int32 1
| premise
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis
stringlengths 7
| label
class label 3
classes | score
float32 1
| premise_en
stringlengths 15
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 14
| label_en
class label 3
classes | score_en
float32 1
| corr_entailment_labelAB_En
stringclasses 4
values | corr_entailment_labelBA_En
stringclasses 4
values | image_ID
stringlengths 3
| original_caption
stringlengths 3
| semtag_short
stringlengths 3
| semtag_long
stringlengths 3
2,472 | 何人かの人たちが歌っている | あるグループの人々が歌っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | Some persons are singing | A group of people is singing | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,474 | 何人かの人々が歌っている | 数人の人が歌っている | 0entailment
| 5 | Some people are singing | A few people are singing | 0entailment
| 4.7 | neutral | entailment | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,486 | 一人の男性がダンスをしている | 男性がダンスをしている | 0entailment
| 5 | One man is dancing | A man is dancing | 0entailment
| 4.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,491 | 男性がダンスをしている | 男性が沈黙している | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A man is dancing | A man is silent | 1neutral
| 2.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,494 | 男性がダンスをしている | 男性が話している | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A man is dancing | A man is speaking | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,495 | 男性が慎重にロープをよじ登っている | 男性がロープをよじ登っている | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is carefully climbing a rope | A man is climbing a rope | 0entailment
| 4.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,496 | 男性がロープをほどいている | 男性がロープをよじ登っている | 2contradiction
| 3 | A man is untying a rope | A man is climbing a rope | 1neutral
| 3.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,497 | 男性が上り坂の前でロープで縛られている | 男性がロープをよじ登っている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A man is being roped before a climb | A man is climbing a rope | 1neutral
| 3.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,499 | 登っているパンダは一頭もいない | パンダが登っている | 2contradiction
| 4 | There is no panda climbing | A panda is climbing | 2contradiction
| 3.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;頭;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,500 | 一頭のパンダが登っている | 男性がロープをよじ登っている | 1neutral
| 3 | One panda is climbing | A man is climbing a rope | 1neutral
| 1.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;頭;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,505 | パンダが登っている | 男性がロープをよじ登っている | 1neutral
| 3 | A panda is climbing | A man is climbing a rope | 1neutral
| 1.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,506 | 女性がケージの中で美しくダンスをしている | 女性がケージの中でダンスをしている | 0entailment
| 4 | A woman is dancing beautifully in a cage | A woman is dancing in a cage | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,508 | 女性がダンスのためにケージに入れられている | 女性がケージの中でダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A woman is being caged for the dance | A woman is dancing in a cage | 1neutral
| 3.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,509 | 女性はダンスをしている | 婦人はダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | The woman is dancing | The lady is dancing | 0entailment
| 5 | neutral | entailment | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,510 | 女性はダンスをしている | 女性はダンスをしていない | 2contradiction
| 4 | The woman is dancing | The woman is not dancing | 2contradiction
| 3.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,514 | ケージの中でダンスをしている女性は一人もいない | 女性はダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | There is no woman dancing in a cage | The woman is dancing | 1neutral
| 3.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,515 | 女性がダンスのためにケージに入れられている | 女性はダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A woman is being caged for the dance | The woman is dancing | 1neutral
| 3.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;られる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,518 | 四人の人が筏に乗って浮かんでいる | 誰も筏に乗って浮かんでいない | 2contradiction
| 4 | Four people are floating on a raft | Nobody is floating on a raft | 2contradiction
| 4.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;誰;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,521 | 人々が筏に乗って漕いでいる | 人々が、乗られている筏の近くで犬かきで泳いでいる | 1neutral
| 2.5 | People are riding and paddling a raft | People are paddling near a raft that is being ridden | 1neutral
| 4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,529 | 猫が軸付きのトウモロコシを食べている | 軸付きのトウモロコシを食べている猫は一匹もいない | 2contradiction
| 4 | A cat is eating corn on the cob | There is no cat eating corn on the cob | 2contradiction
| 3.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,530 | 猫がいくらかのトウモロコシを食べている | 猫はいくらかのトウモロコシを食べている | 0entailment
| 5 | A cat is eating some corn | The cat is eating some corn | 0entailment
| 5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;いくら;名詞,一般,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,538 | ある人がトマトを薄切りにしている | 誰もトマトを薄切りにしていない | 2contradiction
| 4 | Someone is slicing a tomato | Nobody is slicing a tomato | 2contradiction
| 3.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;誰;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,539 | その人は野菜をすばやく薄切りにしている | その人は野菜を薄切りにしている | 0entailment
| 4 | The person is quickly slicing a vegetable | The person is slicing a vegetable | 0entailment
| 4.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,540 | その人は野菜を薄切りにしていない | その人は野菜を薄切りにしている | 2contradiction
| 4 | The person isn't slicing a vegetable | The person is slicing a vegetable | 2contradiction
| 4.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,543 | ある人がトマトを切っている | その人は野菜を薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 4 | Someone is cutting a tomato | The person is slicing a vegetable | 0entailment
| 4.6 | neutral | neutral | nan | nan | Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,545 | ある人がトマトを薄切りにしている | その人は野菜を薄切りにしている | 0entailment
| 3.5 | Someone is slicing a tomato | The person is slicing a vegetable | 0entailment
| 4.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,549 | ピアノを弾いている小さな女の子は一人もいない | 小さな女の子がピアノを弾いている | 2contradiction
| 4 | There is no little girl playing the piano | A little girl is playing the piano | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,551 | ピアノを弾いている小さな女の子は一人もいない | 小さな女の子がステージでグランドピアノを弾いている | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | There is no little girl playing the piano | A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage | 2contradiction
| 2.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,553 | 小さな女の子がピアノを弾いている | ステージでグランドピアノを弾いている小さな女の子は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 3 | A little girl is playing the piano | There is no little girl playing a grand piano on stage | 1neutral
| 3.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,554 | 小さな女の子がステージでグランドピアノを弾いている | 小さな女の子がピアノを弾いている | 0entailment
| 4 | A little girl is playing a grand piano on stage | A little girl is playing the piano | 0entailment
| 4.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,555 | 男性がギターを弾いている | 男性がギターを弾いている | 0entailment
| 5 | A man is playing the guitar | A man is playing a guitar | 0entailment
| 4.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,561 | 男性がギターを弾いている | ある人がギターを弾いている | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is playing the guitar | Someone is playing the guitar | 0entailment
| 4.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,569 | 男性はダンスをしている | 三人の女性がじっと立っている | 1neutral
| 2 | The man is dancing | Three women are standing still | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,572 | 男性はダンスをしている | 三人の女性がダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 3 | The man is dancing | Three women are dancing | 1neutral
| 2.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,574 | 竹のフルートを吹いている男性は一人もいない | 男性が竹のフルートを吹いている | 2contradiction
| 4 | There is no man playing a bamboo flute | A man is playing a bamboo flute | 2contradiction
| 4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,577 | 男性が竹のフルートを吹いている | フルートがその男性に吹かれている | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is playing a bamboo flute | A flute is being played by the man | 0entailment
| 4.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,578 | 男性が竹のフルートを吹いている | 男性はフルートを吹いていない | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | A man is playing a bamboo flute | The man is not playing a flute | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,579 | 男性が竹で作られたフルートを吹いている | 男性はフルートを吹いている | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is playing a flute made of bamboo | The man is playing a flute | 0entailment
| 4.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive | Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,582 | ある人がぼんやりしてキノコをナイフで切っている | ある人がキノコをナイフで切っている | 0entailment
| 4 | A person is absently cutting mushrooms with a knife | A person is cutting mushrooms with a knife | 0entailment
| 3.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,583 | ある人がキノコをナイフで切っている | ある人がキノコを片付けている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A person is cutting mushrooms with a knife | A person is putting away the mushrooms | 1neutral
| 3.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,588 | ある人がぼんやりしてキノコをナイフで切っている | ある人がいくつかのキノコを切っている | 1neutral
| 4 | A person is absently cutting mushrooms with a knife | A person is cutting some mushrooms | 0entailment
| 4.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,589 | ある人がいくつかのキノコを切っている | ある人がキノコを片付けている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A person is cutting some mushrooms | A person is putting away the mushrooms | 1neutral
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,590 | ある人がキノコをナイフで切っている | ある人がいくつかのキノコを切っている | 1neutral
| 4 | A person is cutting mushrooms with a knife | A person is cutting some mushrooms | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;いくつ;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,591 | トラが檻の中をゆっくり歩き回っている | トラが檻の中を歩き回っている | 0entailment
| 4 | A tiger is pacing around a cage | A tiger is walking around a cage | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,592 | トラが檻の外側を歩いている | トラが檻の中を歩き回っている | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | A tiger is walking outside a cage | A tiger is walking around a cage | 0entailment
| 4.4 | neutral | neutral | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,593 | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | 0entailment
| 5 | A tiger is walking around with no aim | A tiger is walking around aimlessly | 0entailment
| 4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,594 | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | トラが座っている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A tiger is walking around aimlessly | A tiger is sitting | 1neutral
| 3.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,596 | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | トラが檻の中を歩き回っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A tiger is walking around with no aim | A tiger is walking around a cage | 1neutral
| 3.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,597 | トラが座っている | トラが檻の中を歩き回っている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A tiger is sitting | A tiger is walking around a cage | 1neutral
| 2.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,599 | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | トラが檻の中をゆっくり歩き回っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A tiger is walking around aimlessly | A tiger is pacing around a cage | 1neutral
| 4.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,601 | トラが目的もなく歩き回っている | トラが檻の中を歩き回っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A tiger is walking around aimlessly | A tiger is walking around a cage | 1neutral
| 3.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,602 | 猿がその犬にブラシをかけている | 猿はその犬にブラシをかけている | 0entailment
| 5 | A monkey is brushing the dog | The monkey is brushing the dog | 0entailment
| 5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,608 | 猿がその犬にブラシをかけている | 猿はブルドッグにブラシをかけていない | 1neutral
| 3 | A monkey is brushing the dog | The monkey is not brushing a bull dog | 2contradiction
| 3.2 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,615 | 婦人はタマネギをさいの目に切っている | 女性はタマネギをさいの目に切っている | 0entailment
| 4 | The lady is dicing onions | The woman is dicing onions | 0entailment
| 5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,619 | 女性はタマネギをさいの目に切っている | 女性がタマネギをすばやく切っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | The woman is dicing onions | A woman is swiftly cutting an onion | 1neutral
| 4.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,622 | 男性がヘルメットをかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | 男性が固い帽子をかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 4 | A man is wearing a hard hat and dancing | A man is wearing a hat which is hard and is dancing | 0entailment
| 4.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,623 | 男性がヘルメットをかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | 男性が裸であり、じっと立っている | 1neutral
| 2 | A man is wearing a hard hat and dancing | A man is naked and standing still | 1neutral
| 1.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,625 | ヘルメットをかぶった男性がダンスをしている | ヘルメットをかぶった男性はダンスをしている | 0entailment
| 5 | A man with a hard hat is dancing | The man with a hard hat is dancing | 0entailment
| 4.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,626 | ヘルメットをかぶってダンスをしている男性は一人もいない | ヘルメットをかぶった男性がダンスをしている | 2contradiction
| 4 | There is no man with a hard hat dancing | A man with a hard hat is dancing | 2contradiction
| 3.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,627 | ヘルメットをかぶった男性はダンスをしている | 男性がヘルメットをかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | 0entailment
| 5 | The man with a hard hat is dancing | A man is wearing a hard hat and dancing | 0entailment
| 5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,628 | 男性がヘルメットをかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | ヘルメットをかぶってダンスをしている男性は一人もいない | 2contradiction
| 4 | A man is wearing a hard hat and dancing | There is no man with a hard hat dancing | 2contradiction
| 3.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,630 | 男性が裸であり、じっと立っている | ヘルメットをかぶった男性がダンスをしている | 1neutral
| 2 | A man is naked and standing still | A man with a hard hat is dancing | 1neutral
| 1.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,632 | 男性がヘルメットをかぶっていて、ダンスをしている | ヘルメットをかぶった男性がダンスをしている | 0entailment
| 4.5 | A man is wearing a hard hat and dancing | A man with a hard hat is dancing | 0entailment
| 4.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,634 | 二人の男の子が勉強をしている | 二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | Two boys are studying | Two boys are playing a video game | 1neutral
| 2.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,636 | ソファの上にいる二人の男の子が本を読んでいる | ソファの上にいる二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | Two boys on a couch are reading a book | Two boys on a couch are playing video games | 1neutral
| 3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,637 | 二人の遊んでいる男の子のビデオゲームがソファの上にある | ソファの上にいる二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | Video games of two playing boys are on a couch | Two boys on a couch are playing video games | 1neutral
| 3.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,638 | ソファの上にいる二人の男の子がTVでゲームをしている | 二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | Two boys on a couch are playing games on the TV | Two boys are playing a video game | 0entailment
| 4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,640 | 二人の遊んでいる男の子のビデオゲームがソファの上にある | 二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | Video games of two playing boys are on a couch | Two boys are playing a video game | 1neutral
| 2.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,643 | ソファの上にいる二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 二人の男の子がビデオゲームをしている | 0entailment
| 3.5 | Two boys on a couch are playing video games | Two boys are playing a video game | 0entailment
| 4.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,* |
2,650 | 男性は野菜を薄切りにしている | 女性がジャガイモを切っている | 1neutral
| 3 | The man is slicing vegetables | A woman is cutting a potato | 1neutral
| 3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,651 | 男性は野菜を薄切りにしている | ジャガイモを薄切りにしている女性は一人もいない | 1neutral
| 3 | The man is slicing vegetables | There is no woman slicing a potato | 1neutral
| 2.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,654 | 婦人がミキサーに入れるために卵を割っている | 婦人はミキサーに入れるために卵を割っていない | 2contradiction
| 4 | The lady is cracking an egg for the mixer | The lady isn't cracking an egg for the mixer | 2contradiction
| 2.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation | Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,655 | 婦人は慎重にその肉を薄切りにしている | 婦人はその肉を薄切りにしている | 0entailment
| 4 | The lady is carefully slicing up the meat | The lady is slicing up the meat | 0entailment
| 4.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,656 | 婦人はその肉を薄切りにしている | 婦人はその肉を薄切りにしていない | 2contradiction
| 4 | The lady is slicing up the meat | The lady isn't slicing up the meat | 2contradiction
| 4.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,657 | 婦人は肉の薄切りを食べている | 婦人はその肉を薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 3 | The lady is eating slices of meat | The lady is slicing up the meat | 1neutral
| 3.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,660 | 婦人がミキサーに入れるために卵を割っている | 婦人は肉の薄切りを食べている | 1neutral
| 2 | The lady is cracking an egg for the mixer | The lady is eating slices of meat | 1neutral
| 1.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,664 | 何匹かのフェレットが棚から這い降りている | フェレットが棚から這い降りている | 0entailment
| 4 | Some ferrets are climbing down from a shelf | Ferrets are climbing down from a shelf | 0entailment
| 4.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,666 | 数匹のフェレットがケージから這い出ている | 何匹かのフェレットがケージから這い出ている | 0entailment
| 5 | A few ferrets are climbing out of the cage | Several ferrets are climbing out of the cage | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,670 | 何匹かのフェレットが棚から這い降りている | 何匹かのフェレットがケージから這い出ている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | Some ferrets are climbing down from a shelf | Several ferrets are climbing out of the cage | 1neutral
| 3.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,672 | フェレットが棚から這い降りている | 何匹かのフェレットがケージから這い出ている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | Ferrets are climbing down from a shelf | Several ferrets are climbing out of the cage | 1neutral
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Numerical | Numerical;匹;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,673 | 男性が自動車に乗り込んでいる | 男性が車に乗り込んでいる | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is getting into an automobile | A man is getting into a car | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,675 | 男性が大急ぎでガレージの中の車に乗り込んでいる | 男性がガレージにある車に乗り込んでいる | 0entailment
| 4 | A man is hurriedly getting into a car in a garage | A man is getting into a car in a garage | 0entailment
| 4.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,680 | 男性がその車のためのガレージを手に入れている | 男性が車に乗り込んでいる | 1neutral
| 2 | A man is getting a garage for the car | A man is getting into a car | 1neutral
| 2.7 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,682 | 男性がガレージにある車に乗り込んでいる | 男性が車から降りている | 2contradiction
| 2.5 | A man is getting into a car in a garage | A man is getting off the car | 1neutral
| 3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,684 | ある人がトウガラシを細かく切っている | トウガラシがある人に細かく切られている | 0entailment
| 5 | A person is cutting a capsicum into pieces | A capsicum is being cut into pieces by a person | 0entailment
| 4.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Passive#Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Passive;れる;動詞,接尾,*,* |
2,688 | ある人がトウガラシを細かく切っている | 一人の人がひとかけらのニンニクを細かく薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A person is cutting a capsicum into pieces | One person is slicing a clove of garlic into pieces | 1neutral
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,689 | ある人がトウガラシを細かく切っている | その人はひとかけらのニンニクを細かく薄切りにしていない | 1neutral
| 3.5 | A person is cutting a capsicum into pieces | The person is not slicing a clove of garlic into pieces | 0entailment
| 3.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Negation#Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,691 | 誰もトウガラシを細かく切っていない | その人はひとかけらのニンニクを細かく薄切りにしている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | Nobody is cutting a capsicum into pieces | The person is slicing a clove of garlic into pieces | 1neutral
| 3.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Negation#Quantification#Anaphora | Quantification;誰;名詞,代名詞,一般,*#Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,692 | その人はひとかけらのニンニクを細かく薄切りにしている | ある人がトウガラシを細かく切っている | 1neutral
| 3.5 | The person is slicing a clove of garlic into pieces | A person is cutting a capsicum into pieces | 1neutral
| 3.1 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Disjunction#Anaphora#Quantification | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Disjunction;か;助詞,副助詞/並立助詞/終助詞,*,* |
2,696 | 歌ってギターを弾いている男性は一人もいない | 男性は歌いながらギターを弾いている | 2contradiction
| 4 | There is no man singing and playing the guitar | The man is singing and playing the guitar | 2contradiction
| 4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction#Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,*#Conjunction;ながら;助詞,接続助詞,*,* |
2,701 | 男性は歌いながらギターを弾いている | 男性がギターを弾いている | 0entailment
| 3.5 | The man is singing and playing the guitar | A man is playing a guitar | 0entailment
| 4.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;ながら;助詞,接続助詞,*,* |
2,702 | その人はヌードルを煮ている | ある人がヌードルを煮ている | 0entailment
| 5 | The person is boiling noodles | A person is boiling noodles | 0entailment
| 5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification#Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,*#Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,703 | ある人がヌードルを煮ている | ヌードルを煮ている人は一人もいない | 2contradiction
| 4 | A person is boiling noodles | There is no person boiling noodles | 2contradiction
| 3.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Quantification#Numerical | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,*#Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,705 | 女性がヌードルを乾かしている | 女性がヌードルを水の中で煮ている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A woman is drying noodles | A woman is boiling noodles in water | 1neutral
| 3.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,707 | 女性がヌードルを乾かしている | ある人がヌードルを煮ている | 1neutral
| 2.5 | A woman is drying noodles | A person is boiling noodles | 1neutral
| 3.4 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,708 | 女性がヌードルを水の中で煮ている | その人はヌードルを煮ている | 0entailment
| 3 | A woman is boiling noodles in water | The person is boiling noodles | 0entailment
| 4.6 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Anaphora | Anaphora;その;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,709 | ヌードルを煮ている人は一人もいない | 女性がヌードルを水の中で煮ている | 2contradiction
| 3.5 | There is no person boiling noodles | A woman is boiling noodles in water | 2contradiction
| 2.9 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Negation#Numerical | Numerical;人;名詞,接尾,助数詞,*#Negation;ない;助動詞,*,*,* |
2,710 | 女性がヌードルを水の中で煮ている | ある人がヌードルを煮ている | 0entailment
| 3.5 | A woman is boiling noodles in water | A person is boiling noodles | 0entailment
| 4.3 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Quantification | Quantification;ある;連体詞,*,*,* |
2,711 | 空手の練習生が保護用のボクシンググローブを着けている別の男性を蹴っている | 空手の練習生がボクシング用の保護グローブを着けている別の男性を蹴っている | 0entailment
| 4.5 | A karate practitioner is kicking at another man who is wearing protective boxing gloves | A karate practitioner is kicking at another man who is wearing protective gloves for boxing | 0entailment
| 4.8 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
2,713 | 男性は不器用にトレーナーとキックボクシングをしている | 男性はトレーナーとキックボクシングをしている | 0entailment
| 4 | The man is clumsily kick boxing with a trainer | The man is kick boxing with a trainer | 0entailment
| 4.5 | nan | nan | nan | nan | Conjunction | Conjunction;と;助詞,並立助詞,*,* |