170 | 5 Aligning Culture with PSMS Elements advantage of treating process safety as part of the overall portfolio of business topics each group addresses. Both options are acceptable; the key is that management review happens. 5.2 RISK M AN AGEM EN T-RELATED ELEMEN T GROUPIN G All voluntary and regulatory approaches to m anaging process safety have some form of risk analysis and risk m anagement as a central theme. At their core, these management system s seek to evaluate risk in some way, and to reduce any unacceptable risks “As Low as Reasonably Practical (ALARP).” The ALARP principle is explicit in several national regulations and to CCPS Risk Based Process Safety, and implicit in other regulations. From the perspective of process safety culture, this grouping of elem ents drives how companies understand and act on hazards and risks. Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (Element 7) The process of identifying hazards and analyzing risk is typically performed on every operating unit within a facility m any times over its lifetim e. The m ethods used m ay be tailored to the specific situation (Ref 5.4), but generally involve the following steps: 1. Identify the hazards of the process (e.g. toxicity, flammability, reactivity, etc.). 2. Estim ate the potential consequences that could occur under process volumes and conditions. 3. Identify the process deviations that could lead to these possible consequences. 4. Estim ate the probability that these deviations could occur. 5. Identify the safeguards that prevent the consequences, and their probability of failure. 6. Determ ine the process risk.
320 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS (e.g., recommendation no longer needed due to a change in process chemistry, alternative recommendation developed, etc.), should be in place. Chapter 4 addresses the overall management system needs. Specific suggestions for implementation and follow-up activities are included here in this chapter. Key considerations for effective recommendation implementation and follow-up include: • Assignment of a responsible individual • Action(s) to implement recommendations • Challenges to resolving recommendations • Changes to the management system • Providing an audit trail • Tracking action items • Sharing lessons learned • Follow-up audit 14.3.1 Assigning a Responsible Individual An individual, rather than a department or division of the company, should be named as being responsible for ea ch recommendation. The responsible individual should determine the most appropriate action(s) to address the recommendation. This individual shou ld be responsible for the entire process of implementation, including monitoring the status, resolving any problems, verifying, validating, and documenting that the intended preventive action has been completed and is effective. Formal hand-off should be planned and documented for shifting responsibilities to another person in the event of job assignment changes, retirements, etc. 14.3.2 Due Dates and Priorities to Implement Recommendations Each recommendation sh ould have a suggested ta rget completion date reflecting both the urgency and the pr acticality of implementation. Complex recommendations requiring several steps or an extended time to complete should be assigned inte rmediate milestones to monitor progress of the actions. It may also be appropriate to consider additional temporary safety measures until the main actions have been completed. Alterations to recommendations and extensions to due dates should be reviewed, in light of the overall recommendation goal an d subjected to an independent (i.e. not the Responsible Individual) approval process.
Appendix A - Human error concepts 375 A.2.2 Non-compliance The Energy Institute’s ‘Hearts and Mind’ have issued extensive guidance on “Making Compliance Easier” [120]. The guide pr ovides an up to date view of ‘non- compliance’ (p7), citing four forms of non-compliance. Their definitions are reproduced in Table A-1. They note that reckless violations are considered to be very rare. Their definitions focus on how the organization, the design of procedures, team norms and knowledg e of risks influence behavior. Table A-1 ‘Hearts and Minds’ definitions for non-compliance a) Situational non-compliance These happen when it is very difficult or impossible to get the job done by following the procedures strictly. For ex ample, there may not be enough people, or the right equipment may not be availabl e to follow the procedures as written. b) Optimizing non-compliance These happen when people think they can get the job done faster or more conveniently by not following all the rule s. There are two subtypes of optimizing non-compliance: Optimizing for organizational benefit: These happen when people take shortcuts because they believe that it will help the organization achieve its goals, e.g., achieve a performance target or meet a deadline. Non-compliance for organizational benefits may show ways to improve productivity and safety if brought out into the open, communicated, discussed and approved. Optimizing for personal benefit: These happen when people take shortcuts to reach a personal goal (e.g., leaving work on time, or meeting a target), avoiding using complicated procedures, or because they have found a quicker, easier or better way of doing the job. c) Routine non-compliance A non-compliance of any type can become routine. These happen when people no longer appreciate the risk of the situation, or when the rule no longer reflects reality, and not following the rule becomes the accepted behavior. The rule may be seen as no longer relevant or important. These non-compliances become routine, ei ther by a whole group or just by one individual. This indicates that there is an issue around a particular rule, or a particular individual, or the effort required to follow the rule is perceived to be greater than the benefits. d) Reckless violations – a very rare occurrence In a very small number of cases pe ople commit non-compliance without thinking, or even caring, about the cons equences to themselves or others, despite being aware of the potential cons equences. Such ‘violations’ are outside the scope of this tool. Reproduced from th e Energy Institute [120]
7 CASE STUDIES/LESSONS LEARNED This book contains a series of embedded example incidents that illustrate some of the key issues as sociated with managing abnormal situations. Using example incidents and case studies in discussions and formal training sessions can be highly beneficial in helping staff to understand the underlying causes and learnings arising from these types of events. Questions to ask staff include: How would you respond? How would you ensure that people are out of harm’s way? How would you decide when to shut down operations? What do you think we could do differently to avoid a situation like this from occurring here? Case studies are available from numerous sources, including newsletters, incident reports, and various databases as follows: The Process Safety Beacon , produced by CCPS (CCPS website) Safety Digest, US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB 2021 news website) Loss Prevention Bulletin , produced by the IChemE in the UK (IChemE UK) Safety Lore , produced by the IChemE Safety Centre in the UK (IChemE UK) Learning Sheet , produced by the European Process Safety Centre (EPSC) The ICI Safety Newsletters , mainly issued by Trevor Kletz (Kletz T) Health and Safety Executive UK (HSE Case Studies) (HSE UK) Chemical Safety Board - reports and videos on major incidents (CSB website) European Commission Major Accident Reporting System—a searchable database of incidents in the EU (eMARS database)
OVERVIEW OF RISK BASED PROCESS SAFETY 43 RBPS Element 7: Hazard Identif ication and Risk Analysis Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA) are complementary activities initially identifying process sa fety hazards and their poten tial consequences and later estimating the scenario risks. HIRA includes recommendations to reduce or eliminate hazards, reduce potential consequences, or reduce frequency of occurrence. Analysis may be qualitative or quantitative depending on the level of risk. HIRA is a core process safety activity. HIRA analyses vary from simple to comp lex. In addition to basic topics such as identifying responses to upsets, potentia l leak scenarios, important barriers and integrity, it must also take into account extreme and remote environments, reservoir uncertainties, and compounds that affect production (e.g., waxes or radioactive materials). It also must consider the po tential exposures to people (public can be nearby onshore, or personnel accommodations may be located next to the facility offshore or at remote onshore facilities), and to the environment and the asset. Many different tools are used for HIRA analyses. These range from simple checklists, through What-If an d HAZOP, to more complex LOPA, QRA, fire hazard analysis and explosion studies. Inherent safety methods and functional safety assessments fall within HIRA. Example Incident: Piper Alpha The Piper Alpha incident in 1988 resulted from deficiencies in the RBPS risk management pillar, but also had problems related to safe work practices (defective work permit system) and emergency management (no safe place for refuge and backup control if the control room was disabled). The facility was modified to meet updated environmental regulations. Initially it just handled liquids and gas was flared, but to avoid this a gas compression and export module was added. The layout was not ideal and resulted in major process facilities being too close to the control room. When th e event occurred, the control room was quickly disabled and the explosion event escalated to multiple pool fires and later a major jet fire. Personnel congregated in the accommodation module and perished there due to smoke inhalation. At the time there was no requirement for detailed risk assessment to track an initial event and how this might escalate to involve other modules and release more hydrocarbons. The Cullen Inquiry recommended that a QRA be carried out ad dressing such risks and ensure safety systems could prevent the escalation. RBPS Application The hazards of high-pressure hydrocarbons were reasonably well known at the time, but not the risk of escalation. Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis sets out the means to take a hazard identification and extend this with a risk assessment addressing possible escala tions. Escalation is more important upstream, especially offshore, where spacing is limited with the small footprint available. The Piper 25 conference (O il & Gas UK, 2013) and Broadribb (2014) outline the major learnings and modifications since 1988.
22 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS field to recover the oil. Transport of heavy oils for further processing may require diluent (e.g., kerosene) to make the oil flow more freely in the pipeline and a second pipe to return recovered diluent back to the well site to repeat the cycle. Process Safety Issues Key process safety issues associated w ith onshore exploration include blowouts (including shallow gas blowouts), hydrocarbon intrusion into freshwater aquifers, and hydrocarbon loss of containment fro m surface facilities. Further details are provided in Chapter 4 for drilling and Chapter 5 for onshore production. Blowouts are prevented by active well management an d early detection of well kick events that signal a potential influx of hydrocarbons into the wellbore. Primary process safety controls are (1) the mud column and (2) the blowout preventer (BOP) and the well pressure containment system. The mu d column uses high-density mud to hydrostatically prevent formation fluids from entering the wellbore. The BOP consists of several valves/rams designed to close off the wellbore to control potential blowouts. The BOP is placed on the surface for onshore dr illing, and at the surface or on the seabed for offshore. Drilling is us ually carried out by specialist contractors and there is a need for good communication of process safety between the owner/operator and the drilling contractor , as is noted in IADC guidance. 2.2.2 Offshore Drilling offshore is similar to onshore, but the drilling rig is different. In shallow water up to 300-400 ft (90-120 m) drilling is carried out from a fixed platform or using a jack-up rig. A fixed platform cannot be moved once installed, whereas a jack-up is mobile. The jack-up legs have large spud-cans (sometimes with mats) on the bottom of each leg. Spud-cans use the weight of the rig and ballast water to penetrate the mud on the sea floor to provide a stable platform for the rig while conducting well operations. Jack-ups can be self-propelled, but more often they require tugs to move them between locations. In deeper water, well operations are acc omplished by floating drill ships which are ship-shaped, semi-submersibles (i.e., derrick and decks supported by columns onto pontoons providing most of the buoyancy), or platform-based rigs deployed on production facilities. Drill ships are generally self-propelled whereas most semi- submersibles are towed between drilling locations. Position is held during well operations either by an array of anchors or more commonly by dynamic positioning (multiple GPS-controlled thrusters). BS EE normally considers deepwater well operations to be in 1000+ ft (305+ m) or greater of water depth. Wells drilled in deep water generally have much greater total lengths than normally seen onshore or in shallow wate r because of the dist ance to the seabed. The cost of deepwater well operations are higher than onshore or shallow water operations, mainly due to cost of the rig, logistical support and time.
466 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION 9. The main pieces of equipment on the site will be LNG tanks, unloading arms, heat exchangers, pumps, and piping. Name three failu res that might occur with this equipment. 10. A consequence analysis is to be performed. List 3 potential scenarios including source, transport, consequence effects, and potential outcomes. 11. Draw a swiss cheese diagram for one of the scen arios identified in the Preliminary Hazards Analysis. 12. Suggest three aspects of human factors that should be considered in the project team and their design of this facility. 13. List 5 things you expect to be on the op erational readiness plan for this project. 14. As the project is 50% through the detailed en gineering, a proposal is made to add an additional LNG tank. How should this be handled? 15. List three operating practices and three safe work practices that would be appropriate for this facility when it is operational. 16. List 3 emergencies that should be addresse d in the Emergency Response Plan for this facility. 17. List 2 means to engage the workforce in the pr oject. List 2 stakeholder groups that should be involved in the project. 18. List 3 leading and 3 lagging process safety metr ics that might be appropriate for this facility when it is operational. 19. What action might you take to foster a g ood process safety culture on the project? Exercise 2: Polymerization Reactor You have been assigned to a HIRA study team to evaluate hazards associated with a continuous solution polymerization reactor at your manuf acturing facility which is located near the Houston, Texas ship channel. This reactor is located within a 2000 m3 (71000 ft3) enclosed process structure and roughly 250 m (820 ft ) from a 50-person housing complex. Styrene monomer and ethylbenzene solvent are added to the 2000-gallon reactor by flow control from their respective storage tanks via pump (not shown). The monomer-solvent mixture is heated in a shell and tube heat exchanger with 10 barg steam to the normal reactor operating temperature of 90 C. The exothermic reaction is maintained at 90 °C within the reactor by temperature control of the vessel ja cket with cooling water. The reactor is well mixed with a 15-horsepower agitator. The re actor is also maintained under an inert atmosphere at 0.25 bar gauge using nitrogen by a series of back pressure regulators. A catalyst solution is added to the reactor from drums by a small metering pump. Drum weight is monitored by the Catalyst Scale and a low weight alarm. Once a drum is empty, the operator manually stops the reactor feeds, replac es the empty catalyst drum with a full one, and restarts the system.
A.4 Report References | 223 NPO Association for the Study of Failure (ASF) of Japan Incident Database (Continued) (For incident reports J1–J163: see www.shippai.org/fkd/en/lisen/cat102.html) Code Investigation J81 Explosion of Hydrogen Peroxide Due to the Change of a Feeding Line to a Vessel at a Surfactant Manufacturing Plant (1989) J82 Explosion and Fire at an Outdoor Tank to Start Storage Before Completion of Attached Facilities (1989) J83 Explosion of a Dryer Due to Unexpected Reaction of Residual Alkali (1989) J84 Leakage of Fuel Oil Caused By Damage to a Flexible Hose at a Fuel Oil Tank Piping (1989) J85 Explosion Caused By an Overflow of Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide at a Peracetic Acid Manufacturing Plant (1988) J86 Explosion and Fire D Due to a Change from Sodium Salt to Potassium Salt at a Di-Cumyl Hydroperoxide Manufacturing Plant (1988) J87 Rupture of a Chlorosulfonic Acid Tank Due to Pressurizing (1988) J88 Partial Leakage of Hydrochloric Acid Gas from an Absorber Due to an Earthquake (1987) J89 Fire of Ethylene Oxide Adducts at a Manufacturing Plant Not in Operation (1987) J90 Rupture of a Solvent Recovery Drum Caused By an Abnormal Reaction Due to a Temperature Rise at a Sugar Ester Manufacturing Plant (1987) J91 Fire Caused By a Thunderbolt That Struck Piping at a Vinyl Chloride Monomer Manufacturing Plant (1987) J92 Explosion in Dead Space of a Reactor at a Naphthalene Oxidation Plant (1987) J93 Explosion of an O-Nitrochlorobenzene Melting Drum Caused Due to a Temperature Rise Caused By Reflux Piping Blockage (1986) J94 White Fumes Generated from a Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Solution Tank Due to Moisture Contamination at an Epichlorohydrin Manufacturer (1986) J95 Dust Explosion of Purified Anthracene Powder in a Weighing Hopper (1986) J96 Fire Caused By Electrostatic Charge in the Filtration Process of a Medicine Intermediate (1985)
Pumps and Compressors 175 be FOB but if the pump gets suction from the top of a container, the reducer should be FOT. However the fun-damental concept is what was mentioned above. When a pump gets suction from a bottom of a container, there is a chance of getting suspended solids and then we need an FOB reducer and similar logic for using an FOT. When the suction flange of the centrifugal pump is smaller than the suction pipe size by more than one size, it is recommended to use multiple reducers in series instead of using one reducer to decrease the size to match with the suction flange of the centrifugal pump. The reason is that a reducer of reduced pipe size by more than one size may generate some disturbance in the liquid and this disturbed liquid, when it gets to the centrifugal pump, cannot be efficiently pumped. In  such cases, two reducers in series but not back to back should be used. Figure 10.4 shows a P&ID representation of a centrifu- gal pump with the associated reducer and enlarger. There could be a strainer in the suction of a centrifugal pump. Installing a strainer in the suction of a centrifugal pump is very common if the installed pump is not sup-posed to receive large chunks of suspended solids in the liquid. A strainer on the suction side of a centrifugal pump could be placed for a short term period or a long term period. If the strainer is used for a short term period it can be named as a TSS or “temporary suction strainer. ” It means this strainer should be in place only tempo-rarily during commissioning and then the start‐up. Commissioning, which is the first start‐up of a unit or plant after the construction, is different from other start‐ups during the lifetime of a unit or plant. Because during the construction phase of a plant all vessels are open and pipes are open there could be the chance of a large chunk of solids in the system. These solids could be anything from used welding rods, instrument packages, or even socks. Therefore during the commissioning a pump may see a large solid that could be detrimental for the pump internals, including impellors. So it is a very good idea to place a strainer on the suction side of a centrifugal pump temporarily during commissioning. However, there are some cases that for whatever reason there is a still chance of having large solids in the pumping liquid. In such cases the strainer could be placed permanently and during normal operation of the pump. The size of a strainer opening is decided based on the smallest clearance in the pump. It is obvious that some centrifugal pumps that are designed to handle large solids like slurry pumps, or some submersible pumps, don’t need a strainer on their suction side. P&ID Dev elopment on the Discharge Side On the discharge side of a pump (the pump’s down-stream), there could be an enlarger and most likely a pressure gauge, a check valve, and also an isolation valve. After the isolation valve there could be a control loop to control the capacity of the pump. A Tee may exist for minimum flow spillback. The spillback is discussed in Section 10.6.2. The check valve is a very critical component of a cen trifugal pump and it should always be installed on the discharge side of a centrifugal pump. The reason for requirement of a check valve is to pre vent backward rotation of the impellor in the cen- trifugal pump when there is a sudden trip in the pump. When there is a sudden shutdown in the pump, the pump won’t rotate and it will stop; however, the pumped fluid on the discharge side of the pump then will no longer be pushed and it may travel back from the dis - charge side of the pump and into the pump. When the discharge side of a centrifugal pump is a large pipe and/or it is a long pipe the severity of the backward rotation of the impellor is higher. In such cases it may be decided to insert a non‐slam check valve. Backward rotation of the impellor in the pump is bad for at least for two main reasons: it makes the mechanical seal fail and also back rotation is bad for electric motor. A check valve should always be placed on the discharge side of a centrifugal pump and as close as possible to the discharge flange. The criticality of the distance between the discharge flange of a centrifugal pump to the check valve depends on the bore size of the discharge pipe; the larger bore size the more critical it is to keep the check valve closer to the discharge flange. The last item in the centrifugal pump arrangement is isolation valves and blinds. Centrifugal pumps, isolation valves, and blinds should be used on both sides. Up to now, a typical P&ID representation of a centrifu- gal pump could be like that shown in Figure 10.5. One (or more) size smaller One (or more) size bigger Discharg e one size smaller (or same?) Discharg e one (or more) size smallerPG TSSPG Figure 10.4 Cen trifugal pump with associated reducer/enlarger.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development 40 PID-300-1003Wash water To wash water pre-h- 8/uni2033 - 3015BC DE FG Refer to the P&ID for the type 1 sampling system 4×3 4×3 FOFCIS OS FC 130 FV 130LV 131LC 131 WAT - AA - 4/uni2033 - 3014S1WAT - AA - 4/uni2033 - 3017 WAT - AA - 6/uni2033 - 3018WAT - AA - 6/uni2033 - 30163/4/uni2033 3/4/uni2033 2/uni20336×4 6×4 3/uni20331/uni2033 1/uni2033 1/uni2033 1/uni2033 1/uni2033 1/uni2033 Figure 4.26 A P&ID sheet with a ref erence to a sampling system sheet. SAMP LING SYS TEMS 8300-25I -001- AMoham mad Toghrae i 0Sampling ty pe OpenSample Fluidity Complete fluidity Sample health No issueSample Phas e Liquid -Low volatility Sample Temp. <60°C Sampling Source Min.Min. Sampling Source Min.Min. CMS 3/4" 1/2"3/4" 1/2"CMR Sampling Source Min.Min. CMS 3/4" 1/2"CMR Sampling ty pe OpenSample Fluidity Complete fluidity Sample health No issueSample Temp. >60°CSample Phas e Liquid-Lo w volatility Sample Phas e Liquid -Low volatility Sample Temp. >60°C Sample Fluidity Highly Viscose Sample health No issue Sampling ty pe Open Utility Steam Sampling SourceMin. To Safe location3/4" 1/2"Sampling ty pe Closed LoopSample Fluidity Complete fluidity Sample health No issueSample Phas e Gas Sample Temp. <60°CSampling System-Type 1 Sampling Syst em-Type 2 Sampling Syst em-Type 4 Sampling Syst em-Type 3 Figure 4.27 A sampling syst em P&ID.
DETERM INING ROOT CAUSES 251 Analyzing a Causal Factor The following is an analysis of one of these causal factors: contractor operator (CO) falls asleep. The basi c technique works with any of the predefined trees commonly used within the process industry. However, for the purposes of this example, a proprietary tool (Paradies, 2016) has been selected, and therefore the structure of the tr ee and the terminology used is specific to that tree. To analyze the causal fa ctor, the investigator starts at the top of the tree and works down the tree through a proc ess of selection and elimination. The investigator asks and answers qu estions to identify the specific root causes for the causal factor. In this case, the causal factor (contrac t operator falls asleep) is identified as a Human Performance Difficulty (one of the four major problem categories at the top of the tree, see Figure 10.26), and the other three categories are discarded. (Different predefined trees use different terminology and structure, but gene rally cover similar choices.) Figure 10.26 Top of the Predefined Tree The investigator then follows the Hum an Performance Di fficulty category through a series of questions (o r subcategories). These questions help the investigator identify which of several human performance related branches (sometimes known as basic causes) to investigate further. (Some predefined trees use statements rather than questions, but the selection process is similar. The human performance related branches are:
2.6 Understand and Act on Hazards and Risks |53 Figure 2.3 Exam ple risk matrix Probability Consequence Rare Occasional Regular Frequent Constant Catastrophic Unacceptable Severe Reduce risk Reduce risk as risk High at next opportunity soon as possible M edium Risk generally Low acceptable If the risk related to a given hazard is not within the generally acceptable category, the com pany must then apply safeguards to reduce the risk. Again, efficacies of given safeguards are clearly defined in order of magnitude categories. Safeguards that reduce probability by 1 order of magnitude shift the risk one cell to the left in the m atrix. Safeguards that reduce potential consequences by 1 order of magnitude downwards. It may take several safeguards to bring the risk to the acceptable level. Among other benefits, the risk m atrix approach makes it quite clear how many safeguards are required. Generating risk matrices can be hard work, however. It helps in defining risk categories to relate risk levels for the process to risk levels in daily life, such as the risk of driving, to help everyone can clearly see how the process risk com pares to something they are familiar with. The bottom line of understanding and acting on hazards and risks, as Adm iral Hyman G. Rickover stated on many occasions, to “face the facts.” As Adm. Rickover built the US Navy’s nuclear program, he strongly believed that officers managing the program m ust be prepared to m ake difficult decisions that favor reactor safety, despite pressures due to cost, manpower, schedule, or potential bad press involved. Ultim ately, the facts about process
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development 92 P&IDs. For example, some company guidelines ask for connecting pipes larger than 4 or 6 in. thr ough flexible connections when they are connected to tanks to absorb the settlement of the tank. Small bore pipes are waived from this guideline because they can handle a few tank settlement by creating a sagging in the pipe. Figure 6.56 shows a flexible connection on the inlet of a centrifugal compressor, although it is not common these days. Flexible connections used to have a bad reputation regarding leakage. But now there are better flexible joints in the market. 6.9 Dealing with Unwanted Tw o‐Phase Flow in Pipes The design and implementation of systems in two‐phase flows are more difficult than single‐flow pipes. There are, however, cases in which a two‐phase flow is inevitable. When the flow is intended to be a single flow, but then it turns out to be a two‐phase flow, the piping design is based on a single phase, and the two‐phase flow should be eliminated. There are three types of two‐phase flows: liquid–gas, gas–liquid, and solid–liquid. 6.9.1 Liquid–G as Two‐Phase Flow In a liquid–gas two‐phase flow, there is a chance of liquid droplets in the main stream of gas or vapor. The problem arises when transferring a gas or vapor because a liquid can be generated and that is problematic. Such unwanted two‐phase flows may happen at differ - ent times. One is when gas comes off of a liquid surface, like in liquid–gas separators. The other case is when transferring hot vapors, like steam. The first step in dealing with this problem is to prevent the creation of a two‐phase flow. For example, when transferring a wet gas, heat trace (dashed line beside the main line) may be used. This solution can be seen in Figure 6.57. The next method is to remove the generated liquid phase from the gas phase as soon as possible before the creation of a slug of liquids. One example is using a demister in a gas–liquid separator vessel as shown in Figure 6.58. For gas streams that come off of a liquid sur - face, there is always the chance of carrying liquid drop-lets over into the gas stream. The other example is using steam trap in steam distri- bution piping networks. Steam traps remove water con-densation from the steam (Figure 6.59). In Figure 6.60, a steam trap is shown as a square with letter T at the middle. Steam traps should be installed at predetermined distances on steam transfer pipes, and the pipes should be sloped toward the stream traps. Failure to install a condensation removal system in steam pipes may lead to steam hammering, which may break the pipes. There are other symbols can be used on P&IDs for steam traps if the intention is to use the exact type of steam trap (Figure 6.61).M Figure 6.56 Fle xible connection on the inlet of centrifugal compressor. Figure 6.57 Heat tr acing to prevent the generation of condensation. Figure 6.58 Demist er to prevent carrying over of liquid droplet. Steam +Condensat eS team trap Steam Figure 6.59 Str eam trap action.
APPENDIX B – EXAM PLE PROTOCOL 363 Evidence No items will be removed from the equipment as evidence at this time. If the valve is to be removed for further ev aluation, a separate protocol will be prepared. Safety Provisions The site safety plan will be followed, including: • PPE requirements – FRC, steel toes sh oes, hard hat, safety glasses with side shields, leather gloves, hearing protection • Gas detector for flammable atmosphe re; for radiograph equipment and cameras • The number of people who can be present on the platforms is limited by size of the platforms. • Radiograph safety procedures provided by the contractor will be followed as approved by the radiation safety officer. All non-qualified personnel will be beyond the minimum safe distance specified by the subcontractor. The specific safety provisions are provided below. Approach The following steps are followed to check the valve position: 1. Place an alignment mark (Mark #1) on the chain wheel and adjacent housing to document as-found position. 2. Photograph the valve. 3. Measure the height of the va lve stem and photograph with a measurement device beside the stem. 4. Radiograph the valve according to the following procedure: • An appropriate radiation source will be selected for all shots. The camera containing the radiation sour ce is man-portable and requires no external power source. All film cassettes and su pport stands are also man-portable. The radiation safety protocol described in this protocol will be followed. • To maintain traceability, an alphanumeric identification system will be used to track which valve is being radiographed and the position of the source relative to the valve and exposure time. Lead lettering will
185 present themselves. Chapter 7, and al so Chapter 14 contain guidance for the use of IS in operations and in the programmatic aspects of process safety programs. 8.7 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE The longest stage in the life cycle of a process is the operations and maintenance stage. This phase will lik ely last for decades and will span many changes in personnel, oper ating and maintenance philosophy, business/financial changes, and pe rhaps ownership. There are two issues that are important with respect to inherent safety that should be addressed during this phase: Preserving the inherent safety features and practices provided during the process development phase of process life. Seeking opportunities for continued improvement in inherent safety. 8.7.1 Preservation of Inherent Safety A primary objective of any process sa fety program is to maintain or reduce the level of process safety risk in the process. The design basis of the process, especially those inherently safer features that are built into the design and installation of the pr ocess, should be clearly documented as inherent in nature and how/why they are inherent. This is particularly important for IS measures because they are not currently required by Recognized and Generally Accept ed Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEPs) or other standards that can compared to the design later. Design measures that are inherent sa fety strategies are “inherent” to the final design decisions made and deep ly embedded in the basic features of the process. There is generally no standard, report, calculation, of other reference that shows the IS bene fits that were incorporated into the final design, unless someone thin ks to create such documentation. Therefore, without such specific IS documentation it will not be possible to completely evaluate any anticipate d change, especially those that may occur years later, to de termine whether it stre ngthens or weakens the inherent safety features or practices or has a neutral effect. Complete IS documentation is also important because the persons (or even the organizations) who provided inherent features or practices will likely not be available to explain the inhere nt safety aspects of the design.
332 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION resources could be saved. It is an order of magnitude approach which makes it simpler and quicker to use than a QRA but using a consistent method and values is imperative to having comparable results. Quantitative risk assessment is typically rese rved for the highest risks. It can be labor intensive, and its quality is dependent on th e appropriateness of the data and parameters used. For those risk-based decisions regarding spending significant funds on project design or risk reduction measures, QRA can support prudent allocation of resources. A challenging question for many process safety professionals, and their company colleagues, is when enough layers of protection have been implemented to yield a residual risk that is tolerable. Unless levels are defined in regulation, this can be a sensitive question. Resources are available to assist in creating cr iteria and precedents. Having criteria greatly supports the making of risk-based decisions and is required for LOPA. All risk analysis is dependent on understandi ng both consequence and frequency. Several tools are available to support identification of frequency values including use of historical records, fault tree analysis, and event tree analysis. Other Incidents This chapter began with a description of the Phillips 66 Pasadena explosion. Other incidents relevant to consequence analysis include all of the incidents listed in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. Exercises List 3 RBPS elements evident in the Phillip s 66 Pasadena explosion summarized at the beginning of this chapter. Describe their shortcomings as related to this accident. Considering the Phillips 66 Pasadena explosion, what actions could have been taken to reduce the risk of this incident? Use a simple fault tree to estimate the overa ll frequency of activation of a relief device caused by either failure of a pressure regula tor or overheating of tank contents due to a failed temperature control. Use a failure freq uency of 0.1/yr for the pressure regulator and 0.2/yr for the temperature control. As sume a high temperature interlock exists which shuts off heating of the temperature control with a Probability of Failure on Demand of 0.1. Show your results. Use a simple event tree to estimate the fr equency for an overfill event where Human Error of 0.1/year results in connection of a tank truck to an already full storage tank equipped with a high-level interlock to th e feed pump of PFD =0.01 and flammable gas detection interlock to the feed valve of PFD=0.1. Show your results. Estimate the frequency for a “full bore” leak (Full Leaks) of a 150 mm (5.9 in) diameter pipe with length of 1000 m (3280 ft) from Figure 14.13. Show your results. For the following scenario statement, estima te the risk reduction factor or number of protective layers needed to meet a tolerabl e frequency. Use the risk matrix in Figure 14.14 to determine the tolerable frequency. Ta nk T-103, is involved in an overfill event caused by a level control failure with a subs equence airborne release of 1500 kg (331 lb) acrylonitrile. This incident may result in toxi c Infiltration to a nearby occupied building which could result in up to 1 fatality. Show your results.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 417 WFC itself was destroyed (see Figure 20.4). An FGAN railcar was overturned. Fortunately, the two anhydrous ammonia tanks on-site were not damaged. A large amount of off-site property was damaged. The follo wing were severely damaged. an apartment complex, 122 m (450 ft) from WFC (see Figure 20.5) an intermediate school, 168 m (552 ft) from WFC a nursing home, 183 m (600 ft) from WFC a high school, 385 m (1,263 ft) from WFC The cause of the initial fire itself is unkno wn. The ATF concluded that the cause was arson (Ellis 2016). The CSB developed three theories as to why the AN exploded that did not involve arson (CSB 2013). The first scenario is that during the early part of fire, soot and other organics contaminated the FGAN and served to keep heat in. This coul d have caused formation of hot liquid FGAN at the top of the pile. The liquid layer could have produced oxidizing gases, which would have created a cloud of oxidizers, NO 2, O2 and HNO 3. All are the decomposition products of AN. This gas cloud may then have detonated. The second scenario is that the detonation wa s caused by heat from the exterior walls of the bin. Photos show that just prior to the detonation, the exterior walls of the bin were penetrated, which allowed more air in and caused the fire to become even hotter. There could have been some melting of the FGAN along the exterior wall. The third scenario focuses on an elevator pit; a bucket elevator was used to unload FGAN and other materials. There could have been FGAN remnants in the pit. FGAN could have spilled into the pit if the wall of the AN bin collapsed. The remnant of FGAN could have been contaminated by burning rubber and the fallin g FGAN, plus the confinement by concrete elevator walls might have caused the detonation . This is considered the least likely scenario. Lessons The RBPS management systems are interlinked, and the West Fertilizer explosion shows how important this linkage is. Process Safety Culture. Prior to 2009, WFC had insuranc e through Triangle Insurance Company. In 2009 Triangle stopped insuring WF C because of losses and a lack of compliance with Triangle’s recommendations from thei r loss control surveys. Several of the recommendations involved electrical problems, such as corroded wires and grounds. In one of its evaluations, a Triangle consultant note d that WFC had no safety program and “had no positive safety culture”. (CSB 2013). Compliance with Standards. AN is covered by OSHA’s “B lasting and Explosive Agents” standard (OSHA 1998); however, this is not widely known throughout the fertilizer industry. AN is also covered by NFPA 495, “Code for the Ma nufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Use of Explosives and Blasting Agents” (NFPA 495) and NFPA 400, “Hazardous Material Code” (NFPA 400). Prior to 2002, AN was covered NFPA 490 “C ode for the Storage of Ammonium Nitrate” (NFPA 490).
APPLICATION OF PROCESS SAFETY TO WELLS 55 Incident: Deepwater Horizon, April 2010 The Macondo well is located in the Gu lf of Mexico. During actions for a temporary abandonment of the well, several failures occurred. The final cementing used a novel formulation, and this failed to seal the well. The heavy mud barrier was partially circulated out and an underbalanced situation resulted. Kick signals were misinterpreted, and a loss of well control followed. Flammable oil and gas were initially diverted into the mud room, but this soon ended up on the drill floor, where it ignited causing 11 fatalities, total loss of the drill rig, and the largest oil spill in US history. Process Safety Issues : The Deepwater Horizon had an excellent occupational safety record. There was a program to address process safety (see later discussion on tools such as drill well on paper (Section 4.3.2)), but occupational safety was emphasized more than process safety. There were multiple technical defects identified relating to the cement job, the kick detection, and the apparent failure of the BOP. In fact, the BOP includes multiple safety systems, and some worked properly. The variable bore rams closed, sealed, and held considerable pressure. The shear ram failed to close because three drill string pieces were in the ram and the cutting face could not cut all the pipe in its bore (DNV, 2011). The National Commission made the following key conclusion. “The immediate causes of the Macondo well blowout can be traced to a series of identifiable mistakes made by [the companies involved] that reveal such systematic failures in risk management that they place in doubt the safety culture of the entire industry.” Source: Deepwater Horizon National Commission, 2011 RBPS Application Process Safety Culture : Requiring a focus on process safety, not only occupational safety. Insufficient attention was given to a potential loss of well control with many other conflicting objectives present. Asset Integrity and Reliability : Ensuring that safety critical equipment such as a BOP functions reliably is fundamental to process safety. While the BOP did function, it was presented with a condition which exceeded its design capability and it failed to seal the well. Contractor Management : A main characteristic of well construction operations is the close relationship and dependency of the owner/operator, the drilling contractor, and the other sp ecialty contractors. Establishing a clear understanding of who does what in routine, non-routine, and emergency situations is imperative. As both are key factors in a safe design, these must be established first in the well design process. There are many sour ces used to determine these two factors
Selecting an Appropriate PHA Revalidation Approach 97 Example 6 – Batch Processes: Since the prior PHA, a batch chemical plant had implemented a few, simple changes to the batch process equipment. It had also reformulated one product line in its multi-purpose facility, which required rewriting its batch procedure. The revalidation approach could be to Redo the PHA for the re-written recipe, but to Update those recipes and equipment with only minor changes. Example 7 – New Safeguard Requirements: Since the prior PHA, a company now requir es the safeguards credited in the PHA to be included in the facility mechanical in tegrity program. If safeguards (e.g., the relief valve on a supplier’s railcar) are no t in the ITPM program, the PHA team is instructed to (1) find or recommend alternative safeguards, (2) make recommen- dations to include the previously identi fied safeguards in the maintenance p r o g r a m , o r ( 3 ) v e r i f y t h a t s a f e g u a r d s t h a t c a n n o t b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e s i t e maintenance program (e.g., due to owners hip of the asset by a third party) are being properly maintained and that the ITPM records are auditable. Since every documented safeguard and risk ranking in the PHA HAZOP worksheets will be re-assessed, the revalidation could perform an Update for changes/incidents and a Redo of safeguards and risk rankings, without altering causes and consequences. Example 8 – Misapplication of Supplemen tal Risk Assessments (e.g., LOPA): In preparation for the PHA revalidation, it was discovered that the associated supplemental risk assessment (e.g., LOPA ) was far too liberal in the application of some criteria (e.g., conditional modi fiers were overused). This misapplication alone would not be reason to Redo the core PHA (i.e., the HAZOP worksheets); however, the team should consider whether (1) only a few affected LOPAs can be Updated , or (2) the issue is systemic and all the LOPAs should be Redone . 5.2 SELECTING THE REVALIDATION OPTIONS To determine the approach prior to be ginning preparation for the revalidation meeting, it is necessary to carefully review and integrate the information gathered and questions answered in previous chapters of this book. This activity should begin several months before th e revalidation due date, which may be immovable due to regulatory requirements. The time required for revalidation preparation, analysis sessions, and document preparation depends upon the revalidation approach, and the revalid ation approach depends upon an assessment of the unit’s prior PHA and op erational history. Working back from the delivery deadline and allowing for contingencies, it is prudent to start the
135 7.3 Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), Guidelines for Engineering Design for Process Safety, Second Edition New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012. 7.4 Horn, R.E., Developing Procedures, Policies & Documentation, Info-Map, Waltham, 1992, page 3-A-2 7.5 Kletz, T.A. Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1998). 7.6 Kletz, T.A. and Amyotte, P., Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design, Second Edition. CRC Press, 2010.
304 method would be used, with the IS guidewords (Table 12.1) used as deviations for each node or subsystem. In general, combining the use of HAZOP, or What-If? Methodology with a checklist provides for creative brainstorming as well as a detailed me ans to ensure that most issues have been covered. It should be poin ted out that no checklist is perfect and there may be opportunities not id entified in the checklist that can only be discovered through a more subjective analysis. 12.1.3 IS Review Methods The following review methods can be us ed to ensure that inherent safety is considered and documented for hazardous processes: An independent IS analysis done in addition to a PHA, either in tandem or separately . This analysis should review the process for ways to eliminate or reduce hazards present in the covered process and may be achi eved using an IST checklist (Appendix A) or guideword analysis (Table 12.1). An IS analysis that is incorporated into the existing PHA review process . In most cases, an initial stand-alone IS analysis should be conducted for the entire process to ensure it receives adequate attention. Again, this may be achieved using a checklist (Attachment A) or guideword (Table 12.1) approach. This type of analysis would review the processes for ways to eliminate or reduce hazards, as well as to reduce risks using the other risk management strategies (passive , active, and procedural). 12.1.4 Research & Development Application There are significant benefits to a pplying IS concepts and methodologies within Research and Development (R&D)/laboratory and pilot plant operations. IS requirements should be mandated both when a process hazards review is done, and when a project progresses toward full development: A process safety review should be required for each new or significantly modified R&D “proce ss” (a semi-works, laboratory experiment, etc.). This review should include hazards identification and evaluation, facility siting, consequence analysis, human factors, and, importantly, inherently safer design. The emphasis should be on the safety of the pilot plant
Pressure Relief Devices 219 12.3.1 Active Versus Passive Solutions T he above discussion shows that using only one solution (either passive or active) to deal with high‐pressure sce- narios may not be a good idea; rather, a combination of these two methods should be used in order to have a safe and economical plant. Therefore, the allocation of issues to these two solutions is the primary task. A summary of the task allocation is shown in Table 12.2. The concepts stated in Table 12.2 are expanded upon in the sections below. 12.3.2 Wher e Could Passive Solutions Be Used? There are not very many cases where the passive solu- tion, or fabricating the equipment based on the highest attainable pressure as the design pressure, is acceptable. This solution can basically be used where it is legal and where a worst‐case maximum attainable pressure exists, and can be calculated. Generally speaking, the regulatory body’s preference is to use active solutions, and they gen-erally prefer to “see” a PRD on every single container. It is not easy to estimate the maximum attainable pressure for all overpressure scenarios. For example, in a fire scenario, it is difficult to estimate the maximum attainable pressure because of the unpre-dictable nature of fire. The other example is a blocked outlet of positive displacement (PD) pumps. When a valve on the outlet of a PD pump is accidentally closed, the pressure on the discharge side of the pump will increase. Here there is no “maximum attainable pres - sure”; pressure will increase until the pump casing rup-tures. In this case, the use of a passive solution is also impossible. The other example is protecting a centrifugal pump against high pressure caused by a mistakenly closed valve on its discharge side. In this case, the maximum attainable pressure can easily be estimated and it is what we call the “pump shut‐off pressure” or “pump dead‐head pressure. ” This case could be a good case for using a passive solution to protect the piping and equipment downstream of the centrifugal pump. To do that, the downstream piping and equipment would need to be fabricated based on a design pressure equal to the cen-trifugal pump dead‐head pressure. Some examples of cases where passive solutions have been used are internal fire, (external) jet fire, hydraulic hammer, and blocked outlet of centrifugal pumps. 12.3.3 Wher e Should Active Solutions Be Used? The short answer to this question is: in all enclosures. The long answer would add to that: in high‐pressure sy stems as much as possible, unless it is not technically feasible. For example, active solutions (i.e. installing PRDs) can be used to protect against a fire pool (a fire that engulfs the equipment), thermal expansion in pipelines, control valve failed or jammed open, and blocked outlets. Typical scenarios that are unlikely to accommodate active solu-tions include some gas vessels and underwater scenarios, where there is no room for release. 12.4 Safety Relief System As soon as a pressure relief device is installed on the first pressure safety valve on a process item, a “process relief device system” should be developed (Figure 12.3). PRDs release fluids from the inside of enclosures to the outside. Then such released fluid should be collected through a collecting system and directed to a specific type of disposal system that is named an “emergency di sposal system. ” The collecting system is a type of pipe network and will be discussed in Chapter 16 as part of utility networks. Emergency disposal systems are briefly discussed at the end of this chapter. Table 12.2 Applica tion of passive and active solutions. Applications Passive solution: process design ●If maximum attainable pressure exists and is specifiable ●If it is legally acceptable Active solution:installing a PRD ●As much as possible ●Unless it is not technically doable (e.g. some gas vessels, underw ater requirements)Main process A system with probability of overpressure PRD Collecting systemDisposal system Figure 12.3 Pr essure relief device system.
75 | 6.1 Focus 6. The airlock doors from the main deck to the office block were rarely closed. 7. Drillers very much left to their own devices. We had our own isolation procedures, lock out system, maintenance team. Rae acknowledged that, although he didn’t recognize it at the time, these were strong warning signs of breakdowns in management of change, emergency management, asset integrity, operational discipline, and safe work practices. Why wait for an incident investigation to hear the warning signs that preceded the incident? Ask frontline and leadership personnel at the plant and site to imagine that they are being interviewed after a major incident. Then have them complete this sentence: “I knew that this incident would occur because __________.” You can also ask personnel, “What is the one thing that concerns you most about our present operations?” or “If you could improve one process safety task, what would it be?” These questions can help to identify potential incidents before they happen. Try this approach during task reviews, toolbox talks, and safety meetings, or in meetings specifically held for this purpose. When employees at any level are engaged in these exercises, common concerns will emerge. They represent the collective gut feel of the plant or site—they are warning signs of where the PSMS may be weak. Any potential weaknesses that don’t match up with metrics or audit results should be added to the list of potential improvement opportunities. Recent High-Profile Incidents Consider placing on your list for study any external incidents that involve a technology, process, or unit operation the company uses. The findings and recommendations from the investigations of those incidents may be directly applicable to company standards, policies, and PSMS. In the special case of licensed technology, the technology licensor may do some of the evaluation on behalf of all licensees. However, don’t assume the licensor has done the full evaluation. The company is ultimately responsible for its own operations. Due Diligence Evaluations and Post-Acquisition Integration Process safety evaluations conducted during and following acquisition of a site typically identify gaps that need to be closed relative to the company’s PSMS, standards, and policies. If the operation of the business, technology, or
162 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Conduct of operations – behaviors, alertness, and diligence of workforce to recognize and intervene to correct abnormal situations. Process safety engineers should consider developing specific questions on these issues for HIRA team members to use to address abnormal situations. Other RBPS elements discussed in previous chapters may also be beneficially audited with a focus on abnormal situations. 6.5 MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Management review is the routine evaluation of whether management systems are performing as intend ed (CCPS 2007a). This ongoing due diligence review by leadership fills the gap between daily work activities and periodic auditing. Weaknesses and inefficiencies in a management system may not be immediately obvious, but the management review process provides regular checks so th ey can be identified and corrected before they are revealed by an audit or an incident. A study by the ASM® Consortium of the root causes of 42 incidents found that the top ten causes accoun ted for 71% of all the operations practice failures (Bullemer & Laberg e 2009). Over 10% of these top ten causes were associated with an in effective continuous improvement program. The management review should be led by the facility manager and involve key subject matter experts, including a senior operator and maintenance technician. The team shou ld focus on a few RBPS elements (typically up to three) at each me eting and then evaluate and discuss records and observations pertaining to management system weaknesses associated with those RBPS elements. Management should identify weaknesses, and make re commendations for improvement and then capture them in an action plan that specifies responsible parties and completion dates. The next mana gement review should then focus on action plan progress to driv e continuous improvement, before reviewing the performance of other RBPS elements.
64 | 5 Learning Models Most process safety leaders today are accustomed to driving change from the bottom up and should feel familiar with ADKAR®. However, CCPS recommends that process safety be driven from the top of the company through, middle managers, to the frontline (CCPS 2019). 5.3.5 IOGP A working group of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) has developed a guide based on how their member companies typically learn from process safety incidents (IOGP 2016). Although this guide focuses on learning from internal process safety incidents, the learning processes it identifies describe the current state of how learning occurs in the international oil and gas sector learn. The IOGP working group identified a set of principles that guide how companies should think about learning from incidents. (They also developed a map of components, that is, an inventory of how member companies learn.) The 10 guiding principles include: • Something must change. If the company plans to learn from incidents, it must commit to changing what it does based on what’s learned. • Learning is one way we manage risk. Learning allows companies to control risks better. • Sharing is not the same thing as learning. Just because you pass on information, that does not mean the recipient changes behavior. • Balance short-term temporary mitigation with long-term sustainable response. Because long-term solutions take time, short-term interim actions may be needed while the long-term solutions are developed. • It’s necessary to focus. Considering the wide range of potential learning, the company needs to focus on what can really make a difference. • Learning is a distributed effort. No one person or group can drive all learning for a company. • Don’t restrict learning to individual incidents. Look for patterns and themes across multiple incidents. • Promote collaboration. Developing solutions is as much a distributed effort as is learning. • Leaders make learning work. People do what their leaders value. For learning to work, leaders must value learning. • Close the loop. Manage the learning process. Ensure efforts are paying off as expected and adapt as needed.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 423 Emergency response exercises can be based on scenarios identified in process hazard analysis or on past incidents. Exercises can in clude tabletop exercises, tests of communication systems, and field drills. Drills can be simple involving a small portion of a response team or can be quite large involving mutual aid supporters and external agencies. Each drill should be followed by a critique of the response, the communications, and the plan. Findings should be used to improve the emergency response plan. Emergency Response Training Emergency response training should be cond ucted for those with roles defined in the emergency response plan and others affected by the potential emergency. This may include employees, contractors, neighbors, and local auth orities. The training should include how they will be notified and how they should respond in an emergency. Training should be provided initially and refreshed periodically. Emergency Response Communications Communications are critical to an emergency and having effective communications requires planning. This includes what communications equipment will be used, where this equipment will be located, who will be communicating, and maintaining a list of current names and contact information. Although this may be relati vely simple inside a facility, emergency communications will include contractors, local au thorities, neighbors, and other stakeholders which can increase the complexity. A strategy should be developed to ensure that facility responders can quickly and easily communicat e with other responders (community, mutual aid, etc.). It should also be kept in mind that the emergency itself can challenge communications. For example, natural disasters can interrupt power supplies and communication towers leaving cell phones inoperable. Recovery and Recommissioning After the emergency has passed, it is time to manage the aftermath and resume operations. There will likely be damaged equipment to repair , contamination to address, hidden or silent failures, new hazards associated with old equipm ent, and typical startup challenges. The first step in this phase is to stabilize and secure equipment to make it safe for investigators and those working to clean up and repair it. It al so preserves potential evidence, physical and electronic, that could be helpful in understanding what happened and preventing its recurrence. The next step is to repair the facility. The recommissioning plan for a facility following an emergency must be at least as comprehensive as that for the initial start-up of a new facility. Before starting operations, those responsible for the startup should be properly trained, it should be verified that the equipment is ready to receive the chemicals and utilities, and all operational and safety systems should be functional. Things that may have worked pr operly before the emergency may not work after it. Do not assume that equipment will perform as expected. Confirm it. Refer to Chapter 17 on operational readiness.
126 Guidelines for Revalidating a Process Hazard Analysis to resolve that recommendation would be added to the list of safeguards against the low flow hazard. A complete set of worksheets (some revised, others unchanged) can then be published in the Updated PHA. 6.3.4 Audit Results PSM system audit results should have been included in reviewing the operating experience for the PHA as discussed in Chapter 4. Fundamental deficiencies in the prior PHA could have led to the decision to Redo the PHA. If a decision has been made to Update the PHA, audit results could provide insight into items to focus on, ensuring they were adequately addressed in the prior PHA. It should be noted that, typically, PSM system audits are conducted using some sort of sampling scheme to identify documentation that is to be reviewed. Thus, the fact that a particular PHA report is not mentioned in an audit finding should not be construed as conclusive proof of the quality of that particular PHA; the PHA may not have been examined as part of the audit. 6.3.5 Incident Reports Accident and near-miss reports may id entify loss scenarios that warrant consideration within the revalidation effort and should be reviewed as part of the preparation. Where relevant information can be gathered on incidents in similar facilities or processes, such in formation may also be considered. This information can be collected from open literature sources or specific databases such as the CCPS Process Safety Incident Database (PSID). A major loss, a series of less signif icant losses, or nu merous near-miss incidents in a process unit or similar unit can be indicators of a weakness in, or failure of, some PSM system element(s). Incidents involving the subject process should be scrutinized to see if the particular circumstances prompt a concern with the quality of the prior PHA. Fo r example, the PHA team may not have identified the potential for a particular incident. Alternatively, the PHA team may have identified the potential for the incident, but erroneously judged the safeguards to be adequate.
1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE BOOK This book provides resources for supe rvisors and operators/technicians in industrial processes, whose correct and timely intervention is often crucial, either to prevent abnormal situations fr om escalating into a major event, or to mitigate the consequences if an event occurs. Operations management and support services personnel (such as those in maintenance, engineering, and process safety), who read this book will be able to develop relevant training and support material to prevent or mitigate abnormal situations from occurring at their facility. This book includes the historical development of principles and procedures for managing abnormal situations as well as a summary and review of available resources for addressing them. It also provides guidance for management and engineers to develop appropriate training and procedures, and demonstrates how to institutionalize these into process operations. Since many of the principles and practices of managing abnormal situations are transferable across industries, this book provides some guidance and suggestions on sharin g knowledge and learning from a variety of industries and disciplines that are leaders in such management. With that in mind, example incidents (brief examples) and case studies (detailed studies) are included for front line staff as training aides. As part of the development of this book, five online training modules were developed relating to abnormal situations. These training modules can be used by supervisors, plant en gineers, and trainers to help train operating teams in diagnosing an ab normal situation. The modules allow the trainer to step through specific abnormal situations and discuss diagnosis, actions to be taken, learning, and relevance to their operation with the team members who are being trained. Details on how to access this material is provided in Appendix A.
Figure 18-7: Challenging skills
INVESTIGATION M ANAGEM ENT SYSTEM 77 The initial site visit is the first opportunity to establish the physical boundaries of the investigation. The team leader should: • ensure that access to the area is minimized as much as possible, and • verify that the personnel who en ter the incident area are aware of evidence preservation considerations. One of the most critical issues is clearly establishing which groups have responsibility for which activities and areas. These responsibilities may change during the investigation. The incident investigation team leader needs to ensure that thes e responsibilities are clear to all groups to avoid duplication of effort or omission of critical activities. Management’s charter to the team should include expectations for accurately reporting investigation outcomes. However, assigning blame or recommending disciplinary actions should not be part of a team’s charter. A high performance team should be as independent and autonomous as possible, and the leader should encourage this awareness. This helps to establish an unambiguous signal to all contributors that the investigation process will be implemented impartially. If there is a perception, either rightly or wrongly, that the team is in any way inhibited or intimidated by outside influences, participants and reviewers may question the quality, quantity, and credibility of the information collected. It is particularly helpful to have an hourly employee from the same (or an adjacent) plant on the team to not on ly get their valuable input, but also to establish credibility with a wider workforce. There has been a tendency in the past to select staff engineers as incident investigation team members and ignore operators and technicians. Operators and technicians may know what really happens better than others, and their involvement on the team can produce facts that would otherwise not become known. Personnel closest to the incident occurrence, however, may also be those with a personal agenda, so this potential conflict of interest should be considered.
8 • Emergency Shutdowns 144 written plans of the steps and PPE to shut the equipment down, especially during a loss event of hazardous materials and energies. As noted in Chapter 7, Section 7.2, and, as illustrated in abnormal and emergency operations flow chart (Figure 1.3), the operations team has more shut down-related option s due to an unsucce ssful recovery effort. Shutdowns activated during emergencies tend to focus on the larger process deviations from the pr ocess aim, as was illustrated with the different operations team re sponses to deviations during abnormal operations (Figure 6.1) . When comparing the range of deviations between the successful re covery efforts (Chapter 6) and the unscheduled shut-down responses (Chapter 7), the continuum of responses illustrates that emergency situations typically occur with significant process deviations, such as when the safe operating limits are approached or exceeded, when there has been a loss event of hazardous materials or energies, and after an anticipated but unscheduled natural hazard event which has just occurred (e.g., earthquake). In general, the larger deviations will warrant quicker responses, especially when the safe operating limits are exceeded. In some cases, the quicker engineered emergency shut-down is executed with a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) or an Emergency Shut-down System (ESS) [79] [80]. This is true whether the emergency shut-down is needed for a continuous or batch process [19]. The immediate engineering and administrative ac tions are taken and place the process in a safer state. Thus, when the released material causes fatalities due to toxic exposures or to fires and explosions from ignited flammable releases, the proactive emergency respon ses are too late to prevent harm. Sometimes the fire or explosion has severely damaged or destroyed the very equipment designed to activate and perform the shut-down or help reduce the consequences of the loss event. For example, ignited releases of flammable materials can result in thermal impact
22 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Example Incident 2.3 – Texaco Refinery, Milford Haven ( cont. ) 2) For supervisors / operators / technicians: Control systems, including each co ntrol valve, should be tested prior to all startups as part of an operational readiness review. As a minimum, safety-critical systems should be tested after plant trips. Operators must remain alert to recognize abnormal situations, such as high levels in vessels. These example incidents illustrate that abnormal situations can result in major, tragic, and costly process safety incidents. However, most incidents are preventable if the ab normal situation is recognized, diagnosed correctly, and corrected in a timely manner. Therefore, it is essential that operations personne l have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to manage abnormal situations. 2.4 IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING FOR ABNORMAL SITUATIONS An abnormal situation is often recogn ized as an abnormal occurrence, but it may not always be recognized as a po tential process safety issue. In order to prevent these types of incide nts from occurring, whether the abnormal situations occur during tran sient or normal operations, it is imperative that companies understand the hazards, provide workers with appropriate training, and have in place and enforce robust process safety policies and procedures for a ll hazardous operations, including startups and shutdowns. These polic ies and procedures should address all elements of process safety (CCPS 2007a) and human factors (CCPS 2006, 2004), and specifically provide guidance indicating clearly that abnormal situations may have a process safety component to them and are not just operating difficulties. If properly implemented, the RBPS Operating Procedures element includes the safe operating limits, consequences of deviation from safe limits, and the actions required to correct a deviation (CCPS 2007a). However, with new technology and the increasing complexity of some
197 others, has worked with the Amer ican Chemistry Council (ACC) to recommend improvements in equipme nt, routing, and procedures to enhance safety. The Chlorine Instit ute has for years acted to provide inherently safer transport of chlo rine. The ACC Responsible Care , CHEMTREC, and TRANSCAER programs have resulted in significant improvement over the years in chem ical transportation safety and emergency response. There are regulations in many countries governing the transportation of chemic als, and any evaluation of transportation risks and options must include consideration of those regulations. In addition, some companies have policies th at require going beyond legal requirements for specific materials. With the addition of security concerns associated with the shipment of chemicals in the transportation sector, it is important that the implementation of inherently safer strategies take into account, at a minimum, the onsite transportation infrastructure. 8.10.1 Location Relative to Raw Materials It may be possible to reduce or elim inate transportation risk by locating the plant where hazardous raw ma terials or intermediates are produced, if the risk from tran sporting the raw materials or intermediates outweighs th e risk of transporting th e final product(s). An example of this IS practice followed the Bhopal incident in 1984. The few facilities in the U.S. that produced methyl isocyanate (MIC), the highly toxic chemical released at Bhopal , began manufacturing MIC and then using it in situ, thereby stopping th e transportation of MIC to another location where it was used to manufac ture pesticides. The entire process of manufacturing and using the material was accomplished in one location (note that currently in the U.S. MIC use in the production of carbamate based pesticides has been replaced with a different process chemistry, which is an application of Substitution ). Locating the starting and ending points in the value chain of a given chemical product at the same site will probably provide a dditional opportunities for risk reduction by inventory reduction, i.e., Minimization . Of course, increasing the number of processes at a particular site may increase the overall risk at that site.
90 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Introduction to Chemical Reactivity The CSB report Improving Reactive Hazard Management analyzed reactive chemistry incidents showing that they occur in a variety of equipmen t as shown in Figure 5.4 and result in severe consequences as shown in Figure 5.5. This fo cus on reactive chemical incidents highlighted that regulations did not address reactive chemical hazards as well as other chemical hazards. The risks of a chemical reactivity incident result from the potential for an uncontrolled chemical release leading to the co nsequences shown in Figure 5.5. Figure 5.4. Equipment involved in reactive chemistry incidents (edited from CSB 2002) Figure 5.5. Consequences of reactive chemistry incidents (CSB 2002)
DETERM INING ROOT CAUSES 255 Once all of the root causes are iden tified, the investigator is ready to develop the corrective actions, as described in Chapter 12. 10.8.2 Quality Assurance There are a number of quality assuranc e checks that shou ld be considered when conducting an incident invest igation using predefined trees. Most of these checks have already been discuss ed, although it is useful to review them as they relate to th e predefined tree approach. Predefined trees are designed to captur e root causes, but the predefined tree may not necessarily be comprehensive enough to identify all root causes. It is therefore necessary to conduct another completeness test. As each branch of the predefined tree is considered in turn, the investigator should ask if there are other root causes asso ciated with that category that are not listed on the tree. The ‘root causes’ identifi ed by applying the causal factors to a predefined tree should be subjected to a management system test to ensure that they are management system failures. Some predefined trees are quite detailed, while some proprietary trees do not fully reach the under lying root cause level. The system test essentially applie s the 5-Whys tool to each cause identified at the end of the relevant br anches of the predefined tree. Typically, the team may need to ask “why?” a number of times to reach underlying root causes. After the root causes have been identified, a generic cause test should be applied. By considering the plant operating history, especially other incidents that may indicate repetitive failures, the investigator may identify other generic management system prob lems. These generic causes would not necessarily be apparent from investigating the latest incident alone. 10.8.3 Predefined Tree Summary Predefined trees are a convenient me ans of identifyin g root causes. Providing all of the causal factors ha ve been determined correctly, use of a comprehensive predefined tree should ensu re that most, if not all, root causes are identified, especially if the management system test is performed. Several other quality assurance tests should help identify any remaining root causes. Table 10.3 illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of predefined trees.
396 Figure 15.3 Original batch reaction system 2.metering pump, as compared to the original gravity feed where the driving force for the Reactant B flow is always present. 3.The maximum flow rate of the metering pump is not capable of generating more heat from reaction than the reactor cooling capacity can manage. Therefore, it is not possible to overheat the reactor by feeding Reactant B at a rate that exceeds the reactor's capability to remove heat. 4.The maximum capacity of the Reactant B feed tank has been reduced to exactly one batch charge. In this case, the same Reactant B feed tank was re-used, but it was relocated to the lower floor. To reduce its maximum capacity, an overflow was added to the side of the tank at the desired level, with the overflow piped back to the Reactant B storage tank.
6 Selecting a type of job aid 6.1 Learning objectives of this Chapter By the end of this Chapter, the reader should be able to: • Understand the different types of job aids. • Select a type of job aid. • Understand the use of Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA), Task analysis and worker involvement, in the development of job aids. Selecting a type of job aid can be achieved in two stages. 1. Determine the need for a job aid. 2. Determine the best type of job aid to use. 6.2 Stage 1: Determining the need for a job aid 6.2.1 Overview Procedures with many tasks are time co nsuming to write and maintain. HIRA may be used to prioritize the higher risk task s and identify lower risk tasks for which a job aid may not be required. In order for job aids to be accepted as necessary it is important to produce them only when they are really needed. I t i s g o o d p r a c t i c e t o h a v e a S t a n d a r d Operating Procedure (SOP) for safety critical tasks (i.e., those tasks that, if performed unsuccessfully, will result in a process safety event, see section fo r more detail). Assigning SOPs to these types of tasks will produce a consistent an d safe way of performing a task each and every time and as a basis for training. However, as noted in 5.4, it is importan t to remember that low risk tasks may not require any form of job aid to be us ed every time a task is performed. Also, people should be trained for tasks that must be performed very quickly, such as emergency response, especially if task co mpletion time frames prohibit reading through procedures. For example: • Frequent, low complexity tasks Frequent and less complex tasks may not require step-by-step instructions (or a SOP) to be used ea ch time a task is performed due to operators having had enough experience performing the task. Human Factors Handbook For Process Plant Operations: Improving Process Safety and System Performance CCPS. © 2022 CCPS. Published 2022 The American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
APPENDIX A – CONCLUDING EXERCISES 473 Figure A.4. Node 1 – T-1 WWT Equalization Tank Table A.3. Node 1 – T-1 Intention, Boundary, Design Conditions and Parameters Node # Node Node Intention Node Boundary Design Conditions/ Parameters Operating Conditions/ Parameters Drawings Drawing Rev 1 T-1 WWT Equalization Tank Supplying variable low pH wastewater with P-1 to T-1, which serves to equalize the feed pH being fed forward to the process on level control (LIC-101). P-1 Wastewater Feed Pump to T- 1 WWT Equalization Tank including the level control valve (LCV-101) P-1, Centrifugal Pump, 200 GPM, 80 ft TDH, Ductile Iron. T-1, Atmospheric Storage Tank, CS, 33,050 gallons, 25' Dia. x 15' Height Normal Operating Range - 50% level - Ambient T 65 to 85F - pH 4.5 to 6 P&ID Example 0
158 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Many other metrics could be includ ed to measure the effectiveness of the facility’s management system s in identifying and preventing process conditions that could lead to an abnormal situation and a process safety incident. It is recomme nded that the metrics be indicators that are specific to a process unit. Th e metrics should specifically reflect how the unit is managing its operation safely, with an emphasis on those metrics that can help predict or pr event an abnormal situation from occurring or escalating to an event. The availability of data for potential use in metrics has increased significantl y in recent years, as discussed in 5.3.3. However, it is important to ensure that the me trics are accurate and relevant, to prevent “metric overload”. The use of a “dashboard” to provide a high-level management summary of metrics data is encouraged. 6.3 ABNORMAL SITUATIONS AND INCIDENT INVE STIGATIONS Incident investigation is a way of le arning from incidents to identify management system issues and weakne sses that can be corrected, in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the management system. It is particularly important to investigate high-potential near-misses that could lead to fatalities, substantial property damage and/or environmental damage, under differen t circumstances. While it may not be practical to investigate every abnormal situation in depth, abnormal situations should be investigated in order to recommend actions to prevent, or at least minimize, their occurrence in the future. A near-miss event can result in a serious process safety incident under slightly different conditions if the underlying cause is not determined and action taken to preven t it from happening again. Failure of safety-critical equipme nt/elements such as pressure safety valves and safety instrumented systems to work on demand, for example, can rapidly exacerbate an already seriou s abnormal situation if operations personnel are slow to intervene. Like any incident investigation, the depth of analysis should be commensurate with the actual and po tential severity of the abnormal situation. Several sources of guidan ce are available for determining and conducting the depth of investigation: Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (CCPS 2007a) ; Guidelines for Investigating Process Safety Incidents (CCPS 2019) ; Pressure Equipment Integrity Incident Investigation (API 2014) ;
177 safe state if the BPCS fails to maintain safe operating conditions. A BPCS should not be used as the sole source of a process safety shutdown. Many of the following guidance items related to the design, operation, and testing of BPCSs and SISs are not inherently safer technology in a strict sense, because they relate to active safeguards. However, much of this guidance can also be considered part of the inherently safer strategy of Simplification . Inherently safer SISs should be fully independent of the process control system logic residing in the BPCS, including input/output (I/O) cards and logic solvers. Common-mode failures can also result if the BPCS and SIS sh are components, including power supplies and any other utility system , such as instrument air. The SIS should normally be fail-safe, i.e., it is designed to achieve or maintain the safe state of the process on loss of power, or a de-energize to trip design. The BPCS should also be progra mmed to take its outputs to the safe state if input or output signals are lost. Due to the potential in most facilities for power or other utility loss, it can be very difficult to achieve adequate ri sk reduction with non-fail-safe design. Fail-safe designs are si gnificantly less complex, thereby helping to implement the IS Simplification strategy. Another example of Simplification is that operators should always receive notification from the BPCS or the SIS as the mandatory action points are a pproached. An everyday example is a high temperature warning ligh t on an automobile. It gives no indication of an abnormally high temperature until the temperature reaches the high alarm point. A temperature indicator gives advance warning before the alarm point. The change in display provides feedback of its functionality by normal fluctuations. When choosing SIS input variable s, where possible, use direct readings of the process paramete r being controlled, and not an indirect reading. If pressure is being controlled, measure pressure directly rather than inferring it indirectly from temperature. This choice eliminates the lag time in processing that occurs when an indirect vari able is chosen. Direct readings also eliminate potential errors in the inferred relationship
24 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS recall their training and adapt quickl y and responsibly when things go wrong. In addition, during times of transien t conditions, such as unit startup, the risk of operators having conflicti ng understandings of the state of the process unit is greate r. Leadership should en sure that experienced, technically trained personnel superv ise and support operators during unit startups and shutdowns, and that effective communication and feedback is essential to establish and maintain a mutual understanding of the process unit and its expected future state. Some cultural cons iderations related to mana ging abnormal situations can have an influence on human factor s. Corporate and fa cility leadership can drive or limit the organization’s safety culture, through words or actions. For example, if leadership seeks to assign blame for process upsets and incidents, the workforce will be unlik ely to report events that could otherwise be learning opportunities and serve to reduce or mitigate future abnormal situations. Leadersh ip must also put safety before production and profit. For instance, there should be no pressure on operators to continue operations, if shutdown is the correct response to an abnormal situation (“Stop Work Authority”). Abnormal situations introduce stress, and operators under stress can make poor decisions, which th en exacerbate the situation. How companies prepare and equip their operators to deal with these problematic and stressful situations is critical to ensuring the return of the unit to a safe state. Often, process safety incidents are a result of organizations failing in this area. Similarly, Conduct of Operations (COO) and Operational Discipline (OD) are closely tied to an organiza tion’s Process Safety Culture (CCPS 2007a, 2011b). If leadership enforces high standards, then a robust COO will ensure that operational tasks, such as establis hed management systems and procedures, are executed in a deliberate and structured manner. Furthermore, OD is associ ated with the organizational and individual behaviors, and will dictate how well the management systems and procedures are applied. A strong and positive process safe ty culture should ensure that operational tasks, such as operatin g and maintenance procedures, safe work practices, and shift hand over communication, are followed routinely and diligently. Consequently , if operations personnel perform
HUMAN FACTORS 369 amount by which the nominal HEP can be multiplie d. HEART classifies a task into one of the 9 Generic Task Types (GTT) and assigns the nomi nal human error potential (HEP) to the task. Error Producing Conditions (EPC) that may affect task reliability are identified. The task HEP is calculated. HEART can help identify areas for im provement and includes strategies to reduce errors. HEART is used in nuclear, process, me dical, and transportation industries and is described in several papers by J. C. Williams. (Williams 1992 and HSE 2009) What a New Engineer Might Do A new engineer should look beyond equipment de sign and consider the role of the human in the system of people, facilities and equipmen t, and management systems that defines the workplace. Even in small projects and simple systems, engineer the human machine interface to support human success. New engineers will likely be involved in HAZO P studies and various projects that involve teamwork. Helping to facilitate meetings and supporting good team communications can lead to more efficient and effective teams. Simple cr itical task analysis methods can be led by new engineers which would not only improve tasks but also build a relationship with operators and maintenance technicians. Tools Human factors resources include the following. CCPS Human Factors for Process Plant Operations: A Handbook. This book describes human factors concepts and principles in an ea sy to understand manner. It describes how to support human capabilities including identificati on and design of job aids to do so. (CCPS expected 2022) Flight-crew human factors handbook, CAP 737. The aviation industry has built significant knowledge in human factors. (CAA) This handb ook addresses both individual and work team human factors. “The knowledge in the handb ook was intentionally simplified to make the document more easily accessible, readable and more usable in the practical domain.” (CAA) Critical Task Analysis. Several approaches for critical task analysis are mentioned in Section 16.6. (NOPSEMA 2020, HSE 2000, Miller 2019) Human reliability assessment tools. Refer to the discussion on THERP and HEART in Section 16.6. HSE. HSE provides guidance and many references on human factors topics and human reliability on the Health and Safety Executive webpage at hse.gov.uk. Summary It is helpful to think of the workplace as a thr ee-part system of people, facilities and equipment, and management systems. Humans are an important part of this engineered system. Focusing
Figure B-5 Interaction of the key valves and vessels (adapted from UK HSE [87]).
E.14 No Incidents? Not Always Good News |301 E.14 N o Incidents? N ot Always Good N ews The monthly KPIs for process safety incidents and near m isses at a refinery had been very low for several years. The new Refinery Manager was pleased with this KPI, especially since in his first year it was zero. In his previous refinery where he had been the Operations Manager, the sam e KPI had been favorable but not that good. He asked the PSM S Coordinator how the KPI was derived. He learned that during acquisition negotiations five years earlier, the previous owner had been challenged by several potential buyers about the high rate of near m isses. The near m isses were not serious and no actual incidents had occurred, but the com pany attempted to lower their bid because of it. After the acquisition, the refinery began investigating and addressing near m isses less form ally. Consequently, when the KPI program was put implemented, the near m iss result was very positive. Further review revealed that during the previous two years several SISs had been activated during plant upsets or transients. These had not been classified as near m isses because, according to an e-mail, “the safeguards had worked as designed and that’s not a near m iss because that was what they are supposed to do.” Following this discovery, the facility revised the definition of the near m iss KPI to align with the API and OGP standard for near m iss reporting. This standard recognizes that a SIS trip usually represents a close approach to the capability of the equipment to contain the process, and therefore truly a near m iss. B y tracking these types of near m isses, the facility has an opportunity to learn about the process, culture, and PSM S without suffering any adverse consequences. As a result, the data reported monthly returned to values that were more typical for a large refinery. B ased on Real Situations
44 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Table 3.2 continued Source Examples NACE International standards on corrosion management National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 30, “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code” NFPA 70®, “National Electrical Code®” NFPA 652, “Standard on the F undamentals of Combustible Dust” Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – “Guiding Principles on Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness, and Re sponse”, 2003 (OECD) The Chlorine Institute (CI) Chlorine Customers Generic Safety and Security Checklist The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA) The Fertilizer Institute Recommended Practices for Lo ading/Unloading Anhydrous Ammonia (TFI) Standards are also written by companies and, again, can be focused on a specific technical topic or can present a management system. Some companies have their own engineering design standards that may take an industry code and amend it with details relevant to their business. They may create a standard for a topic in their business that is not addressed by an industry code or standard. The ExxonMobil Operations Integrity Manage ment System (OIMS) is a management system. The framework as shown in Figure 3.3 in cludes 11 elements and is the cornerstone of their Safety, Security, Health and Environmental performance. (EM 2009) Figure 3.3. ExxonMobil Operations Integrity Management System (EM 2009)
3.2 Characteristics of Leadership and Management in Process Safety Culture |91 separately from occupational safety, treating each with equal importance and considering their unique differences. Likewise, external recognitions of good safety perform ance should be considered carefully before assuming they address process safety. If a facility has earned the prestigious OHSAS 18001 certification, its safety management system m ay address process safety, but often it does not. Likewise, a facility that earns Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star status from US OSHA should be justly proud. However, VPP has historically focused m uch more on occupational safety than on process safety, and in recent years several VPP sites have experienced serious process safety incidents. Use Metrics Prudently The absence of process safety incidents and near misses does not necessarily m ean that all is well, for two reasons. First, process safety incidents are rare by nature, and facilities can go many years without incident even as the conditions for an incident grow m ore and more likely. Second, the apparent absence of incidents m ay only be an indicator that incidents and near misses are not being reported. Even favorable results on leading indicators could be m isleading if they are the result of “check-the-box” behavior, which can occur when m anagement values the metrics over actual process safety perform ance. Leaders should look behind the metrics. If lagging and leading indicators of the health of the PSMS are always positive and no problems are being identified, this could be an indicator of check- the-box mentality and should at least initially be a cause for concern. First verify that the metrics represent actual good perform ance in the field. If good perform ance is achieved, celebrate the teamwork and technical performance that achieved it, not the m etrics themselves. Celebrating the metrics could
114 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION handling specific hazardous chemicals such as hy drogen sulfide monitors or phosgene badges. Fixed detectors can be located at a potential leak source such as a pump moving a hazardous chemical. Fixed detectors can also be in the form of line-of-sight detectors designed to detect a gas between two, distant points, for example, along a side of a process unit. Alarm or other notification systems are typica lly activated when a fixed detection system detects a predetermined chemical concentration le vel. Personnel should be trained to take the appropriate action when notified by the alar m. Communication systems may extend into the community to advise people to shelter in place. A safe haven is needed for employees wh ere toxic concentration levels may be dangerously high. A safe haven design includes an air-tight or pressurized facility and provides sufficient atmosphere for the number of occupants for the duration needed. What a New Engineer Might Do As with flammable, explosive, and reactive mate rials, an engineer should understand the toxic properties of materials being hand led or processed. Tools are provided in the next section that can assist in identifying toxic properties and what exposure levels are of concern. It is also important that an engineer follow the safety guidelines for toxics in terms of their own protection. This includes handling chemicals in ways defined by safe operating practices and using required personal protective equipment. A new engineer may be asked to identify toxic hazards or to use a risk analysis, such as a What-If analysis (see section 12.3.3) to iden tify toxic release scenarios. They may apply inherently safer design strategies to minimize th e risk due to toxics. They could be involved in the design of mitigation devices such as scru bbers, incinerators, and thermal oxidizers. They be asked to ship a material or manage an in coming shipment. In these cases, communication is important. The GHS provides classification for toxics such that there should not be any miscommunication during the shipment or in th e labeling of chemicals. A new engineer could be asked to use toxic release modeling to und erstand a potential incident and create an emergency response plan. A new engineer can benefit from reviewing the CSB investigations and videos relevant to this chapter as listed in Appendix G. Tools Resources necessary to understand toxic hazards include toxicological data resources and quantitative methods to determine the risk. Toxicological data . Toxicological data can be found in many of the same tools and documents listed in Sections 5.8 for reactive chemicals data. These data sources provide the process safety information valuable in understan ding the hazards of these chemicals. Chapter 13 provides guidance on determining the cons equence effects and potential outcome of a toxic chemical release.
Pressure Relief Devices 237 One PRD on one enclosure One PRD on tw o interconnected enclosure Possibly one PRD in not enough and each enclosure needs its own PRD Definitely one PRD in not enough and each enclosure needs its own PRD(d)(c)(b)(a) Figure 12.35 Ev olution of one enclosure to two enclosures and the concept of a PRD.
72 | 2 Core Principles of Process Safety While the ultimate goal is to develop a single culture that applies broadly across the com pany, subcultures can exist within the organization. Process safety cultures can differ between work groups and shifts in a facility, between unions and management, among others. A survey of nine hourly and salaried work groups in a refinery (Ref 2.5) clearly showed culture differences between the groups and a wide divergence in responses between workers and m anagement. Advancing culture under such a situation may require initially addressing each of the subcultures differently before they can be m oved to the common desired culture. Also, the diversity provided by subcultures can also be a source of opportunity in culture improvement efforts, both in term s of helping identify problems as well as providing a range of positive exam ples. Exercise patience in culture changes Changing and im proving PS culture is like turning a large ship; it starts with a decision for a new course, takes a long time to reach the new heading and requires continued effort to m aintain that direction. Leaders need to realize that culture changes take months if not years to become fully implemented. Our tendency is to expect prompt progress toward a new goal. If the culture message is not consistent across the organization and across time, it will be m arked as a passing fad and the opportunity for lasting cultural change will be lost. 2.11 SUMM ARY The core principles described in this chapter describe process safety culture in a high-level roadm ap to culture and how to improve it. The first three principles (e.g. Establish an Imperative for Process Safety, Provide Strong Leadership, and Foster Mutual Trust) provide a necessary foundation for implementing the other seven principles.
APPENDIX G –CLASSIFYING LOSS OF CONTAINM ENT 411 Flowchart The criteria for reporting incidents as a PSI described above are illustrated in the attached flowchart (Figure G.1). Figure G.1 Determining if an Incident M eets Definition of a Reportable Process Safety Incident (PSI) under the Definitions of the CCPS Industry Lagging M etric (N Process Safety Incident Severity A severity level will be assigned for each consequence ca tegory for each process safety incident utilizing the criteria shown in Table G.2.
8. Life Cycle Stages 8.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES AC ROSS ALL LIFE CYCLE STAGES As discussed previously, a process goes through various stages of evolution, including: •Concept •Research •Design development •Detailed engineering design •Procurement, construction, and commissioning •Operations and maintenance •Change management •Decommissioning This progression is typically referred to as the process life cycle. In this chapter, each stage will be described and how IS concepts and strategies can be employed in each stage will be detailed. Throughout the life cycle of a process, opportunities will arise to apply the concepts and practices of inherently safer strategies. Thes e opportunities should be evaluated to determine if the strategies can be applied, and whether the risks and costs are commensurate with the possibl e reductions in risk. In addition to the eight stages listed above and in Figure 8.1, a discussion of IS aspects of Transportation has been added to this chapter. Transportation is associated with the lif e cycle of a process, as it is a part of the operation’s value chain activi ties. IS strategies can be applied onsite when planning and executin g the transportation of hazardous materials within the facility as we ll as to and from the facility. This chapter demonstrates that appl ying inherently safer strategies can enhance process safety, while al so improving economic and other objectives, such as quality, productivity, security, energy conservation, and pollution prevention. This app lication, utilizing formal review methods by trained individuals as id entified in Chapter 10, will link the general principles of inherently safe r concepts to all life cycle stages. 136 (VJEFMJOFTGPS*OIFSFOUMZ4BGFS$IFNJDBM1SPDFTTFT"-JGF$ZDMF"QQSPBDI #Z$$14 ¥5IF"NFSJDBO*OTUJUVUFPG$IFNJDBM&OHJOFFST
42 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS of access to this knowledge was highlighted is the Longford incident (see box below) where the important knowledge on brittle fracture susceptibility was not available locally at the time. Important knowledge includes incident lessons and datasets, updated engineering standards, equipment drawings and specifications, operational experience and upsets, and new or updated process safety tools. During engineering projects (see Chapter 7) teams can change at each stage, and it is important that relevant process sa fety knowledge is transmitted along with the design. Example Incident: Longford A well-known example of a depleting well leading to a process safety incident is the Longford gas plant fire in Australia (Hopkins, 2000). The field, located in the Bass Strait, was gradually producing more heavy ends. A separation column in the plant no longer could function effectively and ultimately during an upset allowed natural gas liquids (NGLs) to enter part of the plant not designed for it. This reduced the temperature within a heat exchanger to -45°C causing the exchanger to be completely frozen. Operators tried to diagnose the issue, but process safety personnel who might have known about embrittlement had been transferred to Melbourne and were not readily available to assist with the diagnosis and warn of the dangers of cold temperature embrittlement. The operators introduced hot oil to unfreeze the exchanger, but the resulting thermal stress led to a brittle fracture rupturing the vessel causing injuries and fatalities for those nearby. A long-lasting fire ensued and ultimately gas supply for the entire state had to be terminated for several days resulting in significant economic losses. RBPS Application Management of Change – MOC would have identified the change in processing conditions that might allow NGLs to reach parts of the process not intended for this service. MOC also includes organizational changes and this would have addressed the significance of relocating pr ocess safety experts remote from the facility. Hazard Identification – As part of the MOC process, a HAZID would have identified that the change in incoming fluids could allow NGLs to reach parts of the facility not intended for this service. This could lead to flash vaporization and cold temperatures in places with mild steel material. Process Safety Knowledge – Since there was the potential for NGLs to vaporize and drop temperatures to -40°C, this could cause embrittlement in mild steel. Personnel should have been made aware of this threat to ensure their operational responses would not impose major thermal stresses if this occurred. Note: some additional issues for Longford are presented in Chapter 5.
22. Human Factors in emergencies 291 Inaccurate assessment of a situation can be due to several factors such as: • Cues from the environment may be misinterpreted, misdiagnosed, or ignored. This creates an incorrect mental picture of the problem. • Risk levels may be miscalculated. • The time available to deal with the situation may be misjudged. Additional factors contributing to inaccurate situation assessment include: loss of situation awareness, confirmation bias, escalation of commitment, and/or tunnel vision. Mnemonic and decisions aid are available for individuals to help them make decision s during emergency situations. Examples of decision-making aids and mnemonics are shown in Table 22-4. Table 22-4: Emergency decision-making aids Aid or mnemonic Definition Use DODAR DODAR is a cyclical model of decision- making, consisting of the following steps: • Diagnosis – What is the problem? • Options – What are the options? • Decisions – What are we going to do? • Assign the tasks – Who does what? • Review – What happened? and What are we doing about it? Useful in emergency situations to provide the steps of dealing with abnormal situations. See Chapters 20 and 21 for more information on how to avoid perception bias, including confirmation bias and tunnel vision.
MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE 391 pre-start up or post-start up. It should be verifi ed that the pre-start up action items have been implemented before the equipment is started up. Other Incidents This chapter began with a description of the F lixborough Explosion. Other incidents relevant to management of change include the following. Union Carbide MIC Release, Bhopal, India, 1984 Hickson Welsh Jet Fire, Yorkshire, U.K., 1992 Texaco Oil Refinery Explosion and Fire, U.K., 1994 Esso Longford Gas Plant Explosion, Australia, 1998 Georgia Pacific Hydrogen Sulfide, Pennington, Alabama, U.S., 2002 Hayes Lammerz Dust Explosion, Indiana, U.S., 2003 Formosa Plastics VCM Explosion, Illinois, U.S., 2004 BP Isomerization Unit Explosion, Texas City, Texas, U.S., 2005 Buncefield Storage Tank Overfl ow and Explosion, U.K., 2005 T-2 Laboratories Reactive Chemicals Explosion, Florida, U.S., 2007 Valero-McKee LPG Refinery Fire, Texas, U.S., 2007 Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion, Georgia, U.S., 2008 Deepwater Horizon Well Blowout, Gulf of Mexico, U.S., 2010 Williams Olefins Heat Exchanger Rupture, Louisiana, U.S., 2013 DuPont MMA Release, LaPorte, Texas, U.S., 2014 Exercises List 3 RBPS elements evident in the Flixbo rough explosion and fire summarized at the beginning of this chapter. Describe their shortcomings as related to this accident. Considering the Flixborough explosion and fire , what actions could have been taken to reduce the risk of this incident? What is a “replacement-in-kind”? What changes were made in the Esso Longford gas plant explosion incident? What change was made in the Imperial Sugar dust explosion incident? References API RP 752, “Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process Plant Buildings”, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 2009. CCPS Glossary, “CCPS Process Safety Glossary ”, Center for Chemical Process Safety, https://www.aiche.org/ccps/resources/glossary . CCPS 2005, “Building Process Safety Culture: T ools to Enhance Process Safety Performance, Flixborough”, American Institute of Chemical En gineers, Center for Chemical Process Safety, New York, NY.
189 Figure 8.5: An example of poor assignment of equipment identification numbers Figure 8.6: An illogical arrangement of burner controls for a kitchen stove. From Ref 8.69 Norman.
45 Improving the reliability of critical pieces of equipment may eliminate or significantly reduce the need fo r in-process storage of hazardous chemical intermediates. When designing a proce ss facility or unit, the dimensions of every item of process equipment should be specified as large enough to accomplish its intended purpose, and no larger. Required surge capacities, either for normal operat ions or for emergency situations, sometimes demand larger equipment. They are part of the intended purpose of a process design and must be maintained. Utilization of this extra space should be kept to a mi nimum, although the process may be modified in the future to take adva ntage of additional process capacity. Raw material and in-process interm ediate storage tanks should be minimized, if feasible. The need for all in-process inventories should be periodically reviewed and evaluated, particularly those of hazardous materials. Minimizing the size of equipment not only enhances inherent process safety, but it can often sa ve money. If equipment can be eliminated from a manufacturing proc ess, it will eliminate the need for associated design, engineering, purc hasing, operating, and maintenance costs. Equipment which is eliminat ed also cannot release hazardous material or energy into the su rrounding environment. The true engineering art is to determine how to accomplish a given task with a minimum of equipment, and with the required equipment of the smallest size. Siirola (Ref 3.19 Siirola) discusses process synthesis strategies that are helpful in design ing and optimizing a process route to minimize the required equipment and operations. The term “process intensification” is used synonymously with “minimization,” though the former is often used more specifically to describe new technologies that re duce the size of unit operations equipment, particularly reactors. It has been defined as “any chemical engineering development that leads to a substantially smaller, cleaner, safer, and more energy efficient technology (Ref 3.17 Reay). The European Federation of Chemical Engineering has held biennial conferences on process intensification since 2007, and other international conference s have taken place as well. These conferences presented several interesting possibilit ies for a range of unit operations, including reaction, gas-liquid contac ting, liquid-liquid separation, heat
Appendix 225 The HAZOP Team will investigate the equipment design, as well, based on the scenarios being reviewed . The equipment should be fail- safe, with features that automatically counteract the effect of an anticipated deviation such as a power loss. A system is fail-safe if the failure of a component, signal, or utility, initiates action that returns the system to a safe condition [34] . Depending on the scenario and process application, a fail-safe valve may need to close (or remain closed), open (or remain open), or remain unchanged in its current operating position, whether fully cl osed, fully open, or anywhere in between. Thus, for unexpected shut -downs of the equipment, it should fail-safe. In addition, hazards analysis te ams should know the history of issues that have occurred as th ey develop potential scenarios. Potential fire, explosion, or toxic release issues during transient operating modes with start-ups and shut-downs include the following items (Adapted from [8, p. 7]): 1. Fires burning or resulting in an explosion when fuel mixes with oxygen in th e presence of an ignition source. 2. Explosions that damage nearby equipment causing additional releases of other flammable mater ials that may then ignite and burn (the domino effect).
42 2.12 Center for Chemical Process Safety, Process Safety Glossary, American Institut e of Chemical Engineers, www.aiche.org/ccps/re sources/glossary. 2.13 Center for Chemical Process Safety, Report: Definition for Inherently Safer Technology in Pr oduction, Transportation, Storage, and Use (for U.S. Department of Homeland Security), 2010. 2.14 Council of the European Un ion, Council Directive, Control of Major-Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances (Seveso III), 2012/18/EU, June 19, 2012. 2.15 Hendershot, D.C. , Some thoughts on the difference between inherent safety and safety . Process Safety Progress 14 (4), 227-228, 1995. 2.16 Hendershot, D.C., Implementing Inherently Safer Design in an Existing Plant, Process Safety Progress 25(1), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2006. 2.17 The Institution of Chemical Engineers & The International Process Safety Group, Inherently Safer Process Design, 1995. 2.18 Khan, F., Evaluation of Available Indices for Inherently Safer Design Options, Process Safety Progress (22) 2, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2003. 2.19 Kletz, T.A., Plant Design for Safety, Rugby, Warwickshire, England: The Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1991. 2.20 Kletz, T.A., Cheaper, Safer Plants, or Wealth and Safety at Work. Rugby, Warwickshire, England: The Institution of Chemical Engineers, 1984. 2.21Kletz, T., Amyotte, P., Process Plants – A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design, 2 nd Ed., CRC Press, 2010. 2.22 Lutz, W., Take Chemistry and Physics into Consideration in All Phases of Chemical Plant Design, Process Safety Progress (14) 3, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1995.
RISK BASED PROCESS SAFETY 25 Many different tools are used for HIRA. Hazard identification tools include simple checklists, What-If analysis and HAZOP analysis. Risk assessment tools include fire hazard analysis and explosion studies, LOPA, and QRA. Inherent safety methods and functional safety assessments fall within HIRA. That which has not been identified cannot be prevented or mitigated. HIRA results should be tracked using a risk register or other tracking system. This is to ensure that no identified issue is inadvertently neglected. Pillar: Manage Risk This pillar addresses many important topics for operational safety and management of risks. These include operating procedures, safe work practices, contractor management, training, operational readiness and conduct of operations . This pillar also addresses asset integrity, management of change, and emergency management. RBPS Element 8: Operating Procedures Standard operating procedures (SOP) requires written instructions for all phases of operation including routine, non-routine, startup, shutdown, and emergency. Good procedures also describe the process, hazards, tools, protective equipment, and controls in sufficient detail that operators understand the hazards, can verify that controls are in place, and can confirm that the process responds in an expected manner. These procedures describe how the operation is to be carried out safely, define safe operating limits, explain the consequences of devi ation from safe operating limits, identify key safeguards, and address special situations and emergencies. Operating procedures have improved substant ially from the past approach of simply taking start-up procedures from the design co ntractor. Presently, procedures are designed with operating personnel engagement, are peri odically updated based on feedback and any modifications, and use modern layouts with gr aphics and photographs to convey key safety messages. Risks from deviations are highlighted – e.g. if equipment purging is required before start-up, the procedure highlights safety risks with shorter duration purging. Barrier management is an important aspect of process safety and the procedures highlight relevant barriers potentially affected by the procedure. RBPS Element 9: Safe Work Practices Safe work practices are requirements estab lished to control hazards and are used to safely operate, maintain, and repair equipmen t and conduct specific types of work. They include control of work (job safe ty analysis (JSA), permits and oversight), opening pipework or vessels, energy isolation, and other activities . These practices are used when developing detailed work plans, ensuring that requiremen ts are met, and the appropriate safeguards have been or will be implemented for the work . They cover non-routine work and are often supplemented with permits. These fill the gap between operating and maintenance procedures and the hazards and risks specific to the work being conducted at the time. Typically, several parties are involved in safe work practices including the owner and its contractors. Interface documents dictate what safe work practices are used and specify who approves the work.
147 its structural integrity. Reaction stability is a complex function of temperature, concentration, impuriti es, and degree of confinement. Knowledge of the reaction onset temperature, the rate of reaction as a function of temperature, and heat of reaction is necessary for analysis of a runaway reaction. Process cond itions that result in the rapid decomposition of reactants can also physically overpressurize a vessel (Ref 8.13 CCPS 1995). Toxic Hazards . The dispersion and consequences resulting from the release of toxic materials require complex analyses that attempt to simulate many physical and chemic al phenomena in nature and model the movement and change in concentr ation of released materials in the atmosphere versus time (Ref 8.25 CCPS 1996) (Ref 8.12 CCPS 2000). Toxicological effects for humans are often expressed as a concentration (i.e., parts per million), and a number of resources are available to understand acute and chronic toxic effects. As with information regarding flammability properties, th e SDS is the primary reference for toxicological data. Howe ver, caution must be exercised in using toxicological data. Some data ar e intended to describe chronic exposures to workers, while others are intended to measure the short- term (acute) exposures associated wi th accident situations. Most of these data have been extrapolated from laboratory animal experiments and need to be corrected for the size and physiology of humans (Ref 8.81 Patty’s); (Ref 8.72 Rand) (Ref 8.79 USDOE); (Ref 8.1 ACGIH) (Ref 8.64 NIOSH); (Ref 8.12 CCPS 2000). Physical Hazards . Other hazards can present a process safety risk. For example, the simple overpressurizati on of a vessel or tank above its maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) (or design pressure) can result in a rupture and release of its contents. The codes for pressure vessel design, e.g., the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, NR-13 in Brazil, and the European Pressure Eq uipment Directive all contain safety margins such that vessel failure shou ld occur at some pressure above the MAWP, however, the operating history, corrosion and damage mechanism environment, inspection practices, and maintenance will determine how effective these safety margins are over the life of the vessel. Another example of severe physical hazards is the hazard represented by high speed rotating equipment, e.g., the failure of a turbine blade at operating speed.
and Inherently Safer Processes , October 8-11, 1996, Orlando, FL (pp. 416- 428). New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Berger, S.A., and Lantzy, R.J. (1996). Reducing Inherent Risk Through Consequence Modeling. In H. Cullingford (Ed.). 1996 Process Plant Safety Symposium , Volume 1, April 1-2, 1996, Houston, TX (pp. 15-23). Houston, TX: South Texas Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Berglund, R.L. and Snyder, G.E. (December,1990). Waste minimization: The sooner, the better. Chemtech, 740-746. Black, H. (1996). Supercritical carbon dioxide: the “greener” solvent. Environmental Science and Technology 30 (3), 124A-7A. Blumenberg, B. (1992). Chemical reaction engineering in today's industrial environment. Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (9-11,) 2149- 2162. Bodor, N. (October, 1995). Design of biologically safer chemicals. Chemtech, 22-32. Borman, S. (November 30, 1992). Aromatic amine route is environmentally safer. Chemical and Engineering News , 26-27. Bradley, D. (August 6, 1994). Solvents get the big squeeze. New Scientist , 32-35. Bradley, D. (April 29, 1995). Incredible shrinking visions. New Scientist , 46-47. Brennan, D.J. (May, 1993). Some challenges of cleaner production for process design. Environmental Protection Bulletin 024, 3- 7. Burch, W.M. (1986). Process mo difications and new chemicals. Chemical Engineering Progress, 82 (4) 5-8. Callari, J. (November, 1992). En vironmental pressures force widespread change. Plastics World , 40-43. Calvert, C. (November, 1992). En vironmentally-friendly catalysis using non-toxic supported reagents. Environmental Protection Bulletin 021, 3-9. 472
RISK MITIGATION 347 Figure 15.9 b. The right side (consequence legs) of a bow tie for loss of containment (CCPS 2018) Risk Reduction Measures Processes that pose risk are provided with risk reduction measures. These measures may prevent an incident from occurring or mitiga te the consequences as illustrated in Bow Tie Analysis. They may be safeguards , barriers, or IPLs as discu ssed in section 15.3. Additionally, they may be passive or active. Passive Hardware - A barrier system that is continuously present and provides its function without any required action. (CCPS 2018) Active Hardware - A barrier system that requires some action to occur to achieve its function. All aspects of the barrier detect-decide-act functions are achieved by hard ware or software. (CCPS 2018) Active barriers may be pieces of equipment, human action, or a combination of the two, for example, an operator closing a valve in response to an alarm. Table 15.1 provides a list of potential risk reduction measures and classifi es them in these categories. Many of these measures are fundamental to process safety. Se lect the appropriate risk reduction measure for the application. It is also important to recall the concepts of inherently safer design (Section 10.7.2) and the hierarchy of controls (Secti on 10.7.3) when making decisions on the implementation of risk reduction measures. Not all measures meet the requirements to be considered an IPL; however, that does not make them less important in the overall management of process sa fety. Items such as training, procedures, and signage are key aspects of preventing process safety incidents.
404 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION Car Seals. Car seals, are devices for physically lock ing valves in position where the position is critical to safe operation. (see Figure 19.4) They play an important role in the effectiveness of process safety systems. P&IDs should indicate whether the valve is car sealed open or car sealed closed (CSO or CSC). By itself, a car seal does not necessarily prevent a position critical device from being moved to an unsafe position. It is what the seal represents and how it is managed that keeps the device in the appropriate position. The seal can be broken in an emergency to change the position of a valve. Chains and locks are sometimes used instead of car seals. Figure 19.4. Car seal on a valve handle (Wermac) Good practices for position critical devices in clude having a written procedure, frequently verifying correct position, using MOCs for changing the position, and verifying position as part of a PSSR. Equipment Labeling . The purpose of proper equipment and piping labeling is to support plant operations and maintenance activities. G ood practices include labeling of all equipment (including spares), safety instrumented system components, piping, utilities, and safety critical double block and bleed. Process Oversight Process Readings and Evaluation . Operators collect information on the process status and evaluate that information to determine if processes are running efficiently and meeting
134 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS FEL-2 develops selected options further and usually one option is progressed to initial mass and energy balances, outline layout and PFDs, and equipment lists to allow an outline costing to be developed. Once the final option is selected, the initial Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis studies, risk register, Inherently Safer Design review, and Concept Risk Analysis are all updated. Final option selection involves a multi-variable balancing of project finance, potential process safety and environmental impacts, and project risks (e.g., construction risks, weather). Initial engineering design activities are undertaken including: establishing the design philosophy, identifying relevant regul ations and standards, facility siting or module layout, conducting preliminary studies for fire and explosion analysis, fire and gas detection, fire hazards, firewater and foam needs, blowdown and depressurization, transportation risk, and security vulnerability. The ISD is updated in FEL-2 as part of the final option selection process. Sutton (2011) describes the application of inherent safety into an offshore FEL stage design. Options are screened out based on good design principles and the ISD hierarchy – using Figure 7-2 as a guide for ranking. The ranking is discussed in the box explaining the concept of Inherently Safer Design. ISD options include those related to workforce exposure and the use of reduced personnel levels or even unmanned facilities, thus reducing risks. Other ISD options may relate to facility layout and sizing of hydrocarbon storage. There may be a trade-off where safety is enhanced, but environmental impacts increased (e.g., offshore subsea processing mostly eliminates safety issues, but smaller undetect ed leaks persist for longer than if on a manned facility). Both aspects are important, and the design selection should consider each in the option selection. Where a CRA (either QRA or consequence analysis) is performed, it is refined at the FEL-2 stage when outline design activity occurs, and it is part of the ranking of the different options. As before, the risk estimates are at more of a screening level of detail but may be sufficient to differentiate options. There may be adequate informa tion at this stage to address Asset Integrity and Reliability. It might establish the need for more costly alloy materials to deal with corrosive fluids. It might also address whether a single equipment item is sufficient or there should be redundancy to provide increased reliability. The relationship between various risks and risk reduction options should be considered at this stage. For example, where a normally unmanned installation is proposed which reduces personnel risks, then the equipment should be designed with sufficient integrity to minimize the need for maintenance (which could inadvertently increase manning levels).
6.3 Improving the Process Safety Culture of an Organization |227 Create clarity of purpose. In this step, the clarified roles and responsibilities are rolled out, along with the process safety culture mission, vision, and goals. Leaders should conduct awareness orientations about the desired process safety culture for all personnel. The orientation should cover the core principles of process safety culture, the new expectations, and the plan to assess and improve culture. The orientation should be conducted by the organizational leaders personally. Culture comes from strong, committed leadership, and a leader who is absent from the roll out, or one who introduces the orientation and then leaves may be perceived as less than committed. It is also important to involve lower-level leaders in conducting the orientation. When workers see their supervisors aligning with the new culture, they will be more m otivated to follow. Ideally, everyone should be connected in some way to addressing the cultural gaps and working towards the vision. Following the orientation, normal work teams should be engaged to address the cultural gaps identified in the assessments. Training to im prove overall process safety competency should also be done. There may be som e resistance to this. Some m ay already believe they are fully knowledgeable, and some managers m ay believe they do not need to know process safety because their subordinates handle it. Leaders do not have to conduct this training (as for the orientation). However, they should show a visible commitm ent to the training. For exam ple, they might personally kick-off training sessions by explaining their importance and their expectations of trainees. Some sort of visual representation of progress should be created, and then m aintained. This could be based on metrics (e.g. % of workforce involved) or on milestones (e.g. depicted on a flowchart color-coded to show items completed, in progress, not yet started, etc.) Once started, this should be continued. If the
Containers 145 9.4 Transferring Fluids Between C ontainers The duty of containers is storing or holding fluids and also allowing fluids to flow out. The latter duty is not always an easy one. A similar issue in our daily lives is shown in Figure 9.2. When transferring fluid from point “ A” to point “B, ” point “ A” should be able to manage a lack of fluid and somehow break the vacuum created, and point “B” should be able to manage the accumulation of fluid and pressurization at point “B. ” If either of the points, or both of them, fail to handle the pressure changes, the flow will be stopped. This is one of the most commonly overlooked requirements in developing container sys - tems in P&IDs (Figure 9.3). From a theoretical viewpoint there shouldn’t be such an issue at all. A plant theoretically operates in a steady state and wherever there is flow‐in into a container, there should be a flow‐out equal to the flow‐in. However in practice there are units/plants that are working in batch‐wise or semi‐continuous modes of operation. Even in fully continuous operation plants there few times that the plant operates in a fully steady state condition. Therefore there is always the chance of liquid accumulation in con-tainers and the creation of low pressure in the source tank and creation of high pressure in the destination tank. This issue is mainly for liquids, in tanks and not vessels, and specifically for larger tanks. There should be provision to take care of the atmos - phere above the liquid level. Without such provision flow is stopped, or when the liquid level in the container decreases a vacuum will be created in the space in the top of the container. If this vacuum is not broken the container will collapse. In the case that the liquid level in a container increases, the space in the top of the container will be over pressurized. If this overpressure is not released the container will explode. There are at least four different ways to deal with this issue. They are explained below and are shown in Figure 9.4.Solution 1: do nothing. This solution can be used when the amount of vacuum or overpressure is very slight and at the same time the liquid is near its boiling point. This means the liquid can easily be converted to vapor and vapor can be easily converted to liquid. In this solution the slight vacuum created will be compensated for by additional liquid evaporation and the slight overpres - sure will be mitigated by a small conversion of vapor to liquid. This solution is not very reliable and is rare. Second hole is created Liquid exiting smoothly Exiting liquid is “glugging” Figure 9.2 Pr oblem of pouring liquid out of a can. Vacuum Here!Over pressure here! Container AW ith or without pumpContainer B Figure 9.3 Fluid tr ansfer between containers. Equilibrium line(a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 9.4 Differ ent ways of facilitating flow.
LESSONS LEARNED 349 been inhibited. The associated re commendation was to reinforce the management of change system . This i s an issue that occurs across many industries and these de tails could be extracted from the case study, summarized on a single sh eet as shown below in Figure 16.1 (Safety Alert) and used to communicate the co mmon learning that applies. Figure 16.1 Example Safety Alert
192 | 5 Aligning Culture with PSMS Elements communication , particularly in traditionally hierarchical cultures where asking questions for the purpose of learning is an appropriate way to initiate communication. Key employees in PSMS roles should not restrict com petency building to internal developm ent efforts. Since process safety incidents tend to be rare events, it is im portant for process safety personnel to participate in local, national, or global industry or technical organizations, meetings and conferences. This gives them direct access to lessons learned from other com panies across the industry. A person’s access to lessons learned is greatly facilitated by sharing their own lessons learned, Doing so fosters mutual trust . Some companies may be uncom fortable with this level of sharing. However, the value of sharing is so high that com panies should find ways to appropriately manage the details of what is shared while enabling the exchange of lessons-learned. There is ongoing debate whether senior facility and corporate leaders should have experience in the processes and technologies that they m anage. The debate addresses other technical and m anagerial disciplines beyond process safety. The school of thought embraced by followers of the HRO approach (Appendix D) believe that technical competence in the discipline is essential, particularly when it com es to preventing catastrophic incidents. For example, in the nuclear industries of many companies, facility m anagers must spend a m inimum amount of time in a nuclear safety role. The other school of thought believes that leaders do not need to have had experience in the discipline; they need only surround them selves with staff having the necessary com petency. Certainly, having the technical expertise helps, particularly in preventing the normalization of deviance . However, either approach can work, from a process safety culture perspective. The bottom line, with or without technical experience, leaders should: Understand the PSMS and its underlying principles, Know the hazards their organization is m anaging, • •
EQUIPMENT FAILURE 191 Table 11.1. Failure modes and design considerations for fluid transfer equipment Failure mode Causes Consequences Design considerations Stopping Power failure Mechanical failure Control system action (failure or intended) Consequence to upstream or downstream equipment (HIRA needed) See Reverse Flow Power indication on pump Low flow alarms/interlocks Level alarms and interlocks in other equipment Deadhead ing or Isolation Pump/compressor outlet blocked in by: Closed valves (manual, control, block) on discharge side, Plugged lines Blinds left in Loss of containment due to, high temperature and pressure causing seal, gasket, expansion joint, pump or piping failure. Possible phase changes, reactions. Overpressure protection. Minimum flow recirculation lines. Alarms/interlocks to shut down the pump or compressor on low flow or power Limit closing time for valves Cavitation / Surging Blocked suction by: Closed inlet valves Plugged filters/strainers Loss of containment due to damage to seals or impellers Low flow alarms/interlock to shut down the pump or compressor Vibration alarms/interlocks Differential pressure alarm on strainers Reverse Flow Pump or compressor stops Loss of containment upstream Overpressure upstream Contamination upstream Non-Return (Check) valves on discharge side (Check valves are difficult to count on; their dangerous failure modes are difficult to diagnose or test for until they are actually needed.) Automatic isolation valves Overpressure protection upstream Positive displacement pump Seal Leaks Particulates in feed Loss of seal fluids or flushes Small bore connections Age (wearing out) Loss of containment due to damage to seals Alarms or interlocks on seal fluid system to shutdown pump/compressor Double mechanic al seals with alarm on loss of one seal Sealless pumps Contamin ation / change of fluid Liquid in compressor feed Compressor damage See Seal leaks Knock out pots before compressor Figure 11.11 shows a Pump Application Data Sheet . The first block of information, Liquid Properties, specifically asks fo r safety information such as flammability, toxicity, regulatory coverage. Other properties that could be of inte rest could be thermal stability or reactivity of
2.8 Defer to Expertise |57 Employees should feel that they can stop any activity when they notice a potential hazard, even when stopping may have an impact on production or costs. They should feel that these actions can be taken without retribution from either fellow workers or m anagement, and that second-guessing from any party regarding the consequences of such actions will not occur. Empowerm ent promotes feelings of self-worth, belonging and value. Employees should be involved in training, should be consulted about the content of the PSMS, and should participate to the extent possible in all process safety activities. 2.8 DEFER TO EXPERTISE Atlantic Ocean, Offshore of Florida, USA, January 28, 1986 Shortly after launch, the external fuel tank of the space shuttle Challenger exploded, dooming the shuttle and all 7 crew m embers. The fuel tank was breached by a sizeable leak of hot gases through two O-rings that sealed a joint in one of the orbiter’s two booster rockets. On the day of launch, the tem perature was significantly colder than the O-rings were designed to seal. However, NASA management failed to Defer to the Expertise of the booster rocket program engineer and launched anyway. The investigation revealed a significant Normalization of Deviance (Ref 2.32), as NASA launched shuttles at colder and colder tem peratures, accom panied with greater and greater burn-through of the O-rings. The Challenger space shuttle disaster of January 28, 1986, was a major turning point in the consideration of culture in highly technical operations. However, NASA failed to Learn to Assess and Advance the Culture , leading to the loss of the shuttle Columbia from another Normalization of Deviance situation.
DETERM INING ROOT CAUSES 227 A larger version of the tree is shown as Figure 10.14, although it is not completely developed. (The figure is turned for better viewing.) Figure 10.14 Logic Tree, Slip/ Trip/ Fall Incident
Table 26-3 continued Investigatory tools Description of tool Tripod Beta [115] The Tripod Beta technique consists of three steps: 1. “What happened?” – develop a diagram that shows the sequence of events in the accident. 2. “How did the incident happen?” – identify failed, inadequate, missing , and effective barriers. This is to identify risk management measures that should have been in place. 3. “Why did the accident happen?” – create a causation path that iden tifies immediate causes and related human failures of failed barriers, pre-conditions in fluencing the immediate causes, and underlying (root) causes that created the preconditions. (adapted from [115] ) Precondition Underlying cause Immediate cause Agent Barrier Event Object
Chapter No.: 1 Title Name: Toghraei c14.indd Comp. by: ISAKIAMMAL Date: 25 Feb 2019 Time: 12:29:27 PM Stage: Proof WorkFlow: CSW Page Number: 269 269 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development, First Edition. Moe Toghraei. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/Toghraei_PID 14.1 Introduction This chapter is not meant to be a definitive course in control system design. Instead, I want to take you through the process principles involved in designing a system. There are two main methods that can be used: ●Design by analysis. This method is used when the unit operation is complex enough that it requires mathe-matical equations and chemical process data to render a solution. For instance, this method would be used by control engineers in the design of the control system for a fractionation tower or distillation column. In these operations, where composition is a vital process parameter, you may have many side streams that draw off different end products at various stages in the ves - sel. So you can imagine that this requires quite a lot of analysis to design the control system correctly. ●Design by intuition. This method involves a mixture of gut feeling, practical experience, and observation to provide a control solution. This is the way I learned, and it is also the method used by most designers. This method can be used because most process operations are not complex enough to warrant a full mathematical analysis for control purposes. Apart from that, many items of equipment like pumps, heat exchangers or boilers have established a control methodology that works and has been tried and tested over many years, so it can be learned easily. In this chapter, we focus on the second method: design- ing a control system by intuition. 14.2 Control System Design There are four steps involved in designing a control system: 1) Se lecting the parameter you want to control and the location of the sensor. 2) Iden tifying the manipulated stream, or the stream on which you want to place a control valve.3) De termining the set point. 4) Building the c ontrol loop. 14.3 Selecting the Parameter to Control In this step, you are basically selecting the type of sensor and its location by identifying the process variable you need to control. In the majority of cases, the sensor should be placed on the stream whose process parameter you want to control. Later you will see the two main different types of con- trol loop architectures, which are “feedback” and “feed-forward. ” The above statement is valid only for feedback (FB) loops. It means in feedforward (FF) loops, the sen-sor does not necessarily need to be located on the stream that is to be controlled. How do we go about selecting the right parameter to control? The approach that I take is to use Table 14.1 as a rule of thumb to help with parameter selection. This table is useful because, for each parameter, it gives you examples of where the sensor should be placed and also the point in the process where the parameter must be adjusted. There are a few points to note about this table: 1) Alwa ys control the inventory in your process. 2) Pre ssure for gas vessels works similar to level for liq- uids. Both of them work for inventory control. 3) Do t emperature control wherever there is a piece of equipment that causes a change in temperature. 4) Do c omposition control wherever there is a piece of equipment that causes a change in composition. 5) Comp osition control is not common for at least two reasons: one, because theirs sensors (process analyz- ers) are slow and not very reliable, and two, because composition is generally a function of other parame-ters and by controlling temperature, pressure, etc. the control of composition can be achieved. 6) Flow rat e is only controlled in piping systems (obvi- ously), and control loops are located near fluid movers.14 Application of Control Architectures
Pipes 77 The limitations could be the available pipe sizes or una- vailability of some valves in the spec. There are some cases that we are looking for some- thing which is not available in the selected pipe spec. There are at least four ways to deal with this issue: 1) Change t he whole pipe spec by changing the interpre- tation of the piping spec commodity in a new, less radical way and move the fluid name to another less restrictive pipe spec. 2) Change t he pipe spec to a less restrictive but still acceptable spec (a more rigid pipe spec). 3) Change t he process design to obey the restrictions of the current pipe spec. 4) As k the material group to update the current piping spec to cover the item of request. It means there could be a specific piping spec for the utility water that has pipes only from 2 to 10 inche s when you are looking for a 16‐inch pipe in the plant. The solutions are: 1) Is ther e another less restrictive pipe spec, for exam- ple, for raw water? Does it have 16‐inch pipe in it? If the answer is yes, use it and change all the pipe specs to that one. 2) Is t here another less restrictive, but more expensive pipe spec, for example, for potable water? Does it have 16‐inch pipe in it? If the answer is yes, use it and put spec breaks for the 16‐inch pipe to use this less restrictive but more expensive pipe spec. 3) Can you replace the 16‐inch pipe with two 12‐inch pipes in parallel to get over the limitation in the exist - ing pipe spec?4) As a last resort, ask the material group to update the piping spec table and extend their piping spec to cover the item of request (i.e.16‐inch pipe). This solution is not the best solution because companies are usually not willing to change their piping spec and changing the piping spec may take a few weeks to a few months. The other limitation could be unavailability of some valves. In some piping specs, some specific valve types are not available. For example, in one piping spec, there could be no ball valve. So, if this is the specific pipe spec, it needs to be ensured that no ball valve is installed on the pipe. If there is a need to put a ball valve, the preceding solution can be used. An additional solution for valves is changing the valve to a similar valve with an actuator. Using this trick, the valves become beyond the piping specs and are transferred to the Instrumentation and Control group who may accept and approve the requested valve. 6.3.4 Pipe Siz e The pipe size, or pipe diameter, to carry a fluid from point A to point B is already specified during the design phase of project. However, it is a good idea to have some practical understanding about these parameters. Pipe size is generally mentioned as part of a pipe tag. However, the way that the pipe size is mentioned is dif - ferent. Without going through different pipe standards, generally, in North America the pipe size is reported as nominal pipe size (NPS), which is an approximate size and not necessarily beyond the pipe diameter. NPS is generally stated in inches and an 18‐inch pipe can be written as 18 in. or 18″ pip e. Another way of stating Piping material spec Out steam: Commodity: Water T=T0 °C P=P0 kPagCommodity: Water T=T 1/uni2192 T2 °C P=P 1/uni2192 P2 kPagCommodity: xxxxx Commodity: xxxxx Commodity: xxxxx Commodity: xxxxx Commodity: xxxxx Figure 6.13 Specifying pipe spec.
344 Human Factors Handbook • Conducting two to three discussion se ssions over a period of time with individuals to: o Fully capture their perceptions of the incident. o Allow for individual later memory recall. o Allow time for post incident-stress recovery. For example, people may remember more information if asked about the incident a few days or a week after it happened. This is because people sometimes need time to process any negative emotions and to allow their stress levels to fall. 26.5.3 Avoiding bias in investigations Incident investigations should avoid investigation bias to ensure the gathered information is an objective and true reflec tion of events. Some investigation biases and strategies to lessen the impact of these biases are provided in Table 26-2.
Ancillary Systems and Additional Considerations 403 he may need to choose the inherent solution. In the inherent solution all the design pressures of connected items are equalized to the highest value. This is a very conservative approach that not all companies welcome because it may increase the cost of project to a high, unacceptable value. For example one company may say: “all the tanks connected to a VRU system through a vapor collection network should have the same design pressure (@ design temperature). ” Although this logic cannot be completely overruled, it is less likely to happen in a large scope and it is also very expensive to implement. A more common example of where this situation hap- pens a lot during P&ID development is what is shown in Figure 18.33. What should we do when tying‐in two pipes together with two different design pressures? It is obvious that the operating pressure of the two sep- arate pipes will both be changed to new values after the tying in. In an inherent solution the design pressure of the lower rating pipe should be increased to the higher rating (Figure 18.34).If this solution is not acceptable from an economical viewpoint the limiting pressure can be implemented. In this solution a pressure regulator together with a PSV can be placed on the lower rating pipe, right after the tying in point. A single or double check valve could be placed to prevent high pressure to “migrate” to the upstream of a lower rating pipe. Placing a check valve for this purpose is very tricky and is not always acceptable. The reason is that a check valve may prevent reverse flow but not the reverse pressure! Then putting in a check valve doesn’t necessarily prevent high pressure from reversing to upstream of the tying point. This lack of reverse pressure prevention is because no check valve can 100% prevent backflow. Generally speaking a conventional swing check valves passes flow in the reverse direction in about 10% of main flow. Design P ressure of Connected Equipment–Sensor For connected equipment–sensor, there are at least two available solutions: equalizing the design pressure to the highest value and do nothing! The solution of limiting and allocating pressure is generally not available for this case. Some companies prefer to put the design pressure of all instruments connected to – for example – a piece of pipes equal to the rating of the pipe. This could be an expensive approach and not all companies like it. It is not strange to see that the design pressure of connected instruments to a piece of pipe is lower than the rating of the pipe with no means of pressure limitation and with no concerns! This “do nothing” approach could be taken by some companies based on the logic that: “losing the pipe and rupturing it is not affordable by us but we can afford to lose a small instrument if the pressure goes beyond the design pressure of the instrument. ” Therefore the answer to the question of: “should the design pressure of a flow sensor be the same as the design pressure of the pipe it is installed on it?” The short answer is: “not necessarily. ”Design P=500 Design P=300 Figure 18.33 Tying t ogether two pipes with different ratings. Design P=500 Design P=300Design P=500 Figure 18.34 Equaliza tion of pipe rating after tying them in together.
6 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS This selected list of incidents with lo ss of containment shows how serious major process safety events can be to people, the environment, and to business. Marsh (2020) lists many serious upstream losses in its 100 largest losses review. This source lists major losses due to process leaks (e.g., Piper Alpha), blowouts (e.g., Deepwater Horizon), harsh weather (e.g., Ocean Ranger), failure of marine systems (e.g., Kolskaya towing incident), struct ural failures (e.g., Alexander Kielland leg collapse and sinking) and transportation (e.g., helicopter incidents). Details on all of these are available from the relevant regula tor or by a literature search. While this book focuses on process safety, readers ca n learn from all incidents in efforts to improve overall upstream safety. Although this book does not delve into specific regulations, certain regions require process safety and other major hazards to be addressed as part of the permitting process. Examples include the US SEMS and OHSA 1910 rules, Europe (EU) Offshore Oil & Gas Safety Directiv e, Norway PSA requirements, Australia NOPSEMA rules, and Abu Dhabi ADNOC requirements. The implementation requirements are different, but all require major hazards to be identified, assessed for risk, and managed with an effective safety and environmental management system. A short summary of international regulations is provided in Section 2.8. This book is needed for several reasons. 1.Major incidents in the upstream industry such as Piper Alpha (IChemE, 2018) and Deepwater Horizon (National Commission, 2011) show that robust process safety management is beneficial not only to reduce events but also to demonstrate to the public that the industry is managing its risks effectively. This latter aspect is important for the community and regulators to have confidence in the industry and thus allow continued or new operations. This book is intended to help improve process safety performance, thus supporting the indu stry as a whole. A similar argument applies to the downstream industry as well. 2.Newcomers to the industry can benefit from a text specifically explaining process safety in the context of the upstream industry. SPE has a substantial library of books in its textbook series. These focus on technical aspects of well design and upstream operations, rather than process safety. This book fills a gap in SPE literature. 3.The upstream industry can leverage learnings from both its own incidents and those from downstream related to hard-won lessons of major incidents such as Flixborough and Bhopal (both described in Lees, 2012). These lessons have been codified by CCPS in a series of over 100 Guideline texts addressing process safety, including Risk Based Process Safety (CCPS, 2007a). CCPS was created as the US downstream industry response to the Bhopal disaster in 1984. It has had its objective to put into the public domain the best practices for process safety. Most of these are equally applicable to upstream as well, alth ough the technical terms and examples may differ. This book is an access point to many of the other CCPS texts.
60 Human Factors Handbook Figure 6-4: Task safety criticality rating (adapted from [33] ) 6.2.3 Other factors Guidance is provided Table 6-1 and Tabl e 6-2 for rating the remaining factors. Some low complexity tasks may be perfor med frequently, such as depressurizing oil storage tanks every day. However, so metimes the circumstances may change. For example, a change in wind direction and speed may require special precautions, such as turning off ignition sources downwind of the tanks. This could be a low frequency task and higher complexity.
174 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS examine the actual failure sites to identi fy the nature of the failure, such as fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, in tergranular stress corrosion, or embrittlement. The timeline tool pulls all of this in formation together into a manageable record of events and sequence provid ing a perspective conducive to proper causal analysis. 8.4.2 Constructing a Sequence Diagram Organizing Data with Sequence Diagrams Sequence diagrams are a more elaborat e graphical depiction of a timeline that allow the investigator to present related events and conditions in parallel branches. As with a timeline, begin construction of the sequence diagram at the earliest opportunity, as soon as the initial facts become known about the incident. By starting earl y, the investigation can spot missing information or inconsistencies in the “facts” and focus upon resolving those gaps. A diagram depicting the sequence of events leading to an incident has a number of advantages over a simple timeline that can be summarized in three main areas: investigation, identi fying actions, and reporting as shown below (Ferry, 1988). Investigation • Summarizing the events in the form of a diagram provides an aid to developing evidence, identifying ca usal factors, and identifying gaps in knowledge. • The multiple causes leading to an incident are clearly illustrated. • Diagrams enable all involved in the investigation to visualize the sequence of events in time, and th e relationships of conditions and events. • A good diagram serves to communicate the incident more clearly than pages of text and ensures a more accurate interpretation. Identifying Actions • The diagram provides a cause-or ientated explanation of the incident. • Areas of responsibility are clearly defined.
Chapter No.: 1 Title Name: <TITLENAME> c19.indd Comp. by: <USER> Date: 25 Feb 2019 Time: 12:34:26 PM Stage: <STAGE> WorkFlow: <WORKFLOW> Page Number: 405 405 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Development, First Edition. Moe Toghraei. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/Toghraei_PID 19.1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to show a general meth- odology for the development of P&IDs and a general methodology for checking P&IDs. 19.2 General Procedure for P&ID De velopment The question is how to develop the P&ID of an item that is new to you. Let’s look at a process plant from a bird’s eye view (Figure 19.1). The main units in process engineering are: conversion units and separation units. The conversion units could be physical conversion units or chemical conversion units. The other items, that we name general items, can be considered as “peripheral” items, and their duties satisfy the main conversion units. We have already learned how to develop P&IDs for general items like pipes, pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, etc. However, it is not always the case that a design engineer (in the role of P&ID developer) should develop the P&ID for general/popular items (e.g. con-tainers, fluid movers, heat exchangers, etc.). In those cases where he is faced with new items (less popular items like a liquid extraction tower, filter press, etc.) he should have the capability of developing the P&ID. It is not very easy to develop the P&ID when you are totally unfamiliar with the item, but it is not impossible. The first step is to learn the function of the new piece of equipment and its principles of operation. Talking to the vendor and several users of the piece of equipment helps a lot in developing a good P&ID for a piece of equipment. Interviewing vendors is easy because they want to sell their equipment to you but finding good users for the equipment is not easy. First of all users are generally hesitant to talk because the transferred information may be considered as proprietary information and inhibited. The second issue is that getting unbiased information is very difficult. The third issue is every user’s experience is gained in a specific service, specific weather, etc. and may not be considered as a “general” idea. In the end, it is the skill-fulness of the P&ID development engineer to “extract” the pure facts from the interviews. P&ID development is nothing but developing provi- sions to cover all four stages of the life cycle for every single piece of item on the plant. These four stages are, again, normal operation, non‐ routine operation, maintenance/inspection, and the absence of the item from operation. Here we develop this strategy in two sections, a piping and equipment section and an instrument, control, alarm, and SIS section. 19.2.1 P&ID Dev elopment: Piping and Equipment Out of the four stages of each piece of equipment, the “normal operation stage” generally doesn’t need much from a piping viewpoint. The majority of items are needed for the three other phases of operation. Each of the items needed to be added to cover these fours stage may need an additional control system. For the piping and equipment section these sample questions could be asked: 1) The e quipment may need partial recycling if the function of the equipment improves because of the recycling. Examples of such equipment are reactors with equilibrium reactions and the units where “probability” is a factor (like the floatation process in mining). 2) How low c an the flow rate be for the equipment to work comfortably, and is there any expectation that the flow will go below that “minimum acceptable flow”? What happens if the flow goes below the “minimum acceptable flow” in the short and long term?19 General Procedures
345 processing of chemicals having explos ive properties; 3) improved hazard consideration for hydrogen; 4) additi onal special process hazards; and, 5) inclusion of toxi city in assessment. The Mond Index divides the plant into individual units and takes into consideration plant layout and the creation of separating barriers between units. The hazard potential is initially ex pressed in terms of a set of indices for fire, explosion, and toxicity. The hazard indices are then reviewed to determine if design changes reduce the hazard, and the revised values. Factors for preventative and protective features are applied, and then final values of the indices are calculated. 13.7.4 Proposed Inherent Safety indices The Integrated Inherent Safety Index (I2SI), developed by Khan and Amyotte (Ref 13.19 Khan) , addresses the economic evaluation and hazard potential identification for each option within the process life cycle. I2SI is comprised of sub-indi ces accounting for hazard potential, inherent safety potential, add- on control requirements, and the economic aspects of the options. Th e two main sub-indices are a hazard index and an inherent safety potentia l index. The hazard index measures the damage potential of the process, considering the process and hazard control measures. The inherent safe ty potential index addresses the applicability of inherent safety prin ciples to the process. The two sub- indices are combined to produce the I2SI value. The Prototype Index of Inherent Safety (PIIS) for process design was developed by Edwards and Lawrence (Ref 13.9 Edwards 1993). The PIIS is based on a chemical score and a process score. The chemical score takes into consideration inventory, flammability, explosiveness and toxicity. The process score addresses parameters, such as temperature and pressure. When using an inherent safety in dex, the user should take the necessary steps to ensure that he/she understands the basis of the index. The developers of the in dices use their own judgment and experience in deciding what factors are analyzed and in determining the weighting—sometimes transparentl y, sometimes hidden—of those factors and how they are combined. Th e user must be sure that these subjective decisions are in line with their organization’s philosophy and goals.
450 PROCESS SAFETY FOR ENGINEERS: AN INTRODUCTION became an accepted part of every flight and wi th each successful landing the original concerns seem to have faded away. They loss their sense of vulnerability to a major incident related to foam failure. Normalization of deviance - A gradual erosion of standards of performance as a result of increase d tolerance of nonconformance. (CCPS Glossary) In the words of the CAIB report, “Cultural tr aits and organizational practices detrimental to safety were allowed to develop, including: reliance on past success as a substitute for sound engineering practices (such as testing to und erstand why systems were not performing in accordance with requirements); organizational barriers that prevented effective communication of critical safety information an d stifled professional differences of opinion; lack of integrated management across program elements; and the evolution of an informal chain of command and decision-making processes that operated outside the organization’s rules.” (CAIB 2003) Lessons Process Safety Culture. An important aspect of a good safety culture is maintaining a sense of vulnerability. An example of the poor safety cu lture at NASA is the denial of requests by the Debris Assessment Team for imaging of the wing while the shuttle was in orbit. The team concluded, based on modeling that “some loca lized heating damage would most likely occur during re-entry, but they could not definitively state that structural damage would result.” The Mission Management Team eventually conclude d the debris strike was a “turnaround” [time between launches] issue. As stated in the CAIB report “Organizations that deal with high-risk operations must always have a healthy fear of failure – operations must be proved safe, rather than the other way around. NASA inverted this burden of proof.” The CAIB found “NASA ʼs safety culture has become reactive, complacent, and dominated by unjustified optimism. Over time, slowly and unintentionally, independent checks and balances intended to increase safety had been eroded in favor of detailed processes that produce massive amounts of data and unwa rranted consensus, but little effective communication. Organizations that successfully de al with high-risk technologies create and sustain a disciplined safety system capable of identifying, analyzing, and controlling hazards throughout a techno logy’s life cycle.” Overview Chapter 21 addresses topics that focus on th e personnel management aspects of process safety management. This chapter addresses topi cs that focus on the business management activities used to sustain process safe ty management including the following. Incident investigation Measurement and metrics Auditing Management review and continuous improvement
Appendices 173 CRITERIA Yes/No operations, startup, cleanout , maintenance, and shutdown configurations)? Prior PHA Documentation (Section 3.2 and Chapter 8) Is the PHA documentation sufficient, or can sufficient documentation be reconstructed to: • Indicate PHA team meeting dates? • Verify the five-year history of process safety incidents, and any others with the potential for catastrophic consequences, were revi ewed by the PHA team? • Verify the PSI used by the team was current and adequate to ensure a thorough study? • Identify the hazards, engineering and administrative controls (safeguards), and co nsequences if those risk controls fail? • Verify that facility siting was addressed? • Verify that human factors were addressed? • Verify that a range of the possible safety and health effects w a s e v a l u a t e d ( e . g . , b y r i s k r a n k i n g o r s o m e o t h e r documented technique)? • Verify compliance with any additional regulatory or internal requirements? Note: if only a few of these bullets are an issue, they are probably fixable via an Update; however, if several of them are an issue, then there are sufficient deficiencies to warrant a “No” answer.
164 | 12 REAL Model Scenario: Overfilling of my buddies, asking if their companies made any upgrades on their tank gauging equipment. Once I hear back from them, I’ll let you know what their first-hand experience has been with the upgrades.” Frederik said, “I should check with my peers at other companies to see what their experience has been as well.” Alexandre followed up, “We were really attracted by the lack of mechanical parts in the radar gauges, but since the initial costs are so high, I still need to crunch some numbers to see if we can justify the expense.” Pamela and Frederik smiled broadly. Their employees had done a stellar job analyzing the situation and making a sound proposal. “Looks like we have the start of a plan that we can lay out to Jan for feedback and, hopefully, approval. We just need to flesh out a few more details and we should be good to go. Let’s plan on getting back together in another week to finalize the plan,” said Pamela. Before closing the meeting, Alexandre read back the action items, saying, “Here’s what I have, and please let me know if I missed anything”: • Review current PHA to see if we need any updates to our emergency response to flooding. Check on the frequency in which we review PHAs. (Pamela and Alexandre). • Follow-up with colleagues about first-hand experience with tank gauge upgrades. (Frederik and Reed). • Lifecycle cost analysis for tank gauge upgrade. (Alexandre). Pamela said, “I think you’ve captured everything. Good meeting.” They left the meeting excited about the opportunities to improve the safety and operations of the facility, but also concerned that the costs might be so prohibitive that they would be stuck with the status quo. Upgrading the gauges and planning for a flooding event that might never happen could be quite costly. 12.6 Prepare Frederik, Pamela, Alexandre, and Reed filed into the meeting room. Reed started first. “Following up on my action item about talking to my friends, my buddy Pieter said his company recently upgraded to radar gauges.” Reed went on, “Like Alexandre mentioned in our previous meeting, we were leaning toward radar because it has no mechanical parts, but I was concerned about the complexity of the set-up and how my fellow operators would accept this new type of equipment.
9 • Other Transition Time Considerations 178 C9.4.2-3 – Small caustic leak issue upon new refinery start-up [94] Incident Year : 2012 Cause of the incident occu rring during the initial start-up : During a longer -than- expected repair time for a leak discovered during a new refinery start -up, undiluted caustic cont inued to be added to the crude already charged to and circulating in the partially shut -down system (a “warm circulation”). Th e undiluted caustic in the system upon full restart vaporized as the temperatures increased, corroded thousands of feet of stainless st eel pipe, fouled almost 50 heat exchangers, and damaged instrumen tation, the distillation tower, and components in the furnace. Inciden t impact : Soon after running the refinery at its normal elevated temperatures and pres sures, a series of quickly- extinguished fires on the new pipe line occurred, and then a heater ruptured once crude flow was resumed. Accelerated corrosion caused significant pipeline and equipment damage and a subsequent significant delay in and cost of the refinery start -up. Risk management system weaknesses: LL1) Note: No formal incident investiga tion report has been made publically available. The following issues may have cont ributed to this incident: 1) the unanticipated delay in fixing the a le ak (this was not recognized as a change in the planned start -up); and 2) the unanticipated effect of continuing to add caustic to the small amount of crude still in the unit during the warm circulation (either from a failed valve on the caustic system or by not shutting th e caustic addition system off). Relevant RBPS Elements: Process Knowledge Management Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis Management of Change Operational Readiness
276 • Are all tripping hazards minimized and all walking surfaces tractional during all weather conditions? • Are low noise equipment and machinery taken into consideration when ma king new purchases? • Is shift rotation optimized to avoid fatigue? • Are awkward positions and repetitive motions minimized? • Are attempts made to completely eliminate raw materials, process intermediates or by-products? • Are elbows, bends, and joints in piping minimized? Substitute • Can a less toxic, flam mable or reactive material be substituted for use? • Is there an alternate way of moving product or equipment as to eliminate human strain? • Can a water-based product be used in place of a solvent or oil-based product? • Are all allergenic materials, products and equipment replaced with non- allergen ic materials, products and equipment when possible? Moderate • Can potential rele ases be reduced via lower temperatures or pressures, or elimination of equipment? • Are all hazardous gases, liquids and solids stored as far away as possible to eliminate disruption to people, property, production and environment in the event of an incident?
Selecting an Appropriate PHA Revalidation Approach 91 (1) this worksheet alone or (2) the work sheet along with PHA documentation that has been revised per the changes and incidents serves as the Update to the PHA. Using only the change and incident review worksheet is sometimes referred to as a “Focused” or “Simple” Update . Regardless of the Update approach, the amount of time needed to perform the Update will depend upon the extent and number of changes made to the process since the prior PHA, and the number and significance of incidents that have occurred. Revalidation teams may encounter situ ations where the prior PHA was of very high quality (i.e., no apparent gaps or deficiencies) and where there have been no significant incidents or changes within the subject process. Such circumstances may permit a much simpler revalidation effort and report, limited to affirming the continued validity of the prior PHA. When is an Update by “Change an d Incident Review ” Appropriate? Facilities should thoroughly evaluate the prior PHA (as discussed in Chapter 3) before initiating an Update by Change and Incident Review (Focused Update ). Because many scenarios documented by the previous team are deemed unchanged and are no t being reviewed, (1) the prior PHA must be of high quality and complete and (2) every change and relevant incident must be thoroughly documented and available for the revalidation team to review. For example, if a process subject to PHA revalidation is an ammonia tank only, with one pertinent MOC, one minor incident, and a high-quality prior PHA, Updating the PHA by Change and Incident review can result in a complete, up-to-date, and adequate PHA. On the other hand, if a process is complex with multiple changes and several incidents, using the Change and Incident Review alone may not produce a PHA that accurately describes the cu rrent process risks or may produce a document that will be difficult to revalidate in the future. Performing a Focused Update by Change and Incident Review on an incomplete or otherwise unacceptable PHA can only result in an incomplete or unacceptable PHA revalidation.
6.2 Assess the Organization’s Pr ocess Safety Culture |215 the interview. Helping the interviewee to clarify and/or deepen his/her responses communicates respect and interest. Probe constructively. This m ay be needed when interviewees provide inconsistent, conflicting, or incomplete responses. Interviewers should phrase inquiries to focus on the data rather than confronting or criticizing the respondent. If possible, the conflict should not even be mentioned. Instead draw the interviewee into the process to clarify the inform ation. When probing suspected negative behaviors, avoid negative and potentially accusatory questions such as, “Do you make unauthorized changes in the plant without using MOC?” Instead, pose a scenario and observe the response. To probe unauthorized changes, the interviewer could ask, “It is 2:00 AM Saturday morning. A part needs to be replaced but the replacement-in-kind part is not available. What would you do?” The verbal and non-verbal responses should reveal the true situation. Confirm input. The interviewer should sum marize or paraphrase the inform ation learned frequently during the interview. Called active listening, it involves paraphrasing answers in the form of closed questions. Active listening clarifies the interviewee’s response, while showing interest in understanding the response accurately. Watch non-verbal signals. As the saying goes, only 10 percent conversations are verbal; the other 90 percent is tone and body language. Answers that appear inconsistent with body language or tone, and sudden changes in either may signal that the interviewer is getting close to sensitive topics (Ref 6.3) Provide feedback, as appropriate. The interviewee may request feedback at various stages in the interview process. B ecause policies may vary from company to com pany regarding m aking recomm endations and suggestions directly to facility personnel, interviewer should understand those policies prior to
68 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS Incident: Snorre A Blowout, No rway North Sea, November 2004 Snorre A was a large integrated tension leg platform with processing, drilling and accommodation modules. Activity levels were high with SIMOPS covering production, drilling and well intervention underway. During a workover operation prior to further drilling in a well, a gas blowout occurred on the seabed with the subsequent gas flowing to th e surface and under the facility. Ignition did not occur. There were 216 persons on board at the time of the incident, 181 of whom were evacuated to other installations while the other 35 persons remained on Snorre A to carry out emergency response and well control tasks. The gas blowout was stopped and the well brought under control the day after. No one was injured in connection with the incident. Process Safety Issues : Complex defects in the well due to corrosion and other factors were not sufficiently managed. Shore-based HAZOPs to address the problems being encountered were carried out but not communicated to offshore personnel. The Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) identified multiple safety barriers that failed, and these allowed the incident to occur. The PSA concluded that total loss of the facility was possibl e and that this serious near miss was one of the worst events in Norway. Source: PSA, 2005 RBPS Application Process Safety Culture : Multiple organizational issues were identified including too slow integration of Snorre into the Statoil organization following the acquisition of Saga Petroleum, critical questioning of operations was not welcomed, and management was not sufficiently engaged. RBPS suggests how to enhance process safety culture. Asset Integrity and Reliability : Offshore personnel allowed the BOP to be partly disabled as only the annular preventer was available. RBPS offers guidance on means to ensure full availability of critical barriers. Key Process Safety Measure(s) Conduct of Operations: Significant planning and engineering is required to work in an HPHT environment, including the specification and use of equipment and drilling and completion fluid and cement specification. Personnel should be trained in HPHT operations.
310 INVESTIGATING PROCESS SAFETY INCIDENTS Start writing portions the report as soon as the investigation begins. Focusing on the result can help keep the team focused on the investigation process and the product. 13.6 INVESTIGATION DOCUM ENT AND EVIDENCE RETENTION The investigation team’s work often ends with the approval and distribution of the report and recommendations. Once the investigation team disbands, investigation records may be lost over time or destroyed in accordance with company retention policy. Some jurisdictions require that incident reports and other documents be retained including drafts , all documents reviewed during the investigation and emails pertaining to the incident report. Litigation may impose other record retention requirements. Consult with the company’s legal representative to determine the record retention requirements. Investigation record retention may differ from normal company record retention policies. The report an d its associated linked and referenced documents can be an issue. If the do cuments are not cat egorized and stored properly, corporate record retention systems can delete them. If links are used, and files are moved, the links ca n be broken. Investigation documents may have to be compiled and stored in a location that is protected from automated deletion. Physical and electronic evidence may also have to be retained, sometimes for years due to litigation. Longer term evidence preservation and storage should be ar ranged. Items that are weather or temperature sensitive should be stored in an environmentally controlled room or building. Chemical samples and fracture surfaces pose challenges due to aging in storage, even in environmentally contro lled conditions. Performing analyses while evidence is fresh and producing good documentation is often the best approach when long term degradation is unavoidable. The documentation should be retained for the dura tion of the legal proceedings. Corporate counsel and management will ultimately decide when certain investigation materials and evidence ma y be discarded. Some materials may be retained permanently, such as the incident investigation report and the documentation of resolution of the action points.
168 Human Factors Handbook Figure 15-3: Working nights 15.3 Managing fatigue risk 15.3.1 Fatigue risk policy A formal fatigue risk management policy and set of arrangements should be in operation. Typical parts of a fatigue risk policy are shown in Figure 15-4. This should include a commitment to manage fatigue and satisfy national and local laws and regulations as well as guidance such as the “IOGP Report 626 – Managing fatigue in the workplace” [61]. This should include training for all key roles on how to prevent fatigue, how to recognize fatigue and deal with it and an overview of the company fatigue risk management program. Further guidance on fatigue risk management is also available from the Energy Institute [62]. The policy on maximum working hours and rest breaks should take account of the physical and mental demands of tasks. More demanding tasks require more rest. In addition, it should control people volunteering for over time. The policy on the maximum hours worked should also limit permitted voluntary over time and avoid a small number of workers taking on excessive hours.
30 GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS 3.1.2 Additional Focus Areas Other key areas that require consideration for the management of abnormal situations include: Instrument Failures Potential failure modes should be id entified and appropriate diagnostic/ troubleshooting skills, tool s, and techniques, along with associated training should be developed for operators to handle situations including: Valve Failures: A faulty or failed automatic valve can contribute to abnormal situations. Additionally, the possibility of an automatic valve not failing to a safe position during an electrical or pneumatic supply loss should be discussed and understood by the plant personnel. Sensor Failures: A faulty or fa iled sensor can contribute to abnormal situations. In addition, operators should be aware of potential situations when sensors and instruments are off-line for calibration or repair. I/O Card failures: Input and Output card failures in the process control network can occur and are of ten difficult to quickly diagnose and address. Bypassing alarms and trips: There are occasions when it may be necessary to override such system s temporarily, for example, when a sensor fails. If not properly managed, however, this can either be the direct cause of an abnormal situation or remove a layer of defense if an abnormal situation arises from another cause. Good PSM systems include a rigorous management procedure to control alarm suppression and interlock bypassing, which is further discussed in Chapter 5. Further details are provided in Chapter 4, Education for Managing Abnormal Situations. Services Failure Including Power Blackout Service failure includes situations in which one or more of the services (including electricity, steam, air, water, inert gas) is lost due to an outage or other unforeseen reason. During a power blackout, although an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) us ually allows the DCS to continue
Edward’s pipeline company John’s plant company Figure 4.23 A Batt ery Limit P&ID. Figure 4.24 A Utilit y Distribution P&ID.
Chemical Hazards Data Sources Learning Objectives The learning objective of this chapter is: Identify sources of chemical hazards data and understand the data provided. Incident: Concept Sciences Explosion, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1999 Incident Summary “At 8:14 pm on February 19, 1999, a process vessel containing several hundred pounds of hydroxylamine (HA) exploded at the Concept Sc iences, Inc. (CSI), production facility near Allentown, Pennsylvania. Employees were distilling an aqueous solution of HA and potassium sulfate, the first commercial batch to be proce ssed at CSI’s new facility. After the distillation process was shut down, the HA in the proce ss tank and associated piping explosively decomposed, most likely due to high concentration and temperature. Four fatalities resulted, including CSI employ ees and a manager of an adjacent business. Two CSI employees survived the blast with modera te-to-serious injuries. Four people in nearby buildings were injured. Six firefighters and two security guards suffered minor injuries during emergency response efforts. The production facility was extensively damage d (Figure 7.1). The explosion also caused significant damage to other buildings in the Lehigh Valley Industrial Park and shattered windows in several nearby homes.” (CSB 2002) Key Point: Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis - Hazard review methodologies need to be appropriate to the haza rds being managed. A high hazard warrants a detailed review. Detailed Description Pure HA is a compound with the formula NH 2OH. Solid HA consists of co lorless or white crystals that are unstable and susceptible to explosive decomposition and explodes when heated in air above 70 °C (158 °F). HA is usually sold as a 50 wt. % or less solution in water. The Chemical Safety Board Investigation report quoted CSI’s safety data sheet (SDS) as stating “Danger of fire and explosion exists as water is removed or evaporated and HA concentration approaches levels in excess of about 70%”. HA can be ig nited by contact with metals and oxidants.
APPENDIX D – REACTIVE CHEMICALS CHECKLIST 483 or lower (for systems being cooled) than th e bulk mixture temperature. For exothermic reactions, the temperature may also be higher near the point of introduction of reactants because of poor mixing and localized reaction at the point of reactant contact. The location of the reactor temperature sensor relative to the agitator, and to heating and cooling surfaces may impact its ability to provide good information about the actual average reactor temperature. These problems will be more severe for very viscous systems, or if the reaction mixture includes solids which can foul temperature measurement devices or heat transfer surfaces. Either a local high temperature or a local low temperature could cause a problem. A high temperature, for exampl e, near a heating surface, could result in a different chemical reaction or decomposition at the higher temperature. A low temperature near a cooling coil could result in slower reaction and a buildup of unreacted material, increasing the potential chemical ener gy of reaction available in the reactor. If this material is subsequently reacted becaus e of an increase in temperature or other change in reactor conditions, an uncontrolled reaction is possible due to the unexpectedly high quantity of unreacted material available. 11. Understand the rate of all chemical reactions. It is not necessary to develop complete ki netic models with rate constants and other details, but you should understand how fast reactants are consumed and generally how the rate of reaction increases with temperat ure. Thermal hazard calorimetry testing can provide useful kinetic data. 12. Consider possible vapor phase reactions. These might include combustion reactions, other vapor phase reactions such as the reaction of organic vapors with a chlorine atmosphere, and vapor phase decomposition of materials such as ethylene oxide or organic peroxide. 13. Understand the hazards of the products of both intended and unintended reactions. For example, does the intended reaction, or a possible unintended reaction, form viscous materials, solids, gases, corrosive products, highly toxic products, or materials which will swell or degrade gaskets, pipe linings, or ot her polymer components of a system? If you find an unexpected material in reaction equipm ent, determine what it is and what impact it might have on system hazards. For example, in an oxidation reactor, solids were known to be present, but nobody knew what they were. It turned out that the solids were pyrophoric, and they caused a fire in the reactor. 14. Consider doing a Chemical Interaction Matrix and/or a Chemistry Hazard Analysis. These techniques can be applied at any stage in the process life cycle, from early research to an operating plant. They are intended to provide a systematic method to identify chemical interaction hazards and hazards re sulting from deviations from intended operating conditions. D.2 Reaction Process De sign Considerations 1. Rapid reactions are desirable.
Appendix 212 Timened* downsExtended* Shutdowns or TurnaroundsStart-up afterwardsNormal or Abnormal OperationsShut-down (depends on situation)Start-up afterwards Start-up after an unscheduled or emergency shutdown period Transient Operating ModeTransient Operating ModeStart-up after a planned or extended shutdown periodResulting in: Recovery Unscheduled Shutdown Emergency ShutdownNormal Operations Abnormal Operations Transient Operating Mode Incident Incident Incident Figure A.2-1Timeline of when incidents occurre d during the transient oper ating mode (continued).
20 PROCESS SAFETY IN UPSTREAM OIL & GAS Figure 2-8. Typical types of production installations in use on the deepwater outer continental shelf (OCS) Courtesy of BOEM Figure 2-9. Typical types of production installations in use on the outer continental shelf (OCS) Courtesy of BOEM
E.36 Operating Blind |325 the aluminum flame arrestor had corroded to the point it no longer functioned and the plastic tank could not withstand the pressure and stresses of the internal and external fire. The investigators further discovered that the facility did not have a perm it-to-work system, that it was seriously overdue on equipment inspection, and that its frequency of safety training had been steadily decreasing over the prior eight years. B ased on interviews, the last training involving methanol hazards had occurred twelve years earlier. In its investigation report, the CSB m ade recomm endations to regulatory agencies, standards organizations, and the engineering com pany that installed the m ethanol system. However, it made no recommendations to the facility, which is ultimately responsible for worker and process safety. Which culture factors could CSB have explored in this investigation? Did facility managem ent and workers understand the hazards and risks of its processes? What caused the decrease in training frequency? Was the imperative for safety weakening? High consequence scenarios related to the intended project are easy to imagine. Hot cuttings could partially or com pletely m elt through the plastic roof of the tank or piping. Methanol venting from the tank as the sun heats it could ignite from cutting sparks. A cut-off roof section could be dropped edge-on and slice through the tank or piping. What caused workers and m anagem ent to not think about any of this? Or if they thought about it, what caused them to not act to protect against these seem ingly likely deviations? Maintain a Sense of Vulnerability, Understand and Act Upon Hazards/Risks. E.36 Operating Blind A worker was lining up valves to transfer kerosene and gasoline from one terminal to a neighboring Actual Case History
KEY RELEVANCE TO PROCESS PLANT OPERATIONS 53 Measurement and Metrics Leading and lagging indicators of pr ocess safety performance, including incident and near-miss rates as well as metrics that show how well key process safety elements are being pe rformed. This information is used to drive improvement in Process Safe ty. Safe Operating Limit Excursions and Demand on Safety Systems ar e two example metrics that are relevant to abnormal situations. Me trics will be further discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. Management Review and Continuous Improvement The practice of managers at all levels of setting process safety expectations and goals with their staff and reviewing performance and progress towards those goals. This may take place in a staff or “leadership team” meeting or individua lly. The practice may be facilitated by the process safety lead bu t is owned by the line manager. 3.4 PROCEDURES AND OPERATING MODES FOR MANAGING ABNORMAL SITUATIONS This section addresses how to writ e and structure procedures that incorporate principles describing how to manage abnormal situations that can then be used by operating pers onnel to make appropriate decisions during periods of abnormal situations. However, many abnormal situations will not be anticipated, and for those, a more holistic approach to abnormal situation manageme nt is required, which in cludes not only written procedures, but also training personnel to recognize an abnormal situation, protocols for dealing with it, and providing the resources to respond to events that may not be foreseen. 3.4.1 General Principles for Procedure Development It is outside the scope of this book to provide detailed guidance, or templates, for development of normal operating procedures, however, these can be found in ot her references including Guidelines for Writing Effective Operating and Maintenance Procedures (CCPS 1996). However, for managing and controlling abnormal si tuations, some high-level human behavior principles apply, as summariz ed in the sources discussed in this section.