
00:02:17.680 --> 00:02:19.680
And now we're almost done.
00:02:19.680 --> 00:02:21.670
We could say, oh, we have a 2x
here and a 3x here, we can
00:02:21.670 --> 00:02:23.700
simplify and add
those together.
00:02:23.700 --> 00:02:26.070
And we know that that
equals x squared.
00:02:26.070 --> 00:02:28.000
2x plus 3x is equal to 5x.
00:02:28.000 --> 00:02:32.930
x squared plus 5x plus 6.
00:02:32.930 --> 00:02:34.890
So all we did, there's really
nothing new to learn here.
00:02:34.890 --> 00:02:39.460
We just distributed the x plus
2 times each term of x plus 3.
00:02:39.460 --> 00:02:40.630
And we got the second step.
00:02:40.630 --> 00:02:43.480
And then we distributed this x
times x plus 2, and this 3
00:02:43.480 --> 00:02:45.660
times x plus 2, and simplify.
00:02:45.660 --> 00:02:46.810
Let's do a couple of problems.
00:02:46.810 --> 00:02:51.970
And hopefully it'll
hit the point home.
00:02:51.970 --> 00:03:07.180
Let's say I had 5x plus
9 times 4x minus 2.
00:03:07.180 --> 00:03:16.590
Once again, that
equals 5x plus 9.
00:03:16.590 --> 00:03:18.120
I'm just distributing it.
00:03:18.120 --> 00:03:20.640
I want to stay in my color that
I'm using, so that's why I'm
00:03:20.640 --> 00:03:22.670
just writing it out like this.
00:03:22.670 --> 00:03:27.660
That equals 5x plus 9 times 4x.
00:03:27.660 --> 00:03:32.350
And then plus, 5x plus
9 times minus 2.
00:03:32.350 --> 00:03:36.570
That minus 2 is here
and this 4x is here.
00:03:36.570 --> 00:03:37.830
And now we just
multiply it out.
00:03:37.830 --> 00:03:45.170
5x times 4x is 20x squared.
00:03:45.170 --> 00:03:46.720
Hope that makes sense to
you; let me write it
00:03:46.720 --> 00:03:47.756
down in this corner.
00:03:47.756 --> 00:03:55.050
5x times 4x is the same thing
as 5 times 4 times x times x.
00:03:55.050 --> 00:03:57.040
That equals 20x squared.
00:03:57.040 --> 00:03:58.840
Hopefully that makes
sense to you.
00:03:58.840 --> 00:04:00.290
So, going back to the problem.
00:04:00.290 --> 00:04:05.830
5x times 4x is 20x squared
plus 9 times 4x is 36x.
00:04:08.760 --> 00:04:13.040
Plus minus 2 times 5x.
00:04:13.040 --> 00:04:17.000
So that's minus 10x.
00:04:17.000 --> 00:04:20.860
And then 9 times negative
2, well, that's minus 18.
00:04:20.860 --> 00:04:22.470
And we're almost done.
00:04:22.470 --> 00:04:24.696
So we get 20x squared.
00:04:24.696 --> 00:04:27.310
And we have 36x.
00:04:27.310 --> 00:04:28.990
Minus 10x.
00:04:28.990 --> 00:04:34.040
So that's plus 26x minus 18.
00:04:34.040 --> 00:04:34.520
00:04:34.520 --> 00:04:36.430
We're done.
00:04:36.430 --> 00:04:37.325
Let's do another problem.
00:04:42.110 --> 00:04:49.710
Let's do 2x plus y.
00:04:49.710 --> 00:04:52.640
Whoops, some parentheses.
00:04:52.640 --> 00:04:55.040
I'll stay in one color, since
I think you understand
00:04:55.040 --> 00:04:56.170
what we're doing.
00:04:56.170 --> 00:05:03.210
Times 3x plus 2y.
00:05:03.210 --> 00:05:06.790
Well, once again, this is the
same thing as -- and we could
00:05:06.790 --> 00:05:08.100
just do it in a little
different way, a little
00:05:08.100 --> 00:05:08.840
different order.
00:05:08.840 --> 00:05:10.350
But we could distribute
it like this.
00:05:10.350 --> 00:05:15.960
We could say that this
is 3x times 2x plus y.
00:05:15.960 --> 00:05:21.570
Plus 2y times 2x plus y.
00:05:21.570 --> 00:05:22.050
See what I did?
00:05:22.050 --> 00:05:23.280
I just switched the
order this time.
00:05:23.280 --> 00:05:24.410
Just to mix things up.
00:05:24.410 --> 00:05:26.060
This 3x is there.
00:05:26.060 --> 00:05:27.140
This 2y is here.
00:05:27.140 --> 00:05:31.320
And we just distributed it
along 2 -- and we just, we
00:05:31.320 --> 00:05:35.260
distributed it 2x plus y
along each of these numbers.
00:05:35.260 --> 00:05:36.540
And now we just
multiply it out.
00:05:36.540 --> 00:05:40.630
3x times 2x is 6x squared.
00:05:40.630 --> 00:05:46.970
3x times y -- that's 3xy.
00:05:46.970 --> 00:05:50.930
3xy is just another way of
saying 3 times x times y.
00:05:50.930 --> 00:05:56.850
Plus, now, 2 times y times 2y
times 2x, well, that's 4 y x.
00:05:59.800 --> 00:06:01.320
4 y x.
00:06:01.320 --> 00:06:04.450
2 times 2 times y times x.
00:06:04.450 --> 00:06:08.020
Plus 2y times y.
00:06:08.020 --> 00:06:11.370
Well, that's just 2y squared.
00:06:11.370 --> 00:06:13.590
Now, can we simplify
anything here?
00:06:13.590 --> 00:06:14.980
Think about it a little bit.
00:06:14.980 --> 00:06:17.960
Well, it turns out that x y and
y are actually the same thing.
00:06:17.960 --> 00:06:19.570
They're just
switching the order.
00:06:19.570 --> 00:06:24.300
So you could just rewrite
this as 6x squared plus
00:06:24.300 --> 00:06:29.110
7 x y plus 2y squared.
00:06:29.110 --> 00:06:31.560
And we could have just as
easily have written it as
00:06:31.560 --> 00:06:39.471
6x squared plus 7y
x plus 2y squared.
00:06:39.471 --> 00:06:41.420
I hope I'm not confusing you.
00:06:41.420 --> 00:06:42.910
Let's do one more, real fast.
00:06:45.800 --> 00:06:53.100
Let's do 2x plus 2 squared.
00:06:53.100 --> 00:06:55.870
Well, you might be temptd to
just square each of these
00:06:55.870 --> 00:06:57.180
terms, but you've got to be
careful because you
00:06:57.180 --> 00:06:58.340
have this x here.
00:06:58.340 --> 00:07:01.840
So it actually turns out
that this is equal to 2x
00:07:01.840 --> 00:07:06.230
plus 2 times 2x plus 2.
00:07:06.230 --> 00:07:08.740
Any number squared is just
that number times itself.
00:07:08.740 --> 00:07:11.950
So any expression like 2x plus
2 squared, is just that
00:07:11.950 --> 00:07:14.010
expression times itself.
00:07:14.010 --> 00:07:16.980
And now we can just do it as
-- this is the same thing
00:07:16.980 --> 00:07:22.310
as 2x times 2x plus 2.
00:07:22.310 --> 00:07:26.070
Plus 2 times 2x plus 2.
00:07:26.070 --> 00:07:27.330
We just multiply
everything out.
00:07:27.330 --> 00:07:31.240
2x times 2x, that's 4x squared.
00:07:31.240 --> 00:07:35.530
2x times 2, that's 4x.
00:07:35.530 --> 00:07:39.690
Plus 2 times 2x is 4x again.
00:07:39.690 --> 00:07:41.802
And then 2 times 2,
well, that's 4.
00:07:41.802 --> 00:07:43.770
And we're almost there.
00:07:43.770 --> 00:07:45.750
We just can add up
these two terms.
00:07:45.750 --> 00:07:51.140
4x squared plus 8x plus 4.
00:07:51.140 --> 00:07:52.520
And we're done.
00:07:52.520 --> 00:07:55.900
I think you're ready now to try
some level one multiplying
00:07:55.900 --> 00:07:57.220
expression problems.
00:07:57.220 --> 00:07:58.930
Hope you have fun.
Level 2 Exponents | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nt-t9YJM8k | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=1Nt-t9YJM8k&ei=g2eUZdefHdKYvdIP9amkqAQ&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:03.582
Welcome to the presentation
on the Level 2 exponents.
00:00:03.582 --> 00:00:06.480
In Level 2 exponents, the only
thing we're going to add to
00:00:06.480 --> 00:00:09.740
the mix now is the concept
of a negative exponent.
00:00:09.740 --> 00:00:14.180
So we learned already that 2
the third power, well, that
00:00:14.180 --> 00:00:17.140
just equals 2 times 2 times 2.
00:00:17.140 --> 00:00:19.110
Hopefully, by now, that's
second nature to you,
00:00:19.110 --> 00:00:21.320
and that equals 8.
00:00:21.320 --> 00:00:24.960
Now I'm going to teach you
what 2 to the negative
00:00:24.960 --> 00:00:26.630
third power is.
00:00:26.630 --> 00:00:28.490
I know a lot of you are going
to say, oh, no, that's negative
00:00:28.490 --> 00:00:31.100
8, but whenever you see
exponents, you always have to
00:00:31.100 --> 00:00:34.260
remind yourself, exponents
are not multiplication.
00:00:34.260 --> 00:00:36.650
I know there's that temptation
to say, well, 2 times negative
00:00:36.650 --> 00:00:39.720
3 is negative 6, so maybe 2 to
the negative third power
00:00:39.720 --> 00:00:42.300
is negative 8, but
that's not the case.
00:00:42.300 --> 00:00:45.920
And I'll explain in a future
module why we use this
00:00:45.920 --> 00:00:49.220
convention, but 2 to the
negative third power, it
00:00:49.220 --> 00:00:57.580
turns out, is equivalent to
1/2 to the third power.
00:00:57.580 --> 00:01:00.280
So it turns out that the
negative exponent, what it does
00:01:00.280 --> 00:01:03.440
is it means to take the inverse
of the base-- we'll call the
00:01:03.440 --> 00:01:06.760
number 2 as the base-- and
take that to the positive
00:01:06.760 --> 00:01:08.070
version of the exponent.
00:01:08.070 --> 00:01:10.020
And 1/2 to the third power?
00:01:10.020 --> 00:01:16.336
Well, we already learned that's
1/2 times 1/2 times 1/2,
00:01:16.336 --> 00:01:19.170
and that equals 1/8.
00:01:19.170 --> 00:01:22.600
So we say 2 to the
negative third power.
00:01:22.600 --> 00:01:24.040
That didn't come out right.
00:01:24.040 --> 00:01:29.300
2 to the negative third
power is equal to 1/8.
00:01:29.300 --> 00:01:31.810
Let's do another one.
00:01:31.810 --> 00:01:38.530
Let's say 3 to the
negative 2 power.
00:01:38.530 --> 00:01:41.300
Once again, immediately when
we see that negative in the
00:01:41.300 --> 00:01:43.420
exponent, the easiest thing to
do is just immediately take
00:01:43.420 --> 00:01:44.882
the reciprocal of the base.
00:01:44.882 --> 00:01:46.780
So we take 1/3.
00:01:46.780 --> 00:01:49.910
And we raise that to
the positive 2 power.
00:01:49.910 --> 00:01:51.040
And that's easy enough.
00:01:51.040 --> 00:01:55.261
1/3 squared, well,
that's equal to 1/9.
00:01:55.261 --> 00:01:56.700
Let's do some more problems.
00:02:00.170 --> 00:02:12.270
What if I had 2/3 to the
negative third power?
00:02:12.270 --> 00:02:14.960
Once again, just to make it
simple, whenever I see that
00:02:14.960 --> 00:02:16.900
negative in the exponent,
I want to get rid of it.
00:02:16.900 --> 00:02:20.100
So I immediately take the
reciprocal of the base.
00:02:20.100 --> 00:02:25.430
The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2,
and I raise that to the
00:02:25.430 --> 00:02:27.180
positive third power.
00:02:27.180 --> 00:02:29.495
So what changed between the
left and the right side?
00:02:29.495 --> 00:02:33.300
The 2/3 I flipped, and
I turned the negative
00:02:33.300 --> 00:02:34.530
3 into a positive 3.
00:02:34.530 --> 00:02:37.510
And now this just becomes
a Level 1 exponent.
00:02:37.510 --> 00:02:52.710
This equals 3/2 times 3/2 times
3/2, and that equals 27/8.
00:02:52.710 --> 00:02:53.970
So that's interesting.
00:02:53.970 --> 00:02:58.150
2/3 to the negative
3 is equal to 27/8.
00:02:58.150 --> 00:02:59.090
Let's do some more.
00:03:02.740 --> 00:03:12.190
Let's do 4/7 to the negative 1.
00:03:12.190 --> 00:03:16.870
Once again, we have a negative
number in the exponent.
00:03:16.870 --> 00:03:21.700
That's the same thing as taking
the reciprocal of the base
00:03:21.700 --> 00:03:23.720
and raising it to the
positive exponent.
00:03:23.720 --> 00:03:26.425
Well, 7/4 to the 1, any
number to the first power
00:03:26.425 --> 00:03:27.570
is just the same number.
00:03:27.570 --> 00:03:29.380
It's equal to 7/4.
00:03:29.380 --> 00:03:31.770
So when take it to the negative
1 power, all you're essentially
00:03:31.770 --> 00:03:34.490
doing is getting the
reciprocal of the number.
00:03:34.490 --> 00:03:37.440
Let's do some more problems.
00:03:37.440 --> 00:03:41.400
2 to the negative 5.
00:03:41.400 --> 00:03:46.120
Once again, we take the
reciprocal of 2, and we say
00:03:46.120 --> 00:03:51.680
1/2, and now that can be raised
to the fifth power, and that
00:03:51.680 --> 00:04:00.520
equals 1/2 times 1/2 times
1/2 times 1/2 times 1/2,
00:04:00.520 --> 00:04:04.750
and that equals 1/32.
00:04:04.750 --> 00:04:07.030
Another way we could have
viewed 2 to the negative fifth
00:04:07.030 --> 00:04:12.040
is that, 2 to the negative
fifth, we could have said that
00:04:12.040 --> 00:04:16.210
equals 1 over 2 to the fifth.
00:04:16.210 --> 00:04:19.000
And we know that 2 to the
fifth is 32, so that would've
00:04:19.000 --> 00:04:20.380
been the same thing.
00:04:20.380 --> 00:04:23.380
Two ways to do it, pretty much
just changing the order of when
00:04:23.380 --> 00:04:25.180
you flip versus when you
actually calculate
00:04:25.180 --> 00:04:27.210
the exponent.
00:04:27.210 --> 00:04:31.110
Let me do two or
three more problems.
00:04:31.110 --> 00:04:33.360
And after I write down each of
these problems, you might just
00:04:33.360 --> 00:04:35.780
want to pause it and see if you
can do the problem yourself,
00:04:35.780 --> 00:04:38.100
and then compare your
answer to mine.
00:04:38.100 --> 00:04:46.760
So let's say I had negative 4
to the negative third power.
00:04:46.760 --> 00:04:49.090
Immediately, I like to get rid
of the negative in the
00:04:49.090 --> 00:04:56.120
exponent, and I know that that
equals minus 1/4 to the third
00:04:56.120 --> 00:05:03.500
power, and that equals minus
1/4 times minus 1/4
00:05:03.500 --> 00:05:06.110
times minus 1/4.
00:05:06.110 --> 00:05:08.630
The negative times a negative
is a positive, but then we're
00:05:08.630 --> 00:05:11.810
multiplying that times another
negative, so we get a negative.
00:05:11.810 --> 00:05:14.680
1 times 1 times 1 is 1.
00:05:14.680 --> 00:05:18.360
4 times 4 is 16 times 4 is 64.
00:05:18.360 --> 00:05:23.340
So it equals negative 1/64.
00:05:23.340 --> 00:05:24.340
Let's do another problem.
00:05:27.210 --> 00:05:29.100
Let me think of a good number.
00:05:29.100 --> 00:05:31.150
00:05:31.150 --> 00:05:33.270
Let's make it negative.
00:05:33.270 --> 00:05:40.230
Negative 8/9 to the
negative second power.
00:05:40.230 --> 00:05:44.750
Well, once again, that
equals negative 9/8.
00:05:44.750 --> 00:05:48.560
Notice, I immediately just took
the reciprocal of the base to
00:05:48.560 --> 00:05:54.630
the positive 2 power, and now
that equals negative 9/8
00:05:54.630 --> 00:05:57.480
times negative 9/8.
00:05:57.480 --> 00:06:00.180
A negative times a negative
is a positive, so we
00:06:00.180 --> 00:06:05.230
get 9 times 9 is 81/64.
00:06:05.230 --> 00:06:06.260
I think you get the point now.
00:06:06.260 --> 00:06:08.730
The only new thing we've
learned, really, is that when
00:06:08.730 --> 00:06:12.790
you have a negative exponent,
it's the same thing as taking
00:06:12.790 --> 00:06:14.710
the reciprocal of the base
and raising it to the
00:06:14.710 --> 00:06:16.250
positive exponent.
00:06:16.250 --> 00:06:19.150
Hopefully, that last statement
didn't confuse you more, did
00:06:19.150 --> 00:06:21.630
more good than damage, but
I think you're ready to
00:06:21.630 --> 00:06:22.620
try some problems now.
00:06:22.620 --> 00:06:24.150
Have fun!
Solving a quadratic by factoring | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N30tN9158Kc | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=N30tN9158Kc&ei=g2eUZbKwEay5vdIPh8-t-A4&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.090 --> 00:00:03.050
Welcome to solving a
quadratic by factoring.
00:00:03.050 --> 00:00:04.970
Let's start doing
some problems.
00:00:04.970 --> 00:00:13.480
So, let's say I had a function
f of x is equal to x
00:00:13.480 --> 00:00:18.410
squared plus 6x plus 8.
00:00:18.410 --> 00:00:23.810
Now if I were to graph f of
x, the graph is going to
00:00:23.810 --> 00:00:24.790
look something like this.
00:00:24.790 --> 00:00:27.810
I don't know exactly what it's
going to look like, but it's
00:00:27.810 --> 00:00:31.420
going to be a parabola and it's
going to intersect the x-axis
00:00:31.420 --> 00:00:34.440
at a couple of points,
here and here.
00:00:34.440 --> 00:00:36.460
And what we're going to try
to do is determine what
00:00:36.460 --> 00:00:38.480
those two points are.
00:00:38.480 --> 00:00:40.800
So first of all, when a
function intersects the
00:00:40.800 --> 00:00:44.220
x-axis, that means f
of x is equal to zero.
00:00:44.220 --> 00:00:47.820
Because this is f of x-axis,
similar to the y-axis.
00:00:47.820 --> 00:00:49.760
So here f of x is 0.
00:00:49.760 --> 00:00:52.420
So in order to solve this
equation we set f of x to 0,
00:00:52.420 --> 00:01:01.480
and we get x squared plus
6x plus 8 is equal to 0.
00:01:01.480 --> 00:01:04.120
Now this might look like you
could solve it pretty easily,
00:01:04.120 --> 00:01:07.060
but that x squared term messes
things up and you could
00:01:07.060 --> 00:01:09.130
try it out for yourself.
00:01:09.130 --> 00:01:10.680
So we're going to
do is factor this.
00:01:10.680 --> 00:01:13.660
And we're going to say that x
squared plus 6x plus 8, but
00:01:13.660 --> 00:01:19.240
this can be written as x plus
something times x
00:01:19.240 --> 00:01:20.890
plus something.
00:01:20.890 --> 00:01:23.200
It will still equal that,
except that's equal to 0.
00:01:23.200 --> 00:01:25.650
Now in this presentation, I'm
going to just show you the
00:01:25.650 --> 00:01:27.980
systematic or you could say the
mechanical way of doing this.
00:01:27.980 --> 00:01:30.720
I'm going to give you another
presentation on why this works.
00:01:30.720 --> 00:01:33.420
And you might want to just
multiply out the answers we
00:01:33.420 --> 00:01:36.140
get in and multiply out
the expressions and
00:01:36.140 --> 00:01:38.400
see why it works.
00:01:38.400 --> 00:01:41.160
And the message we're going
to use is, we look at the
00:01:41.160 --> 00:01:43.405
coefficient on this x term, 6.
00:01:43.405 --> 00:01:46.450
And we say what two
numbers will add up to 6.
00:01:46.450 --> 00:01:49.840
And when those same two
numbers are multiplied
00:01:49.840 --> 00:01:51.650
you're going to get 8.
00:01:51.650 --> 00:01:53.290
Well let's just think
about the factors of 8.
00:01:53.290 --> 00:02:00.160
The factors of 8 are
one to 4 and 8.
00:02:00.160 --> 00:02:05.670
well 1 times 8 is 8, but 1 plus
8 is 9, so that doesn't work.
00:02:05.670 --> 00:02:09.610
2 times 4 is 8, and
2 plus 4 is 6.
00:02:09.610 --> 00:02:11.040
So that works.
00:02:11.040 --> 00:02:17.560
So we could just say x plus 2
and x plus 4 is equal to 0.
00:02:17.560 --> 00:02:21.150
Now if two expressions or two
numbers times each other equals
00:02:21.150 --> 00:02:24.470
0, that means that one of those
two numbers or both of
00:02:24.470 --> 00:02:25.990
them must equal 0.
00:02:25.990 --> 00:02:37.785
So now we can say that x
plus 2 equals 0, and x
00:02:37.785 --> 00:02:41.880
plus 4 is equal to zero.
00:02:41.880 --> 00:02:43.750
Well, this is a very
simple equation.
00:02:43.750 --> 00:02:47.680
We subtract 2 from both sides
and we get x equals negative 2.
00:02:47.680 --> 00:02:53.030
And here we get x
equals minus 4.
00:02:53.030 --> 00:02:55.020
And if we substitute
either of these into the
00:02:55.020 --> 00:02:57.470
original equation, we'll
see that it works.
00:02:57.470 --> 00:03:00.650
Minus 2-- so let's just try it
with minus 2 and I'll leave
00:03:00.650 --> 00:03:07.060
minus 4 up to you --so minus 2
squared plus 6 times
00:03:07.060 --> 00:03:09.940
minus 2 plus 8.
00:03:09.940 --> 00:03:18.070
Minus 2 squared is 4, minus
12-- 6 times minus 2 --plus 8.
00:03:18.070 --> 00:03:21.170
And sure enough that equals 0.
00:03:21.170 --> 00:03:23.030
And if you did the same thing
with negative 4, you'd
00:03:23.030 --> 00:03:24.810
also see that works.
00:03:24.810 --> 00:03:26.600
And you might be saying,
wow, this is interesting.
00:03:26.600 --> 00:03:30.180
This is an equation that
has two solutions.
00:03:30.180 --> 00:03:33.040
Well, if you think about it, it
makes sense because the graph
00:03:33.040 --> 00:03:39.130
of f of x is intersecting the
x-axis in two different places.
00:03:39.130 --> 00:03:40.150
Let's do another problem.
00:03:44.470 --> 00:03:56.580
Let's say I had f of x
is equal to 2 x squared
00:03:56.580 --> 00:04:01.830
plus 20x plus 50.
00:04:01.830 --> 00:04:04.170
So if we want to figure out
where it intersects the x-axis,
00:04:04.170 --> 00:04:07.470
we just set f of x equal to 0,
and I'll just swap the left and
00:04:07.470 --> 00:04:09.665
right sides of the equation.
00:04:09.665 --> 00:04:20.520
And I get 2x squared plus
20x plus 50 equals 0.
00:04:20.520 --> 00:04:22.890
Now, what's a little different
this time from last time, is
00:04:22.890 --> 00:04:25.910
here the coefficient on that x
squared is actually a 2 instead
00:04:25.910 --> 00:04:28.140
of a 1, and I like
it to be a 1.
00:04:28.140 --> 00:04:30.680
So let's divide the whole
equation, both the left
00:04:30.680 --> 00:04:33.150
and right sides, by 2.
00:04:33.150 --> 00:04:42.460
I get x squared plus
10x plus 25 equals 0.
00:04:42.460 --> 00:04:45.786
So all I did is I multiplied
1/2 times-- this is the same
00:04:45.786 --> 00:04:48.220
thing as dividing
by 2 --times 1/2.
00:04:48.220 --> 00:04:50.940
And of course 0 times 1/2 is 0.
00:04:50.940 --> 00:04:52.580
Now we are ready to do what
we did before, and you
00:04:52.580 --> 00:04:54.660
might want to pause it
and try it yourself.
00:04:54.660 --> 00:05:00.080
We're going to say x plus
something times x plus
00:05:00.080 --> 00:05:05.450
something is equal to 0 and
those two somethings, they
00:05:05.450 --> 00:05:08.300
should add up to 10, and
when you multiply them,
00:05:08.300 --> 00:05:09.940
they should be 25.
00:05:09.940 --> 00:05:11.690
Let's think about
the factors of 25.
00:05:11.690 --> 00:05:16.120
You have 1, 5, and 25.
00:05:16.120 --> 00:05:18.100
Well 1 times 25 is 25.
00:05:18.100 --> 00:05:22.260
1 plus 25 is 26, not 10.
00:05:22.260 --> 00:05:30.170
5 times 5 is 25, and 5 plus 5
is 10, so 5 actually works.
00:05:30.170 --> 00:05:34.640
It actually turns out that
both of these numbers are 5.
00:05:34.640 --> 00:05:39.690
So you get x plus 5 equals
0 or x plus 5 equals 0.
00:05:39.690 --> 00:05:42.882
So you just have to
really write it once.
00:05:42.882 --> 00:05:45.590
So you get x equals negative 5.
00:05:45.590 --> 00:05:47.030
So how do you think
about this graphically?
00:05:47.030 --> 00:05:50.290
I just told you that these
equations can intersect the
00:05:50.290 --> 00:05:53.470
x-axis in two places, but
this only has one solution.
00:05:53.470 --> 00:05:54.920
Well, this solution
would look like.
00:05:58.960 --> 00:06:05.080
If this is x equals negative 5,
we'd have a parabola that just
00:06:05.080 --> 00:06:08.020
touches right there, and
then comes back up.
00:06:08.020 --> 00:06:09.880
And instead of intersecting
in two places it only
00:06:09.880 --> 00:06:13.580
intersects right there
at x equals negative 5.
00:06:13.580 --> 00:06:17.110
And now as an exercise just to
prove to you that I'm not
00:06:17.110 --> 00:06:24.280
teaching you incorrectly, let's
multiply x plus 5 times x plus
00:06:24.280 --> 00:06:29.370
5 just to show you that it
equals what it should equal.
00:06:29.370 --> 00:06:32.730
So we just say that this is the
same thing is x times x plus
00:06:32.730 --> 00:06:39.950
5 plus 5 times x plus 5.
00:06:39.950 --> 00:06:47.200
x squared plus 5x
plus 5x plus 25.
00:06:47.200 --> 00:06:52.410
And that's x squared
plus 10x plus 25.
00:06:52.410 --> 00:06:54.780
So, it equals what we
said it should equal.
00:06:54.780 --> 00:06:57.320
And I'm going to once again do
another module where I explain
00:06:57.320 --> 00:06:59.870
this a little bit more.
00:06:59.870 --> 00:07:03.220
Let's do one more problem.
00:07:03.220 --> 00:07:04.930
And this one I am just
going to cut to the chase.
00:07:04.930 --> 00:07:15.250
Let's just solve x squared
minus x minus 30 is equal to 0.
00:07:15.250 --> 00:07:19.550
Once again, two numbers when we
add them they equal-- whats the
00:07:19.550 --> 00:07:21.850
coefficient here,
it's negative 1.
00:07:21.850 --> 00:07:26.090
So we could say those two
numbers are a plus b equals
00:07:26.090 --> 00:07:33.760
minus 1 and a times b
will equal minus 30.
00:07:33.760 --> 00:07:37.050
Well let's just think about
what all the factors are of 30.
00:07:37.050 --> 00:07:46.590
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30.
00:07:46.590 --> 00:07:50.930
Well, something interesting is
happening this time though.
00:07:50.930 --> 00:07:55.320
Since a times b is negative
30, one of these numbers
00:07:55.320 --> 00:07:56.000
have to be negative.
00:07:56.000 --> 00:07:59.370
They both can't be negative,
because if they're both
00:07:59.370 --> 00:08:01.800
negative then this would
be a positive 30.
00:08:01.800 --> 00:08:04.950
a times b is negative 30.
00:08:04.950 --> 00:08:07.620
So actually we're going to have
to say, two of these factors,
00:08:07.620 --> 00:08:12.030
the difference between them
should be negative 1.
00:08:12.030 --> 00:08:13.930
Well, if we look at all of
these, all these numbers
00:08:13.930 --> 00:08:17.850
obviously when you pair them
up, they multiply out to 30.
00:08:17.850 --> 00:08:22.200
But the only ones that have a
difference of 1 is 5 and 6.
00:08:22.200 --> 00:08:25.700
And since it's a negative 1,
it's going to be-- and I know
00:08:25.700 --> 00:08:27.770
I'm going very fast with this
and I'll do more example
00:08:27.770 --> 00:08:33.280
problems --this would be x
minus 6 times x plus
00:08:33.280 --> 00:08:36.010
5 is equal to 0.
00:08:36.010 --> 00:08:37.850
So how did I think about that?
00:08:37.850 --> 00:08:42.160
Negative 6 times 5
is negative 30.
00:08:42.160 --> 00:08:46.180
Negative 6 plus 5
is negative 1.
00:08:46.180 --> 00:08:47.550
So it works out.
00:08:47.550 --> 00:08:50.000
And the more and more you do
these practices-- I know it
00:08:50.000 --> 00:08:51.570
seems a little confusing
right now --it'll make
00:08:51.570 --> 00:08:52.900
a lot more sense.
00:08:52.900 --> 00:09:00.010
So you get x equals 6 or
x equals negative 5.
00:09:00.010 --> 00:09:04.150
I think at this point you're
ready to try some solving
00:09:04.150 --> 00:09:06.610
quadratics by factoring and
I'll do a couple more modules
00:09:06.610 --> 00:09:08.980
as soon as you get some
more practice problems.
00:09:08.980 --> 00:09:10.520
Have fun.
Algebra: Linear equations 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAerID24QJ0 | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=bAerID24QJ0&ei=g2eUZe_XJ-arp-oPtpqcyAI&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.230 --> 00:00:03.860
Welcome to level one
linear equations.
00:00:03.860 --> 00:00:05.990
So let's start
doing some problems.
00:00:05.990 --> 00:00:16.190
So let's say I had the equation
5-- a big fat 5, 5x equals 20.
00:00:16.190 --> 00:00:18.540
So at first this might look
a little unfamiliar for you,
00:00:18.540 --> 00:00:19.914
but if I were to
rephrase this, I
00:00:19.914 --> 00:00:22.920
think you'll realize this
is a pretty easy problem.
00:00:22.920 --> 00:00:31.170
This is the same thing as
saying 5 times question mark
00:00:31.170 --> 00:00:32.920
equals 20.
00:00:32.920 --> 00:00:34.920
And the reason we do the
notation a little bit--
00:00:34.920 --> 00:00:37.400
we write the 5 next
to the x, because when
00:00:37.400 --> 00:00:39.300
you write a number right
next to a variable,
00:00:39.300 --> 00:00:41.030
you assume that you're
multiplying them.
00:00:41.030 --> 00:00:44.060
So this is just
saying 5 times x,
00:00:44.060 --> 00:00:46.420
so instead of a question
mark, we're writing an x.
00:00:46.420 --> 00:00:49.520
So 5 times x is equal to 20.
00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:51.520
Now, most of you all could
do that in your head.
00:00:51.520 --> 00:00:53.990
You could say, well, what
number times 5 is equal to 20?
00:00:53.990 --> 00:00:56.440
Well, it equals 4.
00:00:56.440 --> 00:00:58.960
But I'll show you a way to do
it systematically just in case
00:00:58.960 --> 00:01:01.570
that 5 was a more
complicated number.
00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:05.800
So let me make my pen
a little thinner, OK.
00:01:05.800 --> 00:01:12.434
So rewriting it, if
I had 5x equals 20,
00:01:12.434 --> 00:01:14.350
we could do two things
and they're essentially
00:01:14.350 --> 00:01:15.100
the same thing.
00:01:15.100 --> 00:01:18.000
We could say we just divide
both sides of this equation
00:01:18.000 --> 00:01:23.620
by 5, in which case, the left
hand side, those two 5's will
00:01:23.620 --> 00:01:25.490
cancel out, we'll get x.
00:01:25.490 --> 00:01:28.590
And the right hand side,
20 divided by 5 is 4,
00:01:28.590 --> 00:01:29.870
and we would have solved it.
00:01:29.870 --> 00:01:32.260
Another way to do it, and this
is actually the exact same way,
00:01:32.260 --> 00:01:34.010
we're just phrasing
it a little different.
00:01:34.010 --> 00:01:40.950
If you said 5x equals 20,
instead of dividing by 5,
00:01:40.950 --> 00:01:42.500
we could multiply by 1/5.
00:01:45.450 --> 00:01:48.620
And if you look at that, you can
realize that multiplying by 1/5
00:01:48.620 --> 00:01:51.159
is the same thing
as dividing by 5,
00:01:51.159 --> 00:01:52.950
if you know the difference
between dividing
00:01:52.950 --> 00:01:54.560
and multiplying fractions.
00:01:54.560 --> 00:01:56.710
And then that gets the
same thing, 1/5 times 5
00:01:56.710 --> 00:02:01.830
is 1, so you're just
left with an x equals 4.
00:02:01.830 --> 00:02:03.880
I tend to focus a
little bit more on this
00:02:03.880 --> 00:02:07.120
because when we start having
fractions instead of a 5,
00:02:07.120 --> 00:02:09.980
it's easier just to think about
multiplying by the reciprocal.
00:02:09.980 --> 00:02:11.730
Actually, let's do one
of those right now.
00:02:14.260 --> 00:02:26.925
So let's say I had negative
3/4 times x equals 10/13.
00:02:30.060 --> 00:02:31.330
Now, this is a harder problem.
00:02:31.330 --> 00:02:32.820
I can't do this one in my head.
00:02:32.820 --> 00:02:36.890
We're saying negative
3/4 times some number
00:02:36.890 --> 00:02:39.412
x is equal to 10/13.
00:02:39.412 --> 00:02:41.870
If someone came up to you on
the street and asked you that,
00:02:41.870 --> 00:02:46.040
I think you'd be like me,
and you'd be pretty stumped.
00:02:46.040 --> 00:02:47.980
But let's work it
out algebraically.
00:02:47.980 --> 00:02:49.710
Well, we do the same thing.
00:02:49.710 --> 00:02:53.930
We multiply both sides
by the coefficient on x.
00:02:53.930 --> 00:02:57.390
So the coefficient, all that
is, all that fancy word means,
00:02:57.390 --> 00:03:00.820
is the number that's
being multiplied by x.
00:03:00.820 --> 00:03:04.390
So what's the
reciprocal of minus 3/4.
00:03:04.390 --> 00:03:12.470
Well, it's minus 4/3 times,
and dot is another way
00:03:12.470 --> 00:03:14.070
to use times, and
you're probably
00:03:14.070 --> 00:03:17.624
wondering why in algebra, there
are all these other conventions
00:03:17.624 --> 00:03:19.040
for doing times
as opposed to just
00:03:19.040 --> 00:03:20.840
the traditional
multiplication sign.
00:03:20.840 --> 00:03:23.800
And the main reason is, I think,
just a regular multiplication
00:03:23.800 --> 00:03:25.860
sign gets confused
with the variable x,
00:03:25.860 --> 00:03:28.770
so they thought of either using
a dot if you're multiplying two
00:03:28.770 --> 00:03:31.170
constants, or just writing
it next to a variable
00:03:31.170 --> 00:03:33.790
to imply you're
multiplying a variable.
00:03:33.790 --> 00:03:36.460
So if we multiply the left
hand side by negative 4/3,
00:03:36.460 --> 00:03:38.090
we also have to
do the same thing
00:03:38.090 --> 00:03:42.280
to the right hand
side, minus 4/3.
00:03:42.280 --> 00:03:44.850
The left hand side, the
minus 4/3 and the 3/4,
00:03:44.850 --> 00:03:46.280
they cancel out.
00:03:46.280 --> 00:03:48.920
You could work it out on
your own to see that they do.
00:03:48.920 --> 00:03:53.610
They equal 1, so we're just
left with x is equal to 10 times
00:03:53.610 --> 00:04:01.740
minus 4 is minus 40, 13 times
3, well, that's equal to 39.
00:04:01.740 --> 00:04:04.180
So we get x is equal
to minus 40/39.
00:04:07.100 --> 00:04:08.930
And I like to leave
my fractions improper
00:04:08.930 --> 00:04:11.170
because it's easier
to deal with them.
00:04:11.170 --> 00:04:14.185
But you could also view
that-- that's minus--
00:04:14.185 --> 00:04:16.310
if you wanted to write it
as a mixed number, that's
00:04:16.310 --> 00:04:17.130
minus 1 and 1/39.
00:04:19.839 --> 00:04:22.220
I tend to keep it like this.
00:04:22.220 --> 00:04:24.160
Let's check to make
sure that's right.
00:04:24.160 --> 00:04:26.770
The cool thing about algebra is
you can always get your answer
00:04:26.770 --> 00:04:28.230
and put it back into
the original equation
00:04:28.230 --> 00:04:29.355
to make sure you are right.
00:04:29.355 --> 00:04:34.860
So the original equation
was minus 3/4 times x,
00:04:34.860 --> 00:04:38.940
and here we'll substitute
the x back into the equation.
00:04:38.940 --> 00:04:43.150
Wherever we saw x, we'll
now put our answer.
00:04:43.150 --> 00:04:49.550
So it's minus 40/39, and
our original equation
00:04:49.550 --> 00:04:52.786
said that equals 10/13.
00:04:52.786 --> 00:04:54.170
Well, and once
again, when I just
00:04:54.170 --> 00:04:57.260
write the 3/4 right next to
the parentheses like that,
00:04:57.260 --> 00:05:00.060
that's just another
way of writing times.
00:05:00.060 --> 00:05:08.132
So minus 3 times minus
40, it is minus 100--
00:05:08.132 --> 00:05:10.340
Actually, we could do
something a little bit simpler.
00:05:10.340 --> 00:05:16.370
This 4 becomes a 1
and this becomes a 10.
00:05:16.370 --> 00:05:18.740
If you remember when you're
multiplying fractions,
00:05:18.740 --> 00:05:21.480
you can simplify it like that.
00:05:21.480 --> 00:05:26.390
So it actually becomes
minus-- actually, plus 30,
00:05:26.390 --> 00:05:30.970
because we have a minus times
a minus and 3 times 10, over,
00:05:30.970 --> 00:05:34.550
the 4 is now 1, so all
we have left is 39.
00:05:34.550 --> 00:05:39.250
And 30/39, if we divide the
top and the bottom by 3,
00:05:39.250 --> 00:05:45.130
we get 10 over 13, which
is the same thing as what
00:05:45.130 --> 00:05:47.050
the equation said
we would get, so we
00:05:47.050 --> 00:05:49.597
know that we've got
the right answer.
00:05:49.597 --> 00:05:50.680
Let's do one more problem.
00:05:54.750 --> 00:06:01.532
Minus 5/6x is equal to 7/8.
00:06:01.532 --> 00:06:02.990
And if you want to
try this problem
00:06:02.990 --> 00:06:05.570
yourself, now's a
good time to pause,
00:06:05.570 --> 00:06:08.400
and I'm going to start
doing the problem right now.
00:06:08.400 --> 00:06:10.010
So same thing.
00:06:10.010 --> 00:06:12.090
What's the reciprocal
of minus 5/6?
00:06:12.090 --> 00:06:15.700
Well, it's minus 6/5.
00:06:15.700 --> 00:06:16.710
We multiply that.
00:06:16.710 --> 00:06:18.620
If you do that on
the left hand side,
00:06:18.620 --> 00:06:21.750
we have to do it on the
right hand side as well.
00:06:21.750 --> 00:06:23.430
Minus 6/5.
00:06:23.430 --> 00:06:26.920
The left hand side, the
minus 6/5 and the minus 5/6
00:06:26.920 --> 00:06:27.660
cancel out.
00:06:27.660 --> 00:06:30.030
We're just left with x.
00:06:30.030 --> 00:06:33.150
And the right hand
side, we have,
00:06:33.150 --> 00:06:37.740
well, we can divide both
the 6 and the 8 by 2,
00:06:37.740 --> 00:06:40.330
so this 6 becomes negative 3.
00:06:40.330 --> 00:06:42.882
This becomes 4.
00:06:42.882 --> 00:06:45.575
7 times negative
3 is minus 21/20.
00:06:50.087 --> 00:06:52.170
And assuming I haven't
made any careless mistakes,
00:06:52.170 --> 00:06:53.045
that should be right.
00:06:53.045 --> 00:06:55.340
Actually, let's just
check that real quick.
00:06:55.340 --> 00:06:59.580
Minus 5/6 times minus 21/20.
00:07:02.350 --> 00:07:06.672
Well, that equals
5, make that into 1.
00:07:06.672 --> 00:07:08.940
Turn this into a 4.
00:07:08.940 --> 00:07:10.205
Make this into a 2.
00:07:10.205 --> 00:07:12.680
Make this into a 7.
00:07:12.680 --> 00:07:14.280
Negative times
negative is positive.
00:07:14.280 --> 00:07:15.710
So you have 7.
00:07:15.710 --> 00:07:17.640
2 times 4 is 8.
00:07:17.640 --> 00:07:19.615
And that's what we
said we would get.
00:07:19.615 --> 00:07:21.290
So we got it right.
00:07:21.290 --> 00:07:22.710
I think you're
ready at this point
00:07:22.710 --> 00:07:25.220
to try some level one equations.
00:07:25.220 --> 00:07:27.040
Have fun.
Algebra: Linear equations 2 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DopnmxeMt-s | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=DopnmxeMt-s&ei=g2eUZeLHOJ21vdIPk72AwAw&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.340 --> 00:00:03.440
Welcome to level two
linear equations.
00:00:03.440 --> 00:00:05.330
Let's do a problem.
00:00:05.330 --> 00:00:14.130
2x plus 3 is equal to minus 15.
00:00:14.130 --> 00:00:17.260
Throw the minus in there to
make it a little bit tougher.
00:00:17.260 --> 00:00:18.970
So the first thing we
want to do whenever
00:00:18.970 --> 00:00:20.850
we do any linear
equation, is we want
00:00:20.850 --> 00:00:23.190
to get all of the
variable terms on one hand
00:00:23.190 --> 00:00:25.180
side of the equation and
all the constant terms
00:00:25.180 --> 00:00:25.930
on the other side.
00:00:25.930 --> 00:00:27.860
And it doesn't really
matter, although I
00:00:27.860 --> 00:00:30.970
tend to get my variables on the
left hand side of the equation.
00:00:30.970 --> 00:00:34.530
Well, my variables are
already on the left hand
00:00:34.530 --> 00:00:36.570
side of the equation
but I have this plus 3
00:00:36.570 --> 00:00:39.020
that I somehow want to
move to the right hand
00:00:39.020 --> 00:00:40.470
side of the equation.
00:00:40.470 --> 00:00:43.900
And the way I can-- you can put
it in quotes, move the 3 is I
00:00:43.900 --> 00:00:48.080
can subtract 3 from both
sides of this equation.
00:00:48.080 --> 00:00:51.690
And look at that carefully as
to why you think that works.
00:00:51.690 --> 00:00:53.690
Because if I subtract 3
from the left hand side,
00:00:53.690 --> 00:00:57.350
clearly this negative 3 that I'm
subtracting and the original 3
00:00:57.350 --> 00:00:59.690
will cancel out and become 0.
00:00:59.690 --> 00:01:02.250
and as long as I do whatever
I do on the left hand side,
00:01:02.250 --> 00:01:03.958
as long as I do it on
the right hand side
00:01:03.958 --> 00:01:07.526
as well, because whatever you do
on one side of the equal side,
00:01:07.526 --> 00:01:08.900
you have to do to
the other side,
00:01:08.900 --> 00:01:11.130
then I'm making a
valid operation.
00:01:11.130 --> 00:01:15.600
So this will simplify to 2x,
because the 3's cancel out.
00:01:15.600 --> 00:01:17.200
They become just 0.
00:01:17.200 --> 00:01:20.320
Equals minus 15 minus 3.
00:01:20.320 --> 00:01:22.595
Well, that's minus 18.
00:01:25.200 --> 00:01:28.200
And now, we're just at
a level one problem,
00:01:28.200 --> 00:01:29.840
and you can just
multiply both sides
00:01:29.840 --> 00:01:31.630
of this equation
times the reciprocal
00:01:31.630 --> 00:01:32.890
on the coefficient of 2x.
00:01:35.850 --> 00:01:37.274
I mean, some people
would just say
00:01:37.274 --> 00:01:39.190
that we're dividing by
2, which is essentially
00:01:39.190 --> 00:01:40.140
what we're doing.
00:01:40.140 --> 00:01:42.020
I like to always go
with the reciprocal,
00:01:42.020 --> 00:01:44.410
because if this
2 was a fraction,
00:01:44.410 --> 00:01:46.270
it's easier to think
about it that way.
00:01:46.270 --> 00:01:49.250
But either way, you either
multiply by the reciprocal,
00:01:49.250 --> 00:01:50.250
or divide by the number.
00:01:50.250 --> 00:01:51.580
It's the same thing.
00:01:51.580 --> 00:01:52.590
So 1/2 times 2x.
00:01:52.590 --> 00:01:54.930
Well, that's just 1x.
00:01:54.930 --> 00:02:00.780
So you get x equals,
and then minus 18/2.
00:02:00.780 --> 00:02:05.660
And minus 18/2, well,
that just equals minus 9.
00:02:05.660 --> 00:02:07.060
Let's do another problem.
00:02:07.060 --> 00:02:10.530
And actually, well, if we wanted
to check it, we could say,
00:02:10.530 --> 00:02:17.070
well, the original problem
was 2x plus 3 equals minus 15.
00:02:17.070 --> 00:02:22.160
So we could say 2
times minus 9 plus 3.
00:02:22.160 --> 00:02:25.530
2 times minus 9 is
minus 18 plus 3.
00:02:25.530 --> 00:02:29.090
Well, that's equal
to minus 15, which
00:02:29.090 --> 00:02:31.120
is equal to what the
original equation said,
00:02:31.120 --> 00:02:32.120
so we know that's right.
00:02:32.120 --> 00:02:33.620
That's the neat
thing about algebra.
00:02:33.620 --> 00:02:35.279
You can always check your work.
00:02:35.279 --> 00:02:36.320
Let's do another problem.
00:02:36.320 --> 00:02:38.560
I'm going to put some
fractions in this time,
00:02:38.560 --> 00:02:43.360
just to show you that it
can get a little bit hairy.
00:02:43.360 --> 00:02:57.135
So let's say I had minus 1/2x
plus 3/4 is equal to 5/6.
00:02:57.135 --> 00:02:58.260
So we'll do the same thing.
00:02:58.260 --> 00:03:01.460
First, we just want to get
this 3/4 out of the left hand
00:03:01.460 --> 00:03:03.846
side of the equation,
and actually,
00:03:03.846 --> 00:03:05.720
if you want to try
working this out yourself,
00:03:05.720 --> 00:03:06.650
you might want to
pause the video
00:03:06.650 --> 00:03:09.240
and then play it once you're
ready to see how I do it.
00:03:09.240 --> 00:03:12.360
Anyway, let me move forward
assuming you haven't paused it.
00:03:12.360 --> 00:03:14.730
If we want to get rid
of this 3/4, all we do
00:03:14.730 --> 00:03:18.175
is we subtract 3/4 from
both sides of this equation.
00:03:20.740 --> 00:03:23.240
Minus 3/4.
00:03:23.240 --> 00:03:26.990
Well, the left hand side,
the two 3/4 will just cancel.
00:03:26.990 --> 00:03:33.640
We get minus 1/2x equals, and
then on the right hand side,
00:03:33.640 --> 00:03:38.200
we just have to do this
fraction addition or fraction
00:03:38.200 --> 00:03:38.880
00:03:38.880 --> 00:03:44.120
So the least common
multiple of 6 and 4 is 12.
00:03:44.120 --> 00:03:53.470
So this becomes 5/6 6 is
10/12 minus 3/4 is 9/12,
00:03:53.470 --> 00:04:01.900
so we get minus 1/2x
is equal to 1/12.
00:04:01.900 --> 00:04:04.190
Hopefully, I didn't make
a mistake over here.
00:04:04.190 --> 00:04:06.490
And if that step confused
you, I went a little fast,
00:04:06.490 --> 00:04:08.156
you might just want
to review the adding
00:04:08.156 --> 00:04:10.009
and subtraction of fractions.
00:04:10.009 --> 00:04:11.300
So going back to where we were.
00:04:11.300 --> 00:04:13.400
So now all we have to do
is, well, the coefficient
00:04:13.400 --> 00:04:16.850
on the x term is minus 1/2,
and this is now a level one
00:04:16.850 --> 00:04:17.490
00:04:17.490 --> 00:04:19.490
So to solve for x,
we just multiply
00:04:19.490 --> 00:04:23.160
both sides by the reciprocal
of this minus 1/2x,
00:04:23.160 --> 00:04:29.570
and that's minus 2/1 times
minus 1/2x on that side,
00:04:29.570 --> 00:04:34.880
and then that's times minus 2/1.
00:04:34.880 --> 00:04:37.430
The left hand side, and
you're used to this by now,
00:04:37.430 --> 00:04:40.180
simplifies to x.
00:04:40.180 --> 00:04:45.510
The right hand side
becomes minus 2/12,
00:04:45.510 --> 00:04:49.160
and we could simplify
that further to minus 1/6.
00:04:49.160 --> 00:04:55.750
Well, let's check that just
to make sure we got it right.
00:04:55.750 --> 00:04:58.840
So let's try to
remember that minus 1/6.
00:04:58.840 --> 00:05:03.640
So the original
problem was minus 1/2x,
00:05:03.640 --> 00:05:08.270
so here we can substitute
the minus 1/6, plus 3/4.
00:05:08.270 --> 00:05:12.150
I just wrote only the left hand
side of the original problem.
00:05:12.150 --> 00:05:15.640
So minus 1/2 times
minus 1/6, well, that's
00:05:15.640 --> 00:05:23.150
positive 1/12 plus 3/4.
00:05:23.150 --> 00:05:25.730
Well, that's the
same thing as 12,
00:05:25.730 --> 00:05:29.270
the 1 stays the same, plus 9.
00:05:29.270 --> 00:05:33.530
1 plus 9 is 10 over 12.
00:05:33.530 --> 00:05:36.650
And that is equal
to 5/6, which is
00:05:36.650 --> 00:05:38.020
what our original problem was.
00:05:38.020 --> 00:05:38.730
Our original problem was this.
00:05:38.730 --> 00:05:39.850
This stuff I wrote later.
00:05:39.850 --> 00:05:43.150
So it's 5/6, so the
problem checks out.
00:05:43.150 --> 00:05:46.750
So hopefully, you're now
ready to try some level two
00:05:46.750 --> 00:05:48.664
problems on your own.
00:05:48.664 --> 00:05:50.330
I might add some other
example problems.
00:05:50.330 --> 00:05:55.000
But the only extra step here
relative to level one problems
00:05:55.000 --> 00:05:58.062
is you'll have this
constant term that you
00:05:58.062 --> 00:06:00.930
need to add or subtract from
both sides of this equation,
00:06:00.930 --> 00:06:03.720
and you'll essentially turn
it into a level one problem.
00:06:03.720 --> 00:06:05.329
Have fun.
Algebra: Linear equations 3 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn-GbH2S0Dk | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=Zn-GbH2S0Dk&ei=hmeUZcG8Bpe0vdIPybCEmAo&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.730 --> 00:00:03.620
Welcome to my presentation on level
00:00:03.620 --> 00:00:07.115
three linear, yeah, level three linear
00:00:07.115 --> 00:00:08.280
[LAUGH] Okay.
00:00:08.280 --> 00:00:10.510
So let me, let's, let's make up a problem.
00:00:10.510 --> 00:00:17.709
Let's say I had X plus 2x plus 3 is
00:00:17.709 --> 00:00:25.170
equal to, minus 7x minus 5.
00:00:25.170 --> 00:00:29.530
Well, in all of these linear equations,
the first things that
00:00:29.530 --> 00:00:31.600
we, the first thing that we try to do is,
get all
00:00:31.600 --> 00:00:34.480
of our variables on one side of the
equation, and then get
00:00:34.480 --> 00:00:36.620
all of our concept terms on the other side
of the equation.
00:00:36.620 --> 00:00:39.950
And then it actually will become a level
one linear equation.
00:00:39.950 --> 00:00:44.050
So, the first thing we can do is we can
try to simplify each of the sides.
00:00:44.050 --> 00:00:47.240
Well we, on this, on this left side we
have this X plus 2x.
00:00:47.240 --> 00:00:48.610
Well, what is X plus 2x?
00:00:48.610 --> 00:00:51.870
Well that's like saying I have one apple
and now I have two apples.
00:00:51.870 --> 00:00:55.090
So here I have one X and now I have two
more Xs that I'm adding together.
00:00:55.090 --> 00:01:03.650
So that's equal 3x, 3x plus 3 is equal to
minus 7x minus 5.
00:01:03.650 --> 00:01:07.310
Now let's bring the 7x over onto the
left-hand side.
00:01:07.310 --> 00:01:11.840
And we could do that by adding 7x to both
sides, 7x.
00:01:11.840 --> 00:01:13.733
This is a review.
00:01:13.733 --> 00:01:16.882
We, we're adding the opposite.
00:01:16.882 --> 00:01:21.290
So, it's negative 7x, so we add 7x so
that's why.
00:01:21.290 --> 00:01:25.620
And we do that, become the right side,
these two will cancel.
00:01:27.990 --> 00:01:33.390
And the left side, we get 10x plus
00:01:33.390 --> 00:01:40.390
3 equals, and on the right side, all we
have left is the negative 5.
00:01:40.390 --> 00:01:43.040
Almost there, now we're at a level, what
is this, a level two problem.
00:01:43.040 --> 00:01:44.940
And now we just have to take this 3 and
move it to the other side.
00:01:44.940 --> 00:01:47.590
And we can do that by subtracting 3 from
both sides.
00:01:52.650 --> 00:01:53.150
That's a 3 minus 3.
00:01:53.150 --> 00:01:57.390
The left-hand side, the 3s cancel out,
00:01:57.390 --> 00:02:00.550
why we subtract it in the first place.
00:02:00.550 --> 00:02:06.010
And you have 10x equals and then minus 5
minus 3, well that equals minus 8.
00:02:06.010 --> 00:02:09.970
Now, we just multiply both sides of this
equation by 1 over 10, or
00:02:09.970 --> 00:02:14.480
the reciprocal of 10, which is the
coefficient on x, times 1 over 10.
00:02:14.480 --> 00:02:16.860
You could also, some people would say,
well, we're just
00:02:16.860 --> 00:02:19.020
dividing both side by 10 which is
essential what we're doing.
00:02:19.020 --> 00:02:22.226
If you divide by 10, that's the same thing
as multiplying by 1 over 10.
00:02:22.226 --> 00:02:25.580
Well, anyway, the left-hand side, 1 over
10 times 10.
00:02:25.580 --> 00:02:30.930
Well, that equals 1, so we're just left
with x equals negative 8 over 10.
00:02:30.930 --> 00:02:33.830
And that can be reduced further.
00:02:33.830 --> 00:02:35.440
They both share the common factor 2.
00:02:35.440 --> 00:02:37.360
So you divide by 2.
00:02:37.360 --> 00:02:38.760
So it's minus 4 over 5.
00:02:38.760 --> 00:02:45.620
I think that's right, assuming that I
didn't make any careless mistakes.
00:02:45.620 --> 00:02:49.288
Let's do another problem.
00:02:49.288 --> 00:02:54.321
Let's say I had 5,
00:02:54.321 --> 00:03:01.133
that's a 5x minus 3 minus
00:03:01.133 --> 00:03:06.474
7x equals x plus 8.
00:03:07.570 --> 00:03:10.778
And in general if you wanna work this out
before I give you
00:03:10.778 --> 00:03:14.340
how I do it that now's a good time to
actually pause the video.
00:03:14.340 --> 00:03:17.028
And you could, you could try to work it
out and then,
00:03:17.028 --> 00:03:19.548
play it again and, and see what I have to
say about it.
00:03:19.548 --> 00:03:22.284
But assuming you wanna hear it, let me go
and do it.
00:03:22.284 --> 00:03:23.450
So let's do the same thing.
00:03:23.450 --> 00:03:26.390
We, first of all, we can merge these two
Xs on the left-hand side.
00:03:26.390 --> 00:03:28.710
Remember, you can't add the 5 and the 3
because the 3
00:03:28.710 --> 00:03:31.160
is just a constant term while the 5 is 5
times x.
00:03:32.180 --> 00:03:35.720
But the 5 times x and the negative 7 times
actually can merge.
00:03:35.720 --> 00:03:38.570
So 5, you just add the coefficient.
00:03:38.570 --> 00:03:41.160
So, it's 5 and negative 7.
00:03:41.160 --> 00:03:51.110
So, that becomes negative 2x minus 3 is
equal to x plus 8.
00:03:51.110 --> 00:03:53.760
Now, if we wanna take this x that's on the
right-hand side
00:03:53.760 --> 00:03:56.810
and put it over the left-hand side, we can
just subtract x from
00:04:00.690 --> 00:04:01.002
both sides.
00:04:01.002 --> 00:04:04.030
The left-hand side becomes minus 3x minus
3 is equal
00:04:04.030 --> 00:04:10.550
to, these two Xs cancel out, is equal to
00:04:10.550 --> 00:04:12.050
Now, we can just add 3 to both sides to
00:04:12.050 --> 00:04:16.810
get rid of that constant term 3 on left
00:04:16.810 --> 00:04:18.649
These two 3's will cancel out.
00:04:18.649 --> 00:04:22.300
And you get minus 3x is equal to 11.
00:04:22.300 --> 00:04:29.510
Now, you just multiply both sides by
negative one-third.
00:04:29.510 --> 00:04:30.670
And once again, this is just the same
00:04:30.670 --> 00:04:34.750
thing as dividing both sides by negative
00:04:34.750 --> 00:04:38.320
And you get x equals negative 11 over 3.
00:04:38.320 --> 00:04:38.870
00:04:41.620 --> 00:04:44.670
let's, let's, just for fun, let's check
this just to see.
00:04:44.670 --> 00:04:47.354
And the cool thing about algebra is if you
have enough
00:04:47.354 --> 00:04:50.296
time, you can always make sure you got the
right answer.
00:04:50.296 --> 00:04:52.450
So we have 5x, so we have 5 times negative
11 over 3.
00:04:52.450 --> 00:04:55.380
So that's, I'm just, I'm just gonna take
00:04:57.230 --> 00:05:02.660
this and substitute it back into the
original equation.
00:05:02.660 --> 00:05:06.410
And you might wanna try that out, too.
00:05:06.410 --> 00:05:09.190
So you have minus 55 over 3, that's just 5
00:05:09.190 --> 00:05:14.860
times negative 11 over 3, that's a 3,
minus 3.
00:05:14.860 --> 00:05:15.625
And what's 3?
00:05:15.625 --> 00:05:17.920
Three could also be written as, minus 9
over 3.
00:05:17.920 --> 00:05:23.428
I'm skipping some steps, but I think
00:05:23.428 --> 00:05:28.440
you, you know your fractions pretty good
by this point.
00:05:28.440 --> 00:05:29.730
So that's minus 9 over 3.
00:05:29.730 --> 00:05:32.420
And then, minus 7x is the same thing, as
plus 77 over 3.
00:05:32.420 --> 00:05:38.090
Because we have the minus 7 times minus
11, so it's plus 77.
00:05:38.090 --> 00:05:45.240
And, and the equation is saying that
should equal minus 11 over
00:05:45.240 --> 00:05:52.650
3, that's what x is, plus an 8 is nothing
more than 24 over 3.
00:05:52.650 --> 00:05:53.340
Let's add this up.
00:05:53.340 --> 00:06:01.570
Minus 55 minus 9, that's minus 64, if I'm
right, yeah, that's minus 64.
00:06:01.570 --> 00:06:08.780
And then, plus 77 minus 64 plus 77 is 13.
00:06:08.780 --> 00:06:13.084
So the left-hand side becomes 13 over 3.
00:06:14.160 --> 00:06:15.540
And on the right-hand side minus 11 plus
00:06:15.540 --> 00:06:16.840
well that's 13 and we still have over 3.
00:06:16.840 --> 00:06:20.836
So looks like we got the right solution.
00:06:20.836 --> 00:06:23.610
It checks out.
00:06:23.610 --> 00:06:28.180
So the correct answer was minus 11 over 3.
00:06:28.180 --> 00:06:32.220
Hopefully you're ready by now to, do some
level three problems.
00:06:32.220 --> 00:06:34.230
The only thing that makes this a little
00:06:34.230 --> 00:06:36.620
more complicated than level two is you
just have to
00:06:36.620 --> 00:06:39.030
remember to merge the variables in the
beginning, and, know
00:06:39.030 --> 00:06:41.840
that you could subtract variables or
constants from both sides.
00:06:41.840 --> 00:06:42.070
Have fun.
Algebra: Linear equations 4 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IUEk9fn2Vs | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=9IUEk9fn2Vs&ei=hWeUZYzfNrLMp-oP9pqa-Aw&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.230 --> 00:00:04.280
Welcome to the presentation on
level four linear equations.
00:00:04.280 --> 00:00:06.540
So, let's start doing
some problems.
00:00:06.540 --> 00:00:06.710
00:00:06.710 --> 00:00:09.580
Let's say I had the situation--
let me give me a couple of
00:00:09.580 --> 00:00:20.110
problems-- if I said 3 over x
is equal to, let's just say 5.
00:00:20.110 --> 00:00:23.180
So, what we want to do -- this
problem's a little unusual from
00:00:23.180 --> 00:00:24.260
everything we've ever seen.
00:00:24.260 --> 00:00:26.950
Because here, instead of having
x in the numerator, we actually
00:00:26.950 --> 00:00:28.150
have x in the denominator.
00:00:28.150 --> 00:00:31.270
So, I personally don't like
having x's in my denominators,
00:00:31.270 --> 00:00:34.190
so we want to get it outside of
the denominator into a
00:00:34.190 --> 00:00:36.140
numerator or at least not in
the denominator as
00:00:36.140 --> 00:00:36.920
soon as possible.
00:00:36.920 --> 00:00:40.780
So, one way to get a number out
of the denominator is, if we
00:00:40.780 --> 00:00:45.560
were to multiply both sides of
this equation by x, you see
00:00:45.560 --> 00:00:47.460
that on the left-hand side of
the equation these two
00:00:47.460 --> 00:00:48.900
x's will cancel out.
00:00:48.900 --> 00:00:52.160
And in the right side,
you'll just get 5 times x.
00:00:52.160 --> 00:00:56.920
So this equals -- the
two x's cancel out.
00:00:56.920 --> 00:01:00.890
And you get 3 is equal to 5x.
00:01:00.890 --> 00:01:05.420
Now, we could also write
that as 5x is equal to 3.
00:01:05.420 --> 00:01:07.810
And then we can think
about this two ways.
00:01:07.810 --> 00:01:12.210
We either just multiply both
sides by 1/5, or you could just
00:01:12.210 --> 00:01:14.230
do that as dividing by 5.
00:01:14.230 --> 00:01:16.490
If you multiply
both sides by 1/5.
00:01:16.490 --> 00:01:18.680
The left-hand side becomes x.
00:01:18.680 --> 00:01:23.740
And the right-hand side, 3
times 1/5, is equal to 3/5.
00:01:23.740 --> 00:01:24.640
So what did we do here?
00:01:24.640 --> 00:01:26.860
This is just like, this
actually turned into a level
00:01:26.860 --> 00:01:28.670
two problem, or actually a
level one problem,
00:01:28.670 --> 00:01:29.480
very quickly.
00:01:29.480 --> 00:01:31.990
All we had to do is multiply
both sides of this
00:01:31.990 --> 00:01:33.260
equation by x.
00:01:33.260 --> 00:01:35.460
And we got the x's out
of the denominator.
00:01:35.460 --> 00:01:36.360
Let's do another problem.
00:01:41.110 --> 00:01:53.530
Let's have -- let me say,
x plus 2 over x plus 1 is
00:01:53.530 --> 00:01:58.800
equal to, let's say, 7.
00:01:58.800 --> 00:02:00.790
So, here, instead of having
just an x in the denominator,
00:02:00.790 --> 00:02:02.920
we have a whole x plus
1 in the denominator.
00:02:02.920 --> 00:02:05.000
But we're going to
do it the same way.
00:02:05.000 --> 00:02:09.170
To get that x plus 1 out of the
denominator, we multiply both
00:02:09.170 --> 00:02:15.450
sides of this equation times x
plus 1 over 1 times this side.
00:02:15.450 --> 00:02:17.010
Since we did it on the
left-hand side we also have
00:02:17.010 --> 00:02:19.640
to do it on the right-hand
side, and this is just 7/1,
00:02:19.640 --> 00:02:24.420
times x plus 1 over 1.
00:02:24.420 --> 00:02:27.720
On the left-hand side, the
x plus 1's cancel out.
00:02:27.720 --> 00:02:31.110
And you're just left
with x plus 2.
00:02:31.110 --> 00:02:33.300
It's over 1, but we can
just ignore the 1.
00:02:33.300 --> 00:02:39.260
And that equals 7
times x plus 1.
00:02:39.260 --> 00:02:41.930
And that's the same
thing as x plus 2.
00:02:41.930 --> 00:02:45.720
And, remember, it's 7 times
the whole thing, x plus 1.
00:02:45.720 --> 00:02:47.790
So we actually have to use
the distributive property.
00:02:47.790 --> 00:02:54.400
And that equals 7x plus 7.
00:02:54.400 --> 00:02:57.200
So now it's turned into a,
I think this is a level
00:02:57.200 --> 00:02:58.790
three linear equation.
00:02:58.790 --> 00:03:02.050
And now all we do is, we say
well let's get all the x's on
00:03:02.050 --> 00:03:02.965
one side of the equation.
00:03:02.965 --> 00:03:05.570
And let's get all the constant
terms, like the 2 and the 7, on
00:03:05.570 --> 00:03:07.100
the other side of the equation.
00:03:07.100 --> 00:03:08.890
So I'm going to choose to
get the x's on the left.
00:03:08.890 --> 00:03:10.990
So let's bring that
7x onto the left.
00:03:10.990 --> 00:03:14.450
And we can do that by
subtracting 7x from both sides.
00:03:14.450 --> 00:03:19.440
Minus 7x, plus,
it's a minus 7x.
00:03:19.440 --> 00:03:22.800
The right-hand side, these
two 7x's will cancel out.
00:03:22.800 --> 00:03:26.410
And on the left-hand side
we have minus 7x plus x.
00:03:26.410 --> 00:03:32.840
Well, that's minus 6x plus
2 is equal to, and on the
00:03:32.840 --> 00:03:35.080
right all we have left is 7.
00:03:35.080 --> 00:03:36.470
Now we just have to
get rid of this 2.
00:03:36.470 --> 00:03:41.360
And we can just do that by
subtracting 2 from both sides.
00:03:41.360 --> 00:03:48.000
And we're left with minus
6x packs is equal to 6.
00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:49.220
Now it's a level one problem.
00:03:49.220 --> 00:03:52.410
We just have to multiply both
sides times the reciprocal
00:03:52.410 --> 00:03:54.200
of the coefficient on
the left-hand side.
00:03:54.200 --> 00:03:56.150
And the coefficient's
negative 6.
00:03:56.150 --> 00:03:59.620
So we multiply both sides of
the equation by negative 1/6.
00:04:02.540 --> 00:04:05.610
Negative 1/6.
00:04:05.610 --> 00:04:08.890
The left-hand side, negative
1 over 6 times negative 6.
00:04:08.890 --> 00:04:10.190
Well that just equals 1.
00:04:10.190 --> 00:04:16.130
So we just get x is equal
to 5 times negative 1/6.
00:04:16.130 --> 00:04:19.250
Well, that's negative 5/6.
00:04:22.270 --> 00:04:23.210
And we're done.
00:04:23.210 --> 00:04:25.710
And if you wanted to check it,
you could just take that x
00:04:25.710 --> 00:04:28.950
equals negative 5/6 and put it
back in the original question
00:04:28.950 --> 00:04:30.580
to confirm that it worked.
00:04:30.580 --> 00:04:31.340
Let's do another one.
00:04:34.610 --> 00:04:37.940
I'm making these up on
the fly, so I apologize.
00:04:37.940 --> 00:04:40.020
Let me think.
00:04:40.020 --> 00:04:51.010
3 times x plus 5 is equal
to 8 times x plus 2.
00:04:51.010 --> 00:04:52.740
Well, we do the
same thing here.
00:04:52.740 --> 00:04:55.950
Although now we have two
expressions we want to get
00:04:55.950 --> 00:04:56.680
out of the denominators.
00:04:56.680 --> 00:04:58.870
We want to get x plus 5
out and we want to get
00:04:58.870 --> 00:05:00.010
this x plus 2 out.
00:05:00.010 --> 00:05:01.670
So let's do the x plus 5 first.
00:05:01.670 --> 00:05:03.640
Well, just like we did before,
we multiply both sides of
00:05:03.640 --> 00:05:05.570
this equation by x plus 5.
00:05:05.570 --> 00:05:07.630
You can say x plus 5 over 1.
00:05:07.630 --> 00:05:12.680
Times x plus 5 over 1.
00:05:12.680 --> 00:05:15.080
On the left-hand side,
they get canceled out.
00:05:15.080 --> 00:05:24.230
So we're left with 3 is equal
to 8 times x plus five.
00:05:24.230 --> 00:05:28.770
All of that over x plus 2.
00:05:28.770 --> 00:05:31.820
Now, on the top, just to
simplify, we once again
00:05:31.820 --> 00:05:34.420
just multiply the 8 times
the whole expression.
00:05:34.420 --> 00:05:41.860
So it's 8x plus 40
over x plus 2.
00:05:41.860 --> 00:05:43.500
Now, we want to get
rid of this x plus 2.
00:05:43.500 --> 00:05:44.510
So we can do it the same way.
00:05:44.510 --> 00:05:46.505
We can multiply both sides
of this equation by
00:05:46.505 --> 00:05:50.904
x plus 2 over 1.
00:05:50.904 --> 00:05:52.580
x plus 2.
00:05:52.580 --> 00:05:53.690
We could just say we're
multiplying both
00:05:53.690 --> 00:05:54.420
sides by x plus 2.
00:05:54.420 --> 00:05:56.630
The 1 is little unnecessary.
00:05:56.630 --> 00:06:02.910
So the left-hand side
becomes 3x plus 6.
00:06:02.910 --> 00:06:05.070
Remember, always distribute
3 times, because you're
00:06:05.070 --> 00:06:07.030
multiplying it times
the whole expression.
00:06:07.030 --> 00:06:08.540
x plus 2.
00:06:08.540 --> 00:06:09.860
And on the right-hand side.
00:06:09.860 --> 00:06:13.620
Well, this x plus 2 and this
x plus 2 will cancel out.
00:06:13.620 --> 00:06:16.380
And we're left with 8x plus 40.
00:06:16.380 --> 00:06:19.340
And this is now a
level three problem.
00:06:19.340 --> 00:06:25.380
Well, if we subtract 8x from
both sides, minus 8x, plus-- I
00:06:25.380 --> 00:06:26.970
think I'm running out of space.
00:06:26.970 --> 00:06:28.470
Minus 8x.
00:06:28.470 --> 00:06:31.290
Well, on the right-hand
side the 8x's cancel out.
00:06:31.290 --> 00:06:38.620
On the left-hand side we have
minus 5x plus 6 is equal
00:06:38.620 --> 00:06:42.320
to, on the right-hand side
all we have left is 40.
00:06:42.320 --> 00:06:45.380
Now we can subtract 6 from
both sides of this equation.
00:06:45.380 --> 00:06:46.380
Let me just write out here.
00:06:46.380 --> 00:06:49.510
Minus 6 plus minus 6.
00:06:49.510 --> 00:06:51.470
Now I'm going to, hope I
don't lose you guys by
00:06:51.470 --> 00:06:53.160
trying to go up here.
00:06:55.720 --> 00:06:58.410
But if we subtract minus 6 from
both sides, on the left-hand
00:06:58.410 --> 00:07:05.280
side we're just left with
minus 5x equals, and on the
00:07:05.280 --> 00:07:08.780
right-hand side we have 34.
00:07:08.780 --> 00:07:09.880
Now it's a level one problem.
00:07:09.880 --> 00:07:12.780
We just multiply both
sides times negative 1/5.
00:07:16.510 --> 00:07:18.360
Negative 1/5.
00:07:18.360 --> 00:07:21.130
On the left-hand
side we have x.
00:07:21.130 --> 00:07:27.130
And on the right-hand side
we have negative 34/5.
00:07:27.130 --> 00:07:29.640
Unless I made some careless
mistakes, I think that's right.
00:07:29.640 --> 00:07:33.190
And I think if you understood
what we just did here, you're
00:07:33.190 --> 00:07:36.780
ready to tackle some level
four linear equations.
00:07:36.780 --> 00:07:38.290
Have fun.
Equivalent fractions | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2ovEuEUxXQ | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=U2ovEuEUxXQ&ei=hWeUZcXfOLSkvdIPlpuyiAQ&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.240 --> 00:00:04.650
Welcome to my presentation
on equivalent fractions.
00:00:04.650 --> 00:00:07.000
So equivalent fractions
are, essentially what
00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:07.560
they sound like.
00:00:07.560 --> 00:00:09.640
They're two fractions that
although they use different
00:00:09.640 --> 00:00:12.260
numbers, they actually
represent the same thing.
00:00:12.260 --> 00:00:13.930
Let me show you an example.
00:00:13.930 --> 00:00:18.306
Let's say I had
the fraction 1/2.
00:00:18.306 --> 00:00:21.060
Why isn't it writing.
00:00:21.060 --> 00:00:23.480
Let me make sure I get
the right color here.
00:00:23.480 --> 00:00:26.930
Let's say I had
the fraction 1/2.
00:00:26.930 --> 00:00:30.960
So graphically, if we to draw
that, if I had a pie and I
00:00:30.960 --> 00:00:33.030
would have cut it
into two pieces.
00:00:33.030 --> 00:00:34.590
That's the denominator
there, 2.
00:00:34.590 --> 00:00:38.420
And then if I were to eat
1 of the 2 pieces I would
00:00:38.420 --> 00:00:41.240
have eaten 1/2 of this pie.
00:00:41.240 --> 00:00:42.150
Makes sense.
00:00:42.150 --> 00:00:44.170
Nothing too complicated there.
00:00:44.170 --> 00:00:45.900
Well, what if instead of
dividing the pie into two
00:00:45.900 --> 00:00:50.040
pieces, let me just draw
that same pie again.
00:00:50.040 --> 00:00:52.030
Instead of dividing it in two
pieces, what if I divided
00:00:52.030 --> 00:00:55.200
that pie into 4 pieces?
00:00:55.200 --> 00:00:58.870
So here in the denominator I
have a possibility of-- total
00:00:58.870 --> 00:01:02.680
of 4 pieces in the pie.
00:01:02.680 --> 00:01:05.030
And instead of eating one
piece, this time I actually
00:01:05.030 --> 00:01:07.135
ate 2 of the 4 pieces.
00:01:13.140 --> 00:01:15.450
Or I ate 2/4 of the pie.
00:01:15.450 --> 00:01:20.240
Well if we look at these two
pictures, we can see that
00:01:20.240 --> 00:01:22.230
I've eaten the same
amount of the pie.
00:01:22.230 --> 00:01:24.780
So these fractions
are the same thing.
00:01:24.780 --> 00:01:28.170
If someone told you that they
ate 1/2 of a pie or if they
00:01:28.170 --> 00:01:31.410
told you that they ate 2/4 of a
pie, it turns out of that they
00:01:31.410 --> 00:01:32.640
ate the same amount of pie.
00:01:32.640 --> 00:01:34.490
So that's why we're saying
those two fractions
00:01:34.490 --> 00:01:35.460
are equivalent.
00:01:35.460 --> 00:01:38.820
Another way, if we actually
had-- let's do another one.
00:01:38.820 --> 00:01:43.770
Let's say-- and that pie is
quite ugly, but let's assume
00:01:43.770 --> 00:01:45.550
it's the same type of pie.
00:01:45.550 --> 00:01:51.250
Let's say we divided
that pie into 8 pieces.
00:01:51.250 --> 00:01:57.840
And now, instead of eating 2
we ate 4 of those 8 pieces.
00:01:57.840 --> 00:02:00.360
So we ate 4 out of 8 pieces.
00:02:00.360 --> 00:02:03.140
Well, we still ended up eating
the same amount of the pie.
00:02:03.140 --> 00:02:05.080
We ate half of the pie.
00:02:05.080 --> 00:02:10.790
So we see that 1/2 will equal
2/4, and that equals 4/8.
00:02:10.790 --> 00:02:13.320
Now do you see a pattern here
if we just look at the
00:02:13.320 --> 00:02:18.540
numerical relationships
between 1/2, 2/4, and 4/8?
00:02:18.540 --> 00:02:24.640
Well, to go from 1/2 to 2/4 we
multiply the denominator-- the
00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:27.310
denominator just as review is
the number on the bottom
00:02:27.310 --> 00:02:29.170
of the fraction.
00:02:29.170 --> 00:02:31.020
We multiply the
denominator by 2.
00:02:31.020 --> 00:02:35.370
And when you multiply the
denominator by 2, we also
00:02:35.370 --> 00:02:38.250
multiply the numerator by 2.
00:02:38.250 --> 00:02:39.360
We did the same thing here.
00:02:42.360 --> 00:02:46.540
And that makes sense because
well, if I double the number of
00:02:46.540 --> 00:02:50.640
pieces in the pie, then I have
to eat twice as many pieces to
00:02:50.640 --> 00:02:53.700
eat the same amount of pie.
00:02:53.700 --> 00:02:56.390
Let's do some more examples
of equivalent fractions
00:02:56.390 --> 00:03:00.740
and hopefully it'll
hit the point home.
00:03:00.740 --> 00:03:02.020
Let me erase this.
00:03:06.550 --> 00:03:07.645
Why isn't it letting me erase?
00:03:14.030 --> 00:03:16.470
Let me use the regular mouse.
00:03:16.470 --> 00:03:17.620
OK, good.
00:03:17.620 --> 00:03:18.750
Sorry for that.
00:03:18.750 --> 00:03:20.985
So let's say I had
the fraction 3/5.
00:03:24.160 --> 00:03:26.850
Well, by the same principle,
as long as we multiply the
00:03:26.850 --> 00:03:31.250
numerator and the denominator
by the same numbers, we'll
00:03:31.250 --> 00:03:32.740
get an equivalent fraction.
00:03:32.740 --> 00:03:38.230
So if we multiply the numerator
times 7 and the denominator
00:03:38.230 --> 00:03:46.820
times 7, we'll get 21-- because
3 times 7 is 21-- over 35.
00:03:46.820 --> 00:03:51.790
And so 3/5 and 21/35 are
equivalent fractions.
00:03:51.790 --> 00:03:54.880
And we essentially, and I don't
know if you already know how to
00:03:54.880 --> 00:03:57.830
multiply fractions, but all we
did is we multiplied 3/5
00:03:57.830 --> 00:04:02.460
times 7/7 to get 21/35.
00:04:02.460 --> 00:04:06.480
And if you look at this, what
we're doing here isn't magic.
00:04:06.480 --> 00:04:09.090
7/7, well what's 7/7?
00:04:09.090 --> 00:04:12.700
If I had 7 pieces in a pie
and I were to eat 7 of
00:04:12.700 --> 00:04:14.850
them; I ate the whole pie.
00:04:14.850 --> 00:04:19.160
So 7/7, this is the
same thing as 1.
00:04:19.160 --> 00:04:22.620
So all we've essentially
said is well, 3/5 and we
00:04:22.620 --> 00:04:23.970
multiplied it times 1.
00:04:26.910 --> 00:04:30.470
Which is the same thing as 7/7.
00:04:30.470 --> 00:04:33.490
Oh boy, this thing
is messing up.
00:04:33.490 --> 00:04:38.660
And that's how we got 21/35.
00:04:38.660 --> 00:04:39.180
So it's interesting.
00:04:39.180 --> 00:04:41.090
All we did is multiply the
number by 1 and we know
00:04:41.090 --> 00:04:43.690
that any number times 1
is still that number.
00:04:43.690 --> 00:04:45.940
And all we did is we figured
out a different way
00:04:45.940 --> 00:04:54.150
of writing 21/35.
00:04:54.150 --> 00:04:59.930
Let's start with
a fraction 5/12.
00:04:59.930 --> 00:05:05.070
And I wanted to write that with
the denominator-- let's say I
00:05:05.070 --> 00:05:09.290
wanted to write that with
the denominator 36.
00:05:09.290 --> 00:05:13.050
Well, to go from 12 to 36, what
do we have to multiply by?
00:05:13.050 --> 00:05:17.530
Well 12 goes into
36 three times.
00:05:17.530 --> 00:05:19.830
So if we multiply the
denominator by 3, we also have
00:05:19.830 --> 00:05:22.450
to multiply the numerator by 3.
00:05:22.450 --> 00:05:24.215
Times 3.
00:05:24.215 --> 00:05:27.080
We get 15.
00:05:27.080 --> 00:05:31.890
So we get 15/36 is the
same thing as 5/12.
00:05:31.890 --> 00:05:34.380
And just going to our original
example, all that's saying
00:05:34.380 --> 00:05:38.300
is, if I had a pie with 12
pieces and I ate 5 of them.
00:05:38.300 --> 00:05:39.140
Let's say I did that.
00:05:39.140 --> 00:05:41.990
And then you had a pie, the
same size pie, you had a
00:05:41.990 --> 00:05:44.740
pie with 36 pieces and
you ate 15 of them.
00:05:44.740 --> 00:05:47.540
Then we actually ate the
same amount of pie.
Greatest common factor explained | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFd-6EPfnec | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=jFd-6EPfnec&ei=hmeUZYKZEey4mLAPxo-AqAU&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.180 --> 00:00:03.820
Welcome to the greatest
common divisor or greatest
00:00:03.820 --> 00:00:06.030
common factor video.
00:00:06.030 --> 00:00:08.850
So just to be clear, first of
all, when someone asks you
00:00:08.850 --> 00:00:16.530
whether what's the greatest
common divisor of 12 and 8?
00:00:16.530 --> 00:00:19.060
Or they ask you what's
the greatest common
00:00:19.060 --> 00:00:22.790
factor of 12 and 8?
00:00:22.790 --> 00:00:25.150
That's a c right
there for common.
00:00:25.150 --> 00:00:26.600
I don't know why it
came out like that.
00:00:26.600 --> 00:00:27.640
They're asking you
the same thing.
00:00:27.640 --> 00:00:30.260
I mean, really a divisor is
just a number that can divide
00:00:30.260 --> 00:00:33.100
into something, and a factor--
well, I think, that's also a
00:00:33.100 --> 00:00:34.190
number that can divide
into something.
00:00:34.190 --> 00:00:37.140
So a divisor and a factor
are kind of the same thing.
00:00:37.140 --> 00:00:40.200
So with that out of the way,
let's figure out, what is the
00:00:40.200 --> 00:00:42.420
greatest common divisor or
the greatest common
00:00:42.420 --> 00:00:43.900
factor of 12 and 8?
00:00:43.900 --> 00:00:45.980
Well, what we do is, it's
pretty straightforward.
00:00:45.980 --> 00:00:48.940
First we just figure out the
factors of each of the numbers.
00:00:48.940 --> 00:00:52.370
So first let's write all of the
factors out of the number 12.
00:00:52.370 --> 00:00:57.260
Well, 1 is a factor,
2 goes into 12.
00:00:57.260 --> 00:00:59.100
3 goes into 12.
00:00:59.100 --> 00:01:00.780
4 goes into 12.
00:01:00.780 --> 00:01:03.960
5 does not to go into 12.
00:01:03.960 --> 00:01:06.710
6 goes into 12
because 2 times 6.
00:01:06.710 --> 00:01:10.230
And then, 12 goes
into 12 of course.
00:01:10.230 --> 00:01:11.080
1 times 12.
00:01:11.080 --> 00:01:12.940
So that's the factors of 12.
00:01:12.940 --> 00:01:15.440
Let's write the factors of 8.
00:01:15.440 --> 00:01:17.610
Well, 1 goes into 8.
00:01:17.610 --> 00:01:18.950
2 goes into 8.
00:01:18.950 --> 00:01:20.640
3 does not go into 8.
00:01:20.640 --> 00:01:22.930
4 does go into 8.
00:01:22.930 --> 00:01:27.840
And then the last factor,
pairing up with the 1 is 8.
00:01:27.840 --> 00:01:31.100
So now we've written all
the factors of 12 and 8.
00:01:31.100 --> 00:01:34.580
So let's figure out what the
common factors of 12 and 8 are.
00:01:34.580 --> 00:01:37.020
Well, they both have the
common factor of 1.
00:01:37.020 --> 00:01:38.390
And that's really
not so special.
00:01:38.390 --> 00:01:41.370
Pretty much every whole
number or every integer has
00:01:41.370 --> 00:01:43.500
the common factor of 1.
00:01:43.500 --> 00:01:47.930
They both share the common
factor 2 and they both
00:01:47.930 --> 00:01:51.080
share the common factor 4.
00:01:51.080 --> 00:01:54.620
So we're not just interested in
finding a common factor, we're
00:01:54.620 --> 00:01:57.390
interested in finding the
greatest common factor.
00:01:57.390 --> 00:02:00.210
So all the common
factors are 1, 2 and 4.
00:02:00.210 --> 00:02:01.590
And what's the
greatest of them?
00:02:01.590 --> 00:02:02.830
Well, that's pretty easy.
00:02:02.830 --> 00:02:03.900
It's 4.
00:02:03.900 --> 00:02:07.240
So the greatest common
factor of 12 and 8 is 4.
00:02:07.240 --> 00:02:09.540
Let me write that down
just for emphasis.
00:02:09.540 --> 00:02:14.670
Greatest common factor
of 12 and 8 equals 4.
00:02:14.670 --> 00:02:16.950
And of course, we could have
just as easily had said, the
00:02:16.950 --> 00:02:23.510
greatest common divisor
of 12 and 8 equals 4.
00:02:23.510 --> 00:02:27.195
Sometimes it does
things a little funny.
00:02:27.195 --> 00:02:28.365
Let's do another problem.
00:02:30.980 --> 00:02:41.900
What is the greatest common
divisor of 25 and 20?
00:02:41.900 --> 00:02:43.775
Well, let's do it the same way.
00:02:43.775 --> 00:02:47.060
The factors of 25?
00:02:47.060 --> 00:02:48.430
Well, it's 1.
00:02:48.430 --> 00:02:49.400
2 doesn't go into it.
00:02:49.400 --> 00:02:50.160
3 doesn't go into it.
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4 doesn't go into it.
00:02:51.430 --> 00:02:52.065
5 does.
00:02:52.065 --> 00:02:54.280
It's actually 5 times 5.
00:02:54.280 --> 00:02:57.140
And then 25.
00:02:57.140 --> 00:02:59.570
It's interesting that
this only has 3 factors.
00:02:59.570 --> 00:03:01.870
I'll leave you to think about
why this number only has 3
00:03:01.870 --> 00:03:04.620
factors and other numbers
tend to have an even
00:03:04.620 --> 00:03:05.245
number of factors.
00:03:07.940 --> 00:03:09.525
And then now we do
the factors of 20.
00:03:12.670 --> 00:03:21.020
Factors of 20 are 1,
2, 4, 5, 10, and 20.
00:03:21.020 --> 00:03:23.300
And if we just look at this by
inspection we see, well, they
00:03:23.300 --> 00:03:25.060
both share 1, but that's
nothing special.
00:03:25.060 --> 00:03:28.110
But they both have the
common factor of?
00:03:28.110 --> 00:03:30.560
You got it-- 5.
00:03:30.560 --> 00:03:37.300
So the greatest common divisor
or greatest common factor of 25
00:03:37.300 --> 00:03:41.040
and 20- well, that equals 5.
00:03:41.040 --> 00:03:42.120
Let's do another problem.
00:03:44.950 --> 00:03:54.700
What is the greatest common
factor of 5 and 12?
00:03:54.700 --> 00:03:56.430
Well, factors of 5?
00:03:56.430 --> 00:03:57.330
Pretty easy.
00:03:57.330 --> 00:03:59.350
1 and 5.
00:03:59.350 --> 00:04:00.360
That's because it's
a prime number.
00:04:00.360 --> 00:04:03.080
It has no factors other
than 1 and itself.
00:04:03.080 --> 00:04:05.380
Then the factors of 12?
00:04:05.380 --> 00:04:06.180
12 has a lot of factors.
00:04:06.180 --> 00:04:14.270
It's 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
00:04:14.270 --> 00:04:20.530
So it really looks like only
common factor they share is 1.
00:04:20.530 --> 00:04:23.370
So that was, I guess, in some
ways kind of disappointing.
00:04:23.370 --> 00:04:28.760
So the greatest common
factor of 5 and 12 is 1.
00:04:28.760 --> 00:04:31.510
And I'll throw out some
terminology here for you.
00:04:31.510 --> 00:04:34.040
When two numbers have a
greatest common factor of
00:04:34.040 --> 00:04:37.210
only 1, they're called
relatively prime.
00:04:37.210 --> 00:04:40.100
And that kind of makes sense
because a prime number is
00:04:40.100 --> 00:04:42.890
something that only has 1
and itself as a factor.
00:04:42.890 --> 00:04:45.730
And two relatively prime
numbers are numbers that
00:04:45.730 --> 00:04:50.200
only have 1 as their
greatest common factor.
00:04:50.200 --> 00:04:51.690
Hope I didn't confuse you.
00:04:51.690 --> 00:04:52.600
Let's do another problem.
00:04:56.780 --> 00:05:04.580
Let's do the greatest common
divisor of 6 and 12.
00:05:04.580 --> 00:05:05.680
I know 12's coming up a lot.
00:05:05.680 --> 00:05:08.820
I'll try to be more creative
when I think of my numbers.
00:05:08.820 --> 00:05:11.050
Well, the greatest common
divisor of 6 and 12?
00:05:11.050 --> 00:05:12.920
Well, it's the factors of 6.
00:05:12.920 --> 00:05:17.770
Are 1, 2, 3, and 6.
00:05:17.770 --> 00:05:23.480
Factors of 12: 1, 2, 3--
we should have these
00:05:23.480 --> 00:05:23.980
memorized by now.
00:05:23.980 --> 00:05:29.000
3, 4, 6, and 12.
00:05:29.000 --> 00:05:33.730
Well, it turns out 1 is a
common factor of both.
00:05:33.730 --> 00:05:36.350
2 is also a common
factor of both.
00:05:36.350 --> 00:05:39.550
3 is a common factor of both.
00:05:39.550 --> 00:05:42.100
And 6 is a common
factor of both.
00:05:42.100 --> 00:05:43.920
And of course, what's the
greatest common factor?
00:05:43.920 --> 00:05:45.540
Well, it's 6.
00:05:45.540 --> 00:05:46.780
And that's interesting.
00:05:46.780 --> 00:05:49.610
So in this situation the
greatest common divisor-- and I
00:05:49.610 --> 00:05:52.600
apologize that I keep switching
between divisor and factor.
00:05:52.600 --> 00:05:54.160
The mathematics community
should settle on
00:05:54.160 --> 00:05:55.200
one of the two.
00:05:55.200 --> 00:06:00.220
The greatest common divisor
of 6 and 12 equals 6.
00:06:00.220 --> 00:06:01.680
So it actually equals
one of the numbers.
00:06:01.680 --> 00:06:04.270
And that makes a lot of
sense because 6 actually
00:06:04.270 --> 00:06:07.720
is divisible into 12.
00:06:07.720 --> 00:06:08.940
Well, that's it for now.
00:06:08.940 --> 00:06:11.650
Hopefully you're ready to do
the greatest common divisor
00:06:11.650 --> 00:06:12.820
or factor problems.
00:06:12.820 --> 00:06:14.960
I think I might make another
module in the near future
00:06:14.960 --> 00:06:17.550
that'll give you more
example problems.
Multiplication 7: Old video giving more examples | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k3aWF6_b4w | vtt | https://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?v=_k3aWF6_b4w&ei=hmeUZZHgEOW_mLAP4Yuf6Ag&caps=asr&opi=112496729&xoaf=5&hl=en&ip= | en | WEBVTT
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:01.290 --> 00:00:02.880
Welcome to Level 4
00:00:02.880 --> 00:00:04.415
Let's do some problems.
00:00:04.415 --> 00:00:11.580
Let's see, we had 235 times--
I'm going to use two different
00:00:11.580 --> 00:00:14.330
colors here, so bear
with me a second.
00:00:14.330 --> 00:00:16.295
Let's say times 47.
00:00:21.720 --> 00:00:24.210
So you start a Level 4 problem
just like you would normally
00:00:24.210 --> 00:00:26.960
do a Level 3 problem.
00:00:26.960 --> 00:00:31.070
We'll take that 7, and
we'll multiply it by 235.
00:00:31.070 --> 00:00:33.350
So 7 times 5 is 35.
00:00:36.140 --> 00:00:41.640
7 times 3 is 21, plus the
3 we just carried is 24.
00:00:44.660 --> 00:00:49.790
7 times 2 is 14, plus
the 2 we just carried.
00:00:49.790 --> 00:00:51.050
This is 16.
00:00:51.050 --> 00:00:52.570
So we're done with the 7.
00:00:52.570 --> 00:00:54.400
Now we have to
deal with this 4.
00:00:54.400 --> 00:00:58.250
Well, since that 4 is in the
tens place, we add a 0 here.
00:00:58.250 --> 00:01:01.710
You could almost view it as
we're multiplying 235, not by
00:01:01.710 --> 00:01:04.300
4, but we're multiplying it
by 40, and that's why
00:01:04.300 --> 00:01:06.500
we put that 0 there.
00:01:06.500 --> 00:01:09.320
But once you put the 0 there,
you can treat it just like a 4.
00:01:09.320 --> 00:01:11.990
So you say 4 times
5, well, that's 20.
00:01:14.990 --> 00:01:16.850
Let's ignore what we
had from before.
00:01:16.850 --> 00:01:24.190
4 times 3 is 12, plus the 2 we
just carried, which is 14.
00:01:24.190 --> 00:01:29.820
4 times 2 is 8, plus the 1 we
just carried, so that's 9.
00:01:29.820 --> 00:01:32.010
And now we just add
up everything.
00:01:32.010 --> 00:01:40.580
5 plus 0 is 5, 4 plus 0 is 4, 6
plus 4 is 10, carry the 1, and
00:01:40.580 --> 00:01:43.680
1 plus 9, well, that's 11.
00:01:43.680 --> 00:01:46.230
So the answer's 11,045.
00:01:46.230 --> 00:01:48.160
Let's do another problem.
00:01:48.160 --> 00:01:57.830
Let's say I had 873 times-- and
I'm making these numbers up on
00:01:57.830 --> 00:02:05.800
the fly, so bear with me-- 873
times-- some high numbers--
00:02:05.800 --> 00:02:09.230
90-- and I'm doing them in
different colors, just so you
00:02:09.230 --> 00:02:10.970
hopefully get a better
understanding of what
00:02:10.970 --> 00:02:13.130
I'm trying to explain.
00:02:13.130 --> 00:02:14.595
Let's say 97.
00:02:14.595 --> 00:02:15.960
No, I just used a 7.
00:02:15.960 --> 00:02:16.705
Let's make it 98.
00:02:19.880 --> 00:02:22.660
So just like we did before, we
go to the ones place first, and
00:02:22.660 --> 00:02:26.660
that's where that 8 is, and
we multiply that 8 times 873.
00:02:26.660 --> 00:02:32.080
So 8 times 3 is
24, carry the 2.
00:02:32.080 --> 00:02:40.100
8 times 7 is 56, plus
2 is 58, carry the 5.
00:02:40.100 --> 00:02:44.420
8 times 8 is 64, plus
the 5 we just carried.
00:02:44.420 --> 00:02:46.480
That's 69.
00:02:46.480 --> 00:02:47.580
We're done with the 8.
00:02:47.580 --> 00:02:50.220
Now we have to multiply the
9, or we could just do it as
00:02:50.220 --> 00:02:53.840
we're multiplying 873 by 90.
00:02:53.840 --> 00:02:56.170
But multiplying something by 90
is just the same thing as
00:02:56.170 --> 00:02:59.320
multiplying something by 9 and
then adding a 0 at the end, so
00:02:59.320 --> 00:03:01.505
that's why I put a 0 here.
00:03:01.505 --> 00:03:04.740
Let's say 9 times 3-- well,
first, just to clean up
00:03:04.740 --> 00:03:06.720
things, let's get rid of
what we had from before.
00:03:06.720 --> 00:03:12.950
We say 9 times 3 is
27, carry the 2.
00:03:12.950 --> 00:03:17.600
9 times 7 is 63, plus the 2
that we just carried is 65.
00:03:20.850 --> 00:03:22.350
Carry the 6.
00:03:22.350 --> 00:03:25.490
8 times 8 is 72, plus
the 6 we just carried.
00:03:25.490 --> 00:03:28.040
That's 78.
00:03:28.040 --> 00:03:29.720
And now we just add again.
00:03:29.720 --> 00:03:37.680
4, 8 plus 7 is 15, 1 plus 9
plus 5 is 15, 1 plus 6 plus
00:03:37.680 --> 00:03:42.170
8 is also 15, and 1
plus 7, that's 8.
00:03:42.170 --> 00:03:44.470
So the answer, hopefully-- I
don't have a calculator in
00:03:44.470 --> 00:03:48.760
front of me-- is 85,554,
assuming I didn't make
00:03:48.760 --> 00:03:50.890
any careless mistakes.
00:03:50.890 --> 00:03:51.910
Let's do one more problem.
00:03:51.910 --> 00:03:54.670
I think it'll hit
the point home.
00:03:54.670 --> 00:03:56.530
The next problem I'm going to
do, you can almost do it as a
00:03:56.530 --> 00:03:59.630
Level 5 problem because I'm
actually going to multiply two
00:03:59.630 --> 00:04:02.180
three-digit numbers, but it's
really the same thing, and
00:04:02.180 --> 00:04:03.770
hopefully, you'll
see the pattern.
00:04:03.770 --> 00:04:11.740
So let's say I had 234 times--
and I'm going to use three
00:04:11.740 --> 00:04:23.150
colors now-- let's say 643.
00:04:23.150 --> 00:04:26.030
So first we do the 3, which
is in the ones place, and
00:04:26.030 --> 00:04:28.950
we multiply that times 234.
00:04:28.950 --> 00:04:32.310
Well, 3 times 4 is
12, carry the 1.
00:04:32.310 --> 00:04:36.570
3 times 3 is 9, add the 1.
00:04:36.570 --> 00:04:38.620
That's 10, carry the 1.
00:04:38.620 --> 00:04:40.880
3 times 2 is 6, plus 1.
00:04:40.880 --> 00:04:43.730
Well, that's 7.
00:04:43.730 --> 00:04:45.970
And then we've done the--
I think I've made a
00:04:45.970 --> 00:04:46.960
mistake someplace.
00:04:46.960 --> 00:04:48.440
Let me see.
00:04:48.440 --> 00:04:50.880
3 times 4 is 12.
00:04:50.880 --> 00:04:54.020
Oh, no, I think that's correct.
00:04:54.020 --> 00:04:56.440
I was confusing myself.
00:04:56.440 --> 00:04:59.020
OK, now we're ready to do the
4, or the 40, and since it's a
00:04:59.020 --> 00:05:03.010
40 because it's in the tens
place, we put a 0 right here.
00:05:03.010 --> 00:05:06.000
We say 4 times 4-- well, let's
clean up this stuff at the top.
00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:08.310
I always forget to do that.
00:05:08.310 --> 00:05:12.110
4 times 4, well, that's
16, carry the 1.
00:05:12.110 --> 00:05:19.130
4 times 3, well, that's 12,
plus 1, well, that's 13.
00:05:19.130 --> 00:05:23.680
4 times 2 is 8, plus
the 1, well, that's 9.
00:05:23.680 --> 00:05:25.940
And now we're done with the
4, or the 40, depending on
00:05:25.940 --> 00:05:26.520
how you want to view it.
00:05:26.520 --> 00:05:28.810
Now we're ready for
the 6, or the 600.
00:05:28.810 --> 00:05:33.120
Since it's a 600, we put
two zeroes here, and we
00:05:33.120 --> 00:05:34.170
just treat it like a 6.
00:05:34.170 --> 00:05:37.110
Let's clean up what
we did before.
00:05:37.110 --> 00:05:41.220
So 6 times 4 is
24, carry the 2.
00:05:41.220 --> 00:05:47.500
6 times 3 is 18, plus
2 is 20, carry the 2.
00:05:47.500 --> 00:05:52.710
6 times 2 is 12, plus 2 is 14.
00:05:52.710 --> 00:05:55.470
And now we add it all up.
00:05:55.470 --> 00:05:59.680
2, 6, 7 plus 3 is 10.
00:05:59.680 --> 00:06:02.140
14, carry the 1.
00:06:02.140 --> 00:06:05.000
1 plus 9 is 10, carry the 1.
00:06:05.000 --> 00:06:06.780
That's 5.
00:06:06.780 --> 00:06:07.090
That's 1.
00:06:07.090 --> 00:06:07.680
I hope you can see.
00:06:07.680 --> 00:06:09.870
I hope it's not falling off
the screen, the answer
00:06:09.870 --> 00:06:13.700
I get is a 150,462.
00:06:13.700 --> 00:06:15.660
I think you're ready
now to try Level 4
00:06:15.660 --> 00:06:17.640
multiplication problems.