Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/25/2023, 04:14:35</t0> Following the defeat of Japan in <e0>World War II</e0>, Vietnamese nationalists agitated for independence against French return. French forces landed in Haiphong and encountered resistance which resulted in the deaths of three French soldiers. In retaliation, the French ships, among them the cruiser Suffren, shelled the city, setting it ablaze[11] and precipitating the First Indochina War.[12][13] French infantry forces under the command of Jean-Étienne Valluy entered the city, fighting house to house with the support of armored units and airplanes.[14]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/16/2023, 15:04:32</t0> Foreskin restoration is of ancient origin and dates back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius (AD 14-37), when surgical means were taken to lengthen the foreskin of individuals born with either a short foreskin that did not cover the glans completely[2] or a completely exposed glans as a result of circumcision.[5] Again, during <e0>World War II</e0> some European Jews sought foreskin restoration to avoid Nazi persecution.[6]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>05/12/2023, 13:06:20</t0> In popular literature, two early 20th-century novels by Thomas Dixon Jr. – The Leopard's Spots: A <e0>Romance</e0> of the White Man's Burden – 1865–1900 (1902), and The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (1905) – idealized White resistance to Northern and Black coercion, hailing vigilante action by the Ku Klux Klan.[294] D. W. Griffith adapted Dixon's The Clansman for the screen in his anti-Republican movie The Birth of a Nation (1915); it stimulated the formation of the 20th-century version of the KKK. Many other authors romanticized the supposed benevolence of slavery and the elite world of the antebellum plantations, in memoirs and histories which were published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; the United Daughters of the Confederacy promoted influential works which were written in these genres by women.[295]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/22/2023, 19:06:05</t0> Taiwan was initially made a prefecture of Fujian Province by the <e0>Qing dynasty</e0> of China after its conquest of the Kingdom of Tungning in 1683. Following the French offensive in northern Taiwan during the Sino-French War, the island's strategic position in maritime security and defence was re-evaluated and given prominence by the Qing.[4] Under the auspices of Liu Ming-chuan, a plan was commenced to develop Taiwan into a stand-alone division. In 1887, Taiwan was designated as a distinct province (namely "Fujian-Taiwan Province"; Chinese: 福建臺灣省), with Liu as the first governor, but the island was then ceded to the Empire of Japan in 1895, following China's defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War. After the surrender of Japan in <e1>World War II</e1>, the province was re-established on Taiwan by the Kuomintang (KMT)-led Nationalist Government in September 1945 and it became the last stronghold of the KMT government after their defeat in the Chinese Civil War. The provincial capital of Taipei has correspondingly become the provisional capital of the ROC central government since 1949.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/29/2023, 14:29:57</t0> On the Internet there are many collective projects where users interact only by modifying local parts of their shared virtual environment. Wikipedia is an example of this.[18][19] The massive structure of information available in a <e0>wiki</e0>,[20] or an open source software project such as the FreeBSD kernel[20] could be compared to a termite nest; one initial user leaves a seed of an idea (a mudball) which attracts other users who then build upon and modify this initial concept, eventually constructing an elaborate structure of connected thoughts.[21][22]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/10/2023, 19:31:06</t0> A series of Islamist terrorist attacks linked to al-Qaeda were planned to occur on or near January 1, 2000, in the context of millennium celebrations, including bombing plots against four tourist sites in Jordan, the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), USS The Sullivans, and the hijacking of <e0>Indian Airlines Flight 814</e0>.[1]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2023, 07:35:06</t0> Prior to <e0>World War II</e0>, the city had undergone occupations by the French (1794–1815) and the British (1918–1926), and was part of Prussia beginning in 1815. Cologne was one of the most heavily bombed cities in Germany during World War II.[4] The bombing reduced the population by 93% mainly due to evacuation, and destroyed almost the entire millennia-old city center. The post-war rebuilding has resulted in a very mixed cityscape, restoring only major historic landmarks like city gates and churches (31 of them being Romanesque).
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2023, 07:35:06</t0> During <e0>World War I</e0> Cologne was the target of several minor air raids but suffered no significant damage. Cologne was occupied by the British Army of the Rhine until 1926, under the terms of the Armistice and the subsequent Versailles Peace Treaty.[18] In contrast with the harsh behaviour of the French occupation troops in Germany, the British forces were more lenient to the local population. Konrad Adenauer, the mayor of Cologne from 1917 until 1933 and later a West German chancellor, acknowledged the political impact of this approach, especially since Britain had opposed French demands for a permanent Allied occupation of the entire Rhineland.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/03/2022, 17:24:41</t0> Wilhelm Franz Josef Beiglböck (10 October 1905 – 22 November 1963) was an internist Nazi physician and held the title of Consulting Physician to the German Luftwaffe (Airforce) during <e0>World War II</e0>. In the 1947 Doctors' Trial, he was tried and convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity for conducting human experimentation involving seawater on prisoners at Dachau concentration camp; he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, but his sentence was commuted to 10 years and he was released in 1951. He was found dead in a stairwell in 1963.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/02/2021, 08:30:18</t0> No. 73 Squadron was a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) maritime patrol squadron of <e0>World War II</e0>. It was formed in July 1942 and conducted patrols off the east coast of Australia until July 1944. The squadron was disbanded in September 1944.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>01/09/2023, 17:28:07</t0> In 1908, France organized French Equatorial Africa (AEF), comprising the Middle Congo, Gabon, Chad, and Oubangui-Chari (what later is Central African Republic). The French designated Brazzaville as the federal capital. Economic development during the first 50 years of colonial rule in Congo centered on natural-resource extraction. Construction of the Congo–Ocean Railway following <e0>World War I</e0> has been estimated to have cost at least 14,000 lives.[17]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>01/09/2023, 17:28:07</t0> During the Nazi occupation of France during <e0>World War II</e0>, Brazzaville functioned as the symbolic capital of Free France between 1940 and 1943.[21] The Brazzaville Conference of 1944 heralded a period of reform in French colonial policy. Congo "benefited" from the postwar expansion of colonial administrative and infrastructure spending as a result of its central geographic location within AEF and the federal capital at Brazzaville.[16] It had a local legislature after the adoption of the 1946 constitution that established the Fourth Republic.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 18:17:59</t0> Twenty-four uniliteral signs make up the so-called hieroglyphic alphabet. Egyptian hieroglyphic writing does not normally indicate vowels, unlike <e0>cuneiform</e0>, and for that reason has been labelled by some as an abjad, i.e., an alphabet without vowels.
[ "t0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/21/2023, 13:35:03</t0> Carlsen Air Force Base is a former United States Army Air Forces <e0>World War II</e0> airbase on Trinidad, consisting of two landing strips, "Edinburgh" and "Xeres". The airbase also included an emergency landing strip, "Tobago".
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/17/2023, 09:11:18</t0> A more sophisticated target-hardening approach must consider industrial and other critical industrial infrastructure that could be attacked. Terrorists do not need to import chemical weapons if they can cause a major industrial accident such as the Bhopal disaster or the Halifax Explosion. Industrial chemicals in manufacturing, shipping, and storage thus require greater protection, and some efforts are in progress.[37] To put this risk into perspective, the first major lethal chemical attack of <e0>World War I</e0> used 160 tons of chlorine; industrial shipments of chlorine, widely used in water purification and the chemical industry, travel in 90- or 55-ton tank cars.[original research?]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>07/19/2023, 13:45:52</t0> People with neurological disorders or conditions observed to have low intelligence, lack of self-control, suicidal behavior, or any number of factors may be discriminated on this basis. Institutions such as mental asylums, <e0>Nazi</e0> Concentration Camps, unethical pediatric research/care facilities, and eugenics labs have been used to carry out dangerous experiments or to torture the individuals involved.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/06/2022, 13:07:23</t0> In 1945 he began service in the Far East with the Office of Strategic Services. At the conclusion of <e0>World War II</e0> Crane joined the Tokyo Bureau of The New York Times. He was wounded while covering the Korean War.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/17/2023, 09:45:03</t0> The Polish Indoor Athletics Championships (Polish: Halowe mistrzostwa Polski seniorów w lekkoatletyce) is an annual indoor track and field competition organised by the Polish Athletic Association, which serves as the national championship for the sport in Poland.[1] Typically held over two to three days in February during the Dutch winter, it was first added to the national calendar in 1933, supplementing the main outdoor Polish Athletics Championships held in the summer since 1920.[2] The national indoor competition was held from 1933 to 1956 (with a break during <e0>World War II</e0> from 1939 to 1945). After a near twenty-year gap, the championships was restored to its annual fixture in 1973.[1]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/19/2023, 04:16:31</t0> Evidence of settlement at Mallaha or ʿAin Mallaha dates back to the <e0>Mesolithic</e0> period at circa 10,000 BCE.[4] The first permanent village settlement of pre-agricultural times in Israel, Kathleen Kenyon describes the material remains found there as Natufian.[5][6] The Natufian village was colonized in three phases. The first two phases had massive stone-built structures with smaller ones in the third phase. These phases occurred from 12,000 to 9600 BCE. The dwellings were cut into the earth, had subterranean floors, and walls that were built of dry stone. Wooden posts supported the roofs, which were probably thatches with brushwood or animal hides.[7] Hearths were located within the dwellings. Kenyon describes the Natufian village as consisting of 50 circular, semi-subterranean, one-room huts, paved with flat slabs and surrounded by stone walls up to 1.2 meters (3.9 ft) high.[5] The floors and walls of the homes were decorated in solid white or red, a simple and popular decorative motif in the Near East at the time.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/10/2021, 20:25:53</t0> Imeson Field, also known as Jacksonville Imeson Airport, was the airport serving Jacksonville, Florida, from 1927 until its closing in 1968. It was known as Jacksonville Municipal Airport prior to <e0>World War II</e0>, Jacksonville Army Airfield when the United States Army Air Forces controlled the facility during <e1>World War II</e1>, and at its closing the airport was Jacksonville – Thomas Cole Imeson Municipal Airport.
[ "t0", "start e1", "end e1", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start e1", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e1", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "end e1", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/10/2021, 20:25:53</t0> As part of the buildup of forces prior to the United States entry into <e0>World War II</e0>, the Army Air Corps leased Imeson Field from the City of Jacksonville on 6 February 1941. Construction of military facilities at Jacksonville Army Airfield began on 5 April. It was assigned to I Bomber Command, First Air Force. A flight of the 16th Observation Squadron (Medium) was assigned with light observation aircraft with a mission of monitoring coastal airspace for Nazi U-boats. Jurisdiction was transferred to Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command which assigned the 7th Antisubmarine Squadron in December 1942. Antisubmarine aircraft operated with A-20 Havoc light bombers and B-18 Bolo medium bombers equipped with submarine detection equipment.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/10/2021, 20:25:53</t0> Imeson was originally a Pablo Beach city councilman who ran a curio business at the Beach. He became a Jacksonville city commissioner who had a strong interest in aviation. At the end of <e0>World War I</e0>, the United States airmail service was established. Delivery of air mail was much quicker than first class, but the Post Office Department required a formal airport, not just a vacant field which was the case with Paxon Field on the Westside. A group of 73 people met in December, 1924 to establish a local chapter of the National Aeronautic Association. Imeson was selected as president, and with the group's influence, land was cleared at the city prison farm for an airport.[3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/13/2023, 17:07:16</t0> 152 mm mortar M1931 (NM) (Russian: 152-мм мортира образца 1931 года (НМ))[1] was a 152.4 mm (6 inch) artillery piece originally developed by the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall. The gun was produced in limited numbers in the Soviet Union and saw action with the Soviet Army in <e0>World War II</e0>. A modified version of the design was also adopted in Germany, as 15 cm sIG 33.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/27/2022, 06:14:52</t0> The Tiananmen ("Gate of Heavenly Peace"), a gate in the wall of the Imperial City, was built in 1417 during the Ming dynasty. In the 17th century, fighting between Li Zicheng's rebel forces and the forces of the Manchu-led <e0>Qing dynasty</e0> caused heavy damage to, or even destroyed, the gate. Tiananmen Square was designed and built in 1651 and was enlarged fourfold in the 1950s.[8][9]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/03/2023, 15:39:10</t0> Year 1070 (MLXX) was a common year starting on Friday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar, the 1070th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 70th year of the <e0>2nd millennium</e0>, the 70th year of the <e1>11th century</e1>, and the 1st year of the 1070s decade.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "=", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>07/22/2022, 17:37:44</t0> Railway lines (including tramway lines, light rail lines, rapid transit lines, monorails etc.) opened in the year <e0>1950</e0>.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/2023, 09:08:42</t0> The only evidence of prehistoric people in Gondiswil are some scattered <e0>neolithic</e0> items that were found near Staldershaus. During the Middle Ages the major landowners were all local nobles. However, in 841-72 the Perchtgers donated land to the Abbey of St. Gallen. In 1194 the Baron of Langenstein granted some land in Gondiswil to St. Urban's Abbey. Other religious houses also eventually acquired land in or around the village including the Benedictine monastery of St. Johannsen in Erlach in 1236 and the Knights Hospitaller Thunstetten Commandery in 1263. During the Late Middle Ages it was part of the court of Murgeten in Murgenthal and belonged to the Herrschaft of Grünenberg. The entire Herrschaft was partially sold in 1432 and completely sold in 1480 to Bern. Under Bernese control Gondiswil and Melchnau formed a low court in the bailiwick of Aarwangen.[3]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/27/2023, 09:08:42</t0> In 1894 the Schieferkohle railway was founded. From 1918 to 1919, limited coal mining occurred, but the beds were too small, and the mine collapsed, leaving a small lake. In <e0>World War II</e0>, coal was again mined from the area.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/01/2022, 13:57:55</t0> A specialist in the bel canto repertoire, he prepared the first performing edition of Donizetti's Élisabeth ou la fille de l'exilé and conducted its world premiere at the Caramoor Festival on July 17, 2003.[4] Crutchfield conducted Rossini's Ciro in Babilonia at the 2012 Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, marking the first collaboration between his Bel Canto at Caramoor program and the Rossini Opera Festival.[5] He returned to the Rossini Opera Festival in 2014 to conduct Aureliano in Palmira in the world premiere of the critical edition of the score which he edited for Casa Ricordi.[6][7] His performances and the subsequent recording of this work garnered the 2015 prize for best rediscovered work at the International Opera Awards.[8] In the summer of 2016, he conducted Aureliano in Palmira in its North American premiere for the Bel Canto at <e0>Caramoor International Music Festival</e0>.[9]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/11/2023, 12:16:42</t0> Adelén participated in the Norwegian national selection for the <e0>Eurovision Song Contest 2013</e0> in Oslo with the Spanish-influenced song "Bombo", written by Ina Wroldsen and Quiz &amp; Larossi and came in second place.[2][3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>03/06/2023, 05:02:38</t0> He died in 680 following an illness and was initially buried in the Saint Peter's Church, Saulges [fr].[3] In the <e0>8th century</e0> his relics were moved to the Cathedral Saint-Maurice in Angers; and were later returned and placed in the church at Saint-Céneré. a reliquary containing a small part of his body is exposed in the north transept of the Saint Peter's church.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/17/2022, 12:12:08</t0> Little is known about Davison's life during <e0>World War II</e0>. However, Davison's name surprisingly appeared (albeit misspelled Pierre Coralfleet) in the notorious Sonderfahndungsliste G. B.[3] His translation and adaptation of Hella Wuolijoki's Women of Property, staged at The Queen's Theatre in London in 1937 received considerable attention in the press,[24] which in turn, may have drawn him to the attention of the Gestapo, given Wuolijoli's notoriety.[25] Homosexuality may also have been a factor.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/21/2023, 16:35:02</t0> Born in Waipukurau in 1924, Brathwaite was educated at Timaru Boys' High School. He served in the Royal New Zealand Air Force as an air gunner in the Pacific in the latter part of <e0>World War II</e0>. He married Alison Whyte at St John's Church, Latimer Square, in Christchurch on 20 March 1948[1] and after a period in the army he began working in advertising.[2]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/09/2022, 19:13:27</t0> Amr Mohamed Helmi Khaled[2] (Arabic: عمرو محمد حلمي خالد; born: 5 September 1967) is an Egyptian Muslim activist and television preacher. The New York Times Magazine, in reference to Khaled's popularity in English-speaking countries, described him in 2006 issue as "the world's most famous and influential Muslim television preacher." In 2007, Amr Khaled was chosen as one of the world's 100 most influential people by <e0>Time</e0> magazine.[3] His message appeals to a large number of Muslims who want an easy way to understand Islam.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>07/25/2021, 18:06:17</t0> Moore was born in Convent, New Jersey to Paul Moore Sr. and was named after his paternal grandfather, William Henry Moore. He attended St. Paul's School, where he served later as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He graduated from Yale College in 1937. Moore served In the U.S. Navy in <e0>World War II</e0>. He earned a Bronze Star during the enlistment.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/28/2023, 15:31:12</t0> Initiated in reaction against the perceived impoverishment of the decorative arts and the conditions in which they were produced,[3] the movement flourished in Europe and North America between about 1880 and 1920. It is the root of the Modern Style, the British expression of what later came to be called the <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> movement, which it strongly influenced.[4] In Japan, it emerged in the 1920s as the Mingei movement. It stood for traditional craftsmanship, and often used medieval, <e1>romantic</e1>, or folk styles of decoration. It advocated economic and social reform and was anti-industrial in its orientation.[3][5] It had a strong influence on the arts in Europe until it was displaced by Modernism in the 1930s,[1] and its influence continued among craft makers, designers, and town planners long afterwards.[6]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/28/2023, 15:31:12</t0> The situation in Wales was different from elsewhere in the UK. Insofar as craftsmanship was concerned, Arts and Crafts was a revivalist campaign. But in Wales, at least until <e0>World War I</e0>, a genuine craft tradition still existed. Local materials, stone or clay, continued to be used as a matter of course.[64]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/28/2023, 15:31:12</t0> Widely exhibited in Europe, the Arts and Crafts style's simplicity inspired designers like Henry van de Velde and styles such as <e0>Art Nouveau</e0>, the Dutch De Stijl group, Vienna Secession, and eventually the Bauhaus style. Pevsner regarded the style as a prelude to Modernism, which used simple forms without ornamentation.[10]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/28/2023, 15:31:12</t0> The terms American Craftsman or Craftsman style are often used to denote the style of architecture, interior design, and decorative arts that prevailed between the dominant eras of <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> and Art Deco in the US, or approximately the period from 1910 to 1925. The movement was particularly notable for the professional opportunities it opened up for women as artisans, designers and entrepreneurs who founded and ran, or were employed by, such successful enterprises as the Kalo Shops, Pewabic Pottery, Rookwood Pottery, and Tiffany Studios. In Canada, the term Arts and Crafts predominates, but Craftsman is also recognized.[76]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/13/2023, 00:13:32</t0> William Neilly left the army as a Lance Sergeant after the end of <e0>World War I</e0> in 1918. He remained in the army reserve until he was demobilised on 24 July 1922.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/2023, 22:21:17</t0> Bilali "Ben Ali" Muhammad was a Fula Muslim from Timbo, Futa-Jallon, in present-day Guinea-Conakry, who arrived at Sapelo Island during 1803. While enslaved, he became the religious leader and Imam for a slave community numbering approximately eighty Muslim men residing on his plantation. During the <e0>War of 1812</e0>, Muhammad and the eighty Muslim men under his leadership protected their master's Sapelo Island property from a British attack.[28] He is known to have fasted during the month of Ramadan, worn a fez and kaftan, and observed the Muslim feasts, in addition to consistently performing the five obligatory prayers.[29] In 1829, Bilali authored a thirteen-page Arabic Risala on Islamic beliefs and the rules for ablution, morning prayer, and the calls to prayer. Known as the Bilali Document, it is currently housed at the University of Georgia in Athens.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/02/2023, 22:21:17</t0> Small-scale migration to the U.S. by Muslims began in 1840, with the arrival of Yemenis and Turks,[48] and lasted until <e0>World War I</e0>. Most of the immigrants, from Arab areas of the Ottoman Empire, came with the purpose of making money and returning to their homeland. However, the economic hardships of 19th-century America[clarification needed] prevented them from prospering, and as a result the immigrants settled in the United States permanently. These immigrants settled primarily in Dearborn, Michigan; Paterson, New Jersey; Quincy, Massachusetts; and Ross, North Dakota. Ross, North Dakota is the site of the first documented mosque and Muslim Cemetery, but it was abandoned and later torn down in the mid-1970s. A new mosque was built in its place in 2005.[41] Construction of mosques sped up in the 1920s and 1930s, and by 1952, there were over 20 mosques.[41] Although the first mosque was established in the U.S. in 1915, relatively few mosques were founded before the 1960s.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/16/2023, 04:02:18</t0> During his reign, the Uyghurs formed an alliance with <e0>Tang China</e0> against the Tibetans and Karluks who were struggling for supremacy in the Tarim Basin. He died soon enough without an heir. He was followed by Grand Chancellor Inanchu Bilge in a kurultai. Even though the royal clan changed from the Yaglakar to the Ädiz clan, his successor adopted a Yaglakar surname because of the prestige.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/19/2023, 04:12:57</t0> The foreign policy of the Netherlands is based on four basic commitments: to Transatlantic relations, European integration, international development and international law. While historically the Netherlands used to be a neutral state, it has joined many international organisations since <e0>World War II</e0>, most prominently the United Nations, NATO and the European Union. The Dutch economy is very open and heavily reliant on international trade. One of the more controversial international issues surrounding the Netherlands is its liberal policy towards soft drugs.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/15/2023, 22:44:00</t0> The 9 O'Clock Gun has been silent for several periods:[citation needed] once during <e0>World War II</e0>, in 1969 when it was stolen and held by University of British Columbia Engineering students until a "ransom" was donated to BC Children's Hospital, in 2007 during a work stoppage, in 2008 when UBC Engineering students painted it red, and on 20 May 2011, 22 July 2017, 26 July 2017, 8 August 2019, 7 October 2019, 17 November 2019, 26 November 2019 and 1 January 2021 with no explanation.[citation needed] After the 1969 theft, the cannon was surrounded by a stone and metal enclosure as shown in the photo.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/05/2023, 15:31:19</t0> He was awarded the highest honours then open to British men of science. The Royal Society, who had elected him as Fellow when he was 25 (1851), awarded him the Royal Medal the next year (1852), a year before Charles Darwin got the same award. He was the youngest biologist to receive such recognition. Then later in life he received the <e0>Copley Medal</e0> in 1888 and the Darwin Medal in 1894; the Geological Society awarded him the Wollaston Medal in 1876; the Linnean Society awarded him the Linnean Medal in 1890. There were many other elections and appointments to eminent scientific bodies; these and his many academic awards are listed in the Life and Letters. He turned down many other appointments, notably the Linacre chair in zoology at Oxford and the Mastership of University College, Oxford.[31]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/05/2023, 15:31:19</t0> They would dine early on first Thursdays at a hotel, planning what to do; high on the agenda was to change the way the Royal Society Council did business. It was no coincidence that the Council met later that same evening. First item for the Xs was to get the <e0>Copley Medal</e0> for Darwin, which they managed after quite a struggle.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/23/2023, 17:41:43</t0> Powell also regularly clashed with Secretary of Defense Leslie Aspin, whom he was initially hesitant to support after Aspin was nominated by President Clinton.[59] During a lunch meeting between Powell and Aspin in preparation of Operation Gothic Serpent, Aspin was more focused on eating salad than listening and paying attention to Powell's presentation on military operations.[59] The incident caused Powell to grow more irritated towards Aspin and led to his early resignation on September 30, 1993. Powell was succeeded temporarily by Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral David E. Jeremiah, who took the position as Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Soon after Powell's resignation, on October 3–4, 1993, the <e0>Battle of Mogadishu</e0>, the aim of which was to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, was initiated and ended in disaster. Powell later defended Aspin, saying in part that he could not fault Aspin for Aspin's decision to remove a Lockheed AC-130 from the list of armaments requested for the operation.[60]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/10/2023, 03:51:27</t0> Both <e0>World War I</e0> and <e1>World War II</e1> had a devastating effect on Australian football and on Australian sport in general. While scratch matches were played by Australian "diggers" in remote locations around the world, the game lost many of its great players to wartime service. Some clubs and competitions never fully recovered. Between 1914 and 1915, a proposed hybrid code of Australian football and rugby league, the predominant code of football in New South Wales and Queensland, was trialled without success.[53][54] In Queensland, the state league went into recess for the duration of the war. VFL club University left the league and went into recess due to severe casualties. The WAFL lost two clubs and the SANFL was suspended for one year in 1916 due to heavy club losses. The Anzac Day match, the annual game between Essendon and Collingwood on Anzac Day, is one example of how the war continues to be remembered in the football community.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/29/2023, 19:04:51</t0> In 2016, Anthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly called Thrawn a "fan favorite" and "one of the most significant characters to ever emerge from the Expanded Universe",[5] and Brian Truitt of <e0>USA Today</e0> named the character "one of Star Wars fandom's favorite villains".[6] called Thrawn "arguably the most popular character in the Star Wars Legends universe" in 2017,[66] and Linda Hansen-Raj wrote that the character "carries a lasting legacy as one of Star Wars' greatest and most complex antagonists."[10] In 2014, GamesRadar's Sam Ashurst called Thrawn "hugely popular amongst fans, partly because of his tactical genius, partly because of his progressive attitude to his employees but mainly due to the fact he's got a blue face" and "easily the coolest villain in the Expanded Universe", noting Thrawn's loss as one of the major consequences of Lucasfilm's abandonment of the old expanded universe for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.[85] Emmet Asher-Perrin of noted in 2016 that as "one of the most popular Expanded Universe villains" and "one of the most threatening antagonists that the Star Wars universe had on hand", the character's removal from canon continuity "had many fans crying foul".[9]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/21/2022, 21:16:38</t0> Many students and alumni enlisted in the armed forces during the <e0>World War I</e0>. It is estimated that of the 6500 gadzarts who joined the army, 1100 died the first year of the conflict. Many campuses were damaged by the war, especially that of Châlons-sur-Marne, which was in the middle of the Battle of the Marne. The Lille campus was occupied by the Germans and used as a military hospital. The other campuses were completely closed from 1916 to 1917 and the new Parisian campus was undamaged.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/21/2022, 21:16:38</t0> During <e0>World War II</e0> , the school tried to keep a certain level of activity. The only campuses to experience some difficulties were Lille and Châlons-sur-Marne: in 1939 no new students were admitted. The Cluny campus was the target of a roundup in 1943 and a large part of students and staff were deported. The death of Jacques Bonsergent left a mark on the conflict, he became a symbol of resistance to the oppressor.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 10:33:26</t0> In Hungarian, the double acute is thought of as the letter having both an umlaut and an acute accent. Standard Hungarian has 14 vowels in a symmetrical system: seven short vowels (<e0>a</e0>, e, <e1>i</e1>, o, ö, <e2>u</e2>, ü) and seven long ones, which are written with an acute accent in the case of á, é, í, ó, ú, and with the double acute in the case of ő, ű. Vowel length has phonemic significance in Hungarian, that is, it distinguishes different words and grammatical forms.
[ "t0", "start e2", "end e2" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e2" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e2" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e2", "target": "end e2" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>07/06/2023, 08:31:13</t0> In spite of no linguistic distinction between a city and a town in the Polish language (both translated miasto), a city may be recognized among other Polish urban municipalities through being managed by a city mayor (prezydent miasta, literally translated city president) instead of a town mayor (burmistrz) as the head of the city executive, thus being informally called miasto prezydenckie, with such privilege automatically awarded to municipalities either inhabited by more than 100,000 residents (currently 37) or those enjoying the status of a city with powiat rights (currently 66). As of 2022, all of the former group fit into the latter, though it was not always the case in the past. There is, however, a number of exemptions due to historic or political reasons, when a municipality meets neither of these two conditions but nevertheless has the city status, including the only 3 capitals of the former <e0>voivodeships of Poland (1975–1998)</e0> not meeting the abovementioned criteria, as well as 38 other municipalities which do not fit into any of the mentioned categories but have nevertheless been allowed to keep the earlier awarded status due to unspecified historical reasons. Among the 37 cities over 100,000, 18 are seats of voivode or voivodeship sejmik, thus carrying the informal designation of a voivodeship city. 11 of them are seats of an appeal court and other supra-voivodeship institutions.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/11/2022, 22:59:04</t0> The present imposing five-storied building was built from 1934 to 1940 at a cost of Rs 9 lakhs, which was collected partly from the public of Calcutta, assistance from Belgium, and the huge rental received from the American army that occupied the building during <e0>World War II</e0>.[2][5] Expansion of the school has been a long effort, with a campus slated for Salt Lake City, Kolkata and a second boys' hostel not far from the existing one.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/05/2023, 11:49:03</t0> Franz Seldte (29 June 1882 – 1 April 1947) was a German politician who served as the Reich Minister for Labour from 1933 to 1945.[1] Prior to his ministry, Seldte served as the Federal Leader of Der Stahlhelm <e0>World War I</e0> ex-servicemen's organisation from 1918 to 1934. Ideologically, he identified as a national conservative.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/05/2023, 11:49:03</t0> Born in Magdeburg in the Prussian province of Saxony, Seldte was the son of an owner of a factory producing chemical products and soda water.[1] He attended the Wilhelm-Raabe-Gymnasium in Magdeburg and, after an apprenticeship as a salesman, studied chemistry at the universities of Braunschweig and Greifswald. In 1908 he took over the business of his early deceased father.[2] As an officer of the German Army he was wounded in <e0>World War I</e0> and lost his left arm.[1] He then became a front reporter. Awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd and 1st class,[3] Seldte also was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann d.R. in the 66th Infantry Regiment.[citation needed]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/05/2023, 11:49:03</t0> In 1935 Seldte requested to be released from official responsibilities, but Hitler refused. Throughout his tenure as chief of the Labor Ministry, Seldte never enjoyed the full support of Hitler, who did not think he was worth much. As a result, members of the Nazi hierarchy began encroaching on his areas of responsibility and Seldte was marginalized accordingly.[14] For instance, Hermann Goering's Four Year Plan which he began to implement in late 1936, ran roughshod over Seldte's Labor Ministry altogether.[15] Seldte, without substantial power, remained Reich and Prussian Minister for Labour until the end of <e0>World War II</e0>. Even after Hitler's suicide and the nomination of Grand Admiral Dönitz as his successor, Seldte kept his post, being named Labour Minister in the Flensburg government.[16]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/24/2023, 13:29:33</t0> On 15 October 2021, at the opening of the VII Congress of Russian Compatriots in Moscow, he accused the West of trying to impose "false narratives" about <e0>World War II</e0>, stating the need to "protect" compatriots and Russians from Russia around the world, and said that not only do parishes of The Moscow Patriarchate unite Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians through religion, but also through Russian language. Kirill urged families of these peoples to teach their own children to love their "historical homeland" Russia and to raise their children as Russophones.[113]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 02:18:04</t0> Kornbluth served in the US Army during <e0>World War II</e0> (European 'Theatre').[8] He received a Bronze Star for his service in the Battle of the Bulge, where he served as a member of a heavy machine gun crew. Upon his discharge, he returned to finish his education at the University of Chicago under the G.I. Bill.[8] While living in Chicago he also worked at Trans-Radio Press, a news wire service. In 1951 he started writing full-time,[5] returning to the East Coast where he collaborated on novels with his old Futurian friends Frederik Pohl and Judith Merril.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/26/2022, 16:13:36</t0> The architectural style used is mainly Haussmanian, but there are also some Palladian, <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> or Art Deco buildings.[citation needed]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/26/2022, 16:13:36</t0> The first sign of human presence in Angers dates back to around 400,000 BC.[31] Vestiges from the <e0>Neolithic</e0> are more abundant and include numerous polished stone axes. Burials from 4500 x 3500 BC were also discovered on the castle grounds.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": "<", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/26/2022, 16:13:36</t0> During the first half of the 20th century, several <e0>Art Nouveau</e0> and Art Deco buildings were constructed, such as the Nouvelles Galeries, the Hotel des Postes, Hotel Continental, the Alcazar and the Maison bleue.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/27/2023, 22:17:21</t0> Classical Syriac is written in the Syriac alphabet, a derivation of the Aramaic alphabet. The language is preserved in a large body of Syriac literature, that comprises roughly 90% of the extant Aramaic literature.[8] Along with Greek and Latin, Syriac became one of the three most important languages of <e0>Early Christianity</e0>.[9] Already from the first and second centuries AD, the inhabitants of the region of Osroene began to embrace Christianity, and by the third and fourth centuries, local Edessan Aramaic language became the vehicle of the specific Christian culture that came to be known as the Syriac Christianity. Because of theological differences, Syriac-speaking Christians diverged during the 5th century into the Church of the East that followed the East Syriac Rite under the Persian rule, and the Syriac Orthodox Church that followed the West Syriac Rite under the Byzantine rule.[10]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/27/2023, 22:17:21</t0> Within linguistics, mosaic of terminological ambiguities related to Syrian/Syriac labels was additionally enriched by introduction of the term "Palaeo-Syrian language" as a variant designation for the ancient Eblaite language from the third millennium BC,[61][62] that is unrelated to the much later Edessan Aramaic, and its early phases, that were commonly labeled as Old/Proto- or even Paleo/Palaeo-Syrian/Syriac in scholarly literature. Newest addition to the terminological mosaic occurred c. 2014, when it was proposed, also by a scholar, that one of regional dialects of the Old Aramaic language from the first centuries of the <e0>1st millennium BC</e0> should be called "Central Syrian Aramaic",[63][64] thus introducing another ambiguous term, that can be used, in its generic meaning, to any local variant of Aramaic that occurred in central regions of Syria during any period in history.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/03/2023, 14:48:56</t0> If you feel a change is needed, feel free to make it yourself! Wikipedia is a <e0>wiki</e0>, so anyone (yourself included) can edit any article by following the Edit this page link. Wikipedia convention is to be bold and not be afraid of making mistakes. If you're not sure how editing works, have a look at How to edit a page, or try out the Sandbox to test your editing skills.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/20/2023, 14:58:47</t0> World War 1 in Colour is a six-episode television documentary series recounting the major events of <e0>World War I</e0> narrated by Kenneth Branagh.[1] The first of its six parts aired on 23 July 2003.[2] The series consists of colourised footage, with the colour of the images having been enhanced by computer-aided technology.[1] It reportedly took 400 technicians over a period of five months to colourise the footage.[3]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/04/2022, 18:48:19</t0> A 2008 <e0>USA Today</e0>/Gallup Poll indicated that Americans believed that diplomatic relations "should" be re-established with Cuba, with 61% in favor and 31% opposed.[120]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/29/2023, 13:17:02</t0> The life of seventeenth-century Mexican nun, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, renowned in her lifetime, has been portrayed in a 1990 Argentine film, I, the Worst of All[163] and in a TV miniseries Juana Inés.[164] Seventeenth-century Mexican trickster Martín Garatuza was the subject of a late nineteenth-century novel by Mexican politician and writer, Vicente Riva Palacio. In the twentieth century, Garatuza's life was the subject of a 1935 film[165] and a 1986 telenovela, <e0>Martín Garatuza</e0>.[166]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/10/2022, 16:57:26</t0> "In the Name of the Brother" is the 12th episode of the second season of the American ABC fantasy/drama television series <e0>Once Upon a Time</e0>, and the show's 34th episode overall, which aired on January 20, 2013.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>04/10/2022, 16:57:26</t0> "In the Name of the Brother" was written by consulting producer Jane Espenson, while being directed by <e0>24</e0> vet Milan Cheylov.[1]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/06/2023, 13:25:22</t0> This category is for songs issued as singles in the year <e0>2012</e0>. .mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/17/2022, 03:03:05</t0> Gas-insulated electrical gear is also more resistant to the effects of pollution and climate, as well as being more reliable in long-term operation because of its controlled operating environment. Exposure to an arc chemically breaks down SF6 though most of the decomposition products tend to quickly re-form SF6, a process termed "self-healing".[16] Arcing or corona can produce disulfur decafluoride (S2F10), a highly toxic gas, with toxicity similar to phosgene. S2F10 was considered a potential chemical warfare agent in <e0>World War II</e0> because it does not produce lacrimation or skin irritation, thus providing little warning of exposure.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 10:46:41</t0> In April 1920, Christian instigated the Easter Crisis, perhaps the most decisive event in the evolution of the Danish monarchy in the twentieth century. The immediate cause was a conflict between the King and the cabinet over the reunification with Denmark of Schleswig, a former Danish fiefdom, which had been lost to Prussia during the Second War of Schleswig. Danish claims to the region persisted to the end of <e0>World War I</e0>, at which time the defeat of the Germans made it possible to resolve the dispute. According to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the disposition of Schleswig was to be determined by two plebiscites: one in Northern Schleswig (Denmark's South Jutland County 1971–2006), the other in Central Schleswig (today part of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein). No plebiscite was planned for Southern Schleswig, as it was dominated by an ethnic German majority and, in accordance with prevailing sentiment of the times, remained part of the post-war German state.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 02:17:52</t0> Modern antisemitism has primarily been described as hatred against Jews as a race and its most recent expression is rooted in 18th-century racial theories. Anti-Judaism is rooted in hostility toward Judaism the religion; in Western Christianity, anti-Judaism effectively merged with antisemitism during the <e0>12th century</e0>.[1]: 16  Scholars have debated how Christian antisemitism played a role in the Nazi Third Reich, <e1>World War II</e1>, and the Holocaust.[6] The Holocaust forced many Christians to reflect on the role(s) Christian theology and practice played and still play in anti-Judaism and antisemitism.[7]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0", "start e1", "end e1" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "start e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "end e0", "target": "end e1" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e1", "target": "end e1" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 02:17:52</t0> In 1916, in the midst of the <e0>First World War</e0>, American Jews petitioned Pope Benedict XV on behalf of the Polish Jews.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 02:17:52</t0> Archbishop Robert Runcie asserted that: "Without centuries of Christian antisemitism, Hitler's passionate hatred would never have been so fervently echoed... because for centuries Christians have held Jews collectively responsible for the death of Jesus. On Good Friday in times past, Jews have cowered behind locked doors with fear of a Christian mob seeking 'revenge' for deicide. Without the poisoning of Christian minds through the centuries, the Holocaust is unthinkable."[1]: 21  The dissident Catholic priest Hans Küng has written that "Nazi anti-Judaism was the work of godless, anti-Christian criminals. But it would not have been possible without the almost two thousand years' pre-history of 'Christian' anti-Judaism..."[2]: 169  The consensus among historians is that <e0>Nazism</e0> as a whole was either unrelated or actively opposed to Christianity,[6] and Hitler was strongly critical of it,[79] although Germany remained mostly Christian during the Nazi era.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 02:17:52</t0> The 1937 encyclical Mit brennender Sorge was issued by Pope Pius XI,[81] but drafted by the future Pope Pius XII[82] and read from the pulpits of all German Catholic churches, it condemned Nazi ideology and has been characterized by scholars as the "first great official public document to dare to confront and criticize <e0>Nazism</e0>" and "one of the greatest such condemnations ever issued by the Vatican."[83]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>07/17/2023, 04:27:52</t0> The episode received a 0.9 rating and was watched by a total of 2.01 million people. This made it the fourth most watched show on Fox that night, behind Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Simpsons and <e0>Family Guy</e0>, but ahead of Mulaney.[2]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/08/2023, 00:30:00</t0> The Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation during World War II interrupted Dutch rule[89][90] and encouraged the previously suppressed Indonesian independence movement. In May 1940, early in <e0>World War II</e0>, Nazi Germany occupied the Netherlands, but the Dutch government-in-exile initially continued to control the Dutch East Indies from its base in London. The Dutch East Indies declared a state of siege and in July 1940 redirected exports intended for Japan to the US and Britain. Negotiations with the Japanese aimed at securing supplies of aviation fuel collapsed in June 1941, and the Japanese started their conquest of Southeast Asia in December of that year.[91] That same month, factions from Sumatra sought Japanese assistance for a revolt against the Dutch wartime government. The Japanese military defeated last Dutch forces in the East Indies in March 1942.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>09/12/2023, 03:16:35</t0> Year 815 (DCCCXV) was a common year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar, the 815th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 815th year of the 1st millennium, the 15th year of the <e0>9th century</e0>, and the 6th year of the 810s decade.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/23/2022, 02:04:28</t0> A special one-shot was published in <e0>Magazine Special</e0> on March 19, 2009.[48] Boys Be... Pre-season (firstly published as Boys Be… 2009 1-Gakki (BOYS BE… 2009年1学期)) was serialized on Kodansha's MiChao! [ja] manga website from April 24 to October 9 of the same year.[49][50][51] It was collected in a single volume released on January 15, 2010.[52]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/22/2023, 08:14:13</t0> Jeseník remained with the Austrian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy until <e0>World War I</e0> and the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918. According to the Austrian administration census of 1910 the town had 6,859 inhabitants, with 6,588 (99.5%) were speaking German, 16 Czech and 13 Polish. Jews were not allowed to declare Yiddish, most of them thus declared German. Most populous religious groups were Roman Catholics with 6,552 (95.5%), followed by Protestants with 208 (3%) and the Jews with 83 (1.2%).[6]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/22/2023, 08:14:13</t0> In 1938, Jeseník was ceded to Nazi Germany as a result of the Munich Agreement. It was administered as a part of Reichsgau Sudetenland. During <e0>World War II</e0>, the German occupiers operated several forced labour subcamps of the Stalag VIII-B/344 prisoner-of-war camp in the town.[7] The town was restored to Czechoslovakia after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II in 1945. The German population was expelled according to the Potsdam Agreement and Beneš Decrees in 1945.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>01/12/2023, 18:34:08</t0> The team entered the English National League, winning it in 1935-36 and 1936–37. After a break during <e0>World War II</e0>, they returned and again topped the league in 1951–52. In 1954, Lions joined the new British National League, which they won this championship in 1956/7. The League collapsed in 1960, and faced with the prospect of no regular league matches, the team folded.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>06/15/2023, 22:36:52</t0> The Grand Council or Junji Chu (Chinese: 軍機處; Manchu: coohai nashūn i ba; literally, "Office of Military Secrets"), officially the Banli Junji Shiwu Chu (Chinese: 辦理軍機事務處; "Office for the Handling of Confidential Military Affairs"), was an important policy-making body of China during the <e0>Qing dynasty</e0>. It was established in 1733 by the Yongzheng Emperor. The council was originally in charge of military affairs, but gradually attained a more important role and eventually attained the role of a privy council, eclipsing the Grand Secretariat in function and importance, which is why it has become known as the "Grand Council" in English.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/26/2021, 06:44:22</t0> Comedian and high-profile comics-fan Lenny Henry (who wrote the introduction to the 1992 Tundra Press collection) described the series as "weird", recalling that the series' arrival in Warrior was "a breath of fresh air, bringing an anarchy and weirdness to comics similar to the kick up the arse that <e0>The Young Ones</e0> brought to television. It was different. Alan Moore and Steve Parkhouse had created a group of people you wouldn't want to be in the same universe as – let alone the same room..."[10]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 06:13:43</t0> Scott moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1936, then she and pianist Bob Mosley went to England and recorded on the Parlophone Records label. <e0>World War II</e0> forced her to stop her European tours, and she settled in Los Angeles, where she became part of the postwar West Coast jazz and R&amp;B scene.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/05/2023, 20:55:31</t0> The infirmity of the old King and the dissensions in the Privy Council of Sweden placed the government, and especially the control of foreign policy, entirely in his hands. Amongst the first of Charles John's acts as Crown Prince was to address the dire state of the Swedish economy. The Swedish economy was in shambles after years of mismanagement since the reign of Gustav III and aggravated during the reign of his son Gustav IV Adolf. The economic turmoil had been caused, in part, by the debts accrued from Gustav III's <e0>Russian War</e0>, in part to the failure of several of Gustav IV Adolf's well intentioned economic reforms (Gustav IV Adolf was rather more successful in his agrarian reforms) and the costs of the more recent wars against France and Russia. Under Gustav IV Adolf genuine attempts at economic reform, including paying down the national debt by some 700,000 Riksdalers in the first years of his active reign, and revitalizing the currency, met with limited success.[86][87]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 14:25:43</t0> In 1918, towards the end of <e0>World War I</e0>, a new Chamber of Deputies was elected with the explicit ambition of reviewing the constitution.[16] To this end, formalised parties were formed by the main political blocs, so as to increase their bargaining power in the negotiations. The revisions to the constitution introduced universal suffrage and compulsory voting, adopted proportional representation, and limited the sovereignty of the monarch.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/19/2023, 14:25:43</t0> During the occupation of Luxembourg by Nazi Germany in <e0>World War II</e0>, Luxembourg was governed by a Nazi Party official, Gustav Simon. Pierre Dupong continued to lead the government in exile in the United Kingdom until the liberation of Luxembourg in December 1944, whereupon the constitutional Luxembourg government returned to the Grand Duchy. Thus, although Luxembourg was formally annexed on 30 August 1942, the prime minister of the government in exile, Pierre Dupong, is assumed to have remained prime minister throughout.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>01/12/2023, 04:09:29</t0> If you feel a change is needed, feel free to make it yourself! Wikipedia is a <e0>wiki</e0>, so anyone (yourself included) can edit any article by following the Edit this page link. Wikipedia convention is to be bold and not be afraid of making mistakes. If you're not sure how editing works, have a look at How to edit a page, or try out the Sandbox to test your editing skills.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/30/2023, 19:25:53</t0> Poul Anderson was born on November 25, 1926, in Bristol, Pennsylvania to Scandinavian parents.[6] Soon after his birth, his father, Anton Anderson, relocated the family to Texas, where they lived for more than ten years. After Anton Anderson's death, his widow took the children to Denmark. The family returned to the United States after the beginning of <e0>World War II</e0>, settling eventually on a Minnesota farm.
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/18/2023, 00:57:29</t0> UCLA has been considered a Public Ivy. As of October 2021[update], 27 Nobel laureates, five Turing Award winners, two Chief Scientists of the U.S. Air Force and one <e0>Fields Medalist</e0> have been affiliated with it as faculty, researchers and alumni.[20][21][22] Among its past and current faculty members, 55 have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, 32 to the National Academy of Engineering, 41 to the National Academy of Medicine and 167 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[23] The university was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1974.[24]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>11/18/2023, 00:57:29</t0> The alumni Nobel laureates include Richard Heck (Chemistry, 2010);[240] Elinor Ostrom (Economic Sciences, 2009);[241] and Randy Schekman (Physiology or Medicine, 2013).[242] Fifty-two UCLA professors have been awarded Guggenheim Fellowships, and sixteen are MacArthur Foundation Fellows. Mathematics professor Terence Tao was awarded the 2006 <e0>Fields Medal</e0>.[243]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>08/02/2023, 05:46:16</t0> The museum is located at Terrace Road, Buxton, England. The museum opens Tuesday to Saturday all year round and from Easter to the end of September is also open on Sunday and Bank Holiday afternoons. Admission is free. The building was erected in 1880 and originally served as the Peak Hydropathic Hotel. During the <e0>First World War</e0>, the Red Cross used it to care for wounded Canadian soldiers. The Buxton Free Public Library &amp; Museum moved into the building in 1928, leaving the Town Hall.[4]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>10/31/2023, 20:08:00</t0> The ukulele arrived in Japan in 1929 after Hawaiian-born Yukihiko Haida returned to the country upon his father's death and introduced the instrument. Haida and his brother Katsuhiko formed the Moana Glee Club, enjoying rapid success in an environment of growing enthusiasm for Western popular music, particularly Hawaiian and jazz. During <e0>World War II</e0>, authorities banned most music from the West, but fans and players kept it alive in secret, and it resumed popularity after the war. In 1959, Haida founded the Nihon Ukulele Association. Today, Japan is considered a second home for Hawaiian musicians and ukulele virtuosos.[14]
[ "t0", "start e0", "end e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" }, { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "end e0" }, { "relation": "<", "source": "start e0", "target": "end e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>02/24/2023, 20:08:32</t0> In 1920, Shane received his doctorate in <e0>astronomy</e0> from the University of California at Berkeley and was appointed as an instructor in mathematics there.
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/04/2023, 15:32:00</t0> In 2010, Lynch began making guest appearances on the <e0>Family Guy</e0> spin-off The Cleveland Show as Gus the Bartender. He had been convinced to appear in the show by its lead actor, Mike Henry, a fan of Lynch who felt that his whole life had changed after seeing Wild at Heart.[41] Lady Blue Shanghai is a 16-minute promotional film that was written, directed and edited by Lynch for Dior. It was released on the Internet in May 2010.[42]
[ "t0", "start e0" ]
[ { "relation": ">", "source": "t0", "target": "start e0" } ]
Documents Creation Time: <t0>12/04/2023, 15:32:00</t0> Several themes recur in Lynch's work. Le Blanc and Odell write, "his films are so packed with motifs, recurrent characters, images, compositions and techniques that you could view his entire output as one large jigsaw puzzle of ideas".[18]: 8  One of the key themes they note is the usage of dreams and dreamlike imagery and structure, something they relate to the "<e0>surrealist</e0> ethos" of relying "on the subconscious to provide visual drive". This can be seen in Merrick's dream of his mother in The Elephant Man, Cooper's dreams of the red room in Twin Peaks and the "dreamlike logic" of the narratives of Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire.[18]: 8–9  Of his attitude to dreams, Lynch has said, "Waking dreams are the ones that are important, the ones that come when I'm quietly sitting in a chair, letting my mind wander. When you sleep, you don't control your dream. I like to dive into a dream world that I've made or discovered; a world I choose ... [You can't really get others to experience it, but] right there is the power of cinema."[11]: 15  His films are known for their use of magic realism. The motif of dreams is closely linked to his recurring use of drones, real-world sounds and musical styles.[78]
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