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Athena – the Primordial Mother
Public Program
Public Program, Greece, 9 November 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what is the truth we are seeking and how we are going to seek it and what is the proof that you have got the truth. Firstly, we must know that you cannot purchase the truth. It is, you cannot market it, because truth is love and love is compassion. So now, I am going to tell you about the truth, about how in Greece they knew about the truth. Yours is a very, very ancient country. And in our country also, in our old books, the ancient Puranas, it’s mentioned about your country. They have described Athena very clearly. And gradually this great country became absolutely ignorant of whatever they knew. Now between you and Me, I would like to tell you that there is a power within us in the triangular bone. Shri Mataji, aside: If you can move out then somebody can show you. OK? [Hindi] That is the bone which we call as sacrum. This name "sacrum" was given by Greeks in those days meaning sacred. That means they knew there is a sacred bone below the spinal cord. This is the triangular bone that existed and was having this power, which in India we call it Kundalini. Shri Mataji, aside: So soon? [Laughter] Sometimes Greek language is very long and sometimes very short. [Laughter] All right. Now this bone has this power and if you see Athena on her shield, she has this power and also, in her hand, she has this power she shows. This power was known to her and we call Athena as the Primordial Mother. The word "atha" in Sanskrit means primordial. But this knowledge was lost later on. Now, from your country went Alexander to India. And he was Parthenian, Parthenian. [Parthenon was the temple of Athena in Athens] He was Parthenian, and he was following Parthenian religion, Pagan you can say. But when he went to India, he found that purity was the most important part in the Indian culture. And he had married an Indian lady. Also, he had brought a poet, a very well-known poet from India. He described the Persepolis and also, he described Athens, everything in his poetry. But when Alexander came here, he wanted that this Catholic Church should be made into a purer Orthodox style. And I’m sure he must have written some book or he must have said that to maintain purity what we should do. All that code is the same what we follow in India. And the Orthodox Church didn’t believe in conversion. We also didn’t believe in conversion. This is the connection [which] took place in the existence of your Orthodox Church. And they respect, respected, all the religions. Now, I don’t know what are the changes. But whatever they have been saying and doing, is very met on Indian culture. I think also they got this "sannyasi" or the renunciation from Buddhism. There’s a very little difference I find. But then the Western culture came in and everything went upside down. Moreover, even in India we had the same problem. The gods they had is the same as we have in India. But the gods, they made them human beings, you see, with lots of weaknesses. But India, in India we don’t think that way. Gods are gods. So, this is the basis on which you are here. It’s easier for Me to talk to you than to talk to English. Now this power existed in the triangular bone and is called as Kundalini. It is in three and a half coils. And when it rises, it passes through six centers and pierces through the last centre, which we call as Brahmarandra. This is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. It is not just somebody can say, “Now, I bless you.” It’s not like that. You have to have spiritual authority. And now it is happening everywhere. Somehow it is spreading very fast and I think now we have about, they say so, seventy-two nations where we have Sahaja Yoga. So, when she rises, she nourishes all the centers. She nourishes all the centers and integrates them. When they are integrated you become a personality of integration. But by that your Spirit is enlightened. And you become the Spirit. So, the truth is, we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, your thoughts, ambitions, but you are the pure Spirit. That you have to become. As soon as you become the Spirit, all these problems, human problems, drop out. Physically you get perfect health. Mentally you get absolutely balanced, and emotionally you are absolutely satisfied. You become a saint in the real sense of the word. But what you feel is the, in your hands, you see, you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. There’s another thing great that you believe in the Mother, Holy Mother. But in the Bible, she is just described as woman. But on the cross Christ said, “Behold the Mother.” But due to the human feeling and human understanding, you have Madonna. Especially Orthodox Church respects Madonna very much. The only maybe difference is that in Indian philosophy you have to achieve your Self-realization. That part should have been stressed. And you should get the actualization, actualization of your baptism. You have to be born again. But if you just, say, take a sort of a certificate, “I’m born again,” you don’t become it. It has to happen really that you are born again as a Self-realized personality. 17:23 Now the time has come for it and it is working out in so many countries. Why not in Greece? All this is very simple. We call it "sahaja", meaning spontaneous, like one candle, one candle, which is enlightened, can enlighten many candles. But, by itself the candle cannot get enlightened. If you are enlightened then you can enlighten others. You can also then start feeling the others on your fingertips because your attention and your personality becomes collective. Who is the other? But this has to happen, this has to work out. Everyone is endowed with a Kundalini and everyone can get Self-realization. But Kundalini is the pure desire and if you have the pure desire to become the Spirit, you will get it. All desires are impure. Today, you want to have a car and you are not satisfied. And you want to have a house; you are not satisfied. It goes on like this, you see, it’s economics. So, there is no satisfaction. But after you get your Realization then the satisfaction settles in, because you become thoughtlessly aware, because you become a witness. You just watch, you don’t react. For example, see, there’s a beautiful carpet here. As a normal human being, I’ll think, “Oh, my God, this’ a nice carpet. Where will I find it? How much will I pay?” And if it is mine, I’ll be more worried that, "This should not get spoilt. I’ll get insured or something". But if I am a Self-realized person, then I’ll just watch it and don’t react. The beauty that the artist has put in it gives such joy! So, you become full of joy. Your attention becomes enlightened, attention. Wherever you pay attention, it works out. All your problems are solved. Very surprisingly how they are solved so easily! And you get rid of your worries, all your problems. 22:33 Also, other bad enemies we have, like anger, jealousy and all that, six of them, they all drop out. You start laughing at yourself and nothing but compassion and love flows from your heart. This is what exactly happens to you. And when that happens you really enjoy yourself and you enjoy others. You are so much filled with joy that you become enthralled with it. You become enthralled. I mean, we have now people from all over the world, also sitting here. Some have come even from Australia. But they are so much one with each other as if a drop has become the sea, ocean. It has to happen. 23:07 We talk of peace; we talk of this and that. By talking is not going to work out. Only when we cross the limits of our human personality and become one with each other, automatically the peace comes in. This is what one has to achieve. No arguments, no payments, nothing needed. Only this Kundalini has to rise. It is the living process of your evolution. From this human awareness you have to rise to a collective awareness. I must say, this subject is very much deep and very expansive. I must have given thousands of lectures in my life time. But in short one has to know why are we here. What do we have to achieve? 24:58 And once you know what you have achieved all your problems, all your questions have vanished [unsure?] So, we have to have our Self-realization. Everyone has said that you are to be born again but you cannot just certify yourself, “I’m born again”. Because there are powers that are bestowed upon you by Kundalini that you start feeling the All-pervading Power of divine love. It’s not falsehood; it’s truth. And that surprises you that how you have suddenly transformed yourself. We don’t believe in conversion but in resurrection and the time has come for you to get it. So, it will take hardly ten minutes for you to get this. There’s nothing that can be harmful in this. 26:49 All kinds of diseases have been cured, all kinds of mentally affected people are cured and also emotionally people are now so much detached. You don’t have to wear these saffron clothes, nothing. It automatically happens inside and you lead a very, very normal life. Now I’ve got great grandchildren. Great grandchildren I have got. And now I am seventy-seven and I’m travelling everywhere, going everywhere. So, you lead a normal life but inside you are peaceful and joyous and you give joy to others. That is the need of the day. Because this is the Last Judgement. Whether you take to falsehood or to truth, it’s your choice. But if you take to truth then you are in the heaven of joy. And at every moment you’ll feel you are blessed. Unless and until you are connected to the Divine, how can you get the blessings? You can go on praying, doing everything; you are not connected. Supposing this instrument is not connected to the mains, it is useless. In the same way if you are not connected to the Divine you don’t know anything. So, you have to decide, “Would you like to have your Self-realization or not?” If you don’t want to have, nobody can force you. You cannot pay for it, nothing of the kind. So those who don’t want should leave the hall. Then we’ll have the session for ten minutes. Of course, in the beginning you’ll do feel the cool breeze and everything, no doubt, but sometimes people take little time to mature. Also, the bad habits of destruction all fall off. I’ve seen young people giving up drugs overnight, overnight. That’s it. So, this is for our complete emancipation. Again, I would say, those who don’t want to have Self-realization can leave and nothing can happen to you, nothing that is disturbing or in any way physically harming. Nothing can happen but only thing you’ll get your Self-realization. [Realization part] Now the first thing I have to request that you have to take out your shoes. It's nice. We are in the basements; so we are very close to the Mother Earth. Because She is, She helps us a lot. I'm surprised, if you ask them to take out their shoes they don't like it. Worse was in England that half of them left when I asked them to take out the shoes. They are so much attached to their shoes, I think. All right. So just be comfortable. Be very comfortable. Now put both your feet apart from each other. I know it will work out very fast because you are sincere seekers of truth. Now please put both your hands towards Me like this, little higher, little higher. And now you put your left hand on top of your head and bend your head and see if on your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, you get the vibrations or, you can call it, the cool breeze or could be the hot breeze coming out of your own head. Now, close your eyes or don't close your eyes, makes no difference. Put the left hand towards Me and put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now, hot breeze is coming because you have to forgive everyone. So please forgive everyone. Some say, "Mother it is difficult to forgive". But whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Now, try to feel it now if it is cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Again you put the right hand towards Me and see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. [Missing sound for few seconds]. Again now you feel if there is a hot or cold breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area with the left hand on your head and right towards Me. Now put your left hand towards Me again and see with the right hand. Bend your head, please. Bend your head. And see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming through your fontanel bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Now, raise both your hands like this towards the sky and put your head upward like that. Now you have to ask one of these three questions, one question, three times. First question is, "Mother ,is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" (Louder, louder, louder, they are not [UNCLEAR] here). Ask this question three times. Or you can ask, "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" Ask this question three times. Or you can ask, "Mother is this Ruh or Paramachaitanya?" Ask this question three times, one of them. Now put down your hands and see for yourself in your hands if there is a cool breeze coming in or a hot breeze coming in. Now, those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on the palms or out of the fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. Oh, My God. May God bless you. Thank you. All of you have got it, nearly all of you except for very, very few. Probably they have some troubles (physical, mental, emotional) or maybe they must have been to some false gurus. Possible. But whatever they did it can be corrected. The song they sang when I came was written in the twelfth century in India, [COMPOSE] this song. And it was written by a poet and what he says that, "Mother, I will ask you for my yoga," means this is the yoga, is the union with the Divine. And he says, "I'll cleanse myself. I'll do this, I'll do that, but you give me the yoga, the union." And they have been singing for so many years in the villages of India. Of course, now it is working. So may God bless you all. [VERY NICE]. (Can you sing a small song now? A small one.) [Mahamaya song is sung.] (After the song is finished): Shri Mataji: Enjoy yourself, enjoy. And [GO TO THEIR PROGRAM] and grow and [HELP US]. May God bless you all. May God Bless you
Public Program, Greece, 9 November 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what is the truth we are seeking and how we are going to seek it and what is the proof that you have got the truth. Firstly, we must know that you cannot purchase the truth. It is, you cannot market it, because truth is love and love is compassion. So now, I am going to tell you about the truth, about how in Greece they knew about the truth. Yours is a very, very ancient country. And in our country also, in our old books, the ancient Puranas, it’s mentioned about your country. They have described Athena very clearly. And gradually this great country became absolutely ignorant of whatever they knew. Now between you and Me, I would like to tell you that there is a power within us in the triangular bone. Shri Mataji, aside: If you can move out then somebody can show you. OK? [Hindi] That is the bone which we call as sacrum. This name "sacrum" was given by Greeks in those days meaning sacred. That means they knew there is a sacred bone below the spinal cord. This is the triangular bone that existed and was having this power, which in India we call it Kundalini. Shri Mataji, aside: So soon? [Laughter] Sometimes Greek language is very long and sometimes very short. [Laughter] All right. Now this bone has this power and if you see Athena on her shield, she has this power and also, in her hand, she has this power she shows. This power was known to her and we call Athena as the Primordial Mother. The word "atha" in Sanskrit means primordial. But this knowledge was lost later on. Now, from your country went Alexander to India. And he was Parthenian, Parthenian. [Parthenon was the temple of Athena in Athens] He was Parthenian, and he was following Parthenian religion, Pagan you can say. But when he went to India, he found that purity was the most important part in the Indian culture. And he had married an Indian lady. Also, he had brought a poet, a very well-known poet from India. He described the Persepolis and also, he described Athens, everything in his poetry. But when Alexander came here, he wanted that this Catholic Church should be made into a purer Orthodox style. And I’m sure he must have written some book or he must have said that to maintain purity what we should do. All that code is the same what we follow in India. And the Orthodox Church didn’t believe in conversion. We also didn’t believe in conversion. This is the connection [which] took place in the existence of your Orthodox Church. And they respect, respected, all the religions. Now, I don’t know what are the changes. But whatever they have been saying and doing, is very met on Indian culture. I think also they got this "sannyasi" or the renunciation from Buddhism. There’s a very little difference I find. But then the Western culture came in and everything went upside down. Moreover, even in India we had the same problem. The gods they had is the same as we have in India. But the gods, they made them human beings, you see, with lots of weaknesses. But India, in India we don’t think that way. Gods are gods. So, this is the basis on which you are here. It’s easier for Me to talk to you than to talk to English. Now this power existed in the triangular bone and is called as Kundalini. It is in three and a half coils. And when it rises, it passes through six centers and pierces through the last centre, which we call as Brahmarandra. This is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. It is not just somebody can say, “Now, I bless you.” It’s not like that. You have to have spiritual authority. And now it is happening everywhere. Somehow it is spreading very fast and I think now we have about, they say so, seventy-two nations where we have Sahaja Yoga. So, when she rises, she nourishes all the centers. She nourishes all the centers and integrates them. When they are integrated you become a personality of integration. But by that your Spirit is enlightened. And you become the Spirit. So, the truth is, we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, your thoughts, ambitions, but you are the pure Spirit. That you have to become. As soon as you become the Spirit, all these problems, human problems, drop out. Physically you get perfect health. Mentally you get absolutely balanced, and emotionally you are absolutely satisfied. You become a saint in the real sense of the word. But what you feel is the, in your hands, you see, you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. There’s another thing great that you believe in the Mother, Holy Mother. But in the Bible, she is just described as woman. But on the cross Christ said, “Behold the Mother.” But due to the human feeling and human understanding, you have Madonna. Especially Orthodox Church respects Madonna very much. The only maybe difference is that in Indian philosophy you have to achieve your Self-realization. That part should have been stressed. And you should get the actualization, actualization of your baptism. You have to be born again. But if you just, say, take a sort of a certificate, “I’m born again,” you don’t become it. It has to happen really that you are born again as a Self-realized personality. 17:23 Now the time has come for it and it is working out in so many countries. Why not in Greece? All this is very simple. We call it "sahaja", meaning spontaneous, like one candle, one candle, which is enlightened, can enlighten many candles. But, by itself the candle cannot get enlightened. If you are enlightened then you can enlighten others. You can also then start feeling the others on your fingertips because your attention and your personality becomes collective. Who is the other? But this has to happen, this has to work out. Everyone is endowed with a Kundalini and everyone can get Self-realization. But Kundalini is the pure desire and if you have the pure desire to become the Spirit, you will get it. All desires are impure. Today, you want to have a car and you are not satisfied. And you want to have a house; you are not satisfied. It goes on like this, you see, it’s economics. So, there is no satisfaction. But after you get your Realization then the satisfaction settles in, because you become thoughtlessly aware, because you become a witness. You just watch, you don’t react. For example, see, there’s a beautiful carpet here. As a normal human being, I’ll think, “Oh, my God, this’ a nice carpet. Where will I find it? How much will I pay?” And if it is mine, I’ll be more worried that, "This should not get spoilt. I’ll get insured or something". But if I am a Self-realized person, then I’ll just watch it and don’t react. The beauty that the artist has put in it gives such joy! So, you become full of joy. Your attention becomes enlightened, attention. Wherever you pay attention, it works out. All your problems are solved. Very surprisingly how they are solved so easily! And you get rid of your worries, all your problems. 22:33 Also, other bad enemies we have, like anger, jealousy and all that, six of them, they all drop out. You start laughing at yourself and nothing but compassion and love flows from your heart. This is what exactly happens to you. And when that happens you really enjoy yourself and you enjoy others. You are so much filled with joy that you become enthralled with it. You become enthralled. I mean, we have now people from all over the world, also sitting here. Some have come even from Australia. But they are so much one with each other as if a drop has become the sea, ocean. It has to happen. 23:07 We talk of peace; we talk of this and that. By talking is not going to work out. Only when we cross the limits of our human personality and become one with each other, automatically the peace comes in. This is what one has to achieve. No arguments, no payments, nothing needed. Only this Kundalini has to rise. It is the living process of your evolution. From this human awareness you have to rise to a collective awareness. I must say, this subject is very much deep and very expansive. I must have given thousands of lectures in my life time. But in short one has to know why are we here. What do we have to achieve? 24:58 And once you know what you have achieved all your problems, all your questions have vanished [unsure?] So, we have to have our Self-realization. Everyone has said that you are to be born again but you cannot just certify yourself, “I’m born again”. Because there are powers that are bestowed upon you by Kundalini that you start feeling the All-pervading Power of divine love. It’s not falsehood; it’s truth. And that surprises you that how you have suddenly transformed yourself. We don’t believe in conversion but in resurrection and the time has come for you to get it. So, it will take hardly ten minutes for you to get this. There’s nothing that can be harmful in this. 26:49 All kinds of diseases have been cured, all kinds of mentally affected people are cured and also emotionally people are now so much detached. You don’t have to wear these saffron clothes, nothing. It automatically happens inside and you lead a very, very normal life. Now I’ve got great grandchildren. Great grandchildren I have got. And now I am seventy-seven and I’m travelling everywhere, going everywhere. So, you lead a normal life but inside you are peaceful and joyous and you give joy to others. That is the need of the day. Because this is the Last Judgement. Whether you take to falsehood or to truth, it’s your choice. But if you take to truth then you are in the heaven of joy. And at every moment you’ll feel you are blessed. Unless and until you are connected to the Divine, how can you get the blessings? You can go on praying, doing everything; you are not connected. Supposing this instrument is not connected to the mains, it is useless. In the same way if you are not connected to the Divine you don’t know anything. So, you have to decide, “Would you like to have your Self-realization or not?” If you don’t want to have, nobody can force you. You cannot pay for it, nothing of the kind. So those who don’t want should leave the hall. Then we’ll have the session for ten minutes. Of course, in the beginning you’ll do feel the cool breeze and everything, no doubt, but sometimes people take little time to mature. Also, the bad habits of destruction all fall off. I’ve seen young people giving up drugs overnight, overnight. That’s it. So, this is for our complete emancipation. Again, I would say, those who don’t want to have Self-realization can leave and nothing can happen to you, nothing that is disturbing or in any way physically harming. Nothing can happen but only thing you’ll get your Self-realization. [Realization part] Now the first thing I have to request that you have to take out your shoes. It's nice. We are in the basements; so we are very close to the Mother Earth. Because She is, She helps us a lot. I'm surprised, if you ask them to take out their shoes they don't like it. Worse was in England that half of them left when I asked them to take out the shoes. They are so much attached to their shoes, I think. All right. So just be comfortable. Be very comfortable. Now put both your feet apart from each other. I know it will work out very fast because you are sincere seekers of truth. Now please put both your hands towards Me like this, little higher, little higher. And now you put your left hand on top of your head and bend your head and see if on your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, you get the vibrations or, you can call it, the cool breeze or could be the hot breeze coming out of your own head. Now, close your eyes or don't close your eyes, makes no difference. Put the left hand towards Me and put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now, hot breeze is coming because you have to forgive everyone. So please forgive everyone. Some say, "Mother it is difficult to forgive". But whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Now, try to feel it now if it is cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Again you put the right hand towards Me and see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. [Missing sound for few seconds]. Again now you feel if there is a hot or cold breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area with the left hand on your head and right towards Me. Now put your left hand towards Me again and see with the right hand. Bend your head, please. Bend your head. And see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming through your fontanel bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Now, raise both your hands like this towards the sky and put your head upward like that. Now you have to ask one of these three questions, one question, three times. First question is, "Mother ,is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" (Louder, louder, louder, they are not [UNCLEAR] here). Ask this question three times. Or you can ask, "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" Ask this question three times. Or you can ask, "Mother is this Ruh or Paramachaitanya?" Ask this question three times, one of them. Now put down your hands and see for yourself in your hands if there is a cool breeze coming in or a hot breeze coming in. Now, those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on the palms or out of the fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. Oh, My God. May God bless you. Thank you. All of you have got it, nearly all of you except for very, very few. Probably they have some troubles (physical, mental, emotional) or maybe they must have been to some false gurus. Possible. But whatever they did it can be corrected. The song they sang when I came was written in the twelfth century in India, [COMPOSE] this song. And it was written by a poet and what he says that, "Mother, I will ask you for my yoga," means this is the yoga, is the union with the Divine. And he says, "I'll cleanse myself. I'll do this, I'll do that, but you give me the yoga, the union." And they have been singing for so many years in the villages of India. Of course, now it is working. So may God bless you all. [VERY NICE]. (Can you sing a small song now? A small one.) [Mahamaya song is sung.] (After the song is finished): Shri Mataji: Enjoy yourself, enjoy. And [GO TO THEIR PROGRAM] and grow and [HELP US]. May God bless you all. May God Bless you
Guru Nanak Birthday
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
[English translation from Hindi] Anniversary of Guru Nanak Birthday, Noida House (India), November 1999. Today is the birthday of Guru Nanaka. It is being celebrated through-out the world with so much of zeal that I have not seen in India. For the first time it has been advertised in so many papers and by different means.Guru Nanaka always talked of Sahaja Yoga. Everything else, He said, is just showing off. About religion He said that observing fasts, going on pilgrimage, etc., are just meant to show off. Now you have to discover the power that is within you and establish it. Guru Nanaka kept on repeating the same thing again and again. He never talked of rituals: But when Guru Teg- Bahadur came, tomorrow is his martyrs day, He was also of the same opinion. But when there was the last Guru, war was being fought. So, he prescribed Kada (iron bangle), long hair (not to cut hair) etc. All this was prescribed by him. But Guru Nanaka always talked of the spirit. Everything else is of no value, He explained it very clearly, but no one heeded what He wrote. They will just put a finger on the couplet and read it out. Could we understand him this way? If we go through His writings properly and absorb it, then the whole Shabad-Jalam (confusion), in which most of the people are caught, will come to an end. See the condition of Sikhs! They are not looking within themselves, which they should. Without looking within oneself, how could one follow Sikh religion? Only this is the teaching of Guru Nanaka, this is what is called `Sikhi’ (learning). This you have got in written, read it. All the saints of that age, before that age and after that, you have the discretion to know who is a saint and who is not. All the Gurus incorporated their poems and experiences in Guru Grantha and that is why Guru Grantha is revered so much. All the people, who were renowned as great Gurus at that time, had done great work and were spiritual, all their work was consolidated and put into Guru Granth Sahib. That is what we do in Sahaja Yoga. We do not follow any particular saint or incarnation; we respect all of them. . This is what He did at that time. But whatever was said, was lost in words. People did not go deeper in them. That is why Kabira has written `even the scholars went on reading and reading like fools, without absorbing anything That is how a race of fools was created. Now there is no war being fought but they are so conditioned that they will wear Turbans, keep swords and combs etc. But they have no objection in consuming Alcohol. All the Gurus warned the disciples about the evil effects of alcohol. Any one talking of consciousness could never support wine. On the one side they will consume alcohol, on the other they wear turbans, keep swords and combs, and they are very conditioned about that! They wish to create a clan and be part of that clan. If they are busy doing all these things, when is the inner transformation going to take place, that He has talked about? They have taken to this kind of ritualism and as a result have come outside. Their attention is outside, they understand everything that is outside. To direct these people towards Sahaja yoga, should not be difficult because we (Sahaja Yogis) are doing what the He preached. He did not accomplish it; this is the difference that we have been doing it and He didn´t. They talked of achieving `Sahaja Samadhi’. How? It will happen thanks to Kundalini, even this fact was made clear. But who would raise the Kundalini? This He didn´t mention. Who will perform this task? Guru Nanaka gave realization to only two of his disciples. If one Guru gives realization to only two of his disciples, how effective can it be? So, people took His external form and started their work. Huge Gurudwaras were built. But there is no use. Very few evolved beings were made, the remaining is just a race of Sardars. How could truth be told to them? But now Sikhs have started coming to Sahaja Yoga, I have seen. At least 8 – 10 sikhs come regularly with turbans on. May be some of them are coming without turbans. There are also Namdhari Sikhs. Namdhari Sikhs believe in Me. There are many Namdhari Sikhs in Bankok. As many as fifty-sixty of them come to the Programme. They wear white turbans. I do not know what is their speciality, but they follow what Guru Nanak has said. That is how diversions are created and people start fighting amongst themselves. What for? Guru Nanaka said that I am prophet of Mohammedans and Guru of Hindus. Until one is realized one cannot understand this. But it was necessary to prepare us for this day. Now it is our duty to work-out what they said. Things, however, went in opposite direction and many seekers were lost, no-one knows where! I was talking about Gyan Deva, how great He was. He belongs to Nath cult. He wrote about Kundalini. His disciples call themselves varkaris. They make a show. They take two big heavy cymbals in their hands, weighing one kg together, beating these cymbals all the way long they go to Pandhari Nath, Pandhar Pur. The clothes they wear are called lattar, they are made up of jute and are torn. They consider themselves to be very sacrificing and It takes them one month to reach there, beating the cymbals. All the way they chew tobacco. These Varkari people have created this cult. The speciality of this cult is that they take procession of Gyan Deva on a palanquin. Gyan Deva never afforded shoes when he was alive, but people place his slipper, in the palanquin and take the procession from one village to another. When they reach a village, as the palanquin arrived the villagers offer them food and refreshment. Then they go to another village, again villagers offer them food as the palanquin had arrived. It is a new method of beggary. Thirdly, He was born in Alandi, near Pune. Later he went to Niwase, there He .... Women there take earthen pots with Tulsi in them and filled with soil, at least 3 – 4 kg, lift it on their heads and walk-in procession to Anandi. This I have seen myself. I do not understand, why they do so. People have made lot of money in the name of Gyna Deva. But I do not how people can believe in them. All His purpose has forfeited. One fellow gives big big lecture on Gyan Deva and earns a lot of money, speaks whatever he feels like and there are people listen to him. People are full of blind faith! Same is the case with Guru Nanaka. No one knows what He actually said and what he didn´t. People have made Chandigarh, Guru Nanaka talked of Chandi. He talked of My incarnation on the earth. He explained everything. But no one reads or listen to that. All of the prophets and Gurus have been treated like that. Now you have got the self-realisation. ou people have experienced the truth. So, you cannot accept the falsehood. If some falsehood emerges out of Sahaja, it will be destroyed. So many people have got their self-realization in the world, now falsehood cannot be spread. Whatever I have told in Sahaja Yoga is taped and recorded. No one could change it. This is why I didn´t write book. People should listen to tapes, but they go on reading books without understanding. It is better to have fewer books and there should be more to listen. Listening to the tapes will definitely have impact on their minds. People take book reading as a means of entertainment. What is the use of it? Now we will see what happens to Sahaja Yoga. I do not know. But now Sahaja Yogis have reached a level from where they cannot go astray, I believe. Do not take to wrongdoings. We have to learn from the life of Guru Nanaka, from what He said, He wrote a bunch of books, if we read Gurbani, it says `know thyself´. But what people are doing! However, in Sahaja Yoga such things will not happen since I have made them all mature. They cannot change now. No harm could be done now, even if someone wants to; what has happened has happened. He was disrespected, He had hard times, a lot was created by Him, but there is a point I would mention that He did not give self-realisation, He didn´t make people experience. And now, you may blame anyone, but it can happen only by awakening not by making changes in some scripture. This is what we should learn from Him that we will not go astray or we will notdraw any other meaning of it (Sahaja yoga), this is important. We are Sahaj yogis and we understand Sahaja Yoga so deeply that now there is no need to draw any other meaning of it. Still there are people, one or two, who start dictating – “Do this way or that way”. It is all useless. All falsehood, without any truth in it. They dictate – “Do this way or that way”. I have never said so, yet people are doing what I have never said. So now when they will listen and learn. By reading it cannot be conceived that much, as much can be conceived by listening. They will understand Mother has not said that therefore they will not do that. But because of old Sanskara (conditioning) we keep on observing certain rituals. Secondly, they want to practise, what they have been practising since their birth. So long as we do not get rid of our conditionings, we shall not understand real Sahaja Yoga. I have made you very special people. You are special people. You know the real meaning of religion. You know everything, you know about yourself and about others. You could give realisation to people. So now you have become perfect. So, what is there to go astray now? You cannot fall. So today I thought of the pains of Guru Nanaka. How much he tolerated! His wife was not cooperative at all. He had problems, even then He did so much. What people have made of his achievements? These people are misusing Lord Christ, Mohammad Sahib and, above all, Guru Nanaka because he was the last incarnation. He worked a lot. Shirdi Sainath incarnated after him. He said there is no need, there is no use doing anything, He said clearly, whatever is started, people spoil it after some time, because they are not awakened. After awakening, things change of course. People become one, they become wise. Without realization it is difficult. So, Sai Nath did not anything, He did not organise people, He did not unite people, nothing. He had disciples, that is all. I have also not organised. We have no organization. People automatically get organized after awakening, the way different organs of the body are organized. So, without any organization everything is going on immaculately in Sahaja Yoga. My eternal blessings to you all. You have to keep in mind that we have not to pervert what we have achieved. It is most sacrilegious. Do not pervert it, for any reason. Perversion should not be allowed. My eternal blessings to you all.
[English translation from Hindi] Anniversary of Guru Nanak Birthday, Noida House (India), November 1999. Today is the birthday of Guru Nanaka. It is being celebrated through-out the world with so much of zeal that I have not seen in India. For the first time it has been advertised in so many papers and by different means.Guru Nanaka always talked of Sahaja Yoga. Everything else, He said, is just showing off. About religion He said that observing fasts, going on pilgrimage, etc., are just meant to show off. Now you have to discover the power that is within you and establish it. Guru Nanaka kept on repeating the same thing again and again. He never talked of rituals: But when Guru Teg- Bahadur came, tomorrow is his martyrs day, He was also of the same opinion. But when there was the last Guru, war was being fought. So, he prescribed Kada (iron bangle), long hair (not to cut hair) etc. All this was prescribed by him. But Guru Nanaka always talked of the spirit. Everything else is of no value, He explained it very clearly, but no one heeded what He wrote. They will just put a finger on the couplet and read it out. Could we understand him this way? If we go through His writings properly and absorb it, then the whole Shabad-Jalam (confusion), in which most of the people are caught, will come to an end. See the condition of Sikhs! They are not looking within themselves, which they should. Without looking within oneself, how could one follow Sikh religion? Only this is the teaching of Guru Nanaka, this is what is called `Sikhi’ (learning). This you have got in written, read it. All the saints of that age, before that age and after that, you have the discretion to know who is a saint and who is not. All the Gurus incorporated their poems and experiences in Guru Grantha and that is why Guru Grantha is revered so much. All the people, who were renowned as great Gurus at that time, had done great work and were spiritual, all their work was consolidated and put into Guru Granth Sahib. That is what we do in Sahaja Yoga. We do not follow any particular saint or incarnation; we respect all of them. . This is what He did at that time. But whatever was said, was lost in words. People did not go deeper in them. That is why Kabira has written `even the scholars went on reading and reading like fools, without absorbing anything That is how a race of fools was created. Now there is no war being fought but they are so conditioned that they will wear Turbans, keep swords and combs etc. But they have no objection in consuming Alcohol. All the Gurus warned the disciples about the evil effects of alcohol. Any one talking of consciousness could never support wine. On the one side they will consume alcohol, on the other they wear turbans, keep swords and combs, and they are very conditioned about that! They wish to create a clan and be part of that clan. If they are busy doing all these things, when is the inner transformation going to take place, that He has talked about? They have taken to this kind of ritualism and as a result have come outside. Their attention is outside, they understand everything that is outside. To direct these people towards Sahaja yoga, should not be difficult because we (Sahaja Yogis) are doing what the He preached. He did not accomplish it; this is the difference that we have been doing it and He didn´t. They talked of achieving `Sahaja Samadhi’. How? It will happen thanks to Kundalini, even this fact was made clear. But who would raise the Kundalini? This He didn´t mention. Who will perform this task? Guru Nanaka gave realization to only two of his disciples. If one Guru gives realization to only two of his disciples, how effective can it be? So, people took His external form and started their work. Huge Gurudwaras were built. But there is no use. Very few evolved beings were made, the remaining is just a race of Sardars. How could truth be told to them? But now Sikhs have started coming to Sahaja Yoga, I have seen. At least 8 – 10 sikhs come regularly with turbans on. May be some of them are coming without turbans. There are also Namdhari Sikhs. Namdhari Sikhs believe in Me. There are many Namdhari Sikhs in Bankok. As many as fifty-sixty of them come to the Programme. They wear white turbans. I do not know what is their speciality, but they follow what Guru Nanak has said. That is how diversions are created and people start fighting amongst themselves. What for? Guru Nanaka said that I am prophet of Mohammedans and Guru of Hindus. Until one is realized one cannot understand this. But it was necessary to prepare us for this day. Now it is our duty to work-out what they said. Things, however, went in opposite direction and many seekers were lost, no-one knows where! I was talking about Gyan Deva, how great He was. He belongs to Nath cult. He wrote about Kundalini. His disciples call themselves varkaris. They make a show. They take two big heavy cymbals in their hands, weighing one kg together, beating these cymbals all the way long they go to Pandhari Nath, Pandhar Pur. The clothes they wear are called lattar, they are made up of jute and are torn. They consider themselves to be very sacrificing and It takes them one month to reach there, beating the cymbals. All the way they chew tobacco. These Varkari people have created this cult. The speciality of this cult is that they take procession of Gyan Deva on a palanquin. Gyan Deva never afforded shoes when he was alive, but people place his slipper, in the palanquin and take the procession from one village to another. When they reach a village, as the palanquin arrived the villagers offer them food and refreshment. Then they go to another village, again villagers offer them food as the palanquin had arrived. It is a new method of beggary. Thirdly, He was born in Alandi, near Pune. Later he went to Niwase, there He .... Women there take earthen pots with Tulsi in them and filled with soil, at least 3 – 4 kg, lift it on their heads and walk-in procession to Anandi. This I have seen myself. I do not understand, why they do so. People have made lot of money in the name of Gyna Deva. But I do not how people can believe in them. All His purpose has forfeited. One fellow gives big big lecture on Gyan Deva and earns a lot of money, speaks whatever he feels like and there are people listen to him. People are full of blind faith! Same is the case with Guru Nanaka. No one knows what He actually said and what he didn´t. People have made Chandigarh, Guru Nanaka talked of Chandi. He talked of My incarnation on the earth. He explained everything. But no one reads or listen to that. All of the prophets and Gurus have been treated like that. Now you have got the self-realisation. ou people have experienced the truth. So, you cannot accept the falsehood. If some falsehood emerges out of Sahaja, it will be destroyed. So many people have got their self-realization in the world, now falsehood cannot be spread. Whatever I have told in Sahaja Yoga is taped and recorded. No one could change it. This is why I didn´t write book. People should listen to tapes, but they go on reading books without understanding. It is better to have fewer books and there should be more to listen. Listening to the tapes will definitely have impact on their minds. People take book reading as a means of entertainment. What is the use of it? Now we will see what happens to Sahaja Yoga. I do not know. But now Sahaja Yogis have reached a level from where they cannot go astray, I believe. Do not take to wrongdoings. We have to learn from the life of Guru Nanaka, from what He said, He wrote a bunch of books, if we read Gurbani, it says `know thyself´. But what people are doing! However, in Sahaja Yoga such things will not happen since I have made them all mature. They cannot change now. No harm could be done now, even if someone wants to; what has happened has happened. He was disrespected, He had hard times, a lot was created by Him, but there is a point I would mention that He did not give self-realisation, He didn´t make people experience. And now, you may blame anyone, but it can happen only by awakening not by making changes in some scripture. This is what we should learn from Him that we will not go astray or we will notdraw any other meaning of it (Sahaja yoga), this is important. We are Sahaj yogis and we understand Sahaja Yoga so deeply that now there is no need to draw any other meaning of it. Still there are people, one or two, who start dictating – “Do this way or that way”. It is all useless. All falsehood, without any truth in it. They dictate – “Do this way or that way”. I have never said so, yet people are doing what I have never said. So now when they will listen and learn. By reading it cannot be conceived that much, as much can be conceived by listening. They will understand Mother has not said that therefore they will not do that. But because of old Sanskara (conditioning) we keep on observing certain rituals. Secondly, they want to practise, what they have been practising since their birth. So long as we do not get rid of our conditionings, we shall not understand real Sahaja Yoga. I have made you very special people. You are special people. You know the real meaning of religion. You know everything, you know about yourself and about others. You could give realisation to people. So now you have become perfect. So, what is there to go astray now? You cannot fall. So today I thought of the pains of Guru Nanaka. How much he tolerated! His wife was not cooperative at all. He had problems, even then He did so much. What people have made of his achievements? These people are misusing Lord Christ, Mohammad Sahib and, above all, Guru Nanaka because he was the last incarnation. He worked a lot. Shirdi Sainath incarnated after him. He said there is no need, there is no use doing anything, He said clearly, whatever is started, people spoil it after some time, because they are not awakened. After awakening, things change of course. People become one, they become wise. Without realization it is difficult. So, Sai Nath did not anything, He did not organise people, He did not unite people, nothing. He had disciples, that is all. I have also not organised. We have no organization. People automatically get organized after awakening, the way different organs of the body are organized. So, without any organization everything is going on immaculately in Sahaja Yoga. My eternal blessings to you all. You have to keep in mind that we have not to pervert what we have achieved. It is most sacrilegious. Do not pervert it, for any reason. Perversion should not be allowed. My eternal blessings to you all.
Talk: Paane ke baad dena chaahiye swagat samaroh
New Delhi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
1999-12-05 Talk in Delhi: After receiveing you have to give Sir CP: Dear Sahaja Yogis, returning back home is a very big thing, I get very emotional when I see your overwhelming love for your Shri Mataji. Then I feel the world is going in the right path. You see, another year is coming to an end, and another century and another millennium is going to start. I just want to say that in this century or in the previous ones, some people came, who started new religion – Mahatma Gautama Buddha came , Lord Jesus came, Christ , prophet Mohammed came , Guru Nanak came . All these people came and started religions because human beings needed all these religions. The mind of the human beings is very wandering from the beginning, and to take care of this mind, religion is needed. But whatever religion came, though they handled the human beings, but from inside, from inside the human beings, whatever they were they remained the same. From outside a little impact came. They went to temples or churches or to the mosques, but from inside, it is very important for the human beings to change, because to go to Almighty Father, Paramatma and to get connected, the inside change is very important. And this work somebody had to do, and God has sent Shri Mataji to you for this work, for the rise of the human beings above everything else, and after rising to bring them together. You see, whichever religion came, they were doing things differently. Some say they will do conversion. Whom will you convert? All Gods are the same. What will you convert to and whom will you convert? Can somebody convert anybody else? If you want to convert someone, it has to be from inside. And so it is very important and the time has come that all the human beings, whatever caste and religion and language may be, we should rise above these standards and bring a change from inside and become one. This is a very big work. There are one billion people in our country. Around the world there are 5 to 6 billion people. To change them it is a very big work. For this work Shri Mataji has come here. She is doing Her work. You all are sitting here. I travel around the world and I see how people are changing, in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America, in Europe. You see how they are singing in Hindi, in Sanskrit, the art of India, the music of India. They sing and they understand that what She is doing for them, for the whole world, for the human beings, for the whole universe, is a very important thing . So this is the work that She has started in this century, and in the next century She will be there near you all, She will be happy and complete Her work, these are my prayers. My only request to you all, is to please spread Sahaja Yoga more. You are thousands here. Let it be thousands more all over India. This is the only thing which is good for us. I thank you all. I was not able to welcome you all. I just stayed with Her. And what is my status, what is more important for me than to stay with Her? Then also I thank you all for welcoming me. I did not know about all these you are doing for me otherwise I would have said “No”, but you all have taken care of me. I am very, very thankful to you all. I did not know all this is going to happen. Thank you all very much. Shri Mataji: To all the Sahaja Yogis who have found the truth, Namaskar to you all. You all are gathered here in such large number. Seeing this I am really overwhelmed and think that in my lifetime itself so many people, so many from far off places have received the truth. Without truth, the life of a human being is useless, is like searching in the darkness. In the same way, without truth the human being is always wandering. In that I don’t agree it’s the human being’s fault. The fault is of that darkness which has surrounded him. Like I said, you all and everyone of you should spread Sahaja Yoga. This is also My desire that you all can spread Sahaja Yoga. Everybody should think that, “I have received this and I should also give it to others and spread it”. With this Sahaja Yoga will spread and also a peaceful and beautiful feeling will come in this world. This is now in your hands, that you all should do this work completely. And in India this work is happening in full swing. The reason is, India is a yoga bhoomi (land of yoga), it’s a punya bhoomi (land of good karmas), and in this punya bhoomi, this kind of work it is to happen. It is already written, destined to. Then also, with a great force, this will spread and this family will be bond together and this is happening and is going to happen. This joy you all are receiving, you should also give it to others. This is Hindustan (India) and the whole country, and to come here the joyful feeling that comes, one cannot express it. But when I see you in the airport, then I feel in how many hearts this joy is manifesting, and how many people are drenched in this joy. With this, our children are also saved and our yuvas will also be saved. Not only this, in our country, protection and real meaning of swaraj – swa means atma and kingdom of atma is called swaraj and swatantra means the technique of atma - these two have to come. And it has come. You all have accepted it. Your life is enriched and now others also have to enrich and ascend. This is the time and we should do that. Now, I have seen in many places and I was surprised, that the effect of the millennium is in full force. Like many Sahaja Yogis have come from foreign countries also and went to Odessa. There they gave Self-Realization and they opened nine centers and thousands of people came in Odessa. And there is a reason because a lot of wrong things happen there. But not even one Sahaja Yogi had any doubts to tell about it and to assert they are Sahaja Yogis. In the same way, in Turkey, they were Muslims but now they became real Muslims. When they all came to Sahaja Yoga, around 2000 of them, there were two severe earthquakes, but not even one Sahaja Yogi or their relatives, had any trouble in that earthquake. They were all saved. Same thing happened in Italy also. But everywhere I see Sahaja Yogis are fully protected and in this protection they all are flourishing. That means that the Last Judgement has started and is happening in full force. You all are meditating but after receiving all this, you all should desire to give to others. Desire is there but due to some reason this desire is not accomplished. This you all have to do with full motivation. When it’s raining you are still working, homely things you are still talking, but to rise from all these and to give Realization to people and to care for them and help them ascend is your prime duty. And this responsibility lies with you, you all can only do this and many of you are doing it, but you have to do it in thoughtless awareness (nirvichar). And more than that, the joy that you have got, others should also get it. With this thought you all should direct your vision, and then many things can happen. And I think that this work will happen. There is no fight, no obstacles, no noise, no alcohol, in this. You only have to rise the Kundalini of people and this power you all have within you. And you have to use it. What is the purpose to have these powers within you if you do not use them. You all should use these powers and decide that each person, each Sahaja Yogi, minimum of minimum give realization to 100 people. Talk to everyone, there is nothing to feel shy about it, nothing to worry, because we are standing on the truth. Now and then this guru shopping is going on. For all this, the only remedy is to talk to everyone openly. Talk to everyone and tell them to stay away from these traps, otherwise they will also be finished. This is our duty. Like in the rain the boat sinks and you all are the saviors. We have to keep trying to give realization how many people we can. This joy should not be only in our heart. If it was so then why should we leave our place and jump mountains to give Realization? This is such a state that only in the company of others we can enjoy, and if you are in such a state, you should make use of this state and become like that. Hope that when I come to India next time, there will be many more people in Sahaja Yoga. You all have welcomed Me with so much respect. What can I say? This is not needed, but since you all insist, I agree. But I already saw, the day you all came to the airport to greet Me with so much love, this is the greatness of love. So to give love and spread it, it’s a big thing. And in this birth if it happens I don’t how many generations will be benefit out of it. My infinite blessings to you all.
1999-12-05 Talk in Delhi: After receiveing you have to give Sir CP: Dear Sahaja Yogis, returning back home is a very big thing, I get very emotional when I see your overwhelming love for your Shri Mataji. Then I feel the world is going in the right path. You see, another year is coming to an end, and another century and another millennium is going to start. I just want to say that in this century or in the previous ones, some people came, who started new religion – Mahatma Gautama Buddha came , Lord Jesus came, Christ , prophet Mohammed came , Guru Nanak came . All these people came and started religions because human beings needed all these religions. The mind of the human beings is very wandering from the beginning, and to take care of this mind, religion is needed. But whatever religion came, though they handled the human beings, but from inside, from inside the human beings, whatever they were they remained the same. From outside a little impact came. They went to temples or churches or to the mosques, but from inside, it is very important for the human beings to change, because to go to Almighty Father, Paramatma and to get connected, the inside change is very important. And this work somebody had to do, and God has sent Shri Mataji to you for this work, for the rise of the human beings above everything else, and after rising to bring them together. You see, whichever religion came, they were doing things differently. Some say they will do conversion. Whom will you convert? All Gods are the same. What will you convert to and whom will you convert? Can somebody convert anybody else? If you want to convert someone, it has to be from inside. And so it is very important and the time has come that all the human beings, whatever caste and religion and language may be, we should rise above these standards and bring a change from inside and become one. This is a very big work. There are one billion people in our country. Around the world there are 5 to 6 billion people. To change them it is a very big work. For this work Shri Mataji has come here. She is doing Her work. You all are sitting here. I travel around the world and I see how people are changing, in Africa, in Asia, in Latin America, in Europe. You see how they are singing in Hindi, in Sanskrit, the art of India, the music of India. They sing and they understand that what She is doing for them, for the whole world, for the human beings, for the whole universe, is a very important thing . So this is the work that She has started in this century, and in the next century She will be there near you all, She will be happy and complete Her work, these are my prayers. My only request to you all, is to please spread Sahaja Yoga more. You are thousands here. Let it be thousands more all over India. This is the only thing which is good for us. I thank you all. I was not able to welcome you all. I just stayed with Her. And what is my status, what is more important for me than to stay with Her? Then also I thank you all for welcoming me. I did not know about all these you are doing for me otherwise I would have said “No”, but you all have taken care of me. I am very, very thankful to you all. I did not know all this is going to happen. Thank you all very much. Shri Mataji: To all the Sahaja Yogis who have found the truth, Namaskar to you all. You all are gathered here in such large number. Seeing this I am really overwhelmed and think that in my lifetime itself so many people, so many from far off places have received the truth. Without truth, the life of a human being is useless, is like searching in the darkness. In the same way, without truth the human being is always wandering. In that I don’t agree it’s the human being’s fault. The fault is of that darkness which has surrounded him. Like I said, you all and everyone of you should spread Sahaja Yoga. This is also My desire that you all can spread Sahaja Yoga. Everybody should think that, “I have received this and I should also give it to others and spread it”. With this Sahaja Yoga will spread and also a peaceful and beautiful feeling will come in this world. This is now in your hands, that you all should do this work completely. And in India this work is happening in full swing. The reason is, India is a yoga bhoomi (land of yoga), it’s a punya bhoomi (land of good karmas), and in this punya bhoomi, this kind of work it is to happen. It is already written, destined to. Then also, with a great force, this will spread and this family will be bond together and this is happening and is going to happen. This joy you all are receiving, you should also give it to others. This is Hindustan (India) and the whole country, and to come here the joyful feeling that comes, one cannot express it. But when I see you in the airport, then I feel in how many hearts this joy is manifesting, and how many people are drenched in this joy. With this, our children are also saved and our yuvas will also be saved. Not only this, in our country, protection and real meaning of swaraj – swa means atma and kingdom of atma is called swaraj and swatantra means the technique of atma - these two have to come. And it has come. You all have accepted it. Your life is enriched and now others also have to enrich and ascend. This is the time and we should do that. Now, I have seen in many places and I was surprised, that the effect of the millennium is in full force. Like many Sahaja Yogis have come from foreign countries also and went to Odessa. There they gave Self-Realization and they opened nine centers and thousands of people came in Odessa. And there is a reason because a lot of wrong things happen there. But not even one Sahaja Yogi had any doubts to tell about it and to assert they are Sahaja Yogis. In the same way, in Turkey, they were Muslims but now they became real Muslims. When they all came to Sahaja Yoga, around 2000 of them, there were two severe earthquakes, but not even one Sahaja Yogi or their relatives, had any trouble in that earthquake. They were all saved. Same thing happened in Italy also. But everywhere I see Sahaja Yogis are fully protected and in this protection they all are flourishing. That means that the Last Judgement has started and is happening in full force. You all are meditating but after receiving all this, you all should desire to give to others. Desire is there but due to some reason this desire is not accomplished. This you all have to do with full motivation. When it’s raining you are still working, homely things you are still talking, but to rise from all these and to give Realization to people and to care for them and help them ascend is your prime duty. And this responsibility lies with you, you all can only do this and many of you are doing it, but you have to do it in thoughtless awareness (nirvichar). And more than that, the joy that you have got, others should also get it. With this thought you all should direct your vision, and then many things can happen. And I think that this work will happen. There is no fight, no obstacles, no noise, no alcohol, in this. You only have to rise the Kundalini of people and this power you all have within you. And you have to use it. What is the purpose to have these powers within you if you do not use them. You all should use these powers and decide that each person, each Sahaja Yogi, minimum of minimum give realization to 100 people. Talk to everyone, there is nothing to feel shy about it, nothing to worry, because we are standing on the truth. Now and then this guru shopping is going on. For all this, the only remedy is to talk to everyone openly. Talk to everyone and tell them to stay away from these traps, otherwise they will also be finished. This is our duty. Like in the rain the boat sinks and you all are the saviors. We have to keep trying to give realization how many people we can. This joy should not be only in our heart. If it was so then why should we leave our place and jump mountains to give Realization? This is such a state that only in the company of others we can enjoy, and if you are in such a state, you should make use of this state and become like that. Hope that when I come to India next time, there will be many more people in Sahaja Yoga. You all have welcomed Me with so much respect. What can I say? This is not needed, but since you all insist, I agree. But I already saw, the day you all came to the airport to greet Me with so much love, this is the greatness of love. So to give love and spread it, it’s a big thing. And in this birth if it happens I don’t how many generations will be benefit out of it. My infinite blessings to you all.
Christmas Puja
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, December 25th 1999 Today we are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He came on this earth in a very special way, that He was born to a Virgin. And we can understand as you know as Shri Ganesha was also born in the same way, and as Jesus is a incarnation of Shri Ganesha He had all His powers when He was born, He did not have to bring any outward weapons to show that what powers He had. But He had all the powers with Him, but still He tried to show tolerance and understanding, because at that time the people with whom He had to deal were absolutely ignorant of spirituality. They were actually Jews and they were instructed by Moses, Abraham, all these people. But they had lost their moorings, and they didn’t know what to seek, how to seek, and they were not seekers. They are quite satisfied with all the Jewish ritualism they had as also in other religions we do the same. There was no seeking at all for anything great. And so He had a very difficult life, extremely difficult life. When He was born there was a sign, of a star which three men saw and they followed it and reached that place where they found that He was born in a manger, the very simple, simplest possible place to be born. Was born in all great difficulties but it was shown clearly through a star that He was something great. The other day somebody was asking Me how did You find Ganapatipule. Actually I didn’t know, and in Maharastra this is not a very well-known place. They go to Ashtavinayakas but not to this Mahaganapati. They had no idea. But I was coming back from Ratnagiri and I saw really a very big star on top of this temple. But nobody could see it, that’s the problem is. At that time no sahaja yogis could see it. So I told them, let us follow this star. It was a very big, big one, unusually big, not like a star, but quite a big, big star, very unusual. But they couldn’t see it. Other people who were with Me they said that we can’t see it. I said, doesn’t matter. So I told them to turn it, turn it from this Hadkamba they call it, and let us go on this another road. And we just followed it. They of course listened to Me, and they did not argue. And we were travelling, travelling, we were quite late, but still I [said], “Doesn’t matter, it’s alright, let’s go”. By the time we reached Ganapatipule, it was the dawn, beautiful dawn, I can’t forget that. And in that dawn we see such a beautiful place here where we are now. And I said, this is the place where we have to be, where we have to get all the sahaja yogis to. Of course you know that Rabindranath Tagore has already described about this place that people will come here from all over the world and at the shore of Bharat this will be done. All these are predicted, have been done already, but how miraculously I discovered this place is very surprising as those three great men discovered Christ. And the place was really blessed and was very beautifully vibrated. I stayed here for two days and I decided that this is the place we have to take. Ultimately we got this land and we got all these things here but people troubled us a lot. Such negative people they troubled us. Like Christ also was troubled and tortured, very much tortured by people. So at a very young age His parents took him away and they say that they were in Kashmir. And then He came back from Kashmir later on, is described in one of the books I’ve read about Christ being in Kashmir, where He met Shalivahana, I would say our forefather. Is very well described, and in Sanskrit it is written. I think the writer didn’t know what he was writing. And the whole thing was the conversation between Christ and Shalivahan, and Christ told that “The country from where I come is spiritually dead. And the people are running after all filth and dirt. This is My country and I want to live here”. But Shalivahana told Him that, “You are such a great saint”. He also told His name, as Issa. “But You should go back to Your own country. You go over back to Your own country and” – the word he has used – “You teach them Nirmala Tattwam, the principle of Nirmala”. Is clearly written in Sanskrit language. But He went there, and the people were so negative, so negative, that they crucified Him just after three years. This is the sad story of His incarnation. But after that there were twelve disciples He had. And out of these twelve disciples the weakest was Peter. Very weak and he denied Christ thrice. And Christ had told him that, “ A satan will come and meet you”. It was Paul who met him. And the whole thing changed into a satanic anti-Christ force, as Catholic church. This Catholic church when I read about it I am shocked, how can a religious movement be such a criminal thing. It is absolutely criminal, it is anti-Christ. It has been making all money, everything, deceiving people, and brought what, nothing but their own kingdom. They live like saints to show, but all kinds of filth is going on in that Vatican, I have read another book recently. But I can’t imagine how can they call them Christians when Christ was innocence and purity. Such a shame in the name of God to do all these things. They also made artificial, we can say artificial notes and distributed them through their own bank, they have a banking system, they have all kinds of things, I lived there, I know how terrible they are. And this is what is the outcome of such a great soul that sent by God. They changed the Bible also – not only that, but they tortured the Gnostics, the people, the early Christians who have had a religious experience. All nonsense they are doing morning till evening and people are absolutely slavish about it. They are talking of conversion: what conversion has brought good to them? In Italy there is mafia, there’s all kinds of nonsensical things and the Catholics are all full of sins and they have to just go and confess. When they are celebrating His millennium I was not at all very joyous about it, because this is another way to make money, to make money out of this festival. Actually Christ’s Birthday was not celebrated for 347 years, and they thought it’s a good idea to celebrate His birthday so that we can make lots of money. First of all they are all allowed to drink and be merry, all these systems started of immorality there. They also make a wine called Benedictine. They are making all kinds of things which are filthy and bad, and they have amassed so much of money with them that no-one can challenge them and can ask them to get out of the lives of people, but is the people who has seen it through and through and have given them up. This is the beauty of Christ. He has saved really these people, they were seekers of truth, and they have been able to take to Sahaj, to understand that there is truth in it, and we should not anymore cling on to something that is untruth. And now we have so many here who have been harmed and who have been tortured by this Catholic Church. They are quite frightened of Sahaja Yoga I must tell you, they know that we are standing on the truth. They are very much frightened and they are trying their level best to harm us. But so far they have not done anything, they couldn’t achieve anything despite everything. At the end they had one argument through the newspaper about Sahaja Yoga. They said, ‘We don’t want to have one religion all over the world’. I said, ‘Yes, because how will you fight then? You must have many religions to fight’. Then they stopped. The newspaper they were arguing, they all stopped it. All these nonsensical ideas came, and it became so much of an extreme that people saw through it ‘This is wrong’, and they really took to Sahaj. If there is no truth, why are they converting people all over the world? What have they achieved by conversion? And that is why one has to understand that all religions are equally the same. In its manifestation may be different, but in its essence they all say that you have to have your self-realization. Whatever words, this way or that way, it has said you must seek the truth, in the Bible if you read – even, you’ll be amazed, in Koran though they have tried to camouflage lots of things, it has not been possible. Now Muslims also have taken up another view, worse than even Christians. That they are saying that Mohammed Sahib was the last incarnation. If He was so, there were so many others afterwards they may not accept: we had Guru Nanaka, we had Gyaneshwara, we had Shri Shirdi Sainath. How these prophets came on this earth? How can you deny it? If you say we don’t believe then you are stupid. Because if He was the last, how did these incarnations came here? So many things Christ has said. On the cross He said, ‘Behold the Mother’. Behold, is a very good word, meaning that look forward, see the Mother. At the time of His death also He said this. And all these people are just trying to create violence, torture, all kinds of things which cannot be Divine. So one has to understand that you cannot spread any religion with violence, with force, you cannot. Only with love and compassion. You can spread Sahaja Yoga only through love and compassion. And that compassion is not a mental stuff that we think we are better than others so we should change them. No. It is more love and compassion. That you feel that we can really resurrect people, not trying to change anything, but to resurrect, as they are, we will resurrect them. This is our work: to resurrect people and to give them the truth. There are many, many people all over the world, and you have seen now, we are working in the 86 countries. In a place like Benin we have got seven hundred sahaja yogis, seven thousand, sorry, sahaja yogis, who were Muslims. And I asked them how did you take to Sahaj. He said, ‘Obvious’. I said, ‘Why’? I said, ‘First of all, why did you become Christians?’. He said, ‘No, we didn’t. We just became Muslims’. ‘But why?’. ‘Because the French who were ruling there were extremely immoral people, very immoral. And we thought, what’s the use of following their religion, who drink all the time, and do all kinds of filth’ so how can we be better off? So we took to Islam’. But they are now in Sahaja Yoga, because whatever it is they have discrimination. They are seekers and they have discrimination. Imagine, they are all, we can call them as people from the black, black people. But they have such enlightened mind, I was amazed. They have made poems on Me, they have made lots of things about Me, and seven thousand of them have become, and they said one day the whole country will become, sahaja yogis. (Applause) In Turkey you know there is Islam, so-called. But there was their leader Ataturk Kemal Pasha, who was an enlightened soul and he talked to them that all this is nonsense, this purdah system, this, that, oppression of women all is nonsense. And he really made them much free. They are extremely creative people there, and imagine, there are two thousand sahaja yogis in Turkey. When there was this earthquake, you’ll be amazed to know not one sahaja yogi was killed nor anybody’s house was destroyed (Applause). In our country also we have four, four states which were all converted into Catholicism. Now I have talked to them, and they said, ‘No, these people only told us how to dress up well, go to church, sing hymns and come back home’. I was surprised: they are dressed better, no doubt, than other people, but how could they accept such a thing? Because they are aboriginal, they are people who are not yet open to light of the modern times or anything. And then after that, after that, they were trying their hands on Orissa. In Orissa there were already 35 to 40 persons who were Catholics. And I asked some sahaja yogis from Australia to go and do some work there of Sahaja Yoga. And they established nine centers there. Nine centers of Sahaja Yoga were established. But the best part of it, when there was a huge big destruction through a hurricane that came, all the sahaja yogis who have newly accepted Sahaja Yoga, are all safe. (Applause). All their houses are safe. So now what is going to come is the Last Judgment. In that all people who still are trying fundamentalism, who are fundamentalist, they’ll be destroyed, I think so. Because the way they are destroyed in all these countries, I just don’t understand what is happening and why these people are getting destroyed, their families destroyed, their houses destroyed. Is the Kalki I think is acting, and working it out in all these places in such a severe manner. Those people who do black magic and all that they were also destroyed. Is very surprising that in Orissa not one sahaja yogi was hurt. It is such a big protection of the Divine on sahaja yogis, which was to come, was told long time back it was going to come. But people got lost in ritualism, in the priesthood, and its all kinds of talks. By talking you cannot get a spiritual experience, by reading you cannot get any spiritual experience. Guru Nanaka has said it, Kabira has said it, even Adi Shankaracharya has said that this is Shabda Jalam, this is the web of words. “Oh Mother, take me out of that”. All these people who knew the truth have said the same thing, they have repeated the same thing, if you read their lives you’ll be surprised. Even the Sufis who were Muslims have written the same thing all over. It’s surprising, how can Sufis living in Turkey or living in, even they were in Pakistan – now is Pakistan, that time it was India – they all have written the same thing, some great poets even from England have written the same thing, that truth is truth, and truth is love. That’s what Christ wanted to establish, but He was born in a very, very difficult situation. And the people who took over, as priests and Church and all that, made full advantage of that and have really oppressed all the people. There’s no oppression in Sahaja Yoga. It’s your free will by which you come in. And you have to find the truth, truth about yourself, you should know yourself. All the time Christ has said, ‘Know Thyself’. And they don’t try that at all anywhere, Knowing Thyself, because they don’t know themselves. This situation we have in every religion. They all came to fight it, to tell us what is the right path what to follow. What Christ did was a very remarkable thing, that He told the Jews that He is the Light, He is the Path. But He didn’t say He was the destination, clearly, because He knew that somebody has to come, and He said the Holy Ghost will come, and She’ll have three things as you know: that She’ll be a Comforter, She’ll be a Counselor, and She’ll be a Redeemer. He didn’t use She or He, but in Hebrew language it says “It”. So people have misused Bible to such an extent that in England a king wanted to divorce his wife so he authorized the Bible. How can such an adharmic fellow authorize such a holy book like Bible? Because the power: with the power he want to control, want to control all that is reality. This is a blind power. But if you have a real power, then you know what to respect, what not to respect. Which way to go, which way not to go. Because you have a sight, you know a very bright understanding of the whole thing. Which road you have to follow, where you have to go, and which is the right thing. Thank God through this Kali Yuga, because of all kinds of horrible things, as also among Hindus lots of funny, funny rituals they have, that people have seen through that this is not the end of it. You have to seek, you have to seek. But the only thing which is very important is that all of them have said that you have to seek, you have to find out your Self. Which is very clearly written in some of the Indian scriptures. Some of them, I would say not all of them. Some of them it is written that you must seek your Self, specially the saints who came on this earth in India, they have tried to say all the time that you must seek, you must find out the truth. Because they knew the truth and they wanted others to find the truth. So in every religion there have been enlightened people. Among Buddhists also there has been a Viditama, Lao-Tse, and many others, who have talked about seeking, seeking the truth. Christ has said it very clearly, very, very clearly, and at His birthday I feel very happy that so many of you have already found out the truth and that you know the path of love and compassion and humility. As it is we know where Christ resides within us, and how to respect Christ, and how to worship that. With this Agnya chakra you can make out a person whether he is a seeker or he is a dominating arrogant Christian. You cannot do that, if you are a Christian you cannot be that. If you are that, then you are not a Christian. Look at Christ, how humble He was. He could have finished them off - He had such powers - all of them; but He got Himself crucified. The reason was Agnya chakra was to be broken. Was to be crossed. And so He accepted. As I told you He had all the powers of Shri Ganesha, which are the most destructive powers. All these powers come from Mother Earth, and the Mother Earth can shake the whole world. But He was the One who came as Mahavishnu, as described in the Devi Mahatmya. What a person He was, and what He did, all His work is beautifully described in Mahavishnu. Now, when they do not know, want to connect the Devi Mahatmya with Christ’s work, it’s alright, they are lost. There’s such a disintegration, and there’s no collectivity, nothing. And they call themselves as the disciples of Christ: you cannot. You must have love, compassion. And not for a purpose. They have missionaries who go and talk of compassion, love, and what they achieve is nothing but conversion, because it is democracy and they want to have more heads. It’s so despising, the whole attitude towards Christ, is so criminal to have such an attitude towards Christ, who was the One who came to give salvation to the whole world, to unite the whole world, and to make so many different, different efforts to spoil His name. Now I would tell you this, that if Christ is born and He came on this earth, it’s a very, very great occasion. He gave His life for us, He did everything. And how are we following Him is by forgiving. You have to forgive others, you forgive yourself and you forgive others. Is very important if you want to open this Agnya chakra, where resides our Lord Jesus Christ. If you cannot forgive others and you cannot forgive yourself, then this Agnya won’t open. And the best part of it, all the Christian nations I have seen, where there are so-called Christians, they all have a very bad Agnya. If they are really following Christ, why should there be a catch on the Agnya chakra? And they are extremely dominating, arrogant people. They cannot be the disciples of Christ. He was so humble, He was so much one with God Almighty, that He accepted His crucifixion.His birth itself is a very great miracle, and His work is even greater. We have to win over all the Christians and tell them what is real Christianity, what is reality, and what they should take to, and how they should justify their following of Christ. It is very big organizational thing, and it’s a big, I mean, political thing, I mean, all kinds of things are going on. And all the bad things they have from, say Hindu religion, they carry on. So what is the use of conversion also? So from His life we have to learn that He took a birth in such a situation that nobody would have dared to be born like that. So much of darkness and ignorance, so much of cruelty, that He took His birth at that time is extremely remarkable. Such a brave, courageous personality. Nowadays they make Christ look like a TB patient, I mean, just to beg, you know. Because they are beggars. All the time they are begging. And I was in Bombay this time, some little, little girls and boys were singing songs and they came up, and they said, ‘Give us some money’. I said, ‘What are you doing?’. ‘We are singing carols’. ‘So you sing! Why do you need money for?’. ‘You know, we need money, we have no food to eat’. Imagine. Then why sing songs of Christ? All kinds of begging is done. Christ, did He beg for anything? Did He want to create beggars on this earth? He died, lived with self-respect. All His qualities are never studied and people take to something which is very mundane, sometimes absolutely degrading, degrading. He came to give us a very dharmic, very… I shouldn’t say religious because has different meaning, but I would say a very pious and beautiful life. He is the model, He is the model we have to follow. Not that to become beggars and go round and ask for alms. Even in the schools which are Christian schools they teach this to children, that you go and ask for money, ask for money; all over the world they are asking for money. And what do they do with their money God only knows. Money can never be so important, never so important – it is just that we use it, but it cannot dominate us. He came in a very, very humble way, in a manger He was born, to show that money is not important. Though in the Sanskrit literature it is written that a God, or God Almighty when He incarnates, He has aishwarya, means He has wealth, He must have wealth. It is meaning the spiritual wealth. He must be born with the spiritual wealth. If he has spiritual wealth, then He is the real incarnation. If you don’t have the spiritual wealth of love and compassion, and detachment, you cannot be called as an incarnation. It’s a myth. So we have to test it on people who are saying they are incarnations, they are gods, they are divine, that they will take you to divine life. See their own lives, how they live. See their own temperament. You can see how Christ knew about: He told Peter that you’ll meet a satan. And that’s what he met, this Paul. In every incarnation’s life there has been negative force curbing the activity of that incarnation. We too had lots of negative forces, but gradually we have surmounted it and still I am there living, it’s no, there’s no crucifixion for Me at least. So this is what it is, because you are seekers and you have found the truth. This was My job, is to give you the truth. And you have got it, you have got the spiritual experience, which is the greatest thing one can ask for. You know yourself and you are so one with each other. This is the completion of the work of Christ, that He said ‘I will send you the Holy Ghost’. So this millennium for Me is mixed with funny feelings, because all created by this Catholic Church, saying ‘this is the Millennium’. Who says so? Because it is already not was celebrated for four hundred and something, forty-seven years, and now you say ‘this is millennium’. So the whole world has said, ‘Now is millennium, millennium, millennium’. If it is, if it is really the millennium, then what Christ wanted to do is to take a hunter in His hand and hit all the people who are negative or making money in the name of God. I am unhappy because is created by Catholic Church. They have already made so much money out of Christ, out of His name, and if you meet people say in Brazil, or Argentina, of Peru and all these places, wherever there is Catholicism, they are very, very poor people. Catholics are mostly very poor, except in Switzerland I think, where they must, they have banks, maybe that is the reason. Even these banking people are all Catholics. Can you imagine? And Italy also has lots of it, but now, Italians are that way much more open, much more open and they have been attacking by so many ways this Catholic Church. France I don’t know, France partly, they are not yet so many, but one day will come this France will have to learn a lesson, a very serious lesson for whatever they are doing. They don’t know what is freedom is, actually they don’t know laws. They are going at random like mad people. Firstly they drink such a lot. Drinking according to them is allowed. How can it be allowed, drinking, which is the greatest curse on human beings? They said that He went for a wedding and in the wedding He created wine. In Hebrew language wine means the grape juice. Not wine which is fermented. And instantly, how can you create wine? There’s no logic. You have to ferment it, you have to rot it. But the Christians are the worst in this. If somebody dies they will drink. If somebody’s born, they will drink. Anything that happens, whether good or bad, they will drink. Drinking is their religion, specially in France. Now they have no money, French have no money, because this drinking business takes out all your money, everything. Christ never said you should drink. Why will He say? It goes against your awareness, must understand, you can’t bring such a bad name to Him saying that He had agreed to people who were drinking. No, never. He cannot. He was an incarnation of purity: how will He say such a thing? I can’t understand the licentiousness, the immorality that people are doing. They’ll go to church, come back and become immoral. There’s no restriction on them, because they don’t know, because there is no light, light of the Spirit in them, to see what is destructive and what is constructive. That’s why Christ came on this world to show, and they put all these things on Him, and take a license to do whatever they like. After Sahaja Yoga you realize what is wrong, what is good. Unless and until you become a sahaja yogi is difficult to have this discrimination. That’s how so many people are lost in the name of Christ, lost in the destructive forces of their being. As it is we call them all the six enemies that we have. So today, when we remember His life, His birth, His work, His greatness, His sacrifice, we have to know that we have to follow His life. He is our model, we have to bear lots of things, we have to be tolerant, we cannot be aggressive, we cannot be threat to the freedom of others. I know there’s some are satanic people, but we should not be a threat to them. Our truth will fight. This is a very, very simple thing we have to do. In Sahaja Yoga see, I have seen people have taken more to a very moral life, and a moral behavior, and a whole culture also. Sahaja Yoga culture is a very moral culture, very loving culture, very compassionate culture. And I am sure Christ within you will be happy to see you in this manner. May God bless you. (Applause)
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, December 25th 1999 Today we are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He came on this earth in a very special way, that He was born to a Virgin. And we can understand as you know as Shri Ganesha was also born in the same way, and as Jesus is a incarnation of Shri Ganesha He had all His powers when He was born, He did not have to bring any outward weapons to show that what powers He had. But He had all the powers with Him, but still He tried to show tolerance and understanding, because at that time the people with whom He had to deal were absolutely ignorant of spirituality. They were actually Jews and they were instructed by Moses, Abraham, all these people. But they had lost their moorings, and they didn’t know what to seek, how to seek, and they were not seekers. They are quite satisfied with all the Jewish ritualism they had as also in other religions we do the same. There was no seeking at all for anything great. And so He had a very difficult life, extremely difficult life. When He was born there was a sign, of a star which three men saw and they followed it and reached that place where they found that He was born in a manger, the very simple, simplest possible place to be born. Was born in all great difficulties but it was shown clearly through a star that He was something great. The other day somebody was asking Me how did You find Ganapatipule. Actually I didn’t know, and in Maharastra this is not a very well-known place. They go to Ashtavinayakas but not to this Mahaganapati. They had no idea. But I was coming back from Ratnagiri and I saw really a very big star on top of this temple. But nobody could see it, that’s the problem is. At that time no sahaja yogis could see it. So I told them, let us follow this star. It was a very big, big one, unusually big, not like a star, but quite a big, big star, very unusual. But they couldn’t see it. Other people who were with Me they said that we can’t see it. I said, doesn’t matter. So I told them to turn it, turn it from this Hadkamba they call it, and let us go on this another road. And we just followed it. They of course listened to Me, and they did not argue. And we were travelling, travelling, we were quite late, but still I [said], “Doesn’t matter, it’s alright, let’s go”. By the time we reached Ganapatipule, it was the dawn, beautiful dawn, I can’t forget that. And in that dawn we see such a beautiful place here where we are now. And I said, this is the place where we have to be, where we have to get all the sahaja yogis to. Of course you know that Rabindranath Tagore has already described about this place that people will come here from all over the world and at the shore of Bharat this will be done. All these are predicted, have been done already, but how miraculously I discovered this place is very surprising as those three great men discovered Christ. And the place was really blessed and was very beautifully vibrated. I stayed here for two days and I decided that this is the place we have to take. Ultimately we got this land and we got all these things here but people troubled us a lot. Such negative people they troubled us. Like Christ also was troubled and tortured, very much tortured by people. So at a very young age His parents took him away and they say that they were in Kashmir. And then He came back from Kashmir later on, is described in one of the books I’ve read about Christ being in Kashmir, where He met Shalivahana, I would say our forefather. Is very well described, and in Sanskrit it is written. I think the writer didn’t know what he was writing. And the whole thing was the conversation between Christ and Shalivahan, and Christ told that “The country from where I come is spiritually dead. And the people are running after all filth and dirt. This is My country and I want to live here”. But Shalivahana told Him that, “You are such a great saint”. He also told His name, as Issa. “But You should go back to Your own country. You go over back to Your own country and” – the word he has used – “You teach them Nirmala Tattwam, the principle of Nirmala”. Is clearly written in Sanskrit language. But He went there, and the people were so negative, so negative, that they crucified Him just after three years. This is the sad story of His incarnation. But after that there were twelve disciples He had. And out of these twelve disciples the weakest was Peter. Very weak and he denied Christ thrice. And Christ had told him that, “ A satan will come and meet you”. It was Paul who met him. And the whole thing changed into a satanic anti-Christ force, as Catholic church. This Catholic church when I read about it I am shocked, how can a religious movement be such a criminal thing. It is absolutely criminal, it is anti-Christ. It has been making all money, everything, deceiving people, and brought what, nothing but their own kingdom. They live like saints to show, but all kinds of filth is going on in that Vatican, I have read another book recently. But I can’t imagine how can they call them Christians when Christ was innocence and purity. Such a shame in the name of God to do all these things. They also made artificial, we can say artificial notes and distributed them through their own bank, they have a banking system, they have all kinds of things, I lived there, I know how terrible they are. And this is what is the outcome of such a great soul that sent by God. They changed the Bible also – not only that, but they tortured the Gnostics, the people, the early Christians who have had a religious experience. All nonsense they are doing morning till evening and people are absolutely slavish about it. They are talking of conversion: what conversion has brought good to them? In Italy there is mafia, there’s all kinds of nonsensical things and the Catholics are all full of sins and they have to just go and confess. When they are celebrating His millennium I was not at all very joyous about it, because this is another way to make money, to make money out of this festival. Actually Christ’s Birthday was not celebrated for 347 years, and they thought it’s a good idea to celebrate His birthday so that we can make lots of money. First of all they are all allowed to drink and be merry, all these systems started of immorality there. They also make a wine called Benedictine. They are making all kinds of things which are filthy and bad, and they have amassed so much of money with them that no-one can challenge them and can ask them to get out of the lives of people, but is the people who has seen it through and through and have given them up. This is the beauty of Christ. He has saved really these people, they were seekers of truth, and they have been able to take to Sahaj, to understand that there is truth in it, and we should not anymore cling on to something that is untruth. And now we have so many here who have been harmed and who have been tortured by this Catholic Church. They are quite frightened of Sahaja Yoga I must tell you, they know that we are standing on the truth. They are very much frightened and they are trying their level best to harm us. But so far they have not done anything, they couldn’t achieve anything despite everything. At the end they had one argument through the newspaper about Sahaja Yoga. They said, ‘We don’t want to have one religion all over the world’. I said, ‘Yes, because how will you fight then? You must have many religions to fight’. Then they stopped. The newspaper they were arguing, they all stopped it. All these nonsensical ideas came, and it became so much of an extreme that people saw through it ‘This is wrong’, and they really took to Sahaj. If there is no truth, why are they converting people all over the world? What have they achieved by conversion? And that is why one has to understand that all religions are equally the same. In its manifestation may be different, but in its essence they all say that you have to have your self-realization. Whatever words, this way or that way, it has said you must seek the truth, in the Bible if you read – even, you’ll be amazed, in Koran though they have tried to camouflage lots of things, it has not been possible. Now Muslims also have taken up another view, worse than even Christians. That they are saying that Mohammed Sahib was the last incarnation. If He was so, there were so many others afterwards they may not accept: we had Guru Nanaka, we had Gyaneshwara, we had Shri Shirdi Sainath. How these prophets came on this earth? How can you deny it? If you say we don’t believe then you are stupid. Because if He was the last, how did these incarnations came here? So many things Christ has said. On the cross He said, ‘Behold the Mother’. Behold, is a very good word, meaning that look forward, see the Mother. At the time of His death also He said this. And all these people are just trying to create violence, torture, all kinds of things which cannot be Divine. So one has to understand that you cannot spread any religion with violence, with force, you cannot. Only with love and compassion. You can spread Sahaja Yoga only through love and compassion. And that compassion is not a mental stuff that we think we are better than others so we should change them. No. It is more love and compassion. That you feel that we can really resurrect people, not trying to change anything, but to resurrect, as they are, we will resurrect them. This is our work: to resurrect people and to give them the truth. There are many, many people all over the world, and you have seen now, we are working in the 86 countries. In a place like Benin we have got seven hundred sahaja yogis, seven thousand, sorry, sahaja yogis, who were Muslims. And I asked them how did you take to Sahaj. He said, ‘Obvious’. I said, ‘Why’? I said, ‘First of all, why did you become Christians?’. He said, ‘No, we didn’t. We just became Muslims’. ‘But why?’. ‘Because the French who were ruling there were extremely immoral people, very immoral. And we thought, what’s the use of following their religion, who drink all the time, and do all kinds of filth’ so how can we be better off? So we took to Islam’. But they are now in Sahaja Yoga, because whatever it is they have discrimination. They are seekers and they have discrimination. Imagine, they are all, we can call them as people from the black, black people. But they have such enlightened mind, I was amazed. They have made poems on Me, they have made lots of things about Me, and seven thousand of them have become, and they said one day the whole country will become, sahaja yogis. (Applause) In Turkey you know there is Islam, so-called. But there was their leader Ataturk Kemal Pasha, who was an enlightened soul and he talked to them that all this is nonsense, this purdah system, this, that, oppression of women all is nonsense. And he really made them much free. They are extremely creative people there, and imagine, there are two thousand sahaja yogis in Turkey. When there was this earthquake, you’ll be amazed to know not one sahaja yogi was killed nor anybody’s house was destroyed (Applause). In our country also we have four, four states which were all converted into Catholicism. Now I have talked to them, and they said, ‘No, these people only told us how to dress up well, go to church, sing hymns and come back home’. I was surprised: they are dressed better, no doubt, than other people, but how could they accept such a thing? Because they are aboriginal, they are people who are not yet open to light of the modern times or anything. And then after that, after that, they were trying their hands on Orissa. In Orissa there were already 35 to 40 persons who were Catholics. And I asked some sahaja yogis from Australia to go and do some work there of Sahaja Yoga. And they established nine centers there. Nine centers of Sahaja Yoga were established. But the best part of it, when there was a huge big destruction through a hurricane that came, all the sahaja yogis who have newly accepted Sahaja Yoga, are all safe. (Applause). All their houses are safe. So now what is going to come is the Last Judgment. In that all people who still are trying fundamentalism, who are fundamentalist, they’ll be destroyed, I think so. Because the way they are destroyed in all these countries, I just don’t understand what is happening and why these people are getting destroyed, their families destroyed, their houses destroyed. Is the Kalki I think is acting, and working it out in all these places in such a severe manner. Those people who do black magic and all that they were also destroyed. Is very surprising that in Orissa not one sahaja yogi was hurt. It is such a big protection of the Divine on sahaja yogis, which was to come, was told long time back it was going to come. But people got lost in ritualism, in the priesthood, and its all kinds of talks. By talking you cannot get a spiritual experience, by reading you cannot get any spiritual experience. Guru Nanaka has said it, Kabira has said it, even Adi Shankaracharya has said that this is Shabda Jalam, this is the web of words. “Oh Mother, take me out of that”. All these people who knew the truth have said the same thing, they have repeated the same thing, if you read their lives you’ll be surprised. Even the Sufis who were Muslims have written the same thing all over. It’s surprising, how can Sufis living in Turkey or living in, even they were in Pakistan – now is Pakistan, that time it was India – they all have written the same thing, some great poets even from England have written the same thing, that truth is truth, and truth is love. That’s what Christ wanted to establish, but He was born in a very, very difficult situation. And the people who took over, as priests and Church and all that, made full advantage of that and have really oppressed all the people. There’s no oppression in Sahaja Yoga. It’s your free will by which you come in. And you have to find the truth, truth about yourself, you should know yourself. All the time Christ has said, ‘Know Thyself’. And they don’t try that at all anywhere, Knowing Thyself, because they don’t know themselves. This situation we have in every religion. They all came to fight it, to tell us what is the right path what to follow. What Christ did was a very remarkable thing, that He told the Jews that He is the Light, He is the Path. But He didn’t say He was the destination, clearly, because He knew that somebody has to come, and He said the Holy Ghost will come, and She’ll have three things as you know: that She’ll be a Comforter, She’ll be a Counselor, and She’ll be a Redeemer. He didn’t use She or He, but in Hebrew language it says “It”. So people have misused Bible to such an extent that in England a king wanted to divorce his wife so he authorized the Bible. How can such an adharmic fellow authorize such a holy book like Bible? Because the power: with the power he want to control, want to control all that is reality. This is a blind power. But if you have a real power, then you know what to respect, what not to respect. Which way to go, which way not to go. Because you have a sight, you know a very bright understanding of the whole thing. Which road you have to follow, where you have to go, and which is the right thing. Thank God through this Kali Yuga, because of all kinds of horrible things, as also among Hindus lots of funny, funny rituals they have, that people have seen through that this is not the end of it. You have to seek, you have to seek. But the only thing which is very important is that all of them have said that you have to seek, you have to find out your Self. Which is very clearly written in some of the Indian scriptures. Some of them, I would say not all of them. Some of them it is written that you must seek your Self, specially the saints who came on this earth in India, they have tried to say all the time that you must seek, you must find out the truth. Because they knew the truth and they wanted others to find the truth. So in every religion there have been enlightened people. Among Buddhists also there has been a Viditama, Lao-Tse, and many others, who have talked about seeking, seeking the truth. Christ has said it very clearly, very, very clearly, and at His birthday I feel very happy that so many of you have already found out the truth and that you know the path of love and compassion and humility. As it is we know where Christ resides within us, and how to respect Christ, and how to worship that. With this Agnya chakra you can make out a person whether he is a seeker or he is a dominating arrogant Christian. You cannot do that, if you are a Christian you cannot be that. If you are that, then you are not a Christian. Look at Christ, how humble He was. He could have finished them off - He had such powers - all of them; but He got Himself crucified. The reason was Agnya chakra was to be broken. Was to be crossed. And so He accepted. As I told you He had all the powers of Shri Ganesha, which are the most destructive powers. All these powers come from Mother Earth, and the Mother Earth can shake the whole world. But He was the One who came as Mahavishnu, as described in the Devi Mahatmya. What a person He was, and what He did, all His work is beautifully described in Mahavishnu. Now, when they do not know, want to connect the Devi Mahatmya with Christ’s work, it’s alright, they are lost. There’s such a disintegration, and there’s no collectivity, nothing. And they call themselves as the disciples of Christ: you cannot. You must have love, compassion. And not for a purpose. They have missionaries who go and talk of compassion, love, and what they achieve is nothing but conversion, because it is democracy and they want to have more heads. It’s so despising, the whole attitude towards Christ, is so criminal to have such an attitude towards Christ, who was the One who came to give salvation to the whole world, to unite the whole world, and to make so many different, different efforts to spoil His name. Now I would tell you this, that if Christ is born and He came on this earth, it’s a very, very great occasion. He gave His life for us, He did everything. And how are we following Him is by forgiving. You have to forgive others, you forgive yourself and you forgive others. Is very important if you want to open this Agnya chakra, where resides our Lord Jesus Christ. If you cannot forgive others and you cannot forgive yourself, then this Agnya won’t open. And the best part of it, all the Christian nations I have seen, where there are so-called Christians, they all have a very bad Agnya. If they are really following Christ, why should there be a catch on the Agnya chakra? And they are extremely dominating, arrogant people. They cannot be the disciples of Christ. He was so humble, He was so much one with God Almighty, that He accepted His crucifixion.His birth itself is a very great miracle, and His work is even greater. We have to win over all the Christians and tell them what is real Christianity, what is reality, and what they should take to, and how they should justify their following of Christ. It is very big organizational thing, and it’s a big, I mean, political thing, I mean, all kinds of things are going on. And all the bad things they have from, say Hindu religion, they carry on. So what is the use of conversion also? So from His life we have to learn that He took a birth in such a situation that nobody would have dared to be born like that. So much of darkness and ignorance, so much of cruelty, that He took His birth at that time is extremely remarkable. Such a brave, courageous personality. Nowadays they make Christ look like a TB patient, I mean, just to beg, you know. Because they are beggars. All the time they are begging. And I was in Bombay this time, some little, little girls and boys were singing songs and they came up, and they said, ‘Give us some money’. I said, ‘What are you doing?’. ‘We are singing carols’. ‘So you sing! Why do you need money for?’. ‘You know, we need money, we have no food to eat’. Imagine. Then why sing songs of Christ? All kinds of begging is done. Christ, did He beg for anything? Did He want to create beggars on this earth? He died, lived with self-respect. All His qualities are never studied and people take to something which is very mundane, sometimes absolutely degrading, degrading. He came to give us a very dharmic, very… I shouldn’t say religious because has different meaning, but I would say a very pious and beautiful life. He is the model, He is the model we have to follow. Not that to become beggars and go round and ask for alms. Even in the schools which are Christian schools they teach this to children, that you go and ask for money, ask for money; all over the world they are asking for money. And what do they do with their money God only knows. Money can never be so important, never so important – it is just that we use it, but it cannot dominate us. He came in a very, very humble way, in a manger He was born, to show that money is not important. Though in the Sanskrit literature it is written that a God, or God Almighty when He incarnates, He has aishwarya, means He has wealth, He must have wealth. It is meaning the spiritual wealth. He must be born with the spiritual wealth. If he has spiritual wealth, then He is the real incarnation. If you don’t have the spiritual wealth of love and compassion, and detachment, you cannot be called as an incarnation. It’s a myth. So we have to test it on people who are saying they are incarnations, they are gods, they are divine, that they will take you to divine life. See their own lives, how they live. See their own temperament. You can see how Christ knew about: He told Peter that you’ll meet a satan. And that’s what he met, this Paul. In every incarnation’s life there has been negative force curbing the activity of that incarnation. We too had lots of negative forces, but gradually we have surmounted it and still I am there living, it’s no, there’s no crucifixion for Me at least. So this is what it is, because you are seekers and you have found the truth. This was My job, is to give you the truth. And you have got it, you have got the spiritual experience, which is the greatest thing one can ask for. You know yourself and you are so one with each other. This is the completion of the work of Christ, that He said ‘I will send you the Holy Ghost’. So this millennium for Me is mixed with funny feelings, because all created by this Catholic Church, saying ‘this is the Millennium’. Who says so? Because it is already not was celebrated for four hundred and something, forty-seven years, and now you say ‘this is millennium’. So the whole world has said, ‘Now is millennium, millennium, millennium’. If it is, if it is really the millennium, then what Christ wanted to do is to take a hunter in His hand and hit all the people who are negative or making money in the name of God. I am unhappy because is created by Catholic Church. They have already made so much money out of Christ, out of His name, and if you meet people say in Brazil, or Argentina, of Peru and all these places, wherever there is Catholicism, they are very, very poor people. Catholics are mostly very poor, except in Switzerland I think, where they must, they have banks, maybe that is the reason. Even these banking people are all Catholics. Can you imagine? And Italy also has lots of it, but now, Italians are that way much more open, much more open and they have been attacking by so many ways this Catholic Church. France I don’t know, France partly, they are not yet so many, but one day will come this France will have to learn a lesson, a very serious lesson for whatever they are doing. They don’t know what is freedom is, actually they don’t know laws. They are going at random like mad people. Firstly they drink such a lot. Drinking according to them is allowed. How can it be allowed, drinking, which is the greatest curse on human beings? They said that He went for a wedding and in the wedding He created wine. In Hebrew language wine means the grape juice. Not wine which is fermented. And instantly, how can you create wine? There’s no logic. You have to ferment it, you have to rot it. But the Christians are the worst in this. If somebody dies they will drink. If somebody’s born, they will drink. Anything that happens, whether good or bad, they will drink. Drinking is their religion, specially in France. Now they have no money, French have no money, because this drinking business takes out all your money, everything. Christ never said you should drink. Why will He say? It goes against your awareness, must understand, you can’t bring such a bad name to Him saying that He had agreed to people who were drinking. No, never. He cannot. He was an incarnation of purity: how will He say such a thing? I can’t understand the licentiousness, the immorality that people are doing. They’ll go to church, come back and become immoral. There’s no restriction on them, because they don’t know, because there is no light, light of the Spirit in them, to see what is destructive and what is constructive. That’s why Christ came on this world to show, and they put all these things on Him, and take a license to do whatever they like. After Sahaja Yoga you realize what is wrong, what is good. Unless and until you become a sahaja yogi is difficult to have this discrimination. That’s how so many people are lost in the name of Christ, lost in the destructive forces of their being. As it is we call them all the six enemies that we have. So today, when we remember His life, His birth, His work, His greatness, His sacrifice, we have to know that we have to follow His life. He is our model, we have to bear lots of things, we have to be tolerant, we cannot be aggressive, we cannot be threat to the freedom of others. I know there’s some are satanic people, but we should not be a threat to them. Our truth will fight. This is a very, very simple thing we have to do. In Sahaja Yoga see, I have seen people have taken more to a very moral life, and a moral behavior, and a whole culture also. Sahaja Yoga culture is a very moral culture, very loving culture, very compassionate culture. And I am sure Christ within you will be happy to see you in this manner. May God bless you. (Applause)
Marriages and Talk to Brides
Talk to Brides, Ganapatipule (India), December 26th, 1999 [Starts at 5:21]On one [inaudible] is that, if you have accepted this marriage, you’ll have to make it a very successful and beautiful marriage. And as I told you that women are for the preservation, preservation of family, of their country, and preservation of all of the value system of Sahaja Yoga. For that, you should be prepared. You may have to be [inaudible] sometimes hurt, sometimes people might try to say things to you which you may not like, but you have to be very wise about it. Only the wisdom can help you that you are responsible for building up a good married life. And once you know that, you’ll understand the importance of your being married in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not like any other marriage. It is not just a convenience or it’s not just matching for you. It’s much deeper than that. And if you have that feeling within you, that you have to have a very loving relationship. If you love somebody, you won’t grouch anything, you won’t demand anything, you won’t react for it.You have to have love, you must excuse and forgive, if something is done wrong. After all, men are not that practical as women are, you know that. But you are their support. You are their help. And you have to look at it from a very different angle that you have to build up this married life yourself. Sahaja Yogis are men who are all right here; they are Sahaja Yogis and they understand what is to be done. But your understanding should be much more, much deeper, then only it will work out. So, I have to tell you very, very frankly that if the marriage would fail, it will be because of you and not because of him. It is how you handle, how you behave, this thread [unsure] and what will support you and what will help you will be the loving attitude. Then you won’t mind anything because you love a person. You want to have a very loving family and loving children and everything is so beautiful. If you want to make yourself miserable, it’s very easy. But if you want to make people really much happier, very much respecting each other, for that you should show much more maturity than the men can do. Because it’s your responsibility. Marriage is mostly your responsibility. And how you make it is your own doing. So, I have to tell you that at this very beautiful time, this auspicious time, when you are going to enter the married life is the first step and then for your children is the second step. In every way you should try to express your love, in every way possible. And all of you should develop a new technique of sahaj, how to express your love to them and to each other because we are all one family. And we have to show that we are, we are very conscious, aware of our responsibility because Sahaja Yoga is the only way we can resurrect people and save them. Now, you have become part and parcel of the ocean and in the ocean, whatever is the way, you have to move with that. And this collective understanding should be there. There should be no problem on that thing. You’ll enjoy all the collective, you’ll enjoy all the love that collective wants to give. I am sure you will make it. You look very promising to Me and I really bless you from my heart that you become a very good wife in Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you [Starts at 17:25]I am overjoyed to see all of you so much enjoying and expressing their feeling about your marriage. Also, I am thankful to all the people who are here and who have been witnessing this beautiful, fantastic festival of marriages. And to thank all the organisers who have organised it so beautifully so many marriages without any problem, and all the volunteers who have worked so hard to look after you with very gentle car and instructions. In such a big congregation of marriages, there could be some handicaps maybe some mistakes. But you people have very verily accepted the whole thing without gouching about anything and working it out so beautifully. I am thankful to you for that and ultimately, I have to thank all the musicians who have worked it out with their music, enhanced your enjoyment and the [guyalis?] who have valued in such a beautiful manner for your marriage which was getting confusing I think, it was for some of you. Doesn’t matter, it all worked out and I think done with such good feeling and sportsmanship I should say.So, may God bless you all.And now enjoy your marriage, enjoy your life, may God bless you.
Talk to Brides, Ganapatipule (India), December 26th, 1999 [Starts at 5:21]On one [inaudible] is that, if you have accepted this marriage, you’ll have to make it a very successful and beautiful marriage. And as I told you that women are for the preservation, preservation of family, of their country, and preservation of all of the value system of Sahaja Yoga. For that, you should be prepared. You may have to be [inaudible] sometimes hurt, sometimes people might try to say things to you which you may not like, but you have to be very wise about it. Only the wisdom can help you that you are responsible for building up a good married life. And once you know that, you’ll understand the importance of your being married in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not like any other marriage. It is not just a convenience or it’s not just matching for you. It’s much deeper than that. And if you have that feeling within you, that you have to have a very loving relationship. If you love somebody, you won’t grouch anything, you won’t demand anything, you won’t react for it.You have to have love, you must excuse and forgive, if something is done wrong. After all, men are not that practical as women are, you know that. But you are their support. You are their help. And you have to look at it from a very different angle that you have to build up this married life yourself. Sahaja Yogis are men who are all right here; they are Sahaja Yogis and they understand what is to be done. But your understanding should be much more, much deeper, then only it will work out. So, I have to tell you very, very frankly that if the marriage would fail, it will be because of you and not because of him. It is how you handle, how you behave, this thread [unsure] and what will support you and what will help you will be the loving attitude. Then you won’t mind anything because you love a person. You want to have a very loving family and loving children and everything is so beautiful. If you want to make yourself miserable, it’s very easy. But if you want to make people really much happier, very much respecting each other, for that you should show much more maturity than the men can do. Because it’s your responsibility. Marriage is mostly your responsibility. And how you make it is your own doing. So, I have to tell you that at this very beautiful time, this auspicious time, when you are going to enter the married life is the first step and then for your children is the second step. In every way you should try to express your love, in every way possible. And all of you should develop a new technique of sahaj, how to express your love to them and to each other because we are all one family. And we have to show that we are, we are very conscious, aware of our responsibility because Sahaja Yoga is the only way we can resurrect people and save them. Now, you have become part and parcel of the ocean and in the ocean, whatever is the way, you have to move with that. And this collective understanding should be there. There should be no problem on that thing. You’ll enjoy all the collective, you’ll enjoy all the love that collective wants to give. I am sure you will make it. You look very promising to Me and I really bless you from my heart that you become a very good wife in Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you [Starts at 17:25]I am overjoyed to see all of you so much enjoying and expressing their feeling about your marriage. Also, I am thankful to all the people who are here and who have been witnessing this beautiful, fantastic festival of marriages. And to thank all the organisers who have organised it so beautifully so many marriages without any problem, and all the volunteers who have worked so hard to look after you with very gentle car and instructions. In such a big congregation of marriages, there could be some handicaps maybe some mistakes. But you people have very verily accepted the whole thing without gouching about anything and working it out so beautifully. I am thankful to you for that and ultimately, I have to thank all the musicians who have worked it out with their music, enhanced your enjoyment and the [guyalis?] who have valued in such a beautiful manner for your marriage which was getting confusing I think, it was for some of you. Doesn’t matter, it all worked out and I think done with such good feeling and sportsmanship I should say.So, may God bless you all.And now enjoy your marriage, enjoy your life, may God bless you.
Eve Of Mahashivaratri Puja, Evening Program
Evening Program
Mahashivaratri Puja
English, Hindi, Marathi
Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India, 5 March 2000. First, I’ll speak in English language, because we have so many people from foreign countries, and especially from Madras (Chennai) and also from Kerala, Hyderabad and Bangalore. All these people have come here, and I don’t know what other people are here, who have come from South and who do not yet understand Hindi language. This Shivaratri has a special meaning, I think. Because there is so much – if you read any newspaper in the morning, such horrible news is there about the people who are trying to create all kinds of violence, corruption and immoral behaviour. You are surprised how, these days, it is so full of all these criminalities going round us. This is the time, as if come, for the “Taandav nrutya” [ताण्डव नृत्य, cosmic dance] of Shri Shiva. Otherwise, one feels things cannot improve. It is His anger, if it starts, throwing wrath on people of this character and this type. I don’t know how anyone can save from His wrath. He’s a God who is full of love, full of tremendous compassion, but also the another extreme of very destroying character. He can destroy the whole world. He can finish all the creatures that have been created if He gets into a temper. You all must be knowing the story, how He went into ecstasy. There was a devil who had taken a form of a child. And a Mother cannot kill the child, She cannot. And She thought She won’t be able to save the world from the wrath or anger of Shiva if He sees the whole world destroyed by this devil. So She withdrew from Her act of sacrificing the child or killing the child and it was Shiva who took over. And He just stood on the back of the child and killed him. That child was a devil. And so, He saved the world from the destruction of this horrible rakshasa. And then He danced with joy. That’s what they call as a cosmic, cosmic joy. Many people don’t understand why He’s standing on top of a little child, but the reason was this. So, even people may camouflage today as small children, as very innocent people, as very holy gurus, Shiva can destroy all of them. This destruction has already started and is going with a full speed, I think, all over, through so many things that are happening: we have got hurricane, storms, earthquakes, many accidents, and so many destructive things are working out which are the outcome of Kalaki [Kalki] incarnation. But, at the same time, there is another work going on, of the same incarnation: is the resurrection of the people. Such people can never be hurt, nothing can happen to them. They’ll be always saved. Everything will be saved for them because they are under the protection of their Mother. Now the problem is how can we the Sahaja Yogis deal with such people and could see that they go out of the circulation of evolution? Only solution is raising the Kundalini. If you raise the Kundalini of human beings, who are even very bad and gone cases, either they’ll be destroyed or they will be saved and they’ll become good people. They will stop all this horrible things they are thinking and planning in their heads and they’ll become really very, very good people. It may fail in some cases – I wouldn’t say that Sahaja Yoga would be successful in every case. But if Sahaja Yogis meditate and keep themselves in complete peace and also completely surrendered, nothing can happen to them. They are always protected and you all have an experience of that protection. But first you should have faith in yourself and complete surrendering to Sahaja Yoga. We are so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here, mostly from North, South, East and West of India, and also from other foreign countries. Every country is, today, is under the, we should say under the control of these negative forces. What we have to do is to make people positive through Kundalini awakening. This you all can do. This you can achieve. For this, you don’t have to do something special. In day-to-day life, you can achieve it and you should do it. This is the only thing that is needed today, is to transform people and you all can do it, all of you can do it in a very sincere and a good manner. Don’t have to get to temper, jump at people, get angry with rude people, but with peaceful attitude, you should achieve it; so that this wrathful temperament of Shiva, as they say, the third eye of Shiva won’t open. That’s something horrible. We all can do it in a very constructive manner, extremely in a constructive manner. So what we should do is to, first of all, establish our own Shiva principle, is the principle of joy, principle of love and principle of truth, I should say. There are big problems, also, because people have no idea as to Shiva’s global temperament. For example, I have heard people quarrelling and fighting over Shiva principle and Vishnu principle. Now, Vishnu is there, His power is there for you to rise up to this Shiva Principle. Both are not different, One is supplementary for Another. But if you go on fighting even on that point, I can’t understand. You cannot reach Shiva without Vishnu. And if you cannot stick to Shiva’s Principle, if you have not understood the Vishnu Principle – Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi. She is the Principle, she is the “tattwa” [essence] of Shiva. And she rises through the channel that is made by Vishnu out of evolutionary process. So, how can you do away with One of Them? One is the road, another is the destination. So, I hope you understand how important it is that your centers should be corrected, your road should be all right, that your Sushumna should be cleared, because we are “madhya margis” [guides of the central path]: we have to go by the center, by the central path and we have to have the balance – not to go to the left and not to go to the right. This balance we must keep and go on moving till you reach your “talu bhaag” [Brahmarandhra] where sits Sadashiva. You can experience it, you can see for yourself. Whatever I am saying, you know it very well. Only thing is when I am telling you, you can verify. Sahaja Yoga can be verified very easily, and you know that, that you now know the only Truth. The Truth which is absolute. This is also the principle which starts showing results when these two Powers meet. Is very surprising that, when these two Powers meet, or when you reach Shiva Principle through the Vishnu Principle, then you realize that these two Powers are so complimentary and so much related to each other. There’s no difference, in a way, between these two Powers. And, so, keep your road “madhyamarga” [central channel] clean and let the Kundalini pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it, you’ll be amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path and reaching at the lotus feet of Shiva. Time :14:33 Translation from Hindi: All of you recognise Shivji, and He is worshiped. But you do not know the different aspects of His virtues and qualities. That is why many times you make mistakes. The most important form of Shivji is bliss and joy. And this joy of His is spread everywhere in subtle and subtlest forms. But until you become spiritually subtle, you will not be able to recognise these various forms, nor will you be able to understand them. He resides in every particle. In everything, we can say, He creates a joyful Universe. And when you move around in that environment you find that you have been transformed into something else. Other people find happiness in different things. For instance some people find happiness in destroying themselves. By taking to wrong paths, and doing things which are against the Spirit, they think they can find happiness in it. But the Atma [Spirit], Which is verily Shivji, finds joy in a different way. And only that can touch our heart. Like there are a lot of people who are immersed in material things. Some take to alchohol, some indulge into sinful activities, they keep doing all wrong things and they think that there is a lot of happiness in that. But it is not so. Slowly, slowly they get destroyed. And slowly, slowly they are finished. But Shivji comforts us, He gives us peace and He gives us joy. And when the Shakti [Power] of Shiva and the Shakti [Power] of Vishnu - like Kundalini and Sushumna Nadi; when they combine, then you can feel the Truth. The aboslute Truth. Such that you cannot refuse to accept the Truth. Because it is the abolute Truth. Which you can feel on your fingertips, on your hands. You will have many experiences by which you will understand that in the absolute Truth there is not even an iota of doubt. You can know it in you; you can understand it. This is the gift given by the Kundalini. This means that the Kundalini, which is the Shakti [Power] of Shiva, when She rises through the central channel, She awakens all the chakras, aligns them in its entirety, assembles, and unites. Who looks after that Shakti [Power]? We can say that Shri Vishnu is the one who looks after Her, because She moves in the central path, which is the path of Shri Vishnu. And then She reaches the Brahmarandhra, and manifests. And on reaching there we can understand that Her journey is now complete. So we can see so much cooperation and understanding among them. But we people have contracted a new type of disease – everyone is running after money. Running after money has become a very strange disease. And for that we are willing to go to any lengths for it by taking any support. Even in Sahaja Yoga people do that. The reason for this is that some sort of defect has crept into us. A lot negativities have accumulated in us. And the cleansing of these negativities can only be done by Kundalini. But if you do not fully absorb and assimilate this Kuindalini shakti; through meditation if you do not grow It, then you cannot reach that state where the Power manifested in you which is the truth, joy giving, peace giving – a weakness remains in that. When the Kundalini rises, She cleanses everything. With the Power of Shivji, everything gets cleansed. But still some people suffer because of their old habits or because of wrong ways. And those people - with whatever that is wrong, whatever bad habits of theirs, even with the slightest temptation they fall from their ascent. Even if an atom of negativity is left within us, they can fall and get completely destroyed Those who come to the Pujas and meditate, those people always make progress. If there is no peace, even a tree cannot be saved, it cannot grow. Even germination cannot take place. That is why, if you do not have this meditative quality, if you do not have high ideals that I will not be swept like a kite, I will not succumb to any bad habits, then you should attend all the pujas - as many as possible and you should be in meditation. Because now you have the right to do puja. Everyone doesn’t have the right to do Pujas. Anyone and everyone goes to do puja. But when there is no connection, then how can you be authorised to do a puja? But many people go to this temple or that temple; go to this guru or that guru. Nothing comes out of that. You are your own guru, and only you can introspect and think, ’what is the problem in me’? . ’In our heart are we completely accepting Sahaja Yoga or not?’ I have seen a lot of people come into Sahaja Yoga and after reaching a certain height, they fall. The higher they rise, the lower they fall. The reason is that the hidden tendencies in you have somehow become active without you being aware of it. That is why you must pay attention – ’hope I am not falling into wrong things’, or ’hope I am not doing anything wrong which is aSahaja [against Sahaja Yoga]’, or ’have some bad motives arisen in me that I have come to Sahaja with the idea of making money?’. Or ,’I have come into Sahaja Yoga to do something bad?’ Our attention should be towards these things. The best thing to follow Sahaja methods, whatever are the activities of Sahaja – like meditation etc., you should do all that and establish yourself individually . In you there is a special type of – one is individuality and other is totality. Once you are established individually then you can become a collective person. Those who do not attend collectivity, they cannot also grow individually. This I have seen. Those attend collectivity, only they can grow. For some time maybe you’ll get some benefits, like you get some money, or fame or something. Especially in Sahja Yoga some people have this ambitions –‚’how many people can I control'. Even that also happens. But your personality does not improve. There is no depth in you and you are not a Sahaja Yogi of high quality. Till the time you are not of high quality, all your talks are of no use. Because, don’t know when you will fall from the brink and when you will be destroyed completely. That is why we should be cautious and try to achieve high spiritual personality. There is one more thing you should do. If you have got your Realization today, then ’tomorrow’ you give Realization to thousands of people. Then your Powers will increase. If not, whatever little you have achieved, will also be finished. This is a very unusual rule. It cannot be compared with anything else. Like if one lamp is enlightened and from that another is enlightened; even then you cannot say that the light of the first lamp increases – it is not so. But in Sahaja Yoga I have seen, that if anyone opens his heart and sincerely does Sahaja Yoga and not only that but gives Realization to others, he shines. Because you have been made a Sahaja Yogi so that you tranform the entire world. That you create a great wave of transformation in the world and make it a beautiful place. The world should become a new and special world this should be your pure desire. Once you have this pure desire, your Kundalini becomes activated. I have noticed that even a very simple, normal people, when they narrate their experiences, I am surprised – how did such a thing happen to them? How did they give such a suggestion? In Sahaja Yoga also there are some people, who come for power. Some come for money. With all these things, the personality of a person is not developed. There is no glow in their personality. Because the light that you have received; till the time you do not share it with others; within yourself also if you will not be enlightened, till then no efforts will have any success. Which is to say that our only work is to change the world; to transform the world. We have to build a special world and you are special people. When you begin to understand how important you are, then with that understanding, you will make your life beautiful. [Talk continues in Marathi] Translation from Marathi: Have spoken in English, Hindi and now shall speak in Marathi. There are so many Maharashtrian’s here that it is apt that I should speak in Marathi. It is My wish that all the Sahaja Yogis who live in Maharashtra should learn the Hindi language as it is our National language. We should love and be ready to sacrifice anything for our Nation. This was the speciality of Maharashtra. Now the Maharashtra state, which I see, I don’t know where those people have gone. They took to the Gods and started doing their puja. After this was done and didn’t work out, then used another way; they have started going to this guru, that guru, then going to temples and all. We should see what these people have achieved by doing this and what you have achieved by doing Sahaja Yoga. So now just leave and forget everything and sincerely think about ourselves and keep your Kundalini in such a way that you can help and contribute to the great work of Sahaja Yoga. I am Maharashtrian by birth, was amazed to see how Sahaja Yoga has spread in North of India. Have hardly made any effort to spread Sahaja Yoga, but it has spread like fire in north India, which is very surprising. It is very sad and has failed to understand as to why it has not worked out in Maharashtra, as it should have been. Sahaja Yoga has spread in all big and small villages of Maharashtra. One day a man had come to work at My Place. He touched My feet so I asked him, “What happened?” He told Me that Mataji Your photo is in every big and small village of our district, Your disciples are in every village. All of them say that we are Sahaja Yogis, don’t tell us anything about stupid practices. I was wondering how this has happened, because of whose blessings as I was thinking nothing would work in this country as too many people are ill-affected. People are sitting in Maharashtra who are so deep-rooted, the knowledge they have about everything is so deep-rooted, but I don’t know where it has gone. Have always said that all Sahaja Yogis should always be together, be in collective and should give Realization to thousands of people. Every morning you should only think, ‘how many people did we give Realization to, how many people’s Kundalini, is awakened by us!’ You have a job to save the whole world, as the Kundalini of the world is sitting in Maharashtra i.e. we have ‘Ashta Vinayak’ (eight Ganeshas) in Maharashtra, and three and a half Goddesses sitting in Maharashtra. All the arrangements are done but, surprisingly, people do not understand it. People are so much pretentious and waste time doing false things. Instead of doing this, try to achieve the truth. Watch and follow the truth. It will be your wealth, if you change from, within. This wealth should grow and mature so much that its fragrance should spread in the whole world. We get involved in petty things and fight among ourselves. We should stop fighting amongst ourselves, for petty things. I am watching Yuva Shakti and their activities. It looks like due to them the whole of Maharashtra is changing. People who are sitting in high positions are very arrogant, have failed to understand the reason for their arrogance. Due to this very attitude, we were not able to do something special in Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra. So it should be your motto, to spread Sahaja Yoga. Today is a very special day - Shivratri. We should all take a pledge and pray to Shiva and get His blessings, by getting which, you would feel, the flow of happiness and love in your heart. First of all, you have to be deep-rooted in Sahaja Yoga. The light which we have in our hearts, if we don’t spread it then we will be in darkness, along with others. So we should decide and give Realization to a minimum of 100 people, till next year. We need to understand that, if we go and speak to people about Sahaja Yoga, many over smart people may not agree to the teachings of Sahaja Yoga. If you explain to people the benefits and your experiences of practising Sahaja Yoga, especially what you have achieved, then people may start believing you and mend their wrong ways. This is our main responsibility, for this, you have to come forward and spread Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra. If this change does not happen then I am not sure in what condition this state will be in? While taking a lot of pain, Shivaji Maharaj has done a lot for this state. There have been many saints in Maharashtra, the numbers not seen in any state or any country, who have shed their blood for this place, such a blessed place! It is rightly called Maharashtra (Maha means great & Rashtra means State) and see the dilemma that you fight for petty things, in this blessed place. Kindly note that you people are Realized, souls. Earlier there were no Realized souls, but there were Malva's (foot soldiers) of Shivaji Maharaj. Fail to understand, where these people have gone, the people from the royal community, who never used to touch drinks or had any vices, these same people are now drinking and behaving senselessly and by doing this you are going away from Shiva. That is why old people have said that God has taken lots of efforts, but if you are facing in the wrong direction then how it will work out? You should explain it to people from all your heart, and this is what I have been telling you, in this Shiva puja. If Shiva gets angry then Maharashtra state will be the 1st one to get destroyed, as this is a special place for Shiva. You know how much you believe in Shiva and Shri Ganesh is the main Deity to all of us and if He gets angry then I am not sure what will happen. Don’t know when all this started happening in Maharashtra, am seeing what people are doing with Shri Ganesh’s idol. If you people disrespect Lord Ganesha then, who is going to save you from His wrath. So you need to tell the whole world that they should join Sahaja Yoga, to get their Kundalini awakened. Everybody is aware of Kundalini right from Marchrindra Nath to Gorakh Nath, as all these people have worked on Kundalini, there are books on Kundalini, but the knowledge has remained within the books, it has not spread out to other people. You should tell people about Sahaja Yoga and the rising of the Kundalini. On this auspicious occasion of Shivratri, we should all decide that we will spread Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra and work hard on it. This is the only job we should do and then see how your other jobs are done, unbelievably! We should meditate if we don't meditate what is the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga. There is no meaning if you just come here dance and sing and don’t meditate. The main thing is you should feel this change within you, this change in your personality will make you will feel so happy and proud of yourself. This work of Sahaja Yoga should be done by you. On this occasion on Shivaratri, if you want to make Shiva happy, give Realization to a lot of people, spread Sahaja Yoga. Kundalini is His Shakti. Instead of wasting time on unimportant things, give Realization to people, awaken their Kundalini. By doing this, you will change the whole of Maharashtra. There are few people who are creating problems, but they will perish. First of all, you should awaken the Kundalini of others, giving them Realization, is your duty. On this Shivratri when we are doing Shiva puja, think of Shiva in your heart, so that there will never be heart-related problems. You have to keep, Shiva in your heart so that when you are getting Realization and your Kundalini is getting awakened, the changes that are happening internally, is happening because of the light you are getting from Shiva, the Spirit – Atma. He is the Spirit – Atma and He is reflected within us, in our heart. So watch yourself in that reflection. Why are you lying and making a fool of yourself? Have tried explaining this to people, they just don’t understand. Only attending lectures won’t help. If you want to help yourself, you should follow and spread Sahaja Yoga with full dedication. This is My request to all Sahaja Yogis, a request with all My love to spread and follow Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you.
Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India, 5 March 2000. First, I’ll speak in English language, because we have so many people from foreign countries, and especially from Madras (Chennai) and also from Kerala, Hyderabad and Bangalore. All these people have come here, and I don’t know what other people are here, who have come from South and who do not yet understand Hindi language. This Shivaratri has a special meaning, I think. Because there is so much – if you read any newspaper in the morning, such horrible news is there about the people who are trying to create all kinds of violence, corruption and immoral behaviour. You are surprised how, these days, it is so full of all these criminalities going round us. This is the time, as if come, for the “Taandav nrutya” [ताण्डव नृत्य, cosmic dance] of Shri Shiva. Otherwise, one feels things cannot improve. It is His anger, if it starts, throwing wrath on people of this character and this type. I don’t know how anyone can save from His wrath. He’s a God who is full of love, full of tremendous compassion, but also the another extreme of very destroying character. He can destroy the whole world. He can finish all the creatures that have been created if He gets into a temper. You all must be knowing the story, how He went into ecstasy. There was a devil who had taken a form of a child. And a Mother cannot kill the child, She cannot. And She thought She won’t be able to save the world from the wrath or anger of Shiva if He sees the whole world destroyed by this devil. So She withdrew from Her act of sacrificing the child or killing the child and it was Shiva who took over. And He just stood on the back of the child and killed him. That child was a devil. And so, He saved the world from the destruction of this horrible rakshasa. And then He danced with joy. That’s what they call as a cosmic, cosmic joy. Many people don’t understand why He’s standing on top of a little child, but the reason was this. So, even people may camouflage today as small children, as very innocent people, as very holy gurus, Shiva can destroy all of them. This destruction has already started and is going with a full speed, I think, all over, through so many things that are happening: we have got hurricane, storms, earthquakes, many accidents, and so many destructive things are working out which are the outcome of Kalaki [Kalki] incarnation. But, at the same time, there is another work going on, of the same incarnation: is the resurrection of the people. Such people can never be hurt, nothing can happen to them. They’ll be always saved. Everything will be saved for them because they are under the protection of their Mother. Now the problem is how can we the Sahaja Yogis deal with such people and could see that they go out of the circulation of evolution? Only solution is raising the Kundalini. If you raise the Kundalini of human beings, who are even very bad and gone cases, either they’ll be destroyed or they will be saved and they’ll become good people. They will stop all this horrible things they are thinking and planning in their heads and they’ll become really very, very good people. It may fail in some cases – I wouldn’t say that Sahaja Yoga would be successful in every case. But if Sahaja Yogis meditate and keep themselves in complete peace and also completely surrendered, nothing can happen to them. They are always protected and you all have an experience of that protection. But first you should have faith in yourself and complete surrendering to Sahaja Yoga. We are so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here, mostly from North, South, East and West of India, and also from other foreign countries. Every country is, today, is under the, we should say under the control of these negative forces. What we have to do is to make people positive through Kundalini awakening. This you all can do. This you can achieve. For this, you don’t have to do something special. In day-to-day life, you can achieve it and you should do it. This is the only thing that is needed today, is to transform people and you all can do it, all of you can do it in a very sincere and a good manner. Don’t have to get to temper, jump at people, get angry with rude people, but with peaceful attitude, you should achieve it; so that this wrathful temperament of Shiva, as they say, the third eye of Shiva won’t open. That’s something horrible. We all can do it in a very constructive manner, extremely in a constructive manner. So what we should do is to, first of all, establish our own Shiva principle, is the principle of joy, principle of love and principle of truth, I should say. There are big problems, also, because people have no idea as to Shiva’s global temperament. For example, I have heard people quarrelling and fighting over Shiva principle and Vishnu principle. Now, Vishnu is there, His power is there for you to rise up to this Shiva Principle. Both are not different, One is supplementary for Another. But if you go on fighting even on that point, I can’t understand. You cannot reach Shiva without Vishnu. And if you cannot stick to Shiva’s Principle, if you have not understood the Vishnu Principle – Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi. She is the Principle, she is the “tattwa” [essence] of Shiva. And she rises through the channel that is made by Vishnu out of evolutionary process. So, how can you do away with One of Them? One is the road, another is the destination. So, I hope you understand how important it is that your centers should be corrected, your road should be all right, that your Sushumna should be cleared, because we are “madhya margis” [guides of the central path]: we have to go by the center, by the central path and we have to have the balance – not to go to the left and not to go to the right. This balance we must keep and go on moving till you reach your “talu bhaag” [Brahmarandhra] where sits Sadashiva. You can experience it, you can see for yourself. Whatever I am saying, you know it very well. Only thing is when I am telling you, you can verify. Sahaja Yoga can be verified very easily, and you know that, that you now know the only Truth. The Truth which is absolute. This is also the principle which starts showing results when these two Powers meet. Is very surprising that, when these two Powers meet, or when you reach Shiva Principle through the Vishnu Principle, then you realize that these two Powers are so complimentary and so much related to each other. There’s no difference, in a way, between these two Powers. And, so, keep your road “madhyamarga” [central channel] clean and let the Kundalini pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it, you’ll be amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path and reaching at the lotus feet of Shiva. Time :14:33 Translation from Hindi: All of you recognise Shivji, and He is worshiped. But you do not know the different aspects of His virtues and qualities. That is why many times you make mistakes. The most important form of Shivji is bliss and joy. And this joy of His is spread everywhere in subtle and subtlest forms. But until you become spiritually subtle, you will not be able to recognise these various forms, nor will you be able to understand them. He resides in every particle. In everything, we can say, He creates a joyful Universe. And when you move around in that environment you find that you have been transformed into something else. Other people find happiness in different things. For instance some people find happiness in destroying themselves. By taking to wrong paths, and doing things which are against the Spirit, they think they can find happiness in it. But the Atma [Spirit], Which is verily Shivji, finds joy in a different way. And only that can touch our heart. Like there are a lot of people who are immersed in material things. Some take to alchohol, some indulge into sinful activities, they keep doing all wrong things and they think that there is a lot of happiness in that. But it is not so. Slowly, slowly they get destroyed. And slowly, slowly they are finished. But Shivji comforts us, He gives us peace and He gives us joy. And when the Shakti [Power] of Shiva and the Shakti [Power] of Vishnu - like Kundalini and Sushumna Nadi; when they combine, then you can feel the Truth. The aboslute Truth. Such that you cannot refuse to accept the Truth. Because it is the abolute Truth. Which you can feel on your fingertips, on your hands. You will have many experiences by which you will understand that in the absolute Truth there is not even an iota of doubt. You can know it in you; you can understand it. This is the gift given by the Kundalini. This means that the Kundalini, which is the Shakti [Power] of Shiva, when She rises through the central channel, She awakens all the chakras, aligns them in its entirety, assembles, and unites. Who looks after that Shakti [Power]? We can say that Shri Vishnu is the one who looks after Her, because She moves in the central path, which is the path of Shri Vishnu. And then She reaches the Brahmarandhra, and manifests. And on reaching there we can understand that Her journey is now complete. So we can see so much cooperation and understanding among them. But we people have contracted a new type of disease – everyone is running after money. Running after money has become a very strange disease. And for that we are willing to go to any lengths for it by taking any support. Even in Sahaja Yoga people do that. The reason for this is that some sort of defect has crept into us. A lot negativities have accumulated in us. And the cleansing of these negativities can only be done by Kundalini. But if you do not fully absorb and assimilate this Kuindalini shakti; through meditation if you do not grow It, then you cannot reach that state where the Power manifested in you which is the truth, joy giving, peace giving – a weakness remains in that. When the Kundalini rises, She cleanses everything. With the Power of Shivji, everything gets cleansed. But still some people suffer because of their old habits or because of wrong ways. And those people - with whatever that is wrong, whatever bad habits of theirs, even with the slightest temptation they fall from their ascent. Even if an atom of negativity is left within us, they can fall and get completely destroyed Those who come to the Pujas and meditate, those people always make progress. If there is no peace, even a tree cannot be saved, it cannot grow. Even germination cannot take place. That is why, if you do not have this meditative quality, if you do not have high ideals that I will not be swept like a kite, I will not succumb to any bad habits, then you should attend all the pujas - as many as possible and you should be in meditation. Because now you have the right to do puja. Everyone doesn’t have the right to do Pujas. Anyone and everyone goes to do puja. But when there is no connection, then how can you be authorised to do a puja? But many people go to this temple or that temple; go to this guru or that guru. Nothing comes out of that. You are your own guru, and only you can introspect and think, ’what is the problem in me’? . ’In our heart are we completely accepting Sahaja Yoga or not?’ I have seen a lot of people come into Sahaja Yoga and after reaching a certain height, they fall. The higher they rise, the lower they fall. The reason is that the hidden tendencies in you have somehow become active without you being aware of it. That is why you must pay attention – ’hope I am not falling into wrong things’, or ’hope I am not doing anything wrong which is aSahaja [against Sahaja Yoga]’, or ’have some bad motives arisen in me that I have come to Sahaja with the idea of making money?’. Or ,’I have come into Sahaja Yoga to do something bad?’ Our attention should be towards these things. The best thing to follow Sahaja methods, whatever are the activities of Sahaja – like meditation etc., you should do all that and establish yourself individually . In you there is a special type of – one is individuality and other is totality. Once you are established individually then you can become a collective person. Those who do not attend collectivity, they cannot also grow individually. This I have seen. Those attend collectivity, only they can grow. For some time maybe you’ll get some benefits, like you get some money, or fame or something. Especially in Sahja Yoga some people have this ambitions –‚’how many people can I control'. Even that also happens. But your personality does not improve. There is no depth in you and you are not a Sahaja Yogi of high quality. Till the time you are not of high quality, all your talks are of no use. Because, don’t know when you will fall from the brink and when you will be destroyed completely. That is why we should be cautious and try to achieve high spiritual personality. There is one more thing you should do. If you have got your Realization today, then ’tomorrow’ you give Realization to thousands of people. Then your Powers will increase. If not, whatever little you have achieved, will also be finished. This is a very unusual rule. It cannot be compared with anything else. Like if one lamp is enlightened and from that another is enlightened; even then you cannot say that the light of the first lamp increases – it is not so. But in Sahaja Yoga I have seen, that if anyone opens his heart and sincerely does Sahaja Yoga and not only that but gives Realization to others, he shines. Because you have been made a Sahaja Yogi so that you tranform the entire world. That you create a great wave of transformation in the world and make it a beautiful place. The world should become a new and special world this should be your pure desire. Once you have this pure desire, your Kundalini becomes activated. I have noticed that even a very simple, normal people, when they narrate their experiences, I am surprised – how did such a thing happen to them? How did they give such a suggestion? In Sahaja Yoga also there are some people, who come for power. Some come for money. With all these things, the personality of a person is not developed. There is no glow in their personality. Because the light that you have received; till the time you do not share it with others; within yourself also if you will not be enlightened, till then no efforts will have any success. Which is to say that our only work is to change the world; to transform the world. We have to build a special world and you are special people. When you begin to understand how important you are, then with that understanding, you will make your life beautiful. [Talk continues in Marathi] Translation from Marathi: Have spoken in English, Hindi and now shall speak in Marathi. There are so many Maharashtrian’s here that it is apt that I should speak in Marathi. It is My wish that all the Sahaja Yogis who live in Maharashtra should learn the Hindi language as it is our National language. We should love and be ready to sacrifice anything for our Nation. This was the speciality of Maharashtra. Now the Maharashtra state, which I see, I don’t know where those people have gone. They took to the Gods and started doing their puja. After this was done and didn’t work out, then used another way; they have started going to this guru, that guru, then going to temples and all. We should see what these people have achieved by doing this and what you have achieved by doing Sahaja Yoga. So now just leave and forget everything and sincerely think about ourselves and keep your Kundalini in such a way that you can help and contribute to the great work of Sahaja Yoga. I am Maharashtrian by birth, was amazed to see how Sahaja Yoga has spread in North of India. Have hardly made any effort to spread Sahaja Yoga, but it has spread like fire in north India, which is very surprising. It is very sad and has failed to understand as to why it has not worked out in Maharashtra, as it should have been. Sahaja Yoga has spread in all big and small villages of Maharashtra. One day a man had come to work at My Place. He touched My feet so I asked him, “What happened?” He told Me that Mataji Your photo is in every big and small village of our district, Your disciples are in every village. All of them say that we are Sahaja Yogis, don’t tell us anything about stupid practices. I was wondering how this has happened, because of whose blessings as I was thinking nothing would work in this country as too many people are ill-affected. People are sitting in Maharashtra who are so deep-rooted, the knowledge they have about everything is so deep-rooted, but I don’t know where it has gone. Have always said that all Sahaja Yogis should always be together, be in collective and should give Realization to thousands of people. Every morning you should only think, ‘how many people did we give Realization to, how many people’s Kundalini, is awakened by us!’ You have a job to save the whole world, as the Kundalini of the world is sitting in Maharashtra i.e. we have ‘Ashta Vinayak’ (eight Ganeshas) in Maharashtra, and three and a half Goddesses sitting in Maharashtra. All the arrangements are done but, surprisingly, people do not understand it. People are so much pretentious and waste time doing false things. Instead of doing this, try to achieve the truth. Watch and follow the truth. It will be your wealth, if you change from, within. This wealth should grow and mature so much that its fragrance should spread in the whole world. We get involved in petty things and fight among ourselves. We should stop fighting amongst ourselves, for petty things. I am watching Yuva Shakti and their activities. It looks like due to them the whole of Maharashtra is changing. People who are sitting in high positions are very arrogant, have failed to understand the reason for their arrogance. Due to this very attitude, we were not able to do something special in Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra. So it should be your motto, to spread Sahaja Yoga. Today is a very special day - Shivratri. We should all take a pledge and pray to Shiva and get His blessings, by getting which, you would feel, the flow of happiness and love in your heart. First of all, you have to be deep-rooted in Sahaja Yoga. The light which we have in our hearts, if we don’t spread it then we will be in darkness, along with others. So we should decide and give Realization to a minimum of 100 people, till next year. We need to understand that, if we go and speak to people about Sahaja Yoga, many over smart people may not agree to the teachings of Sahaja Yoga. If you explain to people the benefits and your experiences of practising Sahaja Yoga, especially what you have achieved, then people may start believing you and mend their wrong ways. This is our main responsibility, for this, you have to come forward and spread Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra. If this change does not happen then I am not sure in what condition this state will be in? While taking a lot of pain, Shivaji Maharaj has done a lot for this state. There have been many saints in Maharashtra, the numbers not seen in any state or any country, who have shed their blood for this place, such a blessed place! It is rightly called Maharashtra (Maha means great & Rashtra means State) and see the dilemma that you fight for petty things, in this blessed place. Kindly note that you people are Realized, souls. Earlier there were no Realized souls, but there were Malva's (foot soldiers) of Shivaji Maharaj. Fail to understand, where these people have gone, the people from the royal community, who never used to touch drinks or had any vices, these same people are now drinking and behaving senselessly and by doing this you are going away from Shiva. That is why old people have said that God has taken lots of efforts, but if you are facing in the wrong direction then how it will work out? You should explain it to people from all your heart, and this is what I have been telling you, in this Shiva puja. If Shiva gets angry then Maharashtra state will be the 1st one to get destroyed, as this is a special place for Shiva. You know how much you believe in Shiva and Shri Ganesh is the main Deity to all of us and if He gets angry then I am not sure what will happen. Don’t know when all this started happening in Maharashtra, am seeing what people are doing with Shri Ganesh’s idol. If you people disrespect Lord Ganesha then, who is going to save you from His wrath. So you need to tell the whole world that they should join Sahaja Yoga, to get their Kundalini awakened. Everybody is aware of Kundalini right from Marchrindra Nath to Gorakh Nath, as all these people have worked on Kundalini, there are books on Kundalini, but the knowledge has remained within the books, it has not spread out to other people. You should tell people about Sahaja Yoga and the rising of the Kundalini. On this auspicious occasion of Shivratri, we should all decide that we will spread Sahaja Yoga in Maharashtra and work hard on it. This is the only job we should do and then see how your other jobs are done, unbelievably! We should meditate if we don't meditate what is the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga. There is no meaning if you just come here dance and sing and don’t meditate. The main thing is you should feel this change within you, this change in your personality will make you will feel so happy and proud of yourself. This work of Sahaja Yoga should be done by you. On this occasion on Shivaratri, if you want to make Shiva happy, give Realization to a lot of people, spread Sahaja Yoga. Kundalini is His Shakti. Instead of wasting time on unimportant things, give Realization to people, awaken their Kundalini. By doing this, you will change the whole of Maharashtra. There are few people who are creating problems, but they will perish. First of all, you should awaken the Kundalini of others, giving them Realization, is your duty. On this Shivratri when we are doing Shiva puja, think of Shiva in your heart, so that there will never be heart-related problems. You have to keep, Shiva in your heart so that when you are getting Realization and your Kundalini is getting awakened, the changes that are happening internally, is happening because of the light you are getting from Shiva, the Spirit – Atma. He is the Spirit – Atma and He is reflected within us, in our heart. So watch yourself in that reflection. Why are you lying and making a fool of yourself? Have tried explaining this to people, they just don’t understand. Only attending lectures won’t help. If you want to help yourself, you should follow and spread Sahaja Yoga with full dedication. This is My request to all Sahaja Yogis, a request with all My love to spread and follow Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you.
Public Program
In Progress, NEEDED
Public Program
Hindi, Marathi
Address to IAS Officers, Stress and Tension Management
Public Program
English, Hindi, Marathi
Address to IAS Officers, Mumbai (India), 11 March 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. That’s a very interesting subject that has been given to Me to talk to you people because I have been always worried about the IAS, IPS, and other Government servants, very much worried because I have known the kind of life My husband was leading. And I used to think: if these new people, who have come to the services, to the Government service, we have to tell them the dangers that are ahead of them. Because we don’t know what is the subtle system within us, which works. And in the subtle system, when we lead this kind of a very speedy, intensive life, it has a defect. It has a defect you can see in the chart. They have shown the, they have shown the subtle system which works it out. So, we have a center here on the crossing of the optic chiasma. These, this center is very important because we react with this. We react to everything. By this reaction we create a problem within ourselves. And this reaction comes to us because we do not know how to go beyond the mind. Every time we are looking at something, we react. We look at someone, we react. But we cannot just watch. We cannot be just the witness. If we could be the witness, it will not have any effect on us. But we cannot be. That’s the trouble when this center is very active. We call it as Agnya chakra, where the two optic nerves meet. At the crossing point, this center is placed. Even Jung has said that, “You have to go beyond your thoughts and that you have to become thoughtlessly aware.” Even in our Shastras is it written that, “You have to have Nirvichar Samadhi,” is without thought and the another is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now even Einstein has said that, “You have to go beyond the mind to reach the torsion area,” he calls. When he was searching for his Theory of Relativity, he found it was difficult. He couldn’t find it. He got very tired. He went into his garden and was playing with soap bubbles like a child. Then he says, “Suddenly from somewhere else it dawned upon me this Theory of Relativity.” He calls it openly as a torsion area and this torsion area we have to touch instead of ourselves thinking all the time and reacting. Because as a result of that what happens we should see. What happens is that our movement on the autonomous nervous system goes to the right side. The right side, it’s very good otherwise: A person looks very impressive. He can oppress other. He can be aggressive. He can be very systematic. All these things can be there but it has a reaction. The reaction is horrible because this right side affects our liver to begin with. Now the liver is called ‘liver’ because live, we live because of liver only. That’s why it’s called ‘liver’. This liver gets affected and there is no actually treatment we should say in the medical science for liver. They can replace it with a pig’s liver or some liver like that. But otherwise, there is no way out. But we are the ones we are spoiling this liver ourselves by creating tremendous heat in the liver. This special liver has got a capacity to absorb heat and release heat into the blood stream and then, you see, it gets relieved of it. But when it is too much, when the liver is too much full of heat then it cannot give up that heat. Then heat, this heat, heat starts traveling upward. It can go to the right lung. It can go to the heart. Now imagine, right lung means asthma. Simple thing is asthma. Then it goes to the heart. There’s a young boy, say of twenty-one years or so, up to that age. He starts playing cricket, tennis, and drinks a lot. Then he gets a massive heart attack. It’s fatal. He cannot live. Then it affects as I told you other organs also. This heat goes to the pancreas causing diabetes of a very serious nature, not of a mild nature but a very serious nature. Then this heat passes down to the spleen. In the spleen, it gives you blood cancer. This is all possible for all right sided people, I am telling you. That’s why I was worried that people who are, according to Me, are the spine of our country. They are the spine of our country. They should not get out of life because of too much of strain and stress on their mind. Now then it goes to the kidneys. It coagulates the kidneys and you get kidney trouble. You cannot pass urine and you have all the troubles there. Apart from that, it goes to the lower intestines and you get terrible constipation and all the problems of the constipation. Then also to the heart at a later age it comes. It goes on affecting. Ultimately your heart fails very early in age. I know of, recently, two people died of heart trouble who were at a very good position. This is very much worrying Me that how to bring them to close to themselves, to know themselves what’s the problem is and how to solve that problem. With this we understand that we react, by reaction we create such a heat within us.Apart from this, the other psychosomatic diseases, this is the, I am telling you about somatic, but the psycho disease which comes from your psychological problems come from the left side. Of course, I’ll not deal with that now. But somehow, if you can move from right to the left, you are sure to get some psychosomatic trouble which cannot be cured by medical science, like cancer, aches, all kinds of this. So, you are just preparing your body for that. In these modern times, the life is so full of struggle, speed. Now we were coming and there was a jam. Now you can’t help it. I was very silently watching, “Now this, the jam, I have to reach late, doesn’t matter.” My husband normally would’ve been really in great trouble. He would’ve looked at the watch all the time. Would have been “Where are we? What are we doing?” this and that. But he was so silently watching the whole thing, I was amazed because normally he would be jittering that we are getting so late for a function like. Now, you see, once you get rid of this problem, is the easiest thing to live. The other day I met one gentleman who was transferred. He said “Always whenever!” He is an IAS officer, “Whenever I am transferred, Mother, I used to be so jittery. Such tension, such stress on my mind, 'baba', what will happen? Where will the children go? What will happen to the house? This, that, all problems would come to me. But what has happened to me and my wife, we don’t feel anything now. We don’t feel. We are not worried. We sleep very well.” I said, “That’s what has to happen. All these things should not affect you.” That’s only possible when you can go beyond this mind, which we think. Mind is a, not such a good word, I should say because it’s not mental. It is, if it is only mind means the one which thinks and for them mental hospital is also mad people. I don’t know how English language moves, it’s difficult you know. English language is very difficult to explain Sahaja Yoga because in the English language you’ll be amazed that they call ‘spirit’. ‘Spirit’ is the Atma, right, ‘spirit’ is the dead body moving about according to them and thirdly it means also alcohol. Now which one is closer to which one, I don’t know, but this is why I am saying that English language is a difficult thing. Marathi is the best because lot of work has been done among Maharashtrians on Kundalini. Nath Panthis were there. They have done lot of work. But the tradition was that one person would give Realization to only one person. If I have done anything you think worth mentioning, it is that I tried to find out a way of giving collective Realization, collective happening. That’s what was My humble contribution and by which I find thousands of people have got their Realization. Now what is the Realization? It is that if you see at the base of the spinal cord is a triangular bone called as ‘Sacrum’. It is called ‘Sacrum’ because it is a sacred bone and the Greeks knew about it, that it’s a sacred bone. And according to our Shastras and also many other prophecies, there resides a power within us, our own power, your own power called as Kundalini. Is called ‘Kundalini’ because it is in three and a half coils. Coils are called ‘kundal’, that’s why it is the Kundalini. Now this, this power is your own. It’s in every human being and if it is awakened, it passes through six centres piercing through the top of the head, which we call as the Brahmarandhra in the Sanskrit language and the fontanel area in the English language. It passes through that soft bone which was there in the childhood and you just start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your head and the cool breeze coming on to your fingertips. It happens. It’s an experience and for which you cannot pay. You cannot. I may go on telling you lots of stories this, that, that won’t work out. It has to happen. The Kundalini has to rise and has to pierce through fontanel area otherwise, otherwise, it’s no use. It’s just words, some sermon or something like that. So, this happening is very easy in this Kali Yuga. Is really remarkable because maybe because of Kali Yuga people are fed up of the things going on and all kinds of things working out. Now what does it do? It passes through six center. Six centres, these are meant for our physical, mental, and emotional being and also for our spiritual being. So, when it passes through these six centres, it nourishes those centres, it integrates all these centres, and ultimately it passes through this and enters into the All-pervading power of Divine love, is called as ‘Paramchaitanya’. You may call it as ‘All-pervading power of Divine love’ or anything but names make no difference. There is a very subtle power around us, which looks after us, which guides us, which helps us, which is the torsion area. Now, while doing that what happens that you become knowledgeable of the absolute truth, absolute! Whatever you know is absolute, is nothing to doubt, nothing can be challenged. For example, it starts flowing through your fingertips. Starts flowing through your fingertips and you can feel it on your fingertips, your centres. Now these are five, six, and seven centres, five, six and seven centres. I am not going to tell you all the details now. But when you start feeling these whole sensation, Adi Shankaracharya has called it as ‘spand’, then you feel the truth, the real truth. For example, supposing in your office you get somebody who is a cheat, very well dressed, speaks English very well, you know, very well behaved. How will you make him out? Just have to put your hands under your table and see for yourself. Immediately you will get some sort of a burning sensation or you might feel some sort of a, what do you call, needle and pins like that. That kind of a feeling you might get. Then you will also know what centres he’s catching on your fingertips. This is the absolute knowledge about everything. Is not question of only knowing he is a bad or a good person, but also of diseases. Supposing you have some disease, you will feel it on your fingertips. On your fingertips you’ll feel it. You’ll know this is your disease and if you know how to cure them, you can cure others also because you become one with the whole. It’s a very collective personality you develop. Who is the other, after all? We are all one. But only trouble is we are separated because of this ignorance. Once this works out, so many things drop out from us. This is the right side I am telling you about but also the conditionings are very much working out in us. In our reaction, there are two things that work out. One is the right side, another the left side. And the left side is all the conditioning as you see there. These conditionings come to us through our childhood, through our family, through our country, through our reading, this, that all kinds of things, they come up. But also, family upbringing is very important because according to our Shastras [treatise], there are six enemies. We have got six. Now these six enemies are what? So, kama, krodha, mada, matsara, lobha, moha [lust, anger, vainness, jealousy, greed, attachment]. "Kama" is what you can call sexual urge. "Krodh" is anger. Krishna has denounced anger. But all right sided people are hot tempered. They don’t want to be, but they are. And when they lose their temper then they feel bad also. Not that they want to lose it but they just lose it. Now this one drops out. The temper goes out completely because you develop that witness state: sakshi swarupa. With that witness state you just see everything. You don’t lose temper. You just see it. That is one thing drops out very well. "Mada" is false pride. That we have. I know IAS officers and their wives. They have that false pride. Not everyone, but some of them do, they have. I have very funny experiences of that. Like, once we went to Delhi to Hatriji and they had given us a house in Mina Bagh and I met another friend of Mine from Lucknow who had married an IAS officer. Oh, very proud girl and she asked Me, “Where are you living? How are you?” I said, “My husband is a government servant and so he’s transferred here.” “But where are you living?” I said “Mina Bagh.” “Oh my God! Mina Bagh! What is your husband doing? Is he a clerk? What is he doing?” I said, “He’s doing something” and I was just looking at her the way she was on Me. “My husband might be your husband’s boss” this and that. I said, “Maybe I don’t know anything about these things. I am sorry, I don’t know your list of people, anything. I am not interested.” And then My husband came. So, she said, “See that tall man. You know he’s very important. He’s with the Prime Minister. You go and talk to him and get Your husband promoted.” I said ([Laughing] What is she up to?), I said, “Sudhali, he is My husband.” “Heh! He’s your husband? Haan yaar! Oh my God! I am sorry I am.” I said, “It’s all right.” Common experience. The women also become IAS, you see, not actually but as wives and I’ve been such a lost person with them. I could never understand what is there to be IAS and to be his wife. It was beyond Me. But one thing, what really helped Me in all this turmoil of life, because you know our pay is less, this, that all problems are there, was the patriotism Rashtra Bhakti [love of the country]. My father was a great patriot. My mother was. They sacrificed everything for the independence of this country. I cannot travel by any foreign airlines, whatever maybe. Maybe Air India is not good, doesn’t matter. It’s my, my country’s. So, the feeling that this is my country kept Me going. You see, you become like a Kargil soldier [see note*]. You are fighting for your country. You are working for your country. My husband got into Indian Foreign Service. I told him, “Nothing doing. We don’t drink, both of us and I can’t leave my country in the lurch at the time when we have got the freedom. So, if you want you can go, I will not come. I don’t want to go to Foreign Service.” They cut his pay. That time, you know, 300 was a big amount. I said, “Doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I’ll stay in My country. I’ll work in My country and you work here. I’ll support you every way. I don’t want anything. Nothing I want and you don’t take a bribe at all otherwise that day I’ll leave this.” Otherwise also I said that, “Then another thing is our country has to develop.” Who will develop? I always felt that you are the spinal cord of our country. You have to develop this country. What is this money? Comes and goes. You’ve seen the people who have got money, where their children have gone? What has happened to them? What have they achieved? So, I told very frankly that I will not go to the Foreign Service of any kind because what is in the Foreign Service? I want to do everything in this country of Mine for which I have also fought. I have fought a lot and this is what now sometimes, you know, is disappointing to see what things are happening. But a day will come, this country will rise. How? Because when this happens, when this Kundalini rising take place, when people become Realized souls, they just transform. They become extremely patriotic, extremely patriotic and they understand what is needed today for our country. They can sacrifice anything. They can live anywhere and they are not bothered about some sort of a, you can call it a financial help or other material thing. They are above materialism. There are thousands and thousands like that even in our country, thousands and also abroad. Now Sahaja Yoga is working 86 countries. They are all full of joy because with this happening you get joy of a quality which has no double thing. It’s not happiness / unhappiness. It’s just joy. And you have another thing also with it, is the peace of mind. Just you are so peaceful, absolutely peaceful. You don’t have to worry about things. You don’t have to become jittery because see the diseases you develop. Apart from that, all kinds of paralysis come from this. We had a doctor in our hospital there who was working very hard. I told him that, “Doctor, see now your age has come. You should take it easy. Daytime you must rest. There’s no need. You are not in a office, just rest, take rest do something else. Read or you can go and play. Do something.” He wouldn’t listen to Me and then he got paraplegia, means that failure of the hand and the leg, completely. He couldn’t even walk. He couldn’t lift his leg. Now he’s all right, cured. But then I told him that you take treatment for your right side. That’s very important. It’s very simple treatment and which can be done very easily. For example, you can have an ice bag on the liver. You can have ice bag here because this is the portion. This moves like this so the portion this one gets heated up. So, you put ice here, you put ice. This icing business will really help you a lot. But also, there are some other very simple homely treatments which you can take. But I would request all of you to come to our center somewhere in Bhaaratiya. Mother talks aside: [Bhaaratiya? Wahan hai na? Bharatiya, usmein hai ki nahi?] Where is she gone? Somebody says, “Bhaaratiya Vidya Peeth.” Shri Mataji: So, you all can come there if you live in this area. In every area, we have got centres. So, you all can come into that center humbly. There is, you see, in Sahaja Yoga there is nothing like any position or anything. We have to humble down. This false pride is of no use. We humble down. When we humble down, it’s very easy to achieve it and to get this into yourself. After all, otherwise, what is it? What is life for? There’s no enjoyment. There’s no experiencing of what you are doing. So much work you put in, I know, I know that. I know how you people have to work hard. But to get over, to get over all the strain and stress, you must do meditation for five minutes which they will tell you how to do it. Five minutes in the evening will help you. So, just like as you take bath in the morning, you take- bathe yourself with the showers of this Kundalini. She’s your mother. She has been your mother from ages and she has recorded everything about you within itself. This is the subtle side of you and when you want to have your Realization, she’s very anxious to be awakened. She’s extremely anxious and it works wonders. I am surprised that how people get Realization in no time. The only trouble with them is, it’s like a primule or you can call it the ‘ankura’ [sprout], which grows but it doesn’t become a tree. So, little bit you have to meditate. You have to be collective and works out. In collective, you forget everything, your position everything. I have known IAS officers who have been dancing with the villagers, singing with the villagers, so much they enjoy. They said, “We knew this but we never wanted to express it, you see.” So, all this drops out. All these outward bondages drop out and you become one with the collective. You know their problems. You know how to solve them and it’s very good. I think this is what is only one has to achieve, nothing else. If you achieve this, you’ve achieved the last and the best. With this then you can help others. You can give Realizations to others. You can save their lives. I mean, it’s all your power that is going to work out. In these days of horrible struggle and all kinds of things happening, violence, very much needed is this Sahaja Yoga. And you’ll be amazed, it is something a grace that people get it. In Turkey, we have about two thousand people who are Realized souls. Nobody lost their life, not a single thing, not their houses were even, they just little bit, I would say, shook but never fell down. The whole Orissa, it happened the same. It has happened in several places that people have been just saved with those who have been in the grace of the Divine. We have to become that. We can’t live without it. It’s rather subtle. It is subtle, I know but sometimes must understand we have to be subtle. Now as it is, so much of illness, sickness I find, mostly I find with all the people who are working very hard is the right sided problem. Some sort of a right side. And it can be absolutely cured, absolutely be under your control, and you can cure others also. This is such a blessing we have in this horrible Kaliyuga. The worst times, they say, the worst and worst that is the time is now and you see the effects of that. But in that only, the lotus of Sahaja Yoga has come up. You don’t have to pay for it. That’s one thing you should know. Anybody asks money from you, he’s not Divine. Don’t have to pay for it, at all. When you grow and when you achieve, when you give Realizations to others, then you will be surprised you rise into a new realm of understanding which is a doubtless awareness which is called as ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ according to Patanjali. Now as we have learnt English, I don’t think we read much of the, our Indian scriptures and thing. But that also, those who read will go on praying to one monde of statues, this, that, I mean just they are fanatically religious people, wasting their life like that. Then another side are the buddhivaadis what you call are the intellectuals, you see. They are the much worst because they think they have read everything. They know everything. Now what to tell them? It’s a very simple thing, they don’t want to accept. You can’t tell them, “Take it straight.” You have to have it in the other way. So, also to understand it, we should know we have not known ourselves. We have to know ourselves and for knowing ourselves, Kundalini awakening is the only way, as far as I know. And I hope you all will think about it and come to our centres where Realization can be given. There are many centres we have got. You don’t have to pay any money, nothing, but you come and relax. Relaxation is only possible after Self-realization, not before that. You’ll be surprised your aging will stop. I have no aging problem. My husband also has no aging problem. We don’t think of it. It’s over. Now, whenever one has to die, one will die. But till then we are not bothered. Anything that you do will have a special light of the Divine. I bless you from My heart that you develop these subtle things within yourself and you try to understand that so far you have not known yourself. You have to know yourself. You don’t have to introspect and sit down criticizing yourself, feeling guilty. No, not at all. Whatever has happened has happened because you’ll be amazed at yourself that all your destructive habits also will drop out by themselves. Overnight in London, there were twelve boys with the addiction of drugs. They stopped over-night, over-night. I don’t, never told them. I never tell people, “Don’t, don’t.” I never say that. But that Kundalini rises and the light of the, your heart, light of the Spirit, that guides you. That tells you what is destructive for you. And you have power not to accept anything that is destructive. I know there are difficulties. I know there are problems but you’ll never see them. If you are sitting in a boat, you are not be bothered as to how deep the sea is. It’s like that. You rise above all these things and you watch and you help others. Apart from that, it helps you in your work, very much in your work. You understand your work very well because of torsion area again. My husband says, “How do You get this idea?” I say, “I got it. All right this is the idea, I’ve got it.” Now he’s amazed sometimes how I manage things. How I am doing? I have no secretariat. I have no secretary. I have no P.A., nothing. And we are working in 86 countries. So, it just works out because it is this Divine power which is so helpful or which is so kind. So, again and again, I wish you best of luck. Please come to our centres. I hope they’ll give you the addresses and all that and you can come on Saturdays or Sundays, whenever you want to and get your Realization. May God bless you! Sahaja Yogi: “Shri Mataji, they are requesting, if you can give them Self-realization here?” Shri Mataji: You see, there is one thing that one feels very guilty for-I don’t know, that’ our temperament, I think. You feel guilty: "Oh, I’ve done this, I’ve been doing this, how will I get Realization?" So, first of all, you don’t have to feel guilty at all. Forgive yourself. And then, forgive others. Just these two things, can you manage? Just to say, "I forgive everyone." Now they say that: "It’s very difficult, Mother, to forgive." So, the argument is like this: "Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do?"But when you don’t forgive then you torture yourself for the person who has harmed you. So, I request you just to say, "I forgive everything. Mother, I forgive everyone. "And forgive yourself! Not to feel guilty, whatever has happened is finished, that’s past. We are not talking of past we are talking of present. You have to be in the present, not in the past. Of course, not in the future as most of you are sitting [unsure] there. That’s the thing that gives you right side. So, we have to be in the center, we have to be in the balance and we have to be in the present.Well, I cannot go on giving you a lecture, you see, I’ve done so many lectures after lectures after lectures. But you can also get my tapes, but first, get your Self completely blossoming, make your own vibrations with your own spine. So, for doing this, it’s simple. I have to request you to take out your shoes if you don’t mind. In England, I said: "Take off your shoes" so, half of them walked out. Very difficult people. Also, tomorrow, you are having a very bog program on Shivaji Park. So, I will request you all to come there and I hope they’ll make proper arrangements for your sitting. It will be nice, with all of them, you’ll feel even better.So, just thing, what you have to do is to put hands like this [palm upwards] Muhammad Sahib has said that when the Qiyamah [surat 75] will come, your hands will speak. What does that mean? Just like this. Little higher. "Baba", right side is too much.[Shri Mataji is laughing] I think you put your left hand on your livers, because it’s very much right-sided. Right hand towards Me and left hand towards the liver. Now, put both the hands towards Me. Right hand towards Me and just put your left hand on the fontanel bone area. Here, higher, little higher.[Shri Mataji speaks in Marathi]Right hand towards Me.Now, the left hand towards Me and the right hand on top of the head.Hum, again right hand towards Me. And with the left hand – there’s air conditioning but don’t doubt if there is hot or cool breeze coming out of your head, here, from the "talu" from the fontanel bone area. Please, move your hand, raise it and see if there’s a cool or a hot. Hot will be there because of the liver but doesn’t matter, it will subside. So, see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot air coming out of your head. Now, please put both the hands towards Me.Now see for yourself if you have cool or hot breeze on your fingertips. Don’t doubt, please don’t doubt. If it is there it is a little bit. You get Realization very fast in India because my country is a Yoga Bhoomi. It’s a very great country, don’t misunderstand it by its superficial expressions. It’s a very great country.Hum, now, all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the fingertips or on their palms or on their fontanel bone area through that, raise both your hands. Oh! [Shri Mataji is laughing]Most of you have got.May God bless you. I’m so very happy! Some didn’t get doesn’t matter. So, you should go all of you should, please, I request you again and again, attend our centres for which you are not committed. Anybody tries to come to you saying: "I’m Shri Mataji’s disciple, do this for me". Please, don’t do it. I never do that! That’s not my style. So, please, don’t listen to anyone, never.Anybody who comes like that, sends Me their name. Never, never, never. Because in Sahaja Yoga we have all kinds of people. We have some very highly developed; we have mediocre also and we have some very low, very, very few, but they are there. And they might take-try to take your advantage of your position. So, anybody who tries to contact you, please tell them I have nothing to do with them. All right? Thank you very much.May God bless, thank you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi: do you have question?]You want to ask Me questions? Sahaja Yogi: Is there any questions you’d like to ask?Shri Mataji: It is experience "anubhuti". Anubhuti is the way you should know. No question?Sahaja Yogi: No.Shri Mataji: Yes, please. Seeker: Mataji you said [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: That’s what I said. When this Kundalini rises, she gets rid of all these things, "kama (lust), krodha (anger), mada (pride), matsarya (jealousy), lobha (greed), moha (attachement), six things. She just gets rid of it and you go into balance. You go into balance, all perversities go away, just disappear. You can’t get angry, very difficult. This is what I am saying. Right sided became the central path. This is a "jnana-marga" [path of knowledge] you see? Knowledge "marga". And you just get the knowledge and you get into the centre. You are no more right-sided. You become so peaceful you don’t know. Because you also become "sakshi", you become a witness. You see all, if somebody’s getting angry, you just start watching. Like once I was giving a lecture in Switzerland and one lady came to hit Me with the Bible. The scene was very ridiculous, you see, and I started laughing. And she couldn’t understand why I was laughing, she went back. Lady seeker: [Inaudible]Sahaja Yogi: Once the Kundalini rises then it’s awakened do you need to keep practicing or it stays awake?Shri Mataji: It stays mostly but can also come down. Supposing you have some disease, then it comes back to look after that organ. It does that but you know how to raise it again and again. You know how to fix it. In the beginning, I should say it mostly stays with people but depends on, you can’t say. I’ve seen it drops out also. But you must give it the nourishment of love, you see, if you love people you start loving them, caring for them, then she rises even faster. And if she’s falling also you will know how to raise it. There’s no problem on that. It doesn’t take too much time. Within one month you can be a master. Seeker: Inaudible.Shri Mataji: Da kare? [Unsure]Sahaja Yogi: He says because of the air conditioning he could not make the difference.Shri Mataji: All right. Now, you go home and close your doors, all the doors and see for yourself if you get the cool breeze or not. If you get it, you have got it. If you don’t get it, then you come again and see for yourself I would say.[Shri Mataji is laughing]But, actually, it is always with the thing, is a different kind of a feeling. It’s not what you get from the air conditioning on the fingertips. See for yourself, it’s not that way. But go home and see for yourself. It is there. Your eyes will be shining also. Seeker lady: [Inaudible]. [Hindi: What exactly are we supposed to say when we are meditating?]Sahaja Yogi: When you open your hands, what are you supposed to say in your mind?Shri Mataji: Nothing! You don’t tell your mind anything, don’t fight with anything, just she works and shoots you off, all right? You don’t have to say anything, better. Nothing. These are words and words don’t help. Adi Shankaracharya has said, "Oh, Mother, take me out of the "Shabda jalam" [Marathi; unsure], the web of words ". You read, read, read so much sometimes that Kabira has written, "Padhi-padhi pandit moorakh bhaye" [People went mad studying all the (spiritual) books in the world yet remained stupid] and I’ve met many of them.You read now people who are Sufis like Kabir, all right? Everybody, Tukaram, Dnyaneshwara, all of them. Dnyaneshwara was very great but nobody understands him, that’s the trouble. He wrote it for "Buddhi vadis" also this "Amrutanubhava" [the experience of elixir] but it doesn’t go to their heads. After Realization, you’ll enjoy him very much, you’ll enjoy all of them, Eknat, everyone. And this country is full of them. For example, Namadeva who was just a tailor and he was such a great poet! And he went to meet with another one, Gora Kumbhar. And the Gora Kumbhar was a potter. So, he was needing the mud for the pots that he wanted to make. So, when Namadeva went and stood before him, what he says, "'Nirguna chebheti aalo saguna shi'. I came to see your vibrations, 'nirguna' but you are completely that". Such words, only a Realized soul can say for another, such words. Because, otherwise we are jealous, we are this. Not the Sahaja Yogis, not. They are so, so much together. You have now given such a big society of friends. You go to any country, they’ll all run for you, jump for you, do what you like. It’s such oneness, such friendship, such one family. [U.P.?] we have lots of IAS Officers, IPS Officers, even the Chief Secretary is very good. So, I mean, it’s nothing to do with IAS or IPS, I think, but it has something to do because I’m worried about India [unsure] that’s all, very much worried.[Cut in the video] Could be, but the main thing you should get the cool breeze in your hands, the "spanda". Otherwise, though he’s nice, kind, helpful, he’s a good man, he’ll get it very fast and I can do it better. You just watch it. I tell you what; now, if you are coming by the road, and you find accidents, this, that, you’re getting worried, isn’t it? But supposing you are standing on a hill top, then you are seeing but you are not bothered. At least, in the beginning you do get dietary [unsure], but later on you get used to it. Or else, you are on a boat. Supposing you are in the water, you are always worried. But you are on a boat, you can see those people who are getting drowned but you are no worried. But supposing you know swimming, you can jump back and come [inaudible]. This is what Sahaja yoga is. Seeker: The ‘naam-smaran’, will it not help the rising of the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: No, no, no, no. [Marathi continued] Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: He is saying, which guru mantra to say?Shri Mataji: No. [Marathi. Shri Mataji clarifies there is no need for such a thing. ‘Nahi guru mantra ne’. Shri Mataji speaks about Dnyaneshwara.] Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: Does Ashtanga Yoga, does it help in the rising of the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: No. [Marathi continued. Shri Mataji speaks about the Dnyaneswhari, the Kundalini and its awakening (jagrut) about Swami Ramdas]. Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji he asks, "Why we are not doing this work in the villages?"Shri Mataji: He?Sahaja Yogi: Why we are not doing this work in the villages?Shri Mataji: I have done in the villages for years together. [Marathi continued.] [Cut in the video?][Shri Mataji speaks in front of mikes and TV reporters. Marathi continued.] [Translation from Hindi:TV Reporter: Sahaja Yoga is gaining a lot of popularity in today's times. What is the reason?Shri Mataji: Yes, that's right. Reason being, spirituality is undeniable. Spirituality stands on the foundation of reality, on the solid grounds of absoluteness. However, we people (Indians) are discarding (our values, spirituality) and running towards them (West). The Indian civilization has been in existence for thousands of years and its existence is not dependent on the observations/verdict of any one book or any one religion. On the contrary, this is the very civilization that integrates all the religions, one must understand this. And I am here to tell you this, with Me many people are coming along and if all of us Indians take to this (SY), it would be very good.] Shri Mataji: How it will help the AIS Offices of our country? It’s a very interesting question because I’ve been always concerned about it. I think the AIS, IPS and all such Government agencies, all of them, and also the Government servants, in every fields, are the backbone, are the backbone and they must be substantiated by the knowledge of this country.That is, they work very hard. They are very futuristic they always plan for the future. And then, what happens to them, they develop a symptom of the right-sided man, it’s a – what you call the- in the autonomic nervous system, we have sympathetic nervous systems and right-side sympathetic get frozen. With this development, what happens that they suffer from many diseases: heart attack, paralysis, all kinds of things. So, they are to be saved. At a very young age it happens. It’s possible only if their Kundalini is risen and they go beyond their mind, by which they develop that thoughtless awareness. Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): Now, ladies and gentleman,[Shri Mataji is still talking.]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): I think people are very anxious to meet Mataji also-[Shri Mataji is still talking.]Shri Mataji: Oh, how do you do, Sir? ]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): But before that I would like to perform my duty because I would not dare-[Shri Mataji is still talking and greeting people. Yogi Mahajan introduces the British [?] Minister.Shri Mataji: Oh, how do you do, Sir?]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): To thank Shri Mataji for what She has done today by coming here and blessing all of us.[End of talk] [*NOTE: Shri Mataji refers to the Kargil conflict, an armed conflict between India and Pakistan, from May to July 1999, that took place in the Kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control (LOC).]
Address to IAS Officers, Mumbai (India), 11 March 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. That’s a very interesting subject that has been given to Me to talk to you people because I have been always worried about the IAS, IPS, and other Government servants, very much worried because I have known the kind of life My husband was leading. And I used to think: if these new people, who have come to the services, to the Government service, we have to tell them the dangers that are ahead of them. Because we don’t know what is the subtle system within us, which works. And in the subtle system, when we lead this kind of a very speedy, intensive life, it has a defect. It has a defect you can see in the chart. They have shown the, they have shown the subtle system which works it out. So, we have a center here on the crossing of the optic chiasma. These, this center is very important because we react with this. We react to everything. By this reaction we create a problem within ourselves. And this reaction comes to us because we do not know how to go beyond the mind. Every time we are looking at something, we react. We look at someone, we react. But we cannot just watch. We cannot be just the witness. If we could be the witness, it will not have any effect on us. But we cannot be. That’s the trouble when this center is very active. We call it as Agnya chakra, where the two optic nerves meet. At the crossing point, this center is placed. Even Jung has said that, “You have to go beyond your thoughts and that you have to become thoughtlessly aware.” Even in our Shastras is it written that, “You have to have Nirvichar Samadhi,” is without thought and the another is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now even Einstein has said that, “You have to go beyond the mind to reach the torsion area,” he calls. When he was searching for his Theory of Relativity, he found it was difficult. He couldn’t find it. He got very tired. He went into his garden and was playing with soap bubbles like a child. Then he says, “Suddenly from somewhere else it dawned upon me this Theory of Relativity.” He calls it openly as a torsion area and this torsion area we have to touch instead of ourselves thinking all the time and reacting. Because as a result of that what happens we should see. What happens is that our movement on the autonomous nervous system goes to the right side. The right side, it’s very good otherwise: A person looks very impressive. He can oppress other. He can be aggressive. He can be very systematic. All these things can be there but it has a reaction. The reaction is horrible because this right side affects our liver to begin with. Now the liver is called ‘liver’ because live, we live because of liver only. That’s why it’s called ‘liver’. This liver gets affected and there is no actually treatment we should say in the medical science for liver. They can replace it with a pig’s liver or some liver like that. But otherwise, there is no way out. But we are the ones we are spoiling this liver ourselves by creating tremendous heat in the liver. This special liver has got a capacity to absorb heat and release heat into the blood stream and then, you see, it gets relieved of it. But when it is too much, when the liver is too much full of heat then it cannot give up that heat. Then heat, this heat, heat starts traveling upward. It can go to the right lung. It can go to the heart. Now imagine, right lung means asthma. Simple thing is asthma. Then it goes to the heart. There’s a young boy, say of twenty-one years or so, up to that age. He starts playing cricket, tennis, and drinks a lot. Then he gets a massive heart attack. It’s fatal. He cannot live. Then it affects as I told you other organs also. This heat goes to the pancreas causing diabetes of a very serious nature, not of a mild nature but a very serious nature. Then this heat passes down to the spleen. In the spleen, it gives you blood cancer. This is all possible for all right sided people, I am telling you. That’s why I was worried that people who are, according to Me, are the spine of our country. They are the spine of our country. They should not get out of life because of too much of strain and stress on their mind. Now then it goes to the kidneys. It coagulates the kidneys and you get kidney trouble. You cannot pass urine and you have all the troubles there. Apart from that, it goes to the lower intestines and you get terrible constipation and all the problems of the constipation. Then also to the heart at a later age it comes. It goes on affecting. Ultimately your heart fails very early in age. I know of, recently, two people died of heart trouble who were at a very good position. This is very much worrying Me that how to bring them to close to themselves, to know themselves what’s the problem is and how to solve that problem. With this we understand that we react, by reaction we create such a heat within us.Apart from this, the other psychosomatic diseases, this is the, I am telling you about somatic, but the psycho disease which comes from your psychological problems come from the left side. Of course, I’ll not deal with that now. But somehow, if you can move from right to the left, you are sure to get some psychosomatic trouble which cannot be cured by medical science, like cancer, aches, all kinds of this. So, you are just preparing your body for that. In these modern times, the life is so full of struggle, speed. Now we were coming and there was a jam. Now you can’t help it. I was very silently watching, “Now this, the jam, I have to reach late, doesn’t matter.” My husband normally would’ve been really in great trouble. He would’ve looked at the watch all the time. Would have been “Where are we? What are we doing?” this and that. But he was so silently watching the whole thing, I was amazed because normally he would be jittering that we are getting so late for a function like. Now, you see, once you get rid of this problem, is the easiest thing to live. The other day I met one gentleman who was transferred. He said “Always whenever!” He is an IAS officer, “Whenever I am transferred, Mother, I used to be so jittery. Such tension, such stress on my mind, 'baba', what will happen? Where will the children go? What will happen to the house? This, that, all problems would come to me. But what has happened to me and my wife, we don’t feel anything now. We don’t feel. We are not worried. We sleep very well.” I said, “That’s what has to happen. All these things should not affect you.” That’s only possible when you can go beyond this mind, which we think. Mind is a, not such a good word, I should say because it’s not mental. It is, if it is only mind means the one which thinks and for them mental hospital is also mad people. I don’t know how English language moves, it’s difficult you know. English language is very difficult to explain Sahaja Yoga because in the English language you’ll be amazed that they call ‘spirit’. ‘Spirit’ is the Atma, right, ‘spirit’ is the dead body moving about according to them and thirdly it means also alcohol. Now which one is closer to which one, I don’t know, but this is why I am saying that English language is a difficult thing. Marathi is the best because lot of work has been done among Maharashtrians on Kundalini. Nath Panthis were there. They have done lot of work. But the tradition was that one person would give Realization to only one person. If I have done anything you think worth mentioning, it is that I tried to find out a way of giving collective Realization, collective happening. That’s what was My humble contribution and by which I find thousands of people have got their Realization. Now what is the Realization? It is that if you see at the base of the spinal cord is a triangular bone called as ‘Sacrum’. It is called ‘Sacrum’ because it is a sacred bone and the Greeks knew about it, that it’s a sacred bone. And according to our Shastras and also many other prophecies, there resides a power within us, our own power, your own power called as Kundalini. Is called ‘Kundalini’ because it is in three and a half coils. Coils are called ‘kundal’, that’s why it is the Kundalini. Now this, this power is your own. It’s in every human being and if it is awakened, it passes through six centres piercing through the top of the head, which we call as the Brahmarandhra in the Sanskrit language and the fontanel area in the English language. It passes through that soft bone which was there in the childhood and you just start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your head and the cool breeze coming on to your fingertips. It happens. It’s an experience and for which you cannot pay. You cannot. I may go on telling you lots of stories this, that, that won’t work out. It has to happen. The Kundalini has to rise and has to pierce through fontanel area otherwise, otherwise, it’s no use. It’s just words, some sermon or something like that. So, this happening is very easy in this Kali Yuga. Is really remarkable because maybe because of Kali Yuga people are fed up of the things going on and all kinds of things working out. Now what does it do? It passes through six center. Six centres, these are meant for our physical, mental, and emotional being and also for our spiritual being. So, when it passes through these six centres, it nourishes those centres, it integrates all these centres, and ultimately it passes through this and enters into the All-pervading power of Divine love, is called as ‘Paramchaitanya’. You may call it as ‘All-pervading power of Divine love’ or anything but names make no difference. There is a very subtle power around us, which looks after us, which guides us, which helps us, which is the torsion area. Now, while doing that what happens that you become knowledgeable of the absolute truth, absolute! Whatever you know is absolute, is nothing to doubt, nothing can be challenged. For example, it starts flowing through your fingertips. Starts flowing through your fingertips and you can feel it on your fingertips, your centres. Now these are five, six, and seven centres, five, six and seven centres. I am not going to tell you all the details now. But when you start feeling these whole sensation, Adi Shankaracharya has called it as ‘spand’, then you feel the truth, the real truth. For example, supposing in your office you get somebody who is a cheat, very well dressed, speaks English very well, you know, very well behaved. How will you make him out? Just have to put your hands under your table and see for yourself. Immediately you will get some sort of a burning sensation or you might feel some sort of a, what do you call, needle and pins like that. That kind of a feeling you might get. Then you will also know what centres he’s catching on your fingertips. This is the absolute knowledge about everything. Is not question of only knowing he is a bad or a good person, but also of diseases. Supposing you have some disease, you will feel it on your fingertips. On your fingertips you’ll feel it. You’ll know this is your disease and if you know how to cure them, you can cure others also because you become one with the whole. It’s a very collective personality you develop. Who is the other, after all? We are all one. But only trouble is we are separated because of this ignorance. Once this works out, so many things drop out from us. This is the right side I am telling you about but also the conditionings are very much working out in us. In our reaction, there are two things that work out. One is the right side, another the left side. And the left side is all the conditioning as you see there. These conditionings come to us through our childhood, through our family, through our country, through our reading, this, that all kinds of things, they come up. But also, family upbringing is very important because according to our Shastras [treatise], there are six enemies. We have got six. Now these six enemies are what? So, kama, krodha, mada, matsara, lobha, moha [lust, anger, vainness, jealousy, greed, attachment]. "Kama" is what you can call sexual urge. "Krodh" is anger. Krishna has denounced anger. But all right sided people are hot tempered. They don’t want to be, but they are. And when they lose their temper then they feel bad also. Not that they want to lose it but they just lose it. Now this one drops out. The temper goes out completely because you develop that witness state: sakshi swarupa. With that witness state you just see everything. You don’t lose temper. You just see it. That is one thing drops out very well. "Mada" is false pride. That we have. I know IAS officers and their wives. They have that false pride. Not everyone, but some of them do, they have. I have very funny experiences of that. Like, once we went to Delhi to Hatriji and they had given us a house in Mina Bagh and I met another friend of Mine from Lucknow who had married an IAS officer. Oh, very proud girl and she asked Me, “Where are you living? How are you?” I said, “My husband is a government servant and so he’s transferred here.” “But where are you living?” I said “Mina Bagh.” “Oh my God! Mina Bagh! What is your husband doing? Is he a clerk? What is he doing?” I said, “He’s doing something” and I was just looking at her the way she was on Me. “My husband might be your husband’s boss” this and that. I said, “Maybe I don’t know anything about these things. I am sorry, I don’t know your list of people, anything. I am not interested.” And then My husband came. So, she said, “See that tall man. You know he’s very important. He’s with the Prime Minister. You go and talk to him and get Your husband promoted.” I said ([Laughing] What is she up to?), I said, “Sudhali, he is My husband.” “Heh! He’s your husband? Haan yaar! Oh my God! I am sorry I am.” I said, “It’s all right.” Common experience. The women also become IAS, you see, not actually but as wives and I’ve been such a lost person with them. I could never understand what is there to be IAS and to be his wife. It was beyond Me. But one thing, what really helped Me in all this turmoil of life, because you know our pay is less, this, that all problems are there, was the patriotism Rashtra Bhakti [love of the country]. My father was a great patriot. My mother was. They sacrificed everything for the independence of this country. I cannot travel by any foreign airlines, whatever maybe. Maybe Air India is not good, doesn’t matter. It’s my, my country’s. So, the feeling that this is my country kept Me going. You see, you become like a Kargil soldier [see note*]. You are fighting for your country. You are working for your country. My husband got into Indian Foreign Service. I told him, “Nothing doing. We don’t drink, both of us and I can’t leave my country in the lurch at the time when we have got the freedom. So, if you want you can go, I will not come. I don’t want to go to Foreign Service.” They cut his pay. That time, you know, 300 was a big amount. I said, “Doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I’ll stay in My country. I’ll work in My country and you work here. I’ll support you every way. I don’t want anything. Nothing I want and you don’t take a bribe at all otherwise that day I’ll leave this.” Otherwise also I said that, “Then another thing is our country has to develop.” Who will develop? I always felt that you are the spinal cord of our country. You have to develop this country. What is this money? Comes and goes. You’ve seen the people who have got money, where their children have gone? What has happened to them? What have they achieved? So, I told very frankly that I will not go to the Foreign Service of any kind because what is in the Foreign Service? I want to do everything in this country of Mine for which I have also fought. I have fought a lot and this is what now sometimes, you know, is disappointing to see what things are happening. But a day will come, this country will rise. How? Because when this happens, when this Kundalini rising take place, when people become Realized souls, they just transform. They become extremely patriotic, extremely patriotic and they understand what is needed today for our country. They can sacrifice anything. They can live anywhere and they are not bothered about some sort of a, you can call it a financial help or other material thing. They are above materialism. There are thousands and thousands like that even in our country, thousands and also abroad. Now Sahaja Yoga is working 86 countries. They are all full of joy because with this happening you get joy of a quality which has no double thing. It’s not happiness / unhappiness. It’s just joy. And you have another thing also with it, is the peace of mind. Just you are so peaceful, absolutely peaceful. You don’t have to worry about things. You don’t have to become jittery because see the diseases you develop. Apart from that, all kinds of paralysis come from this. We had a doctor in our hospital there who was working very hard. I told him that, “Doctor, see now your age has come. You should take it easy. Daytime you must rest. There’s no need. You are not in a office, just rest, take rest do something else. Read or you can go and play. Do something.” He wouldn’t listen to Me and then he got paraplegia, means that failure of the hand and the leg, completely. He couldn’t even walk. He couldn’t lift his leg. Now he’s all right, cured. But then I told him that you take treatment for your right side. That’s very important. It’s very simple treatment and which can be done very easily. For example, you can have an ice bag on the liver. You can have ice bag here because this is the portion. This moves like this so the portion this one gets heated up. So, you put ice here, you put ice. This icing business will really help you a lot. But also, there are some other very simple homely treatments which you can take. But I would request all of you to come to our center somewhere in Bhaaratiya. Mother talks aside: [Bhaaratiya? Wahan hai na? Bharatiya, usmein hai ki nahi?] Where is she gone? Somebody says, “Bhaaratiya Vidya Peeth.” Shri Mataji: So, you all can come there if you live in this area. In every area, we have got centres. So, you all can come into that center humbly. There is, you see, in Sahaja Yoga there is nothing like any position or anything. We have to humble down. This false pride is of no use. We humble down. When we humble down, it’s very easy to achieve it and to get this into yourself. After all, otherwise, what is it? What is life for? There’s no enjoyment. There’s no experiencing of what you are doing. So much work you put in, I know, I know that. I know how you people have to work hard. But to get over, to get over all the strain and stress, you must do meditation for five minutes which they will tell you how to do it. Five minutes in the evening will help you. So, just like as you take bath in the morning, you take- bathe yourself with the showers of this Kundalini. She’s your mother. She has been your mother from ages and she has recorded everything about you within itself. This is the subtle side of you and when you want to have your Realization, she’s very anxious to be awakened. She’s extremely anxious and it works wonders. I am surprised that how people get Realization in no time. The only trouble with them is, it’s like a primule or you can call it the ‘ankura’ [sprout], which grows but it doesn’t become a tree. So, little bit you have to meditate. You have to be collective and works out. In collective, you forget everything, your position everything. I have known IAS officers who have been dancing with the villagers, singing with the villagers, so much they enjoy. They said, “We knew this but we never wanted to express it, you see.” So, all this drops out. All these outward bondages drop out and you become one with the collective. You know their problems. You know how to solve them and it’s very good. I think this is what is only one has to achieve, nothing else. If you achieve this, you’ve achieved the last and the best. With this then you can help others. You can give Realizations to others. You can save their lives. I mean, it’s all your power that is going to work out. In these days of horrible struggle and all kinds of things happening, violence, very much needed is this Sahaja Yoga. And you’ll be amazed, it is something a grace that people get it. In Turkey, we have about two thousand people who are Realized souls. Nobody lost their life, not a single thing, not their houses were even, they just little bit, I would say, shook but never fell down. The whole Orissa, it happened the same. It has happened in several places that people have been just saved with those who have been in the grace of the Divine. We have to become that. We can’t live without it. It’s rather subtle. It is subtle, I know but sometimes must understand we have to be subtle. Now as it is, so much of illness, sickness I find, mostly I find with all the people who are working very hard is the right sided problem. Some sort of a right side. And it can be absolutely cured, absolutely be under your control, and you can cure others also. This is such a blessing we have in this horrible Kaliyuga. The worst times, they say, the worst and worst that is the time is now and you see the effects of that. But in that only, the lotus of Sahaja Yoga has come up. You don’t have to pay for it. That’s one thing you should know. Anybody asks money from you, he’s not Divine. Don’t have to pay for it, at all. When you grow and when you achieve, when you give Realizations to others, then you will be surprised you rise into a new realm of understanding which is a doubtless awareness which is called as ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ according to Patanjali. Now as we have learnt English, I don’t think we read much of the, our Indian scriptures and thing. But that also, those who read will go on praying to one monde of statues, this, that, I mean just they are fanatically religious people, wasting their life like that. Then another side are the buddhivaadis what you call are the intellectuals, you see. They are the much worst because they think they have read everything. They know everything. Now what to tell them? It’s a very simple thing, they don’t want to accept. You can’t tell them, “Take it straight.” You have to have it in the other way. So, also to understand it, we should know we have not known ourselves. We have to know ourselves and for knowing ourselves, Kundalini awakening is the only way, as far as I know. And I hope you all will think about it and come to our centres where Realization can be given. There are many centres we have got. You don’t have to pay any money, nothing, but you come and relax. Relaxation is only possible after Self-realization, not before that. You’ll be surprised your aging will stop. I have no aging problem. My husband also has no aging problem. We don’t think of it. It’s over. Now, whenever one has to die, one will die. But till then we are not bothered. Anything that you do will have a special light of the Divine. I bless you from My heart that you develop these subtle things within yourself and you try to understand that so far you have not known yourself. You have to know yourself. You don’t have to introspect and sit down criticizing yourself, feeling guilty. No, not at all. Whatever has happened has happened because you’ll be amazed at yourself that all your destructive habits also will drop out by themselves. Overnight in London, there were twelve boys with the addiction of drugs. They stopped over-night, over-night. I don’t, never told them. I never tell people, “Don’t, don’t.” I never say that. But that Kundalini rises and the light of the, your heart, light of the Spirit, that guides you. That tells you what is destructive for you. And you have power not to accept anything that is destructive. I know there are difficulties. I know there are problems but you’ll never see them. If you are sitting in a boat, you are not be bothered as to how deep the sea is. It’s like that. You rise above all these things and you watch and you help others. Apart from that, it helps you in your work, very much in your work. You understand your work very well because of torsion area again. My husband says, “How do You get this idea?” I say, “I got it. All right this is the idea, I’ve got it.” Now he’s amazed sometimes how I manage things. How I am doing? I have no secretariat. I have no secretary. I have no P.A., nothing. And we are working in 86 countries. So, it just works out because it is this Divine power which is so helpful or which is so kind. So, again and again, I wish you best of luck. Please come to our centres. I hope they’ll give you the addresses and all that and you can come on Saturdays or Sundays, whenever you want to and get your Realization. May God bless you! Sahaja Yogi: “Shri Mataji, they are requesting, if you can give them Self-realization here?” Shri Mataji: You see, there is one thing that one feels very guilty for-I don’t know, that’ our temperament, I think. You feel guilty: "Oh, I’ve done this, I’ve been doing this, how will I get Realization?" So, first of all, you don’t have to feel guilty at all. Forgive yourself. And then, forgive others. Just these two things, can you manage? Just to say, "I forgive everyone." Now they say that: "It’s very difficult, Mother, to forgive." So, the argument is like this: "Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do?"But when you don’t forgive then you torture yourself for the person who has harmed you. So, I request you just to say, "I forgive everything. Mother, I forgive everyone. "And forgive yourself! Not to feel guilty, whatever has happened is finished, that’s past. We are not talking of past we are talking of present. You have to be in the present, not in the past. Of course, not in the future as most of you are sitting [unsure] there. That’s the thing that gives you right side. So, we have to be in the center, we have to be in the balance and we have to be in the present.Well, I cannot go on giving you a lecture, you see, I’ve done so many lectures after lectures after lectures. But you can also get my tapes, but first, get your Self completely blossoming, make your own vibrations with your own spine. So, for doing this, it’s simple. I have to request you to take out your shoes if you don’t mind. In England, I said: "Take off your shoes" so, half of them walked out. Very difficult people. Also, tomorrow, you are having a very bog program on Shivaji Park. So, I will request you all to come there and I hope they’ll make proper arrangements for your sitting. It will be nice, with all of them, you’ll feel even better.So, just thing, what you have to do is to put hands like this [palm upwards] Muhammad Sahib has said that when the Qiyamah [surat 75] will come, your hands will speak. What does that mean? Just like this. Little higher. "Baba", right side is too much.[Shri Mataji is laughing] I think you put your left hand on your livers, because it’s very much right-sided. Right hand towards Me and left hand towards the liver. Now, put both the hands towards Me. Right hand towards Me and just put your left hand on the fontanel bone area. Here, higher, little higher.[Shri Mataji speaks in Marathi]Right hand towards Me.Now, the left hand towards Me and the right hand on top of the head.Hum, again right hand towards Me. And with the left hand – there’s air conditioning but don’t doubt if there is hot or cool breeze coming out of your head, here, from the "talu" from the fontanel bone area. Please, move your hand, raise it and see if there’s a cool or a hot. Hot will be there because of the liver but doesn’t matter, it will subside. So, see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot air coming out of your head. Now, please put both the hands towards Me.Now see for yourself if you have cool or hot breeze on your fingertips. Don’t doubt, please don’t doubt. If it is there it is a little bit. You get Realization very fast in India because my country is a Yoga Bhoomi. It’s a very great country, don’t misunderstand it by its superficial expressions. It’s a very great country.Hum, now, all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the fingertips or on their palms or on their fontanel bone area through that, raise both your hands. Oh! [Shri Mataji is laughing]Most of you have got.May God bless you. I’m so very happy! Some didn’t get doesn’t matter. So, you should go all of you should, please, I request you again and again, attend our centres for which you are not committed. Anybody tries to come to you saying: "I’m Shri Mataji’s disciple, do this for me". Please, don’t do it. I never do that! That’s not my style. So, please, don’t listen to anyone, never.Anybody who comes like that, sends Me their name. Never, never, never. Because in Sahaja Yoga we have all kinds of people. We have some very highly developed; we have mediocre also and we have some very low, very, very few, but they are there. And they might take-try to take your advantage of your position. So, anybody who tries to contact you, please tell them I have nothing to do with them. All right? Thank you very much.May God bless, thank you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi: do you have question?]You want to ask Me questions? Sahaja Yogi: Is there any questions you’d like to ask?Shri Mataji: It is experience "anubhuti". Anubhuti is the way you should know. No question?Sahaja Yogi: No.Shri Mataji: Yes, please. Seeker: Mataji you said [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: That’s what I said. When this Kundalini rises, she gets rid of all these things, "kama (lust), krodha (anger), mada (pride), matsarya (jealousy), lobha (greed), moha (attachement), six things. She just gets rid of it and you go into balance. You go into balance, all perversities go away, just disappear. You can’t get angry, very difficult. This is what I am saying. Right sided became the central path. This is a "jnana-marga" [path of knowledge] you see? Knowledge "marga". And you just get the knowledge and you get into the centre. You are no more right-sided. You become so peaceful you don’t know. Because you also become "sakshi", you become a witness. You see all, if somebody’s getting angry, you just start watching. Like once I was giving a lecture in Switzerland and one lady came to hit Me with the Bible. The scene was very ridiculous, you see, and I started laughing. And she couldn’t understand why I was laughing, she went back. Lady seeker: [Inaudible]Sahaja Yogi: Once the Kundalini rises then it’s awakened do you need to keep practicing or it stays awake?Shri Mataji: It stays mostly but can also come down. Supposing you have some disease, then it comes back to look after that organ. It does that but you know how to raise it again and again. You know how to fix it. In the beginning, I should say it mostly stays with people but depends on, you can’t say. I’ve seen it drops out also. But you must give it the nourishment of love, you see, if you love people you start loving them, caring for them, then she rises even faster. And if she’s falling also you will know how to raise it. There’s no problem on that. It doesn’t take too much time. Within one month you can be a master. Seeker: Inaudible.Shri Mataji: Da kare? [Unsure]Sahaja Yogi: He says because of the air conditioning he could not make the difference.Shri Mataji: All right. Now, you go home and close your doors, all the doors and see for yourself if you get the cool breeze or not. If you get it, you have got it. If you don’t get it, then you come again and see for yourself I would say.[Shri Mataji is laughing]But, actually, it is always with the thing, is a different kind of a feeling. It’s not what you get from the air conditioning on the fingertips. See for yourself, it’s not that way. But go home and see for yourself. It is there. Your eyes will be shining also. Seeker lady: [Inaudible]. [Hindi: What exactly are we supposed to say when we are meditating?]Sahaja Yogi: When you open your hands, what are you supposed to say in your mind?Shri Mataji: Nothing! You don’t tell your mind anything, don’t fight with anything, just she works and shoots you off, all right? You don’t have to say anything, better. Nothing. These are words and words don’t help. Adi Shankaracharya has said, "Oh, Mother, take me out of the "Shabda jalam" [Marathi; unsure], the web of words ". You read, read, read so much sometimes that Kabira has written, "Padhi-padhi pandit moorakh bhaye" [People went mad studying all the (spiritual) books in the world yet remained stupid] and I’ve met many of them.You read now people who are Sufis like Kabir, all right? Everybody, Tukaram, Dnyaneshwara, all of them. Dnyaneshwara was very great but nobody understands him, that’s the trouble. He wrote it for "Buddhi vadis" also this "Amrutanubhava" [the experience of elixir] but it doesn’t go to their heads. After Realization, you’ll enjoy him very much, you’ll enjoy all of them, Eknat, everyone. And this country is full of them. For example, Namadeva who was just a tailor and he was such a great poet! And he went to meet with another one, Gora Kumbhar. And the Gora Kumbhar was a potter. So, he was needing the mud for the pots that he wanted to make. So, when Namadeva went and stood before him, what he says, "'Nirguna chebheti aalo saguna shi'. I came to see your vibrations, 'nirguna' but you are completely that". Such words, only a Realized soul can say for another, such words. Because, otherwise we are jealous, we are this. Not the Sahaja Yogis, not. They are so, so much together. You have now given such a big society of friends. You go to any country, they’ll all run for you, jump for you, do what you like. It’s such oneness, such friendship, such one family. [U.P.?] we have lots of IAS Officers, IPS Officers, even the Chief Secretary is very good. So, I mean, it’s nothing to do with IAS or IPS, I think, but it has something to do because I’m worried about India [unsure] that’s all, very much worried.[Cut in the video] Could be, but the main thing you should get the cool breeze in your hands, the "spanda". Otherwise, though he’s nice, kind, helpful, he’s a good man, he’ll get it very fast and I can do it better. You just watch it. I tell you what; now, if you are coming by the road, and you find accidents, this, that, you’re getting worried, isn’t it? But supposing you are standing on a hill top, then you are seeing but you are not bothered. At least, in the beginning you do get dietary [unsure], but later on you get used to it. Or else, you are on a boat. Supposing you are in the water, you are always worried. But you are on a boat, you can see those people who are getting drowned but you are no worried. But supposing you know swimming, you can jump back and come [inaudible]. This is what Sahaja yoga is. Seeker: The ‘naam-smaran’, will it not help the rising of the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: No, no, no, no. [Marathi continued] Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: He is saying, which guru mantra to say?Shri Mataji: No. [Marathi. Shri Mataji clarifies there is no need for such a thing. ‘Nahi guru mantra ne’. Shri Mataji speaks about Dnyaneshwara.] Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: Does Ashtanga Yoga, does it help in the rising of the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: No. [Marathi continued. Shri Mataji speaks about the Dnyaneswhari, the Kundalini and its awakening (jagrut) about Swami Ramdas]. Seeker: [Inaudible; Marathi]Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji he asks, "Why we are not doing this work in the villages?"Shri Mataji: He?Sahaja Yogi: Why we are not doing this work in the villages?Shri Mataji: I have done in the villages for years together. [Marathi continued.] [Cut in the video?][Shri Mataji speaks in front of mikes and TV reporters. Marathi continued.] [Translation from Hindi:TV Reporter: Sahaja Yoga is gaining a lot of popularity in today's times. What is the reason?Shri Mataji: Yes, that's right. Reason being, spirituality is undeniable. Spirituality stands on the foundation of reality, on the solid grounds of absoluteness. However, we people (Indians) are discarding (our values, spirituality) and running towards them (West). The Indian civilization has been in existence for thousands of years and its existence is not dependent on the observations/verdict of any one book or any one religion. On the contrary, this is the very civilization that integrates all the religions, one must understand this. And I am here to tell you this, with Me many people are coming along and if all of us Indians take to this (SY), it would be very good.] Shri Mataji: How it will help the AIS Offices of our country? It’s a very interesting question because I’ve been always concerned about it. I think the AIS, IPS and all such Government agencies, all of them, and also the Government servants, in every fields, are the backbone, are the backbone and they must be substantiated by the knowledge of this country.That is, they work very hard. They are very futuristic they always plan for the future. And then, what happens to them, they develop a symptom of the right-sided man, it’s a – what you call the- in the autonomic nervous system, we have sympathetic nervous systems and right-side sympathetic get frozen. With this development, what happens that they suffer from many diseases: heart attack, paralysis, all kinds of things. So, they are to be saved. At a very young age it happens. It’s possible only if their Kundalini is risen and they go beyond their mind, by which they develop that thoughtless awareness. Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): Now, ladies and gentleman,[Shri Mataji is still talking.]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): I think people are very anxious to meet Mataji also-[Shri Mataji is still talking.]Shri Mataji: Oh, how do you do, Sir? ]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): But before that I would like to perform my duty because I would not dare-[Shri Mataji is still talking and greeting people. Yogi Mahajan introduces the British [?] Minister.Shri Mataji: Oh, how do you do, Sir?]Sahaja Yogi (on the mike): To thank Shri Mataji for what She has done today by coming here and blessing all of us.[End of talk] [*NOTE: Shri Mataji refers to the Kargil conflict, an armed conflict between India and Pakistan, from May to July 1999, that took place in the Kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control (LOC).]
Kundalini ki jagruti se
In Progress, NEEDED
Draft, In Progress
Public Program
Hindi, Marathi
2000-0312 Public Program, Kundalini ki Jagruti se, (With Kundalini Awakening), Mumbai Translation from Hindi: I bow to all the seekers of truth. First I will speak in Hindi, and after that in Marathi; because it is our National language, and I feel that everyone should at least have some knowledge of Hindi. Of course there is no language like Marathi. This I agree. But the person who knows Marathi should find it easy to know Hindi. It is a very easy language. I have spoken to you many times about Kundalini, and I have explained that with the awakening of the Kundalini all the unwanted particles and fragments inside us, get removed. The Six Enemies of the soul (Shadripus) inside us, like Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachments, Jealousy and Vanity – these shadripus are always troubling us. This happens because whatever our brain sees, it always reacts to it. Because of this reaction we feel inside our brain, that if we also do these things, we will get some advantage. But these are our enemies, and if we adopt and encourage them, how can they be beneficial to us. But the society we are seeing in these times, especially in this country of India, anarchy has spread; such unrighteous people have sprung up, that they have not only destroyed themselves but are trying to destroy the country. Such kind of people are there, especially in Mumbai, and people say there are a lot of villains and evildoers. It is difficult to understand what happened here to cause such people to flourish. The reason for all this is, that this is the time of Ghor Kaliyug – The Terrible Age of Destruction. We can recognize the Age of Destruction by the proliferation of such evil elements who are enemies of themselves, enemies of others, and enemies of the country. They are the ones who will prosper and grow. But for how long. For as long as they do not get their transformation. Their awakening. When your Kundalini is awakened, you will be amazed at the change that comes over you. Your reactions change. One gentleman was telling Me, “Mother, when I came to Sahaja Yoga my state of mind changed. Meaning that, whenever we got a transfer of location, my family, my wife, and I used to get distressed. But it is the wonder of Sahaja Yoga that now we do not get upset. I am happy. And I am enjoying, that whatever had to happen has happened”. There are so many such examples. That when you get blessed by your Kundalini awakening, and when you receive these blessings, then you yourself get transformed. There is no one to give you advice or examples. This happens spontaneously. Because this energy is placed within you. God Almighty put this Shakti (energy) inside you. But if you do not want to see it, you do not want to know about it, and you are wasting your time in other useless things, then for such people it is better that they do not come into Sahaja Yoga. But those who are seeking, who desire to achieve something; who feel that in this lifetime if we can get our self realization, then what a great achievement that will be. You don’t have to retire into the Himalayas, nor do you have to spend money to get it. You don’t have to do anything. So what a wonderful happening this is. And to achieve it, you did not have to get into difficulties or do exercises. God Almighty Himself has established this Shakti within you. And it is important to get this energy awakened. If you do not realize this now, then nothing can be achieved, and you have failed yourself. Now you work hard, you experience a lot of difficulties, and you do so many activities, but up till now you have not experienced the pure joy. In joy there are no two things, like happiness or sadness. It is only joy. Pure joy. Secondly you do not find the truth. Yes, may be half here and half there. But the truth, the absolute truth, has not been found. To experience that you have to get your Kundalini awakening. That which causes your brain to react to everything, that will stop happening. And when that stops, you get the connection with the all pervading divine energy which is around you. The most amazing thing is, that this great happening is so easy and comfortable. There are no headaches or severe exercises to be done. No need to stand on your head. And, this is available to everyone in this world. This is for the whole world. Not just for you. Not just for a few others. But for the whole world. Sahaja Yoga has spread over 86 countries, and those people are immersed in it. Fully absorbed. They are happy, and their lives have become meaningful and complete. And in their lives there is a kind of peace and contentment. In every place, we must understand, where great religions have spread, in every dharma it has been said that a day will come in which your transformation will take place. In which you will attain a wonderful state. And in the Koran it is written clearly that when Qayamat (The Day of Resurrection) will come, your hands will speak. It is there today! But if your hands are not speaking, then what is the use. To achieve this, is the main purpose or objective of your life. If you do not desire to do so, it is your wish. If you do not wish to receive it, it is your wish. But this thing can happen, and is happening. In many countries it has happened. And it should also happen in our country. So the turmoil and conflicts of this place, and seeing the unrest of every day, we should recognize and understand that we should attain this state, in which there is absolute peace, and absolute joy. To achieve this you do not have to do anything. I have already told you. You don’t have to leave your homes or families. Nothing to be done. And, you have to receive this. The problem with us, especially in Maharashtra, is that people have too much knowledge. They have collected a big bundle of gods and goddesses in the house, and spend their time from morning till night, doing pujas, and this and that. They have gone in that direction. Or, they will do some other kind of activity. This is the situation with Hindus, and also with the Muslims, and also the state of Christians. When, inspite of all these entanglements, nothing has been achieved, they should also look on the other side, that what is the thing I have to achieve. By which I will be able to know myself. And then that truth will dawn on us, in which there is only truth, and no falsehood. We will come to know that. The great scientist Einstein, in his papers, has talked about this. And he has called it the “torsion area”. And he has said that this realization of truth will come from the torsion area, and it is necessary for you to get your connection with that truth. Until and unless you get this connection, whose praises are you singing in worship. No one even knows you, and you are chanting their names. Whatever you should be actualizing by this chanting, you will not achieve. The real thing will only happen when you come into the reality. And all the possible divine energy will pour into it. It is not a difficult task. I have told you that if you practice Sahaja Yoga for a full month, then you will become your own guru. And you yourself will be able to cure the diseases of others. It is not necessary for you to go to any other place, or take help from others. This truth, no matter how many times it has been told, does not enter the attention of people. This is very unfortunate. Because a time like this, just had to come. How can it be possible, that the God who has made this creation, can watch the people that He has created, get beaten, tortured and suffer, and have all kinds of problems. Never! Definitely He has made some kind of arrangement within ourselves, to overcome all these difficulties. All the saints and holy men have talked about it. Kabir has spoken very openly, but people could not have understood him. Maybe because he used poetic language and people failed to interpret it correctly. But Kabir has said very clearly. Whatever he has said, it is all about Sahaja Yoga. He has said it very clearly in his (Dohas) couplets. Where he has talked about Ida, Pingala and Sukhumana Nadis. Now someone might say, what is this Ida, Pingala and Sukhumana Nadi. You come into Sahaja, and everything will become clear. Soonya Shikhar par Anahat Vaadi Dein (In the silent pinnacle or summit, there is the unstruck sound when the spirit merges with the absolute). Now who knows what is Soonya Shikhar, and what is Anahat Vaadi. In Hindi language a lot of poetry has been written about this. Guru Nanak especially, has given it a lot of predominance. All saints and sages have written in the same sequence and essence. When Namdev, who was a great poet and a great saint of Maharashtra, arrived in Punjab, Guru Nanak welcomed him with great recognition. And he told him, “Son, you study Punjabi language, and then write in Punjabi”. He has written such a big book in Punjabi, and in that he has fully described Kundalini, Adi, etc., and everything very clearly, and in very beautiful language. Now, Namdev was a devotee of Shri Rama, and he believed in Sagun roop (where the deity is personified, having qualities and attributes). Nanak Sahib said to him, “See, it is not wrong to believe in sagun form, because you are a realized soul. It is alright for you. And you know the difference, as to which sagun is real and which is not; which material form is swayambhu (self existent), and which is not. But the rest of the people do not know this. So for them you must talk only about Nirgun (formless, attributeless)”. And Kabir has said, “I will nirbhay (fearlessly) sing about nirgun, (the formless). I will become Nirbhay (fearless) and sing about Nirgun (the unqualified, absolute being)”. He said, “I am not afraid of anyone, and I will only talk about Nirgun”. And this is what it is. Adi Shankaracharya also wrote, and called it Spandh. Spandh means the experiencing or feeling of Chaitanya (vibrations), which is within you. The feeling of Chaitanya, which we call as Vibrations. That is Spandh. Everyone speaking the same thing. Even in foreign countries people have talked about this. But let the talk of books remain in the books. And nowadays we don’t know what strange ideas affect the brain, and people do not want to understand what it is. Why am I going on the wrong road; why am I troubling everyone; why have I supported this wrong course of action….they don’t think about these things. And what is the result of all this. Is that mankind has gone astray. He has wandered into wrong paths. But by that he destroys himself, not others. No harm to others. Only harm to himself. There are many roads to destruction. You also know this, and you also have seen others going into their destruction. Just by telling them, nothing can be achieved. I have seen this. If I tell them don’t do this, or don’t do that, half of the people will get up and go from here. But when your kundalini is awakened, you yourself will understand and become aware that this is wrong, it is harmful for us. This is because, the light of your spirit rises from your heart and comes into your attention. And every human being will understand, the one who is a realized soul, he will realize what is wrong and what is harmful, and why it is so urgent and necessary. This is the speciality of your Self Realisation. Where you can clearly understand what is good for you, and what is bad. And in addition to this, besides this, all the help of the Paramatma (God Almighty) is with you. Because the energy of Divine Love is spread on all four sides. Prem (love) this is a very important, strong and competent power with you. A very big capacity. Such a great power exists within you. This love is called Nirvaaj Prem, (unconditional love), where you do not expect anything, but just go deep down into the ocean of love. The language of love is something different. The methods and practices of love are different. The style and manners are grand. Especially Sahaja Yogis have experienced this. We think that such people are very rare. Not at all. There are lots of people who are gracious in love. What a great thing is love. But speaking nicely to people seems to be difficult nowadays. If you go further, then stealing each other’s things seems to be the order of the day. And if you go another step further, then in the country all kinds of transgressions and tortures are being committed. Those who cause destruction, disorder, depression and remorse, and things like that, are proliferating. Human beings were not born for this. Human beings were born to know the Shakti, the power of that Paramatma, Almighty God; and experience and enjoy that power, and forever live in peace. The best thing for spreading peace is, that there should be a reformation of man. Until and unless man does not change; until and unless this light shines within him, till then he will keep going astray. He will continue to do this kind of misdeeds. He will keep getting involved in these kind of things, in which he will not even know whether he is on the right path or not. That is why we should light the lamp within ourself. When this lamp becomes enlightened, you will be able to understand everything easily, that what Shakti lies within us. And how we can benefit from this Shakti. This is the Shakti of Love. It is very superior, this Shakti of Love. Not a shallow, superficial love, but very deep and profound; and flowing through, like the ocean. And with the help of that love, you will live in complete peace. And you will give this joy to others as well. This Great Shakti is within you, and I will only make this request, that you accept and respect this love. 24:51 to 44:45 [Marathi talk - translation missing] Translation from Hindi: You people must be understanding a little Marathi at least. Having lived her for so long, you must have learnt the language. If you do not learn, then how can these people learn Hindi. I was just telling everyone that those who do not want their self realization, can please leave and go outside if you wish. I agree that Marathi is a difficult language, but it is very eloquent and fine. And as far as Yoga is concerned, there is no better language to express it than Marathi. What about Hindi language. What is so difficult about learning two languages. Not difficult. There is no harm if you learn a little Hindi.
2000-0312 Public Program, Kundalini ki Jagruti se, (With Kundalini Awakening), Mumbai Translation from Hindi: I bow to all the seekers of truth. First I will speak in Hindi, and after that in Marathi; because it is our National language, and I feel that everyone should at least have some knowledge of Hindi. Of course there is no language like Marathi. This I agree. But the person who knows Marathi should find it easy to know Hindi. It is a very easy language. I have spoken to you many times about Kundalini, and I have explained that with the awakening of the Kundalini all the unwanted particles and fragments inside us, get removed. The Six Enemies of the soul (Shadripus) inside us, like Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachments, Jealousy and Vanity – these shadripus are always troubling us. This happens because whatever our brain sees, it always reacts to it. Because of this reaction we feel inside our brain, that if we also do these things, we will get some advantage. But these are our enemies, and if we adopt and encourage them, how can they be beneficial to us. But the society we are seeing in these times, especially in this country of India, anarchy has spread; such unrighteous people have sprung up, that they have not only destroyed themselves but are trying to destroy the country. Such kind of people are there, especially in Mumbai, and people say there are a lot of villains and evildoers. It is difficult to understand what happened here to cause such people to flourish. The reason for all this is, that this is the time of Ghor Kaliyug – The Terrible Age of Destruction. We can recognize the Age of Destruction by the proliferation of such evil elements who are enemies of themselves, enemies of others, and enemies of the country. They are the ones who will prosper and grow. But for how long. For as long as they do not get their transformation. Their awakening. When your Kundalini is awakened, you will be amazed at the change that comes over you. Your reactions change. One gentleman was telling Me, “Mother, when I came to Sahaja Yoga my state of mind changed. Meaning that, whenever we got a transfer of location, my family, my wife, and I used to get distressed. But it is the wonder of Sahaja Yoga that now we do not get upset. I am happy. And I am enjoying, that whatever had to happen has happened”. There are so many such examples. That when you get blessed by your Kundalini awakening, and when you receive these blessings, then you yourself get transformed. There is no one to give you advice or examples. This happens spontaneously. Because this energy is placed within you. God Almighty put this Shakti (energy) inside you. But if you do not want to see it, you do not want to know about it, and you are wasting your time in other useless things, then for such people it is better that they do not come into Sahaja Yoga. But those who are seeking, who desire to achieve something; who feel that in this lifetime if we can get our self realization, then what a great achievement that will be. You don’t have to retire into the Himalayas, nor do you have to spend money to get it. You don’t have to do anything. So what a wonderful happening this is. And to achieve it, you did not have to get into difficulties or do exercises. God Almighty Himself has established this Shakti within you. And it is important to get this energy awakened. If you do not realize this now, then nothing can be achieved, and you have failed yourself. Now you work hard, you experience a lot of difficulties, and you do so many activities, but up till now you have not experienced the pure joy. In joy there are no two things, like happiness or sadness. It is only joy. Pure joy. Secondly you do not find the truth. Yes, may be half here and half there. But the truth, the absolute truth, has not been found. To experience that you have to get your Kundalini awakening. That which causes your brain to react to everything, that will stop happening. And when that stops, you get the connection with the all pervading divine energy which is around you. The most amazing thing is, that this great happening is so easy and comfortable. There are no headaches or severe exercises to be done. No need to stand on your head. And, this is available to everyone in this world. This is for the whole world. Not just for you. Not just for a few others. But for the whole world. Sahaja Yoga has spread over 86 countries, and those people are immersed in it. Fully absorbed. They are happy, and their lives have become meaningful and complete. And in their lives there is a kind of peace and contentment. In every place, we must understand, where great religions have spread, in every dharma it has been said that a day will come in which your transformation will take place. In which you will attain a wonderful state. And in the Koran it is written clearly that when Qayamat (The Day of Resurrection) will come, your hands will speak. It is there today! But if your hands are not speaking, then what is the use. To achieve this, is the main purpose or objective of your life. If you do not desire to do so, it is your wish. If you do not wish to receive it, it is your wish. But this thing can happen, and is happening. In many countries it has happened. And it should also happen in our country. So the turmoil and conflicts of this place, and seeing the unrest of every day, we should recognize and understand that we should attain this state, in which there is absolute peace, and absolute joy. To achieve this you do not have to do anything. I have already told you. You don’t have to leave your homes or families. Nothing to be done. And, you have to receive this. The problem with us, especially in Maharashtra, is that people have too much knowledge. They have collected a big bundle of gods and goddesses in the house, and spend their time from morning till night, doing pujas, and this and that. They have gone in that direction. Or, they will do some other kind of activity. This is the situation with Hindus, and also with the Muslims, and also the state of Christians. When, inspite of all these entanglements, nothing has been achieved, they should also look on the other side, that what is the thing I have to achieve. By which I will be able to know myself. And then that truth will dawn on us, in which there is only truth, and no falsehood. We will come to know that. The great scientist Einstein, in his papers, has talked about this. And he has called it the “torsion area”. And he has said that this realization of truth will come from the torsion area, and it is necessary for you to get your connection with that truth. Until and unless you get this connection, whose praises are you singing in worship. No one even knows you, and you are chanting their names. Whatever you should be actualizing by this chanting, you will not achieve. The real thing will only happen when you come into the reality. And all the possible divine energy will pour into it. It is not a difficult task. I have told you that if you practice Sahaja Yoga for a full month, then you will become your own guru. And you yourself will be able to cure the diseases of others. It is not necessary for you to go to any other place, or take help from others. This truth, no matter how many times it has been told, does not enter the attention of people. This is very unfortunate. Because a time like this, just had to come. How can it be possible, that the God who has made this creation, can watch the people that He has created, get beaten, tortured and suffer, and have all kinds of problems. Never! Definitely He has made some kind of arrangement within ourselves, to overcome all these difficulties. All the saints and holy men have talked about it. Kabir has spoken very openly, but people could not have understood him. Maybe because he used poetic language and people failed to interpret it correctly. But Kabir has said very clearly. Whatever he has said, it is all about Sahaja Yoga. He has said it very clearly in his (Dohas) couplets. Where he has talked about Ida, Pingala and Sukhumana Nadis. Now someone might say, what is this Ida, Pingala and Sukhumana Nadi. You come into Sahaja, and everything will become clear. Soonya Shikhar par Anahat Vaadi Dein (In the silent pinnacle or summit, there is the unstruck sound when the spirit merges with the absolute). Now who knows what is Soonya Shikhar, and what is Anahat Vaadi. In Hindi language a lot of poetry has been written about this. Guru Nanak especially, has given it a lot of predominance. All saints and sages have written in the same sequence and essence. When Namdev, who was a great poet and a great saint of Maharashtra, arrived in Punjab, Guru Nanak welcomed him with great recognition. And he told him, “Son, you study Punjabi language, and then write in Punjabi”. He has written such a big book in Punjabi, and in that he has fully described Kundalini, Adi, etc., and everything very clearly, and in very beautiful language. Now, Namdev was a devotee of Shri Rama, and he believed in Sagun roop (where the deity is personified, having qualities and attributes). Nanak Sahib said to him, “See, it is not wrong to believe in sagun form, because you are a realized soul. It is alright for you. And you know the difference, as to which sagun is real and which is not; which material form is swayambhu (self existent), and which is not. But the rest of the people do not know this. So for them you must talk only about Nirgun (formless, attributeless)”. And Kabir has said, “I will nirbhay (fearlessly) sing about nirgun, (the formless). I will become Nirbhay (fearless) and sing about Nirgun (the unqualified, absolute being)”. He said, “I am not afraid of anyone, and I will only talk about Nirgun”. And this is what it is. Adi Shankaracharya also wrote, and called it Spandh. Spandh means the experiencing or feeling of Chaitanya (vibrations), which is within you. The feeling of Chaitanya, which we call as Vibrations. That is Spandh. Everyone speaking the same thing. Even in foreign countries people have talked about this. But let the talk of books remain in the books. And nowadays we don’t know what strange ideas affect the brain, and people do not want to understand what it is. Why am I going on the wrong road; why am I troubling everyone; why have I supported this wrong course of action….they don’t think about these things. And what is the result of all this. Is that mankind has gone astray. He has wandered into wrong paths. But by that he destroys himself, not others. No harm to others. Only harm to himself. There are many roads to destruction. You also know this, and you also have seen others going into their destruction. Just by telling them, nothing can be achieved. I have seen this. If I tell them don’t do this, or don’t do that, half of the people will get up and go from here. But when your kundalini is awakened, you yourself will understand and become aware that this is wrong, it is harmful for us. This is because, the light of your spirit rises from your heart and comes into your attention. And every human being will understand, the one who is a realized soul, he will realize what is wrong and what is harmful, and why it is so urgent and necessary. This is the speciality of your Self Realisation. Where you can clearly understand what is good for you, and what is bad. And in addition to this, besides this, all the help of the Paramatma (God Almighty) is with you. Because the energy of Divine Love is spread on all four sides. Prem (love) this is a very important, strong and competent power with you. A very big capacity. Such a great power exists within you. This love is called Nirvaaj Prem, (unconditional love), where you do not expect anything, but just go deep down into the ocean of love. The language of love is something different. The methods and practices of love are different. The style and manners are grand. Especially Sahaja Yogis have experienced this. We think that such people are very rare. Not at all. There are lots of people who are gracious in love. What a great thing is love. But speaking nicely to people seems to be difficult nowadays. If you go further, then stealing each other’s things seems to be the order of the day. And if you go another step further, then in the country all kinds of transgressions and tortures are being committed. Those who cause destruction, disorder, depression and remorse, and things like that, are proliferating. Human beings were not born for this. Human beings were born to know the Shakti, the power of that Paramatma, Almighty God; and experience and enjoy that power, and forever live in peace. The best thing for spreading peace is, that there should be a reformation of man. Until and unless man does not change; until and unless this light shines within him, till then he will keep going astray. He will continue to do this kind of misdeeds. He will keep getting involved in these kind of things, in which he will not even know whether he is on the right path or not. That is why we should light the lamp within ourself. When this lamp becomes enlightened, you will be able to understand everything easily, that what Shakti lies within us. And how we can benefit from this Shakti. This is the Shakti of Love. It is very superior, this Shakti of Love. Not a shallow, superficial love, but very deep and profound; and flowing through, like the ocean. And with the help of that love, you will live in complete peace. And you will give this joy to others as well. This Great Shakti is within you, and I will only make this request, that you accept and respect this love. 24:51 to 44:45 [Marathi talk - translation missing] Translation from Hindi: You people must be understanding a little Marathi at least. Having lived her for so long, you must have learnt the language. If you do not learn, then how can these people learn Hindi. I was just telling everyone that those who do not want their self realization, can please leave and go outside if you wish. I agree that Marathi is a difficult language, but it is very eloquent and fine. And as far as Yoga is concerned, there is no better language to express it than Marathi. What about Hindi language. What is so difficult about learning two languages. Not difficult. There is no harm if you learn a little Hindi.
Birthday Puja: Divine Love
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Birthday Puja. Delhi (India), 21 March 2000. [English Transcript] I’m so very filled with joy and My heart is so full of gratitude for all the Sahaja Yogis who have been able to create this beautiful place. I cannot imagine how much they must have been worked hard in such a place, to create such a beautiful area, such a blissful place. How in Sahaja Yoga, people worked together with tremendous love and respect with each other, have produced something that it unbelievable! This was just a wilderness and you have brought so much of life and light in this place. You wanted to celebrate My Birthday. I don’t know what is such a significance about it. But, the way you have really shown your understanding and respect, I’m just enamoured. I can’t understand what I have done for you, that you should do so much for Sahaja Yoga. As it is, today is also a very auspicious day, which we call as Holi. They play Holi on this day and show their love and oneness among themselves. This is the time when we have to really understand the value of love, of respect of others. Because, so far, we have based all our theories and all our ideas on the principle that human beings cannot love each other. They are always trying to overpower others or to hate others or to grab things from others. Such a wrong idea we had all these days. And that’s why all the organizations that were created to obstruct it also got contaminated with it. The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself. When you know yourself, we are surprised that, what is the greatest thing for you is to love and to be loved. You enjoy that collective Love so much when you have absolutely overcome your baser self. In Sahaja Yoga, it is so simple. It works in a very simple manner. It’s very Sahaj. But to grow into it is very important. And I am so much happy to see so many of you, from all over the world, from Delhi, and also from all over India, enjoying that love among yourselves and understanding among yourselves. I never expected that, in My lifetime, I’ll be able to see all this beautiful world of love, trust and peace. But, today, really I must say, it shows what we are capable of doing. We human beings, so-called, are very selfish, self-centred and only worried about ourselves. That is what is said. But it is surprising that, with Self-Realisation, with self-knowledge, with knowing yourself, you understand how rich you are within. How great you are within. And how capable you are. This understanding comes to you, and then that is expressed in such a beautiful manner. Sahaja Yoga took time to grow, slowly and slowly and that you all are have slowly and slowly grown also. But, I must say that it has reached such a height, that it is difficult to people to get out of it. When you know yourself and you know what is reality and what is absolute truth, you just get dissolved into that knowledge. Of course, you are not knowledgeable in the way people are, you are knowledgeable in the real sense of the word. Because you realized what is within you is a big power of love. It is a big power of understanding. There is a big power of understanding, a big power of oneness, of collective. This collectivity works wonders and gives us joy that we are all one, we have no enemies. We have no problems, we are all one together. This joy that was expressed by you is like the waves that go to the shores, touch the shores and come back, creating beautiful patterns. And I see that happening now, that these beautiful patterns are showing in your own life, in your lifestyle, in your behaviour. It’s a very special type of human race is sitting before Me. I’m so much thankful to you, absolutely, that you should take to this simple knowledge of yourself and enjoy it with others. It’s something remarkable that you know about yourself. That, only human beings can do. There can be a diamond, very expensive, and it does not know its value. There could be some dog or some animal which must be something par excellence, but it doesn’t know what he is. Same thing happens with the human beings, till they get their Self-Realization. And after Realization, they suddenly become aware of what they are and then suddenly they become very humble, they become very loving. Now, supposing, somebody knows that he is a king or he discovers he is some great musician or a prime minister or something. He feels very aloof and he thinks no end of himself. But, by this knowledge that you have, you become one with the rest of Sahaja Yogis and enjoys it. It’s very remarkable how it works out that you enjoy each other so much. And to do something for this collective work, you can dedicate yourself to it. Now, My experience of seventy-seven years, as you can say, has been really chequered with all kinds of incidents, all kinds of people, all kinds of incidents. And it’s a good vision to see before your eyes that, despite all that, so many beautiful lotuses have come up, and they are so fragrant, so beautiful, so colourful, so attractive. All this is because we have an innate value system, because we have, inborn within us, a great sense of love and compassion. This compassion has to be really understood. And enjoy and jump in the ocean of compassion. So beautiful! And you’ll be amazed to see that automatically you’ll swim, automatically you will meet other people also in the same ocean and, without any problems, without any troubles, all enjoying the bliss of this love, this compassion, this Divine Love. I must really congratulate the Delhi people for coming up so well with this beautiful arrangement and this beautiful pandal and all the beautiful arrangements they have made outside for your stay. And I am really… It is something… I have done nothing for it. Nothing, I should say… How these people have worked together, there has been no quarrels, fighting, backbiting, nothing of that kind! It is very surprising that such a beautiful thing has been created by them shows their maturity in Sahaja Yoga. I must congratulate them again and again for doing this great work in such a short time. [Translation from Hindi] I spoke in English first, because a lot of Sahaja Yogis have come from foreign countries, and I am sure you did not mind. This wonderful arrangement is the work of the Delhi Sahaja Yogis, and Yogis of U.P. have also joined with them in a beautiful collective way. The Rajasthan Yogis also joined, as also Yogis from Haryana. They all joined together with great love and joy and created a beautiful temple here. I was completely amazed, and wondered, “What! Are there such accomplished craftsmen available here? I do not know from where all these artistic skills came, and how did they create such beautiful things and assemble them. I was not aware that such skilled craftsmen existed in our country. I was really amazed that there was so much dedication, and great sense of love and compassion. I must congratulate the people of Delhi for these arrangements, outside of your State. I have done nothing. There have been no quarrels, backbiting or immaturity among Sahaja Yogis. The one who has artistic qualities, filled with love and compassion – only such artisans can accomplish something like this. This is the kind of innate qualities that we should express with our body, mind, speech, and intelligence. This is what helps to make us accomplished artisans. We should become artists full of love; and always think by what kind of speech and behaviour we can express our love and make others happy. With what kind of speech and expression, can I give joy to others. What sweet words and actions can I use to express my love for others. In what way can I open my heart to others and envelop them with love in my heart. And with the mind I should think, the one who has no love in his heart, he is not entitled to anything in which world. Because, whatever he receives, he is never satisfied. He can never feel satisfied. But when you are the ocean of satisfaction yourself, there is nothing that cannot give you satisfaction. When this happens within you, you achieve a state of profound peace and satisfaction. And no one can understand the bliss of this state. The whole attitude and behaviour just emits sweetness and love. And the one who is watching wonders what is this happening. How is this person showering so much love, and speaking so sweetly. And how am I speaking and behaving. What is this way in which he is enveloping me with his love; and in what way can I become like him and do the same. And all the time, even at night, we will keep thinking that, tomorrow I will meet so and so; and what sweet and loving words can I use when I speak to him. And what can I say that will be for his benevolence. Because if one makes arrangements and plans to talk frivolous and useless things, it can only cause harm and damage, and no good can come of it. And if I provoke anger, which is always present in the head, it can be more harmful. It is not necessary to teach you not to kill someone; or not to behave rudely or roughly with any one; not to cause harm or loss to anyone; not to misappropriate anyone’s money or wealth – it is not necessary to teach all this. By itself, you have become very beautiful and sweet tempered. As I said, you have become like beautiful lotuses; and you only know how to spread your fragrance. You do not know anything else. And the pleasure you get out of giving, is a special kind of experience. Only people with inborn, genuine good character and temperament, can behave in this matter effortlessly. You are now masters of this. These inherent qualities which were genetically endowed on you by nature, you have fully developed. That has opened out; it has become part of your nature, and now it is just a matter of enjoying the fruits of it. In this world, there are various kinds of people, with various kinds of temperaments. But they cannot compare with you. Touch you. They cannot torment you. What can happen is, that they will get impressed with the way you live and behave; and they might get a pure desire to become like you; and become part of your collective. By watching you, they can get an urge to change themselves; to improve themselves; and become like you. I am not claiming that I have made a contract to change the world. But you people can take this up as a responsibility. If you can transform this world and establish people of (satwic quality), honest, genuine and virtuous people; and who are kind, respectful and loving; then there is no further need to do anything. Just watch like a witness. Combine your energies and have the pure desire – How many people can I transform! Agreed that in most people there are faults and shortcomings; and by your own experiences, they look like they are cut off from their spirit (They do not know the Self). The Self which is within you, the Spirit, when you come into contact with this Self, then you feel that others should also get this experience of union with the Self. That they should know themselves, better and better. God knows how much non-knowledge and wrong ideas they have collected within themselves. So we have to give them this Pure Knowledge and experience; and they should receive it. When this kind of understanding enters their attention, then you will automatically take the responsibility, that we must give them this (Param Dhan) Supreme Treasure. You have the key; and if you can somehow or other unlock their attention and give them this priceless gift, you will see how they will start recognising you, and respecting and loving you. Now your main purpose should be how many can I bring into the fold of Sahaja Yoga. Just give them their birthright and the rest will happen automatically; and you will become completely absorbed and happy. And you will experience the kind of joy that cannot be described in words. This thing has got to be done. Today you are celebrating My Birthday. I must thank you a lot. You have done it with so much love. But for Me it is very joyful to see that, year after year, Sahaja Yoga is growing; and I Myself am amazed at the different ways in which it is growing. But today, you also promise yourself, that on Shri Mataji’s Birthday, we promise that we will go all out to transform others. It has already happened with us; and it should also happen for others. Only in this you will actually experience the joy of enjoyment. Upto now the joy was within limits, but when you share it with others, and when others get the echo or reverberation from you; when you start understanding it, then a different kind of joyful experience will awaken within you. I was watching how all the youngsters among you, were dancing and jumping with happiness and joy. Shri Krishna celebrated Holi for the purpose of spreading joy among all. The sober ways of Shri Rama had made everyone serious in their behaviour. Their lives had become serious. So Shri Krishna devised a festival which would open them to merriment and joyful expression and play. And that enjoyment only Sahaja Yogis can experience within maryadas (protocols), without causing anyone hurt or insult. But just to express joy, and love, and share the joy and love with others. Eternal Blessings to All. (Anant Aashirwaad)
Birthday Puja. Delhi (India), 21 March 2000. [English Transcript] I’m so very filled with joy and My heart is so full of gratitude for all the Sahaja Yogis who have been able to create this beautiful place. I cannot imagine how much they must have been worked hard in such a place, to create such a beautiful area, such a blissful place. How in Sahaja Yoga, people worked together with tremendous love and respect with each other, have produced something that it unbelievable! This was just a wilderness and you have brought so much of life and light in this place. You wanted to celebrate My Birthday. I don’t know what is such a significance about it. But, the way you have really shown your understanding and respect, I’m just enamoured. I can’t understand what I have done for you, that you should do so much for Sahaja Yoga. As it is, today is also a very auspicious day, which we call as Holi. They play Holi on this day and show their love and oneness among themselves. This is the time when we have to really understand the value of love, of respect of others. Because, so far, we have based all our theories and all our ideas on the principle that human beings cannot love each other. They are always trying to overpower others or to hate others or to grab things from others. Such a wrong idea we had all these days. And that’s why all the organizations that were created to obstruct it also got contaminated with it. The only way one can really understand what we are is by knowing yourself. When you know yourself, we are surprised that, what is the greatest thing for you is to love and to be loved. You enjoy that collective Love so much when you have absolutely overcome your baser self. In Sahaja Yoga, it is so simple. It works in a very simple manner. It’s very Sahaj. But to grow into it is very important. And I am so much happy to see so many of you, from all over the world, from Delhi, and also from all over India, enjoying that love among yourselves and understanding among yourselves. I never expected that, in My lifetime, I’ll be able to see all this beautiful world of love, trust and peace. But, today, really I must say, it shows what we are capable of doing. We human beings, so-called, are very selfish, self-centred and only worried about ourselves. That is what is said. But it is surprising that, with Self-Realisation, with self-knowledge, with knowing yourself, you understand how rich you are within. How great you are within. And how capable you are. This understanding comes to you, and then that is expressed in such a beautiful manner. Sahaja Yoga took time to grow, slowly and slowly and that you all are have slowly and slowly grown also. But, I must say that it has reached such a height, that it is difficult to people to get out of it. When you know yourself and you know what is reality and what is absolute truth, you just get dissolved into that knowledge. Of course, you are not knowledgeable in the way people are, you are knowledgeable in the real sense of the word. Because you realized what is within you is a big power of love. It is a big power of understanding. There is a big power of understanding, a big power of oneness, of collective. This collectivity works wonders and gives us joy that we are all one, we have no enemies. We have no problems, we are all one together. This joy that was expressed by you is like the waves that go to the shores, touch the shores and come back, creating beautiful patterns. And I see that happening now, that these beautiful patterns are showing in your own life, in your lifestyle, in your behaviour. It’s a very special type of human race is sitting before Me. I’m so much thankful to you, absolutely, that you should take to this simple knowledge of yourself and enjoy it with others. It’s something remarkable that you know about yourself. That, only human beings can do. There can be a diamond, very expensive, and it does not know its value. There could be some dog or some animal which must be something par excellence, but it doesn’t know what he is. Same thing happens with the human beings, till they get their Self-Realization. And after Realization, they suddenly become aware of what they are and then suddenly they become very humble, they become very loving. Now, supposing, somebody knows that he is a king or he discovers he is some great musician or a prime minister or something. He feels very aloof and he thinks no end of himself. But, by this knowledge that you have, you become one with the rest of Sahaja Yogis and enjoys it. It’s very remarkable how it works out that you enjoy each other so much. And to do something for this collective work, you can dedicate yourself to it. Now, My experience of seventy-seven years, as you can say, has been really chequered with all kinds of incidents, all kinds of people, all kinds of incidents. And it’s a good vision to see before your eyes that, despite all that, so many beautiful lotuses have come up, and they are so fragrant, so beautiful, so colourful, so attractive. All this is because we have an innate value system, because we have, inborn within us, a great sense of love and compassion. This compassion has to be really understood. And enjoy and jump in the ocean of compassion. So beautiful! And you’ll be amazed to see that automatically you’ll swim, automatically you will meet other people also in the same ocean and, without any problems, without any troubles, all enjoying the bliss of this love, this compassion, this Divine Love. I must really congratulate the Delhi people for coming up so well with this beautiful arrangement and this beautiful pandal and all the beautiful arrangements they have made outside for your stay. And I am really… It is something… I have done nothing for it. Nothing, I should say… How these people have worked together, there has been no quarrels, fighting, backbiting, nothing of that kind! It is very surprising that such a beautiful thing has been created by them shows their maturity in Sahaja Yoga. I must congratulate them again and again for doing this great work in such a short time. [Translation from Hindi] I spoke in English first, because a lot of Sahaja Yogis have come from foreign countries, and I am sure you did not mind. This wonderful arrangement is the work of the Delhi Sahaja Yogis, and Yogis of U.P. have also joined with them in a beautiful collective way. The Rajasthan Yogis also joined, as also Yogis from Haryana. They all joined together with great love and joy and created a beautiful temple here. I was completely amazed, and wondered, “What! Are there such accomplished craftsmen available here? I do not know from where all these artistic skills came, and how did they create such beautiful things and assemble them. I was not aware that such skilled craftsmen existed in our country. I was really amazed that there was so much dedication, and great sense of love and compassion. I must congratulate the people of Delhi for these arrangements, outside of your State. I have done nothing. There have been no quarrels, backbiting or immaturity among Sahaja Yogis. The one who has artistic qualities, filled with love and compassion – only such artisans can accomplish something like this. This is the kind of innate qualities that we should express with our body, mind, speech, and intelligence. This is what helps to make us accomplished artisans. We should become artists full of love; and always think by what kind of speech and behaviour we can express our love and make others happy. With what kind of speech and expression, can I give joy to others. What sweet words and actions can I use to express my love for others. In what way can I open my heart to others and envelop them with love in my heart. And with the mind I should think, the one who has no love in his heart, he is not entitled to anything in which world. Because, whatever he receives, he is never satisfied. He can never feel satisfied. But when you are the ocean of satisfaction yourself, there is nothing that cannot give you satisfaction. When this happens within you, you achieve a state of profound peace and satisfaction. And no one can understand the bliss of this state. The whole attitude and behaviour just emits sweetness and love. And the one who is watching wonders what is this happening. How is this person showering so much love, and speaking so sweetly. And how am I speaking and behaving. What is this way in which he is enveloping me with his love; and in what way can I become like him and do the same. And all the time, even at night, we will keep thinking that, tomorrow I will meet so and so; and what sweet and loving words can I use when I speak to him. And what can I say that will be for his benevolence. Because if one makes arrangements and plans to talk frivolous and useless things, it can only cause harm and damage, and no good can come of it. And if I provoke anger, which is always present in the head, it can be more harmful. It is not necessary to teach you not to kill someone; or not to behave rudely or roughly with any one; not to cause harm or loss to anyone; not to misappropriate anyone’s money or wealth – it is not necessary to teach all this. By itself, you have become very beautiful and sweet tempered. As I said, you have become like beautiful lotuses; and you only know how to spread your fragrance. You do not know anything else. And the pleasure you get out of giving, is a special kind of experience. Only people with inborn, genuine good character and temperament, can behave in this matter effortlessly. You are now masters of this. These inherent qualities which were genetically endowed on you by nature, you have fully developed. That has opened out; it has become part of your nature, and now it is just a matter of enjoying the fruits of it. In this world, there are various kinds of people, with various kinds of temperaments. But they cannot compare with you. Touch you. They cannot torment you. What can happen is, that they will get impressed with the way you live and behave; and they might get a pure desire to become like you; and become part of your collective. By watching you, they can get an urge to change themselves; to improve themselves; and become like you. I am not claiming that I have made a contract to change the world. But you people can take this up as a responsibility. If you can transform this world and establish people of (satwic quality), honest, genuine and virtuous people; and who are kind, respectful and loving; then there is no further need to do anything. Just watch like a witness. Combine your energies and have the pure desire – How many people can I transform! Agreed that in most people there are faults and shortcomings; and by your own experiences, they look like they are cut off from their spirit (They do not know the Self). The Self which is within you, the Spirit, when you come into contact with this Self, then you feel that others should also get this experience of union with the Self. That they should know themselves, better and better. God knows how much non-knowledge and wrong ideas they have collected within themselves. So we have to give them this Pure Knowledge and experience; and they should receive it. When this kind of understanding enters their attention, then you will automatically take the responsibility, that we must give them this (Param Dhan) Supreme Treasure. You have the key; and if you can somehow or other unlock their attention and give them this priceless gift, you will see how they will start recognising you, and respecting and loving you. Now your main purpose should be how many can I bring into the fold of Sahaja Yoga. Just give them their birthright and the rest will happen automatically; and you will become completely absorbed and happy. And you will experience the kind of joy that cannot be described in words. This thing has got to be done. Today you are celebrating My Birthday. I must thank you a lot. You have done it with so much love. But for Me it is very joyful to see that, year after year, Sahaja Yoga is growing; and I Myself am amazed at the different ways in which it is growing. But today, you also promise yourself, that on Shri Mataji’s Birthday, we promise that we will go all out to transform others. It has already happened with us; and it should also happen for others. Only in this you will actually experience the joy of enjoyment. Upto now the joy was within limits, but when you share it with others, and when others get the echo or reverberation from you; when you start understanding it, then a different kind of joyful experience will awaken within you. I was watching how all the youngsters among you, were dancing and jumping with happiness and joy. Shri Krishna celebrated Holi for the purpose of spreading joy among all. The sober ways of Shri Rama had made everyone serious in their behaviour. Their lives had become serious. So Shri Krishna devised a festival which would open them to merriment and joyful expression and play. And that enjoyment only Sahaja Yogis can experience within maryadas (protocols), without causing anyone hurt or insult. But just to express joy, and love, and share the joy and love with others. Eternal Blessings to All. (Anant Aashirwaad)
Birthday Felicitations: Love Your Country
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
English, Hindi
Birthday Felicitations (English part), Delhi (India), 22 March 2000. Our honoured guest, our respected Home Affairs Ministry is here, Mr. Advani, who has been always a very great dezabhakt [patriot]. I admired him because he loved his country; he is very patriotic. And this is - [Big applause] And as you know, My father and mother both were very patriotic. They sacrificed everything for the country, and I also was always condemned by everyone as being a very patriotic person. [Applause] We must love the country in which we are born. There is some connection, very great connection, between yourself and your country. And I have seen that after Sahaja Yoga, all those who have been transformed into new visions and new ideas always know what’s wrong in their own country, and so conscious of it. I am surprised that every one of them have been able to tell Me what’s wrong in their country and what should be done. They never identified with the wrongs or the misdeeds of their country. It’s very surprising. On the contrary they said: “Mother, all these countries require Your attention so that they should be corrected.” Their politicians should be corrected, their citizens should be corrected and that people should really evolve into a new consciousness. All of them have been working it out. Now we have here very few Sahaja Yogis from abroad, but I tell you it’s surprising how these Sahaja Yogis have enlightened thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis all over the world. They are the ones who are working. I am not working like them. They work very hard. You can see the way we have got these felicitations from all these people, all because they approached these people, told them all about Sahaja Yoga, they might have even given them Realization. And that’s how they have worked it out. So, we have to worry about our own country and its own problems. Why these problems are there? And I tell you, your wishes and your efforts will definitely improve the conditions of your own countries. And it’s happening in everywhere, also should happen in India. Once we are Realized souls, it is our most important duty is, first of all, look after your own societies, look after your own country. If you can’t do that, what’s the use of getting Self-realization? Because Self-realization stands on one power – and the power of love. And one art – art of selfless love. If that is there, immediately you start seeing the people who are surrounding you, who are in your village, who are also in the neighbourhood, or also who are in your city and in your country. Immediately you start understanding what’s the problem. Even your own society, for I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga people have tried to improve so many things in their own society. Now we have many Hindus, many Muslims, Christians, all kinds of people, but I was amazed at one thing, once they got Realization, they never identified with the wrong things of their society or of their religions. On the contrary they wanted to improve it and work it out. But there’s a very simple way of doing it. You don’t have to go out of the way to change people or to make any sacrifices, nothing of the kind. Everybody today is suffering from some sort of anxiety, some sort of problems, some sort of worries. Also, they are suffering from other problems. Now if you can tell them that, “you can be transformed. You can be transformed, transformed into a being which is absolutely above all these worries, above all these problems.” How can that be? One can ask. Actually, what happens that when you get your Self-realization, your attention gets enlightened by the Self, means the Spirit, and automatically you start dropping your destructive habits, destructive thoughts and destructive activities. You suddenly become so constructive. Now I’ll tell you one thing, I was amazed when I was in Togliatti in Russia, a news came to Me that the head of the mafia has become a Sahaja Yogi. [Applause] And, I was, I was so touched by that. And he came to Me and he said, “I was doing all nonsensical things. I never got any satisfaction, no joy. But this is something, I really can feel the joy and satisfaction within myself. Mother, whatever was my past, will You forgive me?” I said, “Forgiven. [Applause] What is important is the present, and now you have become a Sahaja Yogi. It’s such a credit to your spiritual growth the way you have achieved it.” He said, “Now, I have that peace. I have that joy and I want to share it with others. I could never share my money with others. I used to grab money from others.” I said, “I don’t want to have any confessions. Finished! Now, as you have become a Sahaja Yogi, what will you do?” Surprisingly, he was very sweet. He said, “I will send some onions to India.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Because there is a problem about onions.” [Shri Mataji laughs] I thought, “look at this man – how genuine he has become, how humane.” I said, “We have no such problem. You don’t worry.” And then you see his way of looking at things and working out things was so tremendous, that the same fellow who was a big mafia leader has become such a big, great, honorable person in that career. And then he wanted to be elected to the municipal, some elections. I said, “Go ahead. You’ll be elected. If you are not elected, doesn’t matter.” But he got elected also. So, you see how things work out for a person who wants to be the Spirit. Shivaji has said “Swadharma Jagwawa”. This is the only message he gave for the future. “Swadharma Jagwawa”. “Swa” means the Spirit. You awaken your Spirit. That is what we have to achieve. Because he himself was a Realized soul. So, he said, “This is what you have to do, is to make your Spirit awaken.” Now with that light of the Spirit, what happens? You just see clearly, very clearly, you see what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with your society, what’s wrong in your country. Everything you see very clearly, and you also have power to correct it. If you are aware of your power and if you have mastered it, you can do it. You can do it not for yourself, but for your family, for your society, for everyone. My husband always used to say, “You are a socialist because you can’t exist yourself alone. You must share with others, because you see, you are so collective.” But the thing is, you see, we have to understand we are a collective. We cannot exist alone anywhere we are all collective. We are not aware of it. But when you become aware of it, you are so surprised that you are part and parcel of the whole. That you don’t have to look for company in your own society, in your own "samaja". Nothing. What you want is just to have the company of all the Sahaja Yogis, and this has proved beyond doubt that if you are spiritually awakened, you have no quarrels with each other, no hatred, no competition. I have not seen anybody doing that in Sahaja Yoga. And that is how things have become so much better for all of you together and also outside. One of the ambassadors, she told Me that, “Mother, we are very happy.” I said, “Why?” “Because we are not competitive. So, everybody is happy with us.” This is what it is: that you realize that you don’t have to worry about getting something higher position, getting into something very rich, you can say properties. No! Because the satisfaction part is within you. You are so satisfied within yourself that you don’t run after things. Like the economics, the modern economics, as it is, it is based on one simple factor that human beings are never satisfied. Today they want something, they’ll run for it and do every sort of thing and make money, get it. Then they are not satisfied. They want to have something else. And then they want to have something else. This is the basis of economics – I mean, modern economics. But Sahaja Yoga is different. Sahaja Yoga economics is this thing that, "I have got realization. All right! I must share with others. If I have got the satisfaction, I must share with them". The sharing part is so important in Sahaja Yoga, and which people are doing with such beauty. As I told you the other day that we have to learn the art of loving. It’s very simple if you know how to say few sweet things, how to give something sweetly, how to share with others very sweetly. It is not difficult for you at all because you have got your Spirit to give you the joy. I know Sahaja Yoga has done wonders. People have given up drugs overnight. Now in America they have a proposal for us that we should start a drug addiction thing, is to remove the drug addictions, some sort of an organization and all that. And Sahaja Yogis said that, “We have one million dollar. Can we do with that?” “No, No!” they said, “We’ll give you twenty-one million dollars.” “What will you do with twenty-one million dollars?” I said. “If you want to build something for the drug addiction, you only need them to come there. Overnight, they will give up their drugs”. I have seen that and there are some sitting here. Such a power your Spirit has! Such a beauty it has, and such love and peace it has! Only it is to be brought into your attention which is going hither, thither, thither. Only if your attention is enlightened by the Spirit, you become such a wonderful person. All these things as they had described in Sanskrit: Kama, Krodha, Mada, Matsarya, Lobha, Moha [desire, anger, greed, pride, jealousy, attachment] – all of them drop by themselves. All the anger, all the stupid things we do, and all the aggressive things we do, drops out. I have asked some Sahaja Yogis to go to Kashmir and make them Sahaja Yogis. If you can make them Sahaja Yogis this problem will be over. And there are some willing to go there. Some foreign Sahaja Yogis specially have offered their services to go and change the people’s mind. Now we have! We have changed people, like we have now in a place called Benin, there are seven hundred – seven thousand – Muslims who were very fundamentalist, they all have become Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey, we have already two thousand Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey! So even fanaticism of any kind – among Hindus or among Muslims, among Christians – can be easily changed because they will see the beauty of their Spirit, and their religion itself will get enlightened. They will see the beauty of their religion. They will see the oneness of all these religions, and like that a global religion can be accepted where all religions will be understood properly. There have been deviations in every religion and that’s why there’s a problem. Can you fight in the name of religion when there is only one God? They do because they are ignorant. I don’t blame them. They have no light. But once they have the light, they will understand what is the global nature of religion. Now, you’ll be surprised that Sahaja Yoga – or we can call the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma – has been accepted in Russia as a religious identity. But it is not religion like other religions are. It is not at all of that kind. It’s a religion where only we believe in compassion, love and also in our own power that nobody can touch you. Nobody can kill you. You will be amazed that there was such a big earthquake in Turkey but Sahaja Yogis, none of them were touched. Even their houses were completely all right when the rest was all destroyed. So many places, so many places it has happened. We had hurricane there – the same thing. All over, they are sending Me reports, “Mother, how all the Sahaja Yogis are saved.” How they are perfectly all right! Because you are protected by the Divine power! We have to believe in the Divine power, which all the religions have believed. Then the problem comes whether you should believe in the form or formless. Then you will realize that with the formless only you can understand the form. Very simple thing it is to look at, but it is really extremely surprising. For example, once I said that Mecca is a "Makeshwar Shiva" written down in our books. But I didn’t know that I just said it. And now I read an article that they were all worshippers of Shiva. And this is something surprising that Mohammad Sahib never talked about any religion. Nobody has read even that, we can say, the Koran. Nobody has read. We have a very good book written on Koran, which of course I guided, and it’s so clearly saying what Mohammad Sahib has said. I mean also this brings discredit to people. Christ never said things which Christians are saying. Same with the Hindus. They are doing things which was never, never written in any shastra. Very surprising that these people who are in charge of religion they are the ones who are spoiling the image of religions and creating this problem. I don’t know why they want to do it. What is the use? Now, regarding, regarding Sakara [God in Form] and Nirakara [Formless] it’s very simple to be understood. After getting Realization you can feel the "spanda" [pulsation], you can call it – or vibratory awareness is there. With that you can feel what is truth what is not. Now I would say that there is no truth in worshipping a statue which is created by a drunkard or a person who is using it for money. But even in the Bible it is said that whatever created by the sky or by the Mother Earth should not be disrespected. This is what we call as the swayambhu. But swayambhus for people who are not Realized souls is just a sort of a ritual: a "karmakand". It’s just a karmakand. They don’t understand whether this, whatever is a swayambhu or not. Now, you being Sahaja Yogis, you have seen what I have told you that, “Go and see which are the swayambhus”. And you have accepted them. I know in Tukarama’s place, you all were jumping and enjoying it because you could feel the chaitanya, you could feel the vibrations. So first, you should know about Nirakara and then you can find out about Sakara. There is no quarrel about it. But if you are not a Realized soul, how can you say which place is swayambhu and which is not? So, the whole problem is solved. But first, you must have the knowledge, the knowledge of vibrations. Now if you ask Me a very serious question that we are having in our country, which I would like to tell you about is about Shri Rama’s "mandira" [temple]. Was Shri Rama was born there or not? He was! You can feel it onto your hands. You can feel it. All of you can feel it. He was born there. No doubt! But for that, what is there to fight? Whether it’s a masjid or anything Shri Rama was born there. Vibrations are there, whatever it may be. But to glorify Him you must have a temple, doesn’t matter. Whether you have a masjid or a temple is the same! And if you want to have a temple you must do it after Realization not before that. And also, you should put there only realized souls who will be in charge of the Puja. Then only you will do real credit to that great soul of Shri Rama. All of them here, whether whatever their country from, they know Shri Rama. Not only that, but they know where He is within us and they know how to worship Him. They also know about Mohammad Sahib. They also know about Christ. They know the truth about Them within their own body, within themselves. Once that is the knowledge, the true knowledge, the absolute knowledge then what is the quarrel about? Everybody feels the same way. What will you quarrel for? If I say that My country, India, is a Yoga Bhumi; all right, you ask all of them whether they come from this country or that country, all Sahaja Yogis they will say so. So, when they come from abroad, they bow to this country, while we Indians may not. They do, because they know this is a Yoga Bhumi and the Kundalini of the whole universe is inside this Yoga Bhumi. So, all these great things about our country are to be understood through the vibrations which Adi Shakaracharya called as spanda. Actually, most of their poetry could not – because they were not prose – could not explain to normal people what it was. But I think that if you go deep into these matters and understand the absolute knowledge about all this through your spanda, through your vibrations, you will know what is the truth. Because what’s the use of fighting for falsehood? It’s like fighting the darkness. Why not have light and see for yourself? I, today, I have taken some liberty with you, Sir, because I wanted to tell you that in this country of ours, we have the greatest knowledge about truth. Whole Sahaja Yoga is based, whatever I know is from, mostly from our shastras. It’s not ritualism. It’s the deeper knowledge. All saints, whether you take Kabir, you take Nanaka, Mohammad Sahib, anyone, all of them have said, “Seek yourself within”. Why did they say so? Why did they say so? Because inside is the truth, the absolute truth, and with that absolute truth all these stupid, stupid things will drop out and you become a different personality. As it is, the time has come for the whole world to change and transform. But you know, I now request you all to do lot of work for Me. I have done that was possible for Me to work it out and it has worked, no doubt. But you all can do it and change you -first of all your own society, change your own countrymen, change also, then globally you can go. You can help, say for example, in India, some people can come and help here, and from India some could go and help there. So now you are well equipped with that knowledge. So, you should come and work it out. And, I must thank people from Australia who went now to Orissa. And they have formed nine centres – nine centres of Sahaja Yoga. This is happening and you know you can do it. You are quite capable of giving Realization to people. And, please now I request all of you to try this gift that you have, to be shared with others.
Birthday Felicitations (English part), Delhi (India), 22 March 2000. Our honoured guest, our respected Home Affairs Ministry is here, Mr. Advani, who has been always a very great dezabhakt [patriot]. I admired him because he loved his country; he is very patriotic. And this is - [Big applause] And as you know, My father and mother both were very patriotic. They sacrificed everything for the country, and I also was always condemned by everyone as being a very patriotic person. [Applause] We must love the country in which we are born. There is some connection, very great connection, between yourself and your country. And I have seen that after Sahaja Yoga, all those who have been transformed into new visions and new ideas always know what’s wrong in their own country, and so conscious of it. I am surprised that every one of them have been able to tell Me what’s wrong in their country and what should be done. They never identified with the wrongs or the misdeeds of their country. It’s very surprising. On the contrary they said: “Mother, all these countries require Your attention so that they should be corrected.” Their politicians should be corrected, their citizens should be corrected and that people should really evolve into a new consciousness. All of them have been working it out. Now we have here very few Sahaja Yogis from abroad, but I tell you it’s surprising how these Sahaja Yogis have enlightened thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis all over the world. They are the ones who are working. I am not working like them. They work very hard. You can see the way we have got these felicitations from all these people, all because they approached these people, told them all about Sahaja Yoga, they might have even given them Realization. And that’s how they have worked it out. So, we have to worry about our own country and its own problems. Why these problems are there? And I tell you, your wishes and your efforts will definitely improve the conditions of your own countries. And it’s happening in everywhere, also should happen in India. Once we are Realized souls, it is our most important duty is, first of all, look after your own societies, look after your own country. If you can’t do that, what’s the use of getting Self-realization? Because Self-realization stands on one power – and the power of love. And one art – art of selfless love. If that is there, immediately you start seeing the people who are surrounding you, who are in your village, who are also in the neighbourhood, or also who are in your city and in your country. Immediately you start understanding what’s the problem. Even your own society, for I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga people have tried to improve so many things in their own society. Now we have many Hindus, many Muslims, Christians, all kinds of people, but I was amazed at one thing, once they got Realization, they never identified with the wrong things of their society or of their religions. On the contrary they wanted to improve it and work it out. But there’s a very simple way of doing it. You don’t have to go out of the way to change people or to make any sacrifices, nothing of the kind. Everybody today is suffering from some sort of anxiety, some sort of problems, some sort of worries. Also, they are suffering from other problems. Now if you can tell them that, “you can be transformed. You can be transformed, transformed into a being which is absolutely above all these worries, above all these problems.” How can that be? One can ask. Actually, what happens that when you get your Self-realization, your attention gets enlightened by the Self, means the Spirit, and automatically you start dropping your destructive habits, destructive thoughts and destructive activities. You suddenly become so constructive. Now I’ll tell you one thing, I was amazed when I was in Togliatti in Russia, a news came to Me that the head of the mafia has become a Sahaja Yogi. [Applause] And, I was, I was so touched by that. And he came to Me and he said, “I was doing all nonsensical things. I never got any satisfaction, no joy. But this is something, I really can feel the joy and satisfaction within myself. Mother, whatever was my past, will You forgive me?” I said, “Forgiven. [Applause] What is important is the present, and now you have become a Sahaja Yogi. It’s such a credit to your spiritual growth the way you have achieved it.” He said, “Now, I have that peace. I have that joy and I want to share it with others. I could never share my money with others. I used to grab money from others.” I said, “I don’t want to have any confessions. Finished! Now, as you have become a Sahaja Yogi, what will you do?” Surprisingly, he was very sweet. He said, “I will send some onions to India.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Because there is a problem about onions.” [Shri Mataji laughs] I thought, “look at this man – how genuine he has become, how humane.” I said, “We have no such problem. You don’t worry.” And then you see his way of looking at things and working out things was so tremendous, that the same fellow who was a big mafia leader has become such a big, great, honorable person in that career. And then he wanted to be elected to the municipal, some elections. I said, “Go ahead. You’ll be elected. If you are not elected, doesn’t matter.” But he got elected also. So, you see how things work out for a person who wants to be the Spirit. Shivaji has said “Swadharma Jagwawa”. This is the only message he gave for the future. “Swadharma Jagwawa”. “Swa” means the Spirit. You awaken your Spirit. That is what we have to achieve. Because he himself was a Realized soul. So, he said, “This is what you have to do, is to make your Spirit awaken.” Now with that light of the Spirit, what happens? You just see clearly, very clearly, you see what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with your society, what’s wrong in your country. Everything you see very clearly, and you also have power to correct it. If you are aware of your power and if you have mastered it, you can do it. You can do it not for yourself, but for your family, for your society, for everyone. My husband always used to say, “You are a socialist because you can’t exist yourself alone. You must share with others, because you see, you are so collective.” But the thing is, you see, we have to understand we are a collective. We cannot exist alone anywhere we are all collective. We are not aware of it. But when you become aware of it, you are so surprised that you are part and parcel of the whole. That you don’t have to look for company in your own society, in your own "samaja". Nothing. What you want is just to have the company of all the Sahaja Yogis, and this has proved beyond doubt that if you are spiritually awakened, you have no quarrels with each other, no hatred, no competition. I have not seen anybody doing that in Sahaja Yoga. And that is how things have become so much better for all of you together and also outside. One of the ambassadors, she told Me that, “Mother, we are very happy.” I said, “Why?” “Because we are not competitive. So, everybody is happy with us.” This is what it is: that you realize that you don’t have to worry about getting something higher position, getting into something very rich, you can say properties. No! Because the satisfaction part is within you. You are so satisfied within yourself that you don’t run after things. Like the economics, the modern economics, as it is, it is based on one simple factor that human beings are never satisfied. Today they want something, they’ll run for it and do every sort of thing and make money, get it. Then they are not satisfied. They want to have something else. And then they want to have something else. This is the basis of economics – I mean, modern economics. But Sahaja Yoga is different. Sahaja Yoga economics is this thing that, "I have got realization. All right! I must share with others. If I have got the satisfaction, I must share with them". The sharing part is so important in Sahaja Yoga, and which people are doing with such beauty. As I told you the other day that we have to learn the art of loving. It’s very simple if you know how to say few sweet things, how to give something sweetly, how to share with others very sweetly. It is not difficult for you at all because you have got your Spirit to give you the joy. I know Sahaja Yoga has done wonders. People have given up drugs overnight. Now in America they have a proposal for us that we should start a drug addiction thing, is to remove the drug addictions, some sort of an organization and all that. And Sahaja Yogis said that, “We have one million dollar. Can we do with that?” “No, No!” they said, “We’ll give you twenty-one million dollars.” “What will you do with twenty-one million dollars?” I said. “If you want to build something for the drug addiction, you only need them to come there. Overnight, they will give up their drugs”. I have seen that and there are some sitting here. Such a power your Spirit has! Such a beauty it has, and such love and peace it has! Only it is to be brought into your attention which is going hither, thither, thither. Only if your attention is enlightened by the Spirit, you become such a wonderful person. All these things as they had described in Sanskrit: Kama, Krodha, Mada, Matsarya, Lobha, Moha [desire, anger, greed, pride, jealousy, attachment] – all of them drop by themselves. All the anger, all the stupid things we do, and all the aggressive things we do, drops out. I have asked some Sahaja Yogis to go to Kashmir and make them Sahaja Yogis. If you can make them Sahaja Yogis this problem will be over. And there are some willing to go there. Some foreign Sahaja Yogis specially have offered their services to go and change the people’s mind. Now we have! We have changed people, like we have now in a place called Benin, there are seven hundred – seven thousand – Muslims who were very fundamentalist, they all have become Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey, we have already two thousand Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey! So even fanaticism of any kind – among Hindus or among Muslims, among Christians – can be easily changed because they will see the beauty of their Spirit, and their religion itself will get enlightened. They will see the beauty of their religion. They will see the oneness of all these religions, and like that a global religion can be accepted where all religions will be understood properly. There have been deviations in every religion and that’s why there’s a problem. Can you fight in the name of religion when there is only one God? They do because they are ignorant. I don’t blame them. They have no light. But once they have the light, they will understand what is the global nature of religion. Now, you’ll be surprised that Sahaja Yoga – or we can call the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma – has been accepted in Russia as a religious identity. But it is not religion like other religions are. It is not at all of that kind. It’s a religion where only we believe in compassion, love and also in our own power that nobody can touch you. Nobody can kill you. You will be amazed that there was such a big earthquake in Turkey but Sahaja Yogis, none of them were touched. Even their houses were completely all right when the rest was all destroyed. So many places, so many places it has happened. We had hurricane there – the same thing. All over, they are sending Me reports, “Mother, how all the Sahaja Yogis are saved.” How they are perfectly all right! Because you are protected by the Divine power! We have to believe in the Divine power, which all the religions have believed. Then the problem comes whether you should believe in the form or formless. Then you will realize that with the formless only you can understand the form. Very simple thing it is to look at, but it is really extremely surprising. For example, once I said that Mecca is a "Makeshwar Shiva" written down in our books. But I didn’t know that I just said it. And now I read an article that they were all worshippers of Shiva. And this is something surprising that Mohammad Sahib never talked about any religion. Nobody has read even that, we can say, the Koran. Nobody has read. We have a very good book written on Koran, which of course I guided, and it’s so clearly saying what Mohammad Sahib has said. I mean also this brings discredit to people. Christ never said things which Christians are saying. Same with the Hindus. They are doing things which was never, never written in any shastra. Very surprising that these people who are in charge of religion they are the ones who are spoiling the image of religions and creating this problem. I don’t know why they want to do it. What is the use? Now, regarding, regarding Sakara [God in Form] and Nirakara [Formless] it’s very simple to be understood. After getting Realization you can feel the "spanda" [pulsation], you can call it – or vibratory awareness is there. With that you can feel what is truth what is not. Now I would say that there is no truth in worshipping a statue which is created by a drunkard or a person who is using it for money. But even in the Bible it is said that whatever created by the sky or by the Mother Earth should not be disrespected. This is what we call as the swayambhu. But swayambhus for people who are not Realized souls is just a sort of a ritual: a "karmakand". It’s just a karmakand. They don’t understand whether this, whatever is a swayambhu or not. Now, you being Sahaja Yogis, you have seen what I have told you that, “Go and see which are the swayambhus”. And you have accepted them. I know in Tukarama’s place, you all were jumping and enjoying it because you could feel the chaitanya, you could feel the vibrations. So first, you should know about Nirakara and then you can find out about Sakara. There is no quarrel about it. But if you are not a Realized soul, how can you say which place is swayambhu and which is not? So, the whole problem is solved. But first, you must have the knowledge, the knowledge of vibrations. Now if you ask Me a very serious question that we are having in our country, which I would like to tell you about is about Shri Rama’s "mandira" [temple]. Was Shri Rama was born there or not? He was! You can feel it onto your hands. You can feel it. All of you can feel it. He was born there. No doubt! But for that, what is there to fight? Whether it’s a masjid or anything Shri Rama was born there. Vibrations are there, whatever it may be. But to glorify Him you must have a temple, doesn’t matter. Whether you have a masjid or a temple is the same! And if you want to have a temple you must do it after Realization not before that. And also, you should put there only realized souls who will be in charge of the Puja. Then only you will do real credit to that great soul of Shri Rama. All of them here, whether whatever their country from, they know Shri Rama. Not only that, but they know where He is within us and they know how to worship Him. They also know about Mohammad Sahib. They also know about Christ. They know the truth about Them within their own body, within themselves. Once that is the knowledge, the true knowledge, the absolute knowledge then what is the quarrel about? Everybody feels the same way. What will you quarrel for? If I say that My country, India, is a Yoga Bhumi; all right, you ask all of them whether they come from this country or that country, all Sahaja Yogis they will say so. So, when they come from abroad, they bow to this country, while we Indians may not. They do, because they know this is a Yoga Bhumi and the Kundalini of the whole universe is inside this Yoga Bhumi. So, all these great things about our country are to be understood through the vibrations which Adi Shakaracharya called as spanda. Actually, most of their poetry could not – because they were not prose – could not explain to normal people what it was. But I think that if you go deep into these matters and understand the absolute knowledge about all this through your spanda, through your vibrations, you will know what is the truth. Because what’s the use of fighting for falsehood? It’s like fighting the darkness. Why not have light and see for yourself? I, today, I have taken some liberty with you, Sir, because I wanted to tell you that in this country of ours, we have the greatest knowledge about truth. Whole Sahaja Yoga is based, whatever I know is from, mostly from our shastras. It’s not ritualism. It’s the deeper knowledge. All saints, whether you take Kabir, you take Nanaka, Mohammad Sahib, anyone, all of them have said, “Seek yourself within”. Why did they say so? Why did they say so? Because inside is the truth, the absolute truth, and with that absolute truth all these stupid, stupid things will drop out and you become a different personality. As it is, the time has come for the whole world to change and transform. But you know, I now request you all to do lot of work for Me. I have done that was possible for Me to work it out and it has worked, no doubt. But you all can do it and change you -first of all your own society, change your own countrymen, change also, then globally you can go. You can help, say for example, in India, some people can come and help here, and from India some could go and help there. So now you are well equipped with that knowledge. So, you should come and work it out. And, I must thank people from Australia who went now to Orissa. And they have formed nine centres – nine centres of Sahaja Yoga. This is happening and you know you can do it. You are quite capable of giving Realization to people. And, please now I request all of you to try this gift that you have, to be shared with others.
Marriages and Talk to Brides and to Grooms
New Delhi
Marriages at Birthday Puja: "Talks to Brides and to Grooms". Delhi (India), 23 March 2000. I am very happy to see you all here, and you should know you are going for a little different life, that you are getting married in Sahaja Yoga. There’s a difference between the other marriages and Sahaja Yoga marriage in which we understand that marriage has to be a special, as they call yagnya, means a special type of a holy alliance in which you have to lead a very Sahaj life with your wife and to understand her. She is also Sahaja Yogini. So you must respect her and you must love her, and she should really understand that you are her caring, loving, gentle husband. You must show all concern about her because she is a Sahaja Yogini. She is not an ordinary woman, and with that respect I am sure you’ll be able to lead a very beautiful Sahaj married life. As it is, in Sahaja Yoga, as you know we don’t criticize each other. We see the good points of another person and we have a great capacity to forgive. So to forgive is not to tolerate or to suffer, but you forgive just because you are very noble, you are a Sahaja Yogi. So don’t try to find faults with your wife all the time. Also you shouldn’t give her all the time orders – this, do this, do that - but join hands with her. Because in Sahaja Yoga we don’t believe in an individual’s rights as to dominate another person. So what you should see the need to help her, to understand her and to share all the problems. Not to put problems on to her, but to give her all the helping hand that is needed. She’s your companion. She’s not your slave. She’s not your servant, neither you are sort of, I should say, a boss of her. So all those qualities are not to be seen in a Sahaja Yogi, and understanding is the best part. Try to understand her side also. Sometimes they are coming from another country and are of a different culture. So try to understand. This is how you’ll understand what is the culture of that country from where she comes. Also it’s good for children that you must always respect, always respect your wife. You shouldn’t have some sort of a ideal about your wife. And, forget about all the other conditionings you have had or you have seen in the society. You are a very different people. You are absolutely chosen people for a very special work of Sahaja Yoga. So once you start understanding this point that you are here to marry girls who are Sahaja Yoginis and who will look after you. I will also tell them what they have to do. But I would request you that do not have domination of a man or thinking that you are the head of the family to trouble the wife. Share with her. Please understand that and once you start doing that, you will enjoy helping her and understanding her. I hope your marriages are very, very successful and that you get very beautiful, sweet children who are born realized souls. I am sure you will have a very happy life ahead of you. So go for that, go for a happy life by making her happy, by making every one happy and looking after everything in a Sahaj way. So may God bless you all. Talk to Brides – Delhi, India, March 23, 2000 Very nice to see all of you so beautifully dressed and looking so nice. I want to tell you one thing, that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga to Sahaja Yogis. Always remember this point. As it is, we see there are so many marriages breaking and all kinds of things happening in Sahaja Yoga. Also, we get sometimes one percent. Only one percent! Why? Because they understand the responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. So, I want all of you to remember that you are getting married to a Sahaja Yogi, and you must always remember this fact. You must respect him, you must look after him and care for him. Sometimes he may lose little bit of his balance. It is you who has to bring him back to balance with very gentle ways. It is your duty to preserve the society of Sahaja Yogis. People will come to your house. If they are Sahaja Yogis, their wives, their children, you must look after them because you are in charge of the society of Sahaja Yoga. You may be earning a lot, you may be very well equipped, must be that, but you must always be humble and understand that you have to carry out the work of Sahaja Yoga through your marriage. This is a very big responsibility. In your case it is the preservation of the society that is of Sahaja Yoga people, their children. So you have to love all of them. You must care for them. Never think this is your own house and that you are the queen of the house. But you are the mother, you are the sister, you are the complete relation of these people who are Sahaja Yogis. So when they come to your house you must show all respect and regard. Never complain about them to your husband. He won’t like it. And also you must remember that your patience and your love and your guidance will definitely help to build your married life. If you want to be happy, you must know how to make others happy also. If you do not know how to make others happy, you can never be happy. So, you should not think about your own demands, your own needs, your own, you can say, ideas or anything. Whatever is there you have to do it in a very gentle manner because you are the women, you are the ladies. So your style should be gentle, should not shout, you should not get angry, you should not treat anyone shabbily. I will immediately know who is an unkind hostess. That people will tell Me that, “Mother she is a funny woman, she doesn’t know how to behave.” So I don’t want to hear that. I want to hear that you are very sweet, nice wives who will look after the husband, who will look after the family of Sahaja Yogis. That’s your job. There’s nothing to feel degraded in that or less in that. That’s what is you have to do in Sahaja Yoga. That’s why you are so important. You don’t know the role of woman is so important, so very important that she can change the whole family into a beautiful garden. It is her own sweetness, her own creative mind of love that can work it out. Must find out the art of love and work it out on anybody who is disturbed, or who is unhappy, or who is crossed. You can do it. You should know how to pacify that person and how to impress. First quality you must have is the generosity of character. You should not mind giving up anything to anyone if they want. You will enjoy your generosity now and in that you should be generous when you forgive others. Forgiveness is very important, and then you will never feel the brunt of your married life. Forgive. Also you have to forgive yourself. Not to feel guilty, not to feel guilty at all about anything, because after all you are also Sahaja Yogis, and if you have done anything wrong, it’s all right, doesn’t matter. But you should have the sweetness, the sweetness of a wife who will emit love and peace to others. You should not be source of some sort of a dominating personality or a person who is aggressive, not at all. On the contrary you are the one who can bear lots of things and make a fun out of every nonsense that you see. Nothing is so serious to fight it, but to make a fun out of all that and make a fun for every one. That’s what you have to be, always smiling and happy. You will be amazed, you can make beautiful marriages for yourself, for your husband and all for Sahaja Yoga. So I am also very sure, if you make a successful marriage, you will have very, very good children who will be born realized. So you should be good mothers. Mothers who can really do good to the children and to other children also. All that is stored for you in future. I know you’ll all be enjoying very much your future life and make it so beautiful that everybody should talk, that “look at these Sahaja Yoginis, how they have made their lives happy!” It’s a very, very important thing that we should pay attention to our own mistakes than to the mistakes of others, and try to correct them. See, they are themselves capable of looking after themselves. Only you should care for them and also you should in every way be very kind and gentle. I am sure you all can make very, very good families which nowadays are not available. You don’t see people who are happy in the family. So no complaints about the husband, no complaints about anybody to the husband, but you make yourself so sweet that everybody wants to take your guidance, your love and they’ll come to you. I am sure this you can work it out. There are so many Sahaja Yoginis who have brought such credit to Me and have done such good work. I expect the same from you. May God bless you. This ceremony is called as Gauri Puja, means you are still Gauris. You are the Gauris and that the virgins, and you have to worship the Mother for your future life as married women.
Marriages at Birthday Puja: "Talks to Brides and to Grooms". Delhi (India), 23 March 2000. I am very happy to see you all here, and you should know you are going for a little different life, that you are getting married in Sahaja Yoga. There’s a difference between the other marriages and Sahaja Yoga marriage in which we understand that marriage has to be a special, as they call yagnya, means a special type of a holy alliance in which you have to lead a very Sahaj life with your wife and to understand her. She is also Sahaja Yogini. So you must respect her and you must love her, and she should really understand that you are her caring, loving, gentle husband. You must show all concern about her because she is a Sahaja Yogini. She is not an ordinary woman, and with that respect I am sure you’ll be able to lead a very beautiful Sahaj married life. As it is, in Sahaja Yoga, as you know we don’t criticize each other. We see the good points of another person and we have a great capacity to forgive. So to forgive is not to tolerate or to suffer, but you forgive just because you are very noble, you are a Sahaja Yogi. So don’t try to find faults with your wife all the time. Also you shouldn’t give her all the time orders – this, do this, do that - but join hands with her. Because in Sahaja Yoga we don’t believe in an individual’s rights as to dominate another person. So what you should see the need to help her, to understand her and to share all the problems. Not to put problems on to her, but to give her all the helping hand that is needed. She’s your companion. She’s not your slave. She’s not your servant, neither you are sort of, I should say, a boss of her. So all those qualities are not to be seen in a Sahaja Yogi, and understanding is the best part. Try to understand her side also. Sometimes they are coming from another country and are of a different culture. So try to understand. This is how you’ll understand what is the culture of that country from where she comes. Also it’s good for children that you must always respect, always respect your wife. You shouldn’t have some sort of a ideal about your wife. And, forget about all the other conditionings you have had or you have seen in the society. You are a very different people. You are absolutely chosen people for a very special work of Sahaja Yoga. So once you start understanding this point that you are here to marry girls who are Sahaja Yoginis and who will look after you. I will also tell them what they have to do. But I would request you that do not have domination of a man or thinking that you are the head of the family to trouble the wife. Share with her. Please understand that and once you start doing that, you will enjoy helping her and understanding her. I hope your marriages are very, very successful and that you get very beautiful, sweet children who are born realized souls. I am sure you will have a very happy life ahead of you. So go for that, go for a happy life by making her happy, by making every one happy and looking after everything in a Sahaj way. So may God bless you all. Talk to Brides – Delhi, India, March 23, 2000 Very nice to see all of you so beautifully dressed and looking so nice. I want to tell you one thing, that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga to Sahaja Yogis. Always remember this point. As it is, we see there are so many marriages breaking and all kinds of things happening in Sahaja Yoga. Also, we get sometimes one percent. Only one percent! Why? Because they understand the responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. So, I want all of you to remember that you are getting married to a Sahaja Yogi, and you must always remember this fact. You must respect him, you must look after him and care for him. Sometimes he may lose little bit of his balance. It is you who has to bring him back to balance with very gentle ways. It is your duty to preserve the society of Sahaja Yogis. People will come to your house. If they are Sahaja Yogis, their wives, their children, you must look after them because you are in charge of the society of Sahaja Yoga. You may be earning a lot, you may be very well equipped, must be that, but you must always be humble and understand that you have to carry out the work of Sahaja Yoga through your marriage. This is a very big responsibility. In your case it is the preservation of the society that is of Sahaja Yoga people, their children. So you have to love all of them. You must care for them. Never think this is your own house and that you are the queen of the house. But you are the mother, you are the sister, you are the complete relation of these people who are Sahaja Yogis. So when they come to your house you must show all respect and regard. Never complain about them to your husband. He won’t like it. And also you must remember that your patience and your love and your guidance will definitely help to build your married life. If you want to be happy, you must know how to make others happy also. If you do not know how to make others happy, you can never be happy. So, you should not think about your own demands, your own needs, your own, you can say, ideas or anything. Whatever is there you have to do it in a very gentle manner because you are the women, you are the ladies. So your style should be gentle, should not shout, you should not get angry, you should not treat anyone shabbily. I will immediately know who is an unkind hostess. That people will tell Me that, “Mother she is a funny woman, she doesn’t know how to behave.” So I don’t want to hear that. I want to hear that you are very sweet, nice wives who will look after the husband, who will look after the family of Sahaja Yogis. That’s your job. There’s nothing to feel degraded in that or less in that. That’s what is you have to do in Sahaja Yoga. That’s why you are so important. You don’t know the role of woman is so important, so very important that she can change the whole family into a beautiful garden. It is her own sweetness, her own creative mind of love that can work it out. Must find out the art of love and work it out on anybody who is disturbed, or who is unhappy, or who is crossed. You can do it. You should know how to pacify that person and how to impress. First quality you must have is the generosity of character. You should not mind giving up anything to anyone if they want. You will enjoy your generosity now and in that you should be generous when you forgive others. Forgiveness is very important, and then you will never feel the brunt of your married life. Forgive. Also you have to forgive yourself. Not to feel guilty, not to feel guilty at all about anything, because after all you are also Sahaja Yogis, and if you have done anything wrong, it’s all right, doesn’t matter. But you should have the sweetness, the sweetness of a wife who will emit love and peace to others. You should not be source of some sort of a dominating personality or a person who is aggressive, not at all. On the contrary you are the one who can bear lots of things and make a fun out of every nonsense that you see. Nothing is so serious to fight it, but to make a fun out of all that and make a fun for every one. That’s what you have to be, always smiling and happy. You will be amazed, you can make beautiful marriages for yourself, for your husband and all for Sahaja Yoga. So I am also very sure, if you make a successful marriage, you will have very, very good children who will be born realized. So you should be good mothers. Mothers who can really do good to the children and to other children also. All that is stored for you in future. I know you’ll all be enjoying very much your future life and make it so beautiful that everybody should talk, that “look at these Sahaja Yoginis, how they have made their lives happy!” It’s a very, very important thing that we should pay attention to our own mistakes than to the mistakes of others, and try to correct them. See, they are themselves capable of looking after themselves. Only you should care for them and also you should in every way be very kind and gentle. I am sure you all can make very, very good families which nowadays are not available. You don’t see people who are happy in the family. So no complaints about the husband, no complaints about anybody to the husband, but you make yourself so sweet that everybody wants to take your guidance, your love and they’ll come to you. I am sure this you can work it out. There are so many Sahaja Yoginis who have brought such credit to Me and have done such good work. I expect the same from you. May God bless you. This ceremony is called as Gauri Puja, means you are still Gauris. You are the Gauris and that the virgins, and you have to worship the Mother for your future life as married women.
Commands of Intellect and its Effect
New Delhi
Public Program
English, Hindi
Public Program, Hamari Atma kya chij hai, New Delhi 25-03-2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. So far we did not know what is the truth. We accepted whatever the brain made us believe. The brain misguided so much that we started justifying all our deeds. Man moved away from the path of truth. We started running after the material gains. Human connections with truth was severed and human beings fell into the unknown abyss. Now people are surprised as to how it happened? Why such a situation arose? Why did man shift from wisdom to (un-wise) wickedness? Wickedness took the place of wisdom. This wickedness benefited neither the individual nor anyone else. Sometimes we are alarmed to see the happenings around like bloodshed and violence. Even small children are not spared. Many such perversions have set in. I can only say that there is an extreme “kaliyuga”. The scriptures have not described the age/period to be so terrible. Scriptures made just a mention of it. It’s written that in this age people will have their meals in the utensils of iron instead of brass. Many such formal things have been referred to, but the scene before us is horrible and sad. Man should not lose his way. In search of happiness he ran after the wrong things and happiness remained a mirage. He sank in deep darkness. Man doesn’t know that his deeds are evil and that he has to suffer as a result, such things-deeds have grown so much that one doesn’t understand what is going to be the fate of this world. There are many problems in our country and other countries as well. It is incorrect to think that the people of other countries are right. They are also searching and struggling to achieve the state of humanity. They want to achieve the state where they become human. The result of these circumstances is that Human have got disillusioned and disappointed; he is hopeless in the situation. No one has a solution for these circumstances/state of affairs. We should remember that saints and seers have told us to “Search within”. Solutions to all the problems are within us; Kabir Sahib said-“ Kahe Re Ban Khojan Jai, Sada Niwasi, Sada Ananta, Tohe Sang Smai”.The eternal one resides within you, He is always with you. Who is this eternal one about which the saints of the world talked? All the “Dharmas” mentioned it, Religion was misinterpreted in such a way that it created confusion and people forgot the reality that they have to search within.Our soul resides within us. It is fully alive in every being. This Atma is the reflection of the Almighty God in our heart. All the saints talked about it. But people say that ‘Mother we have not known any such thing’. Now the time has come for you to know about your soul and how to experience it. How can we achieve Atma. The ‘Atma’ within us is witnessing everything. We have neglected it to such an extent that now it does not warn us against our misdeeds. We have changed our wisdom into wickedness and are unable to see our misdeeds. We go on committing all sorts of wrong things and justify ourselves. That is how we lose our sense of discretion. Now we have to know as to how to achieve the spirit. For this, the arrangement/instrument exists in our body. We need not search it outside. Kundalini, the sacred power is placed in your triangular bone called Sacrum. When it is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets united to All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. It is described in our scriptures. Many saints from our countrywent to other countries. I think Machhindra Nath and Gorakh Nath also went to many countries. Bolivian people know about them. They know the names of the chakras and also they know about kundalini. It is known in Russia. The many old traditional paintings world over have painted plexuses and chakras. If you travel a little in the above countries, then you will be surprised at how and from where they have come to know about it! Some of our saints have gone there and shared about it, this is what is reported/told. In India also they told and wrote about Kundalini, it resides within you.“Nath Panthis” avoided to tell about it because they were afraid of this power being misused by the people. This has happened- many, so-called saints who read about it have spread misconceptions about it and made it a source of making money. That’s why our ancient saints might have thought that the awakening is not meant for ordinary people. In the twelfth century, saint Gyaneshwara sought permission from his Guru to write about Kundalini in his book – Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari, he wrote about kundalini. Since the pandits were making money in the name of God and were not wise enough to understand it, they told people that the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari is prohibited. They told people not to read it, as it is useless, it is not meant for ordinary people. Recently, I heard a lecture from a renowned Babaji. He said, that you won’t be able to understand about it, you are all worldly people, not saints.You always keep running after material desires and that is being true to your nature and everybody accepted what he said. He said you should not go to Sahaja Yoga as it is the path of knowledge (Gyan Marga) and you are not made for it but for worldly desires. People were asked to serve their Guru and do all sorts of rituals and people accepted them as true. People do not introspect as to why they are doing this. But the people who do not know the Sanskrit Language think them (Babaji) to be right. These babas ask them to do all sorts of fasting and penance. They prescribed so many rituals (“karma kanda”) to the seekers that they are inextricably caught in them. Without trying to understand the benefits of these rituals, they keep on repeating them for generations. Mohammad Sahib told very clearly that idol worship is prohibited. But Muslims goes round the black stone placed in Mecca. Why did Mohammad Sahib ask them to go round this stone? On the one side, he forbade idol worship and on the other asked Muslims go around the sacred stone. The reason for this is, that the stone in Mecca is Meccashwar Shiva. But how would you know the truth about it? How would you know about the “swayambhu” idols? You do not know. How to differentiate? When the kundalini is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets connected to the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, then Divine cool vibrations start flowing from your hands. Then your hands can decipher truth from untruth. Such a beautiful arrangement has already been made in us. There is no need to make any arrangements. Now your hands reveal everything. Mohammad Sahib said that at the time of ‘Kiyamat’ (judgement day) your hands will speak. The time of Kiyama has come. Now get it. Hands will speak and reveal what is truth and what is untruth. What is good and what is bad. If someone says, “what is there in Mecca?” stretch your hands towards Mecca and see for yourself. All the Sahaj Yogis can feel the Chaitanya and differentiate between the truth and untruth. Such a beautiful instrument is created within. The whole subtle system is installed within us. When you achieve this state of self-realization then you automatically get rid of all the negativities. Your six enemies, anger, lust, attachment, ego, jealousy and greed run away from you. When we conducted the first public programme in England, six drug addicts came to the program. We were astonished that they were relieved of their drug addiction the second day itself. It was really astonishing. They said, these drugs are useless, we do not like the drugs now. They were fully transformed, people. Today they are beautiful Sahaja Yogis working for the spreading of SahajaYoga. You have to achieve this thing. Know your spirit. Arrangements have been made in us to achieve this Divine Knowledge. Or we can say that this machine is installed within us. When it becomes operative then you experience many miracles about yourself. All the drunkards, who came to Sahaja Yoga have left Alcohol. Wicked people have left their wickedness. I went to Taliyati, there a Mafia Don accepted Sahaja Yoga. I asked how has he accepted Sahaja Yoga? He came to meet me. He was so humble! He said, “Shri Mataji I have committed many crimes. Could I be forgiven?” I said. “You are forgiven”. That is the thing of the past. Today I am talking to you in the present. Now in the present, what are you? You have to see how much you have been transformed. The way he has done was really astonishing. How could this Mafia Don get so much transformed? This happened. No lecture was given to him nor was he made to understand something. This is happening and it was to happen in “Kaliyuga” because in kali yuga people will be transformed. After transformation one becomes so beautiful and pure. Today this world needs this transformation. To bring about this transformation I think, is the duty of all the Sahaj Yogis. I did my best. Worked very hard, went to so many countries in the world. Now it is the duty of all the Sahaja Yogis to tell everyone about Sahaj Yoga and get them transformed. Many people have gone astray in the name of God Almighty and in the name of Dharma. When you give them Self Realisation, they will be enlightened. If the connection of all these lights burning here is severed with the Mains: then could they give light? It is same in the case of human beings. We have to be connected to this great power, which has always been the eternal truth. It existed in the past and exists today. When your attention gets enlightened you become an enlightened person. Such a person works for the benevolence of the whole world. If human beings are transformed, all the problems will be solved. Man is the root cause of all the problems. With his transformation all the problems, all the difficulties will go away. So we should try to give Realization to more and more people. After awakening, I have seen, there is no quarrel, no turmoil’s, any country they may belong to, there is no quarrelling, no fight. They meet each other with an open heart. It is a great ocean of joy. Sahaja Yogis enjoy being together. It is the tradition of our country that together we should live like brothers and help each other in every way. This is our culture. Though strange things have happened and this country was divided into many parts. Still, there are many disputes in the country. People are quarrelling everywhere. On one issue or the other, people are ready to fight with each other, and groups are formed for this purpose. It is inhuman. Even animals do not behave like that. Human beings should not be like that. The human being is the highest among the creations of the Divine. God Almighty has made such a beautiful arrangement in us to get our awakening. We do not have to spend anything on it. One gentleman said to me. “I will pay you One Lakhs Rupees if you awaken my kundalini.” I replied, “I am willing to pay you Two Lakh Rupees for keeping silent.” Kundalini knows no money. It is a divine power within you. It could be awakened if you have a pure desire. It could not be forced upon you. It could be worked out only if you have a pure desire. No other desire is pure (self- realisation). Had it been pure, the shape of the modern economy would have been altogether different. When you get the house you desired, the desire shifts to next thing like car etc. One does not get satisfied or contented because it is not a pure desire. Anything which is not a pure desire will never give contentment. Self-realization is the only pure desire. The spirit resides in your attention. The light of the spirit will give you joy and peace. It will enlighten you in every way and it will make you collective. You will become collectively conscious. We consider ourselves to be separate entities. They are such and such, and we are such and such. In the eyes of God, human beings are one, under His protection. It is just mental exercise that we are superior, they are inferior, this and that. It is a purely mental exercise. One gentleman came to meet me. He was Chief of Ivory Coast He was so humble that I was surprised. With great humility he said. “Shri Mataji. Please make all my countrymen Sahaja Yogis.” I said alright, you could do it yourself. He told I am in a state of joy. He had divorced three wives. Now he was ashamed of it. He felt: “What is my life? Why have I designed it like that? But now I am fully transformed I am full of joy, peace, and comfort.” There are six hundred Sahaja Yogis there. They had taken up Islam as religion. I asked them why you adopted Islam? They replied that these French people have no morality at all. They are totally immoral, so we thought to adopt Islam so that some morality could be preserved. I told them that, all religions are equal in Sahaja Yoga and anyone from any religion can join Sahaj Yog. We do not insult any religion; no religion is higher or lower. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, you will thoroughly understand your religion and its depth. So far, you were lost. Now you can achieve it. It’s a fact that the religions were created for people and they now fight amongst themselves for religion. It is not proper. Wickedness has taken over the wisdom. Kundalini enlightens the brain. When it passes through the Agnya Chakra, it enlightens the brain, and one can see ones’ mistake and foolishness. What was I fighting about? Without knowing yourself, you cannot know the truth. But people are wasting their lives and the lives of their children. The whole country will be destroyed. Many countries are being destroyed. So we have to awaken our Kundalini. It is very sacred. This Kundalini is your individual Mother. She is your own Mother. Your mother may have several children but you are the only child of your kundalini. She knows everything about you. Everything is recorded on it. What is your desire, what were you, what are your defects and what is the problem in your body? She knows everything. Taking care of all the problems, your Mother Kundalini rises without giving even the slightest trouble to you. Because she is your Mother. When you were born, your Mother with-stood all the pain, you suffered no pains at all. Similarly, Kundalini is your Mother, and while giving you your rebirth it gives you no pain. You are lifted so high that you are surprised to know that you are like that. You will be surprised that all this wealth was innate in you, and you did not know about it! She is with you in every way. These chakras work on physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels and it works out in every way. There is absolutely no doubt that after coming to Sahaja Yoga, your health is improved, everything is improved. Not only that; by the grace of goddess Lakshmi, your monetary condition also improves.Those people who have become Sahaja Yogis in our country, they have become prosperous. Their behaviour has improved and all disputes finished. The all-pervading power blesses a person and he becomes an ideal being. One becomes a saint. Many people could not stand the disgust and disappointment around; the violence at its height and they came to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga seems to have spread in 86 countries. Though I didn’t go to all these countries, however wherever the seed goes it sprouts and becomes a plant. Similarly, Sahaja Yoga spreads everywhere. It’s very surprising to see that people from these countries would come here. They go to Italy for Pujas. So far I have not been able to go to their countries. I may go someday. I am surprised to see their love and harmony with each other. There was a boy in Bombay who used to say, “Mother, I do not want to live, my Mother is very bad” That boy died in a bomb blast. This news spread to all the countries and everyone was concerned and ran around for him. …The authorities offered land to cremate or bury the dead body. Such letters were sent to me that I was astonished. Recently my brother Baba Mama expired. He loved people so much that they sent so many letters and faxes, which I have not been able to go through so far. So much love, so much beautiful things people wrote that I am surprised, I never thought that people loved him so much. You have entered an environment of love. Everyone will love you and you will also love everyone. The biggest quality of Sahaja Yoga is the Power of Love. You are in the protection of this Power of Love. You are always protected. No one can touch you because God loves you. Who dares to go against Him? Who could be hostile to Him? We have many examples where people say, that they are surprised how they were saved and how they received the blessings/achieved that thing. You feel happy when you listen to such things because they are all your brothers. They belong to you. It appears that the whole world will be transformed. Good days will come. All this is happening, yet many people are still to be transformed. Transformation is very important. Human beings have fallen to a very low level. It is very easy to transform them. You have to do it. There is no other way out. But the transformation of the people and kundalini awakening is the only way to achieve this goal. You need not stand in the water or sit before the fire. Just get connected. You have to give a little of your time. Go to meditation Centre’s and attain more depth. People do not grow because they do not join collectively. Without nourishing it with collective love this plant will not grow. That is the reason Jesus Christ said, that some seeds fell on stone or in such places that they were destroyed but those seeds which fell in the fertile land, sprouted and became trees. Sahaja Yoga neither condemns nor opposes any religion. Incorporation of the quintessence of all the religion in it is its speciality. The deep relationship amongst religions will get established. A life full of joy and comforts is waiting for you. May you achieve it.This is my blessing to you all. [English Transcript] I am very sorry that I had to speak in Hindi language because most of the people understand Hindi here. And you have heard me many a times in the English language. Moreover, I found you all are meditative just now and enjoying the word inside your heart. And it was very kind of you! Thank You!Now I want to tell you that those who don’t want their kundalini to be awakened can go outside…Because this is not a Pageant thing and this is not right for those people who want to go into meditation. So please those who don’t want to meditate can go outside.By this, you will understand that it’s not your responsibility that you sit here…You have come here it’s ok …You have listened to the lecture …Its Ok but if you don’t want to take realization then you can leave from here …Nobody will feel bad … The land in which you are sitting is very sacred Indian land. India is a “yog-bhumi”.Its importance is not known by you people…But when foreigners reach here in Indian land they salute it in the airport and shows lots of respect…And they say –“Mother how these vibrations are flowing in this land…”. This you are unaware of …but you will be know it gradually. Once I was in the aeroplane, I told to my husband that – We have reached India…he asked me: how did you know? I told him –Vibrations are flowing in all the directions …So he asked the Pilot and he said yes we reached India. This is the kind of land India is…And I respect that person who has patriotism in him…Patriotism is very much necessary within us. Because our country is special and unique. If you have no “bhakti” of any kind about this country then your kundalini could not be awakened. The Kundalini of the whole world is also in this country. It is an amazing thing that you are so unaware about this till now…But the power of this country is great and one day will come that the whole country will bow down (with respect) in front of you. Because we are very powerful. And it will bow with respect and love not with the power of sword…Because the people from here, have eaten the grain of this land and it is running in their blood…So “Desh Bhakti” (Patriotism) is very important for us, especially for Sahaja yoga…. Even these foreigners have a lot of faith /belief in India and they have a special respect for the Indian maps and have hanged the photographs of the famous people from India. Moreover, they believe all the deities came so far because they are residing in the chakras…We have to understand this that unless we will not have the knowledge about our country, its culture, and its importance we cannot love our country. So we should think that we are very fortunate people to be born here in this country…We cannot say about this country anything.Now I have said about the Kundalini awakening…Everybody is sitting nobody has left …So this means you people want your realization…So this is a very good thing …And it’s very encouraging to see this …You all are Indians and sitting in this land so it’s very easy to …not a difficulty …My hands …breaks in other places. God has given the kind speciality in Indians that they find no difficulty and this work is done in them very easily…Now put your both hands in front of me like this. Don’t close your eyes.Please don’t close your eyes. Just keep both the hand towards me. Now keep your left hand towards Me and right hand on the top of your head …Move your hands up and down and seeIf you are feeling the cool or hot breeze from it. This is called “Spandha”.Look at it, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out…Now right hand in front of me and see from your left hand on your fontanel bone area. Please bend your head and feel yourself that whether some cool or hot breeze is coming out from your head…Some feel it at the very top, some feel it in different directions. Feel it …You should feel it …It is an experience…You should have faith in your experience nothing else …Now put your left hand towards me and see from your right hand …Now the hot breeze is coming because you have not forgiven somebody till now. You have to forgive yourself and the others too…Just do one thing –Forgive yourself and others …And you will feel a cool breeze. Now put both hands in front of me …Both the hands …And try to be thoughtless. Be in thoughtless awareness! Because of these thoughts -We become Malevolent. Please be thoughtless.Now those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands or fingertips or on their head, please raise both of your hands. So whole Delhi …Amazing!Endless blessings’ to all of you! …Endless blessings. May God bless you all! All got the realization… the whole of Delhi. Imagine …Now for meditating there are Centres. You have to meditate for 5-10 minutes, not more …and then you will see your condition more better …You will feel the joy …you will be drenched in the ocean of joy. This drop will become the ocean…You will feel very great …My endless blessings and love to all of you.Now they want to sing one song…This song was written by me in the 12th century and is sang in countryside …It’s in Marathi…So they are saying that they will sing that song …In this song, the “Kundlini” is said as “Amba” there. And it is said that-? Hey, “Amba”…Please awaken! People are not aware of this thing …They are singing from so many years there but nobody knows. There is such a beautiful description that oh God I have cleansed myself, now awaken this “Amba”…This “Amba” is the Kundalini…And please awaken it …Now in the reverence of India’s land “Vandematram” will be sung …Please stand up because they are going to sing “ Vande Matram “.[Song of “Vanade Matram”]SahajaYogis: “Bolo Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jay”
Public Program, Hamari Atma kya chij hai, New Delhi 25-03-2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. So far we did not know what is the truth. We accepted whatever the brain made us believe. The brain misguided so much that we started justifying all our deeds. Man moved away from the path of truth. We started running after the material gains. Human connections with truth was severed and human beings fell into the unknown abyss. Now people are surprised as to how it happened? Why such a situation arose? Why did man shift from wisdom to (un-wise) wickedness? Wickedness took the place of wisdom. This wickedness benefited neither the individual nor anyone else. Sometimes we are alarmed to see the happenings around like bloodshed and violence. Even small children are not spared. Many such perversions have set in. I can only say that there is an extreme “kaliyuga”. The scriptures have not described the age/period to be so terrible. Scriptures made just a mention of it. It’s written that in this age people will have their meals in the utensils of iron instead of brass. Many such formal things have been referred to, but the scene before us is horrible and sad. Man should not lose his way. In search of happiness he ran after the wrong things and happiness remained a mirage. He sank in deep darkness. Man doesn’t know that his deeds are evil and that he has to suffer as a result, such things-deeds have grown so much that one doesn’t understand what is going to be the fate of this world. There are many problems in our country and other countries as well. It is incorrect to think that the people of other countries are right. They are also searching and struggling to achieve the state of humanity. They want to achieve the state where they become human. The result of these circumstances is that Human have got disillusioned and disappointed; he is hopeless in the situation. No one has a solution for these circumstances/state of affairs. We should remember that saints and seers have told us to “Search within”. Solutions to all the problems are within us; Kabir Sahib said-“ Kahe Re Ban Khojan Jai, Sada Niwasi, Sada Ananta, Tohe Sang Smai”.The eternal one resides within you, He is always with you. Who is this eternal one about which the saints of the world talked? All the “Dharmas” mentioned it, Religion was misinterpreted in such a way that it created confusion and people forgot the reality that they have to search within.Our soul resides within us. It is fully alive in every being. This Atma is the reflection of the Almighty God in our heart. All the saints talked about it. But people say that ‘Mother we have not known any such thing’. Now the time has come for you to know about your soul and how to experience it. How can we achieve Atma. The ‘Atma’ within us is witnessing everything. We have neglected it to such an extent that now it does not warn us against our misdeeds. We have changed our wisdom into wickedness and are unable to see our misdeeds. We go on committing all sorts of wrong things and justify ourselves. That is how we lose our sense of discretion. Now we have to know as to how to achieve the spirit. For this, the arrangement/instrument exists in our body. We need not search it outside. Kundalini, the sacred power is placed in your triangular bone called Sacrum. When it is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets united to All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. It is described in our scriptures. Many saints from our countrywent to other countries. I think Machhindra Nath and Gorakh Nath also went to many countries. Bolivian people know about them. They know the names of the chakras and also they know about kundalini. It is known in Russia. The many old traditional paintings world over have painted plexuses and chakras. If you travel a little in the above countries, then you will be surprised at how and from where they have come to know about it! Some of our saints have gone there and shared about it, this is what is reported/told. In India also they told and wrote about Kundalini, it resides within you.“Nath Panthis” avoided to tell about it because they were afraid of this power being misused by the people. This has happened- many, so-called saints who read about it have spread misconceptions about it and made it a source of making money. That’s why our ancient saints might have thought that the awakening is not meant for ordinary people. In the twelfth century, saint Gyaneshwara sought permission from his Guru to write about Kundalini in his book – Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari, he wrote about kundalini. Since the pandits were making money in the name of God and were not wise enough to understand it, they told people that the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari is prohibited. They told people not to read it, as it is useless, it is not meant for ordinary people. Recently, I heard a lecture from a renowned Babaji. He said, that you won’t be able to understand about it, you are all worldly people, not saints.You always keep running after material desires and that is being true to your nature and everybody accepted what he said. He said you should not go to Sahaja Yoga as it is the path of knowledge (Gyan Marga) and you are not made for it but for worldly desires. People were asked to serve their Guru and do all sorts of rituals and people accepted them as true. People do not introspect as to why they are doing this. But the people who do not know the Sanskrit Language think them (Babaji) to be right. These babas ask them to do all sorts of fasting and penance. They prescribed so many rituals (“karma kanda”) to the seekers that they are inextricably caught in them. Without trying to understand the benefits of these rituals, they keep on repeating them for generations. Mohammad Sahib told very clearly that idol worship is prohibited. But Muslims goes round the black stone placed in Mecca. Why did Mohammad Sahib ask them to go round this stone? On the one side, he forbade idol worship and on the other asked Muslims go around the sacred stone. The reason for this is, that the stone in Mecca is Meccashwar Shiva. But how would you know the truth about it? How would you know about the “swayambhu” idols? You do not know. How to differentiate? When the kundalini is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets connected to the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, then Divine cool vibrations start flowing from your hands. Then your hands can decipher truth from untruth. Such a beautiful arrangement has already been made in us. There is no need to make any arrangements. Now your hands reveal everything. Mohammad Sahib said that at the time of ‘Kiyamat’ (judgement day) your hands will speak. The time of Kiyama has come. Now get it. Hands will speak and reveal what is truth and what is untruth. What is good and what is bad. If someone says, “what is there in Mecca?” stretch your hands towards Mecca and see for yourself. All the Sahaj Yogis can feel the Chaitanya and differentiate between the truth and untruth. Such a beautiful instrument is created within. The whole subtle system is installed within us. When you achieve this state of self-realization then you automatically get rid of all the negativities. Your six enemies, anger, lust, attachment, ego, jealousy and greed run away from you. When we conducted the first public programme in England, six drug addicts came to the program. We were astonished that they were relieved of their drug addiction the second day itself. It was really astonishing. They said, these drugs are useless, we do not like the drugs now. They were fully transformed, people. Today they are beautiful Sahaja Yogis working for the spreading of SahajaYoga. You have to achieve this thing. Know your spirit. Arrangements have been made in us to achieve this Divine Knowledge. Or we can say that this machine is installed within us. When it becomes operative then you experience many miracles about yourself. All the drunkards, who came to Sahaja Yoga have left Alcohol. Wicked people have left their wickedness. I went to Taliyati, there a Mafia Don accepted Sahaja Yoga. I asked how has he accepted Sahaja Yoga? He came to meet me. He was so humble! He said, “Shri Mataji I have committed many crimes. Could I be forgiven?” I said. “You are forgiven”. That is the thing of the past. Today I am talking to you in the present. Now in the present, what are you? You have to see how much you have been transformed. The way he has done was really astonishing. How could this Mafia Don get so much transformed? This happened. No lecture was given to him nor was he made to understand something. This is happening and it was to happen in “Kaliyuga” because in kali yuga people will be transformed. After transformation one becomes so beautiful and pure. Today this world needs this transformation. To bring about this transformation I think, is the duty of all the Sahaj Yogis. I did my best. Worked very hard, went to so many countries in the world. Now it is the duty of all the Sahaja Yogis to tell everyone about Sahaj Yoga and get them transformed. Many people have gone astray in the name of God Almighty and in the name of Dharma. When you give them Self Realisation, they will be enlightened. If the connection of all these lights burning here is severed with the Mains: then could they give light? It is same in the case of human beings. We have to be connected to this great power, which has always been the eternal truth. It existed in the past and exists today. When your attention gets enlightened you become an enlightened person. Such a person works for the benevolence of the whole world. If human beings are transformed, all the problems will be solved. Man is the root cause of all the problems. With his transformation all the problems, all the difficulties will go away. So we should try to give Realization to more and more people. After awakening, I have seen, there is no quarrel, no turmoil’s, any country they may belong to, there is no quarrelling, no fight. They meet each other with an open heart. It is a great ocean of joy. Sahaja Yogis enjoy being together. It is the tradition of our country that together we should live like brothers and help each other in every way. This is our culture. Though strange things have happened and this country was divided into many parts. Still, there are many disputes in the country. People are quarrelling everywhere. On one issue or the other, people are ready to fight with each other, and groups are formed for this purpose. It is inhuman. Even animals do not behave like that. Human beings should not be like that. The human being is the highest among the creations of the Divine. God Almighty has made such a beautiful arrangement in us to get our awakening. We do not have to spend anything on it. One gentleman said to me. “I will pay you One Lakhs Rupees if you awaken my kundalini.” I replied, “I am willing to pay you Two Lakh Rupees for keeping silent.” Kundalini knows no money. It is a divine power within you. It could be awakened if you have a pure desire. It could not be forced upon you. It could be worked out only if you have a pure desire. No other desire is pure (self- realisation). Had it been pure, the shape of the modern economy would have been altogether different. When you get the house you desired, the desire shifts to next thing like car etc. One does not get satisfied or contented because it is not a pure desire. Anything which is not a pure desire will never give contentment. Self-realization is the only pure desire. The spirit resides in your attention. The light of the spirit will give you joy and peace. It will enlighten you in every way and it will make you collective. You will become collectively conscious. We consider ourselves to be separate entities. They are such and such, and we are such and such. In the eyes of God, human beings are one, under His protection. It is just mental exercise that we are superior, they are inferior, this and that. It is a purely mental exercise. One gentleman came to meet me. He was Chief of Ivory Coast He was so humble that I was surprised. With great humility he said. “Shri Mataji. Please make all my countrymen Sahaja Yogis.” I said alright, you could do it yourself. He told I am in a state of joy. He had divorced three wives. Now he was ashamed of it. He felt: “What is my life? Why have I designed it like that? But now I am fully transformed I am full of joy, peace, and comfort.” There are six hundred Sahaja Yogis there. They had taken up Islam as religion. I asked them why you adopted Islam? They replied that these French people have no morality at all. They are totally immoral, so we thought to adopt Islam so that some morality could be preserved. I told them that, all religions are equal in Sahaja Yoga and anyone from any religion can join Sahaj Yog. We do not insult any religion; no religion is higher or lower. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, you will thoroughly understand your religion and its depth. So far, you were lost. Now you can achieve it. It’s a fact that the religions were created for people and they now fight amongst themselves for religion. It is not proper. Wickedness has taken over the wisdom. Kundalini enlightens the brain. When it passes through the Agnya Chakra, it enlightens the brain, and one can see ones’ mistake and foolishness. What was I fighting about? Without knowing yourself, you cannot know the truth. But people are wasting their lives and the lives of their children. The whole country will be destroyed. Many countries are being destroyed. So we have to awaken our Kundalini. It is very sacred. This Kundalini is your individual Mother. She is your own Mother. Your mother may have several children but you are the only child of your kundalini. She knows everything about you. Everything is recorded on it. What is your desire, what were you, what are your defects and what is the problem in your body? She knows everything. Taking care of all the problems, your Mother Kundalini rises without giving even the slightest trouble to you. Because she is your Mother. When you were born, your Mother with-stood all the pain, you suffered no pains at all. Similarly, Kundalini is your Mother, and while giving you your rebirth it gives you no pain. You are lifted so high that you are surprised to know that you are like that. You will be surprised that all this wealth was innate in you, and you did not know about it! She is with you in every way. These chakras work on physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels and it works out in every way. There is absolutely no doubt that after coming to Sahaja Yoga, your health is improved, everything is improved. Not only that; by the grace of goddess Lakshmi, your monetary condition also improves.Those people who have become Sahaja Yogis in our country, they have become prosperous. Their behaviour has improved and all disputes finished. The all-pervading power blesses a person and he becomes an ideal being. One becomes a saint. Many people could not stand the disgust and disappointment around; the violence at its height and they came to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga seems to have spread in 86 countries. Though I didn’t go to all these countries, however wherever the seed goes it sprouts and becomes a plant. Similarly, Sahaja Yoga spreads everywhere. It’s very surprising to see that people from these countries would come here. They go to Italy for Pujas. So far I have not been able to go to their countries. I may go someday. I am surprised to see their love and harmony with each other. There was a boy in Bombay who used to say, “Mother, I do not want to live, my Mother is very bad” That boy died in a bomb blast. This news spread to all the countries and everyone was concerned and ran around for him. …The authorities offered land to cremate or bury the dead body. Such letters were sent to me that I was astonished. Recently my brother Baba Mama expired. He loved people so much that they sent so many letters and faxes, which I have not been able to go through so far. So much love, so much beautiful things people wrote that I am surprised, I never thought that people loved him so much. You have entered an environment of love. Everyone will love you and you will also love everyone. The biggest quality of Sahaja Yoga is the Power of Love. You are in the protection of this Power of Love. You are always protected. No one can touch you because God loves you. Who dares to go against Him? Who could be hostile to Him? We have many examples where people say, that they are surprised how they were saved and how they received the blessings/achieved that thing. You feel happy when you listen to such things because they are all your brothers. They belong to you. It appears that the whole world will be transformed. Good days will come. All this is happening, yet many people are still to be transformed. Transformation is very important. Human beings have fallen to a very low level. It is very easy to transform them. You have to do it. There is no other way out. But the transformation of the people and kundalini awakening is the only way to achieve this goal. You need not stand in the water or sit before the fire. Just get connected. You have to give a little of your time. Go to meditation Centre’s and attain more depth. People do not grow because they do not join collectively. Without nourishing it with collective love this plant will not grow. That is the reason Jesus Christ said, that some seeds fell on stone or in such places that they were destroyed but those seeds which fell in the fertile land, sprouted and became trees. Sahaja Yoga neither condemns nor opposes any religion. Incorporation of the quintessence of all the religion in it is its speciality. The deep relationship amongst religions will get established. A life full of joy and comforts is waiting for you. May you achieve it.This is my blessing to you all. [English Transcript] I am very sorry that I had to speak in Hindi language because most of the people understand Hindi here. And you have heard me many a times in the English language. Moreover, I found you all are meditative just now and enjoying the word inside your heart. And it was very kind of you! Thank You!Now I want to tell you that those who don’t want their kundalini to be awakened can go outside…Because this is not a Pageant thing and this is not right for those people who want to go into meditation. So please those who don’t want to meditate can go outside.By this, you will understand that it’s not your responsibility that you sit here…You have come here it’s ok …You have listened to the lecture …Its Ok but if you don’t want to take realization then you can leave from here …Nobody will feel bad … The land in which you are sitting is very sacred Indian land. India is a “yog-bhumi”.Its importance is not known by you people…But when foreigners reach here in Indian land they salute it in the airport and shows lots of respect…And they say –“Mother how these vibrations are flowing in this land…”. This you are unaware of …but you will be know it gradually. Once I was in the aeroplane, I told to my husband that – We have reached India…he asked me: how did you know? I told him –Vibrations are flowing in all the directions …So he asked the Pilot and he said yes we reached India. This is the kind of land India is…And I respect that person who has patriotism in him…Patriotism is very much necessary within us. Because our country is special and unique. If you have no “bhakti” of any kind about this country then your kundalini could not be awakened. The Kundalini of the whole world is also in this country. It is an amazing thing that you are so unaware about this till now…But the power of this country is great and one day will come that the whole country will bow down (with respect) in front of you. Because we are very powerful. And it will bow with respect and love not with the power of sword…Because the people from here, have eaten the grain of this land and it is running in their blood…So “Desh Bhakti” (Patriotism) is very important for us, especially for Sahaja yoga…. Even these foreigners have a lot of faith /belief in India and they have a special respect for the Indian maps and have hanged the photographs of the famous people from India. Moreover, they believe all the deities came so far because they are residing in the chakras…We have to understand this that unless we will not have the knowledge about our country, its culture, and its importance we cannot love our country. So we should think that we are very fortunate people to be born here in this country…We cannot say about this country anything.Now I have said about the Kundalini awakening…Everybody is sitting nobody has left …So this means you people want your realization…So this is a very good thing …And it’s very encouraging to see this …You all are Indians and sitting in this land so it’s very easy to …not a difficulty …My hands …breaks in other places. God has given the kind speciality in Indians that they find no difficulty and this work is done in them very easily…Now put your both hands in front of me like this. Don’t close your eyes.Please don’t close your eyes. Just keep both the hand towards me. Now keep your left hand towards Me and right hand on the top of your head …Move your hands up and down and seeIf you are feeling the cool or hot breeze from it. This is called “Spandha”.Look at it, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out…Now right hand in front of me and see from your left hand on your fontanel bone area. Please bend your head and feel yourself that whether some cool or hot breeze is coming out from your head…Some feel it at the very top, some feel it in different directions. Feel it …You should feel it …It is an experience…You should have faith in your experience nothing else …Now put your left hand towards me and see from your right hand …Now the hot breeze is coming because you have not forgiven somebody till now. You have to forgive yourself and the others too…Just do one thing –Forgive yourself and others …And you will feel a cool breeze. Now put both hands in front of me …Both the hands …And try to be thoughtless. Be in thoughtless awareness! Because of these thoughts -We become Malevolent. Please be thoughtless.Now those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands or fingertips or on their head, please raise both of your hands. So whole Delhi …Amazing!Endless blessings’ to all of you! …Endless blessings. May God bless you all! All got the realization… the whole of Delhi. Imagine …Now for meditating there are Centres. You have to meditate for 5-10 minutes, not more …and then you will see your condition more better …You will feel the joy …you will be drenched in the ocean of joy. This drop will become the ocean…You will feel very great …My endless blessings and love to all of you.Now they want to sing one song…This song was written by me in the 12th century and is sang in countryside …It’s in Marathi…So they are saying that they will sing that song …In this song, the “Kundlini” is said as “Amba” there. And it is said that-? Hey, “Amba”…Please awaken! People are not aware of this thing …They are singing from so many years there but nobody knows. There is such a beautiful description that oh God I have cleansed myself, now awaken this “Amba”…This “Amba” is the Kundalini…And please awaken it …Now in the reverence of India’s land “Vandematram” will be sung …Please stand up because they are going to sing “ Vande Matram “.[Song of “Vanade Matram”]SahajaYogis: “Bolo Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jay”
Shri Mataji on Star TV
TV Interview. Istanbul (Turkey), 01 April 2000 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 77 years old leader of an Indian teaching namely Sahaja Yoga came to Turkey to share the enlightenment and happiness within Her.Shri Mataji used to lecture all over the world and and her disciples; she called them as my children, they are never leaving her even for a moment.Shri Mataji has millions of disciples all over the world.Disciples declaring that they found the love and happiness in her energy and they are not complainant for travelling with her from country to country.While her name Shri Mataji connotes " Holy Mother ", her room in Swiss Hotel is flooded by the enthusiasts for enlightenment sessions.Shri Mataji declares that the hurdle is to raise the Kundalini which is the light within us.Shri Mataji: Now I am raising his Kundalini.Shri Mataji while not debarring the Star TV correspondent from her light and stating that Her fundamental message is love.Shri Mataji: I wouldn’t call them students, they are my children. There is no relationship as such, I just give them Love, that’s all, like a Mother.Reporter: Love?Shri Mataji: Love, compassion and love.For reporter Shri Mataji : She thinks too much.In the midst of Indian tunes the disciples who are relaxed with the hands and deep glance of Holy Mother left there in peace and gratitude. Shri Mataji: (Raise you hands) Higher.
TV Interview. Istanbul (Turkey), 01 April 2000 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 77 years old leader of an Indian teaching namely Sahaja Yoga came to Turkey to share the enlightenment and happiness within Her.Shri Mataji used to lecture all over the world and and her disciples; she called them as my children, they are never leaving her even for a moment.Shri Mataji has millions of disciples all over the world.Disciples declaring that they found the love and happiness in her energy and they are not complainant for travelling with her from country to country.While her name Shri Mataji connotes " Holy Mother ", her room in Swiss Hotel is flooded by the enthusiasts for enlightenment sessions.Shri Mataji declares that the hurdle is to raise the Kundalini which is the light within us.Shri Mataji: Now I am raising his Kundalini.Shri Mataji while not debarring the Star TV correspondent from her light and stating that Her fundamental message is love.Shri Mataji: I wouldn’t call them students, they are my children. There is no relationship as such, I just give them Love, that’s all, like a Mother.Reporter: Love?Shri Mataji: Love, compassion and love.For reporter Shri Mataji : She thinks too much.In the midst of Indian tunes the disciples who are relaxed with the hands and deep glance of Holy Mother left there in peace and gratitude. Shri Mataji: (Raise you hands) Higher.
Gudi Padwa Talk
Gudi Padwa
2000- 04-05 Gudi Padwa/Navaratri Puja Talk, India Here, in India, two Navratris (nine nights of the Goddess) are celebrated. One is the Chaitra Navratri (the first month of the Hindu calendar) when She is worshipped in the form of Shailaputri. This is Her first incarnation, and She had taken birth in the Himalayas. That is why She is called Shailaputri (daughter of the Himalaya). She has other names also. But Shailaputri has special significance because it was the very first time that She took an incarnation. She was born in the extreme cold conditions of the Himalayas because whatever She had to achieve, was confined to that environment. But you are not aware of the whole story. Her father Daksha had held a great Havan, but did not invite Shiva. She was Shiva’s wife. So She, the Devi, immolated Herself. This was the first time Sati was performed. She entered the fire of the Havan, and offered Herself as “Aahuti” (oblation to the fire). Then Shiva came. He picked up Her body and left. As He kept moving, pieces of Her Divine Body fell in different places on Mother Earth. We believe that wherever the sacred pieces fell, Her Shakti vibrates there. Like in Vindhyaachal, and many other places. It is said that in all those places, the Shakti of the Devi acts, and purifies everything. Among the seven Shaktis (powers) of the Devi, one of them is ‘Saunharak’ Shakti, (the destructive power). This Saunharak Shakti is right sided. On the right-side are Savitri, and Gayatri (names of the Goddesses). The effect of ‘saunharak shakti’ (destructive power) was that one Shakti went to the left and the other to the right. But with the incarnation of Shailaputri, when this destructive power came, it was in the centre. There are many forms of this Devi. Like Durga and other forms, which used the destructive powers of Saunharak Shakti. These forms reside in the Heart Chakra. She presides over the Heart chakra. It is verily one of the powers of the Heart Chakra; that if someone troubles you, or attacks you, or puts you into a dangerous situation, this Shakti which resides in the Heart protects you and guards you; and destroys the one who is troubling you. The energy which makes this power more effective is that of the Kundalini’s when She comes there. When the Kundalini comes into the Heart, Kundalini is Jagadamba! It is the Amba, is what increases this power. When a person accepts Sahaja Yoga; along with the Self Realisation, this Shakti gets established here in the heart, and protects him fully. No one can harm him. Not even a hair of his head can be touched. But, you must establish Her in the Heart, with pure love and devotion. This is the power of the Mother. Is the power of motherhood. This power of motherhood is such that it always protects Her children. Always guards her children. When we are disturbed or in danger, in medical terminology they say the bone that is here (Shri Mataji points out to the Heart) the Sternum bone, starts shaking. And the antibodies, which are all around, which we call as Ganas, and which are spread all around, they immediately get informed and alerted. Because She is the ‘Maharagni’, the Queen, the Ruler of the Ganas, and they act according to Her orders. There is no question of any miscommunication between the Devi and Shri Ganesha. It is as if there is a oneness between the two. Ganesha is the Son and the Devi is His Mother. Those who believe in Shri Ganesha and have established Him within, especially in Sahaj Yoga, are taken care of as Her children, at every step and situation. Because She is the Mother and you are Her Ganesha. But Shri Ganesha in you must be Nirmal (pure). If there is any problem with your Ganesha, She corrects Him. The Devi accomplishes different kinds of work, but today’s significance is, that in Her first incarnation, She took birth as Shailaputri. This had to happen in Satya Yuga. Before this, when Shri Adishakti incarnated in the world, She came in the form of a cow, Surabhi, in the area where there was Paramchaitanya. In that sacred area, Gokul was created first. And then She took birth as this Sacred Cow, and lived there. Everything was created first. And then only, it’s reflection was put within us. For example, Shri Sadashiva, was reflected as Shri Shiva within us. There are reflections of everyone within us.. The Devi too has Her reflections. Her first incarnation in human form is reflected as Shailaputri, and that is why it is being given so much importance today. When She took birth in Heaven (the area where there was Paramchaitanya), She was there as Shri Adishakti, and the reflection was in the form of a cow. That is why we do not kill the cow, as She is the reflection of the Divine Mother. There is a difference between the cows in India and the cows in other countries. They are different in form, feature and expression. When my grand daughters were small and we lived outside India, they used to ask, “Nani (Grandma), why are these buffaloes white?” Because in those countries there is no difference between the expression and form of a cow and a buffalo! That was not the time for Shri Adishakti to incarnate. It had to be in Kali Yuga. As She had to incarnate, in complete form, with all the Chakras, all the Deities and their powers. This was possible only during Kali Yuga. She had to work a lot during Ghor (the most intense and frightful time), Kali Yuga. And that is why She had to come in the form of Mahamaya. If people knew that She is the Adishakti, they would try to harm Her, and prevent Her from accomplishing Her work. In Her first incarnation, She did not need to take the form of Mahamaya, as in those days nobody would have harmed or killed the Devi. She took birth in Her complete form, in the security of the Himalayas with Her powers manifesting. She married Shri Shiva, Who was the all powerful God almighty. People have a question, that why this Navratri, and then a second Navaratri. Also they feel that one Devi is Mahakali, another is Mahasaraswati and so on. But they are all part and parcel of Shri Adishakti. It is She Who manifested in these different forms, according to the time and nature of the work that had to be accomplished. For example, in Meerut (North India), there was a need for Her aspect of Shakambhari Devi (Goddess of cultivation), as She has the power to increase the agricultural produce. When we were in Meerut we had cultivated brinjals which were such big ones, big tomatoes and such long cucumbers. People did not understand how this happened. We won five to six prizes. This is the power of Shakambhari Devi. So wherever the effectiveness of the power of the Devi exists, there this Shakti does the work. People are confused when they address Her, sometimes as Chamunda, and sometimes by any other names. But the Shakti (the Goddess), has different forms. Whenever required She uses that form . It is not so that this is Durga, then who is this Chamunda. They are all there. It is necessary that they are there; as there are different forms and powers of the Goddesses, in the form of Devis. Without the Devi’s Shakti (power) no incarnation can do any work. Whether a Guru, or incarnations like Shri Rama or Shri Krishna or Shri Jesus Christ. Everyone works with the power of the Devi. So in our country mother is respected. Indians worship the Shakti. There might be differences in forms; but in reality they are all worshipping the Shakti. Those who worship Shri Vishnu or Shri Shiva, all worship the Shakti. Mother cannot be divided. Mother is a very big institution in India so we must respect her. Mother and children both must have this respect. Women in our country are not spoilt but they don’t understand that to become a mother, a woman should have qualities which will nurture the baby and ensure that good children are born to them. These days something has gone wrong with the way women are thinking and behaving. Children are not born to such women. Why should such women have children? In some countries where mothers are not good, children are not being born. In Germany the population growth is minus; in America it is minus. All Whites are minus. Why? The reason is that there is no quality of motherhood. Slowly they have started understanding. Where there are no motherhood qualities, they don’t bear children. Children are born to those from whom they get mother’s love and are taken good care of. In view of this, I think Indian men should respect their women and love them. This is very important, as after some time, people all over the world will recognize India as the epitome of Spirituality. But the state of women here, especially in North India, is sad. Respecting women is considered a weakness. Beating them up, and demanding dowry, (bridegroom price)! is a common practice. Man wants to show how much more superior he is to woman. He is not. He does not have the powers and capacity like her. He cannot bear a child. Those countries are heading for destruction, where women and mothers are not respected. Because power (shakti) diminishes. But this does not mean that men are run after women, and women become dominating. No. We are equal. We are not similar, but we are different. Our constitution is different. Whatever I have seen in North India, they don’t respect women. She is not respected, but troubled and harassed all the time. We should think of changing this. Ours is the work of creation and not of destruction. If this creation is accomplished, our country will become ‘shasya shamala’ (prosperous). No need to make laws. We must understand from within that a woman has been created in the ‘lakshan’ (characteristic) of the Devi. If she is a bad woman, it is different. But a woman is in the image of the Devi. She must be respected, protected, and must be helped. This is the duty of every man. But this does not happen. Man always dominates. He has the brains, but it is the woman who has the heart. So they must try to respect women. It is good if she also understands that she is like the Devi. But if she is spoilt, she cannot get respect. If goodness is not there, leave that woman. But respect the one who is good, and look after. It usually happens that those women who are ‘zabardast’ (dynamic and high handed), are worshipped, and those who are good are neglected. According to Sahaja culture, you have to become a good husband and wife. There must be lots of love and understanding among them. Only then Sahaja Yoga can spread. Otherwise, it cannot spread. In this way, we find many descriptions of the Devi in our ‘Shastras’ (sacred writings). They are all absolutely correct. Nothing wrong has been written. But to understand them and their significance in depth, you will have to do it through Sahaja Yoga. Vibrations will show you the truth. Every power has different vibrations. It is very subtle. As you progress, you will understand it better by your power of discrimination. That does not mean you have to get after it. You have to increase your meditation. You will be able to feel the state of the other person. You will get this knowledge immediately because it is now on our nerves; this knowledge. There is no other way to achieve this but by meditation. You may perform Pujas, and sing bhajans. But to no avail. Only meditation will give you this state, along with this, introspection. No need to criticize, just be in witness state. Only you can assess yourself, and remove all the obstacles. Keep your attention within. How loving am I? Am I pure? Am I away from ego? Am I able to forgive others? What am I doing? Why am I thinking this? If a bad person comes to your house, and your gaze falls on him, he will run away from your presence. Even intruders will not attack and will go away. But all this, only if you meditate and introspect. If you are egoistic and say that I’m alright, it will not work. Have attention within and have love for others. Look at others with love. Do I have love for others? So there are two important things. One is meditation and the other is introspection. With these two things, there will be progress. With meditation, you absorb vibrations and go ahead. By introspection, you remove obstacles that are within you. Like when a river is flowing, the flow is not smooth if there are stones. When you remove these stones, the flow of the Kundalini is faster, and then you start feeling that you have become clean. There are no obstructions or anything inside. You are pure and clean. This feeling must come from within. Kundalini is doing its work. She will relieve you. No one can say we will relieve you. But as soon as your attention goes there things will fall in place. Some have greed for power, they keep running after it. But you will not have this. You will be happy with whatever you have. This is Sahaja state. All the powers of the Devi you imbibe. They will guide you and bless you.But you must have this Sahaja state. If you feel I have to do this and that, Sahaja state hasn’t come. Its like a child is in the protection of his mother in the cradle. All these powers of the Devi have some speciality or the other. That is why we worship the Shakti and believe and have faith in Her. More than incarnation we all have faith in the Shakti. Because with this faith in Her we can recognize the incarnation. Shakti is your Guru, Mother and Divine. There is no need to look at anywhere else. Once you have faith in the Shakti, She will make everyone understand. In Sahaja, you all have faith in Me but I make you understand others. If you had no faith in Me but in any other incarnation eg. Shri Christ, He has said that He will send an incarnation, the Adishakti will come, the Holy Ghost will come. He has done His work. Prophet Mohammad too said the same. Why have they all said the same? So that in future this work will be done. They prophesized this because they knew the time had not come then, that the man is ready for his ascent. They used to tell keep your attention and character clean and remember the Divine. They only showed the way. They had not developed any collective consciousness. This has been achieved by you. You have to progress now. You have to do only two things, meditation and introspection. The third thing is you will see beauty and goodness everywhere. However, a man is cruel to you. You will see the beauty. Your attention will move from bad to good. When this happens, you will accept the goodness. If your attention is on bad things how will you recognize goodness? In this, you don’t know how you feel happiness. You must always look at the goodness of others; you feel better. See only the beauty, you will be surprised every person has goodness. You only have to look at it.No one can enjoy it if you don’t see. You will be surprised that every man has some goodness. For example, a flower has fragrance. But if you don’t have a nose, how will you enjoy that fragrance? You must have the heart to understand greatness, love which you will accept.That person will not feel happy himself but you will make him feel that hidden happiness in him.He does not know the fragrance within. To enjoy by feeling the goodness of others is done by the Shakti as She is happiness Herself;’ Anand Dayini’ (giver of joy) When you come to this state, this is Sahaja state. If you behave in a cruel way, what is the use? You don’t have to kill or destroy anyone. That is the work of the Devi. All the happiness that is spread all over the world has to be enjoyed by you. So, today is the first day of Shailaputri, meaning She has to observe everyone from the Himalayas, where She was born. Small children observe everyone. That is what is done by Her. She has other names, like Shailaja. But during the Chaitra Navratri (nine nights during the first month of the Hindu calendar)it is believed that She took birth as Shailaputri. In Bihar, they celebrate ‘chhath’ (the sixth day) it is a part of this. In other places, Gayatri and others are worshipped. Gayatri Mantra must not be recited by right-sided people. Left-sided people must take right side Mantras and right sided people must take left side Mantras. This way they get into balance. This is the time to enjoy happiness. My birth was also during such a time. Surprisingly Navroz (the Zoroastrian New Year) and Navratri began after My birth. This is a wonderful combination. Navratri comes after 21st March not before. There is a form of songs called ‘Chaiti’ sung during this month of Chaitra. The Saints and poets had described the happiness of this month in this form of songs when they enjoyed this month. In villages, this celebration is seen in plenty. Happiness is seen from within. The village folk have this quality of composing songs and enjoyment of their quality of surrendering. They have the quality of acceptance in their hearts. We have become right sided. We must have a Sahaja state. With these Chaiti songs, you must enjoy more than them, as they are not knowledgeable. The speciality is when Vikramaditya started this ‘Isvisan’ (era) it started with this, with Tritiya (third day of the Moon). Day one of the calendar that started is known as ‘Akshay Tritiya’. The Shalivahana started their calendar year with this day. Both follow the same day. Surprisingly, Shalivahana attacked and defeated Vikramaditya. After, this Shalivahana’ Shaka’ (the Shalivahana's calendar) was created. Their first day is Akshaya Tritiya. The Hizri (calendar year of the Muslims) also is the same. Everyone accepted this day as the first day of the calendar. Even for the Parsi Navroz (the Zoroastrian New Year), this day is considered as the auspicious day. So good work is started on this day. So, today you will make up your mind to meditate every day with introspection. Must think about oneself and not about others. How shall we spend our life with sweetness in talking while dealing with others? How shall we make someone understand our feelings sweetly? No one must be hurt. Whatever one feels must be told; sometimes it has to be told boldly. But most of the time when you tell something, the other person must feel that this is being told out of love. This love should be expressed. I have to tell people every day. So, what should be told to each one? How do I explain this? But this power of love is seen all around. This love is within Me. This gives and takes, happens with love. Sahaja Yogis must not get angry. Peaceful behaviour must be seen. I have been telling how you must behave after Realisation. By introspection, look at yourself with love and not hatred. It is my dream that with Sahaja Yoga the world must change. Eternal blessings.
2000- 04-05 Gudi Padwa/Navaratri Puja Talk, India Here, in India, two Navratris (nine nights of the Goddess) are celebrated. One is the Chaitra Navratri (the first month of the Hindu calendar) when She is worshipped in the form of Shailaputri. This is Her first incarnation, and She had taken birth in the Himalayas. That is why She is called Shailaputri (daughter of the Himalaya). She has other names also. But Shailaputri has special significance because it was the very first time that She took an incarnation. She was born in the extreme cold conditions of the Himalayas because whatever She had to achieve, was confined to that environment. But you are not aware of the whole story. Her father Daksha had held a great Havan, but did not invite Shiva. She was Shiva’s wife. So She, the Devi, immolated Herself. This was the first time Sati was performed. She entered the fire of the Havan, and offered Herself as “Aahuti” (oblation to the fire). Then Shiva came. He picked up Her body and left. As He kept moving, pieces of Her Divine Body fell in different places on Mother Earth. We believe that wherever the sacred pieces fell, Her Shakti vibrates there. Like in Vindhyaachal, and many other places. It is said that in all those places, the Shakti of the Devi acts, and purifies everything. Among the seven Shaktis (powers) of the Devi, one of them is ‘Saunharak’ Shakti, (the destructive power). This Saunharak Shakti is right sided. On the right-side are Savitri, and Gayatri (names of the Goddesses). The effect of ‘saunharak shakti’ (destructive power) was that one Shakti went to the left and the other to the right. But with the incarnation of Shailaputri, when this destructive power came, it was in the centre. There are many forms of this Devi. Like Durga and other forms, which used the destructive powers of Saunharak Shakti. These forms reside in the Heart Chakra. She presides over the Heart chakra. It is verily one of the powers of the Heart Chakra; that if someone troubles you, or attacks you, or puts you into a dangerous situation, this Shakti which resides in the Heart protects you and guards you; and destroys the one who is troubling you. The energy which makes this power more effective is that of the Kundalini’s when She comes there. When the Kundalini comes into the Heart, Kundalini is Jagadamba! It is the Amba, is what increases this power. When a person accepts Sahaja Yoga; along with the Self Realisation, this Shakti gets established here in the heart, and protects him fully. No one can harm him. Not even a hair of his head can be touched. But, you must establish Her in the Heart, with pure love and devotion. This is the power of the Mother. Is the power of motherhood. This power of motherhood is such that it always protects Her children. Always guards her children. When we are disturbed or in danger, in medical terminology they say the bone that is here (Shri Mataji points out to the Heart) the Sternum bone, starts shaking. And the antibodies, which are all around, which we call as Ganas, and which are spread all around, they immediately get informed and alerted. Because She is the ‘Maharagni’, the Queen, the Ruler of the Ganas, and they act according to Her orders. There is no question of any miscommunication between the Devi and Shri Ganesha. It is as if there is a oneness between the two. Ganesha is the Son and the Devi is His Mother. Those who believe in Shri Ganesha and have established Him within, especially in Sahaj Yoga, are taken care of as Her children, at every step and situation. Because She is the Mother and you are Her Ganesha. But Shri Ganesha in you must be Nirmal (pure). If there is any problem with your Ganesha, She corrects Him. The Devi accomplishes different kinds of work, but today’s significance is, that in Her first incarnation, She took birth as Shailaputri. This had to happen in Satya Yuga. Before this, when Shri Adishakti incarnated in the world, She came in the form of a cow, Surabhi, in the area where there was Paramchaitanya. In that sacred area, Gokul was created first. And then She took birth as this Sacred Cow, and lived there. Everything was created first. And then only, it’s reflection was put within us. For example, Shri Sadashiva, was reflected as Shri Shiva within us. There are reflections of everyone within us.. The Devi too has Her reflections. Her first incarnation in human form is reflected as Shailaputri, and that is why it is being given so much importance today. When She took birth in Heaven (the area where there was Paramchaitanya), She was there as Shri Adishakti, and the reflection was in the form of a cow. That is why we do not kill the cow, as She is the reflection of the Divine Mother. There is a difference between the cows in India and the cows in other countries. They are different in form, feature and expression. When my grand daughters were small and we lived outside India, they used to ask, “Nani (Grandma), why are these buffaloes white?” Because in those countries there is no difference between the expression and form of a cow and a buffalo! That was not the time for Shri Adishakti to incarnate. It had to be in Kali Yuga. As She had to incarnate, in complete form, with all the Chakras, all the Deities and their powers. This was possible only during Kali Yuga. She had to work a lot during Ghor (the most intense and frightful time), Kali Yuga. And that is why She had to come in the form of Mahamaya. If people knew that She is the Adishakti, they would try to harm Her, and prevent Her from accomplishing Her work. In Her first incarnation, She did not need to take the form of Mahamaya, as in those days nobody would have harmed or killed the Devi. She took birth in Her complete form, in the security of the Himalayas with Her powers manifesting. She married Shri Shiva, Who was the all powerful God almighty. People have a question, that why this Navratri, and then a second Navaratri. Also they feel that one Devi is Mahakali, another is Mahasaraswati and so on. But they are all part and parcel of Shri Adishakti. It is She Who manifested in these different forms, according to the time and nature of the work that had to be accomplished. For example, in Meerut (North India), there was a need for Her aspect of Shakambhari Devi (Goddess of cultivation), as She has the power to increase the agricultural produce. When we were in Meerut we had cultivated brinjals which were such big ones, big tomatoes and such long cucumbers. People did not understand how this happened. We won five to six prizes. This is the power of Shakambhari Devi. So wherever the effectiveness of the power of the Devi exists, there this Shakti does the work. People are confused when they address Her, sometimes as Chamunda, and sometimes by any other names. But the Shakti (the Goddess), has different forms. Whenever required She uses that form . It is not so that this is Durga, then who is this Chamunda. They are all there. It is necessary that they are there; as there are different forms and powers of the Goddesses, in the form of Devis. Without the Devi’s Shakti (power) no incarnation can do any work. Whether a Guru, or incarnations like Shri Rama or Shri Krishna or Shri Jesus Christ. Everyone works with the power of the Devi. So in our country mother is respected. Indians worship the Shakti. There might be differences in forms; but in reality they are all worshipping the Shakti. Those who worship Shri Vishnu or Shri Shiva, all worship the Shakti. Mother cannot be divided. Mother is a very big institution in India so we must respect her. Mother and children both must have this respect. Women in our country are not spoilt but they don’t understand that to become a mother, a woman should have qualities which will nurture the baby and ensure that good children are born to them. These days something has gone wrong with the way women are thinking and behaving. Children are not born to such women. Why should such women have children? In some countries where mothers are not good, children are not being born. In Germany the population growth is minus; in America it is minus. All Whites are minus. Why? The reason is that there is no quality of motherhood. Slowly they have started understanding. Where there are no motherhood qualities, they don’t bear children. Children are born to those from whom they get mother’s love and are taken good care of. In view of this, I think Indian men should respect their women and love them. This is very important, as after some time, people all over the world will recognize India as the epitome of Spirituality. But the state of women here, especially in North India, is sad. Respecting women is considered a weakness. Beating them up, and demanding dowry, (bridegroom price)! is a common practice. Man wants to show how much more superior he is to woman. He is not. He does not have the powers and capacity like her. He cannot bear a child. Those countries are heading for destruction, where women and mothers are not respected. Because power (shakti) diminishes. But this does not mean that men are run after women, and women become dominating. No. We are equal. We are not similar, but we are different. Our constitution is different. Whatever I have seen in North India, they don’t respect women. She is not respected, but troubled and harassed all the time. We should think of changing this. Ours is the work of creation and not of destruction. If this creation is accomplished, our country will become ‘shasya shamala’ (prosperous). No need to make laws. We must understand from within that a woman has been created in the ‘lakshan’ (characteristic) of the Devi. If she is a bad woman, it is different. But a woman is in the image of the Devi. She must be respected, protected, and must be helped. This is the duty of every man. But this does not happen. Man always dominates. He has the brains, but it is the woman who has the heart. So they must try to respect women. It is good if she also understands that she is like the Devi. But if she is spoilt, she cannot get respect. If goodness is not there, leave that woman. But respect the one who is good, and look after. It usually happens that those women who are ‘zabardast’ (dynamic and high handed), are worshipped, and those who are good are neglected. According to Sahaja culture, you have to become a good husband and wife. There must be lots of love and understanding among them. Only then Sahaja Yoga can spread. Otherwise, it cannot spread. In this way, we find many descriptions of the Devi in our ‘Shastras’ (sacred writings). They are all absolutely correct. Nothing wrong has been written. But to understand them and their significance in depth, you will have to do it through Sahaja Yoga. Vibrations will show you the truth. Every power has different vibrations. It is very subtle. As you progress, you will understand it better by your power of discrimination. That does not mean you have to get after it. You have to increase your meditation. You will be able to feel the state of the other person. You will get this knowledge immediately because it is now on our nerves; this knowledge. There is no other way to achieve this but by meditation. You may perform Pujas, and sing bhajans. But to no avail. Only meditation will give you this state, along with this, introspection. No need to criticize, just be in witness state. Only you can assess yourself, and remove all the obstacles. Keep your attention within. How loving am I? Am I pure? Am I away from ego? Am I able to forgive others? What am I doing? Why am I thinking this? If a bad person comes to your house, and your gaze falls on him, he will run away from your presence. Even intruders will not attack and will go away. But all this, only if you meditate and introspect. If you are egoistic and say that I’m alright, it will not work. Have attention within and have love for others. Look at others with love. Do I have love for others? So there are two important things. One is meditation and the other is introspection. With these two things, there will be progress. With meditation, you absorb vibrations and go ahead. By introspection, you remove obstacles that are within you. Like when a river is flowing, the flow is not smooth if there are stones. When you remove these stones, the flow of the Kundalini is faster, and then you start feeling that you have become clean. There are no obstructions or anything inside. You are pure and clean. This feeling must come from within. Kundalini is doing its work. She will relieve you. No one can say we will relieve you. But as soon as your attention goes there things will fall in place. Some have greed for power, they keep running after it. But you will not have this. You will be happy with whatever you have. This is Sahaja state. All the powers of the Devi you imbibe. They will guide you and bless you.But you must have this Sahaja state. If you feel I have to do this and that, Sahaja state hasn’t come. Its like a child is in the protection of his mother in the cradle. All these powers of the Devi have some speciality or the other. That is why we worship the Shakti and believe and have faith in Her. More than incarnation we all have faith in the Shakti. Because with this faith in Her we can recognize the incarnation. Shakti is your Guru, Mother and Divine. There is no need to look at anywhere else. Once you have faith in the Shakti, She will make everyone understand. In Sahaja, you all have faith in Me but I make you understand others. If you had no faith in Me but in any other incarnation eg. Shri Christ, He has said that He will send an incarnation, the Adishakti will come, the Holy Ghost will come. He has done His work. Prophet Mohammad too said the same. Why have they all said the same? So that in future this work will be done. They prophesized this because they knew the time had not come then, that the man is ready for his ascent. They used to tell keep your attention and character clean and remember the Divine. They only showed the way. They had not developed any collective consciousness. This has been achieved by you. You have to progress now. You have to do only two things, meditation and introspection. The third thing is you will see beauty and goodness everywhere. However, a man is cruel to you. You will see the beauty. Your attention will move from bad to good. When this happens, you will accept the goodness. If your attention is on bad things how will you recognize goodness? In this, you don’t know how you feel happiness. You must always look at the goodness of others; you feel better. See only the beauty, you will be surprised every person has goodness. You only have to look at it.No one can enjoy it if you don’t see. You will be surprised that every man has some goodness. For example, a flower has fragrance. But if you don’t have a nose, how will you enjoy that fragrance? You must have the heart to understand greatness, love which you will accept.That person will not feel happy himself but you will make him feel that hidden happiness in him.He does not know the fragrance within. To enjoy by feeling the goodness of others is done by the Shakti as She is happiness Herself;’ Anand Dayini’ (giver of joy) When you come to this state, this is Sahaja state. If you behave in a cruel way, what is the use? You don’t have to kill or destroy anyone. That is the work of the Devi. All the happiness that is spread all over the world has to be enjoyed by you. So, today is the first day of Shailaputri, meaning She has to observe everyone from the Himalayas, where She was born. Small children observe everyone. That is what is done by Her. She has other names, like Shailaja. But during the Chaitra Navratri (nine nights during the first month of the Hindu calendar)it is believed that She took birth as Shailaputri. In Bihar, they celebrate ‘chhath’ (the sixth day) it is a part of this. In other places, Gayatri and others are worshipped. Gayatri Mantra must not be recited by right-sided people. Left-sided people must take right side Mantras and right sided people must take left side Mantras. This way they get into balance. This is the time to enjoy happiness. My birth was also during such a time. Surprisingly Navroz (the Zoroastrian New Year) and Navratri began after My birth. This is a wonderful combination. Navratri comes after 21st March not before. There is a form of songs called ‘Chaiti’ sung during this month of Chaitra. The Saints and poets had described the happiness of this month in this form of songs when they enjoyed this month. In villages, this celebration is seen in plenty. Happiness is seen from within. The village folk have this quality of composing songs and enjoyment of their quality of surrendering. They have the quality of acceptance in their hearts. We have become right sided. We must have a Sahaja state. With these Chaiti songs, you must enjoy more than them, as they are not knowledgeable. The speciality is when Vikramaditya started this ‘Isvisan’ (era) it started with this, with Tritiya (third day of the Moon). Day one of the calendar that started is known as ‘Akshay Tritiya’. The Shalivahana started their calendar year with this day. Both follow the same day. Surprisingly, Shalivahana attacked and defeated Vikramaditya. After, this Shalivahana’ Shaka’ (the Shalivahana's calendar) was created. Their first day is Akshaya Tritiya. The Hizri (calendar year of the Muslims) also is the same. Everyone accepted this day as the first day of the calendar. Even for the Parsi Navroz (the Zoroastrian New Year), this day is considered as the auspicious day. So good work is started on this day. So, today you will make up your mind to meditate every day with introspection. Must think about oneself and not about others. How shall we spend our life with sweetness in talking while dealing with others? How shall we make someone understand our feelings sweetly? No one must be hurt. Whatever one feels must be told; sometimes it has to be told boldly. But most of the time when you tell something, the other person must feel that this is being told out of love. This love should be expressed. I have to tell people every day. So, what should be told to each one? How do I explain this? But this power of love is seen all around. This love is within Me. This gives and takes, happens with love. Sahaja Yogis must not get angry. Peaceful behaviour must be seen. I have been telling how you must behave after Realisation. By introspection, look at yourself with love and not hatred. It is my dream that with Sahaja Yoga the world must change. Eternal blessings.
Shri Bhoomi Devi Puja: The pain can only be removed by you
New Delhi
Bhoomi Devi
2000-04-07 Earth/Land Puja (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi scanned from the Divine Cool Breeze] I bow to you all the seekers of truth. I never expected that you will come in such big numbers, and would understand the importance of this work, Once we were going for a Sahaj Yoga programme, and were passing through a place known as Daulatabad. By chance, in a sahaj way, our car developed some problem and stopped. When I got down I saw there were many women, more than a hundred, standing there with their children. The number of children was many times more than the women These women were collecting water from a leaking tap. Wearing tattered clothes, and managing to cover their heads with torn veils, they were standing in that scorching heat. I couldn’t understand what was happening! I asked them, “What are you doing here? How have you come here?” They replied, we are all Muslim ladies. Our husbands have divorced us. These are our children. The amount of Mehar (settlement), which we got from our husbands, was so little, that it was not enough even to pull on for a month. Somehow we have got employment. We break stones into small pieces to earn our livelihood. But where do you live? They pointed towards an area of broken down huts. We live there. There were crooked tin sheds and some had only some cloth shelter, which could not be called a house. They said we all live in that.I said, O God. Tears began to roll down My eyes. I sat there on a stone and started crying. That crying was not going to solve anything. A question arose in my mind that despite the rich culture and purity of our country, and despite the fact that the women of this country hold their character in high esteem, why is the condition of our country so miserable? Then another thought came to my mind. If the mothers are so miserable, what will be the condition of the children? How could they bring up their children and educate them? Then a thought came to me that there should be some organisation which could support and help these kind of destitute and neglected women, and give them some help and support. Many years have passed since. And I became absorbed in Sahaj Yoga work.My inlaws belong to Uttar Pradesh. There I saw, there is no respect for women. No one listens to them. Women are dominated. Only women who assert themselves could be noticed, but the simple and mild women are suppressed in every way. No one bothers about them, whatever their condition. If some women die in their young age, their husbands are invited to marry again. I was aghast to see all this because this this does not happen in Maharashtra . In Uttar Pradesh if a woman becomes a widow, the society forces her to remain a widow for the rest of her life. So I thought that such an organisation should be started first in Uttar Pradesh. And it gives me great satisfaction and joy that we are starting this organization in Uttar Pradesh. It is my desire that these destitute and needy women should be given such training that they become self-sufficient and be able to support and bring up their children nicely. They should command respect. But this organisation by itself is not sufficient. This problem is of a very scale. The bigger goal will be achieved only when women are given their rightful place in the society. When the men of this place begin to realize their duty and responsibility towards their wives and their families, and what they are required to do. Their lives are very self centred. This has to be changed Men should look after their family, their children, their wife, their mother with real love, affection and understanding. So many of you are sitting here. If you all take a pledge to honor and respect the women, then a lot can be achieved. Men never become widowers. But if a woman becomes a widow, she remains a widow forever. She is tormented so much. It is the women who point fingers and say – you must be very unfortunate. Something must be wrong with your stars. And even to the extent that ‚”you ate up your husband”!. I Myself have heard them with My own ears, saying things like this! Maybe that is the reason why women of olden times used to commit Sati, (jump into the funeral pyre of the husband). The worst happens if a widowed girl is young and charming. Then she is very vulnerable. That is why, first of all I said, that if any widow comes into Sahaj Yoga, she should be made to get married again. But who will marry a widow in our country? If at all someone does agree to marry a widow, he will keep on humiliating her. Being born a male, makes a man think he is a superior being with special rights to do whatever he desires. They do not know that this is the road to hell. This is wrong. It is nothing but wickedness. This sort of behaviour is depravity.To behave in this manner with one’s wife, who provides all comforts to you, is against our culture. It is written in the Indians scriptures – „Yatra Naariya pujante; Tatra ramante Devata”-- where the women are honoured, There reside the Gods”. But women have also to be worthy of honor and respect. The women of our country are in a miserable condition today. That is the reason why there could be not be a good government in the country. It can never improve. These are the days of Navratri but all the Goddesses are unhappy with this kind of situation. No blessings will come from them. Right from Goddess Laxmi onwards, no Goddess will give you any blessings, if you do not take care of your wife and do not give her the respect she deserves. I feel that if this can be corrected, then every other kind of problem will be solved. Because sakshat Lakshmi’s blessings will come as solutions. Those who do not respect the Gruha Lakshmi of the house, they have no right to expect any blessings from Lakshmi.In this connection I happened to see a Video Tape, in which they showed the widows who live in Brindavan and Gokul. Shri Krishna Himself must be wondering how these women are being made to suffer so many hardships. Because they are widows, they are made to sing bhajans the whole day, and earn only one rupee for it. And people use them for all kinds of services.I was wondering, after seeing this video, no one had any reaction or judgement. There are five lakh women in this plight. It did not prick the conscience of anyone. Those who are rich and amassing wealth, that they should go there and do something to relieve the suffering of these women? . Make something for them. No one with morals or sympathy for the miserable state of these widows! It never entered their minds. And this video has been shown many times. I felt there is no use to continue showing this video. And the lady who came to show this film was motivated by the desire to defame the organizers and for publicity. What will happen by screening the film. If they have so much of money then why don't they construct proper Ashrams for these women. There are one or two ashrams but not with proper facilities. The existing Ashrams, which are very few in numbers, are not managed properly. So why shouldn't an Ashram be built, where at lease these women can get shelter and food. Many women commit suicide, because it is better to die, than to live in these conditions.In our society it is compulsory for a woman to get married. And after marriage if the husband dies then all is lost. Then living becomes very difficult for her. And she has to face all kinds of insults. All these kinds of problems exist in this country. It is not so in other countries, because there are different ethics. If a woman becomes a widow, she will go around and find herself another husband. , or look for some other business. Our country is such, that along with Rani Padmini, thirty-two thousand women jumped into a pit of fire to save their honour. To save their purity. So in this country what other alternative do they have. N what way can we lessen their burden. So much They cannot live a life of honour and dignity. Their situation becomes so bad that I feel that if anyone gets some disease, at least he can go to a hospital. Some solution or others can be found for him or her. But tell Me, in the case of these unfortunate women, in what way can we lessen their burden. So much sorrow and not even a sympathizer. To add to this there is a belief that even seeing a widow would bring bad luck. Must not eat food cooked by a widow. This society of ours does not know that this has not been written in any of the Scriptures. Shri Rama got Mandodri married to Vibheeshana. There are innumerable examples. Shri Rama did this. After the death of Ravana, Shri Rama got Mandodari married to Vibheeshana. But people say that up to that it was alright. But other widows cannot marry again.Now just think, that if your mother, sister or daughter is pushed into such a circumstance, then God save us from such a Samaj (society). Better there is not any Samaj at all. And if there is, then everyone has the right to live a happy and peaceful life. So I desire that if any of you have troubled the ladies, inside your family or outside, he should completely change himself. He should consider himself guilty of the crime, and I cannot tell you what will be their punishment. Because Satya Yuga has started. And it is necessary `that everyone should stay within the path of dharma. And in dharma the most important thing is love. If a man cannot even love his own wife, then whom can he love. The one who cannot love his daughter, whom can he love. Her only fault is that she is a woman. If there were no women in the world, from where would you have got a mother, and from where would you have come. An aversion to this should arise.In Maharashtra also there was a problem of child widows. Not this much, but still there were. But such great stalwarts existed, like Tilak, Gokhale, Ranade etc. They all got married to widows. And they brought about a lot of awareness there. Made reforms. In Pune, education for women is completely free. Up to graduation they don't have to spend a penny. More than that is required here. Because compared to that place the situation is very bad here. It is very necessary to bring about awareness and vigilance.If the woman is overbearing, then she is the boss. A lot of women have learnt that it is better they become dominating and aggressive. But there is no use in this. It is the dharma of a woman to absorb everything into herself. Because, like Mother Earth she has her own powers. They must awaken their shaktis. She should stand on her dharma, awaken her creative powers, and live with self-esteem.Just by talking nothing can be accomplished. We should understand fully that this is a grievous sin. And we should never do such wrong things. Only then can we have some change in our country. Just by joining Sahaja Yoga it cannot be done. Everybody, whether a Sahaja Yogi or not, if anyone in your neighbourhood is beating a woman, you should go and rescue her. If someone is drunk and behaving violently, then you must correct him. This is your duty as a member of the society. And till such an awakening comes within you; till then, this job cannot be achieved.The second problem is with the women themselves. That they have so much self respect that they will suffer everything quietly, but if you even suggest that they should marry again, they will never agree. We had a Sahaja Yogini. Very beautiful to look at, and she had three children. The elder boy must have been 14 or 15. Wherever she went to look for a job, the men used to get mad after her. Not after their own wives, but after another women who is a widow. So lots got after her. So I told her in a roundabout way. I told her that in view of all these problems that you are facing, it is better if you get married again. She just fainted. As soon as she heard this, she fainted, that how could Shri Mataji suggest this. When she regained consciousness, she asked Me – Mother, what mistake did You see in me that You made such a suggestion. O Dear! What was this terrible punishment that I suggested to you. Means, there is such a lot of false belief and conditioning in the minds of women, that they constantly feel „Oh! I have become a widow”! According to the norms of society , I can never marry again. Cant do anything. And if we do, then we are good for nothing. Who will advise and convince them. Then I made her son understand that you try and convince your mother, because she will not be able to live safely anywhere, because she was beautiful, and a widow. Then, after one year this entered her brin, after she suffered a lot of hardships. After a year she realised that what Shri Mataji was telling me, was for my own good. Then I fixed her marriage. Of course there was no question of getting her married in India, because once a woman is widowed, she is a lost case. I got her married in the US. In that way her children were also looked after, grew up, and got settled in the world. These women will beg for alms, but will never marry again. Has this been told by God! Is it written in any shastras (scriptures). No where. These have been man made, to torture women. We dont believe in widowhood. Just don't believe. Because, what is widowhood. If a husband has died, then he has died. But that becomes widowhood and is branded on her head. Is this necessary. Or then, both should die together. And if they don't, then make the woman’s position so miserable. There is no such statute that all couples should die together. If this was the dharma, then all would have died together. But this does not happen. But if by chance the woman stays alive, then she is a lost case. Women have borne so much sorrow, that now you don't have to endure any more sorrow again. Such women could be fighter cocks, or dominate everyone in the house. All this can happen. But she cannot be a good woman. She will always be distressed and disturbed. That is why this organization has been started, on a small scale, and I will try to see that they will be supported and trained to stand on their own feet and live with dignity. And if they are widows and still young, we will get them married into good homes. If you don't agree to marry them, we will get them married in America. You keep sitting here. This is the best. If you think too much of yourselves, then keep sitting here. This ego of man must go. I have always said that it is not the women who have to be reformed. It is the men who need to be reformed. What is it that gives you so much pride in your head. What do you think of yourselves. Someone was just telling me, that if a man goes into IAS (Indian Administrative Service), then he is the most sought after son-in-law. I asked, what is there in IAS. No penny nor paisa. No earnings. Nothing. Only problems every day. I know this very well. That is, if you are an honest person. And if you are dishonest, then also problems. And if you are honest, then plenty of trouble. Inspite of that, women stay there and look after all the family members, support them, and give them love. But I could never understand that how it entered the brains of men, that if they are in IAS they become something exclusive! Once anything enters the heads of human beings, especially in India, then he starts flying like a balloon. Then, whether he hits someone, or kicks them, or uses a stick on someone, or illtreats anyone, it never occurs to him that, what is this I am doing?Of course they will be vegetarians. The Jain community says – Do not kill even a mosquito. Do not kill bedbugs. All the things that suck blood, do not kill them. But one can beat his wife. That is allowed. After all she is your wife, and she has come to your house to be beaten. If she cannot bear beatings, then what kind of a wife is she! This weakness of yours, and we are so shameless, that the reason for this that whatever self respect we have, gets finished. It used to be said in our country, that those who do menial jobs, they beat their wives. But now I see that everyone beats. No one has any shame or conscience in this matter. In other matters there is lot of self respect and shame, but not in beating your wife. They will scold their wife in front of everyone. They see no harm in it, that I have insulted my wife before others. Why did I do this. I should not have done it.Actually in the homes itself there is no teaching of the boys. And that is how they are brought up. Therefore in this organisation, I will do My best, to see that women are relieved of all these sufferings. The good work that is being done, no one notices. The children are getting spoilt. Your own children are becoming unruly. They will steal and commit other misdeeds. How has all this come. Because the society itself has broken down. Family life has broken down. This is why it has happened.So our kutumb (family unit) is very important. It is the collection of many family units that makes up the society. And from societies, countries are built. We talk of our country. What about the family. The family itself is getting lost. A family who lives with honour, self respect and loyalty to the country, only then will the women get their place. She should be respected. We must try to understand her.In Maharashtra also have arrangements for such organisations, where this same state of affairs exists. Like troubling the daughters-in-law like it happens here. But that will also change. And this will also change And these people will have to change. If they do not change, then their own children will grow up and beat their fathers. They will beat their own wives later, but first they will beat their fathers. Then everyone’s head will become alright. So much ego is there in human beings. After all, for what is there so much ego? What big achievement have you done that you have so much pride. Now, everyone must support and help this organisation. Not just giving money. But in making it successful. The biggest challenge is that we have to look after these women. We have to find them and bring them here. I don't know, because I do not live here. So, if you know of any such women in distress, who are oppressed and are in trouble, and who have no one to support them, and who are suffering a lot after being widowed; all such women should be brought by you to this organisation. Right now there is arrangement for 100 ladies. What will this be sufficient. But still. We have to make them understand what is being done here.Those who have no choice will of course come here. But those who choose to stay on in their homes, and are being tortured, have to be helped. Their husbands and their inlaws have to be counselled and advised. Our country is the only one where the family unit is valued. Nowhere else. The credit for this goes to the Indian Woman. Not to the men. It is they who have anchored this country. If not, we also would have been lost long ago. And it is better for you to understand that if you continue to do this excessive torture, then these same women will revolt. That will not be good. It will be the murder of love. It is not a good thing. The good thing is, that with proper understanding you protect and look after your wives, and your daughters. You protect them. And give them love and affection. They should feel that you love them. All the time. There is no danger that they will take advantage and sit on your head. One odd case may be there. But if a man is morally strong, she can never sit on your head. But if she is suppressed – she should not be so suppressed that even the children are not able to be brought up properly. Children do not respect their mothers. Even if they touch the mother’s feet, they do it as if some stone or bricks are lying in their way. And the father has no time. Then definitely the children will get spoilt. And all the crimes that are happening, which we read in the papers every day, are caused by the fact that our family unit is not strong. It is due to them that our society exists. And you are sitting here. If you want it to continue you must remember that honoring women, supporting them in their advancement, and bringing about a change in society, must be considered by you as your supreme aim. And you must put your attention to that. This is My dearest wish. I keep blessing you with eternal blessings, but to enjoy all these blessings you have to gather everyone together. We have to consolidate everyone. When you cannot even unite one family, who will you unite. It is important that everyone should live together with love and harmony. Now you are Sahaja Yogis and this is a very important achievement. This is gyan marg. In this you understand the real meaning of love, and how we have to do give and take with each other. How we should behave towards each other. You will be amazed to see how the whole society will change. We don't have to become like the foreigners. Not at all. There the women keep filing lawsuits . In America the women marry seven or eight times and become rich. All the husbands become paupers. Not all this. We don't want all this. What do we want. Mutual love. Good children. You will see how much this can benefit you. Lots of benefis. There will be prosperity, not only for the society, but also for the country. There will be no cause for fighting and misunderstandings. If this is for the general good, then why don't we do it. In this understanding we can progress. What I see is this. Here all Sahaja Yogis are sitting and I am going to tell you something new. That others recognize that these people are Sahaja Yogis. We people who are Sahaja Yogis should unite all of them together. It is the swabhav (nature) of Sahaja Yogis which will impress every one and bring them into Sahaja Yoga. What I have said, preserve it in your heart. Because this gives Me pain inside. And this pain, can only be removed by you. Eternal Blessings (Ananth Aashirwaad) ,
2000-04-07 Earth/Land Puja (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi scanned from the Divine Cool Breeze] I bow to you all the seekers of truth. I never expected that you will come in such big numbers, and would understand the importance of this work, Once we were going for a Sahaj Yoga programme, and were passing through a place known as Daulatabad. By chance, in a sahaj way, our car developed some problem and stopped. When I got down I saw there were many women, more than a hundred, standing there with their children. The number of children was many times more than the women These women were collecting water from a leaking tap. Wearing tattered clothes, and managing to cover their heads with torn veils, they were standing in that scorching heat. I couldn’t understand what was happening! I asked them, “What are you doing here? How have you come here?” They replied, we are all Muslim ladies. Our husbands have divorced us. These are our children. The amount of Mehar (settlement), which we got from our husbands, was so little, that it was not enough even to pull on for a month. Somehow we have got employment. We break stones into small pieces to earn our livelihood. But where do you live? They pointed towards an area of broken down huts. We live there. There were crooked tin sheds and some had only some cloth shelter, which could not be called a house. They said we all live in that.I said, O God. Tears began to roll down My eyes. I sat there on a stone and started crying. That crying was not going to solve anything. A question arose in my mind that despite the rich culture and purity of our country, and despite the fact that the women of this country hold their character in high esteem, why is the condition of our country so miserable? Then another thought came to my mind. If the mothers are so miserable, what will be the condition of the children? How could they bring up their children and educate them? Then a thought came to me that there should be some organisation which could support and help these kind of destitute and neglected women, and give them some help and support. Many years have passed since. And I became absorbed in Sahaj Yoga work.My inlaws belong to Uttar Pradesh. There I saw, there is no respect for women. No one listens to them. Women are dominated. Only women who assert themselves could be noticed, but the simple and mild women are suppressed in every way. No one bothers about them, whatever their condition. If some women die in their young age, their husbands are invited to marry again. I was aghast to see all this because this this does not happen in Maharashtra . In Uttar Pradesh if a woman becomes a widow, the society forces her to remain a widow for the rest of her life. So I thought that such an organisation should be started first in Uttar Pradesh. And it gives me great satisfaction and joy that we are starting this organization in Uttar Pradesh. It is my desire that these destitute and needy women should be given such training that they become self-sufficient and be able to support and bring up their children nicely. They should command respect. But this organisation by itself is not sufficient. This problem is of a very scale. The bigger goal will be achieved only when women are given their rightful place in the society. When the men of this place begin to realize their duty and responsibility towards their wives and their families, and what they are required to do. Their lives are very self centred. This has to be changed Men should look after their family, their children, their wife, their mother with real love, affection and understanding. So many of you are sitting here. If you all take a pledge to honor and respect the women, then a lot can be achieved. Men never become widowers. But if a woman becomes a widow, she remains a widow forever. She is tormented so much. It is the women who point fingers and say – you must be very unfortunate. Something must be wrong with your stars. And even to the extent that ‚”you ate up your husband”!. I Myself have heard them with My own ears, saying things like this! Maybe that is the reason why women of olden times used to commit Sati, (jump into the funeral pyre of the husband). The worst happens if a widowed girl is young and charming. Then she is very vulnerable. That is why, first of all I said, that if any widow comes into Sahaj Yoga, she should be made to get married again. But who will marry a widow in our country? If at all someone does agree to marry a widow, he will keep on humiliating her. Being born a male, makes a man think he is a superior being with special rights to do whatever he desires. They do not know that this is the road to hell. This is wrong. It is nothing but wickedness. This sort of behaviour is depravity.To behave in this manner with one’s wife, who provides all comforts to you, is against our culture. It is written in the Indians scriptures – „Yatra Naariya pujante; Tatra ramante Devata”-- where the women are honoured, There reside the Gods”. But women have also to be worthy of honor and respect. The women of our country are in a miserable condition today. That is the reason why there could be not be a good government in the country. It can never improve. These are the days of Navratri but all the Goddesses are unhappy with this kind of situation. No blessings will come from them. Right from Goddess Laxmi onwards, no Goddess will give you any blessings, if you do not take care of your wife and do not give her the respect she deserves. I feel that if this can be corrected, then every other kind of problem will be solved. Because sakshat Lakshmi’s blessings will come as solutions. Those who do not respect the Gruha Lakshmi of the house, they have no right to expect any blessings from Lakshmi.In this connection I happened to see a Video Tape, in which they showed the widows who live in Brindavan and Gokul. Shri Krishna Himself must be wondering how these women are being made to suffer so many hardships. Because they are widows, they are made to sing bhajans the whole day, and earn only one rupee for it. And people use them for all kinds of services.I was wondering, after seeing this video, no one had any reaction or judgement. There are five lakh women in this plight. It did not prick the conscience of anyone. Those who are rich and amassing wealth, that they should go there and do something to relieve the suffering of these women? . Make something for them. No one with morals or sympathy for the miserable state of these widows! It never entered their minds. And this video has been shown many times. I felt there is no use to continue showing this video. And the lady who came to show this film was motivated by the desire to defame the organizers and for publicity. What will happen by screening the film. If they have so much of money then why don't they construct proper Ashrams for these women. There are one or two ashrams but not with proper facilities. The existing Ashrams, which are very few in numbers, are not managed properly. So why shouldn't an Ashram be built, where at lease these women can get shelter and food. Many women commit suicide, because it is better to die, than to live in these conditions.In our society it is compulsory for a woman to get married. And after marriage if the husband dies then all is lost. Then living becomes very difficult for her. And she has to face all kinds of insults. All these kinds of problems exist in this country. It is not so in other countries, because there are different ethics. If a woman becomes a widow, she will go around and find herself another husband. , or look for some other business. Our country is such, that along with Rani Padmini, thirty-two thousand women jumped into a pit of fire to save their honour. To save their purity. So in this country what other alternative do they have. N what way can we lessen their burden. So much They cannot live a life of honour and dignity. Their situation becomes so bad that I feel that if anyone gets some disease, at least he can go to a hospital. Some solution or others can be found for him or her. But tell Me, in the case of these unfortunate women, in what way can we lessen their burden. So much sorrow and not even a sympathizer. To add to this there is a belief that even seeing a widow would bring bad luck. Must not eat food cooked by a widow. This society of ours does not know that this has not been written in any of the Scriptures. Shri Rama got Mandodri married to Vibheeshana. There are innumerable examples. Shri Rama did this. After the death of Ravana, Shri Rama got Mandodari married to Vibheeshana. But people say that up to that it was alright. But other widows cannot marry again.Now just think, that if your mother, sister or daughter is pushed into such a circumstance, then God save us from such a Samaj (society). Better there is not any Samaj at all. And if there is, then everyone has the right to live a happy and peaceful life. So I desire that if any of you have troubled the ladies, inside your family or outside, he should completely change himself. He should consider himself guilty of the crime, and I cannot tell you what will be their punishment. Because Satya Yuga has started. And it is necessary `that everyone should stay within the path of dharma. And in dharma the most important thing is love. If a man cannot even love his own wife, then whom can he love. The one who cannot love his daughter, whom can he love. Her only fault is that she is a woman. If there were no women in the world, from where would you have got a mother, and from where would you have come. An aversion to this should arise.In Maharashtra also there was a problem of child widows. Not this much, but still there were. But such great stalwarts existed, like Tilak, Gokhale, Ranade etc. They all got married to widows. And they brought about a lot of awareness there. Made reforms. In Pune, education for women is completely free. Up to graduation they don't have to spend a penny. More than that is required here. Because compared to that place the situation is very bad here. It is very necessary to bring about awareness and vigilance.If the woman is overbearing, then she is the boss. A lot of women have learnt that it is better they become dominating and aggressive. But there is no use in this. It is the dharma of a woman to absorb everything into herself. Because, like Mother Earth she has her own powers. They must awaken their shaktis. She should stand on her dharma, awaken her creative powers, and live with self-esteem.Just by talking nothing can be accomplished. We should understand fully that this is a grievous sin. And we should never do such wrong things. Only then can we have some change in our country. Just by joining Sahaja Yoga it cannot be done. Everybody, whether a Sahaja Yogi or not, if anyone in your neighbourhood is beating a woman, you should go and rescue her. If someone is drunk and behaving violently, then you must correct him. This is your duty as a member of the society. And till such an awakening comes within you; till then, this job cannot be achieved.The second problem is with the women themselves. That they have so much self respect that they will suffer everything quietly, but if you even suggest that they should marry again, they will never agree. We had a Sahaja Yogini. Very beautiful to look at, and she had three children. The elder boy must have been 14 or 15. Wherever she went to look for a job, the men used to get mad after her. Not after their own wives, but after another women who is a widow. So lots got after her. So I told her in a roundabout way. I told her that in view of all these problems that you are facing, it is better if you get married again. She just fainted. As soon as she heard this, she fainted, that how could Shri Mataji suggest this. When she regained consciousness, she asked Me – Mother, what mistake did You see in me that You made such a suggestion. O Dear! What was this terrible punishment that I suggested to you. Means, there is such a lot of false belief and conditioning in the minds of women, that they constantly feel „Oh! I have become a widow”! According to the norms of society , I can never marry again. Cant do anything. And if we do, then we are good for nothing. Who will advise and convince them. Then I made her son understand that you try and convince your mother, because she will not be able to live safely anywhere, because she was beautiful, and a widow. Then, after one year this entered her brin, after she suffered a lot of hardships. After a year she realised that what Shri Mataji was telling me, was for my own good. Then I fixed her marriage. Of course there was no question of getting her married in India, because once a woman is widowed, she is a lost case. I got her married in the US. In that way her children were also looked after, grew up, and got settled in the world. These women will beg for alms, but will never marry again. Has this been told by God! Is it written in any shastras (scriptures). No where. These have been man made, to torture women. We dont believe in widowhood. Just don't believe. Because, what is widowhood. If a husband has died, then he has died. But that becomes widowhood and is branded on her head. Is this necessary. Or then, both should die together. And if they don't, then make the woman’s position so miserable. There is no such statute that all couples should die together. If this was the dharma, then all would have died together. But this does not happen. But if by chance the woman stays alive, then she is a lost case. Women have borne so much sorrow, that now you don't have to endure any more sorrow again. Such women could be fighter cocks, or dominate everyone in the house. All this can happen. But she cannot be a good woman. She will always be distressed and disturbed. That is why this organization has been started, on a small scale, and I will try to see that they will be supported and trained to stand on their own feet and live with dignity. And if they are widows and still young, we will get them married into good homes. If you don't agree to marry them, we will get them married in America. You keep sitting here. This is the best. If you think too much of yourselves, then keep sitting here. This ego of man must go. I have always said that it is not the women who have to be reformed. It is the men who need to be reformed. What is it that gives you so much pride in your head. What do you think of yourselves. Someone was just telling me, that if a man goes into IAS (Indian Administrative Service), then he is the most sought after son-in-law. I asked, what is there in IAS. No penny nor paisa. No earnings. Nothing. Only problems every day. I know this very well. That is, if you are an honest person. And if you are dishonest, then also problems. And if you are honest, then plenty of trouble. Inspite of that, women stay there and look after all the family members, support them, and give them love. But I could never understand that how it entered the brains of men, that if they are in IAS they become something exclusive! Once anything enters the heads of human beings, especially in India, then he starts flying like a balloon. Then, whether he hits someone, or kicks them, or uses a stick on someone, or illtreats anyone, it never occurs to him that, what is this I am doing?Of course they will be vegetarians. The Jain community says – Do not kill even a mosquito. Do not kill bedbugs. All the things that suck blood, do not kill them. But one can beat his wife. That is allowed. After all she is your wife, and she has come to your house to be beaten. If she cannot bear beatings, then what kind of a wife is she! This weakness of yours, and we are so shameless, that the reason for this that whatever self respect we have, gets finished. It used to be said in our country, that those who do menial jobs, they beat their wives. But now I see that everyone beats. No one has any shame or conscience in this matter. In other matters there is lot of self respect and shame, but not in beating your wife. They will scold their wife in front of everyone. They see no harm in it, that I have insulted my wife before others. Why did I do this. I should not have done it.Actually in the homes itself there is no teaching of the boys. And that is how they are brought up. Therefore in this organisation, I will do My best, to see that women are relieved of all these sufferings. The good work that is being done, no one notices. The children are getting spoilt. Your own children are becoming unruly. They will steal and commit other misdeeds. How has all this come. Because the society itself has broken down. Family life has broken down. This is why it has happened.So our kutumb (family unit) is very important. It is the collection of many family units that makes up the society. And from societies, countries are built. We talk of our country. What about the family. The family itself is getting lost. A family who lives with honour, self respect and loyalty to the country, only then will the women get their place. She should be respected. We must try to understand her.In Maharashtra also have arrangements for such organisations, where this same state of affairs exists. Like troubling the daughters-in-law like it happens here. But that will also change. And this will also change And these people will have to change. If they do not change, then their own children will grow up and beat their fathers. They will beat their own wives later, but first they will beat their fathers. Then everyone’s head will become alright. So much ego is there in human beings. After all, for what is there so much ego? What big achievement have you done that you have so much pride. Now, everyone must support and help this organisation. Not just giving money. But in making it successful. The biggest challenge is that we have to look after these women. We have to find them and bring them here. I don't know, because I do not live here. So, if you know of any such women in distress, who are oppressed and are in trouble, and who have no one to support them, and who are suffering a lot after being widowed; all such women should be brought by you to this organisation. Right now there is arrangement for 100 ladies. What will this be sufficient. But still. We have to make them understand what is being done here.Those who have no choice will of course come here. But those who choose to stay on in their homes, and are being tortured, have to be helped. Their husbands and their inlaws have to be counselled and advised. Our country is the only one where the family unit is valued. Nowhere else. The credit for this goes to the Indian Woman. Not to the men. It is they who have anchored this country. If not, we also would have been lost long ago. And it is better for you to understand that if you continue to do this excessive torture, then these same women will revolt. That will not be good. It will be the murder of love. It is not a good thing. The good thing is, that with proper understanding you protect and look after your wives, and your daughters. You protect them. And give them love and affection. They should feel that you love them. All the time. There is no danger that they will take advantage and sit on your head. One odd case may be there. But if a man is morally strong, she can never sit on your head. But if she is suppressed – she should not be so suppressed that even the children are not able to be brought up properly. Children do not respect their mothers. Even if they touch the mother’s feet, they do it as if some stone or bricks are lying in their way. And the father has no time. Then definitely the children will get spoilt. And all the crimes that are happening, which we read in the papers every day, are caused by the fact that our family unit is not strong. It is due to them that our society exists. And you are sitting here. If you want it to continue you must remember that honoring women, supporting them in their advancement, and bringing about a change in society, must be considered by you as your supreme aim. And you must put your attention to that. This is My dearest wish. I keep blessing you with eternal blessings, but to enjoy all these blessings you have to gather everyone together. We have to consolidate everyone. When you cannot even unite one family, who will you unite. It is important that everyone should live together with love and harmony. Now you are Sahaja Yogis and this is a very important achievement. This is gyan marg. In this you understand the real meaning of love, and how we have to do give and take with each other. How we should behave towards each other. You will be amazed to see how the whole society will change. We don't have to become like the foreigners. Not at all. There the women keep filing lawsuits . In America the women marry seven or eight times and become rich. All the husbands become paupers. Not all this. We don't want all this. What do we want. Mutual love. Good children. You will see how much this can benefit you. Lots of benefis. There will be prosperity, not only for the society, but also for the country. There will be no cause for fighting and misunderstandings. If this is for the general good, then why don't we do it. In this understanding we can progress. What I see is this. Here all Sahaja Yogis are sitting and I am going to tell you something new. That others recognize that these people are Sahaja Yogis. We people who are Sahaja Yogis should unite all of them together. It is the swabhav (nature) of Sahaja Yogis which will impress every one and bring them into Sahaja Yoga. What I have said, preserve it in your heart. Because this gives Me pain inside. And this pain, can only be removed by you. Eternal Blessings (Ananth Aashirwaad) ,
Address to IAS officers wives association
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program, Address to IAS officers wives association, New Delhi, India. 08-04-2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. Today as they say is a ghor kaliyuga and all sorts of horrible things we can see, hear, read in the newspapers. Its a fact that its a very bad times we are passing, also we find very low graded people, we can call them of very low value systems but it was also predicted long long time back that at this time only the people who are seeking the truth in the (hills sal days{unclear}), Himalayas all kinds of (god basis {unclear})will find the truth. Its already described by many many great astrologists, also by saints. So at this time we are priest in a very fortunate circumstances. I must say I have a great love for all the people who are in the IAS and IPS and all the civil services because I know what one has to go through, its life of great turmoil and sacrifice, also for the wife, but I always felt that this is like the soldier fighting in the war. We are here to build up this country. My husband was first in the foreign service, I had never heard of services and all that so I said now what must be the foreign services but I said I am not going to go to any foreign country, just now we have got freedom and we have to work here, we have to work out many things for this country. Not only that but I realized that civil service is the spinal cord of this country. It has to bear all the burns, all the troubles, all the burdens and at the same time it has a great responsibility to build this country and that's why I put my, I should say all effort that my husband gets selected to IAS and somehow or the other we lost lot of money everything, it's alright I said, I can live with anything but to live in the foreign countries and wasting your... (unclear as video has some disturbance) its time now, for us here, to live and I think this patriotism is the only thing by which we can live doing our civil service, understanding our responsibilities and also that we are the ministry of the government, of this country which is though run by parties after parties. It's where I learned that women have to be extremely forbearing, sacrificing and always very much keeping happy. It's a question of why are we here in this service, we are special people no doubt, we have special powers no doubt, but without misusing the powers what are you, nothing. If you misuse it then its not proper, and if you dont use it, you are powerless. This is really the situation but the enjoyment and the happiness and the satisfaction comes from the fact that you are working for your country. So this patriotism, which I imbibed from my parents also and also Mahatma Gandhi, I felt that we are duty bound to workout in such a manner that everyone of us do something which is very constructive and which is very helpful,but at the same time while doing that because of such a difficult situations we develop all kinds of problems and that's what I am going to talk to you about. The first thing is, we see something, we react. This reaction can create two problems within us:one of conditioning or another of ego, both are troublesome things and they make us very nervous and tensed. The main thing is that the energy that is required for thinking, for futuristic planning (video disrupted). Sahajyoga comes from one's center which creates the energy for the brain cells which are used all the time, we want taxing our brains, using its energy all the time but we don't know how it is replaced and replaced to our centre. This centre is looking after so many organs that this overflow of energy to the brain for this futuristic life can creates lots of problems not only tension but lots of other problems also because this energy starts getting exhausted and when we are in the struggle this energy starts getting, sort of, finished or maybe we develop tremendous imbalance within ourselves. As I don't know, whether they have put up the photograph of the kundalini, you can see here very clearly that our autonomous nervous system is in three channels and either we can go to the right or to the left but in the centre we cannot move right and left, if you are too much futuristic, if you think too much, if you are working out too much then this right side develops and this is a very very important thing to understand that we start loosing the balance. The first thing that happens to a person like that, that he develops a very bad liver, his liver goes out of order because its the centre which looks after the liver. Now the heat of the liver when it is..(unclear) start rising so we might develop asthma very serious type of asthma, and this is now incurable, but it is curable if you can balance the person it can be easily cured. This asthma, then if it doesn't happen then this heat goes towards the heart. In childhood if you are born with a bad heart or anything then one can understand but if there is a boy say 21 or 22 years of age who plays tennis and also drinks a lot and all that, he gets a fatal heart attack, very fatal and he dies but if it does work out that way gradually it starts moving towards a massive heart attack, it could be for anyone at any age but especially as the old age starts it can really show its (unclear). So this is a common disease we have that our heart is in a trouble, then you will try peacemaker, this thing, that thing, instead of that if you take to sahajyoga you don't have to worry about your heart, it would be excellent. Then another thing that can happen to you, on the brain side, that if right side is too much then our left side brain gets affected and we get paraplegia by which our hand can become absolutely dead also leg can become dead but it can be a serious paralysis which can affect all the right side right from the mouth to the head, all this area also hands, legs everything becomes paralyzed, so this is another thing which is awaiting in such people who don't care for balancing themselves, so there are serious diseases, I should say of the upper part of the body. In the lower part of the body this heat passes towards the pancreas, so pancreas you get diabetes then it goes little lower and in the spleen you can get even blood cancer. Sahajyoga has definitely cured blood cancer, can be cured, then it can even affect the kidneys, kidneys can be very badly affected and you might develop kidney troubles, you can try transplantation but didn't help much then it comes to your stomach where you get constipated and always in anger, temper. All these things happen to the right-sided person that he can't help it because he is so much busy with his planning and with everything that his brain has no rest and so he gets irritated when..(unclear) not according to his own desire or his own plans. With all these things happen, this right-side problem,I think, is a very serious problem which all of us are facing. Now it comes, as I told you, comes from our reactions, so our reactions are because of our mind, now if you have a mind that reacts then how to stop your mind from reacting. Einstein has already told that when he was looking for the theory that he wanted to produce of relativity he got so tired doing it when... (unclear) started playing with the soap bubbles and suddenly he says from somewhere unknown the whole thing, the whole scientific explanation came into his mind that he called as a torsion area. We all have that torsion area, the subtle energy that surrounds us which looks after us and I call it the divine love that helps us in every way to balance ourselves, enrich ourselves and to give the absolute knowledge, not relative knowledge but absolute knowledge. So this is the gyaan marga we are talking about of the absolute knowledge. Now this torsion area is a wonderful thing because this kundalini when she rises, she not only nourishes all the 6 centres, enlightens them and indicates them but also connects you to this torsion area of Einstein, suddenly you are amazed that yourself, how it has happened that you get so many solutions of problems which are not solvable, your temperament changes, you are so relaxed, that means you develop that witness state because now you go beyond your mind, you don't react, you see, you just see and watch and its the primarily your attention becomes extremely powerful, you have all these things within you, just think we have to have, say, some light, it has to be connected. I am speaking here this instrument has to be connected to the mains, otherwise it is useless in the same way we are to be connected we have to decide that we should be connected to that divine power. Once you are connected to that divine power, its such a change takes place within. First of all, your hands starts speaking, written in the Quran that at the time of resurrection, kiyama, your hands will speak, so I say we accept muslim.. (unclear) means on your hands on these five fingers, here and here, seven places you can feel your centers then you can feel the centres of others because you become a collective being who is the..(unclear)you can feel everyone on your fingertips.A person may look all right to you normal to you but you realize no no he is not something very serious about that person. On the fingertips you can feel it whats wrong with that person Now if you somehow or the other master this side,at the most you take one month,if you do it you can raise other's kundalini, that's how they say sahajayoga has spread in 86 countries. It ha spread,no doubt,it has spread in 86 countries but I have not been to all these countries, I have not visited all these countries,I might have gone to about say about 20 countries at the most but people who got realized they..(unclear) in these countries,they went down to these places and gave realization to another. Now imagine a country called Benin in Africa has got 7000 Sahaja yogis, they were all muslims and they all have got realization that doesn't mean you are no more a muslim, you are that but you know the essence of so you respect every religion, you respect all the incarnations because now you have the true knowledge about religion about yourself and about the whole universe you can feel it on your fingertips for example. Supposing a man comes, I would say that once when my husband was a city magistrate, two ladies came to me from the backdoor and they said see now these police people are putting us into trouble, we are good women, we have done nothing, I just felt their vibration, I told my husband that I think you people are doing some injustice to them they are quite alright. So he said don't interfere, I said I am not interfering but I will prove it to you that these girls are innocent and simple girls and unnecessarily you people are thinking that they are bad women. So I went with them, that time of course we had only one car, so I went by rickshaw with them to that place where the man had written that they are bad girls, so I went and asked him, are these the two girls who are living in your higher upper flat,are these the girls who did like this, he said not at all, these are very different not these, then I came and told him, see I judged them from vibrations and they cannot be bad girls so sometimes also we punish people, we get angry with people who do not deserve that kind of a treatment because we don't know what they are. We also follow wrong paths, we go, we get lost into so many things because we don't know what is the right path. Now with this happening of the kundalini, of course physically you are alright, physically your problems are solved, physically you don't have to bother,actually its hardly any trouble to cure people physically, we also have a hospital where they don't charge them anything except for the room where they have to live and very good rooms also sometimes, the doctors also work free and work it out so well that so many people have been cured. We are getting people from all over the world very highly placed people come there and they are getting cured and for that you don't have to go to whole..(unclear) of feeling "what's wrong with them, putting them for diagnosis and in that diagnosis only the patient dies halfway but this is only on the fingertips you know what's wrong with the person, you need not tell that person what's wrong you will know how to cure it and how to work it out. Today only a friend of ours came to see me, much younger to me looking so very old and haggard and he said I got paralysis, he was another one of the same kind working too hard, too hard and within 20 minutes or so after raising his kundalini, his face became alright, his hands became alright and he said I can't walk without a stick, I said alright now you walk, he started walking . I have seen people running who come on wheelchairs, its very surprising(video disrupted) but for this we must know this is the knowledge of our country not that other's didn't know, they knew, but in Bolivia,surprised, Bolivia is so far out, people told me we know about chakras, we know everything but we don't know how to raise the kundalini, they knew the word kundalini also, so I thought I must find out who has told you all this, two saints came from India,long long time back maybe I thought Machindranath and Gorakhnath had gone everywhere, they went to Ukraine also so they might have told them about this Kundalini and awakening of this Kundalini, but they said we don't know how to raise the Kundalini, once you are entitled as a Sahaja yogi you can raise the Kundalini of any person, you can cure any person you can do whatever you want to do as far as the physical side is concerned, even the mental side. I have seen tension is more of mental side of human beings where you get very tensed up, get angry and annoyed or you become extremely quiet and you don't know how to handle the situation, this also is the same reaction of your mind that works it out but if you go beyond the mind then you will be amazed, the ideas that they come to you are absolute truth, the solutions that come to you are absolutely perfect and the people who are against you become your friend, those who are troubling you very much also become very very sweet, its a changing and transforming of human beings. The other day I had a newspaper and his name was Mr.Abbas alright so he was extremely aggressive,he asked me funny question, he say how did you know that you are divine, I said how did you know you are a human being,he looked at me, I said, see because I would not react, I used to watch, I used to see, then he found out I am different from others, so I didn't tried to show off this thing, there is nobody wants to understand it that way, you have to prove it, that's the best way sahajyoga can be told, so he said how can I get the proof, he said I don't believe in any fundamentalism,alright, don't believe in any fundamentalism but do you believe in yourself,yes,yes of course and at that moment his kundalini rised so he say,"ye kya ho raha hai?(what is this happening-hindi translation), Whats happening,what is, how this cool breeze is flowing into my fingertips,how is it, I said it is also flowing out of your frontal bone area and he was completely changed, he said whatever I have asked you the question I am not going to put it out, its all nonsense,"hum bewakoof the"(I was stupid-hindi translation) now I have become a sensible man, you see actually this kundalini shapes you,really transforms you. Now they say we have six enemies,kaam,krodh,mad matsar ,lobh,moh, only six they are saying but nowadays there are more but as it is accepted there are six of them. So once you get connected with this divine power of love all these things just drop out, they are useless, no jealousies,no competition, nothing.We have many people also in the foreign service and they told us people are very happy with us, I said why? because we are not competing,they are all becoming ambassadors,this and that but nobody is angry with us because we are not competing. When the mind starts thinking of the competition,it can go into any wrong ally into any dark ally or really it can be very much a different person, but with this you are in the center, you are complete balanced within yourself and all the hankering everything drops out, you don't hanker, you don't hanker after people, you don't hanker after great publicity or anything you just automatically become so balanced and you are not bothered as to what's happening and that you are not frightened, for example If I stand in the water you are afraid of the base alright, but suppose you get into the boat then even you can enjoy the base , but supposing you learn how to swim, you can jump down and you can save the people. This is how Sahaja yoga works,in a simple manner,as I have said that I have tremendous concern for you people, always had but because of my husband's strict rules,i could not touch his office people, I could not talk to them, I could not meet anyone, who was even a peon involved in the IAS office, he was very strict about it, I said alright, I will try some other area but now he has retired luckily,now I am free even to talk to you,surprisingly,otherwise he would never allow me to talk to you people because he thought its not proper,you must maintain, we must maintain a certain distance.So even in the parties and all,and all these places, I was quite amused the way people used to discuss and talk about things you know and I used to keep quiet so they thought I don't even know english, and maybe I am so quiet because perhaps maybe I am good for nothing possible but now all the same person,those same ladies and gentleman are now doing meditation,now for meditation you don't have to hang yourself with anything, you don't have to have too much time,even ten minutes before sleeping, you do meditation you will feel so relaxed and so very absolutely, completely, cleared out of your problems,cleared out of your thinking,just relaxed,there is no thinking,which is thoughtless awareness as been already told to us by...(name unclear) you know (name unclear) was a disciple of freud whom he revolted against and he talked about the mother energy.We Indians you see are shakti pujaris,now there is this navratras are going on but we have never understood the message of mother's love, this is the mother's love that works I think, and you also become very motherly,very kind, very compassionate, how can a human being, I don't know, how can a human being be cruel to anyone who is suffering, who is in trouble, who is in poverty, the love that you have within yourself starts flowing just like an ocean and you become extremely generous and all the generous people I have seen are very much always looked after. I will give you an example of my father who was a very generous man, very very generous man and once what happened, he always used to say never close the houses, we should not close our house, always open the windows,open the doors,he said, some thief, if you tell him some thief might come, he says let them come, after all they need something, thats why they are coming, so he used to keep all the doors open, he had a big, he was fond of music so he had a big gramophone with the one big horn like thing and one day one thief came and opened the door, it was open, the door was open only, he took away that gramophone, so next day he was sitting very seriously so my mother said now are you sorry for that, no no no that I can buy but I am only sorry, this man seems to be..(unclear) of music he has taken away the gramophone, now what will he play, he has not taken any records. So my mother said alright, you advertise in the newspaper, the one who has taken the gramophone please come and take the records so that he enjoys the gramophone. I mean I have seen such people, I have see really very generous people and at the time when Gandhiji declared the war of Independence, they not only went to jail but they gave away everything. We used to live in huge big houses then we shifted to some sort of huts, we were enjoying because you see the enjoyment was of our Rashtra bhakti and this has helped that time, Mahatma Gandhi was helped because that time the people were ..(unclear). Now today, the thing is, its coming from the west, too much of this, too much of that its alright, there's nothing wrong, nothing wrong, we should come, we should prosper, our country should prosper, we should create more things at..(unclear) but this hankering will go away. Now the hankering becomes the other way round,like what should I give to this lady,now what should I do for this gentleman, I mean the worry goes to the other side of it, what to do, what should I gave that they wont feel wrong because sometimes you know sarkari naukar's as they are very strict, so if you give them they think, I am giving them a bribe, I said this is not a bribe, I am just giving because I want to give you, will you take it, with very great difficulty they take, but you see is a way of expression of your love and with this love I tell you, you will be so very popular, so very popular in your office, in your work, in the whole of the country people will remember it that this was the man who really looked after us, who has done so much for you,if you don't have a concern,you will be just worried about yourself and this thing.All the ladies also of the IAS, thank you very much for inviting me but I would like to tell you that ladies have to help the husbands, they should try to understand that their energy is the Shakti of energy and they should give to men this energy so that they can work better but sometimes I have funny experiences which I'll relate to you, which was very interesting that first time, first time, I never know your seniority, juniority, anything I don't know much, I don't understand, I came to Delhi and when my husband came here to work for Shastriji, so we met in a party a friend of mine who was from my college,so she asked me,"Are, why are you here Nirmal"? I said my husband has come here,said what is he doing? I said he is a government servant.Everybody is a government servant here but what is he doing? I said I don't know that but he is something here. Where do you live? First thing she asked, I said I live in Meena Bagh, ahhh, Meena Bagh!!! What is your husband doing?You could have got a much better husband, why did you marry a man who takes you to Meena Bagh, baba I didn't know Meena Bagh was that bad,you see because Shastriji, you see asked us to come here and there was no house so they gave us Meena Bagh. I thought this was very bad to live in Meena Bagh, the way she was talking, then she said ,alright, this gentleman who is coming, this tall gentleman, you know he is very very important, you somehow or the other mange to talk to him, he will get your husband a very good job and you will get a very good house and who comes there was my husband. OH MY GOD !!! She said,"you know him"?I said yes. How? He is my husband.After that she didn't talk to me, she never said it to me. To know that we live in Meena Bagh was a bad thing in itself, is a quite a big knowledge about things,isn't it, that only people of this much pay live in Meena Bagh, its really impossible. Even I mean don't know a state officer knows this much but the lady knew that Meena Bagh was not meant for an IAS officer. Can you imagine?So these indulgences of the women is of no use. I am very happy to hear about this organization that it is doing such a good constructive work. I was really very happy and myself, he says I am a socialist because I always think of the social problems and somehow or the other I am a socialist alright, because its a collective sense and when I heard that these people are doing this kind of work,I said amazing. I can't imagine those days women used to talk of something else they would never talk of any social, it was so difficult to make them understand social work. Funny type of atmosphere was there, the Britishers had left their legacy on our head and we were quite enamored by that. For example I would say that it was not for them to conceive of something higher or better, so I was the president of the blind, friends of the blind society and for that they were going to have a programme and these blinds were going to act and the governor Mr.Cheriyat was to come, when he came they wanted to know who will be sitting next to him, being a chairman of course others would asked me to sit down the rest started quarreling and fighting and discussing so much I got such a fright, I thought now take to humor that's the best way to solve the problem so I said alright we will get a big plank on top of the governor's head and you all sit like sparrow's on that, we get all their anger vanished and they became alright.So what I am saying is now the quality of women have changed, you can see that very clearly the quality has changed and though you might think that they are self centered or whatever you may think but one thing I have noticed that they are social minded, they read, they understand whats going on in this country. I would say these days our country is a very big turmoil, very big turmoil and all these things are going to help this to solve this problem so many problems we can solve. Once some of these problems are solved I am sure we will be one of the greatest countries, we have no dearth of talent, no dearth of talent, we have no dearth of hard work only, " ujaskat tatra durlabhami" means that there is no way difficult to get a person who can put them to the yojana and if such a person gets his self realisation he is so self confident, so peaceful within himself, he is not bothered to what others are doing and all this can change and transform you into a beautiful personality. You give up all your destructive habits, absolutely,you just give up your destructive habits,I don't have to say give up,I never say,if I say that half of people might leave me but I have seen people overnight in London, there were 12 people who had come who were taking drugs,they were drug addicts,they left their drugs overnight,overnight!!! can you imagine.I was amazed how could they leave it overnight ,our problems of drugs of all other things,we can solve them without any difficulties and you are placed, you are placed for that, for that kind of job.Your situation is very good because you have a responsibility, very great responsibility and that responsibility has to be understood, if we do not understand our responsibility will not(audio disrupted), but once you get your realisation, you will, you will become extremely responsible and also you will not feel that responsibility on your head, you will extremely,absolutely relaxed and such a person to meet, you are sometimes surprised the face changes, the body changes, everything, the transformation takes place and you are surprised,all this,all this is within you,all this you have got it, all this is working out, only thing, we have to get our self-realisation,this is a knowledge of our inner being,a very subtle knowledge. I pray and thank you very much, to all the ladies also for calling me here,this is a very unique experience I have, because I would never known that IAS people could be so receptive to this kind of a subtle thing, but they are. In Bombay,I was surprised, when I had this programme in Bombay, now they are regularly going for meditation in a hall that they have, surprising, how can they do it I don't know but they are doing it, the way they have received me. Actually I used to always say that Bombay IAS people are very, very proud, I should say, very proud,they wont look at you, they wont see you but I have a surprise, they have become so humble, so nice, I don't know why in Bombay they have developed this kind of a superiority complex or something, we had very bad reports about them but suddenly they have changed so much and in the same way you all should change and you become so collective, its not joint,its collective and you just think of helping each other and living that kind of a life and all over the world we have brothers and sisters, wherever you go,you may go anywhere you will find them waiting for you ,they also come here and when they come here they touch this motherland of ours, they touch this Bharat Bhumi with their lips and kiss it.I asked them why do you do it, because its a yog bhumi, its a special country, its a yog bhumi, here we have got our realisation and you will be amazed that this country is a yog bhumi Once I was travelling with my husband in the plane and I told him we have reached India,he said how do you know?I see the vibrations all over, you can see,he went to the pilot to verify,to verify what I was saying was correct or not. The pilot said sir we have,we have, I said see, this is our surrounding which has spirituality in it,everything that is written we have to verify why some places are Swayambhus, how can you make it out,anywhere you go there is a temple,there is a temple,how do you?You can feel it on your fingertips. Now you will be surprised to know that Mecca has got a big stone,a black stone.Mohammad Sahab said don't worship any stone because people used to make money out of making some statues and all but this stone he said you should go round,that is the biggest and foremost thing to go round the stone. Now ask them why do you go and worship the stone,they don't know,but I know because in our shastras it is written that its a Macceshwar Shiva.It is a Shiva called,even vibrations,you see vibrations starts flowing.Its a Mecceshwar Shiva.Its a Shiva in the stone,its the vibrations of the Shiva and its a fact.The other day I read in very nice article in Marathi that Shiva was worshiped before Islamic religion came but the way they were doing it because they were going to all kinds of temples and rituals,too many rituals and because of that ritualism, Mohammad Sahab said don't worship the stone,but we have Swayambhus,we have really Swayambhus but when you will go and verify with your vibrations you will know they are swayambhus.You all are capable of getting self realization,all of you, whatever must be your past,doesn't matter,we have to be in the present,past is finished,future doesn't exist,you will be in the present and that's the reality which you all can feel the vibrations...(video disrupted)to bother him all his life,so one should not have any such ideas that I have done this wrong,how can I get realization,this is unnecessary,you should not,you should never,never think that you are guilty,if you were you would have been in the jail,but you have been here so dont think you are guilty,don't judge yourself,you don't know yourself,it is to know yourself you have to do this and don't judge,you must have great respect and love for yourself and I am sure it will work out tonight as desired by these people but those who don't want to have self realization, I would say they can go because I don't want them to disturb others,supposing if you don't want it cannot be forced,it has to be asked for,it cannot be forced to anyone,you cannot pay for it,you cannot do anything about it but if the kundalini doesn't rise,its alright we have a center where you can go and get it corrected maybe something wrong in the chakras which you do not know and they will find out.So it will take hardly anytime anytime,have faith in yourself,first of all have faith in yourself and this will work out,first I think to forgive others is difficult,you see the western people,they cannot forgive themselves and for Indians the other way round,they cannot forgive others,I don't know there is this kind of different I mean,attitude,but we should forgive ourselves also.God has created you as human beings not to be ruined like this,not to be shattered like this but to achieve your goal. REALIZATION You have to just put your hands towards me like this.I think if you have shoes,you have to take it out,helps us a lot,we are sitting in Delhi where,here at this Bharat Bhumi in this Yog Bhumi it works very fast.In this country it works very fast and also with you people because you love this country very much you work so hard for this country,so it works very fast,so don't have any apprehensions,just put your both the hands like this.Again I would request,you must forgive yourself and others,that's very important because if you don't do that then your center here,will call the Vishuddhi Chakra,will be blocked.I mean the guilt part is blocked and if you don't forgive,then this Agnya Chakra will be blocked.Please put your hands like this,little lower, now,first you will start feeling some cool or hot breeze on your fingertips and also on your thumb,then in the palm you start feeling a cool or a hot breeze,some people start thinking that this is air-conditioning,it has nothing to do with air-conditioning,so please have faith in yourself.Now please put right hand towards me and put down,put your,put down your head a little and feel with your left hand on top of your frontal bone area which was called as Talu,if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out,now please put down your heads a little and see for yourself,move your hand,it might be coming very far,maybe very close but don't put your hand on top but above,just move please,move it on the sides and see for yourself that there is cool or a hot breeze like coming.It is hot means you have not forgiven,it means only that you have to really say I forgive,you don't have to do anything except you have to say in your heart I forgive everyone,that's a very great quality.Now please put your left hands towards me and see with your right hand again bend your head please and see for yourself,if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head,just see for yourself.Please put your right hand again,right hand is more,so put the right hand like this and see for yourself.Now again put both the hands towards me and don't think,just don't think,you can stop thinking even for a second,that's very good,this is called as Nirvicharita,then comes a stage you become Nirvikalpa,when there is no doubt in your head,you become into doubtless awareness where you sure you got it,you sure you can do everything,that is the stage one has to rise.Now all those who have felt on their fingertips a cool or a hot breeze or out of the frontal bone area cool or a hot breeze please raise both your hands.Most of you have got it,most of you have got it.Congratulations and those who haven't got will also get it,if you have to just little bit join of the centers we have or if you want any one of them can come and give a realization.I don't think there is any hindrance in that but sometimes it happens that she didn't rise,she is your mother individual mother,she doesn't have any other child,this kundalini knows everything about you,she knows your aspirations,she knows your past ,she knows everything,also she knows what physical problems you have,she is very kind,as your mother she gave you the birth,she took up all the labor pains upon herself,its the kundalini that out of her love,that motherly love she does everything and it just works,it works because thats what you are in for,time has come for all of us to be transformed,to get into a new generation of beautiful people ,its a wonderful time, if I have done anything so far is this that I found out a way for collective awareness,thats the only work I have done,otherwise it was already there,Nathpantis used to do it,it was quite a well known thing about people but what I have done is I have tried to find out what are the permutations and combinations of problem in the human beings and why should they all get it,this collective happening has been a great blessing all over the world.Again I would like to thank you very much,very kind of you that you had invited me here,if you have any questions also if you can spare some time,I would like to know if you have any questions. Ques: Mataji, I wanted to know do we have to have a certain posture for meditation or you can meditate in any way? Shri Mataji: No there is nothing,no style,nothing.You can sit whichever way you like,you can sit on the chair,you can do I mean,there is no style nothing.I didn't understand your question what you are saying so I was asking him,there is nothing like that,you see, you are beyond all this things now, you don't have to worry as to how u sit down,what you do, nothing,you sit anywhere you like,if you want you can sit on the ground,if you want you can sit on the chair,anywhere,its all over. Sorry I couldn;t understand your question. This is not a problem. "Aap to nirbandh hai,mast huye to fir kya bole,hai na." Ques: Mataji, there are so many gurus nowadays, how one will convince the others,if I have to tell someone to come to you,how do I tell them? Shri Mataji: You don't have to convince,you see there is no need to convince them because they will see you as something special,very different and they will ask you how are you so peaceful,how are you so good,don't have to tell them,just they will see your character,your style and they will be so impressed by you. Very positive questions,very very positive, because once you get it you want others to get it because you find others in trouble.We have one gentleman here who wants to sing song for you, I hope you will enjoy and I think song will soothe it down.He is a musician who has,had no guru,didn't learned any music,some or other after Sahaj yoga,he developed the art of music from within. People become poets,all kinds of things happen,he is one of them who has achieved a great success in music without going to any guru,without learning anything,A B C D and all that. "BHAJAN:Jisme surat shri maa ki na aaye nazar,aisa darpan mujhe nahi chahye." "BHAJAN:Sahaji hume banaya ye karam nahi to kya hai." .......End.......
Public Program, Address to IAS officers wives association, New Delhi, India. 08-04-2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. Today as they say is a ghor kaliyuga and all sorts of horrible things we can see, hear, read in the newspapers. Its a fact that its a very bad times we are passing, also we find very low graded people, we can call them of very low value systems but it was also predicted long long time back that at this time only the people who are seeking the truth in the (hills sal days{unclear}), Himalayas all kinds of (god basis {unclear})will find the truth. Its already described by many many great astrologists, also by saints. So at this time we are priest in a very fortunate circumstances. I must say I have a great love for all the people who are in the IAS and IPS and all the civil services because I know what one has to go through, its life of great turmoil and sacrifice, also for the wife, but I always felt that this is like the soldier fighting in the war. We are here to build up this country. My husband was first in the foreign service, I had never heard of services and all that so I said now what must be the foreign services but I said I am not going to go to any foreign country, just now we have got freedom and we have to work here, we have to work out many things for this country. Not only that but I realized that civil service is the spinal cord of this country. It has to bear all the burns, all the troubles, all the burdens and at the same time it has a great responsibility to build this country and that's why I put my, I should say all effort that my husband gets selected to IAS and somehow or the other we lost lot of money everything, it's alright I said, I can live with anything but to live in the foreign countries and wasting your... (unclear as video has some disturbance) its time now, for us here, to live and I think this patriotism is the only thing by which we can live doing our civil service, understanding our responsibilities and also that we are the ministry of the government, of this country which is though run by parties after parties. It's where I learned that women have to be extremely forbearing, sacrificing and always very much keeping happy. It's a question of why are we here in this service, we are special people no doubt, we have special powers no doubt, but without misusing the powers what are you, nothing. If you misuse it then its not proper, and if you dont use it, you are powerless. This is really the situation but the enjoyment and the happiness and the satisfaction comes from the fact that you are working for your country. So this patriotism, which I imbibed from my parents also and also Mahatma Gandhi, I felt that we are duty bound to workout in such a manner that everyone of us do something which is very constructive and which is very helpful,but at the same time while doing that because of such a difficult situations we develop all kinds of problems and that's what I am going to talk to you about. The first thing is, we see something, we react. This reaction can create two problems within us:one of conditioning or another of ego, both are troublesome things and they make us very nervous and tensed. The main thing is that the energy that is required for thinking, for futuristic planning (video disrupted). Sahajyoga comes from one's center which creates the energy for the brain cells which are used all the time, we want taxing our brains, using its energy all the time but we don't know how it is replaced and replaced to our centre. This centre is looking after so many organs that this overflow of energy to the brain for this futuristic life can creates lots of problems not only tension but lots of other problems also because this energy starts getting exhausted and when we are in the struggle this energy starts getting, sort of, finished or maybe we develop tremendous imbalance within ourselves. As I don't know, whether they have put up the photograph of the kundalini, you can see here very clearly that our autonomous nervous system is in three channels and either we can go to the right or to the left but in the centre we cannot move right and left, if you are too much futuristic, if you think too much, if you are working out too much then this right side develops and this is a very very important thing to understand that we start loosing the balance. The first thing that happens to a person like that, that he develops a very bad liver, his liver goes out of order because its the centre which looks after the liver. Now the heat of the liver when it is..(unclear) start rising so we might develop asthma very serious type of asthma, and this is now incurable, but it is curable if you can balance the person it can be easily cured. This asthma, then if it doesn't happen then this heat goes towards the heart. In childhood if you are born with a bad heart or anything then one can understand but if there is a boy say 21 or 22 years of age who plays tennis and also drinks a lot and all that, he gets a fatal heart attack, very fatal and he dies but if it does work out that way gradually it starts moving towards a massive heart attack, it could be for anyone at any age but especially as the old age starts it can really show its (unclear). So this is a common disease we have that our heart is in a trouble, then you will try peacemaker, this thing, that thing, instead of that if you take to sahajyoga you don't have to worry about your heart, it would be excellent. Then another thing that can happen to you, on the brain side, that if right side is too much then our left side brain gets affected and we get paraplegia by which our hand can become absolutely dead also leg can become dead but it can be a serious paralysis which can affect all the right side right from the mouth to the head, all this area also hands, legs everything becomes paralyzed, so this is another thing which is awaiting in such people who don't care for balancing themselves, so there are serious diseases, I should say of the upper part of the body. In the lower part of the body this heat passes towards the pancreas, so pancreas you get diabetes then it goes little lower and in the spleen you can get even blood cancer. Sahajyoga has definitely cured blood cancer, can be cured, then it can even affect the kidneys, kidneys can be very badly affected and you might develop kidney troubles, you can try transplantation but didn't help much then it comes to your stomach where you get constipated and always in anger, temper. All these things happen to the right-sided person that he can't help it because he is so much busy with his planning and with everything that his brain has no rest and so he gets irritated when..(unclear) not according to his own desire or his own plans. With all these things happen, this right-side problem,I think, is a very serious problem which all of us are facing. Now it comes, as I told you, comes from our reactions, so our reactions are because of our mind, now if you have a mind that reacts then how to stop your mind from reacting. Einstein has already told that when he was looking for the theory that he wanted to produce of relativity he got so tired doing it when... (unclear) started playing with the soap bubbles and suddenly he says from somewhere unknown the whole thing, the whole scientific explanation came into his mind that he called as a torsion area. We all have that torsion area, the subtle energy that surrounds us which looks after us and I call it the divine love that helps us in every way to balance ourselves, enrich ourselves and to give the absolute knowledge, not relative knowledge but absolute knowledge. So this is the gyaan marga we are talking about of the absolute knowledge. Now this torsion area is a wonderful thing because this kundalini when she rises, she not only nourishes all the 6 centres, enlightens them and indicates them but also connects you to this torsion area of Einstein, suddenly you are amazed that yourself, how it has happened that you get so many solutions of problems which are not solvable, your temperament changes, you are so relaxed, that means you develop that witness state because now you go beyond your mind, you don't react, you see, you just see and watch and its the primarily your attention becomes extremely powerful, you have all these things within you, just think we have to have, say, some light, it has to be connected. I am speaking here this instrument has to be connected to the mains, otherwise it is useless in the same way we are to be connected we have to decide that we should be connected to that divine power. Once you are connected to that divine power, its such a change takes place within. First of all, your hands starts speaking, written in the Quran that at the time of resurrection, kiyama, your hands will speak, so I say we accept muslim.. (unclear) means on your hands on these five fingers, here and here, seven places you can feel your centers then you can feel the centres of others because you become a collective being who is the..(unclear)you can feel everyone on your fingertips.A person may look all right to you normal to you but you realize no no he is not something very serious about that person. On the fingertips you can feel it whats wrong with that person Now if you somehow or the other master this side,at the most you take one month,if you do it you can raise other's kundalini, that's how they say sahajayoga has spread in 86 countries. It ha spread,no doubt,it has spread in 86 countries but I have not been to all these countries, I have not visited all these countries,I might have gone to about say about 20 countries at the most but people who got realized they..(unclear) in these countries,they went down to these places and gave realization to another. Now imagine a country called Benin in Africa has got 7000 Sahaja yogis, they were all muslims and they all have got realization that doesn't mean you are no more a muslim, you are that but you know the essence of so you respect every religion, you respect all the incarnations because now you have the true knowledge about religion about yourself and about the whole universe you can feel it on your fingertips for example. Supposing a man comes, I would say that once when my husband was a city magistrate, two ladies came to me from the backdoor and they said see now these police people are putting us into trouble, we are good women, we have done nothing, I just felt their vibration, I told my husband that I think you people are doing some injustice to them they are quite alright. So he said don't interfere, I said I am not interfering but I will prove it to you that these girls are innocent and simple girls and unnecessarily you people are thinking that they are bad women. So I went with them, that time of course we had only one car, so I went by rickshaw with them to that place where the man had written that they are bad girls, so I went and asked him, are these the two girls who are living in your higher upper flat,are these the girls who did like this, he said not at all, these are very different not these, then I came and told him, see I judged them from vibrations and they cannot be bad girls so sometimes also we punish people, we get angry with people who do not deserve that kind of a treatment because we don't know what they are. We also follow wrong paths, we go, we get lost into so many things because we don't know what is the right path. Now with this happening of the kundalini, of course physically you are alright, physically your problems are solved, physically you don't have to bother,actually its hardly any trouble to cure people physically, we also have a hospital where they don't charge them anything except for the room where they have to live and very good rooms also sometimes, the doctors also work free and work it out so well that so many people have been cured. We are getting people from all over the world very highly placed people come there and they are getting cured and for that you don't have to go to whole..(unclear) of feeling "what's wrong with them, putting them for diagnosis and in that diagnosis only the patient dies halfway but this is only on the fingertips you know what's wrong with the person, you need not tell that person what's wrong you will know how to cure it and how to work it out. Today only a friend of ours came to see me, much younger to me looking so very old and haggard and he said I got paralysis, he was another one of the same kind working too hard, too hard and within 20 minutes or so after raising his kundalini, his face became alright, his hands became alright and he said I can't walk without a stick, I said alright now you walk, he started walking . I have seen people running who come on wheelchairs, its very surprising(video disrupted) but for this we must know this is the knowledge of our country not that other's didn't know, they knew, but in Bolivia,surprised, Bolivia is so far out, people told me we know about chakras, we know everything but we don't know how to raise the kundalini, they knew the word kundalini also, so I thought I must find out who has told you all this, two saints came from India,long long time back maybe I thought Machindranath and Gorakhnath had gone everywhere, they went to Ukraine also so they might have told them about this Kundalini and awakening of this Kundalini, but they said we don't know how to raise the Kundalini, once you are entitled as a Sahaja yogi you can raise the Kundalini of any person, you can cure any person you can do whatever you want to do as far as the physical side is concerned, even the mental side. I have seen tension is more of mental side of human beings where you get very tensed up, get angry and annoyed or you become extremely quiet and you don't know how to handle the situation, this also is the same reaction of your mind that works it out but if you go beyond the mind then you will be amazed, the ideas that they come to you are absolute truth, the solutions that come to you are absolutely perfect and the people who are against you become your friend, those who are troubling you very much also become very very sweet, its a changing and transforming of human beings. The other day I had a newspaper and his name was Mr.Abbas alright so he was extremely aggressive,he asked me funny question, he say how did you know that you are divine, I said how did you know you are a human being,he looked at me, I said, see because I would not react, I used to watch, I used to see, then he found out I am different from others, so I didn't tried to show off this thing, there is nobody wants to understand it that way, you have to prove it, that's the best way sahajyoga can be told, so he said how can I get the proof, he said I don't believe in any fundamentalism,alright, don't believe in any fundamentalism but do you believe in yourself,yes,yes of course and at that moment his kundalini rised so he say,"ye kya ho raha hai?(what is this happening-hindi translation), Whats happening,what is, how this cool breeze is flowing into my fingertips,how is it, I said it is also flowing out of your frontal bone area and he was completely changed, he said whatever I have asked you the question I am not going to put it out, its all nonsense,"hum bewakoof the"(I was stupid-hindi translation) now I have become a sensible man, you see actually this kundalini shapes you,really transforms you. Now they say we have six enemies,kaam,krodh,mad matsar ,lobh,moh, only six they are saying but nowadays there are more but as it is accepted there are six of them. So once you get connected with this divine power of love all these things just drop out, they are useless, no jealousies,no competition, nothing.We have many people also in the foreign service and they told us people are very happy with us, I said why? because we are not competing,they are all becoming ambassadors,this and that but nobody is angry with us because we are not competing. When the mind starts thinking of the competition,it can go into any wrong ally into any dark ally or really it can be very much a different person, but with this you are in the center, you are complete balanced within yourself and all the hankering everything drops out, you don't hanker, you don't hanker after people, you don't hanker after great publicity or anything you just automatically become so balanced and you are not bothered as to what's happening and that you are not frightened, for example If I stand in the water you are afraid of the base alright, but suppose you get into the boat then even you can enjoy the base , but supposing you learn how to swim, you can jump down and you can save the people. This is how Sahaja yoga works,in a simple manner,as I have said that I have tremendous concern for you people, always had but because of my husband's strict rules,i could not touch his office people, I could not talk to them, I could not meet anyone, who was even a peon involved in the IAS office, he was very strict about it, I said alright, I will try some other area but now he has retired luckily,now I am free even to talk to you,surprisingly,otherwise he would never allow me to talk to you people because he thought its not proper,you must maintain, we must maintain a certain distance.So even in the parties and all,and all these places, I was quite amused the way people used to discuss and talk about things you know and I used to keep quiet so they thought I don't even know english, and maybe I am so quiet because perhaps maybe I am good for nothing possible but now all the same person,those same ladies and gentleman are now doing meditation,now for meditation you don't have to hang yourself with anything, you don't have to have too much time,even ten minutes before sleeping, you do meditation you will feel so relaxed and so very absolutely, completely, cleared out of your problems,cleared out of your thinking,just relaxed,there is no thinking,which is thoughtless awareness as been already told to us by...(name unclear) you know (name unclear) was a disciple of freud whom he revolted against and he talked about the mother energy.We Indians you see are shakti pujaris,now there is this navratras are going on but we have never understood the message of mother's love, this is the mother's love that works I think, and you also become very motherly,very kind, very compassionate, how can a human being, I don't know, how can a human being be cruel to anyone who is suffering, who is in trouble, who is in poverty, the love that you have within yourself starts flowing just like an ocean and you become extremely generous and all the generous people I have seen are very much always looked after. I will give you an example of my father who was a very generous man, very very generous man and once what happened, he always used to say never close the houses, we should not close our house, always open the windows,open the doors,he said, some thief, if you tell him some thief might come, he says let them come, after all they need something, thats why they are coming, so he used to keep all the doors open, he had a big, he was fond of music so he had a big gramophone with the one big horn like thing and one day one thief came and opened the door, it was open, the door was open only, he took away that gramophone, so next day he was sitting very seriously so my mother said now are you sorry for that, no no no that I can buy but I am only sorry, this man seems to be..(unclear) of music he has taken away the gramophone, now what will he play, he has not taken any records. So my mother said alright, you advertise in the newspaper, the one who has taken the gramophone please come and take the records so that he enjoys the gramophone. I mean I have seen such people, I have see really very generous people and at the time when Gandhiji declared the war of Independence, they not only went to jail but they gave away everything. We used to live in huge big houses then we shifted to some sort of huts, we were enjoying because you see the enjoyment was of our Rashtra bhakti and this has helped that time, Mahatma Gandhi was helped because that time the people were ..(unclear). Now today, the thing is, its coming from the west, too much of this, too much of that its alright, there's nothing wrong, nothing wrong, we should come, we should prosper, our country should prosper, we should create more things at..(unclear) but this hankering will go away. Now the hankering becomes the other way round,like what should I give to this lady,now what should I do for this gentleman, I mean the worry goes to the other side of it, what to do, what should I gave that they wont feel wrong because sometimes you know sarkari naukar's as they are very strict, so if you give them they think, I am giving them a bribe, I said this is not a bribe, I am just giving because I want to give you, will you take it, with very great difficulty they take, but you see is a way of expression of your love and with this love I tell you, you will be so very popular, so very popular in your office, in your work, in the whole of the country people will remember it that this was the man who really looked after us, who has done so much for you,if you don't have a concern,you will be just worried about yourself and this thing.All the ladies also of the IAS, thank you very much for inviting me but I would like to tell you that ladies have to help the husbands, they should try to understand that their energy is the Shakti of energy and they should give to men this energy so that they can work better but sometimes I have funny experiences which I'll relate to you, which was very interesting that first time, first time, I never know your seniority, juniority, anything I don't know much, I don't understand, I came to Delhi and when my husband came here to work for Shastriji, so we met in a party a friend of mine who was from my college,so she asked me,"Are, why are you here Nirmal"? I said my husband has come here,said what is he doing? I said he is a government servant.Everybody is a government servant here but what is he doing? I said I don't know that but he is something here. Where do you live? First thing she asked, I said I live in Meena Bagh, ahhh, Meena Bagh!!! What is your husband doing?You could have got a much better husband, why did you marry a man who takes you to Meena Bagh, baba I didn't know Meena Bagh was that bad,you see because Shastriji, you see asked us to come here and there was no house so they gave us Meena Bagh. I thought this was very bad to live in Meena Bagh, the way she was talking, then she said ,alright, this gentleman who is coming, this tall gentleman, you know he is very very important, you somehow or the other mange to talk to him, he will get your husband a very good job and you will get a very good house and who comes there was my husband. OH MY GOD !!! She said,"you know him"?I said yes. How? He is my husband.After that she didn't talk to me, she never said it to me. To know that we live in Meena Bagh was a bad thing in itself, is a quite a big knowledge about things,isn't it, that only people of this much pay live in Meena Bagh, its really impossible. Even I mean don't know a state officer knows this much but the lady knew that Meena Bagh was not meant for an IAS officer. Can you imagine?So these indulgences of the women is of no use. I am very happy to hear about this organization that it is doing such a good constructive work. I was really very happy and myself, he says I am a socialist because I always think of the social problems and somehow or the other I am a socialist alright, because its a collective sense and when I heard that these people are doing this kind of work,I said amazing. I can't imagine those days women used to talk of something else they would never talk of any social, it was so difficult to make them understand social work. Funny type of atmosphere was there, the Britishers had left their legacy on our head and we were quite enamored by that. For example I would say that it was not for them to conceive of something higher or better, so I was the president of the blind, friends of the blind society and for that they were going to have a programme and these blinds were going to act and the governor Mr.Cheriyat was to come, when he came they wanted to know who will be sitting next to him, being a chairman of course others would asked me to sit down the rest started quarreling and fighting and discussing so much I got such a fright, I thought now take to humor that's the best way to solve the problem so I said alright we will get a big plank on top of the governor's head and you all sit like sparrow's on that, we get all their anger vanished and they became alright.So what I am saying is now the quality of women have changed, you can see that very clearly the quality has changed and though you might think that they are self centered or whatever you may think but one thing I have noticed that they are social minded, they read, they understand whats going on in this country. I would say these days our country is a very big turmoil, very big turmoil and all these things are going to help this to solve this problem so many problems we can solve. Once some of these problems are solved I am sure we will be one of the greatest countries, we have no dearth of talent, no dearth of talent, we have no dearth of hard work only, " ujaskat tatra durlabhami" means that there is no way difficult to get a person who can put them to the yojana and if such a person gets his self realisation he is so self confident, so peaceful within himself, he is not bothered to what others are doing and all this can change and transform you into a beautiful personality. You give up all your destructive habits, absolutely,you just give up your destructive habits,I don't have to say give up,I never say,if I say that half of people might leave me but I have seen people overnight in London, there were 12 people who had come who were taking drugs,they were drug addicts,they left their drugs overnight,overnight!!! can you imagine.I was amazed how could they leave it overnight ,our problems of drugs of all other things,we can solve them without any difficulties and you are placed, you are placed for that, for that kind of job.Your situation is very good because you have a responsibility, very great responsibility and that responsibility has to be understood, if we do not understand our responsibility will not(audio disrupted), but once you get your realisation, you will, you will become extremely responsible and also you will not feel that responsibility on your head, you will extremely,absolutely relaxed and such a person to meet, you are sometimes surprised the face changes, the body changes, everything, the transformation takes place and you are surprised,all this,all this is within you,all this you have got it, all this is working out, only thing, we have to get our self-realisation,this is a knowledge of our inner being,a very subtle knowledge. I pray and thank you very much, to all the ladies also for calling me here,this is a very unique experience I have, because I would never known that IAS people could be so receptive to this kind of a subtle thing, but they are. In Bombay,I was surprised, when I had this programme in Bombay, now they are regularly going for meditation in a hall that they have, surprising, how can they do it I don't know but they are doing it, the way they have received me. Actually I used to always say that Bombay IAS people are very, very proud, I should say, very proud,they wont look at you, they wont see you but I have a surprise, they have become so humble, so nice, I don't know why in Bombay they have developed this kind of a superiority complex or something, we had very bad reports about them but suddenly they have changed so much and in the same way you all should change and you become so collective, its not joint,its collective and you just think of helping each other and living that kind of a life and all over the world we have brothers and sisters, wherever you go,you may go anywhere you will find them waiting for you ,they also come here and when they come here they touch this motherland of ours, they touch this Bharat Bhumi with their lips and kiss it.I asked them why do you do it, because its a yog bhumi, its a special country, its a yog bhumi, here we have got our realisation and you will be amazed that this country is a yog bhumi Once I was travelling with my husband in the plane and I told him we have reached India,he said how do you know?I see the vibrations all over, you can see,he went to the pilot to verify,to verify what I was saying was correct or not. The pilot said sir we have,we have, I said see, this is our surrounding which has spirituality in it,everything that is written we have to verify why some places are Swayambhus, how can you make it out,anywhere you go there is a temple,there is a temple,how do you?You can feel it on your fingertips. Now you will be surprised to know that Mecca has got a big stone,a black stone.Mohammad Sahab said don't worship any stone because people used to make money out of making some statues and all but this stone he said you should go round,that is the biggest and foremost thing to go round the stone. Now ask them why do you go and worship the stone,they don't know,but I know because in our shastras it is written that its a Macceshwar Shiva.It is a Shiva called,even vibrations,you see vibrations starts flowing.Its a Mecceshwar Shiva.Its a Shiva in the stone,its the vibrations of the Shiva and its a fact.The other day I read in very nice article in Marathi that Shiva was worshiped before Islamic religion came but the way they were doing it because they were going to all kinds of temples and rituals,too many rituals and because of that ritualism, Mohammad Sahab said don't worship the stone,but we have Swayambhus,we have really Swayambhus but when you will go and verify with your vibrations you will know they are swayambhus.You all are capable of getting self realization,all of you, whatever must be your past,doesn't matter,we have to be in the present,past is finished,future doesn't exist,you will be in the present and that's the reality which you all can feel the vibrations...(video disrupted)to bother him all his life,so one should not have any such ideas that I have done this wrong,how can I get realization,this is unnecessary,you should not,you should never,never think that you are guilty,if you were you would have been in the jail,but you have been here so dont think you are guilty,don't judge yourself,you don't know yourself,it is to know yourself you have to do this and don't judge,you must have great respect and love for yourself and I am sure it will work out tonight as desired by these people but those who don't want to have self realization, I would say they can go because I don't want them to disturb others,supposing if you don't want it cannot be forced,it has to be asked for,it cannot be forced to anyone,you cannot pay for it,you cannot do anything about it but if the kundalini doesn't rise,its alright we have a center where you can go and get it corrected maybe something wrong in the chakras which you do not know and they will find out.So it will take hardly anytime anytime,have faith in yourself,first of all have faith in yourself and this will work out,first I think to forgive others is difficult,you see the western people,they cannot forgive themselves and for Indians the other way round,they cannot forgive others,I don't know there is this kind of different I mean,attitude,but we should forgive ourselves also.God has created you as human beings not to be ruined like this,not to be shattered like this but to achieve your goal. REALIZATION You have to just put your hands towards me like this.I think if you have shoes,you have to take it out,helps us a lot,we are sitting in Delhi where,here at this Bharat Bhumi in this Yog Bhumi it works very fast.In this country it works very fast and also with you people because you love this country very much you work so hard for this country,so it works very fast,so don't have any apprehensions,just put your both the hands like this.Again I would request,you must forgive yourself and others,that's very important because if you don't do that then your center here,will call the Vishuddhi Chakra,will be blocked.I mean the guilt part is blocked and if you don't forgive,then this Agnya Chakra will be blocked.Please put your hands like this,little lower, now,first you will start feeling some cool or hot breeze on your fingertips and also on your thumb,then in the palm you start feeling a cool or a hot breeze,some people start thinking that this is air-conditioning,it has nothing to do with air-conditioning,so please have faith in yourself.Now please put right hand towards me and put down,put your,put down your head a little and feel with your left hand on top of your frontal bone area which was called as Talu,if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out,now please put down your heads a little and see for yourself,move your hand,it might be coming very far,maybe very close but don't put your hand on top but above,just move please,move it on the sides and see for yourself that there is cool or a hot breeze like coming.It is hot means you have not forgiven,it means only that you have to really say I forgive,you don't have to do anything except you have to say in your heart I forgive everyone,that's a very great quality.Now please put your left hands towards me and see with your right hand again bend your head please and see for yourself,if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head,just see for yourself.Please put your right hand again,right hand is more,so put the right hand like this and see for yourself.Now again put both the hands towards me and don't think,just don't think,you can stop thinking even for a second,that's very good,this is called as Nirvicharita,then comes a stage you become Nirvikalpa,when there is no doubt in your head,you become into doubtless awareness where you sure you got it,you sure you can do everything,that is the stage one has to rise.Now all those who have felt on their fingertips a cool or a hot breeze or out of the frontal bone area cool or a hot breeze please raise both your hands.Most of you have got it,most of you have got it.Congratulations and those who haven't got will also get it,if you have to just little bit join of the centers we have or if you want any one of them can come and give a realization.I don't think there is any hindrance in that but sometimes it happens that she didn't rise,she is your mother individual mother,she doesn't have any other child,this kundalini knows everything about you,she knows your aspirations,she knows your past ,she knows everything,also she knows what physical problems you have,she is very kind,as your mother she gave you the birth,she took up all the labor pains upon herself,its the kundalini that out of her love,that motherly love she does everything and it just works,it works because thats what you are in for,time has come for all of us to be transformed,to get into a new generation of beautiful people ,its a wonderful time, if I have done anything so far is this that I found out a way for collective awareness,thats the only work I have done,otherwise it was already there,Nathpantis used to do it,it was quite a well known thing about people but what I have done is I have tried to find out what are the permutations and combinations of problem in the human beings and why should they all get it,this collective happening has been a great blessing all over the world.Again I would like to thank you very much,very kind of you that you had invited me here,if you have any questions also if you can spare some time,I would like to know if you have any questions. Ques: Mataji, I wanted to know do we have to have a certain posture for meditation or you can meditate in any way? Shri Mataji: No there is nothing,no style,nothing.You can sit whichever way you like,you can sit on the chair,you can do I mean,there is no style nothing.I didn't understand your question what you are saying so I was asking him,there is nothing like that,you see, you are beyond all this things now, you don't have to worry as to how u sit down,what you do, nothing,you sit anywhere you like,if you want you can sit on the ground,if you want you can sit on the chair,anywhere,its all over. Sorry I couldn;t understand your question. This is not a problem. "Aap to nirbandh hai,mast huye to fir kya bole,hai na." Ques: Mataji, there are so many gurus nowadays, how one will convince the others,if I have to tell someone to come to you,how do I tell them? Shri Mataji: You don't have to convince,you see there is no need to convince them because they will see you as something special,very different and they will ask you how are you so peaceful,how are you so good,don't have to tell them,just they will see your character,your style and they will be so impressed by you. Very positive questions,very very positive, because once you get it you want others to get it because you find others in trouble.We have one gentleman here who wants to sing song for you, I hope you will enjoy and I think song will soothe it down.He is a musician who has,had no guru,didn't learned any music,some or other after Sahaj yoga,he developed the art of music from within. People become poets,all kinds of things happen,he is one of them who has achieved a great success in music without going to any guru,without learning anything,A B C D and all that. "BHAJAN:Jisme surat shri maa ki na aaye nazar,aisa darpan mujhe nahi chahye." "BHAJAN:Sahaji hume banaya ye karam nahi to kya hai." .......End.......
What is the problem in our lives?
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program: Income Tax Officers Meeting. Delhi (India), 17 April 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Just now you have been told about the beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga, but it has much deeper, much more effects on us. The thing is, we are not aware of ourselves, we don't know ourselves. And we have to know, what are we and then we will know why all these problems, physical, mental, emotional are caused. Also the spiritual problems, many people have. It's important to see that we are made beautifully. This human body is made very beautifully and if you study medicine you will know it even more. That it's a body which is so much well looked after, you take heart, you take anything. But we are the ones, we spoil them sometimes. May be because we are ignorant and we don't know what to do about ourselves. Specially when I am today addressing such a august gathering of you people, I think it's important to tell you what is the problem with our lives. Especially I have been a wife of a government servant. And I do know what are the problems of the government servants are, which no one can understand unless and until you are in the service. The first and foremost thing that causes us this anxiety is - we are all the time worried, "How are we to be sustained in the job? What should we do our level best to be a good member of this organization?" Whatever you may do, whatever you may try, you'll find it at different steps that it is not rewarded, it is not understood, nor people give you encouragement. Then it's very disappointing that we feel we are working so hard, we are so honest. Actually government servants, due to their honesty, suffer a lot. I know those sufferings and how much one has to cope with. Despite that, when you have to suffer some sort of an insult, indignation or anything one feels very desperate, sometimes absolutely degenerated. Now we have to see what are we, once we know what are we, we'll not feel all that. We are not only ordinary human beings. No. We are not animals, we are not the nature. We are special people who have been given a very special work to be done. So counteract it, first thing I would say is the love for your country. As they have told you about My parents. I have seen deshbhakti [MEANS patriotism]. How they sacrificed everything for the country. We are in a much better state now. We are free, we have this freedom to enjoy. While these people, My mother went to jail five times, My father went to jail, sometimes two and a half years, and we were a big family. Still we enjoyed, we enjoyed all that, because we knew we were soldiers, soldiers fighting for the freedom of our country. Now that purpose is lost in a way, we don't have to fight for the freedom. But what I feel that we have to understand that the time is so important that we have to build this country. The other day before the IAS officers, I told them that My husband was selected to the Indian Foreign service to begin with. I told him very frankly, "I am not going with you to foreign service. Just now we have got independence and you want to go to foreign countries. Moreover, we don't drink, how are we going to manage the parties and things? I have nothing to do with the Foreign Service, I am going to stay here, and if you want, you can go." He was quite surprised at My reaction. So he said, "I'll try if I can get into IAS." And luckily he got it. Of course in that he lost his pay or whatever it was, but I was so very happy that this is the time we have to buildup our country. Of course I couldn't do anything because he was in the government service. But through him I could see that we can work out many things and I need not work. I need not sort of put in My ideas, but he can do that. And it was so interesting how things were worked out by him and how he was so much engrossed into his work. He never took leave for, I think, all the time when we were here, not even one day. It's very surprising. And Shastriji always felt that he is sacrificing his family life. But no, not at all, I never felt that way. I felt that it is our duty now as Indians to pay this country, to be the most excellent, performing nation. We can. We are very intelligent people. You can see now, how people are doing so well in this new era of Internet, softwares. I feel that now the Saraswati has joined hands with Lakshmi and people are really showing results of this combination. The time has come for our country to really develop into a new financial status. But that's not the end of it. Even if you have lots of financial advantages and even if you become a very technologically developed country, still if you go to such countries where they are so developed, they are not happy. They have no peace. There is no love. It's a very funny situation that money could not buy anything for them. So now, what is the problem is that we should know what do we want really. For that the Creator who has created us has really made all the arrangements. Only one step towards the evolutionary process, towards our evolution, towards our resurrection, can solve that problem. That capacity we have. That, actually we are chosen ones, we are chosen ones. Especially this country is such a great country it is, it's a Yogabhumi [land of yoga]. It's full of vibrations, full of divinity but we have become so much now, I should say, alienated from that and that's why we don't know what do we have in this Motherland of ours and what we can achieve. A day will come when all the world will come and worship this yogabhumi. Now I have to tell you about our own things, as it has been told that, what you have within is these powers. You'll be amazed, all this was known long time back in our country but all that knowledge was finished because of the British rule, you can say, or the other rules that came in, that they didn't care for all this. But there were group of people called as Nathpanthis, they knew this, that Kundalini awakening is the only way you can get your Self Realization. But the idea about Self Realization was so limited and was so absurd that people didn't want to do it. They said you have to give up your family, you have to give up your all, everything, your property, everything. You have to become absolutely single. You should have nothing to do with your relations. All these funny ideas came into the heads of so many people who wanted to propagate their way of thinking. All such thinking has ruined actually the reality that exist within us, absolutely. Because to say that you give up that and give up this and all this kind of a nonsensical ideas: doesn't happen. You don't give up. It's all there, you just have a outward feeling that you have given it, say to your guru or to someone and that's how all kinds of fraudulent things have started with this kind of a theory. You don't have to give up anything, is the point. That, just now as you are, this Kundalini exists within you. She is your Mother. She is your individual Mother. You are the only child She has and you don't have to give up anything as such. Because She's the one who looks after you. She is going to give your second birth. And when your mother gave you the second birth, did she trouble you? She took up all the trouble upon herself and she managed that you are born on this earth. In the same way, for the second birth, as you call dwija, that is born twice, to be born again, there is a Mother already placed within you. She exist within you and She is the one who can give you Self Realization. This is not told only by Me. I tell you is told by all the saints of the world. Long time back, I should say Gyandeva in the twelfth century [ie 1200s] and all others who lived there but even before that, Markandaya, he talked about it. We don't know anything about these people. Then also in the sixteenth century we should say Guru Nanak was there, Kabira was there, all of them have talked about it. Kabira has said, "Ida, pingala, sukhumana [MEANS Sushumana] nadi", "Shunaya shikar par anhad baje re." [LITERAL TRANSLATION At the Peak of nothingness, plays the anhad (Traditional name for Heart Chakra)]. Nobody understood what they were saying and only reading, reading and reading - where will you go? Adi Shankracharya also asked, "O' Mother please remove, please somehow or other remove from My mind this kind of ignorance that I have, that I read words, the shabd jalam [MEANS trap of words]. Please remove this shabd jalam." All of them has said, Kabira had said "padhi padhi pandita murakh bhayee" [MEANS by reading and reading a pandit (man of knowledge) becomes a fool]. So even if you go on reading, it doesn't work out. So then scientifically or may be intellectually, you may say, "Oh, it's all nonsense." Nobody has gone to find out, is there some truth in what these people have been saying. All these saints, even today, are respected but nobody wants to see what they are saying, saying within the lines. Guru Nanaka has said "sahaja samadhi lago" [MEANS You go into Samadhi spontaneously]. He has said clearly, you get it sahaj, spontaneous, but people should understand that all these rituals and all these adambars [MEANS showing off] of no value which they themselves had denounced. There have been so many saints during the sixteenth century and they have tried to talk about Kundalini, I must say. But they used to write it in poetry. The reason is, poetry is the safest way otherwise people would have threat them, beaten them, crucified them. So they thought better is not to talk in prose but talk in poetry. And that is being misunderstood. You see, it's such a misunderstanding coming out of reading without knowledge. So you have to have knowledge first. Sahaja Yoga is a gyan marga [MEANS Path of knowledge], where you get the knowledge, the absolute knowledge, not just reading knowledge or some sort of thing. How? When your Kundalini rises She pierces through your fontanel bone area. "Shunaya shikar par anhad baje re", he said it. And then when it becomes one with the subtle; with the subtle that is the divine power of love of God, you can call it anything. They call it Paramchaitanya. When it becomes one with that, what happens to you that all these things like kam [MEANS Lust], krodha [MEANS Anger], moha [MEANS Attachment], mada [MEANS Arrogance], matsar [MEANS Jealousy], lobh [MEANS Greed], moha, all of these things drop by itself because now you are in the new arena or area of knowledge. Where, I would say even Einstein has written about it. He said I was very tired trying to find out the words to express his theory of relativity. And he didn't understand that. So he said "I got so fed up in the laboratory, I came home and I started playing with the soap bubbles and suddenly from somewhere unknown the whole theory dawned upon me." This unknown is what he called torsion area. And that one is the area which is beyond us, beyond our mental self. What we do normally is all the time with our mind we go on reacting. You say something, we react. Sometimes we react to also things which are very ugly, maybe sometimes too aggressive things, all kinds of things we go on reacting. You, I see, now here say for example, I see these flowers put here. They are such a beautiful thing for Me. But now many people would say, "Oh! My God, how much they have spent. God knows from where they have got it. They should not have done this. Have they paid their income tax or not?" They might [sulking UNCLEAR] like this and saying things which have nothing to do with the beauty and the joy that these flowers are giving. And the whole reaction of the mind goes on like that and that's how we get into tension. Why we cannot enjoy? We cannot enjoy, the reason is we are still not connected with the mains. Now supposing this instrument is not connected. What is the use of this instrument? In the same way, we are all the time, all the time, thinking and putting our attention in a way that it reacts. Anything, anything that they see, one feels we must react. And if they cannot react, they think that it's a lost case and they have not understood the point. For this, this happening of Self Realization is called as Atmasakshatkar. Even Christ has said, "Know thouself". Said it clearly, everyone has said that. It's not I am saying, but how to do it is the problem. Because you can't enter inside yourself. We cannot move into this subtle thing. For that, it is the divine has placed this Kundalini in the triangular bone. You see, it's so important. She rises through six centers. Now these centers are for our physical, mental and emotional being and also for spiritual. And She passes through them, firstly She integrates them, secondly She enlightens them, She also nourishes them. That's how it completely balances you and makes you very healthy person. I would like to tell you because the kind of work you do, morning till evening, you are very hard working and all your attention is on your work, and you are going out of the way to work out whatever your plans are, whatever it is. In that doing so, what happens to you, let us see. The first thing that happens to you is that, she's told you, is the right side nadi, which we call as pingala. This pingala nadi gets over-excited, also tired. All the time using that for your thinking, for your futuristic manner. All futuristic people suffer from this. Now this nadi is a very important nadi which is, of course, I mean, the medical science doesn't know about it but we can call it - it is the right side sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic goes into action so much so that it can really spoil all the working of all the centers which are connected to it. First and foremost is the liver. The liver goes out absolutely. Now what is the sign of liver is that, that you get ... you can't eat, get constipation, all these things when it's on a very lower level but when it starts rising - the function of the liver is to eliminate the heat from your body into the blood circulation - so if your liver is out, it doesn't do, so this heat goes on passing. It goes from liver to the heart or sometimes before that to the lungs. So such person can suffer from asthma of a very serious type. In Sahaja yoga, asthma is absolutely curable. No doubt. But you have to first become a realized soul. Now this creates asthma, secondly when it rises even on the left hand side then supposing there is a boy and he is about twenty one years of age and he plays tennis, with that also he drinks. So he is out for a fatal life because then the same heat attacks. Attacks the heart and the child gets a heart attack. But this heart attack can come even to much older people, those who are working very hard and all that, they are neglecting, they are neglecting themselves. When they are neglecting themselves, suddenly they get a heart attack. It's a common disease with all the government servants because they are not bothered to find out how much energy they are putting in? How much energy they are using? Now the energy for our brain goes through one center which also looks after the liver. So if you think too much, all the time if you are thinking, then this liver is even much worse. Such a person who thinks too much gets the problem of the liver but doesn't end there. From the heart, it might even go to the pancreas, one can get the diabetes, just imagine. Diabetes can be easily cured if you stop thinking, but how to stop thinking is the problem, which I''ll tell you later. And then it goes down, it can attack the spleen and one can get a blood cancer. It's very serious. But then it can also affect your kidneys and your kidneys can stop working. After that the kidneys thing is the, we should say, you get constipated, very badly constipated, because of the lower intestine not acting. All this heat we generate all the time by our overwork, by our futuristic life. To stop it, there is no way out. You are also government servant, conscientious people, we want to work very hard and we want to think how to improve the situation and work for your country. But at the same time we have to know what imbalances we are getting into. We are just going to the right side, not to the left, but cancer also can be caused by the same. I'll explain to you how. I am sorry it's turning out to be little medical, but this is say, these are two Chakras from the left and right sympathetic. They join together to form one Chakra. Now what happens, you are working too much on the right and goes on like that, draining out your right like that. Suddenly some shock may take place, something may happen on the left side and it breaks. So your relationship with the whole is lost. When that relationship with the whole is lost, your, this right side becomes on its own and the left side becomes on its own. Like they become what they call, malignant and all the cells start behaving like that. Also you can cure cancer, it's not very difficult. If you want to work it out you can cure. But the best thing for you is to get your Self Realization and to establish yourself. That's the best thing for all the men and all the women. Now I have seen that this is a only one part of it I have said about the right side but the worst thing is that your right side can get paralyzed. Recently we have one very good doctor working for us, I told him, "Sir now you are old. You must take rest in the day time, there is no harm. Must take some rest in the day time and sleep early and don't exert too much. You are very more than sufficient." He won't listen to Me. I mean he would listen, but he wouldn't do what I am saying. So what happened to him that he got a paraplegia, as they call it. His right hand and his left hand completely paralyzed. Now he is cured, that's different. He is cured now. But the nature takes its own respite, I should say and that's how this fellow got his right side completely. Now the people who work like this mad can have an effect on the left side of his head and his body can get paralyzed on the right side. It is the nature that is trying to correct, because you are overdoing things. So now, how to work out, how to balance it out is the point. But if your Kundalini rises, She nourishes all the centers, She integrates them, She puts them right, enlightens them and ultimately connects you to the source itself, to the ocean of energy. Then what can happen to you? Nothing. It's a life which is tireless, you are never tired, you are full of energy and the energy is flowing through you. But not only energy, but also the knowledge, absolute knowledge, because your fingers start feeling the Chakras, you start getting the Chaitanya on your finger tips. So you can make out what Chakras are catching. If you know how to correct those Chakras, you can correct them and also if you know how to correct for others you can also do for them. The another thing happens to you that your personality evolves into a collective being, you become a collective being. As these days you have seen we have so many gadgets and things and now the new software and all that has come that we can connect to anyone. But that system is within us also. We can find out about anyone, what's wrong with that person and we can cure that person sitting down, can be done. But you have to evolve to that state and you don't require too much time. Once the Kundalini is awakened, it's like a small little seeds, plumule, the ankur [MEANS sprout] has to develop. And if it develops into a tree, you just, you are amazed. You become so transformed. Because all these nonsensical things that have been within us, which I have told you already, the six shadripus [MEANS The six enemies] that we have, they just drop; they just drop. And you become so confident about yourself, you do not aggress, you do not try to find faults with others, but you become like a witness. You start witnessing everything, see everything, not to react. You go beyond your mind because this reaction is the one that causes most of the trouble. Now you get the real gyana [MEANS Knowledge]. There's no need to have all these reactions. You actually know what's wrong, what is to be corrected, what is the solution, just you know. I mean, how you know because you are connected with the mains. You are one with that, without that your personality is not complete. Once it happens, you'll be amazed that all these people have talked about it. Mohammad Sahab has said that, "At the time of resurrection, your hands will speak." Now what is that? That's the proof of that you have got Realization. Now the situation is so simple and is working out, I don't know may be it's such a ghor [MEANS extreme] kali yuga that it has started working in this time, that there are thousands and thousands of people, who are getting Realization even if I am not there. Sahaja yogis can give Realization to so many people. It is very remarkable that it's happening in this world and it's meant for you, you can't pay for it. You can't do anything about it, it's just there. The God Almighty has put it there, the Kundalini. Only thing is that, somebody who is a realized soul can only awaken it. Like one candle which is enlightened, can enlighten another candle. That's the only thing. But if you have enlightened another candle and steadied it, that also candle can do the same. That's how it has spread. I didn't go to all these country. I've been hardly to the twenty countries, at the most. But how it has worked out, see. It has worked out so beautifully and this is the science of our country. This was from our country. Of course, others also talked about it. William Blake has talked about it, but still I would say, is basically this knowledge is from India. Indians had all this knowledge, but somehow they didn't give Realization, collective Realization. And so I only wanted to develop a method by which or by understanding the permutations and combinations of human being, I could manage this collective thing. Because any, any discovery which is on just on a individual level has no really meaning. And it worked and it is working and by all your kindness and goodness that they have guilt. They start saying, "Oh! I have done this wrong, that wrong." But whatever is done, has done, finished. Now why are you bothered all your life? That's one thing. That is a very bad thing for this kind of a, I should say, nerve, but actually it's very bad for the center. This is the left-side center what we call the vishuddhi and that's how the Kundalini doesn't rise. So you should not feel guilty. There's no need to have confessions and all that. You just think, you are a human being and you all can get your Realization. I must tell you this is the power of love. Is not the power of any intellectual capacity, but the power of love. And with the power of love, if you believe in it, then also you must love yourself. You must forgive yourself and not to have any guilt. Then after forgiving yourself you have to forgive others also, because others are also ignorant. They also are not yet well-equipped to understand you. So forgive, forgive all of them, just forgive. Logically whether you forgive, you don't forgive, you don't do anything. Nothing is done. Only you are harming yourself by playing into the hands of the people who have troubled you. So best thing is to forgive them. It just helps a lot to open this center of forgiveness. These two centers are the real hurdles in the ascending power of the Kundalini. So what we have to do, is to forgive yourself and forgive others. That's all. Just to say in your heart that I forgive myself and I forgive others. That's the only thing you have to be convinced that you should not blame yourself for anything. You have done nothing wrong. What have you done? After all, if you had done anything wrong, you would have been in jail. But you are not. So what is there to feel guilty? This thing we have to also understand that some people think that unless and until we are very dharmic or we are very much in the ritual, we will be saved. It's not so. It's not so. We are lost into this [UNCLEAR]. So forget about it. The Kundalini rises whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or you have done so many pujas or so many this thing. Doesn't matter. Only thing that keeps you cleaner than other things because your attention is on God. But it won't work out unless and until the Kundalini rises. I must tell you something I always felt about the women and the recently as they said as I have started a self-organization to help women who are in distress and also little girls and also young girls. Because I feel in our country, women don't have proper place. Wherever they have, it's all due to law and it is very, very cursed state where women are definitely helped by law but they go on asking for divorces, the family life is ruined. So it's for men, they should develop real respect for women. They are, I don't know, how many percentage, but definitely much more than men are. And if you do not respect the women, you are really finishing the whole culture of our country. We have to definitely respect women. There is one thing I would request you, to income tax people, that the way you have a law, I don't know, I have talked to the finance minister, but he doesn't heed, that you are after the stridhana [LITERAL MEANING Women's Property]. To touch the stridhana is a paap [MEANS Sin], is sinful thing. But is done in such a, such a bad manner, I have seen it, because you are all big people, big johnnies, but the people who go to such places. We had a neighbor who was a jeweler, and I was there when these people came in. And they went and they had, you see this was the last story, so they had put a artificial, this thing. They torn, got it completely torn, completely. They opened all the sofa sets, did all kinds of...I...I couldn't understand, how could do they? And in that house there was no man, only the women living. And then they went into the cupboards and did everything. I mean, somehow or other, it's like a hitlerish type of attitude and they found nothing. And they told them, "If you report it, we'll confiscate much more. We'll come again." Where this kind of thing is done, you have a law, but the way it is asserted, you should look into it. I think, why should you take also, the ornaments of women, I can't understand. Because poor ladies, first they don't understand banking. You know that. I don't understand Myself any banking. That's the only bank they have. Then somebody told Me that they will be using black money. I said, "Which husband will give all his money for buying ornaments?" And now the black money is already in the market, they don't want to keep it in the ornaments. But women, they have only that for support. Every time I meet some lady like that, I feel like crying. The other day we had a neighbor in Bombay. They were three ladies who came up and they told us there was a raid in their house, for the ornaments. "They took away all our ornaments". I said, "Why didn't you register it?" "Our husband won't register. They are all drunkards, so they wanted to sell that ornament and use it for their own drinking. So we have lost all that". But I said "Why, why did you keep them?" They said "Given to our parents. Whenever we are in need we can sell it and we can get something for our living. This is our bank." So is it this side of Indian life we should understand. We are not western women, we are Indian women. But surprisingly nowhere in the world, nowhere, even in Russia, there is no tax on the ornaments of women. Then our country is the industry of making ornaments - is so beautiful, such artist, such creativity. Let women have their own ornaments. Why do we have that on the income tax? And it's not a easy thing. You know you have to register. I know, I know what it is. You have to register, you have to tell them. Then may have to ... Now for gift, if your want to gift some ornament to your daughter, you have to go the commissioner to do this, to do that. I mean, who has the time to do it? So a humble request, I wanted to make that you can really think of it, that this is one thing where you allow little money to be there. I'll tell you one thing when Mahatma Gandhi had his freedom struggle, My mother, I know, she gave away, except for what ornaments for us, she gave away all her ornaments to Gandhiji. It is your, here the sampada [MEANS wealth], it's your property here. It's a money there. All the time it is available. But why should you not allow women to exist? Because in the villages also, women have no concept of a bank or anything. I wanted to tell you, I thought, whether I should talk about it now. But you people are so much accepting, I have to tell you that this is one dharamkarya [MEANS Act of Dharma] you can do, just please do not bother women about it. There is so much of botheration to them, the way they are treated just like criminals. Moreover in this country, you know that women have to wear. They can't do without it. It's a country we think is the honor of the powers of a woman. And that's why they have it. This can relieve you from lots of worries and troubles, I can tell you. Because, I have seen when they go in the night and then these people go and harass others, then the report comes to you people and you feel so distress. If something could be done, I'll be very thankful, it is worth talking to you about the pains and troubles of women of India who are already downtrodden, already being oppressed, already being tortured. This is all right, but now the Kundalini awakening part of it. Once the Kundalini awakened you will understand. You would have that love and affection for all the people of the world. I know there is so many problems in this world. I don't know how to patch them up. For example, they said, I have a school, another school I have started in Maharashtra. I have seven schemes already started there. But worst of all, I feel for women. They are so helpless and there is no way of really getting them redress. They are in such a trouble, while they are the shakti [MEANS Power] of this country. Kundalini is a lady. She is not, She is not a man, you can say. You have all the avataras [MEANS Incarnations] and everything but Kundalini is the, what they call the reflection of the Adishakti. She's the shakti. We are the shakti worshippers. But the way we are treating our women is very surprising. We have to understand that these women, if they are awakened, what powers you will have. In any country where they have had powers, it is through their women. You read about anyone. Even Mahatma Gandhi, all of them, even Shastriji. I thought, how much they loved their wives. And how much they cared for them. I tell you it is very remarkable how we miss out on the most important and such a big part of our population. Now I have started this organization and I am going to give Realization to all of them. And I am going to see that after Realization they all learn things very well and stand on their legs. Your administrative capacity, your thinking capacity, I should say, your understanding a subject increase so much, that you're amazed. Sometimes My husband says, "How do you know?" I said "I know. Just I know." You will know how to manage things. And the main thing behind is the love that you have for others. It will work out so beautifully, your life will become so beautiful and you will enjoy it. And all the greed and this all nonsense will just drop out. In these modern times it's very important that you all should take your Realization. Because after all we are Indians. Our culture is such that we are in for Self Realization. We are so different from others. And here in this country, the women have saved the culture of India. Women. So by this you can also look after the women, give them Realization, give them understanding and also help them. But not to harass them. That's not the way. Harassing, I have to request you, to absolutely ban it - to harass women. Already they are harassed, they don't know what to do and this law doesn't help them at all because the men are the controlling power. That's for men to understand the value of women, men to understand their power of love and then it will work out. I am not saying because I am a woman, but I am saying this, what I have seen. Such injustice we have done to our womanhood. Now for Kundalini, I would say we'll take hardly ten minutes and you will get your Realization. Now about this whole theory and all that and everything, you see, the people have written granthas [MEANS Holy Literature]. But that you can read and can find out, but just now I think best thing is that you all get your Realization, if you permit. One thing - you can not force on anyone, you have to ask for it from your heart. Because Kundalini is the power of shudh Ichcha [MEANS Pure Desire]. That's the real, because other ichchas [MEANS Desires] are useless. Today, we want to buy a car. After buying the car you are not satisfied, you want to build a house. After building the house, I don't know, you want to have an aeroplane. Goes on, it's economics actually. The modern economics is based on this, that you are never satisfied. Go on from one to another. But after this, you are absolutely satisfied with whatever you are. You are not at all on the run, but you are absolutely in the realm of peace and joy. This happens to you, and this should happen to all of you. Firstly, I always say that service people, government service people are like the spinal chord of our, My country. They are the ones. They look after. Without them nothing could have happened. If the British have given anything nice is this idea of service. Of course all the kings had, everybody had, but the systems they have started has helped, and you are the spinal cord. You should never get sick. You should not have any problems. And that's why I am very happy and thankful to your organization and to commissioner sahab, who has invited Me for this. As I have said it will take not much time. You are all ready for it. Now can you put both your hands towards Me, like this? Just like this. I hope you have taken out your shoes. Because this Mother Earth, I said, gives you the power. If you have not, please take out. You will discover what I have said about out motherland, how wonderful She is. All right, just like this. As I've told you, you have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive others. That's all. If you can do that, just from your heart, you just say it in your heart "I forgive myself and I forgive others." Just like that. Forgiveness has such a power, just see that. Now please put right hand towards Me, because you are right-sided people, right hand towards Me, and the left hand you put it on top of your fontanel bone area, what we call as the talu, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Just put your right hand towards Me and the left hand you can move it a little bit, not on top, away from the head, you can move your hand and see for yourself, if there is any cool breeze or a hot breeze coming or vibrations coming out of your own fontanel bone area. If you bend your head, it will help you more. Just bend your head. Not to doubt. Now some people start doubting that there is air-conditioning and all that, is not so. It's from your own head it will start coming out. As Kabira has said, "Shunya shikhar par anhad baje re." just see this. It's coming out of your head. All right. Now please put your left hand towards Me and bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now if it is hot that means you have not yet forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So please, please try to see for yourself, please forgive yourselves - very important. This is, I am talking about the realm of love where all these things do not exist. Now see for yourself, love and compassion. Compassion and love for yourself and for others. Now please put your right hand towards Me, once again and see with the left hand on your talu [MEANS Fontanel Bone Area]. Just move your hand. Now in the both the hands if you put like this towards Me. Open your eyes, there is no need to close the eyes. And see if there is cool or hot breeze coming onto your fingertips or into your palm. Just see. Called as spanda [MEANS Vibration], Adishankaracharya has called it spanda and all the saints have described it. Now, all those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm or coming out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Wow! It's very good. Excellent! Excellent! May God bless you all. May God bless you. But you have to develop it more. It might not have come with some people, but doesn't matter. Maybe there is some sort of an obstruction somewhere but it has worked in for so many people and I am very much overjoyed to see that. If I have said anything that might have hurt you please forgive Me because what I felt from My heart I wanted to tell you. That now we have to help our women in this country. Is a very important thing. I think that's the main job for us now. May God bless you all. Thank you. He would like to sing one song and you can clap if you want because that will help to have vibrations. Mr. Kapoor wants Me to ask questions if you have any. Sab nirvichar ho gaye [MEANS Everybody has gone into thoughtless awareness]. This nirvichar sthiti [MEANS Thoughtless awareness state] has been also described by Jung. That, he said, where your thoughts just subside. Thought comes and goes. Thought, another comes and goes. Some comes from the future and some comes from conditionings. Now there's a little space in-between which we call as vilamb [MEANS Pause/Gap]. But that is lost. But when Kundalini rises She makes these thoughts, you see, She elongates them and the space is created. Then this is the state of shunya [MEANS Nothingness], as they call it, where is the reality. Because past is finished and future doesn't exist. When you are in that reality you get all the knowledge. This is one thing has to get. Haan [MEANS Oh yes!], I must also tell you one thing that I heard one Guruji had come, there was a big crowd there. And what he was saying, "You people are not on the Nirvikalpa [MEANS Doubtless Awareness] state. You are not the people of nirvikalpa. So, why should you go for gyan marga [MEANS Path of Knowledge]? You are the people who are running after everything and all that." I mean, openly saying like that, you know. And people accepted him. So what you can do is to serve your gurus, you see, do this, do that. This is how it is. They're openly saying things which are absolutely absurd. And this is what is misleading us. We are not. We are gyanmargis [MEANS People walking on path of Knowledge], all of us. We are born in this, at this time because we are gyanmargis. We will have to have gyan otherwise we cannot exist. We'll have all problems, everything. So this gyan has to come. Unless and until we get this absolute truth, we cannot manage life. And this is what they say, that you are running after this and that and that, how can you be nirvikalpa. So don't listen to all this nonsense. All this has not helped anyone, it has not helped your forefathers, it has not helped you. What you need, the truth and the truth is that on your nervous system, on your finger tips you should feel the truth. Now if you want to find out somebody is real or not. Just put your hands and immediately you'll feel cool breeze coming. You ask a question about anything and you will get the cool breeze. But if it is false, if it is wrong, you will not get it. Not only that but sometimes you get blisters, just for a short time. Or sometimes you get kind of a tingling. So you are the one who knows, it's absolute and this we have to have. Because as it is, Guru Nanaka has said "kahen re man khojan jaye [MEANS O heart, why do you go searching outside (for God)?], sada niwasi, sada alepa, to yeh sangha samayee" [PROBABLY MEANS (God is) Always inside, always hidden, it is inside everyone]. But how to go inside is the problem. That's Kundalini. That's the Kundalini. So may God bless you all. I hope you all will progress further into Sahaja Yoga and work it out. Those who haven't got it also should not feel disappointed. [One question is asked by the audience. Voice very low so probably the question is. "Do we need to repeat this more often to get the cool breeze?"] [Mother then replies] No, no, please be seated. Actually as I told you, it is now the sprouting of the seed has taken. With some people they just immediately get into it, I know, but mostly they have to work it out, because there may be problems in their Chakras and all that. But nothing has to be done. Just little meditation that these people will suggest. Don't have to pay for it. You don't have to stand on your .. nothing of the kind. Don't have to give up anything. It is inside, it just rises. So supposing something is wrong in a particular Chakra, or obstruction is there a little bit or something, then it has to be corrected and takes hardly anytime. [ASIDE: Have you got some place where they can meditate? Have you got some place where they can meet and meditate? A Sahaja yogi replies, "Yes, Shri Mataji". Shri Mataji confirms with him, "hai koi" (MEANS Ok!, There is one).] He says we can organize some place where you all can meet and can rise. But I don't think you will take too much time. And within one month you become master in yourself. You become your own guru and become the guru of others. I mean you have no understanding of your capabilities also, which you will be amazed, how you are so powerful! You are. So little bit time, about five minutes, ten minutes everyday. That's all. But once in a week or something they will arrange. So you should go there and just meditate, collective meditation helps a lot. [ASIDE: Shri Mataji asks Sahaja yogis to sing a particular bhajan in Hindi] He is a gentleman who has got inspirations and he has composed all the poetry himself. He never used to sing, you see, he never had a capacity to sing classical music and all that. Now he suddenly has become a great musician. He speaks very well, it's very surprising. Suddenly what has happened to him. I've known people who were charted accountant have become poets of very high quality. So all your, I should say dormant capacities and talents, they just show. It's very surprising.
Public Program: Income Tax Officers Meeting. Delhi (India), 17 April 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Just now you have been told about the beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga, but it has much deeper, much more effects on us. The thing is, we are not aware of ourselves, we don't know ourselves. And we have to know, what are we and then we will know why all these problems, physical, mental, emotional are caused. Also the spiritual problems, many people have. It's important to see that we are made beautifully. This human body is made very beautifully and if you study medicine you will know it even more. That it's a body which is so much well looked after, you take heart, you take anything. But we are the ones, we spoil them sometimes. May be because we are ignorant and we don't know what to do about ourselves. Specially when I am today addressing such a august gathering of you people, I think it's important to tell you what is the problem with our lives. Especially I have been a wife of a government servant. And I do know what are the problems of the government servants are, which no one can understand unless and until you are in the service. The first and foremost thing that causes us this anxiety is - we are all the time worried, "How are we to be sustained in the job? What should we do our level best to be a good member of this organization?" Whatever you may do, whatever you may try, you'll find it at different steps that it is not rewarded, it is not understood, nor people give you encouragement. Then it's very disappointing that we feel we are working so hard, we are so honest. Actually government servants, due to their honesty, suffer a lot. I know those sufferings and how much one has to cope with. Despite that, when you have to suffer some sort of an insult, indignation or anything one feels very desperate, sometimes absolutely degenerated. Now we have to see what are we, once we know what are we, we'll not feel all that. We are not only ordinary human beings. No. We are not animals, we are not the nature. We are special people who have been given a very special work to be done. So counteract it, first thing I would say is the love for your country. As they have told you about My parents. I have seen deshbhakti [MEANS patriotism]. How they sacrificed everything for the country. We are in a much better state now. We are free, we have this freedom to enjoy. While these people, My mother went to jail five times, My father went to jail, sometimes two and a half years, and we were a big family. Still we enjoyed, we enjoyed all that, because we knew we were soldiers, soldiers fighting for the freedom of our country. Now that purpose is lost in a way, we don't have to fight for the freedom. But what I feel that we have to understand that the time is so important that we have to build this country. The other day before the IAS officers, I told them that My husband was selected to the Indian Foreign service to begin with. I told him very frankly, "I am not going with you to foreign service. Just now we have got independence and you want to go to foreign countries. Moreover, we don't drink, how are we going to manage the parties and things? I have nothing to do with the Foreign Service, I am going to stay here, and if you want, you can go." He was quite surprised at My reaction. So he said, "I'll try if I can get into IAS." And luckily he got it. Of course in that he lost his pay or whatever it was, but I was so very happy that this is the time we have to buildup our country. Of course I couldn't do anything because he was in the government service. But through him I could see that we can work out many things and I need not work. I need not sort of put in My ideas, but he can do that. And it was so interesting how things were worked out by him and how he was so much engrossed into his work. He never took leave for, I think, all the time when we were here, not even one day. It's very surprising. And Shastriji always felt that he is sacrificing his family life. But no, not at all, I never felt that way. I felt that it is our duty now as Indians to pay this country, to be the most excellent, performing nation. We can. We are very intelligent people. You can see now, how people are doing so well in this new era of Internet, softwares. I feel that now the Saraswati has joined hands with Lakshmi and people are really showing results of this combination. The time has come for our country to really develop into a new financial status. But that's not the end of it. Even if you have lots of financial advantages and even if you become a very technologically developed country, still if you go to such countries where they are so developed, they are not happy. They have no peace. There is no love. It's a very funny situation that money could not buy anything for them. So now, what is the problem is that we should know what do we want really. For that the Creator who has created us has really made all the arrangements. Only one step towards the evolutionary process, towards our evolution, towards our resurrection, can solve that problem. That capacity we have. That, actually we are chosen ones, we are chosen ones. Especially this country is such a great country it is, it's a Yogabhumi [land of yoga]. It's full of vibrations, full of divinity but we have become so much now, I should say, alienated from that and that's why we don't know what do we have in this Motherland of ours and what we can achieve. A day will come when all the world will come and worship this yogabhumi. Now I have to tell you about our own things, as it has been told that, what you have within is these powers. You'll be amazed, all this was known long time back in our country but all that knowledge was finished because of the British rule, you can say, or the other rules that came in, that they didn't care for all this. But there were group of people called as Nathpanthis, they knew this, that Kundalini awakening is the only way you can get your Self Realization. But the idea about Self Realization was so limited and was so absurd that people didn't want to do it. They said you have to give up your family, you have to give up your all, everything, your property, everything. You have to become absolutely single. You should have nothing to do with your relations. All these funny ideas came into the heads of so many people who wanted to propagate their way of thinking. All such thinking has ruined actually the reality that exist within us, absolutely. Because to say that you give up that and give up this and all this kind of a nonsensical ideas: doesn't happen. You don't give up. It's all there, you just have a outward feeling that you have given it, say to your guru or to someone and that's how all kinds of fraudulent things have started with this kind of a theory. You don't have to give up anything, is the point. That, just now as you are, this Kundalini exists within you. She is your Mother. She is your individual Mother. You are the only child She has and you don't have to give up anything as such. Because She's the one who looks after you. She is going to give your second birth. And when your mother gave you the second birth, did she trouble you? She took up all the trouble upon herself and she managed that you are born on this earth. In the same way, for the second birth, as you call dwija, that is born twice, to be born again, there is a Mother already placed within you. She exist within you and She is the one who can give you Self Realization. This is not told only by Me. I tell you is told by all the saints of the world. Long time back, I should say Gyandeva in the twelfth century [ie 1200s] and all others who lived there but even before that, Markandaya, he talked about it. We don't know anything about these people. Then also in the sixteenth century we should say Guru Nanak was there, Kabira was there, all of them have talked about it. Kabira has said, "Ida, pingala, sukhumana [MEANS Sushumana] nadi", "Shunaya shikar par anhad baje re." [LITERAL TRANSLATION At the Peak of nothingness, plays the anhad (Traditional name for Heart Chakra)]. Nobody understood what they were saying and only reading, reading and reading - where will you go? Adi Shankracharya also asked, "O' Mother please remove, please somehow or other remove from My mind this kind of ignorance that I have, that I read words, the shabd jalam [MEANS trap of words]. Please remove this shabd jalam." All of them has said, Kabira had said "padhi padhi pandita murakh bhayee" [MEANS by reading and reading a pandit (man of knowledge) becomes a fool]. So even if you go on reading, it doesn't work out. So then scientifically or may be intellectually, you may say, "Oh, it's all nonsense." Nobody has gone to find out, is there some truth in what these people have been saying. All these saints, even today, are respected but nobody wants to see what they are saying, saying within the lines. Guru Nanaka has said "sahaja samadhi lago" [MEANS You go into Samadhi spontaneously]. He has said clearly, you get it sahaj, spontaneous, but people should understand that all these rituals and all these adambars [MEANS showing off] of no value which they themselves had denounced. There have been so many saints during the sixteenth century and they have tried to talk about Kundalini, I must say. But they used to write it in poetry. The reason is, poetry is the safest way otherwise people would have threat them, beaten them, crucified them. So they thought better is not to talk in prose but talk in poetry. And that is being misunderstood. You see, it's such a misunderstanding coming out of reading without knowledge. So you have to have knowledge first. Sahaja Yoga is a gyan marga [MEANS Path of knowledge], where you get the knowledge, the absolute knowledge, not just reading knowledge or some sort of thing. How? When your Kundalini rises She pierces through your fontanel bone area. "Shunaya shikar par anhad baje re", he said it. And then when it becomes one with the subtle; with the subtle that is the divine power of love of God, you can call it anything. They call it Paramchaitanya. When it becomes one with that, what happens to you that all these things like kam [MEANS Lust], krodha [MEANS Anger], moha [MEANS Attachment], mada [MEANS Arrogance], matsar [MEANS Jealousy], lobh [MEANS Greed], moha, all of these things drop by itself because now you are in the new arena or area of knowledge. Where, I would say even Einstein has written about it. He said I was very tired trying to find out the words to express his theory of relativity. And he didn't understand that. So he said "I got so fed up in the laboratory, I came home and I started playing with the soap bubbles and suddenly from somewhere unknown the whole theory dawned upon me." This unknown is what he called torsion area. And that one is the area which is beyond us, beyond our mental self. What we do normally is all the time with our mind we go on reacting. You say something, we react. Sometimes we react to also things which are very ugly, maybe sometimes too aggressive things, all kinds of things we go on reacting. You, I see, now here say for example, I see these flowers put here. They are such a beautiful thing for Me. But now many people would say, "Oh! My God, how much they have spent. God knows from where they have got it. They should not have done this. Have they paid their income tax or not?" They might [sulking UNCLEAR] like this and saying things which have nothing to do with the beauty and the joy that these flowers are giving. And the whole reaction of the mind goes on like that and that's how we get into tension. Why we cannot enjoy? We cannot enjoy, the reason is we are still not connected with the mains. Now supposing this instrument is not connected. What is the use of this instrument? In the same way, we are all the time, all the time, thinking and putting our attention in a way that it reacts. Anything, anything that they see, one feels we must react. And if they cannot react, they think that it's a lost case and they have not understood the point. For this, this happening of Self Realization is called as Atmasakshatkar. Even Christ has said, "Know thouself". Said it clearly, everyone has said that. It's not I am saying, but how to do it is the problem. Because you can't enter inside yourself. We cannot move into this subtle thing. For that, it is the divine has placed this Kundalini in the triangular bone. You see, it's so important. She rises through six centers. Now these centers are for our physical, mental and emotional being and also for spiritual. And She passes through them, firstly She integrates them, secondly She enlightens them, She also nourishes them. That's how it completely balances you and makes you very healthy person. I would like to tell you because the kind of work you do, morning till evening, you are very hard working and all your attention is on your work, and you are going out of the way to work out whatever your plans are, whatever it is. In that doing so, what happens to you, let us see. The first thing that happens to you is that, she's told you, is the right side nadi, which we call as pingala. This pingala nadi gets over-excited, also tired. All the time using that for your thinking, for your futuristic manner. All futuristic people suffer from this. Now this nadi is a very important nadi which is, of course, I mean, the medical science doesn't know about it but we can call it - it is the right side sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic goes into action so much so that it can really spoil all the working of all the centers which are connected to it. First and foremost is the liver. The liver goes out absolutely. Now what is the sign of liver is that, that you get ... you can't eat, get constipation, all these things when it's on a very lower level but when it starts rising - the function of the liver is to eliminate the heat from your body into the blood circulation - so if your liver is out, it doesn't do, so this heat goes on passing. It goes from liver to the heart or sometimes before that to the lungs. So such person can suffer from asthma of a very serious type. In Sahaja yoga, asthma is absolutely curable. No doubt. But you have to first become a realized soul. Now this creates asthma, secondly when it rises even on the left hand side then supposing there is a boy and he is about twenty one years of age and he plays tennis, with that also he drinks. So he is out for a fatal life because then the same heat attacks. Attacks the heart and the child gets a heart attack. But this heart attack can come even to much older people, those who are working very hard and all that, they are neglecting, they are neglecting themselves. When they are neglecting themselves, suddenly they get a heart attack. It's a common disease with all the government servants because they are not bothered to find out how much energy they are putting in? How much energy they are using? Now the energy for our brain goes through one center which also looks after the liver. So if you think too much, all the time if you are thinking, then this liver is even much worse. Such a person who thinks too much gets the problem of the liver but doesn't end there. From the heart, it might even go to the pancreas, one can get the diabetes, just imagine. Diabetes can be easily cured if you stop thinking, but how to stop thinking is the problem, which I''ll tell you later. And then it goes down, it can attack the spleen and one can get a blood cancer. It's very serious. But then it can also affect your kidneys and your kidneys can stop working. After that the kidneys thing is the, we should say, you get constipated, very badly constipated, because of the lower intestine not acting. All this heat we generate all the time by our overwork, by our futuristic life. To stop it, there is no way out. You are also government servant, conscientious people, we want to work very hard and we want to think how to improve the situation and work for your country. But at the same time we have to know what imbalances we are getting into. We are just going to the right side, not to the left, but cancer also can be caused by the same. I'll explain to you how. I am sorry it's turning out to be little medical, but this is say, these are two Chakras from the left and right sympathetic. They join together to form one Chakra. Now what happens, you are working too much on the right and goes on like that, draining out your right like that. Suddenly some shock may take place, something may happen on the left side and it breaks. So your relationship with the whole is lost. When that relationship with the whole is lost, your, this right side becomes on its own and the left side becomes on its own. Like they become what they call, malignant and all the cells start behaving like that. Also you can cure cancer, it's not very difficult. If you want to work it out you can cure. But the best thing for you is to get your Self Realization and to establish yourself. That's the best thing for all the men and all the women. Now I have seen that this is a only one part of it I have said about the right side but the worst thing is that your right side can get paralyzed. Recently we have one very good doctor working for us, I told him, "Sir now you are old. You must take rest in the day time, there is no harm. Must take some rest in the day time and sleep early and don't exert too much. You are very more than sufficient." He won't listen to Me. I mean he would listen, but he wouldn't do what I am saying. So what happened to him that he got a paraplegia, as they call it. His right hand and his left hand completely paralyzed. Now he is cured, that's different. He is cured now. But the nature takes its own respite, I should say and that's how this fellow got his right side completely. Now the people who work like this mad can have an effect on the left side of his head and his body can get paralyzed on the right side. It is the nature that is trying to correct, because you are overdoing things. So now, how to work out, how to balance it out is the point. But if your Kundalini rises, She nourishes all the centers, She integrates them, She puts them right, enlightens them and ultimately connects you to the source itself, to the ocean of energy. Then what can happen to you? Nothing. It's a life which is tireless, you are never tired, you are full of energy and the energy is flowing through you. But not only energy, but also the knowledge, absolute knowledge, because your fingers start feeling the Chakras, you start getting the Chaitanya on your finger tips. So you can make out what Chakras are catching. If you know how to correct those Chakras, you can correct them and also if you know how to correct for others you can also do for them. The another thing happens to you that your personality evolves into a collective being, you become a collective being. As these days you have seen we have so many gadgets and things and now the new software and all that has come that we can connect to anyone. But that system is within us also. We can find out about anyone, what's wrong with that person and we can cure that person sitting down, can be done. But you have to evolve to that state and you don't require too much time. Once the Kundalini is awakened, it's like a small little seeds, plumule, the ankur [MEANS sprout] has to develop. And if it develops into a tree, you just, you are amazed. You become so transformed. Because all these nonsensical things that have been within us, which I have told you already, the six shadripus [MEANS The six enemies] that we have, they just drop; they just drop. And you become so confident about yourself, you do not aggress, you do not try to find faults with others, but you become like a witness. You start witnessing everything, see everything, not to react. You go beyond your mind because this reaction is the one that causes most of the trouble. Now you get the real gyana [MEANS Knowledge]. There's no need to have all these reactions. You actually know what's wrong, what is to be corrected, what is the solution, just you know. I mean, how you know because you are connected with the mains. You are one with that, without that your personality is not complete. Once it happens, you'll be amazed that all these people have talked about it. Mohammad Sahab has said that, "At the time of resurrection, your hands will speak." Now what is that? That's the proof of that you have got Realization. Now the situation is so simple and is working out, I don't know may be it's such a ghor [MEANS extreme] kali yuga that it has started working in this time, that there are thousands and thousands of people, who are getting Realization even if I am not there. Sahaja yogis can give Realization to so many people. It is very remarkable that it's happening in this world and it's meant for you, you can't pay for it. You can't do anything about it, it's just there. The God Almighty has put it there, the Kundalini. Only thing is that, somebody who is a realized soul can only awaken it. Like one candle which is enlightened, can enlighten another candle. That's the only thing. But if you have enlightened another candle and steadied it, that also candle can do the same. That's how it has spread. I didn't go to all these country. I've been hardly to the twenty countries, at the most. But how it has worked out, see. It has worked out so beautifully and this is the science of our country. This was from our country. Of course, others also talked about it. William Blake has talked about it, but still I would say, is basically this knowledge is from India. Indians had all this knowledge, but somehow they didn't give Realization, collective Realization. And so I only wanted to develop a method by which or by understanding the permutations and combinations of human being, I could manage this collective thing. Because any, any discovery which is on just on a individual level has no really meaning. And it worked and it is working and by all your kindness and goodness that they have guilt. They start saying, "Oh! I have done this wrong, that wrong." But whatever is done, has done, finished. Now why are you bothered all your life? That's one thing. That is a very bad thing for this kind of a, I should say, nerve, but actually it's very bad for the center. This is the left-side center what we call the vishuddhi and that's how the Kundalini doesn't rise. So you should not feel guilty. There's no need to have confessions and all that. You just think, you are a human being and you all can get your Realization. I must tell you this is the power of love. Is not the power of any intellectual capacity, but the power of love. And with the power of love, if you believe in it, then also you must love yourself. You must forgive yourself and not to have any guilt. Then after forgiving yourself you have to forgive others also, because others are also ignorant. They also are not yet well-equipped to understand you. So forgive, forgive all of them, just forgive. Logically whether you forgive, you don't forgive, you don't do anything. Nothing is done. Only you are harming yourself by playing into the hands of the people who have troubled you. So best thing is to forgive them. It just helps a lot to open this center of forgiveness. These two centers are the real hurdles in the ascending power of the Kundalini. So what we have to do, is to forgive yourself and forgive others. That's all. Just to say in your heart that I forgive myself and I forgive others. That's the only thing you have to be convinced that you should not blame yourself for anything. You have done nothing wrong. What have you done? After all, if you had done anything wrong, you would have been in jail. But you are not. So what is there to feel guilty? This thing we have to also understand that some people think that unless and until we are very dharmic or we are very much in the ritual, we will be saved. It's not so. It's not so. We are lost into this [UNCLEAR]. So forget about it. The Kundalini rises whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or you have done so many pujas or so many this thing. Doesn't matter. Only thing that keeps you cleaner than other things because your attention is on God. But it won't work out unless and until the Kundalini rises. I must tell you something I always felt about the women and the recently as they said as I have started a self-organization to help women who are in distress and also little girls and also young girls. Because I feel in our country, women don't have proper place. Wherever they have, it's all due to law and it is very, very cursed state where women are definitely helped by law but they go on asking for divorces, the family life is ruined. So it's for men, they should develop real respect for women. They are, I don't know, how many percentage, but definitely much more than men are. And if you do not respect the women, you are really finishing the whole culture of our country. We have to definitely respect women. There is one thing I would request you, to income tax people, that the way you have a law, I don't know, I have talked to the finance minister, but he doesn't heed, that you are after the stridhana [LITERAL MEANING Women's Property]. To touch the stridhana is a paap [MEANS Sin], is sinful thing. But is done in such a, such a bad manner, I have seen it, because you are all big people, big johnnies, but the people who go to such places. We had a neighbor who was a jeweler, and I was there when these people came in. And they went and they had, you see this was the last story, so they had put a artificial, this thing. They torn, got it completely torn, completely. They opened all the sofa sets, did all kinds of...I...I couldn't understand, how could do they? And in that house there was no man, only the women living. And then they went into the cupboards and did everything. I mean, somehow or other, it's like a hitlerish type of attitude and they found nothing. And they told them, "If you report it, we'll confiscate much more. We'll come again." Where this kind of thing is done, you have a law, but the way it is asserted, you should look into it. I think, why should you take also, the ornaments of women, I can't understand. Because poor ladies, first they don't understand banking. You know that. I don't understand Myself any banking. That's the only bank they have. Then somebody told Me that they will be using black money. I said, "Which husband will give all his money for buying ornaments?" And now the black money is already in the market, they don't want to keep it in the ornaments. But women, they have only that for support. Every time I meet some lady like that, I feel like crying. The other day we had a neighbor in Bombay. They were three ladies who came up and they told us there was a raid in their house, for the ornaments. "They took away all our ornaments". I said, "Why didn't you register it?" "Our husband won't register. They are all drunkards, so they wanted to sell that ornament and use it for their own drinking. So we have lost all that". But I said "Why, why did you keep them?" They said "Given to our parents. Whenever we are in need we can sell it and we can get something for our living. This is our bank." So is it this side of Indian life we should understand. We are not western women, we are Indian women. But surprisingly nowhere in the world, nowhere, even in Russia, there is no tax on the ornaments of women. Then our country is the industry of making ornaments - is so beautiful, such artist, such creativity. Let women have their own ornaments. Why do we have that on the income tax? And it's not a easy thing. You know you have to register. I know, I know what it is. You have to register, you have to tell them. Then may have to ... Now for gift, if your want to gift some ornament to your daughter, you have to go the commissioner to do this, to do that. I mean, who has the time to do it? So a humble request, I wanted to make that you can really think of it, that this is one thing where you allow little money to be there. I'll tell you one thing when Mahatma Gandhi had his freedom struggle, My mother, I know, she gave away, except for what ornaments for us, she gave away all her ornaments to Gandhiji. It is your, here the sampada [MEANS wealth], it's your property here. It's a money there. All the time it is available. But why should you not allow women to exist? Because in the villages also, women have no concept of a bank or anything. I wanted to tell you, I thought, whether I should talk about it now. But you people are so much accepting, I have to tell you that this is one dharamkarya [MEANS Act of Dharma] you can do, just please do not bother women about it. There is so much of botheration to them, the way they are treated just like criminals. Moreover in this country, you know that women have to wear. They can't do without it. It's a country we think is the honor of the powers of a woman. And that's why they have it. This can relieve you from lots of worries and troubles, I can tell you. Because, I have seen when they go in the night and then these people go and harass others, then the report comes to you people and you feel so distress. If something could be done, I'll be very thankful, it is worth talking to you about the pains and troubles of women of India who are already downtrodden, already being oppressed, already being tortured. This is all right, but now the Kundalini awakening part of it. Once the Kundalini awakened you will understand. You would have that love and affection for all the people of the world. I know there is so many problems in this world. I don't know how to patch them up. For example, they said, I have a school, another school I have started in Maharashtra. I have seven schemes already started there. But worst of all, I feel for women. They are so helpless and there is no way of really getting them redress. They are in such a trouble, while they are the shakti [MEANS Power] of this country. Kundalini is a lady. She is not, She is not a man, you can say. You have all the avataras [MEANS Incarnations] and everything but Kundalini is the, what they call the reflection of the Adishakti. She's the shakti. We are the shakti worshippers. But the way we are treating our women is very surprising. We have to understand that these women, if they are awakened, what powers you will have. In any country where they have had powers, it is through their women. You read about anyone. Even Mahatma Gandhi, all of them, even Shastriji. I thought, how much they loved their wives. And how much they cared for them. I tell you it is very remarkable how we miss out on the most important and such a big part of our population. Now I have started this organization and I am going to give Realization to all of them. And I am going to see that after Realization they all learn things very well and stand on their legs. Your administrative capacity, your thinking capacity, I should say, your understanding a subject increase so much, that you're amazed. Sometimes My husband says, "How do you know?" I said "I know. Just I know." You will know how to manage things. And the main thing behind is the love that you have for others. It will work out so beautifully, your life will become so beautiful and you will enjoy it. And all the greed and this all nonsense will just drop out. In these modern times it's very important that you all should take your Realization. Because after all we are Indians. Our culture is such that we are in for Self Realization. We are so different from others. And here in this country, the women have saved the culture of India. Women. So by this you can also look after the women, give them Realization, give them understanding and also help them. But not to harass them. That's not the way. Harassing, I have to request you, to absolutely ban it - to harass women. Already they are harassed, they don't know what to do and this law doesn't help them at all because the men are the controlling power. That's for men to understand the value of women, men to understand their power of love and then it will work out. I am not saying because I am a woman, but I am saying this, what I have seen. Such injustice we have done to our womanhood. Now for Kundalini, I would say we'll take hardly ten minutes and you will get your Realization. Now about this whole theory and all that and everything, you see, the people have written granthas [MEANS Holy Literature]. But that you can read and can find out, but just now I think best thing is that you all get your Realization, if you permit. One thing - you can not force on anyone, you have to ask for it from your heart. Because Kundalini is the power of shudh Ichcha [MEANS Pure Desire]. That's the real, because other ichchas [MEANS Desires] are useless. Today, we want to buy a car. After buying the car you are not satisfied, you want to build a house. After building the house, I don't know, you want to have an aeroplane. Goes on, it's economics actually. The modern economics is based on this, that you are never satisfied. Go on from one to another. But after this, you are absolutely satisfied with whatever you are. You are not at all on the run, but you are absolutely in the realm of peace and joy. This happens to you, and this should happen to all of you. Firstly, I always say that service people, government service people are like the spinal chord of our, My country. They are the ones. They look after. Without them nothing could have happened. If the British have given anything nice is this idea of service. Of course all the kings had, everybody had, but the systems they have started has helped, and you are the spinal cord. You should never get sick. You should not have any problems. And that's why I am very happy and thankful to your organization and to commissioner sahab, who has invited Me for this. As I have said it will take not much time. You are all ready for it. Now can you put both your hands towards Me, like this? Just like this. I hope you have taken out your shoes. Because this Mother Earth, I said, gives you the power. If you have not, please take out. You will discover what I have said about out motherland, how wonderful She is. All right, just like this. As I've told you, you have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive others. That's all. If you can do that, just from your heart, you just say it in your heart "I forgive myself and I forgive others." Just like that. Forgiveness has such a power, just see that. Now please put right hand towards Me, because you are right-sided people, right hand towards Me, and the left hand you put it on top of your fontanel bone area, what we call as the talu, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Just put your right hand towards Me and the left hand you can move it a little bit, not on top, away from the head, you can move your hand and see for yourself, if there is any cool breeze or a hot breeze coming or vibrations coming out of your own fontanel bone area. If you bend your head, it will help you more. Just bend your head. Not to doubt. Now some people start doubting that there is air-conditioning and all that, is not so. It's from your own head it will start coming out. As Kabira has said, "Shunya shikhar par anhad baje re." just see this. It's coming out of your head. All right. Now please put your left hand towards Me and bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now if it is hot that means you have not yet forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So please, please try to see for yourself, please forgive yourselves - very important. This is, I am talking about the realm of love where all these things do not exist. Now see for yourself, love and compassion. Compassion and love for yourself and for others. Now please put your right hand towards Me, once again and see with the left hand on your talu [MEANS Fontanel Bone Area]. Just move your hand. Now in the both the hands if you put like this towards Me. Open your eyes, there is no need to close the eyes. And see if there is cool or hot breeze coming onto your fingertips or into your palm. Just see. Called as spanda [MEANS Vibration], Adishankaracharya has called it spanda and all the saints have described it. Now, all those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm or coming out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Wow! It's very good. Excellent! Excellent! May God bless you all. May God bless you. But you have to develop it more. It might not have come with some people, but doesn't matter. Maybe there is some sort of an obstruction somewhere but it has worked in for so many people and I am very much overjoyed to see that. If I have said anything that might have hurt you please forgive Me because what I felt from My heart I wanted to tell you. That now we have to help our women in this country. Is a very important thing. I think that's the main job for us now. May God bless you all. Thank you. He would like to sing one song and you can clap if you want because that will help to have vibrations. Mr. Kapoor wants Me to ask questions if you have any. Sab nirvichar ho gaye [MEANS Everybody has gone into thoughtless awareness]. This nirvichar sthiti [MEANS Thoughtless awareness state] has been also described by Jung. That, he said, where your thoughts just subside. Thought comes and goes. Thought, another comes and goes. Some comes from the future and some comes from conditionings. Now there's a little space in-between which we call as vilamb [MEANS Pause/Gap]. But that is lost. But when Kundalini rises She makes these thoughts, you see, She elongates them and the space is created. Then this is the state of shunya [MEANS Nothingness], as they call it, where is the reality. Because past is finished and future doesn't exist. When you are in that reality you get all the knowledge. This is one thing has to get. Haan [MEANS Oh yes!], I must also tell you one thing that I heard one Guruji had come, there was a big crowd there. And what he was saying, "You people are not on the Nirvikalpa [MEANS Doubtless Awareness] state. You are not the people of nirvikalpa. So, why should you go for gyan marga [MEANS Path of Knowledge]? You are the people who are running after everything and all that." I mean, openly saying like that, you know. And people accepted him. So what you can do is to serve your gurus, you see, do this, do that. This is how it is. They're openly saying things which are absolutely absurd. And this is what is misleading us. We are not. We are gyanmargis [MEANS People walking on path of Knowledge], all of us. We are born in this, at this time because we are gyanmargis. We will have to have gyan otherwise we cannot exist. We'll have all problems, everything. So this gyan has to come. Unless and until we get this absolute truth, we cannot manage life. And this is what they say, that you are running after this and that and that, how can you be nirvikalpa. So don't listen to all this nonsense. All this has not helped anyone, it has not helped your forefathers, it has not helped you. What you need, the truth and the truth is that on your nervous system, on your finger tips you should feel the truth. Now if you want to find out somebody is real or not. Just put your hands and immediately you'll feel cool breeze coming. You ask a question about anything and you will get the cool breeze. But if it is false, if it is wrong, you will not get it. Not only that but sometimes you get blisters, just for a short time. Or sometimes you get kind of a tingling. So you are the one who knows, it's absolute and this we have to have. Because as it is, Guru Nanaka has said "kahen re man khojan jaye [MEANS O heart, why do you go searching outside (for God)?], sada niwasi, sada alepa, to yeh sangha samayee" [PROBABLY MEANS (God is) Always inside, always hidden, it is inside everyone]. But how to go inside is the problem. That's Kundalini. That's the Kundalini. So may God bless you all. I hope you all will progress further into Sahaja Yoga and work it out. Those who haven't got it also should not feel disappointed. [One question is asked by the audience. Voice very low so probably the question is. "Do we need to repeat this more often to get the cool breeze?"] [Mother then replies] No, no, please be seated. Actually as I told you, it is now the sprouting of the seed has taken. With some people they just immediately get into it, I know, but mostly they have to work it out, because there may be problems in their Chakras and all that. But nothing has to be done. Just little meditation that these people will suggest. Don't have to pay for it. You don't have to stand on your .. nothing of the kind. Don't have to give up anything. It is inside, it just rises. So supposing something is wrong in a particular Chakra, or obstruction is there a little bit or something, then it has to be corrected and takes hardly anytime. [ASIDE: Have you got some place where they can meditate? Have you got some place where they can meet and meditate? A Sahaja yogi replies, "Yes, Shri Mataji". Shri Mataji confirms with him, "hai koi" (MEANS Ok!, There is one).] He says we can organize some place where you all can meet and can rise. But I don't think you will take too much time. And within one month you become master in yourself. You become your own guru and become the guru of others. I mean you have no understanding of your capabilities also, which you will be amazed, how you are so powerful! You are. So little bit time, about five minutes, ten minutes everyday. That's all. But once in a week or something they will arrange. So you should go there and just meditate, collective meditation helps a lot. [ASIDE: Shri Mataji asks Sahaja yogis to sing a particular bhajan in Hindi] He is a gentleman who has got inspirations and he has composed all the poetry himself. He never used to sing, you see, he never had a capacity to sing classical music and all that. Now he suddenly has become a great musician. He speaks very well, it's very surprising. Suddenly what has happened to him. I've known people who were charted accountant have become poets of very high quality. So all your, I should say dormant capacities and talents, they just show. It's very surprising.
Welcome Puja and Informal Talk
United Arab Emirates
The talk 2000-04-20 Puja and Informal Talk, Dubai, DP-Raw, 26’ All the stars are aligned, and they are all talking about you, so we thought we will have Puja on the 5th and 6th, and 7th program. May God bless you. Already in Russia, they have accepted us as a religion, recognised, that is a very big thing because all other religions are coefficient. I don’t know why they are kept in Sahaja Yoga, how? So, the problem over there is leadership and now they have a very good leader Uncle Noyce, that’s how they got it. Also, in America but now they are expecting in Italy also that will be done because the Catholics are against it. Shri Mataji asks, “When will we do the Puja? Yogi replies, “Shri Mataji whenever you say then we will do the Puja”. Shri Mataji says, “Do it now and then eat food. We have to see that fellow. Will you bring it here? No, Yogi replies, “We can speak to him”. Yogi asks, “What time will you prefer Shri Mataji?”. Shri Mataji says, “After eating food, just now, after Puja then you do it”. Yogi says, “We are all blessed by Shri Mataji for letting us have a small Puja”. Shri Mataji says, “It’s your right”. (Sahaja yogis speaking and preparing for Puja) (They are washing Shri Mataji’s feet) Yogi says, “Day before yesterday on my way to London and then you asked us that we go to America, so I was on my way back and then”. Shri Mataji asks the Yogi, “Will you be coming to Turkey?”. Yogi replies, “I am trying. I am trying to go on the same flight as you. I am trying to arrange the tickets, so it all happened by chance. I didn’t know you were coming to Dubai”. Another Yogi says, “He called me up Shri Mataji from Bombay I said Shri Mataji is coming so he talked to me.” Shri Mataji says, “All Sahaja”. Baba Mama, they might have all struggled. He was such a help to me. Baba Mama. Now, we are shifting to Vaitarna near Bombay, now, somebody has to look after the chamber house? Sahaja Yogi asks, “Is anybody else left out?” Just give a Bandhan and his wife started giving a treatment and then the news came he was very sick and just about to die. You are children [unclear] because I think the grown-up people try to understand sometimes mentally and they are not that deep as they don’t understand that it is such great power, to begin with. Children just take it, just a four-year-old child and the parents are not Sahaja Yogis. Now they have become but they were not, still, the child was blessed. We have many blood cancer patients otherwise also that were cured but never a child of four years, even to get blood cancer for a four-year-old child, mother was a very active woman and then she conceived this child and that one should not. Also, when pregnant you should not become so much right sided. A very serious type, for children it is a very serious thing. They develop all the right-sided problems if a mother is overactive, very ritualistic, she thinks too much then they have it. Now I think people are recognising but this time when I came there were those white turban Sikhs, they call themselves Namdhariyae, Namdhariyae and they all touched my feet, they said Namaste to me because their Guruji has told them. One fellow who used to play Tabla for us in Cabella very great artist, he is called Sukhwinder Singh, he is also namdhariyae, so he told me that my Guru has told me to take to Sahaja Yoga. Just imagine there are such people who recognise at that level like he also went to see. Shri Mataji asks a yogi, “whom did you see?” Yogi replies, “Shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya, second senior Shankaracharya. He is Jaynendra Saraswati”. So, everybody was surprised, and they announced it, in the program, they announced about this. So, you see they can’t recognise it, they are realised soul or maybe they are good people they might have been. I was surprised that these namdharis suddenly. Actually, I don’t know what is the difference between a Namdhari and a Sikh. We had some Sikhs also but not like this all of them. If the guru gets all right so all of them can be all right. I was surprised, Sukhwinder Singh did tell me that my Guru has told me that go to Sahaja Yoga, go to Shri Mataji. But I was surprised by all of them so much. Another one came running after me like touched my feet and I asked him. His Guruji is so old and looks so old. But Muslims also, for example, there is a place called Benin, it’s a nation Benin and seven thousand people Africans they are all Muslims, they were. I asked them why did you become Muslim they said because the Greeks give, French, French were rulers, and they were so immoral, so horrible so we took to Islam but now we know what is Sahaja Yoga. The head of their army came to see me there in the program and he was dancing there. And another is this Ivory coast there are 3000 people and also another place you know Turkey. This time we’ll see but they are saying there are many more than 3000 because when this earthquake came not one Sahaja Yogi was touched and you will be amazed that their houses just shook a little bit otherwise everything was intact, quite a fundamentalist and those who were doing black magic. Then in France also they are very funny, they opposed us very much and when I went there still, they were trying to be cunning because they wanted to get something for this Puja and a big typhoon like this started from the sea and there was a tanker waiting on the shore and it sunk the tanker and all over there was oil. Very funny thing was that those whom people went to this Puja got cancelled. Then they came up this typhoon came up started wiping out all the churches top, quite a lot of churches were destroyed and then also the people who were fundamentalist, Christians, Catholics their houses were demolished. We had purchased a place called Jausse, means it was all legal, it came up to that point in Jausse it stopped, it’s really surprising. They were first criticising me and then the whole place was filled with this typhoon business, rain. Even in Orissa, very surprisingly not one single Sahaja Yogi has died. Even they had a bomb in Bombay not a single Sahaja Yogi died except for one whom all the time telling me Mother I don’t want to live, my mother is very bad, she doesn’t forgive my wife this that, I want to have another mother. I was telling him why should you do like this. He said, “No, I can’t, just get rid of this woman, she is terrible, and I must die, I am feeling [unclear] all the time he was saying like this and he is the only one who was killed. His wife’s name was PrAgnya [unclear], she was Australian, now we have married her to somebody in France, Majheek he is a Muslim. And this marriage has turned out very well. She is working very hard there, Sahaja Yoga is spreading. The French are funnily placed because there are these horrible Catholic Church. I mean they have no freedom; I think. That way I must say Indians are much more, they have no freedom at all. From all over the world people came to Dharamshala to study, but those who came from [unclear]they made it, such a fuss, such a horrible thing. Moreover, they have become very loose tongue, very poor, not rich, rich by experience that they drink such a lot. 48% of French are without jobs. Absolutely, and they have been, that’s one thing they can’t give up, ego. They have become so poor, even their houses, they cost you nothing. I mean if somebody wants to buy a house in France it’s nothing, because this drinking business, it's terrible. There the end of Sheayas, there in France, they recognised me, and they wanted to work only on Sheayas [unclear]. Still, we can get hold of Sheayas even in India because this Pakistan has killed again 15 Sheeyas. They are killing all these Indians. I mean they were Indians went there, and I don’t know, but the people who went there they all lived there with [unclear]. Everyday [unclear] at that time used to be 21 and so many of them are killed, very surprising. Last night we slept very late because this Gautam had come and he was telling all kind of things about the government but the most successful thing was that we had a meeting with IAS, IPS people in Bombay then we had it also in Delhi and there were lots of and then we had it with income tax. I told them that you should not try to catch the ornaments of women because now all the ornaments are going abroad, they will not stay. I told them the whole thing and they really appreciate it. To these people from democratic, [unclear] how much they advertise especially in Bombay [unclear]. They brought this, that, flowers, cars, so on and so forth. I was surprised I mean how could Income tax people become that rich. He is a very humble guy [unclear]. Has got very efficient vishuddhi. He is very sort of straightforward. Once he said that I am so happy. We have come to you and you have come to us. He is a musalmaam (one that belongs to the Muslim community). In India, the Sheaya community is weak, I am sure. In Lucknow, there is one Musalmaan (Muslim). (Shri Mataji discussing with yogis and arranging the time of appointment to see somebody.) “If you don’t spend then they tell, this time she has not bought anything”. You are a bit late in coming today. Yogis showing the Ramayan book and children showing their work. Shri Mataji asks, “What about others”? Yogi replies, “They have planned a play for you Shri Mataji”. We can accommodate 50 people.
The talk 2000-04-20 Puja and Informal Talk, Dubai, DP-Raw, 26’ All the stars are aligned, and they are all talking about you, so we thought we will have Puja on the 5th and 6th, and 7th program. May God bless you. Already in Russia, they have accepted us as a religion, recognised, that is a very big thing because all other religions are coefficient. I don’t know why they are kept in Sahaja Yoga, how? So, the problem over there is leadership and now they have a very good leader Uncle Noyce, that’s how they got it. Also, in America but now they are expecting in Italy also that will be done because the Catholics are against it. Shri Mataji asks, “When will we do the Puja? Yogi replies, “Shri Mataji whenever you say then we will do the Puja”. Shri Mataji says, “Do it now and then eat food. We have to see that fellow. Will you bring it here? No, Yogi replies, “We can speak to him”. Yogi asks, “What time will you prefer Shri Mataji?”. Shri Mataji says, “After eating food, just now, after Puja then you do it”. Yogi says, “We are all blessed by Shri Mataji for letting us have a small Puja”. Shri Mataji says, “It’s your right”. (Sahaja yogis speaking and preparing for Puja) (They are washing Shri Mataji’s feet) Yogi says, “Day before yesterday on my way to London and then you asked us that we go to America, so I was on my way back and then”. Shri Mataji asks the Yogi, “Will you be coming to Turkey?”. Yogi replies, “I am trying. I am trying to go on the same flight as you. I am trying to arrange the tickets, so it all happened by chance. I didn’t know you were coming to Dubai”. Another Yogi says, “He called me up Shri Mataji from Bombay I said Shri Mataji is coming so he talked to me.” Shri Mataji says, “All Sahaja”. Baba Mama, they might have all struggled. He was such a help to me. Baba Mama. Now, we are shifting to Vaitarna near Bombay, now, somebody has to look after the chamber house? Sahaja Yogi asks, “Is anybody else left out?” Just give a Bandhan and his wife started giving a treatment and then the news came he was very sick and just about to die. You are children [unclear] because I think the grown-up people try to understand sometimes mentally and they are not that deep as they don’t understand that it is such great power, to begin with. Children just take it, just a four-year-old child and the parents are not Sahaja Yogis. Now they have become but they were not, still, the child was blessed. We have many blood cancer patients otherwise also that were cured but never a child of four years, even to get blood cancer for a four-year-old child, mother was a very active woman and then she conceived this child and that one should not. Also, when pregnant you should not become so much right sided. A very serious type, for children it is a very serious thing. They develop all the right-sided problems if a mother is overactive, very ritualistic, she thinks too much then they have it. Now I think people are recognising but this time when I came there were those white turban Sikhs, they call themselves Namdhariyae, Namdhariyae and they all touched my feet, they said Namaste to me because their Guruji has told them. One fellow who used to play Tabla for us in Cabella very great artist, he is called Sukhwinder Singh, he is also namdhariyae, so he told me that my Guru has told me to take to Sahaja Yoga. Just imagine there are such people who recognise at that level like he also went to see. Shri Mataji asks a yogi, “whom did you see?” Yogi replies, “Shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya, second senior Shankaracharya. He is Jaynendra Saraswati”. So, everybody was surprised, and they announced it, in the program, they announced about this. So, you see they can’t recognise it, they are realised soul or maybe they are good people they might have been. I was surprised that these namdharis suddenly. Actually, I don’t know what is the difference between a Namdhari and a Sikh. We had some Sikhs also but not like this all of them. If the guru gets all right so all of them can be all right. I was surprised, Sukhwinder Singh did tell me that my Guru has told me that go to Sahaja Yoga, go to Shri Mataji. But I was surprised by all of them so much. Another one came running after me like touched my feet and I asked him. His Guruji is so old and looks so old. But Muslims also, for example, there is a place called Benin, it’s a nation Benin and seven thousand people Africans they are all Muslims, they were. I asked them why did you become Muslim they said because the Greeks give, French, French were rulers, and they were so immoral, so horrible so we took to Islam but now we know what is Sahaja Yoga. The head of their army came to see me there in the program and he was dancing there. And another is this Ivory coast there are 3000 people and also another place you know Turkey. This time we’ll see but they are saying there are many more than 3000 because when this earthquake came not one Sahaja Yogi was touched and you will be amazed that their houses just shook a little bit otherwise everything was intact, quite a fundamentalist and those who were doing black magic. Then in France also they are very funny, they opposed us very much and when I went there still, they were trying to be cunning because they wanted to get something for this Puja and a big typhoon like this started from the sea and there was a tanker waiting on the shore and it sunk the tanker and all over there was oil. Very funny thing was that those whom people went to this Puja got cancelled. Then they came up this typhoon came up started wiping out all the churches top, quite a lot of churches were destroyed and then also the people who were fundamentalist, Christians, Catholics their houses were demolished. We had purchased a place called Jausse, means it was all legal, it came up to that point in Jausse it stopped, it’s really surprising. They were first criticising me and then the whole place was filled with this typhoon business, rain. Even in Orissa, very surprisingly not one single Sahaja Yogi has died. Even they had a bomb in Bombay not a single Sahaja Yogi died except for one whom all the time telling me Mother I don’t want to live, my mother is very bad, she doesn’t forgive my wife this that, I want to have another mother. I was telling him why should you do like this. He said, “No, I can’t, just get rid of this woman, she is terrible, and I must die, I am feeling [unclear] all the time he was saying like this and he is the only one who was killed. His wife’s name was PrAgnya [unclear], she was Australian, now we have married her to somebody in France, Majheek he is a Muslim. And this marriage has turned out very well. She is working very hard there, Sahaja Yoga is spreading. The French are funnily placed because there are these horrible Catholic Church. I mean they have no freedom; I think. That way I must say Indians are much more, they have no freedom at all. From all over the world people came to Dharamshala to study, but those who came from [unclear]they made it, such a fuss, such a horrible thing. Moreover, they have become very loose tongue, very poor, not rich, rich by experience that they drink such a lot. 48% of French are without jobs. Absolutely, and they have been, that’s one thing they can’t give up, ego. They have become so poor, even their houses, they cost you nothing. I mean if somebody wants to buy a house in France it’s nothing, because this drinking business, it's terrible. There the end of Sheayas, there in France, they recognised me, and they wanted to work only on Sheayas [unclear]. Still, we can get hold of Sheayas even in India because this Pakistan has killed again 15 Sheeyas. They are killing all these Indians. I mean they were Indians went there, and I don’t know, but the people who went there they all lived there with [unclear]. Everyday [unclear] at that time used to be 21 and so many of them are killed, very surprising. Last night we slept very late because this Gautam had come and he was telling all kind of things about the government but the most successful thing was that we had a meeting with IAS, IPS people in Bombay then we had it also in Delhi and there were lots of and then we had it with income tax. I told them that you should not try to catch the ornaments of women because now all the ornaments are going abroad, they will not stay. I told them the whole thing and they really appreciate it. To these people from democratic, [unclear] how much they advertise especially in Bombay [unclear]. They brought this, that, flowers, cars, so on and so forth. I was surprised I mean how could Income tax people become that rich. He is a very humble guy [unclear]. Has got very efficient vishuddhi. He is very sort of straightforward. Once he said that I am so happy. We have come to you and you have come to us. He is a musalmaam (one that belongs to the Muslim community). In India, the Sheaya community is weak, I am sure. In Lucknow, there is one Musalmaan (Muslim). (Shri Mataji discussing with yogis and arranging the time of appointment to see somebody.) “If you don’t spend then they tell, this time she has not bought anything”. You are a bit late in coming today. Yogis showing the Ramayan book and children showing their work. Shri Mataji asks, “What about others”? Yogi replies, “They have planned a play for you Shri Mataji”. We can accommodate 50 people.
Evening Program, Shri Ganesha Puja Weekend
United Arab Emirates
Evening Program
Easter Puja: Purity Is the Basis of Your Existence
Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2000. Today we are celebrating the great event of the resurrection of Christ. On the same pattern is your resurrection, that you have risen to the new life of Divine love. You were all in the knowledge that there is something higher that has to happen, that you have to be born again. But, nobody knew how it works? The subtle side of your being was never told to you. The saints only talked as to how you should behave. They only said how you should try to keep a very pure life, sincere life but they didn't tell you how it will work out. Of course, people knew in India about it, very few of them, very-very few. But, now it's a world wide knowledge through you people. Now when your Kundalini rises, she is your Mother, she is your individual Mother and she gives you the second birth. That's how you get connected to the Divine paradise. All this, if it is told without realization has no meaning but people are given great ideas about it and also were promised that one day your resurrection will come. It is the greatest happening for you. It is the greatest event of your life and one must consider it very fortunate that you have been able to achieve it. All this because you desired for it. In many of your lives you have been desiring for the Heavenly paradise. People have been going down in the hills and valleys, seeking, doing all kinds of things. That's already done by you. You don't have to give up anything, no need to give up anything. It's a wrong idea, I should say, it's an untimely idea. This is the time when you have to get your Sahaja resurrection, spontaneous resurrection. You don't have to do anything about it, it's just so simple as that, has worked out so well. I was really very much overjoyed to see that so many people, specially Muslims, about whom I have been so much worried that how can you save these people! They are so much lost in the mess of wrong things. One has to understand that this `Koran' was written forty years after the death of Mohamed Saheb. So, may be, there might be some words which are being just being shifted, may be, and the meaning might be little bit ambiguous. Also, there was another book called 'Sunna'-came out about the same time and was managed by a person who was not such a great soul I should say, because he was not a realized soul. I can't understand how can you religiously understand poetry and in the poetry whatever is written, how can you interpret it correctly? I am a poet also. I could have written a poetry about it but I said, No. Poetry can twist, can be twisted and also people can misuse it, that's the problem with the poetry. In India we had the same problem. For example, Kabira wrote such beautiful poetry and the way they interpreted was so nonsensical and so much different from the spirit of Kabira's songs. About everything they can twist the words according to their own need, I found out if I wrote poetry about Divinity. This is exactly what has happened. In all the religions I have seen, when it comes to poetry people can twist it. Also, like in Bible, it was so much accepted that Paul is the one who is going to organize the publication about Christ and he didn't want to write also about resurrection, he didn't want to write about Immaculate Conception. All these things were in his mind and so Thomas has to run away to India and John refused to write anything. Because all such people take charge. They become in charge, they think they are responsible for it, while they are not at all capable, they don't have the right to do it. As a result of that, Christianity took a very wrong attitude towards the inner growth of human beings. You see the result of that today, when you see what's happening with the Catholic Church, you are amazed. How can such an organization be a religious organization where all kinds of nonsensical things are going on? I was also born in a Christian family and I was shocked the way they interpreted Christ's life and the way they talked about it with great authority. Books and books were written, they give big-big sermons ! I thought there's no truth in it what they are talking. Even my father felt the same way, because all these books came much after, the authors of these books. Secondly, those who tried to write it were not authorized to do that. They were not spiritual people. They all wanted to have power, they wanted to have power in religion. The power in religion is inside and that should be awakened. I must say, thanks to the Sufis of this country and other countries that people still think that there is something beyond all these words and talks and books. This is something, such a blessing that we have, that in every country we had someone who talked about the reality, about the truth, though they were condemned, they were tortured and so many of them were killed. This is happening even today. I find, that people don't want to listen to reality, to the truth. But I was so happy yesterday, really overjoyed, to see even the people who were Muslims, were Islamic, are now coming together, understanding that they have a higher life than these rituals of everyday. All this ritualistic life that they have led, the way they have worked so hard, this forty days starvation, going for Haj, doing all kinds of things. But there was no unity among themselves. Even among themselves there was no unity and some places I was surprised that they were killing each other! How can that be? Because these so called practices did not make them collective. They were not collective. They were all separate identities, separate sects guided by absolutely ignorant people. So, we have to really celebrate the unity of these people, the collective nature of these people, who had lost to the truth. They had no idea as to what truth is but still, a seeker can never find consolation with whatever exists. He is seeking, he is seeking, seeking and seeking till he finds the truth. But also there are many seekers who lose their way. In seeking they get lost. It's very difficult to convince them that you have lost your way. They should see from their own lives. They should see from their own attainment. What have they achieved? Have they got any experience? To be convinced of what you have got, you must try to verify it. You can verify on people, you can verify on yourself Whatever you are, you know on your fingertips as this is. There are two things-Qayamat and Kiyama. Two things. Many people don't understand the difference. One is when the resurrection time comes and the other is when your destruction comes. For the resurrection of the human beings is the Kiyama in which it is said that your hands will speak, that you should feel the vibrations on your fingertips. I would say, those who are really Muslims, who are surrendered and those who have been selected to be higher people belonging to the God's realm must have hands that can speak. Otherwise they are not Muslims, I would not call them Muslims. They may be human beings but not Muslims. So, it's compulsory that for every Muslim, who thinks himself a Muslim, he should have vibrations in his hands. He should feel the vibrations. His hands must speak at the time of resurrection which is the Kiyama, not Qayamat. These two words are confused in the minds of the people. So those people who can verify about their achievements themselves through their vibrations on their hands and also about others through their fingertips are the Muslims, according to 'Koran'. But nobody has told them this, they don't know. To them its alright if you go to Mecca and come back from there. You become a Haji, finished. There's another question one should ask, which is very important, that why Mohamed Saheb was so much against stone worshipping, clearly? Why did He ask people to go round that black square stone? What was the purpose of that ? Why was that stone so important? If you ask this question to any, so called Muslim, he will say that was the order. But you can ask the question, after all why? That's also just the stone. So, why did Mohamed Saheb asked that you should go round that stone? So many statues were there, made of stone and people started worshipping all kinds of statues as they do in India also. But this stone was a swayambhu and it is mentioned in the Indian scriptures that there is Meccashwar Shiva. We have Shivas everywhere in India. There are twelve Jyotirlingas. Now, if I tell you, you need not believe me but you can go and verify on your vibrations if it is a Shiva or not. Same with this black stone. So, Mohamed Saheb found out that this is a Meccashwar Shiva and so the people have to go round to achieve Shiva's blessings. But, it became a ritual. The whole thing became like a ritual and nobody could go further from that ritual. Same thing with the Christianity. Today is a day they are talking so big about repentance and about feeling guilty about what they have done. But why did they do it? They are supposed to be in charge of goodness, of virtues. So why did they do it? Why did they do wrong things? And now asking forgiveness from God! Because they were not realized souls, they were not Sahaja Yogis. If the Sahaja Yogis try to do something wrong then they know that they are doing wrong, on their fingertips or we can ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. But that seems to be the worst punishment for Sahaja Yogis. If I tell them to get out of Sahaja Yoga, they don't like it. Why? Because they feel we are separated from reality. All the blessings of the reality are lost to them, they think that way. The punishment is nothing because we just ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. To look at, its nothing. But Sahaja yoga is complete freedom, Sahaja Yoga is complete blessing, Sahaja Yoga is complete peace and joy. Surprisingly, if you read Koran you will be amazed that Mohammed Saheb wanted to bring peace but it's not so. I met one man from Kashmir. He said that, where is the peace? They are all fighting-fighting. We want peace. But, surprisingly he said, in India you find just peace. But this Kashmir is a mad place where everybody is all the time challenged and everything attacked under the name of Islam itself! So, I said, it's not Islam. Islam means surrender. And he said, if you surrender they will kill you. We have no protection. It's very surprising, very, very surprising how now the Muslims themselves are realizing that this cannot be Divine life because in Divine life people are just the same with each other. You see we had Sufis all over the world. I have read them. I have read the Sufis of Turkey and also other places. Even in India we had Sufis, though they don't call themselves Sufis. Sufi means, I don't know what ever you may think about it but according to Indian understanding, Sufi means 'saaf' and 'saaf' means clean, means pure. Those who are pure people are Sufis. In the purity they see nothing but Divine grace, Divine love, Divine peace. They talked of peace only, they could not talk of war. Anybody who talks of war cannot be a person who has got any right to do that. War is absolutely like madness. Even animals won't fight like that. We are even worse than animals when we think of war and killing each other. This should not be done and it has to be stopped completely. Nobody has the right to kill anybody unless and until he is attacked. So, what we hear about our resurrection is this that we are above so many things. We have lost all those destructive qualities. In Sanskrit they call it 'shudripu' we have six enemies - kaam, krodh, mada, matsar, lobh, moha. Kaam means sexual perversion, krodh means anger, moha means attraction, mada means the pride, matsar means jealously, sixth one is the greed. All these six things that we had in our mind out of our ignorance, out of our upbringing, out of our reading, whatever it is, whatever we had developed just drops out when your Kundalini rises and you become one with the divine. Then you are on sound grounds. You realize that you have found the truth and you no more can enjoy all these destructive habits. They just drop out. So, you go into a new realm of Divine resurrection within you. This is the real resurrection of human beings. Now, you know that certain subtle things still remain despite the fact that people try to destroy the books, to spoil the meaning of things. Despite that subtle things remain there. For example we offer eggs during Easter. What's the meaning of offering eggs? Why should we offer an egg? First of all we offer egg because an egg can go into a transformation. It can become a small chick, it can be born again. The egg has the capacity to be born again. So, when you get this egg as a symbol of Easter it means you can become a different person, a reformed person and a great spiritual person. You can become, it means that. Why do we give eggs? People don't know. I asked so many people. I asked even some priests who think they are great authorities of Christiany. They didn't know why they give eggs! Secondly, if you read the story about the birth of Shri Ganesha and then you proceed on, you will be surprised, it is written down that it was called as Brahmand, means the egg of Brahma. That came into existence and half of it became Mahavishnu means the Christ and half of it remained as Shri Ganesha. And then it is said that when Mahavishnu came out He started crying for his father. Just think of it, He was asking for His father. Now, if you see Christ, he always uses his two fingers. No other incarnation has used these two fingers. This means you know this is the Vishuddhi and this is the Nabhi. That means He is talking of his father who was Nabhi king. Who's that? You know that very well. He is the Vishnu and he incarnated as Shri Krishna. So, what He is indicating is this that they are my father. How clearly He has done that. Why not have some other Mudras, other style of holding the fingers? But, He held always these two fingers, meaning my father is one who was Vishnu and who was Shri Krishna. Then in the lives of Shri Krishna they say Mahavishnu will be your son. All these things are not put together, as I am telling you, separately, but if you have proper understanding, you can understand the connection between them. That Christ was the son of Shri Vishnu and Shri Krishna and that he was blessed that you will be the support of the whole universe. Clearly, it is said that you will be supporting the whole universe. Now, the one half is Shri Ganesha, who is the support in a way. It supports the Kundalini. It looks after the Kundalini, it looks after the chastity of the Mother. And the other one which is expressed is Jesus Christ who is the support of the whole universe. So naturally it has to be the moral basis as He is a part and parcel of Shri Ganesha, it's the moral basis of human beings. On the moral basis only you will be supported not all other nonsense that they have but a moral basis which is missing in the lives of Christians. Everything is allowed, very surprising! You can do whatever you like as long as you don't take a divorce in the Catholic Church and also in the other Church which you can call non-Catholic Churches. Even if you are married you can do whatever you like. Even the Vatican, I was told, has all these problems. How can that be if you are the people who think are baptized? I mean there's a big celebration of baptism by these priests. Where is the Sahasrara and where is the Kundalini and how do you have your second birth? There's no second birth, just some priest puts his hand on your head. Actually it makes problem for realized souls, to put hand of the priest who is not a realized soul and that creates a problem for children. I have seen many children, they start crying loudly when they are being blessed by these priests because they are realized souls and the priests are not. It's very interesting. But they say, after all you see it's the priests that are bad but not Christ. But how are they related to each other? Christ stood for morality. And about Him also, in these modern times, they are saying all kinds of filthy things. They cannot understand a character which is moral. To this extent we have gone. Morality is out of question. You do whatever you like as long as you go to church and confess, it's alright. These are the absurdities of modern religions. Every religion has problems and the worst, I feel, when you have the support of the world, as your leader. How can you allow people to have such an immoral life? How can you tolerate immorality, when you follow the example of Christ? Out of question! He is the embodiment of morality. He is Shri Ganesha and how can you allow people to come to Churches, to the temples and allow them to have immoral life? What is the atonement for such people? The basis of Christ's life, the whole being of Christ, is morality, to establish purity. Now, it was Shri Ganesha who was created first by the Adishakti because She wanted purity around. She wanted human beings to enjoy their purity and their personality which was emitting light to others. If there is impurity, say for example, on a glass and if you use that glass on top of the light, how can the light pass? The impure life cannot give light to others and cannot show your inner light also. Both things are absolutely true about impurity. But people say that we have to accept because if you have to have more people for your religion you should accept many things. One of them is impurity. Just think of it! Now, at the Agnya where Christ resides, if your eyes are impure, full of lust and greed, then you are against Christ, you are an antichrist. If your eyes are clean and pure, then only you can enjoy love of God, otherwise you cannot. And also the love of another Sahaja Yogi or Yogini you can only enjoy in completeness if your eyes are clean. Just imagine! But, if you have roving eyes and all sorts of things, I don't know how can you call yourself Christians? You cannot. Whatever certificate you may carry, you are not. Because those who are following Christ have to have absolutely a moral life. That’s a compulsion of the inner being on you, that you enjoy your morality, and you enjoy above all, your clean eyes. This is what I have come to know about the Western life, that the eyes are not clean. They’ll go to the church, and their eyes will be moving here and there. How can that be? How can you do that? If you think Christ is the One who was resurrected and you are to be resurrected, first of all, see that you have pure love in your eyes. Now pure love is not relative, cannot be contaminated, cannot have lust and greed in them. These two things have to drop out from your mind completely. These are the days of people having greed, lots of greed they have. I just don’t know what sort of thing they have, because I haven’t studied so much the immorality of human beings. Whatever I see are beautiful people like you. But when I try to understand the so-called Western culture, I am surprised that, even if they want to make [a film out of] a life of someone, like the life of Shakespeare, I saw, who was, according to Me, was Avadhuta, means, a person who has gone beyond all human destructive habits, Avadhut is a very high quality Yogi. And they show him as a stupid man, running after a woman. They cannot ‘conceive’ of human beings who could be morally perfect, who will have moral sense—they cannot conceive. Because those who do this kind of things are not Realized souls, they are not Sahaja Yogis. So the conception about morality does not come into their head. They think: “As we are like that, the others are.” Actually, mostly they do it to justify themselves. So ugly, and so horrifying is the depiction of the character of such great people, who talked of such great things, shows that human beings are really degraded in their values system. They cannot conceive of somebody who is an ideal personality. They think by saying so, they are talking about something beyond reality. They don’t know reality. Yesterday, Sufi thing, I was so impressed when they said about the four stages that you have. Out of that the Hakikat-means the reality, you have to get into the reality. Reality is what is not a perception. It's not seeing something but its being something. If you start seeing, you might see something white, red, yellow but you are not that. When you are, you are the reality. Then you emit reality, you see reality, enjoy reality, you live in reality. This is real life and you don't indulge into something which is unreal, imaginary or below Divinity. Now, you don't do. You are the reality, is the Hakikat, as they say. You are the reality and you are emitting reality in your behavior, in your talks, in your lives, in everything. All this brings forth the greatest force of spirituality. Whatever is falsehood, whatever is wrong, whatever is destructive, will run away from a man who stands in reality. It is automatic. It is absolutely part and parcel of the same personality who is supposed to be a realized soul. So, the resurrection has taken place, no doubt. Your hands are speaking, alright. I don't want to give you any command or any kind of a fixed road that you have to follow. Now, you are free, because you are the light. When you are the light why should I tell you which way to go. You know yourself that you have the light. So you follow yourself in a way that is an enlightened path, with your own light, not that somebody has to tell you-don't do this, don't do that, nothing of the kind. You will just weigh, if something is wrong, you will not do it! If you are doing it then know that you have to still rise above all this. You are the Nabis that are described in the 'Koran' . You are the ones who are going to resurrect the whole world, you are the ones who are going to help the downtrodden people in the filth of immorality. Look at few of these people who were Sufis, who were very clean people, how have they been able to channalise other people into a better life. That is what you are. You have to channalise their lives, that's your job. Don't think about what is happening, how the people are stupid, immoral, forget it. What you have to know what you are. You have to be aware of yourself and of your responsibility as being the purest of pure. As my name indicates, you are my children and that indicates the children of Nirmal, means purity. Purity is the basis of your existence. You should try to see very clearly, that there is no mistake in appreciating the art, appreciating all that is beautiful, appreciating all that is created out of beautiful minds but there should be no lust and greed in that appreciation. Pure appreciation, purity is the message and once you have the purity within yourself you will love yourself. As I love you, you will love all. And then you will understand this word 'love' which comes out of the purity. The blossoming of your purity, the fragrance of your purity, you enjoy all the time and the love that you have flows, flows towards all those who are to be loved, who are to be looked after. Don't worry about the people who are destructive. That's the only word that I can use, because there are so many things one can say about. Let them be destructive because they are destroying themselves. Why should we worry about them? They think they are destroying others but they are not, they are destroying themselves. Forget about them, just forget. You think yourself to be responsible for the construction of the whole world, it's not only few. You are very intelligent, knowledgeable and understanding. You are not like the disciples of Christ who were not educated, who didn't understand so much and who did get realization but were not of your level. Whatever they could do, reach to a point where this kind of a mess of Christianity has come but you can't create that kind. You will create a new vibrant religion which is global. I was very happy to see that now we have people from all over the world. It is a global movement all over. It has nothing to do with the limited ideas of so called religions. That have ruined every religion, Islam is ruined, Christianity is ruined and Hinduism is ruined and Buddhism is the worst. In Buddhism you give up everything-all your belongings, all your property, give to the guru, imagine! And the guru, you see, is so greedy, horrible fellow. How can he give resurrection? Himself is a greedy fellow, misleading others just taking away everything! Then same thing about Christianity, that you all become Nuns, you become Fathers, you become Brothers and all nonsense! But there's no change within. Somebody came to me and I said, why did you become a priest? He said, because I was jobless, I had no job so, I took up the job of a priest, can you imagine? He could not fit into any job, so the minimum of minimum he took this job. Then what did you do? They told me what I have to preach and first I had to practice and remember it by heart and then I don't know, I started talking this, talking that. I said, he must be a big possessed man. He had no mind of his own, he didn't know what he was talking. He would take out one sentence from Bible and go on talking, boring everybody! I was surprised that within fifteen minutes people wanted to get out of the church. As soon as the sermon was over they would run out and breathe, thank God! Is that what religion gives you? Is that what should happen to you? No! it's not that. What happens to you that you enjoy yourself, you enjoy the collectivity, you enjoy the goodness, the morality. The whole thing is like the nectar of life. So, that changes the whole creature. The ritualism is so much. In the Hindu religion there is too much of ritualism. You sit on the right or you sit on the left or you do this at this time and lots of it. That when your sister dies how many days you should starve yourself, if your husband dies then how many days? Died is died, finished, the body is finished now. So, you fast for so many days is very wrong because by fasting the bhoot might come in to you. But still, all these ritualism and all that are created by human beings who were claiming to be something great. They are not, by no means they are people in charge of morality, in charge of higher life. They lead such a mundane useless life! I went to a temple of Shri Ganesha, which is supposed to be swayambhu-one of the eight temples, it is one of them. I was surprised the man who was worshipping, was supposed to be the priest, he was suffering from paralysis and his brother died of paralysis and his son was also paralyzed. He said, what is this Ganesha doing to us, Mother? I said, what are you doing to Ganesha? How much money you earn out of it? He said, quite a lot. And what do you do with this money? Do you do anything for the society? Do you try to improve their lives? Have you any attention on the society or you are just looking after yourself? As a result he got paralyzed. His brother got paralysis, his son got paralysis. And he was blaming Ganesha for that! He said, is it a real Ganesha? I said, yes, it is but you are not. You don't deserve his blessings. He said, alright you may say whatever you like but you cure me. I said first promise that whatever money you get out of this temple you will spend it for the betterment of people. But, how can they? They are not realized souls. Such a lot of priests I see walking about in all these funny dresses. These are like dead bodies, walking around with all kinds of bad vibrations. I can't understand! And the other people are very simple, they say: "Oh my Goodness! See now he is a priest." So they must respect him. But, they don't see, they do not ascertain what is the spiritual value of that person who calls himself as a priest! That is your job. You don't have to fight with them, you don't have to denounce them, you don't have to describe them, no need but understand that you are different. You have the right, you have the authority. So with that authority and confidence you have to go about and save people. You are realized souls, you have got your resurrection, you are yogis, I agree but, what is your job? Why, why this has happened? Why this light has come in to you is to take the blind in your hands and take them towards the light. This is what is your resurrection for. It's not only for your seeking but also is the grace of the Divine for you to make the whole world Divine, as far as possible. How many people have you given realization? How many people have you talked to? I tell you I was surprised, once I was traveling by plane and there was some lady traveling with me and she started talking to me about her cult, about her nonsensical Guru. Shamelessly she was talking! I was listening to her, I said, Sahaja Yogis won't, they won't talk about Sahaja Yoga. Every person who is a Sahaja Yogi has to talk about Sahaja Yoga, may not be with the wrong type but with the right type of people. That's a thing you have to do. That's why you are enlightened. You are not enlightened to be put somewhere in the forest or to be lost to the whole world. You are enlightened, you are resurrected to enlighten other people. That's what you are there for and you can do it. Many have done it. So many of you have done it and I would say all of you whether you are a man or a woman, you have to do it and that's the request of your Mother that make use of your realization. And the attention should be only on realization. How many people you are going to give realization? How many people you are going to save? This is a very simple job for you. You have to just raise the Kundalini, you can, you should see how just with your hand you can raise the Kundalini of others and give them their resurrection. You don't have to do anything and the life is not that difficult for you. Your job is the easiest thing. You have just to raise your hand, in your hand you have the power, just to raise your hand and give them realization. Instead of feeling diffident. That's why I would say you are all resurrected, you are all realized souls and you have to create the Divine paradise on this earth. May God Bless You
Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2000. Today we are celebrating the great event of the resurrection of Christ. On the same pattern is your resurrection, that you have risen to the new life of Divine love. You were all in the knowledge that there is something higher that has to happen, that you have to be born again. But, nobody knew how it works? The subtle side of your being was never told to you. The saints only talked as to how you should behave. They only said how you should try to keep a very pure life, sincere life but they didn't tell you how it will work out. Of course, people knew in India about it, very few of them, very-very few. But, now it's a world wide knowledge through you people. Now when your Kundalini rises, she is your Mother, she is your individual Mother and she gives you the second birth. That's how you get connected to the Divine paradise. All this, if it is told without realization has no meaning but people are given great ideas about it and also were promised that one day your resurrection will come. It is the greatest happening for you. It is the greatest event of your life and one must consider it very fortunate that you have been able to achieve it. All this because you desired for it. In many of your lives you have been desiring for the Heavenly paradise. People have been going down in the hills and valleys, seeking, doing all kinds of things. That's already done by you. You don't have to give up anything, no need to give up anything. It's a wrong idea, I should say, it's an untimely idea. This is the time when you have to get your Sahaja resurrection, spontaneous resurrection. You don't have to do anything about it, it's just so simple as that, has worked out so well. I was really very much overjoyed to see that so many people, specially Muslims, about whom I have been so much worried that how can you save these people! They are so much lost in the mess of wrong things. One has to understand that this `Koran' was written forty years after the death of Mohamed Saheb. So, may be, there might be some words which are being just being shifted, may be, and the meaning might be little bit ambiguous. Also, there was another book called 'Sunna'-came out about the same time and was managed by a person who was not such a great soul I should say, because he was not a realized soul. I can't understand how can you religiously understand poetry and in the poetry whatever is written, how can you interpret it correctly? I am a poet also. I could have written a poetry about it but I said, No. Poetry can twist, can be twisted and also people can misuse it, that's the problem with the poetry. In India we had the same problem. For example, Kabira wrote such beautiful poetry and the way they interpreted was so nonsensical and so much different from the spirit of Kabira's songs. About everything they can twist the words according to their own need, I found out if I wrote poetry about Divinity. This is exactly what has happened. In all the religions I have seen, when it comes to poetry people can twist it. Also, like in Bible, it was so much accepted that Paul is the one who is going to organize the publication about Christ and he didn't want to write also about resurrection, he didn't want to write about Immaculate Conception. All these things were in his mind and so Thomas has to run away to India and John refused to write anything. Because all such people take charge. They become in charge, they think they are responsible for it, while they are not at all capable, they don't have the right to do it. As a result of that, Christianity took a very wrong attitude towards the inner growth of human beings. You see the result of that today, when you see what's happening with the Catholic Church, you are amazed. How can such an organization be a religious organization where all kinds of nonsensical things are going on? I was also born in a Christian family and I was shocked the way they interpreted Christ's life and the way they talked about it with great authority. Books and books were written, they give big-big sermons ! I thought there's no truth in it what they are talking. Even my father felt the same way, because all these books came much after, the authors of these books. Secondly, those who tried to write it were not authorized to do that. They were not spiritual people. They all wanted to have power, they wanted to have power in religion. The power in religion is inside and that should be awakened. I must say, thanks to the Sufis of this country and other countries that people still think that there is something beyond all these words and talks and books. This is something, such a blessing that we have, that in every country we had someone who talked about the reality, about the truth, though they were condemned, they were tortured and so many of them were killed. This is happening even today. I find, that people don't want to listen to reality, to the truth. But I was so happy yesterday, really overjoyed, to see even the people who were Muslims, were Islamic, are now coming together, understanding that they have a higher life than these rituals of everyday. All this ritualistic life that they have led, the way they have worked so hard, this forty days starvation, going for Haj, doing all kinds of things. But there was no unity among themselves. Even among themselves there was no unity and some places I was surprised that they were killing each other! How can that be? Because these so called practices did not make them collective. They were not collective. They were all separate identities, separate sects guided by absolutely ignorant people. So, we have to really celebrate the unity of these people, the collective nature of these people, who had lost to the truth. They had no idea as to what truth is but still, a seeker can never find consolation with whatever exists. He is seeking, he is seeking, seeking and seeking till he finds the truth. But also there are many seekers who lose their way. In seeking they get lost. It's very difficult to convince them that you have lost your way. They should see from their own lives. They should see from their own attainment. What have they achieved? Have they got any experience? To be convinced of what you have got, you must try to verify it. You can verify on people, you can verify on yourself Whatever you are, you know on your fingertips as this is. There are two things-Qayamat and Kiyama. Two things. Many people don't understand the difference. One is when the resurrection time comes and the other is when your destruction comes. For the resurrection of the human beings is the Kiyama in which it is said that your hands will speak, that you should feel the vibrations on your fingertips. I would say, those who are really Muslims, who are surrendered and those who have been selected to be higher people belonging to the God's realm must have hands that can speak. Otherwise they are not Muslims, I would not call them Muslims. They may be human beings but not Muslims. So, it's compulsory that for every Muslim, who thinks himself a Muslim, he should have vibrations in his hands. He should feel the vibrations. His hands must speak at the time of resurrection which is the Kiyama, not Qayamat. These two words are confused in the minds of the people. So those people who can verify about their achievements themselves through their vibrations on their hands and also about others through their fingertips are the Muslims, according to 'Koran'. But nobody has told them this, they don't know. To them its alright if you go to Mecca and come back from there. You become a Haji, finished. There's another question one should ask, which is very important, that why Mohamed Saheb was so much against stone worshipping, clearly? Why did He ask people to go round that black square stone? What was the purpose of that ? Why was that stone so important? If you ask this question to any, so called Muslim, he will say that was the order. But you can ask the question, after all why? That's also just the stone. So, why did Mohamed Saheb asked that you should go round that stone? So many statues were there, made of stone and people started worshipping all kinds of statues as they do in India also. But this stone was a swayambhu and it is mentioned in the Indian scriptures that there is Meccashwar Shiva. We have Shivas everywhere in India. There are twelve Jyotirlingas. Now, if I tell you, you need not believe me but you can go and verify on your vibrations if it is a Shiva or not. Same with this black stone. So, Mohamed Saheb found out that this is a Meccashwar Shiva and so the people have to go round to achieve Shiva's blessings. But, it became a ritual. The whole thing became like a ritual and nobody could go further from that ritual. Same thing with the Christianity. Today is a day they are talking so big about repentance and about feeling guilty about what they have done. But why did they do it? They are supposed to be in charge of goodness, of virtues. So why did they do it? Why did they do wrong things? And now asking forgiveness from God! Because they were not realized souls, they were not Sahaja Yogis. If the Sahaja Yogis try to do something wrong then they know that they are doing wrong, on their fingertips or we can ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. But that seems to be the worst punishment for Sahaja Yogis. If I tell them to get out of Sahaja Yoga, they don't like it. Why? Because they feel we are separated from reality. All the blessings of the reality are lost to them, they think that way. The punishment is nothing because we just ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. To look at, its nothing. But Sahaja yoga is complete freedom, Sahaja Yoga is complete blessing, Sahaja Yoga is complete peace and joy. Surprisingly, if you read Koran you will be amazed that Mohammed Saheb wanted to bring peace but it's not so. I met one man from Kashmir. He said that, where is the peace? They are all fighting-fighting. We want peace. But, surprisingly he said, in India you find just peace. But this Kashmir is a mad place where everybody is all the time challenged and everything attacked under the name of Islam itself! So, I said, it's not Islam. Islam means surrender. And he said, if you surrender they will kill you. We have no protection. It's very surprising, very, very surprising how now the Muslims themselves are realizing that this cannot be Divine life because in Divine life people are just the same with each other. You see we had Sufis all over the world. I have read them. I have read the Sufis of Turkey and also other places. Even in India we had Sufis, though they don't call themselves Sufis. Sufi means, I don't know what ever you may think about it but according to Indian understanding, Sufi means 'saaf' and 'saaf' means clean, means pure. Those who are pure people are Sufis. In the purity they see nothing but Divine grace, Divine love, Divine peace. They talked of peace only, they could not talk of war. Anybody who talks of war cannot be a person who has got any right to do that. War is absolutely like madness. Even animals won't fight like that. We are even worse than animals when we think of war and killing each other. This should not be done and it has to be stopped completely. Nobody has the right to kill anybody unless and until he is attacked. So, what we hear about our resurrection is this that we are above so many things. We have lost all those destructive qualities. In Sanskrit they call it 'shudripu' we have six enemies - kaam, krodh, mada, matsar, lobh, moha. Kaam means sexual perversion, krodh means anger, moha means attraction, mada means the pride, matsar means jealously, sixth one is the greed. All these six things that we had in our mind out of our ignorance, out of our upbringing, out of our reading, whatever it is, whatever we had developed just drops out when your Kundalini rises and you become one with the divine. Then you are on sound grounds. You realize that you have found the truth and you no more can enjoy all these destructive habits. They just drop out. So, you go into a new realm of Divine resurrection within you. This is the real resurrection of human beings. Now, you know that certain subtle things still remain despite the fact that people try to destroy the books, to spoil the meaning of things. Despite that subtle things remain there. For example we offer eggs during Easter. What's the meaning of offering eggs? Why should we offer an egg? First of all we offer egg because an egg can go into a transformation. It can become a small chick, it can be born again. The egg has the capacity to be born again. So, when you get this egg as a symbol of Easter it means you can become a different person, a reformed person and a great spiritual person. You can become, it means that. Why do we give eggs? People don't know. I asked so many people. I asked even some priests who think they are great authorities of Christiany. They didn't know why they give eggs! Secondly, if you read the story about the birth of Shri Ganesha and then you proceed on, you will be surprised, it is written down that it was called as Brahmand, means the egg of Brahma. That came into existence and half of it became Mahavishnu means the Christ and half of it remained as Shri Ganesha. And then it is said that when Mahavishnu came out He started crying for his father. Just think of it, He was asking for His father. Now, if you see Christ, he always uses his two fingers. No other incarnation has used these two fingers. This means you know this is the Vishuddhi and this is the Nabhi. That means He is talking of his father who was Nabhi king. Who's that? You know that very well. He is the Vishnu and he incarnated as Shri Krishna. So, what He is indicating is this that they are my father. How clearly He has done that. Why not have some other Mudras, other style of holding the fingers? But, He held always these two fingers, meaning my father is one who was Vishnu and who was Shri Krishna. Then in the lives of Shri Krishna they say Mahavishnu will be your son. All these things are not put together, as I am telling you, separately, but if you have proper understanding, you can understand the connection between them. That Christ was the son of Shri Vishnu and Shri Krishna and that he was blessed that you will be the support of the whole universe. Clearly, it is said that you will be supporting the whole universe. Now, the one half is Shri Ganesha, who is the support in a way. It supports the Kundalini. It looks after the Kundalini, it looks after the chastity of the Mother. And the other one which is expressed is Jesus Christ who is the support of the whole universe. So naturally it has to be the moral basis as He is a part and parcel of Shri Ganesha, it's the moral basis of human beings. On the moral basis only you will be supported not all other nonsense that they have but a moral basis which is missing in the lives of Christians. Everything is allowed, very surprising! You can do whatever you like as long as you don't take a divorce in the Catholic Church and also in the other Church which you can call non-Catholic Churches. Even if you are married you can do whatever you like. Even the Vatican, I was told, has all these problems. How can that be if you are the people who think are baptized? I mean there's a big celebration of baptism by these priests. Where is the Sahasrara and where is the Kundalini and how do you have your second birth? There's no second birth, just some priest puts his hand on your head. Actually it makes problem for realized souls, to put hand of the priest who is not a realized soul and that creates a problem for children. I have seen many children, they start crying loudly when they are being blessed by these priests because they are realized souls and the priests are not. It's very interesting. But they say, after all you see it's the priests that are bad but not Christ. But how are they related to each other? Christ stood for morality. And about Him also, in these modern times, they are saying all kinds of filthy things. They cannot understand a character which is moral. To this extent we have gone. Morality is out of question. You do whatever you like as long as you go to church and confess, it's alright. These are the absurdities of modern religions. Every religion has problems and the worst, I feel, when you have the support of the world, as your leader. How can you allow people to have such an immoral life? How can you tolerate immorality, when you follow the example of Christ? Out of question! He is the embodiment of morality. He is Shri Ganesha and how can you allow people to come to Churches, to the temples and allow them to have immoral life? What is the atonement for such people? The basis of Christ's life, the whole being of Christ, is morality, to establish purity. Now, it was Shri Ganesha who was created first by the Adishakti because She wanted purity around. She wanted human beings to enjoy their purity and their personality which was emitting light to others. If there is impurity, say for example, on a glass and if you use that glass on top of the light, how can the light pass? The impure life cannot give light to others and cannot show your inner light also. Both things are absolutely true about impurity. But people say that we have to accept because if you have to have more people for your religion you should accept many things. One of them is impurity. Just think of it! Now, at the Agnya where Christ resides, if your eyes are impure, full of lust and greed, then you are against Christ, you are an antichrist. If your eyes are clean and pure, then only you can enjoy love of God, otherwise you cannot. And also the love of another Sahaja Yogi or Yogini you can only enjoy in completeness if your eyes are clean. Just imagine! But, if you have roving eyes and all sorts of things, I don't know how can you call yourself Christians? You cannot. Whatever certificate you may carry, you are not. Because those who are following Christ have to have absolutely a moral life. That’s a compulsion of the inner being on you, that you enjoy your morality, and you enjoy above all, your clean eyes. This is what I have come to know about the Western life, that the eyes are not clean. They’ll go to the church, and their eyes will be moving here and there. How can that be? How can you do that? If you think Christ is the One who was resurrected and you are to be resurrected, first of all, see that you have pure love in your eyes. Now pure love is not relative, cannot be contaminated, cannot have lust and greed in them. These two things have to drop out from your mind completely. These are the days of people having greed, lots of greed they have. I just don’t know what sort of thing they have, because I haven’t studied so much the immorality of human beings. Whatever I see are beautiful people like you. But when I try to understand the so-called Western culture, I am surprised that, even if they want to make [a film out of] a life of someone, like the life of Shakespeare, I saw, who was, according to Me, was Avadhuta, means, a person who has gone beyond all human destructive habits, Avadhut is a very high quality Yogi. And they show him as a stupid man, running after a woman. They cannot ‘conceive’ of human beings who could be morally perfect, who will have moral sense—they cannot conceive. Because those who do this kind of things are not Realized souls, they are not Sahaja Yogis. So the conception about morality does not come into their head. They think: “As we are like that, the others are.” Actually, mostly they do it to justify themselves. So ugly, and so horrifying is the depiction of the character of such great people, who talked of such great things, shows that human beings are really degraded in their values system. They cannot conceive of somebody who is an ideal personality. They think by saying so, they are talking about something beyond reality. They don’t know reality. Yesterday, Sufi thing, I was so impressed when they said about the four stages that you have. Out of that the Hakikat-means the reality, you have to get into the reality. Reality is what is not a perception. It's not seeing something but its being something. If you start seeing, you might see something white, red, yellow but you are not that. When you are, you are the reality. Then you emit reality, you see reality, enjoy reality, you live in reality. This is real life and you don't indulge into something which is unreal, imaginary or below Divinity. Now, you don't do. You are the reality, is the Hakikat, as they say. You are the reality and you are emitting reality in your behavior, in your talks, in your lives, in everything. All this brings forth the greatest force of spirituality. Whatever is falsehood, whatever is wrong, whatever is destructive, will run away from a man who stands in reality. It is automatic. It is absolutely part and parcel of the same personality who is supposed to be a realized soul. So, the resurrection has taken place, no doubt. Your hands are speaking, alright. I don't want to give you any command or any kind of a fixed road that you have to follow. Now, you are free, because you are the light. When you are the light why should I tell you which way to go. You know yourself that you have the light. So you follow yourself in a way that is an enlightened path, with your own light, not that somebody has to tell you-don't do this, don't do that, nothing of the kind. You will just weigh, if something is wrong, you will not do it! If you are doing it then know that you have to still rise above all this. You are the Nabis that are described in the 'Koran' . You are the ones who are going to resurrect the whole world, you are the ones who are going to help the downtrodden people in the filth of immorality. Look at few of these people who were Sufis, who were very clean people, how have they been able to channalise other people into a better life. That is what you are. You have to channalise their lives, that's your job. Don't think about what is happening, how the people are stupid, immoral, forget it. What you have to know what you are. You have to be aware of yourself and of your responsibility as being the purest of pure. As my name indicates, you are my children and that indicates the children of Nirmal, means purity. Purity is the basis of your existence. You should try to see very clearly, that there is no mistake in appreciating the art, appreciating all that is beautiful, appreciating all that is created out of beautiful minds but there should be no lust and greed in that appreciation. Pure appreciation, purity is the message and once you have the purity within yourself you will love yourself. As I love you, you will love all. And then you will understand this word 'love' which comes out of the purity. The blossoming of your purity, the fragrance of your purity, you enjoy all the time and the love that you have flows, flows towards all those who are to be loved, who are to be looked after. Don't worry about the people who are destructive. That's the only word that I can use, because there are so many things one can say about. Let them be destructive because they are destroying themselves. Why should we worry about them? They think they are destroying others but they are not, they are destroying themselves. Forget about them, just forget. You think yourself to be responsible for the construction of the whole world, it's not only few. You are very intelligent, knowledgeable and understanding. You are not like the disciples of Christ who were not educated, who didn't understand so much and who did get realization but were not of your level. Whatever they could do, reach to a point where this kind of a mess of Christianity has come but you can't create that kind. You will create a new vibrant religion which is global. I was very happy to see that now we have people from all over the world. It is a global movement all over. It has nothing to do with the limited ideas of so called religions. That have ruined every religion, Islam is ruined, Christianity is ruined and Hinduism is ruined and Buddhism is the worst. In Buddhism you give up everything-all your belongings, all your property, give to the guru, imagine! And the guru, you see, is so greedy, horrible fellow. How can he give resurrection? Himself is a greedy fellow, misleading others just taking away everything! Then same thing about Christianity, that you all become Nuns, you become Fathers, you become Brothers and all nonsense! But there's no change within. Somebody came to me and I said, why did you become a priest? He said, because I was jobless, I had no job so, I took up the job of a priest, can you imagine? He could not fit into any job, so the minimum of minimum he took this job. Then what did you do? They told me what I have to preach and first I had to practice and remember it by heart and then I don't know, I started talking this, talking that. I said, he must be a big possessed man. He had no mind of his own, he didn't know what he was talking. He would take out one sentence from Bible and go on talking, boring everybody! I was surprised that within fifteen minutes people wanted to get out of the church. As soon as the sermon was over they would run out and breathe, thank God! Is that what religion gives you? Is that what should happen to you? No! it's not that. What happens to you that you enjoy yourself, you enjoy the collectivity, you enjoy the goodness, the morality. The whole thing is like the nectar of life. So, that changes the whole creature. The ritualism is so much. In the Hindu religion there is too much of ritualism. You sit on the right or you sit on the left or you do this at this time and lots of it. That when your sister dies how many days you should starve yourself, if your husband dies then how many days? Died is died, finished, the body is finished now. So, you fast for so many days is very wrong because by fasting the bhoot might come in to you. But still, all these ritualism and all that are created by human beings who were claiming to be something great. They are not, by no means they are people in charge of morality, in charge of higher life. They lead such a mundane useless life! I went to a temple of Shri Ganesha, which is supposed to be swayambhu-one of the eight temples, it is one of them. I was surprised the man who was worshipping, was supposed to be the priest, he was suffering from paralysis and his brother died of paralysis and his son was also paralyzed. He said, what is this Ganesha doing to us, Mother? I said, what are you doing to Ganesha? How much money you earn out of it? He said, quite a lot. And what do you do with this money? Do you do anything for the society? Do you try to improve their lives? Have you any attention on the society or you are just looking after yourself? As a result he got paralyzed. His brother got paralysis, his son got paralysis. And he was blaming Ganesha for that! He said, is it a real Ganesha? I said, yes, it is but you are not. You don't deserve his blessings. He said, alright you may say whatever you like but you cure me. I said first promise that whatever money you get out of this temple you will spend it for the betterment of people. But, how can they? They are not realized souls. Such a lot of priests I see walking about in all these funny dresses. These are like dead bodies, walking around with all kinds of bad vibrations. I can't understand! And the other people are very simple, they say: "Oh my Goodness! See now he is a priest." So they must respect him. But, they don't see, they do not ascertain what is the spiritual value of that person who calls himself as a priest! That is your job. You don't have to fight with them, you don't have to denounce them, you don't have to describe them, no need but understand that you are different. You have the right, you have the authority. So with that authority and confidence you have to go about and save people. You are realized souls, you have got your resurrection, you are yogis, I agree but, what is your job? Why, why this has happened? Why this light has come in to you is to take the blind in your hands and take them towards the light. This is what is your resurrection for. It's not only for your seeking but also is the grace of the Divine for you to make the whole world Divine, as far as possible. How many people have you given realization? How many people have you talked to? I tell you I was surprised, once I was traveling by plane and there was some lady traveling with me and she started talking to me about her cult, about her nonsensical Guru. Shamelessly she was talking! I was listening to her, I said, Sahaja Yogis won't, they won't talk about Sahaja Yoga. Every person who is a Sahaja Yogi has to talk about Sahaja Yoga, may not be with the wrong type but with the right type of people. That's a thing you have to do. That's why you are enlightened. You are not enlightened to be put somewhere in the forest or to be lost to the whole world. You are enlightened, you are resurrected to enlighten other people. That's what you are there for and you can do it. Many have done it. So many of you have done it and I would say all of you whether you are a man or a woman, you have to do it and that's the request of your Mother that make use of your realization. And the attention should be only on realization. How many people you are going to give realization? How many people you are going to save? This is a very simple job for you. You have to just raise the Kundalini, you can, you should see how just with your hand you can raise the Kundalini of others and give them their resurrection. You don't have to do anything and the life is not that difficult for you. Your job is the easiest thing. You have just to raise your hand, in your hand you have the power, just to raise your hand and give them realization. Instead of feeling diffident. That's why I would say you are all resurrected, you are all realized souls and you have to create the Divine paradise on this earth. May God Bless You
We are not ourselves
Public Program
2000-0425 Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey, Levent Kirca and Oya Basar Theatre, Maçka-Istanbul I bow to all the seekers of truth. These are the days of greatest turmoil. We can see around us all kinds of calamities coming. Also, what we find is human beings are not happy with themselves and with others. That means, there is something basically wrong with us that we cannot live in peace all of us together. We have no joy, we cannot enjoy our life. We are unnecessarily so miserable. Whether rich or poor, whatever may be the condition. People are not very happy. What is the reason? Have we been created for miseries and troubles? To suffer from all kinds of diseases and all kinds of infections. Nature also, the mother earth, everything is not unison with us. The reason is we are not ourselves. It is very important as said by everyone that one should know thyself. But how are we to know. Now the time has come. In the Quran, it has described two stages, one is the Qiyam (to stand up) and another is Qiyamat (Doomsday). We can be saved and can enjoy the Qiyam. Or we can be destroyed and suffer the Qiyamat. So, this is the time of judgement. It is described in all the scriptures. Whatever you may believe, whatever you may think, makes no difference. Whatever place you live, whatever country you belong to has nothing to do with you. Now, how the judgement is going to take place. Within us lies, a power that our creator has put in the triangular bone called as sacrum. This is the power that is going to give us the higher state of existence when we know ourselves. Otherwise, we are lost in this mess of worldly illusions. This is the power which in Sanskrit we call as Kundalini. Because it moves like a snake, some people also call it a serpent power. But this power is your individual mother. She has no other child but yourself. She knows everything about you. She knows what are your aspirations, she knows what are your mistakes, also she knows what is the physical mental problems you have. When you were born, your mother took all the trouble upon herself. But, she didn't trouble you. So, when this mother of yours gives you your second birth, she takes all your troubles upon herself. I have come here to tell you that you have this power, all of you. If it is awakened and crosses through the six subtle centres, passes through our sixth centre here [pointing to the crown], it gets connected to the all-pervading power of divine love. Einstein has said that he was tired, Einstein, was tired trying to find out about the theory of relativity. And he got very tired, he went into his garden and started playing...started playing with the soap bubbles. While playing with the soap bubbles, he says, I do not know from somewhere unknown the theory of relativity dawned upon me. He called it torsion area, in his own language. Even knew the disciple for it [?], who discarded his master and said that there is something beyond us, where we have to go beyond our mind. Because of this mind, because this mind, reacts to everything. It is all the time reacting. And that is how we are upset. These thoughts come to us all the time either from the future or from the past. But we cannot be in the present. One thought rises like this [wave-like hand gestures], another thought rises like this and falls down. But when this Kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate and there is a space in-between and that is the place where there is our present. So, we come in the present and reality is in the present. So you know the reality and you have the knowledge about yourself. How? Because when you get connected with this all-pervading power, this divine power, your hands start emitting kind of very nice cool vibrations. This is the Ruh. This is the divine cool breeze, of divine love. And in your hand on your fingertips, you can feel your centres. That means your hands start speaking, that's what Mohammed Sahab has said. That at the time of Qiyama, your hands will speak. So this is the time of Qiyama, where thousands and thousands of people have felt it. If your hands don't speak about your centres, the I would not say you really are a Muslima. This is said by Mohammed Sahab. So as a result what we should expect is that our hands should speak, so that we get the knowledge about ourselves about our centres. We know about ourselves very well. Also, we know that this body of ours is an instrument of God's wish. Because now we are connected with the divine power. And we have all the knowledge which is absolutely true. So, this is the path of absolute knowledge. Supposing there is a man who talks big and boasts, how are we to know that he is not a hypocrite? As soon as you put your hands towards that person, immediately you will know if it is hot or sometimes you will get some little little...bit breaks[?], then you know he is not a good man. Not only that but supposing you are suffering from some disease and you will not know it till you go through the whole procedure of medical investigation. And also then, they will not be very sure as to what is wrong with you. But on your fingertips, you will know about yourself, what's wrong with you. You will be all in charge of you, incomplete knowledge about yourself. And if you know how to correct your centres, you can correct the centres of others. Imagine what powers you have. For example, if this instrument is not connected, you won't hear me and it is useless. But, if you are connected to the divine the energy starts flowing through you. But best is this power rises, she passes through six centres, she enlightens them. She integrates them. Not only that, but it informs you what's wrong with you and you can correct it. All your reactions stop. But you watch everything without thinking. Like you become a witness. In that witness state, you know the truth about everything. This is so simple. All this can happen without paying for it because kundalini doesn't understand money nor god takes any money. It is different if you have to book the hall, we pay for it, but not for kundalini awakening. And you get your experience. It's not just talking. It is the experience on your fingertips and out of your fontanelle bone area. There's no question of blind faith. It is just the complete understanding within yourself, of your being. This is what is Qiyama, it is where you evolve into a superhuman being. This country was especially blessed by the Sufis. They had the experience of the divine but they could not explain how they got it. But Mohammed Sahab has described it, that he was riding on a white horse, which means the kundalini. And then he met Moses on the third heaven, which is true because we too know that all these prophets are on the third heaven. Whatever I am saying you can verify after your realization. But as a result of kundalini awakening, all our enemies of anger, sexual misbehaviour, all kinds of bribes, jealousies, all drop out. All the greed also drops out. Jealousies drop out because you are enlightened. In the darkness, you cannot see who is your enemy. But when you are enlightened, you know everything and you don't do anything that is destructive. You drop all your destructive habits. And what comes in your heart is the joy, is the joy which cannot be described. For example, we have unhappiness and happiness. Two sides of a coin. But after realization, you are in complete joy. And you become absolutely peaceful. Now what we need is peace. They are having so many peace conferences and spending so much money but they themselves are quarrelling. So what is the use of having those conferences? But you have to become peaceful within yourself because you become very collective. You develop the collective consciousness. Who is the other? You are the part and parcel of one god almighty. This house...hand can feel for this hand, in the same way, we all feel the same within ourselves. You'll be surprised sometimes we have a conference of people who come from sometimes eighty countries. Black, white, yellow, every colour. And there is no quarrel, no fighting. Thousands and thousands of them. They enjoy each other's company and help each other. You may be in Turkey but you will find friends in all the countries, your brother are there and sister are there. You are no more alone. You can have them in every field of life, as your own brother. It is something we are not aware of ourselves that we don't know how great our powers of love. That a drop which falls in the ocean becomes the ocean. You also become the ocean, all your limitations drop out. This is what is going to happen to you tonight. I don't know if I should ask you to ask me questions. But if you think it is important then ask, but ask something important questions because you shouldn't disturb the people around. (No one asked question) Another thing is, it will take hardly ten minutes or fifteen minutes for you all to get your self- realization. If anyone doesn't want it, they should leave the hall. The only condition is that you should forgive everyone. Also, forgive yourself. Just you have to say I forgive everyone in your heart. Don't also think whom you have to forgive but in general, you have to say I forgive everyone. Also, you have to forgive yourself. You might have done something wrong, doesn't matter. That was in the past. We are in the present. Another thing is, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. So, now we will have the session for self-realization. For that, can I request all the cameramen not to take any photograph and to keep quiet? Just for ten minutes. But when they will raise their hand saying they have got self-realization, then we can take. So, please wait only for about ten minutes. Just for ten minutes. But when they will raise their hands, saying that they got their self realization, then they can take. So please wait for about ten minutes. Now, as I told you, you have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive others. This is very important. What you can do now is, just put both hands towards to me like this. Just like this, simple like this. Do it like you do for Namaz. Please do like this. Alright. Please again forgive yourself and forgive everyone else. Now, you can bend your head and put your left hand top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft on your childhood, on top and above. Now see, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, please move your hand. Have faith in yourself, forgive yourself. Alright, now please put your left hand towards me and with the right hand please see, bend your head, please see if there is a cool breeze coming out your fontanel bone area. If it is hot, then you have not forgiven either yourself or others. So Please do that now. Alright, now again, once more, put your right hand towards me like this and see with your left hand. Bend your head and see yourself is there a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, please put your both hands towards me and please don`t think, can you do that, don`t think (Shri Mataji blowing towards to microphone and at same time thunders were heard.) Now please see, if you are getting cool or hot breeze on yourfingertips. It can be gentle or you are getting it on your palms or out of your fontanel bone area. Anywhere if you are getting cool or hot breeze please raise your hands, You all become sufis now. Congratulations. May God bless you. Turkey is a very Divine place and such a short time you got your realization. Don`t doubth about it please. Alright, take down your hands. I saw more ladies in the airport ….. but I want men also to became realizated souls, very important. Now you will know what is pure love, pure compassion because this is the power of Divine compassion, Divine Love. May God bless you all. They will sing one song which we shold clap and you will see that these vibrations of cool breeze will increase. For five minutes, you just feel again.
2000-0425 Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey, Levent Kirca and Oya Basar Theatre, Maçka-Istanbul I bow to all the seekers of truth. These are the days of greatest turmoil. We can see around us all kinds of calamities coming. Also, what we find is human beings are not happy with themselves and with others. That means, there is something basically wrong with us that we cannot live in peace all of us together. We have no joy, we cannot enjoy our life. We are unnecessarily so miserable. Whether rich or poor, whatever may be the condition. People are not very happy. What is the reason? Have we been created for miseries and troubles? To suffer from all kinds of diseases and all kinds of infections. Nature also, the mother earth, everything is not unison with us. The reason is we are not ourselves. It is very important as said by everyone that one should know thyself. But how are we to know. Now the time has come. In the Quran, it has described two stages, one is the Qiyam (to stand up) and another is Qiyamat (Doomsday). We can be saved and can enjoy the Qiyam. Or we can be destroyed and suffer the Qiyamat. So, this is the time of judgement. It is described in all the scriptures. Whatever you may believe, whatever you may think, makes no difference. Whatever place you live, whatever country you belong to has nothing to do with you. Now, how the judgement is going to take place. Within us lies, a power that our creator has put in the triangular bone called as sacrum. This is the power that is going to give us the higher state of existence when we know ourselves. Otherwise, we are lost in this mess of worldly illusions. This is the power which in Sanskrit we call as Kundalini. Because it moves like a snake, some people also call it a serpent power. But this power is your individual mother. She has no other child but yourself. She knows everything about you. She knows what are your aspirations, she knows what are your mistakes, also she knows what is the physical mental problems you have. When you were born, your mother took all the trouble upon herself. But, she didn't trouble you. So, when this mother of yours gives you your second birth, she takes all your troubles upon herself. I have come here to tell you that you have this power, all of you. If it is awakened and crosses through the six subtle centres, passes through our sixth centre here [pointing to the crown], it gets connected to the all-pervading power of divine love. Einstein has said that he was tired, Einstein, was tired trying to find out about the theory of relativity. And he got very tired, he went into his garden and started playing...started playing with the soap bubbles. While playing with the soap bubbles, he says, I do not know from somewhere unknown the theory of relativity dawned upon me. He called it torsion area, in his own language. Even knew the disciple for it [?], who discarded his master and said that there is something beyond us, where we have to go beyond our mind. Because of this mind, because this mind, reacts to everything. It is all the time reacting. And that is how we are upset. These thoughts come to us all the time either from the future or from the past. But we cannot be in the present. One thought rises like this [wave-like hand gestures], another thought rises like this and falls down. But when this Kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate and there is a space in-between and that is the place where there is our present. So, we come in the present and reality is in the present. So you know the reality and you have the knowledge about yourself. How? Because when you get connected with this all-pervading power, this divine power, your hands start emitting kind of very nice cool vibrations. This is the Ruh. This is the divine cool breeze, of divine love. And in your hand on your fingertips, you can feel your centres. That means your hands start speaking, that's what Mohammed Sahab has said. That at the time of Qiyama, your hands will speak. So this is the time of Qiyama, where thousands and thousands of people have felt it. If your hands don't speak about your centres, the I would not say you really are a Muslima. This is said by Mohammed Sahab. So as a result what we should expect is that our hands should speak, so that we get the knowledge about ourselves about our centres. We know about ourselves very well. Also, we know that this body of ours is an instrument of God's wish. Because now we are connected with the divine power. And we have all the knowledge which is absolutely true. So, this is the path of absolute knowledge. Supposing there is a man who talks big and boasts, how are we to know that he is not a hypocrite? As soon as you put your hands towards that person, immediately you will know if it is hot or sometimes you will get some little little...bit breaks[?], then you know he is not a good man. Not only that but supposing you are suffering from some disease and you will not know it till you go through the whole procedure of medical investigation. And also then, they will not be very sure as to what is wrong with you. But on your fingertips, you will know about yourself, what's wrong with you. You will be all in charge of you, incomplete knowledge about yourself. And if you know how to correct your centres, you can correct the centres of others. Imagine what powers you have. For example, if this instrument is not connected, you won't hear me and it is useless. But, if you are connected to the divine the energy starts flowing through you. But best is this power rises, she passes through six centres, she enlightens them. She integrates them. Not only that, but it informs you what's wrong with you and you can correct it. All your reactions stop. But you watch everything without thinking. Like you become a witness. In that witness state, you know the truth about everything. This is so simple. All this can happen without paying for it because kundalini doesn't understand money nor god takes any money. It is different if you have to book the hall, we pay for it, but not for kundalini awakening. And you get your experience. It's not just talking. It is the experience on your fingertips and out of your fontanelle bone area. There's no question of blind faith. It is just the complete understanding within yourself, of your being. This is what is Qiyama, it is where you evolve into a superhuman being. This country was especially blessed by the Sufis. They had the experience of the divine but they could not explain how they got it. But Mohammed Sahab has described it, that he was riding on a white horse, which means the kundalini. And then he met Moses on the third heaven, which is true because we too know that all these prophets are on the third heaven. Whatever I am saying you can verify after your realization. But as a result of kundalini awakening, all our enemies of anger, sexual misbehaviour, all kinds of bribes, jealousies, all drop out. All the greed also drops out. Jealousies drop out because you are enlightened. In the darkness, you cannot see who is your enemy. But when you are enlightened, you know everything and you don't do anything that is destructive. You drop all your destructive habits. And what comes in your heart is the joy, is the joy which cannot be described. For example, we have unhappiness and happiness. Two sides of a coin. But after realization, you are in complete joy. And you become absolutely peaceful. Now what we need is peace. They are having so many peace conferences and spending so much money but they themselves are quarrelling. So what is the use of having those conferences? But you have to become peaceful within yourself because you become very collective. You develop the collective consciousness. Who is the other? You are the part and parcel of one god almighty. This house...hand can feel for this hand, in the same way, we all feel the same within ourselves. You'll be surprised sometimes we have a conference of people who come from sometimes eighty countries. Black, white, yellow, every colour. And there is no quarrel, no fighting. Thousands and thousands of them. They enjoy each other's company and help each other. You may be in Turkey but you will find friends in all the countries, your brother are there and sister are there. You are no more alone. You can have them in every field of life, as your own brother. It is something we are not aware of ourselves that we don't know how great our powers of love. That a drop which falls in the ocean becomes the ocean. You also become the ocean, all your limitations drop out. This is what is going to happen to you tonight. I don't know if I should ask you to ask me questions. But if you think it is important then ask, but ask something important questions because you shouldn't disturb the people around. (No one asked question) Another thing is, it will take hardly ten minutes or fifteen minutes for you all to get your self- realization. If anyone doesn't want it, they should leave the hall. The only condition is that you should forgive everyone. Also, forgive yourself. Just you have to say I forgive everyone in your heart. Don't also think whom you have to forgive but in general, you have to say I forgive everyone. Also, you have to forgive yourself. You might have done something wrong, doesn't matter. That was in the past. We are in the present. Another thing is, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. So, now we will have the session for self-realization. For that, can I request all the cameramen not to take any photograph and to keep quiet? Just for ten minutes. But when they will raise their hand saying they have got self-realization, then we can take. So, please wait only for about ten minutes. Just for ten minutes. But when they will raise their hands, saying that they got their self realization, then they can take. So please wait for about ten minutes. Now, as I told you, you have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive others. This is very important. What you can do now is, just put both hands towards to me like this. Just like this, simple like this. Do it like you do for Namaz. Please do like this. Alright. Please again forgive yourself and forgive everyone else. Now, you can bend your head and put your left hand top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft on your childhood, on top and above. Now see, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, please move your hand. Have faith in yourself, forgive yourself. Alright, now please put your left hand towards me and with the right hand please see, bend your head, please see if there is a cool breeze coming out your fontanel bone area. If it is hot, then you have not forgiven either yourself or others. So Please do that now. Alright, now again, once more, put your right hand towards me like this and see with your left hand. Bend your head and see yourself is there a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, please put your both hands towards me and please don`t think, can you do that, don`t think (Shri Mataji blowing towards to microphone and at same time thunders were heard.) Now please see, if you are getting cool or hot breeze on yourfingertips. It can be gentle or you are getting it on your palms or out of your fontanel bone area. Anywhere if you are getting cool or hot breeze please raise your hands, You all become sufis now. Congratulations. May God bless you. Turkey is a very Divine place and such a short time you got your realization. Don`t doubth about it please. Alright, take down your hands. I saw more ladies in the airport ….. but I want men also to became realizated souls, very important. Now you will know what is pure love, pure compassion because this is the power of Divine compassion, Divine Love. May God bless you all. They will sing one song which we shold clap and you will see that these vibrations of cool breeze will increase. For five minutes, you just feel again.
Evening Program before Sahasrara Puja Day 1
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening Program before Sahasrara Puja Day 1, Cabella Ligure, May 5th 2000 [The evening program is concluded by a santoor concert by Bhajan Sopori. During the concert Shri Mataji says”Wah”. At the end of the concert: “Wah wah”.] (Shri Mataji speaks first in Hindi: “…Sukhwinder…”) It is really a very memorable program we had, as was told before, and I’m amazed how it has all been done so well. The idea of calling Bhajan Sopori was very much appreciated in the beginning. And I thought santoor is the best instrument for Sahasrara. Because it has got so many strings to play, just like our Sahasrara is made of one thousand petals. So the – it was very apt that we could invite these two great musicians. I don’t know how to praise them, because is really so much beautiful way of rendering was there, that we all got lost into the ocean of joy. It was very, very beautiful, and from all of you I thank them very much from My heart, that they should really develop this art and this kind of creativity much more, and come to us again and again - will be a much better promise for us on this auspicious day. Now, you see, one has to know that Indian music is a very deep subject, it’s - only can be understood by people who have depth in them. And I was surprised that the people who went to Babamama’s Academy, in three months they started singing ragas like Malkauns. So I think sahaja yogis have a special aptitude to pick up Indian music. And the way they learnt it, when people spend years together. And I was very much surprised how it worked that way, and the way you all are enjoying shows that it is the music of the heart, music of the Spirit. And that’s why, even if you do not have education in that, still you were all enjoying it very much. I’m very much thankful to them that they came and played so well, with a full heart in it. All of us are very much thankful for all that, and I hope they’ll come again and again and oblige us with their great – grand music. It is not only thankfulness, but the way it entered into our awareness, our attention, is a remarkable thing. And that everybody – so many of you are here - have enjoyed it thoroughly, is something shows the oneness, the collectivity of enjoying music. Is that’s a sign of real ascent, and a real – I would say - advanced state of Self-realization, that you all could, from very different, different countries, different languages, different styles of music, all of you have enjoyed the music, that was really universal. So I’m very much thankful to them and I bless them from My heart, that they will develop more love for us and come down again sometime, whenever we call them. This is – this will be a great blessing to all of us. So, may God bless you all. Thank you very much. (Applause)
Evening Program before Sahasrara Puja Day 1, Cabella Ligure, May 5th 2000 [The evening program is concluded by a santoor concert by Bhajan Sopori. During the concert Shri Mataji says”Wah”. At the end of the concert: “Wah wah”.] (Shri Mataji speaks first in Hindi: “…Sukhwinder…”) It is really a very memorable program we had, as was told before, and I’m amazed how it has all been done so well. The idea of calling Bhajan Sopori was very much appreciated in the beginning. And I thought santoor is the best instrument for Sahasrara. Because it has got so many strings to play, just like our Sahasrara is made of one thousand petals. So the – it was very apt that we could invite these two great musicians. I don’t know how to praise them, because is really so much beautiful way of rendering was there, that we all got lost into the ocean of joy. It was very, very beautiful, and from all of you I thank them very much from My heart, that they should really develop this art and this kind of creativity much more, and come to us again and again - will be a much better promise for us on this auspicious day. Now, you see, one has to know that Indian music is a very deep subject, it’s - only can be understood by people who have depth in them. And I was surprised that the people who went to Babamama’s Academy, in three months they started singing ragas like Malkauns. So I think sahaja yogis have a special aptitude to pick up Indian music. And the way they learnt it, when people spend years together. And I was very much surprised how it worked that way, and the way you all are enjoying shows that it is the music of the heart, music of the Spirit. And that’s why, even if you do not have education in that, still you were all enjoying it very much. I’m very much thankful to them that they came and played so well, with a full heart in it. All of us are very much thankful for all that, and I hope they’ll come again and again and oblige us with their great – grand music. It is not only thankfulness, but the way it entered into our awareness, our attention, is a remarkable thing. And that everybody – so many of you are here - have enjoyed it thoroughly, is something shows the oneness, the collectivity of enjoying music. Is that’s a sign of real ascent, and a real – I would say - advanced state of Self-realization, that you all could, from very different, different countries, different languages, different styles of music, all of you have enjoyed the music, that was really universal. So I’m very much thankful to them and I bless them from My heart, that they will develop more love for us and come down again sometime, whenever we call them. This is – this will be a great blessing to all of us. So, may God bless you all. Thank you very much. (Applause)
Talk after Sahasrara Puja: Penetrate Your Attention
Cabella Ligure
Talk after Sahasrara Puja, "Penetrate Your Attention",. Cabella Ligure, Italy, 7 May 2000 It was really a wonderful idea to put my attention to all these fields of life which are very important and, as it is, I have attention on all of them and I care for all that. But I would say now you all people put in your attention to it, because it is you who can do something about it. You can start with the nature as they said is this: we have to be kind to the nature. We are having such problems. People are cutting out trees, doing all kinds of things, without even thinking that this is for the progeny [and] will become a desert. So, in the same way, for everything, for your fruits and agriculture, vibrations can really change it. We had in our garden, you won’t believe, a peony flower – just like this (Mother open’s her hands) even bigger than this, very bigger. We have never seen such a flower. We had also the tulips so big as that. I haven’t seen such tulips in my lifetime. With vibrations you can improve everywhere. Say, you go and see some politician, let’s see, or some political party, then you use your hands and give them bandhans all the time. You can sit on the table across and under the table you go on giving them bandhan. (laughter) You have powers, but if you don’t use your powers then it is useless - if you just go on thinking about building up yourself and looking after yourself. Now those days are gone. Now you have to look after other things. And I was very much happy with all the things that they have shown and all my attention is already there. But if you people also put your attention…As you know I have already purchased seven big, big lands, fifty to sixty acres of lands in Maharashtra for different projects and these projects have started. Now in Delhi also we have a very huge, big plot to put the women who are destitute. First, on the social level, we have to do something I thought. So it’s all done, we have started a school, we have started a [music] academy again - we are going to have another academy. And also teaching young people with vocational knowledge and all that. India, that way, has not so progressed as you people are in these things. But there’s one thing very great about India is that - because of our culture maybe, because of our Indian style of life of respect - people have become very well equipped for the software; this kind of thing. They are very intelligent and software, because their attention penetrates. So if you also penetrate your attention, I mean, you can achieve the same. You are higher than them. But because they have been brought up in that culture, they are very intelligent, but their attention is not spread out. It is not. It is just on one point and they penetrate very well. And they are doing so well now that a day will come when India will become one of the most prosperous countries. So this is what has to happen, that, firstly, our culture has to be brought round to such a state that the children get all the positive ideas and a good character and proper building: with love, affection. But not to spoil them. Not to spoil them. They should be brought up in such a manner, that they develop a proper view of the whole thing and also they have penetration of their attention. But if you go on changing your attention all the time, the inside is finished, because the attention gets broken. So this penetration of attention has to be seen. Say, for example, you look at some tree: then, just watch it with love. See what the tree is talking to you, what is she saying? If you are looking at a mountain. Then just talk to the mountain, and see what the mountain is saying to you. Put your attention completely on one thing and see for yourself, that will help you a lot. But if you have an attention which is all the time watching this, watching that, this, that. And criticising is another way you miss out on attention. Lots of attention goes to this. Thirdly: could be, as they said, self-importance; [which] is the worst thing. In that, then, you do not think anything is important, you just go on looking after your self-importance. There are so many ways, but the best way is to learn how to handle your own attention, and how to handle other people. That’s very important. How you deal with people is very important for a Sahaja Yogi. If you deal in a proper way, in a decent manner, in a way that’s congenial, that’s appreciative, then you will find so many friends and they will try to find out: how are you like this; how are you so peaceful, how are you so kind, why are you not agitated like others are. So in your own lifestyle you can establish it. But when you are dealing with others, what I am saying [is] that the social relations with others is very important. Now, at what level you should start I can’t say. It depends on your temperament and aptitude. But whichever of these areas that you think is important, you can just try to find out: What is the solution? How can you help it? How can you work it out? All of you can do it. It is not that you have to develop a kind of a party to fight anything. But to have your own attention, you will know the solutions of many problems. Many problems can be solved if you find out the solution. But the solution you can find with your concentration of mind. That is very important. And if you can really do that, all these problems that you face today, in those different fields of life, can be easily solved. It’s not so difficult. Family life can be solved, depending on the wife and depending on the husband and their relationship. Very simple it is. But somehow or other our background is such, I think, that we don’t understand simple things. We only understand complicated things. In a simple way, if you deal with people at different levels in these different aspects of life, you will be amazed [that] you will be very much popular. People will want to know what sort of a thing it is. I’ll tell you [of] one gentleman. His name was Mr. Dhumal. He’s no more. They know him. He was in the village, he was looking after his fields and things, he was like a farmer. And somehow he got Realisation in Poona. After getting Realisation in Poona he went to his own place and he started Sahaja Yoga there. And he started giving them Realisation, this and that. And it was surprising, because he never came, as such, to me, or he never came to Poona [yet] suddenly he developed that mind of concentration. And the people told me, “Mother, he’s got so many Sahaja Yogis. He has developed it with such an understanding.” And when I went there I was surprised that we had more Sahaja Yogis there than we had in Poona! In Poona there were Sahaja Yogis who were doing the work, but this one single fellow had changed the whole idea of people in Ahmadnagar and Rahuri. Very surprising it was, that he was just a simple man and a farmer type, and then he started using vibrations for his activities and things. And it was so remarkable. Actually he was not very educated but we always went and stayed in his house and we were really enamoured by the way he tried to express his spirituality to others. In the same way all of you can do it. Now what I have seen is that we are very shy - shy about Sahaja Yoga. Once I was travelling in the plane and there was one lady sitting with her burning absolutely. So I asked her, “Who is your guru?” And she went into another realm of describing, “The guru is like this.” I know the guru is a horrible false person - horrible - but she was praising him so much. Without knowing much about me she was just going on and on and I said, “Look at this woman, how much she is talking about her guru!” And while we are a little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga. First start talking to the trees about Sahaja Yoga, maybe (laughter) - you practice it that way - and then you can start talking to others about Sahaja Yoga. You can work it out. You have to do it. Anybody who meets you, should see you, ask you. Because it will be quite evident from your face, from your behaviour, that you are a different person. But then you should start talking openly about it. If I was shy like you Sahaja Yoga would not have spread! (Laughter) So there’s nothing to be shy about it. You should just know that you are Sahaja Yogis, you are all Sufis, and you can talk to people openly to all the people whom you meet. Gradually you will be surprised that they will see your character, they will see your nature, and change. Like this Dhumal: once he went to an office and he had to get some work done. And there he started telling them, “I want to do this.” But he was so peaceful and joyful that they asked him, “From what mill do you get your food?” You see, they couldn’t understand that how could he be so quiet, and so honest and so very penetrating. And that gave him all the popularity in that office. It’s a collector’s office. And so many people came and asked him, and he told that, “I am a follower of Shri Mataji and I am a Sahaja Yogi and you all can become Sahaja Yogis.” They said, “All right, we’ll also become.” Like that. So one should not feel shy about Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise what happens that it melts away with you. So this is I have been telling and again and again. All these things that you have said is very good. My attention is there and I’m the only woman in the whole world must be reading all the newspapers. Normally women don’t read newspapers, because they are headaches. But I read newspapers and I try to follow and I get to the right point and, I mean, it’s quite in my mind about these things. But only (one) person cannot do it alone. You have to have others who can channelise this. So I would say that - don’t feel shy. You should talk about it. You wear the badge. With the badge people will ask you a question, “Who is this one?” Then you talk to them. Any way you like you should expose yourself and that will work out better. All these problems can be solved by you. You are quite a lot of number here, and [you are] also representing so many behind. So you can understand what is your personality is and how much you can impress people. Alright? Thank you!
Talk after Sahasrara Puja, "Penetrate Your Attention",. Cabella Ligure, Italy, 7 May 2000 It was really a wonderful idea to put my attention to all these fields of life which are very important and, as it is, I have attention on all of them and I care for all that. But I would say now you all people put in your attention to it, because it is you who can do something about it. You can start with the nature as they said is this: we have to be kind to the nature. We are having such problems. People are cutting out trees, doing all kinds of things, without even thinking that this is for the progeny [and] will become a desert. So, in the same way, for everything, for your fruits and agriculture, vibrations can really change it. We had in our garden, you won’t believe, a peony flower – just like this (Mother open’s her hands) even bigger than this, very bigger. We have never seen such a flower. We had also the tulips so big as that. I haven’t seen such tulips in my lifetime. With vibrations you can improve everywhere. Say, you go and see some politician, let’s see, or some political party, then you use your hands and give them bandhans all the time. You can sit on the table across and under the table you go on giving them bandhan. (laughter) You have powers, but if you don’t use your powers then it is useless - if you just go on thinking about building up yourself and looking after yourself. Now those days are gone. Now you have to look after other things. And I was very much happy with all the things that they have shown and all my attention is already there. But if you people also put your attention…As you know I have already purchased seven big, big lands, fifty to sixty acres of lands in Maharashtra for different projects and these projects have started. Now in Delhi also we have a very huge, big plot to put the women who are destitute. First, on the social level, we have to do something I thought. So it’s all done, we have started a school, we have started a [music] academy again - we are going to have another academy. And also teaching young people with vocational knowledge and all that. India, that way, has not so progressed as you people are in these things. But there’s one thing very great about India is that - because of our culture maybe, because of our Indian style of life of respect - people have become very well equipped for the software; this kind of thing. They are very intelligent and software, because their attention penetrates. So if you also penetrate your attention, I mean, you can achieve the same. You are higher than them. But because they have been brought up in that culture, they are very intelligent, but their attention is not spread out. It is not. It is just on one point and they penetrate very well. And they are doing so well now that a day will come when India will become one of the most prosperous countries. So this is what has to happen, that, firstly, our culture has to be brought round to such a state that the children get all the positive ideas and a good character and proper building: with love, affection. But not to spoil them. Not to spoil them. They should be brought up in such a manner, that they develop a proper view of the whole thing and also they have penetration of their attention. But if you go on changing your attention all the time, the inside is finished, because the attention gets broken. So this penetration of attention has to be seen. Say, for example, you look at some tree: then, just watch it with love. See what the tree is talking to you, what is she saying? If you are looking at a mountain. Then just talk to the mountain, and see what the mountain is saying to you. Put your attention completely on one thing and see for yourself, that will help you a lot. But if you have an attention which is all the time watching this, watching that, this, that. And criticising is another way you miss out on attention. Lots of attention goes to this. Thirdly: could be, as they said, self-importance; [which] is the worst thing. In that, then, you do not think anything is important, you just go on looking after your self-importance. There are so many ways, but the best way is to learn how to handle your own attention, and how to handle other people. That’s very important. How you deal with people is very important for a Sahaja Yogi. If you deal in a proper way, in a decent manner, in a way that’s congenial, that’s appreciative, then you will find so many friends and they will try to find out: how are you like this; how are you so peaceful, how are you so kind, why are you not agitated like others are. So in your own lifestyle you can establish it. But when you are dealing with others, what I am saying [is] that the social relations with others is very important. Now, at what level you should start I can’t say. It depends on your temperament and aptitude. But whichever of these areas that you think is important, you can just try to find out: What is the solution? How can you help it? How can you work it out? All of you can do it. It is not that you have to develop a kind of a party to fight anything. But to have your own attention, you will know the solutions of many problems. Many problems can be solved if you find out the solution. But the solution you can find with your concentration of mind. That is very important. And if you can really do that, all these problems that you face today, in those different fields of life, can be easily solved. It’s not so difficult. Family life can be solved, depending on the wife and depending on the husband and their relationship. Very simple it is. But somehow or other our background is such, I think, that we don’t understand simple things. We only understand complicated things. In a simple way, if you deal with people at different levels in these different aspects of life, you will be amazed [that] you will be very much popular. People will want to know what sort of a thing it is. I’ll tell you [of] one gentleman. His name was Mr. Dhumal. He’s no more. They know him. He was in the village, he was looking after his fields and things, he was like a farmer. And somehow he got Realisation in Poona. After getting Realisation in Poona he went to his own place and he started Sahaja Yoga there. And he started giving them Realisation, this and that. And it was surprising, because he never came, as such, to me, or he never came to Poona [yet] suddenly he developed that mind of concentration. And the people told me, “Mother, he’s got so many Sahaja Yogis. He has developed it with such an understanding.” And when I went there I was surprised that we had more Sahaja Yogis there than we had in Poona! In Poona there were Sahaja Yogis who were doing the work, but this one single fellow had changed the whole idea of people in Ahmadnagar and Rahuri. Very surprising it was, that he was just a simple man and a farmer type, and then he started using vibrations for his activities and things. And it was so remarkable. Actually he was not very educated but we always went and stayed in his house and we were really enamoured by the way he tried to express his spirituality to others. In the same way all of you can do it. Now what I have seen is that we are very shy - shy about Sahaja Yoga. Once I was travelling in the plane and there was one lady sitting with her burning absolutely. So I asked her, “Who is your guru?” And she went into another realm of describing, “The guru is like this.” I know the guru is a horrible false person - horrible - but she was praising him so much. Without knowing much about me she was just going on and on and I said, “Look at this woman, how much she is talking about her guru!” And while we are a little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga. First start talking to the trees about Sahaja Yoga, maybe (laughter) - you practice it that way - and then you can start talking to others about Sahaja Yoga. You can work it out. You have to do it. Anybody who meets you, should see you, ask you. Because it will be quite evident from your face, from your behaviour, that you are a different person. But then you should start talking openly about it. If I was shy like you Sahaja Yoga would not have spread! (Laughter) So there’s nothing to be shy about it. You should just know that you are Sahaja Yogis, you are all Sufis, and you can talk to people openly to all the people whom you meet. Gradually you will be surprised that they will see your character, they will see your nature, and change. Like this Dhumal: once he went to an office and he had to get some work done. And there he started telling them, “I want to do this.” But he was so peaceful and joyful that they asked him, “From what mill do you get your food?” You see, they couldn’t understand that how could he be so quiet, and so honest and so very penetrating. And that gave him all the popularity in that office. It’s a collector’s office. And so many people came and asked him, and he told that, “I am a follower of Shri Mataji and I am a Sahaja Yogi and you all can become Sahaja Yogis.” They said, “All right, we’ll also become.” Like that. So one should not feel shy about Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise what happens that it melts away with you. So this is I have been telling and again and again. All these things that you have said is very good. My attention is there and I’m the only woman in the whole world must be reading all the newspapers. Normally women don’t read newspapers, because they are headaches. But I read newspapers and I try to follow and I get to the right point and, I mean, it’s quite in my mind about these things. But only (one) person cannot do it alone. You have to have others who can channelise this. So I would say that - don’t feel shy. You should talk about it. You wear the badge. With the badge people will ask you a question, “Who is this one?” Then you talk to them. Any way you like you should expose yourself and that will work out better. All these problems can be solved by you. You are quite a lot of number here, and [you are] also representing so many behind. So you can understand what is your personality is and how much you can impress people. Alright? Thank you!
Sahasrara puja: Attain that Sahaja state
Cabella Ligure
Sahasrara puja, “Attain that Sahaja state”, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 07 May 2000. Thirty years back, when Sahasrara was opened, I found darkness all over. People were so ignorant. They had no awareness [about] what they have to find. Of course, I found they wanted to find something that was unknown, but they did not know what was unknown, what they have to find. And they were extremely ignorant people, about themselves, and about their surroundings, and about the aim of their life. I didn’t know how to start the topic with them. When the Sahasrara was opened, I thought of trying Self-realisation only on one lady: she was an old lady. And there was another lady who also started to come up. This old lady got her Realisation, and then the another lady who was much younger told me that she gets fits and she gets possessed. “Oh my God!” I said, “how will I give her Realisation?” But somehow she got cured very fast and she also got her Realisation. It’s a very unknown knowledge. Also, human beings, in their ego, do not want to accept that they are not yet complete, that they have to have their Realisation. Also their style of life was such that they had no time for themselves. I found it very difficult to convince people that you must take your Self-realisation, because they thought it is something imaginary, it is very far-fetched, and they only believed in ‘gurus’ who would say alright, “Do this much of rituals, karmakand.” That's all! And they were doing all kinds of rituals with the ‘kind’ guidance of their gurus, without knowing that you have to first know yourself, which is said by all the great incarnations, all the saints - clearly! It is not that it was only my idea that people should get their Self-realisation but it was the idea of all those people. They said, one after another, for centuries, that “Seek yourself.” Even Christ said “Know thyself”. Mohammed Saheb said the same, Nanak Saheb said the same. But nobody tried to know that these rituals are not the end of life, they will not serve the purpose, and that you have to have Realisation. So those two ladies, only, got Self-realisation, and with that I thought, “Let's go to the seashore.” And about thirty people came with me. And they were talking in a very funny manner as to: how they can get Self-realisation? They don't deserve it. They have not been very good people. All kinds of things: condemning themselves! And in that lot I got about twelve people, altogether, inclusive of these two ladies who got Realisation [before]. This is a sign that the movement of knowing yourself is very, very slow, and people don't understand why they should know themselves. I was quite disappointed, because nobody understood me. But one day it so happened that, in one of the programmes, one lady came: she was possessed, and she started talking in Sanskrit language. She was just a maid-servant, and everybody was surprised and she said, “You don't know who she is!” And then she started describing me from the Saundarya Lahari. I was wondering, “What’s the matter with this lady?” Like a man she spoke. Her voice was like a man. People may believe it or not. But she was very possessed. And then they started asking her. And then they came and asked me, “Mother, what she is saying - is it true?” I said, “You should find out yourself.” Because [in] those days people were such that if you tell them anything like that, they would turn their faces. Only the kind of false gurus who would say “Alright, you give me five rupees.” They would be very happy that, “You can purchase the guru! Now you don't have to bother about anything. You don't have to do anything.” So, with that, gradually, it started working out. And I remember that these people who got their Realisation asked me, “Mother you allow us to do Durga puja.” Durga puja was regarded as something, a very difficult thing. And Brahmins were normally not ready to do it, because they were not Realised-souls, so they used to get into fits and into all kinds of problems. So they called the Brahmins, seven of them, and told them, “You just don't worry. Nothing will happen to you, because now you are facing the Reality. It’s not some sort of the murti (statue) puja or anything. It’s a human being.” They were quite frightened. They came down. But something happened to them: with a great confidence they started all the mantras, everything, and the vibrations started flowing everywhere. Even, we were very close to the sea, I found [that] the sea was roaring. But people didn't understand. Except for these seven people, they said, “Nothing happened to us, [though] we did everything so well!” I think that was the first miracle of Sahaja Yoga. You see, the trouble with [the] human mind at this level, or at this time, is that they have too much of self-importance, and they think no end of themselves. So already they think, “We are great! What is there to know ourselves? We know ourselves very well.” So the basic seeking power is humility. If you think you know everything, you cannot humble down, and you cannot seek. Even if you seek, they don't want to follow anybody’s path. They say, “We have our own path. We will follow our own path. We’ll do whatever we want to do!” And, like this, I faced many people, in different countries, who just came to listen to my lecture, that’s all, but they wouldn’t take Realisation. And some of them did take their Realisation, they got it, but they got it lost. Somehow this was such a funny story for me that: I am giving them Realisation, I am taking no money for it, nothing. I used to travel on my own. But despite that, why is it, that the people don't realise the value of Self-realisation? Then a gentle man who got Realisation, in the first lot, he told me, “Today, is a consumer society, as they call it, whatever it is.” That, “Unless and until you take money from them, they will never value it. Let them feel that we have paid for it, for our Realisation. So at the gate only, you should keep somebody to take money, otherwise they don't take to it.” I said, “But you cannot sell it - it’s falsehood. You cannot sell Self-realisation to people.” He said, “Then, you see, you won't be successful.” With other gurus this is main thing is that they just accept the money and even they tell people, “Bring so much money! Do this much. There is a fees. And that's how only the ego is satisfied and people take to false people. This falsehood, they may realise later on, because they suffer a lot, with all kinds of physical, mental problems, but by that time they are gone cases. Now the Sahasrara has not been yet described in any one of the books. Though they have talked about it, in our ancient books, in India also. They have talked about Sahasrara but nobody has described it except that it has one thousand petals. At least if they had mentioned something about it, it would have been easier for me to show that, “See, this is written in the book.” Because people are like that! It has to be written in some book and that only they accept. It’s a very difficult situation! Because nobody had given a collective Realisation, so nobody had written to that extent, except for one or two people who wrote clearly about Kundalini. But I wouldn’t say it was so clear, because it was all in poetry. So people would sing the songs, but they would not understand. But I was thinking, “How these people who were lost, here and there under some sort of a seeking, what will happen to them? And how will I be able to give them Self-realisation?” Experiences were so horrid, but doesn't matter. I went on and on and on, and I worked it out. Of course, we met some people who were also very cruel and nasty, who troubled me and troubled Sahaja Yogis. All these things should have really dampened my enthusiasm. But on the contrary I started thinking, “Why? Why people are like this?” Then I realised one thing: that we cannot have the whole world to get Self-realisation. This is the Last Judgment. At this time people have to decide what is the most important thing. They have to know themselves and understand what they have got. It’s not just having a big number that will help us, but really solid Sahaja Yogis. Then I found [that] there were people who got cured of many diseases but most of them got lost. Some of them, who were drug addicts, gave up drug-addiction. Drinking, they gave up. Smoking they gave up. I never said a word, that, “You give up this or give up that.” I knew, once the Kundalini rises, they will automatically give up. And it happened. And that's how people became so clean, so beautiful, and started enjoying their life. But nobody would believe them. When they went round and talked to people, they said, “Oh, you have gone mad!” They couldn’t believe how they have stopped drinking, how they are not smoking. They said, “We want to drink! And what is this?” So, the identification, I found, of these people were mostly with the very loose type of enjoyment. They enjoyed very loose type of things, which had nothing to do with the Spirit. Gradually, of course, it started working out. But still, I must say, that we can’t expect, in this Kali Yuga, to have billions and billions of people in Sahaja Yoga. Though it’s my desire, it’s your desire, and you want them to get their Self-realisation, by which so many good things can happen. Firstly, your physical self improves. Many people have been cured. Christ cured only twenty one people. But I don't know how many thousands have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. Also there’s another very big problem with human beings: that they read all kinds of books, and they have no clear-cut idea as to what they should find, what is their seeking. It’s a very big problem. And whatever is in one book, they’ll try to follow that. I mean they are [a] shifting type of people. They shift from one to another and then progress in Sahaja Yoga is much more difficult, very difficult, because if you are going on one path and you start shifting from one to another, you may go back. But in that they find it is their ‘freedom’. Actually without Realisation you don't have your freedom, of anything. Freedom is that in which you know what you are, you know what you are capable of. In the freedom you are the one who should receive all the blessings. If these blessings are not there then you are not free. There’s something wrong, somewhere, in your own life. Because once you get your Realisation you become absolutely free people. ‘Free’ means, your own Spirit guides you. The Spirit, as you know, is the reflection of the Divine, the God Almighty. If everybody has the same reflection and He’s awakened, then in the awareness it works. As if they know what is right and what is wrong, what is constructive and what is destructive. It is not some sort of a false satisfaction that you have, but in reality, you feel the Reality. And that is what it has to happen. The first thing, in Sahaja Yoga, is that you get the experience, experience of feeling the spanda, the cool breeze, on your finger tips. Without the experience you should not believe anything. That means a new dimension has come now, in your nerves, that you can feel the system which has been not known to you. Sympathetic nervous system was there but you never knew how it is working. The knowledge about yourself was so poor. But after Realisation suddenly the whole thing got enlightened. Suddenly you started feeling it, the newness, among yourselves Still sometimes you have to fight your ego, you have to get over your ignorance of things. Because Realisation gives you Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Knowledge. It cannot be challenged. It’s single: as they call it - ‘Ekameva Satya’, (the only Truth). And when you get that knowledge then you can tally it also. You can find out if it is correct or not. This is something that has happened to all of you, and you have already got those vibrations with which you can feel it. For example, there may be some dissatisfied souls with Sahaja Yoga. But you can find out, on vibrations, who are these people and what are they doing. On vibrations you can make out if those people have reached that state of Reality or not. You can make out if these people, who are trying to oppose you, or trying to tell you something else - “How far are they?” On your fingertips you know. This is what is Qiyamah about which Mohammed Saheb has said. The other day I must tell you, an experience we had: There was one fellow who came from the (Indian) television [channel] known as ‘Star’. And he started asking me very funny questions, which had no relevance. His name was ‘Abbas’, so I said, “Abbas bhaiya, you are wasting your time and my time. Will you come to the right questions!” So he said, “I am against all fundamentalism.” “But I am not fundamentalist. How do you know I am that or not?” So he said, “I am trying to find out!” “Alright,” I said, “you put your hands towards me. Mohammed Saheb has said that ‘At the time of, Qiyamah your hands will speak’.” And, you will be amazed, immediately he started feeling cool breeze on his hands. He said, “What’s happening to me?” I said, “That’s what it is!” (laughter) No use arguing, no use talking about it, no use enquiring. Just see yourself the experience of it. He just got so stunned and after that whatever he talked to me, he never published it. So what I am saying [is] that if the people reach the Truth and they know this is the Truth, nothing can change them. If they have reached the Truth, I am saying. You can see in the life of all the great people that they think “This is the Truth”. Not by just reading, not by just believing but as an experience, that, on their central nervous system they can feel the Truth. Then it is impossible to change them. Like you can see a seed becomes a tree, then you cannot make the tree into a seed. Seed is a seed, but when the seed changes into the tree then you cannot bring it back to the seed. It may create more seeds, that’s different. so, in the same way, once you have got your Realisation, and once you have become one with the Divine, then there is no question of you going down, unless and until you, yourself, want to go down. It’s very very remarkable, how you get this property, how you get this ability and this capability, and after that you don't lose it! Of course, first you must grow, and for that you have to meditate. But this meditation, once you do it, the whole being itself gets so enlightened and so beautiful that you don't want to change it. You want to be there and enjoy it forever. But of course you want to give it to others because you see [that] you are enjoying so much. Like, on the street, you find somebody starving and you are very full, then you feel like giving food to that person. In the same way, you see in this world, people are madly seeking, running up and down, doing all kinds of things, so you want to tell them. They may or may not believe. They may try to absolutely deny you, defy you. They can do anything. But you know for definite that you are on the right path, you are on the right state of mind which is a Sahaja state. In Sanskrit it is called ‘sahaja avastha’, ‘sahajavastha’. In sahajavastha you do not react, you do not react. You just see and appreciate. Now see: I came, I saw this beautiful, such an idea of Sahasrara, all the chakras, they have crossed over, gone up there and from there they have. Very good expression. But any other person would say, “Oh, this colour combination is not good!” “Why did they use this? Why don't they use something else?” Like that, you see, finding faults with others! And this finding faults actually comes from your brain which is not yet enlightened. You cannot enjoy anything because you react. All the time you go on reacting. If somebody says something nice, still you are reacting. If someone says something bad, of course you are reacting! No question! So for us to understand that we are not free to react, we are not that cheap to react. We are on a very high pedestal. What is our job? Is to enjoy. Enjoy everything. And that enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine. Even you can enjoy the turmoil and the torture. Everything you can enjoy if you see the point that: nothing can happen to your Spirit, which is the real light. Whatever you may suffer, wherever you may think is troubling you - actually this silent light of the Spirit makes you absolutely, perfectly joyous and you give joy to others. You don't design it, you don't plan it, how to give joy, but you just automatically give joy. And this giving joy is also effortless, sahaj, because you are in the sahaja state. In the sahaja state you just see things. It’s a drama, you feel. It’s a different styles, different types and you just see and watch, and get the joy out of it. It is not important to say, “I like this, I like that.” No! That ‘I’, which likes, is nothing but ego, and keeps you out of the enjoyment which is reality, which is real. Every thing in this world, that you find is troublesome, if you see [it] from another angle, from a sahajasthiti, you won't feel the troubles. But that higher life should be there. That higher standard should be built-in within you. The other day I had a meeting with the bureaucrats and I told them, “I know that the pay is less. You may think that the others get much more pay, they are having much more facilities. But there is one way you can really enjoy your work: if you have patriotism, deshabhakti.” If you have patriotism for your country, no amount of sacrifice will satisfy you. You’ll want to give everything. And you can go through all kinds of so-called dearth and depressive states without even feeling anything about it. And, at the same time, your feelings become very deep. For example, you are travelling and suddenly you find somebody who is sick: you can feel it on your vibrations that this person is sick; and immediately your sympathy and your love flows to that person. You will try to help that person. If possible you will try to even cure that person. Just like that, your whole being becomes like an ocean which absorbs all the rivers and all kinds of watery things, whatever it is, within its abdomen, I should say. It just takes all that is there, but it doesn't hurt, it doesn't trouble him. He is like over-powering person, with his love. He doesn't show his power. He does not bother about his self-importance. If somebody tries to insult you, “Alright.” What is there there, the insult part of it? And such people who have reached that sahajavastha are the greatest creators of art, of music, of great thoughts and that’s why these survive. So many people write, but it goes out. So many people create, but nobody bothers. But those who are Realised-souls, whatever they create, is of eternal nature. Because they are now in the Ocean of Eternity. They are in the ocean of purity, where there is no idea at all, of hurting anyone or troubling anyone. Such a protection is there for them. They cannot be harmed! Because after all you have entered into the kingdom of God, so who can dare harm you or trouble you? Such a prosperity I have seen among Sahaja Yogis, and such a generosity that they have, and such understanding about things. I don't have to give lectures, “Now don't do this and don't do that!” No, no more. And those who are not yet already matured in Sahaja Yoga should try to mature. And those who are not matured and troubling, don't worry about them. You should have pity. You should really have pity for such people that they are so immature. Today it is something great, I feel, because thirty years I have been running up and down everywhere and I have been able to gather so many people. There are so many Sahaja Yogis, you see, and also, all over the world. This is just a wee-bit of that. So this is something [that] was to happen, has been already described, has been prophesised by people that such and such thing will be happen, that so many people will get their Self-realisation. Unbelievable it was, of course, but, as now you see, how sweet is the feeling that we are all one. There’s no quarrel, no fight, no bad ideas, and nobody likes cheap things. They want to have something that is pleasing and has a quality of understanding. And I have seen people becoming poets, writing beautiful poetry. I have seen people becoming orators. Also I have seen people becoming very good organisers. But one thing is very important, is the humility. I said in the beginning and again I would say: what will appeal to people is your humility. You should be a humble person, not think that you are something special, or not think that you are some sort of a self-important person. Once you think that you are important then you are not part and parcel of the whole. If my one hand starts thinking, “I am important,” it’s stupid. How can one hand be important? All hands are needed. Everything is needed. Legs are needed. How can one part be so important? If you start thinking like that anywhere in your journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say, you are not in the sahajavastha. So my own effort was to take you into that beautiful arena of Sahaja, where you will be absolutely one with your Self, one with the nature, one with all the people who are around you, with your own country, and countries. Everywhere, the whole atmosphere, as they say, the whole Brahmanda (universe) becomes part and parcel of you, and you are not separated from that. Then the echoes - they call ‘ninaad’ (निनद्) - the echoes of your being, of your life can be easily seen. Not in material advancement or in any other kind of a thing but in the spiritual area, which is the highest. Everywhere, in every country, there have been people of that quality and, till today, they are all remembered. In the same way you all will be representing a very great knowledge about Reality: in your life, in your creation or in your working. In every way you can do anything. Now, only thing that, now, we have to do is to decide: how many people we are going to give Realisation? What we can do for Realisation? What should we do? This is the only thing, if you go on with your complete emancipation, you will be surprised, it’s like climbing up a big mountain. But when you have reached to the peak, you can see everything very well, and you feel so satisfied that you are at the peak. So, that climbing part, even [though] some of you have to do it, it is alright, there’s no problem, you can do it. You must have respect for yourself, love yourself, and [the] understanding that you have to reach the peak, peak of the mountain. And once you have reached the peak of the mountain you will know you are there. And then you start showering all your love, affection, and everything, that flows down the mountain. That is the life for you. It’s the greatest type of life. Forget all other people: politicians and all other people who were supposed to be great. Forget them! You are much higher than that, because you are already chiselled like a diamond with the Sahaj style of life; which is very satisfying and also which is very much absolutely peace giving. It gives you joy, it gives you peace, it gives you capabilities, it gives you so many things that you cannot count, like the thousand petals of your Sahasrara which are enlightened. God knows what all you can have with this! This is such a tremendous area you are in - the thousand petals. And from there, people have gained all the knowledge about science, knowledge about all the great discoveries are from there. So this is what one has to realise one's own esteem. Self-esteem is different form self-importance. You should have self-esteem. With that you will become humble. You will become very loving because you are capable of love. And it is not forced on you. I agree that from the ocean the clouds rise and then they give rain and all that, but it is in the cycle of life [that] they are doing it. They are not conscious of it. They don't think that they are doing something great because they are in the cycle. You are out of the cycle and still you are doing work without any feeling of self-importance. You are doing because you have to do it! Another cycle, not the natural cycle, but another cycle of awareness, where you are aware as to what you are doing. At the same time you are very humble, you are very loving, you are very kind. You don't shout, you don't beat anyone. You don't say anything harsh to anyone. And you can manage the most difficult person. If someone tries to be funny, you can always raise the Kundalini and be satisfied with it. If you secretly raise the Kundalini, the other person is finished! If you cannot raise it, then forget it! Forget it! He is a difficult person, you know, it’s a stone. Now in the stone, what can you do? You cannot make it flow, the love and the dignity, all these qualities. It is not possible from a stone-hearted person, so forget it, that’s not your job. That’s not your job at all. So, I would request that, first of all, you should see that: how much humble we are. You have to be very humble and that is your decoration, that is your beauty. So you have your love, which is pure, without any lust or greed. You love others only because you are in love. And then, secondly, you are blessed with peace, you are absolutely at peace with yourself. And you will be amazed - with peace, wisdom will come to you. You will be regarded as the wisest man, wisest woman, because you are at peace with yourself. Only in peace you can discover the Truth, you can discover every solution that you want to. You become [a] very wise and sensible person - outstandingly great than others. You are not like common, general, people. Then you have joy. Joy is something I cannot express in words but still joy, as I have told you many a times, it is singular. It is not happiness or unhappiness, it is just joy. Just you enjoy. You enjoy everything, enjoy every company, every incident, every scene, every happening in your life. You know how to enjoy everything. You see, just joy has a great capacity. Once, I remember I had gone with my son-in-law and daughter to see some historical place and we had to climb a lot. We were climbing for about three hours, so, naturally, we all got tired and there was a little resting place, made of marble, so we said, “Let us spread out ourselves here!” So when I spread it out, they were so much saying, “Why should we have come here, of all the things,” All that they were grudging. Then suddenly, you know - this is the joy point - suddenly I saw the carvings of elephants. So I said, “Can you see these elephants? Everybody’s tail is differently made!” They said, “Mummy, how could you see the elephants' tails? We are so tired!” I said, “You also see! Just see that.” Because this joy, it shifts, shifts your mind from nonsense. You just say, “It’s all nonsense.” You just shift your mind. This is the way you get joy! And goes to the thing that will [be] joy giving. Supposing there is a person who is quite boring, you know, then what happens, you just see the humour behind boring: how a person bores you! And what you learn out of it is - never bore anyone. (laughter) So this joy has a speciality, that it teaches you the essence of joy of everything. If it is a bad film, still you enjoy because you see how bad it is. Supposing, of course if it is a good film, then you can always see them! But you do not go with a mind, how to criticise. This criticism business goes out of your mind. So what happens [is] your mind shifts immediately from something that is ridiculous to something interesting in the same thing. So you don't criticise and you don't feel bad about it. Sometimes it so happens that people are amazed that how I tolerate such people. But I don't tolerate, I am not paying any attention, whatever the person may be doing. If you are of that nature, that we can call as a condition where you are absolutely in the Turya state: so Kabira has said, “Jab mast hue, fir kya bole?” (meaning) “When I have gone into that state of joy, why should I say anything?” It is like that: a temperament which you have to understand, and respect it. That is within you, but respect it. Do not compare it with others, others are not at your level. So you are at a different level and you just try to enjoy. Never feel that you are something higher or greater - no, never feel [that]. What you should feel [is] that thankfulness that you are not mixed up with all those funny ideas and funny style of life where you go on criticising - “This is not good! I don't like it! I don’t like it!” Who are you? You don't know yourself. When you say, “I don't like it,” you are not knowing yourself. How do you know what you don't like? I have seen people with very poor knowledge, who are just knowing [a] little bit here and there, are very critical of others. I don't know the reason, why it is so. But maybe that they think no end of themselves! But this is what is very common. But if you know the Absolute Knowledge, then you become really humble; absolutely humble and sweet, gentle and kind. So today is a great day otherwise, for me also: I didn't know that I will survive so many years to see this beautiful day. Because after all, it was [a] very hard life, according to others’ standards. But what is most joy giving to me was creating Sahaja Yogis, and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful! All this has helped me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding, I could achieve it. If I could have achieve it on my own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like my hands, you are just like my eyes. And I need you very much because, without you I cannot do it. It’s like channelising: unless and until you have channels, what's the use of being Adi Shakti or anything? How will you channelise it? If there is electrical movement, you need channels, otherwise its a static thing. In the same way I felt, always, that I needed more and more channels, and when it worked out, I was really, really in a very great Spirit. So I thank you very much, again, for this day that has come. And I bless you from my heart that - now you take over responsibility. You are a Sahaja Yogi, so you have a responsibility, also, to give Realisation to others. Don't keep to yourself. This has to be given to others. And you can explain, you can talk to them, you can really, very well, understand them. Try to understand them and talk to them. And you must give Realisation to others, otherwise you won't feel complete. To feel complete, you have to do that. May God bless you all.
Sahasrara puja, “Attain that Sahaja state”, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 07 May 2000. Thirty years back, when Sahasrara was opened, I found darkness all over. People were so ignorant. They had no awareness [about] what they have to find. Of course, I found they wanted to find something that was unknown, but they did not know what was unknown, what they have to find. And they were extremely ignorant people, about themselves, and about their surroundings, and about the aim of their life. I didn’t know how to start the topic with them. When the Sahasrara was opened, I thought of trying Self-realisation only on one lady: she was an old lady. And there was another lady who also started to come up. This old lady got her Realisation, and then the another lady who was much younger told me that she gets fits and she gets possessed. “Oh my God!” I said, “how will I give her Realisation?” But somehow she got cured very fast and she also got her Realisation. It’s a very unknown knowledge. Also, human beings, in their ego, do not want to accept that they are not yet complete, that they have to have their Realisation. Also their style of life was such that they had no time for themselves. I found it very difficult to convince people that you must take your Self-realisation, because they thought it is something imaginary, it is very far-fetched, and they only believed in ‘gurus’ who would say alright, “Do this much of rituals, karmakand.” That's all! And they were doing all kinds of rituals with the ‘kind’ guidance of their gurus, without knowing that you have to first know yourself, which is said by all the great incarnations, all the saints - clearly! It is not that it was only my idea that people should get their Self-realisation but it was the idea of all those people. They said, one after another, for centuries, that “Seek yourself.” Even Christ said “Know thyself”. Mohammed Saheb said the same, Nanak Saheb said the same. But nobody tried to know that these rituals are not the end of life, they will not serve the purpose, and that you have to have Realisation. So those two ladies, only, got Self-realisation, and with that I thought, “Let's go to the seashore.” And about thirty people came with me. And they were talking in a very funny manner as to: how they can get Self-realisation? They don't deserve it. They have not been very good people. All kinds of things: condemning themselves! And in that lot I got about twelve people, altogether, inclusive of these two ladies who got Realisation [before]. This is a sign that the movement of knowing yourself is very, very slow, and people don't understand why they should know themselves. I was quite disappointed, because nobody understood me. But one day it so happened that, in one of the programmes, one lady came: she was possessed, and she started talking in Sanskrit language. She was just a maid-servant, and everybody was surprised and she said, “You don't know who she is!” And then she started describing me from the Saundarya Lahari. I was wondering, “What’s the matter with this lady?” Like a man she spoke. Her voice was like a man. People may believe it or not. But she was very possessed. And then they started asking her. And then they came and asked me, “Mother, what she is saying - is it true?” I said, “You should find out yourself.” Because [in] those days people were such that if you tell them anything like that, they would turn their faces. Only the kind of false gurus who would say “Alright, you give me five rupees.” They would be very happy that, “You can purchase the guru! Now you don't have to bother about anything. You don't have to do anything.” So, with that, gradually, it started working out. And I remember that these people who got their Realisation asked me, “Mother you allow us to do Durga puja.” Durga puja was regarded as something, a very difficult thing. And Brahmins were normally not ready to do it, because they were not Realised-souls, so they used to get into fits and into all kinds of problems. So they called the Brahmins, seven of them, and told them, “You just don't worry. Nothing will happen to you, because now you are facing the Reality. It’s not some sort of the murti (statue) puja or anything. It’s a human being.” They were quite frightened. They came down. But something happened to them: with a great confidence they started all the mantras, everything, and the vibrations started flowing everywhere. Even, we were very close to the sea, I found [that] the sea was roaring. But people didn't understand. Except for these seven people, they said, “Nothing happened to us, [though] we did everything so well!” I think that was the first miracle of Sahaja Yoga. You see, the trouble with [the] human mind at this level, or at this time, is that they have too much of self-importance, and they think no end of themselves. So already they think, “We are great! What is there to know ourselves? We know ourselves very well.” So the basic seeking power is humility. If you think you know everything, you cannot humble down, and you cannot seek. Even if you seek, they don't want to follow anybody’s path. They say, “We have our own path. We will follow our own path. We’ll do whatever we want to do!” And, like this, I faced many people, in different countries, who just came to listen to my lecture, that’s all, but they wouldn’t take Realisation. And some of them did take their Realisation, they got it, but they got it lost. Somehow this was such a funny story for me that: I am giving them Realisation, I am taking no money for it, nothing. I used to travel on my own. But despite that, why is it, that the people don't realise the value of Self-realisation? Then a gentle man who got Realisation, in the first lot, he told me, “Today, is a consumer society, as they call it, whatever it is.” That, “Unless and until you take money from them, they will never value it. Let them feel that we have paid for it, for our Realisation. So at the gate only, you should keep somebody to take money, otherwise they don't take to it.” I said, “But you cannot sell it - it’s falsehood. You cannot sell Self-realisation to people.” He said, “Then, you see, you won't be successful.” With other gurus this is main thing is that they just accept the money and even they tell people, “Bring so much money! Do this much. There is a fees. And that's how only the ego is satisfied and people take to false people. This falsehood, they may realise later on, because they suffer a lot, with all kinds of physical, mental problems, but by that time they are gone cases. Now the Sahasrara has not been yet described in any one of the books. Though they have talked about it, in our ancient books, in India also. They have talked about Sahasrara but nobody has described it except that it has one thousand petals. At least if they had mentioned something about it, it would have been easier for me to show that, “See, this is written in the book.” Because people are like that! It has to be written in some book and that only they accept. It’s a very difficult situation! Because nobody had given a collective Realisation, so nobody had written to that extent, except for one or two people who wrote clearly about Kundalini. But I wouldn’t say it was so clear, because it was all in poetry. So people would sing the songs, but they would not understand. But I was thinking, “How these people who were lost, here and there under some sort of a seeking, what will happen to them? And how will I be able to give them Self-realisation?” Experiences were so horrid, but doesn't matter. I went on and on and on, and I worked it out. Of course, we met some people who were also very cruel and nasty, who troubled me and troubled Sahaja Yogis. All these things should have really dampened my enthusiasm. But on the contrary I started thinking, “Why? Why people are like this?” Then I realised one thing: that we cannot have the whole world to get Self-realisation. This is the Last Judgment. At this time people have to decide what is the most important thing. They have to know themselves and understand what they have got. It’s not just having a big number that will help us, but really solid Sahaja Yogis. Then I found [that] there were people who got cured of many diseases but most of them got lost. Some of them, who were drug addicts, gave up drug-addiction. Drinking, they gave up. Smoking they gave up. I never said a word, that, “You give up this or give up that.” I knew, once the Kundalini rises, they will automatically give up. And it happened. And that's how people became so clean, so beautiful, and started enjoying their life. But nobody would believe them. When they went round and talked to people, they said, “Oh, you have gone mad!” They couldn’t believe how they have stopped drinking, how they are not smoking. They said, “We want to drink! And what is this?” So, the identification, I found, of these people were mostly with the very loose type of enjoyment. They enjoyed very loose type of things, which had nothing to do with the Spirit. Gradually, of course, it started working out. But still, I must say, that we can’t expect, in this Kali Yuga, to have billions and billions of people in Sahaja Yoga. Though it’s my desire, it’s your desire, and you want them to get their Self-realisation, by which so many good things can happen. Firstly, your physical self improves. Many people have been cured. Christ cured only twenty one people. But I don't know how many thousands have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. Also there’s another very big problem with human beings: that they read all kinds of books, and they have no clear-cut idea as to what they should find, what is their seeking. It’s a very big problem. And whatever is in one book, they’ll try to follow that. I mean they are [a] shifting type of people. They shift from one to another and then progress in Sahaja Yoga is much more difficult, very difficult, because if you are going on one path and you start shifting from one to another, you may go back. But in that they find it is their ‘freedom’. Actually without Realisation you don't have your freedom, of anything. Freedom is that in which you know what you are, you know what you are capable of. In the freedom you are the one who should receive all the blessings. If these blessings are not there then you are not free. There’s something wrong, somewhere, in your own life. Because once you get your Realisation you become absolutely free people. ‘Free’ means, your own Spirit guides you. The Spirit, as you know, is the reflection of the Divine, the God Almighty. If everybody has the same reflection and He’s awakened, then in the awareness it works. As if they know what is right and what is wrong, what is constructive and what is destructive. It is not some sort of a false satisfaction that you have, but in reality, you feel the Reality. And that is what it has to happen. The first thing, in Sahaja Yoga, is that you get the experience, experience of feeling the spanda, the cool breeze, on your finger tips. Without the experience you should not believe anything. That means a new dimension has come now, in your nerves, that you can feel the system which has been not known to you. Sympathetic nervous system was there but you never knew how it is working. The knowledge about yourself was so poor. But after Realisation suddenly the whole thing got enlightened. Suddenly you started feeling it, the newness, among yourselves Still sometimes you have to fight your ego, you have to get over your ignorance of things. Because Realisation gives you Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Knowledge. It cannot be challenged. It’s single: as they call it - ‘Ekameva Satya’, (the only Truth). And when you get that knowledge then you can tally it also. You can find out if it is correct or not. This is something that has happened to all of you, and you have already got those vibrations with which you can feel it. For example, there may be some dissatisfied souls with Sahaja Yoga. But you can find out, on vibrations, who are these people and what are they doing. On vibrations you can make out if those people have reached that state of Reality or not. You can make out if these people, who are trying to oppose you, or trying to tell you something else - “How far are they?” On your fingertips you know. This is what is Qiyamah about which Mohammed Saheb has said. The other day I must tell you, an experience we had: There was one fellow who came from the (Indian) television [channel] known as ‘Star’. And he started asking me very funny questions, which had no relevance. His name was ‘Abbas’, so I said, “Abbas bhaiya, you are wasting your time and my time. Will you come to the right questions!” So he said, “I am against all fundamentalism.” “But I am not fundamentalist. How do you know I am that or not?” So he said, “I am trying to find out!” “Alright,” I said, “you put your hands towards me. Mohammed Saheb has said that ‘At the time of, Qiyamah your hands will speak’.” And, you will be amazed, immediately he started feeling cool breeze on his hands. He said, “What’s happening to me?” I said, “That’s what it is!” (laughter) No use arguing, no use talking about it, no use enquiring. Just see yourself the experience of it. He just got so stunned and after that whatever he talked to me, he never published it. So what I am saying [is] that if the people reach the Truth and they know this is the Truth, nothing can change them. If they have reached the Truth, I am saying. You can see in the life of all the great people that they think “This is the Truth”. Not by just reading, not by just believing but as an experience, that, on their central nervous system they can feel the Truth. Then it is impossible to change them. Like you can see a seed becomes a tree, then you cannot make the tree into a seed. Seed is a seed, but when the seed changes into the tree then you cannot bring it back to the seed. It may create more seeds, that’s different. so, in the same way, once you have got your Realisation, and once you have become one with the Divine, then there is no question of you going down, unless and until you, yourself, want to go down. It’s very very remarkable, how you get this property, how you get this ability and this capability, and after that you don't lose it! Of course, first you must grow, and for that you have to meditate. But this meditation, once you do it, the whole being itself gets so enlightened and so beautiful that you don't want to change it. You want to be there and enjoy it forever. But of course you want to give it to others because you see [that] you are enjoying so much. Like, on the street, you find somebody starving and you are very full, then you feel like giving food to that person. In the same way, you see in this world, people are madly seeking, running up and down, doing all kinds of things, so you want to tell them. They may or may not believe. They may try to absolutely deny you, defy you. They can do anything. But you know for definite that you are on the right path, you are on the right state of mind which is a Sahaja state. In Sanskrit it is called ‘sahaja avastha’, ‘sahajavastha’. In sahajavastha you do not react, you do not react. You just see and appreciate. Now see: I came, I saw this beautiful, such an idea of Sahasrara, all the chakras, they have crossed over, gone up there and from there they have. Very good expression. But any other person would say, “Oh, this colour combination is not good!” “Why did they use this? Why don't they use something else?” Like that, you see, finding faults with others! And this finding faults actually comes from your brain which is not yet enlightened. You cannot enjoy anything because you react. All the time you go on reacting. If somebody says something nice, still you are reacting. If someone says something bad, of course you are reacting! No question! So for us to understand that we are not free to react, we are not that cheap to react. We are on a very high pedestal. What is our job? Is to enjoy. Enjoy everything. And that enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine. Even you can enjoy the turmoil and the torture. Everything you can enjoy if you see the point that: nothing can happen to your Spirit, which is the real light. Whatever you may suffer, wherever you may think is troubling you - actually this silent light of the Spirit makes you absolutely, perfectly joyous and you give joy to others. You don't design it, you don't plan it, how to give joy, but you just automatically give joy. And this giving joy is also effortless, sahaj, because you are in the sahaja state. In the sahaja state you just see things. It’s a drama, you feel. It’s a different styles, different types and you just see and watch, and get the joy out of it. It is not important to say, “I like this, I like that.” No! That ‘I’, which likes, is nothing but ego, and keeps you out of the enjoyment which is reality, which is real. Every thing in this world, that you find is troublesome, if you see [it] from another angle, from a sahajasthiti, you won't feel the troubles. But that higher life should be there. That higher standard should be built-in within you. The other day I had a meeting with the bureaucrats and I told them, “I know that the pay is less. You may think that the others get much more pay, they are having much more facilities. But there is one way you can really enjoy your work: if you have patriotism, deshabhakti.” If you have patriotism for your country, no amount of sacrifice will satisfy you. You’ll want to give everything. And you can go through all kinds of so-called dearth and depressive states without even feeling anything about it. And, at the same time, your feelings become very deep. For example, you are travelling and suddenly you find somebody who is sick: you can feel it on your vibrations that this person is sick; and immediately your sympathy and your love flows to that person. You will try to help that person. If possible you will try to even cure that person. Just like that, your whole being becomes like an ocean which absorbs all the rivers and all kinds of watery things, whatever it is, within its abdomen, I should say. It just takes all that is there, but it doesn't hurt, it doesn't trouble him. He is like over-powering person, with his love. He doesn't show his power. He does not bother about his self-importance. If somebody tries to insult you, “Alright.” What is there there, the insult part of it? And such people who have reached that sahajavastha are the greatest creators of art, of music, of great thoughts and that’s why these survive. So many people write, but it goes out. So many people create, but nobody bothers. But those who are Realised-souls, whatever they create, is of eternal nature. Because they are now in the Ocean of Eternity. They are in the ocean of purity, where there is no idea at all, of hurting anyone or troubling anyone. Such a protection is there for them. They cannot be harmed! Because after all you have entered into the kingdom of God, so who can dare harm you or trouble you? Such a prosperity I have seen among Sahaja Yogis, and such a generosity that they have, and such understanding about things. I don't have to give lectures, “Now don't do this and don't do that!” No, no more. And those who are not yet already matured in Sahaja Yoga should try to mature. And those who are not matured and troubling, don't worry about them. You should have pity. You should really have pity for such people that they are so immature. Today it is something great, I feel, because thirty years I have been running up and down everywhere and I have been able to gather so many people. There are so many Sahaja Yogis, you see, and also, all over the world. This is just a wee-bit of that. So this is something [that] was to happen, has been already described, has been prophesised by people that such and such thing will be happen, that so many people will get their Self-realisation. Unbelievable it was, of course, but, as now you see, how sweet is the feeling that we are all one. There’s no quarrel, no fight, no bad ideas, and nobody likes cheap things. They want to have something that is pleasing and has a quality of understanding. And I have seen people becoming poets, writing beautiful poetry. I have seen people becoming orators. Also I have seen people becoming very good organisers. But one thing is very important, is the humility. I said in the beginning and again I would say: what will appeal to people is your humility. You should be a humble person, not think that you are something special, or not think that you are some sort of a self-important person. Once you think that you are important then you are not part and parcel of the whole. If my one hand starts thinking, “I am important,” it’s stupid. How can one hand be important? All hands are needed. Everything is needed. Legs are needed. How can one part be so important? If you start thinking like that anywhere in your journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say, you are not in the sahajavastha. So my own effort was to take you into that beautiful arena of Sahaja, where you will be absolutely one with your Self, one with the nature, one with all the people who are around you, with your own country, and countries. Everywhere, the whole atmosphere, as they say, the whole Brahmanda (universe) becomes part and parcel of you, and you are not separated from that. Then the echoes - they call ‘ninaad’ (निनद्) - the echoes of your being, of your life can be easily seen. Not in material advancement or in any other kind of a thing but in the spiritual area, which is the highest. Everywhere, in every country, there have been people of that quality and, till today, they are all remembered. In the same way you all will be representing a very great knowledge about Reality: in your life, in your creation or in your working. In every way you can do anything. Now, only thing that, now, we have to do is to decide: how many people we are going to give Realisation? What we can do for Realisation? What should we do? This is the only thing, if you go on with your complete emancipation, you will be surprised, it’s like climbing up a big mountain. But when you have reached to the peak, you can see everything very well, and you feel so satisfied that you are at the peak. So, that climbing part, even [though] some of you have to do it, it is alright, there’s no problem, you can do it. You must have respect for yourself, love yourself, and [the] understanding that you have to reach the peak, peak of the mountain. And once you have reached the peak of the mountain you will know you are there. And then you start showering all your love, affection, and everything, that flows down the mountain. That is the life for you. It’s the greatest type of life. Forget all other people: politicians and all other people who were supposed to be great. Forget them! You are much higher than that, because you are already chiselled like a diamond with the Sahaj style of life; which is very satisfying and also which is very much absolutely peace giving. It gives you joy, it gives you peace, it gives you capabilities, it gives you so many things that you cannot count, like the thousand petals of your Sahasrara which are enlightened. God knows what all you can have with this! This is such a tremendous area you are in - the thousand petals. And from there, people have gained all the knowledge about science, knowledge about all the great discoveries are from there. So this is what one has to realise one's own esteem. Self-esteem is different form self-importance. You should have self-esteem. With that you will become humble. You will become very loving because you are capable of love. And it is not forced on you. I agree that from the ocean the clouds rise and then they give rain and all that, but it is in the cycle of life [that] they are doing it. They are not conscious of it. They don't think that they are doing something great because they are in the cycle. You are out of the cycle and still you are doing work without any feeling of self-importance. You are doing because you have to do it! Another cycle, not the natural cycle, but another cycle of awareness, where you are aware as to what you are doing. At the same time you are very humble, you are very loving, you are very kind. You don't shout, you don't beat anyone. You don't say anything harsh to anyone. And you can manage the most difficult person. If someone tries to be funny, you can always raise the Kundalini and be satisfied with it. If you secretly raise the Kundalini, the other person is finished! If you cannot raise it, then forget it! Forget it! He is a difficult person, you know, it’s a stone. Now in the stone, what can you do? You cannot make it flow, the love and the dignity, all these qualities. It is not possible from a stone-hearted person, so forget it, that’s not your job. That’s not your job at all. So, I would request that, first of all, you should see that: how much humble we are. You have to be very humble and that is your decoration, that is your beauty. So you have your love, which is pure, without any lust or greed. You love others only because you are in love. And then, secondly, you are blessed with peace, you are absolutely at peace with yourself. And you will be amazed - with peace, wisdom will come to you. You will be regarded as the wisest man, wisest woman, because you are at peace with yourself. Only in peace you can discover the Truth, you can discover every solution that you want to. You become [a] very wise and sensible person - outstandingly great than others. You are not like common, general, people. Then you have joy. Joy is something I cannot express in words but still joy, as I have told you many a times, it is singular. It is not happiness or unhappiness, it is just joy. Just you enjoy. You enjoy everything, enjoy every company, every incident, every scene, every happening in your life. You know how to enjoy everything. You see, just joy has a great capacity. Once, I remember I had gone with my son-in-law and daughter to see some historical place and we had to climb a lot. We were climbing for about three hours, so, naturally, we all got tired and there was a little resting place, made of marble, so we said, “Let us spread out ourselves here!” So when I spread it out, they were so much saying, “Why should we have come here, of all the things,” All that they were grudging. Then suddenly, you know - this is the joy point - suddenly I saw the carvings of elephants. So I said, “Can you see these elephants? Everybody’s tail is differently made!” They said, “Mummy, how could you see the elephants' tails? We are so tired!” I said, “You also see! Just see that.” Because this joy, it shifts, shifts your mind from nonsense. You just say, “It’s all nonsense.” You just shift your mind. This is the way you get joy! And goes to the thing that will [be] joy giving. Supposing there is a person who is quite boring, you know, then what happens, you just see the humour behind boring: how a person bores you! And what you learn out of it is - never bore anyone. (laughter) So this joy has a speciality, that it teaches you the essence of joy of everything. If it is a bad film, still you enjoy because you see how bad it is. Supposing, of course if it is a good film, then you can always see them! But you do not go with a mind, how to criticise. This criticism business goes out of your mind. So what happens [is] your mind shifts immediately from something that is ridiculous to something interesting in the same thing. So you don't criticise and you don't feel bad about it. Sometimes it so happens that people are amazed that how I tolerate such people. But I don't tolerate, I am not paying any attention, whatever the person may be doing. If you are of that nature, that we can call as a condition where you are absolutely in the Turya state: so Kabira has said, “Jab mast hue, fir kya bole?” (meaning) “When I have gone into that state of joy, why should I say anything?” It is like that: a temperament which you have to understand, and respect it. That is within you, but respect it. Do not compare it with others, others are not at your level. So you are at a different level and you just try to enjoy. Never feel that you are something higher or greater - no, never feel [that]. What you should feel [is] that thankfulness that you are not mixed up with all those funny ideas and funny style of life where you go on criticising - “This is not good! I don't like it! I don’t like it!” Who are you? You don't know yourself. When you say, “I don't like it,” you are not knowing yourself. How do you know what you don't like? I have seen people with very poor knowledge, who are just knowing [a] little bit here and there, are very critical of others. I don't know the reason, why it is so. But maybe that they think no end of themselves! But this is what is very common. But if you know the Absolute Knowledge, then you become really humble; absolutely humble and sweet, gentle and kind. So today is a great day otherwise, for me also: I didn't know that I will survive so many years to see this beautiful day. Because after all, it was [a] very hard life, according to others’ standards. But what is most joy giving to me was creating Sahaja Yogis, and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful! All this has helped me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding, I could achieve it. If I could have achieve it on my own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. But you are just like my hands, you are just like my eyes. And I need you very much because, without you I cannot do it. It’s like channelising: unless and until you have channels, what's the use of being Adi Shakti or anything? How will you channelise it? If there is electrical movement, you need channels, otherwise its a static thing. In the same way I felt, always, that I needed more and more channels, and when it worked out, I was really, really in a very great Spirit. So I thank you very much, again, for this day that has come. And I bless you from my heart that - now you take over responsibility. You are a Sahaja Yogi, so you have a responsibility, also, to give Realisation to others. Don't keep to yourself. This has to be given to others. And you can explain, you can talk to them, you can really, very well, understand them. Try to understand them and talk to them. And you must give Realisation to others, otherwise you won't feel complete. To feel complete, you have to do that. May God bless you all.
The Subtle Side Of Islam
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
2000-05-28 Persian Public Program in Los Angeles I bow to all the seekers of truth. (Can’t hear me). I am very thankful to this association for inviting me to talk to you people. I went to Iran for the first time it was Iran I visited after I wanted to start Sahajayoga and at that time I found that Iranians were very open minded and wanted to know what is the secret of Islam, what is the beauty of Islam is, what is the subtle side of Islam is today the way (today the way) we see Islam we get frightened. Specially these are the days of your matam and I know about it everything, what had happened to Hasan and Hussain. You all have done a lot of penance for them and are still doing it. But now the time has come for all of you to know that, their sacrifice, their kurbani has been completely fulfilled. After all, what did they want? They wanted whatever their father Ali wanted them to do. Also their mother Fatima. But we don’t know who they were? what incarnations they were? what was their job? Mohammad Sahab has also said that, you have to know yourself. Also he has said that at the time of Kiyama, the resurrection time, that’s the assurance he gave, your hands will speak. If that is not happening then means, we have not fulfilled the promise of Mohammad Sahab. How long are we going to have matam. I tell you now the time of rejoicing has come. First of all, you have to know yourself, your spirit. And you have to become really, really roohani. Rooh is nothing but the power, divine power of love, that has to flow through you. It is nothing to do with cruelty with criminality. If we don’t understand the message then we may do wrong, to ourselves and to the religion we follow. I am here, very humbly, to tell you about the truth. Before that we must know the history when Mohammad Sahab came on this earth the situation in that country was horrid. He had to face wars and very aggressive people who were tribal. So the life of Mohammad Sahab is full of troubles and tribulations. Whatever he has done, now the time has come for us to get our reward. If you have been true Muslims, true followers of Mohammad Sahab, your hands must speak. No need to feel guilty. You are not the ones who killed Hasan and Hussain and still if you feel that Hasan and Hussain should have lived, they can live through your lives. Only thing you have to know, how to (become personality) make your personality of their level. None of these people came on this earth to create different groups, none of them. It was unfortunate that the sunnis came up afterwards and they never understood Ali. According to Sahaja yoga, Ali was a very great incarnation. How it is going to work out I will tell you. Now you can see this chart before you and you do not know the secret about yourself. The secret is that your triangular bone there is that power which can connect you to the Divine. Mohammad Sahab has described that on a white horse he went through seven heavens. These are the seven heavens that you see before us. These are within us and that’s why he said you should know yourself. This is the reason unless and until you know yourself, you will not know what is within you. And for that knowledge there is a power in the triangular bone you see that 3 and a half coils which gets awakened and passes through 6 centres, 7th one is lower and crosses through your fontanel bone area and then connects you to the universal power very subtle universal power of divine love. It is not a mystery anymore. It has now worked in 86 countries and there are some Muslim countries like Benin , like Turkey, also Ivory Coast and some others. So, these Muslims have realized that there must be some end to this journey. There must be some goal to our pursuit, no use criticising the religion. The religion is perfect but something wrong with followers because they cannot read the subtle things between the lines. Fortunately or unfortunately, Koran is written in poetry and this poetry is something can be misinterpreted. Now for example he has said that I am the seal of prophecy, prophets and (they see) he says also there will be so many Nabis. Then also he says supposing he was the seal that I will send you the 12 Imam (why should you say like that) why should he say like that if he was last. So, by believing such a thing our muslim community has not been able to progress in spirituality. Can’t hear he said. Listen to me, it’s for your good alright. (What, is he fighting-in hindi) See now all these has not helped you, it has helped you. I will help you now keep quite alright. Listen to me. Now unless and until you know yourself, you do not know anything for example a lady comes to me and says, Mother I am very sick I don’t know what to do and I asked her whats the matter she said no one knows. So I told her I know, whats the matter with her. And she had cancer. So first, you know yourself that’s very important, you should know all the centres about which Mohammad Sahab has clearly said that he went on a white horse. Also there is very nice chapter of spider (spider, what you call that?) which is very interesting. And try to understand you are all intelligent people. There he said that he was hiding himself in a cave and a spider built a web on the mouth of the cave. And those who were trying to find him got disillusioned or they got into an illusion and they couldn’t see him. This is exactly what is happening to us. We are behind the web of illusions and we are living with those illusions for years, for generations and because we don’t understand we are doing no good to ourselves and to others. We should understand why Mohammad Sahab and Ali worked so hard for us. What was so precious about us? They just not care for our matam but they wanted to make your life shine like a diamond, to make you agents of the divine so that you can transform people. Now you see these days, if you see you go on hearing so many Shias were murdered this happened, that happened. All this is because of ignorance. All these wars, all these problems are because of our ignorance. But if we become spiritual, we are wonderful people. We no more have quarrels, no more have jealousies, none of these six enemies that we have. When we are the spirit we are not touched by all these ugliness. You all have been following and you should get the reward of this following. You’ve been doing 'namaz' but what is the effect of that? 'Namaz' is nothing but the same centres being enlightened. You go on doing 'namaz' still nothing happens. It is the problem with every religion because it has not taken to the essence of religion. All religions of the world have the same essence, in short , they all want you to know yourself. As soon as you know yourself what happens to you is (very) very much to be understood. These centres that you (say) see within you are responsible for your morality, for your physical being, for your emotional being and also for your spiritual being. So when this power rises within you and becomes one with all-pervading subtle power then these centres get enlightened. They get integrated and this power starts flowing through you and then you can feel them on your hands. You can feel the rooh on your hands. This is the experience you must have. I have to tell you the truth. This experience must be felt on your fingertips and these fingers denote as shown there, the different centres we have. This should happen tonight (tonight) by the grace of Mohammad Sahab and Ali. I am their agent, you can call me and that is what is my job is to give you all Self-realization. So many are lost now. You go to Algeria, shocking they are cutting the stomach of pregnant women, Muslims cutting Muslims. You are much safer in this country but you don’t know the condition of the people in other countries where there is so much of fundamentalism and blindness. Also another point is the way we have problems about our women, you feel like crying. They have beautiful women, but they are having a very bad time. He has said that there is Jannat at the lotus feet of the Mother. Are the Mothers in that condition? Are they looked after like that? Are you treating them with respect? And this is another point which goes completely against Mohammad Sahab. I know he had to marry many a times but the reason was so many young people were killed in the war and even the little girls had no husbands, So he was against prostitution, so he said you must marry many women. What’s most important that we must have a heart which feels, we should have emotional intelligence and understand what are we doing for our society? what can we work it out? In Sahaja yoga you don’t have to pay anything, it is your own, it’s your own power within yourself. We are not obliged to anyone but once you touch that power of God which is divine love you become love. And His love protects you, His love looks after you, gives you good health and beautiful life that gives you peace, complete peace within yourself and wherever you will go you will create peace. It gives you joy. Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. And when you feel that joy within yourself, you want to give it to others also and you want to work out the problems very easily. Your problems are also worked out. According to Sahaja yoga, Ali was an incarnation on the second centre. Hazrat Ali is the one, who is the incarnation of a creator, who created the whole universe. Now this truth can be proved.This truth can be proved. How? If you are a Self-realized person and your hands are speaking, then if you ask a question: was Ali, Hazrat Ali was the one who created all this universe? You will start getting tremendous cool breeze. Anything about Mohammad Sahab, about anyone you want to know you can find it on your fingertips. You can find out on your fingertips, what's wrong with you. Also become, you have become a collective now. There was a big big idea of Mohammad Sahab to make people collective .Absolute. Whether you are a king or anything, you have to do Namaz on the same grounds. But on your fingertips, you can feel others also. Like a drop becomes the ocean, you become an ocean. You become, becoming is the point not this lecture, but becoming. You become that knowledgeable. And you have, the absolute knowledge. You, You just ask the question about anybody and you will be amazed that you will know if it is the truth, you will have these cool breeze, if it is not you might get hot or you might get even tingling. So it is the experience which is important. Just by talking or people giving big big lectures is not going to help. The world has to change, this is the time of reformation of resurrection. If you don’t change, you will be left behind, this is the last judgement. Whether you get the truth or not, is your choice. It cannot be forced on you. Now as you know, we have hospitals where people are getting cured without taking any medicines. And the children you get are also of a very special intelligence which are called emotional intelligence. The world is changing. Today only I read in the newspaper that people are changing very fast because there is no morality. You cannot force morality on anyone. And you should not blame any religion for that, because in our freedom we do all kinds of things. We hurt people, we trouble them, we deceive them, all kinds of thing. But once you get your enlightenment, in the light of the spirit, you know what is good for you and what is destructive. So in the same family you will find different different types of people doing wrong things. That is just very superficial, actually you are the spirit that you have to become. In the light of spirit only, you will get rid of all kind of destructive things. He said you don’t have to drink, but people drink, quite all right. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t say, don’t do, don’t do, you just don’t do it. But because you don’t do anything destructive, is something so great you are. To be born in those days where Sahaja yoga is so easy. It’s a collective happening but now you will know why Mohammad Sahab and Hazrat Ali came, for what purpose, to let you know what you are. And this is what has to happen to you. You cannot argue it out, it’s not an mental feat, it’s beyond the mind. That’s what they were and we have to understand them. Those who get their self-realization understand the subtle oneness of all these great people, those Nabis he described. So this is what is for you and you can easily get it without any difficulties. But first of all, you should not feel guilty, not at all, because whatever has happened, happened. If you feel guilty, then the centre on the left-hand side becomes obstructed like that. Physically you might get spondylitis or could get a cervical cancer. So no use feeling guilty for what. Whatever has happened, has happened. So please forgive yourself, do not blame yourself, have respect for yourself and then if you get your realization you will be amazed, how powerful you are. And when that power starts flowing through you, how many people you can help. And what a happy personality you become. There is, I mean, I must have given thousands of lectures but in whatever time I have possible, I have talked to you and if you want to ask me any questions you can ask. But for a short time, please ask me sensible questions. Ask him. He is still to it. You tell him, he will come and tell me. (He is crazy. what is he saying?-in hindi) Seeker: [Question inaudible.] Shri Mataji: I agree with you, sit down. I agree with you very much, sit down, sit down. I will tell you. No name? Listen, there is no need to get angry with me. Please sit down. There is no need to get angry with me. I am trying. He is only angry, that’s all. There is no contradiction. When did I say that. He is mad. When did I say there is contradiction and I am on the contrary explaining for the good of the people so that no more should be killed, no more should be this thing. By getting angry are you going to solve the problem? It's alright, I am used to such people. World is full of all kinds of people. So, doesn’t matter. Just wait, just wait I would say alright. Now no more questions because you people get angry, there is no need. No questions. Anger is against religion, so don’t get angry, angry is not the way, have we solved the problem by anger, nothing. So not to get angry. I have come here to give you peace within yourself, because what you need is peace, sukoon. Alright. So I think questions are nothing but still very mental acrobats. We have to work for the good of people and give them what they have, what powers they have. All right. So now, what we can do is to ask you people to be quiet and just put your hands towards me, just like in 'namaz'. But take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. For your information, I will tell you that wherever there have been people who are realized souls, we call them Sahaja yogis. You will be amazed that they are not hurt at all, they are protected by the Divine. In Turkey, people who were Sahaja Yogis, as we call them, their houses also did not shake. So many others died but not those, not even one. We have thousands there. So, just put your hands like this straight. Now I will request you, not to feel guilty. (Put it on your this thing). One thing you should forgive yourself, also forgive others. You may say it is difficult to forgive others, but logically what do we do? If you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You do nothing but just you are wasting your energy. So what is the use of not forgiving others? So just forgive, just say in your heart, Mother we forgive everyone, just like that. Now please raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, left hand, not right, yes correct left hand. And see for yourself if there is cool breeze like thing coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please see. Raise it. Raise it. See now, it may be little bit this side, little bit that side, just feel it. Little higher. Now please put your left hand. Please put your left hand towards me, left hand towards me please. And with the right hand, you bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Bend your head. Again with the left hand, this is the rooh that’s coming out of you. Now put your right hand towards me please again and see for yourself with your left hand. See if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put both the hands towards me now, not to feel guilty, that’s very important, not to feel guilty. Now all of you, who are feeling cool or hot breeze on your hand or out of your head. Please raise both your hands, please raise both your hands, those who have felt. Ohh great. May God bless you. Good. May God bless you all. Thank you. You all have felt it, the experience, don’t forget it but you have to grow. Grow into it, it’s like a small seed coming up but you have to grow into it and will take at the most one month but there is no payment at all, no commitment nothing. You will feel very peaceful and happy but you must know everything about it. Within one month you can become experts, masters. Then you can help others. And they will tell you all about it. Thank you very much. May God bless you. (Have they not given the printed one-in hindi) Are you better now on your right hand? still there. We will put it right, you just don’t worry. You have been working very hard and thinking very much. Alright. So we will correct it for you. Alright. Who else is having problems? Didn’t get it? Alright. You didn’t get it. You didn’t get the cool breeze. Please be seated, he will see youH.he will see you. Did you feel the cool breeze, then you are alright, forget it. You felt it. Alright, those who didn’t feel, raise your hands. You did feel, you all felt it. Those who did not feel. (who?-in Hindi)Hot breeze. Alright just a minute. (There is problem in Agnya chakra - in Hindi). (Ask some lady to do it-in hindi). They haven’t felt. You felt the cool breeze. No. What did you feel. Hot. What did he feel. Alright may God bless you.May God bless you. [Conversation with people] Achcha (Alright - in Hindi) Call these young boys what are they saying? (These children have been sent to play mischief, listen, refuse them. One will get realization amongst them–in hindi). You want it, really? Really want? Sure, alright (tell him-in Hindi). So who has sent you here. That’s because I am married. Did you feel the cool breeze? Did you feel the cool breeze, madam. Alright.Too much hot-tempered. I know I know everything about you and your family. Your name is (inaudible) but I know what is inside you. He has anger. Now. Alright.
2000-05-28 Persian Public Program in Los Angeles I bow to all the seekers of truth. (Can’t hear me). I am very thankful to this association for inviting me to talk to you people. I went to Iran for the first time it was Iran I visited after I wanted to start Sahajayoga and at that time I found that Iranians were very open minded and wanted to know what is the secret of Islam, what is the beauty of Islam is, what is the subtle side of Islam is today the way (today the way) we see Islam we get frightened. Specially these are the days of your matam and I know about it everything, what had happened to Hasan and Hussain. You all have done a lot of penance for them and are still doing it. But now the time has come for all of you to know that, their sacrifice, their kurbani has been completely fulfilled. After all, what did they want? They wanted whatever their father Ali wanted them to do. Also their mother Fatima. But we don’t know who they were? what incarnations they were? what was their job? Mohammad Sahab has also said that, you have to know yourself. Also he has said that at the time of Kiyama, the resurrection time, that’s the assurance he gave, your hands will speak. If that is not happening then means, we have not fulfilled the promise of Mohammad Sahab. How long are we going to have matam. I tell you now the time of rejoicing has come. First of all, you have to know yourself, your spirit. And you have to become really, really roohani. Rooh is nothing but the power, divine power of love, that has to flow through you. It is nothing to do with cruelty with criminality. If we don’t understand the message then we may do wrong, to ourselves and to the religion we follow. I am here, very humbly, to tell you about the truth. Before that we must know the history when Mohammad Sahab came on this earth the situation in that country was horrid. He had to face wars and very aggressive people who were tribal. So the life of Mohammad Sahab is full of troubles and tribulations. Whatever he has done, now the time has come for us to get our reward. If you have been true Muslims, true followers of Mohammad Sahab, your hands must speak. No need to feel guilty. You are not the ones who killed Hasan and Hussain and still if you feel that Hasan and Hussain should have lived, they can live through your lives. Only thing you have to know, how to (become personality) make your personality of their level. None of these people came on this earth to create different groups, none of them. It was unfortunate that the sunnis came up afterwards and they never understood Ali. According to Sahaja yoga, Ali was a very great incarnation. How it is going to work out I will tell you. Now you can see this chart before you and you do not know the secret about yourself. The secret is that your triangular bone there is that power which can connect you to the Divine. Mohammad Sahab has described that on a white horse he went through seven heavens. These are the seven heavens that you see before us. These are within us and that’s why he said you should know yourself. This is the reason unless and until you know yourself, you will not know what is within you. And for that knowledge there is a power in the triangular bone you see that 3 and a half coils which gets awakened and passes through 6 centres, 7th one is lower and crosses through your fontanel bone area and then connects you to the universal power very subtle universal power of divine love. It is not a mystery anymore. It has now worked in 86 countries and there are some Muslim countries like Benin , like Turkey, also Ivory Coast and some others. So, these Muslims have realized that there must be some end to this journey. There must be some goal to our pursuit, no use criticising the religion. The religion is perfect but something wrong with followers because they cannot read the subtle things between the lines. Fortunately or unfortunately, Koran is written in poetry and this poetry is something can be misinterpreted. Now for example he has said that I am the seal of prophecy, prophets and (they see) he says also there will be so many Nabis. Then also he says supposing he was the seal that I will send you the 12 Imam (why should you say like that) why should he say like that if he was last. So, by believing such a thing our muslim community has not been able to progress in spirituality. Can’t hear he said. Listen to me, it’s for your good alright. (What, is he fighting-in hindi) See now all these has not helped you, it has helped you. I will help you now keep quite alright. Listen to me. Now unless and until you know yourself, you do not know anything for example a lady comes to me and says, Mother I am very sick I don’t know what to do and I asked her whats the matter she said no one knows. So I told her I know, whats the matter with her. And she had cancer. So first, you know yourself that’s very important, you should know all the centres about which Mohammad Sahab has clearly said that he went on a white horse. Also there is very nice chapter of spider (spider, what you call that?) which is very interesting. And try to understand you are all intelligent people. There he said that he was hiding himself in a cave and a spider built a web on the mouth of the cave. And those who were trying to find him got disillusioned or they got into an illusion and they couldn’t see him. This is exactly what is happening to us. We are behind the web of illusions and we are living with those illusions for years, for generations and because we don’t understand we are doing no good to ourselves and to others. We should understand why Mohammad Sahab and Ali worked so hard for us. What was so precious about us? They just not care for our matam but they wanted to make your life shine like a diamond, to make you agents of the divine so that you can transform people. Now you see these days, if you see you go on hearing so many Shias were murdered this happened, that happened. All this is because of ignorance. All these wars, all these problems are because of our ignorance. But if we become spiritual, we are wonderful people. We no more have quarrels, no more have jealousies, none of these six enemies that we have. When we are the spirit we are not touched by all these ugliness. You all have been following and you should get the reward of this following. You’ve been doing 'namaz' but what is the effect of that? 'Namaz' is nothing but the same centres being enlightened. You go on doing 'namaz' still nothing happens. It is the problem with every religion because it has not taken to the essence of religion. All religions of the world have the same essence, in short , they all want you to know yourself. As soon as you know yourself what happens to you is (very) very much to be understood. These centres that you (say) see within you are responsible for your morality, for your physical being, for your emotional being and also for your spiritual being. So when this power rises within you and becomes one with all-pervading subtle power then these centres get enlightened. They get integrated and this power starts flowing through you and then you can feel them on your hands. You can feel the rooh on your hands. This is the experience you must have. I have to tell you the truth. This experience must be felt on your fingertips and these fingers denote as shown there, the different centres we have. This should happen tonight (tonight) by the grace of Mohammad Sahab and Ali. I am their agent, you can call me and that is what is my job is to give you all Self-realization. So many are lost now. You go to Algeria, shocking they are cutting the stomach of pregnant women, Muslims cutting Muslims. You are much safer in this country but you don’t know the condition of the people in other countries where there is so much of fundamentalism and blindness. Also another point is the way we have problems about our women, you feel like crying. They have beautiful women, but they are having a very bad time. He has said that there is Jannat at the lotus feet of the Mother. Are the Mothers in that condition? Are they looked after like that? Are you treating them with respect? And this is another point which goes completely against Mohammad Sahab. I know he had to marry many a times but the reason was so many young people were killed in the war and even the little girls had no husbands, So he was against prostitution, so he said you must marry many women. What’s most important that we must have a heart which feels, we should have emotional intelligence and understand what are we doing for our society? what can we work it out? In Sahaja yoga you don’t have to pay anything, it is your own, it’s your own power within yourself. We are not obliged to anyone but once you touch that power of God which is divine love you become love. And His love protects you, His love looks after you, gives you good health and beautiful life that gives you peace, complete peace within yourself and wherever you will go you will create peace. It gives you joy. Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. And when you feel that joy within yourself, you want to give it to others also and you want to work out the problems very easily. Your problems are also worked out. According to Sahaja yoga, Ali was an incarnation on the second centre. Hazrat Ali is the one, who is the incarnation of a creator, who created the whole universe. Now this truth can be proved.This truth can be proved. How? If you are a Self-realized person and your hands are speaking, then if you ask a question: was Ali, Hazrat Ali was the one who created all this universe? You will start getting tremendous cool breeze. Anything about Mohammad Sahab, about anyone you want to know you can find it on your fingertips. You can find out on your fingertips, what's wrong with you. Also become, you have become a collective now. There was a big big idea of Mohammad Sahab to make people collective .Absolute. Whether you are a king or anything, you have to do Namaz on the same grounds. But on your fingertips, you can feel others also. Like a drop becomes the ocean, you become an ocean. You become, becoming is the point not this lecture, but becoming. You become that knowledgeable. And you have, the absolute knowledge. You, You just ask the question about anybody and you will be amazed that you will know if it is the truth, you will have these cool breeze, if it is not you might get hot or you might get even tingling. So it is the experience which is important. Just by talking or people giving big big lectures is not going to help. The world has to change, this is the time of reformation of resurrection. If you don’t change, you will be left behind, this is the last judgement. Whether you get the truth or not, is your choice. It cannot be forced on you. Now as you know, we have hospitals where people are getting cured without taking any medicines. And the children you get are also of a very special intelligence which are called emotional intelligence. The world is changing. Today only I read in the newspaper that people are changing very fast because there is no morality. You cannot force morality on anyone. And you should not blame any religion for that, because in our freedom we do all kinds of things. We hurt people, we trouble them, we deceive them, all kinds of thing. But once you get your enlightenment, in the light of the spirit, you know what is good for you and what is destructive. So in the same family you will find different different types of people doing wrong things. That is just very superficial, actually you are the spirit that you have to become. In the light of spirit only, you will get rid of all kind of destructive things. He said you don’t have to drink, but people drink, quite all right. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t say, don’t do, don’t do, you just don’t do it. But because you don’t do anything destructive, is something so great you are. To be born in those days where Sahaja yoga is so easy. It’s a collective happening but now you will know why Mohammad Sahab and Hazrat Ali came, for what purpose, to let you know what you are. And this is what has to happen to you. You cannot argue it out, it’s not an mental feat, it’s beyond the mind. That’s what they were and we have to understand them. Those who get their self-realization understand the subtle oneness of all these great people, those Nabis he described. So this is what is for you and you can easily get it without any difficulties. But first of all, you should not feel guilty, not at all, because whatever has happened, happened. If you feel guilty, then the centre on the left-hand side becomes obstructed like that. Physically you might get spondylitis or could get a cervical cancer. So no use feeling guilty for what. Whatever has happened, has happened. So please forgive yourself, do not blame yourself, have respect for yourself and then if you get your realization you will be amazed, how powerful you are. And when that power starts flowing through you, how many people you can help. And what a happy personality you become. There is, I mean, I must have given thousands of lectures but in whatever time I have possible, I have talked to you and if you want to ask me any questions you can ask. But for a short time, please ask me sensible questions. Ask him. He is still to it. You tell him, he will come and tell me. (He is crazy. what is he saying?-in hindi) Seeker: [Question inaudible.] Shri Mataji: I agree with you, sit down. I agree with you very much, sit down, sit down. I will tell you. No name? Listen, there is no need to get angry with me. Please sit down. There is no need to get angry with me. I am trying. He is only angry, that’s all. There is no contradiction. When did I say that. He is mad. When did I say there is contradiction and I am on the contrary explaining for the good of the people so that no more should be killed, no more should be this thing. By getting angry are you going to solve the problem? It's alright, I am used to such people. World is full of all kinds of people. So, doesn’t matter. Just wait, just wait I would say alright. Now no more questions because you people get angry, there is no need. No questions. Anger is against religion, so don’t get angry, angry is not the way, have we solved the problem by anger, nothing. So not to get angry. I have come here to give you peace within yourself, because what you need is peace, sukoon. Alright. So I think questions are nothing but still very mental acrobats. We have to work for the good of people and give them what they have, what powers they have. All right. So now, what we can do is to ask you people to be quiet and just put your hands towards me, just like in 'namaz'. But take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. For your information, I will tell you that wherever there have been people who are realized souls, we call them Sahaja yogis. You will be amazed that they are not hurt at all, they are protected by the Divine. In Turkey, people who were Sahaja Yogis, as we call them, their houses also did not shake. So many others died but not those, not even one. We have thousands there. So, just put your hands like this straight. Now I will request you, not to feel guilty. (Put it on your this thing). One thing you should forgive yourself, also forgive others. You may say it is difficult to forgive others, but logically what do we do? If you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You do nothing but just you are wasting your energy. So what is the use of not forgiving others? So just forgive, just say in your heart, Mother we forgive everyone, just like that. Now please raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, left hand, not right, yes correct left hand. And see for yourself if there is cool breeze like thing coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please see. Raise it. Raise it. See now, it may be little bit this side, little bit that side, just feel it. Little higher. Now please put your left hand. Please put your left hand towards me, left hand towards me please. And with the right hand, you bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Bend your head. Again with the left hand, this is the rooh that’s coming out of you. Now put your right hand towards me please again and see for yourself with your left hand. See if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put both the hands towards me now, not to feel guilty, that’s very important, not to feel guilty. Now all of you, who are feeling cool or hot breeze on your hand or out of your head. Please raise both your hands, please raise both your hands, those who have felt. Ohh great. May God bless you. Good. May God bless you all. Thank you. You all have felt it, the experience, don’t forget it but you have to grow. Grow into it, it’s like a small seed coming up but you have to grow into it and will take at the most one month but there is no payment at all, no commitment nothing. You will feel very peaceful and happy but you must know everything about it. Within one month you can become experts, masters. Then you can help others. And they will tell you all about it. Thank you very much. May God bless you. (Have they not given the printed one-in hindi) Are you better now on your right hand? still there. We will put it right, you just don’t worry. You have been working very hard and thinking very much. Alright. So we will correct it for you. Alright. Who else is having problems? Didn’t get it? Alright. You didn’t get it. You didn’t get the cool breeze. Please be seated, he will see youH.he will see you. Did you feel the cool breeze, then you are alright, forget it. You felt it. Alright, those who didn’t feel, raise your hands. You did feel, you all felt it. Those who did not feel. (who?-in Hindi)Hot breeze. Alright just a minute. (There is problem in Agnya chakra - in Hindi). (Ask some lady to do it-in hindi). They haven’t felt. You felt the cool breeze. No. What did you feel. Hot. What did he feel. Alright may God bless you.May God bless you. [Conversation with people] Achcha (Alright - in Hindi) Call these young boys what are they saying? (These children have been sent to play mischief, listen, refuse them. One will get realization amongst them–in hindi). You want it, really? Really want? Sure, alright (tell him-in Hindi). So who has sent you here. That’s because I am married. Did you feel the cool breeze? Did you feel the cool breeze, madam. Alright.Too much hot-tempered. I know I know everything about you and your family. Your name is (inaudible) but I know what is inside you. He has anger. Now. Alright.
Kundalini connects us to the all-pervading power of truth
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
Wiltern Theatre Public Program, Los Angeles USA. 1 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say we should know what is the truth. Everybody is seeking the truth but they have no idea as to what they should find. There is an urge within us because these times are special, and we are seeking. But still, we don’t have a clear-cut idea as to what we should seek and what we should achieve after our seeking. Now I would like to refer to all the great books on religion, about truth. They all have said that, “You have to know yourself” – knowing yourself is the point – and that you have to become the Spirit. It’s said in all these religions but though we can find that these religions are not really doing that. They are not yet able to give you the truth. And that’s why there is so much of conflict, so much of fights going on. They are all real religions no doubt, and the essence of every religion is the same. Despite all of that they are fighting in the name of religion. How can that be? It can be explained very well, that if we have lost our way we can go into opposite directions. So, when we know, we have to know ourselves. And that is our goal of life. That is how we are going to improve on our life as such. That has been not so clearly explained. But where there is an arrangement within us or not, it’s been told by most of them. And that arrangement as must have been told to you, lies in the triangular bone, three and a half coils of energy which is Divine, which can connect us to the All-pervading Power of truth, which is a very subtle energy. And when that happens, you get connected with that power and that power starts flowing through you and you can feel it on your fingertips that power flowing. This is a fact, we have to first verify before denying it. If it could happen to you all, that you can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips, then it’s an experience. It’s not just My giving you a big lecture or telling you about something fantastic, but it’s actualization. Most important thing is the actualization, is the becoming of your being, the Spirit. This has to happen. All kinds of acrobats people may tell you. It’s absolutely I must say is a false pretext. No amount of acrobats are necessary. It is Sahaja, Sahaja means is spontaneous. It is within you. All of you have this power. All of you are capable of becoming the Spirit. But you must understand what you should expect, what you should become. Unless and until you have proper value system about it, nothing can be explained, and you can be misled by all other nonsensical things. Of course, you can’t pay for it because it is the living process of your evolution. Now you are at a human awareness but it’s not sufficient. You have to rise higher, higher into the realm of spirituality. It is not spiritualism but spirituality, where you become the Spirit, the master. It is not difficult at all, I assure you it’s not difficult. America has been somehow the last, the last place. Because I came long time back to begin with. But I found people were running after all kinds of business, nonsensical people. Then I gave up, I said “I’ll go to America after 9 years”. And then I came and gradually I started understanding that they are seekers. They are really seekers. Not that they are in any way hypocritical. But it is the way that people are enticing them and taking them under their own control that they cannot see the point. And the point is, you can’t do anything about it. A person may come and tell you, “you must get detached, give me all your property, all your money and I’ll give you two pairs of clothes to wear” and so many have done that. By doing this kind of nonsense are you going to enter inside yourself? Is it possible, just think of it, so many people have come here telling you all kinds of stories. In your humble seeking you have been misled and I feel very sorry for it. Now try to understand that you have been very special people as human beings, and that you have to become the super human being we can call, the greatly evolved soul. We have so many, we had so many, and those we had we called them by different names. They were called as Sufis and Great Masters. But they are not intelligent, normal to people, because unless and until you have the awareness which is enlightened by your Spirit, you cannot understand what they are talking about. Now the time has come for all of you to get your Realization. You have been seeking for ages now, and it is already described in books that the day will come, the time will come. They call it as Kali Yuga. It is the worst time, that is now. At this time, people who are seeking God in the hills and dales will get into proper family life, and they will get their Self-realization through this Kundalini awakening. Now in the name of Kundalini also lots of nonsense has been said, which is surprising. How people accepted that a Kundalini can be dangerous, and a person who gets Kundalini awakening will be very much harmed. Now She is your Mother. Kundalini is your exclusive Mother. She knows each and everything about you. She knows about your faults and also your aspirations. Everything is recorded in Her, and She is extremely careful when She gives you this second birth and She takes up all the problems upon Herself. She doesn’t bother you, She doesn’t trouble you and She’s the one who looks after your second birth. Again I say, it is the actualization, actualization of baptism you can call it. But it’s not the way they do. It’s actualization, it happens that this rises, passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area and you do feel on your hands, fingers and out of your head the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This has to happen. Otherwise, whatever stories one may tell, you shouldn’t believe. It has to show results. Now these centers that we have, all these seven centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So, many people get cured, many people have problems mentally, they get cured, and spirituality you get endowed with the absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge, not knowledge that we learn in the schools or colleges, but the knowledge which is absolute. For example, if you want to know about someone, you can ask a question, and you’ll be amazed. If the question is yes, then you start getting the cool breeze flowing fast. But if it is no or it is wrong, then you might get little tingling, or might get very hot from those persons who are to be tested. It’s a very, very interesting, precise and a scientific method. Now if there are doctors I would like to tell that you get in control with the parasympathetic nervous system. Luckily there’s going to be a big conference with Me with the doctors, in New York. What association it’s called as? I don’t know that. All right. Now in that, they are convinced now, that what I’m saying is a fact and that it helps you. You get cured by yourself, and you can also cure others. There’s no need to have these horrible modern diseases that you are afraid of. You can just find out about it in no time. Apart from that, that you just know how to treat others, how to cure others, how to help others. But apart from that, what you get is the spiritual blessing and the spiritual blessing is this – that you get the peace in your heart. Surprisingly, when this Kundalini rises, She somehow or other by joining with the Divine power, All-pervading Power, assumes a personality which is extremely pure, extremely benevolent, extremely tolerant and extremely truthful. All your enemies that we call, like anger, lust, greed, all these enemies just drop, and you are no more in the entanglement of those enemies. And you become a free person, absolutely a free person. Above all you are so beautiful. You become such a nice person, that you establish your peace. Now, normal human beings, what do they do? They react, they react at anything. See there were telling Me that, “Still there is time, people are still coming, it doesn’t matter, you can come late, there is no ‘don’t come just now’, alright”. But I don’t know how to react. And that’s why when I came, they said, “Mother, still you look very relaxed”. I said “I never reacted to this”. So, you don’t react. By not reaction, what happens? That the thoughts that come to you, come from the future and the past. And you are lost in those thoughts because they are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. When the Kundalini rises, the thoughts are like this. She elongates those thoughts and a space is created which we can call it as pause or ‘vilamba’. In that state you become absolutely peaceful, you don’t think anymore. We call it thoughtless awareness, that Jung has described. That means you watch anything just as a witness, you see everything as a witness. See, there is a very nice carpet here, I am seeing it. Now supposing it belonged to me, if I was normal I would have said “Oh my God I don’t know how are they going to keep it”. In case this belongs to somebody else I would appreciate it, and I’ll say, “I must buy this, how much will it cost, I hope it is insured” and all kinds of things like that. But if I am a Realized person, then I just watch it, without thinking, and the joy that the artist has put into this carpet, enables you to enjoy, enjoy without reaction, and this state which we call it ‘sahajawastha’ where a person becomes absolutely one with himself, complete. And when he looks at anything, he doesn’t react, he sees, he becomes the witness. You become just the witness of the whole thing. Your memory improves, your ideas about creation, anything. I mean you become an extremely, extremely I should say creative person and you don’t develop the pride, you don’t develop falsehood, but you just enjoy creating something. Human being is the most useful thing and the most beautiful thing that Divine has created. But we don’t know what we are, that why always they said “know thyself. Know yourself”. Unless and until you know yourself, how can you say, “I hate myself or I do, I do that”. Actually, the beauty lies within you, and is to be expressed through these Divine vibrations. Now the health improves no doubt, so many have improved their health. But I’ve seen in London, in the beginning, so many boys were taking drugs gave it up overnight. I never say, “Don’t give up”. I don’t say, “Don’t”. If you say “don’t”, they will – half of them will run away. Let them play, let them get their Realization. Then, automatically, the whole thing drops out and you shoot out, out of that, and you become the real personality. Thus you know the reality because you are not any more contaminated by your ego or your super-ego, these thoughts come to you from your ego or super-ego, meaning your conditioning. You are no bothered. You are absolutely free and you see everything in it’s real position. This kind of thing happening was already destined, has been already prophesized, that it is going to happen in those days. And so if – [Shri Mataji talks to a new comer]: You can come here, this side we have chairs. All right. So, this is how we are going to become ourselves and we will know what we are, and what we are capable of. Our capabilities are fathomless. But unless and until we are connected how can we act? For example, this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains it is useless. In the same way, you are to be connected to the mains, it’s very important. For that, you don’t have to do anything, it just works spontaneously within you, and you get your Self-realization without any doubt. Actually, I must have given thousands of lectures all over the world, and there’s no end to it. Now I would like you people to ask Me some questions which I would like to answer, if you have any. [Announcer]: Is there any questions? You could raise a hand.. Seeker: What is the purpose of having the photograph? Shri Mataji: The thing is, if you can do without the photograph, nothing like it. But you need something to support and that’s why people use the photograph. If you don’t need it, it’s all right. But you will find you will need it. All right? Seeker: How do you awaken the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: That’s My job, I will do it, all right? It is very simple, how does the Mother Earth sprouts the seed, how does she do it? It is innately built-in in her, that power, isn’t it? What else? Seeker: What is the relationships between the Paramatma and the Kundalini apparatus?Shri Mataji: All right, very good question. Paramatma is the God Almightly, all right? And His power is the Adi Shakti, is the power that has done all the creation, everything. While Paramatma is the one who is just a spectator of the whole thing, “drishta” [observer] as they call it. While Adi Shakti is the one who does all the creation and everything. Now Paramatma is in your heart reflected as Spirit and Kundalini is reflected in your triangular bone as Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti’s reflection is the Kundalini. Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Oh, you’ll get absolute knowledge, everything. Seeker: What should come first, Shri Mataji: What should come first? What? Seeker: The Kundalini awakening or dissolving the jealousy in other character?Shri Mataji: No, no, Kundalini awakening is the one by which all these things happen. Automatically. Seeker: Then, is it not first necessary to work on the negative tendencies and then give Kundalini awakening?Shri Mataji: There’s no need. In Sahaja Yoga there is no need to work it out. The negative forces themselves run away 99%. In 1% maybe it still sticks. But otherwise, a ninety nine percent, they all run away with the light of the Kundalini, with the enlightenment of the Spirit on your attention. Seeker: So, I can continue with my mischief as long as I’ve awakened my Kundalini?Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. [Laughter] No doubt. Only on the contrary, you become a multidimensional personality. [The Sahaja Yogi explains the question in Hindi]Shri Mataji: You try, you can’t do it, if you are doing something wrong, you can’t do it after Kundalini awakening. Because you see what is destructive for you and what is constructive for you, so you don’t do it, you just don’t do it. I’ve told you just now, that overnight people gave up drugs. I did not tell them. It’s the light. If you are sitting in the darkness you don’t know where are you. But if there’s light, you know everything is like that. It’s enlightenment I’m talking about. Seeker: What is the first step to not desire?Shri Mataji: Just to desire that you should get your Self-realization. You must have a strong desire. [Applause] Yes Madam? Seeker: By practicing this, can I control my heart rate?Shri Mataji: Everything, everything. It’s his control, you don’t have to do. Seeker: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: Because of practicing Christian religion, she feels she is going to Hell Shri Mataji: Correct. Sahaja Yogi: And does that mean that by practicing this, it will be the same?Shri Mataji: I was also born in a Christian religion and I know that how Christianity was just opposite of Christ, but – just a minute. But after Realization, you are enlightened, and you see the beauty of every religion and the essence of every religion. And then you also understand that you are capable yourself of following a spiritual path without any difficulties. Nothing destructive, nothing wrong, nothing manipulated, it’s your own. You become your own master. Seeker: Have you ever met Paramhamsa Yogodanda and are you familiar with his teaching? [Laughter].Shri Mataji: Those who I met and those I have nothing to say. Seeker: Can you leave your body at will? [Inaudible]. Sahaja Yogi: Can you leave your body and travel?Shri Mataji: I don’t want to do that. [Laughter]. What’s the use? It’s done through some spirits I think. Yes, Madam? Seeker: [Question unclear] Sahaja Yogi: She has a desire, she has love but so many forces pull you away from that. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s correct. But just now, just now I promise you, that you will get your Realization and then you’ll see, all these forces will drop out, all right? [Hindi. Shri Mataji reads a letter.] Shri Mataji: Yes, this means left side is caught up, whosoever has written this letter, that means left side is not all right, but it can be put right. Yes? Seeker: You said this is a special time and could you talk a little more about that?Shri Mataji: It is called as Kali Yuga and also this is the time of Last Judgment. And at this time, one has to be very careful because you are going to be judged, whether you take to truth or not, if you are still with false-hood, you are judged. You will judge yourself, nobody needs to judge you. But so many things will happen that you will realize there is something wrong. Seeker: What was the advice that Matahama Ghandi gave to you as a young woman?Shri Mataji: [Laughter] He didn’t gave me any advise. I had to give him advice. [Laughter] But he did say that, “Let our country be free. Then you can start your Sahaja Yoga program. Not before that”. That was his idea, that we are not yet free to propagate anything. After you give us our Kundalini awakening tonight, how often should we do it?Shri Mataji: Very good question. You don’t have to, there’s no number of times you have to do it. Only once it is enlightened, it is enlightened. But we have problems still there, so the Kundalini goes back to correct it sometimes. So, we have here a proper “follow-up” they call it. And after that we have centers where you can go. Also, nobody will charge any money. And they’ll find out what’s wrong with you and they’ll try to tell you what is to be done. It happens with very few. But you will enjoy going to the center, because it’s all enjoyment there, free of charge. Seeker: Does that mean that we should not do this very often at home ourselves?Shri Mataji: They will tell you. You have to meditate – that they will tell you how to meditate- and if you follow it for 10-15 minutes at the most, because after all, this first germination of the seed, you see, is there, but it has to grow. And some people grow so fast! I’m surprised sometimes, that at the very first meeting only, they become great people. Seeker: Does the Kundalini ever become dormant again?Shri Mataji: Dormant? No, it does not. But if you try not to pay attention to its proper alignment or proper development, then it may become static at that point. But it never goes back. Seeker: For many years I’ve have been trying to reach You and I’m very blessed to see You here.Shri Mataji: I see. Seeker: Once we have got it, what can we do to bring more peace to our community?Shri Mataji: You can, you can do it. If your desire is so, you can really help them, you can really help. I mean, that is what is happening now as you see these people say that Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries. What happened that one person got his Realization, he went to his country and he changed so many people. In a far-fetched country like Benin, imagine Benin, where they have mostly Muslims, there are seven thousand Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey we have tree thousand. And I was surprised and asked them, “Why did you become Muslims?” So they said, “Because the French were here and we didn’t like the way they were immoral so we thought their religion is no good. So became Muslims”. But now they are very great Sahaja Yogis, very, very great Sahaja Yogis. So many Muslim countries have become Sahaja Yogis. All over the world, we have. In Russia we have thousands and thousands and thousands. And Russians are very deep people. I tell you, this so-called freedom we have, we have gone helter-skelter, while the Russians had no freedom. They could not even talk about God, they did not read anything about Divine and they developed, I think, out of that tyranny of communism, developed within themselves a very, very deep understanding. And they are there. You will be amazed that Sahaja Yoga is now practiced in so many countries where I never even thought I would reach, but Sahaja Yogis have gone and done the job. [Hindi] Seeker: What is your first recollection in your childhood of being awake, how old where you?Shri Mataji: Now can I ask you one question? What was your first understanding that you were a human being? It is like that only. As you were aware of you being a human being, I was aware. Seeker: You said you were born in a Christian family. So, what is your faith, what is your religion, what is your God?Shri Mataji: I have no religion. No. I have all the religions. Born in any family should not, sort of, stop your vision. You can see through everything, if you have the light. [Applause] There’s another one. Now I was, I must say, here there are so many people who are asking questions, normally I don’t find that experience, doesn’t matter. But how many will become good Sahaja Yogis is to be seen out of you. It’s all right to ask questions after questions, but that is of no value, unless and until you really become what I’m saying – a Sahaja Yogi, a real personality that is absolutely spiritual. So, we have to see that, that is the challenge for all of you, let’s see how many. I must say, Los Angeles has been really a ‘lost angeles’ so far for me. But Sahaja Yogis always felt that I can do very well here, so I came. Now this is the fifth question you are asking Madam. Will you please take your Self-realization and then ask me, all right? This is another one. You see, once you have asked a question, you shouldn’t ask another question, please. Because all of them are waiting for their Self-realization, they are all waiting for their Self-realization. Only few who want to ask question; one is allright. But not all the time going on asking question. What is there? Unless and until you are a journalist? [Hindi]. Sahaja Yogi: She’s asking, “Can we start?”Shri Mataji: Yes, we should.Can you now write your questions and let me know? And I’ll answer them after you get your Realization. Then you won’t have any questions, I know. Again, I said it’s the becoming, you have to become. It is not just talking. Now forget your questions for the time being, better get your Realization, all right? [Realization process] Now one thing is that you have to just take out your shoes or chapels, whatever it is. Because this Mother Earth is a great help. She sucks in all our problems. Put both the feet apart from each other. You will know everything about Sahaja Yoga, why I said to put your feet apart from each other, everything. You will know very clearly but they should touch the Mother Earth. You have to be just comfortable and all of you should be seated. Before I start, I have to request that those who want their Realization only I can give them. It cannot be forced, because Kundalini is the pure desire, is the pure desire. Not impure desire as we have, whatever desire we have. We have today one and then we want to have something else. That’s the principle of economics. But this is pure desire, and for this pure desire you should be determined to get it. It’s your own character, your own understanding, only will work it out. Now I would request you all to sit comfortably with both feet like this, very comfortably and put both your hands towards me like this. Now what I find, is some of you feel guilty. It’s a nonsense, if you feel guilty then this center here catches on the left-hand side and the Kundalini doesn’t move, so if you have done anything wrong, I agree, it’s finished. That is the past. You don’t have to worry about that. At this moment, please, you have to know that you are not guilty at all for anything. So, please forgive yourself, please forgive yourself. Now the second thing is that we have to forgive also others. Now, some people say, “It’s difficult to forgive, Mother”. I mean, what do you do? Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything! What do you do? Nothing! Bbut by not forgiving you torture yourself. So, best thing is to forgive all of them, forgive everybody who has harmed you, who has troubled you, who has made you unhappy, has hurt. Forgive! Don’t also think about them, it is also useless. By forgiving you don’t know what will happen. Absolutely your feel peaceful with yourself. Just forgive everyone. This nobleness you should accept today, that you forgive everyone. Just forgive. Now please put your hands towards me, like this, comfortably, comfortably. Now you can put your right hand towards me and feel with the left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, little higher. If there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own head, on your palm, you can feel it. You move your hand up and down and see for yourself, if you are feeling. Please, remove your caps if you have, please, it is better to remove. Now please see. You must have respect for yourself, should not denounce yourself and you should also forgive everyone, that’s very important. Now, put the left hand towards me and put the right hand on top of your fontanel bone area and bend your head. Just bend your head, and see for yourself, if there’s a cool or hot breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. This is the actualization of the baptism you may call it. Once more, put your right hand towards me and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please keep your head bending. Now if it is hot, it means that you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So again, please forgive, please forgive yourself and forgive others. That it is a very great asset and help.Now see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming on your fingertips or on your palms. Please forgive, forgive, forgive yourself and forgive others. Very important, because this center here, when the crossing of the optical chiasma gets obstructed if you have not forgiven. So, please, forgive. Because it is a myth not to forgive. So, please forgive.Hmmm, I would say all those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, hot or cold breeze, please raise your hands. Mostly all of you have got it, mostly. May God Bless you. May God Bless you. May God bless you all.In such a short time, you have got it. That means really, we have got very wonderful people this time from Los Angeles, those who are truly seekers, who are real seekers.May God bless you for that. Now you must respect your Realization and I hope you’ll grow into it. Try to grow and become masters, hardly you will take even one month, maybe to become the masters, why not do it? All right?May God Bless you.
Wiltern Theatre Public Program, Los Angeles USA. 1 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say we should know what is the truth. Everybody is seeking the truth but they have no idea as to what they should find. There is an urge within us because these times are special, and we are seeking. But still, we don’t have a clear-cut idea as to what we should seek and what we should achieve after our seeking. Now I would like to refer to all the great books on religion, about truth. They all have said that, “You have to know yourself” – knowing yourself is the point – and that you have to become the Spirit. It’s said in all these religions but though we can find that these religions are not really doing that. They are not yet able to give you the truth. And that’s why there is so much of conflict, so much of fights going on. They are all real religions no doubt, and the essence of every religion is the same. Despite all of that they are fighting in the name of religion. How can that be? It can be explained very well, that if we have lost our way we can go into opposite directions. So, when we know, we have to know ourselves. And that is our goal of life. That is how we are going to improve on our life as such. That has been not so clearly explained. But where there is an arrangement within us or not, it’s been told by most of them. And that arrangement as must have been told to you, lies in the triangular bone, three and a half coils of energy which is Divine, which can connect us to the All-pervading Power of truth, which is a very subtle energy. And when that happens, you get connected with that power and that power starts flowing through you and you can feel it on your fingertips that power flowing. This is a fact, we have to first verify before denying it. If it could happen to you all, that you can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips, then it’s an experience. It’s not just My giving you a big lecture or telling you about something fantastic, but it’s actualization. Most important thing is the actualization, is the becoming of your being, the Spirit. This has to happen. All kinds of acrobats people may tell you. It’s absolutely I must say is a false pretext. No amount of acrobats are necessary. It is Sahaja, Sahaja means is spontaneous. It is within you. All of you have this power. All of you are capable of becoming the Spirit. But you must understand what you should expect, what you should become. Unless and until you have proper value system about it, nothing can be explained, and you can be misled by all other nonsensical things. Of course, you can’t pay for it because it is the living process of your evolution. Now you are at a human awareness but it’s not sufficient. You have to rise higher, higher into the realm of spirituality. It is not spiritualism but spirituality, where you become the Spirit, the master. It is not difficult at all, I assure you it’s not difficult. America has been somehow the last, the last place. Because I came long time back to begin with. But I found people were running after all kinds of business, nonsensical people. Then I gave up, I said “I’ll go to America after 9 years”. And then I came and gradually I started understanding that they are seekers. They are really seekers. Not that they are in any way hypocritical. But it is the way that people are enticing them and taking them under their own control that they cannot see the point. And the point is, you can’t do anything about it. A person may come and tell you, “you must get detached, give me all your property, all your money and I’ll give you two pairs of clothes to wear” and so many have done that. By doing this kind of nonsense are you going to enter inside yourself? Is it possible, just think of it, so many people have come here telling you all kinds of stories. In your humble seeking you have been misled and I feel very sorry for it. Now try to understand that you have been very special people as human beings, and that you have to become the super human being we can call, the greatly evolved soul. We have so many, we had so many, and those we had we called them by different names. They were called as Sufis and Great Masters. But they are not intelligent, normal to people, because unless and until you have the awareness which is enlightened by your Spirit, you cannot understand what they are talking about. Now the time has come for all of you to get your Realization. You have been seeking for ages now, and it is already described in books that the day will come, the time will come. They call it as Kali Yuga. It is the worst time, that is now. At this time, people who are seeking God in the hills and dales will get into proper family life, and they will get their Self-realization through this Kundalini awakening. Now in the name of Kundalini also lots of nonsense has been said, which is surprising. How people accepted that a Kundalini can be dangerous, and a person who gets Kundalini awakening will be very much harmed. Now She is your Mother. Kundalini is your exclusive Mother. She knows each and everything about you. She knows about your faults and also your aspirations. Everything is recorded in Her, and She is extremely careful when She gives you this second birth and She takes up all the problems upon Herself. She doesn’t bother you, She doesn’t trouble you and She’s the one who looks after your second birth. Again I say, it is the actualization, actualization of baptism you can call it. But it’s not the way they do. It’s actualization, it happens that this rises, passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area and you do feel on your hands, fingers and out of your head the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This has to happen. Otherwise, whatever stories one may tell, you shouldn’t believe. It has to show results. Now these centers that we have, all these seven centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So, many people get cured, many people have problems mentally, they get cured, and spirituality you get endowed with the absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge, not knowledge that we learn in the schools or colleges, but the knowledge which is absolute. For example, if you want to know about someone, you can ask a question, and you’ll be amazed. If the question is yes, then you start getting the cool breeze flowing fast. But if it is no or it is wrong, then you might get little tingling, or might get very hot from those persons who are to be tested. It’s a very, very interesting, precise and a scientific method. Now if there are doctors I would like to tell that you get in control with the parasympathetic nervous system. Luckily there’s going to be a big conference with Me with the doctors, in New York. What association it’s called as? I don’t know that. All right. Now in that, they are convinced now, that what I’m saying is a fact and that it helps you. You get cured by yourself, and you can also cure others. There’s no need to have these horrible modern diseases that you are afraid of. You can just find out about it in no time. Apart from that, that you just know how to treat others, how to cure others, how to help others. But apart from that, what you get is the spiritual blessing and the spiritual blessing is this – that you get the peace in your heart. Surprisingly, when this Kundalini rises, She somehow or other by joining with the Divine power, All-pervading Power, assumes a personality which is extremely pure, extremely benevolent, extremely tolerant and extremely truthful. All your enemies that we call, like anger, lust, greed, all these enemies just drop, and you are no more in the entanglement of those enemies. And you become a free person, absolutely a free person. Above all you are so beautiful. You become such a nice person, that you establish your peace. Now, normal human beings, what do they do? They react, they react at anything. See there were telling Me that, “Still there is time, people are still coming, it doesn’t matter, you can come late, there is no ‘don’t come just now’, alright”. But I don’t know how to react. And that’s why when I came, they said, “Mother, still you look very relaxed”. I said “I never reacted to this”. So, you don’t react. By not reaction, what happens? That the thoughts that come to you, come from the future and the past. And you are lost in those thoughts because they are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. When the Kundalini rises, the thoughts are like this. She elongates those thoughts and a space is created which we can call it as pause or ‘vilamba’. In that state you become absolutely peaceful, you don’t think anymore. We call it thoughtless awareness, that Jung has described. That means you watch anything just as a witness, you see everything as a witness. See, there is a very nice carpet here, I am seeing it. Now supposing it belonged to me, if I was normal I would have said “Oh my God I don’t know how are they going to keep it”. In case this belongs to somebody else I would appreciate it, and I’ll say, “I must buy this, how much will it cost, I hope it is insured” and all kinds of things like that. But if I am a Realized person, then I just watch it, without thinking, and the joy that the artist has put into this carpet, enables you to enjoy, enjoy without reaction, and this state which we call it ‘sahajawastha’ where a person becomes absolutely one with himself, complete. And when he looks at anything, he doesn’t react, he sees, he becomes the witness. You become just the witness of the whole thing. Your memory improves, your ideas about creation, anything. I mean you become an extremely, extremely I should say creative person and you don’t develop the pride, you don’t develop falsehood, but you just enjoy creating something. Human being is the most useful thing and the most beautiful thing that Divine has created. But we don’t know what we are, that why always they said “know thyself. Know yourself”. Unless and until you know yourself, how can you say, “I hate myself or I do, I do that”. Actually, the beauty lies within you, and is to be expressed through these Divine vibrations. Now the health improves no doubt, so many have improved their health. But I’ve seen in London, in the beginning, so many boys were taking drugs gave it up overnight. I never say, “Don’t give up”. I don’t say, “Don’t”. If you say “don’t”, they will – half of them will run away. Let them play, let them get their Realization. Then, automatically, the whole thing drops out and you shoot out, out of that, and you become the real personality. Thus you know the reality because you are not any more contaminated by your ego or your super-ego, these thoughts come to you from your ego or super-ego, meaning your conditioning. You are no bothered. You are absolutely free and you see everything in it’s real position. This kind of thing happening was already destined, has been already prophesized, that it is going to happen in those days. And so if – [Shri Mataji talks to a new comer]: You can come here, this side we have chairs. All right. So, this is how we are going to become ourselves and we will know what we are, and what we are capable of. Our capabilities are fathomless. But unless and until we are connected how can we act? For example, this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains it is useless. In the same way, you are to be connected to the mains, it’s very important. For that, you don’t have to do anything, it just works spontaneously within you, and you get your Self-realization without any doubt. Actually, I must have given thousands of lectures all over the world, and there’s no end to it. Now I would like you people to ask Me some questions which I would like to answer, if you have any. [Announcer]: Is there any questions? You could raise a hand.. Seeker: What is the purpose of having the photograph? Shri Mataji: The thing is, if you can do without the photograph, nothing like it. But you need something to support and that’s why people use the photograph. If you don’t need it, it’s all right. But you will find you will need it. All right? Seeker: How do you awaken the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: That’s My job, I will do it, all right? It is very simple, how does the Mother Earth sprouts the seed, how does she do it? It is innately built-in in her, that power, isn’t it? What else? Seeker: What is the relationships between the Paramatma and the Kundalini apparatus?Shri Mataji: All right, very good question. Paramatma is the God Almightly, all right? And His power is the Adi Shakti, is the power that has done all the creation, everything. While Paramatma is the one who is just a spectator of the whole thing, “drishta” [observer] as they call it. While Adi Shakti is the one who does all the creation and everything. Now Paramatma is in your heart reflected as Spirit and Kundalini is reflected in your triangular bone as Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti’s reflection is the Kundalini. Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Oh, you’ll get absolute knowledge, everything. Seeker: What should come first, Shri Mataji: What should come first? What? Seeker: The Kundalini awakening or dissolving the jealousy in other character?Shri Mataji: No, no, Kundalini awakening is the one by which all these things happen. Automatically. Seeker: Then, is it not first necessary to work on the negative tendencies and then give Kundalini awakening?Shri Mataji: There’s no need. In Sahaja Yoga there is no need to work it out. The negative forces themselves run away 99%. In 1% maybe it still sticks. But otherwise, a ninety nine percent, they all run away with the light of the Kundalini, with the enlightenment of the Spirit on your attention. Seeker: So, I can continue with my mischief as long as I’ve awakened my Kundalini?Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. [Laughter] No doubt. Only on the contrary, you become a multidimensional personality. [The Sahaja Yogi explains the question in Hindi]Shri Mataji: You try, you can’t do it, if you are doing something wrong, you can’t do it after Kundalini awakening. Because you see what is destructive for you and what is constructive for you, so you don’t do it, you just don’t do it. I’ve told you just now, that overnight people gave up drugs. I did not tell them. It’s the light. If you are sitting in the darkness you don’t know where are you. But if there’s light, you know everything is like that. It’s enlightenment I’m talking about. Seeker: What is the first step to not desire?Shri Mataji: Just to desire that you should get your Self-realization. You must have a strong desire. [Applause] Yes Madam? Seeker: By practicing this, can I control my heart rate?Shri Mataji: Everything, everything. It’s his control, you don’t have to do. Seeker: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: Because of practicing Christian religion, she feels she is going to Hell Shri Mataji: Correct. Sahaja Yogi: And does that mean that by practicing this, it will be the same?Shri Mataji: I was also born in a Christian religion and I know that how Christianity was just opposite of Christ, but – just a minute. But after Realization, you are enlightened, and you see the beauty of every religion and the essence of every religion. And then you also understand that you are capable yourself of following a spiritual path without any difficulties. Nothing destructive, nothing wrong, nothing manipulated, it’s your own. You become your own master. Seeker: Have you ever met Paramhamsa Yogodanda and are you familiar with his teaching? [Laughter].Shri Mataji: Those who I met and those I have nothing to say. Seeker: Can you leave your body at will? [Inaudible]. Sahaja Yogi: Can you leave your body and travel?Shri Mataji: I don’t want to do that. [Laughter]. What’s the use? It’s done through some spirits I think. Yes, Madam? Seeker: [Question unclear] Sahaja Yogi: She has a desire, she has love but so many forces pull you away from that. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s correct. But just now, just now I promise you, that you will get your Realization and then you’ll see, all these forces will drop out, all right? [Hindi. Shri Mataji reads a letter.] Shri Mataji: Yes, this means left side is caught up, whosoever has written this letter, that means left side is not all right, but it can be put right. Yes? Seeker: You said this is a special time and could you talk a little more about that?Shri Mataji: It is called as Kali Yuga and also this is the time of Last Judgment. And at this time, one has to be very careful because you are going to be judged, whether you take to truth or not, if you are still with false-hood, you are judged. You will judge yourself, nobody needs to judge you. But so many things will happen that you will realize there is something wrong. Seeker: What was the advice that Matahama Ghandi gave to you as a young woman?Shri Mataji: [Laughter] He didn’t gave me any advise. I had to give him advice. [Laughter] But he did say that, “Let our country be free. Then you can start your Sahaja Yoga program. Not before that”. That was his idea, that we are not yet free to propagate anything. After you give us our Kundalini awakening tonight, how often should we do it?Shri Mataji: Very good question. You don’t have to, there’s no number of times you have to do it. Only once it is enlightened, it is enlightened. But we have problems still there, so the Kundalini goes back to correct it sometimes. So, we have here a proper “follow-up” they call it. And after that we have centers where you can go. Also, nobody will charge any money. And they’ll find out what’s wrong with you and they’ll try to tell you what is to be done. It happens with very few. But you will enjoy going to the center, because it’s all enjoyment there, free of charge. Seeker: Does that mean that we should not do this very often at home ourselves?Shri Mataji: They will tell you. You have to meditate – that they will tell you how to meditate- and if you follow it for 10-15 minutes at the most, because after all, this first germination of the seed, you see, is there, but it has to grow. And some people grow so fast! I’m surprised sometimes, that at the very first meeting only, they become great people. Seeker: Does the Kundalini ever become dormant again?Shri Mataji: Dormant? No, it does not. But if you try not to pay attention to its proper alignment or proper development, then it may become static at that point. But it never goes back. Seeker: For many years I’ve have been trying to reach You and I’m very blessed to see You here.Shri Mataji: I see. Seeker: Once we have got it, what can we do to bring more peace to our community?Shri Mataji: You can, you can do it. If your desire is so, you can really help them, you can really help. I mean, that is what is happening now as you see these people say that Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries. What happened that one person got his Realization, he went to his country and he changed so many people. In a far-fetched country like Benin, imagine Benin, where they have mostly Muslims, there are seven thousand Sahaja Yogis. In Turkey we have tree thousand. And I was surprised and asked them, “Why did you become Muslims?” So they said, “Because the French were here and we didn’t like the way they were immoral so we thought their religion is no good. So became Muslims”. But now they are very great Sahaja Yogis, very, very great Sahaja Yogis. So many Muslim countries have become Sahaja Yogis. All over the world, we have. In Russia we have thousands and thousands and thousands. And Russians are very deep people. I tell you, this so-called freedom we have, we have gone helter-skelter, while the Russians had no freedom. They could not even talk about God, they did not read anything about Divine and they developed, I think, out of that tyranny of communism, developed within themselves a very, very deep understanding. And they are there. You will be amazed that Sahaja Yoga is now practiced in so many countries where I never even thought I would reach, but Sahaja Yogis have gone and done the job. [Hindi] Seeker: What is your first recollection in your childhood of being awake, how old where you?Shri Mataji: Now can I ask you one question? What was your first understanding that you were a human being? It is like that only. As you were aware of you being a human being, I was aware. Seeker: You said you were born in a Christian family. So, what is your faith, what is your religion, what is your God?Shri Mataji: I have no religion. No. I have all the religions. Born in any family should not, sort of, stop your vision. You can see through everything, if you have the light. [Applause] There’s another one. Now I was, I must say, here there are so many people who are asking questions, normally I don’t find that experience, doesn’t matter. But how many will become good Sahaja Yogis is to be seen out of you. It’s all right to ask questions after questions, but that is of no value, unless and until you really become what I’m saying – a Sahaja Yogi, a real personality that is absolutely spiritual. So, we have to see that, that is the challenge for all of you, let’s see how many. I must say, Los Angeles has been really a ‘lost angeles’ so far for me. But Sahaja Yogis always felt that I can do very well here, so I came. Now this is the fifth question you are asking Madam. Will you please take your Self-realization and then ask me, all right? This is another one. You see, once you have asked a question, you shouldn’t ask another question, please. Because all of them are waiting for their Self-realization, they are all waiting for their Self-realization. Only few who want to ask question; one is allright. But not all the time going on asking question. What is there? Unless and until you are a journalist? [Hindi]. Sahaja Yogi: She’s asking, “Can we start?”Shri Mataji: Yes, we should.Can you now write your questions and let me know? And I’ll answer them after you get your Realization. Then you won’t have any questions, I know. Again, I said it’s the becoming, you have to become. It is not just talking. Now forget your questions for the time being, better get your Realization, all right? [Realization process] Now one thing is that you have to just take out your shoes or chapels, whatever it is. Because this Mother Earth is a great help. She sucks in all our problems. Put both the feet apart from each other. You will know everything about Sahaja Yoga, why I said to put your feet apart from each other, everything. You will know very clearly but they should touch the Mother Earth. You have to be just comfortable and all of you should be seated. Before I start, I have to request that those who want their Realization only I can give them. It cannot be forced, because Kundalini is the pure desire, is the pure desire. Not impure desire as we have, whatever desire we have. We have today one and then we want to have something else. That’s the principle of economics. But this is pure desire, and for this pure desire you should be determined to get it. It’s your own character, your own understanding, only will work it out. Now I would request you all to sit comfortably with both feet like this, very comfortably and put both your hands towards me like this. Now what I find, is some of you feel guilty. It’s a nonsense, if you feel guilty then this center here catches on the left-hand side and the Kundalini doesn’t move, so if you have done anything wrong, I agree, it’s finished. That is the past. You don’t have to worry about that. At this moment, please, you have to know that you are not guilty at all for anything. So, please forgive yourself, please forgive yourself. Now the second thing is that we have to forgive also others. Now, some people say, “It’s difficult to forgive, Mother”. I mean, what do you do? Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything! What do you do? Nothing! Bbut by not forgiving you torture yourself. So, best thing is to forgive all of them, forgive everybody who has harmed you, who has troubled you, who has made you unhappy, has hurt. Forgive! Don’t also think about them, it is also useless. By forgiving you don’t know what will happen. Absolutely your feel peaceful with yourself. Just forgive everyone. This nobleness you should accept today, that you forgive everyone. Just forgive. Now please put your hands towards me, like this, comfortably, comfortably. Now you can put your right hand towards me and feel with the left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, little higher. If there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own head, on your palm, you can feel it. You move your hand up and down and see for yourself, if you are feeling. Please, remove your caps if you have, please, it is better to remove. Now please see. You must have respect for yourself, should not denounce yourself and you should also forgive everyone, that’s very important. Now, put the left hand towards me and put the right hand on top of your fontanel bone area and bend your head. Just bend your head, and see for yourself, if there’s a cool or hot breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. This is the actualization of the baptism you may call it. Once more, put your right hand towards me and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please keep your head bending. Now if it is hot, it means that you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So again, please forgive, please forgive yourself and forgive others. That it is a very great asset and help.Now see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming on your fingertips or on your palms. Please forgive, forgive, forgive yourself and forgive others. Very important, because this center here, when the crossing of the optical chiasma gets obstructed if you have not forgiven. So, please, forgive. Because it is a myth not to forgive. So, please forgive.Hmmm, I would say all those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, hot or cold breeze, please raise your hands. Mostly all of you have got it, mostly. May God Bless you. May God Bless you. May God bless you all.In such a short time, you have got it. That means really, we have got very wonderful people this time from Los Angeles, those who are truly seekers, who are real seekers.May God bless you for that. Now you must respect your Realization and I hope you’ll grow into it. Try to grow and become masters, hardly you will take even one month, maybe to become the masters, why not do it? All right?May God Bless you.
Thoughtless awareness explained
United States
Public Program
Public Program, Berkeley (USA). 5 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this certificate to Me. I must say this is a wonderful country where people recognize something that is doing good work. Really remarkable it is. I had been here before, to Berkeley, because everybody tells Me that there are lots of seekers of truth in Berkeley. This is the thing that attracted Me very much. But first of all we should know what are we seeking all these days. Once you start seeking it goes on like a rat-race of seeking. Or have you been able to find something? So what do you have to find in your seeking? As you know, in all the scriptures it is been told that you have to know yourself. You don't know yourself, you don't know what problems you have within. People get into diseases without knowing until it develops into a very serious trouble. Also they go on hurting others, being jealous with others, being in tension and stress. All kind of problems come to them, and they don't know why it happens, why, what is the reason? So today I'm going to tell you how you have to know yourself. First of all you must decide that you have been seeking, seeking, seeking and this is the place known for its seeking. It's high time you better come to the end of it and seek what you have been seeking and you get it, that's the promise. First and foremost thing, when we are seeking we should know what are we within ourselves. What do we know about ourselves is only through doctors, or through psychologists or some people, which is very superficial knowledge about ourselves. In our depth, in our within, what do we have which doctors don't know, is the para-sympathetic nervous system. They don't know. Sympathetic system is the system by which when we work very hard, we run and do all kinds of things, the sympathetic goes into action, heart will start beating fast. But what brings it to normal is the para-sympathetic and this is what we have to know within ourselves, that it exists and it operates automatically How it exists and how works out that's why we have to know. Moreover what are we? When you see the whole world, it is so full violence, full of all kinds of nonsense that's going on, and you can't imagine why people do it. What is the need to do all these horrible things in the name of God, in the name of religion, in the name of some political party, or some sort of a name they must have to fight with each other, torture others, kill each other. All this works out through human beings, through people who are supposed to be at the top of evolution. Human awareness is at the highest point. So now what's happening to our awareness? Why do we get into jealousies, into angers, into all kinds of funny type of behavior, which animals also don't do? Because we have freedom, we can do what we like, we can do what we like with ourselves and with others. But still we must know our vehicle better, we should know what is within us. Now for that, there is placed within us a beautiful thing called Kundalini which lies in the triangular bone, which is called as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about it, that's why they called it a sacred bone. In the triangular bone it lies at the base of your spine and this is the one which is going to give you a real ascent. This is the one which is going to connect you to the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. They have all talked about God, Power of God, Divine love, all kinds of things, but we don't know where it is, where does it exist, how it works. If really it is there or not, also we are not very sure. So this power lies within your triangular bone, can you show them? All of you have this power within you. It is not anyone who belongs to any nationality, or to any culture but everyone has this power within himself. But you'll be surprised, how people have made such a horrible picture of Kundalini and they say that when the Kundalini rises you may go mad, you may shout, you must do all kinds of things. Because they have no authority to do it, because they don't know how to do it - that's why they make up a story like that and tell you, because they don't want you to ascend, I think. Or they don't know, they are incapable of awakening the Kundalini. But I must tell you that She is your Mother, She is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you. It is all recorded, whatever was your past, whatever mistakes you committed, whatever aspirations you have, everything She knows about it, it's all recorded there in the 3-1/2 coils. But She is your Mother, your own Mother and when you were born, your Mother took all the trouble upon Herself. She didn't give you trouble. In the same way when this Kundalini rises, She doesn't give you any trouble. Now people are afraid even to talk about Kundalini because those who talked about Kundalini were I don't know what sort of people they were, and it was such a misleading thing that they thought, it's better not to talk about it. But talk is talk, talk is not everything. What has to happen is the awakening of this Kundalini. It's an actualization, it is not just talking, giving lectures, you do this, you stand like this, put your hand this way, your legs that way, it's not that. It is very simple, that this Kundalini, which is responsible for your last ascent, your, I should say, the last step in your evolution, this Kundalini is your own Mother and She cannot harm you. She can never do that. This is the fact I would like to tell you first of all. Because I know in America all kinds of people have come from India, those people also they were released from jail, wore some sort of a dress and came here. They are all minting money, that's what they are doing, they are good at it. So if you have any understanding about Divinity you must understand that you cannot sell it and you cannot purchase it. If you can purchase some person then such a person cannot be your master, he can be your servant but not your master. So once you understand this point, it is very important for you people to know that it is not saleable because you know this is a consumer society, and everything has to be sold. But not spirituality, you cannot sell spirituality. And those who sell spirituality are spurious people, they are not real, they are absolutely bogus people as they call them, and you don't waste your energy and money on them. So now, we have before you this triangular bone and this Kundalini and She rises through six centers. The seventh center is below the Kundalini, it is below the Kundalini and it protects the chastity of the Mother. Now those people who talk about sex as one of the instruments for ascent are absolutely befooling you. Nobody has said that in any scripture, but suddenly they started a kind of a myth or fashion I should say or fad, and people get drawn into it. So I have come to warn you about it, that it has nothing to do with sex, but as Christ has said you have to be like children when you enter into the Kingdom of God. So your innocence gets awakened. Many people feel they have lost their innocence, you can never lose it. It comes back to you. It is dormant, it might be bruised, it might be a little bit hurt, but it's all there intact, and you will be amazed to see what you are. Because you don't know what you are. So I would say you are not this body, this mind, but you are the Spirit and that's what you have to become. Once you become the Spirit, you will know what you are, you'll know everything about yourself. But for that to happen you don't have to do any acrobatic thing, it's just very simple. Wherever you are sitting it will work out. But first tell your mind to stop little bit thinking, because this mind has been reacting all the time, reacting to this, reacting to that, reacting with the result that Kundalini doesn't rise, but when She rises, She's wonderful. The thoughts rise like that and fall down, again thoughts come up and fall down. They come from the future or from the past. Present you cannot be, you cannot be in the present. But when Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and there is a space created. It's called as pause, you can call it. In Sanskrit, it is called as vilamba. So your mind stands at that place where you have thoughtless awareness. Is told by, also Jung has talked about it, that you get into thoughtless awareness. Pantanjali has talked about it. But talking about it is not sufficient as I told you, it has to happen. So first thing that happens to you, you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, no reaction. For example, I see this beautiful carpet here, and if I react I would say oh, what a beautiful carpet. If it is Mine, I would be worried I should insure it. If it is not mine, I would say that how much they must have paid for it and, to whom does it belong? And all kinds of things. But supposing I'm in thoughtless awareness, then I just see it. While seeing it also I'm just witnessing, and what I'm getting is the complete joy of the creator who has done this job, complete get filled with that joy. There is no reaction, it is just thoughtless awareness in which Divine works. You don't have to then think about it, it all works out. Now this Kundalini rising through six centers - now you don't know you have any centers within yourself, and you don't know how they are placed. After this rising, this Kundalini rises, passes through the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is very subtle and you also start becoming your subtler personality. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers which are responsible for your physical, mental and emotional being, She nourishes them. She nourishes them with light, and then She integrates them. And when She reaches this spot, She opens up this fontanel bone area and becomes one with this All Pervading Power. This is the actualization of baptism, this is the baptism. It is not just some priest comes, puts his hand on your head, it's not the way. It has to be the actualization of this happening, which is for your ascent. This is the last break-through of your evolution. Whatever I'm saying we can prove it also, it's not just talking. But this Kundalini, Kundalini's awakening which takes places, it actually makes your hands speak. You start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your fingers and through your hands and here also. You feel the cool breeze, actually and then if you know what do these mean 5, 6, and 7 center, in the same way, 5, 6 and 7 center, these seven centers are on the sympathetic nervous system. But when the sympathetic centers, two of them they mix, the central system is formed of para-sympathetic. So when you get enlightenment your Spirit gets awakened in your heart, and in the Spirit is the reflection of the complete Divine force. Then you become a, really, a spiritual personality. It is a reality I'm talking about, and in the light of the Spirit your attention becomes purified. Not only that, but you know what is good for you and what is destructive for you. You give up all nonsense in no time. Of course Sahaja Yoga has cured many people with all kinds of addictions, all kinds of problems, it's a fact. But that is this Kundalini has done it, which is your own, which has enlightened your own chakras, your own centers and has brought forth this result. The second thing that happens to you apart from your attention being enlightened, that you become a collective personality. People have talked about it, said about it but this is in the books. Like a drop falls into the ocean, becomes the ocean. It doesn't mean that you are lost, you are nowhere. But your ego is lost, your so called pretensions are lost and what you become is part and parcel of the whole. Whole global race belongs to you, then how will you fight each other? If you are part and parcel of the whole, nothing but love, nothing but compassion. We have now people in 86 countries, and when I see them, I see the dream fulfilled because I've never seen them fighting or saying anything harsh to each other. They come from all kinds of religions, they come from all kinds of countries, every type of knowledge they have. Because you get the absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. Now we don't know what absolute knowledge is. For example there is a person comes say from India or from any other country, and says "I'm a real great saint, I'll give you a great experience". How will you know that person is not telling you lies, and that he is not coming from the prison? How will you find out? You just put your hands when you are realized, when you are enlightened, towards that person. Immediately what you will get? Will be a hot breeze, that's the minimum. You might get tingling very bad, perhaps maybe you might even get a blister, one or two. So you will be amazed how you judge people on your finger-tips - absolute knowledge about people, absolute knowledge about Spirit, absolute knowledge about the whole global problem you get. You become collectively conscious, you can connect yourself to the whole world in a way that is spiritual. Whatever you want, whatever you think becomes very pure, compassionate and beautiful. That is what you are, that whatever you are that you become. There's nothing to be said. Like this now, this instrument is before Me, I'm speaking to you, but supposing it is not connected how can it, what is the use of this instrument? In the same way you do not have that spirituality within you. Sometimes people must think that we are very spiritual. Don't believe in that. You must have absolute knowledge about yourself and about everything else. Also we can say lots of things have happened in Sahaja Yoga. Like I know of somebody who was just a Chartered Accountant, knew only about finances. He's become a great poet. All kind of balances work out, and it is so surprising the amount of aptitudes that you develop. You are amazed, you never knew you had these aptitudes within you. I have an Academy of Music in India, and the people even from America and other countries came and three months, only in three months they started singing a very difficult raga called as [unclear word, Malcos]. I was amazed. For which people have to work at least 5 to 7 years, and here they are. So your capacity to absorb knowledge, to render it, is so much increased because you don't know your potential. You don't know what you are, that's what the point is. That's why they said that know yourself, know thyself because after knowing yourself, you'll have absolute knowledge, absolute reality and you won't live in the mental world "oh this is this, this is that". I know many books have written like that, about a person who was seeking and they ended up into nothing. Your seeking should not end up like that. You should get what you are seeking. You have been seeking, and seeking and seeking and it is My greatest desire that you the well known seekers all over the world, because they say Berkeley University has the maximum number of seekers. So I mean I don't know, you should come to the end of it. There are many I know who came to Berkeley because they thought they were a group of people who are seeking. They went to meetings after meetings. When they got their realization they wrote to them that we have found, we have found the reality. So they wrote back all their friends and groups "oh I see, that we see that you have found it your own way, we'll find our it own way". So he was so, this gentleman who came, he was so disappointed, that still they are seeking. Seeking has become like a fashion. It cannot. It must come to an end. Your journey must come to an end, otherwise it will go on, one after another. So many will come and tell you "this is it, this is it, this is it", but the experience of the spirit, experience of realization is the thing you should ask for. If somebody doesn't give you the experience, don't be satisfied with what they say. Even with Me. I'm sure tonight all of you all of you will have that experience, if you are truly seeking, and there are a few things which I would like to tell you. Would you like to ask Me some questions? One by one. Yes Madam? [Audience]: How does it play into politics?Shri Mataji: Oh very great. Politics is, see why the trouble with politics is, because it is not pure politics. If the politicians become, think of that, if they all become realized souls, we'll have benevolent people. They will be very different. We have some politicians in India who got their realization, also we have in Benin and Ivory Coast, we have people who are realized souls and also politicians. Without realization if you are a politician, God save the people. But you will understand the politics of the collective. You will see what's wrong where, what you have to correct, what you have to do, how you have to behave. You won't run after [unclear - bootie?], no, your life itself will work it out. I'll tell you, My father himself, he was a realized soul and he was a member of the Central Assembly Constituent Assembly and Parliament. But he was a realized soul. So he came out of jail and there was the [unclear name of person] who was there one of the great politicians, and a great man, who was with [unclear name of person]. He wrote a letter to my father that I want you to stand for election, so My father told him I am just not come from jail and I'm not very well but if you want, I don't mind contesting the election. So at that time he sent 3,000 rupees to My father, saying that this you can use for your propagation and all. So My father sent it back saying, Sir if I'm to spend money for my election I better not contest it. And without spending a single pi he contested the election and the person who was opposing him lost, forfeited his deposit. But his daughter, she was My friend, she helped My father. She told her father you are nowhere compared to Her father and I'm not going to support you in any way. That's how it comes. See everything works out so well, but we must have many people in this to understand. If there is only one or two people, they will torture them, they'll trouble them, do all kinds of, all saints have suffered. But now we have to be, all of us we can be saints, and we have to be saints and we'll have saints who will be politicians. The whole world will change. Any other question? [Audience]: My dear Shri Mataji, I was very recently became aware of You and actually through Your web site, and when I first saw Your face before reading anything about You I said "I'm seeing the Divine Mother", and I was so amazed by Your aura, by Your energy that it inspired me to write something for You and if it will please You I would be very honored to sing it to You. Moderator confirms: Recently she became aware of You and saw You on the Internet web site and when she saw Your face..... Audience: I have a special presentation I want to ..... Moderator: .....she has a poetry she has written for You. Shri Mataji: You are a very sensitive person, I must say. Audience: Actually I would like to sing it to you. Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you very much. May God Bless you. Beautiful. Beautiful. It is very touching. So lastly, ha, yes Sir? Audience: unclear question about Anahata Shri Mataji: that is what I am going to tell you, alright? I'm happy you people have been reading quite a lot. We have three nadis here, you can see it clearly. One is Ida, another Pingala & Sushumna is the center. Ida and Pingala are responsible for the sympathetic nervous system, and the centre one, Sushumna is for your ascent, for the para-sympathetic nervous system. Now the center one is the one is the Anahata nadi. This goes up to the fontanel bone area, and when the Kundalini reaches there, She makes the same sound as in the heart we have, we call it Anahata. Anahata means without percussion. That is Kabira has said, that at the Anahata sound, when it reaches the Sahasrara, in this part this limbic area, then you know that you are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. You see Indian poets, some of them were such great saints, but they wrote mostly in this poetry and it was not so much understood by people. Like Kabira wrote, he has used Anahata very much word that [Sanskrit word, unclear] he means the, it can mean in the normal way is my lover went away and I did not fight with him. Now how can Kabira have these ideas? But some people did feel that it is that. But I told him, told them that see Sayiam means the life, he's talking about his death, that my life went away, I never fought with it. And now you follow it that way, and they were amazed, when I told them this meaning. They said we never knew this was the meaning, we studied Hindi language, we studied him. I said, you see the trouble is, these poets were sitting there and writing something of that level, how can it enter the minds of human beings? That was the fact and in the same way anything you see you read now, it will be very, very clear for you to understand, if it is the right reading of course. And then you will know what everything means. All these words have great meaning and they are indicating. Despite that, we can see that people have always misunderstood. They have misunderstood everything, in every scripture, every saint. Everything they have misunderstood, maybe because I shouldn't say they didn't have brains, that they were brainless. But that they had an angle to their brains and they saw everything with that angle and that's why it was not a proper understanding. Anything else? [Moderator]: confirms audience statement: I just wanted to thank you for the gift you have given to the world and he came to Your program in Vancouver 10 years ago and has not been in touch since then. Shri Mataji: Oh I'm again going to Vancouver. See I've been traveling too much, I'm now 77 will be 78 years of age, and somehow my family people think that I shouldn't travel so much, but this time I sneaked through. You should come, you should come, to our programs in New York. We have a very nice program now, very nice program. What's the date? 16th of June. We are having a very, very nice program. You are all welcome there in New York. We have a big land there, and you'll enjoy it very much. It is for your enjoyment, that you get joy. Joy is not double like happiness/unhappiness. It's pure, it's singular and you get the joy from the spirit, and you get the peace, complete peace. Just image human beings getting transformed like that, what will happen to this world? Maybe from Berkeley we might get a great force of this world to be changing it, because so many students come here from all over the world and if it works out, you can change the whole world. That is the importance of Berkeley message. Alright, we'll have the session for realization. But I would definitely request people who don't want to have their realization to leave the hall, because they create a little problem. So it would be very kind of you to leave the hall if you don't want to have realization. Of course nothing goes wrong with you, nothing will happen to you I assure you, you won't be jumping, nothing of the kind. It is a very soothing effect. First of all, you'll get your realization and then I hope they have here a follow-up for which you have to go, not to pay anything, again I tell you. And you can learn everything there about yourself, about others, for which you don't have to spend more than a month. Within 1 month you will be the masters, I know you will be. But whatever seeking you have had so far, forget about it, forget completely about it and just try to know your own value. Know that you are very precious, very precious persons, and these precious people should not get disturbed or destroyed by wrong type of people.
Public Program, Berkeley (USA). 5 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this certificate to Me. I must say this is a wonderful country where people recognize something that is doing good work. Really remarkable it is. I had been here before, to Berkeley, because everybody tells Me that there are lots of seekers of truth in Berkeley. This is the thing that attracted Me very much. But first of all we should know what are we seeking all these days. Once you start seeking it goes on like a rat-race of seeking. Or have you been able to find something? So what do you have to find in your seeking? As you know, in all the scriptures it is been told that you have to know yourself. You don't know yourself, you don't know what problems you have within. People get into diseases without knowing until it develops into a very serious trouble. Also they go on hurting others, being jealous with others, being in tension and stress. All kind of problems come to them, and they don't know why it happens, why, what is the reason? So today I'm going to tell you how you have to know yourself. First of all you must decide that you have been seeking, seeking, seeking and this is the place known for its seeking. It's high time you better come to the end of it and seek what you have been seeking and you get it, that's the promise. First and foremost thing, when we are seeking we should know what are we within ourselves. What do we know about ourselves is only through doctors, or through psychologists or some people, which is very superficial knowledge about ourselves. In our depth, in our within, what do we have which doctors don't know, is the para-sympathetic nervous system. They don't know. Sympathetic system is the system by which when we work very hard, we run and do all kinds of things, the sympathetic goes into action, heart will start beating fast. But what brings it to normal is the para-sympathetic and this is what we have to know within ourselves, that it exists and it operates automatically How it exists and how works out that's why we have to know. Moreover what are we? When you see the whole world, it is so full violence, full of all kinds of nonsense that's going on, and you can't imagine why people do it. What is the need to do all these horrible things in the name of God, in the name of religion, in the name of some political party, or some sort of a name they must have to fight with each other, torture others, kill each other. All this works out through human beings, through people who are supposed to be at the top of evolution. Human awareness is at the highest point. So now what's happening to our awareness? Why do we get into jealousies, into angers, into all kinds of funny type of behavior, which animals also don't do? Because we have freedom, we can do what we like, we can do what we like with ourselves and with others. But still we must know our vehicle better, we should know what is within us. Now for that, there is placed within us a beautiful thing called Kundalini which lies in the triangular bone, which is called as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about it, that's why they called it a sacred bone. In the triangular bone it lies at the base of your spine and this is the one which is going to give you a real ascent. This is the one which is going to connect you to the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. They have all talked about God, Power of God, Divine love, all kinds of things, but we don't know where it is, where does it exist, how it works. If really it is there or not, also we are not very sure. So this power lies within your triangular bone, can you show them? All of you have this power within you. It is not anyone who belongs to any nationality, or to any culture but everyone has this power within himself. But you'll be surprised, how people have made such a horrible picture of Kundalini and they say that when the Kundalini rises you may go mad, you may shout, you must do all kinds of things. Because they have no authority to do it, because they don't know how to do it - that's why they make up a story like that and tell you, because they don't want you to ascend, I think. Or they don't know, they are incapable of awakening the Kundalini. But I must tell you that She is your Mother, She is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you. It is all recorded, whatever was your past, whatever mistakes you committed, whatever aspirations you have, everything She knows about it, it's all recorded there in the 3-1/2 coils. But She is your Mother, your own Mother and when you were born, your Mother took all the trouble upon Herself. She didn't give you trouble. In the same way when this Kundalini rises, She doesn't give you any trouble. Now people are afraid even to talk about Kundalini because those who talked about Kundalini were I don't know what sort of people they were, and it was such a misleading thing that they thought, it's better not to talk about it. But talk is talk, talk is not everything. What has to happen is the awakening of this Kundalini. It's an actualization, it is not just talking, giving lectures, you do this, you stand like this, put your hand this way, your legs that way, it's not that. It is very simple, that this Kundalini, which is responsible for your last ascent, your, I should say, the last step in your evolution, this Kundalini is your own Mother and She cannot harm you. She can never do that. This is the fact I would like to tell you first of all. Because I know in America all kinds of people have come from India, those people also they were released from jail, wore some sort of a dress and came here. They are all minting money, that's what they are doing, they are good at it. So if you have any understanding about Divinity you must understand that you cannot sell it and you cannot purchase it. If you can purchase some person then such a person cannot be your master, he can be your servant but not your master. So once you understand this point, it is very important for you people to know that it is not saleable because you know this is a consumer society, and everything has to be sold. But not spirituality, you cannot sell spirituality. And those who sell spirituality are spurious people, they are not real, they are absolutely bogus people as they call them, and you don't waste your energy and money on them. So now, we have before you this triangular bone and this Kundalini and She rises through six centers. The seventh center is below the Kundalini, it is below the Kundalini and it protects the chastity of the Mother. Now those people who talk about sex as one of the instruments for ascent are absolutely befooling you. Nobody has said that in any scripture, but suddenly they started a kind of a myth or fashion I should say or fad, and people get drawn into it. So I have come to warn you about it, that it has nothing to do with sex, but as Christ has said you have to be like children when you enter into the Kingdom of God. So your innocence gets awakened. Many people feel they have lost their innocence, you can never lose it. It comes back to you. It is dormant, it might be bruised, it might be a little bit hurt, but it's all there intact, and you will be amazed to see what you are. Because you don't know what you are. So I would say you are not this body, this mind, but you are the Spirit and that's what you have to become. Once you become the Spirit, you will know what you are, you'll know everything about yourself. But for that to happen you don't have to do any acrobatic thing, it's just very simple. Wherever you are sitting it will work out. But first tell your mind to stop little bit thinking, because this mind has been reacting all the time, reacting to this, reacting to that, reacting with the result that Kundalini doesn't rise, but when She rises, She's wonderful. The thoughts rise like that and fall down, again thoughts come up and fall down. They come from the future or from the past. Present you cannot be, you cannot be in the present. But when Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and there is a space created. It's called as pause, you can call it. In Sanskrit, it is called as vilamba. So your mind stands at that place where you have thoughtless awareness. Is told by, also Jung has talked about it, that you get into thoughtless awareness. Pantanjali has talked about it. But talking about it is not sufficient as I told you, it has to happen. So first thing that happens to you, you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, no reaction. For example, I see this beautiful carpet here, and if I react I would say oh, what a beautiful carpet. If it is Mine, I would be worried I should insure it. If it is not mine, I would say that how much they must have paid for it and, to whom does it belong? And all kinds of things. But supposing I'm in thoughtless awareness, then I just see it. While seeing it also I'm just witnessing, and what I'm getting is the complete joy of the creator who has done this job, complete get filled with that joy. There is no reaction, it is just thoughtless awareness in which Divine works. You don't have to then think about it, it all works out. Now this Kundalini rising through six centers - now you don't know you have any centers within yourself, and you don't know how they are placed. After this rising, this Kundalini rises, passes through the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is very subtle and you also start becoming your subtler personality. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers which are responsible for your physical, mental and emotional being, She nourishes them. She nourishes them with light, and then She integrates them. And when She reaches this spot, She opens up this fontanel bone area and becomes one with this All Pervading Power. This is the actualization of baptism, this is the baptism. It is not just some priest comes, puts his hand on your head, it's not the way. It has to be the actualization of this happening, which is for your ascent. This is the last break-through of your evolution. Whatever I'm saying we can prove it also, it's not just talking. But this Kundalini, Kundalini's awakening which takes places, it actually makes your hands speak. You start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your fingers and through your hands and here also. You feel the cool breeze, actually and then if you know what do these mean 5, 6, and 7 center, in the same way, 5, 6 and 7 center, these seven centers are on the sympathetic nervous system. But when the sympathetic centers, two of them they mix, the central system is formed of para-sympathetic. So when you get enlightenment your Spirit gets awakened in your heart, and in the Spirit is the reflection of the complete Divine force. Then you become a, really, a spiritual personality. It is a reality I'm talking about, and in the light of the Spirit your attention becomes purified. Not only that, but you know what is good for you and what is destructive for you. You give up all nonsense in no time. Of course Sahaja Yoga has cured many people with all kinds of addictions, all kinds of problems, it's a fact. But that is this Kundalini has done it, which is your own, which has enlightened your own chakras, your own centers and has brought forth this result. The second thing that happens to you apart from your attention being enlightened, that you become a collective personality. People have talked about it, said about it but this is in the books. Like a drop falls into the ocean, becomes the ocean. It doesn't mean that you are lost, you are nowhere. But your ego is lost, your so called pretensions are lost and what you become is part and parcel of the whole. Whole global race belongs to you, then how will you fight each other? If you are part and parcel of the whole, nothing but love, nothing but compassion. We have now people in 86 countries, and when I see them, I see the dream fulfilled because I've never seen them fighting or saying anything harsh to each other. They come from all kinds of religions, they come from all kinds of countries, every type of knowledge they have. Because you get the absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. Now we don't know what absolute knowledge is. For example there is a person comes say from India or from any other country, and says "I'm a real great saint, I'll give you a great experience". How will you know that person is not telling you lies, and that he is not coming from the prison? How will you find out? You just put your hands when you are realized, when you are enlightened, towards that person. Immediately what you will get? Will be a hot breeze, that's the minimum. You might get tingling very bad, perhaps maybe you might even get a blister, one or two. So you will be amazed how you judge people on your finger-tips - absolute knowledge about people, absolute knowledge about Spirit, absolute knowledge about the whole global problem you get. You become collectively conscious, you can connect yourself to the whole world in a way that is spiritual. Whatever you want, whatever you think becomes very pure, compassionate and beautiful. That is what you are, that whatever you are that you become. There's nothing to be said. Like this now, this instrument is before Me, I'm speaking to you, but supposing it is not connected how can it, what is the use of this instrument? In the same way you do not have that spirituality within you. Sometimes people must think that we are very spiritual. Don't believe in that. You must have absolute knowledge about yourself and about everything else. Also we can say lots of things have happened in Sahaja Yoga. Like I know of somebody who was just a Chartered Accountant, knew only about finances. He's become a great poet. All kind of balances work out, and it is so surprising the amount of aptitudes that you develop. You are amazed, you never knew you had these aptitudes within you. I have an Academy of Music in India, and the people even from America and other countries came and three months, only in three months they started singing a very difficult raga called as [unclear word, Malcos]. I was amazed. For which people have to work at least 5 to 7 years, and here they are. So your capacity to absorb knowledge, to render it, is so much increased because you don't know your potential. You don't know what you are, that's what the point is. That's why they said that know yourself, know thyself because after knowing yourself, you'll have absolute knowledge, absolute reality and you won't live in the mental world "oh this is this, this is that". I know many books have written like that, about a person who was seeking and they ended up into nothing. Your seeking should not end up like that. You should get what you are seeking. You have been seeking, and seeking and seeking and it is My greatest desire that you the well known seekers all over the world, because they say Berkeley University has the maximum number of seekers. So I mean I don't know, you should come to the end of it. There are many I know who came to Berkeley because they thought they were a group of people who are seeking. They went to meetings after meetings. When they got their realization they wrote to them that we have found, we have found the reality. So they wrote back all their friends and groups "oh I see, that we see that you have found it your own way, we'll find our it own way". So he was so, this gentleman who came, he was so disappointed, that still they are seeking. Seeking has become like a fashion. It cannot. It must come to an end. Your journey must come to an end, otherwise it will go on, one after another. So many will come and tell you "this is it, this is it, this is it", but the experience of the spirit, experience of realization is the thing you should ask for. If somebody doesn't give you the experience, don't be satisfied with what they say. Even with Me. I'm sure tonight all of you all of you will have that experience, if you are truly seeking, and there are a few things which I would like to tell you. Would you like to ask Me some questions? One by one. Yes Madam? [Audience]: How does it play into politics?Shri Mataji: Oh very great. Politics is, see why the trouble with politics is, because it is not pure politics. If the politicians become, think of that, if they all become realized souls, we'll have benevolent people. They will be very different. We have some politicians in India who got their realization, also we have in Benin and Ivory Coast, we have people who are realized souls and also politicians. Without realization if you are a politician, God save the people. But you will understand the politics of the collective. You will see what's wrong where, what you have to correct, what you have to do, how you have to behave. You won't run after [unclear - bootie?], no, your life itself will work it out. I'll tell you, My father himself, he was a realized soul and he was a member of the Central Assembly Constituent Assembly and Parliament. But he was a realized soul. So he came out of jail and there was the [unclear name of person] who was there one of the great politicians, and a great man, who was with [unclear name of person]. He wrote a letter to my father that I want you to stand for election, so My father told him I am just not come from jail and I'm not very well but if you want, I don't mind contesting the election. So at that time he sent 3,000 rupees to My father, saying that this you can use for your propagation and all. So My father sent it back saying, Sir if I'm to spend money for my election I better not contest it. And without spending a single pi he contested the election and the person who was opposing him lost, forfeited his deposit. But his daughter, she was My friend, she helped My father. She told her father you are nowhere compared to Her father and I'm not going to support you in any way. That's how it comes. See everything works out so well, but we must have many people in this to understand. If there is only one or two people, they will torture them, they'll trouble them, do all kinds of, all saints have suffered. But now we have to be, all of us we can be saints, and we have to be saints and we'll have saints who will be politicians. The whole world will change. Any other question? [Audience]: My dear Shri Mataji, I was very recently became aware of You and actually through Your web site, and when I first saw Your face before reading anything about You I said "I'm seeing the Divine Mother", and I was so amazed by Your aura, by Your energy that it inspired me to write something for You and if it will please You I would be very honored to sing it to You. Moderator confirms: Recently she became aware of You and saw You on the Internet web site and when she saw Your face..... Audience: I have a special presentation I want to ..... Moderator: .....she has a poetry she has written for You. Shri Mataji: You are a very sensitive person, I must say. Audience: Actually I would like to sing it to you. Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you very much. May God Bless you. Beautiful. Beautiful. It is very touching. So lastly, ha, yes Sir? Audience: unclear question about Anahata Shri Mataji: that is what I am going to tell you, alright? I'm happy you people have been reading quite a lot. We have three nadis here, you can see it clearly. One is Ida, another Pingala & Sushumna is the center. Ida and Pingala are responsible for the sympathetic nervous system, and the centre one, Sushumna is for your ascent, for the para-sympathetic nervous system. Now the center one is the one is the Anahata nadi. This goes up to the fontanel bone area, and when the Kundalini reaches there, She makes the same sound as in the heart we have, we call it Anahata. Anahata means without percussion. That is Kabira has said, that at the Anahata sound, when it reaches the Sahasrara, in this part this limbic area, then you know that you are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. You see Indian poets, some of them were such great saints, but they wrote mostly in this poetry and it was not so much understood by people. Like Kabira wrote, he has used Anahata very much word that [Sanskrit word, unclear] he means the, it can mean in the normal way is my lover went away and I did not fight with him. Now how can Kabira have these ideas? But some people did feel that it is that. But I told him, told them that see Sayiam means the life, he's talking about his death, that my life went away, I never fought with it. And now you follow it that way, and they were amazed, when I told them this meaning. They said we never knew this was the meaning, we studied Hindi language, we studied him. I said, you see the trouble is, these poets were sitting there and writing something of that level, how can it enter the minds of human beings? That was the fact and in the same way anything you see you read now, it will be very, very clear for you to understand, if it is the right reading of course. And then you will know what everything means. All these words have great meaning and they are indicating. Despite that, we can see that people have always misunderstood. They have misunderstood everything, in every scripture, every saint. Everything they have misunderstood, maybe because I shouldn't say they didn't have brains, that they were brainless. But that they had an angle to their brains and they saw everything with that angle and that's why it was not a proper understanding. Anything else? [Moderator]: confirms audience statement: I just wanted to thank you for the gift you have given to the world and he came to Your program in Vancouver 10 years ago and has not been in touch since then. Shri Mataji: Oh I'm again going to Vancouver. See I've been traveling too much, I'm now 77 will be 78 years of age, and somehow my family people think that I shouldn't travel so much, but this time I sneaked through. You should come, you should come, to our programs in New York. We have a very nice program now, very nice program. What's the date? 16th of June. We are having a very, very nice program. You are all welcome there in New York. We have a big land there, and you'll enjoy it very much. It is for your enjoyment, that you get joy. Joy is not double like happiness/unhappiness. It's pure, it's singular and you get the joy from the spirit, and you get the peace, complete peace. Just image human beings getting transformed like that, what will happen to this world? Maybe from Berkeley we might get a great force of this world to be changing it, because so many students come here from all over the world and if it works out, you can change the whole world. That is the importance of Berkeley message. Alright, we'll have the session for realization. But I would definitely request people who don't want to have their realization to leave the hall, because they create a little problem. So it would be very kind of you to leave the hall if you don't want to have realization. Of course nothing goes wrong with you, nothing will happen to you I assure you, you won't be jumping, nothing of the kind. It is a very soothing effect. First of all, you'll get your realization and then I hope they have here a follow-up for which you have to go, not to pay anything, again I tell you. And you can learn everything there about yourself, about others, for which you don't have to spend more than a month. Within 1 month you will be the masters, I know you will be. But whatever seeking you have had so far, forget about it, forget completely about it and just try to know your own value. Know that you are very precious, very precious persons, and these precious people should not get disturbed or destroyed by wrong type of people.
You cannot purchase the person who is going to give you your ascent
New Westminster
Public Program
Public Program. Vancouver (Canada), 11 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we should know what is the truth? And what are we seeking? In all the scriptures, it has been said that “Know thyself”. You have to know yourself. If you do not know yourself, your seeking will go on for ever. And that is the main problem, with the modern seekers, who are going from places to places, searching, they don’t know what, they don’t know what they have to have. Its long they have been doing it. They might have started very early and still they are going on with their trips (this word is not clearly audible) seeking which is not fulfilled. What is the reason for that? Because they have not known the truth, the absolute truth, and the truth about themselves. Unless and until you know that, unless and until you have that knowledge, it is absolutely useless running this race, or I’ll call the rat race of seeking. The first thing you must know that knowing yourself itself, is achieved only through your last evolutionary process, the last jumping. Without that you cannot do it. Now let us see if there is any description of that. In all the scriptures, they have talked, about one thing, that is you have to ascend, you have to rise, you have to know yourself within yourself. All the great saints have said that you have to know your ‘Self’ which is inside, it’s not outside. Not by doing outside thing that you can achieve, is being clearly said. But what we are doing, early in the morning, we will get up at 4 o’clock, do all kinds of gimmicks and think that you are seeking. That is one thing one has to face, that now as it is, it’s a very important time. This is the Last Judgement. I must tell you, this is the last judgement and you have to find out what you have been seeking. Only by that absolute knowledge, you will rise and ascend and if you do not do that, you’ll be left in the lurch with all others who are still running the race. They like to do, it’s a fashion. Go to one person, then to another person and to the third person. Now I tell you very frankly, that you cannot pay for it. You cannot pay. You cannot purchase the person who is going to give you your ascent, you cannot. That is one thing we should know. All this gimmicks of some people asking you five thousand dollars for a lecture or asking you give all your money, all your property, everything to me, all such things are really thuggery. It has no sense at all. And if you want yourself to be ruined like that, I am really warning you, be very careful. It is important to understand the value of your life. Why are you on this earth? What is the speciality? Why should you achieve your self realization? You are so very important that at this time, at this juncture, you all are suppose to get your self realization. This is a special time and we’ve stories about it that in this Kaliyuga, in this worst modern times, people will achieve their self realization. They have to achieve it. No use running after all kinds of rituals, all kinds of readings. By reading you will not go there, by listening to lectures you will not go there. It’s a happening that has to take place and within you is placed this Kundalini, this power within you. Now there are people who are against Kundalini. They say it creates problems. Now I have been working for thirty years in so many countries and I have never seen anything going wrong with people, on the contrary they have been very much helped because this Kundalini rises through six centres and these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When she rises, she enlightens them. She nourishes them, also she integrates them, that’s how we become an integrated personality. This has to happen to you, not just some sort of a madness that people are doing in the name of seeking. You become a saner person, you become a better person, you become a self confident person and you understand your value, what is your value, why are you on this earth. This has to be realized and at this time specially it is the happening that has to take place, is the Kundalini Awakening. I have to tell you very frankly about it. I’ve told you some people talk against it because they don’t know how to do it. Or maybe they are not capable of doing it. But you people should understand your own capabilities and should know what is your due , it’s your birth right to have your self realization because you are born at this time. Formerly only one person used to get realization among thousands and they used to select out of I don’t know how many. This was the problem but that’s not going to be with you. You can get your realization amass. It has worked wonders everywhere and is working very well. I must say, I am sorry to say but in America, North America, people are seeking no doubt, but they don’t know what they are seeking. They don’t understand. If somebody comes here and says pay me so much money, I’ll give your self realization, they are quiet satisfied. Because they think they are purchasing that person. It’s a ego satisfaction. It is not the reality. One thing you cannot market and you cannot purchase is your spirit and this spirit has to be awakened within you. That has to be done. We have done all kinds of gimmicks. I have seen people trying to tell you all kinds of stories. But this time I’m going to tell you that if you do not take to your self realization, it’s going to be very difficult for you. For example, these centres look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So physically if you are suffering, only Sahaja yoga can cure you. So many diseases have been cured in Sahaja Yoga, so many. We also have a hospital in India, where people go there, at a very cheap price they live there and they get cured. It can be done, it’s not difficult, but only thing you should all understand that you cannot pay for it. If you cancel only that point, most of them who have come from all over the world to loot you, or to cheat you, will run away. In every way, I’ve seen people have tried to put absolute false ideas into your heads. And with that you should only understand, what have they achieved, what have they given, what is their aim? If you use your intelligence a little bit, you can understand that this is divine and you cannot purchase divinity, you cannot pay for it. This is a very important thing which is missing because may be we are not that subtle to understand that to get to that subtle point, how can you be, pay money? Now I’m going to tell you as to what else can happen to you if you have missed the point. For example these are the days of terrible times. People have lost their value system, families are lost. Houses are being built according to the just need of people. There is, many people in the whole world there are who are just starving, there are wars and there are all the time some sort of a conflict going on right into the family. All these things have to end, we must have our peace. And where is the peace within us? The peace is absolutely within us, because we react, we react every time and we create a problem. If you can stop the reaction, if you can somehow become thoughtlessly aware then this competition, this...these jealousies, this petty mindedness, this treacheries, all will be stopped. Because once the Kundalini rises she reaches you to the point of divinity. As a divine person, you drop all that is nonsensical. You just become a pure personality, very pure personality, beautiful personality which does not accept anything that is wrong. It happens, it has happened, to thousands of people and why not to you. You just get rid of all this nonsensical ideas which goes on reacting all the time. When Kundalini rises, she elongates your thoughts and there’s a space in between and in that thought you become thoughtless. This is the first achievement, that you become thoughtless and you watch everything as a witness. You see everything as a witness. And once you are in witness, you do not react and you understand everything that helps you so much. It helps you in so many ways because that is what is your due, is your right as I have said it and you all can have it. Whatever may be your religion, whatever may be your colour, whatever may be your country, whatever it is, as long as you are a human being, you all have this right to get it and is working out in various places, why not in Vancouver. I can’t understand that why North Americans and Americans and all of them cannot understand a small thing that you cannot pay for your self realization. It just works out. Only thing you must know what you are. You must have that understanding of being a divine personality. You can become, there’s no problem, no problem at all. You can easily become that. Only thing you should have faith in yourself and confidence in you. When somebody tells you that you are, you have committed this sin, that sin, this and that, don’t listen to all this nonsense. Alright, whatever has been the past, has been the past. Past doesn’t exist anymore. Also the future doesn’t exist. Whatever it is, the present and you cannot be in the present even if I say, be in the present, you cannot be, but after self realization, you’ll be amazed, you are always in the present and enjoying it. So you get your peace, absolute peace within yourself. If human beings are not peaceful how do you expect peace to be in this world. It’s not possible. So this is a reformation, it’s a complete change in you. You become a different personality by taking to your self realization. Firstly you become a collective personality like a drop falls into the ocean, it becomes the ocean. That’s how you become. You become a collective person. You don’t have to worry about anything. All over the world you’ll find there are so many people who will be your kith and kin, they’ll be your own friends and they’ll be bothered about you. Whatever help you need, they will give you. It’s such a beautiful race, is being created through Sahajayoga. Beautiful people. They don’t fight, they don’t quarrel, they love each other and the compassion that they have is tremendous. With this what happens is that because the spirit resides in your heart, your heart expands, your compassion expands and you become a very loving personality. You enjoy your self, you enjoy your company. You understand it and that is how you can love your children and you can save them. We do not know, we are progressing in one manner, alright, but the other side is missing. Other side which is compassion, love, is missing completely and that is how our children are also getting spoilt. So many things are happening because we are not ourselves. We have to become ourselves. It’s a struggle between the mind and the brain and everything. All this gets integrated after Sahaja yoga. So you get your peace, you get your collective, but the third you get, you get is the joy. Joy is singular, it is not happiness or unhappiness. Not joy in wasting your money in doing all nonsensical thing, but joy from your own spirit and from the spirit of others. It’s absolutely in a very abstract manner that so many saints had, Sufis had, that joy which cannot be explained, also the Zen had. All that what they talked about, they didn’t do the Kundalini awakening, that’s the point is. They were all awakened people, wide awake and they had a different life and they have described it. We just seek them and we don’t know how these people have lead that kind of a life. But they are saints, they are Sufis and they are the people who have achieved this like Lao Tse also has described about it. All these things become to us like a dream but now the dream has to come true and you have to become yourself. Tomorrow you’ll be great poets, great artist, in every field of life, you’ll be surprised how you’ll gain, how you‘ll prosper in every way because you will become a dynamic personality. Very dynamic and also you will be very compassionate, loving and a beautiful person. That has to happen not that on the street you go on singing something or that you stand on your heads. All these things are not necessary. We must have some pity on ourselves because I think you are seekers, that doesn’t mean that you end up into a lunatic asylum. No, seekers have a special position, special understanding and a special life, so value your life. This is a very important life, at this time for you and that’s why I want to tell you very firmly that please try to respect yourself. Try to respect, try to know that you are here to get your self realization and for nothing at all. Because we need people to have peace, how will you have peace? What happens that you get connected to the divine power of love. Through this happening it pierces through fontanelle bone area. It’s an actualization I could say of Baptism and then once it becomes one with that, then the divinity starts flowing through you. And the experience you get is that in your hands, on your fingertips, on your palms, you start feeling cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. You can call it Holy Ghost, you can call it Adishakti, you can call it by any name but is the same thing which gives you this beautiful ascent. Now Kundalini is the reflection of that Holy Ghost, or you can call it Adishakti, the Primordial mother, and in the heart is reflected is the spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. When the connection takes place, you are so amazed at your capability. Now see this instrument, (Shri Mataji points to the mike in front of HER) if it is not connected to the mains, it is of no use. In the same way, if you are not connected to the mains, you will not know what you are. You will not know what you are capable of and you will be wasting your life this and I don’t know what will happen by the end because now a days horrible things are happening all over and one should not be a part and parcel of that destructive force which is already working out. So I have to request you as a mother that please pay attention to yourself and please pay attention to your ascent. So many people get realization sometimes and then they come to the follow up and all that and they’ll say what’s next, what’s next. Like you see, it’s a typically American style of asking questions. Now supposing you have become a professor then what is next, is to teach other. Or if you have become the light and is enlightenment then what you have to do is to give enlightenment to other. If you are being cured with Sahaja yoga then what is your job is to cure others. You see that’s how they go on mentally, what next now? we know about these centres, chakras and everything but what next? Next is you are that, believe that you are that. You have the power. Believe in yourself and try to help others. We have to do it because if we have to emancipate humanity it’s a very big task. For that every one of you can help. You don’t have to give up anything. Don’t have to give up your job, you don’t have to give up your family, nothing is to be given up. But what happens is you get those powers and these powers must be used and experimented to see for yourself how much you can do even if you are young, old, or whatever it is. Whatever may be your personality outside is not affected. You become really a great person within yourself. You have those powers. With this you can help the whole world to rise to get out of this mess that we are in. You see, I have given so many lectures, you must be knowing that and am again trying to give another lecture to you, but I think it’s time now for me to tell you that it’s important, it is very, very, aa..very, very important that you should take your realization and work it out for others also. It’s not just to take your realization and know something about chakras and Kundalini. That’s not the point. Point is you have to become the light. You have to help the people, you have to work it out. It’s not by going to any temple or church or mosque you can achieve it. The reason is they have lost the way. They don’t understand they are there to give self realization but they don’t want to give. So it’s better that you take to realization, understand it, develop it, know it and work it out. I hope next time when I come, I’ll find all of you as great Sahaja yogis, not few of you because you wanted to have to know more, like a school or a college. Once you are finished from the college then you don’t ask to have more, do you? In the same way if your journey is over, now give help to others. On the contrary you just don’t bother. You think that it was your due, you got it and you don’t have to do anything about it. No, you have to help others. You have to look after them. That is why you’ve got it. You may think that it is all free, in a way it is, but also it is binding that you’ve got this love, you better give it to others. You’ve got this knowledge, give it to others. You have got absolute truth, give it to others. That’s what we have to do and this is done with such love, with such compassion. I am sometimes surprised to see people in other countries like we can say like in Austria, in Italy, people are doing so much there. After all why, why not, why not do it because it cannot be marketed, it cannot be sold out, it cannot be a business but it is such a fulfilling thing. Whatever we do, like we buy some thing, it’s for what, for joy, but the greatest joy is in giving realization to others. Nothing like that. You just try this. Those who have got, in Sahajayoga some knowledge, should try to give realizations to others. You don’t have to ask for anything. Just you can give it to anybody who is suffering, who is seeking, is a very great thing you all can do and that’s why you are here today. Not just to waste your time and it’s not just like going from one place to another, it’s not that. You must understand your value, and you must understand how much you can do yourself, how capable you are, all your diffidence, all of your, may be also ego is all nonsense. What you have to do is to just understand that you will become the saint, saint who will look after you, who will give realization to people, the change, who will change the life of people. Now the change, the transformation is the point and this transformation is taking place everywhere so rapidly and why not here? Why not we have that transformation and settle into it? Because you have to be mature in it. If you are not mature you cannot do it. It’s not only for you, it’s for everyone. And try to share it with others and you’ll be amazed that it’s a great, great experience. I hope today it will work out for all of you and you’ll understand what I have come to tell you all the way, just to tell you that be careful, should respect yourself. May God Bless You! (Shri Mataji folds both Her hands, closes HER eyes and bows down to the audience) Everyone claps. Now one thing is there, those who do not want to have it, cannot be forced, it cannot be forced. It’s like a seed, if you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it will sprout. But you cannot force it to sprout. In the same way I cannot force it. You have to ask for it. It should be your pure desire to have your self realization because Kundalini is the power of pure desire and if you have pure desire, you can get your self realization without any trouble. Of course for this, one lecture is not sufficient. I must have given thousands of lectures and then later on you can listen to them. But no use also listening to the lecture, main thing is you must get your realization, is the point. If you don’t get your realization, what’s the use and then you must grow. Christ has said that some seeds fell on the marshy land, some on the rocks, that he was meaning the people on whom it fell. But now, you are all seekers and I am sure you will fulfill your seeking. Finish it once for all and now once you become that you can give it to others. Thank you very much. (Shri Mataji folds both HER hands, and bows down to audience) The audience claps. So should I ask you if you want to go, you can go away. Those who want self realization, can be seated. Because one should not disturb others. Alright. It’s a very beautiful experience. You should not be afraid of anything. Nothing to have fear, nothing can happen to you. She is your, Kundalini is your mother, individual mother, your own mother. She knows everything about you. She knows about what are your desires are, aspirations are, everything she knows, what mistakes you have committed, everything she knows. It’s like a tape recorder of everything and she knows how to give you your second birth. She is very anxious to give you the second birth. But you should allow to work it out. She will take all the trouble. When you were born your mother took all the trouble upon herself. You didn’t have any trouble upon yourself. In the same way she will look after you. She will do everything. Have trust in her. And just enjoy your self realization. Now if I request you one thing is to take out your shoes, I hope you don’t mind. Because in England when I said that, half of them walked out of the hall. (laughter in the audience, Shri Mataji also laughs) suppose to be very develop people, because this Mother Earth helps us. You need not take out your socks but this Mother Earth definitely helps us to suck in our problems. So please give her a chance. Please take out your shoes and put both the feet apart from each other because as you have seen there are two, two nadis, two channels and these two channels work, one on the right, one on the left. So we have to put both the feet apart from each other. Simple and just take out your shoes, that will help. Now please put both your hands towards me like this. {Shri Mataji opens both HER palms facing upwards and shows to audience. She also removes HER spectacles and keeps on side table. Shri Mataji closes HER eyes for a while} Alright, now please put your right hand towards me and bend your head and see on, from your fontanelle bone area if you get cool breeze this is called as ‘Taloo’ in Sanskrit language and also is the area which was soft bone in childhood. (Shri Mataji is keeping HER eyes closed, right hand open in lap, left hand on top of head and moving left hand above fontanelle bone area to feel the cool breeze) Here you might feel it on the sides, you can move your hand this way, that way or may be higher or in front, just try to feel if there’s cool breeze coming out of this fontanelle bone area, it is. Now please put your left hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. (Shri Mataji now brings HER left hand down, keeps it open and takes HER right hand on top of HER head and moves it little above the head to feel the cool breeze) Please bend your head, it’s easier then and see for yourself with the right hand, if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. It can be hot, it can be cool because you have not forgiven yourself and you have not forgiven others. Please forgive others. Please forgive others and forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. Don’t feel guilty. You have done nothing wrong. You are not guilty. Just please have this sense of self respect and also forgive others. You may say it’s difficult. It is not. Because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Actually if you don’t forgive, then you do harm yourself so best is to forgive everyone. Just say in your heart, “ Mother I forgive everyone.” Now raise your hand and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze may be coming, doesn’t matter. See for yourself. (Shri Mataji keeps moving HER right hand above HER fontanelle bone area and left hand is kept open only) (Now Shri Mataji brings HER right hand down) Now with the right hand now again, you see with the left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area.{Shri Mataji keeps HER right hand in lap, palm open facing upward and takes HER left hand on top of HER head and keeps moving HER left hand little above top of head} If there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Please see, please watch it. If it is hot you must know you have not forgiven . Forgive yourself, you are not guilty, you are not guilty at all. Also forgive others who might have tortured you, troubled you but now you are troubling yourself. So better to forgive. Just say, “ MOTHER I forgive everyone.” That will help you a lot. Hmm.. (Shri Mataji brings HER left hand down now) Now, again please put both the hands towards me. (Shri Mataji shows both HER hands open) and don’t think. Just manage, you can do it, just don’t think. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their palms or on their finger tips or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. {Shri Mataji wears her spectacles now, looks at audience and says} “ MY God” imagine, all of you have got it, all of you. I really bow to you ( Shri Mataji folds both HER hands) to you all who have become saints. O my, May God Bless You All. Except for one or two people, all of you have got realization. Can you believe it? Have faith in yourself, have faith in yourself. Is very important that you should know what has happened to you. After this when you’ll go to our follow up programs they will tell you what has happened. How will you know because on your fingertips you can feel your own chakras, you can feel your own centers which are responsible for different thing. People even they become mad, they don’t know. People who have cancer, they don’t know. They have any disease, they don’t know. You can find out on your finger tips. Not only yours, but of others. If you want to feel how others are, you can just see yourself and you are amazed how you can find out of others. Now absolute truth you will know. Supposing there’s somebody who is cheating you or who is a wrong type of a person, just feel his vibrations and you will know what sort of a person he is, if he is a wrong type you will get lot of heat, or you might even get little blisters. So there could be tingling, of course it goes away in no time. But you see that is how you’ll judge, absolute truth will be with you. For everything you will know through your fingertips. Mohammad Sahib has said it, in the Quran, that your hands will speak when there will be a resurrection. I do not accept anybody who says I am a Muslim and whose hands are not speaking. That’s the main things should happen to all of you. Christ has talked about it, Mohammad Sahib has talked about it, Lao Tse has talked about it, everybody has talked about it. But so far nobody has felt it. Now all of you have felt. I really bow to you for that. May God Bless You! (Shri Mataji folds HER hands, closes HER eyes and bows down to the audience) There will be a song also. (Shri Mataji speaks aside something in Marathi language) You all should go, you all should go. I request you, please go there, all of you, not three, four people but all of you should go and you see for yourself, know for yourself what are these chakras, how they work it out and how you can work it out yourself. {A Sahajayogi makes some announcement for the audience} I think you are feeling your silence and enjoy it but I was just thinking this, give one song and if you clap with that song. That will help you to develop your sensitivity more. You’ll become very sensitive now. You’ll be surprised and you just should know how to, how to identify everything. {Shri Mataji explains the meaning of song Jogwa which music group is going to sing now.} Please rise, I have given up this, I have given up all bad things. Please rise within me and that is how they say “Udo Udo Ambe” Ambe is the Kundalini and they sing like this. All over Maharashtra they sing but they don’t know what it is. Now of course they know what it is. So this is something very important to understand. It is the song for the Kundalini itself made in 12th century by this great man called Namdeva. He had written it. May God Bless You. ! The music group sings the song “Jogwa” and everyone claps. Shri Mataji folds Her hands and says Thank you very much.{ SHE stands up from HER seat and bows down folding both HER hands. MOTHER leaves the hall holding the hand of a Sahajayogi and all the audience claps. }
Public Program. Vancouver (Canada), 11 June 2000. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we should know what is the truth? And what are we seeking? In all the scriptures, it has been said that “Know thyself”. You have to know yourself. If you do not know yourself, your seeking will go on for ever. And that is the main problem, with the modern seekers, who are going from places to places, searching, they don’t know what, they don’t know what they have to have. Its long they have been doing it. They might have started very early and still they are going on with their trips (this word is not clearly audible) seeking which is not fulfilled. What is the reason for that? Because they have not known the truth, the absolute truth, and the truth about themselves. Unless and until you know that, unless and until you have that knowledge, it is absolutely useless running this race, or I’ll call the rat race of seeking. The first thing you must know that knowing yourself itself, is achieved only through your last evolutionary process, the last jumping. Without that you cannot do it. Now let us see if there is any description of that. In all the scriptures, they have talked, about one thing, that is you have to ascend, you have to rise, you have to know yourself within yourself. All the great saints have said that you have to know your ‘Self’ which is inside, it’s not outside. Not by doing outside thing that you can achieve, is being clearly said. But what we are doing, early in the morning, we will get up at 4 o’clock, do all kinds of gimmicks and think that you are seeking. That is one thing one has to face, that now as it is, it’s a very important time. This is the Last Judgement. I must tell you, this is the last judgement and you have to find out what you have been seeking. Only by that absolute knowledge, you will rise and ascend and if you do not do that, you’ll be left in the lurch with all others who are still running the race. They like to do, it’s a fashion. Go to one person, then to another person and to the third person. Now I tell you very frankly, that you cannot pay for it. You cannot pay. You cannot purchase the person who is going to give you your ascent, you cannot. That is one thing we should know. All this gimmicks of some people asking you five thousand dollars for a lecture or asking you give all your money, all your property, everything to me, all such things are really thuggery. It has no sense at all. And if you want yourself to be ruined like that, I am really warning you, be very careful. It is important to understand the value of your life. Why are you on this earth? What is the speciality? Why should you achieve your self realization? You are so very important that at this time, at this juncture, you all are suppose to get your self realization. This is a special time and we’ve stories about it that in this Kaliyuga, in this worst modern times, people will achieve their self realization. They have to achieve it. No use running after all kinds of rituals, all kinds of readings. By reading you will not go there, by listening to lectures you will not go there. It’s a happening that has to take place and within you is placed this Kundalini, this power within you. Now there are people who are against Kundalini. They say it creates problems. Now I have been working for thirty years in so many countries and I have never seen anything going wrong with people, on the contrary they have been very much helped because this Kundalini rises through six centres and these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When she rises, she enlightens them. She nourishes them, also she integrates them, that’s how we become an integrated personality. This has to happen to you, not just some sort of a madness that people are doing in the name of seeking. You become a saner person, you become a better person, you become a self confident person and you understand your value, what is your value, why are you on this earth. This has to be realized and at this time specially it is the happening that has to take place, is the Kundalini Awakening. I have to tell you very frankly about it. I’ve told you some people talk against it because they don’t know how to do it. Or maybe they are not capable of doing it. But you people should understand your own capabilities and should know what is your due , it’s your birth right to have your self realization because you are born at this time. Formerly only one person used to get realization among thousands and they used to select out of I don’t know how many. This was the problem but that’s not going to be with you. You can get your realization amass. It has worked wonders everywhere and is working very well. I must say, I am sorry to say but in America, North America, people are seeking no doubt, but they don’t know what they are seeking. They don’t understand. If somebody comes here and says pay me so much money, I’ll give your self realization, they are quiet satisfied. Because they think they are purchasing that person. It’s a ego satisfaction. It is not the reality. One thing you cannot market and you cannot purchase is your spirit and this spirit has to be awakened within you. That has to be done. We have done all kinds of gimmicks. I have seen people trying to tell you all kinds of stories. But this time I’m going to tell you that if you do not take to your self realization, it’s going to be very difficult for you. For example, these centres look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So physically if you are suffering, only Sahaja yoga can cure you. So many diseases have been cured in Sahaja Yoga, so many. We also have a hospital in India, where people go there, at a very cheap price they live there and they get cured. It can be done, it’s not difficult, but only thing you should all understand that you cannot pay for it. If you cancel only that point, most of them who have come from all over the world to loot you, or to cheat you, will run away. In every way, I’ve seen people have tried to put absolute false ideas into your heads. And with that you should only understand, what have they achieved, what have they given, what is their aim? If you use your intelligence a little bit, you can understand that this is divine and you cannot purchase divinity, you cannot pay for it. This is a very important thing which is missing because may be we are not that subtle to understand that to get to that subtle point, how can you be, pay money? Now I’m going to tell you as to what else can happen to you if you have missed the point. For example these are the days of terrible times. People have lost their value system, families are lost. Houses are being built according to the just need of people. There is, many people in the whole world there are who are just starving, there are wars and there are all the time some sort of a conflict going on right into the family. All these things have to end, we must have our peace. And where is the peace within us? The peace is absolutely within us, because we react, we react every time and we create a problem. If you can stop the reaction, if you can somehow become thoughtlessly aware then this competition, this...these jealousies, this petty mindedness, this treacheries, all will be stopped. Because once the Kundalini rises she reaches you to the point of divinity. As a divine person, you drop all that is nonsensical. You just become a pure personality, very pure personality, beautiful personality which does not accept anything that is wrong. It happens, it has happened, to thousands of people and why not to you. You just get rid of all this nonsensical ideas which goes on reacting all the time. When Kundalini rises, she elongates your thoughts and there’s a space in between and in that thought you become thoughtless. This is the first achievement, that you become thoughtless and you watch everything as a witness. You see everything as a witness. And once you are in witness, you do not react and you understand everything that helps you so much. It helps you in so many ways because that is what is your due, is your right as I have said it and you all can have it. Whatever may be your religion, whatever may be your colour, whatever may be your country, whatever it is, as long as you are a human being, you all have this right to get it and is working out in various places, why not in Vancouver. I can’t understand that why North Americans and Americans and all of them cannot understand a small thing that you cannot pay for your self realization. It just works out. Only thing you must know what you are. You must have that understanding of being a divine personality. You can become, there’s no problem, no problem at all. You can easily become that. Only thing you should have faith in yourself and confidence in you. When somebody tells you that you are, you have committed this sin, that sin, this and that, don’t listen to all this nonsense. Alright, whatever has been the past, has been the past. Past doesn’t exist anymore. Also the future doesn’t exist. Whatever it is, the present and you cannot be in the present even if I say, be in the present, you cannot be, but after self realization, you’ll be amazed, you are always in the present and enjoying it. So you get your peace, absolute peace within yourself. If human beings are not peaceful how do you expect peace to be in this world. It’s not possible. So this is a reformation, it’s a complete change in you. You become a different personality by taking to your self realization. Firstly you become a collective personality like a drop falls into the ocean, it becomes the ocean. That’s how you become. You become a collective person. You don’t have to worry about anything. All over the world you’ll find there are so many people who will be your kith and kin, they’ll be your own friends and they’ll be bothered about you. Whatever help you need, they will give you. It’s such a beautiful race, is being created through Sahajayoga. Beautiful people. They don’t fight, they don’t quarrel, they love each other and the compassion that they have is tremendous. With this what happens is that because the spirit resides in your heart, your heart expands, your compassion expands and you become a very loving personality. You enjoy your self, you enjoy your company. You understand it and that is how you can love your children and you can save them. We do not know, we are progressing in one manner, alright, but the other side is missing. Other side which is compassion, love, is missing completely and that is how our children are also getting spoilt. So many things are happening because we are not ourselves. We have to become ourselves. It’s a struggle between the mind and the brain and everything. All this gets integrated after Sahaja yoga. So you get your peace, you get your collective, but the third you get, you get is the joy. Joy is singular, it is not happiness or unhappiness. Not joy in wasting your money in doing all nonsensical thing, but joy from your own spirit and from the spirit of others. It’s absolutely in a very abstract manner that so many saints had, Sufis had, that joy which cannot be explained, also the Zen had. All that what they talked about, they didn’t do the Kundalini awakening, that’s the point is. They were all awakened people, wide awake and they had a different life and they have described it. We just seek them and we don’t know how these people have lead that kind of a life. But they are saints, they are Sufis and they are the people who have achieved this like Lao Tse also has described about it. All these things become to us like a dream but now the dream has to come true and you have to become yourself. Tomorrow you’ll be great poets, great artist, in every field of life, you’ll be surprised how you’ll gain, how you‘ll prosper in every way because you will become a dynamic personality. Very dynamic and also you will be very compassionate, loving and a beautiful person. That has to happen not that on the street you go on singing something or that you stand on your heads. All these things are not necessary. We must have some pity on ourselves because I think you are seekers, that doesn’t mean that you end up into a lunatic asylum. No, seekers have a special position, special understanding and a special life, so value your life. This is a very important life, at this time for you and that’s why I want to tell you very firmly that please try to respect yourself. Try to respect, try to know that you are here to get your self realization and for nothing at all. Because we need people to have peace, how will you have peace? What happens that you get connected to the divine power of love. Through this happening it pierces through fontanelle bone area. It’s an actualization I could say of Baptism and then once it becomes one with that, then the divinity starts flowing through you. And the experience you get is that in your hands, on your fingertips, on your palms, you start feeling cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. You can call it Holy Ghost, you can call it Adishakti, you can call it by any name but is the same thing which gives you this beautiful ascent. Now Kundalini is the reflection of that Holy Ghost, or you can call it Adishakti, the Primordial mother, and in the heart is reflected is the spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. When the connection takes place, you are so amazed at your capability. Now see this instrument, (Shri Mataji points to the mike in front of HER) if it is not connected to the mains, it is of no use. In the same way, if you are not connected to the mains, you will not know what you are. You will not know what you are capable of and you will be wasting your life this and I don’t know what will happen by the end because now a days horrible things are happening all over and one should not be a part and parcel of that destructive force which is already working out. So I have to request you as a mother that please pay attention to yourself and please pay attention to your ascent. So many people get realization sometimes and then they come to the follow up and all that and they’ll say what’s next, what’s next. Like you see, it’s a typically American style of asking questions. Now supposing you have become a professor then what is next, is to teach other. Or if you have become the light and is enlightenment then what you have to do is to give enlightenment to other. If you are being cured with Sahaja yoga then what is your job is to cure others. You see that’s how they go on mentally, what next now? we know about these centres, chakras and everything but what next? Next is you are that, believe that you are that. You have the power. Believe in yourself and try to help others. We have to do it because if we have to emancipate humanity it’s a very big task. For that every one of you can help. You don’t have to give up anything. Don’t have to give up your job, you don’t have to give up your family, nothing is to be given up. But what happens is you get those powers and these powers must be used and experimented to see for yourself how much you can do even if you are young, old, or whatever it is. Whatever may be your personality outside is not affected. You become really a great person within yourself. You have those powers. With this you can help the whole world to rise to get out of this mess that we are in. You see, I have given so many lectures, you must be knowing that and am again trying to give another lecture to you, but I think it’s time now for me to tell you that it’s important, it is very, very, aa..very, very important that you should take your realization and work it out for others also. It’s not just to take your realization and know something about chakras and Kundalini. That’s not the point. Point is you have to become the light. You have to help the people, you have to work it out. It’s not by going to any temple or church or mosque you can achieve it. The reason is they have lost the way. They don’t understand they are there to give self realization but they don’t want to give. So it’s better that you take to realization, understand it, develop it, know it and work it out. I hope next time when I come, I’ll find all of you as great Sahaja yogis, not few of you because you wanted to have to know more, like a school or a college. Once you are finished from the college then you don’t ask to have more, do you? In the same way if your journey is over, now give help to others. On the contrary you just don’t bother. You think that it was your due, you got it and you don’t have to do anything about it. No, you have to help others. You have to look after them. That is why you’ve got it. You may think that it is all free, in a way it is, but also it is binding that you’ve got this love, you better give it to others. You’ve got this knowledge, give it to others. You have got absolute truth, give it to others. That’s what we have to do and this is done with such love, with such compassion. I am sometimes surprised to see people in other countries like we can say like in Austria, in Italy, people are doing so much there. After all why, why not, why not do it because it cannot be marketed, it cannot be sold out, it cannot be a business but it is such a fulfilling thing. Whatever we do, like we buy some thing, it’s for what, for joy, but the greatest joy is in giving realization to others. Nothing like that. You just try this. Those who have got, in Sahajayoga some knowledge, should try to give realizations to others. You don’t have to ask for anything. Just you can give it to anybody who is suffering, who is seeking, is a very great thing you all can do and that’s why you are here today. Not just to waste your time and it’s not just like going from one place to another, it’s not that. You must understand your value, and you must understand how much you can do yourself, how capable you are, all your diffidence, all of your, may be also ego is all nonsense. What you have to do is to just understand that you will become the saint, saint who will look after you, who will give realization to people, the change, who will change the life of people. Now the change, the transformation is the point and this transformation is taking place everywhere so rapidly and why not here? Why not we have that transformation and settle into it? Because you have to be mature in it. If you are not mature you cannot do it. It’s not only for you, it’s for everyone. And try to share it with others and you’ll be amazed that it’s a great, great experience. I hope today it will work out for all of you and you’ll understand what I have come to tell you all the way, just to tell you that be careful, should respect yourself. May God Bless You! (Shri Mataji folds both Her hands, closes HER eyes and bows down to the audience) Everyone claps. Now one thing is there, those who do not want to have it, cannot be forced, it cannot be forced. It’s like a seed, if you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it will sprout. But you cannot force it to sprout. In the same way I cannot force it. You have to ask for it. It should be your pure desire to have your self realization because Kundalini is the power of pure desire and if you have pure desire, you can get your self realization without any trouble. Of course for this, one lecture is not sufficient. I must have given thousands of lectures and then later on you can listen to them. But no use also listening to the lecture, main thing is you must get your realization, is the point. If you don’t get your realization, what’s the use and then you must grow. Christ has said that some seeds fell on the marshy land, some on the rocks, that he was meaning the people on whom it fell. But now, you are all seekers and I am sure you will fulfill your seeking. Finish it once for all and now once you become that you can give it to others. Thank you very much. (Shri Mataji folds both HER hands, and bows down to audience) The audience claps. So should I ask you if you want to go, you can go away. Those who want self realization, can be seated. Because one should not disturb others. Alright. It’s a very beautiful experience. You should not be afraid of anything. Nothing to have fear, nothing can happen to you. She is your, Kundalini is your mother, individual mother, your own mother. She knows everything about you. She knows about what are your desires are, aspirations are, everything she knows, what mistakes you have committed, everything she knows. It’s like a tape recorder of everything and she knows how to give you your second birth. She is very anxious to give you the second birth. But you should allow to work it out. She will take all the trouble. When you were born your mother took all the trouble upon herself. You didn’t have any trouble upon yourself. In the same way she will look after you. She will do everything. Have trust in her. And just enjoy your self realization. Now if I request you one thing is to take out your shoes, I hope you don’t mind. Because in England when I said that, half of them walked out of the hall. (laughter in the audience, Shri Mataji also laughs) suppose to be very develop people, because this Mother Earth helps us. You need not take out your socks but this Mother Earth definitely helps us to suck in our problems. So please give her a chance. Please take out your shoes and put both the feet apart from each other because as you have seen there are two, two nadis, two channels and these two channels work, one on the right, one on the left. So we have to put both the feet apart from each other. Simple and just take out your shoes, that will help. Now please put both your hands towards me like this. {Shri Mataji opens both HER palms facing upwards and shows to audience. She also removes HER spectacles and keeps on side table. Shri Mataji closes HER eyes for a while} Alright, now please put your right hand towards me and bend your head and see on, from your fontanelle bone area if you get cool breeze this is called as ‘Taloo’ in Sanskrit language and also is the area which was soft bone in childhood. (Shri Mataji is keeping HER eyes closed, right hand open in lap, left hand on top of head and moving left hand above fontanelle bone area to feel the cool breeze) Here you might feel it on the sides, you can move your hand this way, that way or may be higher or in front, just try to feel if there’s cool breeze coming out of this fontanelle bone area, it is. Now please put your left hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. (Shri Mataji now brings HER left hand down, keeps it open and takes HER right hand on top of HER head and moves it little above the head to feel the cool breeze) Please bend your head, it’s easier then and see for yourself with the right hand, if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. It can be hot, it can be cool because you have not forgiven yourself and you have not forgiven others. Please forgive others. Please forgive others and forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. Don’t feel guilty. You have done nothing wrong. You are not guilty. Just please have this sense of self respect and also forgive others. You may say it’s difficult. It is not. Because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Actually if you don’t forgive, then you do harm yourself so best is to forgive everyone. Just say in your heart, “ Mother I forgive everyone.” Now raise your hand and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze may be coming, doesn’t matter. See for yourself. (Shri Mataji keeps moving HER right hand above HER fontanelle bone area and left hand is kept open only) (Now Shri Mataji brings HER right hand down) Now with the right hand now again, you see with the left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area.{Shri Mataji keeps HER right hand in lap, palm open facing upward and takes HER left hand on top of HER head and keeps moving HER left hand little above top of head} If there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Please see, please watch it. If it is hot you must know you have not forgiven . Forgive yourself, you are not guilty, you are not guilty at all. Also forgive others who might have tortured you, troubled you but now you are troubling yourself. So better to forgive. Just say, “ MOTHER I forgive everyone.” That will help you a lot. Hmm.. (Shri Mataji brings HER left hand down now) Now, again please put both the hands towards me. (Shri Mataji shows both HER hands open) and don’t think. Just manage, you can do it, just don’t think. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their palms or on their finger tips or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. {Shri Mataji wears her spectacles now, looks at audience and says} “ MY God” imagine, all of you have got it, all of you. I really bow to you ( Shri Mataji folds both HER hands) to you all who have become saints. O my, May God Bless You All. Except for one or two people, all of you have got realization. Can you believe it? Have faith in yourself, have faith in yourself. Is very important that you should know what has happened to you. After this when you’ll go to our follow up programs they will tell you what has happened. How will you know because on your fingertips you can feel your own chakras, you can feel your own centers which are responsible for different thing. People even they become mad, they don’t know. People who have cancer, they don’t know. They have any disease, they don’t know. You can find out on your finger tips. Not only yours, but of others. If you want to feel how others are, you can just see yourself and you are amazed how you can find out of others. Now absolute truth you will know. Supposing there’s somebody who is cheating you or who is a wrong type of a person, just feel his vibrations and you will know what sort of a person he is, if he is a wrong type you will get lot of heat, or you might even get little blisters. So there could be tingling, of course it goes away in no time. But you see that is how you’ll judge, absolute truth will be with you. For everything you will know through your fingertips. Mohammad Sahib has said it, in the Quran, that your hands will speak when there will be a resurrection. I do not accept anybody who says I am a Muslim and whose hands are not speaking. That’s the main things should happen to all of you. Christ has talked about it, Mohammad Sahib has talked about it, Lao Tse has talked about it, everybody has talked about it. But so far nobody has felt it. Now all of you have felt. I really bow to you for that. May God Bless You! (Shri Mataji folds HER hands, closes HER eyes and bows down to the audience) There will be a song also. (Shri Mataji speaks aside something in Marathi language) You all should go, you all should go. I request you, please go there, all of you, not three, four people but all of you should go and you see for yourself, know for yourself what are these chakras, how they work it out and how you can work it out yourself. {A Sahajayogi makes some announcement for the audience} I think you are feeling your silence and enjoy it but I was just thinking this, give one song and if you clap with that song. That will help you to develop your sensitivity more. You’ll become very sensitive now. You’ll be surprised and you just should know how to, how to identify everything. {Shri Mataji explains the meaning of song Jogwa which music group is going to sing now.} Please rise, I have given up this, I have given up all bad things. Please rise within me and that is how they say “Udo Udo Ambe” Ambe is the Kundalini and they sing like this. All over Maharashtra they sing but they don’t know what it is. Now of course they know what it is. So this is something very important to understand. It is the song for the Kundalini itself made in 12th century by this great man called Namdeva. He had written it. May God Bless You. ! The music group sings the song “Jogwa” and everyone claps. Shri Mataji folds Her hands and says Thank you very much.{ SHE stands up from HER seat and bows down folding both HER hands. MOTHER leaves the hall holding the hand of a Sahajayogi and all the audience claps. }
Have you been able to know yourself?
United States
New York City
Public Program
Public Program, New York, United States of America, 16-06-2000 “…together they have been seeking, seeking, seeking, but what? And what are you supposed to get out of that seeking? You know very well in the scriptures, all of them, it is written: you have to know yourself. You don’t know yourself, that is the main point. First of all, you must know yourself. With all your seeking, with all your spending, doing all kinds of acrobatics, have you been able to know yourself? We must ask this question. Just because sometimes you feel very nice, you feel you are very peaceful, or you feel you are flying in the air – all these things, these are all gimmicks. These are all gimmicks and we have been doing all this all these years. I do not know what happens to our thinking and to our understanding of the Divine; the Divinity which is within you and what should happen to you, by which you know (first of all), you know yourself. This country is full of seekers, I know. And what I find that, being a capitalist country, they think even Divinity can be bought, even the Gurus can be bought. If you can buy somebody, if you retain somebody, they are your servants; how can they be your masters? One has to go into it and see for yourself: what have you got so far, or you got complete conditioned into it without knowing yourself. Today, at the very outset, I have to tell you another thing: that this is the Last Judgment. This is the Last Judgement. As a result of this understanding, I hope you will try to understand that now is the time for you to decide and to achieve your seeking. If you do not, there is hardly any time anymore. I didn’t say this before. I thought that might (a little bit) shock you, or maybe you might be upset, but that’s a fact; and it is now years together, for 30 years, I have been working on Sahaja Yoga and I find that America is a country where there is very little response to Reality. What is the reason is? They say: “Mother, why don’t you take any money away? How much are you going to pay?” This is the thing you cannot purchase! If you can realize this point: you cannot purchase. People pay thousands of dollars to listen to somebody at somebody’s lecture, but what did you achieve out of that? What did you get out of that? At least, when you go to the market, you spend some time, some money, you want to know what you have got out of it, but you have not got anything. I know some people who have become completely bankrupt. They are left with no money, and the fellow has decamped with all that saying that you should become ‘detached.’ He should become detached instead of you all becoming detached. This is how things are working out in this country even now. So many have come and gone and finished, but even now, there are many who have come to plunder. So, I have to tell you very frankly: be very careful, and understand what Sahaja Yoga is. Saha means ‘with,’ Ja is ‘born,’ with you is this union; the Union of the Divine. And this Union with the Divine is your own birthright. Firstly, because you are born in those times when it is now a collective happening. Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries in a very big way, but, if you want to purchase, you cannot. It has no value in the sense it’s invaluable. You can’t pay for something invaluable. If you are paying for it, it’s wrong. It’s wrong, And whatever you have done, you have to understand (because I think you are all very intelligent people): Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid or the foolish, but for the people who want to see the point that they have to achieve something out of their seeking. Otherwise, it is just like a mad race going on: somebody seeking here; And I am also surprised that they say “Mother, nowadays there’s a sale on! If you want something cheaper, there is a sale on.” I mean, imagine. How can you cheapen? How can you bring Divinity to that level? How much did we pay to Christ? How much did we pay to Mohammad Saab? All of them have said the same thing (in a different manner maybe, ‘according to the time’ as they call Samayāchār), must be to make you understand. But, despite all that, the fact remains that in your seeking, you have to know yourself, which is not just some sort of a tomfoolery or some juggling, but it is an actualization of an experience. What experience you had? Like flying in the air, what is the use of flying in the air or going three feet on the road (there is no need, alright it is such a condition). All such kind of funny ideas were given to you, and how could you accept it? I am going to tell you the truth now: that it has nothing to do at all with this Divinity. But, your Creator has placed this Kundalini within you. Everyone of you has got that Kundalini within you, everyone of you. It does not matter what religion you follow, it does not matter what country you live in, whatever it maybe your position in life, this Kundalini is placed in your triangular bone by your Creator. You need not just believe Me, but you must, at least, get the experience and believe it that you can feel the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love as cool breeze. It is written in all the scriptures. In the Bible called ‘Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost,’ in the Quran it’s called as Ruh, in so many books it is called as the Power of Divine Love as cool breeze. But, without getting any experience, how do you say that you have found out? The other day, I met one gentleman, he was with one organization for 12 years, and he said, ‘Mother, I am still seeking.’ ‘Why? 12 years you couldn’t find anything?’ I thought that was the last one, I said: ‘Why? Why did you do it?” Whatever is the last, it should end up with your achievement. What have you achieved? As a Mother, I have to tell you frankly that if you have not achieved anything out of all these gimmicks, better give it up. You must have your self-respect, you must know your value, you must know why are you on this Earth. For what are you seeking? Not just to play around and do some shopping here and there. Really achieve something out of you in your evolutionary process. Of course, this Kundalini, it’s a big thing, everything is extremely, extremely scientific. (So many scientists are now in Sahaja Yoga). Absolutely mathematic, perfect. But, first you get your Realization. First, you feel this cool breeze, then you can find out about it, what it is. I am surprised, with all the advancement and development you have, how is it you have forgotten one thing: that yet you have not known yourself? How do you know yourself? When this Kundalini rises. She passes through 6 centers. She passes through 6 centers, and pierces through the (we call it) seventh one, through the fontanel-bone area, which is actualization. You can feel it on top of your head. I mean, every Saint, every Sufi has talked about it if you have read them. Lao-tse has talked about it, everyone, Buddha has talked about it – that you have to have your Self-Realization. SelfRealization means knowing about yourself. All of them has said this. Who has said that you pay for this, and you give up this and go to the jungles? Nobody. Now, this is a very important time and a very important issue in your life, for you, for your children, for your country. You have to know what is your value. What are you? Why are you on this Earth? Are you here just to waste your life uselessly, this precious human life? No, that can’t be. So, there must be something that has to happen to you, and this happening is not imaginary, it’s not mental, but actual. Once this Kundalini rises, you don’t feel anything about it. Now, there are some books I have read against Kundalini and against the awakening of the Kundalini…they are all (I must say are) playing some tricks. For the last 30 years I have been doing this work all over the world, I have never seen such things happening – whatever is described in what they say as ‘Kundalini awakening’. From where did they get those ideas, I don’t know. Maybe, they must have tried some dirty tricks and that is how people must have suffered, I am sure of it. Otherwise, they would have just never happened, and in 30 years I have never seen, all over the world I have never seen, so how can it be that it’s that way: that we are frightened of Kundalini Awakening? She is your Mother! She is your own Mother, your individual Mother. She has no other child. And She has recorded everything within ourselves with all compassion and love like our mother; and it is like a tape recorder we can call it. It is all being taped – all your anxieties, all your mistakes, all your aspirations, all your misdeeds – all are in the Kundalini, and She wants to give you your Second Birth. She is very anxious, but She doesn’t trouble you. For example: when you were born, your mother took all the trouble of giving you the birth. Did she trouble you? So, this Mother Kundalini is not going to trouble you. She loves you. She is full of love for you. And unless and until it happens, you cannot say what’s wrong, what is wrong in Kundalini Awakening or anything, so, at least you should try to make up your mind: that, today, you will all get your Self-Realization, all of you. You have a birthright to get it as I told you, and you should get it, why should you miss it? It is a very fortunate time that you are here. These are the worst modern times they call Gur Kaliyuga, and at this day, at this time only, you are to get your Realization, it has already been prophesized. But, it’s not the way people like something: that suddenly ‘I found light somewhere,’ ‘I was flying in the air,’ all this is nonsense. You have to become knowledgeable, first of all. First of all, when you feel the cool breeze in your hand, you know where it is coming through your fingertips here [Shri Mataji raises right hand] and you have seven chakras, same here, [Shri Mataji raises left hand] seven chakras. Now, these are two right and left sympathetic nervous systems which you see. And, you understand that when the Kundalini rises She awakens your parasympathetic nervous system, about which doctors know nothing. When this parasympathetic is awakened you become the master of that parasympathetic. You can control everything within yourself, you will know everything about yourself. For example: it stands for your physical, mental, and emotional being – all these chakras, all these centers – also, your spiritual being. So, you will know very easily, on your fingertips (very good terminology in the English language). On your fingertips you will know what’s wrong with you, what centers are in trouble. Also, you can find out what’s wrong with others, because you become really collective, not just like this – ‘We are all collective and fighting together,’ nothing of the kind. You really become collective. All over the world you become collective. You may be sitting in New York, but, you don’t know, you have friends all over the world. And not friends, but your own. They know all about you, you know about them. If you can cure your centers (which you can through Sahaja Yoga), then you can cure the centers of others. People have no faith in themselves I think, the way they accept all nonsense. You must have all faith in yourself and know for yourself that these powers are your own. For, you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to be subservient to someone, nothing of the kind, but you yourself become your own master; because, you know about yourself, then you know about others, and also you know how to get rid of problems of these centers. These are very important centers within us on the parasympathetic nervous system. I must say that one has to understand: at the first meeting, I can’t tell you everything about it. But, I was amazed, countries like [UNCLEAR], countries like (of course) Russia, they have very deep, deep people. I don’t know how they have become so deep. Maybe this communism has pushed them so much that they went inside themselves. Very deep. Imagine, one day, Russia will be the greatest country in Sahaja Yoga, I think so. Of course, in India, because they know what it is, I can’t say about Indians, but otherwise, Russians are tremendously deep, and I am amazed how it is not being [UNCLEAR] in other communistic countries where there are problems. It has nothing to do with politics. It is your own growth, it is your own evolution, it is your own ascent, that you achieve a state of your own; you become something that you have never known. It is the becoming is the point, not what you just do: four o’clock you get up, have your bath, do…nothing. All these things are not needed at all, this is all nothing but what we call as rituals, or we can call it, in Sanskrit it’s called as Karmakāndās. So many of them, so many of Saints have discarded them, renounced them that: ‘don’t have all this, but get your Self-Realization’ which is so simple, so easy, it’s your own, but still, I don’t know why people do not go ahead. There is another thing that happens like: people get their Realization, alright, then we say ‘alright, you can go to our follow-up program where you will learn everything. You can master this subtle thing, you will get Absolute Knowledge, and you should go and learn it.’ So, they go for one or two days, and they go on asking ‘What more? What next?’ Like, now you have graduated, so how are you going to get somewhere? Actually, the Knowledge is working through your nerves. Now, you have become like a professor, then what does the professor say?: ‘What more?’ He has to teach, he has to give. If we have to change the whole world, then those who get Realization have to help others. You do help. If you grow into it, you do help. It is not that I tell you, but you do help, you look after, you just manage everything on your own. You want to do it because you become so compassionate and so good. And you have the powers, so you do it. For that, nobody has to coax you or to guide you or to discipline you. You just get it, because you have got that power within you. It’s like: if you have the light, the light doesn’t give, now what I should see? It has to give light. If you are enlightened, then you have to give light, that’s all; as simple as that. ‘What more? What more…’ there is no course going on here. It is your own Being which is within yourself is enlightened, and you have to understand yourself, you have to know what powers you have got, what you are capable of. To think: ‘O, Mother, how possible? We are nothing, we are…’ – that is not the way. I am telling you, you are great, you are born in this time, and you can achieve a lot of Knowledge which is Reality. What knowledge we have is not Reality. If we had, we would have been satisfied, but we are not. Actually, what happens first: you become Thoughtlessly Aware. When the Kundalini crosses this center, then you become Thoughtlessly Aware. That means you do not become a person who is stupid, but you see things without thoughts. You don’t react. Most of our problems are reactions. Now, supposing this is a very beautiful carpet and I like it, but supposing I am not a Realized-Soul. I watch it, I just start thinking: ‘O My God! How much it must have got.’ Supposing it is Mine, then, I would be worried that I should have insured it and all kinds of things. [UNCLEAR]. But, supposing I am a Realized-Soul and I am in Thoughtless Awareness. Then, what do I do? I just watch, I just watch, and I don’t react. And the joy that was put into this by the artist just becomes One, and you enjoy. So, you get the joy, you get the experience, you get the joy, and you get the peace. These things happen to you unconditionally, and you cannot doubt it. Apart from, your health improves (as I have said), but it’s not like a Healer shouting ‘I’ll cure you!’ this sort of thing, no. It is your own innate chakras which get cured, and you get absolutely beautiful health. I do not want to boast, but it is a fact: There are many people who are here, also, who can tell you about how they got cured out of Sahaja Yoga on their own! You become your own master. You don’t have to do anything. It just works out. Some people are also of the opinion: ‘It is too subtle for us, Mother. It is better we can stand on our heads for 5 hours – that we can do.’ So, there is no physical exertion, nothing. The Kundalini will rise by itself without troubling you and will give you this experience, believe Me. First have faith in yourself, you see, that it will happen. And it will happen, I am sure you all can get it tonight here. There is no end to questions also. The other day, I tell them to ask Me questions. They are busy asking questions one after another: ‘What do you think of this Guru? What do you think of that mickey…’, I said: ‘What did you get out of it? Just tell Me.’ That’s all. All sorts of funny things come to your mind because you are still reacting. You are all the time reacting, and because of reaction, your conditioning and your ego plays the part. If you are conditioned that way you will react that way. If you are conditioned otherwise that you don’t like a thing, alright, you won’t like it. But why? Why you don’t like? You can’t explain. Otherwise, also, it is ego; that if there is a very big ego, and you think that ‘No! I cannot understand. I cannot like it.’ So please, be mindful about yourself. I mean, this is how we punish ourselves by unnecessarily having egoistical ideas: ‘I am great, I am this, I am that…’. And we live a very false life. Let us come to Reality. And we have to achieve that Reality within ourselves and enjoy of the Knowledge of Reality. So, in this short time, (I don’t know) I don’t want to explain everything to you. Also, you must know, later on, about yourself. That is a very good journey about yourself when you find out what are you, what you have been, and what you should be. So, this is the Resurrection Time I am talking about, where your hands must speak (Mohammad Saab has clearly said). I do not consider them as Muslims who, at this Qiyamah Time, this Resurrection Time, do not have hands which speak. Christ has said the same. I mean, there is nobody else who has said that ‘don’t seek Yourself, don’t find out about Yourself’ (I mean Real ones it is. Unreal ones they seek money only, or, I don’t know what else they seek). So, you become a very compassionate and a wonderful, beautiful, sweet person; not only for yourself, but for all of you. I do not know how to tell you how people have been so beautiful and so kind to each other. I have never seen them quarrelling (or, they pull each other’s leg, have lots of jokes, that’s all), but never have I seen them fighting, using bad words. And such good marriages, and beautiful children. We have to have a very beautiful world, and the whole world has to be transformed. I am trying (I know My age, I am so very old), I am trying and trying for all these years, and I want that people of this country, who are supposed to be very developed and very intelligent, should understand that this time is responsibility for them to take Sahaja Yoga seriously, to develop it within themselves, and try to help the whole world. All other charities are useless. All charities are useless [UNCLEAR]. The greatest charity is to give Self-Realization to people and to enjoy it. Whatever you have read (I know you are Seekers who must have read all kinds of things), whatever you have done, just forget it. We are talking of the present. The future, of course, is not there, but also the past, forget the past. Another thing is: certain feelings that we have are really wrong. One of them is to feel guilty. What have we done to feel guilty? It is fascinating! Especially the West, people feel guilty for even…if you spill a little coffee they are guilty for life. I can’t understand! But they are, they’re very sensitive on this point: that ‘I am very guilty, Mother.’ For what? What have you done? You have done nothing wrong, why are you guilty? If you are guilty, you shouldn’t have even came. Why are you here? – like that. Now, please don’t feel guilty at all. No question of feeling guilty about anything what has happened in the past. Today, finish the past, now you have to be in the present. Second point is that: if I say ‘Please forgive everyone.’ Then, you may say that it is very difficult to forgive, but, logically, what do you do? Forgive or don’t forgive: you don’t do anything. Nothing! It is just your own mental idea that ‘Oh, I cannot forgive.’ As a result, you suffer. You suffer very much because you do not forgive. So, why [UNCLEAR]…on you head? Just forgive, forgive, and forgive everyone. Just say that ‘Mother, I forgive everyone,’ and you will be amazed, you will be relieved of a big headache that you have been carrying. I can assure you, if you get your Self-Realization: you will know what a beautiful person you are, what a good person you are. All of these horrible things like jealousies and lust and greed and all that just drop. You become a pure person, pure Love, and that is what is your dew which you should have. So, we have to transform the whole world. We have to change this world into a beautiful world of very wise, sweet people. That can be done without any difficulty if you just accept your own value, accept your own Self. And the Self is very beautiful. In the Light of the Self, you can see so many things, because when you are enlightened in that Light, you give up automatically whatever is destructive in you, and you take to positive things which corrects you. And you never fail, that is the main thing in Sahaja Yoga, you do not fail in it. Once you have got the blessings of the Divinity, in ever venture, in every type of work you want to do, you will never fail, because there is protection to you, they are guidance to you, and also, complete enlightenment by which you see things clearly. I don’t know if I should tell you about Turkey where they had such a big, very big earthquake. There are so many Sahaja Yogis in Turkey. They are supposed to be Muslims, but they are Sahaja Yogis. And not one person died, and not one Sahaja Yogi’s house was disturbed. It has happened in many other places also, but this is a thing to tell you that you are protected. You may believe it, or not, but once you feel the Divine Cool Breeze in your hand, then you know you’re protected, this will look after you. But, you have to just feel it. And please do not condemn yourself by feeling guilty, or, also, please do not try, by any chance, to say that ‘Mother, I cannot forgive.’ These are the two conditions (if you want to know) of Sahaja Yoga. It will just work out in no time, and I think, instead of telling you anything else, why not give you Self-Realization, and it is very easy to work out. Another thing is: I cannot force it on you, cannot be forced. You have to desire it, because Kundalini is the Pure Desire in you. All other desires are useless, because, even when they are fulfilled, we do not feel satisfied. But, this Kundalini is the Pure Desire, so if you have desire, then only it can work out. I cannot force it on you, I cannot, and I will not. So, those who do not want to have their Realization should leave the hall, it will be better for others, I would request. But, those who want should stay and should get their SelfRealization and then grow into it. Because, like a seed sprouts, and it has to root. At the most you’ll take one month to become, but with dedication and understanding, if you work it out, you can become a master, no doubt. I am sure of it: you all can become masters and you can help your family, help your neighbors, help your friends, help the whole country, help the whole world. That is what your position is, that is the position of all the seekers I think, is to become. So, I would request you to forgive everyone, and, secondly, not to have guilt. Means: forgive yourself. Just forgive yourself. Only listen to Me on these two points, and you will do well.”
Public Program, New York, United States of America, 16-06-2000 “…together they have been seeking, seeking, seeking, but what? And what are you supposed to get out of that seeking? You know very well in the scriptures, all of them, it is written: you have to know yourself. You don’t know yourself, that is the main point. First of all, you must know yourself. With all your seeking, with all your spending, doing all kinds of acrobatics, have you been able to know yourself? We must ask this question. Just because sometimes you feel very nice, you feel you are very peaceful, or you feel you are flying in the air – all these things, these are all gimmicks. These are all gimmicks and we have been doing all this all these years. I do not know what happens to our thinking and to our understanding of the Divine; the Divinity which is within you and what should happen to you, by which you know (first of all), you know yourself. This country is full of seekers, I know. And what I find that, being a capitalist country, they think even Divinity can be bought, even the Gurus can be bought. If you can buy somebody, if you retain somebody, they are your servants; how can they be your masters? One has to go into it and see for yourself: what have you got so far, or you got complete conditioned into it without knowing yourself. Today, at the very outset, I have to tell you another thing: that this is the Last Judgment. This is the Last Judgement. As a result of this understanding, I hope you will try to understand that now is the time for you to decide and to achieve your seeking. If you do not, there is hardly any time anymore. I didn’t say this before. I thought that might (a little bit) shock you, or maybe you might be upset, but that’s a fact; and it is now years together, for 30 years, I have been working on Sahaja Yoga and I find that America is a country where there is very little response to Reality. What is the reason is? They say: “Mother, why don’t you take any money away? How much are you going to pay?” This is the thing you cannot purchase! If you can realize this point: you cannot purchase. People pay thousands of dollars to listen to somebody at somebody’s lecture, but what did you achieve out of that? What did you get out of that? At least, when you go to the market, you spend some time, some money, you want to know what you have got out of it, but you have not got anything. I know some people who have become completely bankrupt. They are left with no money, and the fellow has decamped with all that saying that you should become ‘detached.’ He should become detached instead of you all becoming detached. This is how things are working out in this country even now. So many have come and gone and finished, but even now, there are many who have come to plunder. So, I have to tell you very frankly: be very careful, and understand what Sahaja Yoga is. Saha means ‘with,’ Ja is ‘born,’ with you is this union; the Union of the Divine. And this Union with the Divine is your own birthright. Firstly, because you are born in those times when it is now a collective happening. Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries in a very big way, but, if you want to purchase, you cannot. It has no value in the sense it’s invaluable. You can’t pay for something invaluable. If you are paying for it, it’s wrong. It’s wrong, And whatever you have done, you have to understand (because I think you are all very intelligent people): Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid or the foolish, but for the people who want to see the point that they have to achieve something out of their seeking. Otherwise, it is just like a mad race going on: somebody seeking here; And I am also surprised that they say “Mother, nowadays there’s a sale on! If you want something cheaper, there is a sale on.” I mean, imagine. How can you cheapen? How can you bring Divinity to that level? How much did we pay to Christ? How much did we pay to Mohammad Saab? All of them have said the same thing (in a different manner maybe, ‘according to the time’ as they call Samayāchār), must be to make you understand. But, despite all that, the fact remains that in your seeking, you have to know yourself, which is not just some sort of a tomfoolery or some juggling, but it is an actualization of an experience. What experience you had? Like flying in the air, what is the use of flying in the air or going three feet on the road (there is no need, alright it is such a condition). All such kind of funny ideas were given to you, and how could you accept it? I am going to tell you the truth now: that it has nothing to do at all with this Divinity. But, your Creator has placed this Kundalini within you. Everyone of you has got that Kundalini within you, everyone of you. It does not matter what religion you follow, it does not matter what country you live in, whatever it maybe your position in life, this Kundalini is placed in your triangular bone by your Creator. You need not just believe Me, but you must, at least, get the experience and believe it that you can feel the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love as cool breeze. It is written in all the scriptures. In the Bible called ‘Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost,’ in the Quran it’s called as Ruh, in so many books it is called as the Power of Divine Love as cool breeze. But, without getting any experience, how do you say that you have found out? The other day, I met one gentleman, he was with one organization for 12 years, and he said, ‘Mother, I am still seeking.’ ‘Why? 12 years you couldn’t find anything?’ I thought that was the last one, I said: ‘Why? Why did you do it?” Whatever is the last, it should end up with your achievement. What have you achieved? As a Mother, I have to tell you frankly that if you have not achieved anything out of all these gimmicks, better give it up. You must have your self-respect, you must know your value, you must know why are you on this Earth. For what are you seeking? Not just to play around and do some shopping here and there. Really achieve something out of you in your evolutionary process. Of course, this Kundalini, it’s a big thing, everything is extremely, extremely scientific. (So many scientists are now in Sahaja Yoga). Absolutely mathematic, perfect. But, first you get your Realization. First, you feel this cool breeze, then you can find out about it, what it is. I am surprised, with all the advancement and development you have, how is it you have forgotten one thing: that yet you have not known yourself? How do you know yourself? When this Kundalini rises. She passes through 6 centers. She passes through 6 centers, and pierces through the (we call it) seventh one, through the fontanel-bone area, which is actualization. You can feel it on top of your head. I mean, every Saint, every Sufi has talked about it if you have read them. Lao-tse has talked about it, everyone, Buddha has talked about it – that you have to have your Self-Realization. SelfRealization means knowing about yourself. All of them has said this. Who has said that you pay for this, and you give up this and go to the jungles? Nobody. Now, this is a very important time and a very important issue in your life, for you, for your children, for your country. You have to know what is your value. What are you? Why are you on this Earth? Are you here just to waste your life uselessly, this precious human life? No, that can’t be. So, there must be something that has to happen to you, and this happening is not imaginary, it’s not mental, but actual. Once this Kundalini rises, you don’t feel anything about it. Now, there are some books I have read against Kundalini and against the awakening of the Kundalini…they are all (I must say are) playing some tricks. For the last 30 years I have been doing this work all over the world, I have never seen such things happening – whatever is described in what they say as ‘Kundalini awakening’. From where did they get those ideas, I don’t know. Maybe, they must have tried some dirty tricks and that is how people must have suffered, I am sure of it. Otherwise, they would have just never happened, and in 30 years I have never seen, all over the world I have never seen, so how can it be that it’s that way: that we are frightened of Kundalini Awakening? She is your Mother! She is your own Mother, your individual Mother. She has no other child. And She has recorded everything within ourselves with all compassion and love like our mother; and it is like a tape recorder we can call it. It is all being taped – all your anxieties, all your mistakes, all your aspirations, all your misdeeds – all are in the Kundalini, and She wants to give you your Second Birth. She is very anxious, but She doesn’t trouble you. For example: when you were born, your mother took all the trouble of giving you the birth. Did she trouble you? So, this Mother Kundalini is not going to trouble you. She loves you. She is full of love for you. And unless and until it happens, you cannot say what’s wrong, what is wrong in Kundalini Awakening or anything, so, at least you should try to make up your mind: that, today, you will all get your Self-Realization, all of you. You have a birthright to get it as I told you, and you should get it, why should you miss it? It is a very fortunate time that you are here. These are the worst modern times they call Gur Kaliyuga, and at this day, at this time only, you are to get your Realization, it has already been prophesized. But, it’s not the way people like something: that suddenly ‘I found light somewhere,’ ‘I was flying in the air,’ all this is nonsense. You have to become knowledgeable, first of all. First of all, when you feel the cool breeze in your hand, you know where it is coming through your fingertips here [Shri Mataji raises right hand] and you have seven chakras, same here, [Shri Mataji raises left hand] seven chakras. Now, these are two right and left sympathetic nervous systems which you see. And, you understand that when the Kundalini rises She awakens your parasympathetic nervous system, about which doctors know nothing. When this parasympathetic is awakened you become the master of that parasympathetic. You can control everything within yourself, you will know everything about yourself. For example: it stands for your physical, mental, and emotional being – all these chakras, all these centers – also, your spiritual being. So, you will know very easily, on your fingertips (very good terminology in the English language). On your fingertips you will know what’s wrong with you, what centers are in trouble. Also, you can find out what’s wrong with others, because you become really collective, not just like this – ‘We are all collective and fighting together,’ nothing of the kind. You really become collective. All over the world you become collective. You may be sitting in New York, but, you don’t know, you have friends all over the world. And not friends, but your own. They know all about you, you know about them. If you can cure your centers (which you can through Sahaja Yoga), then you can cure the centers of others. People have no faith in themselves I think, the way they accept all nonsense. You must have all faith in yourself and know for yourself that these powers are your own. For, you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to be subservient to someone, nothing of the kind, but you yourself become your own master; because, you know about yourself, then you know about others, and also you know how to get rid of problems of these centers. These are very important centers within us on the parasympathetic nervous system. I must say that one has to understand: at the first meeting, I can’t tell you everything about it. But, I was amazed, countries like [UNCLEAR], countries like (of course) Russia, they have very deep, deep people. I don’t know how they have become so deep. Maybe this communism has pushed them so much that they went inside themselves. Very deep. Imagine, one day, Russia will be the greatest country in Sahaja Yoga, I think so. Of course, in India, because they know what it is, I can’t say about Indians, but otherwise, Russians are tremendously deep, and I am amazed how it is not being [UNCLEAR] in other communistic countries where there are problems. It has nothing to do with politics. It is your own growth, it is your own evolution, it is your own ascent, that you achieve a state of your own; you become something that you have never known. It is the becoming is the point, not what you just do: four o’clock you get up, have your bath, do…nothing. All these things are not needed at all, this is all nothing but what we call as rituals, or we can call it, in Sanskrit it’s called as Karmakāndās. So many of them, so many of Saints have discarded them, renounced them that: ‘don’t have all this, but get your Self-Realization’ which is so simple, so easy, it’s your own, but still, I don’t know why people do not go ahead. There is another thing that happens like: people get their Realization, alright, then we say ‘alright, you can go to our follow-up program where you will learn everything. You can master this subtle thing, you will get Absolute Knowledge, and you should go and learn it.’ So, they go for one or two days, and they go on asking ‘What more? What next?’ Like, now you have graduated, so how are you going to get somewhere? Actually, the Knowledge is working through your nerves. Now, you have become like a professor, then what does the professor say?: ‘What more?’ He has to teach, he has to give. If we have to change the whole world, then those who get Realization have to help others. You do help. If you grow into it, you do help. It is not that I tell you, but you do help, you look after, you just manage everything on your own. You want to do it because you become so compassionate and so good. And you have the powers, so you do it. For that, nobody has to coax you or to guide you or to discipline you. You just get it, because you have got that power within you. It’s like: if you have the light, the light doesn’t give, now what I should see? It has to give light. If you are enlightened, then you have to give light, that’s all; as simple as that. ‘What more? What more…’ there is no course going on here. It is your own Being which is within yourself is enlightened, and you have to understand yourself, you have to know what powers you have got, what you are capable of. To think: ‘O, Mother, how possible? We are nothing, we are…’ – that is not the way. I am telling you, you are great, you are born in this time, and you can achieve a lot of Knowledge which is Reality. What knowledge we have is not Reality. If we had, we would have been satisfied, but we are not. Actually, what happens first: you become Thoughtlessly Aware. When the Kundalini crosses this center, then you become Thoughtlessly Aware. That means you do not become a person who is stupid, but you see things without thoughts. You don’t react. Most of our problems are reactions. Now, supposing this is a very beautiful carpet and I like it, but supposing I am not a Realized-Soul. I watch it, I just start thinking: ‘O My God! How much it must have got.’ Supposing it is Mine, then, I would be worried that I should have insured it and all kinds of things. [UNCLEAR]. But, supposing I am a Realized-Soul and I am in Thoughtless Awareness. Then, what do I do? I just watch, I just watch, and I don’t react. And the joy that was put into this by the artist just becomes One, and you enjoy. So, you get the joy, you get the experience, you get the joy, and you get the peace. These things happen to you unconditionally, and you cannot doubt it. Apart from, your health improves (as I have said), but it’s not like a Healer shouting ‘I’ll cure you!’ this sort of thing, no. It is your own innate chakras which get cured, and you get absolutely beautiful health. I do not want to boast, but it is a fact: There are many people who are here, also, who can tell you about how they got cured out of Sahaja Yoga on their own! You become your own master. You don’t have to do anything. It just works out. Some people are also of the opinion: ‘It is too subtle for us, Mother. It is better we can stand on our heads for 5 hours – that we can do.’ So, there is no physical exertion, nothing. The Kundalini will rise by itself without troubling you and will give you this experience, believe Me. First have faith in yourself, you see, that it will happen. And it will happen, I am sure you all can get it tonight here. There is no end to questions also. The other day, I tell them to ask Me questions. They are busy asking questions one after another: ‘What do you think of this Guru? What do you think of that mickey…’, I said: ‘What did you get out of it? Just tell Me.’ That’s all. All sorts of funny things come to your mind because you are still reacting. You are all the time reacting, and because of reaction, your conditioning and your ego plays the part. If you are conditioned that way you will react that way. If you are conditioned otherwise that you don’t like a thing, alright, you won’t like it. But why? Why you don’t like? You can’t explain. Otherwise, also, it is ego; that if there is a very big ego, and you think that ‘No! I cannot understand. I cannot like it.’ So please, be mindful about yourself. I mean, this is how we punish ourselves by unnecessarily having egoistical ideas: ‘I am great, I am this, I am that…’. And we live a very false life. Let us come to Reality. And we have to achieve that Reality within ourselves and enjoy of the Knowledge of Reality. So, in this short time, (I don’t know) I don’t want to explain everything to you. Also, you must know, later on, about yourself. That is a very good journey about yourself when you find out what are you, what you have been, and what you should be. So, this is the Resurrection Time I am talking about, where your hands must speak (Mohammad Saab has clearly said). I do not consider them as Muslims who, at this Qiyamah Time, this Resurrection Time, do not have hands which speak. Christ has said the same. I mean, there is nobody else who has said that ‘don’t seek Yourself, don’t find out about Yourself’ (I mean Real ones it is. Unreal ones they seek money only, or, I don’t know what else they seek). So, you become a very compassionate and a wonderful, beautiful, sweet person; not only for yourself, but for all of you. I do not know how to tell you how people have been so beautiful and so kind to each other. I have never seen them quarrelling (or, they pull each other’s leg, have lots of jokes, that’s all), but never have I seen them fighting, using bad words. And such good marriages, and beautiful children. We have to have a very beautiful world, and the whole world has to be transformed. I am trying (I know My age, I am so very old), I am trying and trying for all these years, and I want that people of this country, who are supposed to be very developed and very intelligent, should understand that this time is responsibility for them to take Sahaja Yoga seriously, to develop it within themselves, and try to help the whole world. All other charities are useless. All charities are useless [UNCLEAR]. The greatest charity is to give Self-Realization to people and to enjoy it. Whatever you have read (I know you are Seekers who must have read all kinds of things), whatever you have done, just forget it. We are talking of the present. The future, of course, is not there, but also the past, forget the past. Another thing is: certain feelings that we have are really wrong. One of them is to feel guilty. What have we done to feel guilty? It is fascinating! Especially the West, people feel guilty for even…if you spill a little coffee they are guilty for life. I can’t understand! But they are, they’re very sensitive on this point: that ‘I am very guilty, Mother.’ For what? What have you done? You have done nothing wrong, why are you guilty? If you are guilty, you shouldn’t have even came. Why are you here? – like that. Now, please don’t feel guilty at all. No question of feeling guilty about anything what has happened in the past. Today, finish the past, now you have to be in the present. Second point is that: if I say ‘Please forgive everyone.’ Then, you may say that it is very difficult to forgive, but, logically, what do you do? Forgive or don’t forgive: you don’t do anything. Nothing! It is just your own mental idea that ‘Oh, I cannot forgive.’ As a result, you suffer. You suffer very much because you do not forgive. So, why [UNCLEAR]…on you head? Just forgive, forgive, and forgive everyone. Just say that ‘Mother, I forgive everyone,’ and you will be amazed, you will be relieved of a big headache that you have been carrying. I can assure you, if you get your Self-Realization: you will know what a beautiful person you are, what a good person you are. All of these horrible things like jealousies and lust and greed and all that just drop. You become a pure person, pure Love, and that is what is your dew which you should have. So, we have to transform the whole world. We have to change this world into a beautiful world of very wise, sweet people. That can be done without any difficulty if you just accept your own value, accept your own Self. And the Self is very beautiful. In the Light of the Self, you can see so many things, because when you are enlightened in that Light, you give up automatically whatever is destructive in you, and you take to positive things which corrects you. And you never fail, that is the main thing in Sahaja Yoga, you do not fail in it. Once you have got the blessings of the Divinity, in ever venture, in every type of work you want to do, you will never fail, because there is protection to you, they are guidance to you, and also, complete enlightenment by which you see things clearly. I don’t know if I should tell you about Turkey where they had such a big, very big earthquake. There are so many Sahaja Yogis in Turkey. They are supposed to be Muslims, but they are Sahaja Yogis. And not one person died, and not one Sahaja Yogi’s house was disturbed. It has happened in many other places also, but this is a thing to tell you that you are protected. You may believe it, or not, but once you feel the Divine Cool Breeze in your hand, then you know you’re protected, this will look after you. But, you have to just feel it. And please do not condemn yourself by feeling guilty, or, also, please do not try, by any chance, to say that ‘Mother, I cannot forgive.’ These are the two conditions (if you want to know) of Sahaja Yoga. It will just work out in no time, and I think, instead of telling you anything else, why not give you Self-Realization, and it is very easy to work out. Another thing is: I cannot force it on you, cannot be forced. You have to desire it, because Kundalini is the Pure Desire in you. All other desires are useless, because, even when they are fulfilled, we do not feel satisfied. But, this Kundalini is the Pure Desire, so if you have desire, then only it can work out. I cannot force it on you, I cannot, and I will not. So, those who do not want to have their Realization should leave the hall, it will be better for others, I would request. But, those who want should stay and should get their SelfRealization and then grow into it. Because, like a seed sprouts, and it has to root. At the most you’ll take one month to become, but with dedication and understanding, if you work it out, you can become a master, no doubt. I am sure of it: you all can become masters and you can help your family, help your neighbors, help your friends, help the whole country, help the whole world. That is what your position is, that is the position of all the seekers I think, is to become. So, I would request you to forgive everyone, and, secondly, not to have guilt. Means: forgive yourself. Just forgive yourself. Only listen to Me on these two points, and you will do well.”
Adi Shakti Puja: Emotional Intelligence
United States
Adi Shakti
Adi Shakti Puja. Nirmal Nagari, Canajoharie, NY (USA), 2 July 2000. Today we have come here to do the Adi Shakti Puja.I have already told you about the Adi Shakti, how She had to work out so many things in this world —first to create and then to create human beings through evolutionary process. After that, to comfort. Then to counsel.So many people here came on this Earth just to do the counselling. They told what was wrong, what was right, what should we do, what we should not do, what is self-respect and what is the duty of a human being as a superior-most creature. So many of Them came on this Earth. One after another, in every country, They came and Their counselling formed religions. Of course, you see the mess of the religions and that’s how Their life was wasted, that They formed religions after religions, by which only human beings were divided, divided to such an extent they hate each other. Hateful, somebody’s born in an X religion, he hates the person who follows the Y religion. While Those who came as counsellors talked about complete unity, complete oneness of human race, despite that, human brain, in its freedom, did all kinds of wrong things and created a country or, you can say the whole world, full of lots of problems arising out of religion. How can it be that religion makes you hate somebody? Religion is there to understand love, imbibe love and compassion.So the third thing one had to do is the Adi Shakti’s job, that is the one Kundalini within us. And, by the awakening, we got pure knowledge, absolute knowledge, pure knowledge that it cannot be challenged. Absolute it is! Whatever you know after Realization is absolute. If you know that, then what you have to understand, that everything has to be united. You cannot have fights and you cannot hate anyone. If that thing starts happening, all the problems of the world will be finished. So the first thing, redemption, that is the quality of the Adi Shakti, was to redeem people of their all wrong ideas about others. Firstly, as we know, there are six enemies we have got. And unless and until we can conquer those six enemies, we cannot be a religious person. That is what is said, but actually the all religions are based only on prospering those six enemies that we have within ourselves.When you see this clearly, you start seeking, you start seeking, seeking earnest truth, the Truth. And the revelation of truth, absolute truth, can only come through your evolution, through your reformation that you become person who knows the Truth. For that, Adi Shakti’s ascent is important within you, which is your Kundalini. And when this thing takes place, automatically you drop all those six enemies that you have. You become a beautiful human being. Like lotus, when it is in the very germinating state, it looks like all other small animals, or small, you can say, very, very, small dirty things that are in the pond. And then, once it starts coming out, coming out of that horrible water, it becomes such a beautiful flower, rises up and opens out. In the same way, a Sahaja Yogi, though he lives along with all these horrible things that are going on, but flowers like a lotus. It doesn’t have all these insects, all this dirt and filth of that water in which it lives. It sucks only the pure water and the remnant, the others remain there as it is. So what is left within you is nothing but purity, beauty and fragrance, just like a lotus. Then there is no more the problem of getting attacked by all of these small, small creatures in the water or all the dirty things that are in the water. And this state that you have achieved now, I’m very happy to see so many people in America have achieved it. You see, it’s a very great blessing, because America is the leading country in so many ways. One can say that it has made lots of money. That is not the criteria of becoming a very good Sahaja Yogi. What you get is the satisfaction, satisfaction that you enjoy whatever you have and whatever others have. And the second thing that happens to you, you become absolutely collective. This has to happen. But I find still people have not understood the meaning of collectivity. For example, family is very, very weak here. Family that has been created by natural relationships is not so much respected as it should have. It’s all because, based on money, so people start quarrelling, fighting and even killing each other.Now the basis of family is love and compassion. Those who do not have this cannot have good families. I’ve seen even among Sahaja Yogis sometimes, some people who are working for money, who are educated, sometimes look down upon people who are not so well off. Or maybe the housewives who are working in the house, looking after the children, building up the families are not treated with respect as some secretary in some organization. I don’t know why this kind of a manliness comes into women. Why should they think they are something higher than the women who are working hard in the household, cooking, looking after children, bearing all the brunt of the society. This is something, I feel, is a part which is lacking very much in America and also Western countries.When money becomes important, if when money is important, then the Lakshmi principle is not respected. Very surprising. Money is the part which is the blessing of the Lakshmi, but the Gruha Lakshmi is the one who is a householder, is not respected. And with this, I tell you, there’s a… very, very wrong things can happen. You can work, you can be educated, but you should be able to look after your family and look after their comfort and look after their unity. Instead of that, educated women, I call them manly women, educated women think that they are something higher, they are sadly mistaken. In no way, a man is higher than a woman. So this kind of a disparity that exists and one starts thinking that: “We are earning. We are educated” are really manly women, I must say. But the women who work very hard in a household with love, look after the children, look after the family, are in no way less than these people who are working in the office. So, such women must be respected by their husbands, by the men, members of the family — not only that, but all the Sahaja Yogis must respect such women, who are doing such a difficult task. I’ve been a housewife and I know what it is to run the house, to look after the children, to look after the complete organization and looking after the expenditure of the money, if that is limited. This ego has to go. The other day, one lady, she came in interview and asked Me that: “How is it, in this world of men, you are so much respected?” World of men —I was really laughing. “You may think this is the world of men, I can’t understand. Can they exist without women?” But I was amazed at her question because she said that: “Even in the jail, criminals are so much respectful, how is it possible? How can they have so much respect for a women?” I said: “I can’t understand one thing, that criminals have got mothers or not?” They are all males, don’t they have a mother? They all have a mother and they respect the mother.That’s the point one should know, that woman is a much more important thing than the man is, as far as the children are concerned. But I’ve seen even some ladies, who think they are very capable, try to control everything and create problems. And mother’s job is not to control. Her job is to love, to give compassion and this is the quality of women is lost in these Western, so-called advanced,It is a very dangerous thing. I personally think that, if such a thing happens, families will be destroyed. Nobody will have respect for the lady who looks after the family. And she is more than a prime minister, I would say, in a family and she’s to be respected and to be understood. Today, I think it is important to say that all of you should understand the value of women who are housewives. It’s a tremendous job to be a housewife. I have gone through it and I know what it is. If the respect for the housewife is not given… She will also look after the children. Children are tomorrow’s citizens. Who will groom them? Who will bring them up? All those manly women don’t also have children sometimes, so they don’t know what is the problem of children. At least those who are solving the problem of their children, you must understand their responsibility. You see, the very, very crucial point on which all the Western societies are collapsing, because in their culture there is no place for the mother. So, the women should not feel in any way less if they are mothers and looking after the household. They should not feel inferior to anybody who thinks that they are something great. Basically, the families have to be good. This collectivity must work first in the family. The children are to be groomed properly. They are to be brought up in a proper way.As it is, in these days, you know what is happening to the children. When I read about it, I’m really shocked that children are just treated as if they’re some unwanted stuff. They are not given any attention. Ultimately, the children become drug addicts, they become vagabonds or anything. They can become anything, because there’s so much, so much neglect and so much of hatred for children.So one has to first remember that, for collectivity, you must look after your children. Not only that, with love and compassion, not as somebody who is trying to become a despot out of it, but a person who is a source, who is a source of joy and compassion. In one of My lectures, I talked to you about the emotional intelligence. That is what we should try to imbibe. Emotional intelligence, that means the intelligence that is based on emotions. Unless and until we become emotionally intelligent, our society cannot work. In an emotional intelligence, you care and you enjoy caring. You do everything for others with a great emotional understanding. Not for one child, not for one son, but for everyone you have to be emotionally intelligent. Some children are born like this, but some are to be made like that, that they should be emotionally intelligent. Because, if the mother and father are money-oriented, very selfish, they wouldn’t allow their child to give anything to others. So such a child will grow into a very funny type of a person and will never do anything for anybody, not even for his own country. Why should he? Everything for selfishness. Then such people indulge into corruption, indulge into all kinds of things, which are only selfish in attitude.Now we are talking of collectivity. In collectivity, we do for others. We enjoy doing for others. We love giving things to others, not for yourself, because your children will also become the same kind and they will only bother about themselves.This emotional intelligence has to be brought in our life. In our pattern that we have, are we emotionally intelligent or we are just intelligent or emotional? Both things are wrong.If you are just intelligent, you can become very dry person. You may just have few friends maybe, you may not have and you will always try to preserve yourself away from the collectivity.And if you are emotional, you’ll be attached to only one person, attached to one child, attached to one person, to someone, even in the society. For no rhyme or reason. Why? Why are you attached to one person? Why you bothered about one person only? All such people fall into such terrible play. In the politics you have seen now, people try to help their own sons and own daughters and this and that. And we Indians have suffered a lot with this kind of an emotional attachment. So, according to ethics, emotional intelligence is the highest quality, by which you give to others, you care for others, for everyone and you become very, very collective.Now exclusiveness is another fashion that’s very miserable, it’s exclusive. because you don’t want to be one of the multitudes. You want to be exclusive. You should be exclusive in emotional intelligence, not on other things. That is the best thing that you can have.As I agree, I am just a woman and just a mother, but what I have is really the emotional intelligence, ocean of it, and from that I know about everyone, I understand about everyone. And all this work has been done because of that quality in My head. I’m not attached to one person or to one style. Whatever you say, I can understand, because I am at a level where I can understand everything that you are doing.To achieve that, you try to develop emotional intelligence. Here the children won’t even give a toy to somebody to play with. Even the mother is like that, the father is like that, extremely selfish and: “We must have our own, you see, everything should be our own.” This has to go. This has to go, from Americans especially, because they are the leading nation in this kind of selfishness. What selfishness they have done, I need not count, but you know that. You go and ask the people of Canada, Mexico, Peru, all this, they will tell you. Being selfish, they are not ashamed. They are exploiters, they are not ashamed. Nobody can even tell them, because they think they are very rich people. But all these riches will not give them the joy of life.Joy of life is only in the emotional intelligence. If you don’t have that, it becomes very dry. Life becomes very odd, unbearable, horrible and even the family gets broken, if there is no emotional intelligence in the family.I have known so many women who have had three marriages, five marriages. I don’t know how they can do it. But they’ve done because of this lack of emotional intelligence. It is something that is a sense of giving. It is not that you are sacrificing anything, no! That’s also another idea, that we are to bear this —nothing of the kind. Look at the life of Christ, He gave His life. Why? What was the need for Him to do that? Behind Him was the Truth.When you have the Truth with you, the light of the Truth, the source of the Truth, the strength of the Truth, you become emotionally intelligent. You understand that, if you really love something, then you have to undergo every kind of trouble. You have to tolerate lot of nonsense.I know it’s too much to say, but I thought that, for this special Puja, I should say something about the family life. In our ashrams or in our programs or wherever we are, we should remember this point, that: “Are we having that emotional intelligence when we are trying to talk among Sahaja Yoga?” Why do I need to be every place to tell them? What is the need? You can tell them. If you have that emotional intelligence, everybody will listen to you. Why not? Not necessary I should go everywhere and talk to them. How many countries can I do? And the reaction to it is so beautiful and so nice. It’s very surprising. Like in a country like Benin country, all Muslims there, all black people, they all have become Sahaja Yogis. Nine thousand. How could I capture that? Just think of that. Nine thousand people come to you! Then also other countries I have seen. Just this is the power of emotional intelligence that captures the heart of the people. You may have any amount of property, money, everything, people will abhor you. Alright. So you may say: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with this?” That you are harming the greatest thing, is the human being. And the politicians they are horrible, as they say. Why? Because they have no emotional intelligence. Also as administrators, they are very much difficult, because they have no emotional intelligence. All these people are devoid of that great quality of emotional intelligence. If your country is very progressive, I must say, you must progress in emotional intelligence.That way, they have philanthropists, I know. Americans are known to be philanthropists. But behind that is they want to have power. They want to rule people with that money. It’s not emotional intelligence, it’s they just want to rule. If they start some sort of a charity, that is just to have a big name on the television, or to have a very great advertisement about, “Oh, him!” and then he moves like a tycoon all over. Wee part of their own money, wee part of their property, work it out and make such a fuss about it, because they want to cash everything…You are Sahaja Yogis. You have to send waves of emotional intelligence. You have to send love to all over the world. You have to show how you can, with love, win over. It is also possible, if you are not so attached. If you are not attached, say to your country only— now this is a bigger issue — then you will try to exploit other countries, take advantage of them, try to run them down. But if you are emotionally attached to your country, then you’ll bring good name to your country by doing real good work.I don’t know why people do not know how to discriminate. Why are they so selfish, trying to bring them up, trying to do all the good things for themselves? There is a very great chance for all of you to get this within your reach, because you are all Sahaja Yogis. You have become like lotuses. And the lotus has the fragrance which spreads all over and, days together it stays in the water, in that dirty water, and it spreads the fragrance. With that fragrance also, you can do lots of things, that the bees come there, they sleep in that beautiful house of the lotus and in the night it closes down very carefully. All kinds of things that come from the flower to take the beauty of that flower, you can say, because you can extract also the essence of that, which has fragrance. You can also get some honey out of that. Whatever is possible, everybody comes to that flower. That doesn’t mean that flower in any way is weak, but that’s its quality, that’s its strength, that’s its understanding. That’s what you are.You are all made into lotuses. You are not made into some sort of creeps or some sort of stupid donkeys, no! You are the people who are to give fragrance of your love, fragrance of your compassion to others. And you should feel happy about it. That doesn’t mean that you give up this, give up that. Nothing of the kind. But it means that, whatever you have, whatever is your possibility, capability, you must try to do for others, give it to them. And the more you do in this collectivity… That’s what is very important, at least for America, because everybody is trying to follow America, money-making business, this business, that thing. But you are all Sahaja Yogis, so what you have to do is take advantage of your achievement and give this to others, give Realisation to others. Many people who get Realisation don’t even bother about it. They just don’t go and spread Sahaja Yoga. They are not bothered about it. Which is sometimes very shocking to Me, because what was the need for Me to go around the whole world with all the mad people living, and talking to them about Sahaja Yoga?In the same way, you should also feel now that: “We have to do this work, we have to change the world. We have to get them into Sahaja Yoga.” Why can’t we? We are so many people. Christ had only twelve disciples, and how much they spread Christianity! What about you people? You are so well equipped, you have so much of knowledge, absolute knowledge and experience. So if you have the experience and the knowledge, you can capture the people. But there is some sort of a lurking ambition, which goes against, against the culture of Sahaja Yoga. You want to be leader, or you want to put down somebody, or you think no end of yourself. That’s no good. And also they do Sahaja Yoga or spread Sahaja Yoga because they want to enhance themselves. This is not the way. The way is a complete surrendering, complete surrender to the work of Sahaja Yoga. It’s possible, it’s not difficult at all, as I’m telling you. It’s very, very simple. Only thing, you should understand that you have a special place in the whole universe today. You are not to rot. You are not to waste your life.We have started marriages, and in America also they said. I said: “Alright, we’ll have marriages.” But these marriages, what is the outcome? If they are like all other ordinary marriages, what’s the use? What are they doing for others? What sort of children they are producing? You have to see to it that you become married couples in Sahaja Yoga. Your family should be a different type, your love for your family should be of a different type. The whole family of Sahaja Yoga also is your family. So, for everyone, you must have compassion and love. I know some people grow very fast, but some don’t, because they lack this balance between emotion and intelligence. This balance has to be completely established. And I know, one day, this America will lead so many people, so many people, thousands, in Sahaja Yoga.So far, whatever was wrong was adopted: drug addiction starts, then another thing starts. All kinds of nonsensical things started in this country. Why?Now, the new lotuses that are there, they have to change the atmosphere of this lake, where all kinds of dirty things are coming up, immoral things are coming up, ruining the whole world. So, in our general attitude also, we should try to see: “Are we really following? Are we really doing what is to be done? What are we doing for morality?” That’s a very important point in Sahaja Yoga, how you dress, how you walk, how you talk, everything’s very important, and all other things that you have, you should try. How to create, and all these things of different, different Chakras, you should try to concentrate on them and see for yourself what are you doing? What are you making out of your life? You are Sahaja Yogis. You are special people. You are not ordinary. I want to tell you that you should have self-esteem. Try to understand what is your quality, what are you. Thank you very much. May God bless you!
Adi Shakti Puja. Nirmal Nagari, Canajoharie, NY (USA), 2 July 2000. Today we have come here to do the Adi Shakti Puja.I have already told you about the Adi Shakti, how She had to work out so many things in this world —first to create and then to create human beings through evolutionary process. After that, to comfort. Then to counsel.So many people here came on this Earth just to do the counselling. They told what was wrong, what was right, what should we do, what we should not do, what is self-respect and what is the duty of a human being as a superior-most creature. So many of Them came on this Earth. One after another, in every country, They came and Their counselling formed religions. Of course, you see the mess of the religions and that’s how Their life was wasted, that They formed religions after religions, by which only human beings were divided, divided to such an extent they hate each other. Hateful, somebody’s born in an X religion, he hates the person who follows the Y religion. While Those who came as counsellors talked about complete unity, complete oneness of human race, despite that, human brain, in its freedom, did all kinds of wrong things and created a country or, you can say the whole world, full of lots of problems arising out of religion. How can it be that religion makes you hate somebody? Religion is there to understand love, imbibe love and compassion.So the third thing one had to do is the Adi Shakti’s job, that is the one Kundalini within us. And, by the awakening, we got pure knowledge, absolute knowledge, pure knowledge that it cannot be challenged. Absolute it is! Whatever you know after Realization is absolute. If you know that, then what you have to understand, that everything has to be united. You cannot have fights and you cannot hate anyone. If that thing starts happening, all the problems of the world will be finished. So the first thing, redemption, that is the quality of the Adi Shakti, was to redeem people of their all wrong ideas about others. Firstly, as we know, there are six enemies we have got. And unless and until we can conquer those six enemies, we cannot be a religious person. That is what is said, but actually the all religions are based only on prospering those six enemies that we have within ourselves.When you see this clearly, you start seeking, you start seeking, seeking earnest truth, the Truth. And the revelation of truth, absolute truth, can only come through your evolution, through your reformation that you become person who knows the Truth. For that, Adi Shakti’s ascent is important within you, which is your Kundalini. And when this thing takes place, automatically you drop all those six enemies that you have. You become a beautiful human being. Like lotus, when it is in the very germinating state, it looks like all other small animals, or small, you can say, very, very, small dirty things that are in the pond. And then, once it starts coming out, coming out of that horrible water, it becomes such a beautiful flower, rises up and opens out. In the same way, a Sahaja Yogi, though he lives along with all these horrible things that are going on, but flowers like a lotus. It doesn’t have all these insects, all this dirt and filth of that water in which it lives. It sucks only the pure water and the remnant, the others remain there as it is. So what is left within you is nothing but purity, beauty and fragrance, just like a lotus. Then there is no more the problem of getting attacked by all of these small, small creatures in the water or all the dirty things that are in the water. And this state that you have achieved now, I’m very happy to see so many people in America have achieved it. You see, it’s a very great blessing, because America is the leading country in so many ways. One can say that it has made lots of money. That is not the criteria of becoming a very good Sahaja Yogi. What you get is the satisfaction, satisfaction that you enjoy whatever you have and whatever others have. And the second thing that happens to you, you become absolutely collective. This has to happen. But I find still people have not understood the meaning of collectivity. For example, family is very, very weak here. Family that has been created by natural relationships is not so much respected as it should have. It’s all because, based on money, so people start quarrelling, fighting and even killing each other.Now the basis of family is love and compassion. Those who do not have this cannot have good families. I’ve seen even among Sahaja Yogis sometimes, some people who are working for money, who are educated, sometimes look down upon people who are not so well off. Or maybe the housewives who are working in the house, looking after the children, building up the families are not treated with respect as some secretary in some organization. I don’t know why this kind of a manliness comes into women. Why should they think they are something higher than the women who are working hard in the household, cooking, looking after children, bearing all the brunt of the society. This is something, I feel, is a part which is lacking very much in America and also Western countries.When money becomes important, if when money is important, then the Lakshmi principle is not respected. Very surprising. Money is the part which is the blessing of the Lakshmi, but the Gruha Lakshmi is the one who is a householder, is not respected. And with this, I tell you, there’s a… very, very wrong things can happen. You can work, you can be educated, but you should be able to look after your family and look after their comfort and look after their unity. Instead of that, educated women, I call them manly women, educated women think that they are something higher, they are sadly mistaken. In no way, a man is higher than a woman. So this kind of a disparity that exists and one starts thinking that: “We are earning. We are educated” are really manly women, I must say. But the women who work very hard in a household with love, look after the children, look after the family, are in no way less than these people who are working in the office. So, such women must be respected by their husbands, by the men, members of the family — not only that, but all the Sahaja Yogis must respect such women, who are doing such a difficult task. I’ve been a housewife and I know what it is to run the house, to look after the children, to look after the complete organization and looking after the expenditure of the money, if that is limited. This ego has to go. The other day, one lady, she came in interview and asked Me that: “How is it, in this world of men, you are so much respected?” World of men —I was really laughing. “You may think this is the world of men, I can’t understand. Can they exist without women?” But I was amazed at her question because she said that: “Even in the jail, criminals are so much respectful, how is it possible? How can they have so much respect for a women?” I said: “I can’t understand one thing, that criminals have got mothers or not?” They are all males, don’t they have a mother? They all have a mother and they respect the mother.That’s the point one should know, that woman is a much more important thing than the man is, as far as the children are concerned. But I’ve seen even some ladies, who think they are very capable, try to control everything and create problems. And mother’s job is not to control. Her job is to love, to give compassion and this is the quality of women is lost in these Western, so-called advanced,It is a very dangerous thing. I personally think that, if such a thing happens, families will be destroyed. Nobody will have respect for the lady who looks after the family. And she is more than a prime minister, I would say, in a family and she’s to be respected and to be understood. Today, I think it is important to say that all of you should understand the value of women who are housewives. It’s a tremendous job to be a housewife. I have gone through it and I know what it is. If the respect for the housewife is not given… She will also look after the children. Children are tomorrow’s citizens. Who will groom them? Who will bring them up? All those manly women don’t also have children sometimes, so they don’t know what is the problem of children. At least those who are solving the problem of their children, you must understand their responsibility. You see, the very, very crucial point on which all the Western societies are collapsing, because in their culture there is no place for the mother. So, the women should not feel in any way less if they are mothers and looking after the household. They should not feel inferior to anybody who thinks that they are something great. Basically, the families have to be good. This collectivity must work first in the family. The children are to be groomed properly. They are to be brought up in a proper way.As it is, in these days, you know what is happening to the children. When I read about it, I’m really shocked that children are just treated as if they’re some unwanted stuff. They are not given any attention. Ultimately, the children become drug addicts, they become vagabonds or anything. They can become anything, because there’s so much, so much neglect and so much of hatred for children.So one has to first remember that, for collectivity, you must look after your children. Not only that, with love and compassion, not as somebody who is trying to become a despot out of it, but a person who is a source, who is a source of joy and compassion. In one of My lectures, I talked to you about the emotional intelligence. That is what we should try to imbibe. Emotional intelligence, that means the intelligence that is based on emotions. Unless and until we become emotionally intelligent, our society cannot work. In an emotional intelligence, you care and you enjoy caring. You do everything for others with a great emotional understanding. Not for one child, not for one son, but for everyone you have to be emotionally intelligent. Some children are born like this, but some are to be made like that, that they should be emotionally intelligent. Because, if the mother and father are money-oriented, very selfish, they wouldn’t allow their child to give anything to others. So such a child will grow into a very funny type of a person and will never do anything for anybody, not even for his own country. Why should he? Everything for selfishness. Then such people indulge into corruption, indulge into all kinds of things, which are only selfish in attitude.Now we are talking of collectivity. In collectivity, we do for others. We enjoy doing for others. We love giving things to others, not for yourself, because your children will also become the same kind and they will only bother about themselves.This emotional intelligence has to be brought in our life. In our pattern that we have, are we emotionally intelligent or we are just intelligent or emotional? Both things are wrong.If you are just intelligent, you can become very dry person. You may just have few friends maybe, you may not have and you will always try to preserve yourself away from the collectivity.And if you are emotional, you’ll be attached to only one person, attached to one child, attached to one person, to someone, even in the society. For no rhyme or reason. Why? Why are you attached to one person? Why you bothered about one person only? All such people fall into such terrible play. In the politics you have seen now, people try to help their own sons and own daughters and this and that. And we Indians have suffered a lot with this kind of an emotional attachment. So, according to ethics, emotional intelligence is the highest quality, by which you give to others, you care for others, for everyone and you become very, very collective.Now exclusiveness is another fashion that’s very miserable, it’s exclusive. because you don’t want to be one of the multitudes. You want to be exclusive. You should be exclusive in emotional intelligence, not on other things. That is the best thing that you can have.As I agree, I am just a woman and just a mother, but what I have is really the emotional intelligence, ocean of it, and from that I know about everyone, I understand about everyone. And all this work has been done because of that quality in My head. I’m not attached to one person or to one style. Whatever you say, I can understand, because I am at a level where I can understand everything that you are doing.To achieve that, you try to develop emotional intelligence. Here the children won’t even give a toy to somebody to play with. Even the mother is like that, the father is like that, extremely selfish and: “We must have our own, you see, everything should be our own.” This has to go. This has to go, from Americans especially, because they are the leading nation in this kind of selfishness. What selfishness they have done, I need not count, but you know that. You go and ask the people of Canada, Mexico, Peru, all this, they will tell you. Being selfish, they are not ashamed. They are exploiters, they are not ashamed. Nobody can even tell them, because they think they are very rich people. But all these riches will not give them the joy of life.Joy of life is only in the emotional intelligence. If you don’t have that, it becomes very dry. Life becomes very odd, unbearable, horrible and even the family gets broken, if there is no emotional intelligence in the family.I have known so many women who have had three marriages, five marriages. I don’t know how they can do it. But they’ve done because of this lack of emotional intelligence. It is something that is a sense of giving. It is not that you are sacrificing anything, no! That’s also another idea, that we are to bear this —nothing of the kind. Look at the life of Christ, He gave His life. Why? What was the need for Him to do that? Behind Him was the Truth.When you have the Truth with you, the light of the Truth, the source of the Truth, the strength of the Truth, you become emotionally intelligent. You understand that, if you really love something, then you have to undergo every kind of trouble. You have to tolerate lot of nonsense.I know it’s too much to say, but I thought that, for this special Puja, I should say something about the family life. In our ashrams or in our programs or wherever we are, we should remember this point, that: “Are we having that emotional intelligence when we are trying to talk among Sahaja Yoga?” Why do I need to be every place to tell them? What is the need? You can tell them. If you have that emotional intelligence, everybody will listen to you. Why not? Not necessary I should go everywhere and talk to them. How many countries can I do? And the reaction to it is so beautiful and so nice. It’s very surprising. Like in a country like Benin country, all Muslims there, all black people, they all have become Sahaja Yogis. Nine thousand. How could I capture that? Just think of that. Nine thousand people come to you! Then also other countries I have seen. Just this is the power of emotional intelligence that captures the heart of the people. You may have any amount of property, money, everything, people will abhor you. Alright. So you may say: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong with this?” That you are harming the greatest thing, is the human being. And the politicians they are horrible, as they say. Why? Because they have no emotional intelligence. Also as administrators, they are very much difficult, because they have no emotional intelligence. All these people are devoid of that great quality of emotional intelligence. If your country is very progressive, I must say, you must progress in emotional intelligence.That way, they have philanthropists, I know. Americans are known to be philanthropists. But behind that is they want to have power. They want to rule people with that money. It’s not emotional intelligence, it’s they just want to rule. If they start some sort of a charity, that is just to have a big name on the television, or to have a very great advertisement about, “Oh, him!” and then he moves like a tycoon all over. Wee part of their own money, wee part of their property, work it out and make such a fuss about it, because they want to cash everything…You are Sahaja Yogis. You have to send waves of emotional intelligence. You have to send love to all over the world. You have to show how you can, with love, win over. It is also possible, if you are not so attached. If you are not attached, say to your country only— now this is a bigger issue — then you will try to exploit other countries, take advantage of them, try to run them down. But if you are emotionally attached to your country, then you’ll bring good name to your country by doing real good work.I don’t know why people do not know how to discriminate. Why are they so selfish, trying to bring them up, trying to do all the good things for themselves? There is a very great chance for all of you to get this within your reach, because you are all Sahaja Yogis. You have become like lotuses. And the lotus has the fragrance which spreads all over and, days together it stays in the water, in that dirty water, and it spreads the fragrance. With that fragrance also, you can do lots of things, that the bees come there, they sleep in that beautiful house of the lotus and in the night it closes down very carefully. All kinds of things that come from the flower to take the beauty of that flower, you can say, because you can extract also the essence of that, which has fragrance. You can also get some honey out of that. Whatever is possible, everybody comes to that flower. That doesn’t mean that flower in any way is weak, but that’s its quality, that’s its strength, that’s its understanding. That’s what you are.You are all made into lotuses. You are not made into some sort of creeps or some sort of stupid donkeys, no! You are the people who are to give fragrance of your love, fragrance of your compassion to others. And you should feel happy about it. That doesn’t mean that you give up this, give up that. Nothing of the kind. But it means that, whatever you have, whatever is your possibility, capability, you must try to do for others, give it to them. And the more you do in this collectivity… That’s what is very important, at least for America, because everybody is trying to follow America, money-making business, this business, that thing. But you are all Sahaja Yogis, so what you have to do is take advantage of your achievement and give this to others, give Realisation to others. Many people who get Realisation don’t even bother about it. They just don’t go and spread Sahaja Yoga. They are not bothered about it. Which is sometimes very shocking to Me, because what was the need for Me to go around the whole world with all the mad people living, and talking to them about Sahaja Yoga?In the same way, you should also feel now that: “We have to do this work, we have to change the world. We have to get them into Sahaja Yoga.” Why can’t we? We are so many people. Christ had only twelve disciples, and how much they spread Christianity! What about you people? You are so well equipped, you have so much of knowledge, absolute knowledge and experience. So if you have the experience and the knowledge, you can capture the people. But there is some sort of a lurking ambition, which goes against, against the culture of Sahaja Yoga. You want to be leader, or you want to put down somebody, or you think no end of yourself. That’s no good. And also they do Sahaja Yoga or spread Sahaja Yoga because they want to enhance themselves. This is not the way. The way is a complete surrendering, complete surrender to the work of Sahaja Yoga. It’s possible, it’s not difficult at all, as I’m telling you. It’s very, very simple. Only thing, you should understand that you have a special place in the whole universe today. You are not to rot. You are not to waste your life.We have started marriages, and in America also they said. I said: “Alright, we’ll have marriages.” But these marriages, what is the outcome? If they are like all other ordinary marriages, what’s the use? What are they doing for others? What sort of children they are producing? You have to see to it that you become married couples in Sahaja Yoga. Your family should be a different type, your love for your family should be of a different type. The whole family of Sahaja Yoga also is your family. So, for everyone, you must have compassion and love. I know some people grow very fast, but some don’t, because they lack this balance between emotion and intelligence. This balance has to be completely established. And I know, one day, this America will lead so many people, so many people, thousands, in Sahaja Yoga.So far, whatever was wrong was adopted: drug addiction starts, then another thing starts. All kinds of nonsensical things started in this country. Why?Now, the new lotuses that are there, they have to change the atmosphere of this lake, where all kinds of dirty things are coming up, immoral things are coming up, ruining the whole world. So, in our general attitude also, we should try to see: “Are we really following? Are we really doing what is to be done? What are we doing for morality?” That’s a very important point in Sahaja Yoga, how you dress, how you walk, how you talk, everything’s very important, and all other things that you have, you should try. How to create, and all these things of different, different Chakras, you should try to concentrate on them and see for yourself what are you doing? What are you making out of your life? You are Sahaja Yogis. You are special people. You are not ordinary. I want to tell you that you should have self-esteem. Try to understand what is your quality, what are you. Thank you very much. May God bless you!
United States
Marriages, Canajoharie, United States, 03-07-2000 Talk to Bridegrooms: (13:46) After you have [UNCLEAR - each] listened to my lecture yesterday, you have to now understand one thing that the basic problem in this country is that the women are not respected as [UNCLEAR]. They are respected as career women or running some sort of a show or maybe working in offices - anything. Such women are respected. As a result of that, it's a basic problem that the children are neglected. They are not groomed properly. They don't know what is their worth, [UNCLEAR] their value, and they take to all kinds of bad things like drugs or bad gurus, then drinking. They take to all kinds of bad things. And for this I think the father is responsible because he does not respect his wife, he does not understand her value, and he doesn't look after her. Now the solution in this country, what they have done, they have made a law that if a husband tortures or is not very happy and doesn't respect and all that, then they can have a divorce. And this law also goes against the women in a way because they forget their responsibility as mothers. Because it's money they are looking for, [UNCLEAR] and they think it's better to divorce the husband and get the money. And children are not only neglected but also tortured and murdered as a result. So now for you, it is a great responsibility as Sahaja Yogis first to love your wife. That's very important, and this love should not be mentally a judgment all the time, criticizing, or controlling, or telling her off and putting her down. But respect her wishes. Try to find out why she wants a particular thing to be done. What is her desire? Try to please her. What does she want? Something, while coming from the office, you can bring something for her as a present. But men in this country, I think they are more worried about other women than their own wives. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a woman because she can't bear it, but she has to bear it sometimes. Then ultimately, she is driven mad and she takes a divorce and all the problems start. So you have to understand your wife, what she wants. You have to understand why she is not happy. Look after her. Look after her needs, and look after everything that is so important for her. There are men I know who just don't care for their wife at all, and the wives, they suffer. And children may suffer much more. Could be one wise enough to understand, and may not get into this madness. But mostly I've seen in America, the law has stunted their power, and [UNCLEAR] misbehaving.On the contrary, why not make a good life, a good married life, and a sensible married life? Instead of criticizing her, you better criticize yourself. Instead of correcting her, you correct yourself. You must know it hurts me, it hurts, and hurting the Mother is the greatest sin, I think. So as Sahaja Yogis, you should really love and care, and understand the value of your wife. If she starts dominating, you can tell her in a sweet manner, "Please don't dominate. Don't hurt me." But still, the problem remains that a man thinks he's higher than a woman. He's not. He's not. The woman spiritually is higher. So the respect should go to the mother. She's the mother of the children. As you respect your mother, you should respect the children's mother also. Otherwise, the children won't respect the mother. So she should feel fulfilled, she should feel happy, she should feel joyous, and depending on you all the time for any help she needs. You should not get angry for that. If she doesn't know anything, she'll have to ask you. If she cannot put up with something, she has to ask you. If she tells you that some people are troubling her, listen to her. Don't get friendly with the wrong type of people, insulting the wife. It's a very common failing, that men are more interested in other people than their own wives. Sometimes they put her into great trouble. So now you are entering into married life, I want you to be seriously understanding what is your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. You have to create a new type of married couple, where Sahaja Yogis will come, you will respect them, look after them, and love them. If your wife, supposing, denies this, then explain to her, "This is our society. This is what we have to live with. These are our people. They will protect us. We have to be with them. They'll protect our children. And we have to look after them." And gradually, if you tell her, she'll understand. None of you, I think, is there who is marrying a dominating wife, as far as we know. But if you try to be going to another extreme of pampering her ego, then she might. So you must know the balance, how far to go. And in no way try to say that "You are catching on your ego", or "you are catching on your heart". Sahaja Yoga should not be used to condemn someone. No one. Not only your wife but anyone. You have no right to say that. So you are not to say that "This is missing in you, that is missing in you". Now before going for the marriage, you have to decide again, that you want to marry the particular lady whom we have chosen. If you don't want to marry even now, please you should say no. That's much better than to say it later. Alright? It's a very big responsibility for Sahaja Yogis. I think the greatest responsibility is to create a good family in this country. A very very important thing. Do you have any questions?So I wish you from my heart, and bless you to have the most prosperous married life, an enjoyable life, and that all problems will be solved if you just understand that she is a Sahaja Yogini, you are a Sahaja Yogi, and that this marriage is like one pillar in the big hall of Sahaja Yoga. So I depend on you, on your support, on your caring and understanding. May God bless you all. (23:13) Talk to Brides: (25:07) All of you have taken a very right decision to marry in Sahaja Yoga and a Sahaja Yogi, which is a very [UNCLEAR - stable] thinking. I feel that you can have a very beautiful married life, and a very stable married life. But there are one or two points which you should remember. In Sahaja Yoga, no woman has to suffer, has to tolerate, has to bear any insults. It is going to be a very easy, smooth thing that will happen. The husband is going to love you, care for you, and will do whatever you want him to do if it is right. So what I have to tell you, is that you must respect him. You shouldn't get spoiled with that [UNCLEAR]. First, respect your husband. That's very important. At any cost, you must respect your husband, and if he has done something which he should not have done, you should forgive him, and then you can tell him he shouldn't talk like that. And I promise they will be alright. Because they are Sahaja Yogis. They'll look after you. They'll do whatever you like. So what you have to do, is to look after them. Some women have a bad habit of making fun of their husbands. This no one likes. [UNCLEAR - nor do I like it]. Such marriages cannot go on. But respect. That doesn't mean you should have fear or anger. But your relationship is such that it is of one personality. He should look after you. You should look after him. All the time, you should be worried about him, and he should be worried about you. I'm sure we should really develop this attitude. There will be no problem for you. All Sahaj relations, all Sahaj family are to be respected, are to be looked after. Especially his friends. They have to be Sahaja Yogis, and you must respect them. Many women also try to exclude themselves from the rest of Sahaja Yoga, which you should never try to do. Never. Because this is your society. These are the people who are going to look after you. These are the people who are going to give all the support, and these are the people who will make your married life very successful. So you should not only have an exclusive family, but you should always welcome Sahaja Yogis and look after all of them. Also, you should find out what your husband likes. Always do the things that he likes. Do not try to deliberately annoy him because that won't be a good idea. I know that you people are incapable of torturing your husband, but somehow there are such stupid people that they want to make a mess of their lives. Ultimately, in this country, as they know, they will soon divorce, so they are so attached to money, that they want to take a divorce from their husband somehow. That's not the way that Sahaja Yoga is. What you have to do is to live very happily, have very nice children. Many realized children will be born now. So try to understand how important you are to Sahaja Yoga. And what a world you have to create, as a wife, as a mother, and as a sister to all your brothers. I don't have to tell you too much. You are wise enough. You are Sahaja Yogis. Try to understand that I will be happy if you make your husband also happy. Try to find out what makes him happy. Don't find his faults and criticize him. That's not the way. So I hope a great married life and a great family. In this country especially, I told yesterday, the basic point is lost that there is no love for the mother. There's no understanding. The mother also doesn't have it. So the children are getting spoiled, they are taking to drugs, they are taking to all kinds of things. You are responsible for your children, not your husband, so you have to imbibe all the qualities of [UNCLEAR - Sahaja Yoga] in that child and look after it. Everywhere in your house, you should have that neatness, cleanliness, and beautifying effect of your presence there. I hope it will work out very well and I won't have any mishaps anymore. I've had enough of them. So thank you very much. (30:34)
Marriages, Canajoharie, United States, 03-07-2000 Talk to Bridegrooms: (13:46) After you have [UNCLEAR - each] listened to my lecture yesterday, you have to now understand one thing that the basic problem in this country is that the women are not respected as [UNCLEAR]. They are respected as career women or running some sort of a show or maybe working in offices - anything. Such women are respected. As a result of that, it's a basic problem that the children are neglected. They are not groomed properly. They don't know what is their worth, [UNCLEAR] their value, and they take to all kinds of bad things like drugs or bad gurus, then drinking. They take to all kinds of bad things. And for this I think the father is responsible because he does not respect his wife, he does not understand her value, and he doesn't look after her. Now the solution in this country, what they have done, they have made a law that if a husband tortures or is not very happy and doesn't respect and all that, then they can have a divorce. And this law also goes against the women in a way because they forget their responsibility as mothers. Because it's money they are looking for, [UNCLEAR] and they think it's better to divorce the husband and get the money. And children are not only neglected but also tortured and murdered as a result. So now for you, it is a great responsibility as Sahaja Yogis first to love your wife. That's very important, and this love should not be mentally a judgment all the time, criticizing, or controlling, or telling her off and putting her down. But respect her wishes. Try to find out why she wants a particular thing to be done. What is her desire? Try to please her. What does she want? Something, while coming from the office, you can bring something for her as a present. But men in this country, I think they are more worried about other women than their own wives. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a woman because she can't bear it, but she has to bear it sometimes. Then ultimately, she is driven mad and she takes a divorce and all the problems start. So you have to understand your wife, what she wants. You have to understand why she is not happy. Look after her. Look after her needs, and look after everything that is so important for her. There are men I know who just don't care for their wife at all, and the wives, they suffer. And children may suffer much more. Could be one wise enough to understand, and may not get into this madness. But mostly I've seen in America, the law has stunted their power, and [UNCLEAR] misbehaving.On the contrary, why not make a good life, a good married life, and a sensible married life? Instead of criticizing her, you better criticize yourself. Instead of correcting her, you correct yourself. You must know it hurts me, it hurts, and hurting the Mother is the greatest sin, I think. So as Sahaja Yogis, you should really love and care, and understand the value of your wife. If she starts dominating, you can tell her in a sweet manner, "Please don't dominate. Don't hurt me." But still, the problem remains that a man thinks he's higher than a woman. He's not. He's not. The woman spiritually is higher. So the respect should go to the mother. She's the mother of the children. As you respect your mother, you should respect the children's mother also. Otherwise, the children won't respect the mother. So she should feel fulfilled, she should feel happy, she should feel joyous, and depending on you all the time for any help she needs. You should not get angry for that. If she doesn't know anything, she'll have to ask you. If she cannot put up with something, she has to ask you. If she tells you that some people are troubling her, listen to her. Don't get friendly with the wrong type of people, insulting the wife. It's a very common failing, that men are more interested in other people than their own wives. Sometimes they put her into great trouble. So now you are entering into married life, I want you to be seriously understanding what is your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. You have to create a new type of married couple, where Sahaja Yogis will come, you will respect them, look after them, and love them. If your wife, supposing, denies this, then explain to her, "This is our society. This is what we have to live with. These are our people. They will protect us. We have to be with them. They'll protect our children. And we have to look after them." And gradually, if you tell her, she'll understand. None of you, I think, is there who is marrying a dominating wife, as far as we know. But if you try to be going to another extreme of pampering her ego, then she might. So you must know the balance, how far to go. And in no way try to say that "You are catching on your ego", or "you are catching on your heart". Sahaja Yoga should not be used to condemn someone. No one. Not only your wife but anyone. You have no right to say that. So you are not to say that "This is missing in you, that is missing in you". Now before going for the marriage, you have to decide again, that you want to marry the particular lady whom we have chosen. If you don't want to marry even now, please you should say no. That's much better than to say it later. Alright? It's a very big responsibility for Sahaja Yogis. I think the greatest responsibility is to create a good family in this country. A very very important thing. Do you have any questions?So I wish you from my heart, and bless you to have the most prosperous married life, an enjoyable life, and that all problems will be solved if you just understand that she is a Sahaja Yogini, you are a Sahaja Yogi, and that this marriage is like one pillar in the big hall of Sahaja Yoga. So I depend on you, on your support, on your caring and understanding. May God bless you all. (23:13) Talk to Brides: (25:07) All of you have taken a very right decision to marry in Sahaja Yoga and a Sahaja Yogi, which is a very [UNCLEAR - stable] thinking. I feel that you can have a very beautiful married life, and a very stable married life. But there are one or two points which you should remember. In Sahaja Yoga, no woman has to suffer, has to tolerate, has to bear any insults. It is going to be a very easy, smooth thing that will happen. The husband is going to love you, care for you, and will do whatever you want him to do if it is right. So what I have to tell you, is that you must respect him. You shouldn't get spoiled with that [UNCLEAR]. First, respect your husband. That's very important. At any cost, you must respect your husband, and if he has done something which he should not have done, you should forgive him, and then you can tell him he shouldn't talk like that. And I promise they will be alright. Because they are Sahaja Yogis. They'll look after you. They'll do whatever you like. So what you have to do, is to look after them. Some women have a bad habit of making fun of their husbands. This no one likes. [UNCLEAR - nor do I like it]. Such marriages cannot go on. But respect. That doesn't mean you should have fear or anger. But your relationship is such that it is of one personality. He should look after you. You should look after him. All the time, you should be worried about him, and he should be worried about you. I'm sure we should really develop this attitude. There will be no problem for you. All Sahaj relations, all Sahaj family are to be respected, are to be looked after. Especially his friends. They have to be Sahaja Yogis, and you must respect them. Many women also try to exclude themselves from the rest of Sahaja Yoga, which you should never try to do. Never. Because this is your society. These are the people who are going to look after you. These are the people who are going to give all the support, and these are the people who will make your married life very successful. So you should not only have an exclusive family, but you should always welcome Sahaja Yogis and look after all of them. Also, you should find out what your husband likes. Always do the things that he likes. Do not try to deliberately annoy him because that won't be a good idea. I know that you people are incapable of torturing your husband, but somehow there are such stupid people that they want to make a mess of their lives. Ultimately, in this country, as they know, they will soon divorce, so they are so attached to money, that they want to take a divorce from their husband somehow. That's not the way that Sahaja Yoga is. What you have to do is to live very happily, have very nice children. Many realized children will be born now. So try to understand how important you are to Sahaja Yoga. And what a world you have to create, as a wife, as a mother, and as a sister to all your brothers. I don't have to tell you too much. You are wise enough. You are Sahaja Yogis. Try to understand that I will be happy if you make your husband also happy. Try to find out what makes him happy. Don't find his faults and criticize him. That's not the way. So I hope a great married life and a great family. In this country especially, I told yesterday, the basic point is lost that there is no love for the mother. There's no understanding. The mother also doesn't have it. So the children are getting spoiled, they are taking to drugs, they are taking to all kinds of things. You are responsible for your children, not your husband, so you have to imbibe all the qualities of [UNCLEAR - Sahaja Yoga] in that child and look after it. Everywhere in your house, you should have that neatness, cleanliness, and beautifying effect of your presence there. I hope it will work out very well and I won't have any mishaps anymore. I've had enough of them. So thank you very much. (30:34)
Guru Puja: Shraddha
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja, "Shraddha". Cabella Ligure (Italy), 23 July 2000. Today we are here to know about guru principle. What does a guru do. Whatever you have, all the precious things within you, he discovers them for your knowledge. Actually it is all there - everything. All the knowledge, all the spirituality, all the joy, is there. (little laughter as a dog walks on stage) Right time! (more laughter). It’s all contained within you. Only thing the Guru does (is) makes you knowledgeable about your knowledge, about your own spirit. Everyone has the Spirit within himself. Everyone has the spirituality within himself. There is nothing that you get from outside. But before getting this knowledge, you are dealing, or you are living in ignorance. In that ignorance you do not know what treasure you have got within yourself. So the guru’s job is to make you know what you are. That is the first step. That it starts, that awakening within you by which you know that you are not this outside world, this is all an illusion. And you start getting enlightened within yourself. Some people get full light and some people get it gradually. Essence of all the religions is that you should know yourself. Those people who are fighting in the name of religion, you have to go and ask them, you have to enquire from them, "Did your religion make you know yourself?” If all the religions have said one thing [it’s that], you have to do all these things just to know yourself. But people get into rituals. They think that [by] doing all these rituals they are near God. They live in ignorance absolutely about themselves, and day in and day out they work out something, which is nothing to do with yourself’. Lots of acrobats, prayers, pujas, these things go on. Because it is all ignorance. People go on paying them money and they become very rich and their interest is only money. They want to take all your money, absolutely, and make a fool out of you. They pamper your ego. With pampering of that ego you just start drifting into the ocean of illusion and you are drowned into that illusion, thinking that you are very religious and you are just in connection with God, which you are not. To know God you should know your Self first. Without knowing that, you cannot know God. That’s essential, that you should know your Self. But when you know yourself, you know partly. The experience is not sufficient. The knowledge has to come. And the guru gives the knowledge about your Self. Now you have to tally it. You should find out whatever your guru has told you. Is it true or not? Is it correct or not? Or is it just another illusion? Now in this ascent people get into lots of problems. First and foremost is the ego problem, especially in the west. Ego stands up and you start thinking you are great, you are better than others, and there is something special about you. This ignorance is more dangerous than the worldly ignorance, I think, because in the worldly ignorance, you do feel the consequences of wrong things. But when you are half way, when your ignorance is that about yourself, when you are going to a higher realm, then one should always understand that you cannot have ego. Then what starts is introspection. You start looking at yourself, what’s wrong with you. When you understand that you have ego, you start looking at yourself. Or when you find there is something missing or something wrong, then also, you start introspecting. This should be a very, very honest, very honest effort. Some people in Sahaja Yoga, at a very early stage start thinking they that they are very great and they don’t need any introspection. And they rise again into the clouds of ignorance without achieving Selfhood, or I can call it Self realisation. So you have to introspect and see for yourself what have you been doing, what are you, how far you have come. How much – please don’t translate just now all right? You can do it later on. You must hear with full concentration. Even if you don’t understand it will work – now the style of such a person changes gradually. How? First of all a person who is extremely aggressive, hot-tempered, and full of ego, starts becoming very gentle and mild. Another type which is frightened and afraid and very cautious starts becoming fearless. At that stage you have no fears. You are sure that you are on the right path and you are moving on the right lines. You are not easily disturbed there. But still you have to rise higher and higher; where, when you meditate, you understand there is something wrong within yourself. You have achieved your Self realisation; you have got the blessings of Self realisation. Your health is good, you have got all kinds of blessings which you cannot count. All that is there but...still you have to go further. And that is to understand all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. You have to understand through your mental capacity, first, to begin with, then you have to verify how far it is correct. How far you have understood it, how far you have worked on it, how far you know. And when you start seeing yourself, you start entering into the realm of Bhakti. You become a mild person, become a sweet person, you don’t talk too much, you don’t harass anyone; you are a very pleasant person, very gentle, very understanding. This person has to verify how he is behaving towards others. Now the attention starts moving from oneself to another and you start seeing how you behave. How you love. What is the quality of your compassion? When you love somebody without any expectations, just love, then you are absolutely dedicated to that person, absolutely; you just obey. You will do anything for that person. If there is this love which you call as surrender. This is just the love. Surrender is nothing but the love, and that love which is extremely joy-giving. this bhakti starts, this dedication starts, and you are cleansed by that bhakti. All the bad qualities you have, you can call them, all the deficiencies you have, all the problems you have, you understand and you get over it. Now if you see somebody with the same qualities, with the same troubles, you in the love of that person you try to tolerate. Such a person just tolerates. There is no aggression, and these people forgive. Realised Souls go on forgiving; their capacity to forgive is tremendous. They do not bear any malice against anyone. They don’t have any anger about anyone. They just go on tolerating and forgiving and forgiving. This forgiveness is just a music, I should say, of your bhakti. The amount of forgiveness these masters could have can be seen from [the] life of Christ. They are tortured, crucified - most of the saints were tortured. People never liked them. And they were crucified, but as you know that they never resented, they never take a revenge, they never did anything which was not compassionate. They had compassion, and compassion for such people they felt that 'Oh God, please forgive them. What they are doing they don’t know’. Extremely compassionate. And they are that, that becomes their nature. When it becomes their nature they become people with complete peace. They are not disturbed. They are never disturbed with whatever is happening and they think it’s God’s will. Because nothing can disturb them, nothing can upset them. They just enjoy their devotion. Devotion to their guru, maybe. Devotion to God. In that devotion they may write beautiful poetry, they may go on dancing, they may go on singing, because the peace is within and they are enjoying themselves. When they are alone, they are never alone, they enjoy themselves. They know that - "We are one with the Divine” - and the blessing of the Divine they enjoy. Another thing is they never take to artificiality. They are never worried, never upset, they are neither futuristic nor think of the past, but they are in the present. When they are in the present, they are absolutely silent. If there is any problem, or anything happens to them, they immediately go into thoughtless awareness. That is what their capacity is. To become a guru you have to develop that personality; not to be bound by anything. Now I’ll tell you my own example. I never hurry, I’m never bothered about time. Once I was going to America - because if you are sure the Divine has plans for you, you are not bothered, the Divine is looking after you so why to bother – I was going to America and one child fell down. I was just about to get up and go and broke her arm. And when I saw the child I said "All right, I’ll put that child right". "But,” they said, "You are going to America!" I said, "I’ll go in any case! ". So I cured the child, it took about half an hour, and then I came out "All right, let’s go to the airport". They said "Mother you are very late" I said, "I’m never late. Let’s go!". We went there, to the airport, and the plane by which I was going was out of order, so there was another plane going to Washington not to New York, and I wanted to go to Washington only! So just imagine how things work out, and we call them 'Sahaja’. It has worked out 'Sahaja’. That means it’s a effortless. But first of all your personality should be such that your devotion is so great that Divine is compelled to look after you...compelled to look after you! You have to understand that Divine force is around you, and this Divine force is absolute guarantee for your safety. For everything that you want to do. You can say that "Mother you are very powerful". You can become also very powerful! If you get completely dedicated to the Divine work, you will also have all the powers and the Divine will provide all the necessary work that you want to do, necessary time that you have to have. Everything is provided by the Divine. But the compassion, when it extends from other people to God, or to Divine person, or to your guru, then it becomes very easy to live, very simple to live, no complications, everything is sorted out, and you are not bothered about anything. You just close your eyes and things work out. Everything works out as if that’s your will, but you don’t have to will it, don’t have to think about it, it just works out, but Divine looks after everything. It looks after your comfort, looks after your health, everything. And this Divine help, you do not seek, you do not ask for, but you are a personality for which the Divine is responsible. You are a special responsibility of the Divine. And it knows what is good for you and what is not. It’s an example, I can give many where I, supposing, I thought somebody is coming to meet me, and people told me "Mother, he’s very negative", He will never come, he’ll never come. All positive things will happen, and if a negative things take place, then you will use your compassion. If it is negative you’ll use your compassion and you’ll solve the problem. You can solve the problems of your own, of your surroundings, of your community. So now you have got your Self realisation. How far you have gone in that I don’t know. I have a complaint about women, so many ladies, that they don’t meditate. That they are not looking after themselves, they are not realised souls, and that’s why many men want to divorce them because they think these women are good for nothing. And some men also are like that. To solve this problem you have to have compassion, and you have to, somehow or other, with compassion, you should win over the partner of your life. After all men are much more busy than women are. But women indulge into so many other things. They have to look after their family, their children, their everything. And their mind is involved into all such mundane things that they have no time to meditate. Without meditation you cannot rise. You have to meditate. People think that: "Now we have got realisation, so it’s all right". No! Every day you must meditate because that’s the cleansing that takes place. With the cleansing you understand. You understand what is needed and what is not needed, you are cleansed out. That is done by Divine. But you must religiously meditate. Gradually you will find your meditation will become very deep. You will become very, very deep and your powers will start showing. When you are anywhere, negativity will run away. All sorts of problems can be solved. Whatever you want to do is available to you. Whatever is your desire to help others or give to someone, you just get it. Is my own experience I’m telling you. You have to meditate at least 10 minutes every evening, and morning about 5 minutes. With complete devotion, with complete admiration. I have seen some people here, such bhakti, such devotion, which is shraddha - is higher than bhakti - that it becomes part and parcel of your being. It just envelops you completely. When you have that shraddha, it is very miraculous. It works so many miracles. It’s true some people were cured only thinking of me, is a fact. But that doesn’t mean that they had the shraddha of that level, but that means that they have to develop shraddha. Now how to develop a shraddha, which is a natural light of the Spirit. Because people are trying very hard to develop shraddha, but shraddha cannot be developed by mental activity, by any activity, but meditation of silence. If you do the meditation …. I have always told you to do meditation. I immediately know a person who has been meditating and who has not been. They’ll come to my puja, all right; and they’ll talk about Sahaja Yoga, they’ll go out and do it for popularity. Many people are like that. They go out, and for popularity they work it out. But inside they have not yet traced their own Self. So at this development stage you should be encouraged, and [should be] understood that you can reach that state very easily through meditation and introspection. With introspection you will develop a new quality of understanding that, you will find solutions to things. That is another quality a person who is a realised soul has. It can find solutions to all your problems. It can, he can suggest what is the way you can be helped. Then a kind of a brotherhood out of the shraddha develops. You may be giving big lectures on Sahaja Yoga, you may be doing all kinds of things, but unless and until you have shraddha, you cannot rise. And this shraddha is a kind of a love within you, I should say, which spreads like gentle fire which doesn’t burn, which doesn’t give heat, but cold, beautiful breeze-like feeling within, which makes you understand. You will never talk ill about a sahaja yogi, never. I never listen to anybody who tells me something against sahaja yogi. Up to a point, when it is a collective complaint, then I am little bit bothered and I talk about it to the leader. But otherwise if one person comes and tells me this and this, I just tell that person "You introspect yourself , it’s not so”. Finding faults with others is a common game all human beings play. They never see their own faults. What’s the use of finding faults of others? By finding faults with others you’re not going to be helped. Try to find faults within you, which you can cure, which you can help, which you can work it out. It's a responsibility you have, you must know, to yourself that you better find out your defects and get them corrected. But some people are very proud of their fondness – they talk like this, "I like this, I like that". But what about the Spirit? You like this, you like that, then what about your Spirit? Does it like? Does it enjoy? They’ll go on saying "I like this, I don’t like this, I don’t like that!" It’s very common in the West. Now see, some ladies have made this beautiful carpets for me. They are so thick that when I walk on them I little bit lose balance, but the love with which they are made, makes me so joyous, so happy, that you can’t imagine what I feel about them. This joy, this ocean of joy, is within you. And when it starts stirring up, it doesn’t torment you, it gives you beautiful – I don’t know how to use words to express that – it’s like a drizzle on your being, it’s like a grace on your being. The love of other people enthrals you. You don’t ask for it, but if you see a person who is very loving and kind, there is real friendship in that kind of relationship. But talking ill about sahaja yogis, it’s very wrong. And then talking to everyone that "this is wrong with this person, he had done this, he had done that”, is very, very wrong and creating a collective feeling against the person – instead of helping that person. Always people are in trouble. Then collectively you must help that person. Not talk ill of that person. May be some mistakes, but if you start talking against that person and saying that 'This is wrong with him, that is wrong with him’, then you are not a sahaja yogi. You are a sahaja yogi as long as you can see your own defects through introspection. Now many of you, I should say most of you, have got your realisation. You had the experience. But some of you don’t have the knowledge. That knowledge you should acquire, and verify whether that knowledge is really there or not. Like in America, in the N.I.H., which is an Institute for Health, they wanted to test a sahaja yogi, and there were doctors. And one doctor came forward and said "All right, tell me on your vibration what’s wrong with me". So the girl said, "Sir, something wrong with your heart" and he said, "It’s correct" because he has had a bypass only one month back and he was out of hospital. Absolutely correct, and this surprised them. That diagnosis, you see, kills the patient half way. So this is the very easy way to diagnose a person, just by feeling the vibration. And they have given us such a good attention, they want to develop Sahaja Yoga in their hospitals. So you should also testify yourself, examine yourself and find out about yourself, what are you? Say husband and wife – now the wife meditates, she knows everything, she knows about her husband, what’s wrong with him and she doesn’t tell him. She tolerates, she doesn’t complain, she doesn’t ask for anything, she just tolerates. And this tolerance convinces the husband that she’s a higher personality than himself. He may be anything, but he then understands that this is what she has achieved, a great personality. We have so many imperfections, especially morally, in the West, people are really, I tell you, like one snake has bitten them. The things that people do here never come into the minds of people who are not developed. So development has meant all kinds of abandonment, all kinds of vagabond temperament, and they think they are very free and they can go about and enjoy. This style is very common, but you just judge yourself. Are you one of these type? Or are you one of the people who are higher than you in their ascent. It’s a process, I must confess. It is not just [that] you get to that point. Sometimes even very new sahaja yogis are better than very old sahaja yogis, but because they had a very strong desire. What are we seeking? We should understand why we were seeking – because we wanted to know ourselves. Somehow, we knew that we have to know ourselves, and we did not know. So we seek. We seek. We do all kinds of things, I mean all wrong things also in the name of seeking. But it is this seeking brings you to Sahaja Yoga. Then you have to get your Self realisation, which is very easy through Kundalini. Kundalini works out most of the things, most of the things. Like somebody told me that overnight she gave up drinking and smoking – overnight. I mean I don’t tell that, I never say that. But just overnight she gave up, and she said "I was very particular about my hair dress and I used to make my hair dress in a different manner, going to the hairdressers, spending so much time with the beautician, this, that". She said, "I gave it up". Also she said "I used to wear dresses which were not very moral, then I started respecting my body and I started wearing proper dress". All this knowledge comes to you, spontaneously it is within you, because it is all your own. Also if your guru tells you, you are guided. Guru’s job is to guide people. So at this juncture, what is lacking? What is lacking in Sahaja Yoga? That I have to tell you. There are so many collective disasters we have - all kinds of. We had many earthquakes, we had many floods, rain, then the muds - mud came down like a river; and so many disasters in the world and sahaja yogis are saved from that. All the sahaja yogis are saved from that, no doubt, but after being saved, what is your understanding? What do you know? Why these disasters are coming? Because Sahaja Yoga is not very collective. It has to become very collective. It has to spread much more, all over. It has to go to many people, which we don’t do. We are at a standstill, or little bit we do it. But go all out! Look at Christ’s twelve disciples! Of course the people went into wrong things. But how they worked and how intensively they did it. That intensity if you don’t have, and if you do not completely dedicate to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga, then collective problems cannot be solved. You are busy with your daily mundane things, and your other jobs and everything; it’s all right, in Sahaja Yoga no objection. But you should have your attention more on to this side of life that - 'What are we doing for the collective? Are we talking about it? Are we spreading Sahaja Yoga? Are we making people know about it?’ I was surprised, once I was coming by plane and a lady sat next to me and had very bad vibrations. I put myself into bandhan, and I asked her what is she doing for her spirituality, and she gave the name of 'Bahai’ people. "My God" I said. If these people spread out, they are so spread out, they are so many! So, what will happen? Disasters! They are such negative people, impossible that they can do any good to the world. And like that you see, anybody, false guru, how people are driven to them, how they take to them, and how they spread their message. I have seen people singing on the road, singing the praise of their guru, and also wearing funny dresses – we don’t want that kind of a thing. But of course you have got the knowledge, of course you are realised souls. But what have you done for Sahaja Yoga is the point. You have to spread Sahaja Yoga...everywhere. For example, you wear a badge, then they will ask you "What is this supposed to be?” Then you have to tell them what is it, something. You start talking about Sahaja Yoga only! Talk nothing else but Sahaja Yoga. You have to go on talking about Sahaja Yoga, spreading Sahaja Yoga: unless and until you do it, it won’t become collective, and all the disasters, which are due to collective nonsense, you get it. You are saved from so many things. Say even if there’s pollution, for a sahaja yogi it won’t matter. Even if there is a disaster of an earthquake the sahaja yogi will be saved. But why not save the whole world? Calamities after calamities are coming, and if you have compassion you must think of the people who can get into any calamity or into any trouble. Of course I can cure many people, no doubt. But I don’t know how to make Sahaja Yoga very collective. Now you are so many people here, you all can start giving realisation to at least 100 people. Go everywhere. Talk about Sahaja Yoga. Sing the praise of the Divine, and you will save the whole world. It is not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga, but you have also to save this Mother Earth. You have to save the people who are in it. I mean, the way these people are, I have seen so many of them on the television. They, shamelessly they are talking about something which they don’t know. And they have thousands and thousands of people behind them. Not that the people are stupid. Not that they want to go on a wrong path, but these people who are false, or who are wrong, know how to entice them, how to capture them, how to talk to them. But a sahaja yogi, you see, if he sees somebody with a negative vibrations will run away. He will escape such a society, will not go near them, and will say "Oh, very bad vibrations, we don’t want!”. So you have to be courageous and get into these places, talk to people and make it collective. Otherwise you cannot save this world from the wrath of God. God is wrathful, no doubt. For you, he’ll save you, but what’s the use? We have to save this Mother Earth. And for that you have to be prepared, you have to work it out, and whenever you get a chance you must spread Sahaja Yoga. Some people told me "Mother, if you come then it will be All right" Why? What’s so much? …. you can be also like me. You can talk about it to people. I started Sahaja Yoga with one person and, that time, it was complete darkness everywhere. No seekers, nothing, and horrible people, but it worked and it cleared. So one person can get so many sahaja yogis, why not you people do the same and talk about it. Your behaviour, your style, everything will definitely impress them. One has to work it out in such a manner that you achieve our goal of collective consciousness. It is not only for sahaja yogis, it’s for everyone. So that all these calamities that are happening, horrible things that are happening, will stop. Completely stop, I assure you, it can be stopped. Because you are always saved. So all people who will be getting realisation will be saved. Why not talk openly about it telling people that if we do wrong, if we are immoral, if we are cheats, if we try to oppress others and we become so much a power of destruction then this collective disasters will be there and I think we’ll be responsible for that. Everything you take up, any subject you take up, you don’t have to start an organisation to fight it. But only your power of convincing people and bringing them to Sahaja Yoga will make such a difference. I hope you will understand as a guru what you have to do. As a guru there are so many things and as your character, yesterday, as they showed how Lao Tse has written about the masters, how they were above all of it, above turmoil, above jealousies, above talking loose. They are so great, they are the masters and they will be the masters and you will be the gurus if you try to do that. This is what you have to achieve. I know some have achieved it, but most of you have to achieve, with compassion and love. May God bless you all! Yesterday we saw the beautiful drama of Shri Rama. It was done so beautifully that my heart was filled with admiration and I couldn’t say anything. It’s a very good work. And that’s what happens to you when you become the Spirit – you become creative. You have to be creators. You create Sahaj Yogis, you create all kinds of beautiful things. And this [drama] was so much, so much, done in the name of Self. I am very happy they have made this drama. And I’ll organise, somehow, that it goes India and to America as well. It’s very well done so give them a hand. (Applause) Also I very much admire the work put in by the Italian Sahaj Yogis and others who have been of help to him, to Mr. Guido, and also to others, that they have created such a tremendous effect in this horrible, big structure, that I used to think that, “How can it be a puja under such a structure!” But it has now become so beautiful and so nice that I really thank the Italians for that. One thing about Italians is that they are very large hearted people. And I wish all of you [would] develop that large heartedness and work out everything to enjoy your large heartedness. Thank you. On a Guru puja, the Guru doesn’t give any presents to the disciple. Mother can give, but not the Guru and that’s why today, I’m sorry, I won’t be giving you any presents. But I have given a very good lecture for you! (Applause). Thank you very much. From all the countries beautiful presents they have given me. It’s very surprising how beautifully people are creating things. And you, now, as self-realised people are creators. You have to create Sahaj Yogis first, and all other things. So you are creators. You can do it. It’s nothing difficult for you. It’s very simple and you will learn the art very soon. And I’m sure it will work out very fast. So you all go ahead now for creating more Sahaj Yogis all over the world. Thank you very much.
Guru Puja, "Shraddha". Cabella Ligure (Italy), 23 July 2000. Today we are here to know about guru principle. What does a guru do. Whatever you have, all the precious things within you, he discovers them for your knowledge. Actually it is all there - everything. All the knowledge, all the spirituality, all the joy, is there. (little laughter as a dog walks on stage) Right time! (more laughter). It’s all contained within you. Only thing the Guru does (is) makes you knowledgeable about your knowledge, about your own spirit. Everyone has the Spirit within himself. Everyone has the spirituality within himself. There is nothing that you get from outside. But before getting this knowledge, you are dealing, or you are living in ignorance. In that ignorance you do not know what treasure you have got within yourself. So the guru’s job is to make you know what you are. That is the first step. That it starts, that awakening within you by which you know that you are not this outside world, this is all an illusion. And you start getting enlightened within yourself. Some people get full light and some people get it gradually. Essence of all the religions is that you should know yourself. Those people who are fighting in the name of religion, you have to go and ask them, you have to enquire from them, "Did your religion make you know yourself?” If all the religions have said one thing [it’s that], you have to do all these things just to know yourself. But people get into rituals. They think that [by] doing all these rituals they are near God. They live in ignorance absolutely about themselves, and day in and day out they work out something, which is nothing to do with yourself’. Lots of acrobats, prayers, pujas, these things go on. Because it is all ignorance. People go on paying them money and they become very rich and their interest is only money. They want to take all your money, absolutely, and make a fool out of you. They pamper your ego. With pampering of that ego you just start drifting into the ocean of illusion and you are drowned into that illusion, thinking that you are very religious and you are just in connection with God, which you are not. To know God you should know your Self first. Without knowing that, you cannot know God. That’s essential, that you should know your Self. But when you know yourself, you know partly. The experience is not sufficient. The knowledge has to come. And the guru gives the knowledge about your Self. Now you have to tally it. You should find out whatever your guru has told you. Is it true or not? Is it correct or not? Or is it just another illusion? Now in this ascent people get into lots of problems. First and foremost is the ego problem, especially in the west. Ego stands up and you start thinking you are great, you are better than others, and there is something special about you. This ignorance is more dangerous than the worldly ignorance, I think, because in the worldly ignorance, you do feel the consequences of wrong things. But when you are half way, when your ignorance is that about yourself, when you are going to a higher realm, then one should always understand that you cannot have ego. Then what starts is introspection. You start looking at yourself, what’s wrong with you. When you understand that you have ego, you start looking at yourself. Or when you find there is something missing or something wrong, then also, you start introspecting. This should be a very, very honest, very honest effort. Some people in Sahaja Yoga, at a very early stage start thinking they that they are very great and they don’t need any introspection. And they rise again into the clouds of ignorance without achieving Selfhood, or I can call it Self realisation. So you have to introspect and see for yourself what have you been doing, what are you, how far you have come. How much – please don’t translate just now all right? You can do it later on. You must hear with full concentration. Even if you don’t understand it will work – now the style of such a person changes gradually. How? First of all a person who is extremely aggressive, hot-tempered, and full of ego, starts becoming very gentle and mild. Another type which is frightened and afraid and very cautious starts becoming fearless. At that stage you have no fears. You are sure that you are on the right path and you are moving on the right lines. You are not easily disturbed there. But still you have to rise higher and higher; where, when you meditate, you understand there is something wrong within yourself. You have achieved your Self realisation; you have got the blessings of Self realisation. Your health is good, you have got all kinds of blessings which you cannot count. All that is there but...still you have to go further. And that is to understand all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. You have to understand through your mental capacity, first, to begin with, then you have to verify how far it is correct. How far you have understood it, how far you have worked on it, how far you know. And when you start seeing yourself, you start entering into the realm of Bhakti. You become a mild person, become a sweet person, you don’t talk too much, you don’t harass anyone; you are a very pleasant person, very gentle, very understanding. This person has to verify how he is behaving towards others. Now the attention starts moving from oneself to another and you start seeing how you behave. How you love. What is the quality of your compassion? When you love somebody without any expectations, just love, then you are absolutely dedicated to that person, absolutely; you just obey. You will do anything for that person. If there is this love which you call as surrender. This is just the love. Surrender is nothing but the love, and that love which is extremely joy-giving. this bhakti starts, this dedication starts, and you are cleansed by that bhakti. All the bad qualities you have, you can call them, all the deficiencies you have, all the problems you have, you understand and you get over it. Now if you see somebody with the same qualities, with the same troubles, you in the love of that person you try to tolerate. Such a person just tolerates. There is no aggression, and these people forgive. Realised Souls go on forgiving; their capacity to forgive is tremendous. They do not bear any malice against anyone. They don’t have any anger about anyone. They just go on tolerating and forgiving and forgiving. This forgiveness is just a music, I should say, of your bhakti. The amount of forgiveness these masters could have can be seen from [the] life of Christ. They are tortured, crucified - most of the saints were tortured. People never liked them. And they were crucified, but as you know that they never resented, they never take a revenge, they never did anything which was not compassionate. They had compassion, and compassion for such people they felt that 'Oh God, please forgive them. What they are doing they don’t know’. Extremely compassionate. And they are that, that becomes their nature. When it becomes their nature they become people with complete peace. They are not disturbed. They are never disturbed with whatever is happening and they think it’s God’s will. Because nothing can disturb them, nothing can upset them. They just enjoy their devotion. Devotion to their guru, maybe. Devotion to God. In that devotion they may write beautiful poetry, they may go on dancing, they may go on singing, because the peace is within and they are enjoying themselves. When they are alone, they are never alone, they enjoy themselves. They know that - "We are one with the Divine” - and the blessing of the Divine they enjoy. Another thing is they never take to artificiality. They are never worried, never upset, they are neither futuristic nor think of the past, but they are in the present. When they are in the present, they are absolutely silent. If there is any problem, or anything happens to them, they immediately go into thoughtless awareness. That is what their capacity is. To become a guru you have to develop that personality; not to be bound by anything. Now I’ll tell you my own example. I never hurry, I’m never bothered about time. Once I was going to America - because if you are sure the Divine has plans for you, you are not bothered, the Divine is looking after you so why to bother – I was going to America and one child fell down. I was just about to get up and go and broke her arm. And when I saw the child I said "All right, I’ll put that child right". "But,” they said, "You are going to America!" I said, "I’ll go in any case! ". So I cured the child, it took about half an hour, and then I came out "All right, let’s go to the airport". They said "Mother you are very late" I said, "I’m never late. Let’s go!". We went there, to the airport, and the plane by which I was going was out of order, so there was another plane going to Washington not to New York, and I wanted to go to Washington only! So just imagine how things work out, and we call them 'Sahaja’. It has worked out 'Sahaja’. That means it’s a effortless. But first of all your personality should be such that your devotion is so great that Divine is compelled to look after you...compelled to look after you! You have to understand that Divine force is around you, and this Divine force is absolute guarantee for your safety. For everything that you want to do. You can say that "Mother you are very powerful". You can become also very powerful! If you get completely dedicated to the Divine work, you will also have all the powers and the Divine will provide all the necessary work that you want to do, necessary time that you have to have. Everything is provided by the Divine. But the compassion, when it extends from other people to God, or to Divine person, or to your guru, then it becomes very easy to live, very simple to live, no complications, everything is sorted out, and you are not bothered about anything. You just close your eyes and things work out. Everything works out as if that’s your will, but you don’t have to will it, don’t have to think about it, it just works out, but Divine looks after everything. It looks after your comfort, looks after your health, everything. And this Divine help, you do not seek, you do not ask for, but you are a personality for which the Divine is responsible. You are a special responsibility of the Divine. And it knows what is good for you and what is not. It’s an example, I can give many where I, supposing, I thought somebody is coming to meet me, and people told me "Mother, he’s very negative", He will never come, he’ll never come. All positive things will happen, and if a negative things take place, then you will use your compassion. If it is negative you’ll use your compassion and you’ll solve the problem. You can solve the problems of your own, of your surroundings, of your community. So now you have got your Self realisation. How far you have gone in that I don’t know. I have a complaint about women, so many ladies, that they don’t meditate. That they are not looking after themselves, they are not realised souls, and that’s why many men want to divorce them because they think these women are good for nothing. And some men also are like that. To solve this problem you have to have compassion, and you have to, somehow or other, with compassion, you should win over the partner of your life. After all men are much more busy than women are. But women indulge into so many other things. They have to look after their family, their children, their everything. And their mind is involved into all such mundane things that they have no time to meditate. Without meditation you cannot rise. You have to meditate. People think that: "Now we have got realisation, so it’s all right". No! Every day you must meditate because that’s the cleansing that takes place. With the cleansing you understand. You understand what is needed and what is not needed, you are cleansed out. That is done by Divine. But you must religiously meditate. Gradually you will find your meditation will become very deep. You will become very, very deep and your powers will start showing. When you are anywhere, negativity will run away. All sorts of problems can be solved. Whatever you want to do is available to you. Whatever is your desire to help others or give to someone, you just get it. Is my own experience I’m telling you. You have to meditate at least 10 minutes every evening, and morning about 5 minutes. With complete devotion, with complete admiration. I have seen some people here, such bhakti, such devotion, which is shraddha - is higher than bhakti - that it becomes part and parcel of your being. It just envelops you completely. When you have that shraddha, it is very miraculous. It works so many miracles. It’s true some people were cured only thinking of me, is a fact. But that doesn’t mean that they had the shraddha of that level, but that means that they have to develop shraddha. Now how to develop a shraddha, which is a natural light of the Spirit. Because people are trying very hard to develop shraddha, but shraddha cannot be developed by mental activity, by any activity, but meditation of silence. If you do the meditation …. I have always told you to do meditation. I immediately know a person who has been meditating and who has not been. They’ll come to my puja, all right; and they’ll talk about Sahaja Yoga, they’ll go out and do it for popularity. Many people are like that. They go out, and for popularity they work it out. But inside they have not yet traced their own Self. So at this development stage you should be encouraged, and [should be] understood that you can reach that state very easily through meditation and introspection. With introspection you will develop a new quality of understanding that, you will find solutions to things. That is another quality a person who is a realised soul has. It can find solutions to all your problems. It can, he can suggest what is the way you can be helped. Then a kind of a brotherhood out of the shraddha develops. You may be giving big lectures on Sahaja Yoga, you may be doing all kinds of things, but unless and until you have shraddha, you cannot rise. And this shraddha is a kind of a love within you, I should say, which spreads like gentle fire which doesn’t burn, which doesn’t give heat, but cold, beautiful breeze-like feeling within, which makes you understand. You will never talk ill about a sahaja yogi, never. I never listen to anybody who tells me something against sahaja yogi. Up to a point, when it is a collective complaint, then I am little bit bothered and I talk about it to the leader. But otherwise if one person comes and tells me this and this, I just tell that person "You introspect yourself , it’s not so”. Finding faults with others is a common game all human beings play. They never see their own faults. What’s the use of finding faults of others? By finding faults with others you’re not going to be helped. Try to find faults within you, which you can cure, which you can help, which you can work it out. It's a responsibility you have, you must know, to yourself that you better find out your defects and get them corrected. But some people are very proud of their fondness – they talk like this, "I like this, I like that". But what about the Spirit? You like this, you like that, then what about your Spirit? Does it like? Does it enjoy? They’ll go on saying "I like this, I don’t like this, I don’t like that!" It’s very common in the West. Now see, some ladies have made this beautiful carpets for me. They are so thick that when I walk on them I little bit lose balance, but the love with which they are made, makes me so joyous, so happy, that you can’t imagine what I feel about them. This joy, this ocean of joy, is within you. And when it starts stirring up, it doesn’t torment you, it gives you beautiful – I don’t know how to use words to express that – it’s like a drizzle on your being, it’s like a grace on your being. The love of other people enthrals you. You don’t ask for it, but if you see a person who is very loving and kind, there is real friendship in that kind of relationship. But talking ill about sahaja yogis, it’s very wrong. And then talking to everyone that "this is wrong with this person, he had done this, he had done that”, is very, very wrong and creating a collective feeling against the person – instead of helping that person. Always people are in trouble. Then collectively you must help that person. Not talk ill of that person. May be some mistakes, but if you start talking against that person and saying that 'This is wrong with him, that is wrong with him’, then you are not a sahaja yogi. You are a sahaja yogi as long as you can see your own defects through introspection. Now many of you, I should say most of you, have got your realisation. You had the experience. But some of you don’t have the knowledge. That knowledge you should acquire, and verify whether that knowledge is really there or not. Like in America, in the N.I.H., which is an Institute for Health, they wanted to test a sahaja yogi, and there were doctors. And one doctor came forward and said "All right, tell me on your vibration what’s wrong with me". So the girl said, "Sir, something wrong with your heart" and he said, "It’s correct" because he has had a bypass only one month back and he was out of hospital. Absolutely correct, and this surprised them. That diagnosis, you see, kills the patient half way. So this is the very easy way to diagnose a person, just by feeling the vibration. And they have given us such a good attention, they want to develop Sahaja Yoga in their hospitals. So you should also testify yourself, examine yourself and find out about yourself, what are you? Say husband and wife – now the wife meditates, she knows everything, she knows about her husband, what’s wrong with him and she doesn’t tell him. She tolerates, she doesn’t complain, she doesn’t ask for anything, she just tolerates. And this tolerance convinces the husband that she’s a higher personality than himself. He may be anything, but he then understands that this is what she has achieved, a great personality. We have so many imperfections, especially morally, in the West, people are really, I tell you, like one snake has bitten them. The things that people do here never come into the minds of people who are not developed. So development has meant all kinds of abandonment, all kinds of vagabond temperament, and they think they are very free and they can go about and enjoy. This style is very common, but you just judge yourself. Are you one of these type? Or are you one of the people who are higher than you in their ascent. It’s a process, I must confess. It is not just [that] you get to that point. Sometimes even very new sahaja yogis are better than very old sahaja yogis, but because they had a very strong desire. What are we seeking? We should understand why we were seeking – because we wanted to know ourselves. Somehow, we knew that we have to know ourselves, and we did not know. So we seek. We seek. We do all kinds of things, I mean all wrong things also in the name of seeking. But it is this seeking brings you to Sahaja Yoga. Then you have to get your Self realisation, which is very easy through Kundalini. Kundalini works out most of the things, most of the things. Like somebody told me that overnight she gave up drinking and smoking – overnight. I mean I don’t tell that, I never say that. But just overnight she gave up, and she said "I was very particular about my hair dress and I used to make my hair dress in a different manner, going to the hairdressers, spending so much time with the beautician, this, that". She said, "I gave it up". Also she said "I used to wear dresses which were not very moral, then I started respecting my body and I started wearing proper dress". All this knowledge comes to you, spontaneously it is within you, because it is all your own. Also if your guru tells you, you are guided. Guru’s job is to guide people. So at this juncture, what is lacking? What is lacking in Sahaja Yoga? That I have to tell you. There are so many collective disasters we have - all kinds of. We had many earthquakes, we had many floods, rain, then the muds - mud came down like a river; and so many disasters in the world and sahaja yogis are saved from that. All the sahaja yogis are saved from that, no doubt, but after being saved, what is your understanding? What do you know? Why these disasters are coming? Because Sahaja Yoga is not very collective. It has to become very collective. It has to spread much more, all over. It has to go to many people, which we don’t do. We are at a standstill, or little bit we do it. But go all out! Look at Christ’s twelve disciples! Of course the people went into wrong things. But how they worked and how intensively they did it. That intensity if you don’t have, and if you do not completely dedicate to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga, then collective problems cannot be solved. You are busy with your daily mundane things, and your other jobs and everything; it’s all right, in Sahaja Yoga no objection. But you should have your attention more on to this side of life that - 'What are we doing for the collective? Are we talking about it? Are we spreading Sahaja Yoga? Are we making people know about it?’ I was surprised, once I was coming by plane and a lady sat next to me and had very bad vibrations. I put myself into bandhan, and I asked her what is she doing for her spirituality, and she gave the name of 'Bahai’ people. "My God" I said. If these people spread out, they are so spread out, they are so many! So, what will happen? Disasters! They are such negative people, impossible that they can do any good to the world. And like that you see, anybody, false guru, how people are driven to them, how they take to them, and how they spread their message. I have seen people singing on the road, singing the praise of their guru, and also wearing funny dresses – we don’t want that kind of a thing. But of course you have got the knowledge, of course you are realised souls. But what have you done for Sahaja Yoga is the point. You have to spread Sahaja Yoga...everywhere. For example, you wear a badge, then they will ask you "What is this supposed to be?” Then you have to tell them what is it, something. You start talking about Sahaja Yoga only! Talk nothing else but Sahaja Yoga. You have to go on talking about Sahaja Yoga, spreading Sahaja Yoga: unless and until you do it, it won’t become collective, and all the disasters, which are due to collective nonsense, you get it. You are saved from so many things. Say even if there’s pollution, for a sahaja yogi it won’t matter. Even if there is a disaster of an earthquake the sahaja yogi will be saved. But why not save the whole world? Calamities after calamities are coming, and if you have compassion you must think of the people who can get into any calamity or into any trouble. Of course I can cure many people, no doubt. But I don’t know how to make Sahaja Yoga very collective. Now you are so many people here, you all can start giving realisation to at least 100 people. Go everywhere. Talk about Sahaja Yoga. Sing the praise of the Divine, and you will save the whole world. It is not by saving some few people you can have the great Satya Yuga, but you have also to save this Mother Earth. You have to save the people who are in it. I mean, the way these people are, I have seen so many of them on the television. They, shamelessly they are talking about something which they don’t know. And they have thousands and thousands of people behind them. Not that the people are stupid. Not that they want to go on a wrong path, but these people who are false, or who are wrong, know how to entice them, how to capture them, how to talk to them. But a sahaja yogi, you see, if he sees somebody with a negative vibrations will run away. He will escape such a society, will not go near them, and will say "Oh, very bad vibrations, we don’t want!”. So you have to be courageous and get into these places, talk to people and make it collective. Otherwise you cannot save this world from the wrath of God. God is wrathful, no doubt. For you, he’ll save you, but what’s the use? We have to save this Mother Earth. And for that you have to be prepared, you have to work it out, and whenever you get a chance you must spread Sahaja Yoga. Some people told me "Mother, if you come then it will be All right" Why? What’s so much? …. you can be also like me. You can talk about it to people. I started Sahaja Yoga with one person and, that time, it was complete darkness everywhere. No seekers, nothing, and horrible people, but it worked and it cleared. So one person can get so many sahaja yogis, why not you people do the same and talk about it. Your behaviour, your style, everything will definitely impress them. One has to work it out in such a manner that you achieve our goal of collective consciousness. It is not only for sahaja yogis, it’s for everyone. So that all these calamities that are happening, horrible things that are happening, will stop. Completely stop, I assure you, it can be stopped. Because you are always saved. So all people who will be getting realisation will be saved. Why not talk openly about it telling people that if we do wrong, if we are immoral, if we are cheats, if we try to oppress others and we become so much a power of destruction then this collective disasters will be there and I think we’ll be responsible for that. Everything you take up, any subject you take up, you don’t have to start an organisation to fight it. But only your power of convincing people and bringing them to Sahaja Yoga will make such a difference. I hope you will understand as a guru what you have to do. As a guru there are so many things and as your character, yesterday, as they showed how Lao Tse has written about the masters, how they were above all of it, above turmoil, above jealousies, above talking loose. They are so great, they are the masters and they will be the masters and you will be the gurus if you try to do that. This is what you have to achieve. I know some have achieved it, but most of you have to achieve, with compassion and love. May God bless you all! Yesterday we saw the beautiful drama of Shri Rama. It was done so beautifully that my heart was filled with admiration and I couldn’t say anything. It’s a very good work. And that’s what happens to you when you become the Spirit – you become creative. You have to be creators. You create Sahaj Yogis, you create all kinds of beautiful things. And this [drama] was so much, so much, done in the name of Self. I am very happy they have made this drama. And I’ll organise, somehow, that it goes India and to America as well. It’s very well done so give them a hand. (Applause) Also I very much admire the work put in by the Italian Sahaj Yogis and others who have been of help to him, to Mr. Guido, and also to others, that they have created such a tremendous effect in this horrible, big structure, that I used to think that, “How can it be a puja under such a structure!” But it has now become so beautiful and so nice that I really thank the Italians for that. One thing about Italians is that they are very large hearted people. And I wish all of you [would] develop that large heartedness and work out everything to enjoy your large heartedness. Thank you. On a Guru puja, the Guru doesn’t give any presents to the disciple. Mother can give, but not the Guru and that’s why today, I’m sorry, I won’t be giving you any presents. But I have given a very good lecture for you! (Applause). Thank you very much. From all the countries beautiful presents they have given me. It’s very surprising how beautifully people are creating things. And you, now, as self-realised people are creators. You have to create Sahaj Yogis first, and all other things. So you are creators. You can do it. It’s nothing difficult for you. It’s very simple and you will learn the art very soon. And I’m sure it will work out very fast. So you all go ahead now for creating more Sahaj Yogis all over the world. Thank you very much.
Shri Krishna Puja: Spontaneity and Creativity
Cabella Ligure
Shri Krishna puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 August 2000. Today we are here to worship Shri Krishna within us. As you know you all have been seeking before coming to Sahaj Yoga. You went to different places, read lots of books and also some of you were lost. And, in that seeking, perhaps you did not know what you were seeking. What you were seeking was to know yourself. In all religions it is said ‘know thyself’: is a common thing all of them have said. This is one point which is absolutely there, in every religion, ‘know thyself’, because without knowing yourself, you will not know God, you will not know spirituality. So the first step was to know yourself. And [for] that one, people did all kinds of tricks with you, they taught you in different ways and tried to actually loot you and cheat you. All those things [that] have happened, is finished. So then you come to Sahaj Yoga and you get your Self-realisation. But what is the purpose of Self-realisation? Is to know God, or the Goddess, that is the purpose of Self-realisation. But after getting Self-realisation what should happen to you? Many of you have lost interest in nonsensical things like drugs and all those things. You have lost interest also in reading useless books. You have lost interest in other habits, like drinking and all that. But that’s not enough, that’s not enough. That would happen in any way. What has to happen by knowing God is that, why does God want you to know him? Because He wants to see His reflection in you. He wants to see His reflection that’s why He has created you and He wants to see His reflection in you. Same with the Goddess: She has given you Self-realisation because She wants to see Her reflection in you. So you have to prepare yourself for that reflection, which is so much purer, beautiful, loving, compassionate and, above all, full of wisdom. So this is the point, one has to reach: where you understand you have to have wisdom. If you are lacking in wisdom then you are not a Self-realised person. At the level of Shri Krishna, you see [that] He wants you to become part and parcel of the Virata, or the Viratangana also wants the same thing: that you should become part and parcel of the Virata. Not because you are realised-souls now, so you go about thinking [that] you are perfectly alright [and] you don’t have to do anything about it. What do you do beyond this is the point, that after Self-realisation you have to see the reflection that should be within you from the lives of these people like Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna was first born in a very difficult situation as you know and He was carried from there to Gokul, where He was brought up by Yashoda. Now, there He started His playfulness. So you have to be playful in life: you have to create fun and joy. He didn’t say that you sit down like an old sage, somewhere in the Himalayas but you mix up with children, you talk to them, you play with them, have fun. At the same time He was destroying all the negative forces which acted upon Him. In His playfulness only He’s done it, as a child only He has done it. How matured He was as a child you can see, that he killed Putana and there are two horrible Rakshas also: He killed them. At the same time He was playing with the Gopis and teasing them, troubling them, making fun of them. Why? Because He wanted them to be playful. And all kinds of celebrations He arranged. Once a big rain came and He lifted the complete big mountain on his fingertips. These people should have understood that it’s not possible, it’s a miracle. But He was just standing there with one finger at the mountain. In a very simple unassuming manner He was doing all that, to protect all the boys who were playing with him. Then He went and killed Kalia, the one who was a big snake, in the water. In the water this horrible fellow was creating venom, and by which many people were killed. It took Him no time and He jumped inside that horrible water of Yamuna from where He rescued, in a way, all the people, by killing or hitting or you can say that winning over this Kalia. But the wives of the big serpant asked Him that, “Please forgive him!” and He forgave. All these things show that a child of six, seven years doing all these great things without feeling what He was doing, without even thinking about it. But He achieved it because He was aware that He was Shri Krishna. So first thing you have to be aware that you are self-realised people. You are not ordinary people to behave in an ordinary way. You are special people, made specially to reflect the qualities of God Almighty. It’s not expected that you go and kill Kalia. But the situation is such, today, that you are all the time protected. You are all the time protected: no one can harm you, no one can kill you and you are being looked after because you are Sahaj Yogis. Now what should be the attitude of a Sahaj Yogi towards taking decisions, one should understand. It should be a spontaneous decision. You don’t have to tally it with this, go there and find out: immediately, spontaneously, like Shri Krishna who jumped inside the river. So in the same way you should have a very spontaneous decision for anything. Now you want to buy, say a carpet: alright, you go in the shop and you immediately should know which is the one. In every walk of life you should have a very spontaneous decision, instant decision. But what I find, the style is very different: they’ll go from shop to shop, then make a list of it, then make all the measurements, then go home and say that, “We’ll decide it tomorrow.” That’s not the way a Sahaj Yogi behaves. A Sahaj Yogi has to decide everything absolutely spontaneously, at that moment. You should be like this: now somebody is getting drowned; so the first impulse should be that you have to save, and how do you save? You jump in the water. Because you are protected, nothing can happen to you. So you just jump in the water and you’d save the person. Minimum of minimum this should be your attitude, this should be your temperament, that you take a very spontaneous decision. All this thinking and all kinds of decision making and having a big conference for decisions and all that [are] not needed. In day-to-day life also you have to be like that. Also in every political life, economic life or any other life you have to lead, you have to be very spontaneous. How do you become spontaneous? What quality you have got? What is the weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know you have got vibrations? You have the feel of the vibrations and you know what vibrations are. You know what vibrations tell you and convey and communicate to you. They speak to you. So through your vibrations you should know in a second what should you do. For example now somebody told me that, “Mother when I come to Cabella I felt tremendous vibrations!” It’s a fact. But how many of you feel that way? Because your sensitivity is not yet developed. You have to be sensitive about your vibrations. You should know, looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even shaking hands with anyone, you should know what sort of vibrations that person has. This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then you will definitely take a very spontaneous decision. You know I am very good at it. I bought this Cabella in five minutes, really five minutes. When I came here, they said you cannot go up because you have a big car. So the mayor said, “Alright come along. I’ll take you in my car.” So I went with him on that car and I saw it. It was all dilapidated, no doubt. It was all absolutely in a shambles alright, and looked like a ghostly place, no doubt. And everybody who was with me they said, “Ahh, what a place Mother! You can’t buy that!” So I told the mayor “I am buying it!” “When?” “Today, now!” He was amazed! I said, “You tell me how do I buy it?” He said, “Very easy in this Italy: you have to buy, like this, that you to pay one third of the price.” “Alright,” “And then you can occupy. If you find something wrong with the place you can give it up, but then you will not get back your money. But if the other fellow who is selling you says no, then he has to pay double.” I said, “Very good bargain! I am buying. I have told you I am buying. I’ll buy.” And everybody was surprised what Mother was doing? So what decided was the vibrations. The vibrations of the place just decided. I said, “I’m buying!” That way they took me to seven castles I think! I said no. Outside only I could say no. And they were surprised, I didn’t even go inside. I said, “Ask them what was here.” They said, “Nunnery.” I said, “See?” Now you should develop that kind of a spontaneous decision, then you will be amazed how in such a short time you can really achieve such a great things! But that doesn’t mean that you all should do that way. First you should have that sensitivity of vibrations. If you have that sensitivity of vibrations, then I would say you are now matured in Sahaj Yoga. So the maturity has to be brought in. You cannot just say, “Now it’s alright, I have got Self-realisation. I can do this!” First you tally your sense of sensitivity. So now, how do you know? For example, you take a spontaneous decision and you find that you have got nothing, it’s all nonsense - it’s possible. But you can see for yourself that your decisions, if they are spontaneous, if they fail, if they are wrong, if there are some mistakes or that will make you suffer - whether economically, politically, in every way - then your whole values system will be judged very well: how far you have gone into Sahaj Yoga, how far you have achieved your Self-realisation, and where are you. This is what is the way to test yourself. You should not be afraid of failures and not get enamoured by success, because you are Self-realised souls. Of course, if you are sensitive, immediately you will know what it is. Of course, I won’t say that you should have the same as I have, but you should try to. Now I have seen some people who will praise some man, “Oh Mother he is so good, you must meet him. He’s such a nice person, and he’s of such a help. And this will happen and that will happen.” I said, “Alright, you show me a photograph.” I said, “I am sorry I don’t want to meet him!” They cannot understand. “Such a great man! He’ll be a minister tomorrow!” “I don’t want to meet him.” And you find, just next day, a big report about him in the newspaper that he’s a very bad man. So you must tally your experience and your understanding of what you have decided spontaneously. But still, I would say, keep to spontaneous decisions: don’t think about it; how it should work out, what should we do. It has a very farfetched influence on your mind, also, that you see, that you know what is right and what is wrong. I don’t know how many of you have seen the house I have built. The another side of Shri Krishna was that He was extremely creative. In His childhood He did all these things, these pranks, and when He became a grown-up person He became the king of Dwarika, of that area. And He used to dress up like a king only. After all He was a king. When He was a child He used to wear a small little piece of feather from the peacock. But when He became the king, He was wearing all the things and He used to sit on a throne and talk to people in that manner. All that greatness was there, and He was extremely creative. He built a beautiful, very, very beautiful castle, or you can say a palace, in Dwarika out of gold. Can you believe it? Shri Krishna did it and it was all then covered with water. Now the intellectuals in India — all trained by western people, I think — said that, “It’s not possible. There’s nothing in the water and he never built his palace there. It’s all a story. Just like a myth.” But some people believed in it and they dug up. They went down and they found there was a very big palace, there was gold, little bit left, but not all of it was there. And they were amazed [that] such a huge big palace He had made. Under the water it had gone but it was there. Like this, all these incarnations who came were extremely creative. If you are not creative what’s the use of Self-realisation? Now, what is the greatest creative thing you can do very easily is to make others Sahaj Yogis. That is the easiest and most joy-giving thing: is to make others Sahaj Yogis and give them the blessings of the Divine, which they have been seeking for the ages. By giving them you don’t know what a solace, what a blessing you give them. So now when you have got your Self-realisation: you got it very easily, I must say. They all say that it is an instant Nirvana. Sahaj Yoga is Instant Nirvana, it’s true. But whatever you get so easily and instantly, you don’t understand the value of that. They always say for India that they got the freedom so easily — they didn’t get it that easily — that’s why they do not value it. But it’s true: if you get anything free, firstly, and without any special effort then you don’t value it, you don’t understand. You think it is the matter of right. But do you know how much people have suffered for getting Self-realisation? They used to go on the Himalayas, stand on one leg, sometimes on their heads for months together. And they didn’t get Realisation. I have heard of some people who lived in a room for twenty-eight years to get Self-realisation. And why they lived like that [is] because they thought that by keeping away from other people, other bad atmosphere, everything, they might get Realisation. [But] they never got it. So one must understand: though you have got it very easily, it’s something so precious, so great. It’s not very easy to get Self-realisation. You read about the people who are Self-realised. Perhaps they didn’t even know how they got it. They did not know even about the Kundalini, but they got it; through their Guru maybe, maybe their efforts. Buddha, how much he had to suffer till he got his Realisation! Think of Him, how he got His Realisation! I mean you shudder to see His life: ultimately dies of hunger and poverty. But nothing happened to you. You have got it without any difficulties, in a very sweet manner, all of you. Nothing, you don’t have to pay, you don’t have to do anything about it. But that doesn’t mean you should not value it. Like a seed which is put in the Mother Earth spontaneously sprouts and gives a life to the plumule which grows, can grow, into a shrub and then into a tree. But you have to put water and you have to have the care of a gardener or someone. In your case you are the one who has to do all that. First of all you have to put the nourishment of compassion and love. Have you got that compassion and love? Do you love people? Like somebody told me today, I was shocked “I don’t like children!” I said, “You don’t like children?” ”No, I like other children, not mine.” Just imagine! How can you be doing that? How can you say such a thing? You don’t like your own children. Anything! First of all, for all of you I would say that you should never say, “I like” or “I don’t like”: these are anti-mantras. “I like this” is very common. Who are you? “I don’t like this carpet!” “I don’t like that silver thing!” Who are you? Can you make one like that? To take a decision of that kind it also shows [that] they think it is very spontaneous. It’s not. It has come from your conditioning that you think, “I have a right to say, ‘I don’t like,’ ‘I don’t want.’” But who are you? If you are the Spirit you will never use these words because it might hurt somebody. You will never say something that will hurt others. You will never do anything that will be dangerous for others. But always, you will say something that would be extremely loving and compassionate and peace giving. You will emit joy for others. There is the power of Spirit that it gives joy to others. If you are a glum person, grumpy person then you are not self-realised. You should be able to give joy and love and compassion to others. And it should happen absolutely spontaneously. There’s a story about a saint in India, in Maharashtra: so they all used to take water in a container, called as ‘kavara’ and would take it all the way to Gujarat to a temple of Shri Krishna. That was regarded as a great surrendering to Shri Krishna. So that saint also carried the water in that container, this kavara. All the way he carried it from his village in Maharashtra and when he reached the temple, at the foot of that temple, he saw a donkey very thirsty, dying of thirst. So he gave that water to that donkey. Everybody said, “Imagine, you have brought this water for miles together, for days together to be put on the deity here and now you have given it to this donkey?” He said, “You don’t know God has come all the way down here to take the water.” See the attitude that he took. So for a self-realised person the compassion should be like that: of very generous nature. If you are not generous, if you are miserly, always worried about your money and saving of it, then firstly you are not a matured Sahaj Yogi, you are not. Apart from that, this kind of money will never give you any happiness. Miserliness is against Spirit. Spirit is extremely generous, extremely generous. It never tries to save something or cheat people or steal something: is out of question. Because there is no greed left in him, there is no greed at all. And that is why such a person, who is a realised-soul, cannot be greedy, has to be extremely generous. I have seen many people like that who have been extremely generous and who have been very understanding about the problems of others. While a Sahaj Yogi [who] will have his own problems is not a Sahaj Yogi at all. He is there to solve the problems of others and not to solve his own problems and go about talking about, “This is the problem I have.” Now this is the new word that has developed in modern times. They have never used to use the word ‘problem’ before, I tell you. Only for geometry we used this word ‘problem'. But now it has started. They say, “There is no problem”. They are all in a problem. Actually they are problems I think. So what you have to do is to understand that you should not give your problems to others. You should not ask for anything. “Please do this for me.” “Please do that for me.” It’s very surprising that people try to take advantage of others. Now some people like to visit some countries, so they will ask me, “Please call me. I would like to come to your country.” And a generous Sahaj Yogi will say, “All right, come along!” Now who is failing here is a person who asks for it. You shouldn’t ask for anything whatsoever, because you are complete. Not only that you are satisfied but you are complete! What can anybody give you? All desires just disappear when you are in complete shape. Like today, when I was coming I saw lots of stars had come out. I said, “As soon as the moon will come, they’ll all disappear.” In the same way, when you are complete, you do not expect anybody to do anything for you. On the contrary you want to find out what you can do for others. You become the others in a way that whatever is the problem of others you take upon your head, you jump into it. It’s a very, very interesting growth that should come in you. It should happen to all of you because you have got your Self-realisation. You develop a kind of a personality which only lives for others, not for oneself. You will be amazed — you can live anywhere, you can sleep anywhere. You can have food. You need not have food. Whatever type of food, you get, it’s all right. Because you are so satisfied. On the contrary, you’d like to cook for others, give them food, give whatever you have. [Whatever] possible, you try to do. As long as you can work it out, you do it. But there are people who have only their own problems: they are not Sahaj Yogis. How can the Spirit have problems? How can that happen? So just understand that you are now the Spirit and beyond everything. So your creativity also goes to other dimensions. Of course you start giving Realisation to other people. You create art. You know Babamama he was very bad at literature and he didn’t know any language. He was very good for Mathematics, because my mother was a mathematician. But language he did not know. I used to write his essays, he was so bad. But after Realisation he wrote such beautiful poems, unbelievable. Nobody could believe that this Baba could do that. Because he didn’t know any language well. I used to write his essays as I told you. So amazingly, from where he started writing Urdu poetry, Marathi poetry, Hindi poetry? And one of my brothers asked him, “How do you get this Urdu poetry?” He said, “Shri Mataji has, She tells me. Everything She says to say, Mataji tells me.” So the creativity with in you just flowers and you are amazed at yourself, how this creativity has come in. Now imagine for a person who is a mathematician, becoming suddenly a poet: it’s an impossible situation. And you have these capacities. You all have these capacities that you can become very creative and you have to be creative in every way. I am very creative, I must say. I am all the time working out something, which comes out very well. And also I don’t have that interest, as normally people have, that it should be praised by everyone or it should be sort of very much in the newspapers — no interest. You create for creation, for the sake of creation you create. And you just enjoy that creation. And you become very adaptable or you become so congenial with all the things people say, talk, “All right, let them do it!” They will be offensive or they could be also praising you and all that. So, you don’t know, that they are praising you. Even sometimes when you say, “Shri Mataji ki jai,” I also say and then I forget they are talking about me. Somehow you are above all that and you are there, and you just don’t understand why human beings behave like that, why their behaviour is so funny. Even when they came to Sahaj Yoga I see they have a great desire to be leaders, or they have great desire to be a great organiser of Sahaj Yoga, so very well known in Sahaj Yoga. They want to have an international fame as a great Sahaj Yogi. But they do not think, “What creativity I have shown? What have I created?” Just, all these things are so common in human beings that they always want others to praise them, to have a very big exposure. Of what? If you are a Spirit everybody knows, what is there to expose? What is there to show off? What is there to come forward? Even if you are at the back there is light, you know there is light. So you have to get out of your darkness because you are the light and you spread light. Instead of [that] if you are in the darkness what light can you spread? So your Spirit cannot have [a] problem. It has no fear. But above all it has wisdom, tremendous wisdom. And that is the one sign of you being a very higher personality. As I told you, this is evolution and when you are transformed, you are evolved. Of a very different nature you become and you are to stand out. If Sahaj Yogis are like other people then what’s the use of taking to Sahaj Yoga? What was Christ? He was the son of a carpenter, He never got education. But what did He do? He was the Spirit. He reflected God within him. And that’s why He got himself crucified also. But in Sahaj Yoga you do not have to get crucified. There are all not such testing things for you. But your value system is to be checked. You must find out how are you working out through introspection. You should ask yourself, “So, well, now, Mr Sahaj Yogi: how are you? Are you indulging into all these things that these people who are not self-realised are doing?” Just try to find out. Because the growth of Sahaj Yoga is shown in your behaviour, in your styles, on your face. There are no wrinkles on a person like this. He has no worry. If you don’t worry then how will you get wrinkles? Such a person doesn’t get upset with anything. I mean, on the contrary he laughs at things. Once in a church, when I was in Switzerland, one lady came to hit me with the Bible and I started laughing I said, “What a thing and a half to be hit by Bible!” And she got such a fright that I was laughing and I was saying that, “Look at the stupidity of this lady coming to hit me with the Bible!" I mean, I can understand stone or anything else but Bible will never hit me! (Laughter) All these things have happened in your presence, and you know about it. There are negative forces, they try to harm you: they will harm you badly, they will harm you mentally, they might harm you emotionally. But when you are above this then no one harms you. At least you never feel the harm. You are not bothered about the harm. But what have you created? Today I had some ladies and some men and all for divorce. After getting married into Sahaj Yoga they want to have divorces, can you imagine? I was shocked! And they had funny ideas that , “My husband is like my brother”. I said, “Really?” All kinds of stupid ideas coming into their heads means there’s no light of the Spirit in them. If you have the light of Spirit then your understanding is very different: you don’t worry about yourself, you only worried about others and you try to find out solutions for them. You try to help them. It is very easy for you. What is so easy for the light to burn? Once it is enlightened it is burning. It’s difficult for it to go out of the light. But for human beings I cannot understand, even after Realisation, after growing for years together they are still so stupid that they don’t realise the value of their Self-realisation. It is something, the Spirit, you cannot kill it, it cannot blow off. This light will go off. But the light of the Spirit won’t go off. But what is the oil that keeps it there? Is your compassion, is love, care of others. I know there are people who are very dominating, maybe troublesome, what else, but care for them. Know that they are not like you, they are not complete, they have problems, so care for them. But instead of that if you start thinking that, “Why should I care for him? How does he care for me?” or something [like that], then you are finished. So this kind of a reflection, or the reaction is not that of a Spirit. A spiritual person’s reactions are very, very different. In the life of Shri Krishna you can see that he had a friend who was very poor and he wanted to meet Shri Krishna. And the wife of the friend gave him some rice, rice krispies as you call them (puffed rice) and [said] that, “Take for your friend, you must take something for your friend.” He was little shy, and when he went to Shri Krishna, Shri Krishna was in his palace and people at the door said, “No, you can’t meet Him!” He said, “Alright, you just go and tell Him that Sudama has come.” He was sitting on the throne, discussing something and He said, “Sudama has come?” He rushed out and went to the door and hugged him, hugged him again and again and He said, “Why are you standing here?” He took him and put him on the throne that He was supposed to sit in and he told his wife, “Please come and wash his feet.” And then they brought for him clothes and all that, he had a bath. He made him sleep on his bed. See the love of Shri Krishna. He had very dirty feet, all cracked. He tried to put on that some sort of a medicine by which it would be all right. He tried to do whatever was possible to cure those cracks and he asked him to sleep on his bed. And asked the ladies to fan him so that he doesn’t feel hot. See the compassion of Shri Krishna is shown so beautifully. Are we that compassionate? There was no need for Him to do that, it was no drama, nothing, but His heart took a spontaneous decision. When He heard, Sudama is there, He just rushed there. He just felt so happy that, “My old friend has come”. Then when he went to Hastinapur, there Duryodhan, the Kaurava’s eldest son, asked Him that, “Why don’t you come and stay in my palace?” He said, “All right I can come but, I will go and have food with Vidur.” Vidur was the son of a maid. He went and had His food with Vidur. Now Vidur, being a poor man, I don’t know what food he must have given Him, while Duryodhan would have given him such sumptuous food. So for such people taste and the level of food and all doesn’t matter: it’s the love. The respect of Vidur, who was a realised-soul; respecting other Sahaj Yogis. If a Sahaj Yogi respects somebody who is a governor — I can’t understand. The Spirit is above everything else — and does not respect a Sahaj Yogi there’s something wrong with him. He should understand that a spiritual person is higher than all these people who have all kinds of these big names behind them. And that love is shown in everybody’s life: all the saints, all the incarnations, everyone had that love, which was above everything else, without expecting anything; not doing it just to expect something from them. It is a kind of a personality, which really reflects God’s love. That reflection should come from you. You are Sahaj Yogis, that doesn’t mean that you are higher than others but you are different: you are above them. You have no superiority, that’s why you are different. You are so humble, that’s why you are different. You are so joyous, you are so peaceful that’s why you are humble. There are so many things I can tell you from the life of Shri Krishna, showing He was — they called him Yogeshwara — He was the Lord of Yoga. It is because He was Virat. But He showed His form, only to Arjuna to nobody else, because nobody was like Arjuna. Arjuna also got a fright when he saw that. So he lived like Shri Krishna, like a cowboy He was living in Gokul and He never showed off his powers. His powers were within himself, which were expressing spontaneously. This power has wisdom and discretion, complete discretion. If it does not have, then this is not Divine power, this is some satanic power. Because somebody is nice to you, if you are nice to that person [is] nothing great. Mostly we had in India people who are called as Avadhutas. They were the realised-souls who had gone away from the society, from the multitudes and gone and lived in some small little place, or some cave or some place, hidden from others. Because they thought nobody is going to understand them, so what’s the use of talking to them? They were singled out, one person here and one person there. What could they do? They were not like you, so many of Sahaj Yogis together. You have so many friends and you have so many others with you. They were lonely people and they hid themselves from the society. They would not meet people because if they tried anything they would be crucified. But not you people because you have a society, you have a beautiful enlightened society, of very good friends, of very good spiritual people. With all this, if you cannot create, then what should I say? You have to create something, maybe art, maybe music, maybe poetry, maybe literature, may be writing, whatever it is, you have to create. And above all you have to create Sahaja Yogis, that’s the main creation you have to achieve. That’s the main thing you have to have, is creating Sahaja Yogis all over. I am there, I can go to places, can have programmes, do everything, but you have to show with your own example that this is something great: “How they have achieved this state? We should also achieve that state!” So you will be the ones who will really inspire them, who will really make them follow you and take to a life of a Sahaj Yogi. Actually, you are Maha Yogis if you become complete, and you have to become. Nothing is more important than becoming a Maha Yogi by which your Spirit gives joy, peace and blessings to everyone. May God bless you!
Shri Krishna puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 August 2000. Today we are here to worship Shri Krishna within us. As you know you all have been seeking before coming to Sahaj Yoga. You went to different places, read lots of books and also some of you were lost. And, in that seeking, perhaps you did not know what you were seeking. What you were seeking was to know yourself. In all religions it is said ‘know thyself’: is a common thing all of them have said. This is one point which is absolutely there, in every religion, ‘know thyself’, because without knowing yourself, you will not know God, you will not know spirituality. So the first step was to know yourself. And [for] that one, people did all kinds of tricks with you, they taught you in different ways and tried to actually loot you and cheat you. All those things [that] have happened, is finished. So then you come to Sahaj Yoga and you get your Self-realisation. But what is the purpose of Self-realisation? Is to know God, or the Goddess, that is the purpose of Self-realisation. But after getting Self-realisation what should happen to you? Many of you have lost interest in nonsensical things like drugs and all those things. You have lost interest also in reading useless books. You have lost interest in other habits, like drinking and all that. But that’s not enough, that’s not enough. That would happen in any way. What has to happen by knowing God is that, why does God want you to know him? Because He wants to see His reflection in you. He wants to see His reflection that’s why He has created you and He wants to see His reflection in you. Same with the Goddess: She has given you Self-realisation because She wants to see Her reflection in you. So you have to prepare yourself for that reflection, which is so much purer, beautiful, loving, compassionate and, above all, full of wisdom. So this is the point, one has to reach: where you understand you have to have wisdom. If you are lacking in wisdom then you are not a Self-realised person. At the level of Shri Krishna, you see [that] He wants you to become part and parcel of the Virata, or the Viratangana also wants the same thing: that you should become part and parcel of the Virata. Not because you are realised-souls now, so you go about thinking [that] you are perfectly alright [and] you don’t have to do anything about it. What do you do beyond this is the point, that after Self-realisation you have to see the reflection that should be within you from the lives of these people like Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna was first born in a very difficult situation as you know and He was carried from there to Gokul, where He was brought up by Yashoda. Now, there He started His playfulness. So you have to be playful in life: you have to create fun and joy. He didn’t say that you sit down like an old sage, somewhere in the Himalayas but you mix up with children, you talk to them, you play with them, have fun. At the same time He was destroying all the negative forces which acted upon Him. In His playfulness only He’s done it, as a child only He has done it. How matured He was as a child you can see, that he killed Putana and there are two horrible Rakshas also: He killed them. At the same time He was playing with the Gopis and teasing them, troubling them, making fun of them. Why? Because He wanted them to be playful. And all kinds of celebrations He arranged. Once a big rain came and He lifted the complete big mountain on his fingertips. These people should have understood that it’s not possible, it’s a miracle. But He was just standing there with one finger at the mountain. In a very simple unassuming manner He was doing all that, to protect all the boys who were playing with him. Then He went and killed Kalia, the one who was a big snake, in the water. In the water this horrible fellow was creating venom, and by which many people were killed. It took Him no time and He jumped inside that horrible water of Yamuna from where He rescued, in a way, all the people, by killing or hitting or you can say that winning over this Kalia. But the wives of the big serpant asked Him that, “Please forgive him!” and He forgave. All these things show that a child of six, seven years doing all these great things without feeling what He was doing, without even thinking about it. But He achieved it because He was aware that He was Shri Krishna. So first thing you have to be aware that you are self-realised people. You are not ordinary people to behave in an ordinary way. You are special people, made specially to reflect the qualities of God Almighty. It’s not expected that you go and kill Kalia. But the situation is such, today, that you are all the time protected. You are all the time protected: no one can harm you, no one can kill you and you are being looked after because you are Sahaj Yogis. Now what should be the attitude of a Sahaj Yogi towards taking decisions, one should understand. It should be a spontaneous decision. You don’t have to tally it with this, go there and find out: immediately, spontaneously, like Shri Krishna who jumped inside the river. So in the same way you should have a very spontaneous decision for anything. Now you want to buy, say a carpet: alright, you go in the shop and you immediately should know which is the one. In every walk of life you should have a very spontaneous decision, instant decision. But what I find, the style is very different: they’ll go from shop to shop, then make a list of it, then make all the measurements, then go home and say that, “We’ll decide it tomorrow.” That’s not the way a Sahaj Yogi behaves. A Sahaj Yogi has to decide everything absolutely spontaneously, at that moment. You should be like this: now somebody is getting drowned; so the first impulse should be that you have to save, and how do you save? You jump in the water. Because you are protected, nothing can happen to you. So you just jump in the water and you’d save the person. Minimum of minimum this should be your attitude, this should be your temperament, that you take a very spontaneous decision. All this thinking and all kinds of decision making and having a big conference for decisions and all that [are] not needed. In day-to-day life also you have to be like that. Also in every political life, economic life or any other life you have to lead, you have to be very spontaneous. How do you become spontaneous? What quality you have got? What is the weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know you have got vibrations? You have the feel of the vibrations and you know what vibrations are. You know what vibrations tell you and convey and communicate to you. They speak to you. So through your vibrations you should know in a second what should you do. For example now somebody told me that, “Mother when I come to Cabella I felt tremendous vibrations!” It’s a fact. But how many of you feel that way? Because your sensitivity is not yet developed. You have to be sensitive about your vibrations. You should know, looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even shaking hands with anyone, you should know what sort of vibrations that person has. This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then you will definitely take a very spontaneous decision. You know I am very good at it. I bought this Cabella in five minutes, really five minutes. When I came here, they said you cannot go up because you have a big car. So the mayor said, “Alright come along. I’ll take you in my car.” So I went with him on that car and I saw it. It was all dilapidated, no doubt. It was all absolutely in a shambles alright, and looked like a ghostly place, no doubt. And everybody who was with me they said, “Ahh, what a place Mother! You can’t buy that!” So I told the mayor “I am buying it!” “When?” “Today, now!” He was amazed! I said, “You tell me how do I buy it?” He said, “Very easy in this Italy: you have to buy, like this, that you to pay one third of the price.” “Alright,” “And then you can occupy. If you find something wrong with the place you can give it up, but then you will not get back your money. But if the other fellow who is selling you says no, then he has to pay double.” I said, “Very good bargain! I am buying. I have told you I am buying. I’ll buy.” And everybody was surprised what Mother was doing? So what decided was the vibrations. The vibrations of the place just decided. I said, “I’m buying!” That way they took me to seven castles I think! I said no. Outside only I could say no. And they were surprised, I didn’t even go inside. I said, “Ask them what was here.” They said, “Nunnery.” I said, “See?” Now you should develop that kind of a spontaneous decision, then you will be amazed how in such a short time you can really achieve such a great things! But that doesn’t mean that you all should do that way. First you should have that sensitivity of vibrations. If you have that sensitivity of vibrations, then I would say you are now matured in Sahaj Yoga. So the maturity has to be brought in. You cannot just say, “Now it’s alright, I have got Self-realisation. I can do this!” First you tally your sense of sensitivity. So now, how do you know? For example, you take a spontaneous decision and you find that you have got nothing, it’s all nonsense - it’s possible. But you can see for yourself that your decisions, if they are spontaneous, if they fail, if they are wrong, if there are some mistakes or that will make you suffer - whether economically, politically, in every way - then your whole values system will be judged very well: how far you have gone into Sahaj Yoga, how far you have achieved your Self-realisation, and where are you. This is what is the way to test yourself. You should not be afraid of failures and not get enamoured by success, because you are Self-realised souls. Of course, if you are sensitive, immediately you will know what it is. Of course, I won’t say that you should have the same as I have, but you should try to. Now I have seen some people who will praise some man, “Oh Mother he is so good, you must meet him. He’s such a nice person, and he’s of such a help. And this will happen and that will happen.” I said, “Alright, you show me a photograph.” I said, “I am sorry I don’t want to meet him!” They cannot understand. “Such a great man! He’ll be a minister tomorrow!” “I don’t want to meet him.” And you find, just next day, a big report about him in the newspaper that he’s a very bad man. So you must tally your experience and your understanding of what you have decided spontaneously. But still, I would say, keep to spontaneous decisions: don’t think about it; how it should work out, what should we do. It has a very farfetched influence on your mind, also, that you see, that you know what is right and what is wrong. I don’t know how many of you have seen the house I have built. The another side of Shri Krishna was that He was extremely creative. In His childhood He did all these things, these pranks, and when He became a grown-up person He became the king of Dwarika, of that area. And He used to dress up like a king only. After all He was a king. When He was a child He used to wear a small little piece of feather from the peacock. But when He became the king, He was wearing all the things and He used to sit on a throne and talk to people in that manner. All that greatness was there, and He was extremely creative. He built a beautiful, very, very beautiful castle, or you can say a palace, in Dwarika out of gold. Can you believe it? Shri Krishna did it and it was all then covered with water. Now the intellectuals in India — all trained by western people, I think — said that, “It’s not possible. There’s nothing in the water and he never built his palace there. It’s all a story. Just like a myth.” But some people believed in it and they dug up. They went down and they found there was a very big palace, there was gold, little bit left, but not all of it was there. And they were amazed [that] such a huge big palace He had made. Under the water it had gone but it was there. Like this, all these incarnations who came were extremely creative. If you are not creative what’s the use of Self-realisation? Now, what is the greatest creative thing you can do very easily is to make others Sahaj Yogis. That is the easiest and most joy-giving thing: is to make others Sahaj Yogis and give them the blessings of the Divine, which they have been seeking for the ages. By giving them you don’t know what a solace, what a blessing you give them. So now when you have got your Self-realisation: you got it very easily, I must say. They all say that it is an instant Nirvana. Sahaj Yoga is Instant Nirvana, it’s true. But whatever you get so easily and instantly, you don’t understand the value of that. They always say for India that they got the freedom so easily — they didn’t get it that easily — that’s why they do not value it. But it’s true: if you get anything free, firstly, and without any special effort then you don’t value it, you don’t understand. You think it is the matter of right. But do you know how much people have suffered for getting Self-realisation? They used to go on the Himalayas, stand on one leg, sometimes on their heads for months together. And they didn’t get Realisation. I have heard of some people who lived in a room for twenty-eight years to get Self-realisation. And why they lived like that [is] because they thought that by keeping away from other people, other bad atmosphere, everything, they might get Realisation. [But] they never got it. So one must understand: though you have got it very easily, it’s something so precious, so great. It’s not very easy to get Self-realisation. You read about the people who are Self-realised. Perhaps they didn’t even know how they got it. They did not know even about the Kundalini, but they got it; through their Guru maybe, maybe their efforts. Buddha, how much he had to suffer till he got his Realisation! Think of Him, how he got His Realisation! I mean you shudder to see His life: ultimately dies of hunger and poverty. But nothing happened to you. You have got it without any difficulties, in a very sweet manner, all of you. Nothing, you don’t have to pay, you don’t have to do anything about it. But that doesn’t mean you should not value it. Like a seed which is put in the Mother Earth spontaneously sprouts and gives a life to the plumule which grows, can grow, into a shrub and then into a tree. But you have to put water and you have to have the care of a gardener or someone. In your case you are the one who has to do all that. First of all you have to put the nourishment of compassion and love. Have you got that compassion and love? Do you love people? Like somebody told me today, I was shocked “I don’t like children!” I said, “You don’t like children?” ”No, I like other children, not mine.” Just imagine! How can you be doing that? How can you say such a thing? You don’t like your own children. Anything! First of all, for all of you I would say that you should never say, “I like” or “I don’t like”: these are anti-mantras. “I like this” is very common. Who are you? “I don’t like this carpet!” “I don’t like that silver thing!” Who are you? Can you make one like that? To take a decision of that kind it also shows [that] they think it is very spontaneous. It’s not. It has come from your conditioning that you think, “I have a right to say, ‘I don’t like,’ ‘I don’t want.’” But who are you? If you are the Spirit you will never use these words because it might hurt somebody. You will never say something that will hurt others. You will never do anything that will be dangerous for others. But always, you will say something that would be extremely loving and compassionate and peace giving. You will emit joy for others. There is the power of Spirit that it gives joy to others. If you are a glum person, grumpy person then you are not self-realised. You should be able to give joy and love and compassion to others. And it should happen absolutely spontaneously. There’s a story about a saint in India, in Maharashtra: so they all used to take water in a container, called as ‘kavara’ and would take it all the way to Gujarat to a temple of Shri Krishna. That was regarded as a great surrendering to Shri Krishna. So that saint also carried the water in that container, this kavara. All the way he carried it from his village in Maharashtra and when he reached the temple, at the foot of that temple, he saw a donkey very thirsty, dying of thirst. So he gave that water to that donkey. Everybody said, “Imagine, you have brought this water for miles together, for days together to be put on the deity here and now you have given it to this donkey?” He said, “You don’t know God has come all the way down here to take the water.” See the attitude that he took. So for a self-realised person the compassion should be like that: of very generous nature. If you are not generous, if you are miserly, always worried about your money and saving of it, then firstly you are not a matured Sahaj Yogi, you are not. Apart from that, this kind of money will never give you any happiness. Miserliness is against Spirit. Spirit is extremely generous, extremely generous. It never tries to save something or cheat people or steal something: is out of question. Because there is no greed left in him, there is no greed at all. And that is why such a person, who is a realised-soul, cannot be greedy, has to be extremely generous. I have seen many people like that who have been extremely generous and who have been very understanding about the problems of others. While a Sahaj Yogi [who] will have his own problems is not a Sahaj Yogi at all. He is there to solve the problems of others and not to solve his own problems and go about talking about, “This is the problem I have.” Now this is the new word that has developed in modern times. They have never used to use the word ‘problem’ before, I tell you. Only for geometry we used this word ‘problem'. But now it has started. They say, “There is no problem”. They are all in a problem. Actually they are problems I think. So what you have to do is to understand that you should not give your problems to others. You should not ask for anything. “Please do this for me.” “Please do that for me.” It’s very surprising that people try to take advantage of others. Now some people like to visit some countries, so they will ask me, “Please call me. I would like to come to your country.” And a generous Sahaj Yogi will say, “All right, come along!” Now who is failing here is a person who asks for it. You shouldn’t ask for anything whatsoever, because you are complete. Not only that you are satisfied but you are complete! What can anybody give you? All desires just disappear when you are in complete shape. Like today, when I was coming I saw lots of stars had come out. I said, “As soon as the moon will come, they’ll all disappear.” In the same way, when you are complete, you do not expect anybody to do anything for you. On the contrary you want to find out what you can do for others. You become the others in a way that whatever is the problem of others you take upon your head, you jump into it. It’s a very, very interesting growth that should come in you. It should happen to all of you because you have got your Self-realisation. You develop a kind of a personality which only lives for others, not for oneself. You will be amazed — you can live anywhere, you can sleep anywhere. You can have food. You need not have food. Whatever type of food, you get, it’s all right. Because you are so satisfied. On the contrary, you’d like to cook for others, give them food, give whatever you have. [Whatever] possible, you try to do. As long as you can work it out, you do it. But there are people who have only their own problems: they are not Sahaj Yogis. How can the Spirit have problems? How can that happen? So just understand that you are now the Spirit and beyond everything. So your creativity also goes to other dimensions. Of course you start giving Realisation to other people. You create art. You know Babamama he was very bad at literature and he didn’t know any language. He was very good for Mathematics, because my mother was a mathematician. But language he did not know. I used to write his essays, he was so bad. But after Realisation he wrote such beautiful poems, unbelievable. Nobody could believe that this Baba could do that. Because he didn’t know any language well. I used to write his essays as I told you. So amazingly, from where he started writing Urdu poetry, Marathi poetry, Hindi poetry? And one of my brothers asked him, “How do you get this Urdu poetry?” He said, “Shri Mataji has, She tells me. Everything She says to say, Mataji tells me.” So the creativity with in you just flowers and you are amazed at yourself, how this creativity has come in. Now imagine for a person who is a mathematician, becoming suddenly a poet: it’s an impossible situation. And you have these capacities. You all have these capacities that you can become very creative and you have to be creative in every way. I am very creative, I must say. I am all the time working out something, which comes out very well. And also I don’t have that interest, as normally people have, that it should be praised by everyone or it should be sort of very much in the newspapers — no interest. You create for creation, for the sake of creation you create. And you just enjoy that creation. And you become very adaptable or you become so congenial with all the things people say, talk, “All right, let them do it!” They will be offensive or they could be also praising you and all that. So, you don’t know, that they are praising you. Even sometimes when you say, “Shri Mataji ki jai,” I also say and then I forget they are talking about me. Somehow you are above all that and you are there, and you just don’t understand why human beings behave like that, why their behaviour is so funny. Even when they came to Sahaj Yoga I see they have a great desire to be leaders, or they have great desire to be a great organiser of Sahaj Yoga, so very well known in Sahaj Yoga. They want to have an international fame as a great Sahaj Yogi. But they do not think, “What creativity I have shown? What have I created?” Just, all these things are so common in human beings that they always want others to praise them, to have a very big exposure. Of what? If you are a Spirit everybody knows, what is there to expose? What is there to show off? What is there to come forward? Even if you are at the back there is light, you know there is light. So you have to get out of your darkness because you are the light and you spread light. Instead of [that] if you are in the darkness what light can you spread? So your Spirit cannot have [a] problem. It has no fear. But above all it has wisdom, tremendous wisdom. And that is the one sign of you being a very higher personality. As I told you, this is evolution and when you are transformed, you are evolved. Of a very different nature you become and you are to stand out. If Sahaj Yogis are like other people then what’s the use of taking to Sahaj Yoga? What was Christ? He was the son of a carpenter, He never got education. But what did He do? He was the Spirit. He reflected God within him. And that’s why He got himself crucified also. But in Sahaj Yoga you do not have to get crucified. There are all not such testing things for you. But your value system is to be checked. You must find out how are you working out through introspection. You should ask yourself, “So, well, now, Mr Sahaj Yogi: how are you? Are you indulging into all these things that these people who are not self-realised are doing?” Just try to find out. Because the growth of Sahaj Yoga is shown in your behaviour, in your styles, on your face. There are no wrinkles on a person like this. He has no worry. If you don’t worry then how will you get wrinkles? Such a person doesn’t get upset with anything. I mean, on the contrary he laughs at things. Once in a church, when I was in Switzerland, one lady came to hit me with the Bible and I started laughing I said, “What a thing and a half to be hit by Bible!” And she got such a fright that I was laughing and I was saying that, “Look at the stupidity of this lady coming to hit me with the Bible!" I mean, I can understand stone or anything else but Bible will never hit me! (Laughter) All these things have happened in your presence, and you know about it. There are negative forces, they try to harm you: they will harm you badly, they will harm you mentally, they might harm you emotionally. But when you are above this then no one harms you. At least you never feel the harm. You are not bothered about the harm. But what have you created? Today I had some ladies and some men and all for divorce. After getting married into Sahaj Yoga they want to have divorces, can you imagine? I was shocked! And they had funny ideas that , “My husband is like my brother”. I said, “Really?” All kinds of stupid ideas coming into their heads means there’s no light of the Spirit in them. If you have the light of Spirit then your understanding is very different: you don’t worry about yourself, you only worried about others and you try to find out solutions for them. You try to help them. It is very easy for you. What is so easy for the light to burn? Once it is enlightened it is burning. It’s difficult for it to go out of the light. But for human beings I cannot understand, even after Realisation, after growing for years together they are still so stupid that they don’t realise the value of their Self-realisation. It is something, the Spirit, you cannot kill it, it cannot blow off. This light will go off. But the light of the Spirit won’t go off. But what is the oil that keeps it there? Is your compassion, is love, care of others. I know there are people who are very dominating, maybe troublesome, what else, but care for them. Know that they are not like you, they are not complete, they have problems, so care for them. But instead of that if you start thinking that, “Why should I care for him? How does he care for me?” or something [like that], then you are finished. So this kind of a reflection, or the reaction is not that of a Spirit. A spiritual person’s reactions are very, very different. In the life of Shri Krishna you can see that he had a friend who was very poor and he wanted to meet Shri Krishna. And the wife of the friend gave him some rice, rice krispies as you call them (puffed rice) and [said] that, “Take for your friend, you must take something for your friend.” He was little shy, and when he went to Shri Krishna, Shri Krishna was in his palace and people at the door said, “No, you can’t meet Him!” He said, “Alright, you just go and tell Him that Sudama has come.” He was sitting on the throne, discussing something and He said, “Sudama has come?” He rushed out and went to the door and hugged him, hugged him again and again and He said, “Why are you standing here?” He took him and put him on the throne that He was supposed to sit in and he told his wife, “Please come and wash his feet.” And then they brought for him clothes and all that, he had a bath. He made him sleep on his bed. See the love of Shri Krishna. He had very dirty feet, all cracked. He tried to put on that some sort of a medicine by which it would be all right. He tried to do whatever was possible to cure those cracks and he asked him to sleep on his bed. And asked the ladies to fan him so that he doesn’t feel hot. See the compassion of Shri Krishna is shown so beautifully. Are we that compassionate? There was no need for Him to do that, it was no drama, nothing, but His heart took a spontaneous decision. When He heard, Sudama is there, He just rushed there. He just felt so happy that, “My old friend has come”. Then when he went to Hastinapur, there Duryodhan, the Kaurava’s eldest son, asked Him that, “Why don’t you come and stay in my palace?” He said, “All right I can come but, I will go and have food with Vidur.” Vidur was the son of a maid. He went and had His food with Vidur. Now Vidur, being a poor man, I don’t know what food he must have given Him, while Duryodhan would have given him such sumptuous food. So for such people taste and the level of food and all doesn’t matter: it’s the love. The respect of Vidur, who was a realised-soul; respecting other Sahaj Yogis. If a Sahaj Yogi respects somebody who is a governor — I can’t understand. The Spirit is above everything else — and does not respect a Sahaj Yogi there’s something wrong with him. He should understand that a spiritual person is higher than all these people who have all kinds of these big names behind them. And that love is shown in everybody’s life: all the saints, all the incarnations, everyone had that love, which was above everything else, without expecting anything; not doing it just to expect something from them. It is a kind of a personality, which really reflects God’s love. That reflection should come from you. You are Sahaj Yogis, that doesn’t mean that you are higher than others but you are different: you are above them. You have no superiority, that’s why you are different. You are so humble, that’s why you are different. You are so joyous, you are so peaceful that’s why you are humble. There are so many things I can tell you from the life of Shri Krishna, showing He was — they called him Yogeshwara — He was the Lord of Yoga. It is because He was Virat. But He showed His form, only to Arjuna to nobody else, because nobody was like Arjuna. Arjuna also got a fright when he saw that. So he lived like Shri Krishna, like a cowboy He was living in Gokul and He never showed off his powers. His powers were within himself, which were expressing spontaneously. This power has wisdom and discretion, complete discretion. If it does not have, then this is not Divine power, this is some satanic power. Because somebody is nice to you, if you are nice to that person [is] nothing great. Mostly we had in India people who are called as Avadhutas. They were the realised-souls who had gone away from the society, from the multitudes and gone and lived in some small little place, or some cave or some place, hidden from others. Because they thought nobody is going to understand them, so what’s the use of talking to them? They were singled out, one person here and one person there. What could they do? They were not like you, so many of Sahaj Yogis together. You have so many friends and you have so many others with you. They were lonely people and they hid themselves from the society. They would not meet people because if they tried anything they would be crucified. But not you people because you have a society, you have a beautiful enlightened society, of very good friends, of very good spiritual people. With all this, if you cannot create, then what should I say? You have to create something, maybe art, maybe music, maybe poetry, maybe literature, may be writing, whatever it is, you have to create. And above all you have to create Sahaja Yogis, that’s the main creation you have to achieve. That’s the main thing you have to have, is creating Sahaja Yogis all over. I am there, I can go to places, can have programmes, do everything, but you have to show with your own example that this is something great: “How they have achieved this state? We should also achieve that state!” So you will be the ones who will really inspire them, who will really make them follow you and take to a life of a Sahaj Yogi. Actually, you are Maha Yogis if you become complete, and you have to become. Nothing is more important than becoming a Maha Yogi by which your Spirit gives joy, peace and blessings to everyone. May God bless you!
Questions by doctors to Shri Mataji
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Questions by doctors to Shri Mataji. Ealing, London (UK), 2000 (Regarding sinusitis) Shri Mataji: So the venue (mucus) which is very tough becomes loose, and the heat is absorbed. Dr. Rashid: Shri Mataji, would the onions need to be hot? Shri Mataji: [Yes, very hot.]As far as you can bear it. As far as you can bear it. It’s a very simple thing. Especially if you have sinus, don’t travel. Dr. Rashid: (Hindi: Shri Mataji, we made a list of questions to ask You, because sometimes some yogis ask us questions and we’re not absolutely sure about them.) Shri Mataji: About diseases? Dr. Rashid: (Hindi: Yes, Shri Mataji, about them.) Shri Mataji: Chemotherapy I’m against. There’s no need. It’s a wrong thing, chemotherapy. You see, they produce heat. You lose your hair. Such a lot of heat. And other complications will come with heat, that is. But Sahaja Yoga is a very simple method. You do use heat, in the sense [that] you use camphor and also these candles. But candles should be big, thick and should give light. But you don’t put it inside the body. Dr. Spiro: So in general, for cancer, say, surgery or radiotherapy would be better than chemotherapy? Shri Mataji: Chemotherapy is absolutely dangerous. It goes from one to another. See - it is a left-sided problem, so chemotherapy gives you heat. With the heat, for the time being, the Left Side improves. That’s all. (But in reality it’s something else.) But you can give heat from outside. Camphor is very heating. So camphor, you can have a havan, you can have camphor, you can have three-candle treatment. But then what they do, they take such a small little candle, you know – that’s not the way. You must have a thick candle. Use a thick candle with a thick light, so the heat is given from outside. Even you can use ajwain. Now what is this? Dr. Rashid: Shri Mataji, this is radiotherapy, x-ray treatment. (Hindi: Sometimes if there is cancer they treat it with x-ray, which is called radiotherapy.) Shri Mataji: (Hindi:Nothing should go inside.) Maybe x-ray might help. But x-ray also penetrates inside the body. (Hindi; It’s useless.) Dr. Rashid: (Hindi:Shri Mataji, this is regarding the various scans like CT scan, MRI scan. These are x-ray type scans. For example, if there is a problem or a disease in an organ, they scan it to see where the problem is. Shri Mataji, You’ve said about ultrasound that the pregnant women shouldn’t do ultrasound scans, because the realised baby or foetus can be harmed by them.) Shri Mataji: [There is no harm in that because it’s] outside. Ultrasound, you don’t put it inside, do you? Doctor: No, it’s just outside, but the sound waves go inside. Shri Mataji: Doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter so much. But there’s no need. Ultrasound is all right, but ultrasound doesn’t have the heat. What you need is the heat. [It doesn’t have heating. Okay, what’s this epidural?] Doctor: Epidural, Shri Mataji… [Hindi] Shri Mataji, when ladies are in labour, when they’re having a baby, going through labour pains, then an epidural is inserted in your spine. A small plastic catheter – a pipe, a tiny tube – and then you put some drugs into it to numb your nerves, to… Local anaesthetic. Shri Mataji: I mean, there were, I’ll tell you three, four cases. One was a doctor also. And she came to Me, and she had a funny complication that her spine had contracted and there was a big, you can say, not a crack, but they said the protrusion on the inside. And she got a fright, she came to Me. So I gave her a bandhan, and I put My hand there. I told her, “You’ll have a painless delivery.” If such women, if they meditate, they’ll have painless delivery. Four, five people had painless delivery, four, five, when they came to Me. Very good painless delivery. For example, this, My grand-daughter: she is, you know, tiny-winy, you know, and this child was about eight pounds, [and she’s so small]. She had a painless delivery. So you can do that. If she meditates, you don’t have to do all these nonsensical things; because you might spoil the spinal cord with that. It’s very delicate tissues, spinal cord. What is the OCP? [Oral Contraceptive Pill] Doctor: Shri Mataji, that’s the contraceptive pill, and for contraception and hormone replacement therapy. These are hormones which ladies take when their own hormones’ levels start to go down. Like oestrogens, that they take after the menopause. The hormone replacement therapy is hormones that ladies take after menopause. Once their periods stop, once they reach… Shri Mataji: But what is their use? Doctor: It’s to prevent osteoporosis, Shri Mataji. [Shri Mataji, after menopause, after the periods have stopped, the bones of women get weak. So doctors say that if they continue to take this hormone replacement therapy, then the bones will remain strong. The calcium in the bones is reduced after menopause, that’s why they say this is good.] Shri Mataji: [There is no need to have menopause.] You see, I think Sahaja Yogis won’t have menopause; they won’t have. Menopause comes out of imbalance within you. That’s why it comes. If you are in balance you won’t have a menopause. I never had. I mean, I know so many people who never had. Doctor: Menopausal problems, yes. They won’t have any problems with the menopause, Shri Mataji? No problems? Shri Mataji: No problems. You can take calcium, soluble calcium you can take, during menopause. [That’s the time to take it.] Doctor: [What about the contraceptive pill, Shri Mataji?] Shri Mataji: [That’s not a good thing.] It’s not very good. [There is no need to take this pill.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, should women do any kind of contraception or not?] Shri Mataji: [They should do], but must be external. I’m against taking inside. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about allergies. When people have eczema, is it a hot liver or a cold liver?] Shri Mataji: You see, all allergies are due to bad liver. All allergies are. Skin is looked after by the liver. That’s the basic thing. Now when, you see, a child is born, if the mother is eating food or something which is bad for the liver, or when the child is born mostly they get jaundice, I’ve seen, at a young age. Because of the hospital perhaps, maybe, they catch. So such a person gets allergies. So you must treat the liver. By treating the liver, perfected it. Anand, you see, had some allergies – My grandson. So I told him, “Anand, put some ice on it.” Finished – he has no allergies left. Doctor: So it’s a hot liver, not lethargic liver? Shri Mataji: It’s a hot liver. [It explodes.] Doctor: How do we know which one is cold and which one is lethargic? Shri Mataji: On vibrations. On vibrations you will know. See, there are symptoms connected with liver. Cold must be an enlarged liver, and hot is contracted. So for liver, best is to look after the one which is heated up, because it creates all the problems. If it is enlarged, also you can reduce it by eating something like chana, [kalinda-?] chana, and all these things. Chana is, you see, all such things which can contract. But not which can enlarge it: like rice can enlarge, then carbohydrates, you see. Also what you have is milk, [milk they made-?]. We'll say milk gives you heat. There’re so many things like that which we take, can enlarge the thing [liver]. It is, we can say that people who eat too much of sugar: that can enlarge, because you give sugar for hot. Sugar we give for hot liver, as a treatment. But if somebody is eating too much of sugar, then it will enlarge; sugarcane juice too much. I mean, [if anything goes in imbalance, then it’s not right.] And sweets that are like you find with Bengalis, they have an enlarged liver. Why? Because they eat sweets which are not fried but, you see, are made out of this protein thing with a lot of juices. [Like they have this chom chom and this and that.] These Bengali sweets if you eat, then you have an enlarged liver. Doctor: [So, Shri Mataji, when the liver is enlarged, is it lethargic? I mean, when we eat too many sweets?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, it’s possible. It shouldn’t be enlarged], it is out of function then. One is overly functioning, hot one, and this is out of function. I mean that also, imagine. [They’ll get a big belly.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what are the symptoms of a lethargic liver?] Shri Mataji: [The person] will be lethargic by temperament. He doesn’t think much. [He has problems walking.] He cannot walk properly, has a very big [belly]. [Can have gases.] Just the opposite of the liver when it is hot. [He doesn’t have allergies.] For a person whose liver is enlarged, he never gets allergies, but he’s lethargic by temperament. He sleeps a lot; it’s left-sided. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about auto-immune diseases: for example, like in rheumatoid arthritis, in which your own antibodies harm you, for example, in the joints.] Shri Mataji: [I know arthritis. In arthritis, again heat with ajwain, and] it’s also left-sided. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, we use hot ajwain?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, heat with hot ajwain. You can also use other heating things.] You can use candle treatment, or also you can correct your left side by putting the left hand towards the photograph and put the light, and right hand on the Mother Earth. This comes from the Mother Earth. [You can also do it by using the mantra for the Mother Earth.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, why is it that your own antibodies harm you?] Shri Mataji: [No, no, what happens is you have low level of calcium, and with that your bones become like that.] There are two types of arthritis. [In one there is too much calcium, and in the other there is a deficiency of calcium.] There are two types of arthritis. [One is the one], we call it that – I don’t know what disease, which pains a lot. Gout. Doctor: Gout? Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis. Shri Mataji: Yes, one pains. There’s a terrible pain all the time, on legs and on knees and all that. And another one you get crippled. So these are due to the low calcium, deficiency – the pain. Painful is due to calcium deficiency. And the other one that you have, which is due to too much of calcium. Doctor: [The one that cripples?] Shri Mataji: [Yes. The one that pains, in medical science there is no differentiation. You don’t have the same treatment for all.] For example, for a person, say, who has pain, you should take phosphorus. Phosphorus – in My book I’ve written about phosphorus. Phosphorus gives you heat, [and with that heat] it improves. They can take phosphorus, if you have pain. Phosphorus will cure it. And the other one when you have, it is due to over-calcium. Doctor: Shri Mataji, in what form should we take phosphorus? In what form? In food, or phosphorus… [In tablets or in fish or food?] Shri Mataji: In the blood. [It is in the genes. Phosphorus,] I’ve written. Have you read that now, doctor? Doctor: I think so, Shri Mataji, yes. It’s in Your book. Shri Mataji: Nobody has talked about it so far. But I’ve said it, that if there is phosphorus in your genes, then, and if you are a dry person, then it explodes and you get the heat. Doctor: What can you take, Mother, to give phosphorus? Shri Mataji: Phosphorus. Itself, phosphorus, you should. There are… Doctor: You can buy it? Shri Mataji: Yes, you can buy it. Phosphorus also in, we can say, in certain salts there is phosphorus. They also take seaweed; that has phosphorus. [But it gets cured just by meditating.] There was one lady who was so badly off, she could not even sit on the ground. Then I told her, you do your right-side this thing, treatment. She’s all right, she’s walking, but if she sits on the ground I don’t know. The another one is difficult. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about autism, about autistic children.] Shri Mataji: [It’s a badha. You have to do treatment for the badha]: lemons, this thing – chillies and all that. [It’s caused by a badha.] They’re normal otherwise, they’re really normal, but they go into sort of epileptic. [Epileptic, they have a badha.] Doctor: [This is about ME, yuppie flu, Shri Mataji.] [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] Shri Mataji: Yuppie disease – this is right-sided. You see, this is very common these days, because those who work very hard, also very proud of their work, and they want to behave like bureaucrats, and all that – that causes yuppie diseases. Mostly to bureaucrats; if not to bureaucrats, then also you can say, business. Top people of business, they get it. We have cured yuppies disease, we have cured. So what you have to do is to give them all the left side treatment – no, I mean, the right side for treatment, it will bring in left side in. Yes, also you must sit in the water with your right foot, put right hand towards the photograph, all right – without the light, and right foot. Also you can put ice here and the ice here. [Same as liver treatment.] Actually it’s a liver problem. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about phosphate, but You’ve already answered it. What about people with high level of phosphate?] Shri Mataji: Anger. It explodes. Doctor: High levels of phosphate can lead to a very angry personality. Shri Mataji: And this is not the end of it. If you’re angry person, you get heart. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, for women who can’t have children, should they have in-vitro fertilisation or not?] Shri Mataji: [No, I mean] try Sahaja Yoga. [It can happen with Sahaja Yoga.] Doctor: The inability to have children... Many Sahaja Yoginis find difficulty to have babies. Shri Mataji: It’s all right side. Mostly it is right-sided. But for example, … , her mother had cancer and she was shocked, [so her] shock, that’s left-sided. It can be too much of left side, or too much of right side. [Hindi.] Right side also: overly educated, all the time working very hard – right side. Mostly right side. Also left side possible: for example you are possessed, something like that. Throughout Sahaja Yoga you must understand whether right-sided or left-sided. And we have very simple things to correct both the sides. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what is the treatment for fibroids in the uterus?] Shri Mataji: [For that, son, there is a thing] – for anything of uterus, mostly it is a left-sided problem. Any growth in the body is left-sided problem. So what they do is to get a [vessel], they put charcoal in that, not too much – [in modern this thing, it’s easy] – and put some, again ajwain. And you keep it inside the, say, if you have a WC or if you have a bidet, and sit on that. [Burn it.] Doctor: Burn it. Burn it. Jai Shri Mataji. Can I ask? [Shri Mataji, [name] , who is our singer, when he sings very high, he gets pain in his head here and if he does this, down, he gets pain here.] Shri Mataji: [He’s caught a cold, son.] But another thing I’ll tell you: sometimes you feel pressure in the brain, isn’t it? And I’ve experimented Myself on that, so … Now the, you must sneeze and your cold must go out; the cold has gone up to the head. This theory doesn’t exist for you people, but this cold if it goes to the brain you become absolutely… [What do you call ‘bhan bhan’?] Doctor: It’s like blocked, the whole head is blocked, you know, like whole encased in something that’s pressure. Shri Mataji: And you can’t hear, you feel so disgusted, that’s the thing. For that you must take out, you know, your cold. For that, you see, one thing I found out in Ayurveda is called “Shinkhani”. Tell her to bring the Shinkhani – Alga, tell her. It’s a small little bottle, costs you two rupees or three rupees. Should smell it: with that smelling, sneezing. You get a terrible sneezing, and you clear out. Very common in England. If you, as many people don’t wear hats, they don’t cover themselves, they catch cold. [And it goes to the head.] It’s in the head. And outside you – lungs are all right, everything all right. The head is… Very common, I’ve seen here that. Doctor: Will this clear back Agnya, Mother? Will it clear back Agnya heaviness? Shri Mataji: Back Agnya is again the same candle treatment. But also with this, also you get back Agnya. Doctor: And this will clear it? Yes. Shri Mataji: There are two types of again, cold: one is from the liver, and one from real cold. So the one which is with the liver, you know that you have to treat with ice and all that. Because you have cold, you think “Why should we treat with ice?” but you have to. Doctor: But it’s a fluid or powder? [It’s a powder.] Shinkhani powder makes you sneeze. Shri Mataji is saying, he’s got a head-cold. Shri Mataji: Asthma. Asthma is again due to liver. Also it is – supposing the husband is very dominating and he also has a bad liver; because he’s dominating, he’s a bad liver, so it is added to that. Such a person gets a very bad asthma. Doctor: The woman. From the husband. Shri Mataji: Hot-tempered. Doctor: And, Shri Mataji, asthma in children – [is it due to the father?] Shri Mataji: [It’s the same. Fix their liver.] Doctor: [Child’s liver?] Shri Mataji: [Yes. Give sugar to the child. You know the treatment of liver: sugar,] vibrated water, all that. He’ll be all right. It’s very simple, it’s very simple. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, You told us that eczema is due to the liver. Shri Mataji, what is the reason for the peritoneum drying out, and what are its symptoms?] Shri Mataji: [That’s also liver, son.] Liver is the giver of heat. So if the – of course, not the other one, but the one which is overactive. [It’s due to that one.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what are its symptoms?] Shri Mataji: [In that] you just put ice, ice there. Put ice here, ice there, and it’s very good. And cold-water bath which you can give. Doctor: For hot liver, drink vibrated water, and cold-water bath. [Shri Mataji, this is about fungal infections, especially women tend to get these.] Shri Mataji: [Again] that is for this ajwain treatment. Doctor: Vaginal thrush – ajwain. Shri Mataji: Put it on the fire, some sort of a utensils or vessel, and put some charcoal in it, and then on that, ajwain, and put it in the WC. So it will come up, and you sit on WC. Doctor: In front of the WC? [No, no – over it. Over the bidet.] Shri Mataji: Then put it on bidet or on that. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what about haemorrhoids or piles?] Shri Mataji: Piles? I don’t know, but [for piles] I’m making a medicine for them. It’s made from aloe vera, you call it? From that. But, you see, piles – you’ll be amazed, my lodger's wife had very bad piles after the child’s birth. So I was there, she told Me, and they were all worried because she was bleeding very much. And next time I went there, they said it’s disappeared. Faith – faith is the solution. There’s another, this, [name] from America. She had a funny disease where all kinds of thing used to grow over her intestine, and this and that. [It was a strange disease.] So once it happened, she had removed all of them – I mean, they operated on and took out all of that. When she came to Cabella she had this problem, and she arranged with the doctor that “I’ll see you”, this and that. She stayed in Cabella, and then she went to the doctor where was the appointment – it’s all not there: you know, finished. Faith – faith is very important. It’s all the divine play. These are all external, but divine play is very great. If the divine play takes place, you know – so many people who were dead came to life, in Sahaja Yoga. Here also, that [name], she was dead and gone, and they told Me that she’s finished. I went there – you see, that you may not be able to do, possibly you should – because the Spirit is hanging around. If you can manage to locate the Spirit, to bring it back and put it in the heart, it’s all right. But I don’t know if you people can manage that part. But the [faith comes.] Faith. Faith you have to have. [So what are these tics?] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, [name] , who is my son, who is going to be ten years old, for a few months he does something like this with his eyes. This is called tics. Sometimes he does this, sometimes that and sometimes with his mouth. So, what should we do for this?] Shri Mataji: [It’s caused by the Hamsa Chakra.] Doctor: Hamsa Chakra, Shri Mataji? Onion treatment for Hamsa. Hot onions. Shri Mataji: [Hot onions.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is a question regarding pregnant ladies: should they go to public meetings or not?] Shri Mataji: [Of course.] They need not work on people. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, if there is a doctor who is pregnant, should she work in a hospital or not?] Shri Mataji: [Yes.] They can work, no problem; but they should not, you see, sort of bend. [If they all meditate, then it’s all right.] Every day in the night if you meditate and morning time before going, five minutes, nothing can happen to you, and you’ll have a realised soul. [No camphor in pregnancy.] Camphor, ajwain – no. They’re all heat-giving. They should not eat anything heat-giving, you see, like papaya – it’s heat-giving. [Even fruits have their own tendencies.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, is an ice pack all right in pregnancy?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, a little bit is all right.] If she’s thinking too much, it’s better to put it here (on the ego) than on the... [belly-liver] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, should we opt for home delivery or hospital?] Shri Mataji: You see, [if the hospital is good, then have it in the hospital. And if you have someone knowledgeable in the house, you can have it in the house. But the hospital should be good. I mean, in the hospital] if the nurses are very harsh or not clean, [that can harm. It’s better in the house, but there should be someone knowledgeable in the house.] If it’s a Sahaja yogi, another doctor Sahaja yogi can help in the house and work it out. It’d be better, [because hospitals are not good.] If there’s a good hospital – [I mean, in England they are good.] They’re all right. Working environment? Doctor: [Shri Mataji, during pregnancy…] Shri Mataji: You get holidays, don’t you? Doctor: Yes. Shri Mataji: You should take holiday. It’s a good idea. And also you must walk. Walking is very important, because first you are active, then suddenly you’d be too inactive. So you should walk. Walking is good. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is a question that doctor S. has asked regarding MS and these types of diseases.] Shri Mataji: [What is MS?] Doctor: Multiple sclerosis, Shri Mataji. [There is a deficiency in the fat around the nerves in MS.] Shri Mataji: [So what happens?] Doctor: [Can get paralysis, can also get problems with eyesight.] Multiple sclerosis, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Multiple sclerosis. [It’s muscular?] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, it affects the nerves. The fat around the nerves is finished.] Shri Mataji: I’ve cured, I know. I’ve cured multiple sclerosis. [The hands and legs become like this. They stumble.] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji, they get weak.] Shri Mataji: One thing I’ve seen, very surprising: if one of the two, husband and wife, any one is possessed, the husband gets it if the wife is possessed; or if the husband is possessed the wife gets it. It’s My observation. [When the Mooladhara gets a badha.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, left or right Mooladhar?] Shri Mataji: [See, it’s left, son.] You know, because if the husband is possessed, he’s not all right, he’s left-sided, so the wife gets it, not the husband. Very common. Whenever I ask them, "How is your wife?" or "How is your husband?" It acts on Mooladhara, no doubt. [Its treatment is] you should treat the wife, or the husband, whosoever is that thing, [and they should do it too if they have the possession.] You can use chillies. This for possession, I mean. There are many diseases you get out of possession, many diseases, which doctors are not sort of aware of it. So many diseases you get. Itself is a disease, you see: to be possessed is a disease. But sometimes what they have, they get a bulge here out, the skin bulges out like that – then there’s a possession. It’s one of the signs. [All around the Agnya] you get bulges like that – one of the symptoms. In possession as you, if it is very extreme case, then you can make it out that it’s possession, you see: that they start shaking before My photograph and shouting, screaming, all that. That’s a possession. Also, person who has possession, you see, is, he’s dull otherwise, but otherwise aggressive. For doing any work or anything he’s dull, but can be aggressive. They are mostly overly aggressive on sexual this thing, mostly, and also they are wayward. They are fond of many women and this and that. On this I can give a big lecture. They have roving eyes – even slight possession can do that – very fond of women, and can create problems. But it’s the Mooladhara. The problem is Mooladhar. You’d be amazed, Mooladhara is such a great thing that it supports your nervous system, also supports your muscular system. But they have been cured. Multiple sclerosis has been cured in Sahaja Yoga. So you must do worship of Ganesha. Also you can use [the smoke from ajwain], like as you use it for cold, you can use it for that. These days it’s very common for human beings to be like that, you see, wayward and all that, because the whole atmosphere is like that. It’s a – they’re talking about it all the time. You can call multiple – that’s why it’s called multiple sclerosis! But the trouble is, the one who is possessed doesn’t suffer: whosoever is married to a possessed person gets it. It’s a Mooladhar. AIDS is Mooladhar. [Mooladhara has countless problems.] So Mooladhara must be kept very much safe and honoured. The marriage is a sanctity, and one should live with that sanctity. But you know, even women have so many diseases. If they go round with other women and all that, they can catch [all these other diseases that people know about], they all come from these bad women. [The diseases caused by Mooladhara], all of them come from bad women. So the whole culture is so bad that we’re in for trouble. For example, the men want to have always a younger woman, so one is discarded, second discarded, like that it goes on. All right. Mooladhara is the most important chakra in our being. It supports us throughout. And in this one I feel sorry that the women suffer. [Multiple sclerosis comes to women from men, and to men from women, if they go to prostitutes.] And these roving eyes also: that’s gives you Agnya. People mesmerise with that. They think it’s a power. Very dangerous. And it’s going on, I mean, in the society, specially in the so-called elegant and educated society. They like parties, to go even to flirt. Very dangerous for the eyes. And you know these viruses, these so-called, they’re nothing but bhoots, and they enter into you by so and so many sources. The whole attention has gone to something else. Instead of having self-respect – shamelessness. I have seen My great-grandson, so small as that, he has such a sense of shame that if they remove the diaper he’d say, “Put the towel on me.” [What a sense of shame.] And there were some girls swimming in the competition. He said, “Put towels, towels on them.” “Lajja rupene samsthita” – the mantra is this – “Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu lajja rupene samsthita.” Shamelessness is not the way. But some people are shameful, but they’re secretive. They get all this, but their wives suffer their part these. One has to be a Sahaja yogi, I tell you, to lead a proper healthy life. And avoid hospitals and doctors as far as possible, because they don’t understand some things. They go to extremes of everything. I Myself suffered because of that. And one doctor used to come to see My blood pressure, because of Sir C.P.’s the vehicle; and every day he would come here and here to, every day. Now both My chakras are in trouble. I mean, they are working, but hands …. Hospitals also these days are like mafia. [They are money-orientated.] They’ll take the patient, then heart check, then everything is checked, and they charge you for that. How I got this trouble, because C.P. nicely took Me to a mafia hospital and they gave Me those injections, funny type; I don’t know what the injections are. [Twenty in the stomach, ten-ten here, and in the hands five-five.] I said, “What injections are you giving Me?” “That’s not Your lookout.” I said, “No, I want to know.” Also, My muscles got swollen up. And the nerves that are slowing, with the vibrations they get a little bit burning. The muscles have come all right, they’re reducing. [I get “gathiya”, a knot-like thing.] So, doctors also should not overdo things, I think. They should see to it that they don’t overdo. And sometimes they are overly cautious: like My husband had a heart trouble with a missing beat, [and after that] the double-bundle also was out of order. So, I told C.P. that “You take, for a short time,” I said, “like that, a by-pass will tie. Do that.” They take it temporarily. Doctor: Pacemaker. Shri Mataji: So, he would not ask; he would not. I said, “You ask the doctor.” But when they discovered about the heart, they said, “You have to have.” And they were giving general anaesthesia, with a heart like that, see. So I told him that “Please tell them, if you are giving general anaesthesia, you must do this also.” They did; I must say they did it. And otherwise he, his heart is deteriorating because he’s a very hot-tempered fellow. C.P.’s very hot-tempered. I mean he, later he feels very bad about it, but for the small thing he gets angry – you see, a kind of a prestige issue. Supposing, say, he comes to the program and he has given a seat which is not in the front, he’ll explode. This has come because of his job, you see: he was the top man everywhere, so he wants to be the top everything. This consciousness is there. And he loses temper too much: that’s how he got his heart. And Mine is all because of thanks to doctors that I got all this nonsense. They wanted to make money out of this. [How many pounds is five lakh rupees?] Doctor: Ten thousand pounds, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Must be ten thousand. More than ten thousand. More than ten thousand. They charged him ten thousand, more than ten thousand. [Five lakh rupees.] I asked him what was the cost; he told Me in Hindi, [five lakh rupees]. In five days. And how stupid they were: first they said I’d high blood pressure, and they were giving Me saline. I said, “If I have high blood pressure, why give Me saline?” Then, thank God, doctor dreamt about Me and he came. And he told C.P. they’re all mad; otherwise he would have never taken Me out. [Thanks to My husband] – he has such faith in doctors. Doctor: He has too much faith, Shri Mataji, in doctors; it’s true. Shri Mataji: Now better; not that. So, you must tell people to control their temper. See, if you get temper, then you can take a pillow, hit it hard, take out. Do something. But for temper is, I think best is to take the right-sided thing, best. To be patient. See, this is a, liver is a horrible thing. [That’s why it’s called liver], because you live with the liver. [Finished?] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji.] Shri Mataji: [There is still a lot more.] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji, there is a lot more. Shri Mataji, we don’t know anything.] Shri Mataji: [Look, “Eka hi akshar prem ka, pade to pandit hoye.”] – “One word of love, one who can read that becomes the scholar.” My great-grandson, this grandson, great-grandson of Mine, he had that emotion, you see. So anybody would come, he’ll try to give them something to eat, something of their interest. All the time he’s thinking how to make friendship. That is the thing here. Then your love starts growing. So nice to be friendly! But what to do? Human beings are human beings. With meditation your loving power grows, your compassion grows. By the way today, your great mister Chris Marlow came. So, he said- I said, "Why you are not talking? "; "Because I’ve heard You are upset with me". "No, I’m not upset. You should be upset with yourself, the way you have been behaving. So, you stay on that house if you want to. We are not- I’ve told them not to buy the house". And nobody would buy because unless and until, if you are worried, nobody should buy. You will not get bogus, nothing, nobody has money cash. [Inaudible] Then I told him, "You are such a useless fellow. You remember, for making a little step like this in my room, you took how many months? "I’m better now Mother." "No, I can see that". The only thing, he’ll wear a suit, tie, thinks no end of himself. I told him that, "You’d better behave yourself and you have to become a good person". Now, two persons who are with him, I know Patrice. Horrible that Patrice, one of the worse cases we have. Patrice, the great. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. [Conversation in Hindi about antibiotics]
Questions by doctors to Shri Mataji. Ealing, London (UK), 2000 (Regarding sinusitis) Shri Mataji: So the venue (mucus) which is very tough becomes loose, and the heat is absorbed. Dr. Rashid: Shri Mataji, would the onions need to be hot? Shri Mataji: [Yes, very hot.]As far as you can bear it. As far as you can bear it. It’s a very simple thing. Especially if you have sinus, don’t travel. Dr. Rashid: (Hindi: Shri Mataji, we made a list of questions to ask You, because sometimes some yogis ask us questions and we’re not absolutely sure about them.) Shri Mataji: About diseases? Dr. Rashid: (Hindi: Yes, Shri Mataji, about them.) Shri Mataji: Chemotherapy I’m against. There’s no need. It’s a wrong thing, chemotherapy. You see, they produce heat. You lose your hair. Such a lot of heat. And other complications will come with heat, that is. But Sahaja Yoga is a very simple method. You do use heat, in the sense [that] you use camphor and also these candles. But candles should be big, thick and should give light. But you don’t put it inside the body. Dr. Spiro: So in general, for cancer, say, surgery or radiotherapy would be better than chemotherapy? Shri Mataji: Chemotherapy is absolutely dangerous. It goes from one to another. See - it is a left-sided problem, so chemotherapy gives you heat. With the heat, for the time being, the Left Side improves. That’s all. (But in reality it’s something else.) But you can give heat from outside. Camphor is very heating. So camphor, you can have a havan, you can have camphor, you can have three-candle treatment. But then what they do, they take such a small little candle, you know – that’s not the way. You must have a thick candle. Use a thick candle with a thick light, so the heat is given from outside. Even you can use ajwain. Now what is this? Dr. Rashid: Shri Mataji, this is radiotherapy, x-ray treatment. (Hindi: Sometimes if there is cancer they treat it with x-ray, which is called radiotherapy.) Shri Mataji: (Hindi:Nothing should go inside.) Maybe x-ray might help. But x-ray also penetrates inside the body. (Hindi; It’s useless.) Dr. Rashid: (Hindi:Shri Mataji, this is regarding the various scans like CT scan, MRI scan. These are x-ray type scans. For example, if there is a problem or a disease in an organ, they scan it to see where the problem is. Shri Mataji, You’ve said about ultrasound that the pregnant women shouldn’t do ultrasound scans, because the realised baby or foetus can be harmed by them.) Shri Mataji: [There is no harm in that because it’s] outside. Ultrasound, you don’t put it inside, do you? Doctor: No, it’s just outside, but the sound waves go inside. Shri Mataji: Doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter so much. But there’s no need. Ultrasound is all right, but ultrasound doesn’t have the heat. What you need is the heat. [It doesn’t have heating. Okay, what’s this epidural?] Doctor: Epidural, Shri Mataji… [Hindi] Shri Mataji, when ladies are in labour, when they’re having a baby, going through labour pains, then an epidural is inserted in your spine. A small plastic catheter – a pipe, a tiny tube – and then you put some drugs into it to numb your nerves, to… Local anaesthetic. Shri Mataji: I mean, there were, I’ll tell you three, four cases. One was a doctor also. And she came to Me, and she had a funny complication that her spine had contracted and there was a big, you can say, not a crack, but they said the protrusion on the inside. And she got a fright, she came to Me. So I gave her a bandhan, and I put My hand there. I told her, “You’ll have a painless delivery.” If such women, if they meditate, they’ll have painless delivery. Four, five people had painless delivery, four, five, when they came to Me. Very good painless delivery. For example, this, My grand-daughter: she is, you know, tiny-winy, you know, and this child was about eight pounds, [and she’s so small]. She had a painless delivery. So you can do that. If she meditates, you don’t have to do all these nonsensical things; because you might spoil the spinal cord with that. It’s very delicate tissues, spinal cord. What is the OCP? [Oral Contraceptive Pill] Doctor: Shri Mataji, that’s the contraceptive pill, and for contraception and hormone replacement therapy. These are hormones which ladies take when their own hormones’ levels start to go down. Like oestrogens, that they take after the menopause. The hormone replacement therapy is hormones that ladies take after menopause. Once their periods stop, once they reach… Shri Mataji: But what is their use? Doctor: It’s to prevent osteoporosis, Shri Mataji. [Shri Mataji, after menopause, after the periods have stopped, the bones of women get weak. So doctors say that if they continue to take this hormone replacement therapy, then the bones will remain strong. The calcium in the bones is reduced after menopause, that’s why they say this is good.] Shri Mataji: [There is no need to have menopause.] You see, I think Sahaja Yogis won’t have menopause; they won’t have. Menopause comes out of imbalance within you. That’s why it comes. If you are in balance you won’t have a menopause. I never had. I mean, I know so many people who never had. Doctor: Menopausal problems, yes. They won’t have any problems with the menopause, Shri Mataji? No problems? Shri Mataji: No problems. You can take calcium, soluble calcium you can take, during menopause. [That’s the time to take it.] Doctor: [What about the contraceptive pill, Shri Mataji?] Shri Mataji: [That’s not a good thing.] It’s not very good. [There is no need to take this pill.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, should women do any kind of contraception or not?] Shri Mataji: [They should do], but must be external. I’m against taking inside. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about allergies. When people have eczema, is it a hot liver or a cold liver?] Shri Mataji: You see, all allergies are due to bad liver. All allergies are. Skin is looked after by the liver. That’s the basic thing. Now when, you see, a child is born, if the mother is eating food or something which is bad for the liver, or when the child is born mostly they get jaundice, I’ve seen, at a young age. Because of the hospital perhaps, maybe, they catch. So such a person gets allergies. So you must treat the liver. By treating the liver, perfected it. Anand, you see, had some allergies – My grandson. So I told him, “Anand, put some ice on it.” Finished – he has no allergies left. Doctor: So it’s a hot liver, not lethargic liver? Shri Mataji: It’s a hot liver. [It explodes.] Doctor: How do we know which one is cold and which one is lethargic? Shri Mataji: On vibrations. On vibrations you will know. See, there are symptoms connected with liver. Cold must be an enlarged liver, and hot is contracted. So for liver, best is to look after the one which is heated up, because it creates all the problems. If it is enlarged, also you can reduce it by eating something like chana, [kalinda-?] chana, and all these things. Chana is, you see, all such things which can contract. But not which can enlarge it: like rice can enlarge, then carbohydrates, you see. Also what you have is milk, [milk they made-?]. We'll say milk gives you heat. There’re so many things like that which we take, can enlarge the thing [liver]. It is, we can say that people who eat too much of sugar: that can enlarge, because you give sugar for hot. Sugar we give for hot liver, as a treatment. But if somebody is eating too much of sugar, then it will enlarge; sugarcane juice too much. I mean, [if anything goes in imbalance, then it’s not right.] And sweets that are like you find with Bengalis, they have an enlarged liver. Why? Because they eat sweets which are not fried but, you see, are made out of this protein thing with a lot of juices. [Like they have this chom chom and this and that.] These Bengali sweets if you eat, then you have an enlarged liver. Doctor: [So, Shri Mataji, when the liver is enlarged, is it lethargic? I mean, when we eat too many sweets?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, it’s possible. It shouldn’t be enlarged], it is out of function then. One is overly functioning, hot one, and this is out of function. I mean that also, imagine. [They’ll get a big belly.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what are the symptoms of a lethargic liver?] Shri Mataji: [The person] will be lethargic by temperament. He doesn’t think much. [He has problems walking.] He cannot walk properly, has a very big [belly]. [Can have gases.] Just the opposite of the liver when it is hot. [He doesn’t have allergies.] For a person whose liver is enlarged, he never gets allergies, but he’s lethargic by temperament. He sleeps a lot; it’s left-sided. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about auto-immune diseases: for example, like in rheumatoid arthritis, in which your own antibodies harm you, for example, in the joints.] Shri Mataji: [I know arthritis. In arthritis, again heat with ajwain, and] it’s also left-sided. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, we use hot ajwain?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, heat with hot ajwain. You can also use other heating things.] You can use candle treatment, or also you can correct your left side by putting the left hand towards the photograph and put the light, and right hand on the Mother Earth. This comes from the Mother Earth. [You can also do it by using the mantra for the Mother Earth.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, why is it that your own antibodies harm you?] Shri Mataji: [No, no, what happens is you have low level of calcium, and with that your bones become like that.] There are two types of arthritis. [In one there is too much calcium, and in the other there is a deficiency of calcium.] There are two types of arthritis. [One is the one], we call it that – I don’t know what disease, which pains a lot. Gout. Doctor: Gout? Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis. Shri Mataji: Yes, one pains. There’s a terrible pain all the time, on legs and on knees and all that. And another one you get crippled. So these are due to the low calcium, deficiency – the pain. Painful is due to calcium deficiency. And the other one that you have, which is due to too much of calcium. Doctor: [The one that cripples?] Shri Mataji: [Yes. The one that pains, in medical science there is no differentiation. You don’t have the same treatment for all.] For example, for a person, say, who has pain, you should take phosphorus. Phosphorus – in My book I’ve written about phosphorus. Phosphorus gives you heat, [and with that heat] it improves. They can take phosphorus, if you have pain. Phosphorus will cure it. And the other one when you have, it is due to over-calcium. Doctor: Shri Mataji, in what form should we take phosphorus? In what form? In food, or phosphorus… [In tablets or in fish or food?] Shri Mataji: In the blood. [It is in the genes. Phosphorus,] I’ve written. Have you read that now, doctor? Doctor: I think so, Shri Mataji, yes. It’s in Your book. Shri Mataji: Nobody has talked about it so far. But I’ve said it, that if there is phosphorus in your genes, then, and if you are a dry person, then it explodes and you get the heat. Doctor: What can you take, Mother, to give phosphorus? Shri Mataji: Phosphorus. Itself, phosphorus, you should. There are… Doctor: You can buy it? Shri Mataji: Yes, you can buy it. Phosphorus also in, we can say, in certain salts there is phosphorus. They also take seaweed; that has phosphorus. [But it gets cured just by meditating.] There was one lady who was so badly off, she could not even sit on the ground. Then I told her, you do your right-side this thing, treatment. She’s all right, she’s walking, but if she sits on the ground I don’t know. The another one is difficult. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about autism, about autistic children.] Shri Mataji: [It’s a badha. You have to do treatment for the badha]: lemons, this thing – chillies and all that. [It’s caused by a badha.] They’re normal otherwise, they’re really normal, but they go into sort of epileptic. [Epileptic, they have a badha.] Doctor: [This is about ME, yuppie flu, Shri Mataji.] [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis] Shri Mataji: Yuppie disease – this is right-sided. You see, this is very common these days, because those who work very hard, also very proud of their work, and they want to behave like bureaucrats, and all that – that causes yuppie diseases. Mostly to bureaucrats; if not to bureaucrats, then also you can say, business. Top people of business, they get it. We have cured yuppies disease, we have cured. So what you have to do is to give them all the left side treatment – no, I mean, the right side for treatment, it will bring in left side in. Yes, also you must sit in the water with your right foot, put right hand towards the photograph, all right – without the light, and right foot. Also you can put ice here and the ice here. [Same as liver treatment.] Actually it’s a liver problem. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is about phosphate, but You’ve already answered it. What about people with high level of phosphate?] Shri Mataji: Anger. It explodes. Doctor: High levels of phosphate can lead to a very angry personality. Shri Mataji: And this is not the end of it. If you’re angry person, you get heart. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, for women who can’t have children, should they have in-vitro fertilisation or not?] Shri Mataji: [No, I mean] try Sahaja Yoga. [It can happen with Sahaja Yoga.] Doctor: The inability to have children... Many Sahaja Yoginis find difficulty to have babies. Shri Mataji: It’s all right side. Mostly it is right-sided. But for example, … , her mother had cancer and she was shocked, [so her] shock, that’s left-sided. It can be too much of left side, or too much of right side. [Hindi.] Right side also: overly educated, all the time working very hard – right side. Mostly right side. Also left side possible: for example you are possessed, something like that. Throughout Sahaja Yoga you must understand whether right-sided or left-sided. And we have very simple things to correct both the sides. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what is the treatment for fibroids in the uterus?] Shri Mataji: [For that, son, there is a thing] – for anything of uterus, mostly it is a left-sided problem. Any growth in the body is left-sided problem. So what they do is to get a [vessel], they put charcoal in that, not too much – [in modern this thing, it’s easy] – and put some, again ajwain. And you keep it inside the, say, if you have a WC or if you have a bidet, and sit on that. [Burn it.] Doctor: Burn it. Burn it. Jai Shri Mataji. Can I ask? [Shri Mataji, [name] , who is our singer, when he sings very high, he gets pain in his head here and if he does this, down, he gets pain here.] Shri Mataji: [He’s caught a cold, son.] But another thing I’ll tell you: sometimes you feel pressure in the brain, isn’t it? And I’ve experimented Myself on that, so … Now the, you must sneeze and your cold must go out; the cold has gone up to the head. This theory doesn’t exist for you people, but this cold if it goes to the brain you become absolutely… [What do you call ‘bhan bhan’?] Doctor: It’s like blocked, the whole head is blocked, you know, like whole encased in something that’s pressure. Shri Mataji: And you can’t hear, you feel so disgusted, that’s the thing. For that you must take out, you know, your cold. For that, you see, one thing I found out in Ayurveda is called “Shinkhani”. Tell her to bring the Shinkhani – Alga, tell her. It’s a small little bottle, costs you two rupees or three rupees. Should smell it: with that smelling, sneezing. You get a terrible sneezing, and you clear out. Very common in England. If you, as many people don’t wear hats, they don’t cover themselves, they catch cold. [And it goes to the head.] It’s in the head. And outside you – lungs are all right, everything all right. The head is… Very common, I’ve seen here that. Doctor: Will this clear back Agnya, Mother? Will it clear back Agnya heaviness? Shri Mataji: Back Agnya is again the same candle treatment. But also with this, also you get back Agnya. Doctor: And this will clear it? Yes. Shri Mataji: There are two types of again, cold: one is from the liver, and one from real cold. So the one which is with the liver, you know that you have to treat with ice and all that. Because you have cold, you think “Why should we treat with ice?” but you have to. Doctor: But it’s a fluid or powder? [It’s a powder.] Shinkhani powder makes you sneeze. Shri Mataji is saying, he’s got a head-cold. Shri Mataji: Asthma. Asthma is again due to liver. Also it is – supposing the husband is very dominating and he also has a bad liver; because he’s dominating, he’s a bad liver, so it is added to that. Such a person gets a very bad asthma. Doctor: The woman. From the husband. Shri Mataji: Hot-tempered. Doctor: And, Shri Mataji, asthma in children – [is it due to the father?] Shri Mataji: [It’s the same. Fix their liver.] Doctor: [Child’s liver?] Shri Mataji: [Yes. Give sugar to the child. You know the treatment of liver: sugar,] vibrated water, all that. He’ll be all right. It’s very simple, it’s very simple. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, You told us that eczema is due to the liver. Shri Mataji, what is the reason for the peritoneum drying out, and what are its symptoms?] Shri Mataji: [That’s also liver, son.] Liver is the giver of heat. So if the – of course, not the other one, but the one which is overactive. [It’s due to that one.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what are its symptoms?] Shri Mataji: [In that] you just put ice, ice there. Put ice here, ice there, and it’s very good. And cold-water bath which you can give. Doctor: For hot liver, drink vibrated water, and cold-water bath. [Shri Mataji, this is about fungal infections, especially women tend to get these.] Shri Mataji: [Again] that is for this ajwain treatment. Doctor: Vaginal thrush – ajwain. Shri Mataji: Put it on the fire, some sort of a utensils or vessel, and put some charcoal in it, and then on that, ajwain, and put it in the WC. So it will come up, and you sit on WC. Doctor: In front of the WC? [No, no – over it. Over the bidet.] Shri Mataji: Then put it on bidet or on that. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, what about haemorrhoids or piles?] Shri Mataji: Piles? I don’t know, but [for piles] I’m making a medicine for them. It’s made from aloe vera, you call it? From that. But, you see, piles – you’ll be amazed, my lodger's wife had very bad piles after the child’s birth. So I was there, she told Me, and they were all worried because she was bleeding very much. And next time I went there, they said it’s disappeared. Faith – faith is the solution. There’s another, this, [name] from America. She had a funny disease where all kinds of thing used to grow over her intestine, and this and that. [It was a strange disease.] So once it happened, she had removed all of them – I mean, they operated on and took out all of that. When she came to Cabella she had this problem, and she arranged with the doctor that “I’ll see you”, this and that. She stayed in Cabella, and then she went to the doctor where was the appointment – it’s all not there: you know, finished. Faith – faith is very important. It’s all the divine play. These are all external, but divine play is very great. If the divine play takes place, you know – so many people who were dead came to life, in Sahaja Yoga. Here also, that [name], she was dead and gone, and they told Me that she’s finished. I went there – you see, that you may not be able to do, possibly you should – because the Spirit is hanging around. If you can manage to locate the Spirit, to bring it back and put it in the heart, it’s all right. But I don’t know if you people can manage that part. But the [faith comes.] Faith. Faith you have to have. [So what are these tics?] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, [name] , who is my son, who is going to be ten years old, for a few months he does something like this with his eyes. This is called tics. Sometimes he does this, sometimes that and sometimes with his mouth. So, what should we do for this?] Shri Mataji: [It’s caused by the Hamsa Chakra.] Doctor: Hamsa Chakra, Shri Mataji? Onion treatment for Hamsa. Hot onions. Shri Mataji: [Hot onions.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is a question regarding pregnant ladies: should they go to public meetings or not?] Shri Mataji: [Of course.] They need not work on people. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, if there is a doctor who is pregnant, should she work in a hospital or not?] Shri Mataji: [Yes.] They can work, no problem; but they should not, you see, sort of bend. [If they all meditate, then it’s all right.] Every day in the night if you meditate and morning time before going, five minutes, nothing can happen to you, and you’ll have a realised soul. [No camphor in pregnancy.] Camphor, ajwain – no. They’re all heat-giving. They should not eat anything heat-giving, you see, like papaya – it’s heat-giving. [Even fruits have their own tendencies.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, is an ice pack all right in pregnancy?] Shri Mataji: [Yes, a little bit is all right.] If she’s thinking too much, it’s better to put it here (on the ego) than on the... [belly-liver] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, should we opt for home delivery or hospital?] Shri Mataji: You see, [if the hospital is good, then have it in the hospital. And if you have someone knowledgeable in the house, you can have it in the house. But the hospital should be good. I mean, in the hospital] if the nurses are very harsh or not clean, [that can harm. It’s better in the house, but there should be someone knowledgeable in the house.] If it’s a Sahaja yogi, another doctor Sahaja yogi can help in the house and work it out. It’d be better, [because hospitals are not good.] If there’s a good hospital – [I mean, in England they are good.] They’re all right. Working environment? Doctor: [Shri Mataji, during pregnancy…] Shri Mataji: You get holidays, don’t you? Doctor: Yes. Shri Mataji: You should take holiday. It’s a good idea. And also you must walk. Walking is very important, because first you are active, then suddenly you’d be too inactive. So you should walk. Walking is good. Doctor: [Shri Mataji, this is a question that doctor S. has asked regarding MS and these types of diseases.] Shri Mataji: [What is MS?] Doctor: Multiple sclerosis, Shri Mataji. [There is a deficiency in the fat around the nerves in MS.] Shri Mataji: [So what happens?] Doctor: [Can get paralysis, can also get problems with eyesight.] Multiple sclerosis, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Multiple sclerosis. [It’s muscular?] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, it affects the nerves. The fat around the nerves is finished.] Shri Mataji: I’ve cured, I know. I’ve cured multiple sclerosis. [The hands and legs become like this. They stumble.] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji, they get weak.] Shri Mataji: One thing I’ve seen, very surprising: if one of the two, husband and wife, any one is possessed, the husband gets it if the wife is possessed; or if the husband is possessed the wife gets it. It’s My observation. [When the Mooladhara gets a badha.] Doctor: [Shri Mataji, left or right Mooladhar?] Shri Mataji: [See, it’s left, son.] You know, because if the husband is possessed, he’s not all right, he’s left-sided, so the wife gets it, not the husband. Very common. Whenever I ask them, "How is your wife?" or "How is your husband?" It acts on Mooladhara, no doubt. [Its treatment is] you should treat the wife, or the husband, whosoever is that thing, [and they should do it too if they have the possession.] You can use chillies. This for possession, I mean. There are many diseases you get out of possession, many diseases, which doctors are not sort of aware of it. So many diseases you get. Itself is a disease, you see: to be possessed is a disease. But sometimes what they have, they get a bulge here out, the skin bulges out like that – then there’s a possession. It’s one of the signs. [All around the Agnya] you get bulges like that – one of the symptoms. In possession as you, if it is very extreme case, then you can make it out that it’s possession, you see: that they start shaking before My photograph and shouting, screaming, all that. That’s a possession. Also, person who has possession, you see, is, he’s dull otherwise, but otherwise aggressive. For doing any work or anything he’s dull, but can be aggressive. They are mostly overly aggressive on sexual this thing, mostly, and also they are wayward. They are fond of many women and this and that. On this I can give a big lecture. They have roving eyes – even slight possession can do that – very fond of women, and can create problems. But it’s the Mooladhara. The problem is Mooladhar. You’d be amazed, Mooladhara is such a great thing that it supports your nervous system, also supports your muscular system. But they have been cured. Multiple sclerosis has been cured in Sahaja Yoga. So you must do worship of Ganesha. Also you can use [the smoke from ajwain], like as you use it for cold, you can use it for that. These days it’s very common for human beings to be like that, you see, wayward and all that, because the whole atmosphere is like that. It’s a – they’re talking about it all the time. You can call multiple – that’s why it’s called multiple sclerosis! But the trouble is, the one who is possessed doesn’t suffer: whosoever is married to a possessed person gets it. It’s a Mooladhar. AIDS is Mooladhar. [Mooladhara has countless problems.] So Mooladhara must be kept very much safe and honoured. The marriage is a sanctity, and one should live with that sanctity. But you know, even women have so many diseases. If they go round with other women and all that, they can catch [all these other diseases that people know about], they all come from these bad women. [The diseases caused by Mooladhara], all of them come from bad women. So the whole culture is so bad that we’re in for trouble. For example, the men want to have always a younger woman, so one is discarded, second discarded, like that it goes on. All right. Mooladhara is the most important chakra in our being. It supports us throughout. And in this one I feel sorry that the women suffer. [Multiple sclerosis comes to women from men, and to men from women, if they go to prostitutes.] And these roving eyes also: that’s gives you Agnya. People mesmerise with that. They think it’s a power. Very dangerous. And it’s going on, I mean, in the society, specially in the so-called elegant and educated society. They like parties, to go even to flirt. Very dangerous for the eyes. And you know these viruses, these so-called, they’re nothing but bhoots, and they enter into you by so and so many sources. The whole attention has gone to something else. Instead of having self-respect – shamelessness. I have seen My great-grandson, so small as that, he has such a sense of shame that if they remove the diaper he’d say, “Put the towel on me.” [What a sense of shame.] And there were some girls swimming in the competition. He said, “Put towels, towels on them.” “Lajja rupene samsthita” – the mantra is this – “Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu lajja rupene samsthita.” Shamelessness is not the way. But some people are shameful, but they’re secretive. They get all this, but their wives suffer their part these. One has to be a Sahaja yogi, I tell you, to lead a proper healthy life. And avoid hospitals and doctors as far as possible, because they don’t understand some things. They go to extremes of everything. I Myself suffered because of that. And one doctor used to come to see My blood pressure, because of Sir C.P.’s the vehicle; and every day he would come here and here to, every day. Now both My chakras are in trouble. I mean, they are working, but hands …. Hospitals also these days are like mafia. [They are money-orientated.] They’ll take the patient, then heart check, then everything is checked, and they charge you for that. How I got this trouble, because C.P. nicely took Me to a mafia hospital and they gave Me those injections, funny type; I don’t know what the injections are. [Twenty in the stomach, ten-ten here, and in the hands five-five.] I said, “What injections are you giving Me?” “That’s not Your lookout.” I said, “No, I want to know.” Also, My muscles got swollen up. And the nerves that are slowing, with the vibrations they get a little bit burning. The muscles have come all right, they’re reducing. [I get “gathiya”, a knot-like thing.] So, doctors also should not overdo things, I think. They should see to it that they don’t overdo. And sometimes they are overly cautious: like My husband had a heart trouble with a missing beat, [and after that] the double-bundle also was out of order. So, I told C.P. that “You take, for a short time,” I said, “like that, a by-pass will tie. Do that.” They take it temporarily. Doctor: Pacemaker. Shri Mataji: So, he would not ask; he would not. I said, “You ask the doctor.” But when they discovered about the heart, they said, “You have to have.” And they were giving general anaesthesia, with a heart like that, see. So I told him that “Please tell them, if you are giving general anaesthesia, you must do this also.” They did; I must say they did it. And otherwise he, his heart is deteriorating because he’s a very hot-tempered fellow. C.P.’s very hot-tempered. I mean he, later he feels very bad about it, but for the small thing he gets angry – you see, a kind of a prestige issue. Supposing, say, he comes to the program and he has given a seat which is not in the front, he’ll explode. This has come because of his job, you see: he was the top man everywhere, so he wants to be the top everything. This consciousness is there. And he loses temper too much: that’s how he got his heart. And Mine is all because of thanks to doctors that I got all this nonsense. They wanted to make money out of this. [How many pounds is five lakh rupees?] Doctor: Ten thousand pounds, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Must be ten thousand. More than ten thousand. More than ten thousand. They charged him ten thousand, more than ten thousand. [Five lakh rupees.] I asked him what was the cost; he told Me in Hindi, [five lakh rupees]. In five days. And how stupid they were: first they said I’d high blood pressure, and they were giving Me saline. I said, “If I have high blood pressure, why give Me saline?” Then, thank God, doctor dreamt about Me and he came. And he told C.P. they’re all mad; otherwise he would have never taken Me out. [Thanks to My husband] – he has such faith in doctors. Doctor: He has too much faith, Shri Mataji, in doctors; it’s true. Shri Mataji: Now better; not that. So, you must tell people to control their temper. See, if you get temper, then you can take a pillow, hit it hard, take out. Do something. But for temper is, I think best is to take the right-sided thing, best. To be patient. See, this is a, liver is a horrible thing. [That’s why it’s called liver], because you live with the liver. [Finished?] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji.] Shri Mataji: [There is still a lot more.] Doctor: [Yes, Shri Mataji, there is a lot more. Shri Mataji, we don’t know anything.] Shri Mataji: [Look, “Eka hi akshar prem ka, pade to pandit hoye.”] – “One word of love, one who can read that becomes the scholar.” My great-grandson, this grandson, great-grandson of Mine, he had that emotion, you see. So anybody would come, he’ll try to give them something to eat, something of their interest. All the time he’s thinking how to make friendship. That is the thing here. Then your love starts growing. So nice to be friendly! But what to do? Human beings are human beings. With meditation your loving power grows, your compassion grows. By the way today, your great mister Chris Marlow came. So, he said- I said, "Why you are not talking? "; "Because I’ve heard You are upset with me". "No, I’m not upset. You should be upset with yourself, the way you have been behaving. So, you stay on that house if you want to. We are not- I’ve told them not to buy the house". And nobody would buy because unless and until, if you are worried, nobody should buy. You will not get bogus, nothing, nobody has money cash. [Inaudible] Then I told him, "You are such a useless fellow. You remember, for making a little step like this in my room, you took how many months? "I’m better now Mother." "No, I can see that". The only thing, he’ll wear a suit, tie, thinks no end of himself. I told him that, "You’d better behave yourself and you have to become a good person". Now, two persons who are with him, I know Patrice. Horrible that Patrice, one of the worse cases we have. Patrice, the great. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. [Conversation in Hindi about antibiotics]
Kundalini will take you to the Truth
Public Program
Public Program, Parchi di Nervi, Genoa (Italy), 4 September 2000. First 12 minutes; bhajans and introduction in Italian.I bow to all the seekers of Truth.We have to know what is the Truth that we are seeking.The Truth is that you a not this body, this mind, these emotions, nor your intelligence but you are the Spirit, which we call as Self. It is written in every scripture that you have to seek your Self. Unless and until you know yourself, you cannot know God. This is the main reason why we have so many quarrels, wars in the name of God. But now it’s very easy for you to know your Self.As they have told you that there lies in your triangular bone a power which we call as Kundalini in India. Kundala means coils and because it is in three and a half coils it is called as kundalini. This has been said in all the religions; that you have this inner power by which you can know your Self. If it can be awakened it passes through six centres, as you have been told. These six centres are for your physical, mental, emotional being. Not only that but they sustain also your spiritual being.This kundalini is actually your own Mother. She is your individual Mother. She resides within you waiting for opportunity to get awakened. And as your mother, when she gave you the birth, she bore all the problems, the kundalini, in the same way, also works out your Self Realisation. By this awakening, as I told you, the physical being improves, means you get over all your diseases. Even mental diseases are cured. And also, the intelligence that gives you a lot of ego, also it can solve. So whatever six enemies you have, like lust, greed, hatred, all these just drop out. When it pierces through your fontanelle bone area you get, what we can say, the actualisation of baptism. It is actualisation, it is not just a drama, it’s not something ritual, but it really happens, that you feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Even in the bible it is said that, ‘I will appear before you, as tongues of flames,’. It is the same as the limbic area becomes enlightened and looks like tongues of flames.All our problems can get solved if you become the Self when you get your Self Realisation. Even incurable diseases like cancer, and all these, can be cured. All mental problems, also problems of the married life, and other problems, outside, all of them get cured. And you become a very peaceful, joyous person. Especially our young people are so frustrated that they take to drugs and all kinds of things. Mostly they do it because they are frustrated of their seeking. But with kundalini awakening they completely get the joy of their being. And these habits just drop out.God Almighty has created you to become Self realised. As it is in the darkness, we are lost, and we are doing all kinds of wrong things to ourselves and to others. God’s powers are of complete love and compassion but we have to get connected to the divine Power. This divine Power is all pervading. It is very subtle, we cannot feel it otherwise, but after Self Realisation we can definitely feel it. Even in Islam, Mohammed Saab has said, that when the time of resurrection will come (UNCLEAR) then your hands will speak. That means your fingers and you sixth and seventh centres, (these are five, sixth and seventh centres) which tell you what is wrong with you. Once you know about your own chakras, you have the Self-knowledge.Now if you can cure your centres, then you can cure the centres of others also. Because a new awareness comes to you which we call as Collective Consciousness. You can feel the chakras of others because nobody is the ‘other’. Actually, we become global and we become one with this global community. Tremendous peace comes within you. We go beyond the mind which is condition, or sometimes is egoistical, and when you are Enlightened, you can see things so clearly and you can feel the subtle action of the all-pervading divine Power. Then you can understand what are all the religions, what they are teaching, and how they are all the same. This Love and compassion, this power which is uniting the whole world is within you. It is your own.You don’t have to pay anything for kundalini awakening. It is a very simple method by which you are germinated and you grow into a big tree then. People see you so peaceful, so full of love, compassion and joy and they want to ask you, ‘how is it you have this?’All kinds of horrible things are happening these days. It is unbearable to see, sometimes, how they abuse the children. Children are such a blessing from God, and they want to abuse them. It is in the darkness only they do like that. They can even become very evil. Because, see, if there is no light, and you have to walk out, you may trample on many people. It has been said that theses are the times of Last Judgement. Now it is for you to choose whether you want to become divine or evil. This is a very, very great opportunity for you to get your Self Realisation.I chose Italy to come and live here because the Italians have a very large heart. I am sorry I don’t know have to speak in Italian language but maybe I might be able to speak later on. Otherwise, I know six, seven languages but not Italian unfortunately, but I am talking about the language of love and compassion. Of collective consciousness. And as you have said that you have become thoughtlessly aware. That you don’t see but you become the witness of the whole thing. By witnessing you understand the subtle joy in everything and life becomes so enjoyable, whether you are young or old. Whether you are black or white. Your human element is so beautiful; we have to just discover it.I’m thankful to all the journalists who came down and interviewed me in such a balanced way. This has happened actually in Genoa to that extent. Maybe the sea around you gives you that feeling of balance.I have given thousands of lectures all over the world because Sahaja Yoga is now working in 80 countries. And despite all that there is still there is so much to be told to so many people because this is absolute knowledge. You can feel on your fingertips the knowledge about others which is absolute.Recently there is a very big organisation in America which is called as the Health Organisation and the doctors wanted to see if diagnosis could be done through Sahaja Yoga. This is a national institute of health in Washington. There was a Sahaja yogini who was not a doctor, had no education in medicine. So, one doctor asked her, ‘where is my problem?’ So, this yogini put her hands towards him and said,’ There is something wrong with your heart’. And he was amazed because he had a surgery only about a month past and had a bypass.Now also if you know how to cure your heart, it’s quite easy. Nothing is difficult once you become the Self because all the powers of the Divine can work through you. And there are so many miracles, which I cannot describe today, but so many miracles which work out your life so well.I want to thank the people, the young people of Sahaja Yoga, who have organised this beautiful programme for your Self Realisation. Genoa, I always wanted to come but they have made it possible that I could meet you all.Now, you will know a lot, all absolute knowledge you can have through Sahaja Yoga. You don’t have to pay for it but what you can do is verify everything and then believe in it; no blind faith is needed.I’m very thankful to you all that you could come and that I could meet you all here.We can have now the session of Self Realisation, which will hardly take 10 minutes.But as I told you, you have to choose; I cannot force it on you. As you cannot force a seed to sprout, I cannot force Self Realisation on you. This is the blessing of your own seeking.The time has come for all of you to become divine. To enjoy yourself. Make others enjoy you. The compassion and love; the divine force once it comes through you, you can do lots of good things to others.I would request all those who don’t want to have their Self Realisation please leave the place; it would be better.If you have any questions, you can write to me, I will try to answer.I actually live in Italy, very near, a place called Cabella; you are all welcome there.Thank you very much.As I told you it is very, very simple. Whatever age you may be, whatever religion you have been following whatever has been your faith, all that, it will not hamper you because the force of Kundalini is very great and She will take you to the Truth. We have to solve the problem of human beings and the global problems.So, first thing I have to request that you may have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is a very great thing, she sucks in all our problems to begin with.You have to just put your hands towards me, like this, because these fingertips are the ends of the sympathetic nervous system and they are demonstrating your chakras, your subtle centres.(They have got their Realisation!)Very easy for Italians to get Self Realisation!Now first thing, the only condition you have; first of all, to forgive yourself. If you feel guilty it is very wrong because it blocks this centre on the left-hand side. If you have done some mistakes it was in the past. We are talking of the present. So please forgive yourself, fully. How? By saying in your heart,’ I forgive myself.’Another thing you have to do is forgive everyone and how you do that, just by saying, ‘Mother I forgive everyone.’ Also, logically, what do you do by not forgiving? Whether you forgive, or don’t forgive, it has no meaning. But if you forgive there is one saving point, that you do not suffer under the pressure of anger, or hatred, or anything like that. So just forgive them, forgive others. That’s the best way of getting rid of their problems.Now, just put your hands straight towards me for a while. (Just a little higher, a little higher.)Now, please close your eyes and put your right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area. Bend your head. Little bit bend your head.Now put your right hand towards me and with the left hand you see, on top of your head, on the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, if there’s a cool, or a hot breeze coming out of it.You move your hand a little higher, and on the sides, and you will see if there is a hot, or cool breeze is coming. It is hot because you have not forgiven, yourself or others.Later on, you’ll know everything about it.Now put your left hand towards me and with the right hand, bend you head, with the right hand, see for yourself if you can feel cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood.Now put both your hands towards me. You’ll feel the cool breeze, or the hot breeze on your hands, or fingertips. Some of you might get the breeze coming from the hands, down below.Now open your eyes, please. Those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, on their palm, or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both of your hands.The whole of Genoa has got it, I think. So beautiful.
Public Program, Parchi di Nervi, Genoa (Italy), 4 September 2000. First 12 minutes; bhajans and introduction in Italian.I bow to all the seekers of Truth.We have to know what is the Truth that we are seeking.The Truth is that you a not this body, this mind, these emotions, nor your intelligence but you are the Spirit, which we call as Self. It is written in every scripture that you have to seek your Self. Unless and until you know yourself, you cannot know God. This is the main reason why we have so many quarrels, wars in the name of God. But now it’s very easy for you to know your Self.As they have told you that there lies in your triangular bone a power which we call as Kundalini in India. Kundala means coils and because it is in three and a half coils it is called as kundalini. This has been said in all the religions; that you have this inner power by which you can know your Self. If it can be awakened it passes through six centres, as you have been told. These six centres are for your physical, mental, emotional being. Not only that but they sustain also your spiritual being.This kundalini is actually your own Mother. She is your individual Mother. She resides within you waiting for opportunity to get awakened. And as your mother, when she gave you the birth, she bore all the problems, the kundalini, in the same way, also works out your Self Realisation. By this awakening, as I told you, the physical being improves, means you get over all your diseases. Even mental diseases are cured. And also, the intelligence that gives you a lot of ego, also it can solve. So whatever six enemies you have, like lust, greed, hatred, all these just drop out. When it pierces through your fontanelle bone area you get, what we can say, the actualisation of baptism. It is actualisation, it is not just a drama, it’s not something ritual, but it really happens, that you feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Even in the bible it is said that, ‘I will appear before you, as tongues of flames,’. It is the same as the limbic area becomes enlightened and looks like tongues of flames.All our problems can get solved if you become the Self when you get your Self Realisation. Even incurable diseases like cancer, and all these, can be cured. All mental problems, also problems of the married life, and other problems, outside, all of them get cured. And you become a very peaceful, joyous person. Especially our young people are so frustrated that they take to drugs and all kinds of things. Mostly they do it because they are frustrated of their seeking. But with kundalini awakening they completely get the joy of their being. And these habits just drop out.God Almighty has created you to become Self realised. As it is in the darkness, we are lost, and we are doing all kinds of wrong things to ourselves and to others. God’s powers are of complete love and compassion but we have to get connected to the divine Power. This divine Power is all pervading. It is very subtle, we cannot feel it otherwise, but after Self Realisation we can definitely feel it. Even in Islam, Mohammed Saab has said, that when the time of resurrection will come (UNCLEAR) then your hands will speak. That means your fingers and you sixth and seventh centres, (these are five, sixth and seventh centres) which tell you what is wrong with you. Once you know about your own chakras, you have the Self-knowledge.Now if you can cure your centres, then you can cure the centres of others also. Because a new awareness comes to you which we call as Collective Consciousness. You can feel the chakras of others because nobody is the ‘other’. Actually, we become global and we become one with this global community. Tremendous peace comes within you. We go beyond the mind which is condition, or sometimes is egoistical, and when you are Enlightened, you can see things so clearly and you can feel the subtle action of the all-pervading divine Power. Then you can understand what are all the religions, what they are teaching, and how they are all the same. This Love and compassion, this power which is uniting the whole world is within you. It is your own.You don’t have to pay anything for kundalini awakening. It is a very simple method by which you are germinated and you grow into a big tree then. People see you so peaceful, so full of love, compassion and joy and they want to ask you, ‘how is it you have this?’All kinds of horrible things are happening these days. It is unbearable to see, sometimes, how they abuse the children. Children are such a blessing from God, and they want to abuse them. It is in the darkness only they do like that. They can even become very evil. Because, see, if there is no light, and you have to walk out, you may trample on many people. It has been said that theses are the times of Last Judgement. Now it is for you to choose whether you want to become divine or evil. This is a very, very great opportunity for you to get your Self Realisation.I chose Italy to come and live here because the Italians have a very large heart. I am sorry I don’t know have to speak in Italian language but maybe I might be able to speak later on. Otherwise, I know six, seven languages but not Italian unfortunately, but I am talking about the language of love and compassion. Of collective consciousness. And as you have said that you have become thoughtlessly aware. That you don’t see but you become the witness of the whole thing. By witnessing you understand the subtle joy in everything and life becomes so enjoyable, whether you are young or old. Whether you are black or white. Your human element is so beautiful; we have to just discover it.I’m thankful to all the journalists who came down and interviewed me in such a balanced way. This has happened actually in Genoa to that extent. Maybe the sea around you gives you that feeling of balance.I have given thousands of lectures all over the world because Sahaja Yoga is now working in 80 countries. And despite all that there is still there is so much to be told to so many people because this is absolute knowledge. You can feel on your fingertips the knowledge about others which is absolute.Recently there is a very big organisation in America which is called as the Health Organisation and the doctors wanted to see if diagnosis could be done through Sahaja Yoga. This is a national institute of health in Washington. There was a Sahaja yogini who was not a doctor, had no education in medicine. So, one doctor asked her, ‘where is my problem?’ So, this yogini put her hands towards him and said,’ There is something wrong with your heart’. And he was amazed because he had a surgery only about a month past and had a bypass.Now also if you know how to cure your heart, it’s quite easy. Nothing is difficult once you become the Self because all the powers of the Divine can work through you. And there are so many miracles, which I cannot describe today, but so many miracles which work out your life so well.I want to thank the people, the young people of Sahaja Yoga, who have organised this beautiful programme for your Self Realisation. Genoa, I always wanted to come but they have made it possible that I could meet you all.Now, you will know a lot, all absolute knowledge you can have through Sahaja Yoga. You don’t have to pay for it but what you can do is verify everything and then believe in it; no blind faith is needed.I’m very thankful to you all that you could come and that I could meet you all here.We can have now the session of Self Realisation, which will hardly take 10 minutes.But as I told you, you have to choose; I cannot force it on you. As you cannot force a seed to sprout, I cannot force Self Realisation on you. This is the blessing of your own seeking.The time has come for all of you to become divine. To enjoy yourself. Make others enjoy you. The compassion and love; the divine force once it comes through you, you can do lots of good things to others.I would request all those who don’t want to have their Self Realisation please leave the place; it would be better.If you have any questions, you can write to me, I will try to answer.I actually live in Italy, very near, a place called Cabella; you are all welcome there.Thank you very much.As I told you it is very, very simple. Whatever age you may be, whatever religion you have been following whatever has been your faith, all that, it will not hamper you because the force of Kundalini is very great and She will take you to the Truth. We have to solve the problem of human beings and the global problems.So, first thing I have to request that you may have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is a very great thing, she sucks in all our problems to begin with.You have to just put your hands towards me, like this, because these fingertips are the ends of the sympathetic nervous system and they are demonstrating your chakras, your subtle centres.(They have got their Realisation!)Very easy for Italians to get Self Realisation!Now first thing, the only condition you have; first of all, to forgive yourself. If you feel guilty it is very wrong because it blocks this centre on the left-hand side. If you have done some mistakes it was in the past. We are talking of the present. So please forgive yourself, fully. How? By saying in your heart,’ I forgive myself.’Another thing you have to do is forgive everyone and how you do that, just by saying, ‘Mother I forgive everyone.’ Also, logically, what do you do by not forgiving? Whether you forgive, or don’t forgive, it has no meaning. But if you forgive there is one saving point, that you do not suffer under the pressure of anger, or hatred, or anything like that. So just forgive them, forgive others. That’s the best way of getting rid of their problems.Now, just put your hands straight towards me for a while. (Just a little higher, a little higher.)Now, please close your eyes and put your right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area. Bend your head. Little bit bend your head.Now put your right hand towards me and with the left hand you see, on top of your head, on the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, if there’s a cool, or a hot breeze coming out of it.You move your hand a little higher, and on the sides, and you will see if there is a hot, or cool breeze is coming. It is hot because you have not forgiven, yourself or others.Later on, you’ll know everything about it.Now put your left hand towards me and with the right hand, bend you head, with the right hand, see for yourself if you can feel cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood.Now put both your hands towards me. You’ll feel the cool breeze, or the hot breeze on your hands, or fingertips. Some of you might get the breeze coming from the hands, down below.Now open your eyes, please. Those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, on their palm, or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both of your hands.The whole of Genoa has got it, I think. So beautiful.
(Conversations with sahaja yogis in a hotel) Shri Mataji to a child: I’m talking about you! Ah! One child is enough!Guido: To change the atmosphere.Shri Mataji: Absolutely. They try to please you all the time. You should take to small children, then you won’t age much. I think one of the things.Guido: Vibrations.Shri Mataji: Vibrations, and also you become like a child, with them, that enjoyment of the children. You cannot get old. Very difficult. They do not have reactions. Singing now. This gentleman, how did he know Me?Guido: He (indicates Aldo) contacted him.Shri Mataji: So what did you tell him?Aldo: I told him all about Sahaja Yoga, but he…Guido: He gave him a leaflet about Sahaja Yoga, so he invited you to come.(….) Interview to Shri Mataji to an interviewer in the hotel. Question: What is love for you?Shri Mataji: Love? Love is the power of divinity. It’s the Divine. And that’s why this whole world was created out of love.Q.: So everybody has an inner instrument, but mostly they don’t use it. Why?Shri Mataji: Because of ignorance. Ignorance, you see, every human being is not equally aware.Q.: Is it possible to change this condition?Shri Mataji: Yes, it has to.Q.: In which way?Shri Mataji: By feeling the vibrations of that person on your fingertips. From the level of spirituality.Q.: Which is your mission in Italy?Shri Mataji: Everywhere, it is not only here. Because Sahaja Yoga is now in 86 countries, alright? And My mission is to create a global unity.Q.: To improve the life? To make life better? Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, what we have to do is to understand that most of the problems that we have are coming from human beings, because they are imperfect. There are problems with them. But if they are transformed, and if they become saintly, beautiful, spiritual, all our problems will be solved. Q.: The Yoga is one way to change this situation?Shri Mataji: The only way, this Sahaja Yoga, is the only way so far I know, which has changed people, which has transformed. Because is based on the actually, on the Kundalini which is the power in every man’s triangular bone. Q.: And you think that is possible to move the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: If that is awakened, if that power is awakened, it passes through six centres – ultimately the last here, and by which you become connected to the all-pervading power, which is very subtle. And you become the owner of that power, which flows – that’s love, that’s compassion.Q.: When you practice the meditation, where you go with your heart, with your mind?Shri Mataji: I go nowhere, I go inside. I know about My centres. I don’t go anywhere out, I’m inside. Inside Myself, and I know Myself. First we must know our self, otherwise we cannot know God, we cannot know anything. Q.: And what is it in your heart?Shri Mataji: What is it in your…?Q: …in your heart.Guido: What is residing in your heart. Shri Mataji: In My heart resides God Almighty. Q.: OK. The last question for you: where the world goes?Guido: Where is this humanity going?Shri Mataji: It is going into the Last Judgement. Whether they take to higher life or to baser life. This is the Last Judgement. Q.: There is one thing that you want to say for the people, for the…Shri Mataji: Yes, of course! The message is that within you is this power, and this power is your own Mother, your individual Mother, and She knows everything about you. And She is anxious to give you your second birth. She takes up all responsibility, only thing you should want it, it cannot be forced. That’s it.Int.: Thank you.Shri Mataji: And you can’t pay for it. It’s the evolutionary process now. Is the end of the evolutionary process, that you jump into new realm, and that by that you develop a new awareness of collective consciousness and thoughtless awareness, to begin with. Q.: What is for you the wellness? Guido: Awareness. Shri Mataji: Awareness is to be conscious that something has to be done, there’s a seeking, that’s awareness. According to Me, the real wealth is your Spirit, that you are the Spirit. That’s your real wealth. Q.: We are only Spirit?Shri Mataji: Of course. You are not this body, this mind, and you are not this intellect. You are the Spirit.Int. Thank you.Shri Mataji: That should happen.Int. Thank you.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. He’s very subtle.Int: Thank you.Shri Mataji: That’s all (She smiles).Guido all’intervistatore: Vuol provare l’esperienza?Int.: Di che genere?Guido: Il risveglio della Kundalini.Int.: Si può?Shri Mataji: You are a very subtle person, I must say. You asked Me very subtle questions. Int.: Va bene. Come si deve fare?Shri Mataji: Alright. (After Kundalini awakening)Shri Mataji: You are already a realised soul. Got it. Are you feeling the cool breeze?Int.: I feel, yes.Shri Mataji: That’s it! Now you have become. Very good. What I must say that journalists are the most powerful people in modern times. And it really depends on you how you are going to lead or mislead this world.Int.: For me is very important to show the real nature of the man.Guido: He says it’s very important for him to show the reality, the inner reality of man.Shri Mataji: Of course. But the reality is that you are the Spirit.Int.: Is little difficult for people understand…Shri Mataji: No, that’s all, what you call, a camouflage. It’s not real. The real is that you are the Spirit. That’s real.Guido: He says it’s little difficult to make people understand this.Shri Mataji: No, they will. See now, I’ve been doing that, and I’ve seen people understand. Is the best way to tell them…You have to tell them everything frankly, because they are misled. They’re on the wrong track. So we have to save them. Guido: Very strong vibrations.Shri Mataji: He’s very good, he’s very good. Very good, excellent.Int.: I hope that tomorrow evening I go to you to Teatro Regio.Guido: He would like to come tomorrow evening to meet You…Shri Mataji: Please, do, and bring all your friends! And all your family!Guido: E porta anche i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia.Shri Mataji: And all your family.Shri Mataji: Excellent.Guido: He’s feeling also.Int.: I am in heaven now!Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.Int.: Without ego!Shri Mataji: Without…?Guido: Ego!Shri Mataji: (laughing loudly) You don’t have.Int.: No? Thank you!Shri Mataji: You don’t have.Int.: Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).Guido: He says you are the first person who is telling him that he has no ego.Shri Mataji: No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t got ego. You see, all those who have ego always think that (laughs) that others have ego. Do you understand? (laughs) (Int.: Eh. Vero.)If you had ego, you could not have got it so fast. But I think he has little sinus. Int.: Yes.Shri Mataji: He has.Int.: Yes.Shri Mataji: Alright? Now, for that a simple method is to take onion, two onions, and put it on the fire, it becomes black. Then cut it half straight, I mean, standing, and then foment it with that (lower part of forehead). Very simple. And here also (sinuses). Int.: And don’t eat cheese.Shri Mataji: No, no, cheese is alright.Int.: Yes?Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s nothing to do with cheese. It is because hot and cold, the difference between hot and cold – say, something you take hot and then you take cold, you see, like coffee and then ice-cream. Or you suddenly expose yourself from a hot place to the cold, or cold to the hot. It could be cured. Int.: I feel my hands (laughs).Shri Mataji: I know, I know (laughs). But this can be easily cured, you try that, maybe with two, first about, say, ten minutes. Then again if you get sick, then you should try after five minutes. It will go away.Int.: Thank you.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. What’s his name?Int.: George.Shri Mataji: George! Oh dear. George is the name of Mahavira, He’s an angel, on the left hand side. Left side, yes. There’s right side is Buddha, and the left side is Mahavira.Int. Ah, the right is Buddha and the left is….Shri Mataji: Yes. So He guards you from all the left side problems.Int.: Emotions?Shri Mataji: Yes. George. And Michael is the same. And the right side, and Hanumana and Gabriel the same. You’ll know everything – it’s all united, they’re all joined together. It’s not that this is Indian, it’s Italian – it’s wrong. Inside they’re all one.Int.: Sarebbe bello riuscire ad integrare tutto.Guido: Questo è quello che succede con Sahaja Yoga.Shri Mataji: And that Christ is sitting here in the centre, on the optic chiasma. So, what you have to do is to forgive. Forgive everyone. Then it opens out petal (?).Guido: L’importante è perdonare. Per aprire questo centro…Int.: L’importante è perdonare. Certo.Shri Mataji: Torino is good, that way. But I think in Torino there has been some black magic and things like that.Int.: I feel this situation. There are many people that practise…Shri Mataji: Must be from Egypt.Int.: I don’t know why. (…) Shri Mataji: That’s very dangerous. That causes cancer. In Sahaja Yoga you can cure them, because you come in the centre, nor on the left, neither on the right. You pass through that (run with the hand the central channel). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone area)…Yes, yes. Passes through this (She touches the ego and superego) ; through the limbic area (She makes the gesture of the Kundalini passing through the fontanel bone). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone) of God Almighty, which is reflected in your heart as the Spirit. You will know everything. You master it. Yes, of course. Within one month’s time you will be master. Very simple. Give him My book. He can read English. He’s very good. Int.: Ok. Thank you.Shri Mataji: All right. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Very nice to have met you. Thank you.Int.: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Very nice.Int.: Wonderful.Shri Mataji: Alright. Thank you.Int.: Thank you very much.Guido: See you tomorrow night. Shri Mataji: He’s coming, coming.All this is very nice. (More conversation with sahaja yogis in the hotel) Shri Mataji: We have to revive our old classical music. We have to.Guido: Western classical?Shri Mataji: Yes. We have to revive, whether in Italy, wherever it is.Guido: Maybe Austria.Shri Mataji: Austria, Austria is, see, becomes localised. But in a place where they can all come, stay, work it out… We should have. Thank God in India it has revived. India it has revived, otherwise we were worried that Indian music would be finished. It’s come back. But still there are groups in India who take to Western pop music. G.: Ah, pop music.Shri Mataji: And then there’s jazz. That’s something like Indian style.G.: In between.Shri Mataji: In between (they laugh). There are many Indians who’d like to learn piano. Specially in Calcutta. All the rich people used to have a piano in the house. Very common. Because Indians have a special ear for the music. Also in our cinemas they use piano. For the music, for background music. They use. Babamama started with the clarinet. He made people play on clarinet Indian music. G.: Yes, the first time he came to Ganapatipule he brought somebody with…Shri Mataji: Also violin of course, but piano so far not. But we can have it, is like harmonium only, piano. Now this Dhumal is coming. And Ali’s coming. And Sandesh. Dhumal is another genius. Jazz music is alright, but this another one is like a satanic stuff.G.: Is techno, they call it techno.Shri Mataji: Techlo?G.: Techno, is technological music.Shri Mataji: Techlo, yes. Is techlo or (something). But people are mad. Starts from America. An interview made by a young journalist. Question: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi è portatrice di un messaggio universale di profonda spiritualità. Negli anni ’70 Lei ha introdotto il Sahaja Yoga, oggi praticato in tutto il mondo. Di che cosa si tratta? Shri Mataji: In English? Alright. Sahaja Yoga – Sahaja means ‘born with you’. Also it means ‘spontaneous’. And Yoga means the union with the Divine.Q.: Qual è la differenza con lo Yoga tradizionale?Shri Mataji: There is no difference. Because this traditional Yoga was done thousands of years back, when they first wanted to cleanse the body, then the mind, then the intellect, and ultimately they wanted to do Sahaja Yoga.Q.: Sahaja Yoga, realizzazione del Sé, benessere ed equilibrio interiore.Shri Mataji: Of course. It is so. It is for complete inner balance, for your peace of mind, also, the joy of your Spirit.Q.: Qual è la missione di Shri Mataji?Shri Mataji: To bring global peace by transforming human beings.Q.: La Kundalini che cos’è?Shri Mataji: It is a force within us, in the triangular bone, called as ‘sacrum’ – that means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this energy is kept just like waiting for you to be awakened. Q.: Perché è così importante?Shri Mataji: Because you have to have your evolution. All our problems come from human beings, because they are not evolved, they are not enlightened. So, if they are enlightened, all these six enemies we have of anger, greed, all kinds of things that we do, violence and all that, will just drop out.Moreover, moreover, in all the scriptures it is written “You know your Self, then you will know God”. So, how will you know your Self? You have to know your Spirit. Only through awakening you’ll know it. Q.: Parlando ancora del Sahaja Yoga, è praticabile da tutti.Shri Mataji:: Of course.Q.: Ma come avviene, come viene praticato questo Yoga?Shri Mataji: There is nothing to be practiced. It just happens in us (…). But only thing is people have problems on their centres through which it passes, so you have to just correct them, and you have to master the knowledge, which is absolute. Q.: Come è nata la Sahaja Yoga?Shri Mataji: See, when I was born, I knew I was enlightened, Myself. But I thought it should go to the collective. People should get it in a big way.So I little bit, I should say, experimented with human beings, and I tried to find out what is the problem is. Then I worked out all the permutations and combinations of problems. And I found out a very easy method of giving self-realisation. Q.: Shri Mataji è anche a Torino per portare un messaggio.Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Torino is a very artistic place and with people with very large heart, and I’m sure they’ll work out very well. All right?Interviewer: Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. The young interviewer receives Realization. Shri Mataji: (to Guido who raises the Kundalini of the girl and works on her) Put the left to the right.Now. Very good. Are you feeling cool breeze? Ah. This is actualisation of baptism. Just happens. You yourself will become master. And you can create also. That’s how Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 86 countries. Interviewer: Benissimo.Shri Mataji: It’s your right to get it. It’s your evolutionary process, you see, last epitome of the evolutionary process. All right?Interviewer: All right.Shri Mataji: May God bless you.Interviewer: Wonderful. Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. May God bless you (they shake their hands). Press conference with a female journalist and two male journalists. Guido to one journalist: Cosa vorrebbe sapere su Sahaja Yoga?Shri Mataji: My family…Guido: Your history…Shri Mataji: I was born in India, at the time when the British were ruling us, and My father and mother both were very patriotic people, very well-educated, and I was born in a Protestant Christian family.Then in My childhood what happened was that because of this patriotic feeling within Me also, in the college I studied there, and then there was, we had a called “Quit India Movement”, that My father was arrested, mother was arrested, and I took part in the youth of those people. Q.: Le tecniche dello Yoga, invece, per quanto concerne questa tecnica…Shri Mataji: That was much later. Because I did My medicine, studied medicine, and then when you see, I felt always from My very childhood, that I have got Myself self-realisation, what you can call enlightenment, so everybody should get it. And because of that happening, the whole world will change. Other journalist: Qual è il messaggio del Sahaja Yoga e quali sono i benefici di questo…Shri Mataji: The message of Sahaja Yoga is that human beings have to jump one more step, to become a realised soul, an enlightened personality, by which you solve all the world’s problems. Because all the problems that we have in this world, most of them, apart from the calamities, they come from human beings. But if they are enlightened, in the light of their Spirit, they’ll understand their value, they’ll understand the value of others, and the whole change will be there, lot of change will take place. All the scriptures have said that you have to know yourself. But how do you know yourself is the problem, because you have to go inside. And for that there is already a power placed in our triangular bone. Now this power, which is called as Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this power, when it rises within us, is awakened, and passes through six centres, subtle centres, and pierces through the last centre, what we call as the fontanel bone area. That’s how you get the actualisation of your baptism. So, as a result of that, we do not react, because we become thoughtlessly aware. We become a witness of everything. And secondly we become collectively conscious. J.: Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. (They shake hands) (The journalists receive their realisation) Shri Mataji: You’ll start feeling the cool breeze on your fingertips, in your hands. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. All right? Are you feeling?Female Interviewer: Yes.Shri Mataji: It’s spontaneous, that is spontaneous, Sahaj. Now see on top of your head, yes. Here, here. Fontanel bone (She touches Her fontanel bone) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Ah. Little higher. Get it? Little higher, take your hand little higher, above. Higher.They’ve got it. Now, put your right hand towards Me like that.Got it! Alright? You too. It’s worked out. So spontaneous. Now you have to just know the centres that you have. They are, you can feel them on your fingertips, your centres. And you will know what’s wrong with you on the centres (She touches the fingers of Her hand).It could be the left, on the left side are these five (fingers – centres), six (base of palm), and seven (centre of palm) centres. The right side are these five, six and seven. Seventh (centre of palm). (Shows base of palm of right hand) This is the first one. Altogether there are seven, but this seventh (shows base of palm of right hand) is not above Kundalini, is below. This one, the first one. Now. So you start seeing what’s wrong with you on your fingertips. Also you can give realisations to others. And you can also feel their problems on what centres they have. And these centres look after physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Spiritual being. So physically you feel alright, your health is alright, it can cure cancer and many other such diseases, for no money at all. Mentally – many people are psychologically upset, they can get the balance, they’re alright. They become very strong within. And intelligence, which is running all over, stops, and you start seeing the truth. And the reality. If it happens to many people, then global problems are solved.And media is very important. You perhaps don’t realise how great you are. What you can do to transform this world, to bring peace, and joy, and togetherness.So enjoy your peace now, enjoy yourself. And we have a centre here, you can know everything. Is the absolute knowledge, absolute. Interviewer: Chiunque può fare Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, is for everyone! Everybody is in problem, everybody needs it! There are no boundaries. We have in South Africa, we have in Benin, where all the people are black, you know? We have seven thousand people in Benin. And Ivory Coast: the President of Ivory Coast is a sahaja yogi. In Eritrea also. So we have Sahaja Yoga everywhere now spreading, because everybody wants peace. Russia is the best. Thousands and thousands are there. Because of communism, they were thinking inside, they were going inside, they became very deep. While in democratic countries, see, they offer so many chances for us to get lost. We are free, but no real freedom. This is what is the problem of modern times.And Sahaja Yoga was the need, need of the hour. Is predicted by many saints that this time will come, when so many people will get their self-realisation. That’s the solution for all our violence, for all our problems. If they have to ask any questions… Female journalist: Prima avete parlato del fatto che, con questa tecnica, si riesce a risolvere problemi di salute di un certo tipo, quindi anche malattie che per ora sono mortali. Ma siete riusciti a risolvere casi del genere… Dato che comunque la nostra televisione interessa soprattutto il Piemonte, siete riusciti a fare cose simili anche nella nostra regione?Guido: Non so, Aldo, c’è stata qualche guarigione clamorosa?Female journalist: Può parlare magari di un caso?Guido: In Italia moltissimi. Tantissimi, sì. Casi di leucemia, problemi coronarici, linfatici… Una persona aveva un cancro al cervello, ecc. ecc.Sahaja yogi: A Milano.Aldo: Qua più che altro problema di dipendenze tipo alcool, droghe. Sahaja Yoga è proprio l’eliminazione di queste dipendenze. (Guido tells Shri Mataji that the journalist asked about the diseases cured by Sahaja Yoga). Shri Mataji: Many, many, thousands and thousands. I have one hospital in India, very big hospital, where we are getting people from all over the world for getting cured. So I mean, I cannot give you the list of things (we have cured). Female journalist: Addirittura un ospedale? Guido: Sì, sì”.Shri Mataji: And you cannot pay for it.Female journalist: Ah no?Guido: Questo non si può comprare, perché non ha prezzo.Shri Mataji: Only for their stay and food, that’s all. We have qualified doctors who have taken to Sahaja Yoga. Also in America, the National Institute of Health, N.I.H., has now accepted Sahaja Yoga. Even a person, a lay person, can know what’s wrong with another person. In N.I.H. there was one doctor who wanted to test the sahaja yogis. He asked: “What’s wrong with me?”. He said: “Heart”. And he had a by-pass about a month back. On the fingertips. On fingertips (…) feel on the fingertips. Don’t have to go for the rigmarole (…). We are having now in India in jail people are getting transformed, in the military, administrative system, in (senior?) administrative service, and bureaucrats – most difficult! And we also have with the people who are doing (…) units, taxation and all that, finance. Big use (…).Q.: Fuori dall’India ha invece incontrato diffidenza?Shri Mataji: Not Italians. Because they have a large heart. But Germans are dry, English are getting no end of themselves, so rather good but not much. So they are difficult. Q.: Grazie.Shri Mataji: Also about drug addiction, alcoholism, gets cured. Completely. And I bought a place for that in Italy. But so far we haven’t got the permissions.Sahaja Yoga can definitely cure drug addiction and alcoholism. Can definitely cure. That is one of your great problems. Also cancer. Cancer is a very big problem. You have AIDS, but AIDS patients are very arrogant, and they won’t listen to anyone. And they think they are going for martyrdom. So impossible, you can’t manage them. Same with Alzheimer’s: they are very hot-tempered, they abuse you. Otherwise everything is alright. Other interviewer: Che tipo di relazioni ci sono con le religioni?Shri Mataji: You see, religions are just the same, every religions is the same. But people who have taken it over either they become money-oriented, power-oriented, they want land…and all kinds of problems. That’s not religion.But religion gives you balance, the chakra here (touches Nabhi). Not to fight, not to have greed, lust – all that’s out of question. That’s why all religions have failed. They have to take to reality, to the Absolute. Then it will work out. The problem in all these religions is that there’s a book for each, and the way they, the way they sort of interpret the books is difficult. And you cannot correct them also. So all kinds of complications are there. For example, in the Bible … (End of videotape) Int.:I am in heaven now!Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.Int.:Without ego!Shri Mataji:Without…?Guido: Ego!Shri Mataji:(laughing loudly)You don’t have.Int.:No? Thank you!Shri Mataji:You don’t have.Int.: Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).
(Conversations with sahaja yogis in a hotel) Shri Mataji to a child: I’m talking about you! Ah! One child is enough!Guido: To change the atmosphere.Shri Mataji: Absolutely. They try to please you all the time. You should take to small children, then you won’t age much. I think one of the things.Guido: Vibrations.Shri Mataji: Vibrations, and also you become like a child, with them, that enjoyment of the children. You cannot get old. Very difficult. They do not have reactions. Singing now. This gentleman, how did he know Me?Guido: He (indicates Aldo) contacted him.Shri Mataji: So what did you tell him?Aldo: I told him all about Sahaja Yoga, but he…Guido: He gave him a leaflet about Sahaja Yoga, so he invited you to come.(….) Interview to Shri Mataji to an interviewer in the hotel. Question: What is love for you?Shri Mataji: Love? Love is the power of divinity. It’s the Divine. And that’s why this whole world was created out of love.Q.: So everybody has an inner instrument, but mostly they don’t use it. Why?Shri Mataji: Because of ignorance. Ignorance, you see, every human being is not equally aware.Q.: Is it possible to change this condition?Shri Mataji: Yes, it has to.Q.: In which way?Shri Mataji: By feeling the vibrations of that person on your fingertips. From the level of spirituality.Q.: Which is your mission in Italy?Shri Mataji: Everywhere, it is not only here. Because Sahaja Yoga is now in 86 countries, alright? And My mission is to create a global unity.Q.: To improve the life? To make life better? Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, what we have to do is to understand that most of the problems that we have are coming from human beings, because they are imperfect. There are problems with them. But if they are transformed, and if they become saintly, beautiful, spiritual, all our problems will be solved. Q.: The Yoga is one way to change this situation?Shri Mataji: The only way, this Sahaja Yoga, is the only way so far I know, which has changed people, which has transformed. Because is based on the actually, on the Kundalini which is the power in every man’s triangular bone. Q.: And you think that is possible to move the Kundalini?Shri Mataji: If that is awakened, if that power is awakened, it passes through six centres – ultimately the last here, and by which you become connected to the all-pervading power, which is very subtle. And you become the owner of that power, which flows – that’s love, that’s compassion.Q.: When you practice the meditation, where you go with your heart, with your mind?Shri Mataji: I go nowhere, I go inside. I know about My centres. I don’t go anywhere out, I’m inside. Inside Myself, and I know Myself. First we must know our self, otherwise we cannot know God, we cannot know anything. Q.: And what is it in your heart?Shri Mataji: What is it in your…?Q: …in your heart.Guido: What is residing in your heart. Shri Mataji: In My heart resides God Almighty. Q.: OK. The last question for you: where the world goes?Guido: Where is this humanity going?Shri Mataji: It is going into the Last Judgement. Whether they take to higher life or to baser life. This is the Last Judgement. Q.: There is one thing that you want to say for the people, for the…Shri Mataji: Yes, of course! The message is that within you is this power, and this power is your own Mother, your individual Mother, and She knows everything about you. And She is anxious to give you your second birth. She takes up all responsibility, only thing you should want it, it cannot be forced. That’s it.Int.: Thank you.Shri Mataji: And you can’t pay for it. It’s the evolutionary process now. Is the end of the evolutionary process, that you jump into new realm, and that by that you develop a new awareness of collective consciousness and thoughtless awareness, to begin with. Q.: What is for you the wellness? Guido: Awareness. Shri Mataji: Awareness is to be conscious that something has to be done, there’s a seeking, that’s awareness. According to Me, the real wealth is your Spirit, that you are the Spirit. That’s your real wealth. Q.: We are only Spirit?Shri Mataji: Of course. You are not this body, this mind, and you are not this intellect. You are the Spirit.Int. Thank you.Shri Mataji: That should happen.Int. Thank you.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. He’s very subtle.Int: Thank you.Shri Mataji: That’s all (She smiles).Guido all’intervistatore: Vuol provare l’esperienza?Int.: Di che genere?Guido: Il risveglio della Kundalini.Int.: Si può?Shri Mataji: You are a very subtle person, I must say. You asked Me very subtle questions. Int.: Va bene. Come si deve fare?Shri Mataji: Alright. (After Kundalini awakening)Shri Mataji: You are already a realised soul. Got it. Are you feeling the cool breeze?Int.: I feel, yes.Shri Mataji: That’s it! Now you have become. Very good. What I must say that journalists are the most powerful people in modern times. And it really depends on you how you are going to lead or mislead this world.Int.: For me is very important to show the real nature of the man.Guido: He says it’s very important for him to show the reality, the inner reality of man.Shri Mataji: Of course. But the reality is that you are the Spirit.Int.: Is little difficult for people understand…Shri Mataji: No, that’s all, what you call, a camouflage. It’s not real. The real is that you are the Spirit. That’s real.Guido: He says it’s little difficult to make people understand this.Shri Mataji: No, they will. See now, I’ve been doing that, and I’ve seen people understand. Is the best way to tell them…You have to tell them everything frankly, because they are misled. They’re on the wrong track. So we have to save them. Guido: Very strong vibrations.Shri Mataji: He’s very good, he’s very good. Very good, excellent.Int.: I hope that tomorrow evening I go to you to Teatro Regio.Guido: He would like to come tomorrow evening to meet You…Shri Mataji: Please, do, and bring all your friends! And all your family!Guido: E porta anche i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia.Shri Mataji: And all your family.Shri Mataji: Excellent.Guido: He’s feeling also.Int.: I am in heaven now!Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.Int.: Without ego!Shri Mataji: Without…?Guido: Ego!Shri Mataji: (laughing loudly) You don’t have.Int.: No? Thank you!Shri Mataji: You don’t have.Int.: Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).Guido: He says you are the first person who is telling him that he has no ego.Shri Mataji: No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t got ego. You see, all those who have ego always think that (laughs) that others have ego. Do you understand? (laughs) (Int.: Eh. Vero.)If you had ego, you could not have got it so fast. But I think he has little sinus. Int.: Yes.Shri Mataji: He has.Int.: Yes.Shri Mataji: Alright? Now, for that a simple method is to take onion, two onions, and put it on the fire, it becomes black. Then cut it half straight, I mean, standing, and then foment it with that (lower part of forehead). Very simple. And here also (sinuses). Int.: And don’t eat cheese.Shri Mataji: No, no, cheese is alright.Int.: Yes?Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s nothing to do with cheese. It is because hot and cold, the difference between hot and cold – say, something you take hot and then you take cold, you see, like coffee and then ice-cream. Or you suddenly expose yourself from a hot place to the cold, or cold to the hot. It could be cured. Int.: I feel my hands (laughs).Shri Mataji: I know, I know (laughs). But this can be easily cured, you try that, maybe with two, first about, say, ten minutes. Then again if you get sick, then you should try after five minutes. It will go away.Int.: Thank you.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. What’s his name?Int.: George.Shri Mataji: George! Oh dear. George is the name of Mahavira, He’s an angel, on the left hand side. Left side, yes. There’s right side is Buddha, and the left side is Mahavira.Int. Ah, the right is Buddha and the left is….Shri Mataji: Yes. So He guards you from all the left side problems.Int.: Emotions?Shri Mataji: Yes. George. And Michael is the same. And the right side, and Hanumana and Gabriel the same. You’ll know everything – it’s all united, they’re all joined together. It’s not that this is Indian, it’s Italian – it’s wrong. Inside they’re all one.Int.: Sarebbe bello riuscire ad integrare tutto.Guido: Questo è quello che succede con Sahaja Yoga.Shri Mataji: And that Christ is sitting here in the centre, on the optic chiasma. So, what you have to do is to forgive. Forgive everyone. Then it opens out petal (?).Guido: L’importante è perdonare. Per aprire questo centro…Int.: L’importante è perdonare. Certo.Shri Mataji: Torino is good, that way. But I think in Torino there has been some black magic and things like that.Int.: I feel this situation. There are many people that practise…Shri Mataji: Must be from Egypt.Int.: I don’t know why. (…) Shri Mataji: That’s very dangerous. That causes cancer. In Sahaja Yoga you can cure them, because you come in the centre, nor on the left, neither on the right. You pass through that (run with the hand the central channel). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone area)…Yes, yes. Passes through this (She touches the ego and superego) ; through the limbic area (She makes the gesture of the Kundalini passing through the fontanel bone). And here is the place (She touches the fontanel bone) of God Almighty, which is reflected in your heart as the Spirit. You will know everything. You master it. Yes, of course. Within one month’s time you will be master. Very simple. Give him My book. He can read English. He’s very good. Int.: Ok. Thank you.Shri Mataji: All right. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Very nice to have met you. Thank you.Int.: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Very nice.Int.: Wonderful.Shri Mataji: Alright. Thank you.Int.: Thank you very much.Guido: See you tomorrow night. Shri Mataji: He’s coming, coming.All this is very nice. (More conversation with sahaja yogis in the hotel) Shri Mataji: We have to revive our old classical music. We have to.Guido: Western classical?Shri Mataji: Yes. We have to revive, whether in Italy, wherever it is.Guido: Maybe Austria.Shri Mataji: Austria, Austria is, see, becomes localised. But in a place where they can all come, stay, work it out… We should have. Thank God in India it has revived. India it has revived, otherwise we were worried that Indian music would be finished. It’s come back. But still there are groups in India who take to Western pop music. G.: Ah, pop music.Shri Mataji: And then there’s jazz. That’s something like Indian style.G.: In between.Shri Mataji: In between (they laugh). There are many Indians who’d like to learn piano. Specially in Calcutta. All the rich people used to have a piano in the house. Very common. Because Indians have a special ear for the music. Also in our cinemas they use piano. For the music, for background music. They use. Babamama started with the clarinet. He made people play on clarinet Indian music. G.: Yes, the first time he came to Ganapatipule he brought somebody with…Shri Mataji: Also violin of course, but piano so far not. But we can have it, is like harmonium only, piano. Now this Dhumal is coming. And Ali’s coming. And Sandesh. Dhumal is another genius. Jazz music is alright, but this another one is like a satanic stuff.G.: Is techno, they call it techno.Shri Mataji: Techlo?G.: Techno, is technological music.Shri Mataji: Techlo, yes. Is techlo or (something). But people are mad. Starts from America. An interview made by a young journalist. Question: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi è portatrice di un messaggio universale di profonda spiritualità. Negli anni ’70 Lei ha introdotto il Sahaja Yoga, oggi praticato in tutto il mondo. Di che cosa si tratta? Shri Mataji: In English? Alright. Sahaja Yoga – Sahaja means ‘born with you’. Also it means ‘spontaneous’. And Yoga means the union with the Divine.Q.: Qual è la differenza con lo Yoga tradizionale?Shri Mataji: There is no difference. Because this traditional Yoga was done thousands of years back, when they first wanted to cleanse the body, then the mind, then the intellect, and ultimately they wanted to do Sahaja Yoga.Q.: Sahaja Yoga, realizzazione del Sé, benessere ed equilibrio interiore.Shri Mataji: Of course. It is so. It is for complete inner balance, for your peace of mind, also, the joy of your Spirit.Q.: Qual è la missione di Shri Mataji?Shri Mataji: To bring global peace by transforming human beings.Q.: La Kundalini che cos’è?Shri Mataji: It is a force within us, in the triangular bone, called as ‘sacrum’ – that means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this energy is kept just like waiting for you to be awakened. Q.: Perché è così importante?Shri Mataji: Because you have to have your evolution. All our problems come from human beings, because they are not evolved, they are not enlightened. So, if they are enlightened, all these six enemies we have of anger, greed, all kinds of things that we do, violence and all that, will just drop out.Moreover, moreover, in all the scriptures it is written “You know your Self, then you will know God”. So, how will you know your Self? You have to know your Spirit. Only through awakening you’ll know it. Q.: Parlando ancora del Sahaja Yoga, è praticabile da tutti.Shri Mataji:: Of course.Q.: Ma come avviene, come viene praticato questo Yoga?Shri Mataji: There is nothing to be practiced. It just happens in us (…). But only thing is people have problems on their centres through which it passes, so you have to just correct them, and you have to master the knowledge, which is absolute. Q.: Come è nata la Sahaja Yoga?Shri Mataji: See, when I was born, I knew I was enlightened, Myself. But I thought it should go to the collective. People should get it in a big way.So I little bit, I should say, experimented with human beings, and I tried to find out what is the problem is. Then I worked out all the permutations and combinations of problems. And I found out a very easy method of giving self-realisation. Q.: Shri Mataji è anche a Torino per portare un messaggio.Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Torino is a very artistic place and with people with very large heart, and I’m sure they’ll work out very well. All right?Interviewer: Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. The young interviewer receives Realization. Shri Mataji: (to Guido who raises the Kundalini of the girl and works on her) Put the left to the right.Now. Very good. Are you feeling cool breeze? Ah. This is actualisation of baptism. Just happens. You yourself will become master. And you can create also. That’s how Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 86 countries. Interviewer: Benissimo.Shri Mataji: It’s your right to get it. It’s your evolutionary process, you see, last epitome of the evolutionary process. All right?Interviewer: All right.Shri Mataji: May God bless you.Interviewer: Wonderful. Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. May God bless you (they shake their hands). Press conference with a female journalist and two male journalists. Guido to one journalist: Cosa vorrebbe sapere su Sahaja Yoga?Shri Mataji: My family…Guido: Your history…Shri Mataji: I was born in India, at the time when the British were ruling us, and My father and mother both were very patriotic people, very well-educated, and I was born in a Protestant Christian family.Then in My childhood what happened was that because of this patriotic feeling within Me also, in the college I studied there, and then there was, we had a called “Quit India Movement”, that My father was arrested, mother was arrested, and I took part in the youth of those people. Q.: Le tecniche dello Yoga, invece, per quanto concerne questa tecnica…Shri Mataji: That was much later. Because I did My medicine, studied medicine, and then when you see, I felt always from My very childhood, that I have got Myself self-realisation, what you can call enlightenment, so everybody should get it. And because of that happening, the whole world will change. Other journalist: Qual è il messaggio del Sahaja Yoga e quali sono i benefici di questo…Shri Mataji: The message of Sahaja Yoga is that human beings have to jump one more step, to become a realised soul, an enlightened personality, by which you solve all the world’s problems. Because all the problems that we have in this world, most of them, apart from the calamities, they come from human beings. But if they are enlightened, in the light of their Spirit, they’ll understand their value, they’ll understand the value of others, and the whole change will be there, lot of change will take place. All the scriptures have said that you have to know yourself. But how do you know yourself is the problem, because you have to go inside. And for that there is already a power placed in our triangular bone. Now this power, which is called as Kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. And this power, when it rises within us, is awakened, and passes through six centres, subtle centres, and pierces through the last centre, what we call as the fontanel bone area. That’s how you get the actualisation of your baptism. So, as a result of that, we do not react, because we become thoughtlessly aware. We become a witness of everything. And secondly we become collectively conscious. J.: Thank you very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you. (They shake hands) (The journalists receive their realisation) Shri Mataji: You’ll start feeling the cool breeze on your fingertips, in your hands. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. All right? Are you feeling?Female Interviewer: Yes.Shri Mataji: It’s spontaneous, that is spontaneous, Sahaj. Now see on top of your head, yes. Here, here. Fontanel bone (She touches Her fontanel bone) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Ah. Little higher. Get it? Little higher, take your hand little higher, above. Higher.They’ve got it. Now, put your right hand towards Me like that.Got it! Alright? You too. It’s worked out. So spontaneous. Now you have to just know the centres that you have. They are, you can feel them on your fingertips, your centres. And you will know what’s wrong with you on the centres (She touches the fingers of Her hand).It could be the left, on the left side are these five (fingers – centres), six (base of palm), and seven (centre of palm) centres. The right side are these five, six and seven. Seventh (centre of palm). (Shows base of palm of right hand) This is the first one. Altogether there are seven, but this seventh (shows base of palm of right hand) is not above Kundalini, is below. This one, the first one. Now. So you start seeing what’s wrong with you on your fingertips. Also you can give realisations to others. And you can also feel their problems on what centres they have. And these centres look after physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Spiritual being. So physically you feel alright, your health is alright, it can cure cancer and many other such diseases, for no money at all. Mentally – many people are psychologically upset, they can get the balance, they’re alright. They become very strong within. And intelligence, which is running all over, stops, and you start seeing the truth. And the reality. If it happens to many people, then global problems are solved.And media is very important. You perhaps don’t realise how great you are. What you can do to transform this world, to bring peace, and joy, and togetherness.So enjoy your peace now, enjoy yourself. And we have a centre here, you can know everything. Is the absolute knowledge, absolute. Interviewer: Chiunque può fare Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, is for everyone! Everybody is in problem, everybody needs it! There are no boundaries. We have in South Africa, we have in Benin, where all the people are black, you know? We have seven thousand people in Benin. And Ivory Coast: the President of Ivory Coast is a sahaja yogi. In Eritrea also. So we have Sahaja Yoga everywhere now spreading, because everybody wants peace. Russia is the best. Thousands and thousands are there. Because of communism, they were thinking inside, they were going inside, they became very deep. While in democratic countries, see, they offer so many chances for us to get lost. We are free, but no real freedom. This is what is the problem of modern times.And Sahaja Yoga was the need, need of the hour. Is predicted by many saints that this time will come, when so many people will get their self-realisation. That’s the solution for all our violence, for all our problems. If they have to ask any questions… Female journalist: Prima avete parlato del fatto che, con questa tecnica, si riesce a risolvere problemi di salute di un certo tipo, quindi anche malattie che per ora sono mortali. Ma siete riusciti a risolvere casi del genere… Dato che comunque la nostra televisione interessa soprattutto il Piemonte, siete riusciti a fare cose simili anche nella nostra regione?Guido: Non so, Aldo, c’è stata qualche guarigione clamorosa?Female journalist: Può parlare magari di un caso?Guido: In Italia moltissimi. Tantissimi, sì. Casi di leucemia, problemi coronarici, linfatici… Una persona aveva un cancro al cervello, ecc. ecc.Sahaja yogi: A Milano.Aldo: Qua più che altro problema di dipendenze tipo alcool, droghe. Sahaja Yoga è proprio l’eliminazione di queste dipendenze. (Guido tells Shri Mataji that the journalist asked about the diseases cured by Sahaja Yoga). Shri Mataji: Many, many, thousands and thousands. I have one hospital in India, very big hospital, where we are getting people from all over the world for getting cured. So I mean, I cannot give you the list of things (we have cured). Female journalist: Addirittura un ospedale? Guido: Sì, sì”.Shri Mataji: And you cannot pay for it.Female journalist: Ah no?Guido: Questo non si può comprare, perché non ha prezzo.Shri Mataji: Only for their stay and food, that’s all. We have qualified doctors who have taken to Sahaja Yoga. Also in America, the National Institute of Health, N.I.H., has now accepted Sahaja Yoga. Even a person, a lay person, can know what’s wrong with another person. In N.I.H. there was one doctor who wanted to test the sahaja yogis. He asked: “What’s wrong with me?”. He said: “Heart”. And he had a by-pass about a month back. On the fingertips. On fingertips (…) feel on the fingertips. Don’t have to go for the rigmarole (…). We are having now in India in jail people are getting transformed, in the military, administrative system, in (senior?) administrative service, and bureaucrats – most difficult! And we also have with the people who are doing (…) units, taxation and all that, finance. Big use (…).Q.: Fuori dall’India ha invece incontrato diffidenza?Shri Mataji: Not Italians. Because they have a large heart. But Germans are dry, English are getting no end of themselves, so rather good but not much. So they are difficult. Q.: Grazie.Shri Mataji: Also about drug addiction, alcoholism, gets cured. Completely. And I bought a place for that in Italy. But so far we haven’t got the permissions.Sahaja Yoga can definitely cure drug addiction and alcoholism. Can definitely cure. That is one of your great problems. Also cancer. Cancer is a very big problem. You have AIDS, but AIDS patients are very arrogant, and they won’t listen to anyone. And they think they are going for martyrdom. So impossible, you can’t manage them. Same with Alzheimer’s: they are very hot-tempered, they abuse you. Otherwise everything is alright. Other interviewer: Che tipo di relazioni ci sono con le religioni?Shri Mataji: You see, religions are just the same, every religions is the same. But people who have taken it over either they become money-oriented, power-oriented, they want land…and all kinds of problems. That’s not religion.But religion gives you balance, the chakra here (touches Nabhi). Not to fight, not to have greed, lust – all that’s out of question. That’s why all religions have failed. They have to take to reality, to the Absolute. Then it will work out. The problem in all these religions is that there’s a book for each, and the way they, the way they sort of interpret the books is difficult. And you cannot correct them also. So all kinds of complications are there. For example, in the Bible … (End of videotape) Int.:I am in heaven now!Shri Mataji (laughs): This is the paradise created by your Spirit, in the state of realisation. It makes you peaceful, joyful, wise, and enjoyable everything.Int.:Without ego!Shri Mataji:Without…?Guido: Ego!Shri Mataji:(laughing loudly)You don’t have.Int.:No? Thank you!Shri Mataji:You don’t have.Int.: Finally one person that tells me I have not a ego.Shri Mataji: Ah (laughs).
Shri Ganesha Puja: the sanctity of marriage
Cabella Ligure
Shri Ganesha Puja, “Your Innocence Will Save This World,” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 September 2000 Today, we have gathered here to do Ganesha Puja. I know very well that Ganesha is the symbol of purity, of sanctity, and worshipping the innocence. When you are worshipping Shri Ganesh, you have to know that He is the embodiment of innocence. I wonder if we understand the meaning of “innocence” or not. Innocence is a quality which is innate, which cannot be forced, which cannot be trained into. It’s just a quality, innate quality, within a human being. When he becomes Shri Ganesha’s disciple, he becomes an innocent person. Maybe you say that innocent persons are attacked by the cunning, by the aggressive, but innocence is such a great thing that it cannot be destroyed. It’s the quality of the Spirit. Innocence is the quality of the Spirit, and when this Spirit within you is awakened, you get the power of innocence, by which you overcome all that is negative, all that is wrong, all that is detrimental to your growth, spiritual understanding. So to be innocent is not possible. You have to be innocent, in the sense that you are innately innocent. This happens after Sahaja Yoga, after realization. And your power to fight all these wrong, negative feelings within you – and without – are absolutely supported, protected, by the Mother of Shri Ganesh. It’s difficult these days to tell somebody about innocence. But you know the life of Christ: He was innocence. He didn’t know what sort of people He was around. He thought they were all innocent and so He was talking to them in a manner that nobody who was cunning would have done, because cunning always understands the cunning of others. And He said things which may not have been understood by people, but whatever He said had the vibrations of innocence. That should have put all these people in a proper sense, in a proper relationship with Him. But somehow, that was not the time perhaps for them to be realized souls. So the innocence of Ganesha was not that, we should say, defeated, but very much created an atmosphere of such sanctity and beauty that you can see in the life of Christ. I am happy you all have heard about your marriages. Why the marriage? What is the need to have a marriage? After all, these days people are living without marriage. But marriage means the sanctity of marriage; sanctity of your physical, mental, and emotional integration. If you do not have the sanctity and you live with a person, then it is not perfect. The children you will produce will not be all right. That’s why the marriage is necessary. And as you know, Christ went to attend a wedding. Why did He pay so much attention to a wedding? Because that sanctifies your relationships with each other. Anything is all right, but the relationship between husband and wife has to be sanctified, otherwise the children you produce could turn out to be anything. They may be robbers, they may be cheats, they may be liars, they may be very, very cruel people if there’s no sanctity about the marriage. That’s why He went to sanctify the marriage institution. But it’s absolutely wrong and nonsense that He created alcohol. What He did was to change the water into the taste of grape juice. Alcohol is called as “grape juice” in the Hebrew language. I mean, you can say, it is not called, but “wine” means alcohol as well as grape juice. But it cannot be, because instantly you cannot create alcohol. Alcohol takes time: it has to rot and rot and rot, then it becomes an alcohol. But if Christ has made it in such a Sahaj manner, spontaneously, how can it be an alcohol that intoxicates? So, many people, especially in the Christian religion, believe that Christ sanctified wine, which is absolutely wrong. He never sanctified alcohol. He changed the grape juice [water] into wine [grape] taste. The other day I happened to meet a person, as you know him, Romano Battaglia. And he said, “Mother, You give me realization.” I said, “All right, get me some water.” He brought some water, I put My fingers into it, and then he tested and said, “Mother, it tastes like wine.” I said, “That’s it. That’s what Christ has done.” So, there is no sanctity of alcohol. How can you expect Christ to do something like that, by which your awareness absolutely goes wrong? Those people who drink, you know, are not normal people. Something goes wrong with their brains. When they drive, they create problems. When they are talking to somebody, you can make out that they are not normal. They try to be very aggressive. Sometimes they can be very passive also. Mostly they are very aggressive and very much behaving in a manner that doesn’t behove a human being. So, we must understand that this wine, so-called, which is being fermented for days together, is very wrong and against the spiritual life. All those countries where alcohol is accepted as a very sanctified thing are just going to the dogs. It is against Shri Ganesh. It’s against innocence. And so such a person can become very cunning, very shrewd, very dominating—all kinds of bad things can come through him. And one cannot trust a person who drinks and becomes a drunkard. He can get after his wife, his children, anybody, and try to destroy their lives because he knows he is himself destroyed. So the one thing one has to understand: innocence doesn’t allow you to have anything like that, that goes against your awareness. Your human awareness is very important. That must be respected. Anything that you take that spoils your awareness or spoils your health is all wrong, especially for Sahaj Yogis. You have to keep your health all right. How do you keep your health all right? By avoiding all such things which destroy your health. So the married life is a sanctified life, is a life which is being blessed. Now we have priests, but I would say in Sahaja Yoga they [the marriages] are all blessed by Me. So one should understand that this is a very big thing that you have got. But there are many I have known who come round saying, “Mother, we want a divorce. We are trying to make up a good marriage.” All kinds of stories they tell me. If you know it’s a sanctified marriage – it is a marriage which has been done under all the ceremonies of Sahaja Yoga – it cannot be a bad marriage. But if you are bad, nobody can help you. If you have funny ideas about marriages, you should try to correct it. If you want to marry in Sahaja Yoga, then please see that you respect the sanctity of married life. I know sometimes women can be bad, men can be bad, there can be problems. But a person who is wise will try to endure all that because she wants or he wants to respect the sanctity of marriage. This one is a very contradictory thing then, it comes to, that Christ was born without the marriage and Ganesha was also born without the marriage. They Themselves are sanctity. They don’t need any sanctity from outside. They are innocence, and for innocent people, they don’t need any kind of a ritual or a kind of a ceremony. That’s how They have been born – absolutely pure – of innocence. But that doesn’t mean that we should take Their example into ourselves. They were Divine personalities, and They were to be born like that. While we have to be sanctified and leading a sanctified life. This is a difference between an incarnation and a human being. It’s easy to criticize incarnations. Very simple to criticize them. All incarnations have been criticized by human beings because human beings cannot understand them. But try to be really very pure and innocent, and then you will understand that why their lives were on a different line, different style. Now if you say, “We can develop innocence, Mother,” you cannot. Which is the way to become innocent? In Sahaja Yoga, we have a proper method how we can become innocent. It happens through our thoughtless awareness. If you are in the state of thoughtless awareness, then what happens [is] you do not react, you do not get involved into wrong things, you do not get involved into any discussions, arguments, but you just watch and the innocence within you rises beautifully, like a lotus rises out of a dirty pond. So whatever may be the circumstances, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you do not react. That is the sign of innocence. And people who do not react keep young. They will never show their age, they keep young. Because to react is not a very good thing; [it] makes you get involved into another person. But if you don’t react, if you are just watching and you are a witness, then you don’t get involved into anything, you are away from it. And that’s how your innocence grows and you get very confident. I have read a story about a Chinese king who went to a saint and asked him that he wants some boon from him. He said, “What?” He said, “I want my son to be developed into a person who can face all kinds of people. Whatever people may do, he should be able to face them.” He said, “All right, you leave your son with me.” So, when the arguments started, when the fighting started, his son was just standing straight, watching everything in thoughtless awareness. So, everybody from the arena went back. They all went away. And they couldn’t stand the innocence of this boy, who was very young. And the king was surprised how his son could face all of them, all their arguments, all their aggression, and all kinds of horrible things they said to him. If anybody says anything to you, you should just be innocent. At that time, your power of innocence will show that this person who is trying to dominate you, to trouble you, is very much in the wrong. And the person himself might realize that, “I am doing all these things and this fellow, the one on whom I am trying to dominate, is not taking any note of it.” So he feels very weak. He thinks he has no power to dominate a person. So this is [what] we have now as Sahaj Yogis: we can get into thoughtless awareness. Try to reduce your reactions, [your] reaction to anything. People have such funny ideas about themselves that they react. Now for example, somebody showed me those carpets: I have started watching, I was very happy, and they told Me all the Sahaja Yoginis have made this with their hands, so beautifully. Well! It was really so joyful to know that they have done it. But if I was a very normal person, I would have said, “Oh, my God. What a colour! What a thing,” like that. So whatever they have done, I can’t even enjoy that. One thing is, the enjoyment is lost. For a child, enjoyment is complete. Whatever he sees, he makes a joyful thing out of it. You look at children: I have seen children, they find anything, they make a toy out of it. The other day, we had gone to Genoa and I saw there were big blocks kept there. Some children came from somewhere, they just climbed on that and made horses out of them and were enjoying them. You see, they find anything, any space, and they make a joyful thing for themselves, a play for them. For them, life is also a play, just a thing of enjoyment. And they make you also enjoy everything. If you are not in a good mood, they’ll come and behave in such a manner that you’ll have to come round and become a very simple, natural person. So to see a simple, natural person, we always say that they are like children. This means they do not understand the cunning, they do not understand the stupidity of the people, and they live in their own world of innocence. In the same way, all the Sahaja Yogis have to develop that aura around them. Let people see you, how innocent you are, how sweet you are. No arguments, no quarrelling, no fighting is needed. It is just the inner satisfaction of thoughtless awareness. Many people say, “Mother, we cannot become thoughtless.” Why? Why can’t you become thoughtless? Because all the time, whatever you see, you want to react. If you gradually start stopping reaction – introspect yourself. See for yourself. If you are all the time trying to react, tell your mind to behave itself. If there’s any reaction, you just don’t say anything. Keep quiet. Gradually, you will be amazed and surprised how you become thoughtlessly aware, how beautiful you become. And everybody who sees you will know that you are something different, you are not like the normal person. But the normal reaction of human beings is that if there’s a quarrel going on, say, on the street, everybody will join in the quarrel. They like to fight. They want to be part and parcel of that quarrel or fight or whatever it is. They don’t want to get out of it. At that time, if you just have your innocence, that will act. I told you, innocence is the Spirit, and Spirit is the innocence, which cannot be destroyed by anything. The fact is that it cannot be destroyed by anything, and it can be re-established through Sahaja Yoga. You might have been a very aggressive person, you might have been a very unhappy person, you might have been a person who is all the time disturbing others, maybe, but after Sahaja Yoga, you can make your personality so sweet and beautiful that not only you can enjoy but others can also enjoy. This innocence is something which is absolute, honest, intelligence. It is not that it works for some purpose, but it’s purposeless. It’s absolutely purposeless. And thus it achieves that height of joy because there is no purpose in anything. It sees the futility of all kinds of endeavours that we have and it just enjoys. “Why are people running up and down? Why are they fighting?” [It] just stands up and sees that, “Why should they do it?” – like that. Some may think they are all right, there’s nothing wrong with them, but it’s not so. Innocence is something, I told you, is an innate quality, and you should not deceive yourself by thinking you are innocent. On the contrary, you just put some introspection upon yourself and see for yourself: what have you been doing so far as far as others are concerned? What is your attitude? I have already talked to you about emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the expression of innocence. It is the expression of Shri Ganesha within you. Children who are gifted with this will always try to please you. They know what you want, what you need. They’ll give you all the joy that you want. They’ll do all the things that you like, just to please you. They don’t have their own wants. They don’t want to have their own demands. They never say, “I want this,” “You do for me” – never. They just want to see what you want, what do you want to have, and they put all the effort to supply you with that, whatever you want. It’s very interesting how the children behave towards others, elders. Just like, I would say, a great understanding, we should say, like a very elderly personality. So, in innocence, you become extremely grown-up, matured. Very matured. With that maturity, you know what this person needs and what the other person should not have. And the way they establish is very interesting. Children are the most interesting things, I think, in the world. For Me, roses are very beautiful, but children are the most interesting things. And they teach you so many things that you are surprised at their innocence. So many jokes are there about the children – how they behave, how they talk. And they are so innocent that they will tell everything to everyone. They have no way of hiding anything, it’s very difficult. I know one joke…a gentleman came to the house for dinner; so, the child was looking at him very intensely. And then he says, “Mother, he doesn’t eat like a horse, as you told me!” So everybody was shocked. “You see, he doesn’t eat like a horse!” Mother must have told him, “He eats like a horse.” So he looked at him, “He doesn’t eat like a horse.” You see, they are so innocent sometimes, they say things by which you can get exposed completely. There are so many jokes about it. And if you write some books, writing the jokes of children, I tell you, people will just enjoy it because so innocently they say things which are nothing but the truth. And they cannot tell lies. They are so truthful. That’s the quality of innocence. They never tell lies. “You did this?” “Yes, I did.” “You didn’t do this?” “No, I didn’t do.” They never tell lies. It’s we, the grown-ups [that] teach them to how to tell lies, how to be cheating. Then we teach also our children another bad thing, that is: “You must possess everything.” Especially in the West [this] is a thing they do. They tell the child that, “This is yours. You should not give it to anyone, this is your own.” On the contrary, you should tell them, “You can do what you like.” Leave it to their innocence. You will be amazed: they will give up everything that they have. In such a beautiful manner they’ll behave, that you’ll be amazed how they try to please everyone, and try to do something to entertain you. All their capacity of this is so great that sometimes one wonders how these little things have developed these capacities. It is the blessings of Shri Ganesha. It’s His blessings that children are so very sweet and so much entertaining, and so beautiful. Try to become like them. We have to be like them. You might have read many books, you might have got lots of degrees, you might be something great, but you are not childlike. You have to be a childlike person, otherwise no one likes your company. We call them “bores,” but actually boring comes with the people who have no innocence in their heart. They are trying to tell you, “You must do this. If you want to be successful, you do that.” All these lectures are useless for children. In the same way, it should be within your own understanding that, “This is all nonsense they are talking.” As the children don’t care for what you suggest to them – to be nasty, to be horrid – in the same way, if you are innocent you will not accept it. You may listen to anything, let them tell you anything they want to, doesn’t matter. You will never do that, because you cannot—because you are innocent. And the innocence will guard you, it will give you proper guidance [of] what is to be done, what is not to be done. Now try to introspect and see for yourself: are you innocent or not? People think that somebody is trying to overpower you, is trying to harm you, is trying to put you down. Nobody can put down innocence. Innocence is a quality that survives all kinds of nonsense. And not only that, but age, your health, your mind, your thinking, and your emotions are extremely innocent, and you enjoy yourself. Nowadays there’s a big wave of shamelessness, sometimes. The people I have seen, they have no lajja. I don’t know, some men want to attract women and some women want to attract men. Children never do like that. They don’t know what is this, to attract men or to attract women, or attract anyone. They’ll try to please the dog, they’ll try to please a horse, but they are never, I have seen, going all out to attract someone. The reason is this: that their self-esteem is complete. They know about themselves fully. So why should they do all this nonsense of running after women, running after men, and creating problems for themselves? Their self-esteem is complete. Innocence is like that: it gives you a complete self-esteem. You don’t bow to anyone, nor you make anybody else to bow. This is the beauty of innocence, which works out so well within you. That’s why I always say that, “Worship Shri Ganesha.” I know of somebody who was very highly placed and suddenly, I was surprised how he was paralyzed. What happened? He was a very good man; he should not have been paralyzed. Then I found out that he had very bad intentions about women and that’s how he got this problem. So I told him, “You’d better worship Ganesha. You worship Shri Ganesha.” Worshipping the Shri Ganesha improves your Mooladhara, improves your sense of shame, improves your own dignity, self-esteem. You dress up in a way that shows that you respect your body. You talk in such a way that shows that you respect your tongue, your language. You cannot have a foul mouth if you are an innocent person. You cannot have a mind that can abuse or can say horrible words. I have seen, in America, they talk in such a funny manner that you are shocked. There’s no need to use these dirty words to express yourself; with that, your tongue is spoiled, so innocence is gone from your tongue. If you have lost innocence from your tongue, whatever you say will never come true. Will never come true. But if you are innocent, and your tongue is innocent and respects.… So the basic, as you can see: respect your innocence in every manner. Like, when you have to get angry with somebody or say something, just keep quiet – is the best way. Or else you must respect your tongue, respect your eyes. Some people have a very bad habit of roving their eyes all over, looking at women; or some women are like that. You don’t respect your eyes. Then they develop problems of the eyes. Not only that but the mind also. The mind gets so much ruined by this kind of behaviour that it has no sense. It cannot enjoy anything. Such a person cannot enjoy anything. If you are a person who respects your eyes, your nose, your ears, I tell you, you will be amazed: everything is so enjoyable. In this world there are so many things to be enjoyed, but people can’t hear anything that is good. There are birds who are chirping – they can’t hear. There are trees which are growing – they can’t see. There are flowers which have fragrance – they cannot smell. Because they are so much low in their self-esteem, because they are very low-level people, I should say, who cannot enjoy everything around. And they should be a source of enjoyment. You see children, how they are a source of enjoyment. Anybody who comes on the stage and runs about – how we enjoy. Why? Why do we enjoy a child running about? We don’t say he’s gone amok, or he’s drunk, but we enjoy the child. Why? What is the sweetness of that child that makes us so happy? Because that’s innocence. His power is innocence. And with that power he is just looking so sweet, so beautiful that it gives us the real joy within our heart. So the second thing is that innocence is joy-giving. Innocence gives joy to people. Anything said innocently, anything done innocently, is very, very joy-giving. And in that, you see the person so transparent, so beautiful, that you enjoy that transparency and that sanctified innocence. That’s why Ganesha is worshipped first, because Ganesha was the first Deity that was created by Adi Shakti. Because if She has to create something, She must know that there has to be the power of innocence, otherwise people will go wrong, they’ll do all kinds of wrong things. So first She created Ganesha, whose innocence – we can call the vibrations – are so strong that it controls. Of course, there are people who have abandoned completely their innocence and they think no end of themselves. Forget about them. But normally, you are always guided by your innocence, whether you are aware of it or not. And that is such a sweet thing, such a sweet thing that it makes people rise in their nobleness, in their greatness. And that is what we have to develop in us, the Sahaj Yogis. When Sahaj Yogis go anywhere, try to do anything, meet anybody, any social work, anything, people should feel that joy that you have within yourself. It’s for that joy only [that] the Adi Shakti created Shri Ganesha. Because that joy within you, of innocent joy – which doesn’t harm anybody, which doesn’t expect anything, which doesn’t demand anything, which doesn’t want anything, but is just emitting joy all over – that sort of a personality you should have. There’s nothing wrong in wearing good dresses, nothing wrong in eating good food, nothing wrong in having conversation with people, but in all that, it is the respect of the innocence, the expression of innocence should be there. With this innocence, we can solve the problems. All the problems of the world can be solved. That’s why Shri Ganesha is so important. If you do not have a proper understanding of Shri Ganesha, and if your Shri Ganesha is in a jeopardy, I don’t know what can happen to you. Today, these days, you see so many horrible diseases are coming because they are not sanctified, their relationships are not sanctified. Every relationship has to be sanctified with your innocence. Like, you have a sister, you have a mother, you have a brother, you have a father, you have all these relationships. And all these relationships, they are so good, so beautiful, and sanctified, because there is the relationship of innocence. You love your father out of innocence, and you love your daughter out of innocence, you love your mother out of innocence. Why should you love? For some sort of a gain? Then it’s cunning. For some sort of an overpowering? Then it’s cunning. It’s just love for love’s sake. That’s possible if you are innocent. So now I am happy [that] tomorrow you are all going to get married. And those people who are getting married should understand that it’s a sanctified marriage. It’s very important. It’s not like any other marriage. It’s the marriage taking place in My presence. So be careful! Now, if you do not want to marry, all right, finish it. You have been given a chance to know the person, to understand him. But afterwards, if you try to be funny, it’s going to be very difficult for you and for Me. I may give up having marriages. So I don’t like people to talk of divorce from the very first day. But, if there is really a problem, it’s all right; in Sahaja Yoga, we have allowed divorce. Not, say, the Catholic Church, they don’t allow divorce, so men have all kinds of relationships and women have all kinds of relationships. That’s not there. Instead of doing this kind of a nonsense, you can have a divorce. but it should be a very innocent happening. That if you are divorcing a person because your innocence is challenged, it’s all right. There I agree with you, that you should have. So preserve your innocence. In these modern times, it’s very important to preserve your innocence [so] that Shri Ganesh should be awakened within you, and also in other people. That is going to save this world. Nothing else, but the innocence that you have is going to save the world. Whatever you may know, whatever you may say, whatever you may write, please see that you are not hurting the innocence within you. It’s not necessary to lead a life of morality, this, that. What is needed is your innocence. Innocence itself gives you moral strength, moral understanding. You don’t have to read books for that, you don’t have to go to any guru for that. Innocence will guide you and tell you that, “This is what is Sahaj. This is what you have to have.” You all have got realization. It’s a very big thing that has happened to so many people. And I always want you to worship Shri Ganesh within you. Shri Ganesh is your innocence, it is the Spirit within you. When you want to know your Spirit, it is [with] Shri Ganesha you become one, one with Shri Ganesh. It is within you, and is absolutely possible for all of you to be completely enlightened by the power of Shri Ganesha. I am very happy that you have accepted all the marriages and you have decided to marry. But even now, if you say no, it’s better to finish it off. But don’t try any tricks and don’t try to be funny, because that is not going to help you in any way to enjoy your marriage. From the very first day, try to understand that you have to be very kind. Kind to your partner, very respectful, very caring, very loving. That’s a very important thing which people don’t understand. And do not take it for granted. It’s all right [that] because it’s a Sahaj marriage people take it for granted—no. Never take it for granted. If you want to have real joy, then have innocent love between yourselves, and enjoy yourself. May God bless you. Thank you.
Shri Ganesha Puja, “Your Innocence Will Save This World,” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 September 2000 Today, we have gathered here to do Ganesha Puja. I know very well that Ganesha is the symbol of purity, of sanctity, and worshipping the innocence. When you are worshipping Shri Ganesh, you have to know that He is the embodiment of innocence. I wonder if we understand the meaning of “innocence” or not. Innocence is a quality which is innate, which cannot be forced, which cannot be trained into. It’s just a quality, innate quality, within a human being. When he becomes Shri Ganesha’s disciple, he becomes an innocent person. Maybe you say that innocent persons are attacked by the cunning, by the aggressive, but innocence is such a great thing that it cannot be destroyed. It’s the quality of the Spirit. Innocence is the quality of the Spirit, and when this Spirit within you is awakened, you get the power of innocence, by which you overcome all that is negative, all that is wrong, all that is detrimental to your growth, spiritual understanding. So to be innocent is not possible. You have to be innocent, in the sense that you are innately innocent. This happens after Sahaja Yoga, after realization. And your power to fight all these wrong, negative feelings within you – and without – are absolutely supported, protected, by the Mother of Shri Ganesh. It’s difficult these days to tell somebody about innocence. But you know the life of Christ: He was innocence. He didn’t know what sort of people He was around. He thought they were all innocent and so He was talking to them in a manner that nobody who was cunning would have done, because cunning always understands the cunning of others. And He said things which may not have been understood by people, but whatever He said had the vibrations of innocence. That should have put all these people in a proper sense, in a proper relationship with Him. But somehow, that was not the time perhaps for them to be realized souls. So the innocence of Ganesha was not that, we should say, defeated, but very much created an atmosphere of such sanctity and beauty that you can see in the life of Christ. I am happy you all have heard about your marriages. Why the marriage? What is the need to have a marriage? After all, these days people are living without marriage. But marriage means the sanctity of marriage; sanctity of your physical, mental, and emotional integration. If you do not have the sanctity and you live with a person, then it is not perfect. The children you will produce will not be all right. That’s why the marriage is necessary. And as you know, Christ went to attend a wedding. Why did He pay so much attention to a wedding? Because that sanctifies your relationships with each other. Anything is all right, but the relationship between husband and wife has to be sanctified, otherwise the children you produce could turn out to be anything. They may be robbers, they may be cheats, they may be liars, they may be very, very cruel people if there’s no sanctity about the marriage. That’s why He went to sanctify the marriage institution. But it’s absolutely wrong and nonsense that He created alcohol. What He did was to change the water into the taste of grape juice. Alcohol is called as “grape juice” in the Hebrew language. I mean, you can say, it is not called, but “wine” means alcohol as well as grape juice. But it cannot be, because instantly you cannot create alcohol. Alcohol takes time: it has to rot and rot and rot, then it becomes an alcohol. But if Christ has made it in such a Sahaj manner, spontaneously, how can it be an alcohol that intoxicates? So, many people, especially in the Christian religion, believe that Christ sanctified wine, which is absolutely wrong. He never sanctified alcohol. He changed the grape juice [water] into wine [grape] taste. The other day I happened to meet a person, as you know him, Romano Battaglia. And he said, “Mother, You give me realization.” I said, “All right, get me some water.” He brought some water, I put My fingers into it, and then he tested and said, “Mother, it tastes like wine.” I said, “That’s it. That’s what Christ has done.” So, there is no sanctity of alcohol. How can you expect Christ to do something like that, by which your awareness absolutely goes wrong? Those people who drink, you know, are not normal people. Something goes wrong with their brains. When they drive, they create problems. When they are talking to somebody, you can make out that they are not normal. They try to be very aggressive. Sometimes they can be very passive also. Mostly they are very aggressive and very much behaving in a manner that doesn’t behove a human being. So, we must understand that this wine, so-called, which is being fermented for days together, is very wrong and against the spiritual life. All those countries where alcohol is accepted as a very sanctified thing are just going to the dogs. It is against Shri Ganesh. It’s against innocence. And so such a person can become very cunning, very shrewd, very dominating—all kinds of bad things can come through him. And one cannot trust a person who drinks and becomes a drunkard. He can get after his wife, his children, anybody, and try to destroy their lives because he knows he is himself destroyed. So the one thing one has to understand: innocence doesn’t allow you to have anything like that, that goes against your awareness. Your human awareness is very important. That must be respected. Anything that you take that spoils your awareness or spoils your health is all wrong, especially for Sahaj Yogis. You have to keep your health all right. How do you keep your health all right? By avoiding all such things which destroy your health. So the married life is a sanctified life, is a life which is being blessed. Now we have priests, but I would say in Sahaja Yoga they [the marriages] are all blessed by Me. So one should understand that this is a very big thing that you have got. But there are many I have known who come round saying, “Mother, we want a divorce. We are trying to make up a good marriage.” All kinds of stories they tell me. If you know it’s a sanctified marriage – it is a marriage which has been done under all the ceremonies of Sahaja Yoga – it cannot be a bad marriage. But if you are bad, nobody can help you. If you have funny ideas about marriages, you should try to correct it. If you want to marry in Sahaja Yoga, then please see that you respect the sanctity of married life. I know sometimes women can be bad, men can be bad, there can be problems. But a person who is wise will try to endure all that because she wants or he wants to respect the sanctity of marriage. This one is a very contradictory thing then, it comes to, that Christ was born without the marriage and Ganesha was also born without the marriage. They Themselves are sanctity. They don’t need any sanctity from outside. They are innocence, and for innocent people, they don’t need any kind of a ritual or a kind of a ceremony. That’s how They have been born – absolutely pure – of innocence. But that doesn’t mean that we should take Their example into ourselves. They were Divine personalities, and They were to be born like that. While we have to be sanctified and leading a sanctified life. This is a difference between an incarnation and a human being. It’s easy to criticize incarnations. Very simple to criticize them. All incarnations have been criticized by human beings because human beings cannot understand them. But try to be really very pure and innocent, and then you will understand that why their lives were on a different line, different style. Now if you say, “We can develop innocence, Mother,” you cannot. Which is the way to become innocent? In Sahaja Yoga, we have a proper method how we can become innocent. It happens through our thoughtless awareness. If you are in the state of thoughtless awareness, then what happens [is] you do not react, you do not get involved into wrong things, you do not get involved into any discussions, arguments, but you just watch and the innocence within you rises beautifully, like a lotus rises out of a dirty pond. So whatever may be the circumstances, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you do not react. That is the sign of innocence. And people who do not react keep young. They will never show their age, they keep young. Because to react is not a very good thing; [it] makes you get involved into another person. But if you don’t react, if you are just watching and you are a witness, then you don’t get involved into anything, you are away from it. And that’s how your innocence grows and you get very confident. I have read a story about a Chinese king who went to a saint and asked him that he wants some boon from him. He said, “What?” He said, “I want my son to be developed into a person who can face all kinds of people. Whatever people may do, he should be able to face them.” He said, “All right, you leave your son with me.” So, when the arguments started, when the fighting started, his son was just standing straight, watching everything in thoughtless awareness. So, everybody from the arena went back. They all went away. And they couldn’t stand the innocence of this boy, who was very young. And the king was surprised how his son could face all of them, all their arguments, all their aggression, and all kinds of horrible things they said to him. If anybody says anything to you, you should just be innocent. At that time, your power of innocence will show that this person who is trying to dominate you, to trouble you, is very much in the wrong. And the person himself might realize that, “I am doing all these things and this fellow, the one on whom I am trying to dominate, is not taking any note of it.” So he feels very weak. He thinks he has no power to dominate a person. So this is [what] we have now as Sahaj Yogis: we can get into thoughtless awareness. Try to reduce your reactions, [your] reaction to anything. People have such funny ideas about themselves that they react. Now for example, somebody showed me those carpets: I have started watching, I was very happy, and they told Me all the Sahaja Yoginis have made this with their hands, so beautifully. Well! It was really so joyful to know that they have done it. But if I was a very normal person, I would have said, “Oh, my God. What a colour! What a thing,” like that. So whatever they have done, I can’t even enjoy that. One thing is, the enjoyment is lost. For a child, enjoyment is complete. Whatever he sees, he makes a joyful thing out of it. You look at children: I have seen children, they find anything, they make a toy out of it. The other day, we had gone to Genoa and I saw there were big blocks kept there. Some children came from somewhere, they just climbed on that and made horses out of them and were enjoying them. You see, they find anything, any space, and they make a joyful thing for themselves, a play for them. For them, life is also a play, just a thing of enjoyment. And they make you also enjoy everything. If you are not in a good mood, they’ll come and behave in such a manner that you’ll have to come round and become a very simple, natural person. So to see a simple, natural person, we always say that they are like children. This means they do not understand the cunning, they do not understand the stupidity of the people, and they live in their own world of innocence. In the same way, all the Sahaja Yogis have to develop that aura around them. Let people see you, how innocent you are, how sweet you are. No arguments, no quarrelling, no fighting is needed. It is just the inner satisfaction of thoughtless awareness. Many people say, “Mother, we cannot become thoughtless.” Why? Why can’t you become thoughtless? Because all the time, whatever you see, you want to react. If you gradually start stopping reaction – introspect yourself. See for yourself. If you are all the time trying to react, tell your mind to behave itself. If there’s any reaction, you just don’t say anything. Keep quiet. Gradually, you will be amazed and surprised how you become thoughtlessly aware, how beautiful you become. And everybody who sees you will know that you are something different, you are not like the normal person. But the normal reaction of human beings is that if there’s a quarrel going on, say, on the street, everybody will join in the quarrel. They like to fight. They want to be part and parcel of that quarrel or fight or whatever it is. They don’t want to get out of it. At that time, if you just have your innocence, that will act. I told you, innocence is the Spirit, and Spirit is the innocence, which cannot be destroyed by anything. The fact is that it cannot be destroyed by anything, and it can be re-established through Sahaja Yoga. You might have been a very aggressive person, you might have been a very unhappy person, you might have been a person who is all the time disturbing others, maybe, but after Sahaja Yoga, you can make your personality so sweet and beautiful that not only you can enjoy but others can also enjoy. This innocence is something which is absolute, honest, intelligence. It is not that it works for some purpose, but it’s purposeless. It’s absolutely purposeless. And thus it achieves that height of joy because there is no purpose in anything. It sees the futility of all kinds of endeavours that we have and it just enjoys. “Why are people running up and down? Why are they fighting?” [It] just stands up and sees that, “Why should they do it?” – like that. Some may think they are all right, there’s nothing wrong with them, but it’s not so. Innocence is something, I told you, is an innate quality, and you should not deceive yourself by thinking you are innocent. On the contrary, you just put some introspection upon yourself and see for yourself: what have you been doing so far as far as others are concerned? What is your attitude? I have already talked to you about emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the expression of innocence. It is the expression of Shri Ganesha within you. Children who are gifted with this will always try to please you. They know what you want, what you need. They’ll give you all the joy that you want. They’ll do all the things that you like, just to please you. They don’t have their own wants. They don’t want to have their own demands. They never say, “I want this,” “You do for me” – never. They just want to see what you want, what do you want to have, and they put all the effort to supply you with that, whatever you want. It’s very interesting how the children behave towards others, elders. Just like, I would say, a great understanding, we should say, like a very elderly personality. So, in innocence, you become extremely grown-up, matured. Very matured. With that maturity, you know what this person needs and what the other person should not have. And the way they establish is very interesting. Children are the most interesting things, I think, in the world. For Me, roses are very beautiful, but children are the most interesting things. And they teach you so many things that you are surprised at their innocence. So many jokes are there about the children – how they behave, how they talk. And they are so innocent that they will tell everything to everyone. They have no way of hiding anything, it’s very difficult. I know one joke…a gentleman came to the house for dinner; so, the child was looking at him very intensely. And then he says, “Mother, he doesn’t eat like a horse, as you told me!” So everybody was shocked. “You see, he doesn’t eat like a horse!” Mother must have told him, “He eats like a horse.” So he looked at him, “He doesn’t eat like a horse.” You see, they are so innocent sometimes, they say things by which you can get exposed completely. There are so many jokes about it. And if you write some books, writing the jokes of children, I tell you, people will just enjoy it because so innocently they say things which are nothing but the truth. And they cannot tell lies. They are so truthful. That’s the quality of innocence. They never tell lies. “You did this?” “Yes, I did.” “You didn’t do this?” “No, I didn’t do.” They never tell lies. It’s we, the grown-ups [that] teach them to how to tell lies, how to be cheating. Then we teach also our children another bad thing, that is: “You must possess everything.” Especially in the West [this] is a thing they do. They tell the child that, “This is yours. You should not give it to anyone, this is your own.” On the contrary, you should tell them, “You can do what you like.” Leave it to their innocence. You will be amazed: they will give up everything that they have. In such a beautiful manner they’ll behave, that you’ll be amazed how they try to please everyone, and try to do something to entertain you. All their capacity of this is so great that sometimes one wonders how these little things have developed these capacities. It is the blessings of Shri Ganesha. It’s His blessings that children are so very sweet and so much entertaining, and so beautiful. Try to become like them. We have to be like them. You might have read many books, you might have got lots of degrees, you might be something great, but you are not childlike. You have to be a childlike person, otherwise no one likes your company. We call them “bores,” but actually boring comes with the people who have no innocence in their heart. They are trying to tell you, “You must do this. If you want to be successful, you do that.” All these lectures are useless for children. In the same way, it should be within your own understanding that, “This is all nonsense they are talking.” As the children don’t care for what you suggest to them – to be nasty, to be horrid – in the same way, if you are innocent you will not accept it. You may listen to anything, let them tell you anything they want to, doesn’t matter. You will never do that, because you cannot—because you are innocent. And the innocence will guard you, it will give you proper guidance [of] what is to be done, what is not to be done. Now try to introspect and see for yourself: are you innocent or not? People think that somebody is trying to overpower you, is trying to harm you, is trying to put you down. Nobody can put down innocence. Innocence is a quality that survives all kinds of nonsense. And not only that, but age, your health, your mind, your thinking, and your emotions are extremely innocent, and you enjoy yourself. Nowadays there’s a big wave of shamelessness, sometimes. The people I have seen, they have no lajja. I don’t know, some men want to attract women and some women want to attract men. Children never do like that. They don’t know what is this, to attract men or to attract women, or attract anyone. They’ll try to please the dog, they’ll try to please a horse, but they are never, I have seen, going all out to attract someone. The reason is this: that their self-esteem is complete. They know about themselves fully. So why should they do all this nonsense of running after women, running after men, and creating problems for themselves? Their self-esteem is complete. Innocence is like that: it gives you a complete self-esteem. You don’t bow to anyone, nor you make anybody else to bow. This is the beauty of innocence, which works out so well within you. That’s why I always say that, “Worship Shri Ganesha.” I know of somebody who was very highly placed and suddenly, I was surprised how he was paralyzed. What happened? He was a very good man; he should not have been paralyzed. Then I found out that he had very bad intentions about women and that’s how he got this problem. So I told him, “You’d better worship Ganesha. You worship Shri Ganesha.” Worshipping the Shri Ganesha improves your Mooladhara, improves your sense of shame, improves your own dignity, self-esteem. You dress up in a way that shows that you respect your body. You talk in such a way that shows that you respect your tongue, your language. You cannot have a foul mouth if you are an innocent person. You cannot have a mind that can abuse or can say horrible words. I have seen, in America, they talk in such a funny manner that you are shocked. There’s no need to use these dirty words to express yourself; with that, your tongue is spoiled, so innocence is gone from your tongue. If you have lost innocence from your tongue, whatever you say will never come true. Will never come true. But if you are innocent, and your tongue is innocent and respects.… So the basic, as you can see: respect your innocence in every manner. Like, when you have to get angry with somebody or say something, just keep quiet – is the best way. Or else you must respect your tongue, respect your eyes. Some people have a very bad habit of roving their eyes all over, looking at women; or some women are like that. You don’t respect your eyes. Then they develop problems of the eyes. Not only that but the mind also. The mind gets so much ruined by this kind of behaviour that it has no sense. It cannot enjoy anything. Such a person cannot enjoy anything. If you are a person who respects your eyes, your nose, your ears, I tell you, you will be amazed: everything is so enjoyable. In this world there are so many things to be enjoyed, but people can’t hear anything that is good. There are birds who are chirping – they can’t hear. There are trees which are growing – they can’t see. There are flowers which have fragrance – they cannot smell. Because they are so much low in their self-esteem, because they are very low-level people, I should say, who cannot enjoy everything around. And they should be a source of enjoyment. You see children, how they are a source of enjoyment. Anybody who comes on the stage and runs about – how we enjoy. Why? Why do we enjoy a child running about? We don’t say he’s gone amok, or he’s drunk, but we enjoy the child. Why? What is the sweetness of that child that makes us so happy? Because that’s innocence. His power is innocence. And with that power he is just looking so sweet, so beautiful that it gives us the real joy within our heart. So the second thing is that innocence is joy-giving. Innocence gives joy to people. Anything said innocently, anything done innocently, is very, very joy-giving. And in that, you see the person so transparent, so beautiful, that you enjoy that transparency and that sanctified innocence. That’s why Ganesha is worshipped first, because Ganesha was the first Deity that was created by Adi Shakti. Because if She has to create something, She must know that there has to be the power of innocence, otherwise people will go wrong, they’ll do all kinds of wrong things. So first She created Ganesha, whose innocence – we can call the vibrations – are so strong that it controls. Of course, there are people who have abandoned completely their innocence and they think no end of themselves. Forget about them. But normally, you are always guided by your innocence, whether you are aware of it or not. And that is such a sweet thing, such a sweet thing that it makes people rise in their nobleness, in their greatness. And that is what we have to develop in us, the Sahaj Yogis. When Sahaj Yogis go anywhere, try to do anything, meet anybody, any social work, anything, people should feel that joy that you have within yourself. It’s for that joy only [that] the Adi Shakti created Shri Ganesha. Because that joy within you, of innocent joy – which doesn’t harm anybody, which doesn’t expect anything, which doesn’t demand anything, which doesn’t want anything, but is just emitting joy all over – that sort of a personality you should have. There’s nothing wrong in wearing good dresses, nothing wrong in eating good food, nothing wrong in having conversation with people, but in all that, it is the respect of the innocence, the expression of innocence should be there. With this innocence, we can solve the problems. All the problems of the world can be solved. That’s why Shri Ganesha is so important. If you do not have a proper understanding of Shri Ganesha, and if your Shri Ganesha is in a jeopardy, I don’t know what can happen to you. Today, these days, you see so many horrible diseases are coming because they are not sanctified, their relationships are not sanctified. Every relationship has to be sanctified with your innocence. Like, you have a sister, you have a mother, you have a brother, you have a father, you have all these relationships. And all these relationships, they are so good, so beautiful, and sanctified, because there is the relationship of innocence. You love your father out of innocence, and you love your daughter out of innocence, you love your mother out of innocence. Why should you love? For some sort of a gain? Then it’s cunning. For some sort of an overpowering? Then it’s cunning. It’s just love for love’s sake. That’s possible if you are innocent. So now I am happy [that] tomorrow you are all going to get married. And those people who are getting married should understand that it’s a sanctified marriage. It’s very important. It’s not like any other marriage. It’s the marriage taking place in My presence. So be careful! Now, if you do not want to marry, all right, finish it. You have been given a chance to know the person, to understand him. But afterwards, if you try to be funny, it’s going to be very difficult for you and for Me. I may give up having marriages. So I don’t like people to talk of divorce from the very first day. But, if there is really a problem, it’s all right; in Sahaja Yoga, we have allowed divorce. Not, say, the Catholic Church, they don’t allow divorce, so men have all kinds of relationships and women have all kinds of relationships. That’s not there. Instead of doing this kind of a nonsense, you can have a divorce. but it should be a very innocent happening. That if you are divorcing a person because your innocence is challenged, it’s all right. There I agree with you, that you should have. So preserve your innocence. In these modern times, it’s very important to preserve your innocence [so] that Shri Ganesh should be awakened within you, and also in other people. That is going to save this world. Nothing else, but the innocence that you have is going to save the world. Whatever you may know, whatever you may say, whatever you may write, please see that you are not hurting the innocence within you. It’s not necessary to lead a life of morality, this, that. What is needed is your innocence. Innocence itself gives you moral strength, moral understanding. You don’t have to read books for that, you don’t have to go to any guru for that. Innocence will guide you and tell you that, “This is what is Sahaj. This is what you have to have.” You all have got realization. It’s a very big thing that has happened to so many people. And I always want you to worship Shri Ganesh within you. Shri Ganesh is your innocence, it is the Spirit within you. When you want to know your Spirit, it is [with] Shri Ganesha you become one, one with Shri Ganesh. It is within you, and is absolutely possible for all of you to be completely enlightened by the power of Shri Ganesha. I am very happy that you have accepted all the marriages and you have decided to marry. But even now, if you say no, it’s better to finish it off. But don’t try any tricks and don’t try to be funny, because that is not going to help you in any way to enjoy your marriage. From the very first day, try to understand that you have to be very kind. Kind to your partner, very respectful, very caring, very loving. That’s a very important thing which people don’t understand. And do not take it for granted. It’s all right [that] because it’s a Sahaj marriage people take it for granted—no. Never take it for granted. If you want to have real joy, then have innocent love between yourselves, and enjoy yourself. May God bless you. Thank you.
Talk To Bridegrooms and Marriages
Cabella Ligure
H. H. S H R I M A T A J I N I R M A L A D E V I Weddings, Talk To Bridegrooms Palazzo Doria, Cabella Ligure (Italy), September 17th, 2000 I didn’t give any lecture to the girls. I think it is more the responsibility of the men to make their marriages successful. Men have to understand that marriage is a very important part of your life. And your time and respect should be given for that. The way you care for your wife from the very beginning helps you a lot. You try and understand what she wants, what are her demands, anything - try to see that you show her your interest in her. From the very first day, be careful not to neglect her and to misunderstand her. She comes from another country, so she has her own upbringing, her own ideas - try to understand and respect them. Marriage is all joy, but you must take it up very seriously. It’s not just a joke. Specially in Sahaja Yoga, one should understand that marriage is a very important thing, by which you have a couple which are sanctified. And they carry the responsibility of making the Sahaja Yoga very successful. Sahaja Yoga is a great thing, because it can transform the whole world into a very beautiful place. And you are responsible for that. As men, you should understand your responsibility as a great person, who is the, sort of a head of the family. I - yesterday I told you that I don’t believe in divorce, but I expect you to be very good husbands, who will give all love, all affection, all care to your wives. In Sahaja Yoga, men and women are absolutely equal. They may not be similar, but they are absolutely equal. And they are complementary to each other. You should not think that your life is the most important one, and that your wife is something negligible. I have seen most of the marriages in Sahaja Yoga are successful, and they have very nice children also. Marriages only fail when there is the play of ego. That is more with men than women normally. And that can ruin the lives of your wife and yourself, your children. Women are sensible, but they can tolerate up to a point. So we should see how much wisdom you have, to make a good family – that is what we need. With good families only, we’ll have good children and we’ll have a universal Sahaja Yoga. So, please, do not have expectations about yourself, but about your wife – what she wants, what her desires are, what her needs are, you must look after that side. As men, you have responsibility. You are not marrying just for marriage’s sake, but you have a responsibility. At least 95% Sahaja Yoga marriages are successful, and very beautiful children are born, children are born to Sahaja Yogis who are sensible. But if you have any problem, you must tell Me and we’ll try to help you. Sahaja Yoga is one big, global family. So you have also your responsibility to the whole organization of Sahaja Yoga. She is coming from another family, another country, another atmosphere. So try to make her understand and adjust herself. So don’t try to find faults with her, but make her feel comfortable and happy, then she can grow in Sahaja Yoga very well. And your children must respect the mother, absolutely. As you respect Me, your children should also respect their mother. I’m sure you are going to have a very nice time, if you are sensible about your marriage. There is no force in Sahaja Yoga. You have decided to marry in Sahaja Yoga and so the marriage has taken place. I haven’t told anything to the ladies this time, because they look so sensible, so anxious and looking for the future. I think always men should try to understand the responsibility of a married life, more than women. Innately, the women know and understand that it’s important that their married life should be successful. But I’ve found out sometimes the men take them for granted – that should not be such. For everything she does for you, and with all love and affection, you must appreciate it. You should appreciate her, that’s the only way you can show your love to her. You know, in Sahaja Yoga we don’t allow men to go about with other women, or women going about with other men. It’s not allowed at all, no way. I think you are all sensible and you will understand your responsibility, marrying a Sahaja Yogini – you are not marrying an ordinary woman, you are marrying a Sahaja Yogini and you pay all the due to her. That’s how you will glorify Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all. [Later at the hangar, at the end of the marriage ceremony - while one of the brides talks about her husband, Shri Mataji says probably aside: “Not yet. Very good”. Ultimately, after all bridegrooms and brides have talked, Shri Mataji takes the microphone] Congratulations to all of you. (Applause) It’s a very beautiful experience for me also, to see you all are married so happily with each other, and assuring Me that you’ll lead a very happy and congenial married life. I’m sure you can do it. It’s not so difficult. In Sahaja Yoga you know how to love and how to express love. And these marriages are based on Divine love, that’s even purer, much higher and much more joy-giving. So I bless you all with My, all My heart, that you all enjoy your married life. Enjoy is the point. If you cannot enjoy your married life, it will be a misery. So I want to tell you, whatever is there, learn how to enjoy everything. That’s the best way you can do it. Just now, as you were telling about your names and describing, I felt such a collective feeling within you to understand each other, appreciate each other, and to feel the joy together. That’s something great that’s in Sahaja Yoga. So may God bless you, with all My heart I bless you. (Applause) Guido: Bolo Jagan Mata Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki! Yogis: Jai!
H. H. S H R I M A T A J I N I R M A L A D E V I Weddings, Talk To Bridegrooms Palazzo Doria, Cabella Ligure (Italy), September 17th, 2000 I didn’t give any lecture to the girls. I think it is more the responsibility of the men to make their marriages successful. Men have to understand that marriage is a very important part of your life. And your time and respect should be given for that. The way you care for your wife from the very beginning helps you a lot. You try and understand what she wants, what are her demands, anything - try to see that you show her your interest in her. From the very first day, be careful not to neglect her and to misunderstand her. She comes from another country, so she has her own upbringing, her own ideas - try to understand and respect them. Marriage is all joy, but you must take it up very seriously. It’s not just a joke. Specially in Sahaja Yoga, one should understand that marriage is a very important thing, by which you have a couple which are sanctified. And they carry the responsibility of making the Sahaja Yoga very successful. Sahaja Yoga is a great thing, because it can transform the whole world into a very beautiful place. And you are responsible for that. As men, you should understand your responsibility as a great person, who is the, sort of a head of the family. I - yesterday I told you that I don’t believe in divorce, but I expect you to be very good husbands, who will give all love, all affection, all care to your wives. In Sahaja Yoga, men and women are absolutely equal. They may not be similar, but they are absolutely equal. And they are complementary to each other. You should not think that your life is the most important one, and that your wife is something negligible. I have seen most of the marriages in Sahaja Yoga are successful, and they have very nice children also. Marriages only fail when there is the play of ego. That is more with men than women normally. And that can ruin the lives of your wife and yourself, your children. Women are sensible, but they can tolerate up to a point. So we should see how much wisdom you have, to make a good family – that is what we need. With good families only, we’ll have good children and we’ll have a universal Sahaja Yoga. So, please, do not have expectations about yourself, but about your wife – what she wants, what her desires are, what her needs are, you must look after that side. As men, you have responsibility. You are not marrying just for marriage’s sake, but you have a responsibility. At least 95% Sahaja Yoga marriages are successful, and very beautiful children are born, children are born to Sahaja Yogis who are sensible. But if you have any problem, you must tell Me and we’ll try to help you. Sahaja Yoga is one big, global family. So you have also your responsibility to the whole organization of Sahaja Yoga. She is coming from another family, another country, another atmosphere. So try to make her understand and adjust herself. So don’t try to find faults with her, but make her feel comfortable and happy, then she can grow in Sahaja Yoga very well. And your children must respect the mother, absolutely. As you respect Me, your children should also respect their mother. I’m sure you are going to have a very nice time, if you are sensible about your marriage. There is no force in Sahaja Yoga. You have decided to marry in Sahaja Yoga and so the marriage has taken place. I haven’t told anything to the ladies this time, because they look so sensible, so anxious and looking for the future. I think always men should try to understand the responsibility of a married life, more than women. Innately, the women know and understand that it’s important that their married life should be successful. But I’ve found out sometimes the men take them for granted – that should not be such. For everything she does for you, and with all love and affection, you must appreciate it. You should appreciate her, that’s the only way you can show your love to her. You know, in Sahaja Yoga we don’t allow men to go about with other women, or women going about with other men. It’s not allowed at all, no way. I think you are all sensible and you will understand your responsibility, marrying a Sahaja Yogini – you are not marrying an ordinary woman, you are marrying a Sahaja Yogini and you pay all the due to her. That’s how you will glorify Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all. [Later at the hangar, at the end of the marriage ceremony - while one of the brides talks about her husband, Shri Mataji says probably aside: “Not yet. Very good”. Ultimately, after all bridegrooms and brides have talked, Shri Mataji takes the microphone] Congratulations to all of you. (Applause) It’s a very beautiful experience for me also, to see you all are married so happily with each other, and assuring Me that you’ll lead a very happy and congenial married life. I’m sure you can do it. It’s not so difficult. In Sahaja Yoga you know how to love and how to express love. And these marriages are based on Divine love, that’s even purer, much higher and much more joy-giving. So I bless you all with My, all My heart, that you all enjoy your married life. Enjoy is the point. If you cannot enjoy your married life, it will be a misery. So I want to tell you, whatever is there, learn how to enjoy everything. That’s the best way you can do it. Just now, as you were telling about your names and describing, I felt such a collective feeling within you to understand each other, appreciate each other, and to feel the joy together. That’s something great that’s in Sahaja Yoga. So may God bless you, with all My heart I bless you. (Applause) Guido: Bolo Jagan Mata Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki! Yogis: Jai!
On Torsion Area
Public Program
2000-09-23 VIP Reception, London, UK, DP-RAW I bow to all the seekers of Truth. These are special times that we have so many seekers of Truth. Surprisingly so many people these days want to know what is the truth. And the result some of them are lost also. But what is the truth, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions this intelligence so called but you are the true spirit. All the scriptures have said that unless and until you know yourselves how you will know the divine. Because if we don’t know ourselves really we are not equipped to know the divine and so to know yourself is so important. This one is a thing people don’t understand because mostly they are written in poetry. And all of them has said that you should know yourself but how would you know yourself your self is within and not without. So how to enter inside to know yourself is the problem. This problem is really so great that keeps out many people from the knowledge of knowing. Now I must tell you about myself that I myself has felt that people have a big big problem of knowing themselves though I knew myself very well. How to make others knowledgeable about themselves so I tried first to see problems of the people . Many people that my own I should say my subtler intelligence what’s the matter why can’t they feel themselves why can’t they understand themselves what is the problem in their being that they can’t see and I must have tried to see many many people and I realized that there must be some way by which you can find out the method by which people can get the self realization in a collective way because any discovery is for one person or for one or two person at the most is of no help on the contrary those who were self realized people were all tortured troubled suffered crucified you know that very well so if it happens collectively it would be solving many problems. Because I know if you become yourself, you become really transformed and you become a very different person. Now if you see the problems we have now in those days are terrible problems and most of them are from human beings. Not from other calamities but mostly from human beings because human beings are in ignorance and they start finding their own groups or things like that. You have all kinds of violence, all kinds of atrocities and God knows all the things I think. All these problems can be solved, I knew if they are transformed but now how to transform was the problem? So I told you that I studied many, many people. Thank God my father was a very social-minded fellow, my husband also, I could meet many people and then I realized that this power of Kundalini which is at the base of your spinal cord is not awakened in them. It’s still sleeping. If it is awakened, then the problem can be solved. This, like the prelude in seed, you see. It is resting there. It’s not yet awakened. So I said to myself, I must learn how to awaken this Kundalini. If I could do that, then we can also do it collectively. I can work it out. After some time, I really discovered the method by which we could awaken the Kundalini of many people but first, it started with one person and about twelve and later on, you know now, we can awaken the Kundalini of many people. And those who are awakened and are keeping it can awaken the Kundalini of many others. So they become entitled (?), become like masters. And they can give realization to others. They say that now Sahaja Yoga is in ninety-six country. That’s what they say. Whatever it is, it is only because some people got realization, mastered it and they went out and did it. You’ll be amazed in the country like Benin, which was all Islamic country, there are 9,000 Sahaja yogis. There are seven countries there which were governed by the French. They all are in it. So you can understand how it was necessary that people should have their self-realisation. So they become special people, very peaceful, very wise, very sensible and empowered with this Kundalini to give a temperament which is above all the useless thinking and fighting and all of these things. It just happens. It has to happen is the point. If it doesn’t happen, you cannot argue it out. So then when the Kundalini rises she goes through these centres which have been told already, passes through your fontanel bone area and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine. And historians call this Torsion area. He says this is Torsion area, how he found the theory of relativity says that he was tired, absolutely fed up. So he went into the garden and was playing with soap bubbles and then somebody come from somewhere, he said, from the unknown area, the knowledge came to him. So that’s the area of absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. You don’t get knowledge which is relative but absolute. And you can see for yourself how correctly it is. For example, now, there was this national health of, you must have heard about natural health in America. It’s an Institute specially formed to investigate all kinds of news and a new type of adventure about health. And then there was one doctor who asked a Sahaja Yogini. She’s just not a doctor, nothing. All right tell me what’s wrong with me. She said something wrong with her heart. He was amazed. It was only a month back, he had bypass surgery. So you see this is when it happens to you and they’ve shown you here, you can feel on the fingertips, there are different centres. Now, these centres if you see, six of them are above the Kundalini and the seventh one is below there. Now all these six centers and even the seventh one are responsible for our physical, emotional and also our spiritual being. It helps us to be nourished through their energies. They have limited energy and when that energy finishes, we develop them all kinds of physical, emotional and other problems, you can call it psychological problems and we do not know why. But when you get your self-realization, then most of your problems are solved automatically. If not, you know what’s wrong with it and you know also how to cure yourself. If you know how to cure yourself and to get out right you can cure others also because you develop a new dimension which we call as collective consciousness. Who is the other? In this world, who is the other? We are all part and parcel of the same being. So we start feeling, start feeling very clearly on your fingertips, not only your centres but also their centres. And you can cure it if you know how to cure. You can cure your centres as well as cure other people’s. But first of all, you must establish yourself properly. Some people just after one realisation I should have called one seating, they are masters. Really I’ve seen some people being there. But then some people have some kind of problems still on the centres and the Kundalini goes back to that so what you have to do is to learn if any centre is in trouble, how to cure it. That’s all. It’s very simple. You don’t have to be a doctor, philosopher or psychologist or anything. It’s only, as long as you are a human being, you can do it. But, you see the thing is that I think as people say that there’s a defect in Sahaja Yoga, that you don’t charge any money. And they’ve been asking me questions, why don’t you charge money. Now I’ve just told them, that it’s a living process of your evolution. When you sew the seed, how much does the seed charge, or what the gardener charges the seed? It just sprouts by itself. It has that power built in. In the same way, this power is built-in in all of you. You have to have faith in yourself with the (?)that we have that power and why don’t we achieve it? For that, you can’t pay. You can pay for the hall, you can pay for other thing but not for the awakening of the Kundalini. There’s no need. What value will you put for it? It is something very different and you deserve it, that’s why you get it. As simple as that. So you develop the collective consciousness. Apart from that, what happens is that you go beyond the mind. You become one with the torsion area as they call it but you can say the all-pervading power of Divine Love. In other languages, this called Dhruv (?) also. When you become that, when you are connected with that, then what you have to do is to just use that power, that energy. So in countries like India and many others, they believed in all the elements as if the elements have the power. Is the energy, the Divine energy that works. But that you cannot understand unless and until you have got it, that connection with the Divine power. Everybody can get their power, there’s no separation according to your caste, community, race, anything. Is every human being can get their realisation and the time as well. The time has come because is the last judgement, what you think and what you get is very important. You should decide as to know the knowledge, to get to yourself to your spirit. Once you have it, you’ll be amazed at how you know so many things about others and about this. It’s a remarkable thing that is within but we are not yet aware of it perhaps, we haven’t got it. For this, this collective consciousness is so beautiful. You see sitting here you can know about anybody. Sitting here you can cure anybody. You can do so many things, I mean you are capable of doing, you can become an expert in this. And I mean you can solve the problem of this world. It is a global activity. It’s nothing to do with your boundaries of your country or anything. It’s very global and then it works. It works globally. So we’ll have to have one global feeling, awareness within yourself, which it works out. Thoughtless awareness is very, very important because thoughtless awareness is the one where you become connected with the Divine power. Then you do not think, what is there to think? The Divine power is thinking for you. By thinking about what happens you become very reactive. You react to everything. Everything you see, you react. You cannot witness it. Everything he wants to react. Now everybody has different reactions. All fighting a lot. Once you see something and you can become absolutely a witness, then you develop that witness stage which is very important. That way I don’t know how many thousand lectures I’ve given, but one has to understand that unless and until you desire it, it can’t happen. Because it’s a pure desire. Kundalini is the power of pure desire. If you do not have that pure desire, nobody can force you to have it. It cannot be forced. You cannot propagate like that. It is a desire of the people that act, and works. Now we have so many types of ideas, as far as religion is concerned. As far as incarnations are concerned, I mean all sorts. But what have you achieved out of them? Have you got your self-realisation? Have you known yourself? That’s the main question you should ask and then take to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga means, Sahaj means spontaneous, Yoga means union with the Divine. That first thing should happen. Now many people have asked me what about Patanjali Yoga and this yoga and that? That time, long time back, Patanjali yoga started. It was the other way round that they used to first cleanse your body, cleanse your mind, then they used to give you realisation to one person among at least one lakh of people. So you can imagine, what must be the progress. I just thought of it this way, that why not give them realization first. If they have their realisation, then they can see for themselves what’s wrong with them and then they’ll correct it. It’s better. These days, to say something to someone is so difficult you know. When you see yourself you’re in difficulty and then you see yourself, there’s something wrong with you, you definitely will cure it. And this is the other way around it started and it has worked wonders. And I think it has worked everywhere very well and it should work also in England. I’ve lived here very long in England but I must say Sahaja Yoga is not that fast as it could have been. I don’t know what is the reason for that. And today is a very good day when you all people are here, so eminent people. So capable people, that if you take it up, you can save the whole world. Not only you can save yourself but you can save the whole world. It is very important to understand what you are. Most importantly, you don’t know what you are. Tomorrow some drunkards tell you that you have got cancer. In Sahaja Yoga, immediately you’ll know that you have to develop some sort of thin air (?). Also, you’ll know how to cure it. This is just for the disease but there are other things we do which we should not have done but we do it because it is a mind that is very compulsive and makes you do things which you should not do but only through Sahaja Yoga, you will know that this is destructive. You should know what is constructive and what is destructive. All that knowledge you can get. There are people who tell all kinds of stories I’ve heard from some gurus also that they’ve said you can’t get Gyanamarg). This is a Gyanamarg. Gyan means knowledge. You should, you are all are pravruti margi This it’s actually an abuse. Meaning you run after everything, this is sort of person (?). And that you tried pravruti marg . So, give it to the gurus. You come to the guru. Nothing happens. That’s not going to happen. If you are really genuinely interested in yourself and in others then you just take your self-realisation. Without self-realisation, you cannot understand yourself and others. And also you know how to correct yourself and solve your problems. So many solutions are there and they are all there in your own being, which you should take it. I don’t know how hard to go with it but I would say there is a very cosmopolitan group here. Some are doctors, psychologists and all that. So I can talk to them separately about it or you can understand that we have our psyche within us and we have our right side as you all call it this. These are to be understood. With the left side is the psyche. Now I don’t know psychologists have put this (?), especially I have seen. Even you, you committed a mistake when you said that these are all horizontal consciousness, different consciousness. They’re horizontal. They’re not horizontal. This is in just (?) made a big mistake. So then if you say that, then you have to go to the subconscious or to this and that. They’re not horizontal. Here you see very clearly, left side is on this side. This is the psyche and the right side by which you think and work. Imagine, they’re two separate things and in between is the way you can call the path of the Kundalini. See, our creator is a very wise person. She would not have done such a mess and so He (?) has kept one side. This side and the other side as well. Also mostly we are very hardworking. You work really hard, think about the future all the time. Then your right side gets covered. Now if you are a psych, psychological person, you go on worrying about things and feeling very sad about something. I mean all kinds of psychological problems. They are, they cause problems to this left side. So we have this left side and right side. The religion came to give us the balance. With the balance what will happen that it would be obstructing our growth and that’s why these two are very important. One is the emotional side and another is the, you can call, it the thinking side. Now when these two are in action, they can create problems. They can create imbalances so psychologists start dealing with the left side and doctors are dealing with the right side. Now I have to tell you that you should be with the center. Now the left and right side both of them join together like this and form the center. These are the chakras. These are the chakras and when you go too much on the right or too much on the left, which starts going on like that and that it breaks. And then you fall into the problem of the left side or the right side. So in Sahaja Yoga there are only two types of people, left and right side and the ones who are realized souls. In the same way, everybody has this problem. So there’s solution for psychological things, for your physical things or other problems also there is solution in Sahaja Yoga. This is what you have to know very well yourself, so you can cure yourself as well as cure others. I would like to have some questions from you because I don’t know what to say. A woman in audience: Yes, I think you are in a bit an imposition to just presume that you will need (?). (??) Man on side of the stage: Erm, Shri Mataji, are we right to just presume that people need to be healed? Are we right to presume, just to presume that human beings need to be healed? Shri Mataji: A bit too close to your mouth. (Audience laugh) Man on side of stage: Shri Mataji, are we right just to presume all people need help, that they need our help, that they need to be healed. Have we got the right to presume that? Shri Mataji: I mean I don’t see what is the problem. (Audience laugh) Shri Mataji: I mean, if you are all right, you shall perfectly all right, you would definitely like to help others also. It’s a temperament, changes. You are transformed and with this temperament, you want to help others. And you help them without expecting any return already. A woman in audience: Maybe people don’t actually want to be transformed. Maybe they’re happy to be themselves, as they are. That’s what I mean… Man on side of the stage: She’s saying there are people who are happy with themselves as they are. Shri Mataji: But they are ignorant. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: When some calamity comes on them, then they realise. A woman in audience: Shri Mataji, that is a sweeping generalisation. Shri Mataji: It just shows that they are not seeking. A woman in audience: But they are. They are seeking different things. Maybe different kinds of things. Man in audience: Shri Mataji, I think we should ask you a question and allow you to answer. We shouldn’t have a debate. There are people with other questions. Maybe later you can use and if you want to argue with us. A woman in audience: No, not an argument. Man in audience: Could be a waste of time. Let’s have, let’s have questions to Shri Mataji and then we’ll listen to the answer and see what wisdom She has to give us then. A woman in audience: I just want to know how is it some people seem to be sociable beings? Like you said your husband your parents? Other people always seem to be, feel outside of society like they never belong. They may go through the motions but they never really belong. Can you, can you…? You see them as not being, must be different from other people? Or, how do you see those people? Man on side of the stage: The lady says there seem to be two kinds of people. There are two types of people she said. One type is sociable and the other type is withdrawn. And is that all right? Some people on the right side, some people on the left side. Shri Mataji: I don’t think in this there is any type. This is nothing typifying. Then anybody is alright. We shouldn’t say that such people are rude and such people are not. There may be some, who may not like to do it but doesn’t matter. The other day I had one fellow from star television and he was asking me all the funny questions you know. I said where are you going? You are asking me all these stupid questions. And immediately he felt you know cool breeze in his hands. He says, what has happened? That’s what happened, is the answer. Then he kept quiet. Is the experience. You must have the experience of the Divine power. And then you become very creative. You start creating new Sahaja Yogis, doing this. There is no, nothing like a typical person, I tell you. I’ve seen people who are extremely aggressive with me. Very aggressive. They got their realization, surprisingly. So I wouldn’t say really anything typical about people who are seeking. Man on side of the stage: Yes, please. A woman in audience: What do you think about all the complementary therapies that are now in action? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, what do you think about the alternative therapies? Shri Mataji: See I’m not here to criticize anyone. What I’m saying all, any-any therapy should be based on proper diagnosis and unless and until you are a self-realized person, you cannot know what’s wrong with you or with others. So first you should be self-realized personality so that you will know what’s wrong with you and with wrong with others. Also, you will know which way it will work out. So there’s nothing to criticize them. You see they are all, I don’t know, why they do it but they’re doing it. It’s-it’s one thing, I tell you. This-these chakras are difficult. If somebody wants, he can shift the energy of one chakra to another chakra but don’t cure the person. So the treatment should be for all the centres. Otherwise, it is useless. A woman in audience: Can you, can I raise our Kundalini? Man on side of the stage: The lady wants to know if you will raise our Kundalinis tonight. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, I will. Man in audience: I think I heard in the video that you actually went to medical school? Or receiving medical training. Did I hear right? Did you actually qualify as a doctor? Man on side of the stage: He’s just asking about your medical training Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Not much. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: Actually I did medicine just to find out the names that Doctors use because I’ll have to talk to Doctors you see so I should know the terminologies. But that is different. Medical science is all right but it is limited. Man in audience: I would, I would agree with that. (Audience laughs and claps) Man in audience: … lots of things (?) Man on side of the stage: Are you a doctor? Man in audience: I am. Man on side of the stage: The gentleman is a Doctor Mother and he agrees with you. Shri Mataji: We have some Doctors in Sahaja Yoga and once they have taken to Sahaja Yoga because they see the miracles of Sahaja Yoga and they have to believe it. Then they want to know how it is done. So it is still very limited because it’s all outside, nothing inside. Man in audience: (?) Man on side of the stage: Can self-realisation is only be obtained through yourself Shri Mataji or other members who are self-realised in Sahaja Yoga or can people achieve it through other routes? Man in audience: How to get self-realisation Shri Mataji? Is it only through you? Or can it also be through other Sahaja Yogis or other people? Shri Mataji: Of course. Other Sahaja Yogis also can. Like one candle can enlighten another candle and if another candle is enlightened, you can enlightened others also. Man in audience: The question’s actually could it be obtained without, with Sahaja Yoga by not through either Shri Mataji or other Sahaja Yogis but outside that altogether. Man on side of stage: Is it possible to get self-realisation by other means? Shri Mataji: I don’t know of any. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: It is only the Kundalini I’ve seen that works. Man on side of the stage: This lady. A woman in audience: Would you say that self-realisation cause you to (???) certain things… (?) Man on side of the stage: The lady is asking if it’s necessary that we should go to different paths and have different experiences before we desire self-realisation. Shri Mataji: You can if you want to but if you ask me, there’s only one way is Kundalini awakening. And if somebody says he knows how to do the Kundalini awakening, you can see for yourself. You see what I’m saying, I would not say no to anything but I (?) as far as I’m concerned, this is the safest way, in the real way which I’m trying (?). A woman in audience: And how long does it take? Self-realised the Kundalini? Man on side of the stage: She wants to know how long it takes. Shri Mataji: Split of a sec. Could be. Could be. Takes no time. Just try this. It works out. (?) A woman in audience: Would you know you are self-realised? I mean…Man on side of the stage: How do you know when you are self-realized? Shri Mataji: The experience is that you start feeling a cool or sometimes hot breeze also from your fingertips or on your palm or out of your, on your head, you start feeling it, very clear. It’s the experience. A woman in audience: Well then, you are, you are perfect? You are perfect? So at the end of the day, once you feel that self-realisation, how would you know you need to go further anymore? Man on side of the stage: Does that mean you have arrived? Have you finished developing once you feel that? Is that the final path of you arrive? Shri Mataji: Not for everyone. I’ve seen, I used to think, should be final but I find people are quite complicated. So, need some time. Some more help. But it works out, works out ultimately it works out. If you have some trouble, say physical trouble, feel some little trouble, something like that you see sometimes your chakras are not yet fully nourished. Can be anything so it can be worked out. It should be. It should be once only, I felt that way always. it’s not. Man on side of the stage: Any other questions? A woman in audience: You said to know ourselves, to know the Divine, we have to know ourselves. What is the way to know ourselves? How can you do that? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, you said, to know the Divine, we need to ourselves. How can we do it? Shri Mataji: How can? Man on side of the stage: How can we do ourselves? Shri Mataji: That’s what I’m going to do. Through Kundalini awakening, through this power. Through this power only you can become yourself because you are connected. As if this is not connected supposing, it doesn’t work but if it is connected to the mains, it works. Just like that, very simple. A woman in audience: When you spoke about the two, the right and left side coming together like this, it reminds me what Boomi (?) say was centred. Man on side of the stage: We come into the centre, she said. When you showed it opening, the opposite is coming into the centre. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s what. A woman in audience: We are saying in our (?) Shri Mataji: You come in the centre and the Kundalini also is very wonderful because if she sees little bit trouble there, it tries to bring it back and you know mylantis (?) She’s very good. She’s your mother. She’s your mother only and you are her child and she wants to give you your second birth. She is so careful. She does it, she’s been waiting for ages now. Man in audience: We have experienced the power of your love. The Mother’s love. To us, that is enough. What do you have to say about that? Man on side of the stage: The gentleman says we have experienced through you the power of the Mother’s love. We’ve experienced your love Shri Mataji. What else is needed? Shri Mataji: Yes, I mean you have to experience is the point. Whatever I may say, you shouldn’t believe. You shouldn’t believe me. You should experience yourself, your own powers and see for yourself how it works. Because only I can say you all have this power. All have it. A woman in audience: Are you saying Sahaja Yoga is the only way to unlock it? Man on side of the stage: Is Sahaja Yoga the only way to unlock that power which we all have? Shri Mataji: Yes it is. That’s the only way. Sahaja means spontaneous. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. It’s spontaneous happening. Yoga means union with the Divine. So it’s very spontaneous. That’s the only way. It cannot be worked out. Very spontaneous A woman in audience: Are you saying spontaneity can lead to faith? Is it being, in (?) around the corner? Are is it just a (?) Man on side of the stage: Do you need to have faith? Do you need to have faith? Shri Mataji: Have faith in yourself. You must have faith in yourself. That’s very important. A woman in audience: Fate. Man on side of the stage: Fate? Ah. Do you believe in fate? Shri Mataji: Fate? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in fate? Destiny? Shri Mataji: You see what I’m saying, first of all, you get your realization. These things are not important. Whatever is the destiny, is destiny. Also, destinies have changed with Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen. A woman in audience: Are you essentially saying that this type of yoga is not necessarily a technique for more consciousness. Is it a consciousness as opposed to something you do? A decision that you make, to be at one to know yourself and know that you’re at one with the rest of the beings and everything that is in existence.Man on side of the stage: The gentleman is saying he thinks he sees that Sahaja Yoga is not a technique that you do but it is a change of consciousness, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Of course. You have transformed. You are absolutely transformed and you become very secure with. Apart from that, you start seeing everything from a different angle because you become a witness. You don’t react. It changes you completely. So that is the technique only starts after getting realization. After getting realisation, you should know how to purify yourself, should know how to awaken the Kundalini of others. It is also spontaneous because you are capable. You are the one who has a right to get it. I think it’s your birthright to get it. All right? Man in audience: Yes, thank you. Man on side of the stage: Another question? A woman in audience: You’ve talked about, you’ve talked about feeling with your hands and the feeling up here. Can I ask why I already get that but I’ve never done Sahaja Yoga? Man on side of the stage: The lady says she’s not done Sahaja Yoga but she does feel flow in her hands and in her head. Shri Mataji: That’s very good. There’s no need to do Sahaja Yoga, it can happen to you. But if it had not happened to you, then better do Sahaja Yoga. All right? But even after, I have known people who are born realized but they don’t know anything about it. They just know they are realized Souls but you should know the knowledge, the absolute knowledge about yourself and about others. That’s very important Man in audience: What about awakening Kundalini with mentally ill people? Man on side of the stage: Is it valuable? Is that what you mean? Man in audience: Yeah, I mean. Is it possible? Is it dangerous? Man on side of the stage: Can you awaken the Kundalini of people who are mentally ill Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Who are? Man on side of the stage: Mentally ill. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. You can but you better not try. They are difficult people. You can awaken the Kundalini of the sick, of the people who are mentally sick. You can do it but I would advise you shouldn’t do that till you are perfectly all right. You have to be a master then it’s all right. Man in audience: Do you believe in conventional methods? Man on side of the stage: Belief in? What do you mean? Man in audience: I mean… they are alternative structures? Man on side of the stage: Does Shri Mataji believe in the explanations? Man in audience: No, the labels. For example, schizophrenia. Shri Mataji: What is he asking? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in the labels which are put on in the modern world put on mental illnesses? Do you believe in schizophrenia? Shri Mataji: Of course there is schizophrenia. It can be cured also. Can be. It is there, whether you believe it or not, it is there. Some people have been cured of schizophrenia, especially in America. Only we don’t handle two diseases. One is this Alzheimer’s because mostly these people are extremely aggressive. They’ve been all their lives. And even when they get it, they become very aggressive. They start abusing you, saying all kinds of thing, not easy to handle them. Very difficult. When they ask questions, you should know they believe. Man on side of the stage: Oh this one? Shri Mataji: Yes? A woman in audience: Can you awaken the Kundalini in a pregnant woman? Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Can you awaken the Kundalini in a pregnant woman? A woman in audience: Is it okay? Man on side of the stage: Is it all right? Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Man in audience: Do you believe in reincarnations? Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in reincarnations Mother? Shri Mataji: Indeed, reincarnations are there. It’s nothing to doubt it. It’s not important. After realization, you get your new birth. So all these the incarnations and are all finished. You become nothing but the spirit. See lots have been written about this and that and people know all about it. Firstly, you know yourself. Then you’ll know everything. Man in audience: Shri Mataji, (?) people with schizophrenia. How they were cured? How long it took and by what method did that happen? Was it after self-realisation? (?) Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, a specific question about using Sahaja Yoga to treat mental illness. I think there are people here who work with patients who have mental illnesses and the question is how long would you say it takes to cure somebody who-who has schizophrenia but with Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: You just can’t say, you know. Sometimes, it hardly takes anything. You just can’t say. There’s no time limit in Sahaja Yoga. It is beyond time. It might work out immediately. It may take a little more time. And I’ve seen people of cancer being cured in no time but also ordinary trouble, they are still lingering on so I can’t say why. So it’s nothing definite. Mostly it works very fast. Mostly. Man in audience: Sorry, you said earlier on that you have trouble with people with Alzheimer’s disease. I mean there’s an explanation for that because our centres are probably (?) Man on side of the stage: He is suggesting that the reason that we have trouble trying to treat people with Alzheimer’s disease is that their chakras are already destroyed Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: It happens. I agree, that chakras are destroyed and all that but first your chakras should be strong. You should be fully nourished. You should be perfectly all right. Then you will make out what chakras is spoilt. Also, you will know how to correct it. Then you can definitely help him. It’s knowledge. You are asking me for medical studies and all that. It takes seven years to tell medicine. For Sahaja Yoga, one year more the assumption (?) for anyone. Man in audience: You don’t-you don’t see the Kundalini. Are you are you saying that because you don’t want to? Is there another reason or is it just cause you don’t want to see it? Man on side of the stage: If you don’t get Kundalini awakening, is it simply because you don’t desire it, Mother? Or is there another reason? Shri Mataji: No, if you want, you will always get it. No problems. If you don’t want, I cannot force you. Cannot be. You have to desire it. But I have yet to come across people who don’t want it, normally. It’s such a great thing, you know? Man in audience: Do you believe that medical conditions that we label are actually something that is separate and distinct from each other? Or do you feel that there may be the same problem manifesting differently through different people? Man on side of the stage: We label different diseases differently. Shri Mataji: Ah? Man on side of the stage: We label diseases differently but is there a cause of ill health, of dysfunction, which is the same in all people, in different people? Is there a single cause of dysfunction disease? Shri Mataji: Course? Man on side of the stage: Cause Shri Mataji. The thing that makes the disease. What causes disease? Is it individual to the person or is there something which is causing disease in different people? Shri Mataji: Yeah Man in audience: That may manifest itself differently. That we give a label to. Shri Mataji: But we don’t go to the causes. We go to the chakras only because causes can be quite embarrassing. Better talk more the chakras. All right? It’s better. And they don’t feel embarrassed. Man on side of the stage: So that’s the answer. It’s the chakras which may cause different symptoms. Shri Mataji: Like a, you see… Man in audience: So in other words interferences in the chakras, let’s say. Is that right? Man on side of the stage: His understanding Shri Mataji when there is something wrong with the functioning of the chakra, it could produce different diseases. Shri Mataji: No, it won’t. You see it’s a generalization I would say. All these types are generalized. For example, if the first chakra is catching all right? You can feel it. Where? Either here or here. If it is feeling, you’re feeling it here, that means right side, this is the left side. Now all HIV people feel it here (Points left hand). So it’s very easy but you need not to see HIV. Man in audience: I-I just want to expand, just asking a question to the answer. If one chakra is out of balance, wouldn’t that cause the other chakras to be out of balance as well? Man on side of the stage: So another question Shri Mataji. If one chakra is out of balance, will it cause other chakras also to be out of balance? Shri Mataji: Could be, could not be. Depends on them how much the disease has progressed. It depends but that’s not your headache. What we have to see, what chakras and trouble. Then you try to improve those chakras. If you have to improve the chakras, you will be all right. Man in audience: Thank you. Shri Mataji: It’s a new-new venture. Man in audience: Do babies and young children have this energy naturally flowing and then they lose it or as the genuine second birth required? Man on side of the stage: Children and young babies, do they have this energy flowing already? Shri Mataji: Some of them have. Some of them have. They are great people, born to save all of us. Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it Shri Mataji? The second question, if they are born with this open. Shri Mataji: Of course they are. They are born. Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Ah? Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it? Shri Mataji: Of course they can. Any other? A woman in audience: Once that you mentioned now they lose it, can they regain it? Man on side of the stage: Once you’ve lost, it can you regain it? Can you get it again? Shri Mataji: That’s it. You have seen the point. We have everything in time. Actually, our innocence is our loss. But it’s hiding, like-like the moon can hide with the clouds around it but it is all there. Beautiful. A woman in audience: It’s a personal question more. I am the mother of autistic children, child and as far as I know there’s a number of children with this is crazy, especially America. Is it Shri Mataji: (?) A woman in audience: Is there an explanation of this? From your point of view? And how you can help with that? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, there are several questions. This lady says she has an autistic child. Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Autistic. The child is autistic. She says there are more and more autistic children, particularly in America. Is there an explanation for increasing autism in America? Shri Mataji: I’m happy to know that your attention is on these people but we have to first pay attention to ourselves. Once we are all right, then we can look after all kinds. But it’s a good idea we have attention on other people, that we are worried about them but first of all, if you are not fully fledged Sahaja Yogi, it’s difficult to help them. Man on side of the stage: You have to cure yourself first. Shall we-shall we have the experience? Shri Mataji: There’s one more. Man on side of the stage: Somebody. Man in audience: What’s good to have some specific examples of to cure or strengthen chakras or several chakras at a time or some just actual concrete examples of how that’s done. Man on side of the stage: He wants specific information about particular, how to help particular channels or particular chakras. Shri Mataji: First you get all right. First, you should be fully equipped with knowledge. Then you will not ask me any question, I know because you will know. Man on side of the stage: The physician has to be cured first and then you know what to do that’s what She’s saying. You have to cure yourself or allow yourself to be cured and then you can do it. Shri Mataji: Now. I’m just hoping that all of you should get self-realisation and then you should perfect yourself and you should (?). Then afterwards only thing that is expected that you try to give Sahaja Yoga to others. Help others. We have to solve (?), not our problem of this country but of all the world’s problem. We can do a lot. So because I always felt that England is a place from everything that circulates. Everything. Whatever you do here, it circulates. So it’s very important for you to get your self-realisation, master it to spread it all over. You should not be temporarily only for yourself, that won’t be good. It should be for other people also. You need not to try first, very difficult disease people. You try first of all with normal people, then you can try with others also. All right? That should be the promise. Now, what we have to do is…
2000-09-23 VIP Reception, London, UK, DP-RAW I bow to all the seekers of Truth. These are special times that we have so many seekers of Truth. Surprisingly so many people these days want to know what is the truth. And the result some of them are lost also. But what is the truth, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions this intelligence so called but you are the true spirit. All the scriptures have said that unless and until you know yourselves how you will know the divine. Because if we don’t know ourselves really we are not equipped to know the divine and so to know yourself is so important. This one is a thing people don’t understand because mostly they are written in poetry. And all of them has said that you should know yourself but how would you know yourself your self is within and not without. So how to enter inside to know yourself is the problem. This problem is really so great that keeps out many people from the knowledge of knowing. Now I must tell you about myself that I myself has felt that people have a big big problem of knowing themselves though I knew myself very well. How to make others knowledgeable about themselves so I tried first to see problems of the people . Many people that my own I should say my subtler intelligence what’s the matter why can’t they feel themselves why can’t they understand themselves what is the problem in their being that they can’t see and I must have tried to see many many people and I realized that there must be some way by which you can find out the method by which people can get the self realization in a collective way because any discovery is for one person or for one or two person at the most is of no help on the contrary those who were self realized people were all tortured troubled suffered crucified you know that very well so if it happens collectively it would be solving many problems. Because I know if you become yourself, you become really transformed and you become a very different person. Now if you see the problems we have now in those days are terrible problems and most of them are from human beings. Not from other calamities but mostly from human beings because human beings are in ignorance and they start finding their own groups or things like that. You have all kinds of violence, all kinds of atrocities and God knows all the things I think. All these problems can be solved, I knew if they are transformed but now how to transform was the problem? So I told you that I studied many, many people. Thank God my father was a very social-minded fellow, my husband also, I could meet many people and then I realized that this power of Kundalini which is at the base of your spinal cord is not awakened in them. It’s still sleeping. If it is awakened, then the problem can be solved. This, like the prelude in seed, you see. It is resting there. It’s not yet awakened. So I said to myself, I must learn how to awaken this Kundalini. If I could do that, then we can also do it collectively. I can work it out. After some time, I really discovered the method by which we could awaken the Kundalini of many people but first, it started with one person and about twelve and later on, you know now, we can awaken the Kundalini of many people. And those who are awakened and are keeping it can awaken the Kundalini of many others. So they become entitled (?), become like masters. And they can give realization to others. They say that now Sahaja Yoga is in ninety-six country. That’s what they say. Whatever it is, it is only because some people got realization, mastered it and they went out and did it. You’ll be amazed in the country like Benin, which was all Islamic country, there are 9,000 Sahaja yogis. There are seven countries there which were governed by the French. They all are in it. So you can understand how it was necessary that people should have their self-realisation. So they become special people, very peaceful, very wise, very sensible and empowered with this Kundalini to give a temperament which is above all the useless thinking and fighting and all of these things. It just happens. It has to happen is the point. If it doesn’t happen, you cannot argue it out. So then when the Kundalini rises she goes through these centres which have been told already, passes through your fontanel bone area and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine. And historians call this Torsion area. He says this is Torsion area, how he found the theory of relativity says that he was tired, absolutely fed up. So he went into the garden and was playing with soap bubbles and then somebody come from somewhere, he said, from the unknown area, the knowledge came to him. So that’s the area of absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. You don’t get knowledge which is relative but absolute. And you can see for yourself how correctly it is. For example, now, there was this national health of, you must have heard about natural health in America. It’s an Institute specially formed to investigate all kinds of news and a new type of adventure about health. And then there was one doctor who asked a Sahaja Yogini. She’s just not a doctor, nothing. All right tell me what’s wrong with me. She said something wrong with her heart. He was amazed. It was only a month back, he had bypass surgery. So you see this is when it happens to you and they’ve shown you here, you can feel on the fingertips, there are different centres. Now, these centres if you see, six of them are above the Kundalini and the seventh one is below there. Now all these six centers and even the seventh one are responsible for our physical, emotional and also our spiritual being. It helps us to be nourished through their energies. They have limited energy and when that energy finishes, we develop them all kinds of physical, emotional and other problems, you can call it psychological problems and we do not know why. But when you get your self-realization, then most of your problems are solved automatically. If not, you know what’s wrong with it and you know also how to cure yourself. If you know how to cure yourself and to get out right you can cure others also because you develop a new dimension which we call as collective consciousness. Who is the other? In this world, who is the other? We are all part and parcel of the same being. So we start feeling, start feeling very clearly on your fingertips, not only your centres but also their centres. And you can cure it if you know how to cure. You can cure your centres as well as cure other people’s. But first of all, you must establish yourself properly. Some people just after one realisation I should have called one seating, they are masters. Really I’ve seen some people being there. But then some people have some kind of problems still on the centres and the Kundalini goes back to that so what you have to do is to learn if any centre is in trouble, how to cure it. That’s all. It’s very simple. You don’t have to be a doctor, philosopher or psychologist or anything. It’s only, as long as you are a human being, you can do it. But, you see the thing is that I think as people say that there’s a defect in Sahaja Yoga, that you don’t charge any money. And they’ve been asking me questions, why don’t you charge money. Now I’ve just told them, that it’s a living process of your evolution. When you sew the seed, how much does the seed charge, or what the gardener charges the seed? It just sprouts by itself. It has that power built in. In the same way, this power is built-in in all of you. You have to have faith in yourself with the (?)that we have that power and why don’t we achieve it? For that, you can’t pay. You can pay for the hall, you can pay for other thing but not for the awakening of the Kundalini. There’s no need. What value will you put for it? It is something very different and you deserve it, that’s why you get it. As simple as that. So you develop the collective consciousness. Apart from that, what happens is that you go beyond the mind. You become one with the torsion area as they call it but you can say the all-pervading power of Divine Love. In other languages, this called Dhruv (?) also. When you become that, when you are connected with that, then what you have to do is to just use that power, that energy. So in countries like India and many others, they believed in all the elements as if the elements have the power. Is the energy, the Divine energy that works. But that you cannot understand unless and until you have got it, that connection with the Divine power. Everybody can get their power, there’s no separation according to your caste, community, race, anything. Is every human being can get their realisation and the time as well. The time has come because is the last judgement, what you think and what you get is very important. You should decide as to know the knowledge, to get to yourself to your spirit. Once you have it, you’ll be amazed at how you know so many things about others and about this. It’s a remarkable thing that is within but we are not yet aware of it perhaps, we haven’t got it. For this, this collective consciousness is so beautiful. You see sitting here you can know about anybody. Sitting here you can cure anybody. You can do so many things, I mean you are capable of doing, you can become an expert in this. And I mean you can solve the problem of this world. It is a global activity. It’s nothing to do with your boundaries of your country or anything. It’s very global and then it works. It works globally. So we’ll have to have one global feeling, awareness within yourself, which it works out. Thoughtless awareness is very, very important because thoughtless awareness is the one where you become connected with the Divine power. Then you do not think, what is there to think? The Divine power is thinking for you. By thinking about what happens you become very reactive. You react to everything. Everything you see, you react. You cannot witness it. Everything he wants to react. Now everybody has different reactions. All fighting a lot. Once you see something and you can become absolutely a witness, then you develop that witness stage which is very important. That way I don’t know how many thousand lectures I’ve given, but one has to understand that unless and until you desire it, it can’t happen. Because it’s a pure desire. Kundalini is the power of pure desire. If you do not have that pure desire, nobody can force you to have it. It cannot be forced. You cannot propagate like that. It is a desire of the people that act, and works. Now we have so many types of ideas, as far as religion is concerned. As far as incarnations are concerned, I mean all sorts. But what have you achieved out of them? Have you got your self-realisation? Have you known yourself? That’s the main question you should ask and then take to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga means, Sahaj means spontaneous, Yoga means union with the Divine. That first thing should happen. Now many people have asked me what about Patanjali Yoga and this yoga and that? That time, long time back, Patanjali yoga started. It was the other way round that they used to first cleanse your body, cleanse your mind, then they used to give you realisation to one person among at least one lakh of people. So you can imagine, what must be the progress. I just thought of it this way, that why not give them realization first. If they have their realisation, then they can see for themselves what’s wrong with them and then they’ll correct it. It’s better. These days, to say something to someone is so difficult you know. When you see yourself you’re in difficulty and then you see yourself, there’s something wrong with you, you definitely will cure it. And this is the other way around it started and it has worked wonders. And I think it has worked everywhere very well and it should work also in England. I’ve lived here very long in England but I must say Sahaja Yoga is not that fast as it could have been. I don’t know what is the reason for that. And today is a very good day when you all people are here, so eminent people. So capable people, that if you take it up, you can save the whole world. Not only you can save yourself but you can save the whole world. It is very important to understand what you are. Most importantly, you don’t know what you are. Tomorrow some drunkards tell you that you have got cancer. In Sahaja Yoga, immediately you’ll know that you have to develop some sort of thin air (?). Also, you’ll know how to cure it. This is just for the disease but there are other things we do which we should not have done but we do it because it is a mind that is very compulsive and makes you do things which you should not do but only through Sahaja Yoga, you will know that this is destructive. You should know what is constructive and what is destructive. All that knowledge you can get. There are people who tell all kinds of stories I’ve heard from some gurus also that they’ve said you can’t get Gyanamarg). This is a Gyanamarg. Gyan means knowledge. You should, you are all are pravruti margi This it’s actually an abuse. Meaning you run after everything, this is sort of person (?). And that you tried pravruti marg . So, give it to the gurus. You come to the guru. Nothing happens. That’s not going to happen. If you are really genuinely interested in yourself and in others then you just take your self-realisation. Without self-realisation, you cannot understand yourself and others. And also you know how to correct yourself and solve your problems. So many solutions are there and they are all there in your own being, which you should take it. I don’t know how hard to go with it but I would say there is a very cosmopolitan group here. Some are doctors, psychologists and all that. So I can talk to them separately about it or you can understand that we have our psyche within us and we have our right side as you all call it this. These are to be understood. With the left side is the psyche. Now I don’t know psychologists have put this (?), especially I have seen. Even you, you committed a mistake when you said that these are all horizontal consciousness, different consciousness. They’re horizontal. They’re not horizontal. This is in just (?) made a big mistake. So then if you say that, then you have to go to the subconscious or to this and that. They’re not horizontal. Here you see very clearly, left side is on this side. This is the psyche and the right side by which you think and work. Imagine, they’re two separate things and in between is the way you can call the path of the Kundalini. See, our creator is a very wise person. She would not have done such a mess and so He (?) has kept one side. This side and the other side as well. Also mostly we are very hardworking. You work really hard, think about the future all the time. Then your right side gets covered. Now if you are a psych, psychological person, you go on worrying about things and feeling very sad about something. I mean all kinds of psychological problems. They are, they cause problems to this left side. So we have this left side and right side. The religion came to give us the balance. With the balance what will happen that it would be obstructing our growth and that’s why these two are very important. One is the emotional side and another is the, you can call, it the thinking side. Now when these two are in action, they can create problems. They can create imbalances so psychologists start dealing with the left side and doctors are dealing with the right side. Now I have to tell you that you should be with the center. Now the left and right side both of them join together like this and form the center. These are the chakras. These are the chakras and when you go too much on the right or too much on the left, which starts going on like that and that it breaks. And then you fall into the problem of the left side or the right side. So in Sahaja Yoga there are only two types of people, left and right side and the ones who are realized souls. In the same way, everybody has this problem. So there’s solution for psychological things, for your physical things or other problems also there is solution in Sahaja Yoga. This is what you have to know very well yourself, so you can cure yourself as well as cure others. I would like to have some questions from you because I don’t know what to say. A woman in audience: Yes, I think you are in a bit an imposition to just presume that you will need (?). (??) Man on side of the stage: Erm, Shri Mataji, are we right to just presume that people need to be healed? Are we right to presume, just to presume that human beings need to be healed? Shri Mataji: A bit too close to your mouth. (Audience laugh) Man on side of stage: Shri Mataji, are we right just to presume all people need help, that they need our help, that they need to be healed. Have we got the right to presume that? Shri Mataji: I mean I don’t see what is the problem. (Audience laugh) Shri Mataji: I mean, if you are all right, you shall perfectly all right, you would definitely like to help others also. It’s a temperament, changes. You are transformed and with this temperament, you want to help others. And you help them without expecting any return already. A woman in audience: Maybe people don’t actually want to be transformed. Maybe they’re happy to be themselves, as they are. That’s what I mean… Man on side of the stage: She’s saying there are people who are happy with themselves as they are. Shri Mataji: But they are ignorant. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: When some calamity comes on them, then they realise. A woman in audience: Shri Mataji, that is a sweeping generalisation. Shri Mataji: It just shows that they are not seeking. A woman in audience: But they are. They are seeking different things. Maybe different kinds of things. Man in audience: Shri Mataji, I think we should ask you a question and allow you to answer. We shouldn’t have a debate. There are people with other questions. Maybe later you can use and if you want to argue with us. A woman in audience: No, not an argument. Man in audience: Could be a waste of time. Let’s have, let’s have questions to Shri Mataji and then we’ll listen to the answer and see what wisdom She has to give us then. A woman in audience: I just want to know how is it some people seem to be sociable beings? Like you said your husband your parents? Other people always seem to be, feel outside of society like they never belong. They may go through the motions but they never really belong. Can you, can you…? You see them as not being, must be different from other people? Or, how do you see those people? Man on side of the stage: The lady says there seem to be two kinds of people. There are two types of people she said. One type is sociable and the other type is withdrawn. And is that all right? Some people on the right side, some people on the left side. Shri Mataji: I don’t think in this there is any type. This is nothing typifying. Then anybody is alright. We shouldn’t say that such people are rude and such people are not. There may be some, who may not like to do it but doesn’t matter. The other day I had one fellow from star television and he was asking me all the funny questions you know. I said where are you going? You are asking me all these stupid questions. And immediately he felt you know cool breeze in his hands. He says, what has happened? That’s what happened, is the answer. Then he kept quiet. Is the experience. You must have the experience of the Divine power. And then you become very creative. You start creating new Sahaja Yogis, doing this. There is no, nothing like a typical person, I tell you. I’ve seen people who are extremely aggressive with me. Very aggressive. They got their realization, surprisingly. So I wouldn’t say really anything typical about people who are seeking. Man on side of the stage: Yes, please. A woman in audience: What do you think about all the complementary therapies that are now in action? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, what do you think about the alternative therapies? Shri Mataji: See I’m not here to criticize anyone. What I’m saying all, any-any therapy should be based on proper diagnosis and unless and until you are a self-realized person, you cannot know what’s wrong with you or with others. So first you should be self-realized personality so that you will know what’s wrong with you and with wrong with others. Also, you will know which way it will work out. So there’s nothing to criticize them. You see they are all, I don’t know, why they do it but they’re doing it. It’s-it’s one thing, I tell you. This-these chakras are difficult. If somebody wants, he can shift the energy of one chakra to another chakra but don’t cure the person. So the treatment should be for all the centres. Otherwise, it is useless. A woman in audience: Can you, can I raise our Kundalini? Man on side of the stage: The lady wants to know if you will raise our Kundalinis tonight. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, I will. Man in audience: I think I heard in the video that you actually went to medical school? Or receiving medical training. Did I hear right? Did you actually qualify as a doctor? Man on side of the stage: He’s just asking about your medical training Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Not much. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: Actually I did medicine just to find out the names that Doctors use because I’ll have to talk to Doctors you see so I should know the terminologies. But that is different. Medical science is all right but it is limited. Man in audience: I would, I would agree with that. (Audience laughs and claps) Man in audience: … lots of things (?) Man on side of the stage: Are you a doctor? Man in audience: I am. Man on side of the stage: The gentleman is a Doctor Mother and he agrees with you. Shri Mataji: We have some Doctors in Sahaja Yoga and once they have taken to Sahaja Yoga because they see the miracles of Sahaja Yoga and they have to believe it. Then they want to know how it is done. So it is still very limited because it’s all outside, nothing inside. Man in audience: (?) Man on side of the stage: Can self-realisation is only be obtained through yourself Shri Mataji or other members who are self-realised in Sahaja Yoga or can people achieve it through other routes? Man in audience: How to get self-realisation Shri Mataji? Is it only through you? Or can it also be through other Sahaja Yogis or other people? Shri Mataji: Of course. Other Sahaja Yogis also can. Like one candle can enlighten another candle and if another candle is enlightened, you can enlightened others also. Man in audience: The question’s actually could it be obtained without, with Sahaja Yoga by not through either Shri Mataji or other Sahaja Yogis but outside that altogether. Man on side of stage: Is it possible to get self-realisation by other means? Shri Mataji: I don’t know of any. (Audience laughs) Shri Mataji: It is only the Kundalini I’ve seen that works. Man on side of the stage: This lady. A woman in audience: Would you say that self-realisation cause you to (???) certain things… (?) Man on side of the stage: The lady is asking if it’s necessary that we should go to different paths and have different experiences before we desire self-realisation. Shri Mataji: You can if you want to but if you ask me, there’s only one way is Kundalini awakening. And if somebody says he knows how to do the Kundalini awakening, you can see for yourself. You see what I’m saying, I would not say no to anything but I (?) as far as I’m concerned, this is the safest way, in the real way which I’m trying (?). A woman in audience: And how long does it take? Self-realised the Kundalini? Man on side of the stage: She wants to know how long it takes. Shri Mataji: Split of a sec. Could be. Could be. Takes no time. Just try this. It works out. (?) A woman in audience: Would you know you are self-realised? I mean…Man on side of the stage: How do you know when you are self-realized? Shri Mataji: The experience is that you start feeling a cool or sometimes hot breeze also from your fingertips or on your palm or out of your, on your head, you start feeling it, very clear. It’s the experience. A woman in audience: Well then, you are, you are perfect? You are perfect? So at the end of the day, once you feel that self-realisation, how would you know you need to go further anymore? Man on side of the stage: Does that mean you have arrived? Have you finished developing once you feel that? Is that the final path of you arrive? Shri Mataji: Not for everyone. I’ve seen, I used to think, should be final but I find people are quite complicated. So, need some time. Some more help. But it works out, works out ultimately it works out. If you have some trouble, say physical trouble, feel some little trouble, something like that you see sometimes your chakras are not yet fully nourished. Can be anything so it can be worked out. It should be. It should be once only, I felt that way always. it’s not. Man on side of the stage: Any other questions? A woman in audience: You said to know ourselves, to know the Divine, we have to know ourselves. What is the way to know ourselves? How can you do that? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, you said, to know the Divine, we need to ourselves. How can we do it? Shri Mataji: How can? Man on side of the stage: How can we do ourselves? Shri Mataji: That’s what I’m going to do. Through Kundalini awakening, through this power. Through this power only you can become yourself because you are connected. As if this is not connected supposing, it doesn’t work but if it is connected to the mains, it works. Just like that, very simple. A woman in audience: When you spoke about the two, the right and left side coming together like this, it reminds me what Boomi (?) say was centred. Man on side of the stage: We come into the centre, she said. When you showed it opening, the opposite is coming into the centre. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s what. A woman in audience: We are saying in our (?) Shri Mataji: You come in the centre and the Kundalini also is very wonderful because if she sees little bit trouble there, it tries to bring it back and you know mylantis (?) She’s very good. She’s your mother. She’s your mother only and you are her child and she wants to give you your second birth. She is so careful. She does it, she’s been waiting for ages now. Man in audience: We have experienced the power of your love. The Mother’s love. To us, that is enough. What do you have to say about that? Man on side of the stage: The gentleman says we have experienced through you the power of the Mother’s love. We’ve experienced your love Shri Mataji. What else is needed? Shri Mataji: Yes, I mean you have to experience is the point. Whatever I may say, you shouldn’t believe. You shouldn’t believe me. You should experience yourself, your own powers and see for yourself how it works. Because only I can say you all have this power. All have it. A woman in audience: Are you saying Sahaja Yoga is the only way to unlock it? Man on side of the stage: Is Sahaja Yoga the only way to unlock that power which we all have? Shri Mataji: Yes it is. That’s the only way. Sahaja means spontaneous. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. It’s spontaneous happening. Yoga means union with the Divine. So it’s very spontaneous. That’s the only way. It cannot be worked out. Very spontaneous A woman in audience: Are you saying spontaneity can lead to faith? Is it being, in (?) around the corner? Are is it just a (?) Man on side of the stage: Do you need to have faith? Do you need to have faith? Shri Mataji: Have faith in yourself. You must have faith in yourself. That’s very important. A woman in audience: Fate. Man on side of the stage: Fate? Ah. Do you believe in fate? Shri Mataji: Fate? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in fate? Destiny? Shri Mataji: You see what I’m saying, first of all, you get your realization. These things are not important. Whatever is the destiny, is destiny. Also, destinies have changed with Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen. A woman in audience: Are you essentially saying that this type of yoga is not necessarily a technique for more consciousness. Is it a consciousness as opposed to something you do? A decision that you make, to be at one to know yourself and know that you’re at one with the rest of the beings and everything that is in existence.Man on side of the stage: The gentleman is saying he thinks he sees that Sahaja Yoga is not a technique that you do but it is a change of consciousness, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Of course. You have transformed. You are absolutely transformed and you become very secure with. Apart from that, you start seeing everything from a different angle because you become a witness. You don’t react. It changes you completely. So that is the technique only starts after getting realization. After getting realisation, you should know how to purify yourself, should know how to awaken the Kundalini of others. It is also spontaneous because you are capable. You are the one who has a right to get it. I think it’s your birthright to get it. All right? Man in audience: Yes, thank you. Man on side of the stage: Another question? A woman in audience: You’ve talked about, you’ve talked about feeling with your hands and the feeling up here. Can I ask why I already get that but I’ve never done Sahaja Yoga? Man on side of the stage: The lady says she’s not done Sahaja Yoga but she does feel flow in her hands and in her head. Shri Mataji: That’s very good. There’s no need to do Sahaja Yoga, it can happen to you. But if it had not happened to you, then better do Sahaja Yoga. All right? But even after, I have known people who are born realized but they don’t know anything about it. They just know they are realized Souls but you should know the knowledge, the absolute knowledge about yourself and about others. That’s very important Man in audience: What about awakening Kundalini with mentally ill people? Man on side of the stage: Is it valuable? Is that what you mean? Man in audience: Yeah, I mean. Is it possible? Is it dangerous? Man on side of the stage: Can you awaken the Kundalini of people who are mentally ill Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Who are? Man on side of the stage: Mentally ill. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. You can but you better not try. They are difficult people. You can awaken the Kundalini of the sick, of the people who are mentally sick. You can do it but I would advise you shouldn’t do that till you are perfectly all right. You have to be a master then it’s all right. Man in audience: Do you believe in conventional methods? Man on side of the stage: Belief in? What do you mean? Man in audience: I mean… they are alternative structures? Man on side of the stage: Does Shri Mataji believe in the explanations? Man in audience: No, the labels. For example, schizophrenia. Shri Mataji: What is he asking? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in the labels which are put on in the modern world put on mental illnesses? Do you believe in schizophrenia? Shri Mataji: Of course there is schizophrenia. It can be cured also. Can be. It is there, whether you believe it or not, it is there. Some people have been cured of schizophrenia, especially in America. Only we don’t handle two diseases. One is this Alzheimer’s because mostly these people are extremely aggressive. They’ve been all their lives. And even when they get it, they become very aggressive. They start abusing you, saying all kinds of thing, not easy to handle them. Very difficult. When they ask questions, you should know they believe. Man on side of the stage: Oh this one? Shri Mataji: Yes? A woman in audience: Can you awaken the Kundalini in a pregnant woman? Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Can you awaken the Kundalini in a pregnant woman? A woman in audience: Is it okay? Man on side of the stage: Is it all right? Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Man in audience: Do you believe in reincarnations? Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Do you believe in reincarnations Mother? Shri Mataji: Indeed, reincarnations are there. It’s nothing to doubt it. It’s not important. After realization, you get your new birth. So all these the incarnations and are all finished. You become nothing but the spirit. See lots have been written about this and that and people know all about it. Firstly, you know yourself. Then you’ll know everything. Man in audience: Shri Mataji, (?) people with schizophrenia. How they were cured? How long it took and by what method did that happen? Was it after self-realisation? (?) Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, a specific question about using Sahaja Yoga to treat mental illness. I think there are people here who work with patients who have mental illnesses and the question is how long would you say it takes to cure somebody who-who has schizophrenia but with Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: You just can’t say, you know. Sometimes, it hardly takes anything. You just can’t say. There’s no time limit in Sahaja Yoga. It is beyond time. It might work out immediately. It may take a little more time. And I’ve seen people of cancer being cured in no time but also ordinary trouble, they are still lingering on so I can’t say why. So it’s nothing definite. Mostly it works very fast. Mostly. Man in audience: Sorry, you said earlier on that you have trouble with people with Alzheimer’s disease. I mean there’s an explanation for that because our centres are probably (?) Man on side of the stage: He is suggesting that the reason that we have trouble trying to treat people with Alzheimer’s disease is that their chakras are already destroyed Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: It happens. I agree, that chakras are destroyed and all that but first your chakras should be strong. You should be fully nourished. You should be perfectly all right. Then you will make out what chakras is spoilt. Also, you will know how to correct it. Then you can definitely help him. It’s knowledge. You are asking me for medical studies and all that. It takes seven years to tell medicine. For Sahaja Yoga, one year more the assumption (?) for anyone. Man in audience: You don’t-you don’t see the Kundalini. Are you are you saying that because you don’t want to? Is there another reason or is it just cause you don’t want to see it? Man on side of the stage: If you don’t get Kundalini awakening, is it simply because you don’t desire it, Mother? Or is there another reason? Shri Mataji: No, if you want, you will always get it. No problems. If you don’t want, I cannot force you. Cannot be. You have to desire it. But I have yet to come across people who don’t want it, normally. It’s such a great thing, you know? Man in audience: Do you believe that medical conditions that we label are actually something that is separate and distinct from each other? Or do you feel that there may be the same problem manifesting differently through different people? Man on side of the stage: We label different diseases differently. Shri Mataji: Ah? Man on side of the stage: We label diseases differently but is there a cause of ill health, of dysfunction, which is the same in all people, in different people? Is there a single cause of dysfunction disease? Shri Mataji: Course? Man on side of the stage: Cause Shri Mataji. The thing that makes the disease. What causes disease? Is it individual to the person or is there something which is causing disease in different people? Shri Mataji: Yeah Man in audience: That may manifest itself differently. That we give a label to. Shri Mataji: But we don’t go to the causes. We go to the chakras only because causes can be quite embarrassing. Better talk more the chakras. All right? It’s better. And they don’t feel embarrassed. Man on side of the stage: So that’s the answer. It’s the chakras which may cause different symptoms. Shri Mataji: Like a, you see… Man in audience: So in other words interferences in the chakras, let’s say. Is that right? Man on side of the stage: His understanding Shri Mataji when there is something wrong with the functioning of the chakra, it could produce different diseases. Shri Mataji: No, it won’t. You see it’s a generalization I would say. All these types are generalized. For example, if the first chakra is catching all right? You can feel it. Where? Either here or here. If it is feeling, you’re feeling it here, that means right side, this is the left side. Now all HIV people feel it here (Points left hand). So it’s very easy but you need not to see HIV. Man in audience: I-I just want to expand, just asking a question to the answer. If one chakra is out of balance, wouldn’t that cause the other chakras to be out of balance as well? Man on side of the stage: So another question Shri Mataji. If one chakra is out of balance, will it cause other chakras also to be out of balance? Shri Mataji: Could be, could not be. Depends on them how much the disease has progressed. It depends but that’s not your headache. What we have to see, what chakras and trouble. Then you try to improve those chakras. If you have to improve the chakras, you will be all right. Man in audience: Thank you. Shri Mataji: It’s a new-new venture. Man in audience: Do babies and young children have this energy naturally flowing and then they lose it or as the genuine second birth required? Man on side of the stage: Children and young babies, do they have this energy flowing already? Shri Mataji: Some of them have. Some of them have. They are great people, born to save all of us. Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it Shri Mataji? The second question, if they are born with this open. Shri Mataji: Of course they are. They are born. Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Ah? Man on side of the stage: Can they lose it? Shri Mataji: Of course they can. Any other? A woman in audience: Once that you mentioned now they lose it, can they regain it? Man on side of the stage: Once you’ve lost, it can you regain it? Can you get it again? Shri Mataji: That’s it. You have seen the point. We have everything in time. Actually, our innocence is our loss. But it’s hiding, like-like the moon can hide with the clouds around it but it is all there. Beautiful. A woman in audience: It’s a personal question more. I am the mother of autistic children, child and as far as I know there’s a number of children with this is crazy, especially America. Is it Shri Mataji: (?) A woman in audience: Is there an explanation of this? From your point of view? And how you can help with that? Man on side of the stage: Shri Mataji, there are several questions. This lady says she has an autistic child. Shri Mataji: What? Man on side of the stage: Autistic. The child is autistic. She says there are more and more autistic children, particularly in America. Is there an explanation for increasing autism in America? Shri Mataji: I’m happy to know that your attention is on these people but we have to first pay attention to ourselves. Once we are all right, then we can look after all kinds. But it’s a good idea we have attention on other people, that we are worried about them but first of all, if you are not fully fledged Sahaja Yogi, it’s difficult to help them. Man on side of the stage: You have to cure yourself first. Shall we-shall we have the experience? Shri Mataji: There’s one more. Man on side of the stage: Somebody. Man in audience: What’s good to have some specific examples of to cure or strengthen chakras or several chakras at a time or some just actual concrete examples of how that’s done. Man on side of the stage: He wants specific information about particular, how to help particular channels or particular chakras. Shri Mataji: First you get all right. First, you should be fully equipped with knowledge. Then you will not ask me any question, I know because you will know. Man on side of the stage: The physician has to be cured first and then you know what to do that’s what She’s saying. You have to cure yourself or allow yourself to be cured and then you can do it. Shri Mataji: Now. I’m just hoping that all of you should get self-realisation and then you should perfect yourself and you should (?). Then afterwards only thing that is expected that you try to give Sahaja Yoga to others. Help others. We have to solve (?), not our problem of this country but of all the world’s problem. We can do a lot. So because I always felt that England is a place from everything that circulates. Everything. Whatever you do here, it circulates. So it’s very important for you to get your self-realisation, master it to spread it all over. You should not be temporarily only for yourself, that won’t be good. It should be for other people also. You need not to try first, very difficult disease people. You try first of all with normal people, then you can try with others also. All right? That should be the promise. Now, what we have to do is…
Without knowing the Self you cannot get rid of your problems
Public Program
Royal Albert Hall Public Program 2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. In these modern times it was prophesized that many, many people will be seeking the truth and you can see the proof of that. Many people will be seeking the truth because they will be fed up with the untruth, also they may find out that lot of superficial stuff is there, which is not satisfying at all. Is the blessing of these modern times, though we say modern times are the worst. Because of its oppression, because of its problem, people want to know the truth and they will know the truth also already. Also you have to know the truth about yourself. I have told you many times that the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That you are, all of you are, it's not just a story I am telling you, it's a fact. But when they say you should know yourself. In all the scriptures they have said one thing common, you should know yourself. Because if you do not know yourself how will you know the Divine? So first you must know yourself and the Self is within. The problem was how to enter inside to know the Self, to feel the Self, to feel the power of Self you had to go inside. And without knowing the Self you cannot get rid of your problems. It is said in all the scriptures, all the scriptures. In different languages, in different ways. Is the fact is we do not know ourselves. For that we should not blame our Creator, because the Creator has beautifully arranged within us a power, which will make us know ourselves and this power is in the triangular bone at the base of the spinal cord, known as Kundalini. About Kundalini many people knew it long time back. I must say there was Markandeya, who was 13 thousand years back, he has talked about Kundalini. Adi Shankaracharya has talked about Kundalini and later I must say there are at least 16 to17 great saints, 17 who have talked about Kundalini in the 16th century. One of them was Guru Nanak, who has clearly said that you have to seek it within and Kabir who is also included in the Grantha Sahib has said (laughs) it is the Kundalini that can give it. All of them have said the same thing. Maybe it's not in the Bible, maybe it's not in the Koran. But something that is said in the Koran is also very, very great. That at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. This is the experience, experience of yourself, of your spirit, and that has been described in the Koran. Unless and until you feel it you are not a Musselman. Musselman means the surrendered personality. It is something surprising, in all the scriptures these sayings, though they wrote in poetry and there was such a pressure on them still they have said it. Now this Kundalini is there, I knew about since My birth. And I found that anybody who was a self-realized person, who was a highly evolved person, was tortured, was really made to be a outsider of the society. They did all kinds of things to all these great saints and troubled them and very few recognised them. But despite all that they have written beautiful things, beautiful books. If after self-realization you read them you'll see that they are singing what you are feeling. So the first thing is, you have to have the experience. Whatever people may say this is wrong, that is good, is not the point. The point is, did you get the experience on your fingertips? Did you get the experience out of your fontanel bone area? You have to get it. Nobody has to certify, it's you who has to feel it yourself, this experience. This is the truth, and if this truth works out in you then you will know. You will know the reality, you will know the absolute truth. Absolute truth. Whatever you will know through this cannot be challenged. The other day in America in a very big organization called as IMU, something like that, which is working out all kinds of alternatives, and there when doctor asked one Sahaja Yogini, who was not a doctor, "All right, tell me on your fingertips what's wrong with me." And she said, "You have a bad heart. There's problem in your heart." And he was surprised because he said, "Only one month back I had a bypass, bypass surgery." So you can imagine how on fingertips you can say what's wrong with you and what's wrong with others. Absolute truth, you can feel it on your fingertips. This is the experience of a person who is a realized soul, who has got his self-realization, who has known himself and the Self, the Spirit, is working as vibrations. As vibrations from your hands and out of your fontanel bone area. This is the actualisation of baptism. Here what you feel is the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. This works out very well with people who are seeking. Those who are not seeking is difficult. But those who are seeking the truth it works out very fast and also they develop a personality, which can be that of masters. Because after happening this, they want to create more people, they don't want to keep this knowledge to themselves, and they enlighten other people. For your information I have to tell you, they say that Sahaja Yoga is now in 86 countries, whatever it is, it might be in 86 countries, but how did it spread? I didn't go to all these countries. These people who got realization, they went there and they gave them realization. And in a far-fetched country like Benin we have nine thousand Sahaja Yogis. Very surprising it has worked out this way all over the world, so the whole thing is for global manifestation, it's not for England or for one place. I know that there is a basic problem in England, which I must tell you. You see the English were there in India for so many years and for Indians, England is the heaven. And all these horrible gurus, false gurus, they first came to England. All of them attacked, all of them attacked you and such negativity came with that, that still I find that people even if they get realization they do not grow they do not feel the urge to grow. So many false people, they came here, settled down here, and did all kinds of wrong things just to make money and spoilt your Kundalini, spoilt your central path. Perhaps you do not realise, of all the places why did they come to England only? They didn't go to any other country, Italy nobody came, Germany, Switzerland nobody came, Austria nobody came, Spain nobody came. They all came here in this small country because they thought if we can overpower these people we'll be very powerful. And that's how there's a terrible negative force working in this country. They have left it for you to suffer. All that negativity acts against you. Only Sahaja Yoga can save you from all these negative people. They are the ones who created blind faith, made money, they are cheats. They not only cheated you but absolutely completely, I can say, they have looted this country. I know of one gentleman also, a guru, whose disciple came to Me. And he told Me, "We are just now eating only potatoes." I said, "Why, why are you eating only potatoes?" "We have to save money." "For what?" "Because our guru says we have to give him one Rolls Royce." I said, "I don't understand, why should your guru ask for a Rolls Royce? What is the need?" So he said Mother "See now, we are desperate to get spirit and if we have to give him something like steel, what is wrong in that? He wants steel. So we are saving money to buy that Rolls Royce for him, he already has 50 this will be the 51st " There are many like this who came here and established themselves. They have ruined the lives of so many people, they have harmed so many people. So one of the things I have to tell you that, you be careful. You are under attack and you should only try to develop the truth within you. I see many a times, I come here, the whole hall is full as it is today and people get their realization, they all feel it. They all feel the cool breeze in their hand and also feel the cool breeze out of their fontanel bone area, no doubt. But after some time, they do not develop, they do not grow. You have to grow. Like a seed that sprouts has to grow, and for that you don't have to pay anything, nothing, but you have to little bit attend our centres or something. To develop it. You must develop that depth within you and then you become a master and when you are a master what happens? You become creative, you start giving realizations to others, you start looking after others, you start curing others. All kinds of things you do. Apart from that the creativity goes to this extent, that I know people who had never known any language so well, they were say, financing people, economics, and suddenly they become great poets such creativity comes in to them. They see the, I have seen people taking to painting and all kinds of art, they get it. And the people who are artists can become architects, can become also great financing people. Such a balance works out and a personality develops into very, very beautiful balanced manner. So if you are an artist, not only that you develop that particular area, but you become much more than that. I know of a musician who came to Me and I was surprised that after realization he has written a very beautiful book about Indian classical music, with all the mathematical calculations. He has never done mathematics in life. So all this knowledge comes for you, from your own Torsion Area, as Einstein called it. Einstein was one day trying to find out the theory of relativity but he couldn't find it. He was so fed up in the laboratory, so he came home and sat in his chair in the garden and was blowing bubbles of the soap. And suddenly he sensed from somewhere unknown, "The theory of relativity dawned upon me." That unknown he called as Torsion Area. You all have that Torsion Area and you all can reach that Torsion Area, only that connection has to be made. Now this Kundalini is the one, she makes your connection with that Torsion Area. She is the one that gives you that that power to know absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. And you know the reality of everything. Now whatever problems we have are more sort of embedded in us. Like we have jealousies, we have lust and greed and all those things. Suddenly you become a saint. You don't know how you have become a saint. You just get rid of all these stupid things that you have been doing and you become a beautiful personality. Extremely beautiful, the greed, the lust and all these nonsensical things, which are self-destructive just finishes. All your constructive powers suddenly rise how they come up no one know, and all destructive things go away. I don't tell anybody, don't do this and don't do that. No, not at all, because half of them would leave there. But it's just, after realization, they give up. After realisation they give up and the power you get, is the power of compassion and love. Not the power of destruction, but the power of compassion and love. It so happens that (you) become also collectively conscious. When you become collectively conscious what happens is that you can also feel the other. Who is the other? You become like the ocean when a drop falls into the ocean. So now you are an ocean of love and affection and who is the other? So you develop this collective consciousness by which you know what's wrong with others. If you have cured your wrongs you can cure their wrongs also. That is how this becomes a very global action, it's a global behaviour it's a global attention. You put your attention anywhere, it works out. They call it a miracle, I don't. Because now you have become realized souls, so you are yourself a miracle and whatever you do will be miraculous. So one has to understand these powers are within you, that you can become collectively conscious. If you see in this world there are so many problems. Personal, even country wise, national, all kinds of problems. But most of them come from human beings, most of them are made to work by human beings. What you have to do is you understand that all these human problems should drop. If they are finished you become beautiful human beings. You are beautiful, you have to have only the knowledge of the Divine, that's all. It is not that you can pay for it, you cannot. How much do we pay for the seed to sprout? It sprouts by itself. In the same way the Kundalini comes up by itself, you don't have to do anything. People have asked Me "Why is it free?" I said, "All right, tell Me how much we have to pay?" I can't understand. They can't understand how everything could be free, why not? After all you have seen whatever living process is, always free, and this is the last evolution of human beings. Where you jump into a new awareness, which we call as thoughtless awareness. Thoughtless awareness is a state of mind where you look at anything you don't think, you just watch. You become a witness, just a witness. You watch, whatever is there, you watch. You do not react. Many people say, "Mother, you look so young." I don't know, must be, but it is one reason, I never react. I just see, I just witness and that witnessing power cures the thing, cures the problem. So you become so powerful with that witness power. You just become a witness of everything and the enjoyment. Now for example such beautiful carpets are spread here. I see them, very beautiful, I don't have to react. Anybody who will see that would say, "All right, how much has it cost? From where it has come? If it's mine I will be more worried." But I don't, I just watch the art. The art that is produced by the artist and the joy of the artist, I enjoy. So you become joyous, full of joy. In everything you see such a lot of joy that you never get tired of life. You are never bored, you always enjoying everything, small things to big things. Just by your witness state, these flowers, anything you see. If you don't have this power of attention they are lost to you, they are nothing to you. But if you have that witnessing power, then you really enjoy, you get the essence of everything as enjoyment. And then you have also collective enjoyment. Collectively you enjoy. You do not enjoy alone and your perception becomes so beautiful, you become so collective. Now all of them are, I think, not Indians, I think none of them are. But how they have picked up Indian song and how they rhythmically, it s very difficult to sing Indian song. How rhythmically they are playing, how beautiful they playing, how did they get it? And also English, they have western music with them, they can play western music also. So to come into art is very important. What I find nowadays because of so much of a mechanical life, people have forgotten about art. Art is the joy-giving thing and once you become Sahaja Yogi, is to find a beautiful understanding of art. And you can really enjoy that art within yourself. Nowadays people are doing some cheap type of music, because people like that kind, but if they become deeper, they will enjoy the real classics, the real ones that were produced for your enjoyment. So we become elegant people, we become people with very classic tastes, and we do not condemn anyone. We do not say that he is wrong, that is wrong, we know how to enjoy everything. We don't have just a measure, or a, you can say, a very limited ideas about things. For example, a westerner won't like a carpet, which is all full, they are spaced out. So they want to have everything spaced, if it is not spaced out then they don't like it. I have seen that, but after realization, they just enjoy. These are like flowers all spread. So these limited idea that we have from different books, or maybe from different families whatever it is, and they just disappear and you start enjoying the joy of all the artists who have produced it. Nowadays the artists are finished, very few artists are there. Why? Why are they, why can't we have Raphael, why can't we have Mozart nowadays, why? What has happened to human beings? Because, very simple to understand, they are not self-realized. They could not produce those classics, which all those artists produced, they were born realized and they did all this beautiful work for us. Now, if you do not have realization, whatever you produce will not be globally accepted. It will be accepted only when you do something, which is expressing the joy within your heart, expressing the compassion that you have within your heart. Also I have seen many social workers, I don't know what sort of social worker are there. They are fighting for this and fighting for that, how can you have that kind of social worker? You have to have social work when you have heart for them. You have heart felt feelings for them, when you have real compassion for them. And people think "Where to get this compassion Mother", it's within you, it's all within you. You don't have to go anywhere for that, it's all there. You are a human being specially created. Specially created. And this Kundalini is your Mother, She is your own Mother, She has no other child but you, and She is all the time watching you, She knows all about you. She knows what is your past, what mistakes you have committed, what good things you have done. Also She knows what are your aspirations, where you want to go. She is the Mother who gives you your second birth and in this second birth you don't have to get any trouble. You don't get into any trouble, why? Why it happens, because this is the Mother that takes all the trouble. As you were born, your mother took all the trouble of your birth, in the same way this second birth takes place. And with this second birth what happens is that you become a very transformed personality, a very different personality. And you are amazed at yourself. "What has happened to me? I am so changed, I become so quiet, I become so joyous, I become so peaceful." People talk of peace, peace, peace. How can you have peace with people who have no peace within? First of all you have to have peace within yourself, and that is established through the Kundalini awakening. As it is, I have given so many lectures in this hall, before also. But now I have to tell you, that if you do not know yourself you have missed the point. You must know yourself, not only know, but go deep into it. I find out of the people who get realization, five percent or so, or maybe ten percent I don't know, who are developing and going deeper into it. They don't have to spend any money, they don't have to spend any time, but they have to understand what is to be done. And once they are told this is to be done, try, try, there is nothing to be absurd about it. Many-a-times people feel they should not be like this, they should not be like that. Instead of showing that, you should think that these people who have achieved, have achieved through their efforts of understanding Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja is Saha is with you, with, Ja is born, is born with you. The right to get your self-realization is born with you and you have to get it. You have to get it. All of you deserve it, there is no one I think who can say he doesn't deserve it. Do not condemn yourselves, don't have pity about yourself, don't have guilt about yourself. All these things are very superficial. All these things are absolutely finished when Kundalini rises, and She just goes like a roaring river and gives you self-realization. This has to happen, that's the time, you must take advantage of it. So for this we'll have now the programme for self-realization. But one thing is sure, I cannot give you self-realization if you do not want. It cannot be forced. You cannot force these [??], you have to have the desire, the pure desire within you. The pure desire is the Kundalini, all other desires of yours are useless. You want to have one thing today, then you want to have another thing, never fulfilled. But if the Kundalini is awakened then you will know what is your pure desire is. Unless and until you have that desire, I cannot force you. It should not be forced and it will work out for people, all of them who want to have the pure desire. It helps in many ways I know, it helps also financially. It has helped many financially, it has helped many in their endeavours, in their jobs, everywhere it helps. Because you become yourself, your personality becomes yourself, and you start utilizing that. It is a very, very remarkable thing that is happening in this Kali Yuga, in these modern times. So whatever it is, you all are capable of getting self-realization, this is My assurance. And also the assurance is that you all can grow very deep into to it. You have to give little bit time to yourself also and it will work out. May God bless you all, may God bless you. As I have said, I cannot force it on you. It will take hardly 5-10 minutes to get your self-realization, but if you don't want to have, it is better that you leave the hall. It is so much better that you leave the hall, if you don't want to have, you cannot be forced. Now please put both your hands like this towards Me, please. I hope you have taken out your shoes, take out your shoes will be good idea. Mother earth helps us a lot, if our shoes are out, it's very good. Now please put both your hands towards Me. Now what are you doing? These five fingers, sixth and seventh place, they are your chakras, they are the endings of your chakras, of your centres. And also on the left side. So we have right side and left side so just put your hands like this. You may close your eyes. No, I've told you already that you should not feel guilty, if you feel guilty then the chakra on the left side, called as Vishuddhi, gets caught up. With that you can get angina or else you can get spondylitis. So please don't feel guilty, you are not to feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong, it's finished, and you should not think about it anymore. So please don't feel guilty for anything whatsoever. Another thing is that you have to forgive yourself so that you'll not feel guilty. Please forgive yourself completely. You are here to get your self-realisation and not to brood over your mistakes that you have committed. Just now you have to be the present, past is finished and the future doesn't exist. In reality you are in the present where you have to forget. You have to forget all those things that make you feel guilty so forgive yourself. Also you have to forgive others, which many people say is difficult. But it is not, it is the easiest thing to do. You have to just say, "Mother, I forgive everyone". That's all. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. Really don't do anything. But if you do not forgive you carry the load of that upon yourself and your life is tortured for nothing at all. So if you can just forgive others, it will solve that problem very well. Which will be opening out the chakra we call Agnya chakra, which is in the crossing of the optic chiasma. Which is very restricted and you have to forgive everyone so that this chakra opens out for the Kundalini's entry into your limbic area. Please, try to help yourself. Just forgive yourself and forgive others, a very simple thing to do Now raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone when you were a child. So please raise your hand above, not on but above, and move it, move your hand up and down and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It could be hot also, if you have not forgiven yourself or others it can be hot. So please forgive yourself and others. But if it is hot still, it's coming out of your fontanel bone area, you can bend your head would be better. Bend your head you can feel it better. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and right hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Have faith in yourself, only faith you have to have is in yourself that you are capable of getting your self-realization. Now raise your hand and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now you can feel it on your hands also, put both the hands towards Me. Most of you can feel it, but some people might feel it under the palm, so try to bring it like this. Under the palm, some people might be feeling under the palm. They should take it out like this. I'll tell you later why it is so. There's complete silence within. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of their fontanel bone area, or even hot breeze please raise both your hands. All of you have felt it. May God bless you. All of you have felt. Now you have to promise Me one thing for this, to promise Me that you will grow in Sahaja Yoga. You will become a very big tree not a small little plant and you will help the world to come to this paradise of heavenly blessings. This should be your promise to Me. You can do it, I know you can do it. If I could do, I would not request you, but I am requesting you that you have to go deep down into yourself and see that you have got this great treasure and you must develop it. May God bless you. Thank you. [Aside to yogis] Now this is a song I am requesting them to sing, is a song written by a very great poet called Namadeva. In the 16th century he wrote it and here what he is saying, "Oh Mother give me the yoga, I am asking for yoga. Please give me". And then he says, "O Ambe is the name of the Kundalini, Rise. Ude, ude - please rise and give me realization, give everyone realization." It's a very beautiful song, but he has said it, "I have cleansed myself. I have washed myself. I have cleared out my all ego. I have cleared out all my anger. Everything I have cleared out and now you rise." But in Sahaja Yoga we do not clear, only we will raise the Kundalini then you yourself will clear yourself. You will see yourself, what's wrong with you, and you will clear yourself. This is the quick method in these modern times. So when this has happened, you will see within yourself what's gone wrong with you.
Royal Albert Hall Public Program 2000 I bow to all the seekers of truth. In these modern times it was prophesized that many, many people will be seeking the truth and you can see the proof of that. Many people will be seeking the truth because they will be fed up with the untruth, also they may find out that lot of superficial stuff is there, which is not satisfying at all. Is the blessing of these modern times, though we say modern times are the worst. Because of its oppression, because of its problem, people want to know the truth and they will know the truth also already. Also you have to know the truth about yourself. I have told you many times that the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That you are, all of you are, it's not just a story I am telling you, it's a fact. But when they say you should know yourself. In all the scriptures they have said one thing common, you should know yourself. Because if you do not know yourself how will you know the Divine? So first you must know yourself and the Self is within. The problem was how to enter inside to know the Self, to feel the Self, to feel the power of Self you had to go inside. And without knowing the Self you cannot get rid of your problems. It is said in all the scriptures, all the scriptures. In different languages, in different ways. Is the fact is we do not know ourselves. For that we should not blame our Creator, because the Creator has beautifully arranged within us a power, which will make us know ourselves and this power is in the triangular bone at the base of the spinal cord, known as Kundalini. About Kundalini many people knew it long time back. I must say there was Markandeya, who was 13 thousand years back, he has talked about Kundalini. Adi Shankaracharya has talked about Kundalini and later I must say there are at least 16 to17 great saints, 17 who have talked about Kundalini in the 16th century. One of them was Guru Nanak, who has clearly said that you have to seek it within and Kabir who is also included in the Grantha Sahib has said (laughs) it is the Kundalini that can give it. All of them have said the same thing. Maybe it's not in the Bible, maybe it's not in the Koran. But something that is said in the Koran is also very, very great. That at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. This is the experience, experience of yourself, of your spirit, and that has been described in the Koran. Unless and until you feel it you are not a Musselman. Musselman means the surrendered personality. It is something surprising, in all the scriptures these sayings, though they wrote in poetry and there was such a pressure on them still they have said it. Now this Kundalini is there, I knew about since My birth. And I found that anybody who was a self-realized person, who was a highly evolved person, was tortured, was really made to be a outsider of the society. They did all kinds of things to all these great saints and troubled them and very few recognised them. But despite all that they have written beautiful things, beautiful books. If after self-realization you read them you'll see that they are singing what you are feeling. So the first thing is, you have to have the experience. Whatever people may say this is wrong, that is good, is not the point. The point is, did you get the experience on your fingertips? Did you get the experience out of your fontanel bone area? You have to get it. Nobody has to certify, it's you who has to feel it yourself, this experience. This is the truth, and if this truth works out in you then you will know. You will know the reality, you will know the absolute truth. Absolute truth. Whatever you will know through this cannot be challenged. The other day in America in a very big organization called as IMU, something like that, which is working out all kinds of alternatives, and there when doctor asked one Sahaja Yogini, who was not a doctor, "All right, tell me on your fingertips what's wrong with me." And she said, "You have a bad heart. There's problem in your heart." And he was surprised because he said, "Only one month back I had a bypass, bypass surgery." So you can imagine how on fingertips you can say what's wrong with you and what's wrong with others. Absolute truth, you can feel it on your fingertips. This is the experience of a person who is a realized soul, who has got his self-realization, who has known himself and the Self, the Spirit, is working as vibrations. As vibrations from your hands and out of your fontanel bone area. This is the actualisation of baptism. Here what you feel is the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. This works out very well with people who are seeking. Those who are not seeking is difficult. But those who are seeking the truth it works out very fast and also they develop a personality, which can be that of masters. Because after happening this, they want to create more people, they don't want to keep this knowledge to themselves, and they enlighten other people. For your information I have to tell you, they say that Sahaja Yoga is now in 86 countries, whatever it is, it might be in 86 countries, but how did it spread? I didn't go to all these countries. These people who got realization, they went there and they gave them realization. And in a far-fetched country like Benin we have nine thousand Sahaja Yogis. Very surprising it has worked out this way all over the world, so the whole thing is for global manifestation, it's not for England or for one place. I know that there is a basic problem in England, which I must tell you. You see the English were there in India for so many years and for Indians, England is the heaven. And all these horrible gurus, false gurus, they first came to England. All of them attacked, all of them attacked you and such negativity came with that, that still I find that people even if they get realization they do not grow they do not feel the urge to grow. So many false people, they came here, settled down here, and did all kinds of wrong things just to make money and spoilt your Kundalini, spoilt your central path. Perhaps you do not realise, of all the places why did they come to England only? They didn't go to any other country, Italy nobody came, Germany, Switzerland nobody came, Austria nobody came, Spain nobody came. They all came here in this small country because they thought if we can overpower these people we'll be very powerful. And that's how there's a terrible negative force working in this country. They have left it for you to suffer. All that negativity acts against you. Only Sahaja Yoga can save you from all these negative people. They are the ones who created blind faith, made money, they are cheats. They not only cheated you but absolutely completely, I can say, they have looted this country. I know of one gentleman also, a guru, whose disciple came to Me. And he told Me, "We are just now eating only potatoes." I said, "Why, why are you eating only potatoes?" "We have to save money." "For what?" "Because our guru says we have to give him one Rolls Royce." I said, "I don't understand, why should your guru ask for a Rolls Royce? What is the need?" So he said Mother "See now, we are desperate to get spirit and if we have to give him something like steel, what is wrong in that? He wants steel. So we are saving money to buy that Rolls Royce for him, he already has 50 this will be the 51st " There are many like this who came here and established themselves. They have ruined the lives of so many people, they have harmed so many people. So one of the things I have to tell you that, you be careful. You are under attack and you should only try to develop the truth within you. I see many a times, I come here, the whole hall is full as it is today and people get their realization, they all feel it. They all feel the cool breeze in their hand and also feel the cool breeze out of their fontanel bone area, no doubt. But after some time, they do not develop, they do not grow. You have to grow. Like a seed that sprouts has to grow, and for that you don't have to pay anything, nothing, but you have to little bit attend our centres or something. To develop it. You must develop that depth within you and then you become a master and when you are a master what happens? You become creative, you start giving realizations to others, you start looking after others, you start curing others. All kinds of things you do. Apart from that the creativity goes to this extent, that I know people who had never known any language so well, they were say, financing people, economics, and suddenly they become great poets such creativity comes in to them. They see the, I have seen people taking to painting and all kinds of art, they get it. And the people who are artists can become architects, can become also great financing people. Such a balance works out and a personality develops into very, very beautiful balanced manner. So if you are an artist, not only that you develop that particular area, but you become much more than that. I know of a musician who came to Me and I was surprised that after realization he has written a very beautiful book about Indian classical music, with all the mathematical calculations. He has never done mathematics in life. So all this knowledge comes for you, from your own Torsion Area, as Einstein called it. Einstein was one day trying to find out the theory of relativity but he couldn't find it. He was so fed up in the laboratory, so he came home and sat in his chair in the garden and was blowing bubbles of the soap. And suddenly he sensed from somewhere unknown, "The theory of relativity dawned upon me." That unknown he called as Torsion Area. You all have that Torsion Area and you all can reach that Torsion Area, only that connection has to be made. Now this Kundalini is the one, she makes your connection with that Torsion Area. She is the one that gives you that that power to know absolute knowledge, absolute knowledge. And you know the reality of everything. Now whatever problems we have are more sort of embedded in us. Like we have jealousies, we have lust and greed and all those things. Suddenly you become a saint. You don't know how you have become a saint. You just get rid of all these stupid things that you have been doing and you become a beautiful personality. Extremely beautiful, the greed, the lust and all these nonsensical things, which are self-destructive just finishes. All your constructive powers suddenly rise how they come up no one know, and all destructive things go away. I don't tell anybody, don't do this and don't do that. No, not at all, because half of them would leave there. But it's just, after realization, they give up. After realisation they give up and the power you get, is the power of compassion and love. Not the power of destruction, but the power of compassion and love. It so happens that (you) become also collectively conscious. When you become collectively conscious what happens is that you can also feel the other. Who is the other? You become like the ocean when a drop falls into the ocean. So now you are an ocean of love and affection and who is the other? So you develop this collective consciousness by which you know what's wrong with others. If you have cured your wrongs you can cure their wrongs also. That is how this becomes a very global action, it's a global behaviour it's a global attention. You put your attention anywhere, it works out. They call it a miracle, I don't. Because now you have become realized souls, so you are yourself a miracle and whatever you do will be miraculous. So one has to understand these powers are within you, that you can become collectively conscious. If you see in this world there are so many problems. Personal, even country wise, national, all kinds of problems. But most of them come from human beings, most of them are made to work by human beings. What you have to do is you understand that all these human problems should drop. If they are finished you become beautiful human beings. You are beautiful, you have to have only the knowledge of the Divine, that's all. It is not that you can pay for it, you cannot. How much do we pay for the seed to sprout? It sprouts by itself. In the same way the Kundalini comes up by itself, you don't have to do anything. People have asked Me "Why is it free?" I said, "All right, tell Me how much we have to pay?" I can't understand. They can't understand how everything could be free, why not? After all you have seen whatever living process is, always free, and this is the last evolution of human beings. Where you jump into a new awareness, which we call as thoughtless awareness. Thoughtless awareness is a state of mind where you look at anything you don't think, you just watch. You become a witness, just a witness. You watch, whatever is there, you watch. You do not react. Many people say, "Mother, you look so young." I don't know, must be, but it is one reason, I never react. I just see, I just witness and that witnessing power cures the thing, cures the problem. So you become so powerful with that witness power. You just become a witness of everything and the enjoyment. Now for example such beautiful carpets are spread here. I see them, very beautiful, I don't have to react. Anybody who will see that would say, "All right, how much has it cost? From where it has come? If it's mine I will be more worried." But I don't, I just watch the art. The art that is produced by the artist and the joy of the artist, I enjoy. So you become joyous, full of joy. In everything you see such a lot of joy that you never get tired of life. You are never bored, you always enjoying everything, small things to big things. Just by your witness state, these flowers, anything you see. If you don't have this power of attention they are lost to you, they are nothing to you. But if you have that witnessing power, then you really enjoy, you get the essence of everything as enjoyment. And then you have also collective enjoyment. Collectively you enjoy. You do not enjoy alone and your perception becomes so beautiful, you become so collective. Now all of them are, I think, not Indians, I think none of them are. But how they have picked up Indian song and how they rhythmically, it s very difficult to sing Indian song. How rhythmically they are playing, how beautiful they playing, how did they get it? And also English, they have western music with them, they can play western music also. So to come into art is very important. What I find nowadays because of so much of a mechanical life, people have forgotten about art. Art is the joy-giving thing and once you become Sahaja Yogi, is to find a beautiful understanding of art. And you can really enjoy that art within yourself. Nowadays people are doing some cheap type of music, because people like that kind, but if they become deeper, they will enjoy the real classics, the real ones that were produced for your enjoyment. So we become elegant people, we become people with very classic tastes, and we do not condemn anyone. We do not say that he is wrong, that is wrong, we know how to enjoy everything. We don't have just a measure, or a, you can say, a very limited ideas about things. For example, a westerner won't like a carpet, which is all full, they are spaced out. So they want to have everything spaced, if it is not spaced out then they don't like it. I have seen that, but after realization, they just enjoy. These are like flowers all spread. So these limited idea that we have from different books, or maybe from different families whatever it is, and they just disappear and you start enjoying the joy of all the artists who have produced it. Nowadays the artists are finished, very few artists are there. Why? Why are they, why can't we have Raphael, why can't we have Mozart nowadays, why? What has happened to human beings? Because, very simple to understand, they are not self-realized. They could not produce those classics, which all those artists produced, they were born realized and they did all this beautiful work for us. Now, if you do not have realization, whatever you produce will not be globally accepted. It will be accepted only when you do something, which is expressing the joy within your heart, expressing the compassion that you have within your heart. Also I have seen many social workers, I don't know what sort of social worker are there. They are fighting for this and fighting for that, how can you have that kind of social worker? You have to have social work when you have heart for them. You have heart felt feelings for them, when you have real compassion for them. And people think "Where to get this compassion Mother", it's within you, it's all within you. You don't have to go anywhere for that, it's all there. You are a human being specially created. Specially created. And this Kundalini is your Mother, She is your own Mother, She has no other child but you, and She is all the time watching you, She knows all about you. She knows what is your past, what mistakes you have committed, what good things you have done. Also She knows what are your aspirations, where you want to go. She is the Mother who gives you your second birth and in this second birth you don't have to get any trouble. You don't get into any trouble, why? Why it happens, because this is the Mother that takes all the trouble. As you were born, your mother took all the trouble of your birth, in the same way this second birth takes place. And with this second birth what happens is that you become a very transformed personality, a very different personality. And you are amazed at yourself. "What has happened to me? I am so changed, I become so quiet, I become so joyous, I become so peaceful." People talk of peace, peace, peace. How can you have peace with people who have no peace within? First of all you have to have peace within yourself, and that is established through the Kundalini awakening. As it is, I have given so many lectures in this hall, before also. But now I have to tell you, that if you do not know yourself you have missed the point. You must know yourself, not only know, but go deep into it. I find out of the people who get realization, five percent or so, or maybe ten percent I don't know, who are developing and going deeper into it. They don't have to spend any money, they don't have to spend any time, but they have to understand what is to be done. And once they are told this is to be done, try, try, there is nothing to be absurd about it. Many-a-times people feel they should not be like this, they should not be like that. Instead of showing that, you should think that these people who have achieved, have achieved through their efforts of understanding Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja is Saha is with you, with, Ja is born, is born with you. The right to get your self-realization is born with you and you have to get it. You have to get it. All of you deserve it, there is no one I think who can say he doesn't deserve it. Do not condemn yourselves, don't have pity about yourself, don't have guilt about yourself. All these things are very superficial. All these things are absolutely finished when Kundalini rises, and She just goes like a roaring river and gives you self-realization. This has to happen, that's the time, you must take advantage of it. So for this we'll have now the programme for self-realization. But one thing is sure, I cannot give you self-realization if you do not want. It cannot be forced. You cannot force these [??], you have to have the desire, the pure desire within you. The pure desire is the Kundalini, all other desires of yours are useless. You want to have one thing today, then you want to have another thing, never fulfilled. But if the Kundalini is awakened then you will know what is your pure desire is. Unless and until you have that desire, I cannot force you. It should not be forced and it will work out for people, all of them who want to have the pure desire. It helps in many ways I know, it helps also financially. It has helped many financially, it has helped many in their endeavours, in their jobs, everywhere it helps. Because you become yourself, your personality becomes yourself, and you start utilizing that. It is a very, very remarkable thing that is happening in this Kali Yuga, in these modern times. So whatever it is, you all are capable of getting self-realization, this is My assurance. And also the assurance is that you all can grow very deep into to it. You have to give little bit time to yourself also and it will work out. May God bless you all, may God bless you. As I have said, I cannot force it on you. It will take hardly 5-10 minutes to get your self-realization, but if you don't want to have, it is better that you leave the hall. It is so much better that you leave the hall, if you don't want to have, you cannot be forced. Now please put both your hands like this towards Me, please. I hope you have taken out your shoes, take out your shoes will be good idea. Mother earth helps us a lot, if our shoes are out, it's very good. Now please put both your hands towards Me. Now what are you doing? These five fingers, sixth and seventh place, they are your chakras, they are the endings of your chakras, of your centres. And also on the left side. So we have right side and left side so just put your hands like this. You may close your eyes. No, I've told you already that you should not feel guilty, if you feel guilty then the chakra on the left side, called as Vishuddhi, gets caught up. With that you can get angina or else you can get spondylitis. So please don't feel guilty, you are not to feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong, it's finished, and you should not think about it anymore. So please don't feel guilty for anything whatsoever. Another thing is that you have to forgive yourself so that you'll not feel guilty. Please forgive yourself completely. You are here to get your self-realisation and not to brood over your mistakes that you have committed. Just now you have to be the present, past is finished and the future doesn't exist. In reality you are in the present where you have to forget. You have to forget all those things that make you feel guilty so forgive yourself. Also you have to forgive others, which many people say is difficult. But it is not, it is the easiest thing to do. You have to just say, "Mother, I forgive everyone". That's all. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. Really don't do anything. But if you do not forgive you carry the load of that upon yourself and your life is tortured for nothing at all. So if you can just forgive others, it will solve that problem very well. Which will be opening out the chakra we call Agnya chakra, which is in the crossing of the optic chiasma. Which is very restricted and you have to forgive everyone so that this chakra opens out for the Kundalini's entry into your limbic area. Please, try to help yourself. Just forgive yourself and forgive others, a very simple thing to do Now raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone when you were a child. So please raise your hand above, not on but above, and move it, move your hand up and down and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It could be hot also, if you have not forgiven yourself or others it can be hot. So please forgive yourself and others. But if it is hot still, it's coming out of your fontanel bone area, you can bend your head would be better. Bend your head you can feel it better. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and right hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Have faith in yourself, only faith you have to have is in yourself that you are capable of getting your self-realization. Now raise your hand and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now you can feel it on your hands also, put both the hands towards Me. Most of you can feel it, but some people might feel it under the palm, so try to bring it like this. Under the palm, some people might be feeling under the palm. They should take it out like this. I'll tell you later why it is so. There's complete silence within. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of their fontanel bone area, or even hot breeze please raise both your hands. All of you have felt it. May God bless you. All of you have felt. Now you have to promise Me one thing for this, to promise Me that you will grow in Sahaja Yoga. You will become a very big tree not a small little plant and you will help the world to come to this paradise of heavenly blessings. This should be your promise to Me. You can do it, I know you can do it. If I could do, I would not request you, but I am requesting you that you have to go deep down into yourself and see that you have got this great treasure and you must develop it. May God bless you. Thank you. [Aside to yogis] Now this is a song I am requesting them to sing, is a song written by a very great poet called Namadeva. In the 16th century he wrote it and here what he is saying, "Oh Mother give me the yoga, I am asking for yoga. Please give me". And then he says, "O Ambe is the name of the Kundalini, Rise. Ude, ude - please rise and give me realization, give everyone realization." It's a very beautiful song, but he has said it, "I have cleansed myself. I have washed myself. I have cleared out my all ego. I have cleared out all my anger. Everything I have cleared out and now you rise." But in Sahaja Yoga we do not clear, only we will raise the Kundalini then you yourself will clear yourself. You will see yourself, what's wrong with you, and you will clear yourself. This is the quick method in these modern times. So when this has happened, you will see within yourself what's gone wrong with you.
You must have desire to settle down
Public Program
Public Program in Holland Park School. London (UK), 27 September 2000. I am very happy to see so many people here to know about Sahaja Yoga in all its details, but in this short time what can you be told? That firstly you got your realization, you felt the cool breeze all right and that it was an experience, but beyond this experience we have to settle down. It is very, very important that you must have desire to settle down. You don't know the importance of your personality. You are the one who'll save this world. Because the salvation of the whole world is not possible with Myself and you people, who will be really developed, it will be such a force.I told about England yesterday, another thing is that England is the heart of the universe I think. Everything circulates from here, whatever happens small or big it circulates. It is not that only England has many newspapers or television centers but somehow it circulates everywhere. I used to think only in India, it's not so. I've seen everywhere, every country, there's news about England. Even in America, even in South America, I was surprised how people are worried about England so much that they want to know what's happening in England. My own experience is this, that they get so upset with the things that upsets your country, not only that but anything that happens of a very small importance is noted down and they always tell Me, "Mother, we have seen in the newspaper, we have seen in the television."America is such a vast country and also the newspapers are vast and their television is impossible to [sounds like CAUSE/GOT] anything out of it. Horrible. What they say also language wise, we are not so good for American language.So, they're little exclusive people, I think their idea is to be exclusive. For example, if they produce anything electrical, it has to have 110 watt, while normally people have 220, so nobody can buy their electrical productions. Now they have started a small production of that. They try to be exclusive, while I think England is not like that, it's not exclusive, it's not only keeping all its things to itself. This is something, a very great quality that England has. It has many other qualities, as I told you yesterday, there has to be self-esteem. One quality is that they never go to extremes. I mean we had some hippies we had little bit of this and that, but they don't go to extremes.But in America or any other country, if something starts it really blasts the whole atmosphere.This balancing is in England is something really very surprising. Also they are disciplined, they have their own discipline, and with that discipline, they like people who are disciplined, who are very much in time, properly dressed for the occasion and I'm not trying to just praise you, but this is My observation. And in this observation I find, once Sahaja Yoga settles down in England, it will spread all over the world. Then I don't have to run about in every country. That's very important, that it should settle down here, that is you should all understand the importance of Sahaja Yoga.When I first came to London, My husband had a job and I started My work with seven people, out of them I think five were hippies. But immediately they got rid of their drugs, alcohols and all that. Immediately. Next day they were different people. But how to prove, how to tell, was a problem. They improved so much, unbelievable. And I felt very close to them that they are the people who have achieved it in such a short time. For which I think otherwise, I have to work very hard for others. They became hippies because of some sort of a fashion maybe. But English don't take to fashions so much. I don't know why. Why they had become hippies , and they were very well educated, all were professors, this, that. And they said that we have taken to this hippism because we wanted to experiment as to what it is.I said you can't experiment with a snake, but let the snake bite us and then we'll experiment. Once it bites you, you are finished. All these things have been always, kept Me attached to London and I have been here for twenty years continuously. But the work that we did, I don't know why it did not reach intellectuals, and newspaper people, while all other stupid people who came here were so much enamored, and were given so much prominence, everybody was talking about them. So that's how the London is based about Sahaja Yoga.It is a spontaneous happening within us. Spontaneous. Yesterday you saw, I didn't do anything, it just works spontaneously, because it is there and it has to be awakened, that's all. But I know also people who have been cured, have been completely cured of very difficult diseases with Sahaja Yoga. It's a fact, it's not just I'm boasting about it, but it's a fact. It's a very powerful thing within us.This power of Kundalini is extremely, extremely kind, loving, affectionate and effective. As I said it's your Mother, and when it acts, it works so well, it works so well. It is impossible to avoid Kundalini awakening once it has been awakened. But I know some people who have been able to defy it, maybe because of basically they were cheats or immoral or some sort of people, but they were very few, very very few. Mostly I have seen people have grown to great heights with Sahaja Yoga.Today I want to tell you a special thing about Sahaja Yoga. That, in Sahaja Yoga, slowly, slowly you'll find, most of your problems, most of your, I should say enemies, in Sanskrit they are called [SHADRIPUS?], all these will just disappear. You'll be amazed, how they are just disappearing. Jealousy, anger, racism, all kinds of stupid things that have been lingering, of which you may not be even aware, just drop out. And you feel such love and such affection for everyone who comes across. You try to give them Sahaja Yoga, you try to tell them about Sahaja Yoga. They may like it, they may not like it. English are little conservative, so that conservatism has gone little bit sometimes, too much.There is no harm in talking about Sahaja Yoga. I have seen people who have gurus, of the worst type, worst type.One lady was sitting next to Me…. It's quite warm today eh? They told Me it's very cold. That's England [laughs]. It's cold or hot. The climate is whimsical, agreed. Very whimsical, if you are going out say. We were living in Oxsted, 25 miles away, and when I started from there it was, surprisingly, it was absolutely clear sky.And by the time I reached Victoria Station, it was pouring cats and dogs as you say. Horrible, I couldn't understand. Or vice versa. So the climate is whimsical, but that makes you prepared for every kind of climate, every kind of incident. And you understand, that that is what is the nature. We shouldn't fight with the nature, but we shouldn't expect everything to be absolutely first class when we are going out. So this kind of taking risk has made you people very courageous, I must say. Courageous. And this courage is to be used now in Sahaja Yoga. You have to use this for spreading Sahaja Yoga. This is your mission. This is what you'll enjoy. You'll be amazed, the more you spread, the higher you'll go. You'll develop much more, much more powers within you, and unlimited powers.As far as miracles are concerned, I'm just, don't know how to explain them. Such miracles take place. We had a lady from America, she was staying with us and she had some sort of a funny disease, that all her intestines and stomach were all entangled with some sort of a growth. And she had it before also. So she had an operation and they took out everything. Again she came to Cabella, and she was staying there. Again she developed the same problems, the same symptoms. She was quite worried. So they said, all right, we'll take you to the hospital. She said, no, let me first meditate, and with meditation, you'll be amazed, when she went to the hospital, the doctor said there is nothing, you're absolutely clear. You are cleared out.This meditation can help you in so many ways. It's not a meditation of some sort of a chanting, or some sort of going into, as they said you'll fly in the air all type of thing, no. It just is meditation by which you enter within yourself.Your Kundalini works out with this meditation. She looks after your illness, she looks after about your curing. All kinds of things she looks after. Even the traffic you know, you'll be surprised, it works in so many ways. It is so miraculous, you will find all the time as if you are helped by some people, some angels are there who are helping you. You'll be amazed at yourself, when it starts working out. So, instead of doubting, you keep watching what's happening, how it works out. So many things work out in such a beautiful manner, that you are amazed, as if you have entered into the kingdom of God. Which you have. All the possible help, all the possible solutions, just come like that.I've seen one fellow who had some case on him, and he told Me, "Mother, I have this case, and this and that." I said, "All right, you meditate," and when he went to the court, they said that you're already solved, that thing is solved already. He was amazed, "How is it solved? I never even came into the court."Then he went to the lawyer, and the lawyer said, "Yes, they are solved, but I don't know how, because I didn't go to the court. I was sitting with Mataji, I didn't go to the court. But your problem is solved, because when I went to the court next day, they said it's all done." "But who was arguing the case?" "They said you." "I? I was not arguing, so who was arguing the case? There was, and even you see, the remark of the magistrate is this, that you argued very well." It's a fact, I'm not telling you stories, it's a fact, it happened. He said, "Mother, did you go to argue the case?" I said, "I am very bad at that, I do not know how to argue." But such wonderful things have happened, I mean, you won't believe, unbelievable things happen. And, it is just to be seen. As I told you yesterday, you have to be in the witness state. Don't you think that there's anything less or more with anybody. You are all there and are looked after.But have faith in yourself is the main point. If you don't have faith in yourself, it doesn't work. Just have faith in yourself. I'm not telling you just tall stories, I tell you. It is the fact, I Myself I'm amazed how things work out. I'll tell you about Dr Spiro, one day what happened, interesting. You see, I had told the boys not to go in the sun, in Indian sun you know, after 10 o'clock. But they wanted I don’t know, to burn their skin, or whatever they wanted to do. Five, six boys were there, and when they came away, they had all blisters all over in their hands. So he said, they have to be given tetanus, that has to be done and all that. I said, "don't worry, it can be solved."I just took some water and a bit of cotton wool, little cotton wool and put it on them. And I was, as I was taking it down, it all disappeared, it was all disappearing.But I told them, that in the evening, go and sit in the sea so your heat is taken out. I think they didn't do it. I sent them My saris to cover themselves. I said, "Take these saris, cover yourselves, keep it there."After that, I went to My brother's place in Aurangabad. He was the judge of the high court there. I went there and My brother came and he said, "What has happened to Your saris?" I said, "Why?" "See how many big, big holes there are." And I said "How do you know?" He said, "These girls went to take out Your sari for Your bath and there were big, big holes all over."All the saris had those holes. So he said, "How will You manage?" I said, "I'll manage with one sari, it doesn't matter." But, I just remember these boys, the amount of heat they had. They burnt the saris so badly. But they were not aware of their heat, that was inside. Though they were cured, the heat was inside. Like this, there are many, many things that have happened, and I don't know how to explain to you all these miracles.Now, why do these miracles are there? Why there is these miraculous photographs? You must have seen them. To convince people. They were never convinced you see. Christ came, He crucified Himself. Nobody was convinced that He was divine. The problem is, human mind is so stuck up that they cannot accept anybody as divine. And at this time, in modern times, when there are so many false gurus, all kinds of things going on, I think it was necessary for Them to produce these miraculous photographs. Actually, I don't do anything, to be very frank, I don't do. It's all done by this all-pervading power. I was once in Brisbane in Australia and I was sleeping, daytime, so one girl saw a beautiful rainbow and she wanted to take a picture. She took a picture of the rainbow, but can you imagine a painting I love very much of Raffaello, of the Mother and the Child, I like it very much. And she sees that thing on the photograph. And the circular light that Raffaello has shown was on top of Her head. I thought Raffaello himself has painted or what has happened? I couldn't believe Myself.Like this, so many things, so many things, you can see one by one, some are they have collected, some are not. Recently we had a program in Bombay where we get at least 2 lakhs of people, that means 200 000 people and they were all preparing, arranging the stage, and in the photograph, I'm already there. And with Me is Ganesha sitting. Even Shri Ganesha's actual body, actual face was there in one of the other pictures. I myself start wondering what is all going on. This is the work of Paramchaitanya, which is trying to convince people who cannot be easily convinced. It's trying to make people understand that this is Divine, this is Divinity. They never believed in Christ, they never believed in anyone. All kinds of things they have said about Christ, all sorts of things they have tried to talk about Krishna, Rama. But, still there are very few people who really believe in them. They think it's a myth. But all these myths become real. You'll be amazed how you will change. You'll start looking so much younger first of all. Myself, you know, I'm very good at recognizing people, but some people I could not recognize. I said are you the same here? So transformed, the whole face shape, looking so much different. One fellow was bald, he's got all the hair on his head. And what did he do? He said, "No, Mother, I just raised my Kundalini, that's all." "You didn't do anything?" "No, no, I didn't do anything." And he had become so bald, so much bald headed, that the passport, his photograph was there, and when the passport fellow saw him he said You? Because he was bald-headed at that time, but he had hair before, but now, his hair has come back. Unbelievable things have happened. Unbelievable. And all this is for you.You're in for it. You can have many, many miracles. My, another name is also Daisy, because My mother was very fond of a teacher, her name was Daisy, apart from this, she gave Me the name of Daisy. Now, when I came to England, I found daisies everywhere, but they had no fragrance, no fragrance. We don't get daisies in India, you will be surprised. But then, they got fragrance. All daisies got fragrance, very surprising. They never had fragrance and they started smelling very well, in a very beautiful manner. So it works also in the nature somehow. I mean, that that nature should know My name is Daisy, that this, it's remarkable. There's no end to it. So many angels and so many divine vibrations are working it out. So I have to first tell you that you must have faith in yourself, very important, and you must meditate. Once you start meditating, you'll become masters of Sahaja Yoga. For this, color is no bar, religion no bar, race no bar, nothing. As long as you are a human being and you have got your realization, you can really go very far. So many miracles have happened to Sahaja Yogis, so many miracles. And I was surprised, even when they write to Me, they say Mother, nobody will believe, but this is what has happened. So, I would request you to have faith in yourself and do meditation. Very important. Then the growth within, you'll be amazed. I have seen people who never wrote any single line are real poets. Those who could not stand on the dais to speak have become great orators. So many people have achieved so much. But I just told them, don't talk about it, if you talk about it they'll think we are telling some sort of a story. It's a fact. Now you also find out in your own life, the experience of all these changes that take place. How the relationships change. There was one fellow in America, very rich man, and he told Me, I don't know what You did to me. I said, "What happened?" See, I hated my cousin, I really hated him, but the other day I saw him and I felt like hugging him. And I kissed him so he started looking at me, what's gone wrong with me? You see, like, you change so enjoy now, you enjoy the collectivity. Now in India we have a seminar of Sahaja Yogis. You see we have people from all over the world. We have from Brazil, from Argentina, say from England, also Spain, everywhere. Russia, such a lot from Russia. And when they meet, I've never heard anybody quarrelling or hitting or anything. They are in thousands, last time we had ten thousand, but I've never seen anybody, but such understand and love. Of course, they pull each other's legs, that's true, as friends, but on the whole there's never a fight, never a quarrel. Can you imagine if this thing happened to the whole world?All these wars that they have started, all this kind of problems they have created in the name of God, in the name of land, or whatever it is, will be finished. This should happen, this should happen to the whole world, and I want this world to be a very happy and a beautiful place. And I'm sure you all can achieve it. Because of you, the vibrations will spread. Vibrations of love, vibrations of compassion.We have also a great idea of having compassion for the people who are suffering. So I've started a hospital which is very successful, and we don't have to charge anything except for what they have to pay for their food and stay. And it's working wonders. What has happened? What has happened, how is it working like that? It is nothing but sheer divine power.We have another hospital now we are starting in Delhi, and also destitute women, and it's surprising how things work out. There was a lady who came and complained about her husband. That he has been very unkind to her and this and that. I said all right, once we have destitute women's home you come there. Amazing, the husband came next day and she tells Me, Mother, he's became a very nice man now. He's become very nice. Really? He didn't come to meditation, he didn't get his realization, how has he become so nice? How suddenly he has become so nice to his wife? It's really unbelievable how it acts. I tell you, we don't know, this all-pervading power is the power of love. God is Truth, but Truth is Love. Love not biased, love not because there is some sort of a gain or some relationship, but love which is just love. The ocean of love, and you'll just start enjoying that ocean. I have seen it Myself happening and you also should see.Whenever is possible please come to Cabella at least, is in Italy. There you can see. And we have nothing but a hangar, and they didn't want Me to build anything for them. I said in the hangar how do you live? That's the best Mother, we want to live in the camp. We don't want to live in rooms. We have had enough of it. Imagine, Russians, Americans, all of them in such beautiful enjoyment. I tell you, we have to enjoy life. God has not created us to weep and cry, but to enjoy. It's good for you, it's good for your children, good for your family, good for your nation and for the whole world. As I told you, that you are important because from England everything circulates, circulates, circulates. So, how important you are in Sahaja Yoga I'm just trying to tell you. Very important and you can do a lot. One person went to Russia and now we have thousands of Russian Sahaja Yogis.Thousands of them, they are so dedicated, so beautiful, you can't imagine. Once I was in Moscow when this coup took place and big problem you see there. So I asked the Sahaja Yogis, "Aren't you worried about this coup that has taken place?" "Which coup, Mother?" I said, "Which you had in Moscow." "Mother, we don't live in Moscow, we live in the Kingdom of God." Just imagine. So when you face reality you are enamored, you are just filled with joy, because reality is joy. Today's function I'd never have attended before like this. But they said Mother you should come so I've tried to make it, but I would like you to ask Me questions now. It's very important, if you have any doubts, please ask, or if you have anything to say, please ask. Thank you. No questions?Q. Shri Mataji, what do you think of Buddhism? A. I’ll answer you.. Buddhism is very different from Buddha. Absolutely.Buddha first got his realization. First he became a Buddha and then he started Buddha religion. But the way people are doing Buddhism is the other way round. That you give up your wife, you give up your children, you give up even your dress, everything. To whom? To these people. Buddha started after his realization. After your realization only you can become Buddha, means a realized soul. And he said it the same way. He said Buddham Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to other realized souls, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. Then he said Sangham Sharanam Gachami, Dharmam Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to the religion which is within me, innate religion. And thirdly he says, (what’s that? Forget it) Sangham Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to the collective.This nonsense of giving up this, giving up that, I mean, it's too much. If you are holding onto something then you can give up. If you are not holding onto anything then what are you going to give up? Simple thing like that, for example, in Canada, one fellow came wearing that Buddhist's dress. I don't like it. A Sahaja Yogi said you'd better go and change, Mother will not give you realization if you are wearing this dress. So he came to Me and, "Mother, please forgive me, I have no other dress left." I said, "Why?" "I have lost everything." He was a big business man. "I've lost everything, I've given away to the Buddhists and I'm left with two pair of these clothes and if you don't give me realization, what will I do?" “Really?” ”Yes”. So, what is there to give up is the point, what is there to give up? If you are not holding onto anything what are you going to give up? Simple thing like that. Buddha never gave up his clothes, nothing of the kind. But he wanted to find out, what is the truth. So he went round, I mean he tried his level best and everything, ultimately his Kundalini rose and he got the realization. But what he was doing there, he was just lying down under a banyan tree. Now, whatever mistakes he has committed, we need not do, that you give up your wife, you give up your child, give up this, give up that. Just the contrast of what really Buddha achieved, is a contrast of that. So Buddhism is not Buddha by any chance.Any other? Yes. One at a time.Q. The gentleman wants to know what happens after we die, Mother?A. Now, that's another point. Everybody worried about what will happen if we die. I would say that, as a Sahaja Yogi, you should not worry about the future because it doesn't exist. You shouldn't worry about your past because finished. You should be in the presence which is the reality. Present is the reality. What's the use if I tell you what will happen, you'll become a bird or anything, are you going to believe Me? You should not.Now, what is it?Q. Could you tell us about angels Shri Mataji? You mentioned angels, so could you tell us about angels?A. They are very beautiful, just like flowers, very fragrant. And they will help you; you'll be amazed how they'll help you. You won't see them, you don't see them. But they are there, in the form of some human being, in so many ways. So, you cannot describe them because you can't see them. But you'll see their help, and you'll be amazed how they guide you to the right path. Now, supposing you lose your way somewhere, don't get frustrated, don't get upset about it. If you have lost your way it must be some purpose.On that way when you go you'll find somebody whom you have been looking for ages, or maybe some sort of a thing you'll find, some treasure you'll find. So, if you have lost your way, there's nothing to worry. They work very smoothly and sweetly.There’s a lady who’s asking.Q. She's asking how you begin to meditate, Shri Mataji.A. That of course I will tell you. There's a photograph of Mine, first you have to work on that. Afterwards you will know that how it works, but first you have to use My photograph, I don't know what to do because the photograph has the vibrations. You can test it, you'll get tremendous vibrations from the photograph. It's a kind, as we can call, a figure, which emits vibrations. I do not gain anything by that, but you will gain. You will gain, so you have to sit down and meditate before the photograph. It's full of vibrations. It's so effective I tell you, that when you put these photographs of Mine all over London, it works.There was a lady here, she was asking. Q. Is prayer the same as meditation? A. See, before you are connected to the Divine what is your prayer? It's nothing. If you telephone without the connection what is it? So after realization the prayer very much helps but meditation is inner, prayer is outside. For your inner growth, meditation is necessary. You don't have to spend too much time, say about in the evening before sleeping, if you can do it for about say ten minutes, or maybe five minutes in the morning, that's very good. Q. Sahaja Yoga is available to everybody, is it even available to politicians, Mother?A. I mean, you know, you'll be surprised, in India so many politicians have come to Sahaja Yoga. In India. But I don't know about English politicians. I have met some, I have met some, but they are so much involved into their own positions and things. So far none of them, but if you can grab some people it's a good idea. Q. The gentleman asks for your personal blessing Shri Mataji, he wants your personal blessing.A. May God bless you, may God bless you. It is for everyone. For everyone. Q. What is the difference between the soul and the spirit.A. The soul and the spirit? It's a subject should be dealt later on but little in short I'll tell you.The soul is the essence, essence of the five elements. Essence.For example, for Mother Earth, the essence is fragrance, so all these five elements have essence, and this essence contains the soul in the sense that the soul is the reflection of God Almighty within us.So the body is that of the five elements, the essence of the five elements and the spirit is the one which is reflected on it, that is the reflection of God Almighty. But later on you'll know much more.Again.Q. Mother he wants to know if You still meditate Yourself?A. I am in meditation all the time. It’s a big lecture! Sit down, sit down.Q. He wants to know, there are different meditations he says, and he's confused, Mother. A. Meditation cannot be different, it has to be one, and the one that makes you deep is the meditation. All kinds of meditation there were. One meditation they had started here by which you will start moving three feet higher than normal.Now think of it, already we have traffic jams. You can find the stupidity in all of them. If you use your intelligence, you'll find out, because you don't grow. Meditation that is good is the one by which you grow. Everything is not the food. The food that you can eat is the food. Alright?Now, go on. This lady. He was doing for the last three, four times, alright. Can’t you get up please?Q. What do you think about Islam, Mother?A. Islam is great, no doubt. But nobody follows Islam. Nobody follows, nobody has read even Koran. You'll be amazed. They are fighting without understanding what Islam has written. Mohammed Sahib was one of the incarnations of the real Gurus, but Muslims, stupid as they are, they don't follow. They don't follow the exact sayings of Koran. Now in Koran is written, that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. See? And without that you cannot be Mussulman, I mean Mussulman means surrendered.Just imagine. It's all Sahaja Yoga, if you can read between the lines. We have a book called as "Koran Enlightened," we have also "Bible Enlightened," we have "Gita Enlightened" All right?Q. He says he finds it difficult to meditate because his mind is wandering. How to control the mind Mother?A. Never control, don't try to control it. There's no need to control. Your Kundalini itself will give you thoughtless awareness, She'll work it out. Try on the photograph, it will work out. Q. It's a request Mother, will you come to Ireland one day?A. Oh, of course! They are lost, fighting among themselves. But I have a special feeling for Ireland. Because of ignorance, complete ignorance, now the Catholics were fighting Protestants, now Protestants are fighting each other, now Catholics will start fighting each other. I don't want to say anything, but you must understand that all these religions have created nothing but fighting mongerers. Crucified Christ and how can you think of fighting? All over the world there's fight in the name of God. Can you imagine the stupidity? Irish are very nice people, very simple, but they get lost, into these different, different ideas.Actually, religion should never make you fight but the religions have misled them. The religions have misled them, alright? We have to give them that real religion of within. Innate religion. In Italy they started an argument with Me and they said, "We don't", ultimately, they said, "We don't want to have one religion for the whole world." I said, "Why?" "Because then you can't fight, isn't it?" You want to have many religions so you can nicely fight with each other. Like Rwanda and all these people. Religion must bring peace, joy, otherwise what's the use of having any religion? Q. Will you one day come to Scotland, Mother?A. Scotland I have been. I have been to Scotland, but, the problem was, at about 12 o'clock everybody was drunk.Q. Can Sahaja Yoga change your fate, change your karma, change your destiny? Can Sahaja Yoga change it?A. Your karmas are finished. After Sahaja Yoga, your karmas are finished. And can change your face also, but why do you want to change your face? Fate, fate!! Ah, of course, of course it can. It can change your fate and all your aspirations are changed. Then you just want to spread Sahaja Yoga, and enjoy the company of Sahaja Yogis. Q. He is a student Mother, how can Sahaja Yoga help with being a student, with education?A. Very much. For student, is a blessing I say. Do you know, Sahaja Yogis who have been very bad students, have stood first, have got first class first all over the world Sahaja Yogis are doing so well in their studies because you get a clear cut vision. It's tremendous, for students it's very good.Q. Is it important to be a vegetarian Mother?A. Not at all. You see, in Sahaja Yoga we don't eat animals which are bigger than us and you need not eat animals in case you are a person who requires more vegetables. So depends on your constitution. Now supposing a person who is vegetarian and gets diarrhea, he should stop. I'm not a vegetarian. Q. He's got a problem with his knees.A. Can be cured. Knee problems can be cured. And how and when, that's what you have to see these people and they will tell you how to cure it. It can be cured. It is related to your chakras. Alright? Come here. She should come here.Q. We can hear, Shri Mataji. She says You travel a lot, do You fall sick? You travel all over the world, to different climates, do You fall sick?A. No, no. You see, people while they are travelling, they think they are travelling, that's why they get sick. I never think.I think I'm sitting nicely on a coach and also they think that, when will they reach, will there be people or not, worried about that, or maybe their past things they are worried. I am not. I don't get sick. Q. Another request, Shri Mataji, when will you go to South Africa?A. The problem was like this, that on My passport it was written that Indians cannot. Because I am a diplomat, diplomatic thing, we cannot go to South Africa. Now they have removed, so after that I will try to. Q. He says, Shri Mataji, that he lives in South Africa and You are very far away physically, but he feels that You are there, helping him, why is that?A. That is My, that's My attention. I really want to go to South Africa. I've been trying, but I haven't got the permission. And now I've got the permission, definitely I'll go. And when you don't have permission you are more concerned about that country, isn't it?Q. What do you think about entities, bad spirits Mother, earth-bound spirits? A. There are, no doubt. They are there. But you don't worry, you don't have them.Q. Is there any similarity that we know of between Sahaja Yoga and ancient Egyptian or African religions?A. In Africa, I was surprised that they have talked about Kundalini. They have, and I have seen some of the maps, old maps, of Africa, they have made the picture of Kundalini also, all over. Even in a place like Bolivia, which is so far away, and somebody went to Bolivia from Italy and they said Mother they know everything about Kundalini. I said, "Really?"Yes, they know, but they don't know how to awaken it. And Sahaja Yoga has spread so much in Bolivia the Minister from there came to see Me. And who told them? I said, "Who told them?" They said, "There were two saints who came from India."Even in Ukraine, I was surprised, they said, "There were two saints who came here from India, they told us about Kundalini." Chinese people, they believe that there is a treasure of spirituality in India but they don't know what it is, you see. But these two, I don't know, there were two saints known as Machindranath and Goraknath who have been travelling all over the world. I don't know if they went all the way over there.Q. A question about Paramahansa Yogananda, quite famous here because of his book.A. He's famous? What has he done? What has he done? Writing a funny book like that, that's all. I don't want to discuss, but first when you ask about somebody, you'll have to tell Me what he has done.Q. The gentleman set up a Self Realization Fellowship in America, Mother. A. I know many in America who have done it, and they are more difficult to get Self-realization. There's a big organization there, and they all believe they are Self-realized, but they don't know any vibrations, they can't feel anything, and when they have been to that organization, I find it difficult to give them realization.In the name of God, in the name of Self-realization, if you spoil the Kundalini of people, then I don't know what to say about you.There’s a lady... Just a minute. Please!She has been raising her hand. Q. Is it possible to meditate for the benefit of other people, Mother?A. In meditation you don't think of anything, see, you have to become thoughtless, that is meditation. And for other people, you can always ask, you are yourself protected, and there are ways they'll tell you have to work out for others. See, they'll tell you later on. Now.Q. Shri Mataji, will peace, complete peace, ever exist on the planet?A. I wish that, I very much wish that, but it depends on you people. How much you work it out.Q. He wants to know if there is any connection between the work that You do and the work that Sai Baba does?A. Which Sai Baba?Q. This modern fellow, Mother.A. Well. I mean, giving diamonds and this and that. Shirdi Sai Nath is correct, Shirdi Sai Nath of course, but not this one. People who want diamonds can go to him, I can't give diamonds. Q. Are there more people becoming self-realized, or less people?A. Much more. It's increasing, much more. I told you I started with one lady and in England with seven, now look at them. Q. If someone develops astral projection, by accident Mother, and they feel bad, what can they do?A. They will get rid of it if they become realized people, because you're protected. It's very dangerous to have that astral nonsense. Q. The gentleman is interested in Your experience with Mahatma Gandhi?A. Mahatma Gandhi was My disciple. You'll be amazed.And he told Me, let our country become free, and in that freedom then you can start your Sahaja Yoga. Then we had Lal Bahadur Shastri, who understood Me and he said, of course, let me come back from Pakistan, he had gone to Russia for Pakistan problem. He never came back.Q. He said yesterday Shri Mataji, You said you may feel cool under the hands, he wants to know why, what it is?A. It is, you should take it up you see, it has some reasons, but I don't want to tell that. You just take it up there like that. This one?Can you get a chair for him, every time he has to get up, I don’t want…what is she saying? Q. What do You think about healing? There are all different kinds of healing, what do You think about the healing?A. Healing should be done with full understanding of Kundalini. Any other healing can result into something else. So be careful. Q. Is it true that with Sahaja Yoga your immune system improves so that you protect yourself against disease?A. Of course. Immune system absolutely gets cured, no doubt, and many problems of immune system also get cured. But also, you are protected. Q. Another request Shri Mataji, when will You come to Malaysia?A. I have been, I have been many a times. I have been there, and the Chinese are coming to Sahaja Yoga, but Indians I don't know what to say about them.Q. He's asking Shri Mataji if you will guide us into a meditation now? (Now?)There are some people here who were not at the Royal Albert Hall, Mother.A. I see. But are there any questions left? Q. He said he has read in a book that it can be dangerous to awaken the Kundalini, so do you need a teacher, Mother? A. That’s true. That's very true, there have been people who wrote like this. But those who wrote, just go and see their lives, what they have been up to. You see, you have to be a master, otherwise you can't do it.Then it's not the Kundalini, but a Deity there, which gets annoyed, and then it happens. It's not Kundalini. Q. What do you think of Ayurveda?A. Quite good. Ayurveda is quite good, because it deals with the three doshas and it's very near Sahaja Yoga. But with Sahaja Yoga you get cured yourself, so don't need anything much.Q. He says he's impressed by the fact that Sahaja Yoga is free, but he thinks it sounds too easy, he doesn't feel that he's completely self realized Mother? (So he doesn’t want?) He says he feels the cool breeze, but he thinks there must be more work to do Mother? A. Yes, that's true but I must say, are you an Italian? Are you an Italian?Irish.Irish. Because the way he was speaking I thought he was Italian you see. I went to Italy and I didn't know, we were told not to use our hands, and in Italy you see, they will go on like this, like that. And they say something, you don't know what they are saying, but their hands are moving in different, different directions. So I thought he was Italian. All right, what was his question?He says it sounds too easy, he thinks there must be more work to do.It is very easy to get realization, but to settle with it, you have to do meditation, and you'll find out what's wrong with you. You'll find out what chakras are catching on your fingertips, and then try to improve that. Q. Can Sahaja Yoga help with psychiatric problems, with mental problems?A. Of course, of course it can. Very much it can help.There was somebody else. What’s it?Q. Do you think that the world is a better place? Are things improving?A. They can. With Sahaja Yoga it will, definitely improve. If human beings improve, world will improve also.Yes.Q. Shri Mataji, he is Italian and he is using his hands!A. Yes, yes. And they are very expressive you know [laughs].Q. Shri Mataji, his question is, is it possible to raise your Kundalini when you are a child by accident?A. No. There are children who are born realized. There are children. And you can raise their Kundalini also, it's very easier to raise the Kundalini of children, you can do that.So, it's not an accident, it is just, is there, they are born like that. They are special people, many people who are married in Sahaja Yoga have got very great saints born to them. I have a great grandson who is another realized soul, you know. So, when nobody is there he will sit before Me and do like this. He's not even two, but he speaks so much, he can count from one to twenty and he's tremendous.Now, one thing I'll say, if you ask one question it should be sufficient, all right.This lady here.Q. Krishnamurti, Shri Mataji?A. Loaded with thoughts. Another are krishnamurtis, they can't get realization so fast I tell you. So much have put in their brain. The Kundalini has to cross the brain. But so much in the limbic area, that's My experience. Q. He's heard on a tape Shri Mataji that you said that you are always in dreams, in a dream state.It doesn’t sound familiar. A. No, not at all. I actually don't get any dreams. I might have said it's My dream to see the world like this. It's become a fashion now to say that, isn't it? It's My dream. Q. How did you come to this realization Shri Mataji?A. I was born like that. I was born.Q. Why is there a difference, why are we all not born self-realized? Why is it so difficult for people?A. It depends on your past life. Your desires, if they are unfulfilled, then you get a life where you are fulfilled.Like, I know, I'll tell you one thing, I had a driver who was very royal by temperament, and he was a royal king you see. But, he had to work very hard, so he was desiring that he should become like his chariot driver so that he'll have some rest. So he became a driver. Also marriage, and all these things are responsible, because we should not have any earnest desire, then it acts. Q. In order to get self-realization, do you have to desire it Mother?A. Of course. I cannot force you. I cannot force you.Q. Another question Shri Mataji. What do you think about Chin Moy?A. Ah. You see, if you ask such questions I don't know how to answer because it's very embarrassing. What has he done? That's the only question you should ask. And moreover, if you have been to all these it will be difficult for you to get your self-realization.Who’s there? Come here.Sy: You have already answered this question, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Did he understand?Sy: Yes.Q. Shri Mataji, is it possible that the Kundalini can be damaged? And what happens if the Kundalini is damaged already?A. I don't know. So far, I have seen that so many of these false gurus and false people have damaged the Kundalini of people.And I have seen their Kundalini is being like a snake, you would say, hurt. Difficult, but you can mend it. If the desire is great, you can mend it. But I've seen that, in some people, the Kundalini is very much injured, I’ve seen. From here. There’s one gentleman.Q. Do you have to believe in God Mother?A. Not necessarily. Whether you believe or not, He is there.Q. Shri Mataji, one of Your names is Moksha Pradayini, what is Moksha, what does it mean?A. All these names I'll explain to you later on, just now they'll be all shocked with this. It means the giver of self-realization.Sy: There’s a lady over there at the back.Q. She's worried about the subconscious. If we are trying to get into balance, how can we ignore the subconscious?A. It settles down by itself. You see, the idea of subconscious is not like Jung. Subconscious is on the left hand side. Alright? And supraconscious right side. The Kundalini is in the center. So you don't have to worry about subconscious part, it just disappears.Q. Is it wrong to have desires for other things, apart from self-realization?A. No, there's nothing wrong or right. You don't have, you don't have any desire. You just become so sweet. You don't have any desires as such. Wrong and right is not there, you just don't have. I would say, I have one desire, to now stop questioning.It is now about 10 o'clock, and we should have our, again, the experience of the Self. So you sit comfortably with your hands towards Me like that. And no more questioning, allow your mind to rest, allow it.Now put your hands towards Me please. Now, close your eyes, please close your eyes. You can raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Just stop thinking, just stop thinking, by saying not this, not this, not this.Now, please raise your right hand, and left hand towards Me. Raise your right hand on top of the fontanel bone area.Now, please open your eyes and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming through your fingertips, or on your palm, or out of your fontanel bone area. Please, put your both the hands towards Me, like that.All those who have felt, again cool breeze out of their palm or out of their fingertips, or out of the fontanel bone area. Or could be hot breeze also, in some people who have not forgiven themselves and others. Please raise your hands, those who have. Ah. That's great. Everyone of you, may God bless you. I bow to you. I bow to you. It's tremendous, with all these questions and all that, still, you have achieved it. It's a great achievement. May God bless you for the future.Would you like to hear one song?They can come here?Sy: They are there. Which songs?Shri Mataji: Which ones?Sy: Fast songs, slow songs…Shri Mataji: Yesterday…Sy: Which songs, Mother?Shri Mataji: Yesterday they sang Jogawa, Jogawa yesterday. So today Powada would be better.Sy: Powada.Shri Mataji: I am sorry they are, the songs are in Marathi, but they are very powerful, and they emit vibrations. Please put your hands.[Sahaja Yogis sing Powada] Shri Mataji does Namaste: Now enjoy yourself. Enjoy!
Public Program in Holland Park School. London (UK), 27 September 2000. I am very happy to see so many people here to know about Sahaja Yoga in all its details, but in this short time what can you be told? That firstly you got your realization, you felt the cool breeze all right and that it was an experience, but beyond this experience we have to settle down. It is very, very important that you must have desire to settle down. You don't know the importance of your personality. You are the one who'll save this world. Because the salvation of the whole world is not possible with Myself and you people, who will be really developed, it will be such a force.I told about England yesterday, another thing is that England is the heart of the universe I think. Everything circulates from here, whatever happens small or big it circulates. It is not that only England has many newspapers or television centers but somehow it circulates everywhere. I used to think only in India, it's not so. I've seen everywhere, every country, there's news about England. Even in America, even in South America, I was surprised how people are worried about England so much that they want to know what's happening in England. My own experience is this, that they get so upset with the things that upsets your country, not only that but anything that happens of a very small importance is noted down and they always tell Me, "Mother, we have seen in the newspaper, we have seen in the television."America is such a vast country and also the newspapers are vast and their television is impossible to [sounds like CAUSE/GOT] anything out of it. Horrible. What they say also language wise, we are not so good for American language.So, they're little exclusive people, I think their idea is to be exclusive. For example, if they produce anything electrical, it has to have 110 watt, while normally people have 220, so nobody can buy their electrical productions. Now they have started a small production of that. They try to be exclusive, while I think England is not like that, it's not exclusive, it's not only keeping all its things to itself. This is something, a very great quality that England has. It has many other qualities, as I told you yesterday, there has to be self-esteem. One quality is that they never go to extremes. I mean we had some hippies we had little bit of this and that, but they don't go to extremes.But in America or any other country, if something starts it really blasts the whole atmosphere.This balancing is in England is something really very surprising. Also they are disciplined, they have their own discipline, and with that discipline, they like people who are disciplined, who are very much in time, properly dressed for the occasion and I'm not trying to just praise you, but this is My observation. And in this observation I find, once Sahaja Yoga settles down in England, it will spread all over the world. Then I don't have to run about in every country. That's very important, that it should settle down here, that is you should all understand the importance of Sahaja Yoga.When I first came to London, My husband had a job and I started My work with seven people, out of them I think five were hippies. But immediately they got rid of their drugs, alcohols and all that. Immediately. Next day they were different people. But how to prove, how to tell, was a problem. They improved so much, unbelievable. And I felt very close to them that they are the people who have achieved it in such a short time. For which I think otherwise, I have to work very hard for others. They became hippies because of some sort of a fashion maybe. But English don't take to fashions so much. I don't know why. Why they had become hippies , and they were very well educated, all were professors, this, that. And they said that we have taken to this hippism because we wanted to experiment as to what it is.I said you can't experiment with a snake, but let the snake bite us and then we'll experiment. Once it bites you, you are finished. All these things have been always, kept Me attached to London and I have been here for twenty years continuously. But the work that we did, I don't know why it did not reach intellectuals, and newspaper people, while all other stupid people who came here were so much enamored, and were given so much prominence, everybody was talking about them. So that's how the London is based about Sahaja Yoga.It is a spontaneous happening within us. Spontaneous. Yesterday you saw, I didn't do anything, it just works spontaneously, because it is there and it has to be awakened, that's all. But I know also people who have been cured, have been completely cured of very difficult diseases with Sahaja Yoga. It's a fact, it's not just I'm boasting about it, but it's a fact. It's a very powerful thing within us.This power of Kundalini is extremely, extremely kind, loving, affectionate and effective. As I said it's your Mother, and when it acts, it works so well, it works so well. It is impossible to avoid Kundalini awakening once it has been awakened. But I know some people who have been able to defy it, maybe because of basically they were cheats or immoral or some sort of people, but they were very few, very very few. Mostly I have seen people have grown to great heights with Sahaja Yoga.Today I want to tell you a special thing about Sahaja Yoga. That, in Sahaja Yoga, slowly, slowly you'll find, most of your problems, most of your, I should say enemies, in Sanskrit they are called [SHADRIPUS?], all these will just disappear. You'll be amazed, how they are just disappearing. Jealousy, anger, racism, all kinds of stupid things that have been lingering, of which you may not be even aware, just drop out. And you feel such love and such affection for everyone who comes across. You try to give them Sahaja Yoga, you try to tell them about Sahaja Yoga. They may like it, they may not like it. English are little conservative, so that conservatism has gone little bit sometimes, too much.There is no harm in talking about Sahaja Yoga. I have seen people who have gurus, of the worst type, worst type.One lady was sitting next to Me…. It's quite warm today eh? They told Me it's very cold. That's England [laughs]. It's cold or hot. The climate is whimsical, agreed. Very whimsical, if you are going out say. We were living in Oxsted, 25 miles away, and when I started from there it was, surprisingly, it was absolutely clear sky.And by the time I reached Victoria Station, it was pouring cats and dogs as you say. Horrible, I couldn't understand. Or vice versa. So the climate is whimsical, but that makes you prepared for every kind of climate, every kind of incident. And you understand, that that is what is the nature. We shouldn't fight with the nature, but we shouldn't expect everything to be absolutely first class when we are going out. So this kind of taking risk has made you people very courageous, I must say. Courageous. And this courage is to be used now in Sahaja Yoga. You have to use this for spreading Sahaja Yoga. This is your mission. This is what you'll enjoy. You'll be amazed, the more you spread, the higher you'll go. You'll develop much more, much more powers within you, and unlimited powers.As far as miracles are concerned, I'm just, don't know how to explain them. Such miracles take place. We had a lady from America, she was staying with us and she had some sort of a funny disease, that all her intestines and stomach were all entangled with some sort of a growth. And she had it before also. So she had an operation and they took out everything. Again she came to Cabella, and she was staying there. Again she developed the same problems, the same symptoms. She was quite worried. So they said, all right, we'll take you to the hospital. She said, no, let me first meditate, and with meditation, you'll be amazed, when she went to the hospital, the doctor said there is nothing, you're absolutely clear. You are cleared out.This meditation can help you in so many ways. It's not a meditation of some sort of a chanting, or some sort of going into, as they said you'll fly in the air all type of thing, no. It just is meditation by which you enter within yourself.Your Kundalini works out with this meditation. She looks after your illness, she looks after about your curing. All kinds of things she looks after. Even the traffic you know, you'll be surprised, it works in so many ways. It is so miraculous, you will find all the time as if you are helped by some people, some angels are there who are helping you. You'll be amazed at yourself, when it starts working out. So, instead of doubting, you keep watching what's happening, how it works out. So many things work out in such a beautiful manner, that you are amazed, as if you have entered into the kingdom of God. Which you have. All the possible help, all the possible solutions, just come like that.I've seen one fellow who had some case on him, and he told Me, "Mother, I have this case, and this and that." I said, "All right, you meditate," and when he went to the court, they said that you're already solved, that thing is solved already. He was amazed, "How is it solved? I never even came into the court."Then he went to the lawyer, and the lawyer said, "Yes, they are solved, but I don't know how, because I didn't go to the court. I was sitting with Mataji, I didn't go to the court. But your problem is solved, because when I went to the court next day, they said it's all done." "But who was arguing the case?" "They said you." "I? I was not arguing, so who was arguing the case? There was, and even you see, the remark of the magistrate is this, that you argued very well." It's a fact, I'm not telling you stories, it's a fact, it happened. He said, "Mother, did you go to argue the case?" I said, "I am very bad at that, I do not know how to argue." But such wonderful things have happened, I mean, you won't believe, unbelievable things happen. And, it is just to be seen. As I told you yesterday, you have to be in the witness state. Don't you think that there's anything less or more with anybody. You are all there and are looked after.But have faith in yourself is the main point. If you don't have faith in yourself, it doesn't work. Just have faith in yourself. I'm not telling you just tall stories, I tell you. It is the fact, I Myself I'm amazed how things work out. I'll tell you about Dr Spiro, one day what happened, interesting. You see, I had told the boys not to go in the sun, in Indian sun you know, after 10 o'clock. But they wanted I don’t know, to burn their skin, or whatever they wanted to do. Five, six boys were there, and when they came away, they had all blisters all over in their hands. So he said, they have to be given tetanus, that has to be done and all that. I said, "don't worry, it can be solved."I just took some water and a bit of cotton wool, little cotton wool and put it on them. And I was, as I was taking it down, it all disappeared, it was all disappearing.But I told them, that in the evening, go and sit in the sea so your heat is taken out. I think they didn't do it. I sent them My saris to cover themselves. I said, "Take these saris, cover yourselves, keep it there."After that, I went to My brother's place in Aurangabad. He was the judge of the high court there. I went there and My brother came and he said, "What has happened to Your saris?" I said, "Why?" "See how many big, big holes there are." And I said "How do you know?" He said, "These girls went to take out Your sari for Your bath and there were big, big holes all over."All the saris had those holes. So he said, "How will You manage?" I said, "I'll manage with one sari, it doesn't matter." But, I just remember these boys, the amount of heat they had. They burnt the saris so badly. But they were not aware of their heat, that was inside. Though they were cured, the heat was inside. Like this, there are many, many things that have happened, and I don't know how to explain to you all these miracles.Now, why do these miracles are there? Why there is these miraculous photographs? You must have seen them. To convince people. They were never convinced you see. Christ came, He crucified Himself. Nobody was convinced that He was divine. The problem is, human mind is so stuck up that they cannot accept anybody as divine. And at this time, in modern times, when there are so many false gurus, all kinds of things going on, I think it was necessary for Them to produce these miraculous photographs. Actually, I don't do anything, to be very frank, I don't do. It's all done by this all-pervading power. I was once in Brisbane in Australia and I was sleeping, daytime, so one girl saw a beautiful rainbow and she wanted to take a picture. She took a picture of the rainbow, but can you imagine a painting I love very much of Raffaello, of the Mother and the Child, I like it very much. And she sees that thing on the photograph. And the circular light that Raffaello has shown was on top of Her head. I thought Raffaello himself has painted or what has happened? I couldn't believe Myself.Like this, so many things, so many things, you can see one by one, some are they have collected, some are not. Recently we had a program in Bombay where we get at least 2 lakhs of people, that means 200 000 people and they were all preparing, arranging the stage, and in the photograph, I'm already there. And with Me is Ganesha sitting. Even Shri Ganesha's actual body, actual face was there in one of the other pictures. I myself start wondering what is all going on. This is the work of Paramchaitanya, which is trying to convince people who cannot be easily convinced. It's trying to make people understand that this is Divine, this is Divinity. They never believed in Christ, they never believed in anyone. All kinds of things they have said about Christ, all sorts of things they have tried to talk about Krishna, Rama. But, still there are very few people who really believe in them. They think it's a myth. But all these myths become real. You'll be amazed how you will change. You'll start looking so much younger first of all. Myself, you know, I'm very good at recognizing people, but some people I could not recognize. I said are you the same here? So transformed, the whole face shape, looking so much different. One fellow was bald, he's got all the hair on his head. And what did he do? He said, "No, Mother, I just raised my Kundalini, that's all." "You didn't do anything?" "No, no, I didn't do anything." And he had become so bald, so much bald headed, that the passport, his photograph was there, and when the passport fellow saw him he said You? Because he was bald-headed at that time, but he had hair before, but now, his hair has come back. Unbelievable things have happened. Unbelievable. And all this is for you.You're in for it. You can have many, many miracles. My, another name is also Daisy, because My mother was very fond of a teacher, her name was Daisy, apart from this, she gave Me the name of Daisy. Now, when I came to England, I found daisies everywhere, but they had no fragrance, no fragrance. We don't get daisies in India, you will be surprised. But then, they got fragrance. All daisies got fragrance, very surprising. They never had fragrance and they started smelling very well, in a very beautiful manner. So it works also in the nature somehow. I mean, that that nature should know My name is Daisy, that this, it's remarkable. There's no end to it. So many angels and so many divine vibrations are working it out. So I have to first tell you that you must have faith in yourself, very important, and you must meditate. Once you start meditating, you'll become masters of Sahaja Yoga. For this, color is no bar, religion no bar, race no bar, nothing. As long as you are a human being and you have got your realization, you can really go very far. So many miracles have happened to Sahaja Yogis, so many miracles. And I was surprised, even when they write to Me, they say Mother, nobody will believe, but this is what has happened. So, I would request you to have faith in yourself and do meditation. Very important. Then the growth within, you'll be amazed. I have seen people who never wrote any single line are real poets. Those who could not stand on the dais to speak have become great orators. So many people have achieved so much. But I just told them, don't talk about it, if you talk about it they'll think we are telling some sort of a story. It's a fact. Now you also find out in your own life, the experience of all these changes that take place. How the relationships change. There was one fellow in America, very rich man, and he told Me, I don't know what You did to me. I said, "What happened?" See, I hated my cousin, I really hated him, but the other day I saw him and I felt like hugging him. And I kissed him so he started looking at me, what's gone wrong with me? You see, like, you change so enjoy now, you enjoy the collectivity. Now in India we have a seminar of Sahaja Yogis. You see we have people from all over the world. We have from Brazil, from Argentina, say from England, also Spain, everywhere. Russia, such a lot from Russia. And when they meet, I've never heard anybody quarrelling or hitting or anything. They are in thousands, last time we had ten thousand, but I've never seen anybody, but such understand and love. Of course, they pull each other's legs, that's true, as friends, but on the whole there's never a fight, never a quarrel. Can you imagine if this thing happened to the whole world?All these wars that they have started, all this kind of problems they have created in the name of God, in the name of land, or whatever it is, will be finished. This should happen, this should happen to the whole world, and I want this world to be a very happy and a beautiful place. And I'm sure you all can achieve it. Because of you, the vibrations will spread. Vibrations of love, vibrations of compassion.We have also a great idea of having compassion for the people who are suffering. So I've started a hospital which is very successful, and we don't have to charge anything except for what they have to pay for their food and stay. And it's working wonders. What has happened? What has happened, how is it working like that? It is nothing but sheer divine power.We have another hospital now we are starting in Delhi, and also destitute women, and it's surprising how things work out. There was a lady who came and complained about her husband. That he has been very unkind to her and this and that. I said all right, once we have destitute women's home you come there. Amazing, the husband came next day and she tells Me, Mother, he's became a very nice man now. He's become very nice. Really? He didn't come to meditation, he didn't get his realization, how has he become so nice? How suddenly he has become so nice to his wife? It's really unbelievable how it acts. I tell you, we don't know, this all-pervading power is the power of love. God is Truth, but Truth is Love. Love not biased, love not because there is some sort of a gain or some relationship, but love which is just love. The ocean of love, and you'll just start enjoying that ocean. I have seen it Myself happening and you also should see.Whenever is possible please come to Cabella at least, is in Italy. There you can see. And we have nothing but a hangar, and they didn't want Me to build anything for them. I said in the hangar how do you live? That's the best Mother, we want to live in the camp. We don't want to live in rooms. We have had enough of it. Imagine, Russians, Americans, all of them in such beautiful enjoyment. I tell you, we have to enjoy life. God has not created us to weep and cry, but to enjoy. It's good for you, it's good for your children, good for your family, good for your nation and for the whole world. As I told you, that you are important because from England everything circulates, circulates, circulates. So, how important you are in Sahaja Yoga I'm just trying to tell you. Very important and you can do a lot. One person went to Russia and now we have thousands of Russian Sahaja Yogis.Thousands of them, they are so dedicated, so beautiful, you can't imagine. Once I was in Moscow when this coup took place and big problem you see there. So I asked the Sahaja Yogis, "Aren't you worried about this coup that has taken place?" "Which coup, Mother?" I said, "Which you had in Moscow." "Mother, we don't live in Moscow, we live in the Kingdom of God." Just imagine. So when you face reality you are enamored, you are just filled with joy, because reality is joy. Today's function I'd never have attended before like this. But they said Mother you should come so I've tried to make it, but I would like you to ask Me questions now. It's very important, if you have any doubts, please ask, or if you have anything to say, please ask. Thank you. No questions?Q. Shri Mataji, what do you think of Buddhism? A. I’ll answer you.. Buddhism is very different from Buddha. Absolutely.Buddha first got his realization. First he became a Buddha and then he started Buddha religion. But the way people are doing Buddhism is the other way round. That you give up your wife, you give up your children, you give up even your dress, everything. To whom? To these people. Buddha started after his realization. After your realization only you can become Buddha, means a realized soul. And he said it the same way. He said Buddham Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to other realized souls, Buddham Sharanam Gachami. Then he said Sangham Sharanam Gachami, Dharmam Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to the religion which is within me, innate religion. And thirdly he says, (what’s that? Forget it) Sangham Sharanam Gachami, I surrender myself to the collective.This nonsense of giving up this, giving up that, I mean, it's too much. If you are holding onto something then you can give up. If you are not holding onto anything then what are you going to give up? Simple thing like that, for example, in Canada, one fellow came wearing that Buddhist's dress. I don't like it. A Sahaja Yogi said you'd better go and change, Mother will not give you realization if you are wearing this dress. So he came to Me and, "Mother, please forgive me, I have no other dress left." I said, "Why?" "I have lost everything." He was a big business man. "I've lost everything, I've given away to the Buddhists and I'm left with two pair of these clothes and if you don't give me realization, what will I do?" “Really?” ”Yes”. So, what is there to give up is the point, what is there to give up? If you are not holding onto anything what are you going to give up? Simple thing like that. Buddha never gave up his clothes, nothing of the kind. But he wanted to find out, what is the truth. So he went round, I mean he tried his level best and everything, ultimately his Kundalini rose and he got the realization. But what he was doing there, he was just lying down under a banyan tree. Now, whatever mistakes he has committed, we need not do, that you give up your wife, you give up your child, give up this, give up that. Just the contrast of what really Buddha achieved, is a contrast of that. So Buddhism is not Buddha by any chance.Any other? Yes. One at a time.Q. The gentleman wants to know what happens after we die, Mother?A. Now, that's another point. Everybody worried about what will happen if we die. I would say that, as a Sahaja Yogi, you should not worry about the future because it doesn't exist. You shouldn't worry about your past because finished. You should be in the presence which is the reality. Present is the reality. What's the use if I tell you what will happen, you'll become a bird or anything, are you going to believe Me? You should not.Now, what is it?Q. Could you tell us about angels Shri Mataji? You mentioned angels, so could you tell us about angels?A. They are very beautiful, just like flowers, very fragrant. And they will help you; you'll be amazed how they'll help you. You won't see them, you don't see them. But they are there, in the form of some human being, in so many ways. So, you cannot describe them because you can't see them. But you'll see their help, and you'll be amazed how they guide you to the right path. Now, supposing you lose your way somewhere, don't get frustrated, don't get upset about it. If you have lost your way it must be some purpose.On that way when you go you'll find somebody whom you have been looking for ages, or maybe some sort of a thing you'll find, some treasure you'll find. So, if you have lost your way, there's nothing to worry. They work very smoothly and sweetly.There’s a lady who’s asking.Q. She's asking how you begin to meditate, Shri Mataji.A. That of course I will tell you. There's a photograph of Mine, first you have to work on that. Afterwards you will know that how it works, but first you have to use My photograph, I don't know what to do because the photograph has the vibrations. You can test it, you'll get tremendous vibrations from the photograph. It's a kind, as we can call, a figure, which emits vibrations. I do not gain anything by that, but you will gain. You will gain, so you have to sit down and meditate before the photograph. It's full of vibrations. It's so effective I tell you, that when you put these photographs of Mine all over London, it works.There was a lady here, she was asking. Q. Is prayer the same as meditation? A. See, before you are connected to the Divine what is your prayer? It's nothing. If you telephone without the connection what is it? So after realization the prayer very much helps but meditation is inner, prayer is outside. For your inner growth, meditation is necessary. You don't have to spend too much time, say about in the evening before sleeping, if you can do it for about say ten minutes, or maybe five minutes in the morning, that's very good. Q. Sahaja Yoga is available to everybody, is it even available to politicians, Mother?A. I mean, you know, you'll be surprised, in India so many politicians have come to Sahaja Yoga. In India. But I don't know about English politicians. I have met some, I have met some, but they are so much involved into their own positions and things. So far none of them, but if you can grab some people it's a good idea. Q. The gentleman asks for your personal blessing Shri Mataji, he wants your personal blessing.A. May God bless you, may God bless you. It is for everyone. For everyone. Q. What is the difference between the soul and the spirit.A. The soul and the spirit? It's a subject should be dealt later on but little in short I'll tell you.The soul is the essence, essence of the five elements. Essence.For example, for Mother Earth, the essence is fragrance, so all these five elements have essence, and this essence contains the soul in the sense that the soul is the reflection of God Almighty within us.So the body is that of the five elements, the essence of the five elements and the spirit is the one which is reflected on it, that is the reflection of God Almighty. But later on you'll know much more.Again.Q. Mother he wants to know if You still meditate Yourself?A. I am in meditation all the time. It’s a big lecture! Sit down, sit down.Q. He wants to know, there are different meditations he says, and he's confused, Mother. A. Meditation cannot be different, it has to be one, and the one that makes you deep is the meditation. All kinds of meditation there were. One meditation they had started here by which you will start moving three feet higher than normal.Now think of it, already we have traffic jams. You can find the stupidity in all of them. If you use your intelligence, you'll find out, because you don't grow. Meditation that is good is the one by which you grow. Everything is not the food. The food that you can eat is the food. Alright?Now, go on. This lady. He was doing for the last three, four times, alright. Can’t you get up please?Q. What do you think about Islam, Mother?A. Islam is great, no doubt. But nobody follows Islam. Nobody follows, nobody has read even Koran. You'll be amazed. They are fighting without understanding what Islam has written. Mohammed Sahib was one of the incarnations of the real Gurus, but Muslims, stupid as they are, they don't follow. They don't follow the exact sayings of Koran. Now in Koran is written, that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. See? And without that you cannot be Mussulman, I mean Mussulman means surrendered.Just imagine. It's all Sahaja Yoga, if you can read between the lines. We have a book called as "Koran Enlightened," we have also "Bible Enlightened," we have "Gita Enlightened" All right?Q. He says he finds it difficult to meditate because his mind is wandering. How to control the mind Mother?A. Never control, don't try to control it. There's no need to control. Your Kundalini itself will give you thoughtless awareness, She'll work it out. Try on the photograph, it will work out. Q. It's a request Mother, will you come to Ireland one day?A. Oh, of course! They are lost, fighting among themselves. But I have a special feeling for Ireland. Because of ignorance, complete ignorance, now the Catholics were fighting Protestants, now Protestants are fighting each other, now Catholics will start fighting each other. I don't want to say anything, but you must understand that all these religions have created nothing but fighting mongerers. Crucified Christ and how can you think of fighting? All over the world there's fight in the name of God. Can you imagine the stupidity? Irish are very nice people, very simple, but they get lost, into these different, different ideas.Actually, religion should never make you fight but the religions have misled them. The religions have misled them, alright? We have to give them that real religion of within. Innate religion. In Italy they started an argument with Me and they said, "We don't", ultimately, they said, "We don't want to have one religion for the whole world." I said, "Why?" "Because then you can't fight, isn't it?" You want to have many religions so you can nicely fight with each other. Like Rwanda and all these people. Religion must bring peace, joy, otherwise what's the use of having any religion? Q. Will you one day come to Scotland, Mother?A. Scotland I have been. I have been to Scotland, but, the problem was, at about 12 o'clock everybody was drunk.Q. Can Sahaja Yoga change your fate, change your karma, change your destiny? Can Sahaja Yoga change it?A. Your karmas are finished. After Sahaja Yoga, your karmas are finished. And can change your face also, but why do you want to change your face? Fate, fate!! Ah, of course, of course it can. It can change your fate and all your aspirations are changed. Then you just want to spread Sahaja Yoga, and enjoy the company of Sahaja Yogis. Q. He is a student Mother, how can Sahaja Yoga help with being a student, with education?A. Very much. For student, is a blessing I say. Do you know, Sahaja Yogis who have been very bad students, have stood first, have got first class first all over the world Sahaja Yogis are doing so well in their studies because you get a clear cut vision. It's tremendous, for students it's very good.Q. Is it important to be a vegetarian Mother?A. Not at all. You see, in Sahaja Yoga we don't eat animals which are bigger than us and you need not eat animals in case you are a person who requires more vegetables. So depends on your constitution. Now supposing a person who is vegetarian and gets diarrhea, he should stop. I'm not a vegetarian. Q. He's got a problem with his knees.A. Can be cured. Knee problems can be cured. And how and when, that's what you have to see these people and they will tell you how to cure it. It can be cured. It is related to your chakras. Alright? Come here. She should come here.Q. We can hear, Shri Mataji. She says You travel a lot, do You fall sick? You travel all over the world, to different climates, do You fall sick?A. No, no. You see, people while they are travelling, they think they are travelling, that's why they get sick. I never think.I think I'm sitting nicely on a coach and also they think that, when will they reach, will there be people or not, worried about that, or maybe their past things they are worried. I am not. I don't get sick. Q. Another request, Shri Mataji, when will you go to South Africa?A. The problem was like this, that on My passport it was written that Indians cannot. Because I am a diplomat, diplomatic thing, we cannot go to South Africa. Now they have removed, so after that I will try to. Q. He says, Shri Mataji, that he lives in South Africa and You are very far away physically, but he feels that You are there, helping him, why is that?A. That is My, that's My attention. I really want to go to South Africa. I've been trying, but I haven't got the permission. And now I've got the permission, definitely I'll go. And when you don't have permission you are more concerned about that country, isn't it?Q. What do you think about entities, bad spirits Mother, earth-bound spirits? A. There are, no doubt. They are there. But you don't worry, you don't have them.Q. Is there any similarity that we know of between Sahaja Yoga and ancient Egyptian or African religions?A. In Africa, I was surprised that they have talked about Kundalini. They have, and I have seen some of the maps, old maps, of Africa, they have made the picture of Kundalini also, all over. Even in a place like Bolivia, which is so far away, and somebody went to Bolivia from Italy and they said Mother they know everything about Kundalini. I said, "Really?"Yes, they know, but they don't know how to awaken it. And Sahaja Yoga has spread so much in Bolivia the Minister from there came to see Me. And who told them? I said, "Who told them?" They said, "There were two saints who came from India."Even in Ukraine, I was surprised, they said, "There were two saints who came here from India, they told us about Kundalini." Chinese people, they believe that there is a treasure of spirituality in India but they don't know what it is, you see. But these two, I don't know, there were two saints known as Machindranath and Goraknath who have been travelling all over the world. I don't know if they went all the way over there.Q. A question about Paramahansa Yogananda, quite famous here because of his book.A. He's famous? What has he done? What has he done? Writing a funny book like that, that's all. I don't want to discuss, but first when you ask about somebody, you'll have to tell Me what he has done.Q. The gentleman set up a Self Realization Fellowship in America, Mother. A. I know many in America who have done it, and they are more difficult to get Self-realization. There's a big organization there, and they all believe they are Self-realized, but they don't know any vibrations, they can't feel anything, and when they have been to that organization, I find it difficult to give them realization.In the name of God, in the name of Self-realization, if you spoil the Kundalini of people, then I don't know what to say about you.There’s a lady... Just a minute. Please!She has been raising her hand. Q. Is it possible to meditate for the benefit of other people, Mother?A. In meditation you don't think of anything, see, you have to become thoughtless, that is meditation. And for other people, you can always ask, you are yourself protected, and there are ways they'll tell you have to work out for others. See, they'll tell you later on. Now.Q. Shri Mataji, will peace, complete peace, ever exist on the planet?A. I wish that, I very much wish that, but it depends on you people. How much you work it out.Q. He wants to know if there is any connection between the work that You do and the work that Sai Baba does?A. Which Sai Baba?Q. This modern fellow, Mother.A. Well. I mean, giving diamonds and this and that. Shirdi Sai Nath is correct, Shirdi Sai Nath of course, but not this one. People who want diamonds can go to him, I can't give diamonds. Q. Are there more people becoming self-realized, or less people?A. Much more. It's increasing, much more. I told you I started with one lady and in England with seven, now look at them. Q. If someone develops astral projection, by accident Mother, and they feel bad, what can they do?A. They will get rid of it if they become realized people, because you're protected. It's very dangerous to have that astral nonsense. Q. The gentleman is interested in Your experience with Mahatma Gandhi?A. Mahatma Gandhi was My disciple. You'll be amazed.And he told Me, let our country become free, and in that freedom then you can start your Sahaja Yoga. Then we had Lal Bahadur Shastri, who understood Me and he said, of course, let me come back from Pakistan, he had gone to Russia for Pakistan problem. He never came back.Q. He said yesterday Shri Mataji, You said you may feel cool under the hands, he wants to know why, what it is?A. It is, you should take it up you see, it has some reasons, but I don't want to tell that. You just take it up there like that. This one?Can you get a chair for him, every time he has to get up, I don’t want…what is she saying? Q. What do You think about healing? There are all different kinds of healing, what do You think about the healing?A. Healing should be done with full understanding of Kundalini. Any other healing can result into something else. So be careful. Q. Is it true that with Sahaja Yoga your immune system improves so that you protect yourself against disease?A. Of course. Immune system absolutely gets cured, no doubt, and many problems of immune system also get cured. But also, you are protected. Q. Another request Shri Mataji, when will You come to Malaysia?A. I have been, I have been many a times. I have been there, and the Chinese are coming to Sahaja Yoga, but Indians I don't know what to say about them.Q. He's asking Shri Mataji if you will guide us into a meditation now? (Now?)There are some people here who were not at the Royal Albert Hall, Mother.A. I see. But are there any questions left? Q. He said he has read in a book that it can be dangerous to awaken the Kundalini, so do you need a teacher, Mother? A. That’s true. That's very true, there have been people who wrote like this. But those who wrote, just go and see their lives, what they have been up to. You see, you have to be a master, otherwise you can't do it.Then it's not the Kundalini, but a Deity there, which gets annoyed, and then it happens. It's not Kundalini. Q. What do you think of Ayurveda?A. Quite good. Ayurveda is quite good, because it deals with the three doshas and it's very near Sahaja Yoga. But with Sahaja Yoga you get cured yourself, so don't need anything much.Q. He says he's impressed by the fact that Sahaja Yoga is free, but he thinks it sounds too easy, he doesn't feel that he's completely self realized Mother? (So he doesn’t want?) He says he feels the cool breeze, but he thinks there must be more work to do Mother? A. Yes, that's true but I must say, are you an Italian? Are you an Italian?Irish.Irish. Because the way he was speaking I thought he was Italian you see. I went to Italy and I didn't know, we were told not to use our hands, and in Italy you see, they will go on like this, like that. And they say something, you don't know what they are saying, but their hands are moving in different, different directions. So I thought he was Italian. All right, what was his question?He says it sounds too easy, he thinks there must be more work to do.It is very easy to get realization, but to settle with it, you have to do meditation, and you'll find out what's wrong with you. You'll find out what chakras are catching on your fingertips, and then try to improve that. Q. Can Sahaja Yoga help with psychiatric problems, with mental problems?A. Of course, of course it can. Very much it can help.There was somebody else. What’s it?Q. Do you think that the world is a better place? Are things improving?A. They can. With Sahaja Yoga it will, definitely improve. If human beings improve, world will improve also.Yes.Q. Shri Mataji, he is Italian and he is using his hands!A. Yes, yes. And they are very expressive you know [laughs].Q. Shri Mataji, his question is, is it possible to raise your Kundalini when you are a child by accident?A. No. There are children who are born realized. There are children. And you can raise their Kundalini also, it's very easier to raise the Kundalini of children, you can do that.So, it's not an accident, it is just, is there, they are born like that. They are special people, many people who are married in Sahaja Yoga have got very great saints born to them. I have a great grandson who is another realized soul, you know. So, when nobody is there he will sit before Me and do like this. He's not even two, but he speaks so much, he can count from one to twenty and he's tremendous.Now, one thing I'll say, if you ask one question it should be sufficient, all right.This lady here.Q. Krishnamurti, Shri Mataji?A. Loaded with thoughts. Another are krishnamurtis, they can't get realization so fast I tell you. So much have put in their brain. The Kundalini has to cross the brain. But so much in the limbic area, that's My experience. Q. He's heard on a tape Shri Mataji that you said that you are always in dreams, in a dream state.It doesn’t sound familiar. A. No, not at all. I actually don't get any dreams. I might have said it's My dream to see the world like this. It's become a fashion now to say that, isn't it? It's My dream. Q. How did you come to this realization Shri Mataji?A. I was born like that. I was born.Q. Why is there a difference, why are we all not born self-realized? Why is it so difficult for people?A. It depends on your past life. Your desires, if they are unfulfilled, then you get a life where you are fulfilled.Like, I know, I'll tell you one thing, I had a driver who was very royal by temperament, and he was a royal king you see. But, he had to work very hard, so he was desiring that he should become like his chariot driver so that he'll have some rest. So he became a driver. Also marriage, and all these things are responsible, because we should not have any earnest desire, then it acts. Q. In order to get self-realization, do you have to desire it Mother?A. Of course. I cannot force you. I cannot force you.Q. Another question Shri Mataji. What do you think about Chin Moy?A. Ah. You see, if you ask such questions I don't know how to answer because it's very embarrassing. What has he done? That's the only question you should ask. And moreover, if you have been to all these it will be difficult for you to get your self-realization.Who’s there? Come here.Sy: You have already answered this question, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Did he understand?Sy: Yes.Q. Shri Mataji, is it possible that the Kundalini can be damaged? And what happens if the Kundalini is damaged already?A. I don't know. So far, I have seen that so many of these false gurus and false people have damaged the Kundalini of people.And I have seen their Kundalini is being like a snake, you would say, hurt. Difficult, but you can mend it. If the desire is great, you can mend it. But I've seen that, in some people, the Kundalini is very much injured, I’ve seen. From here. There’s one gentleman.Q. Do you have to believe in God Mother?A. Not necessarily. Whether you believe or not, He is there.Q. Shri Mataji, one of Your names is Moksha Pradayini, what is Moksha, what does it mean?A. All these names I'll explain to you later on, just now they'll be all shocked with this. It means the giver of self-realization.Sy: There’s a lady over there at the back.Q. She's worried about the subconscious. If we are trying to get into balance, how can we ignore the subconscious?A. It settles down by itself. You see, the idea of subconscious is not like Jung. Subconscious is on the left hand side. Alright? And supraconscious right side. The Kundalini is in the center. So you don't have to worry about subconscious part, it just disappears.Q. Is it wrong to have desires for other things, apart from self-realization?A. No, there's nothing wrong or right. You don't have, you don't have any desire. You just become so sweet. You don't have any desires as such. Wrong and right is not there, you just don't have. I would say, I have one desire, to now stop questioning.It is now about 10 o'clock, and we should have our, again, the experience of the Self. So you sit comfortably with your hands towards Me like that. And no more questioning, allow your mind to rest, allow it.Now put your hands towards Me please. Now, close your eyes, please close your eyes. You can raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Just stop thinking, just stop thinking, by saying not this, not this, not this.Now, please raise your right hand, and left hand towards Me. Raise your right hand on top of the fontanel bone area.Now, please open your eyes and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming through your fingertips, or on your palm, or out of your fontanel bone area. Please, put your both the hands towards Me, like that.All those who have felt, again cool breeze out of their palm or out of their fingertips, or out of the fontanel bone area. Or could be hot breeze also, in some people who have not forgiven themselves and others. Please raise your hands, those who have. Ah. That's great. Everyone of you, may God bless you. I bow to you. I bow to you. It's tremendous, with all these questions and all that, still, you have achieved it. It's a great achievement. May God bless you for the future.Would you like to hear one song?They can come here?Sy: They are there. Which songs?Shri Mataji: Which ones?Sy: Fast songs, slow songs…Shri Mataji: Yesterday…Sy: Which songs, Mother?Shri Mataji: Yesterday they sang Jogawa, Jogawa yesterday. So today Powada would be better.Sy: Powada.Shri Mataji: I am sorry they are, the songs are in Marathi, but they are very powerful, and they emit vibrations. Please put your hands.[Sahaja Yogis sing Powada] Shri Mataji does Namaste: Now enjoy yourself. Enjoy!
Today TV Interview
Today TV Interview. London (UK). TV host: Here is something a little more relaxing for you. Her name means mother [earth] and she claims to have the ability to produce a feelings of a blissful harmony. Great grandmother, Shri Mataji has followed us around the world and this week she brought her particular strand of yoga to the capital. Glenn Campbell abandoned the lotus position to bring you this report. Correspondent in background: Royal Albert hall is usually reserved for pop stars and international performers but last night 5000 people filled the hall to watch the great grandmother perform her own unique style of yoga. Shri Mataji is an Indian spiritualist who practices Sahaja Yoga, a revolutionary technique that gets individuals to tap into their own energy transforming it into a healing power. Her methods were developed in the late 1970’s and have now attracted a mass following. Shri Mataji: People want to know the truth and they will know the truth also was written. Also you have to know the truth about yourself. Correspondent in background: The great grandmother began teaching in London 30 years ago and has twice been nominated for the Nobel peace prize. Her secret, she claims is tapping into a unique store of energy we all posses based at the bottom of our spines called the divine breeze. Once you tap into that your life will be transformed. It may sound a little outlandish but with devotes in 80 countries across the globe, there must be something in it. Shri Mataji: You just transform because the light has come within you. When there is darkness you don’t see but when there is light you see everything in a different way. You know everything absolute. Correspondent in background: But the technique does not work for everyone. Last night’s mass yoga session received mixed reviews {Correspondent’s chat with 2 new seekers} Correspondent in background: Some may be skeptical but for Shri [Mataji] unlocking her energy doesn’t seem a problem; in her late 70’s she still teaches around the world.
Today TV Interview. London (UK). TV host: Here is something a little more relaxing for you. Her name means mother [earth] and she claims to have the ability to produce a feelings of a blissful harmony. Great grandmother, Shri Mataji has followed us around the world and this week she brought her particular strand of yoga to the capital. Glenn Campbell abandoned the lotus position to bring you this report. Correspondent in background: Royal Albert hall is usually reserved for pop stars and international performers but last night 5000 people filled the hall to watch the great grandmother perform her own unique style of yoga. Shri Mataji is an Indian spiritualist who practices Sahaja Yoga, a revolutionary technique that gets individuals to tap into their own energy transforming it into a healing power. Her methods were developed in the late 1970’s and have now attracted a mass following. Shri Mataji: People want to know the truth and they will know the truth also was written. Also you have to know the truth about yourself. Correspondent in background: The great grandmother began teaching in London 30 years ago and has twice been nominated for the Nobel peace prize. Her secret, she claims is tapping into a unique store of energy we all posses based at the bottom of our spines called the divine breeze. Once you tap into that your life will be transformed. It may sound a little outlandish but with devotes in 80 countries across the globe, there must be something in it. Shri Mataji: You just transform because the light has come within you. When there is darkness you don’t see but when there is light you see everything in a different way. You know everything absolute. Correspondent in background: But the technique does not work for everyone. Last night’s mass yoga session received mixed reviews {Correspondent’s chat with 2 new seekers} Correspondent in background: Some may be skeptical but for Shri [Mataji] unlocking her energy doesn’t seem a problem; in her late 70’s she still teaches around the world.
Talk about all Chakras
Public Program
Public Program. Errol Douglas Gallery, London (UK) - 28 September 2000. I thank Mr. Emro for inviting Me to such a unique type of gathering. The subject is very interesting that how Sahaja Yoga can help beauty. Now Sahaja Yoga, as you know, here it is shown that there is a power in your triangular bone, here, as you see. And this is in every human being - every. And this power, has to be awakened. Then it passes through these six centers. The seventh one low below there, the number one, and pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects you to the Divine. As a result of that, all these centers who are responsible, they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual being, all of them are enlightened and integrated. It, this power is in everyone but to talk about it, people don't believe in it. You must have the experience of it. And once you have the experience, you'll be amazed, how many things happen to you which you cannot even imagine. It's very kind of him to have called me here, that way I've met many people of that kind but nobody has tried to invite others who could share this experience. Now coming to the point of beauty, I must tell you the Divine is the most beautiful thing, because it creates all beautiful things. You see in the nature, every leaf is different from another. Such a variety. Also, if you see, all leaves are so arranged that they all get sunshine. Such a consideration, such an understanding. In the same way, when Divine works in you, you also have that capacity to share it with others, understand with others and to be part and parcel of the whole. Not just yourself, single person (everything). Now, one thing is there that people are now conscious of their beauty. But perhaps they don't know, how do we spoil our beauty. First, let us see, how our beauty spoils. It is spoiled sometimes, showing lots of wrinkles on the face. Now, I am 77 years of age. I'll be 78 very soon. And I am grand-grandmother. I don't have wrinkles. Nor my daughters have. The reason is this, that normally human beings specially ladies, react very much, react to everything. Whatever happens in their life, they react, whatever happens in others lives they react, whatever is happening on the other planes, they react. By reacting, you do not get to anything. You do not achieve anything. So, the first thing, I would say that when it happens, you don't react. You just watch, you become a witness. You become the witness of the whole thing. And when these things happen, then the creativity starts coming from somewhere unknown, and you are amazed how you can create things without reading any book, without taking any help, and suddenly you become very, very creative. I've seen in Sahaja yoga, how people have achieved great heights in creativity, in sports, in everything because they get this energy, divine energy within them. So, they also understand, that they have to be more patient, more loving, more caring towards themselves and towards others also. Once that happens - I've seen this one is so beautifully done - is that you start caring for people. You start caring for your customers, understanding them, plus your creativity. You do not borrow ideas from others, you don't learn by your own mad thinking, but you actually become creative under the influence of the Divine. And when the Divine starts working, it's perfect. Perfection. There's no competition. You create not out of competition, but just to create. Freely. There's no compulsion. And when you start creating, you are amazed at yourself, how can you create all these things with whatever knowledge you have, whatever experience you have? All these things happen. I'm happy it has happened in the case of Mr. Emro and that he has taken that he should pass this to you people. Now in modern times, fashion has become very popular. So it's alright. But the fashion that you (use) how far it is helpful to you in your health, that you should see to it. Now if I reveal certain things, you should not be shocked and should be unhappy about. All these centers are expressed in our different parts of the body. For example, this green one that you see. It's here in the Nabhi, is expressed on these two knees. Very important - two knees are very important. So, if you want to keep your knees in perfect health, I would say one should not expose the knees. If you expose the knees, everybody sees that. And there are lots of negative forces around. What's the use of exposing the knee? I don't understand. About twenty years back, nobody used to do that. But now suddenly the fashion has started, that you expose your knees. And exposure of knees, you will end up with very bad knees, you won't be able to even walk. At My age - you may not reach also. So it has to be covered. Now if you wear a covered knee thing in England, or anywhere in the west, they'll ask you, "Are you Turkish?" Now, because in Turkey they know this. Turkish people are still traditional - they know, they will not expose their knees. And exposure of knees is very dangerous. This is a very, very important chakra - we call as a Nabhi chakra. It is related to our Lakshmi tatwa also - Lakshmi means the goddess of money. It is expressed in so many ways within us: our digestion, everything. Apart from that, the main thing is, it gives a very different expression to your body. Supposing there's somebody who is very greedy - you can make out from the face. Somebody who is very jealous - you can make out, from the face. Somebody who is very cunning - you can make out from the face. In the same way, when you have this first center it's very, very important, which is too much, maybe, to tell you, but it's very important. This is the center of your innocence. This innocence is there, always. It cannot be destroyed, it is indestructible. Whatever you may do, whatever wrong you may commit, whatever immoral thing you may do, this center is there and innocence is there. It might be covered with some clouds - it's different - but nobody can destroy this center. Now the face that is innocent, is always very beautiful. You see the children, what love you have for children, because they have innocent faces. This center has to be looked after. And this center gets distorted and spoiled while, not that you become cunning and all that, but it gets spoilt when you don't respect your chastity. That's a very important thing. You may do whatever fashion you like, but your chastity is very important - that's your power. If you respect your chastity, nobody can destroy you. That's the greatest boon human beings have, whether they are men or women. Chastity is very important and this center will start showing its results. With innocence, your face becomes very innocent and loving, lovable, like that of children. Cunningness, you can see on the face. At least, I can see. You can understand persons being exploiting you, making use of you. But if this center is alright, then you're so powerful. You're so powerful, that nobody can destroy your innocence. And that is to be respected very much for the beauty. I think I have seen women who are every beautiful, have innocence in them. They may not be sexually attractive and all that, but the face is so innocent so innocent, lovable! Whatever may be your age, is not the point, but you respect yourself. First of all, if you don't respect yourself, who is going to respect you? Then another thing is that, the second chakra is above that, the green one, is this red chakra. This is for your heart. We call it the center heart. When you are insecure, then this thing catches. And this chakra has got a quality by which it produces angels. You can call them as anything - they call them antibodies. These angels are created for your protection. For everything. If you have any disease they'll fight it, if you have any problems, they will fight it. If you have any fear - say suddenly you see a dog, tiger or something - this center will start pulsating like that. And this pulsation creates a kind of a motion among these people whom I call angels. And these angels know that there's a danger and they try to protect you. So this center is very important. You must have security. Your sense of security is disturbed, when this center goes into jeopardy. It is… Modern times is full of insecurities. Especially for ladies - full of insecurities. They're always feeling, "God knows what's going to happen to me, what is going to be against me". All this is on this center, it depends. This is the Mother's center. And if you understood the meaning of your mother's heart, or your heart as a mother, you have understood that part, then this center settles down, you feel secured. You have to be absolutely secure within yourself. This is a very important point. These days I find women are having so many breast cancers and all that. That is also due to this center. Why? Because if the husband is very dominating, and very exacting, then women develop this. And in America, you'll be amazed, in a place where women are so well placed, so many women have this trouble. I couldn't explain. I couldn't understand. While in Indian women don't have. Surprisingly. Because in India, the children are the power of the mother. Her power is not with anything else but with her children. And she'll see to it that her children get proper education, they are brought up well for anything, that she has to sell her ornaments and sell everything, but she would see that they are well educated. And she will look after them first than anything else, when she's a mother. That doesn't mean that you give up your profession, doesn't mean that you don't go out, but you have to put full attention to your children - very important. I show the result of that is this today: that all the software people are coming from India. Why? Why not from England and why not from other countries, who are supposed to be so developed? When I came here, I was surprised so many of my disciples, they were not worried about their studies. They said: "We want to be (big), we want to be garbage cleaners.". I said "Why?" "Because you can get a lot of money in that way. But what a student? Even if you are a graduate you don't get much money." I said, "You don't understand your dignity, you don't understand you have to progress in your thinking and understanding." They said, "No, we want to do something where we can get money. We can take to anything that can give us money." "It will give you money", I said, "but it will not give you education and concentration." That is the main point you should have, is your concentration. And this concentration if it doesn't come, then you cannot work out anything. Thank God, I told them, "You better take to some education." They all got admissions into good colleges, schools. Now they're doing very well. It's alright. You may earn later. Money is not everything. You may earn little less but at least you have the education. Now there's such a dearth of education in America, among you people. First of all, the education is extremely, extremely expensive and those schools which are available otherwise are of no good. So, what we find we can have better carpenters, we can have better windows, but no education. So, people are pouring from India for software-ing Because the concentration is gone. So this concentration power comes from the mother, to the children, and they have very concentrated mind. It's very important to have that concentration and the faith, as a mother. So many people, why do they get ladies, specially get this breast cancer - I can't understand. Because they are insecure. A husband cannot make you insecure, if you have children and if your children are to your support. If you are even alone, you should have faith in your mother. Such mothers if there are, who will look after you, who will always support you, will give you that security which is very important for these antibodies. Even the cancer and all these diseases are caused by the lack of antibodies within us. So these antibodies are like little, little, we can call angels which look after you, which worry about you. This is the treasure you have within yourself which should not be exploited. Your security should not be allowed to challenge anyone. This is, that's why I said, it's a very, very important center is this one, what you call, it's the heart chakra. Now outside without Sahaja Yoga, I don't know how one can achieve the stability of the heart. Heart becomes weak because people lose tempers. Those who are very hot tempered people, they have problems on their heart. And I have seen people they get a heart attack and get it all kinds of heart problems because of this chakra in danger - heart chakra. So, insecurity on one side, and heart attacks on another side. To get angry is very wrong. To get angry is absolutely ruining yourself, it's self destructive. But by telling it will not happen. You have to have Realization, you must have Self Realization, by which you become absolutely peaceful, absolutely peaceful. Then the last chakra is this one, Vidshuddhi chakra is at the last. This chakra, Vishuddhi, is here - it's important. This gets spoiled by many things. Supposing you use abusive words, if you are aggressive with your tongue. Like in America, they use very abusive words, I was surprised. All the time they're using stupid words which I don't even understand. All that is causing this trouble. And this can go up to any limit. Because it controls 16 of your… 16 of your… I should say, organs, right? It controls your eyes, it controls your nose, it controls your tongue, it controls your teeth, it controls your ears, everything are controlled, 16 things are controlled by this Vishuddhi chakra. And on the both sides we have the most important, very great chakras, which we can call, it says they rule ourselves and the whole world. These are 2 chakras, on the sides. And they are, we call them as… I don't need other Indian names, but they are very important chakras, these two. And when you expose them, then you have problems with these. So they should not be exposed. You can have small sleeves. But never expose them. Then you can get any kind of problem, any kind of problem, any kind of problem, combined with this chakra. I'm sorry, I have to warn you people. Alright. But it's a fashion now. What is the need to expose? To please men? Why should you care? Why should you care for men so much? I can't understand. Women are the shakti, they are the power. Why should you try to please men? So why have this kind of a inferiority complex about yourself - all the time trying to please men. And they are very funny, I tell you. What has killed romance is this. See a man falls in love with say - I'm sorry to say this - with our hair dress. There's a hair dress, a particular hair dress, so Mr. X falls in love with that hair dress. But then she goes to hairdresser, changes her dress. It's over, romance is over. They're so superficial. They're so superficial that they can fall for your hair dress. And the women feel so disappointed the way the men treat them and behave. So, I would suggest that it's very important that you should not try to please men. You be yourself, in your self esteem. You are women, after all, and you have special qualities. Stand in your own dignity. Stand in your own power. And in this, when it happens, women get more power than men can get. It's very surprising. And it works out so beautifully for women. And it should. Now, for example, you are you are yourself hairdresser or anything you are, you become so creative. If you are a musician, you become very creative. If you are anything, whatever profession you are following, you become so very creative when this thing happens to you, because all your centers are cleared out. And the power of the Divine is pouring through you. This is what you should achieve, that is what you should have, then nobody can dominate you. Not only that, it goes higher, this is the most important chakra, which is called, we call it Agnya chakra between the optic chiasma like this. And if it is not open, it is very, very constricted if it doesn't open then Kundalini won't pass through. Now this is the chakra of Jesus Christ where we crucified Him. Now what did he do, He first gave forgiveness to all the people who tried to torture Him, and crucified Him. So only the way you forgive people, it opens out. You have to forgive. No use to remember him. Somebody has hurt you, alright. So what? It's finished. It's not today. Whatever has happened has happened. Why worry about it? But if you don't forgive, then all the time you'll be thinking about it and will be torturing yourself for nothing at all. Instead of that you just forgive. Forgive everything. Forgiving is a very great quality by which nobody can torture you, nobody can trouble you, because you do not pay any attention to. You don't know people are trying to trouble Me so much so much they have done to make Me, sort of hurt, or do all kinds of things. But somehow, I forgive them. And I am finished. Because once you forgive them, you don't remember what they have done to you, and you never torture yourself. But if you don't forgive, then you torture yourself thinking, "Why did he do this? Why did she do this?" Nothing - you just forgive. The very great present of Jesus - that you should forgive everyone. That gives you a great peace here. But this peace also is very important. If you don't have peace within you, then you start becoming old very soon. I have seen many young girls having wrinkles, worried, upset, tension, this that, all the time irritated. The reason is that they have not yet forgiven those people who have troubled them. So if you can develop this witness state, as I said, you are not bothered. You just witness the whole thing, and you'll be amazed that this center will be opened, and by that you will not react. You will not react. You'll just see, "Alright. This is so, so this is so." And the life becomes full of humor and anything absurd you see, just smile and laugh. There's no time for you to think about these nonsensical things that people say about you, or try to harm you, or try to create a problem. You shouldn't worry. You shouldn't worry about that. Now they… With this happening, you don't try to think what others are thinking about you. because you know, you are one with Divine, because you get vibrations on your hands, you are assured that you are alright, so you have confidence. But you don't with this confidence, oppress others. It is confidence with love. I call it as the intelligence which is emotional. I call it as emotional intelligence. Many children are born with it, but they are taught something else so they [do with it]. I'll say my own great grandson, who is born with this, so as soon as we reached America, he was with us for only six months, he was a little boy, and after one, 7-8 months we went to America, immediately he brought the remote control and gave it to my husband. Because he is always seeing the television - immediately. Then he brought newspaper and gave Me to read. And to Me he brought a flower. So, by his emotional intelligence he knows what one likes, what one has. If you come home or somebody visits us he'll immediately bring the things to give them to eat or to please them - all the time, these things of entertaining. He'll start dancing, and he'll start showing you dance. Have you seen it? He's so careful, that he should express his love and with animals, everyone, he's so friendly. That is emotional intelligence we should develop. And depend on it, it helps you. You will get lots of friends, you will gets lots of I should say, not only friends, but people who will help you in your work. They'll give you a great assistance in everything. It's a very, very great capacity to be emotionally intelligent. People think if you are emotional then people take advantage of you. Let them take. What's the harm? But you do no take advantage of yourself by being cruel or by being any way harsh to others. Remember those days when somebody was sweet? Remember that time, that moment when somebody was very sweet, very nice to you, very kind, very helpful. Remember! Remember all these moments, not the moments when you are insulted not the time when you have suffered, but the time when somebody has given you love, somebody has talked to you with love, and you'll be amazed such fragrance within you will start blowing. So many people have got this Realization, and they have forgotten all nonsense of fighting and all. Now we have sometimes people, thousands of them in India sometimes, and I was surprised, they come from different countries, and Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries, and they never quarrel, they never fight. I've never heard anybody quarreling or fighting. Ha, they pull each others legs, they're very humorous. That's they do. Now the another craze we have now in - I don't know why - that we should be very, very thin, that thinness is very attractive. It's not so. See you become thin sometimes automatically if your liver is out of order, which is a very dangerous thing, to have a bad liver. I agree, you should not be fat. Also if you become fat very much you might develop something else. But If you are naturally thin, then understand that must be liver out of order. Now this liver when it is out of order, how many problems it can give, you don't know it. First of all it can give asthma. It can give you a… if it moves on the right side, it can give you diabetes. It can give you, this heat, if it moves downward here, it can give you also the spleen into trouble and that can ultimately give you a cancer, blood cancer, it can give you blood cancer. Then if it goes to the uterus, also it can harm you there. If this heat from the liver goes on passing throughout and creates problems all over. Not only that, but also it can give you a massive heart attack after some time. If you are young and if you are drinking too much and playing tennis and all then suddenly the heart goes off. That is how many heart attacks come. So to preserve your health within yourself, first you should know what you are, what problems you have, why these problems are there. And then also you should know why there are problems outside. This is very simple to understand if you become divine. This divine light can give you all the understanding of everything. I don't know, I've spoken about it so many times but never relating to beauty as such. But beauty is of course, is within, you know? It's all within, it's not without. But that I cannot convince you like this unless until you get your Realization. There's some people who may be very beautiful outside but inside would be like snakes. This can be. So best thing is to have the beauty within. That attracts the people. See Me, I have so many disciples, now are so many all over the world. But now what do I do to them? Nothing. I just connect them to the Divine as through this. And there are 1000 petals inside your brain, which gets enlightened and you become one with the Divine, and the divine power starts flowing through you. You become divine. Then you know what to wear, how to behave, everything automatic. It is spontaneous. I don't have to tell you, "Do this" or "Do that", nothing. It just works out. You are your own master. I don't have to tell you anything. You can find out what is good for you, what is bad for you. This is not only for longevity I am saying, but I am saying for the global peace. You want to have it spread to people through your endeavors, through your different ideas and creativity, to all the people of the world. So the problems that are created by human beings - mainly they are the problems. And they can be solved. If a human being becomes so beautiful inside, then outside also he looks beautiful, and also he can create a very beautiful loving world. So, I would say you can ask Me some questions. Eric? Come here. Q: Are you happy with the [unclear] people who'd come to the Albert Hall this year? Shri Mataji: Eric, you come here. It's all right. SY - Shri Mataji, were you happy with the people who came to the Albert Hall this year? Shri Mataji: Of course, why not? I was very, very happy. Was very happy. I'm always happy otherwise. Whether they come or don't come makes no difference to Me. Q: How do you realize? How do you, how do you realize this ? Shri Mataji: I was born like this. I see, how do you realize that you are a human being? Q: No that you, you are accepting… How do you realize that you are accepting the change, the transition within yourself? How do you know that it's happening to you? Sahaja Yogi: Is "you", you or Shri Mataji? Q: How does one realize? Sahaja Yogi: How do we know when we're self realized? Shri Mataji: Ah, that's a good question. That you know when you have in your hands a cool or a hot breeze coming out. Hot breeze is there because if you have not forgiven, there won't be any. But if you put your hands like this, you should get cool breeze blowing into you. What is this cool breeze? This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. That you can feel. And also it comes out of your fontanel bone area. Yours it is, not mine, yours, and you can feel it. This is the first sign. Then you start seeing the miracles you can do with your hand. For hair dress also I should say, that if there is one realized lady, she will exactly know how to make the hair - because you become extremely creative. And not that you stick to one style, or you copy somebody, but you have your own style. In everything you have your own style. Sahaja Yogi: The only way is to experience it, then you know, so you may stay and ask Her to show you in a while. Then you can feel it. The best way is to feel it yourself Shri Mataji, then you don't have to describe it, you just know it. Shri Mataji: Self esteem and it's not overpowering, it's within yourself. Such peace and such joy - within yourself. It's not overpowering. On the contrary, it is so much spreading, so much capturing other people, on a very higher level. Not on a mundane level, or on a very low levels as people try to do. It's very, very divine and extremely beautiful, I tell you. Ask the question! Have I answered all of your questions? M: To my questions. Q: What he said? Sahaja Yogi: Are there any other questions? Sahaja Yogi: Mother, could the ladies and the people here tonight experience Self Realization? Sahaja Yogi: Can, can they experience it? Can You show us? Should I try? All right. Then it's good. It's very good. And you will really become real professionals. As I know, Mr. Emro has been so kind to announce it, but there are so many who have got all this but they are shy and they came quiet. And they don't want to share it also, because they think that people think they are mad, there's something wrong with them. So it's very simple. It's very simple. You all can get it. Should be take out our shoes? Sahaja Yogi: It's best to take for meditation and to feel those energies inside. It's best to take the shoes off so that you can get a good grounding on the, on the earth, on the floor. Q: Our socks as well? Sahaja Yogi: Whichever you feel. If you feel more relaxed, take your socks [as well]. Shri Mataji: The socks you can have, but… it's o.k. Sahaja Yogi: Whatever you feel. Shri Mataji: I'm very happy there are so many ladies. Because, you now, the women are very powerful. They are very powerful - they don't know their powers. Of course. Now put both the feet on the ground, like this, little away from each other, and just put your both hands towards Me. [I must tell you], this is your right to have it. There's no obligation, nothing. It's your right to have it and you can all get it. No problems. You can get it in no time. As I've told you, you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everything, because that was past and finished. We have to be in the present. So, forgive everyone, and also forgive yourself. You shouldn't feel guilty about anything, you should not be guilty about anything. Just forgive everyone, that's very important. For you to have the experience it's important that you forgive. If you don't forgive, then you will feel hot breeze coming in. But If you forgive yourself and others, there will be nice cool breeze blowing in your hands. Now, just put your right hand towards Me, and see with your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. You can bend your head. And see for yourself, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming through. You can see it - maybe on the sides might be, but don't put it on top of the head, but above the head. You just move your hand little bit here and there, and just put your right hand towards Me. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself, or you have not forgiven others. So, now put your left hand towards Me and put your right hand on top of your head. Again, just see. Do not doubt yourself. Please don't doubt, have faith in yourself. Now it will rise, it will rise. Once more. Put your right hand towards Me, and put your left hand towards Me and see for yourself. Bend your head and close your eyes. Please close your eyes. That's all. Now, just put your hands like this, and those who have felt cool breeze or a hot breeze, on these fingertips, or on the palm, or out of the fontanel bone, raise your hands. Oh, not yet? Yes, it will work out. B: What's that? Lady: I feel cool on my head and also my hands. Shri Mataji: Hand you felt, not here? Sahaja Yogi: Cool on the head, Shri Mataji. She feels cool. Shri Mataji: Then it's alright because your this center is little bit in trouble. It will be alright. If you have felt it on your head it's alright, we will work it out. What about you? Lady: Hot. Shri Mataji: What is she saying? Sahaja Yogi: It's hot? Is it blowing hot? Lady: The hot. Sahaja Yogi: It's hot. Shri Mataji: In the hands? Hot. Shri Mataji: Alright, so please forgive. Please forgive. You see, now see, logic is like this. Wether you forgive, you don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. By not forgiving you're torturing yourself. See the point? Now, so you please forgive Me, really forgive. Put your hands towards Me. Now cooler? Lady: No. Shri Mataji: Not yet? I'll have to work on you. I have to work for your forgiveness. Anyone there? They all have felt it? Alright. So, come along. Sahaja Yogi: Remove the chair with you. Shri Mataji: Sit. Lady: Where should I sit? here? Shri Mataji: Can you sit? Lady: I can sit… Shri Mataji: Put your right hand towards Me. Lady: Alright. Left hand on the earth. Sahaja Yogi: On the earth. Shri Mataji: Now forgive. Liver. You have a liver problem. Lady: I do? Shri Mataji: Little bit. You think too much. Lady: I work too hard. Shri Mataji: Are you futuristic? Are you futuristic? Lady: What? Sahaja Yogi: Planing, planing, getting worked up a lot. Lady: No, I live, I live with lot of [unclear] who think of the past but I'm not futuristic. Sahaja Yogi: Not futuristic. Shri Mataji: Forgive, please forgive. Lady: It's hard. Sahaja Yogi: Say it, say that, that "I forgive everybody" - just say it. Lady: I don't know if I am ready. Sahaja Yogi: Please say it. Then you've done it. It's easy. Sahaja Yogi: But Chris she's not ready yet. Not ready yet. Shri Mataji: You are all ready. Now don't have this diffidence within you. Otherwise you would not have come here. Alright? Lady: Okay, I'll forgive… Shri Mataji: You are all ready. Come along, have it. Lady: Come on, I forgive. Shri Mataji: Forgive, good. Very good idea. It's cooler? Lady: It's still hot, it's still hot! Shri Mataji: We know… Sahaja Yogi: Keep say, "I'll forgive everybody" - you'll enjoy it. Sahaja Yogi: Say that inside, inside. Sahaja Yogi: Yeah, inside. Shri Mataji: It's still. Liver? Shri Mataji: Better now? L: It's cool, yeah, it's cooler. Not so hot, not so hot. Shri Mataji: It's an experience, it's not just telling you, it's an experience. It's the truth. Now she's feeling. Better now, much better. Lady: I see, yeah, not so hot, yeah, not so hot. Shri Mataji: Good. Much better. You come along. You felt it in the head. Not in the hands. Can you face that side? Lady: This side? Sahaja Yogi: Towards her. L: Towards her? Sahaja Yogi: Like that? Move back. On the Vishuddhi. Shri Mataji: Does she sing or? Sahaja Yogi: Do you sing? L: Yeah. Shri Mataji: Come back, yes, come back, please. I'll give vibrations on Vishuddhi. She may develop spondylitis? Very bad. Don't feel guilty. Do you feel guilty? Shri Mataji: Are you a catholic? L: No… Shri Mataji: Then you should not feel. What work do you do? Sahaja Yogi: What work? L: What work do I do? Sahaja Yogi: She runs my desk. Sahaja Yogi: She's at his desk. Sahaja Yogi: Receptionist. Sahaja Yogi: Reception, yes. Shri Mataji: She's at the desk. Sahaja Yogi: Busy Shri Mataji: Now, are you feeling in your hands - just see. Sahaja Yogi: Put your hands up and tell Her. Shri Mataji: Turn now. Now, feel? Little bit? Alright. May God bless you. Any other questions? Have I answered all your questions? So now, you will have to understand how to meditate. That's all. And if you understand that, you'll grow, grow very fast. I'm sure you will grow and then you'll be amazed at your [unclear]. Because you will not feel disturbed. There will be no stress, strain again. Very happy you will be. Because what's the use of getting into stress? You cannot solve it, the problem you cannot solve. You can only solve the problem by solving yourself. Because the problem is with you, not without. If you think like that, it's alright. And you all can feel very much better. You will sleep better, and you'll enjoy life much better. So, I would like to invite you all to India also, if possible, please come. We have a very good session there, we have the seashore and enjoy yourself. She has been to one of the Institutions of Sahaja Yoga for Music. And see how she has picked up! I was amazed the way she was playing. It's a very great thing. Indian music is not easy, you can't learn that easy. But I was surprised, in three months, the boys were singing [bhajans] I said, "How did you [unclear]"… Imagine, in three, three… months only. I mean, you take years together to learn. So many things happened in… Because they have become realized souls, and they can pick up things very fast. I was amazed, really, how they have picked up. She has picked up tabla very… in India also you wouldn't find any woman who can play at tabla. It's really remarkable. Remarkable things happened. And you yourself will become remarkable, yourself. Alright, thank you very much. Thank you, may God bless you. So you can take help from Emro, he can help you I think in giving Realization. It's a very good thing you have done - I'm really thankful to you. Because I wanted to talk to ladies first because they don't know how powerful they are. Catherine! Sahaja Yogi: So now, if anybody wants to know more about Sahaja Yoga or Self Realization there's a lot… Sahaja Yogi: He's now got information there, if anybody wants to know a bit more about Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji: It's really great, I must say. Sahaja Yogi: So we should do some sessions here also. Shri Mataji: Also there was, one actor who came to see Me, he had a problema, I don't know where he is lost. Sahaja Yogi: Pardon? The actor? Shri Mataji: Some actor. Sahaja Yogi: The actor Shri Mataji: He knows him. You should try to get some actors and actresses, you see. It will be a good idea. Because they're all suffering and actually they die very fast. Sahaja Yogi: Thank you very much. Thank you.
Public Program. Errol Douglas Gallery, London (UK) - 28 September 2000. I thank Mr. Emro for inviting Me to such a unique type of gathering. The subject is very interesting that how Sahaja Yoga can help beauty. Now Sahaja Yoga, as you know, here it is shown that there is a power in your triangular bone, here, as you see. And this is in every human being - every. And this power, has to be awakened. Then it passes through these six centers. The seventh one low below there, the number one, and pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects you to the Divine. As a result of that, all these centers who are responsible, they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual being, all of them are enlightened and integrated. It, this power is in everyone but to talk about it, people don't believe in it. You must have the experience of it. And once you have the experience, you'll be amazed, how many things happen to you which you cannot even imagine. It's very kind of him to have called me here, that way I've met many people of that kind but nobody has tried to invite others who could share this experience. Now coming to the point of beauty, I must tell you the Divine is the most beautiful thing, because it creates all beautiful things. You see in the nature, every leaf is different from another. Such a variety. Also, if you see, all leaves are so arranged that they all get sunshine. Such a consideration, such an understanding. In the same way, when Divine works in you, you also have that capacity to share it with others, understand with others and to be part and parcel of the whole. Not just yourself, single person (everything). Now, one thing is there that people are now conscious of their beauty. But perhaps they don't know, how do we spoil our beauty. First, let us see, how our beauty spoils. It is spoiled sometimes, showing lots of wrinkles on the face. Now, I am 77 years of age. I'll be 78 very soon. And I am grand-grandmother. I don't have wrinkles. Nor my daughters have. The reason is this, that normally human beings specially ladies, react very much, react to everything. Whatever happens in their life, they react, whatever happens in others lives they react, whatever is happening on the other planes, they react. By reacting, you do not get to anything. You do not achieve anything. So, the first thing, I would say that when it happens, you don't react. You just watch, you become a witness. You become the witness of the whole thing. And when these things happen, then the creativity starts coming from somewhere unknown, and you are amazed how you can create things without reading any book, without taking any help, and suddenly you become very, very creative. I've seen in Sahaja yoga, how people have achieved great heights in creativity, in sports, in everything because they get this energy, divine energy within them. So, they also understand, that they have to be more patient, more loving, more caring towards themselves and towards others also. Once that happens - I've seen this one is so beautifully done - is that you start caring for people. You start caring for your customers, understanding them, plus your creativity. You do not borrow ideas from others, you don't learn by your own mad thinking, but you actually become creative under the influence of the Divine. And when the Divine starts working, it's perfect. Perfection. There's no competition. You create not out of competition, but just to create. Freely. There's no compulsion. And when you start creating, you are amazed at yourself, how can you create all these things with whatever knowledge you have, whatever experience you have? All these things happen. I'm happy it has happened in the case of Mr. Emro and that he has taken that he should pass this to you people. Now in modern times, fashion has become very popular. So it's alright. But the fashion that you (use) how far it is helpful to you in your health, that you should see to it. Now if I reveal certain things, you should not be shocked and should be unhappy about. All these centers are expressed in our different parts of the body. For example, this green one that you see. It's here in the Nabhi, is expressed on these two knees. Very important - two knees are very important. So, if you want to keep your knees in perfect health, I would say one should not expose the knees. If you expose the knees, everybody sees that. And there are lots of negative forces around. What's the use of exposing the knee? I don't understand. About twenty years back, nobody used to do that. But now suddenly the fashion has started, that you expose your knees. And exposure of knees, you will end up with very bad knees, you won't be able to even walk. At My age - you may not reach also. So it has to be covered. Now if you wear a covered knee thing in England, or anywhere in the west, they'll ask you, "Are you Turkish?" Now, because in Turkey they know this. Turkish people are still traditional - they know, they will not expose their knees. And exposure of knees is very dangerous. This is a very, very important chakra - we call as a Nabhi chakra. It is related to our Lakshmi tatwa also - Lakshmi means the goddess of money. It is expressed in so many ways within us: our digestion, everything. Apart from that, the main thing is, it gives a very different expression to your body. Supposing there's somebody who is very greedy - you can make out from the face. Somebody who is very jealous - you can make out, from the face. Somebody who is very cunning - you can make out from the face. In the same way, when you have this first center it's very, very important, which is too much, maybe, to tell you, but it's very important. This is the center of your innocence. This innocence is there, always. It cannot be destroyed, it is indestructible. Whatever you may do, whatever wrong you may commit, whatever immoral thing you may do, this center is there and innocence is there. It might be covered with some clouds - it's different - but nobody can destroy this center. Now the face that is innocent, is always very beautiful. You see the children, what love you have for children, because they have innocent faces. This center has to be looked after. And this center gets distorted and spoiled while, not that you become cunning and all that, but it gets spoilt when you don't respect your chastity. That's a very important thing. You may do whatever fashion you like, but your chastity is very important - that's your power. If you respect your chastity, nobody can destroy you. That's the greatest boon human beings have, whether they are men or women. Chastity is very important and this center will start showing its results. With innocence, your face becomes very innocent and loving, lovable, like that of children. Cunningness, you can see on the face. At least, I can see. You can understand persons being exploiting you, making use of you. But if this center is alright, then you're so powerful. You're so powerful, that nobody can destroy your innocence. And that is to be respected very much for the beauty. I think I have seen women who are every beautiful, have innocence in them. They may not be sexually attractive and all that, but the face is so innocent so innocent, lovable! Whatever may be your age, is not the point, but you respect yourself. First of all, if you don't respect yourself, who is going to respect you? Then another thing is that, the second chakra is above that, the green one, is this red chakra. This is for your heart. We call it the center heart. When you are insecure, then this thing catches. And this chakra has got a quality by which it produces angels. You can call them as anything - they call them antibodies. These angels are created for your protection. For everything. If you have any disease they'll fight it, if you have any problems, they will fight it. If you have any fear - say suddenly you see a dog, tiger or something - this center will start pulsating like that. And this pulsation creates a kind of a motion among these people whom I call angels. And these angels know that there's a danger and they try to protect you. So this center is very important. You must have security. Your sense of security is disturbed, when this center goes into jeopardy. It is… Modern times is full of insecurities. Especially for ladies - full of insecurities. They're always feeling, "God knows what's going to happen to me, what is going to be against me". All this is on this center, it depends. This is the Mother's center. And if you understood the meaning of your mother's heart, or your heart as a mother, you have understood that part, then this center settles down, you feel secured. You have to be absolutely secure within yourself. This is a very important point. These days I find women are having so many breast cancers and all that. That is also due to this center. Why? Because if the husband is very dominating, and very exacting, then women develop this. And in America, you'll be amazed, in a place where women are so well placed, so many women have this trouble. I couldn't explain. I couldn't understand. While in Indian women don't have. Surprisingly. Because in India, the children are the power of the mother. Her power is not with anything else but with her children. And she'll see to it that her children get proper education, they are brought up well for anything, that she has to sell her ornaments and sell everything, but she would see that they are well educated. And she will look after them first than anything else, when she's a mother. That doesn't mean that you give up your profession, doesn't mean that you don't go out, but you have to put full attention to your children - very important. I show the result of that is this today: that all the software people are coming from India. Why? Why not from England and why not from other countries, who are supposed to be so developed? When I came here, I was surprised so many of my disciples, they were not worried about their studies. They said: "We want to be (big), we want to be garbage cleaners.". I said "Why?" "Because you can get a lot of money in that way. But what a student? Even if you are a graduate you don't get much money." I said, "You don't understand your dignity, you don't understand you have to progress in your thinking and understanding." They said, "No, we want to do something where we can get money. We can take to anything that can give us money." "It will give you money", I said, "but it will not give you education and concentration." That is the main point you should have, is your concentration. And this concentration if it doesn't come, then you cannot work out anything. Thank God, I told them, "You better take to some education." They all got admissions into good colleges, schools. Now they're doing very well. It's alright. You may earn later. Money is not everything. You may earn little less but at least you have the education. Now there's such a dearth of education in America, among you people. First of all, the education is extremely, extremely expensive and those schools which are available otherwise are of no good. So, what we find we can have better carpenters, we can have better windows, but no education. So, people are pouring from India for software-ing Because the concentration is gone. So this concentration power comes from the mother, to the children, and they have very concentrated mind. It's very important to have that concentration and the faith, as a mother. So many people, why do they get ladies, specially get this breast cancer - I can't understand. Because they are insecure. A husband cannot make you insecure, if you have children and if your children are to your support. If you are even alone, you should have faith in your mother. Such mothers if there are, who will look after you, who will always support you, will give you that security which is very important for these antibodies. Even the cancer and all these diseases are caused by the lack of antibodies within us. So these antibodies are like little, little, we can call angels which look after you, which worry about you. This is the treasure you have within yourself which should not be exploited. Your security should not be allowed to challenge anyone. This is, that's why I said, it's a very, very important center is this one, what you call, it's the heart chakra. Now outside without Sahaja Yoga, I don't know how one can achieve the stability of the heart. Heart becomes weak because people lose tempers. Those who are very hot tempered people, they have problems on their heart. And I have seen people they get a heart attack and get it all kinds of heart problems because of this chakra in danger - heart chakra. So, insecurity on one side, and heart attacks on another side. To get angry is very wrong. To get angry is absolutely ruining yourself, it's self destructive. But by telling it will not happen. You have to have Realization, you must have Self Realization, by which you become absolutely peaceful, absolutely peaceful. Then the last chakra is this one, Vidshuddhi chakra is at the last. This chakra, Vishuddhi, is here - it's important. This gets spoiled by many things. Supposing you use abusive words, if you are aggressive with your tongue. Like in America, they use very abusive words, I was surprised. All the time they're using stupid words which I don't even understand. All that is causing this trouble. And this can go up to any limit. Because it controls 16 of your… 16 of your… I should say, organs, right? It controls your eyes, it controls your nose, it controls your tongue, it controls your teeth, it controls your ears, everything are controlled, 16 things are controlled by this Vishuddhi chakra. And on the both sides we have the most important, very great chakras, which we can call, it says they rule ourselves and the whole world. These are 2 chakras, on the sides. And they are, we call them as… I don't need other Indian names, but they are very important chakras, these two. And when you expose them, then you have problems with these. So they should not be exposed. You can have small sleeves. But never expose them. Then you can get any kind of problem, any kind of problem, any kind of problem, combined with this chakra. I'm sorry, I have to warn you people. Alright. But it's a fashion now. What is the need to expose? To please men? Why should you care? Why should you care for men so much? I can't understand. Women are the shakti, they are the power. Why should you try to please men? So why have this kind of a inferiority complex about yourself - all the time trying to please men. And they are very funny, I tell you. What has killed romance is this. See a man falls in love with say - I'm sorry to say this - with our hair dress. There's a hair dress, a particular hair dress, so Mr. X falls in love with that hair dress. But then she goes to hairdresser, changes her dress. It's over, romance is over. They're so superficial. They're so superficial that they can fall for your hair dress. And the women feel so disappointed the way the men treat them and behave. So, I would suggest that it's very important that you should not try to please men. You be yourself, in your self esteem. You are women, after all, and you have special qualities. Stand in your own dignity. Stand in your own power. And in this, when it happens, women get more power than men can get. It's very surprising. And it works out so beautifully for women. And it should. Now, for example, you are you are yourself hairdresser or anything you are, you become so creative. If you are a musician, you become very creative. If you are anything, whatever profession you are following, you become so very creative when this thing happens to you, because all your centers are cleared out. And the power of the Divine is pouring through you. This is what you should achieve, that is what you should have, then nobody can dominate you. Not only that, it goes higher, this is the most important chakra, which is called, we call it Agnya chakra between the optic chiasma like this. And if it is not open, it is very, very constricted if it doesn't open then Kundalini won't pass through. Now this is the chakra of Jesus Christ where we crucified Him. Now what did he do, He first gave forgiveness to all the people who tried to torture Him, and crucified Him. So only the way you forgive people, it opens out. You have to forgive. No use to remember him. Somebody has hurt you, alright. So what? It's finished. It's not today. Whatever has happened has happened. Why worry about it? But if you don't forgive, then all the time you'll be thinking about it and will be torturing yourself for nothing at all. Instead of that you just forgive. Forgive everything. Forgiving is a very great quality by which nobody can torture you, nobody can trouble you, because you do not pay any attention to. You don't know people are trying to trouble Me so much so much they have done to make Me, sort of hurt, or do all kinds of things. But somehow, I forgive them. And I am finished. Because once you forgive them, you don't remember what they have done to you, and you never torture yourself. But if you don't forgive, then you torture yourself thinking, "Why did he do this? Why did she do this?" Nothing - you just forgive. The very great present of Jesus - that you should forgive everyone. That gives you a great peace here. But this peace also is very important. If you don't have peace within you, then you start becoming old very soon. I have seen many young girls having wrinkles, worried, upset, tension, this that, all the time irritated. The reason is that they have not yet forgiven those people who have troubled them. So if you can develop this witness state, as I said, you are not bothered. You just witness the whole thing, and you'll be amazed that this center will be opened, and by that you will not react. You will not react. You'll just see, "Alright. This is so, so this is so." And the life becomes full of humor and anything absurd you see, just smile and laugh. There's no time for you to think about these nonsensical things that people say about you, or try to harm you, or try to create a problem. You shouldn't worry. You shouldn't worry about that. Now they… With this happening, you don't try to think what others are thinking about you. because you know, you are one with Divine, because you get vibrations on your hands, you are assured that you are alright, so you have confidence. But you don't with this confidence, oppress others. It is confidence with love. I call it as the intelligence which is emotional. I call it as emotional intelligence. Many children are born with it, but they are taught something else so they [do with it]. I'll say my own great grandson, who is born with this, so as soon as we reached America, he was with us for only six months, he was a little boy, and after one, 7-8 months we went to America, immediately he brought the remote control and gave it to my husband. Because he is always seeing the television - immediately. Then he brought newspaper and gave Me to read. And to Me he brought a flower. So, by his emotional intelligence he knows what one likes, what one has. If you come home or somebody visits us he'll immediately bring the things to give them to eat or to please them - all the time, these things of entertaining. He'll start dancing, and he'll start showing you dance. Have you seen it? He's so careful, that he should express his love and with animals, everyone, he's so friendly. That is emotional intelligence we should develop. And depend on it, it helps you. You will get lots of friends, you will gets lots of I should say, not only friends, but people who will help you in your work. They'll give you a great assistance in everything. It's a very, very great capacity to be emotionally intelligent. People think if you are emotional then people take advantage of you. Let them take. What's the harm? But you do no take advantage of yourself by being cruel or by being any way harsh to others. Remember those days when somebody was sweet? Remember that time, that moment when somebody was very sweet, very nice to you, very kind, very helpful. Remember! Remember all these moments, not the moments when you are insulted not the time when you have suffered, but the time when somebody has given you love, somebody has talked to you with love, and you'll be amazed such fragrance within you will start blowing. So many people have got this Realization, and they have forgotten all nonsense of fighting and all. Now we have sometimes people, thousands of them in India sometimes, and I was surprised, they come from different countries, and Sahaja Yoga is working in 86 countries, and they never quarrel, they never fight. I've never heard anybody quarreling or fighting. Ha, they pull each others legs, they're very humorous. That's they do. Now the another craze we have now in - I don't know why - that we should be very, very thin, that thinness is very attractive. It's not so. See you become thin sometimes automatically if your liver is out of order, which is a very dangerous thing, to have a bad liver. I agree, you should not be fat. Also if you become fat very much you might develop something else. But If you are naturally thin, then understand that must be liver out of order. Now this liver when it is out of order, how many problems it can give, you don't know it. First of all it can give asthma. It can give you a… if it moves on the right side, it can give you diabetes. It can give you, this heat, if it moves downward here, it can give you also the spleen into trouble and that can ultimately give you a cancer, blood cancer, it can give you blood cancer. Then if it goes to the uterus, also it can harm you there. If this heat from the liver goes on passing throughout and creates problems all over. Not only that, but also it can give you a massive heart attack after some time. If you are young and if you are drinking too much and playing tennis and all then suddenly the heart goes off. That is how many heart attacks come. So to preserve your health within yourself, first you should know what you are, what problems you have, why these problems are there. And then also you should know why there are problems outside. This is very simple to understand if you become divine. This divine light can give you all the understanding of everything. I don't know, I've spoken about it so many times but never relating to beauty as such. But beauty is of course, is within, you know? It's all within, it's not without. But that I cannot convince you like this unless until you get your Realization. There's some people who may be very beautiful outside but inside would be like snakes. This can be. So best thing is to have the beauty within. That attracts the people. See Me, I have so many disciples, now are so many all over the world. But now what do I do to them? Nothing. I just connect them to the Divine as through this. And there are 1000 petals inside your brain, which gets enlightened and you become one with the Divine, and the divine power starts flowing through you. You become divine. Then you know what to wear, how to behave, everything automatic. It is spontaneous. I don't have to tell you, "Do this" or "Do that", nothing. It just works out. You are your own master. I don't have to tell you anything. You can find out what is good for you, what is bad for you. This is not only for longevity I am saying, but I am saying for the global peace. You want to have it spread to people through your endeavors, through your different ideas and creativity, to all the people of the world. So the problems that are created by human beings - mainly they are the problems. And they can be solved. If a human being becomes so beautiful inside, then outside also he looks beautiful, and also he can create a very beautiful loving world. So, I would say you can ask Me some questions. Eric? Come here. Q: Are you happy with the [unclear] people who'd come to the Albert Hall this year? Shri Mataji: Eric, you come here. It's all right. SY - Shri Mataji, were you happy with the people who came to the Albert Hall this year? Shri Mataji: Of course, why not? I was very, very happy. Was very happy. I'm always happy otherwise. Whether they come or don't come makes no difference to Me. Q: How do you realize? How do you, how do you realize this ? Shri Mataji: I was born like this. I see, how do you realize that you are a human being? Q: No that you, you are accepting… How do you realize that you are accepting the change, the transition within yourself? How do you know that it's happening to you? Sahaja Yogi: Is "you", you or Shri Mataji? Q: How does one realize? Sahaja Yogi: How do we know when we're self realized? Shri Mataji: Ah, that's a good question. That you know when you have in your hands a cool or a hot breeze coming out. Hot breeze is there because if you have not forgiven, there won't be any. But if you put your hands like this, you should get cool breeze blowing into you. What is this cool breeze? This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. That you can feel. And also it comes out of your fontanel bone area. Yours it is, not mine, yours, and you can feel it. This is the first sign. Then you start seeing the miracles you can do with your hand. For hair dress also I should say, that if there is one realized lady, she will exactly know how to make the hair - because you become extremely creative. And not that you stick to one style, or you copy somebody, but you have your own style. In everything you have your own style. Sahaja Yogi: The only way is to experience it, then you know, so you may stay and ask Her to show you in a while. Then you can feel it. The best way is to feel it yourself Shri Mataji, then you don't have to describe it, you just know it. Shri Mataji: Self esteem and it's not overpowering, it's within yourself. Such peace and such joy - within yourself. It's not overpowering. On the contrary, it is so much spreading, so much capturing other people, on a very higher level. Not on a mundane level, or on a very low levels as people try to do. It's very, very divine and extremely beautiful, I tell you. Ask the question! Have I answered all of your questions? M: To my questions. Q: What he said? Sahaja Yogi: Are there any other questions? Sahaja Yogi: Mother, could the ladies and the people here tonight experience Self Realization? Sahaja Yogi: Can, can they experience it? Can You show us? Should I try? All right. Then it's good. It's very good. And you will really become real professionals. As I know, Mr. Emro has been so kind to announce it, but there are so many who have got all this but they are shy and they came quiet. And they don't want to share it also, because they think that people think they are mad, there's something wrong with them. So it's very simple. It's very simple. You all can get it. Should be take out our shoes? Sahaja Yogi: It's best to take for meditation and to feel those energies inside. It's best to take the shoes off so that you can get a good grounding on the, on the earth, on the floor. Q: Our socks as well? Sahaja Yogi: Whichever you feel. If you feel more relaxed, take your socks [as well]. Shri Mataji: The socks you can have, but… it's o.k. Sahaja Yogi: Whatever you feel. Shri Mataji: I'm very happy there are so many ladies. Because, you now, the women are very powerful. They are very powerful - they don't know their powers. Of course. Now put both the feet on the ground, like this, little away from each other, and just put your both hands towards Me. [I must tell you], this is your right to have it. There's no obligation, nothing. It's your right to have it and you can all get it. No problems. You can get it in no time. As I've told you, you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everything, because that was past and finished. We have to be in the present. So, forgive everyone, and also forgive yourself. You shouldn't feel guilty about anything, you should not be guilty about anything. Just forgive everyone, that's very important. For you to have the experience it's important that you forgive. If you don't forgive, then you will feel hot breeze coming in. But If you forgive yourself and others, there will be nice cool breeze blowing in your hands. Now, just put your right hand towards Me, and see with your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. You can bend your head. And see for yourself, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming through. You can see it - maybe on the sides might be, but don't put it on top of the head, but above the head. You just move your hand little bit here and there, and just put your right hand towards Me. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself, or you have not forgiven others. So, now put your left hand towards Me and put your right hand on top of your head. Again, just see. Do not doubt yourself. Please don't doubt, have faith in yourself. Now it will rise, it will rise. Once more. Put your right hand towards Me, and put your left hand towards Me and see for yourself. Bend your head and close your eyes. Please close your eyes. That's all. Now, just put your hands like this, and those who have felt cool breeze or a hot breeze, on these fingertips, or on the palm, or out of the fontanel bone, raise your hands. Oh, not yet? Yes, it will work out. B: What's that? Lady: I feel cool on my head and also my hands. Shri Mataji: Hand you felt, not here? Sahaja Yogi: Cool on the head, Shri Mataji. She feels cool. Shri Mataji: Then it's alright because your this center is little bit in trouble. It will be alright. If you have felt it on your head it's alright, we will work it out. What about you? Lady: Hot. Shri Mataji: What is she saying? Sahaja Yogi: It's hot? Is it blowing hot? Lady: The hot. Sahaja Yogi: It's hot. Shri Mataji: In the hands? Hot. Shri Mataji: Alright, so please forgive. Please forgive. You see, now see, logic is like this. Wether you forgive, you don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. By not forgiving you're torturing yourself. See the point? Now, so you please forgive Me, really forgive. Put your hands towards Me. Now cooler? Lady: No. Shri Mataji: Not yet? I'll have to work on you. I have to work for your forgiveness. Anyone there? They all have felt it? Alright. So, come along. Sahaja Yogi: Remove the chair with you. Shri Mataji: Sit. Lady: Where should I sit? here? Shri Mataji: Can you sit? Lady: I can sit… Shri Mataji: Put your right hand towards Me. Lady: Alright. Left hand on the earth. Sahaja Yogi: On the earth. Shri Mataji: Now forgive. Liver. You have a liver problem. Lady: I do? Shri Mataji: Little bit. You think too much. Lady: I work too hard. Shri Mataji: Are you futuristic? Are you futuristic? Lady: What? Sahaja Yogi: Planing, planing, getting worked up a lot. Lady: No, I live, I live with lot of [unclear] who think of the past but I'm not futuristic. Sahaja Yogi: Not futuristic. Shri Mataji: Forgive, please forgive. Lady: It's hard. Sahaja Yogi: Say it, say that, that "I forgive everybody" - just say it. Lady: I don't know if I am ready. Sahaja Yogi: Please say it. Then you've done it. It's easy. Sahaja Yogi: But Chris she's not ready yet. Not ready yet. Shri Mataji: You are all ready. Now don't have this diffidence within you. Otherwise you would not have come here. Alright? Lady: Okay, I'll forgive… Shri Mataji: You are all ready. Come along, have it. Lady: Come on, I forgive. Shri Mataji: Forgive, good. Very good idea. It's cooler? Lady: It's still hot, it's still hot! Shri Mataji: We know… Sahaja Yogi: Keep say, "I'll forgive everybody" - you'll enjoy it. Sahaja Yogi: Say that inside, inside. Sahaja Yogi: Yeah, inside. Shri Mataji: It's still. Liver? Shri Mataji: Better now? L: It's cool, yeah, it's cooler. Not so hot, not so hot. Shri Mataji: It's an experience, it's not just telling you, it's an experience. It's the truth. Now she's feeling. Better now, much better. Lady: I see, yeah, not so hot, yeah, not so hot. Shri Mataji: Good. Much better. You come along. You felt it in the head. Not in the hands. Can you face that side? Lady: This side? Sahaja Yogi: Towards her. L: Towards her? Sahaja Yogi: Like that? Move back. On the Vishuddhi. Shri Mataji: Does she sing or? Sahaja Yogi: Do you sing? L: Yeah. Shri Mataji: Come back, yes, come back, please. I'll give vibrations on Vishuddhi. She may develop spondylitis? Very bad. Don't feel guilty. Do you feel guilty? Shri Mataji: Are you a catholic? L: No… Shri Mataji: Then you should not feel. What work do you do? Sahaja Yogi: What work? L: What work do I do? Sahaja Yogi: She runs my desk. Sahaja Yogi: She's at his desk. Sahaja Yogi: Receptionist. Sahaja Yogi: Reception, yes. Shri Mataji: She's at the desk. Sahaja Yogi: Busy Shri Mataji: Now, are you feeling in your hands - just see. Sahaja Yogi: Put your hands up and tell Her. Shri Mataji: Turn now. Now, feel? Little bit? Alright. May God bless you. Any other questions? Have I answered all your questions? So now, you will have to understand how to meditate. That's all. And if you understand that, you'll grow, grow very fast. I'm sure you will grow and then you'll be amazed at your [unclear]. Because you will not feel disturbed. There will be no stress, strain again. Very happy you will be. Because what's the use of getting into stress? You cannot solve it, the problem you cannot solve. You can only solve the problem by solving yourself. Because the problem is with you, not without. If you think like that, it's alright. And you all can feel very much better. You will sleep better, and you'll enjoy life much better. So, I would like to invite you all to India also, if possible, please come. We have a very good session there, we have the seashore and enjoy yourself. She has been to one of the Institutions of Sahaja Yoga for Music. And see how she has picked up! I was amazed the way she was playing. It's a very great thing. Indian music is not easy, you can't learn that easy. But I was surprised, in three months, the boys were singing [bhajans] I said, "How did you [unclear]"… Imagine, in three, three… months only. I mean, you take years together to learn. So many things happened in… Because they have become realized souls, and they can pick up things very fast. I was amazed, really, how they have picked up. She has picked up tabla very… in India also you wouldn't find any woman who can play at tabla. It's really remarkable. Remarkable things happened. And you yourself will become remarkable, yourself. Alright, thank you very much. Thank you, may God bless you. So you can take help from Emro, he can help you I think in giving Realization. It's a very good thing you have done - I'm really thankful to you. Because I wanted to talk to ladies first because they don't know how powerful they are. Catherine! Sahaja Yogi: So now, if anybody wants to know more about Sahaja Yoga or Self Realization there's a lot… Sahaja Yogi: He's now got information there, if anybody wants to know a bit more about Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji: It's really great, I must say. Sahaja Yogi: So we should do some sessions here also. Shri Mataji: Also there was, one actor who came to see Me, he had a problema, I don't know where he is lost. Sahaja Yogi: Pardon? The actor? Shri Mataji: Some actor. Sahaja Yogi: The actor Shri Mataji: He knows him. You should try to get some actors and actresses, you see. It will be a good idea. Because they're all suffering and actually they die very fast. Sahaja Yogi: Thank you very much. Thank you.
Evening Program, Eve of Navaratri Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening Program before Navaratri Puja DAY - 1 06.10.2000 Cabella TAPE - 1 2:47:06 …Art, not only that but all the intricate patterns of it. I was overjoyed to see Sahaja yoginis and Sahaja yogis dancing so well and I hope that will change the styles of their walk. (Shri Mataji and people in audience laugh) When I came first to London long time back with my daughters, they used to wonder look at women here and they said mummy they all walk like horse. I said really, see their hair also going like, going up and down and the way they walk. Big influence of horses I think on England. But that was just by the way I told him. But you must have noticed Pawar is a very humourous person because he comes from India, not only that from Maharashtra and he belongs to the same caste as mine. So they are known for their humour. And in his humour he has tried to entertain you very well. I must say this, he’s such an expert on Kathak. To understand it, I think aa.. you require little knowledge about the percussions. If you have that knowledge then you will understand how it is difficult, how it is intricate and how it is creative to produce this. It’s a very, very long study, long work, they have to do and practices after practices. That’s how the Indian art is. But I was surprised that when Sahaja yogis go in for that, they are remarkable and we are surprised that in such a short time, they can master the art. So there’s something special about Sahajayogis. And also I was surprised yesterday that from Ukraine those people have come. Otherwise also so many of artists have come from all over. And they were so spontaneous and I was told that none of them have had any training under any Indian Guru or in any Indian school. Just on their own, with the, I don’t know how spontaneously Kundalini has worked it out. Which part of which chakra it has touched, that these people have developed such beautiful sense of Indian music. I think it’s the most difficult thing is Indian music but it is because it is not like western music where you have already a composer, who has put the composition and you have to read it and that’s how you have to play. Composer is also a free man. He can do whatever he likes with his composition. Sometimes it starts slowly, sometimes it starts with a bang, sometimes.. I mean I don’t understand the logic behind it. But whatever it is, it’s very interesting and I love your western music also, if it is classical. Also Jazz is alright. But otherwise I don’t know how to understand pop music very much. May be I’m, I am so ignorant about it. Then comes the understanding of our style in Kathak style. And also Kathak I have seen People learning in the Academy have done so well, its surprisingly in such a short time how have they achieved it. Is it Kundalini that works it out I don’t know. Yesterday’s performance also convinced me, that for Sahaja yogis it’s not necessary to work so hard, to know about Indian Classical Music or even like Mozart and all these great artists. You might one day create some beautiful compositions but if you go in for some sort of a cheap exhibition then I don’t think you can ever achieve any fame. It will be for the time being and people will forget it. So best thing is to develop your Kundalini power and then to take to anything that you feel like because I have seen people who don’t know anything like Baba Mama, he was such a bad student of languages and I don’t know how he started writing poetry in even Urdu language and Marathi he never knew anything about it. So this Kundalini does help and makes you a quiet a exponent, quiet an expert in those difficult arts, which are really very, very difficult for people to master it. So I bless you all with all this knowledge and now this way I saw the Flamingo also was played here so well because it has something great about the rhythm. Rhythm wise it’s very good but I didn’t like very much when I was in Spain that the ladies were dressed very funny way, of Flamingo. That part I didn’t like. They could have been better dressed you see. And rather embarrassing and my husband was looking on the ground, you could see it. So it’s too much for Indians to see such ladies dancing, you know. But if they dress up properly there’s no harm. They dress up properly because it’s such a gift they have got of the, what we call the Taal, the rhythms. The rhythms are so beautiful and how they change and work it out. I must also say that once you start understanding both the beauties of the art, you’ll not pay so much time over dress and all that thing because main thing is the music. If the music has to be properly done and with decent dresses. I am of this opinion because if you want to make it universal then you must also use some dresses that are nice. I was very happy also to see so many sahaja yogis and sahaja yoginis dancing and the little children. It was really very, very beautiful and I wish you all start their understanding what is rhythm is. Rhythm is part of our life and is managed by Shri Shiva. So if you have a rhythm in your life, you see you’ll be getting rid of so many troubles. This is something to be understood and to be learnt and even if you do not learn at least understand it. I was surprised that you were so sensitive to all this music and all that and you didn’t feel that it was some sort of a pressure on you. So your sensitivity has very much increased that you can see clearly with all the people who have been showing their talents, and they are very talented people. Now the talent as I told you is very important because it is the intelligence which is emotional and that we have to develop so that we do not get angry with others, we don’t torture others, we don’t trouble others, but we try to entertain them and keep them happy. That is something one has to develop, even the artists have to have that very much clearly in them. So I must thank all the artists and all of you for bearing lots of things which you don’t know and also enjoying the different types and styles. I hope Flamingo people also join with Kathak and try to wear proper dresses. That’s all. I think the dress is quiet shocking, for us. You see, so there’s no need. If you’ve real art, why should you worry about these other things which makes you look cheapish. No need to have all the cheap dress because if it is art, art is of I must say, that I realized long time back that Spanish idea of rhythm is very great and I wish them all luck and understanding that if they have to become international they should develop dresses as the girls were dressing, very interesting it was. We liked that and their whole behavior should be more towards decency and self respect. So may God Bless You All. So the last thing is coming now, is a nice play and let us see how it works out because English have now got a idea to give you a play. First time I saw an English Drama, they were all reading from the paper you know, I thought this is they are doing before me or on a Radio. It was like that. Now they learn by heart. So you see what a change has come. And it will be very interesting to see that their art of Drama which is the beauty of England and English language that they’ll establish. Thank you very much. Everyone claps. 02.57.01 TAPE – 2 1:39:30 I have always told you that artists must be respected by all Sahaja yogis. Very much respected. The reason is, artists are expressing ‘emotional intelligence’. They are expressing emotional intelligence, which is appealing to our heart, to our personality. It sooths down our personality also . It’s a special quality of artists that they can produce such entertainment that will awaken your emotional intelligence also. That you will be stirred up emotionally also. Gives you a balance, it’s a very great gift of God to the artists that they can create through their emotional intelligence something that entertains you all. You feel entertained and they themselves when they produce or create something they feel very much elated I have seen. They are surprised from where it is coming? It’s all coming from within and that emotional intelligence really makes people get all the qualities of a good human being. Because you can become peaceful, you can become joyous, also you can be very generous with this and always respect artists and artist must respect artist. I am of this opinion that they should all respect because they are doing the same thing together that they are giving this beautiful entertainment to our conscience which gets this emotional intelligence which is very important, comes out of the love, the compassion. People in these modern times are so much harassed and so much in a mess and this kind of entertainment is the best for them so that they relax into the compassion of the divine love. Thank you very much. I thank them very much and May God Bless them. Everyone claps. 1:42:11
Evening Program before Navaratri Puja DAY - 1 06.10.2000 Cabella TAPE - 1 2:47:06 …Art, not only that but all the intricate patterns of it. I was overjoyed to see Sahaja yoginis and Sahaja yogis dancing so well and I hope that will change the styles of their walk. (Shri Mataji and people in audience laugh) When I came first to London long time back with my daughters, they used to wonder look at women here and they said mummy they all walk like horse. I said really, see their hair also going like, going up and down and the way they walk. Big influence of horses I think on England. But that was just by the way I told him. But you must have noticed Pawar is a very humourous person because he comes from India, not only that from Maharashtra and he belongs to the same caste as mine. So they are known for their humour. And in his humour he has tried to entertain you very well. I must say this, he’s such an expert on Kathak. To understand it, I think aa.. you require little knowledge about the percussions. If you have that knowledge then you will understand how it is difficult, how it is intricate and how it is creative to produce this. It’s a very, very long study, long work, they have to do and practices after practices. That’s how the Indian art is. But I was surprised that when Sahaja yogis go in for that, they are remarkable and we are surprised that in such a short time, they can master the art. So there’s something special about Sahajayogis. And also I was surprised yesterday that from Ukraine those people have come. Otherwise also so many of artists have come from all over. And they were so spontaneous and I was told that none of them have had any training under any Indian Guru or in any Indian school. Just on their own, with the, I don’t know how spontaneously Kundalini has worked it out. Which part of which chakra it has touched, that these people have developed such beautiful sense of Indian music. I think it’s the most difficult thing is Indian music but it is because it is not like western music where you have already a composer, who has put the composition and you have to read it and that’s how you have to play. Composer is also a free man. He can do whatever he likes with his composition. Sometimes it starts slowly, sometimes it starts with a bang, sometimes.. I mean I don’t understand the logic behind it. But whatever it is, it’s very interesting and I love your western music also, if it is classical. Also Jazz is alright. But otherwise I don’t know how to understand pop music very much. May be I’m, I am so ignorant about it. Then comes the understanding of our style in Kathak style. And also Kathak I have seen People learning in the Academy have done so well, its surprisingly in such a short time how have they achieved it. Is it Kundalini that works it out I don’t know. Yesterday’s performance also convinced me, that for Sahaja yogis it’s not necessary to work so hard, to know about Indian Classical Music or even like Mozart and all these great artists. You might one day create some beautiful compositions but if you go in for some sort of a cheap exhibition then I don’t think you can ever achieve any fame. It will be for the time being and people will forget it. So best thing is to develop your Kundalini power and then to take to anything that you feel like because I have seen people who don’t know anything like Baba Mama, he was such a bad student of languages and I don’t know how he started writing poetry in even Urdu language and Marathi he never knew anything about it. So this Kundalini does help and makes you a quiet a exponent, quiet an expert in those difficult arts, which are really very, very difficult for people to master it. So I bless you all with all this knowledge and now this way I saw the Flamingo also was played here so well because it has something great about the rhythm. Rhythm wise it’s very good but I didn’t like very much when I was in Spain that the ladies were dressed very funny way, of Flamingo. That part I didn’t like. They could have been better dressed you see. And rather embarrassing and my husband was looking on the ground, you could see it. So it’s too much for Indians to see such ladies dancing, you know. But if they dress up properly there’s no harm. They dress up properly because it’s such a gift they have got of the, what we call the Taal, the rhythms. The rhythms are so beautiful and how they change and work it out. I must also say that once you start understanding both the beauties of the art, you’ll not pay so much time over dress and all that thing because main thing is the music. If the music has to be properly done and with decent dresses. I am of this opinion because if you want to make it universal then you must also use some dresses that are nice. I was very happy also to see so many sahaja yogis and sahaja yoginis dancing and the little children. It was really very, very beautiful and I wish you all start their understanding what is rhythm is. Rhythm is part of our life and is managed by Shri Shiva. So if you have a rhythm in your life, you see you’ll be getting rid of so many troubles. This is something to be understood and to be learnt and even if you do not learn at least understand it. I was surprised that you were so sensitive to all this music and all that and you didn’t feel that it was some sort of a pressure on you. So your sensitivity has very much increased that you can see clearly with all the people who have been showing their talents, and they are very talented people. Now the talent as I told you is very important because it is the intelligence which is emotional and that we have to develop so that we do not get angry with others, we don’t torture others, we don’t trouble others, but we try to entertain them and keep them happy. That is something one has to develop, even the artists have to have that very much clearly in them. So I must thank all the artists and all of you for bearing lots of things which you don’t know and also enjoying the different types and styles. I hope Flamingo people also join with Kathak and try to wear proper dresses. That’s all. I think the dress is quiet shocking, for us. You see, so there’s no need. If you’ve real art, why should you worry about these other things which makes you look cheapish. No need to have all the cheap dress because if it is art, art is of I must say, that I realized long time back that Spanish idea of rhythm is very great and I wish them all luck and understanding that if they have to become international they should develop dresses as the girls were dressing, very interesting it was. We liked that and their whole behavior should be more towards decency and self respect. So may God Bless You All. So the last thing is coming now, is a nice play and let us see how it works out because English have now got a idea to give you a play. First time I saw an English Drama, they were all reading from the paper you know, I thought this is they are doing before me or on a Radio. It was like that. Now they learn by heart. So you see what a change has come. And it will be very interesting to see that their art of Drama which is the beauty of England and English language that they’ll establish. Thank you very much. Everyone claps. 02.57.01 TAPE – 2 1:39:30 I have always told you that artists must be respected by all Sahaja yogis. Very much respected. The reason is, artists are expressing ‘emotional intelligence’. They are expressing emotional intelligence, which is appealing to our heart, to our personality. It sooths down our personality also . It’s a special quality of artists that they can produce such entertainment that will awaken your emotional intelligence also. That you will be stirred up emotionally also. Gives you a balance, it’s a very great gift of God to the artists that they can create through their emotional intelligence something that entertains you all. You feel entertained and they themselves when they produce or create something they feel very much elated I have seen. They are surprised from where it is coming? It’s all coming from within and that emotional intelligence really makes people get all the qualities of a good human being. Because you can become peaceful, you can become joyous, also you can be very generous with this and always respect artists and artist must respect artist. I am of this opinion that they should all respect because they are doing the same thing together that they are giving this beautiful entertainment to our conscience which gets this emotional intelligence which is very important, comes out of the love, the compassion. People in these modern times are so much harassed and so much in a mess and this kind of entertainment is the best for them so that they relax into the compassion of the divine love. Thank you very much. I thank them very much and May God Bless them. Everyone claps. 1:42:11
11th Day of Navaratri
Cabella Ligure
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 8 October 2000. Today we are going to worship the Devi, called as Amba, and by many other names. She is the last, we should say, the “residual power”. When She has done everything, She becomes the Kundalini and settles in the triangular bone of yours. This is the Mooladhar Chakra. But actually She is expressed more on the left side, because, that time, She is purely the Amba. This left side is a very, very important thing for all the human beings. If you have no left side, you cannot balance yourself, to begin with. And it is said that She gives you a real personality of a Sahaja Yogi. That is, your left side, if it is weak, then you have to worship Her, and request Her that: “Please enrich our left side.” By enriching your left side, what She does, She is a comforter, so what does She give you? First of all, She makes you rest. It’s said that She makes you rest. That is, She makes you sleep. If you are too much thinking about future and you are so much indulging into the futuristic planning, you have some problems. But the best thing is, if you can sleep, then it is a great comfort, it is a very great comfort to you, that you can sleep and that you can take some rest. Without Her, you cannot sleep: absence of Her, you cannot sleep. So sleeping is a very important function of the body, which is brought forth by the left side. That’s why we worship Her, because She should give us rest. She’s the One who gives you peace. She’s the one who gives you also illusions, called as Bhranti. She gives you all the artistic talents, She protects you. But this part, that She is creating illusions for you, that’s very, very important. Because those people who are against Divine, who are trying to be away from the reality, She creates illusions for them. So She separates you from those people. While you know the reality and all such people, who are troubling or trying to destroy Her work - She is the one who creates illusions. She is the one who resides as the Kundalini. So we can say that part of Her is the Kundalini, but another part that She has is the one which resides in the left side. Now there are seven levels which She resides. Once you start enjoying Her on the first level, then She has all these qualities described to you. That She is peace, She is the one who gives you love, She is the one who creates all the beautiful things for you. She is the Mother. And what She expects you is to enjoy Her protection, enjoy Her love and be always under Her complete protection. So this is a very important part of Her work. And the second one is that She is the Kundalini. So She also acts on seven levels. Seven levels She moves, we can say horizontally, and seven levels She moves upward. And all these seven levels, on both the sides, She does tremendous work for us. How She protects us through these seven levels, is like this, that, when you start going towards the left side, there are seven Deities which try to throw you back into normalcy. There are Shakini, Dakini,… these are the names. And by that, you try to come to normal conditions. Now for example, many psychosomatic diseases which come to us, like cancer and so many others. Psychosomatic means it is physical as well as it is emotional. So these psychosomatic troubles start coming from the left side. Sometimes you are too much on the right side, and suddenly you are thrown to the left side, suddenly. And then the movement like a pendulum, you can go any far. But there are seven powers on the left-hand side which protect you from getting into these diseases, also reducing their intensity. So, at one time, She is the One who is peace giving, She is the One who looks after you, protects you, and She is the One who saves you from psychosomatic diseases. She is a very powerful entity. If She was not there, I don’t know what would have happened. So we should worship Her within ourselves. We should respect Her and understand Her. She is your Mother. As Kundalini, She is your particular Mother. She is the one, Amba, who gives you your second birth. And, as the left-side Goddess, She gives you a very good support in your ascent. A very good support in your ascent. Without Her, you could not balance yourself. This goes too far sometimes, when people are too much on the right side. Then they get diseases which are very funny. They can get heart-attack, they can get paralysis. They also get the right side completely paralysed, they can’t walk, they can’t lift themselves. This is too much of right-side movement. So then She is the One who makes you feel bad about it. She is the One who suggests that you give up your right side and take more to the left side. So that doesn’t mean that right side, if it is cured by the left side, it is very good. For example, a person who is very arrogant, egotistical - such a man may become absolutely docile, and people might think he is cured – he’s not. He is on the left side. Though he has become docile, still he is not normal. Still he is very much wrong, because he is on the left side. On the left side, one starts getting many diseases like schizophrenia, in the upper level of this ‘group’. This side, these same seven centres act to give you very serious troubles. One of them is that people become schizophrenic. It can be cured; it can be cured if you can move that person to the centre. And by Kundalini awakening, you can do it. Then people also become mad –lunatic. But all the troubles of the right side disappear. Such people who have moved to the left side won’t have liver problems. They might have enlarged liver, but over-active liver they won’t have. They won’t have other symptoms like asthma, heart-attack… they cannot have heart attack. They’ll give heart attacks to others, but they themselves don’t get heart attacks! [laughs] So this sudden movement of your attention into the left side is all the time guarded by these seven entities, or Goddesses, who look after you. But still, if you go on with it… For example you go to the false gurus… Then what do the false gurus do? They put you to your left side. They’ll give you one name, some name, it could be the name of a servant, or anyone, whom they have captured and whom they are looking after, as a kind of a possession for others. This is tantrika, where people possess the spirits of these dead people and use them to entice you. So when you start getting into the left side by any means –you can get it by worrying too much, you can get it by feeling very sorry for something, or crying, weeping, anything. Then your right-side problems disappear. That’s why you do it. But it goes too far. The right-side problems are, if they are cured, you get the left-side problems, which are much more dangerous. I told you all kinds of psychosomatic diseases, I don’t want to give the list, to frighten you, but they all come from the left side. Now, because the right side is sort of completely cured, I should say, people think that it’s a very good idea to get possessed by some spirit. So these false gurus, what they do, they ‘master’ these dead spirits. How? I mean, they know how to do it. I need not tell you, you are not going to do it. And they master it and they tell you that: “You take this name!” You start taking the name of some sort of a God-knows-what. They don’t tell that: “You take the name of any incarnation”, but they’ll tell you: “Take the name of Ram.” Ram’s name is not taken like that: it has to be Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Shri Mataji. So they never put Shri, they just tell you: “Take these names.” And by these names, what happens is, that you go to the left side, because these dead spirits, they capture you. There are dead spirits on the left side and there are dead spirits on the right side. If they are on the right side, they are very ambitious people, and they try to capture you. It is a very frightening explanation of the whole thing. Once they capture you, if you go to the right side, you get all right-side ‘qualities’, you are not normal. Sometimes, you feel you are going in the air somewhere, you have seen something, which you normally would not see. Like two Americans came to see Me and they were journalists. So I asked them: “Why are you here?” They said: “Mother, You make us like Harishchandra”. There was one fellow called Harishchandra, who was a journalist. I said: “But, like him?” Because he used to travel in the air and he used to get news. Like he would tell about what is happening in some part of Bombay – like we have a Juhu Beach. So one day in the newspaper, it came out what happened at Juhu Beach. And his name was there, the one who is the correspondent, who was Mr. Harishchandra. “So, how did Harishchandra tell you My name? I ‘cured’ him, while you want to get into his trouble?” “So we want to have this ‘astral travel’.” “Americans! For what?” “Because we are journalists and we know so much about everything, we want to travel all over.” I said: “This, I don’t do. If you are doing astral travel, of course I can reduce it.” So all these gurus had mastered also this art of astral travel, controlling some dead spirits who were right-sided. So right-sided spirits are very ambitious and they do all kinds of healings, and all kinds of predictions, because they are futuristic. Sometimes they know, sometimes they don’t know. But it is all coming from a wrong source. So getting into that trap is not a very good thing. If somebody’s possessed like that, then such a person starts doing all kinds of wrong things. Like he will try to grab your house, to grab your money, to deceive you, run away with your wife. All kinds of things, which are absolutely wrong. Because the influence of the right side increases with it. Also there are some drugs, when you take them, like LSD and all that, you go to the right side, and then you start seeing colours. And people think it is a very great thing to see colours, because normally you don’t see colours. They don’t know basically what’s wrong with them. But basically wrong with them is that there is a bhoot, there is some sort of a ghost which is very right-sided, has gone into their being and trying to work it out. But the left-side bhoots are different then. They are sly. And they teach you peevish things. They may also try to ‘entice’ you, to such an extent that a person can tell lies to any limit. He tells lies, then he tries to secretly take away your money, take away whatever you have. All kinds of planning secretive takes place, nothing is open. And you do it without even understanding. But ‘all’ these people are more interested in achieving some sort of a very material advancement, whether it is on the right side or the left side. Many things happen, like fundamentalism. If you are a fundamentalist, then these bhoots take over and they try to overpower you. They try to teach you how to kill people who do not belong to your religion or to your sect. They give ideas, and they fight and they quarrel and they kill. But the Mother Earth, or the sea, anything, any one of these elements can work out the destruction. In such places, you’ll find big earthquakes taking place and destroying them. Or there could be a hurricane that will come and destroy them. Of course, some innocent people are also killed with them. It could be anything that you do wrong –it is being corrected by all these five elements. In India, we had a place called as Latur, where people used to drink and drink and drink. Once they went for drinking when they had immersed the statue of Shri Ganesha. That we do, we put it in the sea, after three days, maybe seven days or ten days. And they came back from there, and they had gone for drinking after that and they were completely drunk. And still they were singing the praise of Shri Ganesh and saying all kinds of filthy things, unholy things, dirty things, we can call them or lots of abuses they were using. Fulfilling that desire to be nasty, to be bad. And suddenly an earthquake came. They were all dancing, and they all went inside the Mother Earth and were finished. We had a centre there, surprisingly, that centre was not touched. About 100 yards away, there was a round circle created, so nobody could go out, and they were amazed how is it that this centre has not been touched at all. That’s the power of the Goddess. At the same time, when She sees these negative people are coming to torture or to trouble – it’s the Goddess who saves the right type of people. As you know, normally always, if there’s one good person, there will be a hundred bad people getting after them. And that person feels so lost, but then the Goddess helps that man, and saves that one, or that human being, from the troubles from the negative force. So this Mother of yours fights all kinds of negative forces. They can be, as I told you, drunkards, who drink. So She starts destroying. At a lower level, She’ll destroy their liver. At an even greater level, She’ll destroy their family, She’ll destroy their money - I’ve not heard of anywhere a statue erected of a drunkard, never! Nowhere, where drinking is a fashion, where drinking is a daily worship in a way, but I have never seen anywhere. How is it that nobody has erected any statue of a man who was drunk? It would be nice to show that, but no. Because the wisdom prevails and people understand what is the destructive force. So, one can get possessed by any such idea. See, like Hitler. He got the idea that he is the monarch of everything, and he has every right to destroy the Jews. And he was destroying, he destroyed so many people. But what happened at the end, he was using the Swastika, which is the symbol of Shri Ganesh, and, with that, he was fighting. But, luckily, it so happened that the Mother entered into his mind. By that, he lost Bhranti, illusions, he lost the power of Ganesha, how to use it. And he was using a stencil and, because of the stencil, the second, I should say, ‘printing’ of the Swastika was the other way round, which was for destruction. So he printed the other kind of Swastika. As a result he got destroyed. So this is the Bhranti part. That She enters into your mind and puts you into a Bhranti, means into an illusion. You commit mistakes. If it had not happened, so many people would have been finished by now. So She enters into the mind of such people, for trying to destroy human beings, for trying to destroy anything, and puts ideas, in such a manner that they die or they get self-destruction. That is why it is written that She is a Bhranti within us. She creates such an illusion within us, that a person who tries to be harmful, to be troublesome, to be destructive, gets destroyed. All kinds of things She can put, and that’s how so many people have survived in this world. Otherwise so many would have been finished and there would have been the kingdom of the Satan. But it is, this Goddess is the one who saves us. Symbolically they have said that She has killed so many demons. Actually She has, it is not that She has killed them in a symbolic way. There were demons and demons. Even today we have demonic people. And all of them will not only be killed, but will be finished forever. I have seen in Russia, I have seen in many countries, those people, once upon a time who were regarded as gods, are finished. It happens in every country. Wherever there are wrong type of people, they’re exposed and people don’t even want to look at their photographs. They have thrown away their statues. All this happens because this Goddess is the one who creates an illusion for people. Now, supposing, there is a person who is very demonic, who is going to destroy everyone. Then the people who are wise will understand, but those who are not will take to her, and get destroyed with him. Like this, thousands of people have been destroyed. Because they didn’t see the right point. They couldn’t understand what is right, what is wrong. So this idea of right and wrong also is completely confused by Her, so that those who are wrong type can be destroyed. We don’t want them on this Earth. Those who are troublesome, who are destructive, who are argumentative, will be all destroyed. But, by themselves only, they will be destroyed. It is not necessary for the Goddess to do that. So this is the one which many people ask Me: “Why it is said that: “Bhranti Rupena Samsthita”? Why does She exist as an illusion?” This is the reason: that your discriminating power is challenged. But if you are a Sahaja Yogi, a real Sahaja Yogi, then you can feel on your fingertips if the person whom you are following is a good man or a bad man. And then you can tell others also that don’t… So many seekers are destroyed like that. Wrong type of gurus came, and they just followed them. ‘Stupid’, they were, absolutely stupid gurus – and these were ‘stupid’ people, I don’t know ‘why’ they followed them. It was so obvious that they were just after some sort of a Rolls Royce or something. And I have seen them, so mad that they can’t get out of it. There are people, now, who are following all kinds of wrong gurus. One of them is now very much liked by the Indians all over –when they are abroad, not in India so much. So they follow that Babaji, all right. And this Babaji is the one, he takes money, he steals money, he steals ornaments, he does all kinds of things. But they don’t mind. Whatever he is doing is all right. And this Babaji is the one, is to be destroyed. But the ‘advantage’ of having this Babaji is this, that you have all kinds of stupid people on this Earth –so they have no discrimination and they fall a prey to these Babajis –finished. They’ll get heart attacks, they’ll become blind, they’ll get cancer, they’ll get all kinds of troubles and that destroys. But it is surprising human beings are such that they see a person being destroyed by a Babaji, or some Guruji lady, and still one is killed and then this also goes for amok. Which is something surprising, that human beings don’t see that the person is destroyed. Like, I have told you many a time since, people who are going to the pub – they see, from the pub, people coming out and falling on the ground. And they queue up to go inside again to come back and fall. It is very surprising, isn’t it? They have no brains. Why do they want to go to the pub, if they have seen already somebody falling down? But they do it! Now this is the Last Judgement, as I told you. And, at this time, you have to see what’s happening to the person who has gone by wrong methods or by the hell of some of these Gurujis. It is very clear, if you want to see it, very clear. How they are destroying themselves. “In any case”, they say, “in any case, we have to die, so why not go to the pub?” I mean, what’s this? This kind of argument they give, so stupid, as if they have no brains, no intelligence to understand a person has gone and he came back from there and he has fallen on the ground, and nobody to pick him up. And they are doing it. And they said that Christ did it, He gave wine to people. Now, no, He cannot, He is perfect. He didn’t give wine, He gave them just an ordinary juice of the grapes. How can you make wine in one second, can you? But that’s how they explain it. All their bad things are explained by their stupid intelligence and they go for destruction. And, now in Kali Yuga, destruction is working very fast. Why? Because people have lost their discrimination. They are no more discreet. And so many people have lost it, it’s not a few. And it is a fashion to become indiscriminate. I said: “Why are they doing like this?” “Mother, this is a fashion!” Any stupid thing is a fashion. Now you take to that stupid thing and then you are in trouble. Nowadays of course, there’s a fashion that women, especially in America, I have seen, they want to wear just straps over their frocks, whatever you may call it. Just straps, and both the Chakras are left open. They’re very important Chakras –should not even wear sleeveless— they should be always covered. All other Chakras we cover, except for Agnya, which we also cover with a kumkum. By that, how many diseases can come. You can get sinus, start from sinus, you can get eye trouble, you can get paralysis of both the hands. You can get also Parkinson’s. All sorts of diseases can come, because these are two very important Chakras: one is the Sri Chakra, which is on the right side and another is the Lalita Chakra on the left-hand side. You should ‘never’, never expose these Chakras, also the knees. But it is a fashion nowadays to show the knees –I don’t know, I can’t understand the logic behind it. What is in the knees? Why people want to see the knees of other people? I mean, I just don’t understand. There’s no logic! It’s senseless! At first, I never understood it, and now I have understood that they want to attract men! If men are attracted by your knees, what sort of men they must be? [laughter] I don’t understand such men also. [more laughter] Men will be fully dressed while women will expose both the Nabhis and both the Chakras, which are so important. And that is the fashion. Tomorrow, the fashion will start that: “You shave your heads!” So everybody will shave. As if it’s like a flock of sheep, who don’t understand –they go by the ‘collective’ happening. So there’s a fashion which is actually collective. And that’s how it finishes off their sense, completely. You see it every day and you don’t understand. I have seen even Indian women who are abroad –they also try to copy the fashions. And they also expose both their Chakras, and then they get into troubles. It’s very surprising. At least in India, it’s not regarded as a good omen to see a woman like that. But when they have come abroad, they have learnt that it is a great knowledge how to expose your body. The other side of it could be even more serious, like: “You cover your face.” Mohammed Sahib must have thought of the modern times and said: “Cover your face. Cover your body. Cover yourself completely, so that you are safe as a woman, and men are safe, because they are not attracted.” I mean, this is going to the extremes. And it was to be worked out that way. But it does not: I have seen also Muslim women are so stupid, when they are facing their husbands, the way they behave to attract their husbands, and the way the husbands try to dominate –it is too much! So this is the Bhranti. The Bhranti created by the Mother, the Amba, She creates this Bhranti. And with this Bhranti I have seen people can go ‘amok’ and they don’t know they are going amok, because all of them are going that side. “So what?” Like, there’s a story about a father told his son that: “Whichever way people go, you must follow them.” So he saw many people going and he followed them. Where does he go? To a funeral! That doesn’t mean: “Don’t use your brains!” This is said of course. Also you will see, what they do is this, that, say, many people are going, say, to something wrong. They have no brains of their own, no individuality, nothing, they just follow it. They don’t see what they have achieved, what have they got, what is the use, nothing! Even when you buy something, you want to find out what is the quality; the person who has purchased, how is he using, everything you want to find out. But when it comes to following the fashion, nobody thinks about it. And the fashion is created to befool people, also, I think so. It is something very funny, creation of the evil force, so that human beings should be destroyed. It is, they say, the designers. I say it is nothing, designers or anything, but is their aggressive force, their negative force which works on you. And who saves you is the Mother on the left side. She has got seven curtains. Seven boundaries She doesn’t want you to cross over. But human beings say: “Why not? Why not me? If they have gone to hell, I’ll also go to hell!” All right! That’s been made already for you, so go ahead! So that’s why She creates the Bhranti, because some people have to go out, out of this circulation, out of this evolution process. Let them go out! It’s the Last Judgement. All right, that’s how you’ll be judged, by your own stupidity, you’ll be judged. I have told so many Sahaja Yogis something small, that you ‘must’ put some oil in the nights, and the morning time you wash. But they don’t do it! But, by doing that, what happens is that you soothe yourself, you sleep well: oiling is a very good thing. We need it all of us, especially in this cold weather, we need it. But they won’t put. They’ll neglect themselves. Because they think, they’re Sahaja Yogis, they are protected, Mother can oil them. It’s not so! You have to look after yourself. As far as the body is concerned, the mind is concerned. You are responsible for your body. With Sahaja Yoga, you will understand what’s wrong with you, what you are doing wrong. I mean, I tell you some things which are very important, but, to you, may not be, but you should try that. As it is, you are Realised Souls, your Spirit is there, you can feel the vibrations, and you can understand what’s wrong with the person. Mostly, what I have seen –now it is much less—, that people only inform Me always about people who are possessed: “Mother, such and such person is possessed.” “Mother, this person has got this possession.” I said: “But, throw them out! That’s all. Why do you want Me to bother about them? Just throw them out!” Then, after going out of Sahaja Yoga, they will realise, then they will say: “Mother, we don’t want to go out of Sahaja Yoga.” Why? Because they know that now they are completely away from reality and from safety. So they want to come back. Those who can come back can come back. But those who should not come back should never come back. Because they are so mad, that they’ll create a fashion of madness, and people can get influenced by that. So to get influenced by others is not a sign of a Sahaja Yogi. He can influence others, but how does he get influenced by others, but for Sahaja Yoga? Sahaja Yoga is the discriminating power. And who has given you this is the Kundalini. So this Kundalini, which is your Mother, the one which is now in your triangular bone, also gives you all the qualities and all the beauties of your being. Of course, I have told you so many things about Kundalini that I need not tell you. But She also can correct the left side. Some people have a habit of all the time crying and weeping. Over what, I don’t know. Every time you meet them, they are in tears: “And what has happened?” “Mother, this has happened, that has happened” and all that. They write letters after letters to Me, telling about their woes, their troubles and this and that. But why? You are Sahaja Yogis now. Now you are in the Garden of Eden, you are in the Heavens. And why are thinking about all the hellish things, which are not important? Why? Because you haven’t got your individuality either. Now, as Sahaja Yogis, you have to develop your discrimination of understanding what others are. Also about yourself. Why do you hanker after things? Try to understand. What is so great about it? Why do you want to do it? Question yourself! Is it some possession? Is it some fashion? Or is it your individual feeling? So, I’m trying to tell you that this left side of yours is so protective. At the same time, if you are very aggressive about your left side, you are thrown from one to another to another to another into hell. And then you suffer. So you must understand, your wisdom should be there, which you can develop very much with the help of the left side. Wisdom can be very well developed. Now, there’s somebody, say a Sahaja Yogi, so called, and he is absolutely aggressive, money-oriented, deceitful and you get into his trap. In Hindi, we call it “shakar shakal”. And once you get involved into that, you go on drifting. Still your left side will protect, up to a point. But if you are too much of it, it throws you: “Get out, get out!” Now the time has come for all of us to understand that you are all Sahaja Yogis and you have a ‘very big’ responsibility –very, very big responsibility that you should do what your enlightened conscience tells you. Take to your enlightenment and live under that light, and don’t jump in the darkness. And, by that, you will also understand who is the right person and who is not the right person. Even in Sahaja Yoga, this negativity can work –it works. And one should not get involved into any negative thoughts of others, or negative doing of others. It’s a warning today I wanted to give you all, because you people are very much there, to enjoy. Look after your attention, where does it go? There’s so many beautiful things, see the flowers, so beautiful. See this thing they have made so beautiful. It makes My heart jump with joy. While some people don’t even notice. The other day, I asked somebody: “Who had made that flower arrangement?” “Which flower?” I said: “The one that was there.” “Which one?” So I told the names of the flowers. “We never saw.” Where were you looking, that you couldn’t see the flowers? Because your eyes are so stupid that they cannot see the beauty. They are engulfed with all kinds of negative things. So the Goddess has to kill all the rakshasas. I don’t know how many She has killed, and again they are back. And again people are being trapped. This is going on… So, these rakshasas are there and you have to pinpoint them and tell people: “Where are you going? He’s a rakshasa. What he has done? What has he achieved?” Now you should talk like that, openly. So you can save many people who are going to these rakshasas, who are coming in such clothes that you cannot make them out. They will be destroyed, one by one. But when they are in the heart of so many people, how can you destroy them? So it is for you people to tell them what these rakshasas are doing. I know their tricks, but the worst part is that the human beings fall into their tricks. So you have to be very self-understanding. Ask always the question: “Why? Why am I attracted to this? What is the gain?” Ask yourself this question! You’ll find that, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, you have gained so much. So now why have this false idea? Why go after false things, negative things? That’s what Sahaja Yogis have to do, because, not that they’re responsible for others, they are responsible for themselves also. Now the sweetest thing said about Her is that She gives you ‘Shraddha’. Shraddha we can translate it as faith. To have faith, rightly –not wrongly. People take full advantage if you have wrong faiths. But faith is very important, that She gives also. And that’s very joy-giving. The faith is very joy-giving. But when the incarnations lived, nobody believed in Them. They had no faith in Them. Christ they crucified –nobody stood up to say: “Why are you crucifying Him?” All of them! Nobody could have that faith to stand up. They may fight for their own country, they may fight for their religion or own nonsense, but, that “A man –this man– is really the Truth, He is the one who is an incarnation”, nobody will say it! So, yesterday, I was stunned to see the drama they have shown. I mean, I couldn’t face Myself, I should say. Though it’s the Truth, of course, I agree. But I couldn’t face Myself. I am too humble to accept such a thing, and it’s very ingenious, it was really great to create such a drama. And, of all the things, at first, I had said that the English have such a sense of drama, they had people like Shakespeare and all that, and the way they were producing drama, I couldn’t understand. But this one was the last word on perfection. So much so that I couldn’t say a ‘word’ about it. I was just stunned. The Truth that they have propounded. But, in My lifetime, you will have no doubts, if you have ‘some’ sense in you. Because so many miracles are taking place. Today only, somebody told Me: “Somebody had cancer, ulcer and all kinds of things, and, after Sahaja Yoga, she went to the hospital and she had nothing.” All such miracles are taking place, leave alone. Also there are –never have happened like this, that there are photographs of Mine, where you see–remarkable. Even the scientists are surprised at it, how these photographs are done. Actually, there was Shri Ganesha standing behind it– actually. Only in one camera it came. It is just for you people to have faith. Because, when the person is not there, like Christ is no more, now everybody’s going to church. Shri Rama is not there, so they are all singing His praise. Shri Krishna is not there so they are “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”. So when there is Sakshat, when that is before you, you don’t accept. Because, perhaps, you don’t believe you can deserve it, perhaps. Already it is, [Mother laughs] I don’t know, human beings it is very difficult to understand them. When You are standing before them, they don’t believe. When You are no more, then they will believe. It is a very funny thing, isn’t it? All throughout, if you see the history of spirituality, this has been going on. Gyanadeva showed some miracles. Still, only the wise, only the sensible could understand and believe it. And there is so few that, as a result, such people are crucified, killed or done in. They have tried that with Me, but, you know, in this life, I have come in all Forms, and nobody can destroy Me. Unless and until I want to finish Myself, no one can. The powers are of love, affection, compassion, but also there’s a power which completely corrects other people. So, to you people, not to have faith in Sahaja Yoga shows complete blankness. You have seen the photographs, you have seen everything, you have known the miracles, it has happened to you. You have the experience of Sahaja Yoga. Despite that, your faith is so weak. She’s the one who gives you faith. So, you have to praise Her, you have to fall at Her feet, you have to worship Her and ask Her: “O Mother, give us that faith.” And, with this faith, you’ll be amazed, any person who has this kind of a faith, he tells Me: “Mother, please, do this!” It happens, it just happens. Such right they have got to ask for anything. It works out. But, first, your faith should be solid. Faith should be real. If it is real and if it is deep, you can achieve whatever you want. Not wrong, but good things. And so, try to develop that faith and, as a faith gives you such joy and happiness, you get committed, you get involved, and you don’t want to get out of it. So the greatest thing, the blessing of the left side is the faith. Faith which is pure, faith can be translated as, we can say, “vishvaas”, but not. Faith is “Shraddha”. Shraddha means something that is within, which has no doubts, which has no doing as such, it is just there. So you should now develop faith, about yourself and about Sahaja Yoga. If your faith is strong, you will see many miracles also. But with miracles, with everything, still, if you don’t understand, then it is your discretion. May God bless you!
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 8 October 2000. Today we are going to worship the Devi, called as Amba, and by many other names. She is the last, we should say, the “residual power”. When She has done everything, She becomes the Kundalini and settles in the triangular bone of yours. This is the Mooladhar Chakra. But actually She is expressed more on the left side, because, that time, She is purely the Amba. This left side is a very, very important thing for all the human beings. If you have no left side, you cannot balance yourself, to begin with. And it is said that She gives you a real personality of a Sahaja Yogi. That is, your left side, if it is weak, then you have to worship Her, and request Her that: “Please enrich our left side.” By enriching your left side, what She does, She is a comforter, so what does She give you? First of all, She makes you rest. It’s said that She makes you rest. That is, She makes you sleep. If you are too much thinking about future and you are so much indulging into the futuristic planning, you have some problems. But the best thing is, if you can sleep, then it is a great comfort, it is a very great comfort to you, that you can sleep and that you can take some rest. Without Her, you cannot sleep: absence of Her, you cannot sleep. So sleeping is a very important function of the body, which is brought forth by the left side. That’s why we worship Her, because She should give us rest. She’s the One who gives you peace. She’s the one who gives you also illusions, called as Bhranti. She gives you all the artistic talents, She protects you. But this part, that She is creating illusions for you, that’s very, very important. Because those people who are against Divine, who are trying to be away from the reality, She creates illusions for them. So She separates you from those people. While you know the reality and all such people, who are troubling or trying to destroy Her work - She is the one who creates illusions. She is the one who resides as the Kundalini. So we can say that part of Her is the Kundalini, but another part that She has is the one which resides in the left side. Now there are seven levels which She resides. Once you start enjoying Her on the first level, then She has all these qualities described to you. That She is peace, She is the one who gives you love, She is the one who creates all the beautiful things for you. She is the Mother. And what She expects you is to enjoy Her protection, enjoy Her love and be always under Her complete protection. So this is a very important part of Her work. And the second one is that She is the Kundalini. So She also acts on seven levels. Seven levels She moves, we can say horizontally, and seven levels She moves upward. And all these seven levels, on both the sides, She does tremendous work for us. How She protects us through these seven levels, is like this, that, when you start going towards the left side, there are seven Deities which try to throw you back into normalcy. There are Shakini, Dakini,… these are the names. And by that, you try to come to normal conditions. Now for example, many psychosomatic diseases which come to us, like cancer and so many others. Psychosomatic means it is physical as well as it is emotional. So these psychosomatic troubles start coming from the left side. Sometimes you are too much on the right side, and suddenly you are thrown to the left side, suddenly. And then the movement like a pendulum, you can go any far. But there are seven powers on the left-hand side which protect you from getting into these diseases, also reducing their intensity. So, at one time, She is the One who is peace giving, She is the One who looks after you, protects you, and She is the One who saves you from psychosomatic diseases. She is a very powerful entity. If She was not there, I don’t know what would have happened. So we should worship Her within ourselves. We should respect Her and understand Her. She is your Mother. As Kundalini, She is your particular Mother. She is the one, Amba, who gives you your second birth. And, as the left-side Goddess, She gives you a very good support in your ascent. A very good support in your ascent. Without Her, you could not balance yourself. This goes too far sometimes, when people are too much on the right side. Then they get diseases which are very funny. They can get heart-attack, they can get paralysis. They also get the right side completely paralysed, they can’t walk, they can’t lift themselves. This is too much of right-side movement. So then She is the One who makes you feel bad about it. She is the One who suggests that you give up your right side and take more to the left side. So that doesn’t mean that right side, if it is cured by the left side, it is very good. For example, a person who is very arrogant, egotistical - such a man may become absolutely docile, and people might think he is cured – he’s not. He is on the left side. Though he has become docile, still he is not normal. Still he is very much wrong, because he is on the left side. On the left side, one starts getting many diseases like schizophrenia, in the upper level of this ‘group’. This side, these same seven centres act to give you very serious troubles. One of them is that people become schizophrenic. It can be cured; it can be cured if you can move that person to the centre. And by Kundalini awakening, you can do it. Then people also become mad –lunatic. But all the troubles of the right side disappear. Such people who have moved to the left side won’t have liver problems. They might have enlarged liver, but over-active liver they won’t have. They won’t have other symptoms like asthma, heart-attack… they cannot have heart attack. They’ll give heart attacks to others, but they themselves don’t get heart attacks! [laughs] So this sudden movement of your attention into the left side is all the time guarded by these seven entities, or Goddesses, who look after you. But still, if you go on with it… For example you go to the false gurus… Then what do the false gurus do? They put you to your left side. They’ll give you one name, some name, it could be the name of a servant, or anyone, whom they have captured and whom they are looking after, as a kind of a possession for others. This is tantrika, where people possess the spirits of these dead people and use them to entice you. So when you start getting into the left side by any means –you can get it by worrying too much, you can get it by feeling very sorry for something, or crying, weeping, anything. Then your right-side problems disappear. That’s why you do it. But it goes too far. The right-side problems are, if they are cured, you get the left-side problems, which are much more dangerous. I told you all kinds of psychosomatic diseases, I don’t want to give the list, to frighten you, but they all come from the left side. Now, because the right side is sort of completely cured, I should say, people think that it’s a very good idea to get possessed by some spirit. So these false gurus, what they do, they ‘master’ these dead spirits. How? I mean, they know how to do it. I need not tell you, you are not going to do it. And they master it and they tell you that: “You take this name!” You start taking the name of some sort of a God-knows-what. They don’t tell that: “You take the name of any incarnation”, but they’ll tell you: “Take the name of Ram.” Ram’s name is not taken like that: it has to be Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Shri Mataji. So they never put Shri, they just tell you: “Take these names.” And by these names, what happens is, that you go to the left side, because these dead spirits, they capture you. There are dead spirits on the left side and there are dead spirits on the right side. If they are on the right side, they are very ambitious people, and they try to capture you. It is a very frightening explanation of the whole thing. Once they capture you, if you go to the right side, you get all right-side ‘qualities’, you are not normal. Sometimes, you feel you are going in the air somewhere, you have seen something, which you normally would not see. Like two Americans came to see Me and they were journalists. So I asked them: “Why are you here?” They said: “Mother, You make us like Harishchandra”. There was one fellow called Harishchandra, who was a journalist. I said: “But, like him?” Because he used to travel in the air and he used to get news. Like he would tell about what is happening in some part of Bombay – like we have a Juhu Beach. So one day in the newspaper, it came out what happened at Juhu Beach. And his name was there, the one who is the correspondent, who was Mr. Harishchandra. “So, how did Harishchandra tell you My name? I ‘cured’ him, while you want to get into his trouble?” “So we want to have this ‘astral travel’.” “Americans! For what?” “Because we are journalists and we know so much about everything, we want to travel all over.” I said: “This, I don’t do. If you are doing astral travel, of course I can reduce it.” So all these gurus had mastered also this art of astral travel, controlling some dead spirits who were right-sided. So right-sided spirits are very ambitious and they do all kinds of healings, and all kinds of predictions, because they are futuristic. Sometimes they know, sometimes they don’t know. But it is all coming from a wrong source. So getting into that trap is not a very good thing. If somebody’s possessed like that, then such a person starts doing all kinds of wrong things. Like he will try to grab your house, to grab your money, to deceive you, run away with your wife. All kinds of things, which are absolutely wrong. Because the influence of the right side increases with it. Also there are some drugs, when you take them, like LSD and all that, you go to the right side, and then you start seeing colours. And people think it is a very great thing to see colours, because normally you don’t see colours. They don’t know basically what’s wrong with them. But basically wrong with them is that there is a bhoot, there is some sort of a ghost which is very right-sided, has gone into their being and trying to work it out. But the left-side bhoots are different then. They are sly. And they teach you peevish things. They may also try to ‘entice’ you, to such an extent that a person can tell lies to any limit. He tells lies, then he tries to secretly take away your money, take away whatever you have. All kinds of planning secretive takes place, nothing is open. And you do it without even understanding. But ‘all’ these people are more interested in achieving some sort of a very material advancement, whether it is on the right side or the left side. Many things happen, like fundamentalism. If you are a fundamentalist, then these bhoots take over and they try to overpower you. They try to teach you how to kill people who do not belong to your religion or to your sect. They give ideas, and they fight and they quarrel and they kill. But the Mother Earth, or the sea, anything, any one of these elements can work out the destruction. In such places, you’ll find big earthquakes taking place and destroying them. Or there could be a hurricane that will come and destroy them. Of course, some innocent people are also killed with them. It could be anything that you do wrong –it is being corrected by all these five elements. In India, we had a place called as Latur, where people used to drink and drink and drink. Once they went for drinking when they had immersed the statue of Shri Ganesha. That we do, we put it in the sea, after three days, maybe seven days or ten days. And they came back from there, and they had gone for drinking after that and they were completely drunk. And still they were singing the praise of Shri Ganesh and saying all kinds of filthy things, unholy things, dirty things, we can call them or lots of abuses they were using. Fulfilling that desire to be nasty, to be bad. And suddenly an earthquake came. They were all dancing, and they all went inside the Mother Earth and were finished. We had a centre there, surprisingly, that centre was not touched. About 100 yards away, there was a round circle created, so nobody could go out, and they were amazed how is it that this centre has not been touched at all. That’s the power of the Goddess. At the same time, when She sees these negative people are coming to torture or to trouble – it’s the Goddess who saves the right type of people. As you know, normally always, if there’s one good person, there will be a hundred bad people getting after them. And that person feels so lost, but then the Goddess helps that man, and saves that one, or that human being, from the troubles from the negative force. So this Mother of yours fights all kinds of negative forces. They can be, as I told you, drunkards, who drink. So She starts destroying. At a lower level, She’ll destroy their liver. At an even greater level, She’ll destroy their family, She’ll destroy their money - I’ve not heard of anywhere a statue erected of a drunkard, never! Nowhere, where drinking is a fashion, where drinking is a daily worship in a way, but I have never seen anywhere. How is it that nobody has erected any statue of a man who was drunk? It would be nice to show that, but no. Because the wisdom prevails and people understand what is the destructive force. So, one can get possessed by any such idea. See, like Hitler. He got the idea that he is the monarch of everything, and he has every right to destroy the Jews. And he was destroying, he destroyed so many people. But what happened at the end, he was using the Swastika, which is the symbol of Shri Ganesh, and, with that, he was fighting. But, luckily, it so happened that the Mother entered into his mind. By that, he lost Bhranti, illusions, he lost the power of Ganesha, how to use it. And he was using a stencil and, because of the stencil, the second, I should say, ‘printing’ of the Swastika was the other way round, which was for destruction. So he printed the other kind of Swastika. As a result he got destroyed. So this is the Bhranti part. That She enters into your mind and puts you into a Bhranti, means into an illusion. You commit mistakes. If it had not happened, so many people would have been finished by now. So She enters into the mind of such people, for trying to destroy human beings, for trying to destroy anything, and puts ideas, in such a manner that they die or they get self-destruction. That is why it is written that She is a Bhranti within us. She creates such an illusion within us, that a person who tries to be harmful, to be troublesome, to be destructive, gets destroyed. All kinds of things She can put, and that’s how so many people have survived in this world. Otherwise so many would have been finished and there would have been the kingdom of the Satan. But it is, this Goddess is the one who saves us. Symbolically they have said that She has killed so many demons. Actually She has, it is not that She has killed them in a symbolic way. There were demons and demons. Even today we have demonic people. And all of them will not only be killed, but will be finished forever. I have seen in Russia, I have seen in many countries, those people, once upon a time who were regarded as gods, are finished. It happens in every country. Wherever there are wrong type of people, they’re exposed and people don’t even want to look at their photographs. They have thrown away their statues. All this happens because this Goddess is the one who creates an illusion for people. Now, supposing, there is a person who is very demonic, who is going to destroy everyone. Then the people who are wise will understand, but those who are not will take to her, and get destroyed with him. Like this, thousands of people have been destroyed. Because they didn’t see the right point. They couldn’t understand what is right, what is wrong. So this idea of right and wrong also is completely confused by Her, so that those who are wrong type can be destroyed. We don’t want them on this Earth. Those who are troublesome, who are destructive, who are argumentative, will be all destroyed. But, by themselves only, they will be destroyed. It is not necessary for the Goddess to do that. So this is the one which many people ask Me: “Why it is said that: “Bhranti Rupena Samsthita”? Why does She exist as an illusion?” This is the reason: that your discriminating power is challenged. But if you are a Sahaja Yogi, a real Sahaja Yogi, then you can feel on your fingertips if the person whom you are following is a good man or a bad man. And then you can tell others also that don’t… So many seekers are destroyed like that. Wrong type of gurus came, and they just followed them. ‘Stupid’, they were, absolutely stupid gurus – and these were ‘stupid’ people, I don’t know ‘why’ they followed them. It was so obvious that they were just after some sort of a Rolls Royce or something. And I have seen them, so mad that they can’t get out of it. There are people, now, who are following all kinds of wrong gurus. One of them is now very much liked by the Indians all over –when they are abroad, not in India so much. So they follow that Babaji, all right. And this Babaji is the one, he takes money, he steals money, he steals ornaments, he does all kinds of things. But they don’t mind. Whatever he is doing is all right. And this Babaji is the one, is to be destroyed. But the ‘advantage’ of having this Babaji is this, that you have all kinds of stupid people on this Earth –so they have no discrimination and they fall a prey to these Babajis –finished. They’ll get heart attacks, they’ll become blind, they’ll get cancer, they’ll get all kinds of troubles and that destroys. But it is surprising human beings are such that they see a person being destroyed by a Babaji, or some Guruji lady, and still one is killed and then this also goes for amok. Which is something surprising, that human beings don’t see that the person is destroyed. Like, I have told you many a time since, people who are going to the pub – they see, from the pub, people coming out and falling on the ground. And they queue up to go inside again to come back and fall. It is very surprising, isn’t it? They have no brains. Why do they want to go to the pub, if they have seen already somebody falling down? But they do it! Now this is the Last Judgement, as I told you. And, at this time, you have to see what’s happening to the person who has gone by wrong methods or by the hell of some of these Gurujis. It is very clear, if you want to see it, very clear. How they are destroying themselves. “In any case”, they say, “in any case, we have to die, so why not go to the pub?” I mean, what’s this? This kind of argument they give, so stupid, as if they have no brains, no intelligence to understand a person has gone and he came back from there and he has fallen on the ground, and nobody to pick him up. And they are doing it. And they said that Christ did it, He gave wine to people. Now, no, He cannot, He is perfect. He didn’t give wine, He gave them just an ordinary juice of the grapes. How can you make wine in one second, can you? But that’s how they explain it. All their bad things are explained by their stupid intelligence and they go for destruction. And, now in Kali Yuga, destruction is working very fast. Why? Because people have lost their discrimination. They are no more discreet. And so many people have lost it, it’s not a few. And it is a fashion to become indiscriminate. I said: “Why are they doing like this?” “Mother, this is a fashion!” Any stupid thing is a fashion. Now you take to that stupid thing and then you are in trouble. Nowadays of course, there’s a fashion that women, especially in America, I have seen, they want to wear just straps over their frocks, whatever you may call it. Just straps, and both the Chakras are left open. They’re very important Chakras –should not even wear sleeveless— they should be always covered. All other Chakras we cover, except for Agnya, which we also cover with a kumkum. By that, how many diseases can come. You can get sinus, start from sinus, you can get eye trouble, you can get paralysis of both the hands. You can get also Parkinson’s. All sorts of diseases can come, because these are two very important Chakras: one is the Sri Chakra, which is on the right side and another is the Lalita Chakra on the left-hand side. You should ‘never’, never expose these Chakras, also the knees. But it is a fashion nowadays to show the knees –I don’t know, I can’t understand the logic behind it. What is in the knees? Why people want to see the knees of other people? I mean, I just don’t understand. There’s no logic! It’s senseless! At first, I never understood it, and now I have understood that they want to attract men! If men are attracted by your knees, what sort of men they must be? [laughter] I don’t understand such men also. [more laughter] Men will be fully dressed while women will expose both the Nabhis and both the Chakras, which are so important. And that is the fashion. Tomorrow, the fashion will start that: “You shave your heads!” So everybody will shave. As if it’s like a flock of sheep, who don’t understand –they go by the ‘collective’ happening. So there’s a fashion which is actually collective. And that’s how it finishes off their sense, completely. You see it every day and you don’t understand. I have seen even Indian women who are abroad –they also try to copy the fashions. And they also expose both their Chakras, and then they get into troubles. It’s very surprising. At least in India, it’s not regarded as a good omen to see a woman like that. But when they have come abroad, they have learnt that it is a great knowledge how to expose your body. The other side of it could be even more serious, like: “You cover your face.” Mohammed Sahib must have thought of the modern times and said: “Cover your face. Cover your body. Cover yourself completely, so that you are safe as a woman, and men are safe, because they are not attracted.” I mean, this is going to the extremes. And it was to be worked out that way. But it does not: I have seen also Muslim women are so stupid, when they are facing their husbands, the way they behave to attract their husbands, and the way the husbands try to dominate –it is too much! So this is the Bhranti. The Bhranti created by the Mother, the Amba, She creates this Bhranti. And with this Bhranti I have seen people can go ‘amok’ and they don’t know they are going amok, because all of them are going that side. “So what?” Like, there’s a story about a father told his son that: “Whichever way people go, you must follow them.” So he saw many people going and he followed them. Where does he go? To a funeral! That doesn’t mean: “Don’t use your brains!” This is said of course. Also you will see, what they do is this, that, say, many people are going, say, to something wrong. They have no brains of their own, no individuality, nothing, they just follow it. They don’t see what they have achieved, what have they got, what is the use, nothing! Even when you buy something, you want to find out what is the quality; the person who has purchased, how is he using, everything you want to find out. But when it comes to following the fashion, nobody thinks about it. And the fashion is created to befool people, also, I think so. It is something very funny, creation of the evil force, so that human beings should be destroyed. It is, they say, the designers. I say it is nothing, designers or anything, but is their aggressive force, their negative force which works on you. And who saves you is the Mother on the left side. She has got seven curtains. Seven boundaries She doesn’t want you to cross over. But human beings say: “Why not? Why not me? If they have gone to hell, I’ll also go to hell!” All right! That’s been made already for you, so go ahead! So that’s why She creates the Bhranti, because some people have to go out, out of this circulation, out of this evolution process. Let them go out! It’s the Last Judgement. All right, that’s how you’ll be judged, by your own stupidity, you’ll be judged. I have told so many Sahaja Yogis something small, that you ‘must’ put some oil in the nights, and the morning time you wash. But they don’t do it! But, by doing that, what happens is that you soothe yourself, you sleep well: oiling is a very good thing. We need it all of us, especially in this cold weather, we need it. But they won’t put. They’ll neglect themselves. Because they think, they’re Sahaja Yogis, they are protected, Mother can oil them. It’s not so! You have to look after yourself. As far as the body is concerned, the mind is concerned. You are responsible for your body. With Sahaja Yoga, you will understand what’s wrong with you, what you are doing wrong. I mean, I tell you some things which are very important, but, to you, may not be, but you should try that. As it is, you are Realised Souls, your Spirit is there, you can feel the vibrations, and you can understand what’s wrong with the person. Mostly, what I have seen –now it is much less—, that people only inform Me always about people who are possessed: “Mother, such and such person is possessed.” “Mother, this person has got this possession.” I said: “But, throw them out! That’s all. Why do you want Me to bother about them? Just throw them out!” Then, after going out of Sahaja Yoga, they will realise, then they will say: “Mother, we don’t want to go out of Sahaja Yoga.” Why? Because they know that now they are completely away from reality and from safety. So they want to come back. Those who can come back can come back. But those who should not come back should never come back. Because they are so mad, that they’ll create a fashion of madness, and people can get influenced by that. So to get influenced by others is not a sign of a Sahaja Yogi. He can influence others, but how does he get influenced by others, but for Sahaja Yoga? Sahaja Yoga is the discriminating power. And who has given you this is the Kundalini. So this Kundalini, which is your Mother, the one which is now in your triangular bone, also gives you all the qualities and all the beauties of your being. Of course, I have told you so many things about Kundalini that I need not tell you. But She also can correct the left side. Some people have a habit of all the time crying and weeping. Over what, I don’t know. Every time you meet them, they are in tears: “And what has happened?” “Mother, this has happened, that has happened” and all that. They write letters after letters to Me, telling about their woes, their troubles and this and that. But why? You are Sahaja Yogis now. Now you are in the Garden of Eden, you are in the Heavens. And why are thinking about all the hellish things, which are not important? Why? Because you haven’t got your individuality either. Now, as Sahaja Yogis, you have to develop your discrimination of understanding what others are. Also about yourself. Why do you hanker after things? Try to understand. What is so great about it? Why do you want to do it? Question yourself! Is it some possession? Is it some fashion? Or is it your individual feeling? So, I’m trying to tell you that this left side of yours is so protective. At the same time, if you are very aggressive about your left side, you are thrown from one to another to another to another into hell. And then you suffer. So you must understand, your wisdom should be there, which you can develop very much with the help of the left side. Wisdom can be very well developed. Now, there’s somebody, say a Sahaja Yogi, so called, and he is absolutely aggressive, money-oriented, deceitful and you get into his trap. In Hindi, we call it “shakar shakal”. And once you get involved into that, you go on drifting. Still your left side will protect, up to a point. But if you are too much of it, it throws you: “Get out, get out!” Now the time has come for all of us to understand that you are all Sahaja Yogis and you have a ‘very big’ responsibility –very, very big responsibility that you should do what your enlightened conscience tells you. Take to your enlightenment and live under that light, and don’t jump in the darkness. And, by that, you will also understand who is the right person and who is not the right person. Even in Sahaja Yoga, this negativity can work –it works. And one should not get involved into any negative thoughts of others, or negative doing of others. It’s a warning today I wanted to give you all, because you people are very much there, to enjoy. Look after your attention, where does it go? There’s so many beautiful things, see the flowers, so beautiful. See this thing they have made so beautiful. It makes My heart jump with joy. While some people don’t even notice. The other day, I asked somebody: “Who had made that flower arrangement?” “Which flower?” I said: “The one that was there.” “Which one?” So I told the names of the flowers. “We never saw.” Where were you looking, that you couldn’t see the flowers? Because your eyes are so stupid that they cannot see the beauty. They are engulfed with all kinds of negative things. So the Goddess has to kill all the rakshasas. I don’t know how many She has killed, and again they are back. And again people are being trapped. This is going on… So, these rakshasas are there and you have to pinpoint them and tell people: “Where are you going? He’s a rakshasa. What he has done? What has he achieved?” Now you should talk like that, openly. So you can save many people who are going to these rakshasas, who are coming in such clothes that you cannot make them out. They will be destroyed, one by one. But when they are in the heart of so many people, how can you destroy them? So it is for you people to tell them what these rakshasas are doing. I know their tricks, but the worst part is that the human beings fall into their tricks. So you have to be very self-understanding. Ask always the question: “Why? Why am I attracted to this? What is the gain?” Ask yourself this question! You’ll find that, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, you have gained so much. So now why have this false idea? Why go after false things, negative things? That’s what Sahaja Yogis have to do, because, not that they’re responsible for others, they are responsible for themselves also. Now the sweetest thing said about Her is that She gives you ‘Shraddha’. Shraddha we can translate it as faith. To have faith, rightly –not wrongly. People take full advantage if you have wrong faiths. But faith is very important, that She gives also. And that’s very joy-giving. The faith is very joy-giving. But when the incarnations lived, nobody believed in Them. They had no faith in Them. Christ they crucified –nobody stood up to say: “Why are you crucifying Him?” All of them! Nobody could have that faith to stand up. They may fight for their own country, they may fight for their religion or own nonsense, but, that “A man –this man– is really the Truth, He is the one who is an incarnation”, nobody will say it! So, yesterday, I was stunned to see the drama they have shown. I mean, I couldn’t face Myself, I should say. Though it’s the Truth, of course, I agree. But I couldn’t face Myself. I am too humble to accept such a thing, and it’s very ingenious, it was really great to create such a drama. And, of all the things, at first, I had said that the English have such a sense of drama, they had people like Shakespeare and all that, and the way they were producing drama, I couldn’t understand. But this one was the last word on perfection. So much so that I couldn’t say a ‘word’ about it. I was just stunned. The Truth that they have propounded. But, in My lifetime, you will have no doubts, if you have ‘some’ sense in you. Because so many miracles are taking place. Today only, somebody told Me: “Somebody had cancer, ulcer and all kinds of things, and, after Sahaja Yoga, she went to the hospital and she had nothing.” All such miracles are taking place, leave alone. Also there are –never have happened like this, that there are photographs of Mine, where you see–remarkable. Even the scientists are surprised at it, how these photographs are done. Actually, there was Shri Ganesha standing behind it– actually. Only in one camera it came. It is just for you people to have faith. Because, when the person is not there, like Christ is no more, now everybody’s going to church. Shri Rama is not there, so they are all singing His praise. Shri Krishna is not there so they are “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”. So when there is Sakshat, when that is before you, you don’t accept. Because, perhaps, you don’t believe you can deserve it, perhaps. Already it is, [Mother laughs] I don’t know, human beings it is very difficult to understand them. When You are standing before them, they don’t believe. When You are no more, then they will believe. It is a very funny thing, isn’t it? All throughout, if you see the history of spirituality, this has been going on. Gyanadeva showed some miracles. Still, only the wise, only the sensible could understand and believe it. And there is so few that, as a result, such people are crucified, killed or done in. They have tried that with Me, but, you know, in this life, I have come in all Forms, and nobody can destroy Me. Unless and until I want to finish Myself, no one can. The powers are of love, affection, compassion, but also there’s a power which completely corrects other people. So, to you people, not to have faith in Sahaja Yoga shows complete blankness. You have seen the photographs, you have seen everything, you have known the miracles, it has happened to you. You have the experience of Sahaja Yoga. Despite that, your faith is so weak. She’s the one who gives you faith. So, you have to praise Her, you have to fall at Her feet, you have to worship Her and ask Her: “O Mother, give us that faith.” And, with this faith, you’ll be amazed, any person who has this kind of a faith, he tells Me: “Mother, please, do this!” It happens, it just happens. Such right they have got to ask for anything. It works out. But, first, your faith should be solid. Faith should be real. If it is real and if it is deep, you can achieve whatever you want. Not wrong, but good things. And so, try to develop that faith and, as a faith gives you such joy and happiness, you get committed, you get involved, and you don’t want to get out of it. So the greatest thing, the blessing of the left side is the faith. Faith which is pure, faith can be translated as, we can say, “vishvaas”, but not. Faith is “Shraddha”. Shraddha means something that is within, which has no doubts, which has no doing as such, it is just there. So you should now develop faith, about yourself and about Sahaja Yoga. If your faith is strong, you will see many miracles also. But with miracles, with everything, still, if you don’t understand, then it is your discretion. May God bless you!
Diwali Puja
United States
Los Angeles
Diwali Puja. Lake Piru, near Los Angeles, California (USA) - 29 October 2000. It's a great day today for the whole world that we are celebrating this Diwali Puja in America. It's very important. Here, where people have been able to earn money, to have lots of money sometimes, and are also people who are ruined completely because of money. When we talk of Diwali we should understand that - why on a Diwali day we have all these lights? What is the combination of lights and the Lakshmi who was born in the water, who stands in the water? Why this combination is there? She was standing in the water, as we know, a symbol of prosperity; that is built in the human awareness that he can prosper. Animals don't prosper. They all have their maryadas, trees have their maryadas. Only the human being can prosper. But if they have no sense of their own maryadas then there's very ruinous, and ruinous for the whole world. So the lights are there that all the people who have Lakshmi's blessings must enlighten themselves, must have lights, and they should enlighten others also. But actually, as soon as they get the Lakshmi, so-called, they become absolutely blind, and they forget what is behind the blessings of the Lakshmi. First of all, as we see, how this symbol of Lakshmi represents, I have told you before also, that a person who has Lakshmi should be very generous. [With] one hand she's giving to others. A person who is miserly with Lakshmi is absolutely against the principle of Lakshmi. And such a miserly person never can enjoy the blessings, and gradually he starts becoming poorer and poorer. When you start giving with the left hand, that means you have opened the door for your Lakshmi to come in. Then comes the grace of Lakshmi on you. And this grace of Lakshmi also has another aspect, that you must give protection. Those who are people with money should protect like this. Protect whom? Protect the people who are in trouble, people who are having lots of cruelty on them, orphaned children who need your help. All these should be looked into, and the protection to the people who are dependent on you. So this has to be done with the right hand. That's the symbol of Lakshmi. And there are two hands up there, which you have seen, with the pink coloured lotus. Pink colour lotus suggests that you must have love in your heart. Pink is the symbol of love and compassion. As I've told you before also, a person who has Lakshmi should have a house where everybody's invited. Like the lotus invites all the insects, even the beetles who have got lots of thorns, and the beetle comes and sleeps the whole night very comfortably, and the lotus closes its petals so that the beetle has no trouble, be comfortable. So these houses must accept guests, any kind they are, and they should be treated very well, just like as if the Gods have come into your house. I've seen people who are poor are much more hospitable than the people who are rich. Same way about the countries. Countries which are poor are much more hospitable than the countries which are rich. It's very surprising that rich countries have their immigrations, they have all problems of avoiding people, guests in their own countries. So they are going really in the wrong way as far as the Lakshmi symbols are concerned. The another very important symbol is that she stands on a lotus. It's all glorified, all beautiful lotuses carrying her. But lotus suggests that she throws no pressures, no imbalances, no power around. But in these countries where people have money, they try to throw power all around. The one who has money becomes the more powerful person. Everything becomes power then. Money is power, love is power. This power has no divinity in it, but [is] a power of oppression and aggression and self-importance. All these symbols of the Lakshmi are very convincing, that, today, when we say that somebody has got money, or some country or nation, they are just the opposite of what they should have been. The reason is they are not enlightened. They have to have lights in their heart, as we see that in Diwali: there has to be the light. And without enlightenment these rich people, so-called lakshmipathis, become nonsensical. That's why there has to be the light. Because with Lakshmi one can become absolutely blind. So-called Lakshmi, doesn't give you proper understanding as to what it means that you have got money, that you are rich. What does that mean? That's why one has to have the lights. Unless and until you have Light of Divinity within you, you won't understand the great symbol of Lakshmi. But in Sahaja Yoga we believe that the Lakshmi must become Maha-lakshmi. Man has to become greater man: maha-manav. What does that mean? That she has to become the Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi is a deity which makes you absolutely satisfied with whatever you have. Complete satisfaction. Not only that, but you start thinking that, "Whatever I have is not sufficient. I have to have something else!" Not money, not more cars, not more televisions and things, but I have to have something else that will give me real satisfaction." You know the law of economics is that you are never satisfied; nothing is satiable. So you go on buying from one to another to another to another, another. But when the Mahalakshmi principle shines in you, then you do not want any more. You want to give it to others and you want to enjoy your generosity. That is the first sign that you are moving now from Lakshmi to Mahalakshmi. Till the Lakshmi principle, you were blind and, whatever it was, you were more asking for more things and more things, and more things. After this is over, then you have the Light; Enlightenment. When you have done all the four things properly - that is generosity, protection, and hospitality, and compassion - then you get into another mood of movement because you know nothing is satisfying, nothing is satiable. Running from one thing to another, then [from] that to another, [from] that to another. And when such people get collective, they start ways and methods of attracting people how they could extract money. There are so many ways. Like in our Italy when I was there, I wanted to buy shoes. We went to the shop and they had only one type of that kind that I don't wear, so said, "No. Now, only this year this kind." "Only this kind?" "Every shop will have the same." I said, "People have no sense, they have no light within them." So next year, you'll have another style. Whatever is produced is always new, and these shoes that were made last year or before that are put into some sort of a junk. It's a very big business. So it is the big business that starts in this manner, and many people become bankrupt, many people completely lose their dignity, and fall into the trap of immorality. So this Lakshmi principle if you forget, in a proper way you cannot go to the Mahalakshmi principle. And in the Mahalakshmi way you can find another kind of personalities, because if you have the light in your heart, then you start seeing that this money business is of no satisfaction. You go on changing from one to another. So then you think, "What should we do?" With this light in your heart, you find out that you have to follow now the principle of Mahalakshmi otherwise you'll be lost. So when you think of Mahalakshmi you start seeking, seeking the way by which you can really have a real satisfaction of life. I mean a country like America where people have so much money and everything, they have also the maximum number of seekers, maximum number. When I first came to America I was shocked that though there was Mahalakshmi principle, they did not know what to seek and they all followed all kinds of false gurus. They had become mad, I think, because they couldn't understand what is to be followed. For that they started following all kinds of false gurus, who were themselves slaves of Lakshmi, Lakshmi tattwa. Slaves in the sense 'who were against' Lakshmi tattwa. And that's how they all were lost, so many of were lost in this country, and I was shocked the way they were following wrong type of people I just thought that there's something really needed to be done to this country. And for 9 years I never came to America. I am sorry for that, because the seekers were moving in the opposite direction. They were not in the understanding as to what the seeking is for, what are you seeking. Somebody came saying that "You are, I am a sixteen-year-old and I can make you all realised-souls." And I'm told that he put some vermilion, kumkum, in a gun and blasted it, and people felt they were all, already had gone to heavens. Such idiotic behaviour; how it came into their heads, I don't know. How did they become so idiotic, I can't understand. So I went back and I said, "I can't help these people much." Then a kind of another fashion started. Like if you went to any party or anything they would say, "Now see, another guru has come. He's much cheaper." and "There's a sale on." And I would say: Look at these women and men who are supposed to be the leaders of the world, and how can they talk like this? It was a very common thing among the rich people to talk like that. This country has been blessed with very, very great people, as you know, very great people. Abraham Lincoln, what sort of a man he was, or even say George Washington. All these people showed the quality of Mahalakshmi. But they didn't much think of them, and they started working out a new method of capturing the whole world, because, then the idea of power came into their head: that with money we can purchase everything. We can make everybody dance to our tune if we have money. All this attitude towards money and human beings was absolutely satanic - to such an extent that their own country started getting ruined. What happened to the family system? What has happened? Why the family got ruined? Because of their wrong ideas about Lakshmi principle. The women got lots of money out of divorce. So I've met one lady, she had divorced her husband eight times, from this country, and now I'm told she has divorced the ninth one. And she has become very rich. But she has no shame. And she is telling everybody that "Get a divorce, that's the best way, that's the advantage of coming to America." So what is the problem? That human beings don't have enlightenment. And if they get money, and if they are hankering after things, they have to go to hell, no doubt about it - and do all kinds of things which was never done in the history of this world. I need not tell you all the absurd nonsensical things they do. Then started a negative force of drugs, drinking and all kinds of things. I mean such blindness, such stupidity, that you can't understand. As if their brains were completely curtailed by the activity of moneymaking. I have seen people choosing their suits and clothes that, when they will die, what they are going to wear. It sounds funny. Even their dog dies they make such elaborate arrangements! They choose even their coffin, which one they would like to use for burying. So with the money a new problem started, was the choice: what choice you have. And people played with that choice. They can befool you and tell you what is the best. I don't know why, but moneyed people are mostly idiotic, if not very immoral. Idiotic, absolutely idiotic. Anybody can befool them. So, God knows what is the speciality that the people who are very rich can be very cunning, can be very immoral, can be self-destroying; but mostly they are idiotic people. Because the way they talk, you don't know where to look; what they say about things you don't understand. So then it's become the country of idiots and stupid people, and you don't know how to deal with them and how to talk to them about the higher life. This Lakshmi tattwa has to become a much bigger principle, which we call as the emancipated personality, or we can say [the] person endowed with Mahalakshmi principle. Such a person may be cheated by others, may be troubled by others, but such a person has its own inner power to overcome all such hurdles. So this Mahalakshmi principle should be established. But one would say, "Why? What is the advantage of having Mahalakshmi principle?" When the Mahalakshmi principle comes, then there are nine Lakshmis which are described, navadha, nine, which get completely manifested in a human being. One of them as we call as Gruhalakshmi. Gruhalakshmi means the family. The wife becomes a very wonderful person. She doesn't object to things, she doesn't react, but she's very sensible and she builds up all her children in a beautiful manner. On the contrary, where she is not a Gruhalakshmi, she takes pride in working out something like men. [This] means - to her, her job is important, her bank balance is important. But the real bank balance of a Gruhalakshmi is her family and her children. If she doesn't have that, she will be just thinking that she is very great, she can compete with this man or that man. Women don't understand that their greatest capacity is to love. How is it that Lakshmi is a woman and all the Goddesses are women? And what is the quality of these Goddesses is to bestow blessings on people of their own nature, of their own qualities. So to think that we are better off than men because we have more money is the greatest idiocity. You may have money, but your children will be ruined, your family will be ruined. When you make a good family, then you create a beautiful, very beautiful, universe around you. And universes after universes like this can create a beautiful universe in the whole world. There's nothing to sacrifice, but to enjoy everything. As I said, you enjoy your hospitality, you enjoy your generosity, which you do not feel is a misery or a trouble to you, but you just enjoy. I mean, at least I enjoy. If I can give something to someone, that's the greatest blessing. So the idiotic people, they believe that generosity is stupidity, while they are the real stupidity. So to create a proper home for your children is a very great work today, and it has to be done. Again there, selfishness comes in. Human beings have so many such hurdles in life because, I don't know why, he doesn't enjoy everything. So the selfishness comes in and they will only love their own children, they will only love their own husbands, or they will love only their own wives. This doesn't create a good family. I am talking about the global family. For us everybody is a realised soul and their family and our family is one. But then they will create problems, talk ill, gossip. I am surprised even in Sahaja Yoga we have many women who just go on gossiping, their style was gossiping. Because I am talking about Lakshmi and Mahalakshmi I have to warn the women because they are the ones who will create the great principles, the great symbols of Lakshmi and Mahalakshmi. So the gossiping is a very common disease, even today, in Sahaja Yoga. I've seen then, when five or six Sahaja Yoginis meet, they go on talking, talking, talking. I don't know what do they talk! Never about Sahaja Yoga! Never! What they talk is what's wrong with another person, who is a wrong type of a person: what we call 'gossip'. And this gossip has created big problems for us in the collective. So best thing I would advise to keep quiet. Even when they come to my house they talk! They have no sense that we should keep quiet. Without quietitude you cannot enjoy the cool vibrations of the Divine. Just go on gossiping and talking is not a sign of very developed people: in Sahaja Yoga. That's why the first thing is that women should become much more compassionate, much more tolerant and enjoyable. Because you meet somebody, they will start immediately telling you, "That is wrong with this person, this is wrong with that person..." But there's no need. But they will only come and give you bad news - all kinds of. But they enjoy, giving the bad news, that they think they are very important. And when they think they are important, they can be very dangerous people, very dangerous. Because I think it's the women who have to work it out much more than men, to understand the value of Sahaja Yoga. Because their own children are concerned. Their family is one of the units of Sahaja Yoga. I am saying this because now I've been noticing it, very common, that the women in Sahaja Yoga are not up to the point as they should have been. They gossip too much. So they should take to mauna I think, take to complete silence, not talking. Those who are really, very much effective, who are doing the great work, are always quiet. They don't talk. I have seen they don't even come and see Me, just recede back, while the women who think they are something special, they are the most dangerous. So the power of Lakshmi that actually, first, falls on the shoulder of women should be Mahalakshmi's. And this one is, is a challenge to all the Sahaja Yoginis to behave themselves, and to become greater women than all the rest of the women of the world. We have some very, very good, very great Sahaja Yoginis, no doubt, but their style is different, and they are working out things in such a manner that it's absolutely adorable. They are just working for Sahaja Yoga. They do not bother about their personal relationships, or their personal eminence, they just want to help Sahaja Yoga in every way. Then there is another Lakshmi called as Gajalakshmi. Actually it means a, 'Gaja' means elephant. What is the quality of an elephant is that the elephant walks with a certain gait, which is the movement on both the sides. As I've said you, I have seen people, specially women, who walk like horses, really! They just walk like horses. So once a dance teacher told me, "Should I start, Mother, a dance school?" I said, "Better start a dance school, doesn't matter. But are you sure you can teach them to dance or they would be just galloping?" (laughter) "Why?" "Because what I've seen of women here that they walk like horses, I must say. How can these women who walk like horses can do dance, Indian dance specially. It's very difficult." So, now we have to see what is the gait, how you walk. Do you walk like an elephant, or you walk like a horse? Especially for men, men should not walk like elephant but should walk like horses, alright (laughter). But the worst thing that has happened is that men dress up like women and women dress up like man. Now what to do? Why this kind of a mad transformation taking place? Why do they take to such things? For, what is the advantage of becoming a woman when he is a man, and a woman becoming a man? That is the reason, which shows, that they want to have some change, some change is important. You'd like to change your dress, you'd like to change your houses, even your sexes you want to change. But why not change your complete being through Self-realisation, that is very important: to understand that we are transformed, and we must have our own dignity of Sahaja Yoga - the way we behave, the way we move about and work. My experience is that, once they come to Sahaja Yoga, mostly, they become very, very beautiful people, and that [they] gradually start growing like flowers, fragrant with their compassion and love. But also there are people who do not understand how to grow. They have their own small circle into which they move, and they get just stagnated, they become dwarfed, and then such Sahaja Yogis have to leave Sahaja Yoga. So it is the responsibility of all the Sahaja Yogis to watch and see how far their mind is working. Where are they going? What are they doing? How are they achieving their status as Sahaja Yogis? So these lakshmi and, lakshmis I would say, and also the lakshmipatis, in Sahaja Yoga, have to be very different than the other people who have money. Mahalakshmi principle should give you a very sober, balanced, affectionate and loving temperament. If it doesn't give you, then you should know there's something missing in you. After all, you have come to Sahaja Yoga not for anything else but for your growth. And to keep that growth on, you have to acquire a sense of understanding what should be your personality, relative to others, relative to other people who are still seeking, who are still blind. We have to achieve a global emancipation. I know that's [what] my vision is, and the other day we were counting how many projects have started. So, we had to stop at 35. Already 35 projects have started in India, also in other countries, and they are only for emancipating human beings. But firstly, as I told you, to do work in Sahaja Yoga you have to be a detached person. That is the quality of a Mahalakshmi principle, that such a person is detached. He is not attached to things which are worthless. But that doesn't mean that you take a sanyasa and run away from the families, run away from your household, run away from everything. That's not detachment, that's running away! But detachment is that when you have everything, still you are detached: in the sense [that] you do not feel concerned about your own gain out of this. Such things can happen, very easily, if you really introspect. And introspection is the best way of meditation. First introspect and then meditate, then you will grow. And the real joy of your Self, of your Spirit, will really give you such enjoyment that you will not take to stupid, insignificant things. But you will become very significant people in Sahaja Yoga who will do such wonderful work that everybody will be amazed that - an ordinary human being, how can he achieve such things, how can he work it out? As I've told you before, that after realisation you become extremely creative. Creative in everything, specially in giving realisation to others, and also creative in your life of art, music, poetry, drama, writing; all kinds of things you do. We have seen now so many cases who have never been on the stage, even, have given very great, inspiring lectures. So the creativity comes like an inspiration for others. They see you and they feel inspired. You are not the one who goes into the shadow and sits back. But openly you come out, with no pride or no sort of aggression, but complete humility; and you give such beautiful feelings to others, such understanding about yourself and about the other through your collective consciousness. You see, about collective consciousness and other things, so many people have talked. The other day you saw it, there were so many people like Jung and also there were other scientists and also other philosophers who have talked about it. But you have got it, you have the experience of collective consciousness. Despite that, if you are lagging behind in your progress of Sahaja Yoga, in Sahaja Yoga, that means there's something wrong. Some sort of a load you are carrying on your head. But through our attachments, there would be loads on your head. In Sahaja Yoga you are involved with everything and you are detached. And such a miracle happens to you which you know very well, I don't have to describe it. So a new personality with a Mahalakshmi principle comes in. Mahalakshmi principle is the one which takes you to your seeking and when you have found out the reality, the truth, then you progress. With Mahalakshmi principle only, you get your realisation. You know that very well, that through the Mahalakshmi channel only you rise, and you get your realisation. So to become a great Sahaja Yogi, you have to look after your Mahalakshmi principle. Now there are people I have seen who care for cheap popularity. I have known people who will do everything for others, do this, do that, but only for popularity. There's no essentially understood, they have not essentially understood that whatever you are doing, is it for cheap popularity? You don't have to fight an election in Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to cast your votes in election. But what happens really, the person who has that dynamism of Sahaja Yoga just comes up. Everybody knows. Not talking, not impressing, not showing off, not going after cheap popularity, but growing within you. For that I cannot say what you have to do. How does a tree grow? By itself. You are living examples of Sahaja Yoga. So how will you grow? - By yourself. By yourself you'll grow: is a promise that is given to you by the Divine. But allow it to grow, through introspection and meditation, and what we call complete dedication and devotion. The other day I told you about the word shraddha - it's not just praying, it's not just having faith, but shraddha is that you have it in your heart, the enjoyment of achievement through your devotion and dedication - that should be called as shraddha. With that thing only it will work out. You have to have faith in yourself and faith in Sahaja Yoga. You know you have got it, those people were talking about it, but you have got it! You know what is collective consciousness. You know that you are in the collective consciousness. But how far you have grown into it is to be seen. It's very important. For that, I need not in this short time describe to you all the qualities of the Lakshmi but - try to understand that a person who has Lakshmi principle has to have all these special qualities otherwise he is not the worshipper of Lakshmi. And that's how I would today bless you all with the proper wisdom and the proper understanding of the Lakshmi principle through the lights which are enlightened within your heart. May God Bless You. May God Bless You. After Puja Talk I wish you all a very happy Diwali. And as I have suggested to you - we all have to work it out, and understand the importance of Mahalakshmi principle. In your lives if people will see that you are very peaceful, good, helpful, collective people, then only, Sahaja Yoga will spread. Not what I am saying, or what I am spreading, or what I am working out. It's a fact that I always had a feeling that Sahaja Yogis should take to social work. I've been a social worker all my life, and I am a socialist in a way, but all these things I did, you may call it secretly, or anything, whatever it is, but some people knew about it, and this was to be done, and practically most of these cases are ready to be donated. The reason I did not donate it in the beginning [is] because I wanted to see [that] there are people who are honest, and who will do the work honestly. Because in the name of social work, people just want to exploit. This is the reason I waited for so many days, and though I have given some of these already like Ganapatipule, or the hospital, also Dharamshala school, all have been given. But now I want to give even more. Like I didn't know that, in America, the land we have bought, in Canajoharie, is in My name; and I heard it I was surprised because there is no income from there, nothing of the kind, and I decided there and then, that it has to be given to the collective of Life Eternal Trust of America. It's all My desire that things should work out. But according to Sahaja Yoga, unless and until you have your Ganapati, Ganesha, mother of land, motherland, where you start your work, it doesn't take form, it doesn't do anything. Even in Italy I have got a very huge land and also a house which also I want to donate. There's another one called as Daglio, I want to donate it to the collective of Italy. Italians, I found them to be very good, honest and dedicated. I know they will not exploit it. In the same way everywhere I've purchased any land or building things, I would like to donate most of it. But let me see if the things are working out in a honest way. So, this is for you now to take interest. And I was happy to know that one Sahaja Yogini has gone to Madras to start an orphanage, or working out in an orphanage. Is a very good idea, because think of the orphan children, think of the women who are destitutes, think of the people who are suffering from horrible diseases like cancer - others also - which we can cure. So I started a hospital, and now I'll have another hospital in Delhi. Also good news for you that I have bought a land at the foothill of Himalayas. Very big, I think it's 55, 56 acres of land. Plus I have bought another land where we can grow, or where you get also, very rare vegetables for the Ayurveda, so that they can make medicines at a very cheap price for the use of people who are suffering, and who can get cured very easily. Like this, so many projects have been done and they have all come up. The thing is that, I have seen that, Sahaja Yogis do not collect, donate money. Except in the seminars that they give money. And all this is achieved through that money that you have given in the seminar. The rest of the expense of course comes from my books and other things we do. So it is important for all of you to understand that whatever money you are giving in the seminar is being used, absolutely, absolutely for the betterment of humanity, which may not come to Sahaja Yoga but which can be benefited through Sahaja Yogis. So I would request you not to be miserly. You need not give me the money, but you shouldn't have a miserly temperament. Because what's the use of having money without any advantage? So you all must learn how to donate, not to me but to this new idea they have, is they want to Me to declare, they want to make a Foundation, alright. Once I find proper people to run it, I don't mind making the Foundation. Because we shouldn't do what all the rest of the stupid people have done. And so I would request you, all of you, to be little generous. The generosity should be towards social side of our world, which is very important to be attended to. I hope you understand that I have not changed the way. It's the path which is going now in a smooth way. We had to first climb a very hazardous mountain, and now we have come to a place where we understand. With this understanding, I just want to tell you to collect some money with you which you can donate at the time when we'll need for this kind of work. Which is not with Kundalini awakening. But then we can also do Kundalini awakening. We have to show the results of Kundalini awakening, it's not only for you, it's not only for you people who are realised, it's for the whole world. That's my vision, and according to that vision I have been doing my work. And now as you know that I leave this responsibility to you all. I hope you will understand that it's important that you should think of other things than your own problems, your own stupid questions that you have, because all the time what I find, even the leaders will bring some sort of a nonsense from people who have done something wrong. You need not tell me if somebody is sick, if somebody's this. Why can't you cure? Why should you bring that to me? It's a common practice with leaders. So I would request you not to bring any such problems to Me, and you solve your own problems, try to solve them. Once you solve your problem, you'll be amazed, you will know what you have got. But every time refer it to Me is not necessary. Reference to Me is not necessary, because I have so many other things to be done, and every time if somebody is sick they [think they] must refer to Me. If something happens they must refer it to Me. Even after referring, all of you will be saying now "This person has got cancer, this one is sick, that one is sick." I don't want to tell you, but there must be some mistake on that, about that person. I don't want to tell about anybody like that, but must be something must have happened that that person is sick, or something has gone wrong with that person, because normally Sahaja Yoga should help. Sahaja Yoga meditation should help. It should work out, it has worked out with so many. Even some people who were very sick, once came to Cabella, I was not there, they got alright. So is the faith within you which should be so strong that it will be done. So some people have a habit of pestering Me like this all the time "This one is not alright, that is not..." "in my centre this is happening, that happening." Why can't you solve your problems all of you put together? It will be very kind of you to understand that all these problems can be solved by you, I don't have to be there. I am there with you all the time, I am one with you all the time, so there is no need for you to come to me for all these things which are absolutely under your control. If not, you give up your leadership, so-called. Because leadership means that you should be able to execute Sahaja Yoga principles in others and work it out. I hope you'll understand this. I had to say some things on a Diwali day, but with the light one has to see also the dark spots and try to clear it out. So I would request all the leaders not to bother Me, with all these little little problems that you have. Try to control, try to solve, try, see, you have powers, you can do it, all of you can do it. You don't have to get to me all the time, because so many things are to be done, and so many things are to be worked out which I am doing relentlessly. But you should also try to solve your problem of your country, of your place. But if you are not wise enough, if you are not grown up, then it happens, I have seen, you will tell Me. And you think you are very important because you can tell Me. That's not the way! You should do it yourself. You should find out yourself what you can do, how you can help it out, and how you can help others. Also we are not here all the time just to look after people who are no good in Sahaja Yoga. And mostly I have seen, it is only the people who are a little bit, very ambitious about their own positions, try to do like that. So I have to again and again request you: please, please, if any of your you are leaders or anything else, don't telephone to Me, don't write to Me. Because I've seen every day I have such a lot of this thing, papers, envelopes - every day - I don't know what to do. How to tell you that there is no need to write to Me. If you cannot solve the problem, finished! Take up something that is simple, that you can handle. Need not take to something that is difficult, which you cannot handle. It's a wisdom in, behind, that. If you have wisdom, you'll solve your own problems together, specially with your leader, and if the leaders are sensible, they will never, never trouble Me. I must know about, I must tell you about some people, who are leaders, have never even once told Me that "This is wrong, or that is wrong" nothing! They have solved their problems out and out. They should be your ideals, and that's how you should work it out. That will be very joy-giving thing for your Mother, because now you are made, you are the ones who have the power, feel your powers, understand your powers, understand your responsibilities, and you will be amazed how things will work out. First of all I wish you all again and again very happy Diwali, very happy prosperous life for next year and all your life. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. They all, have brought some presents for all of you. Please have them, enjoy them. May God bless you all. And be quiet! Sometimes I feel it's a fish market because I don't know what is there to talk! You have to be in complete silence. Such a lot of vibrations today, you have no idea! If you are absorbing, I would not have been tired. You have to absorb, absorb vibrations. You have come here to get vibrations, to get more and more of that and not to wile away your time talking this, that. No! You have come here to grow. If you understand that I think it will help you. Thank you.
Diwali Puja. Lake Piru, near Los Angeles, California (USA) - 29 October 2000. It's a great day today for the whole world that we are celebrating this Diwali Puja in America. It's very important. Here, where people have been able to earn money, to have lots of money sometimes, and are also people who are ruined completely because of money. When we talk of Diwali we should understand that - why on a Diwali day we have all these lights? What is the combination of lights and the Lakshmi who was born in the water, who stands in the water? Why this combination is there? She was standing in the water, as we know, a symbol of prosperity; that is built in the human awareness that he can prosper. Animals don't prosper. They all have their maryadas, trees have their maryadas. Only the human being can prosper. But if they have no sense of their own maryadas then there's very ruinous, and ruinous for the whole world. So the lights are there that all the people who have Lakshmi's blessings must enlighten themselves, must have lights, and they should enlighten others also. But actually, as soon as they get the Lakshmi, so-called, they become absolutely blind, and they forget what is behind the blessings of the Lakshmi. First of all, as we see, how this symbol of Lakshmi represents, I have told you before also, that a person who has Lakshmi should be very generous. [With] one hand she's giving to others. A person who is miserly with Lakshmi is absolutely against the principle of Lakshmi. And such a miserly person never can enjoy the blessings, and gradually he starts becoming poorer and poorer. When you start giving with the left hand, that means you have opened the door for your Lakshmi to come in. Then comes the grace of Lakshmi on you. And this grace of Lakshmi also has another aspect, that you must give protection. Those who are people with money should protect like this. Protect whom? Protect the people who are in trouble, people who are having lots of cruelty on them, orphaned children who need your help. All these should be looked into, and the protection to the people who are dependent on you. So this has to be done with the right hand. That's the symbol of Lakshmi. And there are two hands up there, which you have seen, with the pink coloured lotus. Pink colour lotus suggests that you must have love in your heart. Pink is the symbol of love and compassion. As I've told you before also, a person who has Lakshmi should have a house where everybody's invited. Like the lotus invites all the insects, even the beetles who have got lots of thorns, and the beetle comes and sleeps the whole night very comfortably, and the lotus closes its petals so that the beetle has no trouble, be comfortable. So these houses must accept guests, any kind they are, and they should be treated very well, just like as if the Gods have come into your house. I've seen people who are poor are much more hospitable than the people who are rich. Same way about the countries. Countries which are poor are much more hospitable than the countries which are rich. It's very surprising that rich countries have their immigrations, they have all problems of avoiding people, guests in their own countries. So they are going really in the wrong way as far as the Lakshmi symbols are concerned. The another very important symbol is that she stands on a lotus. It's all glorified, all beautiful lotuses carrying her. But lotus suggests that she throws no pressures, no imbalances, no power around. But in these countries where people have money, they try to throw power all around. The one who has money becomes the more powerful person. Everything becomes power then. Money is power, love is power. This power has no divinity in it, but [is] a power of oppression and aggression and self-importance. All these symbols of the Lakshmi are very convincing, that, today, when we say that somebody has got money, or some country or nation, they are just the opposite of what they should have been. The reason is they are not enlightened. They have to have lights in their heart, as we see that in Diwali: there has to be the light. And without enlightenment these rich people, so-called lakshmipathis, become nonsensical. That's why there has to be the light. Because with Lakshmi one can become absolutely blind. So-called Lakshmi, doesn't give you proper understanding as to what it means that you have got money, that you are rich. What does that mean? That's why one has to have the lights. Unless and until you have Light of Divinity within you, you won't understand the great symbol of Lakshmi. But in Sahaja Yoga we believe that the Lakshmi must become Maha-lakshmi. Man has to become greater man: maha-manav. What does that mean? That she has to become the Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi is a deity which makes you absolutely satisfied with whatever you have. Complete satisfaction. Not only that, but you start thinking that, "Whatever I have is not sufficient. I have to have something else!" Not money, not more cars, not more televisions and things, but I have to have something else that will give me real satisfaction." You know the law of economics is that you are never satisfied; nothing is satiable. So you go on buying from one to another to another to another, another. But when the Mahalakshmi principle shines in you, then you do not want any more. You want to give it to others and you want to enjoy your generosity. That is the first sign that you are moving now from Lakshmi to Mahalakshmi. Till the Lakshmi principle, you were blind and, whatever it was, you were more asking for more things and more things, and more things. After this is over, then you have the Light; Enlightenment. When you have done all the four things properly - that is generosity, protection, and hospitality, and compassion - then you get into another mood of movement because you know nothing is satisfying, nothing is satiable. Running from one thing to another, then [from] that to another, [from] that to another. And when such people get collective, they start ways and methods of attracting people how they could extract money. There are so many ways. Like in our Italy when I was there, I wanted to buy shoes. We went to the shop and they had only one type of that kind that I don't wear, so said, "No. Now, only this year this kind." "Only this kind?" "Every shop will have the same." I said, "People have no sense, they have no light within them." So next year, you'll have another style. Whatever is produced is always new, and these shoes that were made last year or before that are put into some sort of a junk. It's a very big business. So it is the big business that starts in this manner, and many people become bankrupt, many people completely lose their dignity, and fall into the trap of immorality. So this Lakshmi principle if you forget, in a proper way you cannot go to the Mahalakshmi principle. And in the Mahalakshmi way you can find another kind of personalities, because if you have the light in your heart, then you start seeing that this money business is of no satisfaction. You go on changing from one to another. So then you think, "What should we do?" With this light in your heart, you find out that you have to follow now the principle of Mahalakshmi otherwise you'll be lost. So when you think of Mahalakshmi you start seeking, seeking the way by which you can really have a real satisfaction of life. I mean a country like America where people have so much money and everything, they have also the maximum number of seekers, maximum number. When I first came to America I was shocked that though there was Mahalakshmi principle, they did not know what to seek and they all followed all kinds of false gurus. They had become mad, I think, because they couldn't understand what is to be followed. For that they started following all kinds of false gurus, who were themselves slaves of Lakshmi, Lakshmi tattwa. Slaves in the sense 'who were against' Lakshmi tattwa. And that's how they all were lost, so many of were lost in this country, and I was shocked the way they were following wrong type of people I just thought that there's something really needed to be done to this country. And for 9 years I never came to America. I am sorry for that, because the seekers were moving in the opposite direction. They were not in the understanding as to what the seeking is for, what are you seeking. Somebody came saying that "You are, I am a sixteen-year-old and I can make you all realised-souls." And I'm told that he put some vermilion, kumkum, in a gun and blasted it, and people felt they were all, already had gone to heavens. Such idiotic behaviour; how it came into their heads, I don't know. How did they become so idiotic, I can't understand. So I went back and I said, "I can't help these people much." Then a kind of another fashion started. Like if you went to any party or anything they would say, "Now see, another guru has come. He's much cheaper." and "There's a sale on." And I would say: Look at these women and men who are supposed to be the leaders of the world, and how can they talk like this? It was a very common thing among the rich people to talk like that. This country has been blessed with very, very great people, as you know, very great people. Abraham Lincoln, what sort of a man he was, or even say George Washington. All these people showed the quality of Mahalakshmi. But they didn't much think of them, and they started working out a new method of capturing the whole world, because, then the idea of power came into their head: that with money we can purchase everything. We can make everybody dance to our tune if we have money. All this attitude towards money and human beings was absolutely satanic - to such an extent that their own country started getting ruined. What happened to the family system? What has happened? Why the family got ruined? Because of their wrong ideas about Lakshmi principle. The women got lots of money out of divorce. So I've met one lady, she had divorced her husband eight times, from this country, and now I'm told she has divorced the ninth one. And she has become very rich. But she has no shame. And she is telling everybody that "Get a divorce, that's the best way, that's the advantage of coming to America." So what is the problem? That human beings don't have enlightenment. And if they get money, and if they are hankering after things, they have to go to hell, no doubt about it - and do all kinds of things which was never done in the history of this world. I need not tell you all the absurd nonsensical things they do. Then started a negative force of drugs, drinking and all kinds of things. I mean such blindness, such stupidity, that you can't understand. As if their brains were completely curtailed by the activity of moneymaking. I have seen people choosing their suits and clothes that, when they will die, what they are going to wear. It sounds funny. Even their dog dies they make such elaborate arrangements! They choose even their coffin, which one they would like to use for burying. So with the money a new problem started, was the choice: what choice you have. And people played with that choice. They can befool you and tell you what is the best. I don't know why, but moneyed people are mostly idiotic, if not very immoral. Idiotic, absolutely idiotic. Anybody can befool them. So, God knows what is the speciality that the people who are very rich can be very cunning, can be very immoral, can be self-destroying; but mostly they are idiotic people. Because the way they talk, you don't know where to look; what they say about things you don't understand. So then it's become the country of idiots and stupid people, and you don't know how to deal with them and how to talk to them about the higher life. This Lakshmi tattwa has to become a much bigger principle, which we call as the emancipated personality, or we can say [the] person endowed with Mahalakshmi principle. Such a person may be cheated by others, may be troubled by others, but such a person has its own inner power to overcome all such hurdles. So this Mahalakshmi principle should be established. But one would say, "Why? What is the advantage of having Mahalakshmi principle?" When the Mahalakshmi principle comes, then there are nine Lakshmis which are described, navadha, nine, which get completely manifested in a human being. One of them as we call as Gruhalakshmi. Gruhalakshmi means the family. The wife becomes a very wonderful person. She doesn't object to things, she doesn't react, but she's very sensible and she builds up all her children in a beautiful manner. On the contrary, where she is not a Gruhalakshmi, she takes pride in working out something like men. [This] means - to her, her job is important, her bank balance is important. But the real bank balance of a Gruhalakshmi is her family and her children. If she doesn't have that, she will be just thinking that she is very great, she can compete with this man or that man. Women don't understand that their greatest capacity is to love. How is it that Lakshmi is a woman and all the Goddesses are women? And what is the quality of these Goddesses is to bestow blessings on people of their own nature, of their own qualities. So to think that we are better off than men because we have more money is the greatest idiocity. You may have money, but your children will be ruined, your family will be ruined. When you make a good family, then you create a beautiful, very beautiful, universe around you. And universes after universes like this can create a beautiful universe in the whole world. There's nothing to sacrifice, but to enjoy everything. As I said, you enjoy your hospitality, you enjoy your generosity, which you do not feel is a misery or a trouble to you, but you just enjoy. I mean, at least I enjoy. If I can give something to someone, that's the greatest blessing. So the idiotic people, they believe that generosity is stupidity, while they are the real stupidity. So to create a proper home for your children is a very great work today, and it has to be done. Again there, selfishness comes in. Human beings have so many such hurdles in life because, I don't know why, he doesn't enjoy everything. So the selfishness comes in and they will only love their own children, they will only love their own husbands, or they will love only their own wives. This doesn't create a good family. I am talking about the global family. For us everybody is a realised soul and their family and our family is one. But then they will create problems, talk ill, gossip. I am surprised even in Sahaja Yoga we have many women who just go on gossiping, their style was gossiping. Because I am talking about Lakshmi and Mahalakshmi I have to warn the women because they are the ones who will create the great principles, the great symbols of Lakshmi and Mahalakshmi. So the gossiping is a very common disease, even today, in Sahaja Yoga. I've seen then, when five or six Sahaja Yoginis meet, they go on talking, talking, talking. I don't know what do they talk! Never about Sahaja Yoga! Never! What they talk is what's wrong with another person, who is a wrong type of a person: what we call 'gossip'. And this gossip has created big problems for us in the collective. So best thing I would advise to keep quiet. Even when they come to my house they talk! They have no sense that we should keep quiet. Without quietitude you cannot enjoy the cool vibrations of the Divine. Just go on gossiping and talking is not a sign of very developed people: in Sahaja Yoga. That's why the first thing is that women should become much more compassionate, much more tolerant and enjoyable. Because you meet somebody, they will start immediately telling you, "That is wrong with this person, this is wrong with that person..." But there's no need. But they will only come and give you bad news - all kinds of. But they enjoy, giving the bad news, that they think they are very important. And when they think they are important, they can be very dangerous people, very dangerous. Because I think it's the women who have to work it out much more than men, to understand the value of Sahaja Yoga. Because their own children are concerned. Their family is one of the units of Sahaja Yoga. I am saying this because now I've been noticing it, very common, that the women in Sahaja Yoga are not up to the point as they should have been. They gossip too much. So they should take to mauna I think, take to complete silence, not talking. Those who are really, very much effective, who are doing the great work, are always quiet. They don't talk. I have seen they don't even come and see Me, just recede back, while the women who think they are something special, they are the most dangerous. So the power of Lakshmi that actually, first, falls on the shoulder of women should be Mahalakshmi's. And this one is, is a challenge to all the Sahaja Yoginis to behave themselves, and to become greater women than all the rest of the women of the world. We have some very, very good, very great Sahaja Yoginis, no doubt, but their style is different, and they are working out things in such a manner that it's absolutely adorable. They are just working for Sahaja Yoga. They do not bother about their personal relationships, or their personal eminence, they just want to help Sahaja Yoga in every way. Then there is another Lakshmi called as Gajalakshmi. Actually it means a, 'Gaja' means elephant. What is the quality of an elephant is that the elephant walks with a certain gait, which is the movement on both the sides. As I've said you, I have seen people, specially women, who walk like horses, really! They just walk like horses. So once a dance teacher told me, "Should I start, Mother, a dance school?" I said, "Better start a dance school, doesn't matter. But are you sure you can teach them to dance or they would be just galloping?" (laughter) "Why?" "Because what I've seen of women here that they walk like horses, I must say. How can these women who walk like horses can do dance, Indian dance specially. It's very difficult." So, now we have to see what is the gait, how you walk. Do you walk like an elephant, or you walk like a horse? Especially for men, men should not walk like elephant but should walk like horses, alright (laughter). But the worst thing that has happened is that men dress up like women and women dress up like man. Now what to do? Why this kind of a mad transformation taking place? Why do they take to such things? For, what is the advantage of becoming a woman when he is a man, and a woman becoming a man? That is the reason, which shows, that they want to have some change, some change is important. You'd like to change your dress, you'd like to change your houses, even your sexes you want to change. But why not change your complete being through Self-realisation, that is very important: to understand that we are transformed, and we must have our own dignity of Sahaja Yoga - the way we behave, the way we move about and work. My experience is that, once they come to Sahaja Yoga, mostly, they become very, very beautiful people, and that [they] gradually start growing like flowers, fragrant with their compassion and love. But also there are people who do not understand how to grow. They have their own small circle into which they move, and they get just stagnated, they become dwarfed, and then such Sahaja Yogis have to leave Sahaja Yoga. So it is the responsibility of all the Sahaja Yogis to watch and see how far their mind is working. Where are they going? What are they doing? How are they achieving their status as Sahaja Yogis? So these lakshmi and, lakshmis I would say, and also the lakshmipatis, in Sahaja Yoga, have to be very different than the other people who have money. Mahalakshmi principle should give you a very sober, balanced, affectionate and loving temperament. If it doesn't give you, then you should know there's something missing in you. After all, you have come to Sahaja Yoga not for anything else but for your growth. And to keep that growth on, you have to acquire a sense of understanding what should be your personality, relative to others, relative to other people who are still seeking, who are still blind. We have to achieve a global emancipation. I know that's [what] my vision is, and the other day we were counting how many projects have started. So, we had to stop at 35. Already 35 projects have started in India, also in other countries, and they are only for emancipating human beings. But firstly, as I told you, to do work in Sahaja Yoga you have to be a detached person. That is the quality of a Mahalakshmi principle, that such a person is detached. He is not attached to things which are worthless. But that doesn't mean that you take a sanyasa and run away from the families, run away from your household, run away from everything. That's not detachment, that's running away! But detachment is that when you have everything, still you are detached: in the sense [that] you do not feel concerned about your own gain out of this. Such things can happen, very easily, if you really introspect. And introspection is the best way of meditation. First introspect and then meditate, then you will grow. And the real joy of your Self, of your Spirit, will really give you such enjoyment that you will not take to stupid, insignificant things. But you will become very significant people in Sahaja Yoga who will do such wonderful work that everybody will be amazed that - an ordinary human being, how can he achieve such things, how can he work it out? As I've told you before, that after realisation you become extremely creative. Creative in everything, specially in giving realisation to others, and also creative in your life of art, music, poetry, drama, writing; all kinds of things you do. We have seen now so many cases who have never been on the stage, even, have given very great, inspiring lectures. So the creativity comes like an inspiration for others. They see you and they feel inspired. You are not the one who goes into the shadow and sits back. But openly you come out, with no pride or no sort of aggression, but complete humility; and you give such beautiful feelings to others, such understanding about yourself and about the other through your collective consciousness. You see, about collective consciousness and other things, so many people have talked. The other day you saw it, there were so many people like Jung and also there were other scientists and also other philosophers who have talked about it. But you have got it, you have the experience of collective consciousness. Despite that, if you are lagging behind in your progress of Sahaja Yoga, in Sahaja Yoga, that means there's something wrong. Some sort of a load you are carrying on your head. But through our attachments, there would be loads on your head. In Sahaja Yoga you are involved with everything and you are detached. And such a miracle happens to you which you know very well, I don't have to describe it. So a new personality with a Mahalakshmi principle comes in. Mahalakshmi principle is the one which takes you to your seeking and when you have found out the reality, the truth, then you progress. With Mahalakshmi principle only, you get your realisation. You know that very well, that through the Mahalakshmi channel only you rise, and you get your realisation. So to become a great Sahaja Yogi, you have to look after your Mahalakshmi principle. Now there are people I have seen who care for cheap popularity. I have known people who will do everything for others, do this, do that, but only for popularity. There's no essentially understood, they have not essentially understood that whatever you are doing, is it for cheap popularity? You don't have to fight an election in Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to cast your votes in election. But what happens really, the person who has that dynamism of Sahaja Yoga just comes up. Everybody knows. Not talking, not impressing, not showing off, not going after cheap popularity, but growing within you. For that I cannot say what you have to do. How does a tree grow? By itself. You are living examples of Sahaja Yoga. So how will you grow? - By yourself. By yourself you'll grow: is a promise that is given to you by the Divine. But allow it to grow, through introspection and meditation, and what we call complete dedication and devotion. The other day I told you about the word shraddha - it's not just praying, it's not just having faith, but shraddha is that you have it in your heart, the enjoyment of achievement through your devotion and dedication - that should be called as shraddha. With that thing only it will work out. You have to have faith in yourself and faith in Sahaja Yoga. You know you have got it, those people were talking about it, but you have got it! You know what is collective consciousness. You know that you are in the collective consciousness. But how far you have grown into it is to be seen. It's very important. For that, I need not in this short time describe to you all the qualities of the Lakshmi but - try to understand that a person who has Lakshmi principle has to have all these special qualities otherwise he is not the worshipper of Lakshmi. And that's how I would today bless you all with the proper wisdom and the proper understanding of the Lakshmi principle through the lights which are enlightened within your heart. May God Bless You. May God Bless You. After Puja Talk I wish you all a very happy Diwali. And as I have suggested to you - we all have to work it out, and understand the importance of Mahalakshmi principle. In your lives if people will see that you are very peaceful, good, helpful, collective people, then only, Sahaja Yoga will spread. Not what I am saying, or what I am spreading, or what I am working out. It's a fact that I always had a feeling that Sahaja Yogis should take to social work. I've been a social worker all my life, and I am a socialist in a way, but all these things I did, you may call it secretly, or anything, whatever it is, but some people knew about it, and this was to be done, and practically most of these cases are ready to be donated. The reason I did not donate it in the beginning [is] because I wanted to see [that] there are people who are honest, and who will do the work honestly. Because in the name of social work, people just want to exploit. This is the reason I waited for so many days, and though I have given some of these already like Ganapatipule, or the hospital, also Dharamshala school, all have been given. But now I want to give even more. Like I didn't know that, in America, the land we have bought, in Canajoharie, is in My name; and I heard it I was surprised because there is no income from there, nothing of the kind, and I decided there and then, that it has to be given to the collective of Life Eternal Trust of America. It's all My desire that things should work out. But according to Sahaja Yoga, unless and until you have your Ganapati, Ganesha, mother of land, motherland, where you start your work, it doesn't take form, it doesn't do anything. Even in Italy I have got a very huge land and also a house which also I want to donate. There's another one called as Daglio, I want to donate it to the collective of Italy. Italians, I found them to be very good, honest and dedicated. I know they will not exploit it. In the same way everywhere I've purchased any land or building things, I would like to donate most of it. But let me see if the things are working out in a honest way. So, this is for you now to take interest. And I was happy to know that one Sahaja Yogini has gone to Madras to start an orphanage, or working out in an orphanage. Is a very good idea, because think of the orphan children, think of the women who are destitutes, think of the people who are suffering from horrible diseases like cancer - others also - which we can cure. So I started a hospital, and now I'll have another hospital in Delhi. Also good news for you that I have bought a land at the foothill of Himalayas. Very big, I think it's 55, 56 acres of land. Plus I have bought another land where we can grow, or where you get also, very rare vegetables for the Ayurveda, so that they can make medicines at a very cheap price for the use of people who are suffering, and who can get cured very easily. Like this, so many projects have been done and they have all come up. The thing is that, I have seen that, Sahaja Yogis do not collect, donate money. Except in the seminars that they give money. And all this is achieved through that money that you have given in the seminar. The rest of the expense of course comes from my books and other things we do. So it is important for all of you to understand that whatever money you are giving in the seminar is being used, absolutely, absolutely for the betterment of humanity, which may not come to Sahaja Yoga but which can be benefited through Sahaja Yogis. So I would request you not to be miserly. You need not give me the money, but you shouldn't have a miserly temperament. Because what's the use of having money without any advantage? So you all must learn how to donate, not to me but to this new idea they have, is they want to Me to declare, they want to make a Foundation, alright. Once I find proper people to run it, I don't mind making the Foundation. Because we shouldn't do what all the rest of the stupid people have done. And so I would request you, all of you, to be little generous. The generosity should be towards social side of our world, which is very important to be attended to. I hope you understand that I have not changed the way. It's the path which is going now in a smooth way. We had to first climb a very hazardous mountain, and now we have come to a place where we understand. With this understanding, I just want to tell you to collect some money with you which you can donate at the time when we'll need for this kind of work. Which is not with Kundalini awakening. But then we can also do Kundalini awakening. We have to show the results of Kundalini awakening, it's not only for you, it's not only for you people who are realised, it's for the whole world. That's my vision, and according to that vision I have been doing my work. And now as you know that I leave this responsibility to you all. I hope you will understand that it's important that you should think of other things than your own problems, your own stupid questions that you have, because all the time what I find, even the leaders will bring some sort of a nonsense from people who have done something wrong. You need not tell me if somebody is sick, if somebody's this. Why can't you cure? Why should you bring that to me? It's a common practice with leaders. So I would request you not to bring any such problems to Me, and you solve your own problems, try to solve them. Once you solve your problem, you'll be amazed, you will know what you have got. But every time refer it to Me is not necessary. Reference to Me is not necessary, because I have so many other things to be done, and every time if somebody is sick they [think they] must refer to Me. If something happens they must refer it to Me. Even after referring, all of you will be saying now "This person has got cancer, this one is sick, that one is sick." I don't want to tell you, but there must be some mistake on that, about that person. I don't want to tell about anybody like that, but must be something must have happened that that person is sick, or something has gone wrong with that person, because normally Sahaja Yoga should help. Sahaja Yoga meditation should help. It should work out, it has worked out with so many. Even some people who were very sick, once came to Cabella, I was not there, they got alright. So is the faith within you which should be so strong that it will be done. So some people have a habit of pestering Me like this all the time "This one is not alright, that is not..." "in my centre this is happening, that happening." Why can't you solve your problems all of you put together? It will be very kind of you to understand that all these problems can be solved by you, I don't have to be there. I am there with you all the time, I am one with you all the time, so there is no need for you to come to me for all these things which are absolutely under your control. If not, you give up your leadership, so-called. Because leadership means that you should be able to execute Sahaja Yoga principles in others and work it out. I hope you'll understand this. I had to say some things on a Diwali day, but with the light one has to see also the dark spots and try to clear it out. So I would request all the leaders not to bother Me, with all these little little problems that you have. Try to control, try to solve, try, see, you have powers, you can do it, all of you can do it. You don't have to get to me all the time, because so many things are to be done, and so many things are to be worked out which I am doing relentlessly. But you should also try to solve your problem of your country, of your place. But if you are not wise enough, if you are not grown up, then it happens, I have seen, you will tell Me. And you think you are very important because you can tell Me. That's not the way! You should do it yourself. You should find out yourself what you can do, how you can help it out, and how you can help others. Also we are not here all the time just to look after people who are no good in Sahaja Yoga. And mostly I have seen, it is only the people who are a little bit, very ambitious about their own positions, try to do like that. So I have to again and again request you: please, please, if any of your you are leaders or anything else, don't telephone to Me, don't write to Me. Because I've seen every day I have such a lot of this thing, papers, envelopes - every day - I don't know what to do. How to tell you that there is no need to write to Me. If you cannot solve the problem, finished! Take up something that is simple, that you can handle. Need not take to something that is difficult, which you cannot handle. It's a wisdom in, behind, that. If you have wisdom, you'll solve your own problems together, specially with your leader, and if the leaders are sensible, they will never, never trouble Me. I must know about, I must tell you about some people, who are leaders, have never even once told Me that "This is wrong, or that is wrong" nothing! They have solved their problems out and out. They should be your ideals, and that's how you should work it out. That will be very joy-giving thing for your Mother, because now you are made, you are the ones who have the power, feel your powers, understand your powers, understand your responsibilities, and you will be amazed how things will work out. First of all I wish you all again and again very happy Diwali, very happy prosperous life for next year and all your life. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. They all, have brought some presents for all of you. Please have them, enjoy them. May God bless you all. And be quiet! Sometimes I feel it's a fish market because I don't know what is there to talk! You have to be in complete silence. Such a lot of vibrations today, you have no idea! If you are absorbing, I would not have been tired. You have to absorb, absorb vibrations. You have come here to get vibrations, to get more and more of that and not to wile away your time talking this, that. No! You have come here to grow. If you understand that I think it will help you. Thank you.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, first response to falsehood
United States
Los Angeles
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk at Los Angeles Ashram. Los Angeles (USA), 3 December 2000. I've been here for now quite some time, I think. And, I want to really tell you something important that Los Angeles is a very, very important area. And, compared to all other counties and states, Los Angeles has not taken such a big stride the way it started. And especially when I had a program here, very few people came in after that. What is the reason for that? I tried to find out. First of all, you must realize your own personal responsibility, that you all have got Sahaja Yoga absolutely free; but you have a certain debt and that debt is that you have to give Realizations to others. If you just have it for yourself and leave only to your leaders to work it out, it'll never work out. How many people have you given realization? You have to count it. Because after a certain state of your achievement, you become very creative, extremely creative. At this age also I am working, but what I find, once you get your realization, you are settled down with yourself and you become like a monk. We don't want to have monks and priests. What do we want to have? Sahaja Yogis who will talk about Sahaja Yoga to people, who will develop Sahaja Yoga and create more Sahaja Yogis. So you have to count how many Sahaja Yogis you have created. Yesterday, you saw Anand. Anand is of course my grandson but the way he got his Realization. I find him everyday he tries to find somebody if he could give Realization. Everyday! Yesterday again he brought two people. So, you see you don't have to feel shy about it. I have seen people who have false gurus. Once I was traveling with some lady. She was very hot. So, I asked her, "What's the matter, how are you, who's your guru?" She told Me the name. Horrible guru! "Oh my God" she said, "So great. He's done this; he's done that." And, I was amazed; how is she talking so much about that guru? But Sahaja Yogis feel shy. They don't want to tell. There's nothing to feel shy. If you have got realization, it's the greatest thing you have got. I mean you don't understand the value of it perhaps, and you don't want to also talk about it to others, like you want to preserve it to yourself - I don't know why. But you have to talk to other people, otherwise Sahaja Yoga won't spread in Los Angeles. Or, I should say, California on the whole. Now the reason is also, I personally think, that you not only feel shy, but you are quite satisfied with yourself and you have no confidence about others. You think, "What will they think?" What will they think out? What will they do to you? What will happen to them? I mean, if you tell them they are not going to prosecute you, take you to courts. But I find this very much here, I don't know why in Los Angeles. And, at the same time, we have very deep Sahaja Yogis here - very, very deep. They have achieved quite a lot, but for what? It's like a miserly person who has lots of money, good for nothing. This is one of the reasons you all have to decide. It's your personal responsibility, your debt to the Divine. It looks after you, it protects you, it helps you. So many of you can say how it has protected you, how it has helped you, how it has cured you. In every way it has done so much for you. Now what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? One has to see to it, introspect, find out. Another thing, from organizational point of view I have talked to Dave and others also, that first you should try to concentrate on one center. Now, you divide among yourselves. All of you should decide that fifty percent people will go on Saturday; fifty percent will definitely go on Sunday. You see, there are more new people than the Sahaja Yogis. When I found out, I was surprised. What are they up to? It's a Saturday and Sunday. This is your job. This is everything you have to do, otherwise what's the use of your life as a Divine personality? I just don't understand how such deep people in Sahaja Yoga cannot feel that others are lacking this depth and they need joy. They need everything that you have got and you have to do it. So, on superficial things if you waste your energy, it's not doing any justice to Sahaja Yoga. Los Angeles is one of the first places I came to. And, at that time here, there was this sixteen-year-old guru who was befooling everyone. And, I just felt, "These are stupid people. I don't know what will I do here?" So, I didn't come for nine years. So, you have to take to Sahaja Yoga in a proper way - in your family, with your children, with everything. Now, there has been something they wrote in Internet. I think it's very poisonous thing because it has no meaning. It's all absurd. Now, we have got the answer written down. We were not sending it yet. But you all should know it so you can answer it. At this age also, you see, I'm so anxious that I have to complete My projects which are thirty-six in number - so far we have got, may be thirty-seven. And, we have to complete this, all this, for which I'm not asking your help or anything. But it's very important projects we have got, some are in India, which I started earlier; and then some are in England, some are here, some are in Canada, like that. What I'm saying that you, too, should have projects about Sahaja Yoga; but at the same time, I would like to warn about certain things. Like you send some book on this thing. First of all, her - she is never to be depended. I don't know why you take him so seriously. Do you know he brought some horrible medicine to sell in Cabella? You don't know. He brought it. Chinese. And he sold it for a very high price there to all Sahaja Yogis. But Gregoire's tongue became absolutely green. So, imagine! Nobody has business to sell anything without asking Me. So, you see, one should not have anything to do with it. Then also, I saw the book. But you should not write any book like that. You see, this book is not to be given to anyone. Those who want to cure people, they should cure, but it's not important. That's not your duty. If you want, you can cure, but it's not your duty. Main duty is to give realization to people. So that book is to be cancelled completely, out of question. Such a book should not be written, because I have to spend some time reading it and all that. But there's no need to write such a book. First take My permission. If I say "yes", write it. Otherwise without writing Me, if you write a book. I can't understand. And, then you send it to Me to read it. It's wrong. First you ask Me, all right? You ask Me the contents, you ask Me if you want to write like that. But otherwise my time is so limited, in that you want Me to read the book, this thing. These are all small, small things. Now, the smallest thing is writing letters, all the time writing letters to Me. There are so many letters like that. Now in that letter what do you write? You never write how many people you have given realization. No one! They will write, "My husband is not all right, my wife is not all right, and we are having a fight and this and that and that and that." It's not important. Now you have become Sahaja Yogis. You are masters now. Why should any problems make you suffer? Why should? You are contented within yourself. All these problems, useless absolutely, should not bother you. That means you are not yet come up to that level which we can call a master. I call you masters. You are like Zen masters. But see the Zen masters, how they are; Tao people, how they write, what they have to say. Boldly they'll say everything and they're so satisfied within themselves. They don't talk of small, petty nonsense. Not that you are not intelligent. You are all very intelligent people; and, in that intelligence, I find that if the attention goes to all nonsensical things, it is absolutely going to be detrimental. The another thing you must have noticed that so many people are now coming from India. Why? What is so great about India? Why don't they have people from here? What is the reason? The first reason is that parents neglect the education and discipline of children. Children must be disciplined. That's the job of the parents, otherwise they would hang from some trees. But they are your children, you have to discipline them. They should know how to behave; they should know how to talk to people. This so-called freedom idea of America has ruined your country. First of all, children must be brought up in such a way that they're disciplined Sahaja Yogis, they have proper sense of protocol; otherwise you'll be creating just useless children. Thirdly, so much accent on money - money orientation - for children also here as I have seen in the education. Children are asked to clean the car. They'll pay five pounds, five dollars. Then he does something, but don't pay them. That's their work, that's their job, that's their responsibility. Otherwise if you start doing like this, you'll spoil your children with it. At a proper time you can give them some presents or something, but don't start giving them money like this. Then money becomes important. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis who came to Me and they said, "And we don't want to do graduation, Mother, we don't want to study. We want to become garbage cleaners." I said, "Why?" "Because you can get lot of money in garbage cleaning." Can you believe that? So, the whole attitude is towards getting money at any cost - no dignity, no understanding, nothing. So, children are to be told of sublime ways, of nobler ways, of higher ways. You already have got Realized children, but if you don't tell them, then I don't know what will happen. They will become garbage cleaners. First and foremost for children is discipline and their education. You must pay all money, whatever is needed, all your attention, to educate your children. Now with that, no education, what's happening is the children have no breeding. Either put them in some profession, if they want. Put them in anything where they can learn something. That's the age when one has to learn. Not just leave them because it's freedom, let them have their own time. It's a wrong idea. That is how this country is ruined, I think, and then the family system also is nonsensical. I have bought this house. It's very interesting, but what I find that there is a huge, big room for husband and wife; and small, small room, and two-three bathrooms for it. I bought it because it was just for my own sake; it was all right. But from the very beginning they have idea that children will go away at the age of eighteen years. Why should children leave you if you have a proper house? Even if you don't have a proper house, if you have all the love and convenience, they'll never leave you. Our India - it's difficult. We had Avdhut, you must be knowing him, Mr. Pai's son. So, Mrs. Pai was very much caught up on the left. Very sweet, he is very innocent boy. He came to Me and he said, "Mother, if you leave your parents at the age of say, eighteen years, then will their bhoots leave you?" They asked Me a question. I said, "It may; it may not." "Then why to leave parents, you know. Parents are very useful." I said, "How?" He said, "Firstly, my father is there. So I will never take to smoking, because he'll scold me. I'll not do wrong things. So, it's better to have father." So, I said, "Really?" "Yes", he said. "In a carriage, if there's nobody to manage the horse, horse will go wrong", he said. And very intelligent also, very deep. But see the innocence of his heart. He said, "No, no, then no use leaving the parents. Nice! They should be there to tell us. Otherwise who will tell us?" So, you see, this should be perpetuated in your children also to understand that somebody has to tell, somebody has to guide. Now what has happened, I think, in the West is that people have advanced. Now, say, the central line is here. They came from a developing state and now they are over-developed. So now to come to Sahaja Yoga, they have to come back. They have to come back, which is very difficult for developed people to come back. But for people who are black, say, people who are not so developed, they are very good, because once they start developing, they can be sucked in. So very easy to get the black people to listen. So, I would say, you all should work among black people. Skin is not something I have seen is so important. So this skin-deep problems that you have should be completely given up. You'll find such beautiful, such nice people among them. So you have to talk to them, and you have to look after them. Now I can't do that myself, but you can do it as my children. Try to see the good points, good points of all these people - of all the people. Even now, say, some people who go to India like Indians very much and they praise them. I said, "What's so special about Indians?" "Mother, they will sleep on the ground but put the guest on the bed." It's fact, yes. You don't put your guests on the ground, you see, in India. No, you don't do that. And, that is the correct thing. If the guests are there, they are given the first priority. It's the other way round in America. If the guests, you take them to some, say, restaurant, first thing you'll say is "We are sharing." You know it shocks people. Sharing means what? I mean, they are your guests. So the sense of guests, the sense of people who are not your family, has to be developed. Then they will understand that there's something special about it. But you see selfishness - this open, strikingly horrible selfishness - is so much exhibited. So there should be some sort of a, we call them maryadas - must be the protocol - and let the people see how you behave. That is how Sahaja Yoga will spread. They'll see you in the society. They'll see you everywhere. I was told the Governor of Nevada went to Bulgaria and there he saw some Sahaja Yogis in Bulgaria. He was so impressed by their behavior that he wanted to meet Me - but just now I don't know if I'll have time or not - but, he wanted to meet Me. So, our behavior should be such, should be very humble, sharing, caring, so that people are impressed by it. And there's no need to have any shyness about it. Some people think we are very weak. We are not. You have got the powers. You are not weak any more. One thing. In the same way, you are very strong and that's why you are very humble. Only strong people can be humble. People who are not strong always are aggressive. We have solved some problems in Sahaja Yoga, like morality and all that. Of course, I agree. But still, still I think the attention is not so correct as it should be - absolutely pure. We worship Ganesha, and the power of Ganesha must show because, as I have told you, that innocence is not lost, it's only covered and it can be cleared out. The whole world we can save. We have to save the whole world. My vision is too big; and you are My children, you are My hands. I cannot ask anybody else to do it. And that's why I have to tell you that you just be worried about the people who are around, care for them, show them love, and I'm sure they will understand that you are something really different from others. It's not difficult, because some of the value systems in America are so much convoluted, so much perverse that if you just go against it, people will be amazed. "How are they like that?" You have capacity. What I'm saying, you have powers. You are just like diamonds. Diamonds can be seen anywhere. Only thing, you should chisel out yourself a little bit. Chiseling out is very important, and that's possible through your meditation, introspection - simple things like that. What am I doing for Sahaja Yoga? What am I working for Sahaja Yoga? All this has to be seen, and has to work out with great love and understanding, that our Mother wants the whole world to be Sahaja Yogi - whole world. It's not only a few people here. But Los Angeles has this problem, I don't know why, since long. So I would request you to see this point. Now, my suggestion is very practical, as we have done in India. Now, forget about whatever has happened in the past. But in India, what I did was I took one hall on my own in Dadar - one hall. And all the Sahaja Yogis I said, "You come there." You can have it twice. You can have it Saturday, Sunday. You can have some people for Saturday who are new comers like that, who are not yet, and you can have Sunday for all the Sahaja Yogis. Two days you must spare, and the first day you have to take into account that these people are not yet matured. So you have to mature them. Only thing that will really impress is you, the way you are, nothing else. And also you should not spend too much time in talking too much, or talking in this thing. But if they have any questions, you can answer at the most. But they will take to our tapes and things very deep, I agree, the tapes are very deep. But if they listen to it again and again, they'll understand. So many things are there for you to see and to tell them. Whatever impresses them, you have to talk to them. Now the time is coming that many false gurus will be completely exposed. I know that. But then you all have to come up. But what I feel that Sahaja Yogis are like mushrooms. They get their Realization, finished. Then they have nothing to do. How can that be? So, what I'm trying to say - you must have complete faith in yourself. It's very important. "I am a Sahaja Yogi." Have that faith. "What have I done?" Ask yourself the question. "What do I have to do?" So, all your behavior, all your sweetness, all your kindness, everything will impress. Not only that, but negative forces won't act. If you try to be positive, negative forces will not act. They will have no effect on you. They will have complete protection for - complete protection - and they'll look after you. So, I have to make now a very, very request as a Mother to all of you that you have to be worthy of my children. Say, now I'm going to be seventy-eight and still I am working very hard. Since I have come to Los Angeles, I have been sick. What is the reason? I am never sick. But I felt very weak; I couldn't walk. Why? Well, what has happened? Because you people are weak. You are my children. You are part and parcel of my body. You are not only that, but you are cells of my body. If you are weak, I'll become weak. So, I request you again and again that you got such a great blessing which people don't get normally. Very difficult! They go to Himalayas, spend years together and then they get the blessings. So, now you got it so easily. Just strengthen yourself, tell yourself, be confident that, "I have to do this work." So, as I was saying we can have - what is this center called? - in Santa Monica, you can take two days. One day you can have it for the new comers, and one day for all the Sahaja Yogis. And, at least twenty-five Sahaja Yogis must go to Santa Monica on the first day and should be all of you next day. Because, unless and until you do that way, it won't strengthen. We call it ''sangha shakti'', is the collective power which you should have. And, you see, if somebody has problems - if somebody is say, I would say, that is not understanding, is not going deep, is new comer and all that - so let them come on Saturdays. You can answer them; you can explain to them; you can make them understand. And, you will be amazed that even things like this Internet business - I'm very happy in a way, because all those who were useless have gone. It's the Last Judgement! So this is the best way, that they have gone away. Now new people can come. But it's a very good thing that has happened; but still these people wanted, so we have written a very beautiful answer to it and that we'll read it. So, now you have to just now promise within yourself that you will attend Santa Monica - or any one center that you have. Is a simple thing to understand that if you have to dig the well, you don't go on putting holes everywhere, but in one place only you make a big effort. And there is a center which everyone knows. They all come there, and you meet there. But you have to be extremely positive, extremely positive with the new people. Now you can imagine in a place called Benin. They were all Muslims, and nine thousand have become now Sahaja Yogis. And in - I mean just imagine - and Ivory Coast the President is a Sahaja Yogi. How could these black people achieve all that and while, with all of you with white skins, what are you doing? There's a some sort of a - I think - drawback power - I think - this getting white. All right, I expected because they are seekers. Best part is they are seekers. Black people are not seekers; they are not such seekers. But white people are seekers, but they are seeking into this nonsense, that nonsense, that nonsense. And now, we have an article about this horrible gentleman, Mahishasurah. Everything is exposed. And, whatever I have said about him is there in that. I didn't tell them. But they have got it from other people. And now, you see, all his castle will fall down, because that is truth. It has come in the newspaper. It's authentic. It's not like sending in the Internet. But despite that, your faith is challenged. [Shri Mataji talks to a person on the side] You have seen everything. You have seen so many miraculous photographs. I mean Paramchaitanya has never done that. Nobody has photographs of that kind, I mean imaginary these artists must have saw to put it there. But you have seen, so many have seen Ganesha standing behind Me. I mean such miraculous photographs you have seen, and still your faith is so weak. What else should it go? Paramchaitanya asked Me, "What should We do now?" [Shri Mataji talks in Marathi to someone personally on the side] I have given a nice lecture on Devi Puja. You just see "Shraddha rupena samsthita". Very big difference between just a faith and shraddha. So, shraddha is when you think of that person, the whole being becomes full, just like a garden. '''[Shri Mataji asks a person to read the letter]''' And so many miracles, so many miracles have taken place. I mean it's to be seen what miracles take place. [A Sahaja Yogi reads the response to the allegations against Sahaja Yoga on the Internet] Sahaja Yogi: This is a response to the allegations - which was published on the Internet against Sahaja Yoga. This is a response by Sahaja Yoga to these allegations: "There has been some recent material on the Internet which contains allegations made against Sahaja Yoga and its founder, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. All of these allegations are coming from a group of very few people who are supported by some false gurus or by some criminal organizations. It is such a bundle of falsehood that it is rather difficult to pay any attention to such nonsensical allegations. All kinds of people come into Sahaja Yoga because the doors of Sahaja Yoga are open to all. Some of these people were thrown out, either because they were immoral or they were cheating other Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yoga is the absolute manifestation of Divine reality and truth. To begin with, the greatest miracle is that there are thousands and thousands of miraculous photographs of Shri Mataji. Most of them were taken by very ordinary cameras and by amateurs. One photograph appeared in Brisbane in the sky as a painting of Raphael, which was a painting that Shri Mataji liked very much. In the actual painting..." Shri Mataji: This Raphael paints mostly the Mother and Child. And, I was told there's a exhibition here of Raphael. I would like to go and see that. Sahaja Yogi: In the actual painting, there was a halo at the back of the Holy Mother; but in the sky it was on top of the Mother. In England, they were singing the song "Sitting in the Heart of the Universe" and all around Her appeared many hearts drawn in lines exactly as one would find in a medical text. Very early on in Switzerland, they saw clouds clustering into a very clear image of Shri Mataji - absolutely perfect. There are deities that appeared in full form behind Her, and angels that are seen very clearly. We all felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on our finger tips. Many Muslims also felt it. This has been described in the Holy Quran, that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. And after tallying with Shri Mataji's knowledge and Her description of relationships between vibrations and chakras, we were surprised how it was the perfect knowledge of our subtle system. So many countries have given awards to Mother. In America, Sahaja Yoga is accepted as a religion, and you can be prosecuted for referring to it as a cult. Shri Mataji's achievements are recorded in the congressional archives; and highly respected doctors, scientists, professionals have recognized Her. Leaders of this country from mayors and governors, to presidential candidates have sent felicitations to Her. In America, She has been honored in major cities by dedicating a day in Her name as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi day". Her deep knowledge has stunned people. And, She has been awarded advanced degrees of Ph.D from leading world universities. Fabulous revelations of Her Divine personality are captured on film, in thousands of miracle photographs which manifest the greatest forms of deities and divinity. How unfortunately stupid they were not to understand the great miracles that the Divine created to convince human beings so that they may not go astray. But this is kaliyuga and they failed to recognize the truth despite all these revelations. We discovered that one of these few culprits used to sleep with the maid servant in the Ashram, even though he was married and was caught. And, then he was caught and was thrown out of the Ashram. One of them had a car accident with a lady, but blamed another Sahaja Yogi for it. When the lady recognized his picture in a group photograph, the police arrested him. We don't know what the police did to him, but as a result he turned against Sahaja Yoga. Another one brought money to be given to Sahaja Yoga. But since Shri Mataji never takes money from individuals like that, She refused the money. This was black money from a woman who had died. We didn't inform the police about this because we would not take black money. He got frightened and turned against Sahaja Yoga. Another one had built a house which he wanted Shri Mataji to buy. She didn't buy it because it was of no use to Sahaja Yoga. And so, he turned against Sahaja Yoga and became bankrupt. He was an idle, lazy lump and a drug user; and thought himself to be lord of the whole world - very quarrelsome, arrogant and a stupid fellow. We are relieved that he has left Sahaja Yoga. They are such nonsensical people because they talk about allegations of tax evasion by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji is a registered, non-resident Indian and does not need to pay any tax on casual income. These people are illiterate and don't know tax laws. In these allegations, they also spoke about Her husband, who is recognized by the British government for his immaculate and extremely honest work, and was bestowed the title of KCMG. He is such a well regarded personality that these people who are trying to throw dirt on his character cannot even get jobs as peons in his office. Her brother was also a great soul. He never took advantage of Sahaja Yoga. And, has built a great, a very great, academy of music. These people are not even equal to touch the dust of his feet. They are such low-level people, they are cowards to write such trash on the Internet. There is not even the slightest truth in these statements, only blatant lies. These allegations on the Internet are such cowardly acts. If they claim allegations against Her or Sahaja Yoga, then why don't they come to the court of law? This theory that Rajneesh has influenced Shri Mataji is another myth. Can Rajneesh or any of his disciples give Realization to people? You can answer this yourself. To make allegations that Shri Mataji makes a lot of money through Sahaja Yoga is absurd. The money for the work of Sahaja Yoga was collected during the first few years by only four leaders. They gulped all the money for their advantage without showing any accounts. So, the senior members of Sahaja Yoga asked permission of Shri Mataji to collect the money in Her name and put it in the bank. Still, Shri Mataji for twenty years has spent all Her money for travel, halls, activities of Sahaja Yoga. People only paid for their tour in India. For the purchase of Shudy Camps, She spent Her own four hundred thousand sterling pounds, which is recorded and only two hundred and fifty thousand pounds were given by Sahaja Yogis. Approximately hundred people stayed absolutely free at the house for more than four years. Since the house was sold for only four hundred thousand pounds, all that money belonged to Shri Mataji. By now, we really felt ashamed that why should Mother spent all this money Herself when She has given us health, wealth, balance, peace and joy through Self-realization? Apart from that, She has given us Divine knowledge which is invaluable. And, we felt that it would be parasitic to make Her spend all this money because She would not take any money from any individual. She has cured many rich people, and they were all trying to give Her money; but She would not accept any. So, we thought that as a practice, we should give some money to our Mother who has worked so hard, sacrificing her life, giving so much love and compassion. A small amount was fixed to give as "Guru Dakshina" as was a practice for all the true gurus of the world. Shri Mataji has not gained financially at all through Sahaja Yoga; and even though it is absolutely legal to take or give money, it is certainly not a sin in giving and taking money from anyone. Do these people know how many projects Shri Mataji has opened in India, Italy, England, America, Australia and other parts of the world for noble and social causes? There are over thirty-five projects that She has single-handedly funded which you can see on our website at []. The greatest lie is that Shri Mataji doesn't love children. She has tremendous compassion for children; and the tapes that are quoted are bogus. The tape from Canberra is a complete manipulation of the truth since there was no child crying in the public program. Some lines are correct, but all falsehood is built on that. It's true that Shri Mataji has great concern for Realized children. We have many children in Sahaja Yoga who have received scholarships, awards and recognitions in schools, in many schools around the world. They are outstanding in their education and their moral character, and are extremely loving, dynamic and sweet children. The western promiscuity and immorality have not entered into their minds. Shri Mataji has gone all out to save the children from drugs, child abuse, alcoholism, gangs, etc. The children in Sahaja Yoga are so outstanding, well behaved and well educated. These people are condemning Sahaja Yoga, while She has saved so many seekers and has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the world of turmoil. There are some who have also cheated in Sahaja Yoga as leaders. All these despicable people have been thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Some of these people have now turned against Sahaja Yoga because we don't want them back. Whatever has been mentioned in these allegations about Sahaja Yoga marriages is absolutely opposite of what really happens. First, the applicants from all over the world fill out and submit their application forms referencing their height, weight, education, income, family background and other important information. The couples are then chosen based on Divine vibrations. These couples then spend a few days meeting each other and getting to know each other in a completely moral manner. Only if they agree, they are then married in a collective wedding ceremony. There are over two hundred marriages per year performed in Sahaja Yoga from all over the world and the success rate of these marriages is about ninety-nine percent, with just one percent of the marriages that are voided. Since they are not registered until six months to a year after the ceremony so they have sufficient time to decide. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga since both the parties are adult and have full freedom to make their own decisions. We don't know of any system among the world religions, especially in the West where there is a ninety-nine percent success rate in marriage. Sahaja Yoga glorifies the marriage institution, and we believe that morality can be naturally restored through proper Sahaja Yoga marriages. The cost of marriages in Sahaja Yoga is only about a hundred dollars which includes all the ornaments, presents, meals, etc. Sahaja Yoga culture and its system of marriages have completely abolished the dowry system, which we believe is one of the greatest reforms of the Indian social system. The calculation of money that they have made is absurd. All the money that is collected in Sahaja Yoga by the organization is recorded with proper accounts, and is spent for so many social, charitable and noble works. All this money is deposited in respectable banks and institutions. There is not even a single cent that is deposited in a Swiss bank or a Monte Carlo type of organization as has been alleged in these accusations. There is a finance committee in every country which takes care of these funds and manages expenses from these funds. In addition, all the casual income of Shri Mataji is recorded by one committee which spends funds from it appropriately on various noble and social projects worldwide to help helpless people. For the seminar collections, all of these accounts were created in the name of Shri Mataji because we had so many bad leaders in the past that became corrupted with money although Shri Mataji trusted them. All the funds collected in Sahaja Yoga are public knowledge. The money contributed by Sahaja Yogis is kept in the name of Sahaja Yoga. And only by Shri Mataji's consent, is it spent for different expenses and projects. Since 1972, over thirty-six projects, such as land development, buildings, hospitals, schools, ashrams, institutes for social benefits, etc. have been created from these funds only. Progressively, many of these projects have been and are being transferred over to the Sahaja Yoga charitable organization. Shri Mataji comes from a royal family, and Her husband comes from a family of landlords. The nobility of her vision was so great that in the early years of Sahaja Yoga, She sold Her own jewelry to sponsor programs of Sahaja Yoga. Apart from that, her husband has been working in London for sixteen years and had a salary of over five thousand sterling pounds after taxes in those days. In addition to all facilities, additionally they had very high gains from sale of houses in London. The point is that Shri Mataji is so independently well-off, that She didn't need to start Sahaja Yoga to make money. In the early days of Sahaja Yoga, She paid from her own money even the air tickets for so many new people who came to Sahaja Yoga to travel and experience spiritual places in India. Shri Mataji has made us aware that all the religions are from the same principle and are to be respected by all of us. She has formed a global religion which is the innate, pure religion by giving us self realization. But so-called religions want to stay separate so that they can fight in the name of religion and God. From Her teaching many rituals, false ideas about religion, have been corrected. We respect all the incarnations, prophets and the realized souls of the past. These can be seen in the Sahaja Yoga publications such as Bible Enlightened, Islam Enlightened and Gita Enlightened; and it can also be verified from the thousands of her speeches. There has never been a charge at the door for Sahaja Yoga meditation. We don't get any charitable funding from any government agencies for doing our programs. How does one expect to have all these programs to be handled without money? Sahaja Yogis contribute freely whenever money is needed for projects. And, that is how it is done. No one in Sahaja Yoga has ever been forced or condemned for not giving money. For the last thirty years, Shri Mataji has been working relentlessly and there have been no claims against Sahaja Yoga of any kind. At a personal level, She has sacrificed Her financial and family life enormously. These people should be ashamed of themselves to attack such a pure and noble personality who is full of love and compassion. She has given us the lifelong gift of Self-realization, and we give Her something in return as a token of our love. There's nothing wrong in that. At the puja seminars, our organization offers Her a gift from all of us. But She in return gives gifts to everyone in the seminar, sometimes thousands of people at a time. Shri Mataji is a very pure personality like her name, Nirmala, which means "pure," and is extremely detached about money. There are so many false gurus and false teachers who have minted money and are still minting money. Why don't these people write about them? An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Shri Mataji has benefited thousands and thousands of us with the blessings of Shri Mataji, while these few people have condemned Sahaja Yoga by their own malicious propaganda. In a way this is good, because as per Her Holiness Shri Mataji, this is the Last Judgment. And the people who follow this kind of falsehood will also miss this opportune time. Many renowned scientists, professors, artists, prime ministers, presidents, home ministers, etc., have fully accepted Sahaja Yoga, because this is a pure science which cannot be challenged. There are so many signs in thousands of miracle photographs taken by Sahaja Yogis verifying the existence of Divinity in this era. There are scientists in many countries who have verified scientifically that Shri Mataji is the source of cosmic energy, and now many of them are writing books and theses on this. We as Sahaja Yogis, have full faith that Shri Mataji is the promised Mother and the Holy Spirit which Christ has declared. These kinds of evil-spirited people who have always tortured great incarnations, Sufis and saints. Also, this was the kind of people who crucified Christ. As members of this wonderful organization, we have been asking Shri Mataji's permission for the last one year to write a response against these false accusations, but She has been so compassionate, even towards these evil minded people. Now is the first time that She has allowed us to write such a response because of the pressure from so many Sahaja Yogis worldwide to do so. Self-realization is the actualization of baptism when the seeker gets connected to this all pervading Divine power called Ruh or Paramchaitanya. And, Einstein has described this as a torsion area. As a result of self realization, a seeker becomes balanced, peaceful and joyous. All of the six enemies of human life - like lust, greed, anger, attachment, jealousy and false pride - disappear. One becomes like a drop in the ocean of compassion and love. Such a transformation, which is described and predicted, takes place which is very much needed in the sinking world of turmoil today. We don't know how to thank Shri Mataji for this free gift. Shri Mataji is a perfect ideal to follow with so many world wide achievements that Her unfathomable knowledge and yet so much humility. Her motherly love and compassion is ever present even in the midst of thousands of people whose names and problems She remembers very well individually in minute details, as She receives the flower with Her loving smile that warms every heart and fills it with love. The work of Sahaja Yoga is so tremendous that it cannot be described in this small letter, so please visit our website at [] for more details of her work and her relentless work. This is the first of many articles that we want to publish to bring forth the real facts about Sahaja Yoga and about Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Even though we know most of these people who are writing these articles against Sahaja Yoga and their motives behind it, Shri Mataji has asked us not to mention their names as She feels that once they also called Her "Mother". Thank you." Shri Mataji: Very powerful! But still there are people, you see, who are weak, I think, very weak people and do not want to become real Sahaja Yogis. There are. And you must locate them, find out, apart from the new ones. But if they're no good, it's better to give them up, you see, give them up because they are so immoral, so immoral. They do such horrible things. And, they cheat even Me, cheat you people. Like in India, they purchased one plot of land. They are saying that we are making Nirmal Nagri. I never knew anything about it. Nothing. They never consulted Me. The fellow who cheated used to come up and sit in the gallery, and told, "I've asked Mother. She said yes, everything." Such a cheat he was, and he wanted to make a big money out of it. But it so happened - you know, I was quite surprised how they have done it - that a letter came from the government saying that, "This land you cannot build anything because it has floods." I said, "Very good! That's the best way." Now, so then these people I said, "Now, why did you buy without asking Me?" It was a wrong thing he did, took money from everyone. I mean, I didn't know they were up to something. But luckily, the chartered account was there, Agarwal. He was a very nice man and he came and told Me, "Mother see this much money they have taken from this person, this person, this person." They removed their own money; they were so frightened now I'll do something, they removed their money. I said, "Keep it now and we will sell this land." Can you imagine? That land was not to be sold, was not allowed to be sold, but somehow this particular land was allowed! And, we made profit of, I think, sixteen lakhs of rupees or like that and everybody got back their money, everything they got back. And, what we got sixteen lakhs we used for buying a land in Delhi. Because, so far, I have been buying all land Myself. Ashram I'm making, this, all that. So now thank God, they were happy they could buy one piece of land which is quite good in Delhi, which they are working out. And everyone, everyone who purchased the land has got the money back. That's more satisfying, because then I thought if I don't get the money I'll pay myself. But they all got back their money; I'm very happy about it. And, they were so anxious that they should go and beat this man. I said, "Forget it. Give Me one year, if it works out you shouldn't take anything. It worked out." So, those who try to cheat Me also are in trouble. See, somehow or other - I don't do anything, but they just get in trouble I don't know. Must be the deities try to trouble them. So, best thing is to have a very clean heart about Sahaja Yoga. That's the best way, because nobody gains anything out of it. If there's anything to be gained is the human beings and nothing else is important. All right, so thank you very much for everything. Now, whatever I have said, it's not only for Los Angeles, for all the Americans, for all the world. But especially for Los Angeles, I found out a solution like that. And, next time when I come, I would like to see much more, many more Sahaja Yogis. We will have a program. And then, you should take down their names, their addresses - get after them. And, it will work out. I'm sure we'll grow very much here, and nothing to worry that it's very superficial or it's more the cinema and all that. Nothing to do. It will definitely work out, I am sure, but you must have that intent and intense feeling of doing it. It will work out. Thank you! I must tell you about Mr. Bush. I don't know how but this Mr. Bush has been very much been impressed by Calin, you know Calin who is from Romania. And he, for the last five of my birthdays, he has been sending Me best wishes. He is a nice man, must say vibration-wise very good. And, I saw this another fellow was, he was a very cunning, I must say. Not only that, but also very shrewd type of a man. And I thought that he cannot win. But you see, there's one of the qualities of the Goddess is that: "''Ya'' ''Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Bhranti Rupena Samstitha''" - means She creates confusion. I have explained in My last puja why She creates a confusion. So, you see the confusion that's going on. And, Rajesh Shah, who is an expert in ''Devi Mahatmyam'', he said that, "Mother, now are You creating confusion there?" I said, "You have a look, see, let us see." 'Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji was watching the election as it was happening. The Florida state was given a go in the beginning. Shri Mataji gave it a bandhan and literally two minutes later they said it's undecided. 'Shri Mataji: So, this ''bhranti'' is working very well here. And I think, you see, this country is to be saved. And, he wrote a very nice letter to Me also. He was very sweet. He is a nice man, you know, very I should say, very princely type. He's not cheap like this man. He's very cheap. He's going so far with all kinds of tricks and things. Then the other day I saw him laughing, his wife laughing. I was quite surprised. Then I was told that people criticized that you don't laugh, that's why he was laughing. With Bush we can do a lot, I am sure. Another Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, on behalf of all of the Yogis in Los Angeles, I'd just like to say that we understand very well that Your arrival here and Your taking up residence on the West Coast of America is not a casual thing. But it's very purposeful. And that You have a great vision for America and the growth of Sahaja Yoga, not only in Los Angeles but in this whole country. And, that You are here to sort us out and to show to us all the weaknesses and the lackings of both our society and our own growth. And I would just like to make a commitment on behalf of all of us that we will do everything that we can, and in our power to become Your hands, to fulfill Your vision and Your dreams for us as seekers and as yogis, to fulfill and reach our purpose and Your vision of us. We will make every effort to reach the people of this place and to show them the beauty and vastness of Your vision, and to bring them to Your Feet, Shri Mataji. Please give us Your blessings and Your attention so that we can go forth and carry Your vision to the people and fulfill it in the future. Thank you so much, Shri Mataji for coming to Los Angeles and to America, and we hope that the next time You come that You will be happy and You will find us worthy of Your attention. Shri Mataji: Oh! You are already worthy! All right. Thank you very much. Thank you. May God bless you.
Talk at Los Angeles Ashram. Los Angeles (USA), 3 December 2000. I've been here for now quite some time, I think. And, I want to really tell you something important that Los Angeles is a very, very important area. And, compared to all other counties and states, Los Angeles has not taken such a big stride the way it started. And especially when I had a program here, very few people came in after that. What is the reason for that? I tried to find out. First of all, you must realize your own personal responsibility, that you all have got Sahaja Yoga absolutely free; but you have a certain debt and that debt is that you have to give Realizations to others. If you just have it for yourself and leave only to your leaders to work it out, it'll never work out. How many people have you given realization? You have to count it. Because after a certain state of your achievement, you become very creative, extremely creative. At this age also I am working, but what I find, once you get your realization, you are settled down with yourself and you become like a monk. We don't want to have monks and priests. What do we want to have? Sahaja Yogis who will talk about Sahaja Yoga to people, who will develop Sahaja Yoga and create more Sahaja Yogis. So you have to count how many Sahaja Yogis you have created. Yesterday, you saw Anand. Anand is of course my grandson but the way he got his Realization. I find him everyday he tries to find somebody if he could give Realization. Everyday! Yesterday again he brought two people. So, you see you don't have to feel shy about it. I have seen people who have false gurus. Once I was traveling with some lady. She was very hot. So, I asked her, "What's the matter, how are you, who's your guru?" She told Me the name. Horrible guru! "Oh my God" she said, "So great. He's done this; he's done that." And, I was amazed; how is she talking so much about that guru? But Sahaja Yogis feel shy. They don't want to tell. There's nothing to feel shy. If you have got realization, it's the greatest thing you have got. I mean you don't understand the value of it perhaps, and you don't want to also talk about it to others, like you want to preserve it to yourself - I don't know why. But you have to talk to other people, otherwise Sahaja Yoga won't spread in Los Angeles. Or, I should say, California on the whole. Now the reason is also, I personally think, that you not only feel shy, but you are quite satisfied with yourself and you have no confidence about others. You think, "What will they think?" What will they think out? What will they do to you? What will happen to them? I mean, if you tell them they are not going to prosecute you, take you to courts. But I find this very much here, I don't know why in Los Angeles. And, at the same time, we have very deep Sahaja Yogis here - very, very deep. They have achieved quite a lot, but for what? It's like a miserly person who has lots of money, good for nothing. This is one of the reasons you all have to decide. It's your personal responsibility, your debt to the Divine. It looks after you, it protects you, it helps you. So many of you can say how it has protected you, how it has helped you, how it has cured you. In every way it has done so much for you. Now what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? One has to see to it, introspect, find out. Another thing, from organizational point of view I have talked to Dave and others also, that first you should try to concentrate on one center. Now, you divide among yourselves. All of you should decide that fifty percent people will go on Saturday; fifty percent will definitely go on Sunday. You see, there are more new people than the Sahaja Yogis. When I found out, I was surprised. What are they up to? It's a Saturday and Sunday. This is your job. This is everything you have to do, otherwise what's the use of your life as a Divine personality? I just don't understand how such deep people in Sahaja Yoga cannot feel that others are lacking this depth and they need joy. They need everything that you have got and you have to do it. So, on superficial things if you waste your energy, it's not doing any justice to Sahaja Yoga. Los Angeles is one of the first places I came to. And, at that time here, there was this sixteen-year-old guru who was befooling everyone. And, I just felt, "These are stupid people. I don't know what will I do here?" So, I didn't come for nine years. So, you have to take to Sahaja Yoga in a proper way - in your family, with your children, with everything. Now, there has been something they wrote in Internet. I think it's very poisonous thing because it has no meaning. It's all absurd. Now, we have got the answer written down. We were not sending it yet. But you all should know it so you can answer it. At this age also, you see, I'm so anxious that I have to complete My projects which are thirty-six in number - so far we have got, may be thirty-seven. And, we have to complete this, all this, for which I'm not asking your help or anything. But it's very important projects we have got, some are in India, which I started earlier; and then some are in England, some are here, some are in Canada, like that. What I'm saying that you, too, should have projects about Sahaja Yoga; but at the same time, I would like to warn about certain things. Like you send some book on this thing. First of all, her - she is never to be depended. I don't know why you take him so seriously. Do you know he brought some horrible medicine to sell in Cabella? You don't know. He brought it. Chinese. And he sold it for a very high price there to all Sahaja Yogis. But Gregoire's tongue became absolutely green. So, imagine! Nobody has business to sell anything without asking Me. So, you see, one should not have anything to do with it. Then also, I saw the book. But you should not write any book like that. You see, this book is not to be given to anyone. Those who want to cure people, they should cure, but it's not important. That's not your duty. If you want, you can cure, but it's not your duty. Main duty is to give realization to people. So that book is to be cancelled completely, out of question. Such a book should not be written, because I have to spend some time reading it and all that. But there's no need to write such a book. First take My permission. If I say "yes", write it. Otherwise without writing Me, if you write a book. I can't understand. And, then you send it to Me to read it. It's wrong. First you ask Me, all right? You ask Me the contents, you ask Me if you want to write like that. But otherwise my time is so limited, in that you want Me to read the book, this thing. These are all small, small things. Now, the smallest thing is writing letters, all the time writing letters to Me. There are so many letters like that. Now in that letter what do you write? You never write how many people you have given realization. No one! They will write, "My husband is not all right, my wife is not all right, and we are having a fight and this and that and that and that." It's not important. Now you have become Sahaja Yogis. You are masters now. Why should any problems make you suffer? Why should? You are contented within yourself. All these problems, useless absolutely, should not bother you. That means you are not yet come up to that level which we can call a master. I call you masters. You are like Zen masters. But see the Zen masters, how they are; Tao people, how they write, what they have to say. Boldly they'll say everything and they're so satisfied within themselves. They don't talk of small, petty nonsense. Not that you are not intelligent. You are all very intelligent people; and, in that intelligence, I find that if the attention goes to all nonsensical things, it is absolutely going to be detrimental. The another thing you must have noticed that so many people are now coming from India. Why? What is so great about India? Why don't they have people from here? What is the reason? The first reason is that parents neglect the education and discipline of children. Children must be disciplined. That's the job of the parents, otherwise they would hang from some trees. But they are your children, you have to discipline them. They should know how to behave; they should know how to talk to people. This so-called freedom idea of America has ruined your country. First of all, children must be brought up in such a way that they're disciplined Sahaja Yogis, they have proper sense of protocol; otherwise you'll be creating just useless children. Thirdly, so much accent on money - money orientation - for children also here as I have seen in the education. Children are asked to clean the car. They'll pay five pounds, five dollars. Then he does something, but don't pay them. That's their work, that's their job, that's their responsibility. Otherwise if you start doing like this, you'll spoil your children with it. At a proper time you can give them some presents or something, but don't start giving them money like this. Then money becomes important. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis who came to Me and they said, "And we don't want to do graduation, Mother, we don't want to study. We want to become garbage cleaners." I said, "Why?" "Because you can get lot of money in garbage cleaning." Can you believe that? So, the whole attitude is towards getting money at any cost - no dignity, no understanding, nothing. So, children are to be told of sublime ways, of nobler ways, of higher ways. You already have got Realized children, but if you don't tell them, then I don't know what will happen. They will become garbage cleaners. First and foremost for children is discipline and their education. You must pay all money, whatever is needed, all your attention, to educate your children. Now with that, no education, what's happening is the children have no breeding. Either put them in some profession, if they want. Put them in anything where they can learn something. That's the age when one has to learn. Not just leave them because it's freedom, let them have their own time. It's a wrong idea. That is how this country is ruined, I think, and then the family system also is nonsensical. I have bought this house. It's very interesting, but what I find that there is a huge, big room for husband and wife; and small, small room, and two-three bathrooms for it. I bought it because it was just for my own sake; it was all right. But from the very beginning they have idea that children will go away at the age of eighteen years. Why should children leave you if you have a proper house? Even if you don't have a proper house, if you have all the love and convenience, they'll never leave you. Our India - it's difficult. We had Avdhut, you must be knowing him, Mr. Pai's son. So, Mrs. Pai was very much caught up on the left. Very sweet, he is very innocent boy. He came to Me and he said, "Mother, if you leave your parents at the age of say, eighteen years, then will their bhoots leave you?" They asked Me a question. I said, "It may; it may not." "Then why to leave parents, you know. Parents are very useful." I said, "How?" He said, "Firstly, my father is there. So I will never take to smoking, because he'll scold me. I'll not do wrong things. So, it's better to have father." So, I said, "Really?" "Yes", he said. "In a carriage, if there's nobody to manage the horse, horse will go wrong", he said. And very intelligent also, very deep. But see the innocence of his heart. He said, "No, no, then no use leaving the parents. Nice! They should be there to tell us. Otherwise who will tell us?" So, you see, this should be perpetuated in your children also to understand that somebody has to tell, somebody has to guide. Now what has happened, I think, in the West is that people have advanced. Now, say, the central line is here. They came from a developing state and now they are over-developed. So now to come to Sahaja Yoga, they have to come back. They have to come back, which is very difficult for developed people to come back. But for people who are black, say, people who are not so developed, they are very good, because once they start developing, they can be sucked in. So very easy to get the black people to listen. So, I would say, you all should work among black people. Skin is not something I have seen is so important. So this skin-deep problems that you have should be completely given up. You'll find such beautiful, such nice people among them. So you have to talk to them, and you have to look after them. Now I can't do that myself, but you can do it as my children. Try to see the good points, good points of all these people - of all the people. Even now, say, some people who go to India like Indians very much and they praise them. I said, "What's so special about Indians?" "Mother, they will sleep on the ground but put the guest on the bed." It's fact, yes. You don't put your guests on the ground, you see, in India. No, you don't do that. And, that is the correct thing. If the guests are there, they are given the first priority. It's the other way round in America. If the guests, you take them to some, say, restaurant, first thing you'll say is "We are sharing." You know it shocks people. Sharing means what? I mean, they are your guests. So the sense of guests, the sense of people who are not your family, has to be developed. Then they will understand that there's something special about it. But you see selfishness - this open, strikingly horrible selfishness - is so much exhibited. So there should be some sort of a, we call them maryadas - must be the protocol - and let the people see how you behave. That is how Sahaja Yoga will spread. They'll see you in the society. They'll see you everywhere. I was told the Governor of Nevada went to Bulgaria and there he saw some Sahaja Yogis in Bulgaria. He was so impressed by their behavior that he wanted to meet Me - but just now I don't know if I'll have time or not - but, he wanted to meet Me. So, our behavior should be such, should be very humble, sharing, caring, so that people are impressed by it. And there's no need to have any shyness about it. Some people think we are very weak. We are not. You have got the powers. You are not weak any more. One thing. In the same way, you are very strong and that's why you are very humble. Only strong people can be humble. People who are not strong always are aggressive. We have solved some problems in Sahaja Yoga, like morality and all that. Of course, I agree. But still, still I think the attention is not so correct as it should be - absolutely pure. We worship Ganesha, and the power of Ganesha must show because, as I have told you, that innocence is not lost, it's only covered and it can be cleared out. The whole world we can save. We have to save the whole world. My vision is too big; and you are My children, you are My hands. I cannot ask anybody else to do it. And that's why I have to tell you that you just be worried about the people who are around, care for them, show them love, and I'm sure they will understand that you are something really different from others. It's not difficult, because some of the value systems in America are so much convoluted, so much perverse that if you just go against it, people will be amazed. "How are they like that?" You have capacity. What I'm saying, you have powers. You are just like diamonds. Diamonds can be seen anywhere. Only thing, you should chisel out yourself a little bit. Chiseling out is very important, and that's possible through your meditation, introspection - simple things like that. What am I doing for Sahaja Yoga? What am I working for Sahaja Yoga? All this has to be seen, and has to work out with great love and understanding, that our Mother wants the whole world to be Sahaja Yogi - whole world. It's not only a few people here. But Los Angeles has this problem, I don't know why, since long. So I would request you to see this point. Now, my suggestion is very practical, as we have done in India. Now, forget about whatever has happened in the past. But in India, what I did was I took one hall on my own in Dadar - one hall. And all the Sahaja Yogis I said, "You come there." You can have it twice. You can have it Saturday, Sunday. You can have some people for Saturday who are new comers like that, who are not yet, and you can have Sunday for all the Sahaja Yogis. Two days you must spare, and the first day you have to take into account that these people are not yet matured. So you have to mature them. Only thing that will really impress is you, the way you are, nothing else. And also you should not spend too much time in talking too much, or talking in this thing. But if they have any questions, you can answer at the most. But they will take to our tapes and things very deep, I agree, the tapes are very deep. But if they listen to it again and again, they'll understand. So many things are there for you to see and to tell them. Whatever impresses them, you have to talk to them. Now the time is coming that many false gurus will be completely exposed. I know that. But then you all have to come up. But what I feel that Sahaja Yogis are like mushrooms. They get their Realization, finished. Then they have nothing to do. How can that be? So, what I'm trying to say - you must have complete faith in yourself. It's very important. "I am a Sahaja Yogi." Have that faith. "What have I done?" Ask yourself the question. "What do I have to do?" So, all your behavior, all your sweetness, all your kindness, everything will impress. Not only that, but negative forces won't act. If you try to be positive, negative forces will not act. They will have no effect on you. They will have complete protection for - complete protection - and they'll look after you. So, I have to make now a very, very request as a Mother to all of you that you have to be worthy of my children. Say, now I'm going to be seventy-eight and still I am working very hard. Since I have come to Los Angeles, I have been sick. What is the reason? I am never sick. But I felt very weak; I couldn't walk. Why? Well, what has happened? Because you people are weak. You are my children. You are part and parcel of my body. You are not only that, but you are cells of my body. If you are weak, I'll become weak. So, I request you again and again that you got such a great blessing which people don't get normally. Very difficult! They go to Himalayas, spend years together and then they get the blessings. So, now you got it so easily. Just strengthen yourself, tell yourself, be confident that, "I have to do this work." So, as I was saying we can have - what is this center called? - in Santa Monica, you can take two days. One day you can have it for the new comers, and one day for all the Sahaja Yogis. And, at least twenty-five Sahaja Yogis must go to Santa Monica on the first day and should be all of you next day. Because, unless and until you do that way, it won't strengthen. We call it ''sangha shakti'', is the collective power which you should have. And, you see, if somebody has problems - if somebody is say, I would say, that is not understanding, is not going deep, is new comer and all that - so let them come on Saturdays. You can answer them; you can explain to them; you can make them understand. And, you will be amazed that even things like this Internet business - I'm very happy in a way, because all those who were useless have gone. It's the Last Judgement! So this is the best way, that they have gone away. Now new people can come. But it's a very good thing that has happened; but still these people wanted, so we have written a very beautiful answer to it and that we'll read it. So, now you have to just now promise within yourself that you will attend Santa Monica - or any one center that you have. Is a simple thing to understand that if you have to dig the well, you don't go on putting holes everywhere, but in one place only you make a big effort. And there is a center which everyone knows. They all come there, and you meet there. But you have to be extremely positive, extremely positive with the new people. Now you can imagine in a place called Benin. They were all Muslims, and nine thousand have become now Sahaja Yogis. And in - I mean just imagine - and Ivory Coast the President is a Sahaja Yogi. How could these black people achieve all that and while, with all of you with white skins, what are you doing? There's a some sort of a - I think - drawback power - I think - this getting white. All right, I expected because they are seekers. Best part is they are seekers. Black people are not seekers; they are not such seekers. But white people are seekers, but they are seeking into this nonsense, that nonsense, that nonsense. And now, we have an article about this horrible gentleman, Mahishasurah. Everything is exposed. And, whatever I have said about him is there in that. I didn't tell them. But they have got it from other people. And now, you see, all his castle will fall down, because that is truth. It has come in the newspaper. It's authentic. It's not like sending in the Internet. But despite that, your faith is challenged. [Shri Mataji talks to a person on the side] You have seen everything. You have seen so many miraculous photographs. I mean Paramchaitanya has never done that. Nobody has photographs of that kind, I mean imaginary these artists must have saw to put it there. But you have seen, so many have seen Ganesha standing behind Me. I mean such miraculous photographs you have seen, and still your faith is so weak. What else should it go? Paramchaitanya asked Me, "What should We do now?" [Shri Mataji talks in Marathi to someone personally on the side] I have given a nice lecture on Devi Puja. You just see "Shraddha rupena samsthita". Very big difference between just a faith and shraddha. So, shraddha is when you think of that person, the whole being becomes full, just like a garden. '''[Shri Mataji asks a person to read the letter]''' And so many miracles, so many miracles have taken place. I mean it's to be seen what miracles take place. [A Sahaja Yogi reads the response to the allegations against Sahaja Yoga on the Internet] Sahaja Yogi: This is a response to the allegations - which was published on the Internet against Sahaja Yoga. This is a response by Sahaja Yoga to these allegations: "There has been some recent material on the Internet which contains allegations made against Sahaja Yoga and its founder, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. All of these allegations are coming from a group of very few people who are supported by some false gurus or by some criminal organizations. It is such a bundle of falsehood that it is rather difficult to pay any attention to such nonsensical allegations. All kinds of people come into Sahaja Yoga because the doors of Sahaja Yoga are open to all. Some of these people were thrown out, either because they were immoral or they were cheating other Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yoga is the absolute manifestation of Divine reality and truth. To begin with, the greatest miracle is that there are thousands and thousands of miraculous photographs of Shri Mataji. Most of them were taken by very ordinary cameras and by amateurs. One photograph appeared in Brisbane in the sky as a painting of Raphael, which was a painting that Shri Mataji liked very much. In the actual painting..." Shri Mataji: This Raphael paints mostly the Mother and Child. And, I was told there's a exhibition here of Raphael. I would like to go and see that. Sahaja Yogi: In the actual painting, there was a halo at the back of the Holy Mother; but in the sky it was on top of the Mother. In England, they were singing the song "Sitting in the Heart of the Universe" and all around Her appeared many hearts drawn in lines exactly as one would find in a medical text. Very early on in Switzerland, they saw clouds clustering into a very clear image of Shri Mataji - absolutely perfect. There are deities that appeared in full form behind Her, and angels that are seen very clearly. We all felt the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on our finger tips. Many Muslims also felt it. This has been described in the Holy Quran, that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. And after tallying with Shri Mataji's knowledge and Her description of relationships between vibrations and chakras, we were surprised how it was the perfect knowledge of our subtle system. So many countries have given awards to Mother. In America, Sahaja Yoga is accepted as a religion, and you can be prosecuted for referring to it as a cult. Shri Mataji's achievements are recorded in the congressional archives; and highly respected doctors, scientists, professionals have recognized Her. Leaders of this country from mayors and governors, to presidential candidates have sent felicitations to Her. In America, She has been honored in major cities by dedicating a day in Her name as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi day". Her deep knowledge has stunned people. And, She has been awarded advanced degrees of Ph.D from leading world universities. Fabulous revelations of Her Divine personality are captured on film, in thousands of miracle photographs which manifest the greatest forms of deities and divinity. How unfortunately stupid they were not to understand the great miracles that the Divine created to convince human beings so that they may not go astray. But this is kaliyuga and they failed to recognize the truth despite all these revelations. We discovered that one of these few culprits used to sleep with the maid servant in the Ashram, even though he was married and was caught. And, then he was caught and was thrown out of the Ashram. One of them had a car accident with a lady, but blamed another Sahaja Yogi for it. When the lady recognized his picture in a group photograph, the police arrested him. We don't know what the police did to him, but as a result he turned against Sahaja Yoga. Another one brought money to be given to Sahaja Yoga. But since Shri Mataji never takes money from individuals like that, She refused the money. This was black money from a woman who had died. We didn't inform the police about this because we would not take black money. He got frightened and turned against Sahaja Yoga. Another one had built a house which he wanted Shri Mataji to buy. She didn't buy it because it was of no use to Sahaja Yoga. And so, he turned against Sahaja Yoga and became bankrupt. He was an idle, lazy lump and a drug user; and thought himself to be lord of the whole world - very quarrelsome, arrogant and a stupid fellow. We are relieved that he has left Sahaja Yoga. They are such nonsensical people because they talk about allegations of tax evasion by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji is a registered, non-resident Indian and does not need to pay any tax on casual income. These people are illiterate and don't know tax laws. In these allegations, they also spoke about Her husband, who is recognized by the British government for his immaculate and extremely honest work, and was bestowed the title of KCMG. He is such a well regarded personality that these people who are trying to throw dirt on his character cannot even get jobs as peons in his office. Her brother was also a great soul. He never took advantage of Sahaja Yoga. And, has built a great, a very great, academy of music. These people are not even equal to touch the dust of his feet. They are such low-level people, they are cowards to write such trash on the Internet. There is not even the slightest truth in these statements, only blatant lies. These allegations on the Internet are such cowardly acts. If they claim allegations against Her or Sahaja Yoga, then why don't they come to the court of law? This theory that Rajneesh has influenced Shri Mataji is another myth. Can Rajneesh or any of his disciples give Realization to people? You can answer this yourself. To make allegations that Shri Mataji makes a lot of money through Sahaja Yoga is absurd. The money for the work of Sahaja Yoga was collected during the first few years by only four leaders. They gulped all the money for their advantage without showing any accounts. So, the senior members of Sahaja Yoga asked permission of Shri Mataji to collect the money in Her name and put it in the bank. Still, Shri Mataji for twenty years has spent all Her money for travel, halls, activities of Sahaja Yoga. People only paid for their tour in India. For the purchase of Shudy Camps, She spent Her own four hundred thousand sterling pounds, which is recorded and only two hundred and fifty thousand pounds were given by Sahaja Yogis. Approximately hundred people stayed absolutely free at the house for more than four years. Since the house was sold for only four hundred thousand pounds, all that money belonged to Shri Mataji. By now, we really felt ashamed that why should Mother spent all this money Herself when She has given us health, wealth, balance, peace and joy through Self-realization? Apart from that, She has given us Divine knowledge which is invaluable. And, we felt that it would be parasitic to make Her spend all this money because She would not take any money from any individual. She has cured many rich people, and they were all trying to give Her money; but She would not accept any. So, we thought that as a practice, we should give some money to our Mother who has worked so hard, sacrificing her life, giving so much love and compassion. A small amount was fixed to give as "Guru Dakshina" as was a practice for all the true gurus of the world. Shri Mataji has not gained financially at all through Sahaja Yoga; and even though it is absolutely legal to take or give money, it is certainly not a sin in giving and taking money from anyone. Do these people know how many projects Shri Mataji has opened in India, Italy, England, America, Australia and other parts of the world for noble and social causes? There are over thirty-five projects that She has single-handedly funded which you can see on our website at []. The greatest lie is that Shri Mataji doesn't love children. She has tremendous compassion for children; and the tapes that are quoted are bogus. The tape from Canberra is a complete manipulation of the truth since there was no child crying in the public program. Some lines are correct, but all falsehood is built on that. It's true that Shri Mataji has great concern for Realized children. We have many children in Sahaja Yoga who have received scholarships, awards and recognitions in schools, in many schools around the world. They are outstanding in their education and their moral character, and are extremely loving, dynamic and sweet children. The western promiscuity and immorality have not entered into their minds. Shri Mataji has gone all out to save the children from drugs, child abuse, alcoholism, gangs, etc. The children in Sahaja Yoga are so outstanding, well behaved and well educated. These people are condemning Sahaja Yoga, while She has saved so many seekers and has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the world of turmoil. There are some who have also cheated in Sahaja Yoga as leaders. All these despicable people have been thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Some of these people have now turned against Sahaja Yoga because we don't want them back. Whatever has been mentioned in these allegations about Sahaja Yoga marriages is absolutely opposite of what really happens. First, the applicants from all over the world fill out and submit their application forms referencing their height, weight, education, income, family background and other important information. The couples are then chosen based on Divine vibrations. These couples then spend a few days meeting each other and getting to know each other in a completely moral manner. Only if they agree, they are then married in a collective wedding ceremony. There are over two hundred marriages per year performed in Sahaja Yoga from all over the world and the success rate of these marriages is about ninety-nine percent, with just one percent of the marriages that are voided. Since they are not registered until six months to a year after the ceremony so they have sufficient time to decide. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga since both the parties are adult and have full freedom to make their own decisions. We don't know of any system among the world religions, especially in the West where there is a ninety-nine percent success rate in marriage. Sahaja Yoga glorifies the marriage institution, and we believe that morality can be naturally restored through proper Sahaja Yoga marriages. The cost of marriages in Sahaja Yoga is only about a hundred dollars which includes all the ornaments, presents, meals, etc. Sahaja Yoga culture and its system of marriages have completely abolished the dowry system, which we believe is one of the greatest reforms of the Indian social system. The calculation of money that they have made is absurd. All the money that is collected in Sahaja Yoga by the organization is recorded with proper accounts, and is spent for so many social, charitable and noble works. All this money is deposited in respectable banks and institutions. There is not even a single cent that is deposited in a Swiss bank or a Monte Carlo type of organization as has been alleged in these accusations. There is a finance committee in every country which takes care of these funds and manages expenses from these funds. In addition, all the casual income of Shri Mataji is recorded by one committee which spends funds from it appropriately on various noble and social projects worldwide to help helpless people. For the seminar collections, all of these accounts were created in the name of Shri Mataji because we had so many bad leaders in the past that became corrupted with money although Shri Mataji trusted them. All the funds collected in Sahaja Yoga are public knowledge. The money contributed by Sahaja Yogis is kept in the name of Sahaja Yoga. And only by Shri Mataji's consent, is it spent for different expenses and projects. Since 1972, over thirty-six projects, such as land development, buildings, hospitals, schools, ashrams, institutes for social benefits, etc. have been created from these funds only. Progressively, many of these projects have been and are being transferred over to the Sahaja Yoga charitable organization. Shri Mataji comes from a royal family, and Her husband comes from a family of landlords. The nobility of her vision was so great that in the early years of Sahaja Yoga, She sold Her own jewelry to sponsor programs of Sahaja Yoga. Apart from that, her husband has been working in London for sixteen years and had a salary of over five thousand sterling pounds after taxes in those days. In addition to all facilities, additionally they had very high gains from sale of houses in London. The point is that Shri Mataji is so independently well-off, that She didn't need to start Sahaja Yoga to make money. In the early days of Sahaja Yoga, She paid from her own money even the air tickets for so many new people who came to Sahaja Yoga to travel and experience spiritual places in India. Shri Mataji has made us aware that all the religions are from the same principle and are to be respected by all of us. She has formed a global religion which is the innate, pure religion by giving us self realization. But so-called religions want to stay separate so that they can fight in the name of religion and God. From Her teaching many rituals, false ideas about religion, have been corrected. We respect all the incarnations, prophets and the realized souls of the past. These can be seen in the Sahaja Yoga publications such as Bible Enlightened, Islam Enlightened and Gita Enlightened; and it can also be verified from the thousands of her speeches. There has never been a charge at the door for Sahaja Yoga meditation. We don't get any charitable funding from any government agencies for doing our programs. How does one expect to have all these programs to be handled without money? Sahaja Yogis contribute freely whenever money is needed for projects. And, that is how it is done. No one in Sahaja Yoga has ever been forced or condemned for not giving money. For the last thirty years, Shri Mataji has been working relentlessly and there have been no claims against Sahaja Yoga of any kind. At a personal level, She has sacrificed Her financial and family life enormously. These people should be ashamed of themselves to attack such a pure and noble personality who is full of love and compassion. She has given us the lifelong gift of Self-realization, and we give Her something in return as a token of our love. There's nothing wrong in that. At the puja seminars, our organization offers Her a gift from all of us. But She in return gives gifts to everyone in the seminar, sometimes thousands of people at a time. Shri Mataji is a very pure personality like her name, Nirmala, which means "pure," and is extremely detached about money. There are so many false gurus and false teachers who have minted money and are still minting money. Why don't these people write about them? An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Shri Mataji has benefited thousands and thousands of us with the blessings of Shri Mataji, while these few people have condemned Sahaja Yoga by their own malicious propaganda. In a way this is good, because as per Her Holiness Shri Mataji, this is the Last Judgment. And the people who follow this kind of falsehood will also miss this opportune time. Many renowned scientists, professors, artists, prime ministers, presidents, home ministers, etc., have fully accepted Sahaja Yoga, because this is a pure science which cannot be challenged. There are so many signs in thousands of miracle photographs taken by Sahaja Yogis verifying the existence of Divinity in this era. There are scientists in many countries who have verified scientifically that Shri Mataji is the source of cosmic energy, and now many of them are writing books and theses on this. We as Sahaja Yogis, have full faith that Shri Mataji is the promised Mother and the Holy Spirit which Christ has declared. These kinds of evil-spirited people who have always tortured great incarnations, Sufis and saints. Also, this was the kind of people who crucified Christ. As members of this wonderful organization, we have been asking Shri Mataji's permission for the last one year to write a response against these false accusations, but She has been so compassionate, even towards these evil minded people. Now is the first time that She has allowed us to write such a response because of the pressure from so many Sahaja Yogis worldwide to do so. Self-realization is the actualization of baptism when the seeker gets connected to this all pervading Divine power called Ruh or Paramchaitanya. And, Einstein has described this as a torsion area. As a result of self realization, a seeker becomes balanced, peaceful and joyous. All of the six enemies of human life - like lust, greed, anger, attachment, jealousy and false pride - disappear. One becomes like a drop in the ocean of compassion and love. Such a transformation, which is described and predicted, takes place which is very much needed in the sinking world of turmoil today. We don't know how to thank Shri Mataji for this free gift. Shri Mataji is a perfect ideal to follow with so many world wide achievements that Her unfathomable knowledge and yet so much humility. Her motherly love and compassion is ever present even in the midst of thousands of people whose names and problems She remembers very well individually in minute details, as She receives the flower with Her loving smile that warms every heart and fills it with love. The work of Sahaja Yoga is so tremendous that it cannot be described in this small letter, so please visit our website at [] for more details of her work and her relentless work. This is the first of many articles that we want to publish to bring forth the real facts about Sahaja Yoga and about Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Even though we know most of these people who are writing these articles against Sahaja Yoga and their motives behind it, Shri Mataji has asked us not to mention their names as She feels that once they also called Her "Mother". Thank you." Shri Mataji: Very powerful! But still there are people, you see, who are weak, I think, very weak people and do not want to become real Sahaja Yogis. There are. And you must locate them, find out, apart from the new ones. But if they're no good, it's better to give them up, you see, give them up because they are so immoral, so immoral. They do such horrible things. And, they cheat even Me, cheat you people. Like in India, they purchased one plot of land. They are saying that we are making Nirmal Nagri. I never knew anything about it. Nothing. They never consulted Me. The fellow who cheated used to come up and sit in the gallery, and told, "I've asked Mother. She said yes, everything." Such a cheat he was, and he wanted to make a big money out of it. But it so happened - you know, I was quite surprised how they have done it - that a letter came from the government saying that, "This land you cannot build anything because it has floods." I said, "Very good! That's the best way." Now, so then these people I said, "Now, why did you buy without asking Me?" It was a wrong thing he did, took money from everyone. I mean, I didn't know they were up to something. But luckily, the chartered account was there, Agarwal. He was a very nice man and he came and told Me, "Mother see this much money they have taken from this person, this person, this person." They removed their own money; they were so frightened now I'll do something, they removed their money. I said, "Keep it now and we will sell this land." Can you imagine? That land was not to be sold, was not allowed to be sold, but somehow this particular land was allowed! And, we made profit of, I think, sixteen lakhs of rupees or like that and everybody got back their money, everything they got back. And, what we got sixteen lakhs we used for buying a land in Delhi. Because, so far, I have been buying all land Myself. Ashram I'm making, this, all that. So now thank God, they were happy they could buy one piece of land which is quite good in Delhi, which they are working out. And everyone, everyone who purchased the land has got the money back. That's more satisfying, because then I thought if I don't get the money I'll pay myself. But they all got back their money; I'm very happy about it. And, they were so anxious that they should go and beat this man. I said, "Forget it. Give Me one year, if it works out you shouldn't take anything. It worked out." So, those who try to cheat Me also are in trouble. See, somehow or other - I don't do anything, but they just get in trouble I don't know. Must be the deities try to trouble them. So, best thing is to have a very clean heart about Sahaja Yoga. That's the best way, because nobody gains anything out of it. If there's anything to be gained is the human beings and nothing else is important. All right, so thank you very much for everything. Now, whatever I have said, it's not only for Los Angeles, for all the Americans, for all the world. But especially for Los Angeles, I found out a solution like that. And, next time when I come, I would like to see much more, many more Sahaja Yogis. We will have a program. And then, you should take down their names, their addresses - get after them. And, it will work out. I'm sure we'll grow very much here, and nothing to worry that it's very superficial or it's more the cinema and all that. Nothing to do. It will definitely work out, I am sure, but you must have that intent and intense feeling of doing it. It will work out. Thank you! I must tell you about Mr. Bush. I don't know how but this Mr. Bush has been very much been impressed by Calin, you know Calin who is from Romania. And he, for the last five of my birthdays, he has been sending Me best wishes. He is a nice man, must say vibration-wise very good. And, I saw this another fellow was, he was a very cunning, I must say. Not only that, but also very shrewd type of a man. And I thought that he cannot win. But you see, there's one of the qualities of the Goddess is that: "''Ya'' ''Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Bhranti Rupena Samstitha''" - means She creates confusion. I have explained in My last puja why She creates a confusion. So, you see the confusion that's going on. And, Rajesh Shah, who is an expert in ''Devi Mahatmyam'', he said that, "Mother, now are You creating confusion there?" I said, "You have a look, see, let us see." 'Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji was watching the election as it was happening. The Florida state was given a go in the beginning. Shri Mataji gave it a bandhan and literally two minutes later they said it's undecided. 'Shri Mataji: So, this ''bhranti'' is working very well here. And I think, you see, this country is to be saved. And, he wrote a very nice letter to Me also. He was very sweet. He is a nice man, you know, very I should say, very princely type. He's not cheap like this man. He's very cheap. He's going so far with all kinds of tricks and things. Then the other day I saw him laughing, his wife laughing. I was quite surprised. Then I was told that people criticized that you don't laugh, that's why he was laughing. With Bush we can do a lot, I am sure. Another Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, on behalf of all of the Yogis in Los Angeles, I'd just like to say that we understand very well that Your arrival here and Your taking up residence on the West Coast of America is not a casual thing. But it's very purposeful. And that You have a great vision for America and the growth of Sahaja Yoga, not only in Los Angeles but in this whole country. And, that You are here to sort us out and to show to us all the weaknesses and the lackings of both our society and our own growth. And I would just like to make a commitment on behalf of all of us that we will do everything that we can, and in our power to become Your hands, to fulfill Your vision and Your dreams for us as seekers and as yogis, to fulfill and reach our purpose and Your vision of us. We will make every effort to reach the people of this place and to show them the beauty and vastness of Your vision, and to bring them to Your Feet, Shri Mataji. Please give us Your blessings and Your attention so that we can go forth and carry Your vision to the people and fulfill it in the future. Thank you so much, Shri Mataji for coming to Los Angeles and to America, and we hope that the next time You come that You will be happy and You will find us worthy of Your attention. Shri Mataji: Oh! You are already worthy! All right. Thank you very much. Thank you. May God bless you.
Christmas Puja
English, Hindi
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 2000 [Shri Mataji speaks first in Hindi for about sixteen minutes] [Scanned from Divine Cool Breeze - Translation from Hindi to English] The reason for celeberaling this auspicious day is the birth of the Christ. Very little is known about Jesus Christ because in young age he left his house and after returning he lived only up to the age of thirty year But dunng this short period he did tremendous work After his death, his twelve disciples spread Christianity. They also faced problems as you have to face sometimes But these twelve disciples did tremendous work. Their followers. In the beginning, were known as Gnostics, meaning 'Those who have known' The origin of this word is from 'Gna' meaning To Know' These people were harassed and tortured by the priests of that time So in the beginning it was very difficult to convince people of Christ s thoughts People were not seif realised Jesus Christ had said it again and again 'Know Thyself. 'Know Thyself Without realising the significance of self realisation people started spreading the religion. Without knowing the Self, religion could not be spread because gradually such religion becomes Adharmas Same thing happened with Christian religion It is written that Jesus Chnst went to a wedding party There he put his finger in the water and converted it tn to wine It is written in Hebrew language thatthe taste of this water changed in to that of the wine. 'Wine' in Hebrew Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone's house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sins. moaning the juice of the grapes Bui Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone's house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sms. The first thing I want to tell you rs that the drinking by the Christians is not a religious activity Alcohol is made in the Church of Rome To commit sins (Adharma) in the name of religion (Dharma)l It is unpardonable s*n That ts how people accept all the evilsThe aim ot Jesus Christ was to open the centre ol your Agnya and to achieve that purpose He got Himself crucified and then He resurrected. It appears to be a miracle but for the Divinity there t$ no miracle as such. He proved that human beings could rise above the centre of Agnya and on this centre he told two mantras which we call Beei Mantras - Ham and Ksham' Ksham' means to forgive. Ksham is the biggest mantra The ego of the person who knows how to forgive, gets destroyed One is proud of $mall»smalt things. For example if you toil someone to sit on the earth, Ns ego gets hurt If some one is told to sit m the chair he will reply. This chair is very small, why have you given it to me7’ Everyone has some expectation about him and if his expectations are not fulfilled, his ego immediately comes up. Unknowingly some times such things could be done but the egoistical people take it as their insult Such people make their condition very miserable All the time they think they are being insulted and humiliated He is always obsessed with this thought and he draws negative meaning of whatever is told to him So we have to think ol what Jesus Christ had ihought He said. ’Forgive those who have tress passed against you’ Now see the results if you forgive everyone You will neither suffer nor get disturbed mentaly. You will not think of the person whom you have forgiven Nothing could go against you because you forgive everyone We get this power from the centre of Agnya. The person whose Agnya is clear forgives everyone If we donot forgive we torture ourselves and play rn the hands of others, who assume power over us 'Forgiveness' ts the greatest message that Jesus Christ has given to mankind.Second is 'Ham' It has altogether different meaning. Ham means To Know Thyself.' You have to know that you aro the Spirit. You are not this body. mind, bram or ego You are the Spin! When you know this 'Ham' then it will be clear to you that you are the Atma The 'Spirit' means that alt the ego. foolishness, ignorance that we have m our mind, are meaningless At) these negativities have absolutely no place in the Pure Spint You are very pure,So he told two things, the first is To Forgive everyone Knowingly or unknowingly if someone troubles you, you should forgive him You will not get tortured but if you donot forgive then you torture yourself because another person *s sitting nicely. So you must develop the habit of forgivenessSecond thing that he told us is that 'You are the Spirit1 Know this Spirit, the Self No one can touch the spmt. can destroy it. no one can torture it. If you are that spirit then you should be established in it But to achieve this Atm- Tattva the awakaning of Kundalini is necessary First »s to work out the awakening of the Kundahm and then to get established in it Untiil you are established you will remain entangled in stupidies So one should know how to be established with in. to remain with in thyself. When you achieve this state, you will feel the extreme joy within and nothing will disturb you When you get established in this aura of peace, then you will be surprised, you wont worry about small small things You will be always drenched in the joy of Spin!To attain the Spmt. the awakening of kundaltni is essential, Without attaining awakening this is impossible But some of the awakened people also get confused They do not go in depth The central point is your Agnya If you look at it then you will come to know that it is contusing you. Because of it you are entangled, caught in different thoughts and having different problems But when you cross this centre of Agnya and go beyond it then this problem will be over That is why this centre is very significant It is written in the Bible that those who apply vermillion on their forehead will be saved They could be none else but Sahaia Yogis Its a stupendous task Jesus Chnst had only twelve disciples but you are thousands and thousands Had you put one thousandth labour that they pul. the spreading of Sahaja Yoga would have been much more. I depend upon you people You are my sole support and I hope you will spread Sahaja Yoga in the whole world [English Transcript] I’m sorry I had to speak in Hindi language, because most of the people who are here are understanding Hindi only. When I am abroad, all the time I am speaking English, nothing else but English language, and then I want to have some change for a while (Shri Mataji laughs). Regarding today’s great advent of Shri Jesus Christ, I told them that He came on this world with a very great mission, I would say one of the greatest missions, because He wanted to open the Agnya Chakra which was so constricted, and could not be done before. For that He had to sacrifice His life. By that sacrifice only, the great Agnya could be opened. He was aware of it. He knew that it has to happen, that He has to somehow accept this sacrifice. As it is, He was a divine personality, He had no problem in doing so. But He thought that could be some other way there, by which you can open this Agnya Chakra. But He had to sacrifice His life, and in that sacrifice He has shown that if you have to rise above this mundane, superficial life, you have to in a way sacrifice. Sacrifice what? Sacrifice all your six enemies. But with the Kundalini awakening all these six enemies completely get detached. Depends on how your Kundalini has risen. If she has risen in a perfect manner, then I have seen people at the first shot they just become completely self-realized people. Of course there are very few, but there have been; while I see most of you have little problems, and for most of you it is the problem of the Agnya Chakra. How do we get the Agnya Chakra working so much is this, that we think as a reaction, as a reaction to anything outside, we react to everything. While I see here all these lamps, I can react by saying, “From where did they get all these? How much it must have cost? Where are they kept all the year round?” - All kinds of things. I can react. This reaction comes from our conditionings, or from our ego. Egoistical people are extremely sensitive. If you give them, say, something that they think is not very dignified, they can feel hurt. They can feel hurt for anything, because they have a consciousness that they are something special, something higher people, and one should behave with them when they are dealing with anyone. And that’s how they get absolutely disturbed if they find anybody in any way degrading them. This comes from ego. Ego is a part and parcel of this Agnya movement, and the second one is your conditioning. Now you have a conditioning: say you are an Indian, now the conditioning is that a person who comes to meet you should touch your feet, supposing, that’s your relationship. And the person doesn’t touch your feet, then you are angry. Anything like that which is your conditioning, gives you an idea that you are been insulted or in any way you have not been respected, then you feel bad. The other reactions of ego are like this, as I said: I see those lamps and I can say, “Why not I have it?” Or if I have them, “Why will I give it to anyone?” Ego reactions are there, or conditioning reactions are there. These two were to be finished, and that was done by the sacrifice of the life of Christ. Christ Himself was a divine person, and a divine person is like the sea because it remains at the zero point, at the lowest point; it does all work from that point. It will make clouds, it will make rain, and when all the rivers are in spate they’ll run into the sea, because the sea remains at the lower point. So humility is the, one of the criteria of a Sahaja yoga. A person who doesn’t have humility cannot be called Sahaja yogi. I have seen even Sahaja yogis get very angry, sometimes start shouting and getting angry and misbehaving. That’s the sign that he is not yet a Sahaja yogi, he has to still mature. So this humility of a person will give you more stationary, I would say, more permanent state by which you will not react, you will not react. You look at anything, you react. But then you don’t react, you just watch, and that is how the new state of witness state comes into you. When you become the witness you are just watching, just watching; not reacting, not thinking about it, but you are in the present, and in the present you just watch, watch and really enjoy it. The enjoyment of all the creation is not within your mind when you are thinking. And when you are not thinking, the whole enjoyment of the beauty of all this creation reflects in you, and gives you tremendous joy and peace. So one has to learn that we should not react. The today’s problem is, all human beings are very good at reacting. Reaction is a basic principle of today’s life. You see any newspaper, you see any book, you meet anyone, what I find that they are experts on reacting. They react, and by reaction what happens, they never achieve any essence of the thing. Essence is only through witness state that you can achieve. This is what we have to learn from the crucifixion of Christ, from His birth, that He was born in a very humble family, very poor family, in very adverse conditions. The reason was to show that all these outward things and all these outward glories do not make you great. The greatness is within, and when that greatness is there then you don’t care for anything, because you are so much enriched within yourself that you don’t bother about other things, you don’t think about these things, and you live in your own majestic life. This is what we see in His life, He was a very majestic person. Otherwise if you meet somebody who is a poor man, say, and who has felt the poverty, he’ll talk to you with a beggarish style. If there’s somebody who is born in a rich family, he will talk to you in a very, I should say, outward, outwardly showing-off nature. But a person who is a divine person, all these things don’t touch. For him riches or not riches, positions or no power is all just the same; and when that happens, then you should consider that you have become Sahaja yogis. I’ve seen people who come to Ganapatipule - now they are very much changed. Otherwise in the beginning they used to say, “We don’t have water, we don’t have this facility, it’s very cold or hot” - whatever it is. They were all the time talking as if they are on a holiday. It is something very different. You are here to develop your witness state. Did you see the sky, how beautiful it was, how orange, blue, all kinds of colors were there. The color it takes automatically, and is enjoying it. It is not bothered that it should remain forever, that this will go away when there is darkness. Just watching, the sky is just watching. Whatever comes its way, it takes it. So it’s so beautiful and it’s so joy-giving. So the another thing is that when you are in that state of spirituality, then you are joy-giving, you are peace-giving, you are compassionate, and you love each other. All these problems of the ego just disappear. Ego is your greatest enemy, I think, and it is the one that really hinders all the wealth and beauty of your life. So if you could just see this ego, how it works, just you’ll be enjoying it. It’s a drama it plays - all right, let’s have it! You can see the drama and then suddenly you will be amazed that you are not in it, you are watching it. When you are detached from your ego, you can see how it tries to entice you. These are the problems of today, and that’s why we need Jesus very much. The problem of today is that people don’t understand that how much harm they are doing to themselves, to others, and to the whole world by becoming egoistical. If they could understand, I tell you, they would give up. But the problem is they enjoy their hatred, they enjoy that kind of meanness or I would say, very low-level living. While you are all Sahaja yogis, and what you have to do is to understand, “Why this ego is coming in my head? What have I done? Who am I?” Once you go on asking such questions, this ego will disappear. And it’s a big problem for Me also to deal with people who have ego, because I can’t tell them “You have got ego.” If I tell them, they’ll all run away. If I tell them, “All right, you are very good, you are very nice,” then ego will be bloated. Then they’ll say, “Oh, Mother told us I’m very nice.” It’s very problematic. I don’t know how to deal with the ego of human beings. I know they have, but I don’t know how to deal with it. I think it’s only you can deal with it, if you will understand what’s wrong with you. That’s a very good way of solving your problem, and My problem also. My vision is too great, I think, for one life. I want a global realization, I want people all over the world to have realization. It’s very remarkable how .... (applause. She talks in Hindi aside) In Sahaj culture we have a proper training for getting rid of ego. You can yourself introspect yourself. You can yourself see why you behave like this. The introspection that Sahaja yogis can do cannot be done by other people, because they can enter into themselves, they can see for themselves, they can watch others. And with that they can just try to see what is this Mr Ego doing within your head. Of course, we know that the mantra of Christ is the best for removing all egoistical problems, and that helps a lot. But also when you are doing this mantra, you should be yourself in a very humble state. “What am I, after all, who am I? Look at so many stars, look at so many beautiful things, and who am I? What have I done? Why should I be so egoistical? Why should I think I’m something great?” And also other people pamper you, because they want to take advantage of you. So they’ll pamper you, they’ll say “This is very great, you are very great”; and you just get enamored, get lost. You are like thrown into the torrential rain and you flood out into big, I think, like a big stream of egoistical people. And if you see around today in these modern times, everybody is quite conscious of their ego, very conscious, and the way they are coming up in the newspapers or the way they are in some magazines, I’m quite amazed. I would feel shy to be there, because it’s so much of expression of your ego, nothing else. All kinds of things they start, they have competitions of ego, lots of competitions. Like they have a beauty competition, then they have another competition for Mister, you can say India, Mister this thing, that. All these things actually give the person ego, and others also run after such competitions. They think, “Why am I not? I should be like that.” So it’s very deadening. and absolutely blinds your mind, that you think this is the way one has to be very successful. This success lasts for how long? It perishes in no time. But success in Sahaja Yoga is what will last forever, and everybody will remember it. The one who has this kind of a humble nature will be remembered for generations. I’ve never seen a statue of a person who has been egoistical. On the contrary, if there was some they used to criticize, “He was a very egoistical man.” And nowadays it’s impossible, anybody who has ego, I don’t think anybody is going to sing any songs about such a person or going to raise any statues in their name. So in the heart of hearts we like humble people, and if we want others to like us, we should be also very humble. Not artificially, but really, by understanding that: “What are we? Why should we proud, why should we try to overpower others and trouble others?”. If you understand that, you have done full justification to the incarnation of Jesus Christ the great. And there are so many qualities He has shown. But the, for us the best is His passing through the ego sacrificing His life is the greatest message, and for that we have to understand. But those who call themselves are the most egoistical. I was surprised that England, English people are extremely egoistical. Or otherwise other countries also I’ve seen in the West, they are very egoistical. They’ve no humility at all, compared to Indians, they are very, very egoistical people. Why? Because they are following Christ, can you imagine! Is this the way we follow Christ? Those who call themselves Christians and those who call themselves very great admirers of Christ should show in their life that humility, that compassion, that love. It is not so. So specially for people who are from Western countries, you must try to learn Sahaj culture. In the Sahaj culture, how do we talk, how do we live, how do we contact, is something very different. And then once you start Sahaj culture in your life, you’ll be amazed, others will be amazed how you are having a rapport with each other, how you are looking after everything so well. This is the best way to live in this world as Sahaja yogis, where there is no ego, there is no conditioning, nothing. You are just absolutely free from all these horrible attributes. And then you will be amazed how people will trust you, how they will like you. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas (applause). And also remember the message of Christ and His life. May God bless you. (Applause) [Puja begins with many children who go on stage. After one song Shri Mataji asks for a bhajan about Jesus to be sung: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale..”. Sahaja yogi: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale” (short Marathi conversation). Shri Mataji: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale. Prema Murti” More bhajans follow: Maran. Tse Mele, Jai Ganesha Deva. Then ladies go on stage for Devi Puja. Bhajans: Tujhya Pujani. Mahamaya Mahakali. Vishwa Vandita. Then Aarti and Mahamantras. Yogis: “Bolo Shri Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki! Jai!” Shri Mataji: “May God bless you all. Anant Ashirvad. Anant Ashirvad”.] Yogi: The international present. Now the next present, the next present of India and then the Maharashtra. The Maharashtra, next present. This one? … Now the present from Maharashtra. Next is the present from Delhi. The next present is from Japan. [Video ends here]
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 2000 [Shri Mataji speaks first in Hindi for about sixteen minutes] [Scanned from Divine Cool Breeze - Translation from Hindi to English] The reason for celeberaling this auspicious day is the birth of the Christ. Very little is known about Jesus Christ because in young age he left his house and after returning he lived only up to the age of thirty year But dunng this short period he did tremendous work After his death, his twelve disciples spread Christianity. They also faced problems as you have to face sometimes But these twelve disciples did tremendous work. Their followers. In the beginning, were known as Gnostics, meaning 'Those who have known' The origin of this word is from 'Gna' meaning To Know' These people were harassed and tortured by the priests of that time So in the beginning it was very difficult to convince people of Christ s thoughts People were not seif realised Jesus Christ had said it again and again 'Know Thyself. 'Know Thyself Without realising the significance of self realisation people started spreading the religion. Without knowing the Self, religion could not be spread because gradually such religion becomes Adharmas Same thing happened with Christian religion It is written that Jesus Chnst went to a wedding party There he put his finger in the water and converted it tn to wine It is written in Hebrew language thatthe taste of this water changed in to that of the wine. 'Wine' in Hebrew Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone's house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sins. moaning the juice of the grapes Bui Christian people twisted the meaning of the wine and took it for alcohol and Christians took to alcohol and accepted It in their religion Alcohol is Iho cause of all Adharma. ail sins It gives human beings distracted attention Its very easy to change the taste of the water I may also do it by putting my hand m it. But people took so much to alcohol that I am astonished! In England, I saw, they dunk alcohol Whether some one is born or dies, you go to someone's house immediately they offer you drink Without drinking they do not know how to talk to you Alcohol is so much prevalent But it will be injustice to say that Jesus Chnst advocated the dunking of Alcohol. None of the incarnations could tell to go against religion In India also tne use of alcohol has become prevalent. When we were young during the time of British rule, Indians were not used to drinking May be that alcohol was consumed by some highly placed people, otherwise it was not used. Now even common men could be seen annking. No one thinks of the miserable state alcohol drags the person in. Orunkards. then commit sms. The first thing I want to tell you rs that the drinking by the Christians is not a religious activity Alcohol is made in the Church of Rome To commit sins (Adharma) in the name of religion (Dharma)l It is unpardonable s*n That ts how people accept all the evilsThe aim ot Jesus Christ was to open the centre ol your Agnya and to achieve that purpose He got Himself crucified and then He resurrected. It appears to be a miracle but for the Divinity there t$ no miracle as such. He proved that human beings could rise above the centre of Agnya and on this centre he told two mantras which we call Beei Mantras - Ham and Ksham' Ksham' means to forgive. Ksham is the biggest mantra The ego of the person who knows how to forgive, gets destroyed One is proud of $mall»smalt things. For example if you toil someone to sit on the earth, Ns ego gets hurt If some one is told to sit m the chair he will reply. This chair is very small, why have you given it to me7’ Everyone has some expectation about him and if his expectations are not fulfilled, his ego immediately comes up. Unknowingly some times such things could be done but the egoistical people take it as their insult Such people make their condition very miserable All the time they think they are being insulted and humiliated He is always obsessed with this thought and he draws negative meaning of whatever is told to him So we have to think ol what Jesus Christ had ihought He said. ’Forgive those who have tress passed against you’ Now see the results if you forgive everyone You will neither suffer nor get disturbed mentaly. You will not think of the person whom you have forgiven Nothing could go against you because you forgive everyone We get this power from the centre of Agnya. The person whose Agnya is clear forgives everyone If we donot forgive we torture ourselves and play rn the hands of others, who assume power over us 'Forgiveness' ts the greatest message that Jesus Christ has given to mankind.Second is 'Ham' It has altogether different meaning. Ham means To Know Thyself.' You have to know that you aro the Spirit. You are not this body. mind, bram or ego You are the Spin! When you know this 'Ham' then it will be clear to you that you are the Atma The 'Spirit' means that alt the ego. foolishness, ignorance that we have m our mind, are meaningless At) these negativities have absolutely no place in the Pure Spint You are very pure,So he told two things, the first is To Forgive everyone Knowingly or unknowingly if someone troubles you, you should forgive him You will not get tortured but if you donot forgive then you torture yourself because another person *s sitting nicely. So you must develop the habit of forgivenessSecond thing that he told us is that 'You are the Spirit1 Know this Spirit, the Self No one can touch the spmt. can destroy it. no one can torture it. If you are that spirit then you should be established in it But to achieve this Atm- Tattva the awakaning of Kundalini is necessary First »s to work out the awakening of the Kundahm and then to get established in it Untiil you are established you will remain entangled in stupidies So one should know how to be established with in. to remain with in thyself. When you achieve this state, you will feel the extreme joy within and nothing will disturb you When you get established in this aura of peace, then you will be surprised, you wont worry about small small things You will be always drenched in the joy of Spin!To attain the Spmt. the awakening of kundaltni is essential, Without attaining awakening this is impossible But some of the awakened people also get confused They do not go in depth The central point is your Agnya If you look at it then you will come to know that it is contusing you. Because of it you are entangled, caught in different thoughts and having different problems But when you cross this centre of Agnya and go beyond it then this problem will be over That is why this centre is very significant It is written in the Bible that those who apply vermillion on their forehead will be saved They could be none else but Sahaia Yogis Its a stupendous task Jesus Chnst had only twelve disciples but you are thousands and thousands Had you put one thousandth labour that they pul. the spreading of Sahaja Yoga would have been much more. I depend upon you people You are my sole support and I hope you will spread Sahaja Yoga in the whole world [English Transcript] I’m sorry I had to speak in Hindi language, because most of the people who are here are understanding Hindi only. When I am abroad, all the time I am speaking English, nothing else but English language, and then I want to have some change for a while (Shri Mataji laughs). Regarding today’s great advent of Shri Jesus Christ, I told them that He came on this world with a very great mission, I would say one of the greatest missions, because He wanted to open the Agnya Chakra which was so constricted, and could not be done before. For that He had to sacrifice His life. By that sacrifice only, the great Agnya could be opened. He was aware of it. He knew that it has to happen, that He has to somehow accept this sacrifice. As it is, He was a divine personality, He had no problem in doing so. But He thought that could be some other way there, by which you can open this Agnya Chakra. But He had to sacrifice His life, and in that sacrifice He has shown that if you have to rise above this mundane, superficial life, you have to in a way sacrifice. Sacrifice what? Sacrifice all your six enemies. But with the Kundalini awakening all these six enemies completely get detached. Depends on how your Kundalini has risen. If she has risen in a perfect manner, then I have seen people at the first shot they just become completely self-realized people. Of course there are very few, but there have been; while I see most of you have little problems, and for most of you it is the problem of the Agnya Chakra. How do we get the Agnya Chakra working so much is this, that we think as a reaction, as a reaction to anything outside, we react to everything. While I see here all these lamps, I can react by saying, “From where did they get all these? How much it must have cost? Where are they kept all the year round?” - All kinds of things. I can react. This reaction comes from our conditionings, or from our ego. Egoistical people are extremely sensitive. If you give them, say, something that they think is not very dignified, they can feel hurt. They can feel hurt for anything, because they have a consciousness that they are something special, something higher people, and one should behave with them when they are dealing with anyone. And that’s how they get absolutely disturbed if they find anybody in any way degrading them. This comes from ego. Ego is a part and parcel of this Agnya movement, and the second one is your conditioning. Now you have a conditioning: say you are an Indian, now the conditioning is that a person who comes to meet you should touch your feet, supposing, that’s your relationship. And the person doesn’t touch your feet, then you are angry. Anything like that which is your conditioning, gives you an idea that you are been insulted or in any way you have not been respected, then you feel bad. The other reactions of ego are like this, as I said: I see those lamps and I can say, “Why not I have it?” Or if I have them, “Why will I give it to anyone?” Ego reactions are there, or conditioning reactions are there. These two were to be finished, and that was done by the sacrifice of the life of Christ. Christ Himself was a divine person, and a divine person is like the sea because it remains at the zero point, at the lowest point; it does all work from that point. It will make clouds, it will make rain, and when all the rivers are in spate they’ll run into the sea, because the sea remains at the lower point. So humility is the, one of the criteria of a Sahaja yoga. A person who doesn’t have humility cannot be called Sahaja yogi. I have seen even Sahaja yogis get very angry, sometimes start shouting and getting angry and misbehaving. That’s the sign that he is not yet a Sahaja yogi, he has to still mature. So this humility of a person will give you more stationary, I would say, more permanent state by which you will not react, you will not react. You look at anything, you react. But then you don’t react, you just watch, and that is how the new state of witness state comes into you. When you become the witness you are just watching, just watching; not reacting, not thinking about it, but you are in the present, and in the present you just watch, watch and really enjoy it. The enjoyment of all the creation is not within your mind when you are thinking. And when you are not thinking, the whole enjoyment of the beauty of all this creation reflects in you, and gives you tremendous joy and peace. So one has to learn that we should not react. The today’s problem is, all human beings are very good at reacting. Reaction is a basic principle of today’s life. You see any newspaper, you see any book, you meet anyone, what I find that they are experts on reacting. They react, and by reaction what happens, they never achieve any essence of the thing. Essence is only through witness state that you can achieve. This is what we have to learn from the crucifixion of Christ, from His birth, that He was born in a very humble family, very poor family, in very adverse conditions. The reason was to show that all these outward things and all these outward glories do not make you great. The greatness is within, and when that greatness is there then you don’t care for anything, because you are so much enriched within yourself that you don’t bother about other things, you don’t think about these things, and you live in your own majestic life. This is what we see in His life, He was a very majestic person. Otherwise if you meet somebody who is a poor man, say, and who has felt the poverty, he’ll talk to you with a beggarish style. If there’s somebody who is born in a rich family, he will talk to you in a very, I should say, outward, outwardly showing-off nature. But a person who is a divine person, all these things don’t touch. For him riches or not riches, positions or no power is all just the same; and when that happens, then you should consider that you have become Sahaja yogis. I’ve seen people who come to Ganapatipule - now they are very much changed. Otherwise in the beginning they used to say, “We don’t have water, we don’t have this facility, it’s very cold or hot” - whatever it is. They were all the time talking as if they are on a holiday. It is something very different. You are here to develop your witness state. Did you see the sky, how beautiful it was, how orange, blue, all kinds of colors were there. The color it takes automatically, and is enjoying it. It is not bothered that it should remain forever, that this will go away when there is darkness. Just watching, the sky is just watching. Whatever comes its way, it takes it. So it’s so beautiful and it’s so joy-giving. So the another thing is that when you are in that state of spirituality, then you are joy-giving, you are peace-giving, you are compassionate, and you love each other. All these problems of the ego just disappear. Ego is your greatest enemy, I think, and it is the one that really hinders all the wealth and beauty of your life. So if you could just see this ego, how it works, just you’ll be enjoying it. It’s a drama it plays - all right, let’s have it! You can see the drama and then suddenly you will be amazed that you are not in it, you are watching it. When you are detached from your ego, you can see how it tries to entice you. These are the problems of today, and that’s why we need Jesus very much. The problem of today is that people don’t understand that how much harm they are doing to themselves, to others, and to the whole world by becoming egoistical. If they could understand, I tell you, they would give up. But the problem is they enjoy their hatred, they enjoy that kind of meanness or I would say, very low-level living. While you are all Sahaja yogis, and what you have to do is to understand, “Why this ego is coming in my head? What have I done? Who am I?” Once you go on asking such questions, this ego will disappear. And it’s a big problem for Me also to deal with people who have ego, because I can’t tell them “You have got ego.” If I tell them, they’ll all run away. If I tell them, “All right, you are very good, you are very nice,” then ego will be bloated. Then they’ll say, “Oh, Mother told us I’m very nice.” It’s very problematic. I don’t know how to deal with the ego of human beings. I know they have, but I don’t know how to deal with it. I think it’s only you can deal with it, if you will understand what’s wrong with you. That’s a very good way of solving your problem, and My problem also. My vision is too great, I think, for one life. I want a global realization, I want people all over the world to have realization. It’s very remarkable how .... (applause. She talks in Hindi aside) In Sahaj culture we have a proper training for getting rid of ego. You can yourself introspect yourself. You can yourself see why you behave like this. The introspection that Sahaja yogis can do cannot be done by other people, because they can enter into themselves, they can see for themselves, they can watch others. And with that they can just try to see what is this Mr Ego doing within your head. Of course, we know that the mantra of Christ is the best for removing all egoistical problems, and that helps a lot. But also when you are doing this mantra, you should be yourself in a very humble state. “What am I, after all, who am I? Look at so many stars, look at so many beautiful things, and who am I? What have I done? Why should I be so egoistical? Why should I think I’m something great?” And also other people pamper you, because they want to take advantage of you. So they’ll pamper you, they’ll say “This is very great, you are very great”; and you just get enamored, get lost. You are like thrown into the torrential rain and you flood out into big, I think, like a big stream of egoistical people. And if you see around today in these modern times, everybody is quite conscious of their ego, very conscious, and the way they are coming up in the newspapers or the way they are in some magazines, I’m quite amazed. I would feel shy to be there, because it’s so much of expression of your ego, nothing else. All kinds of things they start, they have competitions of ego, lots of competitions. Like they have a beauty competition, then they have another competition for Mister, you can say India, Mister this thing, that. All these things actually give the person ego, and others also run after such competitions. They think, “Why am I not? I should be like that.” So it’s very deadening. and absolutely blinds your mind, that you think this is the way one has to be very successful. This success lasts for how long? It perishes in no time. But success in Sahaja Yoga is what will last forever, and everybody will remember it. The one who has this kind of a humble nature will be remembered for generations. I’ve never seen a statue of a person who has been egoistical. On the contrary, if there was some they used to criticize, “He was a very egoistical man.” And nowadays it’s impossible, anybody who has ego, I don’t think anybody is going to sing any songs about such a person or going to raise any statues in their name. So in the heart of hearts we like humble people, and if we want others to like us, we should be also very humble. Not artificially, but really, by understanding that: “What are we? Why should we proud, why should we try to overpower others and trouble others?”. If you understand that, you have done full justification to the incarnation of Jesus Christ the great. And there are so many qualities He has shown. But the, for us the best is His passing through the ego sacrificing His life is the greatest message, and for that we have to understand. But those who call themselves are the most egoistical. I was surprised that England, English people are extremely egoistical. Or otherwise other countries also I’ve seen in the West, they are very egoistical. They’ve no humility at all, compared to Indians, they are very, very egoistical people. Why? Because they are following Christ, can you imagine! Is this the way we follow Christ? Those who call themselves Christians and those who call themselves very great admirers of Christ should show in their life that humility, that compassion, that love. It is not so. So specially for people who are from Western countries, you must try to learn Sahaj culture. In the Sahaj culture, how do we talk, how do we live, how do we contact, is something very different. And then once you start Sahaj culture in your life, you’ll be amazed, others will be amazed how you are having a rapport with each other, how you are looking after everything so well. This is the best way to live in this world as Sahaja yogis, where there is no ego, there is no conditioning, nothing. You are just absolutely free from all these horrible attributes. And then you will be amazed how people will trust you, how they will like you. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas (applause). And also remember the message of Christ and His life. May God bless you. (Applause) [Puja begins with many children who go on stage. After one song Shri Mataji asks for a bhajan about Jesus to be sung: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale..”. Sahaja yogi: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale” (short Marathi conversation). Shri Mataji: “He Prema Murta Jagi Ale. Prema Murti” More bhajans follow: Maran. Tse Mele, Jai Ganesha Deva. Then ladies go on stage for Devi Puja. Bhajans: Tujhya Pujani. Mahamaya Mahakali. Vishwa Vandita. Then Aarti and Mahamantras. Yogis: “Bolo Shri Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki! Jai!” Shri Mataji: “May God bless you all. Anant Ashirvad. Anant Ashirvad”.] Yogi: The international present. Now the next present, the next present of India and then the Maharashtra. The Maharashtra, next present. This one? … Now the present from Maharashtra. Next is the present from Delhi. The next present is from Japan. [Video ends here]
New Year Puja: You All Have to Become Masters in Sahaja Yoga
New Year
English, Marathi
New Year Puja, Kalwe, India. 31 December 2000. [English transcription] Now, we are starting a New Year, and I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. (Applause) In this wish of Mine I also wish you a very deep growth in Sahaja Yoga. (Applause)Now you all are Sahaja Yogis and you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga. For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing meditation, introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year, I'll think there is greater chance for you to do much better, because all those years of ordeals are over. (Applause) We are now entering into the New Era. I say now the Satya Yuga is established. (Applause) In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kali Yuga being cleared out completely. Of course gradually you'll find that's all clearing out and all the people who are dangerous for your spiritual life, for your national life, for your family life, will have to take back their way; they cannot be successful here. (Applause) Now the Sahaja Yogis have to decide how far they will spread Sahaja Yoga all over. How many people can get into Sahaja Yoga? There should be many more waiting for you this year, and maybe this year, if you all decide to work it out, I am sure you can get lots of people who will be saved from the curses of Kali Yuga. This is going to be your vow on the New Year day, that now we are going to start Sahaja Yoga in a new way, in a bigger way, in a more dynamic way. For that, first thing is needed is your Sangha Shakti, that is your collectivity. This collectivity has to be extremely well built-in, well made, well understood and absolutely loveable. This is not difficult in Sahaja Yoga, because practically all your jealousies, all your baser ideas have been completely washed out by your Kundalini. She has transformed you, you are different people; you are very, very different. Not only that, but you have now understood yourselves. You are knowing your Self. And all those who know their self cannot fight with each other. Because this Self is the reflection of one person, of one Deity, of one God. And so how can you fight? When He is within your heart, how can you fight with each other? Otherwise you'll be fighting with yourself. It would be very, very stupid to do that. So all the fights and all the funny things that you have been thinking about will of course disappear, no doubt. But you'll become very dynamic. You'll be amazed at your dynamism. Just you have to rise; just you have to expect your Self to manifest. You can become very, very collective, progressive and you can create many Sahaja Yogis. You have been given Realization; you have been given the knowledge of Realization; whatever was possible has been done for your health and prosperity, but now it's your duty to repay to the Divine by your creative methods. You have to be very creative. You will find so many people in this world are full of lots of problems, which you have got out of it. But you can help them. You don't need any help because you are yourself full of power - power of Divinity within you. This Divine power should be used. It's not given just to be rusted. This power has to be used. Otherwise what's the use of becoming powerful? Supposing we have electrical power here, and it doesn't even give light, so what's the use of having electrical power? So the power that you have is for the emancipation of human beings. It is for you to raise the Kundalini of people - you can do it. One person can do it for thousands! And I hope now you take up this responsibility upon yourself. This would be the greatest blessing for you, for Sahaja Yoga and for the whole world. Because in My vision, we have to change the whole world. I don't know in My lifetime if I can achieve it or not. But if you people really join hands with Me, with full effort, it will work out. Firstly I hear many people don't go to meditation, into collective meditation. They do not join together. It's surprising after so many years of work I've done - 30 years I've been working, and there are some people who take Sahaja Yoga for granted. You don't understand your responsibility. You have to meditate collectively. Whenever there is collective meditation you must join that. You can also start something in your areas, a collective meditation. And it will work out. Many people who are in Sahaja Yoga are now meditating, I can make them out. I know who are the ones who are meditating and who are not. It's not difficult to make it out. And then you come out with other problems like my mother's, father's, uncle's - this thing. There's no need to worry about that. Even if you are a realized soul, and when you are connected with the Divine, even your own wish will be fulfilled. But it does not. Why? Because you still do not understand what you have become. You first try giving Realizations to others. See what joy you feel. Tremendous joy. This joy you cannot get in anything else. Whatever you may buy, whatever you may have, you cannot get this joy of giving Realization. And you will be so very happy; not because you expect anything, you want anything, nothing of the kind - but only thing is pure joy - pure joy of creating great Sahaja Yogis. This is what you are here for. This is what the Divine wants you to do. Not just to take advantage of Divine power: "Cure my father, cure my mother, cure my sister... " or else, "I haven't got properties ..." Then somebody says, "My husband ill-treats me..." or some wife says that.... so the husband says that..... It's going on and on and on. Forget it! You are now above everything, above all these things. And you have become absolutely powerful, believe Me. If you haven't used your power, then how will you know what powers you have got? It's as simple as that. Those who have used it go on telling Me what miracles they had, what things have happened to them, how they were protected, whatever they wanted - how they got it. But see, in Sahaja Yoga you cannot be hypocritical. If you have hypocrisy, Sahaja Yoga knows, the Divine knows you are a hypocritical. It is for your good, for your growth you have to be in Sahaja Yoga. It's not for somebody else that you are doing it, but for yourself. When people are that powerful I am amazed, how they easily they can get cured. But they must meditate, and they must join collective meditation. Most of the people don't join collective meditation. I am surprised. I know, sometimes, say in Delhi, there is no sufficient space, so people have to come twice, either Saturday or Sunday; some of them have to wait outside - doesn't matter. But going for the collective meditation, you'll be amazed that Divinity is flowing there. Vibrations are flowing there. I am there. It's not that you are just going there just as a ritual. Problem is you people don't realize that you have to be responsible for Sahaja Yoga, responsible for giving Realizations to others and attend all the programs you have of meditation. With collective meditation you get all right. All your problems are solved if you go to the collective meditation regularly - I promise you! But the problem is you won't go; you will write letters to Me, you want to meet Me. This is not going to help. You may come and trouble Me like that, or do something like that, but doesn't help. What helps that you help yourself. Next year is going to be a great year for you. In the West now I was surprised how things are spreading fast. In Russia the people are so deep - so deep. Once they get Realization, they understand the value of Realization. They are so humble, and so deep, they don't want anything. They've never desired for anything. Though they have gone through horrible problems of communism, and now this reaction to that. Despite that, all these five countries which I call as 'real' Divine countries, because the way they have accepted it. They are poor according to the modern standards, but from their heart they are very, very rich. From their understanding of Sahaja Yoga, they are very, very rich. And their scientists are so well qualified. In every type of thing now, there is one scientist who has come to India and who has discovered a method by which you can see all the chakras, and the Kundalini and the obstructions and everything - something he can show you. While our scientists are busy opposing Me. Little knowledge is very dangerous. They don't want to see what I am doing and how I am doing it. They just want to criticize Me - all so-called intellectuals. Especially in Maharashtra, the intellectuals - I think they are something has gone wrong with their heads. They cannot understand Sahaja Yoga. Just beyond them. What has happened to them I don't know, but they just can't understand Sahaja Yoga. And these Maharashtrians are so busy with their rituals. Four o'clock in the morning they'll get up, take their baths, do this, then start doing their Pujas, this, that. Now somebody got sick, so his wife writes to Me, "We didn't go to any temple, we didn't do any rituals, still my husband has got sick." Imagine. As if doing by that you mean you are a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a real Sahaja Yogi, then nothing can happen to you. But you have been just under wrong impression. Whether you go to temple, or whether you go to wrong places and do all kinds of rituals - it has never helped anyone. So first you have to empty yourself. If you are already filled with these ideas, these age old ideas, and you are still carrying on with them, how can the Divine be filled? If there's a pot already full of water or anything - you cannot fill it. So you have to empty it completely. Empty yourself, empty your mind. It's possible through Sahaja Yoga if you can take your Kundalini beyond Agnya chakra. By not reacting! Reaction is the worst thing, because reaction comes through your Agnya, as I told you the other day, and it is due to your conditioning or due to your ego. So some people react because of their conditioning, and some people react because of their ego. So why should you react to anything? Why don't you enjoy - by not reacting. You just watch. See how beautifully they have made beautiful flowers - just enjoy it. What is the need - some will find some faults, somebody will say this should not have been there, how did they manage this, all kinds of nonsensical things. The joy of its creation is there. And you should be able to see it, feel it, enjoy it. Then you are a Sahaja Yogi. Otherwise you are not. If you are a reacting type, you cannot be a Sahaja Yogi. This is a degree - Sahaja Yoga is - I think there are so many various styles of Sahaja Yogis. Somebody is just minor, somebody a little plus, somebody's like that. But the depth of the Sahaja Yogi is to be measured by the way he keeps joyous and happy. Goes on criticizing others, go on getting angry with others, all these things are going on, and he thinks he's a Sahaja Yogi. In our Divine University we have no degrees, we don't give you certificates, you are a Sahaja Yogi, if you have got your Realization. If the Kundalini has burst opened here (Shri Mataji puts Her hand over Her Sahasrara) - it's all right, you are a Sahaja Yogi. But that Sahaja Yogi may not be a real Sahaja Yogi. It only depends when you are joyous and you are anxious to give Realizations to others. You want to share your Realization, you just don't want to keep it to yourself. If that is not your condition, then you are still not a full Sahaja Yogi. You should find out how many people you have given Realization. It's very important. Because next year, as I've said, is a very important, very, very important year. In that year I would like to see all of you going round and giving Realization. While I've seen all these other false gurus who are getting exposed one by one. If you see their attitude, anywhere you meet them - once I was travelling by plane and there was a lady sitting next to Me, she was so hot. So I asked her, "What guru do you follow?" So she told Me the name. She said "He's very good, this guru is the best" .... this and that. Such heat coming from her body! I never said anything, but I was amazed how this lady was proudly talking about her guru who is such a bad man - and without knowing Me, I was just a stranger to her. But Sahaja Yogis don't talk about it. You should talk to your neighbors, you should talk in your circle. Like, we have in India so many customs when we meet people: Like in India we do haldi kumkum in Maharashtra. They will never talk to those women who come for haldi kumkum about Sahaja Yoga. They won't even have My photograph. If they want, they can do it. But they are - I don't know what are they frightened about. It's a very good chance. You have any dinner, you have any public meeting, anything. They won't talk about Sahaja Yoga. It's very surprising. They don't want to talk about Sahaja Yoga that, "We have got this through Sahaja Yoga." So how will Sahaja Yoga spread? One has to understand you all should find out how much responsible you have been for getting into Sahaja Yoga. Of course, you are all protected, you are all blessed, everyone has got whatever they wanted. Most of them. But how many of them are returning this debt? How many are working to give Realization to others? This is a debt on you. But if your attention is haphazard, if your attention is not clear, is not nirmal, then you are involved into all kinds of things like the tentacles of an octopus. You become like an octopus, you go on getting attached to this, attached to that, attached to that. You have to be a free bird. All these attachments that you have are going to take you nowhere. You should be only attached to Sahaja Yoga and should be conscious that you have known yourself. If you can just understand your value, your level, I can tell you - we can change the whole world! We have such a good heritage in this country; we have such good culture in this country. I have seen the problems of America and other places, we don't have these problems. At least they're not so prevalent. But only the thing that we have to do is to know you are a Sahaja Yogi. Like a tree - when it grows, it knows it's a tree. It knows it has to produce roots, it has not come up 'like that'. It has not been brought up just like a stick, no. It has to do something. In this world everything has to do something. But then what about Sahaja Yogis? It's such a rare thing to happen that you have got your Realization. So where should we waste out attention? Why should we neglect our meditation? Why? We have to grow, we are a different people. We are a different race altogether in this world. We are realized souls. There were hardly any number during the time of Christ, practically nil. And even before that I was surprised that in China and other places, in one age there used to be one guru - one master. While you are so many masters, but you don't want to use your power as a master. Why not the women use it also? I find women are more lethargic than men are in Sahaja Yoga. They should show - I am a woman myself, single-handed I've done all this work; and why shouldn't you do it? Because it's a tremendous task to transform people all over the world. But it's very easy for you - if I can do it, why can't you do it? But put your complete attention to it that: 'We are going to work out Sahaja Yoga, not for ourselves, but for the betterment of humanity.' We need it, we need it very much. Your compassion, your love, is all being wasted if you just think about yourself, your family - what's the use? People do that even before Realization. So what is the use of completely getting attached to your families, attached to all other things? You should get attached to the whole world! You belong to the whole world now, you are no more individualistic. No more! Now, as I said, it's a drop has become the ocean. Identify yourself with the ocean. Ocean is the lowest, if you have seen, lowest so much that the zero point starts from the ocean. Ocean is so humble. It's the lowest point - it lives, but all the rivers flow into it. And the ocean does the work of throwing clouds in the sky. And these then burst and become rain falling to the same ocean. They come back to the same ocean. So those who are humble will attract more Sahaja Yogis. Those who are kind will attract much more Sahaja Yogis. So it is important to see that you change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you. If you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous - also very joyous person. Now imagine a Sahaja Yogi going in a group and telling them, "See, my mother is sick, my father is dying and this thing is happening, but I am doing Sahaja Yoga." So people will say, "Why do you do Sahaja Yoga then? You go and cry and weep and sit down there!" If he's really doing the Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come, no trouble can come. It is a fact. Try to understand. It's you who will lead these people who are supposed to be there, they will rise. But no use having identification with people who are not Sahaja Yogis. They may be your relations, they may be anything. No use, because you are at a different level, they are at a different level. Either try to raise their level, or have nothing to do with them, because they will pull you down. They will not see your height, they have no eyes to see, they have no ear to hear, and they have no feelings of any kind. If they have seen how you are changed, how your life is changed, they would have gone absolutely head-long into Sahaja Yoga. But if they are not, that's not your job. You shouldn't bother about them. If they come to Sahaja Yoga, well and good, otherwise they are no your relations. In no way they are related to you. How will you relate Sahaja Yoga to them? How will you explain anything to them? It's going to be impossible to talk to these people. So what I have to tell you today is that our family which is Sahaja Yoga, is large, it's spread in 86 countries, and it's doing very well. But what we have to see - that you do belong to that ocean, to the great families of Sahaja Yoga. But it is for you to increase the size of this. You have to increase, you have to talk about it, and you have to change people. This is your responsibility. You were not given Sahaja Yoga just for nothing, you have to produce greater Sahaja Yogis, better Sahaja Yogis; and you yourself meditate, not only meditate but also attend all the collective programs as far as possible. I am happy the way you have stayed on and have come here. It has rained - still you are here and you still are enjoying the Divine bliss. I again and again bless you from my heart, and I want you to have that Shuddha Iccha which is the Kundalini, (Applause) want you to have that Shuddha Iccha that is the pure desire, not only to become Sahaja Yogis but to create more Sahaja Yogis. That is actually your pure desire. You may not have recognized it, but unless and until you fulfill that desire, you can never be a good Sahaja Yogi. It's to spread Sahaja Yoga in every level in everywhere, in every one - that you can do it. And it will spread very well, and so many people can be saved. So many people who are just lost in the maya of stupidity will be back on the right path. How much good you are going to do for them you just think. If Me alone has brought so many Sahaja Yogis, why can't you also try and get more Sahaja Yogis? This world needs Sahaja Yoga. The whole problem - whenever I see newspaper, I think, 'Oh God, if these people were Sahaja Yogis, there would have been no problem'. But I find that still people are roaming about, and going round and round, I don't know, as if they have no brains or they've no understanding that 'where is this world going?' and 'Who's going to save this world?' I am not here to tell you what you should do in your private life. But you yourself should know to keep yourself cleansed and beautiful, what you have to do to yourself. Some people are so superficial that it doesn't go into their heads. Sahaja Yoga just doesn't go into their heads - very, very superficial. So forget them. I don't think they can be saved. So forget them, they cannot enjoy. They are worried about some nonsensical things always. So with such people you need not - but there are still so many people, at least I think 80% people, who are seeking and you should give them help. This is one thing, is the desire of your Mother that you should now take up Sahaja Yoga upon yourself and go on telling about this to everyone who comes. I mean I don't want cheap popularity, but I do want Sahaja Yogis to be made everywhere. [Marathi to English translation] To speak in Marathi at our side, especially the womenfolk, they know all the festivals by heart. Everything is going on properly as per the festival. They will get up at 4 o clock in the morning, have bath , will fill up the old style water heater, then sit. For what , for Puja. And we the people of Maharashtra are so much given to rituals. In Delhi , it is good. There people are not so ritualistic. Hence people are mad in lakhs. But it is not possible in Maharashtra. They have to go to Pandhari (Pandharpur) banging their disks. And once you have gone to Pandhari then you cannot achieve self realization. Actually one should achieve. But all those who go to Pandhari do not achieve their self realization. On the contrary, they keep on creating cacophony. Alternatively they will proceed holding a large pot of basil on their head, where to ? To Alandi. What for, who told you- Did Dnyaneshwar tell you? He did not have footwear on his feet, and these people take out his procession in a palanquin. Carry out the procession with a palanquin and eat food in every village. Means there is no self respect. In the name of Dnyaneshwar they go to every village and keep on consuming food. And the villagers are pleased thinking they have achieved virtue. These people are beggars. They are paupers . They move around asking for alms in Dnyanadeva’s name. Why do you want to fill bellies of such people. What benefit are you going to derive by feeding such beggars. In our Maharashtra , many such ill practices are being continued. There is no end to it. If you go on the road, you see them somewhere or the other. So stop all this. They tell others, but continue doing so. What nonsense is this? Why do you do these things? Where is it written? Which religious scripture has this written. Has Dnyandeva written such a thing. Why do you do this. One must discard all this. Ladies arrange haldi kumkum function. Do you ever mention about Sahaj Yoga in that function? Once they gather, they give Oti offerings ( traditional presents to the ladies), do this and that. Now if anyone gets married, they get Oti offerings for me. I said do not give me Oti. They said they will also visit the devi temple and offer Oti to Devi. Exclude me , I do not want. If you wish to do something, do Sahaja Yoga. Just offer Otis , what will happen due to this? I have no benefit from this neither have you. Tell clearly. If you wish to make the Oti offering, you may offer it in the Devi temple. But now lets put an end to this. Done enough. Now enter inside yourself. There is so much wealth inside, aquire it. There have been so many great sadhus and saints here – what did they teach ? Have they taught us this? First of all stop all the rituals. If nothing, ladies will keep on making lamp vicks. Stop all the ritualism. And above all there is no special knowledge about these things. Just keep on doing whatever has been laid down by the parents or someone else. Then also drag the menfolk in with them. A lady has more prudence and it nurtures the society. But if she is possessed by such demons, she believes whatever the Brahmin says her issue is . That’s it. But due to this the children also go astray. Waste their time doing nothing in particular. So don’t attend the haldi kumkum ceremony. And if the lady who invites for haldi kumkum, also teaches Sahaj Yoga , only then you should attend. Otherwise don’t go. You should be firm on this. Is it only that I want Sahaja Yoga or you also want it? And don’t others want it? Why don’t you tell for them? You will not tell there that we are Sahaja Yogis and what all we have achieved. Same thing with men folk. They seem to be under the influence of ladies. In our Maharsahtra , there are two types of people. Either they are very ritualistic or they are intelligent. Means stupid but so called intelligent. And their intelligence does not allow to penetrate in their heads what Sahaja Yoga is. Because they have such sharp intellect they do not understand. They feel that it is some other pretense. My dear fellow, just do it and understand it. That is why you will be surprised Maharashtra’s progress is the least of all. And I have made tremendous effort in this Maharashtra. I have worked hard by visiting so many villages. Have toiled. Even after working so hard year after year, Maharashtra has not reached that state. What is this? What is the reason for this? At least I feel that ritualism should be discarded. Right away. Nothing doing. It is not at all needed. Secondly the men folk should not exert their intellect too much. But where is the intellect? What is the use of such intellect that takes you on the wrong path. These so called intellectuals in Maharashtra are worst than the ritualistic people. Means these people are confused . They have lost their way. It is difficult for them to give up. Everywhere there is ego. They think that they are someone special. There cannot be any incarnation amongst them. Because these people have such characteristics. Why will there be an incarnation in such idiots. They have such ideas about themselves. And there is no end to whatever foolish deeds that have been done by the so called rationalists from this place. They don’t want to understand or listen. How will they imbibe in this way. Hence this rift due to the intellect that has come in Maharashrahtra is more dangerous. They write books after books copiously. Whatever comes to them. And then people say “ I had read in the book” . Do they write everything that is true in the books? Who are these people to write? What experience do they have? You people should assertively state that we do not approve of this. Useless things. Keep on criticising everyone. Criticise Krishna. Criticise Rama. If not that , criticise all these Sadhus and Saints. And say that this all is blind faith(superstition). Dear man, you don’t have faith then how will you have faith on the blind. The person who has faith in himself only he will achieve Sahaja Yoga. Why will a person who does not have faith in himself join Sahaja Yoga. Hence find out such people. Such absolutely good people exist in our country. You should help them. I think, especially in Maharashtra there is a need to do a lot of work. We are experts in quarrels. That is why in politics we are always having quarrels. But in Sahaj Yoga, how many people are there who have dedicated themselves to fulfilling their objectives? How many people are there? If there is one leader they will find faults in him. He is like this Mataji , he is like that. Even if we keep this aside, leaving them out, still they will tell a lot of things to me. My grandmother is ill. Dear chap, she may be old, she may be ill, it is OK. Why do you want to get involved? My grandmother , means who? The entire world Is your grand mother, the entire world is related to you. You are Sahaja Yogi. How can you say, only your grandmother, your father, your mother – how is this possible? Aren’t you on the platform of this world, your level has changed, right? You relatives have changed. In olden days, Bramhin used to marry a bramhin only. Marriage into another caste was a taboo. Is it like that now? Everything has got mixed up. Then why should Sahaj Yogis think that this is my mother and this is your mother. Mine is yours only… Consider her…. Now the entire world is yours. Has Dnyaneshwar said anything like this ever? We have had so many Sadhus and saints. Has Tukaram ever said anything like this? Have they ever differentiated like mine and yours? Just keep on saying by heart the verses by these saints , the meaning does not penetrate the head at all. So leaving all of this, a person should be very honest about oneself. What am I doing to myself? What have I done for myself? I must see what I want to do and then after doing that you will understand and will get enlightened. You are a Sahaj Yogi. Were there so many Sahaj Yogis in the world ever? There were a few, they too tolerated persecution. Still what beautiful poems they have written. You belong to such a large country, whose name itself is Maha Rashtra. How can you become small frogs after coming here? Now leave these relatives. And those are your relatives , (“Hechi soyare hoti”) as is said by Dnyaneshwar, only these are your relatives. It is clearly mentioned that no one else is your relative. But one should realize that. People just keep on reading . ‘Pasaydaan”( treatise written by Dnyaneshwar). Read it, learnt by heart. Just learn everything by heart, that’s it. They learn without retaining anything. So the people from Maharashtra should observe themselves with a humouros attitude that what the hell am I doing? What is my work? You should come to Delhi and see. There are two three very good Maharshtrians who have arrived there. They say that Mataji you should invite people from Maharashtra only. They are very good people. I said is that right? Go there for a few days then you will know. In Sahaj Yoga most of the things need an effort first. I don’t say that you should go to Himalaya and stand on one foot. No. But where am I going? What am I doing? What am I living for? That needs to be seen. Then only shower of blessings. Even for blessings, Sahastrara should be opened. Completely. Must value oneself. One does not value oneself. Why it happened like this to my atma(soul), that I don’t value myself? We must determine that I can do this, can do that. And should see big dreams that I will go to this place , to that village, go there - should see such dreams. Should imagine such big things. You see, even earlier, we have accomplished so much work. There was a queen of Jhansi. She was a woman. She said no, we will defeat the Britishers. She went to the war field taking her small child with her. And she laid down her life in the battlefield. But still warned the Britishers that she may be the daughter of Jhansi but the one who fights valiantly is Laxmi Bai. These are types of women born in Maharashtra. And now what, nothing of the sort is seen. Only decking up. Why I am saying this is because I had very bad experiences. Now you people say we don’t want Maharashtrian wife. These women misbehaved there. Marathi language is better. If told in Marathi it will not be misinterpreted. But even then let it be understood by you. These women go there and misbehave. Now we don’t want a wife from Maharashtra. There is no education, nothing else, still got them married thinking that it is our responsibility. But they brought ill fame to us only. I told you this as I have not complained to you till date. Always kept on praising you. But it will not work henceforth. Now I should see something concrete in front of me. Hence next time I am going to ask everyone how many people have you given realization to. In a way you are better than Gujaratis. They do not get influenced easily. They do not understand Sahaja Yoga easily. And even if it enters your head, it is a waste. So today everyone should make a resolution in their minds that Mataji next time when you come here we will show you what all can be done in Maharashtra. Where have the valiant Mavlaas(Maratha warriors) gone? Don’t know what happened. With the help of Mavlaas so much was accomplished and you people are so educated good people, everything proper. You are of no help to me. Hence this number should increase. And not only this, you should also progress. And I should see that In Maharashtra , Sahaja Yoga should be exhausted(should reach its peak). There is a saying that one is exhausted due to exhaustion. There is nothing to be said beyond this. It should be like this. Just make me speechless. How happy I will be if this happens. I was born here. And I studied everything in Marathi language. Even today I know Marathi quite well. But I cannot fathom the minds of the Marathi people. I cannot understand the minds of Marathi people. Because my father was of a very high caliber. Mother was of high caliber. In their close proximity I did not know that such things existed in Maharashtra. Similarly you should prove Mataji we are special. You entrusted us with such great responsibility, great burden. And we will prove it you that Maharashtra is a force to reckon with. All these great warriors came, shouldn’t we deserve their valor. Just being Marathi means what? To call oneself Maharashtrian is not enough. People think that being Maharashtrian is enough. It should not be so. Hence understand Sahaja Yoga completely, Practise it and make Maharashtra proud. I say that with infinite blessings to you. Please accept it.
New Year Puja, Kalwe, India. 31 December 2000. [English transcription] Now, we are starting a New Year, and I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. (Applause) In this wish of Mine I also wish you a very deep growth in Sahaja Yoga. (Applause)Now you all are Sahaja Yogis and you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga. For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing meditation, introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year, I'll think there is greater chance for you to do much better, because all those years of ordeals are over. (Applause) We are now entering into the New Era. I say now the Satya Yuga is established. (Applause) In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kali Yuga being cleared out completely. Of course gradually you'll find that's all clearing out and all the people who are dangerous for your spiritual life, for your national life, for your family life, will have to take back their way; they cannot be successful here. (Applause) Now the Sahaja Yogis have to decide how far they will spread Sahaja Yoga all over. How many people can get into Sahaja Yoga? There should be many more waiting for you this year, and maybe this year, if you all decide to work it out, I am sure you can get lots of people who will be saved from the curses of Kali Yuga. This is going to be your vow on the New Year day, that now we are going to start Sahaja Yoga in a new way, in a bigger way, in a more dynamic way. For that, first thing is needed is your Sangha Shakti, that is your collectivity. This collectivity has to be extremely well built-in, well made, well understood and absolutely loveable. This is not difficult in Sahaja Yoga, because practically all your jealousies, all your baser ideas have been completely washed out by your Kundalini. She has transformed you, you are different people; you are very, very different. Not only that, but you have now understood yourselves. You are knowing your Self. And all those who know their self cannot fight with each other. Because this Self is the reflection of one person, of one Deity, of one God. And so how can you fight? When He is within your heart, how can you fight with each other? Otherwise you'll be fighting with yourself. It would be very, very stupid to do that. So all the fights and all the funny things that you have been thinking about will of course disappear, no doubt. But you'll become very dynamic. You'll be amazed at your dynamism. Just you have to rise; just you have to expect your Self to manifest. You can become very, very collective, progressive and you can create many Sahaja Yogis. You have been given Realization; you have been given the knowledge of Realization; whatever was possible has been done for your health and prosperity, but now it's your duty to repay to the Divine by your creative methods. You have to be very creative. You will find so many people in this world are full of lots of problems, which you have got out of it. But you can help them. You don't need any help because you are yourself full of power - power of Divinity within you. This Divine power should be used. It's not given just to be rusted. This power has to be used. Otherwise what's the use of becoming powerful? Supposing we have electrical power here, and it doesn't even give light, so what's the use of having electrical power? So the power that you have is for the emancipation of human beings. It is for you to raise the Kundalini of people - you can do it. One person can do it for thousands! And I hope now you take up this responsibility upon yourself. This would be the greatest blessing for you, for Sahaja Yoga and for the whole world. Because in My vision, we have to change the whole world. I don't know in My lifetime if I can achieve it or not. But if you people really join hands with Me, with full effort, it will work out. Firstly I hear many people don't go to meditation, into collective meditation. They do not join together. It's surprising after so many years of work I've done - 30 years I've been working, and there are some people who take Sahaja Yoga for granted. You don't understand your responsibility. You have to meditate collectively. Whenever there is collective meditation you must join that. You can also start something in your areas, a collective meditation. And it will work out. Many people who are in Sahaja Yoga are now meditating, I can make them out. I know who are the ones who are meditating and who are not. It's not difficult to make it out. And then you come out with other problems like my mother's, father's, uncle's - this thing. There's no need to worry about that. Even if you are a realized soul, and when you are connected with the Divine, even your own wish will be fulfilled. But it does not. Why? Because you still do not understand what you have become. You first try giving Realizations to others. See what joy you feel. Tremendous joy. This joy you cannot get in anything else. Whatever you may buy, whatever you may have, you cannot get this joy of giving Realization. And you will be so very happy; not because you expect anything, you want anything, nothing of the kind - but only thing is pure joy - pure joy of creating great Sahaja Yogis. This is what you are here for. This is what the Divine wants you to do. Not just to take advantage of Divine power: "Cure my father, cure my mother, cure my sister... " or else, "I haven't got properties ..." Then somebody says, "My husband ill-treats me..." or some wife says that.... so the husband says that..... It's going on and on and on. Forget it! You are now above everything, above all these things. And you have become absolutely powerful, believe Me. If you haven't used your power, then how will you know what powers you have got? It's as simple as that. Those who have used it go on telling Me what miracles they had, what things have happened to them, how they were protected, whatever they wanted - how they got it. But see, in Sahaja Yoga you cannot be hypocritical. If you have hypocrisy, Sahaja Yoga knows, the Divine knows you are a hypocritical. It is for your good, for your growth you have to be in Sahaja Yoga. It's not for somebody else that you are doing it, but for yourself. When people are that powerful I am amazed, how they easily they can get cured. But they must meditate, and they must join collective meditation. Most of the people don't join collective meditation. I am surprised. I know, sometimes, say in Delhi, there is no sufficient space, so people have to come twice, either Saturday or Sunday; some of them have to wait outside - doesn't matter. But going for the collective meditation, you'll be amazed that Divinity is flowing there. Vibrations are flowing there. I am there. It's not that you are just going there just as a ritual. Problem is you people don't realize that you have to be responsible for Sahaja Yoga, responsible for giving Realizations to others and attend all the programs you have of meditation. With collective meditation you get all right. All your problems are solved if you go to the collective meditation regularly - I promise you! But the problem is you won't go; you will write letters to Me, you want to meet Me. This is not going to help. You may come and trouble Me like that, or do something like that, but doesn't help. What helps that you help yourself. Next year is going to be a great year for you. In the West now I was surprised how things are spreading fast. In Russia the people are so deep - so deep. Once they get Realization, they understand the value of Realization. They are so humble, and so deep, they don't want anything. They've never desired for anything. Though they have gone through horrible problems of communism, and now this reaction to that. Despite that, all these five countries which I call as 'real' Divine countries, because the way they have accepted it. They are poor according to the modern standards, but from their heart they are very, very rich. From their understanding of Sahaja Yoga, they are very, very rich. And their scientists are so well qualified. In every type of thing now, there is one scientist who has come to India and who has discovered a method by which you can see all the chakras, and the Kundalini and the obstructions and everything - something he can show you. While our scientists are busy opposing Me. Little knowledge is very dangerous. They don't want to see what I am doing and how I am doing it. They just want to criticize Me - all so-called intellectuals. Especially in Maharashtra, the intellectuals - I think they are something has gone wrong with their heads. They cannot understand Sahaja Yoga. Just beyond them. What has happened to them I don't know, but they just can't understand Sahaja Yoga. And these Maharashtrians are so busy with their rituals. Four o'clock in the morning they'll get up, take their baths, do this, then start doing their Pujas, this, that. Now somebody got sick, so his wife writes to Me, "We didn't go to any temple, we didn't do any rituals, still my husband has got sick." Imagine. As if doing by that you mean you are a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a real Sahaja Yogi, then nothing can happen to you. But you have been just under wrong impression. Whether you go to temple, or whether you go to wrong places and do all kinds of rituals - it has never helped anyone. So first you have to empty yourself. If you are already filled with these ideas, these age old ideas, and you are still carrying on with them, how can the Divine be filled? If there's a pot already full of water or anything - you cannot fill it. So you have to empty it completely. Empty yourself, empty your mind. It's possible through Sahaja Yoga if you can take your Kundalini beyond Agnya chakra. By not reacting! Reaction is the worst thing, because reaction comes through your Agnya, as I told you the other day, and it is due to your conditioning or due to your ego. So some people react because of their conditioning, and some people react because of their ego. So why should you react to anything? Why don't you enjoy - by not reacting. You just watch. See how beautifully they have made beautiful flowers - just enjoy it. What is the need - some will find some faults, somebody will say this should not have been there, how did they manage this, all kinds of nonsensical things. The joy of its creation is there. And you should be able to see it, feel it, enjoy it. Then you are a Sahaja Yogi. Otherwise you are not. If you are a reacting type, you cannot be a Sahaja Yogi. This is a degree - Sahaja Yoga is - I think there are so many various styles of Sahaja Yogis. Somebody is just minor, somebody a little plus, somebody's like that. But the depth of the Sahaja Yogi is to be measured by the way he keeps joyous and happy. Goes on criticizing others, go on getting angry with others, all these things are going on, and he thinks he's a Sahaja Yogi. In our Divine University we have no degrees, we don't give you certificates, you are a Sahaja Yogi, if you have got your Realization. If the Kundalini has burst opened here (Shri Mataji puts Her hand over Her Sahasrara) - it's all right, you are a Sahaja Yogi. But that Sahaja Yogi may not be a real Sahaja Yogi. It only depends when you are joyous and you are anxious to give Realizations to others. You want to share your Realization, you just don't want to keep it to yourself. If that is not your condition, then you are still not a full Sahaja Yogi. You should find out how many people you have given Realization. It's very important. Because next year, as I've said, is a very important, very, very important year. In that year I would like to see all of you going round and giving Realization. While I've seen all these other false gurus who are getting exposed one by one. If you see their attitude, anywhere you meet them - once I was travelling by plane and there was a lady sitting next to Me, she was so hot. So I asked her, "What guru do you follow?" So she told Me the name. She said "He's very good, this guru is the best" .... this and that. Such heat coming from her body! I never said anything, but I was amazed how this lady was proudly talking about her guru who is such a bad man - and without knowing Me, I was just a stranger to her. But Sahaja Yogis don't talk about it. You should talk to your neighbors, you should talk in your circle. Like, we have in India so many customs when we meet people: Like in India we do haldi kumkum in Maharashtra. They will never talk to those women who come for haldi kumkum about Sahaja Yoga. They won't even have My photograph. If they want, they can do it. But they are - I don't know what are they frightened about. It's a very good chance. You have any dinner, you have any public meeting, anything. They won't talk about Sahaja Yoga. It's very surprising. They don't want to talk about Sahaja Yoga that, "We have got this through Sahaja Yoga." So how will Sahaja Yoga spread? One has to understand you all should find out how much responsible you have been for getting into Sahaja Yoga. Of course, you are all protected, you are all blessed, everyone has got whatever they wanted. Most of them. But how many of them are returning this debt? How many are working to give Realization to others? This is a debt on you. But if your attention is haphazard, if your attention is not clear, is not nirmal, then you are involved into all kinds of things like the tentacles of an octopus. You become like an octopus, you go on getting attached to this, attached to that, attached to that. You have to be a free bird. All these attachments that you have are going to take you nowhere. You should be only attached to Sahaja Yoga and should be conscious that you have known yourself. If you can just understand your value, your level, I can tell you - we can change the whole world! We have such a good heritage in this country; we have such good culture in this country. I have seen the problems of America and other places, we don't have these problems. At least they're not so prevalent. But only the thing that we have to do is to know you are a Sahaja Yogi. Like a tree - when it grows, it knows it's a tree. It knows it has to produce roots, it has not come up 'like that'. It has not been brought up just like a stick, no. It has to do something. In this world everything has to do something. But then what about Sahaja Yogis? It's such a rare thing to happen that you have got your Realization. So where should we waste out attention? Why should we neglect our meditation? Why? We have to grow, we are a different people. We are a different race altogether in this world. We are realized souls. There were hardly any number during the time of Christ, practically nil. And even before that I was surprised that in China and other places, in one age there used to be one guru - one master. While you are so many masters, but you don't want to use your power as a master. Why not the women use it also? I find women are more lethargic than men are in Sahaja Yoga. They should show - I am a woman myself, single-handed I've done all this work; and why shouldn't you do it? Because it's a tremendous task to transform people all over the world. But it's very easy for you - if I can do it, why can't you do it? But put your complete attention to it that: 'We are going to work out Sahaja Yoga, not for ourselves, but for the betterment of humanity.' We need it, we need it very much. Your compassion, your love, is all being wasted if you just think about yourself, your family - what's the use? People do that even before Realization. So what is the use of completely getting attached to your families, attached to all other things? You should get attached to the whole world! You belong to the whole world now, you are no more individualistic. No more! Now, as I said, it's a drop has become the ocean. Identify yourself with the ocean. Ocean is the lowest, if you have seen, lowest so much that the zero point starts from the ocean. Ocean is so humble. It's the lowest point - it lives, but all the rivers flow into it. And the ocean does the work of throwing clouds in the sky. And these then burst and become rain falling to the same ocean. They come back to the same ocean. So those who are humble will attract more Sahaja Yogis. Those who are kind will attract much more Sahaja Yogis. So it is important to see that you change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you. If you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous - also very joyous person. Now imagine a Sahaja Yogi going in a group and telling them, "See, my mother is sick, my father is dying and this thing is happening, but I am doing Sahaja Yoga." So people will say, "Why do you do Sahaja Yoga then? You go and cry and weep and sit down there!" If he's really doing the Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come, no trouble can come. It is a fact. Try to understand. It's you who will lead these people who are supposed to be there, they will rise. But no use having identification with people who are not Sahaja Yogis. They may be your relations, they may be anything. No use, because you are at a different level, they are at a different level. Either try to raise their level, or have nothing to do with them, because they will pull you down. They will not see your height, they have no eyes to see, they have no ear to hear, and they have no feelings of any kind. If they have seen how you are changed, how your life is changed, they would have gone absolutely head-long into Sahaja Yoga. But if they are not, that's not your job. You shouldn't bother about them. If they come to Sahaja Yoga, well and good, otherwise they are no your relations. In no way they are related to you. How will you relate Sahaja Yoga to them? How will you explain anything to them? It's going to be impossible to talk to these people. So what I have to tell you today is that our family which is Sahaja Yoga, is large, it's spread in 86 countries, and it's doing very well. But what we have to see - that you do belong to that ocean, to the great families of Sahaja Yoga. But it is for you to increase the size of this. You have to increase, you have to talk about it, and you have to change people. This is your responsibility. You were not given Sahaja Yoga just for nothing, you have to produce greater Sahaja Yogis, better Sahaja Yogis; and you yourself meditate, not only meditate but also attend all the collective programs as far as possible. I am happy the way you have stayed on and have come here. It has rained - still you are here and you still are enjoying the Divine bliss. I again and again bless you from my heart, and I want you to have that Shuddha Iccha which is the Kundalini, (Applause) want you to have that Shuddha Iccha that is the pure desire, not only to become Sahaja Yogis but to create more Sahaja Yogis. That is actually your pure desire. You may not have recognized it, but unless and until you fulfill that desire, you can never be a good Sahaja Yogi. It's to spread Sahaja Yoga in every level in everywhere, in every one - that you can do it. And it will spread very well, and so many people can be saved. So many people who are just lost in the maya of stupidity will be back on the right path. How much good you are going to do for them you just think. If Me alone has brought so many Sahaja Yogis, why can't you also try and get more Sahaja Yogis? This world needs Sahaja Yoga. The whole problem - whenever I see newspaper, I think, 'Oh God, if these people were Sahaja Yogis, there would have been no problem'. But I find that still people are roaming about, and going round and round, I don't know, as if they have no brains or they've no understanding that 'where is this world going?' and 'Who's going to save this world?' I am not here to tell you what you should do in your private life. But you yourself should know to keep yourself cleansed and beautiful, what you have to do to yourself. Some people are so superficial that it doesn't go into their heads. Sahaja Yoga just doesn't go into their heads - very, very superficial. So forget them. I don't think they can be saved. So forget them, they cannot enjoy. They are worried about some nonsensical things always. So with such people you need not - but there are still so many people, at least I think 80% people, who are seeking and you should give them help. This is one thing, is the desire of your Mother that you should now take up Sahaja Yoga upon yourself and go on telling about this to everyone who comes. I mean I don't want cheap popularity, but I do want Sahaja Yogis to be made everywhere. [Marathi to English translation] To speak in Marathi at our side, especially the womenfolk, they know all the festivals by heart. Everything is going on properly as per the festival. They will get up at 4 o clock in the morning, have bath , will fill up the old style water heater, then sit. For what , for Puja. And we the people of Maharashtra are so much given to rituals. In Delhi , it is good. There people are not so ritualistic. Hence people are mad in lakhs. But it is not possible in Maharashtra. They have to go to Pandhari (Pandharpur) banging their disks. And once you have gone to Pandhari then you cannot achieve self realization. Actually one should achieve. But all those who go to Pandhari do not achieve their self realization. On the contrary, they keep on creating cacophony. Alternatively they will proceed holding a large pot of basil on their head, where to ? To Alandi. What for, who told you- Did Dnyaneshwar tell you? He did not have footwear on his feet, and these people take out his procession in a palanquin. Carry out the procession with a palanquin and eat food in every village. Means there is no self respect. In the name of Dnyaneshwar they go to every village and keep on consuming food. And the villagers are pleased thinking they have achieved virtue. These people are beggars. They are paupers . They move around asking for alms in Dnyanadeva’s name. Why do you want to fill bellies of such people. What benefit are you going to derive by feeding such beggars. In our Maharashtra , many such ill practices are being continued. There is no end to it. If you go on the road, you see them somewhere or the other. So stop all this. They tell others, but continue doing so. What nonsense is this? Why do you do these things? Where is it written? Which religious scripture has this written. Has Dnyandeva written such a thing. Why do you do this. One must discard all this. Ladies arrange haldi kumkum function. Do you ever mention about Sahaj Yoga in that function? Once they gather, they give Oti offerings ( traditional presents to the ladies), do this and that. Now if anyone gets married, they get Oti offerings for me. I said do not give me Oti. They said they will also visit the devi temple and offer Oti to Devi. Exclude me , I do not want. If you wish to do something, do Sahaja Yoga. Just offer Otis , what will happen due to this? I have no benefit from this neither have you. Tell clearly. If you wish to make the Oti offering, you may offer it in the Devi temple. But now lets put an end to this. Done enough. Now enter inside yourself. There is so much wealth inside, aquire it. There have been so many great sadhus and saints here – what did they teach ? Have they taught us this? First of all stop all the rituals. If nothing, ladies will keep on making lamp vicks. Stop all the ritualism. And above all there is no special knowledge about these things. Just keep on doing whatever has been laid down by the parents or someone else. Then also drag the menfolk in with them. A lady has more prudence and it nurtures the society. But if she is possessed by such demons, she believes whatever the Brahmin says her issue is . That’s it. But due to this the children also go astray. Waste their time doing nothing in particular. So don’t attend the haldi kumkum ceremony. And if the lady who invites for haldi kumkum, also teaches Sahaj Yoga , only then you should attend. Otherwise don’t go. You should be firm on this. Is it only that I want Sahaja Yoga or you also want it? And don’t others want it? Why don’t you tell for them? You will not tell there that we are Sahaja Yogis and what all we have achieved. Same thing with men folk. They seem to be under the influence of ladies. In our Maharsahtra , there are two types of people. Either they are very ritualistic or they are intelligent. Means stupid but so called intelligent. And their intelligence does not allow to penetrate in their heads what Sahaja Yoga is. Because they have such sharp intellect they do not understand. They feel that it is some other pretense. My dear fellow, just do it and understand it. That is why you will be surprised Maharashtra’s progress is the least of all. And I have made tremendous effort in this Maharashtra. I have worked hard by visiting so many villages. Have toiled. Even after working so hard year after year, Maharashtra has not reached that state. What is this? What is the reason for this? At least I feel that ritualism should be discarded. Right away. Nothing doing. It is not at all needed. Secondly the men folk should not exert their intellect too much. But where is the intellect? What is the use of such intellect that takes you on the wrong path. These so called intellectuals in Maharashtra are worst than the ritualistic people. Means these people are confused . They have lost their way. It is difficult for them to give up. Everywhere there is ego. They think that they are someone special. There cannot be any incarnation amongst them. Because these people have such characteristics. Why will there be an incarnation in such idiots. They have such ideas about themselves. And there is no end to whatever foolish deeds that have been done by the so called rationalists from this place. They don’t want to understand or listen. How will they imbibe in this way. Hence this rift due to the intellect that has come in Maharashrahtra is more dangerous. They write books after books copiously. Whatever comes to them. And then people say “ I had read in the book” . Do they write everything that is true in the books? Who are these people to write? What experience do they have? You people should assertively state that we do not approve of this. Useless things. Keep on criticising everyone. Criticise Krishna. Criticise Rama. If not that , criticise all these Sadhus and Saints. And say that this all is blind faith(superstition). Dear man, you don’t have faith then how will you have faith on the blind. The person who has faith in himself only he will achieve Sahaja Yoga. Why will a person who does not have faith in himself join Sahaja Yoga. Hence find out such people. Such absolutely good people exist in our country. You should help them. I think, especially in Maharashtra there is a need to do a lot of work. We are experts in quarrels. That is why in politics we are always having quarrels. But in Sahaj Yoga, how many people are there who have dedicated themselves to fulfilling their objectives? How many people are there? If there is one leader they will find faults in him. He is like this Mataji , he is like that. Even if we keep this aside, leaving them out, still they will tell a lot of things to me. My grandmother is ill. Dear chap, she may be old, she may be ill, it is OK. Why do you want to get involved? My grandmother , means who? The entire world Is your grand mother, the entire world is related to you. You are Sahaja Yogi. How can you say, only your grandmother, your father, your mother – how is this possible? Aren’t you on the platform of this world, your level has changed, right? You relatives have changed. In olden days, Bramhin used to marry a bramhin only. Marriage into another caste was a taboo. Is it like that now? Everything has got mixed up. Then why should Sahaj Yogis think that this is my mother and this is your mother. Mine is yours only… Consider her…. Now the entire world is yours. Has Dnyaneshwar said anything like this ever? We have had so many Sadhus and saints. Has Tukaram ever said anything like this? Have they ever differentiated like mine and yours? Just keep on saying by heart the verses by these saints , the meaning does not penetrate the head at all. So leaving all of this, a person should be very honest about oneself. What am I doing to myself? What have I done for myself? I must see what I want to do and then after doing that you will understand and will get enlightened. You are a Sahaj Yogi. Were there so many Sahaj Yogis in the world ever? There were a few, they too tolerated persecution. Still what beautiful poems they have written. You belong to such a large country, whose name itself is Maha Rashtra. How can you become small frogs after coming here? Now leave these relatives. And those are your relatives , (“Hechi soyare hoti”) as is said by Dnyaneshwar, only these are your relatives. It is clearly mentioned that no one else is your relative. But one should realize that. People just keep on reading . ‘Pasaydaan”( treatise written by Dnyaneshwar). Read it, learnt by heart. Just learn everything by heart, that’s it. They learn without retaining anything. So the people from Maharashtra should observe themselves with a humouros attitude that what the hell am I doing? What is my work? You should come to Delhi and see. There are two three very good Maharshtrians who have arrived there. They say that Mataji you should invite people from Maharashtra only. They are very good people. I said is that right? Go there for a few days then you will know. In Sahaj Yoga most of the things need an effort first. I don’t say that you should go to Himalaya and stand on one foot. No. But where am I going? What am I doing? What am I living for? That needs to be seen. Then only shower of blessings. Even for blessings, Sahastrara should be opened. Completely. Must value oneself. One does not value oneself. Why it happened like this to my atma(soul), that I don’t value myself? We must determine that I can do this, can do that. And should see big dreams that I will go to this place , to that village, go there - should see such dreams. Should imagine such big things. You see, even earlier, we have accomplished so much work. There was a queen of Jhansi. She was a woman. She said no, we will defeat the Britishers. She went to the war field taking her small child with her. And she laid down her life in the battlefield. But still warned the Britishers that she may be the daughter of Jhansi but the one who fights valiantly is Laxmi Bai. These are types of women born in Maharashtra. And now what, nothing of the sort is seen. Only decking up. Why I am saying this is because I had very bad experiences. Now you people say we don’t want Maharashtrian wife. These women misbehaved there. Marathi language is better. If told in Marathi it will not be misinterpreted. But even then let it be understood by you. These women go there and misbehave. Now we don’t want a wife from Maharashtra. There is no education, nothing else, still got them married thinking that it is our responsibility. But they brought ill fame to us only. I told you this as I have not complained to you till date. Always kept on praising you. But it will not work henceforth. Now I should see something concrete in front of me. Hence next time I am going to ask everyone how many people have you given realization to. In a way you are better than Gujaratis. They do not get influenced easily. They do not understand Sahaja Yoga easily. And even if it enters your head, it is a waste. So today everyone should make a resolution in their minds that Mataji next time when you come here we will show you what all can be done in Maharashtra. Where have the valiant Mavlaas(Maratha warriors) gone? Don’t know what happened. With the help of Mavlaas so much was accomplished and you people are so educated good people, everything proper. You are of no help to me. Hence this number should increase. And not only this, you should also progress. And I should see that In Maharashtra , Sahaja Yoga should be exhausted(should reach its peak). There is a saying that one is exhausted due to exhaustion. There is nothing to be said beyond this. It should be like this. Just make me speechless. How happy I will be if this happens. I was born here. And I studied everything in Marathi language. Even today I know Marathi quite well. But I cannot fathom the minds of the Marathi people. I cannot understand the minds of Marathi people. Because my father was of a very high caliber. Mother was of high caliber. In their close proximity I did not know that such things existed in Maharashtra. Similarly you should prove Mataji we are special. You entrusted us with such great responsibility, great burden. And we will prove it you that Maharashtra is a force to reckon with. All these great warriors came, shouldn’t we deserve their valor. Just being Marathi means what? To call oneself Maharashtrian is not enough. People think that being Maharashtrian is enough. It should not be so. Hence understand Sahaja Yoga completely, Practise it and make Maharashtra proud. I say that with infinite blessings to you. Please accept it.
Mahashivaratri Puja: Destructive Power of Shri Mahadeva
“Destructive Power Of Shri Mahadeva,” Mahashivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 25 February 2001. Today we are here to celebrate Mahashivaratri. It’s a very great privilege for all of us to understand about Shri Mahadeva. Unless and until you have got your Self-realisation you cannot understand what is the great personality, the character and the powers of Shri Mahadeva. It’s not easy to conceive – also to reach the depth – of His greatness unless and until we are humble. We have to be very humble to reach at the lotus feet of Shri Mahadeva. As you have seen that one has to cross even the Sahasrara to be at the lotus feet of this Great Personality. He is beyond, beyond our conception, but He resides in our hearts as the Spirit and is reflected very well when you get your Realisation. But still one has to understand the powers of Shri Mahadeva; which is not very easy to describe about this great God in little words. But the first power He Himself has [is] that He is a very forgiving God: He forgives; He forgives us so many of our sins, so many of our destructive activities, our horrible mind which tries to create problems for everyone, up to a point! But He has the greatest power to destroy. His destruction comes so suddenly because He rules all the elements. All the elements He rules: He rules the Mother Earth, and He rules all other elements. Through their causal, He rules. And He can destroy everything that He wants to if He finds there is [any] problem. I have to tell you that earthquakes are managed by Him, not by me. I am not there for destruction. He’s the one who sees what’s happening on this earth, what’s happening to the human being. I’ll give you an example of Gujarat: apart from anything, Gujarat people are very money-oriented; they are worried with the stock-exchange, this, that, all the time money, money, money, money, money. Even if they are abroad, they are extremely money-oriented. Sometimes I am surprised. It’s impossible to talk to them about Sahaj Yog. And they like artificial type of things like some gurus or somebody. I don’t know from where did they get like this, [but] whatever it is, we have a state called Bhavnagar in Gujarat. Bhavnagar people came, they brought for me those silver slippers, padukas, to be vibrated; I was surprised, I was happy at least, that these people are thinking about it. So they did a puja, they did a havan in Bhavnagar and also in Baroda. These are the two places [which] were not touched even, touched even, by the bhukamp (भूकंप - earthquake), by the earthquake. Can you imagine! And Surat which is very much distant, was absolutely shattered. There are Sahaj Yogis, very few, all of them were saved, and their houses also did not move. This is between the protection of your Mother and the wrath of God Almighty. One has to understand this very well, that He has powers over all the elements. I went to France, and there some people in France tried to trouble me. And all the media got after me. And on the television, everywhere, they were saying all kinds of things against me. I knew something would go wrong somewhere and suddenly from the sea a big – I don’t know what to call it – a big storm started, suddenly, no one knows why. And two ships were completely sunk, and those people who went to rescue them got cancer. Then it came: this storm started moving fast and all the churches lost their top, heads I should say. All the churches lost it. So many priests’ houses were ruined and it travelled and came up to the place where I had purchased a very big castle. It just stopped, and just stopped at the brink of it. Now, it’s not my doing, I must tell you. But this is what He does. Though He’s very forgiving, He’s extremely kind, He’s blissful, but you should be aware of His powers. All those powers are used to protect my work, I should say. It goes too far and it is to show to people that they shouldn’t obstruct the work of spirituality. It should be real spirituality. It should not be somebody like a false guru coming up and showing some magic, or talking something about some far-fetched things. But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful. He’s extremely blissful. And what He has given you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He’s extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness. If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart. Otherwise, gradually, you start developing very difficult types of diseases. Say If you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart. You cannot get heart attacks. But if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own, doing wrong things and forgetting about God, then you also start developing a very weak heart. So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive, and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretensions if you start torturing someone your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart-attack, and all the troubles from that. This is inevitable. But supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are a frightened person. If you are frightened, then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart [which] we call as angina where the blood supply is there, and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you lead a very mediocre life. So this second thing also is very visible among people who think they are very, very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of Spirituality, but not because you are frightened, and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaj Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything. In India people are afraid of everything! If they can see a squirrel they will be frightened! If they see a lizard – finished! I mean they are afraid of anything and the ladies in India are so afraid of even cockroaches! This kind of temperament is absolutely stupid, because that makes you a kind of a person who is prone to angina. What is there to be afraid of? If you are a Sahaj Yogi and Sahaj Yogini, you are not to be afraid of anything. They are afraid of rats! All kinds of nonsense. And they boast of it, and they talk about it. Here the heart is becoming weaker and weaker and weaker. Also, I must say, the Indian men are responsible for that. Because they treat their women as if they are appendages or some sort of a liability, I don’t know what they think to be. Their behaviour is so bad, unbelievable! Especially in North India, I have seen, women have no position. The woman is brought in the house, kept in the house, just like a maidservant. She has to cover her face all the time, she doesn’t have to go out anywhere without permission. It’s terrible! Some people say it is the Muslim influence or whatever it is; but when you believe in eternal life, in spiritual life, you should not be governed by any such nonsensical atrocities. And that’s why I feel that you really need the emancipation of women in India. They are very good, they are very tolerant, they are very sweet, but they develop all the bad diseases, all the mental diseases, because they don’t know their own value, they don’t know their own self-respect. And on this I have already spoken at length [about] why should men behave like that. Because I think in our country, we have at least seventy percent [that] are women. And the seventy percent [of the] people’s energy is wasted in the North India. I don’t know what they think of themselves. And then they are punished. All such countries can never prosper, because women are the Lakshmis. But they have to be Lakshmis also. They have to behave like Lakshmis. But some of them come up like this that you are shocked. How can they be women? They look like devils! So it’s such an imbalance in the society; which is punished, again, by Shri Mahadeva. He’s very kind, and He looks after the people who are suffering. And He tries to punish people who make them suffer. It is His quality to help by destroying people who are aggressive. He doesn’t talk of Kundalini, He doesn’t talk of Self-realisation, He just punishes them nicely, in such a bad way that it’s shocking! And He relieves sometimes people like...I have seen many women who live like this, suffer so much: they die much earlier than their age. All this one has to see in the right perspective. He’s there to protect, of course, but more to destroy. He protects all kinds of animals, all birds. All the nature He protects. He’s the one who brings all the joy, all the joy of spirituality. But if you try to become aggressive, then He is the one who will destroy. Sometimes He gives more long rope to hang, and so people think, “We are alright!” They satisfy themselves. On the contrary, in the West I find the women are ruling the men more than the men [are ruling the women]. Very surprising. I don’t know how they have handled the situation, but they are ruling, all the time. And the men have to be under their thumb. I don’t know how they have managed it, but they do it! They are not humble. They don’t love, and they will go on divorcing their husbands all the time. They do not love! They don’t know what love is. But also, I have seen that men don’t understand what love is in India. They don’t know how to love their wives, which is a life-partner. How to respect, they don’t understand. There, then comes a great wrath, and this wrath works in so many ways, in creating horrible diseases and in creating problems and problems for such men. And the society also is responsible for doing all kinds of things against humble people. Both ways one has to understand that, if you are aggressive, you are under the third eye of Shri Mahadeva! In any way. If you are aggressive, say, with your servants; if you are aggressive with your subordinates; if you are aggressive with your children – there is this wrathful God watching you, and one can get under the spell of His destruction. But He gives us the great heights of Himalaya. He makes human beings extremely beautiful, very noble. And He wants that people should love each other. There should be pure love among human beings. And also He makes you very delicately behaving towards other people; very sweetly behaving towards others. If you don’t have that, then you are going in the wrong direction. But His greatest thing is that He gives you the height and the depth. If you are worshipping Him, then you develop such heights that you see the whole world as a witness. He sees the whole world as a Sakshiswarupa (साक्षिस्वरूप) as a witness. And so He is the knowledge, He is the pure knowledge. You may get your Realisation, alright; you might feel the cool breeze in your hands, alright; but, do you have the knowledge? I have to tell you what finger means what, what hand means what; what is vibrations I have to tell. He's that knowledge. He’s the pure knowledge, complete knowledge, of the highest level. So He is the source of knowledge. Those people who are not humble cannot get that knowledge. Those people who are arrogant and who do not handle others delicately, sweetly, beautifully, are not blessed by Him. They cannot achieve anything in life. What do we have to achieve? Not your position, not your wealth, not all these outward things. But you have to achieve a loving heart! A heart with which you can love. If there is Shiva in your heart you will love everyone in a very beautiful manner. There won’t be any nonsensical ideas about love. Just pure love, pure love for all the people. Is the blessing [of Shiva] then all your harshness goes away. For example if you have a little power, little power, so you start misusing it. Look at Shiva, He has so many powers! If He starts misusing [them] there won’t be even a blade of grass left on this earth: how much we are sinful, selfish, you know that. But still He gives you a chance. He says, “Let’s see, they might improve!”. And He’s extremely generous, extremely generous. He’s very forgiving and also extremely generous. Now supposing there are people who are living in a desert and they are very good people, and they are suffering because they are living in a desert: He will create oases for them! He controls the Mother Earth. He can do everything to make them happy, if they are spiritual, if they worship Him. But human beings are so stupid that they go on fighting, also, in the name of God. Like in the south we have two types of people: one who worships Shiva, another who worships Vishnu. Can you imagine! Vishnu used to worship Shiva! Nobody’s higher, nobody’s lower. It’s so important. Everything is so important. But they used to fight on this point that they are worshipping Shiva, or they are worshipping Vishnu, and nowhere near the reality they were. They didn’t know what was the reality, nothing! Just fighting, fighting, fighting! In the name of God, those who fight, Shiva comes on them and His trident hits them. You are not to fight in the name of God, but you have to love and understand. So this fighting in the name of God is a nonsense; not only that but is very, very dangerous. All such people who do that will be destroyed. It is self-destructive. Such people will be destroyed completely. So, you should understand that, in the name of God you have to love. You have to understand. You need not tolerate nonsense, is different; but you have to love people, spread your love. Gradually this love can go all over the world, and then the vision of mine I can see working out. But if there is fighting, there’s hatred, there’s all kinds of aggressiveness, these are all against Shiva, and such people will be destroyed. What will I do with them? What can I do if they are destroyed? If they are very money oriented, materialistic people, they are not loving then: they are loving only for money. All such people will be destroyed, no doubt. One should be not only humble, but should be extremely loving. To get the blessings of Shiva you have to be extremely loving. Such people may not be very cunning, clever; may be very innocent; must be. Because when you love somebody, you want to help that person. I have suffered myself, I have tried to help people and they have deceived me. So what? That’s their nature and they are destroyed. What can I do? I didn’t ask them that, “You deceive me,” but they deceived me, I don’t know why; and I have been very kind and nice, still they deceived me. So when the destruction follows, what can I do about it? I don’t want anybody to be destroyed. I love this creation of mine and I don’t have any way of protecting them if they are destructive. Because there is another great power who can destroy them. This is an absolutely, mine is a helpless condition sometimes I feel and I don’t know how to express. But one has to understand as Sahaj Yogis that with Shiva’s love and His blessings you can become extremely loving, extremely generous, very, very sweet; and innocent like children. You have to be innocent. There’s no need to be very clever and cunning. And you will be amazed how your innocence, innocence will be protected. And if you are innocent, you don’t have to worry: there’s a power, it’s the third eye of Shiva, which is looking after you. Wherever you are going, He is with you. That doesn’t mean that you become stupid. It doesn’t mean that you are not practical. All that is taken over, all the practical side, by the power of Shiva. His guidance, His love, His kindness, you can see at every, every step of life. But first of all, watch your steps! Are you aggressive? Are you troublesome? Do you say harsh things to others? Or are you humble? Are you gentle? And if you are kind, He’s very much pleased with you. In the Nature it is His rule that works. And they are so systematic, they live with understanding of each other. For example, if you go in the jungle and it is absolutely quiet, you don’t even hear the birds twittering, then you should know there is a tiger sitting somewhere, because he is the king. They know they have to obey, and when the king is there, his protocol is there. They know automatically what is the protocol of the king. Nobody would be even moving if he is there. He sits in his majesty. Then in one week, or maybe fifteen days he’ll kill one animal. He has to eat [so] he kills one animal, then he and his family, they eat first. He waits for some time, of course, for the blood to ooze out, then the whole family comes and eats. Then he leaves the body there. Then by gradation, one by one, all kinds of animals come and eat it as a prasad. And lastly are the crows who come and eat that animal. Such discipline, such understanding of the protocol; I’m amazed how animals are managed by Shiva. We never hear that animals are having a strike, or animals are having a big underworld [of] animals! You don’t hear that these animals are stealing things! I mean, just imagine: we are coming from that animal life, but we are worse than them! How are we going to rise if we have all such funny ideas of behaving in such a manner of fighting. On any small little excuse they’ll fight, they start fighting. Animals also fight a little bit among themselves, but not in a collective way. They don’t do it in a collective way as we do it here and we do not. It’s really at a slightest provocation we get into groups and start fighting. They get into groups but they don’t fight. What is the thing among them? Everything is so much, so much understood by animals, why not for us also to understand the law of nature? It is Mahadeva who manages that all the nature’s laws are to be obeyed. Even the Mother Earth, the sky, everything, is looked after by Him. He does nice, nice, beautiful things for us. With the changing of the seasons. He creates these beautiful flowers; He creates all that is soothing and joy-giving and beautiful, He looks after. He gives us to see what nature has given us, and tries to please us, keep us happy, entertain, like an innocent child. But while we, in our arrogance, we have our reactions to everything! You see a carpet and you will say “I don’t like it!” Especially in the West, it is a common thing to say, “I don’t like it”. Who are you not to like something, or to dislike something? What do you think of yourself? It’s very common, and shamelessly they will say, “I don’t like it! “I like it.” It’s impossible! Such human beings, I don’t know where they will go, what will happen to them. Instead of appreciating, instead of enjoying everything, why to start criticising and reacting? Reaction is much more in the West, I must say, not so much in India. But there are certain cultural differences, I think, that’s why people say like that. Here if somebody says like that, people will think that person is mad or something wrong with Him, the way he talks. So it’s important how you express your love, how you talk about your love. Start it with your wife, to begin with, and then you can move towards your children and other people. And we are so stupid sometimes, that we love the whole world but we can’t love our wives; is a speciality. In India that’s very true. But also in the west I have seen people love their wives because of fear: fear of divorce maybe, I don’t know what. Love should have no fear. It should have just free love. Without any fear, without any aggression, enjoy that pure love. And that is what is missing in the human beings today as it is. When the day will come when human beings will be understanding the beauty of love, then from the heavens there will be flowers pouring on us. It would be such a tremendous day when Mahadeva will be able to close His third eye and would be peaceful in His heart. It’s my vision. It’s the future for you, to see how peacefully you can talk to people, how sweetly you can love others, how much you can give to others. For example, [if] they have to give something, they’ll go in the market and buy the cheapest, the rottenest thing, for giving. That’s not the way. You must buy small or big, whatever it is, out of love, that should talk about your love, tell about your love, and not about your money, what you have spent. It’s very common nowadays, even in India, that people try to show how much they are worth, what they wear, how they dress up – for what? For what? I have known such people, very many, and when they die there are not even four people available to carry their dead body. When they live they think no end of themselves. That time, you should see how many people there are to love that person, to care for that person. Maybe it is his upbringing, maybe, that he had never known love - anything you may blame - but for a Sahaj Yogi it is important to learn that love is your life, love is spirituality; and love – without expectations – to do something. Some people are, I know, very good at helping poor people, this, that. But behind that is the power that they do. They think “Oh, we are great, we are doing this work, that work!” Just to satisfy their power, not their love. So when you are working, you have to know that it’s just to satisfy your Spirit, just to satisfy your love that you are doing it, not for any name or for any kind of a position. If you have that kind of a detached love, virakta (विरक्त - detached) as they call it, then nobody has to certify you. You have it and you are enjoying it. It is unfortunate I have to speak in English language, and maybe there are some who do not understand English, but nowadays English has become dominating, what to do? You have to suppose before anything English language! I can’t use any other language. But one has to speak the language of love. You see animals, if you have a horse or if you have a dog, all these animals, they understand your love. How they stick to you, how they express their love. They are very sweet. And this we have to learn from them now, I think. Otherwise I don’t know how to make them understand the value of love. It is not that, the way people are criticising, that we are not practical, that we have not achieved much money or power or something. That’s not important, because there are many like that selling in the market. But we are different. We are the jewels of humanity, and we have to be like that - shiny. Cutting out all the wrong things within us as a diamond is cut to look something very, very great. My only, if I have any desire, is that [you should] try to follow the qualities of Shri Mahadeva: How great He is, how detached He is, detached, absolutely detached! He lives with bones and things like that. He is not bothered about where He lives, what He lives with, what He has, nothing! He’s so detached, and we should be detached like that. At the same time, we should be very loving like Him, extremely loving, how His heart is full of love for us, how He looks after us. I am warning you, because I know you all love me very much, but you should also love each other. You should have a loving heart, and have satisfaction in loving others. If you could develop that, your height will grow, your depth in Sahaj Yoga will grow. It’s alright, the Goddess gives you the shraddha, alright, but the depth in shraddha, in Sanskrit or in Hindi and Marathi I don’t know what you call, but in Marathi they call it dhyas - just deep into that love, drenched into that love, enjoying that love. Then you don’t want anything: what do you want? You’ve got everything. So what do you want now? Just like the greatness of Shri Mahadeva. He’s so great that He’s detached. What does He want? I mean nothing is greater than Him, nothing is more important than Him. Then what does He want? He doesn’t want anything. That’s why he’s detached. This detachment you have to develop. But at the same time He is the Lord of all the arts, of the music, of the rhythm. The other day you saw these boys were playing the rhythm. The whole rhythm of everything He gives. The rhythmic life that we have, we are not yet aware of it. You see a child is born after, exactly after, nine months and so-many days: who keeps this rhythm? Then we get, say, certain flowers at such-and-such time. Then we get in the nature all kinds of these seasons. Who keeps the rhythm? He is the one who is nothing but rhythm. And that rhythm is kept up. In the nature, in everything there’s a rhythm. And a rhythmic person is the one who has a very large heart. He’s like an ocean. You get just that rhythm disturbed immediately if you find somebody is being very cruel, very bad and all that. But in a smooth, beautiful, peaceful lake, there is no ripple at all, it’s just love. And then, at that time, if the rhythm, the silent rhythm of that heart is broken, then Shiva takes charge. So one has to have a complete sense of the rhythm of time, rhythm of nature, rhythm of everything. People don’t know even the names of the flowers. They don’t know what these flowers are, what time they come up. They have no idea what is the rhythm of their living. Nobody’s bothered. All over, if you see, there are seasons and things. It’s all the rhythm, like He is playing a big tabla or pakhawaj on which He plays all the beautiful tunes of all the seasons. And that’s how the nature flourishes and comes up and then subsides. We do not see that point. We are just bothered about ourselves. Like we’ll ask, “How are you?” “Mother, I have got a headache, I’ve got a stomach trouble, I have another trouble” … or everything is there. But another one would say, “Ah, I’m alright!” “So, what’s the matter?” “Put the world right Mother. Mother, why don’t you put the world right?” He’s worried about others, not about himself, and in that understanding of what one should do to make this world happy, beautiful. For that one has to really work hard, so called, and in that working one thinks, “Isn’t it our duty to make this world beautiful? Isn’t it our job to make this world rhythmic; rhyming with the Spirit?” It’s our duty. We have to do it! Not only taking Sahaj Yoga for yourself, but for others. It’s not [that] you are all the time worried about yourself, but you are worried about others: what’s happening in the world. That is love! That love is spontaneous, and when it works, it works wonders. So this is a beautiful evening where we are worshipping such a great source of our ascent. And I hope you people will understand how far are you with that force, how much are you drenched in that force, in that rhythm of Shiva; who, in His rhythmic way, gives you vibrations. Vibrations flow in a wavy way, and that wave should engulf you completely. And it should be asked [that], in that your ‘I-ness’ should be dissolved in that. This is [what] I bless you. Thank you. Today we’ll have a Ganesha puja, a small Ganesh puja, then Shiva puja and then the Devi puja. May God bless you!
“Destructive Power Of Shri Mahadeva,” Mahashivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 25 February 2001. Today we are here to celebrate Mahashivaratri. It’s a very great privilege for all of us to understand about Shri Mahadeva. Unless and until you have got your Self-realisation you cannot understand what is the great personality, the character and the powers of Shri Mahadeva. It’s not easy to conceive – also to reach the depth – of His greatness unless and until we are humble. We have to be very humble to reach at the lotus feet of Shri Mahadeva. As you have seen that one has to cross even the Sahasrara to be at the lotus feet of this Great Personality. He is beyond, beyond our conception, but He resides in our hearts as the Spirit and is reflected very well when you get your Realisation. But still one has to understand the powers of Shri Mahadeva; which is not very easy to describe about this great God in little words. But the first power He Himself has [is] that He is a very forgiving God: He forgives; He forgives us so many of our sins, so many of our destructive activities, our horrible mind which tries to create problems for everyone, up to a point! But He has the greatest power to destroy. His destruction comes so suddenly because He rules all the elements. All the elements He rules: He rules the Mother Earth, and He rules all other elements. Through their causal, He rules. And He can destroy everything that He wants to if He finds there is [any] problem. I have to tell you that earthquakes are managed by Him, not by me. I am not there for destruction. He’s the one who sees what’s happening on this earth, what’s happening to the human being. I’ll give you an example of Gujarat: apart from anything, Gujarat people are very money-oriented; they are worried with the stock-exchange, this, that, all the time money, money, money, money, money. Even if they are abroad, they are extremely money-oriented. Sometimes I am surprised. It’s impossible to talk to them about Sahaj Yog. And they like artificial type of things like some gurus or somebody. I don’t know from where did they get like this, [but] whatever it is, we have a state called Bhavnagar in Gujarat. Bhavnagar people came, they brought for me those silver slippers, padukas, to be vibrated; I was surprised, I was happy at least, that these people are thinking about it. So they did a puja, they did a havan in Bhavnagar and also in Baroda. These are the two places [which] were not touched even, touched even, by the bhukamp (भूकंप - earthquake), by the earthquake. Can you imagine! And Surat which is very much distant, was absolutely shattered. There are Sahaj Yogis, very few, all of them were saved, and their houses also did not move. This is between the protection of your Mother and the wrath of God Almighty. One has to understand this very well, that He has powers over all the elements. I went to France, and there some people in France tried to trouble me. And all the media got after me. And on the television, everywhere, they were saying all kinds of things against me. I knew something would go wrong somewhere and suddenly from the sea a big – I don’t know what to call it – a big storm started, suddenly, no one knows why. And two ships were completely sunk, and those people who went to rescue them got cancer. Then it came: this storm started moving fast and all the churches lost their top, heads I should say. All the churches lost it. So many priests’ houses were ruined and it travelled and came up to the place where I had purchased a very big castle. It just stopped, and just stopped at the brink of it. Now, it’s not my doing, I must tell you. But this is what He does. Though He’s very forgiving, He’s extremely kind, He’s blissful, but you should be aware of His powers. All those powers are used to protect my work, I should say. It goes too far and it is to show to people that they shouldn’t obstruct the work of spirituality. It should be real spirituality. It should not be somebody like a false guru coming up and showing some magic, or talking something about some far-fetched things. But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful. He’s extremely blissful. And what He has given you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He’s extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness. If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart. Otherwise, gradually, you start developing very difficult types of diseases. Say If you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart. You cannot get heart attacks. But if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own, doing wrong things and forgetting about God, then you also start developing a very weak heart. So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive, and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretensions if you start torturing someone your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart-attack, and all the troubles from that. This is inevitable. But supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are a frightened person. If you are frightened, then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart [which] we call as angina where the blood supply is there, and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you lead a very mediocre life. So this second thing also is very visible among people who think they are very, very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of Spirituality, but not because you are frightened, and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaj Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything. In India people are afraid of everything! If they can see a squirrel they will be frightened! If they see a lizard – finished! I mean they are afraid of anything and the ladies in India are so afraid of even cockroaches! This kind of temperament is absolutely stupid, because that makes you a kind of a person who is prone to angina. What is there to be afraid of? If you are a Sahaj Yogi and Sahaj Yogini, you are not to be afraid of anything. They are afraid of rats! All kinds of nonsense. And they boast of it, and they talk about it. Here the heart is becoming weaker and weaker and weaker. Also, I must say, the Indian men are responsible for that. Because they treat their women as if they are appendages or some sort of a liability, I don’t know what they think to be. Their behaviour is so bad, unbelievable! Especially in North India, I have seen, women have no position. The woman is brought in the house, kept in the house, just like a maidservant. She has to cover her face all the time, she doesn’t have to go out anywhere without permission. It’s terrible! Some people say it is the Muslim influence or whatever it is; but when you believe in eternal life, in spiritual life, you should not be governed by any such nonsensical atrocities. And that’s why I feel that you really need the emancipation of women in India. They are very good, they are very tolerant, they are very sweet, but they develop all the bad diseases, all the mental diseases, because they don’t know their own value, they don’t know their own self-respect. And on this I have already spoken at length [about] why should men behave like that. Because I think in our country, we have at least seventy percent [that] are women. And the seventy percent [of the] people’s energy is wasted in the North India. I don’t know what they think of themselves. And then they are punished. All such countries can never prosper, because women are the Lakshmis. But they have to be Lakshmis also. They have to behave like Lakshmis. But some of them come up like this that you are shocked. How can they be women? They look like devils! So it’s such an imbalance in the society; which is punished, again, by Shri Mahadeva. He’s very kind, and He looks after the people who are suffering. And He tries to punish people who make them suffer. It is His quality to help by destroying people who are aggressive. He doesn’t talk of Kundalini, He doesn’t talk of Self-realisation, He just punishes them nicely, in such a bad way that it’s shocking! And He relieves sometimes people like...I have seen many women who live like this, suffer so much: they die much earlier than their age. All this one has to see in the right perspective. He’s there to protect, of course, but more to destroy. He protects all kinds of animals, all birds. All the nature He protects. He’s the one who brings all the joy, all the joy of spirituality. But if you try to become aggressive, then He is the one who will destroy. Sometimes He gives more long rope to hang, and so people think, “We are alright!” They satisfy themselves. On the contrary, in the West I find the women are ruling the men more than the men [are ruling the women]. Very surprising. I don’t know how they have handled the situation, but they are ruling, all the time. And the men have to be under their thumb. I don’t know how they have managed it, but they do it! They are not humble. They don’t love, and they will go on divorcing their husbands all the time. They do not love! They don’t know what love is. But also, I have seen that men don’t understand what love is in India. They don’t know how to love their wives, which is a life-partner. How to respect, they don’t understand. There, then comes a great wrath, and this wrath works in so many ways, in creating horrible diseases and in creating problems and problems for such men. And the society also is responsible for doing all kinds of things against humble people. Both ways one has to understand that, if you are aggressive, you are under the third eye of Shri Mahadeva! In any way. If you are aggressive, say, with your servants; if you are aggressive with your subordinates; if you are aggressive with your children – there is this wrathful God watching you, and one can get under the spell of His destruction. But He gives us the great heights of Himalaya. He makes human beings extremely beautiful, very noble. And He wants that people should love each other. There should be pure love among human beings. And also He makes you very delicately behaving towards other people; very sweetly behaving towards others. If you don’t have that, then you are going in the wrong direction. But His greatest thing is that He gives you the height and the depth. If you are worshipping Him, then you develop such heights that you see the whole world as a witness. He sees the whole world as a Sakshiswarupa (साक्षिस्वरूप) as a witness. And so He is the knowledge, He is the pure knowledge. You may get your Realisation, alright; you might feel the cool breeze in your hands, alright; but, do you have the knowledge? I have to tell you what finger means what, what hand means what; what is vibrations I have to tell. He's that knowledge. He’s the pure knowledge, complete knowledge, of the highest level. So He is the source of knowledge. Those people who are not humble cannot get that knowledge. Those people who are arrogant and who do not handle others delicately, sweetly, beautifully, are not blessed by Him. They cannot achieve anything in life. What do we have to achieve? Not your position, not your wealth, not all these outward things. But you have to achieve a loving heart! A heart with which you can love. If there is Shiva in your heart you will love everyone in a very beautiful manner. There won’t be any nonsensical ideas about love. Just pure love, pure love for all the people. Is the blessing [of Shiva] then all your harshness goes away. For example if you have a little power, little power, so you start misusing it. Look at Shiva, He has so many powers! If He starts misusing [them] there won’t be even a blade of grass left on this earth: how much we are sinful, selfish, you know that. But still He gives you a chance. He says, “Let’s see, they might improve!”. And He’s extremely generous, extremely generous. He’s very forgiving and also extremely generous. Now supposing there are people who are living in a desert and they are very good people, and they are suffering because they are living in a desert: He will create oases for them! He controls the Mother Earth. He can do everything to make them happy, if they are spiritual, if they worship Him. But human beings are so stupid that they go on fighting, also, in the name of God. Like in the south we have two types of people: one who worships Shiva, another who worships Vishnu. Can you imagine! Vishnu used to worship Shiva! Nobody’s higher, nobody’s lower. It’s so important. Everything is so important. But they used to fight on this point that they are worshipping Shiva, or they are worshipping Vishnu, and nowhere near the reality they were. They didn’t know what was the reality, nothing! Just fighting, fighting, fighting! In the name of God, those who fight, Shiva comes on them and His trident hits them. You are not to fight in the name of God, but you have to love and understand. So this fighting in the name of God is a nonsense; not only that but is very, very dangerous. All such people who do that will be destroyed. It is self-destructive. Such people will be destroyed completely. So, you should understand that, in the name of God you have to love. You have to understand. You need not tolerate nonsense, is different; but you have to love people, spread your love. Gradually this love can go all over the world, and then the vision of mine I can see working out. But if there is fighting, there’s hatred, there’s all kinds of aggressiveness, these are all against Shiva, and such people will be destroyed. What will I do with them? What can I do if they are destroyed? If they are very money oriented, materialistic people, they are not loving then: they are loving only for money. All such people will be destroyed, no doubt. One should be not only humble, but should be extremely loving. To get the blessings of Shiva you have to be extremely loving. Such people may not be very cunning, clever; may be very innocent; must be. Because when you love somebody, you want to help that person. I have suffered myself, I have tried to help people and they have deceived me. So what? That’s their nature and they are destroyed. What can I do? I didn’t ask them that, “You deceive me,” but they deceived me, I don’t know why; and I have been very kind and nice, still they deceived me. So when the destruction follows, what can I do about it? I don’t want anybody to be destroyed. I love this creation of mine and I don’t have any way of protecting them if they are destructive. Because there is another great power who can destroy them. This is an absolutely, mine is a helpless condition sometimes I feel and I don’t know how to express. But one has to understand as Sahaj Yogis that with Shiva’s love and His blessings you can become extremely loving, extremely generous, very, very sweet; and innocent like children. You have to be innocent. There’s no need to be very clever and cunning. And you will be amazed how your innocence, innocence will be protected. And if you are innocent, you don’t have to worry: there’s a power, it’s the third eye of Shiva, which is looking after you. Wherever you are going, He is with you. That doesn’t mean that you become stupid. It doesn’t mean that you are not practical. All that is taken over, all the practical side, by the power of Shiva. His guidance, His love, His kindness, you can see at every, every step of life. But first of all, watch your steps! Are you aggressive? Are you troublesome? Do you say harsh things to others? Or are you humble? Are you gentle? And if you are kind, He’s very much pleased with you. In the Nature it is His rule that works. And they are so systematic, they live with understanding of each other. For example, if you go in the jungle and it is absolutely quiet, you don’t even hear the birds twittering, then you should know there is a tiger sitting somewhere, because he is the king. They know they have to obey, and when the king is there, his protocol is there. They know automatically what is the protocol of the king. Nobody would be even moving if he is there. He sits in his majesty. Then in one week, or maybe fifteen days he’ll kill one animal. He has to eat [so] he kills one animal, then he and his family, they eat first. He waits for some time, of course, for the blood to ooze out, then the whole family comes and eats. Then he leaves the body there. Then by gradation, one by one, all kinds of animals come and eat it as a prasad. And lastly are the crows who come and eat that animal. Such discipline, such understanding of the protocol; I’m amazed how animals are managed by Shiva. We never hear that animals are having a strike, or animals are having a big underworld [of] animals! You don’t hear that these animals are stealing things! I mean, just imagine: we are coming from that animal life, but we are worse than them! How are we going to rise if we have all such funny ideas of behaving in such a manner of fighting. On any small little excuse they’ll fight, they start fighting. Animals also fight a little bit among themselves, but not in a collective way. They don’t do it in a collective way as we do it here and we do not. It’s really at a slightest provocation we get into groups and start fighting. They get into groups but they don’t fight. What is the thing among them? Everything is so much, so much understood by animals, why not for us also to understand the law of nature? It is Mahadeva who manages that all the nature’s laws are to be obeyed. Even the Mother Earth, the sky, everything, is looked after by Him. He does nice, nice, beautiful things for us. With the changing of the seasons. He creates these beautiful flowers; He creates all that is soothing and joy-giving and beautiful, He looks after. He gives us to see what nature has given us, and tries to please us, keep us happy, entertain, like an innocent child. But while we, in our arrogance, we have our reactions to everything! You see a carpet and you will say “I don’t like it!” Especially in the West, it is a common thing to say, “I don’t like it”. Who are you not to like something, or to dislike something? What do you think of yourself? It’s very common, and shamelessly they will say, “I don’t like it! “I like it.” It’s impossible! Such human beings, I don’t know where they will go, what will happen to them. Instead of appreciating, instead of enjoying everything, why to start criticising and reacting? Reaction is much more in the West, I must say, not so much in India. But there are certain cultural differences, I think, that’s why people say like that. Here if somebody says like that, people will think that person is mad or something wrong with Him, the way he talks. So it’s important how you express your love, how you talk about your love. Start it with your wife, to begin with, and then you can move towards your children and other people. And we are so stupid sometimes, that we love the whole world but we can’t love our wives; is a speciality. In India that’s very true. But also in the west I have seen people love their wives because of fear: fear of divorce maybe, I don’t know what. Love should have no fear. It should have just free love. Without any fear, without any aggression, enjoy that pure love. And that is what is missing in the human beings today as it is. When the day will come when human beings will be understanding the beauty of love, then from the heavens there will be flowers pouring on us. It would be such a tremendous day when Mahadeva will be able to close His third eye and would be peaceful in His heart. It’s my vision. It’s the future for you, to see how peacefully you can talk to people, how sweetly you can love others, how much you can give to others. For example, [if] they have to give something, they’ll go in the market and buy the cheapest, the rottenest thing, for giving. That’s not the way. You must buy small or big, whatever it is, out of love, that should talk about your love, tell about your love, and not about your money, what you have spent. It’s very common nowadays, even in India, that people try to show how much they are worth, what they wear, how they dress up – for what? For what? I have known such people, very many, and when they die there are not even four people available to carry their dead body. When they live they think no end of themselves. That time, you should see how many people there are to love that person, to care for that person. Maybe it is his upbringing, maybe, that he had never known love - anything you may blame - but for a Sahaj Yogi it is important to learn that love is your life, love is spirituality; and love – without expectations – to do something. Some people are, I know, very good at helping poor people, this, that. But behind that is the power that they do. They think “Oh, we are great, we are doing this work, that work!” Just to satisfy their power, not their love. So when you are working, you have to know that it’s just to satisfy your Spirit, just to satisfy your love that you are doing it, not for any name or for any kind of a position. If you have that kind of a detached love, virakta (विरक्त - detached) as they call it, then nobody has to certify you. You have it and you are enjoying it. It is unfortunate I have to speak in English language, and maybe there are some who do not understand English, but nowadays English has become dominating, what to do? You have to suppose before anything English language! I can’t use any other language. But one has to speak the language of love. You see animals, if you have a horse or if you have a dog, all these animals, they understand your love. How they stick to you, how they express their love. They are very sweet. And this we have to learn from them now, I think. Otherwise I don’t know how to make them understand the value of love. It is not that, the way people are criticising, that we are not practical, that we have not achieved much money or power or something. That’s not important, because there are many like that selling in the market. But we are different. We are the jewels of humanity, and we have to be like that - shiny. Cutting out all the wrong things within us as a diamond is cut to look something very, very great. My only, if I have any desire, is that [you should] try to follow the qualities of Shri Mahadeva: How great He is, how detached He is, detached, absolutely detached! He lives with bones and things like that. He is not bothered about where He lives, what He lives with, what He has, nothing! He’s so detached, and we should be detached like that. At the same time, we should be very loving like Him, extremely loving, how His heart is full of love for us, how He looks after us. I am warning you, because I know you all love me very much, but you should also love each other. You should have a loving heart, and have satisfaction in loving others. If you could develop that, your height will grow, your depth in Sahaj Yoga will grow. It’s alright, the Goddess gives you the shraddha, alright, but the depth in shraddha, in Sanskrit or in Hindi and Marathi I don’t know what you call, but in Marathi they call it dhyas - just deep into that love, drenched into that love, enjoying that love. Then you don’t want anything: what do you want? You’ve got everything. So what do you want now? Just like the greatness of Shri Mahadeva. He’s so great that He’s detached. What does He want? I mean nothing is greater than Him, nothing is more important than Him. Then what does He want? He doesn’t want anything. That’s why he’s detached. This detachment you have to develop. But at the same time He is the Lord of all the arts, of the music, of the rhythm. The other day you saw these boys were playing the rhythm. The whole rhythm of everything He gives. The rhythmic life that we have, we are not yet aware of it. You see a child is born after, exactly after, nine months and so-many days: who keeps this rhythm? Then we get, say, certain flowers at such-and-such time. Then we get in the nature all kinds of these seasons. Who keeps the rhythm? He is the one who is nothing but rhythm. And that rhythm is kept up. In the nature, in everything there’s a rhythm. And a rhythmic person is the one who has a very large heart. He’s like an ocean. You get just that rhythm disturbed immediately if you find somebody is being very cruel, very bad and all that. But in a smooth, beautiful, peaceful lake, there is no ripple at all, it’s just love. And then, at that time, if the rhythm, the silent rhythm of that heart is broken, then Shiva takes charge. So one has to have a complete sense of the rhythm of time, rhythm of nature, rhythm of everything. People don’t know even the names of the flowers. They don’t know what these flowers are, what time they come up. They have no idea what is the rhythm of their living. Nobody’s bothered. All over, if you see, there are seasons and things. It’s all the rhythm, like He is playing a big tabla or pakhawaj on which He plays all the beautiful tunes of all the seasons. And that’s how the nature flourishes and comes up and then subsides. We do not see that point. We are just bothered about ourselves. Like we’ll ask, “How are you?” “Mother, I have got a headache, I’ve got a stomach trouble, I have another trouble” … or everything is there. But another one would say, “Ah, I’m alright!” “So, what’s the matter?” “Put the world right Mother. Mother, why don’t you put the world right?” He’s worried about others, not about himself, and in that understanding of what one should do to make this world happy, beautiful. For that one has to really work hard, so called, and in that working one thinks, “Isn’t it our duty to make this world beautiful? Isn’t it our job to make this world rhythmic; rhyming with the Spirit?” It’s our duty. We have to do it! Not only taking Sahaj Yoga for yourself, but for others. It’s not [that] you are all the time worried about yourself, but you are worried about others: what’s happening in the world. That is love! That love is spontaneous, and when it works, it works wonders. So this is a beautiful evening where we are worshipping such a great source of our ascent. And I hope you people will understand how far are you with that force, how much are you drenched in that force, in that rhythm of Shiva; who, in His rhythmic way, gives you vibrations. Vibrations flow in a wavy way, and that wave should engulf you completely. And it should be asked [that], in that your ‘I-ness’ should be dissolved in that. This is [what] I bless you. Thank you. Today we’ll have a Ganesha puja, a small Ganesh puja, then Shiva puja and then the Devi puja. May God bless you!
Birthday Felicitations: Human Beings don’t know what powers they have
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India), 20 March 2001. Sir C.P.'s Talk: (not transcribed) Shri Mataji’s Talk: I bow to all those who have found the truth and those who are still trying to find. The greatest problem of human beings is, surprising, that they don’t know themselves. They don’t know what powers they have. They don’t know what properties they have. They don’t know to what height they can rise. This is the main problem of ignorance about yourself. If you could just peep in your heart and start thinking about the spiritual life that you could have, you would know you are a treasure, treasure of powers of love, powers of justice and powers of wisdom. The problem is we have no idea as to what we are and Sahaja Yogis also, they are so humble that they do not realize what powers they have, and sometimes I find they are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga or to tell about others because they think it might be their ego that is speaking. Now, I have to tell you one thing that ego will always deflate, it will always deflate when you will face the society. Unless and until you face others your ego cannot come down. Now, how? The ego is there because when you think that others are better than you, when you are afraid to say that they have to transform, and when you are worried that you are being very aggressive. If you are a Sahaja Yogi and if you are meditating everyday, you are cleansing yourself. You have a power within yourself which will show its results. It will show its powers and manifestation in such a big way that you start surprising at yourself – “Is it what I am?” With the Kundalini awakening what happens that all this petty things as we call in Sanskrit “Shadripus”, they all drop out. But we must face ourselves. Some people in Sahaja Yoga thinks that we can become a very great people or we’d achieve some great positions and all that. That’s not the point. It’s not outside. It’s not the outside ambition, but the inner light which has to shine through you. All of you are quite intelligent and are experts, I should say, as far as the chakra knowledge is concerned. But what about the knowledge of yourself? Do you know about yourself what you can do, what you are capable of? That’s the point where we are missing. All right, it is the urge within because you have got your self-realization. But you still lack in one thing is a complete confidence in yourself, that you know the truth. And, as the people who know the truth what you have to do is to spread the truth to make this darkness of ignorance pass away. But in Sahaja Yoga also I have seen people when they come they start getting ideas about themselves and trying to organize things. They do all kinds of things. I know that. Instead of that, if you get full picture about yourself – what you are capable of and what you can achieve by giving realizations to others, by making them understand what are their powers are, not yours, their powers are. What they can achieve. I tell you, we can go very fast with the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. But this fear that we may develop ego, there are many who have this kind of a nonsensical idea. You cannot. Because the more you will meditate, the more you will face yourself, you will know that you have so many great things within you just like a storehouse of jewels. You must respect yourself and you must know within yourself what you have got. Not what you want to achieve outside. Like, there are some who trying to be, say, leaders, this, that … that’s all nonsense. That’s of no worth. The best thing is to know that you are a treasure of great value system within you and you can awaken that. You have powers. You can do that very easily without hurting anyone, without troubling anybody, without taking any money, all kinds of things. But as it is I find, the people are either money oriented or power oriented outside. Not inside. Inside is the wealth; inside is the power; inside everything that you can think of. There are people I know who never used to come on the stage to speak even. Now, they have become great speakers. And, I am amazed to see how they have been transformed. The greatest transformation is that you know yourself fully well and that with that knowledge you change others. Don’t keep yourself limited to yourself. You have to spread out. This power has been given to you to know yourself fully, and to be confident and to be kind and gentle and talk to people in that way that they know that you are a Sahaja Yogi. It is not given to you just to say that you are Sahaja Yogis but to know yourself fully, to peep into your own treasures, into your understanding. Now, I must say, there are so many people in this world, millions and millions. Why you people have come to Sahaja Yoga? I didn’t choose you. You chose Me. And, when you have chosen Me, you must know within yourself that “there must be something in me that has made me come to Sahaja Yoga and to understand the subtle system.” It’s a very subtle system and it can be known only to very subtle people and not to gross people. But if you yourself discover yourself and then you go ahead, there cannot be any ego because you are not ego. Those who have ego, as I told you, they even make money out of Sahaja Yoga, they even try to organize things something to promote them. They are on a very different level. But if you are not that kind then you should not become just stationary. You should do what it is to find out – What am I? What am I? Christ has said, “Know Thyself.” Mohammed Sahib has said, “Know Thyself.” All of them have said, “Know Thyself.” That means you are something great. You have a hidden properties within you which you do not know. Once you know yourself you will have self respect, you will not do wrong things, you will have no anger. But you will be an ocean of love. That’s what it has to be. That is what Sahaja Yoga is. I understand that these are the worst days, it’s the “Aghor Kaliyuga” as people say. All right. But why are you here during this time? To enlighten people. To give them the right ideas. But how unless and until you do not know yourself fully that you are capable of this and you are capable of that. You see, the life of all great men, I would say, people like Abraham Lincoln. He realized in very young age that he has to assert on others his own value system by showing his own example. Though it was very hard for people to understand him, still he has shown such results. I have read many lives of this kind. Like, in Turkey, we had Ataturk. We had everywhere one person like that. In India, we had Lal Bahadur Shastri who was such a great man and who knew about Sahaja Yoga, who used to respect Me so much. People would wonder why should he respect Me more than he would respect My husband or anyone, because he realized what I was. But he was not, he didn’t get the chance. Now, you people have a chance. All right, I am quite old now. It’s correct. But still I am not going to give up. Till I live I’ll work very hard to convince you about your own, your own personality, your own self. That’s what I am living for. Till you are completely convinced. You will be amazed that people who come to Sahaja Yoga also do all kinds of nonsensical things. I know they do. But they are not Sahaja Yogis in a way. Because unless and until you go deep into yourself, unless and until you find out what is your personality in the real sense of the word, whatever you may try, whatever you may do, it is not Sahaja. Sahaja means spontaneous. It comes spontaneously to you. As it is we know, in Sahaja Yoga you get connected to that area which Einstein has called as torsion area. But that torsion area is there behind you, Paramachaitnya is there to support you, to help you. All of you have got this, but despite that you don’t believe it, believe into it, believe in yourself. You have that power within you. I know of one fellow who was in Bombay. He was a fisherman and a great Sahaja Yogi. We have lost him. So, one day he was going to another island for spreading Sahaja Yoga among fishermen. And, he found in the sky such black clouds threatening. So he came out and he threatened them, “I am going for my Mother’s work. How dare you bring the rain? You should not rain, bring the rain till I come back.” And, it was surprising. He went down, did all his jobs everything, came back after five hours. And, when he went to bed it started thundering. The nature will be with you, because nature is our representative. It helps us. If you are of that quality, nature will stand by you. You have seen that many a times, nature has helped Me. It is not because I have any control over them, I tell them anything, but only thing they realize that I am here for such an such work. And that I am to be supported. In the same way, if you can establish it the nature will know that you are the people who are here to redeem the whole universe. You can do it. I may think that the whole world should be redeemed and all that. But, how can I do it? If I could have done it, I would not have [SOUNDS LIKE had…] I have to have channels. And, these channels who know their job, they know themselves, those who are quite capable of doing it. You are special people no doubt. Otherwise why are you here? But that specialty is this that you are a good conductor of this Divine energy. You are a wonderful conductor. You are an expert on that. It just works. It works automatically but your connection with the Divine should be absolute. Now, talking about absolute values is correct. But these absolute values, do they exist within us or not? If they do, then why not we make others imbibe them? It’s not difficult. It’s not at all difficult I tell you. I am just an ordinary housewife. What? It’s just My love. Just My, I should say, My nature itself that it has worked. I was sure about Myself. Though outside I may look a very humble housewife. People used to think I don’t speak much because I don’t know English. This was the situation. But that’s not the point. The point is, I knew what I was. I knew what I am, and I knew what I have to be. That’s all. That’s the only difference. If you people develop that knowledge within yourself, you can be dynamic. You will not have ambitions, you will not have some desires, you will not have anger, you will not have greed. All these drop out like that. First of all, we have to know what is our basis. And the most important basis is that we are born in a particular country. And we should get concerned about that. They say that I was a revolutionary and all that I did. I went to jail, everything I did. But that was just to get My country, country’s independence. That was different. But after that independence what should have happened is to make people realize what they are. Not only India, it’s in every country one has to understand what is the need of that country. What they have to do to improve, to help, to rise, to transform. You should not, I never asked you that you change your names or anything though you ask for Indian names. All right. But what is My main concern is that you should have concern for your countrymen. You are so empowered. Your kundalini has reached that state where you can do a lot. I know some of you have done a lot and have worked out. But still all of you have to do it. I would just say, the seven…seventy-eighth birthday, I forget also, seventy-eighth birthday I am just the same. I have not changed much because within Myself I feel that I have to tell people what they are. I have to tell them what they can achieve. And, I have to move in such a manner that they see it, that nothing is important than to know what you are. You are rich, poor – doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. What is important is to know yourself. I’m surprised very little has been written so far, but I find Tao by Lao Tse. I don’t know if you have read the book of Lao Tse, about Tao and meaning that what you are. Tao means what you are, and he describes very nicely that when you are that what happens. Now, the gap was how to achieve that state, how to reach that state was not given. He only described people who were Tao, who were realized souls, who were of what level I wonder. I was surprised that he never said about kundalini, but he talked about the river, Yangtse. That it is Yangtse river, you see in a symbolic way, he was more poetic. But ultimately reaching the ocean, that river becomes the ocean and then what are the qualities of the ocean he described so beautifully. Now, I would say you all have become supposing the ocean. So, are you behaving like the ocean? Are you understanding your capacity to be an ocean? What is an ocean is: look at the ocean, it has its own boundaries, maryadas, it doesn’t cross. If you try to push it one side, it will come outside. So you are, you have to be in your marayadas. We can call it also in your balance. That’s very important that you should be in your balance. Now many people say who have given up smoking have again started smoking, who have given up drinking again have started drinking. That means you have lost your maryadas. So those maryadas must be watched, watched yourself. If you go on watching yourself you will know what you are. You must watch yourself. You call him, “Hello Mister. So now, what are you up to?” Then you will see how your mind is working. With that thing what happens that this ocean, which is the love of Divinity, just starts flowing. Now this ocean, perhaps you don’t know, that ocean is the lowest thing. We measure all the heights from the ocean. If the ocean is at a zero point, what is the height of Himalaya? So, it keeps at the lowest. Because being the lowest it receives all the waters, all the things that are coming from the rivers or from the rain. Then, it burns its body in the sun – it’s open. And, when it burns it creates those clouds. And, the whole circle is created that these clouds can go and shower rain on people and again they become rivers and they come back to the sea. Everything has to go to the sea because it is the lowest. So, you stand at the lowest point with your confidence. At the lowest point. Don’t compare yourself with another person who is doing very well in life or may be something. But see that you are the lowest. At the lowest point you stand and you will be amazed that everything will come to you. Everything you will see that it flows into you. Main thing is knowing thyself itself it means that you know that you are the highest. You are the highest. But you are highest because you stand at the lowest point. It’s true that I have tremendous love for the poor people. It’s true also that I have been really very much yearning to do something for that and that’s how we have started at least sixteen projects in India. Now, all that is done just because I cannot contain Myself. All this kind of miseries and troubles they have. Like Orissa, I prayed so much. Because it’s a country very much troubled. We should find out why it is so much troubled. What is the problem there? And, I tell you, it is a very great country, Orissa is. I visited it also and main thing missing there is that still have no confidence. If they develop Sahaja Yoga within themselves, no floods can come, no problems can come to that country. Same in our country, same in your country and everybody’s country. First of all, we must have much more Sahaja Yogis, and we must have Sahaja Yogis who know they are Sahaja Yogis. To be very much confident of the fact that after all you are Sahaja Yogis. And why not? Whatever I can do, you all can do it also. Why not? You are My children. You can do it. But the confidence should be there that as Mother is we could be the same without any ego coming in, because mostly I have seen people very afraid of their ego. There is no ego in it because you are like the ocean, I said, which stands at the lowest point. In the same way, it works out. It’s so beautiful to love the whole world. It’s so beautiful to enjoy your compassion, to enjoy your generosity. I enjoy My generosity much more than anything else. But in that generosity, I know that I am not doing anything. It’s just expression of My sense of joy. You see, I see flowers, I am very happy. In the same way, I give something to someone, I feel very joyous. It’s a joy, joy giving quality. And, all joy giving qualities are within you which you should discover. You have got also peace giving qualities. Such a lot of peace is within you which you can transmit to the atmosphere, to the people, to everyone in case your peace is established. If there is anger, temper, this, that, it won’t work out. So, you should watch yourself, you should see yourself, you should meditate and find out what is lacking. It is such a tremendous force I think sitting before Me. They can explode all the myths of the world. I know that. But I don’t know how to ignite, what to do, how to tell them. So, now I would again and again tell you one thing, that on this birthday if you really want to give Me something then give Me this, that you show your confidence and you work it out wherever you are. You don’t have to change atmosphere. You don’t have to change anything. Wherever you are with honesty, with sincerity and with humble nature you can really do a lot. In every country you can do it, and in the whole world you can do it. This is My greatest desire and I hope, I am a person who is desireless, you will fulfill this subtle desire I have that we should transform the world. May God Bless you.
Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India), 20 March 2001. Sir C.P.'s Talk: (not transcribed) Shri Mataji’s Talk: I bow to all those who have found the truth and those who are still trying to find. The greatest problem of human beings is, surprising, that they don’t know themselves. They don’t know what powers they have. They don’t know what properties they have. They don’t know to what height they can rise. This is the main problem of ignorance about yourself. If you could just peep in your heart and start thinking about the spiritual life that you could have, you would know you are a treasure, treasure of powers of love, powers of justice and powers of wisdom. The problem is we have no idea as to what we are and Sahaja Yogis also, they are so humble that they do not realize what powers they have, and sometimes I find they are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga or to tell about others because they think it might be their ego that is speaking. Now, I have to tell you one thing that ego will always deflate, it will always deflate when you will face the society. Unless and until you face others your ego cannot come down. Now, how? The ego is there because when you think that others are better than you, when you are afraid to say that they have to transform, and when you are worried that you are being very aggressive. If you are a Sahaja Yogi and if you are meditating everyday, you are cleansing yourself. You have a power within yourself which will show its results. It will show its powers and manifestation in such a big way that you start surprising at yourself – “Is it what I am?” With the Kundalini awakening what happens that all this petty things as we call in Sanskrit “Shadripus”, they all drop out. But we must face ourselves. Some people in Sahaja Yoga thinks that we can become a very great people or we’d achieve some great positions and all that. That’s not the point. It’s not outside. It’s not the outside ambition, but the inner light which has to shine through you. All of you are quite intelligent and are experts, I should say, as far as the chakra knowledge is concerned. But what about the knowledge of yourself? Do you know about yourself what you can do, what you are capable of? That’s the point where we are missing. All right, it is the urge within because you have got your self-realization. But you still lack in one thing is a complete confidence in yourself, that you know the truth. And, as the people who know the truth what you have to do is to spread the truth to make this darkness of ignorance pass away. But in Sahaja Yoga also I have seen people when they come they start getting ideas about themselves and trying to organize things. They do all kinds of things. I know that. Instead of that, if you get full picture about yourself – what you are capable of and what you can achieve by giving realizations to others, by making them understand what are their powers are, not yours, their powers are. What they can achieve. I tell you, we can go very fast with the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. But this fear that we may develop ego, there are many who have this kind of a nonsensical idea. You cannot. Because the more you will meditate, the more you will face yourself, you will know that you have so many great things within you just like a storehouse of jewels. You must respect yourself and you must know within yourself what you have got. Not what you want to achieve outside. Like, there are some who trying to be, say, leaders, this, that … that’s all nonsense. That’s of no worth. The best thing is to know that you are a treasure of great value system within you and you can awaken that. You have powers. You can do that very easily without hurting anyone, without troubling anybody, without taking any money, all kinds of things. But as it is I find, the people are either money oriented or power oriented outside. Not inside. Inside is the wealth; inside is the power; inside everything that you can think of. There are people I know who never used to come on the stage to speak even. Now, they have become great speakers. And, I am amazed to see how they have been transformed. The greatest transformation is that you know yourself fully well and that with that knowledge you change others. Don’t keep yourself limited to yourself. You have to spread out. This power has been given to you to know yourself fully, and to be confident and to be kind and gentle and talk to people in that way that they know that you are a Sahaja Yogi. It is not given to you just to say that you are Sahaja Yogis but to know yourself fully, to peep into your own treasures, into your understanding. Now, I must say, there are so many people in this world, millions and millions. Why you people have come to Sahaja Yoga? I didn’t choose you. You chose Me. And, when you have chosen Me, you must know within yourself that “there must be something in me that has made me come to Sahaja Yoga and to understand the subtle system.” It’s a very subtle system and it can be known only to very subtle people and not to gross people. But if you yourself discover yourself and then you go ahead, there cannot be any ego because you are not ego. Those who have ego, as I told you, they even make money out of Sahaja Yoga, they even try to organize things something to promote them. They are on a very different level. But if you are not that kind then you should not become just stationary. You should do what it is to find out – What am I? What am I? Christ has said, “Know Thyself.” Mohammed Sahib has said, “Know Thyself.” All of them have said, “Know Thyself.” That means you are something great. You have a hidden properties within you which you do not know. Once you know yourself you will have self respect, you will not do wrong things, you will have no anger. But you will be an ocean of love. That’s what it has to be. That is what Sahaja Yoga is. I understand that these are the worst days, it’s the “Aghor Kaliyuga” as people say. All right. But why are you here during this time? To enlighten people. To give them the right ideas. But how unless and until you do not know yourself fully that you are capable of this and you are capable of that. You see, the life of all great men, I would say, people like Abraham Lincoln. He realized in very young age that he has to assert on others his own value system by showing his own example. Though it was very hard for people to understand him, still he has shown such results. I have read many lives of this kind. Like, in Turkey, we had Ataturk. We had everywhere one person like that. In India, we had Lal Bahadur Shastri who was such a great man and who knew about Sahaja Yoga, who used to respect Me so much. People would wonder why should he respect Me more than he would respect My husband or anyone, because he realized what I was. But he was not, he didn’t get the chance. Now, you people have a chance. All right, I am quite old now. It’s correct. But still I am not going to give up. Till I live I’ll work very hard to convince you about your own, your own personality, your own self. That’s what I am living for. Till you are completely convinced. You will be amazed that people who come to Sahaja Yoga also do all kinds of nonsensical things. I know they do. But they are not Sahaja Yogis in a way. Because unless and until you go deep into yourself, unless and until you find out what is your personality in the real sense of the word, whatever you may try, whatever you may do, it is not Sahaja. Sahaja means spontaneous. It comes spontaneously to you. As it is we know, in Sahaja Yoga you get connected to that area which Einstein has called as torsion area. But that torsion area is there behind you, Paramachaitnya is there to support you, to help you. All of you have got this, but despite that you don’t believe it, believe into it, believe in yourself. You have that power within you. I know of one fellow who was in Bombay. He was a fisherman and a great Sahaja Yogi. We have lost him. So, one day he was going to another island for spreading Sahaja Yoga among fishermen. And, he found in the sky such black clouds threatening. So he came out and he threatened them, “I am going for my Mother’s work. How dare you bring the rain? You should not rain, bring the rain till I come back.” And, it was surprising. He went down, did all his jobs everything, came back after five hours. And, when he went to bed it started thundering. The nature will be with you, because nature is our representative. It helps us. If you are of that quality, nature will stand by you. You have seen that many a times, nature has helped Me. It is not because I have any control over them, I tell them anything, but only thing they realize that I am here for such an such work. And that I am to be supported. In the same way, if you can establish it the nature will know that you are the people who are here to redeem the whole universe. You can do it. I may think that the whole world should be redeemed and all that. But, how can I do it? If I could have done it, I would not have [SOUNDS LIKE had…] I have to have channels. And, these channels who know their job, they know themselves, those who are quite capable of doing it. You are special people no doubt. Otherwise why are you here? But that specialty is this that you are a good conductor of this Divine energy. You are a wonderful conductor. You are an expert on that. It just works. It works automatically but your connection with the Divine should be absolute. Now, talking about absolute values is correct. But these absolute values, do they exist within us or not? If they do, then why not we make others imbibe them? It’s not difficult. It’s not at all difficult I tell you. I am just an ordinary housewife. What? It’s just My love. Just My, I should say, My nature itself that it has worked. I was sure about Myself. Though outside I may look a very humble housewife. People used to think I don’t speak much because I don’t know English. This was the situation. But that’s not the point. The point is, I knew what I was. I knew what I am, and I knew what I have to be. That’s all. That’s the only difference. If you people develop that knowledge within yourself, you can be dynamic. You will not have ambitions, you will not have some desires, you will not have anger, you will not have greed. All these drop out like that. First of all, we have to know what is our basis. And the most important basis is that we are born in a particular country. And we should get concerned about that. They say that I was a revolutionary and all that I did. I went to jail, everything I did. But that was just to get My country, country’s independence. That was different. But after that independence what should have happened is to make people realize what they are. Not only India, it’s in every country one has to understand what is the need of that country. What they have to do to improve, to help, to rise, to transform. You should not, I never asked you that you change your names or anything though you ask for Indian names. All right. But what is My main concern is that you should have concern for your countrymen. You are so empowered. Your kundalini has reached that state where you can do a lot. I know some of you have done a lot and have worked out. But still all of you have to do it. I would just say, the seven…seventy-eighth birthday, I forget also, seventy-eighth birthday I am just the same. I have not changed much because within Myself I feel that I have to tell people what they are. I have to tell them what they can achieve. And, I have to move in such a manner that they see it, that nothing is important than to know what you are. You are rich, poor – doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. What is important is to know yourself. I’m surprised very little has been written so far, but I find Tao by Lao Tse. I don’t know if you have read the book of Lao Tse, about Tao and meaning that what you are. Tao means what you are, and he describes very nicely that when you are that what happens. Now, the gap was how to achieve that state, how to reach that state was not given. He only described people who were Tao, who were realized souls, who were of what level I wonder. I was surprised that he never said about kundalini, but he talked about the river, Yangtse. That it is Yangtse river, you see in a symbolic way, he was more poetic. But ultimately reaching the ocean, that river becomes the ocean and then what are the qualities of the ocean he described so beautifully. Now, I would say you all have become supposing the ocean. So, are you behaving like the ocean? Are you understanding your capacity to be an ocean? What is an ocean is: look at the ocean, it has its own boundaries, maryadas, it doesn’t cross. If you try to push it one side, it will come outside. So you are, you have to be in your marayadas. We can call it also in your balance. That’s very important that you should be in your balance. Now many people say who have given up smoking have again started smoking, who have given up drinking again have started drinking. That means you have lost your maryadas. So those maryadas must be watched, watched yourself. If you go on watching yourself you will know what you are. You must watch yourself. You call him, “Hello Mister. So now, what are you up to?” Then you will see how your mind is working. With that thing what happens that this ocean, which is the love of Divinity, just starts flowing. Now this ocean, perhaps you don’t know, that ocean is the lowest thing. We measure all the heights from the ocean. If the ocean is at a zero point, what is the height of Himalaya? So, it keeps at the lowest. Because being the lowest it receives all the waters, all the things that are coming from the rivers or from the rain. Then, it burns its body in the sun – it’s open. And, when it burns it creates those clouds. And, the whole circle is created that these clouds can go and shower rain on people and again they become rivers and they come back to the sea. Everything has to go to the sea because it is the lowest. So, you stand at the lowest point with your confidence. At the lowest point. Don’t compare yourself with another person who is doing very well in life or may be something. But see that you are the lowest. At the lowest point you stand and you will be amazed that everything will come to you. Everything you will see that it flows into you. Main thing is knowing thyself itself it means that you know that you are the highest. You are the highest. But you are highest because you stand at the lowest point. It’s true that I have tremendous love for the poor people. It’s true also that I have been really very much yearning to do something for that and that’s how we have started at least sixteen projects in India. Now, all that is done just because I cannot contain Myself. All this kind of miseries and troubles they have. Like Orissa, I prayed so much. Because it’s a country very much troubled. We should find out why it is so much troubled. What is the problem there? And, I tell you, it is a very great country, Orissa is. I visited it also and main thing missing there is that still have no confidence. If they develop Sahaja Yoga within themselves, no floods can come, no problems can come to that country. Same in our country, same in your country and everybody’s country. First of all, we must have much more Sahaja Yogis, and we must have Sahaja Yogis who know they are Sahaja Yogis. To be very much confident of the fact that after all you are Sahaja Yogis. And why not? Whatever I can do, you all can do it also. Why not? You are My children. You can do it. But the confidence should be there that as Mother is we could be the same without any ego coming in, because mostly I have seen people very afraid of their ego. There is no ego in it because you are like the ocean, I said, which stands at the lowest point. In the same way, it works out. It’s so beautiful to love the whole world. It’s so beautiful to enjoy your compassion, to enjoy your generosity. I enjoy My generosity much more than anything else. But in that generosity, I know that I am not doing anything. It’s just expression of My sense of joy. You see, I see flowers, I am very happy. In the same way, I give something to someone, I feel very joyous. It’s a joy, joy giving quality. And, all joy giving qualities are within you which you should discover. You have got also peace giving qualities. Such a lot of peace is within you which you can transmit to the atmosphere, to the people, to everyone in case your peace is established. If there is anger, temper, this, that, it won’t work out. So, you should watch yourself, you should see yourself, you should meditate and find out what is lacking. It is such a tremendous force I think sitting before Me. They can explode all the myths of the world. I know that. But I don’t know how to ignite, what to do, how to tell them. So, now I would again and again tell you one thing, that on this birthday if you really want to give Me something then give Me this, that you show your confidence and you work it out wherever you are. You don’t have to change atmosphere. You don’t have to change anything. Wherever you are with honesty, with sincerity and with humble nature you can really do a lot. In every country you can do it, and in the whole world you can do it. This is My greatest desire and I hope, I am a person who is desireless, you will fulfill this subtle desire I have that we should transform the world. May God Bless you.
Birthday Puja: If you really love your country, you can never be dishonest
New Delhi
Birthday Puja, Delhi (India), 21 March 2001. Today you all have decided to celebrate my 78th Birthday. You have put beautiful balloons, as you put for a child on his birthday, with such loving hands. Yesterday, as I told you, you have to find out about yourself. Just try to find out also, as you love me, how much you can love others. It will be much easier to find out through introspection how much you love others and how much you care for others. If that happens, many problems of Sahaja Yoga will be solved in no time. Even in Sahaja Yoga, what I am told, that people are still hankering after money. They think it is a place where they can make some money. I am surprised. This is not the area where you can really work out that. You will be exposed in no time. On the contrary, if you people are worried about your powers in Sahaja Yoga, as leaders and deputy leaders and I don’t know what else, then also you are sadly mistaken. That’s not the place – for that you can join politics; or else for making money you can go to race-courses, or some place. If you are coming to Sahaja Yoga, what you have to get is an ocean of love within your heart, and to see that in others also. It’s a love – which helps you to do everything so smoothly, so beautifully. As I have always said, that if you really love your country, you can never be dishonest. You will have no other interest but to get your freedom, or whatever you want to do for your country. In this country we have had great martyrs. Perhaps you may not be knowing, some of you – and the way they sustained the torturous life, it was only because they loved their country. Your country is spirituality. It is the country of complete enjoyment of your ‘self’. It is the country where nothing but peace prevails. And when you love that country, how can you have all these non-sensical ideas for money and for power and all that. I just can’t understand. As it is, you know very well, that I am not bothered about these things at all in my life. Of course we need money for work, for everything. But there is no need to run after it, or hanker after it. I am surprised, even after so many years of my hard work, there are still some people working out some stupid stuff, which I can’t understand. And they should know they will be exposed in no time. This is the year of exposure, I told you last time. Absolutely. If you have no love for Sahaja Yoga, if you have no love for your Mother, you will run after those non-sensical things and make some mess out of yourself. If you want to destroy yourself, you can go to some other fields, but not in Sahaja Yoga! In Sahaja Yoga, you have to know, you have to be really dedicated and honest. You should enjoy your honesty, you should enjoy your love, you should enjoy your generosity – everything. You will be exposed, no doubt. But then where will you go? What will be your position? If you are doing all those things, you have to go the way people have gone to hell, I should say. Because after coming to the paradise of love, if you are still bothered about these nonsensical things, then you will jump very fast into the hell: I can see that clearly. I shouldn’t say this on my birthday, but this is the year of exposure. And be very careful. Nobody will be spared this year. What to do, though, it’s my birthday – I have to tell you, it won’t keep quiet. You know, there are certain powers which flow; and different, different years I find a different type of power starts flowing. And this is the time when the power for exposure is going to be there. Whether you are a leader, or if you are not; if you are making anything dishonest, you will be exposed and you will be rightly punished. Sahaja Yoga may not punish you, but there are so many ways that this power works out. The first thing is what we call Ahlaxmi. Ahlaxmi means at that time when you are punished you will be surprised, you will just become bankrupt, you will have no money, you will be exposed, you may be in jail. So although it is a very auspicious day, I must tell you not to be inauspicious. In yesterday’s lecture I explained to you, know what your powers are; what you can enjoy; what you can give; what can work out. But firstly you must know, are you capable of doing that? Or you are just working it out in the other way round/now?. I was amazed to hear, that after so many years also, people have not given up this kind of a temptation that they have, and they had. On birthday you must remember how many years you have spent doing Sahaja Yoga. You must understand all the nice times you had, and how many every year you have spent in enjoying my birthday, also in understanding how you have grown into it, how you have changed, and how you enjoy, and how you have imbibed all the qualities of Sahaja Yoga. The first and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has to be absolutely honest. He has not come here to make money. He has not come here to make a power; but he has come to rise into the new, beautiful world that we are creating. We have to create this world for the whole world for people who live all over, who are even in the jungles, who are lost in the Himalayas: anywhere we have to spread this beautiful sensation, or beautiful existence, of self respect and dignity. Very important is to see if you are really the ‘self’, are you respecting your self? Yesterday only you said ‘Know thyself’. If that is the case, do you respect yourself? Very important is first to respect yourself. If you don’t know how to respect yourself and you run after useless things, then what should we say? What is the quality that you have imbibed in Sahaja Yoga, except that you have started a business or something like that? It is very sad, but there are people who are still growing in the mud of all these things. You have overcome so many things, I know; you have achieved so many things, I know, which is not possible – humanly impossible things you have done. You have got over all this nonsense: but still, there are some people among you who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense. It is nice that you are celebrating my birthday with such enthusiasm, and so much happiness. So nice to see all this, and I want you all to be my decorations! In the whole world they should see that you are my children and that you are of such great values and such great understanding. You are my children. I have really worked for you, in the sense that every moment of my life, I have thought of you: I wanted to work it out in such a beautiful manner that you become really good people, ideal people, special people, with understanding. So, that is the day you should feel that your birthday is being celebrated. When you have completely cleared out, you have become nirmal, absolutely pure personality of love – that’s the day is your birthday, and mine too! I have to tell about these things, because some things have come to my notice, and I am really shocked the way that some people are still not understanding their value, not understanding their worth, and that’s why the other day I told you that you must know about your ‘self’. First of all, the ‘self’ is the spirit. It’s the spirit, the reflection of God Almighty. If you want to live like all other ordinary, non-sensical people, you should stay out of Sahaja Yoga. But if you think that you have to really show your worth, coming into Sahaja Yoga, and if you have to feel proud of yourself, then try to understand that in Sahaja Yoga you don’t have to have all these weaknesses. When the Kundalini rises, she passes through these six chakras by enlightening them. I may tolerate you – up to a point. But the Kundalini will punish you – she will do what is needed to correct you – up to a point she will do it. And afterwards when she finds it is not possible to correct you, then I don’t know what will happen and how it will work out. Sahaja Yoga is very easy to come in, to move in and to work it out. But you go against yourself if you try to behave like very ordinary, useless people – then you cannot stay in Sahaja Yoga. You will be thrown out. As soon as you are thrown out, where will you land? What will happen? – that you know very well. On this auspicious day, I have to request you to be auspicious! Not to do anything that is inauspicious. They call it ‘protocol’. But there are small, small things which show that you are auspicious. Very, very minute, subtle things that show you are auspicious, which you don’t have to learn. Automatically, spontaneously it comes, and you enjoy your auspiciousness. Because you are holy, because you are nirmal, and you enjoy that quality within you. And when that happens – that is your birthday. You were re-born, as you know, all of you were re-born. You were re-born, but still you were children, and now you have grown up. That growth has to be shown in every way. When a person grows, then he goes all out to do various things to express himself. In the same way, when you are grown up, then you have to show that you are grown-up in Sahaja Yoga, that you are very deep, and that you are a very senior person. I have seen some little children, also, they are so grown-up and so sensible that sometimes I am amazed – they are great saints re-born, they are great people who are re-born. But if you are still running after non-sensical things, if you are still full of lust and greed, then better you leave Sahaja Yoga to itself, and you can find some other area where you can do that. It is something surprising, how people do not understand their position in Sahaja Yoga. Your growth has been, on the whole, very good. I know there are many people who are wonderful Sahaja Yogis, who are really great Sahaja Yogis and they have every right to call themselves ‘Sahaja Yogis’ or ‘Maha-Yogis’. But that is only possible and perceptible if you really grow up inside and your Spirit shines, like a crystal-clear ocean of love. Now the connection has been done. You have the knowledge of all the chakras. You know how to raise Kundalini. You know also how to cure people and how to treat people. With all that knowledge, with all that ‘life’ you have got, it’s like the milk you give to your energies. And then you have to become energetic. You cannot be lethargic about it. When you are lethargic, then you are not a Sahaja Yogi. You have to be moving with this flame in your heart, that you know what this ‘self’ is, and you know what you have to know for others. You must have been also great seekers in previous lives, and that seeking that was there has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. Now with that seeking, when you are here – still you are seeking all these useless things – you cannot grow. And such people cannot make others also grow. So the main thing one has to understand is how you have grown in your love. You see, a person who is frightful (frightening), who is very strict, who talks very rudely, is not a Sahaja Yogi – no way! But the one who looks after, cares, loves, and is very generous, is the real Sahaja Yogi. You are people of special qualities, and those qualities must be shown in your life. I know you love me very much and you know what you have done to celebrate my birthday. As you have so many of these decorations, I have already told you that you are my decorations, and your lives are my decoration. And the way you behave and the way you know yourself, (these) things will be so much appreciated all over the world. It is not for any other purpose, but only to remember that ‘you all have to grow’. You have to become very, very deep personalities. You have to grow within yourself, celebrating your own birthday. Every day, try to see, ‘What is your experience? What did you see? Whom did you meet? How did they talk?’ I mean, I know so many names; practically everybody’s name I know, practically everybody’s Kundalini I know. I also know whose Kundalini is alright and whose is not. I know so many people. So many ask me “How do you know so many names, and how do you remember them?” You see, I don’t know that part, but it is that whenever I see a person, I see his Kundalini, and from that Kundalini I know who he is. There can be thousands and thousands of Kundalinis, but I know who is who – because I love them. If you love somebody, then you know what he is. It is not stupid love, as they call it romance and all that, it’s a very deep feeling. When you enter into the garden of your heart and you feel the beautiful fragrance all around; when you think of such nice people as there have been as saints, great saviours, and now the Sahaja Yogis, you feel so much grateful that you have achieved that state of collective enjoyment. I have never put any restrictions on you. Do what you like, whatever way you want to do it, you can do it. I have never bothered you about money or anything. But – that is a testing ground! That is a testing ground, where you are standing. If you do not test yourself, how will you know how far you have come? So you are the student, you are the examiner, and you are the one who has to give yourself the certificate. And in that case, what happens is, that you start understanding – understanding so many things which you have never understood (before). I mean, the knowledge – so called ‘knowledge’ – is no knowledge, because it is all falsehood; it’s all mental. But the real, absolute knowledge, dawns upon you about everyone, about every aspect, about every surrounding that you have; so clearly you ‘know’. And that should happen that you should know, very clearly, very, very clearly, ‘What is the situation with you? Where are you? and What are you doing?’ Not that you have any less powers, you have – all the powers! But for that you have to go deep down. Like there’s a well, and the well has the water in it. But if your bucket doesn’t go down, how can it bring the water? If your bucket is filled with stones, what’s the use of that well to you? In the same way, we have everything within us, as I told you yesterday. And Sahaja Yoga is the way you can go down and find out about yourself – which is so beautiful, clean – and that’s the thing to be enjoyed, not other non-sensical things after which you are running, which you think are important. I have already told you it is Shudha-Iccha, is the Kundalini, Shudha-Iccha – pure desire. Because other desires are never fulfilled. You try to buy one thing, then you don’t enjoy it; you want to buy another one – you don’t enjoy it; you want to buy another one – you don’t enjoy it. So because it’s not a ‘real’ desire. This is the principle of economics, that you are never satisfied. You go on buying, buying, buying, buying, buying, buying, and you buy so many things that ultimately what happens is that all the industries collapse – that’s what is happening in America. It has a quality that whatever you do, repels (rebounds) back on you. Only the spiritual growth does not. It flowers, it is fragrant, it is beautiful. Such a beautiful experience to be with your self, as if you have entered into the beautiful garden of paradise. If, that feeling, if you want to have, give up all non-sensical ideas, give up all worldly nonsense, everything you give up – and then you will feel that you are now very much there, where you should have been. You will have no doubts, you will have no hankerings, you will not feel at all in any way dissatisfied. But some people are still at a very elementary stage, I know. I know I have not told them, because I know this is the year they’ll be all exposed, no doubt. Then what is the use of doing something in which you will be exposed, and that the whole world of Sahaja Yoga will look at you as a criminal, or as a person who doesn’t need any respect whatsoever Either you get out of it. And if you are here to gain lots of ascending steps, you have to have your eyes upward and not downward. You must see what steps there are and you have to climb up those steps. And with these steps, where do you enter? I’ll tell you, (you enter) in that beautiful garden, fragrant garden of your ‘self’, which is so beautiful. Instead of that you are lost in the maya [mire?] of the world, as so many are lost. So why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Give up those non-sensical ideas, try to take to spirituality. Pure spirituality. Purity is the word. Purity you must have and purity within is, you can easily, easily establish with Sahaja Yoga. Your witness state has to improve. Witness state has to be projected so much, that this conditioning and ego of reaction will finish off. You’ll have no more reactions, but you will just witness. And the knowledge that is real comes always, always, through witnessing. If you do not know how to witness, then whatever knowledge you have is nothing but through your ego or through your, we can say, conditionings. It’s not absolute knowledge. So to get the absolute knowledge about anything, what you have to do is to reach the point of absoluteness. So reach the point where you are absolutely clean, pure, nirmala. Now don’t condemn yourself if you have some defects, there has to be, you are all human beings. But all these defects, with your power of spirituality, you can absolutely overcome. For that, what have you to do? First is introspection. First is try to find out, you separate yourself with yourself, and say “Hello mister, how are you?” Start with that. “Hello, what are you up to?” And you start ‘seeing’ yourself outside, and eradicating, removing, all that is not your ‘self’. That knowledge of ‘self’ comes to you when you want the knowledge. It should be pure desire to know about the ‘self’. You are special people, no doubt. You are all chosen to be very, very special – no doubt. There must be something about you that you have come to this state where you are trying to become the ‘self’. ‘Self’ is absolutely self-satisfied. It does not need anything to satisfy itself. Actually it is satisfaction personified. It just sees things, it just watches things, it just witnesses. And while witnessing anything – it knows. It knows. You don’t have to tell ‘This is this or this is what …. “ You don’t have to express too much anything. It is just self expressive. (This happens) if, if, you are a clean person, your desires are clean, and that you just have pure desire to ascend. So again, I have to talk about Kundalini, that you must have a Kundalini completely establishing itself within you. Completely expressing within you. Completely enlightening your ‘self’. Such a Kundalini should be there, and only possible if you do not put hurdles in her growth. If you allow it to grow, it grows, and it works out. As you know I’ve started this work only in 1970. Not because I could not start it earlier, not because there were all bad people in this world, but because I was waiting (for) myself to be deft in dealing with all kinds of Kundalinis. I had to work out all the permutations and combinations that were there. And then I just thought, “If I could get hold of a way by which all these combinations can be worked out in one line – then only Kundalini will rise”. And it worked, it happened! With the sincere desire. Because I felt very sad about people who are spending their lives in something very nonsensical. They cannot enjoy anything, they have no genuine feeling for anything, they have no genuine love for anything, and they are not even loved, they cannot love, they are not loved and they are in misery. So it was a very deliberate action on my part, I should say, that I watched human beings, very carefully. Why do they do it like this? Why they behave like this? Why are they not understanding? Why are they harsh? Why they shout, why they beat, why they do all this Because of imbalances within them. But with introspection, if you start seeing those imbalances, you now know how to cure yourself and you can really work it out. You have to just work on your chakras. See which chakra is catching. Where is the problem. You have to respect yourself in such a way that you become your own doctor and you know everything about yourself. “This is wrong with me, why am I catching – why am I catching on that chakra? Why this is happening?” This is the education you have to give it to yourself, which would be only possible if you experience all those catches. It is for you to grow now. Grow into great people, great personalities, very tremendous people who have made history, who are respected. All those great saints and all that also were of great calibre, but they didn’t know how to raise the Kundalini – which you know. You have something special- knowledge – how to raise the Kundalini, how to ajust the Kundalini in, how to understand where is the problem. And also you know how to tell that person about his problems very beautifully, with love. So the message of your Spirit is that you should love each other. If you do not love someone, then what’s the matter? Why don’t you love? What is the bad thing about a particular person? If he’s a Sahaja Yogi, and a great Sahaja Yogi, is it out of jealousy? Is it out of greed? Or is it out of lust, still you are like that? Then the oneness in the whole world of brotherhood is something to be really enjoyed. Enjoyed so beautifully. See all these things you have here, there is so much harmony among them. So much harmony, because it is done with love. If you do anything with love, it is very harmonious, it creates such harmony among people. You see, the enjoyment of each other’s company, the enjoyment of each other’s achievements is so much joy-giving that I cannot describe it in words. It is impossible.Words cannot communicate to you that feeling that you have; as I told you, you feel as if you are in the Garden of Eden. That sort of a feeling should come into you when you, your ‘self’, you know. Because when you know your ‘self’, actually you know your own being and you are so happy that your ‘self’ is so beautiful, that you are so beautiful, that you are so joyous, that you have all these things. To know that within you, is really, really very much fragrant with enjoyment. That state you must have. I see sometimes when you are overjoyed to dance and sing and do – that’s something really very good. But all the time your spirit should dance, at smallest things. At a little thing that is made, say something artistic you see; something you see a gesture of kindness, a gesture of gratitude, you feel that depth of that feeling. For example today I saw the flag- Independence -when we got it we made this flag. I’d seen this flag put up when the other flag was brought down [in India in August 1947]. I cannot tell you what was the feeling that governed. Such a feeling that the truth has, somehow or other, overcome the untruth. That justice has been shown over the injustice. That feeling is still so much – I can’t even see the flag. If I see it, I remember the whole history, the whole thing: how many people sacrificed, how many martyrs there were, how much people have fought for it – that flag stands for that. And you stand for all that. You stand for all those ideals. You stand for all those sacrifices, and you stand for all that is to be achieved for bettering human beings. You have to achieve a great deal for others. You have to work within yourselfwhat you can do for others, what you can achieve for others, what is the best way to imbibe those qualities within you that you become an absolutely unique personality.As I told you, there have been many great leaders and many great people who are remembered by many people. Now what you should see –what made them so great? Why (after) so many years, people still remember them? I’ve given you the statue of Shivaji-Maharaj; now he was another soul – a great soul – who had such principles and such beautifying life, in his language, in his attitude, in everything. With all that, he was a very brave person. Once you have this, you will not deterfrom doing anything that is important. You will have no fear of anything. You will not go round and round but you will know how to find the solution and how to work it out. This will happen to you, if you really know yourself you will have such powers of courage. You will not be a dare-devil, but with wisdom. Courage with wisdom, you will have. And that is what is your Self which will give you lots of wisdom and lots of courage. It’s not a fighting spirit, it’s not a violent nature, it’s not a rudenature, but it’s a very silent, beautiful, courageous attitude.There’s a story about one Chinese saint – that when this Chinese saint was asked by one king that he should teach his cocks how to fight – they were having cock-fights. So the Chinese saint said “Alright, bring your cock here, I’ll teach him how to fight”. And the Chinese saint must have put some wisdom into the head of the cock! Can you imagine! And when they took them for that fight, what they found – that cock was just standing! It would not attack, it would not retreat but just standing! And all the cocks ran away from the field. Because in that standing was the power of wisdom and power of courage. Courage is silently very powerful. You don’t have to bomb anybody, you don’t have to kill anybody, but you have to stand up with courage. And that is another quality which you will express. It is very polite, very sweet, you will be standing with that courage. I know so many of you are like that. There’s no struggle, there’s no fight, just standing with courage and doing whatever is right. And that is quite possible because you have now the connection with the Almighty. You have the connection with the Paramchaitanya, and that will work out everything. I’ll be very, very happy to say that today I am seeing so many of you are such good Sahaja Yogis. So many of you. And if you find anyone who is not, please report it to me. Please tell me. Please find out if there is anyone who is trying to be very oppressive and who is trying to control everything, who is trying to make money, who is trying to have lust and greed being expressed. So, once you have really worked out, you should know this is the area that we call dharma-yudha, dharma-yudha means the war of religion. But not the way people are fighting it. Our dharma-yudha is that we are standing on dharma. And dharma means not religion, but it is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. We are standing on our religion; and there’s a negativity, we can call it an ah-dharma, which is fighting, so you stand on your dharma. Unless and until you are dharmic, you cannot have any achievement in Sahaja Yoga. I have seen people who are, say, abroad, they have funny ideas and they will come and tell me “Mother, see, I have a wife but I am in love with another woman, so what should I do?” I said “You get out. That’s all. Just get out”. Or the wife might say that “Mother, see, I am having relations with another man, what should I do?” I said “You get out. That’s all. You get out of Sahaja Yoga. You are no good for Sahaja Yoga, and Sahaja Yoga is no good for you”. Is a complete outcast. They have nothing to do with Sahaja Yoga. Also in India, we have problems of dishonesty. There are dishonest people. This is our special temperament I think, we are a very corrupt people. India has become so corrupt. I can’t believe it; I was here about thirty-five years back, we had never heard of corruption. Now they have become so corrupt, and that’s what enters – that also enters into Sahaja Yoga. When that enters into Sahaja Yoga, they will be just ‘found out’ and will be punished – not by me, not by you, but by their own Kundalini. So every country has its own speciality (She laughs) as far as doing something wrong. We are not here to do anything wrong. We are not going to express ourselves as wrong people, but we are here to prove that we are perfect! We are wonderful people. That is what is the ‘self’, that we are perfect. We don’t have to go according to what we were. It’s a new realm we have reached, it’s a new area we have reached, and let us enjoy that great area. I think all of you understand me that today I am a little worried about people who are dragging Sahaja Yoga down. And they should understand that I understand everything. And when they will be harmed, they should not blame me for that. It is obvious that they are no where near Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga purifies you every day. You see one experience, you see one person, you see some events, and it purifies you. That’s the sign. Supposing I see somebody, a dishonest man, immediately I start finding “I hope I am not doing anything dishonest to myself?” Just imagine that you are the one who is the curator, correcting influence on yourself. Where do you stand? Do you stand on the correction point, or on getting finished with it? Yesterday’s lecture everybody liked very much, but this is the extension of that lecture that I am telling you now. That you are very great people, you can save the whole world! I must say I never expected all this to happen in my life-time, and it has happened, and I see you as very great, very great people. Especially ladies have to work it out more, because I am a woman and women have a special capacity to love, and to bear. I expect all of you to become beautiful, beautiful Sahaja Yogis, and that nothing can convince the whole world but your work, your abilities and also your power to love. So many things I have seen, experienced about you people, and when I think about them I really feel very happy. I have seen people, how they have managed and looked after so many things which were difficult, and have worked it out. So now we are in for a new world, and in that new world, a new race of Sahaja Yogis have to show their results, they have to show their powers and their courage and their understanding. It is not serious, it is not frivolous, but it is joyous! It is just joy that you have to feel about yourself. I am telling you all this because this is within you, within your power. It is all the time residing within you, and that you have faced it also. So I wish you all a very, very happy birthday; so that you people have a new birth and new understanding, and a new personality. Try to accept that personality, try to respect it – that personality is your ‘self’. May God Bless You
Birthday Puja, Delhi (India), 21 March 2001. Today you all have decided to celebrate my 78th Birthday. You have put beautiful balloons, as you put for a child on his birthday, with such loving hands. Yesterday, as I told you, you have to find out about yourself. Just try to find out also, as you love me, how much you can love others. It will be much easier to find out through introspection how much you love others and how much you care for others. If that happens, many problems of Sahaja Yoga will be solved in no time. Even in Sahaja Yoga, what I am told, that people are still hankering after money. They think it is a place where they can make some money. I am surprised. This is not the area where you can really work out that. You will be exposed in no time. On the contrary, if you people are worried about your powers in Sahaja Yoga, as leaders and deputy leaders and I don’t know what else, then also you are sadly mistaken. That’s not the place – for that you can join politics; or else for making money you can go to race-courses, or some place. If you are coming to Sahaja Yoga, what you have to get is an ocean of love within your heart, and to see that in others also. It’s a love – which helps you to do everything so smoothly, so beautifully. As I have always said, that if you really love your country, you can never be dishonest. You will have no other interest but to get your freedom, or whatever you want to do for your country. In this country we have had great martyrs. Perhaps you may not be knowing, some of you – and the way they sustained the torturous life, it was only because they loved their country. Your country is spirituality. It is the country of complete enjoyment of your ‘self’. It is the country where nothing but peace prevails. And when you love that country, how can you have all these non-sensical ideas for money and for power and all that. I just can’t understand. As it is, you know very well, that I am not bothered about these things at all in my life. Of course we need money for work, for everything. But there is no need to run after it, or hanker after it. I am surprised, even after so many years of my hard work, there are still some people working out some stupid stuff, which I can’t understand. And they should know they will be exposed in no time. This is the year of exposure, I told you last time. Absolutely. If you have no love for Sahaja Yoga, if you have no love for your Mother, you will run after those non-sensical things and make some mess out of yourself. If you want to destroy yourself, you can go to some other fields, but not in Sahaja Yoga! In Sahaja Yoga, you have to know, you have to be really dedicated and honest. You should enjoy your honesty, you should enjoy your love, you should enjoy your generosity – everything. You will be exposed, no doubt. But then where will you go? What will be your position? If you are doing all those things, you have to go the way people have gone to hell, I should say. Because after coming to the paradise of love, if you are still bothered about these nonsensical things, then you will jump very fast into the hell: I can see that clearly. I shouldn’t say this on my birthday, but this is the year of exposure. And be very careful. Nobody will be spared this year. What to do, though, it’s my birthday – I have to tell you, it won’t keep quiet. You know, there are certain powers which flow; and different, different years I find a different type of power starts flowing. And this is the time when the power for exposure is going to be there. Whether you are a leader, or if you are not; if you are making anything dishonest, you will be exposed and you will be rightly punished. Sahaja Yoga may not punish you, but there are so many ways that this power works out. The first thing is what we call Ahlaxmi. Ahlaxmi means at that time when you are punished you will be surprised, you will just become bankrupt, you will have no money, you will be exposed, you may be in jail. So although it is a very auspicious day, I must tell you not to be inauspicious. In yesterday’s lecture I explained to you, know what your powers are; what you can enjoy; what you can give; what can work out. But firstly you must know, are you capable of doing that? Or you are just working it out in the other way round/now?. I was amazed to hear, that after so many years also, people have not given up this kind of a temptation that they have, and they had. On birthday you must remember how many years you have spent doing Sahaja Yoga. You must understand all the nice times you had, and how many every year you have spent in enjoying my birthday, also in understanding how you have grown into it, how you have changed, and how you enjoy, and how you have imbibed all the qualities of Sahaja Yoga. The first and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has to be absolutely honest. He has not come here to make money. He has not come here to make a power; but he has come to rise into the new, beautiful world that we are creating. We have to create this world for the whole world for people who live all over, who are even in the jungles, who are lost in the Himalayas: anywhere we have to spread this beautiful sensation, or beautiful existence, of self respect and dignity. Very important is to see if you are really the ‘self’, are you respecting your self? Yesterday only you said ‘Know thyself’. If that is the case, do you respect yourself? Very important is first to respect yourself. If you don’t know how to respect yourself and you run after useless things, then what should we say? What is the quality that you have imbibed in Sahaja Yoga, except that you have started a business or something like that? It is very sad, but there are people who are still growing in the mud of all these things. You have overcome so many things, I know; you have achieved so many things, I know, which is not possible – humanly impossible things you have done. You have got over all this nonsense: but still, there are some people among you who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense. It is nice that you are celebrating my birthday with such enthusiasm, and so much happiness. So nice to see all this, and I want you all to be my decorations! In the whole world they should see that you are my children and that you are of such great values and such great understanding. You are my children. I have really worked for you, in the sense that every moment of my life, I have thought of you: I wanted to work it out in such a beautiful manner that you become really good people, ideal people, special people, with understanding. So, that is the day you should feel that your birthday is being celebrated. When you have completely cleared out, you have become nirmal, absolutely pure personality of love – that’s the day is your birthday, and mine too! I have to tell about these things, because some things have come to my notice, and I am really shocked the way that some people are still not understanding their value, not understanding their worth, and that’s why the other day I told you that you must know about your ‘self’. First of all, the ‘self’ is the spirit. It’s the spirit, the reflection of God Almighty. If you want to live like all other ordinary, non-sensical people, you should stay out of Sahaja Yoga. But if you think that you have to really show your worth, coming into Sahaja Yoga, and if you have to feel proud of yourself, then try to understand that in Sahaja Yoga you don’t have to have all these weaknesses. When the Kundalini rises, she passes through these six chakras by enlightening them. I may tolerate you – up to a point. But the Kundalini will punish you – she will do what is needed to correct you – up to a point she will do it. And afterwards when she finds it is not possible to correct you, then I don’t know what will happen and how it will work out. Sahaja Yoga is very easy to come in, to move in and to work it out. But you go against yourself if you try to behave like very ordinary, useless people – then you cannot stay in Sahaja Yoga. You will be thrown out. As soon as you are thrown out, where will you land? What will happen? – that you know very well. On this auspicious day, I have to request you to be auspicious! Not to do anything that is inauspicious. They call it ‘protocol’. But there are small, small things which show that you are auspicious. Very, very minute, subtle things that show you are auspicious, which you don’t have to learn. Automatically, spontaneously it comes, and you enjoy your auspiciousness. Because you are holy, because you are nirmal, and you enjoy that quality within you. And when that happens – that is your birthday. You were re-born, as you know, all of you were re-born. You were re-born, but still you were children, and now you have grown up. That growth has to be shown in every way. When a person grows, then he goes all out to do various things to express himself. In the same way, when you are grown up, then you have to show that you are grown-up in Sahaja Yoga, that you are very deep, and that you are a very senior person. I have seen some little children, also, they are so grown-up and so sensible that sometimes I am amazed – they are great saints re-born, they are great people who are re-born. But if you are still running after non-sensical things, if you are still full of lust and greed, then better you leave Sahaja Yoga to itself, and you can find some other area where you can do that. It is something surprising, how people do not understand their position in Sahaja Yoga. Your growth has been, on the whole, very good. I know there are many people who are wonderful Sahaja Yogis, who are really great Sahaja Yogis and they have every right to call themselves ‘Sahaja Yogis’ or ‘Maha-Yogis’. But that is only possible and perceptible if you really grow up inside and your Spirit shines, like a crystal-clear ocean of love. Now the connection has been done. You have the knowledge of all the chakras. You know how to raise Kundalini. You know also how to cure people and how to treat people. With all that knowledge, with all that ‘life’ you have got, it’s like the milk you give to your energies. And then you have to become energetic. You cannot be lethargic about it. When you are lethargic, then you are not a Sahaja Yogi. You have to be moving with this flame in your heart, that you know what this ‘self’ is, and you know what you have to know for others. You must have been also great seekers in previous lives, and that seeking that was there has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. Now with that seeking, when you are here – still you are seeking all these useless things – you cannot grow. And such people cannot make others also grow. So the main thing one has to understand is how you have grown in your love. You see, a person who is frightful (frightening), who is very strict, who talks very rudely, is not a Sahaja Yogi – no way! But the one who looks after, cares, loves, and is very generous, is the real Sahaja Yogi. You are people of special qualities, and those qualities must be shown in your life. I know you love me very much and you know what you have done to celebrate my birthday. As you have so many of these decorations, I have already told you that you are my decorations, and your lives are my decoration. And the way you behave and the way you know yourself, (these) things will be so much appreciated all over the world. It is not for any other purpose, but only to remember that ‘you all have to grow’. You have to become very, very deep personalities. You have to grow within yourself, celebrating your own birthday. Every day, try to see, ‘What is your experience? What did you see? Whom did you meet? How did they talk?’ I mean, I know so many names; practically everybody’s name I know, practically everybody’s Kundalini I know. I also know whose Kundalini is alright and whose is not. I know so many people. So many ask me “How do you know so many names, and how do you remember them?” You see, I don’t know that part, but it is that whenever I see a person, I see his Kundalini, and from that Kundalini I know who he is. There can be thousands and thousands of Kundalinis, but I know who is who – because I love them. If you love somebody, then you know what he is. It is not stupid love, as they call it romance and all that, it’s a very deep feeling. When you enter into the garden of your heart and you feel the beautiful fragrance all around; when you think of such nice people as there have been as saints, great saviours, and now the Sahaja Yogis, you feel so much grateful that you have achieved that state of collective enjoyment. I have never put any restrictions on you. Do what you like, whatever way you want to do it, you can do it. I have never bothered you about money or anything. But – that is a testing ground! That is a testing ground, where you are standing. If you do not test yourself, how will you know how far you have come? So you are the student, you are the examiner, and you are the one who has to give yourself the certificate. And in that case, what happens is, that you start understanding – understanding so many things which you have never understood (before). I mean, the knowledge – so called ‘knowledge’ – is no knowledge, because it is all falsehood; it’s all mental. But the real, absolute knowledge, dawns upon you about everyone, about every aspect, about every surrounding that you have; so clearly you ‘know’. And that should happen that you should know, very clearly, very, very clearly, ‘What is the situation with you? Where are you? and What are you doing?’ Not that you have any less powers, you have – all the powers! But for that you have to go deep down. Like there’s a well, and the well has the water in it. But if your bucket doesn’t go down, how can it bring the water? If your bucket is filled with stones, what’s the use of that well to you? In the same way, we have everything within us, as I told you yesterday. And Sahaja Yoga is the way you can go down and find out about yourself – which is so beautiful, clean – and that’s the thing to be enjoyed, not other non-sensical things after which you are running, which you think are important. I have already told you it is Shudha-Iccha, is the Kundalini, Shudha-Iccha – pure desire. Because other desires are never fulfilled. You try to buy one thing, then you don’t enjoy it; you want to buy another one – you don’t enjoy it; you want to buy another one – you don’t enjoy it. So because it’s not a ‘real’ desire. This is the principle of economics, that you are never satisfied. You go on buying, buying, buying, buying, buying, buying, and you buy so many things that ultimately what happens is that all the industries collapse – that’s what is happening in America. It has a quality that whatever you do, repels (rebounds) back on you. Only the spiritual growth does not. It flowers, it is fragrant, it is beautiful. Such a beautiful experience to be with your self, as if you have entered into the beautiful garden of paradise. If, that feeling, if you want to have, give up all non-sensical ideas, give up all worldly nonsense, everything you give up – and then you will feel that you are now very much there, where you should have been. You will have no doubts, you will have no hankerings, you will not feel at all in any way dissatisfied. But some people are still at a very elementary stage, I know. I know I have not told them, because I know this is the year they’ll be all exposed, no doubt. Then what is the use of doing something in which you will be exposed, and that the whole world of Sahaja Yoga will look at you as a criminal, or as a person who doesn’t need any respect whatsoever Either you get out of it. And if you are here to gain lots of ascending steps, you have to have your eyes upward and not downward. You must see what steps there are and you have to climb up those steps. And with these steps, where do you enter? I’ll tell you, (you enter) in that beautiful garden, fragrant garden of your ‘self’, which is so beautiful. Instead of that you are lost in the maya [mire?] of the world, as so many are lost. So why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Give up those non-sensical ideas, try to take to spirituality. Pure spirituality. Purity is the word. Purity you must have and purity within is, you can easily, easily establish with Sahaja Yoga. Your witness state has to improve. Witness state has to be projected so much, that this conditioning and ego of reaction will finish off. You’ll have no more reactions, but you will just witness. And the knowledge that is real comes always, always, through witnessing. If you do not know how to witness, then whatever knowledge you have is nothing but through your ego or through your, we can say, conditionings. It’s not absolute knowledge. So to get the absolute knowledge about anything, what you have to do is to reach the point of absoluteness. So reach the point where you are absolutely clean, pure, nirmala. Now don’t condemn yourself if you have some defects, there has to be, you are all human beings. But all these defects, with your power of spirituality, you can absolutely overcome. For that, what have you to do? First is introspection. First is try to find out, you separate yourself with yourself, and say “Hello mister, how are you?” Start with that. “Hello, what are you up to?” And you start ‘seeing’ yourself outside, and eradicating, removing, all that is not your ‘self’. That knowledge of ‘self’ comes to you when you want the knowledge. It should be pure desire to know about the ‘self’. You are special people, no doubt. You are all chosen to be very, very special – no doubt. There must be something about you that you have come to this state where you are trying to become the ‘self’. ‘Self’ is absolutely self-satisfied. It does not need anything to satisfy itself. Actually it is satisfaction personified. It just sees things, it just watches things, it just witnesses. And while witnessing anything – it knows. It knows. You don’t have to tell ‘This is this or this is what …. “ You don’t have to express too much anything. It is just self expressive. (This happens) if, if, you are a clean person, your desires are clean, and that you just have pure desire to ascend. So again, I have to talk about Kundalini, that you must have a Kundalini completely establishing itself within you. Completely expressing within you. Completely enlightening your ‘self’. Such a Kundalini should be there, and only possible if you do not put hurdles in her growth. If you allow it to grow, it grows, and it works out. As you know I’ve started this work only in 1970. Not because I could not start it earlier, not because there were all bad people in this world, but because I was waiting (for) myself to be deft in dealing with all kinds of Kundalinis. I had to work out all the permutations and combinations that were there. And then I just thought, “If I could get hold of a way by which all these combinations can be worked out in one line – then only Kundalini will rise”. And it worked, it happened! With the sincere desire. Because I felt very sad about people who are spending their lives in something very nonsensical. They cannot enjoy anything, they have no genuine feeling for anything, they have no genuine love for anything, and they are not even loved, they cannot love, they are not loved and they are in misery. So it was a very deliberate action on my part, I should say, that I watched human beings, very carefully. Why do they do it like this? Why they behave like this? Why are they not understanding? Why are they harsh? Why they shout, why they beat, why they do all this Because of imbalances within them. But with introspection, if you start seeing those imbalances, you now know how to cure yourself and you can really work it out. You have to just work on your chakras. See which chakra is catching. Where is the problem. You have to respect yourself in such a way that you become your own doctor and you know everything about yourself. “This is wrong with me, why am I catching – why am I catching on that chakra? Why this is happening?” This is the education you have to give it to yourself, which would be only possible if you experience all those catches. It is for you to grow now. Grow into great people, great personalities, very tremendous people who have made history, who are respected. All those great saints and all that also were of great calibre, but they didn’t know how to raise the Kundalini – which you know. You have something special- knowledge – how to raise the Kundalini, how to ajust the Kundalini in, how to understand where is the problem. And also you know how to tell that person about his problems very beautifully, with love. So the message of your Spirit is that you should love each other. If you do not love someone, then what’s the matter? Why don’t you love? What is the bad thing about a particular person? If he’s a Sahaja Yogi, and a great Sahaja Yogi, is it out of jealousy? Is it out of greed? Or is it out of lust, still you are like that? Then the oneness in the whole world of brotherhood is something to be really enjoyed. Enjoyed so beautifully. See all these things you have here, there is so much harmony among them. So much harmony, because it is done with love. If you do anything with love, it is very harmonious, it creates such harmony among people. You see, the enjoyment of each other’s company, the enjoyment of each other’s achievements is so much joy-giving that I cannot describe it in words. It is impossible.Words cannot communicate to you that feeling that you have; as I told you, you feel as if you are in the Garden of Eden. That sort of a feeling should come into you when you, your ‘self’, you know. Because when you know your ‘self’, actually you know your own being and you are so happy that your ‘self’ is so beautiful, that you are so beautiful, that you are so joyous, that you have all these things. To know that within you, is really, really very much fragrant with enjoyment. That state you must have. I see sometimes when you are overjoyed to dance and sing and do – that’s something really very good. But all the time your spirit should dance, at smallest things. At a little thing that is made, say something artistic you see; something you see a gesture of kindness, a gesture of gratitude, you feel that depth of that feeling. For example today I saw the flag- Independence -when we got it we made this flag. I’d seen this flag put up when the other flag was brought down [in India in August 1947]. I cannot tell you what was the feeling that governed. Such a feeling that the truth has, somehow or other, overcome the untruth. That justice has been shown over the injustice. That feeling is still so much – I can’t even see the flag. If I see it, I remember the whole history, the whole thing: how many people sacrificed, how many martyrs there were, how much people have fought for it – that flag stands for that. And you stand for all that. You stand for all those ideals. You stand for all those sacrifices, and you stand for all that is to be achieved for bettering human beings. You have to achieve a great deal for others. You have to work within yourselfwhat you can do for others, what you can achieve for others, what is the best way to imbibe those qualities within you that you become an absolutely unique personality.As I told you, there have been many great leaders and many great people who are remembered by many people. Now what you should see –what made them so great? Why (after) so many years, people still remember them? I’ve given you the statue of Shivaji-Maharaj; now he was another soul – a great soul – who had such principles and such beautifying life, in his language, in his attitude, in everything. With all that, he was a very brave person. Once you have this, you will not deterfrom doing anything that is important. You will have no fear of anything. You will not go round and round but you will know how to find the solution and how to work it out. This will happen to you, if you really know yourself you will have such powers of courage. You will not be a dare-devil, but with wisdom. Courage with wisdom, you will have. And that is what is your Self which will give you lots of wisdom and lots of courage. It’s not a fighting spirit, it’s not a violent nature, it’s not a rudenature, but it’s a very silent, beautiful, courageous attitude.There’s a story about one Chinese saint – that when this Chinese saint was asked by one king that he should teach his cocks how to fight – they were having cock-fights. So the Chinese saint said “Alright, bring your cock here, I’ll teach him how to fight”. And the Chinese saint must have put some wisdom into the head of the cock! Can you imagine! And when they took them for that fight, what they found – that cock was just standing! It would not attack, it would not retreat but just standing! And all the cocks ran away from the field. Because in that standing was the power of wisdom and power of courage. Courage is silently very powerful. You don’t have to bomb anybody, you don’t have to kill anybody, but you have to stand up with courage. And that is another quality which you will express. It is very polite, very sweet, you will be standing with that courage. I know so many of you are like that. There’s no struggle, there’s no fight, just standing with courage and doing whatever is right. And that is quite possible because you have now the connection with the Almighty. You have the connection with the Paramchaitanya, and that will work out everything. I’ll be very, very happy to say that today I am seeing so many of you are such good Sahaja Yogis. So many of you. And if you find anyone who is not, please report it to me. Please tell me. Please find out if there is anyone who is trying to be very oppressive and who is trying to control everything, who is trying to make money, who is trying to have lust and greed being expressed. So, once you have really worked out, you should know this is the area that we call dharma-yudha, dharma-yudha means the war of religion. But not the way people are fighting it. Our dharma-yudha is that we are standing on dharma. And dharma means not religion, but it is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. We are standing on our religion; and there’s a negativity, we can call it an ah-dharma, which is fighting, so you stand on your dharma. Unless and until you are dharmic, you cannot have any achievement in Sahaja Yoga. I have seen people who are, say, abroad, they have funny ideas and they will come and tell me “Mother, see, I have a wife but I am in love with another woman, so what should I do?” I said “You get out. That’s all. Just get out”. Or the wife might say that “Mother, see, I am having relations with another man, what should I do?” I said “You get out. That’s all. You get out of Sahaja Yoga. You are no good for Sahaja Yoga, and Sahaja Yoga is no good for you”. Is a complete outcast. They have nothing to do with Sahaja Yoga. Also in India, we have problems of dishonesty. There are dishonest people. This is our special temperament I think, we are a very corrupt people. India has become so corrupt. I can’t believe it; I was here about thirty-five years back, we had never heard of corruption. Now they have become so corrupt, and that’s what enters – that also enters into Sahaja Yoga. When that enters into Sahaja Yoga, they will be just ‘found out’ and will be punished – not by me, not by you, but by their own Kundalini. So every country has its own speciality (She laughs) as far as doing something wrong. We are not here to do anything wrong. We are not going to express ourselves as wrong people, but we are here to prove that we are perfect! We are wonderful people. That is what is the ‘self’, that we are perfect. We don’t have to go according to what we were. It’s a new realm we have reached, it’s a new area we have reached, and let us enjoy that great area. I think all of you understand me that today I am a little worried about people who are dragging Sahaja Yoga down. And they should understand that I understand everything. And when they will be harmed, they should not blame me for that. It is obvious that they are no where near Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga purifies you every day. You see one experience, you see one person, you see some events, and it purifies you. That’s the sign. Supposing I see somebody, a dishonest man, immediately I start finding “I hope I am not doing anything dishonest to myself?” Just imagine that you are the one who is the curator, correcting influence on yourself. Where do you stand? Do you stand on the correction point, or on getting finished with it? Yesterday’s lecture everybody liked very much, but this is the extension of that lecture that I am telling you now. That you are very great people, you can save the whole world! I must say I never expected all this to happen in my life-time, and it has happened, and I see you as very great, very great people. Especially ladies have to work it out more, because I am a woman and women have a special capacity to love, and to bear. I expect all of you to become beautiful, beautiful Sahaja Yogis, and that nothing can convince the whole world but your work, your abilities and also your power to love. So many things I have seen, experienced about you people, and when I think about them I really feel very happy. I have seen people, how they have managed and looked after so many things which were difficult, and have worked it out. So now we are in for a new world, and in that new world, a new race of Sahaja Yogis have to show their results, they have to show their powers and their courage and their understanding. It is not serious, it is not frivolous, but it is joyous! It is just joy that you have to feel about yourself. I am telling you all this because this is within you, within your power. It is all the time residing within you, and that you have faced it also. So I wish you all a very, very happy birthday; so that you people have a new birth and new understanding, and a new personality. Try to accept that personality, try to respect it – that personality is your ‘self’. May God Bless You
Miracle of Pure Desire and Kundalini Awakening
New Delhi
Public Program
English, Hindi
2001-0321 Public Program New Delhi (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi to English] Despite being [self-realized], people go up and down in Sahaja yoga. It's not that once people get self-realization then they don't have to do anything. After getting a realization, it depends upon the extent of their seeking and sincerity towards Sahaja yoga. If you are sincere then once the kundalini rises in you, you have a very beautiful experience and you go into thoughtless awareness very quickly. I was telling this to someone today that why human beings keep on thinking. Every moment and on everything humans keep on thinking. Suppose, this is a carpet. So now humans think, from where this was bought, what was the price, and other unnecessary thoughts. Instead of just admiring it about its beauty and appreciating the beautiful art. And sometimes because of the un-necessary thinking, humans can become mad as well. So reacting to each and everything you see it a big mistake. This is because the reactions come because of your ego or the conditionings which you have acquired. You are reacting because you are actually not 'just observing'. If you just observe and not react, you will be able to appreciate the object properly. A lot of people have spoken about coming to such a state of being. It is not that I am the only one who has said this. But those people would have not known how to achieve that state or make it happen. Because they would have wrongly thought of how human beings can achieve that state since we are ordinary human beings who lack that ability. But with the awakening of the kundalini, everything is possible. The kundalini is just waiting for itself to be awakened.2:27Kundalini is your wealth. It is your own. You did not buy it from somewhere, you did not pay money to get it. You did not request anyone to get it. It is there inside you. You should only have the intention for it to be awakened. The desire for the kundalini to be awakened is pure desire. For example, a person desires to have a motor vehicle. Once he gets that vehicle, he does not fully enjoy it and desires for another thing. Once he gets that another thing, even that does not give him happiness and so on. This means that it is not pure desire. Because pure desire brings satisfaction and happiness. This kundalini awakening is a pure desire and it is the desire of God. When kundalini gets awakened you are satisfied with what you have. You start thinking that your heart un-necessarily desires for so many things and now after realizing it seems like life becomes a beautiful garden which is full of fragrance, happiness, peace and love. Once kundalini rises you don't look towards wrong things, mostly. However, still, some people go up and down in their spiritual journey in Sahaja yoga. But once you get your self-realization in Sahaja yoga, it is something of such great importance and something which you get so spontaneously. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to pay money or do any other ritual. You just need to have a pure desire that you want to become a soul / “aatma”. And it is with this pure desire that you achieve it. You just need to have this thing in your heart that your kundalini is awakened. This desire itself is so powerful that you achieve self-realization immediately. I have experienced this with people from different countries.4:55For example, there is a country [unclear]. [unclear – There were no Muslims over there] and they had got so scared of the French people that they adopted Islam. Even after adopting Islam, they were not satisfied. But when they came across Sahaja Yoga, they left everything else. You will be surprised to know that today there are 14000 Sahaja yogis over there. They were Muslims. But I don’t consider them Muslims now. You are not a true Muslim unless your hands speak/get vibrations. Being Muslim means being surrendered. How can you truly surrender unless your hands get vibrations?6:00[In today’s time’s people are highly miss-directed]. For self-realization, you don’t need to read all the religious books like Vedas, “Puranas”, or go to religious places etc. You wrongly encourage such people and Brahmins who chant the mantras loudly to impress you and you give them various things and money thinking that it is something which is good. These things are not good and will not give you any benefit. You should ask yourself what you got after giving away so much to such people. Did you get self-realization? Only after self-realization, you will know who you actually are. You have all the energy and capability. But unless you understand yourself how you can understand those capabilities which you have. Once you are realized, you can do a lot of things.I am surprised to see when I stay in foreign countries, some foreigners have never even heard the name of kundalini. But now after getting self-realization in Sahaja, they are doing such wonderful work all over the world. When people tell me, I am surprised how can people who had no previous background adopt and work for Sahaja with their heart. You get benefitted in all the aspects like physical, mentally, spiritually. You get overall development. It is such a beautiful thing. Try and know about yourself. You already have this diamond within you. You already have this pure knowledge within you. You have everything within you. And the key to attain all that is only kundalini awakening. I am telling you these people several times people ask me if there is any other way than kundalini awakening. I have no personal gain in that, but I must tell you the truth that Kundalini awakening is the only way and there is no other way for you to know yourself and the world.8:41Leaving every other ritual in the world and awakening your kundalini is the most important thing. Today, looking at all of you, coming out in huge numbers is really heart touching for me. Some years ago, there were very few people who could understand Sahaja yoga in Delhi, but now I am surprised that there are so many people who accepted it as part of their lives. You get all types of benefit in Sahaja yoga. By the grace of Shri Mahalaxmi, our country can be heavenly and prosperous. Therefore, by adopting Sahaja as a society we can do well for our country. As Sahaja yogis, we should look at improving all ends of society wherever it is required.9:46I have initiated at least 16 different projects like helping the women, children, sick people, old age people, farmers etc. various projects where Sahaja yoga can help. While doing this work, Sahaja yogis are amazed to see from where they get such great abilities to heal the sick people, mentally unstable people and various other problems. They wonder how they received such powers. These powers have actually come because of kundalini awakening. You should awaken your kundalini. People who are presently going here and there in life, should take a pause and look inside to see who you are, what great creation you are, how much capabilities you possess and how you can use those abilities. I wish that next time I come here, I can see double the people who have come here this time. Not only that but I wish those people to be actively involved in Sahaja yoga and spread it. After getting self-realization you don't need to go anywhere. There is no need to go to the Himalayas. You can do everything right here by spreading Sahaja yoga. And in this way, you will be able to create a global Sahaja society/family. The Sahaja yoga family should do whatever is necessary for the upliftment of the world.11: 37Whatever problems are there in the world can be solved by you. All of you can do this and for that I have told you, again and again, get your self-realization. Do self-introspection. That will maintain your realized state. Whatever problems are there will slowly go away. This will lead you to be a very good human being. If everyone becomes like this, all the problems and fighting in the world, the killing will stop. Because you will become a wonderful human being. You can stay away from all these problems and at the same time, you can put your attention on such problems and solve them.12:32In present times, the situation is such that people can get frightened to see what all rubbish is happening around. The reason is that everyone has not got a realization. If it was so then there would not have been such problems. People are lost, deeply lost in darkness. Therefore you should try and understand Sahaja yoga. There were so many problems that were going on in our country for a very long. They have come to the notice of people now. At least to some of them. We should also introspect if we are lost and are on the right path in life. I am surprised to see that our whole country is suffering from this disease that everyone is running after money. Not everyone in foreign countries is like that. I am surprised that several people come to money to get money. The money which I have is for the use of society's welfare. Not for such thieves that come to me to loot the money. But they try and do it. People nowadays want to earn money by hook or by crook. But that money is not good. That money will not do any good for you. Before doing anything, you should think what are we doing and if we are doing anything wrong and getting entangled in something which will spoil us. You should never think of looting someone else's money. Are you going to take all the money with you when you die? It is going to harm you ultimately. The present time is that of “Kali yuga” but this is also the time of “Krita Yuga”, in which the “Paramchaitanya” is all the time active and it ensures that people who do wrong things get punished. If you want to do good for society, you have the power inside yourself. Make use of it. You should never be selfish. The only thing you should be selfish about is to look inside yourself and know yourself. You should do all the things by which you can know yourself.16:36Nowadays whatever problems are going on have deep roots in history as well. These problems have been there in India as well. Britishers came to rule India and did the wrong things. They looted the Kohinoor diamond as well. Unless you gave them something they were not happy. But now such lootings have increased in scale. Later on, the government ministers started looting the country and now every other person wants to loot others' money.17:26There is only one way to solve all the problems and that is Sahaja yoga. With Sahaja Yoga, the whole of society will be organized. People will have love and respect for each other. We should not see at someone's money to respect them. People nowadays also want to be in power and are mad after it [referring to politics]. For what reason do you want to come in power? What are you going to gain from that? You don’t have control over yourself. How are you going to control the governments? There are a lot of good qualities you should have to come in power. You should have qualities like moral values, maturity, and honesty. They don't have it. Still, they want to come in power. In Maharashtra, it is said that if you give a burning wood to a monkey, he will go around burning other places. Similarly, today politicians who are in power are going around and doing the wrong things and earn money by wrong means. They want money so that they become powerful. It is because of these things our country has become very weak as a society. Sahaja yoga is the cure for this disease. Once you come to Sahaja Yoga, you will realize that all this is stupidity and you should not do it. The day Sahaja yoga spreads widely, all these problems will come to an end. Therefore you should understand that all the problems going on in the society have to be fixed by you. It is your responsibility. You can do it. The Sahaja yogis can do it and those who are not Sahaja yogis should learn Sahaja yoga. If you want a good society in which there is no fighting and people love each other. The only way it can be done is through Sahaja yoga. Sahaja yoga looks very simple from outside. People wrongly think that once you get a realization, then everything is done. But you have to do it diligently and with a desire to go deeper. After that, your special powers get awakened. Thereafter you can do great things for your country and for the whole world.20:23Now, some people have evil tendencies. Their desires are evil only. So, it’s okay to leave such people as they are. I have told you several times. This is the age of the last judgement. If you hold onto the good, you will rise in spirituality and if you hold on to evil, you will go down. We should observe how there are earthquakes are occurring in so many places and what is happening there. Now there was a big earthquake in Gujarat. We had only 18 Sahaja yogis in Gujarat. I think Gujaratis do not care much about Sahaja yoga. So there were only 18 Sahaja yogis there. All these Sahaja yogis were saved and even their houses were absolutely safe. Similarly, an earthquake came to Turkey. Even there the Sahaja yogis were saved and their houses as well. This happens because you have entered the kingdom of God and you are protected now. Nobody can harm you. Nobody can destroy you. Even in other places where earthquakes have come, all the Sahaja yogis were safe and their houses as well. In Latur, where we had our Sahaja Centre, all the places surrounding the Centre were destroyed but nothing happened to the Sahaja Centre or the Sahaja Yogis. Why did it happen? On the day of Chaturdashi, people did the “Ganesh Visarjan” and after coming from there, people with evil tendencies started drinking liquor. There were having liquor and dancing. And while dancing only they went into the earth. But in Latur, not even a single Sahaja yogi was harmed in any way. Their house, family and children were completely untouched. This is not less than a miracle. The protection of the divine is there on you because you are in his kingdom now. You have risen to a different level of existence that should not have any fear now. Nothing can destroy you now.23:38Like this Sahaja yoga has many benefits. Sahaja Yoga has cured so many people of diseases. People who are drug addicts can change overnight. People are surprised at how that can happen. That is why I say that with the awakening of the Kundalini all the bad habits go away. Sahaja yoga is spreading everywhere now. People are understanding and experiencing it that a change is very necessary. Without this change [that comes through Sahaja yoga] nothing can change and improve in this world. It is the human beings only which create problems and only human beings can pick up Sahaja yoga and spread it. I believe that Sahaja yoga will spread the way it has been spreading and it will benefit this world in various ways. My blessing to all of you. [English Transcript] 24:56I am sorry. I had to speak in the Hindi language because most of the people here know Hindi. Moreover, I didn't know whether to speak in any other languages as India has several languages with different hues. As it is, whatever I have told them… is very simple which you all know that you have to have your kundalini awakened. Because that is your pure desire. And to achieve that pure desire you just have to anything. It just works out, I have seen. For which you don't have to pay, you don't have to stand on your head, you don't have to give up anything. This is not a new thing for you. You all know and you have achieved it. What I am very proud of is that in this country we have the heritage of saints and of many people who had talked about it. But in your countries, nobody even expected that there could be such a power that would give you this awakening. But just imagine, it has worked wonders.26:32Now, as you know that we are working in 86 countries. While I am not visiting them, neither have I the energy to go to all of them. But how it is working is because when you got it, you took it with you and gave it to others. One person can give realization to a thousand people. You know that. So the way you people have accepted Sahaja yoga and have taken it up as a mission by which everywhere in every country people do that. If you have to change this world. If you have to change our circumstances, it is important, very important to see what your role is. What is your existence for? After realization, your existence is forgiving realizations. This you must realize. Nothing is more important. Job is not important. Money earning is not important. Positions are not important. But give realization to people and everything will fit into it. For example, I see a camera. See for the camera I don't have to do anything. Only if you click it, you will have a photograph. Sahaja yoga is like that. If you decide, if you really decide in your hearts that we are going to spread Sahaja yoga out and out, nobody can stop you because it is the help of God almighty that you can do it which is very simple work and that is most satisfying. That's what I want to say to people who are Sahaja yogis abroad. They should first think of spreading Sahaja yoga and saving people. It is their basic [work]. Minimum of the minimum idea should be about self-realization. You don't know how much one feels happy to see so many people getting realization and it is such a joy-giving thing, giving realization to people. I know so many of you are doing that way but all of you should do it. All of you should work it out instead of getting lost in non-sensical things. This is my request. And I would say that there are so many great people among you. You should follow them and try to make a beautiful world out of this horribly threatening useless world. May God bless you.29:30[After this Shri-Mataji gave amass self-realization to people.]He is asking me that everybody wants realization…Alright!But those who don’t want please go away! Those who want please stay here. But if you don't want don't disturb others …It will take hardly 5-10 minutes…But for 10 minutes you have to keep quiet and don't disturb others and don't walkabout …It is very important …It is a most precious thing that has to allow …then you will understand what is your value …I don't know how many of you have not got their realization…Can you raise your hand who have not got their realizations? Raise your hand …Those who have not got their self-realization …Please raise your hand. So many people still there …Keep your hands down …Now please put your hands like this in front of me …Without any pressure …With SahajaAnd please have faith in yourself …All of you please open your hands like this with full faith.You all are sitting in the lap of this great country of India that you don't have to do anything here …My hands break in foreign countries …But here people get their realizations very easily…It is a very fortunate thing to be born here …So, please put your hands like this. And close your eyes. In your hearts say only this that-Mother please give us self-realization…Now put your right hand on your fontanel bone area. At the top …Keep your legs straight! Those who are sitting alright, others keep your legs straight …Now keep your hands little upward…and now observe whether you are getting a cool breeze or hot breeze from there.Hot Vibration can also be felt if you have not forgiven. So forgive everyone …Now see …Bend your head and see that are you getting cool breeze …From you ….Now keep your right hand towards me and left hand on the top of your head …And now see at the top that are you getting cool breeze from your head …This is kundalini …which finds its path, pierces through the seventh chakra and spread to the all-pervading power in all direction …Please bend your head and see …Now one more time again …now put your left hand towards Me and right hand on the top of your head …see…by bending your head …Bend your head and see that are you getting cool breeze from you …Once Kabir had said “Shunya shikhar pur anahata bajey” …This is that thing …Everyone has said same …Gurunanak Sahib has said –“Sahaja Samadhi lago”Now keep both hands towards me.Please put your both hands towards me …See in your hand whether some cool or hot breeze is coming?Someone can get from the bottom also …Then shift from bottom to top like this …Someone can get in this hand …uplift it … Now those who were not feeling any vibrations or who didn't get his realization so far …raise your hand who now got the cool breeze…everybody got the realization !…Now I am feeling the cool breeze from you people …Here the people didn’t get the realization in the middle? Why?Even in this hot (weather), a cool breeze is coming up …May God bless you!Now see where the Centre’s around your nearby areas are? Go there and get deep into it …And get all the knowledge about Sahaja yoga …Understand the minuteness of all the Sahaja yoga …You will not achieve by reading “shastra’s” or any “purana’s" or any Bible because at that time there was no Kundalini awakening And it was for those who were not realized. But now you have got this Self-realization and now for how to raise yourself, you have to go to the nearby Centre's if possible definitely. I hope you will respect it …Whatever you have found today has not been given to anybody from many years …Now you have achieved it…You will find the grace of it when you will experience its power…So get it and keep your self-esteem…You go into deep in your ascent …Now my blessings with you that you all become happy, joyful, and peaceful & beside this you become powerful.[Bhajan’s and “Vandematram”]
2001-0321 Public Program New Delhi (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi to English] Despite being [self-realized], people go up and down in Sahaja yoga. It's not that once people get self-realization then they don't have to do anything. After getting a realization, it depends upon the extent of their seeking and sincerity towards Sahaja yoga. If you are sincere then once the kundalini rises in you, you have a very beautiful experience and you go into thoughtless awareness very quickly. I was telling this to someone today that why human beings keep on thinking. Every moment and on everything humans keep on thinking. Suppose, this is a carpet. So now humans think, from where this was bought, what was the price, and other unnecessary thoughts. Instead of just admiring it about its beauty and appreciating the beautiful art. And sometimes because of the un-necessary thinking, humans can become mad as well. So reacting to each and everything you see it a big mistake. This is because the reactions come because of your ego or the conditionings which you have acquired. You are reacting because you are actually not 'just observing'. If you just observe and not react, you will be able to appreciate the object properly. A lot of people have spoken about coming to such a state of being. It is not that I am the only one who has said this. But those people would have not known how to achieve that state or make it happen. Because they would have wrongly thought of how human beings can achieve that state since we are ordinary human beings who lack that ability. But with the awakening of the kundalini, everything is possible. The kundalini is just waiting for itself to be awakened.2:27Kundalini is your wealth. It is your own. You did not buy it from somewhere, you did not pay money to get it. You did not request anyone to get it. It is there inside you. You should only have the intention for it to be awakened. The desire for the kundalini to be awakened is pure desire. For example, a person desires to have a motor vehicle. Once he gets that vehicle, he does not fully enjoy it and desires for another thing. Once he gets that another thing, even that does not give him happiness and so on. This means that it is not pure desire. Because pure desire brings satisfaction and happiness. This kundalini awakening is a pure desire and it is the desire of God. When kundalini gets awakened you are satisfied with what you have. You start thinking that your heart un-necessarily desires for so many things and now after realizing it seems like life becomes a beautiful garden which is full of fragrance, happiness, peace and love. Once kundalini rises you don't look towards wrong things, mostly. However, still, some people go up and down in their spiritual journey in Sahaja yoga. But once you get your self-realization in Sahaja yoga, it is something of such great importance and something which you get so spontaneously. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to pay money or do any other ritual. You just need to have a pure desire that you want to become a soul / “aatma”. And it is with this pure desire that you achieve it. You just need to have this thing in your heart that your kundalini is awakened. This desire itself is so powerful that you achieve self-realization immediately. I have experienced this with people from different countries.4:55For example, there is a country [unclear]. [unclear – There were no Muslims over there] and they had got so scared of the French people that they adopted Islam. Even after adopting Islam, they were not satisfied. But when they came across Sahaja Yoga, they left everything else. You will be surprised to know that today there are 14000 Sahaja yogis over there. They were Muslims. But I don’t consider them Muslims now. You are not a true Muslim unless your hands speak/get vibrations. Being Muslim means being surrendered. How can you truly surrender unless your hands get vibrations?6:00[In today’s time’s people are highly miss-directed]. For self-realization, you don’t need to read all the religious books like Vedas, “Puranas”, or go to religious places etc. You wrongly encourage such people and Brahmins who chant the mantras loudly to impress you and you give them various things and money thinking that it is something which is good. These things are not good and will not give you any benefit. You should ask yourself what you got after giving away so much to such people. Did you get self-realization? Only after self-realization, you will know who you actually are. You have all the energy and capability. But unless you understand yourself how you can understand those capabilities which you have. Once you are realized, you can do a lot of things.I am surprised to see when I stay in foreign countries, some foreigners have never even heard the name of kundalini. But now after getting self-realization in Sahaja, they are doing such wonderful work all over the world. When people tell me, I am surprised how can people who had no previous background adopt and work for Sahaja with their heart. You get benefitted in all the aspects like physical, mentally, spiritually. You get overall development. It is such a beautiful thing. Try and know about yourself. You already have this diamond within you. You already have this pure knowledge within you. You have everything within you. And the key to attain all that is only kundalini awakening. I am telling you these people several times people ask me if there is any other way than kundalini awakening. I have no personal gain in that, but I must tell you the truth that Kundalini awakening is the only way and there is no other way for you to know yourself and the world.8:41Leaving every other ritual in the world and awakening your kundalini is the most important thing. Today, looking at all of you, coming out in huge numbers is really heart touching for me. Some years ago, there were very few people who could understand Sahaja yoga in Delhi, but now I am surprised that there are so many people who accepted it as part of their lives. You get all types of benefit in Sahaja yoga. By the grace of Shri Mahalaxmi, our country can be heavenly and prosperous. Therefore, by adopting Sahaja as a society we can do well for our country. As Sahaja yogis, we should look at improving all ends of society wherever it is required.9:46I have initiated at least 16 different projects like helping the women, children, sick people, old age people, farmers etc. various projects where Sahaja yoga can help. While doing this work, Sahaja yogis are amazed to see from where they get such great abilities to heal the sick people, mentally unstable people and various other problems. They wonder how they received such powers. These powers have actually come because of kundalini awakening. You should awaken your kundalini. People who are presently going here and there in life, should take a pause and look inside to see who you are, what great creation you are, how much capabilities you possess and how you can use those abilities. I wish that next time I come here, I can see double the people who have come here this time. Not only that but I wish those people to be actively involved in Sahaja yoga and spread it. After getting self-realization you don't need to go anywhere. There is no need to go to the Himalayas. You can do everything right here by spreading Sahaja yoga. And in this way, you will be able to create a global Sahaja society/family. The Sahaja yoga family should do whatever is necessary for the upliftment of the world.11: 37Whatever problems are there in the world can be solved by you. All of you can do this and for that I have told you, again and again, get your self-realization. Do self-introspection. That will maintain your realized state. Whatever problems are there will slowly go away. This will lead you to be a very good human being. If everyone becomes like this, all the problems and fighting in the world, the killing will stop. Because you will become a wonderful human being. You can stay away from all these problems and at the same time, you can put your attention on such problems and solve them.12:32In present times, the situation is such that people can get frightened to see what all rubbish is happening around. The reason is that everyone has not got a realization. If it was so then there would not have been such problems. People are lost, deeply lost in darkness. Therefore you should try and understand Sahaja yoga. There were so many problems that were going on in our country for a very long. They have come to the notice of people now. At least to some of them. We should also introspect if we are lost and are on the right path in life. I am surprised to see that our whole country is suffering from this disease that everyone is running after money. Not everyone in foreign countries is like that. I am surprised that several people come to money to get money. The money which I have is for the use of society's welfare. Not for such thieves that come to me to loot the money. But they try and do it. People nowadays want to earn money by hook or by crook. But that money is not good. That money will not do any good for you. Before doing anything, you should think what are we doing and if we are doing anything wrong and getting entangled in something which will spoil us. You should never think of looting someone else's money. Are you going to take all the money with you when you die? It is going to harm you ultimately. The present time is that of “Kali yuga” but this is also the time of “Krita Yuga”, in which the “Paramchaitanya” is all the time active and it ensures that people who do wrong things get punished. If you want to do good for society, you have the power inside yourself. Make use of it. You should never be selfish. The only thing you should be selfish about is to look inside yourself and know yourself. You should do all the things by which you can know yourself.16:36Nowadays whatever problems are going on have deep roots in history as well. These problems have been there in India as well. Britishers came to rule India and did the wrong things. They looted the Kohinoor diamond as well. Unless you gave them something they were not happy. But now such lootings have increased in scale. Later on, the government ministers started looting the country and now every other person wants to loot others' money.17:26There is only one way to solve all the problems and that is Sahaja yoga. With Sahaja Yoga, the whole of society will be organized. People will have love and respect for each other. We should not see at someone's money to respect them. People nowadays also want to be in power and are mad after it [referring to politics]. For what reason do you want to come in power? What are you going to gain from that? You don’t have control over yourself. How are you going to control the governments? There are a lot of good qualities you should have to come in power. You should have qualities like moral values, maturity, and honesty. They don't have it. Still, they want to come in power. In Maharashtra, it is said that if you give a burning wood to a monkey, he will go around burning other places. Similarly, today politicians who are in power are going around and doing the wrong things and earn money by wrong means. They want money so that they become powerful. It is because of these things our country has become very weak as a society. Sahaja yoga is the cure for this disease. Once you come to Sahaja Yoga, you will realize that all this is stupidity and you should not do it. The day Sahaja yoga spreads widely, all these problems will come to an end. Therefore you should understand that all the problems going on in the society have to be fixed by you. It is your responsibility. You can do it. The Sahaja yogis can do it and those who are not Sahaja yogis should learn Sahaja yoga. If you want a good society in which there is no fighting and people love each other. The only way it can be done is through Sahaja yoga. Sahaja yoga looks very simple from outside. People wrongly think that once you get a realization, then everything is done. But you have to do it diligently and with a desire to go deeper. After that, your special powers get awakened. Thereafter you can do great things for your country and for the whole world.20:23Now, some people have evil tendencies. Their desires are evil only. So, it’s okay to leave such people as they are. I have told you several times. This is the age of the last judgement. If you hold onto the good, you will rise in spirituality and if you hold on to evil, you will go down. We should observe how there are earthquakes are occurring in so many places and what is happening there. Now there was a big earthquake in Gujarat. We had only 18 Sahaja yogis in Gujarat. I think Gujaratis do not care much about Sahaja yoga. So there were only 18 Sahaja yogis there. All these Sahaja yogis were saved and even their houses were absolutely safe. Similarly, an earthquake came to Turkey. Even there the Sahaja yogis were saved and their houses as well. This happens because you have entered the kingdom of God and you are protected now. Nobody can harm you. Nobody can destroy you. Even in other places where earthquakes have come, all the Sahaja yogis were safe and their houses as well. In Latur, where we had our Sahaja Centre, all the places surrounding the Centre were destroyed but nothing happened to the Sahaja Centre or the Sahaja Yogis. Why did it happen? On the day of Chaturdashi, people did the “Ganesh Visarjan” and after coming from there, people with evil tendencies started drinking liquor. There were having liquor and dancing. And while dancing only they went into the earth. But in Latur, not even a single Sahaja yogi was harmed in any way. Their house, family and children were completely untouched. This is not less than a miracle. The protection of the divine is there on you because you are in his kingdom now. You have risen to a different level of existence that should not have any fear now. Nothing can destroy you now.23:38Like this Sahaja yoga has many benefits. Sahaja Yoga has cured so many people of diseases. People who are drug addicts can change overnight. People are surprised at how that can happen. That is why I say that with the awakening of the Kundalini all the bad habits go away. Sahaja yoga is spreading everywhere now. People are understanding and experiencing it that a change is very necessary. Without this change [that comes through Sahaja yoga] nothing can change and improve in this world. It is the human beings only which create problems and only human beings can pick up Sahaja yoga and spread it. I believe that Sahaja yoga will spread the way it has been spreading and it will benefit this world in various ways. My blessing to all of you. [English Transcript] 24:56I am sorry. I had to speak in the Hindi language because most of the people here know Hindi. Moreover, I didn't know whether to speak in any other languages as India has several languages with different hues. As it is, whatever I have told them… is very simple which you all know that you have to have your kundalini awakened. Because that is your pure desire. And to achieve that pure desire you just have to anything. It just works out, I have seen. For which you don't have to pay, you don't have to stand on your head, you don't have to give up anything. This is not a new thing for you. You all know and you have achieved it. What I am very proud of is that in this country we have the heritage of saints and of many people who had talked about it. But in your countries, nobody even expected that there could be such a power that would give you this awakening. But just imagine, it has worked wonders.26:32Now, as you know that we are working in 86 countries. While I am not visiting them, neither have I the energy to go to all of them. But how it is working is because when you got it, you took it with you and gave it to others. One person can give realization to a thousand people. You know that. So the way you people have accepted Sahaja yoga and have taken it up as a mission by which everywhere in every country people do that. If you have to change this world. If you have to change our circumstances, it is important, very important to see what your role is. What is your existence for? After realization, your existence is forgiving realizations. This you must realize. Nothing is more important. Job is not important. Money earning is not important. Positions are not important. But give realization to people and everything will fit into it. For example, I see a camera. See for the camera I don't have to do anything. Only if you click it, you will have a photograph. Sahaja yoga is like that. If you decide, if you really decide in your hearts that we are going to spread Sahaja yoga out and out, nobody can stop you because it is the help of God almighty that you can do it which is very simple work and that is most satisfying. That's what I want to say to people who are Sahaja yogis abroad. They should first think of spreading Sahaja yoga and saving people. It is their basic [work]. Minimum of the minimum idea should be about self-realization. You don't know how much one feels happy to see so many people getting realization and it is such a joy-giving thing, giving realization to people. I know so many of you are doing that way but all of you should do it. All of you should work it out instead of getting lost in non-sensical things. This is my request. And I would say that there are so many great people among you. You should follow them and try to make a beautiful world out of this horribly threatening useless world. May God bless you.29:30[After this Shri-Mataji gave amass self-realization to people.]He is asking me that everybody wants realization…Alright!But those who don’t want please go away! Those who want please stay here. But if you don't want don't disturb others …It will take hardly 5-10 minutes…But for 10 minutes you have to keep quiet and don't disturb others and don't walkabout …It is very important …It is a most precious thing that has to allow …then you will understand what is your value …I don't know how many of you have not got their realization…Can you raise your hand who have not got their realizations? Raise your hand …Those who have not got their self-realization …Please raise your hand. So many people still there …Keep your hands down …Now please put your hands like this in front of me …Without any pressure …With SahajaAnd please have faith in yourself …All of you please open your hands like this with full faith.You all are sitting in the lap of this great country of India that you don't have to do anything here …My hands break in foreign countries …But here people get their realizations very easily…It is a very fortunate thing to be born here …So, please put your hands like this. And close your eyes. In your hearts say only this that-Mother please give us self-realization…Now put your right hand on your fontanel bone area. At the top …Keep your legs straight! Those who are sitting alright, others keep your legs straight …Now keep your hands little upward…and now observe whether you are getting a cool breeze or hot breeze from there.Hot Vibration can also be felt if you have not forgiven. So forgive everyone …Now see …Bend your head and see that are you getting cool breeze …From you ….Now keep your right hand towards me and left hand on the top of your head …And now see at the top that are you getting cool breeze from your head …This is kundalini …which finds its path, pierces through the seventh chakra and spread to the all-pervading power in all direction …Please bend your head and see …Now one more time again …now put your left hand towards Me and right hand on the top of your head …see…by bending your head …Bend your head and see that are you getting cool breeze from you …Once Kabir had said “Shunya shikhar pur anahata bajey” …This is that thing …Everyone has said same …Gurunanak Sahib has said –“Sahaja Samadhi lago”Now keep both hands towards me.Please put your both hands towards me …See in your hand whether some cool or hot breeze is coming?Someone can get from the bottom also …Then shift from bottom to top like this …Someone can get in this hand …uplift it … Now those who were not feeling any vibrations or who didn't get his realization so far …raise your hand who now got the cool breeze…everybody got the realization !…Now I am feeling the cool breeze from you people …Here the people didn’t get the realization in the middle? Why?Even in this hot (weather), a cool breeze is coming up …May God bless you!Now see where the Centre’s around your nearby areas are? Go there and get deep into it …And get all the knowledge about Sahaja yoga …Understand the minuteness of all the Sahaja yoga …You will not achieve by reading “shastra’s” or any “purana’s" or any Bible because at that time there was no Kundalini awakening And it was for those who were not realized. But now you have got this Self-realization and now for how to raise yourself, you have to go to the nearby Centre's if possible definitely. I hope you will respect it …Whatever you have found today has not been given to anybody from many years …Now you have achieved it…You will find the grace of it when you will experience its power…So get it and keep your self-esteem…You go into deep in your ascent …Now my blessings with you that you all become happy, joyful, and peaceful & beside this you become powerful.[Bhajan’s and “Vandematram”]
Public Program Day 1: Satya Ki Prapti Hi Sabse Badi Prapti Hai
New Delhi
Public Program
Satya Ki Prapti Hi Sab Se Badi Prapti Hai Date 25th March 2001: Place Delhi Public Program Type I bow to all the seekers of truth and also to those who have already found it. Sahaja Yoga has spread in Delhi city in a big way. Once upon a time, I could not expect to have even a few Sahaja Yogis in Delhi. The atmosphere in Delhi, in those days, was such that people used to run after power and money. I used to ask myself a question that when will these people go for the attainment of the Spirit? The pursuit for power is short-lived. It yields no results. Many people could achieve political positions and many were thrown out of it. Similarly, those who work for money have the same fate because running after the things which are unreal, ultimately leads us to disappointment. The comfort and joy of the material acquisitions are ephemeral. But now I say that the people of Delhi are awakened to such an extent! This awakening is your own exclusive asset – the outcome of your own spiritual thirst which is now quenched. I wonder how much I have contributed to you quenching your own spiritual thirst! What is noteworthy is the fact that if this subtle mechanism was not inbuilt, how would this spirituality manifest in you? One needs to understand that many saints were born in this land to initiate the spiritual upliftment of people. These saints are a household name. Both, the elderly lot as well as the children know of these great saints. One wonders just who were these people to exhibit such great spiritual caliber! How these Businessmen and politicians, who were running day and night after money and power have come to Sahaja Yoga? Because there was no joy or peace or silence in their pursuits. That life was just banal. When human beings realize that while running after material things they could get neither the joy nor comforts then he turns to seek the joy of the Spirit. Many lamps were enlightened with one light and today, I find thousands of those have known their Selves (spirits) are sitting before me. First of all, we have to know that the reason of all the unsolved riddles that are within us is that we have not understood what Dharma is. We have accepted the definition of Dharma as professed by some religious authorities. They told us to perform some rituals, indulge in worshipping and chanting. Muslims were also taught similarly that it they perform the namaz in a particular way and go as per the direction of Mullas then they will achieve Salvation. But when nothing could be achieved by the rituals, it forced the seekers to think about it: why are we caught in rituals? These rituals push us in deep darkness. None can achieve anything from these rituals. People have been performing these rituals since ages but achieved nothing. Now, the quest for truth is well-timed. It has to happen in these modern times, the Kalyuga, as we call it that embarks us on a journey to unearth the spiritual treasures. Truth is nothing but Love and Love in nothing but the Truth. We people feel that we can attain the truth by moving to the Himalayas, chopping off our hair etc. When the Truth resides within, what’s the point of these external differentiations? These rituals have no association with the Truth whatsoever. So, what is to be done? The sleeping power of Kundalini needs to be awakened. Now debating on whether his power resides in you or not is again, a futile pursuit. Every person in this world holds this power in a triangular form in one’s subtle system and it is extremely important to awaken it to achieve the Truth. Every spiritual person has stressed on ‘knowing thyself’ but how? We do not know ourselves. We have no clue how many flaws are hidden among ourselves, mainly, greed, attachment, obsessions/addictions, jealousies and lust (the six enemies of the Soul). We are unable to understand the origin of these flaws and why we are under their influence? Understand this once and for all, these flaws are all external, superficial whereas the Spirit is eternally pure, remains unblemished. These negativities have come in us, probably because of our flawed traditions, previous lives, parentage or society. No one knows from which sources have these exactly erupted from. So, instead of trying to find the source and cause of these negativities, it will be better to destroy them. By their destruction, our attention will become pure. Our creator the God almighty has made all the arrangements for it. He has made you free to adopt the proven method to ‘Know Thyself’. That is the method of ‘Kundalini Awakening’. I am not the first to say this. Kundalini awakening has been talked about in India since times immemorial. In olden times, only a few seekers could get their kundalini awakened and that too, with great difficulties. But times come when this awakening is made collective and now this time has come. You have got your Kundalini awakened – collectively. In this collective state, when you are being nourished by the Awakened Kundalini, you pondered over why you have been running for superficial matter, chasing illusions when this awakening is the Reality? These ponderings kept getting crystallized with your constructive and destructive thinking. We must understand that if we have to know ourselves, we have to, first of all, get connected with all-pervading Chaitanya (Divine Power) of the Divine flowing from all directions. So, there so is no other way, no matter what anyone else professes. But people try to confuse you and you fall for the illusions they create. For instance, once I was listening to a (false) Guru. He started his pravachan (Talk) with abuses. He began the discourse with, “You are all perverts”. He said that many people today are not seekers, you people are all, ‘Pravrutti Margis’ incessantly running after material pursuits one after another which sucks you out of your positive energies. Calling the seekers ‘Pravrutti Margis’ is as good as hurling an abuse at them. And the seekers believe that they are indeed, Pravrutti Margies’. And to other seekers, they (false gurus) say that since they are not ‘Nivrutti Margis’ (above Materialism) why bother attaining the Spirit? Now, to the seeker, they have posed a problem, where the seeker honestly confesses to being a ‘Pravrutti Margi’ (interested in Material things). At this point, they prompt him into donating all his money to the guru (in the garb of rising beyond materialism) and become an ascetic. The seeker starts to think of it as an easy arrangement for his spiritual upliftment. This is indeed blindfaith. Would you wish to be voluntarily blind? If someone calls you Pravrutti Margis, should you believe it? According to them, till the time you are not on the ‘Nivrutti marg’ you cannot enter SY? Such is the wordplay these false gurus use to confuse you! And you find it an easy arrangement to surrender your material belongings to them! Such kinds of conditions get placed in you and you tend to agree with them because we do not havr sufficient belief in the fact that we can attain our Spirit and know ourselves. Believe in yourself because there are many people among ourselves whose lives are basking in the glory of kundalini awakening! And all of you all can attain this status. This power is within you and it can be awakened irrespective of your flaws, misdeeds and even if you have ever worked against the Divine! This kundalini is seated in its place and when someone who has the authority to awaken it will do the needful, it will awaken and all your external superficialities and 6 enemies (of the soul) will immediately shed themselves! As you see, when you put a seed in Mother Earth, it sprouts on its own. It cannot enliven itself but it is the Mother Earth that enlivens every part of it! Similarly, with kundalini awakening, all your ‘vruttis’ (negative aspects) automatically disappear. This is indeed a fascinating phenomenon yet it is not that surprising either, simply because it is it is Ghor Kaliyuga and in this very time, that you destined to gain this spirituality that places you at the highest pedestal, what is innately built inside you. In this new light, you will know how many flaws have you gotten rid of. Now you are beginning to display pure attention, which shines on your Spirit. Once you understand this reality, you will leave all lies and false behaviorisms. After all, for how long can you survive with falsehood? But till the time your Spirit is not fully realized, you cannot decipher the falsehood. Only in the light of the Spirit can you realize your falsehood that has kept you in illusions all along. The masses are stuck in such illusions, especially illusions emerging out of various religions. When God is one, what is there to fight? But such confusions are created and mental projections are made in such a way that people take to them. The reason is that their brains are not enlightened by their Spirits. Kundalini awakening gives you the privilege of connecting with the ‘paramchaitanya’ (Divine vibrations/energy) and it is indeed a very special bonding. Einstein, the famous scientist, also mentioned that when you enter the ‘torsion area’, your headspace taps into an enlightened frequency where you discover many new scientific techniques and findings! Despite the presence of this enlightened mechanism in you, there are people (seekers) who sleep even after getting awakened (lose/deny their spiritual qualities after kundalini awakening) or awaken after a long slumber (realize their spiritual qualities after kundalini awakening), such is the state of affairs! There are very few who move lucidly in their spiritual ascent after the kundalini awakening, depending on how deep their understanding of the subject is. The deeper you are, the deeper your experience of kundalini awakening will be! You automatically become thoughtlessly aware! Just today I was telling people why humans are caught up in incessant thinking. For e.g. Merely looking at this carpet triggers many useless thoughts such as, where did one buy it from, its cost etc. Creating so much fuss about it when all you have to do is simply, enjoy its beauty! Such incessant thinking can lead to madness! So, reacting at every trivial thing, there is no bigger blunder than this! Because all your reactions are sprouting through your Ego or Superego (conditionings/preconceived notions) because that witness state is not yet there in you. You have to watch the object fully as a witness. If you can watch something in complete witness state, its joy will be completely absorbed by your sensibilities. I am not the first to tell about it, many people have talked about it being in this ‘witness state’ but people wondered how it could be possible. After kundalini awakening being in an enlightened state is indeed possible! It is all about waking up the energy that is sleeping within. When the kundalini is there with in you, when it is reality, when it is placed there, then only thing that remains is to get the awakening. It is your own treasure, your own property. But you have neither bought it nor given any money for it, nor begged for it. It is within you, it is innate. You have to think about its awakening. Its awakening in the purest form of desire within you, nothing else. For e.g. A person desires a car. Once he gets it, he cannot enjoy it but runs after another material pursuit. The circle goes on indicating what you desired for, was not the purest desire. Had it been a pure desire, it would have satiated you. This Kundalini within you, is your purest desire, also, the desire of the Divine within you. Hence, it satiates you and you feel you have entered a new dimension which is emanating peace, joy and the fragrance of serenity! Once you achieve this stage, you would no more stick to any frivolities of life! There are still some people who keep rising and falling, learn via experiences, trial and error. Mostly, in SY, whoever finds this peace finds it in a very sahaja manner (effortless, lucid, automatic) without shelling out money, chanting mantras or praying, nothing – all you need is a pure desire that you attain your Spirit. That’s all! Your mere desire awakens your kundalini, I have seen in many countries among people of different nationalities. For example, there is a country named Benin. The natives there were so much afraid of French that they accepted Islam. Even then they were not satisfied! The same fights and disagreements continued. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, they are now rejoicing! You will be surprised that there are fourteen thousand Sahaja Yogis there now. They are all Muslims. According to ME, Muslim is the person whose hands speak. It is the age of Kiyama, you are Muslims ONLY if your hands speak. Muslim means ‘surrender’. How could you be surrendered if your hands do not speak? Confused people create different rituals. For surrendering, no study of Vedas and scriptures, no pilgrimage is necessary. This morning, our neighbors started chanting mantras. If you people encourage them, help them and give them money! Nothing would be achieved with it. What is thought-worthy is, what have you achieved far, even after encouraging such people/thought processes? Have you received your self-realization with this? Only post SR, you would know who your true self as well as your powers, what you can do with them, how capable (Samarth) you are. Till the time you don’t find the ‘arth’ (meaning) to your existence, how can you be ‘samarth’ (fully capable)? With this power you could do wonders! I am surprised that these foreigners who had never even heard of Kundalini, after their awakening, they are working wonders all over the world! And when they tell ME tell all about it, l wonder how these powers/miracles have been activated! How could these people achieve so much? It ensures your progress in all aspects, physical, mental and so on and you ‘absorb’ this awakening. Isn’t it such a beautiful happening that you get to acquaint yourself with your Spirit? This diamond of knowledge is shining through you! The only way to reach this knowledge is through the path of Kundalini awakening. I am se-asserting this fact because many people ask me if there is any alternate to this and I am clearly stating there is indeed no other alternative for you to know Thyself and the world. I have no agendas at all but you people need to be told the Truth! Leaving all superficial worldly matters aside, going deeper within yourself and availing this knowledge is the only purpose or the duty in your life. It is heartwarming to see so many people like yourselves! There was a time when I used to ridicule Delhi, as a place because of the hard nuts living in it! Today, I am watching you people absorb this knowledge and adopt it in your life. This knowledge only benefits you, in every way! And if this country gets blessed by Shri Mahalakshmi, it can rise to such beauteous, majestic levels! Which is why we must spread SY among the masses. There are many SY related projects whereby women, children, elderly people are being helped. When SYs pursue SY work, they feel so energetic, they wonder where they get so much strength from! Diseases get cured, addictions neutralized, lunatics get treated, unhealthy habits get dissolved – how do these powers flow from us? From one, sole connection – kundalini awakening and ensuring it stays in the awakened state! Those who are flybys (unsettled lot) should stop themselves and see who they are, how precious they are, how capable you are and hoe are using your powers! It is my wholehearted desire that when I visit Delhi the next year around, I see double the quantity of people here! Not just the no. of people but awakened people! In SY, you do not take to asceticism, no need to move to the Himalayas. You have to be in this very society and spread Sahaja Yoga and create a Sahaja Society in the world! This sahaja society should aid to the benevolence of this world, in order to destroy all the vices of this world. This is the job you people are required to do, which is why it becomes mandatory for people to get their SR and introspect for introspection helps sustain one’s spiritual awakening and all your flaws (catches) will gradually dissolve by themselves. Following this, you will emerge as a powerful, beautiful personality! Once such personalities emerge, all these violence and atrocities in the world will also cease. You can influence worldly affairs just by your attention, you don’t have to be present at the site of conflict. These disturbing times are adding immense anxiety among people but they should understand that an hour finally arrives when everything gets exposed – flaws and good qualities come on the forefront. It indicates that our spiritual awakening is yet to manifest itself. If you attain your Spirit, all imbalances will cease to exist. Some people have experiences such nasty falls in their lives, some feel totally pushed against the wall; they wonder what is happening to them?? It is nothing but a strong indicative of the fact that you have deviated from your spiritual course of life. This is the point that needs to be understood. In the collective deviation from the spiritual course, an entire country (India) is suffering! You need to analyze if you too, are deviating from your spiritual course, indulging in some lopsided affair? In India, materialism has spread like a disease among the society! It is not so in the West. Everybody suffers from the agenda to make more money, to swindle more people! Sometimes, I, MYSELF, become anxious thinking how many people must be approaching ME with the ulterior motive of making money from ME! This money of MINE is meant for the benefit of the entire world, not for some thieves and swindlers who come and loot ME. People have tried! In this way, an unhealthy tendency has emerged in people that propels them to make as much out of person as they can. However, making money through nefarious ways is not the blessing of Shri Lakshmi but ‘Alakshmi’ (against the Lakshmi principle!) Shri Lakshmi can be very deceptive! SHE can give you such mindboggling amounts of comforts ‘n’ luxuries that you feel further propelled to make more money, deviating towards ‘Alakshmi’! In that ‘Alakshmi’ your mind becomes stormed with confusions and delusions! Which is why you should not yearn for excess of anything and be especially watchful of your money matters (need for money) for such unhealthy tendencies will not last long! Will you take your money to your grave? The sins incurred out of this ‘Alakshmi’ will backfire in your life! I know we are living through ‘Kalyuga’ (the modern times of falsehood) but in parallel, we are also going through ‘Kritayuga’ (the era of doing/spiritual awakening). This paramchaitanya (vibrations) is working out matters so proactively and many people will get shocking revelations about the falsehood they are indulging in, especially, against the society! If you want a prosperous society, awaken your kundalini and help people prosper. Not in a selfish (‘swarth’) manner but unconditionally! In Hindi language, the words are so beautiful! ‘Swarth’ – the meaning/significance of oneself, that’s all you need to know, rest everything is futile! Once you acknowledge you have not yet figured your ‘swarth’, you will propel yourself in the direction of knowing yourself! The present day dilemmas have their dangerous roots way back in the past and these roots settled themselves in this country (India), I don’t know how! The English invasions pushed us into extreme losses, took away our Kohinoor. Till the time you wouldn’t give them a present, they wouldn’t be pleased. Such ego-pampering traditions started from the British, thereafter, penetrated the sensibilities of the Indian politicians and bureaucrats and further among the simpletons! Nowadays, everybody looks for a financial stake (bribe/commission /present/ incentive/personal benefit). Only SY can mar such a sensibility restoring love, respect and dignity within the society, shunning enslavement of money! Another issue, the greed for power, aspiring for prominent positions – you don’t have any control upon your own self, what will you do exerting control over other people? To control others, there have been many great, ideal politicians! These people have no courage, patience, dignity but they want insane control over others! Such people, with their destructive mindsets can only harm the people, societies! Such crooked people are ruling the roost today, exploiting the masses to fill their coffers, affairs dwindling between power-play and money which is the rootcause of deterioration of this country! SY is the cure for this imbalance! Through the SY lens, you see running after money and control is a dangerous act of sheer stupidity! The day SY spreads far and wide, these destructive thought processes will automatically dissolve! It is your responsibility to acknowledge these imbalances and indeed your responsibility to restore them, not just in India but in the entire world! SY can restore this imbalance and those who are non-Sys, can be made SYs. SY appears very simple from the outside, all the powers flowing through you, those people who have attained their SR feel they have achieved it all. However, you have to ‘establish’ yourself in SY, only after that, the powers flow, in the real sense of the term so the whole world can be purified through you. However, we do have certain mischievous elements among us. But like I have told you, we are standing on the brink of The Last Judgment – in this time, if you take shelter in the Divinity, you will rise and if you hold on to the Devil, you will fall into nasty depths. We must analyze the occurrences and the consequences of the earthquakes. For e.g. An earthquake hit Gujrat. Now in that state, we have only 18 SYs. It looks like Gujratis are not inclined towards SY. An earthquake hit Turkey as well and all the Sys were saved! Even their houses were intact, I saw them MYSELF! Because you are under the Divine protection, no harm can befall upon you, no one can kill/destroy you. Similarly, an earthquake hit Latur (in Maharashtra). All around the SY center, a bandhan/spiral/crack (UNCLEAR) was formed and right within the center, everyone was saved. Not a single SY in Latur perished! What had happened was that during the day of ‘chaturdashi’ (the day when Shri Ganesha’s idol is offered in water) many mischievous elements took to drinking elements, dancing to cheap music. The next moment, they fell prey to Ganesha’s ire, falling apart during the earthquake! Every SY, his family, house and children, all were protected. If this is not a miracle, what is! In the same manner, please understand that you are indeed protected by the Divine! Because you get transcended into the Divine kingdom, surpassing this socalled world and its worldly affairs, you have been raised to such an extent! Nobody can destroy you. In this manner, I have seen SYs achieve many breakthroughs, getting cured of diseases, giving up drugs overnight and many more instances – due to kundalini awakening all flaws automatically dissolve! SY is spreading widely in places! People are now acknowledging the need for a sweeping spiritual change that brings a transformation in actuality! It is indeed the human being who falls in the filth of his bad karmas and indeed him, who has to remove himself from these dirty waters. I, sincerely hope that SY spreads far and wide in this region and its light illuminates all the directions. Many, many blessings to you! 44:00 (ENGLISH CONT’D) 50:12 SR HH: All of you all put your hands towards ME like this, patiently, with lots of devotion in your heart. You people are sitting in the motherly lap of such vibrational soil that here in India, attaining your SR is actually very simple! In the West, giving SR is such a back-breaking job but in India, people get SR instantly! You have to be extremely fortunate to be born in this country! Hence, All of you all put your hands towards ME and close your eyes. Ask, “Mother, please give me my SR.” Now, keep your right hand above your fontanel bone, keep your feet steady, no fidgeting. Now check with your hand if you feel any cool or warm breeze emanating from your head. If you haven’t forgiven people, you will feel warm. Hence, forgive everyone! Now, bend your head and see how you feeling. Now, switch your hands and check again. This is indeed, the presence of kundalini in you, penetrating all your chakras, your Sahasrara and its energy flowing in all directions thereby establishing your connection with the ‘paramchaitanya’ – the divine vibrations. Bend your necks slightly. Now, switch your hands and check again. Bend your heads and see how you feeling. Kabir has said, “Shunya shikhar pe anhad baaje” – Hear your heart beat in the zeroness (infinity) of your being! Guru Nanak has said, “Sahaja Samadhi laago” – take to your own inbuilt divinity! Now, put your hands towards ME. See how you feel, warmth or coonless. If you feel it in one of your hands, transfer (the energy) it to the other. All those who felt it, raise both your hands! Got it! Very well! Even in this hot and humid weather, once can feel this cool breeze. May God bless you all! (Center info. Etc) Now go and nurture your SR further. You can understand all the intricacies involved in SY, no need to read any scriptures, Koran or Bible, reason being, the enmasse kundalini awakening has not taken place in those eras. So, all these scriptures and books indicated an audience of people who were yet to attain their SR, explaining to them how to attain it. You people have attained your SR! Now how to proceed further in this is something you have to learn! Go to the centers in your proximities. I hope you will value your SR, keep its dignity intact for what you are achieving right now, nobody has achieved till many eras altogether! You will understand the value of this realization once you test the power of it! So, retain it well, respect yourself and go deeper in this science. I truly hope that you will become truly content, peaceful and joyous and empower yourselves with this awakening!
Satya Ki Prapti Hi Sab Se Badi Prapti Hai Date 25th March 2001: Place Delhi Public Program Type I bow to all the seekers of truth and also to those who have already found it. Sahaja Yoga has spread in Delhi city in a big way. Once upon a time, I could not expect to have even a few Sahaja Yogis in Delhi. The atmosphere in Delhi, in those days, was such that people used to run after power and money. I used to ask myself a question that when will these people go for the attainment of the Spirit? The pursuit for power is short-lived. It yields no results. Many people could achieve political positions and many were thrown out of it. Similarly, those who work for money have the same fate because running after the things which are unreal, ultimately leads us to disappointment. The comfort and joy of the material acquisitions are ephemeral. But now I say that the people of Delhi are awakened to such an extent! This awakening is your own exclusive asset – the outcome of your own spiritual thirst which is now quenched. I wonder how much I have contributed to you quenching your own spiritual thirst! What is noteworthy is the fact that if this subtle mechanism was not inbuilt, how would this spirituality manifest in you? One needs to understand that many saints were born in this land to initiate the spiritual upliftment of people. These saints are a household name. Both, the elderly lot as well as the children know of these great saints. One wonders just who were these people to exhibit such great spiritual caliber! How these Businessmen and politicians, who were running day and night after money and power have come to Sahaja Yoga? Because there was no joy or peace or silence in their pursuits. That life was just banal. When human beings realize that while running after material things they could get neither the joy nor comforts then he turns to seek the joy of the Spirit. Many lamps were enlightened with one light and today, I find thousands of those have known their Selves (spirits) are sitting before me. First of all, we have to know that the reason of all the unsolved riddles that are within us is that we have not understood what Dharma is. We have accepted the definition of Dharma as professed by some religious authorities. They told us to perform some rituals, indulge in worshipping and chanting. Muslims were also taught similarly that it they perform the namaz in a particular way and go as per the direction of Mullas then they will achieve Salvation. But when nothing could be achieved by the rituals, it forced the seekers to think about it: why are we caught in rituals? These rituals push us in deep darkness. None can achieve anything from these rituals. People have been performing these rituals since ages but achieved nothing. Now, the quest for truth is well-timed. It has to happen in these modern times, the Kalyuga, as we call it that embarks us on a journey to unearth the spiritual treasures. Truth is nothing but Love and Love in nothing but the Truth. We people feel that we can attain the truth by moving to the Himalayas, chopping off our hair etc. When the Truth resides within, what’s the point of these external differentiations? These rituals have no association with the Truth whatsoever. So, what is to be done? The sleeping power of Kundalini needs to be awakened. Now debating on whether his power resides in you or not is again, a futile pursuit. Every person in this world holds this power in a triangular form in one’s subtle system and it is extremely important to awaken it to achieve the Truth. Every spiritual person has stressed on ‘knowing thyself’ but how? We do not know ourselves. We have no clue how many flaws are hidden among ourselves, mainly, greed, attachment, obsessions/addictions, jealousies and lust (the six enemies of the Soul). We are unable to understand the origin of these flaws and why we are under their influence? Understand this once and for all, these flaws are all external, superficial whereas the Spirit is eternally pure, remains unblemished. These negativities have come in us, probably because of our flawed traditions, previous lives, parentage or society. No one knows from which sources have these exactly erupted from. So, instead of trying to find the source and cause of these negativities, it will be better to destroy them. By their destruction, our attention will become pure. Our creator the God almighty has made all the arrangements for it. He has made you free to adopt the proven method to ‘Know Thyself’. That is the method of ‘Kundalini Awakening’. I am not the first to say this. Kundalini awakening has been talked about in India since times immemorial. In olden times, only a few seekers could get their kundalini awakened and that too, with great difficulties. But times come when this awakening is made collective and now this time has come. You have got your Kundalini awakened – collectively. In this collective state, when you are being nourished by the Awakened Kundalini, you pondered over why you have been running for superficial matter, chasing illusions when this awakening is the Reality? These ponderings kept getting crystallized with your constructive and destructive thinking. We must understand that if we have to know ourselves, we have to, first of all, get connected with all-pervading Chaitanya (Divine Power) of the Divine flowing from all directions. So, there so is no other way, no matter what anyone else professes. But people try to confuse you and you fall for the illusions they create. For instance, once I was listening to a (false) Guru. He started his pravachan (Talk) with abuses. He began the discourse with, “You are all perverts”. He said that many people today are not seekers, you people are all, ‘Pravrutti Margis’ incessantly running after material pursuits one after another which sucks you out of your positive energies. Calling the seekers ‘Pravrutti Margis’ is as good as hurling an abuse at them. And the seekers believe that they are indeed, Pravrutti Margies’. And to other seekers, they (false gurus) say that since they are not ‘Nivrutti Margis’ (above Materialism) why bother attaining the Spirit? Now, to the seeker, they have posed a problem, where the seeker honestly confesses to being a ‘Pravrutti Margi’ (interested in Material things). At this point, they prompt him into donating all his money to the guru (in the garb of rising beyond materialism) and become an ascetic. The seeker starts to think of it as an easy arrangement for his spiritual upliftment. This is indeed blindfaith. Would you wish to be voluntarily blind? If someone calls you Pravrutti Margis, should you believe it? According to them, till the time you are not on the ‘Nivrutti marg’ you cannot enter SY? Such is the wordplay these false gurus use to confuse you! And you find it an easy arrangement to surrender your material belongings to them! Such kinds of conditions get placed in you and you tend to agree with them because we do not havr sufficient belief in the fact that we can attain our Spirit and know ourselves. Believe in yourself because there are many people among ourselves whose lives are basking in the glory of kundalini awakening! And all of you all can attain this status. This power is within you and it can be awakened irrespective of your flaws, misdeeds and even if you have ever worked against the Divine! This kundalini is seated in its place and when someone who has the authority to awaken it will do the needful, it will awaken and all your external superficialities and 6 enemies (of the soul) will immediately shed themselves! As you see, when you put a seed in Mother Earth, it sprouts on its own. It cannot enliven itself but it is the Mother Earth that enlivens every part of it! Similarly, with kundalini awakening, all your ‘vruttis’ (negative aspects) automatically disappear. This is indeed a fascinating phenomenon yet it is not that surprising either, simply because it is it is Ghor Kaliyuga and in this very time, that you destined to gain this spirituality that places you at the highest pedestal, what is innately built inside you. In this new light, you will know how many flaws have you gotten rid of. Now you are beginning to display pure attention, which shines on your Spirit. Once you understand this reality, you will leave all lies and false behaviorisms. After all, for how long can you survive with falsehood? But till the time your Spirit is not fully realized, you cannot decipher the falsehood. Only in the light of the Spirit can you realize your falsehood that has kept you in illusions all along. The masses are stuck in such illusions, especially illusions emerging out of various religions. When God is one, what is there to fight? But such confusions are created and mental projections are made in such a way that people take to them. The reason is that their brains are not enlightened by their Spirits. Kundalini awakening gives you the privilege of connecting with the ‘paramchaitanya’ (Divine vibrations/energy) and it is indeed a very special bonding. Einstein, the famous scientist, also mentioned that when you enter the ‘torsion area’, your headspace taps into an enlightened frequency where you discover many new scientific techniques and findings! Despite the presence of this enlightened mechanism in you, there are people (seekers) who sleep even after getting awakened (lose/deny their spiritual qualities after kundalini awakening) or awaken after a long slumber (realize their spiritual qualities after kundalini awakening), such is the state of affairs! There are very few who move lucidly in their spiritual ascent after the kundalini awakening, depending on how deep their understanding of the subject is. The deeper you are, the deeper your experience of kundalini awakening will be! You automatically become thoughtlessly aware! Just today I was telling people why humans are caught up in incessant thinking. For e.g. Merely looking at this carpet triggers many useless thoughts such as, where did one buy it from, its cost etc. Creating so much fuss about it when all you have to do is simply, enjoy its beauty! Such incessant thinking can lead to madness! So, reacting at every trivial thing, there is no bigger blunder than this! Because all your reactions are sprouting through your Ego or Superego (conditionings/preconceived notions) because that witness state is not yet there in you. You have to watch the object fully as a witness. If you can watch something in complete witness state, its joy will be completely absorbed by your sensibilities. I am not the first to tell about it, many people have talked about it being in this ‘witness state’ but people wondered how it could be possible. After kundalini awakening being in an enlightened state is indeed possible! It is all about waking up the energy that is sleeping within. When the kundalini is there with in you, when it is reality, when it is placed there, then only thing that remains is to get the awakening. It is your own treasure, your own property. But you have neither bought it nor given any money for it, nor begged for it. It is within you, it is innate. You have to think about its awakening. Its awakening in the purest form of desire within you, nothing else. For e.g. A person desires a car. Once he gets it, he cannot enjoy it but runs after another material pursuit. The circle goes on indicating what you desired for, was not the purest desire. Had it been a pure desire, it would have satiated you. This Kundalini within you, is your purest desire, also, the desire of the Divine within you. Hence, it satiates you and you feel you have entered a new dimension which is emanating peace, joy and the fragrance of serenity! Once you achieve this stage, you would no more stick to any frivolities of life! There are still some people who keep rising and falling, learn via experiences, trial and error. Mostly, in SY, whoever finds this peace finds it in a very sahaja manner (effortless, lucid, automatic) without shelling out money, chanting mantras or praying, nothing – all you need is a pure desire that you attain your Spirit. That’s all! Your mere desire awakens your kundalini, I have seen in many countries among people of different nationalities. For example, there is a country named Benin. The natives there were so much afraid of French that they accepted Islam. Even then they were not satisfied! The same fights and disagreements continued. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, they are now rejoicing! You will be surprised that there are fourteen thousand Sahaja Yogis there now. They are all Muslims. According to ME, Muslim is the person whose hands speak. It is the age of Kiyama, you are Muslims ONLY if your hands speak. Muslim means ‘surrender’. How could you be surrendered if your hands do not speak? Confused people create different rituals. For surrendering, no study of Vedas and scriptures, no pilgrimage is necessary. This morning, our neighbors started chanting mantras. If you people encourage them, help them and give them money! Nothing would be achieved with it. What is thought-worthy is, what have you achieved far, even after encouraging such people/thought processes? Have you received your self-realization with this? Only post SR, you would know who your true self as well as your powers, what you can do with them, how capable (Samarth) you are. Till the time you don’t find the ‘arth’ (meaning) to your existence, how can you be ‘samarth’ (fully capable)? With this power you could do wonders! I am surprised that these foreigners who had never even heard of Kundalini, after their awakening, they are working wonders all over the world! And when they tell ME tell all about it, l wonder how these powers/miracles have been activated! How could these people achieve so much? It ensures your progress in all aspects, physical, mental and so on and you ‘absorb’ this awakening. Isn’t it such a beautiful happening that you get to acquaint yourself with your Spirit? This diamond of knowledge is shining through you! The only way to reach this knowledge is through the path of Kundalini awakening. I am se-asserting this fact because many people ask me if there is any alternate to this and I am clearly stating there is indeed no other alternative for you to know Thyself and the world. I have no agendas at all but you people need to be told the Truth! Leaving all superficial worldly matters aside, going deeper within yourself and availing this knowledge is the only purpose or the duty in your life. It is heartwarming to see so many people like yourselves! There was a time when I used to ridicule Delhi, as a place because of the hard nuts living in it! Today, I am watching you people absorb this knowledge and adopt it in your life. This knowledge only benefits you, in every way! And if this country gets blessed by Shri Mahalakshmi, it can rise to such beauteous, majestic levels! Which is why we must spread SY among the masses. There are many SY related projects whereby women, children, elderly people are being helped. When SYs pursue SY work, they feel so energetic, they wonder where they get so much strength from! Diseases get cured, addictions neutralized, lunatics get treated, unhealthy habits get dissolved – how do these powers flow from us? From one, sole connection – kundalini awakening and ensuring it stays in the awakened state! Those who are flybys (unsettled lot) should stop themselves and see who they are, how precious they are, how capable you are and hoe are using your powers! It is my wholehearted desire that when I visit Delhi the next year around, I see double the quantity of people here! Not just the no. of people but awakened people! In SY, you do not take to asceticism, no need to move to the Himalayas. You have to be in this very society and spread Sahaja Yoga and create a Sahaja Society in the world! This sahaja society should aid to the benevolence of this world, in order to destroy all the vices of this world. This is the job you people are required to do, which is why it becomes mandatory for people to get their SR and introspect for introspection helps sustain one’s spiritual awakening and all your flaws (catches) will gradually dissolve by themselves. Following this, you will emerge as a powerful, beautiful personality! Once such personalities emerge, all these violence and atrocities in the world will also cease. You can influence worldly affairs just by your attention, you don’t have to be present at the site of conflict. These disturbing times are adding immense anxiety among people but they should understand that an hour finally arrives when everything gets exposed – flaws and good qualities come on the forefront. It indicates that our spiritual awakening is yet to manifest itself. If you attain your Spirit, all imbalances will cease to exist. Some people have experiences such nasty falls in their lives, some feel totally pushed against the wall; they wonder what is happening to them?? It is nothing but a strong indicative of the fact that you have deviated from your spiritual course of life. This is the point that needs to be understood. In the collective deviation from the spiritual course, an entire country (India) is suffering! You need to analyze if you too, are deviating from your spiritual course, indulging in some lopsided affair? In India, materialism has spread like a disease among the society! It is not so in the West. Everybody suffers from the agenda to make more money, to swindle more people! Sometimes, I, MYSELF, become anxious thinking how many people must be approaching ME with the ulterior motive of making money from ME! This money of MINE is meant for the benefit of the entire world, not for some thieves and swindlers who come and loot ME. People have tried! In this way, an unhealthy tendency has emerged in people that propels them to make as much out of person as they can. However, making money through nefarious ways is not the blessing of Shri Lakshmi but ‘Alakshmi’ (against the Lakshmi principle!) Shri Lakshmi can be very deceptive! SHE can give you such mindboggling amounts of comforts ‘n’ luxuries that you feel further propelled to make more money, deviating towards ‘Alakshmi’! In that ‘Alakshmi’ your mind becomes stormed with confusions and delusions! Which is why you should not yearn for excess of anything and be especially watchful of your money matters (need for money) for such unhealthy tendencies will not last long! Will you take your money to your grave? The sins incurred out of this ‘Alakshmi’ will backfire in your life! I know we are living through ‘Kalyuga’ (the modern times of falsehood) but in parallel, we are also going through ‘Kritayuga’ (the era of doing/spiritual awakening). This paramchaitanya (vibrations) is working out matters so proactively and many people will get shocking revelations about the falsehood they are indulging in, especially, against the society! If you want a prosperous society, awaken your kundalini and help people prosper. Not in a selfish (‘swarth’) manner but unconditionally! In Hindi language, the words are so beautiful! ‘Swarth’ – the meaning/significance of oneself, that’s all you need to know, rest everything is futile! Once you acknowledge you have not yet figured your ‘swarth’, you will propel yourself in the direction of knowing yourself! The present day dilemmas have their dangerous roots way back in the past and these roots settled themselves in this country (India), I don’t know how! The English invasions pushed us into extreme losses, took away our Kohinoor. Till the time you wouldn’t give them a present, they wouldn’t be pleased. Such ego-pampering traditions started from the British, thereafter, penetrated the sensibilities of the Indian politicians and bureaucrats and further among the simpletons! Nowadays, everybody looks for a financial stake (bribe/commission /present/ incentive/personal benefit). Only SY can mar such a sensibility restoring love, respect and dignity within the society, shunning enslavement of money! Another issue, the greed for power, aspiring for prominent positions – you don’t have any control upon your own self, what will you do exerting control over other people? To control others, there have been many great, ideal politicians! These people have no courage, patience, dignity but they want insane control over others! Such people, with their destructive mindsets can only harm the people, societies! Such crooked people are ruling the roost today, exploiting the masses to fill their coffers, affairs dwindling between power-play and money which is the rootcause of deterioration of this country! SY is the cure for this imbalance! Through the SY lens, you see running after money and control is a dangerous act of sheer stupidity! The day SY spreads far and wide, these destructive thought processes will automatically dissolve! It is your responsibility to acknowledge these imbalances and indeed your responsibility to restore them, not just in India but in the entire world! SY can restore this imbalance and those who are non-Sys, can be made SYs. SY appears very simple from the outside, all the powers flowing through you, those people who have attained their SR feel they have achieved it all. However, you have to ‘establish’ yourself in SY, only after that, the powers flow, in the real sense of the term so the whole world can be purified through you. However, we do have certain mischievous elements among us. But like I have told you, we are standing on the brink of The Last Judgment – in this time, if you take shelter in the Divinity, you will rise and if you hold on to the Devil, you will fall into nasty depths. We must analyze the occurrences and the consequences of the earthquakes. For e.g. An earthquake hit Gujrat. Now in that state, we have only 18 SYs. It looks like Gujratis are not inclined towards SY. An earthquake hit Turkey as well and all the Sys were saved! Even their houses were intact, I saw them MYSELF! Because you are under the Divine protection, no harm can befall upon you, no one can kill/destroy you. Similarly, an earthquake hit Latur (in Maharashtra). All around the SY center, a bandhan/spiral/crack (UNCLEAR) was formed and right within the center, everyone was saved. Not a single SY in Latur perished! What had happened was that during the day of ‘chaturdashi’ (the day when Shri Ganesha’s idol is offered in water) many mischievous elements took to drinking elements, dancing to cheap music. The next moment, they fell prey to Ganesha’s ire, falling apart during the earthquake! Every SY, his family, house and children, all were protected. If this is not a miracle, what is! In the same manner, please understand that you are indeed protected by the Divine! Because you get transcended into the Divine kingdom, surpassing this socalled world and its worldly affairs, you have been raised to such an extent! Nobody can destroy you. In this manner, I have seen SYs achieve many breakthroughs, getting cured of diseases, giving up drugs overnight and many more instances – due to kundalini awakening all flaws automatically dissolve! SY is spreading widely in places! People are now acknowledging the need for a sweeping spiritual change that brings a transformation in actuality! It is indeed the human being who falls in the filth of his bad karmas and indeed him, who has to remove himself from these dirty waters. I, sincerely hope that SY spreads far and wide in this region and its light illuminates all the directions. Many, many blessings to you! 44:00 (ENGLISH CONT’D) 50:12 SR HH: All of you all put your hands towards ME like this, patiently, with lots of devotion in your heart. You people are sitting in the motherly lap of such vibrational soil that here in India, attaining your SR is actually very simple! In the West, giving SR is such a back-breaking job but in India, people get SR instantly! You have to be extremely fortunate to be born in this country! Hence, All of you all put your hands towards ME and close your eyes. Ask, “Mother, please give me my SR.” Now, keep your right hand above your fontanel bone, keep your feet steady, no fidgeting. Now check with your hand if you feel any cool or warm breeze emanating from your head. If you haven’t forgiven people, you will feel warm. Hence, forgive everyone! Now, bend your head and see how you feeling. Now, switch your hands and check again. This is indeed, the presence of kundalini in you, penetrating all your chakras, your Sahasrara and its energy flowing in all directions thereby establishing your connection with the ‘paramchaitanya’ – the divine vibrations. Bend your necks slightly. Now, switch your hands and check again. Bend your heads and see how you feeling. Kabir has said, “Shunya shikhar pe anhad baaje” – Hear your heart beat in the zeroness (infinity) of your being! Guru Nanak has said, “Sahaja Samadhi laago” – take to your own inbuilt divinity! Now, put your hands towards ME. See how you feel, warmth or coonless. If you feel it in one of your hands, transfer (the energy) it to the other. All those who felt it, raise both your hands! Got it! Very well! Even in this hot and humid weather, once can feel this cool breeze. May God bless you all! (Center info. Etc) Now go and nurture your SR further. You can understand all the intricacies involved in SY, no need to read any scriptures, Koran or Bible, reason being, the enmasse kundalini awakening has not taken place in those eras. So, all these scriptures and books indicated an audience of people who were yet to attain their SR, explaining to them how to attain it. You people have attained your SR! Now how to proceed further in this is something you have to learn! Go to the centers in your proximities. I hope you will value your SR, keep its dignity intact for what you are achieving right now, nobody has achieved till many eras altogether! You will understand the value of this realization once you test the power of it! So, retain it well, respect yourself and go deeper in this science. I truly hope that you will become truly content, peaceful and joyous and empower yourselves with this awakening!
Achieve spiritual knowledge of a saint
New Delhi
In Progress, NEEDED
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Public Program
2001-0326 PP—JN STADIUM--DELHI [Translation from Hindi to English] My salutations to all who are seeking the truth, and also to seekers who have already found the truth. In Delhi sahaja Yoga has spread so elaborately. At one point of time, it was unbelievable that in Delhi even 4-5 people will become sahaja Yogis. At that time the environment of Delhi was such that people were running after power and business people were running after money. I used to think, when all these people will turn towards their spirit? But it was observed that, running after power was fruitless. The power remains only for a short time. Many people come to power, and many others lost their authority. Likewise, people who led their lives, only to earn money also faced similar situation. Because, when we try to go away from the reality, at the end we get the proof that whatever we were running behind, is not the reality. And within fraction of seconds we lose our peace and joy.That is the reason, I find that in Delhi there is so much of awareness in people. This awakening or awareness is your own property. This rain of love is pouring from the pure Desire of your own heart. I don't know what is my contribution in this. But it has to be understood that, if this is your knowledge was not existing within you, this kind of an awakening wouldn't have been possible. We have to understand only one thing that many saints worked hard in this country. The saints are discussed in every household. And the knowledge about these saints become common among old people and also among children. Slowly we start thinking who exactly were these saints, who could achieve this kind of spiritual knowledge. It is not understood, how people who were running after money and power adopted Sahaja Yoga so easily. Because there was no joy in whatever they were searching for.(money and power). There was no peace in that. No contentment in that. And there was nothing special about their lives. When a human being understands that there is no genuine happiness in him and he has not achieved the joy in his life for which he is born. I don't know how and when one lamp has enlightened so many people, as a result of which I see thousands of people gathered here, who have recognised there spirit. First of all we should understand, that all our shortcomings are due to the fact that we have not understood the religion properly. Whatever was told to us by The Spiritual Masters, we considered them as the truth. We blindly did all the rituals and worshipping told by them. Muslims also were told that if they read Namaz, and did as they were told by the mullahs, they will get the salvation. But human being started thinking that nothing of that Sort is happening, neither any promised result has been achieved. So why should we get into any ritualism? This ritualisms throw us in deep darkness. We think that we can achieve something by following these rituals, but that is not true. People have been following several rituals for the past several Thousand Years. But what have they achieved by that? But today in this kalyuga, the time has come in such a way that you will achieve the truth. Hindi to achieve the truth, is the greatest thing of our life. And truth is love and love is truth. We think that we can achieve the truth by renunciating the world, or by going to Himalayas, aur by tonsuring our head and doing things like this. When the truth resides inside us, what is the point in performing external rituals? Human cannot achieve the truth by doing this because truth is not related to any of these rituals. So what are we supposed to do? We have to awaken the dormant energy inside us, which is called "kundalini Shakti". It is unnecessary to doubt, whether this kundalini energy is present inside you or not. Every person has this energy insider the triangular bone. And it is essential to awaken this energy so that you achieve, what I call as truth. Everyone has told that "know thyself", "understand thy self". But how? We do not know our self.we do not know how many shortcomings we have, inside us. We have all the negative qualities like greed, lust, materialism, rage excetra. We do not understand from where we are getting all these qualities which are influencing us. If we try to understand this feeling carefully, we can know that these shortcomings are coming from external. Our spirit has permanent purity. Blemish free. These negative qualities could have come to us due to different reasons. It could be genetic, or could have come to us from our parents or from the previous birth, Or from the society, we do not know from which source it has incorporated inside us. Now Instead of trying to find the source of this negative qualities it is better to destroy them. If all these bad qualities inside us are destroyed completely we become a pure attention. The God, who has created us has made all arrangement inside us, to get rid of these Qualities. Now, you have the freedom to use the paramount mechanism which is present inside us, to "know thyself". And that mechanism is called as Kundalini awakening. It is not just that I am saying this. From the time of creation, in India, people have spoken about kundalini and it's awakening. Though, it is true that at that time very few people attained the awakening of Kundalini and it was very difficult also. But now the time has come, when the kundalini awakening becomes collective. That is the reason why you people have attained the awakening of Kundalini collectively. And now, after collectively you have been nourished by the awakening of the Kundalini, and a new personality in the form of vibrations has developed inside you, then you should think that this is "my true form and until now I was in an illusion". All these quqlities have been building inside us. Over the time, Our discretion and our foolishness together has kept on building inside us. The most important thing is, if we want to know our selves, then first of all we should get connected to the all-pervading power of God's Love. We should unite with the vibrations around us. And for this union, kundalini is the only way. There is no other way. Whatever anyone says, there definitely is no other way. But many people lead you to delusion, and you get diverted from the right path. For example, once I was listening to a Guruji's lecture in which he started abusing people in the beginning itself. He said that you people are perverted. You all are perverted, and you are not seeking the God in the right way. Your senses and actios are diverted towards the worldly matter (pravritti maarg). You run behind everything. Which is very true. you shift from one thing to the other and in this process you lose yourself. In this kind of predisposition all our powers are lost. Today you want this, tomorrow you want that, and day after after you want something else. Like this, we are running from one thing to the other, from here to there and everywhere. Now when this Guru abuses that you people are materialistic, people think that it is a praise. For the others when this Guru says that you are not in the path of "turning inwords".(nivritti maargi). Then why are you searching your spirit? If you are towards the spiritual contemplation and your attention does not get diverted here and there, then you can attain the spirit. So, now in the beginning itself this kind offer tough problem is presented before the people, where in common man starts thinking that "I am "pravritti maargi". That is running behind matters. Now this Guru will say "alright you start serving me, give me money, perform this rituals, spend your money here and there and in whatever possible way surrender everything you have to the god Almighty. After that you renunciate the world". And you people understand this thinking that it is very easy. This is the talk of a blind man. When you can see properly with your both eyes and someone tells you that you are blind should you accept it? If someone tells you that you are materialistic, should you accept it? If your attention is not directed within yourself, then you cannot come to sahaja Yoga, which is the path of knowledge. (gyan maarg). This kind of a language is used by these gurus. [not audible]. Talk from II nd video After realisation also, some people awaken themselves and again go back to sleep(dormant stage), again get up and again sleep off. There are no such people, who after realisation, Go back to dormant stage. If you have depth, then after realisation you can experience it very deeply. Instantly you go to thoughtlessness. I was telling today only that why does a human being thinks? All the time he sees something, and starts thinking about it. For example, supposing he sees a carpet, he starts thinking immediately where was this bought from, how much was paid for it, and all sorts of stupid things, instead of just enjoying the beauty of the carpet. And sometimes because of this stupid thoughts he becomes mad also. So, to react over something and everything is the biggest mistake. Because whenever you are reacting over a matter, it is either because of your ego or your conditioning. This reactions are because you are not seeing the carpet completely. You should see it without thinking, in complete witness state. If you can see it in witness state, then the joy and beauty of that object will get absorbed completely in you. It is not that just I am saying this, but many others also have told about this witness state, but at that time, many people wouldn't have understood this, or maybe they would have thought how can a human being achieve this. But everything is possible with awakening of Kundalini. And when the Kundalini is present inside each one of you, then it is just a matter of awakening it. This is your own personal belonging for which you have not paid any money, or you have requested anyone to give it to you. It is located inside you, all you have to do is to think of awakening it. This Kundalini energy is your pure Desire. [inaudible word]. For example a person may desire to own a car. After he gets the car, even before he enjoy it completely, he desires for something else. Then again his Desire goes towards the third thing. So that means these are not pure desires. You will be completely satisfied if your Desire is pure. This Kundalini energy is your pure Desire, and when this desire of parmeshwari, awakens inside you, you become completely satisfied. When this satisfaction comes inside you you start thinking "this mind of mine was craving for this thing and that thing all the time, and now I have come to a beautiful garden, which is full of fragrance, joy, happiness and love". Once you reach this state, you don't feel like turning back towards anything which is wrong, mostly. There are some people who fall down, get up, and again fall down. But in Sahaja Yoga whatever people achieve is so unique, and it happens so easily. For this you don't have to do anything, you don't have to pay money, you don't even have to pray to get this knowledge. You should have only the pure desire to attain your spirit. Only with this your desire you can achieve your spirit. You just need to have the only Desire that your spirit should awaken. This pure desire is so strong that, I have seen, with this desire, people in many countries, getting their self-realization within minutes. For example there is a place called [inaudible]. Earlier there there muslims staying there. They were so frustrated with French people that, all of them started following Muslim religion. They were not happy or peaceful even after following the Muslim religion. But when they came to Sahaja Yoga, they stopped worrying and started enjoying their life. Today you will be surprised to know that there are 14000 sahajyogis there and all of them are muslims. I call them true Muslims because vibrations are flowing in their hands. You can be a true Muslim, only if your hands are speaking through vibrations, otherwise you are not a Muslim. Musalman means surrendering and until your hands speak, how can you surrender? [6:9 to 6:29--not clear]. You are encouraging this kind of people by helping them and giving them money. These are all useless things, nothing is going to be achieved by this. This is utter stupidity. What are you getting in return? You gave them everything, but what did you get out of that? What did you get? Here, you will get self realisation. After your self-realization will you will know thy self, what are you, and what is your capability. what is your power and what all you can do and how Competant you are. Until you find your own meaning how can you be competant? (samarth). You can do innumerable things in your competance. When I am abroad I get surprised to see these foreigners. This people have never heard of Kundalini but after they achieved their self-realization, they have been doing many marvelous things. And when they narrate it to me, I always think how the treasure house of marvels has opened suddenly, and how this people have achieved it? In Sahaja Yoga, you progress completely in your physical, mental and spiritual aspect. And you are completely absorbed in this. It is such a beautiful thing that you come to know your spirit. [next line not clear]. I have nothing to do with this but I have to tell you the truth that you have no other way, than the awakening of Kundalini, if you want to know yourself and the whole world. Leaving aside all other work, it is your prime duty to recognise the great power which is residing inside you. Today, my heart is overjoyed to see you all here, in such huge numbers. At one point of time I used to wonder if Sahaja Yoga will get inside your brain? But today I see that, you people have absorbed this and accepted this and you have benefited a lot by this. There is all kinds of benefit in Sahaja Yoga. And by the grace of Mahalakshmi, our country also will become a splendid Country.[next line not clear]. And in this social condition I will cover all kinds of aspects. And wherever people are in trouble, I will help socially. I have made 16 projects in which women are being helped, children are being helped and sick people are getting help, old people are getting help, like this there are many project in which sahaja Yogis are involved. And while doing this work they think, how did this kind of energy has come inside? we treat many diseases, we treat mental patients also. How did this power come inside us? [next line not clear]. Stop and watch as to who you are? And great you are? And what is your capacity? How you should make use of that. I have full hopes that when I come next time I will see double the quantity of seekers here, not only that they all will implement Sahaja Yoga wherever necessary. In Sahaja Yoga after getting self realisation you don't have to become an ascetic. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You have to be in the same society and spread Sahaja Yoga. And this way you have to build a "sahaja Samaj", in this world. And in this Sahaja Samaj, We should do only those things which will be good for the emancipation of the human beings. And we should destroy all the shortcomings of our society. Only you people can do this work. That is why I am requesting you again and again to get your self realisation. Speculate this. By speculating you can sustain your self-realization, and all your defects will get rectified Slowly. And as a result you will become a beautiful and an excellent person. If many people of this calibre are produced in the society, then all the troublesome things, the fights and the atrocities, which are happening in the society will completely stop. Because you will become a good natured human being. When you become like this, you can enlighten others even by staying away from them and correct them. In today's present situation human can get perplexed in the society, not knowing what is happening, and how everything is happening. The only way out for all this is that everything gets exposed and whatever is happening from such a long time, suddenly comes to an end. But why this is not happening? The reason for this is because we all have not achieved our spirit. If you attain your spirit, then this kind of mistakes will not happen in the society.[next line not clear]. These are the things which you should try to understand. From several years, whatever evil things that happening in our society has come to light today. Now it is necessary to get enlightened.[next line not audible]. Nowadays I find that every person in India is after money. Everyone wants to become rich. The same thing is there in foreign countries also. I am always disturbed that people who come to me, also come with the intention of earning money from me. Whatever I have is not mine, it belongs to the society. Still some thieves try to steal from me. Like this, people have a wrong notion that how ever possible we should get money. But this is not Lakshmi this is "A-Lakshmi". Because when the Lakshmi (money) will come in your life, it will be volatile. Very volatile. It will lead you to kind of path, where there will be "a-Lakshmi" inside you, and you will not know what mistakes you are commiting. So before going to any extremes, we should understand where we are going? Where are we being led? In what kind of web are we getting caught? Regarding money we have to be very careful with our feelings. And we should never think of how to cheat others of their money. Are we going to take money with us? All these mis-deeds will get accumulated in our brain. Because this is era of destruction, and along with this there is one more era which I call as” krut yug”. This Param Chaitanya or vibrations is in action and when it is active, people who are wrongdoers will stumble again and again which will make them understand that they are not doing the right thing. If you want to do welfare to the society, then you have the power inside you, which can be used to do good to others. There should be no selfishness in doing welfare also. The meaning for selfish (swarth) is very beautiful in our culture. Have you known the meaning of yourself? To know 'thyself' is selfishness. Rest everything is unnecessary. If we understand that we have not understood "thyself", then we will do only those things, and move towards the place which will teach us the meaning of "selfish" or "thyself". So today, the tradition for the dilemma and fights which are prevailing in the society, is very old though we don't know how this happened. When British were ruling this country, they used to do only this. They took kohinoor diamond from our country. They are not happy until they are given some kind of desert. But at that time it was happening in small scale now the same thing is happening in a large scale. It started from the time of British and was carried on by our politicians. But now not only the politicians but every person has become such that they keep thinking how to fight and how to loot others money. There is only one way out for this and that is Sahaj Marg. Only this can discipline our society and only by this sahaja Marg the love and respect among each other in our society will increase, and we will not run behind money. The another thing is power. People are mad behind power also. They want to be in power, but why do they want power? You don't have power over yourself what are you going to do by controlling the power over the whole world? We want power, we want this we want that, why do we need all this? What is the use of such Power? What are you going to gain out of it? To be in power many role models came forward. Their Majesty, bravery and truthfulness on one side and on the other they had power. If the power is given to a monkey, what will he do? There is a saying in Marathi that give a burning stick in a monkey's hand, then he will burn everything possible. That is the actual position of power today. Like the monkey they use the power and earn money. And they earn money to gain power. Because of this war between money and power, our society needs sahaja Yoga. Once you come to Sahaja Yoga you will understand that this kind of a war is stupidity. And the day when sahaja yoga spreads all over, all this stupidity will stop at once. So you have to understand that we have to correct our society, and the responsibility to bring the society to the right path also is yours. You can do this. People who are sahaja Yogis can do this, and whoever is not in Sahaja Yoga can come into it. If we want a society in which people don't fight with one another, don't cheat one another and always live with affection for one another then, sahaja Yoga is the only solution for that. Sahaja Yoga looks very simple, and since sahaja Yogis have powers, people think that they are realised souls. But it is very important to establish in Sahaja Yoga, and only after that all the powers are awakened in a person. And after that you can emancipate not only India but also the whole world. Now in this some people are satans also. They have satanik desires. It is alright. I have told you many times that this is the last judgement. At this moment, if you hold on to the goodness you will ascend, or else you will be dropped out. We should analyse what happenes when there is earthquake in different places. Now, in Gujarat very huge earthquake took place. In Gujarat we have only 18 sahaja Yogis. For some reason gujaratis don't have much affinity towards Sahaja Yoga. Only 18 sahaja Yogis were there. In the earthquake all the sahaja yogis, along with their families were saved. And in Turkey also there was a big earthquake. There also all the sahaja Yogis were saved and their houses also were intact, I saw that. Because you have come into the kingdom of God and no one can kill you. No one can destroy you. Like this, many places were affected by earthquake, but not even a single sahaja Yogi was harmed in anyway nor his house was affected in any way. This is about Latur. In Latur all the buildings around Our centre was destroyed but nothing happened to the centre. And not even a single sahajayogi of Latur died. How did this happen? On the day of Chaturdashi, the Visarjan (immersing in water) of Ganapati takes place. Everyone did the Visarjan and came back. Among them some Evil minded people were drunk, And they started dancing. And while dancing, they all caved-in the earth. But not even a single Sahaja Yogi in Latur was affected in any way. There houses were intact. Their family, their children all were intact. What is this if not a miracle? Same way you also understand that the protection of the God almighty will be on you because you are in his Kingdom. You have gone beyond all other Kingdoms, so you don't have to fear anything and nothing can destroy you. Like this, we have seen several examples happening in Sahaja Yoga, we have seen many people getting cured of many diseases. People who were taking drugs have changed overnight. People will be surprised How This can happen? This is what I told you that when Kundalini awakens inside us, all our shortcomings are destroyed. And this way sahaja Yoga Is happening in many places. And people have started realising and understanding the need for transformation. Without this transformation nothing can change, and nothing can become alright. It is the human beings who spoils everything, and it is the same human beings who have to mend themselves and spread sahaja Yoga. I have lot of trust in you that, as you people have spread this here, you will spread it even more, and many cities like this will be enlightened by Sahaja Yoga. MY INFINITE BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL AFTER THE ENGLISH TALK Whoever, have not got the self realization please raise your hands. Even now so many people have not got the realization? Okay, all of you keep your hands down. Now, all of you keep your hands towards me. Like this. And all of you have reverence towards yourself. With reverence all of you sit like people are sitting on the sacred land of Bharat Bhoomi. This land is so sacred that you don’t have to do much here. In foreign countries my hands almost breaks but here people get realization instantly. This is something very great.Only lucky people are born here. Now, kindly keep your hands like this and close your eyes. Say in your mind that “mother, Please give me self realization”. Now keep your right hand on your crown, on top of your head. Sit comfortably and straight. Now raise your hand a little and check if you are getting cool or hot breeze from your fontennel bone area. If you have not forgiven completely then you will get hot breeze. So forgive every one. Now check again with your head bent if you are getting cool breeze from your head. And bring down this hand, with your left hand above your head, check if you are getting cool breeze or not? This is kundalini. This Kundalini pierces the seven chakras, and makes its way out of fontennel bone and unites with the all pervading power of God’s love, which is spread all over. Bend your head. Now once again, keep your left hand towards me and check with your right hand. Check. Bend your head and check. Check your head bent if you are getting any cool breeze from your head. This is what is “shoonya shikhar par anahad baaje”. This is that. Every one has said this. Guru nanak sahib has told, “Sahaja samadhi laage”. Now keep your both hands towards me. Now, check if from your both hands cool or hot breeze is coming out? Some people might be getting from below the hand also. Some people might be getting in other hand. Now whoever was not getting cool breeze earlier, and getting it now, please raise your hands up. All of you got it? All of you are self realized now. Now I am getting cool breeze from you all. Have you not got the realization? In this heat also cool breeze is flowing. My blessings to you all. Now check in your regions and where ever you have centres, go and attend and try to become deep sahaja yogis. There you will know all kinds of intricate knowledge of Sahaja Yoga which you will not know by reading quran, by any granth or by reading bible, because you were not realised at that time. Instead, all those knowledges were to lead you to self-realization. And now you have achieved it. Now, whatever you have to do further, Please learn from the centres, which is near to you or even if it is far from your house, find out on which day it is functioning and attend it. I hope you will respect what you have got today. What you have got today is immeasurable and from the time of creation no one has got it but you all have got it. You will know the importance of it only when you will accept it’s power. By getting deeper and deeper into it, increase your self respect, and I bless you all that you become completely contented, Completely happy and completely peaceful. And apart from this you become powerful also.
2001-0326 PP—JN STADIUM--DELHI [Translation from Hindi to English] My salutations to all who are seeking the truth, and also to seekers who have already found the truth. In Delhi sahaja Yoga has spread so elaborately. At one point of time, it was unbelievable that in Delhi even 4-5 people will become sahaja Yogis. At that time the environment of Delhi was such that people were running after power and business people were running after money. I used to think, when all these people will turn towards their spirit? But it was observed that, running after power was fruitless. The power remains only for a short time. Many people come to power, and many others lost their authority. Likewise, people who led their lives, only to earn money also faced similar situation. Because, when we try to go away from the reality, at the end we get the proof that whatever we were running behind, is not the reality. And within fraction of seconds we lose our peace and joy.That is the reason, I find that in Delhi there is so much of awareness in people. This awakening or awareness is your own property. This rain of love is pouring from the pure Desire of your own heart. I don't know what is my contribution in this. But it has to be understood that, if this is your knowledge was not existing within you, this kind of an awakening wouldn't have been possible. We have to understand only one thing that many saints worked hard in this country. The saints are discussed in every household. And the knowledge about these saints become common among old people and also among children. Slowly we start thinking who exactly were these saints, who could achieve this kind of spiritual knowledge. It is not understood, how people who were running after money and power adopted Sahaja Yoga so easily. Because there was no joy in whatever they were searching for.(money and power). There was no peace in that. No contentment in that. And there was nothing special about their lives. When a human being understands that there is no genuine happiness in him and he has not achieved the joy in his life for which he is born. I don't know how and when one lamp has enlightened so many people, as a result of which I see thousands of people gathered here, who have recognised there spirit. First of all we should understand, that all our shortcomings are due to the fact that we have not understood the religion properly. Whatever was told to us by The Spiritual Masters, we considered them as the truth. We blindly did all the rituals and worshipping told by them. Muslims also were told that if they read Namaz, and did as they were told by the mullahs, they will get the salvation. But human being started thinking that nothing of that Sort is happening, neither any promised result has been achieved. So why should we get into any ritualism? This ritualisms throw us in deep darkness. We think that we can achieve something by following these rituals, but that is not true. People have been following several rituals for the past several Thousand Years. But what have they achieved by that? But today in this kalyuga, the time has come in such a way that you will achieve the truth. Hindi to achieve the truth, is the greatest thing of our life. And truth is love and love is truth. We think that we can achieve the truth by renunciating the world, or by going to Himalayas, aur by tonsuring our head and doing things like this. When the truth resides inside us, what is the point in performing external rituals? Human cannot achieve the truth by doing this because truth is not related to any of these rituals. So what are we supposed to do? We have to awaken the dormant energy inside us, which is called "kundalini Shakti". It is unnecessary to doubt, whether this kundalini energy is present inside you or not. Every person has this energy insider the triangular bone. And it is essential to awaken this energy so that you achieve, what I call as truth. Everyone has told that "know thyself", "understand thy self". But how? We do not know our self.we do not know how many shortcomings we have, inside us. We have all the negative qualities like greed, lust, materialism, rage excetra. We do not understand from where we are getting all these qualities which are influencing us. If we try to understand this feeling carefully, we can know that these shortcomings are coming from external. Our spirit has permanent purity. Blemish free. These negative qualities could have come to us due to different reasons. It could be genetic, or could have come to us from our parents or from the previous birth, Or from the society, we do not know from which source it has incorporated inside us. Now Instead of trying to find the source of this negative qualities it is better to destroy them. If all these bad qualities inside us are destroyed completely we become a pure attention. The God, who has created us has made all arrangement inside us, to get rid of these Qualities. Now, you have the freedom to use the paramount mechanism which is present inside us, to "know thyself". And that mechanism is called as Kundalini awakening. It is not just that I am saying this. From the time of creation, in India, people have spoken about kundalini and it's awakening. Though, it is true that at that time very few people attained the awakening of Kundalini and it was very difficult also. But now the time has come, when the kundalini awakening becomes collective. That is the reason why you people have attained the awakening of Kundalini collectively. And now, after collectively you have been nourished by the awakening of the Kundalini, and a new personality in the form of vibrations has developed inside you, then you should think that this is "my true form and until now I was in an illusion". All these quqlities have been building inside us. Over the time, Our discretion and our foolishness together has kept on building inside us. The most important thing is, if we want to know our selves, then first of all we should get connected to the all-pervading power of God's Love. We should unite with the vibrations around us. And for this union, kundalini is the only way. There is no other way. Whatever anyone says, there definitely is no other way. But many people lead you to delusion, and you get diverted from the right path. For example, once I was listening to a Guruji's lecture in which he started abusing people in the beginning itself. He said that you people are perverted. You all are perverted, and you are not seeking the God in the right way. Your senses and actios are diverted towards the worldly matter (pravritti maarg). You run behind everything. Which is very true. you shift from one thing to the other and in this process you lose yourself. In this kind of predisposition all our powers are lost. Today you want this, tomorrow you want that, and day after after you want something else. Like this, we are running from one thing to the other, from here to there and everywhere. Now when this Guru abuses that you people are materialistic, people think that it is a praise. For the others when this Guru says that you are not in the path of "turning inwords".(nivritti maargi). Then why are you searching your spirit? If you are towards the spiritual contemplation and your attention does not get diverted here and there, then you can attain the spirit. So, now in the beginning itself this kind offer tough problem is presented before the people, where in common man starts thinking that "I am "pravritti maargi". That is running behind matters. Now this Guru will say "alright you start serving me, give me money, perform this rituals, spend your money here and there and in whatever possible way surrender everything you have to the god Almighty. After that you renunciate the world". And you people understand this thinking that it is very easy. This is the talk of a blind man. When you can see properly with your both eyes and someone tells you that you are blind should you accept it? If someone tells you that you are materialistic, should you accept it? If your attention is not directed within yourself, then you cannot come to sahaja Yoga, which is the path of knowledge. (gyan maarg). This kind of a language is used by these gurus. [not audible]. Talk from II nd video After realisation also, some people awaken themselves and again go back to sleep(dormant stage), again get up and again sleep off. There are no such people, who after realisation, Go back to dormant stage. If you have depth, then after realisation you can experience it very deeply. Instantly you go to thoughtlessness. I was telling today only that why does a human being thinks? All the time he sees something, and starts thinking about it. For example, supposing he sees a carpet, he starts thinking immediately where was this bought from, how much was paid for it, and all sorts of stupid things, instead of just enjoying the beauty of the carpet. And sometimes because of this stupid thoughts he becomes mad also. So, to react over something and everything is the biggest mistake. Because whenever you are reacting over a matter, it is either because of your ego or your conditioning. This reactions are because you are not seeing the carpet completely. You should see it without thinking, in complete witness state. If you can see it in witness state, then the joy and beauty of that object will get absorbed completely in you. It is not that just I am saying this, but many others also have told about this witness state, but at that time, many people wouldn't have understood this, or maybe they would have thought how can a human being achieve this. But everything is possible with awakening of Kundalini. And when the Kundalini is present inside each one of you, then it is just a matter of awakening it. This is your own personal belonging for which you have not paid any money, or you have requested anyone to give it to you. It is located inside you, all you have to do is to think of awakening it. This Kundalini energy is your pure Desire. [inaudible word]. For example a person may desire to own a car. After he gets the car, even before he enjoy it completely, he desires for something else. Then again his Desire goes towards the third thing. So that means these are not pure desires. You will be completely satisfied if your Desire is pure. This Kundalini energy is your pure Desire, and when this desire of parmeshwari, awakens inside you, you become completely satisfied. When this satisfaction comes inside you you start thinking "this mind of mine was craving for this thing and that thing all the time, and now I have come to a beautiful garden, which is full of fragrance, joy, happiness and love". Once you reach this state, you don't feel like turning back towards anything which is wrong, mostly. There are some people who fall down, get up, and again fall down. But in Sahaja Yoga whatever people achieve is so unique, and it happens so easily. For this you don't have to do anything, you don't have to pay money, you don't even have to pray to get this knowledge. You should have only the pure desire to attain your spirit. Only with this your desire you can achieve your spirit. You just need to have the only Desire that your spirit should awaken. This pure desire is so strong that, I have seen, with this desire, people in many countries, getting their self-realization within minutes. For example there is a place called [inaudible]. Earlier there there muslims staying there. They were so frustrated with French people that, all of them started following Muslim religion. They were not happy or peaceful even after following the Muslim religion. But when they came to Sahaja Yoga, they stopped worrying and started enjoying their life. Today you will be surprised to know that there are 14000 sahajyogis there and all of them are muslims. I call them true Muslims because vibrations are flowing in their hands. You can be a true Muslim, only if your hands are speaking through vibrations, otherwise you are not a Muslim. Musalman means surrendering and until your hands speak, how can you surrender? [6:9 to 6:29--not clear]. You are encouraging this kind of people by helping them and giving them money. These are all useless things, nothing is going to be achieved by this. This is utter stupidity. What are you getting in return? You gave them everything, but what did you get out of that? What did you get? Here, you will get self realisation. After your self-realization will you will know thy self, what are you, and what is your capability. what is your power and what all you can do and how Competant you are. Until you find your own meaning how can you be competant? (samarth). You can do innumerable things in your competance. When I am abroad I get surprised to see these foreigners. This people have never heard of Kundalini but after they achieved their self-realization, they have been doing many marvelous things. And when they narrate it to me, I always think how the treasure house of marvels has opened suddenly, and how this people have achieved it? In Sahaja Yoga, you progress completely in your physical, mental and spiritual aspect. And you are completely absorbed in this. It is such a beautiful thing that you come to know your spirit. [next line not clear]. I have nothing to do with this but I have to tell you the truth that you have no other way, than the awakening of Kundalini, if you want to know yourself and the whole world. Leaving aside all other work, it is your prime duty to recognise the great power which is residing inside you. Today, my heart is overjoyed to see you all here, in such huge numbers. At one point of time I used to wonder if Sahaja Yoga will get inside your brain? But today I see that, you people have absorbed this and accepted this and you have benefited a lot by this. There is all kinds of benefit in Sahaja Yoga. And by the grace of Mahalakshmi, our country also will become a splendid Country.[next line not clear]. And in this social condition I will cover all kinds of aspects. And wherever people are in trouble, I will help socially. I have made 16 projects in which women are being helped, children are being helped and sick people are getting help, old people are getting help, like this there are many project in which sahaja Yogis are involved. And while doing this work they think, how did this kind of energy has come inside? we treat many diseases, we treat mental patients also. How did this power come inside us? [next line not clear]. Stop and watch as to who you are? And great you are? And what is your capacity? How you should make use of that. I have full hopes that when I come next time I will see double the quantity of seekers here, not only that they all will implement Sahaja Yoga wherever necessary. In Sahaja Yoga after getting self realisation you don't have to become an ascetic. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You have to be in the same society and spread Sahaja Yoga. And this way you have to build a "sahaja Samaj", in this world. And in this Sahaja Samaj, We should do only those things which will be good for the emancipation of the human beings. And we should destroy all the shortcomings of our society. Only you people can do this work. That is why I am requesting you again and again to get your self realisation. Speculate this. By speculating you can sustain your self-realization, and all your defects will get rectified Slowly. And as a result you will become a beautiful and an excellent person. If many people of this calibre are produced in the society, then all the troublesome things, the fights and the atrocities, which are happening in the society will completely stop. Because you will become a good natured human being. When you become like this, you can enlighten others even by staying away from them and correct them. In today's present situation human can get perplexed in the society, not knowing what is happening, and how everything is happening. The only way out for all this is that everything gets exposed and whatever is happening from such a long time, suddenly comes to an end. But why this is not happening? The reason for this is because we all have not achieved our spirit. If you attain your spirit, then this kind of mistakes will not happen in the society.[next line not clear]. These are the things which you should try to understand. From several years, whatever evil things that happening in our society has come to light today. Now it is necessary to get enlightened.[next line not audible]. Nowadays I find that every person in India is after money. Everyone wants to become rich. The same thing is there in foreign countries also. I am always disturbed that people who come to me, also come with the intention of earning money from me. Whatever I have is not mine, it belongs to the society. Still some thieves try to steal from me. Like this, people have a wrong notion that how ever possible we should get money. But this is not Lakshmi this is "A-Lakshmi". Because when the Lakshmi (money) will come in your life, it will be volatile. Very volatile. It will lead you to kind of path, where there will be "a-Lakshmi" inside you, and you will not know what mistakes you are commiting. So before going to any extremes, we should understand where we are going? Where are we being led? In what kind of web are we getting caught? Regarding money we have to be very careful with our feelings. And we should never think of how to cheat others of their money. Are we going to take money with us? All these mis-deeds will get accumulated in our brain. Because this is era of destruction, and along with this there is one more era which I call as” krut yug”. This Param Chaitanya or vibrations is in action and when it is active, people who are wrongdoers will stumble again and again which will make them understand that they are not doing the right thing. If you want to do welfare to the society, then you have the power inside you, which can be used to do good to others. There should be no selfishness in doing welfare also. The meaning for selfish (swarth) is very beautiful in our culture. Have you known the meaning of yourself? To know 'thyself' is selfishness. Rest everything is unnecessary. If we understand that we have not understood "thyself", then we will do only those things, and move towards the place which will teach us the meaning of "selfish" or "thyself". So today, the tradition for the dilemma and fights which are prevailing in the society, is very old though we don't know how this happened. When British were ruling this country, they used to do only this. They took kohinoor diamond from our country. They are not happy until they are given some kind of desert. But at that time it was happening in small scale now the same thing is happening in a large scale. It started from the time of British and was carried on by our politicians. But now not only the politicians but every person has become such that they keep thinking how to fight and how to loot others money. There is only one way out for this and that is Sahaj Marg. Only this can discipline our society and only by this sahaja Marg the love and respect among each other in our society will increase, and we will not run behind money. The another thing is power. People are mad behind power also. They want to be in power, but why do they want power? You don't have power over yourself what are you going to do by controlling the power over the whole world? We want power, we want this we want that, why do we need all this? What is the use of such Power? What are you going to gain out of it? To be in power many role models came forward. Their Majesty, bravery and truthfulness on one side and on the other they had power. If the power is given to a monkey, what will he do? There is a saying in Marathi that give a burning stick in a monkey's hand, then he will burn everything possible. That is the actual position of power today. Like the monkey they use the power and earn money. And they earn money to gain power. Because of this war between money and power, our society needs sahaja Yoga. Once you come to Sahaja Yoga you will understand that this kind of a war is stupidity. And the day when sahaja yoga spreads all over, all this stupidity will stop at once. So you have to understand that we have to correct our society, and the responsibility to bring the society to the right path also is yours. You can do this. People who are sahaja Yogis can do this, and whoever is not in Sahaja Yoga can come into it. If we want a society in which people don't fight with one another, don't cheat one another and always live with affection for one another then, sahaja Yoga is the only solution for that. Sahaja Yoga looks very simple, and since sahaja Yogis have powers, people think that they are realised souls. But it is very important to establish in Sahaja Yoga, and only after that all the powers are awakened in a person. And after that you can emancipate not only India but also the whole world. Now in this some people are satans also. They have satanik desires. It is alright. I have told you many times that this is the last judgement. At this moment, if you hold on to the goodness you will ascend, or else you will be dropped out. We should analyse what happenes when there is earthquake in different places. Now, in Gujarat very huge earthquake took place. In Gujarat we have only 18 sahaja Yogis. For some reason gujaratis don't have much affinity towards Sahaja Yoga. Only 18 sahaja Yogis were there. In the earthquake all the sahaja yogis, along with their families were saved. And in Turkey also there was a big earthquake. There also all the sahaja Yogis were saved and their houses also were intact, I saw that. Because you have come into the kingdom of God and no one can kill you. No one can destroy you. Like this, many places were affected by earthquake, but not even a single sahaja Yogi was harmed in anyway nor his house was affected in any way. This is about Latur. In Latur all the buildings around Our centre was destroyed but nothing happened to the centre. And not even a single sahajayogi of Latur died. How did this happen? On the day of Chaturdashi, the Visarjan (immersing in water) of Ganapati takes place. Everyone did the Visarjan and came back. Among them some Evil minded people were drunk, And they started dancing. And while dancing, they all caved-in the earth. But not even a single Sahaja Yogi in Latur was affected in any way. There houses were intact. Their family, their children all were intact. What is this if not a miracle? Same way you also understand that the protection of the God almighty will be on you because you are in his Kingdom. You have gone beyond all other Kingdoms, so you don't have to fear anything and nothing can destroy you. Like this, we have seen several examples happening in Sahaja Yoga, we have seen many people getting cured of many diseases. People who were taking drugs have changed overnight. People will be surprised How This can happen? This is what I told you that when Kundalini awakens inside us, all our shortcomings are destroyed. And this way sahaja Yoga Is happening in many places. And people have started realising and understanding the need for transformation. Without this transformation nothing can change, and nothing can become alright. It is the human beings who spoils everything, and it is the same human beings who have to mend themselves and spread sahaja Yoga. I have lot of trust in you that, as you people have spread this here, you will spread it even more, and many cities like this will be enlightened by Sahaja Yoga. MY INFINITE BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL AFTER THE ENGLISH TALK Whoever, have not got the self realization please raise your hands. Even now so many people have not got the realization? Okay, all of you keep your hands down. Now, all of you keep your hands towards me. Like this. And all of you have reverence towards yourself. With reverence all of you sit like people are sitting on the sacred land of Bharat Bhoomi. This land is so sacred that you don’t have to do much here. In foreign countries my hands almost breaks but here people get realization instantly. This is something very great.Only lucky people are born here. Now, kindly keep your hands like this and close your eyes. Say in your mind that “mother, Please give me self realization”. Now keep your right hand on your crown, on top of your head. Sit comfortably and straight. Now raise your hand a little and check if you are getting cool or hot breeze from your fontennel bone area. If you have not forgiven completely then you will get hot breeze. So forgive every one. Now check again with your head bent if you are getting cool breeze from your head. And bring down this hand, with your left hand above your head, check if you are getting cool breeze or not? This is kundalini. This Kundalini pierces the seven chakras, and makes its way out of fontennel bone and unites with the all pervading power of God’s love, which is spread all over. Bend your head. Now once again, keep your left hand towards me and check with your right hand. Check. Bend your head and check. Check your head bent if you are getting any cool breeze from your head. This is what is “shoonya shikhar par anahad baaje”. This is that. Every one has said this. Guru nanak sahib has told, “Sahaja samadhi laage”. Now keep your both hands towards me. Now, check if from your both hands cool or hot breeze is coming out? Some people might be getting from below the hand also. Some people might be getting in other hand. Now whoever was not getting cool breeze earlier, and getting it now, please raise your hands up. All of you got it? All of you are self realized now. Now I am getting cool breeze from you all. Have you not got the realization? In this heat also cool breeze is flowing. My blessings to you all. Now check in your regions and where ever you have centres, go and attend and try to become deep sahaja yogis. There you will know all kinds of intricate knowledge of Sahaja Yoga which you will not know by reading quran, by any granth or by reading bible, because you were not realised at that time. Instead, all those knowledges were to lead you to self-realization. And now you have achieved it. Now, whatever you have to do further, Please learn from the centres, which is near to you or even if it is far from your house, find out on which day it is functioning and attend it. I hope you will respect what you have got today. What you have got today is immeasurable and from the time of creation no one has got it but you all have got it. You will know the importance of it only when you will accept it’s power. By getting deeper and deeper into it, increase your self respect, and I bless you all that you become completely contented, Completely happy and completely peaceful. And apart from this you become powerful also.
A-TV Interview
City Unknown
A-TV Interview, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001-04-01 Dear viewer, now there are the message of happiness from a guest coming from India. Indian Yoga Master Shri Mataji tells those who are sufffering from the economical crisis to have patience/ She gives good news that very soon Turkey will come out of the crisis and adds, do not worry, after all you have a dervish (a member of a Sufi religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity) guiding you. (Name of Finance Minister of that time was Kemal Dervish) Shri Mataji: Dervish mean Sufi. She is a world renowend Yoga Master, the founder of a tecnique called Sahaja. She introduce Herself with the word Sufi meaning Dervish and She has tens of thousands followers. Shri Mataji is now in Istanbul. Shri Mataji: I received an education in medicine in India. In 1970, I discovered Sahaja Yoga. From that day on, I am travelling all over the world to explain it. She promises endless happiness to the people, going to every part of the world, She gives the message of self realization. According to Her, realization means to awaken the hidden energy in the body and to open the way to spiritual growth. Shri Mataji: People who seek the truth come to me. Gandhi was also a Sufi and jelaous people finished him. My mission is to find new sufis and to open the way for them. The reason why Shri Mataji comes often to Turkey is that Turks are give importance to spirituel world and She is even aware of the economical crisis in Turkey. She loves Ataturk whom She knows from Her childhood. Shri Mataji: Ataturk was also very great leader, he removed all the nonsensical obstacles. Thanks to him, you Turks are very talented but he had too many enemies that is why he was very unhappy. She says that the difficult days in Turkey will be finished soon because there is someone like Dervish in the head of economy. Just looking his photo She understands that he will be succesful. Shri Mataji: The word Dervish is coming from Sufism and that makes him amiable, as far as I can see, he works very hard and from his heart and he looks like a very good man but because of this extreme working pace, he may get heart problems or asthma. Because of that his heart center gets tired very much. Regarding the economical crisis, She says, be patient, accoding to Her, health is of primary importance. Don`t make yourself sick being affected by the crisis. Shri Mataji: Only way out of the crisis you are in, is to love your country, besides there is a turmoil and thay may cause you a lot of harm. Only those who realy love their country can prevent this turmoil. When I was young, I also went out to the streets for the independence of India. I was imprisoned but I forgive everyone. Besides, too much running after money cannot make one happy, it will only create problems. For those who believe in Shri Mataji, She is Holy and those who live according to Her teachings are considered prtected against evil. This is also true for all other religions. Shri Mataji: The essence of all religions are the same but mullahs and priests changed it. There is one God we all believe in but He has different hands and we believe in the evolution of people. People ascend slowly and Teachers show the way to them. Probhet Muhammed was such a Teacher. On Tuesday Shri Mataji will meet those who interested in Yoga at Lutfi Kirdar hall.
A-TV Interview, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001-04-01 Dear viewer, now there are the message of happiness from a guest coming from India. Indian Yoga Master Shri Mataji tells those who are sufffering from the economical crisis to have patience/ She gives good news that very soon Turkey will come out of the crisis and adds, do not worry, after all you have a dervish (a member of a Sufi religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity) guiding you. (Name of Finance Minister of that time was Kemal Dervish) Shri Mataji: Dervish mean Sufi. She is a world renowend Yoga Master, the founder of a tecnique called Sahaja. She introduce Herself with the word Sufi meaning Dervish and She has tens of thousands followers. Shri Mataji is now in Istanbul. Shri Mataji: I received an education in medicine in India. In 1970, I discovered Sahaja Yoga. From that day on, I am travelling all over the world to explain it. She promises endless happiness to the people, going to every part of the world, She gives the message of self realization. According to Her, realization means to awaken the hidden energy in the body and to open the way to spiritual growth. Shri Mataji: People who seek the truth come to me. Gandhi was also a Sufi and jelaous people finished him. My mission is to find new sufis and to open the way for them. The reason why Shri Mataji comes often to Turkey is that Turks are give importance to spirituel world and She is even aware of the economical crisis in Turkey. She loves Ataturk whom She knows from Her childhood. Shri Mataji: Ataturk was also very great leader, he removed all the nonsensical obstacles. Thanks to him, you Turks are very talented but he had too many enemies that is why he was very unhappy. She says that the difficult days in Turkey will be finished soon because there is someone like Dervish in the head of economy. Just looking his photo She understands that he will be succesful. Shri Mataji: The word Dervish is coming from Sufism and that makes him amiable, as far as I can see, he works very hard and from his heart and he looks like a very good man but because of this extreme working pace, he may get heart problems or asthma. Because of that his heart center gets tired very much. Regarding the economical crisis, She says, be patient, accoding to Her, health is of primary importance. Don`t make yourself sick being affected by the crisis. Shri Mataji: Only way out of the crisis you are in, is to love your country, besides there is a turmoil and thay may cause you a lot of harm. Only those who realy love their country can prevent this turmoil. When I was young, I also went out to the streets for the independence of India. I was imprisoned but I forgive everyone. Besides, too much running after money cannot make one happy, it will only create problems. For those who believe in Shri Mataji, She is Holy and those who live according to Her teachings are considered prtected against evil. This is also true for all other religions. Shri Mataji: The essence of all religions are the same but mullahs and priests changed it. There is one God we all believe in but He has different hands and we believe in the evolution of people. People ascend slowly and Teachers show the way to them. Probhet Muhammed was such a Teacher. On Tuesday Shri Mataji will meet those who interested in Yoga at Lutfi Kirdar hall.
CNN TURK TV Interview
City Unknown
Shri Mataji has a big following in Turkey. Healthy Life Association members are Her representatives in Turkey. Since 3 years this association is trying to spread Sahaja Yoga in Turkey. Shri Mataji: Everyone has a hidden energy inside. This energy recides in a triangler bone. When this enegy gets awakened, it passes through the six centers in the nervous system and comes out through the seventh center in the head. Then it connects with the Cosmos and with God. Our aim is to awaken this energy. The meaning of Sahaja Yoga is to connect with the Power of God`s Love. The main aim is to awaken the energy called Kundalini. According to Shri Mataji, Turks are very close to spirituel enligtenment. Shri Mataji: Turks come from sufis. First of all, they have to get their realization. If they get realization, they can cope with everything. Shri Mataji says that the only way to understand Sahaja Yoga is to enter into the state of meditation and She takes us in front. The master of meditation says that the holy air that permeates the Universe exists also around the people. According to Her teaching, to feel a breeze is a step towards realization. Shri Mataji: You feel very peacefull with in, absolutely peacefull. Shri Mataji, the symbol of Sahaja Yoga, is leaving Istanbul on Sunday but the Healthy Life Association keeps spreading Shri Mataji`s teaching, giving lessons in their centers in Istanbul and Ankara. Indian Yoga master Shri Mataji came to Istanbul for a seminar. There are many followers of 78 years old Shri Mataji`s system of awakening the energy in people, i.e. realization in Turkey Shri Mataji: When you are born, you have an energy inside you. This energy resides in the triangle bone at the base of the spine. Thousands of years ago, people do know about this bone. Neither do they know that they have an energy inside this bone. When this energy awakens, it passes through the six energy centers in the parasympathetic nervous system and above our head, it connects us to all pervading power called Ruh. Among Shri Mataji`s followers in Turkey, there are many famous people. Shri Mataji says that Turks are simple and relaxed. Shri Mataji: Wonderful people, I would say they are maybe among the best. Shri Mataji says that Turkey will easily come out of the economic crisis it is currently in. Shri Mataji: First of all, by the grace of God, then thanks to realiazed souls and there are many realiazed souls in Turkey, people will find again happiness and peace within and without. Shri Mataji says that people find purity and truth in Her, She has some warnings to the Economy Minister Kemal Dervish. Shri Mataji: I have seen his photograph, he is very hard working but I think, he should be a little more relaxed because working too hard is harmful to the heart and makes it tired. He should pay attention to himself because he is a very precious person. Shri Mataji also gives realization to us that is She awakens our inner energy. Shri Mataji: You will be understand, what is all these, your hands are speaking.
Shri Mataji has a big following in Turkey. Healthy Life Association members are Her representatives in Turkey. Since 3 years this association is trying to spread Sahaja Yoga in Turkey. Shri Mataji: Everyone has a hidden energy inside. This energy recides in a triangler bone. When this enegy gets awakened, it passes through the six centers in the nervous system and comes out through the seventh center in the head. Then it connects with the Cosmos and with God. Our aim is to awaken this energy. The meaning of Sahaja Yoga is to connect with the Power of God`s Love. The main aim is to awaken the energy called Kundalini. According to Shri Mataji, Turks are very close to spirituel enligtenment. Shri Mataji: Turks come from sufis. First of all, they have to get their realization. If they get realization, they can cope with everything. Shri Mataji says that the only way to understand Sahaja Yoga is to enter into the state of meditation and She takes us in front. The master of meditation says that the holy air that permeates the Universe exists also around the people. According to Her teaching, to feel a breeze is a step towards realization. Shri Mataji: You feel very peacefull with in, absolutely peacefull. Shri Mataji, the symbol of Sahaja Yoga, is leaving Istanbul on Sunday but the Healthy Life Association keeps spreading Shri Mataji`s teaching, giving lessons in their centers in Istanbul and Ankara. Indian Yoga master Shri Mataji came to Istanbul for a seminar. There are many followers of 78 years old Shri Mataji`s system of awakening the energy in people, i.e. realization in Turkey Shri Mataji: When you are born, you have an energy inside you. This energy resides in the triangle bone at the base of the spine. Thousands of years ago, people do know about this bone. Neither do they know that they have an energy inside this bone. When this energy awakens, it passes through the six energy centers in the parasympathetic nervous system and above our head, it connects us to all pervading power called Ruh. Among Shri Mataji`s followers in Turkey, there are many famous people. Shri Mataji says that Turks are simple and relaxed. Shri Mataji: Wonderful people, I would say they are maybe among the best. Shri Mataji says that Turkey will easily come out of the economic crisis it is currently in. Shri Mataji: First of all, by the grace of God, then thanks to realiazed souls and there are many realiazed souls in Turkey, people will find again happiness and peace within and without. Shri Mataji says that people find purity and truth in Her, She has some warnings to the Economy Minister Kemal Dervish. Shri Mataji: I have seen his photograph, he is very hard working but I think, he should be a little more relaxed because working too hard is harmful to the heart and makes it tired. He should pay attention to himself because he is a very precious person. Shri Mataji also gives realization to us that is She awakens our inner energy. Shri Mataji: You will be understand, what is all these, your hands are speaking.
Evening Program At Wedding Anniversary
New Delhi
Evening Program
Evening Program At Wedding Anniversary, India Sir C.P.: We have just heard divine music on the most memorable day of my life. I want to thank you all for being here. Your Mother…… We will be 54 years now and I tell you honestly I don't know how these 54 years have gone by. Life has been so wonderful. sitting here and I was just recalling 7th of April 1947 and I am looking at Her She did seem to be very different from what She was then. I have grown old She doesn't. Same radiance, same divine rays, same love, same kindness. I want to just tell you that She has given me first a small family that has now become merged into a global family which is here. She has been as good[UNCLEAR] as a wife, as a mother, as a grandmother, as a great-grandmother. We have two daughters Kalpana and Sadhana both are sitting here. we have wonderful children who have given love and sustained us. we have two sons in law Prabhat and Romil. Prabhat is in Bombay, Romil is here. We have four grandchildren Apoorve who is in Bombay[UNCLEAR] wonderful grandchildren and we have two grandsons [UNCLEAR one is in[UNCLEAR] and one is here] . and sweetest of them all are two great-grandchildren. the great grand son is here you have seen running up down and Anand and great grand daughter who is Ananya in Bombay. So there's a little family created by Her. And that little family has sustained us but She has merged that family with the global family and I want to tell you that as a wife She has gone through a very difficult time. But She stood by me. What was the problem? The problem was She firmly walked ahead She said when we were married [UNCLEAR] She said no. you have the option of going to Indian administrative service IAS. Change over. Because we both wanted to serve the country and She belonged to a family which had given up everything for the sake of the national freedom Father and mother went to jail and She Herself in 1942 She was a busy active participant in the movement So that She came with a background to serve the nation. I said OK so I gave up [UNCLEAR] service and joined IAS and that has given me a great chance to serve our country. And this sacrifice of Her was tremendous. You know [UNCLEAR Government officials] not a very easy to be very determined. you have to have your wife who supports you. I will give you one instance only how She has supported me. [UNCLEAR 100% in this moment] once I was posted in Lucknow [UNCLEAR city magistrate]and She had gone to Nagpur on Her own [UNCLEAR inside the house to be transferred to Delhi]and all my stuff was in suitcases. At night from the backdoor [UNCLEAR came thieves and stole everything ] I was left with one jacket and one trouser. And all was [UNCLEAR]. Now She was so undemanding that for the next 7 years She wore only cotton sarees and just one silk saree and that is the kind of wife who held Her husband, Who maintained patriotism, rationalism, integrity. Her love is infinite. She has pure love for all of us. But I want to tell you I want to tell you honestly from my heart Her love is infinite. You know you can [UNCLEAR circum] the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic but you cannot circle the ocean of Her love. It is totally infinite. And I want to tell you She loves each one of you in the same measure as She loves Her daughters who are sitting over here. Here everyone is Her own child and that is Her compassion, Her love. I have seen Her, admired Her and [UNCLEAR]. now to have this opportunity to belong to this country you can also imagine what it means[UNCLEAR I was recalling] 4 years ago sitting with such a family I could not imagine at that time that I will be here. [UNCLEAR ]you have [UNCLEAR come here to facilitate Her] of Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yoginis. All created by Her you know for first 20 years you know from 1970 to 1990 She began in 1970 Her movement entirely with Her [ UNCLEARsources]She carried on with one Sahaj yogi, two Sahaja yogis, 10, 20, 30, and carried on. She did not return to make success and then came a big movement [UNCLEAR something good for the world for all of us has been together to ] assist. For it has been me it [UNCLEAR ] journey. I am 81 [UNCLEAR] but I feel so fulfilled so satisfied that I lived a life with Her and I am the most lucky one to be [UNCLEAR] to such a person [UNCLEAR] to be very precious. I wanted just to tell you that She has undergone tremendous sacrifices in order to maintain certain standards in life and when recently in an event She said patriotism is the basis of integrity. we need that kind of new India[UNCLEAR what is happening is all awful] but Her message that we convey to you is a lot of integrity, a spirituality that is what India needs. So I wanted to thank Her [UNCLEAR] to thank Her and [UNCLEAR] She doesn't know I worship Her. worship Her as a wife and [UNCLEAR worship Her as..] the most glorious experience. So my dear friends I once again express gratitude to you of being here and sharing the moment which is so precious in my life. I thank you all who are sitting here. And I want you to keep Her message always in your heart. Make India the greatest nation on earth. you can do through Sahaja yoga. Thank you. Shri Mataji: I don't know what to say about our married life and kind of life I had to go through. I don't think it was anything sacrificing or anything difficult for Me. I am a different type of person you know that. And to Me, everything was quite alright. But outside people might think that way but the main thing was Sahaja yoga for Me which I have achieved by which you all have got your self-realisation. Because I was born like that it was very Sahaj for Me to do everything but you are born in [UNCLEAR]. so I know it is difficult. For you people, it may be difficult to be Sahaj. And also not only that it is difficult but also that it is the love you have to purify it. You have to become pure instruments. We had a very bad experience recently about people who have come to Sahaja yoga just to make money. Sahaja yoga is to enjoy the love of God. That is how you should have enjoyed this music how all these great Sufis everywhere in the world even in Turkey these Sufis have talked about this divine love. To enjoy that love you have to become really a real Sahaja yogi. All your other ambitions all other I should say aspirations must be kept away. What is the greatest aspiration to be a great Sahaja yogi in today's world? As today you know how the world is suffering from every angle. Its only you people you can say who can really transform other people not only that you can transform them but you can transform the whole world. That is why [UNCLEAR] it is too much you might say but as I have I always had this vision that one day this world will become a beautiful, a very very beautiful garden of life. And for that, there is no sacrificing. Just enjoy. Enjoyment is the point. If your sense of enjoyment is where you can enjoy anything. I remember once we had gone to see some temple I think with 300 steps we had to climb. Then I went out and My son in law was with Me and My daughter was absolutely exhausted and we sat down on a small resting place and suddenly I felt what art it is. Every elephant is differently made. So I told My son in law can you see these elephants. Every elephant is very different. Mummy how can you see that we are just exhausted. So your sense of enjoyment keeps you away from all kinds of worries all kinds of trouble issues all kinds of hardships that you see. So life can be very very interesting if you learn how to enjoy and this enjoyment comes to you through your spirit. As you are awakened now you are realised souls. You are enjoying the music. Some of you might have not understood Punjabi language may be that but everybody was enjoying. What you were enjoying was the spirit which was enjoying the music [UNCLEAR] so see that you enjoy each and everything whatever is there try to enjoy. Because now you have got such a lot of energy from the divine. Sahaja yogis I can't see them unhappy, crying, weeping [UNCLEAR] what is the need to do that? Because now you are in the realm of God. You have reached a state where you can really be the happiest person. After all other these things like money, position and all that is not for enjoyment. it can make you very depressive It can be very troublesome, anxious, ambitious. But if you can enjoy your love your affection for others which is pure then you will see there is nothing like sacrificing. You just enjoy it people who sacrificed their life for our country and in other countries. How did they do it? Think of it. Why they did it? Because they enjoyed they enjoyed themselves. Enjoyed all that love they had for their country. The same now you have to have a love for the whole world and it is one My greatest desire to see that the world should change. Let it start from India. Let us see people change here to change their attitude and their wrong aspirations. I think you can show them from your own life. You can show them from your Sahaj behaviour. you can all work out very well and it is not at all difficult for you because you will be surprised all the time there is help Sahaj community. I am thankful to you for celebrating this wedding anniversary and [UNCLEAR] we got married but all the time I was thinking that I will be able to establish Sahaja yoga in this world. That's what you people are here to begin to give Me that satisfaction. So thank you very much. And the little children who danced so well I am really surprised at their sense of rhythm.
Evening Program At Wedding Anniversary, India Sir C.P.: We have just heard divine music on the most memorable day of my life. I want to thank you all for being here. Your Mother…… We will be 54 years now and I tell you honestly I don't know how these 54 years have gone by. Life has been so wonderful. sitting here and I was just recalling 7th of April 1947 and I am looking at Her She did seem to be very different from what She was then. I have grown old She doesn't. Same radiance, same divine rays, same love, same kindness. I want to just tell you that She has given me first a small family that has now become merged into a global family which is here. She has been as good[UNCLEAR] as a wife, as a mother, as a grandmother, as a great-grandmother. We have two daughters Kalpana and Sadhana both are sitting here. we have wonderful children who have given love and sustained us. we have two sons in law Prabhat and Romil. Prabhat is in Bombay, Romil is here. We have four grandchildren Apoorve who is in Bombay[UNCLEAR] wonderful grandchildren and we have two grandsons [UNCLEAR one is in[UNCLEAR] and one is here] . and sweetest of them all are two great-grandchildren. the great grand son is here you have seen running up down and Anand and great grand daughter who is Ananya in Bombay. So there's a little family created by Her. And that little family has sustained us but She has merged that family with the global family and I want to tell you that as a wife She has gone through a very difficult time. But She stood by me. What was the problem? The problem was She firmly walked ahead She said when we were married [UNCLEAR] She said no. you have the option of going to Indian administrative service IAS. Change over. Because we both wanted to serve the country and She belonged to a family which had given up everything for the sake of the national freedom Father and mother went to jail and She Herself in 1942 She was a busy active participant in the movement So that She came with a background to serve the nation. I said OK so I gave up [UNCLEAR] service and joined IAS and that has given me a great chance to serve our country. And this sacrifice of Her was tremendous. You know [UNCLEAR Government officials] not a very easy to be very determined. you have to have your wife who supports you. I will give you one instance only how She has supported me. [UNCLEAR 100% in this moment] once I was posted in Lucknow [UNCLEAR city magistrate]and She had gone to Nagpur on Her own [UNCLEAR inside the house to be transferred to Delhi]and all my stuff was in suitcases. At night from the backdoor [UNCLEAR came thieves and stole everything ] I was left with one jacket and one trouser. And all was [UNCLEAR]. Now She was so undemanding that for the next 7 years She wore only cotton sarees and just one silk saree and that is the kind of wife who held Her husband, Who maintained patriotism, rationalism, integrity. Her love is infinite. She has pure love for all of us. But I want to tell you I want to tell you honestly from my heart Her love is infinite. You know you can [UNCLEAR circum] the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctic but you cannot circle the ocean of Her love. It is totally infinite. And I want to tell you She loves each one of you in the same measure as She loves Her daughters who are sitting over here. Here everyone is Her own child and that is Her compassion, Her love. I have seen Her, admired Her and [UNCLEAR]. now to have this opportunity to belong to this country you can also imagine what it means[UNCLEAR I was recalling] 4 years ago sitting with such a family I could not imagine at that time that I will be here. [UNCLEAR ]you have [UNCLEAR come here to facilitate Her] of Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yoginis. All created by Her you know for first 20 years you know from 1970 to 1990 She began in 1970 Her movement entirely with Her [ UNCLEARsources]She carried on with one Sahaj yogi, two Sahaja yogis, 10, 20, 30, and carried on. She did not return to make success and then came a big movement [UNCLEAR something good for the world for all of us has been together to ] assist. For it has been me it [UNCLEAR ] journey. I am 81 [UNCLEAR] but I feel so fulfilled so satisfied that I lived a life with Her and I am the most lucky one to be [UNCLEAR] to such a person [UNCLEAR] to be very precious. I wanted just to tell you that She has undergone tremendous sacrifices in order to maintain certain standards in life and when recently in an event She said patriotism is the basis of integrity. we need that kind of new India[UNCLEAR what is happening is all awful] but Her message that we convey to you is a lot of integrity, a spirituality that is what India needs. So I wanted to thank Her [UNCLEAR] to thank Her and [UNCLEAR] She doesn't know I worship Her. worship Her as a wife and [UNCLEAR worship Her as..] the most glorious experience. So my dear friends I once again express gratitude to you of being here and sharing the moment which is so precious in my life. I thank you all who are sitting here. And I want you to keep Her message always in your heart. Make India the greatest nation on earth. you can do through Sahaja yoga. Thank you. Shri Mataji: I don't know what to say about our married life and kind of life I had to go through. I don't think it was anything sacrificing or anything difficult for Me. I am a different type of person you know that. And to Me, everything was quite alright. But outside people might think that way but the main thing was Sahaja yoga for Me which I have achieved by which you all have got your self-realisation. Because I was born like that it was very Sahaj for Me to do everything but you are born in [UNCLEAR]. so I know it is difficult. For you people, it may be difficult to be Sahaj. And also not only that it is difficult but also that it is the love you have to purify it. You have to become pure instruments. We had a very bad experience recently about people who have come to Sahaja yoga just to make money. Sahaja yoga is to enjoy the love of God. That is how you should have enjoyed this music how all these great Sufis everywhere in the world even in Turkey these Sufis have talked about this divine love. To enjoy that love you have to become really a real Sahaja yogi. All your other ambitions all other I should say aspirations must be kept away. What is the greatest aspiration to be a great Sahaja yogi in today's world? As today you know how the world is suffering from every angle. Its only you people you can say who can really transform other people not only that you can transform them but you can transform the whole world. That is why [UNCLEAR] it is too much you might say but as I have I always had this vision that one day this world will become a beautiful, a very very beautiful garden of life. And for that, there is no sacrificing. Just enjoy. Enjoyment is the point. If your sense of enjoyment is where you can enjoy anything. I remember once we had gone to see some temple I think with 300 steps we had to climb. Then I went out and My son in law was with Me and My daughter was absolutely exhausted and we sat down on a small resting place and suddenly I felt what art it is. Every elephant is differently made. So I told My son in law can you see these elephants. Every elephant is very different. Mummy how can you see that we are just exhausted. So your sense of enjoyment keeps you away from all kinds of worries all kinds of trouble issues all kinds of hardships that you see. So life can be very very interesting if you learn how to enjoy and this enjoyment comes to you through your spirit. As you are awakened now you are realised souls. You are enjoying the music. Some of you might have not understood Punjabi language may be that but everybody was enjoying. What you were enjoying was the spirit which was enjoying the music [UNCLEAR] so see that you enjoy each and everything whatever is there try to enjoy. Because now you have got such a lot of energy from the divine. Sahaja yogis I can't see them unhappy, crying, weeping [UNCLEAR] what is the need to do that? Because now you are in the realm of God. You have reached a state where you can really be the happiest person. After all other these things like money, position and all that is not for enjoyment. it can make you very depressive It can be very troublesome, anxious, ambitious. But if you can enjoy your love your affection for others which is pure then you will see there is nothing like sacrificing. You just enjoy it people who sacrificed their life for our country and in other countries. How did they do it? Think of it. Why they did it? Because they enjoyed they enjoyed themselves. Enjoyed all that love they had for their country. The same now you have to have a love for the whole world and it is one My greatest desire to see that the world should change. Let it start from India. Let us see people change here to change their attitude and their wrong aspirations. I think you can show them from your own life. You can show them from your Sahaj behaviour. you can all work out very well and it is not at all difficult for you because you will be surprised all the time there is help Sahaj community. I am thankful to you for celebrating this wedding anniversary and [UNCLEAR] we got married but all the time I was thinking that I will be able to establish Sahaja yoga in this world. That's what you people are here to begin to give Me that satisfaction. So thank you very much. And the little children who danced so well I am really surprised at their sense of rhythm.
Devi Puja
United Arab Emirates
Devi Puja, Burj 2000, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), April 21st, 2001, (very poor sound) I didn't know you were waiting here. But you are now with those great guys [unsure]. But I didn't know about your program that you were going to be here. And I had to finish something today.It’s all right. I have seen Sahaja Yogis when they have to wait, they are more together, they are more collective and they enjoy much more. So, it is not that they’ll feel angry or boring. I’ve seen in many cases, if the plane is late, they would all be there, nicely sitting, enjoying, laughing, even if it is late by four hours, five hours, doesn’t matter.There is no passport in our hands. We are in the ocean of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. So, whatever we have is all nothing but joy, out of this ocean of love. So, we are already in the ocean of love. And we are enjoying the bliss of that. I know there are some misunderstanding sometimes, all kinds of things happen. But still, we're progressing. Despite that, you’ll progress and progress very well in every action, in every land. I’ve seen in St Petersburg, [inaudible] I was so amazed to see Mister [inaudible] the wisdom. He said I have done it, but no. Actually, it’s something great. So, the enthusiasm that is going on, that comes through Sahaja Yoga. But you must meditate, you must go [inaudible], you must attend programs, and you must improve. Unless and until you have done this, it doesn’t work out. Many people have become something extraordinary themselves. Not only financially, otherwise, also the position. In all walks of life, they have achieved something. But one thing is there, that you have to meditate. Meditation means you go deep into yourself. Sahaja Yoga is to know yourself. Unless and until you meditate, you will not know yourself. Unless and until you meditate, you will not know yourself. And you must have collective, collective meditations. It’s very important. Otherwise, anything happens to you, if you are away from it, then you’ll have no survivals also [unsure]. But Sahaja Yoga really protects you, really protects you. And how it has happened, now I will tell you. Now I ‘m going to Turkey. In Turkey, there was a big, big very big earthquake, a lot of destruction, say [unsure]. And in that, in that earthquake, those people who were killed were the people who have been fundamentalistic or who have been doing bad things [unsure]. With that [inaudible], all of them are killed. And not one Sahaja Yoga has got injured.Not even one Sahaja Yogi.[Hindi] Not one Sahaja Yogi has been tortured. Not even one house of a Sahaja Yogi was destroyed. That’s it. This is the wrath of God All-mighty [inaudible], which is, you know Mahadeva Shiva.[Inaudible].If you neglect Sahaja Yoga, if you do not get to Sahaja Yoga, all such calamities will do. Now in India, we had a very big earthquake. In that earthquake, so many, so many people died and so many houses also. There were only 18 Sahaja Yogis there, because these Gujaratis, they are very money oriented. They are all the time busy with what you can call- [aside] [Hindi].Sahaja Yogini: Calculation.Shri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogini: Calculation.Shri Mataji: Yes. All the time. And most of them were worried only on that point. They wouldn’t come to Sahaja Yoga. With hardly 18 Sahaja Yogis, [inaudible] can you imagine?And this has happened there and the houses of Sahaja Yogis are just the same as [inaudible]. We have one mister Magdum who is a constructor in India. He had made four, five billion there where this earthquake was. Can you imagine? The Mother Earth did not touch his house. His buildings were absolutely safe and he has got an award from the government. So, he told me that his houses were not [inaudible] But other houses also were [inaudible]I mean, but just imagine! Just they are saved. So, it's a protection. Sahaja Yoga is a protection and me [unsure] for all that. In every way, it guides you, plus it gives you a proper shape, proper understanding, proper circumstances. All this works out in such a beautiful manner, that it's a miracle, absolutely a miracle. So, we should have full faith and full surrendering. Try to go deep into yourself. Now surrendering does not mean that you have to give me anything, you are to [inaudible], not that. It's just that power in you. The more you go inside yourself, the power that is in you will start expressing itself. So, we have some Sahaja Yogis who have been really powerful. But some of them became very funny. They took to money making and all that so they are finished. What is the best is to go in yourself more and more and more. And then you'll be amazed to know that you are the source of not only joy, but peace, peace is there. Wherever you will be, there will be peace. You will see that damage will improve. People will become peaceful, loving. So, these is one of the things that you should see what happens with your [inaudible] 7:27 And that is what we have to establish in this world. We have to establish peace in this world. We have to establish love in this world. And we have to see that everybody is saved with Sahaja Yoga. It's very important because we have to transform the world, to [inaudible] people. So, we have to change. And we are the people, you are the people who can change this attitude and understanding of the [inaudible] So, thank you very much for your participation. And may God bless you.
Devi Puja, Burj 2000, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), April 21st, 2001, (very poor sound) I didn't know you were waiting here. But you are now with those great guys [unsure]. But I didn't know about your program that you were going to be here. And I had to finish something today.It’s all right. I have seen Sahaja Yogis when they have to wait, they are more together, they are more collective and they enjoy much more. So, it is not that they’ll feel angry or boring. I’ve seen in many cases, if the plane is late, they would all be there, nicely sitting, enjoying, laughing, even if it is late by four hours, five hours, doesn’t matter.There is no passport in our hands. We are in the ocean of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. So, whatever we have is all nothing but joy, out of this ocean of love. So, we are already in the ocean of love. And we are enjoying the bliss of that. I know there are some misunderstanding sometimes, all kinds of things happen. But still, we're progressing. Despite that, you’ll progress and progress very well in every action, in every land. I’ve seen in St Petersburg, [inaudible] I was so amazed to see Mister [inaudible] the wisdom. He said I have done it, but no. Actually, it’s something great. So, the enthusiasm that is going on, that comes through Sahaja Yoga. But you must meditate, you must go [inaudible], you must attend programs, and you must improve. Unless and until you have done this, it doesn’t work out. Many people have become something extraordinary themselves. Not only financially, otherwise, also the position. In all walks of life, they have achieved something. But one thing is there, that you have to meditate. Meditation means you go deep into yourself. Sahaja Yoga is to know yourself. Unless and until you meditate, you will not know yourself. Unless and until you meditate, you will not know yourself. And you must have collective, collective meditations. It’s very important. Otherwise, anything happens to you, if you are away from it, then you’ll have no survivals also [unsure]. But Sahaja Yoga really protects you, really protects you. And how it has happened, now I will tell you. Now I ‘m going to Turkey. In Turkey, there was a big, big very big earthquake, a lot of destruction, say [unsure]. And in that, in that earthquake, those people who were killed were the people who have been fundamentalistic or who have been doing bad things [unsure]. With that [inaudible], all of them are killed. And not one Sahaja Yoga has got injured.Not even one Sahaja Yogi.[Hindi] Not one Sahaja Yogi has been tortured. Not even one house of a Sahaja Yogi was destroyed. That’s it. This is the wrath of God All-mighty [inaudible], which is, you know Mahadeva Shiva.[Inaudible].If you neglect Sahaja Yoga, if you do not get to Sahaja Yoga, all such calamities will do. Now in India, we had a very big earthquake. In that earthquake, so many, so many people died and so many houses also. There were only 18 Sahaja Yogis there, because these Gujaratis, they are very money oriented. They are all the time busy with what you can call- [aside] [Hindi].Sahaja Yogini: Calculation.Shri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogini: Calculation.Shri Mataji: Yes. All the time. And most of them were worried only on that point. They wouldn’t come to Sahaja Yoga. With hardly 18 Sahaja Yogis, [inaudible] can you imagine?And this has happened there and the houses of Sahaja Yogis are just the same as [inaudible]. We have one mister Magdum who is a constructor in India. He had made four, five billion there where this earthquake was. Can you imagine? The Mother Earth did not touch his house. His buildings were absolutely safe and he has got an award from the government. So, he told me that his houses were not [inaudible] But other houses also were [inaudible]I mean, but just imagine! Just they are saved. So, it's a protection. Sahaja Yoga is a protection and me [unsure] for all that. In every way, it guides you, plus it gives you a proper shape, proper understanding, proper circumstances. All this works out in such a beautiful manner, that it's a miracle, absolutely a miracle. So, we should have full faith and full surrendering. Try to go deep into yourself. Now surrendering does not mean that you have to give me anything, you are to [inaudible], not that. It's just that power in you. The more you go inside yourself, the power that is in you will start expressing itself. So, we have some Sahaja Yogis who have been really powerful. But some of them became very funny. They took to money making and all that so they are finished. What is the best is to go in yourself more and more and more. And then you'll be amazed to know that you are the source of not only joy, but peace, peace is there. Wherever you will be, there will be peace. You will see that damage will improve. People will become peaceful, loving. So, these is one of the things that you should see what happens with your [inaudible] 7:27 And that is what we have to establish in this world. We have to establish peace in this world. We have to establish love in this world. And we have to see that everybody is saved with Sahaja Yoga. It's very important because we have to transform the world, to [inaudible] people. So, we have to change. And we are the people, you are the people who can change this attitude and understanding of the [inaudible] So, thank you very much for your participation. And may God bless you.
Easter Puja: You Cannot Resurrect Yourself Without Controlling Agnya
Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 22 April 2001. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of Easter. In the history of spirituality, it is one of the greatest days when we find Christ rose from the dead. It is very significant and symbolic that in Sahaja Yoga, also what we have done, is to rise from the dead – into life. It is to be understood that resurrection is the message for all of us, for the whole world. We have to resurrect ourselves. There was no need for Jesus to do that. But He was a model, model of a saint, model of a realised soul, model of a person who came all the way from the heavens to save us. So this resurrection is also part and parcel of our lives. It is so symbolic, so very symbolic, that we were, in our consciousness, lost people. We had no control over ourselves as to know the way our mind told us to go. We had no balance with the mind and our physical being, no more balance of any kind in life and used to go at random, whichever way we thought was good. There was no wisdom about it. As it is, Jesus was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a very difficult task He has performed. He used to convince people who were absolutely ignorant about spirituality, who just knew about money and nothing else. He came in those days when people had no idea about spirituality at all, at all. But, somehow, it all worked out in such a beautiful manner that people have started understanding that He communicated that resurrection is the important point. He knew when the resurrection takes place, the kundalini rises and connects you to the Divine Power, which is all-pervading. Then you start understanding that there’s a life beyond the life that you have made. There’s another type of life, a higher type of life, which connects you to the Divine Power. And then this Divine Power gives you the Absolute Truth. If you grow more and more, you will know Absolute Truth because so far you don’t know. So, we have been doing wrong things, doing in the wrong way, getting lost. Also, with listening to people who were just boasting and were saying they know about the Truth. But when you yourself discover the Truth, you are a different person. Your discovery is so innate and so real that you discard all that is unreal. Very easily you can discard it and you don’t find it difficult to get rid of it. In this conference, as you know, we have more of Muslim people, Islamic people, who have been so much misguided all over the world. They have been told all kinds of stories and hatred among people or others. This Islamic bhoots is going from bad to worse and people want to believe in it. Especially in my country there’s a very, very big problem with these Islamic influence because they are nowhere near Islam and nothing to do with Mohammed-sahib, but they are thinking that they’re correct and what they’re doing is correct. They’re trying to spread Muslim religion. What’s the use? What’s the purpose? I can’t understand. Unless and until you get your realisation, you are a useless human being, good for nothing. You can hate others, you can beat others, you can kill others and it’s going on all over the place. Surprising thing that all this nonsense is going on everywhere in the world in the name of Mohammed-sahib. So in one shot, one side you put Christ for another crucifixion, on the other side Mohammed-sahib for his crucifixion. They cannot fight, you see. They’re on the same line. They’re on the same understanding. How can they fight if their disciples are fighting so badly all over that sometimes it really brings you, when you only hear about how people are fighting for nonsense. In His life, Christ did not marry. He did not and He never needed also. He did not marry. And at a very young age He was crucified. That crucifixion shows that He was not afraid of death and He knew that He would resurrect. This He had to do through the Agnya Chakra. Agnya Chakra is, as you know, is very constricted. And through that constriction He had to go through, for which He had to get killed. And He accepted that. He accepted with full heart that that’s the ordeal He has to go through. In the same way, your Sahasrara can be only achieved through the Agnya and the Agnya has to be opened. But for that, you don’t have to get hanged, you don’t have to be crucified, but you have to crucify your ego. The first point is ego. We have such ego that you cannot get rid of it. We have subtle and subtle ways of having egos like “I have come from this country, I must have ego,” “I come from this kind of family, I must have ego.” All kinds of stupid things they do, which are really sinful and they think they’re very great if they have ego. This ego, you have to fight, otherwise your resurrection is not possible, your attention cannot pass through the Agnya Chakra. As long as they have given us satanic identifications, it will not work out. It’s a very subtle happening — very, very subtle happening — that you should see your own ego. After Realisation I said, ‡You know yourself.’ The first thing you will know is that you have too much of conditioning and too much of ego. Like in India, I find people have so much conditioning of their so-called rituals — very ritualistic. Everything is a ritual with them and they cannot get out of it. That’s all the conditioning is, but ego is the worst part in the West, more in the West, where I don’t know what they think of themselves. In that ego they get lost. And they cannot see what’s wrong with them, with their own community, with their own people, who claim to be such and such a thing. So this ego has really dominated so much. So far in the history, so many countries, nations, have been really tortured and butchered because of the ego of some people. Once they will realise how horrible they have been, how satanic they have been, how aggressive they have been, they’ll give it up. But they have to realise and, for that, I said, ‡You have to have your resurrection.’ Without the resurrection, you will not know at all, you’ll not be conscious of what wrong you have been doing. It is very, very surprising how people go on doing wrong things, advertise them and come out as egos. When I read the newspapers, I say, ‡They’re all stupid people all around.’ — absolutely very, very stupid in the sense that they have no understanding of what they are doing. They are just killing people, enjoying the killing and they’re so violent it is impossible to understand what sort of life they are going to have after death – even before death. In this whole thing, you see the whole picture of the world. You’ll find all such countries who are still fighting for nonsense are very, very poor, are having very bad time and they are about to be completely finished. But they don’t want to see why they are suffering, why what’s happening, what is the problem. In the countries where there is affluence, lots of affluence, they also got lost. They too need resurrection. They have to rise above materialism and see for themselves what they’re doing is wrong. They are like, actually, cheats. They are cheating the society all the time. I think the whole economics is based on cheating, how you can cheat people. And in that cheating, you don’t even realise that you are doing something to make people so insecure. So this money business, also, is such that it makes you very greedy and you start giving too much importance to money. This is one thing to be understood from the life of Christ. He was a very simple, poor man, son of a carpenter. And to Him, money was nothing but an absolutely useless thing. To Him, Spirit was everything. And He was preaching and telling people that ‡You must have spiritual awakening. Very important. Try to understand that there is life beyond all this and then you should get the best results out of this life, which you are just wasting.’ He was so intelligent and the way He discussed with all those great fathers from the Church about the religion and all that, it’s amazing how a little boy could understand so deeply about religion. He was a small boy at that time, no doubt, but He was a person from the Divine, created by the Divine. He was Shri Ganesha. He’s Aum. He’s knowledge, everything. Despite that, nobody people recognised Him because they cannot recognise the Truth. They cannot understand the Truth. They are so stupid that they can only take to something that is falsehood, that is bad. And ultimately they crucified Him. This is a funny world where saints are crucified and the devils are given so much importance. But now the time has come for all these people who are doing wrong, who are trying to strangle others, will be strangled. They will be all exposed. I’ve told you this is the year of exposure. They’ll be all exposed if they are doing all such things of aggression and of greed. All their greed will be completely exposed and they will be thrown into hell. This is what I felt for this year especially. This has to happen, so best thing is to take to your resurrection, take to your higher life and see for yourself ‡What are you doing?’ What is the greatest thing to have? Money? Power? It doesn’t help anyone. People don’t have great name with that. Nobody remembers anybody who’s a drunkard. They don’t have statues of the drunkard people. So who achieves something higher? Who achieves great name like Christ? Those who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of humanity, for helping them. But why did they do it? Because they loved human beings. They loved human being. When you love others, then you start thinking about ‡what is the best, what can you do the best for them?’ Now there are parents who are ignorant. They don’t know what to do for their children, so they try to dazzle the children with lots of things and food and this and that. But children, if they are not brought up with love, they’ll have no consideration whatsoever. They’ll go astray. But, in case they know somebody loves, for that love’s sake they will not go astray. They will not do wrong things. So the greatest thing about Christ or anyone of these great people is that they loved. They loved the people. They loved all human beings. That is what we have to do. Do we love ourselves, only our families, only our country? Or [do] we love the whole world? Do we live for the whole world or we live only for our limited circles. We should find out ‡What are our aspirations? What are our desires? What do we want to have?’ If you are really thinking of other people as your own, with love, it’s so joy giving. You may have any amount of ornaments, may have any amount of houses, any property, any money, you may have any power, you might be the prime minister of this or the prime minister of another, but if you have no love for others, you cannot enjoy yourself. Your enjoyment only comes through love, that your capacity to love. There’s no other way you can enjoy yourself. You may have television, you may have music, you may go for dinner parties, everything, but still nothing penetrates. Nothing is there to give you real joy. That’s what Christ has taught us, that He had love for all the human beings and He wanted to prepare them for the Resurrection. He came before Sahaja Yoga came in. If He had not done that job, it would have been difficult for Me to achieve it. So He had prepared the stage for Sahaja Yoga. That now your Agnyas are opened and through the Agnya you can take the kundalini upward through the Sahasrara and open the fontanel bone area. All this He thought of was a part and parcel of His love for people. And that’s what He did. And He cared for so many people. He’s such a help to us in Sahaja Yoga. Without Him, I don’t know how could I have really broken the Agnya Chakra. Because, as you know, Agnya is such a horrible thing. People go on doing wrong things through Agnya and they never feel bad about it, never think they have done anything wrong, they have harmed anyone, they have tortured anybody or they have made others cry. They go on with their Agnya, but they have no heart to feel what they have been up to. It’s Christ only. He shows us that you break your Agnya, pass through your Agnya. Here they call it as a third eye. The other day one lady came with a magazine of ‡Third Eye’ and when I told her what it is she was surprised. If your third eye is to be opened means Christ is to be awakened within you, on your Agnya. That’s the third eye. Now what He does by — He creates a witness state within you. You become the witness of the whole drama. You start seeing the whole drama and you are amazed how you are silent, thoughtlessly aware and how you are seeing everything without reacting. This is where we have to believe that Christ has taken His form in our Agnya. His birth is there. His resurrection is there, all that we have got it already worked out. Like a machinery, the whole being’s made and we have different, different chakras and centres. This is the last, most difficult centre, which was really opened out by Jesus Christ. He’s the one who dared it and who did it so beautifully that we too have now capacity to look at our ego, to see for ourselves, ‡What are we doing? Why do we think we are something very exceptional?’ Once you start seeing the ego, you will be amazed. Whatever work you may do, whatever you may do, you’ll never be tired. We get tired because all the time ego is saying, ‡Oh, you are so great. You are doing so much work for others. You have achieved so much,’ all that. So then the ego goes on all the time pointing out all this false greatness about us and we get tired that ‡We are so great and why should we work? Why should we help others?’ Like that, funny ideas start falling in our mind and what we do is that we feel very tired out. Fighting with those ideas, we feel very tired. Now, our whole situation is made much simpler by the life of Christ. But look at the Christian nations. They are juxtaposition. They are on the other side of Christ’s teachings. They are the most aggressive countries. They aggress people so much that in the whole world they are regarded as something very great and like they’re the kings or something. I know this because we were in slavery in India and I was surprised that these people came from outside and were nicely become master. They were masters and used to treat us so badly, used to really make slaves out of us. So the slavery started and then all such things started in India, as well as abroad. Everywhere people started thinking that they are great – and they were Christians. They used to go to church and from the church what did they learn? How to dominate others, how to show them down, how to take away all that belongs to the poorer people or to the less stronger people. It’s a thing we have seen ourselves. So this happens to people who have this ego, very, very powerful. And they try to take over things that belong to other countries. What right have they got to take somebody’s country, I can’t understand. All these complications are there. In the modern time they’re the worst. It was never so bad as it is today. We had Hitler. We had people of that kind once in a while. But the whole world was together on one side. Nobody was confused. Nobody knew that we have to fight all the time. Now, maybe because of newspapers, I don’t know why, nobody knows which side is correct, which is not correct. It’s being such a dispute about everything and people don’t try to understand the reality of the problem. And they’re killing left and right all kinds of people. It is very surprising how, in this world, human beings are killing each other much more than the animals do. We are the worst, worse than the animals, that we are killing ourselves, our own clan, our own people. In India also we are surprised how they are killing — Kashmiris are killing Kashmiris. In the same way, everywhere you go, you find they are fighting among themselves. If you go to Africa, you will be surprised how they are fighting among themselves. I mean, now the principle of fighting has come up very strong and people think fighting is a very important part of human beings. Anything you say, immediately fighting will start. Now look at Christ and His life. He didn’t fight anyone. He didn’t argue with anyone and He accepted, accepted the death on the cross. He accepted it because He knew that it is for the resurrection, for not only His, [but] for the resurrection of the whole world. And this is what we have to learn. We have to be the models of resurrection. We see all these things happening. We’re upset also about it and when after Realisation people see that surroundings are full of this, their own people are like this, they start fighting for nothing at all and they realise that ‡These are my own people who are doing this nonsense.’ You can’t correct it. You can’t do anything. But if your Agnya is clear, if your ego is finished, if there is no domination of any kind in your mind – and also [if] your conditioning is finished, then you become the channel of creating peace. You are the one, wherever you are, you can create peace. This is something, a special thing for Sahaja Yogis to know, that if you have no Agnya, you may look like you are suffering, but you are not. You are doing it for others, for surroundings, for your friends, for your neighbours, you can say for your countrymen, for all of them. When you have no Agnya you become such a big source of Divine Force that it can work out anything. It can change, transform people. It can happen like that and it has happened to many people before, individually. But now collectively I’m sure all this anger, all this temperament of aggression and all these challenges from all these nasty people can be brought to an end. With the people who have no ego, with the people who are not justifying their wrong things, with the people who have a clear cut idea as to what is the Truth. They may speak. They may not speak. It makes no difference. Whatever they are, but they are such a big shield against those aggressive forces, which are ruining the peace of the world. So Christ did it for the peace, to bring peace on this Earth. It’s very important there should be peace, but if there is no peace within, how can you have peace outside. It’s very surprising how so many countries who talk of peace are engaged in wars and fighting. How can you have like that? They have no solution. They don’t understand. The only solution I find is to transform them in Sahaja Yoga. That’s the only one. You have to take out their ego. You can see in many people, it resists. It is there and working. This ego is a very, very dangerous thing people have. So this one was the one which was really handled by Jesus. He tried to neutralise your ego. He tried to take out the problems of the ego to make you a humble, mild personality. To say that a humble and mild person is always intra [into] danger is a wrong thing to say. See them. When the people are aggressive and people are trying to dominate, the humble man is the winner, not the one who dominates. So main thing is now to watch out for your Mr. Ego, how it works. It’s very interesting, very interesting to see how it makes a drama. how it tries to cover up things, how he tries to show that you are superior to others. It is to be seen. It is to be seen very clearly what this Agnya is up to. It’s a very, very mischievous thing, very harmful thing and most embarrassing also. So these egoistical people are like that and ultimately they become nervous people — very nervous and think no end of themselves. First they try to control others. But then they are needed to be controlled. They are like that because they are all the time trying to control others and they don’t know how to control themselves. Who is the child crying so much? Why is he crying? Must be something wrong. Normally children keep very quiet in my lecture. Now this ego is also like this child. It doesn’t hear anything, doesn’t understand anything. It just goes on disturbing everything. In the same way, our ego also behaves, without having any collective knowledge, without having ‡What are you up to? What you are doing? Who, are you harming?’ — nothing, just a satisfaction, such a blind satisfaction that you are doing something to assert your personality. You see, if you just watch your ego, you’ll laugh and enjoy the buffoon, you’ll see what a thing it is. ‡It has been befooling me so much, what a horrible thing this ego was.’ At the time when Christ was there, the people have such a lot of ego. Nobody talked about it. Nobody said anything. So this was the best way that He could show us that you can break your Agnya by sacrificing your life — not in Sahaja Yoga, not in Sahaj Yoga. But in a way, in Sahaja Yoga also, if you have an ego you should first of all [be in] the witness state. It’s the other way round. If you have ego, you cannot have witness state. If you cannot have witness state, you can have improve your ego. It’s a very confusing thing. Now supposing you develop a very big ego, then you go on justifying it all the time. You think, ‡Whatever I have done is good. After all, it’s very good for everyone, good for me.’ Self certification starts. With that, you can never see what you are doing to yourself, what you are doing to others. It’s something, such a blind-folded nonsense. When this ego comes up in that way, then, I mean, we can have Hitlers, we can have all kinds of things. Any small point they take and form a group of people doing this kind of thing – anything. They will say that ‡Now, we are people who are spiritual. So we have a group and we are spiritual people and whatever we do is the right.’ But who says it is right? By what law is it right? And we have had so many cults and this like that, everywhere, where people joined them, kill themselves, had all kinds of problems. How can that be spiritual? In spirituality the first and foremost thing is that the person becomes very meek, very humble, very humble. His heart — humility is the power. His humility is the one that works and his humility is the one that glorifies. It is not the aggression. See, Hitler came and died. Who worships him? Others also came. Like Mussolini came, died. Who worships? There are so many like that who came and went away. They don’t even want to have their statue, so bad as they were. So those who have this ego are really very stupid people in the sense that they do all wrong, thinking it is the right thing to do. Ultimately, they are recognised as absolutely very, very wrong type of people. People don’t want to take their names even. So the time can prove what are they and what they’re doing. It’s a very, very calculated work of the Divine. You shouldn’t play into the hands of their ego. Try to see yourself. ‡Oh, Mr Ego, so you are there.’ Try to watch. And that time, if you take the name of Jesus, ego will go away. Just say the mantra of Jesus and ego will disappear. Another side of this horrible ego is the conditioning. That also has a very, very, very subtle — for example, supposing if somebody comes to your house and starts saying that ‡Ah, what a dirty carpet. I don’t like this colour. That thing I don’t like’ without understanding that you are hurting another person. Talking like that, he comes inside. And then, you see how stupid he has been because nobody likes such a person who is talking like that. But to him, it is very important that he should correct because he has a conditioning that a particular type of carpet is good and another is not. That conditioning works. And he goes on talking nonsense that ‡This is not good, that is not good.’ You cannot enjoy anything. You cannot enjoy anything. You go to any home, you don’t like it because there’s conditioning. You know of something else which is good. No – so they can’t enjoy. Everything they decide on their conditioning. [There] Is nothing independent. It has nothing to do with the intrinsic personality. Intrinsic value of that thing. Just like that, ‡Oh, I don’t like it.’ It’s not good. It should not be said by Sahaja Yogis. Never use this word. You can find out from Me. I never do that. Whatever it is I say, it’s all right. I never criticize it. This criticism business comes from this conditioning because you have had such conditioning. Supposing you are an Englishman you have English conditioning. Now, correction comes. Their cows got this disease. How did they get the disease when you are such perfect people? Then in Europe the animals got one disease. How is it they got this disease when you think you are the cleanest people living ever? Just watch out why? It’s all their own conditioning that ‡We know everything. We are the best in the whole world and we have a right to rule everyone.’ Now have it. Now those who are very rich people, like America and all that, used to think no end of themselves. Now what has happened? Suddenly it has become a country where everybody has to pity. Why? What is the reason? Why suddenly it has happened? It’s always the nature which corrects you by giving the other side of it. Anything you try to boast of or you try to put your conditioning of others, you keep it – it comes up. It works in such a great manner that you can’t imagine. And then it does not work out, then there are earthquakes. All kinds of calamities come. There were a group of people who were white-skinned near the River Mississippi and they were called as rednecks because it was always hot, their necks were always hot, they were such angry, hot-tempered people. And these rednecks were known to be very cruel. They used to kill people and put the blame on some other people from aboriginal people and arrest them and destroy them. It went on and on and on. But one day this Mississippi got flooded, so much flooded it entered all the houses of these rednecks, you see, and I saw them running away with all their belongings which they could not carry also. Some they were leaving behind, some they were running and, while running also, they were losing it. Like that, the whole chaos took place of these rednecks. And now, I am told, they are much better. All that nonsense they had of killing all the black people and torturing them, now has come on their heads. Mississippi has taught them a lesson. So how the nature also doesn’t like conditioned people — conditioning is creating a big problem now, even now, in all the countries, like racialism. Racialism is a very bad conditioning. I mean, if somebody’s black or white or red, what does it matter? God has made that person. I always say that in America, if they removed all the people who are not white-skinned, what would be left there? They don’t know how to sing,. They don’t know how to play. They don’t know how to operate. All the Indian doctors and Indian nurses will come away and what will they do? Imagine, thinking no end of themselves, they are great racists. Even now, they are, but gradually they’ll definitely improve because they should know their deficiencies. This world is one and you need people from every country to help each other. But this conditioning of thinking themselves to be something great is a very bad conditioning. It is a mixture of ego with conditioning, conditioning giving the ego that ‡we are the best.’ But I am very happy to know that after Realisation, it so happens that this resurrection, Sahaja Yogis start thinking, understanding what is wrong in their own community, what is the mistake they have been committing. They just become like that — alert. And they start telling they are the ones who are doing this kind of nonsense. Imagine. It is very surprising how you become conscious of the defects of your own country. It is so important, is Agnya. That’s what I think Christ had realised, that Agnya should break. Unless and until Agnya breaks, people cannot go further and that’s why He crucified himself and then resurrected because without killing the Agnya, you cannot resurrect. All these things have worked out so well now that the whole world is seeing you like a panoramic view, of complete destruction of the nonsense. They are seeing this very clearly and you see now these people who would not even look at us, who had a very stiff nose and stiff lips and stiff neck — all is relaxed. They are wondering why this is happening. ‡From when did we get this curse?’ So for the Europeans specially, they have to understand the beauty and the love and the greatness of other human beings and then that will so much satisfy them. Why there is so much problem now of this recession, how it is come. Recession is nothing. It is the same Mr. Ego. It is the same conditioning, which was like a snake was eating up. Now it has receded. It is full. It doesn’t need any more. It’s quite full. And maybe it is now in danger of getting indigestion, I think. So that these two snakes that were eating human beings are receded. It’s the best time where you can see the drama. Drama of ego and your conditioning. How these two things have eaten up human beings. One should feel shy. One should feel a little bit modest about it. When you are full of ego, you don’t even see anything. Or putting a conditioning on others, it’s horrible, I tell you. I can’t understand how can they put a conditioning on others. It is now, you people all enjoy, say, for Indian music. But when the British were ruling us, they used to think it was a horrible noise going on. They could never understand. Now they are paying such a lot to attend the program for music. That is also a kind of a rebuff, but also they don’t understand. Still they will go because it’s regarded as a very big fashion to listen to Indian music. So it is your ego also is so stupid that God knows when it will give in. Today it will say, ‡This is the best thing.’ Tomorrow it will say, ‡No, no, no, no. We should take the other one. That’s much better.’ In this, I see, they have no discrimination. Basically, people have no discrimination. Those who have ego are indiscriminate. They cannot discriminate between evil and good. And such people have been now, thank God, have been punished quite a lot. But it is the life of Christ, His model, proves that your resurrection is so essential, which is so innate, that unless and until you get it, you are lost. Whether it’s a country, whether it’s a person or any organisation. This ego that you have can ruin, ultimately, is now been proved, can completely take you away from reality. That is the thing that blinds you, which can — another ego can blind you also. Like we have those priests, we have those mullahs and all these people. They are the ones who have this tremendous power to misguide you because your ego has no discretion sense. It doesn’t even think like that. And when they are specially, not so much on the ego side, but on the conditioning side, it’s even much worse – much worse. Because when you are conditioned, you start believing into all kinds of nonsense. And you start ruining your health with that. It is a very, very surprising thing how people understand and like things which are very destructive. But you can manage. These are the modern times, where you can advertise, you can do all kinds of enticement, everything and you can manage this Mr. Ego very well, which pampers you. In this pampering, ego gets completely drowned and it loses its control over its own personality. Thus, many by people get lost into it. Now Christ has sacrificed His life and then He resurrected. In the same way, all such people who have ruined their lives have to come up through resurrection — there’s no other way out — through Sahaja Yoga. When you understand your own value, you’ll understand everything. Otherwise, what is it? You are looking through your eyes or somebody else’s eyes? You’re hearing through your ears or somebody else’s ear? It should be your own, so know thyself. When you know thyself, everything will work out very well. Out of this only, out of this category of people who know themselves, Sahaja Yoga can be built up — not by people who do not know themselves. It’s a very, very long subject. I could go on on these two subjects, but the main thing is we have to be thankful to Christ for bringing this resurrection into play so that we get our discretion. Divine discretion, we’ll get it. It’s such a struggle, such a path He created, that we could go through this ordeal very easily, which will kill our ego and our conditioning. I am happy Sahaja Yogis will realise it and respect it within yourself, that you are seeing your ego and superego so clearly and that you could be above it. May God bless you all.
Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 22 April 2001. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of Easter. In the history of spirituality, it is one of the greatest days when we find Christ rose from the dead. It is very significant and symbolic that in Sahaja Yoga, also what we have done, is to rise from the dead – into life. It is to be understood that resurrection is the message for all of us, for the whole world. We have to resurrect ourselves. There was no need for Jesus to do that. But He was a model, model of a saint, model of a realised soul, model of a person who came all the way from the heavens to save us. So this resurrection is also part and parcel of our lives. It is so symbolic, so very symbolic, that we were, in our consciousness, lost people. We had no control over ourselves as to know the way our mind told us to go. We had no balance with the mind and our physical being, no more balance of any kind in life and used to go at random, whichever way we thought was good. There was no wisdom about it. As it is, Jesus was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a very difficult task He has performed. He used to convince people who were absolutely ignorant about spirituality, who just knew about money and nothing else. He came in those days when people had no idea about spirituality at all, at all. But, somehow, it all worked out in such a beautiful manner that people have started understanding that He communicated that resurrection is the important point. He knew when the resurrection takes place, the kundalini rises and connects you to the Divine Power, which is all-pervading. Then you start understanding that there’s a life beyond the life that you have made. There’s another type of life, a higher type of life, which connects you to the Divine Power. And then this Divine Power gives you the Absolute Truth. If you grow more and more, you will know Absolute Truth because so far you don’t know. So, we have been doing wrong things, doing in the wrong way, getting lost. Also, with listening to people who were just boasting and were saying they know about the Truth. But when you yourself discover the Truth, you are a different person. Your discovery is so innate and so real that you discard all that is unreal. Very easily you can discard it and you don’t find it difficult to get rid of it. In this conference, as you know, we have more of Muslim people, Islamic people, who have been so much misguided all over the world. They have been told all kinds of stories and hatred among people or others. This Islamic bhoots is going from bad to worse and people want to believe in it. Especially in my country there’s a very, very big problem with these Islamic influence because they are nowhere near Islam and nothing to do with Mohammed-sahib, but they are thinking that they’re correct and what they’re doing is correct. They’re trying to spread Muslim religion. What’s the use? What’s the purpose? I can’t understand. Unless and until you get your realisation, you are a useless human being, good for nothing. You can hate others, you can beat others, you can kill others and it’s going on all over the place. Surprising thing that all this nonsense is going on everywhere in the world in the name of Mohammed-sahib. So in one shot, one side you put Christ for another crucifixion, on the other side Mohammed-sahib for his crucifixion. They cannot fight, you see. They’re on the same line. They’re on the same understanding. How can they fight if their disciples are fighting so badly all over that sometimes it really brings you, when you only hear about how people are fighting for nonsense. In His life, Christ did not marry. He did not and He never needed also. He did not marry. And at a very young age He was crucified. That crucifixion shows that He was not afraid of death and He knew that He would resurrect. This He had to do through the Agnya Chakra. Agnya Chakra is, as you know, is very constricted. And through that constriction He had to go through, for which He had to get killed. And He accepted that. He accepted with full heart that that’s the ordeal He has to go through. In the same way, your Sahasrara can be only achieved through the Agnya and the Agnya has to be opened. But for that, you don’t have to get hanged, you don’t have to be crucified, but you have to crucify your ego. The first point is ego. We have such ego that you cannot get rid of it. We have subtle and subtle ways of having egos like “I have come from this country, I must have ego,” “I come from this kind of family, I must have ego.” All kinds of stupid things they do, which are really sinful and they think they’re very great if they have ego. This ego, you have to fight, otherwise your resurrection is not possible, your attention cannot pass through the Agnya Chakra. As long as they have given us satanic identifications, it will not work out. It’s a very subtle happening — very, very subtle happening — that you should see your own ego. After Realisation I said, ‡You know yourself.’ The first thing you will know is that you have too much of conditioning and too much of ego. Like in India, I find people have so much conditioning of their so-called rituals — very ritualistic. Everything is a ritual with them and they cannot get out of it. That’s all the conditioning is, but ego is the worst part in the West, more in the West, where I don’t know what they think of themselves. In that ego they get lost. And they cannot see what’s wrong with them, with their own community, with their own people, who claim to be such and such a thing. So this ego has really dominated so much. So far in the history, so many countries, nations, have been really tortured and butchered because of the ego of some people. Once they will realise how horrible they have been, how satanic they have been, how aggressive they have been, they’ll give it up. But they have to realise and, for that, I said, ‡You have to have your resurrection.’ Without the resurrection, you will not know at all, you’ll not be conscious of what wrong you have been doing. It is very, very surprising how people go on doing wrong things, advertise them and come out as egos. When I read the newspapers, I say, ‡They’re all stupid people all around.’ — absolutely very, very stupid in the sense that they have no understanding of what they are doing. They are just killing people, enjoying the killing and they’re so violent it is impossible to understand what sort of life they are going to have after death – even before death. In this whole thing, you see the whole picture of the world. You’ll find all such countries who are still fighting for nonsense are very, very poor, are having very bad time and they are about to be completely finished. But they don’t want to see why they are suffering, why what’s happening, what is the problem. In the countries where there is affluence, lots of affluence, they also got lost. They too need resurrection. They have to rise above materialism and see for themselves what they’re doing is wrong. They are like, actually, cheats. They are cheating the society all the time. I think the whole economics is based on cheating, how you can cheat people. And in that cheating, you don’t even realise that you are doing something to make people so insecure. So this money business, also, is such that it makes you very greedy and you start giving too much importance to money. This is one thing to be understood from the life of Christ. He was a very simple, poor man, son of a carpenter. And to Him, money was nothing but an absolutely useless thing. To Him, Spirit was everything. And He was preaching and telling people that ‡You must have spiritual awakening. Very important. Try to understand that there is life beyond all this and then you should get the best results out of this life, which you are just wasting.’ He was so intelligent and the way He discussed with all those great fathers from the Church about the religion and all that, it’s amazing how a little boy could understand so deeply about religion. He was a small boy at that time, no doubt, but He was a person from the Divine, created by the Divine. He was Shri Ganesha. He’s Aum. He’s knowledge, everything. Despite that, nobody people recognised Him because they cannot recognise the Truth. They cannot understand the Truth. They are so stupid that they can only take to something that is falsehood, that is bad. And ultimately they crucified Him. This is a funny world where saints are crucified and the devils are given so much importance. But now the time has come for all these people who are doing wrong, who are trying to strangle others, will be strangled. They will be all exposed. I’ve told you this is the year of exposure. They’ll be all exposed if they are doing all such things of aggression and of greed. All their greed will be completely exposed and they will be thrown into hell. This is what I felt for this year especially. This has to happen, so best thing is to take to your resurrection, take to your higher life and see for yourself ‡What are you doing?’ What is the greatest thing to have? Money? Power? It doesn’t help anyone. People don’t have great name with that. Nobody remembers anybody who’s a drunkard. They don’t have statues of the drunkard people. So who achieves something higher? Who achieves great name like Christ? Those who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of humanity, for helping them. But why did they do it? Because they loved human beings. They loved human being. When you love others, then you start thinking about ‡what is the best, what can you do the best for them?’ Now there are parents who are ignorant. They don’t know what to do for their children, so they try to dazzle the children with lots of things and food and this and that. But children, if they are not brought up with love, they’ll have no consideration whatsoever. They’ll go astray. But, in case they know somebody loves, for that love’s sake they will not go astray. They will not do wrong things. So the greatest thing about Christ or anyone of these great people is that they loved. They loved the people. They loved all human beings. That is what we have to do. Do we love ourselves, only our families, only our country? Or [do] we love the whole world? Do we live for the whole world or we live only for our limited circles. We should find out ‡What are our aspirations? What are our desires? What do we want to have?’ If you are really thinking of other people as your own, with love, it’s so joy giving. You may have any amount of ornaments, may have any amount of houses, any property, any money, you may have any power, you might be the prime minister of this or the prime minister of another, but if you have no love for others, you cannot enjoy yourself. Your enjoyment only comes through love, that your capacity to love. There’s no other way you can enjoy yourself. You may have television, you may have music, you may go for dinner parties, everything, but still nothing penetrates. Nothing is there to give you real joy. That’s what Christ has taught us, that He had love for all the human beings and He wanted to prepare them for the Resurrection. He came before Sahaja Yoga came in. If He had not done that job, it would have been difficult for Me to achieve it. So He had prepared the stage for Sahaja Yoga. That now your Agnyas are opened and through the Agnya you can take the kundalini upward through the Sahasrara and open the fontanel bone area. All this He thought of was a part and parcel of His love for people. And that’s what He did. And He cared for so many people. He’s such a help to us in Sahaja Yoga. Without Him, I don’t know how could I have really broken the Agnya Chakra. Because, as you know, Agnya is such a horrible thing. People go on doing wrong things through Agnya and they never feel bad about it, never think they have done anything wrong, they have harmed anyone, they have tortured anybody or they have made others cry. They go on with their Agnya, but they have no heart to feel what they have been up to. It’s Christ only. He shows us that you break your Agnya, pass through your Agnya. Here they call it as a third eye. The other day one lady came with a magazine of ‡Third Eye’ and when I told her what it is she was surprised. If your third eye is to be opened means Christ is to be awakened within you, on your Agnya. That’s the third eye. Now what He does by — He creates a witness state within you. You become the witness of the whole drama. You start seeing the whole drama and you are amazed how you are silent, thoughtlessly aware and how you are seeing everything without reacting. This is where we have to believe that Christ has taken His form in our Agnya. His birth is there. His resurrection is there, all that we have got it already worked out. Like a machinery, the whole being’s made and we have different, different chakras and centres. This is the last, most difficult centre, which was really opened out by Jesus Christ. He’s the one who dared it and who did it so beautifully that we too have now capacity to look at our ego, to see for ourselves, ‡What are we doing? Why do we think we are something very exceptional?’ Once you start seeing the ego, you will be amazed. Whatever work you may do, whatever you may do, you’ll never be tired. We get tired because all the time ego is saying, ‡Oh, you are so great. You are doing so much work for others. You have achieved so much,’ all that. So then the ego goes on all the time pointing out all this false greatness about us and we get tired that ‡We are so great and why should we work? Why should we help others?’ Like that, funny ideas start falling in our mind and what we do is that we feel very tired out. Fighting with those ideas, we feel very tired. Now, our whole situation is made much simpler by the life of Christ. But look at the Christian nations. They are juxtaposition. They are on the other side of Christ’s teachings. They are the most aggressive countries. They aggress people so much that in the whole world they are regarded as something very great and like they’re the kings or something. I know this because we were in slavery in India and I was surprised that these people came from outside and were nicely become master. They were masters and used to treat us so badly, used to really make slaves out of us. So the slavery started and then all such things started in India, as well as abroad. Everywhere people started thinking that they are great – and they were Christians. They used to go to church and from the church what did they learn? How to dominate others, how to show them down, how to take away all that belongs to the poorer people or to the less stronger people. It’s a thing we have seen ourselves. So this happens to people who have this ego, very, very powerful. And they try to take over things that belong to other countries. What right have they got to take somebody’s country, I can’t understand. All these complications are there. In the modern time they’re the worst. It was never so bad as it is today. We had Hitler. We had people of that kind once in a while. But the whole world was together on one side. Nobody was confused. Nobody knew that we have to fight all the time. Now, maybe because of newspapers, I don’t know why, nobody knows which side is correct, which is not correct. It’s being such a dispute about everything and people don’t try to understand the reality of the problem. And they’re killing left and right all kinds of people. It is very surprising how, in this world, human beings are killing each other much more than the animals do. We are the worst, worse than the animals, that we are killing ourselves, our own clan, our own people. In India also we are surprised how they are killing — Kashmiris are killing Kashmiris. In the same way, everywhere you go, you find they are fighting among themselves. If you go to Africa, you will be surprised how they are fighting among themselves. I mean, now the principle of fighting has come up very strong and people think fighting is a very important part of human beings. Anything you say, immediately fighting will start. Now look at Christ and His life. He didn’t fight anyone. He didn’t argue with anyone and He accepted, accepted the death on the cross. He accepted it because He knew that it is for the resurrection, for not only His, [but] for the resurrection of the whole world. And this is what we have to learn. We have to be the models of resurrection. We see all these things happening. We’re upset also about it and when after Realisation people see that surroundings are full of this, their own people are like this, they start fighting for nothing at all and they realise that ‡These are my own people who are doing this nonsense.’ You can’t correct it. You can’t do anything. But if your Agnya is clear, if your ego is finished, if there is no domination of any kind in your mind – and also [if] your conditioning is finished, then you become the channel of creating peace. You are the one, wherever you are, you can create peace. This is something, a special thing for Sahaja Yogis to know, that if you have no Agnya, you may look like you are suffering, but you are not. You are doing it for others, for surroundings, for your friends, for your neighbours, you can say for your countrymen, for all of them. When you have no Agnya you become such a big source of Divine Force that it can work out anything. It can change, transform people. It can happen like that and it has happened to many people before, individually. But now collectively I’m sure all this anger, all this temperament of aggression and all these challenges from all these nasty people can be brought to an end. With the people who have no ego, with the people who are not justifying their wrong things, with the people who have a clear cut idea as to what is the Truth. They may speak. They may not speak. It makes no difference. Whatever they are, but they are such a big shield against those aggressive forces, which are ruining the peace of the world. So Christ did it for the peace, to bring peace on this Earth. It’s very important there should be peace, but if there is no peace within, how can you have peace outside. It’s very surprising how so many countries who talk of peace are engaged in wars and fighting. How can you have like that? They have no solution. They don’t understand. The only solution I find is to transform them in Sahaja Yoga. That’s the only one. You have to take out their ego. You can see in many people, it resists. It is there and working. This ego is a very, very dangerous thing people have. So this one was the one which was really handled by Jesus. He tried to neutralise your ego. He tried to take out the problems of the ego to make you a humble, mild personality. To say that a humble and mild person is always intra [into] danger is a wrong thing to say. See them. When the people are aggressive and people are trying to dominate, the humble man is the winner, not the one who dominates. So main thing is now to watch out for your Mr. Ego, how it works. It’s very interesting, very interesting to see how it makes a drama. how it tries to cover up things, how he tries to show that you are superior to others. It is to be seen. It is to be seen very clearly what this Agnya is up to. It’s a very, very mischievous thing, very harmful thing and most embarrassing also. So these egoistical people are like that and ultimately they become nervous people — very nervous and think no end of themselves. First they try to control others. But then they are needed to be controlled. They are like that because they are all the time trying to control others and they don’t know how to control themselves. Who is the child crying so much? Why is he crying? Must be something wrong. Normally children keep very quiet in my lecture. Now this ego is also like this child. It doesn’t hear anything, doesn’t understand anything. It just goes on disturbing everything. In the same way, our ego also behaves, without having any collective knowledge, without having ‡What are you up to? What you are doing? Who, are you harming?’ — nothing, just a satisfaction, such a blind satisfaction that you are doing something to assert your personality. You see, if you just watch your ego, you’ll laugh and enjoy the buffoon, you’ll see what a thing it is. ‡It has been befooling me so much, what a horrible thing this ego was.’ At the time when Christ was there, the people have such a lot of ego. Nobody talked about it. Nobody said anything. So this was the best way that He could show us that you can break your Agnya by sacrificing your life — not in Sahaja Yoga, not in Sahaj Yoga. But in a way, in Sahaja Yoga also, if you have an ego you should first of all [be in] the witness state. It’s the other way round. If you have ego, you cannot have witness state. If you cannot have witness state, you can have improve your ego. It’s a very confusing thing. Now supposing you develop a very big ego, then you go on justifying it all the time. You think, ‡Whatever I have done is good. After all, it’s very good for everyone, good for me.’ Self certification starts. With that, you can never see what you are doing to yourself, what you are doing to others. It’s something, such a blind-folded nonsense. When this ego comes up in that way, then, I mean, we can have Hitlers, we can have all kinds of things. Any small point they take and form a group of people doing this kind of thing – anything. They will say that ‡Now, we are people who are spiritual. So we have a group and we are spiritual people and whatever we do is the right.’ But who says it is right? By what law is it right? And we have had so many cults and this like that, everywhere, where people joined them, kill themselves, had all kinds of problems. How can that be spiritual? In spirituality the first and foremost thing is that the person becomes very meek, very humble, very humble. His heart — humility is the power. His humility is the one that works and his humility is the one that glorifies. It is not the aggression. See, Hitler came and died. Who worships him? Others also came. Like Mussolini came, died. Who worships? There are so many like that who came and went away. They don’t even want to have their statue, so bad as they were. So those who have this ego are really very stupid people in the sense that they do all wrong, thinking it is the right thing to do. Ultimately, they are recognised as absolutely very, very wrong type of people. People don’t want to take their names even. So the time can prove what are they and what they’re doing. It’s a very, very calculated work of the Divine. You shouldn’t play into the hands of their ego. Try to see yourself. ‡Oh, Mr Ego, so you are there.’ Try to watch. And that time, if you take the name of Jesus, ego will go away. Just say the mantra of Jesus and ego will disappear. Another side of this horrible ego is the conditioning. That also has a very, very, very subtle — for example, supposing if somebody comes to your house and starts saying that ‡Ah, what a dirty carpet. I don’t like this colour. That thing I don’t like’ without understanding that you are hurting another person. Talking like that, he comes inside. And then, you see how stupid he has been because nobody likes such a person who is talking like that. But to him, it is very important that he should correct because he has a conditioning that a particular type of carpet is good and another is not. That conditioning works. And he goes on talking nonsense that ‡This is not good, that is not good.’ You cannot enjoy anything. You cannot enjoy anything. You go to any home, you don’t like it because there’s conditioning. You know of something else which is good. No – so they can’t enjoy. Everything they decide on their conditioning. [There] Is nothing independent. It has nothing to do with the intrinsic personality. Intrinsic value of that thing. Just like that, ‡Oh, I don’t like it.’ It’s not good. It should not be said by Sahaja Yogis. Never use this word. You can find out from Me. I never do that. Whatever it is I say, it’s all right. I never criticize it. This criticism business comes from this conditioning because you have had such conditioning. Supposing you are an Englishman you have English conditioning. Now, correction comes. Their cows got this disease. How did they get the disease when you are such perfect people? Then in Europe the animals got one disease. How is it they got this disease when you think you are the cleanest people living ever? Just watch out why? It’s all their own conditioning that ‡We know everything. We are the best in the whole world and we have a right to rule everyone.’ Now have it. Now those who are very rich people, like America and all that, used to think no end of themselves. Now what has happened? Suddenly it has become a country where everybody has to pity. Why? What is the reason? Why suddenly it has happened? It’s always the nature which corrects you by giving the other side of it. Anything you try to boast of or you try to put your conditioning of others, you keep it – it comes up. It works in such a great manner that you can’t imagine. And then it does not work out, then there are earthquakes. All kinds of calamities come. There were a group of people who were white-skinned near the River Mississippi and they were called as rednecks because it was always hot, their necks were always hot, they were such angry, hot-tempered people. And these rednecks were known to be very cruel. They used to kill people and put the blame on some other people from aboriginal people and arrest them and destroy them. It went on and on and on. But one day this Mississippi got flooded, so much flooded it entered all the houses of these rednecks, you see, and I saw them running away with all their belongings which they could not carry also. Some they were leaving behind, some they were running and, while running also, they were losing it. Like that, the whole chaos took place of these rednecks. And now, I am told, they are much better. All that nonsense they had of killing all the black people and torturing them, now has come on their heads. Mississippi has taught them a lesson. So how the nature also doesn’t like conditioned people — conditioning is creating a big problem now, even now, in all the countries, like racialism. Racialism is a very bad conditioning. I mean, if somebody’s black or white or red, what does it matter? God has made that person. I always say that in America, if they removed all the people who are not white-skinned, what would be left there? They don’t know how to sing,. They don’t know how to play. They don’t know how to operate. All the Indian doctors and Indian nurses will come away and what will they do? Imagine, thinking no end of themselves, they are great racists. Even now, they are, but gradually they’ll definitely improve because they should know their deficiencies. This world is one and you need people from every country to help each other. But this conditioning of thinking themselves to be something great is a very bad conditioning. It is a mixture of ego with conditioning, conditioning giving the ego that ‡we are the best.’ But I am very happy to know that after Realisation, it so happens that this resurrection, Sahaja Yogis start thinking, understanding what is wrong in their own community, what is the mistake they have been committing. They just become like that — alert. And they start telling they are the ones who are doing this kind of nonsense. Imagine. It is very surprising how you become conscious of the defects of your own country. It is so important, is Agnya. That’s what I think Christ had realised, that Agnya should break. Unless and until Agnya breaks, people cannot go further and that’s why He crucified himself and then resurrected because without killing the Agnya, you cannot resurrect. All these things have worked out so well now that the whole world is seeing you like a panoramic view, of complete destruction of the nonsense. They are seeing this very clearly and you see now these people who would not even look at us, who had a very stiff nose and stiff lips and stiff neck — all is relaxed. They are wondering why this is happening. ‡From when did we get this curse?’ So for the Europeans specially, they have to understand the beauty and the love and the greatness of other human beings and then that will so much satisfy them. Why there is so much problem now of this recession, how it is come. Recession is nothing. It is the same Mr. Ego. It is the same conditioning, which was like a snake was eating up. Now it has receded. It is full. It doesn’t need any more. It’s quite full. And maybe it is now in danger of getting indigestion, I think. So that these two snakes that were eating human beings are receded. It’s the best time where you can see the drama. Drama of ego and your conditioning. How these two things have eaten up human beings. One should feel shy. One should feel a little bit modest about it. When you are full of ego, you don’t even see anything. Or putting a conditioning on others, it’s horrible, I tell you. I can’t understand how can they put a conditioning on others. It is now, you people all enjoy, say, for Indian music. But when the British were ruling us, they used to think it was a horrible noise going on. They could never understand. Now they are paying such a lot to attend the program for music. That is also a kind of a rebuff, but also they don’t understand. Still they will go because it’s regarded as a very big fashion to listen to Indian music. So it is your ego also is so stupid that God knows when it will give in. Today it will say, ‡This is the best thing.’ Tomorrow it will say, ‡No, no, no, no. We should take the other one. That’s much better.’ In this, I see, they have no discrimination. Basically, people have no discrimination. Those who have ego are indiscriminate. They cannot discriminate between evil and good. And such people have been now, thank God, have been punished quite a lot. But it is the life of Christ, His model, proves that your resurrection is so essential, which is so innate, that unless and until you get it, you are lost. Whether it’s a country, whether it’s a person or any organisation. This ego that you have can ruin, ultimately, is now been proved, can completely take you away from reality. That is the thing that blinds you, which can — another ego can blind you also. Like we have those priests, we have those mullahs and all these people. They are the ones who have this tremendous power to misguide you because your ego has no discretion sense. It doesn’t even think like that. And when they are specially, not so much on the ego side, but on the conditioning side, it’s even much worse – much worse. Because when you are conditioned, you start believing into all kinds of nonsense. And you start ruining your health with that. It is a very, very surprising thing how people understand and like things which are very destructive. But you can manage. These are the modern times, where you can advertise, you can do all kinds of enticement, everything and you can manage this Mr. Ego very well, which pampers you. In this pampering, ego gets completely drowned and it loses its control over its own personality. Thus, many by people get lost into it. Now Christ has sacrificed His life and then He resurrected. In the same way, all such people who have ruined their lives have to come up through resurrection — there’s no other way out — through Sahaja Yoga. When you understand your own value, you’ll understand everything. Otherwise, what is it? You are looking through your eyes or somebody else’s eyes? You’re hearing through your ears or somebody else’s ear? It should be your own, so know thyself. When you know thyself, everything will work out very well. Out of this only, out of this category of people who know themselves, Sahaja Yoga can be built up — not by people who do not know themselves. It’s a very, very long subject. I could go on on these two subjects, but the main thing is we have to be thankful to Christ for bringing this resurrection into play so that we get our discretion. Divine discretion, we’ll get it. It’s such a struggle, such a path He created, that we could go through this ordeal very easily, which will kill our ego and our conditioning. I am happy Sahaja Yogis will realise it and respect it within yourself, that you are seeing your ego and superego so clearly and that you could be above it. May God bless you all.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis from Africa
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis from Africa, Swiss Hotel, Istanbul, 23.04.2001 Shri Mataji : ……This should not come to you people because you live with the nature and nature is not, nature is never corrupt. Yogi : Mais ça, ça ne doit pas arriver à vous parce que vous êtes au contact de la nature et les personnes naturelles ne sont jamais corrompues. Shri Mataji : You know, every leaf, you will be amazed, which is on the tree, every leaf , gets the sunshine. Yogi :Chaque feuille reçoit la lumière du soleil. Shri Mataji : Every leaf is different in the world, every leaf. And the way they organize it in such a manner, all of them get the Sun’s light. Yogi :Et donc, tout est tellement bien organisé que chaque feuille reçoit la lumière. Shri Mataji : But in corruption, one wants to have all, everything. Yogi :Mais dans la corruption, il y a toujours un qui veut avoir tout. Shri Mataji : To have. Yogi :Ramasser. Shri Mataji : And then he doesn’t know what is the joy in giving to others. Yogi :Et alors ils ne peuvent pas comprendre la joie de donner aux autres. Shri Mataji : You see, that’s how it happens with Sahaja Yoga that you become extremely generous. Yogi :Et ça, c’est ce qui nous arrive à Sahaja Yoga, on devient tres généreux. Shri Mataji : I’ll give the example of my husband or I should say of my father. Yogi :Je donne l’exemple de mon père. Shri Mataji : He was a very, very generous man, very. Yogi :Il était un homme tres tres généreux. Shri Mataji : And he told us not to lock the house. ‘Keep it open, no thief will come.’ Yogi :Et il a toujours dit de ne pas fermer la maison. Shri Mataji : But one night a thief came and he took away this big gramophone which had this big horn……this thing and he took it away. Yogi :Une nuit il y avait un voleur dans la maison et il a ramené, apporté un gramophone. Shri Mataji : And on the second day. my husband, my father was rather upset. He was littie bit upset. Yogi :Et le jours apres mon père etait un peu… desolé. Shri Mataji : So my mother said: “Is it because of the gramophone?”, “Is it because of the gramophone, you are upset?” Yogi :Alors sa mère lui demandé “Est-ce que c’est à cause de gramophone que t’es un peu dérangé?” Shri Mataji : He said, “No, we can buy but what about this man? He has taken no records, what will he use?” Yogi : “C’est pas à cause de gramophone parce qu’on peut la remplacer. Mais le voleur, il n’a pas pris des disques.” Shri Mataji : My mother said, “Alright.” And he said, “He should have brought somebody else to take the gramophone.” Yogi : “Il [aurait dû] apporter quelqu’un d’autre pour ramasser disques.” Shri Mataji : So my mother said “Alright. What you do is to advertise in the newspaper! The one who has stolen the gramophone can also take away the records.” Yogi :Alors la mère de Shri Mataji dit, “Tu peut mettre l’avertissement sur le journal, en disant ceux qui ont apporté le gramophone peuvent venir chercher les disques.” Shri Mataji : That kind of generosity it is, that kind. He said, we can afford to buy both but the poor man is a connoisseur of music, he should have records. Yogi :Ca, c’est le […] de générosité, parce que, eux, ils auraient pu remplacer le gramophone mai le voleur mais le voleur n’aurait pas. Shri Mataji : Very generous, extremely generous. Yogi :Il était un homme très généreux. Shri Mataji : So, you see, the generosity is the only way we can correct corruption. Yogi :Et donc, à travers la générosite, nous pouvons effacer la corruption. Shri Mataji : When you start enjoying giving, you don’t grab. Yogi :Quand vous réjouissez donner les choses, vous ne cherchez pas de le ramasser. Shri Mataji : And such a person has no reputation in the society and that money that he’s grabbed, is of no use. Yogi :Parce qu’un voleur, une personne corrompue, n’a jamais une réputation dans le pays pour le future. Shri Mataji : And all those people who have made money like that, have lost it because they’ve put in this Swiss Bank. Yogi :Et tous les gens qui ont fait ça, après on perdu le hasard, parce qu’ils ont mis à une banque suisse. Shri Mataji : And the Swiss bank also does not avail of it . They can do so much good but they don’t, they are keeping the money, they are sitting on top. Yogi :Et les banques suisses, avec tous ces argents, ils peuvent faire quelque chose de bien, mais ils ne font pas, ils sont assis sur ça. Shri Mataji : So one has to ….. if you say anything, talk about the Swiss bank. Stop the Swiss bank. It’s cheating, complete cheating. Yogi :Si vous voulez dire quelque chose, si vous pouvez dire, arrêtez les banques suisses. Parce que c’est vraiment un moyen pour le… [tricherie]. Shri Mataji : I don’t know how they are legalized, they take money from the thieves and keep it there. How can they do that? Yogi :Et on comprend pas comment ca peut être légalisé. Parce que, bien sur, ils prennent tous ces argent de voleurs et… [le gardent]. Shri Mataji : If you stop the working of the Swiss bank, I’ll tell you, corruption will go away. Yogi :Et si on arrive à arrêter les banques suisses, les voleurs vont aussi disparaître. Shri Mataji : That’s the only way you can stop this high-class corruption. Yogi :Ça, c’est le seul moyen pour arrêter la corruption a ce niveau. Shri Mataji : You should, you should write about it. Shri Mataji : Americans are very careful. If you send any money from America to Switzerland, Switzerland informs the authorities, they aren’t negligent. Yogi :Les Américains sont intelligents parce que si quelqu’un cherche d’envoyer argent depuis Amerique en Suisse, les Suisse informent les Américains, les autorités. Shri Mataji : There was in Brazil, I met with the minister of law (yogi, ‘ Justice, justice’) and also justice, chief justice, both of them I met. Yogi :Shri Mataji a rencontré le ministre de justice au Brésil. Shri Mataji : They were very respectful but they said that in our country we had a prime minister who was impeached. Yogi :Et, ils étaient très respectueux vers Shri Mataji, et ils on dit que a leur pays, ils on vu un ministre qui était, disons, un condamné [un monstre]. Shri Mataji : Impeached. Shri Mataji : And that fellow has now a very great job in the University of whatever city is that … Yogi: Switzerland. Shri Mataji : No, no, no , in the America Yogi: Harvard Shri Mataji: Harvard, Harvard University; but teaching Economics, can you imagine? Yogi :Et ce ministre voleur, a reçu un job très important de l’Université de Harvard, pour enseigner Économiques. Shri Mataji : He was impeached. Yogi :Il etait, sous jugement, malgré ça. Shri Mataji : So sll these thieves will be going to these kinds of universities, and they will teach our children how to cheat. Yogi :Tous ces voleurs seront allés à ces grandes universités, pour apprendre nos enfants à voler. Shri Mataji : That’s what……it is coming. Yogi :C’est ce que ce passe. Shri Mataji : I spoke about it in China, where they had this women’s conference so called. Yogi :Shri Mataji a parlé de ça dans son discours en Chine. Shri Mataji : But I don’t know, this is a big game going on. Yogi :Et ça, c’est un grand jeu qui se joue. Shri Mataji : And it’s a thing to be seen from Sahaja point-of-view. Yogi :Et il faut le voir avec un vue Sahaja. Dans un angle Sahaja. Shri Mataji : And it will all work out, I am sure, it will be better with it. Yogi :Je suis sûre que tout va se régler, ameliorer. Shri Mataji : Because it’s a global, global work. Yogi :Parce que c’est un travail global. Shri Mataji : So, it cannot fail. Yogi :Donc, elle ne peut pas faillir. Shri Mataji : It has the power of the collective. Yogi :Parce que, est soutenue par le pouvoir de la collectivité. Shri Mataji : I wish we could have a conference one day,of all these people in India or in a new country. Yogi : Yes, Shri Mataji, you should go there, you should go once in a big conference there. Yogi : Shri Mataji dit, ça serait bien d’avoir une conférence un jour en Inde ou un autre pays avec […]
Talk to Sahaja Yogis from Africa, Swiss Hotel, Istanbul, 23.04.2001 Shri Mataji : ……This should not come to you people because you live with the nature and nature is not, nature is never corrupt. Yogi : Mais ça, ça ne doit pas arriver à vous parce que vous êtes au contact de la nature et les personnes naturelles ne sont jamais corrompues. Shri Mataji : You know, every leaf, you will be amazed, which is on the tree, every leaf , gets the sunshine. Yogi :Chaque feuille reçoit la lumière du soleil. Shri Mataji : Every leaf is different in the world, every leaf. And the way they organize it in such a manner, all of them get the Sun’s light. Yogi :Et donc, tout est tellement bien organisé que chaque feuille reçoit la lumière. Shri Mataji : But in corruption, one wants to have all, everything. Yogi :Mais dans la corruption, il y a toujours un qui veut avoir tout. Shri Mataji : To have. Yogi :Ramasser. Shri Mataji : And then he doesn’t know what is the joy in giving to others. Yogi :Et alors ils ne peuvent pas comprendre la joie de donner aux autres. Shri Mataji : You see, that’s how it happens with Sahaja Yoga that you become extremely generous. Yogi :Et ça, c’est ce qui nous arrive à Sahaja Yoga, on devient tres généreux. Shri Mataji : I’ll give the example of my husband or I should say of my father. Yogi :Je donne l’exemple de mon père. Shri Mataji : He was a very, very generous man, very. Yogi :Il était un homme tres tres généreux. Shri Mataji : And he told us not to lock the house. ‘Keep it open, no thief will come.’ Yogi :Et il a toujours dit de ne pas fermer la maison. Shri Mataji : But one night a thief came and he took away this big gramophone which had this big horn……this thing and he took it away. Yogi :Une nuit il y avait un voleur dans la maison et il a ramené, apporté un gramophone. Shri Mataji : And on the second day. my husband, my father was rather upset. He was littie bit upset. Yogi :Et le jours apres mon père etait un peu… desolé. Shri Mataji : So my mother said: “Is it because of the gramophone?”, “Is it because of the gramophone, you are upset?” Yogi :Alors sa mère lui demandé “Est-ce que c’est à cause de gramophone que t’es un peu dérangé?” Shri Mataji : He said, “No, we can buy but what about this man? He has taken no records, what will he use?” Yogi : “C’est pas à cause de gramophone parce qu’on peut la remplacer. Mais le voleur, il n’a pas pris des disques.” Shri Mataji : My mother said, “Alright.” And he said, “He should have brought somebody else to take the gramophone.” Yogi : “Il [aurait dû] apporter quelqu’un d’autre pour ramasser disques.” Shri Mataji : So my mother said “Alright. What you do is to advertise in the newspaper! The one who has stolen the gramophone can also take away the records.” Yogi :Alors la mère de Shri Mataji dit, “Tu peut mettre l’avertissement sur le journal, en disant ceux qui ont apporté le gramophone peuvent venir chercher les disques.” Shri Mataji : That kind of generosity it is, that kind. He said, we can afford to buy both but the poor man is a connoisseur of music, he should have records. Yogi :Ca, c’est le […] de générosité, parce que, eux, ils auraient pu remplacer le gramophone mai le voleur mais le voleur n’aurait pas. Shri Mataji : Very generous, extremely generous. Yogi :Il était un homme très généreux. Shri Mataji : So, you see, the generosity is the only way we can correct corruption. Yogi :Et donc, à travers la générosite, nous pouvons effacer la corruption. Shri Mataji : When you start enjoying giving, you don’t grab. Yogi :Quand vous réjouissez donner les choses, vous ne cherchez pas de le ramasser. Shri Mataji : And such a person has no reputation in the society and that money that he’s grabbed, is of no use. Yogi :Parce qu’un voleur, une personne corrompue, n’a jamais une réputation dans le pays pour le future. Shri Mataji : And all those people who have made money like that, have lost it because they’ve put in this Swiss Bank. Yogi :Et tous les gens qui ont fait ça, après on perdu le hasard, parce qu’ils ont mis à une banque suisse. Shri Mataji : And the Swiss bank also does not avail of it . They can do so much good but they don’t, they are keeping the money, they are sitting on top. Yogi :Et les banques suisses, avec tous ces argents, ils peuvent faire quelque chose de bien, mais ils ne font pas, ils sont assis sur ça. Shri Mataji : So one has to ….. if you say anything, talk about the Swiss bank. Stop the Swiss bank. It’s cheating, complete cheating. Yogi :Si vous voulez dire quelque chose, si vous pouvez dire, arrêtez les banques suisses. Parce que c’est vraiment un moyen pour le… [tricherie]. Shri Mataji : I don’t know how they are legalized, they take money from the thieves and keep it there. How can they do that? Yogi :Et on comprend pas comment ca peut être légalisé. Parce que, bien sur, ils prennent tous ces argent de voleurs et… [le gardent]. Shri Mataji : If you stop the working of the Swiss bank, I’ll tell you, corruption will go away. Yogi :Et si on arrive à arrêter les banques suisses, les voleurs vont aussi disparaître. Shri Mataji : That’s the only way you can stop this high-class corruption. Yogi :Ça, c’est le seul moyen pour arrêter la corruption a ce niveau. Shri Mataji : You should, you should write about it. Shri Mataji : Americans are very careful. If you send any money from America to Switzerland, Switzerland informs the authorities, they aren’t negligent. Yogi :Les Américains sont intelligents parce que si quelqu’un cherche d’envoyer argent depuis Amerique en Suisse, les Suisse informent les Américains, les autorités. Shri Mataji : There was in Brazil, I met with the minister of law (yogi, ‘ Justice, justice’) and also justice, chief justice, both of them I met. Yogi :Shri Mataji a rencontré le ministre de justice au Brésil. Shri Mataji : They were very respectful but they said that in our country we had a prime minister who was impeached. Yogi :Et, ils étaient très respectueux vers Shri Mataji, et ils on dit que a leur pays, ils on vu un ministre qui était, disons, un condamné [un monstre]. Shri Mataji : Impeached. Shri Mataji : And that fellow has now a very great job in the University of whatever city is that … Yogi: Switzerland. Shri Mataji : No, no, no , in the America Yogi: Harvard Shri Mataji: Harvard, Harvard University; but teaching Economics, can you imagine? Yogi :Et ce ministre voleur, a reçu un job très important de l’Université de Harvard, pour enseigner Économiques. Shri Mataji : He was impeached. Yogi :Il etait, sous jugement, malgré ça. Shri Mataji : So sll these thieves will be going to these kinds of universities, and they will teach our children how to cheat. Yogi :Tous ces voleurs seront allés à ces grandes universités, pour apprendre nos enfants à voler. Shri Mataji : That’s what……it is coming. Yogi :C’est ce que ce passe. Shri Mataji : I spoke about it in China, where they had this women’s conference so called. Yogi :Shri Mataji a parlé de ça dans son discours en Chine. Shri Mataji : But I don’t know, this is a big game going on. Yogi :Et ça, c’est un grand jeu qui se joue. Shri Mataji : And it’s a thing to be seen from Sahaja point-of-view. Yogi :Et il faut le voir avec un vue Sahaja. Dans un angle Sahaja. Shri Mataji : And it will all work out, I am sure, it will be better with it. Yogi :Je suis sûre que tout va se régler, ameliorer. Shri Mataji : Because it’s a global, global work. Yogi :Parce que c’est un travail global. Shri Mataji : So, it cannot fail. Yogi :Donc, elle ne peut pas faillir. Shri Mataji : It has the power of the collective. Yogi :Parce que, est soutenue par le pouvoir de la collectivité. Shri Mataji : I wish we could have a conference one day,of all these people in India or in a new country. Yogi : Yes, Shri Mataji, you should go there, you should go once in a big conference there. Yogi : Shri Mataji dit, ça serait bien d’avoir une conférence un jour en Inde ou un autre pays avec […]
Conversation on Quran
Talk at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001 SHRI MATAJI: So, the religion should be inside. That's Sufizm. "Sufi" word comes from "saf" [clean]. Yogi: Mother, Mr. Emin is teaching at the Marmara University and teaching the interpretations of Holy Quran. SHRI MATAJI: Good. Yogi: Yes. SHRI MATAJI: But, you see, Quran also is very much recent. Sufi : There is a verse in the Quran. It says that if the people were abstain of Allah's prohibitions and namely, if they followed Allah's orders, if they did not do so (what they did), they would experience the abundances raining down on them from the sky. That is to say, if they did not break the rules and if they run the orders of Allah. SHRI MATAJI: It’s not that way. You see. Sufi : So I am not sure, Yes if they believed, if they believed and didn't break the rules Sufi : They would see the gates of abundance in the sky is going to open for them. SHRI MATAJI: To whom? Yogi: To the people. SHRI MATAJI: There’s no doubt about it. But what I feel about the whole thing is that that Koran was written after forty years of death of Muhammad Sahib SHRI MATAJI: and also- Sufi :Not, no, He wrote it in his lifetime SHRI MATAJI: and you cannot remember. But despite that, I find Quran is perfect. But there are many subtler things that are missing. Now, for example, Muhammad Sahib has said that he went on a white horse through the seven heavens. Now, that people don't understand. Sufi : They don’t understand. SHRI MATAJI: So, that is the, he has described exactly what happens when the Kundalini rises. Sufi :In fact, there is no one who goes or comes. He hasn't gone anywhere. SHRI MATAJI: What he says? Yogi: He says that actually, he is not travelling somewhere SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no, it is within yourself. Sufi : By conquering worlds within Himself. SHRI MATAJI: Within yourself, he crosses. Sufi : That Miraj (ascend) is a completely spiritual event. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, but that is what is Sahaja Yoga. That is what, yes. Sufi :The same, the same Yogi: But what has happened that SHRI MATAJI: because of poetry, as people don't understand and they are misinterpreting. Mainly, they are misinterpreting. Sufi : No, people are searching the religion outside. SHRI MATAJI: That's the point. That's the point. But what he has said - Sufi :But mystics (Sufi masters) know that it is a spiritual journey. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, of course. But the trouble is people don't understand and they are misled. Because people want to make money out of them or they want to gain some sort of a violence or something and they are just bringing a bad name to Kuran-ı Şerif (Holy Quran) and also to Muhammad Sahib. Sufi : But this spiritual journey is not the problem of all 1.5 billion Muslims. Every person can not return to their inner world and experience that miracle anyway. Yogi: He believes that... Sufi : So, this is not the problem of the common people. The common people do not have such a problem. SHRI MATAJI: That's it. Sufi :We call them as havas (eminent people), Sufi SHRI MATAJI: That's true. That is the main thing that we talk about in Sahaja Yoga, that, "You know thyself" is said in the Quran also. Sufi : Same in all. SHRI MATAJI: So, when you have not known yourself, you are not a muselman. Without knowing yourself, what are you surrendering to God? It's an important thing that first you know yourself. Can you believe that all religions have said the same thing? Christ has said the same, Krishna has said the same, Rama has said the same, Zoroaster has said the same thing, all of them have said the same thing. Sufi :Krishna is more closer to Prophet Adam. SHRI MATAJI: Haa? Sufi :He is more closer to the Probhet Adam, to the first religion. SHRI MATAJI: but Adam, they did not know "Ruh". Sufi :No, none of them wrote, their successors also did not write. The poets of that time did not write books either. SHRI MATAJI: True, I agree. But, you see, whether it is Krishna or anyone of these people, they are all just the same and they are building up human beings to find out about themselves and also, Sufis are like that. Sufi :There is no such thing in current education also. We know the (material)things, but when it comes to knowing the human being, nobody knows anything. So the education in the most advanced countries, what is taught in schools, you can tell, there is nothing also there for a human being to know himself. There is ethics, there are a set of outwardly rules. You won't pick your nose, you won't spit to the ground or something like that but it doesn't give any information about our inner world, and today's modern education also does not give anything. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, correct. I agree with you. But outside was worked out, I don't know but it has to be worked out inside. Because, when it is worked inside, as it is said that, "At the time of "Qiyama" [Resurrection], your hands will speak" and they speak actually. So, by outside - Sufi : Presently our hands and feet are speaking also Sufi :Presently speaking also SHRI MATAJI: Haa? Yogi: He says, "Now our hands and feet are speaking also". SHRI MATAJI: Ah, that's the thing, but they are very few and they are the Sufis. Sufi :Here it is speaking but there is no one who is listening. SHRI MATAJI: Also, you should know what do they mean, what are they saying and that is what is explained in Sahaja Yoga. SHRI MATAJI: You can verify it. Sufi :Rumi has a saying. Yogi: He is Mevlevi by the way. SHRI MATAJI: Hum? Yogi: He is from the part of Mevlevi, Mevlana. Jalaladdin Rumi. Yogi: Whirling dervish. Sufi :He says; while in a commune. He says... SHRI MATAJI: But he also didn't say how you become, Yogi: She says, how you become, how you become a mevlevi (follower of Rumi)? Sufi : Myself ? SHRI MATAJI: how, what to do- Sufi : It is a long journey. SHRI MATAJI: You see, whatever he was, he was great and he has written about his own understanding and feelings. Yogi: He should tell you about his feelings, how he became Mevlevi? SHRI MATAJI: He didn't say that. Yogi: No, he says that Mevlana, he didn't explain openly how to become. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no, he didn't, he didn't. He didn't. I agree, what he has done, he said is- what is has talked that after becoming a Realized soul, what you think what you talk and it's like, you can say, the Chinese system of Tao, same thing, same thing. Tao also is a system in which he describes what happens to a person who is a Tao. The one who is a Realized soul,what happens to him? How he is above everything, how he works out, how he has no fear. But that is what you are saying how it is. But how to achieve it? They never told. Sufi : They elucidate, they elucidate. It is in Masnavi (Rumi’s book). SHRI MATAJI: How human beings achieve it? And that too, collectively. Sufi :It is difficult for communities to reach, because first of all, something has to happen, people have to have a desire, all those people in these communities, these society's desire is for worldly blessings, worldly pleasures. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no. Not now. Now it's a different thing. Because the world is so much full of struggle and strive and all that. This has started. All over the world, there are thousands of people- Sufi :It was the same at his time also. There was war at the time of Rumi also. The Mongols were coming by invading all the Turkish provinces. Rumi also came to Konya because he escaped from war. SHRI MATAJI: But this is a special time. It's already predicted in our scriptures also. In Indian scriptures, that this is the time where people will get their Self-realization collectively. SHRI MATAJI: In your Italy only, in your country only, there are so many who have got it. Sufi :Inshallah Yogi: He says, "Inshallah” [If God wills]. Sufi :Turkey has a different situation from other Islamic countries. It is the Sufi culture that keeps Islam alive in us. Sufi :I mean, it is very different from Saudi Arabia, even from Egypt, Libya, and African countries. SHRI MATAJI: But one Sufi cannot make others Sufis, it's the point. But in Sahaja Yoga, we can make thousands. Sufi : As those dervish lodges are closed nowadays, it is possible to talk about everything. They were doing this. They didn't, but they all have a tread , a tree. So it goes as an upward interaction. For example, a person leaves 10 successor behind him, his thing is looking after these successors. There were thousands of dervish lodges. When only Istanbul had a population of 500 thousand, that half of it was Muslim at that time. Sufi : There were 520 dervish lodges. SHRI MATAJI: I know, I know that's why it's so important for me. But to give it collectively and to give the pure knowledge is very important. Sufi : To give this to the masses, you can give culture to the masses, but you cannot make them Sufis. In order to become a Sufi, you also need education and a doctrine. So now, you can give a lot of hygiene information a person, you can give a health culture to the masses, but you cannot bring up an ear specialist from among the masses. This is a special education like a medicine course. Yogini: Mr Emin, now Shri Mataji is also trying to explain this, how do you convey this information to people.? Sufi : You give a superficial culture, but it will be very shallow. Yes, you can teach a little avoidance of sin, a little self-care etc. It's like to teach how to avoid of microbe, hygenie culture or something like this. Yogi: If you allow, She will tell it Herself. Yogi: It's spontaneous awaking, without effort. It's not coming from the brain, it's coming from inside and it is happening in no time, like this. Yogi :Now there is a small difference there that needs to be captured Sahaja Yoga does not say anything different from Islam in terms of knowledge and sayings. Sufi :No, I'm not saying it's different, now the big crowds... Yogi: That is what I am trying to mention.. Sufi :... There is no such thing as making the people like Sufis, that is, raising thousands, hundreds of thousands Rumis. Even the prophet cannot make his believers like a prophet, but He brings up them to a certain point. Alis was were brought up, Abu Bakr was brought up but then people leave. Then there's a thing, that’s breaking loose from the impact of the dissipation Source when you get away from it . Prophet Abraham was a prophet and Ishmael was his son. Both of them were devoted to Allah, but it says in the Qur'an that, a time came and their children abandoned salaat, abandoned worship and fell into sin, and took the ill way . Yogini: Now Shri Mataji knows all of them too, She will tell you a system, if you will excuse us, She will tell you how. Sufi :You are welcome, no, this is not the work of the crowds. This is the education of those who are willing very much, very ambitious and believes in this work, who are fully committed themselves to this work, but we can just give its culture with the current communication tools. If Rumi had television, he could have reached thousands of people, not just fifteen or twenty people. Yogi: In Sahaja Yoga, we don't need to do big penances, tapasya, dancing, this and that. It is just a spontaneous happening. In her presence, the Kundalini awakens, goes up and we get this enlightenment and then the full knowledge of Muhammad, Jesus, comes to us spontaneously. SHRI MATAJI: Complete, absolute. Yogi: Now what you said... Yogi: Without effort. Yogi: This is the intellectual part of it. Information, cultures, that can be told on television is purely a mental job. In the presence of Shri Mataji, with the awakening of the inner energy that is called Kundalini, one gets this knowledge spontaneously in a second and automatically. If there is no pure desire, this is not going to happen in a person anyway. You are right there, but everyone who has that desire is experiencing a spontaneous awakening thanks to Shri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga, and we can call this state as enlightenment, that occurs with the awakening of this energy that we call kundalini, when the person experiences this energetic enlightenment, it is much easier to absorb information. Shri Mataji has been saying persistently in this period, for years, in the world, this is a the case in all teachings, in Sufism, in different Hindu teachings, in other deep spiritual knowledge, there is an elite people and only this people can reach it and the masses cannot. Shri Mataji claims the opposite. Sufi : She, herself said something, our Master, the Prophet told about the spiritual ascension, but those who listened to Him, they understand it as, He got on the white horse and elevated, and flew away to the sky in real, while the Prophet was still alive. Yogi: Anyway… Sufi : So there is no such thing as everyone gets it right way. Yogi: In thousands, all over the world, they just put the hands like this and the get awakened. You see, their eyes sparkling. Sufi : I do not object to what She said. I'm trying to explain that issue is very difficult. SHRI MATAJI: But he is a Sufi and he is my son. Yogi: From his knowledge, what he thinks that, it is very difficult because he doesn't know. SHRI MATAJI: Ah, yes. It used to be, not now Sufi : I am a professor at the faculty. I have been teaching children for 4 years. Let's say in a class of 80 people for example, 8 of them understand me as a eleve at the end of four years, 70 of them still do not. SHRI MATAJI: No, you go the other way round. Sahaja Yoga is the other way round. SHRI MATAJI: First, we make them the Sufis and then we give them the Quran. Yogi: Now even though there is no difference in understanding in Sahaja Yoga, but let's just say the technique is different. First, this enlightenment is experienced by the presence and teachings of Shri Mataji and knowledge comes after this. There is no enlightenment with knowledge, but first enlightenment with energy, enlightenment with Kundalini, and then giving information to the people who attained the enlightenment. SHRI MATAJI: That's the way it is. Yogi: It works the opposite way Sufi : I understand, I understand what She is saying. Now, for example, it comes to my mind and now I ask them, for example, She herself is Hindu. Yogi: She is not, She is not Sufi :In India too, this Lady..., sir, Yogi: She is not Hindu Sufi : Where is She from? Yogi: Her origin, She was born as a Christian, but She is very deep in these teachings….. Sufi :I mean, She is from India, isn’t She? Yogi: She is from India. Sufi : Alright. Yogi: Only after the awakening, the scriptures can be understood. Sufi : Isn't She from India? How effective can She be in a society where She knows it’s language and culture? Yogi: It's going very fast right now. Forget about India, This is happening in the whole world. In other words, when you go, you may encounter millions, hundreds of thousands... Sufi : No, now I am not talking about partisans, She has got a lot of fans, I also sympathize to Her, for example, this is something like, I read this book and oh it's a good thing. Yogi: When she gave conferences, many professors, university professors, teachers of Quran, they came to Shri Mataji and they said, "The way you explain, Shri Mataji, the Quran, it was never understood before" and never had... SHRI MATAJI: Fundamentalist, so many fundamentalists. Yogi: I remember on thing in Delhi... SHRI MATAJI: First, you give them the experience of the All-pervading Power of "Ruh". Once they get the experience, then they go deep. Sufi : So you first open the door, then turn on the lamp and put things in order. Yogi: Exactly. Sufi : then you are furnishing the room. SHRI MATAJI: And then get it. It's correct. Correct! That's all it is. Sufi :But not every door opens easily tough. The lock is getting rusty. Yogi: But Shri Mataji has the key, to all the doors. She has the master key. She has taken on a very high mission. This is not the job of every brave person. I hope this will be useful and successful. So we pray to Her, SHRI MATAJI: He has to get many Sufis. If you want to change the world, you can't manage it with one or two. Even to understand Quran or Bible or anything, you have to have that eyes. In Sahaja Yoga also, also "vidya" [knowledge], Sufi : In fact, everything should be looked at from the soul perspective this flower and the tree should be looked at from the soul perspective. SHRI MATAJI: is what are all the centres are there, what are the problems of the centres and we have seen that people have cured physically, mentally and also, they become, what they call, thoughtlessly aware. So, all the religions have talked about it. It's not only Quran, it's not only Bible, it's not only Gita. All the religions have said the same thing. Wife of Sufi : so how will this be, to get this spiritual health Sufi : You will solve the problems, spiritual problems. Wife of Sufi : it comes to the same place you said SHRI MATAJI: What she said? Yogi: She is asking, "How is that possible?" SHRI MATAJI: It’s possible because God has made within us all the arrangements. He is a great organizer and we have within us that power, that's the Mother Power which rises and pierces through your fontanelle bone area and makes you one connection with that All-pervading Power, the "Ruh" Yogi: Excuse me, here in Sufizm, also there is a terminology for that moment. It is called "Enel Hak" [I am the Truth or I am not far from God] SHRI MATAJI: In this religion. Yogi: "Anal Haq (En-el Hak)", saying, I am God. Saying, I am God. SHRI MATAJI: I am religion. Yogi: I am religion, I am God. Sufi : No, this is not meant I am God Yogi: In other words, I am a part of whole, a part of God. I am also part of God. Sufi : He says, I’m the truth. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, you become. Actually, you become. Yogi: Yes, the Truth. I am the Truth. SHRI MATAJI: You become. You don't have to have a certificate. You just become. First, your hands start speaking. You know what are these centers are within you. Every knowledge, perfect knowledge within is available .
Talk at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001 SHRI MATAJI: So, the religion should be inside. That's Sufizm. "Sufi" word comes from "saf" [clean]. Yogi: Mother, Mr. Emin is teaching at the Marmara University and teaching the interpretations of Holy Quran. SHRI MATAJI: Good. Yogi: Yes. SHRI MATAJI: But, you see, Quran also is very much recent. Sufi : There is a verse in the Quran. It says that if the people were abstain of Allah's prohibitions and namely, if they followed Allah's orders, if they did not do so (what they did), they would experience the abundances raining down on them from the sky. That is to say, if they did not break the rules and if they run the orders of Allah. SHRI MATAJI: It’s not that way. You see. Sufi : So I am not sure, Yes if they believed, if they believed and didn't break the rules Sufi : They would see the gates of abundance in the sky is going to open for them. SHRI MATAJI: To whom? Yogi: To the people. SHRI MATAJI: There’s no doubt about it. But what I feel about the whole thing is that that Koran was written after forty years of death of Muhammad Sahib SHRI MATAJI: and also- Sufi :Not, no, He wrote it in his lifetime SHRI MATAJI: and you cannot remember. But despite that, I find Quran is perfect. But there are many subtler things that are missing. Now, for example, Muhammad Sahib has said that he went on a white horse through the seven heavens. Now, that people don't understand. Sufi : They don’t understand. SHRI MATAJI: So, that is the, he has described exactly what happens when the Kundalini rises. Sufi :In fact, there is no one who goes or comes. He hasn't gone anywhere. SHRI MATAJI: What he says? Yogi: He says that actually, he is not travelling somewhere SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no, it is within yourself. Sufi : By conquering worlds within Himself. SHRI MATAJI: Within yourself, he crosses. Sufi : That Miraj (ascend) is a completely spiritual event. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, but that is what is Sahaja Yoga. That is what, yes. Sufi :The same, the same Yogi: But what has happened that SHRI MATAJI: because of poetry, as people don't understand and they are misinterpreting. Mainly, they are misinterpreting. Sufi : No, people are searching the religion outside. SHRI MATAJI: That's the point. That's the point. But what he has said - Sufi :But mystics (Sufi masters) know that it is a spiritual journey. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, of course. But the trouble is people don't understand and they are misled. Because people want to make money out of them or they want to gain some sort of a violence or something and they are just bringing a bad name to Kuran-ı Şerif (Holy Quran) and also to Muhammad Sahib. Sufi : But this spiritual journey is not the problem of all 1.5 billion Muslims. Every person can not return to their inner world and experience that miracle anyway. Yogi: He believes that... Sufi : So, this is not the problem of the common people. The common people do not have such a problem. SHRI MATAJI: That's it. Sufi :We call them as havas (eminent people), Sufi SHRI MATAJI: That's true. That is the main thing that we talk about in Sahaja Yoga, that, "You know thyself" is said in the Quran also. Sufi : Same in all. SHRI MATAJI: So, when you have not known yourself, you are not a muselman. Without knowing yourself, what are you surrendering to God? It's an important thing that first you know yourself. Can you believe that all religions have said the same thing? Christ has said the same, Krishna has said the same, Rama has said the same, Zoroaster has said the same thing, all of them have said the same thing. Sufi :Krishna is more closer to Prophet Adam. SHRI MATAJI: Haa? Sufi :He is more closer to the Probhet Adam, to the first religion. SHRI MATAJI: but Adam, they did not know "Ruh". Sufi :No, none of them wrote, their successors also did not write. The poets of that time did not write books either. SHRI MATAJI: True, I agree. But, you see, whether it is Krishna or anyone of these people, they are all just the same and they are building up human beings to find out about themselves and also, Sufis are like that. Sufi :There is no such thing in current education also. We know the (material)things, but when it comes to knowing the human being, nobody knows anything. So the education in the most advanced countries, what is taught in schools, you can tell, there is nothing also there for a human being to know himself. There is ethics, there are a set of outwardly rules. You won't pick your nose, you won't spit to the ground or something like that but it doesn't give any information about our inner world, and today's modern education also does not give anything. SHRI MATAJI: Yes, correct. I agree with you. But outside was worked out, I don't know but it has to be worked out inside. Because, when it is worked inside, as it is said that, "At the time of "Qiyama" [Resurrection], your hands will speak" and they speak actually. So, by outside - Sufi : Presently our hands and feet are speaking also Sufi :Presently speaking also SHRI MATAJI: Haa? Yogi: He says, "Now our hands and feet are speaking also". SHRI MATAJI: Ah, that's the thing, but they are very few and they are the Sufis. Sufi :Here it is speaking but there is no one who is listening. SHRI MATAJI: Also, you should know what do they mean, what are they saying and that is what is explained in Sahaja Yoga. SHRI MATAJI: You can verify it. Sufi :Rumi has a saying. Yogi: He is Mevlevi by the way. SHRI MATAJI: Hum? Yogi: He is from the part of Mevlevi, Mevlana. Jalaladdin Rumi. Yogi: Whirling dervish. Sufi :He says; while in a commune. He says... SHRI MATAJI: But he also didn't say how you become, Yogi: She says, how you become, how you become a mevlevi (follower of Rumi)? Sufi : Myself ? SHRI MATAJI: how, what to do- Sufi : It is a long journey. SHRI MATAJI: You see, whatever he was, he was great and he has written about his own understanding and feelings. Yogi: He should tell you about his feelings, how he became Mevlevi? SHRI MATAJI: He didn't say that. Yogi: No, he says that Mevlana, he didn't explain openly how to become. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no, he didn't, he didn't. He didn't. I agree, what he has done, he said is- what is has talked that after becoming a Realized soul, what you think what you talk and it's like, you can say, the Chinese system of Tao, same thing, same thing. Tao also is a system in which he describes what happens to a person who is a Tao. The one who is a Realized soul,what happens to him? How he is above everything, how he works out, how he has no fear. But that is what you are saying how it is. But how to achieve it? They never told. Sufi : They elucidate, they elucidate. It is in Masnavi (Rumi’s book). SHRI MATAJI: How human beings achieve it? And that too, collectively. Sufi :It is difficult for communities to reach, because first of all, something has to happen, people have to have a desire, all those people in these communities, these society's desire is for worldly blessings, worldly pleasures. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, no. Not now. Now it's a different thing. Because the world is so much full of struggle and strive and all that. This has started. All over the world, there are thousands of people- Sufi :It was the same at his time also. There was war at the time of Rumi also. The Mongols were coming by invading all the Turkish provinces. Rumi also came to Konya because he escaped from war. SHRI MATAJI: But this is a special time. It's already predicted in our scriptures also. In Indian scriptures, that this is the time where people will get their Self-realization collectively. SHRI MATAJI: In your Italy only, in your country only, there are so many who have got it. Sufi :Inshallah Yogi: He says, "Inshallah” [If God wills]. Sufi :Turkey has a different situation from other Islamic countries. It is the Sufi culture that keeps Islam alive in us. Sufi :I mean, it is very different from Saudi Arabia, even from Egypt, Libya, and African countries. SHRI MATAJI: But one Sufi cannot make others Sufis, it's the point. But in Sahaja Yoga, we can make thousands. Sufi : As those dervish lodges are closed nowadays, it is possible to talk about everything. They were doing this. They didn't, but they all have a tread , a tree. So it goes as an upward interaction. For example, a person leaves 10 successor behind him, his thing is looking after these successors. There were thousands of dervish lodges. When only Istanbul had a population of 500 thousand, that half of it was Muslim at that time. Sufi : There were 520 dervish lodges. SHRI MATAJI: I know, I know that's why it's so important for me. But to give it collectively and to give the pure knowledge is very important. Sufi : To give this to the masses, you can give culture to the masses, but you cannot make them Sufis. In order to become a Sufi, you also need education and a doctrine. So now, you can give a lot of hygiene information a person, you can give a health culture to the masses, but you cannot bring up an ear specialist from among the masses. This is a special education like a medicine course. Yogini: Mr Emin, now Shri Mataji is also trying to explain this, how do you convey this information to people.? Sufi : You give a superficial culture, but it will be very shallow. Yes, you can teach a little avoidance of sin, a little self-care etc. It's like to teach how to avoid of microbe, hygenie culture or something like this. Yogi: If you allow, She will tell it Herself. Yogi: It's spontaneous awaking, without effort. It's not coming from the brain, it's coming from inside and it is happening in no time, like this. Yogi :Now there is a small difference there that needs to be captured Sahaja Yoga does not say anything different from Islam in terms of knowledge and sayings. Sufi :No, I'm not saying it's different, now the big crowds... Yogi: That is what I am trying to mention.. Sufi :... There is no such thing as making the people like Sufis, that is, raising thousands, hundreds of thousands Rumis. Even the prophet cannot make his believers like a prophet, but He brings up them to a certain point. Alis was were brought up, Abu Bakr was brought up but then people leave. Then there's a thing, that’s breaking loose from the impact of the dissipation Source when you get away from it . Prophet Abraham was a prophet and Ishmael was his son. Both of them were devoted to Allah, but it says in the Qur'an that, a time came and their children abandoned salaat, abandoned worship and fell into sin, and took the ill way . Yogini: Now Shri Mataji knows all of them too, She will tell you a system, if you will excuse us, She will tell you how. Sufi :You are welcome, no, this is not the work of the crowds. This is the education of those who are willing very much, very ambitious and believes in this work, who are fully committed themselves to this work, but we can just give its culture with the current communication tools. If Rumi had television, he could have reached thousands of people, not just fifteen or twenty people. Yogi: In Sahaja Yoga, we don't need to do big penances, tapasya, dancing, this and that. It is just a spontaneous happening. In her presence, the Kundalini awakens, goes up and we get this enlightenment and then the full knowledge of Muhammad, Jesus, comes to us spontaneously. SHRI MATAJI: Complete, absolute. Yogi: Now what you said... Yogi: Without effort. Yogi: This is the intellectual part of it. Information, cultures, that can be told on television is purely a mental job. In the presence of Shri Mataji, with the awakening of the inner energy that is called Kundalini, one gets this knowledge spontaneously in a second and automatically. If there is no pure desire, this is not going to happen in a person anyway. You are right there, but everyone who has that desire is experiencing a spontaneous awakening thanks to Shri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga, and we can call this state as enlightenment, that occurs with the awakening of this energy that we call kundalini, when the person experiences this energetic enlightenment, it is much easier to absorb information. Shri Mataji has been saying persistently in this period, for years, in the world, this is a the case in all teachings, in Sufism, in different Hindu teachings, in other deep spiritual knowledge, there is an elite people and only this people can reach it and the masses cannot. Shri Mataji claims the opposite. Sufi : She, herself said something, our Master, the Prophet told about the spiritual ascension, but those who listened to Him, they understand it as, He got on the white horse and elevated, and flew away to the sky in real, while the Prophet was still alive. Yogi: Anyway… Sufi : So there is no such thing as everyone gets it right way. Yogi: In thousands, all over the world, they just put the hands like this and the get awakened. You see, their eyes sparkling. Sufi : I do not object to what She said. I'm trying to explain that issue is very difficult. SHRI MATAJI: But he is a Sufi and he is my son. Yogi: From his knowledge, what he thinks that, it is very difficult because he doesn't know. SHRI MATAJI: Ah, yes. It used to be, not now Sufi : I am a professor at the faculty. I have been teaching children for 4 years. Let's say in a class of 80 people for example, 8 of them understand me as a eleve at the end of four years, 70 of them still do not. SHRI MATAJI: No, you go the other way round. Sahaja Yoga is the other way round. SHRI MATAJI: First, we make them the Sufis and then we give them the Quran. Yogi: Now even though there is no difference in understanding in Sahaja Yoga, but let's just say the technique is different. First, this enlightenment is experienced by the presence and teachings of Shri Mataji and knowledge comes after this. There is no enlightenment with knowledge, but first enlightenment with energy, enlightenment with Kundalini, and then giving information to the people who attained the enlightenment. SHRI MATAJI: That's the way it is. Yogi: It works the opposite way Sufi : I understand, I understand what She is saying. Now, for example, it comes to my mind and now I ask them, for example, She herself is Hindu. Yogi: She is not, She is not Sufi :In India too, this Lady..., sir, Yogi: She is not Hindu Sufi : Where is She from? Yogi: Her origin, She was born as a Christian, but She is very deep in these teachings….. Sufi :I mean, She is from India, isn’t She? Yogi: She is from India. Sufi : Alright. Yogi: Only after the awakening, the scriptures can be understood. Sufi : Isn't She from India? How effective can She be in a society where She knows it’s language and culture? Yogi: It's going very fast right now. Forget about India, This is happening in the whole world. In other words, when you go, you may encounter millions, hundreds of thousands... Sufi : No, now I am not talking about partisans, She has got a lot of fans, I also sympathize to Her, for example, this is something like, I read this book and oh it's a good thing. Yogi: When she gave conferences, many professors, university professors, teachers of Quran, they came to Shri Mataji and they said, "The way you explain, Shri Mataji, the Quran, it was never understood before" and never had... SHRI MATAJI: Fundamentalist, so many fundamentalists. Yogi: I remember on thing in Delhi... SHRI MATAJI: First, you give them the experience of the All-pervading Power of "Ruh". Once they get the experience, then they go deep. Sufi : So you first open the door, then turn on the lamp and put things in order. Yogi: Exactly. Sufi : then you are furnishing the room. SHRI MATAJI: And then get it. It's correct. Correct! That's all it is. Sufi :But not every door opens easily tough. The lock is getting rusty. Yogi: But Shri Mataji has the key, to all the doors. She has the master key. She has taken on a very high mission. This is not the job of every brave person. I hope this will be useful and successful. So we pray to Her, SHRI MATAJI: He has to get many Sufis. If you want to change the world, you can't manage it with one or two. Even to understand Quran or Bible or anything, you have to have that eyes. In Sahaja Yoga also, also "vidya" [knowledge], Sufi : In fact, everything should be looked at from the soul perspective this flower and the tree should be looked at from the soul perspective. SHRI MATAJI: is what are all the centres are there, what are the problems of the centres and we have seen that people have cured physically, mentally and also, they become, what they call, thoughtlessly aware. So, all the religions have talked about it. It's not only Quran, it's not only Bible, it's not only Gita. All the religions have said the same thing. Wife of Sufi : so how will this be, to get this spiritual health Sufi : You will solve the problems, spiritual problems. Wife of Sufi : it comes to the same place you said SHRI MATAJI: What she said? Yogi: She is asking, "How is that possible?" SHRI MATAJI: It’s possible because God has made within us all the arrangements. He is a great organizer and we have within us that power, that's the Mother Power which rises and pierces through your fontanelle bone area and makes you one connection with that All-pervading Power, the "Ruh" Yogi: Excuse me, here in Sufizm, also there is a terminology for that moment. It is called "Enel Hak" [I am the Truth or I am not far from God] SHRI MATAJI: In this religion. Yogi: "Anal Haq (En-el Hak)", saying, I am God. Saying, I am God. SHRI MATAJI: I am religion. Yogi: I am religion, I am God. Sufi : No, this is not meant I am God Yogi: In other words, I am a part of whole, a part of God. I am also part of God. Sufi : He says, I’m the truth. SHRI MATAJI: No, no, you become. Actually, you become. Yogi: Yes, the Truth. I am the Truth. SHRI MATAJI: You become. You don't have to have a certificate. You just become. First, your hands start speaking. You know what are these centers are within you. Every knowledge, perfect knowledge within is available .
Interview at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Interviewer: Today in Turkey is Turkey’s National Sovereignty and Children's Day. HHSM: I know. Interviewer: And national holiday. Do you have a message for Turkey on this day? HHSM: Oh my God, I was so many happy about it. See what they don’t understand that what we are doing will have an effect on our children are we creating hell for them? Interviewer: We should have not, Mother. HHSM: That’s it. We must think from the children’s point of you. What are we giving them? And today is a great day because I myself I feel that we are really exploiting our children. We don’t think about them and the way we are mad after our own [UNCLEAR], I must say. The way they are going on. But what are you going to give to a children? You have to give them peace. You have to give them joy. Are you doing that? This is only who these elderly people, they have lost their exciting who are caring everyone. You just think of your children they should have a very peaceful, beautiful, joyous country isn’t it? That should be them. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] Mother, yes it should. HHSM: These all journey are not going to live forever Interviewer: No this is very true, Mother. Mother, you had been awarded several prices for peace including, if I’m not wrong, the UN peace medal. HHSM: Peace? Interviewer: The peace medal. HHSM: I don’t know how many I have had, My God. See I don’t care for all award all that. And recently I give one in India. It’s called as Jewel of Humanity, all kind of. I told them I don’t want it, I will not go to Bombay so they came to Pune to give me. But you see these awards and all that are for me have no value. Because so many get it, so many are getting it. I what I don’t want any certificate from any one, I said. I don’t need it. But they want to give. And some don’t want to give also. There are some who don’t want to give, because say I’m not a Catholic, so some people won’t give me. Because I’m not a Christian, they won’t give me. It’s like that, stupid. You see I’m I’m none of these and they do not judge me on [UNCLEAR]. If they judge me on [UNCLEAR] these awards has some meaning but they don’t. Interviewer: I see Mother. What activities does Sahaja Yoga do worldwide to promote peace and protection of children for example? HHSM: First and for most thing that we are trying to transform human beings to higher level of awareness. By that you see so many things drop out. For example, your addiction to things like drugs and all that they are drops out. Then so many diseases are cured and the person becomes very beautiful independent personality and collectively conscious, you see. So such a such a group of people we can call such a society which is of enlighten people can change the whole world tomorrow. Interviewer: Mother, How does a person uptain this this enlightenment, this self-realization as a [UNCLEAR]? HHSM: You see, there are two things about it that there are now very many seekers of truth all over the world I’ve seen whether they are black, white, yellow anything. They are all seekers of truth. And what happens that they have a power within them. Everyone has in the triangular bone called as kundalini. You can call it by any name. And which rises and gives you this connection with the divine. It’s very very simple thing that works out. But because the time is there, this is the time, also because they are seekers, because they are so genuine [UNCLEAR] that’s also related. Interviewer: When this kundalini energy rises what are its effects on people and how does a person know that this energy is active? HHSM: [UNCLEAR] You get a complete transformation. You see depends on how much you perfect it. But firstly as we say there are six enemies human beings have. And these six enemies like anger and what you can call the perversion in sex habits then it is also greed for corruption then also you have got attachments. You see they will become dishonest because [UNCLEAR] son has to be [UNCLEAR] All this kind of identifications are there. And also pride like we are something great all this. It is ego problem. Interviewer: Like the seven deadly sins. HHSM: Hı. Interviewer: Like English says “the seven deadly sins”. Pride, [UNCLEAR], sloth, lust. HHSM: English have but now they are coming around. Interviewer: English have. HHSM: Everywhere has to come [UNCLEAR]. Every action has a reaction and they are realizing it. Now imagine, they have left our country without doing anything about it. How did they manage? So they also care for the world reputation. And things are changing I agree with you they are very much. It is a small country and they thought, they’ve achieved a lot and all that but this is [UNCLEAR]. Interviewer: Mother, is Sahaja Yoga like Sufiism, Islamic Spiritualism? HHSM: It’s not ism. That is the different between the two. Anybody can call himself a Sufi like this gentlemen who came. He call himself a Sufi but he was just argumentative and he said the worldly so bad this that. But he didn’t know what to say about himself, you see. So it’s not an ism. It is a. Ism means a kind of a, we can say a kind of theory or could be a kind of a group believes in something. It is not like that. Sahaja Yoga is makes you Sufi. Sufi means cleans nirmal. It means it makes you cleanses you. It cleanses you and you get rid of these horrible things and you become a transform personality. Interviewer: In Sufiism there is a concept of an evil nature in man called nefis and by disciplining this nefis we or the Sufi attains [UNCLEAR] collective consciousness. HHSM: That is a wrong idea. Most of the Sufis did know how they became Sufi. They were born like that. And the others who talk about it is like Tao who you must heard about Chinese thing, Tao. When they describe a sage, the sage is like this, sage is like that. But how how does he become like that? So that part is missing even in the Sufi theories. How you become a Sufi? Just going round and round you don’t become, by falling a certain code of life you don’t become. What? Kundalini, that has to rise. Interviewer: So where other forms of mysticism what they try, what they’ve try to achieve where Sahaja Yoga starts? Could you say that? HHSM: They try to achieve by putting pressures on themselves into all kinds of control and all that. That is not the way. You have to be a free person with kundalini you become a free person, you, nobody has to tell you don’t do this, just you become. Becoming is the point. Interviewer: Becoming is the point. Mother, how does Sahaja Yoga or a Sahaja Yogi benefit the society in which he lives? HHSM: He creates a new society of his own. And then by that others are also are helped. Because they see in society where there is no greed, there is no fighting, there is no quarrelling, all living together happily and enjoying each other and understanding. Another thing happens that they start seeing what is wrong with the your own country. What is wrong with your own societies? What is wrong with all the religions that are [UNCLEAR]? He just becomes a kind of a person who sees things. So such a society’s form and these people influence others. That’s how the Sahaja Yoga is spreading so much around. Because I don’t go everywhere now they said [UNCLEAR] this is countries. I haven’t physically [UNCLEAR] half of them. But what happens that one person, who gets it, goes and gives to another. Because it is the truth, you see, it works. Interviewer: It is amazing. Turkey is located in the middle of several [UNCLEAR] regions, for example Balkans, [UNCLEAR], the Middle East, with its present complect Israel and Palestine. Can Turkey and or Turkish yogis play a role in bringing peace to these regions? HHSM: Of course, of course, why not, of course. Turkey has one very great blessing; it had so many Sufis here. And if you read them, it’s a description of Sahaja Yogis. They were all Sahaja Yogis. They didn’t call them Sahaja Yogis but they were. Because they are describe to be like this, describe to be like that. And when they tell about their own experiences and all that, in poetry, you are amaze to see, they are talking like Sahaja Yogis only. That is the reason; because of that blessing Turkey has become very important for me also. That spirituality will definitely take a shape here. And maybe I’ve always feel that Islam could be really shown in Turkey very well. And maybe that it will help people to correct their ideas about Islam. Interviewer: Mother, speaking of Islam, the actions by the Afghan government by destroying the statue of Buddha. How did this, what was Indian’s reaction, what is Sahaji’s reaction? HHSM: You see, for us [UNCLEAR] they have been a curse all through out. Because for India, you see, India respects everything, all the religion, [UNCLEAR] the only country which respects all the religions in a same manner. So to them it was a shock because it is very historical thing that when Alexander came to Afghanistan, this artist saw the beautiful surrendering’s they had and beautiful mountains they had. And they said we can teach you how to hone the hone the rocks. They taught them there. So Indians were [UNCLEAR] so grateful to them for that. And even they went to this limit to say that it is only they have taught us otherwise we didn’t know how to hone the rocks. They have done so much work like we have got [UNCLEAR]. But then they found one lady called Yakshini who was [UNCLEAR] cowed out that flouted that whole idea. So the Indians knew how to hone the rock but they didn’t want. Because it’s would be in the rock all the time but why not do something that can go to houses and house. So then that idea was gone that is only the Greek start this, doesn’t matter who [UNCLEAR] serve or teach us. I mean they are very very well-known structures and we all respect it very much, no doubt. Not because Buddhist or anything as a piece of art also. But this people have no sense left in their heads. They believe only in destruction. Now by destroying that do you think Islam will spread? What will [UNCLEAR] let you out of it? Otherwise that was the place people used to visit, they used to have tourist all this is finished now. That is the only glorifying thing they have. What else they have. They don’t have Taj Mahal. They don’t have anyone of old temples, nothing. They had only those statues. They had also [UNCLEAR], they don’t know what was there [UNCLEAR] no words you can call it, their inheritance, greatest. Many people went to see that. I also in my relation many people went to see those state as we go to see Egypt. So they have lost at now. What they are there going to see all the dead bodies. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] this is trouble, Mother HHSM: I don’t know. Some sort of an idea they have about Islam. Interviewer: Mother, it has been a very very great pleasure, asking these questions and listening to your enlighten views. I sincerely hope that I get the pleasure to on the blessing to interview you again future someday. HHSM: If I? Interviewer: I say that again. I sincerely hope that I have for I have given the blessing to interview you again in the future someday. HHSM: Of course, any time. Interviewer: It is such an honour, Mother. HHSM: You are a very good interviewer, I must say, because in England, I have had horrible ones. So when you said I am English, I was little frightened. Interviewer: It must be the effect of Turkey. HHSM: I think its Scottish are better people definitely. One interviewer came long time back and he started ask me funny question. First of all he said why are you here in this country? I said I’ve come because my husband has got an appointment; I’ve come with him, all right. But I said I can also ask why did you go to India? He was quite. Then he asked me another question is that what about your population, why don’t you go and do something about your population. Why is it this so much population in India? See I am sorry but if I tell you something, I hope you won’t feel hurt. He says yes tell me why. See the reason is I read the other day in the newspaper. Then in London city itself, every week two children are killed by their parents. He said really. Yes I’ve got that. So what child would like to be born in this country where they can be killed by the parents? He was quite shocked at it. So the children are also going to India and taking birth because there are people who love their children. So they want to be born in India what can we do about it. Then second question he asked me was very funny about that why are you so poor in your country? I said that true is. Don’t you think you are responsible? He said how, I said 300 years without taking any visa or anything you went there and for three Indians who lived there looted us then what will happen. What will [UNCLEAR] net result of the whole thing? We were one of the richest country once upon a time. But new people looted us, what to do. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] right Shri Mataji. HHSM: Then he came quite. Interviewer: Mother, while I’ve thought, just came to my mind. I was reading some of the Turkish newspapers, after all it is part of my job and an interview by the Sabah newspaper infect that headline said it was greed that destroyed you, greed that took you down. I believe that was what you told reporters about Turkey’s economic crisis. HHSM: Ya it is true. Interviewer: It is true. HHSM: See the question is they are such artist, some beautiful artist they are you know. They make nice things out of nothing. So I don’t know why they wanted to get after money and ruin their own country. You see art that they have, is sufficient to give them all the blessings of Lakshmi. But they are not, they are not satisfied. They want to make the modern style of money. In that you get lost. You tell lies, you do cheat, you do everything. But as far as art is concern you have producing something great. And that is the real welcome this kind. But one should be satisfied within. The thing is if you want to have, say Rockefeller things then you can’t. You cannot enjoy that. What we are having now in America [UNCLEAR] big one. And everybody is passing through that [UNCLEAR]. But art cannot have the [UNCLEAR]. So they should have taken to their own knowledge of art to all love of art. And they would have been perfectly all right. But they don’t understand their own nature. And running, everybody is trying to become American, I know even in India. Interviewer: Mother, have you travelled anywhere else in Turkey apart from Istanbul? HHSM: Not so. I would love to. This time I have gave four days for that. I want to go to different places, see, I haven’t. You see. I am so busy when I am here and then I just disappear. But I would, this time I have been selfish. Interviewer: Mother, would you like to see Konya? HHSM: Hı? Interviewer: Would you like to see Konya, the home of Mevlana? HHSM: [UNCLEAR] anything. I don’t know what programs they have. Because they said Mother had [UNCLEAR] gives us four days for that so I don’t know what is their program whatever it is. I would love to do that. Interviewer: Ok Mother. I think it is the end of my questions Mother. Thank you. HHSM: It is a wonderful country; you can do a lot here. I mean such a nice thing even this fellow here Islam, Islam, Islam he too became all right. ……….. HHSM: Now this people [UNCLEAR] Krishna consciousness they spread so much. And I was in LA, I don’t know [UNCLEAR] that is the reason they got so badly exposed. That the boy is small children who were there, children of the so call, what to call them? SY1: Krishna consciousness. HHSM: Krishna consciousness. So they have come grown up now. They are adults. And they have put a case against the organizers that they always used to abuses as children. And they had to pay for only one [UNCLEAR] sentence; I don’t know such a lot of money. I mean all this nonsense they started Krishna consciousness this. In that they didn’t get any consciousness of the spirit. How could they do that such a dirty staff? And now they are all false it wasn’t down in America. Of course [UNCLEAR] gone, that is gone, this is finished. But this Krishna consciousness was still going on, I mean. What they are doing is to sell books. SY1: And make money out of it. HHSM: To make, just making money, make money like that. And whole thing is exposed. SY1: Also here Shri Mataji, now that this desire of people becoming spiritually enlightened. The desire is misused a lot by all this wrong knowledge people. They have [UNCLEAR] seminar all kinds of people. HHSM: There are people. SY1: They are making seminar, all kinds of people. Even Deepak Chopra was here. HHSM: Even who? SY 2: Deepak Chopra. SY 1: Even he came here to give a seminar. And you have to pay to go to the seminar. HHSM: He is just making money. He is just making money. SY 1: And, and a lot of these some people coming I don’t know, some people are asking me they make this kind of workshops in hotels and this and that. It is really. HHSM: Deepak Chopra is the worst. SY 1: I know. HHSM: The worst. He is making too much money. SY 1: I said many others came also. [UNCLEAR] HHSM: He was found in a hotel with a prostituted in America. All this thing are there. But you see, all that happen, everything happen. But people get mesmerize I think. They never see this. They are stupid, is the last judgement. At this time stupid will go to stupid. What can you do? Very bad vibrations he has. But best part is he uses my lectures. SY 1: Yes. He uses all of your lectures. And I was saying somebody must be giving Shri Mataji’s documents to him. HHSM: Doesn’t matter, still he is telling the lying thing. ……….. SY 3: Shri Mataji, we have a rondeau with the bioenergy specialist man. HHSM: Who? SY 2: Bioenergy specialist man. HHSM: Is he here? All right. But Sadhana has gone out or what. SY 3: No she is sleeping, resting, she says. HHSM: She is a sleeping person, all right. You can call him. SY 3: Jai Shri Mataji. HHSM: Right Vishuddhi is too much. What is this bioenergy business? SY 2: They are creating energy out of biological things like [UNCLEAR], or like, or with the wind, the power of the water. SY 1: Basically Shri Mataji, there are the kind of people who have who have the knowledge to vibrate their energies to heal people. Bioenergist are supposed to be healist, doing what kundalini is doing with the health. Giving vibrations to the areas where the body is blocked. So they some of them by touching, some of them by not touching, but by just giving vibrations. HHSM: But what he told me is different. SY 1: This is what bioenergist do. And then they all have different knowledge. But most of them are in basically Russian based now the one we have around here. HHSM: Russian? SY 1: They are teaching this in Russia also. And they act as healist on giving energy to people’s blockages. HHSM: Then he finish. Unless and until you have the energy within yourself you [UNCLEAR]. HHSM: Come in, come. SY 1: He says he is himself psychologist doctor and also he is also in bioenergy and magnetism. And he has an institution, a foundation here in Turkey to teach people and to heal help people with the bio energies. And then three years ago through Majid, he has come and touched your feet and your hands. And he felt enlightened. So this time he wanted to visit you again to sort of get his full, to get his enlightenment process going on. HHSM: Yeah but the best to do is to give realization to people firstly. If you give realization to people they will get cured. Because that has a power by which you get connected to the all-pervading power. Once you are with then all-pervading power that looks after you mostly. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has also. He is trying to do the same kind of things with their knowledge of using their energies to help others. HHSM: No. But one should be clear cut about everything, you know. Sometimes it can be dangerous. If you don’t know the whole knowledge and you do something, he might spoil your health and maybe does spoil the health of others. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has been doing bioenergy for 18 years. And he has had his education in India, he says, in Panjab. HHSM: Panjab. What education he had in [UNCLEAR]? (Turkish explanation) HHSM: But you have the complete comprehensive knowledge, absolute knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. And then you should work it out because it can create problems. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He agrees, Mother. HHSM: Because I have seen people who have done work. Those they were not such good Sahaja Yogis have harmed. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: Also they must know the protection. How to protect from others. All these things are complete science in Sahaja Yoga. SY 1: He says he can see the auras. HHSM: That he should not. SY 1: And then he can feel inside if somebody is left or right, he says. HHSM: On the finger tips, on the hands. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: All right let’s see, let him see my auras, let’s see what does he see? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Three years ago when he first met you, he saw a huge green colour around you, green. And now he says, this time I did not put my attention but when he did a minute ago, he says, he still sees that green with a little bit of purple on top. HHSM: Green with a? SY 1: Purple. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He felted the first time also. He saw your aura first of all very wide, he says. HHSM: What is the meaning of the green? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Specially when it is mix with purple very deep in the spiritual world very connected, very powerful in controlling the energies around. HHSM: Green? SY 1: Green. And also big, big like Mother’s love towards people. That is green. And for the first two times. First time he saw and this time also he is also feeling his heart beat is going up. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: After meeting you three years ago and got his enlightenment his powers and his feeling observation has grown up immensely. And this time the reason he came here is for that hunger so he wants to have the… HHSM: What I am saying that it takes hurdy anytime. SY 1: Also they say, the lady said that they also see a white light coming out of your head going upwards. HHSM: But when you are in that that you don’t see. When you are in that. When you are outside then you are only see. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says he tries not to see. [UNCLEAR] HHSM: Not to see is the best state. When you are inside you don’t see. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: [UNCLEAR] so judging by the aura will be all right but for not for you. You are not there, you have to be inside. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Well they he says, he has to think, he is starting from zero so he is learning. HHSM: So here we have some people, they should come to them and understand Sahaja Yoga very well, mastered it. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: By that he will be safe himself. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: One thing. And another thing is whatever he do, will be perfect. No guest work. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He wants to be a member of the Sahaja Yoga foundation here. And he wants to have the combinations between also their foundation which is called the bioenergy foundation. HHSM: But first he must have the knowledge, perfectly. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says we are already in Turkey trying to proof people that this bioenergy is scientific so that’s why I already very well know that Sahaja Yoga is a science. HHSM: [UNCLEAR] then could be complications, you see, so you must know what is this? What is happening? What people are catching? What are their problems? How to correct? exact. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: They have to raise the kundalini, give them realization. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: Everything. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He is even sending some of his clients, some of his patients to Sahaja Yoga centre. HHSM: Why don’t you do? You should master yourself. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says, he doesn’t know who to learn it from. HHSM: All of them. Selim can do. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He already knows Selim but he lost his telephone number. HHSM: Selim is there. SY 3: Jai Shri Mataji, We have a lot of people. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: They are coming, they are coming, they say to do the Sahaja Yoga centre. HHSM: The first point is that first you know yourself. That is Sahaja Yoga. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says he is already trying to project himself from his patients by meditation but if he learns all the technics of Sahaja Yoga. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has some knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. He is reading some but not enough. He should perfect it. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: And one thing he will not see colours or anything these auras, he will not see. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He doesn’t want to see himself either, Shri Mataji. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: She just realized because she also knew that something she saw also. After she gets deeper and deeper, she started not to see. And she didn’t know why and she got the answer from you. HHSM: Because if you see from outside, it is there. Supposing you are outside the sea, you can see the sea. But if you sank inside the sea what would you see? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: There is the compliment since three years ago you become younger Mother. Yes. HHSM: I’ve go on working like this, I don’t know. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He wants to be enlightened more and more. And he would like to hear your last words to them before they live. So that they can regulate their life accordingly. HHSM: See there are stages in Sahaja Yoga. The one is called as thoughtless awareness, is a, I have made it even shorter than Patanjali. He said first it should be awareness with the thoughts. Then second stage he says there should be thoughtless awareness. Then the second, third stage he says should be what we call “nirvi kalpa” that there should be no doubts but he says first you will have doubts and Samadhi with the doubts. But then you have no doubts. So this is the fourth stage when you go beyond that
Interview at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Interviewer: Today in Turkey is Turkey’s National Sovereignty and Children's Day. HHSM: I know. Interviewer: And national holiday. Do you have a message for Turkey on this day? HHSM: Oh my God, I was so many happy about it. See what they don’t understand that what we are doing will have an effect on our children are we creating hell for them? Interviewer: We should have not, Mother. HHSM: That’s it. We must think from the children’s point of you. What are we giving them? And today is a great day because I myself I feel that we are really exploiting our children. We don’t think about them and the way we are mad after our own [UNCLEAR], I must say. The way they are going on. But what are you going to give to a children? You have to give them peace. You have to give them joy. Are you doing that? This is only who these elderly people, they have lost their exciting who are caring everyone. You just think of your children they should have a very peaceful, beautiful, joyous country isn’t it? That should be them. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] Mother, yes it should. HHSM: These all journey are not going to live forever Interviewer: No this is very true, Mother. Mother, you had been awarded several prices for peace including, if I’m not wrong, the UN peace medal. HHSM: Peace? Interviewer: The peace medal. HHSM: I don’t know how many I have had, My God. See I don’t care for all award all that. And recently I give one in India. It’s called as Jewel of Humanity, all kind of. I told them I don’t want it, I will not go to Bombay so they came to Pune to give me. But you see these awards and all that are for me have no value. Because so many get it, so many are getting it. I what I don’t want any certificate from any one, I said. I don’t need it. But they want to give. And some don’t want to give also. There are some who don’t want to give, because say I’m not a Catholic, so some people won’t give me. Because I’m not a Christian, they won’t give me. It’s like that, stupid. You see I’m I’m none of these and they do not judge me on [UNCLEAR]. If they judge me on [UNCLEAR] these awards has some meaning but they don’t. Interviewer: I see Mother. What activities does Sahaja Yoga do worldwide to promote peace and protection of children for example? HHSM: First and for most thing that we are trying to transform human beings to higher level of awareness. By that you see so many things drop out. For example, your addiction to things like drugs and all that they are drops out. Then so many diseases are cured and the person becomes very beautiful independent personality and collectively conscious, you see. So such a such a group of people we can call such a society which is of enlighten people can change the whole world tomorrow. Interviewer: Mother, How does a person uptain this this enlightenment, this self-realization as a [UNCLEAR]? HHSM: You see, there are two things about it that there are now very many seekers of truth all over the world I’ve seen whether they are black, white, yellow anything. They are all seekers of truth. And what happens that they have a power within them. Everyone has in the triangular bone called as kundalini. You can call it by any name. And which rises and gives you this connection with the divine. It’s very very simple thing that works out. But because the time is there, this is the time, also because they are seekers, because they are so genuine [UNCLEAR] that’s also related. Interviewer: When this kundalini energy rises what are its effects on people and how does a person know that this energy is active? HHSM: [UNCLEAR] You get a complete transformation. You see depends on how much you perfect it. But firstly as we say there are six enemies human beings have. And these six enemies like anger and what you can call the perversion in sex habits then it is also greed for corruption then also you have got attachments. You see they will become dishonest because [UNCLEAR] son has to be [UNCLEAR] All this kind of identifications are there. And also pride like we are something great all this. It is ego problem. Interviewer: Like the seven deadly sins. HHSM: Hı. Interviewer: Like English says “the seven deadly sins”. Pride, [UNCLEAR], sloth, lust. HHSM: English have but now they are coming around. Interviewer: English have. HHSM: Everywhere has to come [UNCLEAR]. Every action has a reaction and they are realizing it. Now imagine, they have left our country without doing anything about it. How did they manage? So they also care for the world reputation. And things are changing I agree with you they are very much. It is a small country and they thought, they’ve achieved a lot and all that but this is [UNCLEAR]. Interviewer: Mother, is Sahaja Yoga like Sufiism, Islamic Spiritualism? HHSM: It’s not ism. That is the different between the two. Anybody can call himself a Sufi like this gentlemen who came. He call himself a Sufi but he was just argumentative and he said the worldly so bad this that. But he didn’t know what to say about himself, you see. So it’s not an ism. It is a. Ism means a kind of a, we can say a kind of theory or could be a kind of a group believes in something. It is not like that. Sahaja Yoga is makes you Sufi. Sufi means cleans nirmal. It means it makes you cleanses you. It cleanses you and you get rid of these horrible things and you become a transform personality. Interviewer: In Sufiism there is a concept of an evil nature in man called nefis and by disciplining this nefis we or the Sufi attains [UNCLEAR] collective consciousness. HHSM: That is a wrong idea. Most of the Sufis did know how they became Sufi. They were born like that. And the others who talk about it is like Tao who you must heard about Chinese thing, Tao. When they describe a sage, the sage is like this, sage is like that. But how how does he become like that? So that part is missing even in the Sufi theories. How you become a Sufi? Just going round and round you don’t become, by falling a certain code of life you don’t become. What? Kundalini, that has to rise. Interviewer: So where other forms of mysticism what they try, what they’ve try to achieve where Sahaja Yoga starts? Could you say that? HHSM: They try to achieve by putting pressures on themselves into all kinds of control and all that. That is not the way. You have to be a free person with kundalini you become a free person, you, nobody has to tell you don’t do this, just you become. Becoming is the point. Interviewer: Becoming is the point. Mother, how does Sahaja Yoga or a Sahaja Yogi benefit the society in which he lives? HHSM: He creates a new society of his own. And then by that others are also are helped. Because they see in society where there is no greed, there is no fighting, there is no quarrelling, all living together happily and enjoying each other and understanding. Another thing happens that they start seeing what is wrong with the your own country. What is wrong with your own societies? What is wrong with all the religions that are [UNCLEAR]? He just becomes a kind of a person who sees things. So such a society’s form and these people influence others. That’s how the Sahaja Yoga is spreading so much around. Because I don’t go everywhere now they said [UNCLEAR] this is countries. I haven’t physically [UNCLEAR] half of them. But what happens that one person, who gets it, goes and gives to another. Because it is the truth, you see, it works. Interviewer: It is amazing. Turkey is located in the middle of several [UNCLEAR] regions, for example Balkans, [UNCLEAR], the Middle East, with its present complect Israel and Palestine. Can Turkey and or Turkish yogis play a role in bringing peace to these regions? HHSM: Of course, of course, why not, of course. Turkey has one very great blessing; it had so many Sufis here. And if you read them, it’s a description of Sahaja Yogis. They were all Sahaja Yogis. They didn’t call them Sahaja Yogis but they were. Because they are describe to be like this, describe to be like that. And when they tell about their own experiences and all that, in poetry, you are amaze to see, they are talking like Sahaja Yogis only. That is the reason; because of that blessing Turkey has become very important for me also. That spirituality will definitely take a shape here. And maybe I’ve always feel that Islam could be really shown in Turkey very well. And maybe that it will help people to correct their ideas about Islam. Interviewer: Mother, speaking of Islam, the actions by the Afghan government by destroying the statue of Buddha. How did this, what was Indian’s reaction, what is Sahaji’s reaction? HHSM: You see, for us [UNCLEAR] they have been a curse all through out. Because for India, you see, India respects everything, all the religion, [UNCLEAR] the only country which respects all the religions in a same manner. So to them it was a shock because it is very historical thing that when Alexander came to Afghanistan, this artist saw the beautiful surrendering’s they had and beautiful mountains they had. And they said we can teach you how to hone the hone the rocks. They taught them there. So Indians were [UNCLEAR] so grateful to them for that. And even they went to this limit to say that it is only they have taught us otherwise we didn’t know how to hone the rocks. They have done so much work like we have got [UNCLEAR]. But then they found one lady called Yakshini who was [UNCLEAR] cowed out that flouted that whole idea. So the Indians knew how to hone the rock but they didn’t want. Because it’s would be in the rock all the time but why not do something that can go to houses and house. So then that idea was gone that is only the Greek start this, doesn’t matter who [UNCLEAR] serve or teach us. I mean they are very very well-known structures and we all respect it very much, no doubt. Not because Buddhist or anything as a piece of art also. But this people have no sense left in their heads. They believe only in destruction. Now by destroying that do you think Islam will spread? What will [UNCLEAR] let you out of it? Otherwise that was the place people used to visit, they used to have tourist all this is finished now. That is the only glorifying thing they have. What else they have. They don’t have Taj Mahal. They don’t have anyone of old temples, nothing. They had only those statues. They had also [UNCLEAR], they don’t know what was there [UNCLEAR] no words you can call it, their inheritance, greatest. Many people went to see that. I also in my relation many people went to see those state as we go to see Egypt. So they have lost at now. What they are there going to see all the dead bodies. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] this is trouble, Mother HHSM: I don’t know. Some sort of an idea they have about Islam. Interviewer: Mother, it has been a very very great pleasure, asking these questions and listening to your enlighten views. I sincerely hope that I get the pleasure to on the blessing to interview you again future someday. HHSM: If I? Interviewer: I say that again. I sincerely hope that I have for I have given the blessing to interview you again in the future someday. HHSM: Of course, any time. Interviewer: It is such an honour, Mother. HHSM: You are a very good interviewer, I must say, because in England, I have had horrible ones. So when you said I am English, I was little frightened. Interviewer: It must be the effect of Turkey. HHSM: I think its Scottish are better people definitely. One interviewer came long time back and he started ask me funny question. First of all he said why are you here in this country? I said I’ve come because my husband has got an appointment; I’ve come with him, all right. But I said I can also ask why did you go to India? He was quite. Then he asked me another question is that what about your population, why don’t you go and do something about your population. Why is it this so much population in India? See I am sorry but if I tell you something, I hope you won’t feel hurt. He says yes tell me why. See the reason is I read the other day in the newspaper. Then in London city itself, every week two children are killed by their parents. He said really. Yes I’ve got that. So what child would like to be born in this country where they can be killed by the parents? He was quite shocked at it. So the children are also going to India and taking birth because there are people who love their children. So they want to be born in India what can we do about it. Then second question he asked me was very funny about that why are you so poor in your country? I said that true is. Don’t you think you are responsible? He said how, I said 300 years without taking any visa or anything you went there and for three Indians who lived there looted us then what will happen. What will [UNCLEAR] net result of the whole thing? We were one of the richest country once upon a time. But new people looted us, what to do. Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] right Shri Mataji. HHSM: Then he came quite. Interviewer: Mother, while I’ve thought, just came to my mind. I was reading some of the Turkish newspapers, after all it is part of my job and an interview by the Sabah newspaper infect that headline said it was greed that destroyed you, greed that took you down. I believe that was what you told reporters about Turkey’s economic crisis. HHSM: Ya it is true. Interviewer: It is true. HHSM: See the question is they are such artist, some beautiful artist they are you know. They make nice things out of nothing. So I don’t know why they wanted to get after money and ruin their own country. You see art that they have, is sufficient to give them all the blessings of Lakshmi. But they are not, they are not satisfied. They want to make the modern style of money. In that you get lost. You tell lies, you do cheat, you do everything. But as far as art is concern you have producing something great. And that is the real welcome this kind. But one should be satisfied within. The thing is if you want to have, say Rockefeller things then you can’t. You cannot enjoy that. What we are having now in America [UNCLEAR] big one. And everybody is passing through that [UNCLEAR]. But art cannot have the [UNCLEAR]. So they should have taken to their own knowledge of art to all love of art. And they would have been perfectly all right. But they don’t understand their own nature. And running, everybody is trying to become American, I know even in India. Interviewer: Mother, have you travelled anywhere else in Turkey apart from Istanbul? HHSM: Not so. I would love to. This time I have gave four days for that. I want to go to different places, see, I haven’t. You see. I am so busy when I am here and then I just disappear. But I would, this time I have been selfish. Interviewer: Mother, would you like to see Konya? HHSM: Hı? Interviewer: Would you like to see Konya, the home of Mevlana? HHSM: [UNCLEAR] anything. I don’t know what programs they have. Because they said Mother had [UNCLEAR] gives us four days for that so I don’t know what is their program whatever it is. I would love to do that. Interviewer: Ok Mother. I think it is the end of my questions Mother. Thank you. HHSM: It is a wonderful country; you can do a lot here. I mean such a nice thing even this fellow here Islam, Islam, Islam he too became all right. ……….. HHSM: Now this people [UNCLEAR] Krishna consciousness they spread so much. And I was in LA, I don’t know [UNCLEAR] that is the reason they got so badly exposed. That the boy is small children who were there, children of the so call, what to call them? SY1: Krishna consciousness. HHSM: Krishna consciousness. So they have come grown up now. They are adults. And they have put a case against the organizers that they always used to abuses as children. And they had to pay for only one [UNCLEAR] sentence; I don’t know such a lot of money. I mean all this nonsense they started Krishna consciousness this. In that they didn’t get any consciousness of the spirit. How could they do that such a dirty staff? And now they are all false it wasn’t down in America. Of course [UNCLEAR] gone, that is gone, this is finished. But this Krishna consciousness was still going on, I mean. What they are doing is to sell books. SY1: And make money out of it. HHSM: To make, just making money, make money like that. And whole thing is exposed. SY1: Also here Shri Mataji, now that this desire of people becoming spiritually enlightened. The desire is misused a lot by all this wrong knowledge people. They have [UNCLEAR] seminar all kinds of people. HHSM: There are people. SY1: They are making seminar, all kinds of people. Even Deepak Chopra was here. HHSM: Even who? SY 2: Deepak Chopra. SY 1: Even he came here to give a seminar. And you have to pay to go to the seminar. HHSM: He is just making money. He is just making money. SY 1: And, and a lot of these some people coming I don’t know, some people are asking me they make this kind of workshops in hotels and this and that. It is really. HHSM: Deepak Chopra is the worst. SY 1: I know. HHSM: The worst. He is making too much money. SY 1: I said many others came also. [UNCLEAR] HHSM: He was found in a hotel with a prostituted in America. All this thing are there. But you see, all that happen, everything happen. But people get mesmerize I think. They never see this. They are stupid, is the last judgement. At this time stupid will go to stupid. What can you do? Very bad vibrations he has. But best part is he uses my lectures. SY 1: Yes. He uses all of your lectures. And I was saying somebody must be giving Shri Mataji’s documents to him. HHSM: Doesn’t matter, still he is telling the lying thing. ……….. SY 3: Shri Mataji, we have a rondeau with the bioenergy specialist man. HHSM: Who? SY 2: Bioenergy specialist man. HHSM: Is he here? All right. But Sadhana has gone out or what. SY 3: No she is sleeping, resting, she says. HHSM: She is a sleeping person, all right. You can call him. SY 3: Jai Shri Mataji. HHSM: Right Vishuddhi is too much. What is this bioenergy business? SY 2: They are creating energy out of biological things like [UNCLEAR], or like, or with the wind, the power of the water. SY 1: Basically Shri Mataji, there are the kind of people who have who have the knowledge to vibrate their energies to heal people. Bioenergist are supposed to be healist, doing what kundalini is doing with the health. Giving vibrations to the areas where the body is blocked. So they some of them by touching, some of them by not touching, but by just giving vibrations. HHSM: But what he told me is different. SY 1: This is what bioenergist do. And then they all have different knowledge. But most of them are in basically Russian based now the one we have around here. HHSM: Russian? SY 1: They are teaching this in Russia also. And they act as healist on giving energy to people’s blockages. HHSM: Then he finish. Unless and until you have the energy within yourself you [UNCLEAR]. HHSM: Come in, come. SY 1: He says he is himself psychologist doctor and also he is also in bioenergy and magnetism. And he has an institution, a foundation here in Turkey to teach people and to heal help people with the bio energies. And then three years ago through Majid, he has come and touched your feet and your hands. And he felt enlightened. So this time he wanted to visit you again to sort of get his full, to get his enlightenment process going on. HHSM: Yeah but the best to do is to give realization to people firstly. If you give realization to people they will get cured. Because that has a power by which you get connected to the all-pervading power. Once you are with then all-pervading power that looks after you mostly. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has also. He is trying to do the same kind of things with their knowledge of using their energies to help others. HHSM: No. But one should be clear cut about everything, you know. Sometimes it can be dangerous. If you don’t know the whole knowledge and you do something, he might spoil your health and maybe does spoil the health of others. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has been doing bioenergy for 18 years. And he has had his education in India, he says, in Panjab. HHSM: Panjab. What education he had in [UNCLEAR]? (Turkish explanation) HHSM: But you have the complete comprehensive knowledge, absolute knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. And then you should work it out because it can create problems. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He agrees, Mother. HHSM: Because I have seen people who have done work. Those they were not such good Sahaja Yogis have harmed. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: Also they must know the protection. How to protect from others. All these things are complete science in Sahaja Yoga. SY 1: He says he can see the auras. HHSM: That he should not. SY 1: And then he can feel inside if somebody is left or right, he says. HHSM: On the finger tips, on the hands. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: All right let’s see, let him see my auras, let’s see what does he see? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Three years ago when he first met you, he saw a huge green colour around you, green. And now he says, this time I did not put my attention but when he did a minute ago, he says, he still sees that green with a little bit of purple on top. HHSM: Green with a? SY 1: Purple. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He felted the first time also. He saw your aura first of all very wide, he says. HHSM: What is the meaning of the green? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Specially when it is mix with purple very deep in the spiritual world very connected, very powerful in controlling the energies around. HHSM: Green? SY 1: Green. And also big, big like Mother’s love towards people. That is green. And for the first two times. First time he saw and this time also he is also feeling his heart beat is going up. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: After meeting you three years ago and got his enlightenment his powers and his feeling observation has grown up immensely. And this time the reason he came here is for that hunger so he wants to have the… HHSM: What I am saying that it takes hurdy anytime. SY 1: Also they say, the lady said that they also see a white light coming out of your head going upwards. HHSM: But when you are in that that you don’t see. When you are in that. When you are outside then you are only see. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says he tries not to see. [UNCLEAR] HHSM: Not to see is the best state. When you are inside you don’t see. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: [UNCLEAR] so judging by the aura will be all right but for not for you. You are not there, you have to be inside. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: Well they he says, he has to think, he is starting from zero so he is learning. HHSM: So here we have some people, they should come to them and understand Sahaja Yoga very well, mastered it. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: By that he will be safe himself. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: One thing. And another thing is whatever he do, will be perfect. No guest work. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He wants to be a member of the Sahaja Yoga foundation here. And he wants to have the combinations between also their foundation which is called the bioenergy foundation. HHSM: But first he must have the knowledge, perfectly. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says we are already in Turkey trying to proof people that this bioenergy is scientific so that’s why I already very well know that Sahaja Yoga is a science. HHSM: [UNCLEAR] then could be complications, you see, so you must know what is this? What is happening? What people are catching? What are their problems? How to correct? exact. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: They have to raise the kundalini, give them realization. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: Everything. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He is even sending some of his clients, some of his patients to Sahaja Yoga centre. HHSM: Why don’t you do? You should master yourself. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says, he doesn’t know who to learn it from. HHSM: All of them. Selim can do. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He already knows Selim but he lost his telephone number. HHSM: Selim is there. SY 3: Jai Shri Mataji, We have a lot of people. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: They are coming, they are coming, they say to do the Sahaja Yoga centre. HHSM: The first point is that first you know yourself. That is Sahaja Yoga. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He says he is already trying to project himself from his patients by meditation but if he learns all the technics of Sahaja Yoga. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He has some knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. He is reading some but not enough. He should perfect it. (Turkish explanation) HHSM: And one thing he will not see colours or anything these auras, he will not see. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He doesn’t want to see himself either, Shri Mataji. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: She just realized because she also knew that something she saw also. After she gets deeper and deeper, she started not to see. And she didn’t know why and she got the answer from you. HHSM: Because if you see from outside, it is there. Supposing you are outside the sea, you can see the sea. But if you sank inside the sea what would you see? (Turkish explanation) SY 1: There is the compliment since three years ago you become younger Mother. Yes. HHSM: I’ve go on working like this, I don’t know. (Turkish explanation) SY 1: He wants to be enlightened more and more. And he would like to hear your last words to them before they live. So that they can regulate their life accordingly. HHSM: See there are stages in Sahaja Yoga. The one is called as thoughtless awareness, is a, I have made it even shorter than Patanjali. He said first it should be awareness with the thoughts. Then second stage he says there should be thoughtless awareness. Then the second, third stage he says should be what we call “nirvi kalpa” that there should be no doubts but he says first you will have doubts and Samadhi with the doubts. But then you have no doubts. So this is the fourth stage when you go beyond that
Shri Mataji on Star TV
TV Interview. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Shri Mataji: you discover your inner energy you will also discover yourself. You will become a very good, peaceful person. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Shri Mataji :Nothing happened. Two bullets hit our door. We were not worried. I new that this action would not last long because it was stupid. All night we were listening to the music and watching TV. In any case, nothing happened. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Mataji explains the siege as an ordinary event without any excitement. But a little later we understand that this is Mataji's normal state. Mataji always speaks as if She has departed from the worldly troubles and has passed to a different dimension. Maybe this is what influences those who meet Her. With this thought in mind we ask Mataji what does yoga give to the people. Shri Mataji: This is only Love, pure love.The secret is just love. Interviewer: When we told Her that the approach to yoga in Turkey is somehow like a kind of fashion, a light smile appears on Her face. Shri Mataji The aim of yoga is to beatify your spirit, not your body. "Fashion comes and goes but yoga beatifies your spirit and does not take any money." Interviewer: According to Her love is the key to everything. Well, what is Her approach to love? Did you ever fall in love? Shri Mataji: No, I am not that kind, I am not romantic. Because, if you run just after one person you will restrict yourself. But if you love the whole world, you will never be disappointed. Interviewer: Mataji explains how much She loves Turkey and Turks. But, according to Her Turkey has one problem - men. Shri Mataji: If you women come forward your problems will be solved easier. Men consider themselves too clever but one can say they are successful. Interviewer: According to Shri Mataji, there is one more problem in Turkey - Shri Mataji: "You don't know how to make business, also you don't know how to use money properly. Interviewer: When such a person of love speaks about money it sounds quite surprising. And we ask Mataji how does she earn money, how does She spend it? Shri Mataji: My husband has always had money, my children too. We did not have this kind of difficulty. Interviewer: Mataji says that She does not need money. That is why, like in all other places, She does not take money for Her seminars in Turkey. Now the turn comes to us to get our realization. That is to discover our inner energy. Mataji is working quite long on us. The energy we take from Her is very positive. Is it because we really feel lighter or because of Mataji's influence, we don't know. But we depart from this interesting lady with a smile on our faces.
TV Interview. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Shri Mataji: you discover your inner energy you will also discover yourself. You will become a very good, peaceful person. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Shri Mataji :Nothing happened. Two bullets hit our door. We were not worried. I new that this action would not last long because it was stupid. All night we were listening to the music and watching TV. In any case, nothing happened. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Mataji explains the siege as an ordinary event without any excitement. But a little later we understand that this is Mataji's normal state. Mataji always speaks as if She has departed from the worldly troubles and has passed to a different dimension. Maybe this is what influences those who meet Her. With this thought in mind we ask Mataji what does yoga give to the people. Shri Mataji: This is only Love, pure love.The secret is just love. Interviewer: When we told Her that the approach to yoga in Turkey is somehow like a kind of fashion, a light smile appears on Her face. Shri Mataji The aim of yoga is to beatify your spirit, not your body. "Fashion comes and goes but yoga beatifies your spirit and does not take any money." Interviewer: According to Her love is the key to everything. Well, what is Her approach to love? Did you ever fall in love? Shri Mataji: No, I am not that kind, I am not romantic. Because, if you run just after one person you will restrict yourself. But if you love the whole world, you will never be disappointed. Interviewer: Mataji explains how much She loves Turkey and Turks. But, according to Her Turkey has one problem - men. Shri Mataji: If you women come forward your problems will be solved easier. Men consider themselves too clever but one can say they are successful. Interviewer: According to Shri Mataji, there is one more problem in Turkey - Shri Mataji: "You don't know how to make business, also you don't know how to use money properly. Interviewer: When such a person of love speaks about money it sounds quite surprising. And we ask Mataji how does she earn money, how does She spend it? Shri Mataji: My husband has always had money, my children too. We did not have this kind of difficulty. Interviewer: Mataji says that She does not need money. That is why, like in all other places, She does not take money for Her seminars in Turkey. Now the turn comes to us to get our realization. That is to discover our inner energy. Mataji is working quite long on us. The energy we take from Her is very positive. Is it because we really feel lighter or because of Mataji's influence, we don't know. But we depart from this interesting lady with a smile on our faces.
TV Interview
Interview at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 24 April 2001. Translator: How do you reach to all the human beings all over the world? Shri Mataji: You see, there are many people in this world, in these modern times, are seeking the truth. So, there are so many false people also in this world who want to make money out of them. Translator: Why the people prefers your way? Because of your innocence and the purity? Shri Mataji: Yes, you have to have the truth, you see. So, they discard all that is not truth and come to me. Translator: How is Turkish people for Self-realisation? You are coming to Turkey since last 10 years. Shri Mataji: Wonderful people. They are one of the best I have seen. Translator: When you compare with other countries in the world, how do you find Turkish people? Shri Mataji: Very good. Excellent. They are very simple people, innocent. And they don’t accept nonsense much. Translator: There is an economic crisis at this moment in Turkey. Can we overcome this crisis and how can we overcome this crisis? Shri Mataji: By the grace of God, everything can work out. There are so many Realized souls in this country that they will be helped very much. Its most important thing is that you have to become peaceful, joyous and happy. Translator: Minister who is responsible from the finance of Turkey, How do you see him? [Laughter] Lady: His name is what? Translator: Kemal Dervish, his name is Kemal Dervish. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, I have seen his photograph. He is nice man but very hard working. So, I think he should take little easy. Yes. Because you see, this hard work can make your heart weak, you see, so, he is very precious man, he should look after him. Translator: Tonight the- you have a big seminar. What will happen to the people who comes there? Shri Mataji: I think they will all get their Self-realization. Translator: Can I have my Self-realization? She is asking. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course. Shri Mataji: It’s a most important thing. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to do anything. But you must respect yourself and go deep down into yourself to know what are your values. May God bless you. Lady: Yes, thank you. Shri Mataji: What is it? Translator: She says, she is feels positive energy and love from you while talking. Shri Mataji: That’s the way it is, we have to love. Love is main force which has created this world, which has created us, but we have forgotten.
Interview at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 24 April 2001. Translator: How do you reach to all the human beings all over the world? Shri Mataji: You see, there are many people in this world, in these modern times, are seeking the truth. So, there are so many false people also in this world who want to make money out of them. Translator: Why the people prefers your way? Because of your innocence and the purity? Shri Mataji: Yes, you have to have the truth, you see. So, they discard all that is not truth and come to me. Translator: How is Turkish people for Self-realisation? You are coming to Turkey since last 10 years. Shri Mataji: Wonderful people. They are one of the best I have seen. Translator: When you compare with other countries in the world, how do you find Turkish people? Shri Mataji: Very good. Excellent. They are very simple people, innocent. And they don’t accept nonsense much. Translator: There is an economic crisis at this moment in Turkey. Can we overcome this crisis and how can we overcome this crisis? Shri Mataji: By the grace of God, everything can work out. There are so many Realized souls in this country that they will be helped very much. Its most important thing is that you have to become peaceful, joyous and happy. Translator: Minister who is responsible from the finance of Turkey, How do you see him? [Laughter] Lady: His name is what? Translator: Kemal Dervish, his name is Kemal Dervish. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, I have seen his photograph. He is nice man but very hard working. So, I think he should take little easy. Yes. Because you see, this hard work can make your heart weak, you see, so, he is very precious man, he should look after him. Translator: Tonight the- you have a big seminar. What will happen to the people who comes there? Shri Mataji: I think they will all get their Self-realization. Translator: Can I have my Self-realization? She is asking. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course. Shri Mataji: It’s a most important thing. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to do anything. But you must respect yourself and go deep down into yourself to know what are your values. May God bless you. Lady: Yes, thank you. Shri Mataji: What is it? Translator: She says, she is feels positive energy and love from you while talking. Shri Mataji: That’s the way it is, we have to love. Love is main force which has created this world, which has created us, but we have forgotten.
Kundalini: Desire of God Almighty
Public Program
Public Program, Lütfi Kirdar Congress Palace, Istanbul (Turkey), 25 April 2001 I bow to all the seekers of truth. I have been coming to Turkey in the last ten years. And I found this place is so much filled with spirituality. Perhaps we have had so many Sufis here, must be something in this country is that there were so many Sufis were created. And I have read about them and I have read about Rumi and all others. And I find they described the qualities of a Sufi the state of his mind, very beautiful. But they didn't say how created, how to became Sufis. They described of course very well and absolutely truthfully whatever was the achievement. But nobody could say that how they achieved it. Even in the Koran you see how Muhammed Sahab has described that he went through seventh heavens on a white horse. He was a poet and the whole thing was so poetic. The white horse was this Kundalini. The more you will know about Kundalini you will see how poetically. He had described all these seven heavens he crossed over. So, unless and until you are self realized soul as he has said "know thy self". Unless and until you know your self you can not understand any one of this scriptures. They say, all of them say the same thing in different ways and also in poetry. And it is difficult for common people to understand. In no way there is difference in the explanations of all these scriptures, they are just the same. Then there is no question of people fighting because there is no difference what they are fighting for. But problem was one individual gets the self realization and the others don’t understand they torture that person. As you know Christ was crucified and all the saints, all the sages were tortured. Even in China there was this Tao. It was the same thing as Sahaja Yoga but it was written in such a manner that people could not understand it or I think couldn't take it what it was written. Also I find in Japan, Vidittama is a disciple of (mahatma welcome book. Gautam Budda) He said the same things, he tried to practice Sahaja Yoga through various methods all was nothing but Kundalini awakening. Now the thing is of understanding then go to any limit of stupitidies. There was a great poet called Kabir in India and whatever he told was so much misunderstood by people that you can not imagine what interpretations they do. He says in one poetry that my beloved went away and I did not cry. Now people think beloved means a lover. It is what he was meaning was a life life went away. But, I did not cry, I didn't say anything. So he was saying about the death while people all these thinks it is some sort of a beloved he is talking about. Thus you see, we have problems, of people fighting who said they are fighting is a name of religion. To understand they have first you take your self realization. You have to know yourself. Unless and until you know yourself how will you understand the subtle ideas they want to look forward. So whatever they have told you about the Kundalini it is a fact, it is a fact and resides within you in the triangular bone. You could be a Muslim you could be a Hindu, you could be a Christian anything. Even people from Africa came. They were black, some were white, some were yellow, all of them have got this Kundalini within them. As God has created us the same. we all have noses, hands everything, everywhere whatever languages we may speak. Now, Sahaja means, saha means "with" and ja "born with you". The right to get this yoga, union with the divine, the Ruh (Spirit). You all have this right and now it is going to work out that you have to know yourself through the Kundalini awakening. All this may be not written in those books. Perhaps that was not the time to write or maybe these books were written after long time after the prophet went away, Christ die in all that. So there are certain sacrifice you see. But it is a fact that, you whole have, all of you have this power within you, this energy within you which we call as Kundalini. It has been proved now because wherever I have gone many countries various type of people were there and they all got their realization. Especially in Turkey is a very dear country to me because of so many people who were here and who were spiritually so equipped they might call themselves as Sufis, I mean Sufi means [UNCLEAR]. So it cleanses, means this Kundalini rising cleanses you of your problems, of your enemies. Because it connects you to the all pervading power which we call as Ruh and all your personality absolutely get absorbed with the truth. The first thing that happens to you when she rises, sometimes it is you just become thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts come to us because we react. We see something immediately we react. We react according to our ego or maybe according to our conditioning. But when the Kundalini she rises and crosses this center upward then your thoughts stop. Then you become a witness. You witness without thinking. Thought rises then falls then another thought comes up, rises and falls. There is a space, very little space in between but we cannot see that space, we can not in there that space. Now these thoughts who are all the time [UNCLEAR] hoovering in your head and our mind cruise or jumping on them doesn’t allow us to be in the present because they come from the past and from the future. So we cannot be in the present. Past is finished it does not exist and the future is no more, so what we have to do is to stay in the present. And in the present is the reality, is the truth. That is how we can not enjoying. For example, I see a very beautiful carpet here, very beautiful and I start reacting on it and then I start thinking of how much is that cost, can I have it, all things is possible. But I can not watch it. Because I can not watch it the joy that is put by the artist in the sight I can not enjoy it. So when this Kundalini rises what she does, she elongates those toughs there is a space between a thought. So we can see everything without thinking and enjoy fully. And with this enjoyment we get peace, complete peace. We do not aggress others, we enjoy others. They have many peace conferences but those who are having the conference have no peace within –then what is the use of having the conference? We have six enemies within us at least which are all the time torturing us. They are described in the Sanskrit language very beautifully but I will tell them, that's now [UNCLEAR]. First is the anger. That is so common, comes out of so much of conditioning may be so much of ego. Then the perversion, perversion of sex or all kinds of dirty things people do it. Then we have false pride, now we have jealousy, we have attachments. People are corrupt because they are attached to their children, they want to make money for them, so they are corrupt. And we have also attraction. We are attracted supposing somebody is attracted, say towards good clothes somebody attracted or good house attractions. We cannot explain. We cannot explain why we do that. Why we suffer from all these enemies we don't know. Once you become the spirit, spirit drops out everything, it is so clear, so clean, and what is the spirit is the reflection of God in our heart. The spirit , that is within you. once it enlightens you, you become such a wonderful person, such a nice person and you develop this spirituality. What, actually what happens is that when Kundalini rises your spirit starts emitting vibrations spiritual vibrations on your central nervous system. And you start feeling cool breeze on your hands out of your fontanel bone area. And then this fingers which represent the centers within you starts speaking telling you what's wrong and what's kind. Also they tell you about others, what is wrong with the others. This connection with the divine gives you this blessing that you know what is wrong with you and what is wrong with others. Even the doctors will not tell you, nobody can tell you, just now on your fingertips So in the Kuran it says at the time of kıyam (to stand up) your hands will speak. So this is the kiyam time, kiyamat (Apocalypse) is different. [UNCLEAR] Kıyamat and kıyama, Kiyam because this is the last judgement. Those who do not accept their self realisation, and who don't get into the heavenly bliss of divinity, they go to hell – that is the wisdom. So, for you it is important that your hands must speak and tell you about you and others. That is how you are Mussulman, otherwise you are not. If your hands do not speak than you are not a Mussulman in surrendering. It`s all said, it is all written in the Quran but once you be able to read it after you have got your realization. It is high time that you should realize that we have been following something so much and why is it we are in trouble, why we have not been able to achieve whatever is promised. It is something missing that so far we have not been able to achieve what is doing promised. You all can have your self realization. Don’t have any fear about it and some sort of funny ideas about it. Because whatever will happen, you will feel it. It`s not something imaginary. It’s the actualization. To the Christians I say this actualization of baptism. So, it's your chance now all of you so many have come to have that self realization. It was prophesied that it will happen collectively. And so, you all deserve it. And you should have it. Because İt is what is promised. So ultimately what happens that you jump in the ocean of joy. You become powerful. But you don't have ego. And you know how you get help others and yourself and help the family. All of you can get it. I mean those who want can all get it , it can't be forced [UNCLEAR]. Thus you will know what you are and also what others are. Many people have been cured in Sahaja yoga, no doubt. We also have a hospital in India. Where people are cured without any medicine with their own vibrations. Moreover mentally there are so many people who have been cured. And your problems are solved. Because you get out of your problems. Will be amazed how miraculously you achieve such small small things which really look great [UNCLEAR] to begin with. Every human being has a right to get self realization. All negative forces and energies just drop out and run away. Just like whether light comes in all darkness goes away. It sometimes people don't believe. Because, they don't think they are capable of getting self realization. But, I am sure tonight you will learn what you are. Will be absolutely relaxed person and the whole being will be filled with joy and divine love. It's not because of me, it's because of you. You have once you have what only I have to open the window here. That to you do because It is your desire, to become your pure desire to be. Otherwise no other desire is pure. All economics is based on one point that no human desire is complete. Today you want to have one thing then you want to have another thing. And you are never satisfied. But this is pure desire. Kundalini is the energy of pure desire because the desire of our Almighty So, when you get your realization, you feel absolutely satisfied and enjoy whatever you have. And also you enjoy others and their things without thinking that they don't belong to you. The whole panorama changes and you become a very universal personality. You really become global and everybody who is in Sahaja yoga are such great friends. I'll give an example that Palestinians were fighting Israelis and one of the Israeli fellow, telephoned to me that Mother we have some Sahaja Yogis in the one of the villages of Palestine. They were friends, despite the fact that [UNCLEAR] is fighting, countries were fighting. But they were Sahaja Yogis, so they were friends they are friends. So this Israilian knew that they are going to drop a big bomb in a particular village and he told me that please pay attention Mother I don't want people to be killed there. I give pay attention and they never drop the bomb. Love is the most powerful thing human beings have all. We have never used it. We have always use hatred to over power others. We have never used love. There is divine love allover allover the World that's why we are existing . You have to just become one within that's all. It's allover, it is called Ruh , It's allover. But we have not yet felt. But today is now, you have the time to feel it. For that you don’t have to concentrate or do anything, it will just work automatically. Have faith in yourself. Do not condemn yourself. This will change the whole world. Once they realize that there is divine love which [UNCLEAR] us. So, the first state is thoughtless awareness and the second state is what we called as the doubtless awareness. That state comes to people automatically sometimes together and they have no doubts about it. It works that way. It doesn't give you any doubts anymore you are sure this is what it is. Today somebody came to see me he used to perspire and hot. And I saw him, he had problem with his heart, to look working very hard. I raised his Kundalini, he got his realization his perspiration stopped. So I told him that you should forgive, forgive others and that worked. And this young fellow would have been very seriously ill or dead by that kind of a heart. So you get an awareness which is doubtless. So all those who want to have their self realization please stay on. If you don't want to have should live the hall. One thing, you should not, you cannot pay for spirituality. There are many false people who are doing all kinds of nonsense, only thing is you must take to your self realization. So that you all become Sufis. You don't have to give up everything. Or you don’t have to become an ascetic, and I am a married woman, have for children, I have for grandchildren and I have got their grandchildren . But I am what I am. That’s what should happen to you. So again I would request those who don’t want have their self realization to leave the hall. Like this, like this, just like this. Yes. Now close your eyes. Please close. See If you are feeling cool breeze on your fingertips Now please open your eyes, put your left hand towards me and put the right hand bend your head and put the right hand against the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. See if you this coming on the left hand, little it should be above the head not on top, bend your head and see for yourself. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put your right hand towards me, not touching the head above left hand on the top of your head. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or in the palm or upper to fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. All of you got realization, congratulations. May God bless you. Yogi: Everybody, go down. Yogi: Please, go down.
Public Program, Lütfi Kirdar Congress Palace, Istanbul (Turkey), 25 April 2001 I bow to all the seekers of truth. I have been coming to Turkey in the last ten years. And I found this place is so much filled with spirituality. Perhaps we have had so many Sufis here, must be something in this country is that there were so many Sufis were created. And I have read about them and I have read about Rumi and all others. And I find they described the qualities of a Sufi the state of his mind, very beautiful. But they didn't say how created, how to became Sufis. They described of course very well and absolutely truthfully whatever was the achievement. But nobody could say that how they achieved it. Even in the Koran you see how Muhammed Sahab has described that he went through seventh heavens on a white horse. He was a poet and the whole thing was so poetic. The white horse was this Kundalini. The more you will know about Kundalini you will see how poetically. He had described all these seven heavens he crossed over. So, unless and until you are self realized soul as he has said "know thy self". Unless and until you know your self you can not understand any one of this scriptures. They say, all of them say the same thing in different ways and also in poetry. And it is difficult for common people to understand. In no way there is difference in the explanations of all these scriptures, they are just the same. Then there is no question of people fighting because there is no difference what they are fighting for. But problem was one individual gets the self realization and the others don’t understand they torture that person. As you know Christ was crucified and all the saints, all the sages were tortured. Even in China there was this Tao. It was the same thing as Sahaja Yoga but it was written in such a manner that people could not understand it or I think couldn't take it what it was written. Also I find in Japan, Vidittama is a disciple of (mahatma welcome book. Gautam Budda) He said the same things, he tried to practice Sahaja Yoga through various methods all was nothing but Kundalini awakening. Now the thing is of understanding then go to any limit of stupitidies. There was a great poet called Kabir in India and whatever he told was so much misunderstood by people that you can not imagine what interpretations they do. He says in one poetry that my beloved went away and I did not cry. Now people think beloved means a lover. It is what he was meaning was a life life went away. But, I did not cry, I didn't say anything. So he was saying about the death while people all these thinks it is some sort of a beloved he is talking about. Thus you see, we have problems, of people fighting who said they are fighting is a name of religion. To understand they have first you take your self realization. You have to know yourself. Unless and until you know yourself how will you understand the subtle ideas they want to look forward. So whatever they have told you about the Kundalini it is a fact, it is a fact and resides within you in the triangular bone. You could be a Muslim you could be a Hindu, you could be a Christian anything. Even people from Africa came. They were black, some were white, some were yellow, all of them have got this Kundalini within them. As God has created us the same. we all have noses, hands everything, everywhere whatever languages we may speak. Now, Sahaja means, saha means "with" and ja "born with you". The right to get this yoga, union with the divine, the Ruh (Spirit). You all have this right and now it is going to work out that you have to know yourself through the Kundalini awakening. All this may be not written in those books. Perhaps that was not the time to write or maybe these books were written after long time after the prophet went away, Christ die in all that. So there are certain sacrifice you see. But it is a fact that, you whole have, all of you have this power within you, this energy within you which we call as Kundalini. It has been proved now because wherever I have gone many countries various type of people were there and they all got their realization. Especially in Turkey is a very dear country to me because of so many people who were here and who were spiritually so equipped they might call themselves as Sufis, I mean Sufi means [UNCLEAR]. So it cleanses, means this Kundalini rising cleanses you of your problems, of your enemies. Because it connects you to the all pervading power which we call as Ruh and all your personality absolutely get absorbed with the truth. The first thing that happens to you when she rises, sometimes it is you just become thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts come to us because we react. We see something immediately we react. We react according to our ego or maybe according to our conditioning. But when the Kundalini she rises and crosses this center upward then your thoughts stop. Then you become a witness. You witness without thinking. Thought rises then falls then another thought comes up, rises and falls. There is a space, very little space in between but we cannot see that space, we can not in there that space. Now these thoughts who are all the time [UNCLEAR] hoovering in your head and our mind cruise or jumping on them doesn’t allow us to be in the present because they come from the past and from the future. So we cannot be in the present. Past is finished it does not exist and the future is no more, so what we have to do is to stay in the present. And in the present is the reality, is the truth. That is how we can not enjoying. For example, I see a very beautiful carpet here, very beautiful and I start reacting on it and then I start thinking of how much is that cost, can I have it, all things is possible. But I can not watch it. Because I can not watch it the joy that is put by the artist in the sight I can not enjoy it. So when this Kundalini rises what she does, she elongates those toughs there is a space between a thought. So we can see everything without thinking and enjoy fully. And with this enjoyment we get peace, complete peace. We do not aggress others, we enjoy others. They have many peace conferences but those who are having the conference have no peace within –then what is the use of having the conference? We have six enemies within us at least which are all the time torturing us. They are described in the Sanskrit language very beautifully but I will tell them, that's now [UNCLEAR]. First is the anger. That is so common, comes out of so much of conditioning may be so much of ego. Then the perversion, perversion of sex or all kinds of dirty things people do it. Then we have false pride, now we have jealousy, we have attachments. People are corrupt because they are attached to their children, they want to make money for them, so they are corrupt. And we have also attraction. We are attracted supposing somebody is attracted, say towards good clothes somebody attracted or good house attractions. We cannot explain. We cannot explain why we do that. Why we suffer from all these enemies we don't know. Once you become the spirit, spirit drops out everything, it is so clear, so clean, and what is the spirit is the reflection of God in our heart. The spirit , that is within you. once it enlightens you, you become such a wonderful person, such a nice person and you develop this spirituality. What, actually what happens is that when Kundalini rises your spirit starts emitting vibrations spiritual vibrations on your central nervous system. And you start feeling cool breeze on your hands out of your fontanel bone area. And then this fingers which represent the centers within you starts speaking telling you what's wrong and what's kind. Also they tell you about others, what is wrong with the others. This connection with the divine gives you this blessing that you know what is wrong with you and what is wrong with others. Even the doctors will not tell you, nobody can tell you, just now on your fingertips So in the Kuran it says at the time of kıyam (to stand up) your hands will speak. So this is the kiyam time, kiyamat (Apocalypse) is different. [UNCLEAR] Kıyamat and kıyama, Kiyam because this is the last judgement. Those who do not accept their self realisation, and who don't get into the heavenly bliss of divinity, they go to hell – that is the wisdom. So, for you it is important that your hands must speak and tell you about you and others. That is how you are Mussulman, otherwise you are not. If your hands do not speak than you are not a Mussulman in surrendering. It`s all said, it is all written in the Quran but once you be able to read it after you have got your realization. It is high time that you should realize that we have been following something so much and why is it we are in trouble, why we have not been able to achieve whatever is promised. It is something missing that so far we have not been able to achieve what is doing promised. You all can have your self realization. Don’t have any fear about it and some sort of funny ideas about it. Because whatever will happen, you will feel it. It`s not something imaginary. It’s the actualization. To the Christians I say this actualization of baptism. So, it's your chance now all of you so many have come to have that self realization. It was prophesied that it will happen collectively. And so, you all deserve it. And you should have it. Because İt is what is promised. So ultimately what happens that you jump in the ocean of joy. You become powerful. But you don't have ego. And you know how you get help others and yourself and help the family. All of you can get it. I mean those who want can all get it , it can't be forced [UNCLEAR]. Thus you will know what you are and also what others are. Many people have been cured in Sahaja yoga, no doubt. We also have a hospital in India. Where people are cured without any medicine with their own vibrations. Moreover mentally there are so many people who have been cured. And your problems are solved. Because you get out of your problems. Will be amazed how miraculously you achieve such small small things which really look great [UNCLEAR] to begin with. Every human being has a right to get self realization. All negative forces and energies just drop out and run away. Just like whether light comes in all darkness goes away. It sometimes people don't believe. Because, they don't think they are capable of getting self realization. But, I am sure tonight you will learn what you are. Will be absolutely relaxed person and the whole being will be filled with joy and divine love. It's not because of me, it's because of you. You have once you have what only I have to open the window here. That to you do because It is your desire, to become your pure desire to be. Otherwise no other desire is pure. All economics is based on one point that no human desire is complete. Today you want to have one thing then you want to have another thing. And you are never satisfied. But this is pure desire. Kundalini is the energy of pure desire because the desire of our Almighty So, when you get your realization, you feel absolutely satisfied and enjoy whatever you have. And also you enjoy others and their things without thinking that they don't belong to you. The whole panorama changes and you become a very universal personality. You really become global and everybody who is in Sahaja yoga are such great friends. I'll give an example that Palestinians were fighting Israelis and one of the Israeli fellow, telephoned to me that Mother we have some Sahaja Yogis in the one of the villages of Palestine. They were friends, despite the fact that [UNCLEAR] is fighting, countries were fighting. But they were Sahaja Yogis, so they were friends they are friends. So this Israilian knew that they are going to drop a big bomb in a particular village and he told me that please pay attention Mother I don't want people to be killed there. I give pay attention and they never drop the bomb. Love is the most powerful thing human beings have all. We have never used it. We have always use hatred to over power others. We have never used love. There is divine love allover allover the World that's why we are existing . You have to just become one within that's all. It's allover, it is called Ruh , It's allover. But we have not yet felt. But today is now, you have the time to feel it. For that you don’t have to concentrate or do anything, it will just work automatically. Have faith in yourself. Do not condemn yourself. This will change the whole world. Once they realize that there is divine love which [UNCLEAR] us. So, the first state is thoughtless awareness and the second state is what we called as the doubtless awareness. That state comes to people automatically sometimes together and they have no doubts about it. It works that way. It doesn't give you any doubts anymore you are sure this is what it is. Today somebody came to see me he used to perspire and hot. And I saw him, he had problem with his heart, to look working very hard. I raised his Kundalini, he got his realization his perspiration stopped. So I told him that you should forgive, forgive others and that worked. And this young fellow would have been very seriously ill or dead by that kind of a heart. So you get an awareness which is doubtless. So all those who want to have their self realization please stay on. If you don't want to have should live the hall. One thing, you should not, you cannot pay for spirituality. There are many false people who are doing all kinds of nonsense, only thing is you must take to your self realization. So that you all become Sufis. You don't have to give up everything. Or you don’t have to become an ascetic, and I am a married woman, have for children, I have for grandchildren and I have got their grandchildren . But I am what I am. That’s what should happen to you. So again I would request those who don’t want have their self realization to leave the hall. Like this, like this, just like this. Yes. Now close your eyes. Please close. See If you are feeling cool breeze on your fingertips Now please open your eyes, put your left hand towards me and put the right hand bend your head and put the right hand against the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. See if you this coming on the left hand, little it should be above the head not on top, bend your head and see for yourself. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put your right hand towards me, not touching the head above left hand on the top of your head. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or in the palm or upper to fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. All of you got realization, congratulations. May God bless you. Yogi: Everybody, go down. Yogi: Please, go down.
Arrival Talk
Malpensa. Milan (Italy) , 26 Aprile 2001. (At Mother's arrival, She is covered by flowers. Sahaja Yogis welcome Her by singing “Vishwa Vandita” and “Aspettando Lei”) It’s very heartening to see so many of you coming to welcome Me. I feel so joyous I can’t express it in words. Your love is like the ocean which just moves from one person to another.It’s so great to come to Italy again. (Long clapping, followed by a "ola" of the present italian yogis. Shri Mataji shows a surprised expression and then laughs by heart) Italians have a very large heart. I have found out that this is like My own country. (Again a resounding clap and another "ola". Shri Mataji bursts in laughter) They are here to enjoy love and to enjoy spirituality. And they are very spiritual people. And that is something so much joy-giving, that the whole world can receive spirituality from you. Italians have to go everywhere, and to spread the message of love. Because you have the power of love. Of pure love. And this pure love will definitely transform many people. We have to change this world which is full of problems. All alone, what can I do? They came to call Me to Turkey because they were having a financial crisis. And we had about 7,000 people in the hall. They are another great people. And you should be happy to know that within two days of My stay, the World Bank has given them 10 billion dollars! (Shri Mataji laughs, loud clapping and ‘ola’) So, all your problems, whether physical, mental, emotional, financial, are to be solved. And many were cured also, during My stay there. But you are so developed spiritually that you can cure yourself and you can cure others also. This is something should happen, because I depend on you for this work. I love all of you very much, very much, very much. May God bless you all. But you have a responsibility. You have a duty to perform. Is to save people in this world which is getting into great problems.The main thing you should know that this is the Last Judgement. And you should take to spirituality.Let people be bad, let them be anything, but you try to make them good.I find lots of little children here who are born realised. And I love all of them. They’ll give you no problems, but on the contrary they’ll solve your problems. Because you Italians love children. So May God bless you all. Thank you for coming all the way here.
Malpensa. Milan (Italy) , 26 Aprile 2001. (At Mother's arrival, She is covered by flowers. Sahaja Yogis welcome Her by singing “Vishwa Vandita” and “Aspettando Lei”) It’s very heartening to see so many of you coming to welcome Me. I feel so joyous I can’t express it in words. Your love is like the ocean which just moves from one person to another.It’s so great to come to Italy again. (Long clapping, followed by a "ola" of the present italian yogis. Shri Mataji shows a surprised expression and then laughs by heart) Italians have a very large heart. I have found out that this is like My own country. (Again a resounding clap and another "ola". Shri Mataji bursts in laughter) They are here to enjoy love and to enjoy spirituality. And they are very spiritual people. And that is something so much joy-giving, that the whole world can receive spirituality from you. Italians have to go everywhere, and to spread the message of love. Because you have the power of love. Of pure love. And this pure love will definitely transform many people. We have to change this world which is full of problems. All alone, what can I do? They came to call Me to Turkey because they were having a financial crisis. And we had about 7,000 people in the hall. They are another great people. And you should be happy to know that within two days of My stay, the World Bank has given them 10 billion dollars! (Shri Mataji laughs, loud clapping and ‘ola’) So, all your problems, whether physical, mental, emotional, financial, are to be solved. And many were cured also, during My stay there. But you are so developed spiritually that you can cure yourself and you can cure others also. This is something should happen, because I depend on you for this work. I love all of you very much, very much, very much. May God bless you all. But you have a responsibility. You have a duty to perform. Is to save people in this world which is getting into great problems.The main thing you should know that this is the Last Judgement. And you should take to spirituality.Let people be bad, let them be anything, but you try to make them good.I find lots of little children here who are born realised. And I love all of them. They’ll give you no problems, but on the contrary they’ll solve your problems. Because you Italians love children. So May God bless you all. Thank you for coming all the way here.
Sahasrara Puja: To Break Sahasrara
Cabella Ligure
Sahasrara Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 May 2001. Today, I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis who have found the Truth. There has been, from ages, the seeking for the Truth. And when people discovered that there’s no other way but to surrender to the Divine that you can find the truth, they did not know how to do it, how to work it out. There have been seekers all over the world. I went to Turkey and I was amazed there have been lots of Sufis, but their disciples were not realised souls. Because the Sufis also did not know how they got their Realisation. Such darkness existed around people who were seeking. All over the world, I find, when I was a little girl, that they are completely ignorant about how to find the Truth. So many were lost in all kinds of so-called religions and rituals. All kinds of rituals they used to do. Morning till evening, some sort of a ritual they would do. Whether they were Hindus, Christians, Muslims, they all believed that by doing all these rituals you will achieve something, that you will know the Truth, that you will get your Self-realisation. All such seekers went to wrong people and to wrong directions because they were really seeking from their heart. So they were very misleading, misleading and they were misled into such horrible black areas that they did not know what they were seeking, what they are supposed to seek, what they have to have. It has been prophesised that when Kali Yuga will come, people will find themselves. There is a story about Nala and Kali, who had taken away the wife, Damayanti, of Nala. So, once Nala caught hold of him, and he said that: “Now I’m going to kill you, because you are a very mischievous man, and you have done such a harm to me.” So the Kali said: “You can kill me, but before that you should know what is my importance, what is my Mahatmya. And my importance is that when my time will come – when Kali Yuga will come – then all those people who are seeking the Truth in the jungles, in the hills and dales, in the Himalayas, will become ordinary householders, they’ll be householders – they won’t be sanyasis going about – they’ll be householders, and they will find the Truth”. This has been prophesised long time back, and also there’s a book about it, a big book (Nala Purana) as you must have read in the book, which says that: “The time has come for people to know themselves.” Every religion has said one thing, that – “You must know yourself.” Islam says the same, Buddha says the same, Christians say the same, Hindus say the same. So, till then, they go on doing all kinds of acrobats, but [finally] they realise that – we haven’t found the Truth. So it came to my lot, from my childhood I knew I had to do it. But when I saw the human beings, how much in darkness they were about themselves, how aggressive and how sinful they were, all their style was so cruel that it was unbelievable. That was the time also I saw Hitler coming up. And our country also was in complete bondage. So the first thing was to make our country free, was very important, and that’s why I took a very, very active role in the movement that was for the freedom of our country; same with my father, mother. But when we got the freedom, somehow, after some time we got lost. People started taking to all kinds of modern things which were wrong, which were so-called entertaining. With all that, I found (that) all over the world there was a big seeking force, and some false people took full advantage of it. They went out and made lots and lots of money, and with their falsehood they cursed them, I don’t know what they did to them! So many seekers were lost like that. Despite that, I went to America and I was shocked how the things were going on there. But I couldn’t help it, because they were so mentally ill-equipped, they could not understand what they have to have, and you can’t pay for the Truth. Then it happened that I had started it after the Sahasrara was broken. And you know the story of how I broke the Sahasrara, and how, from one person, I started giving Realization. But from America I got very disappointed. I was thinking: “How will it grow? How will it work out?” We had about 25 people who were realised souls by then, in India. But they realised what they have got by Realization, they realised that they had become very good people. They had given up all bad habits, and they were wanting to worship me. I said: “No, no. Don’t worship me because people will not understand”. But one day they forced me. So on our terrace of the house they came and worshipped me because somebody had told them, “This is the Goddess!” So, what had happened was after the programme one maidservant came up who was possessed. And she came and she started calling me by the name of ‘Goddess’. So people said: “What are you saying?” She was a woman but talking like a man. So she said: “I’m telling you the truth, She is the Goddess who has come to save us.” Her language was not that of a maidservant, but of a very well-educated Brahmin who would say all Adi Shankaracharya’s stotras. It was very surprising! So they asked her several questions and then she just fainted. So I told them: “Just don’t listen to her, it’s no use.” But they would not agree, and they said: “Mother, we have to worship you.” So somehow I agreed to that and they got hold of seven Brahmins to do that. They were afraid because to do that Puja, it’s very dangerous and it could harm you if it is not the Truth. But on the contrary, when they were doing the Puja, they got their Realization, and they just said: “Now, this is the Truth!” They felt the cool breeze in their hands. All the symptoms told about a realised soul started. But I didn’t want to say everything at that time, because there were many others saying: “I am this… I am that…” So I didn’t want to expose it altogether. But gradually I had found that people got attracted and they used to come to my programme, and then the Sahaja Yoga started spreading all over, in a very interesting manner. So this Sahasrara Day or, we can say, on the day the Sahasrara was opened out, is a very important one, it’s very subtle. We just know about the Kundalini, that She’s coiled up in three and a half, and She’s lying in the triangular bone known as Sacrum. But we don’t know what She works, how She works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh… I should say She breaks the sixth centre, because Ganesha’s centre doesn’t play any role. So when She breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahasrara, then She connects you to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love. But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother. We can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti, which is all over, works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It’s a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahasrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahasrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are… I mean your attention is, on the Sahasrara, the more it works faster. Now in the science I’ve read that they have discovered an energy called, they call it… what you call that? I don’t know, because it was the scientists that... Forget it, is the… (From the audience: “Quantum”) What energy? Quantum ha! Quantum Energy. Quantum, I don’t know why they call it Quantum, because Quantum is four. So it might be meaning the energy of Ganesha, maybe, I don’t know. Because scientists are blind people, I don’t know what they call what! So they are saying there is a quantum energy. Now this Quantum Energy, according to them, flows, in a very subtle manner and it is normally not visible, but it has light. You have seen that in so many of photographs of mine, there’s light of all kind. This energy moves in a light. So this is the Quantum Energy I think again, I am not very sure, because scientists, I have always found them little bit vague! But this quantum energy they are talking about is something like the spiritual energy or the energy of love, which flows around. And this Quantum Energy, they do not know what it does, but they have seen it has got light. They call it Quantum because, according to them, it flows in bundles, and every bundle is a quanta, according to them. Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in my presence – just in my presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That’s also, I must say, my connection with the Divine, and that tells me what’s wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time because that also comes to me just like that. I mean, I don’t ask any questions, I don’t try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says: “Do like this.” Or, it also doesn’t say, it just does! It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works. But all of you who have got Realisation can also work out your own energies. How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting. Of course, Sahaja Yoga has spread because of you only. You are the people that have brought people to Sahaja Yoga. But that’s not the end of it. We have to save this world. For that at least I feel 40% of people should get their Realisation. Whatever may be their nationality, whatever may be their education, anything. They are to be given Self-realisation. In our Indian scriptures it is clearly written: “Without Atma Sakshatkar, your life is useless.” But what is Atma Sakshatkar? It’s the knowledge about yourself. How can you have that knowledge, unless and until you become one with this All-pervading Power? So it was a very great thing I felt that this Sahasrara I could open in 1970. I realised I was overwhelmed, because I knew this is the only trouble, it is the only obstacle human beings are having. Because their Sahasraras are not open, that’s why they are going in the darkness, that’s why they are having wars, that’s why they are having all kinds of problems. But if their Sahasrara opens and if they become one with the Divine Power, all their problems will be solved, every type of problem will be solved and they will be very happy people. I realised it and I was very happy, I was over-joyous, but nobody understood me. I don’t know, they thought I must be talking something nonsensical. Nobody understood it, what it is. Because even in the Shastras it’s not written about Kundalini so clearly. Only one great saint called Jnaneshwara wrote it in His book in the sixth chapter about the Kundalini. It’s not so clear, only He said that: “With the Kundalini, you can get your awakening.” Also you sing that song always [“Jogawa”, “Ude bai”] I’ve heard, which says that: “Oh, Kundalini Mother, please be awakened!” But nobody knows that what this Kundalini is and why are you singing that song. It was all in our country, people used to sing in the village. So clearly, but nobody understood the meaning of it. Just they used to sing as a, some sort of a bhajan, or could be some sort of a music concert, but nobody knew what it was talking about. It was such a misunderstanding about everything. And [for] all these poets, also, who have written clearly about awakening, about Realisation, everything was just in the books. They would read one line of the book, then stop there. Another person would start another line, then he stops at another point – like that they were just reading. Same thing about all the scriptures. There was big misunderstanding created and was used for the purpose of their own self-interest. That is how we couldn’t get people who understood what was Self-realisation. It was just for some money, or for some certain type of a position to get, people started big, big organisations, very big religious organisations – I don’t know what to call them – but none of them were realised souls. For example, there was a great saint called Viditama who went to China (Japan), and he started a religion called Zen. Zen means dhyana. And he wanted to put Zen in such a manner that people become thoughtless. He made a big tank full of sand with patterns, and put some stones and he had said that: “You sit on the edge of this pond and just see but don’t think!” But people didn’t understand what it was. Normally anybody would go there and say, “Oh, this looks like some ships in the sea,” or all kinds of things. But nobody tried for thoughtless awareness. And I told some of them that, “This is for thoughtless awareness”, but they couldn’t understand. Then we have also in Japan (China?) – Tao. He talked about the All-pervading Power, which is Tao. And Lao-Tse was the one who did… He had described saints, how the saints are, how they behave, how they talk, what is their mannerism, everything. But how you become a saint, nobody said. I think, throughout, there has been no description how to make a person into a saintly personality. So also in the twelfth century, Jnaneshwara was in the twelfth century [i.e. 1200s], he talked about it, and he said about it in His book everything. Because it was a kind of a style that a guru should have only one disciple, who should give to one disciple Realisation, not to many. I don’t know why, what made them such a law, or a rule. And then it started in the twelfth century, there were many saints who sang the praise of Realisation. And all of them thought that these rituals are no good, so they discarded rituals and this – but what was the thing that had to happen, nobody knew. I have read all their lives, I’ve read afterwards also many saints who were there, but it seems nobody knew how to raise the Kundalini. This was the basic problem – they didn’t know how to raise the Kundalini. While, I think, they didn’t have that power, or maybe they had no knowledge. They talked about Kundalini, alright, but They did not know how to raise the Kundalini. This is a very special power of spirituality. None of Them have been able to say or tell you how to raise the Kundalini. Now you all have got this power, which is such a rare thing. All of you have got it. I don’t see anybody who doesn’t have that power to raise the Kundalini. You may not [use it], you may be contented with yourself, but that’s not a very good thing. If you have got your Sahasrara opened out, and if you know how to raise the Kundalini, you must go all out to give Realisation to people. Nothing is going to benefit people more than Self-realisation. No use doing other charities, giving money, giving this – is of no use. Best thing is to go all out to see people who want their Realization and to give them Realization. I was very happy to see that they have started working it out on the Gypsies. I have a special feeling for Gypsies. For no fault of theirs, they are leading a very miserable life. And how the Gypsies got the Realization, you can see that you can give it to anyone who wants to have it. One thing is there, you cannot force on anyone. If they have a desire, a pure desire, they can get Self-Realization. So this day, I have to just say now so many years have passed. I’ve worked quite hard, day and night, and my only desire was that you people should take it seriously and work it out. Don’t keep your Realisation to yourself! As many as people you can give Realisation (to), the greatest obligation will be on me, and on God Almighty. Only thing is you should try to give Realization to others. You will never make a mistake. You can never make a mistake, because the Kundalini knows. She knows you, She knows you are a realised soul. She’ll respect you. Even if you make mistakes, She’ll correct it and She’ll help you in every way. I’m just a, I should say, a housewife who had no support from anyone. But I was sure that it’s my job to find out how to break the Sahasrara. Whatever way it is, outside doesn’t matter, my job was to find out the breaking of Sahasrara, which I did. Now you also know that! So this is your job. And the scientists now will be coming round you to ask you questions, because they don’t know what they are talking about is what we are already doing. So, you are so powerful all of you. But how many of you are really doing this work, is the point. Today is a very important day. I want to tell you that you have to strengthen my hands. They say the Goddess has one thousand hands, but even the one thousand hands are now asking that you come along with your two hands and work it out. Is very important what you have to do. All kinds of problems in this world – they come because of ignorance, take it politics, take it any problem. And how it is solved is also is your power with the Divine. I will give you one simple example, that, the Turkish people came and were begging of me, “Mother, You must come, You should not postpone.” And my passport was a problem. I said, “The passport is not ready, how will I come?” But then I thought: “Why not? We’ll have the passport also done.” So passport was ready. And they wanted me to go to Turkey, because they said, “The financial condition has gone down very much, the economy has gone down absolutely. We are ruined.” I went there, I didn’t do anything about it, within two days, they announced ten billion dollar help from the World Bank. Now I didn’t talk to the World Bank, I had nothing to do with them. I don’t know. Then I said, “No, maybe, you see, they are helping because you people are in such trouble.” They said: “But so many countries are, why have they helped us only?” I said: “That’s the point!” So now, I was surprised in Turkey there are only ladies, mostly, who are leaders, mostly, and they have done such a big job. Now, I want to see what you people are doing in your country. You may say that: “In my country, the people are hopelessly bad.” Maybe, I don’t say no. But, still there are places, there are pockets where you can go and talk to them, tell them. Especially the media you must handle. It is something you have to do and find out why you can’t do it. Like me, I was not supported by anybody, not helped by anybody, and how I managed to break the Sahasrara, you can also break the Sahasraras of others. It is not difficult, because my vision is that this world at least should have 40% people who are realised souls and who are practising Sahaja Yoga, who are giving Realization to people and trying to change the people. Anybody you can go and tell, anybody. There’s no need to discriminate or to find out or sit down with their… I mean people take sometimes the copy of their education and this and that – that’s not needed. Whosoever it is. I’m not saying to give it to dogs or to animals, but to human beings, wherever they are (laughing). They may be anything. They may be English, or they could be Germans, they could be Italians, anywhere. I am told also some people are doing lots of seminars and working very hard, on all levels, and it is working out. Among Muslims also, we have started working. And even in India it has worked. You don’t know, people have not lost all their heads, so it can work out. Don’t be very much disappointed and upset about it. Gradually it will improve. I think the greatest enemy of our Self-realisation is the drinking. Drinking, if people take to drinking, they become such slaves ki (that) their brains are not alright. So I think at Sahasrara also must be spoilt with drinking. So drinking I think is the worst enemy. And if you could find anybody drinking, if you could help that man to give up drinking itself, it will work out. Of course we have other enemies also, like false gurus are there. Also we have other enemies who are having some sort of religious manipulations, but that’s not so important. If you can get hold of people who are drinking, I tell you it will change. And they will now understand that what they have been doing so far, drinking, running away – now they’ll come to the fields, and they’ll work out Sahaja Yoga. So you are like very gentle soldiers of love, and that’s what you have to spread and talk to others, give them that joy that you have. Not [to] be satisfied if you have got it only or [a] few of you have it. You have to spread it very fast, and you can do it. Because it doesn’t require money, it doesn’t require any show, it is just inside it works. It’s already there, it’s present there, everybody has it. I knew all that. Of course I knew it. But now you also know it, so you should work it out, and work it out in a manner that I am sure one day this world will be a changed place. Thank you very much.
Sahasrara Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 May 2001. Today, I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis who have found the Truth. There has been, from ages, the seeking for the Truth. And when people discovered that there’s no other way but to surrender to the Divine that you can find the truth, they did not know how to do it, how to work it out. There have been seekers all over the world. I went to Turkey and I was amazed there have been lots of Sufis, but their disciples were not realised souls. Because the Sufis also did not know how they got their Realisation. Such darkness existed around people who were seeking. All over the world, I find, when I was a little girl, that they are completely ignorant about how to find the Truth. So many were lost in all kinds of so-called religions and rituals. All kinds of rituals they used to do. Morning till evening, some sort of a ritual they would do. Whether they were Hindus, Christians, Muslims, they all believed that by doing all these rituals you will achieve something, that you will know the Truth, that you will get your Self-realisation. All such seekers went to wrong people and to wrong directions because they were really seeking from their heart. So they were very misleading, misleading and they were misled into such horrible black areas that they did not know what they were seeking, what they are supposed to seek, what they have to have. It has been prophesised that when Kali Yuga will come, people will find themselves. There is a story about Nala and Kali, who had taken away the wife, Damayanti, of Nala. So, once Nala caught hold of him, and he said that: “Now I’m going to kill you, because you are a very mischievous man, and you have done such a harm to me.” So the Kali said: “You can kill me, but before that you should know what is my importance, what is my Mahatmya. And my importance is that when my time will come – when Kali Yuga will come – then all those people who are seeking the Truth in the jungles, in the hills and dales, in the Himalayas, will become ordinary householders, they’ll be householders – they won’t be sanyasis going about – they’ll be householders, and they will find the Truth”. This has been prophesised long time back, and also there’s a book about it, a big book (Nala Purana) as you must have read in the book, which says that: “The time has come for people to know themselves.” Every religion has said one thing, that – “You must know yourself.” Islam says the same, Buddha says the same, Christians say the same, Hindus say the same. So, till then, they go on doing all kinds of acrobats, but [finally] they realise that – we haven’t found the Truth. So it came to my lot, from my childhood I knew I had to do it. But when I saw the human beings, how much in darkness they were about themselves, how aggressive and how sinful they were, all their style was so cruel that it was unbelievable. That was the time also I saw Hitler coming up. And our country also was in complete bondage. So the first thing was to make our country free, was very important, and that’s why I took a very, very active role in the movement that was for the freedom of our country; same with my father, mother. But when we got the freedom, somehow, after some time we got lost. People started taking to all kinds of modern things which were wrong, which were so-called entertaining. With all that, I found (that) all over the world there was a big seeking force, and some false people took full advantage of it. They went out and made lots and lots of money, and with their falsehood they cursed them, I don’t know what they did to them! So many seekers were lost like that. Despite that, I went to America and I was shocked how the things were going on there. But I couldn’t help it, because they were so mentally ill-equipped, they could not understand what they have to have, and you can’t pay for the Truth. Then it happened that I had started it after the Sahasrara was broken. And you know the story of how I broke the Sahasrara, and how, from one person, I started giving Realization. But from America I got very disappointed. I was thinking: “How will it grow? How will it work out?” We had about 25 people who were realised souls by then, in India. But they realised what they have got by Realization, they realised that they had become very good people. They had given up all bad habits, and they were wanting to worship me. I said: “No, no. Don’t worship me because people will not understand”. But one day they forced me. So on our terrace of the house they came and worshipped me because somebody had told them, “This is the Goddess!” So, what had happened was after the programme one maidservant came up who was possessed. And she came and she started calling me by the name of ‘Goddess’. So people said: “What are you saying?” She was a woman but talking like a man. So she said: “I’m telling you the truth, She is the Goddess who has come to save us.” Her language was not that of a maidservant, but of a very well-educated Brahmin who would say all Adi Shankaracharya’s stotras. It was very surprising! So they asked her several questions and then she just fainted. So I told them: “Just don’t listen to her, it’s no use.” But they would not agree, and they said: “Mother, we have to worship you.” So somehow I agreed to that and they got hold of seven Brahmins to do that. They were afraid because to do that Puja, it’s very dangerous and it could harm you if it is not the Truth. But on the contrary, when they were doing the Puja, they got their Realization, and they just said: “Now, this is the Truth!” They felt the cool breeze in their hands. All the symptoms told about a realised soul started. But I didn’t want to say everything at that time, because there were many others saying: “I am this… I am that…” So I didn’t want to expose it altogether. But gradually I had found that people got attracted and they used to come to my programme, and then the Sahaja Yoga started spreading all over, in a very interesting manner. So this Sahasrara Day or, we can say, on the day the Sahasrara was opened out, is a very important one, it’s very subtle. We just know about the Kundalini, that She’s coiled up in three and a half, and She’s lying in the triangular bone known as Sacrum. But we don’t know what She works, how She works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh… I should say She breaks the sixth centre, because Ganesha’s centre doesn’t play any role. So when She breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahasrara, then She connects you to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love. But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother. We can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti, which is all over, works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It’s a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahasrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahasrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are… I mean your attention is, on the Sahasrara, the more it works faster. Now in the science I’ve read that they have discovered an energy called, they call it… what you call that? I don’t know, because it was the scientists that... Forget it, is the… (From the audience: “Quantum”) What energy? Quantum ha! Quantum Energy. Quantum, I don’t know why they call it Quantum, because Quantum is four. So it might be meaning the energy of Ganesha, maybe, I don’t know. Because scientists are blind people, I don’t know what they call what! So they are saying there is a quantum energy. Now this Quantum Energy, according to them, flows, in a very subtle manner and it is normally not visible, but it has light. You have seen that in so many of photographs of mine, there’s light of all kind. This energy moves in a light. So this is the Quantum Energy I think again, I am not very sure, because scientists, I have always found them little bit vague! But this quantum energy they are talking about is something like the spiritual energy or the energy of love, which flows around. And this Quantum Energy, they do not know what it does, but they have seen it has got light. They call it Quantum because, according to them, it flows in bundles, and every bundle is a quanta, according to them. Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in my presence – just in my presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That’s also, I must say, my connection with the Divine, and that tells me what’s wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time because that also comes to me just like that. I mean, I don’t ask any questions, I don’t try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says: “Do like this.” Or, it also doesn’t say, it just does! It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works. But all of you who have got Realisation can also work out your own energies. How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting. Of course, Sahaja Yoga has spread because of you only. You are the people that have brought people to Sahaja Yoga. But that’s not the end of it. We have to save this world. For that at least I feel 40% of people should get their Realisation. Whatever may be their nationality, whatever may be their education, anything. They are to be given Self-realisation. In our Indian scriptures it is clearly written: “Without Atma Sakshatkar, your life is useless.” But what is Atma Sakshatkar? It’s the knowledge about yourself. How can you have that knowledge, unless and until you become one with this All-pervading Power? So it was a very great thing I felt that this Sahasrara I could open in 1970. I realised I was overwhelmed, because I knew this is the only trouble, it is the only obstacle human beings are having. Because their Sahasraras are not open, that’s why they are going in the darkness, that’s why they are having wars, that’s why they are having all kinds of problems. But if their Sahasrara opens and if they become one with the Divine Power, all their problems will be solved, every type of problem will be solved and they will be very happy people. I realised it and I was very happy, I was over-joyous, but nobody understood me. I don’t know, they thought I must be talking something nonsensical. Nobody understood it, what it is. Because even in the Shastras it’s not written about Kundalini so clearly. Only one great saint called Jnaneshwara wrote it in His book in the sixth chapter about the Kundalini. It’s not so clear, only He said that: “With the Kundalini, you can get your awakening.” Also you sing that song always [“Jogawa”, “Ude bai”] I’ve heard, which says that: “Oh, Kundalini Mother, please be awakened!” But nobody knows that what this Kundalini is and why are you singing that song. It was all in our country, people used to sing in the village. So clearly, but nobody understood the meaning of it. Just they used to sing as a, some sort of a bhajan, or could be some sort of a music concert, but nobody knew what it was talking about. It was such a misunderstanding about everything. And [for] all these poets, also, who have written clearly about awakening, about Realisation, everything was just in the books. They would read one line of the book, then stop there. Another person would start another line, then he stops at another point – like that they were just reading. Same thing about all the scriptures. There was big misunderstanding created and was used for the purpose of their own self-interest. That is how we couldn’t get people who understood what was Self-realisation. It was just for some money, or for some certain type of a position to get, people started big, big organisations, very big religious organisations – I don’t know what to call them – but none of them were realised souls. For example, there was a great saint called Viditama who went to China (Japan), and he started a religion called Zen. Zen means dhyana. And he wanted to put Zen in such a manner that people become thoughtless. He made a big tank full of sand with patterns, and put some stones and he had said that: “You sit on the edge of this pond and just see but don’t think!” But people didn’t understand what it was. Normally anybody would go there and say, “Oh, this looks like some ships in the sea,” or all kinds of things. But nobody tried for thoughtless awareness. And I told some of them that, “This is for thoughtless awareness”, but they couldn’t understand. Then we have also in Japan (China?) – Tao. He talked about the All-pervading Power, which is Tao. And Lao-Tse was the one who did… He had described saints, how the saints are, how they behave, how they talk, what is their mannerism, everything. But how you become a saint, nobody said. I think, throughout, there has been no description how to make a person into a saintly personality. So also in the twelfth century, Jnaneshwara was in the twelfth century [i.e. 1200s], he talked about it, and he said about it in His book everything. Because it was a kind of a style that a guru should have only one disciple, who should give to one disciple Realisation, not to many. I don’t know why, what made them such a law, or a rule. And then it started in the twelfth century, there were many saints who sang the praise of Realisation. And all of them thought that these rituals are no good, so they discarded rituals and this – but what was the thing that had to happen, nobody knew. I have read all their lives, I’ve read afterwards also many saints who were there, but it seems nobody knew how to raise the Kundalini. This was the basic problem – they didn’t know how to raise the Kundalini. While, I think, they didn’t have that power, or maybe they had no knowledge. They talked about Kundalini, alright, but They did not know how to raise the Kundalini. This is a very special power of spirituality. None of Them have been able to say or tell you how to raise the Kundalini. Now you all have got this power, which is such a rare thing. All of you have got it. I don’t see anybody who doesn’t have that power to raise the Kundalini. You may not [use it], you may be contented with yourself, but that’s not a very good thing. If you have got your Sahasrara opened out, and if you know how to raise the Kundalini, you must go all out to give Realisation to people. Nothing is going to benefit people more than Self-realisation. No use doing other charities, giving money, giving this – is of no use. Best thing is to go all out to see people who want their Realization and to give them Realization. I was very happy to see that they have started working it out on the Gypsies. I have a special feeling for Gypsies. For no fault of theirs, they are leading a very miserable life. And how the Gypsies got the Realization, you can see that you can give it to anyone who wants to have it. One thing is there, you cannot force on anyone. If they have a desire, a pure desire, they can get Self-Realization. So this day, I have to just say now so many years have passed. I’ve worked quite hard, day and night, and my only desire was that you people should take it seriously and work it out. Don’t keep your Realisation to yourself! As many as people you can give Realisation (to), the greatest obligation will be on me, and on God Almighty. Only thing is you should try to give Realization to others. You will never make a mistake. You can never make a mistake, because the Kundalini knows. She knows you, She knows you are a realised soul. She’ll respect you. Even if you make mistakes, She’ll correct it and She’ll help you in every way. I’m just a, I should say, a housewife who had no support from anyone. But I was sure that it’s my job to find out how to break the Sahasrara. Whatever way it is, outside doesn’t matter, my job was to find out the breaking of Sahasrara, which I did. Now you also know that! So this is your job. And the scientists now will be coming round you to ask you questions, because they don’t know what they are talking about is what we are already doing. So, you are so powerful all of you. But how many of you are really doing this work, is the point. Today is a very important day. I want to tell you that you have to strengthen my hands. They say the Goddess has one thousand hands, but even the one thousand hands are now asking that you come along with your two hands and work it out. Is very important what you have to do. All kinds of problems in this world – they come because of ignorance, take it politics, take it any problem. And how it is solved is also is your power with the Divine. I will give you one simple example, that, the Turkish people came and were begging of me, “Mother, You must come, You should not postpone.” And my passport was a problem. I said, “The passport is not ready, how will I come?” But then I thought: “Why not? We’ll have the passport also done.” So passport was ready. And they wanted me to go to Turkey, because they said, “The financial condition has gone down very much, the economy has gone down absolutely. We are ruined.” I went there, I didn’t do anything about it, within two days, they announced ten billion dollar help from the World Bank. Now I didn’t talk to the World Bank, I had nothing to do with them. I don’t know. Then I said, “No, maybe, you see, they are helping because you people are in such trouble.” They said: “But so many countries are, why have they helped us only?” I said: “That’s the point!” So now, I was surprised in Turkey there are only ladies, mostly, who are leaders, mostly, and they have done such a big job. Now, I want to see what you people are doing in your country. You may say that: “In my country, the people are hopelessly bad.” Maybe, I don’t say no. But, still there are places, there are pockets where you can go and talk to them, tell them. Especially the media you must handle. It is something you have to do and find out why you can’t do it. Like me, I was not supported by anybody, not helped by anybody, and how I managed to break the Sahasrara, you can also break the Sahasraras of others. It is not difficult, because my vision is that this world at least should have 40% people who are realised souls and who are practising Sahaja Yoga, who are giving Realization to people and trying to change the people. Anybody you can go and tell, anybody. There’s no need to discriminate or to find out or sit down with their… I mean people take sometimes the copy of their education and this and that – that’s not needed. Whosoever it is. I’m not saying to give it to dogs or to animals, but to human beings, wherever they are (laughing). They may be anything. They may be English, or they could be Germans, they could be Italians, anywhere. I am told also some people are doing lots of seminars and working very hard, on all levels, and it is working out. Among Muslims also, we have started working. And even in India it has worked. You don’t know, people have not lost all their heads, so it can work out. Don’t be very much disappointed and upset about it. Gradually it will improve. I think the greatest enemy of our Self-realisation is the drinking. Drinking, if people take to drinking, they become such slaves ki (that) their brains are not alright. So I think at Sahasrara also must be spoilt with drinking. So drinking I think is the worst enemy. And if you could find anybody drinking, if you could help that man to give up drinking itself, it will work out. Of course we have other enemies also, like false gurus are there. Also we have other enemies who are having some sort of religious manipulations, but that’s not so important. If you can get hold of people who are drinking, I tell you it will change. And they will now understand that what they have been doing so far, drinking, running away – now they’ll come to the fields, and they’ll work out Sahaja Yoga. So you are like very gentle soldiers of love, and that’s what you have to spread and talk to others, give them that joy that you have. Not [to] be satisfied if you have got it only or [a] few of you have it. You have to spread it very fast, and you can do it. Because it doesn’t require money, it doesn’t require any show, it is just inside it works. It’s already there, it’s present there, everybody has it. I knew all that. Of course I knew it. But now you also know it, so you should work it out, and work it out in a manner that I am sure one day this world will be a changed place. Thank you very much.
Mother’s Day
Cabella Ligure
Mother's Day Celebrations
Mother's Day. Cabella (Italy), 13 May 2001. [Sahaja yogis go to Shri Mataji’s apartments to make offerings and pay their respect on Mother’s Day] I have never enjoyed a bliss as now I am enjoying… (…) sahaja yogis could be so well… (poor quality audio) [Tape interruption] [“Mother” is] a very special institution (She tells a sahaja yogi aside to translate into Italian), especially in this country [Italy] – They have such respect for their mothers. Mother is the source of love. In the Koran they asked Mohammed-sahib whom should we bow after Allah? So he said “to Mother” - “To the Mother”. Then again they asked him, he said: “Only the Mother”. Again they asked him, he said: “Only The Mother”. I’m sure he must have said about the Divine Mother, because worldly mothers may not be complete mothers, perhaps. They are a embodied, or, we can say, examples of Mother’s love, of the Divine Mother’s love, but they are human. So they can be conditioned, influenced or could be egoistical, especially if they are living in a particular country for a long time and have no idea of Divine love. In Divine love there is no expectations, it just flows, it doesn’t think how to judge a person or what to do for a person, it just flows. And most of the people enjoy that, most. Some of them might take advantage, but makes no difference to the Mother. Because the love is like an ocean, and because this love makes the Mother very humble, everything flows to the Mother it flows. You see Mother Earth now, you see, see how much she does for us, without any expectations, but if you try to be unkind, try to be cruel, materialistic very much, then she acts according to the wishes of Shiva – not the Mother. She destroys such people. All the five elements are like that. All the destruction forces that we have in those five elements, can be used by Shiva principle. Shiva watches the work of the Mother, and to a great extent He blesses also (unclear). But if He finds that people are getting away from reality, from Divinity, from goodness, from benevolence, then He gets annoyed and He punishes in His own cruel manner (of things - unclear). It’s a very different role from that of the Mother. So He doesn’t consult even Mother about it. He gets angry and really it is something very sad sometimes, we find people get lost because of His anger. So to remain under the love of Mother is the best safest thing, because She expects nothing and She tries to solve your problems because She loves you without any anger, whatever you may do to Her She doesn’t take a respite, revenge… [Video ends here]
Mother's Day. Cabella (Italy), 13 May 2001. [Sahaja yogis go to Shri Mataji’s apartments to make offerings and pay their respect on Mother’s Day] I have never enjoyed a bliss as now I am enjoying… (…) sahaja yogis could be so well… (poor quality audio) [Tape interruption] [“Mother” is] a very special institution (She tells a sahaja yogi aside to translate into Italian), especially in this country [Italy] – They have such respect for their mothers. Mother is the source of love. In the Koran they asked Mohammed-sahib whom should we bow after Allah? So he said “to Mother” - “To the Mother”. Then again they asked him, he said: “Only the Mother”. Again they asked him, he said: “Only The Mother”. I’m sure he must have said about the Divine Mother, because worldly mothers may not be complete mothers, perhaps. They are a embodied, or, we can say, examples of Mother’s love, of the Divine Mother’s love, but they are human. So they can be conditioned, influenced or could be egoistical, especially if they are living in a particular country for a long time and have no idea of Divine love. In Divine love there is no expectations, it just flows, it doesn’t think how to judge a person or what to do for a person, it just flows. And most of the people enjoy that, most. Some of them might take advantage, but makes no difference to the Mother. Because the love is like an ocean, and because this love makes the Mother very humble, everything flows to the Mother it flows. You see Mother Earth now, you see, see how much she does for us, without any expectations, but if you try to be unkind, try to be cruel, materialistic very much, then she acts according to the wishes of Shiva – not the Mother. She destroys such people. All the five elements are like that. All the destruction forces that we have in those five elements, can be used by Shiva principle. Shiva watches the work of the Mother, and to a great extent He blesses also (unclear). But if He finds that people are getting away from reality, from Divinity, from goodness, from benevolence, then He gets annoyed and He punishes in His own cruel manner (of things - unclear). It’s a very different role from that of the Mother. So He doesn’t consult even Mother about it. He gets angry and really it is something very sad sometimes, we find people get lost because of His anger. So to remain under the love of Mother is the best safest thing, because She expects nothing and She tries to solve your problems because She loves you without any anger, whatever you may do to Her She doesn’t take a respite, revenge… [Video ends here]
Adi Shakti Puja:  Humanity has to be saved through you and nobody else
Cabella Ligure
Adi Shakti
“The Work of the Adi Shakti”, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 3 June 2001. Today we are worshipping Adi Shakti. I think this is the most important puja because it is the power of Adi Shakti that has given you Self-realisation, that has given you the truth, that has given you the power of compassion and love. That’s the power that separated from Sadashiva. And this power wanted, Herself, to create this complete universe — universes after universes. She’s creating and loving. With Her love, She did this great Creation: creation of this world also. This is a specially selected planet, which was very beautifully brought in the centre, between the Sun and the Moon, for the creation of, ultimately, the human beings. This is Her great work [done] with such love and affection, and with very great hope that Her children will know the truth and will get the ultimate knowledge about themselves and about everything else. As you have read in The Bible about how Adi Shakti came in the form of a snake and told human beings that, “You have to know the knowledge,” [to] Adam and Eve, and to Eve especially. And they accepted to eat the fruit of knowledge because they would have remained just like animals, without knowing any subtleties of life — little higher animals maybe. Once they ate the fruit they started feeling that there is something wrong, the way they are without any clothes. So they brought some leaves of the tree and covered themselves. So the first knowledge came was of chastity, because Shri Ganesha was established and His influence brought forth this consciousness that we have to cover our bodies, we are no more animals. Only the animals — of course, they are not standing, so it’s all right — are not aware of it. With the knowledge of chastity, gradually human beings started growing into beautiful nations. But there are so many things which were still to be known, to be aware of. You may be aware of many things but unless and until you get your Spiritual awakening, unless and until you get your Self-knowledge, all other knowledge is absolutely nothing. With this Self-knowledge only, you become powerful. The real power. The real power is of love and compassion. Today when you see the whole world is busy fighting and they are trying to protect people from wars and creating great, huge, protecting instruments. The whole world seems to be in a mad race of killing each other, of destroying each other, of competition, ambition, leading to fighting and then to greater wars. They are fighting for a piece of land. So ignorant they are! Can you carry even a pinch of this land with you when you die? When you are born you come with closed fists and when you die you go with open hands. What do you take with you? All right, you may not like to take anything, but do you enjoy whatever you think is so great for which you are fighting? Why [is] this fighting going on among all nonsensical people? It’s surprising how people give up their peace, give up their understanding, when it comes to a piece of land. And the whole thing has moved into a very wrong direction and going towards complete destruction. The thing that has made human beings so much suffering because of all their ignorance, by which they have all those habits, all those attractions, all those identifications, which is so ruinous, which will ruin all of them, each, one by one. They have to take to sense and they have to take to their Self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the key for a saviour to give to people. We have had so many saints, we have had so many sufis, we had tao people, we had zen people. All kinds of realised-souls came on this Earth. They all suffered, they were tortured. Nobody understood them. But now the time has come for you to know the truth. But truth which is not dry, truth which has compassion, truth that encompasses everyone, that brings the complete view of our existence: why are we here on this Earth, what is our purpose, what should we do. Adi Shakti’s powers are such, of love and compassion, that makes you understand yourself first. The love for you, is very, very limited. There’s no awareness of your own being. Just imagine what a great task it is for you, how much you have to be seriously becoming aware of yourself first. That is extremely important. First you have to be aware of yourself. And now you have the light of your Spirit. In the light of that Spirit, you can see what you are, and you can see how far you are going, how wrong things you are doing, what harm you are doing to yourself and you have a power to cure it, to improve it and to come to your senses. These are the most important times. You’ll never get these times again. You never had it in the history and you can never get it in the future. This is the time you have got. Not only the awareness, not only the Self-knowledge, but you know how to do it. Otherwise, about the saints, about those people, Tao and Zen people, they have just described what a person with Self-knowledge is, how he behaves, how his style is, how he’s so different from others. But none of them have said how you become that. No one has been able to say that, nobody has been able to do that also because perhaps most of them didn’t know about Kundalini and those who knew also could not talk about it to people. So the greatest work of the Adi Shakti is to put the Kundalini in your sacrum bone. This Kundalini is not the Adi Shakti: Adi Shakti is a much greater thing, much bigger thing, much wider thing, much deeper, much stronger, much more powerful. Kundalini is the reflection of Adi Shakti power. And when She rises you know what happens to you and how you get your Realisation. But you have to be very watchful: are you really a compassionate person? If you are compassionate, the first thing that will happen to any compassionate person, I think, will be to help others, to emancipate others. They cannot be satisfied with their own achievements and with their own state of Self-realisation. It cannot happen! What was the need for Adi Shakti to do all these efforts? To work so hard? You know that I had to work very, very hard but from my very childhood I have worked very hard and I have gone through very difficult times, very, very difficult times, according to human understanding. But the worst time I have [is] when I see those people whom I have given Realisation, those who are self-realised people, they are the ones who have no responsibility for others and, if they have it is very little. They don’t have that compassion and don’t have that love that we have to today save the world, save the humanity. That’s not only our principal work but the only work that we have to do. All other things are going to achieve nothing, except for your own efforts, individual efforts, to give Self-realisation to others and give them this knowledge. This knowledge is so easy to understand. It is very subtle, no doubt. And, as I have told you, that the Quantum Theory they are talking about now, the scientists, is that they have seen those miraculous waves of lights and they are trying to find out something about it. It cannot be that some Sahaj Yogis will rise above others. Every one of you has to know that this is a very special thing that has happened to you. Even if you had gone to Himalayas, even if you have starved yourself, even if you have been singing the praise of God for years, even [if] you had done all kinds of rituals and penances, you could not have got your Realisation. That would not have been possible. I knew this and that’s why I have to work very hard, facing all kinds of problems, all kinds of turmoils, all kinds of pressures. What was the thing? Just to see that you all are created and you are all my hands. You have to work. Every finger has to work. And that is what I have been telling you that: now it is our responsibility to see that we become, not only Sahaja Yogis ourselves, but [the] blossoming time. And many, many Sahaja Yogis we should have. It’s a work of Adi Shakti. Try to understand this. It’s not work of any saint, it’s not work of any incarnation, it’s not work of any politician, and not work of any big leader. It is the work of Adi Shakti, which is so transparently showing its results in you. Now it is for you to see. To please me is your ardent desire, I know. I see how you love me and how you want to do for me. But the greatest thing you can do for me is to spread Sahaj Yoga. It’s a very special, extremely difficult blessings you have got. You didn’t have to do any efforts, you didn’t have to pay any money, you don’t have to get sick with rituals. You got it spontaneously. But that doesn’t mean that it’s sort of your birthright to get it. It’s the work of Adi Shakti. And the work of Adi Shakti has to be shown in your life — is the compassion, without any reward. People have tried to spread their religion by showing compassion to poor people, looking after the poor people, handicapped people. There’s no need, actually, for Sahaj Yogis to do that. What they have to do is to transform other people. Find out ways and methods how you can transform, how you can spread the message of Adi Shakti. Put your mind to it and you will know how you can manage it. There should be all the time a compelling desire that we have to find out methods by which we can spread Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise it’s like what Christ has described: that some seed fell on the marshy land and they sprouted, but never grew. You can only grow in the real sense of the word and become something very, very special and real, by knowing what you can do. I have a vision, no doubt, and I have been talking about it quite a lot, but [that] it ends up with the puja is not a good thing. I know some countries are very difficult: try to find out what is the problem, why it is so very difficult. Attention has to be paid to this, that what other human beings are doing to destroy themselves, as if it is the part and parcel of the same game which we call as The Last Judgement. But let us, through our compassion and love, save as many as possible. This is the work of Adi Shakti, not the work of any saint or any incarnation; they are all there, no doubt. They are all with us, all the time to help us, but you people have the power of Adi Shakti, which is very great, which is very penetrating, which is miraculous, is so effective. But unless and until you become aware of your own powers, how will you work it out? It would be like a dead machine that has everything, but nobody is there to work it out. All the time I had to go through very, very hazardous times and sometimes I felt that I may have to take another birth, the way things were so difficult for me. But now, for you it has been very easy. As if the one who makes the road has to work very hard but those who walk on that, they don’t realise how easily they have got it. And if they realise this, then they will realise also, “Let many walk on this road, which was created with such patience, understanding and love.” I have to really see you, all Sahaj Yogis, doing your level best to change this world; has to be changed. As it is the humanity has to be saved through you and nobody else. No president, no prime minister, no minister, none of these people can change the world and seeing it. It is you who are entitled. You have got this power. Do you realise your own status? Your own being, which has risen so high? It is not there. If that realisation was there, you would go all out to express your love and compassion to other people, to make them realise what they are. Only with Sahaja Yoga you can save this world, there’s no other way out. Whatever you may try, say to help the poor, to help this and that is something very, very superficial. Best thing is to give Realisation to every person you see. We have seen children, they are coming up. They’ll be great Sahaj Yogis also, I can see that. But before them, you have to show your own merits of what you have done. It’s not a static work. It’s a big movement, which has to be really explosive and unless and until such a great step is taken, I don’t know who will be blamed for the doomsday. You are the ones who have to build up the destiny of human beings. Don’t consider yourself as something nothing: you could never have got your Realisation, you would never have come to me. Among so many, you are the ones who came to me and who asked for Realisation and got it. You know it cannot be forced. This Realisation cannot be forced. This awareness cannot be forced. And the growth of this awareness also cannot be forced. You have to develop that attention deep down within yourself. And see for yourself what you have done, what you have done. If you are still busy with the money problem or the power problem and this problem and that [then] you are a problem, you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Sahaj Yogi is above everything else and is very powerful. Power will be achieved by them: power of love and compassion. It is not only words of love. It is not only [the] act of loving others, but it is a powerful personality that you will have which will just emit that great Divine light and can capture people. All should just take a very brave personality. I must say people have improved, otherwise everybody used to write to me, “This is wrong with me,” and “That is wrong with my father. This [is] wrong with my great-grandmother,” and all kinds of things. That is over now, much less; I must say, much less. But instead of telling me about people who are sick, people who have failed, people who are still in a state that cannot be improved [the] attention should be changed. If there’s one person who has got cancer anywhere, immediately at least ten photographs will come to me, the leader will write to me, the vice-leader will write to me, everybody will write to me that, “Mother this is such-and-such thing.” Why? Is that my job? That person can be cured — we have hospitals — can be cured by photographs. But attention always goes — now the compassion part of it — to those people who are suffering so-called physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, also in the marriages: that’s not your job, neither mine. If they are sick, they should take a photograph and work it out. If it doesn’t work that means it doesn’t deserve [to]. There is no need for you to treat them and to work it out and, if it fails, to write to me that, “Mother, such-and-such person is sick.” What’s so important? Already, we have so many healthy people going round, why not use them first? Our job is not to cure people. Affection is all right. Compassion is all right. It’s a natural thing that our attention goes to sick people or to the poor people or to the people who are suffering. But what about Sahaja Yoga? If you have one sick person, hundred Sahaja Yogis will get after that. What is the reason? Is it compassion? It’s not. They want to prove that they can cure that person; is not compassion. Compassion today is to transform human beings into Sahajis, into good people. That is the love of Adi Shakti. Because those who are born have to die in any case. We should not be unkind, of course, but our attention should be [on] how many people we are giving Realisation. It’s a very common thing that people indulge more into so-called curing and improving and this. It’s all right. Also, there are problems like in the marriages, some married couple don’t want to be there — it’s all right, finish them! If they don’t want to live together, let them go. We have many people who are sensible in this world, many people who are healthy in this world. Now how can you go on struggling with people who don’t want to live together and have problems? That’s not your job. First of all, you are a Spiritual worker, you are not a social worker. Of course, by the way, you can do social work, it doesn’t matter; by the way. But the main thing for you is to transform human beings. With that, the greatest disease is of meanness, of cruelty, of torturing others, anger. All these diseases can be cured, which are internal, not external; that is today wanted. Every country’s fighting and is tortured and is in peril all the time of getting destroyed. The only way you can do it is to give them Realisation. Now what happens is to be seen very clearly that when you give Realisation to someone and he values it and he grows into it, then you are protected, you are completely protected. Who protects you? You may say the Adi Shakti, all right, but also there is a destructive power working in this world, not of negativity, but positive destructive power, of Shiva. If He sees that if Adi Shakti’s work is going on well, He’s happy. But He’s sitting there and watching each and every person, each and every work of Sahaj Yogis and if He finds something really very wrong, I cannot control it — He destroys! I cannot go to that point. He destroys, not only destroys, but thousands He can destroy. Anywhere there is a calamity, we can say, like an earthquake or some sort of a hurricane, all these things come through the working of Shri Mahadeva. I can’t help you there. But if you really give Realisation to people, all these can be averted. Of course, it is the whim, I should say, of Adi Shakti that She started this work of creating this world, of creating you and making you Sahaja Yogis, but your responsibility is also very important. You cannot be irresponsible! Maybe it was, I felt, my responsibility, but there’s a difference. I never felt it was my responsibility, never felt this was my job, never felt I have to do it. I did it. That’s the work. That’s the kind of personality you should have. You have to do it in a very humble manner, in a very beautiful manner and you’ll be amazed to see how you are protected, how you are supported and how everything works out. The greatest joy you will get when you will find you can give Realisation to people, you can change their lives. Never you would feel such joy, even if you get, say, a big lottery maybe, a big job or a big name or a very big award — no. The joy of creating Sahaj Yogis knows no bounds, it’s such a joy-giving thing. You develop such fraternities, such solidarity, as they call it, such oneness, such enjoyment of love, enjoyment of compassion. It’s a different level of enjoyment that’s not like ordinary enjoyments. You are not to be afraid of me, but be afraid of yourself. Have a watch on yourself and see for yourself what have you been doing so far, what have you done so far; because you have been enlightened. If the enlightened people cannot give light, what’s the use of having them? Look at these little, little candles. Whatever little light they have, they are giving that light, they are burning themselves to give that light. If we cannot give that light, what is the use of enlightenment? Enlightened doesn’t mean the light for yourself only but the light of love, compassion, which is Divine, which is not normal, which is not ordinary as you see in the films. It is a Divine love which works and that is what makes me sometimes a little weak when I hear that Sahaj Yogis now are getting involved in money, in cheating, I mean, all kinds of criminal activities they do. I can’t understand. I can’t believe it. After getting the highest, why do you want to go so low as that? Because you have not yet felt what you have got, you have not realised what you have got and you don’t respect yourself. Still, if you are on the same line and the same level, I must say you have done no justice to me or to yourself. We have to work it out. Single-handed I have done it, worked very hard, I must say, in the sense that I had to deal with horrible people — very unkind, very selfish, very cruel — but doesn’t matter. And such beautiful pearls I have discovered. But you must keep your lustre, and work it out. I’ll be very happy to know that Sahaj Yoga is spreading with leaps and bounds, with great speed and that people are really getting into that realm of peace, joy and happiness. That’s my dream and I hope you all will all work it out. Thank you very much.
“The Work of the Adi Shakti”, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 3 June 2001. Today we are worshipping Adi Shakti. I think this is the most important puja because it is the power of Adi Shakti that has given you Self-realisation, that has given you the truth, that has given you the power of compassion and love. That’s the power that separated from Sadashiva. And this power wanted, Herself, to create this complete universe — universes after universes. She’s creating and loving. With Her love, She did this great Creation: creation of this world also. This is a specially selected planet, which was very beautifully brought in the centre, between the Sun and the Moon, for the creation of, ultimately, the human beings. This is Her great work [done] with such love and affection, and with very great hope that Her children will know the truth and will get the ultimate knowledge about themselves and about everything else. As you have read in The Bible about how Adi Shakti came in the form of a snake and told human beings that, “You have to know the knowledge,” [to] Adam and Eve, and to Eve especially. And they accepted to eat the fruit of knowledge because they would have remained just like animals, without knowing any subtleties of life — little higher animals maybe. Once they ate the fruit they started feeling that there is something wrong, the way they are without any clothes. So they brought some leaves of the tree and covered themselves. So the first knowledge came was of chastity, because Shri Ganesha was established and His influence brought forth this consciousness that we have to cover our bodies, we are no more animals. Only the animals — of course, they are not standing, so it’s all right — are not aware of it. With the knowledge of chastity, gradually human beings started growing into beautiful nations. But there are so many things which were still to be known, to be aware of. You may be aware of many things but unless and until you get your Spiritual awakening, unless and until you get your Self-knowledge, all other knowledge is absolutely nothing. With this Self-knowledge only, you become powerful. The real power. The real power is of love and compassion. Today when you see the whole world is busy fighting and they are trying to protect people from wars and creating great, huge, protecting instruments. The whole world seems to be in a mad race of killing each other, of destroying each other, of competition, ambition, leading to fighting and then to greater wars. They are fighting for a piece of land. So ignorant they are! Can you carry even a pinch of this land with you when you die? When you are born you come with closed fists and when you die you go with open hands. What do you take with you? All right, you may not like to take anything, but do you enjoy whatever you think is so great for which you are fighting? Why [is] this fighting going on among all nonsensical people? It’s surprising how people give up their peace, give up their understanding, when it comes to a piece of land. And the whole thing has moved into a very wrong direction and going towards complete destruction. The thing that has made human beings so much suffering because of all their ignorance, by which they have all those habits, all those attractions, all those identifications, which is so ruinous, which will ruin all of them, each, one by one. They have to take to sense and they have to take to their Self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the key for a saviour to give to people. We have had so many saints, we have had so many sufis, we had tao people, we had zen people. All kinds of realised-souls came on this Earth. They all suffered, they were tortured. Nobody understood them. But now the time has come for you to know the truth. But truth which is not dry, truth which has compassion, truth that encompasses everyone, that brings the complete view of our existence: why are we here on this Earth, what is our purpose, what should we do. Adi Shakti’s powers are such, of love and compassion, that makes you understand yourself first. The love for you, is very, very limited. There’s no awareness of your own being. Just imagine what a great task it is for you, how much you have to be seriously becoming aware of yourself first. That is extremely important. First you have to be aware of yourself. And now you have the light of your Spirit. In the light of that Spirit, you can see what you are, and you can see how far you are going, how wrong things you are doing, what harm you are doing to yourself and you have a power to cure it, to improve it and to come to your senses. These are the most important times. You’ll never get these times again. You never had it in the history and you can never get it in the future. This is the time you have got. Not only the awareness, not only the Self-knowledge, but you know how to do it. Otherwise, about the saints, about those people, Tao and Zen people, they have just described what a person with Self-knowledge is, how he behaves, how his style is, how he’s so different from others. But none of them have said how you become that. No one has been able to say that, nobody has been able to do that also because perhaps most of them didn’t know about Kundalini and those who knew also could not talk about it to people. So the greatest work of the Adi Shakti is to put the Kundalini in your sacrum bone. This Kundalini is not the Adi Shakti: Adi Shakti is a much greater thing, much bigger thing, much wider thing, much deeper, much stronger, much more powerful. Kundalini is the reflection of Adi Shakti power. And when She rises you know what happens to you and how you get your Realisation. But you have to be very watchful: are you really a compassionate person? If you are compassionate, the first thing that will happen to any compassionate person, I think, will be to help others, to emancipate others. They cannot be satisfied with their own achievements and with their own state of Self-realisation. It cannot happen! What was the need for Adi Shakti to do all these efforts? To work so hard? You know that I had to work very, very hard but from my very childhood I have worked very hard and I have gone through very difficult times, very, very difficult times, according to human understanding. But the worst time I have [is] when I see those people whom I have given Realisation, those who are self-realised people, they are the ones who have no responsibility for others and, if they have it is very little. They don’t have that compassion and don’t have that love that we have to today save the world, save the humanity. That’s not only our principal work but the only work that we have to do. All other things are going to achieve nothing, except for your own efforts, individual efforts, to give Self-realisation to others and give them this knowledge. This knowledge is so easy to understand. It is very subtle, no doubt. And, as I have told you, that the Quantum Theory they are talking about now, the scientists, is that they have seen those miraculous waves of lights and they are trying to find out something about it. It cannot be that some Sahaj Yogis will rise above others. Every one of you has to know that this is a very special thing that has happened to you. Even if you had gone to Himalayas, even if you have starved yourself, even if you have been singing the praise of God for years, even [if] you had done all kinds of rituals and penances, you could not have got your Realisation. That would not have been possible. I knew this and that’s why I have to work very hard, facing all kinds of problems, all kinds of turmoils, all kinds of pressures. What was the thing? Just to see that you all are created and you are all my hands. You have to work. Every finger has to work. And that is what I have been telling you that: now it is our responsibility to see that we become, not only Sahaja Yogis ourselves, but [the] blossoming time. And many, many Sahaja Yogis we should have. It’s a work of Adi Shakti. Try to understand this. It’s not work of any saint, it’s not work of any incarnation, it’s not work of any politician, and not work of any big leader. It is the work of Adi Shakti, which is so transparently showing its results in you. Now it is for you to see. To please me is your ardent desire, I know. I see how you love me and how you want to do for me. But the greatest thing you can do for me is to spread Sahaj Yoga. It’s a very special, extremely difficult blessings you have got. You didn’t have to do any efforts, you didn’t have to pay any money, you don’t have to get sick with rituals. You got it spontaneously. But that doesn’t mean that it’s sort of your birthright to get it. It’s the work of Adi Shakti. And the work of Adi Shakti has to be shown in your life — is the compassion, without any reward. People have tried to spread their religion by showing compassion to poor people, looking after the poor people, handicapped people. There’s no need, actually, for Sahaj Yogis to do that. What they have to do is to transform other people. Find out ways and methods how you can transform, how you can spread the message of Adi Shakti. Put your mind to it and you will know how you can manage it. There should be all the time a compelling desire that we have to find out methods by which we can spread Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise it’s like what Christ has described: that some seed fell on the marshy land and they sprouted, but never grew. You can only grow in the real sense of the word and become something very, very special and real, by knowing what you can do. I have a vision, no doubt, and I have been talking about it quite a lot, but [that] it ends up with the puja is not a good thing. I know some countries are very difficult: try to find out what is the problem, why it is so very difficult. Attention has to be paid to this, that what other human beings are doing to destroy themselves, as if it is the part and parcel of the same game which we call as The Last Judgement. But let us, through our compassion and love, save as many as possible. This is the work of Adi Shakti, not the work of any saint or any incarnation; they are all there, no doubt. They are all with us, all the time to help us, but you people have the power of Adi Shakti, which is very great, which is very penetrating, which is miraculous, is so effective. But unless and until you become aware of your own powers, how will you work it out? It would be like a dead machine that has everything, but nobody is there to work it out. All the time I had to go through very, very hazardous times and sometimes I felt that I may have to take another birth, the way things were so difficult for me. But now, for you it has been very easy. As if the one who makes the road has to work very hard but those who walk on that, they don’t realise how easily they have got it. And if they realise this, then they will realise also, “Let many walk on this road, which was created with such patience, understanding and love.” I have to really see you, all Sahaj Yogis, doing your level best to change this world; has to be changed. As it is the humanity has to be saved through you and nobody else. No president, no prime minister, no minister, none of these people can change the world and seeing it. It is you who are entitled. You have got this power. Do you realise your own status? Your own being, which has risen so high? It is not there. If that realisation was there, you would go all out to express your love and compassion to other people, to make them realise what they are. Only with Sahaja Yoga you can save this world, there’s no other way out. Whatever you may try, say to help the poor, to help this and that is something very, very superficial. Best thing is to give Realisation to every person you see. We have seen children, they are coming up. They’ll be great Sahaj Yogis also, I can see that. But before them, you have to show your own merits of what you have done. It’s not a static work. It’s a big movement, which has to be really explosive and unless and until such a great step is taken, I don’t know who will be blamed for the doomsday. You are the ones who have to build up the destiny of human beings. Don’t consider yourself as something nothing: you could never have got your Realisation, you would never have come to me. Among so many, you are the ones who came to me and who asked for Realisation and got it. You know it cannot be forced. This Realisation cannot be forced. This awareness cannot be forced. And the growth of this awareness also cannot be forced. You have to develop that attention deep down within yourself. And see for yourself what you have done, what you have done. If you are still busy with the money problem or the power problem and this problem and that [then] you are a problem, you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Sahaj Yogi is above everything else and is very powerful. Power will be achieved by them: power of love and compassion. It is not only words of love. It is not only [the] act of loving others, but it is a powerful personality that you will have which will just emit that great Divine light and can capture people. All should just take a very brave personality. I must say people have improved, otherwise everybody used to write to me, “This is wrong with me,” and “That is wrong with my father. This [is] wrong with my great-grandmother,” and all kinds of things. That is over now, much less; I must say, much less. But instead of telling me about people who are sick, people who have failed, people who are still in a state that cannot be improved [the] attention should be changed. If there’s one person who has got cancer anywhere, immediately at least ten photographs will come to me, the leader will write to me, the vice-leader will write to me, everybody will write to me that, “Mother this is such-and-such thing.” Why? Is that my job? That person can be cured — we have hospitals — can be cured by photographs. But attention always goes — now the compassion part of it — to those people who are suffering so-called physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, also in the marriages: that’s not your job, neither mine. If they are sick, they should take a photograph and work it out. If it doesn’t work that means it doesn’t deserve [to]. There is no need for you to treat them and to work it out and, if it fails, to write to me that, “Mother, such-and-such person is sick.” What’s so important? Already, we have so many healthy people going round, why not use them first? Our job is not to cure people. Affection is all right. Compassion is all right. It’s a natural thing that our attention goes to sick people or to the poor people or to the people who are suffering. But what about Sahaja Yoga? If you have one sick person, hundred Sahaja Yogis will get after that. What is the reason? Is it compassion? It’s not. They want to prove that they can cure that person; is not compassion. Compassion today is to transform human beings into Sahajis, into good people. That is the love of Adi Shakti. Because those who are born have to die in any case. We should not be unkind, of course, but our attention should be [on] how many people we are giving Realisation. It’s a very common thing that people indulge more into so-called curing and improving and this. It’s all right. Also, there are problems like in the marriages, some married couple don’t want to be there — it’s all right, finish them! If they don’t want to live together, let them go. We have many people who are sensible in this world, many people who are healthy in this world. Now how can you go on struggling with people who don’t want to live together and have problems? That’s not your job. First of all, you are a Spiritual worker, you are not a social worker. Of course, by the way, you can do social work, it doesn’t matter; by the way. But the main thing for you is to transform human beings. With that, the greatest disease is of meanness, of cruelty, of torturing others, anger. All these diseases can be cured, which are internal, not external; that is today wanted. Every country’s fighting and is tortured and is in peril all the time of getting destroyed. The only way you can do it is to give them Realisation. Now what happens is to be seen very clearly that when you give Realisation to someone and he values it and he grows into it, then you are protected, you are completely protected. Who protects you? You may say the Adi Shakti, all right, but also there is a destructive power working in this world, not of negativity, but positive destructive power, of Shiva. If He sees that if Adi Shakti’s work is going on well, He’s happy. But He’s sitting there and watching each and every person, each and every work of Sahaj Yogis and if He finds something really very wrong, I cannot control it — He destroys! I cannot go to that point. He destroys, not only destroys, but thousands He can destroy. Anywhere there is a calamity, we can say, like an earthquake or some sort of a hurricane, all these things come through the working of Shri Mahadeva. I can’t help you there. But if you really give Realisation to people, all these can be averted. Of course, it is the whim, I should say, of Adi Shakti that She started this work of creating this world, of creating you and making you Sahaja Yogis, but your responsibility is also very important. You cannot be irresponsible! Maybe it was, I felt, my responsibility, but there’s a difference. I never felt it was my responsibility, never felt this was my job, never felt I have to do it. I did it. That’s the work. That’s the kind of personality you should have. You have to do it in a very humble manner, in a very beautiful manner and you’ll be amazed to see how you are protected, how you are supported and how everything works out. The greatest joy you will get when you will find you can give Realisation to people, you can change their lives. Never you would feel such joy, even if you get, say, a big lottery maybe, a big job or a big name or a very big award — no. The joy of creating Sahaj Yogis knows no bounds, it’s such a joy-giving thing. You develop such fraternities, such solidarity, as they call it, such oneness, such enjoyment of love, enjoyment of compassion. It’s a different level of enjoyment that’s not like ordinary enjoyments. You are not to be afraid of me, but be afraid of yourself. Have a watch on yourself and see for yourself what have you been doing so far, what have you done so far; because you have been enlightened. If the enlightened people cannot give light, what’s the use of having them? Look at these little, little candles. Whatever little light they have, they are giving that light, they are burning themselves to give that light. If we cannot give that light, what is the use of enlightenment? Enlightened doesn’t mean the light for yourself only but the light of love, compassion, which is Divine, which is not normal, which is not ordinary as you see in the films. It is a Divine love which works and that is what makes me sometimes a little weak when I hear that Sahaj Yogis now are getting involved in money, in cheating, I mean, all kinds of criminal activities they do. I can’t understand. I can’t believe it. After getting the highest, why do you want to go so low as that? Because you have not yet felt what you have got, you have not realised what you have got and you don’t respect yourself. Still, if you are on the same line and the same level, I must say you have done no justice to me or to yourself. We have to work it out. Single-handed I have done it, worked very hard, I must say, in the sense that I had to deal with horrible people — very unkind, very selfish, very cruel — but doesn’t matter. And such beautiful pearls I have discovered. But you must keep your lustre, and work it out. I’ll be very happy to know that Sahaj Yoga is spreading with leaps and bounds, with great speed and that people are really getting into that realm of peace, joy and happiness. That’s my dream and I hope you all will all work it out. Thank you very much.
Evening Program before Guru Puja Day 1
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
2001-07-06 EP before Guru Puja, Cabella, Italy Sahaj Yogi: They were making suggestions.They were giving solutions .Yes this can be done that way that yes We can change the other way .And so It was an amazing experience. Because I mean its not the first time that i am meeting this kind of people And I never saw this kind of attitude .[unclear] Not only that few days later ,on the major newspaper [unclear] ,that in Geneva the administration is informing that those who want to restore there houses are very well to do it without asking any permission ,just they have to send the notification ......Now the necessary/massive thing that this is applied only to the city of Geneva ..and nowhere else in Italy.Now this is the wonderful world where we are living.And Shri Mataji We all ,once again all grateful to you for all this ..Jai Shri Mataji ! (Sahaj yogi bows down in front of Mother.) Now speaking about the family meeting ...the condition was that The Nirmal Sangeet Sarita should be here for Guru Puja ..... Of Course our arti is going to our heart is going to our beloved Baba Mama which is of course always alive here among us with his music ...And talking about miracles ,I tell you something which is really unique ....Guruji was supposed to come with all group ,and so just 2 days ago ...We got the notice from them ,that he could not come because something passport was expiring so they could not And I don't know how I mean Shri Mataji only knows ,In one hour the passport was done Now you ask Gregoire or you ask [unclear] I mean min it takes 3 months in India to get a passport ...Minimum . This is minimum.With in 3 and 6 months ..I don't know in one hour i could get the passport ....well Shri Mataji could explain to us . And they got the visa in next day ... So our artists ,they will give their introduction .They will introduce themselves with their music .And we are all appreciating a lot... Shri Mataji: I was saying that my attention was there and you see .....I wanted them to come here I think it's the power of love ....that worked like that.... Sahaja yogi: Thank you! Sahaja yogi : Hello Jai Shri Mataji ! On behalf of Nirmal Sangeet Sarita...I am thankful to Shri Mataji for inviting us for the Guru Puja .We began our [unclear 06:37 ] with three mantras ....& then we will start Program .... Maha-Mantras ... We began our program with the song written by Baba Mama ..for the Guru....15:21 [Marathi Bhajan starts.... ] As you know this is the first time I am comparing so you .... Shri Mataji ..Kindly ignore the mistakes ..... 2001-0706 EP before Guru Puja P1, Cabella, Italy [After the performance ] When your heart is full you do-not have words to express ...It has been a great ,a great Sahaja Yoga I know that but that you will go to the depth of the understanding is really very very remarkable ...And they were knew that they will reach that point ..When I said that is the Quantum Theory . Way he brought it out in a drama ...shows a very great artist ...I haven't seen any artist like this or a writer like this ...Who has tried to bring the depth of Spirituality ...Its very very convincing and I hope this tape will be made out of it.I don't know what too say because he has discovered everything about me ....And I am amazed ..For all this you need tremendous ,amount of depth your being .I dont know he has to meditate so much and at the way he has reached this point of Tao ..Its not easy to understand Tao,...Very difficult ..because they described a sage and the sage who is beyond [unclear/humanity]...And the sage who says thing who is beyond human mind ...but how to become the sage ? how to become the personality of a spiritual personality is not written there ...They have not written clearly about Kundalini ...They have mentioned in a way .But the way he has founded out through Tao...I am so very happy ..that it is true that they knew the truth ...All of them knew the truth but , they could not get to that point or make others get to that point ..Which is to be the Guru of the people in the real sense in the world ,When you give them realization .....Which you all can do it .All of you have got this power to develop your own spiritual power Which you have got with in yourself .. .[name of the sahaja yogie ] has shown by his example ....How he has discovered this is really remarkable .Is one of the greatest show i have ever seen ...I congratulate him and congratulate you all .And I say i am so full of ......My heart is so much full and i don't know what to say ....I am also very proud that My children have reached that depth of knowledge ..Its very great . All of you I hope will take to this by giving up all the six enemies that are with in us .And get a complete transformation ...complete purity ,by which you can see the reality you have seen now ..Its tremendous ...I don't know how to praise it any more .Its my heart is really,absolutely throbbing by charm .I bless you all ...All you artists .Everyone who has done so well .Very well synchronized ..but you have understood the subtle.Its a very difficult subject for a normal person to understand ..Not only you are realized souls but you are very deep people That's why you understand and the way it has been taken to the science is another very great work & very great jump into the new era of understanding of sahaja yoga I hope the scientist also come up to the point ...& try to understand it . May God bless you all ...May God bless you
2001-07-06 EP before Guru Puja, Cabella, Italy Sahaj Yogi: They were making suggestions.They were giving solutions .Yes this can be done that way that yes We can change the other way .And so It was an amazing experience. Because I mean its not the first time that i am meeting this kind of people And I never saw this kind of attitude .[unclear] Not only that few days later ,on the major newspaper [unclear] ,that in Geneva the administration is informing that those who want to restore there houses are very well to do it without asking any permission ,just they have to send the notification ......Now the necessary/massive thing that this is applied only to the city of Geneva ..and nowhere else in Italy.Now this is the wonderful world where we are living.And Shri Mataji We all ,once again all grateful to you for all this ..Jai Shri Mataji ! (Sahaj yogi bows down in front of Mother.) Now speaking about the family meeting ...the condition was that The Nirmal Sangeet Sarita should be here for Guru Puja ..... Of Course our arti is going to our heart is going to our beloved Baba Mama which is of course always alive here among us with his music ...And talking about miracles ,I tell you something which is really unique ....Guruji was supposed to come with all group ,and so just 2 days ago ...We got the notice from them ,that he could not come because something passport was expiring so they could not And I don't know how I mean Shri Mataji only knows ,In one hour the passport was done Now you ask Gregoire or you ask [unclear] I mean min it takes 3 months in India to get a passport ...Minimum . This is minimum.With in 3 and 6 months ..I don't know in one hour i could get the passport ....well Shri Mataji could explain to us . And they got the visa in next day ... So our artists ,they will give their introduction .They will introduce themselves with their music .And we are all appreciating a lot... Shri Mataji: I was saying that my attention was there and you see .....I wanted them to come here I think it's the power of love ....that worked like that.... Sahaja yogi: Thank you! Sahaja yogi : Hello Jai Shri Mataji ! On behalf of Nirmal Sangeet Sarita...I am thankful to Shri Mataji for inviting us for the Guru Puja .We began our [unclear 06:37 ] with three mantras ....& then we will start Program .... Maha-Mantras ... We began our program with the song written by Baba Mama ..for the Guru....15:21 [Marathi Bhajan starts.... ] As you know this is the first time I am comparing so you .... Shri Mataji ..Kindly ignore the mistakes ..... 2001-0706 EP before Guru Puja P1, Cabella, Italy [After the performance ] When your heart is full you do-not have words to express ...It has been a great ,a great Sahaja Yoga I know that but that you will go to the depth of the understanding is really very very remarkable ...And they were knew that they will reach that point ..When I said that is the Quantum Theory . Way he brought it out in a drama ...shows a very great artist ...I haven't seen any artist like this or a writer like this ...Who has tried to bring the depth of Spirituality ...Its very very convincing and I hope this tape will be made out of it.I don't know what too say because he has discovered everything about me ....And I am amazed ..For all this you need tremendous ,amount of depth your being .I dont know he has to meditate so much and at the way he has reached this point of Tao ..Its not easy to understand Tao,...Very difficult ..because they described a sage and the sage who is beyond [unclear/humanity]...And the sage who says thing who is beyond human mind ...but how to become the sage ? how to become the personality of a spiritual personality is not written there ...They have not written clearly about Kundalini ...They have mentioned in a way .But the way he has founded out through Tao...I am so very happy ..that it is true that they knew the truth ...All of them knew the truth but , they could not get to that point or make others get to that point ..Which is to be the Guru of the people in the real sense in the world ,When you give them realization .....Which you all can do it .All of you have got this power to develop your own spiritual power Which you have got with in yourself .. .[name of the sahaja yogie ] has shown by his example ....How he has discovered this is really remarkable .Is one of the greatest show i have ever seen ...I congratulate him and congratulate you all .And I say i am so full of ......My heart is so much full and i don't know what to say ....I am also very proud that My children have reached that depth of knowledge ..Its very great . All of you I hope will take to this by giving up all the six enemies that are with in us .And get a complete transformation ...complete purity ,by which you can see the reality you have seen now ..Its tremendous ...I don't know how to praise it any more .Its my heart is really,absolutely throbbing by charm .I bless you all ...All you artists .Everyone who has done so well .Very well synchronized ..but you have understood the subtle.Its a very difficult subject for a normal person to understand ..Not only you are realized souls but you are very deep people That's why you understand and the way it has been taken to the science is another very great work & very great jump into the new era of understanding of sahaja yoga I hope the scientist also come up to the point ...& try to understand it . May God bless you all ...May God bless you
Guru Puja: Introspection, Love & Purity
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja, “Introspection, love and purity” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 8 July 2001. You don’t know how your Mother feels to see so many people who have become, really, gurus, themselves. They have been seeking the Truth in very difficult times. They have been wanting to know what is the Truth. And this difficult time, itself, has served to act upon your minds that, what is happening in this world, whatever we are seeing around us, in the whole world also, there’s something definitely very wrong and we have to go beyond. In the seeking, one thing is very important: that the person should have a great devotion about it. And also untold miseries you have to go through. Seeking is when within yourself also you are struggling and outside also you find nothing satisfactory. This is how the seeking has a double edge. In that seeking, when you are trying to get to the Truth, it seems [that] it’s a very difficult thing. But you can’t help it, because you are not satisfied with what exists around you. See the world today - it’s full of strife. All kinds of strifes are there. People are fighting for nothing at all, for land, killing human beings. Land, can it create human beings? They are fighting in a very collective manner, thinking they are doing very great service to humanity. The thinking today, of human beings, is not at all deep, it’s very superficial, and that’s how you find this world full of turmoil; every day, every minute you can find [this]. They are killing so many human beings, they are torturing, in a very large scale. Formally, of course, the saints were all tortured – tortured by all kinds of different stupid ideas of something being higher and something being lower, something being good, something being bad. Under such ideas they combined together and worked out all kinds of aggression all over the world, all over. Not only that, but also in the families, in the institutions, in the organisations, thinking that they were very right, they were very good, and they tried to aggress other personalities. So, many people thought [that] it’s better to fight it back, and they started fighting it out collectively. It doesn’t work out. This fighting doesn’t work out, because fighting begets nothing but murders, killing. Thus many people were killed. Buddha talked to people of non-resistance, and there’s history about it – that in one of the great universities in Bihar, when the aggressive people came in, they killed all the saints in the name of aggression, and they all died. Maybe that might have achieved on a very subtler level some sort of punyas, but in this Kali Yuga, it is not going to work out. What is the resistance you can put in against such people? How can you fight them? It’s an impossible situation to convince anybody that they are aggressive and they are nowhere near the Truth. Because nobody wants to accept such a thing. And so whatever they are trying, all over the world, to convince others of their follies, are completely failing. And thus this struggle, this war-mongering, cannot be cured. We have to accept that human beings are not at that level to understand what’s wrong with them, they do not want to accept. To them, aggression is the only way they can propound their own goodness. So what is the solution? The solution is that we should give all of them Self-realisation. They should get their Self-realisation, then only things will improve. Now, you might say that “Mother in those days of strife and struggle and fighting?” It will work out. Circumstances will tell them. Life will be so difficult with all the time weapons hanging on their heads, that they’ll have to also seek the Truth. It has to be done very genuinely. If they are seeking the Truth, they’ll be surprised that this world is one, all human beings are one, and that is the destiny of human beings. But for that, so many are to be killed, so many are to be destroyed, because they don’t learn a lesson in an easy way. Now your job is to give them Self-realisation, and change the people. That’s the real thing you have to do as gurus. But what are we doing? We come to Sahaja Yoga with what idea? We are working only on the periphery. Firstly we are worried about ourselves: how we can prosper, how can we become better off? Also there is greed. We do not see ourselves: if we are aggressive, if we are trying to trouble others, if we have wrong ideas about ourselves, how we torture others. So first of all you have to cleanse yourself and accept your own problems, your own misgivings. These are to be faced. And challenge yourself. What are you doing? You are a Sahaja Yogi, how can you hate someone? How can you trouble someone? How can you torture someone? This is the beginning of introspection, and it’s very important. I can make out a person who meditates, in the real sense of the word, and the one who just ‘meditates’. You should not deceive yourself. If you are deceiving yourself, then how can you become a guru? For becoming a guru, you have to, first of all, be very honest within yourself, and find out what are you doing, what are you up to, what have you done. We have six enemies, as I have told you, and we justify all these enemies. We think, “It is alright! After all I did this because of this. I had to do it”. Somebody would say, “I was poor, so I had to be dishonest.” Another would say that, “I had to tell lies.” Another would say that, “I had to be immoral.” This is the biggest thing human beings have, is justification! Animals don’t have, they have their fixed ideas, they have their fixed nature. But human beings can do all kinds of wrong things and can justify it. This justification doesn’t help you in your ascent. “I did this because of that…” It never helps you! One should try to introspect and see for yourself what is the justification. So when you start supporting yourself in doing all kinds of opposite things, how can you rise? How can you ascend? All the time you are trying to descend! So purification within is only possible if you can see yourself clearly. If you can’t see how will you purify? If I can’t see in the mirror, how will I see what’s wrong with my face? So when you start seeing the Truth, and comparing yourself with that, then only you can clear out yourself. But the identification should be with the Truth. For example, you see in the mirror your face and you find something wrong, you are not identified with that wrong, but you are identified with your own face, and so you clear it out, cleanse it out. In the same way, if you are identified with yourself you cannot get rid of it. When you are climbing ahead into the new path of righteousness, of goodness, of compassion and love, you should see yourself, watch yourself: what are you doing? Where are you going? How far you are stupid? You should not cheat yourself. Let others cheat you, let others do whatever they like, let others try to kill you, but don’t you kill yourself! You don’t cheat yourself. So you have your self-respect, and you have your self-honour, which you value more than anybody else. And you don’t yield to anything that will spoil your image in the mirror. This is the first step of introspection. Now what helps for this introspection is your sense of love. Can you love a person who is distressful? One who is aggressive? One who is hot-tempered? One who cheats you? Can you love such a person? You cannot. Then how can you love yourself when you have these qualities, when you do this to yourself? So the first thing is the pure love for yourself, pure love. It’s such a great thing to have pure love. Like, you may like to have a very nice bed to sleep, you may like to have a very beautiful house, you may like to have all the wealth of the world, but all this, will it make you love yourself? If you love your Self, you don’t want anything, because you enjoy your Self! To enjoy your Self is the greatest enjoyment. So, now you have got Realisation - means you know what you are, you know what beautiful thing you are. When that is so, you should try to love your Self. And when you start loving your Self, you are not bothered about all non-sensical things. Now this pure love is one of the most beautiful things you have which you can do to yourself. When you are selfish you are not loving your Self, when you are unkind, you are not loving your Self, when you are aggressive, you are not loving your Self, because you are loving all these bad thing. But your Self is pure. It’s absolutely pure and beautiful. And it loves all that is beautiful and good. So this is the beginning of your Self-realisation: when you realise how important is your Self. You don’t have wrong ideas about yourself, you don’t justify all the wrong things you do, because you understand that it’s a blemish on your Self. Face yourself in the most honest manner and you will be amazed to see how nice it is. Just to see the pure Self shining within you. When that Self starts shining, you start seeing many other things which you have not seen so far. And one of them [that] you see is that love is not only for yourself but for everyone. It’s a pure love for everyone else. It’s not only for yourself. It’s very surprising: when you really love your Self, then your love is for your Self, and you start spreading that love in such a manner that you beautifully love others. You don’t love for money, you don’t love for some advantage, for some power, or for some gain, but you love for love; because pure love is so joy-giving, it’s so joy-giving that, if there is any such thing that, “I love somebody because I want to possess that person, because I am something great, and if I love somebody then that person should feel absolutely obliged.” All these ideas are absolutely of no avail. Really if you love, then you just love. You love everyone. You may say, “Mother, how can you love a crook?” You need not go his way, you need not be with him, need not have anything to do with it. But if you have pure love, then he can change, she can change. If they do not, then you don’t bother. Those who come into the ocean of love, those who are really pure, loving, people, they are your friends. They are the ones who are needed on this earth. Not the people who are crooks, who cheat you, who try to dominate you – they are not the ones needed. What we need are the people who are completely drenched into the purity of love. So, from love we go to another point which is purity, and the purity is a subject which has been talked about by many people: that you should be pure, you should be absolutely open and people should know everything about you. I don’t think that is purity. Purity is that which purifies others! If you are a pure person then others will be purified. They have to be purified. Now supposing you have certain ideas about yourself: you think that you are very highly placed as a Sahaja Yogi and that you are full of love. Maybe it’s all imaginary. Does it purify others? Does your purity purify others? Can it give them awakening? Can they be Realised-souls? And then, how much do you value the purity, the power of purity? And how many people you give Realisation, to or you have kept it to yourself? How many places you have been to spread this purity? Purity has to be spread. And without any doubt, in your own purity, you should do it because it’s a very, very powerful thing. Purity is very powerful. It may not act on one or two persons, it doesn’t matter. There could be some very, very nasty, horrible fellows - it doesn’t matter - but it will have an effect on very many sensitive persons who want to become Sahaja Yogis. You have to just test it: how people like you and how they are impressed by you. The Paramchaitanya, this All-pervading Power of Divine Love, flows through you, because you are pure. If you are impure, then it will stop at different chakras; it won’t work. So purity of temperament, purity of love – what does that mean? That you love somebody because that person has got spirituality, you love that person because there is purity, and you go to places just to spread the purity among people. A pure person will never create a problem. It’s the impure person who every day can start with this problem or that problem and that problem. So the character of a yogi is to worship the purity of your own and the purity of others. It’s true that we have to face ourselves every day. It’s true that we have to correct ourselves every day. It’s true that we have to separate ourselves from ourselves to see how far we have done, how far we have gone, what are we doing, what have we done. So the difference between the ancient time’s guru and modern time’s guru is that the ancient time’s gurus didn’t care if they gave Realisations to people, it was not their style, most of them. Only they cared for themselves, nicely sitting down somewhere in the Himalayas, away from all the madding crowd, and enjoying themselves! But you must share this enjoyment. I think that is the sign of a good guru. The one who cannot share, only looks after his own pleasures, or looks after his own ashram, you can call it, or looks after his own family, looks after maybe some disciples he has. The attention has to be for the whole world! In Sahaja Yoga, now, it has reached such a stage that you have to worry about the complete humanity. It’s not only you, or few Sahaja Yogis, or many more Sahaja Yogis, but all over the world, whatever is the problem, you people have to solve it. But first get out of your own little, little problems. I get letters from people, especially women, saying their husband is like that, and husband does that and their children are suffering, and all that. Now, you are a guru: means you are such a high, highly electrified person with spirituality - why should you worry about all these nonsensical things? And the consciousness that you are purified and that you are a pure person should make you very humble. But it’s just the opposite of it – normally people, if they are anything, they become very proud and think no end of themselves. If they have, say, one power, they become like that. If they have some talent, they become like this. If they have some eminence they become like this. They do not become humble by that. By that achievement they become extremely, extremely proud, arrogant. Absolutely in a very wrong shape! But you, you are a Sahaja Yogi and you should not mind anything that will bring down your purity. So, you can call yourself as ‘gurus’ if you want to. I need not say that you are a guru. But you have to, first of all, make yourself your disciple, you must look after yourself first of all. You have to see for yourself, “Have I got the qualities? Am I the one who can really do all this?” All this introspection within you should be with a very clean heart and understanding, because you are not incarnations, which are born absolutely pure, but you are human beings and you are rising to the level of those incarnations. So you have to cleanse, you have to watch yourself, see for yourself and then understand if you are a Sahaja Yogi. Have you got the beauty of purity and love? Now this love is not relative, is not conditional, is not limited, but it is absolutely like an ocean. And you like to swim in that ocean, you like to be drenched in that ocean of love. Formerly guru meant a person who is standing with a big stick. He used to hit everyone. Anybody did anything wrong – they used to hit and beat them. We had gurus in music also, and different, different types of gurus we had in our country, and their speciality was that they used to absolutely oppress the disciple, control, and then teach the knowledge of music, maybe, maybe wrestling, maybe anything. But in Sahaja Yoga it’s very different. Even the spiritual gurus who were real were like that - very harsh. They used to throw stones at such people. All kinds of things they used to do. But then, in that, they didn’t mean anything bad, but the method I didn’t like. There was a story about a person who was supposed to be a great guru, and I went to see him. I had to climb quite a lot because he lived in a small, little cave. And, when I reached there, he was very angry with himself, he was going on like this, like this (Mother is shaking Her head). And it was raining so I was completely drenched, and I went and sat in his little cave. Then he came back and he asked me a question. He said, “Mother, it was raining. Normally I can stop the rain, but you wouldn’t allow me to stop the rain. Why?” I could have told him, “Because of your ego,” but I didn’t. I told him in a very sweet manner that, “See, you are a sanyasi, and you got a sari for me. If I had not got drenched, I could not have taken your sari from a sanyasi.” He completely melted! He had tears in his eyes and fell at my Feet. So the technique of Sahaja Yoga is like this. It’s not anger, it’s not repulsion, it’s not hatred, but the technique is such by which you suggest your love. This is how one has to understand the difference between a Sahaja Yogi guru and other gurus. No question of beating your disciple, no question of scolding them, no question of shouting at them. Love is the most powerful thing. Of course it doesn’t work on some people, I agree. Forget them. But it works in most of the people because God has made us out of His love, and we have a capacity to yield to that love and to enjoy that love. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, what he has to do is to understand the powers of love. The powers of love, if you can understand, it will grow within you. Some people have, some people don’t have. Try to understand [that] this Paramchaitanya is nothing but is [the] power of God’s love – or you can say, Mother’s love. This power works so beautifully, in such a secret manner, that you call it as ‘miracle’, because you can’t see how it has worked out. So, the first and foremost thing is, try to develop the sense of love within you, the understanding. There is one problem: it is always misunderstood. Pure love can be very easily understood, that it gives you joy, that it helps others to improve, and it works in a very subtle manner. Now try to remember when you came to Sahaja Yoga. Try to remember how you got your Realisation. Try to remember how you started growing. These are like the seeds within us of love, which sprouted. Slowly and gradually we started the showers of blessings of love, then we started enjoying it and understanding it. Now at this stage when we are about to become gurus and we are already gurus, we should be nothing but the embodiment of love. It’s a very different theory I am telling you. No guru will accept this -those who are already accepted as gurus all over. And the knowledge, knowledge they give you, is the knowledge of very subtle things. All the knowledge that you have got in Sahaja Yoga has been already told by those gurus, long time back - somebody has told this, somebody has told that, somebody has told that - but all the knowledge, the total knowledge about your being, your chakras, everything, which you know now, is with you. That is the Truth. You have the complete subtle knowledge which nobody had before. Because maybe these gurus did not want to give, or maybe these gurus did not know, themselves. All the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is simple, very subtle and is real. Now, after having this within you, it should not be just mental, it should be spiritual. And to make it spiritual, what have you to do is to love. When you love others, you will start working on them. Then you will find out, with your knowledge, that there’s something wrong with this fellow: what is wrong? He has this chakra, he has that chakra. This is the combination, that is the thing. But a Sahaja Yogi doesn’t get angry on that point, he tries to cure that person, he tries to improve that person. He doesn’t say, “You are very bad! You are horrible!” No! No! He takes up a challenge that, “With my pure love I can cure.” It is so simple for him. Not like any doctor or anybody who has certain great qualifications that he would come and ask for the fees and that he will charge you this money – nothing! He knows what’s wrong with you and he knows how to cure it, and he does, that way. So, you are not afraid. Apart from [the fact that] you are not afraid, that person who is with you also is not afraid, because of your temperament, because of your nature: the way you are handling the patient, the way you are talking to a person who has come to know about the Truth. And thus you give him, also, the Truth. Also you teach him what the Truth is. And the truth is very simple – that you are the Spirit. This is the truth, is revealed loud to another person. Thus you realise yourself, by giving Realisation to another person, what you have done is to give him the Truth itself, absolute Truth. I know [that], these days, people find it very difficult to find any time for Sahaja Yoga, for spreading Sahaja Yoga. They are looking out for holidays. Whatever it is, whatever is happening, I am very sure, with your great powers that you have, you can really show great, great success, very great success, and this success can bring forth the vision I have of saving the humanity all over the world. May God bless you
Guru Puja, “Introspection, love and purity” Cabella Ligure (Italy), 8 July 2001. You don’t know how your Mother feels to see so many people who have become, really, gurus, themselves. They have been seeking the Truth in very difficult times. They have been wanting to know what is the Truth. And this difficult time, itself, has served to act upon your minds that, what is happening in this world, whatever we are seeing around us, in the whole world also, there’s something definitely very wrong and we have to go beyond. In the seeking, one thing is very important: that the person should have a great devotion about it. And also untold miseries you have to go through. Seeking is when within yourself also you are struggling and outside also you find nothing satisfactory. This is how the seeking has a double edge. In that seeking, when you are trying to get to the Truth, it seems [that] it’s a very difficult thing. But you can’t help it, because you are not satisfied with what exists around you. See the world today - it’s full of strife. All kinds of strifes are there. People are fighting for nothing at all, for land, killing human beings. Land, can it create human beings? They are fighting in a very collective manner, thinking they are doing very great service to humanity. The thinking today, of human beings, is not at all deep, it’s very superficial, and that’s how you find this world full of turmoil; every day, every minute you can find [this]. They are killing so many human beings, they are torturing, in a very large scale. Formally, of course, the saints were all tortured – tortured by all kinds of different stupid ideas of something being higher and something being lower, something being good, something being bad. Under such ideas they combined together and worked out all kinds of aggression all over the world, all over. Not only that, but also in the families, in the institutions, in the organisations, thinking that they were very right, they were very good, and they tried to aggress other personalities. So, many people thought [that] it’s better to fight it back, and they started fighting it out collectively. It doesn’t work out. This fighting doesn’t work out, because fighting begets nothing but murders, killing. Thus many people were killed. Buddha talked to people of non-resistance, and there’s history about it – that in one of the great universities in Bihar, when the aggressive people came in, they killed all the saints in the name of aggression, and they all died. Maybe that might have achieved on a very subtler level some sort of punyas, but in this Kali Yuga, it is not going to work out. What is the resistance you can put in against such people? How can you fight them? It’s an impossible situation to convince anybody that they are aggressive and they are nowhere near the Truth. Because nobody wants to accept such a thing. And so whatever they are trying, all over the world, to convince others of their follies, are completely failing. And thus this struggle, this war-mongering, cannot be cured. We have to accept that human beings are not at that level to understand what’s wrong with them, they do not want to accept. To them, aggression is the only way they can propound their own goodness. So what is the solution? The solution is that we should give all of them Self-realisation. They should get their Self-realisation, then only things will improve. Now, you might say that “Mother in those days of strife and struggle and fighting?” It will work out. Circumstances will tell them. Life will be so difficult with all the time weapons hanging on their heads, that they’ll have to also seek the Truth. It has to be done very genuinely. If they are seeking the Truth, they’ll be surprised that this world is one, all human beings are one, and that is the destiny of human beings. But for that, so many are to be killed, so many are to be destroyed, because they don’t learn a lesson in an easy way. Now your job is to give them Self-realisation, and change the people. That’s the real thing you have to do as gurus. But what are we doing? We come to Sahaja Yoga with what idea? We are working only on the periphery. Firstly we are worried about ourselves: how we can prosper, how can we become better off? Also there is greed. We do not see ourselves: if we are aggressive, if we are trying to trouble others, if we have wrong ideas about ourselves, how we torture others. So first of all you have to cleanse yourself and accept your own problems, your own misgivings. These are to be faced. And challenge yourself. What are you doing? You are a Sahaja Yogi, how can you hate someone? How can you trouble someone? How can you torture someone? This is the beginning of introspection, and it’s very important. I can make out a person who meditates, in the real sense of the word, and the one who just ‘meditates’. You should not deceive yourself. If you are deceiving yourself, then how can you become a guru? For becoming a guru, you have to, first of all, be very honest within yourself, and find out what are you doing, what are you up to, what have you done. We have six enemies, as I have told you, and we justify all these enemies. We think, “It is alright! After all I did this because of this. I had to do it”. Somebody would say, “I was poor, so I had to be dishonest.” Another would say that, “I had to tell lies.” Another would say that, “I had to be immoral.” This is the biggest thing human beings have, is justification! Animals don’t have, they have their fixed ideas, they have their fixed nature. But human beings can do all kinds of wrong things and can justify it. This justification doesn’t help you in your ascent. “I did this because of that…” It never helps you! One should try to introspect and see for yourself what is the justification. So when you start supporting yourself in doing all kinds of opposite things, how can you rise? How can you ascend? All the time you are trying to descend! So purification within is only possible if you can see yourself clearly. If you can’t see how will you purify? If I can’t see in the mirror, how will I see what’s wrong with my face? So when you start seeing the Truth, and comparing yourself with that, then only you can clear out yourself. But the identification should be with the Truth. For example, you see in the mirror your face and you find something wrong, you are not identified with that wrong, but you are identified with your own face, and so you clear it out, cleanse it out. In the same way, if you are identified with yourself you cannot get rid of it. When you are climbing ahead into the new path of righteousness, of goodness, of compassion and love, you should see yourself, watch yourself: what are you doing? Where are you going? How far you are stupid? You should not cheat yourself. Let others cheat you, let others do whatever they like, let others try to kill you, but don’t you kill yourself! You don’t cheat yourself. So you have your self-respect, and you have your self-honour, which you value more than anybody else. And you don’t yield to anything that will spoil your image in the mirror. This is the first step of introspection. Now what helps for this introspection is your sense of love. Can you love a person who is distressful? One who is aggressive? One who is hot-tempered? One who cheats you? Can you love such a person? You cannot. Then how can you love yourself when you have these qualities, when you do this to yourself? So the first thing is the pure love for yourself, pure love. It’s such a great thing to have pure love. Like, you may like to have a very nice bed to sleep, you may like to have a very beautiful house, you may like to have all the wealth of the world, but all this, will it make you love yourself? If you love your Self, you don’t want anything, because you enjoy your Self! To enjoy your Self is the greatest enjoyment. So, now you have got Realisation - means you know what you are, you know what beautiful thing you are. When that is so, you should try to love your Self. And when you start loving your Self, you are not bothered about all non-sensical things. Now this pure love is one of the most beautiful things you have which you can do to yourself. When you are selfish you are not loving your Self, when you are unkind, you are not loving your Self, when you are aggressive, you are not loving your Self, because you are loving all these bad thing. But your Self is pure. It’s absolutely pure and beautiful. And it loves all that is beautiful and good. So this is the beginning of your Self-realisation: when you realise how important is your Self. You don’t have wrong ideas about yourself, you don’t justify all the wrong things you do, because you understand that it’s a blemish on your Self. Face yourself in the most honest manner and you will be amazed to see how nice it is. Just to see the pure Self shining within you. When that Self starts shining, you start seeing many other things which you have not seen so far. And one of them [that] you see is that love is not only for yourself but for everyone. It’s a pure love for everyone else. It’s not only for yourself. It’s very surprising: when you really love your Self, then your love is for your Self, and you start spreading that love in such a manner that you beautifully love others. You don’t love for money, you don’t love for some advantage, for some power, or for some gain, but you love for love; because pure love is so joy-giving, it’s so joy-giving that, if there is any such thing that, “I love somebody because I want to possess that person, because I am something great, and if I love somebody then that person should feel absolutely obliged.” All these ideas are absolutely of no avail. Really if you love, then you just love. You love everyone. You may say, “Mother, how can you love a crook?” You need not go his way, you need not be with him, need not have anything to do with it. But if you have pure love, then he can change, she can change. If they do not, then you don’t bother. Those who come into the ocean of love, those who are really pure, loving, people, they are your friends. They are the ones who are needed on this earth. Not the people who are crooks, who cheat you, who try to dominate you – they are not the ones needed. What we need are the people who are completely drenched into the purity of love. So, from love we go to another point which is purity, and the purity is a subject which has been talked about by many people: that you should be pure, you should be absolutely open and people should know everything about you. I don’t think that is purity. Purity is that which purifies others! If you are a pure person then others will be purified. They have to be purified. Now supposing you have certain ideas about yourself: you think that you are very highly placed as a Sahaja Yogi and that you are full of love. Maybe it’s all imaginary. Does it purify others? Does your purity purify others? Can it give them awakening? Can they be Realised-souls? And then, how much do you value the purity, the power of purity? And how many people you give Realisation, to or you have kept it to yourself? How many places you have been to spread this purity? Purity has to be spread. And without any doubt, in your own purity, you should do it because it’s a very, very powerful thing. Purity is very powerful. It may not act on one or two persons, it doesn’t matter. There could be some very, very nasty, horrible fellows - it doesn’t matter - but it will have an effect on very many sensitive persons who want to become Sahaja Yogis. You have to just test it: how people like you and how they are impressed by you. The Paramchaitanya, this All-pervading Power of Divine Love, flows through you, because you are pure. If you are impure, then it will stop at different chakras; it won’t work. So purity of temperament, purity of love – what does that mean? That you love somebody because that person has got spirituality, you love that person because there is purity, and you go to places just to spread the purity among people. A pure person will never create a problem. It’s the impure person who every day can start with this problem or that problem and that problem. So the character of a yogi is to worship the purity of your own and the purity of others. It’s true that we have to face ourselves every day. It’s true that we have to correct ourselves every day. It’s true that we have to separate ourselves from ourselves to see how far we have done, how far we have gone, what are we doing, what have we done. So the difference between the ancient time’s guru and modern time’s guru is that the ancient time’s gurus didn’t care if they gave Realisations to people, it was not their style, most of them. Only they cared for themselves, nicely sitting down somewhere in the Himalayas, away from all the madding crowd, and enjoying themselves! But you must share this enjoyment. I think that is the sign of a good guru. The one who cannot share, only looks after his own pleasures, or looks after his own ashram, you can call it, or looks after his own family, looks after maybe some disciples he has. The attention has to be for the whole world! In Sahaja Yoga, now, it has reached such a stage that you have to worry about the complete humanity. It’s not only you, or few Sahaja Yogis, or many more Sahaja Yogis, but all over the world, whatever is the problem, you people have to solve it. But first get out of your own little, little problems. I get letters from people, especially women, saying their husband is like that, and husband does that and their children are suffering, and all that. Now, you are a guru: means you are such a high, highly electrified person with spirituality - why should you worry about all these nonsensical things? And the consciousness that you are purified and that you are a pure person should make you very humble. But it’s just the opposite of it – normally people, if they are anything, they become very proud and think no end of themselves. If they have, say, one power, they become like that. If they have some talent, they become like this. If they have some eminence they become like this. They do not become humble by that. By that achievement they become extremely, extremely proud, arrogant. Absolutely in a very wrong shape! But you, you are a Sahaja Yogi and you should not mind anything that will bring down your purity. So, you can call yourself as ‘gurus’ if you want to. I need not say that you are a guru. But you have to, first of all, make yourself your disciple, you must look after yourself first of all. You have to see for yourself, “Have I got the qualities? Am I the one who can really do all this?” All this introspection within you should be with a very clean heart and understanding, because you are not incarnations, which are born absolutely pure, but you are human beings and you are rising to the level of those incarnations. So you have to cleanse, you have to watch yourself, see for yourself and then understand if you are a Sahaja Yogi. Have you got the beauty of purity and love? Now this love is not relative, is not conditional, is not limited, but it is absolutely like an ocean. And you like to swim in that ocean, you like to be drenched in that ocean of love. Formerly guru meant a person who is standing with a big stick. He used to hit everyone. Anybody did anything wrong – they used to hit and beat them. We had gurus in music also, and different, different types of gurus we had in our country, and their speciality was that they used to absolutely oppress the disciple, control, and then teach the knowledge of music, maybe, maybe wrestling, maybe anything. But in Sahaja Yoga it’s very different. Even the spiritual gurus who were real were like that - very harsh. They used to throw stones at such people. All kinds of things they used to do. But then, in that, they didn’t mean anything bad, but the method I didn’t like. There was a story about a person who was supposed to be a great guru, and I went to see him. I had to climb quite a lot because he lived in a small, little cave. And, when I reached there, he was very angry with himself, he was going on like this, like this (Mother is shaking Her head). And it was raining so I was completely drenched, and I went and sat in his little cave. Then he came back and he asked me a question. He said, “Mother, it was raining. Normally I can stop the rain, but you wouldn’t allow me to stop the rain. Why?” I could have told him, “Because of your ego,” but I didn’t. I told him in a very sweet manner that, “See, you are a sanyasi, and you got a sari for me. If I had not got drenched, I could not have taken your sari from a sanyasi.” He completely melted! He had tears in his eyes and fell at my Feet. So the technique of Sahaja Yoga is like this. It’s not anger, it’s not repulsion, it’s not hatred, but the technique is such by which you suggest your love. This is how one has to understand the difference between a Sahaja Yogi guru and other gurus. No question of beating your disciple, no question of scolding them, no question of shouting at them. Love is the most powerful thing. Of course it doesn’t work on some people, I agree. Forget them. But it works in most of the people because God has made us out of His love, and we have a capacity to yield to that love and to enjoy that love. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, what he has to do is to understand the powers of love. The powers of love, if you can understand, it will grow within you. Some people have, some people don’t have. Try to understand [that] this Paramchaitanya is nothing but is [the] power of God’s love – or you can say, Mother’s love. This power works so beautifully, in such a secret manner, that you call it as ‘miracle’, because you can’t see how it has worked out. So, the first and foremost thing is, try to develop the sense of love within you, the understanding. There is one problem: it is always misunderstood. Pure love can be very easily understood, that it gives you joy, that it helps others to improve, and it works in a very subtle manner. Now try to remember when you came to Sahaja Yoga. Try to remember how you got your Realisation. Try to remember how you started growing. These are like the seeds within us of love, which sprouted. Slowly and gradually we started the showers of blessings of love, then we started enjoying it and understanding it. Now at this stage when we are about to become gurus and we are already gurus, we should be nothing but the embodiment of love. It’s a very different theory I am telling you. No guru will accept this -those who are already accepted as gurus all over. And the knowledge, knowledge they give you, is the knowledge of very subtle things. All the knowledge that you have got in Sahaja Yoga has been already told by those gurus, long time back - somebody has told this, somebody has told that, somebody has told that - but all the knowledge, the total knowledge about your being, your chakras, everything, which you know now, is with you. That is the Truth. You have the complete subtle knowledge which nobody had before. Because maybe these gurus did not want to give, or maybe these gurus did not know, themselves. All the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is simple, very subtle and is real. Now, after having this within you, it should not be just mental, it should be spiritual. And to make it spiritual, what have you to do is to love. When you love others, you will start working on them. Then you will find out, with your knowledge, that there’s something wrong with this fellow: what is wrong? He has this chakra, he has that chakra. This is the combination, that is the thing. But a Sahaja Yogi doesn’t get angry on that point, he tries to cure that person, he tries to improve that person. He doesn’t say, “You are very bad! You are horrible!” No! No! He takes up a challenge that, “With my pure love I can cure.” It is so simple for him. Not like any doctor or anybody who has certain great qualifications that he would come and ask for the fees and that he will charge you this money – nothing! He knows what’s wrong with you and he knows how to cure it, and he does, that way. So, you are not afraid. Apart from [the fact that] you are not afraid, that person who is with you also is not afraid, because of your temperament, because of your nature: the way you are handling the patient, the way you are talking to a person who has come to know about the Truth. And thus you give him, also, the Truth. Also you teach him what the Truth is. And the truth is very simple – that you are the Spirit. This is the truth, is revealed loud to another person. Thus you realise yourself, by giving Realisation to another person, what you have done is to give him the Truth itself, absolute Truth. I know [that], these days, people find it very difficult to find any time for Sahaja Yoga, for spreading Sahaja Yoga. They are looking out for holidays. Whatever it is, whatever is happening, I am very sure, with your great powers that you have, you can really show great, great success, very great success, and this success can bring forth the vision I have of saving the humanity all over the world. May God bless you
We Have To Be Transformed
Public Program
Public Program in Royal Albert Hall. London (UK), 14 July 2001. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Some of you have found the truth, some of you have not found it fully, and some of you have not found it at all. But if you look around in today’s situation, you’ll have to agree there’s a big turmoil going on. Countries after countries are taking to all kinds of wrong things. Lot of cold war is on, people are killing each other, destroying beautiful places, cutting each other’s throat for nothing at all. They are all human beings created by God. God Almighty has created them and has brought them to this level of human awareness. At this juncture one can’t see where are we going in a collective way. This is, where have we to reach – or is it our destiny? Is this the destiny of human beings, to be destroyed by each other for land or for anything else? Think of the whole world as one, and think what’s happening all over: every day we read newspaper, every day there is some sort of a horrible news about horrible things people are doing to each other, for no rhyme and reason. We have to think, what is the destiny? Where are we going? Are we going to hell or to Heaven? What is our situation around? Can we help it? What’s wrong with human beings is they are still in the complete control of ignorance. I would call it ignorance. And in that ignorance, in that darkness, they are doing these horrible things. Nobody wants to understand that what we are doing is nothing but complete destruction. Is that our destiny, that we are going to get destroyed completely? What good are we doing? Under the name of some sort of nationality or maybe some religion – all kinds of things which are good – but we are doing all wrong things. Fighting. Fighting is not the only thing. We hate. Anybody who can excite our hatred is very much adorable, very much liked, and under his guidance we form groups. All this is coming because this is the Last Judgment. I have told you this is the Last Judgment. And this Last Judgment will really decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed completely. It’s a very, very serious thing. All of those who are aware should think about it. Little patchwork here and a little patchwork is not going to help. Whatever you may try, unless and until you transform human beings, they cannot be saved. This transformation is not an impossible thing – it’s not difficult. This is the time for transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us is placed the power, as Tao has described, is the mystical feminine Power within us. All of them have described it, I’m not the first person to say that; but nobody has been able perhaps so far to understand it or to accept it, that it should happen to you. You are born not only to be human beings, but you have to be superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself. Your life should be enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse: morning till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you are created. God had no intention of creating people who will be all the time worried how to quarrel, how to fight, how to save; but people who will live in complete harmony, peace and joy. That’s why we are created. That is our destiny – that is, not just I am telling you, but it’s a fact. So we have to be, we have to be transformed. This transformation is not difficult. But what I find, people get satisfied with anything. Hindus will go to the temple; they’ll think, “Oh, we have done a great thing.” Christians go to the church; they’ll think they have done very good. Muslims will go and pray and think that they are great. What have they achieved? Face yourself, please. Face your limitations. Face your tribulations. Face your problems and see for yourself: have you been able to solve your problems? Have you been able to save yourself from calamities? Maybe big calamities may come to destroy people who are, who are doing harm, maybe. That may be the wish of God. But what is your wish? Why don’t you think that “I have to be a person who is a store, who is a source of joy and love”? I am not only talking, but I want you all to get your Self-realization. What is Self-realization – is to know your Self. You don’t know your Self. You don’t know. You are living in this world without knowing your Self – can you imagine? You don’t know what you are. You don’t know that you are the spirit, and that you are the source of knowledge, of pure knowledge. I find people sitting in a meeting, listening to some babaji who is telling them some story, very happy. This is not going to give you the reality and the truth. If you want to have reality and truth, then please try to understand that something has to happen to you, some transformation has to take place. You are not yet subtle enough, you haven’t got those subtleties, till you reach that point – for which you don’t have to leave your family, you don’t have to leave your children, you don’t have to leave your household and go to the jungles. There’s no need to do all that. It’s nice to say that “All right, you all take sanyasa and give all that belongs to you to me.” It’s such a stupid idea. These are emergencies today. We are living in a very emergent conditions – try to understand. And I want to warn you that if you don’t go deep into yourself and find out what you are, and take to your transformation, anything is possible. All kinds of diseases are coming up, all kinds of new problems of children coming up, all kinds of national problems are there, all kinds of international problems are there, that people can’t help it. So we have to get out of this and become a solid, a personality of truth. We don’t know what is the truth is. We are worse than animals whose eyes are open, while our eyes are closed. Is not to condemn yourself in any way, but to make you alert and aware that human beings have to change. Otherwise it’s just, you come to My lecture, tomorrow you come to another lecture – that’s all. It’s a everyday sort of a nice entertainment. But when I see the destiny, I don’t know how many will be ruined, how many will be finished. What will happen to them? What diseases they will get, what problems they will get? What will happen to their children, what will happen to their country, and what will happen to the whole world? Just widen your vision. My vision is that all the people of the world should get transformation. We have enemies within ourselves, and when they talk of jihad, they talk that you fight your enemies within yourself. What are these enemies? These days, the worst is greed. There is greed. With that greed people can do anything they want to. All kinds of things are happening out of greed. They’ll have money, they’ll have all kinds of facilities, but still this greed is such a satanic will of, that you don’t even see what you have. And you want to have more and more, deceive people, deceive your government, deceive everyone and manage it. Then, another worse thing we have is anger. Anger doesn’t allow you to see things as they are. We develop anger for small things: like you have come to this country – I’ve seen people who are angry because of different color. I can’t understand. God has made different colors; other we all would have looked same, like military, and life would have been miserable. So the color has been created by nature. So the whites or blacks – what is the difference? I just don’t understand. Because such a myth is going on. With this myth we are fighting. The whites are fighting with the blacks, and the blacks are fighting with the whites. And then they go also for burning their skin in the sun, getting skin cancers. I just don’t understand. There’s no logic, there’s no balance in us to see that what we are doing. Why are we wasting this precious time, when we have to get transformation? This anger can be with anything; anything one can develop anger. Is like a human failing, which is very common. For the smallest thing people can get angry. And they like it, because with that they can oppress others; they could be aggressive. So they want to have this anger within them, and with that anger they try to dominate others. This is the biggest problem: why do we want to dominate others, why do we want to oppress others, and why do we want to take control of others? We can’t control ourselves; why are we wanting to control others? What is the need? Then, there are attachments: attachments to their houses, to their lands, to their children, to everything. But tomorrow you won’t be here. You’ll go with open hands. You can’t carry anything with you. So such attachment to things: they’re very particular about their cars, about their house, maintain it. But what about yourself? Are you all right? Inside, are you absolutely calm, peaceful and joyful? Why are you wasting your energy in getting angry with others? That’s the sign of life that will be also destroyed. If you look at another person he has, say, weaknesses, apart from money, for women – is very common – or women having for men. To get attractive, for what? Everybody has to get old. What have you achieved by running after women, running after other sex? You have no sense of dignity, no sense of honor. If you are – as long as you wear very good clothes you are regarded wonderful person. This is not the way. We have to introspect and see for ourselves: why are we doing this, wasting our energy into nonsensical thing? So many people I meet are really half-mad and far gone; some of them are full-mad. And what they tell Me, that they wanted to marry a particular woman and a particular man or anything, and that’s how they got it. I mean, how fragile! That’s not being very great. You have to be very, very strong within yourself. Feel your Self. Your Self is the spirit, is the reflection of God Almighty within you. You can be very strong, you can be very healthy and you can be absolutely balanced, if you become the spirit. You have heard so much about spirit and spiritual life – but have you reached that point? Even when you read, say, Zen system, Tao system, Bible, Koran, anything, do you know how to reach that point of the spirit? Not yet. Not yet. You have to know that; because you are very great, you are very precious, and you are so beautiful within. But you are not aware of it. You have to become that. That becoming is very important, and for that already God Almighty has organized within you which is called as kundalini, which can be awakened, and its awakening can give you Self-realization, can give you self-knowledge which we call “Atma sakshatkar.” That’s what is very, very important in your life to have it. And when it is free – you can’t pay for it, how much can you pay? – when it is absolutely free, why don’t you take your Self-realization, and why don’t you grow? Instead of fighting in the name of religion. Every religion has said “You know thy Self.” Mohammed Sahib has said very clearly, “At the time of resurrection your hands will speak.” Are they speaking? Hindus know about it, that we have to get our Self-realization. No use just listening to these babajis and giving them money. All this kind of rituals that we have been doing, our forefathers have been doing: what have we achieved? Nothing. So now, it’s important for us to know that we have to have our evolution, reaching to the point of Self-realization. If we were perfect there would have been no problem. If we were self-realized people there would have been no problem. All kinds of selfishness, all kinds of limits we have put upon ourselves, all kinds of conditioning and ego which has been working our life and have been ruining us, we have to get over it. And once you get over it, you get united. Nobody has to tell you that you get united. You lose all misidentifications. Your misidentifications are that, that “we belong to this country, we belong to this religion, we belong to that.” You belong to nothing. You belong to the Kingdom of God. That’s what you have to achieve, and you should be one there. But if you like story-telling, there’s no end to it. But you are wasting your time. The time is running short. I’ve been now here for the last, I don’t know, twenty years or so. I worked very hard, but what I find that people don’t realize what they are supposed to do. They like people who will just say something very simple – all right, it’s a little entertainment. So the whole humanity has to understand that destiny of destruction is to be avoided. Complete destruction is to be avoided. And very simple is that you enter into the Kingdom of God – which is very easy: you don’t have to pay anything, don’t have to work out anything. You take your Self-realization, and then at home you spend about ten minutes meditating. Only your mind is all the time justifying your misbehavior. I call it “misbehavior” because it’s against you. It’s against God’s wish, it’s against humanity and it will destroy all the human beings. All these misidentifications have to be dropped, and you have to know that we are all one. We are all one, we are all global, we are not separated by color, race or religion, nation – no. We are all one, and that oneness should not be established by slogans or by shouting, but should be that oneness is to be felt within. It’s not artificial. It has to be real, very real oneness, and that comes to you once you realize that you are part and parcel of the whole. Religions have brought you up to this point of awareness – not for fighting, not for killing. Why, why? Human beings have diverted themselves. Because of complete ignorance of righteousness. Because of complete greed of oneself: oneself, just yourself, or your family at the most, or your relation. Why do you want to delimit yourself? You are the spirit. Spirit is the ocean, ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love, is the ocean of all blessings. So we have to decide. Today I have to request you, that there’s not so much time left. We have to decide that we have to become the spirit. That’s all the religions have taught. But how to do it was not so much explained, and it didn’t work out. Some of them did get it but they were outcasted. Nobody listened to them. Even people killed them and tortured them, crucified them. But now, please, all of you try to understand the value of your life. Why are you a human being? Why are you created? What is the purpose behind it? Are we going to be driven by nonsensical ideas? Are we going to be finished by all sorts of dividing factors? No, no, we are all going to get your Self-realization, and we are going to understand the value of our life. The problem is, you’ll get your realization in the sense the power within you will rise. It’s very well organized; actually, God is a great creator. How He has balanced and how it works out is remarkable. Every individual He has done it. With that happening, is not sufficient. You enter into, say, a palace and then you go round and see for yourself how beautiful you are, what beautiful things God has made for you. Then grow into it. Once you have grown into it, then you will realize what a great thing you are: the greatest gem, the greatest person, so loving. There have been some – they have become just statues. Nobody tries to understand what were they doing, how they were there. So, tonight we can have the experience, the experience of the spirit. Is a very unusual, rare thing. It never used to happen like that. But it is now, so why not take advantage of it? Please, be ready for that, accept it, take it, and become. Becoming is the point. What you become is the point. And what you make out of this whole human civilization is your problem, not Mine. I can help you. I can work it out. So I would request you all to now be ready for Self-realization. It’s much better, but those who do not want to have cannot be forced. So it’s better such people leave, leave the hall if they don’t want to have. May God bless you all. Firstly, you don’t have to do anything – meaning also, don’t think what I have said. Try to keep your thoughts very peaceful, and I’m sure all of you can get your Self-realization. But how many will grow? Because you have to come to the follow-up, then you have to practice it in the centers – and it works out. Little bit time you have to give to yourself, and to this global problem. You have to dedicate yourself to that. Is very important: you have to dedicate yourself. That doesn’t mean that you have to become sanyasi or you have to be busy with this for twenty-four hours – nothing. But this dedication will make you so much one with yourself, with the whole universe, that I don’t have to tell you that you dedicate – you’ll dedicate by yourself. So please don’t stay here if you don’t want to have Self-realization. Nothing will happen to you. Please leave the hall in case you don’t want Self-realization. What you have to do is not to do anything; to put just your hands towards Me. Of course, if you are wearing shoes better take them out, because Mother Earth is very important. Please put both the hands towards Me. You don’t have to pray, you don’t have to say anything; just put your hands towards Me, just like this. Now please close your eyes. It is important. Please close your eyes. This power, kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone, known as sacrum, means “sacred”, and it rises through six centers of the parasympathetic, and ultimately pierces through the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your head, on top of your head. When you were a child, it was a soft bone. It pierces through that, and enters into the subtle energy of all-pervading Power of divine love. They call it by different name. They call it “Paramachaitanya” – some call it “chaitanya.” Some call it as “ruh.” You may call it by any name – is the love, love of God. Once you get connected with you, when you start feeling on your fingers some sort of a breeze. First some people will get hot, doesn’t matter; but then it cools down and you get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, as they call it. And it starts flowing. You can now raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Keep your eyes shut, and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. You can move your hand. Now see with your right hand if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. See for yourself. Bend your head; better is to bend. Please bend your head. Again put your right hand towards Me and see for yourself with the left hand, see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot it’s all right, doesn’t matter. It is coming because of the heat within you. Now all those who have felt cool or a hot breeze in their hands or on their fingers, or out of the fontanel bone area – this is the real baptism – please raise both your hands. Just imagine: you are the soldiers who are going to save the world from its destruction. Try to understand your importance. You can put down your hand. Everyone practically has felt it. That means you are already matured to get your spiritual life. You are just on the brink of it. That’s how you got it. It’s last jump to reality. Now, you should know what is this, what are you, what is your spirit and what you can do; what are your powers are, what are spiritual powers. For this I would request you to first to come to the follow-up program, and after that you can join any one of the centers which are closer to you and work it out. We have to work for the whole world. You should know there are eighty-five countries which are following Sahaja Yoga. And surprisingly, black country like Benin, we have twenty thousand Sahaja yogis. Only three years back I started there. And in England it’s more than sixteen years I’ve been working here, and after that also: all the time, every year. But somehow their growth is very much there, but not subtle growth, not within ourselves. The growth is within, and you’ll enjoy, very much enjoy the reality. The reality is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. May God bless you. They want to sing one song which was written in the twelfth century by a saint in India and is sung in all the villages, but nobody knows the meaning of that. The meaning is that “Oh Mother, give me the union, ‘Jogwa’ – give me the union. I will give up my bad habits. I’ll give up my temper. I’ll give ...” You don’t have to do it. Now you’ll give up automatically. The light that you’ll have, itself, automatically you will give up, automatically. You don’t have to do anything. But you have to meditate. About ten minutes, it’s not much. (“Jogwa” you can sing?) They are so much full of joy that they go, want to go on singing all the while.
Public Program in Royal Albert Hall. London (UK), 14 July 2001. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Some of you have found the truth, some of you have not found it fully, and some of you have not found it at all. But if you look around in today’s situation, you’ll have to agree there’s a big turmoil going on. Countries after countries are taking to all kinds of wrong things. Lot of cold war is on, people are killing each other, destroying beautiful places, cutting each other’s throat for nothing at all. They are all human beings created by God. God Almighty has created them and has brought them to this level of human awareness. At this juncture one can’t see where are we going in a collective way. This is, where have we to reach – or is it our destiny? Is this the destiny of human beings, to be destroyed by each other for land or for anything else? Think of the whole world as one, and think what’s happening all over: every day we read newspaper, every day there is some sort of a horrible news about horrible things people are doing to each other, for no rhyme and reason. We have to think, what is the destiny? Where are we going? Are we going to hell or to Heaven? What is our situation around? Can we help it? What’s wrong with human beings is they are still in the complete control of ignorance. I would call it ignorance. And in that ignorance, in that darkness, they are doing these horrible things. Nobody wants to understand that what we are doing is nothing but complete destruction. Is that our destiny, that we are going to get destroyed completely? What good are we doing? Under the name of some sort of nationality or maybe some religion – all kinds of things which are good – but we are doing all wrong things. Fighting. Fighting is not the only thing. We hate. Anybody who can excite our hatred is very much adorable, very much liked, and under his guidance we form groups. All this is coming because this is the Last Judgment. I have told you this is the Last Judgment. And this Last Judgment will really decide who are to be saved and who are to be doomed completely. It’s a very, very serious thing. All of those who are aware should think about it. Little patchwork here and a little patchwork is not going to help. Whatever you may try, unless and until you transform human beings, they cannot be saved. This transformation is not an impossible thing – it’s not difficult. This is the time for transformation, this is a chance for transformation. And within us is placed the power, as Tao has described, is the mystical feminine Power within us. All of them have described it, I’m not the first person to say that; but nobody has been able perhaps so far to understand it or to accept it, that it should happen to you. You are born not only to be human beings, but you have to be superhuman. You have to enjoy yourself. Your life should be enjoyable, it should be blissful. It should not be a curse: morning till evening worried about this, worried about that. That is why you are created. God had no intention of creating people who will be all the time worried how to quarrel, how to fight, how to save; but people who will live in complete harmony, peace and joy. That’s why we are created. That is our destiny – that is, not just I am telling you, but it’s a fact. So we have to be, we have to be transformed. This transformation is not difficult. But what I find, people get satisfied with anything. Hindus will go to the temple; they’ll think, “Oh, we have done a great thing.” Christians go to the church; they’ll think they have done very good. Muslims will go and pray and think that they are great. What have they achieved? Face yourself, please. Face your limitations. Face your tribulations. Face your problems and see for yourself: have you been able to solve your problems? Have you been able to save yourself from calamities? Maybe big calamities may come to destroy people who are, who are doing harm, maybe. That may be the wish of God. But what is your wish? Why don’t you think that “I have to be a person who is a store, who is a source of joy and love”? I am not only talking, but I want you all to get your Self-realization. What is Self-realization – is to know your Self. You don’t know your Self. You don’t know. You are living in this world without knowing your Self – can you imagine? You don’t know what you are. You don’t know that you are the spirit, and that you are the source of knowledge, of pure knowledge. I find people sitting in a meeting, listening to some babaji who is telling them some story, very happy. This is not going to give you the reality and the truth. If you want to have reality and truth, then please try to understand that something has to happen to you, some transformation has to take place. You are not yet subtle enough, you haven’t got those subtleties, till you reach that point – for which you don’t have to leave your family, you don’t have to leave your children, you don’t have to leave your household and go to the jungles. There’s no need to do all that. It’s nice to say that “All right, you all take sanyasa and give all that belongs to you to me.” It’s such a stupid idea. These are emergencies today. We are living in a very emergent conditions – try to understand. And I want to warn you that if you don’t go deep into yourself and find out what you are, and take to your transformation, anything is possible. All kinds of diseases are coming up, all kinds of new problems of children coming up, all kinds of national problems are there, all kinds of international problems are there, that people can’t help it. So we have to get out of this and become a solid, a personality of truth. We don’t know what is the truth is. We are worse than animals whose eyes are open, while our eyes are closed. Is not to condemn yourself in any way, but to make you alert and aware that human beings have to change. Otherwise it’s just, you come to My lecture, tomorrow you come to another lecture – that’s all. It’s a everyday sort of a nice entertainment. But when I see the destiny, I don’t know how many will be ruined, how many will be finished. What will happen to them? What diseases they will get, what problems they will get? What will happen to their children, what will happen to their country, and what will happen to the whole world? Just widen your vision. My vision is that all the people of the world should get transformation. We have enemies within ourselves, and when they talk of jihad, they talk that you fight your enemies within yourself. What are these enemies? These days, the worst is greed. There is greed. With that greed people can do anything they want to. All kinds of things are happening out of greed. They’ll have money, they’ll have all kinds of facilities, but still this greed is such a satanic will of, that you don’t even see what you have. And you want to have more and more, deceive people, deceive your government, deceive everyone and manage it. Then, another worse thing we have is anger. Anger doesn’t allow you to see things as they are. We develop anger for small things: like you have come to this country – I’ve seen people who are angry because of different color. I can’t understand. God has made different colors; other we all would have looked same, like military, and life would have been miserable. So the color has been created by nature. So the whites or blacks – what is the difference? I just don’t understand. Because such a myth is going on. With this myth we are fighting. The whites are fighting with the blacks, and the blacks are fighting with the whites. And then they go also for burning their skin in the sun, getting skin cancers. I just don’t understand. There’s no logic, there’s no balance in us to see that what we are doing. Why are we wasting this precious time, when we have to get transformation? This anger can be with anything; anything one can develop anger. Is like a human failing, which is very common. For the smallest thing people can get angry. And they like it, because with that they can oppress others; they could be aggressive. So they want to have this anger within them, and with that anger they try to dominate others. This is the biggest problem: why do we want to dominate others, why do we want to oppress others, and why do we want to take control of others? We can’t control ourselves; why are we wanting to control others? What is the need? Then, there are attachments: attachments to their houses, to their lands, to their children, to everything. But tomorrow you won’t be here. You’ll go with open hands. You can’t carry anything with you. So such attachment to things: they’re very particular about their cars, about their house, maintain it. But what about yourself? Are you all right? Inside, are you absolutely calm, peaceful and joyful? Why are you wasting your energy in getting angry with others? That’s the sign of life that will be also destroyed. If you look at another person he has, say, weaknesses, apart from money, for women – is very common – or women having for men. To get attractive, for what? Everybody has to get old. What have you achieved by running after women, running after other sex? You have no sense of dignity, no sense of honor. If you are – as long as you wear very good clothes you are regarded wonderful person. This is not the way. We have to introspect and see for ourselves: why are we doing this, wasting our energy into nonsensical thing? So many people I meet are really half-mad and far gone; some of them are full-mad. And what they tell Me, that they wanted to marry a particular woman and a particular man or anything, and that’s how they got it. I mean, how fragile! That’s not being very great. You have to be very, very strong within yourself. Feel your Self. Your Self is the spirit, is the reflection of God Almighty within you. You can be very strong, you can be very healthy and you can be absolutely balanced, if you become the spirit. You have heard so much about spirit and spiritual life – but have you reached that point? Even when you read, say, Zen system, Tao system, Bible, Koran, anything, do you know how to reach that point of the spirit? Not yet. Not yet. You have to know that; because you are very great, you are very precious, and you are so beautiful within. But you are not aware of it. You have to become that. That becoming is very important, and for that already God Almighty has organized within you which is called as kundalini, which can be awakened, and its awakening can give you Self-realization, can give you self-knowledge which we call “Atma sakshatkar.” That’s what is very, very important in your life to have it. And when it is free – you can’t pay for it, how much can you pay? – when it is absolutely free, why don’t you take your Self-realization, and why don’t you grow? Instead of fighting in the name of religion. Every religion has said “You know thy Self.” Mohammed Sahib has said very clearly, “At the time of resurrection your hands will speak.” Are they speaking? Hindus know about it, that we have to get our Self-realization. No use just listening to these babajis and giving them money. All this kind of rituals that we have been doing, our forefathers have been doing: what have we achieved? Nothing. So now, it’s important for us to know that we have to have our evolution, reaching to the point of Self-realization. If we were perfect there would have been no problem. If we were self-realized people there would have been no problem. All kinds of selfishness, all kinds of limits we have put upon ourselves, all kinds of conditioning and ego which has been working our life and have been ruining us, we have to get over it. And once you get over it, you get united. Nobody has to tell you that you get united. You lose all misidentifications. Your misidentifications are that, that “we belong to this country, we belong to this religion, we belong to that.” You belong to nothing. You belong to the Kingdom of God. That’s what you have to achieve, and you should be one there. But if you like story-telling, there’s no end to it. But you are wasting your time. The time is running short. I’ve been now here for the last, I don’t know, twenty years or so. I worked very hard, but what I find that people don’t realize what they are supposed to do. They like people who will just say something very simple – all right, it’s a little entertainment. So the whole humanity has to understand that destiny of destruction is to be avoided. Complete destruction is to be avoided. And very simple is that you enter into the Kingdom of God – which is very easy: you don’t have to pay anything, don’t have to work out anything. You take your Self-realization, and then at home you spend about ten minutes meditating. Only your mind is all the time justifying your misbehavior. I call it “misbehavior” because it’s against you. It’s against God’s wish, it’s against humanity and it will destroy all the human beings. All these misidentifications have to be dropped, and you have to know that we are all one. We are all one, we are all global, we are not separated by color, race or religion, nation – no. We are all one, and that oneness should not be established by slogans or by shouting, but should be that oneness is to be felt within. It’s not artificial. It has to be real, very real oneness, and that comes to you once you realize that you are part and parcel of the whole. Religions have brought you up to this point of awareness – not for fighting, not for killing. Why, why? Human beings have diverted themselves. Because of complete ignorance of righteousness. Because of complete greed of oneself: oneself, just yourself, or your family at the most, or your relation. Why do you want to delimit yourself? You are the spirit. Spirit is the ocean, ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love, is the ocean of all blessings. So we have to decide. Today I have to request you, that there’s not so much time left. We have to decide that we have to become the spirit. That’s all the religions have taught. But how to do it was not so much explained, and it didn’t work out. Some of them did get it but they were outcasted. Nobody listened to them. Even people killed them and tortured them, crucified them. But now, please, all of you try to understand the value of your life. Why are you a human being? Why are you created? What is the purpose behind it? Are we going to be driven by nonsensical ideas? Are we going to be finished by all sorts of dividing factors? No, no, we are all going to get your Self-realization, and we are going to understand the value of our life. The problem is, you’ll get your realization in the sense the power within you will rise. It’s very well organized; actually, God is a great creator. How He has balanced and how it works out is remarkable. Every individual He has done it. With that happening, is not sufficient. You enter into, say, a palace and then you go round and see for yourself how beautiful you are, what beautiful things God has made for you. Then grow into it. Once you have grown into it, then you will realize what a great thing you are: the greatest gem, the greatest person, so loving. There have been some – they have become just statues. Nobody tries to understand what were they doing, how they were there. So, tonight we can have the experience, the experience of the spirit. Is a very unusual, rare thing. It never used to happen like that. But it is now, so why not take advantage of it? Please, be ready for that, accept it, take it, and become. Becoming is the point. What you become is the point. And what you make out of this whole human civilization is your problem, not Mine. I can help you. I can work it out. So I would request you all to now be ready for Self-realization. It’s much better, but those who do not want to have cannot be forced. So it’s better such people leave, leave the hall if they don’t want to have. May God bless you all. Firstly, you don’t have to do anything – meaning also, don’t think what I have said. Try to keep your thoughts very peaceful, and I’m sure all of you can get your Self-realization. But how many will grow? Because you have to come to the follow-up, then you have to practice it in the centers – and it works out. Little bit time you have to give to yourself, and to this global problem. You have to dedicate yourself to that. Is very important: you have to dedicate yourself. That doesn’t mean that you have to become sanyasi or you have to be busy with this for twenty-four hours – nothing. But this dedication will make you so much one with yourself, with the whole universe, that I don’t have to tell you that you dedicate – you’ll dedicate by yourself. So please don’t stay here if you don’t want to have Self-realization. Nothing will happen to you. Please leave the hall in case you don’t want Self-realization. What you have to do is not to do anything; to put just your hands towards Me. Of course, if you are wearing shoes better take them out, because Mother Earth is very important. Please put both the hands towards Me. You don’t have to pray, you don’t have to say anything; just put your hands towards Me, just like this. Now please close your eyes. It is important. Please close your eyes. This power, kundalini, is placed in the triangular bone, known as sacrum, means “sacred”, and it rises through six centers of the parasympathetic, and ultimately pierces through the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your head, on top of your head. When you were a child, it was a soft bone. It pierces through that, and enters into the subtle energy of all-pervading Power of divine love. They call it by different name. They call it “Paramachaitanya” – some call it “chaitanya.” Some call it as “ruh.” You may call it by any name – is the love, love of God. Once you get connected with you, when you start feeling on your fingers some sort of a breeze. First some people will get hot, doesn’t matter; but then it cools down and you get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, as they call it. And it starts flowing. You can now raise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Keep your eyes shut, and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. You can move your hand. Now see with your right hand if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. See for yourself. Bend your head; better is to bend. Please bend your head. Again put your right hand towards Me and see for yourself with the left hand, see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot it’s all right, doesn’t matter. It is coming because of the heat within you. Now all those who have felt cool or a hot breeze in their hands or on their fingers, or out of the fontanel bone area – this is the real baptism – please raise both your hands. Just imagine: you are the soldiers who are going to save the world from its destruction. Try to understand your importance. You can put down your hand. Everyone practically has felt it. That means you are already matured to get your spiritual life. You are just on the brink of it. That’s how you got it. It’s last jump to reality. Now, you should know what is this, what are you, what is your spirit and what you can do; what are your powers are, what are spiritual powers. For this I would request you to first to come to the follow-up program, and after that you can join any one of the centers which are closer to you and work it out. We have to work for the whole world. You should know there are eighty-five countries which are following Sahaja Yoga. And surprisingly, black country like Benin, we have twenty thousand Sahaja yogis. Only three years back I started there. And in England it’s more than sixteen years I’ve been working here, and after that also: all the time, every year. But somehow their growth is very much there, but not subtle growth, not within ourselves. The growth is within, and you’ll enjoy, very much enjoy the reality. The reality is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. May God bless you. They want to sing one song which was written in the twelfth century by a saint in India and is sung in all the villages, but nobody knows the meaning of that. The meaning is that “Oh Mother, give me the union, ‘Jogwa’ – give me the union. I will give up my bad habits. I’ll give up my temper. I’ll give ...” You don’t have to do it. Now you’ll give up automatically. The light that you’ll have, itself, automatically you will give up, automatically. You don’t have to do anything. But you have to meditate. About ten minutes, it’s not much. (“Jogwa” you can sing?) They are so much full of joy that they go, want to go on singing all the while.
VIP and Journalists Invitational Program
Public Program
'VIP' and Journalists Invitational Program in Russell Hotel, 1-8 Russell Square, London WC1B 5BE (UK), 15 July 2001. I thank you very much, all of you, for coming over for a small meeting that we are going to have and, it's very important for you people who are responsible in life to understand what is the work of Sahaja Yoga and how important it is. I mean, now we have people all over the world, it's working in 85 countries. In a country like Benin we have twenty thousand sahaja yogis. All this is...why? Because people are trying to find the truth, they are not satisfied with whatever they know. They want to know what is beyond and I started this work long time back. I think I have worked in England for at least 25 years. But, unfortunately, England is nowhere compared to other countries. Even Austria has ten times more people, Austria and Germany. What's the reason? I think the newspapers. Your newspapers are not responsible, they are not at all responsible. Some may be, I am not saying all of them. But the newspapers that I have seen here, they never come and ask me anything, they never try to find out if there's anything I'm doing that is good for people, which is essential, which has to be worked out. But somehow they take the very negative side. This is the main reason why people are lagging behind in knowing the truth. I'm sorry to say that. I have written in my book also that you have to be more responsible. Actually newspapers are now even more important than any political party or any, I should say, kingdom or anything. They have achieved that power by their sense, by their honesty, by their steadfastness, their sense of honour. I must say that we got our freedom in India because the newspapers of England. They are the ones who wrote the truth about us. They are the ones who told how atrocities were worked out on India. It's only they who have really helped us. I mean I cannot understand what has happened to today's newspapers as they are. Specially I am meaning the newspaper that I have seen, which is absolutely nonsensical (reference to 'The Independent' newspaper which had recently published a negative and incorrect article). It is talking about money. Doesn't talk about what good it (Sahaja Yoga) has done. Now I must tell you I have not taken a single pie in England. Never! It is only when they came to India they had to pay for their stay there. They had to pay, also, in Italy for their stay there. And whatever remains I used to use. I have used my money for 20 years. Last 10 years since my husband is retired I'm using this money. The houses that I have are all of my money. Imagine these people, they should have come and asked me before doing. It's criminal to be like that. The problem now in England is that they have developed a great sense of criticism. Just criticise! Now we have critics of the critics in this country. But whom are you criticising? Nobody is creating anything. Have you got those old writers of England who were respected? Have you got that level of novelist that existed? Is there any, any person who can write like those great writers? I have read them and I know. I have great respect for them but were they just the lotuses in a pond, who were so great. They are the ones who established democracy here. They are the ones who brought such beautiful ideas to the whole world and what are we doing now? What are we spreading? All kind of malignant stuff. I have never studied English in my school because my father was a freedom fighter and he said "No, you have to go into an Indian school" Afterwards, also, I never studied because I was a medical student. But only reading these things we Indians still respect you. Because of their intelligence, because of their clear headedness and also the [sense of] justice they had. That's all missing nowadays in the intellectual people. I was surprised to read in this newspaper all non-sensical things, given by one boy who is just a teacher, while Sahaja Yoga is working in 85 countries and we have scholars and we have great writers, all sorts of things we have here, and here one boy, who is just a teacher somewhere...I am sure he doesn't do it on his own. How can he afford? There are only six people who are working against us. We could have really put them into jail but we didn't want to. Because they did something very wrong. Sahaja Yoga is a very moral society and if they are immoral we don't want them there. That's all! That's the freedom we have. That's the independence we have that we don't want to have immoral people living in Sahaja Yoga. What's wrong in that? We believe in morality and without morality our countries cannot improve. It's very surprising. They had some IQ. I used to think they'll have some, also, some heart but doesn't seem so. And after that now there is also SQ, is the 'spiritual coefficience', which you can achieve in Sahaja Yoga. You don't know what heights you can go to. But having such stupid things, by one man coming and telling you something. And how cunning it was that it was just done before my program. Why? Why are they doing it? What is the advantage? What are people going to gain by that? First time I'm saying this. I should have said this much earlier I think. What is the achievement? Why do you write all those things which are nonsensical? Which are false. Absolutely false. Why? Is that racialism? what is it? I can't find out. I can't find out the reason why these people are listening to one man who is just a teacher somewhere and writing all falsehood. We can pull them in the court no doubt, but we don't want to, because it's an open thing. If you want your Self-realisation we are here to give you. There's no force on anybody, there's no compulsion on anybody. On the contrary we are anxious to throw away so many from Sahaja Yoga! There's a code of conduct, no doubt. We have marriages which are very legal and at the most 1% fail. We are very loving couples, beautiful children and a very beautiful society. One has to understand that you don't have that. You have to get to it. What do you have to sacrifice? Nothing. It's absolutely free. My lectures are free. Self-realisation is free. Now what else? We should offer them, I think, some tea also free then it would be better! That's, I mean, I don't know why in England where we had such great people right from Shakespeare. Think of them. I can't understand. Shakespeare I call him an avadhuta, means a person who was beyond and was trying to show all kinds of human enterprises as failures. Just to show that to make them detached. Such a great sage like him was born in this country of yours. But if there are false gurus that's the best! If somebody tells you lies is the best! What is the matter? Where are people going? In a way it's good that I saw this article. And all falsehood! About Hitler what I have said I've brought the book. What I've said was can read it out. It's very interesting to see what I have said it. Can you? Also today I saw very nice article in the magazine they gave 'Culture' that what do we owe to Germans and Beethoven, because of him and all that. Such a beautiful article. But who will read that? I think better read it out so that it's cleared out! My memory's very good, that's the trouble! Derek Lee: "So there was a reference in the recent article in 'The Independent' which Shri Mataji is now talking about to Her supposed attitude towards Hitler and towards the Jewish people. So this is just a quotation from the book 'Now to all the critics of Hitler he looks like an idiotic foolish and maniacal type of a person. Actually if you listen to any ego-oriented person or see him, you'll definitely witness the idiocy of his talk or his behaviour very clearly. Of course, if you are not ego-oriented yourself. If you are an ego-oriented person then you will protest against him saying that he's trying to assert his ego. An egoist can always find the ego of another person very easily but if you are a person who is afraid and frightened of egoists you will either accept his value system or accept the tyranny and subjugation of such a tyrant. An evolved soul would witness the babbling of an idiot and may get into an enjoyment of humour at this stupid drama. Hitler's ideas impressed none of these two types, but he captured the minds of a third kind, which was innocent, simple, raw and absolutely immature. The young teenagers whom he groomed for years. For these people killing became a great natural enjoyment. In the olden days people used to go to forests to kill animals, especially tigers, and as a result the tiger became a man-eater or attacked human beings and this killing had to be accepted. Even when eating the flesh of animals when sufficient food was not available was quite justified. Most of the people who went to the forest for hunting did it just for the pleasure of killing. This horrible desire can lead to a very dangerous ending. The horrendous war in Germany broke out against the Jews who had to die in gas chambers because' they were very greedy and cruel' and according to Hitler they had killed Christ. There were so many ways in which one could have controlled these greedy people.... ....And so it goes on. It's a criticism of Hitler and of Nazism" Shri Mataji: I mean how can I support Hitler? It shows a complete ignorance of Truth. How can you write such things in England which is not a country where all the barbaric people live? What has upset me is that I have worked the most in England. Days together. Day in and day out. Now I'm 76 years of age and I've been working but really people give up. But compared to these newspapers, in the smaller places they're very honest, because they wrote about me how I cured people, how I helped boys and all that. (a reference to a miracle in Northampton in 1982 in which a boy is saved by Shri Mataji after a fall even though She was actually in a Public meeting at the time. That miracle was published in the Local Northampton newspaper). But they (The Independent) have nothing else to write but this, that I take money! I do say that I don't take money for Self-realisation. Because it doesn't understand money. Your Kundalini is your Mother, She doesn't understand money, how can you take money for Her? Is a fact. But if you come to Italy and live there five days you want to do it freely everything to give freely? Is it? Now we have made hospitals, I mean, thousand and one things. List hai na? (Do you have the list?) No? He's not brought the list. But I mean so many things we have made. Orphanage we have made for prostitute women, for destitute women. So many things we are making on the social level. At least twenty things in India. Then in America I bought a land. Hundred and forty acres of land. Americans are much more sensible I must tell you. They don't have this kind of a mental attitude that whatever is written (in a paper) is law, no. They will judge it. Otherwise how will you take to Truth? How will you know the Truth? My worry is the country which I think is the heart of the universe. I regard it as a great country, while what's happening to the modern people? Where are they going? You should have been leaders actually, in Sahaja Yoga. I personally think that way. You are all educated. You are known for your education and you are known for your understanding and here what do you find? How are they lured by falsehood. The problem now is another one, that, by doing all this, they will reduce the number of people who can get Realisation. They will reduce the number of people who would know the Truth, who will create a society of peace and joy and love. This is what they are doing. They don't understand their responsibility and they'll drag the whole country into..I don't know. It's a moral sense you should have to understand that what have you been doing so far and what are we to do? Where our children will go? What will happen to them? They are taking to drugs.In Sahaja Yoga you just give up drugs. So many. In England itself there were seven people who came for [Realisation], all drug addicts, all first class [now]. Doing very well. Doing very good jobs. Drug addiction we can reduce in no time. In Italy I might start a hospital for drug addicts. Possible in Italy, not in England. Not possible. The English will come there and get there! Can you imagine? Why this level has come down? If you have read Pickwick Papers you know how he has described in the democracy that time. Is that the same democracy is coming now? For me England is the same as India, because there are nice human beings and good human beings, learned ones. For me it makes no difference. And it's important that you all should get your Self-realisation. There are so many English here sitting. How much money have they given me? This is a very pivotal point that on such a small thing like that the whole country should be destroyed. Why didn't they come and ask me? Every time there's one fellow comes up. Maybe he's paid by someone. There's hardly six people, I know all of them. And I know why they are doing it because we have thrown them out of Sahaja Yoga. In no other organisation people are thrown out, no other. Because they are wrong, they are doing wrong things, immoral things. And such people should form such a good group for your newspapers here? The newspapers that used to publish such things about Warren Hastings (British Governor-General of Bengal, from 1772 to 1785) and all that, and gave us independence, they are the ones. They are the ones who fought for the right, fought for the truth, not afraid of anything. I mean, I think the newspapers are at such a pivotal position that they can kill the nation or can save the nation. I can't understand still. What is the purpose? The purpose is to dissuade people. Don't you all want to know the truth about your Self? You don't want to know? Let it be. You are free. If you want to know you can know. I cannot force. It cannot be forced. It has to be your will, free will. It has to be your will otherwise it won't work out. If you try to say that "Alright, raise my Kundalini!!" I cannot, I cannot. You must have that pure desire to become the Spirit. If you don't have, I cannot, nobody can raise, it's a fact. Because other desires are never satiable as you know. That's the principle of economics. There's only one desire which is satiable is that you have to become the Spirit, and that you have to become the Spirit, is said by all the religions and all the saints. I'm not the only one who has said. Even if you say Tao, or any other such things, they say the same thing, that, you have to become your Self you have to know your Self. 'Know thyself'. Now how do you do it? Is it not important to know your Self? If not, alright! But if it is, then try to get it. Now they told me your all very responsible people have come here. And all of them have read the newspaper and all. To me, I can't believe it. Because you are all educated people. You read every day the news and you know the calamities what are following. What's going to happen to this world? Think of it. With hatred with killings. What is going to happen? What is the destiny of human beings? Yesterday I spoke about that. What is the destiny? Just to make some money if you put some controversial thing (in the paper) it's being very irresponsible. This is what they told me that, they want to know about the newspaper and this and that, so I had to tell, but to be very frank, it's nothing important. We are on the verge of jumping over with the last breakthrough of our evolution and there is this Kundalini. No credit should be given to me. It's your Kundalini, your pure desire and if it is awakened and if you get your Realisation then first you feel cool breeze in your hands. Mohammed Sahib has said that, "At the time of resurrection your hands will speak and they tell you what centres you are catching". All this knowledge was known to some people but was never imparted to any, or to very few. Only one Guru used to give Realisation to one person. And whatever you read in Tao seems to be something out of the blue, how can that be? A saint described there is a very different type of person. Now, how to become a sage was not told. Though in the Tao system they have said there is a mysterious female energy within you. Respect the Mother. But they didn't say who is this Mother, what is this, what is her job. That way I must say, despite all that, that Indians are very much near it, because the whole culture builds that up. We have also very bad influences of very bad things, but still, those Indians who have come to England are not very near this, I must say. But those who are in India, I don't know why, by changing the land or whatever it is, very few Indians in Sahaja Yoga in England. Why? What is the reason? They'll go to some babaji who'll give them a story, that's all, finished, in the morning. Why are they not seeking their Self-realisation? Only in England! Only in England! What's the matter? It's difficult to understand. We have tried. Sahaja Yogis have tried. They have given up. Why? What's the matter with Indians when they come here? I think they have become very money-oriented. Whatever it is. I mean, in India also there are money oriented people. I don't know. According to Indians, the thing that one has to achieve is Self-realisation. In life that is the most important thing. That's their tradition that's their education. How they are contaminated I don't know. It's surprising. So what is it that works that way? This is your country and you should be proud of this country. You have given freedom to so many countries. You have done so much of good work and so many blessings are there upon you. But be careful now. If you miss the point, you will miss it. Yesterday I told (at the Royal Albert Hall) what is the destiny of humanity. You see every day wars going, fighting going on, killing going on. There's everywhere racialism or anything else. Under the name of religion. Anything! How human beings have become so much perverted God alone knows. But now the time has come to find your way and help the whole world to come around. You can help the whole world, you can be leaders of the whole world, but what I find that nobody takes the challenge. Now the positive side of Sahaja Yoga I need not tell you. You get cured, you also get materially alright, I mean all kinds of things there are. You become a nice person, sweet balanced, happy and you give happiness to others. We have marriages, we have children who are beautiful. Our families are beautiful. One in a million of course they divorce or do anything, is allowed. Nobody is forced. But we have legal marriages. First they are married and then they are registered. Not illegal, we will not have. As you have here we don't have. We don't allow other nonsense like homosexuality, marriage between men to men and all that - is absurd!! They all give up, all give up all these habits that's the best part of it. Once your Kundalini rises they all give up all these bad habits. All this perverted things which are very shocking and surprising. And they get cured of many diseases. Hospital they said "You have to pay" I mean how can you have a hospital [free]? The building I built but you can't live anywhere free. And for one bed they charge £4. We have five doctors working there now. And for a room which is air-conditioned, where your family can stay, which has an attached bath and all that they charge only £12. Is it too much? Even in India they charge much more. I mean we can't go on giving free things from where are we going to do that? But as they say "cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap". Cheap it is. It's written. Nobody sees the point. The reason is you are lost in the whirlwind of criticism. This is the curse, I don't know why is this the curse in England. Italy, imagine, where Pope lives we have at least ten times more or twenty times more people there. They are curing people, they are giving Realisation, they are going in the villages, working it out. But there must be some curse, I must say, that you don't see the point. You have to be satisfied about yourself. You should know that you don't know the Truth. This is a very subtle Pure Knowledge of a very correct, to the point. Now we have so many doctors, ask them. They have cured people and they have seen how people are cured and they all have this knowledge, what is the problem is, what a person suffers from. I don't know. It's very difficult, I feel sorry. Every time they ask me Mother please come, I come, alright. They are so anxious I should come, alright, I come, but every time? Last time also we had a meeting like this. How many come out of it? Two or three. It's just a function you know, go to some party or something like that!! You have to respect yourself. you have to honour yourself that you are human beings, highest of evolution, and that you have to have your Realisation, you have to have. Why not? Africans are having, why can't you have? It's your due, it's your birthright I say. To take your Realisation is your birthright, but you must respect yourself. If there's no respect how can I do it? I am sorry I had to say this because they told me that they are all more anxious to know about this newspaper. I said 'Alright'. What good this newspaper has done so far? Tell me what has it done? You want to do good to yourself or no? If you want to do it, you are welcome, I am here, if you don't want to do it, you are free. We are independent people and we understand the value of your independence. Some things they screw up, tell you. How can you believe these people? All this comes because, maybe, they want to make money. I can't see why. Now you are all intelligent, educated people, you think it over, you think it over, what wrong am I doing? Alright, you can ask me questions. Question: "Many of your followers meditate in front of a photograph of you. Some possibly regard you as a deity and seem to worship you. Should they regard you as a deity and do you so regard yourself? And I ask the question as a Christian believer." Shri Mataji: "I'm also born Protestant Christian, and I know Christians where are they." Derek Lee: "He's asking about the photograph Shri Mataji, that, sahaja yogis meditate in front of the photograph and asks whether we consider you to be a divine personality and whether you are a divine personality. He's very direct person Shri Mataji." Shri Mataji: "It's like confession (laughter). It is very difficult to be born in those days and talk about spirituality, very difficult, but has to be done in these horrible days only. And only I think I was capable, Christ would have been crucified much earlier but I have sustained myself. Photograph, who has said you should not have, Christ never said that. Did he? It helps, photograph does help, what can I do? It helps a lot, it has helped so many. All of them will tell you their experiences about the photograph. I didn't allow them, but they found it themselves and they told me 'Mother, your photograph is very helpful'. There are so many miracles that every time I get so many letters. So I asked one gentleman, he's a scientist, that you compile them. So after a month he says 'Mother, now the letters have come over my head and here also, this side and I think you better see yourself and tell me which one to write!' You see for yourself how it works. It is, you see, it is something, no doubt. There are prophecies about it, all over. But to understand it first you get your Realisation. Without that you cannot. What is another objection? Have you shown them miraculous photographs? " Derek Lee: "We showed them in the Albert Hall yesterday, not tonight." Shri Mataji: "Now what are these miraculous ones. We have not made them, nothing. How do you see those lights, how do you explain, all around me? I've told them now that Quanta Theory is that. Let some physicist come round. There are two physicists from Russia and one from Brazil, they are writing about it. It's the Quantum Theory, that will explain. When I said something, anything about it, there are doctors they can research it and find out. Is the Quantum Theory. Unless and until you have an open mind you cannot see things. (Derek Lee talks about miracle photos on boat in Italy in Sorrento.) First of all one has to know that problems are created by religion. Why? Why should any religion create a problem? Because of our reactions to the Truth! And Christianity, because I was born as a Christian, I found out the reason, what is the reason, why it has happened. If you come to sahaja yoga you will know. Another thing, it's a myth that Christ made alcohol in that wedding. It's a myth. The myth is that He went there and He made water into alcohol. No! It was grape juice. Now think about it, can you make any wine spontaneously? It has to rot and rot and rot and the more it rots is better. Is a fact. I asked somebody about English, why is it? They said "Mother, they drink a lot". The best house in a village is always a pub! You go to any place, [if] you want to find out about somebody, ask in the pub! Better than police station they will tell you "This man lives there, this man lives there" - very politely! Drinking is so much here, baapare baap, in my book I've written down a little bit. Actually, one of my husband's friends, very good man, he died. So he said "You should come" [to the funeral], I said "I would love to come". But he said "Must have a full black dress". "But I don't have full black dress". You have to have a formal dress for the dead body, can you imagine! I was so upset and I said "I am not coming." Then he went there and he described the whole thing. When he came back he was so sick. He said "First they had a lunch before going to the cemetery", can you imagine? And then they said "Now to go for dinner back". Everybody anxious to go to the dinner. Nobody cried or wept or anything. Only thing you had to wear a black dress! It shows no emotional attachment! If somebody dies, it's so heartfelt. Nobody! I was so shocked and he was very upset because a friend had died. They said, "What's the matter are you not well?" They couldn't understand! There's no relationship of love. As soon as they die they will jump to find out who has got what in the property. Our neighbour was there, he died [and] for one month, nobody knew he was dead there. He was alone, poor thing. He was alone and he was an old man and nobody knew. Then, I don't know, something, but they said this had smell or something like that, and the man who was taking milk to him saw the milk bottles one after another but he never enquired. He said, "I thought he's gone on a holiday" The house was open. This is our feelings are not good. This is a country which I call is the heart of the universe. And also your newspapers circulate all over. In one of my miraculous photographs they were singing [the song] "Sitting in the heart of the universe" and heart, heart like that [appeared]. Just like the doctors draw. Many hearts came in. Just imagine! The proof. But they are heartless people. No feelings for your own father, for your own mother, for your own people. I can understand Americans who are only 200 year old, this thing, but you are one of the oldest people. Yes doctor? Brian Wells: "Shri Mataji at the Albert Hall last night many people experienced a powerful experience they felt vibrations on their hand they felt cool air coming from their heads. Could you say something about why they seem to ignore this, why do they not understand that there is something very powerful going on here" Shri Mataji: "I can ask you the same question! I don't know. They talk of baptism and for that they'll spend so much money, everything, but they don't realise their own baptism. I don't know where are they lost. And every one of them raised [their] hand (to say that they had felt it), every one of them! You are a different calibre doctor. I don't know what to say. I don't know. What should we do to awaken people to reality? What should we do? Now as this gentleman says he's a Christian. There are so many Christians, what do they do? Go to church? The mayor in Cabella where I live, he asked me 'Mother what do you do to these people?' I said 'I do nothing.' He said 'They are sitting with you for nine hours, what are you telling them? What are you talking? What's happening? While' he said 'I go to church after 15 minutes I start seeing the watch and after 30 minutes I run away'. You must get your Self-realisation. Christ has said 'Know thy Self'. That's the criteria. Alright? Once you know your Self you'll know everything. If you don't know your Self where are you? I am here to prove about Christ and about all the great incarnations. How they were one. And to give you that Spirit which enlightens your mind. That's what you deserve. That's what you should have. Not only reading Bible but reading your Self." (Somebody in the audience says he's coming for the first time but his wife has done Sahaja Yoga for 2 years and he sees that it has done her nothing but good) Shri Mataji: " That's the point. You have to have transformation. There are many who will say this. And you now come to Cabella and see for yourself. " (applause) Yogini's husband: "Is that a personal invitation?" (laughing) Shri Mataji: "Actually, you see, it's rather spartan to be in Cabella because I bought lots of lands there, but one thing bad about this authority in Cabella there, they don't give you a permission to build. So it's going on and on and on still that permit for me to build something for Sahaja Yogis. Though I have bought one house, but this is little spartan but people enjoy. In a camp they enjoy very much. India is not that difficult. Italy it is. And the government goes on changing you see. So one government gives you permission another says 'no'. But you will enjoy, come along!" Question: "I was reading somewhere that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings having a human experience have you any comments on that?" Shri Mataji: "Of course. Of course you are. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are the Spirit. That's what you have to be! And once you become the Spirit you will know your powers. You become just loving angels. Very good idea!" Question: "I follow the Christian faith and I'd like to ask you what difference you see if any difference at all between your experience and the laying on of hands by the elders as said in the gospel of St.James, chapter 5. Perhaps you could give us your views on that please." Shri Mataji: "I haven't seen anything like that happening. In Sahaja yoga so many things happen I must say. I mean I am myself surprised when they tell me how people are cured. The other day only, in Italy, there was one fellow who used to play ...what instrument is that?" Sahaja Yogi: "Double bass" Shri Mataji: "Ha! And he, when he came on the stage, you see, they told me 'Mother you have saved his life'. I said 'How?' So, his heart was open for an operation and the doctors gave up saying that his aortic vein is missing and they closed the heart and they said he will die. And he just saw my hand he says, when he slept he saw my hand. When he was in a slumber I think. And then he opened his eyes, still he saw my hand. And he got cured, completely cured. So many things have happened. Actually I also don't know my own powers, it has become like that. So many things like that. This is one I'm telling because it's recently. It happens. ...Finished? Should we have Realisation now? There's one fellow standing there he's writing who is he?" Journalist: "I spoke to your organiser, I'm from the Daily Mirror" Shri Mataji: "Ah, nice you have come, I'm very happy. I hope you all understand your responsibility as newspaper people. Very important. They don't realise what powers they have. They don't realise. Now they are better but, first time in India, we had some people from the newspaper and they openly told me, 'Do you want one column? So you'll have to call us to one restaurant there and give us a nice treat. If you want two columns, then you have to give a complete dinner.' (laughter) I was looking at them, I said 'Sorry, I don't want to have even a word from you but thank you'. But now they have improved. They have improved because some very important people in India are supportive of Sahaja Yoga. Very important. So it has improved. They don't do all this. I think, now better have our Realisation, is the best. That's your own. That you should have. Just put your hands to me"
'VIP' and Journalists Invitational Program in Russell Hotel, 1-8 Russell Square, London WC1B 5BE (UK), 15 July 2001. I thank you very much, all of you, for coming over for a small meeting that we are going to have and, it's very important for you people who are responsible in life to understand what is the work of Sahaja Yoga and how important it is. I mean, now we have people all over the world, it's working in 85 countries. In a country like Benin we have twenty thousand sahaja yogis. All this is...why? Because people are trying to find the truth, they are not satisfied with whatever they know. They want to know what is beyond and I started this work long time back. I think I have worked in England for at least 25 years. But, unfortunately, England is nowhere compared to other countries. Even Austria has ten times more people, Austria and Germany. What's the reason? I think the newspapers. Your newspapers are not responsible, they are not at all responsible. Some may be, I am not saying all of them. But the newspapers that I have seen here, they never come and ask me anything, they never try to find out if there's anything I'm doing that is good for people, which is essential, which has to be worked out. But somehow they take the very negative side. This is the main reason why people are lagging behind in knowing the truth. I'm sorry to say that. I have written in my book also that you have to be more responsible. Actually newspapers are now even more important than any political party or any, I should say, kingdom or anything. They have achieved that power by their sense, by their honesty, by their steadfastness, their sense of honour. I must say that we got our freedom in India because the newspapers of England. They are the ones who wrote the truth about us. They are the ones who told how atrocities were worked out on India. It's only they who have really helped us. I mean I cannot understand what has happened to today's newspapers as they are. Specially I am meaning the newspaper that I have seen, which is absolutely nonsensical (reference to 'The Independent' newspaper which had recently published a negative and incorrect article). It is talking about money. Doesn't talk about what good it (Sahaja Yoga) has done. Now I must tell you I have not taken a single pie in England. Never! It is only when they came to India they had to pay for their stay there. They had to pay, also, in Italy for their stay there. And whatever remains I used to use. I have used my money for 20 years. Last 10 years since my husband is retired I'm using this money. The houses that I have are all of my money. Imagine these people, they should have come and asked me before doing. It's criminal to be like that. The problem now in England is that they have developed a great sense of criticism. Just criticise! Now we have critics of the critics in this country. But whom are you criticising? Nobody is creating anything. Have you got those old writers of England who were respected? Have you got that level of novelist that existed? Is there any, any person who can write like those great writers? I have read them and I know. I have great respect for them but were they just the lotuses in a pond, who were so great. They are the ones who established democracy here. They are the ones who brought such beautiful ideas to the whole world and what are we doing now? What are we spreading? All kind of malignant stuff. I have never studied English in my school because my father was a freedom fighter and he said "No, you have to go into an Indian school" Afterwards, also, I never studied because I was a medical student. But only reading these things we Indians still respect you. Because of their intelligence, because of their clear headedness and also the [sense of] justice they had. That's all missing nowadays in the intellectual people. I was surprised to read in this newspaper all non-sensical things, given by one boy who is just a teacher, while Sahaja Yoga is working in 85 countries and we have scholars and we have great writers, all sorts of things we have here, and here one boy, who is just a teacher somewhere...I am sure he doesn't do it on his own. How can he afford? There are only six people who are working against us. We could have really put them into jail but we didn't want to. Because they did something very wrong. Sahaja Yoga is a very moral society and if they are immoral we don't want them there. That's all! That's the freedom we have. That's the independence we have that we don't want to have immoral people living in Sahaja Yoga. What's wrong in that? We believe in morality and without morality our countries cannot improve. It's very surprising. They had some IQ. I used to think they'll have some, also, some heart but doesn't seem so. And after that now there is also SQ, is the 'spiritual coefficience', which you can achieve in Sahaja Yoga. You don't know what heights you can go to. But having such stupid things, by one man coming and telling you something. And how cunning it was that it was just done before my program. Why? Why are they doing it? What is the advantage? What are people going to gain by that? First time I'm saying this. I should have said this much earlier I think. What is the achievement? Why do you write all those things which are nonsensical? Which are false. Absolutely false. Why? Is that racialism? what is it? I can't find out. I can't find out the reason why these people are listening to one man who is just a teacher somewhere and writing all falsehood. We can pull them in the court no doubt, but we don't want to, because it's an open thing. If you want your Self-realisation we are here to give you. There's no force on anybody, there's no compulsion on anybody. On the contrary we are anxious to throw away so many from Sahaja Yoga! There's a code of conduct, no doubt. We have marriages which are very legal and at the most 1% fail. We are very loving couples, beautiful children and a very beautiful society. One has to understand that you don't have that. You have to get to it. What do you have to sacrifice? Nothing. It's absolutely free. My lectures are free. Self-realisation is free. Now what else? We should offer them, I think, some tea also free then it would be better! That's, I mean, I don't know why in England where we had such great people right from Shakespeare. Think of them. I can't understand. Shakespeare I call him an avadhuta, means a person who was beyond and was trying to show all kinds of human enterprises as failures. Just to show that to make them detached. Such a great sage like him was born in this country of yours. But if there are false gurus that's the best! If somebody tells you lies is the best! What is the matter? Where are people going? In a way it's good that I saw this article. And all falsehood! About Hitler what I have said I've brought the book. What I've said was can read it out. It's very interesting to see what I have said it. Can you? Also today I saw very nice article in the magazine they gave 'Culture' that what do we owe to Germans and Beethoven, because of him and all that. Such a beautiful article. But who will read that? I think better read it out so that it's cleared out! My memory's very good, that's the trouble! Derek Lee: "So there was a reference in the recent article in 'The Independent' which Shri Mataji is now talking about to Her supposed attitude towards Hitler and towards the Jewish people. So this is just a quotation from the book 'Now to all the critics of Hitler he looks like an idiotic foolish and maniacal type of a person. Actually if you listen to any ego-oriented person or see him, you'll definitely witness the idiocy of his talk or his behaviour very clearly. Of course, if you are not ego-oriented yourself. If you are an ego-oriented person then you will protest against him saying that he's trying to assert his ego. An egoist can always find the ego of another person very easily but if you are a person who is afraid and frightened of egoists you will either accept his value system or accept the tyranny and subjugation of such a tyrant. An evolved soul would witness the babbling of an idiot and may get into an enjoyment of humour at this stupid drama. Hitler's ideas impressed none of these two types, but he captured the minds of a third kind, which was innocent, simple, raw and absolutely immature. The young teenagers whom he groomed for years. For these people killing became a great natural enjoyment. In the olden days people used to go to forests to kill animals, especially tigers, and as a result the tiger became a man-eater or attacked human beings and this killing had to be accepted. Even when eating the flesh of animals when sufficient food was not available was quite justified. Most of the people who went to the forest for hunting did it just for the pleasure of killing. This horrible desire can lead to a very dangerous ending. The horrendous war in Germany broke out against the Jews who had to die in gas chambers because' they were very greedy and cruel' and according to Hitler they had killed Christ. There were so many ways in which one could have controlled these greedy people.... ....And so it goes on. It's a criticism of Hitler and of Nazism" Shri Mataji: I mean how can I support Hitler? It shows a complete ignorance of Truth. How can you write such things in England which is not a country where all the barbaric people live? What has upset me is that I have worked the most in England. Days together. Day in and day out. Now I'm 76 years of age and I've been working but really people give up. But compared to these newspapers, in the smaller places they're very honest, because they wrote about me how I cured people, how I helped boys and all that. (a reference to a miracle in Northampton in 1982 in which a boy is saved by Shri Mataji after a fall even though She was actually in a Public meeting at the time. That miracle was published in the Local Northampton newspaper). But they (The Independent) have nothing else to write but this, that I take money! I do say that I don't take money for Self-realisation. Because it doesn't understand money. Your Kundalini is your Mother, She doesn't understand money, how can you take money for Her? Is a fact. But if you come to Italy and live there five days you want to do it freely everything to give freely? Is it? Now we have made hospitals, I mean, thousand and one things. List hai na? (Do you have the list?) No? He's not brought the list. But I mean so many things we have made. Orphanage we have made for prostitute women, for destitute women. So many things we are making on the social level. At least twenty things in India. Then in America I bought a land. Hundred and forty acres of land. Americans are much more sensible I must tell you. They don't have this kind of a mental attitude that whatever is written (in a paper) is law, no. They will judge it. Otherwise how will you take to Truth? How will you know the Truth? My worry is the country which I think is the heart of the universe. I regard it as a great country, while what's happening to the modern people? Where are they going? You should have been leaders actually, in Sahaja Yoga. I personally think that way. You are all educated. You are known for your education and you are known for your understanding and here what do you find? How are they lured by falsehood. The problem now is another one, that, by doing all this, they will reduce the number of people who can get Realisation. They will reduce the number of people who would know the Truth, who will create a society of peace and joy and love. This is what they are doing. They don't understand their responsibility and they'll drag the whole country into..I don't know. It's a moral sense you should have to understand that what have you been doing so far and what are we to do? Where our children will go? What will happen to them? They are taking to drugs.In Sahaja Yoga you just give up drugs. So many. In England itself there were seven people who came for [Realisation], all drug addicts, all first class [now]. Doing very well. Doing very good jobs. Drug addiction we can reduce in no time. In Italy I might start a hospital for drug addicts. Possible in Italy, not in England. Not possible. The English will come there and get there! Can you imagine? Why this level has come down? If you have read Pickwick Papers you know how he has described in the democracy that time. Is that the same democracy is coming now? For me England is the same as India, because there are nice human beings and good human beings, learned ones. For me it makes no difference. And it's important that you all should get your Self-realisation. There are so many English here sitting. How much money have they given me? This is a very pivotal point that on such a small thing like that the whole country should be destroyed. Why didn't they come and ask me? Every time there's one fellow comes up. Maybe he's paid by someone. There's hardly six people, I know all of them. And I know why they are doing it because we have thrown them out of Sahaja Yoga. In no other organisation people are thrown out, no other. Because they are wrong, they are doing wrong things, immoral things. And such people should form such a good group for your newspapers here? The newspapers that used to publish such things about Warren Hastings (British Governor-General of Bengal, from 1772 to 1785) and all that, and gave us independence, they are the ones. They are the ones who fought for the right, fought for the truth, not afraid of anything. I mean, I think the newspapers are at such a pivotal position that they can kill the nation or can save the nation. I can't understand still. What is the purpose? The purpose is to dissuade people. Don't you all want to know the truth about your Self? You don't want to know? Let it be. You are free. If you want to know you can know. I cannot force. It cannot be forced. It has to be your will, free will. It has to be your will otherwise it won't work out. If you try to say that "Alright, raise my Kundalini!!" I cannot, I cannot. You must have that pure desire to become the Spirit. If you don't have, I cannot, nobody can raise, it's a fact. Because other desires are never satiable as you know. That's the principle of economics. There's only one desire which is satiable is that you have to become the Spirit, and that you have to become the Spirit, is said by all the religions and all the saints. I'm not the only one who has said. Even if you say Tao, or any other such things, they say the same thing, that, you have to become your Self you have to know your Self. 'Know thyself'. Now how do you do it? Is it not important to know your Self? If not, alright! But if it is, then try to get it. Now they told me your all very responsible people have come here. And all of them have read the newspaper and all. To me, I can't believe it. Because you are all educated people. You read every day the news and you know the calamities what are following. What's going to happen to this world? Think of it. With hatred with killings. What is going to happen? What is the destiny of human beings? Yesterday I spoke about that. What is the destiny? Just to make some money if you put some controversial thing (in the paper) it's being very irresponsible. This is what they told me that, they want to know about the newspaper and this and that, so I had to tell, but to be very frank, it's nothing important. We are on the verge of jumping over with the last breakthrough of our evolution and there is this Kundalini. No credit should be given to me. It's your Kundalini, your pure desire and if it is awakened and if you get your Realisation then first you feel cool breeze in your hands. Mohammed Sahib has said that, "At the time of resurrection your hands will speak and they tell you what centres you are catching". All this knowledge was known to some people but was never imparted to any, or to very few. Only one Guru used to give Realisation to one person. And whatever you read in Tao seems to be something out of the blue, how can that be? A saint described there is a very different type of person. Now, how to become a sage was not told. Though in the Tao system they have said there is a mysterious female energy within you. Respect the Mother. But they didn't say who is this Mother, what is this, what is her job. That way I must say, despite all that, that Indians are very much near it, because the whole culture builds that up. We have also very bad influences of very bad things, but still, those Indians who have come to England are not very near this, I must say. But those who are in India, I don't know why, by changing the land or whatever it is, very few Indians in Sahaja Yoga in England. Why? What is the reason? They'll go to some babaji who'll give them a story, that's all, finished, in the morning. Why are they not seeking their Self-realisation? Only in England! Only in England! What's the matter? It's difficult to understand. We have tried. Sahaja Yogis have tried. They have given up. Why? What's the matter with Indians when they come here? I think they have become very money-oriented. Whatever it is. I mean, in India also there are money oriented people. I don't know. According to Indians, the thing that one has to achieve is Self-realisation. In life that is the most important thing. That's their tradition that's their education. How they are contaminated I don't know. It's surprising. So what is it that works that way? This is your country and you should be proud of this country. You have given freedom to so many countries. You have done so much of good work and so many blessings are there upon you. But be careful now. If you miss the point, you will miss it. Yesterday I told (at the Royal Albert Hall) what is the destiny of humanity. You see every day wars going, fighting going on, killing going on. There's everywhere racialism or anything else. Under the name of religion. Anything! How human beings have become so much perverted God alone knows. But now the time has come to find your way and help the whole world to come around. You can help the whole world, you can be leaders of the whole world, but what I find that nobody takes the challenge. Now the positive side of Sahaja Yoga I need not tell you. You get cured, you also get materially alright, I mean all kinds of things there are. You become a nice person, sweet balanced, happy and you give happiness to others. We have marriages, we have children who are beautiful. Our families are beautiful. One in a million of course they divorce or do anything, is allowed. Nobody is forced. But we have legal marriages. First they are married and then they are registered. Not illegal, we will not have. As you have here we don't have. We don't allow other nonsense like homosexuality, marriage between men to men and all that - is absurd!! They all give up, all give up all these habits that's the best part of it. Once your Kundalini rises they all give up all these bad habits. All this perverted things which are very shocking and surprising. And they get cured of many diseases. Hospital they said "You have to pay" I mean how can you have a hospital [free]? The building I built but you can't live anywhere free. And for one bed they charge £4. We have five doctors working there now. And for a room which is air-conditioned, where your family can stay, which has an attached bath and all that they charge only £12. Is it too much? Even in India they charge much more. I mean we can't go on giving free things from where are we going to do that? But as they say "cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap". Cheap it is. It's written. Nobody sees the point. The reason is you are lost in the whirlwind of criticism. This is the curse, I don't know why is this the curse in England. Italy, imagine, where Pope lives we have at least ten times more or twenty times more people there. They are curing people, they are giving Realisation, they are going in the villages, working it out. But there must be some curse, I must say, that you don't see the point. You have to be satisfied about yourself. You should know that you don't know the Truth. This is a very subtle Pure Knowledge of a very correct, to the point. Now we have so many doctors, ask them. They have cured people and they have seen how people are cured and they all have this knowledge, what is the problem is, what a person suffers from. I don't know. It's very difficult, I feel sorry. Every time they ask me Mother please come, I come, alright. They are so anxious I should come, alright, I come, but every time? Last time also we had a meeting like this. How many come out of it? Two or three. It's just a function you know, go to some party or something like that!! You have to respect yourself. you have to honour yourself that you are human beings, highest of evolution, and that you have to have your Realisation, you have to have. Why not? Africans are having, why can't you have? It's your due, it's your birthright I say. To take your Realisation is your birthright, but you must respect yourself. If there's no respect how can I do it? I am sorry I had to say this because they told me that they are all more anxious to know about this newspaper. I said 'Alright'. What good this newspaper has done so far? Tell me what has it done? You want to do good to yourself or no? If you want to do it, you are welcome, I am here, if you don't want to do it, you are free. We are independent people and we understand the value of your independence. Some things they screw up, tell you. How can you believe these people? All this comes because, maybe, they want to make money. I can't see why. Now you are all intelligent, educated people, you think it over, you think it over, what wrong am I doing? Alright, you can ask me questions. Question: "Many of your followers meditate in front of a photograph of you. Some possibly regard you as a deity and seem to worship you. Should they regard you as a deity and do you so regard yourself? And I ask the question as a Christian believer." Shri Mataji: "I'm also born Protestant Christian, and I know Christians where are they." Derek Lee: "He's asking about the photograph Shri Mataji, that, sahaja yogis meditate in front of the photograph and asks whether we consider you to be a divine personality and whether you are a divine personality. He's very direct person Shri Mataji." Shri Mataji: "It's like confession (laughter). It is very difficult to be born in those days and talk about spirituality, very difficult, but has to be done in these horrible days only. And only I think I was capable, Christ would have been crucified much earlier but I have sustained myself. Photograph, who has said you should not have, Christ never said that. Did he? It helps, photograph does help, what can I do? It helps a lot, it has helped so many. All of them will tell you their experiences about the photograph. I didn't allow them, but they found it themselves and they told me 'Mother, your photograph is very helpful'. There are so many miracles that every time I get so many letters. So I asked one gentleman, he's a scientist, that you compile them. So after a month he says 'Mother, now the letters have come over my head and here also, this side and I think you better see yourself and tell me which one to write!' You see for yourself how it works. It is, you see, it is something, no doubt. There are prophecies about it, all over. But to understand it first you get your Realisation. Without that you cannot. What is another objection? Have you shown them miraculous photographs? " Derek Lee: "We showed them in the Albert Hall yesterday, not tonight." Shri Mataji: "Now what are these miraculous ones. We have not made them, nothing. How do you see those lights, how do you explain, all around me? I've told them now that Quanta Theory is that. Let some physicist come round. There are two physicists from Russia and one from Brazil, they are writing about it. It's the Quantum Theory, that will explain. When I said something, anything about it, there are doctors they can research it and find out. Is the Quantum Theory. Unless and until you have an open mind you cannot see things. (Derek Lee talks about miracle photos on boat in Italy in Sorrento.) First of all one has to know that problems are created by religion. Why? Why should any religion create a problem? Because of our reactions to the Truth! And Christianity, because I was born as a Christian, I found out the reason, what is the reason, why it has happened. If you come to sahaja yoga you will know. Another thing, it's a myth that Christ made alcohol in that wedding. It's a myth. The myth is that He went there and He made water into alcohol. No! It was grape juice. Now think about it, can you make any wine spontaneously? It has to rot and rot and rot and the more it rots is better. Is a fact. I asked somebody about English, why is it? They said "Mother, they drink a lot". The best house in a village is always a pub! You go to any place, [if] you want to find out about somebody, ask in the pub! Better than police station they will tell you "This man lives there, this man lives there" - very politely! Drinking is so much here, baapare baap, in my book I've written down a little bit. Actually, one of my husband's friends, very good man, he died. So he said "You should come" [to the funeral], I said "I would love to come". But he said "Must have a full black dress". "But I don't have full black dress". You have to have a formal dress for the dead body, can you imagine! I was so upset and I said "I am not coming." Then he went there and he described the whole thing. When he came back he was so sick. He said "First they had a lunch before going to the cemetery", can you imagine? And then they said "Now to go for dinner back". Everybody anxious to go to the dinner. Nobody cried or wept or anything. Only thing you had to wear a black dress! It shows no emotional attachment! If somebody dies, it's so heartfelt. Nobody! I was so shocked and he was very upset because a friend had died. They said, "What's the matter are you not well?" They couldn't understand! There's no relationship of love. As soon as they die they will jump to find out who has got what in the property. Our neighbour was there, he died [and] for one month, nobody knew he was dead there. He was alone, poor thing. He was alone and he was an old man and nobody knew. Then, I don't know, something, but they said this had smell or something like that, and the man who was taking milk to him saw the milk bottles one after another but he never enquired. He said, "I thought he's gone on a holiday" The house was open. This is our feelings are not good. This is a country which I call is the heart of the universe. And also your newspapers circulate all over. In one of my miraculous photographs they were singing [the song] "Sitting in the heart of the universe" and heart, heart like that [appeared]. Just like the doctors draw. Many hearts came in. Just imagine! The proof. But they are heartless people. No feelings for your own father, for your own mother, for your own people. I can understand Americans who are only 200 year old, this thing, but you are one of the oldest people. Yes doctor? Brian Wells: "Shri Mataji at the Albert Hall last night many people experienced a powerful experience they felt vibrations on their hand they felt cool air coming from their heads. Could you say something about why they seem to ignore this, why do they not understand that there is something very powerful going on here" Shri Mataji: "I can ask you the same question! I don't know. They talk of baptism and for that they'll spend so much money, everything, but they don't realise their own baptism. I don't know where are they lost. And every one of them raised [their] hand (to say that they had felt it), every one of them! You are a different calibre doctor. I don't know what to say. I don't know. What should we do to awaken people to reality? What should we do? Now as this gentleman says he's a Christian. There are so many Christians, what do they do? Go to church? The mayor in Cabella where I live, he asked me 'Mother what do you do to these people?' I said 'I do nothing.' He said 'They are sitting with you for nine hours, what are you telling them? What are you talking? What's happening? While' he said 'I go to church after 15 minutes I start seeing the watch and after 30 minutes I run away'. You must get your Self-realisation. Christ has said 'Know thy Self'. That's the criteria. Alright? Once you know your Self you'll know everything. If you don't know your Self where are you? I am here to prove about Christ and about all the great incarnations. How they were one. And to give you that Spirit which enlightens your mind. That's what you deserve. That's what you should have. Not only reading Bible but reading your Self." (Somebody in the audience says he's coming for the first time but his wife has done Sahaja Yoga for 2 years and he sees that it has done her nothing but good) Shri Mataji: " That's the point. You have to have transformation. There are many who will say this. And you now come to Cabella and see for yourself. " (applause) Yogini's husband: "Is that a personal invitation?" (laughing) Shri Mataji: "Actually, you see, it's rather spartan to be in Cabella because I bought lots of lands there, but one thing bad about this authority in Cabella there, they don't give you a permission to build. So it's going on and on and on still that permit for me to build something for Sahaja Yogis. Though I have bought one house, but this is little spartan but people enjoy. In a camp they enjoy very much. India is not that difficult. Italy it is. And the government goes on changing you see. So one government gives you permission another says 'no'. But you will enjoy, come along!" Question: "I was reading somewhere that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings having a human experience have you any comments on that?" Shri Mataji: "Of course. Of course you are. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are the Spirit. That's what you have to be! And once you become the Spirit you will know your powers. You become just loving angels. Very good idea!" Question: "I follow the Christian faith and I'd like to ask you what difference you see if any difference at all between your experience and the laying on of hands by the elders as said in the gospel of St.James, chapter 5. Perhaps you could give us your views on that please." Shri Mataji: "I haven't seen anything like that happening. In Sahaja yoga so many things happen I must say. I mean I am myself surprised when they tell me how people are cured. The other day only, in Italy, there was one fellow who used to play ...what instrument is that?" Sahaja Yogi: "Double bass" Shri Mataji: "Ha! And he, when he came on the stage, you see, they told me 'Mother you have saved his life'. I said 'How?' So, his heart was open for an operation and the doctors gave up saying that his aortic vein is missing and they closed the heart and they said he will die. And he just saw my hand he says, when he slept he saw my hand. When he was in a slumber I think. And then he opened his eyes, still he saw my hand. And he got cured, completely cured. So many things have happened. Actually I also don't know my own powers, it has become like that. So many things like that. This is one I'm telling because it's recently. It happens. ...Finished? Should we have Realisation now? There's one fellow standing there he's writing who is he?" Journalist: "I spoke to your organiser, I'm from the Daily Mirror" Shri Mataji: "Ah, nice you have come, I'm very happy. I hope you all understand your responsibility as newspaper people. Very important. They don't realise what powers they have. They don't realise. Now they are better but, first time in India, we had some people from the newspaper and they openly told me, 'Do you want one column? So you'll have to call us to one restaurant there and give us a nice treat. If you want two columns, then you have to give a complete dinner.' (laughter) I was looking at them, I said 'Sorry, I don't want to have even a word from you but thank you'. But now they have improved. They have improved because some very important people in India are supportive of Sahaja Yoga. Very important. So it has improved. They don't do all this. I think, now better have our Realisation, is the best. That's your own. That you should have. Just put your hands to me"
Spirituality – The essence of life
Public Program
Follow-up Program (to the Albert Hall Public Programme), Holland Park School, Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill Rd, London W8 7AF, London, England, 16 July 2001. Very happy to see all of you here. Now I can't say that you are the seekers but you are the ones who have found it. It's something so fulfilling. Imagine in the olden days the custom was, I mean, it was so, that one guru could give realisation to one person, with very great reluctance! First they had to go through all kinds of tests, all kinds of tapasya as they call it, very, very strict penance. And out of that they would select one person to get Self-realisation. Imagine what you have got in such a short time! But, with that long period of ordeal, they developed a great sense of respecting their Self-realisation, of understanding what is this. Understanding their own powers, understanding their own duties. And they were not so many. One single person fighting the whole society with his lofty ideas. While today you are so many, all of you are in fraternity, in love with each other. Nobody is going to torture you, nobody is going to take you to task, but you yourself will feel like spreading Sahaja Yoga, giving love and life to people. It will come spontaneously within you. Like a flower which has fragrance, like that you'll have the fragrance of spirituality and people will suddenly recognise you because you are so different from others. Your temperament is so different you are so balanced you are so sweet and they will come around, they will follow you. it has happened very fast in some countries. Like in India they know this, they know Self-realisation and they know that is the aim of life, so it was much easier, it has so many Sahaja yogis. But we have sahaja yogis all over the world now, even in Greenland, can you imagine, in Finland in Sweden, in Norway. We have Israelis and also Palestinians. They are in Sahaja Yoga. Supposed to be fighting but both of them are in Sahaja Yogi. One Israeli telephoned to me that 'Mother, there are some Palestinian sahaja yogis in a village and we have learnt that it is going to be bombed. Can you put your attention to that?' I was so touched. Look at the amount of care and love they have for the so-called enemies! If this kind of love grows one day all this wars and skirmishes all will be finished, there won't be any fights if you realise we are all one, just all, absolutely, in one Divinity, in one Divine Power. If that is built in, then all these problems will be solved about which I told you in my lecture (at Royal Albert Hall a few days before). Actually Kundalini has risen in many of you, most of you. It has pierced also the fontanelle bone area, no doubt, but still it comes down sometimes, comes down to cure you. Supposing you are a liver patient, the Kundalini will come down and put full attention to your liver and try to improve your liver. She looks after you. She is your individual Mother. Everyone has that Mother within you. And that Mother is the one that guides you, looks after you and takes you to the right path. And that's how you'll start your new growth in Sahaja yoga. You become a different personality.Then your attention starts moving away from you to others. That's the sign you are fully grown. If that happens that your attention doesn't go to yourself, it goes to others and you are worried about others. It's very surprising, how this love of the Divine works wonders. I had gone to Russia first time, and I was surprised, twenty-five people from Germany and Austria came there on there own, I never called them, organised their stay and everything. And I said 'Why are you here? How are you here? How did you come? What is the speciality of Russia?' And they said, 'Mother, our forefathers had done so much harm to them so we just couldn't help it.' It's a kind of a tremendous love and understanding about the problems of Russians during war. And they were telling me what all had happened to Russians. I was surprised. I asked them 'Who told you?' 'Our father, our grandfather, who were repenting what they have done. But they are no more now so we thought we had better come and do some service.' It's very much touching to me. I have seen such beautiful side of human beings after they have got realisation. No cruelty of any kind, no unkindness, always forgiveness, such a lot of people have become now so sweet. In Russia we have, as you know, maximum number of sahaja yogis, not more than India, but yes. So many of them are there in Russia, and they are so deep, so much understanding. They never grudge about their problems of money or anything. They said 'Mother, we have only one problem.' 'What problem you have?' 'Of leadership. Give us a nice leader. And now,' they said 'we have a nice leader.' He has accepted Sahaja Yoga, it's a religion in Russia. Of course, it is also a religion in India. But actually it is accepted as an official religion in America. Just imagine! We think that Americans are so materialistic and this and that. They are only 200 year old nation and how have they grown so deep into spirituality, how did they realise this, that, spirituality is the essence of life. Now I am facing you people who are supposed to be from England and English had these great people right from Shakespeare, William Blake, all of them were realised souls. But what I find in their effort is that they are trying to show so many things for you to understand Sahaja Yoga. But what can they do, because they didn't know how to raise the Kundalini perhaps, or the people were absolutely deaf and dumb that they didn't understand what these people tried to convey. Most of the poets were realised souls. Most of the writers were realised souls. How can it be that such great people are just lost? But now when I see you all here I think of them. They must be very happy to see you all enjoying the bliss, the bliss of the Divine. There's no end to the description of these things. You cannot describe it fully. It is to be enjoyed. Only thing is, first stage is thoughtless awareness, which you have to achieve. If you have achieved the thoughtless awareness then you have crossed one step. That is the main thing. You have to become thoughtlessly aware. It's not difficult. There's a sanskrit saying that you start saying no to every thought. Whatever thought comes in - 'Ya neti neti wachane nigamor awachus'. Just go on saying 'No. Not this thought. Not this thought. Not this thought.' And you can achieve it. Also raising Kundalini, forgiving people, you can achieve it. Also if you can find out why these thoughts are coming to you, what is the source of this thought. If you could just see what is the source then you can do it. Suddenly you will find you are silent, you are not thinking but you are aware, fully aware and aware of so many things of which you were never aware. It's something you have to practice, is to become thoughtlessly aware. This awareness gives a new dimension to your attention. You develop an attention that works, that works. Sitting down here, if you want to think about something, this attention will go and work out the problem. It works out. You can also do it. But if your attention is on small, small things like 'My father is like sister-in-law is like this' all this kind of things, you forget. And don't condemn yourself either. If you condemn yourself it's of no use because now you are a realised soul. There is no need to condemn but just to watch without thinking. That's what is called as sakshi, is the witness state. That witness state you have to attain and once you attain that witness state you start enjoying everything. Supposing somebody is nasty, you can see the humour behind that. Supposing somebody is aggressive, you can just smile at it. You can see that, poor thing you know, he's doing something wrong because he can't help it, or she is mischievous, doesn't matter, she'll be alright. An attitude of an innocent personality. You are innocent you don't see anything wrong with anyone. If you are cunning you see everybody as cunning. But innocence is thousand times blessed by the Divine. The Divine blesses the innocence. Now you might say 'How is it Mother so many people are killed who were innocent? How it has happened?' It's alright, they were not realised souls, and some of them, like Christ, went through through the ordeal. It has a meaning His crucifixion has a very great meaning. For us it is of great help because He crucified himself. Now we can pass through the Agnya chakra. Every one have, they all of them have helped so much in building up your Kundalini, in helping you and working it out. All their so-called ordeals and sacrifices have done so much which you will understand through your witness state. It's all like in a garden, everybody has to work, the gardener has to work, then the seed is put in and the Mother Earth has to work and the water has to work and then it sprouts. Still it takes time, then you see when it is a blossom time, all the flowers are there, but behind those flowers there's such a big effort of people. In the same way, all those people who have put in their effort are within us and they will help us. With Sahaja Yoga, getting realisation, if you don't spread Sahaja Yoga then you have done no justice, justice to Sahaja Yoga. You cannot help it, it's such a thing, just the other way round like a man who is selfish. A selfish man will never like to share but a realised soul would like to share everything with others and enjoy, enjoy the sharing. So many beautiful people come up. They become so beautiful and so nice, so relaxed, so balanced that amazing, you are surprised at yourself that 'I had all this treasure within me? All this beauty within me? Which I am absolutely enjoying.' You enjoy yourself you enjoy others you enjoy every little bit of it. So I bless you all from my heart. So many of you got realisation. As I've told you we have to change the destiny of human beings. We have not come here to destroy but we have come here to grown and the destiny has to be changed and that is what we have to work out. May God bless you. Derek Lee: "Shri Mataji there are one or two new people here" Shri Mataji: "So what do they want?" (laughter) Derek Lee: "I don't know if you want to answer questions or ask them to feel..." Shri Mataji: (laughing) "Alright! Derek is trying to look after you all and he says that there are many new people here and they would like to ask you questions. (laughter) So you see sometimes I'm surprised because you become just like a criminal or you have to confess something. Like yesterday they asked me 'Are you a Goddess?' I said 'Bapare, what should I say?' I said 'Do you want me to confess something?' Then they kept quiet. So now what's all the questions. Questions should be related to your growth and not to nonsensical things, why waste energy? It's not a political party or anything, it's something spiritual. So if you want to ask, ask for your spiritual growth." Indian lady asks question in Hindi Derek Lee: "She says she comes from America and can't sleep because all things going around in her head so she can't sleep" Shri Mataji: "I know about seven languages but I'm trying to learn Italian which is very difficult for me" Seeker: "Buonasera, pranaam" Shri Mataji: "That much I know!" Seeker: "Would you say Sahaja Yoga includes and subsumes other religions or is it a separate religion?" Shri Mataji: "It includes. Of course, it includes all the religions, all the essence of all the religions. Religion is again step by step is a warning to human beings. How can you exclude? But the essence, the essence of religion, not all the humbug that people have done." Seeker: "From deep inside my heart I'd like to thank you for not only what you have done for me but for what you've done for thousands and thousands of people all over the world." (applause) Shri Mataji: "I hope he's speaking for all of you? (more applause) So joy giving. Such a joy giving response. I mean it's like the waves that touch the shore and then again another series of waves start. You see there's no end to it, it's so beautiful. Thank you, thank you very much. Any other question?" Seeker: "Is there a right or a wrong way to meditate?" Shri Mataji: "There is no wrong way, I don't understand. I mean, with respect, with respect if you do any meditation it's perfect, but first of all is your heart and your mind must have respect. In anyway when you meditate, you should do it with love, that's all. Love will cleanse everything. I mean, if you stand on your head and meditate, it's alright, but there's no need to do that! (laughter) Just sit down and meditate. What's that?" Seeker: " What do you think of Sahaja Maithuna to awaken the kundalini?" Shri Mataji: "If you want you can try. But it's dangerous" Seeker: "Are we just play things for a higher being?" Derek Lee: "He's puzzled why do we have free will" Shri Mataji: "You see spiritually people are not matured very much and once they get realisation, because it's so simple and so easy that they don't understand the value of it. But those who are matured, those who are real seekers take to it very seriously. It's no question of free will, it's your growth, your maturity. Depends on that. Some people are really great seekers and some are alright trying, and some are doing it just because of some sort of a fashion. It should be earnestly coming from your heart that you are seeking the Truth. That's very important. Those who want to shun the Truth of course are no good, but those who are half-hearted also, they take time, but gradually, with experience, they jump into it." Same seeker: "Shri Mataji surely those who are less evolved and less open are the most in need, surely it should come easier to them?" Shri Mataji: "It is. It is easier for all of you. I mean the way you got realisation nobody could have believed it. I also couldn't believe, in the beginning, how it is working so fast. But, it works. Like you can say that certain flowers bloom faster than others. I'm not bothered on that point, because if they have the slightest desire to be the Spirit, they become. Also Divine is anxious to give you. " (applause) Seeker: "You said meditate with love but I was just trying to think what love is because I don't really understand about love" Shri Mataji: "ah! (laughter) I mean, love is a human quality. What is there to understand? People love even dogs and animals. Do you have a dog? (laughter) Love means without any malice, without any anger, something that is desired. It's such an abstract thing that you cannot put it in words but it's a feeling within you and when you meditate with love means that supposing you are very angry and you are frustrated then you come meditate and go on saying things like 'Mother, do this! kill him! Do that!' It doesn't work out. But in love means actually it is no thought. Love is no thought it's just a feeling, feeling of emancipation. Just a feeling " Seeker: "How would you describe the benefits of Sahaja Yoga meditation compared with other types of meditation?" Shri Mataji: "The first and foremost thing is you must feel the vibrations on your hands. Cool vibrations which is the Divine Love of All-Pervading Power. You should feel it coming out of your fontanelle bone area. With any meditation it doesn't happen, anyone, then that is not correct. This is the minimum that should happen that you should feel your vibrations like cool breeze on your hand and out of the fontanelle bone area. This is the minimum to start. With no meditation it happens. That man in the window." Seeker: "What has love got to do with religion?" Shri Mataji: "It's the essence of religion is love. Essence. What he's saying? You can't hear me?" Seeker: "People who are involved in religion are often scared" Shri Mataji: "Correct, I agree, because they are not religious" Seeker: "Love doesn't need religion" Shri Mataji: "Yes of course. Of course. It doesn't need any name. Love is love. But there is an innate religion within us. Innate religion is the enlightenment of the Spirit. It's innate. You may call it religion you may call it divine love call it by any name but within us is that source which creates a new personality imbibed with love and that we can call as an innate religion within." Seeker: "Is Self-realisation the same as enlightenment?" Shri Mataji: "Of course. There are many names." Seeker: "Is Sahaja Yoga the only path to Self-realisation?" Shri Mataji: "I should say yes. I haven't seen any other" Seeker: "Why do you need to raise the Kundalini to meditate or to get enlightenment?" Shri Mataji: "That's how it is made. Why do you connect this (microphone) to the mains? In the same way, you are to be connected. For the connection to the All-Pervading Power your Kundalini has to be raised. Alright?" Seeker: "How does the Holy Ghost come in to all of this?" Shri Mataji: "It's the Holy Ghost only doing everything! When you will come to Sahaja Yoga and will go deep into it you will know. It's all the work of Holy Ghost. I don't know why they call it a ghost! (laughter)" Seeker: "Is it dangerous to open up the seven levels of awareness without proper guidance?" Shri Mataji: "You see, it's only which can do it and I don't think anyone knows how to work it out that way, so it should be done in a proper manner. But Kundalini knows, she knows everything about you, and She knows your problems and when She rises She does it so sweetly without harming you without troubling you, so best thing is to get your Self-realisation established." Seeker: "How do you raise the Kundalini?" Shri Mataji: "Me? Now I can't you see, what I can do, no use telling you because you can't do that, isn't it? You can raise the Kundalini once you are a realised soul, you can also raise, but maybe not like Me. When you reach My stage you will! (applause and laughter)" Seeker: "Can you tell us about your early life when you first realised about Self-realisation" Shri Mataji: "You see I think there's a book about it. Alright? You better read it." Seeker: "Can you tell me how we stimulate the Kundalini to rise when we meditate at home?" Shri Mataji: "I mean they know. There's a photograph that they use to begin with and that helps. But you must come to centres where they tell you exactly what is to be done. Little bit time has to be given to understand it. You must all come to the centre, how many of you come to the centre raise your hand. See, not even 10%. Please put it down. So it is important that you should go to the centre, master it, become a full fledged, I should say, sahaja yogi and give realisations to others, that's, your duty bound, you have to do it. Otherwise it's like what Christ has said that some seeds fell on the rock and some seeds fell in the marshy land and some in the fertile. If you are a person of fertile temperament it will work out. Alright?" Seeker: "Is Self-realisation when you realise that you are everything?" Shri Mataji: "When you are a realised soul, if you are that, but do you feel the vibrations? Do you feel vibrations of others? Then you are not it's just a myth" Seeker: "It has happened to me but it was such a shock that I came back in to the body" Shri Mataji: "You better take to, seriously, to Sahaja Yoga. Alright?" Seeker: "When you describe the state of thoughtless awareness you make it so beautiful it sounds so simple so why for some is it so difficult to achieve?" Shri Mataji: "I know, I know, I know, but one has to work it out, that you look at something without thinking. Try! Try to do that. I know it's difficult for some people because too much of thoughts in the mind all the time. Now the thought comes from the left or from the right, that is it comes from the past, from our conditionings, and comes from the right with our ego and futuristic ideas. All the time. So one thought will rise, fall, another will fall and rise and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. But when Kundalini rises, what happens that these thoughts elongate and the space in between is created that is thoughtless awareness. Now how to do it is the problem with people. [By] raising your Kundalini. You raise your Kundalini, raise the Kundalini of others, suddenly you will find that you become thoughtlessly aware. Not difficult. What's that?" Seeker: "It's not a question really, a friend brought me tonight and I came here with a lot of scepticism but I appreciated the directness and the simplicity of what you said and the way you explained things." Shri Mataji: "Thank you." Seeker: "Is there a reason why the Divine love expresses itself as a cool breeze?" Shri Mataji: "We should ask the Divine Love about it" Seeker: "Can you see a day coming when we have a global Self-realisation amongst world leaders so that people don't starve the way they do at the moment? Can you see that within the age of aquarius?" Shri Mataji: "This is the Age of Aquarius. This is the Age, but we can't say how many will be there, saved. We can't say. If you people work it out you can save so many. But this is the Age of Aquarius no doubt, no doubt. " Seeker: "How do you forgive absolutely?" Shri Mataji: "Whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Alright? But when you don't forgive, mentally, then you suffer, not the other person." Seeker: "How can you change your heart so that you can forgive?" Shri Mataji: "Heart is not needed. Only you understand that, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. You just say 'I forgive' " Seeker: "I can say it but I don't mean it" Shri Mataji: "You may not mean but it's a mantra, you just say 'I forgive everyone' Alright? It acts. It acts" Seeker: "Is Sahaja Yoga the answer to a lot of psychiatric problems?" Shri Mataji: "Who? You?" Seeker: "Can it solve the problems of schizophrenic problems?" Shri Mataji: "Of course" Seeker: "People are investing a lot of money on psychiatric research" Shri Mataji: "What to do they don't listen to me!" (applause) Seeker: "Are you saying there's a light within us all and we are all part of God and for future generations to come will this benefit the whole world?" Shri Mataji: "Of course you are?" Seeker: "Will it benefit future generations? Is this what your trying to do?" Shri Mataji: "Yes. But what I'm saying is - first you get your realisation established, you get alright, you perfect yourself and then you can do it yourself." (same seeker tries to ask the same question again! ) Shri Mataji: "You work it out till I come next time and you won't ask any questions!" (applause) Seeker: "Does Mother protect us in Sahaja Yoga wherever we are?" Shri Mataji: "Of course but I don't want to say that. You can experience." Seeker: "How do I know when I've had my Self-realisation?" Shri Mataji: "You will feel the cool breeze blowing into your hands and out of your fontanelle bone area. That's the first step, first step." Seeker: "When doing Sahaja Yoga is it alright still to use other spiritual stuff like Reiki and Crystals" Shri Mataji: "No, no! Reiki's experience has been very bad. No no no no! If you ask me I would say don't do because I know how people have suffered with that. It's unscientific. Now can you all please put your hands towards me and close your eyes. Forget about all the questions..."
Follow-up Program (to the Albert Hall Public Programme), Holland Park School, Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill Rd, London W8 7AF, London, England, 16 July 2001. Very happy to see all of you here. Now I can't say that you are the seekers but you are the ones who have found it. It's something so fulfilling. Imagine in the olden days the custom was, I mean, it was so, that one guru could give realisation to one person, with very great reluctance! First they had to go through all kinds of tests, all kinds of tapasya as they call it, very, very strict penance. And out of that they would select one person to get Self-realisation. Imagine what you have got in such a short time! But, with that long period of ordeal, they developed a great sense of respecting their Self-realisation, of understanding what is this. Understanding their own powers, understanding their own duties. And they were not so many. One single person fighting the whole society with his lofty ideas. While today you are so many, all of you are in fraternity, in love with each other. Nobody is going to torture you, nobody is going to take you to task, but you yourself will feel like spreading Sahaja Yoga, giving love and life to people. It will come spontaneously within you. Like a flower which has fragrance, like that you'll have the fragrance of spirituality and people will suddenly recognise you because you are so different from others. Your temperament is so different you are so balanced you are so sweet and they will come around, they will follow you. it has happened very fast in some countries. Like in India they know this, they know Self-realisation and they know that is the aim of life, so it was much easier, it has so many Sahaja yogis. But we have sahaja yogis all over the world now, even in Greenland, can you imagine, in Finland in Sweden, in Norway. We have Israelis and also Palestinians. They are in Sahaja Yoga. Supposed to be fighting but both of them are in Sahaja Yogi. One Israeli telephoned to me that 'Mother, there are some Palestinian sahaja yogis in a village and we have learnt that it is going to be bombed. Can you put your attention to that?' I was so touched. Look at the amount of care and love they have for the so-called enemies! If this kind of love grows one day all this wars and skirmishes all will be finished, there won't be any fights if you realise we are all one, just all, absolutely, in one Divinity, in one Divine Power. If that is built in, then all these problems will be solved about which I told you in my lecture (at Royal Albert Hall a few days before). Actually Kundalini has risen in many of you, most of you. It has pierced also the fontanelle bone area, no doubt, but still it comes down sometimes, comes down to cure you. Supposing you are a liver patient, the Kundalini will come down and put full attention to your liver and try to improve your liver. She looks after you. She is your individual Mother. Everyone has that Mother within you. And that Mother is the one that guides you, looks after you and takes you to the right path. And that's how you'll start your new growth in Sahaja yoga. You become a different personality.Then your attention starts moving away from you to others. That's the sign you are fully grown. If that happens that your attention doesn't go to yourself, it goes to others and you are worried about others. It's very surprising, how this love of the Divine works wonders. I had gone to Russia first time, and I was surprised, twenty-five people from Germany and Austria came there on there own, I never called them, organised their stay and everything. And I said 'Why are you here? How are you here? How did you come? What is the speciality of Russia?' And they said, 'Mother, our forefathers had done so much harm to them so we just couldn't help it.' It's a kind of a tremendous love and understanding about the problems of Russians during war. And they were telling me what all had happened to Russians. I was surprised. I asked them 'Who told you?' 'Our father, our grandfather, who were repenting what they have done. But they are no more now so we thought we had better come and do some service.' It's very much touching to me. I have seen such beautiful side of human beings after they have got realisation. No cruelty of any kind, no unkindness, always forgiveness, such a lot of people have become now so sweet. In Russia we have, as you know, maximum number of sahaja yogis, not more than India, but yes. So many of them are there in Russia, and they are so deep, so much understanding. They never grudge about their problems of money or anything. They said 'Mother, we have only one problem.' 'What problem you have?' 'Of leadership. Give us a nice leader. And now,' they said 'we have a nice leader.' He has accepted Sahaja Yoga, it's a religion in Russia. Of course, it is also a religion in India. But actually it is accepted as an official religion in America. Just imagine! We think that Americans are so materialistic and this and that. They are only 200 year old nation and how have they grown so deep into spirituality, how did they realise this, that, spirituality is the essence of life. Now I am facing you people who are supposed to be from England and English had these great people right from Shakespeare, William Blake, all of them were realised souls. But what I find in their effort is that they are trying to show so many things for you to understand Sahaja Yoga. But what can they do, because they didn't know how to raise the Kundalini perhaps, or the people were absolutely deaf and dumb that they didn't understand what these people tried to convey. Most of the poets were realised souls. Most of the writers were realised souls. How can it be that such great people are just lost? But now when I see you all here I think of them. They must be very happy to see you all enjoying the bliss, the bliss of the Divine. There's no end to the description of these things. You cannot describe it fully. It is to be enjoyed. Only thing is, first stage is thoughtless awareness, which you have to achieve. If you have achieved the thoughtless awareness then you have crossed one step. That is the main thing. You have to become thoughtlessly aware. It's not difficult. There's a sanskrit saying that you start saying no to every thought. Whatever thought comes in - 'Ya neti neti wachane nigamor awachus'. Just go on saying 'No. Not this thought. Not this thought. Not this thought.' And you can achieve it. Also raising Kundalini, forgiving people, you can achieve it. Also if you can find out why these thoughts are coming to you, what is the source of this thought. If you could just see what is the source then you can do it. Suddenly you will find you are silent, you are not thinking but you are aware, fully aware and aware of so many things of which you were never aware. It's something you have to practice, is to become thoughtlessly aware. This awareness gives a new dimension to your attention. You develop an attention that works, that works. Sitting down here, if you want to think about something, this attention will go and work out the problem. It works out. You can also do it. But if your attention is on small, small things like 'My father is like sister-in-law is like this' all this kind of things, you forget. And don't condemn yourself either. If you condemn yourself it's of no use because now you are a realised soul. There is no need to condemn but just to watch without thinking. That's what is called as sakshi, is the witness state. That witness state you have to attain and once you attain that witness state you start enjoying everything. Supposing somebody is nasty, you can see the humour behind that. Supposing somebody is aggressive, you can just smile at it. You can see that, poor thing you know, he's doing something wrong because he can't help it, or she is mischievous, doesn't matter, she'll be alright. An attitude of an innocent personality. You are innocent you don't see anything wrong with anyone. If you are cunning you see everybody as cunning. But innocence is thousand times blessed by the Divine. The Divine blesses the innocence. Now you might say 'How is it Mother so many people are killed who were innocent? How it has happened?' It's alright, they were not realised souls, and some of them, like Christ, went through through the ordeal. It has a meaning His crucifixion has a very great meaning. For us it is of great help because He crucified himself. Now we can pass through the Agnya chakra. Every one have, they all of them have helped so much in building up your Kundalini, in helping you and working it out. All their so-called ordeals and sacrifices have done so much which you will understand through your witness state. It's all like in a garden, everybody has to work, the gardener has to work, then the seed is put in and the Mother Earth has to work and the water has to work and then it sprouts. Still it takes time, then you see when it is a blossom time, all the flowers are there, but behind those flowers there's such a big effort of people. In the same way, all those people who have put in their effort are within us and they will help us. With Sahaja Yoga, getting realisation, if you don't spread Sahaja Yoga then you have done no justice, justice to Sahaja Yoga. You cannot help it, it's such a thing, just the other way round like a man who is selfish. A selfish man will never like to share but a realised soul would like to share everything with others and enjoy, enjoy the sharing. So many beautiful people come up. They become so beautiful and so nice, so relaxed, so balanced that amazing, you are surprised at yourself that 'I had all this treasure within me? All this beauty within me? Which I am absolutely enjoying.' You enjoy yourself you enjoy others you enjoy every little bit of it. So I bless you all from my heart. So many of you got realisation. As I've told you we have to change the destiny of human beings. We have not come here to destroy but we have come here to grown and the destiny has to be changed and that is what we have to work out. May God bless you. Derek Lee: "Shri Mataji there are one or two new people here" Shri Mataji: "So what do they want?" (laughter) Derek Lee: "I don't know if you want to answer questions or ask them to feel..." Shri Mataji: (laughing) "Alright! Derek is trying to look after you all and he says that there are many new people here and they would like to ask you questions. (laughter) So you see sometimes I'm surprised because you become just like a criminal or you have to confess something. Like yesterday they asked me 'Are you a Goddess?' I said 'Bapare, what should I say?' I said 'Do you want me to confess something?' Then they kept quiet. So now what's all the questions. Questions should be related to your growth and not to nonsensical things, why waste energy? It's not a political party or anything, it's something spiritual. So if you want to ask, ask for your spiritual growth." Indian lady asks question in Hindi Derek Lee: "She says she comes from America and can't sleep because all things going around in her head so she can't sleep" Shri Mataji: "I know about seven languages but I'm trying to learn Italian which is very difficult for me" Seeker: "Buonasera, pranaam" Shri Mataji: "That much I know!" Seeker: "Would you say Sahaja Yoga includes and subsumes other religions or is it a separate religion?" Shri Mataji: "It includes. Of course, it includes all the religions, all the essence of all the religions. Religion is again step by step is a warning to human beings. How can you exclude? But the essence, the essence of religion, not all the humbug that people have done." Seeker: "From deep inside my heart I'd like to thank you for not only what you have done for me but for what you've done for thousands and thousands of people all over the world." (applause) Shri Mataji: "I hope he's speaking for all of you? (more applause) So joy giving. Such a joy giving response. I mean it's like the waves that touch the shore and then again another series of waves start. You see there's no end to it, it's so beautiful. Thank you, thank you very much. Any other question?" Seeker: "Is there a right or a wrong way to meditate?" Shri Mataji: "There is no wrong way, I don't understand. I mean, with respect, with respect if you do any meditation it's perfect, but first of all is your heart and your mind must have respect. In anyway when you meditate, you should do it with love, that's all. Love will cleanse everything. I mean, if you stand on your head and meditate, it's alright, but there's no need to do that! (laughter) Just sit down and meditate. What's that?" Seeker: " What do you think of Sahaja Maithuna to awaken the kundalini?" Shri Mataji: "If you want you can try. But it's dangerous" Seeker: "Are we just play things for a higher being?" Derek Lee: "He's puzzled why do we have free will" Shri Mataji: "You see spiritually people are not matured very much and once they get realisation, because it's so simple and so easy that they don't understand the value of it. But those who are matured, those who are real seekers take to it very seriously. It's no question of free will, it's your growth, your maturity. Depends on that. Some people are really great seekers and some are alright trying, and some are doing it just because of some sort of a fashion. It should be earnestly coming from your heart that you are seeking the Truth. That's very important. Those who want to shun the Truth of course are no good, but those who are half-hearted also, they take time, but gradually, with experience, they jump into it." Same seeker: "Shri Mataji surely those who are less evolved and less open are the most in need, surely it should come easier to them?" Shri Mataji: "It is. It is easier for all of you. I mean the way you got realisation nobody could have believed it. I also couldn't believe, in the beginning, how it is working so fast. But, it works. Like you can say that certain flowers bloom faster than others. I'm not bothered on that point, because if they have the slightest desire to be the Spirit, they become. Also Divine is anxious to give you. " (applause) Seeker: "You said meditate with love but I was just trying to think what love is because I don't really understand about love" Shri Mataji: "ah! (laughter) I mean, love is a human quality. What is there to understand? People love even dogs and animals. Do you have a dog? (laughter) Love means without any malice, without any anger, something that is desired. It's such an abstract thing that you cannot put it in words but it's a feeling within you and when you meditate with love means that supposing you are very angry and you are frustrated then you come meditate and go on saying things like 'Mother, do this! kill him! Do that!' It doesn't work out. But in love means actually it is no thought. Love is no thought it's just a feeling, feeling of emancipation. Just a feeling " Seeker: "How would you describe the benefits of Sahaja Yoga meditation compared with other types of meditation?" Shri Mataji: "The first and foremost thing is you must feel the vibrations on your hands. Cool vibrations which is the Divine Love of All-Pervading Power. You should feel it coming out of your fontanelle bone area. With any meditation it doesn't happen, anyone, then that is not correct. This is the minimum that should happen that you should feel your vibrations like cool breeze on your hand and out of the fontanelle bone area. This is the minimum to start. With no meditation it happens. That man in the window." Seeker: "What has love got to do with religion?" Shri Mataji: "It's the essence of religion is love. Essence. What he's saying? You can't hear me?" Seeker: "People who are involved in religion are often scared" Shri Mataji: "Correct, I agree, because they are not religious" Seeker: "Love doesn't need religion" Shri Mataji: "Yes of course. Of course. It doesn't need any name. Love is love. But there is an innate religion within us. Innate religion is the enlightenment of the Spirit. It's innate. You may call it religion you may call it divine love call it by any name but within us is that source which creates a new personality imbibed with love and that we can call as an innate religion within." Seeker: "Is Self-realisation the same as enlightenment?" Shri Mataji: "Of course. There are many names." Seeker: "Is Sahaja Yoga the only path to Self-realisation?" Shri Mataji: "I should say yes. I haven't seen any other" Seeker: "Why do you need to raise the Kundalini to meditate or to get enlightenment?" Shri Mataji: "That's how it is made. Why do you connect this (microphone) to the mains? In the same way, you are to be connected. For the connection to the All-Pervading Power your Kundalini has to be raised. Alright?" Seeker: "How does the Holy Ghost come in to all of this?" Shri Mataji: "It's the Holy Ghost only doing everything! When you will come to Sahaja Yoga and will go deep into it you will know. It's all the work of Holy Ghost. I don't know why they call it a ghost! (laughter)" Seeker: "Is it dangerous to open up the seven levels of awareness without proper guidance?" Shri Mataji: "You see, it's only which can do it and I don't think anyone knows how to work it out that way, so it should be done in a proper manner. But Kundalini knows, she knows everything about you, and She knows your problems and when She rises She does it so sweetly without harming you without troubling you, so best thing is to get your Self-realisation established." Seeker: "How do you raise the Kundalini?" Shri Mataji: "Me? Now I can't you see, what I can do, no use telling you because you can't do that, isn't it? You can raise the Kundalini once you are a realised soul, you can also raise, but maybe not like Me. When you reach My stage you will! (applause and laughter)" Seeker: "Can you tell us about your early life when you first realised about Self-realisation" Shri Mataji: "You see I think there's a book about it. Alright? You better read it." Seeker: "Can you tell me how we stimulate the Kundalini to rise when we meditate at home?" Shri Mataji: "I mean they know. There's a photograph that they use to begin with and that helps. But you must come to centres where they tell you exactly what is to be done. Little bit time has to be given to understand it. You must all come to the centre, how many of you come to the centre raise your hand. See, not even 10%. Please put it down. So it is important that you should go to the centre, master it, become a full fledged, I should say, sahaja yogi and give realisations to others, that's, your duty bound, you have to do it. Otherwise it's like what Christ has said that some seeds fell on the rock and some seeds fell in the marshy land and some in the fertile. If you are a person of fertile temperament it will work out. Alright?" Seeker: "Is Self-realisation when you realise that you are everything?" Shri Mataji: "When you are a realised soul, if you are that, but do you feel the vibrations? Do you feel vibrations of others? Then you are not it's just a myth" Seeker: "It has happened to me but it was such a shock that I came back in to the body" Shri Mataji: "You better take to, seriously, to Sahaja Yoga. Alright?" Seeker: "When you describe the state of thoughtless awareness you make it so beautiful it sounds so simple so why for some is it so difficult to achieve?" Shri Mataji: "I know, I know, I know, but one has to work it out, that you look at something without thinking. Try! Try to do that. I know it's difficult for some people because too much of thoughts in the mind all the time. Now the thought comes from the left or from the right, that is it comes from the past, from our conditionings, and comes from the right with our ego and futuristic ideas. All the time. So one thought will rise, fall, another will fall and rise and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. But when Kundalini rises, what happens that these thoughts elongate and the space in between is created that is thoughtless awareness. Now how to do it is the problem with people. [By] raising your Kundalini. You raise your Kundalini, raise the Kundalini of others, suddenly you will find that you become thoughtlessly aware. Not difficult. What's that?" Seeker: "It's not a question really, a friend brought me tonight and I came here with a lot of scepticism but I appreciated the directness and the simplicity of what you said and the way you explained things." Shri Mataji: "Thank you." Seeker: "Is there a reason why the Divine love expresses itself as a cool breeze?" Shri Mataji: "We should ask the Divine Love about it" Seeker: "Can you see a day coming when we have a global Self-realisation amongst world leaders so that people don't starve the way they do at the moment? Can you see that within the age of aquarius?" Shri Mataji: "This is the Age of Aquarius. This is the Age, but we can't say how many will be there, saved. We can't say. If you people work it out you can save so many. But this is the Age of Aquarius no doubt, no doubt. " Seeker: "How do you forgive absolutely?" Shri Mataji: "Whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Alright? But when you don't forgive, mentally, then you suffer, not the other person." Seeker: "How can you change your heart so that you can forgive?" Shri Mataji: "Heart is not needed. Only you understand that, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. You just say 'I forgive' " Seeker: "I can say it but I don't mean it" Shri Mataji: "You may not mean but it's a mantra, you just say 'I forgive everyone' Alright? It acts. It acts" Seeker: "Is Sahaja Yoga the answer to a lot of psychiatric problems?" Shri Mataji: "Who? You?" Seeker: "Can it solve the problems of schizophrenic problems?" Shri Mataji: "Of course" Seeker: "People are investing a lot of money on psychiatric research" Shri Mataji: "What to do they don't listen to me!" (applause) Seeker: "Are you saying there's a light within us all and we are all part of God and for future generations to come will this benefit the whole world?" Shri Mataji: "Of course you are?" Seeker: "Will it benefit future generations? Is this what your trying to do?" Shri Mataji: "Yes. But what I'm saying is - first you get your realisation established, you get alright, you perfect yourself and then you can do it yourself." (same seeker tries to ask the same question again! ) Shri Mataji: "You work it out till I come next time and you won't ask any questions!" (applause) Seeker: "Does Mother protect us in Sahaja Yoga wherever we are?" Shri Mataji: "Of course but I don't want to say that. You can experience." Seeker: "How do I know when I've had my Self-realisation?" Shri Mataji: "You will feel the cool breeze blowing into your hands and out of your fontanelle bone area. That's the first step, first step." Seeker: "When doing Sahaja Yoga is it alright still to use other spiritual stuff like Reiki and Crystals" Shri Mataji: "No, no! Reiki's experience has been very bad. No no no no! If you ask me I would say don't do because I know how people have suffered with that. It's unscientific. Now can you all please put your hands towards me and close your eyes. Forget about all the questions..."
Shri Krishna Puja: Ananya Bhakti
United States
New York City
Shri Krishna puja. Nirmal Nagari, Canajoharie, New York (USA), 29 July 2001. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Krishna, the One who was Virata, who fought all kinds of evil without entering into the arena. Shri Krishna’s life, in itself, is a very beautiful, creative and loving thing, but to understand Him, it is not easy. For example, in Kurukshetra, where the war was going on and Arjuna became depressed and he said that: “Why should we fight, fight our own kith and kin, fight our own close relations, friends and our gurus? Is it religion? Is it Dharma?” Before that, in Gita, Shri Krishna has described a personality which is a sage. We can call him a Saint. Or He called it a Sthita Pragna. So, when asked what is the definition of the sthita Pragna, the description He gave was about a person who is absolutely at peace with himself and at peace with his atmosphere. It's very surprising. All this knowledge He gave in first place in the Gita. That is—that is the best, that He called as the Gnyana Marga. That is Sahaja Yoga, by which you get the subtle Knowledge. But at the same time, when you see Him advising Arjuna, it is very surprising that here He’s talking only of spirituality, of complete detachment and there He’s telling Arjuna that: “You go and fight. They are already dead people. Whom are you fighting?” This conflict is difficult to understand, that how could Shri Krishna, the same person who is preaching that: “You have to all become Sthita Pragna”, suddenly starts telling Arjuna that: “You go and fight the force!”? One side it is complete detachment and another side is the war. How will you explain this? It’s Shri Krishna’s own words, one can say, that once you are a Realized Soul and you have reached that highest position in your awareness, to you everything is futile. But just now, what you have to do is to save the Dharma—not the Dharma that people talk about—but the Dharma means evolutionary process of human beings, which is going on. And, if all the good people, those who stand for righteousness, are finished, then how will this evolutionary power be saved? So you have to save them and for that, if you have to kill, you don’t kill anybody, they’re already dead, because they’re not evolved souls and they don’t care for their Realization. So you have to fight them. You have to fight the negative forces. You have to fight the wrongdoers. All this He explains in a very beautiful manner, that we have within us three kinds of powers, which we also know, and by the middle one that we have, we rise above all these material, physical, mental, emotional—all these problems facing us into a new realm of spirituality. And that’s what He wanted to save from the cruel people, from the aggressive, who were also misleading others. It’s a very good understanding, if you have, that: “Who is your relation? Who is your brother? Who is your sister?” Those who are evolved souls are your relations. They are your own and, for them, if you have to fight the people who are aggressive, you better do it. You have to do it. That is the way of Dharma. So we have three paths, as you know, in Sahaja Yoga. The one is of Bhakti. Bhakti is where you sing the praise of God, have devotion, do all kinds of rituals, everything and you think that you are very close to God. This is one which is being accepted by many, many people and by many so-called religions, that: “We must have complete dedication for God.” How did- you are not yet connected to God. How, what are you doing? How can you have any dedication to God, with whom you are not at all connected? The second one was the Karma, that you do your work. You go on doing your work with a detached mind. I mean it’s not possible, but that’s what they say and we are doing our Karmas, good Karmas, we do all kinds of good things, go to various places for our cleansing, meet many great people of spirituality, go to all various places and pray, visit all auspicious places which are being described. All kinds of rituals, we do for that. That is the Karma Yoga. And that is what the Karma Yoga, according to us, is the right side. Many people, as you know, are right-sided. Right-sided people are the people who are, as you know, full of ego, arrogance and think no end of themselves—very difficult to correct them. They also never see anything wrong with them. Whichever way they act, they think is all right. That is the Karma Yoga. But He has said that, "Whatever Karmas you do, whatever its fruits are, that you cannot say". He said it in a very uncertain manner, because, definitely if He had said it with certainty, people would never have understood Him. So He said: “It is not possible that whatever Karmas you are doing could be the Karmas which will get you the blessings of the Divine.” “Karmineya paleshu ma kadajanye”, He has said it. So then, which Karmas we should do? Or should we give up all the Karmas? All the action, we should give up? People were in two minds. This is the style of Shri Krishna, is to put people in two minds, so they use their discretion. And third one is the discretion, which He calls as the Gnyan marga, is the central path, by which you evolve. You evolve into a new state, into a new state of your mind, a new state of your being, by which you become absolutely above every nonsense. Also you are endowed with power to fight whatever is bad, whatever is corrupting, whatever is killing this one. At that stage, you are equipped with a Divine Power that you can finish off anything that is negative around you. This is to be understood that that’s a state. That’s not just talking. That’s not just believing that: “I am that”, but it’s a state. If you come up to that state where you are beyond all these things and you have all the knowledge, pure knowledge, the subtle knowledge of being, this is the Gnyan marga. Many people say that everybody cannot go to Gnyan marga and, for that, you have to have a special type of personality, but this is very misleading. Everyone can go into Gnyan marga. It is very, very innately built within us, this evolutionary attainment. It is within us and all of us can have that. Only thing is we have no confidence perhaps, that we go on avoiding it and go to cheaper things, like becoming devoted to something, doing some sort of a ritual, going to some sort of a holy place, all kinds of nonsense, which doesn’t give you the evolutionary ascent, by which you know the Knowledge, the pure Knowledge, the real Knowledge. So far, whatever you have known was written in the book, whatever your parents told you or whatever you have explored outside. But the knowledge which is the purest, which is the real Knowledge, which is the Gnyana, that you can only get through your ascent and establishing yourself properly in that state. If you go on denying it, you cannot get it. But everyone has right to get it. You need not be educated, you need not be a very simple person, you need not be very rich or poor, makes no difference, as long as you are a human being and a humble human being, thinking that you have to achieve that state. You all can get that state, which you know very well. And at that state you become absolutely knowledgeable, knowledgeable about yourself, knowledgeable about others, knowledgeable about everything that goes around. But this state must be maintained, and try to go above that state where you have no more doubts left in you. This is what Shri Krishna taught and this is what one has to achieve, but He, being a diplomat, He tried to tell you other stories: “Try this, try that, this, that.” But actually, what He has praised is Gnyan marga. Ours is a Gnyan marga. That is the Knowledge, the path of Knowledge in which you have to know all the Knowledge. Unless and until you have the whole Knowledge, you are not yet a Gnyani, a person who knows. In this way, He has established that our evolutionary process has to come beyond all other human awareness. Other human awareness is of no value for a spiritual personality. Now he knows something, say how many miles it is from here, say, to New York or what trains go there. All this knowledge is not real - how much this cloth will cost, how much this carpet will cost, in what shop you can get. All this knowledge is just useless, is not the real Knowledge. Such a person doesn’t know this kind of knowledge, but what he knows is the Knowledge about your being, Knowledge about the whole universe, which is not how many stars there are or how many universes there are. No - it is the subtle inner personality of everything, he knows. In that subtlety, he discovers so many new things which he may not even heard about and, thus, you reach a state of great knowledgeable personality. This is what we have to achieve. We are born as human beings and we know so many things already. People know so many things, but they don’t know the actual. This Knowledge doesn’t come through your reading or through your intellectual pursuit or for your emotional movement—No! It is 'shashvat' [eternal]: it is all the time there, it exists, it will exist. And it is just to be understood, just to be known to yourself what it is. It cannot change. It cannot be remoulded. It is what it is. And that is what you know now. Nobody would doubt that, because those who haven’t got this state, they may doubt, they may call you crazy, they may think anything, but with the open eyes, whatever you say is the Truth. In the same way, with the open heart and a open brain, when you know that, that is the real Truth and that is what is to be known. For that, according to Shri Krishna, you have to go through various tests. One is, “You go on praying to Him.” He says, “You go on praying to Me and if you give Me flowers, I’ll take. If you give Me water, I’ll take. Whatever you’ll give Me, I’ll take.” He says clearly, but what will you gain out of that is very important. He doesn’t say: “If you give Me something, I’ll give you something.” He doesn’t say that. So what should be the state? What should be the condition? He said: “If you praise Me, if you have Bhakti for Me, you are giving Me presents, you are doing all sorts of things, you are very dedicated, but you should do Ananya Bhakti.” Word is ‘Ananya’. Ananya means when there is not the other, when we are one, when we are connected, then the Bhakti you do that time, whatever music you have of devotion, whatever flowers you give, whatever expression you have, it should be Ananya. That’s the word He said, that: “Do Ananya Bhakti! Pushpam palam toyam. Whatever you give Me, I’ll take.” He’ll take everything. He’s the one who is the only Bhokta, means He is the only enjoyer. But what will you get, He says, “when you do Ananya Bhakti”? Means “when you are one with Me.” That means you are connected with Him. That’s how He has explained Bhakti, what is Bhakti is very clearly. But people don’t understand. They think that Bhakti means you go on singing on the street: “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”, this and that, is Bhakti. Is not. If that was real, they would have achieved something, but they did not. Now, don’t blame Krishna for that! He has clearly said it should be Ananya Bhakti. Only by changing your dress, wearing a particular type of style, that’s not it. That’s all so outward. It’s just to show off. But actually Ananya Bhakti is within yourself, when you are in that state, when you are one with the Divine. Unless and until that state you have achieved, not only that, but have established, it doesn’t give you anything. Many people have told Me, "We are doing so much of Bhakti Yoga, Mother. We don’t get anything". "Really, what sort of Bhakti Yoga we do?" Read Shri Krishna’s Gita. Every morning, get up at four o’clock, take bath, read Krishna’s Gita, do this, do that. Then we sing bhajans, this. We never get anything. So what is the reason?” Reason is that you are not one with God. And when you are one with God, then what does He give you? He won’t give you cheap things, which will vanish in no time, but of some eternal nature. So, He gives you peace, peace of the heart. He gives you balance. Also He gives you a tranquil temperament, joy of life. All these things are there within us if we have the Bhakti, which is after being united, after the Yoga, with the Yogeshwara. This is what one has to understand. Now, there are many Karma Yogis who go on working mad, absolute madly. They think, "We are doing, after all, nishkamaseva, without any desire we are serving people, we are serving the nation, we are serving this". Ultimately, what do you get? What you get may be money. Might be you might get a good house, maybe all these things, but you don’t get peace of heart. You don’t get peace of mind. You don’t get that joy, that joy which has no boundaries, which cannot be explained, which cannot be described, that boundless joy, you don’t have. And you don’t get that eternal peace, which can stop wars. Completely, it can abolish this cruel nature of human beings. That you don’t get. But apart from that, you get the powers. You get the Knowledge—Knowledge, the subtle Knowledge about everyone. You know about everyone, where are they missing the point. You know about yourself and about others. This Knowledge you get, not in the college or in the schools, but within yourself is the Ocean of Knowledge and, whichever way you want to see, whichever you want to achieve, is there, there present. That is what is the real Knowledge, what we call that you achieve through the Sukshma Gnyana—means the subtle Knowledge, Knowledge about Chakras, Knowledge about the Universe. Everything you can get out of this. But then you get more interested in giving Knowledge to others. You don’t want to know so many things then. What is the need to know about banking, say, about who is the richest man in the whole world? All these things you don’t want to know. Your whole attitude changes and what you get is nothing but a kind of a tranquil mind, which knows everything that is to be known. That is what one has to achieve. Now this country of yours, America, is very ‘Karmakandi’. It goes on doing work, work, work. They’re workaholics. They work so hard and what do you get? You get children who are drug addicts. You get wives who are running here and there. You get broken families and no peace. You support wars. Only thing is that, so far, this country is being protected in a way, but also you have destroyed so many aboriginals, so many fundamental things that you should have preserved. A day may come when they will realize that: “This is what they have been doing and this was very wrong.” A day will come when we’ll have so many Realized Souls in America. But just now the situation is the people are just gone mad with the idea of making money and they discover that now no more, finished. So now what to do? What to do? Come to Sahaj Yog! Do Sahaja Yoga, then you will get the treasures of your being, which are within you, which will give you all the comfort, all the joy and all the supremacy that any amount of money, any amount of power can’t give. This is what we have to do, is to take to Sahaja Yoga and make others also Sahaja Yogis, so that they also get that peace, joy and satisfaction. And this madness of running from one thing to another will be finished, because you can never be satisfied with that. Want to buy today one thing, then tomorrow want another thing, then want to doing another thing. You are never satisfied. You don’t get any joy out of what you have desired. So your pure desire, it should be to be one with the Divine. That is how it will work out. Shri Krishna’s specialty was that He always supported people who were Realized Souls, who were on the right path, who were doing righteous things. He would never support anybody who may be well off, who may be great thing. Like a great king was Duryodhana. He invited Shri Krishna to his house, to his big palace to be his guest. Shri Krishna said: “I am sorry.” He went to Vidhura, who was the son of a maid, Dasiputra, because Vidhura was a Realized Soul. Because he was a Realized Soul, to Him he was much higher, much greater than Duryodhana who was a ruler, because he was a crook, because he was a bad man. So, the discrimination between good and bad becomes one in your mind, becomes one of your inner temperament, then you are always very much satisfied, because you know you have not been doing something which is wrong. The discrimination is the gift of Shri Krishna. Apart from anything else, He gives us the gift of discrimination. That is His style, I should say, to teach you how to discriminate and then you become experts on ‘discrimination on vibrations’. On vibrations, you can judge everything so clearly, so beautifully. Others may not agree with you—that’s a different point—but you know what is right and what is wrong. And that is what Shri Krishna’s gift is. As it is, you know He is controlling sixteen sub-Chakras within us. He controls everything. He controls your throat, nose, eyes, ears. All these things He controls, but ultimately, what does He say? He says He is the Virat. Virat means the One who is the great, great lord, what we call “Akbar” and that’s why, in the Muslim thing, they accept that: “Allah Hou Akbar”. I mean, because it is in a poetry, it’s partly clear, partly not clear, but He was a Virata and He showed His form to Arjuna and Arjuna was amazed to see His form, that He’s the Virata. He’s the One who is great, absorbing everything and He’s the One who is taking out everything. He’s Yama. He is the One who is the God of death. He has so many. You know His names are there written down. All these powers are within, which He uses, wherever it is needed. So, the Sahaja Yogis first have the power of satisfaction. It’s tremendous practice, satisfaction. Imagine in this place, you are all enjoying so much, you are living here so happy. Shows what? You are so satisfied. Otherwise nobody would like. They would say: “No, we want to have some nice place. What is this? We don’t want to live here with everyone.” But to live with others, this collectivity also is the blessing of Shri Krishna. He teaches you to be collective, the fun of collectivity, the enjoyment of collectivity. A person who is secluded, who keeps himself off, like a drunkard, is not the one who worships Shri Krishna. The one who is one with Shri Krishna enjoys everybody who are there, specially if they are all Realized Souls, that person enjoys their company very much. That is something so easily understood in your lives, if you see how you live happily, morally, absolutely perfect. In no way, you do anything immoral, steal anything or have bad feelings for other people. It’s something surprising that has happened to you, that you are all living so happily in one place together with Satya. His collectivity is to be understood, because I always say that Shri Krishna is the deity of America. America is also very collective. Like, it will be interested in every country. It will be bothered about everyone, but in a wrong way tries to help. Always it is never in the right way. Now, supposing there is a country where they are producing lots of drugs. Why not invade that country, instead of invading other countries? It’s like that. Discrimination is missing. Unless and until you have that, you cannot use your power of collectivity properly. Though they are collective, but what collective work have they done? Even now, they want to say they are separate, they are different: “Whatever problems we are facing are our own.” So this collectivity has been so much minimized in a country of Shri Krishna itself. Though they have that within themselves, a feeling that they should talk about every country, they should give lead to every country, they should consult every country, but always take a wrong decision about those countries. This comes because they are not discriminating. They should be discriminating. So many things can be said about Vishuddhi Chakra, but specially I am more concerned about two Chakras on two sides. One of them is, as you know, is the Lalita Chakra on left side and Shri Chakra on the right side. I’ve always told ladies that, “Please keep these covered!” It looks so simple, but it’s very important. Don’t expose these, because power of these should be preserved—Shri Chakra and Lalita Chakra, they’re very important. They are, I should say, feminine powers and they are the feminine powers of Shri Krishna, which must be understood that, whatever way you respect your body, that is the way your Chakras are and that is the way you suffer. For example, you do not respect Shri Ganesha, you will suffer. And if you respect Ganesha and do not behave in a manner that you should behave, you will suffer, you’ll have problems. So the whole body reacts. Body reacts to outside influences in such a manner that you start seeing there is something wrong somewhere and that’s why you behave like this. Apart from that, eyes are supplied by this Chakra also. So, when you look at something, it should be very pure glance. The purer it is, the better you will enjoy. But if the glance is not pure, is shifty, going from here to there, there to there, then you are actually going against your Dharma, against your evolutionary process. And one day will come when you might become blind. You might develop cataracts, you might develop all kinds of diseases of the eyes, which are ‘very’ important to pay attention to. Then this connection also goes to the tongue. The tongue is looked after. But those people have a very bad habit of suddenly saying horrible things, of suddenly saying very bad words, or sometimes getting after somebody with the very bad remarks. All such things are very bad for the tongue and this is what Shri Krishna doesn’t like. In case you use your tongue for saying harsh things to others, being sarcastic, being harsh on others, using abusive word, your tongue, one day, I don’t know how it will react. It will react in different ways. God knows, it might become thick. It won’t move. God knows, it might be sucked inside. That’s the physical side of it, but also mental side of it, that you won’t know what you are talking about. If you say something, you’ll say something else. It’s possible with your tongue. It’s quite possible that we may not be able to talk, may not be able to say anything. Anything is possible if you try to trouble your tongue like that, using it for wrong purposes. Tongue is not for being used for abusive things, as well as for… Some people try to be extra kind and gentle and this and that, to achieve some ends. This kind of thing also is very, very much—is dangerous for the tongue and you might develop blisters on your tongue, to such an extent that people who even go on saying harsh things to others and all that can develop a kind of a cancer. Some people think that, if you bear up, everything is good. Is not. If somebody is trying to oppress you, don’t try to bear it. Throw it away, because, if you bear also, you can move to the left and you can get horrible things like cancer. You can get cancer. Those who are aggressive, they can get also diseases and those who are very much, I should say, bearing type also get into trouble. So you should be in a balanced state, should not accept anything. Supposing anybody calls you names, just keep quiet, look at that person—that’s all. Know that he’s a stupid fool. But don’t accept it. If you accept it and go on crying about it and weeping about it, then you can get cancer. But supposing somebody says something, you should know he is a stupid fool, just keep out of it, then nothing can happen. So, both ways, one has to be careful, because Krishna is playing around and He sees how far you can go. Now throat—throat is very important. We should look after it. Those people who shout, scream, ultimately can lose their power of speech, can become frantic with their problems of the throat. Specially throat can develop horrible disease by which you just—neck can just get swollen up. We call it snake disease and you feel So when you talk to someone, talk clearly, in a sweet manner, but don’t shout at the person, never! Neither you try to show peevishness in your speech. If you are peevish, then cancer can set in. So, both ways, you have to be careful. As you are Sahaja Yogis, you have to have this knowledge, that you will not do, bear anything nonsensical if somebody speaks—means, you should not accept it. One may say something to you. It’s all right. And sometimes you should tell him off that: “You were saying like this, it’s not so.” It’s best, is not to bear it up and to suffer. You’re not Christ. You don’t have His powers. Because if you do that, you’ll develop cancer. So try to be, in a way, just in the centre, watching everything, if there’s aggression or if there’s recession—one of the two things—you must not give in to any of these attitudes, but develop an attitude of standing very firmly on your own grounds. For example, there was a Chinese story I read that there once was a king, wanted his two cocks to win in a race, so they said: “You send them to a sage and train them up.” So he has sent them to a sage. They were trained very well. And when they were brought, they stood in the arena and many cocks were there, who started attacking them, but these two were standing like this, least bothered. They tried and tried, but these two were standing like this. As a result, all of them ran away. So that’s what is the character you should have. Is not to bend to something, because somebody is aggressive and also not to aggress others, not to torture other, not to sit on somebody’s head. It’s very, very dangerous for your throat and such a throat will always, will always be in danger of getting some horrible diseases. All this I’ve told you because so many things we know about, we should reach it. We have—but we have very subtle knowledge about Vishuddhi Chakra. We should also have little gross, that what can happen to our Vishuddhi Chakra if we try not to look after it. So, this is what is Shri Krishna’s work. Also teeth He looks after. Ears He looks after. You know what is to be done about the teeth and the ears. These are His own sixteen, we can say, works. We can call them as karyas, sixteen on which He works on different, different levels. And you must try to develop our powers of our Vishuddhi Chakra by so many ways and so many exercises, by understanding what goes wrong with us when we do not understand and value our Vishuddhi Chakra. Now America is the Vishuddhi of the whole world, so it is very important that the people who are in charge here should know all the powers of Vishuddhi, plus how to preserve it and how to expand it to the whole world. With these, two hands also are from Vishuddhi Chakra and, with that, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. You have to go to different worlds, different countries, to- even to small villages you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. Only in the hands first, you see the cool breeze. That means it is you feel the universal power of the Divine in your life. So this is the collective, universal love that comes to your hand and teaches you. So it’s such an important Chakra is this. In the same way, America’s very important and, as citizens of America, you should try to maintain the religion, the Dharma here and to create a great understanding for world problems and try to give love to all the people, from whatever country they will be coming. May God bless you all!
Shri Krishna puja. Nirmal Nagari, Canajoharie, New York (USA), 29 July 2001. Today we have gathered here to worship Shri Krishna, the One who was Virata, who fought all kinds of evil without entering into the arena. Shri Krishna’s life, in itself, is a very beautiful, creative and loving thing, but to understand Him, it is not easy. For example, in Kurukshetra, where the war was going on and Arjuna became depressed and he said that: “Why should we fight, fight our own kith and kin, fight our own close relations, friends and our gurus? Is it religion? Is it Dharma?” Before that, in Gita, Shri Krishna has described a personality which is a sage. We can call him a Saint. Or He called it a Sthita Pragna. So, when asked what is the definition of the sthita Pragna, the description He gave was about a person who is absolutely at peace with himself and at peace with his atmosphere. It's very surprising. All this knowledge He gave in first place in the Gita. That is—that is the best, that He called as the Gnyana Marga. That is Sahaja Yoga, by which you get the subtle Knowledge. But at the same time, when you see Him advising Arjuna, it is very surprising that here He’s talking only of spirituality, of complete detachment and there He’s telling Arjuna that: “You go and fight. They are already dead people. Whom are you fighting?” This conflict is difficult to understand, that how could Shri Krishna, the same person who is preaching that: “You have to all become Sthita Pragna”, suddenly starts telling Arjuna that: “You go and fight the force!”? One side it is complete detachment and another side is the war. How will you explain this? It’s Shri Krishna’s own words, one can say, that once you are a Realized Soul and you have reached that highest position in your awareness, to you everything is futile. But just now, what you have to do is to save the Dharma—not the Dharma that people talk about—but the Dharma means evolutionary process of human beings, which is going on. And, if all the good people, those who stand for righteousness, are finished, then how will this evolutionary power be saved? So you have to save them and for that, if you have to kill, you don’t kill anybody, they’re already dead, because they’re not evolved souls and they don’t care for their Realization. So you have to fight them. You have to fight the negative forces. You have to fight the wrongdoers. All this He explains in a very beautiful manner, that we have within us three kinds of powers, which we also know, and by the middle one that we have, we rise above all these material, physical, mental, emotional—all these problems facing us into a new realm of spirituality. And that’s what He wanted to save from the cruel people, from the aggressive, who were also misleading others. It’s a very good understanding, if you have, that: “Who is your relation? Who is your brother? Who is your sister?” Those who are evolved souls are your relations. They are your own and, for them, if you have to fight the people who are aggressive, you better do it. You have to do it. That is the way of Dharma. So we have three paths, as you know, in Sahaja Yoga. The one is of Bhakti. Bhakti is where you sing the praise of God, have devotion, do all kinds of rituals, everything and you think that you are very close to God. This is one which is being accepted by many, many people and by many so-called religions, that: “We must have complete dedication for God.” How did- you are not yet connected to God. How, what are you doing? How can you have any dedication to God, with whom you are not at all connected? The second one was the Karma, that you do your work. You go on doing your work with a detached mind. I mean it’s not possible, but that’s what they say and we are doing our Karmas, good Karmas, we do all kinds of good things, go to various places for our cleansing, meet many great people of spirituality, go to all various places and pray, visit all auspicious places which are being described. All kinds of rituals, we do for that. That is the Karma Yoga. And that is what the Karma Yoga, according to us, is the right side. Many people, as you know, are right-sided. Right-sided people are the people who are, as you know, full of ego, arrogance and think no end of themselves—very difficult to correct them. They also never see anything wrong with them. Whichever way they act, they think is all right. That is the Karma Yoga. But He has said that, "Whatever Karmas you do, whatever its fruits are, that you cannot say". He said it in a very uncertain manner, because, definitely if He had said it with certainty, people would never have understood Him. So He said: “It is not possible that whatever Karmas you are doing could be the Karmas which will get you the blessings of the Divine.” “Karmineya paleshu ma kadajanye”, He has said it. So then, which Karmas we should do? Or should we give up all the Karmas? All the action, we should give up? People were in two minds. This is the style of Shri Krishna, is to put people in two minds, so they use their discretion. And third one is the discretion, which He calls as the Gnyan marga, is the central path, by which you evolve. You evolve into a new state, into a new state of your mind, a new state of your being, by which you become absolutely above every nonsense. Also you are endowed with power to fight whatever is bad, whatever is corrupting, whatever is killing this one. At that stage, you are equipped with a Divine Power that you can finish off anything that is negative around you. This is to be understood that that’s a state. That’s not just talking. That’s not just believing that: “I am that”, but it’s a state. If you come up to that state where you are beyond all these things and you have all the knowledge, pure knowledge, the subtle knowledge of being, this is the Gnyan marga. Many people say that everybody cannot go to Gnyan marga and, for that, you have to have a special type of personality, but this is very misleading. Everyone can go into Gnyan marga. It is very, very innately built within us, this evolutionary attainment. It is within us and all of us can have that. Only thing is we have no confidence perhaps, that we go on avoiding it and go to cheaper things, like becoming devoted to something, doing some sort of a ritual, going to some sort of a holy place, all kinds of nonsense, which doesn’t give you the evolutionary ascent, by which you know the Knowledge, the pure Knowledge, the real Knowledge. So far, whatever you have known was written in the book, whatever your parents told you or whatever you have explored outside. But the knowledge which is the purest, which is the real Knowledge, which is the Gnyana, that you can only get through your ascent and establishing yourself properly in that state. If you go on denying it, you cannot get it. But everyone has right to get it. You need not be educated, you need not be a very simple person, you need not be very rich or poor, makes no difference, as long as you are a human being and a humble human being, thinking that you have to achieve that state. You all can get that state, which you know very well. And at that state you become absolutely knowledgeable, knowledgeable about yourself, knowledgeable about others, knowledgeable about everything that goes around. But this state must be maintained, and try to go above that state where you have no more doubts left in you. This is what Shri Krishna taught and this is what one has to achieve, but He, being a diplomat, He tried to tell you other stories: “Try this, try that, this, that.” But actually, what He has praised is Gnyan marga. Ours is a Gnyan marga. That is the Knowledge, the path of Knowledge in which you have to know all the Knowledge. Unless and until you have the whole Knowledge, you are not yet a Gnyani, a person who knows. In this way, He has established that our evolutionary process has to come beyond all other human awareness. Other human awareness is of no value for a spiritual personality. Now he knows something, say how many miles it is from here, say, to New York or what trains go there. All this knowledge is not real - how much this cloth will cost, how much this carpet will cost, in what shop you can get. All this knowledge is just useless, is not the real Knowledge. Such a person doesn’t know this kind of knowledge, but what he knows is the Knowledge about your being, Knowledge about the whole universe, which is not how many stars there are or how many universes there are. No - it is the subtle inner personality of everything, he knows. In that subtlety, he discovers so many new things which he may not even heard about and, thus, you reach a state of great knowledgeable personality. This is what we have to achieve. We are born as human beings and we know so many things already. People know so many things, but they don’t know the actual. This Knowledge doesn’t come through your reading or through your intellectual pursuit or for your emotional movement—No! It is 'shashvat' [eternal]: it is all the time there, it exists, it will exist. And it is just to be understood, just to be known to yourself what it is. It cannot change. It cannot be remoulded. It is what it is. And that is what you know now. Nobody would doubt that, because those who haven’t got this state, they may doubt, they may call you crazy, they may think anything, but with the open eyes, whatever you say is the Truth. In the same way, with the open heart and a open brain, when you know that, that is the real Truth and that is what is to be known. For that, according to Shri Krishna, you have to go through various tests. One is, “You go on praying to Him.” He says, “You go on praying to Me and if you give Me flowers, I’ll take. If you give Me water, I’ll take. Whatever you’ll give Me, I’ll take.” He says clearly, but what will you gain out of that is very important. He doesn’t say: “If you give Me something, I’ll give you something.” He doesn’t say that. So what should be the state? What should be the condition? He said: “If you praise Me, if you have Bhakti for Me, you are giving Me presents, you are doing all sorts of things, you are very dedicated, but you should do Ananya Bhakti.” Word is ‘Ananya’. Ananya means when there is not the other, when we are one, when we are connected, then the Bhakti you do that time, whatever music you have of devotion, whatever flowers you give, whatever expression you have, it should be Ananya. That’s the word He said, that: “Do Ananya Bhakti! Pushpam palam toyam. Whatever you give Me, I’ll take.” He’ll take everything. He’s the one who is the only Bhokta, means He is the only enjoyer. But what will you get, He says, “when you do Ananya Bhakti”? Means “when you are one with Me.” That means you are connected with Him. That’s how He has explained Bhakti, what is Bhakti is very clearly. But people don’t understand. They think that Bhakti means you go on singing on the street: “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”, this and that, is Bhakti. Is not. If that was real, they would have achieved something, but they did not. Now, don’t blame Krishna for that! He has clearly said it should be Ananya Bhakti. Only by changing your dress, wearing a particular type of style, that’s not it. That’s all so outward. It’s just to show off. But actually Ananya Bhakti is within yourself, when you are in that state, when you are one with the Divine. Unless and until that state you have achieved, not only that, but have established, it doesn’t give you anything. Many people have told Me, "We are doing so much of Bhakti Yoga, Mother. We don’t get anything". "Really, what sort of Bhakti Yoga we do?" Read Shri Krishna’s Gita. Every morning, get up at four o’clock, take bath, read Krishna’s Gita, do this, do that. Then we sing bhajans, this. We never get anything. So what is the reason?” Reason is that you are not one with God. And when you are one with God, then what does He give you? He won’t give you cheap things, which will vanish in no time, but of some eternal nature. So, He gives you peace, peace of the heart. He gives you balance. Also He gives you a tranquil temperament, joy of life. All these things are there within us if we have the Bhakti, which is after being united, after the Yoga, with the Yogeshwara. This is what one has to understand. Now, there are many Karma Yogis who go on working mad, absolute madly. They think, "We are doing, after all, nishkamaseva, without any desire we are serving people, we are serving the nation, we are serving this". Ultimately, what do you get? What you get may be money. Might be you might get a good house, maybe all these things, but you don’t get peace of heart. You don’t get peace of mind. You don’t get that joy, that joy which has no boundaries, which cannot be explained, which cannot be described, that boundless joy, you don’t have. And you don’t get that eternal peace, which can stop wars. Completely, it can abolish this cruel nature of human beings. That you don’t get. But apart from that, you get the powers. You get the Knowledge—Knowledge, the subtle Knowledge about everyone. You know about everyone, where are they missing the point. You know about yourself and about others. This Knowledge you get, not in the college or in the schools, but within yourself is the Ocean of Knowledge and, whichever way you want to see, whichever you want to achieve, is there, there present. That is what is the real Knowledge, what we call that you achieve through the Sukshma Gnyana—means the subtle Knowledge, Knowledge about Chakras, Knowledge about the Universe. Everything you can get out of this. But then you get more interested in giving Knowledge to others. You don’t want to know so many things then. What is the need to know about banking, say, about who is the richest man in the whole world? All these things you don’t want to know. Your whole attitude changes and what you get is nothing but a kind of a tranquil mind, which knows everything that is to be known. That is what one has to achieve. Now this country of yours, America, is very ‘Karmakandi’. It goes on doing work, work, work. They’re workaholics. They work so hard and what do you get? You get children who are drug addicts. You get wives who are running here and there. You get broken families and no peace. You support wars. Only thing is that, so far, this country is being protected in a way, but also you have destroyed so many aboriginals, so many fundamental things that you should have preserved. A day may come when they will realize that: “This is what they have been doing and this was very wrong.” A day will come when we’ll have so many Realized Souls in America. But just now the situation is the people are just gone mad with the idea of making money and they discover that now no more, finished. So now what to do? What to do? Come to Sahaj Yog! Do Sahaja Yoga, then you will get the treasures of your being, which are within you, which will give you all the comfort, all the joy and all the supremacy that any amount of money, any amount of power can’t give. This is what we have to do, is to take to Sahaja Yoga and make others also Sahaja Yogis, so that they also get that peace, joy and satisfaction. And this madness of running from one thing to another will be finished, because you can never be satisfied with that. Want to buy today one thing, then tomorrow want another thing, then want to doing another thing. You are never satisfied. You don’t get any joy out of what you have desired. So your pure desire, it should be to be one with the Divine. That is how it will work out. Shri Krishna’s specialty was that He always supported people who were Realized Souls, who were on the right path, who were doing righteous things. He would never support anybody who may be well off, who may be great thing. Like a great king was Duryodhana. He invited Shri Krishna to his house, to his big palace to be his guest. Shri Krishna said: “I am sorry.” He went to Vidhura, who was the son of a maid, Dasiputra, because Vidhura was a Realized Soul. Because he was a Realized Soul, to Him he was much higher, much greater than Duryodhana who was a ruler, because he was a crook, because he was a bad man. So, the discrimination between good and bad becomes one in your mind, becomes one of your inner temperament, then you are always very much satisfied, because you know you have not been doing something which is wrong. The discrimination is the gift of Shri Krishna. Apart from anything else, He gives us the gift of discrimination. That is His style, I should say, to teach you how to discriminate and then you become experts on ‘discrimination on vibrations’. On vibrations, you can judge everything so clearly, so beautifully. Others may not agree with you—that’s a different point—but you know what is right and what is wrong. And that is what Shri Krishna’s gift is. As it is, you know He is controlling sixteen sub-Chakras within us. He controls everything. He controls your throat, nose, eyes, ears. All these things He controls, but ultimately, what does He say? He says He is the Virat. Virat means the One who is the great, great lord, what we call “Akbar” and that’s why, in the Muslim thing, they accept that: “Allah Hou Akbar”. I mean, because it is in a poetry, it’s partly clear, partly not clear, but He was a Virata and He showed His form to Arjuna and Arjuna was amazed to see His form, that He’s the Virata. He’s the One who is great, absorbing everything and He’s the One who is taking out everything. He’s Yama. He is the One who is the God of death. He has so many. You know His names are there written down. All these powers are within, which He uses, wherever it is needed. So, the Sahaja Yogis first have the power of satisfaction. It’s tremendous practice, satisfaction. Imagine in this place, you are all enjoying so much, you are living here so happy. Shows what? You are so satisfied. Otherwise nobody would like. They would say: “No, we want to have some nice place. What is this? We don’t want to live here with everyone.” But to live with others, this collectivity also is the blessing of Shri Krishna. He teaches you to be collective, the fun of collectivity, the enjoyment of collectivity. A person who is secluded, who keeps himself off, like a drunkard, is not the one who worships Shri Krishna. The one who is one with Shri Krishna enjoys everybody who are there, specially if they are all Realized Souls, that person enjoys their company very much. That is something so easily understood in your lives, if you see how you live happily, morally, absolutely perfect. In no way, you do anything immoral, steal anything or have bad feelings for other people. It’s something surprising that has happened to you, that you are all living so happily in one place together with Satya. His collectivity is to be understood, because I always say that Shri Krishna is the deity of America. America is also very collective. Like, it will be interested in every country. It will be bothered about everyone, but in a wrong way tries to help. Always it is never in the right way. Now, supposing there is a country where they are producing lots of drugs. Why not invade that country, instead of invading other countries? It’s like that. Discrimination is missing. Unless and until you have that, you cannot use your power of collectivity properly. Though they are collective, but what collective work have they done? Even now, they want to say they are separate, they are different: “Whatever problems we are facing are our own.” So this collectivity has been so much minimized in a country of Shri Krishna itself. Though they have that within themselves, a feeling that they should talk about every country, they should give lead to every country, they should consult every country, but always take a wrong decision about those countries. This comes because they are not discriminating. They should be discriminating. So many things can be said about Vishuddhi Chakra, but specially I am more concerned about two Chakras on two sides. One of them is, as you know, is the Lalita Chakra on left side and Shri Chakra on the right side. I’ve always told ladies that, “Please keep these covered!” It looks so simple, but it’s very important. Don’t expose these, because power of these should be preserved—Shri Chakra and Lalita Chakra, they’re very important. They are, I should say, feminine powers and they are the feminine powers of Shri Krishna, which must be understood that, whatever way you respect your body, that is the way your Chakras are and that is the way you suffer. For example, you do not respect Shri Ganesha, you will suffer. And if you respect Ganesha and do not behave in a manner that you should behave, you will suffer, you’ll have problems. So the whole body reacts. Body reacts to outside influences in such a manner that you start seeing there is something wrong somewhere and that’s why you behave like this. Apart from that, eyes are supplied by this Chakra also. So, when you look at something, it should be very pure glance. The purer it is, the better you will enjoy. But if the glance is not pure, is shifty, going from here to there, there to there, then you are actually going against your Dharma, against your evolutionary process. And one day will come when you might become blind. You might develop cataracts, you might develop all kinds of diseases of the eyes, which are ‘very’ important to pay attention to. Then this connection also goes to the tongue. The tongue is looked after. But those people have a very bad habit of suddenly saying horrible things, of suddenly saying very bad words, or sometimes getting after somebody with the very bad remarks. All such things are very bad for the tongue and this is what Shri Krishna doesn’t like. In case you use your tongue for saying harsh things to others, being sarcastic, being harsh on others, using abusive word, your tongue, one day, I don’t know how it will react. It will react in different ways. God knows, it might become thick. It won’t move. God knows, it might be sucked inside. That’s the physical side of it, but also mental side of it, that you won’t know what you are talking about. If you say something, you’ll say something else. It’s possible with your tongue. It’s quite possible that we may not be able to talk, may not be able to say anything. Anything is possible if you try to trouble your tongue like that, using it for wrong purposes. Tongue is not for being used for abusive things, as well as for… Some people try to be extra kind and gentle and this and that, to achieve some ends. This kind of thing also is very, very much—is dangerous for the tongue and you might develop blisters on your tongue, to such an extent that people who even go on saying harsh things to others and all that can develop a kind of a cancer. Some people think that, if you bear up, everything is good. Is not. If somebody is trying to oppress you, don’t try to bear it. Throw it away, because, if you bear also, you can move to the left and you can get horrible things like cancer. You can get cancer. Those who are aggressive, they can get also diseases and those who are very much, I should say, bearing type also get into trouble. So you should be in a balanced state, should not accept anything. Supposing anybody calls you names, just keep quiet, look at that person—that’s all. Know that he’s a stupid fool. But don’t accept it. If you accept it and go on crying about it and weeping about it, then you can get cancer. But supposing somebody says something, you should know he is a stupid fool, just keep out of it, then nothing can happen. So, both ways, one has to be careful, because Krishna is playing around and He sees how far you can go. Now throat—throat is very important. We should look after it. Those people who shout, scream, ultimately can lose their power of speech, can become frantic with their problems of the throat. Specially throat can develop horrible disease by which you just—neck can just get swollen up. We call it snake disease and you feel So when you talk to someone, talk clearly, in a sweet manner, but don’t shout at the person, never! Neither you try to show peevishness in your speech. If you are peevish, then cancer can set in. So, both ways, you have to be careful. As you are Sahaja Yogis, you have to have this knowledge, that you will not do, bear anything nonsensical if somebody speaks—means, you should not accept it. One may say something to you. It’s all right. And sometimes you should tell him off that: “You were saying like this, it’s not so.” It’s best, is not to bear it up and to suffer. You’re not Christ. You don’t have His powers. Because if you do that, you’ll develop cancer. So try to be, in a way, just in the centre, watching everything, if there’s aggression or if there’s recession—one of the two things—you must not give in to any of these attitudes, but develop an attitude of standing very firmly on your own grounds. For example, there was a Chinese story I read that there once was a king, wanted his two cocks to win in a race, so they said: “You send them to a sage and train them up.” So he has sent them to a sage. They were trained very well. And when they were brought, they stood in the arena and many cocks were there, who started attacking them, but these two were standing like this, least bothered. They tried and tried, but these two were standing like this. As a result, all of them ran away. So that’s what is the character you should have. Is not to bend to something, because somebody is aggressive and also not to aggress others, not to torture other, not to sit on somebody’s head. It’s very, very dangerous for your throat and such a throat will always, will always be in danger of getting some horrible diseases. All this I’ve told you because so many things we know about, we should reach it. We have—but we have very subtle knowledge about Vishuddhi Chakra. We should also have little gross, that what can happen to our Vishuddhi Chakra if we try not to look after it. So, this is what is Shri Krishna’s work. Also teeth He looks after. Ears He looks after. You know what is to be done about the teeth and the ears. These are His own sixteen, we can say, works. We can call them as karyas, sixteen on which He works on different, different levels. And you must try to develop our powers of our Vishuddhi Chakra by so many ways and so many exercises, by understanding what goes wrong with us when we do not understand and value our Vishuddhi Chakra. Now America is the Vishuddhi of the whole world, so it is very important that the people who are in charge here should know all the powers of Vishuddhi, plus how to preserve it and how to expand it to the whole world. With these, two hands also are from Vishuddhi Chakra and, with that, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. You have to go to different worlds, different countries, to- even to small villages you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. Only in the hands first, you see the cool breeze. That means it is you feel the universal power of the Divine in your life. So this is the collective, universal love that comes to your hand and teaches you. So it’s such an important Chakra is this. In the same way, America’s very important and, as citizens of America, you should try to maintain the religion, the Dharma here and to create a great understanding for world problems and try to give love to all the people, from whatever country they will be coming. May God bless you all!
How you can reach to the state of self-realisation?
Public Program
Interview / Public Program at the "Caffè della Versiliana". Versilia (Italy), 31 August 2001. Romano Battaglia: Bene, cominciamo allora, la Grande Madre comincerà a parlare e spiegare come si può giungere alla realizzazione del Sé. Prego. [Well, let's start then, the Great Mother will start talking and explaining how to get Self Realization. Please.] Shri Mataji [to Romano Battaglia]: It’s very kind of you to have invited Me to this meeting. He has asked Me to explain to you how you can reach to the state of self-realisation. It’s a very important thing to understand, because so far we have been living only with human awareness. Human awareness is not sufficient enough for us to lead a very happy life, especially collectively. But we have to know that our Creator is a very great, very understanding personality, is a Divine personality. And He has placed within us all the arrangements to get our self-realisation. Self-realisation is the connection with the all-pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed, in the triangular bone called as sacrum, a power. All human beings have this power in the sacrum bone. Sacrum means sacred, and Greeks also knew that it was a sacred bone, so they called it sacrum. So it’s already there, and it has that power which is in three and a half coils. All of you have got it. Now only problem is how to raise this power to connect you to that Divine Power.Now there are little problems with all of us, and we have six centres which are to be crossed. And these centres are responsible for our physical, for our emotional, for our intellectual, for our spiritual being. So this power has to cross through them, that’s the problem. So this power is to be awakened, which is very, very simple. Because it wants to be awakened. Now, it awakens by itself, but you need some support. You have to get to somebody who is already a realised soul, who can awaken your power. That’s all. Then, when it rises, it pierces through those six centres, and pierces through the fontanel bone area. And you feel a cool breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. And once you get that experience, then also you feel on your hands, on your fingertips this is happening, is the cool breeze on your fingertips.All these five fingers also represent – also here [base of palm] and here [centre of palm]– seven centres.And once you get this experience, you can also feel on your fingertips the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not any kind of a ritual, it’s a evolutionary reality. And it works wonders. It can cure your health, it can give you the mental peace, it can give you complete tranquillity. And also you can feel your own problems. And also you can get over them. Also you can solve the problems of others. You give up all bad, I should say, all bad habits, bad things that spoils your health. Like, say, drug addiction, just drops out. You become a very independent personality. Full of joy. And you are amazed you know yourself. You know yourself, that you are a higher human being.[To Romano] What is the next question? [Romano Battaglia asks Shri Mataji to give Realisation to the people who are present.]Shri Mataji: Give the experience![Shri Mataji laughs]So fast as that! Alright.Romano Battaglia: Ho chiesto alla Madre se può fare un’esperienza qui, di fronte a voi. [I asked to the Great Mother if She can make an experience here, in front of you.] Shri Mataji: Before that I would request you not to smoke, because you have to pay attention to it, that is better. You have to just put your both the hands towards Me like this, that’s what. And you have to little bit remove your shoes, will be better. Because this Mother Earth sucks in your problems. Alright. Now please put both the hands towards Me like this. You can close your eyes. Please close your eyes.Now with your left hand try to feel if there’s a cool or a hot breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. If it is hot, then you have not forgiven. You have to forgive everyone. Little higher, little higher. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. If you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So say that “I forgive everyone”. Don’t think of them, just say. Now. Please put your left hand towards Me like this, and the right hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Now again put right hand towards Me, once more, and put the left hand on top of your fontanel bone area. It’s nice, they have got it.All those who have felt… It’s nice...Should forgive! Please forgive everyone. Now, please put both your hands towards Me. Now. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their both the hands, or one hand, raise your hands![Laughter]All of them!May God bless you. Shri Mataji: [About a lady in the front row:] This lady didn’t do anything. So how can she feel? This one with the pink dress. She’s the only one who didn’t feel.Alright. Who else has not felt? Alright. We’ll see you. Very few. She was smoking, that’s why. Were you smoking before, Madam?It got caught up here [Shri Mataji: touches Her throat]. Is alright, we’ll work it out, we’ll work it out.Sahaja Yogi: talking to Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Then four or five. Guido: Which good can do this for humanity?Shri Mataji: Hum ?Guido: Self Realization, which good can bring to humanity?Shri Mataji: Who?Guido: Good.Shri Mataji: Good? Alright, what good.Now. Goodness about it.First of all, as there are so many things, but I’ll tell you few. Tell them, it’s so many things.[Guido translates]Shri Mataji: First of all it makes you peaceful. Then it gives you knowledge about yourself. It shows what’s wrong with you. You have to just know how to correct. And it will work out. Then you give up all bad habits in no time. If you have diseases, they can be cured. Then the relationships between your family, in collective, completely changes. And you become a very sweet and a beautiful person. There are so many problems we have in this world. These problems get solved because we all become global. No more quarrelling, no more fighting, nothing. It keeps you young, happy, and collective. You become such a, what should I say, non aggressive person, that all these world problems of fight, war, all finishes off. We have to change this world. By changing human beings, transforming them only, we can change it. Now you have to grow into it also, that’s very important. Then you become a master yourself. We have so many masters in Italy. Anything else you want Me to tell you about? Lady: You have been talking about the Holy Spirit, which is for me – I’m catholic – it’s a problem, because I’ve taken many, many years to understand.Sri Mataji: What did she say?Lady [with a mike]: What do you think about the Holy Spirit?Shri Mataji: Holy Spirit is everywhere. It’s everywhere. It’s a power of God’s desire. It is everywhere. Man from the public: Perché è stato scelto l’osso sacro come punto di partenza di attivazione della Kundalini, diciamo dell’energia vitale? [Why has been chosen the sacred bone as the starting point of activation of the Kundalini, let’s say of the vital energy?]Guido: he says, I fully agree with your principles .. Why it is placed in the sacrum?Shri Mataji: Sacrum bone is a very well-guarded bone, very well-guarded. And also that the desire, one has to be according to the Divine. It’s a very sweet question.Same man: In effetti c’è una corrispondenza fra le linee di energia ed il sistema sottile di cui parla la Venerabile Grande Madre, e i due meridiani centrali della dottrina taoista cinese. Ed in effetti è l’attivazione di questi meridiani che porta a questo principio di benessere. [Actually there is a correspondence between the energetic lines and the subtle system the Venerable Great Mother talks about, and the two central meridians of the Chinese Taoist doctrine. And actually it is the activation of this two meridians that brings to this beginning of wellbeing.]Guido: There is a very closed connection between the different chakras and the two meridians which are spoken in the Tao.Shri Mataji: It’s true. You see, we have sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic when they meet each other, they form the parasympathetic. And the parasympathetic, on that one, is made all the chakras, the centres. So it passes through these centres, connecting completely all these six centres with the Divine Power. It’s a subtle thing.Shri Mataji to someone: Just a minute. What is she saying? She should have- [Romano Battaglia takes the mike out of the hands of Shri Mataji] Other man: Com’è possibile in questo nostro tempo, cosiddetta “New Age”, distinguere i veri dai falsi profeti, i maestri spirituali dai ciarlatani? Quest’epoca piena di mercanzia dell’occulto, di falsi esoteristi, di falsi guru – come possiamo scegliere, e capire se una persona è un vero maestro spirituale o un ciarlatano, un truffatore? Grazie. [How is it possible in this time, so called “New Age”, to distinguish true prophets from false ones, spiritual masters from deceivers? This epoch is full of occult merchandise, of false esoteric and false gurus – how can we choose, and understand if a person is a real spiritual master or a deceiver? Thanks.]Guido: How can we make out, today, who is a false prophet and a real prophet?Shri Mataji: Who’s a ?Guido: How can we make out who is a false guru and a real guru?Shri Mataji: Now it’s very easy, that if it is a false guru, then you can feel on your fingertips the heat, sometimes you have blisters from that person.And if he is a real guru, if he’s a good fellow, you can feel the cool breeze in your hands.Like Romano. [Shri Mataji laughs]. Romano Battaglia: Grazie. Io ho un amico apicoltore che mi racconta che, quando porta le persone a visitare gli alveari, alcune persone li visitano e non accade nulla; altre persone, con vibrazioni negative, vengono assalite dalle api. Pensate, questi piccoli esseri che capiscono già molto. [Thanks. I have a friend, a beekeeper, who tells me that, when he brings people to see his bee hives, some people go and nothing happen; while other people, with negative vibrations, are attacked by bees. Think of it, these tiny beings understand so much!]Guido: He’s talking about bees. He is saying that, when he brings some friend or some people, they are attacking, somebody else, they don’t.Shri Mataji: It’s true. Even the snakes, they know, everybody knows. But you have to grow, we have to grow into it, you have to become like those trees are.What’s she saying? Another lady: Mi ha colpito molto che Lei abbia chiesto di non fumare. Questo mi ha aperto completamente verso di Lei. Io ho fatto tutta l’esperienza ma non ho sentito né caldo né freddo. Poi ho visto che quasi tutti hanno chiesto perdono per aver fumato, per aver fatto tanto male, perché ci sono altre persone che soffrono per il fumo altrui. Poi ho visto le persone alzare le mani, e dovevano essere trasformate; ma poi hanno ripreso a fumare davanti a me. Voglio capire perché questa cosa così semplice e così importante non passa per la vita di tutti i giorni. Chi fuma non può assolutamente realizzare se stesso, non può entrare dentro di sé, capire la vita degli altri, perché si pensa solo alla propria vita. Mi sono commossa quando, venendo qui, qualcuno mi ha visto in difficoltà e mi ha ceduto il posto; ma non ho sentito la brezza. Quindi ci sono persone più buone e più aperte di me, ma si sono rimesse a fumare; io devo allontanarmi perché soffoco. Grazie tante.[I have been impressed a lot because You asked not to smoke. This opened me completely towards You. I have follwed all the experience but I have felt neither warm nor cool. Then I have noticed that almost eveyone has asked forgivenesss for having smoked, for having done so much bad, because there are many people who suffer for others’ smoking. Then I have seen the people rising their hands, and they had to be transformed; but then they smoked again in front of me. I want to understand why this thing so simple and so important, doesn’t pass for the daily life. Who smokes cannot absolutely realize himself, cannot go inside himself, undestand other people’s life, because he thinks only to his own life.I have been moved when, arrived here, someone saw me in difficulty and left me his place; but I have not felt the breeze. So there are people better and nore open than me, but they started smoking again; I must keep far because I suffocate. Thanks very much.]Shri Mataji: Hello. I didn’t say that you don’t smoke. I said you give up smoking. Once it happens, you give up. And then I said that you have to grow. If you grow in it, then you don’t smoke. Romano Battaglia: Lei è andata a parlare a medici e scienziati russi, a scienziati e medici americani, un po’ in tutto il mondo, in Inghilterra… Che cosa pensano gli scienziati del Suo metodo?[You have gone to talk to Russian doctors and scientists , to American scientists and doctors, a little bit all over the world, in England… What scientists think of Your method?] Shri Mataji: Oh, their opinion is very good. And I told them, that we must understand the subtle side of our being. And they were very happy and they wanted to start Sahaja Yoga in NHS, what you call, in the National Health Service. And you’ll be amazed that Americans have sense of talent. And so many of them have given Me awards, and so many mayors came to My programmes. And they have really shown great respect for Me.All false gurus have been there, but Americans never paid attention that way to them, except for stupid people who went. They even put My work on the record of the Congress. And also the - I don’t know-Guido: “Berkeley University”Shri Mataji: All universities, most of universities. So many universities have given Me a special award. I think they have a special sense for talent. If there is a good tennis player, they’ll have him. If they’ll have a musician, they’ll have him. Even Mr. Bush wants to meet Me. I’ve written a book, called ‘Meta Modern Era’, which he has read, and he writes to Me he wants to have something from Me also.Surprisingly, their democracy is only two hundred year old, but they are very, I should say, deep in understanding. And education is of a very high criteria. And thus they’re, I think, they are open to understand everything that is good. I think their problems are not so difficult, because they are not at all fanatic. Very well educated, and know a lot about everything. Shri Mataji: There’s one girl, there’s some sahaja yogini, she’s all the time asking something. Another man: Vorrei chiedere un cenno sulla tecnica per far salire questa Kundalini. Capisco che è la meditazione; ma poiché vi sono meditazioni con visualizzazioni, meditazioni con i mantra, vorrei sapere come si realizza questa ascesa. Grazie. [I’d like to ask a hint about the technique to rise this Kundalini. I understand what is meditation; but since there are meditations with visualizations, meditations with mantras, I would like to know how this ascent is accomplished. Thanks.]Guido : He would like to know more about the techniques, to know how to awaken this energy.Shri Mataji: We have pamphlets and books, but sorry Sir, just now there isn’t so much time to explain. But we have a centre here. [A young lady in Punjabi comes in front of Shri Mataji to give Her a paper.]Shri Mataji: What’s the matter? What has happened?[Romano is giving her his seat on the right hand side of Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji looks at the paper]Guido; Just out of emotions.Shri Mataji [laughting]: Is she Italian?Young lady: Yes, I am from Passo Corese.Guido: Near Rome.Shri Mataji [laughting]: Alright.[Gives her Her hand and kisses her].[Applause] Romano Battaglia: Accade molte volte che le persone piangano venendo a salutare la Grande Madre. È l’emozione di cui parlavo prima, quando, a Milano, Lei mi mise la mano sulla fronte. Ed io, che non piango mai, cominciai a piangere per un’ora. C’è qualcosa che veramente si risveglia, qualcosa che è più forte delle cose semplici della vita. Una curiosità: quale potere ha la Grande Madre sul tempo? Perché sono già tre volte che, quando viene, le previsioni sono di grandi piogge, poi non piove.[It happens very often that people cries when they come and welcome the Great Mother. It’s the emotion I was telling before, when, in Milan, She put Her hand on my forehead. And I, that I never cry, started crying for one hour. There is something that really gets awakened, something that is stronger than simple things of life. A curiosity: which power has the Great Mother on the weather? Why is already three times that, when She comes, the forcasts are of heavy rain, but it does not rain?]Shri Mataji: This is the power of love and compassion, nothing else, that touches your heart.[Applause]Shri Mataji: Alright?Romano Battaglia: Quindi è evidente che, quando piove molto, di compassione ce n’è poca in giro, eh!Guido: .. There is so much love.[Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs]. Una domanda di grande serietà. Che poteri ha la Grande Madre di fronte ad un malato grave? [So it is evident that, when it rains a lot, there is little of compassion around, eh! A serious question: which powers has the Great Mother in presence of a seriously ill person? ]Guido: He is asking about your powers, your curative powers, that you can cure people.Shri Mataji: With love, you see, anything can be done.It has to be pure love and then it just works.Come along![A child of 5 years old goes onto the stage to kiss Shri Mataji.]Romano Battaglia: Adesso non venite tutti a baciare Madre, se no diventa un problema di grande importanza [Now, do not all come to kiss Mother, otherwise it becomes a big problem!][Laughter]Guido: Don’t all come for a kiss…[Shri Mataji laughs]. Shri Mataji: About you, Romano.First time, when I went to Romano, in his office, he told Me: “First you give me my Self-realisation”. I said: “Alright. Bring some water”. And I put My hand in the water. And I said: “You drink it now”.He said: “Mother, this tastes like wine!”.I said: “This is what Christ did. It is not wine, it is like the grape juice. You cannot make alcohol spontaneously like that. Alcohol has to rot, rot, rot. And the more it rots, the better and more expensive.So it happens just spontaneously. Even when He had gone for the wedding, it was just spontaneous. It was not alcohol, it was just grape juice. But still, you see, I don’t know why everybody believes that He made alcohol. How can He make alcohol, when alcohol goes against your awareness? This is a very wrong understanding about Christ. Man: Chi è per Lei Cristo? Un profeta? Il figlio di Dio? Un uomo giusto? [Who is for You Christ? A prophet? God’s Son? A righeous man?]Guido: Who is Jesus-Christ according to You ?Shri Mataji: He’s God, He’s the son of God. No doubt. Lady: We would like your opinion about Reiki, and if you please could explain us under which aspects they’re similar, or under which aspects Reiki and Sahaja Yoga are different.Guido: She’s asking about this Reiki.Shri Mataji: It’s no good. It doesn’t work out. The man who spoke about Chinese Tao meridians: Relativamente all’energia che si sprigiona dalle mani, l’esperimento che ha fatto Lei a me è riuscito benissimo, ho percepito esattamente quello che Lei aveva detto che avremmo percepito. Io ho già esperienze da tantissimi anni di questo tipo, non nella dottrina che Lei professa, ma in dottrine similari. La domanda è: Lei ha parlato della manifestazione esterna dell’energia come una sorta di alito di vento fresco. Mentre noi conosciamo altre attività energetiche che si sprigionano dalle mani di persone buone, non perverse – quindi noi pensiamo che siano energie positive, non negative – però si tratta di calore. È questo il punto allora.[Referring to the energy that come out of the hands, the experiment that You have done has come very well to me, I felt exactly what You said we should have felt. I have already had experiences of the kind since years, not in the same doctrine that You profess, but in simalar ones. The question is: You have talked about the esterior manifestation of this energy like a kind of cool breeze. While we know other energetic activities that come out of the hands of good people, not evil – so we think that they are positive, not negative – but they are warm. This is the point then.]Guido: We know that there are some good people which are emitting warm vibrations. But we consider as a positive vibration.Shri Mataji: What?Guido: He says some people emit warm vibrations and we consider it as good vibrations.Shri Mataji: Something wrong here, Sir. If they’re emitting hot vibrations, then there’s something wrong with that person. Maybe he’s a liver patient.There are two sides: sympathetic nervous system, the right side is for doing work, for thinking and all that; and if it becomes heated up, then you can get hot. Same man: Quello che è il sistema Yang estremorientale, quindi è iperattivo… Per capire: ci sarebbe quindi una prevalenza di azione Yin, della parte femminile, tenue, del sistema sottile dell’energia? [That is the Yang system, so it is overactive… Just to understand: there should be a prevalence of Yin action, form the feminine side, soft, of the subtle system of energy?]Guido: No, è la prevalenza del centro, quindi un assoluto equilibrio fra destro e sinistro. [No, it is the prevalence of the centre, so an absolute balance between right and left.]Same man: Grazie. [Thanks]Guido: I said that here is a centre.Shri Mataji: You see, in Sahaja Yoga Tao is made very clear, you’ll understand. Tao is not so clear, because one thing they don’t know how to get to that state. Sir, if you have some time, why don’t you come to Cabella? I will explain to you everything.Same man: La ringrazio, sono molto onorato. [I thank you very much, I am honoured.] [Romano Battaglia offers a bunch of yellow flowers.]Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you, thank you.Romano Battaglia: Un ultimo messaggio da dare a questo pubblico. [A last message for this audience.]Guido: One last message.Shri Mataji: Also, I would say, Alzheimer, if somebody has, you’ll get tremendous heat from that person on the right hand. But supposing he has cancer, then you’ll get it on the left hand, hot. You can become an expert. And unless and until you get your Self-realisation, you will not know also what your real value is. That’s why everybody has said: “Know Thyself”.Thank you very much.[Applause] The bhajans group starts singing Jogawa. Shri Mataji meets the public
Interview / Public Program at the "Caffè della Versiliana". Versilia (Italy), 31 August 2001. Romano Battaglia: Bene, cominciamo allora, la Grande Madre comincerà a parlare e spiegare come si può giungere alla realizzazione del Sé. Prego. [Well, let's start then, the Great Mother will start talking and explaining how to get Self Realization. Please.] Shri Mataji [to Romano Battaglia]: It’s very kind of you to have invited Me to this meeting. He has asked Me to explain to you how you can reach to the state of self-realisation. It’s a very important thing to understand, because so far we have been living only with human awareness. Human awareness is not sufficient enough for us to lead a very happy life, especially collectively. But we have to know that our Creator is a very great, very understanding personality, is a Divine personality. And He has placed within us all the arrangements to get our self-realisation. Self-realisation is the connection with the all-pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed, in the triangular bone called as sacrum, a power. All human beings have this power in the sacrum bone. Sacrum means sacred, and Greeks also knew that it was a sacred bone, so they called it sacrum. So it’s already there, and it has that power which is in three and a half coils. All of you have got it. Now only problem is how to raise this power to connect you to that Divine Power.Now there are little problems with all of us, and we have six centres which are to be crossed. And these centres are responsible for our physical, for our emotional, for our intellectual, for our spiritual being. So this power has to cross through them, that’s the problem. So this power is to be awakened, which is very, very simple. Because it wants to be awakened. Now, it awakens by itself, but you need some support. You have to get to somebody who is already a realised soul, who can awaken your power. That’s all. Then, when it rises, it pierces through those six centres, and pierces through the fontanel bone area. And you feel a cool breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. And once you get that experience, then also you feel on your hands, on your fingertips this is happening, is the cool breeze on your fingertips.All these five fingers also represent – also here [base of palm] and here [centre of palm]– seven centres.And once you get this experience, you can also feel on your fingertips the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not any kind of a ritual, it’s a evolutionary reality. And it works wonders. It can cure your health, it can give you the mental peace, it can give you complete tranquillity. And also you can feel your own problems. And also you can get over them. Also you can solve the problems of others. You give up all bad, I should say, all bad habits, bad things that spoils your health. Like, say, drug addiction, just drops out. You become a very independent personality. Full of joy. And you are amazed you know yourself. You know yourself, that you are a higher human being.[To Romano] What is the next question? [Romano Battaglia asks Shri Mataji to give Realisation to the people who are present.]Shri Mataji: Give the experience![Shri Mataji laughs]So fast as that! Alright.Romano Battaglia: Ho chiesto alla Madre se può fare un’esperienza qui, di fronte a voi. [I asked to the Great Mother if She can make an experience here, in front of you.] Shri Mataji: Before that I would request you not to smoke, because you have to pay attention to it, that is better. You have to just put your both the hands towards Me like this, that’s what. And you have to little bit remove your shoes, will be better. Because this Mother Earth sucks in your problems. Alright. Now please put both the hands towards Me like this. You can close your eyes. Please close your eyes.Now with your left hand try to feel if there’s a cool or a hot breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. If it is hot, then you have not forgiven. You have to forgive everyone. Little higher, little higher. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. If you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So say that “I forgive everyone”. Don’t think of them, just say. Now. Please put your left hand towards Me like this, and the right hand on top of your fontanel bone area. Now again put right hand towards Me, once more, and put the left hand on top of your fontanel bone area. It’s nice, they have got it.All those who have felt… It’s nice...Should forgive! Please forgive everyone. Now, please put both your hands towards Me. Now. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their both the hands, or one hand, raise your hands![Laughter]All of them!May God bless you. Shri Mataji: [About a lady in the front row:] This lady didn’t do anything. So how can she feel? This one with the pink dress. She’s the only one who didn’t feel.Alright. Who else has not felt? Alright. We’ll see you. Very few. She was smoking, that’s why. Were you smoking before, Madam?It got caught up here [Shri Mataji: touches Her throat]. Is alright, we’ll work it out, we’ll work it out.Sahaja Yogi: talking to Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Then four or five. Guido: Which good can do this for humanity?Shri Mataji: Hum ?Guido: Self Realization, which good can bring to humanity?Shri Mataji: Who?Guido: Good.Shri Mataji: Good? Alright, what good.Now. Goodness about it.First of all, as there are so many things, but I’ll tell you few. Tell them, it’s so many things.[Guido translates]Shri Mataji: First of all it makes you peaceful. Then it gives you knowledge about yourself. It shows what’s wrong with you. You have to just know how to correct. And it will work out. Then you give up all bad habits in no time. If you have diseases, they can be cured. Then the relationships between your family, in collective, completely changes. And you become a very sweet and a beautiful person. There are so many problems we have in this world. These problems get solved because we all become global. No more quarrelling, no more fighting, nothing. It keeps you young, happy, and collective. You become such a, what should I say, non aggressive person, that all these world problems of fight, war, all finishes off. We have to change this world. By changing human beings, transforming them only, we can change it. Now you have to grow into it also, that’s very important. Then you become a master yourself. We have so many masters in Italy. Anything else you want Me to tell you about? Lady: You have been talking about the Holy Spirit, which is for me – I’m catholic – it’s a problem, because I’ve taken many, many years to understand.Sri Mataji: What did she say?Lady [with a mike]: What do you think about the Holy Spirit?Shri Mataji: Holy Spirit is everywhere. It’s everywhere. It’s a power of God’s desire. It is everywhere. Man from the public: Perché è stato scelto l’osso sacro come punto di partenza di attivazione della Kundalini, diciamo dell’energia vitale? [Why has been chosen the sacred bone as the starting point of activation of the Kundalini, let’s say of the vital energy?]Guido: he says, I fully agree with your principles .. Why it is placed in the sacrum?Shri Mataji: Sacrum bone is a very well-guarded bone, very well-guarded. And also that the desire, one has to be according to the Divine. It’s a very sweet question.Same man: In effetti c’è una corrispondenza fra le linee di energia ed il sistema sottile di cui parla la Venerabile Grande Madre, e i due meridiani centrali della dottrina taoista cinese. Ed in effetti è l’attivazione di questi meridiani che porta a questo principio di benessere. [Actually there is a correspondence between the energetic lines and the subtle system the Venerable Great Mother talks about, and the two central meridians of the Chinese Taoist doctrine. And actually it is the activation of this two meridians that brings to this beginning of wellbeing.]Guido: There is a very closed connection between the different chakras and the two meridians which are spoken in the Tao.Shri Mataji: It’s true. You see, we have sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic when they meet each other, they form the parasympathetic. And the parasympathetic, on that one, is made all the chakras, the centres. So it passes through these centres, connecting completely all these six centres with the Divine Power. It’s a subtle thing.Shri Mataji to someone: Just a minute. What is she saying? She should have- [Romano Battaglia takes the mike out of the hands of Shri Mataji] Other man: Com’è possibile in questo nostro tempo, cosiddetta “New Age”, distinguere i veri dai falsi profeti, i maestri spirituali dai ciarlatani? Quest’epoca piena di mercanzia dell’occulto, di falsi esoteristi, di falsi guru – come possiamo scegliere, e capire se una persona è un vero maestro spirituale o un ciarlatano, un truffatore? Grazie. [How is it possible in this time, so called “New Age”, to distinguish true prophets from false ones, spiritual masters from deceivers? This epoch is full of occult merchandise, of false esoteric and false gurus – how can we choose, and understand if a person is a real spiritual master or a deceiver? Thanks.]Guido: How can we make out, today, who is a false prophet and a real prophet?Shri Mataji: Who’s a ?Guido: How can we make out who is a false guru and a real guru?Shri Mataji: Now it’s very easy, that if it is a false guru, then you can feel on your fingertips the heat, sometimes you have blisters from that person.And if he is a real guru, if he’s a good fellow, you can feel the cool breeze in your hands.Like Romano. [Shri Mataji laughs]. Romano Battaglia: Grazie. Io ho un amico apicoltore che mi racconta che, quando porta le persone a visitare gli alveari, alcune persone li visitano e non accade nulla; altre persone, con vibrazioni negative, vengono assalite dalle api. Pensate, questi piccoli esseri che capiscono già molto. [Thanks. I have a friend, a beekeeper, who tells me that, when he brings people to see his bee hives, some people go and nothing happen; while other people, with negative vibrations, are attacked by bees. Think of it, these tiny beings understand so much!]Guido: He’s talking about bees. He is saying that, when he brings some friend or some people, they are attacking, somebody else, they don’t.Shri Mataji: It’s true. Even the snakes, they know, everybody knows. But you have to grow, we have to grow into it, you have to become like those trees are.What’s she saying? Another lady: Mi ha colpito molto che Lei abbia chiesto di non fumare. Questo mi ha aperto completamente verso di Lei. Io ho fatto tutta l’esperienza ma non ho sentito né caldo né freddo. Poi ho visto che quasi tutti hanno chiesto perdono per aver fumato, per aver fatto tanto male, perché ci sono altre persone che soffrono per il fumo altrui. Poi ho visto le persone alzare le mani, e dovevano essere trasformate; ma poi hanno ripreso a fumare davanti a me. Voglio capire perché questa cosa così semplice e così importante non passa per la vita di tutti i giorni. Chi fuma non può assolutamente realizzare se stesso, non può entrare dentro di sé, capire la vita degli altri, perché si pensa solo alla propria vita. Mi sono commossa quando, venendo qui, qualcuno mi ha visto in difficoltà e mi ha ceduto il posto; ma non ho sentito la brezza. Quindi ci sono persone più buone e più aperte di me, ma si sono rimesse a fumare; io devo allontanarmi perché soffoco. Grazie tante.[I have been impressed a lot because You asked not to smoke. This opened me completely towards You. I have follwed all the experience but I have felt neither warm nor cool. Then I have noticed that almost eveyone has asked forgivenesss for having smoked, for having done so much bad, because there are many people who suffer for others’ smoking. Then I have seen the people rising their hands, and they had to be transformed; but then they smoked again in front of me. I want to understand why this thing so simple and so important, doesn’t pass for the daily life. Who smokes cannot absolutely realize himself, cannot go inside himself, undestand other people’s life, because he thinks only to his own life.I have been moved when, arrived here, someone saw me in difficulty and left me his place; but I have not felt the breeze. So there are people better and nore open than me, but they started smoking again; I must keep far because I suffocate. Thanks very much.]Shri Mataji: Hello. I didn’t say that you don’t smoke. I said you give up smoking. Once it happens, you give up. And then I said that you have to grow. If you grow in it, then you don’t smoke. Romano Battaglia: Lei è andata a parlare a medici e scienziati russi, a scienziati e medici americani, un po’ in tutto il mondo, in Inghilterra… Che cosa pensano gli scienziati del Suo metodo?[You have gone to talk to Russian doctors and scientists , to American scientists and doctors, a little bit all over the world, in England… What scientists think of Your method?] Shri Mataji: Oh, their opinion is very good. And I told them, that we must understand the subtle side of our being. And they were very happy and they wanted to start Sahaja Yoga in NHS, what you call, in the National Health Service. And you’ll be amazed that Americans have sense of talent. And so many of them have given Me awards, and so many mayors came to My programmes. And they have really shown great respect for Me.All false gurus have been there, but Americans never paid attention that way to them, except for stupid people who went. They even put My work on the record of the Congress. And also the - I don’t know-Guido: “Berkeley University”Shri Mataji: All universities, most of universities. So many universities have given Me a special award. I think they have a special sense for talent. If there is a good tennis player, they’ll have him. If they’ll have a musician, they’ll have him. Even Mr. Bush wants to meet Me. I’ve written a book, called ‘Meta Modern Era’, which he has read, and he writes to Me he wants to have something from Me also.Surprisingly, their democracy is only two hundred year old, but they are very, I should say, deep in understanding. And education is of a very high criteria. And thus they’re, I think, they are open to understand everything that is good. I think their problems are not so difficult, because they are not at all fanatic. Very well educated, and know a lot about everything. Shri Mataji: There’s one girl, there’s some sahaja yogini, she’s all the time asking something. Another man: Vorrei chiedere un cenno sulla tecnica per far salire questa Kundalini. Capisco che è la meditazione; ma poiché vi sono meditazioni con visualizzazioni, meditazioni con i mantra, vorrei sapere come si realizza questa ascesa. Grazie. [I’d like to ask a hint about the technique to rise this Kundalini. I understand what is meditation; but since there are meditations with visualizations, meditations with mantras, I would like to know how this ascent is accomplished. Thanks.]Guido : He would like to know more about the techniques, to know how to awaken this energy.Shri Mataji: We have pamphlets and books, but sorry Sir, just now there isn’t so much time to explain. But we have a centre here. [A young lady in Punjabi comes in front of Shri Mataji to give Her a paper.]Shri Mataji: What’s the matter? What has happened?[Romano is giving her his seat on the right hand side of Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji looks at the paper]Guido; Just out of emotions.Shri Mataji [laughting]: Is she Italian?Young lady: Yes, I am from Passo Corese.Guido: Near Rome.Shri Mataji [laughting]: Alright.[Gives her Her hand and kisses her].[Applause] Romano Battaglia: Accade molte volte che le persone piangano venendo a salutare la Grande Madre. È l’emozione di cui parlavo prima, quando, a Milano, Lei mi mise la mano sulla fronte. Ed io, che non piango mai, cominciai a piangere per un’ora. C’è qualcosa che veramente si risveglia, qualcosa che è più forte delle cose semplici della vita. Una curiosità: quale potere ha la Grande Madre sul tempo? Perché sono già tre volte che, quando viene, le previsioni sono di grandi piogge, poi non piove.[It happens very often that people cries when they come and welcome the Great Mother. It’s the emotion I was telling before, when, in Milan, She put Her hand on my forehead. And I, that I never cry, started crying for one hour. There is something that really gets awakened, something that is stronger than simple things of life. A curiosity: which power has the Great Mother on the weather? Why is already three times that, when She comes, the forcasts are of heavy rain, but it does not rain?]Shri Mataji: This is the power of love and compassion, nothing else, that touches your heart.[Applause]Shri Mataji: Alright?Romano Battaglia: Quindi è evidente che, quando piove molto, di compassione ce n’è poca in giro, eh!Guido: .. There is so much love.[Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs]. Una domanda di grande serietà. Che poteri ha la Grande Madre di fronte ad un malato grave? [So it is evident that, when it rains a lot, there is little of compassion around, eh! A serious question: which powers has the Great Mother in presence of a seriously ill person? ]Guido: He is asking about your powers, your curative powers, that you can cure people.Shri Mataji: With love, you see, anything can be done.It has to be pure love and then it just works.Come along![A child of 5 years old goes onto the stage to kiss Shri Mataji.]Romano Battaglia: Adesso non venite tutti a baciare Madre, se no diventa un problema di grande importanza [Now, do not all come to kiss Mother, otherwise it becomes a big problem!][Laughter]Guido: Don’t all come for a kiss…[Shri Mataji laughs]. Shri Mataji: About you, Romano.First time, when I went to Romano, in his office, he told Me: “First you give me my Self-realisation”. I said: “Alright. Bring some water”. And I put My hand in the water. And I said: “You drink it now”.He said: “Mother, this tastes like wine!”.I said: “This is what Christ did. It is not wine, it is like the grape juice. You cannot make alcohol spontaneously like that. Alcohol has to rot, rot, rot. And the more it rots, the better and more expensive.So it happens just spontaneously. Even when He had gone for the wedding, it was just spontaneous. It was not alcohol, it was just grape juice. But still, you see, I don’t know why everybody believes that He made alcohol. How can He make alcohol, when alcohol goes against your awareness? This is a very wrong understanding about Christ. Man: Chi è per Lei Cristo? Un profeta? Il figlio di Dio? Un uomo giusto? [Who is for You Christ? A prophet? God’s Son? A righeous man?]Guido: Who is Jesus-Christ according to You ?Shri Mataji: He’s God, He’s the son of God. No doubt. Lady: We would like your opinion about Reiki, and if you please could explain us under which aspects they’re similar, or under which aspects Reiki and Sahaja Yoga are different.Guido: She’s asking about this Reiki.Shri Mataji: It’s no good. It doesn’t work out. The man who spoke about Chinese Tao meridians: Relativamente all’energia che si sprigiona dalle mani, l’esperimento che ha fatto Lei a me è riuscito benissimo, ho percepito esattamente quello che Lei aveva detto che avremmo percepito. Io ho già esperienze da tantissimi anni di questo tipo, non nella dottrina che Lei professa, ma in dottrine similari. La domanda è: Lei ha parlato della manifestazione esterna dell’energia come una sorta di alito di vento fresco. Mentre noi conosciamo altre attività energetiche che si sprigionano dalle mani di persone buone, non perverse – quindi noi pensiamo che siano energie positive, non negative – però si tratta di calore. È questo il punto allora.[Referring to the energy that come out of the hands, the experiment that You have done has come very well to me, I felt exactly what You said we should have felt. I have already had experiences of the kind since years, not in the same doctrine that You profess, but in simalar ones. The question is: You have talked about the esterior manifestation of this energy like a kind of cool breeze. While we know other energetic activities that come out of the hands of good people, not evil – so we think that they are positive, not negative – but they are warm. This is the point then.]Guido: We know that there are some good people which are emitting warm vibrations. But we consider as a positive vibration.Shri Mataji: What?Guido: He says some people emit warm vibrations and we consider it as good vibrations.Shri Mataji: Something wrong here, Sir. If they’re emitting hot vibrations, then there’s something wrong with that person. Maybe he’s a liver patient.There are two sides: sympathetic nervous system, the right side is for doing work, for thinking and all that; and if it becomes heated up, then you can get hot. Same man: Quello che è il sistema Yang estremorientale, quindi è iperattivo… Per capire: ci sarebbe quindi una prevalenza di azione Yin, della parte femminile, tenue, del sistema sottile dell’energia? [That is the Yang system, so it is overactive… Just to understand: there should be a prevalence of Yin action, form the feminine side, soft, of the subtle system of energy?]Guido: No, è la prevalenza del centro, quindi un assoluto equilibrio fra destro e sinistro. [No, it is the prevalence of the centre, so an absolute balance between right and left.]Same man: Grazie. [Thanks]Guido: I said that here is a centre.Shri Mataji: You see, in Sahaja Yoga Tao is made very clear, you’ll understand. Tao is not so clear, because one thing they don’t know how to get to that state. Sir, if you have some time, why don’t you come to Cabella? I will explain to you everything.Same man: La ringrazio, sono molto onorato. [I thank you very much, I am honoured.] [Romano Battaglia offers a bunch of yellow flowers.]Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you, thank you.Romano Battaglia: Un ultimo messaggio da dare a questo pubblico. [A last message for this audience.]Guido: One last message.Shri Mataji: Also, I would say, Alzheimer, if somebody has, you’ll get tremendous heat from that person on the right hand. But supposing he has cancer, then you’ll get it on the left hand, hot. You can become an expert. And unless and until you get your Self-realisation, you will not know also what your real value is. That’s why everybody has said: “Know Thyself”.Thank you very much.[Applause] The bhajans group starts singing Jogawa. Shri Mataji meets the public
Letter to President Bush
Cabella Ligure
Letter / Poem
Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviPalazzo DoriaCabella Ligure 18th September 2001 To Honourable George W. BushPresident of the United States of AmericaWhite HouseWashington D:C: Dear Mr President I wanted to write to you earlier, but I felt that you were too busy with the crisis in your great country. All the while I have been watching you and your activities through television. I had conveyed to you earlier that I had a vision about you – it was that you would be the one chosen to destroy the evil of terrorism all over the world and completely redeem the world from the agony of satanic forces.Now you see, there are many persons talking of compassion and forgiveness – maybe out of fear or blindness. A sinner who asks for forgiveness can be forgiven, but not a devil, at any cost. In the Gita there is an answer given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna, his disciple. Arjuna was full of remorse and compassion, he puts down his bow and does not want to fight. He says to Lord Krishna “You have told me about the state where a spiritually equipped person should be a witness – Sthita Pragnya”. Lord Krishna observed “A person in the witness state has no confusion at all and he has a clear mind. He develops the power and the will to destroy evil-doers – dushtakrutham”. Lord Jesus Christ also hit with the hunter those who were doing business in the Temple of God. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna very emphatically to fight and destroy the evil so that the truth should prevail. This is a great message of Gita resounding all over the world, which has been tortured by the cowardly acts of the evil-doers. Now in this Kali Yuga, you are the one chosen for this act of redemption from evil. All the spiritual beings of the past and present bless you with courage and power to destroy the cowards who have perpetrated this most heinous crime. All the Sahaja Yogis all over the world convey to you the sincerest wishes for complete success in your noble and historic mission.May God bless you and the beloved people of America. May Truth succeed under your leadership. With all my love and blessings. Yours faithfully Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviPalazzo DoriaCabella Ligure 18th September 2001 To Honourable George W. BushPresident of the United States of AmericaWhite HouseWashington D:C: Dear Mr President I wanted to write to you earlier, but I felt that you were too busy with the crisis in your great country. All the while I have been watching you and your activities through television. I had conveyed to you earlier that I had a vision about you – it was that you would be the one chosen to destroy the evil of terrorism all over the world and completely redeem the world from the agony of satanic forces.Now you see, there are many persons talking of compassion and forgiveness – maybe out of fear or blindness. A sinner who asks for forgiveness can be forgiven, but not a devil, at any cost. In the Gita there is an answer given by Shri Krishna to Arjuna, his disciple. Arjuna was full of remorse and compassion, he puts down his bow and does not want to fight. He says to Lord Krishna “You have told me about the state where a spiritually equipped person should be a witness – Sthita Pragnya”. Lord Krishna observed “A person in the witness state has no confusion at all and he has a clear mind. He develops the power and the will to destroy evil-doers – dushtakrutham”. Lord Jesus Christ also hit with the hunter those who were doing business in the Temple of God. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna very emphatically to fight and destroy the evil so that the truth should prevail. This is a great message of Gita resounding all over the world, which has been tortured by the cowardly acts of the evil-doers. Now in this Kali Yuga, you are the one chosen for this act of redemption from evil. All the spiritual beings of the past and present bless you with courage and power to destroy the cowards who have perpetrated this most heinous crime. All the Sahaja Yogis all over the world convey to you the sincerest wishes for complete success in your noble and historic mission.May God bless you and the beloved people of America. May Truth succeed under your leadership. With all my love and blessings. Yours faithfully Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Evening Program Shri Ganesha Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Shri Ganesha Puja: You Have To Protect The Innocent
Cabella Ligure
Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, 22 September 2001. Today we have assembled here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha who is the Lord of Innocence. He is the ocean of innocence. And though’ he is such a young, little boy, he can fight the whole world, he can destroy all the negativity. That’s the sign of innocence. There have been stories that children who have fallen from a very great height were completely saved, nothing happened to them. Their innocence is such a powerful thing that it doesn’t harm anyone who is not to be harmed. It has all the wisdom of the world, all the understanding of the world; and anybody who tries to harm the innocence, the world, the whole world – which may not have cared so much for innocence, might not have worshiped innocence so much – but they all stand, stand up against anybody who tries to harm the innocence. You can see in your own lives around you, (if/when) anybody tries to trouble children – all of the them, whatever they are, whatever they are coming from, whatever maybe their nationality, they all jump, all jump to control and to safeguard that child. What is it? What is it within us that makes us so very conscious to protect the innocence? It’s really a shame, a great shame for us, when we find in this world that innocence is under attack. Anything else can be tolerated. Innocent people who have done nothing wrong, those who have no malice, who are living like little children, I should say, if they are attacked by anyone - not that the whole world reacts to that - but everyone of them cannot bear any innocent person or ‘innocent being’ being harmed. We don’t realise that within us there is the ocean of love and ocean of understanding for children. Why? Why should it be? Why should we feel like that, especially for children? Especially for innocence? There are people who are always attacking innocent people, innocent children, there are. But no-one wants to support them. No-one thinks that it’s proper to ill-treat children. And those who have done this have to suffer. They all suffer as a reaction. What is it within us that creates that reaction, that tremendous reaction, against (against those who are against*??) innocence? For example if there is a regular war, and if there are people fighting; in a regular war, they don’t have much sympathy. In the world also, they say “Alright, they are of that understanding, they are of that kind of a thing”. The greatest sympathy comes when innocence is being challenged. That’s what human beings have. Within themselves they have the power, power of Shri Ganesha, which gives you that feeling, that capacity, that understanding that you have to protect innocent (the innocent/innocence), innocent children, innocent people. And the whole world can rise against all such people who are trying to kill the innocent. There cannot be any doubt. If they cannot oppose such an attack, or criticise such a thing, then they are not yet human beings, I would say. The highest personality can sacrifice anything and can give up anything, but they cannot give up the feeling they have for innocence. It’s very remarkable. We don’t realise how much there is this ocean of protection and love for the innocent. What attracts the greatest strength is when we see an innocent person, innocent children, are under attack. That’s the beauty of human beings. Of course there are many human beings who can be cruel, who are, I would say, call them devils – maybe, maybe. But when it comes to children, and to innocent people, everyone feels his responsibility. It’s difficult for normal human beings to be innocent because they have a kind of an understanding that they are something great, that they understand everything, that they can analyse everything, and they could be crooks, they could be aggressive, they could be troublesome, they could be anything – and they can give explanation for that, doesn’t matter – but still, on the whole, they can never be respected and they can never be honoured for the thing they are doing. For us, the Sahaja Yogi, the Sahaj culture is to respect your innocence. You might feel a little bit cheated, you might feel a little bit dominated, you might feel a little bit disgraced, but Sahaja Yogi have to be innocent. Because with them lies the power of Shri Ganesha. They should not feel dejected if they are being used, insulted, tortured, dominated, it’s alright. They should not try to destroy the innocence of other people, of anyone. Automatically it will work. You will be amazed that when innocence is challenged, all the goodness of the world comes to the rescue of that. An example of this is the recent war, so-called war, of America. Where innocent people - they had done nothing wrong - have been tortured, have been killed. At that time, all over the world, it’s a big support for them. Every country, whether it believes in those people or not, is anxious to look after (for) those who have done this crime. They may not be belonging to the same religion, they may not be belonging to the same country, they may not be belonging to the same crimes, but at this moment, who does not take the side of the innocence will be singled out and will be destroyed – no doubt about it. Once and for all they will learn a lesson that ‘you cannot attack innocent people’. I have told you, in Sahaja Yoga, we should not ever be annoyed with out children. We should not, in no way punish them. Our main achievement should be that loving attention for children. All over the world, whether he belongs to your family or to some other family, or has some sort of detached attention with you, still because he’s a child, he’s innocent, the innocence within itself, your own innocence, will try to protect. It’s very surprising how people take to sacrificing their lives when it comes to the attack of innocence. Children should never be attacked. They have their own power to protect, no doubt. But you shouldn’t waste your energy on something that is extremely inauspicious, extremely cruel and extremely ugly. If you cannot love children, you cannot love anything. I have not come across anyone so far who says that they don’t love children – luckily! But maybe some might say “We love flowers”. Why? Why do you love flowers? Because they are innocent. Because that beauty of innocence is within them. You love nature - why? Because it is innocent. But the greatest innocence is seen among human beings who are Sahaja Yogi! It is easy to be cunning, very easy to be cunning. It’s very easy to be clever. But to be wise, one should understand the beauty of being innocent. Possibly one may say “Mother, one can get exploited if you are innocent”. No-one can exploit an innocent person. They may believe that they have done this, they have been very aggressive and all that, but they cannot. It is like a rock. It is like a rock that is not prevailed by any ocean of anger or any kind of revenge. It’s the rock that is being looked after and nourished by Shri Ganesha. I’ve told you before also, that the innocence within us never gets destroyed. Very surprising. You may be a sinner, you may be a very cruel person, you might be anything: but it does not get, it cannot get it. After innocence. It is a very, very secret thing that is put in us by the Divine. We play with our innocence very much. We think that by behaving any way we like, “It’s alright, after all it’s my own desire, my wish”. And we’ll go on, we go on all the time reducing our power, or we can say the hiding, or covering our power of innocence. And we think that we have done a great job, that we have befooled all the people by our tricky nature. This tricky nature cannot give you any satisfaction. It is not self-sufficient. When you try to trick someone, this trick works on you, it is repelled on you, and destroys your faith in innocence – which is the greatest faith, the greatest help or ......... (sounds like ‘wishud’) the greatest power on this earth. Those people who do not respect their innocence because they think it makes you weak, have not seen the power of innocence – how it works, how it acts. From all over the world, it reacts. But, so far, I think the human beings are not conscious of the power, power of innocence. But it is the highest thing to be innocent. And it acts as if the whole understanding, whole working-out of the be-ing is so beautifully achieved. Now you see in this world what says (is said), what people remember, what is respected. It is respected the high ideals. But if you see to the subtle side of these high ideals of people (who) have led a very, very beautiful life of very good character, of very good nature’ – all these people may have been harmed, may have been killed – but because of their innocence they shine, and shine through ages. You can see the life of all great men like that; they are all very simple, they are not deliberating anything – spontaneous they are in their behaviour, spontaneously they live. Nations after nations can be destroyed, but the power of innocence cannot be destroyed. Have faith in that. You have to have complete faith in yourself, and that ‘yourself’ is nothing but innocence. You may say that ‘innocent people get cheated’. Nobody can cheat innocence, because that is something of very eternal value. They might cheat you in money, might cheat you in something, but the thing that is the most eternal is your innocence. And you will be the most successful person in life when you are absolutely innocent and your are looking after your innocence. As I have told you, that innocence never gets destroyed. It can be covered by your ill thoughts, by ill doing, it might be covered for the time being. But if you can take out the clouds away from the sky of innocence, the whole thing becomes so obvious that you have won the whole world. We can take the case of Christ. He was crucified, he was insulted, he was tortured. Those who did this, where are they? Who knows them? Nobody even knows the name. Nobody is even bothered about them. A single one person was so much used and was so much tortured. But despite that, what has happened? He has got the respect from the whole world. The whole world respects. Nobody says that ‘Look at that, how he was crucified, what has he done ...’ Nothing of the kind. They just respect. And what do they respect? The essence, the essence of complete innocence. They say in Sahaja Yoga that he was the incarnation of innocence. He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha – which can be verified. So, when we think that in our own ventures we can do what we like, and we don’t want to even remember that, we don’t want to even consider that it’s a wrong thing to do, we do not know what is ahead of us. What happened to Hitler also? He thought he can destroy the whole world, he can manage to kill so many people and still he will remain a very great personality. They are stupid not to understand who are the people really respected. Through ages, through history, no-one like (liked?) Hitler. He didn’t understand (that) if you wanted to have really the power over the world, and he wanted to have the reputation of a great man, he should have followed the great people. And the great people are those who are innocent. Their main power is innocence; take any one of them. I don’t know how to say that this power acts, because it acts in so many ways. You can pass through historical events, so many of them, and what will you find? A person who is so innocent, simple and wise is remembered all your life. I was a child, very small, when I was in school I used to go to the library and read about the lives of great men who have created some great things for us. So many of them. And I was so impressed how some of them were so simple, so child-like. For example Abraham Lincoln for whom I have tremendous, tremendous respect, was a man tortured by his wife also. She said “You don’t know, you are very clumsy, you don’t know how to dress up, you don’t know how to behave”. And she actually was very harsh on him, all the time torturing him. Ultimately he was also killed. So one can say, “You see, what’s the use of being Abraham Lincoln? Because he was killed, he was not successful.” Until today, all over the world, people know who was Abraham Lincoln. They don’t know his wife – maybe (laughter). But they knew who was Abraham Lincoln, everybody. Clumsy man, according to her, and all sorts of degradation for him. But nobody respects her, nobody thinks anything about her. Who is respected today is Abraham Lincoln. Why? ‘Actually he was murdered, he was killed, that shows that he had no strength to survive’ – but he survived through ages! So many years have passed, still he’s surviving. Take the case of all the great people who have been innocent; and that’s why they had ideals. To them their ideals were more important than anything else, even (than) their lives. Everything was nothing. Now the sense of ideals and idealism comes only from your innocence. That’s the one which teaches you what is your ideal; how you should exist; what kind of a life you should lead. It is not important that you have big authorities, or you have a very big positions as ministers and all that. There have been so many who came and died. They had so many people with ambitions and so many people who were oppressive, but where are they? Nobody’s bothered about them, nobody wants to look at them. If their photograph appears people close their eyes ‘No, no, we don’t want to see this man’. But if there’s a little boy, innocent child, who is talking in a very innocent manner, the whole world admires that child. And these great men are, really, they are the symbols of that innocence. Their main quality was innocence, from where the wisdom has come. Ganesha’s main quality is his wisdom. He knew what was success, through his, I should say, innocent qualities. Sometimes the innocent people are not even aware of their quality of innocence. It’s very surprising how the quality of innocence shines through human beings who may be very ordinary, who may be very simple, who may not look so intelligent and sharp, who may not become good diplomats, what ever it is – they are innocent! That’s were ends all the glory of human beings. To be innocent – (child crying and Shri Mataji says: “What’s the matter?) – so to be innocent, what do you do? People will say, “Mother, what do we do to be innocent?” Firstly, you can see for yourself how your mind works. What does it do? How it reacts. This is what one has to watch, which I call as ‘introspection’. What sort of plans your mind takes to? What does it think is the best? In that thinking, thought process, what is the most important way to look at yourself? The first and the foremost is that you should know how you react to someone. Is it an innocent reaction? Or it is a vindictive reaction. It is very easy to see yourself, because now you are all Sahaja Yogi. You can see for yourself how is your reaction to any aggression on you, or any kind of a trouble coming on you. How do you react to that? What is your behaviour? If you are a very powerful person, then your behaviour is – for that you are not bothered. You see for yourself its just a stupid thing people are doing to you. Absolutely stupid. And when they are doing stupid things, why should we bother about them? Why should we waste our energy about them? It comes to a point where their stupidity is found out, in such a manner that all their lives and afterwards they are treated with contempt. People don’t even want to take their names, they don’t want to have their photographs, they don’t want to have anything to do with them. At this time, at such a juncture, what happens is the people who are crooks, who are not innocent, who are against innocence, they start following them because it suits them better. It suits them to be aggressive, to be cunning and that’s how a new group is formed – which we can call ‘a satanic group’. And this satanic group also cannot do anything, anything whatsoever, to an innocent personality. There is a Sanskrit sloka like that – Nainam chidanti sashtrani – for the Spirit, ‘It cannot be killed by any weapon’. Nainam dahanti pavaka – ‘No fire can burn it’. Sayanam cleydayantaposh naso sathe maratha – Marutha is the air, or we can call it wind, ‘Wind cannot also suck it’, it is above all the nature, which is trying to destroy. But you will be amazed that nature understands. I told you, nature is innocent. It understands and it acts at the right moment, against the person who is aggressive, who is trying to malign or trouble an innocent person. In this way, we should know that we have to worship our innocence. I know sometimes one feels that you are dominated because of that. Sometimes one feels sad that, ‘Why you are put to this kind of a treatment by others’. All kinds of things come to your mind. But if you worship your innocence, then you will be always a happy person, always a kind person, always be humble person. So, one has to be careful. You are your own destroyer. You are the one who kills himself. What do you say to Hitler? Hitler destroyed himself; who else destroyed him? I mean, in any way, everybody has to die so he would have been dead. But who has destroyed it forever is himself. So, you kill yourself – through this you can save yourself and become very glorified if you are innocent. Have faith in the power of innocence. What is important is, how you show in your own life the power of innocence, how you behave towards each other, and that is what is what, is what I call ‘the love’. You cannot be compassionate unless and until you have this attitude towards yourself. You cannot be kind. Temporarily you might feel this, but a permanently compassionate temperament comes only through the permanent flowing of innocence through your character. It’s such a transparent thing in a human being and that it sustains, it overpowers all other things, leave (let) alone the time – thousands of years people will not forget you the Sahaja Yogi, if you show your valour and your strength of your innocence. I’m sorry for today’s programme being so late, but you know I was ready to come but the marriages are becoming the main function now. Because it came so late, that till the last minute we were deciding about marriages. But I am telling you this is the last time. Next time we’ll stop it. You must send your applications at least eight days before, and for Ganapatipule it is two weeks. Otherwise – there are only twenty-four hours in a day, and you cannot increase those! Now there is one humble request I have to make, that if you want to settle (have it arranged) your marriage, then please do it in a way that I can have time to see. Otherwise I’ll leave it to others to decide. If you like, it can be done. So a simple thing is this to understand, that marriage is a very important thing. You can create innocent children if you are married. But if you behave in this manner, little, little responsible – so I have to request you to understand the value of time. Because from next time I can assure you we cannot have marriages if you send your applications so late. It should be within one week’s time, I hope you’ll understand that. Thank you very much.
Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, 22 September 2001. Today we have assembled here to worship Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha who is the Lord of Innocence. He is the ocean of innocence. And though’ he is such a young, little boy, he can fight the whole world, he can destroy all the negativity. That’s the sign of innocence. There have been stories that children who have fallen from a very great height were completely saved, nothing happened to them. Their innocence is such a powerful thing that it doesn’t harm anyone who is not to be harmed. It has all the wisdom of the world, all the understanding of the world; and anybody who tries to harm the innocence, the world, the whole world – which may not have cared so much for innocence, might not have worshiped innocence so much – but they all stand, stand up against anybody who tries to harm the innocence. You can see in your own lives around you, (if/when) anybody tries to trouble children – all of the them, whatever they are, whatever they are coming from, whatever maybe their nationality, they all jump, all jump to control and to safeguard that child. What is it? What is it within us that makes us so very conscious to protect the innocence? It’s really a shame, a great shame for us, when we find in this world that innocence is under attack. Anything else can be tolerated. Innocent people who have done nothing wrong, those who have no malice, who are living like little children, I should say, if they are attacked by anyone - not that the whole world reacts to that - but everyone of them cannot bear any innocent person or ‘innocent being’ being harmed. We don’t realise that within us there is the ocean of love and ocean of understanding for children. Why? Why should it be? Why should we feel like that, especially for children? Especially for innocence? There are people who are always attacking innocent people, innocent children, there are. But no-one wants to support them. No-one thinks that it’s proper to ill-treat children. And those who have done this have to suffer. They all suffer as a reaction. What is it within us that creates that reaction, that tremendous reaction, against (against those who are against*??) innocence? For example if there is a regular war, and if there are people fighting; in a regular war, they don’t have much sympathy. In the world also, they say “Alright, they are of that understanding, they are of that kind of a thing”. The greatest sympathy comes when innocence is being challenged. That’s what human beings have. Within themselves they have the power, power of Shri Ganesha, which gives you that feeling, that capacity, that understanding that you have to protect innocent (the innocent/innocence), innocent children, innocent people. And the whole world can rise against all such people who are trying to kill the innocent. There cannot be any doubt. If they cannot oppose such an attack, or criticise such a thing, then they are not yet human beings, I would say. The highest personality can sacrifice anything and can give up anything, but they cannot give up the feeling they have for innocence. It’s very remarkable. We don’t realise how much there is this ocean of protection and love for the innocent. What attracts the greatest strength is when we see an innocent person, innocent children, are under attack. That’s the beauty of human beings. Of course there are many human beings who can be cruel, who are, I would say, call them devils – maybe, maybe. But when it comes to children, and to innocent people, everyone feels his responsibility. It’s difficult for normal human beings to be innocent because they have a kind of an understanding that they are something great, that they understand everything, that they can analyse everything, and they could be crooks, they could be aggressive, they could be troublesome, they could be anything – and they can give explanation for that, doesn’t matter – but still, on the whole, they can never be respected and they can never be honoured for the thing they are doing. For us, the Sahaja Yogi, the Sahaj culture is to respect your innocence. You might feel a little bit cheated, you might feel a little bit dominated, you might feel a little bit disgraced, but Sahaja Yogi have to be innocent. Because with them lies the power of Shri Ganesha. They should not feel dejected if they are being used, insulted, tortured, dominated, it’s alright. They should not try to destroy the innocence of other people, of anyone. Automatically it will work. You will be amazed that when innocence is challenged, all the goodness of the world comes to the rescue of that. An example of this is the recent war, so-called war, of America. Where innocent people - they had done nothing wrong - have been tortured, have been killed. At that time, all over the world, it’s a big support for them. Every country, whether it believes in those people or not, is anxious to look after (for) those who have done this crime. They may not be belonging to the same religion, they may not be belonging to the same country, they may not be belonging to the same crimes, but at this moment, who does not take the side of the innocence will be singled out and will be destroyed – no doubt about it. Once and for all they will learn a lesson that ‘you cannot attack innocent people’. I have told you, in Sahaja Yoga, we should not ever be annoyed with out children. We should not, in no way punish them. Our main achievement should be that loving attention for children. All over the world, whether he belongs to your family or to some other family, or has some sort of detached attention with you, still because he’s a child, he’s innocent, the innocence within itself, your own innocence, will try to protect. It’s very surprising how people take to sacrificing their lives when it comes to the attack of innocence. Children should never be attacked. They have their own power to protect, no doubt. But you shouldn’t waste your energy on something that is extremely inauspicious, extremely cruel and extremely ugly. If you cannot love children, you cannot love anything. I have not come across anyone so far who says that they don’t love children – luckily! But maybe some might say “We love flowers”. Why? Why do you love flowers? Because they are innocent. Because that beauty of innocence is within them. You love nature - why? Because it is innocent. But the greatest innocence is seen among human beings who are Sahaja Yogi! It is easy to be cunning, very easy to be cunning. It’s very easy to be clever. But to be wise, one should understand the beauty of being innocent. Possibly one may say “Mother, one can get exploited if you are innocent”. No-one can exploit an innocent person. They may believe that they have done this, they have been very aggressive and all that, but they cannot. It is like a rock. It is like a rock that is not prevailed by any ocean of anger or any kind of revenge. It’s the rock that is being looked after and nourished by Shri Ganesha. I’ve told you before also, that the innocence within us never gets destroyed. Very surprising. You may be a sinner, you may be a very cruel person, you might be anything: but it does not get, it cannot get it. After innocence. It is a very, very secret thing that is put in us by the Divine. We play with our innocence very much. We think that by behaving any way we like, “It’s alright, after all it’s my own desire, my wish”. And we’ll go on, we go on all the time reducing our power, or we can say the hiding, or covering our power of innocence. And we think that we have done a great job, that we have befooled all the people by our tricky nature. This tricky nature cannot give you any satisfaction. It is not self-sufficient. When you try to trick someone, this trick works on you, it is repelled on you, and destroys your faith in innocence – which is the greatest faith, the greatest help or ......... (sounds like ‘wishud’) the greatest power on this earth. Those people who do not respect their innocence because they think it makes you weak, have not seen the power of innocence – how it works, how it acts. From all over the world, it reacts. But, so far, I think the human beings are not conscious of the power, power of innocence. But it is the highest thing to be innocent. And it acts as if the whole understanding, whole working-out of the be-ing is so beautifully achieved. Now you see in this world what says (is said), what people remember, what is respected. It is respected the high ideals. But if you see to the subtle side of these high ideals of people (who) have led a very, very beautiful life of very good character, of very good nature’ – all these people may have been harmed, may have been killed – but because of their innocence they shine, and shine through ages. You can see the life of all great men like that; they are all very simple, they are not deliberating anything – spontaneous they are in their behaviour, spontaneously they live. Nations after nations can be destroyed, but the power of innocence cannot be destroyed. Have faith in that. You have to have complete faith in yourself, and that ‘yourself’ is nothing but innocence. You may say that ‘innocent people get cheated’. Nobody can cheat innocence, because that is something of very eternal value. They might cheat you in money, might cheat you in something, but the thing that is the most eternal is your innocence. And you will be the most successful person in life when you are absolutely innocent and your are looking after your innocence. As I have told you, that innocence never gets destroyed. It can be covered by your ill thoughts, by ill doing, it might be covered for the time being. But if you can take out the clouds away from the sky of innocence, the whole thing becomes so obvious that you have won the whole world. We can take the case of Christ. He was crucified, he was insulted, he was tortured. Those who did this, where are they? Who knows them? Nobody even knows the name. Nobody is even bothered about them. A single one person was so much used and was so much tortured. But despite that, what has happened? He has got the respect from the whole world. The whole world respects. Nobody says that ‘Look at that, how he was crucified, what has he done ...’ Nothing of the kind. They just respect. And what do they respect? The essence, the essence of complete innocence. They say in Sahaja Yoga that he was the incarnation of innocence. He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha – which can be verified. So, when we think that in our own ventures we can do what we like, and we don’t want to even remember that, we don’t want to even consider that it’s a wrong thing to do, we do not know what is ahead of us. What happened to Hitler also? He thought he can destroy the whole world, he can manage to kill so many people and still he will remain a very great personality. They are stupid not to understand who are the people really respected. Through ages, through history, no-one like (liked?) Hitler. He didn’t understand (that) if you wanted to have really the power over the world, and he wanted to have the reputation of a great man, he should have followed the great people. And the great people are those who are innocent. Their main power is innocence; take any one of them. I don’t know how to say that this power acts, because it acts in so many ways. You can pass through historical events, so many of them, and what will you find? A person who is so innocent, simple and wise is remembered all your life. I was a child, very small, when I was in school I used to go to the library and read about the lives of great men who have created some great things for us. So many of them. And I was so impressed how some of them were so simple, so child-like. For example Abraham Lincoln for whom I have tremendous, tremendous respect, was a man tortured by his wife also. She said “You don’t know, you are very clumsy, you don’t know how to dress up, you don’t know how to behave”. And she actually was very harsh on him, all the time torturing him. Ultimately he was also killed. So one can say, “You see, what’s the use of being Abraham Lincoln? Because he was killed, he was not successful.” Until today, all over the world, people know who was Abraham Lincoln. They don’t know his wife – maybe (laughter). But they knew who was Abraham Lincoln, everybody. Clumsy man, according to her, and all sorts of degradation for him. But nobody respects her, nobody thinks anything about her. Who is respected today is Abraham Lincoln. Why? ‘Actually he was murdered, he was killed, that shows that he had no strength to survive’ – but he survived through ages! So many years have passed, still he’s surviving. Take the case of all the great people who have been innocent; and that’s why they had ideals. To them their ideals were more important than anything else, even (than) their lives. Everything was nothing. Now the sense of ideals and idealism comes only from your innocence. That’s the one which teaches you what is your ideal; how you should exist; what kind of a life you should lead. It is not important that you have big authorities, or you have a very big positions as ministers and all that. There have been so many who came and died. They had so many people with ambitions and so many people who were oppressive, but where are they? Nobody’s bothered about them, nobody wants to look at them. If their photograph appears people close their eyes ‘No, no, we don’t want to see this man’. But if there’s a little boy, innocent child, who is talking in a very innocent manner, the whole world admires that child. And these great men are, really, they are the symbols of that innocence. Their main quality was innocence, from where the wisdom has come. Ganesha’s main quality is his wisdom. He knew what was success, through his, I should say, innocent qualities. Sometimes the innocent people are not even aware of their quality of innocence. It’s very surprising how the quality of innocence shines through human beings who may be very ordinary, who may be very simple, who may not look so intelligent and sharp, who may not become good diplomats, what ever it is – they are innocent! That’s were ends all the glory of human beings. To be innocent – (child crying and Shri Mataji says: “What’s the matter?) – so to be innocent, what do you do? People will say, “Mother, what do we do to be innocent?” Firstly, you can see for yourself how your mind works. What does it do? How it reacts. This is what one has to watch, which I call as ‘introspection’. What sort of plans your mind takes to? What does it think is the best? In that thinking, thought process, what is the most important way to look at yourself? The first and the foremost is that you should know how you react to someone. Is it an innocent reaction? Or it is a vindictive reaction. It is very easy to see yourself, because now you are all Sahaja Yogi. You can see for yourself how is your reaction to any aggression on you, or any kind of a trouble coming on you. How do you react to that? What is your behaviour? If you are a very powerful person, then your behaviour is – for that you are not bothered. You see for yourself its just a stupid thing people are doing to you. Absolutely stupid. And when they are doing stupid things, why should we bother about them? Why should we waste our energy about them? It comes to a point where their stupidity is found out, in such a manner that all their lives and afterwards they are treated with contempt. People don’t even want to take their names, they don’t want to have their photographs, they don’t want to have anything to do with them. At this time, at such a juncture, what happens is the people who are crooks, who are not innocent, who are against innocence, they start following them because it suits them better. It suits them to be aggressive, to be cunning and that’s how a new group is formed – which we can call ‘a satanic group’. And this satanic group also cannot do anything, anything whatsoever, to an innocent personality. There is a Sanskrit sloka like that – Nainam chidanti sashtrani – for the Spirit, ‘It cannot be killed by any weapon’. Nainam dahanti pavaka – ‘No fire can burn it’. Sayanam cleydayantaposh naso sathe maratha – Marutha is the air, or we can call it wind, ‘Wind cannot also suck it’, it is above all the nature, which is trying to destroy. But you will be amazed that nature understands. I told you, nature is innocent. It understands and it acts at the right moment, against the person who is aggressive, who is trying to malign or trouble an innocent person. In this way, we should know that we have to worship our innocence. I know sometimes one feels that you are dominated because of that. Sometimes one feels sad that, ‘Why you are put to this kind of a treatment by others’. All kinds of things come to your mind. But if you worship your innocence, then you will be always a happy person, always a kind person, always be humble person. So, one has to be careful. You are your own destroyer. You are the one who kills himself. What do you say to Hitler? Hitler destroyed himself; who else destroyed him? I mean, in any way, everybody has to die so he would have been dead. But who has destroyed it forever is himself. So, you kill yourself – through this you can save yourself and become very glorified if you are innocent. Have faith in the power of innocence. What is important is, how you show in your own life the power of innocence, how you behave towards each other, and that is what is what, is what I call ‘the love’. You cannot be compassionate unless and until you have this attitude towards yourself. You cannot be kind. Temporarily you might feel this, but a permanently compassionate temperament comes only through the permanent flowing of innocence through your character. It’s such a transparent thing in a human being and that it sustains, it overpowers all other things, leave (let) alone the time – thousands of years people will not forget you the Sahaja Yogi, if you show your valour and your strength of your innocence. I’m sorry for today’s programme being so late, but you know I was ready to come but the marriages are becoming the main function now. Because it came so late, that till the last minute we were deciding about marriages. But I am telling you this is the last time. Next time we’ll stop it. You must send your applications at least eight days before, and for Ganapatipule it is two weeks. Otherwise – there are only twenty-four hours in a day, and you cannot increase those! Now there is one humble request I have to make, that if you want to settle (have it arranged) your marriage, then please do it in a way that I can have time to see. Otherwise I’ll leave it to others to decide. If you like, it can be done. So a simple thing is this to understand, that marriage is a very important thing. You can create innocent children if you are married. But if you behave in this manner, little, little responsible – so I have to request you to understand the value of time. Because from next time I can assure you we cannot have marriages if you send your applications so late. It should be within one week’s time, I hope you’ll understand that. Thank you very much.
Marriages the day after Shri Ganesha Puja
Cabella Ligure
Marriages. Cabella (Italy), 23 September 2001. Talk to brides You are going to marry. I am going to just .. (the microphone is adjusted) .. and with full understanding. It’s very important to understand your role in Sahaja Yoga as married women. We have had very funny types of women who got married because they wanted to marry, and they saw to it that the marriage is not successful. And they have been of such a trouble to Me that I don’t understand that before marriage why don’t they see that what they have to do. You have to make a successful marriage in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not an ordinary marriage. And for that, it’s not sacrifice, but joyful understanding. You may have to withstand many troubles also. Financially maybe somebody’s not so well off. Maybe, though he’s all right, he’s not looking after you financially, he’s not giving you money or maybe he’s very dominating – it’s possible. Everything is possible. As you could be the same. So in Sahaja Yoga we have selected you to be married and we think that you will make a very, very happy marriage. Now it is more the responsibility of the woman somehow, because marriage is her responsibility and she has to make a happy marriage. If any of you now don’t want to marry a particular person, you can say no. But now if you are marrying, then please think of the way a Sahaja Yogini who is getting married. The responsibility of bringing good name to Sahaja Yoga is on you. We are not marrying you because — I mean, some sort of a social event, no, because you are Sahaja Yoginis, because you’re sensible women and you’ll bring a lot of glory to Sahaja Yoga. I must say that so far ninety-nine percent marriages have been successful — ninety-nine percent. Now this is a new group that has come and I have to see now how it works out. If you have some ideas in your head, some sort of a models you have in your head, then take it out. We have to deal with reality. We have to see what reality is, not our imaginary ideas. So you should not get shocked, nor the man should be shocked. But supposing he is, then the understanding should be in you. Spirit of understanding has to be in you and not expect that from men. Men have a responsibility as far as earning is concerned. They have other responsibilities, but women have responsibility to understand, again I say understand, the husband, the family life and everything that is connected with your family life. The spirit of understanding of women only make very good families. It’s the woman who does all the things that are needed to smooth the family relations, they understand the husband also and they also help the husband with their understanding. Once it is established in the mind of the husbands that you are sensible, that you care for Sahaja Yoga, that you’re dignified, all your problems will be solved. That’s very important to have a very deep, deep understanding of your responsibility. And I’m sure you all will be successful because you are all Sahaja Yogis. Never to dominate — there’s no need to dominate. But if you are intelligent, you can convey the mistakes or the misunderstandings to your husband. But for that, you have to have special woman’s charm, I should say, special woman’s understanding. I’ll give you one example of My life, there are many, but one I can give you: that from My husband’s office, one gentleman came to see Me. And he said that “I’m sorry I did a wrong thing is to give up his organisation and join another one. But I now feel that I cannot be happy in the other one and I want to come back.” So My husband said, “You have no place here. It is not disciplinary. It is not good. Why did you do it? Why did you join another organisation?” So he said, “Sir, but I want to come back. I want to beg of you,” pleading every day. But once the men take something into their heads, they don’t change immediately. So he came to Me and he told Me, “I want to be back in the same organisation.” I know my husband very well, so I said, “All right, let’s see about it.” So when My husband came I told him, “Why don’t you take back this man?” “Oh, so he has come to You now has he? The best man, he knows where to go". “No - I said - maybe he thinks I am more generous than you are.” That was too much challenging! “That’s why he came to me. You should be generous.” Then he took him back. And I must say, all his life this man helped My husband very much. So this is what it is. There’s a way of doing things. You have to learn that and you have to master it, by which you do good things without hurting anyone, without saying anything harsh, without being rude to anyone. Now, that is the management you have to see. That is something special you have to learn, so all the conflicts will be finished. All right? May God bless you. I bless you all from My heart. Talk to grooms ...I have already talked to the brides and made them understand what is their duty and what that is supposed to mean. Specially I have told them that men are a little bit – always excited, they get excited with ..(?).. So you should be more sensible and they will be, I am sure – they looked very sensible girls. But still you should also know that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga not for ‘marriage’, but for a Sahaja Yoga marriage. It’s very important — very important that you have to show that you have a very successful marriage. Of course, the responsibility of the household and children, is that of – I agree that it has to be done by girls and we can say the bride. But also your responsibility is to pay attention to her, not to neglect her, because the whole thing, you’re busy, you justify it. But you have to give some time to your wife. It’s not that you should be negligent. That is first thing. For example, when you come back from work, I know you are tired, but just see what she is doing. Enquire. If she’s busy, try to help her. It’s what you show in your love is the most important thing for men, I think. Otherwise, you see, you’ll take it for granted that you’re married. That’s not so. So first come home and talk to her nicely. Ask her what she has been doing, does she need anything. Now in Sahaja Yoga we have a custom, or we can call it a law, that all the money that you earn should be kept with your wife and you should not spend any money without asking her and she should also not spend any money without asking. Money is a very big problem. So if you want money, you have every right. It’s a common property. But the wife should know how much money there is, she cannot also spend without asking you and you also cannot spend without her. Now this is because of mutual understanding. You have to have complete understanding as to the love, what love you are expressing. If you doubt her, it’s wrong. Or if you think, ‘All this is mine. Who is she to ask me?’ — I don’t like women to work; but if they have to work, they will work. And if they’re working, I have told them already, that they have to be careful that they are housewives to begin with. We just don’t want to have ‘marriages’, we want to have Sahaja yogis who are married, who will have nice children, nice families. We want to have beautiful family. So a domination of a husband and a domination of a wife is a wrong idea. If you can fall in love with each other, it’s heavenly. For small, small things, I feel, people fight, for clothes and for food, for this and that. But if you love somebody, your life becomes so much beautiful. All these little, little things are of no use. So do not judge them. Do not dominate them. If they ask for your guidance, all right. But all the time say, if the husband is all the time saying ‘do this’ and ‘do that’, then he becomes boring, isn’t it? And you should see that you don’t bore your life and her life because there’s so many ways of enjoying life. Even sitting together you can. Talking together you can. But if you don’t understand this art, then maybe you might have problems, she might have problems. If she has some serious problem, then, of course, we’ll cancel the marriage. We’ll find out what sort of a thing. But normally, try to understand that why, if she is working in the house, she’s equally important, even more important than you are. If you think from this angle, that the marriage is between two souls who are, say, left and right and there should be a complete understanding. The emotional part of it — but I find that in the marriages, people don’t have much understanding about emotional side. If she feels sad, if she cries, just a little, few words of love and loving the person is the greatest thing. There cannot be anything better than loving the person You are not married here for just a common experience of marriage, but for enjoying love. It’s a very, very great blessings and a divine thing to love. If you can do that, then you won’t find faults. You will find a way how you can enjoy your married life. So I have called you here to tell you that you have to enjoy your married life and then one thing you have to remember — alone you cannot. Alone you cannot. So she’s your companion. She’s your friend. She’s everything to you. Have beautiful feeling about it. I mean some people are very overly romantic and some people are not at all romantic. So there’s no need to be extremely ‘something’, but, as a Sahaja yogis, you should appreciate the qualities of your wife and a Sahaja Yoga marriage. The best thing is to trust each other, not to doubt. There’s another problem with many marriages, that they start doubting and then they separate. So nothing to doubt. Nothing to be frightened about married life. It’s a beautiful thing you are entering into. It’s a beautiful, I should say, evolution of yours that you’re sharing your life with somebody. But there are many people who fail. Why? Because they think they are men and these are women. But both of them can be beautifully joined together and live very happily. I have seen some very good husbands, they are so hardworking they have no time for their wives, so they telephone again(?). They’ll find out how are you. I’ll give you an example of Lal Bahadur Shastri, he was so fond of this wife. His wife was ordinary woman, not educated, nothing, from a very ordinary family. But once I was in their house, you see. So in the morning, about say ten o’clock I was there, and he sent a letter to her from the office that “I woke up early and as is usual my routine, I had a bath and everything and you were still sleeping, so I didn’t want to disturb you. Because you didn’t sleep last night, so I didn’t want to disturb you. I’m very sorry, but I haven’t taken my tea as yet, so can I come down to take tea with you?’ We were very close. See how touching it is. He came down, I saw this and I was amazed - in the Prime Minister of India; look at him, how he was concerned about her. So he came down and then he had tea with her. I just hid myself, I said [to myself] ‘I don’t want to interfere’. All these sweet, sweet things, you see, help you so much and, though Shri Shastriji, was such a busy man, he always used to think about her and also the family. But then when I was there, I was surprised. He told his daughters, “You look after your children. My wife is not going to be like a maidservant. I’m not going to make her an aya. You just look out!” So what a deference was given to her, compared to the children. That should be the case. You see, that’s how we learn to live with another person. Always if you are thinking about yourself, ‘What comfort I have got. This food was not good’, you are not living like Sahaja yogis. A Sahaja yogi lives for others, not for himself, starting with your wife. Of course, if you have problems or anything, that can be sorted out. You can write to Me. We can find out. But first thing is you must see, you have to have emotional balance. That has to be understood. If the wife is unhappy, you should ask her, “Why, what’s the matter?” Always stand by her — always, whether it is your mother, father or anyone, stand by her and then tell her what is the right thing. But if you take an opposite position, she won’t understand. But if you take her side and tell everybody that “Let’s find out”. And then establish her self-respect. Let her feel that she will not be insulted by anyone. Anybody insults your wife, you should stand by her [at] that time. Later on, you can sort it out. Nobody dare say anything to your wife, do anything to your wife, but take the side of your wife all the time because, after all, she’s a Sahaja yogini also. And you can talk to her later on and ask her what’s the matter. You can take her in the bedroom and ask, “What is the matter, what has happened?” But, in the presence of others, you shouldn’t shout at her. And you should not correct her. Moreover, no husband should shout at their wives. That is something I can’t understand, why should husbands shout. It shows a very bad upbringing. We’re all Sahaja yogis. You are brought up by Me. I am your Mother. And please never shout at your wives, never show your temper. I mean, some things so simple can be solved by showing love. As you love Me, I love you, and if there’s anything wrong with you also I will never shout at you, never. What I’ll do, I’ll take you in a very loving manner. You have such a great power of love and compassion. If you cannot love your own wife, who are you going to love? More than your children, more than anybody else! You share your love a little and you’ll be amazed. For small, small things also I’ve seen, Sahaja yogis get angry with their wives. For example now, supposing, I’m supposed to be your Mother and everything. But sometimes your wife does some mistake in puja, in something she — try to understand. I don’t mind. Later on you tell her that “It was a mistake and you should not have done it; that’s our Mother,” and they will respect it. But if you go on shouting, you see, there will be a gap between them. If you talk to them like that, their whole life will change. Be kind to them. Be gentle. Very much, it’s necessary. Specially I’ve seen that in the Western life, people have no training how to deal with their wife. There’s no arrangement like that — India we have. When they first meet the husband or the wife, there’s a big ceremony and the gentle way of handling everything. So, though the relationship is there, you have to establish it. You should move slowly, gently, in a simple manner, not to just to jump on the woman and start ..(?).. – really, it’s not proper. We’ve had three, four cases like that, not many, I should say, for so many years [of marriages], but still to handle her gently, talk to her gently. Talk to her in a way that she feels that you’re her husband and that she is your wife. It’s something that’s an art. And because you are Sahaja yogis, you have to show to the world that ‘because of Sahaja Yoga, our marriage has been very successful. Don’t listen to your mother. Don’t listen to anybody. Listen to her first and find out what is the problem. Otherwise, such marriages collapse. When you are already married, you should show no interest in any other woman — no interest whatsoever. First is your wife, because that puts them off — unnecessary interest in other women. There’s no need. You’ve got your woman. You’ve got your wife. Why should you have interest in other women? Despite all this, if they are troublesome, let Me know. I am sitting here to know about it. But you don’t get desperate. And things can be improved, we can make them alright. If you’re not sensible, then it will be problematic. I must say that I think, compared to the Indians, you people have better husbands, no doubt. But sometimes, some husbands, like in India, I think, (Shri Mataji asks to someone nearby “Are there any English people here? No, I mean to be married?”). So, you see, in England I have seen men are very docile — very docile because of the law. Law is so funny and that’s why they are left-side. They are docile and not only docile but they spoil their women, because of the law that is there. But now we have international marriages and here in Italy also, if you are marrying under Italian law it’s not so bad. But still, you must remember that whatever you are doing is according to Divine Laws. Divine Laws must be obeyed and that’s how you should make very successful marriages. I’m very anxious to see that, that you become very happy with these marriages — something very special, exceptional, that you will have the blessings of the Divine and you will enjoy your love. May God bless you.
Marriages. Cabella (Italy), 23 September 2001. Talk to brides You are going to marry. I am going to just .. (the microphone is adjusted) .. and with full understanding. It’s very important to understand your role in Sahaja Yoga as married women. We have had very funny types of women who got married because they wanted to marry, and they saw to it that the marriage is not successful. And they have been of such a trouble to Me that I don’t understand that before marriage why don’t they see that what they have to do. You have to make a successful marriage in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not an ordinary marriage. And for that, it’s not sacrifice, but joyful understanding. You may have to withstand many troubles also. Financially maybe somebody’s not so well off. Maybe, though he’s all right, he’s not looking after you financially, he’s not giving you money or maybe he’s very dominating – it’s possible. Everything is possible. As you could be the same. So in Sahaja Yoga we have selected you to be married and we think that you will make a very, very happy marriage. Now it is more the responsibility of the woman somehow, because marriage is her responsibility and she has to make a happy marriage. If any of you now don’t want to marry a particular person, you can say no. But now if you are marrying, then please think of the way a Sahaja Yogini who is getting married. The responsibility of bringing good name to Sahaja Yoga is on you. We are not marrying you because — I mean, some sort of a social event, no, because you are Sahaja Yoginis, because you’re sensible women and you’ll bring a lot of glory to Sahaja Yoga. I must say that so far ninety-nine percent marriages have been successful — ninety-nine percent. Now this is a new group that has come and I have to see now how it works out. If you have some ideas in your head, some sort of a models you have in your head, then take it out. We have to deal with reality. We have to see what reality is, not our imaginary ideas. So you should not get shocked, nor the man should be shocked. But supposing he is, then the understanding should be in you. Spirit of understanding has to be in you and not expect that from men. Men have a responsibility as far as earning is concerned. They have other responsibilities, but women have responsibility to understand, again I say understand, the husband, the family life and everything that is connected with your family life. The spirit of understanding of women only make very good families. It’s the woman who does all the things that are needed to smooth the family relations, they understand the husband also and they also help the husband with their understanding. Once it is established in the mind of the husbands that you are sensible, that you care for Sahaja Yoga, that you’re dignified, all your problems will be solved. That’s very important to have a very deep, deep understanding of your responsibility. And I’m sure you all will be successful because you are all Sahaja Yogis. Never to dominate — there’s no need to dominate. But if you are intelligent, you can convey the mistakes or the misunderstandings to your husband. But for that, you have to have special woman’s charm, I should say, special woman’s understanding. I’ll give you one example of My life, there are many, but one I can give you: that from My husband’s office, one gentleman came to see Me. And he said that “I’m sorry I did a wrong thing is to give up his organisation and join another one. But I now feel that I cannot be happy in the other one and I want to come back.” So My husband said, “You have no place here. It is not disciplinary. It is not good. Why did you do it? Why did you join another organisation?” So he said, “Sir, but I want to come back. I want to beg of you,” pleading every day. But once the men take something into their heads, they don’t change immediately. So he came to Me and he told Me, “I want to be back in the same organisation.” I know my husband very well, so I said, “All right, let’s see about it.” So when My husband came I told him, “Why don’t you take back this man?” “Oh, so he has come to You now has he? The best man, he knows where to go". “No - I said - maybe he thinks I am more generous than you are.” That was too much challenging! “That’s why he came to me. You should be generous.” Then he took him back. And I must say, all his life this man helped My husband very much. So this is what it is. There’s a way of doing things. You have to learn that and you have to master it, by which you do good things without hurting anyone, without saying anything harsh, without being rude to anyone. Now, that is the management you have to see. That is something special you have to learn, so all the conflicts will be finished. All right? May God bless you. I bless you all from My heart. Talk to grooms ...I have already talked to the brides and made them understand what is their duty and what that is supposed to mean. Specially I have told them that men are a little bit – always excited, they get excited with ..(?).. So you should be more sensible and they will be, I am sure – they looked very sensible girls. But still you should also know that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga not for ‘marriage’, but for a Sahaja Yoga marriage. It’s very important — very important that you have to show that you have a very successful marriage. Of course, the responsibility of the household and children, is that of – I agree that it has to be done by girls and we can say the bride. But also your responsibility is to pay attention to her, not to neglect her, because the whole thing, you’re busy, you justify it. But you have to give some time to your wife. It’s not that you should be negligent. That is first thing. For example, when you come back from work, I know you are tired, but just see what she is doing. Enquire. If she’s busy, try to help her. It’s what you show in your love is the most important thing for men, I think. Otherwise, you see, you’ll take it for granted that you’re married. That’s not so. So first come home and talk to her nicely. Ask her what she has been doing, does she need anything. Now in Sahaja Yoga we have a custom, or we can call it a law, that all the money that you earn should be kept with your wife and you should not spend any money without asking her and she should also not spend any money without asking. Money is a very big problem. So if you want money, you have every right. It’s a common property. But the wife should know how much money there is, she cannot also spend without asking you and you also cannot spend without her. Now this is because of mutual understanding. You have to have complete understanding as to the love, what love you are expressing. If you doubt her, it’s wrong. Or if you think, ‘All this is mine. Who is she to ask me?’ — I don’t like women to work; but if they have to work, they will work. And if they’re working, I have told them already, that they have to be careful that they are housewives to begin with. We just don’t want to have ‘marriages’, we want to have Sahaja yogis who are married, who will have nice children, nice families. We want to have beautiful family. So a domination of a husband and a domination of a wife is a wrong idea. If you can fall in love with each other, it’s heavenly. For small, small things, I feel, people fight, for clothes and for food, for this and that. But if you love somebody, your life becomes so much beautiful. All these little, little things are of no use. So do not judge them. Do not dominate them. If they ask for your guidance, all right. But all the time say, if the husband is all the time saying ‘do this’ and ‘do that’, then he becomes boring, isn’t it? And you should see that you don’t bore your life and her life because there’s so many ways of enjoying life. Even sitting together you can. Talking together you can. But if you don’t understand this art, then maybe you might have problems, she might have problems. If she has some serious problem, then, of course, we’ll cancel the marriage. We’ll find out what sort of a thing. But normally, try to understand that why, if she is working in the house, she’s equally important, even more important than you are. If you think from this angle, that the marriage is between two souls who are, say, left and right and there should be a complete understanding. The emotional part of it — but I find that in the marriages, people don’t have much understanding about emotional side. If she feels sad, if she cries, just a little, few words of love and loving the person is the greatest thing. There cannot be anything better than loving the person You are not married here for just a common experience of marriage, but for enjoying love. It’s a very, very great blessings and a divine thing to love. If you can do that, then you won’t find faults. You will find a way how you can enjoy your married life. So I have called you here to tell you that you have to enjoy your married life and then one thing you have to remember — alone you cannot. Alone you cannot. So she’s your companion. She’s your friend. She’s everything to you. Have beautiful feeling about it. I mean some people are very overly romantic and some people are not at all romantic. So there’s no need to be extremely ‘something’, but, as a Sahaja yogis, you should appreciate the qualities of your wife and a Sahaja Yoga marriage. The best thing is to trust each other, not to doubt. There’s another problem with many marriages, that they start doubting and then they separate. So nothing to doubt. Nothing to be frightened about married life. It’s a beautiful thing you are entering into. It’s a beautiful, I should say, evolution of yours that you’re sharing your life with somebody. But there are many people who fail. Why? Because they think they are men and these are women. But both of them can be beautifully joined together and live very happily. I have seen some very good husbands, they are so hardworking they have no time for their wives, so they telephone again(?). They’ll find out how are you. I’ll give you an example of Lal Bahadur Shastri, he was so fond of this wife. His wife was ordinary woman, not educated, nothing, from a very ordinary family. But once I was in their house, you see. So in the morning, about say ten o’clock I was there, and he sent a letter to her from the office that “I woke up early and as is usual my routine, I had a bath and everything and you were still sleeping, so I didn’t want to disturb you. Because you didn’t sleep last night, so I didn’t want to disturb you. I’m very sorry, but I haven’t taken my tea as yet, so can I come down to take tea with you?’ We were very close. See how touching it is. He came down, I saw this and I was amazed - in the Prime Minister of India; look at him, how he was concerned about her. So he came down and then he had tea with her. I just hid myself, I said [to myself] ‘I don’t want to interfere’. All these sweet, sweet things, you see, help you so much and, though Shri Shastriji, was such a busy man, he always used to think about her and also the family. But then when I was there, I was surprised. He told his daughters, “You look after your children. My wife is not going to be like a maidservant. I’m not going to make her an aya. You just look out!” So what a deference was given to her, compared to the children. That should be the case. You see, that’s how we learn to live with another person. Always if you are thinking about yourself, ‘What comfort I have got. This food was not good’, you are not living like Sahaja yogis. A Sahaja yogi lives for others, not for himself, starting with your wife. Of course, if you have problems or anything, that can be sorted out. You can write to Me. We can find out. But first thing is you must see, you have to have emotional balance. That has to be understood. If the wife is unhappy, you should ask her, “Why, what’s the matter?” Always stand by her — always, whether it is your mother, father or anyone, stand by her and then tell her what is the right thing. But if you take an opposite position, she won’t understand. But if you take her side and tell everybody that “Let’s find out”. And then establish her self-respect. Let her feel that she will not be insulted by anyone. Anybody insults your wife, you should stand by her [at] that time. Later on, you can sort it out. Nobody dare say anything to your wife, do anything to your wife, but take the side of your wife all the time because, after all, she’s a Sahaja yogini also. And you can talk to her later on and ask her what’s the matter. You can take her in the bedroom and ask, “What is the matter, what has happened?” But, in the presence of others, you shouldn’t shout at her. And you should not correct her. Moreover, no husband should shout at their wives. That is something I can’t understand, why should husbands shout. It shows a very bad upbringing. We’re all Sahaja yogis. You are brought up by Me. I am your Mother. And please never shout at your wives, never show your temper. I mean, some things so simple can be solved by showing love. As you love Me, I love you, and if there’s anything wrong with you also I will never shout at you, never. What I’ll do, I’ll take you in a very loving manner. You have such a great power of love and compassion. If you cannot love your own wife, who are you going to love? More than your children, more than anybody else! You share your love a little and you’ll be amazed. For small, small things also I’ve seen, Sahaja yogis get angry with their wives. For example now, supposing, I’m supposed to be your Mother and everything. But sometimes your wife does some mistake in puja, in something she — try to understand. I don’t mind. Later on you tell her that “It was a mistake and you should not have done it; that’s our Mother,” and they will respect it. But if you go on shouting, you see, there will be a gap between them. If you talk to them like that, their whole life will change. Be kind to them. Be gentle. Very much, it’s necessary. Specially I’ve seen that in the Western life, people have no training how to deal with their wife. There’s no arrangement like that — India we have. When they first meet the husband or the wife, there’s a big ceremony and the gentle way of handling everything. So, though the relationship is there, you have to establish it. You should move slowly, gently, in a simple manner, not to just to jump on the woman and start ..(?).. – really, it’s not proper. We’ve had three, four cases like that, not many, I should say, for so many years [of marriages], but still to handle her gently, talk to her gently. Talk to her in a way that she feels that you’re her husband and that she is your wife. It’s something that’s an art. And because you are Sahaja yogis, you have to show to the world that ‘because of Sahaja Yoga, our marriage has been very successful. Don’t listen to your mother. Don’t listen to anybody. Listen to her first and find out what is the problem. Otherwise, such marriages collapse. When you are already married, you should show no interest in any other woman — no interest whatsoever. First is your wife, because that puts them off — unnecessary interest in other women. There’s no need. You’ve got your woman. You’ve got your wife. Why should you have interest in other women? Despite all this, if they are troublesome, let Me know. I am sitting here to know about it. But you don’t get desperate. And things can be improved, we can make them alright. If you’re not sensible, then it will be problematic. I must say that I think, compared to the Indians, you people have better husbands, no doubt. But sometimes, some husbands, like in India, I think, (Shri Mataji asks to someone nearby “Are there any English people here? No, I mean to be married?”). So, you see, in England I have seen men are very docile — very docile because of the law. Law is so funny and that’s why they are left-side. They are docile and not only docile but they spoil their women, because of the law that is there. But now we have international marriages and here in Italy also, if you are marrying under Italian law it’s not so bad. But still, you must remember that whatever you are doing is according to Divine Laws. Divine Laws must be obeyed and that’s how you should make very successful marriages. I’m very anxious to see that, that you become very happy with these marriages — something very special, exceptional, that you will have the blessings of the Divine and you will enjoy your love. May God bless you.
5th Day of Navaratri: Overcome hatred with love
Navaratri Puja. Loutraki (Greece), 21 October 2001. Today we have gathered here to do the Devi Puja. This Puja was performed many a times and Devi was requested by the Devas to save them from the tyranny of devilish people. Today, I feel the same way that we are now in the grip of a funny situation, that there are people who are themselves devils I think and also mesmerized by them, who are trying to do something which they should never have done. But they don’t know that there is a climax of everything and that point has arrived where all the good people, especially the Sahaja Yogis, should put all their mind to the destruction of these horrible personalities like Mahishasura. In those days it was very simple because devils came as devils and you could see them that they are devils and all their behaviour proved that they were devils. Why they did it? Why were they cruel? Because so-called ‘human beings’ as they are – they are not – they are by nature devilish and they want to do something by which they can destroy human beings and, good human beings. It is evident that the time has come for them to be destroyed. In no way I could be against Islam or ever to criticise Mohammed Sahib. He was divine no doubt and tried to do divine work but out of that divine work these stupid people have come up who accept those devilish people. You will be amazed to know that in Islam there are 74 groups! They say “We follow one religion” but they do not. Out of these some of them are really evil people and they call themselves by the name as Devbandhis because this is a place in India and also they are called as Wahhabis. I have been knowing them since long because in our household, in My father’s household, we had lots of Muslim people working as cooks, as drivers, as other servants. And these Wahhabis are very interesting people because they don’t believe even in Mohammed Sahib. So, if you tell them that Mohammed Sahib has said such-and-such a thing, they said “No, we don’t believe in Mohammed Sahib.” “So, whom do you believe?” “We believe in Allah!” “Have you met Allah? Have you seen Him that you are believing in them?” But in their whole behaviour it was cruelty which was innately built, very cruel and whenever my father saw that, he asked them to get out. Because always had a sinister practices by which they used to treat others. I never knew that it will come up to that stage and there are, mostly they were from Afghanistan, can you imagine, mostly. Of course they tortured other Afghanis also and wherever they went, they had a speciality that they could be very cruel. Not all Afghanis, no, not at all, but some of them. And they came to India from Afghanistan and we have different types of Afghanis. Some were very loving, kind, helpful, very nice people. And some of them were very cruel. First we didn’t understand what is this? But because My father was a scholar and scholar of Islam, he told us: “These are not Islamic. They call themselves Wahhabis and they are not Islamic.” I can see that today, so clearly. Not that in other religions or in other groups there are not bad people but these Wahhabis were secretly working out different groups. They are not many. And that’s what My father had told Me that “One day they will become very explosive and they might try to completely ruin the world.” At first I couldn’t understand because after all, they looked like human beings only. But he says, he told Me: “They are absolutely camouflaged and once they start their cruelty you will not know what to do.” We had one invader in our country called as Ahmed Shah Abdali. He was a very, very cruel man, very cruel, and he used to even kill the Muslims because his concept was that “You should not worship Mohammed Sahib because Mohammed Sahib said that “I am not Divine.”” I also used to say the same, to save from the stupid people. For years I used to say “I am not Divine” but when they felt My vibrations and all that, they believed. But those who believed in Mohammed Sahib were never understood by these people. Very, very cruel and because they don’t even believe in Mohammed Sahib you cannot argue with them on any point. You cannot argue with them what is written in the Koran because “you don’t believe in Koran, you don’t believe in Mohammed Sahib, you believe in Allah.” God knows from where do they have connections! But gradually it was surprising that they could mesmerize – as we have horrible gurus who come as gurus and they mesmerize – you have seen them, people being mesmerized. So many are being exposed and so many are going to be exposed. But mostly they were people who were interested in money, in getting lots of money, somehow, is a, in the name of religion. But that time people didn’t see their cruel methods and their cruelties. This cruelty started growing. And you know we have been to Nizzamuddin Auliya [Arabic word meaning Saint]. In that place only I discovered there’s a madharsa [or madrasa] – ‘madharsa’ means a ‘school’ and in that school they used to admit small children. And it was so well planned that God doesn’t know – I mean I can’t say, that there were 120 madharsas only in Delhi! Now nobody knew what they are teaching there, what they are mesmerising, how they are doing this. It so happened once I went to this place, Nizzamuddin and there I found people singing songs and all that. And I found in them a real feeling for love. They felt My love, very much, all of them, and they started coming to Sahaja Yoga. But I didn’t know there was a madharsa in that place. I asked them “Why is it, here the vibrations, Nizzamuddin was an Auliya and how is that the place doesn’t have good vibrations?” In between I used to get very bad vibrations. So they told Me “Mother, there is a madharsa.” Now look at the evil, how it works. Normally, evil used to work like this, that it would go and form some groups, some wars, and kill people. They were few people but they had cruelty as their religion. Whichever way they lived, they wanted to be cruel. In those madarsas only, they had people who used to tell them how to be cruel, how to hate. So ‘education in hatred’ started. And that education of hatred was very well woven through these madarsas, all over the world. Now, as you know, Pakistan and India were always fighting. But this time Pakistanis realised that “If we fight with India in that way we will be called as terrorists.” So, they said “No, we will have no terrorism in our country.” But they are the ones stupidly, this new fellow, had sent about 65 scholars, ambassadors, to Afghanistan to study in those madarsas, how to become cruel, can you imagine! To teach hatred! Of course, there are many Muslims who are not but if you do not respect Mohammed Sahib and you are supposed to be a Muslim, what will come out of you? So, all these wrong ideas grew up and Islam got divided into many groups. It’s alright, but to have this kind of a group that is against all humanity was the most dangerous plan. I don’t know how many Muslims also knew about it. They spread this madarsa thing all over the world and people coming out of that institution became very, very cruel people. The first cruelty was to the women. Women were treated with such contempt and absolutely no respect of any kind was given to them. This itself shows that there was no-one to control them. It’s not written in Koran, it’s not described by Mohammed Sahib. He says “God is merciful; He is peace-giving.” Whatever He did was absolutely divine, no doubt. But some of these people, the way they took to satanic forces, people started misunderstanding Islam. ‘Islam’ means ‘to surrender’. Those who are surrendered are you people. Surrendered means those who have given up all their lust, greed and all these enemies and, are above normal people. Another thing, it was very interesting to note that Mohammed Sahib had said that “At the time of Resurrection, your hands would speak.” That He clearly said. Naturally, because it was written in a language which was all poetic, people can, want to, if they want to, they can twist it. But Mohammed Sahib never, never could have said…. [short pause] It’s very, very shocking that in these modern times that people have taken to such crooked ideas. But for that, the reason is that people also develop resistance for them. Jews, they developed a resistance for them. This hatred is responsible, and this hatred between both the sides, I would say now, is that two different…. [short pause] It’s very evident. Now, in Sahaja Yoga, we believe in complete innocent, simple existence together and that people believe that there is definitely different groups of people…. [short pause] Now what is our duty? What are we supposed to do? First of all, we have to introspect. Supposing you are a Hindu, born, you should sit down and find out if you hate anybody because he’s a Muslim. You can’t hate, because somebody is a Muslim, you can’t hate. Because you are a Muslim because you are surrendered, so how can you hate anyone? If you are surrendered, you are surrendered to the Divine and how can you then be against the Divine? So, these misleading thoughts and ideas should be given up. Supposing you are a Hindu, so you should have no business to hate anyone! That is for definite! Now the word ‘Hindu’ also comes from the river Sindhu, because Alexander (the Great) couldn’t say ‘Sindhu’ so he said ‘Hindu’. And on that point many people have built this horrible hatred in India. But cruelty was not their theme. That was the saving point. That they didn’t want to torture people. So, this aptitude to torture or to hate people is coming from other sources. And the source is, as you can see clearly, that they openly hate. To hate is a very bad quality. One of the most dangerous things is to hate. And so you all must know…. [short pause] Alright. Now we are having a…. [long pause] To Me, it is very painful to think that we human beings, we hate others, when you know that love is such an overwhelming, beautiful feeling. But why then do you take to hatred? Because people have impressed you, they have told you lies, that’s why you hate. What an achievement! First to be a human being and then to be a person full of hatred! Now what will be the next I don’t know! It was alright in those days for the Goddess to kill. The Goddess used to kill all such people…. [long pause] It’s a very sad feeling that God has created human beings from amoeba to this stage and how can we hate someone? And this is what has happened! Now, of course, Sahaj is different. That Sahajis know how to enjoy the Love. They like it. They enjoy it. You can see that. And if somehow, you people could manage to remove this hatred – somehow, somehow – with your own will-power – denying and defying all that is being told to human beings, I am sure…. [long pause] It’s a very difficult world where those people who came on this Earth, went through all kinds of education, wanted to improve the conditions, the relationships, friendships, have fallen into the depth of hatred. [long pause] My heart just weeps. At what time I have come on this Earth, where I have to see human beings hating each other. They talk of ‘love’ and ‘hate’. It’s a very serious thing, that you who are the children [short pause] they’ll end up like this. [long pause] I mean, I have experiences that if I tell you you’ll be shocked. How people have fallen down to the depth of evil nature. It’s an understanding. We have to have understanding about ourselves. Do we hate somebody? Do we get ideas that we shouldn’t have? Do you have such things in you? Just find out! Do you hate other people? The ideas are rotten, absolutely, for a human mind. The ideas which are completely like the animals’ instinct are absolutely no good for human beings at all. But that is what is happening and is coming forward. If you are poor, alright, but by hating you don’t become rich, no. If you are in any difficulties, then your duty is to remove those difficulties, but not to prosper on them. All this has to finish. It is very surprising that we are not bothered at all as to what we are doing. Yet, you have to have proper sense of understanding. Where are we going? If you have misunderstanding about somebody, better take it out, completely! They try to trouble you, alright, but don’t have bad understanding about that person. Very surprising that we never see those things, how ugly they are and how funny they are and, how they have ruined our personality. You may be able to correct some people. [short pause] All our activities as Sahaja Yogis, I never realised, were so important! We have to give so much time. Not to bother about nonsensical, frivolous things but something serious that is within us or without, that must be taken out. If I ask you “How many people you hate?” You may say “20 people” and…. [long pause] See the thing, the whole atmosphere, nowadays, fills Me with such remorse that I just don’t know what are we going to do, the Sahaja Yogis. What are their plans? Will you please look into yourself and think what constructive work we are doing and what destructive work we have been doing. You need a big shock to understand this. I like the way we have programmes and pujas and all that but if you ask My inner being, I know it is very, very unhappy, very sick. At this time, what you have to do as Sahaja Yogis…. [short pause] As Sahaja Yogis, minimum of minimum, you should put full attention and then you have to tell everybody. You see the trouble with Sahaja Yoga is that you all start enjoying yourself and then you don’t see around what is happening. Now I must tell you, I am now in the midst of war between myth.… [short pause] Is it an area, is it a – I don’t know what should I say. Is it, within us there is still lurking some kind of a weakness that we do not try to fight our weaknesses? I would now request you all to meditate on yourself and see for yourself what is wrong. It’s a big shock and to reduce this shock, what can Sahaja Yogis do? What can they work it, to blast these horrible ways of human life? It’s possible with the Power of Love—you can manage! But we must develop that power in our hearts. Think of it! It’s a big lesson now for all of us, to see for ourselves, are we alright or we go on hating others? What is the function of our mind, is to hate or to love? And this love, if it enlightens you, you will be amazed, you will be such a big force for Me. I cannot fight the whole thing alone. And, I have to have people who really develop their love and nothing else! That is one of the challenges now for all of us, for all the Sahaja Yogis all over the world. It’s not only the fight between believers and non-believers, not only the fight between Sahaja Yogis and non-Sahaja Yogis, but this is a fight where we are all one and we are going to fight it out. At every stage we have to be much more subtler. It is very, very essential to see to the point today, are we also part and parcel of that evil thing that is working out or are we free from that and prepared to fight it? It’s a big fight and I hope it is conclusive! After this there will be no more of cruelties to human beings, no more fights, because this is a fight between the rakshasas and ourselves. It is not ordinary. And this has to be explained also to those who are supportive of evil forces. Only thing, you can say “Mother, how are we to know who is against and who is not?” You are knowledgeable; you are Sahaja Yogis, you know who is on the wrong side. I know Sahaja Yogis can save and can bring them to the right path of knowledge and love. But, be very careful with the propaganda of evil that is going on. I want to touch the deepest part of your heart – we should reconcile. I am sure you all will understand the magnitude of danger that awaits! Maybe, there may not be any human beings left, maybe there may not be any children left. Because if this kind of thing is working out, it’s very difficult, very difficult. [long pause] My whole existence gets shaken, gets shaken up. You all should see in every nook and corner of life: Where is this talk going on? Where are people talking of cruelty? What’s happening? [long pause] Whatever I think, it’s not one, it’s not two, it’s all of us. [long pause] The fight that I am having is of a very serious nature, no doubt. But if you all can fight collectively, how much we can work it out! My all efforts, understandings, powers, everything is now in your hands, and that’s what you should be prepared for. Not by just reading something or talking about it. You have to build up within yourself the power of love! I am sure with the opening of the Sahasrara you will do. But try to read something, to understand something, with the power of love. It’s a very deep subject and when you talk about it – half-way I’m inside, half-way outside. But I have to tell you that you all develop this and only that will form a very strong opposition to these ‘evildoers’ as they call it. [short pause] My complete blessings are on you and I want all of you, individually, to work it out. How many people you love, how many people? This you have to find out. [short pause] I hope you people have understood what I want you to do. [short pause] A new generation is coming up. [long pause] All of you, all of you, are in My Heart and I love you very much and, I want you people to come as soldiers to fight with Me. [short pause] I am also told that there are some people who are forming groups – extremely negative attitude! At this time what we need is a complete solidarity. So, all such people whom you see, tell them to behave themselves! No use making them Sahaja Yogis. I am sure—it’s really heartfelt desire of Mine—that you should become really soldiers of love and peace. Because that is why you are here. You are born here for that. So, enjoy yourselves. [Shri Mataji makes namaste] H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Navaratri Puja. Loutraki (Greece), 21 October 2001. Today we have gathered here to do the Devi Puja. This Puja was performed many a times and Devi was requested by the Devas to save them from the tyranny of devilish people. Today, I feel the same way that we are now in the grip of a funny situation, that there are people who are themselves devils I think and also mesmerized by them, who are trying to do something which they should never have done. But they don’t know that there is a climax of everything and that point has arrived where all the good people, especially the Sahaja Yogis, should put all their mind to the destruction of these horrible personalities like Mahishasura. In those days it was very simple because devils came as devils and you could see them that they are devils and all their behaviour proved that they were devils. Why they did it? Why were they cruel? Because so-called ‘human beings’ as they are – they are not – they are by nature devilish and they want to do something by which they can destroy human beings and, good human beings. It is evident that the time has come for them to be destroyed. In no way I could be against Islam or ever to criticise Mohammed Sahib. He was divine no doubt and tried to do divine work but out of that divine work these stupid people have come up who accept those devilish people. You will be amazed to know that in Islam there are 74 groups! They say “We follow one religion” but they do not. Out of these some of them are really evil people and they call themselves by the name as Devbandhis because this is a place in India and also they are called as Wahhabis. I have been knowing them since long because in our household, in My father’s household, we had lots of Muslim people working as cooks, as drivers, as other servants. And these Wahhabis are very interesting people because they don’t believe even in Mohammed Sahib. So, if you tell them that Mohammed Sahib has said such-and-such a thing, they said “No, we don’t believe in Mohammed Sahib.” “So, whom do you believe?” “We believe in Allah!” “Have you met Allah? Have you seen Him that you are believing in them?” But in their whole behaviour it was cruelty which was innately built, very cruel and whenever my father saw that, he asked them to get out. Because always had a sinister practices by which they used to treat others. I never knew that it will come up to that stage and there are, mostly they were from Afghanistan, can you imagine, mostly. Of course they tortured other Afghanis also and wherever they went, they had a speciality that they could be very cruel. Not all Afghanis, no, not at all, but some of them. And they came to India from Afghanistan and we have different types of Afghanis. Some were very loving, kind, helpful, very nice people. And some of them were very cruel. First we didn’t understand what is this? But because My father was a scholar and scholar of Islam, he told us: “These are not Islamic. They call themselves Wahhabis and they are not Islamic.” I can see that today, so clearly. Not that in other religions or in other groups there are not bad people but these Wahhabis were secretly working out different groups. They are not many. And that’s what My father had told Me that “One day they will become very explosive and they might try to completely ruin the world.” At first I couldn’t understand because after all, they looked like human beings only. But he says, he told Me: “They are absolutely camouflaged and once they start their cruelty you will not know what to do.” We had one invader in our country called as Ahmed Shah Abdali. He was a very, very cruel man, very cruel, and he used to even kill the Muslims because his concept was that “You should not worship Mohammed Sahib because Mohammed Sahib said that “I am not Divine.”” I also used to say the same, to save from the stupid people. For years I used to say “I am not Divine” but when they felt My vibrations and all that, they believed. But those who believed in Mohammed Sahib were never understood by these people. Very, very cruel and because they don’t even believe in Mohammed Sahib you cannot argue with them on any point. You cannot argue with them what is written in the Koran because “you don’t believe in Koran, you don’t believe in Mohammed Sahib, you believe in Allah.” God knows from where do they have connections! But gradually it was surprising that they could mesmerize – as we have horrible gurus who come as gurus and they mesmerize – you have seen them, people being mesmerized. So many are being exposed and so many are going to be exposed. But mostly they were people who were interested in money, in getting lots of money, somehow, is a, in the name of religion. But that time people didn’t see their cruel methods and their cruelties. This cruelty started growing. And you know we have been to Nizzamuddin Auliya [Arabic word meaning Saint]. In that place only I discovered there’s a madharsa [or madrasa] – ‘madharsa’ means a ‘school’ and in that school they used to admit small children. And it was so well planned that God doesn’t know – I mean I can’t say, that there were 120 madharsas only in Delhi! Now nobody knew what they are teaching there, what they are mesmerising, how they are doing this. It so happened once I went to this place, Nizzamuddin and there I found people singing songs and all that. And I found in them a real feeling for love. They felt My love, very much, all of them, and they started coming to Sahaja Yoga. But I didn’t know there was a madharsa in that place. I asked them “Why is it, here the vibrations, Nizzamuddin was an Auliya and how is that the place doesn’t have good vibrations?” In between I used to get very bad vibrations. So they told Me “Mother, there is a madharsa.” Now look at the evil, how it works. Normally, evil used to work like this, that it would go and form some groups, some wars, and kill people. They were few people but they had cruelty as their religion. Whichever way they lived, they wanted to be cruel. In those madarsas only, they had people who used to tell them how to be cruel, how to hate. So ‘education in hatred’ started. And that education of hatred was very well woven through these madarsas, all over the world. Now, as you know, Pakistan and India were always fighting. But this time Pakistanis realised that “If we fight with India in that way we will be called as terrorists.” So, they said “No, we will have no terrorism in our country.” But they are the ones stupidly, this new fellow, had sent about 65 scholars, ambassadors, to Afghanistan to study in those madarsas, how to become cruel, can you imagine! To teach hatred! Of course, there are many Muslims who are not but if you do not respect Mohammed Sahib and you are supposed to be a Muslim, what will come out of you? So, all these wrong ideas grew up and Islam got divided into many groups. It’s alright, but to have this kind of a group that is against all humanity was the most dangerous plan. I don’t know how many Muslims also knew about it. They spread this madarsa thing all over the world and people coming out of that institution became very, very cruel people. The first cruelty was to the women. Women were treated with such contempt and absolutely no respect of any kind was given to them. This itself shows that there was no-one to control them. It’s not written in Koran, it’s not described by Mohammed Sahib. He says “God is merciful; He is peace-giving.” Whatever He did was absolutely divine, no doubt. But some of these people, the way they took to satanic forces, people started misunderstanding Islam. ‘Islam’ means ‘to surrender’. Those who are surrendered are you people. Surrendered means those who have given up all their lust, greed and all these enemies and, are above normal people. Another thing, it was very interesting to note that Mohammed Sahib had said that “At the time of Resurrection, your hands would speak.” That He clearly said. Naturally, because it was written in a language which was all poetic, people can, want to, if they want to, they can twist it. But Mohammed Sahib never, never could have said…. [short pause] It’s very, very shocking that in these modern times that people have taken to such crooked ideas. But for that, the reason is that people also develop resistance for them. Jews, they developed a resistance for them. This hatred is responsible, and this hatred between both the sides, I would say now, is that two different…. [short pause] It’s very evident. Now, in Sahaja Yoga, we believe in complete innocent, simple existence together and that people believe that there is definitely different groups of people…. [short pause] Now what is our duty? What are we supposed to do? First of all, we have to introspect. Supposing you are a Hindu, born, you should sit down and find out if you hate anybody because he’s a Muslim. You can’t hate, because somebody is a Muslim, you can’t hate. Because you are a Muslim because you are surrendered, so how can you hate anyone? If you are surrendered, you are surrendered to the Divine and how can you then be against the Divine? So, these misleading thoughts and ideas should be given up. Supposing you are a Hindu, so you should have no business to hate anyone! That is for definite! Now the word ‘Hindu’ also comes from the river Sindhu, because Alexander (the Great) couldn’t say ‘Sindhu’ so he said ‘Hindu’. And on that point many people have built this horrible hatred in India. But cruelty was not their theme. That was the saving point. That they didn’t want to torture people. So, this aptitude to torture or to hate people is coming from other sources. And the source is, as you can see clearly, that they openly hate. To hate is a very bad quality. One of the most dangerous things is to hate. And so you all must know…. [short pause] Alright. Now we are having a…. [long pause] To Me, it is very painful to think that we human beings, we hate others, when you know that love is such an overwhelming, beautiful feeling. But why then do you take to hatred? Because people have impressed you, they have told you lies, that’s why you hate. What an achievement! First to be a human being and then to be a person full of hatred! Now what will be the next I don’t know! It was alright in those days for the Goddess to kill. The Goddess used to kill all such people…. [long pause] It’s a very sad feeling that God has created human beings from amoeba to this stage and how can we hate someone? And this is what has happened! Now, of course, Sahaj is different. That Sahajis know how to enjoy the Love. They like it. They enjoy it. You can see that. And if somehow, you people could manage to remove this hatred – somehow, somehow – with your own will-power – denying and defying all that is being told to human beings, I am sure…. [long pause] It’s a very difficult world where those people who came on this Earth, went through all kinds of education, wanted to improve the conditions, the relationships, friendships, have fallen into the depth of hatred. [long pause] My heart just weeps. At what time I have come on this Earth, where I have to see human beings hating each other. They talk of ‘love’ and ‘hate’. It’s a very serious thing, that you who are the children [short pause] they’ll end up like this. [long pause] I mean, I have experiences that if I tell you you’ll be shocked. How people have fallen down to the depth of evil nature. It’s an understanding. We have to have understanding about ourselves. Do we hate somebody? Do we get ideas that we shouldn’t have? Do you have such things in you? Just find out! Do you hate other people? The ideas are rotten, absolutely, for a human mind. The ideas which are completely like the animals’ instinct are absolutely no good for human beings at all. But that is what is happening and is coming forward. If you are poor, alright, but by hating you don’t become rich, no. If you are in any difficulties, then your duty is to remove those difficulties, but not to prosper on them. All this has to finish. It is very surprising that we are not bothered at all as to what we are doing. Yet, you have to have proper sense of understanding. Where are we going? If you have misunderstanding about somebody, better take it out, completely! They try to trouble you, alright, but don’t have bad understanding about that person. Very surprising that we never see those things, how ugly they are and how funny they are and, how they have ruined our personality. You may be able to correct some people. [short pause] All our activities as Sahaja Yogis, I never realised, were so important! We have to give so much time. Not to bother about nonsensical, frivolous things but something serious that is within us or without, that must be taken out. If I ask you “How many people you hate?” You may say “20 people” and…. [long pause] See the thing, the whole atmosphere, nowadays, fills Me with such remorse that I just don’t know what are we going to do, the Sahaja Yogis. What are their plans? Will you please look into yourself and think what constructive work we are doing and what destructive work we have been doing. You need a big shock to understand this. I like the way we have programmes and pujas and all that but if you ask My inner being, I know it is very, very unhappy, very sick. At this time, what you have to do as Sahaja Yogis…. [short pause] As Sahaja Yogis, minimum of minimum, you should put full attention and then you have to tell everybody. You see the trouble with Sahaja Yoga is that you all start enjoying yourself and then you don’t see around what is happening. Now I must tell you, I am now in the midst of war between myth.… [short pause] Is it an area, is it a – I don’t know what should I say. Is it, within us there is still lurking some kind of a weakness that we do not try to fight our weaknesses? I would now request you all to meditate on yourself and see for yourself what is wrong. It’s a big shock and to reduce this shock, what can Sahaja Yogis do? What can they work it, to blast these horrible ways of human life? It’s possible with the Power of Love—you can manage! But we must develop that power in our hearts. Think of it! It’s a big lesson now for all of us, to see for ourselves, are we alright or we go on hating others? What is the function of our mind, is to hate or to love? And this love, if it enlightens you, you will be amazed, you will be such a big force for Me. I cannot fight the whole thing alone. And, I have to have people who really develop their love and nothing else! That is one of the challenges now for all of us, for all the Sahaja Yogis all over the world. It’s not only the fight between believers and non-believers, not only the fight between Sahaja Yogis and non-Sahaja Yogis, but this is a fight where we are all one and we are going to fight it out. At every stage we have to be much more subtler. It is very, very essential to see to the point today, are we also part and parcel of that evil thing that is working out or are we free from that and prepared to fight it? It’s a big fight and I hope it is conclusive! After this there will be no more of cruelties to human beings, no more fights, because this is a fight between the rakshasas and ourselves. It is not ordinary. And this has to be explained also to those who are supportive of evil forces. Only thing, you can say “Mother, how are we to know who is against and who is not?” You are knowledgeable; you are Sahaja Yogis, you know who is on the wrong side. I know Sahaja Yogis can save and can bring them to the right path of knowledge and love. But, be very careful with the propaganda of evil that is going on. I want to touch the deepest part of your heart – we should reconcile. I am sure you all will understand the magnitude of danger that awaits! Maybe, there may not be any human beings left, maybe there may not be any children left. Because if this kind of thing is working out, it’s very difficult, very difficult. [long pause] My whole existence gets shaken, gets shaken up. You all should see in every nook and corner of life: Where is this talk going on? Where are people talking of cruelty? What’s happening? [long pause] Whatever I think, it’s not one, it’s not two, it’s all of us. [long pause] The fight that I am having is of a very serious nature, no doubt. But if you all can fight collectively, how much we can work it out! My all efforts, understandings, powers, everything is now in your hands, and that’s what you should be prepared for. Not by just reading something or talking about it. You have to build up within yourself the power of love! I am sure with the opening of the Sahasrara you will do. But try to read something, to understand something, with the power of love. It’s a very deep subject and when you talk about it – half-way I’m inside, half-way outside. But I have to tell you that you all develop this and only that will form a very strong opposition to these ‘evildoers’ as they call it. [short pause] My complete blessings are on you and I want all of you, individually, to work it out. How many people you love, how many people? This you have to find out. [short pause] I hope you people have understood what I want you to do. [short pause] A new generation is coming up. [long pause] All of you, all of you, are in My Heart and I love you very much and, I want you people to come as soldiers to fight with Me. [short pause] I am also told that there are some people who are forming groups – extremely negative attitude! At this time what we need is a complete solidarity. So, all such people whom you see, tell them to behave themselves! No use making them Sahaja Yogis. I am sure—it’s really heartfelt desire of Mine—that you should become really soldiers of love and peace. Because that is why you are here. You are born here for that. So, enjoy yourselves. [Shri Mataji makes namaste] H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
You are to be connected to divine power
Public Program
Public Program 2001-10-23 It so very kin do f you to have waited for such a long time. I am sorry I don't know your language, but I can see how you love, love the truth and you want to have it. [not audible] . ...that's the most important thing. All the religions have said. But what is happening today is that all the religions are fighting among themselves. Why should it happen? Why shouldn’t we know ourselves? Are we afraid of ourselves? Because your self is beautiful! It is glorious. It is one that gives your own personality. And how many powers you have you don’t know them. Because you don't know yourself. This is what we have to understand that let us know ourselves; what we are. That thing is the truth. That is truth that we don't know what we are. That we have to know that truth. We talk of love all over the world, but we have no understanding as to what ocean of love we are. And in this ignorance where have, we reached? We hate each other, we torture everyone, we torture ourselves, where are we? There is no joy in our lives. There is no peace. Why? Why among human beings we have this problem? Because this one more step we have to move in our awareness. And which is not difficult. You cannot pay for it. And you cannot be jealous about it. It is a complete misunderstanding that drives us to madness. So as between you and me, I don’t want to keep any secrecy. Within us lies the power to become the spirit. Is our own and all of us have got it. Now the time has come to awaken that power within us. The time has come! All the people have tried before, but very few could know. On the contrary, people never understood them and misused them, abused them, troubled them. In your great country, you had a person like Socrates. We never understood what great person he was. And what he wanted. Because people who were in charge was jealous of him. We can't explain a man, who is today accepted as a very great personality, was condemned to death at that time. Maybe that time our awareness was very low; that we could not understand a man of that level. Then, we crucified Christ. I mean what should we say. Why, why we need all that? What was the incentive behind it. I wish I could have known your language. Could have been better. But how many languages how I to know. So, we come to that position where we realise that how is it we do not understand those great people. What was missing in our understanding that we never realised what greatness they had? We still have such people in this world. But they will be finished one day. Not because, they will be killed or they will be some sort of an attack on them, no. But what will happen that they will know them, they will get the knowledge. We have no knowledge about ourselves. We are all global people, want to be global. So the problem is of our correction. So, this correction has to be put right. That's all. I can see all of you are seekers of truth. And you have people here from all over the world. One has to just realise if the correction is established, we are one with the divine power. There is divine power all over, works in such a manner that you don't know. Only thing that you are to be connected to divine power. And for that you don't have to do anything. You know that there is a power within us in the sacrum bone. Perhaps yo people knew that its a sacred bone. Because you are the once gave it a name of sacrum bone, sacred. you have done it, the Greeks have done it. Just imagine how many things you had in your country? You have no idea at all. In Sanskrit language they have described the Goddess, and the Goddess live in this place. In Sanskrit they have called it “Manipure Dwipe”. Name of island is Manipur. And there lived a Goddess, the primordial Goddess that is Athena. Atha in sanskrit means primordial and that [no clear] lived in this Manipur Dwipe where can say Greeks. And nobody knows about it. Very surprising. First time when I came to Greece I was so enamoured by the fact that I am coming to the place where the primordial mother had taken birth. But once we read about the way things have changed, we have forgotten her. Such an important personality that she is one who came first to this country. She is the one who incarnated in this country. But as it is you have lost completely connections with her mission. Thats the only thing now we have to get that Ganesha. I have seen all over Greece there are so many things which talked about these ancient realities. And that’s the reason I respect Greece and the Greece. We have had lots of connections. Alexander came to India and all that and in his life excellent things happened in India. He married and Indian lady and he was then defeated by one king called Puru. Now the, in India we have a custom, a kind of ritual where a sister ties a thread in the hands of the Brother for his safety. Now when this Puru had arrested Alexander and put him in the jail, he received this thread. So, he opened that thing and saw that thread. He said “alright who is my sister”? That is an offer from a sister to the brother. So she said, the person who had brought it said that this is the wife of Alexander who has sent this thread to you for a brother. Immediately he (Puru) got so worried because he thought “I have arrested my sister’s husband and I have put him in Jail”. So shameful, he thought. And the king went to the jail immediately and released Alexander. And brought him back and sent him with many elephants and ?? and lots of jewellery to his house. Alexander couldn’t understand why he has done it. And when he went home he found his wife was smiling. So he asked what tricks did you play, what happened? How is it they have released such a dangerous enemy. She just smiled. She says “You know he is my brother and how can he keep his brother-in-law in the jail. That's not possible” According to Indian tradition the brother-in-law is to be respected. Then Alexander left for Greece with his wife saying that these people can release their enemies on a thread, who can fight them? So this sweet tradition, the sweet thing; you can see that has now even changed in India. Now the look forward to you that you being Greek must be carrying those traditions ?? And see what is that, what was that? That is love. Love for another human being another person. Do you know we have that love, that ocean of love within us. Once it starts exhibiting its powers then you will know that you are all, we are all really brothers and sisters. In this group I find people from all over the world. Once you realise what are you in the ocean of this love, you become so much one with each other that all this wars and problems will be finished. For that only you have to be in connection with the all-pervading power of divine love. With that connection you are completely cleansed from within. All your pitty mindedness, all your problems everything gets completely washed off. Is such a beautiful personality you develop that people know from your face that you are nothing but love. Is the whole thing is placed within us in the triangular bone, as I told you “sacrum”. And if it is awakened and you become one with he divine power, then you are one with each other. Of course all your problems, all your diseases, frustrations, they just get cleansed out. This is what should happen. This is the real baptism. And then, as a result, you can feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost as we say. But is the cool breeze of the all-pervading power from your own hand. And out of you fontanelle bone area you feel the cool breeze. Mohammad Sahab has said that when your resurrection will take place you will feel cool breeze in your hands and the hand would speak. How many are Muslims whose hands speak? Christ has said that you have to have your second birth. How many are Christians who can feel cool breeze on their hands? How many are Hindus you are supposed to get your second birth. Just by saying I am this, I am that you don't become. It should be an actualisation of a happening that your hands must speak. It is not difficult at all because you don't have to do anything. First, you must get your connection and then you should know how to give it to others. How to understand it. You are specially made like that. You are special spiritual people. But for that you have to become the spirit. I must tell you that I have been speaking about him for years now and I have spoken in so many ways and so many places. I am a very old woman and despite that I am travelling everywhere and doing this. But I would say still I have to work and because there are so many still don't know the truth. You all can get your realisation in no time. I can see that clearly. But after getting realisation you have to pay attention to yourself. And once the growth is completed, it takes sometimes even one day. You are a realised soul. Just have respect for yourself. Don't feel guilty. Is a nonsensical idea that you feel guilty. After all you are a human being. And if you have done any mistakes, so forget it. To err is human, to make mistake is a human quality. So just don't think what you have done wrong before. You have to get your realisation immediately, instantly. Only because you want it. It cannot be forced. NO, you have to want, ask it for it. So what we can do is to have this experience of self-realisation just now. So those who want to have it should be seated. But those who don’t want it should leave the hall. I assure you it will work out in no time. But please don’t condemn yourself. You are at the epitomy of evolution; you are human beings. And try to know that it is your right to get this self-realisation to bring peace, joy in your heart. So now, again its a choice for you. If you want to have it you be seated here, I will be very happy. But if you don’t want to have it you can go. You all want to have. :) That is the Greek character. Alright. Nothing, no acrobats. It is very simple. If you have any questions tell your mind to keep quiet for a while. Later on, you can ask. But just now get your self-realization. Very good. Now please put your hands like this towards me, just like this. Then close your eyes. Now see if there is a cool or a hot breeze you are feeling on your fingertips. Now, please put left hand towards me and right hand on top of the head on the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. You might get a little hot breeze, doesn’t matter. Forgive yourself. The hot breeze will become the cool breeze. Alright. Now put your right hand towards me and now left hand you put it on top of your fontanelle bone area. Little above. And you can move your hand and see yourself if there is any cool or hot breeze is coming. Now, if you find its hot coming then also you forgive others. Just don't have any anger about it. Now put your left hand towards me and see with the right hand. You have to forgive others. Just say “I forgive, I forgive everyone”. , Just say in your heart. 44.43 You can move your hand and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming. You can bend your head and see for yourself. Now, open your eyes and please see, please put both hands towards me again. Become silent. All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their hands or on their palm or out of their heads please raise both of your hands. All of them have got it! My God, tremendous. Now you have got realisation. You are feeling this all-pervading power. Now only thing you have to learn, how to use this power. Also from ?? you will know what’s the problem within you. It will cure your diseases. Your problems will be solved. Take it from me. This is such a simple thing has happened because you people are Greeks I think. You have a very big history behind you of spirituality. ?? as I don’t know how your could get it that fast. Thank you very much. If you have any problems please write to me without hesitation. Q. They did not understand the word Manipur Is the nabhi. Delphi is here. You are the nabhi. Greeks are the nabhi. You will know everything in Sahaja yoga. Everything about yourself. Q. Of all the great things you said, the most difficult thing is forgive. Listen, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. It is just a myth. If you just say “I forgive”, its done. ?? [laughs]. You better forgive madam. You just say in your heart “I forgive”. You feel very nice. Now whatever you want to know, whatever you want to find out further, find about self, we have got centres here. Please go and ask without any hesitation about anything, and I am sure you all be helped. I am very sure. But still, if you are not satisfied you can write to me. Q. She is asking what happened in this room, do we call it realisation. Shri Mataji: Yes of course. Q. Is this realisation or initiation, she is asking Shri Mataji: Realisation that you are the spirit. Realisation. That is you are the spirit. Q.? Shri Mataji: Did you get the connection, did you feel the cool breeze, madam? Q. yes I got the cool breeze. Shri Mataji: Then now you will know what it is, how it works, how it will raise your awareness. All these things you can learn, but, you must come to our centre. They know. They will tell you. And then you can tell others. Everything. Because of this bombs here, you see, we wasted some time. But I knew there was nothing but you see ?? Now we know what's wrong with you, they will tell you. You yourself will know on your fingertips what's wrong with you. And you yourself, you will cure yourself not only that but also you will tell others. And you can also give them realisation. And have faith in yourself that you will get it. The whole knowledge, all secret knowledge about your being. Alright. So thank you very much.
Public Program 2001-10-23 It so very kin do f you to have waited for such a long time. I am sorry I don't know your language, but I can see how you love, love the truth and you want to have it. [not audible] . ...that's the most important thing. All the religions have said. But what is happening today is that all the religions are fighting among themselves. Why should it happen? Why shouldn’t we know ourselves? Are we afraid of ourselves? Because your self is beautiful! It is glorious. It is one that gives your own personality. And how many powers you have you don’t know them. Because you don't know yourself. This is what we have to understand that let us know ourselves; what we are. That thing is the truth. That is truth that we don't know what we are. That we have to know that truth. We talk of love all over the world, but we have no understanding as to what ocean of love we are. And in this ignorance where have, we reached? We hate each other, we torture everyone, we torture ourselves, where are we? There is no joy in our lives. There is no peace. Why? Why among human beings we have this problem? Because this one more step we have to move in our awareness. And which is not difficult. You cannot pay for it. And you cannot be jealous about it. It is a complete misunderstanding that drives us to madness. So as between you and me, I don’t want to keep any secrecy. Within us lies the power to become the spirit. Is our own and all of us have got it. Now the time has come to awaken that power within us. The time has come! All the people have tried before, but very few could know. On the contrary, people never understood them and misused them, abused them, troubled them. In your great country, you had a person like Socrates. We never understood what great person he was. And what he wanted. Because people who were in charge was jealous of him. We can't explain a man, who is today accepted as a very great personality, was condemned to death at that time. Maybe that time our awareness was very low; that we could not understand a man of that level. Then, we crucified Christ. I mean what should we say. Why, why we need all that? What was the incentive behind it. I wish I could have known your language. Could have been better. But how many languages how I to know. So, we come to that position where we realise that how is it we do not understand those great people. What was missing in our understanding that we never realised what greatness they had? We still have such people in this world. But they will be finished one day. Not because, they will be killed or they will be some sort of an attack on them, no. But what will happen that they will know them, they will get the knowledge. We have no knowledge about ourselves. We are all global people, want to be global. So the problem is of our correction. So, this correction has to be put right. That's all. I can see all of you are seekers of truth. And you have people here from all over the world. One has to just realise if the correction is established, we are one with the divine power. There is divine power all over, works in such a manner that you don't know. Only thing that you are to be connected to divine power. And for that you don't have to do anything. You know that there is a power within us in the sacrum bone. Perhaps yo people knew that its a sacred bone. Because you are the once gave it a name of sacrum bone, sacred. you have done it, the Greeks have done it. Just imagine how many things you had in your country? You have no idea at all. In Sanskrit language they have described the Goddess, and the Goddess live in this place. In Sanskrit they have called it “Manipure Dwipe”. Name of island is Manipur. And there lived a Goddess, the primordial Goddess that is Athena. Atha in sanskrit means primordial and that [no clear] lived in this Manipur Dwipe where can say Greeks. And nobody knows about it. Very surprising. First time when I came to Greece I was so enamoured by the fact that I am coming to the place where the primordial mother had taken birth. But once we read about the way things have changed, we have forgotten her. Such an important personality that she is one who came first to this country. She is the one who incarnated in this country. But as it is you have lost completely connections with her mission. Thats the only thing now we have to get that Ganesha. I have seen all over Greece there are so many things which talked about these ancient realities. And that’s the reason I respect Greece and the Greece. We have had lots of connections. Alexander came to India and all that and in his life excellent things happened in India. He married and Indian lady and he was then defeated by one king called Puru. Now the, in India we have a custom, a kind of ritual where a sister ties a thread in the hands of the Brother for his safety. Now when this Puru had arrested Alexander and put him in the jail, he received this thread. So, he opened that thing and saw that thread. He said “alright who is my sister”? That is an offer from a sister to the brother. So she said, the person who had brought it said that this is the wife of Alexander who has sent this thread to you for a brother. Immediately he (Puru) got so worried because he thought “I have arrested my sister’s husband and I have put him in Jail”. So shameful, he thought. And the king went to the jail immediately and released Alexander. And brought him back and sent him with many elephants and ?? and lots of jewellery to his house. Alexander couldn’t understand why he has done it. And when he went home he found his wife was smiling. So he asked what tricks did you play, what happened? How is it they have released such a dangerous enemy. She just smiled. She says “You know he is my brother and how can he keep his brother-in-law in the jail. That's not possible” According to Indian tradition the brother-in-law is to be respected. Then Alexander left for Greece with his wife saying that these people can release their enemies on a thread, who can fight them? So this sweet tradition, the sweet thing; you can see that has now even changed in India. Now the look forward to you that you being Greek must be carrying those traditions ?? And see what is that, what was that? That is love. Love for another human being another person. Do you know we have that love, that ocean of love within us. Once it starts exhibiting its powers then you will know that you are all, we are all really brothers and sisters. In this group I find people from all over the world. Once you realise what are you in the ocean of this love, you become so much one with each other that all this wars and problems will be finished. For that only you have to be in connection with the all-pervading power of divine love. With that connection you are completely cleansed from within. All your pitty mindedness, all your problems everything gets completely washed off. Is such a beautiful personality you develop that people know from your face that you are nothing but love. Is the whole thing is placed within us in the triangular bone, as I told you “sacrum”. And if it is awakened and you become one with he divine power, then you are one with each other. Of course all your problems, all your diseases, frustrations, they just get cleansed out. This is what should happen. This is the real baptism. And then, as a result, you can feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost as we say. But is the cool breeze of the all-pervading power from your own hand. And out of you fontanelle bone area you feel the cool breeze. Mohammad Sahab has said that when your resurrection will take place you will feel cool breeze in your hands and the hand would speak. How many are Muslims whose hands speak? Christ has said that you have to have your second birth. How many are Christians who can feel cool breeze on their hands? How many are Hindus you are supposed to get your second birth. Just by saying I am this, I am that you don't become. It should be an actualisation of a happening that your hands must speak. It is not difficult at all because you don't have to do anything. First, you must get your connection and then you should know how to give it to others. How to understand it. You are specially made like that. You are special spiritual people. But for that you have to become the spirit. I must tell you that I have been speaking about him for years now and I have spoken in so many ways and so many places. I am a very old woman and despite that I am travelling everywhere and doing this. But I would say still I have to work and because there are so many still don't know the truth. You all can get your realisation in no time. I can see that clearly. But after getting realisation you have to pay attention to yourself. And once the growth is completed, it takes sometimes even one day. You are a realised soul. Just have respect for yourself. Don't feel guilty. Is a nonsensical idea that you feel guilty. After all you are a human being. And if you have done any mistakes, so forget it. To err is human, to make mistake is a human quality. So just don't think what you have done wrong before. You have to get your realisation immediately, instantly. Only because you want it. It cannot be forced. NO, you have to want, ask it for it. So what we can do is to have this experience of self-realisation just now. So those who want to have it should be seated. But those who don’t want it should leave the hall. I assure you it will work out in no time. But please don’t condemn yourself. You are at the epitomy of evolution; you are human beings. And try to know that it is your right to get this self-realisation to bring peace, joy in your heart. So now, again its a choice for you. If you want to have it you be seated here, I will be very happy. But if you don’t want to have it you can go. You all want to have. :) That is the Greek character. Alright. Nothing, no acrobats. It is very simple. If you have any questions tell your mind to keep quiet for a while. Later on, you can ask. But just now get your self-realization. Very good. Now please put your hands like this towards me, just like this. Then close your eyes. Now see if there is a cool or a hot breeze you are feeling on your fingertips. Now, please put left hand towards me and right hand on top of the head on the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. You might get a little hot breeze, doesn’t matter. Forgive yourself. The hot breeze will become the cool breeze. Alright. Now put your right hand towards me and now left hand you put it on top of your fontanelle bone area. Little above. And you can move your hand and see yourself if there is any cool or hot breeze is coming. Now, if you find its hot coming then also you forgive others. Just don't have any anger about it. Now put your left hand towards me and see with the right hand. You have to forgive others. Just say “I forgive, I forgive everyone”. , Just say in your heart. 44.43 You can move your hand and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming. You can bend your head and see for yourself. Now, open your eyes and please see, please put both hands towards me again. Become silent. All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their hands or on their palm or out of their heads please raise both of your hands. All of them have got it! My God, tremendous. Now you have got realisation. You are feeling this all-pervading power. Now only thing you have to learn, how to use this power. Also from ?? you will know what’s the problem within you. It will cure your diseases. Your problems will be solved. Take it from me. This is such a simple thing has happened because you people are Greeks I think. You have a very big history behind you of spirituality. ?? as I don’t know how your could get it that fast. Thank you very much. If you have any problems please write to me without hesitation. Q. They did not understand the word Manipur Is the nabhi. Delphi is here. You are the nabhi. Greeks are the nabhi. You will know everything in Sahaja yoga. Everything about yourself. Q. Of all the great things you said, the most difficult thing is forgive. Listen, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. It is just a myth. If you just say “I forgive”, its done. ?? [laughs]. You better forgive madam. You just say in your heart “I forgive”. You feel very nice. Now whatever you want to know, whatever you want to find out further, find about self, we have got centres here. Please go and ask without any hesitation about anything, and I am sure you all be helped. I am very sure. But still, if you are not satisfied you can write to me. Q. She is asking what happened in this room, do we call it realisation. Shri Mataji: Yes of course. Q. Is this realisation or initiation, she is asking Shri Mataji: Realisation that you are the spirit. Realisation. That is you are the spirit. Q.? Shri Mataji: Did you get the connection, did you feel the cool breeze, madam? Q. yes I got the cool breeze. Shri Mataji: Then now you will know what it is, how it works, how it will raise your awareness. All these things you can learn, but, you must come to our centre. They know. They will tell you. And then you can tell others. Everything. Because of this bombs here, you see, we wasted some time. But I knew there was nothing but you see ?? Now we know what's wrong with you, they will tell you. You yourself will know on your fingertips what's wrong with you. And you yourself, you will cure yourself not only that but also you will tell others. And you can also give them realisation. And have faith in yourself that you will get it. The whole knowledge, all secret knowledge about your being. Alright. So thank you very much.
Diwali Puja: Soldiers of Divine Love
United States
Los Angeles
Diwali Puja. Lake Piru, near Los Angeles, California (USA) 18 November 2001. It’s a very, very great day today, I should say, where the evil has been suppressed. The evil that spreads its power all over is only because of two factors: one is that you are not knowledgeable, you are still blind, and you follow things which are not right, but you think are powerful. This illusion creates not only problems, but absolute destruction. So we faced a very big challenge, no doubt, and it was easily solved. It was based on all wrong basis just to create a problem. [The] problem was created with a purpose, and nobody could imagine that it would be solved so easily and so quickly. My desire was to get over it before Diwali. That has happened. Due to ignorance, also, people do lots of things. Anybody who follows some religion or some sort of a thing. It’s only because they’re not aware of the truth, they are ignorant about achieving the truth, and they cling on to the fact that they know everything. With all this happening, there have been so many fractions, so many stupid people, who are getting completely ruined by ignorance. Now you are coming to Sahaj Yoga, you know all the knowledge, very subtle knowledge; very subtle. It’s not superficial knowledge. It is very subtle. And because they don’t know this subtle knowledge, they fall into the wrong path of, I should say, ignorance, and then they try to oppose the people who are doing good. But above all is the power of God. All this drama is played to prove the existence of that great power. It has all worked out so well. And for all of you Sahaj Yogis it’s a very great achievement that you can see the play. Many people who have achieved so-called success cannot see that point, but you can see it because you are spectators. Though all the world is a part and parcel of that drama, you are outside and you can see it so clearly. Whatever has happened, nobody could have believed that would finish before Diwali day. So it goes like this, the stupidity, which is being created, and we also sometimes think that this kind of stupid thing will impress others. Impression is not the point. If you see, among all these people who have lost, what impression have they created? They were there to create a great impression on everyone, to show as if they were great warriors and fighters. But what impression they have created? Whether you are a realised-soul or not, they can see that it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle how things have worked out. Now, the new phase has started. You all have a very, very open challenge to get people into enlightenment. People are not so ignorant now. They are not so much blasted. Moreover, I find them very much changed: their attitude towards truth has changed and they understand there is truth beyond all this that they have known. It’s very important, because if a human being starts thinking, “This is the truth!” he just gets stuck up. At any cost, whatever may happen, he’ll go on sticking to that. He won’t be able even to verify whether it is the truth or not. Animals can. How? Because they have got innate capacity to smell the evil, innate. We cannot, human beings cannot. If there’s an evil man, a dog will bark at him. Otherwise, he’ll go and throw him down. He’ll do everything which is not normally done. How is it he has developed this capacity to find out who is a thief and who is not? We have a higher awareness: we think about many things which animals cannot think; we understand many things, which animals cannot understand; we cook our food, they don’t. But also sometimes I think we cook our brains, because the way people behave, and try to avoid the truth, with their ego, is surprising. All this happening is a drama, as I told you, but you better study it properly and apply it to yourself and see if you are also a part and parcel of that drama. For that, you have to rise higher. You have to rise higher — higher above your ego and your superego, your conditioning — and from there to watch yourself and see yourself. “What is this? Why am I doing such a thing? Why my attention is like that? What is the main reason for my own ‘possession’ or my own misunderstandings? Why do I accept wrong things?” Once you will start seeing that, and if you find even a wee bit of such nonsensical understanding within you, then you can forgive also people who have been absolutely brainwashed — absolutely brainwashed — and they did everything under that influence. As it is now, you have risen much higher than all these people and [are] much more aware than all of them. So you have to just understand this point and then you can forgive all the mistakes they have committed. And for the people who are actually bad, you don’t have to worry. That’s the work of the Divine Power to destroy them. But watch yourself and see for yourself. If you have any of such ideas, any lingering idea, if you try to cleanse the mirror so you see your complete image and try, you can then try, to cleanse it. It’s very important that you should cleanse yourself. There are people who have done lots of wrong things. I simply pity them. If they have done wrong things it is their responsibility to see what they have been doing. Why have they been doing like that? What is the need to do that? All this introspection will work out so well. Then your real powers will come up. Your powers of giving Realisation, your powers to understand the problems of your country, of the whole world. And once you feel that you are the soldier to fight it out, you have the responsibility to fight it out, then things will work out. We cannot leave everything to the Divine Power. You have to use the Divine Power and you have to work it out because you are the soldiers of the Divine Power. Of course, with that beautiful idea, we start cleansing ourselves. You need not know everything as to what things are happening and how they are happening, how they are working out, that’s not your work. You are a soldier, so you have to just fight; fight the ignorance: your own and of others. Because mostly soldiers fail when they have their egos. When they fail, they have other obstacles in their minds. There should be no obstacle, but you should just push forward and know there’s no obstacle at all. It’s just a myth that there are some obstacles and that you cannot do it. It’s not easy to raise the awareness of people; because looks [like] there’s a very little of distance of crossing over, but it’s not so. It’s not. It is a very difficult task sometimes for some people to get out of the bandhans of Agnya. At that point, I find some of you fail. And for that, is best thing is to introspect. When you think you are always correct, and you are all right, it’s best to introspect: “Am I doing everything right or wrong? How am I working for my betterment?” The illusion is such that sometimes you think you are doing very well. Say, in our Sahaj Yoga, some people are very forward type: they’ll come forward, they’ll do this, do that. But inside, what is the purpose? The purpose is that people should see that you are doing this work, that work. The purpose should be that you should be able to see yourself within. You must see what is the problem inside and you can very well understand that you have been of great help to yourself and to others. For example, there’s a very big building and all the buildings in the nearby area may fall down due to earthquake, but this one building which will be standing erect. The reason is that, that building is constructed on very solid grounds. In the same way, if Sahaj Yoga is constructed on a very sound wall, nobody can destroy it, nobody can distort it. And every person has to do that. For example, some people told me, “Your Sahaj Yogis, you know, are like this, and they are big show-offs you know.” I said, “Really? I can’t believe it that they could be like that.” I said, “I would like to meet them, whosoever they are.” So they said, “No! You can find them out yourself, who are those people and why they behave like that!” I said, “Myself, I know everything, but I want you to know everything.” Finding faults with others is a very nice thing, very easy also. But find out faults within yourself! What are these things that are straggling us? This is the best way of improving your awareness. Like you are going in the car and you have to know the road. You have to know how you are driving. You have to see what are the problems. But instead if you think no end of yourself, it won’t work out. Today is a day of very great happening, I should say. Celebrating the Diwali is a very, very joyous thing. But this joy is not for ourselves [only], this joy is for the whole world. We have to work for the whole world. We work for ourselves, for our jobs, for our money, whatever it is, but what are you doing for others? That, you should see for yourself — it’s very important. Only such people are useful in Sahaj Yoga because they have concern, they have care and they are doing something for others. It’s a great enjoyment with that. When the lights are burning to give you happiness: they are burning their bodies to give you happiness. They are the ones who should teach us that we have to do something ourselves to enjoy our own higher awareness. All this will work out, I am sure. I am also trying my best to make this light un-shaky and full of enthusiasm. It’s there. It is you who are anxious to fill your pitchers. You can do it. It’s not my anxiety that’s going to help you. So even if you want to have the complete picture about yourself, you have to first give up identification with yourself, otherwise you will never know what’s wrong with you. If you are too much identified with you, you cannot come up. Now, as it is, what is the aim, after all? What is the aim of our lives? We have to change the whole world into a peaceful theme. Changing yourself, of course, is a great thing, no doubt; but changing others also will stop all the problems of the world. If all the people of this world become good people, Sahaj Yogis, then can you imagine what will happen? Think of that dream I have: that we have to change each and every person that we can change, and we have to transform them into good people. If they are not transformed, they are like a candle without any flame in it. And if they are capable of getting transformed, we should try all methods, all the tricks to do that. I am sure very soon, such a day will come when you will say, “Mother, now we are very safe!” Don’t think of the past and the problems of the past. You have now overcome it. Just enjoy yourself. And have faith in yourself and work it out. I am sure very soon it will happen, very quickly it will happen. It is your desire, also your method of working it out, your anxiety to work it out. The main anxiety should be, “How can I transform this person?” You can transform anyone. You know, you tell one person, another person follows it. Like when we came with the plane, I found at the airport so many people had put up their hands towards me like this. I said, “Who are these people?” They were not Sahaj Yogis. They had seen somebody, or what had happened I couldn’t ask them, but all them said, “We are feeling the cool breeze in the hand.” They didn’t know anything about it. They didn’t know about Kundalini, nothing! They said, “What is this cool coming in?” Basically they are there to get their Realisation, only we have to extend our ideas, we have to extend our love to them. Instead of getting annoyed with them, better is to give them a chance, and you will be amazed that they are very anxious to get transformed. They are all fed up with all the artificial things they are having. It’s over now. You will be amazed how many are waiting there for you to give them Self-realisation. And let them celebrate their Diwali with you. Enjoy Diwali. Diwali you cannot celebrate with one candle. You have to have more and more of candles, and that’s what is your job. Only by your own candle, you are going to do it. It’s your own and it can enlighten anyone. Then why not use it at any cost, at any place? I have met some Sahaj Yogis. I asked them, “What did you do?” They said, “No, nothing!” “Nothing? You did nothing?” “No, nothing!” Then, what’s the use of getting your Realisation? If you have done nothing, you don’t want to give Realisation to anyone, you don’t want to talk to anyone, you feel so shy about it? Then I met some who said, “Just now Mother, we are coming from a programme.” “Achha! How are you so late?” “Because they told us there’s a bomb scare.” “So you were waiting outside?” “Yes.” “How many?” “All of us. Thousands were waiting. There was no bomb. They said there’s no bomb. So we went inside and we all got Realisation.” “But you were realised-souls?” “No, we had our Realisation, that sometimes we have to wait also. And now we are convinced that nobody can harm us, nobody can trouble us, overpower us. Only we do it to ourselves.” So again I will say introspection is very, very important in Sahaj Yoga. When the light inside is there, you have to look after it. I was extremely happy to hear from many people that they felt the blessings of Diwali. But, you see, yesterday, you had these showers (of shooting stars). How timely they were! It never happened [before]. In the history of this world it never happened [so] why yesterday these showers came in and tried to give a new experience of the showers? All this is a time that even the nature knows. And we should also know, that this is the time for a special thing. Normally I get letters about people who are sick and their parents are sick or their this is sick — all kinds of things. Then somebody’s marriage is broken. Then somebody has children, they are sick. I mean all kind nonsensical problems they do it. The reason is they themselves, those who write, are not realised-souls. Or maybe they are half way, because they could themselves say that, “Why should we write to Mother? We can get it done ourselves!” Instead of that, one has to write what they have achieved, how they have achieved friends, how they have got love from others, how they have worked out Sahaj Yoga in small villages. All this is much better to write than to write, “My mother is sick, my father is sick.” All these relationships, they go on killing you. So no more is your brother; nobody is your sister. Only Sahaj Yogis are your brothers and sisters. Now you have some cousin and his cousin’s cousin, so let it be. That’s not your job. You don’t have to work it out. Even before coming, I got letters like that: Somebody’s cousin’s cousin’s this thing. So I asked this lady, I said, “Why do you write all these things all the time about this cousin and that cousin?” She says, “Mother, I am trying to spread Sahaj Yoga!” “How?” “Because if they’ll be cured, then they’ll come to Sahaj Yoga!” This is not they way we want to spread Sahaj Yoga. This looks like advertising or something, speciality, that if you should cure somebody, then some people will come to Sahaj Yoga. We just don’t want such people to come! I don’t want to hurt, but I want to give you courage and understanding and the wisdom. Why are we Sahaj Yogis here? Just to cure all the relations of ours? They may be sick because of some mistakes they have committed. Instead of paying attention to all these such people, you should pay attention to your Self and to your ascent. You have to respect yourself. If you are their relation it’s none of your business. Like understanding, wisdom, that we have come here for a very, very special work, of very high quality. That is not there. Then all such people write to me. Now one lady got married in Sahaj Yoga and she wrote to me that, “I was divorced about eight months back or nine months back, whatever it was. And all my relations are now saying, “Why did you marry in Sahaj Yoga?” And everybody is criticising me and Sahaj Yoga.” I said, “Who asked her to marry?” I never asked her. So the marriage has become the main point for her, that, “All my family people are saying…” What did they do for Sahaj Yoga? “If this marriage doesn’t become all right, then they will say there’s something wrong with Sahaj Yoga.” Let them say! We have not committed that way. Every time I have told you that, “Don’t write to me for your mother, father, this, that.” If you don’t know how to cure them, better give up Sahaj Yoga. You yourself can cure them. You can work it out yourself. But if you see it, so many letters every day for me. I asked them, “Is your father in Sahaj Yoga?” “No!” “Mother?” “No!” “Brother?” “No, nobody!” “So why are you asking me? What relationship I have with them? They are not Sahaj Yogis. I am only responsible for Sahaj Yogis. They are not Sahaj Yogis, so why do you want to trouble me?” It is impossible to understand! In Sahaj Yoga, you are supposed to get Self-Realisation, all right. Then those who want to have Self-Realisation, you can give them, and fix them properly. But instead of that somebody who is hanging in the air and who is following from the airport to some other place, all kinds of things: all this is really maddening and is sickening. I am not concerned. You should not be concerned, also. What you should do is to see that these people who are talking about it, should come to Sahaj Yoga. And you must tell them: “Because you are not doing Sahaj Yoga, that’s why it is like that.” Or “That person is not doing Sahaj Yoga, that’s why this is the problem is. We are all right. We are happy people.” Because Sahaj Yoga is an open thing, so everybody comes there. I would request you all on a Diwali day to promise to yourself: “I will not waste my energy on people who are not Sahaj Yogis.” It’s very important now, because all the time the attention is on wrong things, and on wrong basis. If you have some intelligence, you must know that now you belong to a very high quality spiritual people, which are very few. In this world, there are very few. And you must make a concentrated effort to see that this quality must be in so many people and there must be lots of aspiration about it. Find out such people. Tell them you have found it, “You can also get it”. But don’t worry about things which are of no value to us. You must know you are a special race. You are special soldiers who have been trained for doing Sahaj work only. So wasting energy on your relations and brothers and sisters is no good for you. It is to be understood now that you have your own energy reserved. For what? For Sahaj Yogis only. You should help everyone who is a Sahaj Yogi or who wants to become a Sahaj Yogi. Who are established Sahaj Yogis, you must help them, because we are one personality and these are all the different hands of one personality, one God. So this oneness must be established within yourself and also others should see that oneness in you. There are some people who are very active. There are some people who are very active in criticising. All that will work out I am sure, because this is the year of great achievements and great success. But with that, if you start doing something nonsensical, nothing will work out. Of course, I don’t say that we haven’t got such Sahaj Yogis with us. We have. We have all the soldiers with us, no doubt. All the armament they have, everything they have, but we need more. And for that we have to work out collectively. You must plan what we should do. Recently there has been a big argument about the Islamic behaviour of people. We are neither Christians nor Islamic nor anything: we are not, because you cannot put yourself into a small arena saying, “I am a Sahaj Yogi, but I am a Christian!” You cannot be. You have to give up that margin. You are a Sahaj Yogi out-and-out and all the other nonsensical things are not belonging to you. I have seen many Muslims also come to Sahaj Yoga. But out of them very few are real Sahaj Yogis. But they’ll come, listen to my lecture, this, that. But very few are really Sahaj Yogis in the real sense of the word. Then you will start seeing the defects of your community, of the so-called religion you belong to, whatever it is, you will see. And you will definitely try to correct it if you love them. Or you give up. These are special people, specially selected for a very special cause and you cannot waste your energy on small, nonsensical things. That is one thing you should know. On this Diwali day you have to know that you have to burn yourself for the light of the Divine to absolutely spread all over. But don’t do it too much. Like some people came to me and told me, “Mother, we have given up our parents. We have given up this. We have given up that. Still we are not good!” So I said, “Why should you give up? You are catching onto something, then you are giving up, or automatically it is just finished?” “Ah, we were, you see, very much attached to our family, parents, country, this, that. And now we have given up some, but some.” Such half-baked people are no good, and don’t pay too much attention to them. They don’t deserve any attention. That is very much to be understood: that you should not be also like that, nor you should have friends like that, nor you should make them Sahaj Yogis. A Sahaj Yogi is a special character of a soldier who fights for the truth. That kind of a personality, when you will have, there will be lights all over. This Diwali day, I bless you all from my heart and I want you to respect yourself and understand what is the position of your being in this organisation, we can call, or in this movement of Sahaj Yoga, and how are we working it out. The attention should move from all these nonsensical, mundane things to your Self. It should be a very dynamic force that should work out. And I am sure next year it would be very different. We’ll have all the beautiful blessings of the Divine. We must do it collectively, understandingly. May God bless you!
Diwali Puja. Lake Piru, near Los Angeles, California (USA) 18 November 2001. It’s a very, very great day today, I should say, where the evil has been suppressed. The evil that spreads its power all over is only because of two factors: one is that you are not knowledgeable, you are still blind, and you follow things which are not right, but you think are powerful. This illusion creates not only problems, but absolute destruction. So we faced a very big challenge, no doubt, and it was easily solved. It was based on all wrong basis just to create a problem. [The] problem was created with a purpose, and nobody could imagine that it would be solved so easily and so quickly. My desire was to get over it before Diwali. That has happened. Due to ignorance, also, people do lots of things. Anybody who follows some religion or some sort of a thing. It’s only because they’re not aware of the truth, they are ignorant about achieving the truth, and they cling on to the fact that they know everything. With all this happening, there have been so many fractions, so many stupid people, who are getting completely ruined by ignorance. Now you are coming to Sahaj Yoga, you know all the knowledge, very subtle knowledge; very subtle. It’s not superficial knowledge. It is very subtle. And because they don’t know this subtle knowledge, they fall into the wrong path of, I should say, ignorance, and then they try to oppose the people who are doing good. But above all is the power of God. All this drama is played to prove the existence of that great power. It has all worked out so well. And for all of you Sahaj Yogis it’s a very great achievement that you can see the play. Many people who have achieved so-called success cannot see that point, but you can see it because you are spectators. Though all the world is a part and parcel of that drama, you are outside and you can see it so clearly. Whatever has happened, nobody could have believed that would finish before Diwali day. So it goes like this, the stupidity, which is being created, and we also sometimes think that this kind of stupid thing will impress others. Impression is not the point. If you see, among all these people who have lost, what impression have they created? They were there to create a great impression on everyone, to show as if they were great warriors and fighters. But what impression they have created? Whether you are a realised-soul or not, they can see that it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle how things have worked out. Now, the new phase has started. You all have a very, very open challenge to get people into enlightenment. People are not so ignorant now. They are not so much blasted. Moreover, I find them very much changed: their attitude towards truth has changed and they understand there is truth beyond all this that they have known. It’s very important, because if a human being starts thinking, “This is the truth!” he just gets stuck up. At any cost, whatever may happen, he’ll go on sticking to that. He won’t be able even to verify whether it is the truth or not. Animals can. How? Because they have got innate capacity to smell the evil, innate. We cannot, human beings cannot. If there’s an evil man, a dog will bark at him. Otherwise, he’ll go and throw him down. He’ll do everything which is not normally done. How is it he has developed this capacity to find out who is a thief and who is not? We have a higher awareness: we think about many things which animals cannot think; we understand many things, which animals cannot understand; we cook our food, they don’t. But also sometimes I think we cook our brains, because the way people behave, and try to avoid the truth, with their ego, is surprising. All this happening is a drama, as I told you, but you better study it properly and apply it to yourself and see if you are also a part and parcel of that drama. For that, you have to rise higher. You have to rise higher — higher above your ego and your superego, your conditioning — and from there to watch yourself and see yourself. “What is this? Why am I doing such a thing? Why my attention is like that? What is the main reason for my own ‘possession’ or my own misunderstandings? Why do I accept wrong things?” Once you will start seeing that, and if you find even a wee bit of such nonsensical understanding within you, then you can forgive also people who have been absolutely brainwashed — absolutely brainwashed — and they did everything under that influence. As it is now, you have risen much higher than all these people and [are] much more aware than all of them. So you have to just understand this point and then you can forgive all the mistakes they have committed. And for the people who are actually bad, you don’t have to worry. That’s the work of the Divine Power to destroy them. But watch yourself and see for yourself. If you have any of such ideas, any lingering idea, if you try to cleanse the mirror so you see your complete image and try, you can then try, to cleanse it. It’s very important that you should cleanse yourself. There are people who have done lots of wrong things. I simply pity them. If they have done wrong things it is their responsibility to see what they have been doing. Why have they been doing like that? What is the need to do that? All this introspection will work out so well. Then your real powers will come up. Your powers of giving Realisation, your powers to understand the problems of your country, of the whole world. And once you feel that you are the soldier to fight it out, you have the responsibility to fight it out, then things will work out. We cannot leave everything to the Divine Power. You have to use the Divine Power and you have to work it out because you are the soldiers of the Divine Power. Of course, with that beautiful idea, we start cleansing ourselves. You need not know everything as to what things are happening and how they are happening, how they are working out, that’s not your work. You are a soldier, so you have to just fight; fight the ignorance: your own and of others. Because mostly soldiers fail when they have their egos. When they fail, they have other obstacles in their minds. There should be no obstacle, but you should just push forward and know there’s no obstacle at all. It’s just a myth that there are some obstacles and that you cannot do it. It’s not easy to raise the awareness of people; because looks [like] there’s a very little of distance of crossing over, but it’s not so. It’s not. It is a very difficult task sometimes for some people to get out of the bandhans of Agnya. At that point, I find some of you fail. And for that, is best thing is to introspect. When you think you are always correct, and you are all right, it’s best to introspect: “Am I doing everything right or wrong? How am I working for my betterment?” The illusion is such that sometimes you think you are doing very well. Say, in our Sahaj Yoga, some people are very forward type: they’ll come forward, they’ll do this, do that. But inside, what is the purpose? The purpose is that people should see that you are doing this work, that work. The purpose should be that you should be able to see yourself within. You must see what is the problem inside and you can very well understand that you have been of great help to yourself and to others. For example, there’s a very big building and all the buildings in the nearby area may fall down due to earthquake, but this one building which will be standing erect. The reason is that, that building is constructed on very solid grounds. In the same way, if Sahaj Yoga is constructed on a very sound wall, nobody can destroy it, nobody can distort it. And every person has to do that. For example, some people told me, “Your Sahaj Yogis, you know, are like this, and they are big show-offs you know.” I said, “Really? I can’t believe it that they could be like that.” I said, “I would like to meet them, whosoever they are.” So they said, “No! You can find them out yourself, who are those people and why they behave like that!” I said, “Myself, I know everything, but I want you to know everything.” Finding faults with others is a very nice thing, very easy also. But find out faults within yourself! What are these things that are straggling us? This is the best way of improving your awareness. Like you are going in the car and you have to know the road. You have to know how you are driving. You have to see what are the problems. But instead if you think no end of yourself, it won’t work out. Today is a day of very great happening, I should say. Celebrating the Diwali is a very, very joyous thing. But this joy is not for ourselves [only], this joy is for the whole world. We have to work for the whole world. We work for ourselves, for our jobs, for our money, whatever it is, but what are you doing for others? That, you should see for yourself — it’s very important. Only such people are useful in Sahaj Yoga because they have concern, they have care and they are doing something for others. It’s a great enjoyment with that. When the lights are burning to give you happiness: they are burning their bodies to give you happiness. They are the ones who should teach us that we have to do something ourselves to enjoy our own higher awareness. All this will work out, I am sure. I am also trying my best to make this light un-shaky and full of enthusiasm. It’s there. It is you who are anxious to fill your pitchers. You can do it. It’s not my anxiety that’s going to help you. So even if you want to have the complete picture about yourself, you have to first give up identification with yourself, otherwise you will never know what’s wrong with you. If you are too much identified with you, you cannot come up. Now, as it is, what is the aim, after all? What is the aim of our lives? We have to change the whole world into a peaceful theme. Changing yourself, of course, is a great thing, no doubt; but changing others also will stop all the problems of the world. If all the people of this world become good people, Sahaj Yogis, then can you imagine what will happen? Think of that dream I have: that we have to change each and every person that we can change, and we have to transform them into good people. If they are not transformed, they are like a candle without any flame in it. And if they are capable of getting transformed, we should try all methods, all the tricks to do that. I am sure very soon, such a day will come when you will say, “Mother, now we are very safe!” Don’t think of the past and the problems of the past. You have now overcome it. Just enjoy yourself. And have faith in yourself and work it out. I am sure very soon it will happen, very quickly it will happen. It is your desire, also your method of working it out, your anxiety to work it out. The main anxiety should be, “How can I transform this person?” You can transform anyone. You know, you tell one person, another person follows it. Like when we came with the plane, I found at the airport so many people had put up their hands towards me like this. I said, “Who are these people?” They were not Sahaj Yogis. They had seen somebody, or what had happened I couldn’t ask them, but all them said, “We are feeling the cool breeze in the hand.” They didn’t know anything about it. They didn’t know about Kundalini, nothing! They said, “What is this cool coming in?” Basically they are there to get their Realisation, only we have to extend our ideas, we have to extend our love to them. Instead of getting annoyed with them, better is to give them a chance, and you will be amazed that they are very anxious to get transformed. They are all fed up with all the artificial things they are having. It’s over now. You will be amazed how many are waiting there for you to give them Self-realisation. And let them celebrate their Diwali with you. Enjoy Diwali. Diwali you cannot celebrate with one candle. You have to have more and more of candles, and that’s what is your job. Only by your own candle, you are going to do it. It’s your own and it can enlighten anyone. Then why not use it at any cost, at any place? I have met some Sahaj Yogis. I asked them, “What did you do?” They said, “No, nothing!” “Nothing? You did nothing?” “No, nothing!” Then, what’s the use of getting your Realisation? If you have done nothing, you don’t want to give Realisation to anyone, you don’t want to talk to anyone, you feel so shy about it? Then I met some who said, “Just now Mother, we are coming from a programme.” “Achha! How are you so late?” “Because they told us there’s a bomb scare.” “So you were waiting outside?” “Yes.” “How many?” “All of us. Thousands were waiting. There was no bomb. They said there’s no bomb. So we went inside and we all got Realisation.” “But you were realised-souls?” “No, we had our Realisation, that sometimes we have to wait also. And now we are convinced that nobody can harm us, nobody can trouble us, overpower us. Only we do it to ourselves.” So again I will say introspection is very, very important in Sahaj Yoga. When the light inside is there, you have to look after it. I was extremely happy to hear from many people that they felt the blessings of Diwali. But, you see, yesterday, you had these showers (of shooting stars). How timely they were! It never happened [before]. In the history of this world it never happened [so] why yesterday these showers came in and tried to give a new experience of the showers? All this is a time that even the nature knows. And we should also know, that this is the time for a special thing. Normally I get letters about people who are sick and their parents are sick or their this is sick — all kinds of things. Then somebody’s marriage is broken. Then somebody has children, they are sick. I mean all kind nonsensical problems they do it. The reason is they themselves, those who write, are not realised-souls. Or maybe they are half way, because they could themselves say that, “Why should we write to Mother? We can get it done ourselves!” Instead of that, one has to write what they have achieved, how they have achieved friends, how they have got love from others, how they have worked out Sahaj Yoga in small villages. All this is much better to write than to write, “My mother is sick, my father is sick.” All these relationships, they go on killing you. So no more is your brother; nobody is your sister. Only Sahaj Yogis are your brothers and sisters. Now you have some cousin and his cousin’s cousin, so let it be. That’s not your job. You don’t have to work it out. Even before coming, I got letters like that: Somebody’s cousin’s cousin’s this thing. So I asked this lady, I said, “Why do you write all these things all the time about this cousin and that cousin?” She says, “Mother, I am trying to spread Sahaj Yoga!” “How?” “Because if they’ll be cured, then they’ll come to Sahaj Yoga!” This is not they way we want to spread Sahaj Yoga. This looks like advertising or something, speciality, that if you should cure somebody, then some people will come to Sahaj Yoga. We just don’t want such people to come! I don’t want to hurt, but I want to give you courage and understanding and the wisdom. Why are we Sahaj Yogis here? Just to cure all the relations of ours? They may be sick because of some mistakes they have committed. Instead of paying attention to all these such people, you should pay attention to your Self and to your ascent. You have to respect yourself. If you are their relation it’s none of your business. Like understanding, wisdom, that we have come here for a very, very special work, of very high quality. That is not there. Then all such people write to me. Now one lady got married in Sahaj Yoga and she wrote to me that, “I was divorced about eight months back or nine months back, whatever it was. And all my relations are now saying, “Why did you marry in Sahaj Yoga?” And everybody is criticising me and Sahaj Yoga.” I said, “Who asked her to marry?” I never asked her. So the marriage has become the main point for her, that, “All my family people are saying…” What did they do for Sahaj Yoga? “If this marriage doesn’t become all right, then they will say there’s something wrong with Sahaj Yoga.” Let them say! We have not committed that way. Every time I have told you that, “Don’t write to me for your mother, father, this, that.” If you don’t know how to cure them, better give up Sahaj Yoga. You yourself can cure them. You can work it out yourself. But if you see it, so many letters every day for me. I asked them, “Is your father in Sahaj Yoga?” “No!” “Mother?” “No!” “Brother?” “No, nobody!” “So why are you asking me? What relationship I have with them? They are not Sahaj Yogis. I am only responsible for Sahaj Yogis. They are not Sahaj Yogis, so why do you want to trouble me?” It is impossible to understand! In Sahaj Yoga, you are supposed to get Self-Realisation, all right. Then those who want to have Self-Realisation, you can give them, and fix them properly. But instead of that somebody who is hanging in the air and who is following from the airport to some other place, all kinds of things: all this is really maddening and is sickening. I am not concerned. You should not be concerned, also. What you should do is to see that these people who are talking about it, should come to Sahaj Yoga. And you must tell them: “Because you are not doing Sahaj Yoga, that’s why it is like that.” Or “That person is not doing Sahaj Yoga, that’s why this is the problem is. We are all right. We are happy people.” Because Sahaj Yoga is an open thing, so everybody comes there. I would request you all on a Diwali day to promise to yourself: “I will not waste my energy on people who are not Sahaj Yogis.” It’s very important now, because all the time the attention is on wrong things, and on wrong basis. If you have some intelligence, you must know that now you belong to a very high quality spiritual people, which are very few. In this world, there are very few. And you must make a concentrated effort to see that this quality must be in so many people and there must be lots of aspiration about it. Find out such people. Tell them you have found it, “You can also get it”. But don’t worry about things which are of no value to us. You must know you are a special race. You are special soldiers who have been trained for doing Sahaj work only. So wasting energy on your relations and brothers and sisters is no good for you. It is to be understood now that you have your own energy reserved. For what? For Sahaj Yogis only. You should help everyone who is a Sahaj Yogi or who wants to become a Sahaj Yogi. Who are established Sahaj Yogis, you must help them, because we are one personality and these are all the different hands of one personality, one God. So this oneness must be established within yourself and also others should see that oneness in you. There are some people who are very active. There are some people who are very active in criticising. All that will work out I am sure, because this is the year of great achievements and great success. But with that, if you start doing something nonsensical, nothing will work out. Of course, I don’t say that we haven’t got such Sahaj Yogis with us. We have. We have all the soldiers with us, no doubt. All the armament they have, everything they have, but we need more. And for that we have to work out collectively. You must plan what we should do. Recently there has been a big argument about the Islamic behaviour of people. We are neither Christians nor Islamic nor anything: we are not, because you cannot put yourself into a small arena saying, “I am a Sahaj Yogi, but I am a Christian!” You cannot be. You have to give up that margin. You are a Sahaj Yogi out-and-out and all the other nonsensical things are not belonging to you. I have seen many Muslims also come to Sahaj Yoga. But out of them very few are real Sahaj Yogis. But they’ll come, listen to my lecture, this, that. But very few are really Sahaj Yogis in the real sense of the word. Then you will start seeing the defects of your community, of the so-called religion you belong to, whatever it is, you will see. And you will definitely try to correct it if you love them. Or you give up. These are special people, specially selected for a very special cause and you cannot waste your energy on small, nonsensical things. That is one thing you should know. On this Diwali day you have to know that you have to burn yourself for the light of the Divine to absolutely spread all over. But don’t do it too much. Like some people came to me and told me, “Mother, we have given up our parents. We have given up this. We have given up that. Still we are not good!” So I said, “Why should you give up? You are catching onto something, then you are giving up, or automatically it is just finished?” “Ah, we were, you see, very much attached to our family, parents, country, this, that. And now we have given up some, but some.” Such half-baked people are no good, and don’t pay too much attention to them. They don’t deserve any attention. That is very much to be understood: that you should not be also like that, nor you should have friends like that, nor you should make them Sahaj Yogis. A Sahaj Yogi is a special character of a soldier who fights for the truth. That kind of a personality, when you will have, there will be lights all over. This Diwali day, I bless you all from my heart and I want you to respect yourself and understand what is the position of your being in this organisation, we can call, or in this movement of Sahaj Yoga, and how are we working it out. The attention should move from all these nonsensical, mundane things to your Self. It should be a very dynamic force that should work out. And I am sure next year it would be very different. We’ll have all the beautiful blessings of the Divine. We must do it collectively, understandingly. May God bless you!
Christmas Puja
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 2001. Nice to see so many Sahaja Yogis coming here during the Christmas Puja. Christianity has spread all over the world, and there are so many so-called ‘Christians’ who say they follow Christ – I don’t know from which angle! Christ was the embodiment of Param Chaitanya, He was Omkara. He was Shri Ganesha. And those who follow Him have to be very different people. But it always happens in every religion that they go at random into the opposite direction, completely opposite. The essence of Christ’s life was detachment and sacrifice. For a person who is detached, there is nothing like sacrifice. He sees His life as just a drama. Such a great personality came on this earth and created this so-called ‘Christian’ religion which has gone into wars, all kinds of hypocritical things, and now the people are discovering about it. He stood for Truth and Christians don’t know what the Truth is. The Truth is that you are the Spirit and you have to become the Spirit. He is the One who has talked about second birth, of Realisation. But they have forgotten about what He said, what they have to achieve. It is such a funny thing that all these great people came on this earth and created a proper religion for our ascent; and I don’t know how people have become so stupid with the teachings of the so-called ‘their masters’. It’s all money-oriented. Apart from that, it’s not standing on the Truth. I think this is the second crucifixion of this religion. There’s no religion which is following, really, their principles as (has) been described. I don’t know how they manage to twist the Truth in this manner – just to make some money, or some fuss. Such a ritualistic stuff is going on in the name of Christ. Though they have faltered so many times, and they had experience of such a bad influence on the world, to the action we don’t know why such a round-about things come up and people accept it – they just accept. You take any religion. These days, Islam is talking, I don’t know of what. There are two important things in the life of Mohammed Saab. The first one is called as Meraj which is nothing but the awakening of the Kundalini, absolutely clearly. And the second one He has talked about is Jihad. Jihad means : ”killing your bad things, killing your bad nature, killing all the Shadripu [Sanskrit word meaning the six enemies] within you”. It doesn’t mean that you become a Muslim and kill yourself. It’s the stupidest thing to do! Did you become Musulman just to kill yourself and commit suicide? Calling it as a “ritual”, they are saying that by this, you’ll go to Jannat, into the heavens. How can you? As Muslims, they are not religious—not at all. And then by killing these sinful people, how will you go to the heavens where you will have enjoyment of Jannat? There’s no reasoning. But all these mollanas, first of all, have finished their education. They do not educate themselves, at all. So they have no idea, in this world where are they standing, what is their position. Some few are educated, but they are also lost with the idea of having power on these people. It’s such a shameful thing to do in the name of God and in the name of spirituality. Now, our duty is to tell them what is the Truth. Our duty is to bring them to the proper path of Spirituality. Because they are all lost. Christians are lost, Muslims are lost, Hindus are lost, all of them are lost people. They have no idea as to what their religion professed and what they are supposed to do. Ultimately Christ was crucified, so you can see how, when there was Truth, untruth tried to finish it off, they couldn’t bear it. We have the example of Socrates. What was the need to kill Him? But they killed Him. In this way, so far, we know in the past all the people who are pivotal for the Truth are being finished, because they don’t want the Truth. They are following some religion, because they can have power over other people, religion that they have made. Meraj is a Kundalini awakening and they say that Meraj will never take place. Very good. So many of you have got Realisation. You have got your vibrations and cool breeze, which is described in Koran, that you should feel the cool breeze. But who can tell the Muslims? You talk something – they’ll come and cut your throat, that’s all! " You’ll go to Jihad!” [Shri Mataji laughs] So, it’s such a stupid thing they are doing. And in these modern times, as we see, people have crossed all the maryadas, all the things of a religion. For I went to America and I was surprised how they have forgotten about morality. They have no sense of morality, and they are just selling it in the market, making money out of it. On the contrary, these Muslims, especially there is a class called Wahhabis. These people are saying that women are the ones who spoil your morality, and so—“Hide them, they should be covered.” Any woman who was wearing white chappals in Afghanistan, they were beating her, kill them. And so many people in India, especially in the North, have taken to Islamic culture and they really ill-treat women in the North. I was married in the North and I know how they have been unkind to women. So North of India is already contaminated by this, and the South is contaminated by the fanatic Hindus. All kinds of rituals, worse type, bestowed upon only on women, are followed in the South. They will shave the head of a woman, make her go round a temple, pour water on her and she is just tumbling round, she is not walking, and they go on putting water on her – I have seen it Myself. We have sati, is the killing of the women after the death of their husband. This is something no-one can understand. Why put all the dharma on women, why not on the men? But one thing good, that Hindu religion has now become so much out-of-date [Shri Mataji laughs] that you can correct all these things. So many things have been corrected in My own life-time, I was surprised, how could they do it. But any Muslims, I mean Islamic, you ‘cannot’ correct. Such ‘horrible’ things they do to their women, and whenever you try to help them, it is impossible. For example I started a place for the women who are left out in the world, alone, who are like orphans, who have children. I was surprised, most of them are Muslims ! And they have eight to ten children each. So now we have to make an orphanage also. This is what they are producing out of their religion. You can see this around. Even Hindus have a funny system of widowhood. If they make a woman widow, it’s terrible, and they are poor things, some of them, quite a lot of them are living in Vrindaban [Uttar Pradesh]. I was told that they get one rupee per day! And what do they do? They sing bhajans. On one rupee, how can you live in this country? They are good at creating so many beggars and beggar-women. If that is the religion, better not have it. We have had enough of this. All kinds of ritualism through this Brahmanism. These Brahmins are absolutely good-for-nothing. Those who try to teach religion have to be something of a great level. So in Sahaja Yoga, you give up everything. Because this is all nothing but mud! And in the mud you will be finished. You have to tell people about it. What are they going to do? They have misused the religion for all kinds of bad things. Like in England if somebody dies, they must have champagne. When they go for the burial they must have champagne. I was surprised, ‘How is it they are going to have champagne for this?’ And how is it, out of religion, you say, all their priests also drink, no question. One priest came to Sahaja Yoga, I was very happy. But he said, “I’ll come to Sahaj, but I will not give up drinking.” I said “Why?” “Because it’s written in the Bible, that you must drink.” “Atcha! I didn’t know! How could it be? How could Christ say that you should drink? He was not only a Realised Self, but He was Realisation himself!” He said, “He has said it. Whatever You may say, He has said it.” “Where?” He said, “He went to one wedding,” “All right.” “In that wedding, He made wine for the people.” “But He did not. He went there and in such a short time He just put his hand in the water and it started tasting like grape juice. And grape juice has the same word as ‘wine’ in Hebrew language.” I said, “I can do that”. That doesn’t mean I like people to drink. I mean, who can say such a nonsense! It is awareness, it is important, chetana, is important. And if you spoil your awareness, how can you be Sahaja Yogis? It was impossible to tell them that you cannot drink. But drinking even in India has become very common. It is all against Christianity, it’s against Hinduism, against Islam. And though it is written down in Koran, “Don’t drink”, they drink, they all drink. And instead of following the religion, they have become the greatest sinner! Is that what Christ wanted them to do? You have to be pure people. ‘Nirmala tattwam’ you must have. That’s what it is. Also, I told you a story about Shalivahana who met Christ in Kashmir. And he asked Christ about His name and His country. He says, “I come from a country where people have malecch.” Malecch means those who have a desire for mala, for filth. So he told Him, “Why don’t You go and teach them Nirmala tattwa?” Shalivahana said. That is what Nirmala tattwam you have got, which purifies, which cleanses you, which gives you joy, happiness and the Truth. This is what you should ask for. Otherwise it is all darkness, you don’t see the light. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anyone, you cannot see light of Truth – and you have to take the light of Truth. But after that, what you have to do? You have to give it to others, you have to transform others. You have worked very hard for it and sometimes I am surprised how people who are doing such a good work are so humble and so good. How have they achieved it, I can’t understand. Of course there are some who are money-oriented, who are power-oriented, but these things do not give joy. What gives joy is your inner light of Truth. Which you have, all of you have, as you know. You all have experienced. But I would say this experience has to be given to others – it is not only for you! Given to as many people as possible. But how many do that? How many people do that? We have also Sikh community. They came to Sahaj, but they said, “We cannot worship Goddess.” I said “Why?” Surprised at it, because Guru Nanaka has talked about the Goddess, the Devi. The first sentence of His book is Adya. Adya is the Adi Shakti. And for this, if the Sikhs stupidly say, then why do they have a Chandigarh [a temple to the Devi Chandi]? That’s so stupid also, nothing to really compare. Now, you have to understand, have you given up all that nonsense or not in your lives or are you all sticking on to the same? That is very important. As long as you are sticking on to the same, there will be a problem. Sahaja Yoga does so much. I was surprised, in America there are 300 Sahaja Yogis – nothing happened to them! Some were on the tower, some were on the street, all of them were there and nothing has happened to them! Some of them said that, “Somebody told us inside…” (applause) “told us inside that, ‘Run away!’ and we started running in the other direction.” Some were delayed, I don’t know how, all these three hundreds. But such a devil of these people who are thinking of destroying the whole world are coming round. This is the reason I went to America. And I told them that this war will be over before Diwali, and it ended. “Before Diwali this war will be over” and it ended. What a stupid thing to think that they can destroy the creation of God like this! Who are they? How have they got the right to destroy the world! But that is what is a human nonsense. Christ came on this earth, He worked for a long time and He was to be crucified, so He got crucified. But crucifixion is not our glory. Our glory is His resurrection. That He was resurrected, no doubt. To say that it’s not possible and all that – Who are you to say that? What do you know about spirituality? What do you know what can happen to a person who is spiritual, spiritually equipped, what can work out in Him. Whatever we know about human beings, we try to draw conclusions which are all wrong. See in your life. There are so many miracles in the lives of Sahaja Yogis and I told somebody that, “You’d better compile them.” So he said, “Within one month all those letters have come up to my head.” In one month! So I said, “Forget it, don’t write!” It’s not one or two; from all over the world people are writing. But those who are intellectuals are very difficult. It is impossible to put this into their heads. So whatever is possible, we have to do our maximum. Put our attention to people who want it. Now in India it has gone to jails, it has gone into schools and everywhere. And somebody told Me the other day that even in a Catholic church they have started taking to Sahaja Yoga – I don’t know what’s wrong in their heads and how they have managed! But that’s how Sahaja Yoga is spreading. But it has to spread much more! You have to, all of you, individually, should go around and work it out. And talk about it. But Sahaja Yogis are a little shy. Once I was going by plane, and one lady was very, very hot. So I asked her what gurus she follows, she told Me the name. I was surprised that she didn’t know anything about spirituality. And these people have huge houses and big temples, everything, and she was telling Me the praise of her guru. I thought, “She is very shameless. She hasn’t got anything in her, she’s so very hot and she’s talking about it!” But Sahaja Yogis won’t. I was surprised, why Sahaja Yogis don’t talk about it. But the other day, I had gone with somebody in the market and I had a Sahaja Yoga with him (Me) and I was surprised, he started telling them about Me and he started giving them Realisation and they were very happy about it. Everywhere you go you have neighbours, you go to markets, everywhere you should go and talk about it. Like they sing carols – we should also have bhajans and things to tell other people, we have to tell them. Why are you so shy? This shyness is not going to help Sahaja Yoga. So please see that you try to give Realisations to others. You have powers, have faith in yourself. I think they lack in faith, or whatever it is. There are very few people who come out and do it. Italy I have seen and also Austria, Australia – Sahaja Yoga has spread a lot because of their conviction that, “We have to give others what we have, we have to share it.” From the life of Christ one has to understand His sacrifice. It’s such a lot of sacrifice – to be crucified like that, with the thieves. But He did it! In the same way when you all people want to do Sahaja Yoga work, you shouldn’t think, “What will happen to my grandfather, what will happen to my grandmother?” I mean, whatever letters I get are all about this. It’s very funny. They are only worried about some relations, they are not worried about the relations all over the world, even. Worried about the wife or children, I get only letters like this! Nobody writes to Me that you have given Realisations to so many people. They never write how they have been able to achieve the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. No-one writes. It’s very surprising. You have to tell Me. I hope you all people understand the importance of spreading Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t do that, you are absolutely useless. The greatest thing for Me, as you have so many lights here, we should have many more Sahaja Yogis all over the world, if you want to change this world and if you want to avoid all the trials and turbulations of the useless life they are leading – you have to save them! You have to salvage them. That’s your job, that’s what you have to ‘pay’ for Sahaja Yoga. Not for yourself, not for yourself. Don’t get worried about yourself. If you read the letters I get, you will get disgusted. Now, there’s another kind of letters I get, that they want to marry – all right. There are many girls who claim that, “We have been applying for four years, we couldn’t married.” Firstly you must know, out of proportion women are there. They are very good. Say, if there are forty boys, there would be at least one hundred and twenty, or maybe even one hundred and fifty girls. So now, to whom should we marry those girls? Just think of it. But they write letters of complaint that, “We have applied four times.” We can’t. We can’t help it. So you go outside and marry anywhere you feel like. Or else you wait and see and dedicate your life to Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very difficult thing when they go on complaining that, “I should be married, and I haven’t got married as yet.” Marriage was never our idea. But then we had to allow marriages. And now it has become the main issue with everyone. Either they are not married; if they are married they are not happy; if they are divorced, they must be married again. All sorts of things, complications, for which I am not prepared. Sahaja Yoga is not for that! If your marriage is not successful, it is not My job. And if this goes on, we will have to stop marriages. I don’t want you to write all these things to Me, it shows how poor you are in Sahaja Yoga. Why not write to Me how many people you have given Realisation? That would make Me happy. Instead of complaining about your wife and – that’s not My concern. As it came, we have married you. If you cannot carry on, it’s your duty. And this is what is the snag of Sahaja Yoga. In every religious movement there have been so many wrong things. While in Sahaja Yoga, I think marriages is a very big hurdle. Moreover, boys don’t come; because in India, very easy to marry boys, you can also get money, this, that. But girls, there are five times more than the boys. Boys don’t want to marry, they have their own marriages, though they are Sahaja Yogis. So, I can’t understand why, in Sahaja Yoga also, after coming to Realisation, to them, marriage is a very important issue. What is most important is, that ‘How many people you give Realisation’. That is your life. If a lotus is there, it will open. But it must give fragrance – even the lotus has a responsibility. Then what about you people? I’m not saying you get crucified like Christ, no. I said you enjoy your life – you have peace and stability, balance. But, at the same time, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. This is what is your job now. Your job is not important; only this is important, how many people you give Realisation. It is very, very difficult because they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, all those great Sufis and Saints. But at least, you people don’t do that. So, please try to think whom can you give Realisation. To whom can you talk about Sahaja Yoga. You have to spread out. And next time I hope I hear from you how many people you have given Realisation. That is the greatest justification for the crucifixion of Christ, for His birth, for His coming on this earth, His Agnya. And if you have given Realisation, they have crossed the Agnya. They have gone beyond and they are in Sahasrara. So, in Sahaja Yoga you understand everything. It is very easy to understand. Sahaja Yoga is the simplest thing to understand – but after Realisation! So you have to go round and see how many people you can give Realisation. Everything is alright, all your worshipping is alright, your Puja is alright – but – what is most important is how many people you have given Realisation. I would like to know how many people have given. Especially with ladies. Ladies are rather weak in giving Realisation. They can do a lot, I know, they can. After all, I am also a woman. But somehow I find the ladies in Sahaja Yoga are not of a level. They can do a lot, a lot, but somehow they don’t understand the importance of their life. You are very important. How many people there are who have got Realisation? There were so many Sufis who got Realisation, they write poetry – finished. There were so many saints who did so much, wrote so many things. In India we had so many saints; they wrote all these things, people will read them, but nothing happens. You have, you have the art of giving Realisation. You know about Kundalini, you know all about it – go ahead and talk to people. I was alone when I started Sahaja Yoga and I am a woman. So what about you? There’s now a challenge for all of you! How many people have you made Sahaja Yogis? Even in your family people are not Sahaja Yogis. Your daughter is not, your son is not. So what’s the use of singing glory to Christ? If you are singing glory to Him, you must make people cross their Agnya. He is so highly placed within us, but you have never respected Him. That such a highly placed personality you have crossed over, so why not others. Let us see from today’s Puja how much determination you have. You should know that a Goddess doesn’t come with your own demands, She comes on Her own. She has Her own timing. But if you are people in majority who have really become saints and making others saintly – then I am for you! Otherwise I am available to you – you can have My vibrations, you can have My Pujas, all these things are permitted, no doubt. But for that, you’re only capable, you are only entitled for that, if you are doing Sahaja Yoga. If you are spreading Sahaja Yoga. If you are giving to others. Then only you will be considered really capable of receiving the vibrations of the Goddess. In some countries if it is so much powerful, why not with your country, with your neighbourhood, with your friends, with your relations, it’s possible. So tonight you have to decide that you are going to dedicate yourself in giving it to others. It is very joy-giving. And talking about Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you!
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 2001. Nice to see so many Sahaja Yogis coming here during the Christmas Puja. Christianity has spread all over the world, and there are so many so-called ‘Christians’ who say they follow Christ – I don’t know from which angle! Christ was the embodiment of Param Chaitanya, He was Omkara. He was Shri Ganesha. And those who follow Him have to be very different people. But it always happens in every religion that they go at random into the opposite direction, completely opposite. The essence of Christ’s life was detachment and sacrifice. For a person who is detached, there is nothing like sacrifice. He sees His life as just a drama. Such a great personality came on this earth and created this so-called ‘Christian’ religion which has gone into wars, all kinds of hypocritical things, and now the people are discovering about it. He stood for Truth and Christians don’t know what the Truth is. The Truth is that you are the Spirit and you have to become the Spirit. He is the One who has talked about second birth, of Realisation. But they have forgotten about what He said, what they have to achieve. It is such a funny thing that all these great people came on this earth and created a proper religion for our ascent; and I don’t know how people have become so stupid with the teachings of the so-called ‘their masters’. It’s all money-oriented. Apart from that, it’s not standing on the Truth. I think this is the second crucifixion of this religion. There’s no religion which is following, really, their principles as (has) been described. I don’t know how they manage to twist the Truth in this manner – just to make some money, or some fuss. Such a ritualistic stuff is going on in the name of Christ. Though they have faltered so many times, and they had experience of such a bad influence on the world, to the action we don’t know why such a round-about things come up and people accept it – they just accept. You take any religion. These days, Islam is talking, I don’t know of what. There are two important things in the life of Mohammed Saab. The first one is called as Meraj which is nothing but the awakening of the Kundalini, absolutely clearly. And the second one He has talked about is Jihad. Jihad means : ”killing your bad things, killing your bad nature, killing all the Shadripu [Sanskrit word meaning the six enemies] within you”. It doesn’t mean that you become a Muslim and kill yourself. It’s the stupidest thing to do! Did you become Musulman just to kill yourself and commit suicide? Calling it as a “ritual”, they are saying that by this, you’ll go to Jannat, into the heavens. How can you? As Muslims, they are not religious—not at all. And then by killing these sinful people, how will you go to the heavens where you will have enjoyment of Jannat? There’s no reasoning. But all these mollanas, first of all, have finished their education. They do not educate themselves, at all. So they have no idea, in this world where are they standing, what is their position. Some few are educated, but they are also lost with the idea of having power on these people. It’s such a shameful thing to do in the name of God and in the name of spirituality. Now, our duty is to tell them what is the Truth. Our duty is to bring them to the proper path of Spirituality. Because they are all lost. Christians are lost, Muslims are lost, Hindus are lost, all of them are lost people. They have no idea as to what their religion professed and what they are supposed to do. Ultimately Christ was crucified, so you can see how, when there was Truth, untruth tried to finish it off, they couldn’t bear it. We have the example of Socrates. What was the need to kill Him? But they killed Him. In this way, so far, we know in the past all the people who are pivotal for the Truth are being finished, because they don’t want the Truth. They are following some religion, because they can have power over other people, religion that they have made. Meraj is a Kundalini awakening and they say that Meraj will never take place. Very good. So many of you have got Realisation. You have got your vibrations and cool breeze, which is described in Koran, that you should feel the cool breeze. But who can tell the Muslims? You talk something – they’ll come and cut your throat, that’s all! " You’ll go to Jihad!” [Shri Mataji laughs] So, it’s such a stupid thing they are doing. And in these modern times, as we see, people have crossed all the maryadas, all the things of a religion. For I went to America and I was surprised how they have forgotten about morality. They have no sense of morality, and they are just selling it in the market, making money out of it. On the contrary, these Muslims, especially there is a class called Wahhabis. These people are saying that women are the ones who spoil your morality, and so—“Hide them, they should be covered.” Any woman who was wearing white chappals in Afghanistan, they were beating her, kill them. And so many people in India, especially in the North, have taken to Islamic culture and they really ill-treat women in the North. I was married in the North and I know how they have been unkind to women. So North of India is already contaminated by this, and the South is contaminated by the fanatic Hindus. All kinds of rituals, worse type, bestowed upon only on women, are followed in the South. They will shave the head of a woman, make her go round a temple, pour water on her and she is just tumbling round, she is not walking, and they go on putting water on her – I have seen it Myself. We have sati, is the killing of the women after the death of their husband. This is something no-one can understand. Why put all the dharma on women, why not on the men? But one thing good, that Hindu religion has now become so much out-of-date [Shri Mataji laughs] that you can correct all these things. So many things have been corrected in My own life-time, I was surprised, how could they do it. But any Muslims, I mean Islamic, you ‘cannot’ correct. Such ‘horrible’ things they do to their women, and whenever you try to help them, it is impossible. For example I started a place for the women who are left out in the world, alone, who are like orphans, who have children. I was surprised, most of them are Muslims ! And they have eight to ten children each. So now we have to make an orphanage also. This is what they are producing out of their religion. You can see this around. Even Hindus have a funny system of widowhood. If they make a woman widow, it’s terrible, and they are poor things, some of them, quite a lot of them are living in Vrindaban [Uttar Pradesh]. I was told that they get one rupee per day! And what do they do? They sing bhajans. On one rupee, how can you live in this country? They are good at creating so many beggars and beggar-women. If that is the religion, better not have it. We have had enough of this. All kinds of ritualism through this Brahmanism. These Brahmins are absolutely good-for-nothing. Those who try to teach religion have to be something of a great level. So in Sahaja Yoga, you give up everything. Because this is all nothing but mud! And in the mud you will be finished. You have to tell people about it. What are they going to do? They have misused the religion for all kinds of bad things. Like in England if somebody dies, they must have champagne. When they go for the burial they must have champagne. I was surprised, ‘How is it they are going to have champagne for this?’ And how is it, out of religion, you say, all their priests also drink, no question. One priest came to Sahaja Yoga, I was very happy. But he said, “I’ll come to Sahaj, but I will not give up drinking.” I said “Why?” “Because it’s written in the Bible, that you must drink.” “Atcha! I didn’t know! How could it be? How could Christ say that you should drink? He was not only a Realised Self, but He was Realisation himself!” He said, “He has said it. Whatever You may say, He has said it.” “Where?” He said, “He went to one wedding,” “All right.” “In that wedding, He made wine for the people.” “But He did not. He went there and in such a short time He just put his hand in the water and it started tasting like grape juice. And grape juice has the same word as ‘wine’ in Hebrew language.” I said, “I can do that”. That doesn’t mean I like people to drink. I mean, who can say such a nonsense! It is awareness, it is important, chetana, is important. And if you spoil your awareness, how can you be Sahaja Yogis? It was impossible to tell them that you cannot drink. But drinking even in India has become very common. It is all against Christianity, it’s against Hinduism, against Islam. And though it is written down in Koran, “Don’t drink”, they drink, they all drink. And instead of following the religion, they have become the greatest sinner! Is that what Christ wanted them to do? You have to be pure people. ‘Nirmala tattwam’ you must have. That’s what it is. Also, I told you a story about Shalivahana who met Christ in Kashmir. And he asked Christ about His name and His country. He says, “I come from a country where people have malecch.” Malecch means those who have a desire for mala, for filth. So he told Him, “Why don’t You go and teach them Nirmala tattwa?” Shalivahana said. That is what Nirmala tattwam you have got, which purifies, which cleanses you, which gives you joy, happiness and the Truth. This is what you should ask for. Otherwise it is all darkness, you don’t see the light. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anyone, you cannot see light of Truth – and you have to take the light of Truth. But after that, what you have to do? You have to give it to others, you have to transform others. You have worked very hard for it and sometimes I am surprised how people who are doing such a good work are so humble and so good. How have they achieved it, I can’t understand. Of course there are some who are money-oriented, who are power-oriented, but these things do not give joy. What gives joy is your inner light of Truth. Which you have, all of you have, as you know. You all have experienced. But I would say this experience has to be given to others – it is not only for you! Given to as many people as possible. But how many do that? How many people do that? We have also Sikh community. They came to Sahaj, but they said, “We cannot worship Goddess.” I said “Why?” Surprised at it, because Guru Nanaka has talked about the Goddess, the Devi. The first sentence of His book is Adya. Adya is the Adi Shakti. And for this, if the Sikhs stupidly say, then why do they have a Chandigarh [a temple to the Devi Chandi]? That’s so stupid also, nothing to really compare. Now, you have to understand, have you given up all that nonsense or not in your lives or are you all sticking on to the same? That is very important. As long as you are sticking on to the same, there will be a problem. Sahaja Yoga does so much. I was surprised, in America there are 300 Sahaja Yogis – nothing happened to them! Some were on the tower, some were on the street, all of them were there and nothing has happened to them! Some of them said that, “Somebody told us inside…” (applause) “told us inside that, ‘Run away!’ and we started running in the other direction.” Some were delayed, I don’t know how, all these three hundreds. But such a devil of these people who are thinking of destroying the whole world are coming round. This is the reason I went to America. And I told them that this war will be over before Diwali, and it ended. “Before Diwali this war will be over” and it ended. What a stupid thing to think that they can destroy the creation of God like this! Who are they? How have they got the right to destroy the world! But that is what is a human nonsense. Christ came on this earth, He worked for a long time and He was to be crucified, so He got crucified. But crucifixion is not our glory. Our glory is His resurrection. That He was resurrected, no doubt. To say that it’s not possible and all that – Who are you to say that? What do you know about spirituality? What do you know what can happen to a person who is spiritual, spiritually equipped, what can work out in Him. Whatever we know about human beings, we try to draw conclusions which are all wrong. See in your life. There are so many miracles in the lives of Sahaja Yogis and I told somebody that, “You’d better compile them.” So he said, “Within one month all those letters have come up to my head.” In one month! So I said, “Forget it, don’t write!” It’s not one or two; from all over the world people are writing. But those who are intellectuals are very difficult. It is impossible to put this into their heads. So whatever is possible, we have to do our maximum. Put our attention to people who want it. Now in India it has gone to jails, it has gone into schools and everywhere. And somebody told Me the other day that even in a Catholic church they have started taking to Sahaja Yoga – I don’t know what’s wrong in their heads and how they have managed! But that’s how Sahaja Yoga is spreading. But it has to spread much more! You have to, all of you, individually, should go around and work it out. And talk about it. But Sahaja Yogis are a little shy. Once I was going by plane, and one lady was very, very hot. So I asked her what gurus she follows, she told Me the name. I was surprised that she didn’t know anything about spirituality. And these people have huge houses and big temples, everything, and she was telling Me the praise of her guru. I thought, “She is very shameless. She hasn’t got anything in her, she’s so very hot and she’s talking about it!” But Sahaja Yogis won’t. I was surprised, why Sahaja Yogis don’t talk about it. But the other day, I had gone with somebody in the market and I had a Sahaja Yoga with him (Me) and I was surprised, he started telling them about Me and he started giving them Realisation and they were very happy about it. Everywhere you go you have neighbours, you go to markets, everywhere you should go and talk about it. Like they sing carols – we should also have bhajans and things to tell other people, we have to tell them. Why are you so shy? This shyness is not going to help Sahaja Yoga. So please see that you try to give Realisations to others. You have powers, have faith in yourself. I think they lack in faith, or whatever it is. There are very few people who come out and do it. Italy I have seen and also Austria, Australia – Sahaja Yoga has spread a lot because of their conviction that, “We have to give others what we have, we have to share it.” From the life of Christ one has to understand His sacrifice. It’s such a lot of sacrifice – to be crucified like that, with the thieves. But He did it! In the same way when you all people want to do Sahaja Yoga work, you shouldn’t think, “What will happen to my grandfather, what will happen to my grandmother?” I mean, whatever letters I get are all about this. It’s very funny. They are only worried about some relations, they are not worried about the relations all over the world, even. Worried about the wife or children, I get only letters like this! Nobody writes to Me that you have given Realisations to so many people. They never write how they have been able to achieve the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. No-one writes. It’s very surprising. You have to tell Me. I hope you all people understand the importance of spreading Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t do that, you are absolutely useless. The greatest thing for Me, as you have so many lights here, we should have many more Sahaja Yogis all over the world, if you want to change this world and if you want to avoid all the trials and turbulations of the useless life they are leading – you have to save them! You have to salvage them. That’s your job, that’s what you have to ‘pay’ for Sahaja Yoga. Not for yourself, not for yourself. Don’t get worried about yourself. If you read the letters I get, you will get disgusted. Now, there’s another kind of letters I get, that they want to marry – all right. There are many girls who claim that, “We have been applying for four years, we couldn’t married.” Firstly you must know, out of proportion women are there. They are very good. Say, if there are forty boys, there would be at least one hundred and twenty, or maybe even one hundred and fifty girls. So now, to whom should we marry those girls? Just think of it. But they write letters of complaint that, “We have applied four times.” We can’t. We can’t help it. So you go outside and marry anywhere you feel like. Or else you wait and see and dedicate your life to Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very difficult thing when they go on complaining that, “I should be married, and I haven’t got married as yet.” Marriage was never our idea. But then we had to allow marriages. And now it has become the main issue with everyone. Either they are not married; if they are married they are not happy; if they are divorced, they must be married again. All sorts of things, complications, for which I am not prepared. Sahaja Yoga is not for that! If your marriage is not successful, it is not My job. And if this goes on, we will have to stop marriages. I don’t want you to write all these things to Me, it shows how poor you are in Sahaja Yoga. Why not write to Me how many people you have given Realisation? That would make Me happy. Instead of complaining about your wife and – that’s not My concern. As it came, we have married you. If you cannot carry on, it’s your duty. And this is what is the snag of Sahaja Yoga. In every religious movement there have been so many wrong things. While in Sahaja Yoga, I think marriages is a very big hurdle. Moreover, boys don’t come; because in India, very easy to marry boys, you can also get money, this, that. But girls, there are five times more than the boys. Boys don’t want to marry, they have their own marriages, though they are Sahaja Yogis. So, I can’t understand why, in Sahaja Yoga also, after coming to Realisation, to them, marriage is a very important issue. What is most important is, that ‘How many people you give Realisation’. That is your life. If a lotus is there, it will open. But it must give fragrance – even the lotus has a responsibility. Then what about you people? I’m not saying you get crucified like Christ, no. I said you enjoy your life – you have peace and stability, balance. But, at the same time, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga. This is what is your job now. Your job is not important; only this is important, how many people you give Realisation. It is very, very difficult because they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, all those great Sufis and Saints. But at least, you people don’t do that. So, please try to think whom can you give Realisation. To whom can you talk about Sahaja Yoga. You have to spread out. And next time I hope I hear from you how many people you have given Realisation. That is the greatest justification for the crucifixion of Christ, for His birth, for His coming on this earth, His Agnya. And if you have given Realisation, they have crossed the Agnya. They have gone beyond and they are in Sahasrara. So, in Sahaja Yoga you understand everything. It is very easy to understand. Sahaja Yoga is the simplest thing to understand – but after Realisation! So you have to go round and see how many people you can give Realisation. Everything is alright, all your worshipping is alright, your Puja is alright – but – what is most important is how many people you have given Realisation. I would like to know how many people have given. Especially with ladies. Ladies are rather weak in giving Realisation. They can do a lot, I know, they can. After all, I am also a woman. But somehow I find the ladies in Sahaja Yoga are not of a level. They can do a lot, a lot, but somehow they don’t understand the importance of their life. You are very important. How many people there are who have got Realisation? There were so many Sufis who got Realisation, they write poetry – finished. There were so many saints who did so much, wrote so many things. In India we had so many saints; they wrote all these things, people will read them, but nothing happens. You have, you have the art of giving Realisation. You know about Kundalini, you know all about it – go ahead and talk to people. I was alone when I started Sahaja Yoga and I am a woman. So what about you? There’s now a challenge for all of you! How many people have you made Sahaja Yogis? Even in your family people are not Sahaja Yogis. Your daughter is not, your son is not. So what’s the use of singing glory to Christ? If you are singing glory to Him, you must make people cross their Agnya. He is so highly placed within us, but you have never respected Him. That such a highly placed personality you have crossed over, so why not others. Let us see from today’s Puja how much determination you have. You should know that a Goddess doesn’t come with your own demands, She comes on Her own. She has Her own timing. But if you are people in majority who have really become saints and making others saintly – then I am for you! Otherwise I am available to you – you can have My vibrations, you can have My Pujas, all these things are permitted, no doubt. But for that, you’re only capable, you are only entitled for that, if you are doing Sahaja Yoga. If you are spreading Sahaja Yoga. If you are giving to others. Then only you will be considered really capable of receiving the vibrations of the Goddess. In some countries if it is so much powerful, why not with your country, with your neighbourhood, with your friends, with your relations, it’s possible. So tonight you have to decide that you are going to dedicate yourself in giving it to others. It is very joy-giving. And talking about Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you!
Evening Program Christmas Puja
Evening Program
2001-12-26 Talk during Evening Program At Christmas Seminar, Ganapatipule, India Shri Mataji: I have no words to praise this Dance, Drama by these children. Their innocence has given such colour and such a beauty to the whole description a simple song. I am sure all of you enjoyed it …I enjoyed it very much. Our children are growing so well in Sahaja yoga that I am amazed …How could they take to these difficult subjects of spirituality so easily…May God bless them all that they grow as great Sahaja yogis and do the work of Sahaja Yoga. All my best wishes for Dharamshala school. I didn't know It was creating such beautiful, sweet, talents. Thank You very much!
2001-12-26 Talk during Evening Program At Christmas Seminar, Ganapatipule, India Shri Mataji: I have no words to praise this Dance, Drama by these children. Their innocence has given such colour and such a beauty to the whole description a simple song. I am sure all of you enjoyed it …I enjoyed it very much. Our children are growing so well in Sahaja yoga that I am amazed …How could they take to these difficult subjects of spirituality so easily…May God bless them all that they grow as great Sahaja yogis and do the work of Sahaja Yoga. All my best wishes for Dharamshala school. I didn't know It was creating such beautiful, sweet, talents. Thank You very much!
New Year’s Eve Puja: You Should Be Satisfied Within
New Year
English, Hindi
New Year's Eve Puja, Kalwe (India), 31 December 2001. (translation from Hindi) Today I got late and it is the power of your love which has brought Me here. Your Mother’s health is little disturbed and the desire is very strong and things are working out because of that. I want that your power of desire should get stronger, too. You should think for yourself what you have done in this regard. You should introspect and see that what hard work have you done for it. You meditate.… You should bring depth in your meditation. You should think that you are a saint and see what you should do. Mother has made you a saint and now what should you do? You have to make yourself all right. No doubt, you should make yourself all right, but after that when it is done, then what do you do? You go in collectivity. You go into programs and it is limited to that. What have you done further? You have got this blessing through your spirit. Spirit has given you second birth, so you should see further now what are you doing? How are you progressing or are you are using it only for yourself and for your children? It is very important because I have seen that even after getting Self Realization, people have short-comings. They are not completely cleansed. If you don’t get one together with the others and work for Sahaj Yoga, then you will never come to know that what short-comings and negative aspects you have within. Even people come and make money.… There are many people who come to Sahaj Yoga and make money. Later on they are exposed, no doubt, and can be seen, but unnecessarily it is troublesome, so what is the use? You have not come here to make money. You have come here to awaken your dharma. You should establish dharma. I have heard that in Bombay many kind of adharmas have started, which were not at all here in the past twenty-five years — especially the films. There is very little purity in them. You should not at all see such films. If you people don’t see such movies, then they will not be shown at all, they cannot run. You can understand it that no one likes such movies. People want that such movies should be made which the whole family can go and see together. This is one thing and there are all these filthy and stupid horrible kind of books that are read nowadays. I know that you people don’t read them. But even in the newspapers they write many obscene things. So you have to make yourself nirmal [pure]. It is seen that the eyes of the people run here and there. Those people are not Sahaj Yogis at all whose eyes flitter here and there. Your eyes have to be steady. This is the first sign of a Sahaj Yogi. If still your eyes are moving here and there, then you should say that he is not yet a Sahaj Yogi. Second thing is greed. If still you have greed, then you are still not a Sahaj Yogi and this greed will be exposed one day. First thing is that this greed should go away. Shri Krishna has said that you must drop your anger. If you get angry, then you should think that you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Nobody has seen Me getting angry. Everyone says that, ‘Mother we have not seen you getting angry.’ There are situations in which anyone can get angry, but I say, ‘What is the use?’ There is no use. What I have to tell you today is that you should introspect and see all the weaknesses you have even now. So I tell you the same thing, that you should cleanse yourself. You should have the nirmal tattwa in you. All your weaknesses should go away from that. What is the use of keeping these weaknesses within? Many of them have gone to jails and those that haven’t, people spit on them. I want to tell you only one thing, that don’t look at the weaknesses and faults of others. Instead, you should see the faults within yourself. Do you still get angry? Do you still have desire in your eyes and do you have attraction for everything, always thinking to buy this and buy that, to bring this and bring that? This was the most in America, but America today got pressed by a big shock. Like a mad person buys this ... but if you have to purchase, only then purchase such things which are made by hand, which has art in it and you can see the creativity in it. There are so many artists who make such nice things and no one will buy them. They will buy all unnecessary things. By these things neither you will be benefited nor those who make such beautiful things. You should get artistic. All the things in the house should get artistic. They will keep fifty kinds of utensils in the house and you find not even one proper utensil. There should be utilization of handmade, artistic things by you, if you are Sahaj Yogis. You keep on buying the things which have no use. The women will keep buying one sari after another and not even one sari will be proper — all such saris, in which they make so weird [perhaps “strange” would be better] things like bhoots. You should keep two saris which are nice, handmade and beautiful instead of keeping fifty saris. In our country still there is no appreciation of art and creativity. When I go to some house I see that they have painted their houses with weird [perhaps “strange” would be better], bhootish colours, bhootish decorations. You are Sahaj Yogis and you should understand what object is beautiful and understand beauty. Only then will you be able to make your life beautiful and so that any man or women who meets you will say that what a nice man or women he or she is. As beautifully you will decorate yourself ... in the same way, you should decorate your environment and houses. It is the thing to see, that if a Sahaj Yogi is roaming like a bhoot, then what is the use of such Sahaj Yogi. To wear the clothes properly, to talk properly, to behave properly with others, to decorate your house with beautiful things.... You can decorate your house with flowers also. Have a garden means you should have the vision of beauty in Sahaj Yogis. There are so many useless things stored in the house because there are markets and they go to markets and buy all useless things. You should burn the Holi [festival in India when they play colors, but one night before they burn the big fire] of all such useless things. This plastic has become so much important now. Even if I have to search for a glass, it will be of plastic. I said it is too much. I cannot use plastic. There are saris of plastic. Use of plastic has come that there is great possibility of human beings getting sick out of it. Children die by plastic. As much as possible, you should not use plastic. But now plastic has come in everything. Especially in Bombay, even the sofa set is made of plastic. To sit on plastic, to wear plastic, to walk on plastic and after some time the cars will also be of plastic. So you [Sahaj Yogis] have no concern with plastic. I don’t say that you should wear a gown and walk in Sahaj Yoga. You should wear proper clothes, no such thing is there that you look like a sadhu baba [Hindu saints who leave their home and family], no such artificiality, but you should be away from all such things which are not auspicious for you. You should not use it and you should save your children from it. Second thing which I have seen in Sahaj Yoga is that everyone wants that I must visit their houses. Why don’t you understand that what have you done that I should come to your house? Or ... whomever you see wants to come to My house. Wherever I go, you should leave Me peaceful. You have not done anything till now. You should leave this kind of desire in your mind and think that what is your aukat [status]? Why do you desire such a thing, which can give trouble to your Mother? Why to do such things like…. I come from somewhere and they stand in front of me. Not to do like this. If you don’t have samadhan [ultimate satisfaction] in Sahaj Yoga, then you are of no use. ‘Wherever I am, Mother is with me.’ Such kind of samadhan should be within you. You will grow with this. Anything which grows in this world is all absorbed in samadhan. If you are not samadhani and keep running in front of everyone all the time, what is the gain from that? With samadhan, Mother is there where you are. When you think like this then you will be considered a Sahaj Yogi. Wherever you are sitting…coming in front of Me ... coming on stage ... it is not required for a Sahaj Yogi. I know about everyone. Samadhan is such a thing that in the depth of it you can meet Me and now the time has come where you should achieve samadhan. You should see that whatever you are doing, you should get satisfaction. You should come forward to spread Sahaj Yoga and work for Sahaj Yoga, you will see that you will achieve the samadhan. You will not feel like coming in front of Me and telling Me everything. Most of the time, I have seen that all those who come too much forward and in front of Me are either dishonest or thieves...[short pause]. Those who are clean in heart and are enjoying the love are lost in the joy of love within. So now I want to tell you that the time has come that you should have a little consideration for Me because you absorb all the vibrations from Me and if you people are not all right, then I get sick. So you have to decide seriously that we should become such that Mother should be happy to see us and then the whole world should change. You had to sit for a long time today and many people have gone, but the recognition is this that you people are sitting peacefully in front of Me. Before it used to be that people used to talk and shout, make noise, but you are sitting peacefully. This is very great thing for Me. (English speech) I’m telling them that how a Sahaja Yogi should feel. You should be satisfied people. Firstly and foremost you have to be satisfied. You just see within yourself if you are satisfied or not. You’ve got the highest that you wanted, you have got the peace, you’ve got the joy, and all the blessings of the Divine. Despite that, if you are dissatisfied, you want to do something always that is disturbing. Always some people want to show Me off, want to come forward – or they want to escape Sahaja Yoga. Firstly, you must spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you brought to Sahaja Yoga? Just think of it! We are Sahaja Yogis – Sahaja Yogis means what? You are saints! In this world all the saints who became saints, with very great difficulty, going through lots of tortures, have done so much work. One single saint has so many people whom they have attracted. Of course he couldn’t give them Realisation, because I have taught you how to do that. But you just find out what are you doing about Sahaja Yoga. Only meditation is not the point. Meditation for what? For equipping yourself to help others; we need it very much in this Kali Yuga, people who will go all out to help. On the contrary, I find that they are very anxious just to meet Me, to see Me. I have seen all the Indians who come to Cabella must meet Me, must see Me, as if they have a special right with Me. What is the need? What is the need to meet Me? But this is the trouble of, say, our conditioning, that supposing there is some leader, some Minister coming, everybody will go and show off, like to meet him and talk to him – but not a Sahaja Yogi. You must have self-esteem. Self-esteem by which you should know what is your dignity and how you should be. There are Sahaja Yogis who are excellent, who are very good, who are very self satisfied – I know who they are. And you have to be like that, otherwise you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga, you are like all other people trying to hinder into all nonsensical activities. Now this is it. Today’s was a real test, because I just couldn’t come earlier. You know what is the traffic nowadays, I just couldn’t arrive; and still you were sitting here – this gives me great satisfaction. That they really love Me, and they are really Sahaja Yogis. If you really love Me you must love others who are not Sahaja Yogis and try to give them Realisation. Because you know My age is quite a lot, and how far can I go? I am not going now to many countries, but Sahaja Yoga is growing fast, though I am not going there. It is growing – why? Because people of that country understand their responsibility. You should know what is your responsibility – it is not only towards yourself but it is for the rest of the world, (that) you have to work it out and do something about it. Whatever people you can approach, or whatever people you can meet, go all out! I have also said before, I have seen people who go to some horrible gurus go on talking about their guru, describing their guru. Anybody who meets them, they go on telling them. Not Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know, maybe they want to preserve their Realisation. They think if they tell somebody their Realisation will drop out. If you don’t spread Sahaja Yoga, what is the use of getting your Realisation? All my labour is wasted on such people, who are for themselves. They want something for themselves. Now for example, so many girls wanted to marry. There are four times more, five times more than all the boys put together. But if they are not married, they feel very unhappy about it. Doesn’t matter! You are now connected to God! Marriage is not always a very great blessing, I tell you, it’s not. On the contrary, it can be very binding, it could be very troublesome. So better not feel bad. You should feel bad when you cannot give Realisations to others. How many people have I given Realisation? Just think about it. All the time, like all the ordinary people, thinking about marriage, and this and that. It’s not going to help you. You are something special. And what speciality do you have? What are you doing about it? I’m sorry at the end of this, our great Ganapatipule, I have to tell you this. But sometimes one has to tell, also. I know you are all, all very good Sahaja Yogis. Also that you have achieved so much. But what is My desire is, that all of you should become like a light and start spreading Sahaja Yoga. In some countries it has happened, it is working out, and people feel so responsible. I am amazed at them, how they are spreading Sahaja Yoga. Now the same request I have to make to you. That please look at yourself, introspect, what have you done? What have you achieved in Sahaja Yoga? Such a satisfaction lies when you really, when you really work hard to spread Sahaja Yoga. Many people think that coming nearer Me I feel pleased – I am not. That’s no recognition. You should never do that. On the contrary, when you will grow really, I will know, Myself. Today is not the day I should have said all this, because it is the day for New Year’s Day. But only good decisions are to be taken on the New Year’s Day – that’s the custom with human beings. So today you all have to take the decision that ‘What are we doing for Sahaja Yoga?’ ‘What are we giving Sahaja Yoga?’ ‘What is our achievement?’ ‘Are we sharing with others?’ It’s the greatest Truth you have got. Nobody got it – people worked so hard, did so much – nobody could give Realisation! It’s only you can give Realisation, it’s very surprising. Kabir could not give Realisation to anybody. Gyanadeva could not give Realisation to anybody. All of them have been great, great Saints of great value system and with great understanding. Whatever poetry they have given, people are singing – that’s all. But, they cannot give Self Realisation which you can do. With all that power, if you are not giving Realisation, what’s the use of giving power to someone like that? So today’s New Year’s message is that ‘Next year you must give Self Realisation to many people. (To) How many people have you given Realisation?’. That’s the main thing. Just find out. What have you done throughout the year? I don’t know how to count it. But you, yourself count. ‘What have we done all these years?’ ‘What have we achieved?’ Attending My Puja is no favour to Me. Or doing anything for the Puja is no favour to Me. My greatest Puja is that of human beings; and if you can achieve and spread Sahaja Yoga that fast, I’ll be very, very grateful to you. I have worked very hard, I have really worked very hard. This Body, this Mind, all My Health, everything, I have done for saving people. And you please also tonight decide and take a view that what Mother is saying is very important and precious. We have to, we have to rise and give Realisation to people. But which is not so common – I am surprised why people are behaving in this manner who are Realised Souls. All my blessings for the New Year, for all of you ‘Happy New Year’! But – next year should be full of many Sahaja Yogis who have done work and who have achieved something great. May God bless you
New Year's Eve Puja, Kalwe (India), 31 December 2001. (translation from Hindi) Today I got late and it is the power of your love which has brought Me here. Your Mother’s health is little disturbed and the desire is very strong and things are working out because of that. I want that your power of desire should get stronger, too. You should think for yourself what you have done in this regard. You should introspect and see that what hard work have you done for it. You meditate.… You should bring depth in your meditation. You should think that you are a saint and see what you should do. Mother has made you a saint and now what should you do? You have to make yourself all right. No doubt, you should make yourself all right, but after that when it is done, then what do you do? You go in collectivity. You go into programs and it is limited to that. What have you done further? You have got this blessing through your spirit. Spirit has given you second birth, so you should see further now what are you doing? How are you progressing or are you are using it only for yourself and for your children? It is very important because I have seen that even after getting Self Realization, people have short-comings. They are not completely cleansed. If you don’t get one together with the others and work for Sahaj Yoga, then you will never come to know that what short-comings and negative aspects you have within. Even people come and make money.… There are many people who come to Sahaj Yoga and make money. Later on they are exposed, no doubt, and can be seen, but unnecessarily it is troublesome, so what is the use? You have not come here to make money. You have come here to awaken your dharma. You should establish dharma. I have heard that in Bombay many kind of adharmas have started, which were not at all here in the past twenty-five years — especially the films. There is very little purity in them. You should not at all see such films. If you people don’t see such movies, then they will not be shown at all, they cannot run. You can understand it that no one likes such movies. People want that such movies should be made which the whole family can go and see together. This is one thing and there are all these filthy and stupid horrible kind of books that are read nowadays. I know that you people don’t read them. But even in the newspapers they write many obscene things. So you have to make yourself nirmal [pure]. It is seen that the eyes of the people run here and there. Those people are not Sahaj Yogis at all whose eyes flitter here and there. Your eyes have to be steady. This is the first sign of a Sahaj Yogi. If still your eyes are moving here and there, then you should say that he is not yet a Sahaj Yogi. Second thing is greed. If still you have greed, then you are still not a Sahaj Yogi and this greed will be exposed one day. First thing is that this greed should go away. Shri Krishna has said that you must drop your anger. If you get angry, then you should think that you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Nobody has seen Me getting angry. Everyone says that, ‘Mother we have not seen you getting angry.’ There are situations in which anyone can get angry, but I say, ‘What is the use?’ There is no use. What I have to tell you today is that you should introspect and see all the weaknesses you have even now. So I tell you the same thing, that you should cleanse yourself. You should have the nirmal tattwa in you. All your weaknesses should go away from that. What is the use of keeping these weaknesses within? Many of them have gone to jails and those that haven’t, people spit on them. I want to tell you only one thing, that don’t look at the weaknesses and faults of others. Instead, you should see the faults within yourself. Do you still get angry? Do you still have desire in your eyes and do you have attraction for everything, always thinking to buy this and buy that, to bring this and bring that? This was the most in America, but America today got pressed by a big shock. Like a mad person buys this ... but if you have to purchase, only then purchase such things which are made by hand, which has art in it and you can see the creativity in it. There are so many artists who make such nice things and no one will buy them. They will buy all unnecessary things. By these things neither you will be benefited nor those who make such beautiful things. You should get artistic. All the things in the house should get artistic. They will keep fifty kinds of utensils in the house and you find not even one proper utensil. There should be utilization of handmade, artistic things by you, if you are Sahaj Yogis. You keep on buying the things which have no use. The women will keep buying one sari after another and not even one sari will be proper — all such saris, in which they make so weird [perhaps “strange” would be better] things like bhoots. You should keep two saris which are nice, handmade and beautiful instead of keeping fifty saris. In our country still there is no appreciation of art and creativity. When I go to some house I see that they have painted their houses with weird [perhaps “strange” would be better], bhootish colours, bhootish decorations. You are Sahaj Yogis and you should understand what object is beautiful and understand beauty. Only then will you be able to make your life beautiful and so that any man or women who meets you will say that what a nice man or women he or she is. As beautifully you will decorate yourself ... in the same way, you should decorate your environment and houses. It is the thing to see, that if a Sahaj Yogi is roaming like a bhoot, then what is the use of such Sahaj Yogi. To wear the clothes properly, to talk properly, to behave properly with others, to decorate your house with beautiful things.... You can decorate your house with flowers also. Have a garden means you should have the vision of beauty in Sahaj Yogis. There are so many useless things stored in the house because there are markets and they go to markets and buy all useless things. You should burn the Holi [festival in India when they play colors, but one night before they burn the big fire] of all such useless things. This plastic has become so much important now. Even if I have to search for a glass, it will be of plastic. I said it is too much. I cannot use plastic. There are saris of plastic. Use of plastic has come that there is great possibility of human beings getting sick out of it. Children die by plastic. As much as possible, you should not use plastic. But now plastic has come in everything. Especially in Bombay, even the sofa set is made of plastic. To sit on plastic, to wear plastic, to walk on plastic and after some time the cars will also be of plastic. So you [Sahaj Yogis] have no concern with plastic. I don’t say that you should wear a gown and walk in Sahaj Yoga. You should wear proper clothes, no such thing is there that you look like a sadhu baba [Hindu saints who leave their home and family], no such artificiality, but you should be away from all such things which are not auspicious for you. You should not use it and you should save your children from it. Second thing which I have seen in Sahaj Yoga is that everyone wants that I must visit their houses. Why don’t you understand that what have you done that I should come to your house? Or ... whomever you see wants to come to My house. Wherever I go, you should leave Me peaceful. You have not done anything till now. You should leave this kind of desire in your mind and think that what is your aukat [status]? Why do you desire such a thing, which can give trouble to your Mother? Why to do such things like…. I come from somewhere and they stand in front of me. Not to do like this. If you don’t have samadhan [ultimate satisfaction] in Sahaj Yoga, then you are of no use. ‘Wherever I am, Mother is with me.’ Such kind of samadhan should be within you. You will grow with this. Anything which grows in this world is all absorbed in samadhan. If you are not samadhani and keep running in front of everyone all the time, what is the gain from that? With samadhan, Mother is there where you are. When you think like this then you will be considered a Sahaj Yogi. Wherever you are sitting…coming in front of Me ... coming on stage ... it is not required for a Sahaj Yogi. I know about everyone. Samadhan is such a thing that in the depth of it you can meet Me and now the time has come where you should achieve samadhan. You should see that whatever you are doing, you should get satisfaction. You should come forward to spread Sahaj Yoga and work for Sahaj Yoga, you will see that you will achieve the samadhan. You will not feel like coming in front of Me and telling Me everything. Most of the time, I have seen that all those who come too much forward and in front of Me are either dishonest or thieves...[short pause]. Those who are clean in heart and are enjoying the love are lost in the joy of love within. So now I want to tell you that the time has come that you should have a little consideration for Me because you absorb all the vibrations from Me and if you people are not all right, then I get sick. So you have to decide seriously that we should become such that Mother should be happy to see us and then the whole world should change. You had to sit for a long time today and many people have gone, but the recognition is this that you people are sitting peacefully in front of Me. Before it used to be that people used to talk and shout, make noise, but you are sitting peacefully. This is very great thing for Me. (English speech) I’m telling them that how a Sahaja Yogi should feel. You should be satisfied people. Firstly and foremost you have to be satisfied. You just see within yourself if you are satisfied or not. You’ve got the highest that you wanted, you have got the peace, you’ve got the joy, and all the blessings of the Divine. Despite that, if you are dissatisfied, you want to do something always that is disturbing. Always some people want to show Me off, want to come forward – or they want to escape Sahaja Yoga. Firstly, you must spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you brought to Sahaja Yoga? Just think of it! We are Sahaja Yogis – Sahaja Yogis means what? You are saints! In this world all the saints who became saints, with very great difficulty, going through lots of tortures, have done so much work. One single saint has so many people whom they have attracted. Of course he couldn’t give them Realisation, because I have taught you how to do that. But you just find out what are you doing about Sahaja Yoga. Only meditation is not the point. Meditation for what? For equipping yourself to help others; we need it very much in this Kali Yuga, people who will go all out to help. On the contrary, I find that they are very anxious just to meet Me, to see Me. I have seen all the Indians who come to Cabella must meet Me, must see Me, as if they have a special right with Me. What is the need? What is the need to meet Me? But this is the trouble of, say, our conditioning, that supposing there is some leader, some Minister coming, everybody will go and show off, like to meet him and talk to him – but not a Sahaja Yogi. You must have self-esteem. Self-esteem by which you should know what is your dignity and how you should be. There are Sahaja Yogis who are excellent, who are very good, who are very self satisfied – I know who they are. And you have to be like that, otherwise you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga, you are like all other people trying to hinder into all nonsensical activities. Now this is it. Today’s was a real test, because I just couldn’t come earlier. You know what is the traffic nowadays, I just couldn’t arrive; and still you were sitting here – this gives me great satisfaction. That they really love Me, and they are really Sahaja Yogis. If you really love Me you must love others who are not Sahaja Yogis and try to give them Realisation. Because you know My age is quite a lot, and how far can I go? I am not going now to many countries, but Sahaja Yoga is growing fast, though I am not going there. It is growing – why? Because people of that country understand their responsibility. You should know what is your responsibility – it is not only towards yourself but it is for the rest of the world, (that) you have to work it out and do something about it. Whatever people you can approach, or whatever people you can meet, go all out! I have also said before, I have seen people who go to some horrible gurus go on talking about their guru, describing their guru. Anybody who meets them, they go on telling them. Not Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know, maybe they want to preserve their Realisation. They think if they tell somebody their Realisation will drop out. If you don’t spread Sahaja Yoga, what is the use of getting your Realisation? All my labour is wasted on such people, who are for themselves. They want something for themselves. Now for example, so many girls wanted to marry. There are four times more, five times more than all the boys put together. But if they are not married, they feel very unhappy about it. Doesn’t matter! You are now connected to God! Marriage is not always a very great blessing, I tell you, it’s not. On the contrary, it can be very binding, it could be very troublesome. So better not feel bad. You should feel bad when you cannot give Realisations to others. How many people have I given Realisation? Just think about it. All the time, like all the ordinary people, thinking about marriage, and this and that. It’s not going to help you. You are something special. And what speciality do you have? What are you doing about it? I’m sorry at the end of this, our great Ganapatipule, I have to tell you this. But sometimes one has to tell, also. I know you are all, all very good Sahaja Yogis. Also that you have achieved so much. But what is My desire is, that all of you should become like a light and start spreading Sahaja Yoga. In some countries it has happened, it is working out, and people feel so responsible. I am amazed at them, how they are spreading Sahaja Yoga. Now the same request I have to make to you. That please look at yourself, introspect, what have you done? What have you achieved in Sahaja Yoga? Such a satisfaction lies when you really, when you really work hard to spread Sahaja Yoga. Many people think that coming nearer Me I feel pleased – I am not. That’s no recognition. You should never do that. On the contrary, when you will grow really, I will know, Myself. Today is not the day I should have said all this, because it is the day for New Year’s Day. But only good decisions are to be taken on the New Year’s Day – that’s the custom with human beings. So today you all have to take the decision that ‘What are we doing for Sahaja Yoga?’ ‘What are we giving Sahaja Yoga?’ ‘What is our achievement?’ ‘Are we sharing with others?’ It’s the greatest Truth you have got. Nobody got it – people worked so hard, did so much – nobody could give Realisation! It’s only you can give Realisation, it’s very surprising. Kabir could not give Realisation to anybody. Gyanadeva could not give Realisation to anybody. All of them have been great, great Saints of great value system and with great understanding. Whatever poetry they have given, people are singing – that’s all. But, they cannot give Self Realisation which you can do. With all that power, if you are not giving Realisation, what’s the use of giving power to someone like that? So today’s New Year’s message is that ‘Next year you must give Self Realisation to many people. (To) How many people have you given Realisation?’. That’s the main thing. Just find out. What have you done throughout the year? I don’t know how to count it. But you, yourself count. ‘What have we done all these years?’ ‘What have we achieved?’ Attending My Puja is no favour to Me. Or doing anything for the Puja is no favour to Me. My greatest Puja is that of human beings; and if you can achieve and spread Sahaja Yoga that fast, I’ll be very, very grateful to you. I have worked very hard, I have really worked very hard. This Body, this Mind, all My Health, everything, I have done for saving people. And you please also tonight decide and take a view that what Mother is saying is very important and precious. We have to, we have to rise and give Realisation to people. But which is not so common – I am surprised why people are behaving in this manner who are Realised Souls. All my blessings for the New Year, for all of you ‘Happy New Year’! But – next year should be full of many Sahaja Yogis who have done work and who have achieved something great. May God bless you
I See A Mountain
Cabella Ligure
Letter / Poem
I see a mountain from my window Standing like an ancient sage Desireless, full of Love. So many trees and so many flowers They plunder the mountain all the time. Its attention is not disturbed And when the rain pours Like many pitchers of clouds bursting And it fills the mountain with greenery, The storm may come soaring, Filling the lake with compassion And the rivers flow running down Towards the calling sea. The sun will create clouds and Wind carries on its feathery wings The rain onto the mountain. This is the eternal play The mountain sees Without desires. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2002.
I see a mountain from my window Standing like an ancient sage Desireless, full of Love. So many trees and so many flowers They plunder the mountain all the time. Its attention is not disturbed And when the rain pours Like many pitchers of clouds bursting And it fills the mountain with greenery, The storm may come soaring, Filling the lake with compassion And the rivers flow running down Towards the calling sea. The sun will create clouds and Wind carries on its feathery wings The rain onto the mountain. This is the eternal play The mountain sees Without desires. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2002.
Mahashivaratri Puja: Try to weigh every step that you take
Shivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 17 March 2002. Tonight we have gathered here to do Shri Shiva Puja. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Shiva Puja. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Shiva Puja. It’s a simple principle of Shri Shivaratri.As you have seen yesterday, we have snakes, or, these are horrible snakes guiding behind the Shiva Linga. The significance is this – those who are clean in heart, who are full of love for others, are always guarded by the power of Shiva, which are the snakes. It’s a symbolic thing, to say, very symbolic. But I must say that animals understand Divine force much better than human beings, much better. Because they have a clean heart. Whatever is their lifestyle built by nature, they carry on with it. But there’s no malice, there’s no jealousy, there’s not all these mean things in their heart. They do it because it is supposed to be. But the quality of human beings is only one – and that is how much they love and forgive. Loving capacity of human beings are such by which they conquer all their negative forces – they can, easily, see that it’s not good to have all these qualities, or maybe that they understand it’s not noble to indulge into all these inhuman behaviour. They are not bound to indulge into all these things. Neither they are asked to be, but suddenly they get lured by such things which has got hatred, jealously and greed.You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture.These days in India, greed has become the main point. They are so mean and so low. Which impossible to understand that they think money is everything, which is not in the culture of Indians, no, no. In no way. But somehow they have picked it up, in the foreign countries perhaps, and it is spreading very much now, that money is the most important thing.Think of Shiva. He never thought of money. He never wanted any money. He never wanted to show off himself. There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense. First of all it was human beings started indulging in power. They moved from countries to country to empower themselves. Where is that power gone? Finished. Then, after that, what happened with them is that they left their style with others. And now it seems it is very common to see people shamelessly being greedy. For them, is the solution, is Shiva. All such people will be destroyed. First of all they will be exposed and then they will be destroyed, to the last bit of it. Another thing is that Shiva respects a person who has a good character; a person with a good character. And if anyone is bad charactered or indulges into bad things, Shiva won’t spare them. So the Shakti creates, protects, looks after them, brings them up. But Shiva is sitting there, just to destroy! Very important, this destruction is very important. The Shakti doesn’t show those qualities. She may destroy some rakshasas, but He can destroy nations after nations.First of all the ego you have – who will destroy that? That too, Shiva. Shiva is in your Sahasrara. He is sitting in the Sahasrara; now remember, on top of everything. The other day I saw one gentleman from the Broadcasting, a newsman, who was very, very stupid and was talking, very harshly. And I saw his Ekadasha Rudra “My God” I said, “This one is now going to be in trouble.” What is Ekadasha is nothing but the eleven powers of Shiva. They build up here and give you all kinds of diseases; the worst of all is cancer. And I knew that this fellow is going to have a very bad time. He is not a Sahaja Yogi, how am I to tell him? How anybody has to tell him? But it comes from this Ekadasha Rudra.Now these are eleven powers of Shiva, very well described. Now these powers start working on people, even on Sahaja Yogis, if they do not follow the principle of Sahaja Yoga. He is, I should say, watching everything. Every part of your life He watches. How you behave, what you do, what is your dharma – He watches all that. And so many saints have warned you, so many incarnations have warned you; but I tell you if don’t listen to them, then Shiva is not going to listen. He doesn’t listen to anyone. If he’s angry, he’s angry. Whatever it is, very difficult to convince Him that ‘Please spare this person, it’s alright. Forgive.’ But his basic quality is forgiveness, can you imagine? His basic quality is forgiveness. But if He doesn’t forgive, then you are finished. Up to a point maybe He might forgive, but after that .. It’s a very, very difficult situation. And I find that people don’t realise what Shiva is. In the south we have two types of people worshipers. One are shaivaites, another vaishnavaites. They are having a big fight between them. Now it is less, much less. What is the work of Vishnu is to give you realisation, emancipation of human beings, evolution of human beings. But if you fail in your goodness, in your dharma, then Shiva comes in your life. We have to understand that we are all surrounded by their powers, we are all made by their powers, is the Shakti who is protecting you. But to an extent. She cannot go above Shiva, She cannot cross Him.These days you find so many people indulging into politics – it’s all money-making propositions. They all try to make money, it’s not politics! They don’t do any good to the whole communities, nowhere – either under fear or under abandonment. They behave in such a manner that they are not afraid of God, they are not afraid of His own attention on them. Perhaps they don’t know that they are under the attention of Shiva. He’s watching each and every person, whether you are Australian, English or Indian. Whatever religion you may follow, He’s watching them.This is a thing one has to understand. And once you understand this, you will accept that you have to be good and dharmic people. You have to be good character people. Why people talk of good character? Try to understand! It’s stupidity these days when people don’t believe in it. People are doing all kinds of things, they are drinking, they are playing this… money business. All kinds of things they are doing without having any fear of the wrath of God. And that wrath comes from Shiva. I would like to warn you all, though you are all my children – be careful! Try to weigh every step that you take. Of course I am there to support you, to help you, to protect you. But, not beyond Shiva, I can’t go beyond Him. It’s such a power of Shiva, it’s such an authority of Shiva. And to worship Him means to worship goodness in Him. The goodness could be compassion, could be love, could be forgiveness, anything. He likes only good people, and He will protect only good people.For example, some people are very power oriented, some are money oriented and some are power oriented. And the power oriented also do it for money sometimes, that’s the aim. They’ll not stay in Sahaj. They will be displaced. They do it, and then come and ask for forgiveness, “Oh Mother forgive us, we have done it”. But try not to do anything of that kind. I, of course, forgive you, but Shiva, He won’t, He won’t. He will take you to task and then you will come to Me “Mother, You must save us!” It’s very difficult. From His clutches it is very difficult. Also He’s a very forgiving person. He forgives you, many things. Because of Me also He forgives. But, after some time when He takes over, there’s no appeal, there’s no safety. I do not want to frighten you, but I want to tell you the truth, it is the truth. You have to try to be good people. You have to try to be really good character people. I am told some people who are in Sahaja Yoga indulge in money laundering and all that. Also some of them have very bad characters, they run after girls and they try to look at the girls and all sorts of things. Now this has ruined the west especially. Also our Indians are learning from it. As it is, we have to respect ourselves. If we don’t respect ourselves, and we try to misbehave, I can only help you with your Kundalini. But if you go too much beyond it, Ekadasha Rudra will catch, no doubt. It’s a very big barrier on your forehead. Eka-desha Rudra, and it is so effective nowadays, so much active. All kinds of diseases which are coming out, is all incurable, are because of Ekadasha. And also those who are suffering from possessions. The other day I met somebody who was very much caught-up. And the Ekadasha was working. I found out that he is very fanatically influenced by something. I don’t want to name it, but these, we have found out, are not correct things. In every religion we have people who are spreading nonsensical ideas. Now if you don’t have discretion about it, nobody can help you. You should have a full discretion as to what is right and what is wrong. Then Shiva is with you. But if you indulge into all such nonsensical things, it is self-destructive, I must say. But to the Self which is destructive is the power of Shiva. What we call the Self here, is the power of Shiva. He destroys by many ways, by many ways. You can lose your reputation, you can lose your health, you can lose your wealth, everything can happen to you till you are completely finished and that. I have known people on the death-bed also, start talking about money, ‘What should she get, money, how will he get money, and this and that’. Instead of talking about God or Self Realisation, they are talking like this. It’s such a noble thing. But if you see Shiva, He doesn’t possess anything, He doesn’t want anything. Whatever you give to him, as a samarpana or anything, that He doesn’t accept, and He passes on to the Shakti, “You do whatever you want to do.” She’s the one who is working out everything to benefit you, to make you happy. He’s not bothered. In this case, you have to please Shiva! He will not try to please you, you have to go all the way to please Him. It is a very difficult personality of Shiva. In the Koran, it is not written separately for Allah or for Shiva, it is not differentiated. Because the people with whom He had to deal were all uneducated, stupid people. So He didn’t give all the details that God is in different forms. So there is only one Allah they know. But they don’t do anything that shows the differentiations of their jobs and work. It is the Shakti who loves, I agree. But She too, can get angry very much. And once She gets angry, there is no end to it! Now I have to tell you, as Sahaja Yogis, that you develop your qualities to please the Shiva. It’s too much of hankering, too much of ‘wants’. All this is not necessary. Of course I want you to live well, and beautifully, not stupidly – to go into jungles or to behave like hippies – that’s not the point. The point is, from your heart, the attachment to things must go away. A person who is a Shiva Bhakti – he doesn’t care for money, he doesn’t know about money. He is a very generous person, extremely. He’s just generous. People may say, “Stupid” - the way he goes on, the way he works it. But I don’t think so. That’s not at all the description. The description of a man who is a bhakta of Shiva has no interest in money, is very generous. Anything you ask from that, he’ll give. Mahavira’s was like that. Mahavira had gone for his meditation in his own garden and Vishnu as Shri Krishna came and told him that, “See, I have no clothes. You have got this cloth, why don’t you give me half of it?” He said, “All right, you can have it. You can have the whole.” Because he said this, “My house is here, I’ll just wear my clothes.” What he did was not to show that nudity is a very great thing. But if you see the Jains, what to do, they make big, big statues of Mahavira showing Him completely nude. I mean, this is the perversion of human mind. Why He did it, we should know. He was so detached, so detached, to give away the clothes, what is the harm? It was not to show-off or anything. But the generosity, people don’t understand. And the Jainies are the least generous! So the quality of all these great incarnations is also not understood. Because a kind of an illusion is there. For example, Shiva is always with very few clothes, very few. And what does he eat? No-one knows. What is his desires and what does he want? No-one knows. A person with a great knowledge of music will sing before him, He’s alright. Or even any madcap comes and sings, He’s alright. For Him it doesn’t matter, He’s not meticulous about how the music is and what the notes are, whether it is alright or not, no. He is beyond all these things. He is beyond all these formalities that we have about everything, he is beyond. He is spirituality itself, he is beyond all these things. Whether you are a musician or you are an artist, whatever it is you are, He’ll enjoy. He’s the enjoyer, and He’ll enjoy – whatever is simple, whatever is given with the heart, He’ll enjoy. Whatever is expressed with the heart, He’ll enjoy. He is not a conditioned person, that it should be modern, it should be such and such. He is not conditioned. He doesn’t think that way like human beings who will sit down and make a meticulous everything, does it fit into it or not. Even, even for art, even for anything that is created out of somebody’s heart, they will try to discourage that person. I have seen people, they have such conditioning. And one thing about Shiva, he has no conditioning of anything, nothing. That’s why they call him a mast-maulaa – He is not at all conditioned. If you have any conditioning in your mind, then you are not a Shivabhakta. It’s all right, you should dress up well, you should do this … but you should not have conditioning that ‘If you don’t do that you are being out of cast, out of fashion, out of this …’. It is very difficult for people not to accept. All kinds of fashions are coming nowadays, all kinds. I tell them, “What is this?” “Oh this is the fashion.” Is it some God behind this fashion, or is there some deity who is telling you these fashions? Today it comes, tomorrow it will disappear.So, what I am saying, that if you have to worship Shiva, you should de-condition yourself. You are living in the world of Sahasrara. Now, somebody is not properly dressed – finished! Somebody is over-popularly dressed – finished! Human beings have a capacity to criticise everyone. And to criticise everyone, this is nothing fundamental because if you do it on vibrations, one can understand. But not on vibrations, just because ‘this is not the fashion, that is not the fashion’. What is the fashion of Shiva, tell me. Has He any fashions? Anything you give Him, He’s happy. Whatever you give Him, He eats that. He is full of such appreciation because He is personified as Joy. He is peace and He is joy. If you are worshippers of Shiva, then you should not have any conditioning of any kind.I mean, normally I also wear simple saris, very simple. And it happens that people think I am a very poor woman. I am poor because I don’t care for money, I don’t bother. So, we should know that Shiva is the poorest man, purest God. He doesn’t wear any alankaras, he doesn’t wear anything, just he lives with his own body. Because he is nothing but embodiment of enjoyment, nothing but complete form of enjoyment and joy.So another quality of Shivabhakta should be joy. You should be joyous about everything – whatever you see, whatever type of person you see. So the only way you can do, is give up human quality of criticism – to criticise others. Like if the English go into the Indian house, they say “We don’t like it.” “Yes, what, what you don’t like?” “We didn’t like the carpet.” ‘I don’t like it’ itself is against your Shakti. Then, if supposing an American goes to an English home, he’ll say, “I don’t like it.” It’s very common. All the people say “I don’t like it”, “I didn’t like that”. Who are you to say ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’. People don’t realise that by saying all these things, you are showing that there is no Shiva principle in you. I can understand somebody who cannot walk, alright, for such a person is allowed to use some sticks or something, allowed. But if he says, “I don’t like that person because he doesn’t use the stick”, shows that he is such an egoistical fellow; himself is using the stick and he wants to create what, warns or what, in a democratic country, that people should walk with the sticks in their hands. It is very difficult.In the west it is very common, you see, to have this kind of a hat, to have this kind of a dress, to wear this kind of a cheroot. All kinds of things have a conditioning. Nowadays the hairstyle has become very funny with women. Because they don’t put oil in their hair. They will not have any grease in their hair. If somebody’s going to meet them they will wash their hair. I don’t think it looks very nice. Of course I don’t say that you need not have so much of oil on your face and ears. But, what is so important? In life, is also this is another thing that we are very self-centred. We want to impress people. If I wear a dress or anything, it should impress. I mean, even it impresses - what? If a snake comes along, he will bit you, whatever dress you might be wearing, whatever country you might be from. All this kind of identification, it doesn’t behove a Shivabhakta. A Shivabhakta has to be just absolutely lost in the raptures of joy. Very particular about hairdress, very particular about dresses – I don’t know what they are particular about. With all that, what do they gain? Nothing. Do they become popular? And this kind of popularity, which is so skin-deep, what’s the use?You must have respect, respect of your being. As not only human beings, but as Sahaja Yogis. You are Sahaja Yogis. We are Shiva’s bhaktas, we don’t care. We are not bothered. Whatever it is, Shiva is there within us and we shine with that power within us that is of Kundalini. You may be very well dressed, you may be anything. If your vibrations are bad, what’s the use? If you cannot judge people by their vibrations, by nonsensical things like their dress and moustaches, is it of any value? In Sahaja Yoga your value system has to be Sahaj. I have seen many people, “I don’t like their house, I didn’t like this …” ‘I don’t like’ is the sentence, is nishidda, is to be given up by Sahaja Yogis. If you don’t like anything, you are not a Sahaja Yogi. Now, of course, I mean, if there is somebody who is anti-Sahaj and all that, but still by saying ‘I don’t like’, what are you going to gain? It’s a waste of energy. Because of this, in Sahaja Yoga I have seen, people have created problems for Me, so many problems. Only because they are such much ‘self’ oriented. “This man is bad, that woman is bad, he is this, that …” Sometimes I am surprised. Because when those people come to me, I am amazed that they are very nice people.But people are very self-centred, also. Like, I have seen people who are not bothered to come to meetings, to pujas. Because they have got work. Altogether there are eleven pujas, but they don’t come. Because they are very busy. At least to one puja you should come. But those who are Shivabhaktas only enjoy nothing but pujas. Nothing else. Their whole being is absolutely vibrated by Shiva bhakti. To them, that’s the most important thing to do. Also there are people in Sahaja Yoga who are trying to make money out of Sahaja Yoga. Very wrong, very wrong, very wrong. Sahaja Yoga is to give you punyas, to give you blessings, and if that is not in your mind, better give up Sahaja Yoga. You can join some business or something of malpractices very easily, very easily. Till you end up in the jail you are there. But to enjoy your spiritual powers you must learn certain things. And one of them is de-condition yourself – ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’ – this sentence must go away from your tongue!Likes and dislikes are only for people who have limited vision. You should learn to appreciate. Your power of appreciation will show how spiritually you are endowed. And your power of observation will show what do you observe. For example, some people will come and tell me, “I didn’t like that lady, she was wearing a funny sari.” I mean, what is this? “I didn’t like her, because she was putting her hand on her head”. So what? Because you make your own images of people, and you want everybody to be like that, otherwise you don’t like it. Whether you like it or don’t like it, nobody’s going to change. Why waste your energy? Sometimes there are musicians who are not so good. I remember, once I went home and I asked my father, “How does this musician sing?” He says, “He’s very courageous, very courageous.” I said, “Why, what happened?” He said, “He sings without bothering about it and he goes out of tune sometimes, he goes out of taala, doesn’t matter, but he sings. He’s very courageous, himmatwala” So, that’s how he used to appreciate, I have seen. When this fellow started singing, I saw he was like that, but my father was saying “Wa-wa, wa-wa” and encouraging him. You see, I have seen in my father these divine qualities, how he used to tolerate, how he used to – I mean not tolerance also, just appreciation. Of any kind of thing he used to appreciate.That’s what, if the Sahaja Yogis have that condition of appreciation they will enjoy everything. Because you kill your enjoyment, do you know that? You are all variety of people here, all variety of dresses, all variety of families and so many countries you are here. To Me you are nothing but Sahaja Yogis, my children, that’s all. Now I don’t go on judging you on your dress, or on what your hairstyle is, no. All modern things are extremely conditioning. And they condition you so much that you get irresponsible. As Sahaja Yogis you get irresponsible. Your first and foremost responsibility is Sahaja Yoga. Because you should know what a work it is. It is such a great work, to transform the whole world – that is My vision. And this old age I think the same. Now, if that is My vision, what should be your attitude? That we should go all out to spread Sahaja Yoga. That’s the main thing. I call you for these pujas just to renovate, I should say, to give you more of energy and all that. But if you are just taking it as a great blessings and sitting at home it’s of no use. You must spread Sahaja Yoga!I was surprised that they said in Lucknow there are only two hundred Sahaja Yogis. How can that be? First time I went to Lucknow, there were at least three thousand Sahaja Yogis and we had not fixed any hall or anything. And can you imagine, suddenly I find so many people [gone]. How is it there can be two hundred Sahaja Yogis? Either you are telling lies, or you are good for nothing.So the responsibility of all the Sahaja Yogis, of all the Sahaja Yogis, first and foremost, is to spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you given realisation? Where have you talked about Sahaja Yoga? I have seen even in the plane, if you are travelling, anyone who is there will tell Me “My guru is this, you know, such a great guru, this that.” Openly, shamelessly, about horrible gurus! While you people are very shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga. Never publicly unless and until you have a programme, and public programme and all that. You have no time, also, for Sahaja Yoga, very busy people. So, if you have to follow Shiva and His blessings all the time, His protection to you,, then you have to be Sahaja Yogis of very high quality. It shows when you go all out to spread Sahaja Yoga. That is the thing missing. I am very happy that in Australia Sahaja Yoga has spread so much. I don’t know what has happened. In a far fetched place like Australia. In the beginning I had some set-backs but now it has spread. Also in Austria it has spread. And also in Italy. But otherwise, just doesn’t spread. What’s the matter? The matter is the leaders are not going all-out. Say, for in England I travelled from north to south, east to west in all the directions. We have very poor, very poor Sahaja Yogis there. You have to go to universities, to younger people. If hippy-ism can spread, why not Sahaja Yoga? It spread like wild-fire, why not Sahaja Yoga? All these things are there, which I have to warn you – be careful! If you have got Realisation, you have a responsibility – to give realisation to others, and to spread Sahaja Yoga.If you can’t do it, then God save you. I have nothing to say. You have to introspect, ‘What have I done for Sahaja Yoga. What have I got from Sahaja Yoga?’ And I am sure after this Shiva puja, you will dedicate yourself to Shiva principle within you. Shiva principle doesn’t ‘stir out’, it’s very, very stern, it’s very powerful. You have to dedicate, and you have to surrender. Above every other job, above every other performance, the highest is this.So, with this, I ask Shiva to give you blessings, complete blessings, so that you get transformed into the personality of Shiva. May God bless you all
Shivaratri Puja, Pune (India), 17 March 2002. Tonight we have gathered here to do Shri Shiva Puja. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Shiva Puja. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Shiva Puja. It’s a simple principle of Shri Shivaratri.As you have seen yesterday, we have snakes, or, these are horrible snakes guiding behind the Shiva Linga. The significance is this – those who are clean in heart, who are full of love for others, are always guarded by the power of Shiva, which are the snakes. It’s a symbolic thing, to say, very symbolic. But I must say that animals understand Divine force much better than human beings, much better. Because they have a clean heart. Whatever is their lifestyle built by nature, they carry on with it. But there’s no malice, there’s no jealousy, there’s not all these mean things in their heart. They do it because it is supposed to be. But the quality of human beings is only one – and that is how much they love and forgive. Loving capacity of human beings are such by which they conquer all their negative forces – they can, easily, see that it’s not good to have all these qualities, or maybe that they understand it’s not noble to indulge into all these inhuman behaviour. They are not bound to indulge into all these things. Neither they are asked to be, but suddenly they get lured by such things which has got hatred, jealously and greed.You see how Shiva lives. He lives in the Himalayas. See what clothes He wears, what He eats. He has no demand for anything because He is complete, He is perfect. Such a personality is Shiva’s. And if you are worshipping Him, you should find out within your heart what sort of feelings you have, what sort of malice you nurture.These days in India, greed has become the main point. They are so mean and so low. Which impossible to understand that they think money is everything, which is not in the culture of Indians, no, no. In no way. But somehow they have picked it up, in the foreign countries perhaps, and it is spreading very much now, that money is the most important thing.Think of Shiva. He never thought of money. He never wanted any money. He never wanted to show off himself. There is such a difference between Shiva and Shakti. In their whole attitude. Because Shiva is absolutely a liberated personality, he’s not bothered. If the people are indulging into wrong things, he’ll destroy – finished! He doesn’t want to cure, He doesn’t want to improve, nothing of the kind. But for the Shakti it is important, because this is Her child, this universe is Her child. All this is created by Her, so naturally She is worried and She doesn’t like people who try to take to mean things and nonsense. First of all it was human beings started indulging in power. They moved from countries to country to empower themselves. Where is that power gone? Finished. Then, after that, what happened with them is that they left their style with others. And now it seems it is very common to see people shamelessly being greedy. For them, is the solution, is Shiva. All such people will be destroyed. First of all they will be exposed and then they will be destroyed, to the last bit of it. Another thing is that Shiva respects a person who has a good character; a person with a good character. And if anyone is bad charactered or indulges into bad things, Shiva won’t spare them. So the Shakti creates, protects, looks after them, brings them up. But Shiva is sitting there, just to destroy! Very important, this destruction is very important. The Shakti doesn’t show those qualities. She may destroy some rakshasas, but He can destroy nations after nations.First of all the ego you have – who will destroy that? That too, Shiva. Shiva is in your Sahasrara. He is sitting in the Sahasrara; now remember, on top of everything. The other day I saw one gentleman from the Broadcasting, a newsman, who was very, very stupid and was talking, very harshly. And I saw his Ekadasha Rudra “My God” I said, “This one is now going to be in trouble.” What is Ekadasha is nothing but the eleven powers of Shiva. They build up here and give you all kinds of diseases; the worst of all is cancer. And I knew that this fellow is going to have a very bad time. He is not a Sahaja Yogi, how am I to tell him? How anybody has to tell him? But it comes from this Ekadasha Rudra.Now these are eleven powers of Shiva, very well described. Now these powers start working on people, even on Sahaja Yogis, if they do not follow the principle of Sahaja Yoga. He is, I should say, watching everything. Every part of your life He watches. How you behave, what you do, what is your dharma – He watches all that. And so many saints have warned you, so many incarnations have warned you; but I tell you if don’t listen to them, then Shiva is not going to listen. He doesn’t listen to anyone. If he’s angry, he’s angry. Whatever it is, very difficult to convince Him that ‘Please spare this person, it’s alright. Forgive.’ But his basic quality is forgiveness, can you imagine? His basic quality is forgiveness. But if He doesn’t forgive, then you are finished. Up to a point maybe He might forgive, but after that .. It’s a very, very difficult situation. And I find that people don’t realise what Shiva is. In the south we have two types of people worshipers. One are shaivaites, another vaishnavaites. They are having a big fight between them. Now it is less, much less. What is the work of Vishnu is to give you realisation, emancipation of human beings, evolution of human beings. But if you fail in your goodness, in your dharma, then Shiva comes in your life. We have to understand that we are all surrounded by their powers, we are all made by their powers, is the Shakti who is protecting you. But to an extent. She cannot go above Shiva, She cannot cross Him.These days you find so many people indulging into politics – it’s all money-making propositions. They all try to make money, it’s not politics! They don’t do any good to the whole communities, nowhere – either under fear or under abandonment. They behave in such a manner that they are not afraid of God, they are not afraid of His own attention on them. Perhaps they don’t know that they are under the attention of Shiva. He’s watching each and every person, whether you are Australian, English or Indian. Whatever religion you may follow, He’s watching them.This is a thing one has to understand. And once you understand this, you will accept that you have to be good and dharmic people. You have to be good character people. Why people talk of good character? Try to understand! It’s stupidity these days when people don’t believe in it. People are doing all kinds of things, they are drinking, they are playing this… money business. All kinds of things they are doing without having any fear of the wrath of God. And that wrath comes from Shiva. I would like to warn you all, though you are all my children – be careful! Try to weigh every step that you take. Of course I am there to support you, to help you, to protect you. But, not beyond Shiva, I can’t go beyond Him. It’s such a power of Shiva, it’s such an authority of Shiva. And to worship Him means to worship goodness in Him. The goodness could be compassion, could be love, could be forgiveness, anything. He likes only good people, and He will protect only good people.For example, some people are very power oriented, some are money oriented and some are power oriented. And the power oriented also do it for money sometimes, that’s the aim. They’ll not stay in Sahaj. They will be displaced. They do it, and then come and ask for forgiveness, “Oh Mother forgive us, we have done it”. But try not to do anything of that kind. I, of course, forgive you, but Shiva, He won’t, He won’t. He will take you to task and then you will come to Me “Mother, You must save us!” It’s very difficult. From His clutches it is very difficult. Also He’s a very forgiving person. He forgives you, many things. Because of Me also He forgives. But, after some time when He takes over, there’s no appeal, there’s no safety. I do not want to frighten you, but I want to tell you the truth, it is the truth. You have to try to be good people. You have to try to be really good character people. I am told some people who are in Sahaja Yoga indulge in money laundering and all that. Also some of them have very bad characters, they run after girls and they try to look at the girls and all sorts of things. Now this has ruined the west especially. Also our Indians are learning from it. As it is, we have to respect ourselves. If we don’t respect ourselves, and we try to misbehave, I can only help you with your Kundalini. But if you go too much beyond it, Ekadasha Rudra will catch, no doubt. It’s a very big barrier on your forehead. Eka-desha Rudra, and it is so effective nowadays, so much active. All kinds of diseases which are coming out, is all incurable, are because of Ekadasha. And also those who are suffering from possessions. The other day I met somebody who was very much caught-up. And the Ekadasha was working. I found out that he is very fanatically influenced by something. I don’t want to name it, but these, we have found out, are not correct things. In every religion we have people who are spreading nonsensical ideas. Now if you don’t have discretion about it, nobody can help you. You should have a full discretion as to what is right and what is wrong. Then Shiva is with you. But if you indulge into all such nonsensical things, it is self-destructive, I must say. But to the Self which is destructive is the power of Shiva. What we call the Self here, is the power of Shiva. He destroys by many ways, by many ways. You can lose your reputation, you can lose your health, you can lose your wealth, everything can happen to you till you are completely finished and that. I have known people on the death-bed also, start talking about money, ‘What should she get, money, how will he get money, and this and that’. Instead of talking about God or Self Realisation, they are talking like this. It’s such a noble thing. But if you see Shiva, He doesn’t possess anything, He doesn’t want anything. Whatever you give to him, as a samarpana or anything, that He doesn’t accept, and He passes on to the Shakti, “You do whatever you want to do.” She’s the one who is working out everything to benefit you, to make you happy. He’s not bothered. In this case, you have to please Shiva! He will not try to please you, you have to go all the way to please Him. It is a very difficult personality of Shiva. In the Koran, it is not written separately for Allah or for Shiva, it is not differentiated. Because the people with whom He had to deal were all uneducated, stupid people. So He didn’t give all the details that God is in different forms. So there is only one Allah they know. But they don’t do anything that shows the differentiations of their jobs and work. It is the Shakti who loves, I agree. But She too, can get angry very much. And once She gets angry, there is no end to it! Now I have to tell you, as Sahaja Yogis, that you develop your qualities to please the Shiva. It’s too much of hankering, too much of ‘wants’. All this is not necessary. Of course I want you to live well, and beautifully, not stupidly – to go into jungles or to behave like hippies – that’s not the point. The point is, from your heart, the attachment to things must go away. A person who is a Shiva Bhakti – he doesn’t care for money, he doesn’t know about money. He is a very generous person, extremely. He’s just generous. People may say, “Stupid” - the way he goes on, the way he works it. But I don’t think so. That’s not at all the description. The description of a man who is a bhakta of Shiva has no interest in money, is very generous. Anything you ask from that, he’ll give. Mahavira’s was like that. Mahavira had gone for his meditation in his own garden and Vishnu as Shri Krishna came and told him that, “See, I have no clothes. You have got this cloth, why don’t you give me half of it?” He said, “All right, you can have it. You can have the whole.” Because he said this, “My house is here, I’ll just wear my clothes.” What he did was not to show that nudity is a very great thing. But if you see the Jains, what to do, they make big, big statues of Mahavira showing Him completely nude. I mean, this is the perversion of human mind. Why He did it, we should know. He was so detached, so detached, to give away the clothes, what is the harm? It was not to show-off or anything. But the generosity, people don’t understand. And the Jainies are the least generous! So the quality of all these great incarnations is also not understood. Because a kind of an illusion is there. For example, Shiva is always with very few clothes, very few. And what does he eat? No-one knows. What is his desires and what does he want? No-one knows. A person with a great knowledge of music will sing before him, He’s alright. Or even any madcap comes and sings, He’s alright. For Him it doesn’t matter, He’s not meticulous about how the music is and what the notes are, whether it is alright or not, no. He is beyond all these things. He is beyond all these formalities that we have about everything, he is beyond. He is spirituality itself, he is beyond all these things. Whether you are a musician or you are an artist, whatever it is you are, He’ll enjoy. He’s the enjoyer, and He’ll enjoy – whatever is simple, whatever is given with the heart, He’ll enjoy. Whatever is expressed with the heart, He’ll enjoy. He is not a conditioned person, that it should be modern, it should be such and such. He is not conditioned. He doesn’t think that way like human beings who will sit down and make a meticulous everything, does it fit into it or not. Even, even for art, even for anything that is created out of somebody’s heart, they will try to discourage that person. I have seen people, they have such conditioning. And one thing about Shiva, he has no conditioning of anything, nothing. That’s why they call him a mast-maulaa – He is not at all conditioned. If you have any conditioning in your mind, then you are not a Shivabhakta. It’s all right, you should dress up well, you should do this … but you should not have conditioning that ‘If you don’t do that you are being out of cast, out of fashion, out of this …’. It is very difficult for people not to accept. All kinds of fashions are coming nowadays, all kinds. I tell them, “What is this?” “Oh this is the fashion.” Is it some God behind this fashion, or is there some deity who is telling you these fashions? Today it comes, tomorrow it will disappear.So, what I am saying, that if you have to worship Shiva, you should de-condition yourself. You are living in the world of Sahasrara. Now, somebody is not properly dressed – finished! Somebody is over-popularly dressed – finished! Human beings have a capacity to criticise everyone. And to criticise everyone, this is nothing fundamental because if you do it on vibrations, one can understand. But not on vibrations, just because ‘this is not the fashion, that is not the fashion’. What is the fashion of Shiva, tell me. Has He any fashions? Anything you give Him, He’s happy. Whatever you give Him, He eats that. He is full of such appreciation because He is personified as Joy. He is peace and He is joy. If you are worshippers of Shiva, then you should not have any conditioning of any kind.I mean, normally I also wear simple saris, very simple. And it happens that people think I am a very poor woman. I am poor because I don’t care for money, I don’t bother. So, we should know that Shiva is the poorest man, purest God. He doesn’t wear any alankaras, he doesn’t wear anything, just he lives with his own body. Because he is nothing but embodiment of enjoyment, nothing but complete form of enjoyment and joy.So another quality of Shivabhakta should be joy. You should be joyous about everything – whatever you see, whatever type of person you see. So the only way you can do, is give up human quality of criticism – to criticise others. Like if the English go into the Indian house, they say “We don’t like it.” “Yes, what, what you don’t like?” “We didn’t like the carpet.” ‘I don’t like it’ itself is against your Shakti. Then, if supposing an American goes to an English home, he’ll say, “I don’t like it.” It’s very common. All the people say “I don’t like it”, “I didn’t like that”. Who are you to say ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’. People don’t realise that by saying all these things, you are showing that there is no Shiva principle in you. I can understand somebody who cannot walk, alright, for such a person is allowed to use some sticks or something, allowed. But if he says, “I don’t like that person because he doesn’t use the stick”, shows that he is such an egoistical fellow; himself is using the stick and he wants to create what, warns or what, in a democratic country, that people should walk with the sticks in their hands. It is very difficult.In the west it is very common, you see, to have this kind of a hat, to have this kind of a dress, to wear this kind of a cheroot. All kinds of things have a conditioning. Nowadays the hairstyle has become very funny with women. Because they don’t put oil in their hair. They will not have any grease in their hair. If somebody’s going to meet them they will wash their hair. I don’t think it looks very nice. Of course I don’t say that you need not have so much of oil on your face and ears. But, what is so important? In life, is also this is another thing that we are very self-centred. We want to impress people. If I wear a dress or anything, it should impress. I mean, even it impresses - what? If a snake comes along, he will bit you, whatever dress you might be wearing, whatever country you might be from. All this kind of identification, it doesn’t behove a Shivabhakta. A Shivabhakta has to be just absolutely lost in the raptures of joy. Very particular about hairdress, very particular about dresses – I don’t know what they are particular about. With all that, what do they gain? Nothing. Do they become popular? And this kind of popularity, which is so skin-deep, what’s the use?You must have respect, respect of your being. As not only human beings, but as Sahaja Yogis. You are Sahaja Yogis. We are Shiva’s bhaktas, we don’t care. We are not bothered. Whatever it is, Shiva is there within us and we shine with that power within us that is of Kundalini. You may be very well dressed, you may be anything. If your vibrations are bad, what’s the use? If you cannot judge people by their vibrations, by nonsensical things like their dress and moustaches, is it of any value? In Sahaja Yoga your value system has to be Sahaj. I have seen many people, “I don’t like their house, I didn’t like this …” ‘I don’t like’ is the sentence, is nishidda, is to be given up by Sahaja Yogis. If you don’t like anything, you are not a Sahaja Yogi. Now, of course, I mean, if there is somebody who is anti-Sahaj and all that, but still by saying ‘I don’t like’, what are you going to gain? It’s a waste of energy. Because of this, in Sahaja Yoga I have seen, people have created problems for Me, so many problems. Only because they are such much ‘self’ oriented. “This man is bad, that woman is bad, he is this, that …” Sometimes I am surprised. Because when those people come to me, I am amazed that they are very nice people.But people are very self-centred, also. Like, I have seen people who are not bothered to come to meetings, to pujas. Because they have got work. Altogether there are eleven pujas, but they don’t come. Because they are very busy. At least to one puja you should come. But those who are Shivabhaktas only enjoy nothing but pujas. Nothing else. Their whole being is absolutely vibrated by Shiva bhakti. To them, that’s the most important thing to do. Also there are people in Sahaja Yoga who are trying to make money out of Sahaja Yoga. Very wrong, very wrong, very wrong. Sahaja Yoga is to give you punyas, to give you blessings, and if that is not in your mind, better give up Sahaja Yoga. You can join some business or something of malpractices very easily, very easily. Till you end up in the jail you are there. But to enjoy your spiritual powers you must learn certain things. And one of them is de-condition yourself – ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’ – this sentence must go away from your tongue!Likes and dislikes are only for people who have limited vision. You should learn to appreciate. Your power of appreciation will show how spiritually you are endowed. And your power of observation will show what do you observe. For example, some people will come and tell me, “I didn’t like that lady, she was wearing a funny sari.” I mean, what is this? “I didn’t like her, because she was putting her hand on her head”. So what? Because you make your own images of people, and you want everybody to be like that, otherwise you don’t like it. Whether you like it or don’t like it, nobody’s going to change. Why waste your energy? Sometimes there are musicians who are not so good. I remember, once I went home and I asked my father, “How does this musician sing?” He says, “He’s very courageous, very courageous.” I said, “Why, what happened?” He said, “He sings without bothering about it and he goes out of tune sometimes, he goes out of taala, doesn’t matter, but he sings. He’s very courageous, himmatwala” So, that’s how he used to appreciate, I have seen. When this fellow started singing, I saw he was like that, but my father was saying “Wa-wa, wa-wa” and encouraging him. You see, I have seen in my father these divine qualities, how he used to tolerate, how he used to – I mean not tolerance also, just appreciation. Of any kind of thing he used to appreciate.That’s what, if the Sahaja Yogis have that condition of appreciation they will enjoy everything. Because you kill your enjoyment, do you know that? You are all variety of people here, all variety of dresses, all variety of families and so many countries you are here. To Me you are nothing but Sahaja Yogis, my children, that’s all. Now I don’t go on judging you on your dress, or on what your hairstyle is, no. All modern things are extremely conditioning. And they condition you so much that you get irresponsible. As Sahaja Yogis you get irresponsible. Your first and foremost responsibility is Sahaja Yoga. Because you should know what a work it is. It is such a great work, to transform the whole world – that is My vision. And this old age I think the same. Now, if that is My vision, what should be your attitude? That we should go all out to spread Sahaja Yoga. That’s the main thing. I call you for these pujas just to renovate, I should say, to give you more of energy and all that. But if you are just taking it as a great blessings and sitting at home it’s of no use. You must spread Sahaja Yoga!I was surprised that they said in Lucknow there are only two hundred Sahaja Yogis. How can that be? First time I went to Lucknow, there were at least three thousand Sahaja Yogis and we had not fixed any hall or anything. And can you imagine, suddenly I find so many people [gone]. How is it there can be two hundred Sahaja Yogis? Either you are telling lies, or you are good for nothing.So the responsibility of all the Sahaja Yogis, of all the Sahaja Yogis, first and foremost, is to spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you given realisation? Where have you talked about Sahaja Yoga? I have seen even in the plane, if you are travelling, anyone who is there will tell Me “My guru is this, you know, such a great guru, this that.” Openly, shamelessly, about horrible gurus! While you people are very shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga. Never publicly unless and until you have a programme, and public programme and all that. You have no time, also, for Sahaja Yoga, very busy people. So, if you have to follow Shiva and His blessings all the time, His protection to you,, then you have to be Sahaja Yogis of very high quality. It shows when you go all out to spread Sahaja Yoga. That is the thing missing. I am very happy that in Australia Sahaja Yoga has spread so much. I don’t know what has happened. In a far fetched place like Australia. In the beginning I had some set-backs but now it has spread. Also in Austria it has spread. And also in Italy. But otherwise, just doesn’t spread. What’s the matter? The matter is the leaders are not going all-out. Say, for in England I travelled from north to south, east to west in all the directions. We have very poor, very poor Sahaja Yogis there. You have to go to universities, to younger people. If hippy-ism can spread, why not Sahaja Yoga? It spread like wild-fire, why not Sahaja Yoga? All these things are there, which I have to warn you – be careful! If you have got Realisation, you have a responsibility – to give realisation to others, and to spread Sahaja Yoga.If you can’t do it, then God save you. I have nothing to say. You have to introspect, ‘What have I done for Sahaja Yoga. What have I got from Sahaja Yoga?’ And I am sure after this Shiva puja, you will dedicate yourself to Shiva principle within you. Shiva principle doesn’t ‘stir out’, it’s very, very stern, it’s very powerful. You have to dedicate, and you have to surrender. Above every other job, above every other performance, the highest is this.So, with this, I ask Shiva to give you blessings, complete blessings, so that you get transformed into the personality of Shiva. May God bless you all
Birthday Puja: You Can Do A Lot
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Birthday Puja, Delhi, India 21-03-2002 [Translation from Hindi] I have been watching the magnitude of love. How it has spread into all corners. From where to where it has reached. Upto how many people? No one knows. But I have understood its Principle. Can there be any Principle of love? Love has no Principle.Like an all encompassing divine halo, love has spread far and wide. We have no awareness of it. We do not know it. But the love of the Almighty has spread to the entire creation, the whole world. Only after getting your Self Realisation you can experience this. You can know this. That this is love. This is the love of God. God’s energy is only Love. It is only the energy of Love that becomes effective. We are not able to understand this. To hate someone; to harbour enmity with someone; to wish evil on someone; to fight with someone. This is very low and mean. You are a Sahaja Yogi. In your heart you should only feel love. Nothing else. The situation that is prevailing in our country today ... Looking at it we cannot understand that in the name of religion why there is so much hatred and violence. What has happened. What was the need for this? Something starts, then comes rejection and contradiction, and it has a reaction which is more violent than the original action. In this way whatever consciousness and sensitivity you have about God is reduced. Now we have to try to understand how to increase the Spirit of Love. How can we express our love. And how can we become that. The first requirement is that we should take care of our children. What are we teaching our children. If someone gives them a slap, do we tell them that go and slap him back. On the contrary we should explain that that child doesn’t understand. He is not bad. He will come and make friends again. Because a child’s heart is very innocent and simple. In a moment he will get alright. And then we can explain that son, he is beating you, that is a wrong thing. But you also must not do the same wrong thing. The child will realise that fighting and beating is not a good thing. This can only be imbibed in childhood. But from childhood itself if children are taught, „You are a Muslim; you are a Hindu, or you are this or that, from this the child is not able to understand. He feels, we all look the same. Our features, our build is the same, then what am I being taught. Why are people teaching me these kind of things.Then contempt, greed and all this kind of wrong initiation come inside. These should be destroyed by Sahaja Yoga. It should go away completely [English part] I’m telling them about love, all-pervading love of God Almighty. He’s created this whole thing. The whole atmosphere is there. The whole feeling is there of love. But it’s possible only for people who are innocent, like children. If you are very mature in your hatred, no one can save you. You’ll have ten arguments to show that your hatred is justifiable. Then you’ll go to any extent to justify it.We had people in our country, which is a very, supposed to be a very sober country, a very peaceful country, we had people who just believe in killing — kill this, kill that. So even in this country, which didn’t believe in all these things, indulged into all kinds of violence since long.But basically we are people who believe in peace, because without peace no growth can take place. There has to be complete peace. If there is peace in your heart, if there is peace surrounding you, you grow into a beautiful nation. Not out of fear, not out of pressure, but from inside, if you are a person who has complete peace within the heart, not that he is not afraid of anything, but he emits peace, he gives peace. Anybody who goes near such a person, gets the peace, the feeling of peacefulness.You all are Sahaja Yogis. You all have got your Realisation, that is, your Spirit is now emitting vibrations of peace and joy. Wherever you are, you will emit peaceful vibrations. You will create peace. You’ll find out ways of creating peace, how to establish peaceful atmosphere. It’s very important that we have to grow in such a manner that we create peace and give peace to others and become examples of it.I cannot believe in this Delhi: I could have so many people who are realised souls. I never expected. First of all, I had to wait until people got into a proper mind to understand My work, because we had partition and so many people lost their lives, lost their properties and I have faced all that. I have seen it Myself. And they just couldn’t, couldn’t forgive other people.So forgiveness is a very good method of understanding the pain of others; troubles of others, but this depth you have to develop. Instead of getting angry, getting revengeful, if you can develop that peace within yourself, if you can manage to have the peace of your mind through divine love, there’s no need for you to do anything extra. It’s just the peace that you have, now, in your heart. Just feel it. You are a peaceful person. You are not a person who is easily disturbed. You will never give explanations for getting angry, for spoiling the mood of people. You will not do that. You are the one who rise above all this anger and this stupid revengefulness.It is difficult to explain to those people who are not realised souls, because if I talk, they won’t like it. If they get their Realisation, you can talk to them. So best thing is that you should spread Sahaja Yoga. Spread it among Sikhs, among Muslims, among Christians, throughout; and specially among Hindus.Because nowadays I find Hindus are also, have lost their grip over their understanding of our country and its culture. And that’s how they just revenge, they take revenge. I don’t understand this kind of revenge. But what to do? People are already on that level, on that low level, where they don’t understand many things.For example now, they do not want people to build a temple of Shri Rama at a particular point. Because they are not Sahaja Yogis, I can’t talk to them that that is the place where He was born. So we must pay full respect to His incarnation. If that is the place He was born, we can feel it with the vibrations, then why deny the fact and the truth just because you don’t want it to be done? It’s very difficult to talk to them. What to understand is that, what has Babur done for us? Who was Babur? He was a foreigner and this one was not even built by Babur [Mughal emperor]. No, it was not. It was somebody who was his — one of the military man who went and built it, and that’s why they call it a Babri Masjid.But let us find out what happened to this Mr. Babur. He died, but he came from abroad. He was not even an Indian. And doesn’t matter, he was not born there. I mean, he had nothing to do with that place, but definitely I know and you all will know, can feel it all on your hands just now, that it is Babri Masjid, is the place where Shri Rama was born. Now, if you want to build a temple there, what will go wrong with people? What will happen to them if a temple is built there? I mean, it is just a question of respect and feelings about it. I also take Rama’s name. Everybody takes His name because such a solace and such a comfort. But the way people look at things, it’s difficult, you can’t talk to them.Now they are talking about another nonsense that we have one hair of Mohammed-sahib in Kashmir. Now somebody said that it is not His hair. How do you know? What is your criteria to decide whose hair it is? Actually, you will be amazed, when I went to Kashmir, we were going somewhere in the car and suddenly I felt tremendous vibrations. So I asked the driver, “Why don’t you take the car on this side?” He said, “Why?” “Because I want to go.” He said “It is an old road and there are some few people living there.” “It doesn’t matter. Take it.” We went near and nearer and there were some houses of Muslims, so we called them and asked them, “What is here going on?” They said, “It is Hazrat Bal.” Even the name gives vibrations, gives you such peace. It was the hair of Muhammed-sahib!Now Hindus don’t want to know about Him and Muslims don’t want to know about Shri Ram. It’s very surprising. They are all having their own shops and selling there own things, but they don’t understand that, whatever they are selling is the same which the other people are selling. For example, they say, “Allah.” Who is Allah? According to Sahaj Yog, Allah is nobody else but Vishnu and Vishnu who came also as Shri Ram. So whatever they call as Allah is Shri Ram Himself ! Only a Sahaj Yogi can understand that. If you put up your hands now when I am talking, you will be surprised what vibrations have come, because it is Shri Ram, who is Allah, whom you are trying to insult by your stupidity.So it could be stupidity on part of Muhammed-sahib or on part of Hindus. Hindus are also not understanding, somehow they know that is the birthplace of Shri Ram, somehow, I don’t know, somebody must have told them. Or maybe — I don’t know how they know — they don’t know vibrations. I haven’t yet met many Hindus who have vibration — I mean those who are what you can call fundamentalist. They never have vibrations. So I used to wonder, how do they know this is the Janmabhoomi [birth place] of Shri Rama. Maybe, somehow they come to know. But they have no point to prove. The problem is, if they were Realised souls, if our high court judges were Realised souls, if our cabinet were realised souls, you could have talked to them. But they are all — what should I say? — absolutely blocked people. How to tell them that this quarrel is a nonsense? It is perfectly all right to build a temple of Shri Ram. But whatever you may say, the trouble is first they all should get their Self Realisation.Just now, at the time when we are talking, see, there are not sufficient people who have got Self Realisation. You are all Realised souls. There was another one who told Me, who was giving Realisation to these Mahantas — Mahantas [superior of a monastery] are the people who are suppose to be saints — and every one of them, when they got Realisation, they got exposed, so he didn’t know what to do with them. That may happen with anyone, even in Christian churches or you go to Jews — everywhere you’ll find this is the problem. If you give them Realisation, they will get exposed. So what’s the use of disturbing all the people who have such faith in them and think they’re very great people.Now only way you can judge them is through vibrations. But out of love, I can’t tell them that: “You are not Realised souls. You have no business to talk about Shri Ram or about Mohammed-sahib. They’re much beyond you.”So the problem now is between the people who are not knowledgeable and those who are knowledgeable. It was a very big gap before. Only one person used to be a Realised soul; so they used to stone him, beat him, do all kinds of things. Now you are so many. So, if you put up your case anywhere, even at this stage, nobody is going to listen to you.I would request you only one thing. Give Realisation to people, as many as possible, and not to any ‘spiritual’ so-called people. Because they get exposed, what’s the use?This is a common thing. So many people have told Me: “We gave Realisation to one priest. He got exposed.” “Means, what happened?” “He was exposed, Mother. He was put in jail.” “Ah, this is too much. After getting Realisation, he goes to jail.” So this is the problem. In love, you cannot be hypocritical about it. Love — you have to be a pure personality. Strive to purify yourself. You have to change. If you are still angry, if you are still greedy, if you have all these things, love won’t work out. It won’t work out. So to love someone in a divine way is to first understand the value of innocence. Why I love children? Because they’re innocent. They don’t have all these things. Like in our country these days, the epidemic — epidemic of corruption has started — epidemic. It’s not simple. Anybody you see, after every third person, there’s an epidemic of corruption. Now why? Because they want money. All right. Then what do they do with their money? They don’t know how to hide, so they put it in some sort of pot or whatever it is and the money gets lost. If not, they are caught up. That’s not so important. What’s important is : ‘Why have this greed?’ People who are rich are more greedy than the people who are poor, because the poor people at least have some fear of God. But the rich are very greedy. They’re running after this, running after that. There’s no end to it. It is very surprising that in this country of ours this new disease has started. With this disease, even in Sahaja Yoga, there are some people who have made a business out of Sahaj Yog and making money. So greed is something that comes to you from the right side and you start justifying it. There’s no place for love, for the right side.Now this greed has gone so far that the whole country is getting ruined. We can never progress. We can never achieve anything because everywhere there’s greed when people are just taking it. But if you love your country, if you have love for your country, you won’t do [it]. But that love is missing. They love — I don’t know whom do they love. They love their children in such a way that they ruin their lives.Love is not limited. Love has to be unlimited, unlimited love which binds the whole world. There is this force, there is already acting this force; only thing you have to become the agents of that, to become the people who can communicate that love. You have every right to that great wealth of love and you can spread that all along. But I find that even here people think in the terms of money. Money is the enemy of love. I assure you that if you have interest in money, you can never progress in Sahaja Yoga.I’m hopeless, I agree. I don’t know how to take interest even. What is so interesting about it? And people laugh at Me that : “You don’t know simple things, even to count the money.” I said, “I know. I can tell you like this, how much money’s there, but I’m not interested.”There’s so many other things to be interested. You see the children. You see nice, nice people. In the whole world, there are so many beautiful people, beautiful things. Why pay so much attention to this useless stuff, which comes and goes? But that is what is the most — I should say — gripping thing that is also there.In India is the worst, I think. They say that India is the most corrupt country, but I don’t know. I have never seen that kind of thing, but must be true. On such an occasion, it’s very auspicious that you should think that money is of no value to you, has no value, and you will be amazed, you will have never dearth of money — absolutely. This is one thing in Sahaja Yoga you have to get, that money is of no value. There’s no interest in money. Your money is in getting how many people you have in Sahaja Yoga, how many people you have brought in Sahaja Yoga, how many people have got this joy. You have not purchased it. Nobody has to purchase it. It’s free, flowing everywhere. It’s so joy-giving. What else do you want with money? Nothing. Just with money — headaches, fear and all kinds of problems.So, parallel to our Sahaja Yoga, it should be the life of freedom, complete freedom and enjoyment, nothing to worry about. Nothing is dependent on money. I have seen people living in very poor conditions, extremely happy and joyous; while those who have lots of money, specially in the foreign countries, are rich people, they have depression, all kinds of funny, funny situations there. They commit suicides. Why? If money was everything, why all the rich country people commit suicide? What is the gain they have? See, and all the time what they are thinking, how to get into a kind of a fashion. Fashion, because if you have no money, you cannot get into those fashions. The fashions are so common now, so common, that for that people hanker. If they cannot get to the fashions, they think that something has gone wrong with them, something is — But not you because you are Sahaja Yogis.Now you see these things happening, so what have you to do? Have pity for such people — no contempt, but pity — and you have to tell them that “What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time? This is the best time for you to reach the highest goal of your life, of Self Realisation and why are you so much running after all these things? What is it that makes you run this rat-race?” I think it’s a breaking point everywhere and people are thinking, but you are the people who should provide. In a very large scale, you can work it out.I mean, I have seen people who have nothing in them. They are not spiritual. They are not the ones who can give Realisation or anything. But just because they are doing some social work, they are very famous. What is the social work? Looking after the poor or something like that.Now, when your love, which is so great, which is so effective, that starts working, you feel you should do something, then you’ll be amazed how your Sahaja Yoga will be understood.So far Sahaja Yoga is all right, people are very nice, excellent, saintly and all. But effect of that must be seen and people should see the effect of that, of your love. First is forgiveness. You have to forgive people. They are utterly stupid. I have just now explained to you how stupid they are. So, nothing to worry about that. If you are such a wise personality, you should try to judge everything with wisdom and don’t fall a trap into things where you feel that you have to do it like some fashion or some sort of a — I should say what? — some grouping. No need, we are Sahaja Yogis. We are self-sufficient. We don’t need anything. If we are one, we are all right. If we are many, we are all right.Now you must know that you have reached a very high state and you have touched that love, that universal love of God.So express more of that love in your daily life. Express more of that love in dealing with others. Express your love in a way that others are made happy. It’s all something to be thought of. How can you quarrel if you are real Sahaja Yogis? How can you put down others if they are Sahaja Yogi[s]? How can you deceive others if you are Sahaja Yogis? Not possible. You should have no interest in all these things. That means now you are clarified and you are clear and you are now nirmal. Nobody can touch you.This sort of attitude, should have respect for yourself. This kind of understanding you should have about yourself. What is your role? What is your position? You should know that you are Realised souls and what you should do as Realised soul, that you should know. You’re not another sort of madman running the rat race or also you’re not in competition. You’re not competitive. You are just progressing by your own love and blessings. I know how the blessings work. But first of all, you have to be worthy of that blessing, otherwise – can’t help it. Your loving nature, that’s why Christ has said that you have to be like children to enter into the kingdom of God. You are already in the kingdom of God, but you have to be like children; how innocent they are, how simple they are and they’re happy with small, small things. They don’t want something very extraordinary. It’s very surprising how our love, which is actually, is enlightened by divine love, can change the whole world. How I had this idea and how it has prospered. If you all help Me in this, I’m sure Sahaja Yoga can do so many things, which have not been achieved.Now you go home and think whatever I have told you. Think about it. What you need is introspection. What you need is understanding. “What have I done out of my life as Sahaja Yogis?” And then you will find out that you can do a lot, a lot. And that has to be done.May God bless you
Birthday Puja, Delhi, India 21-03-2002 [Translation from Hindi] I have been watching the magnitude of love. How it has spread into all corners. From where to where it has reached. Upto how many people? No one knows. But I have understood its Principle. Can there be any Principle of love? Love has no Principle.Like an all encompassing divine halo, love has spread far and wide. We have no awareness of it. We do not know it. But the love of the Almighty has spread to the entire creation, the whole world. Only after getting your Self Realisation you can experience this. You can know this. That this is love. This is the love of God. God’s energy is only Love. It is only the energy of Love that becomes effective. We are not able to understand this. To hate someone; to harbour enmity with someone; to wish evil on someone; to fight with someone. This is very low and mean. You are a Sahaja Yogi. In your heart you should only feel love. Nothing else. The situation that is prevailing in our country today ... Looking at it we cannot understand that in the name of religion why there is so much hatred and violence. What has happened. What was the need for this? Something starts, then comes rejection and contradiction, and it has a reaction which is more violent than the original action. In this way whatever consciousness and sensitivity you have about God is reduced. Now we have to try to understand how to increase the Spirit of Love. How can we express our love. And how can we become that. The first requirement is that we should take care of our children. What are we teaching our children. If someone gives them a slap, do we tell them that go and slap him back. On the contrary we should explain that that child doesn’t understand. He is not bad. He will come and make friends again. Because a child’s heart is very innocent and simple. In a moment he will get alright. And then we can explain that son, he is beating you, that is a wrong thing. But you also must not do the same wrong thing. The child will realise that fighting and beating is not a good thing. This can only be imbibed in childhood. But from childhood itself if children are taught, „You are a Muslim; you are a Hindu, or you are this or that, from this the child is not able to understand. He feels, we all look the same. Our features, our build is the same, then what am I being taught. Why are people teaching me these kind of things.Then contempt, greed and all this kind of wrong initiation come inside. These should be destroyed by Sahaja Yoga. It should go away completely [English part] I’m telling them about love, all-pervading love of God Almighty. He’s created this whole thing. The whole atmosphere is there. The whole feeling is there of love. But it’s possible only for people who are innocent, like children. If you are very mature in your hatred, no one can save you. You’ll have ten arguments to show that your hatred is justifiable. Then you’ll go to any extent to justify it.We had people in our country, which is a very, supposed to be a very sober country, a very peaceful country, we had people who just believe in killing — kill this, kill that. So even in this country, which didn’t believe in all these things, indulged into all kinds of violence since long.But basically we are people who believe in peace, because without peace no growth can take place. There has to be complete peace. If there is peace in your heart, if there is peace surrounding you, you grow into a beautiful nation. Not out of fear, not out of pressure, but from inside, if you are a person who has complete peace within the heart, not that he is not afraid of anything, but he emits peace, he gives peace. Anybody who goes near such a person, gets the peace, the feeling of peacefulness.You all are Sahaja Yogis. You all have got your Realisation, that is, your Spirit is now emitting vibrations of peace and joy. Wherever you are, you will emit peaceful vibrations. You will create peace. You’ll find out ways of creating peace, how to establish peaceful atmosphere. It’s very important that we have to grow in such a manner that we create peace and give peace to others and become examples of it.I cannot believe in this Delhi: I could have so many people who are realised souls. I never expected. First of all, I had to wait until people got into a proper mind to understand My work, because we had partition and so many people lost their lives, lost their properties and I have faced all that. I have seen it Myself. And they just couldn’t, couldn’t forgive other people.So forgiveness is a very good method of understanding the pain of others; troubles of others, but this depth you have to develop. Instead of getting angry, getting revengeful, if you can develop that peace within yourself, if you can manage to have the peace of your mind through divine love, there’s no need for you to do anything extra. It’s just the peace that you have, now, in your heart. Just feel it. You are a peaceful person. You are not a person who is easily disturbed. You will never give explanations for getting angry, for spoiling the mood of people. You will not do that. You are the one who rise above all this anger and this stupid revengefulness.It is difficult to explain to those people who are not realised souls, because if I talk, they won’t like it. If they get their Realisation, you can talk to them. So best thing is that you should spread Sahaja Yoga. Spread it among Sikhs, among Muslims, among Christians, throughout; and specially among Hindus.Because nowadays I find Hindus are also, have lost their grip over their understanding of our country and its culture. And that’s how they just revenge, they take revenge. I don’t understand this kind of revenge. But what to do? People are already on that level, on that low level, where they don’t understand many things.For example now, they do not want people to build a temple of Shri Rama at a particular point. Because they are not Sahaja Yogis, I can’t talk to them that that is the place where He was born. So we must pay full respect to His incarnation. If that is the place He was born, we can feel it with the vibrations, then why deny the fact and the truth just because you don’t want it to be done? It’s very difficult to talk to them. What to understand is that, what has Babur done for us? Who was Babur? He was a foreigner and this one was not even built by Babur [Mughal emperor]. No, it was not. It was somebody who was his — one of the military man who went and built it, and that’s why they call it a Babri Masjid.But let us find out what happened to this Mr. Babur. He died, but he came from abroad. He was not even an Indian. And doesn’t matter, he was not born there. I mean, he had nothing to do with that place, but definitely I know and you all will know, can feel it all on your hands just now, that it is Babri Masjid, is the place where Shri Rama was born. Now, if you want to build a temple there, what will go wrong with people? What will happen to them if a temple is built there? I mean, it is just a question of respect and feelings about it. I also take Rama’s name. Everybody takes His name because such a solace and such a comfort. But the way people look at things, it’s difficult, you can’t talk to them.Now they are talking about another nonsense that we have one hair of Mohammed-sahib in Kashmir. Now somebody said that it is not His hair. How do you know? What is your criteria to decide whose hair it is? Actually, you will be amazed, when I went to Kashmir, we were going somewhere in the car and suddenly I felt tremendous vibrations. So I asked the driver, “Why don’t you take the car on this side?” He said, “Why?” “Because I want to go.” He said “It is an old road and there are some few people living there.” “It doesn’t matter. Take it.” We went near and nearer and there were some houses of Muslims, so we called them and asked them, “What is here going on?” They said, “It is Hazrat Bal.” Even the name gives vibrations, gives you such peace. It was the hair of Muhammed-sahib!Now Hindus don’t want to know about Him and Muslims don’t want to know about Shri Ram. It’s very surprising. They are all having their own shops and selling there own things, but they don’t understand that, whatever they are selling is the same which the other people are selling. For example, they say, “Allah.” Who is Allah? According to Sahaj Yog, Allah is nobody else but Vishnu and Vishnu who came also as Shri Ram. So whatever they call as Allah is Shri Ram Himself ! Only a Sahaj Yogi can understand that. If you put up your hands now when I am talking, you will be surprised what vibrations have come, because it is Shri Ram, who is Allah, whom you are trying to insult by your stupidity.So it could be stupidity on part of Muhammed-sahib or on part of Hindus. Hindus are also not understanding, somehow they know that is the birthplace of Shri Ram, somehow, I don’t know, somebody must have told them. Or maybe — I don’t know how they know — they don’t know vibrations. I haven’t yet met many Hindus who have vibration — I mean those who are what you can call fundamentalist. They never have vibrations. So I used to wonder, how do they know this is the Janmabhoomi [birth place] of Shri Rama. Maybe, somehow they come to know. But they have no point to prove. The problem is, if they were Realised souls, if our high court judges were Realised souls, if our cabinet were realised souls, you could have talked to them. But they are all — what should I say? — absolutely blocked people. How to tell them that this quarrel is a nonsense? It is perfectly all right to build a temple of Shri Ram. But whatever you may say, the trouble is first they all should get their Self Realisation.Just now, at the time when we are talking, see, there are not sufficient people who have got Self Realisation. You are all Realised souls. There was another one who told Me, who was giving Realisation to these Mahantas — Mahantas [superior of a monastery] are the people who are suppose to be saints — and every one of them, when they got Realisation, they got exposed, so he didn’t know what to do with them. That may happen with anyone, even in Christian churches or you go to Jews — everywhere you’ll find this is the problem. If you give them Realisation, they will get exposed. So what’s the use of disturbing all the people who have such faith in them and think they’re very great people.Now only way you can judge them is through vibrations. But out of love, I can’t tell them that: “You are not Realised souls. You have no business to talk about Shri Ram or about Mohammed-sahib. They’re much beyond you.”So the problem now is between the people who are not knowledgeable and those who are knowledgeable. It was a very big gap before. Only one person used to be a Realised soul; so they used to stone him, beat him, do all kinds of things. Now you are so many. So, if you put up your case anywhere, even at this stage, nobody is going to listen to you.I would request you only one thing. Give Realisation to people, as many as possible, and not to any ‘spiritual’ so-called people. Because they get exposed, what’s the use?This is a common thing. So many people have told Me: “We gave Realisation to one priest. He got exposed.” “Means, what happened?” “He was exposed, Mother. He was put in jail.” “Ah, this is too much. After getting Realisation, he goes to jail.” So this is the problem. In love, you cannot be hypocritical about it. Love — you have to be a pure personality. Strive to purify yourself. You have to change. If you are still angry, if you are still greedy, if you have all these things, love won’t work out. It won’t work out. So to love someone in a divine way is to first understand the value of innocence. Why I love children? Because they’re innocent. They don’t have all these things. Like in our country these days, the epidemic — epidemic of corruption has started — epidemic. It’s not simple. Anybody you see, after every third person, there’s an epidemic of corruption. Now why? Because they want money. All right. Then what do they do with their money? They don’t know how to hide, so they put it in some sort of pot or whatever it is and the money gets lost. If not, they are caught up. That’s not so important. What’s important is : ‘Why have this greed?’ People who are rich are more greedy than the people who are poor, because the poor people at least have some fear of God. But the rich are very greedy. They’re running after this, running after that. There’s no end to it. It is very surprising that in this country of ours this new disease has started. With this disease, even in Sahaja Yoga, there are some people who have made a business out of Sahaj Yog and making money. So greed is something that comes to you from the right side and you start justifying it. There’s no place for love, for the right side.Now this greed has gone so far that the whole country is getting ruined. We can never progress. We can never achieve anything because everywhere there’s greed when people are just taking it. But if you love your country, if you have love for your country, you won’t do [it]. But that love is missing. They love — I don’t know whom do they love. They love their children in such a way that they ruin their lives.Love is not limited. Love has to be unlimited, unlimited love which binds the whole world. There is this force, there is already acting this force; only thing you have to become the agents of that, to become the people who can communicate that love. You have every right to that great wealth of love and you can spread that all along. But I find that even here people think in the terms of money. Money is the enemy of love. I assure you that if you have interest in money, you can never progress in Sahaja Yoga.I’m hopeless, I agree. I don’t know how to take interest even. What is so interesting about it? And people laugh at Me that : “You don’t know simple things, even to count the money.” I said, “I know. I can tell you like this, how much money’s there, but I’m not interested.”There’s so many other things to be interested. You see the children. You see nice, nice people. In the whole world, there are so many beautiful people, beautiful things. Why pay so much attention to this useless stuff, which comes and goes? But that is what is the most — I should say — gripping thing that is also there.In India is the worst, I think. They say that India is the most corrupt country, but I don’t know. I have never seen that kind of thing, but must be true. On such an occasion, it’s very auspicious that you should think that money is of no value to you, has no value, and you will be amazed, you will have never dearth of money — absolutely. This is one thing in Sahaja Yoga you have to get, that money is of no value. There’s no interest in money. Your money is in getting how many people you have in Sahaja Yoga, how many people you have brought in Sahaja Yoga, how many people have got this joy. You have not purchased it. Nobody has to purchase it. It’s free, flowing everywhere. It’s so joy-giving. What else do you want with money? Nothing. Just with money — headaches, fear and all kinds of problems.So, parallel to our Sahaja Yoga, it should be the life of freedom, complete freedom and enjoyment, nothing to worry about. Nothing is dependent on money. I have seen people living in very poor conditions, extremely happy and joyous; while those who have lots of money, specially in the foreign countries, are rich people, they have depression, all kinds of funny, funny situations there. They commit suicides. Why? If money was everything, why all the rich country people commit suicide? What is the gain they have? See, and all the time what they are thinking, how to get into a kind of a fashion. Fashion, because if you have no money, you cannot get into those fashions. The fashions are so common now, so common, that for that people hanker. If they cannot get to the fashions, they think that something has gone wrong with them, something is — But not you because you are Sahaja Yogis.Now you see these things happening, so what have you to do? Have pity for such people — no contempt, but pity — and you have to tell them that “What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time? This is the best time for you to reach the highest goal of your life, of Self Realisation and why are you so much running after all these things? What is it that makes you run this rat-race?” I think it’s a breaking point everywhere and people are thinking, but you are the people who should provide. In a very large scale, you can work it out.I mean, I have seen people who have nothing in them. They are not spiritual. They are not the ones who can give Realisation or anything. But just because they are doing some social work, they are very famous. What is the social work? Looking after the poor or something like that.Now, when your love, which is so great, which is so effective, that starts working, you feel you should do something, then you’ll be amazed how your Sahaja Yoga will be understood.So far Sahaja Yoga is all right, people are very nice, excellent, saintly and all. But effect of that must be seen and people should see the effect of that, of your love. First is forgiveness. You have to forgive people. They are utterly stupid. I have just now explained to you how stupid they are. So, nothing to worry about that. If you are such a wise personality, you should try to judge everything with wisdom and don’t fall a trap into things where you feel that you have to do it like some fashion or some sort of a — I should say what? — some grouping. No need, we are Sahaja Yogis. We are self-sufficient. We don’t need anything. If we are one, we are all right. If we are many, we are all right.Now you must know that you have reached a very high state and you have touched that love, that universal love of God.So express more of that love in your daily life. Express more of that love in dealing with others. Express your love in a way that others are made happy. It’s all something to be thought of. How can you quarrel if you are real Sahaja Yogis? How can you put down others if they are Sahaja Yogi[s]? How can you deceive others if you are Sahaja Yogis? Not possible. You should have no interest in all these things. That means now you are clarified and you are clear and you are now nirmal. Nobody can touch you.This sort of attitude, should have respect for yourself. This kind of understanding you should have about yourself. What is your role? What is your position? You should know that you are Realised souls and what you should do as Realised soul, that you should know. You’re not another sort of madman running the rat race or also you’re not in competition. You’re not competitive. You are just progressing by your own love and blessings. I know how the blessings work. But first of all, you have to be worthy of that blessing, otherwise – can’t help it. Your loving nature, that’s why Christ has said that you have to be like children to enter into the kingdom of God. You are already in the kingdom of God, but you have to be like children; how innocent they are, how simple they are and they’re happy with small, small things. They don’t want something very extraordinary. It’s very surprising how our love, which is actually, is enlightened by divine love, can change the whole world. How I had this idea and how it has prospered. If you all help Me in this, I’m sure Sahaja Yoga can do so many things, which have not been achieved.Now you go home and think whatever I have told you. Think about it. What you need is introspection. What you need is understanding. “What have I done out of my life as Sahaja Yogis?” And then you will find out that you can do a lot, a lot. And that has to be done.May God bless you
Birthday Felicitations
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Talk on Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India). 23 March 2002 This felicitation function is little embarrassing for Me because I was born as a very simple person and I have been an extremely simple person. I don’t understand money. I don’t understand hatred. I don’t understand greed. I’m so simple about it. Despite that, you people came and got your Realization. It’s your own achievement. It’s your own desires that you have achieved. I find so many children nowadays born as realized souls.So I think the time is also there, that at My life, in My life itself, this was to happen. It is everybody’s lot. I think, like Shri Rama, then came Shri Krishna, then came Jesus, then other people. It was their time. And My time it is to give you all Realization. But, I must say, you all have taken it very heartily, sweetly and are using your powers to give love to others and to transform others.The other day, I was talking about love. Now the love, as it is understood, is in your heart as this, but do you know the ocean of love is your Sahasrara. When your Sahasrara is filled with love, then the life is changed. You don’t become a very intelligent man, very dynamic personality, but you are nothing but love and this love is so self-satisfying.You are not bothered if others don’t love you or they love you. You don’t see to that part. What you see is the enjoyment from that love. It’s a tremendous ocean of love. You all have got it. And once you have entered into Sahaja Yoga, you know that you have entered into Sahasrara and Sahasrara is the — I tell you — the source of all the truth. Truth is there — the complete truth. Truth is the knowledge and also the truth is love.If you love somebody, you know the truths about that person. You find out whether the person is good or bad or anything. It’s very difficult. But if you love that person, then immediately know what’s wrong with that person, what’s right from that person. But because of your love, you encompass the whole atmosphere between you and him or between you and others. You don’t see the bad points easily — very difficult.I’ve been many a times, people say, cheated by others. Agreed, but I have no sense of what cheating means, how people cheat you. Many a times, people say that they are talking ill about Me. Yes, they are. I can see they are talking – doesn’t matter. Makes no difference to Me. If they’re taking ill of Me, it’s all right. But this felicitation embarrasses Me definitely because I’ve not done anything so extraordinary, as they think. Extraordinary is that whatever capacity you have, if it acts, then it is there, like love. I have tremendous love, I don’t know what to say. And it acts. It works. And every human being cares for love.You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is. It’s not so important. What is the most important thing is that you are loved. This is — I have not made a theory out of it or I am not going to say that you all should learn it, but it’s so basic and that’s the only thing that helps.So residing in the Sahasrara, if you see the waves of love flowing, maybe some people might take advantage of it, it doesn’t matter, makes no difference. Some people can also mislead you. It’s all right. All kinds of things they do; but when there is love, you see, you are satisfied, you are not bothered, because you love everyone.So you are satisfied. You are not bothered as to what others, they are doing to you, what advantage they’re taking of you, what they are troubling you or all these also felicitations, how they have done – also all the facilities that you have from your own being – are automatic.This felicitations and all that, of course, reflects you, no doubt, but to Me, it is nothing great. I don’t think it is a very great achievement for Me because I have no vision, as such, I must tell you. I’ve heard this word, that Mother has a vision. No, no, no, no, I have no vision, I must tell you. My simple thing is that everybody must love – and a pure love will change your lives, it will change the whole world, no doubt about it. It should come to you natural because now you have pierced through your Sahasrara.So for every Sahaja Yogi, love should be very, very natural thing — absolutely. For example, I know sometimes people are very rude. They have certain rules and regulations and then they get very angry with the other people or whatever it is. Some people have positions and they use their position to get angry with others and even to get after that person and torture another person, they do, go on doing like this. But they have missed the point. They have missed the point. If you just have love, that pure love, then you see the point. You see it, that ‘Yes, yes, that’s what he is doing, that’s why he’s — .’ You know that. But you are not bothered, ‘Why he is doing like me,’ why is he troubling you and gradually, everything nullifies. Everything finishes off by itself.I’ve seen many people who are talking ill about Me, doing all kinds of things against Me. So what? Let them do. That’s their job. Let them do; but to Me, it doesn’t disturb, you know. I think they are indulging into something of their own style, but what do you get? Joy comes only out of pure love. If you have no pure love, you cannot have joy. Talking that we are very joyous and all that — I know who are joyous really and who are not. You cannot artificially say that ‘I am joyous.’ It should be some sort of an innate, spontaneous feeling within.So you are the ocean of feelings, ocean of beautiful feelings. And when you are enriched by that ocean, you are least bothered about anything.You know very well that I am very bad at money. I don’t understand. I cannot count money. So what? I mean, that’s My handicap, I should say, but it doesn’t matter. What is so needed is ‘Can you feel the love of others? Can you feel the sweetness of others?’ As you see a little child, how nice you feel. In the same way, ‘Do you feel that for others?’ or ‘Are they like children? Are they innocent like children?’ And the now, I would suggest that innocence is the sign of love.Anybody who has innocence would know the technique of love. If you are very clever, intelligent, you can answer back, you can correct people, do that. No. That’s not the way. If you have love, you can correct people without saying anything to them, because love is a supreme intelligence. It gives you all the correct method. It works out that. The whole thing works out that and then people say, ‘Mother, it’s a miracle how it has happened.’ No, no, it’s no miracle. It’s simple thing that love has acted in its own way. Love is not a dead thing. It’s not a dead sea. It not only thinks, but it acts and acts so beautifully. Sometimes I’m amazed at its working. We call it a miracle, this, that. Nothing — it’s love.Now, because the Divine loves you, it gives you miracles, so called. It can do anything because the Divine wants that you should get to Sahaja Yoga and you should become a real yogi.So whatever this love does, you think it’s miracle. It is not. Why people say, ‘Mother, that’s your style.’ It’s not question. It’s a question of love. Say, I love everyone very much, I trust everyone very much. I never doubt, to begin with, and they are sinking, sinking, but still I have faith that they’ll come round, that they’ll be all right. Give them a chance. But supposing they try some tricks, you’ll be amazed how they get exposed. How they get exposed, it’s very surprising.We have a Sahaja Yogi in Dubai. He told Me, ‘Mother, no use giving Realization to these big people.’ I say, ‘Why?’ So he gave Me the name of very highly spiritual people accepted by society. ‘I gave him Realization and he got exposed. I don’t know, I never said anything — got exposed.’ Another person whom he gave Realization, also had a very big thing, having lots of awards and this and that, he got exposed. And he gave Realization to one fellow who had peace award. He also got exposed. And then it was in the newspaper all about him.Now what is happening is that this man, out of love for the other one, gives them Realization, but that same love acts in such a manner that he gets exposed. You don’t want to expose people. You want that somehow they’ll come to Sahaja Yoga all right, it’s all right working out. So he said, ‘Mother, I don’t think I’ll give Realization to anyone.’ I said, ‘See, you go on giving. If the Divine wants that the person should be exposed, he will be exposed.’ If there is anything wrong with that person, he’ll be exposed.Somebody who gets Realization , supposing, and he meets with an accident, of course he’ll be saved, but he might meet with an accident. So what is the reason why? Why did he meet with the accident? Because he doesn’t do anything for Sahaja Yoga. He’s very ambitious. Somebody who’s very sick, he’s all right with Sahaj Yog and somebody who’s not that sick, gets much worse. It’s a fact. Though he’s protected — that’s one thing about Sahaj Yog — you may be the worst Sahaja Yoga, you are protected, no doubt, but if you go on like that, if you all the time trying to go against Sahaj and become asahaj, then you suffer very badly.It’s very simple that if you are standing in a place, you are established in a place, which is very peaceful, very joy-giving, but you want to get out of it, so you face whatever is outside, it’s automatic. If you stand in the place which is so peaceful, which is joyous, which is full of love, you are all right, you’ll grow in spirituality. But if you want to get out of it, then you have it. You can’t help it. It’s like a fortress or we can call a very secluded place, which very comfort and very much full of attention and all that and then you want to go out of the attention. So, you’re gone. That’s how some Sahaja Yogis don’t understand why they are not yet getting into Sahaj Yog.So no use using your intelligence because this intelligence, human intelligence, is not a very high quality function. What is best is to fall in love with your Self — love which is divine, love which is nourishing, love that looks after you. But we don’t know how to look after ourselves. We don’t know how to love ourselves. We love this person, love that person, but what about yourself? Then they think it is selfishness — no, not at all. To know the Self is love. If you know the Self, you’ll know love, you’ll fall into the ocean of that love. But that is what is My experience, I’m telling, and you all should experience the same love. Just watch yourself. It’s very simple to introspect, ‘Do I have love within me, fully?’ Partly it is love, partly no.Now love can be very much bounded also like ‘we love our country’, say India. If we love our country, so we may think all Indian things are good. We’ll never talk ill about our country. Anybody says anything about India, against, we’ll hate that person.It’s with everyone. You love your country. Also you love, say, your parents, love anybody. But is a limited love. It’s a bounded love. Love should be just opened. Then you will see where do you stand as far as your country’s concerned, as far as your relationships are concerned. You will know everything. You need not harm, you need not say anything, you need not quarrel, fight, but you will know – because love gives you knowledge, complete knowledge about the person. You know the person, what he’s up to, what he’s doing, but you don’t mind because you love that person. So you don’t mind. ‘All right, so ahead.’ It’s like a little child. It’s going on the wrong way. Let it go.Now with all these things, whatever you wear, you are very lucky people who have reached Sahasrara and that you all know everything about Sahaj Yog. But without practising Sahaja Yoga, you cannot work it out because then, by practising it, you know about your Self. When you meditate, you know your Self and then you get just filled with love. But now, while sitting, you just start thinking, ‘He’s a very bad man. I hate him’ — this thing. All such stupid ideas come into your head — or ‘I must buy this ornament’ or ‘I must buy this particular car’ and all that, then you are not loving. But if you love, then what happens is that whatever you need, you get. Whatever you want, you get.You have to first love yourself, but that love should be pure love. As a result of that, you’ll cleanse yourself. Sometimes you are so much identified with your temperaments, with your nature, with you personality, whatever it is, but then you realize, in that love, that ‘This is not love. This is blind.’Love gives you a complete idea about yourself. ‘What am I? What problems I have? Why do I create problems? Why do I get into problems?’ You’ll be amazed that love has such a powerful light in it, that it is the truth and it is the knowledge.Though I don’t know if I am to blame anyone in this world who are not a realized soul, I will not – and a fully realized soul, I will not – because there is no light in their life. They can’t see themselves and they can’t see others. So what’s the use of blaming them, blaming this community, that community or this country or that country? What is the use?And this love is universal. It has nothing to do with any particular type or particular style. It’s universal. That is why Sahaja Yoga is universal. It is spreading everywhere. I want you to enjoy that love.Only example I’ll give you — a grandmother and a grandchild. They have a relationship — at least in India, I know — of tremendous love. For them, the grandchild is everything and the grandmother is everything. They just love each other. Whatever the grandchild may do, whatever the grandmother may do, it’s all right. It’s a kind of a tremendous experience of elivage (elevation). You feel elevated and you enjoy that love. If there is no purity in love, you can never, never enjoy love.-So I would request you to find out that ocean in your head in the Sahasrara, which is being filled by your heart. Do you know Heart and Sahasrara are very much in relationship with each other? Their style is such that if somebody’s head is not all right, the heart won’t be all right. If the heart is not all right, his head won’t be all right. But is more reflection from the head to the heart.They say that there’s genes are bad or this — nothing of the kind. After Sahaja Yoga, your genes are changed you are changed; everything is changed now. So your brain is filled with nothing but light. Your heart is filled with light and you are just bouncing with love, all the time with humour, with loving care. Every day, I mean, it’s so different. But that you have achieved now. Now you have got it. So just enjoy that.Then the caste system and the fundamentalism, that, the greed and jealousies and competition an all, they all drop — useless things. But if you have the jungle of nonsense in your mind, then all kinds of animals can creep in. To purify yourself with love, cleanse yourself with love. Look at every position, everything, with love and you will be amazed how you will find it easier not to dominate, not control, not to despise, not to say things which are not(?) wrong. It’s such a correcting thing, love is, extremely correcting and extremely joy-giving that you will be amazed at yourself, how you are managing things.I knew of many like that. There was a Sahaja Yogi who never used to talk to his own uncle, never. And he said, ‘Somehow, I hate him.’ ‘But why?’ ‘I don’t know why, I hate him.’ And then he went to a race course and there he saw his uncle coming. He rushed and he just hugged him. Uncle started looking, ‘Now what does he want? Why is he doing? What is it in his mind?. ‘Why is he wanting to love me like this?’ He couldn’t understand. When it happened, you know, that he couldn’t explain that he’d become a Sahaja Yogi or anything. So the uncle asked, ‘What do you want now?’ He said, ‘Nothing. I love you, that’s all.’It’s such a nice thing to do it. It’s such a nice thing to say. There should be no greed in it, no – any plan behind it, just it’s a feeling of an ocean which touches every shore and there it makes a sound, beautiful sound of love. And then the waves return back. Continuously it is flowing and continuously it is working out – never tired.know in the Kali Yuga, to be born and to do this work is a very difficult task, but, to Me, it was not. Whatever happened, whatever people troubled Me, howsoever, I was working it out, out of this flow of love. Went round every place, wherever is possible, whenever it is possible, whatever may be My health or anything, I was least bothered and I have enjoyed all of you very much. I have enjoyed. There have been one or two horrible people – doesn’t matter.So when you have — saying all these things about Me, only tears come into My eyes. I don’t know what else to say. I mean, it is something I would like you to do, you to get it, this kind of life where you just flow with your love. May God bless you very much.
Talk on Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India). 23 March 2002 This felicitation function is little embarrassing for Me because I was born as a very simple person and I have been an extremely simple person. I don’t understand money. I don’t understand hatred. I don’t understand greed. I’m so simple about it. Despite that, you people came and got your Realization. It’s your own achievement. It’s your own desires that you have achieved. I find so many children nowadays born as realized souls.So I think the time is also there, that at My life, in My life itself, this was to happen. It is everybody’s lot. I think, like Shri Rama, then came Shri Krishna, then came Jesus, then other people. It was their time. And My time it is to give you all Realization. But, I must say, you all have taken it very heartily, sweetly and are using your powers to give love to others and to transform others.The other day, I was talking about love. Now the love, as it is understood, is in your heart as this, but do you know the ocean of love is your Sahasrara. When your Sahasrara is filled with love, then the life is changed. You don’t become a very intelligent man, very dynamic personality, but you are nothing but love and this love is so self-satisfying.You are not bothered if others don’t love you or they love you. You don’t see to that part. What you see is the enjoyment from that love. It’s a tremendous ocean of love. You all have got it. And once you have entered into Sahaja Yoga, you know that you have entered into Sahasrara and Sahasrara is the — I tell you — the source of all the truth. Truth is there — the complete truth. Truth is the knowledge and also the truth is love.If you love somebody, you know the truths about that person. You find out whether the person is good or bad or anything. It’s very difficult. But if you love that person, then immediately know what’s wrong with that person, what’s right from that person. But because of your love, you encompass the whole atmosphere between you and him or between you and others. You don’t see the bad points easily — very difficult.I’ve been many a times, people say, cheated by others. Agreed, but I have no sense of what cheating means, how people cheat you. Many a times, people say that they are talking ill about Me. Yes, they are. I can see they are talking – doesn’t matter. Makes no difference to Me. If they’re taking ill of Me, it’s all right. But this felicitation embarrasses Me definitely because I’ve not done anything so extraordinary, as they think. Extraordinary is that whatever capacity you have, if it acts, then it is there, like love. I have tremendous love, I don’t know what to say. And it acts. It works. And every human being cares for love.You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is. It’s not so important. What is the most important thing is that you are loved. This is — I have not made a theory out of it or I am not going to say that you all should learn it, but it’s so basic and that’s the only thing that helps.So residing in the Sahasrara, if you see the waves of love flowing, maybe some people might take advantage of it, it doesn’t matter, makes no difference. Some people can also mislead you. It’s all right. All kinds of things they do; but when there is love, you see, you are satisfied, you are not bothered, because you love everyone.So you are satisfied. You are not bothered as to what others, they are doing to you, what advantage they’re taking of you, what they are troubling you or all these also felicitations, how they have done – also all the facilities that you have from your own being – are automatic.This felicitations and all that, of course, reflects you, no doubt, but to Me, it is nothing great. I don’t think it is a very great achievement for Me because I have no vision, as such, I must tell you. I’ve heard this word, that Mother has a vision. No, no, no, no, I have no vision, I must tell you. My simple thing is that everybody must love – and a pure love will change your lives, it will change the whole world, no doubt about it. It should come to you natural because now you have pierced through your Sahasrara.So for every Sahaja Yogi, love should be very, very natural thing — absolutely. For example, I know sometimes people are very rude. They have certain rules and regulations and then they get very angry with the other people or whatever it is. Some people have positions and they use their position to get angry with others and even to get after that person and torture another person, they do, go on doing like this. But they have missed the point. They have missed the point. If you just have love, that pure love, then you see the point. You see it, that ‘Yes, yes, that’s what he is doing, that’s why he’s — .’ You know that. But you are not bothered, ‘Why he is doing like me,’ why is he troubling you and gradually, everything nullifies. Everything finishes off by itself.I’ve seen many people who are talking ill about Me, doing all kinds of things against Me. So what? Let them do. That’s their job. Let them do; but to Me, it doesn’t disturb, you know. I think they are indulging into something of their own style, but what do you get? Joy comes only out of pure love. If you have no pure love, you cannot have joy. Talking that we are very joyous and all that — I know who are joyous really and who are not. You cannot artificially say that ‘I am joyous.’ It should be some sort of an innate, spontaneous feeling within.So you are the ocean of feelings, ocean of beautiful feelings. And when you are enriched by that ocean, you are least bothered about anything.You know very well that I am very bad at money. I don’t understand. I cannot count money. So what? I mean, that’s My handicap, I should say, but it doesn’t matter. What is so needed is ‘Can you feel the love of others? Can you feel the sweetness of others?’ As you see a little child, how nice you feel. In the same way, ‘Do you feel that for others?’ or ‘Are they like children? Are they innocent like children?’ And the now, I would suggest that innocence is the sign of love.Anybody who has innocence would know the technique of love. If you are very clever, intelligent, you can answer back, you can correct people, do that. No. That’s not the way. If you have love, you can correct people without saying anything to them, because love is a supreme intelligence. It gives you all the correct method. It works out that. The whole thing works out that and then people say, ‘Mother, it’s a miracle how it has happened.’ No, no, it’s no miracle. It’s simple thing that love has acted in its own way. Love is not a dead thing. It’s not a dead sea. It not only thinks, but it acts and acts so beautifully. Sometimes I’m amazed at its working. We call it a miracle, this, that. Nothing — it’s love.Now, because the Divine loves you, it gives you miracles, so called. It can do anything because the Divine wants that you should get to Sahaja Yoga and you should become a real yogi.So whatever this love does, you think it’s miracle. It is not. Why people say, ‘Mother, that’s your style.’ It’s not question. It’s a question of love. Say, I love everyone very much, I trust everyone very much. I never doubt, to begin with, and they are sinking, sinking, but still I have faith that they’ll come round, that they’ll be all right. Give them a chance. But supposing they try some tricks, you’ll be amazed how they get exposed. How they get exposed, it’s very surprising.We have a Sahaja Yogi in Dubai. He told Me, ‘Mother, no use giving Realization to these big people.’ I say, ‘Why?’ So he gave Me the name of very highly spiritual people accepted by society. ‘I gave him Realization and he got exposed. I don’t know, I never said anything — got exposed.’ Another person whom he gave Realization, also had a very big thing, having lots of awards and this and that, he got exposed. And he gave Realization to one fellow who had peace award. He also got exposed. And then it was in the newspaper all about him.Now what is happening is that this man, out of love for the other one, gives them Realization, but that same love acts in such a manner that he gets exposed. You don’t want to expose people. You want that somehow they’ll come to Sahaja Yoga all right, it’s all right working out. So he said, ‘Mother, I don’t think I’ll give Realization to anyone.’ I said, ‘See, you go on giving. If the Divine wants that the person should be exposed, he will be exposed.’ If there is anything wrong with that person, he’ll be exposed.Somebody who gets Realization , supposing, and he meets with an accident, of course he’ll be saved, but he might meet with an accident. So what is the reason why? Why did he meet with the accident? Because he doesn’t do anything for Sahaja Yoga. He’s very ambitious. Somebody who’s very sick, he’s all right with Sahaj Yog and somebody who’s not that sick, gets much worse. It’s a fact. Though he’s protected — that’s one thing about Sahaj Yog — you may be the worst Sahaja Yoga, you are protected, no doubt, but if you go on like that, if you all the time trying to go against Sahaj and become asahaj, then you suffer very badly.It’s very simple that if you are standing in a place, you are established in a place, which is very peaceful, very joy-giving, but you want to get out of it, so you face whatever is outside, it’s automatic. If you stand in the place which is so peaceful, which is joyous, which is full of love, you are all right, you’ll grow in spirituality. But if you want to get out of it, then you have it. You can’t help it. It’s like a fortress or we can call a very secluded place, which very comfort and very much full of attention and all that and then you want to go out of the attention. So, you’re gone. That’s how some Sahaja Yogis don’t understand why they are not yet getting into Sahaj Yog.So no use using your intelligence because this intelligence, human intelligence, is not a very high quality function. What is best is to fall in love with your Self — love which is divine, love which is nourishing, love that looks after you. But we don’t know how to look after ourselves. We don’t know how to love ourselves. We love this person, love that person, but what about yourself? Then they think it is selfishness — no, not at all. To know the Self is love. If you know the Self, you’ll know love, you’ll fall into the ocean of that love. But that is what is My experience, I’m telling, and you all should experience the same love. Just watch yourself. It’s very simple to introspect, ‘Do I have love within me, fully?’ Partly it is love, partly no.Now love can be very much bounded also like ‘we love our country’, say India. If we love our country, so we may think all Indian things are good. We’ll never talk ill about our country. Anybody says anything about India, against, we’ll hate that person.It’s with everyone. You love your country. Also you love, say, your parents, love anybody. But is a limited love. It’s a bounded love. Love should be just opened. Then you will see where do you stand as far as your country’s concerned, as far as your relationships are concerned. You will know everything. You need not harm, you need not say anything, you need not quarrel, fight, but you will know – because love gives you knowledge, complete knowledge about the person. You know the person, what he’s up to, what he’s doing, but you don’t mind because you love that person. So you don’t mind. ‘All right, so ahead.’ It’s like a little child. It’s going on the wrong way. Let it go.Now with all these things, whatever you wear, you are very lucky people who have reached Sahasrara and that you all know everything about Sahaj Yog. But without practising Sahaja Yoga, you cannot work it out because then, by practising it, you know about your Self. When you meditate, you know your Self and then you get just filled with love. But now, while sitting, you just start thinking, ‘He’s a very bad man. I hate him’ — this thing. All such stupid ideas come into your head — or ‘I must buy this ornament’ or ‘I must buy this particular car’ and all that, then you are not loving. But if you love, then what happens is that whatever you need, you get. Whatever you want, you get.You have to first love yourself, but that love should be pure love. As a result of that, you’ll cleanse yourself. Sometimes you are so much identified with your temperaments, with your nature, with you personality, whatever it is, but then you realize, in that love, that ‘This is not love. This is blind.’Love gives you a complete idea about yourself. ‘What am I? What problems I have? Why do I create problems? Why do I get into problems?’ You’ll be amazed that love has such a powerful light in it, that it is the truth and it is the knowledge.Though I don’t know if I am to blame anyone in this world who are not a realized soul, I will not – and a fully realized soul, I will not – because there is no light in their life. They can’t see themselves and they can’t see others. So what’s the use of blaming them, blaming this community, that community or this country or that country? What is the use?And this love is universal. It has nothing to do with any particular type or particular style. It’s universal. That is why Sahaja Yoga is universal. It is spreading everywhere. I want you to enjoy that love.Only example I’ll give you — a grandmother and a grandchild. They have a relationship — at least in India, I know — of tremendous love. For them, the grandchild is everything and the grandmother is everything. They just love each other. Whatever the grandchild may do, whatever the grandmother may do, it’s all right. It’s a kind of a tremendous experience of elivage (elevation). You feel elevated and you enjoy that love. If there is no purity in love, you can never, never enjoy love.-So I would request you to find out that ocean in your head in the Sahasrara, which is being filled by your heart. Do you know Heart and Sahasrara are very much in relationship with each other? Their style is such that if somebody’s head is not all right, the heart won’t be all right. If the heart is not all right, his head won’t be all right. But is more reflection from the head to the heart.They say that there’s genes are bad or this — nothing of the kind. After Sahaja Yoga, your genes are changed you are changed; everything is changed now. So your brain is filled with nothing but light. Your heart is filled with light and you are just bouncing with love, all the time with humour, with loving care. Every day, I mean, it’s so different. But that you have achieved now. Now you have got it. So just enjoy that.Then the caste system and the fundamentalism, that, the greed and jealousies and competition an all, they all drop — useless things. But if you have the jungle of nonsense in your mind, then all kinds of animals can creep in. To purify yourself with love, cleanse yourself with love. Look at every position, everything, with love and you will be amazed how you will find it easier not to dominate, not control, not to despise, not to say things which are not(?) wrong. It’s such a correcting thing, love is, extremely correcting and extremely joy-giving that you will be amazed at yourself, how you are managing things.I knew of many like that. There was a Sahaja Yogi who never used to talk to his own uncle, never. And he said, ‘Somehow, I hate him.’ ‘But why?’ ‘I don’t know why, I hate him.’ And then he went to a race course and there he saw his uncle coming. He rushed and he just hugged him. Uncle started looking, ‘Now what does he want? Why is he doing? What is it in his mind?. ‘Why is he wanting to love me like this?’ He couldn’t understand. When it happened, you know, that he couldn’t explain that he’d become a Sahaja Yogi or anything. So the uncle asked, ‘What do you want now?’ He said, ‘Nothing. I love you, that’s all.’It’s such a nice thing to do it. It’s such a nice thing to say. There should be no greed in it, no – any plan behind it, just it’s a feeling of an ocean which touches every shore and there it makes a sound, beautiful sound of love. And then the waves return back. Continuously it is flowing and continuously it is working out – never tired.know in the Kali Yuga, to be born and to do this work is a very difficult task, but, to Me, it was not. Whatever happened, whatever people troubled Me, howsoever, I was working it out, out of this flow of love. Went round every place, wherever is possible, whenever it is possible, whatever may be My health or anything, I was least bothered and I have enjoyed all of you very much. I have enjoyed. There have been one or two horrible people – doesn’t matter.So when you have — saying all these things about Me, only tears come into My eyes. I don’t know what else to say. I mean, it is something I would like you to do, you to get it, this kind of life where you just flow with your love. May God bless you very much.
Love is the potential power in us
New Delhi
Public Program
English, Hindi
Public Program. New Delhi (India) 24 March 2002. [Translation from Hindi to English] I pay my respect to the seekers of truth who have gathered here today. What is basically lacking everywhere is the Love. All persons take it as a mere word or expression. Love basically is the potential power within us. We do experience or feels it when we look at our Mother. What I am trying to say is that it is the Spirit enlightenment with in oneself. There is no discretion. It doesn't distinguish or is discrete between any animals or human. I sometime feel animals better understand the love. In fact the element of hatred should completely be finished from the human. Love is an ocean within and you find their tide within us. It is basically the power within us. By speaking of power one immediately takes it as something destructive state (Pralaya) but in fact it give us the inner peace. It is latent inside. It is covered inside. It is the power of love within ourselves that cleanse us and brings happiness and joy with in. If we see..... We have enemies residing within ourselves in the form of Rakshasa, eession and pleasure like consumption of liquor or spending on women. This money always goes into spending in sinful lifestyle. But at times by giving it to others you can get so much joy.Next I find persons run after power and position. Why after power and position? One feels everyone should salute me! Why? It is this power that when one descends down they then repent. They feel that once people used to run after me when I was in power and now they even do not like to come near me. Once I asked a person why do you want to possess power and position? He said that he wanted to do good to the people. But you know no body cares for a person whose powers and positions are lost. For the entire life one is entangled with power and position. What does he achieve? A person who knows how to love gets the actual recognition.He witnesses all this shortcomings and rise and falls of life style and it does not affect him.The third is the person who is pretends to be cleaver, like thieves who steals or robs or become imposter. Why are you doing this act? Who is going to respect you? These are basically the greed in and keep you away from yourself. A person is always remembered who gives love to all. May be he has not given money but he is remembered. He may not speak verses from Koran or Bibles or any thing but knows how to give love. so why coming out for waging war? Everywhere I hear he takes money ... he had taken ( in Hindi language) money. if that is the case why don't you eat money only? Once I saw a person is going and all others have covered their face and avoiding him. So I asked one what is the matter? He said Mother that man has taken (eaten) a lot of money through wrong practice and stinks. So, if we don't take care by covering ourselves we shall also be infected.Next, I find passion on wearing cloth. Putting on wrong cloth with fashion. You start giving explanations too. You fashion like that and then say Hanumanji also wore no cloth! But, why you are human being why do you want to be Hanuman. Once, Shri Krishna came down to Shri Mahavira while he was meditating. He asked for his cloth and Mahavira gave his entire cloth out of generosity. But, now see people these days they are building and erecting Statues of Mahavira portraying him nude. In the beginning Adam and Eve were without cloths. Then the serpent came up from the fruit they had. The serpent was the Kundalini. When they got the awakening they got the knowledge and covered themselves up to cover their nudity. I don't understand why there is so much of shamelessness. What is human? Why are they so much distracted? one should possess Lajja (Shame) it is basically the "Devi tattwa" within human being especially the ladies.It is an expression from within. You have two Chakras in the two shoulders. One in the left is "Shri Lalit Chakra" and the one on the right is a Shri "Shrichakra". For ladies especially you must cover these two chakras and should not leave it open. I do not want to tell you what horrible disease you contact. But in men however, it is not necessary while in ladies it is very sensitive and must cover the shoulders...then Speaking up on innocence Shri Mataji said...Once a young girl of 10 years asked after hearing from someone why someone had committed suicide? Just see what impact it really gives to the innocence of the child. It is the innocence within us that matters. Why such innocence is not within us? We are intellect of darkness! We are ignorant. How do you expect that you could give joy and bring happiness to the society? Now if you move around with garland in your neck and make people think that you are great human being...What is going to happen to others? The prime objective of life is to...So today you have come here. You have also got your connection. You be happy. One may say Mother, I have experience this but, still I could not find happiness or peace within or for that matter Mother I have attained this but, I am yet to gain money in home. You have to leave all these....and get the connection! ...Speaking on Ego Shri Mataji referred to a person...Once there was a gentle man came up to Me and said please save me. I could not recognize this diseased person at all. He was horrible with ego. Why then justify your ego's blunder .You actually go to a wrong path with ego....Then She narrated another story .....Once, I knew a person who was an erstwhile parliamentarian who died. After his death there were not even four persons available near him to carry his body. Even he had a dog that did not turn up at the last stage. Why this should happen? Only because he had ego problem with him. One should forsake his ego. Talk in English I have already spoken a lot about love. It is the loving capacity in India that I was referring to. On the whole they love you. Once you go to their house they entertain you with all hospitality. In India especially you go to a poor man's house. They will offer you milk still. Especially, the traditional people who still hold the culture are extremely loving! That is the reason why we are still surviving even after 300 years of British rule.On the topic of foreigner, Shri Mataji said, Indians basically love people.If I say you foreigner. It doesn't mean anything wrong. You are appreciated and Indians express their love. You are safe and secured. But if you are told as foreigner outside this country may be there you may be troubled or something wrong is expressed. Of course there was something in the past that happened. But as I told them. There were kids who stole cameras and other items. But when I told them they are foreigners they immediately returned the items.You should also be kind and loving. All these should spread. We should come forward to help those who are not rich or are needy. I was extremely happy with an Austrian lady who told me Mother we are starting an orphanage. So I said, I would give you money assistance for land. But She said Mother we have already collected eighty lakhs for the same from Sahaja Yogis and also from outside. So that is the love and the understanding one should have within oneself. All the world problems can be resolved through love. That's why you must take your self-realization. You will all fall into the ocean of love.
Public Program. New Delhi (India) 24 March 2002. [Translation from Hindi to English] I pay my respect to the seekers of truth who have gathered here today. What is basically lacking everywhere is the Love. All persons take it as a mere word or expression. Love basically is the potential power within us. We do experience or feels it when we look at our Mother. What I am trying to say is that it is the Spirit enlightenment with in oneself. There is no discretion. It doesn't distinguish or is discrete between any animals or human. I sometime feel animals better understand the love. In fact the element of hatred should completely be finished from the human. Love is an ocean within and you find their tide within us. It is basically the power within us. By speaking of power one immediately takes it as something destructive state (Pralaya) but in fact it give us the inner peace. It is latent inside. It is covered inside. It is the power of love within ourselves that cleanse us and brings happiness and joy with in. If we see..... We have enemies residing within ourselves in the form of Rakshasa, eession and pleasure like consumption of liquor or spending on women. This money always goes into spending in sinful lifestyle. But at times by giving it to others you can get so much joy.Next I find persons run after power and position. Why after power and position? One feels everyone should salute me! Why? It is this power that when one descends down they then repent. They feel that once people used to run after me when I was in power and now they even do not like to come near me. Once I asked a person why do you want to possess power and position? He said that he wanted to do good to the people. But you know no body cares for a person whose powers and positions are lost. For the entire life one is entangled with power and position. What does he achieve? A person who knows how to love gets the actual recognition.He witnesses all this shortcomings and rise and falls of life style and it does not affect him.The third is the person who is pretends to be cleaver, like thieves who steals or robs or become imposter. Why are you doing this act? Who is going to respect you? These are basically the greed in and keep you away from yourself. A person is always remembered who gives love to all. May be he has not given money but he is remembered. He may not speak verses from Koran or Bibles or any thing but knows how to give love. so why coming out for waging war? Everywhere I hear he takes money ... he had taken ( in Hindi language) money. if that is the case why don't you eat money only? Once I saw a person is going and all others have covered their face and avoiding him. So I asked one what is the matter? He said Mother that man has taken (eaten) a lot of money through wrong practice and stinks. So, if we don't take care by covering ourselves we shall also be infected.Next, I find passion on wearing cloth. Putting on wrong cloth with fashion. You start giving explanations too. You fashion like that and then say Hanumanji also wore no cloth! But, why you are human being why do you want to be Hanuman. Once, Shri Krishna came down to Shri Mahavira while he was meditating. He asked for his cloth and Mahavira gave his entire cloth out of generosity. But, now see people these days they are building and erecting Statues of Mahavira portraying him nude. In the beginning Adam and Eve were without cloths. Then the serpent came up from the fruit they had. The serpent was the Kundalini. When they got the awakening they got the knowledge and covered themselves up to cover their nudity. I don't understand why there is so much of shamelessness. What is human? Why are they so much distracted? one should possess Lajja (Shame) it is basically the "Devi tattwa" within human being especially the ladies.It is an expression from within. You have two Chakras in the two shoulders. One in the left is "Shri Lalit Chakra" and the one on the right is a Shri "Shrichakra". For ladies especially you must cover these two chakras and should not leave it open. I do not want to tell you what horrible disease you contact. But in men however, it is not necessary while in ladies it is very sensitive and must cover the shoulders...then Speaking up on innocence Shri Mataji said...Once a young girl of 10 years asked after hearing from someone why someone had committed suicide? Just see what impact it really gives to the innocence of the child. It is the innocence within us that matters. Why such innocence is not within us? We are intellect of darkness! We are ignorant. How do you expect that you could give joy and bring happiness to the society? Now if you move around with garland in your neck and make people think that you are great human being...What is going to happen to others? The prime objective of life is to...So today you have come here. You have also got your connection. You be happy. One may say Mother, I have experience this but, still I could not find happiness or peace within or for that matter Mother I have attained this but, I am yet to gain money in home. You have to leave all these....and get the connection! ...Speaking on Ego Shri Mataji referred to a person...Once there was a gentle man came up to Me and said please save me. I could not recognize this diseased person at all. He was horrible with ego. Why then justify your ego's blunder .You actually go to a wrong path with ego....Then She narrated another story .....Once, I knew a person who was an erstwhile parliamentarian who died. After his death there were not even four persons available near him to carry his body. Even he had a dog that did not turn up at the last stage. Why this should happen? Only because he had ego problem with him. One should forsake his ego. Talk in English I have already spoken a lot about love. It is the loving capacity in India that I was referring to. On the whole they love you. Once you go to their house they entertain you with all hospitality. In India especially you go to a poor man's house. They will offer you milk still. Especially, the traditional people who still hold the culture are extremely loving! That is the reason why we are still surviving even after 300 years of British rule.On the topic of foreigner, Shri Mataji said, Indians basically love people.If I say you foreigner. It doesn't mean anything wrong. You are appreciated and Indians express their love. You are safe and secured. But if you are told as foreigner outside this country may be there you may be troubled or something wrong is expressed. Of course there was something in the past that happened. But as I told them. There were kids who stole cameras and other items. But when I told them they are foreigners they immediately returned the items.You should also be kind and loving. All these should spread. We should come forward to help those who are not rich or are needy. I was extremely happy with an Austrian lady who told me Mother we are starting an orphanage. So I said, I would give you money assistance for land. But She said Mother we have already collected eighty lakhs for the same from Sahaja Yogis and also from outside. So that is the love and the understanding one should have within oneself. All the world problems can be resolved through love. That's why you must take your self-realization. You will all fall into the ocean of love.
Doctor’s conference at AIIMS
New Delhi
Doctor's conference at AIIMS, New Delhi (India). 2 April 2002. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Speaking before the doctors I think of My college days, while I was also studying medicine but luckily or unluckily our college stopped completely, in Lahore and I had to give up My studies. Not that I had no faith in this western education of medicine but it was a good chance by connecting this to that and understanding what is missing in the western medical education. The missing point is this, that human beings are considered in the medical science as something very individual and not connected with the whole. We are all connected with the whole. But how to convince people that you are all connected with the whole and that you are not singled out? As we are connected with the whole all our problems are connected with the whole, you cannot just consider somebody as the patient of one thing and another patient of another thing, could be that one person who has one trouble, could be having so many other troubles, so many other connections which we do not locate in the western medical science. For example, to see a person medically very sick, may be, but you don't know, what is his mental condition? What is he doing mentally? Is he all right mentally or only he is physically something wrong with him? Now absolutely we know about so many things, like say, medically we have names for that, we say that this is a psychosomatic problem or this is a somatic problem, but what is the relationship between the two that we don't know. You'll be amazed most of our diseases come from psychosomatic, like cancer, which are incurable mostly, cancer and we can say AIDS, all such which are supposed to be absolutely incurable and difficult, all that come with our connection, with our connection, which we are not sure of, with the left side. As we, you have seen here in picture, left side, I don't know. We know only the right side medical science and that too in such details, it is not necessary, you must also know the left side of a human being and about left side we are absolutely not aware. For example, a person who is mad, lunatic, he is in the lunatic asylum. He doesn't get heart trouble, why? How has he got mad? What is his connection with ourselves? For example, you take a patient who is suffering, say, from cancer. We know a lot about cancer, no doubt, how virus is started and all that, that we know. But how cancer is caused no one knows and to what type of people cancer comes in, you don't know. Now these are two, as you see, there are two channels within us, one looks after the right side and one looks after the left side. Now if you have a problem in the left side then problems psychosomatic can come in. Supposing, your hand is broken or is there some sort of a physical problem then it's all right. But when it is the complicated psychosomatic trouble then doctors cannot cure it, I am sorry to say. Because you don't know the other side of it, what is affecting the patient to get this cancer, you don't know. You will be happy to know in Sahaja Yoga cancer is curable, curable if it is at a very early stage it's very easy but otherwise also. Specially blood cancer is absolutely curable. You will be amazed that it is such a combination of these two sides of our life, that we get into these diseases which are incurable. There is a big list of these incurable diseases which I don't want to tell you which you know very well. So in all of them there is a complication of the left side. Of course you know about right side very much, Gray's anatomy and after that all you know. But you don't know how you get affected by the left side. So in this lecture, I would like to tell you something about the left side, which you have never heard of, may be, and you don't believe into. The left side belongs to our past, to our past in the sense that those people who are futuristic do not get affected by left side, but those people who live in the left side, are worried about their left side, are sorry for themselves, whatever it is, they are the ones who get affected. Left sided person if I tell you, you will be shocked to hear, is actually possessed. Possessed by some dead spirit which must be a knowledge to you. You may not be believing in it but it is. It can happen to anyone who gets sad or gets into the left sided temperament, also there are so many other things like these false gurus, what they do, they mesmerize, they mesmerize you with these dead spirits which they have to control. This side of, I should say, not medicine non-medicine, but whatever it is, should be known to the doctors; otherwise you cannot do any curing. You can, may be, diagnosis you might do. But you cannot cure people who are suffering from psychosomatic troubles. Today's medical problem is that they cannot cure psychosomatic diseases. For that you don't have to spend so many years, as we do for MBBS. It's a very, very short course, if you can do that. Firstly, you should be connected to the divine force, that's very important, that's not difficult at all, but after that you have to maintain your spiritual abilities. One of the spiritual ability is innocence, the first chakra that you see is innocence. If you are a innocent person, you can easily cure all such people who are suffering from such incurable diseases. I would say that one should first of all try to get self realization, that's important. When the Kundalini rises, She pierces through your fontanel bone area and you are connected with the divine force which is all over. You need not believe Me, but you get your self realization. If you have your self realization, then you will be capable to understand what sort of combination your patient has. Is he only physically suffering or he has this combination of left side? The other day I was surprised, a child came to Me, he was suffering from meningitis. He got cured and the parents didn't understand how did he get cured. Then when the boy got cured I asked him, "Who is your friend?" He said, this particular boy, who has a particular guru. All right. And I go in his house and go on watching that guru all the time, can you imagine? There are many doctors also who get involved with these bad gurus. You must know, unless and until you are realized, you will not know who is truthful and who is correct. An innocent boy suffering from meningitis and overnight he got cured. You'll be amazed at the great experience of Sahaja Yoga and it is too great a surprise, that's why people don't accept it. But we have many cases by which we can show, that people who were supposed to be incurable are cured. So many people, especially with serious diseases, like cancer. I mean in the medical science for cancer, they will go on like this, like that, till they shave you off completely. But not in Sahaja Yoga, immediately you will know that this man is possessed. Now this line to Medical Science is absolutely not there, but in our country we always believed in that. We have certain rules and regulations about people who are dead. How to behave? How to go to Shamshan (MEANS Cremation ground) and all that. There is a particular type of understanding of all these dead bodies, how they behave? Where do they go? And is I think a very big part of your knowledge, very big part. So many diseases, incurable, you cannot cure, which are mostly coming from the left side. Medical science can cure the right side, I know that, that they can do it. But Cancer they will go on postponing from one to another, they'll operate, then it will spread, then this and that. Operation is not the way to cure, it's not. If you are expert in Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to operate. Overnight you can cure, overnight you can cure cancer patient, believe Me. You are quite capable of doing that. Especially Indians, because Indians have a special capacity. I should say what special blessing of this country. We don't know this country how great it is, but we are only dealing with the western education, where have they reached, these western people in their experiments, I just don't understand. Their children are taking to drugs, their families are disturbed, everything is so upset. Not that I decry this education, not at all. But it is not complete and you should have the other side of it. Otherwise, don't have a cancer hospital. Only have physical things by which you will work it out, but if you want to have patients of all types, then you must know the other side. There is nothing to be frightened, nothing to be upset, but it's a knowledge which you should have as doctors, because I think the medical science is still not complete that as Doctor Aggarwal himself has said it. But what is lacking in it, the knowledge of the left side that we have. Now if I should say that I didn't read it in any book, I didn't get it from any book, but only when I was working with Sahaja Yoga, with people, I discovered that compared to India, western people are much more affected by the left side, much more. And they cannot understand how they are sick, what has happened to them. Even if you take a very limited area of treatment of a human welfare then is a very important part is the left side. Supposing a lady who is all the time crying and weeping and unhappy, she can get cancer. Now there are two types, one also right sided diseases, one is of course the left side. In the right sided people, who are extremely, I should say, aggressive, extremely overpowering, controlling type, of course they have a very bad liver, I must say. They have a very bad liver and when they get like that they cross all the limits and when they cross all the limits they get such diseases which you cannot find out, you cannot cure. One of them is the disease of the liver, I think doctors can't cure liver. They may try, but can't cure liver as Sahaja Yoga can cure. And such a person whose temperament, he's so hot tempered and he's so aggressive and this and that, he suffers from that horrible liver and develops all kinds of complications. There are so many other diseases also on the right side, so many other. But mainly I think is a disease of the liver. Liver is lived with. And if your liver is out, there is no solution in the allopathy. May be little bit here and little bit there. But at the climax of it, with the liver one can fade, one can even die. In the West, liver problem is very common and there is no solution for them for that. They go on living with it and doctors just admit them in the hospital. These are not incurable, they are absolutely curable. Because we haven't got that knowledge and that's why we call them incurable. No, they're not. I do not want to blame other diseases, but there are so many of them, which cannot be even diagnosed and which cannot be cured by the medical science. Which we must accept first of all, that that is the situation. We may go on trying doing anything but we cannot cure. So many types of medicines will come out, we cannot cure. Because what I am trying to tell you that's only half part of your being is discussed. In that also so many things are not there. Take it for example asthma, asthma cannot be cured by doctors, is a fact but Sahaja Yoga can absolutely cure asthma. Allergies also can be cured by us. Because if you have the roots of all the troubles, if you know about the roots, not pharmaceutical and all that but real roots, then you can handle the situation and you can cure. We haven't got any yet a college or anything so far in Sahaja Yoga. I wish we could. But hospital we have. We have a hospital in Belapur, they call it New Bombay, where they are treating people. Only they have to pay for their stay and it's hardly I think 300 rupees per day for poor people. But you don't need any medicine, you don't have to pay for anything. For our country which is so poor, don't you think, it's very important? Otherwise you go for X-ray, then you go for another test, then for another test and nothing comes out of it. One should only know how to deal with it. Now supposing somebody's leg is broken, finished, cut his leg, put another leg. No need, I assure you there is no need. Now we have some doctors in Sahaja Yoga, very good. Some of them are in America, some of them are in Italy and some of them are in Russia. Russian doctors are very good. I don't know how they think that there is something beyond this education and they are trying to learn it. If you can make any facility, I will be very happy but in any case I am thinking of starting a Sahaja Yoga hospital in your country specially in Delhi, in Greater Noida and if some of your doctors can join us they can help us a lot. In Greater Noida I am thinking of starting a college or we can call it a school where we'll get the students as well as doctors who can cure people. And there will be no charges for treatment. Of course, where they stay, if they come and stay there then they might have to pay for their food, that's all. Otherwise this is an arrangement I am having and anybody who wants to join as a doctor, also we'll like to accept their services. How much will be the pay I don't now, but not much I would say, we'll pay about 6000 to 7000 per month to a doctor. But he has to be a Sahaja yogi and he should know the method of Sahaja Yoga. I think, it is one of the very generous feeling that in our country so many die because they cannot get into the hospital, they cannot get treated. If you can give some time to this project of Mine, I am sure I'll be able to organize a good hospital for those people. In that we'll have somatic patients as well as psychosomatic patients, all kinds of patients we'll have. And you will learn so much because it's a very subtle and deep knowledge. Just cannot learn it on the book, you have to have experiment with the patient. You will be amazed, how you will be curing people. It's not a book knowledge, it's a very, very practical knowledge and those who have that charitable temperament can do very well and learn a lot. One thing I must tell you Sahaja Yoga has one bad point also, that you cannot make money out of Sahaja Yoga, you cannot. If you try making money out of it, you fail. Some or other this money business is little higher for Sahaja Yogis, they cannot manage with it. But you can give service. Now we had a very nice retired doctor in this Belapur hospital and he did very well, now he is no more. He worked very hard but his daughter in law is now looking after that. If you want, if you are retired people, if you are not in need of money, much money then, it's a very good thing. Also we provide a, say, a residence, food everything, can be managed, it's not so difficult, but it's not a very money oriented thing. I must say since I was studying medical, now medical line has become very money oriented, I am surprised. I am sorry to say, but they have become very money oriented and some of your doctors have gone to America and have befooled people so much and have made so much money that you feel ashamed to be an Indian, it's like that. You can't make much money but as retired people you can join us and help us and some of you can come to learn Sahaja Yoga. Hardly within say months time you will be experts. You can diagnose the thing without any delay. You don't have to go to any laboratory or anything, immediately you will know what's the trouble. And all sorts of incurable diseases you can try. I am amazed Myself as to how it is working with people. Now all these awards and all that they have given Me because I have cured people and done that but I don't have a hospital there. First hospital I want to have in Delhi and here I want to work it out. Let us think of working it out ourselves. It's a charitable hospital and it's very sensible, I have already got money to build, but only thing I need some doctors who can help Me, it's a very stunning thing Sahaja Yoga, if you come you will be amazed how it works. I know we have never been that, we have never been connected to the divine. We have never used that forces of the divine and once you start using those forces you will be amazed at yourself. It is said that you should find out who you are, that's not possible unless and until you have your self realization. Today in our country we need self realized people all kinds of problems can be solved. Every type of, I should say, quarrelling is going on. Because you become a collective person, you become a personality of a collective nature, no more fighting no more is needed. I have many Muslim countries who have got realization, Turkey, this Benin, there is another one called as Ivory Coast. There are seven countries that side, they are all Muslims converted, or rather transformed into Sahaja Yoga. In this all the integration of all the religions take place, understanding of the human abilities, human personality and respect. I mean it's a very different atmosphere into which you get, it's a very different level of awareness, as you were saying, where you become so peaceful, silent, yet so sweet. So I don't know in this short lecture how much can I tell you about Sahaja Yoga but it is a very miraculous thing. And please try to get your self realization, he has asked Me, I think, I will try if I can do that. There is one small thing; you have to take out your shoes. In England first time I asked them to take out your shoes they walked off. English cannot live without their shoes, I think. Please take out your shoes. Those who don't want to have can leave. There's no force on anyone. First of all, have faith in yourself that you can get self realization. Please put both the feet on the ground. Can you put both the hands towards Me like this? And now please close your eyes, please. You know a lot about Kundalini, but now you will find out what She is. Please put right hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, please. Not touching the head, away from the head. Now, please put your left hand on top of your head; again the right hand. Now see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, could be hot also. Just see if there is cool breeze, it could be hot as I told you, doesn't matter. Now try with the left hand and right hand towards Me. If there is a cool breeze coming out of...please put down your head. Haan (MEANS Yes).There are some left sided people I must tell you, there are some, but you will find out very soon. Now please open your eyes. Again put both the hands towards Me, please, like this. Now in your hands you will feel the cool breeze or may be the hot. Both the hands. Saare doctor ho gaye paar [All Doctors have achieved their self-realization]. They are Saints or what! So many have got realization. May God bless you all. May God bless you. We have some books, I hope, of Sahaja Yoga. You all can take it and see for yourself and master this art. It's very good and very simple and very much necessary in modern times. As I told you for diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. You just will know on your fingertips what chakras are catching. Also you'll know how to cure them. Very simple it is, very simple. May God bless you!
Doctor's conference at AIIMS, New Delhi (India). 2 April 2002. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Speaking before the doctors I think of My college days, while I was also studying medicine but luckily or unluckily our college stopped completely, in Lahore and I had to give up My studies. Not that I had no faith in this western education of medicine but it was a good chance by connecting this to that and understanding what is missing in the western medical education. The missing point is this, that human beings are considered in the medical science as something very individual and not connected with the whole. We are all connected with the whole. But how to convince people that you are all connected with the whole and that you are not singled out? As we are connected with the whole all our problems are connected with the whole, you cannot just consider somebody as the patient of one thing and another patient of another thing, could be that one person who has one trouble, could be having so many other troubles, so many other connections which we do not locate in the western medical science. For example, to see a person medically very sick, may be, but you don't know, what is his mental condition? What is he doing mentally? Is he all right mentally or only he is physically something wrong with him? Now absolutely we know about so many things, like say, medically we have names for that, we say that this is a psychosomatic problem or this is a somatic problem, but what is the relationship between the two that we don't know. You'll be amazed most of our diseases come from psychosomatic, like cancer, which are incurable mostly, cancer and we can say AIDS, all such which are supposed to be absolutely incurable and difficult, all that come with our connection, with our connection, which we are not sure of, with the left side. As we, you have seen here in picture, left side, I don't know. We know only the right side medical science and that too in such details, it is not necessary, you must also know the left side of a human being and about left side we are absolutely not aware. For example, a person who is mad, lunatic, he is in the lunatic asylum. He doesn't get heart trouble, why? How has he got mad? What is his connection with ourselves? For example, you take a patient who is suffering, say, from cancer. We know a lot about cancer, no doubt, how virus is started and all that, that we know. But how cancer is caused no one knows and to what type of people cancer comes in, you don't know. Now these are two, as you see, there are two channels within us, one looks after the right side and one looks after the left side. Now if you have a problem in the left side then problems psychosomatic can come in. Supposing, your hand is broken or is there some sort of a physical problem then it's all right. But when it is the complicated psychosomatic trouble then doctors cannot cure it, I am sorry to say. Because you don't know the other side of it, what is affecting the patient to get this cancer, you don't know. You will be happy to know in Sahaja Yoga cancer is curable, curable if it is at a very early stage it's very easy but otherwise also. Specially blood cancer is absolutely curable. You will be amazed that it is such a combination of these two sides of our life, that we get into these diseases which are incurable. There is a big list of these incurable diseases which I don't want to tell you which you know very well. So in all of them there is a complication of the left side. Of course you know about right side very much, Gray's anatomy and after that all you know. But you don't know how you get affected by the left side. So in this lecture, I would like to tell you something about the left side, which you have never heard of, may be, and you don't believe into. The left side belongs to our past, to our past in the sense that those people who are futuristic do not get affected by left side, but those people who live in the left side, are worried about their left side, are sorry for themselves, whatever it is, they are the ones who get affected. Left sided person if I tell you, you will be shocked to hear, is actually possessed. Possessed by some dead spirit which must be a knowledge to you. You may not be believing in it but it is. It can happen to anyone who gets sad or gets into the left sided temperament, also there are so many other things like these false gurus, what they do, they mesmerize, they mesmerize you with these dead spirits which they have to control. This side of, I should say, not medicine non-medicine, but whatever it is, should be known to the doctors; otherwise you cannot do any curing. You can, may be, diagnosis you might do. But you cannot cure people who are suffering from psychosomatic troubles. Today's medical problem is that they cannot cure psychosomatic diseases. For that you don't have to spend so many years, as we do for MBBS. It's a very, very short course, if you can do that. Firstly, you should be connected to the divine force, that's very important, that's not difficult at all, but after that you have to maintain your spiritual abilities. One of the spiritual ability is innocence, the first chakra that you see is innocence. If you are a innocent person, you can easily cure all such people who are suffering from such incurable diseases. I would say that one should first of all try to get self realization, that's important. When the Kundalini rises, She pierces through your fontanel bone area and you are connected with the divine force which is all over. You need not believe Me, but you get your self realization. If you have your self realization, then you will be capable to understand what sort of combination your patient has. Is he only physically suffering or he has this combination of left side? The other day I was surprised, a child came to Me, he was suffering from meningitis. He got cured and the parents didn't understand how did he get cured. Then when the boy got cured I asked him, "Who is your friend?" He said, this particular boy, who has a particular guru. All right. And I go in his house and go on watching that guru all the time, can you imagine? There are many doctors also who get involved with these bad gurus. You must know, unless and until you are realized, you will not know who is truthful and who is correct. An innocent boy suffering from meningitis and overnight he got cured. You'll be amazed at the great experience of Sahaja Yoga and it is too great a surprise, that's why people don't accept it. But we have many cases by which we can show, that people who were supposed to be incurable are cured. So many people, especially with serious diseases, like cancer. I mean in the medical science for cancer, they will go on like this, like that, till they shave you off completely. But not in Sahaja Yoga, immediately you will know that this man is possessed. Now this line to Medical Science is absolutely not there, but in our country we always believed in that. We have certain rules and regulations about people who are dead. How to behave? How to go to Shamshan (MEANS Cremation ground) and all that. There is a particular type of understanding of all these dead bodies, how they behave? Where do they go? And is I think a very big part of your knowledge, very big part. So many diseases, incurable, you cannot cure, which are mostly coming from the left side. Medical science can cure the right side, I know that, that they can do it. But Cancer they will go on postponing from one to another, they'll operate, then it will spread, then this and that. Operation is not the way to cure, it's not. If you are expert in Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to operate. Overnight you can cure, overnight you can cure cancer patient, believe Me. You are quite capable of doing that. Especially Indians, because Indians have a special capacity. I should say what special blessing of this country. We don't know this country how great it is, but we are only dealing with the western education, where have they reached, these western people in their experiments, I just don't understand. Their children are taking to drugs, their families are disturbed, everything is so upset. Not that I decry this education, not at all. But it is not complete and you should have the other side of it. Otherwise, don't have a cancer hospital. Only have physical things by which you will work it out, but if you want to have patients of all types, then you must know the other side. There is nothing to be frightened, nothing to be upset, but it's a knowledge which you should have as doctors, because I think the medical science is still not complete that as Doctor Aggarwal himself has said it. But what is lacking in it, the knowledge of the left side that we have. Now if I should say that I didn't read it in any book, I didn't get it from any book, but only when I was working with Sahaja Yoga, with people, I discovered that compared to India, western people are much more affected by the left side, much more. And they cannot understand how they are sick, what has happened to them. Even if you take a very limited area of treatment of a human welfare then is a very important part is the left side. Supposing a lady who is all the time crying and weeping and unhappy, she can get cancer. Now there are two types, one also right sided diseases, one is of course the left side. In the right sided people, who are extremely, I should say, aggressive, extremely overpowering, controlling type, of course they have a very bad liver, I must say. They have a very bad liver and when they get like that they cross all the limits and when they cross all the limits they get such diseases which you cannot find out, you cannot cure. One of them is the disease of the liver, I think doctors can't cure liver. They may try, but can't cure liver as Sahaja Yoga can cure. And such a person whose temperament, he's so hot tempered and he's so aggressive and this and that, he suffers from that horrible liver and develops all kinds of complications. There are so many other diseases also on the right side, so many other. But mainly I think is a disease of the liver. Liver is lived with. And if your liver is out, there is no solution in the allopathy. May be little bit here and little bit there. But at the climax of it, with the liver one can fade, one can even die. In the West, liver problem is very common and there is no solution for them for that. They go on living with it and doctors just admit them in the hospital. These are not incurable, they are absolutely curable. Because we haven't got that knowledge and that's why we call them incurable. No, they're not. I do not want to blame other diseases, but there are so many of them, which cannot be even diagnosed and which cannot be cured by the medical science. Which we must accept first of all, that that is the situation. We may go on trying doing anything but we cannot cure. So many types of medicines will come out, we cannot cure. Because what I am trying to tell you that's only half part of your being is discussed. In that also so many things are not there. Take it for example asthma, asthma cannot be cured by doctors, is a fact but Sahaja Yoga can absolutely cure asthma. Allergies also can be cured by us. Because if you have the roots of all the troubles, if you know about the roots, not pharmaceutical and all that but real roots, then you can handle the situation and you can cure. We haven't got any yet a college or anything so far in Sahaja Yoga. I wish we could. But hospital we have. We have a hospital in Belapur, they call it New Bombay, where they are treating people. Only they have to pay for their stay and it's hardly I think 300 rupees per day for poor people. But you don't need any medicine, you don't have to pay for anything. For our country which is so poor, don't you think, it's very important? Otherwise you go for X-ray, then you go for another test, then for another test and nothing comes out of it. One should only know how to deal with it. Now supposing somebody's leg is broken, finished, cut his leg, put another leg. No need, I assure you there is no need. Now we have some doctors in Sahaja Yoga, very good. Some of them are in America, some of them are in Italy and some of them are in Russia. Russian doctors are very good. I don't know how they think that there is something beyond this education and they are trying to learn it. If you can make any facility, I will be very happy but in any case I am thinking of starting a Sahaja Yoga hospital in your country specially in Delhi, in Greater Noida and if some of your doctors can join us they can help us a lot. In Greater Noida I am thinking of starting a college or we can call it a school where we'll get the students as well as doctors who can cure people. And there will be no charges for treatment. Of course, where they stay, if they come and stay there then they might have to pay for their food, that's all. Otherwise this is an arrangement I am having and anybody who wants to join as a doctor, also we'll like to accept their services. How much will be the pay I don't now, but not much I would say, we'll pay about 6000 to 7000 per month to a doctor. But he has to be a Sahaja yogi and he should know the method of Sahaja Yoga. I think, it is one of the very generous feeling that in our country so many die because they cannot get into the hospital, they cannot get treated. If you can give some time to this project of Mine, I am sure I'll be able to organize a good hospital for those people. In that we'll have somatic patients as well as psychosomatic patients, all kinds of patients we'll have. And you will learn so much because it's a very subtle and deep knowledge. Just cannot learn it on the book, you have to have experiment with the patient. You will be amazed, how you will be curing people. It's not a book knowledge, it's a very, very practical knowledge and those who have that charitable temperament can do very well and learn a lot. One thing I must tell you Sahaja Yoga has one bad point also, that you cannot make money out of Sahaja Yoga, you cannot. If you try making money out of it, you fail. Some or other this money business is little higher for Sahaja Yogis, they cannot manage with it. But you can give service. Now we had a very nice retired doctor in this Belapur hospital and he did very well, now he is no more. He worked very hard but his daughter in law is now looking after that. If you want, if you are retired people, if you are not in need of money, much money then, it's a very good thing. Also we provide a, say, a residence, food everything, can be managed, it's not so difficult, but it's not a very money oriented thing. I must say since I was studying medical, now medical line has become very money oriented, I am surprised. I am sorry to say, but they have become very money oriented and some of your doctors have gone to America and have befooled people so much and have made so much money that you feel ashamed to be an Indian, it's like that. You can't make much money but as retired people you can join us and help us and some of you can come to learn Sahaja Yoga. Hardly within say months time you will be experts. You can diagnose the thing without any delay. You don't have to go to any laboratory or anything, immediately you will know what's the trouble. And all sorts of incurable diseases you can try. I am amazed Myself as to how it is working with people. Now all these awards and all that they have given Me because I have cured people and done that but I don't have a hospital there. First hospital I want to have in Delhi and here I want to work it out. Let us think of working it out ourselves. It's a charitable hospital and it's very sensible, I have already got money to build, but only thing I need some doctors who can help Me, it's a very stunning thing Sahaja Yoga, if you come you will be amazed how it works. I know we have never been that, we have never been connected to the divine. We have never used that forces of the divine and once you start using those forces you will be amazed at yourself. It is said that you should find out who you are, that's not possible unless and until you have your self realization. Today in our country we need self realized people all kinds of problems can be solved. Every type of, I should say, quarrelling is going on. Because you become a collective person, you become a personality of a collective nature, no more fighting no more is needed. I have many Muslim countries who have got realization, Turkey, this Benin, there is another one called as Ivory Coast. There are seven countries that side, they are all Muslims converted, or rather transformed into Sahaja Yoga. In this all the integration of all the religions take place, understanding of the human abilities, human personality and respect. I mean it's a very different atmosphere into which you get, it's a very different level of awareness, as you were saying, where you become so peaceful, silent, yet so sweet. So I don't know in this short lecture how much can I tell you about Sahaja Yoga but it is a very miraculous thing. And please try to get your self realization, he has asked Me, I think, I will try if I can do that. There is one small thing; you have to take out your shoes. In England first time I asked them to take out your shoes they walked off. English cannot live without their shoes, I think. Please take out your shoes. Those who don't want to have can leave. There's no force on anyone. First of all, have faith in yourself that you can get self realization. Please put both the feet on the ground. Can you put both the hands towards Me like this? And now please close your eyes, please. You know a lot about Kundalini, but now you will find out what She is. Please put right hand on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, please. Not touching the head, away from the head. Now, please put your left hand on top of your head; again the right hand. Now see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, could be hot also. Just see if there is cool breeze, it could be hot as I told you, doesn't matter. Now try with the left hand and right hand towards Me. If there is a cool breeze coming out of...please put down your head. Haan (MEANS Yes).There are some left sided people I must tell you, there are some, but you will find out very soon. Now please open your eyes. Again put both the hands towards Me, please, like this. Now in your hands you will feel the cool breeze or may be the hot. Both the hands. Saare doctor ho gaye paar [All Doctors have achieved their self-realization]. They are Saints or what! So many have got realization. May God bless you all. May God bless you. We have some books, I hope, of Sahaja Yoga. You all can take it and see for yourself and master this art. It's very good and very simple and very much necessary in modern times. As I told you for diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. You just will know on your fingertips what chakras are catching. Also you'll know how to cure them. Very simple it is, very simple. May God bless you!
Gudi Padwa Puja
Gudi Padwa
Gudi Padwa Puja, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon (India), 13 April 2002. (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi to English] The festival of Gudi Padwa that we are celebrating today,is also celebrated in other parts of India, even in the South. Everywhere this festival is celebrated. The ‘Samvat’ calendar year that was started (By King Vikramaditya) and the calendar year started by Shalivahanas, both start on the same day. That day is today. All over the country this day (New Year) is celebrated. All the important dates in the year are fixed on that basis especially the festivals. We people (Indians) follow the lunar calendar whereas the westerners follow the sun calendar. That’s why their festival dates do not change. Here (in India ) every festival is based on the position of the moon. And that’s why the dates keep changing and the same festival falls on different dates, in different years. The reason why we give importance to the moon and keep all our dates according to its position, is that the moon has an influence on human beings. The sun does not. Along with the moon, other planets also have influence on us. That is why we follow the lunar calendar and fix our festivals accordingly. There is one festival however, where the date is as per position of the sun. When the sun starts its movement from southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, that date is celebrated as a festival (Sankranti). In our country the science of astrology is also based on the positions of the moon. In astrology also the positions of the moon are taken into consideration. The first calendar that was made here which is called as Shalivahana Shaka is based on the movements of the moon. That is why all the festivals are based on the position of the moon. Those people who are not aware of our (Indian) system of dates will not be able to understand why our festivals fall on different dates, in different years. Whatever it is, we must think as to why we give so much importance to the moon. The reason is that we should remain vigilant about the effects that the moon has on us. The biggest effect that the moon has on us is because our left side is based on it. Very few people know about it. This left side of the body which is recognised and accepted so much in our country, has psychological effects on us. Effects on the left side are psychological and not intellectual, and we cannot control it. Whatever psychological problems we have, cannot be controlled. We cannot control the effect of the moon on us. That’s why the position of the moon is seen and lunar dates are observed. For example if it is a no-moon night (Amavasya) or a full moon night (Poornima) then the problem of a person, having epilepsy or any other psychological problem, will aggravate further. One can immediately see very clearly that such a person has been affected by the full moon or no-moon. That’s why we are very much sensitive towards the position of moon and date of lunar month. In our country detailed calculations are done on this, to know about the exact timings and position of the eclipse, and when it will end.. All this shows that in our country a lot of care is taken about the positions of the moon on the of lunar calendar and so much has been discussed and written about it. Now we live in these modern times, where the dates and festivals are based on the position of the sun. But this is not correct. We must see the position of the moon- what is its position today, what will it be tomorrow, how it will affect us today. This is a very deep subject about which we all must know and it should be discussed in our country.So this day is celebrated because it’s a new year day and also because the new moon appears on this day. Its is called Gudi Padwa. On this day they put up a small pitcher on a stick with a small flag. The pitcher represents the Kundalini.Shalivahana Kings were worshippers of the Goddess and it is said that they used to present a Shawl to the Goddess. They were also called as Satvahanas in the beginning, because they recognised the seven chakras (Satvahana means seven chakras). That’s why they were earlier called as Satvahana but later it changed to Shalivahana. But the symbol of Shalivahana used to be Gudi, means a flag, and above that a pitcher of a particular shape, which represented the Kundalini. They were worshippers of Kundalini. They recognised and worshipped Kundalini. That is the reason that they have made it like this, and all those, who accepted it, also put up a ‘Gudi’ in their houses. You can say they put up a flag. They (Shalivahans) wanted to welcome Kundalini on this day and that is why Kundalini (in the form of pitcher) was exhibited specially on that day. But people do not know why it is done like that. They just go on doing things like that. At least they should ask, why it is done like this? What is this thing? Because they were Satvahana and accepted the seven chakras, they used to worship and protect the Kundalini, so they started their new year like this. They celebrated their new year in which there was a small pitcher and below that a flag , called Gudi, was attached. Here (in Delhi/North India) people do not know about it. But Samvat Year and Vikram year, both started from this day. It may be that the year in which they started was different, but the date that both started was the same, i.e. today’s date. Both recognised the same no-moon night. In this way this Gudi Padwa is observed by both. Not on no-moon night, but on the first day of the new fortnight (Prathama). This is why there is no moon in the sky tonight, and it is completely dark. But we must know why it is celebrated in our country and what is its importance. Unless and until we know about our country, we will not be able to have respect and love for it. There are a lot of very deep and important things about our country but we do not know about them.We just say it is Kaliyuga. Why is it a Kaliyuga? How it came about? What is the meaning of it? We do not know all this. We just hear a few things and start talking about it. There is a big story about this Kaliyuga which took place in the times of King Parikshit. Nobody knows about it and no one reads about it. We keep reading useless things. At the most we sometimes read Ramayana. But what is the message behind it? What are the scriptures , nobody knows. Sahaja yogis must know how our civilisation has evolved and how we have arrived to this present state. Without knowing all this we develop an understanding like the western world,which has no depth, and only gives us ego. It is better to understand from where we have acquired all these things within us and what is their importance. Why we celebrate all these festivals. Just because everybody else is doing this so we also do the same. This kind of attitude is not all right. We must understand what we are doing. I want that all Sahaja Yogis should understand the significance of all these. If I had the time, I would have written all this for you. But I do not have time. You can read and know all about it. There are so many books about it in Hindi language in India. Nobody reads them. They are all available here in Delhi. I bought them in Delhi only. So we must know all about it. In the mythology, a lot of useful things are mentioned which once understood, will tell us what is the foundation of India. Why we Indians are considered the most superior human beings. Not from the social point of view but culturally we people are considered supreme.Secondly we also must know how we should be established in our religion, what is religion? All these things are mentioned in depth in all these books. I want that all of you should study this and it will give you a new direction. The foreign languages or foreign knowledge are all very superficial. I purchased a lot of books from Satya Sahitya (name of bookshop) It is a good shop and I bought a lot of books from there. It does not cost much. It is very cheap. But you need time to read all that. We keep reading useless things, watch useless movies, read useless news items. Our study should be in depth and in subjects which we have been having since ages.Today it is a very auspicious day. I was not feeling well but I thought on this auspicious occasion I must have the Puja.Eternal Blessings to all of you.
Gudi Padwa Puja, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon (India), 13 April 2002. (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi to English] The festival of Gudi Padwa that we are celebrating today,is also celebrated in other parts of India, even in the South. Everywhere this festival is celebrated. The ‘Samvat’ calendar year that was started (By King Vikramaditya) and the calendar year started by Shalivahanas, both start on the same day. That day is today. All over the country this day (New Year) is celebrated. All the important dates in the year are fixed on that basis especially the festivals. We people (Indians) follow the lunar calendar whereas the westerners follow the sun calendar. That’s why their festival dates do not change. Here (in India ) every festival is based on the position of the moon. And that’s why the dates keep changing and the same festival falls on different dates, in different years. The reason why we give importance to the moon and keep all our dates according to its position, is that the moon has an influence on human beings. The sun does not. Along with the moon, other planets also have influence on us. That is why we follow the lunar calendar and fix our festivals accordingly. There is one festival however, where the date is as per position of the sun. When the sun starts its movement from southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, that date is celebrated as a festival (Sankranti). In our country the science of astrology is also based on the positions of the moon. In astrology also the positions of the moon are taken into consideration. The first calendar that was made here which is called as Shalivahana Shaka is based on the movements of the moon. That is why all the festivals are based on the position of the moon. Those people who are not aware of our (Indian) system of dates will not be able to understand why our festivals fall on different dates, in different years. Whatever it is, we must think as to why we give so much importance to the moon. The reason is that we should remain vigilant about the effects that the moon has on us. The biggest effect that the moon has on us is because our left side is based on it. Very few people know about it. This left side of the body which is recognised and accepted so much in our country, has psychological effects on us. Effects on the left side are psychological and not intellectual, and we cannot control it. Whatever psychological problems we have, cannot be controlled. We cannot control the effect of the moon on us. That’s why the position of the moon is seen and lunar dates are observed. For example if it is a no-moon night (Amavasya) or a full moon night (Poornima) then the problem of a person, having epilepsy or any other psychological problem, will aggravate further. One can immediately see very clearly that such a person has been affected by the full moon or no-moon. That’s why we are very much sensitive towards the position of moon and date of lunar month. In our country detailed calculations are done on this, to know about the exact timings and position of the eclipse, and when it will end.. All this shows that in our country a lot of care is taken about the positions of the moon on the of lunar calendar and so much has been discussed and written about it. Now we live in these modern times, where the dates and festivals are based on the position of the sun. But this is not correct. We must see the position of the moon- what is its position today, what will it be tomorrow, how it will affect us today. This is a very deep subject about which we all must know and it should be discussed in our country.So this day is celebrated because it’s a new year day and also because the new moon appears on this day. Its is called Gudi Padwa. On this day they put up a small pitcher on a stick with a small flag. The pitcher represents the Kundalini.Shalivahana Kings were worshippers of the Goddess and it is said that they used to present a Shawl to the Goddess. They were also called as Satvahanas in the beginning, because they recognised the seven chakras (Satvahana means seven chakras). That’s why they were earlier called as Satvahana but later it changed to Shalivahana. But the symbol of Shalivahana used to be Gudi, means a flag, and above that a pitcher of a particular shape, which represented the Kundalini. They were worshippers of Kundalini. They recognised and worshipped Kundalini. That is the reason that they have made it like this, and all those, who accepted it, also put up a ‘Gudi’ in their houses. You can say they put up a flag. They (Shalivahans) wanted to welcome Kundalini on this day and that is why Kundalini (in the form of pitcher) was exhibited specially on that day. But people do not know why it is done like that. They just go on doing things like that. At least they should ask, why it is done like this? What is this thing? Because they were Satvahana and accepted the seven chakras, they used to worship and protect the Kundalini, so they started their new year like this. They celebrated their new year in which there was a small pitcher and below that a flag , called Gudi, was attached. Here (in Delhi/North India) people do not know about it. But Samvat Year and Vikram year, both started from this day. It may be that the year in which they started was different, but the date that both started was the same, i.e. today’s date. Both recognised the same no-moon night. In this way this Gudi Padwa is observed by both. Not on no-moon night, but on the first day of the new fortnight (Prathama). This is why there is no moon in the sky tonight, and it is completely dark. But we must know why it is celebrated in our country and what is its importance. Unless and until we know about our country, we will not be able to have respect and love for it. There are a lot of very deep and important things about our country but we do not know about them.We just say it is Kaliyuga. Why is it a Kaliyuga? How it came about? What is the meaning of it? We do not know all this. We just hear a few things and start talking about it. There is a big story about this Kaliyuga which took place in the times of King Parikshit. Nobody knows about it and no one reads about it. We keep reading useless things. At the most we sometimes read Ramayana. But what is the message behind it? What are the scriptures , nobody knows. Sahaja yogis must know how our civilisation has evolved and how we have arrived to this present state. Without knowing all this we develop an understanding like the western world,which has no depth, and only gives us ego. It is better to understand from where we have acquired all these things within us and what is their importance. Why we celebrate all these festivals. Just because everybody else is doing this so we also do the same. This kind of attitude is not all right. We must understand what we are doing. I want that all Sahaja Yogis should understand the significance of all these. If I had the time, I would have written all this for you. But I do not have time. You can read and know all about it. There are so many books about it in Hindi language in India. Nobody reads them. They are all available here in Delhi. I bought them in Delhi only. So we must know all about it. In the mythology, a lot of useful things are mentioned which once understood, will tell us what is the foundation of India. Why we Indians are considered the most superior human beings. Not from the social point of view but culturally we people are considered supreme.Secondly we also must know how we should be established in our religion, what is religion? All these things are mentioned in depth in all these books. I want that all of you should study this and it will give you a new direction. The foreign languages or foreign knowledge are all very superficial. I purchased a lot of books from Satya Sahitya (name of bookshop) It is a good shop and I bought a lot of books from there. It does not cost much. It is very cheap. But you need time to read all that. We keep reading useless things, watch useless movies, read useless news items. Our study should be in depth and in subjects which we have been having since ages.Today it is a very auspicious day. I was not feeling well but I thought on this auspicious occasion I must have the Puja.Eternal Blessings to all of you.
Kundalini is Your Mother
United Arab Emirates
Public Program
Public Program, Dubai, 2002-04-17 I bow to all the seekers of truth.There are people who are seeking the truth but maybe they don’t know how to find it. And we don’t know what is the truth is. There are two problems that we don’t know how to find the truth. Now already in our Shastras, in everything, in Granth Sahib, everywhere, it is written that you have to receive your self-knowledge - Atmagnyan. You have to have knowledge about yourself. But we think we have the knowledge.But it’s not absolutely correct to say that. What you have to see, whatever knowledge you have, is it known collectively? Among all the saints all the Great prophets, the knowledge is the same. So, we have to go to that level of awareness. We have to reach that higher state by which we know the truth, not only the truth but we know how definite that it is the truth. It is not just because I am saying, it’s not just because some others are saying, because some books are saying. But it is something that you should know yourself. And how do you verify it is the problem, whether it is the truth or not, whether it is the reality or not. Can you imagine it’s all built in within us that we have an instrument within us which can give us full idea as to what are we, what we have, what problems we have and how to solve them. For that, you get your self-knowledge, we call it Self-realisation. Already our creator has kept a beautiful thing called Kundalini in the triangular bone that we have which is called as a sacred bone in the Greek language - sacrum. Why was it called? Nobody knows but even the medical science calls it sacrum bone. In this bone lies three and a half-coiled power which we call as Kundalini. All of us, whether you belong to this religion or that religion, makes no difference. All human beings all over the world have got this Kundalini there. And if she somehow awakens and passes through 6 centres, subtle centres, pierces through your fontanelle bone area then you get connected to Divine which is all pervading. It has to happen. It is not just I certify or you certify or anybody certify it has nothing to do with what you do about religion about God it is something inside it is something that is detached which has to happen to all of you and fortunately I have come to this country perhaps the last I have been to so many other countries I don’t know why I communicate to this country and I find there are so many seekers also not only seekers but people who come here as to distract the people from truth. Their aim is just to make money or something else this power is nothing to do with money it is your Mother it’s your only your mother and she knows everything about you, everything is recorded in that coil. All about your past, all about your I mean what you can call the aspirations and all such things she knows what mistake you have committed she knows and that your aspirations are to rise higher also she knows and you need somebody to awaken that Kundalini that’s why in our shastras we say we should have a guru. A Guru doesn’t mean a person who goes on giving you lecture or a person who goes on Bidding money or something it’s not that. Guru is a person who can awaken your Kundalini and can give you Self-realisation. If a Guru doesn’t do that no use of having such a Guru, so that is the problem now that many people have never even heard about Kundalini, they don’t know there is any such power within us inside us that we have to have awakening of Kundalini. Now we have problems all of us, there is a problem coming from the past, can be from the future, from your attitude. But all these problems it surpasses and passes through the six centres piercing the last centre, here on top of it what we call in the childhood they were called as ‘talu’ and but now we can say fontanelle bone area. According to medical science which was the soft bone in your childhood; it’s a very simple thing that works out I tell you. Nobody can believe but it is, you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to do anything but this kundalini is anxious have been anxious for years to get awaken. Takes no time and just works out.Now I have been to I don’t know how many countries. They say 95 somebody says whatever it is but people from all over the world I have seen are seekers of truth.They get their Realisation and they get to know the knowledge about themselves. They don’t know anything about (unclear). Supposing somebody gets a cancer they don’t know how we got cancer he gets any trouble we don’t know how you got it. All these diseases are due to our subtle centres to go out of order. If you can put these subtle centres in order you can get rid of all your troubles and all your diseases and so called horrifying experiences. It can make you so so powerful because not only that you know about yourself, but also you know about others. But in this knowledge, there is no harm on the contrary in every way you improve in every way you are master. The other day they were telling me here we Indians are or people from other places also but they are worried about their jobs so they are little upset and insecure. But it all you overcome in no time your circumstances will be over for all these things and you will be amazed how do we achieve a kind of peaceful, joyful life. Now whatever I am saying you might think it is a false story but it is not. You can easily get your Self-realisation in no time. All your problems can be solved through your Self-realisation by which you will know on your fingertips what are the centres are in trouble. Here you see all centres are being given say first Centre is for your innocence but it does not come into the play of movement of the (unclear) The second centre is about you can see it here above the Kundalini and it crosses through the 6 centres. All the centres have a certain amount of qualities which you can know from the book we have which you want to know little bit know about yourself and about others. But the important thing is that you must know and try to know, it’s a knowledge, it’s an education of subtle knowledge of your inner powers. Now it is easy to believe then to disbelieve. But people mostly disbelieve that, “How is it possible? Kundalini was never raised like this before. It’s not.” But it is now, the time has come that you have to get your Self-realisation. There is nothing new, nothing special. It was to be done at this time. So, it is working out. Of course, I must say that people are coming from different background and different things and it’s rather difficult for them to give up those traditional stuff they had in their heads. But with Sahaja Yoga you can easily, easily give up all that is not the truth. And you can always take to the truth itself because you are empowered to know the truth. I can go on talking like this because it’s a very long subject and I have given thousands of lectures like this. But I would request you not to worry about what I am saying about happening but you should just see that you get your realisation and that you feel perfectly one with yourself. This is very important because any amount of lecturing any amount of telling you is of no convincing saying but only thing is that you should get your Self-realisation. For that what do we have to do, people always ask me, “What we have to do?” Do nothing. We should sit just comfortably doing nothing so you find your thoughts will become ‘nirvichara’ and you will become one with the divine and as a result you’ll get cool breeze coming out of your fingertips 'Param Chaitanya' and also out of your fontanelle bone area. You can feel it. Sometimes you will feel hot that may be due to some obstruction which we will try to remove but mostly you can feel very nicely cool breeze coming out of your own head so it is not an experience which is just given by some sort of miracle but it is a fact that happens. Now also I would like you people to ask me some questions Because I don’t know if there is any doubt so if you have any question please ask me. Sahaja Yogi: Anybody wants to ask please raise your hand.Shri Mataji: They are anxious to have their Self-realisation. So nice to meet such people without Agnyas. Seeker: Why don’t people believe in every human being? (Hame Vishwas kyun nahi hota itni jaldi)Shri Mataji: Because they don’t have knowledge you see, you should know yourself then only you can believe na. First of all, we don’t know ourselves how can we believe anyone and whatever we believe is a blind faith first we should know ourselves do we know? we don’t know Seeker: I know the case who had done Kundalini yoga once and it leaded up to psychological imbalance, chemical imbalance in the brain. Basically, she tried Kundalini yoga and after that, she is in the hospital with chemical imbalance. Sahaja Yogi: I think somebody, one of her friends had tried Kundalini yoga and she went into trouble and she is hospitalized. Shri Mataji: (Unclear) All kinds of yoga they can make, its money making. It’s not an experience of Self-realization that you should get cool breeze on your fingertips and the cool breeze out of your own fontanelle bone area. Without that, all such talks of this yoga, that yoga becomes big money making proposition and people are so money oriented I don’t know. There was one Gentleman who was finished by one sort of a magician so his friend brought him to India, I was not there so they brought him to London and I cured him. He was all right otherwise he was trying to commit suicide, this that. After that also see the whole thing his background was so bad that he wanted to commit suicide himself, his parents were very much worried than they brought him to my house and what I found that he was completely possessed by someone. He got cured, got cured and then he met me in London very famous man and I said what had happened he said that now I am following this one another Guru, but I said why you know he is false. Yes, I know he is false but I am following him because I can make money out of it. I said sinful to do such a wrong thing, is sinful there is no need to do such a thing but they are doing all of them are doing like that We should not believe anyone unless and until you don’t get your realisation. You should not believe me this is blind faith, this is not going to help, I don’t know that they are doing Kundalini yoga also, I didn’t know all sorts of thing They have come up. Seeker: How do we know that certain Guru is right?Shri Mataji: First, you get your Self-realisation first you name yourself then immediately you will know who is the right Guru and who is the wrong. You can feel it on the fingertips all the diseases, all the wrong things you can feel it on your fingertips. That’s what I am saying youshould be knowledgeable which you are not. Sahaja Yogi: He had come to the last public program. He is coming regularly. He says, “Why we feel the vibrations in front of photograph? Why do we feel vibrations in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph?Shri Mataji: (laughs) That’s the fact Whatever is fact accept it. Supposing there is a real Guru also you will feel the vibrations there must be something about me which you will know later, all right? Seeker: What is the connection between Sahaja Yoga and healing? Can we heal ourselves and others?Shri Mataji: Yes, in Sahaja Yoga, in Sahaja you can because you know your chakras. And when your chakras are in your (unclear) then only you get sick So when you cure your chakras you are all right but first clear it. 99% people I have seen the cases are all right. We also have a hospital in India where the charges are very minimum just for staying and people are getting cured there so many doctors, the other day I talked to International Medical College doctors all doctors were there- Medical conference and they were all very much surprised because they don’t know the medical science is not complete, I said you should know about sahaj yoga, then your science will be complete because they can’t cure many, why from where those, how these troubles come in. How do you get these diseases they don’t know, just go on giving injections, this that nothing works out. You also become expert though you are not doctors because it is the subtle system within us if you know how to improve the subtle system you can improve the body. Seeker: How much time it takes to get the thoughtlessness of mind?Shri Mataji: It doesn’t take much time. It just today you might become but some people it does. I know one gentleman who is always reading too much and his mind Is always (unclear) in that I said you stop your reading and you become thoughtless .He could not he is so much fond of reading, reading this reading that nonsense I said at least read something sensible then go on reading like this and talking what is the use he told me that there’s one book in which they have written that Sri Rama was this and Sitaji was like this I said how, how does he know, is he a realised soul no, no he is a great writer, there are such great writers who have come up and he doesn’t become thoughtless. No of course last time but too much reading, too much of thinking also stops, so if you can just meditate it works out. There is no timing for Sahaja Yoga, no timing. I can’t say when will you get your Realisation? How much time? Just now, should we so quick but you have to get steadiness for that you have to meditate. Very important so I have seen many people that come to Sahaja Yoga also get lost because they do not meditate. But 10 minutes at the most in the night 10 minutes, not more but how much it helps you, you will be amazed, you will grow into it. Seeker: If there is one god then why should we say Mahalaxmi Mahasaraswati MahakaliShri Mataji: There is one god, yes but that is what is the Goddess. See all these has,as we know today is the fifth day of the Goddess is the Navratri. Many people say why should we because it is there that is the fact. You try and see for yourself if it is true or not. There is one God but these are the powers of one devi and devi is part and parcel of the same god. We should know what is our trouble, supposing you are suffering say from problems of money then Mahalaxmi you must worship because the God has not made you just like one pot, no you have all these powers within you of these Goddesses and if something goes wrong with you you have to correct it. You are not made with one eye one nose are you. Seeker: People of other religion how will they follow sahaj yoga.Shri Mataji: That’s how they regard for me because they want to have the truth. In other religion also there is lot of truth. Like we also have Christ on this centre, on this Agnya there is Christ, There is Mohammed Saheb here, on the stomach so we have all of them within us they are not separate, but we don’t know; we have Guru Nanak here all of these (unclear) are within us. They have worked for us and they exist and we don’t know we go on fighting. There is no question of Hindus following Sahaja Yoga mostly they are experts in India, abroad all of them are Christians and Muslims, all kinds of people. So many Muslims in the place called Benin I don’t know if you have heard the name or not but we have 12 countries in the south west of Africa. In foreign Sahaja Yoga they are all Muslims, all Muslims. Seeker: There are so many Vedas and scriptures. What is Mataji’s view about Vedas?Shri Mataji: You see first of all you become Self-realized you yourself will know what Vedas are, are not first of all you must have eyes to see. I think you take your Self-realisation, what use of my telling you anything, you should have your own opinion about it, isn’t it. You should see for yourself, don’t believe whatever I am saying. You first see yourself we are following everything blindly without knowing anything about yourself, so first of all if you know yourself then you will be able to follow it much better and understand it much better when you don’t know if your eyes are not well how can you work with . Seeker: First, I apologize for asking this question. Are you realised and how do you give Realisation?Shri Mataji: You see, it is just easy whatever I say, I say don’t believe but if you get realization then you will get the answer without doubt. How can you know what I am whatever I am you can’t see. You can’t know I can deceive you all right. But see for yourself what I am trying all the time that you should get your Self-realisation. You know if you don’t get your Self-realisation it is a muddled up head. First of all you take your Self-realisation that’s all I promise . Seeker: Can I follow Shri Mataji and other Guru also?Shri Mataji: If the Guru is all right, I don’t mind. But you must first find out the Guru what sort of a fellow he is, all right these days most of them are model ones you know. Be careful. Seeker: There are talks about living in our present, does that mean we should not look our past?Shri Mataji: No use No use looking at your past what is the use it is finished Why waste energy on that. Seeker: Future, what about future?Shri Mataji: Future also don’t worry future will come before you. You will solve problems of your future also you will become so powerful you don’t have to worry looking at the future or the past, why? Seeker: What is Self-realisation?Shri Mataji: That you should feel now, but first you have to understand that you should get Self-realisation. All right, if you get it, you know what it is. Seeker: Is it knowing consciousness?Shri Mataji: Of course, it is awareness, highest awareness in which you are aware as to what is right what is wrong, what is truth, what is falsehood. Everything you realize your awareness because just now our awareness is not at that level, is not of that, I should say understanding but once you get your Self-realisation you know, immediately you know, It’s a knowledge expanded. Seeker: Can we start the Self-realisation?Shri Mataji: All right, it is the best question [Applause].First of all, you are to know that you are very good one in the evolutionary state now you are standing on the brink Of Jumping into a new awareness And for that you must have respect for yourself. Firstly, if you have no respect for yourself, it’s very important that if you condemn yourself or you think you are no good, won’t workout it will work out if you have your self-respect. Now I would request you to put your hands like this towards me sit comfortably, firstly sit comfortably just a comfortable sitting just put your hands like this, like the Namaz, you can say if you are wearing shoes, please take off your shoes.Those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or out of their fontanel bone area please raise your hands.May God bless you.Wonderful!May God bless you.
Public Program, Dubai, 2002-04-17 I bow to all the seekers of truth.There are people who are seeking the truth but maybe they don’t know how to find it. And we don’t know what is the truth is. There are two problems that we don’t know how to find the truth. Now already in our Shastras, in everything, in Granth Sahib, everywhere, it is written that you have to receive your self-knowledge - Atmagnyan. You have to have knowledge about yourself. But we think we have the knowledge.But it’s not absolutely correct to say that. What you have to see, whatever knowledge you have, is it known collectively? Among all the saints all the Great prophets, the knowledge is the same. So, we have to go to that level of awareness. We have to reach that higher state by which we know the truth, not only the truth but we know how definite that it is the truth. It is not just because I am saying, it’s not just because some others are saying, because some books are saying. But it is something that you should know yourself. And how do you verify it is the problem, whether it is the truth or not, whether it is the reality or not. Can you imagine it’s all built in within us that we have an instrument within us which can give us full idea as to what are we, what we have, what problems we have and how to solve them. For that, you get your self-knowledge, we call it Self-realisation. Already our creator has kept a beautiful thing called Kundalini in the triangular bone that we have which is called as a sacred bone in the Greek language - sacrum. Why was it called? Nobody knows but even the medical science calls it sacrum bone. In this bone lies three and a half-coiled power which we call as Kundalini. All of us, whether you belong to this religion or that religion, makes no difference. All human beings all over the world have got this Kundalini there. And if she somehow awakens and passes through 6 centres, subtle centres, pierces through your fontanelle bone area then you get connected to Divine which is all pervading. It has to happen. It is not just I certify or you certify or anybody certify it has nothing to do with what you do about religion about God it is something inside it is something that is detached which has to happen to all of you and fortunately I have come to this country perhaps the last I have been to so many other countries I don’t know why I communicate to this country and I find there are so many seekers also not only seekers but people who come here as to distract the people from truth. Their aim is just to make money or something else this power is nothing to do with money it is your Mother it’s your only your mother and she knows everything about you, everything is recorded in that coil. All about your past, all about your I mean what you can call the aspirations and all such things she knows what mistake you have committed she knows and that your aspirations are to rise higher also she knows and you need somebody to awaken that Kundalini that’s why in our shastras we say we should have a guru. A Guru doesn’t mean a person who goes on giving you lecture or a person who goes on Bidding money or something it’s not that. Guru is a person who can awaken your Kundalini and can give you Self-realisation. If a Guru doesn’t do that no use of having such a Guru, so that is the problem now that many people have never even heard about Kundalini, they don’t know there is any such power within us inside us that we have to have awakening of Kundalini. Now we have problems all of us, there is a problem coming from the past, can be from the future, from your attitude. But all these problems it surpasses and passes through the six centres piercing the last centre, here on top of it what we call in the childhood they were called as ‘talu’ and but now we can say fontanelle bone area. According to medical science which was the soft bone in your childhood; it’s a very simple thing that works out I tell you. Nobody can believe but it is, you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to do anything but this kundalini is anxious have been anxious for years to get awaken. Takes no time and just works out.Now I have been to I don’t know how many countries. They say 95 somebody says whatever it is but people from all over the world I have seen are seekers of truth.They get their Realisation and they get to know the knowledge about themselves. They don’t know anything about (unclear). Supposing somebody gets a cancer they don’t know how we got cancer he gets any trouble we don’t know how you got it. All these diseases are due to our subtle centres to go out of order. If you can put these subtle centres in order you can get rid of all your troubles and all your diseases and so called horrifying experiences. It can make you so so powerful because not only that you know about yourself, but also you know about others. But in this knowledge, there is no harm on the contrary in every way you improve in every way you are master. The other day they were telling me here we Indians are or people from other places also but they are worried about their jobs so they are little upset and insecure. But it all you overcome in no time your circumstances will be over for all these things and you will be amazed how do we achieve a kind of peaceful, joyful life. Now whatever I am saying you might think it is a false story but it is not. You can easily get your Self-realisation in no time. All your problems can be solved through your Self-realisation by which you will know on your fingertips what are the centres are in trouble. Here you see all centres are being given say first Centre is for your innocence but it does not come into the play of movement of the (unclear) The second centre is about you can see it here above the Kundalini and it crosses through the 6 centres. All the centres have a certain amount of qualities which you can know from the book we have which you want to know little bit know about yourself and about others. But the important thing is that you must know and try to know, it’s a knowledge, it’s an education of subtle knowledge of your inner powers. Now it is easy to believe then to disbelieve. But people mostly disbelieve that, “How is it possible? Kundalini was never raised like this before. It’s not.” But it is now, the time has come that you have to get your Self-realisation. There is nothing new, nothing special. It was to be done at this time. So, it is working out. Of course, I must say that people are coming from different background and different things and it’s rather difficult for them to give up those traditional stuff they had in their heads. But with Sahaja Yoga you can easily, easily give up all that is not the truth. And you can always take to the truth itself because you are empowered to know the truth. I can go on talking like this because it’s a very long subject and I have given thousands of lectures like this. But I would request you not to worry about what I am saying about happening but you should just see that you get your realisation and that you feel perfectly one with yourself. This is very important because any amount of lecturing any amount of telling you is of no convincing saying but only thing is that you should get your Self-realisation. For that what do we have to do, people always ask me, “What we have to do?” Do nothing. We should sit just comfortably doing nothing so you find your thoughts will become ‘nirvichara’ and you will become one with the divine and as a result you’ll get cool breeze coming out of your fingertips 'Param Chaitanya' and also out of your fontanelle bone area. You can feel it. Sometimes you will feel hot that may be due to some obstruction which we will try to remove but mostly you can feel very nicely cool breeze coming out of your own head so it is not an experience which is just given by some sort of miracle but it is a fact that happens. Now also I would like you people to ask me some questions Because I don’t know if there is any doubt so if you have any question please ask me. Sahaja Yogi: Anybody wants to ask please raise your hand.Shri Mataji: They are anxious to have their Self-realisation. So nice to meet such people without Agnyas. Seeker: Why don’t people believe in every human being? (Hame Vishwas kyun nahi hota itni jaldi)Shri Mataji: Because they don’t have knowledge you see, you should know yourself then only you can believe na. First of all, we don’t know ourselves how can we believe anyone and whatever we believe is a blind faith first we should know ourselves do we know? we don’t know Seeker: I know the case who had done Kundalini yoga once and it leaded up to psychological imbalance, chemical imbalance in the brain. Basically, she tried Kundalini yoga and after that, she is in the hospital with chemical imbalance. Sahaja Yogi: I think somebody, one of her friends had tried Kundalini yoga and she went into trouble and she is hospitalized. Shri Mataji: (Unclear) All kinds of yoga they can make, its money making. It’s not an experience of Self-realization that you should get cool breeze on your fingertips and the cool breeze out of your own fontanelle bone area. Without that, all such talks of this yoga, that yoga becomes big money making proposition and people are so money oriented I don’t know. There was one Gentleman who was finished by one sort of a magician so his friend brought him to India, I was not there so they brought him to London and I cured him. He was all right otherwise he was trying to commit suicide, this that. After that also see the whole thing his background was so bad that he wanted to commit suicide himself, his parents were very much worried than they brought him to my house and what I found that he was completely possessed by someone. He got cured, got cured and then he met me in London very famous man and I said what had happened he said that now I am following this one another Guru, but I said why you know he is false. Yes, I know he is false but I am following him because I can make money out of it. I said sinful to do such a wrong thing, is sinful there is no need to do such a thing but they are doing all of them are doing like that We should not believe anyone unless and until you don’t get your realisation. You should not believe me this is blind faith, this is not going to help, I don’t know that they are doing Kundalini yoga also, I didn’t know all sorts of thing They have come up. Seeker: How do we know that certain Guru is right?Shri Mataji: First, you get your Self-realisation first you name yourself then immediately you will know who is the right Guru and who is the wrong. You can feel it on the fingertips all the diseases, all the wrong things you can feel it on your fingertips. That’s what I am saying youshould be knowledgeable which you are not. Sahaja Yogi: He had come to the last public program. He is coming regularly. He says, “Why we feel the vibrations in front of photograph? Why do we feel vibrations in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph?Shri Mataji: (laughs) That’s the fact Whatever is fact accept it. Supposing there is a real Guru also you will feel the vibrations there must be something about me which you will know later, all right? Seeker: What is the connection between Sahaja Yoga and healing? Can we heal ourselves and others?Shri Mataji: Yes, in Sahaja Yoga, in Sahaja you can because you know your chakras. And when your chakras are in your (unclear) then only you get sick So when you cure your chakras you are all right but first clear it. 99% people I have seen the cases are all right. We also have a hospital in India where the charges are very minimum just for staying and people are getting cured there so many doctors, the other day I talked to International Medical College doctors all doctors were there- Medical conference and they were all very much surprised because they don’t know the medical science is not complete, I said you should know about sahaj yoga, then your science will be complete because they can’t cure many, why from where those, how these troubles come in. How do you get these diseases they don’t know, just go on giving injections, this that nothing works out. You also become expert though you are not doctors because it is the subtle system within us if you know how to improve the subtle system you can improve the body. Seeker: How much time it takes to get the thoughtlessness of mind?Shri Mataji: It doesn’t take much time. It just today you might become but some people it does. I know one gentleman who is always reading too much and his mind Is always (unclear) in that I said you stop your reading and you become thoughtless .He could not he is so much fond of reading, reading this reading that nonsense I said at least read something sensible then go on reading like this and talking what is the use he told me that there’s one book in which they have written that Sri Rama was this and Sitaji was like this I said how, how does he know, is he a realised soul no, no he is a great writer, there are such great writers who have come up and he doesn’t become thoughtless. No of course last time but too much reading, too much of thinking also stops, so if you can just meditate it works out. There is no timing for Sahaja Yoga, no timing. I can’t say when will you get your Realisation? How much time? Just now, should we so quick but you have to get steadiness for that you have to meditate. Very important so I have seen many people that come to Sahaja Yoga also get lost because they do not meditate. But 10 minutes at the most in the night 10 minutes, not more but how much it helps you, you will be amazed, you will grow into it. Seeker: If there is one god then why should we say Mahalaxmi Mahasaraswati MahakaliShri Mataji: There is one god, yes but that is what is the Goddess. See all these has,as we know today is the fifth day of the Goddess is the Navratri. Many people say why should we because it is there that is the fact. You try and see for yourself if it is true or not. There is one God but these are the powers of one devi and devi is part and parcel of the same god. We should know what is our trouble, supposing you are suffering say from problems of money then Mahalaxmi you must worship because the God has not made you just like one pot, no you have all these powers within you of these Goddesses and if something goes wrong with you you have to correct it. You are not made with one eye one nose are you. Seeker: People of other religion how will they follow sahaj yoga.Shri Mataji: That’s how they regard for me because they want to have the truth. In other religion also there is lot of truth. Like we also have Christ on this centre, on this Agnya there is Christ, There is Mohammed Saheb here, on the stomach so we have all of them within us they are not separate, but we don’t know; we have Guru Nanak here all of these (unclear) are within us. They have worked for us and they exist and we don’t know we go on fighting. There is no question of Hindus following Sahaja Yoga mostly they are experts in India, abroad all of them are Christians and Muslims, all kinds of people. So many Muslims in the place called Benin I don’t know if you have heard the name or not but we have 12 countries in the south west of Africa. In foreign Sahaja Yoga they are all Muslims, all Muslims. Seeker: There are so many Vedas and scriptures. What is Mataji’s view about Vedas?Shri Mataji: You see first of all you become Self-realized you yourself will know what Vedas are, are not first of all you must have eyes to see. I think you take your Self-realisation, what use of my telling you anything, you should have your own opinion about it, isn’t it. You should see for yourself, don’t believe whatever I am saying. You first see yourself we are following everything blindly without knowing anything about yourself, so first of all if you know yourself then you will be able to follow it much better and understand it much better when you don’t know if your eyes are not well how can you work with . Seeker: First, I apologize for asking this question. Are you realised and how do you give Realisation?Shri Mataji: You see, it is just easy whatever I say, I say don’t believe but if you get realization then you will get the answer without doubt. How can you know what I am whatever I am you can’t see. You can’t know I can deceive you all right. But see for yourself what I am trying all the time that you should get your Self-realisation. You know if you don’t get your Self-realisation it is a muddled up head. First of all you take your Self-realisation that’s all I promise . Seeker: Can I follow Shri Mataji and other Guru also?Shri Mataji: If the Guru is all right, I don’t mind. But you must first find out the Guru what sort of a fellow he is, all right these days most of them are model ones you know. Be careful. Seeker: There are talks about living in our present, does that mean we should not look our past?Shri Mataji: No use No use looking at your past what is the use it is finished Why waste energy on that. Seeker: Future, what about future?Shri Mataji: Future also don’t worry future will come before you. You will solve problems of your future also you will become so powerful you don’t have to worry looking at the future or the past, why? Seeker: What is Self-realisation?Shri Mataji: That you should feel now, but first you have to understand that you should get Self-realisation. All right, if you get it, you know what it is. Seeker: Is it knowing consciousness?Shri Mataji: Of course, it is awareness, highest awareness in which you are aware as to what is right what is wrong, what is truth, what is falsehood. Everything you realize your awareness because just now our awareness is not at that level, is not of that, I should say understanding but once you get your Self-realisation you know, immediately you know, It’s a knowledge expanded. Seeker: Can we start the Self-realisation?Shri Mataji: All right, it is the best question [Applause].First of all, you are to know that you are very good one in the evolutionary state now you are standing on the brink Of Jumping into a new awareness And for that you must have respect for yourself. Firstly, if you have no respect for yourself, it’s very important that if you condemn yourself or you think you are no good, won’t workout it will work out if you have your self-respect. Now I would request you to put your hands like this towards me sit comfortably, firstly sit comfortably just a comfortable sitting just put your hands like this, like the Namaz, you can say if you are wearing shoes, please take off your shoes.Those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or out of their fontanel bone area please raise your hands.May God bless you.Wonderful!May God bless you.
Arrival Talk (poor audio)
United Arab Emirates
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Informal Talk
United Arab Emirates
Easter Puja: You are bound by the religion of love and joy
Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 21 April 2002. Today we have come here to worship Jesus Christ and His Mother. It’s such a coincidence that the Mother of Christ came and stayed in Turkey. Isn’t it surprising that She should come here after the crucifixion of Christ and stayed here. I wonder if He also came with Her later on? But they say then He went to Kashmir and She was also there. Quite possible, on their way, they might have gone there. So we are here to worship Him. According to Sahaja Yoga, She was the incarnation of Mahalakshmi and She’s the one who sacrificed Her Son for the sake of religion. But unfortunately, nobody understood Her value. Nobody saw that She was such a great spiritual personality. Only through Sahaja Yoga you can understand that She was a very great personality who gave birth to Christ. It is very unfortunate that She was not respected, specially in the Islamic world. Because of that, the women in the Islamic culture have no place. My experience is very sad about them. We have started an organization for the rehabilitation of women who are destitutes and all of them who have applied are Muslim ladies – very sad. While Muhammed-sahib has said that ‘you must look after your mother’, despite that, all these women – some of them have eight children, ten children – have come to this destitute home. Of course, we have to give them place. We have to look after them because we don’t believe in all these small type of ideas about religion. Most important is ‘human’ religion. We have to combine all these religions together. It’s a terrible task because Muslim won’t respect Muslim. Christians – Christians won’t respect Hindus. I mean it’s a funny thing that’s going on. They all are for God and for God’s work and His love. Despite that, there’s no respect. There’s no love. On the contrary, they’re all quarrelling, fighting, killing everywhere. It’s very sad that in the name of religion and God, people should become so cruel and so absurd. This is the only solution – is to give them Self Realization, which is the Realization was called as miraj in the Koran. It’s called as miraj. But they have said that nobody can get miraj. Muhammed-sahib got it, but nobody else – like they have banned people from getting Self Realization, which is not true. All human beings can get Self Realization. Whether they are from Africa, England, America, India, anywhere. They all can get their miraj. One should understand that no human being is created in this world to fight, to fight each other. Even the animals don’t fight. Why should human beings fight – that, too, in the name of religion. In the name of God, Christ came on this Earth just to create oneness of religion, but even the Christians, they only started fighting, dominating others. It’s a big world of turmoil, where everybody is fighting in the name of God and in the name of religion. So our religion is global, is one religion. We respect all the Deities, all the Gods and Goddesses – respect Them and worship Them. We are not so stupid not to understand that They are all one. Also, after getting Realization, you realize that all these exist on our central nervous system. They exist on our chakras. They are not there just because people have told us in history and all that, but actually in that’s a fact, that all of them are there together, working out the resurrection of the whole world. So the greatest thing that Christ has done is the resurrection part and, in this resurrection, He suffered a lot. He had to go through lots of ordeals and then His body itself was resurrected. On the same lines, Sahaja Yoga is working out – that you get your Realization means your resurrection. All your wrong ideas disappear. All your nonsense disappears and nothing but love, understanding comes in. It was difficult, I know, in the beginning to start this work in India or otherwise, also everywhere I found people are so ignorant and human beings hate each other. With some excuse, with some sort of a – I don’t know what ideas they have, historical ideas, and they hate. This hating in India has been there, but also abroad, like Hitler came in. Hitler came because he hated human beings. He was a satanic force who incarnated and did all kinds of horrible things. The way he has killed people, you can’t imagine a human being can do that. He killed children. He killed grown-up people in the gas chambers and – such a horrible thing. When I went to Germany, they wanted Me to see all that. I said, ‘I can’t see. I will not be able to see it.’ But My husband went there and when he came back, he was sick for seven days. It’s so sickening. It’s so inhuman to behave like that, to kill people, under some circumstances, under certain conceptions and wrong ideas. I don’t know what sort of idea this Hitler had that he got after the Jews and started killing them. All kinds of things have happened on this Earth, all in the name of religion. This is the worst part of it. Throughout, people have been killing in the name of religion. Religion teaches you to love, to love God and love each other. How can it teach you to hate and to kill? I mean, it’s very surprising, still going on. This kind of a nonsense is still going on. It’s only Sahaja Yoga that can stop this nonsense and it should because, after all, we all human beings. For that, you have to have your resurrection, as Christ had. And this resurrection is possible on this Earth, very easily now with Sahaja Yoga. Muhammed-sahib has called it miraj. He’s described it very well, very clearly. But who wants that? They don’t want to have their miraj. If somebody tries to work it out, they get after that person, saying that ‘This is something ridiculous’. It’s all wrong. I mean this has happened with all of them. All of them have suffered because of the ignorance of human beings – all of them. And also with Me, they are criticizing and this and that. But I am much more powerful, because love is much more powerful than anything else. And it’s working out all over the world now, everywhere people are realizing that this kind of a hatred, this kind of a wrong idea about others is absolutely dangerous. And so, once large number of people know this, I’m sure it will all finish off. We have lots of incidents like that, even recently. That just because you follow a particular religion, people hate you. I mean I can’t understand. You cannot explain why, why it is done, but it’s done and very wrong to hate any human being in the name of God, who has created you. They don’t understand God and His love. For example, Christ’s life – just see it. He was hardly thirty-three years of age when He was crucified. His mother had to suffer so much. Why? Why did they crucify Him? Because He was teaching about love. None of them liked this idea of loving each other. How can you help people if you don’t love? Under what premises do you help others? Because you love, that’s why you want to enjoy others and to understand. Once you start loving others, then this myth finishes off. Supposing you are born as a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, or whatever it is, what makes you think that you are different from others? You are born the same way. You are conceived by your mother the same way. You look the same way. Your nose, eyes, everything is the same. What makes you different? I think it’s something political about it, something very mean to separate people in the name of God and religion. On the contrary, Sahaja Yoga is to unite all the people in the name of God, to make them one in the name of God. Supposing there is somebody living, say, in South Africa or, say, in a far-fetched place like Benin and all that — has become a Sahaja Yogi. There are thousands who have become Sahaja Yogis there. They are all your bothers and sisters. They’re your own. You go there and they will treat you just like their own children, their own relations. They will never think what religion you come from or what sect you come from, nothing. I was surprised the way they have love. Actually, loving is an innate quality of human beings. It’s an innate quality. Every human being has been given this treasure of loving, loving capacity. But that capacity has become so much less, so much minimum, that, with that capacity, people fight and kill each other. It’s a greatest sin to kill people in the name of religion. I don’t know what – how they believe that, by killing each other, we can go to heaven. They will go to the worst hell. This idea has now, of course, subsided a little, but still existing. They see it happening every day, this kind of a nonsense, but still they are continuing with it. Now what can we Sahaja Yogis do about it? We should think. Let us see, whatever religion we are born, that’s what. You have to be born in some religion. You cannot drop from heaven. So whatever religion you are born, you are not bound by that. You are bound by the religion of love and joy. And then you go on crying and weeping and teaching and … of unhappiness, of fighting. How can that be? We are human beings. They are not animals. Even the dogs don’t do that way. Why should we human beings kill each other and make a miserable life for others and for yourself? Because if you hate others, you will also become hateful. A will hate the B and then the B will hate the A, so the whole human life and civilization has nothing to do but to hate! Sahaja Yoga is such a blessing to you, I must say, because it has given to you all the Deities within you, enlightened, and now you know you are belong to the whole. You know you are not belonging to some stupid ideas. It’s very remarkable when I came here. I knew Mary lived here. I knew Mother Mary lived here. There is a house of Mother Mary. That gave Me a very great joy to know that She had lived here and so I said we must worship Her. After all, She was a mother of Christ! Mother is a mother. What does it matter whether She was a Christian, Hindu, Muslim? It doesn’t matter. And for Her love, She allowed Her son to be sacrificed for the whole world and for the universe – what a mother! Can you find such a mother in this world who will allow Her own son to be crucified – such a courageous, loving and global personality. Here we are. It’s a coincidence, as I said, because She lived here. Why did She come? Why did She come here? She could have gone directly. She came here and lived and we have a house of Her. Now with this house only, the Christians will start a cult. They’ll fight with the Muslims and the Muslims will fight with the Christians. Anything you do, they will fight. That’s the main character is to fight, not to help others, not to help each other – no, not at all. They’re just trying to be very, very funny and nasty. In India we have had so many nice people who taught that we must love each other. Despite that, in India people are fighting. They have had so many Sufis in this country. In the same way, in India also, we have had very great saints, very great – everywhere. Some of them were Muslims, some of them were Hindus and people sing their songs; everything’s there. But, they’re worshipped separately and people fight even in their names. They want to find something to fight. Real fighting cocks, I tell you they are. They haven’t got a human quality within them, which is love, which is affection – must enjoy your love for each other. That’s the thing they have lost their capacity to love. What does it matter if somebody is born in China or in India or anywhere? He is a human being. He, too, has the capacity to love and you should also have capacity to love. My experience is different. I went to China with My husband. In China that time, they didn’t have any good feelings for Indians, I don’t know why. But they were so kind to Me, you won’t believe, they were so nice to Me and the way they treated Me, everybody was surprised, ‘What’s the matter? How are they so kind to you? In China they don’t like Indians.’ I said, ‘It’s a myth. I don’t think I have seen that with the Chinese. They’re extremely, extremely kind and respectful to Me. What have I done for them? Nothing.’ Well, you’ll be surprised, in one of the hotels, one of My ankle ornament[s] had fallen down – silver. It did happen and then I went away to a very far fetched place and they sent it in an envelope, those anklets. Can you imagine? All the way – I was so much full of tears. So I said ‘These Chinese are also very loving people, extremely loving.’ I went for My program. We had a women’s conference. So I don’t know why, but at the airport only these Chinese boys arrived. They took all My luggage. I was so late! The function was at ten o’clock and I reached about 8:30. They put Me in the car. They put My luggage there and they said, ‘We have to directly go to the conference.’ I said, ‘All right.’ I went there and, in this short time, these boys were really so attached to Me. When I finished the conference, they’re waiting outside – can’t believe it – the same Chinese people who are against Indians. And then, after that, it didn’t stop. They brought two cars – one for My wheelchair, one for Me – and they took Me to the best shopping places. But I said, ‘What will you do?’ They said, ‘We’ll carry your wheelchair upstairs. Can you imagine? They were no relation of mine. I’ve never seen them before. So one of them said, ‘Tomorrow, Mother, I won’t be able to come.’ I said, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘I’m getting married tomorrow.’ And I said, ‘What have you been doing all this day?’ He said, ‘I enjoyed your company so much’. I’m such an old woman like Me – young people. ‘No, no, no, no, I’ve enjoyed. I’ll also bring my bride for You to be seen.’ I tell you, tears came into my eyes. I said, ‘Such love, such kindness.’ I didn’t do anything for them, nothing. I didn’t give them any money, nothing. My goodness, till the end they were so much attentive to Me – very young boys, all below twenty-five years of age. And they carried My wheelchair up three storeys with their hands. I said, ‘Don’t do it, I don’t want …’ They said, ‘No, no, no, no, we want You to see. We want You to come.’ I said, ‘Why?’ [They] said, ‘It would be nice for all of them.’ I don’t know what made them think like that. Such enlightened people, I tell you. With love, you get enlightened. With love, you get understanding. And such deep love exists within you. Now the politicians will come and tell you a story. Then somebody else will tell you, ‘Come and fight’ and all that. That’s how they have managed in Germany, young people. But now, now they’re changing. All this world has to change because it has suffered a lot. This is no religion. This is not the teachings of the saints – no. It is not. It is devilish, that teaches you to hate others, is the worst thing. I mean all the enjoyment of love, all the enjoyment of affection, you don’t know. Nowadays, you see the problem of the churches, this, that. I can’t understand, stupid people. They have done so many laws and with that laws, whatever it is, whatever may be the causes, but what’s happening is that poor children are suffering. They have no sense of pure love. Nobody understands what is poor love is. Which is actually their innate quality, their innate – I should say the ‘property’. But they don’t know how you can love somebody purely! It’s all something very, very wretched. It doesn’t behove human beings to be like that. Even the animals are not like that, but human beings can go to any extreme. The whole wealth of beauty, the whole wealth of creativity, the whole wealth of art, artistic temperament, the whole wealth of enjoying life is finished. If you are a fighting cock, you can’t see anything, any good in anyone, in anything. They will fight others and they’ll fight among themselves also – is a fact. They might say, ‘We must fight.’ All right, fight, but then they fight among themselves also. They will torture their own brothers and sisters. I mean, they don’t love anyone. This is the main thing is. Why take the name of religion? What the religion has done? How could the religion teach you such a horrible thing like hatred for your own? It’s not only among Christians, Hindus, Muslims, but everywhere human beings have become very dirty and filthy. They say it is Kali Yuga. I can’t understand. How can you lose the power to love? That’s what Christ has talked about. He’s talked about love very clearly. He said, ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Have you found anyone like that? No. You don’t find all such people. The Christians who followed Christ, what did they do? Muslims who followed Mohammed-sahib, what did they do? And Hindus who followed Shri Rama, what did they do? Are they anywhere near their leaders? Are they anywhere near those Incarnations of the Divine? Nowhere. The reason is – I don’t blame them – because they had no Realization. They didn’t know their spirit. If you have no Realization, you cannot understand anything, you cannot understand any enjoyment or anything. I mean, if you go to Germany, you can’t go and see all the things they have done. You’ll faint, if you have any human qualities. Even you go to Japan and they way they had put this Hiroshima, this – my goodness, I started trembling, I couldn’t bear it. I said, ‘How could human beings be that cruel?’ Horrible! I mean now the days have come that they’re killing their own children. Extreme is this. The other side of it is Sahaja Yoga, in which you love all human beings because they’re human beings. They’re born with you in this time. You have to help each other and love each other. This is the main thing. If you can develop this, you’ll be very, very strong Sahaja Yogis and you will be supported and blessed by the Divine. Divine will help you and take you out of all troubles and tribulations and all kinds of difficulties, if you are a loving personality. This is what the blessing of Kali Yuga. It didn’t exist like this before. Now, if you are a loving person, the Divine will go out of the way to help you, to sort out your problems, to punish those who are troubling you. I mean, it’s My own experience like that. I never do anything. I never curse anybody. I don’t fight. I don’t shout. Automatically, it works. I don’t even tell the Divine to do anything. The Divine is at the greatest, just personality, I should say. That is the one who does all the justice. Nobody can suffer under the guidance and love of Divine, take it from Me. This is the blessing of Kali Yuga. I agree Kali Yuga is horrible. People are horrible. This is that. But there’s one thing that this Divine has become very alert. It was never that alert. If Christ was born at this time, He could not have been crucified. It’s only because He was not born during Kali Yuga. That’s a very big blessing for us. Nobody can be tortured. Nobody can be troubled. Only thing, you have to be a humble person. You have to have a good character and you have to have a very loving personality. That’s all. You’ll enjoy the loving personality. You’ll get the blessings because [of] you’re loving personality. I mean, the way the Divine looks after you, there are so many miracles people tell Me. I’m not surprised because I know the Divine has become extremely alert towards human beings who are good and nice. It will look after. It will support. It will do everything. It’s very surprising that it has become so alert. Like Muahmmed-sahib suffered so much. Everybody suffered so much, but not now. Now the Sahaja Yogis won’t suffer. Take it from Me. They’re looked after by the Divine itself. Everything is looked after. I will tell you, people have written letters after letters all over the world, how they have been supported, how they have been helped. Very surprising how they have been rescued. So we have to trust in ourselves and we have to really love people. We should be humble and love. All this love will help you all your life. This is the message of Christ. Christ has said, ‘Forgive them.’ How lovingly He said, ‘But they don’t know what they’re doing.’ Very lovingly He pleads for all the bad people who crucified Him, that ‘Oh, Lord, please forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.’ Can you imagine such a loving character of Christ? And now, when we are celebrating and worshipping Him, we have to worship that character within us, that we are also loving people. We love each other. All over the world, all the Sahaja Yogis love each other. Of course, there could be one or two who are not so good, but mostly, ninety-nine percent Sahaja Yogis love each other. My blessings to you is this – on this day may God give you lots of love, and loving capacity within you, that you should have, which will change your life completely and you’ll become such a powerful personality, very powerful Sahaja Yogis. You can do marvels and miracles if you have developed the understanding of love. May God bless you
Easter Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 21 April 2002. Today we have come here to worship Jesus Christ and His Mother. It’s such a coincidence that the Mother of Christ came and stayed in Turkey. Isn’t it surprising that She should come here after the crucifixion of Christ and stayed here. I wonder if He also came with Her later on? But they say then He went to Kashmir and She was also there. Quite possible, on their way, they might have gone there. So we are here to worship Him. According to Sahaja Yoga, She was the incarnation of Mahalakshmi and She’s the one who sacrificed Her Son for the sake of religion. But unfortunately, nobody understood Her value. Nobody saw that She was such a great spiritual personality. Only through Sahaja Yoga you can understand that She was a very great personality who gave birth to Christ. It is very unfortunate that She was not respected, specially in the Islamic world. Because of that, the women in the Islamic culture have no place. My experience is very sad about them. We have started an organization for the rehabilitation of women who are destitutes and all of them who have applied are Muslim ladies – very sad. While Muhammed-sahib has said that ‘you must look after your mother’, despite that, all these women – some of them have eight children, ten children – have come to this destitute home. Of course, we have to give them place. We have to look after them because we don’t believe in all these small type of ideas about religion. Most important is ‘human’ religion. We have to combine all these religions together. It’s a terrible task because Muslim won’t respect Muslim. Christians – Christians won’t respect Hindus. I mean it’s a funny thing that’s going on. They all are for God and for God’s work and His love. Despite that, there’s no respect. There’s no love. On the contrary, they’re all quarrelling, fighting, killing everywhere. It’s very sad that in the name of religion and God, people should become so cruel and so absurd. This is the only solution – is to give them Self Realization, which is the Realization was called as miraj in the Koran. It’s called as miraj. But they have said that nobody can get miraj. Muhammed-sahib got it, but nobody else – like they have banned people from getting Self Realization, which is not true. All human beings can get Self Realization. Whether they are from Africa, England, America, India, anywhere. They all can get their miraj. One should understand that no human being is created in this world to fight, to fight each other. Even the animals don’t fight. Why should human beings fight – that, too, in the name of religion. In the name of God, Christ came on this Earth just to create oneness of religion, but even the Christians, they only started fighting, dominating others. It’s a big world of turmoil, where everybody is fighting in the name of God and in the name of religion. So our religion is global, is one religion. We respect all the Deities, all the Gods and Goddesses – respect Them and worship Them. We are not so stupid not to understand that They are all one. Also, after getting Realization, you realize that all these exist on our central nervous system. They exist on our chakras. They are not there just because people have told us in history and all that, but actually in that’s a fact, that all of them are there together, working out the resurrection of the whole world. So the greatest thing that Christ has done is the resurrection part and, in this resurrection, He suffered a lot. He had to go through lots of ordeals and then His body itself was resurrected. On the same lines, Sahaja Yoga is working out – that you get your Realization means your resurrection. All your wrong ideas disappear. All your nonsense disappears and nothing but love, understanding comes in. It was difficult, I know, in the beginning to start this work in India or otherwise, also everywhere I found people are so ignorant and human beings hate each other. With some excuse, with some sort of a – I don’t know what ideas they have, historical ideas, and they hate. This hating in India has been there, but also abroad, like Hitler came in. Hitler came because he hated human beings. He was a satanic force who incarnated and did all kinds of horrible things. The way he has killed people, you can’t imagine a human being can do that. He killed children. He killed grown-up people in the gas chambers and – such a horrible thing. When I went to Germany, they wanted Me to see all that. I said, ‘I can’t see. I will not be able to see it.’ But My husband went there and when he came back, he was sick for seven days. It’s so sickening. It’s so inhuman to behave like that, to kill people, under some circumstances, under certain conceptions and wrong ideas. I don’t know what sort of idea this Hitler had that he got after the Jews and started killing them. All kinds of things have happened on this Earth, all in the name of religion. This is the worst part of it. Throughout, people have been killing in the name of religion. Religion teaches you to love, to love God and love each other. How can it teach you to hate and to kill? I mean, it’s very surprising, still going on. This kind of a nonsense is still going on. It’s only Sahaja Yoga that can stop this nonsense and it should because, after all, we all human beings. For that, you have to have your resurrection, as Christ had. And this resurrection is possible on this Earth, very easily now with Sahaja Yoga. Muhammed-sahib has called it miraj. He’s described it very well, very clearly. But who wants that? They don’t want to have their miraj. If somebody tries to work it out, they get after that person, saying that ‘This is something ridiculous’. It’s all wrong. I mean this has happened with all of them. All of them have suffered because of the ignorance of human beings – all of them. And also with Me, they are criticizing and this and that. But I am much more powerful, because love is much more powerful than anything else. And it’s working out all over the world now, everywhere people are realizing that this kind of a hatred, this kind of a wrong idea about others is absolutely dangerous. And so, once large number of people know this, I’m sure it will all finish off. We have lots of incidents like that, even recently. That just because you follow a particular religion, people hate you. I mean I can’t understand. You cannot explain why, why it is done, but it’s done and very wrong to hate any human being in the name of God, who has created you. They don’t understand God and His love. For example, Christ’s life – just see it. He was hardly thirty-three years of age when He was crucified. His mother had to suffer so much. Why? Why did they crucify Him? Because He was teaching about love. None of them liked this idea of loving each other. How can you help people if you don’t love? Under what premises do you help others? Because you love, that’s why you want to enjoy others and to understand. Once you start loving others, then this myth finishes off. Supposing you are born as a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, or whatever it is, what makes you think that you are different from others? You are born the same way. You are conceived by your mother the same way. You look the same way. Your nose, eyes, everything is the same. What makes you different? I think it’s something political about it, something very mean to separate people in the name of God and religion. On the contrary, Sahaja Yoga is to unite all the people in the name of God, to make them one in the name of God. Supposing there is somebody living, say, in South Africa or, say, in a far-fetched place like Benin and all that — has become a Sahaja Yogi. There are thousands who have become Sahaja Yogis there. They are all your bothers and sisters. They’re your own. You go there and they will treat you just like their own children, their own relations. They will never think what religion you come from or what sect you come from, nothing. I was surprised the way they have love. Actually, loving is an innate quality of human beings. It’s an innate quality. Every human being has been given this treasure of loving, loving capacity. But that capacity has become so much less, so much minimum, that, with that capacity, people fight and kill each other. It’s a greatest sin to kill people in the name of religion. I don’t know what – how they believe that, by killing each other, we can go to heaven. They will go to the worst hell. This idea has now, of course, subsided a little, but still existing. They see it happening every day, this kind of a nonsense, but still they are continuing with it. Now what can we Sahaja Yogis do about it? We should think. Let us see, whatever religion we are born, that’s what. You have to be born in some religion. You cannot drop from heaven. So whatever religion you are born, you are not bound by that. You are bound by the religion of love and joy. And then you go on crying and weeping and teaching and … of unhappiness, of fighting. How can that be? We are human beings. They are not animals. Even the dogs don’t do that way. Why should we human beings kill each other and make a miserable life for others and for yourself? Because if you hate others, you will also become hateful. A will hate the B and then the B will hate the A, so the whole human life and civilization has nothing to do but to hate! Sahaja Yoga is such a blessing to you, I must say, because it has given to you all the Deities within you, enlightened, and now you know you are belong to the whole. You know you are not belonging to some stupid ideas. It’s very remarkable when I came here. I knew Mary lived here. I knew Mother Mary lived here. There is a house of Mother Mary. That gave Me a very great joy to know that She had lived here and so I said we must worship Her. After all, She was a mother of Christ! Mother is a mother. What does it matter whether She was a Christian, Hindu, Muslim? It doesn’t matter. And for Her love, She allowed Her son to be sacrificed for the whole world and for the universe – what a mother! Can you find such a mother in this world who will allow Her own son to be crucified – such a courageous, loving and global personality. Here we are. It’s a coincidence, as I said, because She lived here. Why did She come? Why did She come here? She could have gone directly. She came here and lived and we have a house of Her. Now with this house only, the Christians will start a cult. They’ll fight with the Muslims and the Muslims will fight with the Christians. Anything you do, they will fight. That’s the main character is to fight, not to help others, not to help each other – no, not at all. They’re just trying to be very, very funny and nasty. In India we have had so many nice people who taught that we must love each other. Despite that, in India people are fighting. They have had so many Sufis in this country. In the same way, in India also, we have had very great saints, very great – everywhere. Some of them were Muslims, some of them were Hindus and people sing their songs; everything’s there. But, they’re worshipped separately and people fight even in their names. They want to find something to fight. Real fighting cocks, I tell you they are. They haven’t got a human quality within them, which is love, which is affection – must enjoy your love for each other. That’s the thing they have lost their capacity to love. What does it matter if somebody is born in China or in India or anywhere? He is a human being. He, too, has the capacity to love and you should also have capacity to love. My experience is different. I went to China with My husband. In China that time, they didn’t have any good feelings for Indians, I don’t know why. But they were so kind to Me, you won’t believe, they were so nice to Me and the way they treated Me, everybody was surprised, ‘What’s the matter? How are they so kind to you? In China they don’t like Indians.’ I said, ‘It’s a myth. I don’t think I have seen that with the Chinese. They’re extremely, extremely kind and respectful to Me. What have I done for them? Nothing.’ Well, you’ll be surprised, in one of the hotels, one of My ankle ornament[s] had fallen down – silver. It did happen and then I went away to a very far fetched place and they sent it in an envelope, those anklets. Can you imagine? All the way – I was so much full of tears. So I said ‘These Chinese are also very loving people, extremely loving.’ I went for My program. We had a women’s conference. So I don’t know why, but at the airport only these Chinese boys arrived. They took all My luggage. I was so late! The function was at ten o’clock and I reached about 8:30. They put Me in the car. They put My luggage there and they said, ‘We have to directly go to the conference.’ I said, ‘All right.’ I went there and, in this short time, these boys were really so attached to Me. When I finished the conference, they’re waiting outside – can’t believe it – the same Chinese people who are against Indians. And then, after that, it didn’t stop. They brought two cars – one for My wheelchair, one for Me – and they took Me to the best shopping places. But I said, ‘What will you do?’ They said, ‘We’ll carry your wheelchair upstairs. Can you imagine? They were no relation of mine. I’ve never seen them before. So one of them said, ‘Tomorrow, Mother, I won’t be able to come.’ I said, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘I’m getting married tomorrow.’ And I said, ‘What have you been doing all this day?’ He said, ‘I enjoyed your company so much’. I’m such an old woman like Me – young people. ‘No, no, no, no, I’ve enjoyed. I’ll also bring my bride for You to be seen.’ I tell you, tears came into my eyes. I said, ‘Such love, such kindness.’ I didn’t do anything for them, nothing. I didn’t give them any money, nothing. My goodness, till the end they were so much attentive to Me – very young boys, all below twenty-five years of age. And they carried My wheelchair up three storeys with their hands. I said, ‘Don’t do it, I don’t want …’ They said, ‘No, no, no, no, we want You to see. We want You to come.’ I said, ‘Why?’ [They] said, ‘It would be nice for all of them.’ I don’t know what made them think like that. Such enlightened people, I tell you. With love, you get enlightened. With love, you get understanding. And such deep love exists within you. Now the politicians will come and tell you a story. Then somebody else will tell you, ‘Come and fight’ and all that. That’s how they have managed in Germany, young people. But now, now they’re changing. All this world has to change because it has suffered a lot. This is no religion. This is not the teachings of the saints – no. It is not. It is devilish, that teaches you to hate others, is the worst thing. I mean all the enjoyment of love, all the enjoyment of affection, you don’t know. Nowadays, you see the problem of the churches, this, that. I can’t understand, stupid people. They have done so many laws and with that laws, whatever it is, whatever may be the causes, but what’s happening is that poor children are suffering. They have no sense of pure love. Nobody understands what is poor love is. Which is actually their innate quality, their innate – I should say the ‘property’. But they don’t know how you can love somebody purely! It’s all something very, very wretched. It doesn’t behove human beings to be like that. Even the animals are not like that, but human beings can go to any extreme. The whole wealth of beauty, the whole wealth of creativity, the whole wealth of art, artistic temperament, the whole wealth of enjoying life is finished. If you are a fighting cock, you can’t see anything, any good in anyone, in anything. They will fight others and they’ll fight among themselves also – is a fact. They might say, ‘We must fight.’ All right, fight, but then they fight among themselves also. They will torture their own brothers and sisters. I mean, they don’t love anyone. This is the main thing is. Why take the name of religion? What the religion has done? How could the religion teach you such a horrible thing like hatred for your own? It’s not only among Christians, Hindus, Muslims, but everywhere human beings have become very dirty and filthy. They say it is Kali Yuga. I can’t understand. How can you lose the power to love? That’s what Christ has talked about. He’s talked about love very clearly. He said, ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Have you found anyone like that? No. You don’t find all such people. The Christians who followed Christ, what did they do? Muslims who followed Mohammed-sahib, what did they do? And Hindus who followed Shri Rama, what did they do? Are they anywhere near their leaders? Are they anywhere near those Incarnations of the Divine? Nowhere. The reason is – I don’t blame them – because they had no Realization. They didn’t know their spirit. If you have no Realization, you cannot understand anything, you cannot understand any enjoyment or anything. I mean, if you go to Germany, you can’t go and see all the things they have done. You’ll faint, if you have any human qualities. Even you go to Japan and they way they had put this Hiroshima, this – my goodness, I started trembling, I couldn’t bear it. I said, ‘How could human beings be that cruel?’ Horrible! I mean now the days have come that they’re killing their own children. Extreme is this. The other side of it is Sahaja Yoga, in which you love all human beings because they’re human beings. They’re born with you in this time. You have to help each other and love each other. This is the main thing. If you can develop this, you’ll be very, very strong Sahaja Yogis and you will be supported and blessed by the Divine. Divine will help you and take you out of all troubles and tribulations and all kinds of difficulties, if you are a loving personality. This is what the blessing of Kali Yuga. It didn’t exist like this before. Now, if you are a loving person, the Divine will go out of the way to help you, to sort out your problems, to punish those who are troubling you. I mean, it’s My own experience like that. I never do anything. I never curse anybody. I don’t fight. I don’t shout. Automatically, it works. I don’t even tell the Divine to do anything. The Divine is at the greatest, just personality, I should say. That is the one who does all the justice. Nobody can suffer under the guidance and love of Divine, take it from Me. This is the blessing of Kali Yuga. I agree Kali Yuga is horrible. People are horrible. This is that. But there’s one thing that this Divine has become very alert. It was never that alert. If Christ was born at this time, He could not have been crucified. It’s only because He was not born during Kali Yuga. That’s a very big blessing for us. Nobody can be tortured. Nobody can be troubled. Only thing, you have to be a humble person. You have to have a good character and you have to have a very loving personality. That’s all. You’ll enjoy the loving personality. You’ll get the blessings because [of] you’re loving personality. I mean, the way the Divine looks after you, there are so many miracles people tell Me. I’m not surprised because I know the Divine has become extremely alert towards human beings who are good and nice. It will look after. It will support. It will do everything. It’s very surprising that it has become so alert. Like Muahmmed-sahib suffered so much. Everybody suffered so much, but not now. Now the Sahaja Yogis won’t suffer. Take it from Me. They’re looked after by the Divine itself. Everything is looked after. I will tell you, people have written letters after letters all over the world, how they have been supported, how they have been helped. Very surprising how they have been rescued. So we have to trust in ourselves and we have to really love people. We should be humble and love. All this love will help you all your life. This is the message of Christ. Christ has said, ‘Forgive them.’ How lovingly He said, ‘But they don’t know what they’re doing.’ Very lovingly He pleads for all the bad people who crucified Him, that ‘Oh, Lord, please forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.’ Can you imagine such a loving character of Christ? And now, when we are celebrating and worshipping Him, we have to worship that character within us, that we are also loving people. We love each other. All over the world, all the Sahaja Yogis love each other. Of course, there could be one or two who are not so good, but mostly, ninety-nine percent Sahaja Yogis love each other. My blessings to you is this – on this day may God give you lots of love, and loving capacity within you, that you should have, which will change your life completely and you’ll become such a powerful personality, very powerful Sahaja Yogis. You can do marvels and miracles if you have developed the understanding of love. May God bless you