He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
After Homer saves Mr. Burns from drowning, Mr. Burns rewards him with a dinner and a flight on his corporate jet, making Homer disappointed that he will never be rich or successful enough to enjoy the high life.Guest Stars: Stephen Colbert and Lionel Richie.
Both the episode and the season take place two months after the events of the movie in the newly restored Springfield. During a visit to the Springfield Mall, Mr. Burns falls into a fountain while trying to take a penny from it. Homer arrives to pull him out, saving his life. Burns offers to take Homer out to dinner as a reward; when Homer expresses a liking for Chicago-style pizza, the two fly to Chicago in Burns' luxuriously appointed private plane. Homer enjoys the trip and the dinner, but soon becomes depressed because he does not have a plane of his own. To raise Homer's spirits, Marge hires life coach Colby Kraus to work with him. Colby discovers that Homer is only good at bowling and urges him to wear his bowling shoes everywhere in order to boost his self-confidence. The strategy succeeds, and a revitalized Homer soon receives job interview invitations from several companies. He decides to interview only at Handyman's Choice, a copper tubing manufacturer, because the position would require him to take business trips on the company jet. In the days following the interview, Homer confidently leaves the house each morning, but drives past Handyman's Choice and spends the day at a nearby Krusty Burger. Bart finds him there during a class field trip, and Homer admits that he did not get the job because he knows nothing about copper tubing and manhandled the CEO in an attempt to hire him. Bart urges Homer to tell Marge the truth, but upon hearing her happy voice on the phone, Homer cannot bring himself to disappoint her. Instead, he charters a brief private jet flight for himself and Marge, intending to tell her the truth during the trip. Before he can do so, though, the plane hits turbulence and Homer and Marge find the pilot passed out from heroin use. They struggle to pull the plane up and keep from crashing into the ocean, and Marge frantically calls Colby for advice. His motivation guides Homer to land the plane safely at the airport, but Homer accidentally steers it into the ocean while trying to taxi back to the terminal. He and Marge are airlifted to safety, and he decides to go back to work at the power plant, seeing private jet travel as dangerous.
The Homer of Seville
A freak accident turns Homer into an opera singer (which can only be achieved if he lies down) and he becomes the toast of Springfield's cultural elite—and the target of a crazed, motorcycle-riding female fan who blackmails him into becoming his manager.Guest Stars: Maya Rudolph and Plácido Domingo.
After escaping church, the Simpsons look for a place to eat lunch. Upon seeing that all the restaurants have long lines, the family spots a catering van setting up food at a house. The family sneaks in and gorges themselves, only to find they have snuck into a wake. Homer is asked to be a pallbearer (to which he agrees thinking the woman who asked him meant a polar bear). At the cemetery, Homer struggles with the coffin and falls into an empty grave, hurting his back in the process. At the hospital Dr. Hibbert treats Homer and sets up to give him an X-ray to check out his vertebrae. While lying on his back, Homer hears the cost of the X-ray, and lets out a "D'oh!". To the surprise of everyone, Homer's “D’oh!” sounds beautiful and operatic. Dr. Hibbert concludes that when Homer lies on his back his stomach lodges underneath his diaphragm, which in turn helps propel his powerful singing voice. Dr. Hibbert tours Homer around the hospital while singing "If Ever I Would Leave You", to help alleviate patient suffering. Mr. Burns overhears Homer's voice and hires him to star as Rodolfo in La bohème at the Springfield Opera House. Despite having to sing on his back, Homer quickly becomes an opera star. Homer's growing fame and success gains him loyal fans, and he gives advice to famous opera singer Plácido Domingo. Homer, Marge, Lenny and Carl share their wedding anniversary dinner at a nice restaurant. Marge tells Homer she is glad he has become famous, but she misses their privacy. After Lenny and Carl leave, Homer is hounded by adoring fans. Marge gets fed up and storms out of the restaurant and Homer follows after her. On the street, Homer tries to make up with Marge, when a large group of fans spots Homer and Marge and chases after them. Homer and Marge are trapped in an alley; just before the mob reaches them, a black clad biker on a motorcycle shows up to drive Homer and Marge to safety. Back at home, Marge and Homer are surprised to find that the mysterious rider is a woman — Julia Eldeen (Maya Rudolph). Julia, also a fan of Homer, explains she hates how all the other fans constantly mob him. She proposes they hire her to be Homer's manager, so she can take care of everything. Marge loves the idea, and goes to the kitchen to make a celebratory pie. With Marge gone, Julia reveals her true intentions: standing naked before Homer, she says he can have her anytime he wants. She threatens to tell Marge he attacked her, should he tell. Although crazily obsessed with Homer, Julia proves to be a great fan club president and Marge is impressed with her efficiency. Her continual sexual advances force Homer to put his foot down and fire Julia, who vows to get back at Homer. At breakfast the next day, Homer pours himself a bowl of cereal and a cobra hidden inside the cereal box attempts to attack him. He pacifies the cobra by repeatedly swinging it against the refrigerator. Lisa concludes Julia is trying to kill him for firing her. Springfield's finest are put on bodyguard detail for Homer. As Homer prepares for his next performance, Marge pleads with Chief Wiggum to cancel the show, but he convinces her that Homer will be safe, explaining that the opera house is under total surveillance. Later, while Homer performs on stage, Marge and the kids remain on the lookout for Julia. Bart spots her disguised as the conductor and Marge watches in horror as Julia loads a poison dart into her conductor's baton. Just as Julia prepares to use her baton, Marge grabs a French horn and uses it to redirect the dart back at Julia. Upon being hit by the dart Julia falls to the ground and Chief Wiggum calls on his snipers to finish her off. Every bullet misses, except for one; a second later, the giant chandelier falls from the ceiling and crashes on top of Julia. Julia is wheeled into an ambulance, vowing to return. Homer and the family head for home and Homer announces that he is retiring from the opera and explains that he can think of a much more fun thing he can do while on his back: painting. It is shown then that he painted a version of the Sistine Chapel roof on the ceiling of his living room, with him as Adam and Marge as God. An instrumental version of "Se il mio nome saper voi bramate" (which was being sung by Homer in the last operatic scene) plays as the credits roll over a black background.
Midnight Towboy
Homer befriends a tow-truck driver named Louie, who shows Homer what it is like to tow vehicles for a living. Meanwhile, Marge puts Maggie in a special school to help babies become independent, but when the lessons work too well, Marge finds herself tearfully bonding with a sack of potatoes.Guest Star: Matt Dillon.
Marge discovers that Maggie has become excessively clingy while putting her to bed one night. After Maggie's behavior causes a bottle of milk to fall and break on the kitchen floor, Bart and Lisa help Marge get in touch with Creative Responses for Infant Edu-Loving (CRIE, pronounced as the word "cry"), a group that helps children to be more independent. A CRIE counselor arrives to work with Maggie, ordering Marge to leave her alone in a room. Marge is unnerved by Maggie's crying at first, but Maggie quickly calms down as Marge watches in surprise. Maggie is soon able to climb up into her own high chair and get a book and banana for herself, and Marge is saddened to realize that she is no longer needed. Meanwhile, Homer drives all over Springfield in search of more milk, to no avail. He finally buys some in the sleazy neighboring city of Guidopolis, which is populated by Italian-American stereotypes, but finds his car being towed away by a man named Louie. Seeing Homer's fascination with towing, Louie unhooks the car and introduces him to the business, but warns him not to work in Guidopolis as it is Louie's territory. Homer begins to tow one car after another in Springfield, angering the residents and prompting them to plan revenge. The residents plant a car just inside Guidopolis, set it up to appear as if it is parked illegally, and hide the city-limits sign to fool Homer into thinking that it is within Springfield. When he tows the car, they reveal the sign; furious at this trespassing, Louie abducts Homer and locks him in his basement with other tow truck drivers who have run afoul of him. With Homer gone, the parking situation in Springfield degenerates into pandemonium. After four days, Maggie rides Santa's Little Helper into Guidopolis and frees the drivers by using the hook on Louie's tow truck to rip out the bars on his basement window. Homer returns home with Maggie and the dog, and Marge and Maggie happily reconcile.
I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Marge breaks her promise to visit a disturbed bank robber in prison, and ends up getting kidnapped by him.Guest Stars: Steve Buscemi, Ted Nugent and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Lisa is named "Student of the Millennium", so Marge stresses that Homer has to attend her ceremony due to past absences at most of the kids' events. Homer then wakes up early and takes Maggie to the school auditorium. Meanwhile, Marge gets impatient waiting in line at the bank, so she strikes up a conversation with an apparently charming man named Dwight (Steve Buscemi), who then pulls out a gun and tells everyone to get down on the floor, holding the entire bank hostage. Marge privately calls Homer, informing him she is a hostage at a bank robbery. Dwight sees this and cuts off the call. He then makes a deal; he will turn himself if Marge promises to visit him in prison, to which she reluctantly agrees. Homer attempts to convince Marge not to visit Dwight in the prison, but Marge wishes to honor her promise. However, while going to the prison, she makes continuous stops to avoid going to the prison and misses visiting hours. At the prison, Dwight becomes depressed and then angry at Marge's absence, and Marge's guilt begins to get to her while watching a depressing movie about a prisoner who was to be electrocuted. Dwight breaks out of prison, and upon finding Marge's address in a newspaper, sets out to find her. While watching television at home, Marge sees a news report by Kent Brockman on Dwight's escape from prison. Dwight begins stalking her in various places, and successfully catches up to Marge and takes her to the same amusement park where he was abandoned by his mother, with the intention to have Marge help him repay the time he had lost, and promises to let her go afterward, to which a sympathetic Marge agrees. He and Marge then ride the Viking ship ride together. Chief Wiggum arrives attempting to save Marge, but he is caught in the ride. Dwight jams the ride's gears by throwing in his own body to save Wiggum (referencing The Brave Little Toaster). He survives, and returns to prison after recovering. Back at the prison, Marge finally visits Dwight, who gives her a flattened dandelion encased in a bar of soap he had carved for her with a message on the back intending to recruit her in helping him attempt another prison break, to which she declines.
Treehouse of Horror XVIII
The nineteenth season's annual trio of Halloween stories, all of which are movie parodies:"E.T., Go Home" – In this send-up of E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, Bart finds Kodos (who is hiding from the government) and helps her obtain devices to contact her home planet, but Kodos' intentions are proven to be murderous."Mr. & Mrs. Simpson" – In this send-up of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Homer lives a double life as a government assassin, but discovers that Marge is one too and must eliminate her after she botched his attempt at assassinating Kent Brockman."Heck House" – In this send-up of Seven Footprints to Satan, Ned Flanders turns the church into a Heck House and asks God for devilish powers so he can teach the children the consequences of committing the seven deadly sins.Guest Star: Maurice LaMarche.
In the opening sequence, Marge talks about Halloween being "last week" and suddenly various logos for other Fox shows pop up on the screen, including the mini logos for American Idol, Fox Sports, Prison Break, Cops, House, and 24. Marge winds up killing several miniature characters that pop up from the logos (except the Prison Break one, which has the characters running away from the scene) and bakes them into meatloaf, which she serves to her family. When she cuts it, the other characters' body parts are shown to spell out the title of the episode and the opening credits (Homer eats the piece with the "developed by" credit, says "Mmmmmmm, developed by", and drools). E.T., Go Home In a parody of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Marge tells Bart to get butane from their "butane storage shed" in the back yard. As he does so, he finds Kodos there. Kodos states his desire is to return home and that he had come to Earth in peace, though he hints that he was really sent there to destroy mankind. Bart, however, is oblivious to this, and decides to help him return home. Lisa arrives and is happy with the alien in their home and decides to help Bart and Kodos obtain a list of devices (including two tickets to see Avenue Q, Uranium, and "7 billion body bags") that he can use to contact his home planet, though this appears to be part of his diabolical plan. Homer discovers Kodos when the two accidentally share a shower, but he and Marge decide to let the kids help Kodos anyway, after Kodos hints it would be racist to turn him away (He said that they did not want him in the house because he was Jewish). When NASA agents arrive at the Simpsons home, Homer distracts them by dressing as Abraham Lincoln while Bart sneaks Kodos out. However, when Kodos kills several agents along the way, Bart begins to think Kodos's intentions are not as friendly as he was led to believe. Finally, Kodos reveals that the devices he had the Simpsons collect were for a portal-generating device so that others of his planet can come to Earth and wipe out the human race and eat their heads. When the aliens (including Kang) invade, the rest of the Simpson family shows up, along with the military. A brief war is waged, and Earth ultimately overpowers the aliens (the massive heads of Kodos' species make them easy targets for attack helicopters). When Bart is given the option to board a helicopter and shoot Kodos, Bart, seeing Kodos' smile, decides to spare him. However, Homer shoots Kodos several times. In the end, Earth emerges victorious and the world is saved. The Simpsons are invited to see Kodos's dissection, where they reflect that since Kodos was an evil-looking alien who turned out to be bad, it must be good to judge a book by its cover. It is revealed that Kodos is still very much alive, as he points what is happening is actually vivisection, only to be suffocated with a pillow by Homer. Mr. & Mrs. Simpson In a parody of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Homer and Marge are at a marriage counseling session, recounting a brief moment of tension between them. In the flashback, when arriving home, Homer locks himself in the bathroom and communicates on a hidden flat screen television, where it is revealed Homer is an assassin assigned to eliminate news reporter, Kent Brockman, by order of Homer's boss, Mr. Burns. Although the bathroom is locked, Bart somehow got in and is sitting on a Mortar, which was the toilet. Before he leaves, he tells Marge he will be coming home late from "Midnight Monkey Madness." Marge also states that she is busy turning over wheelbarrows. When Homer prepares to shoot Brockman at his rooftop party from a faraway platform, a woman with large blonde hair stabs Brockman in the chest. After Homer attempts to repeatedly shoot the woman (ending up with several civilian deaths), he manages to shoot the wig off her head, revealing her to be Marge. Arriving home, the two avoid each other's eyes, and Marge makes an excuse for the blonde wig. Unfortunately at dinner, Homer is unable to control his anger. which leads the two attempting to kill one another with various weapons such as grenades, rifles, and a minigun, all the while arguing why the other was an assassin, end up destroying most of their house, and killing Grampa. After Chief Wiggum interrupts with a complaint from an "anonymous neighborino", Marge shoots him with a crossbow, killing him (even though he states he would have taken a bribe). The two then realize they are more attracted with one another when they kill someone together. For this, they soon begin making love over Wiggum's body and, back to where the episode started, they both realized that they did not need any marriage counseling, but to kill people together. In the end, it turns out that the two were called into Principal Skinner's office to discuss Bart's misbehavior on the bus, with Skinner wondering why the two thought they were in a marriage counselor's office. The two promptly shoot Skinner. Heck House Bart (dressed as Frankenstein's monster), Lisa (dressed as a witch), Milhouse (dressed as an astronaut) and Nelson (dressed as a hobo) become frustrated when Agnes Skinner refuses to give them candy on Halloween night and instead spits into Milhouse's plastic pumpkin full of candy. Deciding that pranks are more fun than candy, they begin to focus on the 'trick' part of "trick-or-treat," and begin to play tricks on some of the town's population. Soon, however, their pranks shift into vandalism (and even thievery when they tie up Lenny and steal his TV), and their victims gather at the Simpson house to complain. Homer tried to calm the crowd by characterizing the pranks as childish mischief until he is himself "pranked" by the kids on the roof above him, who drop a live pig which lands on his head. Sideshow Mel exclaims that "those monsters must be stopped", prompting Ned Flanders to offer his help. He decorates the local church to look like a haunted house called Heck House, which lures the children in. It is revealed the haunted house is actually a morality play in disguise (a "Hell house"). Ned Flanders tries to scare the children into righteousness through the use of crude theatre performed by Principal Skinner, Reverend Lovejoy, and Ned's two kids Rod and Tod. However, the pranksters scoff at his attempt, causing Ned to angrily turn to the heavens and ask for the power to "psychologically torture" the kids into loving God. Lightning flashes and Ned is transformed into the Devil (reprising his role from "Treehouse of Horror IV" though lacking goat legs), and then sends the kids to Hell. There he produces an enormous crystal ball which reveals Springfield to be full of sin, specifically the Seven Deadly Sins. The crystal ball shows:
Little Orphan Millie
Milhouse's parents remarry and go on a honeymoon cruise, but they are presumed dead. Milhouse adopts an aloof attitude after hearing the news, making him popular and Bart unpopular. Meanwhile, Marge hides her eyes from Homer after Homer admits that he does not know what Marge's eye color is.
Kirk and Luann tell The Simpsons they are going to be remarried, much to the delight of Milhouse. While preparing for the wedding, Marge suggests to Homer that he match his tie to her eyes, to which he casually replies that he never notices petty details like eye color. Shocked, Marge covers her eyes so Homer cannot see them unless he remembers their color. While the Van Houtens are on their cruise honeymoon, Kirk carries Luann down the hallway to their private room. The boat begins swinging from side to side, and the two fall off the boat. Two of the cruise representatives tell Milhouse his parents are lost at sea and presumed deceased, throwing Milhouse even deeper into depression. As he sulks around the Simpsons' house, he is informed the search has stopped. After sucking upon Maggie's bottle, he discovers he truly is the "world's oldest baby", and promises himself that he will soon become a true man. Meanwhile, Homer continues making fruitless attempts at looking for traces of hints that can help him discover the color of Marge's eyes. Milhouse starts to behave depressingly, and dresses in a black jacket and jeans. Milhouse's new behavior and attitude (gloomy, mellow, and poetic) grabs the attention of the girls at school, including Lisa. Milhouse starts usurping Bart's popularity, which aggravates Bart. After concluding that Milhouse with family would be happy again, Bart remembers that Milhouse gets Danish butter cookies every Christmas from Solvang, California. He decides to connect Milhouse with his Danish uncle, Norbert van Houten. Waiting at the airport, Uncle Norbert, dressed like Indiana Jones (including hat and bullwhip) arrives by his own biplane and asks to be referred to as "Zack," the proud Danish Van Houten with a hatred towards the Dutch Van Houtens. After Zack arrives to get Milhouse from the school, Milhouse's popularity escalates even higher. Feeling desperate about finding Marge's eye color, Homer remembers a song he used to sing to Marge, and remembers every word except when he sings about her eyes, searching in vain for the missing word that rhymes with such lyrics as "appraisal". Marge remembers the song and, touched, removes her sun glasses, revealing the eyes that Homer's song called "a beautiful, deep shade of hazel." An angry Bart soon discovers Milhouse plans to fly away in a hot air balloon with Zack. After being convinced by Lisa, Bart realizes that he platonically loves and will miss Milhouse. Milhouse, Zack, and Bart take off in the hot air balloon and come upon an island, where a very much alive Kirk and Luann plan escaping with a nature-made hang-glider. After flying, Kirk and Luann's hang-glider cuts the hot air balloon and soon, Milhouse re-unites with his parents. Zack states that he has already called for help and then gets into a fight with Kirk over their heritage (Danish and Dutch respectively).
Husbands and Knives
The Comic Book Guy's Android Dungeon faces competition with "Coolsville Comics 'n Toys," a new comic book store owned by a nicer, more personable store owner named Milo. Meanwhile, Marge creates a gym for the average woman, and a self-conscious Homer resorts to plastic surgery after being told that Marge's success will lead to her divorcing Homer and getting a younger, handsomer trophy husband.Guest Stars: Alan Moore, Art Spiegelman, Dan Clowes, Jack Black and Maurice LaMarche.
The Comic Book Guy charges Milhouse $25 for accidentally ruining a Wolverine comic book when one of his tears drops on its cover and smudges one of Wolverine's sideburns after being scratched by the comic's infamous "pop-out claws" feature at The Android's Dungeon. After Bart proclaims that the events in comic books are not "real", Comic Book Guy tells him and the other children to get out of the store, just as a new comic book store, "Coolsville Comics & Toys" opens across the street. When the children arrive at Coolsville, the store owner, a hipster named Milo, gives them Japanese candy and invites them to his grand opening. The store is filled not only with comic books, but also with video games and modern art, giving it a sophisticated arcade look. When Lisa accidentally rips a page of an Adventures of Tintin book, Milo assures her that the books are meant to be read and enjoyed. The store becomes even more popular, playing host to Art Spiegelman, Daniel Clowes and Alan Moore, who all visit for a book signing. Comic Book Guy jealously tries to sabotage Milo's popularity by revealing he has a girlfriend (whom they have already accepted for she, like Milo, is hip) and bribing the children with "Japanese weapons". When this does not work, Comic Book Guy tries to use the weapons to destroy Coolsville, but is subdued by the three authors who remove their shirts to reveal muscular super-hero physiques. After comparing herself to a cardboard cutout of Wonder Woman, Marge decides to become slimmer. While exercising at a large gym, she struggles with the treadmill and is embarrassed showering in public, and as a result decides to open a gym for ordinary women. Comic Book Guy, having finally given up, closes the Android's Dungeon which Marge then acquires in order to open "Shapes", a women-only workout center that is an immediate hit. Many women of Springfield comment on Marge's efforts; she opens another location at an abandoned Krusty Burger. After an interview on the women's television show Opal, Marge becomes an international hit. Homer and Marge go on a luxury vacation at a hotel. Homer meets a group of three strapping young men who tell him he is on "wife support". They are all "trophy" husbands and convince Homer that Marge will soon dump him for a healthier man. They list the stages that will occur in their marriage before Marge dumps him. As these begin to occur, Homer overhears Marge talking to a group of women about dumping her purse, though he wrongly assumes she is talking about him. One of the three younger men tells Homer he is actually a first husband who used to be fat and ugly, but transformed himself through fashion, diet and exercise. Homer, however, decides that he needs to get cosmetic surgery. Homer attempts to win Marge back by having his stomach stapled. He is now much slimmer and has to liquify his food. Homer lures Marge into bed and turns her on, but has to make sure only his front is exposed as all of his excess skin is tied back behind him. Next, Homer gets extreme plastic surgery done. When finished, Homer looks entirely different; he is slim with well-defined musculature, narrower eyes, and a full head of black hair, and his tear ducts have been moved to his nipples among other things. At a ceremony in which Mayor Quimby rewards Marge for her work with Shapes, Homer arrives in his new form, much to the shock and disgust of the town. Homer and Marge run to the top of Springfield's Notre Dame tower to avoid the angry townspeople and Marge, saying she wants a trophy husband, deliberately pushes Homer off the tower. Homer wakes up in the hospital, back to his old self. Marge informs him that after he was knocked out, the surgeon requested her permission for the surgery and she refused; everything from Homer's surgery to his "death" was just a dream. She had the doctor reverse Homer's stomach stapling, since she loves him no matter how he looks. The episode ends with Moore, Spiegelman, and Clowes watching Homer and Marge from mid-air. They notice that a meteor is headed for Earth, but become distracted from destroying it by news of a convention for underpaid writers.
Funeral for a Fiend
A night at a rib restaurant turns into yet another plot for Sideshow Bob to kill the Simpson family, but the whole scheme turns into a family affair when Bart kills his mortal enemy by throwing away his nitroglycerine (which Sideshow Bob needs for his heart). Unbeknownst to Bart, Sideshow Bob actually faked his death and is plotting with the rest of the Terwiligers to kill Bart.Guest Stars: Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, John Mahoney and Keith Olbermann.
The Simpsons see a commercial for a new restaurant called Wes Doobner's World Famous Family Style Rib Huts, owned by a cowboy of the same name and perfectly suited to each member of the family. They decide to visit it for its grand opening, but discover Doobner is actually Sideshow Bob, having left Italy alongside his wife, Francesca, and son, Gino, and created the restaurant and the commercial to lure the Simpsons into a trap. After tying up the Simpsons, Bob then reveals a large stack of crates filled with dynamite, with which he will kill them, using a laptop with a defective battery as a detonator once it overheats and explodes. While gloating, Bob incorrectly quotes a phrase from Macbeth and Lisa corrects him. Bob tries to look up the correct phrase on Wikipedia, but the laptop explodes in Bob's hands, and he is then arrested and taken to court. During Bob's trial, his father, Doctor Robert Terwilliger Sr., is brought to testify. He explains Bob has a rare heart condition and also suggests that Bob is insane because of his long-standing feud with Bart. Since all of the audience have been tormented by Bart's pranks, Bob convinces Springfield Bart is ultimately to blame and they all turn on him. As Bart pleads his innocence, Bob takes out a vial labeled nitroglycerin, which everyone thinks is a deadly explosive. However, as Bart throws the vial away to save everyone, it is revealed to actually be Bob's heart medication as he collapses to the floor and is pronounced dead. Bob's entire family attends the funeral: his mother, Dame Judith Onderdonk, a well-known Shakespearean actress; his father; his brother Cecil, who has been let out of prison for the occasion; and Francesca and Gino, along with many regular Springfieldians. Feeling slightly guilty, Bart speaks to Cecil, who convinces him to go to the funeral home to make peace with Bob before he is cremated. However, when Bart arrives, Bob rises out of the coffin, alive and well, and traps Bart in it to be incinerated. Meanwhile, Milhouse inadvertently makes Lisa realize that everything was an elaborate plot put together by Bob and his family: with his mother being a Shakespearean actress, Bob would have known Shakespeare too well to have accidentally misquoted him and must have done so intentionally in order to get caught and go to trial, where his father used a special drug to put him in a death-like state. Cecil helped by playing to Bart's guilty conscience and encouraging him to visit Bob, luring Bart into Bob's clutches once again. The Simpsons race to the funeral home and just barely manage to save Bart in time as the police then arrive and arrest Bob and his family. Defeated but curious, Bob questions Lisa on how she was able to figure out his plot – Lisa admits that she actually started getting suspicious when she noticed that Bob's coffin had been custom-made to fit his feet and points out that his family likely would not have bothered paying for something like that if he was actually dead. Bob and his family are then incarcerated with the former's cellmate, Snake Jailbird, who constantly torments them while Bob goes insane over fantasizing about exacting his revenge one day.
Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
Homer wakes up in the snow with no memory of what he did the night before — and finds Marge and the kids missing. He then goes on a journey inside his memories to remember what had happened.
One winter morning, Homer wakes up in a pile of snow and does not remember the events of the previous day, commenting that he must have drunk heavily the night before. Homer goes home and finds his family absent and Santa's Little Helper attacks him, though Homer manages to subdue him before escaping. Homer travels to Moe's, where Moe informs him that he was there the previous night and wanted to forget an unpleasant memory. Moe explains he gave Homer a "Forget-Me-Shot", which wiped out the last 24 hours of his memory. Chief Wiggum tells Homer that there was a domestic disturbance at his house last night, which Homer deduces was reported by Ned Flanders. Homer instantly receives a flashback to the night before, showing Wiggum questioning Marge about a black eye she had received, to which Marge nervously replies that she walked into a door. At the Flanders house, Homer asks Ned what he has done last night; Ned admits that he does not know, but assumed the worst. A still confused Homer goes home, where a picture of Marge causes a flashback of her pleading Homer to stop, and then rubbing her eye in pain. Horrified at the thought of hurting Marge, Homer goes to Grampa Simpson for help. Grampa tells Homer about Professor Frink's new machine that helps people sort through their memories. With the help of this technology, Homer sees himself walking in on Marge with another man in an allegedly compromising position. In the flashback, Marge tells Homer that she did not want him to find out about it, so Homer decides to use Bart and Lisa from a memory of a snow day to help him unmask the man's identity. During their journey, Bart beats up 10-year-old and 20-year-old Homer in flashbacks, and accidentally destroys the memory of Homer's first kiss, who Bart says was with Apu. With their help, Homer is able to jog his memory, which reveals the man to be Duffman. Homer then concludes that Marge was cheating on him with Duffman, resulting in him beating his wife in retaliation. Homer now considers his life to be worthless and decides to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. He begins to reconsider, but is pushed off by his "guardian angels," Patty and Selma. While falling, Homer's life flashes before his eyes, shown to the viewers in the style of a YouTube video. He then sees the full memory of the preceding night: Marge was planning a surprise party for Homer finishing his community service, and did not want Homer to find out about it. Duffman, who was hired by Marge to entertain at the party, brings out a bottle of Duff Champagne. Overjoyed, Homer tries to open the bottle, while Marge pleads with Homer to stop, as she wants to save it for the party. The cork flies off and hits Marge in the eye. The flashback ends and, instead of falling to his death, Homer lands on a moon bounce, which is at the surprise party on board a ship. Lenny and Carl appear and cause a flashback which shows Homer telling his bar buddies that he felt very guilty for finding out about the party that Marge worked so hard on. When Moe offers the Forget-Me-Shot (which Moe spat in), Homer predicts exactly what is going to happen, and tells Lenny to make sure there is a moon bounce at the party. As Homer now deduces, the entire town was in on the plot, concealing the party and counting on Homer to get there in genuine surprise, with Patty and Selma pushing him down to get him to the party, which they nervously admit. When Homer asks Marge why she lied to Chief Wiggum when what happened was only an accident, she claims that she did not want him at the party, because he would bring Sarah Wiggum, whom Marge does not like. Finally, Bart reveals that the dog attacked Homer because he does not take care of him. As the party commences in full swing, Homer opts not to drink this time, telling Marge that this moment at the party and the effort she put into it is what he wants to remember.
E Pluribus Wiggum
Thanks to Homer's latest blunder (blowing up every fast-food restaurant in the city), Springfield moves up election day and becomes the first city in the nation to hold primary elections. However, all the media attention and similar-sounding politicians wear on the townspeople's nerves, so they elect Ralph Wiggum to be the 2008 presidential candidate as a joke—until Ralph reveals that he wants to be President, so he can bring peace in these divided times.Guest Stars: Jon Stewart and Dan Rather.
Homer leaves work, and when he is reminded that his diet is starting on the first day of the month (which is that day), he decides to have one last binge at Springfield's Fast-Food Boulevard. After filling up, he decides to throw away his wrappers and the contents of his car in a trash can in the shape of Sideshow Mel's head outside of a Krusty Burger, tossing away a leaky battery and a lit match. The acid from the leaky battery eats a hole in a gas main, with the lit match igniting the gas and starting a fire which soon causes nearby gas pipes to explode, completely destroying Fast-Food Boulevard. At a town hall meeting, the enraged residents of Springfield demand that Fast-Food Boulevard be rebuilt immediately. To fund the reconstruction, a bond measure is proposed. As the next election is not until June the next year, Mayor Quimby moves it to the upcoming Tuesday, making Springfield's presidential primary the first in the nation. Candidates and reporters head to Springfield when they hear the news. The candidates flock to the Simpsons, who are undecided. Their home is filled with people and their yard is covered with reporters; helicopters and news vans surround the lot. When voting day arrives, an angry Homer and other citizens hold a meeting in Moe's Tavern. Homer suggests the people vote for the most ridiculous candidate, whom they choose after Chief Wiggum suggests himself. The same night, Kent Brockman announces an unexpected turn of events; Springfield has rejected all the leading candidates and voted for 8-year-old Ralph Wiggum. He wins the primary, much to the shock of Lisa Simpson. Ralph is immediately embraced as the leading candidate, and Homer and Bart become his fans. Lisa, however, is miserable, as she knows how slow Ralph is. A news report (called Headbutt) shows Ralph has no idea of which party's nomination he is seeking. Both the Democratic and Republican parties contend to secure Ralph as their candidate. The leaders of both parties break into Ralph's home, wanting to fight for him. Lisa confronts Ralph amongst the media frenzy, attempting to convince him not to run. Ralph tells Lisa he wants to run so he can bring peace between warring parties and his earnest kind heartedness wins her support. He is proven to be a formidable candidate, and both the Republicans and the Democrats support Ralph for president. The episode ends with a political commercial for Ralph, sponsored by both parties.
That '90s Show
After Marge's diploma fell from a box, a family secret is unraveled: Ten years have passed by between Bart's birth and the meeting of their parents. Indeed after high school, Marge wanted to go to college and so Homer helped make her dream come true and paid for it by working for his father. But.. in class, Marge started to fall for her professor, which ultimately led Homer on the path of musician's fame and depression.Guest Stars: Kurt Loder and "Weird Al" Yankovic.
The Simpson family is suffering inside their freezing house because Homer (counting on global warming) did not pay the heating bill. Bart and Lisa, searching for items to feed the fire, discover a box containing a degree belonging to Marge from Springfield University. Homer and Marge look shocked to find it, and claim it was from their dating years, confusing Bart as Marge told him he was conceived right after Marge and Homer left high school. Lisa does some calculations and realizes that, because Bart is 10, and Homer and Marge are in their mid-to-late thirties, Bart must have been born later in their parents' relationship than they thought. Marge and Homer proceed to describe one of the darker points of their relationship, the mid-to-late 1990s. In the flashback, younger Homer and Marge are happily dating, living together in an apartment after graduating from high school. Marge is an avid reader, and Homer is part of an R&B group alongside Lenny, Carl, and Officer Lou. One morning, Marge wakes up to find out she has been accepted into Springfield University, but is shocked to learn of the high cost of tuition. Homer, taking pity on Marge, decides to take up work at his father's popular laser tag warehouse in order to pay for it, where he is abused by the children. At Springfield University, Marge is impressed with her surroundings and with her radical feminist revisionist history professor Stefane August, despite Homer's disapproval. Marge quickly admires August, and both form a mutual attraction. August begins manipulating Marge by telling her Homer is a simple "townie" who would not appreciate her intellect. A shocked Homer arrives and catches the two together. In his anger, he reinvents his R&B group with a new sound called "grunge," which Homer explains is an acronym for "Guitar Rock Utilizing Nihilist Grunge Energy." His band is renamed to "Sadgasm" and they sing a song Homer calls "Politically Incorrect" (based on "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle" and "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana). Marge arrives at the concert, admitting she finds Homer's new music unnerving, while Homer mocks her attraction to August, causing them to end their relationship. Marge begins dating August, leaving Homer devastated. Homer performs a new song, called "Shave Me" (based on "Rape Me" by Nirvana), which causes him to become so famous that adoring fans surround his new mansion and "Weird Al" Yankovic performs a parody of the song, titled "Brain Freeze", leading a miserable Homer to become bored with his own fame. Marge and August accidentally hear a snippet of Homer's song during a date, shortly before sharing their first kiss. When running onto the beach, August shocks Marge by revealing that he considers marriage oppressive and misogynistic, angering Marge as she desires to get married someday. Marge breaks up with August, breaking his heart. A miserable Marge is surprised to see Homer made a song dedicated to her, called "Margerine" (based on "Glycerine" by Bush), about their relationship. A special news report with Kurt Loder (mirroring Loder's special MTV News report on April 8, 1994, announcing Kurt Cobain's death) interrupts, revealing Sadgasm have broken up and Homer is holed up in his mansion with an alleged narcotics addiction. Arriving there, Marge destroys Homer's drug needles and soon begins caring for him, although it turns out that the needles were insulin for his diabetes after he drank too many frappucinos. Whilst recovering in the hospital, Marge apologizes to Homer for her actions and he forgives her. The two reunite and have sex inside a mini-golf course, implying this is when and where they conceived Bart, though Bart and Lisa fall asleep during the revelation. As Homer and Marge end their story, August, who has been watching the couple's recollections transpire outside their window, mockingly brands them "townies" and walks away.
Love, Springfieldian Style,_Springfieldian_Style
On Valentine's Day, Homer and Marge get stuck in a Tunnel of Love ride after Bart turns the water into Jell-O. To pass the time, the family tells stories of famous couples: Bonnie and Clyde (Homer and Marge cut a path of crime through 1930s Springfield by robbing banks), Lady and the Tramp (Homer and Marge again; this time, as the eponymous dogs from the Disney movie), and Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen (Nelson and Lisa are punk rockers in love and addicted to chocolate).
The episode begins on a Valentine's Day afternoon. As a Valentine's Day treat, Homer takes Marge to a carnival, where they leave the kids in order to spend the day with one another in the Tunnel of Love. Inside, the two enjoy each other's company; however, Bart attempts to spoil his parents' happiness by filling the water with Jell-O, causing Homer and Marge's boat to stop. Trapped, Homer decides to pass time by telling Marge the story of Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde In 1933, during the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker (Marge) rejects a man trying to get her attention (Cletus), saying she is looking for someone exciting. Clyde Barrow (Homer) then arrives, and after robbing a store (which he ironically co-owns with his father), the two run off. Clyde discovers Bonnie's passion is violence, and the two go on a crime spree by robbing banks. After tricking a citizen (Flanders) into helping them, the two garner intense popularity across the country. The citizen they tricked soon realizes what had happened and betrays them to the police after learning they are an unmarried couple. The Texas officers soon arrive, and the police gun Bonnie and Clyde down. While being shot, Bonnie tells Clyde that she is looking for a man with more excitement, and that they would never have been together. Back at the Tunnel of love, Bart and Lisa arrive at Homer and Marge's boat and want them to tell a child-friendly story. Marge tells the story of Shady and the Vamp. Shady and the Vamp Vamp (Marge) is a royal and luxurious female dog. Shady (Homer) is in love with Vamp and eyes her from a distance, vowing that he will win her. After Shady is trampled by a mob of children, Vamp comforts him, and he asks her out for dinner. The two go to Luigi's, where, after a romantic pasta dinner (Except for the part were Shady nearly swallows Vamp over a string of spaghetti), the two run off onto a hill when the health inspector comes. In the morning, Vamp wakes up with nauseous feelings, and Shady leaves her, claiming that a fox hunter is near, knowing she is actually pregnant. In a musical number entitled "Any Minute Now" (featuring canine versions of Lenny, Carl and Barney backing up for Shady), the two dogs await for one another's return, though the cats living with a now-pregnant Vamp (Patty and Selma) convince her that Shady would never come back, whilst the dog who is friends with Shady (Moe) convinces him that he should stay with them rather than be "stuck" with Vamp and their puppies. Two of her puppies (Bart and Lisa) decide to go look for their father, and after being kidnapped by the dog catcher (Groundskeeper Willie), Shady arrives to save his children. Shady returns them home and reunites with Vamp, choosing to stay with her, but then Vamp informs Shady that there were actually nine other puppies in the litter (all of whom resemble Bart and Lisa with the exception of one, who resembles Maggie). When Homer eventually gets bored with Marge's story, Bart tells the story of Sid and Nancy. Sid and Nancy Nancy Spungen (Lisa), a young model student, walks into a rock concert by the Sex Pistols with her friend Milhouse, where she is enamored by the eccentric bassist, Sid Vicious (Nelson). After viewing him throw his bass at a fan at his concert, she decides to go after him. A chocolate dealer (Otto), who is in fact an undercover policeman and arrests Nancy's friend shortly afterwards, sells her a chocolate bar which she gives to Sid, who soon begins dating her. As shown in a montage, the two begin having their lives spiraled out of control while gaining a chocolate addiction. Sid soon begins ditching the Sex Pistols, angering lead singer Johnny Rotten (Bart) and guitarist Steve Jones (Jimbo). Sid arrives in the middle of a performance after a major chocolate spree, and knocks into an amplifier which topples over and crushes their drummer, Paul Cook (Dolph). Nancy arrives to defend Sid, and informs the Pistols that Sid does not need them, and the two go off trying to sing a soft type of music, performing at CBGB (Comic Book Guy's Bar). When they are kicked out for playing music against everything that punk rock represents (which, according to the Comic Book Guy, is nothing), the two decide to go back to their addiction and kiss in the alley as garbage (emptied by Homer) rains down on them. Homer wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and to "shut your gob."
The Debarted
Bart begins to suspect a rat when all of his pranks backfire—and might have something to do with his new friend, Donny. Meanwhile, Homer grows attached to his rental car, which he gets to drive for a week while his old car gets repaired.Guest Stars: Topher Grace and Terry Gross.
Marge is driving Bart and Lisa to school in Homer's car, when the children begin fighting. Tired and exhausted from moderating the kids as well as being disturbed to discover that Homer has a secret Taxicab license, Marge inadvertently crashes into the back of Hans Moleman's car, who is subsequently suffocated by the airbag deploying inside his car. Bart manages to escape unhurt and attends class. He is shocked to find that his seat has been taken by a new student, named Donny, who was recently kicked out of his former school. Donny soon gets Milhouse and Nelson to awe him. After Donny throws massive amounts of garbage at the school wall, Bart begins to feel he is losing popularity. While trying to imitate Donny, Bart ends up humiliating himself. Feeling his social rank amongst his peers slipping, Bart plays a prank on Principal Skinner, employing magnets and metal sole pads in Skinner's shoes. While on the school stage, the magnets cause Skinner to dance uncontrollably and ultimately be hurled outside of the school into a container filled with old and lost mouth retainers. Bart regains the respect and admiration of his peers, but when Skinner attempts to find who is responsible, Donny takes the blame for Bart's prank. Skinner takes Donny to his office, whereupon Donny is revealed to be in fact a snitch hired by Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers to get Bart suspended. Bart invites Donny into his clique alongside Nelson and Milhouse, and they plot school pranks. To signify Donny's entrance in the group, Bart rewards him with illegal Blue Vine licorice sticks from Europe, which turn the eater's tongue blue. At the school, Bart is perplexed when Skinner repeatedly anticipates and foils his pranks. Groundskeeper Willie informs Bart that a snitch is amongst them, but Bart wrongly suspects Milhouse. With the aid of Nelson and Donny, Bart imprisons Milhouse in a locker. Bart plans a final prank on Skinner involving egging his house with an ostrich egg. While helping Skinner hang up a banner, Bart notices that Skinner's tongue is blue. Bart figures out that the snitch is Donny, who had given Skinner the Blue Vines. Bart and Nelson ambush Donny and announce that they are going to force him to ingest enormous quantities of Diet Coke and Mentos. They are interrupted by the arrival of Chalmers, Skinner, and Willie, who has snitched on Bart in turn. Donny ultimately saves Bart, as he was the only person who ever cared for him. The two boys escape as Skinner, Chalmers, and Willie are caught in the Diet Coke/Mentos explosion. Before hitting the road, Donny tells Bart that he will always remember their friendship and promises to meet up with him again in the future. Meanwhile, Homer has taken his car to get it fixed. Raphael informs him of a loaner car he could use in the meantime. The loaner car is significantly better than Homer's old car, and he embraces it, and begins driving it everywhere and takes Marge out on a romantic drive. Raphael calls Homer, informing him that his old car is ready to be picked up. Homer, however, refuses to give up his luxury car. Lisa finds herself enjoying Homer's loaner car as well, taking advantage of a feature that lets her contribute directly to NPR and receive a message of appreciation by radio-show host Terry Gross. While driving past the car dealer, Homer sees Raphael selling his car for $99. Homer is furious and realizes that his car is like his child, and takes it back, abandoning the loaner car.
Dial 'N' for Nerder
Bart and Lisa's prank on Martin Prince goes too far and they worry that they may be implicated in his death by the police (and Nelson, who becomes an amateur sleuth). Meanwhile, Marge calls upon the producer of a reality show that specializes in tracking down cheating couples when she begins to suspect that Homer may be cheating...on his diet.
Homer and Marge are in bed about to have sexual intercourse, but Homer is too overweight to do so. When he arrives home for dinner the next evening, Homer is surprised to see that Marge has hired a formerly obese nutritionist named Betsy Bidwell. She puts Homer on a strict diet consisting solely of bell peppers. Although Homer appears to stick to the diet, he gains seven pounds, and Marge suspects that he has been cheating. Later, while the kids watch TV, Marge sees an advertisement for a television show named Sneakers, a parody of Cheaters designed for couples who are cheating on each other. Someone on the advertisement says to call the Sneakers hotline if they suspect cheating, which Marge realizes she can use to find out about Homer. Bart and Lisa, sent out of the house by Marge so she can make an "adult phone call" to Sneakers, tour Springfield National Park. At the top of a mountain, the two discover Martin excavating for arrowheads. While Lisa joins him in excavating, a frustrated Bart plays a prank on Martin. Stealing Sideshow Mel's bone (revealing that he actually has long flowing hair), Bart buries it. Martin arrives thinking it is a real artifact. Bart tugs on a string connected to the bone, which flies up to knock Martin in the head. He stumbles over the edge of the cliff, and falls onto a smaller ledge. Lisa takes a long stick and tells him to grab onto it, but inadvertently knocks him off the ledge, and he falls into the trees at the bottom of the cliff. The two return home believing that they have killed Martin, and feel guilty and unsure what to do. On the news, Kent Brockman reports Martin has disappeared and is presumed dead. Chief Wiggum says when Martin landed he was eaten by a cougar. Bart, feeling guilty, wants to admit his crime to pay the price, but Lisa, frightened of going to jail for being an accomplice, convinces him to keep quiet. Homer is about to leave the house, claiming he is going to work on a Saturday. Marge calls Sneakers, which prompts a nearby van full of Sneakers agents to stalk Homer. A memorial is held as a tribute to Martin in the school gym. Nelson realizes that Martin had a fear of heights so it would be unusual for him to be at the top of a cliff. Nelson travels to Springfield National Park and discovers Sideshow Mel's bone on a string. Meanwhile, the Sneakers agents catch a video of Homer going to a restaurant. Marge confirms her suspicions of Homer but realizes that the reality show people do not care about their marriage, and if anything, are trying to destroy it. She quits the show and embraces Homer, while the host goes off and edits the episode to make Marge look crazy. Nelson suspects Bart and Lisa's involvement in Martin's disappearance. Having read Martin's diary, Bart heads to Martin's greenhouse to complete his butterfly project. Lisa follows him and they finish the project. Just then, Martin's taped recording of a lute solo, set to go off as the butterflies hatch, automatically plays. Alarmed, Lisa hurriedly stops the tape, but the same lute tune begins to play again. The guilt becomes too unbearable for them and Lisa confesses to the murder out loud. Nelson appears, playing his lute, catches Lisa's confession on tape and is about to turn them into the police, just as Martin emerges. He recounts how he survived the fall thanks to his underwear with an extra-durable wedgie-proof waistband. His waistband caught on a tree branch and then the cougar pulled at his clothes, tossing him safely to an isle in the middle of a lake, where he spent an hour making a raft and three days making a modesty skirt. Though he punches Martin for prancing around in the skirt, Nelson is glad that he is alive, and tells Bart and Lisa he hopes that they learned their lesson. Lisa concludes that underneath her innocent appearance is a dark, twisted person, and Bart concurs that killing a nerd is not fun. Nelson then breaks the fourth wall to wish the show's audience a good night, and the ending imitates an opening to the NBC Mystery Movie, with Nelson Muntz as Columbo, Dr. Hibbert as Quincy, M.E., Rich Texan as McCloud, and Mr. Burns and Smithers as McMillan & Wife.
Smoke on the Daughter
Lisa is accepted into a ballet school run by jazz dancer Chazz Busby, and discovers that her dancing improves whenever she is around cigarette smoke. Meanwhile, Homer shows Bart his secret beef jerky project, which has been taken over by raccoons.
The episode starts when Homer, dressed as the character "Lord Evilton", tries waking up Bart to go with him, Lisa, Marge and Maggie to the midnight sale of the last book in the Angelica Button series. The whole family then goes to stand in line (together with most of Springfield residents). At midnight, Homer cannot wait; he bursts into the bookshop, followed by the rest of the people in the line. In the car on their way back home Lisa reads the book, announces there is a happy ending, and then the Simpsons throw the book away from the car. When they get back home, they decide to watch TV. While watching TV, Marge sees a commercial for the Chazz Busby Ballet Academy, and reveals to Lisa that she had always wanted to become a ballet dancer. Lisa tells Marge that she can still achieve her dream as an adult, and encourages her to audition for the ballet academy. While Marge does stumble at first during her audition, she is able to prove herself as a talented dancer, and Busby lets her become a student at his school. Meanwhile, Homer takes Bart to the basement and introduces him to a secret room in which Homer has been making beef jerky. When Marge suffers a leg cramp during her dance routine, Busby throws her out. When Lisa argues with Busby about his decision, he notices that Lisa has naturally perfect posture, and asks her to join his academy, and Marge accepts the offer on Lisa's behalf. However, no matter how hard she practices, Lisa soon turns out to be a poor ballet student. While on break, Lisa accidentally inhales smoke from the other students' cigarettes. When the break is over, Lisa enters the studio and performs better than ever, and deduces that second hand smoke is what makes her excel. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart offer to sell Apu their beef jerky to increase Kwik-E-Mart revenues despite Apu's Hinduism — but it is a lost cause, as Homer and Bart discover their beef jerky room is completely empty, and Apu leaves in frustration, refusing to do such business with them ever again. Homer discovers that a family of raccoons has made off with their jerky. That night, Lisa hallucinates of a cigarette-smoked shaped older version of herself, who convinces her to continue smoking. Lisa doubts the veracity of such a vision, until she is convinced by her feminist heroines by also seeing visions of them, all of whom were smokers. While driving Lisa to ballet practice, Marge — who is proud to have a ballerina as a daughter — starts glowing about how she sees herself in Lisa (even mistaking Lisa for herself), and Lisa starts suspecting that her mother's living her dream of being a ballerina through her. Homer follows one of the raccoons into the family's home under a tree stump and prepares to take them out, despite Bart warning him that he always loses fights with animals, as his battle with the earthworms proved — but Homer claims that that was phased withdrawal, but after seeing that their family is basically the raccoon version of his family, Homer cannot bring himself to do it. During a windy break, Lisa cannot inhale any smoke. She realizes her only alternative is to actually smoke a cigarette, and picks one up. Right as she is about to smoke it, Homer arrives and takes it away, throws it on the ground, squishes it with his foot, and then shoots it with his gun several times. Appalled at his daughter's smoking, he goes to tell Marge that Lisa needs to be taken out of the ballet academy, but discovers how proud she is of Lisa; Homer cannot bear to destroy Marge's happiness. He does, however, order Lisa to quit smoking — including second hand — and has Bart keep an eye on her. When Bart informs Homer that Lisa is still addicted to cigarette smoke, Homer creates a plan involving one of the raccoons. On the night of Lisa's ballet recital, which is Sleeping Beauty, the raccoon breaks into the changing room and steals all the cigarettes and money. On stage, all the ballerinas soon go out of control, and Lisa tells the annoyed audience that ballet is something America has forced onto children, and quits (although she implied that she was going to talk about smoking, which was the main message of this episode, she states that she takes full responsibility for her decision to smoke instead of the usual "blame tobacco companies"), prompting Busby to also quit. Lisa finally manages to overcome her smoke addiction using children's 'Hello Kitty' nicotine patches. Marge also learns her lesson: parents should not try to achieve their dreams through their children, but Homer proves that he has yet to learn that moral, as he is forcing Bart to become a Mexican wrestler called El Guapo, which means "good looking" in Spanish.
Papa Don't Leech
When Mayor Quimby launches a campaign to shake down anyone who has not paid taxes in years, Lurleen Lumpkin (the country singer who tried to seduce Homer from the season three episode "Colonel Homer") hides out at the Simpson house, which does not sit well with Marge (who still cannot forgive her for almost stealing her husband).Guest Stars: Beverly D'Angelo and The Dixie Chicks.
Lisa tries to sell Girl Scout cookies to Mayor Quimby, but finds the entire town treasury empty. Quimby explains that the city spent their funds on a new slogan, "Springfield: Good", so the town holds a meeting in order to raise money. They try faking a natural disaster in order to get relief money from Federal Emergency Management Agency. It turns out that the officials are impostors and the town goes into more debt than it was before. Lisa then reveals Springfield has millions in uncollected taxes, making the town collect them from its most notorious tax evaders (save Mayor Quimby and Mr. Burns). News reporter, Kent Brockman reveals that all tax evaders have been dealt with, all but Lurleen Lumpkin, a country music star whom Homer once managed, and who had previously fallen in love with Homer. Homer finds Lurleen hiding in his car, and learns that after he left her, she became broke. After comforting her, Homer agrees to take her home. Marge remembers how Lurleen wrecked her and Homer's marriage, and demands that she leaves. Angrily driving with Lurleen, Marge discovers that Lurleen is homeless and begins to pity her. Marge reluctantly allows her to stay with the family. As a thank you, Lurleen hosts a barbecue for the family. Lurleen is soon arrested by the police and taken to court. Judge Snyder is lenient with Lurleen, only requiring that she repay her debt to society. After the trial, Lurleen explains how she cannot pay off her taxes because all her money went to her ex-husbands, all of which resemble Homer. She goes to work for Moe Szyslak at his bar, where Lenny and Carl both try to go on a date with her. She denies both of them. Lurleen becomes depressed, and is heard singing through the vent about her father, Royce. Marge realizes that Lurleen's father left her, and she had given up faith in all men. Marge decides to get Lurleen and her father back together. Scouring Springfield, she finally finds Lurleen's father, Royce, and reunites the two. She forgives him and writes a new song to celebrate their reunion: "Daddy's Back". The two appear to have a newfound happiness. However, Royce eventually leaves Lurleen again. Soon, The Dixie Chicks play on TV, Lurleen's father is in their music video, and one of the Dixie Chicks claims that he wrote the song. The song is plagiarized from the song Lurleen wrote for their reunion. She goes to the Simpson's basement to sulk. Homer, in his Colonel Homer attire and "Major Marge" come to her, and tell her to take control of her destiny. Lurleen tells the Dixie Chicks that her father stole her song, and they proceed to hit him with their instruments as payback. Lurleen becomes the new opening act for the Dixie Chicks and finds a new boyfriend (who also has a resemblance to Homer), and Marge and Lurleen embrace. Out of earshot, Marge warns Lurleen never to come near Homer again.
Apocalypse Cow
Bart joins the 4-H Club and befriends a cow named Lou, but when Lou is set to be sent to slaughter, Bart gives Lou to a country girl named Mary—whom he now must marry after finding out that giving a cow to a country girl is considered a marriage proposal in hillbilly tradition.Guest Star: Zooey Deschanel.
Bart and Lisa watch Saturday morning cartoons, starting with "Trans-Clown-O-Morphs". The show's main character is quickly placed in a life-threatening situation and pleads with the viewers to help him survive by buying the new Trans-Clown-O-Morphs cereal. Annoyed by the alleged commercial messages placed in every TV show the kids watch, Marge decides to get them away from the TV by having Lisa make banana bread and Bart goes to Shelbyville with Homer to have the beanbag chairs "rebeaned". While Bart and Homer drive to Shelbyville, they see Martin Prince driving a combine harvester. Bart asks why someone like Martin would be driving a tractor, and Martin informs him he has joined 4-H. Lured by the prospect of operating heavy machinery, Bart joins as well and quickly masters driving a tractor. Later, the 4-H volunteer introduces the members to a competition. Taking them to the calf pen, he informs them that they will each pick a calf and raise it over the summer, at the end of which the cattle will be judged at the county fair. Bart is stuck with the runt of the litter, and is unable to trade it away. He soon meets Mary, and she encourages Bart not to give up in the competition. Bart agrees, and they rename the young bull Lou (previously Lulubelle). Throughout the following weeks, Bart takes good care of Lou and helps him become stronger, while also bonding with him and growing to love him. When the day of the competition arrives, Lou has matured into a large bull and is awarded the blue ribbon. Bart is ecstatic until Lisa informs him that the next step is to send Lou to a slaughterhouse. Bart tries to convince Marge and Homer to buy the bull, but knowing by experience how expensive it is to care for a large animal, they refuse. That night, Bart hears mooing as he lies in bed and believes it to be a hallucination caused by his inability to help Lou. He starts yelling in fear, and Lisa arrives and says it is simply his subconscious telling him to stop eating meat. However, the mooing is suddenly replaced by clucking noises, and Bart discovers that it was only a CD of Tress MacNeille's "Anguished Animals III," placed by Lisa, in an attempt to turn him vegetarian. Nevertheless, Bart, Lisa, and Lisa's friends, "Compost" and "Solar Panel", go to the slaughterhouse in the middle of the night, determined to save Lou. They discover that Lou, who has been fed growth hormones, is now much bigger, so they use a forklift to pick him up and carry him away (though not without some trial and error). Hurrying from the slaughterhouse, they decide the only safe place they can take him is to Mary's home, which is on a farm. The next morning, they are shocked to discover that Cletus Spuckler is Mary's father. Bart gives the cow to Mary, and Mary agrees to take it. Cletus then yells for Brandine to come to the door. When Brandine learns that Bart offered Mary the cow, she informs them that the giving of a cow constitutes a formal proposal of arranged marriage. Against the wishes of both Bart and Mary, Cletus and Brandine plan the wedding for the next day; Lisa convinces Bart to go along with it long enough to let them figure out a way to save Lou, correctly suspecting that Cletus will not keep the bull if Bart refuses. Upon learning what has happened, Homer and Marge are shocked, and Marge devises a scheme to prevent it, but she also agrees to save Lou, knowing how Bart rarely cares about anyone or anything. The next day, Marge arrives to stop the wedding, prompting Cletus to send Lou to the slaughterhouse. However, the "Lou" Cletus sent was actually Homer in a cow mascot suit, while the real Lou is being sent to India to be treated like a god. They save Homer from the slaughterhouse after a close shave, after which Homer vows to cut back on his meat eating, and Bart reflects with pride that he can finally say that, "I had a cow, man."
Any Given Sundance
The Simpsons are going to Utah for the Sundance Film Festival after Lisa's short film on her dysfunctional family life becomes a rave with everyone—except for the Simpson family.Guest Star: Jim Jarmusch and John C. Reilly.
The Simpson family heads to a tailgate party, and while Homer and Bart steal other tailgaters' food, Lisa busies herself by filming the events for a school project, and notices life in its own perspective. Lisa shows the film to her teacher, who reviews her film and says he enjoys it, but gives it a 3 out of 5. When she complains to Principal Skinner, who has a secret cinema passion, he tells her a good film should have plenty of drama. Lisa concludes that the only true source of drama is her family, which Skinner understands, knowing Bart. With Skinner granting her access to the school's A/V equipment, Lisa begins to film her family doing their everyday activities. Superintendent Chalmers takes notice of Lisa's filmmaking and convinces Skinner to enter Lisa's film in the Sundance Film Festival. The Sundance organizers agree to premiere Lisa's film, as she is an intellectual misfit, and her movie is not a mainstream production. Lisa's movie, Capturing the Simpsons (a play on the title of the Sundance documentary Capturing the Friedmans) is accepted. When the family learns Lisa's film had been accepted, they all go to Park City, Utah, anxious to see the premiere of the film. Capturing the Simpsons, produced by "Chalmskinn Productions" begins. Lisa shows her family in all of its dysfunction. Audience members begin making sour remarks about her family. One scene features Bart breaking dishes and Homer walking in with bare feet. Marge cleans up after them and Lisa wishes her a "Happy Birthday," embarrassing the entire family. The film ends, and receives a standing ovation. Homer, Marge, Bart and Maggie are all appalled at how Lisa portrayed them in the film. Comic Book Guy posts a glowing review of the film on his blog, which attracts worldwide attention and leads to some film distributors negotiating with Skinner and Chalmers to buy Lisa's movie. Meanwhile, Lisa's family realize others hate them because of the way they were portrayed in the film (with one person of the original audience going as far as to swear Maggie's death), and approach the family and ask them to act the way they did in the film. Lisa feels sorry for what she did to the family, and while deep in thought, Jim Jarmusch approaches her and says he can relate because his movies are also about "social misfits experiencing the dark side of the American dream". Lisa however, feels that she may have subconsciously humiliated her family on purpose. He tells her the answer to her question of whether or not her family will forgive her can be found in a film: Life Blows Chunks, a documentary by Nelson Muntz which had been in production by Chalmskinn Productions at the same time as Lisa's film. It shows Nelson's struggling life, where Mrs. Muntz is a thief and drinks heavily. When his film ends, Lisa learns that although her family may embarrass her or infuriate her, there are other families with tougher problems. She apologizes to her family, and they gratefully forgive her. Nelson and Mrs. Muntz, who are now in the spotlight, enjoy the attention. During the tag scene, Skinner and Chalmers meet John C. Reilly, who unsuccessfully tries to audition for Chalmskinn's next movie, Ghost Willie.
Mona Leaves-a
Mona Simpson, Homer's '60s radical mother, returns, vowing that her days of protesting are over, but Homer will not accept. Things get worse when Mona dies and her last wishes are to have her ashes spread over the mountains, which turns out to be a plot in stopping a nuclear disaster.Guest Stars: Glenn Close, Lance Armstrong.
As the Simpson family arrive home from their trip to the Springfield mall, they find their door is open, suggesting a burglar is inside the house. Bart fetches Homer a makeshift weapon made from a cinder block tied to a chain that he calls "The Defender". Homer swings it around to threaten the burglar, but when the family smells apple pie, they discover it is actually Homer's mother, Mona Simpson. Mona says that her days of activism are over, and that she is staying for good. Homer explains that he feels hurt and abandoned when Mona is not around, and does not want to feel that way again. Mona tries to explain to Homer she has changed her ways, but, again Homer does not listen. Later that night, Mona asks if Homer will forgive her, a shaken Homer angrily replies that he will not, because of all the times she left him. Afterwards, Homer realizes he should have listened to his mother, and makes her a card as an apology. But when he goes downstairs to apologize, he sees her sitting in front of the fire, and asks if she is asleep. When he then notices and questions that she is "sleeping with her eyes open", her head slumps down and Homer realizes that she has died. As Mona is cremated, Homer is depressed and guilt-ridden for not apologizing to his mother and struggles to come to terms with her death, especially since he blames himself for her passing. While shopping at the Kwik-E-Mart, he asks Apu what happens when people die. Apu believes that Homer's mother may have been reincarnated, but Ned, being Christian, doesn't buy into it and says to Homer that no one returns as anything from the hereafter. Eventually, the family finds and watches a video will from Mona. They discover that Mona left the family some of her possessions: Marge receives Mona's hemp sulfur purse, Bart receives Mona's Swiss Army knife, and Lisa receives Mona's rebellious spirit. For Homer, however, she leaves a task: to take her ashes to the highest point at Springfield Monument Park and scatter them at exactly 3:00pm. With great difficulty, Homer climbs the mountain in honor of his mother. He releases her ashes, only to find they travel inside the mountain and disrupt a secret nuclear missile launch. Homer is hurt that the last thing Mona told him to do was "one more stupid hippie protest". Homer is taken captive inside the mountain. There, Mr. Burns explains the purpose of the missile: to send the city's nuclear waste into the Amazon Rainforest. Burns imprisons Homer in a room, tied up, and returns Mona's ashes in a vacuum bag to Homer. Outside, the family find Homer and attempt to save him. Bart throws him Mona's knife, which Homer uses to cut himself free. Meanwhile, Marge and Lisa light Marge's hemp purse on fire using a pair of Mona's diamond earrings that Lisa had stolen (jealous that Bart got a tangible inheritance). This creates marijuana fumes through a vent, mellowing out the guards. Homer then breaks free from his prison room using "The Defender", and stops the launch. However, he accidentally pushes the self-destruct button, exploding the launch site and representing Mona's final victory, through her family and over all the things she spent her life fighting for. Homer escapes on a Union Jack parachute landing next to his family. He then releases his mother's ashes once again (after misunderstanding that he only needed to apply water to Mona's ashes to bring her back to life). The scene then turns into clips of Homer enjoying time with his mother from earlier episodes, which ends with a happy Homer as a child hugging his mother over breakfast.
All About Lisa
Sideshow Mel narrates the story of how Lisa rose to stardom as Krusty the Clown's latest replacement. Meanwhile, Bart and Homer start coin-collecting and go after a rare 1917 coin known as "The Kissing Lincolns" penny.Guest Star: Drew Carey.
The episode begins at the 38th Annual Springfield Media Awards, where the Entertainer of the Year Award goes to Lisa Simpson. Sideshow Mel then explains how Lisa became an entertainer. At Krusty the Clown's 4,000th episode, Krusty decides to hire brand-new "Krustkateers", children who used to star alongside Krusty in his early episodes. Bart has the best performance of all the children auditioning, but Krusty chooses Nelson Muntz instead. Lisa decides to defend Bart and demands Krusty hire him. However, Krusty decides to hire Lisa as his intern instead. As Krusty's intern, Lisa is frequently bullied by Krusty. Noticing how Krusty degrades Lisa, Mel tells her that Krusty is very conceited, so in order to bear Krusty's rudeness, Lisa must compliment him. Lisa takes Sideshow Mel's advice, and a conceited Krusty finally praises Lisa's assistance. When Krusty fails to entertain the audience at one of his shows, Lisa attempts to make Krusty look better. After pushing Krusty off the diving board, the entire audience laughs at Krusty and praises Lisa, whose mind is swept with fame and fortune. Krusty is warned by his agent that Lisa's popularity may steal his spotlight. One evening, Krusty is running late for a rehearsal, and the program directors offer Lisa the opportunity to fill in. Dressed in a clown outfit, she performs Krusty's monologue, then when Krusty finally arrives he finds out the network has hired Lisa to replace him, renaming the show "The Lisa Show". As Krusty is relegated to a local late-night talk show, Lisa becomes an overnight success, but Sideshow Mel warns Lisa not to overdo her pride. The story returns to Lisa proudly accepting her award. After the awards show, Mel reveals to Lisa that he had previously won the Entertainer of the Year Award, and that past winners including himself had their careers killed because of the award by starring in mediocre TV shows and movies. Lisa realizes that she needs to get out of the business while she still can. She runs back out on stage and calls Krusty up, allowing him to be in the spotlight again. Krusty regains his reputation and his show, where he continues to torture Mel for comedy. Meanwhile, Bart and Homer decide to sell all of Krusty's merchandise in Bart's room. When Comic Book Guy trades a coin album and a bicentennial quarter for the collection, Bart and Homer start coin collecting. After nearly filling the entire collection book, they discover a secret coin slot for the rare 1917 "Kissing Lincolns" penny. Bart and Homer head to a coin auction house in an attempt to buy the "Kissing Lincolns" penny, but Mr. Burns buys it instead. Burns does not willingly give Homer the penny, but Homer tricks him into giving it as part of change for a nickel.
Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes,_Pies_and_Idiot_Scrapes
After serving a jail sentence for starting a brawl at an alcohol-free St. Patrick's Day parade, Homer becomes a bounty hunter and tags Flanders along for the ride. Meanwhile, an Irish man gives Marge a job at his bakery, which Marge soon discovers specializes in sexually suggestive cakes.Guest Stars: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Robert Forster and Joe Mantegna.
An alcohol-free Springfield Saint Patrick's Day parade is interrupted by a brawl between the Nationalist Irish and the Unionist Northern Irish in which Homer participates. A group of hungry children steal Marge's picnic basket. She is saved by Patrick Farrelly, who gives the children a cabbage and returns the basket. Marge offers him a cupcake in gratitude, and Patrick immediately offers her a job at his bakery after eating it. At the bakery, Marge realizes that Patrick employed her at an erotic bakery after seeing Patty and Selma pick out a suggestively-shaped cake. Marge tries to quit, but Patrick says that there is nothing wrong with what he is doing, and that many of her friends have bought cakes from the store. Patrick informs Marge that she has a gift, and Marge agrees to stay. Due to his involvement in the riot and his history of crime, Homer is arrested and his bail set incredibly high. Homer's bail bondsman Lucky Jim agrees to secure Homer's release from prison, as long as Homer does not skip his bail. Otherwise, he will have to deal with Wolf the Bounty Hunter, who quickly inspires Homer to become a bounty hunter himself. Homer's first mission involves pretending to sell condos on a street corner to criminals. Snake approaches Homer, who tries to take Snake down. Homer corners Snake in an alleyway, where Snake pulls out a pistol and fires a shot straight to Homer's head. Miraculously, Ned Flanders places a sheet of bulletproof glass in front of Homer, which deflects the shot. Ned attempts to convince Snake to come in quietly, unknowingly allowing Homer to sneak up behind Snake and capture him by asphyxiating him with a plastic bag. Giving Ned his cut of the bounty, Homer convinces him to partner up as a bounty hunting duo, and they successfully pursue several bail-jumpers. Homer spoils his family with gifts, chiefly evidence such as bullets or chemical equipment taken from meth labs. Marge is equally proud of her job, although after Homer innocuously considers ordering a birthday cake for Lisa from the erotic bakery and unwittingly eats several components for an order for Waylon Smithers, Marge confesses to the precise nature of her work. That evening, Homer and Ned conduct a stakeout, hoping to take in Fat Tony. When he emerges next morning, Homer and Ned chase him around Springfield and eventually capture him by crashing their car into a subway car. Disgusted by Homer's lawless capture, Ned angrily quits and vows to leave the bounty-hunting business. When Ned learns from Jim that Homer has skipped his bail while being too distracted with his new job, he fears for Homer's sake and Jim's threats of sending a number of amoral and sociopathic bounty hunters after Homer, so Ned decides to arrest Homer by himself. Ned ambushes Homer as he arrives home and a long parkour chase ensues, ending with the two on a beam suspended high over the ground. Homer jumps onto another beam, but Ned fails to land on it, gripping onto the edge of the beam. He begs Homer for help, which causes Homer to remember all the good times he and Ned had together; Homer finally helps Ned, but ends up tumbling over the edge of the beam himself, causing them both to land in a pool of wet cement – which unfortunately sets before they can get out. Chief Wiggum arrests Homer, who is sentenced to a short stay in jail. On the last night of his sentence, while Sideshow Bob escapes from the Springfield Penitentiary, Homer receives a cake from Marge to "help get him through his sentence". He opens it to find a regular pink and white frosted sheet cake that simply says "to the love of my life".
Lost Verizon
Bart feels left out after realizing he is the only kid in this day and age without a cell phone, so he tries to work in a country club as a golf ball finder to earn money for it—and finds Denis Leary's phone instead.Guest Stars: Denis Leary and Brian Grazer.
When Principal Skinner makes a fool of himself on a freeway, Milhouse manages to catch the scene on his cell phone. He calls most of his friends to see Skinner getting beaten up by a drunken-(as-always) Barney, but cannot call Bart, who does not have a cell phone and is immediately taunted for missing out on laughing at Skinner. Bart asks Marge for a phone; Marge explains that, because Mr. Burns has cut Homer's pay, forcing him to work for free, she cannot afford it, nor a dream trip for Lisa to Machu Picchu. A depressed Bart takes a walk past the Springfield Glen Country Club, and is hit by a golf ball. He angrily runs onto the golf course to find who hit him, and finds it was Dr. Julius Hibbert. Hibbert pays Bart a dollar for the retrieval and says golf balls can cost $5 new. Bart tries to earn enough money for a cell phone by retrieving golf balls until Groundskeeper Willie accuses Bart of cutting in on his job, and confiscates all the golf balls. At a nearby celebrity golf tournament, Denis Leary (guest starring as himself) prepares to swing, but misses when his cell phone rings at the same time. Leary throws away his phone, which lands beside Bart. While going to inform Milhouse of his new cell, Bart receives a call from producer Brian Grazer (also guest starring as himself), who asks Leary to star in the film adaption of Everyone Poops. Bart, realizing the phone belongs to Leary, pretends to be him and accepts the role. He makes prank calls to bartenders all over the world, and has all of Boston native Leary's money spent on New York Yankees hats and uniforms. Marge overhears Bart and Milhouse's mischievousness, and when Milhouse confesses that it belongs to Leary, she confiscates and prepares to return Bart's phone to him. Leary calls his cell, and Marge answers, apologizing for her son's behavior. Leary, still angry with Bart's tricks, suggests Marge activate the GPS and web filter on the phone and return it to Bart, allowing her to track down Bart's every move and block certain websites. Somewhat guiltily, Marge activates the GPS and returns the phone to Bart, and she is able to prevent him from watching R-rated movies, gambling, grave-digging, and skating down steps and hurting himself. Bart soon realizes that he cannot have any fun when Marge and Homer have him under constant surveillance. Lisa discovers her parents spying on Bart and shocked by Marge's injustice, confronts her for it. When Marge refuses to acknowledge she is abusing Bart's privacy (unaware that Moe Szyslak is spying on her as well, who in turn is being secretly monitored by two FBI agents), Lisa informs Bart, who gets revenge by uninstalling the phone's parental control software and tying the GPS chip to the leg of a scarlet tanager, which flies away. Marge, thinking the bird is Bart, assumes that Bart is running away from home. While Homer, Lisa, Marge, and Maggie conduct a nationwide search for Bart, Lisa realizes that the bird is what they had been chasing. After checking research on her laptop, she discovers the bird is migrating to Machu Picchu, her dream trip they could not afford. Knowing this, Lisa deliberately lets the bird go free so the family can chase it to Machu Picchu. Bart relishes his newfound freedom during the daytime, but quickly becomes frightened of being alone at night. When the Simpsons arrive in Machu Picchu, they continue the search for Bart. Marge, despite being exhausted, swears to be more over-protective with Bart, but Lisa convinces her to rest on an ancient sculpture, below the statue of the ancient Peruvian God of the Sky. Marge quickly falls asleep, and is instantaneously pulled into a dream world where the God of the Sky shows her ancient Peru. He teaches her how throughout history, parents who over-parented their children could never set them free, which was how they were conquered by the Conquistadors and Inca renegades (although historical-wise, Machu Picchu was never actually discovered or conquered by the Conquistadors). Upon waking, Marge learns that she must let Bart learn how to take care of himself. Homer discovers that the family has been following a bird the whole time, making Marge to realize where Bart is. Upon returning to Springfield, Marge asks Bart if he missed her. Bart says he did not notice they were gone (for two weeks), so Marge, depressed, goes upstairs. However, upon reaching the stairs, she is stopped by Bart, who quickly begs her to never leave again. The episode ends with Lisa and Homer realizing that they left Maggie in Machu Picchu, where she is being worshipped.
Double, Double, Boy in Trouble,_Double,_Boy_in_Trouble
Bart meets Simon Woosterfield, a boy who looks exactly like him and is a member of Springfield's richest family. As a prank, the two decide to switch places, but the joke is on Bart when he discovers that Simon is being targeted for murder by his own siblings.Guest Star: Joe Montana.
Homer, Bart and Maggie are at the Kwik-E Mart, where Apu tries to get Homer to buy the last lottery ticket by claiming that the last ticket is always lucky. When Homer is about to take money out to buy the ticket, Bart attempts to jump off a shelf and land in Chief Wiggum's cart full of marshmallows. However, Wiggum moves the cart and Homer has to race over to catch his son, while Lenny walks up to the counter and buys that last ticket. Lenny wins $50,000, which makes Homer jealous. At Moe's Tavern, Lenny announces he is going to spend his winnings on a giant party at the Woosterfield Hotel for all of his friends. Back at home, the Simpson family cannot find Bart when it is time to leave, because he is upstairs in the attic with a water gun full of cat urine. When he is about to shoot it at Rod and Todd Flanders in a wagon below, Marge steps in and Bart accidentally sprays her with the urine, so Marge has to wear a mediocre "back up dress" to the party. Homer and Marge wonder why Bart cannot behave and wonder if he went bad in utero when pregnant Marge accidentally swallowed a small drop of champagne after Mayor Quimby christened a new Navy vessel, the U.S.S. Float-and-Shoot. At Lenny's party, Bart discovers that Lenny will give out vacuuming robots in gift bags. Bart activates all the dangerous settings on them and they attack the party guests. When everyone finds out that Bart is responsible, Marge takes away Bart's non-dice board game privileges, after Bart says she already took away his TV and video game privileges. In the bathroom, Bart meets Simon Woosterfield, a kid who is both Bart's exact look-alike and part of a billionaire family. The boys decide to secretly switch places and live each other's lives for a while by trading their clothes in the bathroom. Bart likes his new life as a rich child until he meets his paternal half-siblings, Devan and Quenly, who resent Simon for blocking their full inheritance of the family fortune, especially since his father divorced their mother and married his mother. Simon refuses to eat Marge's recipe of cooked noodles with root beer and Cheetos, so Homer eats it and chews with his mouth open. When Simon is sent to bed without supper after calling Homer a spew monkey for spitting food on him, Marge gives him pizza with no crusts and tucks him in, which Simon says he can get used to. The next day, the Woosterfields hold a party for all of their rich friends. When Devan and Quenly lock Bart in the Woosterfield mausoleum telling him that the bodies turn to candy, Mr. Burns gets him out. He tells Bart he was once the youngest in a wealthy family and his siblings all died in varied ways (mostly related to eating poisoned baked potatoes implying that they all killed each other. Especially when Mr. Burns says "yes, funny that" after Bart mentioned that the fortune went to him as the sole successor) and that Bart is in danger from his own family. Bart realizes that Devan and Quenly want to murder Simon so they can take his share of the inheritance. When Simon listens politely to Grampa's stories, Lisa concludes that Simon is an imposter and Simon explains his story to the Simpsons, saying that Devan and Quenly are taking Bart to Aspen where they will try to kill him. Before the Simpsons get to him, Quenly pushes Bart down a hill for experienced skiers. When Devan says that they will split Simon's inheritance, Quenly offers Devan a baked potato (a reference to Burns' story from earlier) planning to clear her path of him to snare 100% of the fortune for herself. Homer manages to save Bart in time. The family says their goodbye to Simon, who is welcomed to his family again via a hot fudge sundae by his butler Chester. Newly appreciative of his own family, Bart is lovingly tucked into bed by Marge.
Treehouse of Horror XIX
Intro: Homer tries to vote for Barack Obama but the machine is rigged to place votes for John McCain—and kill anyone who reveals it. Untitled Robot Parody: In this light parody of Transformers, Lisa gets a Malibu Stacy car that turns into a robot bent on fighting the mortal enemy of his race (more transforming robots).How to Get Ahead in Dead-Vertising: After accidentally killing Krusty the Clown over the destruction of a daycare mural that used his image without his express permission, Homer is hired by two ad agents who have discovered a legal loophole in using celebrity likenesses in their advertising campaigns.It's the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse: In this parody of It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Milhouse summons a demon pumpkin, who goes berserk when he discovers that humans carve his brethren into jack-o-lanterns as Halloween tradition.
In the opening scene, Homer tries to vote for Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the 2008 United States presidential election. However, the voting machine is rigged to register his vote for Republican candidate John McCain. After six attempts to vote (including actually voting for McCain once in the hopes that it would register for Obama), Homer heads out to report the mishap, but the machine sucks him in and kills him to hide the truth, then shoots his body out of the voting booth. Jasper sticks a patriotic-themed "I voted" sticker on Homer's forehead. The title of the episode and opening credits are shown in red, white and blue in front of him. Untitled Robot Parody In a parody of Transformers, Bart buys Lisa a Malibu Stacy convertible as a Christmas present. However, the car turns out to be a Transformer. The robot transforms all of the technology in Springfield into robots so they can wage war with each other. Just as the two machine factions' leaders prepare to face off, Marge asks why the robots are at war with one another; as it turns out, they cannot even remember. Thanking Marge, the two factions of sentient machines work together to overthrow humanity and use Springfield's residents in a game of human foosball. How to Get Ahead in Dead-Vertising Homer takes Maggie to a daycare and encourages her to enjoy a mural featuring Krusty the Clown to make her feel better while she is away from her parents. However, Krusty is already there to have the images of his face sandblasted from the mural, as his likeness is trademarked and had been used without his permission. This leaves Maggie upset and an outraged Homer shoves Krusty in retaliation, accidentally sending him flying into a wood chipper, shredding him alive. Homer is later approached by two advertising agents who have heard of his deed and explain their plan to use celebrities' likenesses in advertising without issues over permission by simply killing those who refuse to lend their names to advertising. Homer is then hired as a celebrity assassin, taking out such famous faces as actor George Clooney, singer Prince, and astronaut Neil Armstrong. In Heaven, the dead celebrities are outraged by this and stage an attack on the living, with Homer as their main target. Krusty's angel kills Homer, who gets revenge by locking all the celebrities out of Heaven, leaving only himself and the apparently gay Abraham Lincoln. It's the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse In a parody of It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Bart makes up a character called the Grand Pumpkin, which Milhouse begins to believe in. Milhouse is unable to summon the Grand Pumpkin in front of his friends, who leave for a Halloween party. He starts to cry and his tears and childlike belief bring the Grand Pumpkin to life. However, the Grand Pumpkin is appalled to find that pumpkins are carved and eaten on Halloween, and he eats Homer, Nelson Muntz and Groundskeeper Willie for this reason. Realizing that Milhouse can bring things to life by believing in them, Lisa tells him about "Tom Turkey", a symbol of Thanksgiving. Milhouse starts to believe in Tom Turkey, who comes to life and kills the Grand Pumpkin, freeing everyone he ate. However, when Tom Turkey learns that people eat turkeys on Thanksgiving, he vows revenge and starts angrily chasing children around the school, devouring them as Marge wishes the viewers happy holidays.
Dangerous Curves
Homer and Marge remember their dating years where a young Ned and Maude tries to keep them apart and their early years of marriage where Homer and Marge almost cheated on each other.Guest Star: Maurice LaMarche.
On the Fourth of July, the Simpson family visit a cabin in the woods. While driving there, they pick up hitchhikers Squeaky Voiced Teen and his girlfriend, Beatrice. Homer flashes back twenty years earlier to 1988, when he and Marge ride their bikes down a highway. While trying to kiss, Homer crashes his bike, forcing them to walk. Ned and Maude Flanders are driving by, see them and pick them up. Ned and Maude are on their honeymoon after their wedding earlier that day, but Ned warns the other two about potential marital problems in the future. Back in the present, Homer becomes annoyed with the Squeaky Voiced Teen kissing Beatrice, prompting another flashback to five years earlier in 2003, where a married Homer and Marge are more stressed. Driving with Marge, Patty and Selma, and getting the usual flak from the latter two, Homer angrily kicks them out of the car, unaware they had the map to their cabin destination. The car runs out of gas and Homer and Marge walk off with a gas can, stopping at a home to use the phone. The owner, Alberto, is having a party, and he invites them in. Marge becomes enraged after seeing Homer flirting with a beautiful woman named Sylvia. Following an argument, Marge accidentally falls into the pool. Homer starts a sushi fight, and Marge regrets marrying Homer. In the present, the family drops off the Squeaky-Voiced Teen and Beatrice, and continue to their cabin. In 1988, Ned barricades unmarried Homer and Marge chastely in separate rooms of the cabin to discourage premarital sex. In 2003, Alberto comforts Marge, who leaves the party with him for a private airplane ride, while Homer, seeing them in the sky, drives off with Sylvia. They each decide to spend the night together but end up at the cabin, where Homer sees Marge through the window but does not see Alberto. Upon hearing Homer calling out for Marge, Alberto panics and hides in a trunk just before Homer arrives. Despite his initial misgivings, Homer concludes that he and Marge were both there to recapture the memories of their dating years. On Marge's insistence, Homer pulls the trunk out of the room, where he promptly pushes Sylvia into out of Marge's eyesight. Alberto and Sylvia fall in love in the trunk while Homer and Marge rekindle their love. In the present, Homer and Marge meet Alberto and Sylvia, now married with a daughter named Ruthie, and learn of each other's near-affairs. Marge is disgusted, but Homer points out she was just as bad as he was. Homer regrets marrying Marge and, trapped in a ball of their luggage which happened while unpacking, has Ruthie roll him into the woods. Back in 1988, Ned comforts Homer, who is despondent at Marge's absence the previous night, and encourages him to consider marrying Marge in the future. Taking a walk through the woods with Marge, Homer carves the message "Marge + Homer 4ever" into a tree. In the present, Homer sees this message, and tries to cut it out of the tree to show to Marge as a symbol of their everlasting love. Marge arrives to reassure him but accidentally knocks the tree over a ravine. Homer clings onto the bark and falls down the ravine toward the river below with Marge falling after. They are saved by Bart and Lisa in their pedal car, which Bart had accidentally driven into the river.
Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Homer, who has since recovered from his crash, Lisa becomes obsessed with crossword puzzles and enters a contest, where Homer places bets against his daughter in order to earn money lost from his couples break-up business.Guest Stars: Will Shortz, Merl Reagle and Scott Thompson.
Bart and Lisa start a lemonade stand, but it is quickly closed due to their not having a vending permit. They get in line at the licensing bureau, only to find that the long line is standing still due to the clerk doing a crossword puzzle. Impatient, Lisa completes the puzzle herself, only to find herself addicted to the puzzles. The scene is a shot-for-shot adaptation of the Al Sanders scene in Wordplay. Eventually, she becomes so obsessed with them that Superintendent Chalmers hands her a pamphlet for the Crossword City Tournament. Meanwhile, at Moe's, Edna Krabappel offers to buy a beer for anyone who breaks up with Principal Skinner for her. Homer ends their relationship and decides to take a second job in which he helps break up romantic relationships. Grady, one of his old roommates, calls Homer and asks him to break up Grady's and his boyfriend's relationship because he found a new and "better" man in Duffman. Homer successfully manages to break up the couple. After making a good deal of money, he dreams that he is pestered by the "ghosts" of the jilted lovers and thus quits the trade. At the crossword tournament, Homer bets his money from his breakup business on Lisa and wins big. However, upon hearing Lisa saying that she is wary of the final round, he bets on the other finalist, Gil Gunderson. Gil plays Lisa for her sympathy and cons her into losing the round, which in turn lets Homer win his final bet. Upon realizing that Homer has come into some money by betting against her in the tournament, Lisa gets angry at him and refuses to acknowledge herself as Homer's daughter, even going so far as to take Marge's maiden name and start calling herself "Lisa Bouvier". Feeling guilty, Homer commissions Merl Reagle and Will Shortz to create a special puzzle for the New York Times, with his apology to Lisa hidden in the clues and solution. The two of them make up.
MyPods and Boomsticks
Bart makes friends with a Muslim boy named Bashir and his family, but Homer fears the family may be terrorists because of their religion. Meanwhile, Lisa is given a MyPod and becomes addicted to downloading songs on it.Guest Star: Shohreh Aghdashloo.
At the Mapple Store, Bart interrupts a video message from company founder Steve Mobbs and insults the company's user base. Fleeing from the Mapple customers, he runs into a Muslim boy from Jordan named Bashir and befriends him. Homer is impressed by Bashir's manners, but Lenny, Carl and Moe convince him that all Muslims are terrorists. He invites Bashir's family over to dinner in an attempt to expose them, but openly offends them, causing them to leave. Later that evening, while going to their home to apologize, Homer catches a glimpse of Bashir's father working with TNT in his garage. He goes home and has a nightmare featuring the Genie of Aladdin, who transforms the "decadent, Western society" into a stereotypical Islamic republic. Shaken by the dream, Homer eavesdrops on Bashir's father speaking about his work in building demolition, but misinterprets it and believes he is a suicide bomber. As soon as Bashir's father departs for work, Homer convinces the mother to invite him so he can apologize. He hacks into the family's laptop and discovers a diagram of demolition plans for the Springfield Mall. Homer rushes to the mall to warn the shoppers and sees Bart standing near a detonator with Bashir and his father; he attempts to save the day by throwing the dynamite in the river. It actually turns out that the old mall was slated for destruction. Realizing his mistake, Homer apologizes, and the Simpson family throws a "Pardon My Intolerance" party for Bashir's family. In a subplot, Lisa obtains a MyPod from Krusty the Clown at the Mapple Store. She becomes obsessed with the device and racks up a US$1,200 bill. She goes to Mapple's undersea headquarters and begs Steve Mobbs to consider a reduced payment plan. Mobbs offers Lisa a job at Mapple to help with her bill. Much to her chagrin, the job is standing on a street corner dressed as a MyPod, handing out Mapple pamphlets and telling people to "Think Differently".
The Burns and the Bees
After winning the "Austin Celtics" in a game of poker, Mr. Burns builds a new stadium in Springfield in the same place where Lisa has built a bee colony to save honeybees from extinction.Guest Stars: Mark Cuban, Jeff Bezos and Marv Albert.
Mr. Burns attends the annual Billionaires' Retreat, where he wins the fictional Austin Celtics pro basketball team in a poker game against the Rich Texan. After witnessing the antics of Mark Cuban at a Dallas Mavericks game, Burns decides to build a luxurious sports arena to win over Springfield basketball fans, renaming the Celtics the Springfield Excitement. Meanwhile, Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney dare Bart to prank the second-graders by hitting a beehive with his slingshot. Lisa discovers, however, the bees in the hive are dead. Groundskeeper Willie explains the bees are dying all over Springfield by loss of habitat, thus contracting a fatal disease. Lisa seeks help from a reluctant Homer, informing him that there will be no more honey without the bees to produce it, and Professor Frink has an uninfected queen bee sting Lisa, releasing pheromones which attract many uninfected bees, which form a bee beard. After trying to keep the bees in the Simpson home, Lisa and Marge find an abandoned greenhouse for the bees to live in. However, the site of the greenhouse is exactly where Burns plans to construct his new arena. Lisa attempts to convince the town to save the bee population, but despite her logical protest that they always get into trouble when they ignore her advice, she fails when Burns informs everyone about the amazing features of his arena. Homer and Moe attempt to help save the bees by mating a queen bee from Lisa's hive with Moe's Africanized bees to create a hybrid bee species strong enough to survive anywhere. Six weeks later, on the night of the grand opening of Burns' sports arena, Homer takes Lisa to the top of a hill and shows her the hive containing the hybrid bees. When Homer accidentally releases them, the bees attack Burns' new arena, which resembles a beehive. In the end, the arena is legally declared a bee sanctuary, enabling the bees to survive. At the next billionaires' retreat one year later, Burns reveals how much the bees cost him. After it is discovered that he is four million dollars short of a billion, he is kicked out of the retreat and into the millionaires' camp. Much to his horror, these millionaires got rich thanks to their low-class businesses, such as a minor-league hockey team.
Lisa the Drama Queen
Lisa meets a new girl named Juliet and helps her write stories about a fantasy world called Equalia, but spending too much time with Juliet (and the story) begins to warp Lisa's sense of reality.Guest Stars: Emily Blunt and Fall Out Boy.Note: This is the last episode to be broadcast in standard definition, the last episode to include the old opening (which had been used since season two), and the first episode to begin immediately after the credits without a commercial break.
When Homer forces the kids to take classes at the recreation centre, Lisa takes part in a strict art class and meets a girl named Juliet Hobbes, who also likes Josh Groban. The two create a fantasy world that takes them away from reality. They deem the land "Equalia" where they are the queens and everybody is equal. However, Lisa soon becomes distracted in school after becoming obsessed with the imaginary land. After meeting Juliet's family and seeing her disruptive behavior, Marge thinks Lisa's friend might be troubled, and after she becomes obsessed in their dreamworld, Marge attempts to stop her from seeing Juliet, much against Marge's original idea of trying to get Lisa a best friend. The next day, Lisa is invited by Juliet to run away to a run-down restaurant where they intend to live while they complete their writing. Lisa misses her Model UN meeting, where she was going to represent Azerbaijan. Martin contacts Marge and tells her about Lisa's disappearance. Marge immediately goes looking for Lisa, but cannot find her. Jimbo, Dolph, and Kearney, who use the restaurant as their hideout, find and trap Lisa and Juliet, locking them in cages. Dolph and Jimbo leave, and the girls escape by distracting Kearney with stories about Equalia. Dolph and Jimbo try to destroy the girls' manuscripts, but Kearney now believes in the idea of Equalia and attacks them—in his mind he becomes a dragon and overcomes them, but in reality Dolph and Jimbo are beating him up while he smiles dreamily and obliviously. After escaping, Lisa tells Juliet that she wants to continue living in the real world and forget about Equalia; a disappointed Juliet abandons her to pursue the imaginary world forever, causing Lisa to conclude that Juliet is crazy. Two months later, Lisa is back at home with a rejection slip from a publishing company to whom she had sent her Equalia manuscript. Homer is then prompted to make his own fantasy story, based on his experiences as a father, which goes no further than him re-imagining the family in forms more pleasing to him: Bart is a hot dog, Lisa is a starfish, Marge is a bottle of Duff Beer, and Maggie is a monster truck.
Take My Life, Please,_Please
After an old high school rival named Vance is honored on the Springfield Wall of Fame, Homer becomes depressed when he discovers that Principal Dondelinger rigged the student council election so Vance would win. While at an Italian restaurant, a mysterious chef shows Homer how his life would have turned out had he actually won.Note: This is the first episode to broadcast in 720p high definition and to use the new opening (which is similar to the old one, only it includes new characters and slight changes to some of the sequences).
A man named Vance Connor is inducted into the Springfield Wall of Fame, and Homer recounts how he ran against Vance for class president in high school and lost. Later, at Moe's Tavern, Lenny and Carl confess to Homer that his old high school principal Harlan Dondelinger had ordered them to bury the ballot box containing the votes to the election. After they dig up the ballot box, Lisa counts the votes, and Homer is shocked to see that the votes put him as the winner. Outraged, he confronts a retired Dondelinger, who explains that two students had talked their classmates into voting for Homer so that they could humiliate him if he had won, so Dondelinger hid the ballot box to try to spare Homer from the embarrassment. During a family dinner at Luigi's Restaurant, Luigi Risotto introduces Homer to his saucier, who he claims can tell what someone's life could have been like by stirring tomato sauce in a certain way. By using his magical tomato sauce, he helps Homer see what his life would have been like if he had won the election: Homer would have been rich, he would have had a better position at the nuclear plant, would have lived in a mansion on the site where the Flanders now live, would have been closer to Grampa who would live in the house in which the Simpsons currently live, and Homer would not be bald. The kids would not have been born because Homer would have remembered to use protection before sex; Marge is confused by this and tries to convince Homer that their lives would be miserable without Bart, Lisa and Maggie. He remains unconvinced and becomes more depressed after seeing that his life would have been a lot better if he had won, even leaping into the pot to try to "live in the sauce", much to the saucier's consternation. Homer remains at home for the next couple of days. Marge convinces a reluctant Homer to take a walk with her to the Springfield Wall of Fame, where he learns that his name has been put up after Marge confronted Dondelinger and forced him to do the right thing. A boy then has his picture taken with him. Homer, now much happier, goes to a Korean restaurant that Bart says "sells beef that spells the date of your death".
How the Test Was Won
Bart gets a perfect score on Springfield Elementary's latest standardized test, leaving Lisa worried that Bart may be smarter than her when Bart is rewarded with a field trip—that turns out to be an elaborate trick into getting the low-testing students (and Principal Skinner) out of the way. Meanwhile, Homer forgets to mail off his insurance payment and must keep himself and the house accident-free until his coverage can be reinstated at 3:00pm.
The episode starts as Marge and Homer celebrate the start of the new year of school (although Bart and Lisa's classes remain the same). Bart is informed that he received a perfect score on a practice test for the upcoming Vice President's Assessment Test, by writing "Slurp My Snot" across his page. This enables him to attend a pizza party by helicopter. However, it all proves to be a ship-of-fools ruse to purge the school of all low-achievers. Bart actually failed the test, and the helicopter is a disguised school bus. He, Nelson, Ralph, Kearney, Dolph, and Jimbo are driven to Capital City by Otto, along with Principal Skinner, who was pushed on board the bus by Superintendent Chalmers for the same reasons as the other passengers. On the way, Ralph stops for a bathroom break, and the bus is disassembled and stolen by vandals (while Otto is still sitting in it). The group attempts to walk the rest of the way, but they lose Ralph on a garbage barge. Skinner signals for a slingshot cargo ship to rescue Ralph with its crane, but he accidentally stuns the driver. Skinner rescues Ralph himself by jumping on board the Shipping Container hoisted by the crane and using the law of conservation of angular momentum. Eventually the container rotates into a position that allows Skinner, the boys, and Otto to run along its top and jump onto the barge. As it turns out, the barge is headed towards Springfield Elementary School. The boys now believe that education is impressive due to Skinner's saving the day, and so Skinner reads Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to the boys until they arrive, which they enjoy. At school, Lisa is unable to focus on the test, as the thought of Bart being smarter torments her. When the test ends, she has not answered a single question, along with the fact that the test is nearly impossible (the choices to a question's answer all mean the same thing, and there is a penalty for guessing). However, Skinner returns just in time to cancel the test and lift the school's "ban on dancing". Meanwhile, Homer is late making an insurance payment, and will not be insured until 3:00 PM, so he cannot hurt himself until then. Images of injuries flood his mind when he gets home, envisioning Marge's book club being killed by a series of freak accidents (and Marge making out with Lindsey Naegle). He has to keep the entire book club safe while he is still uninsured, but ends up throwing a knife in Mr. Burns' head at 3:01 as he randomly walks onto the Simpsons' property. Marge, however, is pleased to know what Homer can and cannot do.
No Loan Again, Naturally,_Naturally
The Simpsons get into a mortgage crisis of their own when Homer cannot afford to pay off the money he borrows from his home equity loan (so he can finance his extravagant Mardi Gras parties) and the Simpsons sell their home to Ned Flanders.Guest Star: Maurice LaMarche.
The Simpsons throw a Mardi Gras party, having invited most of the town, and Homer reluctantly invites Ned Flanders at Marge's insistence. As they clean up the house the following morning, Lenny asks how they pay for the huge yearly party. Homer gleefully confesses that he borrows from a home equity line to do so, calling his home a "sucker" for getting stuck with the bill. Marge and Homer visit their mortgage broker, Gil Gunderson, after receiving a letter and find out that their adjustable rate mortgage payment has increased drastically because of Homer's ineptitude. The Simpson home goes up for auction and after seeing the Simpsons' sorrow, Ned outbids the initial offer for the house by Mr. Burns of $100,000, purchasing the home for $101,000 and then offers to let the Simpsons move back in and rent the property from him. The Simpsons thank Ned with a song and a small celebration, when Marge notices the sink faucet dripping. Ned offers to fix it, as he is now their landlord and the repairs are his responsibility, along with some other items that he is obligated to correct. However, Ned quickly tires of their constant requests for repairs. Despite Ned's best efforts, Homer gets mad at him and denounces him to the media as a corrupt slumlord. When Homer refuses to apologize for his ingratitude, Ned tells them they must leave at the end of the month. The Simpsons move Grampa into the house with them in order to take advantage of a loophole in the eviction laws, but Grampa decides to live in Ned's house instead due to the better living conditions, automatically evicting the Simpsons, who are forced to sleep at a homeless shelter. While interviewing some potential tenants, Ned sees a picture from the move-in celebration and remembers the Simpsons' happiness and admiration of him. Ned lets the Simpsons move back into their house, ignoring the new tenants' threat of legal action. The rest of the Simpsons' neighbors promptly move away, disgusted at this decision.
Gone Maggie Gone
Homer leaves Maggie on the doorstep of a convent, setting off a Da Vinci Code-style chain of events involving Freemasons and the hunt for a rare jewel. Meanwhile, Marge goes blind after viewing an eclipse without an eclipse shoe box viewer and Homer tries to cover up Maggie's disappearance.Guest Star: Ed Begley, Jr.
The Simpsons are excited for a solar eclipse over Springfield. After Homer's camera obscura breaks, Marge gives up her own. As the family expresses delight at seeing the eclipse, Marge takes a peek, which blinds her. Dr. Hibbert informs the family that Marge's eyes must be covered for two weeks, and she must not be put under any stress. After a rat infestation, Homer takes Maggie and Santa's Little Helper to buy rat poison. On the way home the baby and the dog's bickering causes the car to fall off a bridge. Homer tries to get them all across a lake in a small boat. He first takes Maggie across and puts her on the doorstep of a convent, where the nuns take her in and refuse to give her back. While Homer hides the truth from Marge, Lisa goes undercover as a nun and infiltrates the convent. When Mother Superior refuses to tell her where Maggie is, Lisa discovers that they are seeking a jewel. The first clue is to "seek God with heart and soul," which she accomplishes by playing a few measures of the song by the same name on an organ, activating a Rube Goldberg-type contraption. The next clue to find the "biggest man-made ring" in Springfield; after considering circular rings, she believes the biggest "ring" is in the Springfield Bell Tower. Arriving there, she meets Comic Book Guy and Principal Skinner, who tell her that St. Teresa of Ávila had a deathbed vision of a jewel that would bring peace and harmony to the world. The gem will be revealed on the first full moon after a solar eclipse, which is that night. However, the bell is actually papier-mâché, so they conclude that the answer is the RING in the Springfield Sign. When they arrive, they are met by Mr. Burns and Smithers, who are also looking for the gem. Lisa finds writing on the letters of the sign, "Great crimes kill holy sage", and unscrambles a message that reads "Regally, the rock gem is Lisa". Mr. Burns takes the others back to the convent where Lisa announces that she is the gem child. However, Mother Superior tells her that the gem child is Maggie and rearranges the message into "It's really Maggie, Sherlock". Maggie is put on a throne, creating a rainbow that brings peace over Springfield. Marge suddenly bursts in and takes Maggie back, and her eyes are healed upon seeing Maggie. On the way home she asks Homer if she was being selfish, but he says that he found a replacement child; Bart assumes the role of the "gem child", and the paradise turns into a living Hell.
In the Name of the Grandfather
After neglecting his father during a wheelbarrow race, Homer makes it up to Grampa Simpson by taking him to a pub in Ireland, only to learn that pubs are not popular in Ireland anymore.Guest Stars: Colm Meaney, Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová.
The Simpson family visits a home and garden show where they decide to purchase a hot tub. They spend hours soaking in the tub and become so relaxed that they forget to visit Abraham "Grampa" Simpson at a family event. Grampa angrily unplugs and destroys the hot tub, scolding them for ignoring him. Homer and the family decide to make up for their neglect by doing something he's always wanted to do but never got the chance for. Grampa reminisces about a pub in Dunkilderry, Ireland called O'Flanagan's, where he claims to have had the best night of his life many years ago. Homer and the family agree to go to Ireland with Abe so he can have one last drink at the pub. When the family arrives they realize Ireland has become a commercialized, hi-tech country of consumers and workaholics. The pub itself has also run out of business as many of the patrons are now yuppies who have no interest in drinking. The pub owner, a man named Tom O'Flanagan, is happy to have customers again. Homer and Grampa sit down at the pub and start drinking while Marge takes Bart and Lisa to visit various Irish landmarks, such as the Giant's Causeway, Blarney Castle, the Guinness brewery and the city of Dublin. After a long night of drinking, Homer and Grampa awaken and discover that they bought the pub from Tom O'Flanagan during the previous night's binge, much to their shock and dismay. They rename the bar and try to continue running it but get no business and have to find a way to market their unwelcoming business. Homer gets help from Moe Szyslak, who suggests that they allow people to do illegal things in their pub. The guys discover that it's illegal to smoke indoors in Ireland, so they turn the bar into a smokeasy. They do a roaring trade, but are closed down by the Irish authorities. As punishment, Homer and Grampa are deported back to America and have to pay a small fine. Chief Wiggum arrives to bring them back to the U.S., but accidentally hits himself with his nightstick and then maces and tasers himself.
Wedding for Disaster
When Reverend Lovejoy reveals to Homer and Marge that they are not legally married, Homer and Marge decide to have another wedding to legitimize their union once and for all. But when Marge begins acting like a bridezilla and Homer mysteriously disappears, it is up to Bart and Lisa to save the day.Guest Star: Kelsey Grammer as Sideshow Bob.
His Holiness the Parson, the head of the Presbylutheran denomination, tells Reverend Lovejoy that due to a lapsed ministerial certification, various ceremonies he performed are invalid. This affects Homer and Marge, who turn out not to be married as they previously thought. Homer vows to give Marge the perfect wedding he did not give her either of the first two times they got married. She is thrilled to be able to plan her dream wedding, but it is not long before Marge turns into a bridezilla. She shoots down all of Homer’s ideas, makes impossible demands and mows down everyone who gets in her way. The day of the wedding finally arrives, and everything is perfect except for one small detail; Homer is missing. At first it appears that Marge has driven him away, but Bart and Lisa stumble on a clue, a keychain with the initials "S.B.", and they initially conclude that Sideshow Bob has kidnapped Homer. Meanwhile, Homer finds himself chained to a pipe in a dark room. A mysterious voice tells him that the key to unlock his chains is inside a lollipop, he frantically eats it only to discover the lollipop is made of fiery hot sauce, and ultimately, the key is made out of hot sauce as well. Bart and Lisa confront Sideshow Bob (who had escaped from jail 14 episodes prior). However, it turns out he was innocent the whole time and had no involvement in Homer's kidnapping, thanks to an alibi from Krusty the Clown, who explained that Bob was with him the whole day the time Homer was kidnapped. After suggesting that "S.B." could be anyone, including the Sultan of Brunei and the Służba Bezpieczeństwa, Bob helps them figure out that the keychain actually belongs to their aunts, Patty and Selma ("S.B." meant Selma Bouvier). Bart and Lisa soon realize that they intentionally kidnapped Homer out of spite for him and have planned to keep him cooped up until Marge forgets about him. Feeling resigned to his fate, Homer reads the wedding vows he wrote for Marge. Patty and Selma soon have a change of heart after being touched by his wedding vows. Realizing how much Homer truly loves her, they release him, but not before Bart and Lisa catch up to them. Using the keychain as proof of their misdeed, the kids go inside Patty and Selma's apartment and confront them for their actions. Bart and Lisa also blackmail their aunts by threatening to tell their mother the truth about their involvement in Homer's kidnapping unless the twins pay for their parents' remarriage ceremony. Patty and Selma reluctantly agree to do so, and Homer and Marge at last get married outside city hall.
Eeny Teeny Maya Moe
Moe once again searches for love and falls for a woman named Maya over the Internet. However, when Moe meets Maya face-to-face, he discovers it is more like face-to-knee, as Maya is only three feet tall. Meanwhile, Maggie is put in a playground full of hostile babies.
Homer attempts to spend more time with Maggie and ends up bringing her to Moe's Tavern. Moe is cleaning up the bar for a date, and finds out he actually has a window, which was previously obscured by layers of grime. Outside the window is a playground, which Homer sees as an opportunity for watching Maggie while spending time at Moe's. Homer sends Maggie to play with the other babies outside, but they turn out to be ruthless bullies. Marge notices Maggie is uncomfortable when she returns home one day, and becomes worried that Homer is neglecting her. After watching a commercial about a surveillance camera fixed in the eye of a teddy bear, Marge purchases a spy camera which she attaches to Maggie's hair band and discovers that Maggie is bullied by a group of gangster babies. At first, Marge is surprised to see Maggie being tormented by the babies, but sees Homer, after he discovered the truth about the other babies from the playground, rush to Maggie's rescue and be beaten up by Kearney's son. Maggie jumps to Homer's rescue and Homer says that he loves both her and Marge. Moved to tears, Marge tells Homer he is a wonderful father. Meanwhile, Moe's date, whom he met over the Internet, turns out to be a little person named Maya. Moe still loves her, but is worried about what his friends will think. Moe decides to take Maya on a double date with Marge and Homer, neither of whom seem to care that she is small. Homer, seeing Maya's intelligence and sensitivity, suggests Moe marry her. Moe proposes but cannot resist making jokes about Maya's height. Insulted, she rejects him. Crushed by grief, Moe consults the advice of Lenny and Carl, who advise him to do something risky to win Maya back. Moe decides to have surgery to become shorter, and Dr. Nick Riviera agrees to conduct the surgery. Maya stops Moe just before the surgery, as she wants someone who sees her as "beautiful" not "short", and who does not need to cut himself down to her size in order to love her. Moe, intent on having the surgery, does not listen to Maya, and she leaves him for good. Homer consoles a dejected Moe, stating that even though things did not go well with Maya, Moe actually found love with a woman who loved him back and that if he was successful once, he will be successful again. Moe brightens up and wonders how a small woman like Maya could make him feel so big.
The Good, the Sad and the Drugly,_the_Sad_and_the_Drugly
Bart sets up Milhouse to take the fall for a prank the two of them pulled, and the duo's friendship becomes strained when Bart falls for a charitable girl named Jenny. Meanwhile, Lisa becomes insane and depressed after reading Internet articles predicting that Springfield will be a barren wasteland in fifty years, and is given anti-depressants that turn her into a mindless zombie.Guest Star: Anne Hathaway.
Milhouse and Bart loosen every bolt and screw in Springfield Elementary, leading to mass chaos when the building and its contents fall apart. Milhouse is apprehended by Principal Skinner, and suspended from school for a week to be subsequently grounded. Bart, whose involvement with the prank was not discovered, promises to visit Milhouse every day. Homer drops Bart off at Springfield Retirement Castle to visit Grampa. There, Bart is immediately smitten with a kind and charitable girl named Jenny. Bart makes a concerted effort to appear "good" to Jenny, demonstrating his newfound good nature by defending ducklings and eventually inviting Jenny over for dinner. However, Milhouse shows up on Bart and Jenny's dates, threatening to reveal Bart's true, dark nature because Bart forgot to visit him during his suspension. Eventually, Bart confesses to Jenny that he was actually bad before he met her and only pretended to be good to start a relationship. He continues to say that he is changed completely because of being with her. Shocked by this revelation, Jenny, though momentarily pleased by Bart's honesty, cannot forgive him, and angrily dumps him, leaving him heartbroken. Meanwhile, Lisa is assigned to write a report on what Springfield will look like in the year 2059. When she discovers online reports about war, poverty and environmental disasters, she is filled with anxiety and depression and terrifies her classmates with her dark, morbid visions of the future. Homer and Marge take her to a psychiatrist, who prescribes Lisa "happy pills". Lisa is initially skeptical, but after taking her first pill she loses touch with her problems and sees everything as smiley faces. In her love-induced stupor, she nearly kisses a running fan held by Maggie, until a horrified Marge finally intervenes by taking Lisa off the medication. Bart drowns his sorrows on a couple of Shrek Squishees at the Kwik-E-Mart where a recovering Lisa tells him that they cannot be in despair about certain issues and should just move on. Bart decides to take Lisa's advice, and leaves after buying a bouquet of roses, and apologizes to Jenny off-screen for lying to her about his true character and Milhouse for his neglect to visit him. In the end, Bart gives the roses to Milhouse, and the two friends reconcile and play a prank together, repeatedly driving an ice resurfacer over the floor of the school to turn it into an indoor ice rink for the school kids.
Father Knows Worst
Marge discovers a sauna in the basement of their house and shuts herself off from the rest of the world. Meanwhile, Homer becomes a stricter parent after meeting a helicopter mom who criticizes Bart for being an academic failure and Lisa for being a social outcast.
Homer, Bart and Lisa go to the carnival on the South-Side Sea Port, and Homer indulges in various varieties of kebabs. While devouring them indiscriminately, he accidentally swallows a flaming stick. He tries to douse it out with water, but gets tricked by Bart into drinking lighter fluid (prompting Homer to strangle and breathe fire at him). Following a brief stint in a tongue cast, Homer's taste buds become hypersensitive, making eating ordinary food an ordeal. Lisa remedies the problem by giving Homer cafeteria food from Springfield Elementary, which is so bland that a supertaster like Homer can tolerate it. Homer decides to dine at the elementary school, and even goes so far as to be a cafeteria server to pay for his meals, much to the embarrassment of Bart. While dining at the school, Homer meets a "helicopter mom", who pressures her son Noah into succeeding by being near him at all times. She makes snide remarks about Homer's children, pointing out how dumb Bart is and how much of a social outcast Lisa is. Homer decides to become a "helicopter parent", fearing that his children's only ambition in life will be to serve children like Noah. Bart must build a balsa wood model to compete in a sculpture assignment, and Homer insists on helping. While shopping for balsa wood, Homer reveals that Bart will build the Washington Monument, but Principal Skinner criticizes this as overly easy. In response, Homer purchases a model kit of Westminster Abbey. He buys a book for Lisa entitled "Chicks with Cliques", and persuades her to try joining a clique, first by declaring that dolphins swim in "cliques" and that the United States was founded by a clique, and then by hosting a cellphone-decorating party for the popular girls. Homer is convinced that Bart will not build the Abbey model correctly and insists on building it himself. He works late into the night and accidentally falls asleep. During a dream sequence, ghosts of some of the historical figures Homer imagines are buried in Westminster Abbey — Geoffrey Chaucer, Anne of Cleves, and Oscar Wilde (who is actually buried in Paris) — advise Homer to let Bart learn from his mistakes. Homer awakes to find he has accidentally crushed the model beyond recognition. At the competition, Superintendent Chalmers notes that Bart's model is the only one that does not appear "too perfect", and thus believes that Bart's model is the only one that was not constructed with the help of a parent, but Bart declines the award, reveals that Homer did all the work and appeals to the parents to let their kids learn from their own mistakes; having had the same dream as Homer. Lisa too confesses to her father that she no longer wants to be popular, noting that it is "hard work being this shallow". Meanwhile, Marge changes the water heater in the basement and discovers a hidden sauna, keeping it to herself out of fear that Homer will invite his friends and Moe (the latter of whom—in a scene Marge imagines—does not bring a towel as he believed they would "go Scandinavian"). Marge visits the sauna on a regular basis and is so deeply relaxed that she does not react when Homer tells her of Bart and Lisa's problems. After Homer comes home believing he has failed as a parent, Marge leads him downstairs to the sauna where they revel in steam and relaxation. In the end, Marge douses the sauna rocks with beer and as their towels fall off the two kiss.
Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D'oh,_9-0-2-1-D%27oh
While desperately searching for a bathroom during her morning jog, Marge discovers how low-rent Springfield Elementary School really is and moves Bart and Lisa to Waverly Hills Elementary by having Homer rent an apartment there so the city inspector of Waverly Hills does not get suspicious. Meanwhile, Bart helps Lisa become popular by telling others that Lisa is friends with a teenage pop star named Alaska Nebraska.Guest Stars: Elliot Page (credited as "Ellen Page") and Maurice LaMarche.
Marge is out jogging one morning and discovers a booth offering free samples of "Science Water". After consuming too many free samples, she desperately searches for a public toilet, finding one in Springfield Elementary School. Afterwards, she walks through the halls and is appalled to discover that Springfield Elementary is the worst school in the state, replete with apathetic teachers and overcrowded classrooms. Marge and Homer, concerned for their children's future, decide to rent an apartment in the upscale Waverly Hills school district so Lisa and Bart can attend a better school. Waverly Hills is an obvious nod to Beverly Hills. Lisa and Bart are thrilled at the prospect of a fresh start. Bart, eager to establish his reputation as a "bad boy", is shackled and led away by Chief Wiggum, leaving the other students in awe. Once away from Waverly Hills Elementary, though, it is revealed that Chief Wiggum "arrested" Bart as a favor, if Bart promises to attend Ralph Wiggum's birthday party, although he forgets to go to the party, and gets in trouble with Chief Wiggum. Meanwhile, Lisa is having difficulty making friends, and actually gets a B+ on a test. Bart, noticing his sister's gloomy mood, lies to several popular school girls that Lisa is a friend of an immensely popular teen singer named Alaska Nebraska (voiced by Elliot Page). Marge and Homer learn that they will be visited by a school inspector to confirm that the Waverly Hills apartment is indeed the residence of Lisa and Bart, so Homer moves in and befriends two college boys. Homer adopts a bachelor lifestyle, playing videogames and attending parties with his newfound college friends, and he and Marge begin to act as though they were newly dating. Lisa has become popular with several of her classmates, but only because they want backstage passes to an upcoming Alaska Nebraska concert. Lisa sneaks into Alaska's dressing room and pleads her case, but Alaska is unsympathetic and Lisa is removed from the venue by security. She admits to her fair-weather friends that she was not Alaska Nebraska's friend, and the girls chase her, but she loses them. Meanwhile, the ominous school inspector visits Homer's Waverly Hills apartment. Homer and Marge frantically lay out toys and Krusty the Clown dolls in an effort to convince the inspector that the children live there. While he is getting inside, he uses a captive bolt pistol to shoot out the lock. He concludes that the apartment is the residence of the Simpson children, but admits that he was "hoping to kill [Homer and Marge] and make it look like a suicide." Lisa and Bart, however, plead to return to Springfield Elementary. Lisa in particular wishes to return, because she would rather "be ostracized for being me, not who I pretend to be." Marge and Homer concur, but wistfully state that they will miss their "love nest" apartment. The episode concludes with Homer and Marge using the backyard treehouse as their new love nest, much to Bart's chagrin, but he soon changes his mind when Homer threatens to ground him.
Four Great Women and a Manicure
While at a nail salon, Marge and Lisa argue over whether or not a woman can be smart, beautiful, and powerful all at once, which leads to yet another Simpsons anthology show, featuring four stories of women trying to survive in a man's world: Aunt Selma defending England as Queen Elizabeth I, Lisa in a non-copyright-infringing retelling of Snow White, Marge pushing Homer to be a great Shakespearean actor in a modern-day version of Macbeth, and Maggie fighting against conformity in a parody of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.Guest Star: Jodie Foster.
Marge takes Lisa to a salon for her first manicure, prompting a debate as to whether a woman can simultaneously be smart, powerful and beautiful. Queen Elizabeth I In the first tale, Marge tells the story of Queen Elizabeth I, with Selma Bouvier playing the Queen. Various royal suitors wish to win the hand of Queen Elizabeth, including a flamboyant King Julio of Spain. The Queen rejects his advances and Julio vows revenge on England, summoning the Spanish Armada. Meanwhile, Walter Raleigh, played by Homer, falls for Elizabeth's Lady in Waiting, played by Marge. When Elizabeth catches the two making out, she sentences them to execution. They are saved at the last minute when Moe reports the arrival of the Spanish Armada. Homer leads an English naval offense against the Armada, defeating them by accidentally setting the lone English warship on fire, which then spreads to the entire Spanish fleet. Elizabeth knights him and then proclaims that she does not need a man, as she has England. Snow White In the second tale, Lisa tells the story of Snow White, with herself in the title role. As the Blue-Haired Lawyer reminds Lisa that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been copyrighted by Disney, she changes the characters to avoid being sued. Lisa's version features the dwarves Crabby (Moe), Drunky (Barney), Hungry (Homer), Greedy (Mr. Burns), Lenny (Lenny), Kearney (Kearney) and Doc (Julius Hibbert). When the wicked queen learns from her magic high-definition television that Snow White is fairer than she is, she dispatches her huntsman (Groundskeeper Willie) to murder the young maiden. However, Willie the huntsman cannot bring himself to cut out her heart, so Snow White flees into the forest, seeking shelter in the dwarves' cottage. She keeps house for them while they work in the mines but the wicked queen, disguised as an old woman, physically forces Snow White to eat a poisoned apple. She escapes the dwarves, only to be brutally lynched by an angry group of woodland animals. In Lisa's version, Snow White does not need a man to wake her but is brought back to life by a female doctor. Lady Macbeth In the third tale, Marge relates a story of ruthless ambition, embodied by Lady Macbeth. Marge (parodying Lady Macbeth) is frustrated at having to clean the costumes worn by the other actors of a Springfield production of Macbeth, and she hates that Homer does not have the title role of Macbeth and instead plays a tree, which pleases him as he is uninterested in auditioning for lead roles. She convinces him to murder the lead actor, Sideshow Mel. Homer follows her command and then assumes the lead role. However, his performance receives unfavorable reviews compared with the more seasoned actors and even those with no lines. Patty and Selma and even Homer warn Marge that her ruthless and devious ambitions will come back to haunt her one day. He tries in vain to convince her to have someone else be the lead and let him return in his original role as a tree. Furious, Marge refuses and orders a more reluctant Homer to continue his killing spree until he is the only actor left. While scrubbing the blood from the costumes, Marge is visited by the angry spirits of the murdered actors. She tries to blame her husband, but they don't believe her. They point out that Homer was a victim himself in her ambitions and devious plans and that she should have listened when she had the chance. In revenge for her actions, the angry spirits kill Marge by causing a fright-induced heart attack. In her memory (or rather, by her spirit force, since she apparently has learned nothing from the experience), Homer performs a stirring soliloquy in the empty theater. An overjoyed Marge's ghost appears in the audience and enthusiastically urges him to appear in more Shakespearean plays by tossing scripts in front of him. However much to Marge's chagrin, Homer decides to take the easy way out by killing himself so he does not have to audition any more. A frustrated Marge learns her lesson the hard way when she realizes that she has to spend the rest of eternity with a lazy and happy ghost Homer. Maggie Roark In the final tale, Maggie is depicted as "Maggie Roark", representing Howard Roark from Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. Maggie's architectural brilliance is squashed by an oppressive pre-school teacher (Ellsworth Toohey) who encourages only conformity. She builds several famous landmarks (such as The Taj Mahal in India and The Bird's Nest in Beijing, China) out of blocks and other toys, all of which are destroyed by Toohey (to the strains of Beethoven's 9th symphony, 2nd movement), who disapproves of the superiority of her creations over those of the other children. During a Parents' Day at Mediocri-Tots Day Care Center, Maggie dazzles everyone with her rendition of the Empire State Building and ends up on trial for expressing herself. During the trial, Maggie (voiced by Jodie Foster) defends herself by stating that the creative people of her time have never compromised their talent for the sake of others and neither will she. Years later, Maggie is shown as a successful architect who opens a daycare center dedicated to letting babies express themselves freely. Ending The rest of the story is interrupted when Marge stops Maggie from painting Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night on the nail salon wall, scolding her for "soiling" the wall and not realizing the irony.
Coming to Homerica
The citizens of Ogdenville swarm into Springfield in search of work after their local economy plummets, but when the Ogdenvillians' Norwegian culture begins rubbing off on others, Mayor Quimby hires citizens to act as border patrol.
Krusty the Clown is informed that his Krusty Burger restaurants serve the unhealthiest fast food in the world, so he decides to add a vegetarian sandwich to the menu. It proves instantly popular throughout Springfield, but much of the town soon contracts food poisoning, which is traced to a load of tainted barley that was grown in the neighboring town of Ogdenville and used at Krusty Burger. The barley industry in Ogdenville collapses as a result, and many residents (descended from the town's original Norwegian settlers) are forced to abandon their homes and move to Springfield in search of work. The residents of Springfield are initially hospitable and hire the Ogdenvillians as day laborers. However, after Bart injures himself in a collision with a bus while showing off skateboard tricks, Homer and Marge rush him to the hospital only to find a waiting time in excess of three hours due to so many Ogdenvillians seeking medical care. Homer visits Moe's Tavern, which is now filled with Ogdenvillians, and finds that Moe has begun serving akvavit. Unaware of its high alcohol content, Homer drinks a full mug and instantly becomes intoxicated. The next morning, Mr. Burns fires him for showing up to work late and drunk. Responding to the town's growing resentment, Mayor Joe Quimby declares at a town meeting that Springfield will close its borders to immigrants from Ogdenville. Chief Wiggum and fellow officer Lou are too lazy to control the border themselves, so they distribute guns and beer to a group of vigilantes, among them Homer, Lenny and Carl. After several failed attempts to keep Ogdenvillians out of Springfield, the vigilantes decide to build a wall. The residents of Springfield hire workers from Ogdenville to assist with the construction of the wall since they cannot build it themselves. As the building progresses, the residents of both communities discover that their similarities outweigh their differences. Once the wall is complete, the residents of Springfield realize that they miss their neighbors, so the Ogdenvillians return through a door they built in the wall. The police arrive with music to start a party for all the people there, and the episode closes with a picture of the Norwegian flag.
Homer the Whopper
Comic Book Guy creates a new superhero called Everyman who takes powers from other superheroes. Homer is cast as the lead in the film adaptation. To get Homer into shape, the movie studio hires a celebrity fitness trainer, Lyle McCarthy to help him. Homer gets into great shape but his life falls apart when his fitness trainer quits and the movie bombs at the box office. Guest Stars: Seth Rogen, Matt Groening and Kevin Michael Richardson
Bart and Milhouse persuade Comic Book Guy to publish Everyman, a comic he has created and written in which the titular hero can absorb the superpowers of any character whose comic book he touches. It becomes an instant hit, and many Hollywood studios become interested in making it into a film. Comic Book Guy signs a movie deal, on the condition that he gets to choose the star. He considers Homer to be perfect for the role, as he envisions Everyman as a middle-aged fat man. However, the studio executives hire fitness trainer Lyle McCarthy to get Homer into shape, knowing that audiences prefer to see physically fit actors in superhero roles. One month later, Homer has become fit under Lyle's training regimen and the film begins production. Lyle soon leaves Homer to begin working with a different client, though, and Homer reverts to his old habits of laziness and overeating and quickly regains all the weight he lost. The film begins to go over budget, and Comic Book Guy and the executives fear that it will not be successful. The final version includes shots of Homer in both his fit and overweight states, confusing the audience and ruining their enjoyment. Although the premiere is a disaster, the executives offer to let Comic Book Guy direct a sequel as long as he gives the film a good review. Comic Book Guy is pleased at first, but soon changes his mind and posts a scathing online review. The film becomes a box office bomb, and a law is passed to prevent any future film adaptations of Everyman from being made.
Bart Gets a 'Z
Mrs. Krabappel is fired for drinking alcohol on the job (thanks to kids in her class spiking her coffee as revenge for confiscating their cell phones and BlackBerrys) and replaced with a hip, young teacher named Zachary Vaughn.
Edna Krabappel's positive attitude is crushed when she sees her students distracted from class by their cell phones, so she takes the devices away and puts them in the drawer with the biology frogs. This angers Bart and the other children, and Edna fails to stimulate their learning via other methods. The kids decide that Edna needs to "chill out" once in a while, and Bart understands that Homer is goofy and easy-going once he has had a few beers, so the students decide to spike Edna's coffee with liquor they steal from their parents. The next day, once she has consumed a mug of heavily spiked coffee, with sly encouragement from the kids, Edna becomes very intoxicated. She sings a loud, off-key, incoherent version of "This Old Man" with her students, and ends up hitting on Dewey Largo and disrupting an assembly bidding farewell to foreign exchange students. Principal Skinner is reluctantly forced to fire Edna, and replaces her with a hip recent graduate of Tufts University named Zachary Vaughn. The students are immediately impressed with Zack, as he returns their cell phones and instructs them to use their electronic devices for classwork; his first assignment to them is “Twenty minutes of Twittering”. Bart raves to his mother about how much fun it is to have Zack as a teacher, but Marge worries about Edna's well-being, and Lisa doubts Zack's ability to teach. Bart goes to visit Edna and is stricken with guilt when he sees her moping in front of the television, and plots to get her rehired. He meets with Milhouse meet at a bookstore (where Moe is revealed to be a fan of Doris Kearns Goodwin), where they buy a self-help book entitled The Answer (a spoof of The Secret), which professes to have all the answers to help someone achieve their dreams. Edna is initially skeptical, but reveals her dream is to open a muffin shop. Using the book, she successfully opens a muffin shop that attracts several Springfielders including Ned Flanders. However, when Bart inadvertently confesses that he had the idea to spike her coffee with alcohol and therefore is responsible for getting her fired, Edna is furious and tells him that her real dream was to be a teacher, and is now facing heavy debt as well as competition from other newly opened muffin stores. Destroying the self-help book, Edna declares that Bart is the only kid she has ever met who is "bad on the inside". Bart, deeply troubled by Edna's statement, sneaks into the school late at night to spike Zack's Blue Bronco energy drink and get Edna's old job back, but cannot go through with it and instead decides to tell Skinner the truth and face punishment. Skinner is pleased that Bart was honest and agrees to punish him for it, but tells him he cannot just rehire Edna when Zack is doing a good job in her place. Their conversation is suddenly disrupted by a belligerently drunk Zack – who ironically secretly mixes vodka in his own drink and mocks the schoolchildren, telling them they have no future because their education will not help them achieve real things in life. Groundskeeper Willie drags Zack away and Edna is reinstated. Bart hopes that there will be no hard feelings between Edna and himself. She responds by making every student in the class eat a stale muffin, as part of her "muffin-based revenge", and smiles as she stares out the window to the historical figures from The Answer, who nod in approval, indicating that she has fully accepted the teachings of the self-help book after all. They disappear in a flash of smoke as the end credits style of text mimics that of The Secret.
The Great Wife Hope
When the men and boys of Springfield become obsessed with Ultimate Fighting, Marge leads a protest against it when she catches Bart fighting in school — and ends up fighting the head of the Ultimate Fighting syndicate in order to have it banned.Guest Star: Chuck Liddell
The men of Springfield become obsessed with a violent new string of mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions called "Ultimate Punch Kick and Choke Championships" (UPKCC). The kids soon begin to fight in small MMA matches of their own at the playground of Springfield Elementary School. While Bart and Nelson are fighting in one match, Marge sees them and is disgusted by the violent nature of the entire sport. She and a group of concerned women begin protesting the sport in front of the MMA stadium. Marge decides to go on stage before a match begins and demands that everyone cease the sport entirely. Chett Englebrit (patterned after actual fight promoter Roy Englebrecht), creator of the sport, agrees with Marge - but only if she can fight him and win. Marge begins to train for the event, practicing rhythmic gymnastics. However, the family believes that her methods are unsuitable for the extreme task at hand and get her professional help. She learns boxing from Dredrick Tatum, wrestling from former Yale wrestler Mr. Burns, jujitsu and Judo from Akira, and bullying from Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney. Now fully trained, she enters the ring (after the announcer introduces her as one of his "Moms I'd Like to Fight") with Englebrit and is immediately knocked to the ground. Bart runs into the ring to defend his mother, but Englebrit brutally beats him to a pulp instead. Marge witnesses this and knocks Englebrit out with a roundhouse kick, winning their bet. Marge pulls down the ring's microphone and begins to give a speech, having had a change of heart about the demise of the violent sport upon having discovered her own dark side. She realizes, however, that everyone has already left the building to watch a drunken brawl in the parking lot. As Marge and Homer leave to have some MMA-inspired sex, Bart and Lisa enter the empty ring and decide to settle their lifelong sibling feud then and there. As they approach each other to throw a punch, the credits begin, but the scene quickly returns to show Lisa knocking Bart unconscious with a single punch.
Treehouse of Horror XX
Dial "M" for Murder or Press "#" to Return to Main Menu - In this homage to Alfred Hitchcock's suspense/murder mysteries, Lisa teams up with Bart to get revenge on their teachers after Ms. Hoover sends Lisa to detention, but the plan goes awry when Bart kills Ms. Hoover and wants Lisa to murder Mrs. Krabappel.Don't Have a Cow, Mankind - In this send-up of such dystopian apocalypse horror films as 28 Days Later and Children of Men, Krusty the Clown introduces a new hamburger that zombifies the entire town – except for Bart, whose natural immunity to the burger becomes the key to stopping the zombie attacks.There's No Business Like Moe Business - In this parody of the musical, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Moe creates a new beer that becomes a sensation — thanks to Homer being impaled on the microbrew machine and bleeding into the beer supply.
Opening Traditional horror movie characters such as Frankenstein's Monster, the Mummy, the Wolf Man, and Dracula roam the streets of Springfield on Halloween night. After they are teased by Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney, they get new, more modern costumes from a Halloween store. They then go to an adult Halloween party thrown by Homer and Marge, but are soon confronted by their wives, who are angry that their husbands lied about going out to kill children tonight. Homer tries to intervene as the wives begin to assault their husbands, only to be decapitated, and his eyes are then replaced with two red x's, the title of the episode then appears onscreen. Dial "M" for Murder or Press "#" to Return to Main Menu In this black-and-white segment and a parody of Alfred Hitchcock's films, Lisa wants revenge after being sent to detention by Ms. Hoover for disrupting class as she claims another student topped her through a tutor. Bart hatches a "criss-cross" plan and tells Lisa that if she pulls a "ding-dong ditch" on Mrs. Krabappel, he will do the same to Ms. Hoover. Lisa thinks this means ringing the bell at Mrs. Krabappel's apartment and leaving. However, Lisa soon learns that Bart meant for her to kill Mrs. Krabappel (and dump the corpse in a ditch), as he has killed Ms. Hoover. Bart attempts to coax Lisa into killing Mrs. Krabappel with a paper cutter, but she refuses. Eventually, Bart decides to blackmail her into it with help from Willie, who would frame Lisa for the decapitated Skinner to honor his side of the "criss-cross" in which Bart killed Skinner. Realizing that Bart would frame her for these incidents, Lisa tricks him into believing that she was submitting at his will only to get a knife from his hands and attempts to kill Bart in self-defense, beginning a chase sequence. Bart finally finds shelter at a crowded playground carousel, but is left at Lisa's mercy when the other children leave to get ice cream. Lisa, however, recognizing that she would not be better than Bart, says she will never be a murderer, and attempts to throw the knife away. The knife cycles out of control and ends up nailing Bart in the head just as Mrs. Krabappel appears, pleased at his death. Despite her shock for accidentally killing Bart, Lisa agrees that it is better this way and she and Krabappel walk away smiling, leaving the murdered Bart to spin around on the carousel. Don't Have a Cow, Mankind Krusty the Clown introduces a new version of his Krusty Burger, the Burger2, made from cattle that have eaten other cattle in their feed. Upon eating a burger on live television, Kent Brockman begins to comment on the taste before turning gray, red-eyed, and cannibalistic, starting a chain reaction of people getting attacked and eaten. Twenty-eight days later, Springfield has become overrun by zombies called munchers. The Simpsons are established to be one of the few survivors. One day, Bart, tired of eating fruit, escapes from his family's barricaded house and eats one of the tainted burgers, but turns out to be immune to its effects. Over the phone, a besieged Dr. Hibbert tells them that Bart's immunity may be the key to developing a cure to the muncher epidemic and that they must bring Bart to a so-called "safe zone" being established in Shelbyville. The Simpsons are attacked after a failed attempt to sneak out but are saved by Apu, driving an armored off-road truck. Apu explains that he was never infected because, as a vegetarian, he did not eat any of the tainted beef, and as a convenience store owner, he is "armed to the teeth" (with a large arsenal of military-grade firearms). The group tries to leave Springfield, but Apu crashes the truck on top of a pile of smashed cars at the edge of town. Apu goes to push the car off the pile, but the Simpsons drive away thinking Apu sacrificed himself, when he actually wanted the Simpsons to wait for him. After Apu is killed by the munchers, the Simpsons drive on but run out of gas in the middle of the highway, walking the remaining 20 miles to the safe zone. During their journey, Homer is bitten by Mr. Burns, thus turning him into a muncher himself. The family decide not to kill him in the hopes of finding a cure. They reach the safe zone, where Bart, being immune to the virus, is worshiped as the "chosen one". However, the people there believe that cannibalizing Bart will save them from the virus. The Simpsons think of another solution: vaccinating the remaining populace (except Homer who either refuses to get cured or Bart refused to cure him as payback for being abusive to him earlier) by having Bart bathe in their food before eating it. There's No Business Like Moe Business In a parody of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, presented as a stage musical, Moe is lonely and upset that he does not have a girlfriend and is jealous when he sees Homer and Marge together. When Homer falls into the basement of the bar and is impaled by the microbrew pipes, his blood becomes the secret ingredient in Moe's new beer. Everyone loves this new beer, saying that it makes them feel warm, secure and cozy on the inside. Moe uses this to his advantage and woos Marge, tricking her into thinking that Homer came out of the closet as gay and left Marge, when in reality, Homer is slowly dying from losing blood. Homer emerges, alive, despite being impaled by Moe's microbrew machine, hurls Moe (represented as a dummy) across the room, and reunites with Marge. Ending The whole audience except for Kang and Kodos gathers onstage and conclude the episode by singing "Number XX" when Kodos then shushes the audience, gesturing at Kang, who has fallen asleep with the playbill over his helmet.
The Devil Wears Nada
Marge becomes a sex symbol after pin-up pictures of her appear on a calendar, which embarrasses Bart and stirs lust in every man in Springfield – including Ned Flanders. Meanwhile, Carl Carlson is chosen as the Springfield Nuclear Plant's newest supervisor, and Homer gets hired as Carl's assistant.
The episode opens at a retirement party for the current Sector 7G supervisor at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Just as Homer, Lenny, and Carl are celebrating their freedom from supervision, plant owner Mr. Burns arrives and chooses Carl as the new supervisor, after quickly deducing that he is the only semi-competent employee of the three. Meanwhile, in an effort to raise money, Marge and her "Charity Chicks" philanthropic group decide to follow the Springfield Police Department's lead and pose for a history-themed "sexy" calendar. At the photo studio, however, Marge, as Babe Didrikson Zaharias, does not want to show any skin. The photographer, Julio, loosens her up with red wine, and she ends up revealing more than she planned. Marge and her erotic poses are soon the hottest talk in town, as all the calendar photos are of her. Back at the plant, Carl makes Homer his new executive assistant. That evening, Marge's libido pumped up by the male population's positive feedback on her calendar is running high, but Homer is too overworked and exhausted by Carl's demands to satisfy her. This becomes an unhappy trend, and Marge feels ignored. Homer tries to make up for it by taking Marge out to a romantic hotel, but during their stay, he receives a phone call from Carl who tells him they are going to Paris on a business trip. When Homer leaves the Simpsons' house the next morning, a frustrated Marge throws a mallet after his retreating taxicab, but she accidentally knocks out neighbor Ned Flanders instead and invites him and his children over for a family dinner by way of apology. In Paris, Carl is having a great time flirting with a beautiful woman, and he reveals to Homer that he plans to extend their stay indefinitely. Homer is devastated, and walks forlornly through the streets where everything reminds him of Marge. He eventually forces Carl to give him his old job back by revealing that the woman Carl has been flirting with is actually Carla Bruni, the wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy, and threatens to tell him of their affair. Back in Springfield, Bart and Lisa bail on Marge's dinner, and Ned shows up alone because Rod and Todd have been grounded after watching a trailer for Grey's Anatomy and not telling him straightaway. The innocent dinner soon turns romantic, and Marge and Ned nearly kiss, until Marge catches sight of her wedding photo in the reflection of Ned's glasses and realizes that it would be wrong. Homer arrives home just as Marge is bidding Ned goodnight, and Homer and Marge make love, undisturbed at last.
Pranks and Greens
Bart tracks down an immature man named Andy Hamilton who was once hailed Springfield Elementary's best prankster, and realizes the man who was once Springfield Elementary's best prankster has no direction in his life. Meanwhile, Marge is chastised by the other mothers in her social circle for not serving healthy snacks.Guest Star: Jonah Hill
After Bart is apprehended for playing pranks on the teachers of Springfield Elementary, Principal Skinner reveals to Bart that he is not the greatest prankster to ever walk the halls of the school. Bart is shocked by this revelation and sets out to discover the identity of this prankster. After sifting through countless back issues of the school paper, he discovers that there is a two-week gap in its publication dating back ten years, and that there is a substantial change in Skinner's demeanor and appearance before and after the gap. Groundskeeper Willie eventually tells Bart that he was once the school swim instructor, and that Skinner was once fun-loving and laid-back until an incident dubbed "Night of the Wigglers". Here, a prankster named Andy Hamilton locked Skinner in a pool full of earthworms for three days, changing Skinner's personality for the worse. Bart meets Andy and discovers that he is unemployed and lives with his mother. When Lisa suggests Andy is a loser, Bart gets him a job as Krusty the Clown's assistant as a favor Krusty owes him, but is angry when Andy quits after one day. Bart gets him rehired and goes to check Andy's progress. When a truck full of earthworms labelled "Prank Grade" drives into the studio, Bart is terrified that Andy is repeating the "Night of the Wigglers" prank and that Krusty will end up a loser like Skinner. He discovers however that it is part of the show, and that Andy has been hired as a head writer for Krusty's show and has a girlfriend, much to Bart's delight. Despite Andy's success, Lisa still thinks that he is a loser, believing that writing for a comedy show is no better than the life of a prankster. Meanwhile, Marge is harshly criticized by other Springfield mothers for serving unhealthy snacks at their "Midday Mommies" meeting. In response, she burns the family's junk food and the family purchases organic food, which is very expensive and has a short shelf life. At the next meeting, while the other mothers enjoy Marge's healthy food, they become horrified at Marge for using non-stick bakeware (which contains PFOAs) and having the babies drink out of plastic drinking bottles marked with number 7 (which has the potential to leak BPA). The other mothers storm away and get into a nearby ambulance, tossing out Hans Moleman in the process. Marge realizes that she misses eating junk food and Homer later catches Marge eating from his stash of candy, and the two of them have sex while indulging in junk food together, and then agree to only make the kids eat healthy.
Rednecks and Broomsticks
Lisa befriends three practicing Wiccans and must save them from being persecuted for their beliefs. Meanwhile, Homer starts hanging out with Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel after discovering that Cletus and his friends make moonshine. Guest Star: Neve Campbell
The Simpson family becomes helplessly stuck in traffic while returning from a ski vacation. To pass the time, Bart, Lisa and Maggie spend hours playing the repetitive and noisy game "Bonk-It", much to Marge and Homer's annoyance. Homer loses his patience and throws the toy out the window, where it is crushed by passing vehicles. By a twist of fate, another father throws his children's Bonk-It out of a car window, and it lands in the hands of the Simpson children. Eventually the batteries run out, but Bart plugs the toy into the car's cigarette lighter, causing it to play even faster. His patience long gone, Homer smashes the Bonk-It with his foot, but it becomes lodged under the brake pedal. He loses control of the vehicle, accidentally hits a deer reminiscent of Bambi and ends up on a frozen lake, where a mysterious person drags them out. When the family wakes up, they discover that the mysterious person who saved them was Cletus. Cletus tells Homer about moonshine, and invites him to taste the latest batch. Homer impresses Cletus and his hillbilly friends with his moonshine-tasting skills and is invited to be the judge of a moonshine competition. Meanwhile, Bart and Cletus's sons play with a box of grenades that Cletus's wife Brandine, a former soldier, had brought back from Iraq, and Lisa plays hide and seek with Cletus's daughters. They do not find her, and Lisa gets lost in the woods. Trying to find her way back, she encounters three girls who are Wiccans, practicing their full moon Esbat. Lisa is initially skeptical of their ability to cast spells, but becomes interested after she happens to mention in the witches' Circle that she wishes she did not have to hand in her unfinished art project, and her wish comes true when Miss Hoover is taken ill with a stomach virus. The girls ask Lisa to join their coven and she accepts, but on the night of Lisa's induction, Chief Wiggum turns up after being tipped off by Ned Flanders and arrests the three girls on suspicion of witchcraft. Outside the courtroom, the girls say a chant, asking their goddess to 'show their persecutors that they are blind'. Many of the townspeople then suddenly become blind, and blame the three girls, who are then put on trial. When the judge dismisses the case, the townspeople decide to take the law into their own hands, and wish to drown the girls in an impromptu witch trial. Lisa, however, proves that the real culprits behind the town's temporary blindness are Homer and his hillbilly friends, who threw their moonshine stills into a river leading to the town's reservoir after thinking that they were about to be arrested by the police sent out by Flanders; the combination of alcohols caused the temporary blindness in the townspeople and animals who swam in or drank the water. The girls are released, and Homer entertains himself by using the witch-dunking chair to binge drink the moonshine water, but falls off the chair into the river. The episode ends with Lisa ice-skating on the frozen river to the song "Season of the Witch" while her skates carve a hole in the ice that frees Homer.
O Brother, Where Bart Thou?,_Where_Bart_Thou%3F
Jealous of Lisa and Maggie's sisterly bond, Bart goes looking for a surrogate baby brother to call his own. Guest Stars: Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Cooper Manning, Kim Cattrall, Jordan Nagai, Huell Howser and the Smothers Brothers
The entire Simpson family stays at home during a blizzard. The weather is too wild to play outside and the power goes out, so Bart participates in a pretend fashion show put on by his sisters, Lisa and Maggie. When he notices the bond shared by the two girls, Lisa suggests that he is jealous because he does not have a brother to share a similar bond with. That night, Bart dreams about being in a park (called Bro-Town USA) with the Smothers Brothers, the Marx Brothers, the Blues Brothers, the Smith Brothers, the Wright Brothers, the Mario Brothers, the Mannings (Cooper, Eli and Peyton), and even the Terwiliger brothers, (Sideshow Bob and Cecil). Bart awakens with the realization that he actually wants a brother. After getting turned down by Homer (who gives a lengthy monologue detailing why he feels daughters are better than sons), Bart consults with his friends at the bus stop. Nelson advises Bart to trick Marge and Homer into having a baby the same way Nelson's mom tried tricking former basketball player Charles Barkley. Bart's first attempt is to make them a romantic dinner, but Marge and Homer are too stuffed to feel amorous. In his second attempt, Bart leaves a kama sutra DVD in his parents' bedroom, but the two end up injuring themselves after emulating the sex positions. Frustrated, he seeks the advice of Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney, who tell him to hide Marge's birth control pills. Bart replaces Marge's birth control pills with Tic Tacs (just as he did with Mrs. Krabappel's in "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie") and discards the Tic Tacs container that now has the birth control pills inside, which Nelson finds and eats (giving the bully mood swings due to the estrogen ingestion). Marge catches Bart tampering with her pills and he confesses that he wants a brother. While sympathetic to her son, Marge explains that she and Homer are fine with just three kids—she also notes that even if she and Homer do ever end up having a fourth child, the baby very well could end up being another girl instead of boy, resulting in Bart having three sisters. Bart goes to a local orphanage and tries adopting a child, but is ultimately turned away for being too young. However, a young boy named Charlie follows Bart home and Bart takes him in as his younger brother. Bart and Charlie do brotherly things together, including playing pranks on Principal Skinner and hanging out at the Kwik-E-Mart. When Lisa insists that Charlie be returned to the orphanage, Bart disregards her and takes Charlie to see a horror movie titled Sever V. The movie terrifies Charlie, which makes Bart realize that being an older brother requires responsibility. On their way back from the movie, Chief Wiggum tries to apprehend Charlie, but the two boys escape and hide in a snowbank. Back in the snowbank, Lisa pleads with Bart to do the right thing and let Charlie be legally adopted by another family. When the children are sealed in by a snowplow (by Barney riding on his Plow King truck), Bart and Charlie urinate on the snow to melt it and open an escape tunnel, much to Lisa's disgust. After taking Charlie back to the orphanage, Homer and Bart come to visit Charlie, but they find out that Charlie is now adopted by a family with six daughters, and, much to Charlie's dismay, all six of his new sisters treat him like their personal fashion doll. To cheer Bart up, Homer takes him to see Sever V.
Thursdays with Abie
Grampa meets a human interest journalist who writes and publishes Grampa's life stories – and plots to kill Grampa for a Pulitzer. Meanwhile, Bart cares for a stuffed lamb as part of a class project.Guest Star: Mitch Albom
During a trip to a water park with the family, Abe meets a journalist named Marshall Goldman. Abe is thrilled that Marshall is interested in hearing his rambling anecdotes, and tells of the time he sat on and Animal trained a real shark during World War II, after the warship he served on was sunk by a torpedo (which they themselves fired earlier) in the Pacific Ocean. Marshall publishes Abe's story in the Springfield Shopper. When Homer reads Marshall's article, he is shocked that other people find Abe's stories interesting. In his next anecdote, Abe tells of giving a not-yet-famous Clark Gable a shoe shine at the Springfield railway station and lending him a copy of Gone with the Wind, but still remembers his anger at not being paid. A rapt Marshall writes up this story as well and Abe's fame grows. Homer decides to visit his father, but Abe tells him off, suggesting that Homer only wants to spend time with him now that he is famous. Later, Marge suggests that, in actuality, Homer is angry with himself for not having spent more time with his dad. Insulted at the not-so-false suggestion, Homer listens to Mr. Burns' anecdotes, writes his own column and takes it to the Springfield Shopper (where it is quickly shredded). While at the newspaper office, Homer sneaks into Marshall's office and discovers a manuscript that Marshall intends to submit for a Pulitzer Prize. The manuscript states that Abe is dead and Homer realizes that Marshall intends to kill Abe. He rushes to the railway station, but Abe and Marshall have already departed on a vintage train known as the Tinseltown Starliner (Clark Gable went to the same train after Abe does his shoe polishing). After knocking out Abe, Marshall attempts to suffocate him with a pillow. With the help of Lenny and Carl, Homer breaks through a window just as Marshall pulls out a gun. The two struggle, and then Abe pulls the emergency brake and Marshall is knocked out by a vast load of hat boxes. Homer and his father reconcile, with Abe telling Homer that he is ready for his first ramble. Meanwhile, Bart has possession of Larry the Lamb, a stuffed sheep toy that each child in Mrs. Krabappel's room takes a turn caring for over a weekend, much to the dismay of Nelson, who says that Larry was "all that kept me sane" in song. Bart resents the stuffed toy, so Lisa offers to take care of him. However, she accidentally loses Larry down a storm drain. Bart goes in to retrieve him, and is chased by sewer rats and sewer cats before finding Larry atop a pipe. Bart uses Larry to slide to safety but the toy rips and Bart unceremoniously crashes through a grate to a beach, where Agnes Skinner (who all this time has heard the children calling out for "Larry") tells Bart to "Give him my number. I'll teach him things. Things he can use."
Once Upon a Time in Springfield
The Krusty the Clown Show is once again retooled. This time, in a bid to get girls to watch the show, a princess character named Penelope is hired as Krusty's latest sidekick, whom Krusty hates at first – until Princess Penelope reveals that she is Krusty's biggest fan. Meanwhile, a corporate recruiter persuades Homer, Lenny, and Carl to work for a nuclear plant in Capital City, after Mr. Burns announces a moratorium on free doughnuts due to budget cuts.Guest Stars: Anne Hathaway, Gary Larson, Jackie Mason, and Eartha Kitt.
Krusty the Clown is informed by his producers that his show is dropping in ratings with the demographics of young girls, and therefore they will introduce a new character named Princess Penelope. Her act features singing, glitter, and a unicorn, which — though immediately attracting a youthful female audience — disgusts the series' predominately male audience, as well as Krusty himself. Soon, the Krustylu Studio becomes almost completely filled with girls (including Lisa), and all of Krusty's merchandise is replaced by that of Penelope's. However, Bart does not like it and complains that "...women ruin all the great things" (the Army, the Fantastic Four and American Idol "what would be better with only Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson"). Bart demands that Krusty will do something in order to restore the show. Krusty follows Bart's advice and confronts Penelope in her dressing room. Penelope admits she has followed Krusty ever since she was a young girl, who grew up in Mineola, Long Island, New York. They consequently discover that they share a mutual attraction towards one another. Subsequent episodes of The Krusty the Clown Show feature the two singing love songs to one another, culminating in Krusty's marriage proposal to Penelope and the latter's acceptance. On the wedding day, Bart and Milhouse attempt to sabotage the marriage by showing Penelope Krusty's former wives, Holly Hippie and Eartha Kitt (who divorced Krusty six hours after they got married), who both despise him. Penelope still wants to get married, but Krusty decides that he is not good enough for Penelope and cancels the wedding. Penelope moves to France, only to discover that Krusty is there and apologizes for leaving her behind. She accepts and the two float down the Seine River together into the night. In the subplot, budgeting issues cause Mr. Burns to eliminate donuts from the lunch room, shocking Homer, Lenny, and Carl. While at Moe's Tavern, a corporate recruiter named Gator McCall offers them a job at the Capital City Nuclear Power Plant. The trio agree to take a tour, where they discover there are luxurious working conditions, including free massages, sushi, and cartoonist Gary Larson, who has come out of retirement to draw The Far Side cartoons for plant employees. They accept the offer. As Homer, Lenny, and Carl carry their personal possessions from Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Mr. Burns confronts them. After begging is unsuccessful, Burns offers to reinstate even better donuts if they return to work at his power plant. The trio then accepts the offer.
Million Dollar Maybe
Homer wins the lottery, but worries when he realizes that he ditched Marge at a wedding to get the winning ticket. To cover his tracks, Homer begins spending his windfall on anonymous gifts for the family, one of which is hiring alternative rock band Coldplay to perform for Bart. Meanwhile, Lisa buys a Funtendo Zii for Grampa and his friends at the old folks' home, and the winning entry for The Simpsons create-a-character contest makes a brief cameo.Guest Star: Chris Martin
Homer and Marge are scheduled to do a singing toast at Marge's cousin Valerie's wedding, causing Marge to become nervous, due to her fear of embarrassment. Homer tells her not to worry, saying that he will make sure they do not mess up. Homer gets a fortune cookie stating that today will be his lucky day, but he does not believe so. However, he starts to believe this occurs when he crashes into a vending machine causing all of the snacks to fall out on him, and finds an Emerson, Lake & Palmer CD in the parking lot. He sings along to "Lucky Man", driving recklessly to the synthesizer solo. He then goes to the Kwik-E-Mart for a lottery ticket, even though he's running late for the wedding. After a long wait, Homer gets his lottery ticket, only to find out the wedding has ended. When he takes his eyes off the road for a second, he crashes. Homer wakes up in the hospital, and realizes he won a million dollars in the lottery. Homer does not want Marge to know he missed the wedding to get a lottery ticket, and has Barney pose as the winner. So that Marge does not know he won the money, he secretly leaves gifts for his family members. When Bart discovers Homer's scheme, he threatens to tell Marge unless Homer publicly embarrasses himself. Eventually, Homer decides to tell Marge himself and get it over with. Taking Marge on a hot-air balloon, he reveals he won the lottery, causing Marge to become very glad; he then tells her he spent it all, leaving them poor as usual. However, Marge does not care, saying at least they have each other. Homer then reveals he spent the last of the money on a giant cherry blossom grove in the shape of Marge's face with the words "Love of my Life". They then sing the song they were supposed to sing at the wedding together, off in the sunset. In the sub-plot, Lisa discovers that the senior citizens at Grampa's nursing home do not have any entertainment, and decides to buy them a digital TV converter. However, while at the store to buy it, she discovers Mr. Burns feeling very happy playing Funtendo Zii Sports. She decides to buy this for the senior citizens. When playing the Zii, the senior citizens feel very happy and feel younger. This forces the nurses at the home to work extra hard after their workout, prompting them to destroy the machine. The senior citizens then return to their boring selves, staring at TV static.
Boy Meets Curl
The Simpsons head to the 2010 Winter Olympics where Marge and Homer compete as part of a mixed curling team and Lisa becomes addicted to collecting Olympic pins.Guest Star: Bob Costas
Marge and Homer's plans for a romantic date night fall through when Homer is forced to stay longer than expected at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant to fix a leak in one of the plant's nuclear processing pipes. Looking for a romantic activity after walking out of a movie starring Ben Affleck, they find an ice rink and decide to do some skating. However, they are unable to rent skates because it is curling night. They decide to try it and discover their innate talent for the sport, particularly Marge, who has years of experience sweeping floors. Agnes and Seymour Skinner notice and invite Marge and Homer to join their mixed-doubles team. It is announced that mixed-doubles has been added to the Winter Olympics as a demonstration sport, and the Skinner-Simpson team qualifies for the United States curling trials. Agnes cautions Marge not to let emotions get in the way of winning, relating how a fetal kick by an unborn Seymour foiled her chances at winning gold in the pole vault at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki At the trials, Marge's talented sweeping earns the team a win and a trip to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Meanwhile, at the trials, Lisa is given an Olympic mascot pin, which she attaches to her dress. She decides that it "looks lonely" and buys another, but her interest in the pins quickly spirals out of control. The Simpsons arrive in Vancouver, where Agnes insists that Homer be cut from the team. Marge refuses and insists she can compensate for his weak throws, but Homer accidentally overhears the exchange and feels terrible. Marge continues to perform superbly, but she injures her right shoulder while sweeping to secure a win in the semifinals. She is told that she will never curl again and that the American team must forfeit the gold-medal match to Sweden, leading her to briefly and hypocritically lash out at Homer. Lisa's pin collection grows, and when she runs out of money, she trades her pearl necklace to a vendor in exchange for a pin from the 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France. Bart discovers Lisa busking on a street corner, having relinquished her dress in favour of wearing her pins at all times, and offers to help her kick her pin-collecting addiction. Cutting the lower portion of Homer's face from his driver's license and making it into a pin, Bart creates "Fatov", a phony mascot for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. He trades the pin to the vendor in exchange for Lisa's necklace. As Marge prepares to leave Vancouver, she reveals to Homer that she is left-handed, but has always used her right hand to avoid seeming unusual. She has become cross-dominant, with enough dexterity to change Maggie's diaper and dress her one-handed. Homer and Marge return to the rink just in time to stop Seymour from forfeiting the match and go on to defeat Sweden for the gold. Agnes softens her attitude of unyielding contempt toward her son after he breaks his broom and has to drop out, and Marge and Homer agree that they had a great date night.
The Color Yellow
While going through her family history for a school project to find one Simpsons ancestor who was not an idiot, a freak, or a failure, Lisa discovers a diary of a Simpsons ancestor named Eliza whose family helped a black slave named Virgil (who looks like an African-American version of Homer) escape to freedom, but Milhouse (whose ancestors lived around the same time as Lisa's) has an alternate take on how Virgil was really treated.Guest Star: Wren T. Brown
While working on a genealogy assignment, Lisa discovers a diary written by her great-great-great grandaunt, Eliza Simpson. She reads it, hoping to discover a Simpson in her family tree that was not an alcoholic, criminal, or sexual fetishist. At first she believes through reading the diary that, to her dismay, Eliza was a slaveowner, but she soon learns that she and her mother Mabel were part of the Underground Railroad in 1860. Eliza sneaks into a ball hosted by Colonel Burns (later said to be the father of Monty Burns, again making fun of his age) to meet a slave named Virgil, but as the two make their escape, they are spotted by a mounted patrol. Unfortunately, the diary is too disintegrated for Lisa to read on, and she cannot bear not knowing if Virgil escaped. Lisa and Marge discover a cookbook at the local library written by Mabel, made decades after Eliza saved Virgil. In it is an anecdote that tells how Eliza and Virgil evaded capture by donning disguises at a traveling circus with a Krusty-type clown. They make it back to the Simpson household, but Eliza's father Hiram is suspicious of Virgil's presence. Virgil makes him "wheel cakes" and Hiram swears to keep Virgil's whereabouts a secret. As the story continues on, it becomes like The Color Purple. Lisa believes Eliza to be a hero for helping Virgil escape, and tells this story at a Black History Month presentation at Springfield Elementary. Milhouse, however, challenges her story and suggests that Eliza was a coward. He reads from the journal of his ancestor, Milford Van Houten, who witnessed Colonel Burns bribe Hiram with "a pleasant surprise", a new pair of shoes in exchange for giving up Virgil. Eliza does not stand up against the Colonel and Lisa is crushed to think her ancestor was indeed a coward. Milford said he was so disgusted he could never look at Eliza again (Milhouse adding it did not help that he went blind the next day after drinking bad well water). Milford Van Houten's account is substantiated when Lisa views a 1950s oral history archival film interview with an elderly Eliza, where she indicates this cowardice as being the one regret of her life. In the film, a wedding portrait behind Eliza shows she married Milford Van Houten, thus creating a family link between the Simpsons and the Van Houtens and making Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and Milhouse distant cousins. To help raise Lisa's spirits, Homer threatens Grampa Simpson to get him to tell the rest of the story by turning the thermostat down a few degrees. Grandpa Simpson then tells how Mabel threatened to castrate Colonel Burns with a shotgun blast and then escaped with Virgil to Canada. There, she divorced Hiram and married Virgil. She also got one shoe from Hiram, but he kept the shoelaces to himself. Grampa reveals that Virgil and Mabel's son Abraham was his great-grandfather, and therefore Bart, Lisa, and Maggie (actually descended from Virgil and not Hiram) are .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);clip-path:polygon(0px 0px,0px 0px,0px 0px);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1⁄64th black, to which Lisa then claims is the reason for her jazz musical ability, Bart believes that it is the reason for him being so cool, and Homer sees as why he makes less money than his white co-workers. Grampa also admits that the reason why he kept this secret was due to the fact that people during his generation were racist at that time. Marge then notes that her father was French, to which Homer claims as the cause of his drinking, and drinks wine from a bottle. Marge points out that he is not of French ancestry, but Homer dismisses this and continues drinking while the French national anthem is played in the background.
Postcards from the Wedge
Once again, Homer and Marge try to discipline Bart after Mrs. Krabappel tells them that Bart has not been doing his homework, but Bart has a plan to manipulate Homer's strictness and Marge's sympathetic ear.
At Springfield Elementary, after Edna Krabappel shows a video from 1956 to her students about the future, she tells her students to turn in their homework project, which they had three months to do. Bart, who had forgotten, tries to make his homework on the fly out of odds and ends found in his desk. A disapproving Edna sends a letter to Homer and Marge informing them Bart is three months behind on his homework. When Homer is informed that he does not have to help Bart with this work; he is eager to increase his son's workload, but Marge is concerned that the heavy workload will dissuade Bart from liking school, unaware that he already hates it. With his parents not agreeing on this issue, Bart uses their opposing views to avoid homework entirely, creating a wedge issue that sharply divides them both. As the arguments continue, Bart even incites them to argue about very minor things that do not even involve his homework. However, when Lisa sees what Bart has done, she calls him out for his behavior. Marge seeks advice from Ned Flanders, who recalls having a minor argument with Maude on the day she died which still haunts him. Marge also seeks counsel from Patty and Selma, who, eager to break up Marge and Homer, encourage her to "stick to her guns" so she will be happier without Homer. However, knowing how her sisters feel about Homer, Marge thinks about how her life could end up like theirs and immediately heads out to make things right with her husband. Meanwhile, Homer falls asleep at work, dreams about accidentally killing Marge and realizes that he too wants to apologize. The two spot each other in traffic, rush out of their cars and embrace. They then decide to let Bart fend for himself, leaving him stunned when they pay no attention to any of his antics. When Bart confesses to Nelson he no longer feels thrilled when he plays pranks, Nelson suggests Bart receives no gratification from pranks unless someone loses their temper. Bart then decides to destroy Springfield Elementary, which has recently been damaged by a subway tremor he and Milhouse caused on the town via the subway tracks, by driving a train under it. Homer and Marge find a note from Lisa informing them of this prank, and they decide to take immediate action. They rush to the subway station, where Homer tries to push the emergency kill switch. It is stuck, but Homer then imagines that the switch is Bart, pretends to be strangling him, and he succeeds in stopping the subway. Skinner is relieved when he realizes the school is saved, and he puts a flag up. However, the flagpole falls against the already damaged building, causing it to collapse, much to Nelson and Edna's delight. Bart is therefore grounded and forced to finish his homework and tweet Homer about his current activities, and his parents begin to keep their son in line again. Lisa confronts Bart upon discovering he had written the note from her because it misspells the word "Elementary," but promises to keep it a secret, much to his relief.
Stealing First Base
When Mrs. Krabappel takes an extended absence her students join with the other fourth grade class where Bart falls for a girl named Nikki, who alternates between loving him and hating him. The two are seen kissing which leads to a public display of affection ban in the school. Meanwhile, First Lady Michelle Obama teaches Lisa that there is no shame in being an overachieving girl, and Nelson teaches a blind boy the art of being a schoolyard bully. Guest Stars: Sarah Silverman and Angela Bassett
Bart's fourth-grade class is merged with another fourth-grade class when teacher Mrs. Krabappel is absent. In the crowded classroom, Bart is forced to sit by a new student named Nikki. At first, they dislike each other, until Nikki admires Bart's artistic skills. Bart seeks romance advice from Homer, who passes him off to Grandpa Abe. After Grandpa advises Bart to kiss Nikki, however, when Bart does so after the two skateboard together, she recoils in disgust. Nikki's attorney's parents threaten to sue the school unless it is declared an "affection-free environment". Superintendent Chalmers causes a play in which Willie plays Nikki and Skinner plays Bart who was strangled by Homer after calling him a “Fatso”, meaning they are forced to kiss. Bart is confused at the outcome of this seemingly innocent action, and his confusion is later amplified when Nikki hides in his locker and kisses him again. Meanwhile, Lisa becomes popular when she receives an F on a test, but becomes unpopular again when it is revealed that her test was mistakenly given to Ralph, as both tests were mixed up as the F grade was supposed to be given to Ralph who had written Lisa's name on his test. Angry about being ostracized for being an overachiever once again, Lisa blogs about it, and her post is noted by a mysterious blogger known as Flotus 1 who turns out to be First Lady Michelle Obama. Obama drops by Springfield Elementary to give a speech about the importance of academics and recommends that the students should be nice to Lisa and other overachievers like her friends, Martin Prince and Allison Taylor. Bart and Nikki have been watching this speech from the roof, and Bart confesses to Nikki he does not understand her ever-changing moods. They argue and Bart stumbles, falling off the roof. Nikki says "I love you," but seeing that Bart is breathing treats him badly again. Bart stops breathing again, but the school's "no-touch" policy prevents anyone from performing CPR. Nikki defies the policy and revives Bart via mouth-to-mouth, thus setting off a montage of kiss scenes from various movies, some of which (such as Alien 3) never even had kiss scenes in them. When Bart awakes, Nikki's mood changes yet again and Bart remains in a state of complete confusion over female behavior. He tells her he does not care what happens between her and him, but then changes his mind and yells out "I love you!" after she kisses him once again. Throughout the episode, Nelson Muntz has befriended a blind boy and teaches him how to laugh at the misfortunes of others. In the end, the blind boy tricks Nelson into believing that a punch he sustained after insulting Nelson restored his sight. When he reveals to Nelson that this was a prank and laughs at Nelson's signature "haw haw", Nelson is as impressed as he is touched by the achievement.
The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed
Ned Flanders invites the Simpson family to join him on a church retreat to Jerusalem. Homer is unappreciative of the culture, until a tour guide starts taking him around the city and a dehydrated Homer deludes himself into believing he is the Messiah.Guest Stars: Sacha Baron Cohen and Yael Naim.
Ned Flanders becomes frustrated when Homer disrupts his Bible study group, and Reverend Lovejoy suggests that Ned invite the Simpson family to join the group on their tour of Jerusalem. Homer is skeptical, but Marge accepts and soon the family is on their way to the Holy Land. Upon arrival in Jerusalem, they are joined by Krusty the Clown, who is making a Jewish pilgrimage. Passing the Western Wall, they meet a talkative, pushy tour guide named Jakob and his niece Dorit, who doubles as his security guard and pummels Bart into submission using her knowledge of Krav Maga. At first, Homer and the other tourists show more interest in the hotel's buffet than they do in seeing the city, much to Ned's dismay. When they arrive at King David's Tomb, Ned implores Homer to show some respect. Homer, however, continues to goof off and Ned becomes increasingly impatient with him. Their next stop is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Ned prays that Homer will find some meaning in the tour but soon finds him taking a nap on Jesus' tomb. Ned loses his temper and yells at Homer, an outburst that prompts security personnel to remove him from the church and permanently ban him from returning. He storms off, exasperated with Homer's crass behavior and lack of reverence (stating that Homer is "not worth saving"). Homer loses sight of Ned and believes that he is lost in the desert; in reality, Ned has calmed himself by getting a cup of water and going to see a movie. Homer rides into the desert on a camel in search of Ned, but becomes lost in a sandstorm and begins to succumb to dehydration. He drinks some of the brackish water from the Dead Sea, worsening his condition, and hallucinates that several of the characters from VeggieTales are naming him as a new Messiah. Marge and a security guard rescue Homer, and Dr. Hibbert diagnoses him with Jerusalem syndrome, whose sufferers possess religiously-themed obsessive ideas. Homer escapes from the hotel and ends up at the Dome of the Rock. Marge, the Simpson children, and Dr. Hibbert chase after him, only to hear him preach that the similarities of different religions outweigh their differences, and that all should search for a common ground for a joint new religion, the so-called "Chrismujews". Ned witnesses Homer's speech and is profoundly moved, but the effect is lost on the crowd as nearly all of the other tour group members have developed Jerusalem syndrome as well. On the flight back to Springfield, Ned and Homer reconcile.
American History X-cellent
Smithers takes over the nuclear plant after Mr. Burns is put in jail for stealing valuable art – and starts acting like his boss when Homer and his friends begin taking advantage of his kindness.Guest Stars: Joe Mantegna and Kevin Michael Richardson.
Mr. Burns throws an elaborate Fourth of July party for himself, forcing his employees to wait on him and perform a Broadway-style musical number without pay. When Homer, Lenny and Carl become frustrated, they break into Burns' wine cellar and become completely drunk. Burns discovers this and calls the police, but the police soon notice that Burns' mansion contains stolen artwork including The Concert by Vermeer. He is arrested and paraded through the streets of Springfield inside a bamboo cage, where he is jeered by the townspeople on his way to prison. He leaves a reluctant Waylon Smithers in charge. In prison, Burns is placed in a cell with another white-collar criminal, but then demands to be moved when he discovers his cellmate was educated at Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia. Burns soon finds himself in the company of a tough-looking felon (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson), a born-again Christian who convinces Burns to find religion. The man became a born-again Christian when an inmate gave the man the book Helter Skelter with its subject Charles Manson on the cover; since the man was illiterate he misidentified the picture as Christ. He then "sucks" the evil, represented by green slime, out of Burns. The prison, first seen by Burns as a hell hole, now becomes a heaven hole: he joins the prison choir and a Beatles tribute band called "Stab Four" and reads the Holy Bible many times in the prison laundry while Sideshow Bob is being washed. Meanwhile, Smithers assumes management at the nuclear plant and attempts to show the plant employees that he is nothing like Burns by being kind and accommodating. But when he joins Homer, Lenny and Carl for beer at Moe's, he overhears the three friends making fun of him. Smithers realizes why Burns scorns humanity and his behavior quickly deteriorates into that of a tyrant, to the point of releasing wolverines instead of Burns' hounds. Homer, Lenny and Carl decide to break Burns out of prison by disguising themselves as prison guards to sneak into the institution and remove Burns from his cell. Burns, however, does not want to leave because he believes he has found his spiritual home. When the cellmate tries to stop them from escaping, Burns realizes that he misses being a power figure and that his toilet-tank baptism did not purge away all of his inner evil, stating that he forgot to suck some evil from between his toes, which had then multiplied rapidly and made him "a bigger bastard than ever". But Burns also wonders genuinely why his cellmate helped him; he is told that after killing so many rich white men over the years, he figured he would do right by at least one of them. The two men decide they are not so different and part company. Burns uses his money to leave the prison system, and is once again at the helm of the nuclear power plant, although he hopes his friend will gain another disciple. Burns' former cellmate finds a new disciple in Fat Tony. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa are forced to play with one another when Marge goes shopping (she notes that the mall is deserted when the townspeople are rioting, as is the case with Burns' trip to prison). When the two fight over Lisa's ant farm, it breaks and Santa's Little Helper eats all but one of the ants. The experience brings Lisa and Bart closer together, and they name the ant Annie (as in Little Orphan Annie, as well as the layman's term ant itself). They care for her as they would a child, but realize that she is near death. They decide to release her, so she can live out her last days in the wild, but as soon as they let her go Santa's Little Helper eats Annie.
Chief of Hearts
While completing his court-ordered community service (after a wrongful arrest for robbing a bank), Homer offers Chief Wiggum a sandwich and the two become friends. Meanwhile, Bart becomes addicted to a Japanese kids' game called Battle Ball, which Marge confuses for a drug addiction.Guest Stars: Jane Kaczmarek, Maurice LaMarche and Joe Mantegna.Note: This is the first episode where Lisa (despite her presence) doesn't have a single line of dialogue.
When Homer attempts to bring a candy apple into a bank, he is mistaken for a gun-toting bank robber and sentenced by Judge Constance Harm to 100 hours of community service. While completing his community service, Homer offers Chief Wiggum a tasty parm sandwich. Wiggum is touched by the offer, and the two become instant friends. As the two spend time together, Wiggum confesses to Homer that he has very few friends because citizens fear him as a cop and other cops belittle him. Their moment is interrupted when the chief must rush to a robbery, where Wiggum is shot by a thug in Fat Tony's mob. Homer keeps a bedside vigil in the hospital until Wiggum awakes, but soon tires of Wiggum's neediness and goes to Moe's for a break. When Wiggum finds him there, he declares Homer to be a bad friend and demands that Eddie and Lou arrest him, but when they refuse the unlawful task, Wiggum yells at them and storms out. Later, Homer finds Wiggum on the same hillside where they first hung out together. When they spot Fat Tony and his mob counterfeiting Lacoste shirts, Homer and Wiggum are captured and thrown in the trunk of Tony's car to be taken to an execution site. The situation seems hopeless, but Homer expresses faith in Wiggum to find a way out. Wiggum rearranges the CDs to play "At Seventeen" by Janis Ian instead of a dramatic song, angering Tony. When Legs and Louie open the trunk, Wiggum uses items in it to knock them out and the two make their escape. They reconcile and proceed to hassle Ned Flanders with the police helicopter, tricking him into believing that God is convincing him to do embarrassing tasks. Meanwhile, Bart is introduced to a Japanese card game called "Battle Ball" at Dylan's birthday party. While it is never resolved whether Dylan is male or female, Bart becomes hooked on this game. His jargon and secretive behavior lead Principal Skinner to suspect Bart of dealing drugs. Marge cannot believe that Bart would become involved with drugs, but she becomes suspicious and searches his room. When he catches her rifling through his things, he shows her his Battle Ball gear and she is satisfied that his interests are legal. Bart is horrified, though, that Marge thinks the game is cute and decides to flush it down the toilet, causing it to overflow.
The Squirt and the Whale
The Simpson family goes environmental by building a wind-powered turbine in their yard and saving a beached whale that washed up onshore.
When Homer is outraged by the family's high electricity bill, they attend an alternate energy expo and purchase a wind turbine. At first the turbine produces an excess of electricity which the electric company leeches, so Homer decides the family will live off the grid so the company can't use "their" electricity. They soon discover that they have no electricity when there is no wind. Homer tries to power the turbine with fans plugged into Ned Flanders' house, but Ned angrily disconnects them. One evening Bart is manually turning the turbine so Lisa can watch House, and when he prays for wind, a severe storm blows through town. The next morning Lisa and Bart bike through town to survey the damage and discover a beached blue whale. Lisa immediately bonds with the whale and names her Bluella. She appeals to her parents for help returning Bluella to the sea, but Marge fears Lisa will be let down because the outcome for beached whales is usually poor. Still, Homer rallies the townspeople and they unsuccessfully attempt to move Bluella. As night falls, Lisa decides to stay with Bluella and starts reading her excerpts from the poem "The World Below the Brine" from the poetry collection "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman. She dozes off and awakes to the Marines rescuing Bluella with helicopters. Bluella happily swims away but when she leaps into the northern lights (a reference to the animation of Respighi's Pines of Rome in Disney's Fantasia 2000), Lisa awakes, realizes she was dreaming and discovers Bluella has died. Homer tries to comfort a heartbroken Lisa, while Bart and Milhouse, who plan to poke Bluella with a stick, return to the beach and discover the police are going to blow up the whale carcass, as it cannot stay on the beach. The results are disastrous and blubber is everywhere, prompting the townspeople to use Bluella's remains for products such as corsets and perfume. Lisa sadly walks through town, where every squeaky noise reminds her of Bluella. She winds up at the beach, where she spots two whale calves — presumed to be Bluella's offspring — surrounded by sharks. Homer suddenly appears with a boat (which he had apparently offered to test drive) and a harpoon and they rush to the rescue, only to be stopped by two eco-activists, who caution Lisa that being an eco-activist means supporting all forms of life (including sharks but excluding cockroaches). Lisa agrees and stops Homer from shooting the sharks, but he inadvertently falls overboard. The eco-activists advise Homer to hit the sharks on the nose with a steel pail, which will either cause them to retreat or make the sharks devour Homer faster. When the eco-activists throw the pail to Homer, it strikes him in the head causing him to bleed and even more sharks arrive and circle Homer. Fortunately, the whale calves' father appears and rescues the young whales and Homer, driving the sharks away. In the end, the Simpson family watches the three whales swim out to sea, confident that they will thrive. Homer assumes that the whale will marry a "sexy lady octopus," and that a "little whale-upus is on the way!" Marge then suggests that they draw pictures of that tonight. Over the ending credits, the song "La Mer" plays while the pictures the Simpsons drew are shown.
To Surveil with Love
Radiation seeps out of Homer's gym bag after a bomb squad blows it up and Springfield officials decide to suspend all civil liberties. Meanwhile, Lisa dyes her hair brown after being mocked for not conforming to the stereotype of the "dumb blonde."Guest Star: Eddie Izzard
When Mr. Burns is informed that the Nuclear Power Plant has run out of room to store waste plutonium, Smithers hides some of the radioactive matter in Homer's gym bag. Shortly afterwards, Homer goes to the train station and forgets the bag. The police see the bag as a threat and decide to detonate it, causing a nuclear explosion in the train station. The incident sparks fear of terrorism, and the town votes to hire British security consultant Nigel Bakerbutcher to install surveillance cameras all around Springfield. Soon the entire town is being watched, but when Chief Wiggum and the other police officers get tired of watching the surveillance screens, they recruit some of the townspeople—including Marge and Ned Flanders—to keep watch. Marge is not comfortable watching the activities of her fellow townspeople, but Ned discovers he enjoys being Springfield's "conscience" and proceeds to nag everyone through loudspeakers on the cameras, leaving the townspeople frustrated by Ned's constant nagging. Bart discovers that the family's backyard contains a blind spot that none of the cameras can see, and he and Homer soon begin charging people to do whatever they want there. When Ned scolds Homer for allowing so many immoral activities to go on, Homer retorts that the situation is Ned's fault as he has abused his power and literally played God over the town and as a result it concentrated all the wrongdoings into a small space. Ned apologizes to the town for his interference, and he and Homer proceed to destroy all the cameras. It is then revealed that Bakerbutcher has been using the footage to put together a British reality television series called The American Oafs, which Queen Elizabeth II enjoys watching because Ralph Wiggum reminds her of her son, Prince Charles, who walks in and comments that his "cat's breath smells like cat food." Lisa is invited to join the school debate team, but soon discovers that she faces prejudice from the brunette supremacist judges because she has blonde hair. This prejudice follows her during the town meeting when Cletus mocks her concerns over the freedom infringement. Marge's attempt to comfort her fails after buying a book, which did little to lift Lisa's spirits telling her to accept the stereotype. She hears Bart make comments against blondes even though Bart himself is blonde. When she calls him out for being prejudice against blondes, Bart defends himself by pointing out how the dumb blonde-stereotype mostly just applies to women and girls, while men and boys with blonde hair are expected to be evil and conniving rather than unintelligent. In a moment of kindness, Bart admits that he knows Lisa is the only exception to the blonde stereotype and encourages her to continue her fight against it. Inspired by Bart's support, a newly determined Lisa dyes her hair dark brown. She deliberately presents a weak argument at the next debate meeting in favor of school uniforms and conformity. Nevertheless, she receives praise from the judges and earns the wrath of her rival, Megan, who realizes that because Lisa is now a brunette, she has leveled the playing field. Lisa is horrified when she learns the judges agreed with her simply because of her darker hair and not the strength of her debate skill. She points out their bias toward brunettes, prompting the only female judge on the panel to proudly admit her belief in the blonde stereotype. Lisa urges the audience not to blindly follow stereotypes as they all have exceptions, but her argument is immediately undermined when Grampa crashes his car through the wall of the school gymnasium where the debate is being held.
Moe Letter Blues
Homer, Reverend Lovejoy and Apu Nahasapeemapetilon receive a letter from Moe that states he will steal one of their wives. The three get together and try to remember intimate moments between Moe and their wives.Guest Star: Don Pardo
Moe's Tavern is the scene of merry-making for the people of Springfield, and Moe relates how his role as bartender gives him insight into his customers' lives. He notices tension in the marriages of Homer, who argues about what to do for Mother's Day, Apu, who plays a song in the car that Manjula dislikes, and Reverend Lovejoy, who does not want to help Helen because he is playing with a train set. Mother's Day is approaching, and Marge, needing a break from motherhood, suggests that Homer take the children to Weasel Island after Krusty the Clown promotes it on his show. At first Homer is enthusiastic, but becomes concerned when Marge mentions his leaving will allow her to "take care of something." As the ferry to the island pulls away from the dock, the three men receive a letter from Moe informing them that he is running off with one of their wives. At Weasel Island, the children spend time at a shoddy amusement park while Homer, Apu and Lovejoy agonize over their situation. At first, each insists their marriage is fine. Homer, however, remembers his mother-in-law Jacqueline Bouvier's 80th birthday, where Moe was the bartender. Homer, who was angry at Marge for only serving non-alcoholic beer, got into an argument with Patty and Selma after they started annoying him with their antics. Disgusted, Homer then drove them out, and Marge told him that he ruins every event that she plans. Apu notices cracks in his marriage, recollecting an incident where he and Manjula forgot their son Gheet at Moe's after using the bar's bathroom to change out of rain-soaked cricket whites. Manjula drove back to retrieve their son and did not return for hours. Homer mentions that he saw Manjula playing an interactive dance video game with Moe that night. Finally, Lovejoy remembers advice given to him by the Parson that he ignored his wife Helen's needs, and Apu recounts how he witnessed Moe confiding in Helen that he was in love with a married woman and that Helen put her hand on his knee. When the ferry returns to the mainland, each man realizes that they are equally likely to have lost their wives to Moe. Otto drops Homer and his kids off first. At first, Homer thinks Marge is packing a suitcase and tries to convince her to stay. Once he comes in, he realizes that she has painted a portrait of her mother. Jacqueline, assures Homer that he was not responsible for the 80th birthday incident. She admits that it is Patty and Selma's fault because there is "something evil" about them (they even smoked during her pregnancy). While watching Homer and Marge make up, both Lovejoy and Apu slump in their seats, thinking it is either Helen or Manjula that left with Moe. When Lovejoy arrives home with Jessica, he too thinks Helen is leaving, but instead she surprises him with tickets to Istanbul on board the Orient Express. By process of elimination, Apu concludes that his wife has left. He arrives home with their octuplets to find Moe sitting with Manjula, but she tells Apu that he convinced her to salvage their marriage. Moe reveals that he saw how troubling the relationships were, so he organized Marge's portrait, the Lovejoys' trip and the Nahasapeemapetilons' marriage rescue. He also explained that he only wrote the horrible letter just to teach the three men a lesson about taking their wives for granted, saying that they need to value them more just like their other family members. Upon learning this, Homer thanks Moe for teaching him that lesson. In the end, Moe implores viewers to value their wives and mothers this Mother's Day as a montage of Springfield's mothers plays over the 1973 hit "I'll Always Love My Mama" by The Intruders.
The Bob Next Door
Bart becomes convinced that their new neighbor is Sideshow Bob in disguise, but Marge does not believe him and personally takes Bart to the Springfield Maximum Security Prison to prove it.Guest Star: Kelsey Grammer.
A financial crisis in Springfield causes the sale of many houses and release of all low-level criminals from Springfield Penitentiary, including a man named Walt Warren. Walt purchases a house next door to the Simpson family and charms the neighborhood. However, Bart is convinced that Walt is Sideshow Bob in disguise because they have the same voice. He tries several times to find proof, but fails. Marge convinces him otherwise by taking him to the penitentiary, where they see Bob locked in a padded cell, wearing a straitjacket and writing "Bart Simpson Will Die!" on the walls. A seemingly reassured Bart decides to go to a baseball game with Walt, who removes his small shoes to show long feet folded inside, revealing himself to be Sideshow Bob. Bob restrains Bart in the car and gags him with duct tape, planning to take him to Five Corners, a location where five states meet, to kill him. Meanwhile, the real Walt Warren escapes prison while bearing Bob's hair and face and comes to the Simpsons' home. At first, everyone thinks Bob has escaped, but Walt's short feet reveal his true identity. Walt explains that he and Bob were cellmates and, prior to Walt's release, Bob drugged him and performed a transplant to switch their faces. The transplant left Walt unable to talk properly, resulting in him being detained in the padded cell. He wrote his message on the wall as a warning, but it was misinterpreted as a threat. Walt and the Simpsons go after Bob. Meanwhile, a waitress at a roadside diner becomes infatuated with Bob until she peels off Walt's face. Amidst a distraction outside the diner, Homer, Marge, and Lisa travel to Mexico in search of Bart while Walt gets away and continues to the Five Corners. At the Five Corners, Bob intends to kill Bart in such a way that the crime takes place in all five states (Bob stands in the first, fires the gun in the second, the bullet travels through the third, hits Bart in the fourth, who falls dead in the fifth), thus making it impossible to prosecute. Bart stalls by repeatedly jumping into the same state as Bob until Walt arrives. Walt and Bob struggle over the gun, but just before Bob can fire on either Walt or Bart, Chief Wiggum and the Springfield Police Department arrive to arrest Bob, having confirmed his identity through DNA profiling and tracked the GPS in his car. Bob jumps into the other states in order to escape their jurisdiction, only to be promptly confronted by police from each state and he is taken into custody. Walt is then officially released while Bob's house is bought by Ned Flanders' cousin Ted, and Homer is annoyed at the realization that he now lives next door to two Flanders families.
Judge Me Tender
Moe discovers his talent for judging in competitions and is invited to appear on the show American Idol. Meanwhile, Homer drives Marge crazy when he starts spending too much time at home, and takes up golf as a hobby.Guest Stars: Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Ellen DeGeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Ryan Seacrest and Rupert Murdoch.
Homer and Bart participate at an "Ugliest Dog" contest in Springfield, entering Santa's Little Helper. At the contest, Moe feels neglected because nobody wants to let him sit next to them (Agnes Skinner even sets the chair next to her on fire). Moe sits on the ground until he notices that the judge, Krusty the Clown, is not managing to entertain the crowd due to his lack of enthusiasm over his work. He taunts and insults Krusty for his inability to be funny, despite being a clown. Angry, Krusty leaves and offers his job to Moe, much to the delight of the crowd, who then urges him to replace Krusty, to which Moe agrees, as he now has a place to sit. During the competition, Moe makes sardonic, offensive but undoubtedly funny comments about all the ugly dogs, but chooses the Simpsons' dog (under the alias of Satan's Little Helper) as the winner because the Simpsons disguised their dog's buttocks as if it were his face, leaving Santa's Little Helper upset over his appearance until Lisa comforts him later. After that, Moe becomes the judge of most Springfield competitions (including a bully competition at the beach) and is offered a job as one of the judges on American Idol, since several other programs with the opportunity of this kind of job were suddenly cancelled. Moe flies to Los Angeles and becomes a protégé of Simon Cowell, who then explains all the details of his job, but before his first show, Cowell shows several clips of people (including Mr. Burns) who think the judgments of Moe are very offensive and became angry with him (with even the usually innocent and good-natured Ralph talking so boldly about Moe that most of his words have to be censored). Cowell warns him to not "become the mean judge, like I did," since he himself does not have many friends. He tries to be more positive, but when Cowell mocks his judgment of a contestant, he realizes that Cowell tricked him; angered, Moe threatens Cowell's life on air, but is apprehended by security and expelled from the building. Meanwhile, Homer feels bored after Moe closed his bar to judge competitions and decides to spend time with Marge. After his presence at the house becomes too annoying, Marge decides to help him to find a new bar, but when this fails (due to the obnoxious customers), Grampa advises Marge to put Homer in a round of golf, where he will become too distracted to even bother her again. However, before the game begins, Marge meets an elderly man who tells her that he got addicted to golf and barely saw his family again. Marge then realises that she was going too far and stops Homer from playing, and they both end up having makeup sex. In the end, in the reopening of his tavern, Moe explains that he was put on trial and, as punishment for his sociopathic behavior, he is not only banned from California, but is also forbidden from ever judging anything again anywhere in the country (he cannot even express his opinion on how much beer a person should drink before driving). But fortunately for Moe, he is also forbidden from watching the Fox network, something that he acknowledges as being a blessing in disguise, as this leads to an increase of the customers in his bar, including Rupert Murdoch, who asks him to put on The Jay Leno Show.
Elementary School Musical
Lisa attends a performing arts camp and is inspired to "embrace her creative side" by her counselors and fellow campers. When she returns, Lisa fails to readjust to her mundane life and attempts to recapture her "inner hipster".Guest Stars: Flight of the Conchords (Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie), Ira Glass, Stephen Hawking, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith and Amber Riley
As Homer, Lisa, and her friends watch the announcement of the year's Nobel Prize winners, they are astounded to hear that Krusty the Clown has won the Peace Prize. Krusty picks Homer to accompany him to Oslo for the awards ceremony to ensure that his jokes will be met with laughter, and Homer decides to take Bart with him. Their plane lands in The Hague, and it is revealed that the Peace Prize announcement was a ruse to bring Krusty there so he could be tried by the International Court of Justice for his deplorable public behavior over the years, such as dropping a monkey from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and stealing the act from a local clown in The Hague. Homer and Bart search desperately for any evidence to show that Krusty has made a genuine contribution to humanity, and eventually argue that his refusal to perform at Sun City because he wanted potato chips led directly to the South African government's decision to release Nelson Mandela from prison. Even though these two incidents are not connected in any way, the court accepts this argument and frees Krusty, who immediately seeks out the nearest place to buy marijuana — the courthouse cafeteria. Meanwhile, Marge surprises Lisa, who is despondent about Bart attending the Peace Prize ceremony instead of her, by sending her to a performing arts camp for a week. She eagerly immerses herself there in music and theater, meeting several campers who love to break into song and two guitar-playing hipster counselors, Ethan and Kurt. When Marge takes her home at the end of the week, Lisa has trouble readjusting to normal life and looks for a chance to express her newly awakened creative side. She runs away from home and seeks out Ethan and Kurt in "Sprooklyn", described by the counselors as the "artistic hotbed of Springfield". However, she soon learns that they have grossly exaggerated the area, which is really a run-down slum, and that they actually work at a sandwich shop. They sing a song about the difficulties of being an artist, during which Krusty gets beaten up for accidentally announcing he is the prison snitch. Ethan and Kurt encourage her to return to her family and think about trying to make an artistic name for herself when she is older. As Marge arrives to take Lisa home, Ethan and Kurt show off a mural that they have painted in her honor, which takes up an entire side of a building.
Loan-a Lisa
Lisa helps fund Nelson's bicycle company with money Grandpa Simpson gives her as part of his inheritance, but after Nelson meets Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and is convinced he can be successful by dropping out of school, Lisa tries to show Nelson the importance of an education. Meanwhile, Marge and Homer get addicted to buying expensive items and returning them for bogus reasons.Guest Stars: Mark Zuckerberg, Muhammad Yunus and Chris Hansen
Grampa decides to give his family their inheritance now, rather than make them wait until after his death. Each person's share turns out to be $50, and they decide to spend it at Costington's. Bart pays Gil Gunderson to walk up the down escalator, while Marge picks out a purse but mis-reads its $500 price tag as $50. Pressure from other shoppers leads her to charge it to her credit card; though she cannot afford it, Homer suggests that she use it until the store's return period is about to expire, then take it back. During dinner at a fancy restaurant, Marge tries her best to keep the purse clean, but Homer ruins it by dropping shrimp sauce on it. She is still able to return the purse despite this damage, and Homer begins buying expensive items on credit and returning them in time for a refund. Homer is eventually caught doing so on camera by Chris Hansen in a special entitled To Catch a Credit Whore, forcing Homer to flee in shame (but not before signing a contract authorizing use of his image for TV). Meanwhile, Lisa decides to donate her $50 to charity, but an online introduction to microfinance and a video from Muhammad Yunus prompt her to use the money to support a local business instead. She gives Nelson Muntz a loan for his fledgling bicycle company, which rapidly begins to flourish. He decides to drop out of school in order to invest all his time in the business; Lisa is upset by the news, but Principal Skinner thinks it would pay nicely as a part-time job. At a meeting of entrepreneurs, Lisa tries to persuade Nelson to stay in school, but she fails when she discovers that the attendees all left college (including Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Richard Branson), and that the janitor is the only person present who did not drop out. Grampa comforts her, saying that money cannot change people, and she accepts Nelson's decision to drop out. The business soon fails due to Nelson's unknowing use of defective materials to build his bicycles, such as water-soluble glue. After the experience, he concludes that returning to school would not be a bad thing and gives the original $50 to Skinner, who sees it as a huge improvement over the school's shoestring budget. Though Lisa has lost her money, Nelson makes it up to her by taking her skating, during which they knock down Zuckerberg and several other people.
Lisa coaches Bart's Little League baseball team to a record winning streak by putting her book smarts in statistics and probability into play. But when Bart questions Lisa's coaching tactics and confronts her for taking the fun out of baseball, Lisa benches him from the championship game.Guest Stars: Mike Scioscia and Bill James (with a special appearance by Banksy who animated the episode's couch gag)
A visit by Dahlia Brinkley, the only Springfield Elementary graduate ever to enter an Ivy League college, gives Lisa a severe inferiority complex because she is involved in very few extracurricular activities. When Ned Flanders resigns as coach of Bart's Little League team, the Springfield Isotots, Lisa seizes the chance to extend her résumé and takes the position. Since she knows nothing about baseball, she seeks advice from the patrons of Moe's Tavern, who direct her to Professor Frink and his scientific colleagues. She learns about sabermetrics from them and uses this science to organize the Isotots' strategy; as a result, their record quickly improves, and they rise in the league standings. However, Bart eventually rebels against her management, saying that she has taken all the fun out of the game, and hits a home run despite her orders to let the pitcher walk him. The Isotots win the game, but Lisa throws Bart off the team for his insubordination. The dismissal raises tension at the Simpson household, with Homer and Marge siding with Lisa and Bart, respectively. Homer believes that Lisa needs to do what is good for the team, while Marge thinks she should put her relationship with Bart first. Under Lisa's leadership, the team advances to the championship against Capital City. On the day of the game, Marge takes Bart to an amusement park; while they ride the roller coaster, Lisa calls Bart to beg for his help, but he brushes her off. Mike Scioscia, manager of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (and a former ringer for Mr. Burns' softball team), pops up in the seats behind Marge and Bart and tells him that the best players listen to their managers, pointing out his three World Series wins – two as player, one as manager. Marge takes Bart to the game, which is now in its last inning, with the Isotots down 11-10. Bart puts aside his differences with Lisa and offers to pinch-run from first base, then ignores her signs and steals both second and third. As he begins to steal home, Lisa realizes the odds are vastly against him, then decides to ignore the numbers and cheer him on anyway. He is tagged out at the plate, costing the Isotots their championship bid, but Lisa thanks him for helping her learn to love baseball as a game, and the team cheers them for resolving their differences.
Treehouse of Horror XXI
In the 21st Treehouse of Horror episode, Bart and Milhouse get trapped inside a cursed board game in "War and Pieces", Homer and Marge suspect a castaway of being a murderer in "Master and Cadaver", and Lisa falls for a preteen of the night in "Tweenlight".Guest Stars: Hugh Laurie and Daniel Radcliffe
Opening sequence While carving pumpkins, Bart takes a knife and etches a smile into Homer's pants. Homer responds by strangling Bart as usual, and Bart puts a flaming pumpkin on Homer's head. Professor Frink then welcomes the audience and warns them of the content of the show, presenting a TiVo remote control to fast-forward through the scary stuff. But after accidentally fast forwarding to the end of the special, and exposing spoilers, a shameful Frink uses the remote on himself and fast forwards his life until he is turned to a pile of dust, and it blows away spelling out the title of the episode. The Frankenstein's Monster who was created by Frink makes a reference to The Office, and remembers his days working at "Monster Mifflin" with the Mummy, the Wolf Man, a zombie, and a witch. War and Pieces In a parody of Jumanji, Marge, worried about the effects of excessively violent video games, encourages Bart and Milhouse to try playing some of the classic board games in the attic. After rejecting the "lame" ones, they discover an old board game called "Satan's Path". Upon playing it, all the rejected games come to life, turning the town into a giant game board. Lisa reads the instructions, which are in Latin, and says the two must beat all the games to finish Satan's Path and restore everything to normal. Milhouse dies during the game of Scrabble, but Bart manages to finish it, returning everything to normal (even bringing Milhouse back to life). Bart and Milhouse state that they will just play hangman, but the game brings the hangman to life. With only four letters remaining (WHEE_ _F F_RT_NE), Milhouse guesses the number 3, which results in Bart and Milhouse being hanged. Master and Cadaver In a parody of Dead Calm, Homer and Marge set sail on a romantic second honeymoon. Their time together is interrupted when they rescue a castaway. Introducing himself as Roger, the castaway explains that he was a chef on a yacht called the Albatross, and was knocked out after attempting to stop a poisoning on his ship. Roger makes them a pie, but Homer becomes convinced that Roger poisoned the guests on the Albatross. He grabs the pie from Marge and throws it out the window. Marge chastises Homer, but looks out a window and sees a dead shark with the pie pan in its mouth. Homer and Marge take matters into their own hands as they seemingly kill Roger using a metal pole, and knock his body overboard. However, finding the Albatross, they realize Roger was telling the truth and that some of the passengers are still alive, as one of the people administered an antidote. Roger appears and explains that the shark they saw had died from a fuel leakage from Homer and Marge's boat. Homer then kills Roger, the surviving Albatross crew, and a pelican, to cover their tracks. However, unable to bear the guilt, Marge eats the poisoned pie, much to Homer's horror. The story is then revealed to be Maggie's imagination while she is taking a bath. Homer asks Marge what Maggie thinks about while bathing, which she responds, "Just sugar plums and buttercups." Maggie then shadily moves her eyes (revealing eyeliner over one eye), puts on a hat, and drinks milk like Alex from A Clockwork Orange as the theme from the movie briefly plays in the background. Tweenlight In a parody of Twilight, Lisa falls in love with a mysterious new student named Edmund. After saving Lisa from a bus, two cars, a bicycle and a Segway PT, Edmund reveals he is a vampire. Lisa is not frightened by this and the two begin a romance, much to the dismay of Milhouse, who turns into a were-poodle. Marge invites Edmund and his father, Count Dracula, to dinner. Edmund and Lisa are both embarrassed by their fathers and decide to leave. Homer and Dracula track them down to a cathedral in "Dracula-la Land". They see Edmund climbing up a tower with Lisa, so Homer forces Dracula to carry him up. Lisa wants to become a vampire, explaining that she wants to be a part of their rich culture and to organise events to prevent unfair vampire stereotypes, but has second thoughts after learning that she would be eight years old forever. Edmund says that "the bloodlust is upon him" and he has to bite something. Homer stops Edmund with a cross, and is amazed to learn vampires love their kids also when Dracula grabs the cross to save Edmund. Edmund and his father reconcile, and Homer saves Lisa by offering himself up in her place as the two vampires feast on him. However, they both die from the bad cholesterol in Homer's blood as he is turned into a vampire. Transforming into a bat to fly home, Homer's fat causes him to fall to his death. His body is carried off by were-poodle Milhouse while Lisa watches in dismay.
Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life,_This_Isn%27t_Your_Life
When Lisa finds out that Marge used to be as smart as Lisa before she slacked off, Lisa decides to buckle down (including sacrificing her love of arts and music) and not make the same mistake her mother did. Meanwhile, Bart publicly humiliates Nelson and becomes the school's new bully.
After finding out that Maggie is upset about missing one of the collectible Happy Little Elves on the last day of a promotional giveaway, Homer drives the family to a gas station owned by Texxon, the company responsible for the giveaway. This leads to Homer continually buying gas to try and win the rare "Baby Must Have" toy, which Maggie wants. Failing after at least six attempts, they end up driving through the district of town where Marge grew up. While visiting her mom's old house, Lisa discovers that Marge was a high-achieving, honor roll student. Shocked, Lisa asks Principal Skinner about it, and he confirms that Marge was very intelligent in her infancy, but this has not prevented her from ending up like a stereotypical stay-at-home mother. Skinner warns her that she will likely have the same future because, despite her potential, Skinner knows by experience that children often have the same fate of their parents. Meanwhile, during a stunt through the poorly drained school playground, Bart gets mud all over Nelson. When Nelson goes to punch him, Bart slips and inadvertently kicks Nelson in the face, leading the other kids to view Bart as the new school bully. Lisa discovers that Marge's grades plummeted after she met Homer, and so aims not to get distracted. She clears her room of everything that might take her attentions from her goal of a "long, happy life," including her saxophone. Marge finds out Lisa wants to be nothing like her and although Lisa tries to soften her criticism, Marge becomes noticeably cold towards her daughter (and more visibly happy with Bart for wanting to be like her). Though inept, Homer tries to help Lisa cope the best way he can with Marge's distance to her. At school, Nelson confronts Bart at the tetherball, and takes a swing at him. Nelson misses and strikes the ball, which comes around and hits him by mistake, knocking him over. Another similar incident occurs in the hall, where Nelson walks into a locker and gets trapped inside. Lisa finds out about Cloisters Academy, a prestigious school where she feels she will learn better, and tries to persuade her parents to let her go there. Marge is against it, saying it's too expensive and the principal's comment insults her. After the Cloisters principal and Marge ostensibly discuss Lisa's record, she believes that she is offered a scholarship there. Taking advice from Marge, Bart tries to stop Nelson from attacking him by making Nelson feel good about himself, and Nelson actually accepts the praise, ending their dispute. That night, Lisa discovers that she has not been offered a scholarship; she was only accepted due to Marge agreeing to do all of the school's laundry. Even worse, Marge has become an overtired, overworked drudge as a result. Lisa tells Marge she does not want to go to Cloisters anymore, saying it is "too elitist," and would be honored to be like her mother. However, she turns away to avoid showing Marge a guilty look that she has on her face. Homer steals a Baby Must Have from the Texxon store from earlier to keep Maggie happy, knowing that the station has no glass windows. The owner arrives on the scene and asks if the robber took any money. When told it was just the toys, the owner says "He did now!" and the episode ends with him stuffing his pockets out of the register, much to the disbelief of his store manager.
The Fool Monty
Mr. Burns is branded a social pariah after buying all the vaccinations created for a fictitious illness cooked up by the media, and ends up as The Simpsons' latest houseguest after a suicide attempt.
A group of TV representatives plan to cause mass panic to increase ratings by fabricating a faux disease caused by household cats and state, among other things, that there is a vaccine available in limited supply. At the Springfield hospital, Mr. Burns steals a significant portion of the vaccine for himself, claiming that he needs to give a good example to his hounds (even though dogs are immune to the disease) and running over the rest of the vaccine with his car in the process, causing immense anger to Springfield. After Burns learns from his doctor that he is suffering from multiple fatal illnesses and has only six weeks to live, he becomes distraught at his fate; when he tells the news to the rest of the town, however, they celebrate and proceed to melt his ice sculpture. Realizing that no one in Springfield (aside from Smithers) likes him, Burns attempts suicide by leaping from a cliff, but ends up surviving, albeit with some amnesia and delusional behavior. Bart finds a helpless Burns in the wilderness and secretly takes him into the Simpsons' home. When Homer and Marge learn about their new house guest, they, along with the rest of Springfield, decide to get some payback for all the misery he has caused them over the years. However, they eventually get tired of tormenting him and cast him aside. When Lisa takes Burns back to his mansion, he regains his memory. Once again a cruel, heartless miser, he decides to put a dome over the town to get revenge on everyone who had treated him badly (inspired by Stephen King's novel Under the Dome), only to be informed that something similar was already done and it would not work again because they could simply cave their way out. Marge tries to convince Burns that he should treat people with more respect after this experience, but her argument fails when Burns realizes that his cruelty is the only thing that has kept him alive for some time, as he has survived the past six weeks. In the end, Burns flies away in his helicopter piloted by Smithers, who spent a brief time working for former Vice President Dick Cheney during Burns' assumed demise. The two are immediately greeted by Nelson, who threatens to crash the helicopter unless Burns agrees to attend a school version of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? posing as Nelson's father. Despite his disgust at being forced to watch the play, Burns actually enjoys Nelson's performance.
How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?
Bart nurses an injured pigeon back to health, but when Santa's Little Helper eats the bird, Bart must decide whether to forgive his dog or give him away once and for all.Guest Stars: Danica Patrick and Rachel Weisz
During a thunderstorm (literally caused by angels bowling), Homer tells a scary story to his children, and a homing pigeon named Raymond Bird by his owner flies through Bart's window and breaks his wing. Unable to give him back to his owner (due to his laziness to get it back), Lisa reveals that she has ornithophobia so it is up to Bart to nurse the bird back to health with her instructions. As the bird regains his health, Bart bonds with Raymond. He finds out that the pigeon can be used to send messages between people, which leads everybody to enjoy their time with the pigeon, minus a disgusted Lisa (the only time that she even tries to get contact with the pigeon only reinforces her phobia, since Raymond regurgitates on Lisa's arm). The exhausted bird, however, gets eaten by Santa's Little Helper, and Homer and Bart's attempt to retrieve Raymond from Helper's mouth backfires when the little bird falls back into the dog's mouth and slips into his stomach twice, (the first time where Bart tries to get the bird out) where he's instantly digested. After a symbolic funeral, Bart (who even cries) has a hard time coping with the loss and becomes so irritated at Santa's Little Helper that he starts to act coldly towards him, leaving Homer and Marge worried as they are aware that Bart has trouble forgiving people even for the smallest offense (evident by the fact that he still had not forgiven Milhouse for breaking his toy car, believing it to be a Transformer). When they take him to a therapy session with Dr. Thurston (voiced by guest star Rachel Weisz), she tries to convince Bart that Santa's Little Helper is an innocent creature who never had the intention to hurt him and that Bart should forgive him. When this fails (thanks in no small part to Helper's taste for birds) she advises the Simpsons that the only cure for Bart’s blues is to give away the family dog, leaving Lisa miffed at Bart for forcing them to abandon their beloved pet. They take him to an ostrich farm up state. Bart bids a tearful goodbye to Santa's Little Helper and tells him to never kill a bird. Homer manages to get into a fight with an angry and sociopathical ostrich which then turns on Bart. After being told that it is wrong to kill birds, Santa's Little Helper ceases to aid Bart in the fight, confused at his own loyalty (for Bart's sake or his orders) leaving Bart to strangle the ostrich to near-death in exactly the same manner Homer strangles him (leaving Homer proud of his son). Bart then realizes that Santa's Little Helper could not help what he did and apologizes for holding such a grudge against him. The family goes back home with the dog and the ostrich Bart strangled tied to the car, but the ostrich regains consciousness and punches through the roof with its claw, proceeding to strangle Homer.
The Fight Before Christmas
In this four-part Christmas episode (set up similar to season 17's "Simpsons Christmas Stories"), Bart gets even with Santa Claus, Lisa dreams of an Inglourious Basterds-style Christmas, Marge receives a night time visit from the most powerful force in the universe who teaches her the true meaning of Christmas, and The Simpsons appear as puppets with pop singer Katy Perry.Guest Stars: Martha Stewart and Katy Perry
The structure of the episode is similar to the structure of the Treehouse of Horror episodes, only that it is divided in four stories instead of three. Bart's Story Bart stays up late on Christmas Eve to murder Santa Claus for not bringing him a dirt bike three Christmases ago. He eventually falls asleep and dreams that the Polar Express, driven by Otto Mann, lands in front of the house and flies him to the North Pole. Bart meets Santa (Krusty the Clown) only to find out that he has run out of money, since giving out presents in return for cookies every year is not a sustainable business model. Feeling pity, Bart decides that Santa no longer has to give him a dirt bike and leaves with Santa throwing a party in his office after revealing how stupid kids are. Lisa's Story Lisa dreams that it is December 1944 and that Marge is a soldier in World War II. Due to Marge being taken suddenly for overseas deployment while buying a Christmas tree the previous year, Lisa has sworn to never see another Christmas tree until Marge returns home safely. However, during Christmas of 1944, the family gets a telegram saying that Marge is missing in action. After hearing the news, Lisa runs away to the place where she had last seen her mother, the Christmas Tree Farm. The owner of the place says that Marge paid for a tree the previous year but never picked it up. Lisa, believing the tree to be a symbol that Marge is alright, takes it home and decorates it together with Homer and Bart. As a Dumbo spoof, Marge is then seen assassinating Fuehrer Adolf Hitler with an MP40 in a movie theater in France as he watches a propaganda film. When she walks away from the scene, the theater explodes behind her. Marge's Story Marge dreams that she has sent a letter to Martha Stewart asking for her to help save the family's Christmas. Martha promptly arrives and fills the house with the Christmas decorations Marge has always dreamed of, but the other family members end up as part of the decorations instead of being able to enjoy the holiday with her. Marge quickly realizes that it is Homer and the children that make Christmas special for her, so Martha gets rid of all the decorations with a magic wand. Marge then wakes up on Christmas Day to find that her family has brought her the ingredients for breakfast in bed. Their attempts to cook it go awry, so they go out for breakfast instead. Maggie's Story Maggie dreams that the entire family has become puppets in a theater. As the Simpsons prepare for a trip to Hawaii and ask Moe to house-sit for them, Homer's boss Mr. Burns pays a surprise visit. He soon learns that Homer has feigned a neck injury to get time off work for the trip and calls his attack hounds on him. However, only one arrives (represented by a crude sock puppet), since the show has spent its budget on Katy Perry, who appears as herself and Moe's girlfriend. Noticing that Burns is disappointed by the lack of his attack hounds, Katy gives him a kiss. Touched by this, Burns decides to forgive the Simpsons and allows them to enjoy their trip in Hawaii, and then everyone sings a parody of "Twelve Days of Christmas" which plays during the credits. At the end of the credits, Moe attempts to kiss Katy but is not tall enough to reach her mouth, so he instead opts to kiss her bellybutton through her dress, only to accidentally kiss her vulva; she points this out but tells him not to stop.
Donnie Fatso
An FBI agent and Homer (who's trying to work off his criminal charge for bribery) infiltrate Fat Tony's mob, and meet Fat Tony's cousin, Fit Tony.Guest Stars: Jon Hamm and Joe Mantegna.
Homer and Marge wake on New Year's Day with hangovers after the family's New Year's Eve celebration. As Homer takes out the garbage, Chief Wiggum, Eddie, and Lou arrive and issue him multiple citations and fines - the result of recently passed, frivolous laws intended to bring in revenue for the city when broken. Taking Moe's suggestion that he bribe a city official to clear up the fines, Homer leaves a sack full of cash on the official's desk but is promptly arrested, convicted, and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Wiggum takes pity on Homer and tells him to meet with an FBI agent, who offers to reduce the sentence if Homer will go undercover in the prison as Nicholas "Nicky" Blue pants Altosaxophony to investigate Fat Tony, who is also serving time along as his top henchmen. Homer quickly gains favor with Fat Tony, due to a confrontation engineered by the FBI agent, and Fat Tony breaks him and the entire group out of prison and offers him a chance to join the syndicate. Homer's first task is to burn down Moe's Tavern in revenge for Moe's rudeness toward Fat Tony on the phone, but Homer finds that Moe has already done the deed himself. Fat Tony accepts Homer into the syndicate and the two develop a special bond; however, complications over a scheme to import weapons put the syndicate under severe stress. Eventually Fat Tony discovers Homer's undercover status and, emotionally devastated by his betrayal, dies of a fatal heart attack. Meanwhile, Marge has begun to panic over being unable to communicate with Homer, as she knows nothing of his undercover work and cannot get any information on his whereabouts. She is surprised and thrilled when he returns home with his prison sentence lifted, but Homer feels guilt for Fat Tony's death and bitterness toward the government over being used to bring him down. Homer visits Fat Tony's grave to apologize, but is kidnapped by his cousin Fit Tony, who plans to kill him for revenge. However, Fit Tony spares his life after Homer tells of the time he and Fat Tony spent together, seeing that Fat Tony lives on in Homer's memories. Fit Tony takes charge of the syndicate, but the stress of the position causes him to overeat and gain weight, eventually becoming indistinguishable from Fat Tony and assuming his name.
Moms I'd Like to Forget
After Bart discovers a boy with a similar scar on his arm, Marge reveals that she was a part of a group called "The Cool Moms," who used to set up playdates with their children and the two decide to reunite with their old friends.
The episode opens with a dodge ball match between the 4th and 5th graders. Bart ends up hitting the last 5th grader, but he catches it after it comes back down, making the 5th graders win the match. In the days that follow, the 4th and 5th graders commit acts of war against each other, even dragging the teachers into it when a 5th grade teacher insults Edna Krabappel's class and it sparks a mass teacher brawl in the faculty room (in reference to a scene in the 1973 film Westworld). Eventually it gets to the point that they organize a fight after school. Before the fight begins, however, Bart realizes that one of the 5th graders has the same scar as he does, in the shape of a sword on his fist. Bart confronts Marge about the scar. Marge explains that when he was in preschool, he was in a "Mommy and Me" class with three other kids. Marge became very close with the other mothers, and they became "the Cool Moms." However, the other kids were a bad influence on Bart. But she does not explain the scar. Marge then decides to get back together with her old group. Marge's old friends reconcile while Bart gets together with the other kids, where he realizes he still does not know where the scar came from. Marge and her friends decide to get together every Tuesday. Meeting with the other kids every week, their antics become more and more dangerous, so Bart decides to break up the group. Knowing they broke up before, Bart realizes it must have something to do with the scar and consults Dr. Hibbert, who suggests he ask Comic Book Guy. Comic Book Guy is reluctant to explain but, after some coercion, he reveals what happened: About seven years ago, on the 4th of July, he was in charge of the fireworks. While Marge and the other moms talked, Bart and the boys stumbled off towards the fireworks controls and pressed all the buttons, setting off all the fireworks. In the fiery explosion that followed, Comic Book Guy's sandwich was hit by a firework, sending the burning hot, sword-shaped skewers onto the boys' fists, branding them. Knowing it was an explosion that split the group apart, Bart and Milhouse create a big ball of firecrackers to break them up again. When Marge catches them in the act, Bart confesses. That evening, Marge tells the group of Bart's scheme to break them up, and they tell her Bart was always a bad influence to their kids. Marge becomes angry and leaves the group in a rage. After Marge's outrage and leaving of the group, the remaining women all start making out with each other.
Flaming Moe
Moe Szyslak and Waylon Smithers turn Moe's tavern into an ultra-trendy gay bar after Smithers is rejected from Mr. Burns's will and Moe's business is (once again) in a slump. Meanwhile, Principal Skinner tries to date the substitute music teacher and sets her daughter up with Bart.Guest Stars: Alyson Hannigan, Kristen Wiig and Scott Thompson.
Waylon Smithers learns that he is not included in Mr. Burns' will, the main beneficiary now being Burns' pet giant tortoise. When he confronts Burns, he tells Smithers he only respects "self-made men." Dejected, Smithers tries to cheer himself up by going to "The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen," a gay bar, but is denied entrance because he is not as attractive or fashionable as the rest of the clientele. Stopping by Moe's Tavern instead, he notices how slow business is and proposes to Moe that they refurbish his bar and make it into a gay bar, with the encouragement of other gays who were not accepted into the other lookist bar. Smithers hopes to earn Mr. Burns' respect by building a successful business in addition to having a place in which he can feel accepted. They turn Moe's into an ultra-trendy gay bar called Mo's. Mo's new patrons come to believe that Moe too is gay, a misconception he encourages for fear of losing their business. He becomes more popular than Smithers, so popular with the local gay community that they push Moe to run for the city council to become the first "openly gay" council member. Smithers attempts to "out" Moe as straight while Moe is announcing his candidacy by demanding that Moe kiss him. Puckering his lips, Moe leans into Smithers, but at the last minute cannot and announces that he was lying. Moe asks for forgiveness and hopes that they understand his need to be accepted; he also points out that if they do not support him, his ultra-homophobic, latent opponent may win. The crowd is nevertheless disheartened and angry, and leaves. Before Moe leaves, he grabs Smithers and kisses him, afterward saying "Like frisbee golf, I'm glad I tried it once." The credits end as Mo's is renovated back to the old Moe's Tavern again. Meanwhile, Principal Skinner tries to date the substitute music teacher, Calliope Juniper (Kristen Wiig), and sets her daughter Melody (Alyson Hannigan) up with Bart as an excuse to spend time with her. Even though Melody idolizes Bart, he cannot stand her and eventually breaks up with her. Ms. Juniper quits her job and she and Melody move out of town. She asks Skinner to come with them and he accepts. He returns three months later, saddened by the end of the relationship but content that he was able to maintain it for as long as he did.
Homer the Father
Homer tries to be a better father by using a 1980s sitcom as his guide, but things go wrong when Homer advises Bart to earn his own money for a dirtbike and Bart does just that -- by selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese government.Guest Stars: Michael Paul Chan, James Lipton, Garry Marshall, and David Mamet.
Homer becomes obsessed with a 1980s family sitcom called Thicker Than Waters and starts acting like the show's father. Emulating this character's values, he refuses to give Bart a mini-bike he wants, because Bart would never learn to appreciate things if they come to him too easily. Bart then realizes that he could sell secrets about the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant to other countries. He agrees to sell them to China in exchange for a mini-bike. To gain access to the nuclear plant's computer system, Bart begins doing typical father-son activities with Homer, eventually leading to Homer bringing Bart to work. When Homer falls asleep, Bart goes around the plant downloading information onto a USB storage device. After Bart leaves the flashdrive with the downloaded data at the zoo and takes the bike, Homer reveals to him that he has bought him a mini-bike for being such a good child. Bart, feeling bad for betraying his country and his father, rushes back to the zoo in an attempt to recover the flashdrive. There, he meets the Chinese agents, who threaten to kill him if he does not cooperate. Homer steps in and offers himself in Bart's place, as he has a lifetime of nuclear experience. In China, he leads the construction of a nuclear power plant, which explodes right after the grand opening ceremony. Outside his hotel, he refuses to move out of the way of a taxi that would not take him to the airport for less than $20 in a reference to the photograph of a protester standing in front of a line of tanks during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Back at the house, Bart tells Homer how much he appreciates him, and that they have "the best kind of bonding": sitting in front of the television while making no eye contact at all.
The Blue and the Gray
Moe hires Homer to be his wingman so he can score a date, but Homer ends up being the babe magnet. Meanwhile, Marge is shocked to find that her hairdresser has been dyeing her hair blue all these years and decides to go gray for a new, mature look.
After spending another Valentine's Day alone, Moe attends a seminar led by Dr. Kissingher in the hopes of gaining more confidence with women. Moe takes the doctor’s advice and asks Homer to be his wingman. Meanwhile, Marge discovers her first grey hairs, only to find out from her hairdresser that she is completely grey; the fumes from the chemicals he uses to dye it erase her memory. Seeing a grey-haired couple having a good time unworried about their hair, Marge surprises both her family and the neighborhood by going completely gray and sporting a brand new mature hairdo. Amidst mixed reactions, Bart is not happy when the neighborhood kids tease him about Marge’s look, and Marge is annoyed when neighborhood women believe she is older than she really is. Unhappy about Marge's look, Homer initially tells her she is his "silver belle" to appease her; but subsequently spends more time helping Moe with women in order to avoid looking at her, during which he becomes increasingly popular with the young ladies. Later, Patty and Selma point out to Marge Homer's true feelings about her look (noting that Homer would not try to be "clever" if he really liked it), this only being made the more obvious to her when two women gossip about his appearance at a club that night. A jealous Marge heads to the club to surprise Homer, but suffers increasing mishaps resulting in her having a witch-like appearance. At the club, she confronts him upon seeing a crowd of women flirting with him, but Homer helps Marge realize that he only has eyes for her and proves that love is still in the Springfield air. Eventually, Marge changes her hair color back to blue to combat her jealousy issues, and Homer dyes his hair blue for her.
Angry Dad: The Movie
Bart and Homer revisit their web series "Angry Dad" (from season 13's "I Am Furious Yellow") and turn it into an animated short that quickly gains an Oscar nomination, but Bart does not want Homer to get all the glory, so he sends his father away when the Simpsons go (back) to Hollywood.Guest Stars: Ricky Gervais, Halle Berry, Russell Brand, Nick Park and J. B. Smoove with Arnis Hasi.
After Bart once again recklessly causes damage to the home while the rest of the family are out on Saturday, he is surprised by a visit from Mr. Millwood. It turns out Millwood's very successful chair-design company seized the rights to Bart's "Angry Dad" Internet series when the provider company went bankrupt. Millwood offers Bart a chance to make a film adaptation of "Angry Dad". Bart accepts, and Millwood takes him to film studio animators. Homer is soon offered the opportunity to voice Angry Dad, as the voice actor from the original Angry Dad series has dropped out of frustration of never being paid. The film is test screened to a horrible reception. Lisa convinces Bart to remove all of the parts the audience did not like, thus making the Angry Dad a short film. The film is shortly thereafter nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Short. At the Golden Globe ceremony, Angry Dad wins, and Homer angers Bart by pushing him out of the way and taking all the credit despite not being professional or supportive of the film before it was a hit. Homer takes credit at many other awards ceremonies. Angry Dad soon receives an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Short Film. Out of frustration against Homer for taking the credit, Bart attempts to distract Homer from going by making him and Marge go on an attraction tour in Los Angeles while he and Lisa attend the awards. However, Homer gets recognized by the friendly Rollin' 80 street gang who take him to the ceremony. Homer arrives in time to see Angry Dad win the Oscar. Bart goes up to accept the Oscar and thanks Lisa for having the idea to make the film into a short film, the animation studio, and Homer. Touched by this, Homer gets up on stage with Bart and apologizes to him for taking all the credit, and the two agree to cut up the Oscar and give a piece to everyone on the animation team. Bart asks if Homer had gotten a replacement from the Academy, but Homer confides to him that the Award is only five dollars on eBay, while Maggie is sucking on the replacement.
The Scorpion's Tale
Lisa discovers a rare desert plant that turns aggressive animals docile, while a pharmaceutical company wants to buy it off her to create a new drug.Guest Stars: Werner Herzog and Kevin Michael Richardson
During a trip to "Satan's Anvil," the students and faculty of Springfield Elementary stumble into bizarre people and situations: Otto runs over "realistic" versions of Coyote and Road Runner; Martin meets an eccentric and grumpy hermit artist that the government tried to hire for years but never succeeded; Bart, Nelson and Milhouse find old French postcards; and Lisa is almost attacked by scorpions, but they quickly become passive after Lisa passes through a field of silvertongue flowers in Springfield's desert, prompting her to take the scorpions and some flowers for further experiments. When they return home, the Simpsons family is forced to let Grampa live at their house, after he was kicked out of the old folks home for being too grumpy. After Lisa confirms that the flower has a powerful chemical agent that nullifies all the negative feelings of any living being, Homer sneaks some into his father's coffee, curing his usual crankiness. Grampa decides to do this daily, acknowledging that a drug that stimulates happiness is the best thing that ever happened in his bitter life. Unfortunately, despite the positive effects, Lisa refuses to give more of this drug, or to tell them the composition. While they complain about it at Moe's Tavern, a drug industry employee from Hottenhoffer Pharmaceuticals named Walter Hotenhoffer (formerly known as Augustus Gloop) manages to duplicate the liquid's effects using a sample of Grampa's perspiration. Hottenhoffer produces "MusBeNys" pills, but since the product has not been properly tested, only Grampa is allowed to use them. Unfortunately, Bart decides to sell some of the pills to everyone who has a problem with grumpy old people, making all the elderly people in Springfield becoming happy and carefree. Lisa eventually realizes that Grampa is still using the drug, but she also admits that the pills are rather helpful to him. However, the drug's side effect quickly arises: it makes everyone's eyes become so lubricated that they pop out of their sockets. The elderly people do not mind this rather gruesome aspect of the drug, but upon seeing Homer's thoughtless antics with his friends and his car, Grampa convinces the old people to stop using the pills, saying that the Baby Boomer generation still needs their guidance, and this is only possible with their constant nagging. In the end, everything turns back to normal (except Hotenhoffer, who still has nightmares regarding what happened at Wonka's factory).
A Midsummer's Nice Dream
1970s stoner comedians Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin decide to break up after each of them get a new comedy partner -- Homer pairs up with Cheech to become "Cheech and Chunk" while Principal Skinner joins Chong to become "Teach and Chong." Meanwhile, Marge stages an intervention for The Crazy Cat Lady after noticing that she's hoarding animals -- which turns Marge into a hoarder herself.Guest Stars: Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin
The Simpsons are at a live Cheech and Chong show when Chong, upset by the act's repetitiveness, begins to improvise and ultimately leaves the stage. Homer is encouraged to take Chong's place on stage, and recites the "Dave's not here, man" act from memory. Cheech is impressed, and asks Homer to join him for the rest of the tour under the name "Cheech and Chunk." Homer is disillusioned to learn that Cheech and Chong's lives are different from their stoner personae. Meanwhile, Chong has replaced Cheech with Seymour Skinner, forming a duo called "Teech and Chong," but the team proves unsuccessful. Homer eventually convinces Cheech and Chong to reunite. Meanwhile, Marge discovers that the Crazy Cat Lady is a hoarder. In an effort to help, Marge has the clutter removed from her home. But after loading the waste disposal truck, Marge begins removing items she sees as unique and valuable, eventually causing her own home to become cluttered. To cure Marge's new obsession, Homer brings back the Crazy Cat Lady, who ends up becoming a hoarder again after seeing all her old items. In an epilogue Bart, posing as Puck, tells the audience the epilogue as well as that they can watch the show the next day on
Love Is a Many Strangled Thing
Homer is sent to parenting therapy after tickling Bart until he wets his pants during a football game, but when the therapist is shocked to hear that Homer regularly physically abuses Bart, he puts Homer through shock treatment by having Kareem Abdul-Jabbar strangle him to make Homer feel as weak and helpless as Bart.Guest Stars: Paul Rudd, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Note: This episode was dedicated to Elizabeth Taylor who voiced Maggie In "Lisa's First Word".
After saving Mr. Burns' life, Homer wins tickets to an NFL game between the Springfield Atoms and the Miami Dolphins, and takes the whole family. During the game, everybody starts to dance in front of the screen, but Bart does not want to dance, saying "Everybody Dance Now" is 'a little bossy' for his liking. Homer tries to make him dance by tickling him, but he inadvertently humiliates Bart in front of the stadium crowd when he tickles Bart until he wets himself. To make matters worse, when the stadium owners take pity on Bart and try to dry his shorts off by opening the roof, Russian spy satellites capture the image of Bart with wet shorts, leading to widespread humiliation on the Internet, and an invasion by Russia, who see his urine-soaked shorts as a sign of American weakness. Later that night, Marge scolds Homer for hurting Bart's feelings, and encourages him to enroll in a fathering enrichment class taught by therapist Dr. Zander. During the class, Homer casually mentions that he often strangles Bart for his mischievous behavior. Shocked to learn of Homer's violence towards Bart, Dr. Zander conducts a series of treatments in the next session. Dr. Zander's friend, the towering basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, teaches Homer what it feels like "to be young, small, and terrified" by strangling him mercilessly all the time, even going as far as letting his friends strangle Homer as well. Unfortunately, the therapy works too well and Homer can no longer strangle Bart, even when the boy misbehaves, because he is traumatized by the therapeutic session. Realizing that the anger management sessions have turned Homer into a pushover, Bart takes advantage of him and becomes a school bully, as the school can no longer count on Homer's aggressiveness to protect them from Bart. Appalled by Bart's abuse towards Homer, Marge decides to take Bart to Dr. Zander to change his ways, but to her shock, she finds out that Zander has become homeless due to the current economic downturn. Marge begs Dr. Zander to fix Bart and Homer for $23 and a can of beans, and Zander accepts. Dr. Zander takes Bart and Homer on a trip while Marge and Lisa spend their time watching sad horse movies. During their trip, Zander tries several exercises to encourage Homer to have confidence in Bart but, unfortunately, Bart abuses Homer's ignorance and enjoys when he gets hurt, much to Zander's frustration. The ultimate test for Bart's and Homer's relationship is that Bart must save his father from being hanged in a tree, but Bart is more focused on text-pranking Moe than looking out for Homer's welfare. Dr. Zander, realizing just how annoying Bart is, decides to kill him, but Bart manages to free Homer, who saves him. In revenge for Zander's behavior, Homer and Bart sue the psychologist, and are awarded his sole remaining possession: a hole in the large tree he lives in, a place where Homer and Bart finally reconcile and bond.
The Great Simpsina
Lisa becomes friends with an old, widower magician, who gives her insight in performing one of Houdini's greatest tricks.Guest Stars: Martin Landau, Jack McBrayer, Ricky Jay, Penn & Teller and David Copperfield.
The Simpsons goes peach picking. They come back home with too many peaches, so they eat only recipes with peaches. After a while, all the family except Marge get tired of eating peaches. In an attempt to get rid of the peaches, Homer takes Marge to get a massage. Meanwhile, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie take the peaches to different locations. But, Bart no longer has his peaches when the school bullies take over. Lisa is then lost in a deserted area. A raccoon chases Lisa inside an illusionist's house. When the illusionist called "The Great Raymondo" finds her, he questions her and teaches her some magic tricks. Lisa starts presenting magic tricks to the school, and to "The Great Raymondo". Eventually, Raymondo becomes fond of his apprentice and entrusts her with his most shielded secret, the trick of "The Great Milk Can Escape". Lisa presents this act at school and while signing autographs she meets a flattering boy who charms her into explaining the act. Shortly, it is revealed that the boy is the son of rival illusionist Cregg Demon, and merely used her to steal the secret of the Milk Can act, much to Lisa's shock. After Demon states that he is going to present it at his next show at an upcoming magic convention (he claims that he learned the trick after being met by the ghost of the trick's creator, Harry Houdini), a betrayed Raymondo rejects Lisa's apology and angrily orders her to leave his home. Lisa, saddened with guilt, tries to stop doing magic; however, Homer, saddened by his daughter's melancholy, tries to reassure her, only for her to start crying as Homer comforts her. Homer goes to Raymondo's mansion to demands he forgive his daughter, but gets caught in a diamond-patterned net. Homer asks Raymondo to release him from the net and to forgive Lisa. After some thinking, Raymondo decides to offer Lisa a chance to redeem herself by helping him stop Demon from performing the Milk Can act. At the convention, Demon gets trapped inside the milk can and risks being drowned. Lisa tries to step in to save him, but is stopped by Ricky Jay, David Copperfield and Penn & Teller (in their second guest appearance on the show), who reveal they had replaced the fake milk can with a real one so that Demon will be unable to escape, thus eliminating him as competition to them. After a fight, Raymondo saves him by making a girder fall onto the magicians, and Demon decides to quit magic. At the end, Raymondo and Lisa do their act, with Lisa wowing the audience and Raymondo attempting to get high from inhaling enough ether to see a hallucination of his late wife and former assistant Esther.
The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
Fat Tony and Selma get married, prompting Marge to worry about her sister's safety. Meanwhile, Lisa uses Bart to find truffles.Guest Star: Joe Mantegna.
Selma is greeted by Fat Tony (formerly Fit Tony from "Donnie Fatso" following the death of the original Fat Tony) at the DMV, much to her discontent. She makes several sarcastic remarks towards Fat Tony and refuses to let him submit a change of address (initially due to him submitting the wrong form, and then refusing to let him hold his position while he retrieves the correct form), enraging him in the process. This prompts him to order his local mafia to abduct and kidnap her. They set her up for interrogation at an abandoned warehouse, in which she shoots out more sarcastic remarks, and when asked which body part she wants cut off first, requests liposuction. Fat Tony falls in love with her humor and grants her request. Afterwards, the couple begin a romantic relationship and on a boat off the coast of New Jersey, Fat Tony proposes to Selma. She agrees to the proposal, and they end up getting married. During the wedding reception, tension rises between Marge and Selma after the couple place Homer and his family in an undesirable location and Marge angrily admits to Selma that she was never sure about her marriage. To offer his apologies, Fat Tony later invites the Simpson family to his mansion over on the shore of New Jersey. After meeting a few relatives, the couples spend time together. While on the beach at dusk, Selma reveals to Marge that she was envious that she was not in a happy marriage, and asks for Marge's support of her marriage. Later, Marge and Homer overhear Fat Tony talking about a comare and conclude that he is cheating on her with another woman, so they tell Selma about this. Selma confronts Fat Tony about the claims, just as another woman abruptly crashes into his yard, claiming to be his real wife, with a ring with a larger diamond on it than Selma's. Fat Tony then confesses to Selma that he initially proposed to her to be his comare and their wedding ceremony reflected such intents. Selma declares that she is done trying to settle down with the right man, just before being insulted by Fat Tony's wife. This triggers into a full-blown fight between the ladies, while Homer sneaks off with Marge, admitting that she was right all along, and they make out in the tanning machine. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa are walking in the forest when Bart sniffs out a truffle. After she explains to him that truffles are prized gourmet foods, Bart finds another and both realize he can find them by smell. After talking with Luigi about the truffles for Luigi's restaurant where he offers to pay them for any more truffles found, Lisa then uses Bart to find more truffles. Eventually, when they cannot find truffles, Lisa blinds Bart in order to keep him focused. He ends up sniffing out a truffle in Lisa's bedroom. Instead of selling them as planned before, Lisa has been eating them, bored by her own vegetarian food. They feel sorry for Luigi's pig, Plopper, who did not get to eat any, so give him the last one that Lisa had. The pig then proves this was a bad idea by going berserk and tearing through Luigi's restaurant to eat more of them.
Homer Scissorhands
After Lisa breaks Milhouse's heart yet again, he hooks up with a fifth-grader named Taffy, only to force Lisa to face up to how she really feels about him. Meanwhile, Homer becomes a hairdresser after fixing Patty's hair, but finds that dealing with gossipy, female clients all day is tedious and depressing.Guest Star: Kristen Schaal as Taffy.
After Bart and Lisa accidentally throw paint into Patty's hair, Homer uses garden shears to cut the remaining hair, miraculously styling it. Selma demands that Homer style her hair as well, and he soon becomes Springfield's most popular hairdresser. Soon, he is styling hair for Helen Lovejoy, Luann Van Houten, Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon and numerous other women in Springfield. However, he discovers that listening to the inane chatter upsets and angers him. He even attempts to commit suicide by drinking a jar of disinfectant. Complaining to Moe and the other barflies, Homer realises that he cannot even look at the men in the bar without seeing everything that the women dislike about them. Eventually, after declaring that he can hear the hair growing around town, Homer styles Marge's hair for a party, and they pretend that Julio created the hairstyle instead. Julio is immediately surrounded by women demanding that he style them, too. Meanwhile, Milhouse has a life-changing experience after watching Finding Nemo from the beginning. Previously, he and Bart only watched the film from "Chapter 2", which takes place after Nemo's mother has died. Deciding that, since death can happen to a fish, it can happen to anyone, he decides to live each day as if it were his last. He professes his love for Lisa, even "writing" her a love song (to the tune of "Greensleeves"). Lisa rejects his love, but he manages to impress a fifth-grade girl named Taffy (Kristen Schaal). Taffy and Milhouse begin to date, but Lisa fears that Taffy is only using him, and begins to spy on them both. Her appearance annoys Taffy, who decides that Milhouse will never love her as he is too obsessed with Lisa, and she leaves. Distraught, Milhouse asks Lisa just how upset she wants him to be in life. Lisa, feeling guilty for really hurting him, gives him a kiss to make him feel better. Milhouse asks if that means Lisa likes him. Not sure what to say at first, Lisa eventually says that life has unexpected things to offer and urges him not to give up searching for love. Milhouse then faints off a cliff but is rescued by an eagle. Lisa just smiles, glad to see him cheered up.
500 Keys
While trying to get Maggie out of Homer's locked car, the family discovers that they have been hoarding keys for years, setting up three interconnected adventures: Homer finds a key that operates The Duff Blimp, Marge finds a key that operates an antique toy that makes farting noises, and Lisa finds a key that leads her to a secret classroom in Springfield Elementary.
After returning from a shop that sells returned wedding cakes, Maggie gets locked in the car with the key inside. While searching for the spare keys (which soon proves unnecessary, as Maggie is able to free herself), the Simpsons discover a collection of keys to every door in Springfield. Lisa uses a key and finds a hidden classroom full of theater props underneath the school. She is intrigued by the discovery, and shares it with Principal Skinner, but when she brings along the school newspaper, they only find shelves full of "Banned Band Books." It becomes apparent that Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers are hiding something when they snatch the key from Lisa. She has the key replicated and returns to the door on her own, and finds the classroom has been hidden behind a shoddy set of bookshelves. She then sees a mysterious figure writing "The children are on Bus 23" on the chalkboard. Lisa is determined to solve the mystery of the hidden room. Meanwhile, Bart tries causing mayhem with the keys but accidentally does good deeds with them, and ends up with the key to the city. Marge and Maggie find a key for a wind-up toy train called "The Pooter Toot Express," which makes farting noises when it moves. The toy gets away from them and they chase it throughout the city. Homer uses a key to get into the Duff brewery with Barney and goes joyriding in the Duff blimp. To get more information about Bus 23, Lisa and Bart ask Nelson. Nelson explains Bus 23 was a bus full of children that was supposed to drive over a dangerous ice bridge but was never heard from again, as Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers covered up the loss of the children. Lisa tells Bart about the room, and the two ask Homer to fly them to the lake where the ice bridge would be. Lisa falls out of the blimp and into the water, where she sees the submerged Bus 23, and Homer dives in to save her. However, they find that all the "children" inside it are actually mannequins. Homer and Lisa are saved by the Pooter Toot Express, which knocks over a tree for them to grab onto just before it falls apart. The mysterious figure is revealed to be Otto, who is relieved to discover he is not responsible for the death of the children, as he was the driver of Bus 23. Chalmers and Skinner try to flee to Bolivia, but are stopped by Bart, who has Skinner's car key and forces them to explain everything. Years earlier, the school had received a large grant for the purpose of improving its classrooms. Skinner cashed the check but accidentally left the money in his pants pocket, and his mother inadvertently destroyed it when she washed his laundry. With the help of Groundskeeper Willie, Chalmers and Skinner built a fake classroom and photographed it to keep the feds from coming after them, using rented mannequins to pose as students. They put the mannequins on Bus 23 to have Otto return them by five o'clock before being charged for the extra day and they did not prorate, but the ice bridge gave out and the bus went into the lake. Chalmers and Skinner apologize to Otto for letting him believe he killed a busload of students, and all is forgiven. No further mention of the rental money is made, though Skinner says that they anticipated the wedding cakes but not Maggie locking herself in the car, and Chalmers chastises him for not anticipating her birth. The epilogue ends with Otto driving his bus across an icy bridge, believing that his complement is full of mannequins, when he is actually transporting real children. As his bus is close to tipping off the bridge, he comments that perhaps they will fall off slowly as in Inception; he is wrong and his bus falls into the river. The episode ends with the sound of Otto searching for his keys to let the children off the bus to swim to shore.
The Ned-Liest Catch
Ned Flanders begins dating Mrs. Krabappel after saving her from a prank gone bad -- until Flanders realizes that Mrs. Krabappel has left a trail of tears behind her from the men she dated before (including Aerosmith drummer Joey Kramer).Guest Stars: Ken Burns and Joey Kramer
Edna Krabappel is suspended from teaching by Superintendent Chalmers with full pay after Bart pulls a prank that leads Edna to slap him twice on the back of the head. Chalmers orders Edna to report to a rubber room where teachers spend agonizing days waiting until their fates are decided. Bart feels guilty about his behavior and helps Edna escape detention. When she uses a ladder outside the window to leave the building, it collapses but Ned Flanders winds up catching and saving her. Ned takes Edna out to lunch, and the two bond. Ned and Edna start dating, and Edna is thrilled when Chalmers lets her return to teaching as long as she also does some weekend work as a prison guard. However, their relationship causes problems with Homer and Bart; Edna's constant visits to the Flanders home make it more difficult for Bart to ignore his homework, and Edna later chastises Homer over his rudeness to Ned. Fed up with Homer and Bart's attitudes towards Edna and Ned's romance, Marge shames Homer into putting in some good words about Edna with Ned. Homer takes Ned to Moe's and when he sees that Ned truly does love Edna, he relents and decides to support their relationship. Unfortunately, the other barflies then make references to Edna's extensive dating history, and Ned is surprised that she has been with many of Springfield's men, including Aerosmith drummer Joey Kramer. Ned furiously accuses Homer of trying to ruin his relationship, and he runs away in horror from Edna and gives Homer the silent treatment until Homer makes some points that make Ned think. Ned tells Edna he forgives her, but Edna is appalled by his statement and accuses him of judging her. She then tells him that, if they are going to stay together, her past must never get in their way. Ned says that the decision has to be left to a higher power. The episode and the season ends on a cliffhanger with Homer and Marge giving a link to and encouraging viewers to vote on whether Ned and Edna should stay together, with the results to be revealed at the end of the first episode of the 23rd season.
The Falcon and the D'ohman
Homer befriends the nuclear plant's newest hire – a security guard with ties to the CIA and a painful backstory involving the Ukrainian Mafia. Meanwhile, Marge dreams of appearing on Top Chef and the results to the "Will Ned Flanders and Edna Krabappel Stay Together" contests are revealed. Guest stars: Tom Colicchio, Kevin Michael Richardson and Kiefer Sutherland
Comic Book Guy opens the season premiere by telling the viewers that there will be hints in the episode as to the conclusion of the romance between Ned and Edna. Homer sneaks late into work at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, sings to the tune of The Police's "Walking on the Moon", and marks up his time card to make it seem like he was on time and had put in some overtime hours. Homer is surprised to find that a new security guard named Wayne has been hired, and repeatedly tries to befriend him, only to be rebuffed. One night, while Wayne is walking home in the rain and hail, he reluctantly agrees to let Homer drive him to Moe's Tavern for a drink, though insists they remain professional afterwards. While Wayne is in the bathroom, Snake dramatically crashes through the door on his motorcycle to rob everyone. As soon as Wayne comes out, he soundly beats up Snake. The story spreads quickly and a news segment that features an interview with Wayne by Kent Brockman and a computer-animated Taiwanese dramatization of the incident soon airs on television. It is discovered that Wayne is a highly-trained former CIA black ops agent, who decided to go into hiding in Springfield. He is plagued by recurring flashbacks from his previous missions, which cause him to act or shout them out, as evidenced when he unintentionally attacks Mr. Burns, the boss of the power plant, which results in Wayne being fired. Because Wayne can no longer afford his apartment, Homer lets Wayne sleep in Bart's treehouse. However, Wayne speaks loudly about past missions in his sleep, causing the couples in the nearby houses to lose sleep. Ned and Edna are one of these couples, and they are shown holding each other in bed. News of what happened to Burns spreads to YouTube and is seen by one of Wayne's gangster enemies, Viktor, in Kiev, Ukraine. Apparently, Wayne accidentally killed Viktor's wife with a stray bullet on a previous mission. Thus, the Ukrainian gangster and his henchmen kidnap and torture Homer as bait to lure Wayne. Wayne tracks Homer down through tracking devices he unknowingly ate, frees him and kills all of the Ukrainian gangsters, including Viktor, with help from Homer. Afterwards, Wayne repays Homer for his help by giving him the fist pound he wanted when they first met, and considers leaving Springfield, but Marge suggests that Wayne get a job at the Springfield Department of Motor Vehicles instead. At the DMV, he has a flashback to the time he was a prisoner in North Korea and was forced to write Being Short Is Not A Hindrance To Greatness, a ridiculous musical play paying tribute to Kim Jong Il. During the closing credits, Ned and Edna thank the fans for voting for their relationship to continue. Seymour Skinner tries to protest, but Agnes, who approves of the outcome, rebukes him for waiting until the polls had closed to offer his opinion.
Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts
Principal Skinner challenges Superintendent Chalmers to get Bart to be excited about learning something (anything) after Bart's latest pranks -- and finds it in the form of teaching Bart about the life and times of Theodore Roosevelt. However, when Chalmers's unorthodox teaching methods get him fired, it is up to Bart and the rest of the students who have been motivated by Chalmers to reinstate him. Guest stars: John Kricfalusi (credited for animating this episode's couch gag) and Theodore Roosevelt (through archival footage and audio recordings)
Springfield Elementary School is hosting a fundraiser auction and invites all the families with children in their classes, including the Simpson family. Every item in the auction is sold to an English widow named Edith Knickertwist, who is bidding over the phone. When the auction is over, Bart reveals that he was the real Mrs. Knickertwist and that there is no money for the school. Frustrated over Bart's latest prank and pressured by his supervisor Superintendent Chalmers, Principal Skinner challenges Chalmers to take over Bart's education. Chalmers accepts and immediately gives Bart his own lesson plan, which primarily consists of former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt. He makes Bart interested in the subject by talking about Roosevelt's heroic and rebellious nature. Classmates Milhouse, Nelson, Jimbo, Kearney and Dolph soon join Bart in his education. With the success of his lessons, Chalmers plans to take them all on a field trip to Springfield Forest, in which Roosevelt left one of his spectacles. The field trip does not go well, however, as Nelson breaks his arm when he tries to reach for the spectacles. Since it was an unauthorized field trip, Nelson's mother threatens to sue the school for medical expenses, which leads to Chalmers getting fired. In order to save Chalmers' job, Bart and his friends, who now go by the name "The Brotherhood of the Spectacles", take over the school in a hostage situation and stand up for the teacher who made a meaningful impact to them. They lock all of the teachers out of the school and demand that Chalmers get reinstated. A SWAT team prepares to storm the school, before Chalmers walks up to convince Bart to stop. Luckily, Chief Wiggum accidentally drops his gun, knee-capping the school representative State Comptroller Atkins, who thereafter agrees to reinstate Chalmers because they can recover the money lost in the previous lawsuit with a new lawsuit against the police department. With Chalmers' job saved, Bart continues his lessons with him.
Treehouse of Horror XXII
In this year's introduction, Homer is charged by Marge to dispose of the candies in a canyon, but he falls and find that his arm is pinned under a boulder which stop him to be able to grab the candies, so he makes a 911 call but when he hear that help will only come in 20 minutes, he chooses to bite his arm off to find that the candies has been replaced by vegetables. In "The Diving Bell and the Butterball," Homer finds himself paralyzed by a spider bite and discovers a new, smelly way to communicate. Next, Flanders gets a call from God to rid the world of sinners by murdering them in '"Dial D for Diddly." Finally, Bart and Milhouse must infiltrate an alien planet by posing as the natives in the Avatar parody, "In the Na'vi." Guest stars: Jackie Mason and Aron Ralston as the 911 operator.
Opening When Bart, Lisa and Maggie come home with their Halloween candy hauls, Marge confiscates all of it to donate to the army. Homer instead runs off with the bag to eat its contents in privacy at a canyon cliff, but slips and falls into a canyon. One arm is pinned under a boulder, leaving him unable to reach the candy. Rather than wait 20 minutes for rescue after calling 9-1-1, in a parody of 127 Hours, he decides to gnaw off his arm, but mistakenly gnaws off his unpinned arm and one leg first. After freeing himself and sticking his other arm back on, he discovers that the children have switched the candy for vegetables. He screams in rage as they gorge themselves at home, and Bart opens his mouth to show the episode title spelled in chewed-up candy. The Diving Bell and the Butterball In a parody of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and Spider-Man, Homer begins to decorate the house for Halloween and is reaching for a decoration in a box. Unfortunately, there is a real black widow spider in the box and when Homer grabs what he thinks is a plastic spider, he is bitten by it. The bite leaves Homer paralyzed and unable to speak. When Lisa reads for him, she discovers that he can communicate through farting. The Simpson family is amazed at the result and Lisa helps Homer tell Marge how he feels about her. When he is again bitten by another spider (a radioactive one this time), he gains the ability to shoot spider webs out of his rear end and have the same abilities as Spider-Man, though he is still unable to move or talk. Dial D for Diddily In a parody of Dexter, after hearing a voice that he thinks is God telling him to murder people, Ned Flanders becomes a serial killing vigilante, targeting characters who are Homer's enemies. When Ned discovers that Homer is the one who has been duping him into committing murder (by way of a Bible-shaped receiver), Homer argues that God does not exist and starts burning Ned's bible, only to be stopped and strangled to death by God Himself. Marge begs God to reverse everything that has happened, but God tells her that Satan is the one who is running the world. When Ned thinks that this scenario cannot get any worse, it is revealed that Satan is sleeping with Ned's deceased wife, Maude. In the Na'vi In a parody of Avatar, taking place in the future, Krusty the Clown sends the military force to the planet Rigel 7 to find the a sacred extract Hilarrium, so he can easily entertain his Nazi audience. The military recruits Bart and Milhouse to befriend the alien race in avatar bodies. They succeed in this and Bart ends up getting Kang's daughter pregnant after falling in love with her. They go to the queen, whose extract used to reduce the mood swings of pregnant women is the Hilarrium they're looking for. Milhouse then contacts the military of their location, which then attacks the natives. In the battle, the natives are helped by all the animals of the planet, which eventually defeats the military. Kang and Kodos then admit that they would have just given the Hilarrium to the humans if they just asked. Ending At the end, Carol of the Bells (from Home Alone) is played as all of the characters that appeared say various things about Christmas, such as Marge saying that making a sweater causes 27 people to lose their jobs. At the very end, Grampa shows up in a black tutu, asking when the Black Swan comes up, leaving everyone unsure what to tell him.
Replaceable You
Homer gets a new assistant named Roz who is secretly out to steal his job. Meanwhile, Bart and Martin create a robot seal that becomes a hit with the elderly crowd at the Springfield Retirement Center. Guest star: Jane Lynch
Homer is initially happy to get an organized, cheerful, new assistant at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, a very tall woman named Roz Davis. However, when he and Barney head out to see a film during their work shift, Roz reveals this to Mr. Burns, who demotes Homer to Roz's job and gives Roz Homer's position. Roz proceeds to charm the regulars at Moe's Tavern while finding dozens of ways to make Homer's job miserable. After Ned Flanders sees Homer is depressed, Homer tells him about Roz, and is shocked to learn that Ned knew Roz back in Ohio; they were part of the same Christian group, and when Ned gave her a congratulatory hug for winning a "no-fun run" he learned that Roz cannot stand any physical contact. When Roz wins a "Worker of Millennium" award at the plant, Homer manipulates Burns into giving Roz a hug. She proceeds to beat Burns up, and is fired. Roz then compliments Homer for being much smarter than she expected, in terms Homer does not quite understand. Elsewhere, Bart is not ready for the upcoming Springfield Elementary science fair. He ends up working with Martin Prince and after Bart comes up with a general idea—a robotic pet—Martin does all the work and constructs an adorable robotic baby seal. However, it is revealed that when the wiring is tampered with, they become violent attackers, yet the seal wins first prize at the Fair anyway. When Bart and Martin go to the Springfield Retirement Castle, the senior citizens see the seal visibly cheer up Jasper and the value of the invention becomes clear. All of the senior citizens then get their own seals, and they become happier and healthier, which angers a consortium of local businesses (led by the local funeral home) who want the oldsters to go back to being miserable and more rapidly dying. The group figures out the wiring secret and reworks the seals so their fury returns, causing the death of Mrs. Glick. Chief Wiggum has all the robots impounded. Bart and Martin enlist the aid of Professor Frink who then gets a larger group of nerds to remotely hack into the robot software and make them nice again. They succeed and as a result, Chief Wiggum releases all the seals, who return to the nursing home.
The Food Wife
Tired of doing "mom" things and being much less fun for the guys than Homer, Marge takes the guys out to an Ethiopian restaurant and enjoys the food so much that she starts a food blog with Bart and Lisa, which hurts Homer's feelings -- and may do more than hurt him when Marge tricks Homer into thinking a rundown building housing a meth lab is a hip, new restaurant. Guest stars: Gordon Ramsay, Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim
Homer takes his children, Bart and Lisa, to a video game convention for another fun Saturday. Upon their return home, Marge feels upset that Homer gets to be the "fun dad", while she is stuck doing unexciting things with the children. Next Saturday, she decides to take Bart and Lisa to an "X-Games" convention, thinking it will be something fun. However, when they arrive, they are disappointed to find out that it is a Christian event, and the actual name of the convention is "† Games". The car engine dies on the way back and they are forced to stop in the neighborhood of Little Ethiopia, where the three go into a restaurant serving Ethiopian food. Although initially averse to the exotic food, Marge is reminded that she wants to be a fun mom and therefore asks for the most authentic dish on the menu for her and her children. All three of them enjoy the food and are joined by a group of foodies, who share anecdotes on their food adventures. After unsuccessfully trying to persuade a resistant and gluttony Homer to try their Ethiopian takeout, Marge, Bart and Lisa start their own food blog, "The Three Mouthketeers". The blog quickly becomes popular and the three spend much time together trying out new foods and writing about them. When the trio gets an invitation to an exclusive molecular gastronomy restaurant called El Chemistri, Homer is angry over being left out. Marge invites him out of pity and he plans to reclaim his "fun dad" title, leaving Marge worried about losing her new bond with the children. In one of her dreams that night, she and the children are trying out new food together with chef Anthony Bourdain when Homer jumps in on a hop ball and eats up everything, taking away the children's attention from Marge. Homer, Bart, Lisa, Bourdain, and other famous chefs that have shown up, such as Mario Batali, then jump away from Marge on hop balls, leaving her by herself. Afterwards, Gordon Ramsay appears next to her, telling her that she should not have invited Homer. The next day, she deliberately gives Homer the wrong address to the restaurant. When Marge and the children arrive at El Chemistri, Homer unknowingly arrives at an illegal meth lab that he thinks is the actual restaurant. He meets the meth dealer and other drug addicts, whom he believes to be food hipsters. Just as he is about to have a taste of the meth (which he thinks is food produced with the help of molecular gastronomy), the police burst in and a gunfight ensues between them and the drug addicts. While the trio eat their meal (deconstructed Caesar salad and miniaturized pork chops) with other foodies at El Chemistri, Marge feels guilty about misdirecting Homer and receives a panicked voicemail from him requesting help. After unsuccessfully asking the other foodies to help save her husband, she, Bart, and Lisa head by themselves towards the meth lab after receiving doggie bags from the chef. After arriving, Marge throws apple pie from her doggie bag into the mouth of the meth dealer, causing a flashback to his childhood when his mother used to make apple pie (a reference to the flashback experienced by the infamous “Anton Ego” in the Disney movie “Ratatouille”). With the help of this distraction, the police subdue him. After Marge apologizes to Homer, they and their children decide to have fun together as a whole family from now on. At Krustyland, Homer gives the kids $50 to enjoy themselves and he decides to spend quality time with Marge.
The Book Job
When Lisa discovers that her favorite book series (the Angelica Button fantasy series as mentioned in "The Haw-Hawed Couple") is ghost-written by a group of publishers (with an actress as the "author"), Homer and Bart are inspired to do the same by getting a group of people to write a fantasy novel about ghouls in a prestigious academy -- but when an actual publisher plots to turn it into yet another vampire fiction book for tweens, Lisa, Bart, and Homer must save their original work from getting destroyed. Guest stars: Andy García and Neil Gaiman
After watching a dinosaur show at an arena in Springfield, Lisa discovers her favorite author, T. R. Francis, working there in a dinosaur costume. The woman reveals to a shocked Lisa that she is just an actress hired by the book publishing company to pose as T. R. Francis; a complete fabrication, and that all popular young-adult book series are never each written by a single author with any inspiration, but conceived by book publishing executives through market research and the use of multiple ghostwriters, just to make more money. When Homer learns of this, he decides to get rich by group-writing a fantasy novel with a team consisting of Bart, Principal Skinner, Patty Bouvier, Moe Szyslak, and Professor Frink, all of whom have personal attributes or experiences that will be beneficial: Skinner knows what teens like, Patty is a fantasy fiction fan, Moe has already published some children's books, and Frink has a computer. Horrified to find that they are group-writing a book just to gain money, Lisa decides to write a novel on her own with a personal story that readers will connect with. For their novel, the team members decide to take the typical elements from already popular young-adult series (orphaned main character, supernatural powers, training school, and a fictional sport). Homer initially suggests that they write about vampires, but Patty notes the fact that there are already so many popular novels out there in that genre. They therefore decide to write about an orphan troll who goes to a magic school located under the Brooklyn Bridge. Fantasy author Neil Gaiman overhears the team talking and offers his help writing the novel; although they limit him to bringing food for them while they quickly finish writing the novel, which they name The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy. They take the novel to a book publishing executive for TweenLit Inc., who likes it, but asks for a fake author with an inspirational back story. Meanwhile, Lisa is having a hard time making progress on her book because of constant distractions. She eventually concedes to Homer and agrees to become the fake author of The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy; the executive buys the novel from the team for $1,000,000. As the team celebrate at Moe's Tavern, they receive an advance copy of the novel. They are shocked to discover that the publisher has replaced the troll-aspects of the story with vampires, renaming the novel The Vampire Twins of Transylvania Prep, due to market testing preferring vampires over trolls. Upset at the drastic changes to their book and realising that they care more about their book than the money, the team break into TweenLit Inc.'s headquarters, planning to replace the new novel with the original before the mass printing begins. However, when they reach the printing room, the executive confronts them and reveals that someone tipped him off about their plan. Lisa admits to betraying them because she wants her name on a book that will actually be popular. The executive types in the password in the printing computer and allows Lisa to insert the USB flash drive with the novel on it. Later, when the saddened team are walking away from the headquarters, they pass a book store and discover that The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy is being put on the stands. Lisa reveals that she faked the "betrayal" in order to gain access to the executive's computer, and covertly swapped the executive's flash drive with Bart's flash drive that contained the troll novel, putting the original version into print. However, when Lisa opens a copy of the book, she discovers that Gaiman is listed as the author, not her. It turns out that by slipping a third flash drive with his name onto Lisa's possession with his secret co-conspirator Moe's help, Gaiman has heisted his way to the best-seller list "once again" despite being illiterate. During the credits, Gaiman and Moe celebrate with a toast at Shelbyville Beach, but Gaiman double-crosses Moe and poisons his drink.
The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants
Homer becomes Mr. Burns' accountant executive after a successful launch party for Absolut Krusty, becoming a good job for him. Robert Marlow (guest voice John Slattery), a seasoned account veteran, takes Homer under his wing and shows Homer what the high life is like in the corner office, and when Homer's long hours at the office become the norm, a family vacation with Marge and the kids help him realize that family always comes before work. Meanwhile, Lisa gets Bart interested in classic literature by reading him Little Women. Guest stars: Kevin Michael Richardson, John Slattery and Matthew Weiner
Krusty the Clown is about to perform a stunt when his agents mention that there is trouble with Krusty's own brand of vodka, Absolut Krusty. To make it popular, the agents insist that Krusty hold a tastemaker party at the home of a Springfield trendsetter. At the party, the adults are having a fantastic time until Mr. Burns arrives and frightens the guests. Homer ends up saving the party by singing karaoke with Burns. Based on the party's success, Burns promotes Homer to "Accounts Man" for the Springfield Nuclear Plant. Robert Marlow, a seasoned account veteran, takes Homer under his wing and shows Homer what the high life is like in the corner office. The job changes Homer into a sad individual, who drinks in the dark and complains about the meaninglessness of his job. When Homer's long hours at the office become the norm and Homer becomes distant from his family, a family vacation with Marge and the children help him realize that family always comes before work. Meanwhile, Lisa introduces Bart to a new literary world, which sparks his interest in reading classic novels. In the beginning, Bart struggles with reading and suggests that he should just get a job where he does not have to read. Lisa insists and Bart eventually learns to read properly. When the bullies watch him reading a classic novel at school, they force him to read Little Women to them. Meanwhile, both Marge and Burns want Homer to go on the same rafting trip. Homer starts with being on his family's raft, and then swims back and forth between that and Burns' raft. Marge discovers that he has double-booked the weekend while both rafts float near a waterfall, and is upset that he chose to do work on a family outing. Homer can only save one raft, and he saves the one containing his family. As Burns and the nuclear regulators are about to go over the waterfall, Marlow rides up on a jetski and carries Burns to safety, while the regulators fall over the edge. Though he is annoyed at the incident, for cutting expenses by six percent, Burns calls it even with Homer, who then decides to spend the rest of the trip with his family, but trips and goes over the waterfall by himself, though he is completely unharmed and finds gold. Later, at their house, Homer tells Marge that he is a safety inspector again. Fireworks go off outside, and it is revealed that they were caused by a fire at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, presumably because Homer failed at his job.
The Ten-Per-Cent Solution
When Krusty the Clown's show gets canceled (yet again), Krusty reunites with his original agent and bitter former lover Annie Dubinsky, who gets him a gig on cable television. But when Krusty's retro comedy show reboot is deemed a critical success, Krusty must decide to stay with his agent or side with the network executives. Guest stars: Kevin Dillon, Janeane Garofalo, Jackie Mason and Joan Rivers
During an episode of The Krusty the Clown Show, three Itchy & Scratchy cartoons are shown. This angers Krusty, the host of the show, since he thinks he should be the star of the show and not the Itchy and Scratchy characters. Meanwhile, the Simpsons visit a television museum that is soon to be closed. After a while, they come to an exhibit displaying The Adventures of Fatso Flanagan, which is one of Homer's favorite television shows. There, the family is approached by Annie Dubinsky, the agent of the actor who played Fatso Flanagan. They start chatting and become acquainted. At the Channel 6 studios, during a board meeting, Krusty is fired because "Today's children are uncomfortable with a clown whose every reference they have to look up on Wikipedia", and because Itchy and Scratchy are shown to be more popular with the children. Krusty goes to his current agent, hoping to get a new job, but the agent drops him since he got fired. After the Simpsons have left the museum, they head for Krusty Burger where they discover Krusty crying in a ball pit. Krusty is encouraged by them into making a comeback, and they inform him that they met an agent that can help him out. However, when they all go to Annie's office, Annie instantly recognizes Krusty and angrily slams the door before he gets a chance to enter. It is revealed that Annie was the one who discovered Krusty, became his first agent, and was responsible for his rise to success. They also had a romantic relationship together. However, once he achieved fame, Krusty fired Annie and replaced her with a more acclaimed agent, and as a result their relationship ended. Back in the present, he begs her to take him back as a client, and she eventually accepts. Krusty starts performing his clown tricks at a theater in front of adults, and not children like before. This is because Annie knows that there is nothing adults enjoy more than the things they liked as children. The performances are praised by both the audience and the critics, and Krusty and Annie initiate a relationship again. Soon, a premium cable television network called HBOWTIME (an obvious portmanteau of HBO and Showtime, straight down to their parody of HBO's longtime slogan, "It's not just TV, it's more expensive.") gives Krusty his own show and Annie is hired as the producer on his demand. The stars of the series Entourage, such as Kevin Dillon, become Krusty's assistants. The network executives soon become frustrated with Annie for meddling too much in the show. For example, she refuses to let Janeane Garofalo appear only because Garofalo is funnier than Krusty. She also runs over an intern with a stage car for sharpening her pencil too much. The executives decide to fire Annie, but Krusty refuses to continue without her. The couple therefore turns to another network where they start a show called Sex Over Sixty, with them as the stars. While doing the show, Annie dies of cardiac arrest while during a taping of one of their episodes.
Holidays of Future Passed
The latest "look-into-the-future" episode sees Bart as a deadbeat dad living in Springfield Elementary (which is now an apartment complex instead of a school) and trying to be a good dad to the children he had with Jenda from "Future-Drama". Meanwhile, a pregnant, unwed Maggie (who is now a pop singing superstar) goes into labor while on her way to family dinner and Lisa tries to find a common bond with her rebellious teenage daughter, Zia.
After stuffing themselves with turkey on Thanksgiving, it is time to take the annual Christmas card family photo and, when Bart and Lisa complain about it, Marge notes that they will grow to appreciate the photos when they become older and have children of their own. Lisa questions why Marge would assume they will even have children in the first place, while Bart confidently claims that he won't, desiring for the Simpson family's legacy of dysfunction to cease. The episode jumps thirty years into the future via a compilation of Simpson Christmas cards accompanied by the song "Sleigh Ride" performed by The Ronettes. The photos finally settle on a future where Bart is a deadbeat, divorced father with two sons whom he does not see often; Lisa is a successful businesswoman who is married to Milhouse and has a rebellious daughter named Zia; and Maggie is the lead singer of a famous band and in the late stages of pregnancy. In his apartment at the former Springfield Elementary, Bart is visited by his sons, who inform him that their mother, Jenda, teleported them to his place because she wants him to act like a proper father by having him spend time with them. However, he plans on dropping them off at his parents' house instead, which his boys can hear. Meanwhile, Lisa fears that Zia is spending too much of her time going into the "Ultranet", a digital world that people enter with their consciousness by plugging themselves into a laptop. Milhouse suggests to Lisa that she spend time with Zia in order for them to have a better connection, so Lisa decides to take Zia to her parents' house, too. Meanwhile, Maggie flies home from London to Springfield to also celebrate Christmas with her parents. When Bart and Lisa arrive at their parents' home, they stay there with their children. Unfortunately for Lisa, she only gets unhelpful advice from Marge on how to be a better mother, and Zia continues to go into the Ultranet. Meanwhile, Bart is heartbroken to find out that Jenda has remarried, while he has not found anyone new. Feeling depressed, he tells Homer to take his grandsons out. The boys become angry with their father for not spending time with them, but the two have a great time with their grandfather. Bart and Lisa then encounter each other in their old treehouse, where they become slightly drunk and talk about how difficult parenting is. After exchanging inspirational advice, they realize that they need to try harder to connect with their children. Meanwhile, upon arriving in Springfield, Maggie starts experiencing contractions and Kearney, now a taxi driver, drives her to the hospital. Homer takes Bart's sons to a cryonics facility where Grampa has been frozen alive to prevent a disease from killing him. Although a cure has now been discovered, he is kept frozen by Homer because it is cheaper than paying for a nursing home and because Grampa has constantly been rude to him. Homer says to the boys that they should give their father another chance, since he knows Bart loves them. At that point, Bart arrives and apologizes to his sons, admitting how much he treasures them. Touched, the two boys forgive him for not having included them in his life much, while an inspired Homer decides to unfreeze Grampa and forgive him, as well. Meanwhile, Lisa goes into the Ultranet to find Zia and discovers a door leading into Zia's private world. Entering it, Lisa is overjoyed to find that Zia has hung a poster of her next to a series of posters depicting historical women who have made a difference in the world. When Zia arrives, Lisa thanks her for looking up to her and the two reconcile at last, but secretly hides her life as a party poser. With the conflicts resolved, Bart and Lisa gather their children in preparation for a new Christmas family photo. Marge arrives with Maggie, who has given birth to a baby girl. The Simpsons gather into a group just as the family pets (who have evolved greatly over the past thirty years) take the new photo.
Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson,_with_Homer_Simpson
Video footage of Homer ranting about being harassed by TSA agents and forced to sit on a grounded plane for seven hours (due to airport incompetence) goes viral and lands Homer on cable television as a political pundit with his own show. But when he stirs up mixed emotions with his planned endorsement of the next GOP Presidential candidate, Marge and Lisa worry that Homer's opinion and influence might be more powerful than he realizes. Guest stars: Ted Nugent and Dana Gould
After a series of demeaning check-in procedures, the Simpsons board an Air Springfield plane for their trip to the wedding of a relative in Montana. The pilot announces that owing to an unforeseen jailbreak the trip will be delayed. He tells the travelers that because the plane is still on the ground, he will turn off the ventilation system. However, all of the ethnic passengers on-board are still allowed to eat their odd-smelling food, and after several hours the rest of the passengers feel sick. The pilot makes another announcement that the plane is going to taxi back to the gate and remain there for an unknown amount of time and that the passengers cannot get off. When Homer is banned from using the bathroom, his anger boils over and he rants about the airline's horrible treatment of its passengers. Bart records a video of Homer running amok and then escapes from the plane via the wing. He uploads it on YouTube and it quickly becomes popular. Homer is invited to speak his mind on a popular cable news show called Head Butt, on which host Nash Castor and commentator Adriatica Vel Johnson argue that he will soon be forgotten. However, Homer makes a convincing rant in which he tells the viewers that unlike television blowhards such as Nash and Adriatica, he speaks for the common man. When the show is over, the cable network executives give Homer his own television show called Gut Check with Homer Simpson, where he provides a mix of populist and conservative ideas. During one episode, he pours "gravy of freedom" over a steak shaped like America, using the gravy as a metaphor for the things that make the country great. He then encourages his viewers to "get on the boat" to protest about the bad things in society and proceeds to place a gravy boat on his head. This wins Homer a huge base of support among average Americans, and soon the "gravy boat movement" becomes popular throughout the country. When Homer is chosen by the Republicans to pick their candidate for the next presidential election, his lack of interest in the current candidates leads him to choose Ted Nugent. He invites Nugent for a visit to the Simpsons' home, where Lisa complains that Homer has made the wrong pick since Nugent is "out of his mind". Later that day, Homer has a dream in which James Madison shows him how ashamed past American presidents are of Homer. When he wakes up, he tells Lisa he will not be supporting Nugent for president anymore. He then sees a brochure on her dresser with a man posing as a president and offering help with fake dreams. Homer realizes the family faked his dream to convince him not to endorse Nugent. As a result, he angrily decides to go on television and express his support for Nugent. However, when he tries to bring out his ability to cry every time he discusses anything on television, he finds he cannot bring up those emotions because he does not truly believe in what he is saying. Homer announces on television that he "is full of crap" and reconciles with Lisa. As a result, Nugent is stripped of his position as the Republican presidential candidate. The episode ends as he sings a song about what his presidency would have been like.
The D'oh-cial Network
Lisa wants more friends and starts her own social network website called SpringFace, but when it turns everyone into an online addict, Lisa begins to realize that adding thousands of friends online did not compare to having real friendships. Meanwhile, Patty and Selma compete against the Winklevoss twins for the 2012 Olympics. Guest stars: Armie Hammer, David Letterman
The episode starts in a courtroom where Lisa is on trial. The Blue-Haired Lawyer is accusing her of bringing devastation upon Springfield because of her selfish desire to be accepted by others. Lisa starts telling everyone in the courtroom about her side of the story. A few months ago, she and her family went to the new mall in town. There, she encountered her schoolmates Sherri and Terri and asked them if she could spend some time with them at the mall. The two twins said no to Lisa, which made her realize that she has no real friends. Later, Lisa went on Homer's computer and discovered that it is easier to make friends online than in real life, and thus she started a social networking website called SpringFace to get friends. The site became instantly popular among all the citizens of Springfield and Lisa made over a thousand friends in a short period of time. However, Lisa soon noticed that these friends only talked to her on SpringFace and not in real life. She also discovered that the website grew too big to control, with people becoming so addicted to it that they even used it while driving their cars. This caused chaos in the town after numerous car crashes and deaths. In the present time, the court orders Lisa to shut down SpringFace, and Lisa agrees to do this. The people of Springfield throw away their smartphones and computers soon after the website is closed. When Lisa looks outside her window, she sees Sherri and Terri and a bunch of their friends playing Marco Polo, and they invite Lisa to join them. Patty and Selma are then seen competing in a rowing race against the Winklevoss twins at the London 2012 Olympics, with Patty and Selma winning. This is followed by a short entitled "A Simpsons 'Show's Too Short' Story", animated in the dark, grim style of American artist Edward Gorey. It tells the story of how Bart was a troublemaker from the day he was born, and shows him and Milhouse wrapping Springfield Elementary School in toilet paper.
Moe Goes from Rags to Riches
Moe's bar rag tells the story of how it went from being part of a medieval tapestry to being Moe's most used prop. Meanwhile, Milhouse's friendship with Bart is strained after he compares Milhouse to Moe's bar rag. Guest star: Jeremy Irons
At a town meeting at Moe's Tavern, people say that Moe's best friend is his old bar rag. Bart continues with the joke by comparing the rag with Milhouse. Insulted, Milhouse spurns Bart's friendship. The rag tells its life story, from being a medieval French tapestry, woven by Marge after Mr. Burns, Duke of Springfield, killed all their sheep which released demon spirits that forced Marge to weave the encounters the tapestry would have. The Duke was later accidentally hanged by the tapestry when he fell off a mountain; going to a cathedral before Vikings attacked it and Homer tore it; and then to the king of Persia (Nelson). Nelson was then told 1001 stories by Scheherazade (Lisa), who releases his other wives who were thrown in a pit for being boring and decapitates him. The rag was also used as a blindfold for the executed and as a cloth on the chopping block in France; was used as a paint rag by Michelangelo in his creation of the Sistine Chapel; was used for a Confederate flag during the Civil War; and was made into soup during the Great Depression. It then went close to the top of Mount Everest as a flag, though the explorer died from lack of oxygen. Moe's father, the yeti on Everest found the rag and gave it as a gift to his son, an infant Moe. Meanwhile, Bart tries to win Milhouse back as a friend, going to his house at night. Milhouse refuses at first, stating that he is doing well without Bart. Bart reads a poem about friendship to Milhouse, but Milhouse figures out that Lisa wrote it, and tells Bart that he can only win him back by doing something from the heart. As a gesture, Bart agrees to let Drederick Tatum punch him. Milhouse is deeply moved, and renews their friendship. Moe wakes up to find the rag has been stolen. The thief is revealed as Marge, who cleans the rag before returning it. Moe then realizes that he has real friends in the Simpson family, and tosses the rag out the window for Santa's Little Helper, who takes care of the rag and then fights over it with Maggie. The rag, meanwhile, is overjoyed to have finally found an owner who truly loves it.
The Daughter Also Rises
Lisa falls in love with Nick, an intellectual romantic, and starts a secret romance with him. Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse team up with the gang from MythCrackers to debunk some urban schoolyard legends. Guest stars: Michael Cera, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage
In a very surprising move on Valentine's Day, Marge allows Homer to have a guys' night out with Bart as her Valentine's Day gift to him while she and Lisa go to a restaurant for dinner. While Homer and Bart have a good time and bond as father and son, Marge finds she has little in common with Lisa and distracts herself at the buffet table. During this, Lisa spots a handsome boy named Nick through a crack in the wall between their tables. The two become attracted to each other and begin dating. Eventually, Lisa invites Nick over to meet the rest of her family. However, despite being impressed by Nick, Marge warns Lisa not to spend too much time with him, worried that Lisa is becoming too different from her. Confused at this, Lisa goes to Grampa for advice. Grampa tells her the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, two lovers who would talk through a crack in the wall between their houses as their families hated each other. They kissed underneath a Mulberry tree, signifying their eternal love. Inspired by this, Lisa asks Grampa to drive her and Nick to Mulberry Island by sunset so they can share a moment of eternal love, and he agrees, stealing his retirement home's shuttle van to drive them. However, he drops them off to make the rest of the journey when the police arrest him for stealing the van and the TV remote from the home. Homer, Marge and Bart bail him out and catch up to Lisa and Nick just as they begin rowing their boat through the river to the tree. Marge uses water shoes to skate across the river, making it to the Mulberry tree where Lisa and Nick are having second thoughts about committing to a relationship and decide to break up instead, doubting that they could devote the rest of their lives to one another. Also, Nick reveals he is not very brave and exciting as he led Lisa to believe as he only pretended to be brave so Lisa could like him. Marge comforts Lisa when she tells her the moment she wanted, and then kisses her under the Mulberry tree to remind her of their own eternal mother-daughter love. Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse are inspired by the show MythCrackers to debunk some urban schoolyard legends. At first, the students are fascinated by the myth debunking. However, this eventually works out too well and the students are left disappointed by the lack of interesting myths in school. So Bart and Milhouse come up with a way to make school fun again by creating a myth where Groundskeeper Willie is a werewolf.
At Long Last Leave
After hiding in their basement, the Simpsons stumble upon a secret town meeting where everyone is voting to throw them out of Springfield. As a result, they find themselves in an off-the-grid community, and when Homer and Marge try to sneak back into Springfield, they are welcomed with hostility from their former friends and neighbors and begin to appreciate their new and more accepting home. Guest stars: Julian Assange, Allison Krauss and Union Station, Kelsey Grammer and Jackie Mason This is the show's 500th episode.
The Simpson family is advised of a citywide nuclear safety drill and all the inhabitants of Springfield are told to stay in their basements for three hours. The family members quickly become bored in the basement and decide to leave the house and go see the empty city. As they walk through Springfield, they see an unusual number of cars parked by the City Hall. The Simpsons go in and discover that everyone in town has gathered for a secret town meeting and have voted unanimously to kick them out of Springfield forever. Mayor Quimby reveals that the city has gone bankrupt due to the constant cleaning up of the family's shenanigans over the years, ranging from Homer's drunken antics, Bart's various pranks, and Lisa's environmental concerns. Marge delivers a heart-felt plea to the residents to let the Simpsons live in the one place they call home, but they refuse, with Quimby declaring her the "worst Simpson" for always trying to see the family in a positive light. Ned attempts to defend the Simpsons by claiming no one should be quick to judge without being judged themselves. Quimby, having anticipated this, decides to throw him out of the meeting in response. A big celebration is held by the city's population as the Simpsons are officially evicted from Springfield, which Ned and his family refuses to attend after withdrawing their objection. When the family drives out into the middle of nowhere at night with no place to stay, they come across a man who takes them to a county called the Outlands, which is a dirty, run-down place where there are no rules and regulations. The Simpsons settle in the Outlands and meet Julian Assange—their unfriendly next-door neighbor who operates the WikiLeaks Headquarters there. While the rest of the family gets used to their new home and are much happier, Marge struggles with her new life. When they confront her about it, the family realize that Marge is just homesick for Springfield and misses their former neighbors. Despite Bart's warning to stay away from Springfield, Homer sneaks her back there one night under the disguise of Mr. Burns and Smithers, and they spend the night getting drunk and subsequently having drunken sex in their old abandoned home. However, Chief Wiggum sees through their disguises, and rallies the people of Springfield to the Simpson home to capture Homer and Marge. Homer is extremely angered by this and furiously insults the residents for being jerks to them in not allowing them to see their former town. The citizens are offended by his crude nature and order for the police to shoot him in response to him insulting their town, but Marge stuns the citizens by saying to not bother doing so because she has something she would like to tell the town before she and Homer leave. Shocked by her newfound assertive personality, Wiggum, Eddie and Lou immediately lower their guns. Marge reprimands the townsfolk in Springfield for their behavior in hating her family for being who they are and exploring their interests, stating that she and Homer came back to visit their old home here because she was homesick, only to see just how disillusioned and judgmental the residents of Springfield are in not allowing her family any decency to be themselves. She announces that the residents exiling her family out of town is the best thing that happened to them, and she'd rather return to the Outlands with her loving family because they found a place to live in. She also claims the Outlands' townsfolk are much better as a community then the residents in Springfield because they encourage the Simpsons to be themselves and to explore their interest without worry of hate, judgment and resentment from others. As Marge and Homer march through the visibly disillusioned crowd and return to the Outlands, the citizens regret exiling the Simpsons and realize they must do something to win them back. Back in the Simpsons' new home, Marge is settling in well and happily plants her new garden. Bart and Maggie discover Lenny and Carl sneaking in and attack them. Homer appears on his ATV and demands to know why they here. Lenny and Carl admit they've felt terrible in helping the townsfolk banish the Simpsons from Springfield and how worse it was since then. They tell the family they long to start a new life in the Outlands after hearing Marge point out the flaws of each resident. Soon, Moe appears and opens Moe's Cavern, which Homer, Lenny and Carl patronize. Mayor Quimby, and many other Springfield residents show up, wishing to abandon their lives in Springfield and start over in the Outlands. Soon, all of Springfield moves there to start new lives with the Simpsons, and they begin rebuilding a new city which Quimby names Springfield. This is against Marge's wishes, admitting she has always disliked the corruption there and the man who befriended the Simpsons leaves. Principal Skinner is left alone in the old Springfield until Bart picks him up via a helicopter.