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Witness NN, ditto ditto.
๐’‚Š๐’ฆ๐’ƒป๐’‡ป๐’€ช๐’Œ‘๐’‡ป๐’€ช๐’Œ‘๐’Œ…๐’€€๐’Šฌ๐’ˆง๐’ณ๐’ณ๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’‡ท๐’€ช๐’Œ‘
Disregard that an unclean man or woman has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean...
๐’‚—๐’‚Š๐’„ฟ๐’‰ˆ๐’‡๐’Š๐’€ฉ๐’ƒด๐’•๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’Œ“๐’‹™๐’‘๐’‚Š๐’ˆฝ๐’‰ก๐’บ๐’ˆ ๐’‹ข๐’ƒต๐’ˆ ๐’‹ข๐’ˆฌ๐’‰ก๐’‹ป๐’•๐’Œซ๐’Š๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’ˆช๐’„ญ๐’‚ต๐’‰๐’‰ก๐’Œ€๐’†ท๐’‚Š๐’•๐’‰Œ๐’…‡๐’ฒ๐’ˆพ๐’‰†...๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’€œ๐’‹ฐ๐’†ท๐’‹ข๐’†ท๐’€ญ๐’‹—๐’‚Š๐’†ท๐’€€๐’Œ“๐’ˆช๐’Œ‘๐’†ท๐’ˆพ๐’Œ“๐’…—๐’€€๐’€ซ๐’Š‘๐’†ค๐’•๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’€ธ๐’ช๐’Œ๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’†ท๐’…๐’Œ“๐’‹ข๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’€ธ๐’Œ“๐’‡ป๐’ˆฌ๐’…†๐’•๐’€€๐’๐’†ท๐’Œ‘๐’‹—๐’‹ซ๐’€€๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ
Until I had regarded his lofty figure, so long as dejectedness of heart โ€” (which afflicted me) daily without end โ€” had not left my body, I did not get enough sleep in the sweet lap of night.
๐’† ๐’ˆ ๐’ˆจ๐’‚…๐’€ธ๎€๐’€€๐’€๐’น๐’‚—๐’ˆ—๐’†ท๐’€€๐’…–๐’†ฒ๐’Š‘๐’„ท๐’‹ผ๐’†ท๐’„ฟ๐’‚ต๐’Š’๐’Š’
If the king does not punish one scribe, the others will not get scared.
Witness Ubru-Nabรป, palace manager.
... he escaped ... in fear.
Let the king, my lord ...
๐’€ธ๐’“๐’† ๐’€ญ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’†ฌ๐’„€...
in the lap of Iลกtar, gold ...
Concerning the field and the seed and stored grain of the Kushites and Egyptians about which the king wrote to me, his servant, saying: "Why do you take grain rations of the Kushites?" โ€”
ล amaลก, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you!
๐’น๐’Œ๐’‰ฃ๐’‡ฌ๐’†ธ๐’†ธ๐’ˆ ๐’€ฏ๐’‰Œ๐’๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’€ธ๐’Šฎ๐’‹™๐’บ๐’„‘๐’„ฉ๐’€€๐’ˆง๐’€ฒ๐’ƒป๐’ฃ๐’……๐’‚”๐’ˆพ๐’„ฅ๐’Š’๐’Œ‰๐’ˆจ๐’Š‘๐’‹™๐’…—๐’ˆ๐’ˆ ๐’‰ก๐’‹›๐’ฒ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†ณ๐’ˆฅ๐’† ๐’Œ‰
If the moon is surrounded by a halo and Mars stands in it: destruction of cattle and wild animals; the kor-measure will decrease; date plantations will not prosper; the Westland will become small.
two jugs of wine ...
... are coming down
๐’Œ—๐’„ž๐’‹›๐’ฒ๐’Œ“๐’Œ‹๐’๐’†š๐’…†๐’ˆฌ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’‰บ๐’‚—๐’‰ฝ๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’‚ฆ๐’ˆ—๐’ŠŒ๐’…—๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’‚Š๐’€ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’น๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’†•๐’Œ‰๐’‘๐’Œ‰๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’ƒฒ๐’ƒป๐’‚๐’‘๐’‹พ๐’Š•๐’‰ก๐’Œ‹๐’‰Œ
Ayyฤru (II), eighteenth day, eponymy of Nabรป-bฤ“lฤซ-uแนฃur, governor of (the city) Dลซr-ล arrukku (672 BC), when the treaty concerning Ashurbanipal, the senior son of the king, who (resides in) the House of Succession, was made.
๐’€ด๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’€€๐’ˆฅ๐’Š๎€๐’ƒฒ๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๎€๐’ƒฒ๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ
servants of Il-amara, chief of granaries โ€”
... of your gods and your servant
๐’น๐’บ๐’€€๐’‰Œ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’† ๐’ˆฒ๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒฒ๐’† ๐’ˆฒ๐’Œ‰๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‰๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹
Kinanni-Issar, cohort commander of the crown prince;
If the moon at its appearance is covered by a membrane: ... all lands ... becomes visible.
... his ... in the town of ...
...๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’†ณ๐’‰ˆ๐’ˆฌ๐’„ญ๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ๐’‹ก๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’† ๐’†—๐’‹™๐’Œ‘๐’Šฌ๐’ˆจ...๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’†ณ๐’†๐’€ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’…‡๐’‡ฝ๐’‹—๐’Œ“๐’Š•๐’…€...
I restored the land Bฤซt-Yakฤซn and reorganized (its administration)... I settled there people from the land Kummuแธซu that I had conquered, and I had (them) occupy its (Bฤซt-Yakฤซnโ€™s) abandoned regions. I divided up that land into equal parts and assigned (them) to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Babylon, and a(nother) eunuch of mine, the governor of the Gambulu (tribe).
The corn tax is 1/10 and the straw tax 1/4.
Remanni-Adad, royal bodyguard;
Witness Saklu.
... into my presence
๐’Œ‰๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œ“๐’„’๐’‰ฃ๐’† ๐’‚—๐’†ค๐’† ๐’†๐’€ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’Œ‹๐’ˆ๐’‰บ๐’‡ป๐’† ๐’Šญ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’†ท๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„ซ๐’‰๐’‹™๐’Œฆ๐’…—๐’ˆฌ๐’Œ‘๐’ข๐’‚๐’‹ซ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€€๐’๐’Œ“๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’†—๐’…†๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’‰ก๐’Š’๐’€€๐’Šฎ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Šญ๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’Œ“๐’ˆจ๐’ŒŒ๐’‡ป๐’‹พ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„ฟ๐’…†๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’‡ฝ๐’‹ข๐’‹พ๐’„ฟ๐’‚Š๐’† ๐’ˆฌ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’Š๐’ˆ ๐’‰ก๐’‘๐’‹™๐’Œฆ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’Š’๐’‡ฝ๐’‹ข๐’‹พ๐’„ฟ๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‚”๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’Œ‘๐’Œ‘๐’†ค๐’† ๐’‹ฉ๐’Š‘๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ˆ ๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’Šญ๐’€ธ๐’ฒ๐’‡ท๐’„ด๐’†ณ๐’…๐’๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’€พ๐’Š’๐’‘๐’‹™๐’Œฆ๐’Šญ๐’‹€๐’€•๐’† ๐’€•๐’† ๐’‰ฃ๐’† ๐’Œ“๐’€•๐’† ๐’†ฐ๐’€•๐’† ๐’† ๐’‹๐’† ๐’Œท๐’‰Œ๐’๐’€ญ๐’†ท๐’„–๐’•๐’€พ๐’†ช๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’บ๐’Š๐’…ˆ๐’‹™๐’Œฆ๐’…‡๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Šฉ๐’‡ป๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’„ฉ๐’ฃ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’†ณ๐’Œ‡๐’† ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’€๐’€œ๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’Œ๐’€พ๐’Š’๐’‘๐’‹™๐’Œฆ
(As for) the citizens of (the cities) Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, (and) Borsippa who through no fault of their own had been held captive in them, I put an end to their imprisonment and let them see the light (of day). (With regard to) their fields, which long ago, while the land was in disorder, the Sutians had taken away and appropriated for their own โ€” I struck down (those) Sutians, the people of the steppe, with the sword. I restored to their former status their territories, (whose boundaries) had been forgotten (and) fallen into disuse during the troubled period in the land. I (re)-established the freedom (from obligations) of (the cities) Ur, Uruk, Eridu, Larsa, Kullaba, Kissik, (and) Nฤ“med-Laguda. Moreover, I returned their gods that had been carried off as booty to their cult centers and I restored their regular offerings that had been discontinued.
within this stipulated term, will Kaลกtaritu with his troops, or the Cimmerians, ... or Dusanni, the Sapardean, or ... ?
... in all 10 persons,
Month ... , ... th day eponym year of NN.
... of the king, my lord ...
๐’€€๐’ˆพ๎€๐’‚—๐’‰†๐’Šญ๐’Œท๐’‡น๐’„ฉ๐’†œ๐’„ ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’ˆ ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’†—๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹ฌ๐’Œท๐’๐’‰ผ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’€พ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’€ ๐’Šบ๐’€ธ๐’Šฎ๐’‰๐’‹—๐’Œ‹๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ๐’Œ‘๐’†œ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ณ๐’Œ“๐’‹ข๐’€€
for the governor of Arrapha, the road in question is very slow. He sets out from Zaban, and it takes him three days to get there, while I can make a round-trip to Parsua going this way.
Egiลกlamลกarลกar: the ziggurat of Adad. The three ziggurats of Assur.
โ€” A halo surrounded Erua.
x+2 talents, Ili-zabada, scribe of the mayor of Nineveh.
Witness Luteah...
Witness Ikkaru. Witness Nabรป-le'i.
They killed La-adiru-ili and his sons ...
which he/they ...
Witness Nabรป'a, merchant ...
๐’……๐’ฒ๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’€ธ๐’Œ—๐’ˆ๐’Œ“๐’น๐’†š๐’€ฏ๐’‚ ๐’‚ท๐’…†๐’ˆฅ๐’€ธ๐’Œ—๐’ˆ๐’Œ“๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†š๐’€ฏZUBI๐’…†๐’ˆฅ
On the 1st of Nisan (I), Aries appears; on the 20th of Nisan (I), Auriga appears."
...๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ๐’€ธ๐’‹—๐’ˆซ๐’‹™๐’€๐’„ฟ๐’„ฟ๐’‹ข๐’Š’๐’๐’‰Œ๐’„ฟ๐’ƒฎ๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’‹ซ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’„ฟ๐’‰บ๐’…๐’Š’๐’Œ‹๐’‰Œ๐’ˆ ๐’€€...๐’Šญ๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’‹ซ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’…–๐’“๐’Œ‹๐’‰Œ๐’‰Œ๐’๐’‰Œ๐’„ ๐’ˆฅ๐’Š“๐’ˆพ๐’†ฅ...
Perhaps my lord will say: "They wrote to me from the Palace: '... '" โ€” whatever the ... s of my lord wrote from the Palace, let my lord ... all that there is to check.
๐’ƒป๐’น๐’„ฉ๐’๐’€ช๐’€ญ๐’ƒป๐’Œจ๐’๐’Š๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’‹ซ๐’‚Ÿ๐’‹ซ๐’ˆ ๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’น๐’‚—๐’€ฒ๐’†ณ๐’Š๐’…‡๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’น๐’‚—๐’€ฒ๐’…‡๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’น๐’‚—๐’‡ป๐’€€๐’‰†๐’–๐’…—...
Concerning Haza'-il of whom you wrote: "If you catch him, I will give you as an equivalent a horse or a donkey or a sheep" โ€”
he will not lose barley and silver.
๐’€€๐’† ๐’Šญ...
Just as you trust in ... ,
๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’น๐’ˆ ๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’‚Š๐’Œ‰๐’๐’€ช๐’„Š๐’…€๐’‚Ÿ๐’„ญ๐’€€๐’…€๐’‚Š๐’„ฏ๐’ˆ ๐’Œท๐’ŠŒ๐’†ช๐’Œท๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’‹—๐’‚Š๐’ฆ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’Š’๐’† ๐’‚Š๐’‹พ๐’…”๐’ˆพ๐’‚๐’Œท๐’ŠŒ๐’†ช๐’€ ๐’ˆจ๐’†ณ๐’Œ“๐’€พ๐’‡ป๐’†ท๐’Šฉ๐’†ท๐’‹ข๐’Šฉ๐’ˆ ๐’‹ณ๐’‹—๐’ƒป๐’‹—๐’ƒป๐’‚ต๐’‰Œ๐’ˆฒ๐’‹พ๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’‹™๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’„ซ๐’‰๐’‚Š๐’‹—๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’๐’„ ๐’ˆ ๐’Šฉ๐’†ท๐’น๐’„ ๐’‰ก
He, Maniye, saw the dust cloud (stirred up) by the feet of my troops, then he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled afar. I surrounded, conquered, (and) plundered the city Ukku. I brought out of it every kind of possession (and) property, the treasures of his palace, and I counted (it) as booty.
To the king, my lord: your servant แนฌab-ลกar-Aลกลกur. Good health to the king, my lord!
20 talents, the house of the queen;
... treaty with ...
๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’Œ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’Œ‘๐’ƒป๐’€พ๐’‹ก๐’€€๐’„€๐’‚‡๐’ฆ๐’‰บ๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’‚—๐’‹ผ๐’ˆพ๐’น๐’…†๐’Šบ๐’†ฐ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹ซ๐’ˆจ๐’Š๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’‚Š๐’‡ท๐’Œท๐’…‡๐’† ๐’‹ซ๐’Œท๐’Œ‘๐’ƒป๐’€ญ๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’†ณ๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘
In summer, I enabled all of the orchards to be irrigated. In winter, I annually had water provided to 1,000 seeded fields in the plains upstream and downstream of the city.
The city has been shut off, at the command of the governor of Meแนฃi ... has been placed in the fort, there is 1,000 (homers of) seed corn in there.
๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’„ฏ๐’Œ‹๐’‰Œ๐’€ธ๐’Šฎ...
Just as I saw, ... in ...
๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’€ด๐’…—๐’น๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‰ก๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’€ญ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’ฒ๐’ˆฌ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’Š
To the king, my lord: your servant Mannu-ki-Aลกลกur. Good health to the king, my lord!
Seal of Adad-naแนฃir,
an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the road which leads from the village of Dannaya to the village of ... , a total of 5 (hectares) adjoining the field of Iลกmanni-...
Witness Adad-ereลก, from ...
... ล ullumu
of NN and the offspring of Dummuqu
Witness Edi-il.
๐’€ธ๐’Œ“๐’ˆจ๐’‹—๐’ˆ ๐’€‰๐’‹พ๐’น๐’‰๐’Œ€๐’€€๐’€€๐’‹—๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ณ๐’‹ผ๐’€€๐’บ๐’‰Œ๐’€ธ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‚Š๐’„ซ๐’Œ‡๐’ˆ ๐’‹พ๐’Š๐’Šฉ๐’Œจ๐’€€๐’‰๐’……๐’Œ…๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’‹™๐’€ธ๐’†ช๐’Œฆ๐’€ธ๐’† ๐’†—๐’Œ“๐’„ฉ๐’Š‘๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’น๐’‰๐’Œ€๐’€€๐’€€๐’‹—๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‰๐’…†๐’„ฟ๐’‹ก๐’‹พ๐’‡ป๐’……๐’‹ค๐’Šฉ๐’‡ป๐’‹ข๐’…‡๐’…—๐’ˆฌ๐’‹ข๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’„ฏ๐’€ญ๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’‚—๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’‰๐’†ท๐’†ณ๐’‹—๐’ˆจ๐’Š‘๐’…‡๐’€๐’…—๐’ฒ๐’„ฟ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ ๐’ถ๐’Š‘๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’‰‹๐’€ธ๐’„ท๐’Œ“๐’Šฎ๐’๐’…‡๐’ˆจ๐’Œ€๐’‡ป๐’‹พ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹—๐’‰ก๐’‡ป๐’€œ๐’‹ซ๐’ฃ๐’„‘
At that time I approached Kaลกtiliaลกu, king of Karduniaลก (Babylonia), to do battle. I brought about the defeat of his army. In the midst of that battle I captured Kaลกtiliaลกu, king of the Kassites, (and) bound I brought him as a captive into the presence of the god Aลกลกur, my lord. (Thus) I became lord of Sumer and Akkad in its entirety (and) stood over them (its inhabitants) with joy and excellence.
๐’€๐’† ๐’Šญ๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ…๐’Œ“๐’ˆฌ๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’‘†๐’…†๐’ˆ๐’ˆจ๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’น๐’Œ‘๐’‹—๐’๐’‡ท๐’ˆจ๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‚ฆ๐’…‡๐’‚ฆ๐’‚„๐’„ญ๐’ŒŒ๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’‰ฟ๐’‹—๐’€€๐’‡ท๐’‹ป๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’ˆ ๐’€ ๐’† ๐’Œ‹๐’ˆซ๐’…†๐’Š๐’ˆจ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’€€๐’Šฌ๐’‹ซ๐’‚‡๐’‹พ๐’‡ท๐’๐’Œท๐’ข๐’…•๐’ˆจ๐’…†๐’„ด๐’‹พ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’‹ฅ๐’ฒ๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’น๐’…†๐’๐’ˆจ๐’Œ‹๐’Š๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’†น๐’ˆ๐’ƒฒ๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’†ฅ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’•๐’†ช
Nineveh, the site of whose circumference had been 9,300 cubits since former times (and) for which no earlier ruler had had an inner or outer wall built โ€” (10') I added 12,515 (cubits) in the plain around the city to (its) previous measurement and (thus) established its dimensions as 21,815 large cubits.
...๐’๐’ˆ›๐’Œ“๐’ˆ—๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’Š๐’„‘๐’„ธ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ๐’‡ฝ๐’Š๐’ƒฎ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’ƒป๐’‚…๐’Œ‘๐’๐’Œ‹๐’‹ข๐’ˆ๐’ˆจ๐’‚Š๐’€‰๐’‹พ๐’‹ซ๐’ˆฅ๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’‰ก๐’…—๐’‚๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’Šบ๐’‰๐’‡ป๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’…€๐’‹—๐’ˆ๐’ˆ—๐’Œ‘๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’…–๐’€ช๐’€€๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’€พ๐’…†๐’„ฃ๐’Šบ๐’‰ฟ๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’‰Œ๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’๐’‡ป๐’‹พ
... Fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them and they sent before me their mounted messenger(s with messages) of goodwill and peace, together with their substantial audience gift(s). They asked about the well being of my royal majesty, kissed my feet, (and) made appeals to my lordly majesty.
... himself
๐’„‘๐’‰บ๐’„ฟ๐’‹“๐’Œ…๐’ˆฌ๐’Š๐’‰ฟ๐’†ณ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’…†๐’„ต๐’Š‘๐’„‘๐’ฃ๐’ˆฌ๐’Š•๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’†ท๐’ˆ ๐’„€๐’Š‘๐’‡ท๐’†ณ๐’ˆจ๐’„ด๐’ˆฉ๐’Œ…๐’Œ‘๐’€€๐’„‘๐’†ช๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’‡ท๐’†ณ๐’๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’‡ป๐’ˆœ๐’Š’๐’€€๐’€€๐’‰๐’…€๐’€ธ๐’‡ท๐’„ฟ๐’‹พ๐’Œ‹๐’† ๐’‹ƒ๐’‹พ๐’‹ก๐’‹พ๐’ข๐’Š•๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’Š‘๐’‡บ๐’ฃ๐’๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ
May he allow my hands to grasp the righteous scepter that enlarges the land (and) the fierce staff that humbles the unsubmissive; may they cause my weapons to rise up so that I may kill my enemies; (and) may he allow me to stand over my enemies in victory (and) triumph.
(Their wage is) 2 talents of copper and 3 homers 6 seahs (c. 700 litres) of bread and beer.
x, x+1, Bel-emuranni;
total โ€” the god ...
Kalu, Pulรฎ,
... the major domo of
...๐’Œ“๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’‰บ๐’€ญ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’ˆค๐’Š’๐’‡ท๐’†ฐ๐’…€๐’€ช๐’‰ก๐’Œ‘o๐’„‘๐’Š’๐’€๐’€€๐’€–๐’ฒ๐’‰ก๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’‡ป๐’†ฐ
... If it is agreeable to the king, my lord, he may enjoy it. Otherwise let my prebend be given to me, so I can eat from it!
๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’‚๐’€ธ๐’‹ฉ๐’€€๐’๐’€ญ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…‡๐’€ญ๐’…–๐’‹ป๐’Šฌ๐’Š๐’‹พ๐’€ญ๐’†˜๐’Œˆ๐’† ๐’€ญ๐’†—๐’Œˆ๐’† ๐’† ๐’†—๐’‚๐’ƒฒ๐’ƒป๐’€€๐’Œ…๐’•๐’€€๐’Š•๐’‡บ๐’‹ฐ๐’Š’๐’Œ‘๐’€€๐’€€๐’…๐’Œ“๐’†ช๐’Œ‘๐’„ฟ๐’•๐’€€๐’ƒป
By the command of (the god) Aลกลกur, father of the gods, and the goddess Iลกtar, the queen, may the good ลกฤ“du (and) the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.
๐’€€๐’๐’ˆ—๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’‡ฝ๐’†๐’€ญ๐’Š๐’† ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ฒ๐’ˆฌ๐’€€๐’€€๐’…†๐’Šฎ๐’€๐’†ช๐’‰ก
The king's word to the Babylonians: I am well; you can be glad.
๐’† ๐’„ฟ๐’€œ๐’Œ…๐’‰ก๐’Œ…...๐’‡ฝ๐’ƒป๐’Œ‹๐’…—...
... the overseer of ... "
The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.
... to the bodyguard and to ...
5(!) unfavorable features in the extispicy. It is unfavorable.
What else? Let these ... s go out too, don't let ... grow ...
...๐’ˆ ๐’น๐’€ญ๐’‰บ๐’Œ‰๐’ˆ—๐’‹€
... Nabรป-mar-ลกarri-uแนฃur
๐’€ฏ๐’‰Œ๐’๐’€€๐’‰ก๐’€ฏ๐’€ ๐’ˆœ๐’……๐’‹ซ๐’†ณ๐’ˆ—๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’„ฟ๐’ฒo๐’‡ป๐’†ท๐’‹พ๐’……๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’Šป๐’ฎ๐’Œ‘
Mars reached Cancer; the king should know and be circumspect until it goes out.
... The towns which have been given ... to the king's offspring, which ... oxen and sheep ...
๐’น๐’ˆพ๐’€œ๐’‰ก๐’ˆ—๐’†ณ๐’ˆพ๐’€๐’€€๐’€€๐’‹พ๐’Šญ๐’€€๐’Šฌ๐’‹™๐’Š’๐’Œ‹๐’„ฃ๐’…–๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’•๐’ˆพ๐’€ญ๐’€ญ๐’Šน๐’€ญ๐’€ซ๐’Œ“๐’ƒป๐’Œ‘๐’‹ณ๐’†ธ๐’Œ‹๐’…”๐’‰Œ๐’Šญ๐’ˆ ๐’‹พ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€œ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…€๐’‡ฝ๐’€€๐’†ฅ๐’‹™๐’†ท๐’…–๐’๐’Š๐’†ท๐’…–๐’€€๐’ˆ๐’‹—๐’ˆ๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’‹™๐’Œฆ๐’‚Š๐’Šฉ๐’Œ†๐’ˆพ๐’…€๐’‹พ๐’‡ฝ๐’€€๐’†ฅ๐’‹™๐’ƒป๐’‚„๐’ˆจ๐’…–๐’๐’‰˜๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆพ๐’€พ๐’‹๐’„Š๐’…€๐’…€๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ƒป๐’ƒถ๐’€€๐’ฒ๐’‚Š๐’‹ข๐’ˆ๐’ˆจ๐’‚Š๐’‚Š๐’„ซ๐’€ด๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’Œ‘๐’๐’ˆพ๐’€ ๐’†ท๐’€€๐’๐’‡ป๐’Œ‹๐’‹พ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’†ช๐’„ฉ๐’น๐’€Š๐’‰บ๐’‡บ๐’‹—๐’ˆ ๐’‰บ๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’…†๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Œ‹๐’…—๐’‹™๐’€พ๐’†ฒ๐’„˜๐’Œฆ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’•๐’€œ๐’Œ…๐’†ณ๐’‹พ๐’Œ‘๐’ˆ ๐’Œ‘๐’†ฅ๐’‚”๐’‘๐’‹™
Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans โ€” whose location is remote โ€” heard about the might of the gods Aลกลกur (and) Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, (and) (viii 50) had never inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, he now sent to me his messenger with greetings and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty (and) peace agreement, (and) to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.
๎€...๐’Šญ...๐’…Ž๐’„ฃ๐’Œ…๐’Œ‹๐’‰Œ๐’€ธ๐’Œท...๐’„ฐ๐’ˆฌ๐’‹ข๐’‰Œ๐’€€๐’† ๐’Šญ...๐’ฒ๎€๐’ˆœ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๎€๐’ƒป๐’† ๐’Š’๐’Œ“๐’€ฒ๐’‚๐’„ฌ๐’‡ป๐’„ฟ๐’‹›๐’‹—๐’‰ก๐’€ธ๐’ƒฎ๐’‹›๐’Œท๐’†—๐’„ญ๐’„ฟ๐’บ๐’Œ‹๐’‡ป
The troops who arrived ... and have been resident in ... are loitering in the center of Calah with their riding horses like ... common criminals and drunkards.
400, the confectioners;
๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’€ด๐’…—๐’น๐’€ญ๐’…€๐’•๐’€ช๐’‡ป๐’Œ‘๐’ฒ๐’ˆฌ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’ฒ๐’ˆฌ๐’€€๐’ˆพ๐’ˆ ๐’€€๐’‹ผ๐’…‡๐’Œท๐’„ฌ๐’ฎ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’Šญ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€๐’Šฎ๐’๐’Šญ๐’ˆ—๐’๐’‰Œ๐’…€
To the king, my lord: your servant Il-yada'. Good health to the king, my lord! The land and the forts of the king my lord are well. The king, my lord, can be glad.
Tiglath-pileser, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, king of all the four quarters, ... who with the aid of ... , the king who the Deluge of ... approach of battle ... the god Girru (fire god) encircler of ... whose command
๐’น๐’Œ๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’Œ‹๐’‹ƒ๐’„ฃ๐’‡ป๐’€œ๐’ˆฌ๐’Œ‘๐’† ๐’‚Š๐’‰ก๐’€ธ๐’…—๐’Œฆ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’ƒป๐’€ญ...๐’Šญ๐’Œ“๐’Œ‹๐’‰๐’†š๐’† ๐’€ญ๐’Œ“๐’…†๐’‡ฒ๐’ˆ 
If the moon and sun are in balance: reliable speech will be placed in the mouth of people; ... ; i.e. on the 14th day (the moon) will be seen with the sun.
x vineyards in the town of Bu... ,
... the kings, my descendants, ... the people ... the great gods ...
Witness Issar-na'id.
... Jupiter
Witness Musallamu. Witness Puแนญi-ลกe.
Witness Issar-nadin-ahhe, ลกa ลกฤ“pi guard.
Let the king, our lord issue orders that they should bring ...
My commander-of-fifty and 100 Marhuhaean hoplites went after Il-dalรข and attacked him on the road. The servants of the king, my lord, were on their guard; none of them got killed, and they wounded the commander-of-fifty. They turned back and entered Marhuha.
... on the horizon the moon and sun ...
seal of Adad-naแนฃir,
๐’€ธ๐’Š•๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’…€๐’€ธ๐’ˆค๐’Š‘๐’‚Š๐’„๐’…€๐’Šญ๐’€ธ๐’„‘๐’„–๐’๐’ˆ—๐’‹พ๐’Š๐’„ซ๐’Œ‘๐’…†๐’๐’…–๐’Š•๐’ˆพ๐’‰๐’ˆ ๐’€‰๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’…†๐’‚Ÿ๐’ˆจ๐’Œ๐’€ธ๐’ƒป๐’ˆ ๐’ˆจ๐’†•๐’‹ก๐’Š‘๐’…–๐’‹ฐ๐’‰บ๐’Š๐’„‘๐’ถ๐’ˆฌ๐’‘
At the beginning of my kingship, in my first year, when I sat in greatness on (my) royal throne, good signs were established for me; in heaven (and) on earth, he (the god Marduk) constantly sent me his omen(s).
๐’‚Š๐’ฆ๐’ƒป๐’„ฟ๐’ˆพ๐’† ๐’€ญ๐’‰Œ๐’„ฟ๐’‡ป๐’€ช๐’Œ‘๐’ˆง๐’ˆง๐’Œ‘
Disregard that an unclean person has performed extispicy in this place...
The king, our lord, should know (this).
One litre for the pandugฤni ceremony of the king; one litre ...