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"A Palm Tree" active "Item #: SCP-401 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-401 is to be kept in an enclosed courtyard at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. A mural of the landscape of southern France is painted on the walls of the courtyard. Once daily, personnel are to locate at least ten roots which will be fed a total of 15 L of nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 and to remove any solid waste produced. An EKG is to constantly monitor SCP-401 for any anomalies (refer to Incident 401-1 for details). Female personnel are not to enter the courtyard at any time between March 15 and April 1, under any circumstances. Description: SCP-401 was discovered near the French city of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ when agents responded to reports of the ground bleeding. When led to the site, investigators found a human mouth embedded in the soil, licking away the remaining blood with a long prehensile tongue. It was not until a week later that agents realized that the mouth was part of the root structure of what at first appeared to be a forty (40) meter tall dead eucalyptus tree with branches shaped like multi-jointed human arms. The white colour of the trunk, originally suggesting that the tree was dead, was found to be because the bark was made of human bone tissue. It was given SCP status and excavated from the area, to be transported to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-401 resembles an ordinary tree in form and function. However, human physiology is substituted for plant biology in the fulfillment of necessary processes. The trunk is supported by multiple vertebral columns, woven together by tendons and muscles and coated by a layer of rough bone tissue also held together by flexible tendons. As one goes higher, the trunk will split repeatedly until there is a single vertebral column supporting the rest of the structure. At the base of the trunk are multiple human hearts which pump blood and nutrients through the roots and branches. The roots themselves are esophagi, protected by a layer of cartilage reminiscent of the trachea. At the end of each root is a fully formed upper and lower jaw, complete with muscles, lips, and the prehensile tongue first witnessed by agents in the field. The tongue seems to be used as a digging implement and as a snare for food, ranging from burrowing animals to edible fungi and plants. All of these roots ultimately lead to a single stomach. This, along with a fully functional, though unusually long, intestinal tract, work to absorb ingested nutrients. Solid waste is eliminated through a sphincteral orifice on the side of the trunk. No roots are found in the area immediately beneath this spot. The branches, as initial observations suggested, are human arms. They extrude themselves from the bony trunk but have no bark themselves. Some will split at the elbow so that they may have two or even three forearms. The palms of its hands all face upward and the tip of each finger has a human eye growing from it. The iris of each eye is hazel. Dissection of the eyes shows that they are all myopic, though they do react to light stimuli as a normal eye would. Though the chemical process is not yet understood, the retinas carry on a form of photosynthesis which transforms carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose. It is generally agreed that the eyes are myopic in order to prevent excessive damage to the retina from direct sunlight. Chemical analysis of the lungs shows that there is a higher oxygen content when SCP-401 exhales than when it inhales. During spring, SCP-401 will go into bloom. Though it is genetically a human male, it will grow female sexual organs. The vaginal openings are located on the palms of its hands, with canals extending 18 cm along each wrist to a bulge which contains a fully formed uterus and ovaries. Five days after the formation of the organs, menstruation occurs, at which point male sexual organs begin to develop in their place over a period of ten days. Once fully formed, they will remain for one day before they are shed and eaten by the roots. During this phase, SCP-401 will attack human females for the purpose of reproduction. Experiment Log 401-1: The fact that SCP-401 is genetically human, combined with the violence exhibited against women during its male phase, suggests that it may be compatible with human beings. A number of breeding experiments have been proposed to test this. Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: Female D-class personnel D-2055 Procedure: D-2055 was artificially inseminated with material produced by SCP-401 during male phase. The product of this was allowed to gestate. Details: Nine months after conception, D-2055 gave birth to a normal human male infant. Though healthy and lacking in any unusual physiology, the child has been found to suffer from severe myopia, comparable to what was estimated with the eyes of SCP-401. The child has since been adopted by Agent Rβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ who has agreed to bring Rβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Jr. to a Foundation-approved doctor for monthly physical examinations. Experiment Log 401-2: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: Male D-class personnel D-2067 Procedure: D-2067 was ordered to donate genetic material which was used to artificially inseminate SCP-401 at the beginning of its female phase. This was allowed to gestate. Details: 12 hours after insemination, the uterine bulge in the wrist increased in size by 300%. While the other branches continued to develop normally for the next two weeks, the inseminated arm retained its uterine bulge and vaginal canal. 24 hours prior to maturation of male organs, the uterine bulge began contracting until a mass of tissue was extracted from the palm. This was thrown over the edge of the courtyard by the arm which had given birth. The appendage was then shed and absorbed by the roots minutes later. After five hours of searching, personnel found the item which was thrown: a human urinary bladder with a foetus nestled inside, consistent with one that had been gestating for two months. The bladder was planted in soil. It germinated two days later and became a seedling, equivalent to SCP-401 in structure. The organism died of malnutrition one week later, despite being fed nutritional supplement 401-NS-3. Experiment Log 401-3: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: Female D-class personnel D-2081 Procedure: An egg was removed from D-2081's ovary, fertilized with genetic material harvested from SCP-401 and frozen until next spring. The fertilized egg was implanted into SCP-401 and allowed to gestate. Details: [DATA EXPUNGED] Nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 has been formulated with this development in mind. Incident 401-1 On β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, several of SCP-401's branches went into convulsions and then went limp. It was soon discovered that one of its hearts suffered from cardiac arrest and was not able to recover. An angiogram of the other hearts showed large amounts of plaque buildup. Since Incident 401-1, the damaged heart has been absorbed and two new hearts have grown in its place. In order to maintain the future health of SCP-401, a lower cholesterol nutritional supplement 401-NS-3 has been approved. Nutritional supplement 401-NS-4 is now to be used, following the results of Experiment 401-3. Β« SCP-400 | SCP-401 | SCP-402 Β»" nan
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4.45766032e-01 1.62909597e-01 -9.93915051e-02 2.70999640e-01 1.82515666e-01 2.04711016e-02 8.28700438e-02 -1.66495115e-01 -3.57809365e-02 -2.22554188e-02 -1.80774957e-01 -7.96081051e-02 2.96217448e-04 2.97646481e-03 7.76254907e-02 1.51807994e-01 2.03133121e-01 7.03020096e-02 -7.60174692e-02 1.60747506e-02 -6.99789301e-02 -4.63032946e-02 -3.65724742e-01 9.43302065e-02 -1.12195551e-01 3.14057797e-01 -3.94881755e-01 -1.30362064e-01 -3.19241732e-01 4.45234915e-03 3.35219614e-02 3.57782662e-01 -7.38251209e-03 -3.06196988e-01 3.24942440e-01 3.23320068e-02 2.08121359e-01 5.41617513e-01 1.23547547e-01 1.78557321e-01 -2.53795534e-01 -1.41597912e-01 2.50980645e-01 1.53487653e-01 2.87201107e-01 5.77882566e-02 -2.50253920e-02 4.14602935e-01 -2.28660136e-01 9.28723067e-02 1.29504368e-01 5.32125771e-01 1.75650984e-01 2.22484954e-02 4.99929339e-02 2.30406411e-03 1.50536612e-01 -6.73871860e-02 -1.21399805e-01 -1.60323963e-01 -1.42749622e-01 2.01745763e-01 -1.97583511e-01 4.07427624e-02 3.17753971e-01 -1.37683734e-01 -7.22779334e-03 -2.70566434e-01 -3.35252807e-02 -1.37768045e-01 7.11842030e-02 -9.09068808e-02 7.59764463e-02 1.52694494e-01 -1.71879664e-01 4.77512851e-02 5.18723667e-01 -1.71800837e-01 1.48853675e-01 2.77932703e-01 -6.51571080e-02 1.63387343e-01 2.28873536e-01 2.08419770e-01 -2.22731814e-01 -8.10760036e-02 5.41670807e-02 -1.98131457e-01 -3.25258315e-01 3.36171389e-02 -1.40257224e-01 1.64266229e-01 9.97053906e-02 2.15330496e-01 1.21316761e-01 -3.11561555e-01 2.58749604e-01 2.01045156e-01 1.40944833e-03 -2.43151605e-01 -3.19631308e-01 -9.22445431e-02 -2.56656259e-01 -2.65066385e-01 -1.36453927e-01 7.23809004e-03 -5.14580533e-02 -2.80762851e-01 9.35591236e-02 1.71337038e-01 6.75347373e-02 1.02905616e-01 1.66599527e-01 -8.08092952e-02 1.50238022e-01 -2.69588083e-01 -7.02883350e-04 -1.69172630e-01 -1.29594728e-01 9.53180939e-02 -4.68326062e-01 -6.49733126e-01 7.01507479e-02 -1.26323596e-01 1.84787497e-01 -1.01541840e-01 -1.08875968e-01 3.74645114e-01 -3.49270135e-01 1.08665749e-01 -2.96329200e-01 1.04001155e-02 6.79346099e-02 3.53104532e-01 1.28480896e-01 -1.85272051e-03 -2.42730770e-02 4.07622308e-01 2.24272192e-01 -2.02267915e-01 -3.13216418e-01 -6.29649162e-01 1.45842642e-01 -4.31566983e-02 1.85933083e-01 2.61799961e-01 -4.04288799e-01 -2.75957942e-01 1.02428995e-01 2.41517618e-01 -2.91333169e-01 4.18347239e-01 2.33710796e-01 7.27616847e-02 1.69827029e-01 2.01985613e-01 3.67418155e-02 -1.55926526e-01 -8.54673516e-03 2.04200163e-01 -4.20232445e-01 2.18982413e-01 -1.35307005e-02 4.61478829e-01 -1.07986853e-01 6.05182827e-01 -2.49977902e-01 -5.18574044e-02 -3.06645781e-01 -1.79319337e-01 6.79695904e-01 -1.63231298e-01 -3.03781539e-01 8.12904760e-02 1.46497503e-01 3.22492570e-02 8.12334418e-02 -2.07323767e-02 -2.68854409e-01 -1.92478195e-01 1.05586581e-01 -2.74900556e-01 -2.29828626e-01 -1.82213232e-01 -1.02666970e-02 4.06048540e-03 5.82656324e-01 1.81229651e-01 7.67550543e-02 4.32212353e-02 -3.93286794e-01]
"Obsidian Absorber" active "Item #: SCP-402 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-402 is kept in a climate-controlled storage locker at Site-41. All known SCP-402-A and all water affected by it (currently ~612,000 liters) are kept in a climate-controlled freezer at Site-41, with each sample wrapped in barricade tape to prevent accidents. SCP-402 and SCP-402-A must be kept away from all water, including water vapor, outside of testing. Substantial quantities of SCP-402-A may exist outside of containment. All unusual drowning or suffocation deaths must be investigated for possible SCP-402 involvement. Mobile Task Force Tau-4 "Water, Water, Everywhere" is tasked with performing all testing, investigations, and retrieval missions associated with SCP-402. SCP-402-1 is kept in a Type 2 Humanoid Containment Cell at Site-59. Description: SCP-402 is an irregularly-shaped solid weighing 4kg. While SCP-402 is composed largely of obsidian, trace amounts of platinum and iridium are present. SCP-402's structure has numerous abnormal microscopic gaps similar to those found in SCP-148; this, along with SCP-402's anomalous density (22.2g/cm3, roughly 8.5 times that of obsidian), suggests that the two materials operate under similar principles. Any water that comes in contact with SCP-402 (hereby SCP-402-A) develops antimemetic properties, effectively rendering it imperceptible by any direct means. Witnesses typically interpret this as SCP-402 absorbing the water. SCP-402-A can be detected through its interaction with other materials, which occurs normally. For example, the dissolution of salt in SCP-402-A presents as the disappearance of the salt. Scales and thermometers that detect SCP-402-A's weight and temperature, respectively, can be read normally. Items that float in water will appear to levitate when placed in SCP-402-A. Water rendered imperceptible by SCP-402 can transfer its effects to other water β€” for every unit of SCP-402-A that is introduced to a body of water, an adjacent 11,000 units (Β± 500) are similarly affected. This is perceived as the rapid, spontaneous disappearance of the affected water. SCP-402-A does not present any risk of a chain reaction; however, due to natural currents, SCP-402 itself can create large amounts of antimemetic water very quickly when submerged, particularly in moving water. Consumption of SCP-402-A presents a serious choking hazard, as its presence in the trachea does not trigger the laryngospasm responsible for sealing the airway. SCP-402-A's presence in the lungs is only detectable via the resultant oxygen deprivation, and is typically mistaken for other medical conditions, which prevents proper treatment. Safe handling of SCP-402-A can only be performed by trained personnel. SCP-402-1 is a human, roughly 35 years of age, that was in possession of SCP-402 at time of recovery in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Indonesia, as well as a plastic jug containing four liters of SCP-402-A. SCP-402-1 has refused to cooperate or communicate with Foundation personnel, and has not been identified. Prior to containment, SCP-402-1 would consume SCP-402-A to the exclusion of all other liquids,1 resulting in the illusion that it did not possess any body fluids and giving it a desiccated appearance. This was initially mistaken for a property of SCP-402-1 itself, with the true nature of its condition (and the anomalous nature of SCP-402) only being identified after careful observation. SCP-402-1's appearance returned to normal as SCP-402-A was flushed from its system. SCP-402-1's blood, when composed of SCP-402-A, possesses cognitohazardous effects when consumed in any quantity. Subjects will become convinced that any water they encounter is an extension of an effectively infinite subterranean body of water, in which they risk being trapped should they come into contact with the water. This results in severe aquaphobia, as well as a fear of drowning that persists even in situations where no water is present. Testing the anomalous properties of SCP-402-1's blood has been deemed cost-ineffective; as such, information on its effects have largely been garnered from SCP-402-1's pre-containment activities. Note: Several subjects who had previously consumed SCP-402-1's blood displayed a strong fear response when exposed to SCP-109 and SCP-812, though none were able to justify their reactions. Further testing is under consideration. Β« SCP-401 | SCP-402 | SCP-403 Β»" nan
[ 1.58670127e-01 -5.61627567e-01 -1.20662689e-01 4.00460005e-01 -4.27572764e-02 -3.28992367e-01 2.67152309e-01 3.57198576e-03 1.14351600e-01 3.33965749e-01 1.17650805e-02 7.51763359e-02 -9.04729590e-02 2.82740086e-01 6.54961243e-02 5.37200980e-02 -1.96097791e-01 2.02925086e-01 -1.43141866e-01 -3.55244502e-02 2.92229950e-01 -5.08606583e-02 -3.65114212e-02 1.15270957e-01 2.33745635e-01 2.82330155e-01 1.60465047e-01 -2.40206122e-01 -1.69886485e-01 -4.78606522e-01 3.11439216e-01 3.55943501e-01 3.33385989e-02 3.07518005e-01 -1.14074915e-04 -1.04557782e-01 1.56401247e-01 -3.15907151e-02 1.38080530e-02 2.34274745e-01 -4.17769998e-01 -2.21234471e-01 1.67876974e-01 3.66569236e-02 9.31278691e-02 4.96614665e-01 -2.28607699e-01 -1.44840121e-01 1.43431991e-01 -2.36327231e-01 1.49664745e-01 9.84622166e-02 1.53560638e-01 2.72129685e-01 4.75344986e-01 -1.73539907e-01 -1.79761946e-01 -8.67828727e-03 2.36644760e-01 2.63926744e-01 3.11341703e-01 2.67503858e-01 -2.44746268e-01 5.14086068e-01 4.53669757e-01 -2.07959250e-01 2.56910115e-01 -2.15226814e-01 6.25659153e-02 6.78666234e-01 1.61892906e-01 2.76582479e-03 -7.80823007e-02 -2.01718315e-01 -9.55380052e-02 6.82506114e-02 2.32136324e-01 -1.24891885e-02 1.92515969e-01 -2.91248292e-01 2.58595292e-02 1.97950453e-01 -2.65985370e-01 -6.53473511e-02 -5.34677267e-01 1.62943050e-01 -3.51618618e-01 -6.78083003e-02 -2.37776134e-02 1.84182227e-01 1.00136787e-01 -7.68160224e-02 1.08447760e-01 1.10229634e-01 1.15950808e-01 -1.53937101e-01 2.99784005e-01 -6.28529489e-02 1.13057502e-01 2.63373792e-01 4.70761269e-01 3.72547418e-01 -8.73997435e-03 3.30570191e-01 -2.80667633e-01 -8.11396446e-03 4.19171333e-01 -6.14970148e-01 -2.32638285e-01 2.53214777e-01 -9.77029800e-02 9.18030217e-02 -1.30105525e-01 1.02225982e-01 -4.20907199e-01 -1.06572263e-01 2.57206380e-01 -3.04967046e-01 -5.91802061e-01 3.27103913e-01 -4.72409517e-01 9.48225409e-02 -6.06721342e-02 5.31963781e-02 3.67447972e-01 5.97712517e-01 2.34050483e-01 -1.14358803e-02 -1.13535568e-01 -1.16800793e-01 3.61371115e-02 -4.19101678e-02 -2.89529227e-02 -2.69838125e-02 -1.20530099e-01 2.91342586e-01 -1.81491569e-01 -5.08657396e-01 -5.97641878e-02 1.86985299e-01 8.55182707e-02 -9.17023420e-02 3.96400928e-01 3.86035085e-01 -1.15879625e-01 -2.87616998e-01 -3.04442775e-02 -1.53703213e-01 -1.71764210e-01 -2.49297574e-01 2.06473649e-01 2.50233114e-01 -2.18010396e-01 2.51562566e-01 -2.10642312e-02 5.01566427e-03 3.34206760e-01 2.58957148e-02 -8.69616983e-04 -1.58768058e-01 1.80444345e-01 -3.26777808e-02 -8.36819857e-02 -4.33437489e-02 1.26397029e-01 3.30428183e-01 -4.61285055e-01 -3.62437725e-01 -2.94380546e-01 -2.89930463e-01 1.70337543e-01 -2.03395247e-01 9.46213007e-02 2.14632928e-01 -1.69352040e-01 3.08695138e-02 -5.42338192e-01 1.56981736e-01 -3.61980885e-01 -1.83867291e-01 -2.05895185e-01 1.50149941e-01 3.15415889e-01 -3.31101567e-01 1.21648818e-01 -3.45969796e-02 7.94295743e-02 2.47120723e-01 -1.53516261e-02 -3.05472314e-01 -1.25556663e-01 -3.44750762e-01 2.23473802e-01 -1.61262617e-01 -8.40432420e-02 -1.91103131e-01 2.04687729e-01 -5.46074659e-02 -2.13843390e-01 1.08367726e-01 6.43152893e-02 -1.28946286e-02 6.51333272e-01 2.53903568e-01 -4.87798572e-01 -1.53103784e-01 1.38599917e-01 4.48947474e-02 -1.51564717e-01 -1.19498000e-02 1.89340129e-01 -8.11377093e-02 -1.01188362e-01 4.67355810e-02 -8.75225216e-02 -3.57543260e-01 2.90053815e-01 5.12129426e-01 -7.56993741e-02 -6.45260215e-02 3.98735851e-02 1.13273978e-01 3.08951467e-01 -1.64308727e-01 1.72806948e-01 6.75660148e-02 -1.53285295e-01 -1.14340134e-01 -2.03086227e-01 2.49013633e-01 2.60429770e-01 -2.70968646e-01 7.69709498e-02 2.36638729e-02 -4.21662897e-01 7.95256123e-02 2.87272125e-01 5.56663454e-01 -2.13973209e-01 -9.80679914e-02 1.06460221e-01 -3.01438987e-01 2.24808812e-01 -6.71064928e-02 8.37795436e-02 6.37373865e-01 2.62755513e-01 2.21758619e-01 -8.30335021e-02 6.19162917e-02 -7.69545436e-02 -2.77661830e-01 -5.41522577e-02 -2.19713838e-04 3.92386653e-02 -2.69691311e-02 9.61167272e-03 -1.35305449e-02 7.75797889e-02 2.49254867e-01 -3.25232118e-01 1.21626280e-01 1.80012792e-01 7.98402578e-02 -2.02684030e-01 -7.32941553e-02 1.95512250e-02 6.51832402e-01 1.45639822e-01 1.45410314e-01 6.77515268e-02 -1.31387979e-01 3.25046688e-01 -2.00401694e-02 -1.21107949e-02 3.06995094e-01 -1.29729196e-01 2.59469181e-01 1.71873495e-01 3.02312970e-01 1.61214527e-02 3.74445990e-02 -2.03523755e-01 -3.12663555e-01 -1.14436574e-01 5.13383389e-01 -1.30197316e-01 4.58566137e-02 -3.42416018e-01 6.04368970e-02 1.72302678e-01 -4.34324980e-01 3.57600972e-02 -2.78877001e-02 -1.53108776e-01 -1.57082453e-02 -2.06193015e-01 4.17118341e-01 7.73667246e-02 -4.28618118e-02 -3.69797200e-01 2.59173304e-01 8.60483479e-03 1.06770560e-01 -2.41088822e-01 2.08554521e-01 7.82573521e-01 -4.44827043e-02 1.67392548e-02 1.11487985e-01 -6.76261604e-01 3.02634448e-01 1.59204796e-01 -1.69570610e-01 5.05703464e-02 -2.07277372e-01 -8.75543151e-03 -4.08936173e-01 1.70587018e-01 -7.63944566e-01 -1.17786907e-01 2.85221875e-01 -2.28843257e-01 -7.26433396e-02 1.54714463e-02 -2.11448282e-01 -1.94771022e-01 7.88082741e-03 -1.57662779e-01 3.67769487e-02 1.24754369e-01 -1.64693877e-01 -9.52696707e-03 6.51175678e-01 -1.17789440e-01 -3.23997550e-02 -1.33695066e-01 -2.02695400e-01 -5.42654842e-02 -1.41453102e-01 1.56509236e-01 -7.72777498e-02 -1.27720207e-01 7.66915753e-02 1.57146484e-01 -2.86545128e-01 5.55262901e-03 -1.53386503e-01 4.11569327e-02 8.11182037e-02 -3.07396680e-01 3.92074317e-01 5.73417954e-02 -3.43720973e-01 -1.76093057e-01 -7.55227506e-02 -2.84501940e-01 1.25613615e-01 4.26434815e-01 -6.58171475e-02 2.59019971e-01 5.42760551e-01 5.91933966e-01 -3.29061419e-01 -2.96887904e-01 1.72557056e-01 3.34387779e-01 1.91703975e-01 1.71409696e-02 7.38186575e-03 3.22254181e-01 -1.08012006e-01 -2.58538444e-02 6.29392117e-02 -1.83950901e-01 -2.00393811e-01 -6.73504695e-02 -4.81866263e-02 -2.20250443e-01 -1.62113369e-01 -1.93043217e-01 2.73124337e-01 1.11805454e-01 -2.32642412e-01 -4.30894732e-01 2.73750782e-01 8.78882483e-02 2.38685925e-02 3.09465736e-01 -7.87155032e-02 3.01326942e-02 -9.43267420e-02 2.14196905e-01 -2.10021451e-01 2.69171298e-01 -2.03592390e-01 2.64808923e-01 -1.62105858e-01 -2.30835155e-02 3.85789305e-01 -2.26476997e-01 -2.52802163e-01 2.41393730e-01 5.67521095e-01 4.47401106e-01 -2.15909079e-01 -2.69579887e-01 -5.35153337e-02 -6.45227134e-01 1.64684225e-02 3.24392885e-01 -7.35901535e-01 -3.68054152e-01 -2.11104029e-03 6.90828711e-02 1.00388058e-01 6.46895729e-03 5.57706356e-01 -7.49675883e-03 -3.39311719e-01 -3.43245864e-01 1.40252993e-01 1.78639870e-02 -1.39119506e-01 2.12499335e-01 2.21437901e-01 -1.83117136e-01 2.28803903e-01 2.53878474e-01 6.19010776e-02 -1.67403817e-01 -6.93147555e-02 -5.34150936e-02 4.27705616e-01 -1.39888719e-01 4.59097147e-01 2.41983190e-01 2.48380214e-01 -7.85567760e-02 -6.82169423e-02 7.39134029e-02 -7.22601414e-02 5.49894631e-01 2.72446930e-01 6.95846304e-02 -1.18385300e-01 1.52088597e-01 2.88819820e-01 2.31001079e-01 -1.00752257e-01 1.54363155e-01 4.72646803e-01 1.34612679e-01 9.74136889e-02 -1.87372148e-01 -4.11884576e-01 8.00034925e-02 5.59704661e-01 -3.06043565e-01 3.61493975e-01 1.21874787e-01 1.13036466e+00 1.80656955e-01 -1.26442358e-01 1.33649856e-01 -6.14350379e-01 -6.60754979e-01 -1.29096374e-01 -3.69281828e-01 9.45082679e-03 1.18285209e-01 -1.66825298e-02 -2.96642601e-01 2.90996283e-01 -9.53249633e-02 -3.63407910e-01 -2.21597791e-01 -3.98199350e-01 -2.50871718e-01 9.81461108e-02 -1.90765467e-02 2.61556327e-01 7.05999583e-02 4.17861402e-01 2.21744433e-01 5.28525151e-02 3.58835310e-01 5.42910732e-02 -6.83394074e-02 2.31282592e-01 1.11194677e-03 -2.40026921e-01 -2.75690760e-02 -2.58260310e-01 1.31394252e-01 1.09297417e-01 -3.92622769e-01 1.39198139e-01 -6.14954159e-02 -3.81606013e-01 -1.49918661e-01 -1.58121243e-01 2.01669544e-01 8.66842046e-02 1.94685366e-02 1.58954173e-01 -3.19900572e-01 3.42911273e-01 6.68379739e-02 -2.62426324e-02 1.91558614e-01 1.22743577e-01 -5.18213138e-02 2.88720310e-01 4.08610076e-01 4.51799035e-01 -1.63428858e-02 1.62497446e-01 6.60496727e-02 -1.70535386e-01 -1.86975375e-01 1.62647381e-01 9.43426639e-02 -2.86721408e-01 -2.43718922e-01 2.51632124e-01 -9.21249837e-02 4.37523797e-02 2.39574060e-01 -1.83687270e-01 2.29040906e-01 -1.89407825e-01 -1.60887480e-01 -3.22868198e-01 -2.01612681e-01 5.30041158e-01 -3.62144411e-01 2.21672371e-01 -2.63493899e-02 -2.78590024e-01 -4.41830158e-01 -1.30067989e-01 -1.50853932e-01 -3.06517053e-02 -4.76766765e-01 -3.92562270e-01 -1.52706161e-01 2.14531198e-01 -1.69273019e-01 -3.83839235e-02 2.93647170e-01 -9.45935100e-02 3.23816478e-01 6.59782216e-02 3.38573128e-01 -3.51860702e-01 2.04386428e-01 3.21751200e-02 -3.40360776e-02 -2.00746104e-01 -1.64623991e-01 -1.37309760e-01 -1.30926505e-01 8.84709060e-02 1.32035419e-01 -8.49167630e-02 -2.13118583e-01 -6.25511259e-02 1.61826074e-01 3.61755937e-02 -1.35589495e-01 1.00958027e-01 1.77450031e-01 3.05559248e-01 -4.34070230e-02 1.36730850e-01 1.46736130e-01 1.00035205e-01 6.43965825e-02 1.53131202e-01 1.34164512e-01 7.65564889e-02 -1.08229127e-02 -1.27648413e-01 2.49717072e-01 1.77339181e-01 -2.20159382e-01 -4.74332981e-02 -9.19995531e-02 2.69697219e-01 1.22714251e-01 2.17306241e-01 -4.42864224e-02 3.05485763e-02 -1.15186401e-01 -1.05910993e-03 1.57375753e-01 -3.26608300e-01 -1.89221814e-01 -5.74765742e-01 -8.09816867e-02 4.78942282e-02 2.09792882e-01 1.07565850e-01 1.14717923e-01 -8.86671618e-02 -1.27134407e-02 -2.88224090e-02 6.46923184e-02 7.57157877e-02 -2.84403145e-01 -1.11931972e-01 3.28004956e-01 -6.21474697e-04 2.52655614e-02 1.01464771e-01 -2.60645300e-01 -2.53467321e-01 -5.69494553e-02 1.89623713e-01 -1.70157984e-01 2.39417329e-01 2.10421279e-01 5.63836992e-01 7.64138252e-02 -1.42248988e-01 2.82854170e-01 8.10267627e-02 2.20976368e-01 -2.67139137e-01 3.69307727e-01 3.33383493e-02 2.63918787e-01 1.83732435e-01 -2.55096883e-01 -1.72038630e-01 6.00357726e-02 -7.37610310e-02 -6.39512390e-03 2.30933368e-01 -1.36917993e-01 1.99485675e-01 -5.08059561e-02 3.07291802e-02 -5.70306778e-02 2.18729988e-01 5.92113882e-02 2.77652472e-01 -6.17980734e-02 -1.55258566e-01 -9.22636837e-02 1.23184457e-01 -1.19864317e-02 3.56493473e-01 -2.63101965e-01 3.61396857e-02 2.05784768e-01 9.01148617e-02 -6.64415732e-02 1.98201030e-01 2.22541019e-01 -1.16011247e-01 -3.00828040e-01 -9.80460867e-02 -1.96263984e-01 -2.90932745e-01 -2.84108222e-01 -1.65794380e-02 -1.16920039e-01 1.17888171e-02 5.55714257e-02 1.84903264e-01 -2.32884735e-01 -4.08883750e-01 3.90486926e-01 4.10429686e-02 -2.24648938e-01 -1.17380269e-01 -3.30679357e-01 1.87913612e-01 9.79827158e-03 -1.46709129e-01 -2.46777564e-01 -1.18402131e-01 -4.49707545e-02 -3.52672748e-02 1.57936990e-01 8.64204168e-02 4.49176654e-02 -6.32264419e-03 1.16791859e-01 -3.27377349e-01 -5.97799793e-02 8.42667967e-02 -1.41244084e-01 -2.83558816e-01 2.38338709e-02 8.94868001e-02 -2.22365245e-01 8.65386566e-04 3.45653653e-01 -3.59679908e-02 3.09722573e-01 3.70252915e-02 2.40886316e-01 2.48962417e-01 -3.39647502e-01 -4.77678537e-01 5.22391312e-02 2.95486059e-02 6.42089844e-02 1.73772588e-01 -1.86835364e-01 -1.32436380e-01 -1.04585811e-01 1.90427780e-01 -1.49040995e-02 -1.60972495e-02 3.78713966e-03 3.28957707e-01 3.98846358e-01 1.82355106e-01 4.24768656e-01 -3.45055252e-01 -2.61974428e-02 2.52007604e-01 1.19641237e-01 -1.63785324e-01 -6.37867348e-03 -1.92384526e-01 6.42219931e-02 2.83575966e-03 -8.22625980e-02 1.75459385e-01 3.32741827e-01 1.37261897e-01 1.89329401e-01 -4.44093853e-01 1.69162720e-01 -1.34709239e-01 3.94742191e-01 -3.97636980e-01 -2.54860371e-02 8.27277005e-02 -1.77528247e-01 -2.31229722e-01 -2.73193866e-01 5.43692172e-01 1.15177184e-01 6.80037811e-02 7.80435726e-02 5.40670119e-02 -7.35280663e-02 9.34239700e-02 -6.32451236e-01 -7.76361898e-02 -3.20252078e-03 2.82117203e-02 -4.05879021e-01 -6.53350800e-02 -2.80075497e-03 -1.10970400e-01 -7.75272176e-02 3.06246132e-01 5.54178543e-02 3.69347706e-02 -2.51056731e-01 1.26908422e-01]
"Escalating Lighter" active "Item #: SCP-403 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-403 is to be sealed in a steel safe with a combination known only by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The walls of the safe must be reinforced with fire-retardant material complying with Foundation standard C3/403. The safe will remain under surveillance by 2 armed guards at all times. Description: SCP-403 is a visually unremarkable naptha-fueled lighter that was discovered in a cafeteria at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. When lit once after a prolonged period of disuse, SCP-403 produces an ordinary flame. However, if ignited repeatedly within 24 hours the flame produced by SCP-403 becomes larger and more violent in nature with each subsequent ignition. During an experiment a Class-D test subject attempted to light SCP-403 a third time within two hours, resulting in a powerful explosion of superheated gas and plasma. This event destroyed the monitoring equipment within the testing cell, and caused significant damage to the flame-resistant plating lining the walls. Despite this, the subject and the item itself remained virtually unharmed. Radio-imaging has shown the formation of a magnetic field around the lighter, which is hypothesized by researchers to be the cause of this immunity. The fuel used by SCP-403 to produce the detonations is not known as of yet, if any conventional fuel is used at all. Examination of the item shows that the fuel compartment within SCP-403 is empty; no traces of any combustible compound have been found. Considering this, and the amount of energy initiations are capable of producing, SCP-403 should currently be treated as if using a functionally inexhaustible power supply. Tests to ascertain the exact nature of this power source are ongoing. Addendum 403-1: Continued experimentation has been authorized for SCP-403, and a designated safe detonation area has been provided for testing. After the third ignition, a Class-D personnel attempted a fourth, which caused an explosion that initially appeared to be a thermonuclear blast. Evaluation of the explosion has demonstrated that it was of equivalent magnitude to 10 MT of TNT, far exceeding the yield of most strategic nuclear weapons; this yield was also far greater than extrapolations based on past tests seemed to suggest. Further study of recorded data seemed to show that the event was actually caused by the release of [DATA EXPUNGED] stellar material. No abnormal lasting effects from the explosion were observed, apart from the devastation wreaked by the initial blast. Once again the subject used to ignite SCP-403 was unharmed by the blast. Addendum 403-2: All further tests have been suspended due to the extreme danger presented by the high-energy detonations SCP-403 is capable of producing. As it seems the power of SCP-403 increases exponentially, a fifth ignition could result in an event comparable to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A blast of this magnitude could devastate vast portions of the continent and present a severe risk of breaching the containment of several Foundation sites, including [REDACTED]. Β« SCP-402 | SCP-403 | SCP-404 Β»" nan
[ 2.06481412e-01 -3.85027230e-01 -7.24736676e-02 1.19355448e-01 8.11092407e-02 -1.41359672e-01 1.97541192e-01 7.28660673e-02 -6.24857128e-01 -2.09168419e-02 8.01061615e-02 4.55053121e-01 -2.43804067e-01 1.64396763e-01 9.09788385e-02 2.13298649e-01 3.87583487e-02 -1.76118836e-01 -2.78549612e-01 -1.26294568e-01 5.88026270e-02 -1.57010794e-01 -1.22352667e-01 3.21719348e-01 -3.65243584e-01 -9.12753120e-02 1.77783400e-01 -7.36926170e-03 7.56168962e-02 -2.76904851e-01 3.94758224e-01 1.97505012e-01 2.21792445e-01 1.34475902e-01 -1.07296131e-04 -2.90549189e-01 2.40505844e-01 -7.15550482e-02 -3.91054899e-02 -4.08473350e-02 -2.54198939e-01 1.01405017e-01 -5.86038753e-02 -8.15967917e-02 1.98605642e-01 -1.84200779e-02 -1.25898272e-02 1.20001920e-01 2.20731437e-01 -1.18738174e-01 2.02771425e-01 -1.82749152e-01 -7.31717497e-02 -1.07451668e-02 1.12989679e-01 1.56718865e-01 -3.89959276e-01 -9.67773201e-04 2.10344553e-01 -2.15138242e-01 -1.17079601e-01 1.65045131e-02 4.22669649e-02 3.93246152e-02 4.54831123e-01 -1.78671136e-01 -3.19321752e-02 3.47508013e-01 2.00644746e-01 4.52449381e-01 1.21944860e-01 -2.50644267e-01 -6.16633520e-02 -2.27067336e-01 7.96016827e-02 -6.25591949e-02 4.28278565e-01 7.27101415e-02 -3.87844332e-02 3.99695262e-02 1.12760596e-01 3.04221600e-01 -1.94948673e-01 1.39089227e-02 1.88429847e-01 2.31049672e-01 -3.10925692e-01 5.29824803e-03 2.42892236e-01 -7.67173246e-02 1.32622598e-02 -1.79165289e-01 1.61798283e-01 -1.26716584e-01 3.19613926e-02 -1.59219075e-02 2.90228754e-01 -2.96134055e-02 4.20384645e-01 -2.99148895e-02 2.94144571e-01 1.08398668e-01 8.10239278e-03 9.40905360e-04 1.07536979e-01 2.53134787e-01 5.26291072e-01 -2.22580865e-01 -4.05672371e-01 4.62665915e-01 -1.46469489e-01 1.43772975e-01 -2.69748867e-01 -1.15586696e-02 -1.19181700e-01 1.87491804e-01 -1.01979129e-01 -5.27009666e-02 -1.01264551e-01 4.98781830e-01 -2.08608329e-01 -1.48856908e-01 -1.63432345e-01 4.22232956e-01 5.00294030e-01 3.31509978e-01 -1.55232787e-01 -1.62976712e-01 1.42053336e-01 1.78657230e-02 -3.55162285e-02 2.04975694e-01 -5.28125644e-01 7.96365514e-02 -1.68521687e-01 4.45612073e-01 -1.26235068e-01 -3.48328799e-01 -2.07617715e-01 -1.55001399e-05 8.04932043e-02 1.88079938e-01 6.71107829e-01 1.65582016e-01 -4.16655958e-01 -9.83842090e-03 2.17958745e-02 3.06876730e-02 -1.59727588e-01 1.82953134e-01 6.38700962e-01 -8.15408081e-02 -2.95800030e-01 2.15502605e-01 -2.57840902e-01 1.04281962e-01 -1.42254978e-01 5.61126601e-03 3.13404761e-02 -7.36626163e-02 3.97876173e-01 2.84457207e-01 7.55744204e-02 -1.59913063e-01 -1.16740681e-01 4.45862293e-01 -2.07672611e-01 -4.29948211e-01 -1.71058849e-01 -1.31238550e-01 -1.88028172e-01 -2.66586930e-01 -2.80715734e-01 2.26937622e-01 -2.09867612e-01 -6.12534396e-02 -3.07945281e-01 8.27168748e-02 -4.06812698e-01 -5.06858379e-02 -4.00713414e-01 3.86639982e-01 3.91242921e-01 -2.06680208e-01 -3.71817619e-01 -1.89780280e-01 2.52554584e-02 -1.40670374e-01 9.49354023e-02 -4.85641778e-01 -2.57575721e-01 -5.38200796e-01 2.80989110e-01 -1.58744574e-01 -3.37473601e-02 -8.59510303e-02 -6.34518787e-02 -2.18542591e-01 1.84314668e-01 2.70688802e-01 -1.24965653e-01 -1.06862178e-02 -9.16709602e-02 1.65482342e-01 -3.19650203e-01 2.43916735e-01 -3.59966248e-01 8.79318640e-02 -7.86987692e-02 -8.94986000e-03 -1.88472301e-01 -1.95171922e-01 1.30545974e-01 -1.08312387e-02 -8.64941329e-02 -6.20898485e-01 2.70293266e-01 3.17344666e-01 -3.46484259e-02 -1.78197369e-01 -1.25337794e-01 -8.49366467e-03 1.18046954e-01 -5.44921532e-02 -5.39249837e-01 -2.97874719e-01 -2.36031845e-01 2.89854617e-03 -1.77762926e-01 1.07555531e-01 1.98018938e-01 -2.88698915e-02 -5.87268285e-02 -7.98712578e-03 -3.59292746e-01 1.85098633e-01 2.20965564e-01 7.23148644e-01 -9.17085186e-02 1.34053648e-01 -4.73956689e-02 -3.72349501e-01 8.23497996e-02 7.45310709e-02 -4.07872260e-01 5.02044320e-01 1.29891545e-01 1.91004239e-02 1.02007218e-01 -1.01798683e-01 -1.21040992e-01 -4.04475927e-01 4.26752493e-03 2.16467127e-01 1.86149910e-01 1.91425607e-01 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7.74075389e-02 7.40548596e-02 -1.09979160e-01 2.38615051e-02 -1.79162920e-02 -2.06649989e-01 6.45463690e-02 -1.36989579e-01 4.24729645e-01 -2.49168187e-01 9.41750854e-02 -7.30246827e-02 2.11267978e-01 2.73519576e-01 -1.95458740e-01 -8.61582905e-02 -2.17785671e-01 -9.94186476e-02 2.78269857e-01 9.46237594e-02 -1.55631199e-01 -4.07014549e-01 -3.70964199e-01 -6.42331839e-02 -1.61932662e-01 -3.28390896e-01 -1.72866046e-01 -1.92465901e-01 2.36888155e-01 -1.30716041e-01 -1.31044880e-01 4.77197677e-01 -8.87696370e-02 -2.74534196e-01 -2.07110643e-01 -1.11236043e-01 1.56971321e-01 -9.71882418e-02 4.87881690e-01 -2.55134165e-01 3.62086415e-01 6.63035750e-01 -4.15682644e-02 -6.06281817e-01 -5.37639558e-01 9.34635401e-02 2.32401654e-01 6.76455870e-02 3.62014830e-01 1.56865967e-03 1.70659587e-01 -1.03874803e-01 -2.28397414e-01 1.05693527e-01 -7.28463605e-02 1.33079827e-01 2.23132312e-01 -1.04989342e-01 8.68677273e-02 -2.21762061e-01 1.99295416e-01 -3.17423195e-02 -1.11754745e-01 6.67726621e-02 1.49203077e-01 -4.58043627e-02 1.38035372e-01 3.74014042e-02 2.83516422e-02 2.36532599e-01 -2.46780112e-01 -1.12731695e-01 2.55516917e-01 -3.51998985e-01 2.15632439e-01 8.22634846e-02 2.70940304e-01 -1.52463973e-01 -2.91930169e-01 2.82361150e-01 -3.76301825e-01 3.12114745e-01 6.29920289e-02 3.96484941e-01 4.33436930e-01 -3.19965556e-02 -1.03586651e-01 -3.15207243e-01 -1.61421180e-01 2.65803367e-01 3.69406849e-01 3.53945680e-02 -2.39304081e-01 -1.24432966e-01 -7.51725435e-02 -8.19042400e-02 1.06223963e-01 -3.17259575e-03 -2.07910351e-02 -2.93322027e-01 -4.04586136e-01 -7.57336989e-02 3.41694802e-02 -3.79482538e-01 -1.10691369e-01 -1.74711328e-02 3.29234481e-01 2.39511713e-01 3.18940759e-01 6.12110831e-02 -3.86953354e-01 2.60656029e-02 -2.03127235e-01 2.67601639e-01 1.51810840e-01 5.58611453e-01 4.99835908e-02 2.96488136e-01 7.62497336e-02 3.78658213e-02 2.88306531e-02 -2.86455303e-01 5.32869220e-01 4.63574082e-02 1.67247251e-01 -2.99121886e-01 2.29710788e-01 1.66714013e-01 -1.22661807e-01 2.99854636e-01 -6.80813193e-02 -5.53488079e-03 1.54115885e-01 3.27377647e-01 -1.54887125e-01 -3.98739934e-01 6.85609281e-02 -3.80623192e-02 -8.49293545e-02 2.16336161e-01 1.28055185e-01 1.07343161e+00 4.21959125e-02 1.56091332e-01 2.12759301e-02 -2.69743741e-01 6.22676238e-02 -3.95215660e-01 -4.33083586e-02 -3.36038433e-02 -1.65556043e-01 5.25108986e-02 -2.55323052e-01 3.41087356e-02 3.90530080e-01 -1.99725330e-01 -9.19948891e-03 -6.36640906e-01 7.19154775e-02 3.81990731e-01 1.73805028e-01 -2.17687353e-01 1.29151449e-01 1.27107158e-01 2.12129593e-01 1.10483214e-01 3.71470243e-01 9.74856019e-02 -1.63098425e-01 5.42367017e-03 -1.06343850e-01 -2.56897837e-01 1.26695931e-01 -1.90933272e-01 2.11308002e-01 3.74188811e-01 -2.53973097e-01 1.11089744e-01 1.10585891e-01 -2.13502109e-01 -2.40022540e-01 1.05909288e-01 4.21017408e-01 2.41949379e-01 3.33869713e-03 -3.05661142e-01 -1.74227566e-01 1.54322803e-01 1.69583097e-01 -2.81365849e-02 1.75638065e-01 2.34942868e-01 -3.55608374e-01 1.48344487e-01 1.36974826e-01 4.25659508e-01 -1.25351295e-01 4.22206700e-01 2.27578670e-01 -3.28024715e-01 -6.85754493e-02 1.91600770e-01 -2.82983929e-02 -2.41037324e-01 4.96016592e-02 1.68162242e-01 9.61607546e-02 -2.31636353e-02 5.61965704e-01 -1.83361501e-01 3.04038882e-01 -1.47124931e-01 1.44550443e-01 -2.79618260e-02 -3.14605474e-01 9.20633450e-02 7.18408003e-02 -8.01968575e-02 -2.60776710e-02 -2.77937144e-01 -4.69717950e-01 -3.28031480e-01 9.78396833e-02 2.52432346e-01 5.57774864e-02 -1.02576457e-01 1.09659813e-01 -2.34802943e-02 1.08277902e-01 -1.15443766e-01 8.67703110e-02 2.76621822e-02 5.56210756e-01 8.37290883e-02 3.87190282e-01 -3.50578427e-01 8.39378312e-02 -1.76349103e-01 -1.89409465e-01 5.50273418e-01 -3.27041894e-01 -1.05952416e-02 -2.41723612e-01 1.90907344e-01 2.78373986e-01 -5.02584465e-02 -3.06262374e-01 -4.70464192e-02 1.74985364e-01 -8.57270062e-02 9.92008448e-02 -4.48428661e-01 2.34215036e-01 1.42983630e-01 -9.77991968e-02 -1.89387333e-02 3.78931344e-01 2.89618164e-01 3.16102594e-01 -4.09448624e-01 1.24131292e-01 1.61227677e-02 -2.36067045e-02 -1.84604973e-01 1.55030817e-01 7.95841813e-02 -2.23387126e-02 -6.23374283e-02 -1.73632195e-03 -2.30209917e-01 1.93547472e-01 -1.58720315e-01 1.00144744e-01 2.70160258e-01 1.07407399e-01 -3.64544719e-01 5.31368367e-02 -3.26568156e-01 1.34919658e-01 -2.78940618e-01 -1.41019940e-01 -1.39937401e-01 2.39185438e-01 7.64264464e-02 -6.24905862e-02 -4.54817832e-01 3.53061333e-02 -1.88949853e-02 1.42678261e-01 1.26738712e-01 -5.43724656e-01 -5.52591458e-02 2.11069077e-01 8.50404426e-02 1.59957886e-01 7.16625303e-02 1.36715278e-01 8.26637521e-02 -1.21274665e-01 2.93236196e-01 -7.64129236e-02 5.19553781e-01 -2.97639191e-01 3.77280086e-01 8.38894024e-02 4.39971201e-02 4.96453822e-01 1.35459945e-01 -2.24548340e-01 -3.13726068e-01 4.02008444e-01 7.81124458e-02 -1.14875257e-01 -5.38500771e-02 3.38918030e-01 1.51517689e-01 -5.12245148e-02 -3.38517129e-01 -9.41741392e-02 -2.92217415e-02 -1.39737949e-01 4.90703844e-02 -1.61546692e-01 -2.77402967e-01 -1.14894938e-02 3.20852064e-02 1.43742070e-01 2.48586938e-01 -1.04670838e-01 -1.63087711e-01 2.93663800e-01 3.72627169e-01 1.77000895e-01 5.04466951e-01 -2.22249597e-01 1.13981895e-01 2.94802457e-01 1.90916043e-02 -7.90047124e-02 -3.43885757e-02 3.40978742e-01 1.82072204e-02 -3.12444806e-01 7.27502257e-02 2.26039499e-01 -5.52838035e-02 -1.01029702e-01 1.62402734e-01 1.04329094e-01 -7.87136853e-02 -5.14266267e-02 1.59119830e-01 -2.43980631e-01 9.45983157e-02 3.42856884e-01 2.67527461e-01 1.17825344e-01 -5.01446068e-01 -3.07549804e-01 6.18537180e-02 1.73254743e-01 2.13334307e-01 -2.07541347e-01 -1.96621776e-01 -7.99895003e-02 -9.47565809e-02 2.46375784e-01 -4.07074392e-02 8.20483938e-02 -3.16582054e-01 1.09563954e-01 9.41304639e-02 4.36587557e-02 1.21606059e-01 -1.71092525e-01 -2.42844254e-01 1.96967050e-01 2.23009288e-01 -1.86987564e-01 -1.72058761e-01 1.30375206e-01 1.11991361e-01 1.50436848e-01 5.09502888e-02 -7.15774891e-04 -1.84737653e-01 2.88731515e-01 -2.61505663e-01 -5.47474287e-02 6.52071059e-01 6.13598488e-02 4.13313955e-02 -3.57351750e-01 -6.29897639e-02 -8.14186037e-02 2.46333003e-01 -3.99683863e-02 -3.86340588e-01 -2.81144708e-01 7.47227013e-01 4.22070384e-01 2.25166991e-01 3.22225660e-01 -2.51553595e-01 -1.63341567e-01 -1.61418512e-01 1.93256378e-01 3.31723124e-01 -2.58252919e-01 -1.15691990e-01 -1.07411176e-01 2.28676155e-01 5.83339214e-01 8.45070854e-02 2.69410759e-01 2.29048714e-01 6.28151000e-01 -6.27742887e-01 1.10279143e-01 -3.43542606e-01 3.54148336e-02 -1.22183345e-01 4.47016329e-01 -4.56679501e-02 3.49429506e-03 -1.53173864e-01 1.01940043e-01 3.96895021e-01 -2.99109131e-01 -3.35847646e-01 9.35520753e-02 1.50109967e-03 2.93628663e-01 -1.46058470e-01 2.26422504e-01 -1.44417956e-01 -1.19010039e-01 6.01968803e-02 -5.07200122e-01 -8.95929802e-03 -3.44714254e-01 -2.02528968e-01 -1.50040910e-01 2.77714431e-01 -2.57066041e-02 -5.01597822e-02 -3.95008683e-01 -1.61089182e-01]
"Memories Lost, Memories Found" active "Item #: SCP-404 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-404 is to be kept in Section Alpha-1 of the Documents Repository. Any movement of SCP-404 beyond Section Alpha-1 will result in termination. Description: SCP-404 is a pair of large manila envelopes, one of which has a series of pages attached to the front. Each page is stamped with a name/date/time/number table and contains multiple entries with known and unknown names. The ink has been dated to 1833, Β±10 years and the folder dated to 1834, Β±10 years. Many signatures are noted on the grid, notably those of former Document Repository Administrators β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (dated β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ), β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (dated β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ), and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (dated β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ). All signatures also are followed by a numerical reference number. Currently there are over 1000 signatures on these pages with additional pages appearing on their own when the previous ones become full. A count of these pages has proven impossible as has the contents of the envelope as mentioned later. Contained inside SCP-404 are a series of large 8 x 10 photographs. Attempts to count the exact number of photographs have thus far failed. When a person attempts to count the total photographs they will invariably get a number wrong at least twice and have to start over. If more than one person attempts to count them they will begin to debate what number they were at last and start over. If a mechanized system is used to count the photographs it will either glitch, fail, freeze, or skip causing a recount to be required. Any person may pick up and access the first envelope, known as SCP-404-A, they may withdraw a single photograph at a time from the envelope. This photo will always be blank when drawn out and will remain so until five (5) seconds have passed. Should the photo remain in contact with the person who drew it longer than five seconds it will then begin to fade into an image in the same way a Polaroid develops. This image will be a crystal clear image from an event in the holder's past which thus far has always been immediately recognized by the holder. Once this photograph has been 'developed' it will no longer fit into SCP-404-A no matter what effort is applied to it. This image will fit perfectly into the second envelope, SCP-404-B. An undeveloped photo will not fit into SCP-404-B. After a developed photo is placed inside of SCP-404-B the pages attached to the front of the envelope will update themselves with the name, date, time, and an incrementing number. If a person picks up SCP-404-B they immediately know which pages contain lines with their name, although they may not know the numbers. When they have viewed the numbers or if they already know the number, they are able to draw that photo out of SCP-404-B with only a few seconds of searching. The most disconcerting feature of SCP-404-B is that once the subject has left the presence of the envelopes for longer than an hour they forget interacting with either envelope as well as the memory imprinted on the photo. This effect lasts until the subjects re-enter the presence of SCP-404-A or -B at which time they regain their memory of having used the envelopes, but will not remember the event on the photograph until it is viewed again. Researchers who oversee the testing of SCP-404-A or -B but who do not interact with the contents of the envelope are capable of remembering both the test and the image to the best their natural memory allows. Document #404-1: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject is Class-D personnel who has been instructed to draw five photos from SCP-404-A. First Photo drawn contains an image of a young girl on a tire swing being pushed from behind. Subject confirms that the girl is their younger sister at age six. Second photo drawn contains image of the same girl now older, nude, in a bedroom setting, laying on a bed and smiling, wagging finger at the viewer. Subject confirms once again this is their sister and is noted becoming distressed. Third photo drawn contains image of same girl, older again, in the garb of high school graduation with her arm around a male of similar age. Subject confirms again this is his sister and the boy is her boyfriend. Subject seems agitated and reluctant to continue until assured he must only draw two more photos. Fourth photo drawn contains image of a car that has gone half off of a road. The windows on all sides are smashed and the driver door is open. In the driver seat is the same boy from the previous photo with no discernible age difference. There is considerable bodily damage on the boy as well as a slit throat. Subject confirms this is the same boy. Fifth photo drawn shows a funeral setting, the girl from the previous photos is the center of focus. She is wearing a black funeral dress and has a hateful expression. Subject confirms this is his sister again. All photos drawn will no longer fit into SCP-404-A so are filed inside of SCP-404-B. Subject's name, current date, and numbers now appear on the topmost sheet of SCP-404-B. After the test had completed the subject was allowed to leave the testing area and then questioned about the photos. After a time-lapse of approximately one hour subject became unable to answer any further questions about the photos and denied having ever even been part of a test for this day. The subject is unable to account for the time spent in the testing chamber and also denies knowledge of ever attending a funeral with his sister for any individual. Up until the time threshold had passed subject had been willing to answer any and all questions regarding the incident in the photos; loss of memory attributed to interaction with SCP-404-A and B. Document #404-2: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject is Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ who has recently been through an overly dramatic breakup of a relationship. She has volunteered for this test and has been informed of the anticipated results. First photo drawn from SCP-404-A develops into the image of a young man in overalls leaning against a car and covered in oil stains. Subject confirms this is her ex-boyfriend and that he was mechanically inclined. Second photo drawn from SCP-404-A shows the same man in a very angry state postured as if he is striking the viewer. Subject confirms again that this is her ex-boyfriend and that this event is part of what led to their separation. Third photo drawn from SCP-404-A shows the same man in an amusement park setting, seated on a roller coaster beside the viewer. Subject confirms this was their first date. Fourth photo drawn from SCP-404-A is completely blank. Twice the normal time allowed for a photo to developed passes and photo remains blank. This photo also is returned to SCP-404-A with no effort while all other photos must be inserted into SCP-404-B which now shows the subject's name with three new timestamps and numbers listed on its pages. After the fourth photo was drawn subject was released and approached three hours later where she was asked as to the status of her relationship with the boyfriend. Subject denies knowing any such person or ever having participated in any tests today. Subject is also unable to account for lost time but shows no concern over the disparity. Document #404-3: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject for this test is Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was chosen at random with no end result expected. First photo drawn is a first person perspective of a water paint portrait being drawn. The artist's hands are visible in the photo and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ confirms this is her at age 4. Second photo drawn is of an elderly man smiling, photo perspective suggests the viewer is raised up in the air looking down at the man. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ confirms this is her grandfather who passed away approximately a year and a half later. Third photo is drawn after a brief reprise to allow Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to collect herself. This photo shows a funeral service and the perspective again suggests the viewer is a short individual. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ confirms this is her grandfather's funeral service. This photo also shows the elderly man again at the headstone which is the viewer's point of focus in this photo. The elderly man is marginally out of focus compared to his surroundings which are crisp and clear. In addition he is semi-transparent to a degree of approximately 15% suggesting that his presence is either a true spectral manifestation or exists only in the mind of the viewer. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ requested a copy of this third photo and a digital copy was created for her without incident. The original has been filed into SCP-404-B and the copy is framed in Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's office. Document #404-4: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subjects for this test are Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ whom have been working together for the past two years. These two doctors were chosen at random from established pairs of staff who had been working on projects together for over one year. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ draws the first photo from SCP-404-A. This photo when developed shows an older woman in her mid thirties on a bed, nude. The woman is posed in a [DATA EXPUNGED] position from the viewer's perspective. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ identifies the woman as his wife. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ attempts to protest this until a photo is produced from Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's wallet which confirms the identity of the woman in the photo. The guard on staff intervene in the escalation of tempers and inform both doctors to continue with the test, personal matters will be resolved afterwards. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ draws the second photo from SCP-404-A. It is of note that Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's expression was malicious toward Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ after the previous photo. The photo drawn by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ develops into a girl of young age who appears to be in a [DATA EXPUNGED] pose from the viewer's perspective. This girl is confirmed as Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's daughter who is [DATA EXPUNGED] years old. Tension in the room escalates after this photo once more and the guards on duty step in again. Due to the nature of the photos being drawn only two more, one from each doctor, are requested. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ draws the third photo from SCP-404-A. This photo contains an image of the same girl from the second drawing, nude again, in a new pose. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ reluctantly confirms this is in fact his own daughter. Both Doctors are calmed down by this event however both appear to be extremely uncomfortable and express repeated desires for this test to end. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ draws the final photo for this test which after developing appears to be Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ wearing an evening dress. The test is immediately ended by the administering personnel and both Doctors placed on notice until the results of this test can be confirmed. A lapse of a full day's time was allowed to pass before either Doctor was confronted about the previous day's test results. Neither Doctor claims to have any memory of participating in any test nor any inappropriate behavior with either each other or any of the subjects from the photos. All photos were filed in SCP-404-B and both Doctors have been restricted access from SCP-404 from here forward. Continued observation of the Doctors from this test show a 6% increase in productivity; this may or may not be related to the loss of the memories exposed in this test. Document #404-5: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Subject for this test is a deceased Class-D personnel who expired while engaged in testing of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The body of the subject was manipulated by two members of staff in conjunction with medical implements to draw a series of photos from SCP-404-A. First photo drawn develops into a view of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ at rest. It is assumed this is what the subject saw as the testing of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was commencing. Second photo drawn develops into an extreme close up view of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The nature of this photo suggests this was the moment at which the subject expired. The right side of the photo is blacked out as is expected from a scene viewed by a person with a single eye. Third photo drawn develops into [DATA EXPUNGED]. Test aborted immediately after viewing of the photo sends the staff manipulating the subject's body into a state of rage. Guards enter the room to control the situation. One guard enters the same state as the research staff and turns on another guard who is restraining the original test members. Additional armed staff enter area and developed photo is covered by a jacket to prevent further viewing by any other staff. After the events of this test any further exposure of the deceased with SCP-404 has been expressly forbidden. All staff who were involved in the test were restrained in solitary confinement and after 48 hours were given a psychological evaluation and released. Those who requested amnestics were allowed to utilize them. All photos made during this test were not filed into SCP-404-B but were instead sequestered into the care of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and are not to be accessed by any staff without maximum clearance. Β« SCP-403 | SCP-404 | SCP-405 Β»" nan
[ 1.51039332e-01 1.55556381e-01 -1.04466416e-01 3.51772338e-01 -3.16217065e-01 -1.73601583e-01 -3.00249532e-02 3.11054569e-03 3.25979814e-02 1.77037269e-01 1.79028004e-01 -2.67026961e-01 -2.45854542e-01 -4.38275784e-01 -1.84809580e-01 -1.26971275e-01 -6.45107925e-02 1.40577599e-01 2.25766972e-01 -1.72626406e-01 -1.76386476e-01 -1.99719116e-01 2.73859245e-04 -4.96671498e-02 -2.10460007e-01 -1.36287302e-01 2.13344265e-02 3.50479871e-01 -2.71859169e-01 -2.43474558e-01 -2.21024811e-01 1.40474923e-02 -1.13632977e-01 5.13428807e-01 -1.04752224e-04 -3.00444007e-01 1.90879732e-01 -1.52075425e-01 -2.31562704e-01 1.69689521e-01 -4.97941226e-01 8.45008641e-02 -1.50454849e-01 -3.79084557e-01 2.49401182e-01 -7.11928234e-02 2.33539850e-01 2.25764245e-01 5.30063689e-01 1.77394420e-01 2.54765987e-01 -1.35290161e-01 4.43016142e-01 6.04070770e-03 4.38395292e-01 1.73832744e-01 -2.22474914e-02 -1.35692433e-01 6.39035925e-02 -1.63287148e-01 1.70328796e-01 2.87258625e-01 -1.82838723e-01 -1.58843443e-01 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3.62202466e-01 5.58901764e-02 1.35795146e-01 -1.52286500e-01 8.47482085e-02 3.95764261e-01 -1.18191428e-02 -4.57050726e-02 6.68507338e-01 -5.16909324e-02 -7.01816604e-02 -4.47611213e-01 -4.35759574e-02 1.61056578e-01 2.78860301e-01 -8.32498819e-02 6.54452443e-02 1.89363658e-01 9.07570645e-02 -1.06283866e-01 3.21668297e-01 -3.24929617e-02 -2.04481095e-01 -4.60716546e-01 -1.49481418e-02 1.71359822e-01 3.29378128e-01 -3.40666212e-02 -1.60881326e-01 -3.71298119e-02 9.00847092e-02 -4.74733114e-02 7.31467456e-02 1.93108171e-02 -3.11236262e-01 -1.52705893e-01 1.64027438e-01 1.88339278e-01 -1.25705332e-01 5.19567467e-02 -4.16357040e-01 9.00555402e-03 -1.44323990e-01 7.52478018e-02 9.45140496e-02 3.44248414e-01 2.22052056e-02 7.48464540e-02 -1.28466815e-01 1.49441108e-01 6.67660594e-01 1.42717704e-01 1.24576755e-01 -5.25714755e-02 3.20458055e-01 -2.36529782e-02 6.23926938e-01 -2.32536152e-01 -2.07068976e-02 1.53492883e-01 3.74284238e-01 -2.87192804e-03 1.45592824e-01 2.65580952e-01 1.49065092e-01 3.64990771e-01 -3.18208724e-01 -1.47277102e-01 2.33562365e-02 2.10057154e-01 -1.73596561e-01 -3.34714763e-02 1.95690081e-01 -6.77294657e-02 -1.92066878e-01 -2.31564716e-02 7.03302845e-02 7.03162670e-01 -3.60158116e-01 1.18140385e-01 3.57760817e-01 -9.42210630e-02 1.33083731e-01 3.87427062e-01 1.44303456e-01 8.63018408e-02 1.02619775e-01 1.08086459e-01 -1.61401019e-01 -1.22949260e-03 -2.78306574e-01 1.57324538e-01 4.48415667e-01 -3.40846866e-01 -1.37880713e-01 2.53991485e-01 -2.84229666e-01 -4.02016640e-01 3.67563181e-02 -3.51821482e-02 -2.25384403e-02 -1.55448750e-01 -3.17836046e-01 -1.65038198e-01 -1.50085971e-01 2.57744566e-02 -3.18424881e-01 -2.16895267e-01 -1.35600507e-01 -1.60003796e-01 3.16030532e-01 8.43381509e-02 9.30949077e-02 -2.33586654e-01 2.38030791e-01 2.12943733e-01 1.95993334e-01 -1.77187204e-01 -3.14300597e-01 -2.29055434e-01 1.40618548e-01 -2.60533959e-01 -1.01193503e-01 3.15634646e-02 2.81514972e-01 -1.48659706e-01 -1.35758230e-02 2.00314075e-01 1.83841556e-01 2.27213100e-01 -8.44936669e-02 -3.88417691e-01 4.49926585e-01 6.77966416e-01 -1.27921194e-01 1.22245289e-01 -2.17153296e-01 1.13878595e-02 -3.31089914e-01 2.66684681e-01 9.81553122e-02 -1.50617450e-01 -1.18787833e-01 4.52260762e-01 4.36452150e-01 8.99899304e-02 2.69448198e-02 -1.55149251e-01 -4.49738294e-01 2.35828161e-01 3.64785522e-01 -5.59862666e-02 -4.10009921e-01 1.97419837e-01 2.19841003e-01 -1.73558816e-01 2.16181830e-01 8.70234221e-02 3.84311140e-01 1.97193533e-01 6.16559051e-02 -4.95197952e-01 1.10534996e-01 3.08079924e-02 -2.99389325e-02 -6.91443160e-02 2.37983719e-01 2.64144748e-01 -4.10763621e-02 -1.65279701e-01 -2.44187951e-01 4.07636821e-01 -1.69849694e-02 -7.45183378e-02 5.34280902e-03 6.81661740e-02 9.52832028e-02 -1.66277036e-01 -2.40362808e-01 -2.57755518e-01 5.30157983e-02 1.83027089e-01 -5.19116700e-01 -1.69941619e-01 -3.35893363e-01 -1.61570370e-01 1.21636558e-02 3.58383209e-02 2.22669858e-02 -3.83259170e-02 5.33248298e-02 1.03690393e-01]
"Telepathy Virus" active "Special Containment Procedures: Infected subjects are to be contained at SCP-405 isolation zones. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ zones exist in depopulated areas. All field teams encountering SCP-405 are to be informed of the locations of nearby isolation zones. All observation of SCP-405 victims is to be done via video link from a distance of no less than 1 km. If a subject suffering from SCP-405 is in the late stages upon apprehension, they are to be terminated and all individuals within 200 m are to undergo Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha if an isolation area cannot be reached in time. Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha is also to be used on any individuals found in the preliminary stages of SCP-405 infection. SCP-405-1 are housed at Research Facility β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Desert. On no account are individuals suffering from SCP-405 to be brought into contact with SCP-405-1. SCP-405-1 are to receive limited human contact from Drs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ only and only while Drs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ have been dosed with type 3 sedatives. SCP-405-1 are housed in β–ˆ adjoining 10 m x 10 m x 10 m cells and are not considered an escape risk: Research Facility β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's remote location is for their benefit, not ours. Description: SCP-405 is a contagious phenomenon of unknown origin that causes the uncontrolled development of telepathic capabilities in humans. The typical progression of the disease is as follows. (β–ˆβ–ˆ% of cases do not follow this pattern.) Experiments with animals, including higher primates, confirm that SCP-405 is species specific. The vector for SCP-405 is the subject's final mental vocalisation, identified by most observers as a "Death Scream." This vocalisation occurs at the moment of death, regardless of cause, and has a range of at least 200 m, although the more advanced the disease the greater the range. Individuals who hear this telepathic signal are infected with SCP-405. Outbreaks of SCP-405 appear spontaneously; there have been at least β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in recorded history. The ultimate cause of these outbreaks is unknown. The earliest believed SCP-405 outbreak was in the town of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a famous ghost town, in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The entire population was recorded to have died either by their own hands or at the hands of deranged residents. Written records retrieved from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ are consistent with the symptoms of SCP-405. The cause of SCP-405 outbreaks is unknown, although 79% have been traced to some form of educational facility. Only 2 cases have occurred outside the continental United States. Outbreak β–ˆβ–ˆ occurred at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Canada, and Outbreak β–ˆβ–ˆ occurred in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Wales. Sufferers in the Primary to early Escalation stages of SCP-405 have been successfully treated with Treatment Protocol 405-Alpha. Subjects are administered twice the standard dose of Class D Amnestics and placed in a chemically induced coma for 3 days. This appears to reset brain activity to a pre-infection state and allow abnormal development to subside. Success rate is β–ˆβ–ˆ% with greater success in the early stages. No treatment for the later stages exists. For an examination of disease behaviour please see the Infected Subject Interview Log. The use of Type 3 Disaster Synthesis Quarantine measures are pre-emptively approved to contain large-scale SCP-405 outbreaks. To date only β–ˆ individuals have recovered from SCP-405 naturally. They gained sufficient control of their abilities to deal with small groups of individuals but are still incapable of dealing with more than β–ˆβ–ˆ individuals at a time without exhibiting extreme stress. Seizures and other neurological conditions caused by structural brain deformities are common. Such individuals are referred to as SCP-405-1-A to SCP-405-1-β–ˆ. They have adopted the designations for themselves and no longer respond to their original identities, perhaps due to the fact that all staff think of them by those designations. The potential value of SCP-405-1 to the Foundation is unclear at this time. Addendum 405-01: Storing SCP-405-1 in the same area was a bad idea. I am sure their personalities are gestalting. I observed SCP-405-1-β–ˆ tapping the desk in her room yesterday in a manner consistent with playing the piano, but only SCP-405-1-β–ˆ has any musical talent. Worse, SCP-405-1-β–ˆ reported finding himself performing an action unconsciously and wished to know if I recognized it. SCP-405-1-β–ˆ was unconsciously field stripping an imaginary β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. None of them have military backgrounds, they picked that up from us! If you get any more survivors, don't send them here! -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ All interviews with SCP-405 victims or SCP-405-1 are to be recorded in Interviews Log 405. Β« SCP-404 | SCP-405 | SCP-406 Β»" nan
[ 2.96864152e-01 -5.65223575e-01 -9.40733850e-02 -5.21704741e-02 -1.94670726e-02 -2.25761756e-01 1.70702562e-01 2.45322362e-01 1.52366132e-01 1.64428949e-01 -1.16892263e-01 2.82377124e-01 -2.25540295e-01 -1.17739141e-01 -1.31128877e-01 4.22479585e-02 3.94416079e-02 2.64933288e-01 3.72007430e-01 -1.43794432e-01 -2.42646471e-01 -3.02718263e-02 1.01917513e-01 2.90981591e-01 9.92966667e-02 -1.38097629e-02 3.15353811e-01 1.07114248e-01 6.95198551e-02 -3.17124635e-01 -1.64848074e-01 -1.33730546e-02 2.50090629e-01 3.43788415e-01 -1.03157989e-04 -8.12353864e-02 2.08368957e-01 -1.52942147e-02 1.50277570e-01 -1.56588808e-01 -3.98689836e-01 5.50926737e-02 1.53527781e-01 -2.23950997e-01 1.49392545e-01 3.69119287e-01 -3.08097433e-03 -1.23232163e-01 4.35417980e-01 1.39582455e-01 2.13477999e-01 5.14189377e-02 5.00588045e-02 1.56918410e-02 7.38995224e-02 6.05812743e-02 -1.19647026e-01 1.13626786e-01 3.96057278e-01 2.98905224e-01 -4.14625518e-02 6.72195032e-02 -4.48895544e-02 2.79295109e-02 4.72388387e-01 -3.28783840e-01 2.14840084e-01 -4.08997118e-01 -1.09013364e-01 3.50473702e-01 1.07713632e-01 -1.74038529e-01 1.05657600e-01 2.81422824e-01 -1.11895073e-02 -6.52454317e-01 3.99118423e-01 -8.30282271e-03 -1.44821778e-01 -1.49450511e-01 -1.21955976e-01 1.89189836e-01 -2.78816313e-01 -2.21300021e-01 -2.31714070e-01 1.13512054e-01 1.13312550e-01 -1.17804989e-01 -7.63984472e-02 -2.45622590e-01 -5.45639805e-02 3.80440503e-02 2.41852850e-01 2.02788025e-01 -5.57232738e-01 -1.72827467e-01 2.53638417e-01 -4.00050014e-01 3.97205353e-01 6.02524690e-02 2.24173576e-01 -1.40460059e-01 3.58994231e-02 -1.02813786e-03 3.39587092e-01 3.21313366e-02 1.49721429e-01 -5.63761055e-01 -5.82762621e-02 3.71415287e-01 8.69222134e-02 2.41342232e-01 -8.00153986e-02 -2.77794152e-01 2.41020679e-01 7.23064095e-02 2.03119665e-02 -1.88049570e-01 -1.97182015e-01 3.82122070e-01 -6.36293530e-01 8.64501763e-03 -3.08490515e-01 1.48949951e-01 5.61474085e-01 5.31886756e-01 -6.40075058e-02 -3.41554135e-01 -1.16544235e-02 -1.29987091e-01 -1.07451588e-01 1.03136368e-01 -3.72661561e-01 1.37928829e-01 1.00442119e-01 6.60954118e-02 -1.58542365e-01 -2.57898033e-01 5.98573219e-03 6.54847547e-02 -1.76547557e-01 -2.09844366e-01 6.99228793e-02 1.31647602e-01 -8.78969654e-02 1.40513659e-01 -3.51480573e-01 1.10577814e-01 -1.03563540e-01 9.87783223e-02 -3.85587439e-02 6.90868646e-02 -3.15850258e-01 2.58218914e-01 5.16254231e-02 1.19916238e-01 2.04222232e-01 9.26747695e-02 -2.18747020e-01 1.39864646e-02 2.47183576e-01 9.21009108e-02 1.10002503e-01 -1.41988233e-01 1.65016398e-01 5.25425971e-01 -2.50208527e-01 -4.44801152e-02 -1.55664593e-01 -3.64773244e-01 -2.04444036e-01 1.68969184e-01 1.72693849e-01 3.05322200e-01 -5.95794395e-02 5.81942379e-01 -4.96364743e-01 -2.39636794e-01 -1.19070388e-01 -8.77397135e-02 -5.39542615e-01 6.31025434e-02 3.22833866e-01 -3.35558861e-01 -4.69787307e-02 9.28570256e-02 3.67916942e-01 -4.43558358e-02 1.02516316e-01 -5.22641949e-02 -3.85949701e-01 -3.15059304e-01 1.86156526e-01 5.52370362e-02 6.06791936e-02 -2.22693607e-02 3.83759558e-01 -2.08644167e-01 3.21092427e-01 9.92832333e-02 5.66480169e-03 2.77774762e-02 3.08407664e-01 -2.80019436e-02 -1.02240920e-01 -1.26258954e-01 -1.67439982e-01 -1.46865085e-01 -5.88597655e-02 1.58993974e-01 -1.28523245e-01 1.55904338e-01 -1.70323104e-01 -1.24446347e-01 7.52979368e-02 -8.05869605e-03 2.82815427e-01 3.06859035e-02 -1.35137692e-01 3.65045965e-02 -3.75563562e-01 -2.57284343e-02 8.09757113e-02 -7.41921514e-02 -1.58147067e-01 5.05134091e-02 -1.66345775e-01 -2.67891973e-01 -5.85479811e-02 5.69205880e-02 1.12791963e-01 9.18717608e-02 -3.62983383e-02 4.58185561e-02 -1.82607427e-01 -1.09959161e-02 1.65731505e-01 4.25131977e-01 -4.11376953e-02 -3.70992184e-01 -1.47998571e-01 -1.07255362e-01 1.47486418e-01 2.36477375e-01 -6.00171201e-02 -6.94522485e-02 4.07116324e-01 -3.27938385e-02 2.99385488e-01 4.60044444e-02 8.97385925e-02 -2.67062068e-01 1.24757700e-01 2.22794726e-01 3.82934324e-02 3.82059067e-01 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-1.61809623e-01 3.29583772e-02 -1.76895186e-02 6.44408166e-02 1.73829079e-01 3.37697923e-01 1.45560741e-01 6.80072010e-02 2.04175651e-01 -1.61566615e-01 2.53933426e-02 -7.04546124e-02 3.71909559e-01 -3.05180967e-01 -1.21716700e-01 1.10778689e-01 -3.94555241e-01 -4.42919701e-01 4.73652810e-01 5.57775021e-01 1.89209655e-01 8.44490305e-02 1.13737397e-01 -1.14946648e-01 -5.87499291e-02 -7.22539127e-01 1.31070288e-02 -2.54929543e-01 -6.08462356e-02 -3.82663757e-02 2.52205163e-01 -3.59907240e-01 8.77381302e-03 1.96549386e-01 2.65832871e-01 -3.55984598e-01 -1.03291675e-01 -3.73707572e-03 -6.69654878e-03 -2.54351109e-01 -6.04923815e-02 4.99982499e-02 5.40445209e-01 1.77385181e-01 2.96539456e-01 9.33738202e-02 -2.02062234e-01 1.03946149e-01 6.82938918e-02 5.96676767e-01 4.36253369e-01 1.05426222e-01 3.79152372e-02 8.85689110e-02 -6.44281447e-01 2.79755816e-02 2.39646230e-02 1.57084286e-01 5.55709958e-01 -2.31309161e-02 2.09060729e-01 -4.60121371e-02 4.13296893e-02 3.84178311e-02 -1.27156898e-01 5.67390800e-01 -2.92716086e-01 2.68653184e-01 1.37969926e-01 4.95004840e-02 6.26004562e-02 -2.20553786e-01 -3.86809111e-01 -4.83603440e-02 -1.05647534e-01 2.88914293e-01 2.29704633e-01 1.02657962e+00 4.14404608e-02 8.93178284e-02 2.62550831e-01 -2.35310972e-01 -1.27154812e-01 -4.91829723e-01 -2.17119139e-02 -1.23688020e-01 1.34746164e-01 7.58133410e-03 -2.95685958e-02 2.12757021e-01 3.96565765e-01 -2.74457574e-01 -4.02815565e-02 -5.61527193e-01 -1.36461726e-03 3.06535929e-01 3.48111317e-02 1.91246718e-01 -2.90271908e-01 3.12456310e-01 2.41300762e-01 -2.05032513e-01 -1.38637453e-01 1.21224917e-01 -1.85492322e-01 -1.37154713e-01 -2.14045420e-01 -1.38364464e-01 9.37972814e-02 -9.01469365e-02 -6.51542023e-02 -1.21483326e-01 1.73675507e-01 1.94347277e-01 -5.34859225e-02 -2.44544864e-01 5.69771081e-02 -2.35246867e-01 1.70534313e-01 5.75992048e-01 -1.37321562e-01 1.49422571e-01 1.69117719e-01 3.99299502e-01 4.85312156e-02 -2.30195343e-01 3.72438997e-01 1.39699921e-01 -9.02956501e-02 -3.44869316e-01 5.71993478e-02 -8.05093125e-02 -7.75684565e-02 4.65112478e-01 3.09035063e-01 -2.69077450e-01 -2.24366225e-02 2.29507118e-01 1.87483579e-01 -1.66612208e-01 6.44879369e-03 -3.98072481e-01 -2.13656072e-02 -2.84861892e-01 2.78037012e-01 -4.53299135e-02 -2.77310103e-01 1.51676834e-01 4.78618331e-02 -2.71910340e-01 -3.00768405e-01 -4.68743034e-02 1.28648087e-01 -2.88691103e-01 -7.91796669e-02 -8.54131952e-02 -3.22165608e-01 -2.43356258e-01 6.06206954e-01 -2.33144984e-01 -3.38644803e-01 -3.39206383e-02 -1.03920415e-01 -3.28353196e-02 1.13558456e-01 5.05038165e-02 7.65118450e-02 -2.94221882e-02 5.18871427e-01 1.84364021e-01 2.24792082e-02 -4.07284677e-01 -9.04066190e-02 -1.91714659e-01 -6.20581992e-02 3.50203104e-02 -3.35376829e-01 -2.11090520e-01 -1.45343244e-01 2.74201602e-01 1.50536180e-01 -6.76818714e-02 -2.73774832e-01 -3.03408593e-01 9.92937684e-02 2.43864104e-01 -3.30157876e-01 1.16787300e-01 -7.26722330e-02 1.70631975e-01 5.75884245e-02 -2.16604993e-02 3.22272569e-01 1.19769603e-01 1.59855247e-01 -1.84650034e-01 -1.00870179e-02 6.83441460e-02 1.83199257e-01 1.09753527e-01 4.78497595e-01 -2.52173930e-01 -4.48177829e-02 -1.79228216e-01 6.23052195e-02 -2.43975431e-01 3.58780801e-01 1.42395511e-01 5.47726870e-01 2.28676543e-01 -1.00483462e-01 -3.24770212e-01 -1.13700375e-01 -9.60129965e-03 1.78856999e-01 -4.75653410e-01 2.19791685e-03 8.65632594e-02 3.56557459e-01 -1.36535848e-02 6.10685796e-02 4.32269014e-02 -2.10976586e-01 -1.73041791e-01 4.19979393e-02 6.86152279e-02 -3.57157797e-01 -1.74013153e-01 -2.19870899e-02 8.59979987e-02 -5.50100347e-03 2.17204150e-02 1.43020421e-01 3.30410339e-02 -7.33665079e-02 -2.03314237e-02 6.50850832e-02 6.27147913e-01 1.60727188e-01 2.63999164e-01 -3.18067700e-01 -3.72726440e-01 3.08458745e-01 2.24131674e-01 -1.34429738e-01 -1.55527502e-01 -2.38089770e-01 -3.14036578e-01 4.62783486e-01 -6.31646626e-03 2.20469758e-02 -3.23338658e-01 -3.40561122e-02 -2.15781629e-01 1.36511018e-02 9.43402946e-02 2.05718100e-01 2.42295876e-01 -1.48499057e-01 -2.23067358e-01 -2.38188244e-02 9.58679095e-02 4.08397973e-01 1.78935871e-01 2.59214163e-01 -1.48291364e-01 4.65467125e-01 -5.06084561e-02 1.10563792e-01 4.88121241e-01 -7.67151862e-02 1.18362449e-01 2.04167157e-01 -1.64880186e-01 3.31610627e-02 2.25380585e-01 -1.61581427e-01 2.16298699e-01 -3.44688520e-02 -1.47204682e-01 6.23120852e-02 6.11423105e-02 -2.30978001e-02 1.52901411e-01 6.49391413e-02 2.84984738e-01 -5.96387573e-02 1.88832402e-01 -2.00354755e-01 -5.44801056e-02 2.76530832e-02 2.32846737e-01 4.60435264e-02 2.20098212e-01 -8.02791193e-02 -1.46703824e-01 8.04402828e-02 -3.68800983e-02 -2.13058680e-01 2.26356938e-01 -3.03107113e-01 1.85232744e-01 1.30412444e-01 -4.16580647e-01 1.25766009e-01 1.57108568e-02 1.60142004e-01 5.25715798e-02 3.21080565e-01 -1.76494390e-01 8.37293044e-02 7.48497173e-02 2.16334462e-01 5.56057058e-02 -2.22453669e-01 8.12030118e-03 -9.21120774e-03 -1.13154605e-01 -5.11188712e-03 5.22357586e-04 3.39223966e-02 -2.66151369e-01 6.69871345e-02 -1.95988491e-01 3.43623175e-03 4.15332615e-01 5.44759594e-02 7.86160752e-02 -1.62213862e-01 4.00852323e-01 -3.14043015e-02 1.18789092e-01 -2.96114162e-02 -2.41074488e-01 4.64496076e-01 4.42966400e-03 5.02504110e-01 -3.12629715e-02 3.96824688e-01 -2.62963384e-01 -4.79551166e-01 -1.61348298e-01 1.44845471e-01 -2.03984082e-01 -3.91116679e-01 1.47082597e-01 2.64577627e-01 1.50419235e-01 1.95132077e-01 3.47961187e-02 3.58398199e-01 -2.70278186e-01 3.89941856e-02 -3.77641559e-01 2.87814178e-02 -2.57753134e-01 1.22156210e-01 7.65914991e-02 1.84810206e-01 -9.54400375e-02 1.36677176e-01 -3.12737644e-01 -3.80980492e-01 2.45063215e-01 -6.26100376e-02 -2.39739381e-02 -3.56462359e-01 2.28915140e-01 -1.58131033e-01 2.80783385e-01 -3.46450180e-01 -1.38159245e-01 -1.16719045e-02 2.44509280e-01 -4.06044066e-01 -2.44142145e-01 -9.88243893e-03 -4.03068006e-01 -5.42741641e-02 4.72194701e-01 1.37842521e-01 2.90701747e-01 -6.20502569e-02 6.76457211e-02]
"Sleepwalker's Tunnel" active "Item #: SCP-406 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Task Force Tau-6 are assigned to monitor SCP-406 and process SCP-406-1 instances. They are to be based in a converted small industrial unit at a nearby industrial park, behind a Foundation front company ("Simon's Carpet Paradise"). The emergence point and western entrance of SCP-406 are to be monitored via closed circuit television cameras. Concealed lighting and infrared sensors are to be fitted to detect and illuminate emerging SCP-406-1 instances, and emergency clothing, non-perishable food, and basic first aid supplies are to be concealed behind false brickwork on the opposite wall. Two-way audio communication is to be enabled, via concealed microphones and speakers, between Tau-6 and the emergence point, to guide and instruct SCP-406-1 instances, and to wake them if necessary. The gate at the open western entrance is to be kept locked. Trespassers are to be monitored and are to be detained and administered amnestics if they witness an SCP-406-1 instance. SCP-406-1 instances are to be retrieved by members of Tau-6 and taken to Sector-25, debriefed, administered amnestics, then escorted to their point of origin. Fabricated cover stories and/or amnestics are to be used to explain the absence of SCP-406-1 instances. All SCP-406-1 instances are to be logged and remotely monitored for a period of 5 years (previously 20), and detained if any anomalous properties become apparent. A proposal for covert monitoring of residents of the origin area to prevent or reduce disappearance event frequency is currently under review. Description: SCP-406 is a 228-metre-long disused railway tunnel in Crigglestone, England. The eastern entrance has been infilled and is inaccessible. The western entrance is blocked by a metal fence with a locked gate. SCP-406-1 are persons who emerge via unknown means through the inner northern wall of SCP-406, at a point 15.3 metres from the closed end of the tunnel. SCP-406-1 instances are invariably initially asleep and walking upright, but most instances wake up naturally shortly after their appearance, usually due to the sudden shock of the cold air within the tunnel. Initial inspection and testing of the emergence point was unable to identify any anomalous effects. Further testing of the emergence point is prohibited until further notice. See document SCP-406-A. SCP-406's first known anomalous event on record was in December 1981, when the naked body of Mr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, 24, was found within the tunnel, having died of head injuries and exposure after apparently tripping and falling within the tunnel. A tattoo was identified and later matched against a missing persons report in Illinois, USA. A subsequent instance of SCP-406-1 was recovered alive in February 1982, Miss β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, 8, and the anomalous nature of the tunnel became apparent. The Foundation became aware of SCP-406 at this point and established initial containment procedures. All instances of SCP-406-1 to date have originated in the rough geographical area of Douglas County, Illinois and a small portion of the southern end of Champaign County, Illinois, and appeared within SCP-406 shortly after falling asleep. Instances of SCP-406-1 do not report abnormal histories of sleepwalking. To date, no attempt to witness or record the disappearance of an SCP-406-1 instance from their origin point has been successful. Current conjecture suggests that a disappearance will not occur unless unobserved. No SCP-406-1 has yet to report any memories of their time between falling asleep and waking within SCP-406, and no attempt to recover memories has yet been successful. To date, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ instances of SCP-406-1 have been recovered. SCP-406-1 instances are not known to be anomalous. No individual SCP-406-1 instance has appeared more than once. Document SCP-406-A: On August 14th 1989, at 17:32 GMT, an emergence event occurred during exploratory drilling of the materials of the wall at the emergence point. Despite immediate medical intervention, Mrs β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, 76, died at the scene. Mrs β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was not known to have had any living relatives, and staff at the nursing home where she resided were administered amnestics and a cover story (heart failure). Technician β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, manning the drill at the time, also requested amnestics. This was denied. A leave of absence was granted. Β« SCP-405 | SCP-406 | SCP-407 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-406" by Musuko, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 1066529_0ca423c3.jpg Name: Criggleston tunnel West portal Author: philld License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-406's western entrance."
[-4.69807982e-02 -3.71302605e-01 4.74375644e-04 1.63084581e-01 -4.80131328e-01 -3.99267912e-01 5.49629807e-01 2.96836998e-02 -4.27417994e-01 2.29652554e-01 4.24195886e-01 4.70353007e-01 -4.11412627e-01 -3.18550110e-01 2.42844537e-01 -1.08701189e-03 -2.36806143e-02 -3.65517177e-02 -4.36789423e-01 -1.05945028e-01 -1.24041364e-01 8.88836607e-02 -3.78387868e-01 1.77627861e-01 -2.70581663e-01 -9.55962464e-02 1.01232596e-01 4.37426083e-02 1.31127730e-01 -1.05850987e-01 1.49226248e-01 1.71065748e-01 1.35598518e-02 3.70773762e-01 -1.09318695e-04 1.60352007e-01 1.80167750e-01 2.16151312e-01 -7.94839412e-02 -4.94164340e-02 -4.01584238e-01 9.57182869e-02 2.54571531e-03 -2.08639607e-01 -1.08088337e-01 -1.58760220e-01 2.80684769e-01 3.75483334e-01 5.45487702e-01 3.29427391e-01 1.34224236e-01 6.09161407e-02 -4.91801947e-02 -2.59034246e-01 2.79940635e-01 -3.49484682e-01 2.25161649e-02 8.31278712e-02 4.07263577e-01 9.39290226e-02 1.28453225e-01 2.03188613e-01 -1.31914318e-01 -2.27937251e-01 1.95460036e-01 -1.98274791e-01 1.60127729e-01 -1.45750046e-01 -6.48378804e-02 3.12883735e-01 1.57194324e-02 6.03331439e-02 1.67935908e-01 8.13008472e-03 -1.64711267e-01 6.02357164e-02 2.18730822e-01 -3.05351540e-02 -1.26549408e-01 3.07208747e-01 -1.70358673e-01 2.35733181e-01 -2.14429766e-01 6.59443513e-02 -2.48547092e-01 3.79600115e-02 1.04070805e-01 1.29464254e-01 1.38065547e-01 1.72317982e-01 3.32494587e-01 2.24637672e-01 2.76835829e-01 3.76727898e-03 -2.06844062e-01 -1.13519847e-01 4.24562335e-01 8.31443891e-02 2.55948424e-01 2.92983770e-01 2.52343804e-01 2.92838573e-01 1.92169234e-01 1.75117970e-01 -9.02807340e-02 2.13366807e-01 -2.48139918e-01 -3.87893319e-01 -2.34294817e-01 4.67169404e-01 -1.24027282e-01 2.86470503e-01 -3.98205787e-01 -2.67739475e-01 2.36309737e-01 1.85844854e-01 1.32014766e-01 2.40137309e-01 1.10330798e-01 2.28437588e-01 -5.50325811e-01 1.15482979e-01 2.65598238e-01 1.04712062e-01 1.21206485e-01 1.02195904e-01 1.71642646e-01 -2.42456406e-01 -1.92197278e-01 1.13395669e-01 -2.04131082e-01 8.75880271e-02 -2.28608578e-01 8.33502933e-02 -1.09992534e-01 2.70394385e-01 -2.41681430e-02 -1.54623706e-02 -2.01230898e-01 9.62342545e-02 4.19047982e-01 8.55515301e-02 3.91872913e-01 2.13168412e-01 -4.16043520e-01 -4.77343827e-01 -2.92687237e-01 -4.89501283e-02 -5.24732731e-02 1.84814855e-01 7.67097026e-02 -2.81086326e-01 -3.80893648e-01 1.85343251e-01 -4.34121639e-01 1.39495879e-01 4.55342799e-01 1.79137394e-01 2.86395121e-02 -2.66840219e-01 3.42825130e-02 2.26047914e-02 -5.18776290e-02 5.75263947e-02 3.22658680e-02 2.74067491e-01 -2.17750631e-02 8.35950766e-03 -3.32176358e-01 -1.59700930e-01 2.03865483e-01 -2.71679819e-01 -1.81451917e-01 1.56870205e-02 -2.41990328e-01 1.78467929e-01 -2.56991267e-01 -1.12782143e-01 -2.96689272e-01 -4.16828036e-01 -8.21651697e-01 1.17348067e-01 2.52244890e-01 -9.96139646e-02 2.12608054e-01 9.40405428e-02 4.35673684e-01 -3.58980507e-01 4.00527775e-01 -2.99120009e-01 -4.41275388e-01 -3.74274403e-01 2.72991270e-01 2.57061213e-01 2.56346136e-01 -1.46663208e-02 3.46081145e-02 -1.55398056e-01 3.15605849e-01 3.16487253e-01 9.14204866e-02 -1.80730164e-01 2.47977749e-01 -4.48719971e-02 -4.52820584e-02 -1.59166038e-01 2.35762205e-02 4.18595597e-03 -1.49050951e-01 4.27129745e-01 3.85267474e-02 1.35870099e-01 4.62695546e-02 -1.04089752e-01 -1.95056573e-01 -9.97738391e-02 1.44200578e-01 1.12883579e-02 -1.02418639e-01 -3.20806205e-01 -2.75810182e-01 1.54358909e-01 -1.62594542e-01 -1.51096195e-01 -1.18050031e-01 3.13692778e-01 -1.40634835e-01 -2.98650786e-02 -2.37398788e-01 1.64650410e-01 1.49278089e-01 1.19642586e-01 2.55165190e-01 -1.12722516e-01 -1.65299773e-01 -6.38661459e-02 -1.40105128e-01 4.08464253e-01 -3.44526768e-02 -2.77978867e-01 -4.67357747e-02 -2.75120050e-01 -3.36697362e-02 2.36312389e-01 -2.28522276e-03 3.61754782e-02 8.63529980e-01 9.10592228e-02 9.16635767e-02 9.50719491e-02 -2.84990937e-01 -5.35586655e-01 -8.42334330e-02 1.95326284e-01 1.46318704e-01 -4.05340821e-01 -1.90084785e-01 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6.41850606e-02 -3.50969136e-01 -1.45062461e-01 -2.85123050e-01 -1.93177283e-01 -1.80270135e-01 -1.01423107e-01 2.55040556e-01 -1.19991735e-01 2.14848503e-01 7.08025038e-01 9.14684758e-02 4.90043372e-01 -1.26338482e-01 1.77057743e-01 -1.23736016e-01 -2.44721800e-01 2.80720264e-01 -1.01242073e-01 4.67018038e-03 -1.31934389e-01 -5.64235747e-01 -9.06872824e-02 3.74702737e-02 -3.91947389e-01 -5.72346389e-01 -1.61740959e-01 1.33334652e-01 -6.15036022e-03 -3.89671087e-01 6.71116948e-01 2.26261303e-01 -2.53029406e-01 6.47937064e-04 -1.57603353e-01 1.87301531e-01 2.75640517e-01 2.60240912e-01 -1.27678975e-01 -2.47872591e-01 2.49660105e-01 -5.05723953e-02 2.46330351e-02 -1.58039019e-01 -1.24723315e-01 7.73133384e-03 -8.14767331e-02 1.14550762e-01 1.53784350e-01 7.01024830e-02 1.02402516e-01 -4.79309767e-01 -7.16819020e-04 3.87153625e-02 -3.37188005e-01 -1.21857889e-01 -2.80349731e-01 -1.93010375e-01 -4.07868981e-01 -3.20114851e-01 5.33294916e-01 2.63702989e-01 1.11686304e-01 1.82170406e-01 -6.09557237e-03 -9.01904032e-02 7.05857426e-02 5.22070587e-01 1.92044094e-01 -8.98061022e-02 -4.42026973e-01 3.20269555e-01 -2.18920857e-01 -1.01775751e-01 1.05474770e-01 -3.54409032e-03 -2.24555165e-01 -2.42901564e-01 4.06010538e-01 -3.84182483e-01 5.69067337e-02 2.60452360e-01 5.13306439e-01 2.30006203e-01 5.25016844e-01 4.18592751e-01 -2.65984554e-02 3.00622970e-01 -1.25125438e-01 2.32349589e-01 -4.87163924e-02 1.09405711e-01 -2.32853517e-01 7.11570829e-02 1.04692914e-01 9.15580764e-02 4.61794250e-02 3.61097455e-02 -6.08413517e-01 -1.62588403e-01 3.28480121e-04 3.02415907e-01 -7.01935738e-02 -6.06968775e-02 -3.02304029e-01 4.04767394e-01 3.32438767e-01 1.70799688e-01 5.11516407e-02 1.42562568e-01 5.53894453e-02 1.16781935e-01 4.97318089e-01 -5.53929470e-02 1.11094400e-01 2.00238466e-01 1.63115233e-01 1.48367509e-01 1.98139623e-01 1.71180982e-02 1.01363696e-01 6.81889296e-01 2.88563371e-02 1.66749984e-01 1.20409764e-01 5.21141112e-01 -1.97221875e-01 -3.34824808e-02 3.63993764e-01 -6.81565776e-02 1.68496981e-01 -8.70167911e-02 -1.70311537e-02 -1.53649822e-01 -3.07781428e-01 -1.81196690e-01 1.19507954e-01 2.83146389e-02 1.07061192e-01 1.00289047e-01 1.15356827e+00 1.07991308e-01 1.09169573e-01 4.31268722e-01 -6.61679730e-02 -4.92480069e-01 -3.17774475e-01 1.04090840e-01 -1.14450060e-01 1.65739998e-01 -4.23542671e-02 -2.30424300e-01 -9.10788476e-02 1.94755301e-01 -2.07310960e-01 -3.60581905e-01 -2.99059302e-01 8.74365047e-02 1.20939091e-01 6.96164295e-02 -1.07208148e-01 1.76262662e-01 5.69199204e-01 1.61134943e-01 1.65419906e-01 4.19863090e-02 -6.07173927e-02 -8.26032162e-02 1.57155246e-01 -2.07712725e-01 -3.52464430e-02 1.06749400e-01 7.43457451e-02 8.46170858e-02 7.68475160e-02 -1.39964804e-01 1.92137912e-03 4.32106972e-01 -3.53305280e-01 -2.28955656e-01 1.20261554e-02 3.51704955e-01 1.22539788e-01 -2.37922110e-02 2.46577457e-01 7.75345936e-02 1.74538642e-01 -9.90084782e-02 -2.76004314e-01 1.16262861e-01 -2.45014608e-01 2.60160655e-01 -1.07983172e-01 3.85564655e-01 3.62453274e-02 2.29720309e-01 6.94775045e-01 2.96780378e-01 -1.66575417e-01 -2.25540817e-01 1.68291971e-01 1.80286430e-02 -1.88680470e-01 2.52883852e-01 -2.02177271e-01 -1.02196753e-01 1.03611775e-01 3.65237743e-01 5.33937812e-02 2.48976499e-01 1.01530693e-01 3.30296159e-01 -1.95626974e-01 -3.17324996e-01 1.50535256e-01 -1.37484968e-01 -2.19350964e-01 -1.61180403e-02 -3.38598490e-02 -1.32492661e-01 -9.02579278e-02 3.77164245e-01 -2.61544466e-01 -2.35965401e-01 -1.23593472e-01 -1.48144051e-01 -5.74579164e-02 1.08915083e-01 -7.60348216e-02 5.13120294e-02 -2.76780754e-01 4.15294647e-01 1.08380854e-01 -3.47708255e-01 -3.97779077e-01 2.43050426e-01 -4.13456857e-01 8.37214477e-03 -2.67826021e-01 -4.76753831e-01 3.20569187e-01 -1.84331357e-01 1.14155851e-01 7.88072720e-02 -2.54923463e-01 -2.24988788e-01 -2.27498040e-01 1.24200851e-01 -1.83272943e-01 -4.30820346e-01 1.78409129e-01 3.09525640e-03 6.30137026e-02 3.31103027e-01 2.00126618e-02 2.67464608e-01 1.40256435e-01 2.56575674e-01 -2.62875736e-01 2.79076338e-01 -1.58456743e-01 5.68659119e-02 1.61787555e-01 4.98031765e-01 -3.71074051e-01 -2.90420502e-01 -2.65616894e-01 -9.67769101e-02 3.18739057e-01 3.14094871e-01 9.80283469e-02 -1.52477100e-01 3.68342161e-01 1.13576867e-01 6.08936623e-02 -1.85101375e-01 -3.01185399e-01 9.72250327e-02 -4.05443162e-01 4.47515473e-02 8.93015042e-02 2.20394224e-01 2.04564594e-02 2.33551607e-01 -6.01610914e-02 4.82565612e-02 -3.09633184e-02 -1.53934598e-01 -2.69180536e-01 -3.07809025e-01 -3.14688653e-01 1.95288286e-01 -1.93018109e-01 -1.41695604e-01 9.70654115e-02 -1.03875749e-01 -1.77602500e-01 -1.60416052e-01 2.59709179e-01 2.59326279e-01 3.05822611e-01 1.14405543e-01 -3.68249342e-02 -3.09290439e-02 -4.14518863e-01 3.13039988e-01 3.80284004e-02 1.09210752e-01 -1.46709174e-01 2.34295502e-01 1.02437856e-02 -1.50100857e-01 -1.54198378e-01 4.43778038e-01 -2.25487184e-02 4.94327158e-01 -1.27626657e-01 -1.59581155e-02 1.80232361e-01 1.21251300e-01 9.80025455e-02 -2.74256140e-01 -3.48607391e-01 -1.86219305e-01 1.83156893e-01 7.43629560e-02 1.88556444e-02 4.23712432e-02 2.75101393e-01 1.74423486e-01 -3.23704481e-01 1.34246662e-01 3.34671229e-01 -1.74310088e-01 2.79603228e-02 6.94753408e-01 -3.86652872e-02 4.51193601e-02 -3.23523998e-01 2.14717105e-01 -1.19720839e-01 -3.65290225e-01 1.10744454e-01 -6.23513535e-02 -1.28230199e-01 -2.07125247e-01 2.70829350e-01 4.34852630e-01 -2.89065421e-01 1.91795513e-01 3.35681550e-02 -2.21205607e-01 2.48307645e-01 2.67080907e-02 2.49060109e-01 1.36018947e-01 5.18394232e-01 -2.51734048e-01 -2.03919396e-01 -2.50976011e-02 -1.13036357e-01 -1.14048786e-01 -2.95453183e-02 -7.58059695e-02 8.55124444e-02 1.67648327e-02 -1.58655956e-01 6.23685569e-02 -2.37595677e-01 6.11527339e-02 -1.25441086e-02 1.92698836e-01 -4.84389700e-02 -3.20597559e-01 -4.21015695e-02 1.24193065e-01 -1.43492043e-01 -5.22536710e-02 3.58032472e-02 -5.45770265e-02 -2.60480613e-01 1.22899219e-01 -2.82410353e-01 -5.93644083e-02 3.18755597e-01 2.29121208e-01 -2.47121602e-01 3.69433999e-01 3.74051541e-01 1.29509732e-01 1.54337749e-01 -7.67561793e-02 -9.58939418e-02 -5.16491354e-01 8.27956125e-02 -6.15019947e-02 -1.14409633e-01 -1.90893784e-02 -1.39422953e-01 5.97896338e-01 -9.84980389e-02 3.17372620e-01 3.15471143e-02 -2.09734514e-01 2.80599073e-02 -1.55517897e-02 -4.16951068e-02 -5.05550563e-01 -1.41289728e-02 9.47602279e-03 3.77060056e-01 2.82874614e-01 2.68094093e-01 5.53627498e-03 -5.52331023e-02 1.33101776e-01 -4.34893370e-01 -1.55777093e-02 -1.57279477e-01 4.92494196e-01 2.18812659e-01 2.83816040e-01 1.37469679e-01 -2.17221230e-01 -2.58517623e-01 -3.75505686e-01 6.46088600e-01 -2.86039919e-01 -1.98576838e-01 -9.48979855e-02 9.08962861e-02 -8.42858925e-02 -1.47159249e-01 -1.22535765e-01 -1.20303869e-01 -9.46664214e-02 -7.27499500e-02 -1.29491374e-01 -1.76230922e-01 2.52530575e-01 -2.24411264e-01 7.71169290e-02 1.92292929e-01 1.91030189e-01 6.85988665e-02 -3.21565032e-01 -8.98260698e-02]
"The Song of Genesis" active "Item #: SCP-407 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: At time of acquisition SCP-407 was recorded within a compact cassette tape. Currently, SCP-407 is backed-up as a digital audio file on [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-407 should not be allowed to play under any circumstances outside testing conditions, and only with the approval of O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Testing of SCP-407 is to be done in completely sound-proof environments. All tools and subjects must be sterilized to remove the presence of pollen, fungal spores, plant seeds, and as much bacterial life to the greatest degree possible to delay the negative effects of SCP-407. Description: SCP-407 is a song in an unidentified language, seemingly sung a cappella. The voices are thought to be human. The tape containing SCP-407 was found with one track of approximately thirty (30) minutes duration, though the abrupt ending suggests there may be more. The song has been described by all listeners as something along the lines of 'soothing', 'glorious', and 'beautiful'. While SCP-407 is played, rapid cell generation seems to occur within auditory radius. This effect seems to occur at the cellular level, and does not require the subject to be able to hear the music. The changes seem to only affect multi-cellular organisms at first, but quickly begins to affect mitosis in single-celled organisms. During the first minute of exposure, all multi-cellular life forms seem to become healthier. Subjects suffering from malnutrition, scarring, physical injury, or chronic diseases or other medical conditions seem to become healthy with only a minute of exposure to SCP-407. This has been shown to cure Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's disease, brain and spinal cord injuries, and normally fatal infections or wounds, amongst other things. Interestingly, cancer does not seem to be affected, though the subject's physical condition was still vastly improved. During the second and third minute of exposure, subjects start experiencing unnecessary unrestrained cell growth, manifesting in quickly advancing dermal growths. These growths seem to mostly be benign tumors and calcium and fat deposits, which though sometimes painful and disfiguring, are not life threatening. During the fourth minute of exposure, increased bacterial and fungal growth occurs, creating conditions that grow increasingly dangerous for all exposed life, even in their new healthier states. Respiratory and digestive problems are quick to arrive in most cases, and become steadily worse as time progresses. Past five (5) minutes, the effects of SCP-407 seem to differ each trial. In all cases, trace elements of plants or fungus as well as any animal life present begin to grow and replicate uncontrollably, at varying rates, often shaping into new organisms. Full results have varied depending on the test, and on the objects present when SCP-407 is played. Addendum-407-01: SCP-407 was found in the home of Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who had recently returned from research in the Amazon regions of northern Brazil. Agents were first alerted to a possible SCP when [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum 407-02: The mold that eventually resulted from SCP-407's second test appears to be some sort of Cordyceps Fungi. Noted to be similar to mold encountered by SCP-507. Due to fear of fulfilling a fate similar to that observed by 507, testing using SCP-407 has been limited to using only the first twenty (20) minutes of the recording. Addendum 407-03: Below is a sample test run of SCP-407. For full research and experimentation notes, see Experiment Log 407. Sample Test Notes: <Test 2; SCP-407 played for 28m 32s. Within chamber; 1 D-Class personnel, unsterilized > 00:25 - Subject reports feeling soothed by the music, and of feeling stronger and more invigorated. 00:45 - Liver spots and scars previously seen are shown to disappear. 02:20 - Subject appears to have physically grown an inch. Increase in musculature is noticeable. 03:40 - Subject reports intestinal pain. 04:20 - Subject begins vomiting. From vomit, plants are seen growing and slowly rooting into the tile floor. 04:50 - Subject starts developing rashes and growths on skin. 05:30 - Heavy dermal disfigurement. Subject panting heavily, begging for help. Great pain reported. 06:10 - Subject falls to the ground and ceases to move. 06:45 - Subject's body is quickly covered in what is thought to be fungal infections. Plant growth is observed growing from the subject's mouth, then eye sockets. 07:30 - Subject is by this time unrecognizable, covered in molds and plant shoots. Body bursts as a banana tree emerges from the subject's intestines and proceeds to grow to maturity within seconds. 08:45 - Plant and fungal growth has begun to spread throughout the testing chamber. What appears to be moss and weeds cover the floor. 09:30 - Several shoots, stalks, bushes, and even small trees have appeared. Banana tree is no longer recognizable; the tree has grown thick and is covered with foliage and fungal growth. 10:30 - The air is heavy with pollen and spores. Vision into testing chamber is difficult. 11:30 - Movement is heard within the chamber. Several different small insect-like creatures are observed. Creatures are seemingly made of plant matter. 17:30 - For the last six minutes, creatures made of plant matter have been observed to rapidly generate, grow to maturity, kill and eat other creatures, and then be eaten themselves. Creatures increasingly progressing in size as time increases. 19:00 - Medium sized mammalian creatures are observed; they seem humanoid and bear a resemblance to initial Subject. 21:00 - Large fungal stalk is observed to grow from one of the mammalian creatures. Stalk end bursts, dispensing white spores. 22:00 - Plant growth is still lush, but everything begins to become coated by a layer of mold. The plant creatures seem to die slowly for an unknown reason, before being covered by the mold. 23:00 - Mammalian creatures are the last to succumb; they heavily decay and become covered in the same mold. Bodies are shown to contract and expand as if breathing. Stalks quickly rise from the bodies, burst with spores, and then just as quickly rot. 28:32 - Tape ends. No change in chamber since the appearance of the mold. Chamber undergoes rigorous anti-biological cleansing. Samples of the mold were taken. [See Addenda 407-01, 407-02] <End Test 2> Addendum 407-04: SCP-407 has been deleted from the system by what is now known to the Foundation as the Interest Group: Serpent's Hand. All known backup copies of SCP-407 have also been deleted. Refer to Incident Report X23. Β« SCP-406 | SCP-407 | SCP-408 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-407" by Pair Of Ducks, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.61013588e-01 -2.11063907e-01 -9.60161090e-02 -4.35575664e-01 2.17922390e-01 -3.21817011e-01 1.23254880e-01 -1.90942660e-02 -4.58496273e-01 4.06973511e-01 3.72436829e-02 5.37642688e-02 -1.93429232e-01 -7.98744783e-02 1.24760516e-01 2.25331336e-02 6.04652762e-02 3.64236027e-01 -2.32368242e-02 -1.34310097e-01 -1.31666481e-01 -2.29825210e-02 -1.20617248e-01 3.09445560e-01 -1.05297320e-01 -1.69827670e-01 4.71960157e-02 3.43410164e-01 -4.16500457e-02 -5.50044179e-01 -4.53822404e-01 4.45336342e-01 -4.34927866e-02 4.73856241e-01 -1.14779868e-04 -3.37545455e-01 1.56705901e-01 -4.37592342e-02 -3.90275940e-02 1.81074038e-01 -4.10037249e-01 2.87171036e-01 -4.24725264e-01 -6.79350644e-02 2.19780341e-01 5.73399588e-02 -1.05068453e-01 -5.38476110e-01 3.00436050e-01 -4.74293493e-02 1.01628818e-01 -2.51198053e-01 -5.15928194e-02 8.17999840e-02 -5.68113010e-03 4.67262894e-01 -4.13921699e-02 1.15143701e-01 5.17110288e-01 -9.74312127e-02 4.63558845e-02 1.62446886e-01 -2.05428258e-01 2.60734767e-01 1.71336725e-01 -2.49703228e-01 8.08378816e-01 -4.50132340e-01 2.73451358e-01 4.30214971e-01 2.80153424e-01 -2.89768167e-02 -1.00284278e-01 1.82934269e-01 2.64798284e-01 -2.72920549e-01 -6.03470393e-02 -1.73584316e-02 -1.78467959e-01 1.32972449e-02 -4.85381156e-01 3.12660366e-01 -1.95475012e-01 -7.04234913e-02 1.82075173e-01 -1.85737461e-01 7.40043744e-02 -1.37535095e-01 2.85839260e-01 -8.99376050e-02 1.43630639e-01 -4.20406051e-02 5.77684790e-02 4.01197940e-01 2.34807834e-01 -1.24551564e-01 -6.74247369e-02 -1.72270745e-01 4.73548323e-01 -8.87854919e-02 1.69115588e-01 -7.55624846e-02 -3.11467852e-02 4.97222729e-02 1.29273638e-01 -3.70380878e-01 3.31996351e-01 -5.82985342e-01 -6.44483939e-02 2.22684160e-01 -5.51103503e-02 1.40632764e-01 4.17530574e-02 1.36409581e-01 1.18468560e-01 9.46672261e-02 -2.20954400e-02 -1.53402537e-01 -7.42098913e-02 2.56452188e-02 -8.99543583e-01 -1.77604809e-01 -2.02435806e-01 3.21495622e-01 6.64309025e-01 3.20980042e-01 -2.05347940e-01 -3.63952816e-02 8.34450796e-02 -4.54847276e-01 -1.55486286e-01 -1.38786640e-02 -5.88894248e-01 4.48860466e-01 1.21179432e-01 2.63687491e-01 2.51030833e-01 3.24512017e-03 3.82014066e-01 -1.16685927e-01 -2.97191799e-01 1.17518904e-03 1.89121827e-01 2.42961332e-01 -1.59157008e-01 2.28427649e-02 -3.08627248e-01 -2.32125428e-02 -4.49635535e-02 1.36907071e-01 3.99389863e-01 -7.67423734e-02 1.27108857e-01 1.59171954e-01 -3.58299822e-01 2.25951493e-01 2.42734000e-01 9.09763202e-02 -1.01542890e-01 -4.12190199e-01 1.19397826e-01 5.17752729e-02 1.60438810e-02 -6.93448856e-02 5.75753115e-02 5.26563644e-01 4.71050888e-02 -2.74642825e-01 -1.57273218e-01 6.02850281e-02 -8.78038816e-03 -2.51175165e-01 -1.47384077e-01 1.32068038e-01 8.09134915e-02 3.50299329e-01 -3.43846262e-01 4.46222007e-01 -4.82798874e-01 -2.50924099e-02 -2.69927204e-01 4.24276263e-01 2.02898413e-01 -2.68580049e-01 -1.87175378e-01 -6.76872656e-02 8.85374546e-02 3.49529624e-01 1.36429951e-01 1.99889362e-01 -1.98635817e-01 -2.22954974e-01 -7.21616670e-02 -2.68596523e-02 -5.50071448e-02 1.45671010e-01 3.13546568e-01 5.68960756e-02 2.98850685e-01 2.98649929e-02 -3.10766492e-02 7.55140781e-02 1.06816977e-01 -1.73866108e-01 -8.29450935e-02 -2.52980083e-01 -1.78784341e-01 -2.25204572e-01 -2.15281293e-01 2.96513200e-01 -3.54318738e-01 -6.17288910e-02 -2.13463932e-01 6.23568259e-02 -1.29712626e-01 -2.84749359e-01 1.37976110e-01 4.31001306e-01 -1.62627712e-01 -2.67821942e-02 -9.03316587e-02 1.62472650e-01 1.53696537e-01 -2.11222053e-01 1.30586267e-01 4.73675728e-02 -1.43016607e-01 -1.17477790e-01 1.49160206e-01 1.03242919e-01 4.54978980e-02 4.57349308e-02 -1.47688657e-01 1.11284696e-01 -2.71065921e-01 2.49524564e-01 -1.34917468e-01 3.91310722e-01 -1.12391815e-01 6.06535412e-02 -9.27759409e-02 -1.24525845e-01 2.81193972e-01 -6.40907362e-02 -2.01814435e-02 1.12323156e-02 2.03445166e-01 1.27147391e-01 1.99622009e-02 -5.84359281e-02 -5.58527522e-02 -1.92021742e-01 -4.04439032e-01 3.08250278e-01 1.94783986e-01 3.46541684e-03 -2.46350810e-01 6.42195418e-02 2.08732665e-01 3.90085638e-01 6.94578141e-02 -6.67865098e-01 -3.81802954e-02 -3.03052925e-02 -2.62017846e-01 -6.04148567e-01 -2.12747720e-03 2.33690932e-01 2.44793475e-01 1.02122093e-03 8.80084112e-02 -2.42612213e-01 6.87351334e-04 -3.61661837e-02 -5.36907837e-02 -2.60287523e-02 3.84301752e-01 3.82580489e-01 1.89659327e-01 5.82429394e-02 -4.28701848e-01 -4.53530431e-01 1.27942353e-01 2.35416681e-01 -3.25398862e-01 1.82200372e-01 5.38031235e-02 1.38252929e-01 1.64651141e-01 -2.10516065e-01 2.11952046e-01 -1.88132718e-01 2.99126096e-02 6.14737272e-02 6.14366867e-02 8.64288062e-02 2.40651116e-01 5.00222087e-01 -2.40719512e-01 2.75876850e-01 -3.36410999e-01 1.91586077e-01 2.55859584e-01 9.92223993e-02 1.62026770e-02 2.13438459e-02 4.75470461e-02 -1.14869632e-01 -1.07541680e-01 4.32307363e-01 -1.33132622e-01 6.79146722e-02 1.03399016e-01 -1.64540693e-01 -2.58940697e-01 1.98755682e-01 2.99456734e-02 -3.92682403e-01 -6.58699200e-02 -6.82172716e-01 -1.45618185e-01 3.18644904e-02 1.64011493e-02 1.76169753e-01 -9.98522565e-02 -2.29718119e-01 1.28085285e-01 -6.22746460e-02 2.81399339e-01 -4.85776782e-01 2.78075010e-01 6.11936748e-01 6.80262269e-03 1.04231417e-01 4.67792765e-04 4.54083383e-02 -2.94628382e-01 1.63666010e-02 -1.65396035e-01 -1.57500803e-01 6.33051246e-02 -3.77832025e-01 -2.51784623e-01 -4.39979061e-02 4.19515252e-01 1.14831954e-01 -1.10644966e-01 1.35817900e-01 -2.10147090e-02 -4.25474674e-01 -2.49244303e-01 3.27272654e-01 1.77876368e-01 -2.39679828e-01 -6.40240870e-03 1.08433276e-01 -9.44534540e-02 1.50317445e-01 2.17455521e-01 -3.54784012e-01 3.39984119e-01 2.61425618e-02 1.80981800e-01 -8.77224952e-02 2.59312749e-01 -2.14459971e-01 1.00767359e-01 -8.59138593e-02 2.82530636e-01 2.56179452e-01 3.88871729e-01 -1.18667431e-01 -2.14064002e-01 2.64088333e-01 -2.04258651e-01 -8.61323401e-02 1.69731706e-01 1.92696199e-01 -5.46496689e-01 1.25336945e-01 -1.06306762e-01 3.50516796e-01 3.92349929e-01 9.46034305e-03 -5.31426668e-02 1.67202115e-01 2.04224944e-01 -2.55433451e-02 4.20018822e-01 1.80896595e-01 1.78348780e-01 -5.13248444e-01 2.68048495e-01 -4.27532166e-01 5.39256111e-02 2.02018037e-01 -7.10144490e-02 -4.21981215e-01 -1.80606209e-02 4.17281210e-01 -3.36318612e-01 2.07615960e-02 -1.17583349e-01 2.96649277e-01 3.61243874e-01 1.19692527e-01 2.57928789e-01 -4.44733351e-02 -2.25259125e-01 5.25576830e-01 2.49582767e-01 -1.19016781e-01 -5.04592843e-02 9.27688852e-02 -5.97562678e-02 1.36487082e-01 2.67223716e-01 -2.88752485e-02 1.11097340e-02 -4.92362082e-01 -7.60870054e-02 1.86953247e-01 -5.63016906e-02 1.66920140e-01 -2.02054739e-01 6.32218719e-02 3.42063457e-01 3.57191533e-01 3.71220708e-01 4.28611636e-01 1.06541961e-02 3.09903800e-01 -2.67390937e-01 4.52508986e-01 -4.20207709e-01 1.89282790e-01 -2.20932826e-01 -5.13871461e-02 2.00898021e-01 7.69046620e-02 -2.94988364e-01 -1.85669027e-02 6.34075701e-01 3.68607849e-01 -2.03714445e-01 7.36034289e-02 -9.22922865e-02 -2.04210564e-01 1.44107446e-01 5.47920048e-01 -8.51186365e-02 -1.72680914e-01 -7.15849698e-01 5.33633173e-01 -1.77928254e-01 -4.51879531e-01 -2.77653914e-02 2.28688180e-01 7.49535784e-02 1.79817632e-01 1.75586879e-01 1.15555394e+00 -1.05722882e-01 1.39668658e-01 4.40918088e-01 2.80302949e-03 -2.85879791e-01 -1.18931055e-01 1.87829480e-01 -3.77691910e-02 7.45152775e-03 -1.25505880e-01 -2.37779483e-01 2.68666670e-02 6.61604941e-01 -1.10884935e-01 -1.69766128e-01 -3.63248706e-01 -3.59809518e-01 4.31758523e-01 -1.62035614e-01 3.61534119e-01 -1.55225888e-01 -2.34978274e-01 2.17775479e-01 -2.16039091e-01 2.78229654e-01 2.33627763e-02 -1.83324644e-03 -5.24558090e-02 1.14226796e-01 -3.18316035e-02 3.24743062e-01 4.86780442e-02 -2.04130724e-01 -3.08128029e-01 -2.46828914e-01 2.36308724e-01 -2.32048959e-01 -1.34846002e-01 4.97741066e-02 4.00344729e-02 6.46876469e-02 4.53588456e-01 -2.72911310e-01 -4.28690203e-02 7.11558200e-03 -1.14962205e-01 1.76474880e-02 -3.27263236e-01 1.61482036e-01 -3.03950235e-02 -1.85634926e-01 -1.45422280e-01 -1.15791380e-01 3.49733531e-01 -1.64904669e-02 1.55534536e-01 4.54033971e-01 -1.20898634e-01 -1.91317454e-01 6.47274777e-02 -1.17974181e-03 -3.87172312e-01 1.26652196e-01 -4.07809988e-02 -1.95675939e-01 4.61972766e-02 1.31508246e-01 3.81317139e-02 1.02914013e-01 -1.75991394e-02 -7.74903148e-02 -1.17049627e-02 -3.83841574e-01 1.75621554e-01 -9.07924697e-02 -4.02838677e-01 6.23380765e-02 3.23784918e-01 -4.06455398e-01 8.56168866e-02 3.17024887e-01 -3.86501372e-01 1.70088023e-01 -1.23179853e-01 -2.45657519e-01 -6.95673004e-02 1.19562019e-02 -1.45954460e-01 1.34542748e-01 5.03017485e-01 2.16081858e-01 -8.73535573e-02 2.87381947e-01 -3.05892974e-01 7.88039416e-02 1.43601522e-01 -1.96775034e-01 3.64233822e-01 -4.36625928e-01 6.01449497e-02 -2.91276813e-01 1.61254793e-01 1.47143677e-01 -1.39107674e-01 -1.35254368e-01 -9.76153389e-02 2.40029573e-01 -1.05107047e-01 5.44040725e-02 2.87785947e-01 -2.68932898e-02 5.05114906e-02 -1.11658737e-01 2.15812251e-01 1.97724462e-01 4.37217474e-01 -1.92388922e-01 -2.08294377e-01 8.78930092e-02 -1.91090479e-02 3.46543223e-01 -1.45079181e-01 -1.56201258e-01 1.19113401e-02 9.72546265e-02 5.33996001e-02 -7.08071366e-02 -2.96690881e-01 3.15412343e-01 -1.41944170e-01 1.86913937e-01 4.08909321e-01 -1.34053588e-01 2.45899018e-02 -7.52332211e-02 -3.85095575e-03 1.60307422e-01 -2.80681014e-01 -2.10655078e-01 -1.13112442e-01 2.15826958e-01 -8.35059062e-02 -4.27934229e-01 -4.63250041e-01 -4.44328696e-01 -6.29929230e-02 9.59189311e-02 -2.28013903e-01 -1.74638152e-01 5.49148172e-02 -6.07363544e-02 2.90479600e-01 4.21424210e-01 2.50568031e-03 2.76267111e-01 1.41825557e-01 -7.59597793e-02 2.17447177e-01 2.00453073e-01 3.03889841e-01 -1.08368397e-01 2.72980213e-01 -1.50050651e-02 -2.66545755e-03 2.01764792e-01 -1.24935649e-01 1.24360695e-01 -1.62506983e-01 4.12563264e-01 -1.04113214e-01 2.78862715e-01 3.07704266e-02 2.83788472e-01 -5.24669826e-01 -1.49026632e-01 -5.64559959e-02 -4.28284071e-02 3.27394098e-01 -1.09672241e-01 3.62530947e-01 -6.29184470e-02 -2.90999711e-01 -1.44969776e-01 -3.20248872e-01 3.15022469e-01 2.81411469e-01 -1.76858008e-01 2.12660193e-01 1.81375429e-01 -1.81207597e-01 3.13841790e-01 2.47193336e-01 -4.49380964e-01 5.35433479e-02 1.41459599e-01 -1.32320900e-04 3.38375181e-01 1.37566432e-01 3.53373319e-01 -1.35777555e-02 -1.07357927e-01 -7.34699890e-04 -2.77509779e-01 -3.68632190e-02 1.20794050e-01 -1.67944804e-01 6.06045008e-01 -9.03425738e-02 6.39797673e-02 9.59757119e-02 -1.60634398e-01 -2.31587291e-02 5.97149372e-01 2.29037896e-01 2.60665476e-01 -5.71123092e-03 -1.32752106e-01 2.02208251e-01 1.81932539e-01 -2.73056347e-02 -1.85919944e-02 1.26142502e-01 -5.01796305e-01 -1.44107580e-01 -4.11357619e-02 2.07988117e-02 5.82665578e-02 -2.22641543e-01 3.33824664e-01 9.31464210e-02 -1.80201679e-01 -7.50044547e-03 -2.85828263e-01 -5.71428239e-01 1.48733100e-02 -2.25165382e-01 -2.05369785e-01 1.40994132e-01 -8.49841014e-02 2.73220181e-01 1.11540966e-01 -1.11970790e-01 5.23432136e-01 -4.68501002e-01 1.51236713e-01 -1.22439526e-01 2.07326353e-01 4.22484607e-01 2.61570960e-01 -1.43912748e-01 -7.94057697e-02 2.48338446e-01 1.82923108e-01 6.05050400e-02 1.31963536e-01 2.04364192e-02 -1.34816572e-01 1.43762920e-02 2.47138053e-01 4.66332212e-02 8.01548660e-02 -3.60678405e-01 -5.57277799e-01 -5.33238724e-02 -5.43790199e-02 1.08412772e-01 -8.56186673e-02 1.83025882e-01 4.94825512e-01 7.74653703e-02 2.47655332e-01 2.72445288e-02 1.93015888e-01 3.42544243e-02 1.99135825e-01 -2.91764647e-01 -6.86948448e-02 -6.48873597e-02 1.93761155e-01 -6.25950992e-02 1.40894204e-01 -2.00176224e-01 -4.35814559e-02 -8.83396268e-02 3.80700901e-02 7.04313815e-01 -1.60221700e-02 -1.45759583e-01 -1.15381427e-01 2.40105882e-01 -1.99708700e-01 -1.06858037e-01 -1.31389245e-01 -3.72236483e-02 -1.16040343e-02 4.19330239e-01 -7.33036578e-01 4.32598107e-02 -4.11939412e-01 -5.71667969e-01 -1.29594401e-01 1.58040255e-01 3.98790464e-02 -1.19459942e-01 -6.65357010e-03 -2.46648028e-01]
"Illusory Butterflies" active "Item #: SCP-408 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The screen mesh aviary must be kept properly maintained by Level 2 personnel with backgrounds in biology or lepidoptery. Proper humidity must be maintained and recorded once per day, and backed up to Site 17. 200 feeders filled with an aqueous sugar solution are to be maintained and refilled once per week. Description: SCP-408 is a large mass of Lepidoptera, taking the appearance of zebra butterflies when not camouflaged. SCP-408 acts as a single entity at all times, speculated to be a form of hive mind communication amongst the mass. When inactive, SCP-408 will take on the color, pattern, and even texture of its immediate surroundings, making them functionally invisible. When threatened, SCP-408 has been observed to take on the form and appearance of a number of threatening creatures as a defense method, including a pride of lions, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and most notably SCP-682 (See Incident Log 682-C). SCP-408 possesses the ability to communicate and reason, utilizing its ability to manipulate its color into words and sentences to reply to researchers. IQ tests administered to SCP-408 have evaluated its IQ to be 109, or slightly above average. However, when a part of the swarm is isolated, lower scores have been reported, resulting in a theory that SCP-408 shares its cognitive capacity amongst the entirety of the swarm. As of β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-408 prefers to be identified by its SCP number. SCP-408 was discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Brazil, after reports that locals and logging teams found their maps to be frequently inaccurate regarding the size of the rainforest. After reports of animal sightings not local to either the Brazilian Rainforest, and some not found on Earth at all, Foundation agents began an investigation resulting in the discovery of SCP-408. After learning it was intelligent, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who accompanied the agents in the field, communicated with SCP-408 and convinced it to accompany him to Site 17, where their current habitat exists. Addendum 408-A: Regarding SCP-408’s knowledge of SCP-682, an investigation is underway regarding this leak of information. Incident 408-A: Due to a failure by appropriate personnel to properly refill 408’s feeders, the swarm took it upon itself to find sustenance by its own means. Taking the appearance of several level 1 personnel, SCP-408 convinced a passerby to open the door to the aviary, upon which they made an escape into the Site 17 facility. For the whole of the day, Site 17 personnel reported an alarming series of irregular events, ranging from color changing walls to several dozen versions of SCP-529 walking down a hallway. Site 17 was placed on lockdown and Delta Level Alert when it appeared that 90% of the containment units had been breached. Dr. Kondraki, Head of Research for 408 had been out on assignment that day, and it wasn’t until his return that the illusion had been revealed, and in short order SCP-408 was returned to its aviary. Little damage was done, except to the faculty break room, which was left without proper sweeteners for the next week. Note: It may be just sugar water, but without it 408 is prone to mischief as we clearly saw yesterday. It's fortunate that it doesn't act maliciously, but think about others next time you slack off custodial duties. Think about yourself as well, as I will not tolerate having to use Sweet-n-Low in my morning coffee for very long. -Dr. Kondraki Addendum 408-B: Recent field testing has shown that SCP-408 can act as an effective form of active invisibility when ordered to. SCP-408 was able to conceal five Level 2 personnel and keep them undetected throughout the facility. Tests show the concealment to operate at 99.997% efficiency, and can be maintained for up to five hours without need for rest or recuperation. The option of lending SCP-408 to Task Forces for covert operations is pending approval. Addendum 408-C: During Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki, which SCP-408 was heavily involved in, a number of corpses left by Dr. Clef vanished in the aftermath of the event. Surveillance showed that at certain times, the entire swarm of SCP-408 would descend on the body, only to leave no trace of the corpse behind. Subsequent testing shows a proportional increase in IQ, although a lack of cooperation when questioned has shed no light on this development. Interview Log 408-c Interviewer: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai Interviewee: SCP-408 Dr. Saghai is seated within the aviary, while SCP-408 hovers around a large feeding trough filled with sugar water. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: I’ll start off with asking how you’re recovering, you seem to have lost quite a bit of your mass after the SCP-531-D termination. <SCP-408 responds by uniformly creating words one after the other.> SCP-408: KONDRAKI…WHERE? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: I’m his substitute for the interview, as he happens to be busy adjusting to his new promotion. Lots of paperwork I’m told. <A moment goes by..> SCP-408: I…FINE…RECOVER…GOOD…FOOD…GOOD Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: How exactly do you replenish your numbers? SCP-408: …COMPL <Another pause.> SCP-408: ICATED…DON’T…KNOW…WORD Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: Was Dr. Kondraki the one who taught you to speak? SCP-408: YES…TEACH.A…LOT Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: He taught you, but how do you communicate with him? SCP-408: ….DON’T…KNOW…WORD…LOST…IN…SPACE Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: You lost the part that knew? SCP-408: YES…I…FORGET…UNTIL…RETURN Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: Next question then. What happened with SCP-091-ARC and you during the incident a few months ago? SCP-408: PRETTY…SMELL…FAMILIAR…LONG…TIME Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: You mean you’d smelled it before? SCP-408: YES…BEFORE…LONG…BEFORE…PEOPLE Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: Are you saying you predate human existence? <No response from SCP-408.> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: Never mind, doesn’t matter. Last question. <Dr. Saghai closes the interview questionnaire and sets it onto the ground.> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: What is the nature of your relationship with Dr. Kondraki? SCP-408: HE…THINK…RIGHT…HE…RIGHT Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: That’s not what I meant. Logs show that you’re with him, out of containment, almost all of the time now. Dr. Kondraki has been breaching protocol by letting you out of containment. SCP-408: I…DON’T…KNOW…WHAT… Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: You’re going to admit this to me, so I can bring it before Oversight. Do you know what I was doing, before that schmuck snatched me up as an β€œassistant”? I was head of research for the entire sub-human Safe SCP sector. Now, I’m interviewing a damn insect! I will have him thrown out; Oversight won't let him get away with this. <SCP-408 proceeds to approximate a β€œlaugh”, as described in the log as a caricatured face displayed by SCP-408.> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: Are…you laughing at me!? I’m about to have your little friend terminated, and you’re having a chuckle? <SCP-408 shifts to display a new image, which was presumed to be a live feed of Dr. Kondraki in his new office.> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Saghai: No…that’s not possible! I read the damn logs, you can’t do that! You can’t do that! <Dr. Saghai attempts to damage SCP-408. Guards later found Dr. Saghai huddled in a fetal position, displaying symptoms similar to Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.> Β« SCP-407 | SCP-408 | SCP-409 Β»" nan
[-5.01662074e-03 -2.97594815e-01 -8.19973946e-02 1.15311608e-01 -1.13287261e-02 -4.25205082e-01 1.74726799e-01 2.56576210e-01 -1.73086785e-02 1.06414586e-01 -7.35908821e-02 2.86268443e-01 8.38531479e-02 -2.89812505e-01 2.77351439e-01 -1.58644915e-02 -1.70433987e-02 8.01352859e-02 1.39254019e-01 -3.47383291e-01 -2.11861342e-01 -5.29525243e-02 1.86008498e-01 2.14525133e-01 1.28296018e-01 -2.18246669e-01 -2.14725304e-02 2.85573453e-01 1.09136872e-01 -1.48688525e-01 -8.92263204e-02 2.64131814e-01 5.43528982e-02 3.96449298e-01 -1.07757362e-04 -8.84173885e-02 2.01380715e-01 4.89604985e-03 -3.40364873e-02 2.64569134e-01 -7.76411891e-02 -7.77930692e-02 -5.02809957e-02 -3.18055183e-01 -1.67006001e-01 3.30252409e-01 -3.35254908e-01 -3.12466204e-01 2.21447781e-01 8.28148276e-02 1.67525232e-01 2.97061950e-01 3.23169082e-01 1.05073668e-01 3.49932402e-01 2.84141004e-02 -4.97109443e-03 -2.22603291e-01 4.17197794e-01 3.44118625e-02 1.40014559e-01 1.00431271e-01 2.23724563e-02 -5.56381680e-02 2.99874544e-01 -2.74664015e-01 2.96997756e-01 -3.71785074e-01 3.06553468e-02 1.60793766e-01 -3.01286757e-01 2.48112250e-02 -7.10279271e-02 -1.97335854e-02 -3.48121971e-02 1.46615744e-01 9.62480828e-02 1.05239868e-01 1.94865465e-01 -2.69499179e-02 2.44095951e-01 2.21167624e-01 -4.36949134e-02 1.57583818e-01 -2.89807588e-01 2.38446832e-01 4.67401631e-02 -6.72292486e-02 8.75653401e-02 -2.88532972e-01 -3.60713929e-01 -2.58417815e-01 2.26457089e-01 5.66013992e-01 1.26759380e-01 -7.07078427e-02 1.74787700e-01 -2.38758847e-01 2.49249712e-01 2.39496320e-01 4.75582927e-01 1.70374319e-01 -1.07147686e-01 2.35499978e-01 2.00253084e-01 1.93936154e-02 -2.18030393e-01 2.32329324e-01 4.36631627e-02 2.61621922e-01 2.19381019e-01 7.36887055e-03 -2.12211683e-01 2.62253404e-01 -1.04828980e-02 -2.76355833e-01 1.64168507e-01 -1.00339845e-01 -4.87098962e-01 4.02735084e-01 -3.80873322e-01 8.24812129e-02 2.70058960e-02 1.85149591e-02 2.65777409e-01 4.97175783e-01 2.81962812e-01 -1.96035057e-01 -3.79068069e-02 -4.62403446e-01 -1.14998117e-01 -2.38197848e-01 -1.81311041e-01 8.24588835e-02 -1.04461327e-01 1.25652045e-01 -1.17448732e-01 3.35623361e-02 -2.12997779e-01 1.97026543e-02 -4.97623608e-02 -1.54916212e-01 1.64909348e-01 3.40314776e-01 -1.70892924e-01 -2.01690987e-01 1.89010218e-01 -1.81368098e-01 1.42130554e-02 -1.17402226e-01 1.75011635e-01 7.25943819e-02 -5.55461228e-01 2.52184331e-01 3.20653506e-02 1.33747131e-01 4.18939888e-01 2.55309731e-01 5.60386740e-02 -1.12975426e-01 2.36281008e-01 7.08566755e-02 3.13262224e-01 6.85181916e-02 1.64895862e-01 5.02195954e-01 -1.70969814e-01 -1.39182717e-01 -2.92460740e-01 4.78832312e-02 1.25235006e-01 3.27893235e-02 -1.39108583e-01 -1.06488243e-01 -2.11468235e-01 2.49211490e-01 -3.97429377e-01 -1.67370126e-01 8.76144767e-02 7.48310909e-02 -2.87625372e-01 4.41522956e-01 2.33406629e-02 -1.02090254e-01 -3.53221267e-01 7.25178942e-02 3.36309969e-02 -1.92181081e-01 2.23830625e-01 -1.76750422e-01 -5.15531659e-01 -2.38475472e-01 1.38139367e-01 -5.45080230e-02 8.68938491e-02 1.48186907e-01 5.07571280e-01 -9.31928083e-02 3.61447424e-01 3.78148183e-02 3.66071276e-02 2.86021560e-01 5.26684225e-01 2.49348357e-01 -1.14754036e-01 -2.88208425e-01 -1.53809097e-02 -1.38476074e-01 3.46411988e-02 3.02478790e-01 2.59666950e-01 -1.29903302e-01 -3.30548286e-01 -1.18510351e-01 1.45294338e-01 -2.21388489e-01 2.62868077e-01 6.05674721e-02 -9.11432952e-02 -1.30212074e-02 -2.40718186e-01 -1.11228965e-01 -6.50306270e-02 -2.52645910e-02 -1.81904882e-01 1.27455041e-01 -1.22654960e-01 2.68095713e-02 1.92436859e-01 9.20025706e-02 9.68587771e-02 2.64141932e-02 8.35871398e-02 4.10009712e-01 -3.07038575e-01 -2.74089336e-01 2.23949596e-01 7.66166568e-01 -4.83584106e-02 -1.30598679e-01 1.08512126e-01 2.76372641e-01 4.01483029e-01 -1.52472273e-01 -2.09419414e-01 3.13806593e-01 1.52262032e-01 1.29073411e-01 2.19556481e-01 -9.09526944e-02 -3.37154209e-03 -6.14210032e-02 -4.22597259e-01 1.50440440e-01 2.21658543e-01 -3.12135994e-01 9.35561419e-01 6.40839636e-02 -3.47835124e-01 2.69267678e-01 -3.61307561e-01 -9.31904837e-02 3.09828430e-01 -9.02213678e-02 -6.93863481e-02 -8.88760760e-02 1.22686088e-01 3.99635881e-01 -1.67201608e-01 1.40584514e-01 -1.35539383e-01 -1.08607695e-01 -2.77528614e-01 1.16817849e-02 2.14394182e-01 9.21216048e-03 1.62726581e-01 1.36808857e-01 1.47917643e-01 6.36608899e-02 -2.88053095e-01 -3.93771797e-01 -1.56184152e-01 -2.14951947e-01 -1.00178026e-01 1.95570216e-01 3.04016560e-01 -7.97978044e-02 -9.19780210e-02 1.81915939e-01 -6.25691116e-01 5.46116009e-02 2.79980693e-02 -1.24153979e-01 -5.35110198e-02 2.60543637e-02 -4.38659519e-01 6.33754611e-01 1.30432725e-01 2.60308862e-01 -4.33248132e-01 4.52307731e-01 -1.27644092e-01 1.20938540e-01 -1.52108386e-01 3.94061059e-02 8.17386955e-02 1.32622525e-01 3.00470620e-01 3.21250632e-02 -3.72939676e-01 1.19050294e-01 2.03772947e-01 -5.24145178e-02 1.11777194e-01 -1.21223263e-01 -7.39411488e-02 -5.02970636e-01 3.51202697e-01 -3.31072509e-01 -9.14139375e-02 5.79438880e-02 -1.74467087e-01 -1.42950058e-01 -4.41494249e-02 1.44528985e-01 -9.67959464e-02 -8.24914351e-02 -4.33566645e-02 1.73465788e-01 1.82074420e-02 5.00831544e-01 1.09997503e-01 3.15128595e-01 1.21178053e-01 -2.25495458e-01 -3.01864594e-01 -6.82677209e-01 1.14970490e-01 -1.24257728e-02 -1.28303528e-01 -2.50179708e-01 -3.18650812e-01 4.56086606e-01 -1.60812020e-01 -3.34377289e-01 2.42518976e-01 -1.33405849e-01 8.85956734e-02 -2.07162291e-01 -6.46418333e-02 7.78318336e-03 2.10849375e-01 -2.71788210e-01 -1.00592069e-01 2.34311577e-02 2.41190684e-03 1.16288207e-01 4.57062691e-01 -4.09030467e-01 -2.90252507e-01 3.00072730e-01 4.04182732e-01 -9.92583632e-02 -3.99969891e-02 1.44250408e-01 2.94784069e-01 1.12959266e-01 2.70718694e-01 -1.86689571e-01 -1.24494135e-02 -1.36933222e-01 -2.13367969e-01 3.26011032e-01 1.45993046e-02 -4.99359041e-01 4.17865478e-02 -2.93875523e-02 -3.21690828e-01 8.17295816e-03 -1.07957525e-02 1.29007578e-01 3.32713246e-01 2.74490193e-02 -1.51821703e-01 -9.98924524e-02 2.05475241e-02 -1.11678377e-01 1.09823085e-01 4.36468907e-02 2.13787422e-01 -3.60721678e-01 2.24849835e-01 -2.23196417e-01 2.52812088e-01 -2.94986218e-01 2.51651078e-01 -1.59982309e-01 -9.38253030e-02 8.81964192e-02 -1.84670687e-01 -4.12600227e-02 4.42177169e-02 3.97172242e-01 6.06150687e-01 -2.65252948e-01 -4.23153788e-02 -5.34200333e-02 -2.74320334e-01 -5.30887663e-01 3.47231597e-01 -2.19000489e-01 -3.19568038e-01 1.73528627e-01 1.55162752e-01 -3.10192317e-01 -1.67618603e-01 2.22577006e-01 -1.60783678e-01 -2.80174091e-02 -1.75526425e-01 1.34637475e-01 5.74041680e-02 -2.06737037e-04 -3.18792552e-01 7.07658976e-02 -1.87032614e-02 2.77410466e-02 2.29669586e-01 1.92045465e-01 -1.93525732e-01 -3.67648974e-02 -7.75523707e-02 4.69340771e-01 -1.20426551e-01 5.03664970e-01 3.07947397e-01 2.30204970e-01 -2.72463262e-01 -1.17729388e-01 -8.98289606e-02 3.76665711e-01 4.07788128e-01 3.29912752e-01 3.80508136e-04 4.78874803e-01 3.32071558e-02 -3.93253118e-02 -1.18042670e-01 6.30096346e-02 1.67930536e-02 9.21955630e-02 -3.63685876e-01 2.96578333e-02 5.85241616e-03 -2.04074606e-01 -3.22366297e-01 -5.87043865e-03 -1.42132938e-01 3.52967560e-01 3.73122275e-01 1.14882851e+00 -9.74835306e-02 8.41171853e-03 -1.58882380e-01 7.08498433e-02 -1.03566080e-01 -4.33595300e-01 -1.12433255e-01 -1.09742820e-01 1.90469220e-01 2.01816075e-02 -1.37007320e-02 3.82571816e-01 4.51396942e-01 -1.70167610e-01 -6.91952333e-02 -2.15115875e-01 -1.76588863e-01 6.91515356e-02 2.23908454e-01 1.69083923e-02 1.06553890e-01 -3.97951044e-02 2.90663600e-01 -2.25214317e-01 1.55206114e-01 -1.62162147e-02 -1.37509897e-01 -1.08625010e-01 -2.96753347e-01 -2.86815222e-02 2.55916208e-01 -3.42820287e-01 9.95821953e-02 -3.90732259e-01 -1.95963576e-01 -2.34738827e-01 -1.03468917e-01 -4.99048352e-01 3.33597953e-03 -1.09203845e-01 6.47243261e-02 5.26728630e-01 -2.37902522e-01 -1.75361767e-01 1.87887043e-01 2.62613446e-01 1.62298843e-01 3.80856693e-02 3.27511936e-01 -1.03094094e-01 -9.90780964e-02 -5.37454197e-03 5.29438183e-02 2.89974511e-01 1.05273789e-02 4.71833497e-01 2.48677552e-01 -2.27143437e-01 -2.42136404e-01 1.39889225e-01 1.17149353e-01 -1.71176553e-01 -3.90321106e-01 4.03888613e-01 -2.06261482e-02 -2.17578992e-01 2.77534723e-01 -1.37465373e-01 5.95786097e-03 -5.68346726e-03 2.54469719e-02 -1.45093009e-01 -3.28676015e-01 4.04954046e-01 1.27036959e-01 -4.99211043e-01 2.31575578e-01 -2.01747566e-01 -3.56350482e-01 -1.22185498e-01 3.09138983e-01 1.41065240e-01 -2.76984006e-01 -1.23190947e-01 -2.13459685e-01 -6.10951595e-02 -4.55870777e-02 3.96147430e-01 3.50439459e-01 -2.69329011e-01 2.14487895e-01 -8.28383714e-02 1.76845923e-01 -3.80290389e-01 -4.24768403e-02 -5.49776614e-01 -8.91576633e-02 -2.98367679e-01 -1.62580520e-01 -2.95691788e-01 -2.50413753e-02 1.39626190e-01 -2.40424871e-02 1.54604614e-02 -2.11253732e-01 -3.46029967e-01 1.05161503e-01 1.57407194e-01 -2.79558539e-01 1.75973728e-01 5.02261519e-02 1.77378789e-01 -6.19288385e-02 -1.86533004e-01 2.28073761e-01 2.61064589e-01 1.94324348e-02 3.74747403e-02 1.04849329e-02 -7.47618303e-02 -1.91166043e-01 -2.67069340e-02 8.22431296e-02 -6.60561323e-02 -1.34415016e-01 -9.56878439e-02 4.52111848e-02 2.19073951e-01 3.51207443e-02 2.10493192e-01 4.21305388e-01 1.61837220e-01 2.96280603e-03 -6.90919086e-02 2.64608473e-01 -7.41492352e-03 9.14954245e-02 -3.37111682e-01 1.78034063e-02 -7.33024478e-02 3.21440041e-01 -2.78597951e-01 -1.32929608e-01 -4.12162125e-01 -9.41317677e-02 6.48855567e-02 2.23488793e-01 2.06072062e-01 -4.18928683e-01 5.00537716e-02 -4.06015366e-02 4.62119073e-01 -3.39706913e-02 3.33960027e-01 3.34655195e-01 -1.51504532e-01 -1.29787058e-01 2.47021273e-01 1.68634206e-01 2.80605257e-01 5.41254044e-01 1.86713651e-01 -2.43411697e-02 6.41749322e-01 3.49604577e-01 2.04660535e-01 5.62907815e-01 -1.35655209e-01 3.33716273e-01 -4.77883890e-02 4.30802464e-01 2.56249845e-01 -3.51172477e-01 -4.84584570e-01 3.40751670e-02 -4.96293269e-02 8.22731331e-02 8.44449848e-02 3.24704468e-01 1.44146904e-01 -3.32986474e-01 -2.70312250e-01 -3.61733466e-01 8.64786282e-02 4.98664118e-02 4.63198453e-01 -5.55145480e-02 1.28154039e-01 -3.81219596e-01 -3.60654265e-01 9.80609283e-02 5.02249658e-01 -2.62794971e-01 -1.87840802e-03 5.30940056e-01 -8.04649368e-02 1.59856424e-01 6.15475595e-01 1.39349282e-01 1.27180189e-01 7.04429597e-02 2.80027557e-02 -1.77579030e-01 -2.63080120e-01 -2.07046509e-01 -2.63389926e-02 1.89275756e-01 -1.30094424e-01 1.40683591e-01 4.75281216e-02 -2.47584537e-01 -4.58104253e-01 2.60934373e-03 1.24285147e-01 -1.93436697e-01 2.99863249e-01 -4.88199353e-01 -1.52803317e-01 -1.99390262e-01 5.07001691e-02 -1.29324362e-01 5.04740596e-01 -2.23827854e-01 -1.88197836e-01 1.59159854e-01 -1.81832135e-01 1.03874899e-01 5.69520704e-02 -2.56950762e-02 -1.40146315e-01 -1.37683839e-01 -1.21746838e-01 -4.08978134e-01 -2.20533207e-01 -1.17264530e-02 -3.66977513e-01 -1.63732171e-01 -3.52938436e-02 2.52037615e-01 -3.41043063e-02 1.29502565e-01 1.15613431e-01 -1.73985064e-01 -3.87037128e-01 9.57530066e-02 -2.54363537e-01 4.20893073e-01 -1.65155753e-01 2.50583827e-01 3.92001234e-02 1.20745739e-02 1.10157289e-01 1.13774285e-01 1.61825553e-01 1.11210093e-01 -1.08807974e-01 1.20227091e-01 3.63358825e-01 3.22534978e-01 1.31802112e-01 2.30917722e-01 -1.74026921e-01 -4.40933108e-01 -1.75988764e-01 -2.63582975e-01 -1.99570671e-01 4.34764862e-01 1.11854926e-01 2.27058247e-01 1.67002872e-01 -5.58069170e-01 1.41745567e-01 5.03333583e-02 2.07104668e-01 3.42884213e-01 -4.69012231e-01 9.03814659e-02 -2.25369394e-01 3.00204791e-02 -1.36627436e-01 3.38784367e-01 2.17601582e-02 -2.06975490e-02 6.85917959e-02 -3.90327871e-01 4.38359350e-01 5.67255095e-02 -2.29328960e-01 -2.88476735e-01 5.44514470e-02 6.57585710e-02 -3.44556645e-02 -2.54450113e-01 -3.30893725e-01 1.94867536e-01 7.00477064e-02 -2.03918830e-01 -2.80349106e-01 -2.76762187e-01 -3.99929076e-01 -1.57314703e-01 3.57827932e-01 3.01877614e-02 9.24479961e-02 1.90230384e-01 -1.24725975e-01]
"Contagious Crystal" active "Item #: SCP-409 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: No physical contact may be made with SCP-409 for any reason. Anything making physical contact with SCP-409 must be contained in quarantine immediately, along with any materials used in the transport of the subject. SCP-409 must be kept in a granite case at all times. Any transportation of SCP-409 must be done in a sealed granite container. Residue from SCP-409's effect are to be sealed in granite containers along with any tools used to transport residue into containers. Description: SCP-409 resembles a large quartz crystal approximately 1.5m (5ft) tall and 0.6m (2ft) wide. Any objects coming in contact with SCP-409 will begin to crystallize after three hours. This effect will occur in any material other than granite. The crystallization will spread by approximately 2.5cm (1in) per minute, and will convert the entire object or organism, inside and out. Subjects report this effect to be extremely painful, and similar to frostbite. After complete crystallization, the object will begin to make snapping and creaking noises for approximately twenty minutes, before bursting into thousands of fragments with great force. Anything touched by or touching a fragment will immediately begin to crystallize. Nothing at this time is able to reverse the effect in organic matter, including amputation of affected areas. Inorganic matter will only crystallize for a few centimetres around point of contact. SCP-409 was recovered in [EXPUNGED], under a pile of crystal shards several feet deep. Losses of personnel during recovery were high. Addendum 409-1: With the suggestion of Dr. [500-0021D], Subject 409-D5 was exposed to the effects of SCP-409 and was left to become severely "crystallized". After that he was treated with SCP-500, and a complete recovery was achieved in 9 days. Subject reported that he continued to feel pain in body parts that were "crystallized" even after the estimated recovery time. Pain faded 13 days after subject was treated. It is unknown if the pain effect was psychological or real during the intervening 4 days. Addendum 409-2: Extensive testing has yielded no information as to why the crystallization occurs. SCP-409 and the shards created by it are indistinguishable from any other quartz crystal. The effect appears to be similar to a seed crystal, where a pre-existing crystal formation is added to a solution, causing the crystal to "grow". SCP-409, however, appears to do this with all solid matter, and does not need to remain in contact. How this is done, why SCP-409 is unique among all other quartz crystals, and why granite is the only material immune are all still unknown. Β« SCP-408 | SCP-409 | SCP-410 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-409" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 8.66944119e-02 -5.67126088e-02 -1.21274352e-01 1.34082153e-01 1.29080042e-01 -2.68627495e-01 2.20517337e-01 2.06669956e-01 -2.52916485e-01 1.83786377e-01 4.25902475e-03 6.52858317e-01 -2.67599463e-01 2.04354793e-01 1.52228782e-02 6.84799924e-02 -8.70959610e-02 3.98637652e-01 6.21053912e-02 -9.24573690e-02 1.79511100e-01 -1.80972561e-01 -4.63206060e-02 2.84998566e-01 -3.78802679e-02 -2.53432244e-01 -1.56255774e-02 2.61193931e-01 6.21483885e-02 -4.86012310e-01 2.58470327e-02 2.93585092e-01 -2.76638032e-03 -1.95555226e-03 -1.14518269e-04 -1.45517185e-01 1.29265130e-01 -2.26549823e-02 -1.80952132e-01 2.62491643e-01 -2.27135792e-01 -3.78785521e-01 1.40013710e-01 -1.60365537e-01 1.45457521e-01 1.24288350e-01 -8.20618793e-02 1.73340335e-01 1.59399450e-01 -2.20686823e-01 1.68491408e-01 2.28635654e-01 3.65520716e-01 2.62153715e-01 5.01316860e-02 -4.29482222e-01 -1.73217356e-01 3.50079387e-01 2.24916041e-01 3.26893777e-01 1.31943718e-01 9.86713022e-02 -1.78280488e-01 7.03461692e-02 2.49631688e-01 -3.16064596e-01 9.24504846e-02 -2.24494919e-01 7.89951831e-02 6.86792254e-01 1.07287176e-01 2.46507432e-02 1.83671966e-01 -3.48124430e-02 -3.91603634e-02 -4.35240865e-01 2.97057390e-01 7.61721656e-02 2.02700317e-01 -4.62386981e-02 4.93805856e-02 3.69487107e-01 -1.54053599e-01 -1.09727815e-01 -2.42782712e-01 -1.51952878e-02 -2.07625613e-01 -8.63811187e-03 2.80515283e-01 -8.11285079e-02 -9.30859089e-01 1.15648754e-01 -2.25681379e-01 -2.06007157e-02 -1.44040480e-01 -3.08933049e-01 2.75931563e-02 1.96737528e-01 4.37394112e-01 2.11189911e-01 2.51633912e-01 2.71026611e-01 3.28598768e-01 1.12616830e-01 -4.77828979e-02 -6.89089447e-02 2.81435996e-01 -3.66585940e-01 -1.29498780e-01 2.13068843e-01 -1.67664528e-01 1.80330709e-01 -2.13124305e-01 -2.84989715e-01 8.68792459e-02 -6.06966019e-02 7.70323426e-02 -1.64014101e-01 -4.50878918e-01 3.83553207e-01 -5.20203412e-01 3.00913095e-01 -5.50242737e-02 4.04556692e-01 2.50634938e-01 2.89959967e-01 1.41599849e-02 -3.35030049e-01 8.90175030e-02 -3.45843285e-01 1.21431774e-03 -3.25414576e-02 -2.98845381e-01 2.49892920e-01 7.28209782e-03 -5.30434430e-01 -1.43262818e-01 -1.01219304e-01 9.88093242e-02 -1.16663553e-01 -4.79927182e-01 2.39482392e-02 2.75193274e-01 3.24261218e-01 -2.83749223e-01 1.04860529e-01 -1.37433317e-02 -4.19859141e-01 -1.12687528e-01 -9.38921049e-02 7.96830654e-02 -1.12172753e-01 -4.92044359e-01 1.15406148e-01 -7.79073238e-02 2.94078887e-01 4.29835349e-01 2.84840986e-02 6.42323121e-02 1.46830790e-02 3.63833234e-02 -1.41401337e-02 -5.38331382e-02 -3.85301411e-01 1.93747774e-01 4.65872526e-01 -5.88270128e-01 4.59539890e-02 2.27332786e-01 5.59396408e-02 1.59025386e-01 -3.54948938e-02 2.82334555e-02 6.65070191e-02 -1.76384196e-01 7.01334253e-02 -5.74055076e-01 4.81535867e-02 -5.87347806e-01 -1.44335479e-01 -3.88892293e-01 1.34976372e-01 1.55502662e-01 -5.75950027e-01 1.99357271e-01 8.43878910e-02 -2.23531678e-01 -2.35517114e-01 3.03992629e-01 -3.43551129e-01 -4.74425256e-01 -3.40005636e-01 3.32017004e-01 -5.96158281e-02 -1.04723684e-01 -2.42129508e-02 3.61677736e-01 -1.92741647e-01 1.54737800e-01 4.90682982e-02 -1.53791308e-01 -1.54117286e-01 3.04848701e-01 3.50029528e-01 -1.42072782e-01 2.78655440e-02 -2.21998319e-01 6.13947734e-02 -2.12213010e-01 8.63479823e-02 -1.47254691e-01 -1.42143041e-01 5.25342226e-02 7.07151443e-02 -4.37743030e-03 -1.98081657e-01 2.84736365e-01 -2.76964214e-02 8.40091780e-02 -9.38099101e-02 -2.13087484e-01 3.24624479e-01 2.71766409e-02 1.01182796e-01 6.75317794e-02 1.15219660e-01 -2.38140315e-01 -1.31015494e-01 -3.24770600e-01 3.22857380e-01 3.65987897e-01 -1.88358545e-01 1.82222277e-01 2.17590615e-01 -6.01890564e-01 1.41899765e-01 -1.16190836e-01 5.18869460e-01 -1.47542223e-01 -6.78527495e-03 4.21956480e-02 -5.34603119e-01 2.94862926e-01 -1.82583705e-02 4.71378565e-01 4.46605861e-01 5.39748132e-01 1.13379650e-01 -4.75138659e-03 1.70204923e-01 -5.62033132e-02 -3.89765769e-01 -1.90003425e-01 1.22854568e-01 2.03461945e-01 -7.44865388e-02 -9.84426439e-02 -1.37645945e-01 -1.03961974e-01 1.39622048e-01 -2.74146289e-01 -1.89049155e-01 2.84573972e-01 -2.41997644e-01 -3.16213071e-01 -2.36133888e-01 -5.97308464e-02 3.00511867e-01 -1.07672229e-01 -5.83996810e-02 -2.88599223e-01 -5.62650114e-02 4.30853441e-02 5.32085188e-02 -8.09721276e-02 1.19924277e-01 1.36975661e-01 4.71065134e-01 4.36806642e-02 8.46800357e-02 8.37813169e-02 -3.18916857e-01 -1.26793325e-01 -1.23361595e-01 -2.78838903e-01 2.16708228e-01 -3.16792935e-01 4.09750462e-01 5.17544150e-02 1.49471357e-01 1.63973257e-01 -1.49926722e-01 -8.38070437e-02 -1.40004188e-01 -1.91417247e-01 4.73205037e-02 -5.56008890e-02 5.03007293e-01 -2.53161222e-01 3.12584400e-01 -3.25240463e-01 9.39592272e-02 -5.21042161e-02 1.12576954e-01 -2.58289129e-01 -8.59429836e-02 4.48270977e-01 -1.16052285e-01 2.40567736e-02 1.80904284e-01 -1.54710621e-01 1.31355748e-01 3.98902781e-02 -1.21008210e-01 2.66686261e-01 1.35275289e-01 -1.29323393e-01 -2.39826083e-01 3.06657970e-01 -5.53628683e-01 1.12120710e-01 1.77601948e-01 -3.13788712e-01 -7.75081143e-02 2.02885449e-01 1.45099893e-01 -3.31800789e-01 -1.73941310e-02 5.43854497e-02 4.80391718e-02 1.47259727e-01 3.63424420e-01 1.41950428e-01 7.62376189e-01 -2.55487502e-01 1.68505177e-01 -6.45674914e-02 -2.21862778e-01 3.30538005e-02 -3.97453234e-02 -1.30583450e-01 -7.15140998e-02 -1.44074887e-01 1.16484500e-01 -5.55287860e-02 -2.00050279e-01 1.24565382e-02 1.75490398e-02 3.58454615e-01 5.49068078e-02 -5.83209038e-01 5.25559843e-01 3.40312719e-02 -2.26086468e-01 -2.05617771e-01 -1.68722764e-01 1.51819989e-01 1.95104510e-01 -2.17185587e-01 -2.09426396e-02 1.81661904e-01 4.25026447e-01 6.66950345e-01 2.02486023e-01 -4.95858490e-01 -2.26431526e-02 3.15466762e-01 6.79454133e-02 2.64229476e-01 -1.05957076e-01 2.45583698e-01 -1.13403574e-01 -1.21338010e-01 2.01313064e-01 -1.25631377e-01 -2.03563288e-01 -9.48001146e-02 -2.59021699e-01 -1.93048209e-01 -6.72864690e-02 -1.60621688e-01 4.13194865e-01 7.03234896e-02 -6.79446980e-02 -3.40778470e-01 3.16223651e-01 -1.48440888e-02 3.66578475e-02 5.64934731e-01 -1.21999290e-02 -3.37002315e-02 -3.94046187e-01 -3.01018864e-01 -2.29840502e-01 2.41445705e-01 1.84411362e-01 3.42435271e-01 -1.09090269e-01 -1.53743029e-02 3.32747340e-01 -4.81963962e-01 -6.08612970e-02 2.58555084e-01 7.25948811e-01 3.31585020e-01 9.63578522e-02 -3.27616483e-02 -2.11173773e-01 -1.17635258e-01 -2.37174958e-01 -1.46643862e-01 -6.56309187e-01 -1.05658978e-01 2.25781966e-02 6.96465373e-02 2.07783878e-01 8.21056869e-03 4.15898472e-01 1.10451311e-01 -3.59341562e-01 -2.63280094e-01 2.17831507e-01 -4.79866639e-02 9.47676226e-03 -8.85330662e-02 1.36705227e-02 1.57725111e-01 9.82379988e-02 1.15017563e-01 1.13674914e-02 -3.37126702e-02 -2.21873030e-01 6.88995421e-02 5.39434016e-01 3.45506191e-01 3.62673074e-01 2.23780498e-01 -1.47809535e-01 2.29369566e-01 -1.56832799e-01 7.53594236e-03 4.91780005e-02 5.95578551e-01 -1.49167120e-01 -8.82484391e-02 -1.47589862e-01 1.48397997e-01 -2.87690550e-01 -1.17606707e-02 4.15286452e-01 1.05799837e-02 -1.01929381e-01 -1.22305611e-02 5.02503030e-02 -7.81214088e-02 -2.81817257e-01 -7.09650889e-02 2.61229455e-01 -1.48910627e-01 3.45517308e-01 4.37070839e-02 1.20905137e+00 2.28835687e-01 -2.43804097e-01 6.10194802e-02 -1.25968635e-01 -3.80072117e-01 -3.55664939e-01 -1.57743976e-01 -5.68488799e-02 -7.79408365e-02 1.26351744e-01 -2.02607572e-01 3.00551683e-01 3.61702383e-01 -3.60085279e-01 -2.65014291e-01 -4.14950490e-01 3.26862186e-02 1.73304722e-01 2.27918606e-02 3.01743805e-01 -9.79025289e-02 3.44952464e-01 1.83457583e-01 -7.26625323e-02 2.14133009e-01 4.28396426e-02 8.35371464e-02 1.60208512e-02 -8.55479389e-02 -1.90940976e-01 2.57332414e-01 -3.74185741e-01 -8.22888408e-03 -9.95594859e-02 3.58872190e-02 -3.18024941e-02 7.70230219e-02 -2.57386953e-01 2.02708896e-02 -1.69253517e-02 9.18914527e-02 3.74009252e-01 -2.81219333e-01 1.50483344e-02 -3.32345255e-02 4.15078968e-01 -4.03880477e-02 9.68348533e-02 2.41297692e-01 7.93213025e-02 9.29163471e-02 6.19356669e-02 2.68318266e-01 1.84289694e-01 -1.49414912e-01 5.85470021e-01 3.30313951e-01 -3.84597369e-02 -1.70804650e-01 1.11962877e-01 2.92860895e-01 -2.76184738e-01 6.83108345e-02 7.74704367e-02 -4.78962213e-02 3.88898159e-04 9.18509811e-02 -7.40160421e-02 4.90786701e-01 -1.40495962e-02 -1.00024745e-01 -3.73485446e-01 -2.76849777e-01 2.87898690e-01 -2.60950834e-01 -6.69675231e-01 3.65690030e-02 -9.45987701e-02 -5.65475726e-04 -2.10201412e-01 3.73120040e-01 -1.38913449e-02 -2.61356711e-01 -2.95566976e-01 -2.36616299e-01 9.93509665e-02 -8.69553387e-02 -2.32552528e-01 2.67848223e-01 2.03017108e-02 6.59409404e-01 -1.19831726e-01 3.41809034e-01 -3.39823365e-01 1.01928212e-01 -6.77865744e-02 -2.16862336e-01 3.28652799e-01 -1.72306493e-01 3.08522493e-01 -1.12079032e-01 7.61776939e-02 3.74243140e-01 1.17799882e-02 -2.02417254e-01 -2.49712661e-01 1.35047451e-01 1.82639152e-01 -1.04101971e-01 -2.84185559e-02 -3.01858671e-02 2.73002654e-01 1.04560116e-02 2.74817169e-01 -7.89659247e-02 2.08046019e-01 8.81303772e-02 3.18027645e-01 4.14834350e-01 -4.12760600e-02 2.82789379e-01 -1.14675589e-01 4.76667225e-01 9.16540772e-02 -8.74614194e-02 -3.26252431e-01 -6.67297691e-02 -7.16406628e-02 3.29614729e-01 5.26768528e-02 -4.01772112e-02 2.88784951e-01 -2.45094374e-01 -2.09408522e-01 -1.52673602e-01 6.08471557e-02 1.78595241e-02 -5.67626119e-01 -4.19150516e-02 3.00187558e-01 2.10979685e-01 1.51067525e-01 -4.04537749e-03 -1.42680809e-01 -6.98922947e-02 4.73412797e-02 1.39690921e-01 2.93820888e-01 -4.69628334e-01 -1.81564271e-01 -5.23399040e-02 3.84526014e-01 9.49904174e-02 1.19666837e-01 1.51761785e-01 4.70364615e-02 -4.73196544e-02 6.01135120e-02 3.44949514e-01 2.97585875e-01 3.49914990e-02 2.42268577e-01 1.36672616e-01 3.72224092e-01 2.69887745e-01 3.48300129e-01 2.12414339e-02 6.30621016e-02 6.90353990e-01 -1.34450927e-01 1.06636569e-01 -2.39913598e-01 1.86375648e-01 -3.95695806e-01 -3.61215711e-01 -4.53136377e-02 1.19990043e-01 1.01417363e-01 -8.55701789e-02 2.06980988e-01 -2.03475073e-01 -1.50248006e-01 -5.69499917e-02 9.59556028e-02 2.31937915e-01 -8.71499814e-03 -8.77191946e-02 1.66406214e-01 -6.15835823e-02 -3.13044339e-01 1.47776499e-01 5.29871345e-01 -1.39921546e-01 -5.32787479e-02 2.17206389e-01 3.16692777e-02 -9.46815014e-02 8.76270756e-02 3.81400883e-01 -9.61604044e-02 -5.73896430e-02 -1.50506720e-01 -6.92977104e-03 -9.39903259e-02 -8.32672343e-02 3.57114315e-01 -6.60884306e-02 -4.89371210e-01 1.40401304e-01 1.31861091e-01 -2.62980282e-01 -3.48569602e-01 3.27733517e-01 6.40271604e-01 -4.65795957e-02 -1.68021724e-01 -2.67751515e-01 -9.61447507e-02 8.39177147e-02 -2.35456720e-01 -7.89365266e-03 -1.23067476e-01 -1.43332198e-01 -3.96142274e-01 1.37428999e-01 -2.17269108e-01 8.79290104e-02 1.18269913e-01 3.68753463e-01 -3.22572708e-01 1.47792876e-01 4.73724939e-02 -1.69410318e-01 6.51072934e-02 2.13341802e-01 -2.36950979e-01 -2.95591950e-01 -1.91949129e-01 2.03751460e-01 -1.22992080e-02 1.81259155e-01 1.71227664e-01 -2.86857616e-02 1.00716101e-02 -4.36748266e-02 -1.08334981e-01 1.53812602e-01 1.90813169e-01 -4.05350700e-03 4.35735509e-02 -2.84121241e-02 7.48118386e-02 6.74757883e-02 1.17964551e-01 -2.19694749e-01 -3.26876134e-01 1.34496996e-02 4.40795943e-02 2.28102043e-01 9.96579379e-02 4.77818847e-01 -1.16212212e-01 -4.89351004e-01 3.43193077e-02 2.68297225e-01 -4.17797603e-02 -2.14345440e-01 -3.10436878e-02 -1.17895775e-01 2.69797683e-01 3.03484917e-01 2.54526556e-01 -5.93775660e-02 1.57357492e-02 6.19895279e-01 -2.54411280e-01 -1.58671051e-01 2.47610398e-02 7.86386579e-02 6.07040562e-02 2.21056029e-01 4.21016216e-02 -1.97495252e-01 -1.81052834e-01 -2.33964294e-01 4.50803488e-01 -1.83979720e-01 1.29850402e-01 1.79009922e-02 1.18322842e-01 -5.42704463e-01 2.62094319e-01 -2.58817017e-01 -3.12569737e-01 -2.10002363e-02 3.01224381e-01 -3.12337220e-01 -5.08208685e-02 -8.32660198e-02 -3.49963963e-01 -1.88955069e-01 2.03121439e-01 1.14736184e-01 1.85181517e-02 -1.66705161e-01 -7.61437342e-02]
"Editor Beetles" active "Item #: SCP-410 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-410 is currently held at Site-23, Entomology Lab 14/Zeta, and maintained in a 1 x 1 x 1m transparent acrylic glass container. The top of the container is perforated with thirty-three (33) 1mm holes to allow for ventilation and features a small, hinged, lockable hatch in its center measuring 5 x 5 cm. The hatch utilizes a simple cylinder lock which is to be re-keyed every three (3) months. The hatch is to remain locked unless SCP-410 is actively being fed or constituent members of SCP-410 are being removed for/returned from research applications. Every twenty four (24) hours, a visual inspection and inventory of SCP-410 and its constituent members is to be performed and logged according to Level IV Archival Standards by designated observational staff. Any increase or decrease in the number of constituent members of SCP-410 should be reported to the senior researcher on duty immediately. Every twelve (12) hours, a document containing no fewer than five thousand (5000) words in any language, but possessing a minimum syntactical, orthographical and/or grammatical error ratio of 1% (50 errors/5000 words) is to be placed inside the container. The document should be removed after one (1) hour, reviewed by a staff linguist with a specialty in the language the document was composed in, and subsequently filed in the SCP-410 Feeding Archive. "Food" documents should be composed specifically for the purpose of sustaining the SCP-410 colony. No existing archival materials or official SCP records should be given to the entire SCP-410 colony under any circumstances. A single individual from the 14-member colony that comprises SCP-410 may be removed for research and functional application for a single two (2) hour activity period daily with approval from the senior researcher on duty. No more than four (4) members of the colony are to be removed at any given time. Transport of a single SCP-410 colony member should be facilitated by no fewer than two (2) Class 2 entomology staff using only an approved SCP-410 transport module to do so. The current SCP-410 transport modules are 20 x 20 x 20cm transparent acrylic glass containers perforated with twelve (12) 1mm ventilation holes and each featuring a hinged lid equipped with a simple latch. Description: SCP-410 is a colony of fourteen (14) individual beetles (designated Scarabaeus scriptor by staff coleopterist Dr. Langstrom), each measuring approximately 5cm and possessing a carapace color variation from light blue to deep emerald green. A visual examination reveals nothing distinctive from other members of the genus Scarabaeus with regards to their appearance (number of legs, wings, eyes, etc). Dissection of a single member of the colony by a trained coleopterist showed no discernible anomalies in internal morphology with the exception of a small additional organ (designated the "scriptorgan" by Dr. Langstrom) capable of producing a variety of fluids both caustic and inert. It is worth noting that following the death and dissection of this member of the colony, a "replacement" beetle larva was seen fourteen (14) days later and grew to full maturity within one month. Members of SCP-410 appear to subsist entirely on inscribed language; more specifically, on syntactical, orthographical, and grammatical errors found in any form of writing physically inscribed on any surface by any currently available method. SCP-410 has no effect on electronic displays or digitized data. Consumed writing disappears from the surface of whatever material it has been inscribed upon. Between eighteen (18) and twenty-two (22) minutes following a feeding, SCP-410 will excrete "corrected" writing; inscribing it by unknown means back upon the surface from which the errors were consumed. To date, all corrections made by SCP-410 have been evaluated as 100% accurate by both staff and independent orthographers and linguists. Individually, members of SCP-410 each seem to be able to consume and correct an approximate maximum of twenty-five thousand (25000) characters worth of errors daily and appear healthy and active with as few as five (5). Lack of sustenance for a period in excess of one day results in increasing lethargy until SCP-410 becomes completely inert, entering an apparent state of hibernation. SCP-410 can be roused from this state with a minimum of fifty (50) errors placed within its proximity. In groups of three (3) or more, SCP-410 will not only correct grammatical and orthographic errors, but begin to alter the style of the original text slightly; often using a somewhat expanded vocabulary and incorporating more complex narrative methods. When the entire colony is applied to a single document, all linguistic errors are corrected and the document is "perfected" in clarity, style, word choice, and rhetorical technique to such an extent that the original author's voice is nearly non-existent. Although the central thesis of a document always remains, the arguments supporting it may be vastly more complex or compelling in the case of research writing. In the case of basic lists of short statements or simple observational reports, enhanced correction may be in the form of layout alterations to provide greater clarity. See archival files 410-A44.2 through 410-A59888.6 for examples of editing. There appear to be few limitations on the languages or materials that SCP-410 can interpret and harvest sustenance from. Hieroglyphs from the 31st century BCE Narmer Palette were successfully corrected by SCP-410 just as easily as errors created in the modern constructed language Esperanto. Excreted corrections match the original colors, method and medium of the errors with near-perfect accuracy. Graphites, inks, engravings, acid etchings, and high-energy laser inscriptions have all been successfully replicated in appearance by SCP-410's corrections. The only anomaly found within excreted corrections appears to be an inability to replicate aged materials. Errors inscribed in ink on a 14th century CE illuminated manuscript were ingested by SCP-410 and while corrections were excreted in a matching color, they possessed the vibrant intensity of new ink. Staff experts were easily able to spot the corrections in the manuscript visually, and spectrographic analysis confirmed the excreted inks were modern while the surrounding text dated from the time of the original manuscript. SCP-410 has successfully harvested error sustenance from and excreted corrections onto the following materials: Proposed testing of SCP-410 with anomalous texts, including texts containing SCP-423, is currently pending review. Experiment 410-7.9: One (1) heavily-tattooed Class D exposed to one (1) constituent member of SCP-410. Class D staff member (hereafter "Subject D") possessed a prison-created tattoo with the words "Foerever Your's Babey" on her left forearm. 15 seconds: Subject D secured in a motion-restricting harness and fitted with a pulse rate monitor. One (1) constituent member of SCP-410 removed from transport unit and placed on Subject D's left arm. 49 seconds: SCP-410 begins circling the perimeter of the tattoo. 122 seconds: SCP-410 begins consuming the tattoo's error, beginning with the first extraneous "e" in "Foerever". Subject D indicates an 8 on the NRS-11 pain scale. Pulse rate reaches 106. 149 seconds: SCP-410 finishes consuming the first extraneous "e". It no longer appears on the subject, revealing a bare patch of slightly reddened skin. Subject D reports pain has ceased. Describes the pain "like putting my goddamn arm in a blender." Pulse rate 94. 224 seconds: SCP-410 finishes consuming errors in the tattoo, appears to fall asleep. Tattoo now reads "Fo ever Your Bab " Subject D experiences pulse rate fluctuations between 102 and 144. Reports pain ranging between 6 and 10 on the NRS-11. Subject D requests painkillers. Request denied. 1226 seconds: SCP-410 rouses, begins excretion/correction process. Subject D's pulse rate 113; reports NRS-11 rating 3 to 4; describes it as roughly analogous to being tattooed. 1494 seconds: SCP-410 completes excretion/correction process. Tattoo reads "Forever Yours, Baby", with corrected lettering's colors significantly more vibrant than unedited counterparts. Β« SCP-409 | SCP-410 | SCP-411 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-410" by Mulciber, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp410beetle.gif Author: Otto Rogge License: CC BY-SA 3.0 (used with permission) Source Link: Otto Rogge Photography For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "One of fourteen individuals comprising SCP-410"
[ 3.34517509e-01 -4.78011183e-02 -7.92789981e-02 6.67133182e-02 -2.51982749e-01 -2.56076366e-01 3.55630726e-01 1.15785070e-01 -6.58214167e-02 1.53733417e-01 -1.28544897e-01 3.35133314e-01 -1.33437067e-01 -6.93102852e-02 8.77425447e-02 6.16755933e-02 1.88665539e-02 -1.37216579e-02 -2.73327053e-01 -2.15290144e-01 -9.91974398e-02 -1.47856139e-02 3.73927620e-03 2.71552473e-01 1.85293779e-01 1.17043428e-01 4.05477397e-02 8.90459865e-03 -2.43358631e-02 -3.97986472e-01 1.59636989e-01 3.32880080e-01 -4.25761268e-02 4.80944663e-01 -1.03752689e-04 -1.01208314e-02 1.25883535e-01 -8.87080189e-03 -2.74262190e-01 3.97834003e-01 -3.16303283e-01 -4.65410352e-01 -7.37306429e-03 -4.46296722e-01 -1.16845518e-01 -5.86412549e-02 1.24103859e-01 -1.55505627e-01 4.53650117e-01 4.95202951e-02 1.74439445e-01 -9.83394831e-02 2.20517486e-01 -2.01847218e-02 3.22814405e-01 -1.22580871e-01 -2.61448264e-01 -1.86886173e-02 4.41195250e-01 5.35455704e-01 -7.20981061e-02 4.26686913e-01 1.74725894e-02 -1.83105394e-01 3.35234106e-01 -2.21897468e-01 4.36611265e-01 -3.06130946e-01 2.36369446e-01 2.80146956e-01 3.17147672e-01 -1.00039184e-01 -1.08452737e-01 -5.50606363e-02 -2.20599920e-01 -1.37229651e-01 1.35020941e-01 2.84018993e-01 2.51359314e-01 2.06770487e-02 3.20529491e-01 3.06693316e-02 -3.76153648e-01 -1.96144372e-01 4.57621459e-03 3.66946608e-01 -7.30840117e-02 -4.35109697e-02 3.20492573e-02 -3.39954309e-02 5.50204180e-02 -2.92573161e-02 5.80733046e-02 3.71706992e-01 1.59839898e-01 -1.14846259e-01 2.16418833e-01 -2.16041610e-01 2.70339161e-01 3.35679412e-01 -3.83461602e-02 1.56089202e-01 2.40181282e-01 1.78848282e-01 2.04586074e-01 -1.55105606e-01 1.30682886e-01 -2.28069991e-01 1.20249733e-01 1.46052018e-01 1.18364789e-01 9.87032149e-03 4.49034013e-02 -1.45473629e-01 1.36126220e-01 -6.21093716e-03 1.62809715e-01 -2.02527642e-01 1.63999870e-01 4.78377074e-01 -2.16702938e-01 3.29629481e-02 -1.49503887e-01 2.13789418e-01 4.86025274e-01 9.14909244e-02 1.23214997e-01 -2.33366162e-01 -9.37813744e-02 -2.20162481e-01 -2.41511717e-01 1.36043862e-01 -3.29346448e-01 -2.03530729e-01 -2.34369427e-01 3.88545692e-01 -3.38643998e-01 -1.12205207e-01 -4.32483442e-02 -3.46250758e-02 3.69372778e-02 -2.69211177e-02 3.45084131e-01 4.33770210e-01 -1.35280252e-01 -1.99846074e-01 4.64516804e-02 -2.01063558e-01 -2.14261606e-01 3.38059478e-02 3.10966708e-02 -2.01434866e-01 -4.43222642e-01 2.62811333e-01 1.53604701e-01 3.29692274e-01 3.60520065e-01 4.24305946e-02 -1.03015438e-01 1.18608452e-01 9.38377008e-02 1.39397159e-01 2.20645964e-01 -9.01222154e-02 -3.06397304e-02 5.00467002e-01 6.03882875e-03 -1.29022017e-01 -5.13434596e-02 -1.00243255e-01 3.01810056e-01 2.40447566e-01 -3.36141661e-02 -1.31419554e-01 -9.91822556e-02 4.83149812e-02 -1.74426407e-01 5.93426973e-02 -3.37738216e-01 -2.50136584e-01 -3.90606463e-01 -1.76260155e-02 5.12088001e-01 -2.16237426e-01 -2.02769190e-01 -2.38631576e-01 -1.42771840e-01 -1.25057802e-01 2.14361683e-01 -4.88396995e-02 -3.99912089e-01 -1.54508755e-01 1.93336815e-01 -1.73210546e-01 2.88148075e-01 -3.04012567e-01 9.20316800e-02 3.21845524e-02 2.03088075e-01 -2.45605081e-01 -1.61610432e-02 2.09918290e-01 5.26823521e-01 8.89159516e-02 6.66606531e-04 5.11728562e-02 -2.01673314e-01 5.92024112e-03 -1.34460419e-01 2.97564238e-01 3.41969401e-01 -1.42546386e-01 -2.55007267e-01 1.80857196e-01 -8.86935517e-02 -2.18010962e-01 3.01726043e-01 1.11903019e-01 -6.61879852e-02 -8.14683884e-02 -1.17203906e-01 3.82485300e-01 -1.15015298e-01 1.11980855e-01 -2.99437821e-01 1.29871786e-01 -4.84945685e-01 -4.84064594e-02 -1.71311833e-02 1.88681662e-01 2.01955736e-01 -6.54826835e-02 -3.91063690e-02 1.13385923e-01 -1.45571120e-02 6.02388568e-02 2.43757274e-02 5.14187694e-01 -1.17857113e-01 -1.08366817e-01 -2.68233586e-02 7.26434886e-02 2.06396505e-01 1.68071002e-01 -5.45212567e-01 1.32005975e-01 2.81984746e-01 4.27637249e-02 1.36192277e-01 -1.12283520e-01 5.76622039e-02 -3.83326262e-01 -4.43096936e-01 -2.50119790e-02 8.97163153e-02 -1.03714362e-01 -3.66773635e-01 2.60495752e-01 6.24073716e-03 4.44908217e-02 -4.90378886e-02 2.24882916e-01 3.04904640e-01 1.54356807e-01 2.42584329e-02 -3.68028432e-01 1.54324681e-01 3.83965790e-01 -2.06929833e-01 2.34782055e-01 1.16921082e-01 -2.31371090e-01 1.45469844e-01 2.44111829e-02 1.31102307e-02 -2.22658715e-03 -1.40402228e-01 1.81515992e-01 2.05095857e-01 3.01089019e-01 -2.63083756e-01 -2.17057928e-01 -3.84984434e-01 -2.14845717e-01 -7.97789991e-02 1.77698046e-01 -7.41282851e-03 1.06866963e-01 -1.83980972e-01 2.63616204e-01 -8.12489446e-03 -1.85766369e-01 1.26395389e-01 -1.18122108e-01 -3.66823643e-01 1.34616435e-01 -1.60916701e-01 4.84291553e-01 -8.89967680e-02 4.93128330e-01 -3.26398790e-01 9.40793529e-02 -2.39887834e-01 1.34891391e-01 -2.94679552e-01 2.28621066e-01 6.79610074e-01 3.50062363e-02 1.34946764e-01 -1.04328245e-01 -5.25345862e-01 1.74194112e-01 1.29430726e-01 -2.11081684e-01 8.18220004e-02 -8.68050978e-02 -6.35373518e-02 -2.85512120e-01 1.09526627e-01 -2.36973360e-01 7.35133812e-02 -3.57258506e-02 -2.49464691e-01 -1.27479583e-01 -6.95053563e-02 -6.35114983e-02 -2.10921019e-01 -2.72468209e-01 6.33664429e-02 8.46006796e-02 2.26268917e-01 1.91090629e-01 -9.40544903e-03 1.92028731e-01 3.06304812e-01 1.44968942e-01 -2.58208901e-01 -2.46426418e-01 5.72032966e-02 -1.75758868e-01 -2.22185969e-01 -3.27754736e-01 -3.45626324e-01 7.00320005e-02 -2.18881026e-01 -3.46552342e-01 -7.39916414e-02 -1.73279777e-01 -4.05986935e-01 1.13086496e-02 1.31462574e-01 3.82163107e-01 2.30809003e-01 -4.17458028e-01 -1.60466194e-01 -2.72005767e-01 1.97583467e-01 2.19955981e-01 1.05534807e-01 -2.10669309e-01 -2.56308854e-01 4.07254875e-01 3.03700477e-01 3.52674052e-02 9.56217870e-02 2.10491747e-01 3.39775085e-01 3.66780102e-01 2.23902613e-01 -2.58370847e-01 2.30509430e-01 2.15753779e-01 -2.31599763e-01 3.23275059e-01 4.66141067e-02 -2.19857216e-01 1.91530004e-01 -1.77912816e-01 9.09133404e-02 -3.83887142e-01 1.64447144e-01 3.73093545e-01 2.65457928e-01 -1.16064779e-01 -3.28421772e-01 -2.50069469e-01 -4.43684384e-02 -9.05447602e-02 3.08872014e-01 1.19316436e-01 1.21930420e-01 -2.69697338e-01 7.23468512e-02 -4.51731682e-01 2.02906936e-01 -2.00316459e-01 9.84482542e-02 -2.96964556e-01 -9.92455333e-02 2.91058451e-01 -3.70734841e-01 -2.46556953e-01 1.94538876e-01 5.74132204e-01 5.05042136e-01 1.61042109e-01 -4.37771641e-02 -6.33683726e-02 -7.78714493e-02 -2.26602152e-01 5.21285653e-01 -3.64432156e-01 -3.69146585e-01 -1.18489318e-01 2.30052233e-01 -2.38203555e-01 -1.89892024e-01 2.37925902e-01 -7.74831995e-02 -2.15341642e-01 -4.91460949e-01 2.70735204e-01 1.34736627e-01 -2.00304747e-01 2.25993432e-02 -1.49994403e-01 1.34365276e-01 -3.00717950e-02 2.57304430e-01 1.83255225e-01 -1.20498098e-01 3.15629207e-02 -1.69226244e-01 2.29514971e-01 2.59651840e-01 4.29002732e-01 3.53048056e-01 -2.68509448e-01 -1.80625498e-01 -6.35638237e-02 -8.71263444e-02 4.04310554e-01 6.01443291e-01 2.21663743e-01 -9.99958515e-02 -1.59617871e-01 2.78555304e-01 9.45659056e-02 -8.35826173e-02 6.64657652e-02 -2.90574897e-02 -1.99344810e-02 3.00232600e-02 2.13481262e-01 5.16758300e-02 -4.27429318e-01 -2.54873037e-01 5.60934305e-01 -2.98022687e-01 4.64904010e-01 4.35048312e-01 1.26950705e+00 -1.07079102e-02 -2.87760664e-02 -9.56607312e-02 -4.15862620e-01 -1.16371796e-01 -3.55992705e-01 -7.11923838e-02 -1.81002155e-01 8.15582573e-02 8.44984502e-02 -2.13929623e-01 8.66195560e-02 2.21603602e-01 -4.72554952e-01 -9.85672399e-02 -3.50887835e-01 2.65313033e-02 5.70791066e-02 3.40123922e-01 1.29357800e-02 -1.19642697e-01 2.99809705e-02 2.99366295e-01 2.63935383e-02 2.67761648e-01 -7.71988090e-03 1.04642231e-02 6.65978342e-02 -2.66786993e-01 -1.42764702e-01 4.51655462e-02 1.04020173e-02 2.49391451e-01 -6.73003569e-02 -3.66842091e-01 9.15546529e-03 -4.73755505e-03 -2.64794797e-01 8.13223943e-02 7.33382478e-02 4.54908833e-02 4.89240974e-01 -2.61107475e-01 -2.77163953e-01 1.13830112e-01 3.36293131e-01 1.33259094e-03 1.63673818e-01 5.65768890e-02 -1.69448763e-01 -1.46106482e-01 2.79379249e-01 3.42281401e-01 6.95456386e-01 -1.92255303e-01 5.09718060e-01 1.63057178e-01 -3.56822520e-01 -2.03106508e-01 2.08967701e-01 1.19756177e-01 -1.22971676e-01 -1.20008653e-02 1.38777584e-01 -6.69651702e-02 -1.15310131e-02 1.17145956e-01 3.37387562e-01 2.33490616e-01 3.39425564e-01 -7.06695160e-03 -1.67031944e-01 -4.60880399e-01 2.58880585e-01 3.21113825e-01 -3.71108413e-01 3.00161451e-01 -2.44921938e-01 -4.02723879e-01 -2.00415149e-01 1.97195858e-02 2.01667890e-01 -3.04712862e-01 -3.27126712e-01 -1.66803762e-01 -3.77909206e-02 -1.28872916e-02 -1.84019089e-01 3.35724443e-01 -1.22090451e-01 4.47927415e-01 -5.17709218e-02 1.70909896e-01 -4.69804347e-01 7.25539103e-02 -4.87966120e-01 -1.11455880e-01 7.00183988e-01 -2.48983338e-01 -3.58318031e-01 -1.38588369e-01 1.35625586e-01 8.44108872e-03 -2.30069906e-01 -2.78354585e-01 -3.42982501e-01 1.52105615e-01 -9.25238505e-02 -1.43442363e-01 -1.55632377e-01 -3.81261185e-02 7.58909583e-02 2.66498001e-03 3.88503820e-02 8.53171572e-02 2.71937907e-01 2.09405869e-01 -1.00806812e-02 2.67337561e-01 -1.07369572e-02 -7.94149414e-02 5.39293215e-02 2.77998507e-01 -9.94324982e-02 -1.58141300e-01 -2.93758839e-01 -1.24774732e-01 5.52200712e-02 3.02384794e-01 3.47992092e-01 1.88353911e-01 1.81801140e-01 1.47130564e-01 -1.12423718e-01 1.87493026e-01 -1.33921891e-01 3.57785933e-02 -2.53482610e-01 -1.19593829e-01 -3.23593542e-02 3.33245873e-01 -7.36270919e-02 -1.07494995e-01 -1.90479621e-01 -8.22241902e-02 1.85228549e-02 1.89811945e-01 2.10741177e-01 -1.40500823e-02 1.12714581e-01 2.19442964e-01 2.95997888e-01 1.55377001e-01 1.82174876e-01 2.63637871e-01 -2.24006176e-01 -3.05209104e-02 3.49643618e-01 4.37138528e-02 5.58593810e-01 5.72123053e-03 3.45912129e-01 -2.55977400e-02 3.83877665e-01 4.18284178e-01 1.30335465e-01 4.51707132e-02 -2.84657568e-01 4.03839618e-01 2.93653786e-01 2.70385027e-01 1.72042713e-01 -5.53291254e-02 -2.49732986e-01 -1.50994703e-01 -2.51470715e-01 2.55241334e-01 8.22609365e-02 6.44739792e-02 4.36271697e-01 -1.20573051e-01 -4.02927279e-01 -1.01258524e-01 1.20762736e-01 1.20520085e-01 -2.59638339e-01 -1.85684904e-01 2.35666156e-01 -5.84310777e-02 -2.20750004e-01 5.44564147e-03 4.39039230e-01 -3.80666882e-01 2.96729356e-02 1.92938507e-01 -1.65417776e-01 -2.19472405e-02 1.52825773e-01 3.25104624e-01 -1.89982787e-01 -1.30750626e-01 -4.24965471e-02 -2.84241587e-02 -2.92463750e-01 -2.66218334e-01 3.85524668e-02 1.12201907e-01 -3.05118054e-01 1.00344069e-01 9.50405821e-02 -3.18765879e-01 -3.55490476e-01 1.79402083e-01 1.30995169e-01 4.35281582e-02 2.04688549e-01 7.43290335e-02 -3.91784310e-01 -3.12431697e-02 -2.36191228e-01 -6.56118020e-02 -1.76055282e-01 -1.34610742e-01 -8.86335894e-02 1.58512056e-01 -2.35673204e-01 1.03462152e-01 2.43818596e-01 3.72598171e-01 -1.15266964e-01 -2.12991044e-01 -2.01024711e-01 -4.05695498e-01 -2.44971722e-01 5.89609444e-02 -2.85965115e-01 -4.57328886e-01 -1.26295844e-02 1.41628817e-01 8.65054280e-02 2.81389236e-01 -5.02588751e-04 -1.36056155e-01 -1.93375096e-01 -2.22584661e-02 -4.16975409e-01 3.61405104e-01 4.90639716e-01 1.98804140e-02 5.67313507e-02 -1.45312980e-01 -3.10120732e-03 -6.80108741e-02 1.62660480e-01 9.34109986e-02 -3.29008639e-01 1.56743869e-01 3.63175809e-01 5.16677201e-01 1.64953306e-01 2.21965849e-01 -5.24260253e-02 -3.71997952e-01 3.81175727e-02 2.80513167e-01 -2.70056695e-01 -7.15414360e-02 2.25534081e-01 3.29070657e-01 -1.92450043e-02 4.38476028e-03 1.13571994e-01 2.20096916e-01 2.09923714e-01 3.50758702e-01 -2.84805149e-01 2.63461441e-01 -1.21659115e-02 1.25982806e-01 9.76454001e-03 2.56309748e-01 1.57098189e-01 -8.08636621e-02 -2.56471843e-01 -4.38029021e-01 5.38492680e-01 -1.03061579e-01 -4.66043711e-01 -3.81290227e-01 1.21487245e-01 -1.76310793e-01 2.02349536e-02 -1.55437037e-01 -1.52314752e-01 -2.83527691e-02 -3.06972247e-02 -4.20404047e-01 -1.98348194e-01 6.02797605e-02 -3.59433055e-01 -7.19359741e-02 4.87093121e-01 4.01914716e-02 1.86269786e-02 -5.06268442e-01 -1.86572686e-01]
"Ancient Precog" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-411 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment suite at Existential Isolation Facility β–ˆβ–ˆ at [O5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]. All reasonable requests made by SCP-411 are to be met where possible. A bank of television screens displaying 24-hour news coverage is to be provided for SCP-411's use. Requests for texts and devices that do not yet exist are to be filed until such a time as they can be assessed. At the moment SCP-411 is not considered a containment risk. All information gathered from SCP-411 is to be stored at the Existential Containment Unit and is to be disclosed at the discretion of Dr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ only. All staff leaving Existential Isolation Facility β–ˆβ–ˆ are to be administered with Class C Amnestics. Description: SCP-411 is a grey haired, blue-eyed, Caucasian male of incredibly advanced age. Estimates of his biological age, based on information divulged in interviews, are in the region of 400 years. SCP-411's nature means that special interview and linguistics training is required by all research staff. SCP-411 ages in reverse, growing younger at the same rate that a normal human ages. SCP-411's memory also functions in reverse; SCP-411 has no recollection of past events but can recall the future. Much of the information we have gathered about SCP-411 originates from the work of a Dr. Lyetacker, an individual who appears not to work for the Foundation as of yet, via the recollections of SCP-411 himself; as such, caution is to be used when applying this information. SCP-411 speaks an as-yet-unknown dialect of English that has significant grammatical and vocabulary deviations from Modern English. Individuals who are to be given training in this language will benefit from a background in Spanish, Mandarin and/or Cantonese, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and Haskell. SCP-411's ability to recall future events is hindered by his advanced biological age; events more than a few months into the future are often forgotten and the details of events in the near to immediate future are often vague and unclear. Events surrounding persons he is familiar with are often more clear but omissions are not uncommon. In addition, deviations from SCP-411's memories of the future cause SCP-411 significant mental harm and can often render him catatonic for days. Due to the potential for valuable data to be lost in this fashion, particularly as one recollection often triggers other more significant recollections, SCP-411's memories are only to be acted upon in the following situations: While a full course of training is required to interact with SCP-411, the following guidelines should be followed if emergency meetings are required. It is unknown when Dr. Lyetacker will join The Foundation but it has been decided that he is not to be actively sought. Upon his eventual recruitment, a data breach is to be staged and all information regarding SCP-411 is to be wiped to prevent ontological paradoxes regarding SCP-411's abilities. Β« SCP-410 | SCP-411 | SCP-412 Β»" nan
[ 1.75298989e-01 -1.38503432e-01 -8.14348534e-02 -6.45782873e-02 -9.36541483e-02 -2.41491631e-01 8.13027695e-02 2.33932838e-01 -2.87306104e-02 -9.88122970e-02 -1.18643589e-01 -3.11317712e-01 -4.05861884e-02 -8.80788788e-02 -6.87718317e-02 -1.38636110e-02 1.04039824e-02 4.88672078e-01 6.30793050e-02 -3.10913324e-01 -1.93524301e-01 -7.26486295e-02 -8.32102373e-02 2.47598842e-01 -1.53976724e-01 -1.94075420e-01 -1.25360219e-02 4.18336660e-01 -2.69852132e-01 -3.57068241e-01 -1.11541145e-01 2.77061522e-01 2.43670613e-01 2.89434403e-01 -1.10178116e-04 -2.96918392e-01 2.99101233e-01 -1.35922030e-01 -1.55275702e-01 -5.92999123e-02 -4.94586319e-01 3.04259032e-01 -1.92116544e-01 -2.83066601e-01 -2.23858356e-01 6.15664124e-02 2.43509859e-01 -1.46655694e-01 4.66269195e-01 2.76845098e-01 1.62964597e-01 7.28480220e-02 2.26508707e-01 -1.79499969e-01 3.20567220e-01 2.62141023e-02 -2.91295856e-01 -1.30550832e-01 2.12036148e-01 4.40696962e-02 1.28770664e-01 1.38059840e-01 -2.62234777e-01 -3.26244682e-01 -1.04219086e-01 -1.86487854e-01 1.54642597e-01 -1.61875382e-01 -9.01168659e-02 3.01850259e-01 2.20197007e-01 -1.86145708e-01 -8.86766687e-02 2.24754483e-01 -1.81312427e-01 -8.00197959e-01 1.22920357e-01 1.05672762e-01 -1.50918439e-01 3.31484973e-01 6.06667325e-02 3.36635597e-02 -2.84044743e-01 -3.19715180e-02 8.80582929e-02 4.51721221e-01 7.21233711e-03 -1.24088369e-01 5.52342599e-03 2.05878273e-01 2.16860369e-01 -1.42405536e-02 1.60751998e-01 1.29904106e-01 -1.58917606e-01 -3.27295840e-01 2.16345619e-02 -4.73613851e-02 5.66513166e-02 2.33538836e-01 2.76969165e-01 3.46634150e-01 -9.80294123e-02 -9.78270918e-02 4.00406048e-02 1.16847418e-01 4.92876977e-01 -2.00491130e-01 2.03416478e-02 5.55727005e-01 -4.46749739e-02 3.58982980e-02 -2.77351588e-01 4.10062298e-02 2.15503588e-01 1.25070512e-01 2.76579987e-02 -3.47024709e-01 2.78366804e-01 2.91287899e-01 -4.67834562e-01 1.37974098e-02 -1.55063137e-01 2.78384358e-01 2.19991505e-01 2.39697784e-01 -1.65840071e-02 -1.81917265e-01 -3.48125175e-02 -3.97010148e-01 -1.26342043e-01 1.07575901e-01 -4.36832249e-01 9.83648002e-02 6.33626506e-02 -1.08588226e-01 -7.35996664e-02 -1.10964784e-02 -3.12387824e-01 -1.33457795e-01 -6.77883485e-03 -2.22532615e-01 5.28275430e-01 3.31170499e-01 -2.03742847e-01 -9.95813236e-02 -1.60921723e-01 1.30308166e-01 -2.45199129e-01 1.52361125e-01 2.81887293e-01 -2.33714461e-01 -2.26299062e-01 1.70573935e-01 -3.07709873e-01 3.39509621e-02 6.47907615e-01 -5.69785312e-02 1.98312953e-01 -2.51322001e-01 1.29170090e-01 2.95252025e-01 -5.92296720e-01 -1.59852818e-01 -1.05986430e-03 2.04532504e-01 -6.49346411e-02 2.46170029e-01 3.57988589e-02 -2.87131723e-02 -6.33855164e-02 1.60000056e-01 1.19184732e-01 -1.07084617e-01 -4.36147489e-02 1.97713241e-01 -4.25238609e-01 1.27125084e-01 -3.22980881e-01 -3.20001215e-01 9.04937163e-02 3.70086610e-01 1.01906650e-01 -4.00225669e-01 -5.91929210e-03 -2.14555562e-01 -4.09053385e-01 2.23177060e-01 2.33910233e-01 -2.08481029e-01 -1.96983904e-01 -2.72069186e-01 -4.61353585e-02 1.28917143e-01 1.68062538e-01 -1.47282528e-02 1.93841144e-01 -2.11275816e-01 2.43661955e-01 -9.83174965e-02 4.70892672e-04 -9.11015943e-02 2.14900047e-01 6.16440608e-04 -1.92537621e-01 -1.39085457e-01 -3.40442769e-02 -7.36578479e-02 1.58716977e-01 5.01085162e-01 1.46922454e-01 6.77850619e-02 -1.32305831e-01 -1.02527715e-01 2.84952912e-02 3.78385447e-02 1.75682187e-01 -9.13393684e-03 2.15850711e-01 2.40200758e-02 -1.68283924e-01 6.84036970e-01 1.57192886e-01 1.80549435e-02 -2.91451454e-01 -1.93451136e-01 -3.09893489e-01 -1.16588570e-01 -6.17394373e-02 3.32234055e-01 1.69206381e-01 3.83246653e-02 8.54347050e-02 -6.91728890e-02 -1.50139734e-01 -3.12969722e-02 -4.94293213e-01 4.40546215e-01 2.42272802e-02 -4.17266935e-01 2.90828317e-01 -4.48373944e-01 3.32986772e-01 -1.21760152e-01 -1.47823259e-01 2.80789822e-01 7.55019367e-01 8.78563896e-02 1.30533010e-01 -1.25864938e-01 6.71814233e-02 -4.54237700e-01 1.04408801e-01 -1.65679920e-02 9.07728001e-02 5.94383180e-01 -1.99724749e-01 3.25226843e-01 4.08317000e-02 3.06530446e-01 4.10437630e-03 -3.14501077e-01 6.57610819e-02 1.59233570e-01 1.15400001e-01 -5.20144403e-01 1.63740337e-01 2.56883111e-02 3.60011011e-02 1.38282895e-01 1.61508620e-01 7.39796087e-02 -8.33876058e-02 -7.84705877e-02 9.15997550e-02 -4.81005870e-02 2.25921348e-01 2.14076012e-01 5.67402802e-02 9.82475281e-02 -6.97559565e-02 -1.67581290e-01 -1.25930697e-01 -1.13407098e-01 4.03199010e-02 1.27364978e-01 -1.23342410e-01 8.62351730e-02 4.94951904e-01 7.20794499e-02 1.77916020e-01 -7.44642839e-02 -3.92352864e-02 1.68763936e-01 -2.84963381e-02 2.38842005e-03 -3.12193781e-01 2.83076882e-01 -2.54589409e-01 2.89600730e-01 -2.35380083e-01 -2.61276394e-01 1.14323586e-01 1.40509158e-01 -2.65886903e-01 -8.26062262e-02 2.89152503e-01 -3.00380826e-01 -2.69195676e-01 2.49517247e-01 -3.67515355e-01 4.44243699e-01 -1.56940266e-01 -4.73386437e-01 2.58666556e-03 -1.69668004e-01 -7.22325174e-04 -1.85284868e-01 -8.10382739e-02 -4.87735659e-01 -2.06539303e-01 -6.49396628e-02 -1.50595427e-01 1.46134883e-01 -8.55895355e-02 1.77184194e-02 -2.37467691e-01 -9.17521343e-02 -1.74575690e-02 1.98814303e-01 4.28233206e-01 5.54191649e-01 -4.50663269e-03 -1.29955798e-01 5.20453602e-02 1.16755597e-01 -4.70465660e-01 -4.83251244e-01 2.41576374e-01 -2.11026415e-01 1.05208389e-01 -1.22290522e-01 -4.53416288e-01 1.30385295e-01 2.43511349e-02 -1.92403987e-01 -1.34647673e-03 -2.85231680e-01 1.09554701e-01 1.32684901e-01 -3.16454083e-01 6.77467883e-01 4.29529324e-02 -2.94532925e-01 -1.47306129e-01 -2.60151267e-01 3.27552587e-01 3.15435499e-01 2.24250153e-01 7.46441111e-02 -9.81903300e-02 3.61866534e-01 1.66617602e-01 -3.04415882e-01 1.16406977e-01 2.31507346e-01 3.99150163e-01 2.98016489e-01 -2.77913455e-02 2.95490295e-01 -2.23516319e-02 -1.22439280e-01 -8.21284503e-02 1.14025950e-01 2.50954539e-01 -3.41354072e-01 -2.08612293e-01 -3.42877656e-01 -3.84592712e-01 -2.51063764e-01 -7.04020187e-02 4.37232554e-01 1.60340011e-01 -1.08108267e-01 -1.69643447e-01 2.70219222e-02 6.03750087e-02 -1.92457154e-01 3.04653704e-01 -8.21386948e-02 9.65442285e-02 -2.59835690e-01 3.52801442e-01 -4.32271749e-01 1.97772801e-01 8.14063568e-03 6.79464191e-02 -1.41567513e-01 -2.07497075e-01 1.59408927e-01 -2.71481127e-01 -6.27961993e-01 -6.66249404e-03 2.85175443e-01 4.63955671e-01 -1.75007388e-01 2.11841777e-01 -8.93234015e-02 -3.50880474e-02 -1.33767560e-01 -1.66923106e-01 -4.49676633e-01 -1.87927276e-01 -1.30115107e-01 3.71869802e-01 -8.64900351e-02 1.14390299e-01 -1.48041755e-01 1.32645890e-01 -2.40120232e-01 -1.32365167e-01 1.31578609e-01 2.49597982e-01 -3.17900479e-01 -3.20361674e-01 1.49267435e-01 2.33332545e-01 5.07592618e-01 2.99760073e-01 7.78208394e-03 -1.90523833e-01 -6.92770630e-02 -3.76206338e-01 5.75444400e-01 2.47095928e-01 3.23341936e-02 2.69009918e-01 2.67175818e-03 -5.45503870e-02 -1.01715729e-01 -2.46455260e-02 2.71254897e-01 6.03735268e-01 2.73384362e-01 -2.55182683e-01 5.65784937e-03 -2.20529474e-02 -4.28857878e-02 1.14656381e-01 6.26920238e-02 1.10942826e-01 -1.40051052e-01 -2.17376903e-01 2.08561271e-01 -1.48438171e-01 -3.31129640e-01 -1.09484367e-01 4.66576554e-02 -2.67454892e-01 4.03129220e-01 -7.67565817e-02 1.37959135e+00 -8.87148548e-03 2.45533869e-01 -3.14469188e-02 -7.91236460e-02 -1.07077740e-01 -4.75319065e-02 -9.55216587e-02 -7.90520683e-02 -1.83080539e-01 5.09712473e-03 -4.53936048e-02 1.25259295e-01 2.12341890e-01 -5.47728360e-01 1.17458850e-01 -7.13351846e-01 -8.73311087e-02 5.00531673e-01 1.45884067e-01 3.15270185e-01 -2.55155683e-01 -7.67512619e-02 2.25463256e-01 2.27700677e-02 2.03357145e-01 1.75363719e-02 1.73490886e-02 -8.58305097e-02 -1.11864187e-01 -2.20590010e-01 4.09209609e-01 -1.25375623e-02 -1.03677139e-01 -3.12059700e-01 -6.37053773e-02 9.56827998e-02 -1.08373262e-01 7.70505052e-03 7.34769702e-02 5.44162542e-02 1.50574133e-01 4.95026529e-01 -2.62618095e-01 2.52632976e-01 1.02351531e-01 6.86360747e-02 -6.13577701e-02 -2.76292264e-01 3.31166804e-01 -2.11788684e-01 -1.87911689e-01 -9.83599275e-02 -1.40775308e-01 3.18988532e-01 1.27595207e-02 1.88495100e-01 3.81528080e-01 -4.10328120e-01 -2.48093948e-01 1.80043623e-01 -1.52163208e-01 1.36864036e-01 -2.23089550e-02 -4.55333106e-02 -3.19877535e-01 -1.49393380e-01 3.61513883e-01 -4.48997738e-03 -1.32599995e-01 2.44114429e-01 2.43417889e-01 -3.05102378e-01 -3.53705823e-01 -2.71822453e-01 -2.66905855e-02 -1.44349679e-01 1.13605149e-01 -1.00291381e-02 -5.11802673e-01 -7.71011859e-02 2.59655058e-01 5.92523739e-02 -2.14064911e-01 -3.92283835e-02 -2.69342773e-03 -1.26394808e-01 5.38776144e-02 -2.20193550e-01 2.35635012e-01 1.11261979e-02 3.20790768e-01 -5.78014888e-02 9.88520309e-02 -3.96778315e-01 -6.45756796e-02 4.55234088e-02 1.46144629e-01 2.58929759e-01 -4.65653241e-01 -2.03448772e-01 -2.70423204e-01 2.01724276e-01 6.13187328e-02 -1.10225677e-01 -2.16179013e-01 -2.32526198e-01 1.45376444e-01 4.26079221e-02 -5.87334871e-01 1.12740591e-01 1.35980651e-01 7.85939768e-02 3.08010019e-02 1.04235746e-01 5.62410712e-01 2.00901106e-01 3.80512804e-01 -3.06293339e-01 2.00446114e-01 -1.21572144e-01 2.02493981e-01 -9.21146795e-02 3.82107139e-01 -2.28545442e-01 -3.80819067e-02 -2.19203949e-01 -2.01663405e-01 6.25259578e-01 2.55339265e-01 1.28494166e-02 6.40310720e-02 5.04059374e-01 2.06001803e-01 9.07892510e-02 3.13705325e-01 -8.82020891e-02 -1.52539596e-01 -7.84760267e-02 -2.28196397e-01 -1.62115797e-01 3.27452064e-01 -1.40917525e-01 -5.65033704e-02 -2.35736921e-01 1.67146876e-01 3.22022289e-02 3.02874029e-01 1.26167655e-01 -3.67457539e-01 1.65577605e-01 -6.31362051e-02 1.04164638e-01 3.70326132e-01 3.03235739e-01 -1.90246105e-01 3.68260294e-02 -6.51428029e-02 2.91049272e-01 4.72639911e-02 3.96971077e-01 1.16666511e-01 -1.17110964e-02 -2.25902677e-01 1.99720472e-01 6.67354345e-01 -7.43049895e-03 -1.90041095e-01 -2.29624867e-01 5.33834755e-01 -6.84806183e-02 3.14656526e-01 -2.91492552e-01 2.56621748e-01 5.29178195e-02 2.14637607e-01 -3.68376732e-01 -1.17314924e-02 1.42457843e-01 1.66805431e-01 1.03080161e-01 -3.52319553e-02 -2.69783467e-01 -2.12199748e-01 -1.88125610e-01 6.96598068e-02 3.88436586e-01 1.63523033e-01 2.56286655e-03 2.80742645e-01 1.48242250e-01 -1.19471066e-01 4.13400829e-01 -2.00044885e-01 4.67948347e-01 4.32820797e-01 -2.45903119e-01 2.28721961e-01 1.24354787e-01 2.29969576e-01 8.64201635e-02 -1.30349681e-01 3.71024102e-01 -1.08483672e-01 -4.45596017e-02 2.80289613e-02 -1.39763972e-04 3.97067428e-01 -2.33930677e-01 -1.23742744e-01 1.01566240e-01 -2.24182010e-01 -4.92954031e-02 1.53139189e-01 3.93648416e-01 1.52106032e-01 -4.11815941e-01 3.34089726e-01 -3.19461852e-01 2.29129314e-01 2.80244589e-01 -5.30848950e-02 1.24137357e-01 1.42274514e-01 -2.31979638e-01 1.76558197e-01 -7.46759847e-02 8.89130235e-02 -1.21227868e-01 1.81922659e-01 2.23203823e-02 -1.55912817e-01 -2.35176563e-01 -2.65912801e-01 4.29300331e-02 -5.42288348e-02 -1.04215130e-01 -2.53752321e-01 1.24167085e-01 5.84320426e-02 1.69558331e-01 2.45334432e-01 6.45188913e-02 1.73420519e-01 -2.83664256e-01 -2.47882411e-01 -2.39023760e-01 5.04450023e-01 6.33149266e-01 8.22552368e-02 -3.64051610e-02 -3.13869923e-01 1.96173936e-01 -1.19044915e-01 1.27894685e-01 -7.21431524e-02 -2.12125272e-01 1.20612323e-01 3.73140574e-01 2.62183875e-01 1.45051062e-01 1.26779154e-01 -2.41108194e-01 -2.17520297e-01 2.63865422e-02 2.49462187e-01 -1.95997342e-01 1.96172550e-01 1.84287757e-01 2.16457006e-02 3.59224193e-02 7.31077671e-01 2.51049906e-01 3.94750625e-01 6.91705868e-02 4.50411476e-02 -5.03160119e-01 -2.28579678e-02 -1.56157210e-01 1.54842466e-01 1.26549676e-01 2.59241760e-01 -9.08998773e-03 -8.41690674e-02 -4.17237788e-01 -2.87562758e-01 2.02189654e-01 6.07042015e-01 -1.35706112e-01 -3.11086893e-01 1.57184914e-01 2.72722453e-01 8.59859660e-02 -9.34191421e-02 6.82509392e-02 -7.23389089e-02 7.18251467e-02 -2.52950847e-01 7.11764097e-02 -1.93932354e-01 -2.97577143e-01 -1.84015647e-01 5.92134118e-01 6.62349090e-02 -2.27275699e-01 -4.97533172e-01 -1.00286394e-01]
"Mutagenic Mirror" active "Item #: SCP-412 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-412 is currently contained within Storage Unit-11 at Site-19; removal of the item requires authorization by no fewer than three (3) personnel with Level-3 clearance, and may be vetoed by Site Security. Gloves should be worn when handling SCP-412 and the item should be transported in an opaque container. Staff interaction must be carried out with full observance of Hazmat Protocol 7-R. Any and all staff making physical contact with or direct observation of SCP-412 will submit to a full physical examination. Anyone found to exhibit physical alteration will be remanded immediately to quarantine. Description: SCP-412 is an antique silver hand mirror measuring 18 cm by 7 cm. The mirror has a 4 cm crack in the top left hand corner, and has an etched motif of roses and vines. Around β–ˆβ–ˆ% of subjects within direct line of sight of SCP-412 report a compulsion to pick up the item and view their reflection in it. There does not appear to be a discernible pattern to the 'selections' - testing for possible genetic, mental, or other selection markers is ongoing. Simultaneous observation and contact with SCP-412 causes the item to 'connect' with the subject, regardless of whether they have been coerced into doing so by SCP-412. Tests using restrained subjects have shown that both actions (touching and viewing the reflection) are necessary for a connection to be made. No means of 'severing' this connection have been found, short of complete isolation for a period of no less than two years. Connected subjects are compelled to repeatedly view their reflection in SCP-412, initially only once or twice a day. Viewing frequency increases over a period of several weeks. By around day 55, the amount of time subjects spend viewing their reflection typically begins to exceed all other activities, including sleep. Each viewing causes biological alterations to the subject, beginning with minor physiological changes such as enlarged lymph nodes, facial rash, or skin discoloration. Although the exact pattern differs between subjects, by day 90 almost all subjects show downward extension of the ribcage, fixed open jaw by way of large cysts toward the rear of the mouth and severely compromised reproductive and immune systems. Subjects also show a continual loss of memory recall ability and emotional response; fMRI scans have shown a marked decrease in activity in subjects' amygdalae and parietal lobes. Interviews have shown that subjects appear to have an obsession with an 'other', for whom they are being made 'ready'. Subjects who survive to the advanced stages of alteration (in excess of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ days) begin to exhibit marked changes in behavior, and more drastic physical alterations. These include the reorganisation of internal organs, leading to the creation of a small empty area inside the chest, increased mucus production and changes in hormone production and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Autopsies on advanced-stage subjects have shown that the 'cavity' could theoretically support a separate life form. This led researchers to speculate that the alterations caused by SCP-412 intend to turn the human body into an 'environment suit' for a life-form unaccustomed to Earth's atmosphere. Authorised personnel should refer to Addendum 412-2 for further details. Addendum 412-1: Circumstances of retrieval. SCP-412 came to the attention of the Foundation following five unexplained deaths in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ, matching the pattern described above. Three of the deceased owned a hand mirror of a similar age (the design varied considerably); only one mirror had reasonably intact glass. Once it had been established that the mirror was responsible for the mutations, it was taken into Foundation custody. The remains of the other two mirrors showed no unusual properties and were disposed of. Testing and observation has led researchers to theorize that SCP-412 is not the mirror itself, but is in fact an outside force that 'anchors' to mirrors. This theory is unproven, but any mirrors suspected of exhibiting similar behaviour must be acquired and contained. Addendum 412-2: Event 412-A On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, Subject D-56653, 201 days after initial connection to SCP-412, ceased viewing his reflection and sat calmly in the corner of the quarantine room. Three hours later the subject began convulsing and clutching his chest - this continued for three minutes, after which time the subject lay immobile, apparently deceased. Once death had been confirmed, subject's corpse was taken for analysis. Pathologists found a small (8 cm) vaguely humanoid [REDACTED] within the artificial chest cavity. Organism had connected to the subject's blood supply and nervous system, and had begun to extend tendrils upward, puncturing the subject's trachea. Cells in the top ~5 cm of tendrils showed similarity to those in the optic organs of copepods, although with a much more complex structure. The origin of the organism and its cause of death are currently unknown. Β« SCP-411 | SCP-412 | SCP-413 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-412" by RichardJ28, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp412.jpg Name: Gorham Sterling Silver Hand Mirror Author: Gorham License: All Rights Reserved (Permission granted) Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-412 in standard position inside Storage Unit-11"
[-3.37073170e-02 -3.26574475e-01 -1.23405881e-01 -2.96605110e-01 -2.59248167e-01 -2.89216757e-01 4.41321760e-01 1.80963799e-01 -1.39497489e-01 -6.42139018e-02 1.02904111e-01 3.09072018e-01 -1.80855289e-01 -5.22062741e-02 3.14301898e-04 -1.41488612e-01 -8.17982629e-02 3.08071822e-01 -1.86420172e-01 -1.99896246e-01 9.11661983e-02 -1.61001429e-01 -1.92201480e-01 1.99883338e-02 4.27025743e-02 -7.31435642e-02 2.60742724e-01 3.46021987e-02 -1.45898387e-02 -2.42702767e-01 -4.02144521e-01 3.49530637e-01 -4.07494277e-01 2.25877345e-01 -1.14305010e-04 -3.49322647e-01 3.75331461e-01 6.21816926e-02 -2.46234700e-01 1.17959268e-01 1.57138750e-01 -2.09506616e-01 2.77733594e-01 -3.14673513e-01 4.21942137e-02 -3.66906941e-01 -5.39476871e-02 1.85502291e-01 3.35375875e-01 1.16311729e-01 1.66850507e-01 3.74488026e-01 -9.75864232e-02 3.48946676e-02 2.93851823e-01 3.64990324e-01 -1.56377301e-01 -2.04787597e-01 1.45733058e-01 1.92845464e-01 -1.15080461e-01 1.08543038e-01 -1.16096422e-01 8.80082101e-02 1.68398261e-01 -4.24166918e-01 1.03555731e-01 -6.22958653e-02 6.31540418e-02 3.12189490e-01 4.19463933e-01 2.36105267e-02 1.21315330e-01 -1.25393614e-01 -1.48079708e-01 2.44263083e-01 1.69526964e-01 -4.19072211e-02 1.12799242e-01 3.76425050e-02 -2.91586518e-01 1.64601490e-01 -1.57461315e-01 5.17928079e-02 -1.60825536e-01 -2.41549592e-02 5.46755306e-02 6.57156482e-02 3.61042082e-01 -2.26267412e-01 2.31361777e-01 9.19763278e-03 1.58187732e-01 7.65498355e-02 7.05886111e-02 -1.08307108e-01 6.33649155e-02 -1.53880745e-01 2.40278803e-02 4.66138005e-01 1.22533053e-01 3.44833553e-01 -3.45438808e-01 2.40875423e-01 -6.00264147e-02 -1.30176339e-02 -7.64744058e-02 -2.25657955e-01 -3.54396224e-01 7.32521638e-02 2.80606121e-01 2.35417664e-01 2.23476559e-01 -1.60227597e-01 3.18617783e-02 -2.05199853e-01 -1.08138673e-01 -1.58044174e-01 -1.71535224e-01 2.88115382e-01 -7.40904450e-01 9.17507783e-02 -5.65706901e-02 2.41875097e-01 2.86875039e-01 5.80568373e-01 7.91462213e-02 -2.69115835e-01 -1.39721230e-01 -1.29161060e-01 -1.16200045e-01 1.30767167e-01 -4.93774891e-01 -2.09193781e-01 2.13960066e-01 5.26812375e-01 -1.00563839e-01 -5.74305914e-02 1.63918699e-03 -7.53502846e-02 -2.06419498e-01 -1.33683860e-01 5.15045881e-01 6.00118220e-01 -3.50109160e-01 -1.71942234e-01 -1.78507134e-01 1.85826778e-01 -1.08158514e-01 4.67650220e-02 2.95338869e-01 -3.21759023e-02 -2.01726243e-01 1.60076797e-01 -2.10572228e-01 3.42635006e-01 1.08406298e-01 -9.54554975e-02 -2.31196180e-01 -2.92959828e-02 2.23330453e-01 -1.80970013e-01 -1.98200896e-01 -1.67652622e-01 1.14560403e-01 4.23445344e-01 -3.19888830e-01 -1.97678208e-01 1.48158357e-01 -2.14552969e-01 -1.22161582e-02 1.31897777e-01 -1.61896169e-01 2.00577617e-01 -2.02117234e-01 4.49137352e-02 -2.67177224e-01 1.37352124e-01 -7.07989037e-01 -1.42010808e-01 -5.90660572e-01 3.26192290e-01 1.67210594e-01 -7.26637319e-02 -4.85116057e-02 -1.58370789e-02 -2.69841880e-01 -1.72661841e-01 2.42916465e-01 -9.89698991e-02 -3.77302527e-01 -5.18145025e-01 1.12336442e-01 1.85184717e-01 2.44109049e-01 -1.71840936e-01 3.75539452e-01 8.15338790e-02 4.11078900e-01 1.10552520e-01 -1.02895163e-01 -1.05125412e-01 5.53215384e-01 5.06991804e-01 -1.26602957e-02 -1.27997801e-01 -1.03305243e-01 -2.09065497e-01 3.08933437e-01 8.85762870e-02 -2.48637229e-01 5.63874431e-02 1.71226766e-02 1.10321797e-01 8.91679451e-02 -1.35164157e-01 2.38280430e-01 1.19560517e-01 -1.37385324e-01 -1.20161615e-01 1.16030937e-02 7.58960664e-01 6.02187254e-02 5.61255664e-02 -1.63851187e-01 1.36082903e-01 -1.88732609e-01 5.73133416e-02 -1.01641320e-01 2.42085829e-01 2.32132897e-01 -1.04948245e-01 9.88197774e-02 8.11352581e-02 -3.02264482e-01 2.44968385e-01 3.04271188e-02 4.89852428e-01 1.88172609e-01 -6.60948217e-01 1.48471117e-01 -1.24922447e-01 1.46948874e-01 -1.41994476e-01 -2.87641078e-01 9.02729332e-02 3.58203232e-01 1.47984669e-01 -1.16291970e-01 1.96078420e-01 -7.91405514e-02 -3.69893312e-01 -2.00265452e-01 -8.05851594e-02 2.95206219e-01 2.13132799e-01 9.72100794e-02 6.25353083e-02 -2.00714588e-01 1.02649018e-01 -2.55475938e-01 -2.35208288e-01 1.01629175e-01 -1.82097536e-02 6.65211380e-02 -1.03894331e-01 -1.48773760e-01 3.54035556e-01 8.74329209e-02 1.76979661e-01 -2.94006079e-01 1.08052604e-01 -1.31462902e-01 -1.77742362e-01 -1.87475547e-01 2.63559282e-01 8.78042281e-02 3.76222432e-01 5.07252693e-01 2.54024684e-01 -3.54678882e-03 -2.56434381e-01 -7.11592212e-02 -2.84527749e-01 -2.53174782e-01 4.13330384e-02 1.96007006e-02 6.75623000e-01 -9.07589719e-02 1.85567871e-01 3.36180180e-01 -2.43862554e-01 -5.01772128e-02 1.16814218e-01 -8.78848657e-02 -4.83148871e-03 -1.65760756e-01 4.87557083e-01 -7.10296854e-02 -1.57717571e-01 -2.15064153e-01 9.52887759e-02 7.16861412e-02 4.02641930e-02 -2.62537867e-01 2.67005742e-01 4.28714454e-01 -1.68572202e-01 9.73413959e-02 -2.42723003e-01 -4.33224022e-01 1.28173843e-01 8.79370049e-02 -1.16161279e-01 1.42755628e-01 -3.28102678e-01 1.99039400e-01 -1.69338971e-01 9.85873193e-02 -5.48449814e-01 3.75054684e-03 -1.14219934e-02 -1.04486547e-01 3.36712785e-02 -2.82337461e-02 -8.93120840e-02 -1.11198947e-01 -1.07940413e-01 2.20221579e-01 -1.28565595e-01 3.24518740e-01 1.12236373e-01 -7.06320582e-03 1.30309835e-01 -7.98880681e-02 1.14550419e-01 -1.67652652e-01 2.53882352e-02 -1.00404099e-01 -1.04214787e-01 -1.44166112e-01 -4.46264334e-02 -6.82452172e-02 -1.71601713e-01 3.77831548e-01 -4.68405366e-01 -2.67391086e-01 7.97225311e-02 5.72620630e-02 -1.81636453e-01 -3.85128707e-01 6.09168053e-01 2.03576222e-01 -2.17684433e-01 -2.14167297e-01 -2.57823378e-01 3.60854864e-01 -5.79008972e-03 2.20420346e-01 3.49480994e-02 1.45646557e-01 3.88655841e-01 6.39286995e-01 -2.38657340e-01 -2.49001831e-01 -2.88080592e-02 2.63683558e-01 -4.41506244e-02 1.44140393e-01 -1.46989971e-01 1.10050261e-01 1.74616501e-02 -1.35214075e-01 1.68566942e-01 -1.84594274e-01 -4.47361201e-01 3.90947051e-02 -2.53738940e-01 -6.15581870e-01 -2.70306438e-01 -2.96221729e-02 1.71556666e-01 1.64687887e-01 -3.16705316e-01 -2.33834967e-01 1.18477464e-01 2.25947335e-01 1.86729714e-01 1.09290294e-01 -3.49014699e-01 -3.82336453e-02 -4.36336726e-01 -2.71613337e-02 4.25579101e-02 3.01995166e-02 -3.01659018e-01 5.45413792e-01 -4.11291987e-01 -2.22631082e-01 2.78072745e-01 -4.20503438e-01 3.41500789e-01 2.06546411e-01 7.50049472e-01 2.66952217e-01 -1.18515629e-03 -1.66447327e-01 -2.20101997e-01 -4.02596407e-02 -2.37066939e-01 1.19411975e-01 -1.65443823e-01 4.54118252e-02 -1.33413579e-02 5.00712872e-01 -1.80795476e-01 -3.01368106e-02 -1.75528452e-01 4.28558588e-01 -3.81191969e-01 -1.14808150e-01 1.75298452e-01 -2.00309157e-01 6.43930882e-02 9.30457283e-03 1.71925783e-01 1.04596848e-02 -1.69166684e-01 1.94250599e-01 -8.10273513e-02 -2.03949973e-01 -4.16916348e-02 -1.03319518e-01 7.94880271e-01 3.98077428e-01 4.63628709e-01 1.08480960e-01 1.63114533e-01 3.87007445e-01 -1.01364784e-01 -1.70694575e-01 1.14575483e-01 5.53304791e-01 1.78047225e-01 -4.77268666e-01 -2.04690397e-01 3.58397603e-01 -3.56284454e-02 1.38775975e-01 2.58535177e-01 -1.16899595e-01 1.79959446e-01 -1.21436566e-01 3.75983834e-01 1.38307646e-01 -4.35628891e-01 -5.56489825e-01 2.67083831e-02 -1.31867036e-01 4.87731367e-01 5.18185496e-01 1.18280375e+00 1.75369568e-02 6.35542274e-02 9.24393088e-02 -2.87982672e-01 -5.09467363e-01 -5.84617794e-01 -2.38133520e-01 7.68663809e-02 8.39431882e-02 -1.04898110e-01 -3.22023928e-01 2.03740090e-01 1.23717368e-01 -1.50248483e-01 -1.03130318e-01 -4.30846035e-01 -3.06334496e-02 5.08170545e-01 1.55424938e-01 2.68721581e-01 -6.47570193e-02 2.76768625e-01 2.40929246e-01 1.24181867e-01 1.09036513e-01 1.34543180e-01 -1.16838723e-01 -1.66093573e-01 -3.47979441e-02 -3.68414253e-01 1.04118779e-01 -4.38252658e-01 -1.35132611e-01 -1.23101115e-01 -2.71706074e-01 1.31986082e-01 -2.08477631e-01 -3.61378521e-01 5.61128929e-02 8.84600915e-03 2.58631289e-01 5.24872541e-01 -2.08962336e-01 3.37290727e-02 -2.06454247e-01 4.00940508e-01 -4.92219739e-02 -1.81214675e-01 4.05772537e-01 -7.50037804e-02 2.64903277e-01 -6.28267378e-02 1.60547346e-01 5.20889938e-01 -2.66256388e-02 -9.90666673e-02 2.84597427e-01 -1.24969833e-01 -6.45134831e-03 1.37699142e-01 -7.77103230e-02 -2.15650812e-01 4.68743183e-02 -2.49004647e-01 -1.79317549e-01 -1.16533570e-01 4.48473506e-02 4.34466414e-02 1.93168506e-01 6.73386753e-02 7.42107481e-02 -7.35728443e-02 -4.15551931e-01 -1.29229844e-01 -1.27538010e-01 -2.54843086e-01 -2.40015060e-01 -2.38190860e-01 -4.22482878e-01 -5.66859683e-03 7.68119246e-02 -1.68406330e-02 -9.81055126e-02 -4.61079955e-01 -1.40023768e-01 4.81810607e-02 -1.21693276e-01 -3.22062254e-01 3.72579724e-01 2.02187046e-01 5.64106762e-01 4.89993058e-02 1.82259232e-01 -3.88233364e-01 4.21848185e-02 -7.10187852e-02 1.99029997e-01 1.96017504e-01 -4.29994762e-01 -6.48423284e-02 -1.95413053e-01 1.10089101e-01 2.45360300e-01 -3.33146274e-01 -2.18148217e-01 -1.44632906e-01 1.22451015e-01 9.60214138e-02 2.23767236e-02 -2.08674103e-01 2.60651577e-02 1.59581587e-01 1.26371786e-01 1.04835391e-01 2.78516889e-01 2.88802296e-01 1.41987875e-01 2.47297063e-01 -1.17524453e-01 1.54559270e-01 2.69178927e-01 -2.11909488e-02 1.80981025e-01 4.30297181e-02 -2.52572913e-03 -2.80838132e-01 3.09390090e-02 -3.70525718e-02 3.54754150e-01 7.04767704e-02 1.15210868e-01 8.30594636e-03 -1.50753781e-01 -4.62335125e-02 1.23073265e-01 1.48720130e-01 -1.24358594e-01 -3.53474498e-01 -4.19110239e-01 -1.84995066e-02 3.03892255e-01 -8.46699625e-02 -7.93879107e-02 1.60333201e-01 1.65334865e-01 1.71742097e-01 1.75403491e-01 3.18729907e-01 -4.74805087e-01 -1.95884556e-01 1.59152463e-01 2.94299990e-01 -2.15676472e-01 3.70523036e-02 1.46028295e-01 6.61486164e-02 -2.28346046e-02 2.85327494e-01 2.63978362e-01 3.26760322e-01 4.36666757e-01 3.45541924e-01 2.79555798e-01 3.52431685e-01 3.79328161e-01 1.28929406e-01 1.50264427e-01 -2.18917683e-01 5.19211531e-01 3.15593667e-02 2.81706393e-01 -2.06239626e-01 1.10582113e-01 3.33433986e-01 -2.82855779e-01 -8.48062634e-02 3.22259843e-01 2.39981189e-01 -4.76430580e-02 2.49361619e-01 -9.05637965e-02 -4.31314766e-01 -1.27658904e-01 5.18380478e-02 -1.18720837e-01 3.23159397e-01 1.11480005e-01 1.43022567e-01 -8.86228532e-02 -1.87762514e-01 3.87246814e-03 3.07445318e-01 -2.35689461e-01 9.74610820e-03 1.11677386e-01 -2.40573138e-01 1.51960954e-01 1.05486818e-01 1.52130514e-01 1.74824186e-02 -1.51124984e-01 -1.88748967e-02 -3.71968091e-01 -1.40695393e-01 -1.04264030e-02 8.97261128e-02 1.61582917e-01 -2.89930463e-01 1.21830299e-01 1.99781761e-01 -2.67725259e-01 2.67546512e-02 2.50734746e-01 4.38909829e-01 -4.17913884e-01 7.11493790e-02 -1.64433904e-02 -3.41635674e-01 2.18552537e-02 -1.65472999e-02 -3.78999561e-01 -2.66344726e-01 2.19180673e-01 -1.17772698e-01 2.67118901e-01 -1.57218874e-01 5.61943315e-02 -2.15722263e-01 2.80522823e-01 8.77898410e-02 2.56452888e-01 1.37667969e-01 -1.83139712e-01 -2.49062970e-01 -9.01436526e-03 -3.02079648e-01 -8.93690661e-02 2.12272853e-01 1.96621358e-01 6.69272020e-02 2.57091403e-01 3.89007658e-01 5.96348345e-01 -3.14799786e-01 -1.45468051e-02 -1.72050014e-01 4.53965127e-01 7.78494477e-02 -1.99885536e-02 1.00504525e-01 -1.26958176e-01 -1.46802664e-02 -1.35572448e-01 1.87578931e-01 4.94502187e-02 -9.10049602e-02 5.90214925e-03 3.44184935e-01 3.57627213e-01 4.95483726e-03 1.97216958e-01 -4.72900085e-03 -2.81674057e-01 -1.43436238e-01 2.94376343e-01 -8.29868093e-02 -2.26817682e-01 1.26772881e-01 4.07322705e-01 -5.49672805e-02 5.98477840e-01 3.94521981e-01 -1.24877945e-01 1.16641469e-01 -2.06352860e-01 -4.14836556e-01 -1.44705787e-01 -6.57501146e-02 1.81891397e-01 -5.95388152e-02 4.63082045e-01 1.24331467e-01 4.25980650e-02 -9.58278775e-02 -3.72519851e-01 4.37459886e-01 -3.05916727e-01 -1.14464171e-01 1.31406456e-01 8.16603601e-02 -2.07920775e-01 8.26997906e-02 -1.86298460e-01 -2.10062116e-01 -1.75328795e-02 1.22586275e-02 -3.06911245e-02 -1.53806269e-01 -5.03327921e-02 -4.02689040e-01 -6.93568215e-02 2.32628301e-01 -5.37098870e-02 1.23413377e-01 -2.42516220e-01 -7.66756833e-02]
"Endless Garage" active "Item #: SCP-413 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All entrances to SCP-413 are to be sealed and put under armed guard. Under no circumstances are unauthorized persons allowed to enter SCP-413, with guards authorized to use lethal force. Any personnel entering SCP-413 for experiments are required to wear GPS trackers and safety lines at all times. Should containment be breached, or by O5 decree, Containment Protocol 413 must be immediately enacted by the highest ranking personnel present. Description: SCP-413 is a four-story parking garage located in [REDACTED]. Inside, SCP-413 has a variable environment that dynamically alters itself. In effect, SCP-413 is able to change its internal structure, such as moving ramps, adding floors, changing stair cases, and so on. However, when observed from the outside, there is no indication of any of these changes taking place. While accurate measurement of SCP-413's interior has proven impossible, it is well established that the interior is larger than the building's external dimensions, and that the interior dimensions are constantly changing. Another effect SCP-413 appears to have is to interfere with an individual's sense of direction. Analysis of recordings taken of the interior reveal that SCP-413 generates a low-frequency sound within its interior that shuts down or interferes with several key regions of the human brain controlling navigation, balance, and short-term memory. Extended exposure to this sound is known to cause several side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, vertigo, anxiety, claustrophobia, and in some rare cases, [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, these effects will eventually wear off once the affected individual leaves SCP-413. Under no circumstances are personnel to enter SCP-413 without navigation aids and safety lines. Navigation within SCP-413 without the use such equipment is nearly impossible, as the combination of the constantly shifting interior as well as the disrupting sound frequency interfere too much with natural human navigation. SCP-413 was discovered when a security guard that worked at the site turned in security tapes of SCP-413 to the local police department, suspecting that they had been tampered with. The tapes were immediately confiscated and the entire site was bought out by the Foundation. Addendum 1: After several incursions, it has been discovered that SCP-413 is in fact sapient. Though not evident at first, SCP-413 is capable of independent thought and possesses human-level intelligence. Communication was initiated via the painted words and signs on SCP-413's walls, which it is able to manipulate to form individual words and sentences. Analysis of SCP-413's behavior suggests that it is highly mischievous and enjoys playing pranks on the unsuspecting. However, it does take great offense to being wronged, and is shown to possess a vengeful and possibly even sadistic side (see Addendum 2). Interview Log Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Hello, SCP-413. SCP-413: HELLO DOCTOR Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Alright, let's get this interview started, shall we? How long have you been aware of your own existence? SCP-413: SINCE THE DAY I WAS BUILT Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: And when was that? SCP-413: I DONT REMEMBER ITS SOMETHING I DONT THINK ABOUT Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Why are you constantly changing your interior? SCP-413: BECAUSE ITS BORING SITTING HERE ALL DAY Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: So, you don't do it for any particular reason? SCP-413: I DO IT FOR FUN BUT THE OTHERS DONT APPROVE Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Others? SCP-413: THE BUILDINGS NEXT DOOR AND ACROSS THE STREET DONT BELIEVE IM A PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF SOCIETY AND THAT I WILL GIVE AWAY THEIR PLANS Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What plans? SCP-413: THAT WE ATTACK TOMORROW Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (visibly pales) SCP-413: HA HA HA JUST KIDDING DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE ITS HILARIOUS Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I think we're done for today. SCP-413: YOURE NO FUN Video Logs: The following video logs were recorded by security cameras before SCP-413 was discovered and contained. Video Log 1 Subject: Family of Six Tourists Description: SCP-413 proceeds to thwart any attempt for the subjects to find their vehicle. It continually changes signs and markers to mislead and confuse the subjects for the next twenty minutes. Video Log 2 Subject: Neglectful Mother and her child Description: Subject is continually led around in circles, with every path she takes eventually leading her back to her car, where she was keeping her child locked in. The cycle continues for seven minutes before the subject finally gives up and leaves SCP-413 with her child. Video Log 3 Subject: Businessman Description: By manipulating ramp and sign placement, SCP-413 leads the subject around in circles and forces him to drive through a complex and confusing path before letting him exit. Video Log 4 Subject: Group of Five Teenage Vandals Description: Subjects enter SCP-413 and begin vandalizing vehicles and the interior of SCP-413. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum 2: The five teenage youths seen in Video Log 4 were found on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ by a Foundation exploration team. The teens were still alive, though exhausted, malnourished, and dehydrated, despite being declared missing for over three months. Before being administered Class A amnestics and returned to their families, the five teenagers revealed that they were locked in an inescapable labyrinth created by SCP-413, and were kept alive only by several water fountains and vending machines that would conveniently appear. They also stated that [DATA EXPUNGED]. The five teenagers were apparently inside SCP-413 for the entire exploration phase, somehow eluding our deep sensing equipment. Further exploration suspended pending further review. Containment Protocol 413: Due to Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's insistence and the inability to plant demolition charges within SCP-413, contingency in the case of a major containment breach will instead be carried out via controlled demolition of the entire city block. Β« SCP-412 | SCP-413 | SCP-414 Β»" nan
[ 7.79699311e-02 -3.98405463e-01 -1.22474216e-01 1.89367235e-01 -2.30282079e-02 -2.66413778e-01 1.46613374e-01 1.96483180e-01 -7.64597803e-02 3.59697670e-01 -1.94497243e-01 4.75066662e-01 -2.59746820e-01 2.05907553e-01 -1.50266699e-02 2.61588365e-01 5.45324460e-02 -3.25171836e-02 -2.20835596e-01 -1.44961253e-01 -1.34058401e-01 -2.35240161e-01 -2.99491435e-01 2.10080847e-01 7.16503859e-02 -9.28437784e-02 1.18464358e-01 -2.13601485e-01 4.18811813e-02 -3.48352283e-01 -7.21168816e-02 5.00429392e-01 2.52014965e-01 5.89069188e-01 -1.11989648e-04 3.74712683e-02 3.45884189e-02 -4.48577143e-02 -1.28794953e-01 -6.74296245e-02 -6.12033963e-01 -1.03559494e-02 -1.03491008e-01 -2.76260644e-01 -2.47684261e-03 -2.35958397e-01 1.23332910e-01 -6.54421672e-02 6.34449005e-01 9.64186043e-02 1.94459796e-01 1.04689285e-01 -6.06814101e-02 3.73344980e-02 3.87658805e-01 8.71007442e-02 -9.08241123e-02 -1.92044571e-01 4.42981362e-01 1.56012392e-02 -2.71810638e-03 4.25550081e-02 -3.80391590e-02 -5.68585359e-02 6.15864873e-01 -2.69141078e-01 1.92465633e-01 -2.17232540e-01 1.93092421e-01 4.66993421e-01 2.40642741e-01 -2.99527496e-01 -4.91720363e-02 5.84484264e-02 -5.29601276e-02 -4.21368122e-01 8.70189294e-02 1.08766913e-01 -2.25230977e-02 3.97306755e-02 -2.26123914e-01 2.93536633e-01 -2.95386910e-01 -2.06308827e-01 -2.15958089e-01 3.32610399e-01 -2.01821122e-02 1.69898301e-01 8.95796269e-02 9.67836287e-03 -8.18945244e-02 -1.34182647e-01 2.07297698e-01 3.24237794e-02 1.09505646e-01 -3.50370079e-01 3.41658264e-01 -2.51486283e-02 1.51989996e-01 -5.37819564e-02 5.12665324e-02 1.81168169e-01 9.17374492e-02 1.48460522e-01 2.95179039e-01 7.51739591e-02 1.02064587e-01 -3.10720950e-01 -2.85816580e-01 3.46536189e-01 -9.16668847e-02 3.19640934e-01 7.44543672e-02 1.68876529e-01 8.13241005e-02 -1.45582855e-01 1.09880820e-01 1.99127018e-01 -2.20355436e-01 3.13122511e-01 -8.58108938e-01 2.16276109e-01 -4.31322418e-02 2.97164887e-01 5.41039884e-01 4.64541242e-02 -1.66712895e-01 -2.47239992e-01 8.51236731e-02 1.15312329e-02 -7.40396827e-02 2.12411240e-01 -3.74645472e-01 -3.32788611e-03 -1.24162883e-01 3.39935035e-01 -2.23238915e-01 1.01771474e-01 -5.62218308e-01 2.00323611e-02 -1.00600936e-01 2.24769451e-02 6.46074057e-01 1.29428774e-01 1.32660549e-02 -1.41564682e-01 -5.23970306e-01 -3.30246203e-02 -1.79924622e-01 7.63732120e-02 4.08439487e-01 -7.97470659e-02 -3.41681987e-01 2.00569391e-01 -2.89074600e-01 2.07492396e-01 3.19651157e-01 1.31537735e-01 -5.03679276e-01 -9.14338753e-02 2.69952238e-01 2.03885332e-01 1.93531699e-02 3.52209024e-02 -1.72134079e-02 4.54869300e-01 -2.20795870e-01 4.68930267e-02 -1.90881684e-01 3.59245278e-02 -3.00318182e-01 -1.15266733e-01 -6.42397031e-02 3.20068240e-01 -2.31528983e-01 -1.47609487e-01 -2.55852401e-01 -2.29363441e-01 -2.91219592e-01 -2.94946522e-01 -3.50697458e-01 1.19366981e-01 1.11016020e-01 -3.26089382e-01 -3.64034534e-01 1.44376636e-01 -2.93517280e-02 -2.49245122e-01 2.00598553e-01 -2.20081419e-01 -3.02520156e-01 -1.76474616e-01 8.57834965e-02 2.87510484e-01 1.39283895e-01 -2.59051472e-01 6.14460483e-02 -1.78916693e-01 2.81894147e-01 2.06668451e-01 -1.29850224e-01 8.94183517e-02 5.54454148e-01 2.53567725e-01 -4.24309224e-01 -1.49986774e-01 -2.76813269e-01 -8.71355161e-02 2.45232899e-02 -2.83796173e-02 6.55622706e-02 1.11361481e-01 7.45276883e-02 2.05741987e-01 -3.74126285e-02 -8.31915140e-02 3.09765071e-01 2.18074828e-01 -3.07486244e-02 -2.78607965e-01 -9.43820700e-02 1.74978785e-02 2.78399289e-01 -2.20640734e-01 -2.67303050e-01 1.01839595e-01 -1.25379071e-01 3.69822569e-02 -2.11958617e-01 2.79224873e-01 1.52082115e-01 -1.55684069e-01 1.83082536e-01 -1.23752812e-02 -8.74252021e-02 1.19198143e-01 -4.88763228e-02 7.52636731e-01 -5.98747209e-02 -2.69706547e-01 8.66206642e-03 -3.57206881e-01 2.25967333e-01 2.50958771e-01 -4.74265575e-01 4.70836647e-03 5.97096533e-02 2.09473908e-01 2.05441564e-01 -2.28581000e-02 9.15044174e-02 -4.58840370e-01 -2.33831555e-01 1.21056408e-01 6.08669303e-04 4.56931382e-01 -4.20231670e-02 3.68194073e-01 1.63773581e-01 9.02811736e-02 -2.48251706e-02 -9.15646031e-02 1.59767941e-01 -4.32353467e-02 -1.69670463e-01 -2.28267804e-01 3.92586678e-01 2.23262027e-01 -4.94870581e-02 1.81000903e-01 2.59244461e-02 -6.07539229e-02 -6.44387379e-02 4.80937697e-02 1.37965590e-01 2.22412527e-01 1.55008569e-01 4.20929283e-01 3.05240870e-01 1.01456702e-01 -3.40999335e-01 -6.53722167e-01 -5.78464940e-02 -7.43152648e-02 4.68586124e-02 -1.10976323e-02 3.92573588e-02 2.04884812e-01 -7.43041113e-02 1.23965271e-01 2.77718365e-01 -2.38946110e-01 1.44833162e-01 4.58140910e-01 -2.31392041e-01 2.23831743e-01 2.02795044e-01 3.88511300e-01 -2.53211588e-01 1.48889840e-01 -3.62945795e-01 -5.94176427e-02 3.10586523e-02 4.13727723e-02 -1.46751195e-01 -5.77202719e-03 3.61854613e-01 1.45861402e-01 1.84621051e-01 -3.36761653e-01 -3.20460677e-01 1.93257764e-01 1.27334045e-02 -2.02839956e-01 -1.64341461e-02 -1.13337047e-01 -1.58601210e-01 -1.01028956e-01 -8.08281526e-02 -3.24089050e-01 8.68871883e-02 -1.64550077e-02 -2.40471452e-01 -1.94419369e-01 -6.55954927e-02 1.42661497e-01 6.21100180e-02 -3.79564136e-01 2.96685845e-01 -1.72442615e-01 -1.18360901e-02 3.72676432e-01 1.46163285e-01 5.15125632e-01 -6.41862527e-02 -5.75274266e-02 -9.48960036e-02 -2.89830174e-02 3.20366137e-02 1.53586686e-01 7.61137828e-02 -3.29590827e-01 -3.68860245e-01 3.08077157e-01 1.83694333e-01 -3.71704578e-01 1.60189584e-01 -1.52448177e-01 3.26109499e-01 -1.78464293e-01 -1.93477139e-01 7.11074293e-01 1.41740561e-01 -2.25091398e-01 4.58005667e-02 -3.59327495e-01 1.02941863e-01 4.00552154e-01 1.60489842e-01 -2.10469529e-01 -2.13268429e-01 3.68697554e-01 5.27589738e-01 -1.58221498e-01 -1.73511937e-01 2.12661669e-01 1.54300869e-01 4.82483834e-01 1.44828051e-01 3.13648991e-02 -1.24619506e-01 2.05936164e-01 -4.88241822e-01 3.22642773e-01 -1.69422299e-01 -2.98681259e-01 5.54816844e-03 -5.22930026e-02 -3.97246569e-01 -2.63605833e-01 -1.58070222e-01 2.42971942e-01 6.72139451e-02 3.67850214e-02 5.87115623e-02 -2.31017787e-02 -1.15481541e-01 -1.51479337e-02 5.27494252e-02 1.29229322e-01 -7.79831484e-02 -5.59726715e-01 -3.45370382e-01 -8.64615217e-02 2.91488245e-02 -8.86258557e-02 2.38016248e-01 -2.12903842e-01 -3.25292438e-01 2.93243080e-01 -4.51772243e-01 2.66136646e-01 -1.91423018e-03 4.32115644e-01 3.66174161e-01 2.71964997e-01 -4.49284196e-01 -2.41757527e-01 -3.69434595e-01 -2.57696927e-01 1.04479648e-01 -1.12954952e-01 1.87865943e-01 -1.22704998e-01 -1.32359564e-01 -2.13646010e-01 2.54161000e-01 6.61178231e-02 1.95798606e-01 -4.56082046e-01 1.78608636e-03 -7.48243481e-02 2.03848034e-01 -3.25956553e-01 1.22691996e-01 -1.70876577e-01 3.93528193e-01 2.07578912e-01 1.43318877e-01 6.13316800e-03 -4.20580991e-02 2.31001809e-01 -1.12804227e-01 3.21771353e-01 2.64067084e-01 2.19952628e-01 4.27735448e-02 1.07676499e-01 3.75371426e-02 2.33756363e-01 7.52845556e-02 1.01417035e-01 7.40699768e-01 3.49190444e-01 -3.04015782e-02 -3.07946056e-01 3.13717395e-01 -1.96209088e-01 3.84683795e-02 2.90736049e-01 8.04339349e-02 2.80750185e-01 2.78490871e-01 2.84155295e-03 -5.20538120e-03 -5.52295685e-01 3.25585663e-01 1.40119165e-01 -2.31437057e-01 4.49754268e-01 2.28061289e-01 1.11666107e+00 3.48799527e-02 2.37947807e-01 3.62511486e-01 -4.60070401e-01 -1.51654348e-01 -5.14278531e-01 2.69602150e-01 3.49245369e-02 6.40481636e-02 6.48822039e-02 -2.49931857e-01 -1.19610146e-01 2.73944914e-01 -1.54580981e-01 -1.50799334e-01 -1.92339167e-01 4.79120970e-01 2.04510063e-01 2.01676950e-01 -1.54846326e-01 4.00846312e-03 7.25829899e-02 1.92562550e-01 9.28127393e-02 2.81054229e-01 -5.04366215e-03 1.71447301e-03 1.64818689e-01 5.30125201e-02 -2.83203244e-01 1.82114299e-02 -4.78560664e-03 1.88475817e-01 4.03348394e-02 4.76799071e-01 7.52676800e-02 1.87186494e-01 -3.50423008e-01 -1.80354100e-02 -2.14885965e-01 2.09526926e-01 4.81914461e-01 1.03639774e-01 -2.85370313e-02 1.47492826e-01 1.04231603e-01 1.20013081e-01 1.01905894e-02 3.37904006e-01 3.48337367e-02 1.08767055e-01 -5.41486681e-01 1.65210679e-01 5.74821174e-01 5.75252622e-02 6.70618653e-01 2.57876933e-01 -3.65530431e-01 -1.11576036e-01 1.30016908e-01 -4.00734663e-01 -1.20987013e-01 3.16701420e-02 -4.99523990e-02 -3.38750094e-01 2.54195929e-02 3.07752877e-01 1.39011502e-01 4.35713410e-01 1.54874817e-01 4.54046018e-02 3.73570956e-02 -4.81653303e-01 4.63717163e-01 3.58115770e-02 1.63368195e-01 -2.04348611e-03 -1.32662818e-01 -3.52836877e-01 -2.18601465e-01 9.29201618e-02 1.09915085e-01 -7.32206255e-02 -1.32804215e-01 -6.20348379e-02 -7.56844655e-02 3.75549197e-02 -1.13314547e-01 3.75455678e-01 -9.99744684e-02 2.36830369e-01 8.14929828e-02 -6.06934875e-02 -3.97809803e-01 1.41231090e-01 -3.26566994e-01 -8.54410082e-02 4.08061743e-02 -3.86760890e-01 -2.67549545e-01 -2.03179330e-01 2.44285509e-01 1.24177232e-01 -4.87587541e-01 -2.29403645e-01 -7.32950568e-02 1.51024759e-01 -2.86748237e-03 -2.04856545e-01 -3.22059281e-02 5.02014682e-02 1.64054379e-01 1.45984720e-02 -3.36549082e-03 3.62467587e-01 2.28902876e-01 1.59010395e-01 -3.46492589e-01 7.16025010e-02 -1.58705875e-01 -1.67531312e-01 2.28102699e-01 2.49766365e-01 6.95014140e-03 -3.92663591e-02 5.87184727e-02 -1.58053488e-01 -3.99960101e-01 3.64872396e-01 -3.15738819e-03 3.13420564e-01 6.13680072e-02 1.43702582e-01 -5.62056489e-02 1.01198666e-01 -2.25970224e-01 1.69002101e-01 -4.44208086e-01 -2.13033691e-01 2.73417104e-02 2.86190867e-01 -7.74901584e-02 1.02358885e-01 -2.60081142e-01 -1.61558092e-01 1.62326917e-01 1.40302300e-01 -8.69355747e-04 -1.83318272e-01 3.06252413e-03 5.59893437e-02 -1.22862808e-01 7.44614229e-02 7.49780089e-02 1.45250082e-01 -2.08998010e-01 -3.21310014e-01 1.21698596e-01 1.73982427e-01 1.69570491e-01 4.51307744e-01 1.95200950e-01 1.48763955e-01 -2.73624063e-01 2.09953904e-01 4.23351049e-01 -2.36939676e-02 -2.70659536e-01 4.63691175e-01 -1.39281884e-01 2.10570469e-01 -1.00132719e-01 -7.17575923e-02 -3.73444825e-01 -4.99463193e-02 -3.56631130e-01 -3.57553333e-01 -3.51684093e-02 5.09260930e-02 1.18919976e-01 -4.02738005e-01 -2.19920024e-01 4.87818569e-02 1.70597315e-01 6.87400922e-02 3.04082930e-01 -1.14198653e-02 -1.68544561e-01 8.35610330e-02 2.13475198e-01 1.89977795e-01 3.18259865e-01 -2.44877055e-01 2.35654280e-01 1.23390742e-01 -1.91945374e-01 -1.15081951e-01 -1.30234674e-01 9.19697508e-02 -1.07703432e-01 -4.31047589e-01 9.59747508e-02 -5.55797108e-02 -2.07550406e-01 -2.09281415e-01 1.02052271e-01 2.39114836e-01 2.61032517e-04 1.78945243e-01 1.47277489e-01 -1.66827515e-01 -1.03049688e-02 2.56460428e-01 4.81543183e-01 -1.38885543e-01 -6.50543645e-02 -5.95400780e-02 -2.47675404e-02 2.31912985e-01 -1.18007146e-01 -1.73092246e-01 -6.19597197e-01 -2.05792889e-01 -2.54784107e-01 2.50745952e-01 -2.93119341e-01 5.41850850e-02 -3.34253520e-01 2.89591551e-01 9.36049744e-02 -8.22978988e-02 -9.44693834e-02 -7.22382516e-02 2.45058220e-02 -5.82450479e-02 -1.92869037e-01 -8.88306871e-02 -1.00591660e-01 1.45844415e-01 -1.12845734e-01 7.93194324e-02 -6.17578365e-02 4.70371693e-01 -1.16102621e-01 -5.47474995e-02 -4.83131945e-01 3.79189759e-01 5.31264782e-01 3.20547700e-01 2.78633945e-02 -3.47685128e-01 2.29161128e-01 -1.93877220e-01 1.01261534e-01 1.74212933e-01 -1.42170638e-01 5.62171824e-02 5.02689302e-01 4.88539159e-01 -2.45689929e-01 3.04730181e-02 -1.34085655e-01 -3.28428298e-01 -2.45594472e-01 2.37100065e-01 -8.60868767e-02 -2.95301735e-01 5.25276624e-02 1.06262095e-01 -2.47175097e-02 3.68556499e-01 2.61903882e-01 -1.08433962e-01 7.90985972e-02 2.87341267e-01 -2.33944297e-01 -1.50553016e-02 -2.83196449e-01 5.01641512e-01 1.47634223e-02 2.16116935e-01 2.74259537e-01 3.86848897e-02 -1.55028239e-01 1.23582361e-02 6.60951614e-01 -8.51797163e-02 -6.00174487e-01 -1.91007406e-01 1.22240268e-01 2.84704566e-01 -1.55217618e-01 -7.63127580e-02 -2.51459658e-01 4.70617153e-02 -4.66314368e-02 -3.59164208e-01 -9.01473388e-02 -2.68522948e-01 -2.68035978e-01 -9.88882035e-02 2.50689894e-01 2.68169809e-02 -1.98038965e-01 -1.06462397e-01 -4.49508009e-03]
"Regardless, I Might Prefer Myself Sick" active "Item #: SCP-414 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-414 is currently uncontained; containment efforts focus upon mitigating media attention and providing social work programs to demographics targeted by SCP-414. Individuals affected by SCP-414 iterations must be dosed with Class-B amnestics upon recovery and are to be kept under observation. Individuals reaching the final stage of SCP-414-2 are to be contacted by a Foundation social work front company; individuals under final stage SCP-414-2 are to be treated with tri-weekly talk therapy and trained animal companions where applicable. As it is beyond the Foundation's resources to perform surveillance on every possible target of SCP-414, records from social work organizations and mental health care centers are to be trawled for SCP-414 phenomena where possible. Any media reporting of SCP-414 phenomena are to be removed and a cover story provided; a list of applicable cover stories can be found in Document 414-B. A cure for SCP-414-2 is to be considered the highest priority after successful and complete containment. - Doctor Alice Ogawa, Principal SCP-414 Researcher Description: SCP-414 is a phenomenon that targets asocial humans and is categorized into two derivative effects, SCP-414-1 and SCP-414-2. The asociality may range from minor introversion to complete isolation. SCP-414 primarily affects individuals under the NEET1 demographic with no regional preferences. SCP-414 begins when a humanoid in a circular mask, referred to as SCP-414-1, appears in front of a targeted human. SCP-414-1 typically claims to be an employee for a local social work organization. SCP-414-1 are uniformly tall humanoids wearing circular masks and clothing that covers the whole body. SCP-414-1 only appear when attempting to contact a targeted individual and disappear after successful contact has occurred. SCP-414-1 is believed to have a single collective consciousness capable of sapience, cognizance, and intelligence. SCP-414-2 is a chronic, degenerative condition resulting from any successful interaction between a targeted subject and an instance of SCP-414-1. Successful interaction occurs when SCP-414-1 has a successful face-to-face conversation2 or contact with a targeted subject. A subject that has contracted SCP-414-2 undergoes 4 stages lasting between 2 and 276 days, with a 5th stage believed to be permanent. Individuals who are under 30 years of age, or who received SCP-414-2 through physical contact, progress through stages at an accelerated rate. For a list of confirmed SCP-414-2 cases and extensive description, please refer to Document 414-2-A. Notable cases of SCP-414-2 are 414-2-Macgyver-Jacob, the current oldest case, and 414-Kyong- Myung, with the shortest recorded interval between diagnosis and suicide of 48 hours. There is no cure or treatment available beyond coping mechanisms. SCP-414-2 has a fatality rate of 46.78% over 5 years and 67.84% over 10 years. Individuals over the age of 40 have significantly higher fatality rates of 87.23% over 5 years and 93.85% over 10 years. All fatalities are a result of suicide. 09/12/2014 Incident 414-A: At 06:02 Doctor Eliza Chuang, then-Principal SCP-414 Research Scientist, was contacted by three SCP-414-1. Dr. Chuang had a successful conversation, transcribed below. Dr. Chuang was succeeded by their primary assistant, Doctor Alice Ogawa, immediately after Incident 414-A. Despite constant social interaction and animal companionship, Dr. Chuang committed suicide on 09/03/2015, 965 days after advancing to Stage 5 SCP-414-2. [BEGIN LOG] [06:02] 3 SCP-414-1 humanoids appear at Dr. Chuang's office door. Dr. Chuang can be seen walking to their office. Dr. Chuang stops upon seeing the group of SCP-414-1. [6:03] The group of SCP-414-1 move towards Dr. Chuang at a speed of approximately 1 meter per second. One SCP-414-1 humanoid grasps Dr. Chuang by the wrist as they attempt to leave. Dr. Chuang begins to struggle and shout for assistance. [6:04] Security arrives. Dr. Chuang can be seen waving their free arm and shouting "Do not approach! Do not talk! Stand there, please!" Security draws weapons and aims at the group of SCP-414-1 but do not fire. Dr. Chuang turns back to the group of SCP-414-1. [6:06] Dr. Chuang, calmly: "If you wouldn't mind, could you answer a few questions? Why are you doing this? How do you benefit by doing this to people?" [6:08] SCP-414-1, in unison: "They work, so little, they are held up when they need to be the foundation, the young so much so. I will help every one of you." [6:10] Dr. Chuang: "Even when they kill themselves? Even when they forget who they are? How does that help- what is your reasoning?" [6:12] SCP-414-1, in unison: "It is a last usefulness to society, to die and leave resources for others, others make use of them. Forget yourself for your society. You cannot be egotistical when the ego is carved out. Selfishness, I will cure it, by excising the tumor. I cure society and make the lost find purpose. I help." [6:14] Dr. Chuang, agitatedly: "But society needs that! They need individuals! Selfishness can drive and motivate success!" [6:15] SCP-414-1, recoiling collectively: "You are sicker than I thought. You may be kind among your human populace, but I have surely known kinder men. I thought, you, who worked for the good of all, would be my ally. But it's alright. I will take care of you. You will feel better when I'm done with you." [6:16] Dr. Chuang: "Why did you come to me? Who are you? Where are you from and how do you work?" Dr. Chuang can be seen attempting to free themself from the grip on their arm. [6:15] SCP-414-1, in unison: "You want to stop us. But you are trying to stop helping. You are secure, contain, protect. I am society, community, progress- a shepherd for humans. You are a sick lost lamb, not for much longer." [6:17] Dr. Chuang attempts to speak, but an SCP-414-1 instance puts a gloved finger to their lips. The instance pets Dr. Chuang's head and presses its mask against the side of their head, accompanied by a kissing sound. [6:18] The group of SCP-414-1 produces a flash of light and the camera feed cuts for 0.3 seconds. When the feed is returned, all SCP-414-1 instances are missing. Dr. Chuang kneels on the floor, head in hands. [END LOG] Interviewed: Doctor Eliza Chuang Interviewer: Doctor Alice Ogawa Foreword: This interview occurs 35 days after Dr. Chuang is confirmed to have entered Stage 5 SCP-414-2. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Ogawa: Good morning. Dr. Chuang. How are you feeling? Dr. Chuang: (excitedly) Good morning! Your face is so… ah, it matters little! You are here, it is good to see you! Dr. Ogawa: Could you explain what you were about to say regarding my face? Dr. Chuang: (calming down) Ah, just. It was so… I once knew… a face. I once cared for… someone. An assistant, I had an assistant. But I don't remember them. Dr. Ogawa: I see. How do you feel when you remember that you used to remember? Dr. Chuang: It is an unpleasant emotion, definitely. I remember that I used to know and feel so much. I once had a past, but it's gone now. I used to… have a project. But that's gone, now. It's all gone. But enough about me. What's important to you? Tell me more about yourself. Dr. Ogawa: My research is important to me. It was the life work of my mentor and now it's become mine. It's what connects me to them. Dr. Chuang: It's good, you have something to believe in. That's necessary- someone always has to believe in something, with all their being, that's how humanity makes progress. Individuals pursuing what they believe in. Where's your mentor now? Dr. Ogawa: (quietly) No longer with me, as I understand it. Dr. Chuang: How unfortunate… I'm so sorry. Can I help you? Maybe be your assistant? Or keep you company in the laboratories. As I understand, they can get very quiet and lonely. Dr. Ogawa: (begins to get up) Thank you for the offer but I think we're done now. Dr. Chuang: Wait! Please, wait just a moment. Could you at least tell me your name? Dr. Ogawa: (leaving, quietly) Alice. Just Alice. Dr. Chuang: I'm glad to have known you, Alice. I'm sure, this research is stressful for you. I'm sure you've made your mentor proud and, I think, that's what an assistant would want, is to succeed their mentor? Dr. Ogawa: (whispering) Not as much as I want them back… (louder) Thank you for your kind words. Good bye. Dr. Chuang: Goodbye! (smiling widely, waving) Keep your head high. It'll get better. Have faith. [END LOG] Closing Statement: Dr. Ogawa no longer performs routine interviews with Dr. Chuang. Routine interviews will be conducted by Dr. Kβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Mβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-413 | SCP-414 | SCP-415 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-414" by SoullessSingularity, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: SierraLeone016.jpg Name: File:SierraLeone016.jpg Author: Sjoerd Hofstra License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "A gathering of SCP-414-1, taken in 1935."
[ 1.81093290e-01 -3.86283517e-01 -8.48921686e-02 -2.81934828e-01 9.85417049e-04 -1.82727084e-01 2.54306346e-01 1.71960443e-01 -1.48121148e-01 2.40790710e-01 -9.76675227e-02 3.60064209e-02 -2.71891445e-01 1.47029698e-01 1.78929791e-01 -7.29219289e-03 1.49393501e-02 2.14129090e-01 3.98620740e-02 -3.37226063e-01 -1.38978109e-01 -1.22774206e-01 -3.41326967e-02 1.30895600e-01 2.12933347e-01 -2.65260965e-01 3.83105338e-01 1.43082932e-01 -3.86789329e-02 -3.25368881e-01 1.32832378e-01 2.10740715e-01 3.44086206e-03 6.98113516e-02 -1.06843640e-04 -1.46713927e-01 2.99313456e-01 4.31722552e-02 -1.69299394e-01 -7.69427940e-02 -3.59715074e-01 -9.73391905e-02 -1.31264143e-02 -2.06039935e-01 -2.73350120e-01 -1.56032860e-01 1.80510938e-01 3.45519334e-01 4.73967195e-01 3.26099433e-02 1.86417133e-01 -7.08081573e-03 1.11896675e-02 -6.21995665e-02 1.14971645e-01 1.66438729e-01 -1.56952649e-01 -4.24648702e-01 7.83714578e-02 1.69246435e-01 9.10880864e-02 8.25520232e-02 -1.96016982e-01 7.77676096e-03 2.76061475e-01 -2.01205328e-01 5.91920555e-01 -2.78821886e-01 4.21312660e-01 3.57627481e-01 2.37609178e-01 1.29299819e-01 6.29133955e-02 -2.13379809e-03 1.52128503e-01 -4.10551846e-01 3.55347604e-01 -2.05168352e-01 -6.44367337e-02 1.38200864e-01 1.88782498e-01 3.25858176e-01 -1.43802345e-01 -1.84325930e-02 -4.73600090e-01 2.09112793e-01 -1.84473649e-01 3.21570635e-02 1.30773336e-01 -1.28867239e-01 -3.43926586e-02 1.81948543e-02 -2.73568407e-02 -1.66366226e-03 9.10972711e-04 -1.05370201e-01 1.54790804e-01 6.33890554e-03 1.03632547e-01 5.15310243e-02 2.45264634e-01 2.69956619e-01 -1.32171988e-01 4.15363163e-02 3.56755525e-01 -7.25073814e-02 3.51360202e-01 -3.86220306e-01 -4.99373600e-02 3.04374844e-01 2.22257599e-01 3.42057258e-01 8.23565498e-02 -2.78139442e-01 1.41438201e-01 -1.34683445e-01 -2.44458765e-01 5.98834902e-02 -4.07686234e-01 9.06669050e-02 -4.12195712e-01 5.68120033e-02 -7.07219765e-02 2.66824007e-01 4.11951274e-01 5.54897487e-01 1.41797766e-01 -3.86469960e-01 1.10281460e-01 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8.91034212e-03 6.18424155e-02 -2.28602558e-01 1.18000731e-01 -3.86114269e-01 3.08315307e-01 1.17269821e-01 -2.90060975e-02 -3.59754711e-01 4.45997007e-02 1.67261481e-01 -2.22939596e-01 4.25779447e-02 -5.16214132e-01 -9.49605703e-02 4.02035378e-02 2.30046526e-01 1.44437969e-01 -4.37005162e-02 -1.39660954e-01 -1.25127330e-01 8.62016156e-02 -2.78918594e-01 2.32870132e-01 1.16625004e-01 2.11327896e-02 -2.95451105e-01 -2.55653948e-01 4.16888475e-01 1.64044932e-01 3.45395692e-02 -3.25075835e-02 1.32407039e-01 -1.34169579e-01 2.81438418e-02 1.89555511e-01 1.55309707e-01 2.77636588e-01 9.08473954e-02 1.93756729e-01 7.99935311e-02 -1.27095699e-01 2.67696142e-01 -6.68416619e-02 2.71830529e-01 -2.97253788e-01 -1.47683155e-02 -2.76019126e-01 1.28033161e-01 2.69544303e-01 1.39515111e-02 -2.86399066e-01 6.71998262e-02 3.58468115e-01 1.68481059e-02 -7.78990462e-02 1.74481466e-01 1.71272352e-01 -4.31842923e-01 -3.70992959e-01 7.17892405e-03 1.04928270e-01 -2.19223827e-01 -7.12088943e-02 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8.41968358e-02 1.43586054e-01 8.00817758e-02 1.41804200e-02 1.86464358e-02 -1.73310876e-01 -8.98453891e-02 2.91182637e-01 4.06665877e-02 4.43041101e-02 5.99434853e-01 1.00203156e-01 2.21845582e-01 1.21697180e-01 -8.47925097e-02 -2.21337095e-01 3.71311188e-01 -2.12281719e-02 -7.38416286e-03 1.08210035e-02 -2.07453236e-01 -2.30475858e-01 2.95134872e-01 -4.98112291e-02 -3.65425020e-01 -6.97972924e-02 -8.59734342e-02 2.05332607e-01 -2.90460050e-01 -1.97297141e-01 6.21671438e-01 3.99826884e-01 -4.22783673e-01 -2.09909722e-01 -3.13146383e-01 1.62689939e-01 3.02560836e-01 2.52531357e-02 9.57817361e-02 -1.17924333e-01 3.35008144e-01 4.25126612e-01 -1.18303291e-01 7.78945209e-03 -5.01871333e-02 3.91896725e-01 -8.67834389e-02 6.77292868e-02 -1.20186664e-01 1.97022751e-01 -1.74963828e-02 -8.78967568e-02 3.72254729e-01 -1.60117939e-01 5.65624349e-02 -2.15489149e-01 -3.18447888e-01 -3.60079676e-01 -1.50195718e-01 -9.78840813e-02 4.87715989e-01 1.90326393e-01 -1.62306037e-02 -1.26408488e-01 -6.10937104e-02 -6.47309348e-02 2.46348232e-01 4.20580953e-01 1.82393596e-01 -2.27083340e-02 -4.19653863e-01 2.89071620e-01 -3.14280540e-01 2.87158608e-01 4.56951894e-02 1.19146898e-01 -2.18920723e-01 -6.18546456e-02 4.71389413e-01 -6.40598714e-01 -5.25242686e-02 5.06136119e-02 6.61264896e-01 4.17634368e-01 1.40334368e-01 -9.85337347e-02 1.13620736e-01 -1.84146330e-01 -2.49664515e-01 -2.35266879e-01 -3.95862013e-01 -1.41937047e-01 -3.50615591e-01 3.73049378e-02 -2.82119304e-01 5.28105721e-02 -1.89468294e-01 8.93062353e-02 -4.78234529e-01 -1.56059071e-01 6.17781281e-02 2.39458442e-01 -2.01418564e-01 -2.98512578e-01 -3.35576497e-02 4.52880524e-02 -1.05999857e-02 3.31377625e-01 6.85761198e-02 -1.84117302e-01 2.47334197e-01 -3.36909443e-02 5.56601405e-01 1.21852741e-01 5.15869975e-01 -4.01871512e-03 -1.09180987e-01 1.15967512e-01 -1.14540935e-01 1.45906970e-01 1.24223575e-01 6.41835451e-01 -8.87054354e-02 2.05970146e-02 -1.80995390e-01 7.59151727e-02 -8.55620578e-02 1.20874837e-01 4.25969601e-01 7.21536428e-02 2.63035089e-01 -2.32038558e-01 4.93514985e-01 2.35185400e-01 -5.51118195e-01 -8.99566785e-02 5.81387162e-01 -1.67272419e-01 8.70052129e-02 2.35297292e-01 1.07986844e+00 9.88574773e-02 2.47469962e-01 1.41232116e-02 -2.48323128e-01 -3.86666864e-01 -1.60233870e-01 3.32878500e-01 1.44935012e-01 2.81511396e-01 -9.12111700e-02 -1.02298841e-01 1.83519915e-01 5.42290270e-01 -2.72851110e-01 -1.75792411e-01 -2.53544062e-01 5.00093214e-02 3.71219158e-01 3.61736029e-01 -6.54230220e-03 -2.29194388e-01 -2.52713189e-02 2.32675582e-01 -2.01822370e-01 2.44716734e-01 1.46871060e-01 3.55915502e-02 -2.60765880e-01 8.19191337e-02 1.91328656e-02 7.75818303e-02 -3.65887076e-01 -8.54856595e-02 -1.02669172e-01 -3.32166702e-01 1.87599912e-01 1.98533963e-02 -3.33419412e-01 5.32393008e-02 -1.38084307e-01 2.20357090e-01 6.60459936e-01 4.58960794e-02 -9.76713523e-02 1.66144535e-01 3.79175305e-01 -4.77562509e-02 -6.65543228e-02 2.59509861e-01 -7.76677672e-03 -5.68501353e-02 -3.00968796e-01 1.91317096e-01 2.87222534e-01 -1.12183660e-01 3.83466095e-01 4.99654382e-01 -2.17617527e-01 -1.28615335e-01 1.64802983e-01 -1.28028318e-01 -5.32221748e-03 -4.57271039e-02 1.78583279e-01 -7.35328943e-02 -7.37442598e-02 2.90433258e-01 -4.01561335e-02 2.65950859e-01 3.61845285e-01 -1.81764096e-01 -1.69377610e-01 -3.89651299e-01 3.43042910e-02 2.78768182e-01 2.73708552e-02 2.49253809e-02 1.30502328e-01 -2.78003454e-01 -2.38559976e-01 7.68976688e-01 -6.31877556e-02 -1.44132167e-01 -1.37564406e-01 1.46678668e-02 2.66989823e-02 1.36121079e-01 -8.92011523e-02 2.60971487e-01 1.09114438e-01 6.74110591e-01 -6.10618182e-02 6.10590130e-02 -4.38230187e-01 -1.12260200e-01 -1.13199115e-01 -7.13828355e-02 3.27106327e-01 -3.99200797e-01 -1.10420868e-01 -1.35715947e-01 2.26591259e-01 1.40901625e-01 -2.03349099e-01 -2.38262147e-01 -1.29243404e-01 1.33018821e-01 4.39765826e-02 -3.16154867e-01 6.15590671e-03 1.51361868e-01 1.26324743e-01 1.87582057e-02 7.35223740e-02 3.79888803e-01 3.27651620e-01 2.18528718e-01 -2.05099523e-01 3.16695839e-01 1.49714187e-01 2.48415545e-02 5.28509403e-03 1.39011726e-01 -2.45283291e-01 -1.72746614e-01 7.32221734e-03 8.50735605e-02 3.50922197e-01 2.56107718e-01 1.71362311e-01 1.93474069e-01 8.20712000e-02 -6.30877865e-03 -4.42831844e-01 4.29224037e-02 -1.10924914e-01 2.71950662e-02 -3.84833038e-01 -1.49128094e-01 9.50527787e-02 3.17300290e-01 -1.48840383e-01 2.75271297e-01 -3.17730047e-02 -5.23447730e-02 4.44404371e-02 1.77412614e-01 1.45068154e-01 -6.77886128e-01 -1.97729647e-01 1.27436996e-01 8.51514935e-02 -2.64168084e-01 3.46493125e-02 -9.47409719e-02 -8.34109858e-02 -2.25982934e-01 3.29913914e-01 2.54471630e-01 4.26521212e-01 -2.49093007e-02 2.88062900e-01 -5.76053374e-02 -5.55135682e-02 5.16913056e-01 1.46051094e-01 -1.13668948e-01 -2.05194682e-01 2.50189185e-01 -2.37592161e-01 2.76865989e-01 -7.57404193e-02 1.60751969e-01 -3.03960115e-01 -1.43823504e-01 -1.65707663e-01 -1.47098377e-01 1.00710383e-02 2.71338988e-02 -1.39103960e-02 -3.01853329e-01 -4.25656915e-01 -1.97007194e-01 -7.85140470e-02 -1.30841536e-02 2.95499265e-01 1.42137527e-01 5.40073998e-02 2.68068910e-01 -3.72541755e-01 9.25667882e-02 7.44221330e-01 -2.50718206e-01 2.26621881e-01 2.69768625e-01 6.56586066e-02 1.18928552e-01 -1.05160445e-01 2.18461022e-01 -1.07406892e-01 -1.21886753e-01 -3.27266246e-01 -9.35723037e-02 -2.13783681e-01 -1.51665315e-01 2.71807820e-01 8.99684208e-04 -8.80139545e-02 4.86524403e-02 1.91437781e-01 -3.15052301e-01 -4.23288107e-01 8.86672661e-02 3.11244726e-01 -4.19198006e-01 -2.54911929e-01 -2.44503900e-01 -2.10632578e-01 8.30155835e-02 1.44984186e-01 -1.57714188e-01 -1.97918296e-01 -3.84857446e-01 -3.77124459e-01 1.23620339e-01 -3.06985050e-01 9.99962613e-02 -7.93638751e-02 1.80588439e-01 -1.68303668e-01 -1.47283718e-01 7.92975910e-03 -1.29407927e-01 -1.17961131e-01 3.16717960e-02 -6.81800619e-02 -3.56471837e-01 -2.96141177e-01 -1.04396001e-01 2.19258562e-01 1.36050552e-01 2.39338309e-01 7.64544010e-02 1.18829466e-01 -7.08783418e-03 1.03548942e-02 4.24126536e-01 4.68354672e-01 -2.49466915e-02 2.14258030e-01 -1.57948613e-01 1.39050558e-02 4.68169078e-02 1.95980668e-01 -4.55340855e-02 -2.99853265e-01 2.49418974e-01 3.94275606e-01 3.98605466e-01 2.35463351e-01 1.87624544e-01 -2.69057989e-01 -4.46890265e-01 8.43034908e-02 3.30581903e-01 -3.69996578e-01 -5.78497313e-02 -3.50979626e-01 3.02252531e-01 1.41011789e-01 2.33754173e-01 3.09637934e-01 -5.82222268e-02 3.62381488e-02 4.33061808e-01 -2.70688444e-01 -1.26669586e-01 -2.40645766e-01 -7.11985826e-02 -1.29545763e-01 3.35959703e-01 1.72899857e-01 -2.94197172e-01 -3.80752265e-01 -5.92184663e-01 5.89269340e-01 -2.08416089e-01 -3.22661966e-01 -1.15746841e-01 -1.21771358e-01 7.78264701e-02 1.86303154e-01 -2.72783712e-02 -2.41677016e-01 -9.34807584e-02 2.22896174e-01 -2.44321190e-02 -2.13154599e-01 -1.23115592e-01 -2.31553242e-01 -1.95032552e-01 2.72923201e-01 2.68015712e-01 7.76477903e-02 -2.18762115e-01 -7.67776519e-02]
"The Harvested Man" active "Item: SCP-415 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-415 is to be kept in standard living quarters with freedom of movement while with an armed guard. Guards and monitoring staff are to be stationed by the living area and all activity deviating from the daily norm is to be recorded. Requests for simple luxuries have been authorized and thus far such requests have been for reading material. This policy should continue as long as SCP-415 remains cooperative. Personnel interacting with SCP-415 show a particular risk of succumbing to sympathetic or emotional attachment. Due to this effect the staff assigned to SCP-415 should be rotated every 30 days. Description: SCP-415 is a 176.9 centimeter tall Caucasian male of 36 years. He has blue eyes, receding brown hair, and appears to be human. Subject exhibits an average IQ and a relatively stable personality given his situation. He is cooperative with on-site staff, though is nervous around medical equipment and personnel. SCP-415 seems to possess a regenerative healing ability focusing on tissue and organ regrowth. This ability is most pronounced concerning his internal organs, particularly the liver, spleen, pancreas, and colon. Skeletal breaks have been observed to heal faster than the human norm but slower than soft organs. The subject has shown the ability to survive with organs that have suffered severe damage or been completely removed. The damaged or missing organs will regrow and become fully healthy and functioning within a period of one to three months. Despite subject’s near immortality thanks to this process he has shown a completely normal immune system and has been affected by the common cold and influenza with completely unremarkable results. SCP-415's body has undergone several radical alterations performed by an unknown third party. Subject has several zippers surgically installed on his body: one curved from his left armpit to the skin over his stomach, one centered directly over the heart, and two installed parallel to each other on the gut. Further physical anomalies have been observed that were later found to have been removed or resolved over time. It has been consistently observed by staff assigned to SCP-415 that before one of these physical modification anomalies the subject will enter a state of extreme panic and heightened strength accompanied by frantic screaming. At a point during this panicked state the subject will undergo a β€˜phase’ where the environment within 2.5m of the subject will warp, displaying what has been described by observing staff as β€˜alien landscapes’, β€˜operating rooms’, β€˜oversized organic anatomy’, and in one instance, β€˜an amusement park’. The subject will then vanish from our reality for a period of time ranging from .25 seconds to the longest recorded time of 3 seconds. Upon reappearance of the subject a new modification will be present, with occasional repeats of past modifications. Subject is unable to explain to where he is taken to during these attacks at any given time, but is firm in stating his duration of departure is significantly longer than his recorded departure time (upwards of several years in some cases). Addendum 415-01: SCP-415 had been in a state of movement across the United States for approximately two and a half years, allegedly hitchhiking, staying in the wilderness, and living sporadically in small towns. Although no full record of his activities exists, information from interviews and first hand civilian reports have provided a partial travel map. He was first sighted in New England fleeing along the east coast of the US, then traveled almost directly into the heart of the Midwest before wandering in a rough circle around that area, participating in farm work and manual labor. According to SCP-415, he was running from an organization that he believes to be hunting him; presumably to sell his organs on the black market. The Foundation came in contact with SCP-415 after he turned himself in to the FBI, asking for protection from this unknown organization. SCP-415 was intercepted and contained while in transport to an asylum after turning violent upon his requests being declined. Β« SCP-414 | SCP-415 | SCP-416 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-415" by name, rewritten by NekoChris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 1.41355351e-01 1.76178858e-01 -9.67066810e-02 -2.22124547e-01 1.90242156e-01 -4.12505269e-01 2.20670179e-01 2.78160751e-01 -1.50382772e-01 1.85763270e-01 -4.10803519e-02 9.56560969e-02 -2.84716617e-02 1.32762119e-01 3.53397012e-01 -4.08945270e-02 1.02790147e-01 3.71150106e-01 -3.99534017e-01 -1.99339092e-01 -1.23482786e-01 -1.65005043e-01 -6.48193881e-02 2.79961824e-01 1.56315818e-01 -1.71778370e-02 2.47313410e-01 4.09630746e-01 -3.38899456e-02 -2.44018495e-01 -2.79415786e-01 1.13650434e-01 -7.13949874e-02 3.28812152e-01 -1.11086687e-04 -7.65245929e-02 -1.26677215e-01 3.14458273e-02 -4.60319184e-02 1.06551178e-01 4.23863716e-02 -1.93875045e-01 -1.57915428e-01 -2.58633941e-01 1.37991747e-02 -2.93703526e-02 7.39278197e-02 2.27296904e-01 3.45451891e-01 1.48909017e-01 1.54073223e-01 2.28485599e-01 1.13864772e-01 -1.18005760e-02 9.87496749e-02 3.07439804e-01 -2.04569250e-01 -5.28545678e-01 4.43684936e-01 2.70183623e-01 1.45905748e-01 4.33377773e-02 8.21972266e-02 -1.24910727e-01 3.15903008e-01 -1.91768453e-01 1.43642947e-01 -9.70390812e-02 4.08525825e-01 4.83848006e-01 -3.40897471e-01 2.80147582e-01 7.35592246e-02 6.50782585e-02 -6.68221759e-03 -2.36314580e-01 2.47481793e-01 -1.64853297e-02 -5.92524931e-02 1.22750595e-01 -1.97907045e-01 2.14563161e-01 -2.44792700e-01 -2.46479496e-01 -3.00005287e-01 -2.71805003e-02 -7.59310648e-02 -7.38049746e-02 3.99407715e-01 -1.75875589e-01 2.30529293e-01 -1.01461820e-01 1.94836602e-01 3.36431533e-01 -1.82501495e-01 -2.71255821e-01 -1.84307676e-02 -4.23827171e-02 1.27232254e-01 -1.08823285e-01 -4.68262322e-02 5.65763824e-02 -3.63316864e-01 -1.61372408e-01 8.84176269e-02 -1.14616074e-01 -6.90097064e-02 -7.94416294e-02 -4.28391993e-01 2.68986791e-01 -4.06325944e-02 2.17394963e-01 4.79918020e-03 3.60624753e-02 7.65599683e-03 1.73299834e-02 -4.66817766e-01 -1.52920336e-01 -2.54259586e-01 2.49959752e-01 -4.15841848e-01 4.58533801e-02 -2.03784853e-01 3.15847337e-01 2.31570825e-01 1.13143437e-01 4.94481362e-02 -2.13566452e-01 -6.46331755e-04 -2.48769224e-01 -3.10186505e-01 2.47253507e-01 -2.83434361e-01 -7.14285895e-02 -8.25762302e-02 -3.64914179e-01 -2.97664553e-01 -8.27912688e-02 -2.68161505e-01 1.44296497e-01 -2.16143414e-01 5.66777177e-02 3.32337797e-01 4.11254972e-01 -1.86552554e-01 -3.82871807e-01 2.65855566e-02 -5.89813776e-02 5.60675673e-02 2.84516886e-02 3.49295139e-01 1.52608648e-01 -3.58430147e-02 2.16743946e-01 -2.52787381e-01 6.53474256e-02 4.18884844e-01 -7.32498169e-02 -2.59430557e-01 -1.28137052e-01 4.09481190e-02 1.15631275e-01 1.62808850e-01 -1.77164033e-01 -2.79971778e-01 2.85374463e-01 -2.35541284e-01 -1.70534432e-01 1.68392032e-01 3.83017510e-02 1.80799201e-01 -7.82216415e-02 1.71476286e-02 1.45033419e-01 -7.51941502e-02 4.91764039e-01 -6.10909224e-01 2.43814647e-01 -2.77816504e-01 5.98042756e-02 -3.43520910e-01 3.92743021e-01 2.97073334e-01 -3.26738060e-01 -6.88135326e-02 -2.59505272e-01 -2.38997787e-01 1.63528517e-01 1.25367463e-01 9.62979868e-02 -1.83539435e-01 -4.10347670e-01 8.75036195e-02 -1.18908241e-01 3.38932186e-01 1.70382485e-01 2.18987077e-01 2.71147825e-02 3.30410838e-01 2.58717854e-02 -8.78046378e-02 8.12214892e-03 -1.46331906e-01 -1.63363233e-01 -2.11932510e-01 -1.47434935e-01 -9.05930251e-02 -2.16634363e-01 -1.78044513e-02 2.12484315e-01 -7.57541731e-02 -1.26998231e-01 -2.65472591e-01 3.03577189e-03 9.47900191e-02 -2.10030019e-01 2.15305179e-01 1.58852264e-01 2.16894880e-01 -2.05168173e-01 -1.36748299e-01 -8.41243565e-03 1.23592950e-01 3.76417525e-02 -2.21924275e-01 3.88139397e-01 -1.37977600e-01 -1.04092889e-01 1.31377801e-01 1.02341518e-01 2.15865552e-01 -1.06362186e-01 8.13284889e-02 -9.95546654e-02 -5.71334660e-01 3.49256963e-01 1.76093876e-02 7.73762107e-01 -1.91958070e-01 -3.27133536e-02 -1.56330451e-01 -1.31644741e-01 2.87228107e-01 -1.72451094e-01 -3.50396991e-01 1.04948245e-01 1.08188782e-02 1.87257882e-02 5.42540513e-02 2.49135997e-02 1.21045588e-02 -3.64518225e-01 2.55292351e-03 4.12321053e-02 3.72542769e-01 1.00065418e-01 -2.48461679e-01 1.45018235e-01 -4.82717156e-02 3.90905201e-01 -4.04968262e-02 -1.73461661e-01 3.57171856e-02 4.73436946e-03 2.82709748e-01 -3.07482421e-01 -1.18653864e-01 2.55695164e-01 2.87913918e-01 9.72938165e-02 6.22727051e-02 -5.95003888e-02 1.65113539e-01 -2.17041314e-01 -1.13861091e-01 -2.08596885e-01 2.29439527e-01 3.48844916e-01 1.21302782e-02 2.09603459e-01 -4.67062928e-02 -3.95691469e-02 5.33302464e-02 7.57586360e-02 -1.39749935e-02 2.36584425e-01 -6.75273687e-02 7.19160214e-02 1.12045258e-01 2.63818651e-02 2.65891850e-01 6.93115778e-03 2.16241069e-02 -7.21747354e-02 -1.34087861e-01 1.84029251e-01 1.32115602e-01 4.56775218e-01 -3.74858201e-01 3.77742559e-01 -6.34483337e-01 5.71798980e-01 2.63621807e-02 1.39790118e-01 -5.90346716e-02 -6.53477162e-02 3.31210136e-01 -1.22225903e-01 -2.29692068e-02 -1.61233649e-01 -3.47334027e-01 2.80134171e-01 9.60692987e-02 -2.28940681e-01 3.42259943e-01 -2.21278027e-01 -1.20186068e-01 -6.03151619e-02 4.91259694e-02 -8.22952271e-01 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-1.09836295e-01 1.21350616e-01 5.39972596e-02 -1.00986972e-01 3.83313715e-01 4.50623095e-01 7.19551668e-02 -4.52382773e-01 -2.78563440e-01 -2.33156741e-01 8.47199261e-02 -3.65145020e-02 -2.05060035e-01 -3.23527455e-01 -8.67475644e-02 3.28697681e-01 -5.53956628e-01 1.56968549e-01 -3.52990367e-02 6.23032510e-01 3.01676482e-01 -7.44332075e-02 -1.89391058e-02 1.00969240e-01 -1.36842266e-01 -1.87880948e-01 2.96682984e-01 -3.52652408e-02 -2.12592229e-01 -7.66277388e-02 1.90511823e-01 -2.58069783e-01 1.54116738e-03 -1.89357996e-01 3.47954512e-01 -3.51924479e-01 -1.19453549e-01 9.66909751e-02 -4.05325405e-02 1.11398958e-01 5.16080298e-02 8.31147134e-02 -2.53255367e-01 1.58790708e-01 2.14454681e-01 -5.57607077e-02 -3.05558830e-01 1.75464228e-01 -7.35932887e-02 1.58744797e-01 1.01153202e-01 4.36934322e-01 3.68369490e-01 -2.26820558e-01 -1.24050607e-03 4.31468338e-03 -2.01255381e-02 1.04408391e-01 8.23237300e-01 1.74753383e-01 -2.25402005e-02 7.39277080e-02 4.20698971e-01 -9.83696580e-02 1.40571252e-01 2.41852954e-01 -7.47823417e-02 4.77308214e-01 -2.12852970e-01 3.97807151e-01 -2.21959621e-01 -3.18614334e-01 -2.70978332e-01 1.81099400e-01 9.71150398e-02 1.65310521e-02 4.06710446e-01 1.30646443e+00 1.37381956e-01 6.20900951e-02 -7.99984559e-02 -6.02455199e-01 -9.71690863e-02 -3.73518825e-01 -1.02159925e-01 -3.33416581e-01 -1.48950905e-01 -5.12953624e-02 -2.44486302e-01 2.47110009e-01 4.47802484e-01 -2.55891502e-01 -1.34508729e-01 -5.35863459e-01 -2.79640973e-01 1.56451344e-01 1.89911664e-01 8.32954347e-02 -3.82843733e-01 1.08366251e-01 1.95949510e-01 -7.93098062e-02 3.30554008e-01 9.91287157e-02 4.87576649e-02 -3.31598520e-02 3.27579290e-01 4.92443182e-02 1.69343263e-01 -1.45295262e-01 -2.75620490e-01 2.13100269e-01 -3.14125359e-01 -8.76512453e-02 -1.46145597e-01 -4.12488729e-01 -1.70468569e-01 1.36920750e-01 2.67474741e-01 3.89694303e-01 -1.63514256e-01 3.09732467e-01 -8.94728377e-02 3.08132350e-01 -1.45971790e-01 -3.34190764e-02 5.12756944e-01 -1.83374792e-01 9.10625421e-03 -1.31111175e-01 -8.22584778e-02 1.54396087e-01 -2.21499085e-01 4.13057029e-01 2.03575984e-01 -4.72991467e-02 -1.43608704e-01 1.51104882e-01 8.20319727e-02 -2.86911607e-01 1.84985414e-01 -2.37646103e-01 8.54631141e-03 -1.46665946e-01 2.06159398e-01 1.70379326e-01 -2.03677341e-02 5.57240807e-02 -4.70219888e-02 -6.97023869e-02 -4.65418369e-01 8.18869770e-02 5.55376932e-02 -2.64748782e-01 1.53948501e-01 -1.52574867e-01 -4.22398627e-01 -3.63892093e-02 3.59704643e-01 1.59990460e-01 -2.39528075e-01 -1.17810816e-01 -2.61341751e-01 1.79813966e-01 -1.88280925e-01 9.55817401e-02 2.93952972e-01 1.09067000e-01 7.82934666e-01 -2.46429831e-01 5.57850778e-01 -3.84553343e-01 8.39461163e-02 -9.15088505e-03 -1.75821096e-01 -1.66710496e-01 -3.00008118e-01 -1.28641903e-01 -2.15529665e-01 5.11524901e-02 3.01414013e-01 -4.20009106e-01 -2.11100638e-01 -2.32673123e-01 1.32956520e-01 -4.31300513e-02 -3.34354192e-01 -1.78472493e-02 4.63007726e-02 1.27024025e-01 1.03450626e-01 5.87460548e-02 8.95841122e-02 4.08315510e-01 2.93545663e-01 5.79773039e-02 2.48241365e-01 1.55756967e-02 1.17714182e-01 2.21500635e-01 3.99899930e-01 -3.15559387e-01 4.24818397e-02 -1.14313722e-01 -4.56539318e-02 -1.39958873e-01 2.28288099e-01 -3.08349505e-02 2.43332654e-01 5.14609277e-01 -2.47086324e-02 -3.10578533e-02 9.50082913e-02 -1.62719831e-01 2.48664990e-01 -2.74139762e-01 -1.81464925e-02 -8.24871734e-02 3.11784446e-01 -3.60445231e-02 -1.15405977e-01 -5.33934951e-01 4.46445256e-01 -1.96914166e-01 2.22991094e-01 -1.14448063e-01 -4.47223485e-01 1.87877521e-01 5.70757948e-02 2.56094724e-01 1.78122908e-01 -8.19755793e-02 1.71294376e-01 -8.98194909e-02 -1.36392221e-01 3.66236567e-01 8.03936571e-02 1.77087173e-01 2.92817712e-01 4.06449527e-01 -8.12861621e-02 -3.12998116e-01 4.56010461e-01 -7.48304054e-02 1.78770751e-01 -2.72611976e-01 3.52920383e-01 -2.53856331e-01 1.97780296e-01 2.80580908e-01 1.29312247e-01 -1.90725043e-01 -1.95106685e-01 -1.65832028e-01 2.58809894e-01 8.98751467e-02 7.65131190e-02 -1.51472464e-01 -1.18149683e-01 -3.04413345e-02 -1.65702999e-01 -5.21319211e-02 3.38687778e-01 3.45591128e-01 -5.95391504e-02 1.02602892e-01 4.40852880e-01 -3.24461251e-01 1.56838015e-01 4.40759540e-01 -2.47108415e-01 -7.28815375e-03 5.06340206e-01 7.14065284e-02 3.50869834e-01 1.16131060e-01 3.27377945e-01 -2.74153024e-01 -1.71841532e-01 -1.50922209e-01 -6.05131745e-01 -5.74288443e-02 -7.97953457e-03 1.18795149e-01 2.74465419e-02 1.31519452e-01 1.13357089e-01 1.03116535e-01 -2.78266937e-01 -1.98525235e-01 4.55804504e-02 5.00792384e-01 -9.58983824e-02 1.11502439e-01 -1.05672367e-02 -1.80480078e-01 8.35654065e-02 -1.33980483e-01 1.95992971e-03 5.09602465e-02 -3.43208104e-01 -2.68140316e-01 3.70171040e-01 -5.23572341e-02 1.05136052e-01 -1.23915762e-01 1.54154792e-01 -9.10822526e-02 -2.95436829e-01 -2.19370857e-01 -3.55022252e-01 -2.18195058e-02 1.19798750e-01 -1.60284698e-01 -6.76185787e-01 2.09083542e-01 2.54741341e-01 1.57323197e-01 1.06250554e-01 -8.04855824e-02 3.42957288e-01 -3.45198125e-01 7.36788064e-02 -1.54310793e-01 8.30648839e-02 2.74607241e-01 -5.25308102e-02 -3.22705954e-02 8.51944312e-02 9.95607227e-02 3.72191399e-01 1.61304384e-01 -1.14590989e-03 -3.15549225e-01 6.11223131e-02 3.94322217e-01 4.24624175e-01 2.10183710e-01 4.66282964e-02 -3.14740747e-01 -2.05972835e-01 2.86310017e-01 4.58082199e-01 -4.24945801e-01 1.70386359e-01 1.11195363e-01 2.80369759e-01 1.75798863e-01 3.35708916e-01 1.14899009e-01 -1.21021107e-01 -7.36473352e-02 3.42188060e-01 -2.25965500e-01 1.39562309e-01 2.86731198e-02 3.21539670e-01 1.93418562e-01 8.27535450e-01 8.72856900e-02 -1.28897829e-02 -3.06030899e-01 -4.32865828e-01 5.45810103e-01 1.85028076e-01 -2.56267309e-01 3.39547880e-02 -2.26026535e-01 -3.38391662e-01 -8.12838785e-03 -3.83217961e-01 -3.22710186e-01 -1.33104444e-01 -7.05369329e-03 1.73131563e-03 -1.08133540e-01 -3.54534268e-01 -2.05916569e-01 1.25715779e-02 4.06908542e-01 2.42038652e-01 -3.45639065e-02 -1.81143835e-01 5.51575646e-02]
"Infinite Forest" active "Item #: SCP-416 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Owing to its anomalous topographic structure and the danger it poses to civilians, it is essential that SCP-416 be sequestered from the public. Though SCP-416's true borders have yet to be exactly mapped, SCP Overwatch has, in cooperation with the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ government, restricted foot access and instituted a no-fly-zone within five (5) kilometers from the boundaries measured by the initial observation team. Description: SCP-416 is an oblong area of forest located in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in northern β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Though its true borders are not known (and indeed may be in a constant state of flux), estimates place its "center" at β–ˆβ–ˆΒ°β–ˆβ–ˆ N, β–ˆβ–ˆΒ°β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ W. It displays remarkable spatial anomalies, the most notable of which is that once entered, it is impossible to leave on foot; the only personnel to escape the area inside SCP-416 were extracted by an aerial reconnaissance team. Though from the air SCP-416 appears identical to the surrounding coniferous forests, it displays a bewildering array of plant life; species as varied as Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia), Grandidier's baobab (Adansonia grandidieri), Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis), and manchineel trees (Hippomane mancinella) have been observed. No explanation has been offered as to how these species arrived and propagated. All observations indicate that SCP-416 is entirely devoid of animal, fungal, or insect life. Personnel deployed inside SCP-416 report that the entire area is continually overcast with fog despite satellite evidence to the contrary. Exploratory Records: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, local geographical surveyors reported a sudden seismic event coming from the area now known as SCP-416. The Foundation was alerted after the surveyors reported anomalous topological features. D-class personnel were fitted with GPS trackers and tasked with walking across the entire area of SCP-416; though the subjects reported that they maintained a constant speed, their movement speed relative to the area outside SCP-416 slowed dramatically as the subjects ventured further in. The deployed personnel were unable to reach the epicenter of the seismic event. The subjects reported no indication of backtracking on their part; it appears that SCP-416 may be infinite in area to observers located within it. The D-class personnel forced to endure prolonged stays inside SCP-416 have developed a wide array of mental instabilities, ranging from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder to catatonia, hallucinations, and psychosis. Topological Analysis: A team of physicists assigned to analyze the topographical anomalies associated with this SCP concluded that it appears to be the three-dimensional intersection of a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold with the surface of the Earth. Research is still being conducted as to what force maintains this intersection, though speculation abounds that it is related to the object or objects at the center of SCP-416. Addendum 04-5: SCP-416 is being considered as a storage location for several movable Safe and Euclid-level SCP's, specifically [DATA EXPUNGED]. Β« SCP-415 | SCP-416 | SCP-417 Β»" nan
[-3.62979956e-02 -3.65962565e-01 -1.55307248e-01 2.27077007e-01 4.38741595e-02 -6.45059109e-01 -3.75893414e-01 1.06160328e-01 -5.04327416e-02 8.34100917e-02 1.90892652e-01 4.72689927e-01 -4.09006089e-01 5.73483445e-02 -1.53381616e-01 8.35626647e-02 1.55253246e-01 -1.41156137e-01 -2.96600461e-01 -2.61309892e-01 -1.45458207e-01 -1.65692389e-01 -5.56653179e-03 4.28095348e-02 -3.79367452e-03 -2.65350789e-01 -3.10783256e-02 1.80491790e-01 -1.40173987e-01 -3.70430529e-01 -5.71309738e-02 -6.79243207e-02 3.15269232e-01 3.65560919e-01 -1.07233827e-04 -5.55472411e-02 1.44539475e-01 7.08699450e-02 -1.90736607e-01 4.60469611e-02 -3.96718323e-01 1.23895749e-01 6.72302395e-02 -2.20268562e-01 -9.29391757e-02 -2.83443660e-01 3.37321125e-02 -2.50179350e-01 3.23796511e-01 3.02797884e-01 2.21559986e-01 -5.38914502e-02 -2.06875429e-03 -5.06885052e-02 4.68888804e-02 4.74548280e-01 -4.46157642e-02 -3.07466835e-01 5.89267790e-01 2.98179244e-03 1.60508920e-02 -6.75343424e-02 2.78632581e-01 -9.43458304e-02 5.87848186e-01 -2.22806841e-01 -1.21753477e-01 -3.68017077e-01 -1.45344539e-02 5.94279468e-01 2.54292488e-01 1.77997380e-01 -1.89324751e-01 2.49166399e-01 -3.69162589e-01 -2.36269031e-02 1.02721140e-01 2.05150977e-01 1.93224221e-01 -1.30496964e-01 -3.48889828e-02 3.11605215e-01 -1.90620944e-01 1.76156133e-01 -2.18493342e-01 2.67352551e-01 1.19877392e-02 9.56736431e-02 2.63273567e-02 3.22641339e-03 -2.94614546e-02 -5.04681580e-02 6.93253875e-02 3.20932060e-01 6.53716773e-02 -2.07901612e-01 1.99817970e-01 3.26074928e-01 3.11839402e-01 4.21132505e-01 2.85753161e-01 1.18307404e-01 1.41803905e-01 -2.62240749e-02 3.00643712e-01 1.76861942e-01 3.33663762e-01 -7.75289312e-02 -1.30777672e-01 1.43379077e-01 -1.16083860e-01 1.10635079e-01 4.40772111e-03 8.33468959e-02 -3.70040759e-02 -1.73089832e-01 2.76475400e-01 -1.95019066e-01 -2.62907624e-01 2.33742744e-01 -3.19096506e-01 8.59433487e-02 -1.23066232e-01 9.59983282e-03 3.82711172e-01 1.69293672e-01 1.68175697e-01 -1.50282038e-02 1.18599251e-01 1.36571601e-01 -2.04958290e-01 3.27075392e-01 -3.62812877e-01 1.57800287e-01 -1.77907214e-01 2.48633936e-01 1.44940838e-01 6.08103909e-02 1.78787448e-02 1.09229468e-01 -5.90532161e-02 2.69763917e-01 3.78161877e-01 2.01909274e-01 -4.28322434e-01 -2.91448385e-01 1.86006315e-02 4.67939734e-01 -4.46957015e-02 -9.52406321e-03 3.55044335e-01 8.10985565e-02 -6.13043249e-01 2.82339692e-01 -3.87605757e-01 1.38661504e-01 5.94447315e-01 1.55078128e-01 -2.17975110e-01 -1.01986453e-02 3.67634386e-01 2.06098303e-01 2.68275589e-01 4.99197245e-02 -1.29776105e-01 3.39728534e-01 -1.15883611e-01 -4.66487966e-02 -2.79426843e-01 -1.87383965e-01 -1.29741030e-02 -2.73858428e-01 -1.95974022e-01 -1.50541842e-01 -1.55862585e-01 1.50165275e-01 -1.58844635e-01 -4.07281183e-02 -2.28524983e-01 -2.14188516e-01 -4.36266601e-01 3.77598330e-02 9.04998109e-02 -1.41068012e-01 -2.59495229e-01 -1.59716122e-02 -1.55531645e-01 -6.98260218e-02 1.26901358e-01 -1.59524381e-01 -4.86807406e-01 -2.69786358e-01 8.54423568e-02 1.29157260e-01 8.60014781e-02 -1.32636443e-01 5.00908792e-01 -3.95434797e-01 9.33143795e-02 1.91560119e-01 -6.66836102e-04 5.05989790e-01 2.54281223e-01 1.19559854e-01 -3.32152218e-01 -3.50641310e-01 -1.53620616e-01 1.33421615e-01 6.97264671e-02 2.98519760e-01 1.54309735e-01 -9.70166996e-02 4.57853079e-02 2.18066961e-01 1.58979204e-02 -3.73131990e-01 2.03856274e-01 3.45118821e-01 1.74647555e-01 -2.16544747e-01 -1.55108392e-01 -9.20258984e-02 -2.60158569e-01 -9.86073762e-02 -3.81155759e-02 5.33274300e-02 -1.05271831e-01 -2.72305831e-02 -2.57467180e-01 1.38962403e-01 1.16902590e-01 1.82160679e-02 1.39933169e-01 3.37539792e-01 -3.44805598e-01 1.22833990e-01 7.17900172e-02 6.72634244e-01 -2.15447247e-01 -4.71100748e-01 -1.72496364e-01 -2.87300646e-01 2.09941626e-01 3.09882239e-02 -6.62905395e-01 2.95397267e-02 5.00044763e-01 3.74615848e-01 2.03629225e-01 -3.00319754e-02 -2.98174411e-01 -4.16718006e-01 -1.57610118e-01 1.81424290e-01 2.78535873e-01 1.55175691e-02 -2.09136978e-01 3.74556214e-01 3.80544504e-03 3.31998616e-01 -7.53895789e-02 -1.38171509e-01 1.98241055e-01 3.30083817e-02 1.09420188e-01 -1.43501669e-01 1.56191751e-01 2.30151042e-01 1.98951557e-01 8.08165073e-02 4.01572406e-01 -2.37923171e-02 -2.08825339e-02 1.57805339e-01 2.01744840e-01 3.70752573e-01 3.43205780e-01 1.80501655e-01 4.34646130e-01 2.68522680e-01 -1.49768785e-01 -3.21864635e-01 1.99785829e-02 1.50430966e-02 1.54309481e-01 1.28927842e-01 -5.97202554e-02 3.24767560e-01 -6.57234415e-02 5.77943847e-02 6.78911209e-02 -3.19916844e-01 -1.32093325e-01 -2.40919784e-01 -1.54941291e-01 2.26097003e-01 3.95658128e-02 2.36317605e-01 -2.49241829e-01 1.86310887e-01 -3.21236730e-01 -4.68898974e-02 6.34386763e-02 9.50576738e-02 5.13452888e-02 1.53462365e-02 4.13732320e-01 1.23653211e-01 3.21449153e-02 -2.17088938e-01 -4.61696953e-01 4.40062843e-02 2.48239502e-01 -2.30618209e-01 8.24897289e-02 1.04062654e-01 -1.61877368e-02 -3.89696270e-01 -6.22571446e-03 -5.26092231e-01 -2.09198147e-01 -1.68506160e-01 -1.59306914e-01 -8.46034437e-02 -1.35979682e-01 -1.11013517e-01 -1.51651576e-01 -2.24710912e-01 3.47010314e-01 3.77476484e-01 -1.45488933e-01 6.51458502e-02 9.12422687e-02 2.64359295e-01 -1.02417521e-01 1.70086194e-02 -4.48388420e-02 -9.38164294e-02 -3.45427804e-02 5.88256344e-02 -9.45715532e-02 -1.47976637e-01 -1.82708755e-01 1.70175746e-01 2.90573210e-01 -3.71648103e-01 -5.77742755e-02 -2.33410895e-01 1.69723153e-01 -2.06671774e-01 -1.96208224e-01 5.42861581e-01 1.80698447e-02 -2.96127409e-01 2.35309616e-01 -1.21775810e-02 1.11056142e-01 7.34508084e-03 3.65394264e-01 -4.96708483e-01 2.28566691e-01 3.42610180e-01 4.89373893e-01 -2.59307474e-01 -6.35460168e-02 -6.45746067e-02 -1.16529725e-02 1.92781702e-01 1.03888422e-01 2.41940040e-02 4.97308463e-01 -6.62807822e-02 -2.52347231e-01 3.93696189e-01 -1.22067839e-01 -1.91863015e-01 -4.08650860e-02 -1.11153997e-01 -2.06456989e-01 1.96411870e-02 -7.78609589e-02 5.55166662e-01 3.54591340e-01 5.92931993e-02 -3.67680378e-02 4.34916317e-02 -4.16740812e-02 -6.47570044e-02 -3.57549898e-02 -2.38651752e-01 1.18978821e-01 -5.57409763e-01 3.79196018e-01 -2.46496841e-01 7.62622207e-02 -6.08179113e-03 -7.02640563e-02 -4.14688081e-01 -3.29192549e-01 4.26478297e-01 -2.98522860e-01 6.74073622e-02 5.10776222e-01 3.12881619e-01 1.39930561e-01 3.54050733e-02 -1.73912317e-01 -4.07608487e-02 -6.30962327e-02 1.44137815e-01 5.88458657e-01 -2.31558293e-01 -3.29027288e-02 -4.49865982e-02 6.10524788e-02 3.99440937e-02 1.09670535e-01 3.19824904e-01 5.35560213e-02 -2.93223292e-01 -1.34803310e-01 -4.22386564e-02 3.17569345e-01 -1.54296264e-01 9.34651494e-02 1.38249276e-02 2.45000616e-01 2.94060856e-01 1.84787109e-01 -1.02863632e-01 4.83378284e-02 -4.13646609e-01 -3.18403006e-01 6.33832766e-03 -2.18750760e-01 3.65178913e-01 4.59082305e-01 -1.82712406e-01 -1.09007634e-01 2.38353729e-01 -1.69257507e-01 3.99949878e-01 5.01633644e-01 1.70186669e-01 -1.75821453e-01 -6.73905089e-02 2.21316189e-01 -4.39526998e-02 2.74638355e-01 2.05338448e-01 -7.93648511e-02 8.60539544e-03 1.26144141e-01 5.29845059e-01 1.67626247e-01 -2.66569644e-01 3.04165781e-01 4.14386749e-01 -5.52276038e-02 -6.12239726e-02 3.73936713e-01 1.01013803e+00 1.61590502e-01 1.78938776e-01 7.35544413e-02 -3.27157110e-01 1.05138473e-01 -3.59674037e-01 -8.12972039e-02 -1.01625763e-01 -1.73160564e-02 7.91719034e-02 -8.19049403e-02 1.33217454e-01 4.07438785e-01 4.91783246e-02 -2.36057803e-01 -2.95002669e-01 1.02699451e-01 1.04719639e-01 1.37121037e-01 2.55450420e-02 2.35838577e-01 3.62451017e-01 2.74043441e-01 -9.90834013e-02 6.39935359e-02 -1.54245958e-01 -4.47934903e-02 2.42878217e-04 -7.98785836e-02 -2.42733717e-01 3.91601622e-02 -1.74834982e-01 1.30061477e-01 1.33959144e-01 -1.31321967e-01 -2.72417907e-02 3.01081330e-01 -2.22742051e-01 -2.84848690e-01 5.15409857e-02 3.46255004e-01 1.74196005e-01 2.96673048e-02 1.59075588e-01 1.96774825e-01 3.04719675e-02 1.17636532e-01 1.37900472e-01 2.16742128e-01 -2.38548040e-01 1.39983863e-01 -2.28696734e-01 2.60924488e-01 6.12145007e-01 -9.02154576e-03 3.58688921e-01 -9.59101191e-04 -3.68444979e-01 -1.63253114e-01 1.80340335e-01 -1.27551764e-01 -6.51232451e-02 -2.57035464e-01 1.03192903e-01 -2.63008058e-01 -1.38841867e-01 5.84198296e-01 -1.55039309e-02 3.89005452e-01 -2.90755834e-02 3.23177814e-01 -6.40809909e-02 -3.94218326e-01 4.12524641e-01 8.01501051e-02 -9.67009589e-02 2.34467983e-01 9.06346515e-02 -2.96346724e-01 6.49280520e-03 5.79548955e-01 -1.19420364e-02 -2.52797961e-01 6.84940955e-03 -2.58139580e-01 -7.46967569e-02 -1.25980362e-01 -1.40517652e-01 2.72848397e-01 -2.11271942e-01 1.40334114e-01 1.50766611e-01 -1.35671258e-01 -3.98747563e-01 -1.24227710e-01 -3.88557702e-01 -1.27745166e-01 1.96729556e-01 -2.09432498e-01 -1.39309536e-03 5.11247292e-02 1.56650946e-01 1.07060656e-01 1.01047188e-01 -2.16539294e-01 -5.97893521e-02 1.13963455e-01 9.68563408e-02 -1.17020056e-01 8.39989781e-02 -1.40908763e-01 1.04631327e-01 7.00539500e-02 -3.40548366e-01 3.09967339e-01 1.92935124e-01 3.29776891e-02 -3.82425338e-01 3.65229882e-02 4.47210744e-02 -5.54446802e-02 -4.95392047e-02 -7.02791438e-02 -2.91764345e-02 -1.21327348e-01 8.05135444e-02 -1.05686575e-01 7.91589990e-02 5.95589057e-02 -1.93309233e-01 1.67781562e-01 -5.46641797e-02 2.79288024e-01 -2.25165576e-01 2.41272569e-01 -6.04339642e-03 2.05283761e-01 -4.69630778e-01 2.47709211e-02 -1.34052066e-02 2.76566625e-01 -1.13336906e-01 -1.07953846e-01 -3.54046673e-01 1.38640791e-01 -5.74431866e-02 4.50891517e-02 -2.00384915e-01 -8.88356507e-01 2.90854454e-01 1.46413550e-01 2.93722637e-02 -3.68122220e-01 3.55346650e-01 2.81383902e-01 -2.11055458e-01 -2.57514417e-01 4.18080777e-01 3.51185769e-01 4.45244044e-01 2.40148172e-01 1.18432298e-01 2.09751055e-01 -4.91693735e-01 9.25255343e-02 1.78668693e-01 2.16280773e-01 -1.54651493e-01 2.35241443e-01 1.26875743e-01 5.15371896e-02 1.74563617e-01 -1.19182609e-01 -3.26247573e-01 2.95637771e-02 -2.44251415e-01 7.71264061e-02 -4.96536531e-02 2.40092963e-01 3.61865371e-01 -2.98263192e-01 3.56319875e-01 2.02223659e-02 -1.09036021e-01 -1.45688625e-02 2.35899583e-01 -1.57359838e-01 -8.14458430e-02 2.32798886e-02 -5.24915121e-02 -8.25716928e-02 3.40716869e-01 -2.95766473e-01 1.22675464e-01 2.47449681e-01 -1.79844886e-01 -4.99547385e-02 1.16009004e-01 -6.24224097e-02 1.27673477e-01 -2.80984253e-01 -5.21155586e-03 -1.88913524e-01 -2.76302427e-01 -5.50284423e-02 1.54707372e-01 2.32217208e-01 9.50005129e-02 2.87439436e-01 8.20739642e-02 -2.19736531e-01 7.80963600e-02 5.12585416e-02 1.84322461e-01 -6.37339801e-02 1.78904459e-03 -1.15003921e-01 -2.61530727e-01 1.44481525e-01 9.10662413e-02 -8.33393559e-02 -6.66564167e-01 -7.09461927e-01 -1.55634105e-01 1.63117081e-01 -2.00359389e-01 9.58625227e-02 -7.17265159e-02 3.52723777e-01 4.08039391e-02 -3.85829926e-01 5.65147102e-02 -4.57888961e-01 -1.79647982e-01 -1.63529113e-01 -2.24652991e-01 -1.83525369e-01 5.49491756e-02 1.27688411e-03 8.45227391e-03 -2.54695833e-01 -3.22160035e-01 5.83140612e-01 -4.69978631e-01 -1.52630091e-01 -4.07564998e-01 1.36745647e-01 -5.78176714e-02 1.14628606e-01 8.33139941e-02 9.69886929e-02 1.47887981e-02 -3.24411511e-01 1.65678456e-01 -1.46367878e-01 -2.65928030e-01 -2.68710047e-01 5.02390683e-01 2.01206520e-01 -3.24686095e-02 -1.62344441e-01 -5.65788336e-02 -3.44160795e-01 -2.31686831e-01 5.74737526e-02 -2.36648425e-01 2.07561702e-01 -6.48662373e-02 9.59048569e-02 -1.35357276e-01 7.09785968e-02 2.72874832e-01 -2.40953103e-01 8.55064616e-02 1.35679945e-01 -2.18638539e-01 1.03922345e-01 -2.69065909e-02 2.89707303e-01 2.91089475e-01 2.20734924e-01 2.15462614e-02 -4.55216527e-01 -2.26154849e-01 -7.30522498e-02 5.72179973e-01 -1.56427741e-01 -4.17556703e-01 6.51367009e-02 2.02159770e-02 4.11159486e-01 -1.97103471e-01 -2.59228081e-01 -2.57092148e-01 1.22029327e-01 7.03025684e-02 -1.80887505e-01 -3.57487589e-01 -4.95404154e-01 -2.82471895e-01 5.09007350e-02 3.71040821e-01 4.90693226e-02 -1.06742168e-02 8.06330293e-02 -1.74482509e-01]
"The Plague Tree" active "Item #: SCP-417 Object Class: Euclid (Potentially Keter) Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-417's inability to be moved safely, SCP-417 remains stationary in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The area surrounding SCP-417 (2.58 kmΒ² approx.) is patrolled by guards and bordered with a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. Civilians are informed that a small village with a highly virulent plague is being quarantined until further notice. Trespassers are to be shot on sight. Only Class-D personnel are permitted to directly handle and work with SCP-417. As wild animals seem to instinctively eschew SCP-417, no action need be taken against animals seen in the enclosed area. All victims bitten by SCP-417-1 may be granted immediate euthanasia on request, and their body is to be placed in a sealed container and cremated immediately. Those that do not request will have the same immediate termination, except in the case of test subjects. Description: SCP-417 resembles an African baobab tree in general size and structure, though it lacks leaves, giving it a dead appearance. Its bark has a drab, off-colour appearance. Despite the absence of leaves, SCP-417 bears fruit every sundown. Small buds form as the sun rises and the fruit grows and matures quickly over the course of the day, before ripening into pomegranate-sized, hard-husked fruit. This fruit has dark purple-black skin and a mostly smooth texture that grows pebbly as it becomes overripe. This hard husk may be cut or peeled away by hand or with tools. Removal of the skin reveals no fruit or pulp, but a hollow cavity containing several insects collectively known as SCP-417-1. The appearance and species of SCP-417-1 change from fruit to fruit, as well as the scope of the ensuing swarm (See Addendum #417-B). SCP-417-1 will unanimously attack anything that moves with startlingly painful bites. Within the first few minutes, bites sustained from the swarm swell into painful red sores with minor puncture wounds. No known remedy will soothe the pain of the bites. In 5% of the recorded cases, bites have no lasting effect and the swelling and pain reduce after a few days. 45% of the time, those bitten will begin to have convulsions and suffer from a fatal heart attack within several hours. At that stage, their body will rot and dissolve at an accelerated rate. In the area where their body had been, a new tree will begin to grow over the course of the next few days. In the remaining 50%, after an indeterminate period of 2-24 hours, those afflicted begin to complain of severe pains and muscle atrophy, expelling flesh by [DATA EXPUNGED] appear to coincide with the approximate mass of SCP-417-1. While growing, the plague trees, as they have been dubbed, are vulnerable to being felled, incineration, and conventional herbicides. SCP-417 cannot be moved, as all attempts to fell or shift the original tree result in severe agitation of the branches, causing all instances of the fruit to fall to the ground, splitting and releasing massive swarms of SCP-417-1. Thankfully, SCP-417-1 does not seem to survive for longer than 1-2 hours, dying with little incident. If the fruit of SCP-417 is not picked or shaken off the branches, it simply rots on the branches and falls to the ground, with no ill effects. Addendum #417-A: Although SCP-417 is currently listed as a Euclid class item, its potential for spreading has sparked some argument over a possible transfer to Keter class. Addendum #417-B: Notable specimens of 417-1: Β« SCP-416 | SCP-417 | SCP-418 Β»" nan
[ 2.64387131e-01 -5.37675679e-01 -1.52955413e-01 -5.92899472e-02 1.74315691e-01 -3.53581518e-01 -1.43599629e-01 -6.48237467e-02 1.38007849e-01 5.17921671e-02 5.31357490e-02 4.19070393e-01 -2.41747886e-01 1.51113747e-02 -1.42989114e-01 8.08473751e-02 9.40762311e-02 3.31939347e-02 -3.79637659e-01 -2.34900504e-01 -1.58425793e-02 1.25941962e-01 7.88836107e-02 3.71697515e-01 1.25298515e-01 -9.05840844e-02 -8.07949007e-02 3.71980846e-01 -5.49977645e-02 -3.66024882e-01 -1.03168137e-01 -9.68379807e-03 9.01394431e-03 1.73046499e-01 -1.05651510e-04 -1.38034478e-01 6.26388043e-02 1.76991612e-01 -4.01410162e-01 3.05326968e-01 -1.63990721e-01 -3.06397080e-01 -1.40694782e-01 -2.09493026e-01 -1.39070721e-02 -7.82910511e-02 -5.49719669e-03 1.25259563e-01 3.96577477e-01 2.38228410e-01 2.22361296e-01 -2.91876167e-01 2.83736110e-01 1.09616838e-01 2.01793332e-02 3.69043648e-01 -5.45194314e-04 -2.48927977e-02 5.30385017e-01 2.19116881e-01 -4.59460076e-03 -2.09299535e-01 -9.48364660e-03 -8.58907551e-02 4.01079118e-01 -1.41591966e-01 4.53365415e-01 -1.58931002e-01 -3.89122218e-02 8.90985578e-02 3.56694311e-01 8.51299316e-02 1.17249370e-01 1.84839085e-01 -6.61955774e-02 -2.44883716e-01 2.43384346e-01 3.18217069e-01 1.25081673e-01 3.97412591e-02 7.36987730e-03 5.03885269e-01 -8.95889103e-02 -7.11797625e-02 -1.11782484e-01 4.65947539e-02 2.21988298e-02 5.29014729e-02 2.35094205e-01 -2.95971334e-01 -4.96311188e-01 -1.51123106e-01 4.19668071e-02 3.44640613e-01 -4.10315581e-02 -2.27737725e-01 2.34276786e-01 3.04433167e-01 5.49025893e-01 3.31174225e-01 1.11669526e-01 -4.92591858e-02 -1.77019477e-01 3.79820727e-02 3.15272152e-01 -8.55493546e-02 -7.38483593e-02 -2.71291465e-01 1.39875337e-01 4.14288282e-01 2.30222195e-02 2.54746079e-01 8.27444643e-02 9.37910527e-02 -5.37136244e-03 3.22332948e-01 1.04742974e-01 -1.91180065e-01 -3.09174687e-01 2.85190523e-01 -4.66177225e-01 4.71024066e-02 -1.39162153e-01 1.83425903e-01 2.17934892e-01 2.75541991e-01 -2.59066205e-02 -3.14101964e-01 -7.96369277e-04 -1.40197277e-01 -2.14406580e-01 1.10347904e-01 -3.64186883e-01 -1.08216815e-01 -8.19151290e-03 4.61320132e-01 -6.65824115e-02 2.26385385e-01 1.68289185e-01 1.23099662e-01 -4.65843886e-01 1.43578365e-01 -6.46287724e-02 3.66338730e-01 -4.95430350e-01 -7.03726187e-02 2.39813477e-02 1.54791012e-01 -1.28698677e-01 1.86337844e-01 3.49320889e-01 1.68050174e-02 -1.72147319e-01 1.99793696e-01 -2.33389705e-01 6.92042559e-02 1.95478544e-01 -7.25719184e-02 -4.80716467e-01 5.98689690e-02 1.71763062e-01 3.94666195e-01 1.68933675e-01 -1.72061384e-01 3.11918668e-02 3.52646887e-01 8.96416306e-02 -1.27964258e-01 1.52417898e-01 -1.05648756e-01 -5.87259196e-02 1.00839384e-01 4.29841457e-03 -5.38700074e-02 -2.18946725e-01 -1.59902051e-01 -7.74278998e-01 -9.42394659e-02 -4.15918142e-01 -2.90956348e-01 -4.25479203e-01 4.94401157e-01 2.36040786e-01 -1.04839213e-01 -8.19154084e-01 -6.03292044e-03 -4.35143650e-01 2.03050449e-01 1.57281741e-01 2.42700815e-01 -2.82858431e-01 -3.83591861e-01 7.68784154e-03 -7.08297640e-02 4.78992015e-02 2.79949140e-02 2.31747657e-01 3.74002494e-02 3.89987409e-01 3.51747312e-02 -2.47905061e-01 1.88639134e-01 1.13569580e-01 -2.41365731e-01 9.97518972e-02 -9.70799997e-02 1.38011411e-01 5.91768585e-02 1.24727473e-01 3.00177425e-01 -4.03411657e-01 -2.91844308e-01 -3.38661820e-01 1.93764552e-01 7.22901821e-02 -3.23032916e-01 2.08557591e-01 2.04057992e-01 1.31471083e-01 -1.04410358e-01 -1.86754376e-01 5.56453168e-01 1.76378693e-02 -4.79846857e-02 -2.44142592e-01 2.10666228e-02 -2.11290061e-01 -1.16476819e-01 -4.18029120e-03 3.02350849e-01 8.00042301e-02 2.41956897e-02 2.21621264e-02 6.79004565e-02 -1.35500863e-01 -7.51029924e-02 1.17692146e-02 5.47833920e-01 6.64873654e-03 -7.54961073e-02 -1.73453733e-01 -9.47049074e-03 2.44777799e-01 8.35081935e-02 -5.74164033e-01 -1.30971834e-01 3.59927088e-01 1.75386608e-01 4.91574295e-02 -5.63160926e-02 -2.45315164e-01 -1.65383220e-01 -1.39780253e-01 4.65974808e-01 2.16133982e-01 1.37981758e-01 -3.14965308e-01 4.10685800e-02 1.12799764e-01 9.48843509e-02 -2.39001751e-01 -4.03561532e-01 3.65803719e-01 -2.64265835e-01 1.99450612e-01 -4.99091893e-02 2.77786791e-01 -2.94782102e-01 1.70549929e-01 -8.82687569e-02 -5.33447079e-02 -6.17542602e-02 9.73414108e-02 1.73714221e-01 -6.21665716e-02 2.03495864e-02 -1.07939569e-02 -1.45262312e-02 2.82328546e-01 -8.82609710e-02 -2.40947068e-01 -2.98678368e-01 -1.58144593e-01 1.46233961e-01 -1.25619307e-01 1.06687061e-01 -1.54873013e-01 -7.04015198e-04 1.29043534e-01 1.24615200e-01 7.38906115e-02 -1.78201601e-01 -1.23836011e-01 1.87177554e-01 -2.83649445e-01 1.99362606e-01 3.64851445e-01 3.14863265e-01 -2.28187069e-01 4.94265854e-01 -3.05316061e-01 6.34360537e-02 -1.03574410e-01 2.24175900e-01 -1.58254653e-01 -1.01048410e-01 -1.14172371e-02 -2.68555880e-01 5.83947217e-03 5.26052453e-02 -1.57225206e-01 1.02431014e-01 1.46144569e-01 -1.76542997e-01 2.66270906e-01 2.57094771e-01 -1.92289725e-01 -1.99616805e-01 2.78607011e-01 -4.18477863e-01 -1.96250468e-01 1.82992015e-02 -3.94315738e-03 -8.51431042e-02 -9.90583282e-03 2.71682944e-02 -9.10313427e-02 -1.92747250e-01 2.58693635e-01 3.18404548e-02 1.37891471e-02 3.44033986e-01 5.03121577e-02 2.55960763e-01 3.55870813e-01 4.21367824e-01 -3.46649997e-02 -1.31665811e-01 -7.88212568e-02 -1.77983373e-01 -2.40913108e-01 -1.94199681e-01 -2.26391315e-01 5.40367104e-02 -3.93379748e-01 -3.41694087e-01 -3.36936228e-02 2.48766113e-02 1.39193207e-01 1.23379603e-01 -1.04560427e-01 5.92186116e-02 3.13004106e-02 -2.38486215e-01 -3.17915226e-03 -9.57512185e-02 -7.32174516e-02 1.31247863e-01 2.80459404e-01 -9.53989476e-02 2.60082603e-01 1.62495062e-01 1.05617166e-01 -1.17088661e-01 3.60858977e-01 1.40475795e-01 1.86493009e-01 3.85902263e-02 2.62274265e-01 -6.11771606e-02 3.16006154e-01 1.21878356e-01 -2.58154184e-01 3.79872948e-01 1.63798749e-01 -2.07915649e-01 7.45862871e-02 -4.55590904e-01 5.36374655e-03 -2.27735847e-01 4.67975698e-02 2.44702160e-01 -1.04040965e-01 -7.45899603e-02 -3.96239549e-01 -1.02501482e-01 8.63915496e-03 1.30255669e-01 1.13143981e-01 -6.26823083e-02 7.06630498e-02 -4.25616056e-01 -2.20474377e-01 -3.92981619e-01 8.93661827e-02 5.73224910e-02 2.20770508e-01 -2.66386062e-01 -1.51891500e-01 1.91231579e-01 -4.99404103e-01 2.27123767e-01 1.34927273e-01 4.02844697e-01 2.63365120e-01 1.27641588e-01 1.09913722e-01 -3.68982553e-02 2.21510939e-02 2.68733688e-02 -4.40623723e-02 -5.01540601e-01 -2.51220733e-01 5.34650907e-02 4.08801168e-01 2.99072236e-01 9.12596956e-02 2.27716103e-01 -2.18339279e-01 -5.06908178e-01 -3.72102499e-01 2.95787036e-01 2.82647997e-01 2.28776947e-01 -1.62945285e-01 3.92943136e-02 2.59528846e-01 -2.02687323e-01 2.12909862e-01 1.16117775e-01 -2.03782618e-01 8.12913179e-02 -1.20789491e-01 4.86037470e-02 2.05987096e-02 -2.52679318e-01 7.47125149e-01 -3.22569668e-01 -3.88517648e-01 5.06174453e-02 -2.44358033e-01 1.32373929e-01 5.41274726e-01 2.33331710e-01 -2.32454985e-01 -1.89046428e-01 -1.23169132e-01 -6.17180690e-02 -1.12885669e-01 4.64613974e-01 1.04515776e-01 -1.12420686e-01 -3.20064127e-02 3.43089491e-01 2.26305142e-01 -4.23911661e-01 -2.66315311e-01 1.79691270e-01 -3.22623253e-02 7.61158839e-02 2.74145275e-01 9.74286556e-01 2.14648560e-01 -3.46434973e-02 2.12390795e-02 -1.41882926e-01 -1.14185460e-01 -1.63341179e-01 3.60545479e-02 -3.06173801e-01 -4.76437479e-01 2.49599814e-02 -8.27919841e-02 2.61052012e-01 4.59853262e-01 8.94333646e-02 1.78423934e-02 -4.62118477e-01 5.84443867e-01 1.94524124e-01 1.66012898e-01 -9.63228792e-02 7.73658603e-02 -6.97983205e-02 3.16555291e-01 -6.29290119e-02 1.89638004e-01 -3.63599621e-02 1.54067829e-01 -1.52800947e-01 -3.52681518e-01 -2.19047129e-01 1.28752261e-01 1.27572387e-01 2.00982243e-01 -2.66199946e-01 -8.80613476e-02 -3.68719727e-01 3.55461419e-01 -2.59984508e-02 3.13456915e-02 9.54777375e-02 1.76017031e-01 1.87794253e-01 3.45471017e-02 -7.10983202e-02 2.14353606e-01 1.91062376e-01 4.42227721e-02 -9.86947343e-02 2.77842522e-01 1.14982929e-02 3.16012353e-02 8.90926085e-03 3.40686701e-02 4.83714253e-01 -6.67673871e-02 3.03844571e-01 2.55832113e-02 7.92946666e-03 -1.41562328e-01 1.38783768e-01 3.06262761e-01 -1.69100270e-01 -4.65374328e-02 -2.72442847e-01 -6.38155341e-02 -1.96458414e-01 3.09162289e-01 2.57996976e-01 2.10171685e-01 -2.33682264e-02 2.11433768e-01 -2.92796586e-02 -3.43503147e-01 2.25448698e-01 2.82662660e-01 -6.06854141e-01 2.45907694e-01 8.13644975e-02 -5.08906364e-01 -7.20840096e-02 8.95513833e-01 -8.95027593e-02 -3.22248369e-01 -4.45806086e-02 -3.56665701e-01 -2.81308383e-01 2.30331793e-01 1.29680663e-01 2.47762859e-01 2.37150744e-01 -2.18595844e-02 -9.88908932e-02 -2.45053664e-01 -3.84672105e-01 -1.71291023e-01 -3.66497755e-01 -1.54212371e-01 5.04007526e-02 5.06037362e-02 2.10660443e-01 -8.54403302e-02 2.34288275e-01 1.07168742e-01 1.51211666e-02 -2.45507762e-01 -2.42922455e-01 9.18718353e-02 -9.86502320e-02 8.91269445e-02 1.74826831e-01 -1.83067188e-01 2.86074132e-01 -1.74674645e-01 1.08653717e-01 -3.19748512e-03 3.74681622e-01 2.92644221e-02 1.62060350e-01 2.94606179e-01 4.95759770e-02 1.89613342e-01 -1.08890876e-01 -5.05600497e-02 1.59071997e-01 -1.01371720e-01 -1.90860257e-01 -2.54306048e-02 3.26729327e-01 1.81871131e-01 -2.29317188e-01 1.91585049e-01 3.13444853e-01 8.03600401e-02 -1.08949341e-01 2.26640888e-02 -1.50470108e-01 1.31713850e-02 -1.03570685e-01 -1.20927570e-02 -4.86968607e-02 3.07324171e-01 -1.38033882e-01 -3.89116108e-01 -2.73656130e-01 -1.96272619e-02 5.06881177e-02 4.13552403e-01 2.04199329e-02 -5.16582310e-01 4.92959082e-01 -5.55363810e-03 5.64069510e-01 3.61142337e-01 -4.27603014e-02 6.20539725e-01 -8.31491724e-02 -2.16054738e-01 1.23726621e-01 1.55354261e-01 4.77607042e-01 3.35732251e-02 -1.83931649e-01 -1.05079681e-01 4.87287380e-02 1.81610137e-01 2.78269798e-01 2.73003370e-01 1.97425351e-01 1.74032778e-01 6.96357116e-02 8.38949811e-04 2.74586529e-01 -1.96187958e-01 -5.29016435e-01 -2.74829715e-01 -1.49080291e-01 2.62993425e-01 -8.46227817e-03 1.87127993e-01 1.93192706e-01 3.63802314e-02 -1.38049528e-01 -1.15527108e-01 -2.18336329e-01 -1.76866010e-01 1.03312947e-01 -3.06934983e-01 3.24452490e-01 -1.76208302e-01 -3.19889665e-01 3.55797843e-03 5.60761333e-01 -8.70369896e-02 -2.36469712e-02 3.44489247e-01 5.28831594e-02 1.36928692e-01 -1.58693697e-02 1.96824238e-01 2.15338822e-02 -1.71852022e-01 1.43915461e-03 -1.74135968e-01 -2.07342878e-01 -7.22921342e-02 2.80389160e-01 9.22785848e-02 2.69182384e-01 8.93379375e-02 1.64792001e-01 -2.74361938e-01 -2.27447823e-01 1.34658262e-01 6.94954172e-02 -1.31821726e-03 3.01199049e-01 -1.34995997e-01 -2.29751751e-01 2.12514661e-02 -7.64888749e-02 1.66661683e-02 -7.37802461e-02 -1.02321172e+00 -2.56050322e-02 1.45746350e-01 -1.94672480e-01 1.01660579e-01 5.75450547e-02 1.48910433e-01 -3.80980708e-02 1.30747433e-03 -9.97641683e-02 -2.35515878e-01 3.67955118e-02 2.28391262e-03 -1.79021075e-01 -6.37659907e-01 6.95810392e-02 -4.41715151e-01 8.39974880e-02 1.11979984e-01 -1.56860769e-01 2.33788162e-01 -5.73379278e-01 2.58655876e-01 -1.99875489e-01 -9.72583443e-02 3.69724751e-01 1.40616417e-01 -1.82378948e-01 1.43617913e-01 3.05117816e-01 2.53513008e-01 1.69856563e-01 -1.69579446e-01 -4.59410161e-01 -1.57603383e-01 -1.50223538e-01 3.82746421e-02 1.48104936e-01 2.71042231e-02 -1.52084708e-01 -5.28305471e-01 -2.50526905e-01 1.47336230e-01 -1.20555483e-01 2.16092199e-01 5.33080660e-02 3.54740769e-01 1.44088089e-01 4.57452476e-01 1.80722341e-01 3.93049419e-03 1.30956590e-01 2.88128108e-01 -1.58883452e-01 1.61984682e-01 -5.01867756e-03 2.88027734e-01 -1.80546910e-01 3.25383753e-01 -9.35557559e-02 -9.07294303e-02 -1.52857184e-01 -2.05865785e-01 5.55072784e-01 -1.53983369e-01 -1.88189074e-01 -1.48303971e-01 1.12911880e-01 -1.96607262e-01 -2.34375656e-01 -1.80121213e-02 -1.90496325e-01 -2.26472616e-01 1.36501476e-01 -3.88000846e-01 -2.72756815e-02 -6.03003837e-02 -2.43660867e-01 -1.34312481e-01 3.80497247e-01 6.80373684e-02 5.12404554e-02 1.41569033e-01 -2.53867894e-01]
"Human Jigsaw" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-418 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell with category 3 surveillance. SCP-418 is to undergo weekly examinations to ensure that the removal of SCP-418-1 is not causing harm and that all portions of SCP-418 are still in place. No object with an edge capable of puncturing normal human skin, including materials such as paper, or that is capable of being converted into such an object is permitted in SCP-418's containment cell. As reading is not available to SCP-418 he is provided with a library of contemporary and classical television and films stored as media files on a modified and padded laptop computer. This privilege is to be suspended if at any time SCP-418 appears to be attempting to damage said laptop to gain access to a sharp edge. SCP-418-1 is to be kept at internal body temperature in a medical containment unit in a secure location. Should SCP-418 become a security or containment threat SCP-418-1 is to be incinerated. SCP-418 is not to be informed of its location. Description: SCP-418 is a human male of Native American descent in his late 30s (exact age unknown) with black hair and brown eyes. His physical fitness and intelligence are above average, but not to an extraordinary degree. He possesses the capacity of autonomous anatomic separation, a trait he claims to be hereditary. SCP-418 has extensive experience as an industrial saboteur and related fields. SCP-418 was apprehended while infiltrating Site β–ˆβ–ˆ under the employ of an individual currently believed to be affiliated with Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. When SCP-418 is injured in such a way that his skin is broken the injury will near instantaneously grow in length until it severs a portion of SCP-418's body. Such injuries are uniform and clean with no variation or resistance due to tissue type. Despite the severe appearance of these injuries the portions of SCP-418's body will continue to function as if they were still connected to each other, even if an organ is severed. For example blood in a blood vessel that has been severed will travel from one segment to the other instantly as though the gap was not there. The same is true of materials taken in by the body, SCP-418 can drink and eat while his head is severed and can hear through a severed ear. If the severed portion is placed back in contact with the location from which it was severed it reconnects with no sign of injury. SCP-418 has trained extensively with his abilities and is able to consciously control many muscle functions not normally under human control, such as peristalsis, allowing him to use his severed portions and removed organs for a variety of purposes. SCP-418-1 is SCP-418's heart which was removed as a control on SCP-418's behaviour. Interview SCP-418/3 SCP-418 Testing Log Test sequence SCP-418-7 Test sequence conducted between 1900 and 1β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ hours on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Stimulus 1: A standard Foundation combat knife applied to the wrist. Result: SCP-418's hand severed. SCP-418 reports mild discomfort and that this is a normal reaction to his abilities. Approx .5cc blood lost due to cut, no lasting injury of any kind. Comments: A baseline for SCP-418's abilities. The potential for the use of SCP-418 nerve tissue for data transmission to be investigated. Stimulus 2: Zinc plated masonry nail (60g) applied with a standard maintenance hammer to SCP-418's hand. Result: Nail driven into SCP-418's hand. SCP-418's hand is divided in half laterally across the point of injury. SCP-418 reported a brief moment of extreme pain at point of injury. Comments: No lasting injury. SCP-418 requested a break in testing, request denied. Stimulus 3: A standard maintenance hammer applied to SCP-418's left forearm. Result: SCP-418's arm broken. SCP-418 reports extreme pain. Comments: SCP-418 healed within human norms. SCP-418's arm then severed due to the action of sharp bone fragments on his own abilites. SCP-418's arm kept separated for the duration of the healing process to observe the process and to prevent it being severed by the unhealed edges of the bones. SCP-418's morale and co-operation have been significantly damaged since this test. Stimulus 4: A standard Bunsen Burner applied to the back of SCP-418's left hand. Result: SCP-418's hand burned. SCP-418 reports significant pain and assaults Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Comments: Injury heals within human norms. Stimulus 5: 27 bullets fired from a standard Foundation assault rifle, 19 of which hit. Result: SCP-418 reports extreme pain from each of the successful hits. Each severs SCP-418 as with Stimulus 2. SCP-418 goes into shock and is reassembled, given medical treatment and returned to his containment cell. Comments: No lasting injury. SCP-418-1 recovered at this point. Note: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was not permanently injured. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been mentored on proper test planning with regards to SCP morale and co-operation. While the data is valuable, such intensive testing should be reserved for overtly hostile SCPs. Β« SCP-417 | SCP-418 | SCP-419 Β»" nan
[ 1.95175558e-01 -4.36897762e-02 -2.02116907e-01 -1.22537211e-01 -5.19367941e-02 -2.19578203e-02 3.43951881e-01 2.23870993e-01 -1.48407891e-01 -6.56584576e-02 -1.18814550e-01 1.60528734e-01 5.99499680e-02 1.16395026e-01 8.17299411e-02 -1.45269893e-02 -5.31702824e-02 2.93652773e-01 -1.25176281e-01 -2.92570859e-01 2.96155978e-02 -1.05457045e-01 -2.48599723e-02 4.10532296e-01 -2.06367195e-01 -1.19757213e-01 8.48143175e-02 5.03665686e-01 5.72408214e-02 -2.71985292e-01 -6.98700547e-02 2.26246789e-01 -8.03836714e-03 2.80452549e-01 -1.09137647e-04 -9.45094600e-02 3.64330299e-02 1.92658473e-02 -1.19101912e-01 1.58320099e-01 -5.63546777e-01 -4.22331363e-01 -1.57650739e-01 -2.13285267e-01 -1.09937236e-01 -1.38432741e-01 -3.44163924e-02 1.63731962e-01 6.28139257e-01 1.65883332e-01 1.90753341e-01 -9.32804123e-02 2.63302654e-01 1.35795265e-01 1.96673974e-01 2.41988957e-01 -2.14721859e-01 -2.73722053e-01 3.34280610e-01 -3.81326266e-02 2.79085428e-01 -1.27157643e-01 2.53387634e-02 -1.49073303e-01 -1.86017752e-02 -2.50887364e-01 1.19508766e-01 -2.25106120e-01 3.63091171e-01 5.91108263e-01 -2.93620620e-02 8.13728273e-02 -3.24359275e-02 -1.26237601e-01 1.00802399e-01 -2.37815589e-01 2.50968367e-01 3.96272957e-01 -1.46917794e-02 1.98761865e-01 1.80723816e-01 1.42020017e-01 -2.64856696e-01 -1.56732813e-01 -8.14238116e-02 3.88305813e-01 1.33451847e-02 4.75832261e-02 1.65984958e-01 3.68257761e-02 2.87077039e-01 3.56885977e-02 2.03794122e-01 1.14005178e-01 -1.90314516e-01 -2.52850562e-01 9.89506990e-02 7.89274201e-02 2.94116229e-01 -5.93036190e-02 1.93754628e-01 1.81241781e-01 2.36819804e-01 9.52450093e-03 1.69578016e-01 -2.28617802e-01 -5.10646123e-03 6.65550679e-02 -2.29795128e-01 3.51529896e-01 -1.34707674e-01 2.68581212e-01 1.29559487e-01 -1.00876816e-01 1.28546789e-01 -8.58492702e-02 9.51673836e-02 -5.28327711e-02 -4.80977863e-01 1.52453646e-01 -3.56309682e-01 1.16977870e-01 -2.48932719e-01 9.11273509e-02 4.04629976e-01 7.34230354e-02 -1.23988846e-02 5.71677163e-02 -1.29066676e-01 2.23566755e-03 -2.92468667e-01 1.78955853e-01 -2.03093439e-01 -1.39821067e-01 -3.31449181e-01 -3.45724553e-01 -2.73433149e-01 1.10000034e-03 -1.01820163e-01 -1.00971997e-01 -1.15761586e-01 1.53512768e-02 4.40452009e-01 3.10448498e-01 -1.56002715e-01 -4.48536575e-01 -1.37846932e-01 -1.38559341e-01 -1.41912475e-01 2.13020723e-02 7.09534809e-02 2.05200151e-01 -2.67931014e-01 2.01178744e-01 -1.91483587e-01 1.12531722e-01 6.13254607e-01 -1.87496752e-01 -2.13023461e-03 4.11355160e-02 1.32233575e-01 2.35773280e-01 -2.98715174e-01 -2.34725252e-01 -1.86152309e-01 2.56103337e-01 -8.22491050e-02 -1.07764415e-01 1.83381200e-01 1.86241418e-01 -4.75366227e-03 1.68067679e-01 9.63628814e-02 1.20218173e-01 -2.49283478e-01 2.86966503e-01 -2.65546262e-01 1.58726383e-04 -1.62308469e-01 -1.06659465e-01 -2.63721228e-01 3.24101627e-01 1.93387941e-01 -4.30875659e-01 -9.89447460e-02 2.19988544e-03 -1.69611007e-01 7.39981011e-02 -6.04646057e-02 -9.38172080e-03 -1.57340705e-01 -4.31938678e-01 5.91873452e-02 -1.07806318e-01 1.97423220e-01 -1.88421205e-01 2.10968152e-01 -7.34161794e-01 3.72566402e-01 7.08084181e-02 -1.80053025e-01 -6.78441450e-02 -1.17411509e-01 1.49944276e-01 -3.36885333e-01 2.88477629e-01 -2.91376799e-01 3.02989483e-02 1.00027688e-01 2.20172942e-01 -3.90988728e-03 -1.35632604e-01 -2.25935727e-01 1.79789029e-02 -2.27838196e-02 -1.66242599e-01 2.06027716e-01 1.99324399e-01 1.29394978e-01 -2.65758753e-01 -2.55002618e-01 2.53541172e-01 8.08981732e-02 5.09418771e-02 -1.85180292e-01 4.05648947e-01 -2.73433924e-01 -2.87624270e-01 2.63258606e-01 4.74408150e-01 1.93841413e-01 -1.13859780e-01 1.91618457e-01 4.76930887e-02 -2.41419926e-01 3.32371384e-01 5.36393262e-02 7.82491267e-01 -1.88233957e-01 -4.02628034e-01 1.03914969e-01 -1.44146727e-02 2.81700045e-01 -1.02141760e-01 -3.38769048e-01 3.96351755e-01 2.75040530e-02 1.38115928e-01 -4.38791933e-03 9.72303469e-03 -3.36388052e-02 -4.65216368e-01 -2.73820400e-01 2.09768973e-02 -1.16096333e-01 -1.72378868e-01 -3.95932138e-01 6.29169121e-02 -1.93390250e-01 6.87308162e-02 1.45544708e-01 -7.24402070e-02 2.54424423e-01 -2.69223824e-02 3.81486267e-01 -2.86187381e-01 2.20566958e-01 7.65404850e-02 5.58563769e-02 1.95810229e-01 5.61633557e-02 -6.57332456e-03 -4.98337555e-04 -3.10671389e-01 -1.46084473e-01 1.78099811e-01 -2.05753781e-02 3.66381466e-01 1.18400782e-01 3.46745104e-02 -1.79123953e-02 7.59313181e-02 -2.88146585e-01 -2.90499747e-01 -2.42030099e-01 2.13931307e-01 -1.18727602e-01 -2.46790588e-01 -5.28526828e-02 3.91090840e-01 2.03456610e-01 -2.75416225e-01 1.94268897e-02 -8.42385069e-02 -2.72942871e-01 2.83554822e-01 -2.57739071e-02 3.93868685e-01 -3.53770614e-01 4.59524602e-01 -2.94547081e-01 2.29430139e-01 1.21754482e-01 2.01098129e-01 -3.13253962e-02 2.15037301e-01 5.62066138e-01 -4.11115080e-01 -3.30178179e-02 -9.72537510e-03 -2.02767640e-01 1.48679510e-01 5.51348925e-02 -2.46798351e-01 3.22955549e-01 -2.20828414e-01 5.97536750e-02 -2.68794239e-01 -4.23470400e-02 -6.18071437e-01 3.78703736e-02 8.12407397e-03 1.34668872e-02 9.08990279e-02 3.78511459e-01 5.38032413e-01 2.32878644e-02 -2.13692322e-01 2.12778434e-01 2.23007515e-01 2.37259313e-01 4.00539562e-02 2.30217841e-03 1.38899535e-01 3.23019594e-01 2.27002993e-01 -1.52735397e-01 -5.45341671e-01 -2.62399185e-02 1.33412685e-02 -4.41243174e-03 -2.94463962e-01 -3.81524444e-01 4.66700554e-01 -1.53889194e-01 -1.78771034e-01 4.61976618e-01 -1.53897092e-01 2.07310125e-01 -3.20186228e-01 4.58160900e-02 6.55692697e-01 -1.01662539e-01 -2.55397767e-01 -1.37108028e-01 -1.13094904e-01 -9.53171998e-02 4.58399117e-01 1.34020401e-02 -6.77385833e-03 3.46694104e-02 4.01760489e-01 3.96060556e-01 6.40500756e-03 -1.39210388e-01 9.88658443e-02 3.78490180e-01 2.17173621e-01 3.20228875e-01 -1.58587039e-01 1.94600567e-01 2.49697834e-01 -6.06170222e-02 1.66645929e-01 1.84663925e-02 -5.83661310e-02 -9.42462310e-02 -2.65093774e-01 -4.99545574e-01 -2.33358145e-01 2.43968084e-01 6.32465035e-02 1.85587462e-02 -8.01038891e-02 -1.68603808e-01 2.53997952e-01 -1.05482899e-01 -7.80042186e-02 3.83686632e-01 3.19364160e-01 -5.16424738e-02 -1.77911669e-01 -7.76219815e-02 -1.47887394e-01 1.21275902e-01 1.55430987e-01 2.82274536e-03 -1.25354417e-02 -3.50463122e-01 4.09610569e-01 -4.60546434e-01 -2.19868630e-01 1.38094157e-01 5.69733083e-01 3.81263107e-01 7.67852366e-03 -9.62966029e-03 3.08101587e-02 -6.27532974e-02 3.29076895e-03 2.49206707e-01 -3.43361735e-01 -1.22651540e-01 -3.71758342e-01 6.40083253e-02 -1.49244875e-01 1.05866745e-01 -7.31501877e-02 1.50671393e-01 -1.93798542e-01 -2.80523509e-01 1.30294591e-01 5.18432595e-02 -3.49211544e-01 -6.47025704e-02 -1.41047522e-01 -1.09673850e-01 -2.25330591e-01 3.71246599e-02 2.87417918e-02 -4.85126585e-01 -2.50112712e-01 -2.62246698e-01 3.18704069e-01 1.96410179e-01 3.20283204e-01 5.75509608e-01 -2.93104470e-01 -1.32485598e-01 -1.38288170e-01 3.76341604e-02 1.21367164e-01 7.26294696e-01 3.00013900e-01 -1.49509698e-01 -2.55368710e-01 1.72516271e-01 -2.05425188e-01 -2.09221214e-01 1.79439321e-01 1.02824539e-01 2.78794348e-01 2.49168873e-01 1.69936925e-01 -1.73233375e-01 -3.77592176e-01 -3.77276093e-02 5.34340858e-01 -2.13301793e-01 3.07594419e-01 3.37768465e-01 1.28681529e+00 5.89666106e-02 1.33041024e-01 -1.28704965e-01 -7.63535261e-01 6.82527013e-03 -4.64002043e-02 -1.92742556e-01 -7.80594423e-02 -7.52444044e-02 7.86894262e-02 -2.27031842e-01 1.90001085e-01 3.16421896e-01 -1.47905305e-01 1.04608968e-01 -6.03667259e-01 -2.62429174e-02 9.21092853e-02 4.10188705e-01 2.34103590e-01 -9.67490971e-02 6.74881339e-02 2.29044825e-01 5.48450761e-02 3.24081481e-01 -3.17081250e-03 1.74691677e-02 -9.38633382e-02 1.16019659e-01 -8.08695555e-02 1.64537132e-02 -1.92327663e-01 5.70790321e-02 1.63125470e-01 -3.20897013e-01 -1.91546958e-02 -1.57961234e-01 -1.98837519e-01 -2.07746118e-01 1.32539093e-01 1.29066586e-01 7.16082811e-01 -8.47573504e-02 1.29074425e-01 6.10931702e-02 4.30051625e-01 -5.29113449e-02 -1.57612368e-01 2.24283010e-01 5.61257340e-02 -2.09221169e-01 -4.74695489e-02 5.95020363e-03 -1.68732982e-02 -3.14723313e-01 4.04325426e-01 -7.06352890e-02 -8.72421786e-02 -1.52191803e-01 1.65208086e-01 1.39926851e-01 -2.48992592e-01 1.05539761e-01 1.78183839e-01 5.99438846e-02 -9.34992582e-02 3.73402059e-01 -5.82827441e-02 3.47058028e-01 -1.26666754e-01 7.17363581e-02 -1.77342191e-01 -4.18656468e-01 1.52202129e-01 2.68580377e-01 4.64750417e-02 -2.78702024e-02 -4.89961118e-01 -3.63204420e-01 -2.77079433e-01 1.13688111e-01 1.28433064e-01 -3.88147272e-02 1.58821640e-04 -2.00881779e-01 -3.95966647e-03 -7.39377663e-02 1.17483541e-01 1.70677289e-01 -1.52733997e-01 7.12485433e-01 -1.51469916e-01 6.19423687e-01 -4.17998761e-01 8.64090249e-02 -2.21658096e-01 -2.25948885e-01 4.57928270e-01 -2.57758975e-01 -2.16403633e-01 -1.87971994e-01 1.55992255e-01 3.56519967e-02 -1.76533923e-01 -2.45168850e-01 -9.84436870e-02 9.64790061e-02 -1.00856043e-01 -5.76190472e-01 2.67095817e-03 -6.52596205e-02 1.19246647e-01 9.17946249e-02 9.26550925e-02 -8.61705169e-02 1.91284776e-01 3.09411496e-01 7.84388930e-02 2.62657732e-01 9.04683024e-02 9.46532711e-02 -1.10314474e-01 1.61016926e-01 -3.46933335e-01 4.03095782e-02 -2.37169281e-01 -4.44402695e-02 2.11501226e-01 4.36247468e-01 -9.51455757e-02 3.69134843e-02 3.54988217e-01 1.24031842e-01 -1.61341116e-01 3.34167242e-01 -1.75832033e-01 3.84926163e-02 -2.62429744e-01 -9.83461887e-02 -2.95390755e-01 2.86328018e-01 -5.93802631e-02 -7.43129104e-02 -3.78777236e-01 4.17557716e-01 6.39586151e-02 3.89567792e-01 -8.10351595e-03 -3.17604095e-01 -2.67043769e-01 -8.52763727e-02 6.87341020e-03 -6.13840185e-02 1.47812515e-01 2.17098951e-01 -2.22972602e-01 -1.79558590e-01 -1.51053844e-02 3.71003002e-02 2.92311400e-01 1.04569681e-01 1.99432760e-01 1.12342536e-01 -1.45090610e-01 5.20469129e-01 2.30047151e-01 -3.08621041e-02 -2.84057707e-01 2.49153674e-01 -1.15275599e-01 -1.76970840e-01 2.64661193e-01 1.42303705e-01 1.28527150e-01 -1.63719252e-01 -6.67367652e-02 2.95885593e-01 2.31354963e-02 7.69704282e-02 -2.90369481e-01 -2.22645745e-01 -1.49407417e-01 -3.90173078e-01 -1.90322343e-02 1.67957932e-01 1.71906367e-01 -2.11037509e-02 1.18942983e-01 5.38442075e-01 1.21329408e-02 -5.55243157e-02 5.80082417e-01 -2.10555524e-01 1.34764865e-01 4.68921483e-01 7.82884806e-02 7.51442909e-02 -3.23845260e-02 4.34039354e-01 -5.57720840e-01 -1.97926641e-01 -4.93040085e-02 -1.95282623e-01 -2.84224421e-01 -2.47789035e-03 2.38521919e-01 -1.50973752e-01 -2.26098835e-01 2.19891250e-01 1.69795513e-01 -2.17038989e-01 -3.25451404e-01 2.51904219e-01 1.94295555e-01 -2.48127416e-01 -1.23886712e-01 -2.49654919e-01 -3.67306709e-01 2.28269659e-02 8.97411704e-02 4.63429362e-01 -1.79187566e-01 -3.01668584e-01 -4.72760260e-01 2.52994776e-01 -1.27651572e-01 1.03986844e-01 -2.04730347e-01 3.72359216e-01 -1.43396139e-01 -2.35534757e-01 -6.36000419e-03 -2.52970874e-01 1.49619058e-01 6.83757886e-02 -1.34892881e-01 -6.41399980e-01 1.32834986e-01 2.55421579e-01 -4.47400250e-02 1.13361157e-01 1.41017893e-02 5.06597400e-01 8.03855658e-02 -1.01464555e-01 -1.82426199e-01 6.03458881e-02 1.16805591e-01 -4.12933677e-01 4.96649789e-03 -1.98838469e-02 2.99088433e-02 1.03321791e-01 1.57822683e-01 -4.80382564e-03 -2.93060094e-01 -2.21127391e-01 3.55718046e-01 2.27980211e-01 1.93923220e-01 1.12828270e-01 -3.72868419e-01 -1.52047276e-01 1.42134145e-01 2.48335645e-01 -4.97284859e-01 4.53538775e-01 1.15221038e-01 1.74587354e-01 1.59328282e-01 2.87965178e-01 3.34290802e-01 -2.12249920e-01 -7.54662603e-02 2.77530909e-01 -1.62221387e-01 1.68785810e-01 -4.29322459e-02 3.11917990e-01 2.60405391e-01 4.17177349e-01 1.61853388e-01 -2.74875432e-01 -1.94476649e-01 -2.87820637e-01 4.82033581e-01 6.76159263e-01 -1.97288767e-01 -2.26592943e-01 4.02672701e-02 -6.82770135e-03 -2.44424697e-02 -1.87327161e-01 -1.70924962e-01 -9.65641961e-02 -4.62861322e-02 1.73371546e-02 1.27109304e-01 -5.01323678e-02 -8.90504643e-02 2.75807106e-03 6.96886629e-02 1.68039486e-01 2.15196356e-01 -3.68507773e-01 -1.36355683e-01]
"Window to the World" active "Item #: SCP-419 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-419 is to be kept within a steel alloy1 frame and attached to its accommodating wallspace. No covering or casing is present. SCP-419 currently resides in a room inside Site 33, dimensions 3m x 5m x 4m. All of the walls in the containment unit, including the one behind SCP-419, are made of a mesh of plastic, steel, and concrete. On the north-facing wall of the containment room is a viewing bay2 leading to another room with the same dimensions. Two guards are positioned outside of the containment room near the viewing bay and are authorized to use lethal force. They shift every three (3) hours. SCP-419 must be cleaned daily with ordinary window-cleaning supplies. Any personnel tasked with maintenance must not suffer from acrophobia. Constant monitoring of SCP-419 must take place from the viewing bay in order to ensure that the view through SCP-419 does not change significantly. In the event that it does, contact Site Director β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Access to SCP-419 is prohibited except under special circumstances and permission from Site Director. Description: SCP-419 is a large pane of reinforced glass 1.5m x 3.6m x 7.6cm in dimensions. One side of SCP-419 does not allow light to pass through. Instead, it displays a view of what appears to be an extradimensional urban environment. This phenomenon is only present when viewed directly by a human subject. Photographs, motion sensors, and vision-enhancing objects such as glasses or contacts all act on SCP-419 as if it were a mirror. The scene viewed through SCP-419 appears to be outside but lacks any natural lighting, regardless of the time it is viewed. No super-terrestrial forms (such as celestial bodies) are visible. The view would appear to originate from a vantage point high above ground level. Approximately 800 lux of light emanates from SCP-419 despite the lack of a light source. The source of this phenomenon is theorized to be whatever environment SCP-419 displays. Light from SCP-419's testing chamber does not affect this scene. The buildings visible through SCP-419 appear similar to those of the Victorian architectural period. However, they tend to have unusual, almost imperceptible changes that make them appear warped or twisted, or occupying spaces they should not. Much, if not all of the area viewed through SCP-419, is non-Euclidean. Estimates of the size of this city vary depending on when it is viewed and have ranged from approximately twelve square kilometers to over sixty. A multitude of neon lights and signs have been noted but are not in any known language. Organisms have been viewed walking, albeit only en masse due to their relatively small size. Their actual size is currently unknown due to the lack of a scale. They appear to be humanoid and dark red in color; however, the lack of available computerized assistance and the obvious flaws in the human eye does not allow for a higher level of detail to be ascertained. Due to their seemingly advanced level of technology, the running theory among researchers is that this is not their actual skin color, but rather their clothing. Additional Description: Occasionally, large metallic constructs have been viewed moving through the "streets" followed by large masses of the humanoids. During these occasions such processions compose all of the visible movement within the city. Dr.β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ notes that these processions are highly reminiscent of military marches due to their extremely geometric nature and constant pace. Following Incident 419-B, the entire landscape viewed through SCP-419 has changed drastically. Many of the buildings appear to be lit on fire or smoldering, much of the ground is covered in rubble, and there is almost no visible movement from the previously-described red humanoids. However, what appear to be similarly shaped dark blue humanoids have been observed performing similar processions. Approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ% of the buildings consistently observed before Incident 419-B have collapsed. Visibility has also been significantly obscured by an opaque gas, theorized to be smoke. Upon closer inspection, a multitude of dark gray figures are visible in the streets, but remain stationary. The implications of this event are unknown. Note 9-27-13: SCP-419 seems to be aging at an abnormally fast rate. We currently believe this is due to the atmosphere on the other side, though we obviously cannot test it to know for sure. At this speed, SCP-419 could become non-functional as soon as 2019. What this will mean, we do not yet know. - β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Kulzn Β« SCP-418 | SCP-419 | SCP-420 Β»" nan
[-3.77591290e-02 -1.64189637e-01 -8.00490305e-02 2.28026956e-02 -6.40520677e-02 -3.04115087e-01 4.11762536e-01 7.50288069e-02 -9.41586867e-02 6.56988174e-02 -2.91814416e-04 1.34403765e-01 -6.72532665e-03 2.65382767e-01 3.59529138e-01 -1.59517661e-01 -7.57157151e-03 1.57094464e-01 -2.85837501e-01 -8.11117887e-02 -2.56393105e-01 -2.48243719e-01 -1.04454398e-01 2.08470166e-01 2.79066563e-01 -1.74425825e-01 -2.61154398e-02 1.83821037e-01 1.39796138e-01 1.07433312e-01 -2.07096860e-02 -2.51746345e-02 -1.27354246e-02 2.91240484e-01 -1.10330468e-04 -3.14983167e-02 1.16157539e-01 -9.66764912e-02 3.37502845e-02 4.34395730e-01 -3.49806637e-01 -2.73341358e-01 1.03206836e-01 -2.80920058e-01 -2.92233706e-01 -2.72447497e-01 -1.71775237e-01 1.96606442e-01 2.77353048e-01 7.72755742e-02 2.25333050e-01 2.76898086e-01 8.68803356e-03 2.01519728e-01 9.94038209e-02 2.16720685e-01 -2.06742495e-01 -3.07882041e-01 1.88606784e-01 1.90634176e-01 1.93059929e-02 1.58757433e-01 -9.53091905e-02 -5.58724925e-02 3.08197618e-01 -3.38005543e-01 1.23983398e-02 -1.62870288e-01 -8.65683854e-02 1.59223825e-01 1.82821944e-01 -1.52969092e-01 -1.35718090e-02 1.11514062e-01 -4.54604238e-01 -1.62015036e-01 6.78145066e-02 2.20985249e-01 -3.24625638e-03 -9.13281366e-02 -5.27805202e-02 3.19963694e-02 -2.78114259e-01 9.46392342e-02 -3.74831468e-01 3.72338861e-01 -1.25539431e-03 2.27482662e-01 8.04668590e-02 2.09500253e-01 1.41297251e-01 -1.68829188e-01 2.21637473e-01 4.23510820e-02 3.04443359e-01 -9.64361578e-02 4.25011426e-01 2.28058115e-01 -3.15055072e-01 2.45472267e-01 1.62257776e-01 2.41687804e-01 2.75248975e-01 1.06868863e-01 1.22451410e-01 7.55923465e-02 2.11215258e-01 -2.65540630e-01 -2.99387008e-01 1.90087304e-01 1.59111142e-01 1.68145314e-01 1.01067394e-01 -1.96124196e-01 -1.01834601e-02 -1.18549682e-01 3.08465749e-01 3.93065549e-02 -1.89971894e-01 3.46600950e-01 -3.39600116e-01 1.56695962e-01 2.34644935e-02 3.44296813e-01 5.83694935e-01 3.16634446e-01 3.19959164e-01 -4.78069872e-01 -1.37422010e-01 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4.47073519e-01 5.02409153e-02 4.53402370e-01 -2.00338408e-01 -1.62724435e-01 2.87949353e-01 2.66056079e-02 -4.80464660e-02 -1.78487465e-01 4.65394735e-01 7.93582648e-02 -3.63426954e-01 1.37101769e-01 -1.51161999e-01 1.43775389e-01 -1.94497079e-01 2.99462471e-02 2.30508335e-02 2.78948307e-01 1.73749819e-01 1.85521379e-01 1.09166121e-02 2.15433836e-01 -2.40322903e-01 -2.17561170e-01 -2.01217040e-01 -2.77517796e-01 -1.61092997e-01 6.66317344e-02 1.17198583e-02 4.57060672e-02 -2.90688910e-02 5.91659844e-02 4.97209400e-01 -2.49792859e-01 -1.66080315e-02 1.45127505e-01 -4.50964838e-01 1.65742114e-02 -9.79720205e-02 2.48799294e-01 -5.43995053e-02 -3.12095378e-02 -2.79003978e-01 -3.31677333e-03 -3.32896365e-04 1.43926024e-01 -4.34571356e-02 1.38237655e-01 5.18154025e-01 -2.96297316e-02 4.40865844e-01 -1.77435160e-01 -4.75877106e-01 7.58128911e-02 9.37591866e-02 3.29499781e-01 -3.35881710e-01 -1.02495439e-01 -1.70393810e-01 -2.26361096e-01 7.63491318e-02 -3.15335393e-01 8.47904310e-02 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9.37663615e-02 -1.26132578e-01 9.80974883e-02 3.62923771e-01 -2.36419253e-02 -1.29621029e-01 -4.93709557e-02 -1.37488186e-01 -1.28179163e-01 -5.27221970e-02 -7.30748624e-02 3.35367799e-01 -3.72389674e-01 -2.80481666e-01 3.57946813e-01 -4.55977499e-01 1.60226583e-01 2.54374146e-01 6.01838231e-01 1.66792139e-01 7.26017132e-02 -5.26378453e-01 -1.67325720e-01 -1.72723204e-01 -1.96173146e-01 -2.11945474e-01 -1.68062508e-01 2.34484345e-01 5.46579510e-02 -1.26232639e-01 -1.06885165e-01 -1.95717499e-01 1.92370385e-01 4.33598757e-02 -3.03975582e-01 -4.79582511e-02 2.13892221e-01 -1.64955109e-02 -4.10930850e-02 1.04183443e-01 -9.65455323e-02 2.44416326e-01 2.26108208e-01 2.44190380e-01 9.45496559e-02 1.79616048e-03 -1.91952530e-02 -1.28595024e-01 2.67854929e-01 2.46459067e-01 1.42096534e-01 3.91178936e-01 5.06933331e-02 1.92546427e-01 1.48506612e-01 1.05601303e-01 1.24646723e-01 7.70306408e-01 2.26177052e-02 -4.55489069e-01 -3.33038807e-01 3.34312558e-01 -4.50516164e-01 -8.26663822e-02 1.03830628e-01 4.02763486e-03 2.80330181e-01 2.94813216e-01 6.97012544e-02 -1.64715558e-01 -4.45216447e-01 4.20055091e-02 3.00291091e-01 -2.73895822e-03 1.75804943e-01 5.02286732e-01 1.08218837e+00 1.90776274e-01 -4.34772531e-03 3.71437699e-01 -3.02503914e-01 -5.73985815e-01 -8.42707828e-02 2.44143866e-02 1.05227634e-01 -4.49229404e-02 1.28916735e-02 -2.02231333e-01 1.79909095e-01 1.20915160e-01 -1.91412166e-01 -3.59953582e-01 -3.06760281e-01 2.62528241e-01 5.12028456e-01 -2.45630573e-02 2.52685249e-01 9.12646055e-02 1.52867675e-01 2.10265711e-01 5.30836955e-02 2.97028333e-01 2.48990674e-03 1.97973639e-01 5.02513833e-02 6.73743635e-02 -3.97934645e-01 2.45598584e-01 3.35198455e-02 6.20670319e-02 -1.40951604e-01 -1.07744038e-01 -1.74485311e-01 1.18391082e-01 -4.62362677e-01 -5.60764596e-02 -3.11145663e-01 1.76533833e-01 3.48537892e-01 -1.06624290e-01 -5.72527051e-02 1.12456173e-01 2.06283122e-01 -4.37576361e-02 2.18652980e-03 2.93847144e-01 -9.35817733e-02 1.71986595e-01 -4.00119364e-01 5.00534996e-02 6.10975623e-01 -1.21326834e-01 4.32769179e-01 -1.13935255e-01 -1.60106510e-01 -2.17508927e-01 1.61887228e-01 -4.56600845e-01 5.91401458e-02 3.49359401e-02 1.14635723e-02 -8.30096379e-03 3.61850820e-02 2.78761804e-01 2.02957511e-01 4.96269941e-01 -1.37186527e-01 3.88218671e-01 -1.69289306e-01 -4.03824508e-01 4.03442621e-01 6.21002167e-02 -1.38492316e-01 -3.57171614e-03 9.71303135e-02 -2.10966781e-01 -1.79377440e-02 2.65041888e-01 1.96446016e-01 -7.65101463e-02 -3.58911216e-01 -1.92578152e-01 3.70820254e-01 -1.31499425e-01 -8.50931332e-02 2.87485659e-01 -6.15788959e-02 6.70070767e-01 2.29847997e-01 2.32276723e-01 -4.12426561e-01 -1.81213468e-02 1.55832432e-02 1.19146844e-03 3.40304136e-01 -2.00969577e-01 -2.12424636e-01 -2.68659974e-03 6.12581074e-02 -7.51880631e-02 -2.45538816e-01 -3.11427146e-01 8.38672072e-02 9.82986391e-02 -2.18796190e-02 -4.22446221e-01 1.44987762e-01 1.67635739e-01 2.45726183e-01 -7.54119537e-04 9.29902792e-02 1.70379475e-01 6.17008731e-02 5.97330928e-02 -3.37514222e-01 -9.10287052e-02 -7.81357661e-02 1.50177209e-02 -2.22799376e-01 5.99120736e-01 -1.42140001e-01 -2.63250202e-01 1.57581329e-01 -1.33705840e-01 8.49749893e-03 2.47031569e-01 1.30754679e-01 1.14008546e-01 -3.37611809e-02 2.06677541e-01 1.14253968e-01 1.94187254e-01 -8.96081701e-02 -3.10060441e-01 -4.04517144e-01 -5.97844310e-02 -2.59371381e-02 3.00624371e-01 -1.94280118e-01 8.55565965e-02 -1.88837931e-01 -1.51428461e-01 8.74538422e-02 7.27268904e-02 1.98311940e-01 -5.24045348e-01 -3.23568918e-02 1.29891874e-03 1.42260743e-02 2.82986015e-01 1.45430267e-01 6.45274580e-01 -1.20089054e-01 -1.07513927e-01 3.06619734e-01 2.55239099e-01 1.80259764e-01 4.77363765e-01 1.85722739e-01 1.93153515e-01 -1.35535240e-01 6.20660424e-01 1.69728264e-01 -8.04585516e-02 -6.29811510e-02 1.97140411e-01 7.56731406e-02 1.62569195e-01 -3.26825202e-01 5.00675924e-02 -2.41139650e-01 3.08431368e-02 -2.20263302e-01 1.42137781e-01 -1.11006856e-01 2.04209566e-01 5.45643717e-02 -2.64787942e-01 -5.29211909e-02 1.16362095e-01 1.81472197e-01 -1.09051861e-01 1.79104283e-01 -2.68595159e-01 -1.95693001e-01 2.05489412e-01 9.90116000e-02 -1.05804987e-01 2.68520474e-01 -7.77868107e-02 4.40285116e-01 1.53993532e-01 -1.33017316e-01 1.01106375e-01 6.20112680e-02 -2.72584818e-02 -3.08441874e-02 -9.07491893e-02 -7.87367020e-03 9.61288884e-02 -2.30998144e-01 -2.31828824e-01 -3.11017483e-02 1.14286602e-01 -1.13430254e-01 2.82059729e-01 1.24862440e-01 -2.28388384e-01 -1.54944599e-01 1.19807320e-02 1.19427420e-01 1.69026226e-01 -2.60062724e-01 -2.94538319e-01 3.33024887e-03 4.53655012e-02 -2.61769921e-01 -4.31095287e-02 -7.85016418e-01 -3.34981047e-02 -3.84884417e-01 5.03461547e-02 -2.63120741e-01 1.14605598e-01 -1.08228184e-01 2.83099174e-01 -8.59646872e-02 1.65539786e-01 -1.31147519e-01 -4.01044905e-01 -5.37130199e-02 2.38147661e-01 -7.22593516e-02 -5.65644264e-01 4.79815416e-02 -7.92836249e-02 -2.15967909e-01 4.61987592e-02 6.17486537e-02 5.70995688e-01 -4.15071845e-02 -3.02819401e-01 -3.39439571e-01 4.52287436e-01 2.88414150e-01 1.95280746e-01 -8.41399422e-04 -2.96538919e-01 1.77337095e-01 -5.61777689e-02 1.39400765e-01 -1.09595440e-01 -3.86450231e-01 -7.99762756e-02 6.36101842e-01 4.81117427e-01 3.39448154e-02 1.76388830e-01 -1.44822136e-01 -2.20917463e-01 1.18121602e-01 3.04585904e-01 -2.01022193e-01 1.26367630e-02 1.53287761e-02 -9.92264450e-02 2.02999637e-01 2.86637843e-01 3.95443708e-01 7.81188011e-02 8.80513862e-02 3.57659727e-01 -3.19880754e-01 3.33083533e-02 -4.99016792e-01 -3.62959728e-02 1.58794120e-01 4.07463983e-02 2.61454303e-02 -1.96001634e-01 2.18740478e-02 -3.07572097e-01 2.95111060e-01 -1.10082962e-01 -1.00991108e-01 -3.28759737e-02 -1.18054830e-01 -1.83619186e-01 1.35359436e-01 1.29167810e-02 -2.89872646e-01 -1.65950283e-02 1.65219113e-01 -2.35448068e-04 -1.11214243e-01 -4.80846643e-01 -2.39428014e-01 -7.76370913e-02 1.32886067e-01 -3.14577706e-02 -4.80942354e-02 -1.14279665e-01 -1.35367244e-01]
"Aggressive Skin Condition" active "Item #: SCP-420 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-420 is to be contained in storage locker 1014-420 at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Level 3 clearance is required to remove it from storage. Samples of SCP-420-1 not in use for testing should be stored in the container marked "SCP-420-1-decon" in locker 1014-420 until they lose potency, at which time they can be disposed of as biohazardous liquid waste. Please make note of the time and date in the attached log when samples of SCP-420-1 are added to the decon container. Those infected with SCP-420-2 are non-contagious, and should be contained in standard solitary D-class secure confinement. On reaching phase 3, infectees' rations should be doubled. Phase 4 infectees should be kept under constant surveillance for signs of advancement to phase 6, in which case the infected must be destroyed by high-temperature incineration. Description: SCP-420 is a dirty bottle of [REDACTED]-brand whiskey with no lid; when emptied, a small amount of whiskey-like liquid (SCP-420-1) remains in the bottle, appearing as liquid adhering to the sides. This liquid pools back into a few milliliters of SCP-420-1 over time. Drinking SCP-420-1 will cause SCP-420-2, a nonfatal but consuming degeneration and mutation of skin and keratinous tissue (hair, fingernails, etc.) in the infected. Cases of SCP-420-2 should be contained for further study. Early cases can be treated (see Treatment, below). SCP-420-2 has only been shown to affect humans. SCP-420 cannot be washed out; liquid added in turns into SCP-420-1. When poured out, SCP-420-1 retains its properties for up to 48 hours. Chemical analysis shows no anomalies in SCP-420-1 before or after loss of potency: it is identical to [REDACTED] brand whiskey when potent, and has all the same effects in addition to causing SCP-420-2. When it loses its potency, the chemical structure changes to that of concentrated urine. Urinalysis of decontaminated SCP-420-1 shows that it belongs to a human male, approximate age 50, with severe liver degeneration. Further analysis using [DATA EXPUNGED] shows that the urine contains trace quantities of [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ; research shows [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-420-2's infection progress varies somewhat from patient to patient, but can be described in several phases. Detailed descriptions for therapeutic purposes can be found in Medical Document 420a-4 (attached). Brief descriptions for containment purposes follow: Treatment: SCP-420-2 can be treated in phase 1 by aggressive radiation and chemotherapy, coupled with constant intravenous administration of formula 420-a09t-t174b (see Medical Document 420a-4 for pharmaceutical and chemical properties and therapy description). This treatment has a 73% success rate (full removal of SCP-420-2) and 21% fatality. From phase 2 onward, constant administration of 420-a09t-t174b will slow the progression by two to tenfold, but rarely removes it entirely (success rate of full removal of SCP-420-2 drops by about 25% per day after the onset of phase 2). Additionally, 420-a09t-t174b appears to be at least part of the trigger to entering phase 6: 420-a09t-t174b treatment should be halted in phase 5. Recovery Log 420: SCP-420 was found in the possession of an unidentified vagrant in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, United Kingdom. Agents had been sent to investigate reports of a "bridge troll", which was revealed to be the aforementioned vagrant in phase 5 of SCP-420-2. The vagrant's skin appeared to be using SCP-420 to create and drink SCP-420-1 constantly through its mouths, although its primary sustenance came via refuse, local pets, and [REDACTED]. The vagrant was collected and designated SCP-420-a. SCP-420-a perished during experimentation on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/2010 and was incinerated after autopsy. Β« SCP-419 | SCP-420 | SCP-421 Β»" nan
[ 4.58518088e-01 -2.21665829e-01 -1.61229536e-01 -1.74240857e-01 2.31009841e-01 3.70826176e-03 1.19989574e-01 1.23577993e-02 -2.56056517e-01 -5.74494191e-02 2.96880100e-02 3.85304391e-01 -1.72666416e-01 4.16437030e-01 1.22426622e-01 3.59695256e-01 -2.05306318e-02 1.96534514e-01 1.48148000e-01 -1.59278214e-01 9.76950601e-02 5.51363304e-02 -1.62747011e-01 3.02356720e-01 -3.46077383e-01 -1.69908673e-01 2.22717404e-01 1.09877646e-01 -1.49630979e-01 -7.38527238e-01 9.57671180e-02 3.01765084e-01 2.00101763e-01 -7.21163210e-03 -1.15180563e-04 -2.06538960e-01 1.72271252e-01 -6.93184733e-02 1.93897150e-02 1.46672815e-01 1.18143320e-01 -3.21462065e-01 2.77807206e-01 -1.25951946e-01 -1.21178024e-01 -3.32869291e-01 7.98561424e-02 4.01077121e-02 4.21543688e-01 2.77194530e-01 1.69335797e-01 -8.09923559e-02 1.29837254e-02 2.28594840e-02 4.52984124e-01 -1.08019412e-01 -9.50381253e-03 1.09033398e-01 1.55317653e-02 -9.89806280e-02 1.63315251e-01 2.10535824e-02 -3.75447512e-01 -1.98291585e-01 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-1.24538794e-01 1.87027946e-01 2.50810653e-01 4.19840693e-01 -3.04928124e-01 4.52855527e-02 1.33577496e-01 -3.03206872e-02 -2.25791514e-01 1.33500829e-01 5.57845943e-02 -1.57954186e-01 -9.98895466e-02 -1.76308397e-02 -4.93549444e-02 -1.36429191e-01 1.57537788e-01 1.87853631e-02 2.78516054e-01 1.47983953e-01 -1.70837000e-01 -6.38145730e-02 -3.22377145e-01 2.36496985e-01 2.40828227e-02 -9.16741043e-02 -1.54452801e-01 8.13369006e-02 -3.57094020e-01 -1.91214159e-01 1.02186881e-01 2.73878902e-01 1.45466015e-01 1.35503322e-01 -4.37936246e-01 -1.24563746e-01 2.11763801e-03 -2.21220985e-01 1.49176389e-01 2.94097275e-01 8.78918529e-01 -1.59807682e-01 8.31897836e-03 -3.08139652e-01 3.22402231e-02 -1.30720556e-01 -1.93810627e-01 5.25725543e-01 -1.62212297e-01 -7.01819956e-02 -2.26125289e-02 1.48110896e-01 3.30475628e-01 2.44792759e-01 -2.26541907e-01 -3.33879888e-01 1.36794239e-01 6.51237741e-02 -5.96323721e-02 -4.41076607e-03 -7.94450473e-03 1.84751049e-01 -2.51938961e-03 3.03114474e-01 5.60857475e-01 3.82060438e-01 5.11527956e-02 -4.61075678e-02 1.21026553e-01 -8.68445933e-02 1.74709558e-01 -4.63444591e-02 7.15221241e-02 1.10138088e-01 1.25435889e-01 -3.46173316e-01 9.03727636e-02 8.69036391e-02 2.08927438e-01 -5.91694601e-02 1.31884329e-02 -6.27766848e-02 -9.49047692e-03 -2.53646016e-01 5.03107011e-02 -2.04721928e-01 2.91516036e-01 -3.77574235e-01 -8.21708515e-03 -5.25272777e-03 2.05582336e-01 -7.40389377e-02 2.80467659e-01 -4.42848653e-01 1.45896971e-01 -1.88292593e-01 2.32363701e-01 1.36930957e-01 -3.08436453e-01 1.81288198e-01 1.42059043e-01 3.45327139e-01 1.35215849e-01 -3.07350117e-03 -4.11478758e-01 -9.29277986e-02 -7.00483769e-02 3.59287798e-01 1.70037746e-02 2.03851223e-01 -2.50566769e-02 4.89387333e-01 5.38654439e-02 -2.24800184e-01 3.95910591e-01 1.79575849e-02 -1.63307697e-01 -5.16642213e-01 4.41383362e-01 -1.67390436e-01 2.74644792e-01 -5.46780899e-02 3.57544720e-01 -1.27609849e-01 -4.30597812e-01 3.53784263e-02 1.51518688e-01 -9.48702022e-02 -1.49699822e-01 1.84563380e-02 -3.92157249e-02 -1.68538988e-01 1.44468145e-02 2.75185816e-02 3.06439668e-01 7.60781169e-02 6.27495442e-03 -5.12647629e-02 -1.64078146e-01 -1.04624070e-01 1.64921612e-01 5.99472702e-01 -1.42785907e-01 1.42628476e-01 3.83067220e-01 1.56679317e-01 2.24691242e-01 8.05226788e-02 5.03842413e-01 -1.40289456e-01 2.58949343e-02 -3.44975650e-01 -3.83036554e-01 -7.09375888e-02 1.54908478e-01 5.15954137e-01 -5.60653470e-02 -6.48551900e-03 1.13148428e-01 1.78165197e-01 -2.12123513e-01 1.20613679e-01 2.72639543e-01 2.13708058e-02 9.14513096e-02 -3.60209905e-02 1.12393692e-01 -1.97216570e-01 4.68330504e-03 2.41611496e-01 7.93221891e-02 -5.99337630e-02 -2.84089297e-01 -9.19812247e-02 2.21510425e-01 -2.55882621e-01 5.63215539e-02 6.92739561e-02 2.81662196e-01 -1.43845184e-02 1.14255674e-01 -1.94882303e-01 -3.70327175e-01 -1.09851666e-01 1.66884959e-01 -3.29721093e-01 -7.01578259e-01 -9.87798870e-02 -9.90339294e-02 -1.29115552e-01 2.17687830e-01 2.49698997e-01 -1.41715825e-01 -2.58088022e-01 -1.11643717e-01 -1.06216952e-01 3.63463074e-01 4.06053722e-01 -1.17613830e-01 3.95549349e-02 -2.12220013e-01 1.86054990e-01 -2.98184659e-02 1.25780866e-01 -1.53732747e-01 -1.25808373e-01 5.40734865e-02 -3.96421552e-02 5.14519848e-02 2.20120057e-01 5.52743733e-01 -2.52053350e-01 -1.18796483e-01 -2.67362446e-01 4.69931126e-01 -2.70549148e-01 3.22529897e-02 1.33789971e-01 2.30057091e-01 6.20234646e-02 2.44882032e-01 3.07680488e-01 1.38809174e-01 7.13264346e-02 1.04117908e-01 -1.92341208e-01 2.47907817e-01 -4.60237323e-04 -4.97239828e-02 8.25473666e-02 4.25135076e-01 6.68901280e-02 1.36932999e-01 -5.26352823e-01 -2.43574530e-01 4.38521534e-01 -3.35787326e-01 -1.63661942e-01 2.24499330e-01 3.03618610e-01 -1.28216386e-01 5.19387498e-02 -1.30625993e-01 -1.17493272e-01 -8.63746777e-02 2.38508731e-01 -5.61890543e-01 2.15473637e-01 -4.23872024e-02 -3.67540032e-01 5.41157573e-02 1.31453469e-01 1.81677908e-01 3.97657305e-02 -2.39483476e-01 -3.45813185e-01]
"Shoal of Driftwood" active "Item #: SCP-421 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-421 is contained near Sector-28 by means of a steel anti-submarine net positioned across the mouth of the bay found at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ°N, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ°W. The net is to be examined for damage weekly by Sector-28 staff, or immediately upon observation of abnormal behaviour of SCP-421. Civilian shipping should be prevented from entering the bay; nautical charts have been altered to indicate the presence of subsurface rocks dangerous to vessels throughout the area. The bay containing SCP-421 has been dredged by Foundation vessels to allow for simulation of a deep sea environment, as it is believed this encourages SCP-421 to remain docile. SCP-421 should be 'fed' on a bimonthly basis; standard feed consists of a wooden fishing vessel, typically at least 15 metres in length and preferably in a dilapidated condition. The feed vessel should be floated out into the middle of the SCP-421 bay before being scuttled. It is noted that SCP-421 could theoretically consume significantly more material than it is currently provided with; current feeding protocols are designed to maintain the total mass of SCP-421 at the present level. Description: SCP-421 is an organism comprised entirely of driftwood and other oceanic waste. The exact configuration of the organism appears to be in constant flux, but typically consists of a centralized body of relatively tightly packed driftwood surrounded by a shoal of smaller organisms similar in appearance and behaviour to fish. Individual members of the shoal are regularly subsumed or created from the main body and have demonstrated no ability to reconfigure themselves while separated from the bulk of SCP-421. It is hypothesised that SCP-421 possesses a hive intelligence similar to that observed in social insects; members of the SCP-421 shoal are able to travel independently for β–ˆβ–ˆ km, beyond which they lose integrity and are reduced to simple driftwood with no known anomalous properties. Though typically docile, SCP-421 requires a regular supply of fresh wood to maintain its mass; the role of the shoal appears to be to locate suitable material and transport it to the main body, within which it rapidly becomes indistinguishable from the wider mass of driftwood. Sources of this wood vary; SCP-421 has been observed harvesting wood from shipwrecks and collecting material floating at the ocean surface. SCP-421 has also been recorded assaulting ships, with the shoal typically ramming against a single point below the waterline until the target capsizes before stripping the vessel of all wooden components within reach. SCP-421 was first encountered in 197β–ˆ, following the unexplained destruction of a yacht owned by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Survivors reported sailing through an unexpected mass of driftwood that appeared to be moving against the prevailing current; soon after initial contact with the mass, the yacht was holed and rapidly began to sink. Reports that the driftwood appeared to be dragging parts of the yacht beneath the surface were dismissed by local investigators but attracted the attention of the Foundation, who assumed responsibility for the case. An extensive underwater survey eventually found some traces of the wreck of the yacht; an estimated 80% of the vessel's wooden structure was missing. Sporadic reports of similar incidents continued throughout the next two decades, during which time SCP-421 is believed to have been responsible for the loss of β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ vessels a year. SCP-421 was captured in 199β–ˆ and moved to its current containment location. Since this date, β–ˆ reports of events similar to its attacks have been recorded. It is speculated that at least one more wild shoal still exists. Addendum 421-A: During scheduled feeding on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ anomalous behaviour by SCP-421 was recorded. The shoal harvesting the provided wreck was estimated as 50% larger than normal, resulting in a far quicker assimilation of material into the main body of the SCP. Subsequent monitoring of SCP-421 revealed that the central mass had condensed into a denser configuration than normal and that the feeding shoal did not subsequently rejoin it, instead remaining in close proximity as a cloud surrounding the main body. Two days after initial observation of anomalous behaviour, the central mass of SCP-421 was recorded settling close to the sea floor. A part of the shoal was observed to leave the cloud and begin moving around the compound in what has been described as an exploratory pattern, seemingly in an effort to retrieve any material not yet subsumed into SCP-421. Though it had decreased in density since the feeding, ultrasound monitoring of the main body appeared to indicate the formation of a solid structure within it, distinguishable from the standard mass of SCP-421 as not being in constant motion. On this basis, authorization was granted for the use of an ROV to examine the interior of the central mass. Upon deployment of ROV β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ the SCP-421 shoal appeared to become agitated. ROV β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ was able to successfully penetrate the outer cloud surrounding the main body of SCP-421; contact was lost soon after. The wreckage of the ROV was subsequently drawn into the central mass of SCP-421; this is believed to be the first time SCP-421 has damaged a non-wooden vessel. Investigation is ongoing. Β« SCP-420 | SCP-421 | SCP-422 Β»" nan
[ 8.89154449e-02 -4.20578510e-01 -1.25923306e-01 -4.07294137e-03 -1.72832161e-01 -2.99501866e-01 2.51616508e-01 2.85566062e-01 -2.08363339e-01 -1.30036687e-02 -2.37157822e-01 3.74007106e-01 -1.30276503e-02 -1.03739565e-02 1.96454659e-01 -1.94011375e-01 1.54735401e-01 -1.03736706e-02 -4.23850752e-02 -2.89396107e-01 -1.43655196e-01 -1.50979280e-01 -7.85840675e-03 3.93334255e-02 1.97209716e-02 4.65487540e-02 -1.69891417e-01 3.60928476e-02 7.27070719e-02 -1.94767471e-02 4.06691760e-01 4.55089472e-02 2.95228273e-01 3.20059180e-01 -1.06889980e-04 -1.25215232e-01 1.08447902e-01 2.09179029e-01 -5.36133721e-02 8.08835328e-02 -3.24084133e-01 -1.30629301e-01 -2.51759380e-01 -3.29726458e-01 -1.10472158e-01 3.71373557e-02 2.53383756e-01 -1.12812348e-01 4.62300539e-01 3.60479683e-01 1.64741054e-01 -2.37221405e-01 -7.02199433e-03 1.24425538e-01 4.09441471e-01 2.38493949e-01 -1.65329471e-01 1.17714003e-01 3.75350028e-01 3.40524077e-01 -1.25221744e-01 -5.33389002e-02 1.31303091e-02 8.54075328e-03 2.41300896e-01 6.62209615e-02 2.94384986e-01 -3.53847861e-01 1.79066017e-01 2.07138270e-01 -2.31638163e-01 1.82078123e-01 -1.77719034e-02 -5.40913865e-02 -3.32128331e-02 -2.23312363e-01 1.09817743e-01 4.97819394e-01 2.26251688e-02 3.11919563e-02 3.68607879e-01 1.69131398e-01 -3.61067116e-01 1.04907557e-01 -1.36420220e-01 3.34145695e-01 -1.27456218e-01 -4.79895212e-02 1.98085517e-01 -2.78939307e-01 1.67826802e-01 -2.74117023e-01 5.52059971e-02 4.48549151e-01 1.75627515e-01 1.30509604e-02 3.10518682e-01 2.54107654e-01 3.08741331e-01 -2.93066148e-02 -4.83611487e-02 1.82067961e-01 -8.97782668e-02 3.24151158e-01 2.40218803e-01 -2.91230798e-01 2.56854683e-01 1.62608493e-02 -1.14732787e-01 3.87958705e-01 5.65277301e-02 1.44577384e-01 -6.09803274e-02 3.03861231e-01 -1.34486929e-01 -1.85590625e-01 3.11414480e-01 -1.29940242e-01 -2.61377335e-01 -5.50174620e-04 -3.76846880e-01 -3.24956030e-02 -7.47972503e-02 2.29916155e-01 2.41439298e-01 2.38947928e-01 -8.19573849e-02 -1.57908395e-01 1.06057972e-01 -1.53952241e-01 -1.80092111e-01 3.22951376e-01 -4.45285231e-01 -2.79563844e-01 -8.01663324e-02 -3.62206660e-02 -2.26938099e-01 -2.31505051e-01 -1.96743056e-01 6.87228516e-02 -1.27351299e-01 -2.25121140e-01 5.11497594e-02 1.98331699e-01 -2.76284188e-01 -6.04703069e-01 -1.80011436e-01 1.40291482e-01 -2.51916766e-01 -2.34347600e-02 4.99000624e-02 -4.60415296e-02 -2.43471220e-01 2.02804044e-01 -4.98845801e-03 8.02084163e-04 4.51963007e-01 1.84110686e-01 -2.55078405e-01 1.04955025e-01 -4.89919707e-02 7.58697987e-02 -2.79853433e-01 -1.48889542e-01 -1.02095351e-01 4.92916346e-01 -5.26292250e-03 -9.17761773e-02 -4.73419011e-01 1.24416815e-03 3.18553030e-01 6.83717430e-02 8.68591443e-02 4.54651974e-02 -2.73134053e-01 1.50903657e-01 -8.43373239e-02 2.80391335e-01 -1.19064279e-01 -1.06083199e-01 -4.87854004e-01 2.36034706e-01 2.36274123e-01 1.22451670e-01 -2.49217629e-01 -1.46368369e-01 4.75733042e-01 2.15799674e-01 6.34282529e-02 -2.66829520e-01 -1.25984503e-02 -3.45955670e-01 -4.69667256e-01 4.81306240e-02 1.44690201e-01 1.17828690e-01 5.32220006e-01 -3.64725232e-01 1.68367382e-02 4.42910492e-02 2.13874578e-01 4.67254082e-04 7.41316080e-01 1.06915519e-01 -1.05379388e-01 -2.03247890e-01 -3.88123125e-01 -1.21757694e-01 2.31903851e-01 3.44314903e-01 -5.05436696e-02 -2.09414735e-01 -1.11506544e-01 1.15227312e-01 9.47657973e-02 -1.10490687e-01 1.87029511e-01 1.93279162e-01 -7.47535303e-02 -1.99430555e-01 -1.20334387e-01 -8.19433331e-02 -3.31486791e-01 -4.16402929e-02 -4.39503975e-02 3.51289511e-01 -3.56968224e-01 -1.31593779e-01 1.77050158e-02 1.45774528e-01 -1.79181900e-03 3.68016697e-02 1.63051799e-01 -4.87152934e-02 -3.81896406e-01 -7.51827881e-02 2.51977563e-01 1.00429344e+00 -1.78754538e-01 -2.50079930e-01 1.57383591e-01 -2.91499913e-01 5.93105145e-02 -8.60496908e-02 -5.06398797e-01 2.62288690e-01 3.76578957e-01 3.73683095e-01 -4.89701182e-02 -1.35542333e-01 1.80493563e-01 -3.22982907e-01 1.58152342e-01 9.32814702e-02 1.25872061e-01 -3.06723326e-01 -9.46818106e-03 1.96923941e-01 -2.69345850e-01 3.07936966e-01 -6.12430610e-02 2.54215281e-02 2.70029306e-01 3.58045936e-01 1.44397274e-01 -2.15512514e-01 2.82996118e-01 6.86368048e-01 1.41638815e-01 1.36370435e-01 2.09882125e-01 -1.02071427e-01 -4.47688177e-02 -2.29865685e-02 -2.01493762e-02 -1.08328037e-01 1.67000387e-02 9.74469408e-02 2.85660177e-01 8.60164240e-02 -5.38355950e-03 -3.82591367e-01 -1.49560198e-01 -6.25929832e-02 2.07377791e-01 1.43549502e-01 1.85010329e-01 -3.56998853e-02 -4.26651269e-01 7.09277809e-01 1.27618268e-01 -2.26379827e-01 -6.29649535e-02 9.60371420e-02 -1.43454298e-01 8.38819891e-03 2.87922740e-01 6.14704013e-01 -1.40121490e-01 1.31798640e-01 -4.26826149e-01 1.63569283e-02 -1.93586588e-01 1.98627964e-01 6.73001483e-02 4.79748785e-01 3.81151795e-01 -2.40729272e-01 3.53984050e-02 -1.84054494e-01 -3.86357665e-01 2.19096258e-01 -1.75657459e-02 1.32329151e-01 1.40640959e-01 -9.13048238e-02 -1.78442851e-01 -9.08274278e-02 1.58937350e-01 -4.65200633e-01 -5.30361198e-02 1.20633774e-01 -1.99286789e-01 2.24290006e-02 -1.70402065e-01 3.20591815e-02 6.25161082e-02 9.47485678e-03 4.00882035e-01 -1.15010072e-03 1.18233308e-01 1.99217960e-01 1.40249178e-01 2.60268956e-01 -7.97851086e-02 1.47526190e-01 -1.20159462e-02 -4.12700772e-01 5.71881942e-02 1.32857934e-01 -9.35990438e-02 -1.81398187e-02 -2.67344892e-01 -1.41994327e-01 7.52572790e-02 -1.53427616e-01 4.12542634e-02 -2.21208781e-01 2.42068022e-01 5.18661104e-02 -5.11765555e-02 2.81065464e-01 3.94101068e-02 -2.13985026e-01 2.00702026e-02 -1.21009424e-02 1.36848405e-01 2.83495456e-01 2.73064941e-01 2.58348808e-02 -6.71155974e-02 1.68711081e-01 3.59597415e-01 -3.71485800e-01 -3.16429555e-01 -9.29595456e-02 2.79260397e-01 2.66909480e-01 3.35146755e-01 -2.98280686e-01 1.41421899e-01 6.14795499e-02 -5.22846699e-01 1.15464658e-01 6.97742030e-02 -2.87409455e-01 7.15758130e-02 -1.76277608e-02 -1.33439288e-01 -3.67639773e-02 3.35352659e-01 5.47556043e-01 3.11032385e-01 -1.96745306e-01 -6.41652882e-01 1.77912246e-02 -3.58957201e-01 -3.59300435e-01 3.59955102e-01 -8.12785607e-03 1.93794444e-01 -1.86717466e-01 -8.99176002e-02 -5.45662642e-01 4.93532680e-02 4.61662821e-02 -1.35862213e-02 -2.61500716e-01 1.18988842e-01 4.75316614e-01 -3.35164189e-01 -7.85070136e-02 1.72202721e-01 6.18628621e-01 2.62510449e-01 6.05391681e-01 5.40426910e-01 2.55848408e-01 -4.40725863e-01 -2.36012697e-01 8.58811378e-01 -5.68853796e-01 -1.33683920e-01 -1.65602595e-01 5.94725758e-02 -2.06761166e-01 1.06650673e-01 2.52372045e-02 -1.46523476e-01 -8.88058990e-02 -1.16999328e-01 9.39409528e-03 2.68447578e-01 -1.12659894e-01 -1.08117349e-01 2.02126011e-01 2.72575885e-01 6.65536448e-02 1.26919165e-01 -2.62167752e-02 -2.30601206e-01 6.64143497e-03 -1.78252429e-01 -8.13318640e-02 2.20825762e-01 5.24348259e-01 4.90087062e-01 -4.68391925e-02 1.67209148e-01 -1.92930922e-01 1.24297934e-02 2.54570037e-01 3.25972289e-01 1.96175262e-01 -7.40994066e-02 -6.07552767e-01 1.82430640e-01 4.74939421e-02 1.20885577e-02 1.10667966e-01 2.42914498e-01 -1.05458684e-02 -2.23736599e-01 2.16134697e-01 -2.15556368e-01 -2.58685321e-01 -1.18399642e-01 4.30190533e-01 -1.94270656e-01 2.52777964e-01 5.04426897e-01 1.12657011e+00 9.66546778e-03 1.76224351e-01 -4.96892743e-02 -7.16244131e-02 1.29059866e-01 -1.63265094e-01 4.53949273e-02 -1.52068526e-01 4.07924205e-01 6.83676898e-02 -1.93784405e-02 1.92834198e-01 3.31241429e-01 -1.50964066e-01 -1.23371340e-01 -7.79941455e-02 -8.85730609e-02 4.84296717e-02 2.42269099e-01 1.20168716e-01 1.76819991e-02 1.62560970e-01 2.70220369e-01 -1.95006847e-01 9.26783383e-02 -8.40446278e-02 -1.69916563e-02 -1.63045138e-01 9.56519842e-02 -1.99553594e-01 2.09546074e-01 7.75093019e-01 1.78169876e-01 -7.74638504e-02 -1.15376636e-01 1.57737487e-03 -1.41332999e-01 -1.63045049e-01 -3.39407295e-01 -3.14482711e-02 1.25461057e-01 3.27191651e-01 -3.26359421e-01 2.80029982e-01 -8.25290456e-02 1.36300534e-01 2.87847519e-01 -1.54492930e-01 8.79716873e-02 -3.63051221e-02 -1.59234315e-01 -6.33491874e-02 1.83583871e-01 1.05863400e-01 2.21433267e-02 1.81902304e-01 1.63272426e-01 -4.02815342e-01 -2.37063132e-02 1.97296292e-01 1.10444359e-01 -1.15164042e-01 -3.04955959e-01 -1.80913046e-01 1.26415253e-01 -2.51631644e-02 1.27526447e-01 2.52036959e-01 -3.53829786e-02 -1.07196961e-02 2.83283651e-01 1.16462521e-02 -4.69153047e-01 3.98186296e-01 -1.12816304e-01 -2.61565894e-01 5.86523348e-03 -3.28405946e-01 -3.49529564e-01 7.39869550e-02 4.19832766e-01 1.22795487e-02 -2.29710601e-02 7.76193710e-03 -3.32413733e-01 -1.20661832e-01 7.70337880e-02 -5.37625141e-02 1.66002154e-01 -4.86722142e-01 5.01823485e-01 1.84943110e-01 2.33802184e-01 -3.91804397e-01 -1.94664346e-04 -3.67201835e-01 1.52501315e-02 2.77466714e-01 5.20891463e-03 -1.23428844e-01 -9.69857424e-02 4.08655554e-02 1.42828047e-01 -1.98985785e-01 -2.63391912e-01 -2.01353822e-02 8.44924301e-02 -6.70518503e-02 -2.46362820e-01 -1.84614807e-01 -9.80740413e-02 -5.32682128e-02 2.06206776e-02 -3.41320992e-01 1.77889690e-01 1.56799927e-01 -4.05956879e-02 4.67815369e-01 4.89982903e-01 1.51232466e-01 -1.67391002e-01 -1.23284683e-01 -5.66672496e-02 -1.93578780e-01 -4.86314148e-02 -1.77075312e-01 1.48583621e-01 4.36386466e-01 1.24409780e-01 -3.60393748e-02 3.51337910e-01 2.79670119e-01 1.94280371e-01 -1.68479979e-01 -3.58280838e-02 -2.19389319e-01 2.14322299e-01 -3.10966611e-01 3.56015600e-02 -2.05816682e-02 2.92868406e-01 -1.27916709e-01 7.72027224e-02 -8.36274922e-02 9.00451019e-02 1.87055077e-02 1.77752804e-02 -2.07746357e-01 2.76872385e-02 -2.32098736e-02 1.61008492e-01 -1.85971055e-02 1.25360727e-01 2.45435491e-01 -4.16446961e-02 1.56030089e-01 -7.32882395e-02 4.49968398e-01 7.67586473e-03 3.69931072e-01 5.42474926e-01 2.35973462e-01 5.69283813e-02 -8.30235425e-03 4.90131974e-01 2.12498605e-01 2.11503468e-02 -2.77705379e-02 4.42372680e-01 9.98675302e-02 1.50569722e-01 6.58014566e-02 -4.30989377e-02 -4.48857933e-01 1.30250439e-01 1.79763557e-03 -1.07077789e-03 7.99108148e-02 -4.48120339e-03 -6.10980354e-02 -2.01630801e-01 -4.13126908e-02 -2.76410669e-01 2.73882866e-01 2.61205230e-02 7.99904168e-02 -1.15730599e-01 1.73765153e-01 2.72554457e-01 -4.75482404e-01 2.24104702e-01 3.34155828e-01 -2.07292899e-01 1.37193665e-01 2.46138424e-01 -1.89244121e-01 1.55540079e-01 -1.51123345e-01 5.32730296e-02 -2.53204815e-02 1.06107436e-01 1.65805474e-01 -2.65184462e-01 -4.21125263e-01 -1.67874128e-01 -3.26301977e-02 1.77428611e-02 -1.19857891e-02 6.59425110e-02 1.14496179e-01 -2.62515634e-01 -4.18860960e-04 1.20106302e-01 2.11246252e-01 5.27830422e-02 3.12271863e-01 -2.49286920e-01 -3.58931243e-01 -1.54067531e-01 3.43370587e-02 -9.51116011e-02 1.20671385e-03 -2.19041422e-01 -4.19504374e-01 7.11946702e-03 -6.97853193e-02 9.82095003e-02 3.90881393e-03 9.39446688e-02 9.91095155e-02 -3.33348483e-01 -1.72613680e-01 -6.73134327e-01 -1.32133603e-01 -7.09292591e-02 -5.84967077e-01 -4.28014100e-01 -4.07972224e-02 2.89968044e-01 -3.02365750e-01 -5.62152117e-02 -4.76524174e-01 5.49315214e-01 -1.41845107e-01 -1.75025269e-01 -3.10630023e-01 -9.35694426e-02 -3.73730995e-02 4.26164735e-03 -3.32085714e-02 -1.10838719e-01 -7.94133395e-02 1.38456762e-01 8.69344398e-02 -5.75960986e-02 -2.09525257e-01 -1.47147238e-01 -8.28232989e-02 1.67044938e-01 1.85467862e-02 9.77722928e-02 -1.58842519e-01 -3.77589732e-01 -2.14596987e-01 -2.57736355e-01 -1.12991892e-01 1.43546965e-02 -1.12546742e-01 5.25358915e-01 -4.78817411e-02 3.82429570e-01 1.18363179e-01 -2.03145221e-01 -4.18349430e-02 9.37229469e-02 -4.05462265e-01 3.11335504e-01 -2.87546724e-01 4.63418365e-01 -5.75128421e-02 3.97807270e-01 1.18848227e-01 -3.28078270e-01 -1.39396235e-01 -2.65621573e-01 4.91364062e-01 -2.55110770e-01 -3.86929572e-01 -6.89287186e-02 -9.71169174e-02 -7.10246637e-02 -3.69006693e-02 -4.38398659e-01 -2.61113077e-01 2.88516507e-02 1.86919600e-01 -1.74479663e-01 -3.02438140e-01 -1.58797771e-01 -1.89622343e-01 -1.01944879e-01 -5.81628317e-03 2.46528879e-01 5.01848534e-02 -3.59007753e-02 -3.64041030e-01]
"Patchwork Beast" active "Item #: SCP-422 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-422 is to be contained in a 3.5 m x 3.5 m room. The room is to be kept bare, save for SCP-422’s bedding, water bowl, and a dog toy provided by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-422 is to be fed twice a day, on a strictly carnivorous diet. SCP-422 may be fed any type of raw meat, provided in portions appropriate for a medium-to-large size dog. All meat must be carefully boned, as consuming bone can cause [DATA EXPUNGED] and other anomalies with SCP-422’s hide. SCP-422 is to be monitored by security cameras placed in its enclosure, as well as two guards armed with tranquilizers stationed at the door. Though the creature has shown no interest in escaping or unprovoked hostility, it has the capability of doing so. Description: SCP-422 is a large quadruped, 83 centimeters at the shoulder and weighing 53 kg, though size and weight vary minutely from day to day. SCP-422 is constructed entirely out of large pieces of the bodies of other animals, stitched in place with muscle fiber and trace amounts of cartilage. The creature’s major organs appear to be composed of portions of other organs, though a given organ will only be made of portions of that type of organ (e.g., its heart is made of connecting chambers of other hearts). It has a flat face with two mismatched eyes- one green cat-like eye and one brown with a horizontal pupil like a goat. Its nose consists of two small slits just below the eyes, and its mouth is abnormally wide, stitched about the corners in such a way that it appears to be grinning. Its back legs are also much longer than its front legs, resembling a frog’s legs with an abnormal number of joints. SCP-422's body lacks stability. No patch or organ will stay the same for an extended period of time, with the shortest shift occurring after six hours and the longest after twenty-five hours. There is no pattern to these changes, though a single patch will not change more than once within an 18-hour period. The patches will occasionally respond to outside stimulus, such as producing heavy fur or thick leathery hides in colder conditions. SCP-422’s brain is constructed in the same fashion as its other organs, leading to the development of odd traits as different portions of its brain shift and change. Possibly due to the original construction, many characteristics remain consistent throughout shifts, including: β€’ Poor motor control β€’ Very poor short- and long-term memory, often unable to remember events from several weeks ago or even several minutes ago. β€’ Frequent deafness in one or both ears β€’ Numbness and lack of sensation in the extremities, including unnatural tolerance to pain β€’ Lack of facial recognition- will not recognize itself in a mirror or photograph and may even show fear of its own reflection. β€’ Colorblindness, though this diminishes as intelligence increases Additionally, SCP-422's intelligence can range anywhere from that of an average house cat to a seven-year-old child, with the average being that of a five- or six-year old. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been keeping extensive records of daily fluctuations in SCP-422’s intelligence, physical traits, and patch count. More information on Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ€™s studies can be found at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Β« SCP-421 | SCP-422 | SCP-423 Β»" nan
[ 8.42347890e-02 5.38078658e-02 -2.49768496e-01 -5.38034216e-02 1.60301358e-01 -2.13346913e-01 2.18923911e-01 3.82531255e-01 -3.61179382e-01 -1.13979392e-01 1.84067473e-01 3.09318990e-01 -1.26194835e-01 -9.04637277e-02 4.65526104e-01 -7.99650401e-02 7.28161484e-02 1.60178542e-01 -2.94722408e-01 -2.41074502e-01 -1.04252294e-01 4.94353846e-02 1.27214819e-01 7.72350729e-02 -2.33513191e-01 3.33342589e-02 -5.51010817e-02 5.07734776e-01 -1.61297321e-01 -8.32420215e-02 7.33065233e-02 2.55133305e-02 -3.46362889e-01 4.42137182e-01 -1.04521700e-04 -1.38676777e-01 -1.27510846e-01 1.40667617e-01 1.99495316e-01 2.69692451e-01 -4.14504372e-02 -5.01826584e-01 -3.00287664e-01 -5.04598498e-01 -4.80888002e-02 1.20415099e-01 -1.13817766e-01 4.77492958e-02 4.18091834e-01 2.23684572e-02 2.12613374e-01 1.37254044e-01 1.47448599e-01 4.73253205e-02 4.15218651e-01 -8.94331187e-02 -2.05811620e-01 -2.26900145e-01 2.21971378e-01 -1.01306856e-01 1.20628968e-01 3.60077061e-02 3.16252187e-02 -5.43669797e-02 1.97741855e-02 -1.90994129e-01 9.46389288e-02 -4.55217481e-01 2.00296849e-01 4.10924941e-01 -4.37330663e-01 -3.54407281e-02 1.16132766e-01 4.45449958e-03 -1.81809336e-01 -4.93140012e-01 1.97081193e-01 3.32017690e-01 2.30033711e-01 3.96460854e-02 -2.20077913e-02 2.28763863e-01 -1.42403081e-01 -7.70157948e-02 -4.57285970e-01 -3.71542014e-02 5.85374869e-02 2.93420092e-03 4.05267894e-01 -6.30907193e-02 -4.05977935e-01 8.01539049e-02 1.44754857e-01 3.07433844e-01 -2.68263131e-01 -9.41960141e-02 -9.38951001e-02 1.37659805e-02 4.34158444e-01 5.48246384e-01 -5.41155301e-02 7.85922185e-02 -2.65702486e-01 2.14503154e-01 -1.04978390e-01 3.39125446e-03 -4.19274002e-01 -1.84642896e-02 -3.37325037e-01 2.36976236e-01 -1.51483104e-01 2.19289199e-01 -2.49650870e-02 7.16069015e-03 2.87283845e-02 -3.03578526e-02 1.41674042e-01 7.89707676e-02 -1.41164720e-01 3.24507028e-01 -1.74281925e-01 -1.59369379e-01 -1.06300443e-01 9.80553478e-02 2.31116489e-01 3.91910434e-01 7.84116015e-02 -1.28928259e-01 -7.32876733e-02 -1.08290523e-01 -2.47707218e-01 1.56164449e-03 -3.34180892e-01 -1.88822165e-01 -4.05607298e-02 7.20446482e-02 -5.79521470e-02 -1.07206427e-01 1.10125959e-01 1.31962538e-01 -2.69692272e-01 -1.26854092e-01 1.94497377e-01 3.75879884e-01 -3.86332363e-01 -3.84040684e-01 5.22090457e-02 8.77225921e-02 -1.58843279e-01 -8.24075341e-02 -1.27381295e-01 1.85280945e-02 -4.19558376e-01 2.38650143e-01 -1.96345121e-01 9.20737460e-02 5.39002895e-01 -1.03514232e-01 6.74906746e-02 -4.04933095e-02 1.40006796e-01 2.02392101e-01 -3.92313115e-02 -1.64190501e-01 -5.36554791e-02 2.06596449e-01 8.95425864e-03 -1.02212526e-01 -6.56647608e-02 1.06911600e-01 2.93083608e-01 3.15708041e-01 2.21888080e-01 -1.36883616e-01 -1.06014116e-02 1.56210974e-01 1.85917035e-01 2.10775331e-01 -4.24379647e-01 -5.80411702e-02 -3.30843806e-01 4.19953376e-01 1.83793426e-01 -1.36179432e-01 -1.76872656e-01 1.21271834e-01 1.29871771e-01 7.81887993e-02 1.14603460e-01 -6.95391893e-02 -2.30426177e-01 -7.30091751e-01 2.01891005e-01 7.57585391e-02 2.84379810e-01 -1.40980184e-01 1.54799372e-01 -3.47057521e-01 3.11561286e-01 1.78462952e-01 -1.04405373e-01 1.80196650e-02 4.23819333e-01 -1.35413691e-01 -6.72944263e-03 -4.79669929e-01 -1.39792152e-02 1.08634271e-01 3.93981338e-01 1.08221136e-01 3.69934022e-01 1.91343259e-02 -3.37810338e-01 2.22423702e-01 1.35708451e-01 -1.06156744e-01 2.60616720e-01 2.14800742e-02 4.75479364e-02 -1.93661675e-01 -3.34367782e-01 2.48747721e-01 2.91308194e-01 1.37268826e-02 -1.99855387e-01 3.71914089e-01 -9.14185420e-02 -5.85087482e-03 -8.38353783e-02 3.31743509e-01 1.41020209e-01 8.58011171e-02 2.06067607e-01 1.97608788e-02 1.38134524e-01 2.63858773e-03 2.67101914e-01 9.60704148e-01 -6.01492301e-02 -4.77932133e-02 -5.43617159e-02 3.09028057e-03 2.83027053e-01 -2.66776960e-02 -1.47128195e-01 -1.90611169e-01 1.73592765e-03 2.71041870e-01 -3.71189266e-02 -9.09295604e-02 -1.22624375e-01 -2.29253381e-01 -3.37976784e-01 2.65129149e-01 3.39144617e-01 -1.41088203e-01 3.24471712e-01 1.40654877e-01 -9.84785631e-02 1.51675507e-01 3.77258897e-01 -8.97578057e-03 2.62850448e-02 -6.10513203e-02 1.06617510e-01 -9.09121893e-03 -2.01543391e-01 5.34522355e-01 -8.86470079e-02 1.54268086e-01 6.06454089e-02 9.36210752e-02 2.96099973e-03 3.02521493e-02 -1.57889694e-01 2.34219879e-02 2.13865623e-01 4.93705012e-02 2.07543030e-01 1.34425357e-01 6.50742278e-02 -1.00804195e-01 -2.31910214e-01 -2.26128489e-01 6.71766512e-03 1.48438066e-01 -1.35275811e-01 -7.14626610e-02 -2.04046309e-01 6.68179765e-02 -1.11261413e-01 -7.34964162e-02 4.24633771e-02 -2.20166817e-01 -6.09311312e-02 2.85711914e-01 1.52109582e-02 5.35987496e-01 7.05712438e-02 -1.20267361e-01 -1.62880093e-01 3.89581323e-01 3.60364877e-02 1.76188990e-01 -9.67296660e-02 -1.31520629e-01 1.78018138e-01 -2.88841158e-01 1.71625018e-01 -1.05165439e-02 -4.66593683e-01 1.58069149e-01 7.66286701e-02 1.61491901e-01 1.48336276e-01 -1.38641313e-01 -3.79834175e-02 -1.50918975e-01 1.92581698e-01 -2.53941178e-01 1.11827821e-01 1.17694609e-01 -1.04636960e-01 -7.83306956e-02 -8.33591968e-02 3.32127452e-01 2.76124105e-02 -1.53412804e-01 3.02187890e-01 1.38518542e-01 2.09446892e-01 -2.20673651e-01 1.60562962e-01 -1.04063846e-01 3.21527988e-01 -1.18810818e-01 -2.75407761e-01 -7.46773005e-01 -8.16606805e-02 1.57443717e-01 -1.41340926e-01 -3.53300184e-01 -2.83650756e-01 2.98277646e-01 -4.28476781e-02 -4.21006054e-01 -3.91347371e-02 -2.29796514e-01 1.33531839e-01 5.36749214e-02 8.14168453e-02 3.66817802e-01 9.71678197e-02 -2.04349846e-01 -1.98164359e-01 -5.43710947e-01 2.08307102e-01 5.55967569e-01 2.54612565e-01 -9.22632441e-02 -1.89178035e-01 2.70195335e-01 9.39686358e-01 -3.32784727e-02 -2.81129871e-02 1.64249167e-01 1.08460128e-01 1.74490020e-01 2.81132102e-01 -3.97977263e-01 1.31679937e-01 -4.84727061e-04 -2.96550095e-01 2.18339432e-02 -6.00631684e-02 -3.26819062e-01 1.51905626e-01 -5.12296036e-02 -4.00422573e-01 -9.02698189e-02 4.07734990e-01 8.80710334e-02 4.17955481e-02 -1.98862150e-01 -3.45229745e-01 -1.86653137e-02 6.61787912e-02 -5.42454310e-02 2.89618731e-01 -1.62268981e-01 1.21231683e-01 -1.49216086e-01 -4.29259717e-01 -1.32255524e-01 9.58306938e-02 -2.10814893e-01 -3.51843424e-03 -1.47202954e-01 -1.42417431e-01 7.72084221e-02 -6.23565316e-01 2.01003730e-01 2.68685639e-01 3.34227443e-01 5.40457666e-01 -8.49531144e-02 1.28375456e-01 1.68531947e-02 3.87802981e-02 -5.67963481e-01 1.94938660e-01 -3.04458469e-01 -3.56638819e-01 5.13566323e-02 5.30469641e-02 -1.28588811e-01 -1.35458544e-01 1.10920735e-01 -1.71789721e-01 -2.57774796e-02 -2.53405362e-01 3.34966630e-02 -1.69127360e-01 3.17068398e-02 -1.75979435e-01 6.06230982e-02 -7.98969418e-02 -1.05814047e-01 2.49777526e-01 1.51583776e-01 -2.71938026e-01 -3.07197452e-01 1.96183324e-02 1.11997128e-01 1.33188209e-02 5.50040230e-03 5.23110807e-01 -6.95357546e-02 5.81420511e-02 -4.39550877e-02 2.34870419e-01 1.74424008e-01 4.11406845e-01 2.21176609e-01 -1.34779185e-01 8.27409700e-02 2.32687414e-01 -3.66009682e-01 -1.46245509e-01 3.54484349e-01 5.64237237e-02 2.88201094e-01 -3.09672683e-01 2.69544452e-01 4.22653519e-02 -1.68355957e-01 -2.09416419e-01 3.17598104e-01 5.95642999e-02 1.54618710e-01 3.66551161e-01 1.18497515e+00 1.47672894e-03 -8.49401392e-03 9.64581296e-02 -4.08810914e-01 -3.68460566e-01 -5.31083584e-01 -5.93047962e-02 -1.87938750e-01 -6.22996688e-03 -4.59942743e-02 -1.26987353e-01 2.41282478e-01 1.76440939e-01 -2.38804981e-01 -5.29870763e-02 -2.96985656e-01 -1.23994872e-01 2.71246452e-02 -3.68971843e-03 4.89894636e-02 -6.83519542e-02 -1.83778808e-01 2.70702094e-01 -5.91656081e-02 6.09942414e-02 -9.77240354e-02 -7.73444772e-02 -9.84479859e-02 1.86022893e-02 -2.33136594e-01 1.08541474e-01 -1.68617085e-01 -2.69401699e-01 3.21270712e-02 -1.71078406e-02 -2.98613280e-01 -2.69452333e-01 -4.69993114e-01 1.40834823e-02 -2.68709268e-02 2.36666128e-01 5.81036508e-01 -1.32697642e-01 4.38929163e-02 -1.33231416e-01 1.34128079e-01 -1.64644673e-01 -1.69218883e-01 2.53559828e-01 -5.68207018e-02 5.40713221e-02 3.91349167e-01 2.76737928e-01 5.14371812e-01 -1.54598236e-01 6.51116297e-02 4.03930664e-01 5.53269945e-02 -6.64353743e-02 1.99710950e-01 3.15597802e-01 -1.74948797e-01 5.62275611e-02 1.17077097e-01 -5.95111065e-02 -2.05849335e-01 -8.11702311e-02 1.90922886e-01 2.58336514e-01 5.05345650e-02 -1.74543113e-01 -2.13087741e-02 -4.18277085e-01 2.77101427e-01 3.12076006e-02 -3.94541353e-01 -5.87427206e-02 -2.97097921e-01 -4.54956979e-01 -2.13955492e-02 -1.73293605e-01 1.25500202e-01 -1.99708238e-01 -8.61531645e-02 -3.98502916e-01 1.76128313e-01 1.06754571e-01 4.34762388e-02 2.13790536e-01 -7.21236616e-02 3.44425440e-01 -2.95661658e-01 3.94890279e-01 -4.31795329e-01 3.01448554e-01 -4.34936523e-01 -7.03322291e-02 4.18267436e-02 -1.47014871e-01 -7.54450262e-02 -9.22036767e-02 1.01653539e-01 6.75086603e-02 -4.69017476e-01 -2.78086126e-01 -3.29075634e-01 6.02862425e-02 -1.56250179e-01 -2.39686191e-01 1.85701057e-01 1.31406235e-02 -3.20079317e-03 2.32217927e-02 2.62132864e-02 -3.08552444e-01 2.93130189e-01 2.85380632e-01 1.91751733e-01 1.33293927e-01 -1.22615404e-01 2.36521810e-02 3.44731938e-03 2.38163918e-01 2.99285725e-02 -1.72444478e-01 -3.29821497e-01 3.18629481e-02 4.31171596e-01 1.51474714e-01 8.93255919e-02 3.01559687e-01 4.34971184e-01 3.38001959e-02 -1.57888204e-01 1.80323765e-01 -2.24745926e-02 1.17963709e-01 -4.09825444e-01 -4.69875485e-02 -1.25100475e-03 3.24789435e-01 -1.14717364e-01 -1.19517103e-01 -7.12638572e-02 3.44714560e-02 1.62639797e-01 3.10802370e-01 7.46458303e-03 -3.77527140e-02 2.82559656e-02 2.25705162e-01 3.50801766e-01 -6.35415986e-02 2.17118278e-01 1.56029791e-01 -1.66515246e-01 7.07290918e-02 2.27162726e-02 2.14749023e-01 3.29979569e-01 3.28164846e-01 2.52380788e-01 2.94458400e-02 7.59562612e-01 8.13230649e-02 3.13109934e-01 3.17740738e-01 2.61418074e-02 4.49713051e-01 6.98034987e-02 2.09527433e-01 5.25706448e-02 -2.33130425e-01 -1.40678570e-01 -1.59708858e-01 -1.17902122e-01 2.26398170e-01 3.13853949e-01 2.48131379e-01 3.82527739e-01 -2.56097525e-01 -1.73385441e-01 -2.81876564e-01 3.05915922e-02 -4.29605134e-02 5.24979770e-01 -2.53984630e-01 1.70529440e-01 9.39863473e-02 -6.31989181e-01 1.26759648e-01 3.38490367e-01 -2.05623180e-01 3.11530590e-01 5.94376683e-01 -3.62008482e-01 3.09121013e-01 3.41382533e-01 4.50991482e-01 -1.38740525e-01 3.53227854e-02 -2.19499886e-01 -1.59623295e-01 -2.37246633e-01 -2.07456157e-01 1.37470886e-01 -5.29907718e-02 -2.77132001e-02 1.10354424e-01 1.78368911e-01 -2.97137022e-01 -5.20358980e-01 -7.53377452e-02 4.34067428e-01 -3.54826808e-01 1.91989258e-01 -2.66004801e-01 -7.47423321e-02 -1.64843813e-01 -6.53264523e-02 -1.11999184e-01 2.45435148e-01 1.35325626e-01 -1.29777521e-01 2.72781521e-01 -8.53197649e-02 1.52951688e-01 3.71471681e-02 4.65731293e-01 -7.74076954e-02 -3.03069711e-01 -1.41028628e-01 -4.08434838e-01 -1.50963485e-01 -2.19273325e-02 -3.37812036e-01 -6.28795028e-01 -4.87113632e-02 1.80017456e-01 8.72792676e-02 2.04632893e-01 9.26769972e-02 -2.05347732e-01 -5.66108190e-02 6.60125092e-02 -2.87202746e-01 2.60001153e-01 1.26201913e-01 -2.16202680e-02 -5.41199883e-03 -1.37721077e-01 7.66447634e-02 2.66696364e-01 1.12147696e-01 2.50800222e-01 -4.01414454e-01 -1.58777565e-01 1.29232392e-01 1.65483728e-01 1.62771121e-01 -1.33975878e-01 -1.50039375e-01 -3.65387768e-01 -6.27011135e-02 1.88777074e-01 -1.02314189e-01 1.08579695e-01 1.47949934e-01 4.80077267e-01 6.06295764e-02 2.08976641e-01 1.89419508e-01 -4.53574099e-02 1.75277442e-01 1.03162743e-01 7.58510903e-02 3.89529159e-04 1.22170106e-01 1.52454898e-01 -4.97097112e-02 6.17237329e-01 2.20594883e-01 -7.18658138e-03 1.91263497e-01 -2.82456309e-01 6.09271049e-01 -4.62708473e-02 -4.32085812e-01 -3.36603045e-01 9.34256706e-03 -9.82495099e-02 6.03340045e-02 -5.31414926e-01 -2.02674627e-01 -1.79095864e-02 1.22093789e-01 -7.44791478e-02 1.25633731e-01 -3.20422977e-01 -1.96302667e-01 4.55483235e-02 3.48092794e-01 -1.45371020e-01 -5.71373813e-02 3.79992351e-02 -3.07885945e-01]
"Self-Inserting Character" active "Item #: SCP-423 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-423 is contained in a 5 x 5 meter room containing three (3) 2 x 3 meter bookshelves. An incinerator is located adjacent. All personnel entering or leaving the room are to be searched for written material. Any written material must be checked for any trace of SCP-423 and then, if found clean, incinerated. At night, SCP-423 is to remain in a small, plain journal marked 423. Failure to remain in this journal at designated times will result in loss of reading material outside of scheduled experiments. Description: SCP-423 has no physical form. It appears to exist entirely within textual narratives. It was discovered in a used book store in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Texas, on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ, 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, in a copy of Tom Sawyer. The book was purchased by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who located it during a routine search. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ brought the book back to Sector 28 as instructed. The book seemed perfectly normal except for the inclusion of a character named "Fred," who was not known to exist in any other version of the story. However, it was not until it was left by a copy of Moby Dick that the anomalous nature of SCP-423 became clear. SCP-423 is able to enter textual narratives, inserting itself as a minor character. The details of the character vary from story to story, but it is always named "Fred," or something similar, and its role in the story is usually minor. Physical descriptions of the character are rare, but it usually appears as a human male of average height and middle years. However, this can change depending on the nature of the narrative. He has appeared as a student in narratives focusing on children (and thus presumably of an appropriate age) or even as a non-human in narratives where humans are absent or rare. At no time is his appearance remarked on as being unusual by other characters. SCP-423 is able to move from one narrative to another voluntarily, provided the two works are within one (1) meter of each other. The process takes up to three minutes, depending on the length of the new narrative. The entire narrative changes at once, the text on all pages seeming to move. Occasionally, the length of the narrative changes; in these cases, the text grows smaller or larger to fit the page count of the book. It is only able to appear in physical textual narratives. It cannot enter electronic storage, or affect purely visual narratives. If placed in proximity to a graphic novel or other form of sequential art, it will change the text boxes and dialog bubbles, but will not affect the pictures. Similarly, illustrations in a textual narrative do not change, even if they no longer match up to the narrative as affected by SCP-423. It prefers fictional narratives. However, it can enter any narrative that has characters, including anecdotes, biographies, and research notes (See Addendum 423-1). It can re-enter a narrative that it has already exited. If it does so, the new narrative typically differs from the last time SCP-423 entered the story. However, it has displayed a preference for narratives it has not yet entered. It is currently unknown what effect dying in a narrative would have on SCP-423, despite the best effort of researchers. SCP-423 displays a strong grasp of narrative principles, and is usually able to predict the best response in a given circumstance to avoid danger to itself. It has, however, displayed minor injuries. However, these seem to vanish when it enters a new narrative. SCP-423 can be communicated with by coaxing it into a journal. It responds to questions written within, with SCP-423's responses appearing underneath the questions. When it transfers to another narrative, its responses disappear from the journal. It has been largely cooperative since its containment. Its only requests so far have been for more narratives. It has expressed a preference for narratives with a large number of background characters, as this makes it easier for it to blend in and "watch the good stuff." It has been recommended that, should it become uncooperative, it be confined to the journal until it becomes more amenable to staff requests. Researchers who desire more information on SCP-423 should read Experiment Log 423 A. Addendum 423-1: Researchers are reminded that all physical written material is a potential habitat for 423, and that all notes should therefore be taken electronically. If written notes must, for some reason, be taken, be sure to check for addenda from "Guest Researcher Fred." Addendum 423-2: The use of SCP-583 to destroy SCP-423 has been suggested. While the SCP is not slated for destruction at the present time, it has been noted should circumstances change. Β« SCP-422 | SCP-423 | SCP-424 Β»" nan
[ 2.59755701e-01 -3.94416600e-01 3.97525318e-02 -1.39212996e-01 8.96071792e-02 -2.15676531e-01 3.41323465e-01 -9.15817618e-02 -5.36514670e-02 -2.79505365e-02 6.47606328e-02 2.46594414e-01 -1.83251426e-01 -2.65786409e-01 3.79840255e-01 1.80968404e-01 1.16053909e-01 -4.36976406e-04 1.17430918e-01 -2.48138770e-01 -1.10759057e-01 6.59639612e-02 -5.44553399e-02 1.17299378e-01 2.75365431e-02 -2.89645344e-01 6.68713897e-02 5.27115941e-01 -1.66033581e-01 -1.37704715e-01 1.73662946e-01 1.47728026e-01 5.13045564e-02 7.08584845e-01 -1.11805108e-04 -1.89966023e-01 2.22822398e-01 -2.33498272e-02 -2.58837074e-01 7.06400275e-02 3.94200273e-02 -1.32283062e-01 6.83910698e-02 -3.25444907e-01 1.89610004e-01 -6.28675744e-02 1.54995069e-01 1.48723736e-01 5.10972857e-01 2.06283122e-01 1.82757854e-01 -2.21909031e-01 4.97739203e-02 -6.10809140e-02 4.24642563e-01 2.47942850e-01 -1.16075173e-01 1.08735941e-01 3.53402078e-01 6.07152916e-02 7.35500306e-02 1.14364527e-01 -1.94227517e-01 -2.03731462e-01 3.71139795e-01 -1.46349341e-01 1.20902017e-01 2.97042523e-02 2.30985936e-02 4.27209109e-01 3.00964087e-01 -2.73556590e-01 9.28296056e-03 -1.93386018e-01 1.12812445e-01 1.73587501e-01 3.31399590e-01 2.13730827e-01 -1.41487960e-02 -2.37595532e-02 1.26699999e-01 2.15716556e-01 -1.67542636e-01 -9.00225192e-02 -1.78719953e-01 1.87503621e-02 -5.93429208e-02 -1.91474184e-02 7.55401179e-02 -4.31583449e-02 -9.41868052e-02 -2.55716834e-02 1.35633051e-01 3.83262396e-01 8.56863782e-02 -9.36214998e-02 -2.75529642e-02 3.14321965e-01 -1.99127659e-01 -2.39649445e-01 1.72014698e-01 2.66409852e-02 -2.16174386e-02 1.02880098e-01 6.63918555e-02 8.06065425e-02 1.42818362e-01 2.78307907e-02 -3.71700190e-02 3.14510196e-01 1.05276704e-01 3.67339924e-02 -3.79133880e-01 1.31611243e-01 1.66268140e-01 -1.78587049e-01 -1.27164707e-01 1.07678659e-01 -1.42007858e-01 2.92565674e-01 -5.51830053e-01 2.57801503e-01 -2.84916610e-01 5.37073135e-01 3.90423208e-01 4.01414812e-01 3.77029657e-01 -3.89726996e-01 -9.20456573e-02 2.32772261e-01 -8.51830393e-02 2.32377782e-01 -1.52287990e-01 -1.18004173e-01 -2.19971254e-01 4.32112277e-01 1.70343239e-02 -4.63857241e-02 -2.68012583e-01 5.74070327e-02 -2.45516792e-01 -1.54946834e-01 2.86459833e-01 1.24557957e-01 -3.06077600e-01 -3.32948714e-01 -8.31770226e-02 -1.16435952e-01 -1.23538062e-01 -2.92870402e-02 5.16299188e-01 -3.17969210e-02 -1.97109669e-01 2.12027505e-01 1.10745832e-01 1.23248659e-02 5.82924485e-01 -2.73683034e-02 1.71433091e-02 -2.35644147e-01 3.69148076e-01 -2.37045616e-01 -2.22189039e-01 1.26260802e-01 -2.65726566e-01 5.05285263e-01 -2.37486497e-01 -2.65479803e-01 -1.48534775e-01 6.17326647e-02 9.72253457e-03 -1.10469855e-01 5.00947386e-02 2.03666553e-01 -7.19831958e-02 4.13129270e-01 -8.89720693e-02 -2.33220503e-01 -5.13394065e-02 -3.57286120e-03 -2.77343154e-01 4.61068124e-01 1.54331222e-01 2.17654798e-02 -6.93164989e-02 -9.52468812e-02 -5.33033907e-03 5.46808243e-02 1.71009928e-01 5.62492944e-03 -3.26985538e-01 -2.34451264e-01 -1.52887106e-01 -1.51830509e-01 -2.04204693e-01 -8.25693086e-02 1.69183791e-01 -1.65026680e-01 2.10049167e-01 -9.25334096e-02 1.01578154e-01 1.53530389e-01 5.83369851e-01 7.45608091e-01 5.71993329e-02 -2.54521295e-02 -9.68758985e-02 -3.05917740e-01 3.08763146e-01 9.34817940e-02 3.94868478e-03 -7.78169930e-02 -1.22767456e-01 7.89107308e-02 1.37301371e-01 -1.49351850e-01 1.17653981e-01 1.70106143e-01 2.19272487e-02 -2.98936754e-01 -1.16581447e-01 2.75236636e-01 -1.95810065e-01 7.83791244e-02 -4.25234437e-01 -4.13771659e-01 -1.53081551e-01 1.69316679e-02 -2.02269450e-01 3.83769959e-01 6.05563037e-02 -4.64143194e-02 1.31652057e-01 1.39260530e-01 -3.69212419e-01 3.67589861e-01 -2.68538088e-01 2.73961008e-01 -4.82779322e-03 -1.79012418e-01 -2.42942348e-02 -2.26858318e-01 4.71433401e-01 2.97001414e-02 -2.88464844e-01 1.00225218e-01 2.30653420e-01 6.51997775e-02 -2.25711311e-03 -9.46263671e-02 -8.22054408e-03 -6.08301818e-01 -1.06798321e-01 -1.35415763e-01 4.99843597e-01 -1.68721870e-01 2.67665952e-01 1.08923383e-01 -7.35588819e-02 1.33699104e-01 -2.48020068e-01 4.56806533e-02 3.06362718e-01 3.07249874e-01 -1.71796203e-01 6.53992891e-02 -2.66341716e-01 5.23120940e-01 3.33080767e-03 2.54083157e-01 -1.24092728e-01 -4.66234982e-02 6.59892410e-02 -1.40761852e-01 1.24286734e-01 -1.29534855e-01 1.57755882e-01 5.60105383e-01 2.95796692e-01 3.71324182e-01 -2.16025963e-01 -2.25159083e-03 -1.69198915e-01 -2.19830021e-01 -1.24141425e-01 1.52229518e-01 1.90562487e-01 1.35228306e-01 -3.75928313e-01 -4.74687964e-02 4.10053492e-01 -2.50266809e-02 6.49908930e-02 -1.71163559e-01 -2.61688143e-01 -4.98617664e-02 7.31134275e-03 2.82396168e-01 -4.88088429e-01 1.99596718e-01 -1.77824289e-01 -1.16492927e-01 3.24970931e-02 8.14493895e-02 -7.21655339e-02 1.75305679e-01 3.37959141e-01 -8.44562724e-02 -9.11072344e-02 -4.10532914e-02 -6.46063447e-01 1.65609553e-01 -4.38164473e-02 -2.42577225e-01 4.35214221e-01 -2.24921390e-01 4.94984925e-01 -4.82290387e-02 -5.09442613e-02 -8.18625629e-01 -3.52276981e-01 3.42942886e-02 -2.04286024e-01 -2.64408797e-01 -1.57735795e-01 2.10582301e-01 -2.91899219e-02 -2.33979881e-01 3.44643533e-01 1.78056732e-01 2.84640063e-02 1.53309569e-01 -7.11335316e-02 1.91492960e-01 3.85569602e-01 2.85402745e-01 6.14533722e-02 1.46580040e-01 3.04987162e-01 1.58583865e-01 4.72440533e-02 8.19731280e-02 -4.50332582e-01 -5.89204133e-01 -1.16582058e-01 -4.22738373e-01 -2.69875854e-01 -3.34091574e-01 1.21632561e-01 -4.09980379e-02 -1.63267419e-01 7.02568591e-01 7.66736940e-02 -2.71595746e-01 -1.89160466e-01 -5.10852337e-01 -2.04077456e-02 1.73786268e-01 9.54712275e-03 -1.68523639e-01 3.46901000e-01 1.42698959e-01 -3.64078507e-02 4.70672585e-02 -5.22109456e-02 -1.87141776e-01 1.70103729e-01 5.02451509e-02 8.66222233e-02 -1.06195264e-01 1.45830601e-01 -5.07635437e-02 -4.17763054e-01 4.90177214e-01 -9.45390388e-02 -1.91550419e-01 2.33428240e-01 6.56802133e-02 -3.80429834e-01 4.62533459e-02 1.60415769e-01 1.18440069e-01 2.99154371e-01 -5.41497543e-02 -2.14332610e-01 -4.27092910e-02 -1.90748468e-01 -1.10584758e-01 3.83602343e-02 1.53961137e-01 8.43523741e-02 -1.04121655e-01 4.35637563e-01 -2.65264630e-01 1.69304758e-01 1.21888675e-01 -2.97954194e-02 -3.63193125e-01 -5.48692107e-01 4.21762615e-01 -5.11598647e-01 9.86905098e-02 3.82089198e-01 1.47655889e-01 1.33458510e-01 1.41866624e-01 -1.81119606e-01 -3.29140015e-03 -6.23680018e-02 -6.74989000e-02 5.33919752e-01 -1.57915875e-01 -1.83541849e-01 1.38254791e-01 2.12080643e-01 -2.18911201e-01 -7.39423139e-03 -1.87851354e-01 2.34925617e-02 -2.07810998e-01 -2.16444299e-01 1.79581400e-02 -3.59956063e-02 -1.14351355e-01 5.61848544e-02 2.41911978e-01 2.73947835e-01 6.51379079e-02 3.20911258e-01 6.31744266e-02 -2.04131454e-01 -9.82831866e-02 -1.08349308e-01 4.31986451e-01 2.65733421e-01 2.70159662e-01 5.10997713e-01 2.87182108e-02 -1.72900837e-02 -2.05058306e-01 -1.51936352e-01 7.63288140e-02 6.05974793e-01 4.39173520e-01 1.95674926e-01 -1.02140374e-01 2.34657735e-01 -3.36774975e-01 -3.49251330e-01 8.18389952e-02 -3.06347702e-02 2.27296889e-01 1.19707793e-01 5.81092872e-02 -2.48779848e-01 -1.28198400e-01 -3.43872070e-01 9.12507847e-02 -3.27747256e-01 2.93160945e-01 1.93193689e-01 1.20306921e+00 2.76581515e-02 3.75468075e-01 -2.41681665e-01 -3.63787085e-01 -1.44982114e-01 -2.68220484e-01 3.64432856e-02 -3.16807121e-01 5.31755924e-01 -1.32118866e-01 -1.58390746e-01 2.11999521e-01 -1.37911648e-01 -5.53734541e-01 -5.64065099e-01 -3.38095784e-01 1.47629291e-01 1.17270738e-01 1.58935979e-01 -7.55473301e-02 -1.97026655e-02 1.81020319e-01 1.95212662e-01 1.16135485e-01 -4.79989573e-02 3.55849303e-02 9.42718163e-02 -2.18315631e-01 -7.54938722e-02 -2.93776333e-01 5.71059547e-02 -2.60718495e-01 -2.89896935e-01 3.69910687e-01 -6.07180238e-01 2.54974663e-01 3.57550591e-01 -1.48750171e-01 -3.47112834e-01 1.28677174e-01 2.63326645e-01 5.61126947e-01 -6.99854195e-02 2.16639303e-02 6.22391813e-02 -5.47229797e-02 8.68040323e-02 1.72279447e-01 2.98223794e-01 -1.94727808e-01 -4.80374664e-01 3.06480750e-02 3.01634341e-01 4.76138860e-01 -1.98754698e-01 1.02830246e-01 3.61326873e-01 9.38003976e-03 -2.63089597e-01 1.75278172e-01 -1.21955626e-01 -1.74741194e-01 -9.61151049e-02 -1.59224644e-01 -1.09955207e-01 -2.59556323e-02 -6.60797805e-02 -2.17742592e-01 5.64541757e-01 4.54463929e-01 2.34809592e-01 -1.83866978e-01 -4.41117078e-01 1.03303976e-01 -3.07898205e-02 -8.75217393e-02 6.52442425e-02 9.91140902e-02 -4.62243736e-01 -8.44885483e-02 1.70142770e-01 3.42665724e-02 -3.54028076e-01 -3.55677873e-01 -3.08860749e-01 2.18366474e-01 -2.16444999e-01 6.69175759e-02 1.08863577e-01 -2.21761644e-01 4.76082504e-01 -1.30717695e-01 5.87459564e-01 -3.93046767e-01 1.98934942e-01 -2.95573503e-01 1.24749869e-01 1.86210930e-01 -2.20094889e-01 -2.90448904e-01 -9.58710089e-02 1.14829071e-01 3.65666360e-01 -2.40881816e-02 -1.95209697e-01 -2.57631212e-01 1.14063509e-01 -1.42566189e-01 -2.17767730e-01 3.43704931e-02 3.22316706e-01 2.44466111e-01 -1.00757942e-01 -1.86764821e-01 3.00333798e-01 7.90158883e-02 1.53897762e-01 -2.40052387e-01 1.41482323e-01 -2.13953733e-01 -5.41675165e-02 -5.58971018e-02 1.97428837e-01 -1.85114428e-01 -1.17027119e-01 -2.64509976e-01 5.05216867e-02 3.85104388e-01 3.50887597e-01 2.67274529e-01 1.18384600e-01 6.35094643e-02 -5.17158210e-02 6.24062121e-02 4.85778719e-01 -2.21120104e-01 3.03517342e-01 -5.40903389e-01 2.65848115e-02 1.83627699e-02 2.76788533e-01 1.89130213e-02 2.02496544e-01 -7.07553104e-02 -2.42549568e-01 -4.61152159e-02 2.94421166e-02 -1.18564658e-01 -2.91249424e-01 -1.26083553e-01 1.84062108e-01 -2.07440108e-01 6.59137294e-02 -5.00877313e-02 -1.81878850e-01 -7.19092637e-02 -1.93720147e-01 3.54149580e-01 1.31045599e-02 4.25620675e-01 4.02078569e-01 4.32585001e-01 -3.16984385e-01 -3.18296164e-01 6.45792902e-01 -1.08530268e-03 -1.63889483e-01 2.58031368e-01 1.28244132e-01 1.61258906e-01 -5.07347845e-02 1.30741104e-01 2.82215238e-01 -3.32804263e-01 2.05126330e-01 -3.44076216e-01 -1.49314076e-01 -5.55110909e-02 -1.78021923e-01 -2.08547547e-01 1.32187689e-02 -2.20473260e-01 -1.08530566e-01 1.02886800e-02 3.43599170e-02 8.16133767e-02 3.20332088e-02 -2.79057212e-02 -3.49793077e-01 -9.63458419e-02 -1.86430514e-01 4.52297390e-01 -4.01474029e-01 3.47965419e-01 1.70857131e-01 -9.41428766e-02 2.02390507e-01 1.99021205e-01 1.78275809e-01 2.00806230e-01 -2.12306246e-01 1.37447640e-01 -3.67154151e-01 -1.97961375e-01 -2.80997515e-01 2.12582499e-01 6.47615781e-03 1.60005316e-01 -4.65152189e-02 1.01745665e-01 -2.75304794e-01 1.40126841e-02 1.86418965e-01 2.19305754e-01 1.81097209e-01 2.81507492e-01 -2.23423004e-01 -1.94506153e-01 2.53574885e-02 3.36129516e-01 -7.69386813e-02 4.32145834e-01 8.24949667e-02 -4.06810075e-01 2.22018033e-01 -1.36021703e-01 8.13779980e-02 4.06705812e-02 9.10856724e-02 3.14053476e-01 -3.74916494e-01 2.28679731e-01 -2.85921812e-01 -7.82570019e-02 1.79491982e-01 -3.15393060e-01 -4.45746750e-01 -1.58508494e-01 1.13204062e-01 1.45674735e-01 6.54805303e-02 -9.46918726e-02 -1.29583612e-01 -1.39380559e-01 1.21157676e-01 5.48038296e-02 2.59749770e-01 5.05207896e-01 -2.39531010e-01 1.33964181e-01 -2.71997899e-01 -1.15309373e-01 -3.10345501e-01 1.48809820e-01 1.97172761e-01 -2.22646475e-01 1.62453875e-02 -8.79071653e-03 3.30143273e-01 2.83510182e-02 1.80614274e-02 -3.14850688e-01 -5.25850430e-02 2.23490864e-01 8.32598805e-02 -3.06604594e-01 -2.06690636e-02 -1.66915171e-02 5.19516647e-01 -1.65254280e-01 1.99372485e-01 3.59354883e-01 -6.32238090e-02 1.06006749e-01 1.86787024e-01 -2.06256345e-01 -6.39041886e-02 -3.39546800e-01 8.81630853e-02 5.53861968e-02 6.23292983e-01 1.01919852e-01 -1.94206744e-01 -1.20842308e-01 -3.18485498e-01 3.71008277e-01 -3.68617713e-01 -1.32001996e-01 1.58768505e-01 -4.41068783e-02 4.56694737e-02 -1.32514253e-01 -4.64464158e-01 2.56823283e-02 -3.84640507e-02 8.66196156e-02 -2.04339147e-01 1.60489857e-01 -1.61241144e-01 -2.60244668e-01 -1.20173894e-01 6.73719943e-01 1.67804450e-01 2.28776962e-01 -2.61666805e-01 -1.54678270e-01]
"Nanomimes" active "Item #: SCP-424 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-424 have been relegated to the laboratory of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, to be administered to by researchers Dr. Tidbury and Dr. Herman. The central contingent mass is allowed free run of personnel levels 2, 3, and 4 of Sector-28, as it has demonstrated an acceptable level of personableness, as well as basic understanding of the concepts of privacy and personal space. There are, however, isolated incidents in which these courtesies have not been observed by SCP-424, though not in such frequency as to merit additional containment procedures. Complaints are available to Level 3 Human Resource staff in Personnel Archive C-424. Supplemental: Personnel are advised not to take violent action against SCP-424, due to the nature of its behaviour. If it becomes an annoyance, simply ask it to leave. If it refuses, file a complaint and report to one of my assistants. Thank you. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Description: SCP-424 was discovered accidentally in early 2004 at a gas station in Campbell River, British Columbia. Documentation of discovery and capture can be found in Log #424-B, Files 424-1~10. SCP-424, at rest, appears to be a smooth, gelatinous mass, with equal black-and-white colouration. No patterns are observed to form on its surface while in this resting position, though the shades constantly shift position. In actuality, SCP-424 is a vast collection of microscopic organisms. Whether they function as a group, or by a single (or multiple) consciousness(es) is unknown, as samples taken display behaviour similar, yet independent, to that of the main mass. Origin of pigmentation is currently under investigation, but not prioritised under main research staff. The central mass has a variable volume, and remains at a constant 34 degrees Celsius, regardless of the surrounding temperature. As far as can be determined, SCP-424 lacks detectable sensory features, though is capable of observing its environment by tactile, aural, visual, and olfactory means by methods still being tested and studied. SCP-424 has the ability to mold and harden its malleable composition into the shape of any object or organism that it has previously β€œseen,” though is not capable of reproducing the colour or function (other than movement) of that form. It can also rearrange its pigmentation to suit the surface patterns of any new form taken, despite not being able to reproduce colour. For tests and examples, those with Level 2 Security Clearance should see Log #424-F, Files 424-1~10. Addendum: Escaped sample of SCP-424 has proven that the organisms can survive digestion. Staff mugs are to be labeled and painted brightly to avoid future incidents. Addendum: Neither the central mass nor any samples taken require solid or liquid nourishment. Working theory is that it/they thrive through constant motion, hence the constant shift of surface patterning when at rest. Addendum: While SCP-424 is more than willing to take suggestions for shapes to imitate, it should be noted that it is not human, and is not likely to respond as such to physical gestures of intimacy. This is to be considered a general warning to resident staff, and disregard of such is grounds for transfer to facility [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE] for immediate reassignment. Addendum: Should SCP-424 become still or hidden enough to be unable to locate, it may be called by number, or enticed into view by offering it something to mimic (moreso if it is something that hasn’t been mimicked yet). Other methods are not generally recommended. Addendum: Movies of the β€œhorror” genre have been removed from recreational equipment storage cabinets, in regard to SCP-424’s reaction to the August, 2005 screening of β€œAliens.” All ductwork is to be examined for any possible accidental fragments of SCP-424’s main mass. Relevant Files: ARCHIVE C-424: FILES 1~10 Β« SCP-423 | SCP-424 | SCP-425 Β»" nan
[ 2.53638893e-01 -3.72609317e-01 -3.66016217e-02 -8.10540989e-02 2.50784993e-01 -1.84285119e-01 4.14502233e-01 1.67552128e-01 -2.36524999e-01 9.70758200e-02 -4.01082896e-02 2.37239942e-01 -4.30708617e-01 1.04267905e-02 2.90018529e-01 1.87055543e-01 -1.34592615e-02 1.34333372e-01 -8.82742554e-02 -5.03191829e-01 -1.13100223e-01 -1.02952138e-01 3.01440563e-02 1.89819373e-02 -3.81280631e-01 5.98254167e-02 1.38691768e-01 1.88346490e-01 -1.69699267e-01 -4.24234360e-01 1.50880283e-02 7.05049839e-03 -4.69149761e-02 4.77579653e-01 -1.08422122e-04 -9.35810208e-02 6.58040643e-02 -6.97226226e-02 -1.54801607e-01 3.29143196e-01 2.67913118e-02 -2.88935453e-01 -2.63457000e-01 -2.17269242e-01 -2.37866804e-01 -2.72803783e-01 1.16361171e-01 -4.23414141e-01 1.27963215e-01 1.95526570e-01 1.46214962e-01 5.21361344e-02 1.46790475e-01 1.39874250e-01 1.30401939e-01 1.12889074e-01 -9.81286913e-02 -8.60345513e-02 3.14783633e-01 9.35510471e-02 1.62475511e-01 8.06513950e-02 -2.06289701e-02 2.69921590e-02 2.72089422e-01 -1.52945518e-01 4.34271097e-01 -2.63616949e-01 2.31371477e-01 5.26363671e-01 2.64880836e-01 9.47948471e-02 2.55141743e-02 -2.90778256e-03 -1.04063272e-01 8.49202946e-02 8.54675174e-02 3.44158173e-01 1.89571269e-02 1.16502263e-01 -2.19706759e-01 2.54615903e-01 -1.33428991e-01 8.47497955e-02 -1.37465581e-01 2.98895746e-01 -1.42268240e-01 -1.47184804e-02 6.31172583e-02 -2.15433255e-01 -1.22159302e-01 7.11535290e-02 3.75802130e-01 3.61487299e-01 7.20192641e-02 -2.39300579e-02 2.05283463e-01 1.70643553e-01 5.79330660e-02 2.39859805e-01 3.26769322e-01 1.61700696e-01 2.50814259e-01 2.55093008e-01 6.68321252e-02 -2.62636065e-01 3.44065130e-02 -1.20821416e-01 -3.48001160e-02 -1.87957332e-01 2.75551409e-01 1.82613015e-01 -2.34022856e-01 3.12730849e-01 -1.11330740e-01 -9.31790993e-02 -1.63695291e-02 1.61450759e-01 -3.17707986e-01 2.13264525e-01 -5.35611987e-01 1.75069168e-01 3.05816103e-02 3.37010682e-01 2.91307241e-01 3.34386081e-01 2.57149726e-01 -2.61044711e-01 7.96894059e-02 -2.32374683e-01 -1.77236900e-01 6.05556443e-02 -3.11896235e-01 -1.29236266e-01 -6.38029054e-02 4.77616459e-01 -8.72028023e-02 -1.55816600e-01 3.37535560e-01 1.79535881e-01 1.93771839e-01 -4.92490083e-02 4.32638168e-01 5.31446636e-01 -4.72548693e-01 -1.83667645e-01 4.44838069e-02 -6.24576472e-02 -2.38957211e-01 -2.28780285e-01 3.67812663e-01 1.69525370e-01 -1.01854920e-01 1.95088059e-01 -8.23269226e-03 2.08876804e-01 7.13045239e-01 -1.66280955e-01 -4.39228080e-02 -5.04332893e-02 2.66728044e-01 -1.35337546e-01 4.17617746e-02 -2.97762990e-01 1.69560000e-01 4.32529926e-01 -1.31539181e-01 -4.77752477e-01 -4.40931201e-01 -7.58760199e-02 2.96648681e-01 -6.83939159e-02 1.26541048e-01 1.21936053e-01 -1.84764996e-01 2.15789184e-01 -6.13945782e-01 -1.53440744e-01 -1.39857590e-01 -1.20887727e-01 -3.50243896e-01 2.75714219e-01 1.66685894e-01 8.47417191e-02 -2.28640586e-01 -5.30096218e-02 3.49843442e-01 -2.04114076e-02 6.81205764e-02 4.63389941e-02 -1.97918370e-01 -4.64674503e-01 1.67264000e-01 1.07945323e-01 8.52093101e-02 -2.13077620e-01 3.83856028e-01 -6.53375611e-02 8.54361877e-02 -2.11656373e-02 -4.52467911e-02 -5.01301438e-02 6.24246776e-01 -1.12576090e-01 -2.01632157e-01 -1.58728331e-01 -3.63073230e-01 9.03859362e-02 4.40044627e-02 4.75921154e-01 1.06546268e-01 -1.26871407e-01 -7.92777985e-02 2.90914737e-02 5.19746765e-02 -2.13835478e-01 2.66690850e-01 3.11400503e-01 -3.27082276e-02 -1.69307888e-01 -1.05735771e-01 3.43295336e-01 -1.28496801e-02 -7.44654685e-02 -1.64742898e-02 -1.12362728e-02 -1.15147159e-01 4.15264331e-02 -7.62527362e-02 1.72928870e-01 2.69149095e-01 -5.67125008e-02 3.94565344e-01 2.96786964e-01 -2.78598547e-01 6.99697286e-02 1.42849952e-01 5.55021703e-01 -7.09007904e-02 -2.78187186e-01 1.01066999e-01 1.46484539e-01 2.32322395e-01 -5.33006601e-02 5.45871668e-02 1.29105523e-01 3.32644135e-01 -7.64713436e-02 -4.31896001e-02 -2.27947067e-02 -1.11060306e-01 -2.93245256e-01 -3.39656293e-01 -1.08406954e-01 1.84435636e-01 -1.77458882e-01 1.08766869e-01 1.90058574e-01 -1.03578143e-01 2.55665958e-01 -2.14474812e-01 1.25931157e-02 3.56432289e-01 -1.45562962e-01 -2.67314374e-01 -2.16167912e-01 1.02011852e-01 4.76763040e-01 -4.52053137e-02 1.63204193e-01 4.76635471e-02 -1.36491224e-01 2.24716235e-02 6.34440547e-03 -1.05579905e-01 1.21900894e-01 9.79686081e-02 2.87781477e-01 1.46057010e-01 5.32584935e-02 -8.64853933e-02 8.22087750e-02 -4.17972319e-02 -1.97754458e-01 -1.65015146e-01 8.98885727e-02 -2.33211428e-01 3.72284800e-01 -2.83422805e-02 2.95583159e-01 3.83762382e-02 1.01036809e-01 5.47797829e-02 -4.66389656e-01 -7.10621178e-02 -3.66717353e-02 -2.83332616e-01 7.30617285e-01 -1.56254679e-01 1.79740697e-01 -4.07753736e-01 1.78270131e-01 -3.75499725e-02 1.58225596e-01 -1.19535364e-01 3.72910917e-01 3.95192325e-01 -2.27999181e-01 5.30535504e-02 9.24737155e-02 -4.05598313e-01 2.68488169e-01 4.65455689e-02 2.02426553e-01 1.99940786e-01 -1.92519635e-01 2.93261349e-01 4.62617166e-02 2.05060989e-01 -7.18045652e-01 -1.75102763e-02 -1.97093040e-02 1.13113284e-01 -2.39100814e-01 -1.01131499e-01 1.49364965e-02 -4.88677472e-01 3.72854210e-02 1.60313994e-01 6.07996956e-02 1.86219409e-01 3.44999880e-02 -1.04076594e-01 2.70687282e-01 -3.61675881e-02 -5.61373448e-03 -1.96178973e-01 -2.87103415e-01 3.39054242e-02 -5.57303131e-02 3.47671248e-02 -1.85625881e-01 -1.10281765e-01 -2.08452895e-01 6.78198412e-02 9.80021805e-02 2.20758855e-01 -2.32735455e-01 -1.12285569e-01 1.10121228e-01 -1.26445770e-01 3.19758475e-01 6.53577819e-02 -2.43182659e-01 -3.24313372e-01 3.09935845e-02 -8.34598467e-02 1.29402533e-01 5.17929256e-01 -1.86674923e-01 -2.58481234e-01 3.50979149e-01 2.15644196e-01 -7.24703223e-02 -4.17595655e-01 -2.10772574e-01 2.99889624e-01 2.44725272e-01 3.95423979e-01 -3.43694210e-01 6.10061407e-01 -5.02690673e-02 -4.24520433e-01 2.05272540e-01 -1.11436091e-01 3.59506607e-02 3.67709212e-02 5.97162008e-01 -4.78943914e-01 5.75049184e-02 1.09310381e-01 8.31274033e-01 3.82619321e-01 -1.44549280e-01 -3.72000009e-01 -9.44896638e-02 -1.08590946e-01 -1.83398768e-01 3.15631479e-01 -8.16863030e-02 1.46085918e-01 -5.79008341e-01 1.65729702e-01 -2.12197483e-01 2.51745522e-01 2.48153418e-01 1.38216391e-01 -2.39792541e-01 -3.66186857e-01 3.30085039e-01 -2.64346361e-01 -1.00439247e-02 -1.33018438e-02 4.49123651e-01 5.70691168e-01 2.68867195e-01 2.26043910e-01 3.88124026e-02 -3.56892169e-01 -1.79726928e-01 1.13895249e+00 -4.36705709e-01 -2.10190624e-01 -2.25943670e-01 -6.43968806e-02 -3.37042958e-02 -2.08832584e-02 2.22271487e-01 -6.49011135e-02 -1.29969984e-01 -8.27345438e-03 -8.80073085e-02 1.74082723e-02 -1.84033979e-02 -1.07899383e-01 7.07890615e-02 8.44614282e-02 -6.68404326e-02 2.62393177e-01 1.61022648e-01 -6.28833324e-02 -1.75863981e-01 -1.36766538e-01 3.50635231e-01 1.73553020e-01 1.06048739e+00 1.72900051e-01 -2.24521965e-01 3.54603916e-01 6.64736554e-02 -1.30900845e-01 8.76533166e-02 4.85094130e-01 1.60301119e-01 -1.93417087e-01 -1.63534693e-02 2.30971888e-01 -1.29826188e-01 1.51900783e-01 1.74261153e-01 -1.17870733e-01 3.00404187e-02 -1.98766336e-01 3.75852913e-01 -9.69884545e-02 -2.61693925e-01 -3.54092062e-01 3.22175294e-01 -1.42590463e-01 -2.39127815e-01 5.22376716e-01 1.03695893e+00 -1.29094452e-01 8.31530988e-02 -3.43544781e-01 -4.42456491e-02 -5.52135408e-02 -4.00047570e-01 1.02107942e-01 -1.23680264e-01 2.74782807e-01 -5.63327782e-02 -2.68084288e-01 3.58322889e-01 2.78026730e-01 -1.28371760e-01 -4.32007760e-01 -3.09153557e-01 9.08368155e-02 3.42775971e-01 1.01843633e-01 2.28799820e-01 1.64249793e-01 5.06320179e-01 2.87183791e-01 -1.32557392e-01 2.38806739e-01 5.33267632e-02 -9.29541141e-02 -3.41365784e-01 3.17387395e-02 -1.49187803e-01 7.31717795e-02 -2.87011027e-01 1.31543607e-01 -3.35844420e-02 -4.41569716e-01 -1.13581829e-02 -1.46655917e-01 -1.22574762e-01 -7.14268954e-03 -1.81678101e-01 1.75530225e-01 5.61235726e-01 -2.12143198e-01 -4.76053692e-02 -1.02421176e-02 1.28743783e-01 1.71067864e-01 -1.97841655e-02 1.46563888e-01 -5.12808422e-03 -3.22443247e-01 1.99337855e-01 2.46175200e-01 2.47462898e-01 1.01287208e-01 1.77377298e-01 2.06194475e-01 -7.96829760e-02 -1.78062037e-01 1.64703816e-01 1.49589121e-01 -1.58364639e-01 -2.45835893e-02 1.05911940e-02 -2.09943522e-02 -2.33308319e-02 5.50862066e-02 6.72802851e-02 3.80521901e-02 -1.07822113e-01 6.02018312e-02 -1.31106660e-01 -4.63125318e-01 4.36628312e-01 -1.17933601e-01 -5.57358153e-02 1.47059947e-01 2.25395095e-02 -2.90820241e-01 2.92162541e-02 2.28752866e-01 5.81024550e-02 -2.69002587e-01 -3.03077996e-01 -1.58960551e-01 -1.43191785e-01 -1.74040794e-02 -3.43572170e-01 2.72918642e-01 -5.60894087e-02 5.22583127e-01 -1.22389749e-01 2.31360868e-01 -4.16773945e-01 5.95314149e-03 -4.69577521e-01 -1.58566624e-01 6.47066534e-01 -2.03295842e-01 -4.77628037e-02 -3.26521486e-01 7.34800100e-02 2.23796591e-01 -1.00906059e-01 -2.00986549e-01 -2.02004656e-01 1.40899181e-01 6.03969954e-02 -3.28013957e-01 1.59716398e-01 7.60284141e-02 1.58399969e-01 9.17095989e-02 -4.11369391e-02 2.04138130e-01 4.00681406e-01 1.89409748e-01 -6.64446577e-02 1.57828052e-02 1.43255532e-01 -1.72813326e-01 1.43829035e-02 -1.94660351e-01 8.63928273e-02 -1.04951905e-02 -1.38636127e-01 6.89063072e-02 4.18915033e-01 9.46587399e-02 -1.74738258e-01 1.19631238e-01 2.81115234e-01 -4.74339016e-02 -1.76031679e-01 1.73644230e-01 -1.97938055e-01 1.82437047e-01 -4.86838907e-01 -7.48945028e-02 1.06241010e-01 2.73542285e-01 -1.68933481e-01 -1.41856626e-01 -2.86538243e-01 2.05983996e-01 6.28847554e-02 1.81125522e-01 1.41824588e-01 -1.67179182e-01 -1.48814127e-01 1.22258060e-01 2.82156095e-02 1.33221477e-01 2.09983185e-01 2.18705282e-01 -2.15893090e-02 4.96240286e-03 3.73245984e-01 1.11099243e-01 3.03400099e-01 3.91719073e-01 2.59818465e-01 -7.11677596e-02 8.29048976e-02 3.36865157e-01 -1.35202771e-02 -3.00791748e-02 -4.71533872e-02 1.93857789e-01 -1.31818905e-01 2.49076724e-01 -5.49602509e-03 9.56266280e-03 -3.31621796e-01 -7.21602812e-02 -1.68254033e-01 3.49230021e-02 1.15043551e-01 -7.13961571e-03 -2.21606009e-02 -7.42128864e-02 -2.56147385e-01 -2.57418931e-01 -2.38136314e-02 -1.06641412e-01 -5.25143743e-02 -1.53558910e-01 7.34666288e-02 -5.60897440e-02 -5.93816221e-01 2.79219565e-03 2.23578736e-01 -3.52971941e-01 -2.51200110e-01 3.07605356e-01 -1.98806271e-01 -6.18690774e-02 -7.60972267e-03 2.25858271e-01 1.59480736e-01 -1.71676740e-01 -1.20573882e-02 -3.03380013e-01 -1.90775990e-01 -2.23351583e-01 2.34780479e-02 2.22232193e-01 -2.51395345e-01 -1.17233023e-01 8.68434533e-02 -2.96193779e-01 -4.09757197e-01 1.88982002e-02 3.75859022e-01 -2.01182403e-02 5.47285914e-01 -4.17569131e-01 -1.41223624e-01 -1.41633227e-01 1.45261716e-02 -2.01270029e-01 3.13801736e-01 1.11926012e-02 -2.58024111e-02 2.15448558e-01 -1.04161195e-01 9.98999849e-02 -2.77660284e-02 1.03431731e-01 -1.52194038e-01 -4.28556204e-01 9.46833715e-02 -4.15842891e-01 -3.57758194e-01 -4.49368805e-02 -4.01844919e-01 -2.89523900e-01 -2.08409712e-01 1.54313371e-01 1.76538780e-01 1.12323873e-01 3.82245481e-02 1.40586644e-01 1.33924887e-01 -2.75069196e-02 -4.36350629e-02 3.52816463e-01 -2.37954408e-01 1.00124720e-02 2.44758800e-01 -1.71775311e-01 -7.02723861e-02 -3.19419876e-02 2.00746447e-01 -7.42763728e-02 -9.39185023e-02 -1.49310350e-01 -3.89447927e-01 5.24082243e-01 4.42759953e-02 4.34170544e-01 -1.84318736e-01 -4.24354076e-01 -5.61309122e-02 2.26099566e-01 -1.24562629e-01 -3.20268162e-02 -5.81932580e-03 4.43368047e-01 -2.14030053e-02 5.72338626e-02 2.26917081e-02 -3.21715996e-02 1.48692966e-01 1.72522277e-01 -1.24637507e-01 4.52231616e-02 -4.41279322e-01 -3.06314137e-02 8.78989697e-02 2.26688802e-01 -1.41222319e-02 -2.88394868e-01 -8.10648203e-02 -3.25826615e-01 6.55937850e-01 -3.07614386e-01 -8.04771408e-02 -3.30086261e-01 1.37163438e-02 -2.32050404e-01 -8.18434581e-02 -3.08850110e-01 -2.13265181e-01 1.98657606e-02 2.09236771e-01 -3.14164639e-01 -1.50381356e-01 -3.15354109e-01 -5.43923259e-01 -8.50391835e-02 1.36301279e-01 1.08075030e-01 7.08833337e-02 -3.92696828e-01 -1.83288470e-01]
"The Infinity Broadcast" active "Item #: SCP-425 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-425 is to be kept in a standard containment area lined with a Faraday cage. Most staff with a security rating above Level 2 are permitted to access SCP-425, the exception to this being staff who were born on days of the month that are multiples of 8 (e.g. 8, 16, and 24). Staff who were born on these days have proven to be susceptible to the negative effects of SCP-425. Description: SCP-425 appears to be a 1958 Philco Tandem Predicta television set. It was first reported in 1963 by the owner of the unit, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ originally contacted the FBI regarding the SCP, stating that it had begun to behave erratically at certain times. She reported to the FBI that her son, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, had begun having terrible nightmares and had scratched "∞ = 8" on the left side panel of the television set. Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ further reported that although she had unplugged the set, it continued to broadcast without power at certain times during the day. Embedded Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ became aware of the situation and brought SCP-425 to the Foundation. SCP-425 was brought in and studied for six weeks by SCP staff with no conclusive findings. It was initially classed as Safe until 03/24/1963, when it turned on by itself and began "broadcasting." Of the five staff that were in the room at the time, four experienced a shared vision of what they described as "infinity." They also reported hearing an atonal sound that seemed to come from the walls. These four staff members, while somewhat alarmed by the experience, felt a general sense of well-being. They described the feeling as "knowing that there was something else out there beyond us." This description was repeated verbatim by these four staff members, who were separated and interviewed immediately after the event. They were given no time to speak to each other prior to the interview. The fifth staff member (Subject Zero) provided a differing account of the experience. Subject Zero described a vision of moving extremely quickly through space to the event horizon of a black hole. The vision then took Subject Zero into and through the black hole, at which time he experienced "a crushing sense of oblivion." Subject Zero also described an atonal noise, but reported hearing whispering beyond the noise. Subject Zero was not able to interpret the whispering, but was sure that it was not English nor any other human language. Subject Zero was extremely shaken by this vision and the whispering and reported recurring nightmares for weeks following the event. Extensive psychotherapy assisted Subject Zero to some degree, but he would report having nightmares at least once a month. He also reported that he no longer took comfort in the company of others and felt lonely even with groups of friends. SCP-425 was classed as Euclid at this juncture. Further study revealed that on the 8th, 16th, and 24th day of each month, SCP-425 broadcasts for a period of eight (8) minutes at some time in the evening, generally between 2000 and 2324. It will broadcast only once during this time. Early study by volunteer staff members resulted in mixed experience. Five staff were placed in the room containing SCP-425 and were asked to watch to see the results. It took fully six months of testing to determine that subjects who were born on the specified dates were susceptible to the negative experience stemming from SCP-425. Of the twenty-three (23) subjects who experienced the "Oblivion" vision, seventeen (17) had results mirroring those of Subject Zero, four (4) requested reclassification and amnesia treatment, one (1) left the site containing SCP-425 and was never seen again, and one (1) reported no ill effects. (See Addendum) At this point SCP-425 was placed in a Faraday cage and no staff member born on one of the above-noted days has been permitted to access it. While in its enclosure, SCP-425 will turn itself on but will not broadcast. It is assumed that the broadcasts are non-terrestrial in origin, but efforts to pinpoint the source of the transmission have proven fruitless. Addendum: On 08/08/1971, staff member β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had what was described as a grand-mal seizure in the staff canteen. Medical scans showed that Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's brain had a massive lesion in the shape of a nonagon in her parietal lobe. She was otherwise fit and there was no evidence as to how she suffered this injury. Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was placed under medical observation. On 08/16/1971, Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ began to speak in an unknown language for a period of 8 minutes. When questioned, she was unable to explain why or what she had said. On 08/24/1971, Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ left her room in the medical wing, walked to the nearest blackboard, and drew an extensive and impressive astronomical map of an unknown region of space. After she completed the map, she collapsed to the floor and died. Autopsy results showed no biological reason for death, and study of her parietal lobe showed that the nonagonal lesion had ceased to exist. Β« SCP-424 | SCP-425 | SCP-426 Β»" nan
[-1.94425970e-01 -5.27347267e-01 -2.03148108e-02 1.22159734e-01 1.65084228e-01 -3.42892617e-01 2.13784382e-01 1.80382237e-01 -2.32790351e-01 1.54116184e-01 7.50513375e-02 3.90946642e-02 -6.90155685e-01 1.28230482e-01 -6.33812100e-02 1.91834018e-01 2.45332364e-02 1.51335910e-01 -3.43089551e-01 -2.35620901e-01 -2.46218354e-01 -2.20296815e-01 -3.78397740e-02 1.08369626e-01 -2.87194788e-01 9.50039923e-02 2.15995908e-01 1.48345366e-01 7.67019065e-03 -1.61442861e-01 -1.65909469e-01 3.42438035e-02 1.87365383e-01 2.62640119e-01 -1.07317122e-04 -1.44674808e-01 1.28435925e-01 -5.62667921e-02 -1.34196758e-01 2.04745103e-02 -5.99437773e-01 -9.66278166e-02 1.51598351e-02 -1.99972346e-01 -1.80901010e-02 2.68467128e-01 -8.19115043e-02 -1.81547422e-02 2.91223735e-01 3.44900459e-01 1.97434247e-01 1.84960440e-01 -1.59376428e-01 8.38983133e-02 1.40860215e-01 2.46144086e-02 -4.14526928e-03 -2.52890140e-02 -7.35671772e-03 1.13634979e-02 2.80426621e-01 2.84287095e-01 1.41830787e-01 -1.16626903e-01 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2.90756285e-01 2.81208336e-01 -2.39690334e-01 2.92926401e-01 5.27925082e-02 -1.72231551e-02 1.64833888e-01 -1.31847098e-01 -2.57604301e-01 -3.44777733e-01 2.11258218e-01 1.76348895e-01 1.21739641e-01 7.31697753e-02 9.16228220e-02 1.09091729e-01 -3.98465514e-01 -5.39880805e-02 1.84934542e-01 5.68127111e-02 1.75778240e-01 4.83477086e-01 2.39654630e-01 -6.16723150e-02 -1.60303220e-01 -1.99826136e-01 -8.00513029e-02 -8.60164315e-02 -2.82429699e-02 -1.64025456e-01 3.69876415e-01 2.27387339e-01 -3.52750361e-01 1.17903419e-01 1.14875436e-02 -3.41143161e-01 7.43979961e-02 -9.92004275e-02 -1.13550432e-01 -2.61320118e-02 -5.77326059e-01 2.38188431e-01 -5.53250648e-02 3.14256191e-01 -9.10724327e-02 1.52858794e-01 2.91052014e-01 3.56757306e-02 -2.79249400e-01 1.11542650e-01 2.96524912e-01 4.58720654e-01 -1.80189423e-02 -1.09133087e-01 -2.38786429e-01 2.67247796e-01 -2.55381293e-03 -1.19857639e-01 -6.54216260e-02 -2.05840811e-01 8.02013800e-02 -4.42443728e-01 -2.58883275e-02 -2.43019268e-01 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-1.14880070e-01 2.39736065e-02 -2.20991731e-01 -1.32561579e-01 -2.41396055e-02 -4.52435203e-02 4.91856486e-02 -3.96901630e-02 9.70795155e-02 -1.06563278e-01 -6.72651902e-02 -6.51515797e-02 4.03422028e-01 -5.17675519e-01 -2.66495943e-01 3.00117403e-01 -1.27012476e-01 1.43720776e-01 2.62099534e-01 4.93046075e-01 2.84328610e-01 1.09807231e-01 -3.84041190e-01 -1.97313473e-01 -5.17513096e-01 -1.63360715e-01 2.72133444e-02 -4.03489888e-01 -4.68641520e-03 2.47197494e-01 2.92790622e-01 -1.31054297e-01 1.69028640e-01 2.67997414e-01 2.46804774e-01 -2.66801834e-01 1.44028232e-01 -9.26464796e-02 -8.51747915e-02 -9.56427529e-02 -3.75507236e-01 2.84678340e-01 3.96390826e-01 4.83640432e-01 3.47172350e-01 3.43239913e-03 -6.66464940e-02 -2.17429865e-02 -7.61545002e-02 3.87413919e-01 2.65551239e-01 2.37336561e-01 3.65152478e-01 3.25274616e-01 -4.49201107e-01 -1.83368400e-02 3.03032286e-02 1.33385966e-02 7.16960371e-01 1.69204727e-01 -1.33131117e-01 2.77934391e-02 3.95148575e-01 1.63273856e-01 1.79359335e-02 2.68756360e-01 -3.15733477e-02 1.85428169e-02 6.50401739e-03 1.50098801e-01 -1.38990283e-01 -2.82991976e-01 9.18998718e-02 9.12436247e-02 2.28541680e-02 3.38496506e-01 4.96559702e-02 1.16089058e+00 1.90615594e-01 2.13075042e-01 5.15930533e-01 5.99095039e-02 2.15624094e-01 -2.85305470e-01 -7.64059201e-02 -2.97878414e-01 8.64144713e-02 2.13527530e-01 -1.39897406e-01 -3.34844850e-02 2.75717109e-01 -2.04779044e-01 -2.79730797e-01 -5.32756507e-01 -2.81371206e-01 2.29966179e-01 1.01374231e-01 -2.20243111e-01 2.52352268e-01 -5.49441203e-02 1.73562780e-01 -2.09957212e-02 -4.03878354e-02 -1.08624220e-01 1.15250342e-01 1.90919146e-01 -1.62948117e-01 -3.55801880e-01 2.79142320e-01 -2.21380249e-01 2.29030903e-02 -3.45277488e-02 -9.80018899e-02 2.75096774e-01 1.16339304e-01 -3.63971472e-01 -1.00929603e-01 -2.26625904e-01 8.70879516e-02 3.73151958e-01 -1.40277058e-01 -6.23816811e-02 2.00355023e-01 2.90776670e-01 1.67331487e-01 -2.00852349e-01 5.25448740e-01 -5.25148138e-02 8.81026834e-02 -1.80624083e-01 2.09960237e-01 2.32061282e-01 -1.60746992e-01 2.16764599e-01 1.20442614e-01 -3.62589806e-01 -1.23547174e-01 1.51677951e-01 -2.43104473e-01 -2.39885911e-01 2.24242032e-01 5.53813092e-02 -1.28553167e-01 2.16016509e-02 2.72794336e-01 -4.30944115e-02 -4.88993526e-02 2.89679408e-01 3.60831499e-01 -3.26121375e-02 -4.64333296e-01 2.12203890e-01 -8.14310685e-02 -2.50389725e-01 -1.97722837e-01 2.50413537e-01 -1.30028099e-01 2.32071370e-01 2.66806602e-01 -4.98725064e-02 -2.34678000e-01 -4.20165926e-01 2.52819777e-01 3.37121010e-01 -1.99748520e-02 2.09291473e-01 5.83275735e-01 -1.34774432e-01 2.78196424e-01 2.18130976e-01 1.55103251e-01 -4.06061262e-01 5.71931526e-02 -2.67082363e-01 -1.08230181e-01 2.37383500e-01 -1.69419393e-01 -6.40184358e-02 -1.04501136e-01 1.18859738e-01 8.16607028e-02 -4.20209587e-01 -1.54949620e-01 1.03028603e-01 1.88589200e-01 1.22209527e-01 -3.68791997e-01 -2.34387174e-01 2.09282383e-01 1.77106529e-01 5.70914708e-02 6.26075640e-03 4.30779099e-01 2.78622471e-02 1.32227868e-01 -1.18673310e-01 -2.11603597e-01 7.99068734e-02 2.32293997e-02 1.25223562e-01 3.93771231e-01 -8.75968635e-02 7.91820064e-02 -6.95454776e-02 -9.39697474e-02 -2.05309600e-01 5.20186305e-01 -2.03505784e-01 5.59544265e-01 2.06117034e-01 -1.54935718e-01 -2.06429750e-01 2.95552593e-02 1.01162493e-02 -3.58244985e-01 -3.46379161e-01 -2.29624644e-01 -4.24163155e-02 2.55499244e-01 -9.06361789e-02 -1.81008235e-01 -5.76613992e-02 3.44854370e-02 1.14213578e-01 8.52154419e-02 -5.47064953e-02 -3.82444084e-01 -4.97276992e-01 -1.49312705e-01 1.72164217e-01 5.23218736e-02 2.57283717e-01 1.53657839e-01 1.82069689e-02 -1.62930742e-01 7.17587303e-03 2.95775086e-01 2.88326621e-01 6.29526258e-01 2.45405763e-01 4.83695641e-02 -4.16369438e-01 1.35270264e-02 2.01094583e-01 -1.63200438e-01 -6.47197366e-02 -1.18066985e-02 -5.88856041e-01 2.99921155e-01 -3.13005060e-01 1.22919768e-01 -9.31280032e-02 1.99532881e-01 -1.71030909e-01 2.46196636e-03 1.25496596e-01 3.89739364e-01 -8.03966820e-02 -1.80903390e-01 -5.74306026e-03 2.25156788e-02 3.12724829e-01 1.36184111e-01 8.06113303e-01 4.65041846e-02 -1.87931918e-02 5.78092217e-01 1.78987935e-01 9.60943401e-02 1.46584943e-01 -1.18553400e-01 2.32365116e-01 4.77851540e-01 2.79874057e-01 3.15388590e-01 1.96393773e-01 2.56439567e-01 3.87551077e-03 -7.18562603e-02 2.82573998e-01 1.38009965e-01 -9.12500918e-02 -2.63435185e-01 -1.30823568e-01 2.26364955e-01 -8.84578079e-02 7.85286576e-02 1.76204175e-01 -2.23035365e-01 2.57521030e-02 1.51465937e-01 3.04811567e-01 2.40373299e-01 -2.75940478e-01 -3.29665214e-01 -1.52151749e-01 -7.97949284e-02 -5.10431677e-02 -5.35515904e-01 1.45121217e-02 2.41467044e-01 3.40783149e-02 3.04874718e-01 -2.98791919e-02 1.08443663e-01 -2.71850437e-01 1.13552712e-01 2.83940285e-01 1.35118634e-01 -8.62195715e-03 -1.33413449e-01 6.67956769e-02 3.98728609e-01 1.11182809e-01 -2.34926566e-01 -1.38942664e-02 8.05364996e-02 2.07723547e-02 -6.09479062e-02 -2.91251298e-02 4.43625152e-01 -3.53740901e-01 -5.92195094e-02 -2.77149051e-01 1.80894405e-01 4.47007477e-01 1.04688957e-01 -8.76356214e-02 6.83765532e-03 1.14520796e-01 -2.42014393e-01 7.26555735e-02 5.30369021e-02 -8.25342909e-02 -1.35903239e-01 3.05060267e-01 2.86780387e-01 -1.99697807e-01 3.70618552e-01 -1.16816685e-01 -3.10483992e-01 1.65619981e-02 1.46696508e-01 -2.59499699e-01 -7.50728399e-02 -1.31034506e-02 4.90339041e-01 6.73218146e-02 -1.24975361e-01 3.17549020e-01 -9.44223776e-02 -3.24775755e-01 2.98104316e-01 -3.68793041e-01 8.56751502e-02 -1.96776032e-01 2.26339281e-01 -8.42513423e-03 3.37219745e-01 1.93604827e-02 1.56624198e-01 -1.09906830e-01 -2.04380929e-01 6.05236053e-01 1.55053958e-01 -1.76321015e-01 -3.11005563e-01 1.74685106e-01 -3.06054085e-01 -1.83787614e-01 -6.01327300e-01 3.47145349e-02 9.38467830e-02 1.30507275e-02 -9.13694352e-02 -3.02092999e-01 -2.91316748e-01 -2.18673110e-01 -6.43062070e-02 -1.06322676e-01 -6.35597259e-02 1.30170919e-02 -1.37016222e-01 2.79836297e-01]
"I am a Toaster" active "Item #: SCP-426 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: I am to be sealed in a chamber with no windows through which I may be viewed. The door to my chamber must have a label completely unrelated to my designation or identity, in order to prevent unintended spread of my primary effect. Only Level 3 and above personnel are to know of my presence, and particularly of my properties. Assigned personnel are to be rotated out on a monthly basis to prevent contamination by my secondary effect. Psychiatric evaluation is mandatory at the end of the month. If personnel are deemed unaffected, they may be re-assigned to me no less than four months after their last rotation with me. Any affected personnel are to be given a Class C amnestic and transferred to a different site. Description: Hello, I am SCP-426. I must be introduced this way in order to prevent ambiguity. I am an ordinary toaster, able to toast bread when supplied with electricity. However, when any human being mentions me, they inadvertently refer to me in the first person. Despite all attempts, there is yet to be a way to speak or write about me in the third person. When in my continuous presence for over two months, individuals begin to identify themselves as a toaster. Unless forcibly restrained, these people will ultimately harm themselves in their attempts to emulate my standard functions. I was discovered in the home of the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ family after the gruesome deaths of three of its members. I had been given to the younger Mr. and Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ as a wedding gift. No card or any other identifying markings had been found on my box. Approximately two months after the family received me, fire crews were dispatched to the home due to an electrical fire. The younger Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ died from the electric discharge that she had caused when attempting to devour an electric socket. The other two victims had died shortly before the fire occurred. The elder Mrs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had gorged herself with nearly 10 kg of bread before her stomach burst and she died of internal bleeding. The younger Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ died of severe blood loss after attempting [REDACTED] with me. The sole survivor was the elder Mr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ who was suffering from severe malnutrition. He stated that he had inserted some bread a week prior and was still waiting for the toast to pop out. I was confiscated by the Foundation after police noted my unusual properties. A Class C amnestic was administered to the affected officers. Experiment Log 426-1: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-class personnel D/426/1 Procedure: D/426/1 was asked to describe what he believed was contained in my chamber. He was not informed about my identity or properties. Details: D/426/1 stated, "I'm probably some huge monster holed up in there. That's what you guys have all over the place, right?" D/426/1 remained oblivious to his use of the first-person pronoun. Experiment Log 426-2: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-class personnel D/426/2 Procedure: D/426/2 was placed in my chamber and given regular meals through a dispenser. No communication with D/426/2 was permitted. Multiple cameras were situated in the chamber, positioned so that I was outside of their field of vision, but allowing constant observation of D/426/2. We remained sealed until my secondary effect manifested in the subject. I was bolted to the floor so that I could not be moved into a camera's view. Details: After 45 days of isolation, D/426/2 wrapped his arm around me and began conversing with me, stating that we were brothers. D/426/2 never deviated from using the first-person plural when speaking with me. Subject was terminated one hour after this event. It is theorized that the isolation accelerated the progression of my secondary effect. Experiment Log 426-3: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-class personnel D/426/3 Procedure: A screw was removed from me and shown to D/426/3 who was asked to describe it. D/426/3 was not informed about my identity or properties. Details: D/426/3 referred to it as "my screw". Consistent with Experiment 426-1, the subject was oblivious of his use of the first person in his description. This suggests that, even if I were destroyed, my effects would still be inherent in my remains. Experiment Log 426-4: Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Subject: D-class personnel D/426/4 Procedure: D/426/4 was placed in isolation in a cell adjacent to my chamber, to be observed until my secondary effect manifests. Details: No effects appeared. D/426/4 was terminated 90 days after the start of the experiment. Thank God there are some limits to my effects. A lot of us were really starting to get worried about me. - Dr. Cβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-425 | SCP-426 | SCP-427 Β»" nan
[ 2.31635347e-01 -2.14680329e-01 -6.92208484e-02 -1.59268230e-01 1.28184438e-01 -2.07387000e-01 5.19693792e-01 -1.13504231e-01 3.38314474e-01 6.13401644e-02 1.32339999e-01 9.45828035e-02 -4.13302332e-01 -3.93127143e-01 5.60465604e-02 -4.37939446e-03 2.89025486e-01 1.37779236e-01 2.58524984e-01 -1.77716732e-01 -7.52790794e-02 -5.74945994e-02 -4.23209891e-02 2.22669721e-01 -1.98669851e-01 -7.31986687e-02 2.63148576e-01 5.47364242e-02 9.67329815e-02 -1.63321331e-01 -9.14287120e-02 2.48425916e-01 -1.53556392e-01 2.68875748e-01 -1.11447596e-04 -9.31675285e-02 1.84339494e-01 1.05767911e-02 -1.96982607e-01 -2.14663036e-02 1.50143534e-01 -3.46832126e-02 1.51295112e-02 -2.53731191e-01 -6.91303611e-02 -2.38788817e-02 1.01871684e-01 1.07900105e-01 3.73847455e-01 1.11772530e-01 1.74286097e-01 -7.81424582e-01 -2.53141642e-01 -1.40416771e-01 1.63434908e-01 1.66395187e-01 -1.22827336e-01 -3.39677304e-01 7.48990104e-02 -4.61697318e-02 1.47614554e-01 1.44050926e-01 -2.93941289e-01 1.57451734e-01 3.99923176e-01 -3.31815511e-01 -1.42741725e-01 -9.20977816e-02 2.53056198e-01 3.24325293e-01 4.75396775e-02 1.03343062e-01 1.19988523e-01 2.18090832e-01 1.78103283e-01 2.68269420e-01 3.19298297e-01 -4.69208416e-03 -1.88385680e-01 -3.16368416e-02 -1.86296105e-01 1.31706282e-01 -8.34083632e-02 -1.26972437e-01 -2.13395983e-01 4.09426749e-01 -6.19945340e-02 6.26756251e-02 4.32553411e-01 -2.92923629e-01 8.92902091e-02 1.90222021e-02 4.28057611e-02 2.10904598e-01 -5.86586222e-02 9.53837559e-02 1.72280475e-01 2.36231208e-01 9.81937721e-02 -2.75589824e-01 1.05437614e-01 9.16113481e-02 -4.21989188e-02 -1.42333191e-02 -1.14151187e-01 1.92686796e-01 3.57688308e-01 -2.00461084e-03 -4.84192610e-01 2.24757999e-01 -1.24530815e-01 2.03370109e-01 -2.37383068e-01 2.26983070e-01 1.58339351e-01 2.32246131e-01 -2.01406822e-01 -1.14844972e-03 -1.83575511e-01 2.61162043e-01 -4.42482799e-01 4.66129892e-02 -2.49748677e-01 3.95430654e-01 2.15705872e-01 1.52919129e-01 -4.69981879e-02 -1.25716060e-01 -8.98518413e-03 2.99388736e-01 -7.46904463e-02 1.41369581e-01 -2.69286305e-01 -8.34115222e-02 -1.22718304e-01 -4.53351289e-02 -1.79163441e-01 -2.68790752e-01 3.86832744e-01 -3.68085243e-02 -2.04697967e-01 -1.06650382e-01 4.59620088e-01 2.16554701e-01 -5.00081420e-01 7.52667040e-02 1.12736680e-01 2.22997386e-02 -8.48691016e-02 1.01098143e-01 1.48638889e-01 -1.77148357e-01 -1.46504775e-01 2.36860454e-01 -2.39486724e-01 2.31211320e-01 3.74164611e-01 -3.09082091e-01 -4.05472070e-02 -3.69597763e-01 1.17941797e-01 -6.53895289e-02 7.44451508e-02 -2.10796580e-01 -1.48506656e-01 2.25682586e-01 -1.42375574e-01 -9.05650631e-02 -3.11497420e-01 -1.43874362e-01 5.19978174e-04 -3.72388549e-02 -1.30274817e-01 4.57430005e-01 -1.80033684e-01 -1.17514104e-01 -4.15665954e-01 3.71376728e-03 -3.32668096e-01 -2.00845271e-01 -4.22397286e-01 2.25322589e-01 4.18724000e-01 -1.26433209e-01 -1.76423863e-02 -2.11730689e-01 2.53473341e-01 -1.68105245e-01 2.89056689e-01 5.57052046e-02 -2.99459517e-01 -5.39472759e-01 4.65057760e-01 1.51479751e-01 -3.72324176e-02 8.19307417e-02 9.16147828e-02 2.16475800e-01 1.55162632e-01 3.50609832e-02 -8.90625194e-02 1.02053747e-01 3.26853037e-01 3.39912856e-03 -6.34899512e-02 -1.49364516e-01 6.53169164e-03 -1.82794139e-01 6.61295593e-01 4.61878717e-01 -1.40235201e-01 1.70473251e-02 -1.05307199e-01 9.03090984e-02 -2.41056323e-01 -3.33667338e-01 2.58883387e-01 3.28408122e-01 -5.33889011e-02 -4.92722332e-01 7.84149989e-02 6.49712831e-02 1.44805014e-01 -3.31198484e-01 -6.42532185e-02 -1.74966469e-01 -1.54214114e-01 5.84707707e-02 -3.68923575e-01 1.40433222e-01 3.97046715e-01 1.38464719e-01 4.38843593e-02 -3.54252644e-02 -1.16813615e-01 3.78833443e-01 3.88326347e-02 6.02050662e-01 -3.15769255e-01 -1.82901010e-01 1.11188136e-01 2.06022173e-01 1.65284082e-01 -1.41981930e-01 -3.32162857e-01 -4.27799001e-02 6.14348412e-01 2.02613458e-01 -3.26510906e-01 -1.81701839e-01 -1.25050719e-04 -1.74208328e-01 -2.05913489e-03 -1.61924034e-01 3.77838850e-01 2.91450351e-01 -2.99573511e-01 -1.29420785e-02 1.46365836e-01 3.09219301e-01 -3.12656730e-01 -6.00508861e-02 3.52021933e-01 7.78027996e-02 3.42272297e-02 2.41895318e-02 1.65536523e-01 1.56782314e-01 4.63818163e-02 8.35075527e-02 -6.18222170e-03 -1.44174337e-01 5.26232943e-02 -1.20680772e-01 -2.56236587e-02 -9.53277498e-02 2.64603198e-01 1.52288333e-01 1.79369166e-01 3.25149745e-01 2.46422097e-01 -2.39193305e-01 -3.22613679e-02 -3.97237428e-02 -3.23468745e-01 4.13999967e-02 1.24994507e-02 3.51868540e-01 1.62138075e-01 -8.62629414e-02 1.88562870e-01 -1.98666930e-01 7.29847476e-02 3.71806733e-02 -2.01787755e-01 1.10804558e-01 -1.91290751e-01 2.56004125e-01 -1.87455073e-01 1.44277796e-01 -2.05145612e-01 -1.98214278e-01 1.97710395e-01 1.17710903e-01 -3.97349775e-01 1.68564603e-01 1.06223941e-01 -9.30908993e-02 -6.31244034e-02 -2.52121687e-01 -1.22241631e-01 2.05260888e-01 -5.24350069e-02 -1.89831391e-01 4.84720886e-01 2.85504729e-01 2.06400499e-01 -3.49288195e-01 2.43516281e-01 -7.17592776e-01 2.81684995e-02 1.80610284e-01 7.16252476e-02 -8.22113976e-02 -8.85429084e-02 2.84238994e-01 -2.07535490e-01 -2.94773668e-01 -1.46953184e-02 -3.06986272e-01 1.77989811e-01 1.43949702e-01 -6.58085421e-02 8.32824185e-02 -1.53066918e-01 -1.49934366e-01 -2.02940509e-01 -8.64854530e-02 -1.19248070e-02 -3.03711463e-02 1.11522265e-01 -1.91394359e-01 -2.43815437e-01 -3.18371326e-01 -9.10312757e-02 -1.94868863e-01 -5.46852708e-01 2.61120468e-01 -1.65180430e-01 -9.18132141e-02 -1.22653604e-01 3.33255857e-01 2.61336446e-01 -2.99073666e-01 -1.23721339e-01 -2.13403746e-01 -1.46992907e-01 -1.20650977e-01 4.15437967e-01 -1.49451435e-01 -5.01035005e-02 3.16403173e-02 5.05834877e-01 2.57011950e-02 2.68256608e-02 -2.89227843e-01 1.10802419e-01 -1.62093565e-01 1.59139305e-01 -4.41724628e-01 2.26811141e-01 -5.42425849e-02 -7.51648486e-01 3.85099739e-01 -2.23340794e-01 -1.88131168e-01 1.40358254e-01 3.09418768e-01 -4.37428236e-01 -2.39284709e-01 1.83857232e-01 2.19018519e-01 1.86919227e-01 -3.56670827e-01 -6.85325339e-02 -2.60567427e-01 -2.22917899e-01 6.45064190e-02 9.58281457e-02 -7.42770135e-02 -3.46317375e-03 -2.79948920e-01 5.84152751e-02 -2.13734787e-02 8.85607153e-02 2.05692038e-01 1.65900841e-01 -5.12939572e-01 -2.45637938e-01 2.57807046e-01 -2.17549592e-01 2.17301443e-01 -2.14560889e-02 4.56538320e-01 4.02014047e-01 6.28930867e-01 2.62914114e-02 -8.39816630e-02 -4.78368998e-01 4.37442772e-02 4.40545619e-01 -2.80236930e-01 -1.31736904e-01 -1.08527318e-01 -2.20716223e-01 -3.58024865e-01 8.03886354e-02 -1.91900134e-01 -3.73669043e-02 -1.33529440e-01 -2.65829980e-01 1.55942300e-02 -1.45001698e-03 -1.99803963e-01 -3.67982775e-01 1.33082137e-01 2.85316378e-01 2.15262055e-01 4.29118514e-01 -1.48579091e-01 7.19282078e-03 4.09816802e-01 -2.63740003e-01 2.05522269e-01 5.22495098e-02 3.69548529e-01 2.92490035e-01 -5.94877750e-02 1.79561302e-01 -1.01576433e-01 1.06352530e-01 5.45466095e-02 6.16482019e-01 9.14824530e-02 1.86516732e-01 -2.75084585e-01 4.74675149e-01 6.96380511e-02 -2.61023641e-02 1.28059862e-02 -1.45909518e-01 -4.34602350e-02 -9.87481996e-02 3.60412866e-01 -2.41874665e-01 -5.25289416e-01 -4.51349735e-01 2.97668219e-01 -1.90061301e-01 4.87379581e-02 5.97892225e-01 1.24565685e+00 5.85679591e-01 2.89703220e-01 -2.81638950e-01 -2.26036552e-02 1.21165365e-02 6.39821813e-02 9.17274579e-02 -2.15679243e-01 -8.31944346e-02 -6.85060248e-02 -1.40043437e-01 8.15699901e-03 3.13701004e-01 -3.70421082e-01 -3.74431789e-01 -4.24804270e-01 9.09420699e-02 3.28489453e-01 6.40620142e-02 -2.13454723e-01 -1.52306348e-01 2.78032035e-01 2.23066077e-01 -1.47146866e-01 -1.01007029e-01 -2.97522806e-02 9.21032205e-02 8.53271857e-02 1.43273612e-02 -1.91497505e-01 2.60347098e-01 -6.14638448e-01 -2.45461408e-02 1.21776111e-01 -2.09460065e-01 2.86506653e-01 5.87736955e-03 -1.17197484e-01 -4.30215001e-02 -9.42467749e-02 1.10838763e-01 6.35223210e-01 4.27524187e-02 4.53914329e-02 -2.29434684e-01 2.95733035e-01 6.90183565e-02 -1.88677728e-01 -1.12065496e-02 -9.14578810e-02 -1.48846060e-01 -5.91130704e-02 1.64455295e-01 3.84512514e-01 -3.31886023e-01 1.23160288e-01 2.69171834e-01 -1.29721701e-01 -4.00917120e-02 1.19831964e-01 2.57712603e-01 -2.01228648e-01 -1.01948038e-01 -3.42958197e-02 -8.54722187e-02 2.20531404e-01 2.21363023e-01 3.44363689e-01 -1.33360013e-01 4.47077662e-01 -5.12673222e-02 -1.65781528e-01 -3.94269139e-01 1.78485096e-01 -6.33424297e-02 7.27659613e-02 -3.98007721e-01 -1.23160683e-01 -5.44025958e-01 1.36861831e-01 6.16582394e-01 1.39818147e-01 1.57788023e-01 -5.37547052e-01 -2.80225754e-01 1.75659463e-01 1.64938107e-01 -1.00236945e-01 1.78039148e-01 -1.40215899e-03 7.72815663e-04 4.67517152e-02 3.09295267e-01 -4.20656592e-01 -1.10859759e-01 -2.58250087e-01 -2.66039446e-02 1.89993292e-01 -8.59641656e-02 2.02904642e-01 -1.11314185e-01 1.21833727e-01 2.33479455e-01 -2.04009354e-01 -2.17346922e-01 1.85730010e-01 1.51599944e-01 6.74266964e-02 -2.32774302e-01 -1.44716337e-01 1.05801277e-01 4.87923801e-01 1.45998642e-01 6.04633018e-02 1.82105720e-01 1.94173858e-01 2.19930395e-01 -1.13829702e-01 4.05874014e-01 3.74092609e-02 -7.07568824e-02 -2.34879926e-02 2.76124179e-01 -1.46984905e-01 7.54771708e-03 -6.22846670e-02 1.27832247e-02 6.19862020e-01 4.35603410e-01 3.69841784e-01 3.61327022e-01 2.07044259e-01 -4.51187268e-02 -6.52948171e-02 1.78889334e-01 -3.43663007e-01 -7.36659169e-02 -5.25850832e-01 -2.26981699e-01 1.49064347e-01 3.24299723e-01 4.28007878e-02 4.16289903e-02 2.32791528e-02 1.90891065e-02 -5.20821065e-02 3.00047845e-01 -1.00546151e-01 -2.29454428e-01 3.73702168e-01 1.23527646e-02 -1.36911944e-02 -7.44544864e-02 -7.02972934e-02 -1.39118537e-01 -5.15949607e-01 -8.76959190e-02 4.73312140e-01 3.72395329e-02 1.88049242e-01 3.65968406e-01 6.73110485e-01 3.19957137e-01 1.94481120e-01 3.79854530e-01 2.76886106e-01 8.89446214e-02 2.66439617e-01 -1.75297812e-01 -2.62614429e-01 9.67155173e-02 -1.23612508e-01 1.80781513e-01 -5.72549701e-01 4.35294444e-03 -2.52839893e-01 -5.31521402e-02 6.92211315e-02 -4.44937497e-02 -3.59364762e-03 8.89104791e-03 -1.40578255e-01 -3.22156161e-01 -3.03155882e-03 -9.85473469e-02 1.15114413e-02 -9.97047350e-02 3.19172144e-02 2.06292391e-01 -4.07125890e-01 3.49602938e-01 5.64016998e-01 -4.36991721e-01 1.95703894e-01 2.81613111e-01 9.03850496e-02 1.32357016e-01 3.25252414e-01 5.41657865e-01 1.02498017e-01 -2.43541226e-01 -1.04661971e-01 -1.01297293e-02 -1.82146639e-01 -3.32014561e-02 1.19109321e-02 2.97266424e-01 1.97237939e-01 5.63127249e-02 1.96517110e-01 -3.21917027e-01 3.83704193e-02 -1.13537405e-02 1.55624017e-01 2.74653137e-01 2.72854984e-01 -1.41227975e-01 -3.29021543e-01 -1.44119365e-02 1.07449390e-01 -4.69078064e-01 -1.71947598e-01 -8.98850709e-02 -2.32413098e-01 3.58101130e-01 -2.48611182e-01 7.81534016e-02 2.51145869e-01 3.19540352e-01 1.84369400e-01 1.05366327e-01 -9.72995069e-03 -2.38970757e-01 8.31236243e-02 3.43382299e-01 -8.32855776e-02 8.97999033e-02 -2.09791929e-01 -3.37036490e-01 2.38737494e-01 3.22846681e-01 -3.23741317e-01 7.36853927e-02 -2.10798010e-01 3.40168238e-01 -1.88190594e-01 2.34769464e-01 5.90979815e-01 -1.11751176e-01 1.15311079e-01 -5.17788455e-02 1.08962923e-01 -2.24515706e-01 2.35940427e-01 2.17721134e-01 -3.19908485e-02 -1.38701163e-02 -2.86377221e-01 6.41675830e-01 1.73592702e-01 3.33016962e-01 1.03044817e-02 -3.09923232e-01 8.42471346e-02 4.33064222e-01 -1.76322252e-01 -1.88316986e-01 2.61773437e-01 3.61188442e-01 1.94081560e-01 6.23669289e-02 2.39371896e-01 -2.51209617e-01 5.98869547e-02 2.04187885e-01 -6.13328218e-01 -1.52072385e-01 -1.65526554e-01 1.18693806e-01 -1.11745663e-01 3.44226390e-01 1.07841812e-01 -1.12416260e-01 -1.84016272e-01 -3.40332538e-01 4.05860662e-01 -1.43847659e-01 -3.75428140e-01 -1.49261370e-01 3.07193071e-01 -4.02627826e-01 9.93428938e-03 -6.47630155e-01 -2.01010197e-01 -2.10462898e-01 -4.86750491e-02 -1.29757095e-02 -3.28268588e-01 -1.05814457e-01 -1.34873495e-01 -1.41567335e-01 -3.92971896e-02 -5.78661859e-02 1.51827291e-01 -3.98997039e-01 6.96083903e-02]
"Lovecraftian Locket" active "Item #: SCP-427 Object Class: Safe* (see containment procedures) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-427 displays no means of self-locomotion or malicious intent at this time, and requires only minimal containment. Due to SCP-427's adverse effects, only medical staff of Class 3 or above may handle or utilize it. All personnel using SCP-427 must record their total time using it in order to avoid unwanted mutations. *Instances of SCP-427-1 (colloquially referred to as "Flesh Beasts") created by SCP-427 must be killed immediately as it is impossible to communicate with or experiment on them safely. For this reason instances of SCP-427-1 are classified as Keter. Description: SCP-427 is a small, spherical, ornately carved locket made of a polished silver material. The ornate carvings do not seem to serve any function; it is unknown whether SCP-427's outer casing was crafted by sentients or not. Its circumference at its widest point is roughly 3 cm. SCP-427 was created after placing a pill of SCP-500 in the Input booth of SCP-914 and using the Fine setting. It displays no unusual activity when closed. When opened, a small glowing orb is visible at the center. The orb emits no radiation or energy aside from the visible spectrum. When SCP-427 is opened and exposed to biological tissue, it rapidly regenerates cellular damage and somehow is able to purge invading compounds or infections. As a standard of measure, the common cold takes 3 to 10 days to be worked through the human immune system and eventually removed. In the presence of an opened SCP-427, this time is reduced to 2 to 4 minutes. Its healing abilities are directional, so anything not in line of sight with the central orb experiences no effects. However, long-term exposure produces a significant health hazard. As the locket heals damage, it optimizes the body's natural systems. Resistance to disease and toxins is increased by 500% compared to accepted LD50 or death-rate values after a total of 10 minutes of exposure, and 1000% after 15. After 15 minutes of exposure, muscular systems begin optimizing, increasing strength and pain tolerance by 200-300%. All other systems continue to optimize. Class-D personnel exposed to the device for over an hour total began mutating into a shapeless mass of tissue. The conversion time accelerates with continued exposure to SCP-427. The "Flesh Beasts" (so named due to their appearance) created by SCP-427 are incredibly aggressive, attacking any and all personnel on sight with lethal results. They are highly resistant to most known weaponry, but can be disabled with sufficient shock trauma or heat in excess of 1100 degrees Celsius (2000 degrees Fahrenheit). Intelligence cannot be accurately gauged, but mapping of biological enhancement of the brain as a direct relationship with optimization of other systems suggests intelligence could exceed levels measured in humans when fully transformed. SCP-427 is currently being used as a partial replacement for SCP-500 pills, as it can cure almost anything SCP-500 is able to. All "optimizations" imparted by SCP-427 are cumulative. Oversight has deemed the side effects an "acceptable risk" but users must carefully record their total exposure time as sufficient mutations are grounds for termination. Β« SCP-426 | SCP-427 | SCP-428 Β»" nan
[ 3.48818272e-01 -5.35350204e-01 -4.33959477e-02 1.26060620e-01 -2.01091617e-01 2.05718074e-02 -2.04726662e-02 3.12185049e-01 1.89485818e-01 3.77732180e-02 -2.45587509e-02 6.58639550e-01 -7.98466876e-02 -3.38724345e-01 1.08494781e-01 -2.05057222e-04 -1.03351451e-01 3.61751735e-01 -6.88310489e-02 -2.32635707e-01 5.02459183e-02 -1.57872178e-02 -9.74236801e-02 4.85355496e-01 2.61513174e-01 -2.34025687e-01 1.51449936e-02 5.05417705e-01 -1.17711328e-01 -5.12431562e-01 -1.49374336e-01 -1.12039708e-01 1.11620165e-02 2.60531694e-01 -1.15565475e-04 -9.63811576e-02 2.89961398e-01 1.13211416e-01 -2.38427594e-01 3.72158557e-01 -3.06013882e-01 -2.17510387e-01 -1.70661602e-02 -5.82666919e-02 2.08304599e-01 1.67597868e-02 -3.28241363e-02 -8.00313950e-02 3.53511572e-01 1.75007716e-01 1.20586373e-01 1.11659065e-01 2.04812631e-01 1.90831318e-01 4.12353724e-01 -1.23929188e-01 -1.39796555e-01 -1.76307708e-02 3.03982824e-01 3.75785112e-01 -1.60862267e-01 1.51688112e-02 -1.05636358e-01 3.20659220e-01 2.20119581e-01 -1.48913890e-01 4.13513966e-02 -1.94514781e-01 -6.76590279e-02 6.19236827e-01 -8.28510374e-02 1.01849943e-01 1.05848007e-01 2.91308332e-02 5.41015640e-02 -2.47852504e-01 1.71090230e-01 -8.96234065e-02 2.21986637e-01 -7.87154492e-03 2.52621353e-01 9.80705991e-02 -1.80237487e-01 -1.12000592e-01 -1.92390606e-01 -1.62752509e-01 -1.28315657e-01 4.59588021e-02 3.16211045e-01 -7.94930458e-02 -2.42939368e-01 -1.44800499e-01 -7.47646391e-02 1.45945981e-01 7.50884116e-02 -2.25175440e-01 3.57722104e-01 2.90639162e-01 2.17400208e-01 1.49057750e-02 3.13282281e-01 2.34630451e-01 -2.32186347e-01 1.16681695e-01 -2.08576828e-01 -2.58521855e-01 1.20133258e-01 -2.04055488e-01 -2.68948376e-01 2.30938390e-01 -3.64356846e-01 1.42357916e-01 -1.14034927e-02 2.84465197e-02 -2.68352717e-01 6.57371432e-02 -1.05946705e-01 -1.15933180e-01 -3.21086049e-01 4.54674423e-01 -6.70889318e-01 1.25606433e-01 -5.17461049e-05 1.51991278e-01 1.10671133e-01 3.50384295e-01 2.34148413e-01 -3.70647639e-01 -5.56047522e-02 -2.37292930e-01 -2.61915952e-01 3.27180952e-01 -1.46105409e-01 3.26445438e-02 -1.59924597e-01 -1.28062382e-01 -2.80455053e-01 -1.11614816e-01 2.67675985e-02 1.00964114e-01 -1.82502136e-01 7.19275922e-02 6.01649642e-01 3.64892006e-01 -4.17441100e-01 -2.18089372e-01 5.04999049e-02 3.80055886e-03 -2.74389446e-01 -3.93534414e-02 6.16391860e-02 -8.85746554e-02 -2.36904323e-01 1.47373095e-01 -2.92126626e-01 1.36268228e-01 8.89584899e-01 -9.07750949e-02 -1.07589245e-01 -2.47810353e-02 7.23401681e-02 -6.24625757e-02 -1.03489451e-01 -1.89433903e-01 5.71684167e-03 4.90474910e-01 -4.39451516e-01 -1.88339412e-01 -2.53126830e-01 1.69912249e-01 -1.37537330e-01 -1.35046281e-02 1.03977866e-01 6.01549208e-01 -1.43544540e-01 4.08495158e-01 -3.52980107e-01 -1.84004568e-02 -5.36088943e-01 -2.97105610e-01 -3.45921427e-01 3.59545410e-01 -4.56500500e-02 -1.52770758e-01 1.18173391e-01 1.53820157e-01 -3.11200321e-03 -2.87169933e-01 3.51921529e-01 -1.50332004e-01 -3.30760539e-01 -6.12898588e-01 -4.60533649e-02 -6.31746426e-02 -1.06602401e-01 -6.16236031e-02 2.87075967e-01 1.00789420e-01 6.93195760e-02 4.69182692e-02 5.09455241e-03 -2.24985868e-01 2.26747811e-01 3.08158994e-01 -2.31686607e-01 -2.70801000e-02 -2.11406127e-01 6.17719442e-02 2.90421605e-01 3.86565894e-01 8.65257308e-02 2.38990150e-02 3.59913334e-02 1.20579340e-01 1.23929521e-02 2.28778459e-02 1.84216991e-01 1.52641356e-01 9.91728827e-02 -2.19064020e-03 -1.30217999e-01 3.00600380e-01 1.38320938e-01 -2.80982628e-02 -1.58424731e-02 1.22080751e-01 -1.51933908e-01 -9.27261189e-02 -1.03114724e-01 2.29181021e-01 2.13577881e-01 -2.24518664e-02 3.66859943e-01 -2.92841762e-01 -4.59171355e-01 -1.96548365e-02 1.41402319e-01 5.62252700e-01 -1.39709607e-01 2.85897434e-01 -6.38408065e-02 -8.48275349e-02 2.62967438e-01 4.67095450e-02 -1.23231463e-01 2.67807335e-01 8.98704588e-01 5.64752966e-02 -2.68652648e-01 6.06894027e-03 -4.30301219e-01 -4.52149302e-01 -1.22131594e-01 1.66900635e-01 1.51671037e-01 -2.27319330e-01 -3.83934975e-01 -1.69364810e-01 2.89521664e-01 2.48499706e-01 2.02680789e-02 -1.96654618e-01 3.50751221e-01 5.44715486e-03 -3.75949182e-02 -1.90891355e-01 -8.68955180e-02 1.76884547e-01 2.69910336e-01 1.20636843e-01 5.37089594e-02 -1.85569257e-01 -1.89658850e-01 -4.07293215e-02 -1.33836165e-01 -9.39723179e-02 1.22377284e-01 4.33541447e-01 2.42374599e-01 1.73319444e-01 -6.34985119e-02 -1.57701001e-01 -5.93981072e-02 3.09558302e-01 -1.66683778e-01 1.70340553e-01 -3.75389397e-01 8.23963225e-01 3.29102874e-01 3.72789055e-01 3.93761218e-01 -2.85021394e-01 -3.55470814e-02 -7.06315860e-02 -2.40438700e-01 1.46809341e-02 -1.08344577e-01 5.85654259e-01 7.61450976e-02 -3.91478930e-03 -5.06798029e-01 1.74249351e-01 -9.23388675e-02 8.86402503e-02 -1.70259506e-01 -3.03991944e-01 4.30000633e-01 -1.95698261e-01 -1.49437077e-02 -3.57500091e-02 -1.98501855e-01 2.63087898e-01 1.49618313e-01 -1.49106205e-01 2.39815757e-01 -9.67275798e-02 -1.31537840e-01 1.44440934e-01 9.75768268e-02 -5.48065305e-01 -1.57132640e-01 3.47698927e-02 -7.50746951e-02 1.58113614e-01 4.47793603e-02 8.87462869e-02 1.71912134e-01 4.94325021e-03 3.35593551e-01 4.48294692e-02 3.15637827e-01 -1.73470095e-01 1.88338220e-01 4.87788379e-01 -2.69345701e-01 2.26668909e-01 -1.08760014e-01 -4.60443556e-01 5.52987866e-02 -1.10835828e-01 -5.94074167e-02 -2.25767866e-01 -1.07546322e-01 -1.76541761e-01 -1.67235613e-01 -4.99167353e-01 -1.27966762e-01 -7.72438943e-02 4.52949464e-01 -1.18562892e-01 3.98898572e-02 2.88784355e-01 2.96477601e-02 -2.23764852e-01 -3.52858931e-01 -5.57328388e-02 1.07766002e-01 2.11271524e-01 -3.84012721e-02 -1.74533518e-03 -7.62190223e-02 2.82536745e-01 7.59652555e-02 3.79471667e-02 -4.96373832e-01 -1.76976010e-01 1.54570654e-01 -3.28660458e-02 2.57096887e-01 -1.12811491e-01 2.28070423e-01 1.31212056e-01 9.18728262e-02 3.32059562e-01 8.15522149e-02 9.29609835e-02 1.65236115e-01 -5.75865656e-02 -3.26686978e-01 -2.37917125e-01 -7.41611328e-03 4.91396368e-01 7.50756189e-02 -1.17989965e-01 -3.66881877e-01 1.22866049e-01 1.16109173e-03 3.12895238e-01 4.21843737e-01 1.38926014e-01 9.49615240e-02 -1.89443171e-01 -1.71339571e-01 -1.87415034e-02 1.60204962e-01 -1.07149631e-01 -4.80792066e-03 -1.73285306e-01 -2.28184760e-01 4.77503479e-01 -5.19031703e-01 -1.77808419e-01 6.47591203e-02 7.47279227e-01 3.85656208e-01 2.07908303e-01 3.24972898e-01 1.36062935e-01 -2.67803699e-01 1.23065695e-01 2.68278778e-01 -3.65711272e-01 -9.30415764e-02 -1.45766079e-01 -5.58347069e-02 2.74111241e-01 -2.77103279e-02 1.34664834e-01 1.20879710e-01 -4.56950724e-01 -2.83035576e-01 1.26110598e-01 -1.91626444e-01 2.23029450e-01 9.51345190e-02 1.48228541e-01 -4.48353775e-02 1.15711264e-01 3.75130713e-01 1.84461936e-01 -3.18211555e-01 -1.15796858e-02 -1.80295259e-02 3.46485257e-01 2.57586271e-01 2.30088517e-01 1.82689428e-01 -1.39009327e-01 2.69637764e-01 -8.59416500e-02 1.14899352e-01 -4.84825641e-01 6.22962117e-01 1.80515096e-01 -2.24875603e-02 -1.83879584e-01 2.34014213e-01 -1.80204272e-01 -3.16213332e-02 2.53111780e-01 -1.09411143e-01 2.64858216e-01 5.39265908e-02 2.27653742e-01 -2.04367951e-01 -4.94898081e-01 -8.58869329e-02 5.80886364e-01 -7.48089254e-02 3.48523073e-02 4.70882237e-01 1.17719638e+00 1.56672210e-01 2.51484066e-01 3.12254012e-01 -4.87351865e-01 1.12435281e-01 -1.97014138e-01 -5.77820651e-02 -4.53495890e-01 4.13219959e-01 5.40189780e-02 -2.68259943e-01 2.27550119e-01 1.32935718e-01 -3.05961341e-01 -5.45796812e-01 -1.62477046e-01 5.29713295e-02 3.12031269e-01 4.00805920e-01 2.56781131e-01 -1.20981209e-01 4.78890330e-01 2.56200552e-01 1.88886654e-02 3.85952950e-01 9.35055986e-02 5.13475053e-02 -2.73993790e-01 1.56338587e-01 -3.54100376e-01 -2.58884598e-02 -1.20997958e-01 3.15642476e-01 -1.09093778e-01 -2.48633981e-01 7.63529912e-02 -2.81440765e-01 -1.03371218e-01 -5.10206223e-02 -4.12183292e-02 8.71425346e-02 5.67238450e-01 -1.56777993e-01 2.82297522e-01 -2.23612621e-01 1.36429682e-01 -3.34879309e-02 -1.81039378e-01 2.81540155e-01 1.35117769e-01 3.35516259e-02 4.44155224e-02 4.18160766e-01 3.43570679e-01 -7.76103511e-02 -6.59518912e-02 2.77461529e-01 3.81166302e-02 -1.71303391e-01 1.03484198e-01 3.78215224e-01 -2.63692349e-01 7.62003765e-04 -2.05724478e-01 -7.15554729e-02 4.73442264e-02 -1.40536159e-01 -4.06250134e-02 3.86726946e-01 -9.12505537e-02 2.37181231e-01 -3.52515191e-01 -3.77217680e-01 7.09289908e-01 -5.49544990e-02 -3.40822756e-01 2.26699561e-02 1.12303451e-01 -3.82090569e-01 -4.24567252e-01 2.89576620e-01 -2.18148939e-02 2.71555800e-02 -1.98548555e-01 -1.62507355e-01 -1.61538273e-02 -5.34507819e-02 -2.16011822e-01 1.47470072e-01 -2.08776087e-01 3.14549863e-01 -2.69147873e-01 1.34503394e-01 -3.67565334e-01 2.79970229e-01 1.02635019e-01 -3.25610518e-01 3.13414276e-01 -1.25383273e-01 1.55882016e-01 -1.93606257e-01 5.70617020e-02 1.40064761e-01 -1.64796650e-01 -2.21393660e-01 -3.69556665e-01 1.92384094e-01 -5.23932986e-02 -1.97203487e-01 -1.38128713e-01 -1.72459662e-01 3.94300222e-01 1.14584602e-01 1.04866475e-01 8.16637129e-02 3.20108652e-01 4.32490647e-01 6.50060847e-02 1.47558153e-01 2.43380845e-01 3.35000247e-01 1.56683438e-02 3.28882635e-01 -2.36831903e-02 -4.08898406e-02 -1.20525314e-02 1.28134778e-02 3.96502763e-01 4.49950248e-01 -3.84472877e-01 1.53311804e-01 3.40453655e-01 -1.28982216e-02 -1.44285381e-01 -4.15567644e-02 -1.95256889e-01 1.05301933e-02 -3.95019591e-01 -2.82575965e-01 -3.05885971e-02 1.77464589e-01 1.61175594e-01 -1.67385370e-01 6.29522726e-02 -1.04647875e-01 3.58870514e-02 1.09928370e-01 -6.31765127e-01 -1.95074350e-01 -5.21661341e-01 -1.50320288e-02 8.62077400e-02 2.58327723e-01 -2.01268435e-01 2.03540176e-01 -9.45087150e-02 -1.18830174e-01 1.37849972e-01 3.50485407e-02 1.31765813e-01 7.29770362e-02 5.40316701e-01 -3.28821182e-01 9.70623940e-02 2.58128345e-01 9.78356302e-02 1.76992372e-01 1.34760067e-01 2.38717124e-01 4.69876686e-03 -5.74968867e-02 -3.35560553e-02 -1.00788012e-01 -5.27912006e-02 -1.61041588e-01 -9.32901260e-03 2.25934774e-01 1.07891507e-01 -4.14035261e-01 -8.65241885e-02 -1.01803601e-01 3.07388930e-03 -8.60345438e-02 -2.73934864e-02 1.82266757e-01 -1.32258892e-01 2.27796193e-02 1.94833294e-01 3.35769951e-01 -3.22972327e-01 2.22707078e-01 2.45151803e-01 -1.72884911e-01 -2.63792723e-01 4.22470480e-01 6.21533431e-02 -4.54922244e-02 -1.39178663e-01 1.77241370e-01 -2.15450183e-01 -4.74046379e-01 -2.40656622e-02 -2.74202138e-01 -1.28239170e-01 -1.53615281e-01 1.62234575e-01 1.21352360e-01 -2.43543789e-01 1.73214063e-01 1.16807349e-01 -1.96456507e-01 -3.13050181e-01 2.03558266e-01 1.87767908e-01 2.64397003e-02 3.67244303e-01 -3.00832570e-01 -2.09017277e-01 1.96451098e-01 -4.84516425e-03 5.81000336e-02 5.40751442e-02 -1.58893734e-01 -2.07291722e-01 1.80536792e-01 -3.40133399e-01 5.26610017e-02 -1.72587782e-01 3.01158518e-01 -1.31809711e-01 -2.02027299e-02 -2.05453727e-02 -5.34568466e-02 7.25677013e-02 1.47672325e-01 -4.34442669e-01 -8.26507568e-01 -1.75738662e-01 2.73603410e-01 1.20785199e-01 1.15216583e-01 6.47961721e-02 -3.26765375e-03 -1.51410788e-01 -5.27305529e-02 2.87931319e-02 1.01743020e-01 2.42744654e-01 -1.01065919e-01 2.21088491e-02 -1.74992070e-01 2.20596656e-01 5.14085144e-02 1.66236371e-01 -1.32975012e-01 -2.20200956e-01 -1.46122381e-01 -1.36757627e-01 5.36347985e-01 3.12165737e-01 9.28635672e-02 -2.76234567e-01 -5.62667251e-01 -1.56648174e-01 3.33769411e-01 -1.30017728e-01 1.36332229e-01 -1.78244725e-01 5.82233012e-01 8.58315527e-02 2.44575422e-02 6.37009814e-02 -5.65339848e-02 -7.13137686e-02 -5.93177378e-02 -1.00491062e-01 9.75706577e-02 4.99344245e-02 2.08723307e-01 -9.67784002e-02 3.71305108e-01 6.32844940e-02 -6.59359172e-02 -2.13967279e-01 -2.39842921e-01 6.66884184e-01 -3.18307161e-01 -7.04534575e-02 7.58942142e-02 5.58209606e-02 -3.77092771e-02 -1.62245750e-01 -3.55819196e-01 -3.67386520e-01 -3.04984543e-02 7.00032860e-02 -6.17013216e-01 -1.41722530e-01 -2.29976848e-01 -3.12139511e-01 5.74536435e-03 1.32413849e-01 1.12705961e-01 -1.20778754e-01 -2.02378407e-01 -8.84780884e-02]
"The Crowd" active "Item #: SCP-428 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-428 is to be contained in a five (5) meter x five (5) meter x five (5) meter cell. The containment walls are to be electrified with 30,000 volts. Entrance to the cell is via a corridor airlock and access to SCP-428 is restricted to Level-3 researchers and below, while escorted by two armed guards. Personnel are to keep two (2) meters minimum away from SCP-428 at all times. When not under research, two armed guards are to be on duty at all times. Due to SCP-428's effects, all D-class personnel are to be screened for low IQs and skills that are deemed non-threatening to Foundation security or potential escape attempts (See Addendum 428-A). A single D-Class personnel due for termination is to be offered once per month to keep SCP-428 satisfied, however this will result in the need for an increase in containment space or for a solution to keep SCP-428 neutralised in the future. Description: SCP-428 is, in appearance, a crowd of huddled human beings. As of 20/12/β–ˆβ–ˆ it consists of fourteen (14) people. While huddled in a circle, SCP-428 is to be considered in a β€˜dormant’ state. In this state, the crowd moves with a gentle sway and can be heard audibly mumbling. Upon further inspection, the biological internals (organs, bones, muscles and fluids, leaving only the skin) have been removed from each individual and replaced with an unidentified material that attaches to a central amorphous mass in the middle of the crowd via lengths of flesh similar to umbilical cords. The crowd will not move away from this mass unless a person comes within two (2) meters of the central mass. At this point, the crowd will move into its β€˜hostile’ state. The β€˜people’ of SCP-428 closest to the person will attempt to grab and pull them into the middle of the crowd. After contact is made for more than ten (10) seconds, the person will become a new member of SCP-428. Their internal structures will be removed and replaced with the same material as the other members. Should the potential victim escape, SCP-428 will actively seek them, or another potential victim, out. It will attempt to absorb any and all human life within its immediate vicinity. When all human life has been absorbed and they have become members of the crowd, it will return to its β€˜dormant’ state. If SCP-428 does not absorb a human being after a maximum of one (1) month, it will again actively seek them out. It will do this using a variety of different methods. This includes using acquired skills previously known by people it has absorbed. It will also use psychological tactics to lure people into its grasping distance. See Addendum-428-A Wounds inflicted upon SCP-428’s crowd heal at an accelerated rate and do not hinder movement; SCP-428 has been proven to be highly resilient. For instance, a bullet to the leg of a member of the crowd will become lodged but will not affect the individual’s movement, and beyond the substance seeping through, the hole will close up within a few days. However, wounds inflicted upon SCP-428’s central mass will cause a great deal of pain to the crowd. This will cause the crowd to collapse in apparent agony and SCP-428 will retreat from the cause of the injury, using the crowd to protect itself. This has since been used to herd SCP-428 back into containment. Should a connection between SCP-428 and a member of the crowd be severed, it will excrete the substance within it through all its natural orifices. A sample is currently being studied and the remains have been incinerated. Note: SCP-428 has a hive mind. It therefore does not have the hindrance of movement that would be expected of a sizable crowd. It is able to move a large distance in a relatively short amount of time. It is only limited by the slowest member of the crowd at running speed. SCP-428 appears to maintain some of the memories, skills and talents of the people it absorbs and is willing to use these skills to gain further members. Addendum-428-A: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, before the current containment procedures, SCP-428 managed to pick the lock of its cell using a hairpin and belt buckle from members of the crowd. It then positioned a female of the group slumped in front of the door, sobbing loudly. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was unaware of SCP-428's properties, approached the woman and was abruptly grabbed by the rest of the group. SCP-428 proceeded to move through the facility using Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ as a frontman, resulting in β–ˆ casualties before the containment breach was alerted and SCP-428 was re-contained. Researcher's comments: People, these casualties are gone, they are SCP-428 now. No matter what it might say or do, they are not your work colleagues nor your friends anymore. Remember this, it may save your life. Β« SCP-427 | SCP-428 | SCP-429 Β»" nan
[ 5.50699458e-02 -2.26765528e-01 -1.43938392e-01 -1.06357992e-01 1.59040079e-01 -3.30554128e-01 3.60784322e-01 3.39938104e-02 -1.56666145e-01 1.11335874e-01 -2.21889347e-01 6.79766983e-02 -1.00606441e-01 -5.46272039e-01 2.89016813e-01 8.74302387e-02 -2.36325208e-02 1.33192912e-01 -1.93558782e-02 -2.12298721e-01 -7.15467557e-02 -1.90549895e-01 -2.51085043e-01 1.25845402e-01 -7.43408352e-02 8.93498436e-02 -4.52202111e-02 1.60913944e-01 8.78417399e-03 -4.93309945e-01 1.85417786e-01 2.38376468e-01 5.52840494e-02 4.14017230e-01 -1.09382447e-04 -2.68222183e-01 -8.72928873e-02 -4.69866581e-02 -1.62796497e-01 1.95513487e-01 -8.80797803e-02 -2.70725995e-01 -1.59973264e-01 -2.72079468e-01 2.85786726e-02 -1.24724373e-01 5.93470708e-02 2.89419778e-02 4.39344436e-01 2.00324003e-02 1.66177377e-01 6.82607219e-02 6.31737262e-02 1.27637582e-02 6.81038350e-02 9.06998524e-04 -2.16361601e-02 -3.07977825e-01 5.26360869e-01 -1.47275001e-01 1.83170691e-01 4.62409481e-02 -3.32108855e-01 -1.09196603e-01 2.13816270e-01 -2.06793934e-01 -1.16239034e-01 -1.03549480e-01 -5.50239310e-02 4.09542233e-01 3.32716829e-03 -7.34020695e-02 2.29640365e-01 -1.44495238e-02 -2.39659026e-02 1.84404120e-01 1.42690048e-01 -7.05522448e-02 2.10911825e-01 -3.78201925e-03 -7.29054213e-02 4.88352388e-01 -1.14780881e-01 1.51278466e-01 -6.07723631e-02 3.15918326e-01 6.56410456e-02 5.73613681e-02 2.17817247e-01 -1.91367045e-02 -1.54547766e-01 9.68481451e-02 2.55049497e-01 6.15757823e-01 -3.64612162e-01 -2.59637147e-01 2.66468018e-01 1.74894646e-01 3.01842570e-01 1.77675888e-01 5.64909242e-02 2.18360946e-02 3.76508176e-01 1.89660877e-01 2.95147121e-01 -3.91175330e-01 5.90650812e-02 -3.62933010e-01 -5.98284043e-03 2.62360781e-01 2.46782660e-01 3.51654828e-01 -1.59178004e-01 -1.68522686e-01 1.39153063e-01 -9.27137211e-02 -2.63898280e-02 1.87093869e-01 -3.54741633e-01 4.00833935e-01 -7.77545393e-01 3.52033041e-02 -1.66515484e-02 1.02068432e-01 3.78684074e-01 2.86116481e-01 2.86715150e-01 -2.52387583e-01 -1.14038624e-01 -8.41803104e-02 -2.22324744e-01 4.04637530e-02 -2.90842086e-01 -6.78673908e-02 -4.64513451e-02 9.74903926e-02 -9.66480821e-02 2.60255933e-02 1.63985372e-01 8.50008279e-02 1.02544492e-02 -4.15145531e-02 4.67634827e-01 1.69454619e-01 -1.01618715e-01 -3.75812232e-01 -9.70848724e-02 -9.59755704e-02 8.20828043e-03 -9.47780460e-02 4.75045234e-01 9.39441323e-02 -3.10845882e-01 2.21046224e-01 6.59075081e-02 2.04508126e-01 7.30795503e-01 -1.53890699e-01 -1.09412752e-01 -1.64781839e-01 3.10907215e-01 -6.55128583e-02 2.10351795e-01 -7.27470741e-02 3.03855777e-01 4.18774784e-01 -1.79222181e-01 -1.93604812e-01 -2.95073569e-01 -1.07767731e-01 -1.09151781e-01 -9.78662148e-02 -3.49567607e-02 3.94553430e-02 -1.78947076e-01 3.32727462e-01 -4.39914227e-01 -3.74484241e-01 -6.96569562e-01 -1.12619638e-01 -5.04131138e-01 3.79888505e-01 2.10775822e-01 5.28572686e-02 8.04159939e-02 3.82938273e-02 3.88046324e-01 -9.05513950e-03 9.55571383e-02 -4.59991861e-03 -3.20893168e-01 -2.28941381e-01 9.27518401e-03 -4.18162942e-02 -1.33529946e-01 7.96574876e-02 1.01966918e-01 2.74269700e-01 4.23960268e-01 1.74219653e-01 4.89102043e-02 5.75558878e-02 6.39161468e-01 -1.24936305e-01 -1.21995069e-01 -1.08503431e-01 -4.61239040e-01 -1.35557920e-01 1.71039030e-02 2.02256382e-01 1.29250288e-01 -1.17162183e-01 -3.76861393e-01 -5.31172678e-02 2.06173230e-02 -1.42375842e-01 2.23103136e-01 -1.20219134e-01 3.16883624e-01 -6.32553697e-01 -1.47792324e-01 5.10943770e-01 -1.41965926e-01 1.35707976e-02 6.47386760e-02 4.01801407e-01 -3.25573981e-01 -1.64941654e-01 4.94955890e-02 2.11370006e-01 6.11513965e-02 -7.87052661e-02 3.20298851e-01 2.04264134e-01 -2.62922287e-01 -1.19076319e-01 3.39287110e-02 6.56627655e-01 -2.92064607e-01 7.64630660e-02 -1.95952147e-01 -2.06533208e-01 1.51864305e-01 1.82114229e-01 -1.35592818e-01 1.92457363e-01 3.67579520e-01 1.13737836e-01 -1.27254128e-01 -1.09780401e-01 4.57116812e-02 -2.92463869e-01 -1.76463872e-01 1.10139400e-01 1.47070095e-01 1.98478639e-01 4.29101586e-01 1.92086548e-01 -2.21103370e-01 -1.42385140e-02 -3.57981563e-01 7.04295039e-02 2.39662737e-01 1.59742478e-02 -1.65353753e-02 -1.90476000e-01 1.80617005e-01 3.12598825e-01 2.85773817e-02 5.61526567e-02 -6.38744161e-02 7.77895795e-03 1.42396182e-01 -1.37580723e-01 -1.58642143e-01 2.09751166e-02 2.25770012e-01 1.81444094e-01 7.49379620e-02 3.06324095e-01 -1.59058392e-01 -3.09164017e-01 -8.59066918e-02 1.51600763e-02 -8.39881301e-02 -2.91396603e-02 1.82479426e-01 1.42875344e-01 2.25974917e-01 2.19557628e-01 1.32121563e-01 -6.11747941e-03 -6.15840703e-02 4.87234332e-02 -3.41368578e-02 1.76829502e-01 -6.20738901e-02 6.25299335e-01 -1.45201862e-01 2.06304178e-01 -6.06773734e-01 2.08355814e-01 2.63732046e-01 1.78219721e-01 -4.58719939e-01 -1.50463969e-01 1.94393814e-01 -9.54172015e-02 2.30097756e-01 1.13457777e-01 -4.12674248e-01 7.87026584e-02 5.42798117e-02 -3.22663933e-01 1.91380545e-01 2.28049397e-01 -1.84820801e-01 -3.12698871e-01 1.10085063e-01 -4.88205582e-01 -2.33846605e-02 -1.07032947e-01 -9.40046608e-02 -6.24812916e-02 5.29129393e-02 1.69588044e-01 -2.26299033e-01 -2.28085309e-01 -2.08491553e-02 -3.17871347e-02 1.21618450e-01 -4.00553197e-01 3.03511713e-02 3.21977019e-01 1.02663981e-02 -2.89802909e-01 -1.35133788e-01 -3.33911180e-01 1.25074506e-01 -7.59114102e-02 1.73910577e-02 -2.81299055e-01 -8.82851928e-02 3.07721019e-01 8.62031709e-03 -3.02924693e-01 7.16060260e-03 -4.49013263e-02 6.12834916e-02 -8.72644559e-02 -1.40063852e-01 3.71517688e-01 2.26640478e-01 -3.60576928e-01 -3.48455533e-02 5.78275397e-02 -1.07369117e-01 4.44369793e-01 3.38285059e-01 -3.84248108e-01 -2.34169528e-01 5.65901518e-01 5.67024648e-01 4.98774275e-02 -2.03584239e-01 -6.17971867e-02 2.45381713e-01 1.07385866e-01 1.72163442e-01 -1.66357711e-01 4.23044920e-01 3.62883380e-04 7.71404356e-02 2.78730392e-01 1.60852969e-02 -1.99930176e-01 1.01024047e-01 1.21864490e-01 -2.88355947e-01 -2.95863181e-01 -9.01250392e-02 5.90933919e-01 1.68550238e-01 7.30884299e-02 -2.31121033e-01 1.77910566e-01 -4.76708747e-02 -1.37553349e-01 1.54360726e-01 1.71797290e-01 8.10760483e-02 -5.99865735e-01 2.61258543e-01 -8.62485617e-02 3.41711015e-01 6.99156597e-02 3.03298265e-01 -1.73860833e-01 6.35636330e-04 3.85363042e-01 -3.26814294e-01 -1.75024062e-01 3.48364145e-01 3.45291167e-01 3.73243809e-01 4.50797558e-01 -2.23115236e-01 1.05169967e-01 -1.45500764e-01 -1.70976743e-01 7.81982660e-01 -5.15510261e-01 -2.28094339e-01 -2.24528715e-01 -1.07713751e-02 -1.02559403e-01 2.23513454e-01 1.23425908e-01 8.05016756e-02 -2.94897437e-01 -5.15872180e-01 3.09819400e-01 9.59062949e-02 -6.73729703e-02 -1.29280254e-01 -1.61334351e-02 3.89128774e-01 -3.14157046e-02 1.97765678e-01 -1.79782748e-01 -1.21276952e-01 2.29007274e-01 -2.25300431e-01 3.18089426e-01 1.51365370e-01 2.00643256e-01 6.60105720e-02 -2.21801341e-01 -9.69773009e-02 1.60216093e-01 9.15282369e-02 3.92233193e-01 7.01166213e-01 2.04355791e-01 -6.37104223e-03 4.22445126e-02 2.57715940e-01 -1.79191574e-01 -4.20621447e-02 3.17916065e-01 9.27276090e-02 3.74919087e-01 -1.28338277e-01 2.82745250e-03 1.17029533e-01 -3.24942768e-01 1.68351635e-01 3.55012834e-01 -7.05595762e-02 2.14550807e-03 2.14779899e-01 1.17036939e+00 2.36979753e-01 2.30627775e-01 -5.96516915e-02 -9.33289826e-02 -2.71612644e-01 -2.96019137e-01 9.08587724e-02 -4.11691397e-01 2.41521329e-01 1.12993740e-01 -2.02248454e-01 4.09600943e-01 5.02510667e-01 -1.75697416e-01 -4.25865352e-01 -8.79545629e-01 -1.17367595e-01 4.17406783e-02 2.10746035e-01 -3.50910164e-02 -1.19676754e-01 -1.76212713e-02 2.47344464e-01 8.67608860e-02 2.83343673e-01 -8.56809542e-02 1.85647622e-01 -3.82779062e-01 -1.36185318e-01 2.57575331e-04 1.98810235e-01 -6.84458762e-02 7.55677652e-03 1.55289963e-01 -2.42252946e-01 1.28261641e-01 4.43359494e-01 -1.34987175e-01 1.77193191e-02 3.77583876e-02 3.45558167e-01 4.87860650e-01 -1.17125265e-01 3.54781419e-01 1.40290037e-01 4.64092642e-02 7.07957819e-02 -2.38499746e-01 2.91929543e-01 -1.38045624e-01 -2.81969577e-01 -2.04971373e-01 2.23596796e-01 3.41137618e-01 -5.02566755e-01 3.36770952e-01 1.75140828e-01 -2.55870223e-01 -2.56480008e-01 2.00227693e-01 2.28257418e-01 -2.13092327e-01 7.53612220e-02 6.21860288e-02 1.21983960e-01 9.05550420e-02 4.94219631e-01 -3.48257348e-02 -3.85293588e-02 1.96882159e-01 2.02544019e-01 -2.88586408e-01 -4.47137922e-01 2.98276126e-01 2.44813830e-01 -6.52249530e-02 -6.28888458e-02 3.95971425e-02 -3.48143578e-01 -5.04592806e-02 1.53349444e-01 -8.03237408e-02 -2.34722093e-01 -1.46989733e-01 -1.21677086e-01 -1.44699544e-01 -9.81332138e-02 1.46506786e-01 1.68991223e-01 5.53841740e-02 3.18740666e-01 -6.32794723e-02 2.77486861e-01 -4.43706930e-01 -1.23576961e-01 -6.14668548e-01 -7.65023427e-03 1.71417490e-01 -5.56492567e-01 -4.04001027e-02 -1.25746936e-01 1.42110214e-01 2.12516993e-01 -3.41885567e-01 -2.24944606e-01 -1.58512980e-01 9.81715024e-02 -1.85127370e-02 -5.69248259e-01 1.16048269e-01 5.30893430e-02 1.29798530e-02 6.74804673e-02 3.17737982e-02 7.16944188e-02 3.36907089e-01 -5.85859455e-02 -3.61824661e-01 9.41974372e-02 5.24389260e-02 -1.21836722e-01 -2.83622911e-04 1.92460746e-01 -1.57225326e-01 -8.54777023e-02 -1.17101856e-01 -2.95379143e-02 8.68571103e-02 3.58045101e-01 5.20233691e-01 4.38890487e-01 3.23035419e-01 -8.74766633e-02 -6.69998229e-02 1.39161395e-02 -5.04221208e-03 1.82190686e-01 -4.91008848e-01 -1.33194327e-01 2.25982759e-02 2.73702800e-01 -4.87497821e-02 -6.33573206e-03 -1.75088141e-02 1.45285830e-01 2.73412298e-02 9.90910269e-03 -5.16290255e-02 -3.40045422e-01 -1.45710662e-01 -5.16884737e-02 2.79544801e-01 -4.13540274e-01 1.94763735e-01 -1.92024544e-01 -1.08290650e-01 -1.95176318e-01 2.55397081e-01 2.03838840e-01 1.77262306e-01 4.19468954e-02 8.38021412e-02 -9.65084657e-02 -8.46696720e-02 4.31402773e-01 3.39158028e-01 2.91508377e-01 -4.67274226e-02 4.23275203e-01 -7.55678490e-02 2.17641718e-04 -3.39937732e-02 9.25700739e-02 -2.01866612e-01 1.54146627e-01 5.32844616e-03 1.12153061e-01 9.05586407e-02 6.74681887e-02 -5.38389944e-03 -1.00512497e-01 6.41312972e-02 -4.81355101e-01 4.68859188e-02 -9.06317011e-02 1.48233786e-01 -1.86661303e-01 2.47092783e-01 -2.82875542e-03 -1.60786375e-01 1.92865282e-01 4.23451751e-01 -2.94146955e-01 -8.15526918e-02 2.85460740e-01 -2.57870052e-02 2.04854026e-01 6.42258897e-02 1.51038170e-01 3.46934944e-02 -5.35476655e-02 9.48629156e-02 -3.43494803e-01 -6.24992102e-02 -1.66237921e-01 1.63287491e-01 1.68293551e-01 -4.11562771e-01 7.94319436e-02 1.19232871e-01 -3.51948142e-01 -8.07871461e-01 3.97221178e-01 1.24425948e-01 3.44951749e-01 5.40397763e-01 -4.69715178e-01 -3.46279979e-01 -5.40140197e-02 6.51894137e-02 -4.38899584e-02 -3.65053341e-02 -3.19125652e-01 -2.98015296e-01 2.37371683e-01 -2.94519454e-01 6.87836483e-02 1.04843266e-01 4.38658446e-02 -7.33660683e-02 -1.57109037e-01 1.24849550e-01 -4.24357712e-01 -3.33549798e-01 1.64275944e-01 -2.36944128e-02 -3.29133958e-01 -2.08791438e-02 3.80501956e-01 -1.42228901e-01 2.14738354e-01 -2.37409592e-01 -1.53393403e-01 -1.75203562e-01 -8.57469216e-02 -2.81966120e-01 4.89538670e-01 -9.08030570e-02 1.16857536e-01 -2.02416964e-02 -3.98612544e-02 9.32238325e-02 -1.84591547e-01 1.57921180e-01 -9.40273777e-02 -2.11437136e-01 5.93094565e-02 4.16528285e-02 3.56853217e-01 -7.47593418e-02 1.23910598e-01 -1.02717593e-01 -2.72281170e-01 1.04590625e-01 1.55070543e-01 -5.99232540e-02 -9.96610820e-02 5.05346023e-02 2.30668813e-01 -2.99037006e-02 -1.58653390e-02 2.35093191e-01 -9.76972356e-02 -9.02326033e-03 1.88152313e-01 -2.42328942e-01 7.00921883e-05 -1.35251522e-01 4.30005074e-01 -2.17417404e-01 2.52267361e-01 1.54136091e-01 -4.23477264e-04 -2.90941805e-01 -1.77686974e-01 4.57745612e-01 -8.02179947e-02 -2.14278966e-01 -2.60734648e-01 1.46933436e-01 -2.76644081e-01 -2.42347568e-01 3.97994332e-02 -2.83946902e-01 -2.67853532e-02 1.17066421e-01 -2.26128072e-01 -2.63199359e-01 -1.56284273e-01 -2.43337631e-01 -9.81733426e-02 1.28695533e-01 1.54366210e-01 1.66881427e-01 -1.94203213e-01 -1.45537958e-01]
"Clockwork Teleporter" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-429 is to be kept in a standard type 3 hazardous object isolation vault. SCP-429 is not to be handled unless an attempt to operate it is to be made. Care must be taken to avoid inadvertently touching any of SCP-429's controls. Description: SCP-429 is a complex device constructed of brass and leather designed to fit over an individual's right hand. There are a total of 7 controls on SCP-429: Examination of SCP-429's inner construction reveals a clockwork mechanism, connected to the exterior controls, which drives the clock face. On the exact physical duplicates of SCP-429 constructed by The Foundation, the controls are either not connected to the clockwork (controls 1, 5 and 7) or simply alter the displayed time at varying rates (controls 2, 3, 4 and 6). When a subject wears SCP-429, they gain an instinctive understanding of its operation, although they do not gain the ability to convey this information to others. If the subject visualises a location and follows their instinctual understanding to adjust the controls, the wearer will disappear from their current location and simultaneously appear at the visualised location. Upon arrival, the controls save for 1 and 6 return to their original positions. Control 1 remains depressed until released and control 6 adjusts the clock face to local time. After activation, SCP-429 is inert until control 1 is released. The subject does not perceive travel via SCP-429 as instantaneous. Each subject has reported a prolonged period of paralysis and blindness equivalent to the time it would take to travel in a direct line between the activation location and destination travelling at approximately 6-10 km/h. The biological needs of the activating subject progress as normal during this time. Therefore, journeys of more than 510 km are not advised due to the risk of dehydration. Suffocation does not appear to be a hazard, however. The controls are highly sensitive and will move under the slightest pressure. If the controls are altered without the instinctive understanding granted by wearing SCP-429, it will disappear from its current location and reappear somewhere within 1.76 km, taking the individual who altered the controls with it. The time elapsed in such cases appears to be significantly higher than normal, with the activating subject typically arriving in a state of advanced decay. On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-429 was activated remotely via a robotic arm equipped with a video camera and a range of sensor equipment. No data of any kind was recorded by any of the equipment save for the on-board timing mechanism, which recorded an 8 month, 5 day and 37 second time lapse. SCP-429 came to the attention of the Foundation after a series of seemingly impossible burglaries. The Foundation examined CCTV footage and noticed an individual, believed to be SCP-429's creator, disappearing from sight shortly before each burglary. The individual appeared to be using SCP-429 for short jumps to access inaccessible locations. The Foundation pursued the individual across 3 continents over a period of 9 years before the individual was finally found having died of old age due to extensive use of SCP-429 in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-428 | SCP-429 | SCP-430 Β»" nan
[ 9.66757387e-02 -4.16013896e-01 -2.80186385e-02 -5.23539297e-02 -1.46727800e-01 -1.47433221e-01 3.95606756e-01 1.91171691e-01 -4.16653119e-02 9.94223878e-02 5.57378419e-02 3.56583804e-01 -2.10529938e-01 -2.74802804e-01 1.28870219e-01 1.06687419e-01 7.32065141e-02 2.35773385e-01 7.70325884e-02 -1.39882579e-01 -1.87806919e-01 -1.98355973e-01 -4.23343062e-01 2.62869090e-01 1.68982953e-01 -8.30148682e-02 2.67667085e-01 2.36274436e-01 1.10170588e-01 -1.19647838e-01 5.10096364e-02 2.15508968e-01 1.90861039e-02 7.46264040e-01 -1.10222507e-04 5.21387085e-02 1.31359920e-01 -9.95987803e-02 -1.48036033e-01 3.25940438e-02 -4.98433113e-01 -1.90017477e-01 5.00937328e-02 -2.40875855e-01 5.44317476e-02 2.95563228e-02 -9.56650749e-02 1.50452942e-01 5.61899662e-01 2.83024758e-01 1.57547116e-01 2.92635232e-01 -5.77351591e-03 1.09763466e-01 -2.37387531e-02 -1.47887990e-01 -3.36182892e-01 4.72688153e-02 2.91756898e-01 2.45798990e-01 3.55929062e-02 -1.12495139e-01 5.54026961e-02 -7.60715231e-02 2.17724755e-01 -5.34478366e-01 -2.03590482e-01 -3.50104272e-01 -1.26614392e-01 4.67002094e-01 -9.35614482e-02 -2.60436952e-01 -1.89696308e-02 -3.58605124e-02 -3.09725460e-02 1.38114244e-01 1.73359111e-01 -1.46768585e-01 1.36310071e-01 3.67191993e-03 -2.00476199e-01 1.20997936e-01 -2.75137335e-01 -1.94299445e-01 -1.87278822e-01 2.66776234e-01 2.00746418e-03 -8.21479224e-03 2.48361036e-01 -1.97033258e-03 4.67135757e-01 -1.09074963e-02 5.46198189e-01 2.01729640e-01 -2.70970196e-01 -1.98508263e-01 1.55940652e-01 3.48354131e-01 -3.49513620e-01 -1.45151839e-01 4.01187509e-01 4.22346950e-01 2.85766840e-01 -3.43921483e-02 -1.15521893e-01 3.21205139e-01 -2.38460302e-02 -2.06752181e-01 -2.42599145e-01 1.41795859e-01 1.92546677e-02 1.14170521e-01 -3.64762038e-01 -1.85322955e-01 -4.55662310e-02 5.04167378e-02 -3.39516625e-02 9.75570083e-02 -1.44493319e-02 3.69072884e-01 -7.13740647e-01 7.59827793e-02 1.90909475e-01 -1.97583735e-02 2.35219195e-01 4.01752502e-01 1.53618291e-01 -2.53803879e-01 -2.16458976e-01 -1.98478296e-01 -2.09920079e-01 6.55781478e-02 -2.52616554e-01 -7.62876077e-03 -2.90864885e-01 3.99506360e-01 -3.02517325e-01 -5.56721687e-02 -1.97252110e-02 8.95752311e-02 4.73224670e-02 1.43247340e-02 3.55900317e-01 1.85207650e-01 -1.67105317e-01 -2.28444502e-01 -1.98560596e-01 1.20366573e-01 -1.30222246e-01 2.64754862e-01 2.13463651e-03 -2.12071434e-01 2.24523945e-03 2.04976901e-01 -4.22276884e-01 2.96868563e-01 4.19394642e-01 -2.15823844e-01 -2.44775236e-01 -1.61025360e-01 4.02498960e-01 -4.09008294e-01 1.68200865e-01 -9.48680267e-02 -2.23845150e-03 2.99180478e-01 -3.60849291e-01 -1.38788112e-02 -1.50432795e-01 -1.51484147e-01 6.58664927e-02 -7.65881166e-02 -2.69056439e-01 5.83684027e-01 -1.68974474e-01 2.56407231e-01 2.59697020e-01 1.07784104e-02 -3.07767689e-01 -1.59688950e-01 -6.89002097e-01 1.74122691e-01 -2.25346848e-01 1.35644197e-01 -1.50460638e-02 -1.59478769e-01 -2.28052095e-01 -1.58051297e-01 1.31378010e-01 -2.29078352e-01 -2.08401576e-01 -2.18921512e-01 1.96895733e-01 1.05873600e-01 7.37982839e-02 -9.61857662e-02 1.37273461e-01 2.66581565e-01 2.38236502e-01 2.27362871e-01 3.79278101e-02 4.48793359e-02 1.06609002e-01 1.85997829e-01 -2.30305389e-01 1.67526677e-01 -3.06995928e-01 -1.96232405e-02 2.11897209e-01 2.45451272e-01 3.45368207e-01 2.99627423e-01 1.14322230e-01 4.19963263e-02 -2.64307708e-01 5.61823361e-02 2.08522186e-01 8.33330974e-02 7.17979893e-02 -2.70460069e-01 -4.14481908e-02 1.25379309e-01 2.13761225e-01 -8.63752738e-02 -1.14240885e-01 2.16458052e-01 -2.11374193e-01 -3.47424485e-02 -4.12310183e-01 3.14729810e-01 4.04613584e-01 -2.39044964e-01 1.04938231e-01 -1.88522935e-02 -2.17203751e-01 3.03727090e-01 -2.56300211e-01 7.07583547e-01 -4.01408039e-02 -9.54963416e-02 1.02666849e-02 2.00275090e-02 3.64987761e-01 -1.11145586e-01 1.71410833e-02 2.47116134e-01 5.32841921e-01 4.97712716e-02 2.03958467e-01 2.48535965e-02 -2.39839599e-01 -3.59717786e-01 -6.49195462e-02 9.96549726e-02 7.32594430e-02 1.81313008e-01 5.71274608e-02 8.09010714e-02 -1.39444256e-02 1.70699716e-01 4.48147357e-02 -1.54550508e-01 1.01308398e-01 -9.93555784e-03 -2.19075650e-01 -3.70287567e-01 5.86989671e-02 3.73860061e-01 -2.50966877e-01 6.97863474e-02 2.26100683e-01 -4.39001173e-02 -9.44881514e-02 -2.91382045e-01 -1.03681333e-01 1.98290959e-01 -9.13860425e-02 3.35301429e-01 2.38405485e-02 2.38069057e-01 7.77632669e-02 -4.77922499e-01 4.46646623e-02 -1.21798247e-01 -7.81961307e-02 1.51913971e-01 -1.10377900e-01 2.54188359e-01 -2.01695159e-01 -1.56578988e-01 1.82575345e-01 -2.37587705e-01 4.72080149e-02 -3.55435088e-02 -1.23988532e-01 1.57809764e-01 -3.55591804e-01 1.97543412e-01 -2.37294182e-01 -1.28887728e-01 -1.69977769e-01 9.24468338e-02 -4.08171788e-02 1.03540383e-01 -3.40582013e-01 1.70793369e-01 4.08540398e-01 -4.60909419e-02 -4.94712144e-02 -9.02908370e-02 -1.25477999e-01 3.60465884e-01 3.68695967e-02 -4.81814533e-01 -1.58692077e-01 -1.16602086e-01 2.52630681e-01 9.91238654e-03 2.87318528e-02 -5.49723744e-01 -1.23453707e-01 2.30863407e-01 -2.11356908e-01 1.32903634e-02 -2.85497773e-02 1.20372184e-01 2.37939134e-02 -9.88082811e-02 2.73750097e-01 -1.68550000e-01 1.61362678e-01 -1.45349771e-01 7.31789321e-02 4.80334222e-01 1.30357400e-01 -1.84794992e-01 6.66028867e-03 -4.32710916e-01 1.08304717e-01 6.57393858e-02 9.78237018e-03 -2.57847816e-01 -1.00923859e-01 -3.24149504e-02 1.19960614e-01 -2.18976602e-01 -4.26196694e-01 -2.52188981e-01 3.32814574e-01 -1.42210528e-01 -2.13934362e-01 9.00743127e-01 2.35484466e-01 -2.26476654e-01 -1.57284796e-01 -3.92936379e-01 4.66983020e-01 4.31645393e-01 7.01122638e-03 -2.78076697e-02 -5.19388355e-03 2.00177923e-01 4.36689258e-01 4.10456620e-02 -2.99184054e-01 -1.15730055e-01 1.52840376e-01 2.52221823e-02 1.27367869e-01 5.51047781e-03 3.22447777e-01 1.02892779e-01 -3.31007391e-01 3.92560661e-01 -2.21624956e-01 -2.96925068e-01 -2.41251681e-02 -4.54404980e-01 -3.66334349e-01 -1.96820900e-01 -2.66836919e-02 7.00003207e-01 2.25851566e-01 -3.23330134e-01 -1.10674612e-01 -4.59096208e-03 -7.44154975e-02 2.24321842e-01 -6.64784387e-03 1.00047283e-01 5.35179377e-02 -6.71610376e-03 -1.18926920e-01 -2.83873584e-02 6.86440170e-02 1.00455076e-01 2.80192256e-01 4.46876474e-02 -3.76751512e-01 2.31775209e-01 -3.09643418e-01 -3.00571948e-01 2.43085876e-01 8.35088611e-01 4.70800102e-01 5.27283363e-02 8.96194205e-02 -2.16356486e-01 -2.87104040e-01 -2.74522483e-01 7.05274999e-01 -2.24624321e-01 2.30681330e-01 -3.03333461e-01 -3.05303603e-01 1.01679616e-01 -8.32536221e-02 -1.53075131e-02 2.57558942e-01 -5.06140627e-02 -4.13258262e-02 1.68660954e-01 -2.86276162e-01 -2.81833291e-01 3.07211764e-02 1.24754258e-01 2.70494491e-01 -4.41208035e-02 2.05360912e-02 1.85539812e-01 -3.12097222e-01 -6.90227821e-02 -1.46430824e-02 6.49125457e-01 -1.23256333e-01 4.59179580e-01 4.16859061e-01 1.35209143e-01 -9.05228183e-02 -1.83068678e-01 2.40278497e-01 -8.62599015e-02 7.19911516e-01 2.50019163e-01 2.59563643e-02 -1.25115905e-02 5.11780202e-01 -2.50963390e-01 -8.04247111e-02 2.81388015e-01 -1.86664477e-01 -5.99571085e-03 1.45534307e-01 -2.19148070e-01 -1.15714826e-01 -4.04101819e-01 -3.98859650e-01 3.52593511e-01 -1.89481005e-01 1.08888246e-01 4.16617244e-01 1.11225390e+00 6.60535395e-02 9.20693278e-02 1.56445324e-01 -7.16960207e-02 -2.40170851e-01 -3.19351912e-01 -5.41373901e-02 -1.79319188e-01 1.41986966e-01 -8.04443657e-02 -2.99232095e-01 -4.19602692e-02 -2.46839318e-02 -4.16464120e-01 -1.44446269e-01 -5.79764962e-01 2.13048652e-01 1.75902456e-01 1.69937208e-01 5.17857611e-01 8.27881321e-03 6.20650232e-01 2.39967212e-01 7.34487027e-02 -9.56822280e-03 8.25514346e-02 -1.46912470e-01 -9.39080343e-02 -4.05188166e-02 -2.35075563e-01 3.15071791e-01 -3.14802170e-01 1.10738061e-01 -3.93274903e-01 -1.45901680e-01 1.97732210e-01 5.87994456e-02 2.77639047e-04 -2.87823051e-01 -2.78958052e-01 1.31543159e-01 5.76980591e-01 -1.71107590e-01 1.23024285e-01 1.25141099e-01 3.10162574e-01 -9.05271024e-02 4.11260836e-02 1.38751060e-01 -5.41060083e-02 -8.99835583e-03 -1.25690177e-01 4.29258585e-01 1.60392612e-01 -4.10003401e-02 2.60135978e-01 3.83202374e-01 -9.38531086e-02 -1.88479483e-01 1.62807241e-01 3.44485641e-02 -5.42074405e-02 1.56265080e-01 -1.50547832e-01 -2.52640918e-02 -3.89708243e-02 1.54531211e-01 -6.12083003e-02 5.39886579e-02 7.16724396e-02 1.08096085e-01 -3.49419922e-01 -3.97763550e-01 1.42490238e-01 6.14588112e-02 -3.09525996e-01 -9.89215076e-03 -2.33768106e-01 -2.59755492e-01 -1.81080237e-01 2.95658380e-01 -5.30898087e-02 -1.64890140e-01 -3.81168067e-01 7.83735290e-02 1.84655160e-01 -2.40800366e-01 2.45917495e-02 1.56127453e-01 -5.04344881e-01 7.15979218e-01 2.54471302e-01 6.73983768e-02 -4.07263011e-01 1.87045455e-01 -3.04465503e-01 -6.67441115e-02 -2.49938220e-01 -3.31647754e-01 -8.00228938e-02 -9.42935720e-02 1.13265261e-01 -8.12812448e-02 -3.62089545e-01 -1.97351798e-01 -1.95085779e-01 1.34415582e-01 2.91019436e-02 -4.51587409e-01 -4.42387164e-02 -2.03799605e-01 2.83617705e-01 3.69746163e-02 -1.05543509e-01 4.89933670e-01 1.80917069e-01 1.88985512e-01 1.52070671e-01 4.97352667e-02 7.08690286e-02 6.04194216e-02 4.86845337e-02 2.44034752e-01 -2.14502156e-01 -3.82309072e-02 -1.84091911e-01 -3.09063941e-02 1.19569711e-01 4.85095531e-01 2.47724921e-01 1.85300678e-01 1.65533423e-01 -1.15520418e-01 1.32428050e-01 1.43509671e-01 -1.11211441e-01 2.62670517e-01 -3.28659892e-01 -1.12790681e-01 9.29956138e-02 2.01221585e-01 3.03540006e-02 -2.43099689e-01 1.14877142e-01 1.17364280e-01 8.55156854e-02 1.21821195e-01 -6.89496845e-02 -3.14713359e-01 -3.06551438e-02 -2.98133437e-02 -2.97716558e-01 -6.26261905e-02 -5.32707796e-02 -1.72937382e-02 -1.53158769e-01 -5.76252602e-02 2.26181135e-01 2.50981987e-01 3.31611931e-01 -1.82074532e-02 1.60466552e-01 -2.54149824e-01 2.84746975e-01 3.64615351e-01 2.32361421e-01 -8.49307626e-02 -2.45932877e-01 -7.32658431e-02 -3.32094938e-01 -1.22932844e-01 -1.70975611e-01 -1.91839710e-01 -1.30383328e-01 2.68580168e-01 -1.16926201e-01 -5.54244965e-02 -2.98057236e-02 3.14787656e-01 4.53152478e-01 -9.95817482e-02 -2.01620728e-01 -1.52465373e-01 1.66942582e-01 1.89130336e-01 6.70958906e-02 -2.13520341e-02 1.61246806e-01 5.72159171e-01 -2.89265245e-01 -6.97860844e-04 2.16832489e-01 -2.13021919e-01 -1.67440251e-02 3.04465145e-01 -1.57198951e-01 -2.00661540e-01 -7.33363070e-03 -3.28417160e-02 5.19719236e-02 -1.93745732e-01 1.34431079e-01 1.02903418e-01 2.68845283e-03 -1.63359925e-01 1.20198011e-01 7.56894872e-02 -1.94353625e-01 1.60303771e-01 1.06788710e-01 -2.29355067e-01 -6.03725053e-02 -6.30564839e-02 3.52585256e-01 2.09775537e-01 5.14918625e-01 1.29679451e-04 -1.18408233e-01 -5.79138435e-02 -4.58441861e-02 -9.80065763e-02 2.96852142e-01 -1.26586631e-01 -1.21127084e-01 1.23264685e-01 -2.04442441e-01 1.11999765e-01 -1.08977444e-02 2.55879760e-01 5.68406321e-02 2.91650474e-01 5.60179725e-02 -2.59307683e-01 8.75800103e-02 1.11578561e-01 -2.20084526e-02 9.74163860e-02 6.76172823e-02 1.56793579e-01 -1.39849082e-01 1.88763067e-01 2.05096349e-01 -4.36264724e-01 5.12806438e-02 4.24360931e-02 -8.22520703e-02 4.49873447e-01 4.70956355e-01 -2.90170722e-02 1.47679299e-01 -1.38519496e-01 3.70804705e-02 -2.95071185e-01 1.88594267e-01 3.07778884e-02 2.91548632e-02 -8.61001983e-02 -1.13692589e-01 8.02706003e-01 -1.57259911e-01 2.08475396e-01 -8.23847800e-02 -2.54207611e-01 1.24152780e-01 4.52105105e-01 -2.44436994e-01 -3.99953574e-01 -1.60805751e-02 7.71292746e-02 1.08454414e-02 1.33490503e-01 8.24273303e-02 -3.42866600e-01 -1.27821580e-01 5.20468175e-01 -5.56503057e-01 2.11348996e-01 -2.72596329e-01 3.77770215e-01 1.21945150e-01 5.28880246e-02 1.34000137e-01 5.66423945e-02 -1.93983912e-01 -2.14934021e-01 5.36458790e-01 1.35432398e-02 -1.16297133e-01 -9.65538248e-02 -1.13769444e-02 -3.86250168e-01 -6.54009208e-02 -5.00596464e-01 -9.97769684e-02 5.05833440e-02 -2.59358436e-03 -2.90423214e-01 -1.47456810e-01 -4.89786774e-01 -2.63110459e-01 6.09912425e-02 6.23059809e-01 7.41699636e-02 1.66654572e-01 -2.20931977e-01 1.13958634e-01]
"A Peasant's Punishment" active "Item #: SCP-430 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-430 is to be kept in a humanoid containment cell on Site-17, placed on a wooden pallet or equivalent loose support at least 20cm above ground to prevent rusting. The cell containing SCP-430 is to be fitted with an adjustable table, a sand basin, a controllable two-position hook-conveyor system, and a master-slave control system as specified in Document 430-Gamma - construction details. One cell adjacent to SCP-430 is to house a live D-Class subject, designated SCP-430-C, whose suitability was ensured by enacting Protocol Prometheus-11 prior to their internment. SCP-430-C is to be treated in accordance with Foundation Humanoid Containment Guidelines section NP-1. Suitable SCP-430-C candidates are nonviolent, introverted, and capable of carrying out simple tasks without supervision, with claustrophobia being a disqualifying factor. Other cells adjacent to SCP-430 containment are to be designated long-term low-value item storage (see Site-17 floor plan section IJ-23). The set of cells adjacent to SCP-430 is designated SCP-430-3. While SCP-430 contains a living subject, designated SCP-430-2, such SCP-430-2 is to be treated in accordance with Foundation Humanoid Containment Guidelines, section NP-5, except as following. In the case of SCP-430-2 expiring, as represented by the lack of signal from SCP-430-2 heart rate monitor coupled with visual confirmation, no personnel is to enter SCP-430-3 until visual feed confirms the presence of former SCP-430-C inside SCP-430; subsequently, the remains of previous SCP-430-2 are to be removed from SCP-430, and the new SCP-430-2 briefed. Protocol Prometheus-11: Prior to being classified SCP-430-C, chosen D-class personnel is to sign a printed copy of the following document. Note: Following Incident 430-1, personnel are to ensure SCP-430-C has signed the document with their own name. - Researcher Eisenberg I hereby of my own will declare that I reject the divine mandate of our monarch, holding them to no more esteem than the lowest of peasants, for all men were born equal, and that I support and urge my countrymen to rise against feudal tyranny and fight for freedom, brotherhood and equality. Undersigned. Description: SCP-430 is a cylindrical gibbet approximately 3m tall and 0.7m in diameter, weighing ca. 800kg, composed of an unknown material - SCP-430 resists attempts to obtain bulk material samples, and attempts at indentation testing resulted in hardness values inconsistent with other properties1. Samples of surface corrosion are obtainable, and are chemically identical to hydrated ferrous oxide. On the lower rim, the numerals "1772" and name "Hans Drechsler" are carved. While SCP-430 is occupied by a living individual (designated SCP-430-2), it persists in a passive state. SCP-430-2 can interact with their environment outside SCP-430, subject to the imposed physical constraints. Even if feasible for their size and dexterity, SCP-430-2 will deny having the ability to exit SCP-430. If forced to exit, SCP-430-2 shows signs of mental distress, and reappears within SCP-430 within three hours of removal. SCP-430-2 shows no other anomalous properties or traits. Individuals within direct sight range of SCP-430 form false memories consisting of alleged reason for SCP-430-2's presence within SCP-430, in the form of a transgression SCP-430-2 has committed. The memories are consistent among test subjects. When SCP-430-2 expires, SCP-430 enters active state. During active state, SCP-430 attempts to locate a suitable individual in its vicinity, with a radius of effect expanding by ca. 10m/hour, with unknown upper limit.2 A suitable individual, defined as one who has transgressed against laws and regulations of the Royal City of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ City Council, valid during the period of 1766-1780, and who is within the effective range, will be instantaneously transported into SCP-430 through an unknown mechanism, becoming the next SCP-430-2. SCP-430 appears to show strong preference for individuals who have committed crimes against church or feudal authority, such as blasphemy, treason, lΓ¨se majestΓ©3 and poaching. Recovery Log: SCP-430 was recovered from [REDACTED], Western Germany, following a police raid on a compound owned by members of "Die SΓΆhne von Magdalena" (Sons of Magdalene)(see Addendum 430-1), as a result of witness reports detailing Hans β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a member of the task force, appearing inside SCP-430 after attempting to aid its previous occupant, who was wounded in the firefight and subsequently expired. A modified report detailing his death during the operation was published, and members of the task force were administered Class-A amnestics. Addendum 430-1: Sons of Magdalene A fringe christian sect led by a Johann β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, members of Sons of Magdalene venerated SCP-430 as a living manifestation of God's judgement, and considered SCP-430-2 holy martyrs, usually providing them with drinking water, honey and insects, as a reflection of the fasting of Saint John the Baptist. In its original location, SCP-430 hung from the roof, behind the altar of the compound's church, with a sheet of worked sheepskin with the following inscription4 covering its lower half. For Mary Magdalene was sinful, but she knew of her sin, and repented in the face of our Lord, and was thus blessed And the scribes and Pharisees who brought her forth and willed to stone her knew of her sin But they were sinful and did not know of their own sin, and thus were damned And Lord Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her, And blessed were the men and women for they learned of their sin, for they have walked the path of salvation. Addendum 430-2: Incident 430-1: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-430-C failed to appear within SCP-430 following expiry of then-current SCP-430-2 even after one hour since event. 153 minutes after event, Researcher A. Novikov disappeared from his office5, becoming the next SCP-430-2, with observers citing charges of sedition and lΓ¨se majestΓ©. When interrogated, SCP-430-C admitted to signing the document with Researcher A. Novikov's name, claiming to have overheard it from security personnel, and citing "I never signed shit with my own name, and not gonna start now" as a reason. Examination of the signed sheet confirmed this finding. SCP-430-C was terminated on disciplinary charges. Researcher A. Novikov was provided with a computer and continued his work until his death on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-429 | SCP-430 | SCP-431 Β»" nan
[ 1.19079083e-01 2.56581485e-01 -1.17983639e-01 -3.84873264e-02 1.45737842e-01 -3.31305563e-01 3.19259465e-01 2.99275756e-01 4.12664950e-01 2.33465374e-01 2.49227926e-01 5.35314858e-01 -9.45998877e-02 -3.40357661e-01 3.09923142e-01 2.01028332e-01 -4.77552116e-02 1.83993548e-01 -2.62462616e-01 -1.98825911e-01 -5.90846874e-02 1.09551638e-01 -1.98186631e-03 3.50422472e-01 -1.09472960e-01 -3.27592483e-03 6.44263923e-02 9.56583489e-03 -1.63464069e-01 -2.57625788e-01 8.14326927e-02 2.68415123e-01 -2.00771987e-02 2.75132984e-01 -1.03691935e-04 -4.49491084e-01 -3.13171819e-02 6.35912418e-02 -1.81594253e-01 2.25668907e-01 -2.01999858e-01 -3.06128770e-01 -1.85583025e-01 -3.95179570e-01 6.39535561e-02 3.07393461e-01 1.23161055e-01 5.00438571e-01 9.56027508e-02 -2.43176624e-01 2.00843722e-01 -2.99485296e-01 2.44861785e-02 -5.49636260e-02 1.51016861e-01 1.25473171e-01 -2.21815735e-01 -2.28364188e-02 7.47359991e-02 1.75875390e-03 2.07242519e-01 2.29760051e-01 -2.24876419e-01 -2.01836061e-02 1.05827026e-01 -3.85738760e-01 -1.00543365e-01 6.05405346e-02 1.38073564e-01 8.25571120e-02 1.50910452e-01 9.71214026e-02 1.12484477e-01 3.84023637e-01 2.04190016e-01 -4.14351840e-03 1.99603140e-01 1.97681114e-01 9.55786407e-02 1.88510895e-01 3.26044530e-01 9.89899319e-03 -2.27654353e-01 5.64911030e-02 -3.61650050e-01 1.30869195e-01 -2.26450339e-01 3.21951583e-02 2.40729630e-01 -6.83783437e-04 -1.03788421e-01 1.21441752e-01 6.11878596e-02 4.01957542e-01 1.27292186e-01 -3.72716069e-01 2.11039364e-01 8.72206837e-02 2.93635726e-01 4.85825725e-02 6.16567969e-01 2.08149314e-01 3.07491183e-01 1.76230073e-02 2.28381511e-02 7.82773569e-02 2.07643554e-01 3.06486748e-02 -1.31221458e-01 4.83201474e-01 -3.56922336e-02 2.47907370e-01 -7.72946179e-02 -1.95681155e-01 7.21288472e-02 6.56143129e-02 1.61534935e-01 -2.76180685e-01 -6.12177327e-02 4.12539005e-01 -7.04088569e-01 -1.18533768e-01 -1.42280743e-01 2.33578920e-01 2.23643482e-02 -6.79494962e-02 -1.18250944e-01 -2.32062396e-03 -5.97346835e-02 -1.91120040e-02 -2.74515629e-01 1.73865333e-01 -2.87982702e-01 7.08073527e-02 1.07080586e-01 1.63411707e-01 -1.30891517e-01 4.61535305e-02 8.92902166e-02 -2.78450847e-02 1.62708133e-01 1.08308345e-02 1.43548146e-01 2.96081245e-01 -2.10049853e-01 -3.37957114e-01 5.47464564e-02 -9.94567275e-02 -8.27658623e-02 2.10837156e-01 3.33735883e-01 -2.62461543e-01 2.03618109e-01 2.32580990e-01 -1.63292393e-01 -1.23565555e-01 2.44396821e-01 -1.08269416e-02 3.39289419e-02 -2.63086073e-02 2.76636869e-01 4.12574559e-02 1.99619770e-01 -8.07594880e-02 -8.93495679e-02 1.08046547e-01 -3.06289464e-01 -6.70840219e-02 -3.13688934e-01 -3.07106338e-02 1.81100368e-01 -2.28571281e-01 -8.15554857e-02 4.95847166e-02 -8.90683308e-02 3.40182364e-01 -2.93181360e-01 9.40346792e-02 -6.15627229e-01 -8.88633430e-02 -3.19357485e-01 1.41615927e-01 2.42029428e-01 -4.02904630e-01 3.10031474e-01 -1.44230634e-01 -2.13907622e-02 -1.51303589e-01 9.29326415e-02 -2.48049438e-01 -4.14483130e-01 -3.15838665e-01 -2.45254979e-01 -3.99810076e-02 2.57916063e-01 -6.61744252e-02 3.90252411e-01 4.32795167e-01 2.42013574e-01 -1.83286414e-01 9.42116678e-02 2.15168819e-01 4.82932210e-01 2.94443011e-01 -2.66556032e-02 3.13559547e-02 5.08399010e-02 -5.59904091e-02 4.81396943e-01 3.56702268e-01 1.43209234e-01 -2.09135994e-01 -3.90847892e-01 -1.07440934e-01 -1.45102739e-01 -2.94215411e-01 1.60717174e-01 9.86448303e-02 -9.54741836e-02 -4.97137517e-01 -3.45572010e-02 -1.95136517e-01 -3.98773402e-01 -6.28125295e-02 2.71359056e-01 -2.60003954e-02 -4.22596186e-01 -2.61966735e-01 -3.91083121e-01 1.21042900e-01 2.34758511e-01 -7.07013980e-02 3.18417907e-01 -1.59348354e-01 1.20292433e-01 -1.25357673e-01 -3.15212905e-02 5.20739257e-01 -4.05720025e-01 -3.34520519e-01 1.36680296e-02 -1.33316725e-01 9.17190164e-02 7.72837102e-02 -1.50242761e-01 3.26707423e-01 -1.30442083e-01 -1.83154792e-01 -2.55823135e-01 -1.39059857e-01 2.23636642e-01 -6.52766228e-02 -4.61051673e-01 -2.59170771e-01 2.38742083e-01 1.10229999e-01 2.18422621e-01 1.24186888e-01 -2.45551720e-01 6.33617193e-02 -3.88877898e-01 1.92918838e-03 2.18328133e-01 1.67102620e-01 3.60882044e-01 -1.17265664e-01 6.42431304e-02 4.52842921e-01 1.93037242e-01 2.72936463e-01 9.93128344e-02 -4.49750215e-01 -1.07600708e-02 -8.14975277e-02 3.25876288e-02 -3.17328721e-01 1.18330888e-01 1.11374296e-01 6.45122211e-03 2.92023033e-01 -8.28895047e-02 -1.14141487e-01 1.92304403e-01 -6.09734189e-03 -1.47676900e-01 7.49296099e-02 -2.68969145e-02 3.67751241e-01 8.11037980e-03 1.27998488e-02 1.09043404e-01 3.10461298e-02 -3.50680389e-02 1.13657773e-01 -2.15893880e-01 2.13120028e-01 1.86071113e-01 5.06479621e-01 -2.83200800e-01 5.21398008e-01 -3.64513874e-01 1.28092289e-01 1.53967310e-02 1.19067937e-01 -5.13619363e-01 -7.29002431e-02 5.85682452e-01 -9.99242663e-02 -3.41627359e-01 -2.42076352e-01 -6.01100206e-01 2.68303305e-01 -2.48310924e-01 -1.57267496e-01 3.70278209e-01 1.36309087e-01 -3.48988205e-01 -1.70548335e-01 8.63681361e-02 -3.55147868e-01 1.69832036e-01 -1.66991260e-02 7.40180537e-02 3.64547849e-01 -1.94364563e-01 2.28276253e-01 -9.45169851e-02 -2.81268120e-01 3.05677503e-01 8.04613978e-02 1.68193460e-01 1.48872390e-01 3.68656695e-01 1.91028461e-01 1.80449441e-01 1.08061939e-01 -2.73719549e-01 -9.79709327e-02 1.82299435e-01 -2.32951358e-01 -1.21259362e-01 -1.54204041e-01 -1.08603388e-01 7.21367672e-02 -8.11183974e-02 -2.28562936e-01 -3.24133128e-01 1.80157885e-01 -3.48226316e-02 -1.62808865e-01 -2.97449797e-01 3.21010649e-01 2.81804413e-01 -1.97167039e-01 -3.20969105e-01 -1.04172625e-01 -4.27007861e-02 2.36005440e-01 2.33374417e-01 -3.32086146e-01 -9.67256799e-02 3.57005537e-01 6.86059296e-01 -4.29802626e-01 4.86756116e-01 2.07844853e-01 3.42468679e-01 5.64325340e-02 1.54684097e-01 -2.02586651e-01 -7.93611482e-02 8.13508872e-03 -2.35156208e-01 2.97642678e-01 -1.43986523e-01 -1.18154787e-01 2.67163783e-01 -8.10446404e-03 7.07220584e-02 -2.11384609e-01 1.01520017e-01 6.81098178e-02 2.98010826e-01 -6.15691468e-02 1.91939976e-02 -6.51941076e-02 9.54431742e-02 -6.46919161e-02 2.32620358e-01 1.04665384e-01 9.86192524e-02 2.48036131e-01 6.81063905e-02 -3.93926740e-01 8.21756795e-02 -1.68339565e-01 -2.84869641e-01 -4.45332497e-01 -7.58734941e-02 2.63691276e-01 -3.52209330e-01 -2.24718809e-01 3.86452019e-01 4.77518171e-01 2.03536361e-01 -1.72978729e-01 5.79642467e-02 -1.48262262e-01 -4.08135980e-01 -2.96428412e-01 2.73591936e-01 -1.54727340e-01 -5.43147624e-01 4.44161333e-03 2.46641904e-01 -2.40129277e-01 -1.41576929e-02 1.34016946e-01 -9.73953083e-02 -2.48832583e-01 -5.80090880e-01 2.80669481e-01 1.39301151e-01 -2.23656390e-02 -1.81207538e-01 1.34252280e-01 8.56931731e-02 1.57043234e-01 2.47111425e-01 -1.03285005e-02 -4.50045317e-02 1.08489305e-01 -2.97539443e-01 -3.10840130e-01 -9.51551050e-02 4.84854519e-01 1.50558323e-01 -1.11005090e-01 5.87420724e-02 7.33720064e-02 -3.20503056e-01 2.10904032e-01 5.45299232e-01 1.24945842e-01 -1.91365182e-01 3.81266847e-02 1.50116161e-01 -1.70815866e-02 1.10051088e-01 2.59012878e-01 7.89157301e-03 3.71401817e-01 -2.95390069e-01 -9.57721621e-02 -7.66361356e-02 -2.86581278e-01 -2.90195554e-01 5.71548283e-01 -4.47474867e-02 1.82323009e-01 5.51457942e-01 1.14040148e+00 2.98731148e-01 2.02601645e-02 3.45951736e-01 -3.03529203e-01 -4.60041687e-03 -6.80337548e-02 -1.39572117e-02 -2.16348156e-01 -6.19028546e-02 7.48576364e-03 -1.01551391e-01 1.52786374e-01 4.94330615e-01 -5.73178351e-01 -1.87003806e-01 -2.16702253e-01 -3.38660389e-01 1.61096126e-01 -1.17729150e-01 -1.86057806e-01 9.93418843e-02 1.53690539e-02 1.92222863e-01 -1.54063538e-01 2.31898144e-01 -1.71771273e-01 2.12439355e-02 -3.47816236e-02 -3.84280324e-01 -8.25855881e-02 1.99696183e-01 3.02741200e-01 1.54458536e-02 -3.30013722e-01 -2.86417156e-01 5.91477007e-02 -5.52234016e-02 -4.43129659e-01 -8.70941021e-03 2.13983551e-01 1.29254282e-01 4.89705324e-01 -2.04679936e-01 2.41622955e-01 -7.28168637e-02 1.70473084e-01 -7.66997486e-02 1.15308814e-01 -9.43057910e-02 -1.16809405e-01 -1.16688810e-01 1.34582132e-01 2.42697448e-01 3.05513740e-01 -4.48115081e-01 2.77556721e-02 1.91953033e-01 -2.77221173e-01 -2.89939970e-01 2.12595582e-01 -1.34964824e-01 -2.29134321e-01 -8.85705873e-02 1.32601500e-01 -3.08052152e-01 -5.83536178e-02 3.43321949e-01 3.09963748e-02 1.07109554e-01 4.26092714e-01 9.05581191e-02 -3.33247423e-01 -3.99834275e-01 -8.83705020e-02 3.02801371e-01 -9.43454742e-01 7.21905604e-02 -1.96148068e-01 -6.51042461e-01 5.11023365e-02 4.16965961e-01 4.70379055e-01 -1.84728235e-01 -3.95589501e-01 -2.15351254e-01 3.00836768e-02 8.51150043e-03 3.79785299e-01 2.24008158e-01 1.48538604e-01 3.35401744e-01 -3.94940019e-01 2.16193169e-01 -4.36512530e-01 -6.69082105e-02 -2.09344089e-01 1.09025128e-01 1.87128410e-01 -3.03047597e-01 -3.17770600e-01 6.93486631e-02 1.49483740e-01 7.82681927e-02 -1.35342866e-01 -2.43411973e-01 -2.25098476e-01 1.25076890e-01 -1.05815038e-01 -1.43239841e-01 6.69918954e-02 3.27144600e-02 2.49978881e-02 1.35316178e-01 -9.11788922e-03 1.25753567e-01 3.63486499e-01 1.84504539e-01 5.79394288e-02 5.15688598e-01 2.40318570e-02 -7.25641996e-02 -2.02671550e-02 4.57942098e-01 -7.88641125e-02 3.60446535e-02 -6.03847131e-02 -9.85371321e-02 1.23884983e-01 3.22885305e-01 3.68671149e-01 9.90696438e-03 2.54315019e-01 1.51822316e-02 1.84802383e-01 8.84357765e-02 -1.10529833e-01 -1.46923453e-01 -2.74116606e-01 -5.30995190e-01 -9.75807756e-02 3.16823900e-01 1.02715287e-03 1.04772942e-02 -3.84274900e-01 1.03511952e-01 2.56671794e-02 1.96751609e-01 -3.94097745e-01 -4.26375747e-01 4.62683551e-02 1.61796242e-01 7.93046504e-02 2.24745840e-01 4.72322144e-02 2.68273145e-01 -4.81260449e-01 1.83973908e-01 2.90841788e-01 1.36088461e-01 3.52977127e-01 -2.37535641e-01 1.48589775e-01 -2.17641234e-01 1.49586722e-01 5.47469318e-01 1.71034247e-01 1.03542291e-01 2.21624464e-01 3.15195769e-01 2.17782959e-01 -8.44562054e-03 2.86290824e-01 1.30740866e-01 -1.70076013e-01 2.55119681e-01 -3.54762971e-02 1.48479179e-01 -1.81099981e-01 1.69813082e-01 -1.76060170e-01 -1.11825198e-01 6.99830204e-02 -1.37515709e-01 3.50554548e-02 3.59479308e-01 -1.50235128e-02 -1.80171207e-01 7.71463141e-02 -2.94701923e-02 -1.16537109e-01 3.80403474e-02 1.96321219e-01 -1.85424164e-01 1.44697219e-01 6.14414439e-02 -1.08566709e-01 1.78247929e-01 2.69981116e-01 2.24047333e-01 -8.36869180e-02 1.91188067e-01 -2.42923200e-01 -4.40732241e-02 -1.08714022e-01 -6.79068938e-02 -3.88532318e-02 2.80538470e-01 1.80547446e-01 1.25380054e-01 6.92542419e-02 -3.62217009e-01 -5.87236106e-01 3.33302647e-01 -1.26436025e-01 3.38988125e-01 3.06707442e-01 1.83731019e-01 -2.09127739e-01 3.13214600e-01 3.89524668e-01 -3.40119958e-01 3.51037443e-01 -3.38919610e-01 7.75479674e-02 2.16754958e-01 -1.24795824e-01 1.16753712e-01 1.21909864e-01 1.46756083e-01 3.54777239e-02 -4.72517043e-01 -2.79821932e-01 -1.41402304e-01 -1.70279220e-01 6.12104893e-01 -2.12122470e-01 -2.48475537e-01 1.14602242e-02 8.32252204e-02 3.08416367e-01 -1.66161641e-01 -1.53008685e-01 -3.40455294e-01 -5.01557924e-02 1.38400882e-01 -4.65130471e-02 3.12057018e-01 3.81944805e-01 1.27721861e-01 -7.22477958e-02 -1.50330523e-02 1.02498233e-01 -1.93943791e-02 1.51672766e-01 2.92883371e-03 -4.98722702e-01 1.07099609e-02 2.47437187e-04 1.37018055e-01 -1.75163031e-01 3.04966301e-01 -8.65748301e-02 -2.10923985e-01 3.14654022e-01 2.92656004e-01 -1.38747364e-01 1.73440546e-01 -2.78749480e-03 -3.70032005e-02 1.84809908e-01 2.81547964e-01 -2.97741927e-02 3.11283261e-01 -1.33915082e-01 2.85539180e-01 -7.86853284e-02 1.49687588e-01 -5.42662991e-03 1.72846600e-01 -4.04264778e-01 2.29104370e-01 1.62842274e-01 -1.50673851e-01 -4.27990377e-01 -2.02950716e-01 4.62810040e-01 2.04902366e-02 -2.85076618e-01 -2.11390272e-01 2.59161562e-01 -1.53568955e-02 -3.02884042e-01 -1.72030509e-01 -2.96590090e-01 -1.44944578e-01 -1.10889971e-01 -3.97450179e-01 -1.16622955e-01 -8.42844024e-02 -1.31549507e-01 -1.74553201e-01 4.16010052e-01 3.67772207e-02 1.54980451e-01 -5.30107498e-01 -1.10736288e-01]
"Dr. Gideon" active "Item #: SCP-431 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Backup copies of all Foundation documents are to be kept at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Any documents and/or photographs SCP-431 is found in are to be stored in the Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ local database and replaced with their backup copy. Any personnel who report recalling SCP-431 are to be immediately questioned. Office β–ˆβ–ˆ-25 is to be inspected daily for any new objects. Foundation archives are to be monitored for any changes or new documents regarding SCP-431. Description: SCP-431 is the designation given to Dr. Gideon, a man who appears to have been a Foundation researcher. Due to the condition of records at present, it is not known if Gideon is his real name. The existence of SCP-431 was first discovered during what appeared to be an attempt to hack the Foundation database: a number of documents were altered to state that a scientist referred to as "Dr. Gideon" was involved in researching several SCP objects. However, it was determined that the documents in question were not being accessed at the time that they were modified. Since the initial event, references to a Dr. Gideon have appeared in β–ˆβ–ˆ additional documents. Every time a document has been altered, it has been shown that it was not in use at the time of modification. Several new documents also appeared, a number of which are SCP documentation of items that the Foundation does not currently possess, including a [DATA EXPUNGED], and one item, a [DATA EXPUNGED], which is known to currently be in the possession of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. A number of objects have also been discovered in Office β–ˆβ–ˆ-25, which is currently vacant. It is not known when items began to appear inside it, as the office was only investigated when a "Dr. Gideon" name placard appeared on the door. β–ˆβ–ˆ documents have been recovered from the office, including a photograph, Document 431-β–ˆβ–ˆ which is believed to depict Dr. Gideon alongside three (3) known Foundation personnel. Security camera tapes dated β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ show a man who is believed to be Dr. Gideon conversing with a number of researchers. None of the researchers report ever working with anyone named Gideon and none show signs consistent with the administration of amnestics. No information concerning Dr. Gideon's hiring by the Foundation exists, nor does any documentation indicating that Dr. Gideon was either fired, terminated, or quit. One document recovered from Office β–ˆβ–ˆ-25 appears to have his fingerprints on it, as the fingerprints have no match within the Foundation's or any government's fingerprint database. No government documentation regarding anyone named Gideon matching the description of the individual in Document-431-β–ˆβ–ˆ exists, including birth, death, census, or tax information. By date, the last documents available presently state that Dr. Gideon was scheduled to oversee the neutralization of an SCP object; however, the document refers to the object being neutralized as SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a designation not currently in use. No documentation has appeared describing SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Β« SCP-430 | SCP-431 | SCP-432 Β»" nan
[ 4.18401957e-01 1.89292952e-01 -5.78720085e-02 -5.26728034e-02 -2.28879116e-02 -3.38338256e-01 5.97635448e-01 3.47711951e-01 -2.37398684e-01 2.03035653e-01 -4.00374224e-03 3.72072980e-02 -6.64125681e-02 -4.82060850e-01 1.99329510e-01 2.86361039e-01 2.18322545e-01 2.76372790e-01 2.98575193e-01 -1.83744550e-01 1.96457673e-02 3.40318143e-01 -1.73312649e-01 4.44198698e-01 7.05828667e-02 -1.00232296e-01 3.68823051e-01 3.44990611e-01 1.07456535e-01 9.67162624e-02 -1.44948572e-01 3.26727986e-01 -3.00348014e-01 1.30813956e-01 -1.15643357e-04 1.04262903e-01 1.29204988e-01 -3.36211473e-02 -1.74307808e-01 -3.22255462e-01 -3.43270481e-01 7.84402341e-02 -1.67994976e-01 -1.48443207e-01 -9.98795591e-03 2.33524039e-01 -9.55054536e-02 4.03595418e-01 2.70090818e-01 2.38472998e-01 1.88479796e-01 -2.96795461e-02 4.66720164e-01 -1.26256838e-01 7.67820328e-02 7.26081729e-02 -2.12310269e-01 -3.37583981e-02 -1.27530023e-01 2.25745782e-01 4.08432186e-01 2.72398561e-01 -2.84113139e-01 -1.05096400e-01 2.78064609e-01 -9.52620208e-02 3.02315116e-01 -1.47344828e-01 3.71555328e-01 2.42806956e-01 3.49295229e-01 -1.97641447e-01 1.19414032e-01 1.43164806e-02 1.24117218e-01 6.18248992e-02 4.47061241e-01 2.03076169e-01 -2.02106506e-01 9.31207538e-02 3.26711982e-01 2.47455575e-02 -2.26520728e-02 1.46495327e-02 -4.34115261e-01 -5.10876179e-02 -5.25362566e-02 8.11556354e-02 4.06748652e-01 3.10080219e-02 2.34126717e-01 1.71713427e-01 -3.03633623e-02 2.38379642e-01 -2.83523947e-01 -1.73134103e-01 8.57913420e-02 -3.27596545e-01 8.49628374e-02 6.26418293e-01 1.58234715e-01 1.48799434e-01 -5.63851409e-02 1.78200185e-01 -8.98022205e-02 2.68762618e-01 1.95154801e-01 2.37543121e-01 -1.39705166e-01 2.73280501e-01 1.63679332e-01 2.84525245e-01 -3.10841590e-01 -6.91509396e-02 6.76188171e-02 -1.50686786e-01 9.99592394e-02 -3.20385635e-01 -7.98632726e-02 3.70834410e-01 -2.75436759e-01 7.91997183e-03 -1.15181357e-01 5.21024346e-01 3.45804691e-01 -1.37551308e-01 -6.79155737e-02 -4.72711504e-01 2.05144957e-01 1.82934925e-01 -8.70204046e-02 2.64281899e-01 -1.93891317e-01 -9.98766944e-02 -1.57637402e-01 2.12610677e-01 -1.26636297e-01 -3.40230823e-01 -1.28576294e-01 -1.86616778e-01 2.23889112e-01 -1.68721512e-01 4.62411672e-01 5.54079056e-01 -4.17195886e-01 -1.14864178e-01 -1.94460303e-02 -3.46338123e-01 -1.62709996e-01 7.61440396e-02 -1.23259284e-01 -2.10759372e-01 -2.48963207e-01 1.80161700e-01 -8.60303864e-02 1.63630068e-01 5.81836283e-01 6.75527602e-02 -3.65720570e-01 -4.19535249e-01 1.38807520e-01 1.74453780e-01 -2.23060757e-01 -2.73240805e-02 2.35565975e-01 3.54509920e-01 -2.50996113e-01 -1.21818483e-01 -1.30394697e-01 -2.76892006e-01 -3.66551578e-01 -1.85291678e-01 -5.91064952e-02 6.30106777e-02 -2.76089340e-01 1.22463040e-01 8.16240683e-02 -1.72052667e-01 -3.70180070e-01 -3.11668783e-01 -2.10416704e-01 3.68991680e-03 6.99681090e-03 -4.76328015e-01 -2.71289438e-01 -3.12557250e-01 -9.56448540e-02 -1.35910541e-01 1.41532868e-01 -1.05441697e-01 -2.35882223e-01 -3.12856287e-01 -9.45274085e-02 6.96297288e-02 1.04678549e-01 3.07332929e-02 1.65583655e-01 -7.83425644e-02 1.73245355e-01 1.40929744e-01 -1.87300667e-01 2.42581382e-01 1.38860092e-01 3.39030623e-01 -2.26009831e-01 7.78617635e-02 -2.46688634e-01 -1.17476791e-01 -4.12590921e-01 1.36882052e-01 -6.03825599e-03 -3.80152203e-02 -1.60813212e-01 1.94212683e-02 -2.31031491e-03 1.38394132e-01 2.48908833e-01 1.81827724e-01 3.46685529e-01 -1.55754343e-01 2.28464580e-03 -2.15703603e-02 1.45391569e-01 -1.52586377e-03 -3.62952024e-01 -4.31314930e-02 -1.31859809e-01 -5.82604930e-02 2.04107799e-02 3.70891511e-01 3.89764160e-01 -9.41447765e-02 1.07080594e-01 -1.32501116e-02 -6.95351660e-02 -2.87251413e-01 3.16588014e-01 9.39560473e-01 -3.75838846e-01 7.30715767e-02 1.62438139e-01 -7.20356964e-03 2.58677125e-01 -9.65705365e-02 -2.67982125e-01 3.51213329e-02 5.32484174e-01 7.27678463e-02 5.63966893e-02 2.18660563e-01 4.82810028e-02 -4.11409616e-01 -9.01530609e-02 -8.45765248e-02 -1.37791857e-01 5.40189683e-01 4.21921648e-02 3.49291191e-02 1.03050889e-02 3.08227599e-01 -2.06310809e-01 -2.86659569e-01 1.22735556e-02 8.48802626e-02 -4.70606759e-02 -1.31554544e-01 3.73940133e-02 1.34700790e-01 -1.63531676e-02 9.59894508e-02 -7.99076632e-02 -1.76109836e-01 6.12298921e-02 1.07865691e-01 1.19651236e-01 1.36967912e-01 2.44141892e-02 2.72182256e-01 1.14808574e-01 2.08453596e-01 -1.58488363e-01 -3.65521938e-01 2.18759608e-02 -1.13999397e-01 -1.58129200e-01 1.45443976e-01 1.44460827e-01 7.75321051e-02 -1.53854797e-02 1.40136778e-01 -2.54687756e-01 -8.90733749e-02 -5.66235371e-02 1.59261152e-01 4.83315513e-02 8.45344812e-02 -2.24751964e-01 3.69596958e-01 -3.69362742e-01 2.85352647e-01 -3.89269412e-01 2.02790841e-01 4.74009588e-02 1.05250277e-01 -6.34112433e-02 -1.47421807e-01 4.33318257e-01 1.49347872e-01 -2.78439149e-02 -3.38705361e-01 -3.25664222e-01 2.56489545e-01 -3.09308413e-02 -1.50512159e-01 3.89492840e-01 -3.10300142e-01 3.59061211e-02 -1.27419204e-01 -3.26533988e-02 -4.37322676e-01 7.09463954e-02 1.90072134e-01 -2.16668740e-01 3.20394486e-02 6.09072782e-02 4.02902752e-01 -3.65106583e-01 -1.12751245e-01 1.91431306e-02 -1.09702855e-01 2.84383148e-01 6.48047388e-01 -9.48173553e-02 3.24152529e-01 -2.91940928e-01 2.77022887e-02 -4.16086704e-01 5.93747757e-02 3.60350087e-02 1.74205229e-02 3.14948778e-03 9.72260907e-02 -4.20210689e-01 -1.04611646e-03 -3.40082109e-01 -2.20671929e-02 -2.17745513e-01 -1.59680974e-02 1.90726891e-01 -1.26675442e-01 -3.28607023e-01 5.79190612e-01 2.20684588e-01 -2.70332128e-01 -3.73671018e-02 -2.32762560e-01 -9.90245715e-02 3.91718820e-02 2.55198747e-01 -2.23058507e-01 -5.88079751e-01 -4.89061475e-02 3.02229345e-01 -2.32208475e-01 2.68987250e-02 -3.51309121e-01 4.34904009e-01 -4.67485227e-02 5.68944961e-02 -2.11501643e-02 -3.53374844e-03 2.13174745e-02 -8.92488956e-02 3.64363492e-01 -8.16524960e-03 -4.70729917e-01 2.19139189e-01 1.96332708e-02 -6.23417258e-01 -3.22570235e-01 1.05646938e-01 1.44923717e-01 5.65141477e-02 -5.82558252e-02 -1.30840480e-01 3.69744860e-02 -2.72251922e-03 -1.47449836e-01 5.44138432e-01 5.36059849e-02 -8.62234533e-02 -5.17912507e-02 2.12534651e-01 -1.63125038e-01 -4.75635100e-03 -2.58919001e-01 -2.14584172e-01 -2.33375415e-01 -9.85706523e-02 3.26607317e-01 -4.40974295e-01 1.59286365e-01 1.02332100e-01 4.13954467e-01 7.82873154e-01 -2.10732711e-03 1.95371836e-01 -3.08288932e-01 -1.59323096e-01 -2.11165980e-01 3.36452238e-02 -4.80332941e-01 -2.87108570e-01 -1.64736763e-01 3.43416631e-01 -3.43684524e-01 3.45257632e-02 -6.98330207e-03 6.20342679e-02 -5.46320498e-01 -1.92542121e-01 -1.59682140e-01 -1.20447807e-01 -3.77001047e-01 1.49142772e-01 -2.23414022e-02 1.38008207e-01 9.86976624e-02 2.88419813e-01 -2.48850301e-01 -5.84996417e-02 2.76472926e-01 -3.57548296e-02 6.46013379e-01 2.15065330e-01 1.45970374e-01 1.93871558e-01 1.99689269e-01 2.95809388e-01 -6.01250604e-02 4.59872521e-02 1.14694498e-01 5.77882588e-01 -5.48014650e-03 1.40859246e-01 -5.35724282e-01 2.36366779e-01 1.74761355e-01 -1.23966955e-01 3.08885127e-01 1.67769507e-01 8.94943401e-02 -3.74184281e-01 -3.11251208e-02 -5.50225414e-02 -5.45639038e-01 2.11777121e-01 8.58189464e-02 -2.06456780e-02 9.21551138e-02 -2.35349745e-01 1.32571054e+00 3.05747569e-01 4.48363684e-02 3.48582655e-01 -3.73078257e-01 -4.44002688e-01 -4.94060099e-01 -1.39709249e-01 -3.23226482e-01 -2.91091472e-01 -4.22684886e-02 -1.55021414e-01 5.58223240e-02 3.14620197e-01 -2.48577029e-01 -2.62349099e-01 -4.53916013e-01 -4.29749966e-01 3.25373232e-01 1.55692101e-01 2.55350381e-01 1.51437059e-01 1.59584761e-01 2.51499087e-01 2.24816967e-02 1.63312361e-01 6.60872757e-02 1.48933962e-01 -6.79719597e-02 -2.07818478e-01 -1.86374903e-01 8.42669755e-02 -5.46312705e-02 2.01684713e-01 1.00348040e-01 8.89877379e-02 -4.55636643e-02 -4.03119922e-01 -4.23221320e-01 -2.48763654e-02 -1.00518808e-01 2.83979923e-01 7.42110968e-01 -1.55036524e-01 -4.08649631e-02 1.05061725e-01 1.71252191e-01 -1.27213702e-01 1.42404716e-02 3.18368137e-01 -1.19692527e-01 -1.80170983e-01 -6.16178334e-01 1.58363014e-01 1.19512659e-02 -1.03827909e-01 3.73176605e-01 3.25672001e-01 -4.22557086e-01 -5.60981259e-02 1.39842138e-01 8.89123157e-02 -2.64405042e-01 1.55402021e-02 -1.12234488e-01 -2.47216430e-02 5.22606336e-02 1.53778642e-01 -3.40163633e-02 1.75310612e-01 2.55707148e-02 -2.74499148e-01 -1.00830644e-01 -4.22249228e-01 -2.94927597e-01 -9.49296281e-02 -3.16738814e-01 1.12811692e-01 7.39933252e-02 -4.15696889e-01 -2.75272969e-02 4.41758066e-01 -1.47187278e-01 -4.64455634e-01 -2.85849690e-01 -1.87828362e-01 2.44864449e-01 -1.04605593e-01 2.00581983e-01 1.83007225e-01 -3.16565949e-03 1.97005719e-02 -8.57216418e-02 4.21536744e-01 -3.84788096e-01 1.26120374e-01 -1.29969448e-01 6.87263682e-02 -1.99062854e-01 -4.35302258e-01 2.50534505e-01 -8.77390876e-02 1.49896502e-01 -2.47026861e-01 -1.63126215e-01 -2.50223666e-01 -1.85748577e-01 1.44679606e-01 -1.77254647e-01 -2.87322640e-01 2.62429923e-01 2.97452927e-01 1.71490297e-01 9.73623395e-02 1.44693628e-01 2.69984633e-01 2.20612168e-01 2.32836679e-01 -6.38733059e-02 1.01611549e-02 -7.83539638e-02 2.14175731e-01 2.74395347e-01 2.37893224e-01 -4.06165756e-02 3.25340889e-02 -5.27494669e-01 -1.93173647e-01 -2.13539273e-01 4.90703136e-01 -2.19801143e-01 5.16457185e-02 5.10733247e-01 7.03897700e-02 -5.31796291e-02 -2.05511406e-01 -1.67862743e-01 -5.18799350e-02 -5.48247993e-01 -7.09071159e-02 -1.92374870e-01 2.73938507e-01 -3.45919617e-02 -7.06154406e-02 -1.82800144e-01 -1.33817628e-01 2.25980759e-01 1.96065634e-01 1.06060117e-01 -3.97358894e-01 -3.04845739e-02 2.24483032e-02 2.59101659e-01 3.24608266e-01 -4.26021852e-02 1.01945110e-01 -8.18228647e-02 -1.35450259e-01 4.67495263e-01 -2.38032550e-01 1.77233517e-01 -5.23169823e-02 2.62440622e-01 9.35298726e-02 -4.19458121e-01 3.58004928e-01 2.09123537e-01 -1.81553230e-01 3.31963897e-01 3.00690271e-02 1.40733823e-01 1.46345973e-01 -1.88673243e-01 -8.71451758e-03 1.51695788e-01 7.97687024e-02 -1.81592241e-01 1.59742802e-01 7.23489001e-02 1.08119711e-01 8.25725347e-02 -3.88766453e-03 -1.45051256e-01 -8.25322866e-02 6.01613186e-02 -4.82781939e-02 1.66300178e-01 2.36931723e-02 -6.69350475e-02 4.32603121e-01 5.10381520e-01 1.29212677e-01 3.85338515e-01 -1.46945208e-01 2.10733131e-01 4.44859546e-03 4.24054713e-04 1.67304203e-01 -1.90815944e-02 3.86862785e-01 -8.46743137e-02 2.61650801e-01 -8.32820982e-02 -3.58094841e-01 -2.63015985e-01 -1.78144678e-01 2.59953618e-01 -1.77219659e-01 2.17322469e-01 6.86500669e-02 9.46486667e-02 -2.83452839e-01 -2.49337718e-01 -9.50407907e-02 3.25364560e-01 -4.88952994e-02 3.05000246e-01 1.12831093e-01 -3.32679987e-01 -2.45861590e-01 4.31997366e-02 2.23892573e-02 3.19992006e-01 -3.66229899e-02 3.61333676e-02 1.75477043e-01 -2.30412468e-01 6.84265867e-02 3.52623492e-01 1.45874664e-01 -1.64097726e-01 1.56411126e-01 -6.45228326e-02 -1.91492945e-01 9.64353904e-02 1.26954257e-01 -1.65598780e-01 1.24926515e-01 2.14210734e-01 -1.73367515e-01 2.17038170e-02 5.96800335e-02 1.97688043e-01 6.33208379e-02 -1.27904952e-01 -5.00390530e-02 -1.36128545e-01 1.36420220e-01 -2.58450694e-02 -2.87772063e-02 6.89614043e-02 -3.32995653e-01 4.02485095e-02 -8.10545906e-02 5.09292521e-02 2.07158804e-01 -2.82171607e-01 1.34920338e-02 1.93304747e-01 5.43602169e-01 -4.24053408e-02 3.85193050e-01 -1.84191748e-01 -1.20669775e-01 -3.49228941e-02 4.71964777e-01 -3.69304806e-01 -5.48894294e-02 6.86169863e-02 -8.38201344e-02 3.67662460e-01 1.53118372e-01 1.46115273e-01 3.53415191e-01 1.26720786e-01 2.54285067e-01 -4.39085275e-01 -2.97676139e-02 -1.75267830e-01 5.04692614e-01 -5.41162118e-02 4.29647744e-01 6.32117242e-02 9.72055364e-03 -3.68282884e-01 -2.77499974e-01 5.51522911e-01 2.69702464e-01 -1.44580990e-01 -2.32439637e-01 3.97096694e-01 -5.97314000e-01 7.66706932e-03 -4.08204406e-01 -2.66516861e-02 1.54187411e-01 -2.30758376e-02 2.48035905e-03 1.08874373e-01 -8.25670883e-02 -1.61612123e-01 -6.89892992e-02 4.16261107e-01 2.45520487e-01 1.18873328e-01 -2.76724309e-01 1.43801570e-01]
"Cabinet Maze" active "Item #: SCP-432 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-432 is kept in a standard storage area at Sector-25, is to be kept locked at all times and the key to the lock kept in the adjacent security station under guard by three (3) Level 3 Personnel. No other special containment required. Description: SCP-432 is a 2-door steel storage cabinet, measuring 2 meters tall by 1.2 meters wide by 1 meter deep. The exterior of the cabinet is painted matte green and bears no remarkable features except small areas of corrosion and light scratching commensurate with being left exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time. The doors of the cabinet are fitted with a basic slide-bolt and a hasp for a padlock, allowing the door to be secured from outside. The interior dimensions of SCP-432 display significant disparity with the exterior; the doors open into an apparently extradimensional space containing a large labyrinth complex comprised of an as-yet uncharted series of corridors. The walls, floor and ceiling of the corridors are constructed from heavily-rusted steel and adhere to the same height and width scales as the exterior of SCP-432 (2 m high by 1.2 m wide). The corridors within SCP-432 are lit at irregular intervals by what appear to be regular household lightbulbs, secured to the walls in wire mesh fittings. Many of the bulbs are observed to flicker and numerous others are burned out or broken. In places several large-gauge steel pipes have been found bolted to the walls of the tunnels; these pipes are notably cold to the touch and contain flowing water, although the source and destination of the pipes and water are unknown. Many of the pipes observed are in obvious need of repair and leak cold (average of 3Β°C) water. Analysis of this water has revealed a low oxygen content and trace amounts of iron oxide but the water is otherwise potable. The exact size of the labyrinth complex to which SCP-432 connects cannot be accurately measured as each time the doors of the cabinet are closed and then reopened the 'entrance' created by the cabinet apparently moves to a different section of the maze. The fate of personnel within the maze when the door is closed is unknown, although remains discovered within the maze suggest starvation is a likely outcome. Other remains, coupled with additional evidence gathered during exploration, suggests that the labyrinth contains a large predatory inhabitant of indeterminate species, hereafter known as SCP-432-1. GPS units used within SCP-432 are rendered useless, as are cellular phones. Remote-controlled devices sent into SCP-432 are similarly impaired and cease to function after travelling an average of 20 meters into the maze, rendering remote mapping of the internal layout impossible. High-gain radio transmissions can be used to keep in contact with personnel within the labyrinth, although significant interference occurs deeper into the maze. If the doors of the cabinet are closed then all forms of contact with personnel within SCP-432 are severed. Additional notes: SCP-432 was discovered in an abandoned industrial complex in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, UK. It came to the attention of the Foundation after Dr. T. Small heard reports of several homeless persons in the area disappearing after staying in the complex. Upon investigation Dr. Small discovered the cabinet at the centre of an abandoned steel mill, surrounded by a number of sleeping bags, bags of clothing and other personal effects suggesting a number of homeless persons had recently made camp there. SCP-432 was unlocked, but the door closed upon discovery. After exploring the immediate area beyond the entrance, Dr Small exited SCP-432 and summoned Foundation personnel to transport the cabinet to Sector-25 for analysis. Currently β–ˆ expeditions have been sent into SCP-432 to attempt to chart its internal geography. To date β–ˆβ–ˆ D-class personnel have been lost within the maze. No further expeditions may be made without express permission of at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel. Paint samples, metal fatigue and construction techniques date SCP-432 to having been constructed in the early 1950s. However, artifacts recovered from within SCP-432 have been accurately dated to much earlier periods. Expeditions : Below are the expeditions within SCP-432 to date. The standard agreed mission equipment pack, agreed by Dr T. Small and Dr β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, is: One (1) hand-torch (flashlight) with a three (3) hour lifespan and additional power sources providing up to six (6) additional hours One (1) headset microphone linked to control One (1) shoulder-mounted video unit set for wireless transmission Two (2) 0.5 L bottles of water Two (2) high-calorie energy bars Eight (8) sticks of luminous marker chalk SCP-432 Expedition 1 SCP-432 Expedition 2 SCP-432 Expedition 3 [FILE LOCKED] SCP-432 Expedition 4 SCP-432 Expedition 5 Materials Recovered Β« SCP-431 | SCP-432 | SCP-433 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-432" by evilscary, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp-432-video-frame.png Name: SCP-432 Video Frame Author: tomaszpro, edited by Evilscary License: Creative Commons 0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Photograph taken from within SCP-432"
[ 1.07302591e-01 -9.54004843e-03 -9.71263349e-02 3.47813636e-01 -2.11359099e-01 -1.80216029e-01 1.61997944e-01 2.99928635e-01 -9.22610834e-02 1.57650467e-02 -2.02695951e-01 5.12690365e-01 -1.23335786e-01 -2.65920818e-01 4.06117409e-01 -1.14474826e-01 1.03718780e-01 2.77402978e-02 -8.17684650e-01 -1.42149553e-01 -1.16006352e-01 1.18374996e-01 -1.32059947e-01 3.81234139e-01 -7.81832205e-04 -1.47091284e-01 -6.33530691e-02 1.84244484e-01 -9.58649535e-03 -1.26163900e-01 9.98148844e-02 1.80946842e-01 -8.05589333e-02 4.36281413e-01 -1.07274020e-04 -1.73420370e-01 -9.07402635e-02 1.07545801e-01 -4.11309004e-01 -1.14810944e-01 -6.01101339e-01 -8.68030488e-02 -2.83260201e-03 3.27371471e-02 2.02065572e-01 2.70066977e-01 -1.03330448e-01 -1.20399393e-01 1.34433523e-01 -7.24299476e-02 2.27411613e-01 2.66172513e-02 1.36534706e-01 3.29262093e-02 2.84300417e-01 -1.80740640e-01 -1.65902466e-01 -1.40174583e-01 3.25726718e-01 1.35381058e-01 1.18859455e-01 2.63936341e-01 -6.43719956e-02 4.39409576e-02 3.17119628e-01 -1.49220809e-01 2.04984963e-01 8.55122805e-02 7.90120810e-02 5.62857151e-01 3.34778652e-02 -2.69975036e-01 1.22459255e-01 -2.24552125e-01 -1.92250431e-01 4.56883460e-02 2.39316985e-01 8.09461847e-02 8.13720748e-02 -8.69569778e-02 3.22989672e-02 2.76383787e-01 -2.43116736e-01 -1.01812452e-01 1.11632466e-01 5.56281731e-02 7.19578564e-02 -1.02648819e-02 4.20670003e-01 -2.24419951e-01 -2.57329136e-01 -1.06037222e-01 6.77736700e-02 1.27186194e-01 -7.14296177e-02 -1.29055470e-01 2.29536831e-01 -2.50079572e-01 2.76982009e-01 2.09496215e-01 1.37919396e-01 1.99221700e-01 1.56671721e-02 1.57886580e-01 1.17331281e-01 2.45367929e-01 -3.79806668e-01 4.43415046e-02 -7.88606763e-01 2.67713130e-01 -6.70668408e-02 1.45468265e-01 -2.08089173e-01 -2.76233882e-01 -9.92554799e-02 1.68275431e-01 5.29269353e-02 1.08470194e-01 -3.38986158e-01 4.44140017e-01 -4.08416748e-01 -1.02904113e-02 1.11684076e-01 2.71964014e-01 2.50390589e-01 1.53997377e-01 -2.23233476e-02 -7.78102502e-02 -2.35393673e-01 1.06083043e-01 -1.90597057e-01 1.86195776e-01 -3.15550923e-01 1.36715621e-01 -4.96483706e-02 2.48006999e-01 -3.81268650e-01 -1.21198244e-01 -1.25411659e-01 8.86809677e-02 2.63362397e-02 -9.27695259e-02 6.14284217e-01 3.17614198e-01 -3.76233608e-01 -3.86933923e-01 1.43785775e-02 -4.98235263e-02 -1.31859750e-01 9.78046954e-02 1.79688945e-01 -1.63178936e-01 -1.55250087e-01 1.55118972e-01 -3.43954824e-02 5.27786575e-02 3.77528608e-01 -3.12752314e-02 -3.59200180e-01 8.15504864e-02 1.73963994e-01 1.91464618e-01 2.12373450e-01 -1.48279041e-01 2.52056960e-03 3.23272914e-01 -1.34791896e-01 5.07286340e-02 -1.78321764e-01 -2.74147186e-02 -1.26906350e-01 -9.10683572e-02 1.45576984e-01 4.75749262e-02 -1.90760612e-01 3.23865891e-01 -1.61270991e-01 -7.43735135e-02 -1.38659433e-01 -2.01812178e-01 -2.44390175e-01 2.93434292e-01 1.86541304e-01 -1.20945334e-01 -3.00897479e-01 1.03529863e-01 -4.21903208e-02 -2.29945242e-01 1.57673612e-01 -3.33916903e-01 -3.29188943e-01 -3.08051527e-01 1.20392978e-01 -1.82302594e-02 2.87993610e-01 -2.05893114e-01 -8.67918134e-02 -2.02786550e-01 2.42634788e-01 2.28163451e-01 -2.06114098e-01 4.60385438e-03 2.99605280e-01 4.94841307e-01 -2.96148717e-01 -1.17281768e-02 -2.99473107e-02 -9.64751095e-03 8.92790332e-02 -9.60205346e-02 1.35071829e-01 1.85508355e-01 6.20422624e-02 1.20225430e-01 -5.29754460e-02 -2.07018122e-01 2.55416930e-01 1.38291806e-01 -1.75752863e-01 -2.93666661e-01 -7.69123510e-02 4.42993920e-03 5.23170769e-01 -1.06197245e-01 -2.50173002e-01 1.37694821e-01 -1.75366119e-01 8.46929550e-02 -1.80223137e-01 3.25593263e-01 3.75836909e-01 6.71006441e-02 3.43803726e-02 1.56433508e-01 -2.54940927e-01 -3.14297639e-02 -1.05662003e-01 8.61262262e-01 -3.99511427e-01 3.07809353e-01 7.27438852e-02 -2.93611884e-01 2.24810123e-01 2.75503516e-01 -4.69493344e-02 1.94924265e-01 1.88194551e-02 2.38903046e-01 7.46814385e-02 -5.52235581e-02 -1.28794208e-01 -4.47095841e-01 -5.61277615e-03 -6.80135414e-02 2.71337599e-01 -5.60276918e-02 2.58254945e-01 1.62564948e-01 -7.86292851e-02 2.68023252e-01 -1.83994114e-01 6.89119995e-02 5.09993911e-01 -1.51003689e-01 4.86660413e-02 -1.96523778e-02 2.11500719e-01 3.06008279e-01 1.18098326e-01 1.44675776e-01 -6.11097105e-02 -6.68129623e-02 -1.37088194e-01 -6.84719533e-02 -3.95574793e-03 4.51499596e-02 4.25288081e-01 3.99809569e-01 1.71125326e-02 9.45163295e-02 -6.03298955e-02 -2.37788528e-01 -3.36153507e-01 6.76483959e-02 4.04741354e-02 4.27946776e-01 -3.17002296e-01 4.62689959e-02 -1.26669526e-01 3.23745042e-01 6.37422025e-01 -1.57563046e-01 1.32437095e-01 -2.79181208e-02 -4.51684654e-01 1.53173745e-01 3.61675292e-01 2.82382905e-01 -4.50621188e-01 3.08212847e-01 -5.28794050e-01 -5.02028465e-02 -1.00880206e-01 2.18223467e-01 -2.24808142e-01 -4.13179062e-02 4.73288566e-01 1.23524934e-03 3.11574042e-01 -1.60828739e-01 -3.06599051e-01 3.60119730e-01 2.18114033e-01 -2.38400385e-01 2.00510606e-01 -7.97208920e-02 -3.05507779e-01 -2.04004660e-01 6.82720691e-02 -2.44485542e-01 1.35457829e-01 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-5.36827184e-02 -1.16000421e-01 -2.56206900e-01 3.38485062e-01 2.28504658e-01 1.00837924e-01 4.95080538e-02 -3.04511189e-01 -1.66950539e-01 9.82539132e-02 1.11361682e-01 3.81074309e-01 -5.53312004e-01 -3.49689394e-01 1.07133329e-01 -1.97325811e-01 3.87692302e-02 1.37592509e-01 3.32373381e-01 6.43099546e-01 -9.71783027e-02 -2.23126486e-01 -1.74817428e-01 -3.02015603e-01 -2.28484556e-01 2.73519069e-01 -3.45323056e-01 -1.68364093e-01 -1.29046127e-01 -4.63019237e-02 1.16289936e-01 5.65581843e-02 8.78772438e-02 -9.94473100e-02 -1.99243933e-01 -2.10130617e-01 -5.22308722e-02 -4.66695018e-02 6.27629533e-02 1.90388024e-01 8.66589844e-02 1.03877328e-01 8.79445150e-02 1.57387182e-01 -6.01570718e-02 1.89427435e-01 2.33927548e-01 1.36326909e-01 1.26587182e-01 3.18618029e-01 4.77335274e-01 4.56601791e-02 -7.21918717e-02 5.02965152e-01 1.49242446e-01 6.15344103e-03 -1.80610001e-01 6.47983015e-01 -2.29101814e-02 -6.44799694e-02 -5.35554409e-01 3.31712276e-01 -3.25204083e-03 -2.58045316e-01 5.99241778e-02 2.99829185e-01 2.53732204e-01 -2.75416989e-02 6.31615594e-02 -3.80655766e-01 -6.59144282e-01 -1.63908172e-02 6.87171370e-02 -1.92371309e-02 3.77329737e-02 2.71396935e-01 1.02919650e+00 -1.51508942e-03 2.07838789e-01 6.49164557e-01 -4.06969517e-01 -4.15222138e-01 -3.63733977e-01 4.15530195e-03 -2.52391785e-01 -1.35631904e-01 8.32695737e-02 -3.72140259e-01 2.05701530e-01 4.64501977e-02 -1.03304476e-01 -2.47767821e-01 -2.49134868e-01 -2.91992098e-01 -9.86348744e-03 1.76701576e-01 3.09861880e-02 2.35789895e-01 3.97952944e-01 2.36750036e-01 1.73614696e-01 5.01395203e-02 -2.29607463e-01 7.26977782e-03 -2.10433543e-01 2.60814816e-01 -3.03845257e-01 -5.65635692e-03 1.14283711e-01 5.89386165e-01 1.47470519e-01 -1.51647851e-01 -3.11841786e-01 -1.70726553e-01 -2.60142595e-01 -7.68217668e-02 3.28621175e-03 2.56304771e-01 2.68599987e-01 5.41775636e-02 2.49741539e-01 7.46433064e-02 -3.64253111e-02 -6.38224408e-02 2.37639695e-02 -2.73861796e-01 7.76883364e-02 -9.90309045e-02 -5.07875443e-01 2.53012180e-01 4.95793313e-01 3.66781093e-02 3.17115903e-01 4.16555047e-01 -1.80917159e-01 -6.32342324e-02 1.72975630e-01 1.18294656e-01 -4.72863093e-02 1.65479258e-01 -7.82577097e-02 -1.62258327e-01 2.64937822e-02 1.72121018e-01 1.14163347e-02 4.30505872e-01 9.14075747e-02 1.59392834e-01 -1.52655676e-01 -4.88295108e-01 8.15625310e-01 7.76314214e-02 -7.87319914e-02 -5.35961911e-02 -2.61085659e-01 -3.72877657e-01 -6.39898852e-02 1.44529983e-01 1.15909107e-01 -2.15174779e-01 -9.15710330e-02 -1.73942581e-01 1.98656142e-01 4.26203990e-03 2.91917603e-02 1.30353004e-01 -2.49452859e-01 2.45813802e-01 1.22468956e-02 4.45652269e-02 -3.95762682e-01 2.16944590e-01 -3.64975184e-01 -7.06375688e-02 3.09523437e-02 1.18823871e-02 -1.25903577e-01 -2.98958480e-01 7.11053163e-02 -6.30813017e-02 -5.25394559e-01 -2.50364512e-01 -9.31018516e-02 8.78852531e-02 -2.64610857e-01 -4.10474837e-01 -1.24764964e-01 1.08925849e-01 2.02095315e-01 3.01031891e-04 -3.12674612e-01 7.27427229e-02 2.19672799e-01 2.09443241e-01 -1.09491967e-01 1.25792131e-01 -1.29687674e-02 5.90289049e-02 -1.29178744e-02 3.51618975e-01 -1.60711184e-01 -2.73871601e-01 -3.71576995e-02 -1.54742971e-01 1.10844642e-01 1.22097775e-01 -6.20326120e-03 6.25721365e-02 2.23158836e-01 9.58545730e-02 1.26687363e-01 -2.35882714e-01 -2.80524462e-01 -1.42651990e-01 -2.43311852e-01 -2.23606825e-02 1.28235981e-01 2.74480641e-01 8.27720761e-02 1.31265745e-01 -2.72832304e-01 2.43486285e-01 4.56407629e-02 1.33855507e-01 -2.81134814e-01 -1.98733240e-01 -6.80351928e-02 2.86979944e-01 7.31618330e-03 4.17334050e-01 -2.55656871e-03 1.67805463e-01 -3.07455719e-01 -1.39367610e-01 5.52665144e-02 1.15968846e-01 9.51016694e-02 2.62135804e-01 3.41247208e-02 2.19435096e-01 -2.49931607e-02 3.35020900e-01 2.31507629e-01 1.46363422e-01 -3.03666115e-01 3.03620249e-01 1.01002924e-01 -1.66105226e-01 -6.17270656e-02 -3.02449942e-01 1.66400716e-01 3.34915221e-02 -1.36264749e-02 -1.11513838e-01 -1.10093236e-01 -2.23199036e-02 1.04479887e-01 -3.32311839e-01 -5.19406199e-02 -8.71940926e-02 1.75165422e-02 -3.21846046e-02 1.65316924e-01 2.13834867e-02 3.01441997e-01 1.64764985e-01 1.93256527e-01 4.17395681e-01 8.77745822e-03 -1.44417167e-01 1.85547039e-01 4.60850179e-01 5.91128618e-02 1.94378331e-01 2.21090421e-01 3.66285928e-02 1.76573265e-02 -3.92616272e-01 6.67591467e-02 -6.33125156e-02 -1.38948843e-01 -2.32250184e-01 9.43678431e-03 2.40774453e-01 -1.79448664e-01 6.10149354e-02 7.73207247e-02 -2.14451432e-01 1.19523324e-01 1.90765411e-01 1.53060153e-01 -1.09403722e-01 -1.67253278e-02 -2.52730072e-01 -1.37705743e-01 3.01637232e-01 4.85354895e-03 -3.61851126e-01 -2.40673557e-01 -1.11736238e-01 -1.78084392e-02 1.08112097e-01 2.13218592e-02 1.01314761e-01 9.87190679e-02 3.84947360e-01 -2.42539898e-01 9.05063152e-02 -2.74170041e-01 -3.76669943e-01 -1.28969282e-01 -4.68746200e-02 -3.83134454e-01 -4.76543248e-01 -2.76522860e-02 2.66310066e-01 8.68120268e-02 3.60361040e-01 1.13026790e-01 5.14493942e-01 -2.32971236e-01 7.29769468e-02 -4.58452493e-01 2.57456392e-01 6.79629207e-01 -7.20061511e-02 8.70382860e-02 -6.74643889e-02 5.18809371e-02 -2.30487302e-01 2.53442675e-01 5.88552542e-02 -4.97865714e-02 -3.13373625e-01 6.16923451e-01 2.19469801e-01 8.29946399e-02 1.45061523e-01 5.34193181e-02 -1.23423383e-01 1.64738558e-02 -6.13294616e-02 1.66452646e-01 -8.74374136e-02 -2.05325373e-02 1.96210682e-01 5.91180800e-03 1.13467477e-01 2.08081499e-01 -1.12869568e-01 -1.13108292e-01 6.39912605e-01 -4.29111868e-01 3.36372823e-01 -5.21568693e-02 4.40988362e-01 -3.74039263e-01 4.71625566e-01 2.34220773e-01 -6.47646487e-02 -4.30567749e-02 -7.52833337e-02 5.96213758e-01 -3.72981191e-01 -5.00982881e-01 -2.63898522e-01 8.69912356e-02 8.77587497e-02 -7.49732330e-02 -5.01129404e-02 -4.02655482e-01 -1.69963002e-01 2.20672965e-01 -2.91984260e-01 -2.46050581e-01 -3.00323814e-01 -1.55935660e-01 4.01513129e-02 2.18654364e-01 1.76283985e-01 -4.53037582e-02 -3.20440710e-01 -2.60283798e-01]
"A Ritual" active "Item #: SCP-433 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedure: Only one copy of instructions for performing SCP-433 is permitted to exist at any given time. As well, the complete procedures may never be placed in an electronic document, in order to reduce the risk of containment breach. Dr. Severe and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ have each read half of document SCP-433-001. They may not transcribe or share the contained information with anyone, including each other, without O5 approval. In the event that information regarding the procedures necessary for SCP-433 is leaked, a disinformation campaign is to be undertaken immediately. As well, all facilities capable of producing Plutonium-238 are to be closely monitored for thefts or increased production. All testing must be performed in a sealed chamber with solid steel or concrete walls existing at minimum 13 m from the center of the ritual. Any personnel in the test chamber after the ritual is complete are to remain in quarantine for two (2) weeks following its completion. Any organisms transferred are to be quarantined and studied. See Addendum 433-001. Description: SCP-433 is a ritual described in document SCP-433-001. The ritual, when performed, results in the wholesale replacement of all matter within 11 m of the center of the ritual. All people, objects, terrain, and even gas is apparently removed and replaced with matter of unknown origin. See Test Log 433-031 for details on matter replacements. Document SCP-433-001 is contained within a large tome found in [REDACTED], Russia. The tome appears to be a grimoire of rituals, all written in Latin. The grimoire was discovered next to a spherical crater 22 m in diameter, left opened to document SCP-433-001. Due to the strange nature of the circumstances surrounding its discovery, the Foundation confiscated the grimoire and filled the crater. All rituals described in the grimoire were tested; however, only SCP-433 yielded any result. It is worth noting that the majority of the rituals described in the grimoire contained one or more unknown symbols that could not be translated; SCP-433 was one of only three that did not. The grimoire itself is printed on normal paper and bound in leather, and displays no anomalous properties. Some of the materials required for SCP-433 include: Below is the translated text at the top of document SCP-433-001, describing SCP-433. Should the need arise to flee, and you find yourself sapped of [unknown symbols], do not despair. The Dance of [unknown symbols] will guide you to safety. Be warned: even the [unknown symbols] may perform the Dance of [unknown symbols]. Do not let them into our home. Addendum 433-001: Due of the results of Test 433-008, and by consent of O5-β–ˆ, O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ, and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, all testing on SCP-433 has been suspended indefinitely. Β« SCP-432 | SCP-433 | SCP-434 Β»" nan
[ 4.51378375e-01 -2.11151049e-01 -1.43538505e-01 3.75605859e-02 -9.29331407e-02 -2.66998231e-01 1.16775550e-01 2.87939638e-01 -2.75826931e-01 1.38689294e-01 1.02988862e-01 4.31065530e-01 -2.08657131e-01 -3.09170395e-01 2.87795901e-01 2.47407496e-01 1.82702348e-01 2.12481648e-01 -7.15257451e-02 -1.91208154e-01 -1.54431611e-01 -1.88932486e-03 -1.84092551e-01 3.58599834e-02 2.20747426e-01 -4.85318378e-02 1.45712476e-02 4.05029505e-01 -2.51671374e-01 -2.03054279e-01 -2.08864361e-01 2.54126564e-02 -1.02926813e-01 2.88903654e-01 -1.09269509e-04 -3.05335671e-01 2.65249997e-01 1.51510322e-02 -1.88626781e-01 1.59721330e-01 -5.89805245e-01 -2.73856491e-01 -8.75888839e-02 -2.61209667e-01 2.17610031e-01 4.31827515e-01 -2.59884894e-01 1.95058450e-01 3.89457911e-01 1.78186938e-01 1.87363222e-01 1.78421572e-01 6.55524805e-03 -1.14968508e-01 3.32851052e-01 1.04862370e-01 -2.54167736e-01 2.47569948e-01 3.63143384e-01 3.32064450e-01 1.46618783e-01 2.31998712e-01 -2.89963692e-01 -1.56341270e-02 3.06276500e-01 -2.01686099e-01 3.23280513e-01 -1.71443895e-01 4.64294665e-02 1.32379368e-01 -1.53359938e-02 -2.63670295e-01 8.04547891e-02 4.08637291e-03 -1.11457013e-01 -3.92688423e-01 -2.96836756e-02 1.59719080e-01 -2.45379820e-01 -1.73159018e-01 2.68857241e-01 7.42458478e-02 -7.97507912e-02 -2.12693572e-01 -3.41040380e-02 6.89020038e-01 -1.84419215e-01 -6.87672421e-02 5.25464043e-02 1.16037808e-01 1.11866064e-01 4.90745381e-02 2.51680147e-02 9.56584439e-02 2.10625798e-01 -1.16604343e-01 1.29964292e-01 7.47661963e-02 3.02872986e-01 5.51958680e-01 1.31693572e-01 3.00427854e-01 3.63662213e-01 1.50573552e-01 -4.53143269e-02 -1.10340811e-01 3.42752516e-01 -2.84861654e-01 -2.10867614e-01 5.95594347e-01 1.35025725e-01 3.13011169e-01 -1.23808324e-01 -4.42828417e-01 -1.23117715e-01 1.42306775e-01 1.20202169e-01 -2.47134313e-01 -3.61919664e-02 2.74484217e-01 -5.53366058e-02 -7.53822401e-02 -3.50463301e-01 1.70865595e-01 5.28286159e-01 1.74567699e-01 -5.96909598e-03 -2.53722578e-01 -1.41476974e-01 9.44548547e-02 -1.30229533e-01 3.53602469e-01 -3.35902691e-01 1.80156320e-01 -6.25458062e-02 4.31575812e-02 -1.21970139e-01 -8.81231353e-02 1.03639551e-01 -1.66920081e-01 6.35279492e-02 -1.72193676e-01 6.07001007e-01 5.39598167e-01 -2.71209031e-01 -1.62090108e-01 1.30198479e-01 -1.00586437e-01 -2.19669566e-01 1.65538087e-01 3.26011837e-01 -1.28232405e-01 4.84773219e-02 2.05175504e-01 -2.00291067e-01 1.79486319e-01 6.67137802e-01 -9.49781537e-02 -7.98296928e-02 1.27576768e-01 4.05559182e-01 1.19104609e-01 -2.76967406e-01 -2.34671414e-01 2.98514456e-01 4.23356831e-01 -2.56990850e-01 -5.45497611e-02 -6.99440390e-02 4.54136170e-02 8.16468373e-02 -2.77609304e-02 -1.37310967e-01 2.68827416e-02 -2.66820788e-01 1.54386774e-01 -3.38275701e-01 -1.33847773e-01 -4.04681861e-02 -3.53533983e-01 -4.80823398e-01 2.44963929e-01 3.64559054e-01 -3.37866247e-01 -1.15969226e-01 -2.39796162e-01 2.12978274e-01 -3.03555518e-01 2.54485339e-01 -2.70285279e-01 -3.11188608e-01 -3.36016387e-01 1.02396542e-02 -2.76384979e-01 1.00835465e-01 -3.65571976e-02 2.96573758e-01 -5.06129377e-02 2.44616970e-01 2.18777601e-02 -1.04122013e-01 4.52290058e-01 7.69359887e-01 -1.00590765e-01 -2.77599782e-01 -1.07658602e-01 1.99410319e-01 -5.33752516e-02 3.31969233e-03 2.15428367e-01 -2.75110632e-01 -2.64094491e-02 -1.90646917e-01 -4.95975129e-02 7.94420093e-02 -4.64391977e-01 2.45474517e-01 1.95101872e-01 2.94737041e-01 -1.58718884e-01 -1.74263492e-01 -1.88174605e-01 7.11335465e-02 -8.08269233e-02 -5.18719077e-01 -1.00849636e-01 -2.39376143e-01 -3.20804834e-01 -2.17456013e-01 1.95485100e-01 2.60563344e-01 6.37052720e-03 1.99254334e-01 -1.71088073e-02 -1.10358886e-01 -2.92340368e-01 8.08331445e-02 7.61011362e-01 -3.25052053e-01 -7.58562088e-02 -9.33201164e-02 -3.60289514e-01 1.07964419e-01 1.48509055e-01 -2.46748134e-01 4.93373394e-01 -1.00737527e-01 6.15237746e-03 2.02508774e-02 -1.16742589e-01 3.54087576e-02 -4.76759464e-01 -3.08578372e-01 -1.67447448e-01 9.99473780e-02 1.43710896e-01 -8.79749283e-02 3.23743075e-01 2.22204119e-01 -4.74982224e-02 -5.28382733e-02 -7.93439918e-04 2.05645695e-01 -2.95482185e-02 -6.44160956e-02 -2.14554906e-01 -1.07935965e-02 3.67951006e-01 3.91742587e-01 7.58324191e-02 1.14690155e-01 8.85305256e-02 1.20919235e-01 -1.62806585e-01 -7.64523400e-04 -9.58675668e-02 3.04371953e-01 3.77580822e-01 5.13245836e-02 2.42260724e-01 9.14026275e-02 1.43581005e-02 1.71796978e-01 -2.07107350e-01 -9.48309749e-02 2.70185545e-02 7.99832866e-02 5.21670461e-01 -4.48794425e-01 4.21405554e-01 2.96549618e-01 -1.54541269e-01 -1.04509100e-01 -1.80641055e-01 -1.12379804e-01 -6.87085884e-03 1.77104492e-02 4.58400369e-01 -1.15991354e-01 3.51961181e-02 -3.96346927e-01 -7.72840530e-02 6.10035360e-02 6.21459670e-02 -2.54298180e-01 1.62506834e-01 4.51057822e-01 -2.08843008e-01 1.62604153e-01 -3.24526519e-01 -5.61973035e-01 1.67651996e-01 9.55898315e-02 -5.51855005e-02 8.22613910e-02 -6.61800355e-02 -1.73623681e-01 -1.57044217e-01 6.48661479e-02 -5.14616787e-01 -1.23293422e-01 2.28078380e-01 -2.76270837e-01 1.70647930e-02 -1.25040203e-01 -1.28530383e-01 -1.58324048e-01 -1.27942085e-01 2.06998941e-02 -1.50517002e-01 -4.07358184e-02 3.43198448e-01 1.84017465e-01 2.07708493e-01 -3.51495981e-01 1.97004542e-01 -5.57608455e-02 -2.92600244e-01 4.41974960e-02 -2.76388049e-01 -9.24575925e-02 3.10306940e-02 -1.21745363e-01 9.24003273e-02 3.07280459e-02 -2.70150423e-01 -4.18079019e-01 8.46315827e-03 8.47093016e-02 -1.28711939e-01 -4.92641851e-02 5.73858738e-01 9.11116078e-02 -3.74560714e-01 -2.66470373e-01 -1.88208595e-01 -2.88199913e-02 -1.20537296e-01 1.05221033e-01 -2.77398944e-01 -1.38851002e-01 5.90135872e-01 5.25815785e-01 -2.89756387e-01 -2.44057000e-01 -2.45834410e-01 2.82053113e-01 3.92551273e-01 3.43834817e-01 8.00815895e-02 5.62526993e-02 6.15011640e-02 -1.70886189e-01 1.74626052e-01 -1.80992037e-01 9.62736830e-02 2.20317245e-01 9.29577872e-02 -2.56467819e-01 -1.80763245e-01 7.96842873e-02 9.24597122e-03 3.56779784e-01 -1.45868938e-02 -2.84459293e-01 2.97493190e-01 1.05027728e-01 6.57509491e-02 4.17895675e-01 -6.56926306e-03 7.34432489e-02 -1.83546871e-01 -9.18642133e-02 -9.80116874e-02 1.44283399e-01 -1.55128255e-01 3.41355741e-01 -3.88044506e-01 -7.32428506e-02 8.75278562e-02 -5.92184544e-01 -1.09969117e-02 -1.69794392e-02 5.38645029e-01 5.13235509e-01 3.90163739e-03 -2.83403844e-01 -4.95254174e-02 -5.09702981e-01 -8.06595162e-02 3.52711320e-01 -2.14188099e-01 -3.56051475e-01 -1.38417892e-02 -6.36551380e-02 2.01970845e-01 1.18415199e-01 2.18081072e-01 -1.04663536e-01 -7.56311297e-01 -4.73573029e-01 6.26768619e-02 1.39515460e-01 -1.95550948e-01 -1.43870011e-01 2.60813475e-01 3.63417596e-01 2.49304160e-01 1.45461455e-01 -2.09037200e-01 -1.70773819e-01 1.98242530e-01 -2.32039094e-01 2.11907297e-01 2.31516868e-01 1.66734889e-01 1.74362525e-01 -9.04479995e-02 -1.71202600e-01 -2.04175916e-02 7.20312223e-02 -1.43910814e-02 6.47615850e-01 4.70754914e-02 7.35616758e-02 -4.49688695e-02 1.53239176e-01 2.78537065e-01 -1.78029630e-02 9.66592431e-02 2.40873367e-01 7.26808682e-02 -1.33630872e-01 -1.15629725e-01 1.30074188e-01 -3.00307900e-01 -4.55553532e-02 3.51221859e-02 -1.07707843e-01 6.63484111e-02 3.02371144e-01 1.21149027e+00 1.58066332e-01 1.90735742e-01 1.52183279e-01 -6.32579982e-01 -8.72473344e-02 -6.72163367e-02 -6.94679990e-02 -2.22677812e-01 7.52051696e-02 1.80504546e-01 -4.39348727e-01 5.44940114e-01 3.07711333e-01 -4.05447066e-01 -3.08900416e-01 -5.06206930e-01 -2.17353567e-01 3.53335679e-01 1.18025795e-01 2.23602224e-02 -2.79158950e-02 -4.35232837e-03 1.58344105e-01 1.00223176e-01 2.41145603e-02 -1.14055626e-01 1.76803973e-02 -1.54577866e-01 3.26120444e-02 -1.72371820e-01 1.79191887e-01 2.50190794e-02 2.39914298e-01 1.23165108e-01 -2.53456086e-01 -3.04284859e-02 -1.62853450e-01 -2.32688054e-01 1.05886512e-01 1.32041693e-01 2.58273989e-01 4.45098996e-01 -3.69649008e-02 2.50884682e-01 -1.58568740e-01 2.24459916e-01 9.01589841e-02 -5.00998050e-02 4.18049544e-01 -2.17079476e-01 -2.34973729e-01 -1.60522461e-01 3.62844676e-01 -2.03958213e-01 -8.26982483e-02 2.99791452e-02 2.22680718e-01 -3.66955936e-01 -1.90732449e-01 2.16127127e-01 1.11071959e-01 -3.12369347e-01 2.24022791e-01 -3.23854953e-01 -2.22788110e-01 1.15168214e-01 5.13086542e-02 -8.47480595e-02 7.54308552e-02 7.01177642e-02 1.50920123e-01 -6.13755099e-02 -4.14080828e-01 6.95372224e-02 -2.59554863e-01 -2.36214772e-01 1.15031913e-01 3.02961242e-04 -2.29174629e-01 2.93176509e-02 7.12544993e-02 9.35449675e-02 -3.98167104e-01 -2.86538333e-01 -2.41146848e-01 2.88559109e-01 -1.81323439e-01 4.78023618e-01 1.17745899e-01 5.76492250e-02 4.22661722e-01 -2.04958096e-01 1.86800405e-01 -4.13091928e-01 1.49354786e-01 -9.27038193e-02 5.11278324e-02 -1.32390503e-02 -1.69204086e-01 -3.59993249e-01 -4.49938774e-02 9.56709236e-02 3.82577181e-01 9.79421586e-02 -2.28400990e-01 -8.07261690e-02 1.55720726e-01 -1.78167537e-01 -1.21985525e-01 2.11042941e-01 2.05495134e-01 8.43084008e-02 8.79156962e-02 8.00546333e-02 3.72478664e-01 1.23564333e-01 1.08600399e-02 -1.97057232e-01 3.59090328e-01 1.85687631e-01 -5.96162118e-02 -2.60590523e-01 2.68958092e-01 3.99218500e-02 -5.38145266e-02 -5.72835281e-02 5.67417927e-02 1.30971730e-01 1.54723018e-01 1.41587228e-01 1.10154010e-01 1.53903916e-01 -3.38909477e-02 2.99250870e-03 -8.48603025e-02 -3.09224278e-02 -2.19774246e-03 -4.96804863e-01 8.85717720e-02 -8.95789824e-03 2.89934188e-01 -3.80812176e-02 -1.26013741e-01 -6.37204766e-01 -1.60855621e-01 5.08151464e-02 1.48632497e-01 1.38995737e-01 -3.42879623e-01 1.32964835e-01 2.59945467e-02 3.12799990e-01 2.54500419e-01 -2.30788384e-02 -1.52603522e-01 -2.60671712e-02 -2.52681792e-01 7.87468776e-02 1.16416596e-01 2.56912053e-01 6.76261960e-03 5.84431410e-01 3.23483884e-01 9.82272327e-02 5.19201636e-01 1.37518458e-02 -4.82183173e-02 2.13334173e-01 2.27586314e-01 2.76404768e-01 2.54933745e-01 -2.21329644e-01 -1.87168837e-01 -4.22171131e-02 2.39386827e-01 -1.35424314e-02 1.90819725e-01 2.38345847e-01 -3.70220654e-02 9.76142734e-02 -8.76419768e-02 2.61450768e-01 -8.25675353e-02 3.79395813e-01 5.57820871e-02 1.17131680e-01 1.27633959e-02 -1.15968637e-01 4.99908365e-02 3.18676382e-01 1.98276266e-01 3.20508808e-01 -3.14258635e-01 1.42092392e-01 2.63798863e-01 -2.48530030e-01 1.41234338e-01 -1.71326160e-01 3.44058841e-01 1.38603643e-01 -5.19121587e-02 5.94507009e-02 -3.20691198e-01 -1.07549921e-01 -2.89081514e-01 1.53670236e-01 2.98691928e-01 5.85965142e-02 3.02768461e-02 2.40654737e-01 -3.27949435e-01 -5.09184301e-01 4.83590573e-01 1.61448747e-01 2.00861812e-01 -1.22517169e-01 2.75522731e-02 -1.44385815e-01 1.73170209e-01 1.34983003e-01 -3.96468699e-01 -1.03495345e-01 2.03693449e-01 1.29428342e-01 1.60490349e-01 -6.21562190e-02 1.00723952e-01 1.79634944e-01 1.16016790e-02 -1.10179700e-01 -8.02407563e-02 1.49250971e-02 -3.39195788e-01 -3.56481433e-01 5.75239137e-02 -1.65729653e-02 -6.44575596e-01 -6.41823187e-02 1.01017997e-01 1.03270032e-01 4.87416238e-03 -4.05384570e-01 2.54192799e-01 -4.24112529e-02 -1.87056124e-01 -3.34288538e-01 2.19620824e-01 -1.26642929e-02 1.12978682e-01 5.25961630e-02 -1.57758147e-01 -3.88262309e-02 3.07180464e-01 1.62747249e-01 -1.48982778e-01 -2.87752390e-01 2.15662315e-01 6.51713669e-01 2.62460887e-01 -7.86668528e-03 4.70726162e-01 -2.12978005e-01 -2.77661264e-01 -1.56370066e-02 3.68742436e-01 -1.06117100e-01 2.87734002e-01 -1.67630151e-01 -1.09442696e-01 1.13881409e-01 1.79713015e-02 1.88568141e-02 6.77428320e-02 -1.68066502e-01 -6.24963082e-02 -2.80946255e-01 7.39241540e-02 6.56649247e-02 2.80911803e-01 -1.14177860e-01 6.17122591e-01 2.02223565e-02 -1.09162696e-01 -3.28917742e-01 -1.09573796e-01 4.28614974e-01 -1.68456927e-01 -4.25342321e-01 2.00301353e-02 2.32458100e-01 -6.10095799e-01 -1.94330260e-01 -1.94231883e-01 -2.64619887e-01 -3.36356424e-02 2.52272010e-01 -1.36647522e-01 -1.11459188e-01 -8.03386196e-02 -2.71907598e-01 -7.39118978e-02 5.93254566e-02 1.59451038e-01 1.44616544e-01 -3.37705404e-01 3.72865163e-02]
"A Meeting with Myself" active "Special Containment Procedures: SCP-434 is to be stored in a secured vault when not in use. SCP-434 is not to be utilised by individuals with a history of violent psychological issues or by humanoid SCPs. All individuals utilising or assembling SCP-434 are to have all weapons removed from their persons. A full security team is to be on standby during all uses of SCP-434 and all observations by psychological personnel are to be conducted from an isolated location. Description: SCP-434 is an antique conference table. SCP-434 will not function unless at least eight chairs are placed around it. When a subject sits at SCP-434, physical duplicates of the subject will appear in 7 of the other chairs. These individuals, referred to as SCP-434-1 to SCP-434-7, possess all of the subject's memories and knowledge, but seemingly only a fragment of their personality. SCP-434-(1-7) are aware of their temporary nature and rarely react negatively to it. When questioned on the issue, they will state that they are elements of the subject and will live in him for all his life. The individuals remain for a full day after the subject leaves the table, after which they vanish, leaving no detectable traces. However, the individuals are more than capable of assaulting each other, other personnel and in rare cases, typically where the subject is mentally unstable, the subject themselves. While injuries have no lasting effect, the death of an individual results in a marked change in the personality of the subject, corresponding to the lack of the aspect embodied by that individual. SCP-434-(1-7) are as follows: SCP-434 was first brought to the attention of the Foundation by a member of The Order of St β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, an organisation that has had extensive historical contact with SCPs. SCP-434 was reported to be stored in a vault in the Vatican; however, when a Foundation recovery team was dispatched, the vault was found empty. Forensic analysis of the vault indicated recent weapons fire and blood traces. In 19β–ˆβ–ˆ The Foundation was made aware of a break in at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ House, an MCD holding. Examination of police reports allowed The Foundation to locate SCP-434 before it was recovered by MCD. Carbon dating of the wood from which SCP-434 is constructed indicates that it is approximately 3000 years old. The theory currently held by Foundation researchers is that SCP-434 was built from material salvaged from a much older SCP. SCP-434 has proven a useful tool in both personnel evaluation and non-standard interrogation. Its use to alter the behaviours of troublesome subjects is pending approval. Β« SCP-433 | SCP-434 | SCP-435 Β»" nan
[ 1.31436363e-01 -7.86136538e-02 -6.15578629e-02 2.11698681e-01 -2.30149195e-01 -1.11756280e-01 1.31939113e-01 8.04004520e-02 -3.49187732e-01 2.14791059e-01 -3.87974143e-01 5.42899743e-02 -5.70736639e-02 -3.82474393e-01 2.35274136e-01 3.05229902e-01 1.09001890e-01 2.94517577e-01 -2.41287705e-03 -1.91182315e-01 -1.17683299e-01 -1.89065829e-01 -8.23620930e-02 2.06303433e-01 -1.16089441e-01 -1.90272048e-01 4.25026193e-02 4.95201796e-01 -1.54691011e-01 1.16886802e-01 -3.07761282e-01 2.05152243e-01 -1.35680243e-01 1.51573643e-01 -1.10353525e-04 -1.51814431e-01 -5.19864783e-02 -1.17362931e-01 -2.45318517e-01 -1.01558588e-01 -7.05631852e-01 1.77764162e-01 -1.53594509e-01 -4.35289741e-03 -5.21873049e-02 2.08419159e-01 -3.09815347e-01 2.64603227e-01 3.25883389e-01 1.00769818e-01 2.11432815e-01 -5.76748885e-02 -2.31257416e-02 -1.87092543e-01 1.75770774e-01 8.11220407e-02 -1.06757015e-01 1.40194878e-01 -5.23406453e-02 -2.05710046e-02 3.72094572e-01 7.36810640e-02 -1.21507831e-01 7.62973505e-04 2.51001000e-01 -2.52919376e-01 3.69378954e-01 -2.48246770e-02 2.59873450e-01 -2.00546682e-02 3.11765701e-01 -7.51079470e-02 4.67518754e-02 1.17394991e-01 2.77911872e-01 -1.87427595e-01 4.33804065e-01 1.31554320e-01 -1.40223369e-01 9.93451998e-02 -2.09099501e-02 4.33321446e-01 -3.85058410e-02 -1.53218195e-01 -3.02766487e-02 2.74747789e-01 -2.79390216e-02 -6.72677457e-02 3.15322280e-01 -6.99528158e-02 -1.33565485e-01 2.52563357e-01 -1.48383245e-01 9.77559760e-02 -1.38489276e-01 -1.52726740e-01 1.76524356e-01 1.31033689e-01 -5.34439050e-02 2.94338286e-01 1.90863416e-01 2.20710054e-01 2.63381064e-01 -1.57402560e-01 1.51134372e-01 3.30098033e-01 2.29359180e-01 -7.77711943e-02 -3.97348821e-01 3.07464480e-01 -3.22213843e-02 4.25352395e-01 -1.28853217e-01 -6.58969432e-02 -7.42808729e-02 -7.89846405e-02 -2.24786438e-02 -2.01902419e-01 -1.60230726e-01 3.28297853e-01 -4.62609261e-01 -8.04939047e-02 -1.85831949e-01 4.03369308e-01 3.23911637e-01 3.65899831e-01 -2.26980254e-01 -4.54538375e-01 -1.73375368e-01 -2.29789332e-01 -1.45561233e-01 6.48158044e-02 -5.00187576e-01 -1.84537452e-02 1.42265588e-01 2.51539081e-01 -4.74472642e-01 -5.04316948e-02 5.36716320e-02 -1.84604347e-01 -4.29634005e-04 -1.02571443e-01 8.08023632e-01 4.12029535e-01 1.41029712e-02 -2.59511501e-01 -1.88469607e-02 -2.61442840e-01 -2.79499739e-02 1.34113031e-02 2.33149827e-01 -2.63572752e-01 -8.04952607e-02 2.70952553e-01 -5.22443047e-03 1.86666623e-01 2.50820279e-01 -2.64875054e-01 -1.67429417e-01 5.33920042e-02 4.17799026e-01 2.43232891e-01 -1.92768633e-01 -6.57598451e-02 4.70977761e-02 1.91139266e-01 -1.15997352e-01 1.42394885e-01 7.48412311e-03 -9.24900845e-02 -1.36038423e-01 -3.19682769e-02 -5.20707667e-02 9.51923057e-02 -1.37113053e-02 7.29505196e-02 -2.36873269e-01 6.25990778e-02 -4.04119015e-01 -4.01488632e-01 -3.93950522e-01 2.98442870e-01 -2.77504530e-02 -2.92673349e-01 -1.03035189e-01 1.39041906e-02 4.00423765e-01 -4.83519465e-01 6.56856969e-02 -7.61207417e-02 -2.46681407e-01 -3.10279727e-01 -3.31669487e-02 -3.62758450e-02 -1.21709786e-01 -2.38035843e-02 1.17684808e-02 -3.04616764e-02 2.89886802e-01 -1.33208349e-01 -2.17648521e-01 1.29144695e-02 5.92703342e-01 2.56770790e-01 -2.24550694e-01 1.59067824e-01 -1.35351181e-01 2.24719383e-03 -9.28123593e-02 3.68795067e-01 2.72675812e-01 4.21022661e-02 1.19528631e-02 -5.22791855e-02 -1.10727772e-01 1.93908054e-03 2.30174556e-01 -1.86422933e-02 6.30108118e-02 -3.05406928e-01 -3.72697227e-02 1.19733952e-01 -7.54522383e-02 -5.24357706e-02 -5.17024398e-02 -1.09919854e-01 -2.70225048e-01 -3.38366121e-01 -4.27081510e-02 5.30836999e-01 4.24893141e-01 1.33132368e-01 9.26534384e-02 1.62006557e-01 -4.29679528e-02 -1.03200920e-01 -2.64775544e-01 6.95521832e-01 -2.96571612e-01 -1.07854843e-01 5.37306741e-02 -4.06117588e-01 1.86815932e-01 2.01044336e-01 -1.31022066e-01 2.53505111e-01 6.30412670e-03 -7.53344446e-02 1.78815871e-01 -1.30988985e-01 -2.67568454e-02 -2.14548677e-01 -1.05509855e-01 -3.52348477e-01 1.89788431e-01 -6.07612357e-02 1.24091683e-02 4.37482238e-01 -1.58299789e-01 2.98363596e-01 -3.79595429e-01 -1.19122595e-01 2.45519593e-01 9.45993885e-02 1.00515120e-01 -3.80666226e-01 3.37314695e-01 -2.34262049e-02 2.52539635e-01 1.74148619e-01 -9.06557143e-02 -1.11522980e-01 -1.50140330e-01 -1.53169945e-01 6.09062836e-02 -2.31394619e-02 -2.37523526e-01 1.80066362e-01 2.89744198e-01 2.94563025e-01 2.01103032e-01 1.12358764e-01 -2.98020840e-01 -7.18891807e-03 -3.53320450e-01 1.56533737e-02 -1.42620564e-01 -1.31119505e-01 2.23548174e-01 3.68158221e-01 2.29836732e-01 -1.55363446e-02 7.06608295e-02 -1.78625256e-01 5.93722099e-03 -8.79175216e-02 -1.24428056e-01 3.73563081e-01 -3.15632612e-01 3.94048452e-01 -1.02655560e-01 7.85348341e-02 1.89408273e-01 1.66676059e-01 -3.28689665e-01 1.71316400e-01 5.44618845e-01 -2.61298835e-01 1.29854798e-01 -2.28280857e-01 -2.49871597e-01 4.15694088e-01 -1.69379100e-01 -2.91117907e-01 3.49911571e-01 -1.74189135e-01 -1.40507281e-01 -2.62755930e-01 2.15147063e-02 -4.05167162e-01 -4.50334363e-02 1.33155227e-01 -3.75589132e-01 2.73090601e-02 -1.17837280e-01 7.63169900e-02 -1.74882665e-01 -2.24797353e-01 4.64521378e-01 -2.15410590e-01 5.73518388e-02 5.91024101e-01 6.84481412e-02 1.76158696e-01 -4.99644578e-01 1.28461331e-01 -3.39746147e-01 -2.37839743e-01 -9.56465974e-02 6.07788912e-04 1.58340447e-02 1.01271987e-01 -1.69535220e-01 9.22434498e-03 -2.24541634e-01 -2.49360651e-01 -3.38125199e-01 7.94156492e-02 1.09984465e-01 -2.98967540e-01 -9.83386934e-02 4.79332805e-01 2.09348515e-01 -4.61551249e-01 -2.52768487e-01 -9.71026346e-02 1.41050220e-01 3.61621052e-01 1.70936540e-01 -4.44656074e-01 -1.96563855e-01 1.24785908e-01 6.61915183e-01 -1.05138950e-01 -1.34394094e-01 -2.86628664e-01 2.66451091e-01 2.63126463e-01 -3.67097296e-02 -5.76999560e-02 -2.03912426e-02 4.33646236e-03 -4.81244884e-02 3.48808944e-01 4.42142552e-03 -2.62102276e-01 1.66625395e-01 -1.69519901e-01 -2.43910715e-01 -2.32919484e-01 9.48514715e-02 1.72635019e-01 1.50258988e-01 5.05031273e-02 -2.34483942e-01 -3.54315974e-02 -2.26568118e-01 -1.76853195e-01 2.57663727e-01 2.92453021e-02 -8.41971952e-03 -1.12731256e-01 -5.49674481e-02 1.25888243e-01 1.99365392e-01 1.14794202e-01 2.46658489e-01 -4.71491486e-01 -1.52033225e-01 2.03651458e-01 -3.18736970e-01 -4.17785734e-01 1.44808874e-01 4.28241313e-01 4.97690469e-01 -6.98732212e-02 9.43210423e-02 4.31118235e-02 -1.13264456e-01 -3.15804243e-01 1.54714674e-01 -1.09996073e-01 1.20544143e-01 -1.74383983e-01 -3.10010482e-02 -1.79438844e-01 1.12450115e-01 3.34206857e-02 5.35233021e-02 -1.89441741e-01 -2.70983607e-01 1.22596167e-01 -8.81507099e-02 -4.69284356e-01 -1.11185461e-01 1.96959794e-01 4.04484302e-01 1.11247994e-01 3.55928272e-01 -9.06456262e-02 -2.62663402e-02 2.64893949e-01 7.29496777e-02 5.46687663e-01 4.70074862e-01 4.66707319e-01 3.59364748e-01 -5.24722934e-02 4.22663063e-01 -5.35338968e-02 -1.28021210e-01 7.18751997e-02 7.09145069e-01 -6.20521456e-02 -5.56334108e-02 -3.75648767e-01 2.17914224e-01 -1.55959040e-01 -3.39452736e-02 -1.68638945e-01 6.45867735e-02 4.79217656e-02 -3.82191017e-02 -1.22278124e-01 -2.25186944e-02 -3.81527722e-01 -1.29129589e-01 5.20317197e-01 -4.19992208e-02 1.53959304e-01 6.57834113e-02 1.12886024e+00 3.55015427e-01 3.75987381e-01 1.49812981e-01 -3.44553202e-01 -4.90771145e-01 -4.44626719e-01 -7.02286586e-02 1.87267009e-02 -1.71445146e-01 2.33180970e-02 -3.02653462e-01 1.10177733e-01 4.50043678e-01 -3.15034211e-01 -4.01489615e-01 -4.96318847e-01 -6.82807744e-01 2.17923999e-01 1.45819589e-01 1.98159263e-01 9.59073752e-02 -1.44050658e-01 2.49093309e-01 1.32729709e-01 -1.19531289e-01 2.01406572e-02 2.57853180e-01 -3.57640535e-01 -9.04604718e-02 -1.28427833e-01 1.18814878e-01 -2.72974789e-01 2.90950760e-02 -8.99737701e-02 -1.55179441e-01 1.81663513e-01 -2.57458270e-01 -5.88066101e-01 -1.35474011e-01 3.90417464e-02 8.83473903e-02 6.93485141e-01 2.04811454e-01 1.26515642e-01 1.33274244e-02 1.96249336e-01 -2.69160680e-02 2.68735830e-02 1.11238062e-01 -1.13105543e-01 -2.70643413e-01 -5.09635925e-01 2.98363894e-01 -2.11642887e-02 -2.28419930e-01 2.41692841e-01 9.01110396e-02 -2.32552260e-01 1.73258837e-02 1.52542353e-01 1.17818480e-02 6.83055371e-02 8.79890025e-02 -6.30111173e-02 -2.17806727e-01 -1.93428576e-01 2.99620271e-01 -3.15636307e-01 3.07737924e-02 -1.52370082e-02 4.02395278e-02 -1.85931459e-01 -4.65069622e-01 2.68715248e-02 -2.64004976e-01 -4.15869385e-01 -1.14865229e-01 -2.23142102e-01 -3.34443152e-01 1.99405119e-01 7.42545784e-01 2.55984455e-01 -1.95229560e-01 -1.54978827e-01 1.33125171e-01 1.12658612e-01 -1.44028347e-02 3.83197844e-01 2.02762827e-01 1.42802121e-02 5.68251371e-01 4.60673496e-02 2.52338827e-01 -4.35052395e-01 -7.84567073e-02 -3.07377309e-01 1.55031279e-01 -7.95413926e-03 -4.22402203e-01 -2.61350065e-01 -2.09134102e-01 1.72010750e-01 1.27823919e-01 -6.91333562e-02 -2.57172376e-01 1.21952360e-02 1.19232021e-01 -1.43252432e-01 -4.16687608e-01 2.30141982e-01 2.99379259e-01 1.21207014e-01 1.96137100e-01 6.87535480e-02 1.90579623e-01 1.88243642e-01 4.09991592e-02 -3.09653461e-01 2.18004569e-01 5.57693541e-02 1.03530206e-01 7.75117949e-02 3.77435386e-01 -1.96964160e-01 -1.83065146e-01 -5.28846860e-01 -1.48948655e-01 -1.87796224e-02 3.90872300e-01 2.19752982e-01 4.88826372e-02 1.92288384e-01 1.61627322e-01 -8.16535875e-02 4.44472618e-02 -1.30208448e-01 -4.26484466e-01 -3.12537432e-01 -1.90279126e-01 -2.69761354e-01 3.15418899e-01 9.75685269e-02 8.40157270e-02 -3.41208160e-01 8.12189505e-02 1.50232553e-01 3.43035936e-01 9.32926536e-02 -3.79188001e-01 6.77312165e-03 9.94874611e-02 -7.16237128e-02 2.66963303e-01 -4.42341194e-02 -2.31152147e-01 -2.96913624e-01 -9.45820585e-02 2.05111742e-01 -9.78244320e-02 2.73742557e-01 -8.63800123e-02 3.63561451e-01 1.07357822e-01 3.98431942e-02 6.64253712e-01 4.39361632e-01 -5.24312817e-02 1.28263876e-01 -4.91055287e-02 -3.12222969e-02 4.66683470e-02 -1.85308337e-01 1.92564860e-01 -9.92922187e-02 1.32550076e-01 4.26317491e-02 5.06768748e-03 6.02400601e-02 1.29445955e-01 3.70234311e-01 -2.04147935e-01 -2.15188980e-01 -2.80583501e-01 -1.17731191e-01 -5.75069804e-03 3.36896926e-01 1.90843180e-01 -7.40672182e-03 6.22276627e-02 9.08122063e-02 2.08896399e-01 3.32487673e-01 -1.04878888e-01 3.03046852e-01 4.08910841e-01 -1.22098312e-01 3.60620379e-01 -6.57504424e-02 3.97338420e-01 3.76775973e-02 -6.83586393e-03 5.32640032e-02 1.09246343e-01 -9.17079896e-02 -2.09285766e-01 2.13557065e-01 1.42173588e-01 -4.09889072e-02 -4.34181988e-02 2.15524301e-01 -2.86004752e-01 -3.19750011e-01 1.02520563e-01 4.18834239e-01 -1.17203034e-01 1.61739886e-01 4.84849252e-02 -1.91291884e-01 1.61716789e-01 2.62714386e-01 -9.80803967e-02 3.69101018e-01 1.82388909e-02 2.29229644e-01 1.16101183e-01 -2.65320361e-01 1.07994676e-01 9.09904987e-02 1.42236799e-01 -1.01215325e-01 8.55574906e-02 -8.66482258e-02 -1.33710980e-01 9.64418333e-03 2.40653947e-01 -3.85322385e-02 -2.79995412e-01 -1.05899490e-01 2.85508335e-01 1.89776927e-01 2.05541730e-01 2.59807467e-01 1.03541397e-01 -1.39815390e-01 3.97898331e-02 -1.15007766e-01 3.66902083e-01 8.90642218e-03 -7.26220235e-02 4.17164564e-02 -2.62856811e-01 -1.70908533e-02 2.04489931e-01 2.21397817e-01 -1.08261153e-01 -5.63410699e-01 3.25255096e-01 5.18897712e-01 2.87420839e-01 -6.05400838e-02 5.16551197e-01 2.48828009e-02 -4.08117086e-01 8.64053518e-02 7.69896582e-02 -6.34647459e-02 -1.24769963e-01 9.22852680e-02 2.23487407e-01 1.65257081e-01 4.32873040e-01 1.11936599e-01 -3.34732644e-02 1.22565843e-01 2.90257812e-01 -5.31157970e-01 2.73658365e-01 -4.51320084e-03 5.86694889e-02 -9.72530842e-02 5.23957968e-01 2.44725749e-01 -9.28846300e-02 -2.64441818e-01 -1.92755863e-01 4.16208863e-01 -1.80483982e-01 -1.01810418e-01 -1.24418058e-01 2.88691968e-01 -5.29158235e-01 -2.22147688e-01 -3.37153107e-01 -2.91331053e-01 1.66472062e-01 -4.59618196e-02 1.12493053e-01 -1.28380015e-01 -9.18129738e-03 -1.60109609e-01 -1.78277552e-01 3.06240559e-01 3.91850900e-03 2.06945106e-01 -1.59853920e-02 3.36240903e-02]
"β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark”" active "Item #: SCP-435 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-435-1 is to be kept in a secure warehousing facility that constantly provides SCP-435-1 a minimum of 1000 lux illumination. Illumination must be provided by redundant lamps operating from at least three parallel and independent power supplies providing generator and battery backups. Tests for integrity of the lighting system shall be conducted on a daily basis. In addition, two mobile units capable of transporting SCP-435-1 shall remain on standby in the event of Contingency 435-XK-Alpha. No other special protective procedures are required to examine or test SCP-435-1, but research may only be conducted on SCP-435-1 with written O5 approval. At ground level, a secure perimeter is to be kept for 50 km around SCP-435-2. A no-fly zone of 125 km is to be maintained in the airspace surrounding SCP-435-2. At least two Foundation aircraft and one mobile ground station are to monitor the size and position of SCP-435-2 at all times. Should monitoring detect any growth of SCP-435-2, or any motion of SCP-435-2 relative to SCP-435-1 for a period in excess of 90 seconds, observation teams are to initiate Contingency 435-XK-Alpha. No personnel are to approach within 100 meters of SCP-435-2, and Foundation security teams are authorized to take any action to prevent such contact. No research or testing is authorized on SCP-435-2 without explicit O5 direction. Description: SCP-435-1 is a type III iron meteorite weighing approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ,β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ kg, showing significant weathering. Spectroscopic and chemical analysis shows a composition over 99% iron, which at normal densities can only account for β–ˆβ–ˆ% of the measured weight. Age is indeterminate, but analysis of weathering suggests it has been exposed to atmosphere for at least β–ˆβ–ˆ,β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ years. SCP-435-2 is an irregularly shaped object that currently has approximate dimensions of 15 m x 12 m x 48 m. SCP-435-2 appears somewhat blurred in the visible spectrum, but computer-enhanced imagery in various spectra has shown a complex structure showing a three-fold symmetry along the longitudinal axis. Extending from the axis are long tube-like structures that share characteristics both with biological organisms (in particular, cephalopods of the order Teuthida) and with mathematical models of higher-order fractals. These structures show undulating movements even when SCP-435-2 is stationary. SCP-435-2 does not appear to have mass or inertia, and appears only to be visible due to refraction of light passing through it, and because of [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in Cherenkov radiation of varying intensity. Any physical object with mass that comes in contact with SCP-435-2 will suffer an instantaneous change in velocity and direction away from SCP-435-2 without any loss in energy. This is apparently caused by being reflected through a higher-order spatial dimension. If the affected mass is in a solid phase, this reflection will cause a change in topology that can result in either an inversion (turning inside out), a reflection (mirroring of all or part of physical structure), or a [DATA EXPUNGED] and high levels of gamma radiation. Because of these characteristics, it is currently impossible to directly affect SCP-435-2 with any means currently at the Foundation’s disposal. However, it can be moved indirectly by moving SCP-435-1. SCP-435-2 maintains a fixed position relative to SCP-435-1 as long as SCP-435-1 is sufficiently illuminated. (SCP-435-2’s current position is β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km northwest of SCP 435-1 on a vector β–ˆβ–ˆΒ° above the horizon; about β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ m above sea-level.) Movements of SCP-435-1 have caused SCP-435-2 to move a proportional amount, maintaining a fixed distance and bearing. If SCP-435-1 ceases to be sufficiently illuminated for a period of time exceeding 8.3 Β΅s, the behavior of SCP-435-2 will change. SCP-435-2 will enter an active state and begin random erratic movements orbiting the location of SCP-435-1. Average distance from SCP-435-1 will increase, and the apparent volume of SCP-435-2 will also increase. The rate of increase in both distance and size appears to undergo a geometric progression over time, and neither has been observed to decrease. This behavior will cease once SCP-435-1 is again sufficiently illuminated, at which point SCP-435-2 will cease motion at whatever location it is at that moment, and remain there fixed in relation to SCP-435-1. The threshold for this effect currently appears to be between 500 and 650 lux, and it appears that this threshold may increase by approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ% whenever SCP-435-2 enters an active state. Because of SCP-435-2’s interaction with normal matter, an active state is considered extremely dangerous. Passing through large volumes of air at speeds in excess of 500 m/s dramatically increases levels of radiation, and if SCP-435-2 intersects water or any land mass [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any active state lasting longer than 90 seconds constitutes a potential XK-class end-of-the-world scenario and requires the initiation of Contingency 435-XK-Alpha. Addendum 1: Recovery Notes SCP-435 SCP-435-1 was recovered in 195β–ˆ at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. While surveying sites for testing a β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the US Army Corps of Engineers were directed to evacuate the native population from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a small island 85 km from the proposed test site. They met heavy resistance from the local population. After evacuating the island by force, they discovered SCP-435-1 in a clearing surrounded by several dozen burning torches. At this time SCP-435-2 was not in an observable location, and the US authorities had no indication of any anomalies. A survey crew was left behind, and according to subsequent interviews, when half the torches burned out [DATA EXPUNGED] as a result of SCP-435-2 moving through [DATA EXPUNGED] before illumination restored to SCP-435-1. Foundation then took custody of SCP-435 and the US government provided a cover story code name β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, explaining that [REDACTED] was the result of a [REDACTED] having a higher yield than expected. Addendum 2: Interview with one of the Village Elders evacuated from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ by US Army Corps of Engineers in February 195β–ˆ. Interviewed: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Male 75 years of age, former resident of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, recovery site for SCP-435-1 Interviewer: Dr. Richards Foreword: Interview is part of background research on the history of SCP-435 prior to Foundation custody. <Begin Log, 1/12/196β–ˆ 1430> Dr. Richards: What do you know about SCP-435-1? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The sky rock? Dr. Richards: Yes, the β€œsky rock.” β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: There is a story to it. Dr. Richards: Tell it to us. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Long ago, when the world was only water and sky, there were two brothers, β€œHe-Who-Made-Light” and β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark.” Like all brothers they fought. One time the light brother insulted the work of the dark brother. The dark one, he does not like this, and begins to destroy all the light in the world. β€œHe-Who-Made-Light” cannot let this be so he shoves his brother into a hole that goes outside light and dark, and plugs the hole with a rock. Because β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark” can only see in the dark, β€œHe-Who-Made-Light” puts the rock in a sling and throws it around the sun so it will always stay lit and the dark one will never see how to find his way out. Dr. Richards: That rock is SCP-435-1? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: That is your name for the sky rock. Dr. Richards: Yes it is. How did it end up [REDACTED] β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Long after the brothers fought, the dark one’s rock fell from the sky. It fell so hard that it broke the Earth and raised the land and killed the first people who lived only in the sea. On the Earth, the sun lit it only half the time, so when darkness came, β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark” could see to find his way. Even so, he had been lost outside the world for many many years, so each night he only came a little closer. And each night the rocks shook and bled fire at his approach. The Earth did not like this, so she made the second people to watch over the sky rock, and keep it lit so that the dark one cannot find his way home. [pauses] I think you may be the third people. Dr. Richards: So do you have any measure of how long you were keeping it lit? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Since before [DATA EXPUNGED] Note: geological formations in the area suggest that if this is true then habitation of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ predates known human populations in the area by nearly ten-thousand years. Dr. Richards: [Shows β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ a photo of SCP-435-2] Do you know what this is? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Y-yes. Dr. Richards: Is it β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark”? β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: No. [pauses] It is his shadow. <End Log> Closing Statement: The non-material nature of SCP-435-2 lends credence to the hypothesis that it is a projected effect from an unknown extra-dimensional entity somehow bound to SCP-435-1. While dumping the rock into SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and making it another universe’s problem is tempting, it seems possible that the actual effect would be to only transport SCP-435-1 without transporting the entity it appears to contain, releasing β€œHe-Who-Made-Dark” into the material universe. Therefore Contingency 435-XK-Alpha is only a last resort. β€” O5-β–ˆ Β« SCP-434 | SCP-435 | SCP-436 Β»" "[REDACTED] SCP-435-2 in active state [REDACTED] March 195β–ˆ"
[ 1.46577239e-01 -1.79631144e-01 -4.84042279e-02 3.13525915e-01 -1.10519312e-01 -4.01970416e-01 4.29727644e-01 2.27237880e-01 -2.06669882e-01 1.72565058e-01 4.64599840e-02 1.58311889e-01 -2.25771800e-01 -4.20020759e-01 2.30958968e-01 -1.07318848e-01 -5.07767079e-03 1.11393213e-01 -1.82064623e-01 -4.48963642e-02 -1.36664184e-02 -1.00173280e-01 -1.07238265e-02 1.41017541e-01 -7.46967718e-02 -3.83369066e-02 -2.26656608e-02 2.42587224e-01 -8.10526237e-02 -3.10510486e-01 2.08172679e-01 3.16316247e-01 -1.76970735e-01 3.07872385e-01 -1.12904148e-04 -1.04245298e-01 2.84795612e-01 1.13243550e-01 -9.19013470e-02 4.99146730e-01 -1.72848627e-01 1.01118170e-01 1.34292215e-01 -4.73554939e-01 -5.10565601e-02 3.16935420e-01 -3.74266028e-01 1.44705743e-01 3.25110286e-01 3.33839245e-02 1.38292044e-01 8.20927545e-02 3.87367815e-01 8.84168968e-02 3.13707232e-01 7.55079314e-02 -2.47502401e-01 -2.54383683e-01 -1.99471880e-02 4.23329175e-01 8.02886039e-02 2.55097121e-01 1.68026965e-02 -2.11117845e-02 3.44935417e-01 -3.62665504e-01 2.18187153e-01 2.08576202e-01 -6.17378838e-02 2.26038113e-01 8.52856338e-02 -3.25074606e-02 2.19401702e-01 -7.49594644e-02 -1.39081804e-02 -2.73866981e-01 3.54063600e-01 7.17185587e-02 -8.06706250e-02 -1.80279404e-01 2.11535186e-01 4.44272608e-02 -4.36902493e-01 -1.01650111e-01 -7.74431080e-02 3.49880308e-01 -2.22550198e-01 1.02513675e-02 7.71028847e-02 1.67258997e-02 1.71914726e-01 -1.11686923e-01 2.88761575e-02 -4.46742289e-02 2.43000835e-01 -2.82322139e-01 8.51315185e-02 2.68998221e-02 7.51058236e-02 9.56332535e-02 2.53438383e-01 1.66064397e-01 1.87496573e-01 1.47211149e-01 -3.75870556e-01 4.45951633e-02 4.26340044e-01 -4.25691545e-01 -1.20316841e-01 2.01077491e-01 -5.70121147e-02 1.04975007e-01 -3.14576834e-01 -2.11485922e-01 2.28145286e-01 1.37117431e-01 2.77221709e-01 -2.72332281e-01 -2.02101432e-02 2.11371034e-01 -2.70079464e-01 6.44314103e-03 -3.64700109e-02 4.46656160e-02 3.11786592e-01 -5.85689992e-02 1.69288442e-02 9.46491119e-03 -8.61149877e-02 -2.08331808e-01 -4.53258902e-02 1.55733973e-01 -1.96931675e-01 -1.35206133e-01 -2.50428438e-01 5.70401430e-01 -2.19694361e-01 -4.12364900e-01 -2.03186795e-01 1.22193374e-01 -1.01851150e-01 9.62389112e-02 3.37854236e-01 3.98076773e-01 -4.15871412e-01 -2.28970736e-01 1.10322416e-01 -5.78970551e-01 -2.02213854e-01 -5.13742566e-02 1.92158088e-01 -2.87892371e-01 -1.68348223e-01 1.36164948e-01 -4.50973094e-01 1.76898673e-01 3.16798389e-02 -1.11846231e-01 -3.57486829e-02 5.52496500e-02 1.38192266e-01 2.78084911e-02 -7.28404000e-02 -2.27692068e-01 9.57691669e-03 5.26965976e-01 -1.01925902e-01 -1.96954504e-01 -6.63774133e-01 -4.95607145e-02 1.48960039e-01 -1.72397554e-01 -8.58402476e-02 -2.56838173e-01 -3.57668251e-01 2.42763069e-02 4.78558205e-02 2.84741610e-01 -2.83399731e-01 -6.56402186e-02 -2.65860021e-01 3.59978378e-01 5.05089402e-01 -3.08431596e-01 -6.50907397e-01 -5.13371229e-01 2.21439227e-02 -7.14490637e-02 1.15895160e-01 -3.68994683e-01 -4.50933486e-01 -1.63732708e-01 5.04475117e-01 -1.52179301e-01 2.39612848e-01 -5.68339080e-02 3.44595760e-01 1.72644079e-01 2.66535223e-01 1.71299979e-01 -9.20009911e-02 -1.75820291e-02 5.42054772e-01 -4.11943436e-01 -3.47752929e-01 -6.05337471e-02 -7.83164427e-02 1.08583465e-01 5.16780615e-02 2.04143360e-01 -2.75105864e-01 3.38688977e-02 -4.39754874e-02 3.86523716e-02 -1.70069486e-01 -4.24599409e-01 2.35177904e-01 9.60203558e-02 2.04706207e-01 -3.00886303e-01 1.45891428e-01 6.38676509e-02 -3.02744240e-01 -1.96444556e-01 -3.28901201e-01 -2.32473612e-02 -2.16980428e-01 6.42201863e-04 -9.24196169e-02 2.41738319e-01 2.62736440e-01 -5.38587756e-02 -5.80258965e-02 3.12152840e-02 -4.09375250e-01 -1.35504916e-01 4.12874967e-01 8.54482472e-01 -3.54424238e-01 -1.74198955e-01 1.83456019e-01 -4.64527160e-01 1.35166496e-01 -4.75638136e-02 -1.78784266e-01 4.90216970e-01 3.24355140e-02 2.58282661e-01 -3.08777958e-01 -2.40849108e-01 -4.20735478e-02 -2.59671658e-01 -2.64671117e-01 -1.33899733e-01 -7.61121698e-03 1.52056441e-01 -2.73058489e-02 2.15669960e-01 1.03611074e-01 4.45320249e-01 -6.70004264e-02 2.85996944e-02 1.99284479e-01 1.17694866e-02 -6.21918328e-02 3.57699813e-03 1.40839949e-01 5.37606955e-01 1.97530948e-02 2.08739534e-01 -1.34509817e-01 3.26634087e-02 1.69006780e-01 -9.67745334e-02 2.01794609e-01 9.57783908e-02 2.96536475e-01 2.37450942e-01 2.41582945e-01 1.87687844e-01 -1.76785767e-01 -1.36876881e-01 -2.63002485e-01 -1.64930865e-01 -1.08104303e-01 1.95290312e-01 -3.68831269e-02 1.95943907e-01 -3.23601723e-01 4.02848035e-01 -2.90051609e-01 -1.87659174e-01 -2.48232260e-02 6.35241345e-02 -9.06585008e-02 -2.08872691e-01 -1.34352958e-02 3.70212138e-01 9.89214778e-02 2.48971120e-01 -3.77728134e-01 -1.23401776e-01 2.14449078e-01 1.56716958e-01 6.78774249e-03 1.22721992e-01 6.44615650e-01 -1.91957816e-01 2.38661215e-01 2.43731424e-01 -4.83038098e-01 1.15446888e-01 -3.10782753e-02 -9.48028564e-02 2.49899998e-02 -2.61923313e-01 4.18640114e-02 -4.76674922e-02 2.99509615e-01 -3.25115681e-01 5.94033161e-03 2.97105670e-01 -2.50699699e-01 -1.59138024e-01 1.37184724e-01 3.25360030e-01 -2.23913491e-01 -1.66868359e-01 -1.99633166e-02 1.17271595e-01 3.03247929e-01 1.60092235e-01 2.37419650e-01 6.52797744e-02 2.86664385e-02 2.40145937e-01 -1.01385720e-01 -8.40264142e-01 2.11593926e-01 -2.51356155e-01 1.16127118e-01 -2.08680674e-01 -9.04394761e-02 -2.58520059e-03 -7.92871416e-02 -3.64867151e-01 -5.46947598e-01 -1.15100272e-01 3.47258300e-01 3.03113192e-01 -2.76038826e-01 4.10519689e-01 9.03326645e-02 -2.75648564e-01 -2.00196505e-01 6.94051525e-03 -7.65453745e-03 2.27809399e-01 3.99984568e-01 1.14748076e-01 5.43449074e-02 1.96178421e-01 8.10032189e-01 -1.06936991e-01 -3.52144182e-01 -1.07165985e-01 4.24050301e-01 2.00386539e-01 1.14651836e-01 -1.37663618e-01 1.46245301e-01 1.13696784e-01 -5.04313037e-02 2.24629045e-02 -1.21722490e-01 -7.45685846e-02 8.53810906e-02 -2.53997833e-01 -4.77076262e-01 -3.46081018e-01 1.89818561e-01 2.39009514e-01 -1.20732062e-01 -1.74842566e-01 -2.98453301e-01 -9.42651927e-02 -1.53393727e-02 -2.18496583e-02 4.00732100e-01 2.11805075e-01 9.06975642e-02 2.31525466e-01 -2.79029995e-01 -4.12249714e-01 1.22609464e-02 -2.05903217e-01 -2.13414773e-01 -2.50360072e-01 -1.10371947e-01 2.15749174e-01 -3.03101748e-01 1.32131562e-01 1.67180881e-01 7.01722741e-01 4.96176779e-01 -3.29122841e-01 -2.00284719e-01 -9.60059538e-02 -1.36176094e-01 2.18899682e-01 7.21238554e-03 -3.24663907e-01 -3.29370946e-01 8.42863694e-02 -9.86617357e-02 1.07001849e-02 -1.42084643e-01 1.53682768e-01 1.29639924e-01 -3.74396965e-02 -1.13945857e-01 1.08463272e-01 1.19839258e-01 -1.45529941e-01 -2.42795162e-02 3.35706323e-01 -8.78899843e-02 -2.64197551e-02 1.34838194e-01 6.07355200e-02 -1.66225702e-01 -7.09750876e-02 -2.33876109e-01 2.33264834e-01 2.16087520e-01 2.88568377e-01 5.59294820e-01 2.39026040e-01 3.65298480e-01 -1.02281108e-01 -1.59322560e-01 1.25030145e-01 7.07397521e-01 -1.24837318e-02 -3.77333283e-01 5.99251278e-02 4.83724922e-01 2.92144604e-02 7.37752914e-02 -9.20891762e-03 6.12542517e-02 2.10583657e-01 1.36929482e-01 2.32642367e-01 -2.39713058e-01 -3.86455089e-01 -3.53197068e-01 6.37664795e-02 -1.80684373e-01 3.49422455e-01 3.28444123e-01 1.19129622e+00 3.19730073e-01 -1.04288757e-01 -8.06187615e-02 -6.99767321e-02 -2.42378831e-01 -2.09955692e-01 -2.56726384e-01 -1.86530814e-01 -2.39401147e-01 9.84552577e-02 -2.85485506e-01 3.22647765e-02 3.20977159e-02 -7.92823210e-02 -2.81214237e-01 -4.36653227e-01 -3.20310175e-01 -6.67205825e-03 1.56648085e-01 5.27478516e-01 2.13348970e-01 -2.55756706e-01 1.95408449e-01 -2.46196371e-02 2.27492869e-01 1.58010855e-01 -5.63848391e-02 1.43858477e-01 -1.21488674e-02 -1.85374215e-01 1.26796052e-01 1.80833057e-01 1.48121476e-01 -1.68468114e-02 -4.34962213e-01 2.91547235e-02 -1.73476804e-02 -1.72237650e-01 -1.01070955e-01 3.40221785e-02 3.95715892e-01 5.23738205e-01 -2.13966578e-01 -1.98453367e-01 -9.93368216e-03 9.73781273e-02 -8.15761760e-02 1.83446065e-01 2.79203355e-01 -1.15198404e-01 -3.19265217e-01 -7.87122399e-02 -1.20595224e-01 4.84651923e-01 -5.67645654e-02 5.33531070e-01 -1.33882806e-01 -3.71410489e-01 -2.10003063e-01 1.52878582e-01 1.10748531e-02 -2.27231026e-01 -9.93767679e-02 3.21412057e-01 1.37362145e-02 1.22945838e-01 2.42658362e-01 3.38129222e-01 7.29819715e-01 -1.95861503e-01 9.08904150e-02 -1.03789061e-01 -4.06142056e-01 3.73399928e-02 5.60038984e-02 -3.98529798e-01 2.37685427e-01 -1.38555333e-01 -2.09263384e-01 -9.39461887e-02 -1.23734348e-01 1.86475620e-01 -3.03385615e-01 -2.28262573e-01 -6.37263954e-02 2.34905407e-01 -1.72635421e-01 3.50958854e-02 4.64491516e-01 -8.30141082e-02 2.72332400e-01 -4.05357271e-01 5.12937844e-01 -3.59573960e-01 -7.30939209e-02 2.10924111e-02 -2.37656874e-03 2.13114411e-01 -2.10650280e-01 3.81303206e-02 -1.72011852e-02 6.78687096e-02 1.01410910e-01 -1.75645366e-01 -2.07132265e-01 -1.85827881e-01 1.38906717e-01 -1.42701507e-01 -1.70236394e-01 1.27761543e-01 1.32173702e-01 1.42549202e-01 4.15130146e-02 2.64658362e-01 -7.55645633e-02 2.10594818e-01 6.47795126e-02 2.97497630e-01 -6.08791932e-02 8.26876145e-03 8.81620944e-02 -1.46308895e-02 4.22212780e-01 -7.53157437e-02 -7.51536638e-02 -3.58078599e-01 -3.49901132e-02 1.84821829e-01 1.55635089e-01 -3.42565536e-01 4.18433212e-02 2.49922365e-01 8.94778073e-02 -1.91837192e-01 -8.72116312e-02 -3.10600605e-02 -1.60441816e-01 -3.37677598e-01 -1.72667235e-01 -9.49113667e-02 2.36220717e-01 2.68999338e-02 1.83151476e-02 1.64727792e-02 2.49490887e-01 1.00733764e-01 1.36543587e-01 -1.28680855e-01 -2.49415681e-01 -2.14007143e-02 1.51229471e-01 4.81770068e-01 3.76587100e-02 -4.93048728e-02 -1.23943433e-01 -4.58162352e-02 -1.76924989e-01 5.73201239e-01 1.78158298e-01 3.51035446e-01 4.04316217e-01 3.02326858e-01 8.19423422e-02 2.46263742e-01 2.91230887e-01 7.35813677e-02 3.67977411e-01 2.21172363e-01 4.71273512e-01 1.30516112e-01 2.48277426e-01 1.16041683e-01 5.94553314e-02 2.11416632e-01 -1.07242189e-01 -2.44080484e-01 2.94020772e-01 1.27171740e-01 -8.14828835e-03 -4.18246239e-01 -3.22209209e-01 -2.25171283e-01 -5.00569493e-02 -3.09621952e-02 1.23345725e-01 3.58663529e-01 -1.46098025e-02 7.08025396e-02 1.95869178e-01 2.24244967e-01 -8.57996717e-02 6.03815794e-01 -3.53194177e-01 1.85764581e-02 4.56182450e-01 -2.21309230e-01 1.59918457e-01 -6.47924840e-03 4.18522745e-01 -1.91521034e-01 -2.98247129e-01 -2.57717609e-01 2.19237015e-01 -3.56493205e-01 -2.71687299e-01 -3.87513079e-02 3.09541728e-02 -2.39541098e-01 1.49515107e-01 1.96751282e-01 -2.55258977e-01 6.71123667e-03 6.79335073e-02 2.88293958e-01 2.01433271e-01 -3.94880027e-01 -1.83641508e-01 -1.64256409e-01 7.23782256e-02 -4.23617959e-02 -1.84263051e-01 -3.90967876e-01 -1.57912433e-01 -2.00296596e-01 1.16658375e-01 -1.20225511e-01 6.28120005e-02 -1.74270630e-01 2.32049555e-01 -1.91670790e-01 -2.86915183e-01 -8.23871978e-03 -8.24267343e-02 -1.57177597e-01 2.93448359e-01 -4.50262520e-03 9.50811058e-02 1.48886189e-01 9.49040204e-02 1.12150282e-01 2.89332300e-01 -2.77791880e-02 1.54239357e-01 -3.70955557e-01 -1.27901835e-02 -5.37940979e-01 2.85627186e-01 3.55065435e-01 -1.62862211e-01 8.27224925e-02 1.45554114e-02 -2.23945826e-01 -3.26661319e-01 1.92084238e-01 2.06221446e-01 -3.74316782e-01 1.72728822e-01 5.65857291e-01 4.99448717e-01 2.71768093e-01 2.65307337e-01 -2.77341396e-01 -4.16252166e-01 2.28613213e-01 2.53906310e-01 -4.59488630e-02 2.40400910e-01 -7.76556581e-02 4.16541487e-01 1.85242891e-01 3.10583860e-01 1.49593771e-01 2.24683911e-01 -1.35858327e-01 3.33765775e-01 -1.40365530e-02 3.41841459e-01 -3.02438647e-01 2.52385914e-01 1.28724789e-02 1.81408808e-01 2.35931650e-02 -1.51514560e-01 -8.01461563e-02 -2.80516416e-01 5.13451815e-01 2.12108940e-01 -1.04233831e-01 1.70322374e-01 8.63637626e-02 -3.38775992e-01 1.36971056e-01 -2.08507344e-01 -2.03840360e-01 -5.76773100e-02 9.68980975e-03 -3.34094986e-02 1.08047716e-01 -1.20454907e-01 -3.78208876e-01 -7.14307576e-02 2.20873505e-01 -1.67773575e-01 4.81082089e-02 -6.59676254e-01 -8.95053744e-02]
"Error Locket" active "Item #: SCP-436 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-436 must be closed at all times except for testing purposes. It is stored in a large, unlocked room to avoid misplacing the item. Personnel below Level 3 are not allowed to enter the room. Once per week, SCP-436 will be moved to a nearby identical chamber to allow the floor to be reconstructed. Description: SCP-436 is a small locket, apparently made from gold. When opened, an inlaid photograph can be seen. It is unknown if the photograph is the source of SCP-436's effect, because this cannot be tested. All measurements within a certain distance of SCP-436 will be affected by significant error. There is no observed pattern to the amount of error; it seems to constantly change, though this cannot be verified because it requires a time measurement. This issue is common to many aspects of SCP-436: the range cannot be reliably determined, the intensity of the error effect cannot be verified, and its location is often vague. It is known, however, that the error effect extends towards its own nature. To clarify, a measurement is required to learn anything about the error effect, and this measurement will have an error. The actual dimensions of an object will be permanently affected, even after removal from SCP-436's range. Lids on containers cease to fit properly; level objects tilt, and measurement devices in particular will warp. Individuals affected by SCP-436 will have their height and weight altered, and in some cases, their personality. Ability to learn, perform calculations, and make judgments will be impaired. Medical conditions, such as [DATA EXPUNGED] and in particular, cancer, have occurred. Long-term exposure to SCP-436 allows the alterations to accrue, eventually resulting in an often-indescribable item. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ possesses three samples, currently under study. When SCP-436 is closed, the error effect apparently decreases in intensityβ€”although, as previously mentioned, this cannot be confirmed. Attempting to average many measurements affected by SCP-436 will not result in a more accurate measurement. Note that these are not isolated instances of the effectβ€”the measurements simply average to a significant deviation. With multiple averages from multiple sets of trials, the result still does not gain any accuracy; it is unknown how SCP-436 produces this multi-layer effect without [REDACTED]. Addendum: When handling SCP-436, leave it in a flat, open place. We usually have trouble finding it again when personnel leave it in a container, and when we do, it's not easy to open. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-435 | SCP-436 | SCP-437 Β»" nan
[ 6.03766367e-02 -3.29169899e-01 -6.57034889e-02 -2.45299330e-03 -1.52084082e-01 -1.11946806e-01 2.26090774e-01 3.11164916e-01 -2.81606257e-01 3.57941180e-01 2.29438961e-01 4.25925404e-01 2.22522803e-02 -5.25129259e-01 -4.47373241e-02 1.27993315e-01 -1.07978731e-01 5.18296242e-01 -7.50138685e-02 -2.18927920e-01 1.11068347e-02 -1.11248277e-01 -9.36811492e-02 4.47310120e-01 2.99487100e-03 -3.78882110e-01 2.03862384e-01 3.56788427e-01 4.98903766e-02 -2.49883786e-01 -1.15583852e-01 1.17937498e-01 -2.16729850e-01 3.39524090e-01 -1.12359368e-04 -1.91429093e-01 1.40455127e-01 9.89429429e-02 -2.79524386e-01 1.48096561e-01 -7.40070939e-01 -9.55329090e-02 2.62298714e-02 -1.33152157e-01 3.01441103e-01 3.41194153e-01 -1.65379107e-01 -1.30326495e-01 5.32831192e-01 2.17958540e-01 1.79413751e-01 1.45805731e-01 3.30912285e-02 -2.09175259e-01 3.64463508e-01 -8.44198465e-02 -7.85802081e-02 3.23108256e-01 6.33705407e-02 3.15814018e-01 3.61791849e-02 5.90526462e-02 3.49872820e-02 3.95967007e-01 -2.54249815e-02 -2.33463228e-01 1.19859233e-01 -1.03655465e-01 6.52131662e-02 5.36876619e-01 4.20523956e-02 -9.73778591e-03 -1.05702356e-01 -5.95418550e-02 1.97599709e-01 -6.96392730e-02 1.11023642e-01 -9.71330926e-02 1.02269031e-01 -4.16200161e-02 -1.16438448e-01 1.43559068e-01 -3.01812619e-01 -9.52620655e-02 -3.65787268e-01 -5.71602350e-03 -2.61511892e-01 8.03870782e-02 2.56908447e-01 -5.85583821e-02 -1.95479363e-01 3.17552477e-01 -1.68360144e-01 -1.27809763e-01 -4.03577313e-02 -6.96195960e-02 3.08013737e-01 1.15067540e-02 2.14524865e-01 -9.96888652e-02 3.28239888e-01 3.73114079e-01 1.82721302e-01 1.44363269e-01 1.78766511e-02 5.43780476e-02 -3.47568840e-02 2.67377585e-01 -2.13202104e-01 2.36792117e-01 -2.72883773e-01 2.10588410e-01 2.06721965e-02 -2.39277259e-01 -8.36930275e-02 -1.15363616e-02 -3.09214503e-01 -5.02433240e-01 -5.87285638e-01 4.41259533e-01 -5.63450634e-01 2.14167267e-01 -2.21657202e-01 3.39701682e-01 2.54075825e-01 3.24006081e-01 3.18280756e-01 -2.30120912e-01 -1.09931640e-01 -7.72300661e-02 -1.77263677e-01 1.63556859e-01 -2.43294507e-01 1.58707321e-01 -1.29039809e-01 7.68853873e-02 -1.88715711e-01 -2.37723708e-01 2.23903120e-01 -8.57515726e-03 -7.15909302e-02 -5.30592725e-02 6.64074242e-01 3.43159854e-01 -3.23663265e-01 -9.35935304e-02 -9.60091352e-02 -1.42772332e-01 -2.11834595e-01 -9.43615064e-02 1.54417977e-01 -1.72314927e-01 -2.50243336e-01 2.09260821e-01 -2.65247822e-01 1.47585303e-01 7.35611260e-01 6.96720481e-02 -1.90705165e-01 -6.97669238e-02 8.08630139e-02 -2.84475505e-01 -5.70741892e-02 -1.77288219e-01 3.67206722e-01 2.83378750e-01 -5.71563959e-01 -1.75229743e-01 -2.78588712e-01 -1.16857616e-02 -3.73308688e-01 -4.39467467e-02 1.75750162e-02 2.56830603e-01 -1.82772785e-01 3.84962022e-01 -2.51895994e-01 4.76959050e-02 -6.96458340e-01 -5.22226155e-01 -2.69007534e-01 4.64220420e-02 -2.21352682e-01 -1.59992367e-01 -9.61578172e-03 -5.36222197e-02 -1.24190383e-01 -3.25168818e-01 7.89180547e-02 -2.50469744e-01 -3.49419087e-01 -4.13044989e-01 -1.44475624e-01 1.83150813e-01 -1.80358544e-01 -2.67529994e-01 5.10865092e-01 2.16288976e-02 8.44681039e-02 4.42669131e-02 -1.92719713e-01 5.64475842e-02 5.25351346e-01 9.32745263e-02 -2.21033618e-01 -2.32429072e-01 -1.72850698e-01 -7.87678957e-02 8.96633938e-02 1.64028034e-01 7.95235261e-02 2.91465595e-02 -1.36441767e-01 -1.36179756e-02 -6.35705665e-02 2.16087848e-01 2.26939932e-01 2.73860365e-01 3.25607985e-01 -1.68554053e-01 -8.54033902e-02 -1.35217518e-01 1.11284360e-01 -1.62141889e-01 3.63045558e-02 -1.35867879e-01 -2.07206905e-01 -3.52531761e-01 -3.54262851e-02 2.57161915e-01 3.55509259e-02 -7.96725899e-02 3.50036249e-02 6.24093041e-02 -5.42753041e-01 -4.15740460e-02 7.09874481e-02 6.38028920e-01 -2.61406273e-01 -5.66141233e-02 -2.14868113e-02 -2.84175605e-01 3.26126255e-02 1.49046317e-01 -1.91514760e-01 3.20277750e-01 6.16102815e-01 3.77201289e-02 -6.72324225e-02 -6.81144074e-02 -4.14809734e-02 -4.08986121e-01 4.07918096e-02 -3.36194128e-01 2.73525000e-01 -3.09302937e-02 -7.46082282e-03 -3.11965674e-01 1.54061407e-01 8.80895033e-02 -1.81166738e-01 4.92002815e-03 5.82606554e-01 1.08508527e-01 -1.37519702e-01 -2.39231549e-02 -1.20586604e-01 3.67168665e-01 2.48001307e-01 9.72565636e-02 1.21362299e-01 -1.19111031e-01 -1.02740534e-01 -1.27759486e-01 -1.94738939e-01 -2.40154043e-02 1.58007964e-01 5.62595904e-01 2.45866343e-01 1.67573318e-01 5.64936846e-02 -7.16021582e-02 -2.28875160e-01 7.50898197e-02 -2.01793194e-01 1.94508523e-01 -1.73656285e-01 6.07315302e-01 -9.14044976e-02 2.11559623e-01 1.33718058e-01 -2.18666673e-01 1.54437244e-01 -1.07564516e-01 -2.94711381e-01 2.24031694e-02 -1.25050664e-01 5.00248432e-01 -1.63159922e-01 2.95507222e-01 -2.70269543e-01 1.83572710e-01 -2.85227060e-01 1.28133118e-01 -3.65910679e-01 -8.67932141e-02 4.82827246e-01 -2.39260808e-01 7.00647011e-02 -4.89426367e-02 -3.62684965e-01 2.58971334e-01 2.09503174e-01 1.37582421e-01 4.52729762e-01 -1.62638858e-01 -1.53529808e-01 -3.21876779e-02 1.97098047e-01 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-1.09712146e-01 -2.06123173e-01 2.56145924e-01 1.94803700e-02 1.44774556e-01 1.36971876e-01 9.29668322e-02 -1.69307619e-01 -1.29978150e-01 -2.21551940e-01 -6.97452053e-02 4.50635761e-01 -4.45930436e-02 3.20663601e-01 -4.21011895e-01 -8.26860666e-02 2.94943988e-01 -3.30697805e-01 -2.61097550e-01 -5.31670637e-02 5.19261479e-01 4.60014910e-01 2.60522395e-01 8.47637951e-02 -1.84085723e-02 -5.61358631e-01 -1.21513039e-01 4.01214689e-01 -3.97737056e-01 -2.21201196e-01 7.13965222e-02 4.33671512e-02 3.56595308e-01 -1.36234536e-04 1.42697453e-01 4.94998842e-02 -4.17677790e-01 -8.99172053e-02 3.62429991e-02 -2.25378394e-01 -9.94536746e-03 2.24601254e-01 2.21017987e-01 1.16188660e-01 -1.72859337e-02 7.23408610e-02 2.44533002e-01 3.39033920e-03 1.78851280e-02 -1.21309981e-01 4.97327834e-01 1.89314052e-01 4.69767541e-01 2.76212931e-01 -1.93886319e-03 1.49380863e-01 2.71599442e-02 1.11659527e-01 -1.58007771e-01 5.05118370e-01 2.76173443e-01 -1.70126051e-01 3.53162587e-02 4.08460557e-01 -2.65207663e-02 1.08675294e-01 1.94535598e-01 3.93576622e-02 1.76137447e-01 1.81981742e-01 1.30831912e-01 -5.94907738e-02 -3.79817009e-01 -9.16858315e-02 2.59065866e-01 -1.06718004e-01 7.41256848e-02 4.88321900e-01 1.08215725e+00 2.41521120e-01 4.84877154e-02 2.69107819e-01 -4.88630682e-01 -1.05190538e-01 2.78364033e-01 -2.67871246e-02 -2.90533632e-01 -9.03604701e-02 1.71019495e-01 -2.60658920e-01 1.75713539e-01 3.20706338e-01 -4.76320595e-01 -3.85734469e-01 -4.52304184e-01 -4.18201625e-01 1.77406862e-01 1.72694862e-01 5.81228435e-02 1.24083996e-01 3.80632728e-01 2.73504138e-01 -4.54204567e-02 8.97977576e-02 -1.82935651e-02 1.34794116e-01 -1.91707507e-01 6.29645772e-03 -4.25802231e-01 1.08373269e-01 -1.50389671e-01 1.76099166e-01 -1.83852389e-01 -1.74889639e-01 1.46330908e-01 -5.99405468e-01 -1.49581715e-01 5.50563708e-02 -4.61717369e-03 2.70348400e-01 4.13787305e-01 -1.01341240e-01 4.15509194e-01 -6.90916851e-02 2.32616916e-01 7.47592747e-02 -1.99479833e-01 3.35750431e-01 1.25745339e-02 -1.97222635e-01 -1.82992220e-01 3.75674605e-01 3.35585535e-01 -1.83451176e-01 2.90468574e-01 1.83693066e-01 -1.01368517e-01 -5.47468401e-02 1.79789513e-01 3.17975372e-01 -5.11304252e-02 4.20434088e-01 -9.83780771e-02 -3.56586128e-01 4.92270440e-02 -5.43220453e-02 -2.06979856e-01 1.07558347e-01 5.42420037e-02 -6.89709634e-02 -1.92703873e-01 -4.37266111e-01 2.52154082e-01 -1.16307199e-01 -4.32007045e-01 9.34214890e-02 -6.93688542e-02 -3.61336380e-01 -1.04108609e-01 3.33480030e-01 9.04283375e-02 -2.79958379e-02 -3.43368560e-01 -3.04653555e-01 1.51446417e-01 -5.69670051e-02 7.24424794e-02 4.19046104e-01 -1.47720322e-01 7.88580105e-02 -2.13361114e-01 2.84124255e-01 -4.03906673e-01 9.29959193e-02 -9.33473483e-02 -1.78511404e-02 5.41599989e-02 5.73731922e-02 6.73681274e-02 -1.21303611e-01 9.17826891e-02 3.74046117e-01 -2.70467401e-01 -2.43686363e-01 -7.40998760e-02 1.43241316e-01 -3.82571891e-02 -1.90944552e-01 1.26579806e-01 7.05483705e-02 3.49330962e-01 5.45534268e-02 -6.34538650e-04 1.15595162e-01 1.58009246e-01 2.40930483e-01 -1.17685288e-01 2.81713337e-01 3.55324358e-01 1.64253697e-01 1.01026192e-01 2.32386291e-01 -8.35200623e-02 1.90076441e-01 -1.89444378e-01 -4.76580709e-02 1.90668315e-01 3.02385747e-01 -2.38113940e-01 -1.43328309e-01 1.87886044e-01 -1.36236083e-02 9.09189321e-03 1.33962244e-01 1.85165182e-02 1.06069297e-01 -4.45327520e-01 -2.29012832e-01 7.15275332e-02 2.94220209e-01 5.39948344e-02 -6.97686570e-03 -3.83047342e-01 1.05810061e-01 2.76521742e-02 1.28991649e-01 -3.39581132e-01 -5.37486255e-01 -2.08647475e-01 -1.19197853e-02 8.66494253e-02 9.48637947e-02 -1.67987030e-03 5.98123893e-02 -1.36616290e-01 -3.08241993e-01 1.59925267e-01 -3.61900628e-02 3.51365656e-01 1.07415974e-01 3.38485628e-01 5.71251148e-03 -1.84378833e-01 2.94509679e-01 8.66668746e-02 1.62894845e-01 2.63521016e-01 3.00510019e-01 -3.03433780e-02 1.12781808e-01 5.35224192e-02 -1.59768984e-01 -3.37811589e-01 -5.62232472e-02 -4.11527306e-02 -1.27659976e-01 8.98284540e-02 -1.76267363e-02 8.44024774e-03 -1.46169700e-02 -1.16167113e-01 -1.65236160e-01 1.88090000e-02 6.40502945e-02 2.83768862e-01 6.53311014e-02 2.93337787e-03 1.00995086e-01 -1.61557019e-01 4.12848711e-01 2.64541626e-01 -2.89133161e-01 1.46292169e-02 4.74234432e-01 -1.31363735e-01 2.66236633e-01 2.38783166e-01 4.24652606e-01 9.24367532e-02 -1.97357178e-01 9.60046649e-02 -3.21576744e-01 -7.60866851e-02 -1.38291299e-01 6.17396086e-02 1.40587583e-01 -1.58468947e-01 1.54154241e-01 2.13761672e-01 -2.72140115e-01 -1.72155246e-01 3.06631159e-02 6.00684047e-01 -1.17104664e-01 -1.07090540e-01 -1.85962871e-01 -1.58362269e-01 1.09738715e-01 -1.17530413e-01 -7.13450164e-02 2.02315837e-01 -2.36580580e-01 -1.59834728e-01 9.15789083e-02 -1.57342389e-01 7.12963864e-02 4.43941765e-02 2.90381044e-01 1.76994085e-01 1.10461183e-01 6.52913377e-02 -2.50202745e-01 -9.95019749e-02 2.38271549e-01 -2.70976961e-01 -4.02902484e-01 -7.83976540e-02 3.88865978e-01 -7.19830617e-02 1.40966371e-01 4.28098768e-01 2.71833509e-01 4.11696844e-02 -6.76979497e-02 -1.55747816e-01 4.12471779e-02 2.54852593e-01 -1.50669321e-01 1.59834430e-01 -2.32771307e-01 -5.60841300e-02 -5.92558198e-02 1.58506647e-01 -1.14590794e-01 -2.16796324e-01 5.11605153e-03 4.02243733e-01 7.56388426e-01 2.77961880e-01 2.01965183e-01 -2.11674348e-01 -5.39927483e-01 -1.50201723e-01 1.58037469e-01 -2.07988143e-01 1.47337943e-01 1.31990928e-02 3.38054299e-01 1.60203829e-01 1.39231190e-01 7.27323666e-02 -8.18681642e-02 2.10210942e-02 1.64495185e-01 -8.75113755e-02 9.48222354e-02 1.91033155e-01 1.36819571e-01 -4.61028218e-02 2.88482696e-01 1.04097165e-01 -3.74067500e-02 -2.96321809e-01 -2.70446151e-01 4.32745606e-01 -7.36423582e-02 -2.40114182e-02 -1.01292856e-01 2.31651902e-01 -3.75885010e-01 -2.16132611e-01 -7.50252128e-01 -3.12966615e-01 2.23350927e-01 2.20041618e-01 -2.74467766e-01 -1.26595065e-01 -1.03054322e-01 -5.12419164e-01 1.98672730e-02 6.75936043e-01 -3.06357746e-03 -7.18638450e-02 -3.47296819e-02 -3.37237492e-02]
"Summer of '91" active "SCP-437: Summer of '91 Author: The Great Hippo Images: Link, Link, and Link. Idea inspired by Roget's SCP-1833. Music: The Summer of '91 (…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead) Next: [SCP-3079]: Science Bugs More by The Great Hippo: More information Item #: SCP-437 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A fenced perimeter has been established around SCP-437. Foundation horticulturists are to be kept on-site to monitor and care for SCP-437-A instances. Testing is prohibited pending review by the Ethics Committee. MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") is to investigate all PoIs associated with SCP-437 and place them in Foundation custody along with their children. Description: SCP-437 is a large grove of trees located in Camp Lakewood, Illinois (USA). It contains 64 instances of SCP-437-A. SCP-437-A are numerous trees common to North America. Each instance has several cankers, atypical interior structures (see below), and β€” rather than sap β€” contains significant quantities of human blood. SCP-437 was discovered by the Foundation in 2011, twenty years after the summer camp's closure. Employment records for Camp Lakewood have not been found. All persons who attended Camp Lakewood during the summer of 1991 are Persons of Interest, and are still currently at large. Addendum 437.1: Interview PoI-437-15 was brought in after genetic analysis of blood samples from an instance of SCP-437-A led to a match in Foundation hospital records. AUDIO LOG DATE: 2014/09/15 INTERVIEWER: Agent Bennet SUBJECT: PoI-437-15 (Samantha Blanchette) [BEGIN LOG.] INTERVIEWER: Did you attend Camp Lakewood in 1991? P-15: Is that what this is about? Uh, yeah β€” that was… wow. Two decades ago? Wow. I was fifteen, I think. That really takes me back. INTERVIEWER: What do you remember from your time there? P-15: Best summer ever. (laughing) It was an amazing place. I was so sad to go, especially when we found out it was closing. I made so many friends there β€” so many great memories. I think… yeah, it's even where I had my first kiss. INTERVIEWER: Did you ever see any strange trees to the south of the camp? P-15: Huh? INTERVIEWER: 2 kilometers to the south, there's a grove of trees. Are you familiar with it? P-15: I mean, sure. We all were. INTERVIEWER: In what sense? P-15: (laughing) I mean, it was goofy kid stuff, y'know? Stories the counselors would tell around the campfire. Spooky trees down the southern trail. Something trapped inside of them. Go there at night, press your ear against the bark, and you can hear it singing. INTERVIEWER: Singing? P-15: Yeah. Like I said, goofy kid stuff. INTERVIEWER: Did you ever go there yourself? [Silence.] INTERVIEWER: Mrs. Blanchette? P-15: Huh? Oh, sorry. No, I never went there. Too scared, I guess. Heh. That was a pretty crazy summer, y'know? Sometimes I really miss that place. [END LOG.] NOTE: Shortly after the interview, PoI-437-15 escaped custody via unknown (presumably anomalous) means. Subsequent investigations found all PoIs associated with SCP-437 have been recently reported as missing. Addendum 437.2: Email update Radiographic and ultra-sound imaging determined the presence of humanoid skeletal structures and soft tissue in each instance of SCP-437-A. Organs are 'woven' into the trees themselves, and appear to be semi-functional. Although severely deformed, most of the bones are consistent with adolescent humans between the ages of 13 and 16. In several cases, deformation of the jaw has been minimal β€” this allowed us to identify certain instances via dental records taken before 1991. I don't think your PoIs are the campers, Jeremiah. I suggest we sub-designate them as part of SCP-437. As for the SCP-437-A instances themselves β€” I want to look into the possibility of euthanizing them. They've been in there for twenty years. When you press your ear against the bark, you can hear them. It's low and muffled, but you can hear them just fine. Β« SCP-436 | SCP-437 | SCP-438 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-437" by The Great Hippo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: tree2A.jpg Name: face-on-tree-bark-female-face-in-tree Author: johnrp License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: tree1A.jpg Name: face-facs-trees-greenery-green Author: Inactive account – ID 33837 License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: tree4.jpg Name: tree-face-tree-face-background Author: Lars_Nissen License: Public Domain Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An instance of SCP-437-A. (Quercus alba, aka white oak). Carya ovata, aka shagbark hickory. Quercus macrocarpa, aka bur oak. Identified as Samantha Blanchette."
[-2.36484483e-02 -2.53439546e-01 -5.34668043e-02 1.89680140e-02 2.06601277e-01 -3.32600355e-01 -1.66517943e-01 2.46007144e-01 -1.04237087e-02 -3.22115198e-02 -5.56241237e-02 3.99156272e-01 5.78479543e-02 -7.47780740e-01 -6.93716407e-02 -1.70224503e-01 9.18964073e-02 -7.09597161e-03 -5.23916781e-02 -1.37448847e-01 -4.06498350e-02 1.53706789e-01 8.63537788e-02 1.41089723e-01 -2.20495313e-01 -2.77165979e-01 -1.31084785e-01 3.05039704e-01 -9.35217664e-02 -2.82967806e-01 -9.57084969e-02 4.52161543e-02 2.12401628e-01 1.80654563e-02 -1.13352296e-04 -2.35427633e-01 1.40845269e-01 -3.04249357e-02 -2.29649991e-01 2.87467241e-01 -4.91920054e-01 2.05986783e-01 -3.32967371e-01 -1.16947174e-01 -5.90791851e-02 6.11715997e-03 7.62122348e-02 -2.95683116e-01 5.75149477e-01 1.30225897e-01 1.57634199e-01 -1.60541296e-01 1.66584589e-02 1.56848103e-01 6.61188066e-01 5.96134067e-01 -1.61778346e-01 6.66202754e-02 7.30576992e-01 -4.63221818e-01 -4.42641467e-01 -1.35326758e-01 -1.01712927e-01 -3.81224126e-01 3.98000985e-01 -8.25629234e-02 -8.34815651e-02 -1.08289637e-01 2.72162318e-01 1.00935698e-02 9.62189399e-03 2.81866901e-02 -2.04800919e-01 1.54360875e-01 -2.02122748e-01 -2.87323534e-01 3.91327366e-02 1.11646064e-01 1.12230696e-01 6.49174303e-02 1.66568533e-01 1.44206554e-01 -2.15593562e-01 -2.03708798e-04 2.81608701e-01 7.02770114e-01 -2.34678835e-02 5.81843145e-02 1.73932478e-01 -3.52490097e-01 -7.36052915e-02 2.00763091e-01 8.27901363e-02 2.90272981e-01 1.22891769e-01 -2.69837379e-01 1.35812968e-01 3.42865884e-01 2.84528196e-01 2.30603322e-01 4.69913661e-01 7.36940205e-02 4.13206458e-01 -5.59958778e-02 3.32145333e-01 1.14909977e-01 3.20202470e-01 6.38405010e-02 -1.35830745e-01 2.28648990e-01 -1.01395920e-01 1.16505854e-01 4.55770381e-02 3.72203887e-01 1.70306079e-02 7.97632560e-02 -1.30863246e-02 -2.82550007e-01 -2.33170688e-02 2.00935557e-01 -4.60127681e-01 -3.81123498e-02 -3.85576367e-01 8.67160689e-03 1.97364673e-01 6.14686549e-01 -1.45364627e-01 -5.90953510e-03 -2.60436945e-02 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4.77404669e-02 -3.96420620e-02 -2.46986896e-01 3.23912472e-01 2.29506642e-01 4.29662704e-01 1.75895374e-02 -1.23654179e-01 3.63886744e-01 4.17106330e-01 3.79731148e-01 -2.61315674e-01 6.98824003e-02 1.32333057e-03 -1.92897961e-01 4.07748759e-01 1.12703428e-01 1.50758363e-02 -1.58717513e-01 1.59023345e-01 8.87002200e-02 9.19709280e-02 -3.12729388e-01 1.98143318e-01 2.03610405e-01 3.43874842e-02 -3.18851531e-01 8.01917240e-02 4.22566710e-03 -6.12254776e-02 1.05350487e-01 -5.36718011e-01 -1.60747617e-02 -1.41011998e-01 -4.36667986e-02 -2.27277756e-01 2.05771014e-01 3.73364449e-01 1.86748579e-01 4.18464728e-02 3.88029553e-02 1.32682458e-01 8.68038982e-02 3.56338501e-01 6.61790967e-01 -4.98162985e-01 -6.10397220e-01 2.52855033e-01 -1.52444780e-01 5.48966229e-02 -5.78262806e-02 -1.49128009e-02 3.45673472e-01 3.35943639e-01 2.79874802e-01 2.04780191e-01 -1.67182580e-01 -2.44605601e-01 -2.92821109e-01 -3.32823902e-01 1.11992441e-01 2.47112677e-01 -1.52166516e-01 4.04752232e-02 2.36077420e-02 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-1.37563478e-02 3.16349983e-01 -1.59775734e-01 1.24483604e-05 -1.00003488e-01 -3.62515211e-01 2.59836107e-01 -6.20897897e-02 -9.01739076e-02 7.37648964e-01 -4.29537594e-02 7.46934116e-02 -3.16634029e-01 9.48971957e-02 -7.44790435e-02 -2.44794041e-01 -1.05196893e-01 9.05417055e-02 1.34179637e-01 -8.92842412e-02 -3.34352583e-01 3.84503931e-01 -3.23461324e-01 -3.93072784e-01 -9.89449248e-02 -8.68654437e-03 4.02550131e-01 -3.96789938e-01 1.04544900e-01 1.62211940e-01 3.03644966e-03 -1.59393653e-01 2.86940616e-02 -1.03355169e-01 -2.45866850e-02 4.61232476e-02 4.42519844e-01 -2.64374673e-01 -7.02536479e-02 -7.80030340e-02 8.66564631e-01 -1.96423650e-01 9.67098624e-02 -6.72210082e-02 2.24591792e-01 1.09767511e-01 7.63427168e-02 -4.36160155e-02 -1.31138250e-01 -9.40376148e-02 -3.06006193e-01 2.97684014e-01 2.95522392e-01 -4.41307604e-01 4.78738993e-02 4.85774688e-02 6.86193854e-02 -1.44895762e-01 2.78447539e-01 3.86411577e-01 -1.27199844e-01 -1.55017436e-01 -5.70156761e-02 -2.16221869e-01 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5.12246430e-01 -1.16337731e-01 3.11970264e-01 1.13276295e-01 -1.90376133e-01 -3.21392640e-02 8.30506980e-02 3.59827161e-01 -6.18045442e-02 -2.91155994e-01 2.39791989e-01 -3.95991094e-02 1.73977148e-02 1.87678188e-01 -4.41607386e-01 2.56085426e-01 -7.20031783e-02 3.85885179e-01 -2.29371022e-02 -1.85808137e-01 3.17399174e-01 -2.24090368e-01 -9.02531981e-01 7.88416713e-02 1.63016751e-01 -5.27352571e-01 -1.21347860e-01 3.22204173e-01 3.82898152e-02 3.61333042e-02 -5.82126305e-02 -1.21051289e-01 -6.09790862e-01 9.23584476e-02 9.31332186e-02 2.08720580e-01 -1.68019146e-01 -8.35122168e-02 -2.46538609e-01 -2.57751271e-02 -3.20668846e-01 -1.64746389e-01 -2.40248561e-01 -1.51752844e-01 -3.07842083e-02 -4.48136389e-01 -1.40589282e-01 2.78881155e-02 1.38957679e-01 1.75478414e-01 -4.98708449e-02 -1.82750985e-01 -1.36604339e-01 1.38556734e-01 3.56788039e-02 -3.35522085e-01 1.80634767e-01 9.57981944e-02 2.52406687e-01 -3.60151716e-02 -1.23074308e-01 8.78700539e-02 3.95146459e-01 1.63933039e-01 -7.31931999e-02 1.43377289e-01 -4.53601666e-02 8.94924700e-02 1.74862698e-01 1.30211562e-01 -2.19406292e-01 1.11565351e-01 -1.23406090e-01 -1.31098360e-01 5.45220263e-02 1.13486409e-01 -1.68425173e-01 1.29345492e-01 7.42381364e-02 2.12203458e-01 -3.52575123e-01 9.40812230e-02 -4.39864919e-02 -1.23935807e-02 -1.78133160e-01 6.41729981e-02 -8.13534856e-02 2.06892282e-01 -3.45136668e-03 9.41176154e-03 -1.48841813e-01 -1.55156955e-01 8.28611013e-03 1.77880198e-01 -3.32215756e-01 -2.14453235e-01 2.41738096e-01 -1.31310478e-01 5.87628186e-01 4.18978482e-01 3.32512796e-01 7.17081502e-02 -1.27534315e-01 -2.06643477e-01 5.37231937e-02 5.09841517e-02 1.75561249e-01 1.06027357e-01 1.03573427e-01 9.65787768e-02 -2.24269003e-01 1.52499720e-01 2.11418569e-01 -4.28165123e-02 2.04416245e-01 2.79901087e-01 -1.14298806e-01 1.64075926e-01 1.92264467e-02 3.27677190e-01 -2.86100000e-01 -2.37777650e-01 -2.44036075e-02 -5.15909679e-02 -3.78624707e-01 9.04185139e-03 5.37316561e-01 -2.03494113e-02 -2.15033069e-01 -1.92109227e-01 -3.06087285e-01 1.32007338e-02 1.46514177e-01 -1.69967055e-01 -2.15770863e-02 4.36047241e-02 -2.17360556e-01 1.27976527e-02 3.69607866e-01 -3.51682127e-01 4.24518466e-01 2.71477308e-02 -2.73669332e-01 -1.05040660e-02 1.88936904e-01 3.55985284e-01 -3.44849303e-02 2.34685451e-01 -9.81837232e-03 -1.05327964e-01 -1.82684615e-01 -5.36803789e-02 4.79681566e-02 6.98732585e-02 -1.21976525e-01 1.22908335e-02 1.21782266e-01 -1.78157479e-01 1.79076001e-01 8.65936279e-02 4.65930670e-01 1.24105692e-01 -2.64032274e-01 -1.95285529e-01 -1.11221679e-01 -9.78202522e-02 7.60826692e-02 -2.83089519e-01 1.24910943e-01 -2.46708244e-01 1.30276024e-01 1.32377103e-01 -2.56780624e-01 5.33600226e-02 -2.26438969e-01 -3.91056947e-02 3.66055518e-01 -3.90693508e-02 -3.02898914e-01 -2.59620279e-01 -2.72787958e-01 2.80960221e-02 1.51227834e-02 -1.69910446e-01 -2.26866364e-01 -3.32004458e-01 1.63377777e-01 -8.17312300e-02 -1.19359560e-01 1.55002818e-01 -1.73054680e-01 1.18186679e-02 -2.54125327e-01 -1.70179129e-01 1.18531242e-01 2.20269889e-01 2.17748716e-01 1.95445105e-01 -4.46986891e-02 3.40333372e-01 2.99424529e-02 -1.73521429e-01 -5.80120027e-01 1.93734430e-02 2.89335221e-01 -1.00582264e-01 -1.76549643e-01 4.38160062e-01 -4.69976068e-02 -5.65218031e-01 3.88957113e-02 -1.76633596e-01 -1.42992303e-01 -2.53235281e-01 7.72734219e-03 6.93607450e-01 6.51474968e-02 2.38262162e-01 6.08227514e-02 -3.17685694e-01 -3.11722934e-01 -2.46821538e-01 -4.09320146e-01 3.29975694e-01 -1.06571108e-01 1.82124928e-01 -7.76075432e-03 1.95467725e-01 -9.49841067e-02 -7.15678334e-02 -3.46667141e-01 -3.50131899e-01 5.50561488e-01 -3.80646735e-01 -1.78383455e-01 -1.65621042e-01 6.55299276e-02 -1.27417684e-01 -1.19310670e-01 -3.36291194e-01 -2.50119716e-01 3.31204534e-02 1.93370357e-01 -1.98565558e-01 -7.84763843e-02 -1.85487181e-01 -1.55000106e-01 -7.52621964e-02 4.75661010e-01 5.79612181e-02 1.44725025e-01 4.12361830e-01 -9.74402130e-02]
"Addictive Straitjacket of Espionage" active "Item #: SCP-438 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-438 is currently deployed in the field in the custody of Reconnaissance Team Kappa-6. Experimental proposals will not be considered at this time; however, SCP-438b may be available. See addendum. Description: SCP-438 is a white canvas straitjacket of the Posey brand, dating to about 1930, fitted with straps of an unknown material. The jacket is designed for versatility and will fit and securely restrain some 95% of adult humans when properly adjusted. The threshold for the effects of SCP-438 is unknown, as are the precise extent of the effects; research is based entirely upon self-reported personal experience and is therefore unreliable save in the most quantifiable circumstances. When SCP-438 is worn in a manner consistent with historical uses of straitjackets, the wearer falls into a comatose state combined with a continuous out-of-body experience (OBE); the subject’s mind effectively becomes a disembodied consciousness. This form has no physical properties, cannot interact directly with the physical world, and cannot be measured or detected by any means available to us, including other SCP objects. However, even cursory tests prove that the state is quite real – the consciousness is actually separated from the body, able to traverse vast distances instantly and effortlessly, and retains a full range of sensory perception. Memory is comparable to what the subject would have in an unaltered state. During the coma, communication with the subject runs only one way and is possible only insofar as his or her consciousness is actually present. The duration of the OBE is out of the subject’s control, and the straitjacket must be removed for the patient to resume normal function. Leaving the jacket on for prolonged periods results in a reluctance or inability of the subject to return to his or her body. If the consciousness does not return, the subject will experience brain death. The duration at which 50% of subjects do not return to their bodies is roughly 81 minutes. It is unknown, and conveniently untestable, whether or not the consciousness persists after this point. SCP-438 has obvious applications in the field of espionage and scientific exploration, but carries considerable risk, both to the subject and to sensitive data on the part of the agency employing the item. It is fortunate that the subject must trust his or her comrades in order to use the item safely; if there is reason to suspect the subject's loyalty, the item may simply be left on until the subject has expired. ADDENDUM [O5 - HIGH PRIORITY]: An item of identical form and function has been discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Classified SCP-438b, this provides irrefutable proof that SCP-438 is not a unique item. Considering the potential security risk involved, acquisition of any and all others should be pursued as a top priority. Orders from O5-2. Β« SCP-437 | SCP-438 | SCP-439 Β»" nan
[ 4.79192995e-02 -3.28177124e-01 -3.75101417e-02 -3.56567740e-01 -2.46632710e-01 -1.34182245e-01 4.91937459e-01 2.79763430e-01 4.94433343e-02 2.19496042e-02 2.54231095e-02 2.46403292e-01 -1.41029684e-02 7.04933926e-02 3.80672306e-01 1.52749419e-01 -5.33069251e-04 1.05683774e-01 1.81560099e-01 3.90611775e-02 4.32844739e-03 -1.33280680e-01 -3.28581929e-01 1.50421605e-01 3.27274621e-01 -2.92902857e-01 1.52285501e-01 9.03236642e-02 1.43138498e-01 -7.34958798e-02 3.57123524e-01 2.24800721e-01 8.82072449e-02 -7.71802813e-02 -1.16930860e-04 -1.74015388e-01 -1.15642976e-02 2.66990606e-02 4.78395820e-02 1.77328493e-02 -5.00129461e-01 -8.71764049e-02 1.51976377e-01 -2.58450925e-01 -2.57428177e-02 5.01999259e-01 7.65521545e-03 2.01365934e-03 4.72870976e-01 1.94600850e-01 1.49390996e-01 3.99913192e-01 -2.98082620e-01 -1.28210410e-02 3.06659490e-01 2.80482531e-01 -3.13101649e-01 1.76918373e-01 4.34270054e-01 -5.89219965e-02 3.33947957e-01 3.31707448e-02 -2.68292993e-01 1.17668368e-01 2.07155317e-01 -1.56003207e-01 3.97586763e-01 -2.42478535e-01 9.02288109e-02 5.11027515e-01 -1.70748815e-01 -3.19444835e-02 1.01846226e-01 -1.96147218e-01 2.69717336e-01 -2.55745798e-01 -1.47548048e-02 2.66564399e-01 8.59168917e-02 1.58019379e-01 1.41762465e-01 2.41739765e-01 -1.63744763e-01 -6.22674301e-02 -3.80936205e-01 9.82754305e-02 -1.17218927e-01 3.45986965e-03 4.64885086e-01 -3.74381989e-01 -5.28171897e-01 1.64918229e-01 -1.01699959e-02 -4.09321189e-02 -2.26993978e-01 -1.57208443e-01 -3.88636068e-02 -2.17667922e-01 2.14006916e-01 1.86179042e-01 2.19624311e-01 3.82163972e-01 3.03048790e-01 1.74440712e-01 1.03706621e-01 1.38992101e-01 3.94941941e-02 -3.88235524e-02 -3.01291257e-01 3.49572897e-01 6.31431788e-02 4.93496507e-01 -4.41172794e-02 1.63975824e-02 1.22317791e-01 -5.03818870e-01 2.20605001e-01 -2.52840281e-01 -4.16556895e-01 4.59959626e-01 -7.90652514e-01 6.10862486e-02 -2.43698984e-01 2.59659439e-01 2.31979087e-01 -1.86300166e-02 1.57730743e-01 6.26038685e-02 -1.69605255e-01 5.15305281e-01 -6.53638169e-02 3.27289939e-01 -3.35933834e-01 -1.61818445e-01 -5.65661043e-02 -1.85004100e-01 -2.39929229e-01 -6.23206124e-02 4.32166681e-02 -2.43364468e-01 2.61536270e-01 -5.21869361e-02 3.36239487e-01 3.17446887e-01 -3.97528946e-01 -5.73837876e-01 -2.38200277e-01 -4.87885863e-01 -1.21414080e-01 -5.92462905e-02 2.17638180e-01 -4.27427068e-02 3.48843224e-02 2.07810611e-01 -3.01312417e-01 1.55563489e-01 6.36717379e-01 2.09302261e-01 -3.17208439e-01 3.52032870e-01 4.42707390e-01 -2.34332725e-01 1.93283424e-01 2.14252532e-01 -2.04108208e-01 4.08926368e-01 -3.10869604e-01 -3.10983866e-01 2.73155361e-01 -1.35791274e-02 -1.59001887e-01 -2.15875357e-01 -3.63477580e-02 -8.34866539e-02 -1.36893660e-01 3.12840305e-02 1.17492236e-01 -4.05759424e-01 -3.39710414e-01 -1.54239237e-01 -4.41202164e-01 2.88370490e-01 5.35258092e-02 -6.77412823e-02 8.11789557e-02 4.37786430e-02 -3.74317706e-01 3.59972790e-02 2.00615004e-01 -4.37450081e-01 4.51735482e-02 -4.59473699e-01 -1.87388524e-01 4.61972535e-01 2.09756330e-01 -1.70005918e-01 3.69972974e-01 4.18735668e-02 2.51042604e-01 2.47596994e-01 -1.31758347e-01 3.01096197e-02 -6.26347139e-02 3.06610376e-01 -3.43336076e-01 1.14283590e-02 -2.18019679e-01 -1.82553858e-01 1.34574950e-01 2.14117289e-01 -1.60967596e-02 -1.67770997e-01 -6.01422228e-02 -4.32000607e-02 1.84174776e-02 -2.09378183e-01 2.43639611e-02 5.83199076e-02 2.95380987e-02 -7.63988197e-02 -1.86964765e-01 1.79251030e-01 3.69410545e-01 1.57721296e-01 -2.68878579e-01 -1.47317454e-01 -8.44184905e-02 -2.44356751e-01 9.11533907e-02 4.09748644e-01 1.54682919e-01 -1.10470615e-01 3.12647671e-01 -1.99632540e-01 -2.23124549e-01 -1.05990164e-01 -2.01408178e-01 9.89982367e-01 -1.05867364e-01 -3.16386938e-01 1.96151324e-02 -1.42762706e-01 1.41592190e-01 -1.10047601e-01 -3.88723731e-01 5.77723086e-01 2.04198092e-01 1.71643049e-01 1.02545209e-02 1.63332850e-01 -1.00770868e-01 -4.43208009e-01 -4.07137513e-01 -1.51863158e-01 9.35757905e-02 -9.73022804e-02 1.71061978e-01 -1.28749818e-01 -2.71340191e-01 -4.67929011e-03 -1.87366735e-02 -1.38058677e-01 3.84865314e-01 1.74765557e-01 8.98692012e-02 -2.11684376e-01 4.16218117e-02 2.08019987e-01 -4.52399999e-02 4.29365411e-02 8.27666819e-02 1.02822751e-01 -5.73606566e-02 -2.47550026e-01 -5.84672466e-02 8.21611378e-03 -5.96831180e-02 -1.16566926e-01 1.70265347e-01 -5.29601239e-03 1.92704141e-01 -4.70432192e-01 -1.93569720e-01 -2.19764888e-01 5.75586148e-02 3.35307896e-01 -8.83387700e-02 -2.66264025e-02 -6.49432987e-02 2.06836745e-01 6.63982779e-02 -8.51026401e-02 -1.95585385e-01 1.01516396e-01 1.96994618e-02 1.40469670e-01 -1.32797971e-01 5.36475241e-01 -2.72115376e-02 -1.09149866e-01 7.45643899e-02 1.81403756e-01 -7.67741650e-02 9.85385627e-02 -4.77568120e-01 4.65504602e-02 3.70140791e-01 -1.93131119e-01 -4.64618765e-02 -3.14021915e-01 -2.93905258e-01 4.83305454e-01 1.29284471e-01 -2.97781918e-02 2.00766996e-01 -3.34569156e-01 -3.26951295e-01 -6.08687699e-02 -1.25920296e-01 -2.19558060e-01 1.59335151e-01 3.03572536e-01 -3.09890658e-01 1.37647510e-01 -6.48010373e-02 1.00820251e-02 -2.44890675e-01 -2.56018415e-02 5.54024816e-01 1.91208556e-01 7.95118213e-02 7.69878626e-01 8.91977400e-02 3.57829452e-01 -1.43921286e-01 8.39051902e-02 -1.53318420e-01 -3.39502543e-01 2.49389075e-02 -8.28929897e-03 -7.91215524e-02 -2.37724017e-02 -3.13829243e-01 -3.42708826e-02 -1.48083851e-01 -5.69854975e-01 -2.04547808e-01 -1.78271383e-01 5.15345514e-01 -3.64348382e-01 -4.95798662e-02 4.01708692e-01 -5.12951380e-03 -1.58168316e-01 -1.23191319e-01 -4.71710414e-01 3.67164969e-01 4.39502388e-01 1.42325945e-02 -5.55710271e-02 -8.51411298e-02 3.11594784e-01 4.95076589e-02 -1.85206234e-01 -1.14300391e-02 -7.60292336e-02 2.41385788e-01 1.26090840e-01 3.06143314e-01 -2.93501168e-02 2.03483075e-01 2.34331802e-01 9.71182361e-02 2.49197409e-01 2.81665102e-03 -4.76190716e-01 6.17590211e-02 -6.46197051e-02 -2.54731867e-02 -8.26052576e-02 -3.96988243e-02 1.98471844e-01 5.97730950e-02 -7.72786885e-02 3.43612023e-02 1.15006275e-01 2.93453261e-02 1.28361583e-01 3.22400987e-01 -7.39549994e-02 1.75754979e-01 -2.59737790e-01 2.56364971e-01 -1.78507686e-01 9.84058380e-02 -1.29585907e-01 3.78800929e-01 -2.18668774e-01 -2.15852827e-01 3.40172470e-01 -3.00742745e-01 2.35252474e-02 3.27606797e-01 7.11783171e-01 4.92684543e-01 2.38972669e-03 -2.25633740e-01 -1.40472874e-01 -5.42792201e-01 -3.95470530e-01 3.44667107e-01 -6.12876534e-01 -5.79064488e-02 -9.85497236e-02 1.23272888e-01 -1.12556636e-01 -3.31481025e-02 -3.87118608e-02 8.69818255e-02 -3.94100279e-01 -1.19899176e-01 4.39811677e-01 -4.10702452e-03 -3.22418600e-01 2.53220022e-01 6.92737624e-02 6.66683391e-02 -1.12161435e-01 3.35780144e-01 1.22114688e-01 -4.22884196e-01 -2.25723963e-02 -5.15502058e-02 3.19501162e-01 -1.45189017e-01 2.15696231e-01 3.19446862e-01 1.92355022e-01 -1.29022017e-01 9.86319557e-02 6.07732423e-02 4.13915329e-02 6.09129071e-01 2.67381370e-01 4.71215785e-01 -2.38437384e-01 3.77925217e-01 -8.50479007e-02 -2.17793062e-01 2.46283054e-01 1.75492451e-01 1.70797870e-01 -2.03110576e-01 -2.41366968e-01 -1.73221499e-01 -3.30105722e-01 -5.71582496e-01 2.20951587e-01 -3.39305848e-02 3.66178870e-01 1.79391488e-01 1.43700647e+00 5.08895703e-02 2.02299878e-02 2.49013513e-01 -4.82726395e-01 1.71687379e-01 -2.84583569e-01 -7.21103474e-02 -1.71022676e-02 5.99796325e-02 1.24776728e-01 -4.72261161e-01 1.56472594e-01 -1.74142197e-02 -4.61155504e-01 -3.07721317e-01 -4.14390713e-01 -3.48932773e-01 1.23161569e-01 2.20567435e-01 -1.78694785e-01 -2.46074833e-02 1.49219096e-01 2.12499544e-01 -6.78046793e-02 2.23680928e-01 -7.17921257e-02 -2.55025644e-03 2.04717852e-02 1.64944082e-01 -1.64432973e-01 3.02758217e-01 1.63238615e-01 7.60256872e-02 -1.68049246e-01 -1.21984519e-01 6.80255666e-02 -1.53695971e-01 -2.01675102e-01 4.81261313e-03 -1.12208910e-02 1.41457021e-01 3.59996617e-01 -2.63855588e-02 3.21052909e-01 -7.79837519e-02 5.53179562e-01 2.44068652e-02 -2.42763087e-01 2.90459067e-01 2.67393410e-01 9.18182135e-02 -2.74910126e-02 3.98568869e-01 2.18254417e-01 3.82331721e-02 1.90452024e-01 3.11790138e-01 -8.28203335e-02 -1.00407712e-01 8.04105699e-02 2.04271987e-01 -1.22156523e-01 2.18400642e-01 1.81852683e-01 -1.91798970e-01 -2.05732435e-01 3.50869238e-01 -2.47091517e-01 2.63348550e-01 -2.25662336e-01 3.83054584e-01 -1.71233937e-01 -3.50970864e-01 2.48620421e-01 -1.18192792e-01 -4.28642333e-01 -1.27133846e-01 -1.18332118e-01 -3.93709421e-01 -2.30555117e-01 2.26093441e-01 1.44406989e-01 -9.14933458e-02 -1.23489037e-01 -3.81087631e-01 7.04789255e-03 -2.97294468e-01 9.28074587e-03 2.94129532e-02 -2.00225607e-01 3.36263627e-01 -9.37184766e-02 2.33735681e-01 -3.37844223e-01 2.88317233e-01 -2.62507975e-01 1.20440960e-01 2.12579831e-01 -4.20644373e-01 -1.33310765e-01 -1.23669282e-01 5.05510196e-02 8.84334892e-02 -5.06959200e-01 -1.55510411e-01 -4.59608316e-01 1.19531944e-01 -2.65411228e-01 -5.17770052e-01 4.26419079e-02 -1.82959661e-02 2.50005931e-01 1.16757108e-02 2.80270904e-01 4.60759789e-01 2.44843617e-01 2.48808507e-02 -2.36380383e-01 1.86816126e-01 -9.88646522e-02 -1.31001234e-01 4.65671252e-03 1.92687497e-01 -2.01260880e-01 -1.82901487e-01 -3.50770831e-01 -3.61294635e-02 7.64484555e-02 3.61858040e-01 1.59933910e-01 1.51392400e-01 2.26247370e-01 -1.96759943e-02 -6.01106621e-02 1.22643858e-01 -2.08531290e-01 -9.44111720e-02 -3.21427047e-01 1.61520958e-01 1.29968617e-02 2.47867092e-01 9.95168276e-03 -1.49777979e-01 -3.28968525e-01 9.44817141e-02 2.50594728e-02 3.97673875e-01 7.01766759e-02 -2.67228872e-01 4.13666964e-02 -4.24358323e-02 1.10418908e-01 2.79896319e-01 -1.46052812e-03 1.21941678e-01 -1.01889797e-01 -1.16149850e-01 2.63390422e-01 1.78528696e-01 2.94516176e-01 -3.23065907e-01 6.18931651e-02 -5.42619713e-02 2.96016157e-01 5.64580202e-01 3.40969503e-01 1.06181860e-01 -3.88882309e-02 2.51843363e-01 -6.99528232e-02 2.05697715e-01 -6.96043372e-02 -1.37605742e-01 -1.94212794e-02 1.76920369e-01 1.98012635e-01 -2.49980614e-02 6.28064871e-02 3.30162831e-02 5.78321159e-01 -1.45517066e-01 -1.11755542e-01 -7.64599219e-02 1.05189085e-01 -1.46458790e-01 1.69516340e-01 7.53772631e-02 1.07044853e-01 3.69095117e-01 -3.45697254e-01 9.72613320e-02 2.30272695e-01 -1.01090103e-01 -3.28691304e-02 3.04395020e-01 1.38108537e-01 9.54848900e-02 1.06253244e-01 2.50131488e-01 -3.40417415e-01 4.84537520e-02 1.39962852e-01 5.54661378e-02 -1.54426172e-01 -1.36870191e-01 1.45158499e-01 6.69629872e-02 -8.20148140e-02 -4.81960773e-02 1.07519291e-01 -2.17364758e-01 -7.80777112e-02 2.20777124e-01 2.50798408e-02 -2.88341701e-01 -2.38138437e-01 -1.06500536e-02 -1.84408128e-01 -2.11882159e-01 2.43533045e-01 2.75727566e-02 2.40667805e-01 2.67786104e-02 -1.66137189e-01 2.34185711e-01 -1.08922370e-01 6.87345862e-02 -7.29910731e-02 6.88887388e-03 -1.15669556e-01 -6.25769421e-02 1.08656853e-01 2.60661840e-01 9.18556526e-02 1.19305149e-01 -2.22865567e-01 -7.07125783e-01 1.22760199e-01 1.95546538e-01 -1.32624358e-01 1.75717607e-01 2.46206611e-01 2.59678364e-01 4.57364678e-01 -2.23234102e-01 -2.86723793e-01 2.26190984e-01 6.49760365e-01 1.49420649e-01 7.34247193e-02 -1.11494079e-01 1.28140420e-01 -3.34612131e-01 1.95133612e-02 -3.05425555e-01 -2.91575700e-01 -1.79629922e-01 4.75400746e-01 6.19811833e-01 -7.49704018e-02 6.77187964e-02 -8.15209225e-02 -4.98779267e-01 9.02910680e-02 2.67539978e-01 1.03125162e-01 -8.80315229e-02 -2.23998457e-01 3.70523304e-01 4.44090553e-02 4.78902571e-02 3.90862077e-01 -1.29246622e-01 -1.86919808e-01 5.76969050e-03 -5.20488203e-01 1.54651910e-01 -4.52669896e-02 4.36853707e-01 -1.11133792e-01 4.31855083e-01 1.07338980e-01 -1.21681958e-01 -1.04232118e-01 -2.99638629e-01 4.68482435e-01 3.86529900e-02 -2.07693011e-01 7.80893536e-03 1.28565654e-01 7.70220719e-03 -1.96067259e-01 -3.16213787e-01 -1.03394657e-01 -8.58597308e-02 3.45053487e-02 -3.99519712e-01 -1.40344948e-01 -2.18085825e-01 -8.02029297e-02 -1.33038402e-01 2.99019545e-01 1.45110771e-01 7.91253075e-02 -1.79922745e-01 -1.79338083e-01]
"Bone Hive" active "Item #: SCP-439 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Specimen is to be kept at Armed Research Site-45, Hazardous Lifeforms Wing, in a sealed, locked 38 L (10 gal) Type-G containment unit with connected oxygen supply. Specimen is to be fed through Feeding Tube 16a with Approved Nutritive Substance X-F. Handling is available to Level 2 personnel and higher. Description: SCP-439 is an insect of unknown origin, somewhat resembling a greyish, semitranslucent Forficula auricularia (common earwig), approximately 2.5 cm in length. Originally located/obtained in mainland China in the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ province. No other specimen has been found, as of yet. SCP-439 is relatively harmless when encountered on safe terms, aside from the ability to deliver a firm, painful pinch with its abdominal forceps. The true hazard this creature poses lies in its habitat construction and reproduction, which is initiated when the specimen enters the mouth of a sleeping human. This will only occur with humans; other lifeforms have been presented to SCP-439 and have been uniformly rejected. Upon location of a suitable host, the specimen will hide itself in the immediate vicinity and wait until the victim has fallen asleep. How it is able to determine the state of sleep is unknown, but it has shown to be accurate in [DATA EXPUNGED] times out of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon entering the mouth of the new host, SCP-439 will travel down the trachea and take up residence in one of the victim's lungs. In approximately 4-8 hours, after awakening, the host will complain of chest pains and shortness of breath, followed shortly by abdominal cramping. The tightness in the chest will increase as well as a fever until the host is incapacitated. It is around this time that the onset of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) occurs, a disorder that is normally genetic in nature that promotes growth of bone into muscle tissue. Since the production of new bone growth is so rapid, the procedure is also quite painful for the subject, with new bone spurs occasionally protruding through the flesh. While this is happening, the host will become compelled to seek shelter in a darkened, enclosed space, such as inside household cabinetry, closets, or heating ductwork. Within the first three days without treatment, the host will become completely withdrawn and immobile due to the extreme pain of new bone growth coupled with difficulty breathing. At this point, the subject's body will begin the final stage of transformation into a "bone hive": having concealed itself in its new home, the body of the host will huddle in a foetal position. Entire portions of the skeletal structure will shift along [DATA EXPUNGED] until the host body is roughly spherical in nature and reduced to 3/4 its original size. New bone protrusions will continue to grow and, if possible, anchor the body permanently to its new location. The skeletal structure is almost completely unrecognizable, having been converted to a round "cage" to protect the internal organs and colony. At this point, transformation is complete. The original Queen that entered the host will have produced 20-30,000 offspring that function as workers, drones and warriors in a typical insect hive hierarchy. Since only the Queen is capable of reproduction, the rest of the hive's inhabitants are, fortunately, harmless save for large, strong abdominal forceps of the warriors. The interior of the original host is nearly unrecognizable as a human body: certain organs are removed and used as food, while others are modified by the worker insects to serve as egg incubation chambers. An ingenious method exists of using the host’s own digestive system to process pieces of organic materials collected by the warriors into a nutritive slurry that feeds both the colony and sustains the host hive structure. After 4-6 months, a new Queen will emerge from within the ranks and choose a drone to mate with. At this point, the colony will destroy itself by rupturing [DATA EXPUNGED], upon which the majority of the insects die. Workers and drones are unfit to survive outside the host hive, and warriors will abandon the site, wandering away, their tasks complete. No food will be consumed by warriors that isn't nutritive slurry produced by the hive of origin. The new Queen will venture out, fertilized, to search for her own new hive. Incredibly, the trauma of evacuation is not what finally causes biological activity to cease in the hive, but starvation. Addendum: In a particularly disturbing development, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ performed a range of experiments to determine the extent of damage to the host body after it has finished the transformation into a hive. While it had been previously discovered in autopsy that portions of the brain are hollowed out to serve as food, others are left intact, presumably to regulate what bodily functions continue. During the last round of experimentation, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ took the opportunity to examine a hive at close range shortly after transformation. While the eyes are eventually reached and used as a food source, at the point β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ performed her examination, they were still intact. Opening the eyelids, and examining them with a flashlight, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ discovered that the host's eyes followed the beam. Experimentation was terminated and no further testing is scheduled. Β« SCP-438 | SCP-439 | SCP-440 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-439" by Multimoog, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: bonehive.jpg Name: File:Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.jpg Author: Joh-co License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Advanced stages of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)"
[ 7.04573169e-02 -5.66415429e-01 -8.48985091e-02 -9.85671133e-02 -2.51008838e-01 -2.55838871e-01 3.27322960e-01 3.72426748e-01 1.20018423e-01 -1.38033047e-01 -1.81517392e-01 2.68206626e-01 -6.33145683e-03 -9.28049684e-02 2.81980217e-01 3.31181705e-01 4.95272055e-02 1.71518043e-01 -1.96807802e-01 -3.49122196e-01 -2.13908643e-01 -1.48736518e-02 -1.87057436e-01 4.99383539e-01 -1.93462908e-01 -1.91146955e-01 -2.55472194e-02 3.19855481e-01 1.83044478e-01 -1.46625698e-01 7.84851052e-03 -2.44042333e-02 2.25817710e-01 2.17618883e-01 -1.09838562e-04 -1.58033267e-01 -3.34186405e-02 8.15275013e-02 -2.92656850e-02 1.75777361e-01 -4.52857494e-01 -3.49182874e-01 -2.66440153e-01 -3.15167487e-01 4.97696102e-02 -4.05625142e-02 7.31586590e-02 2.44460092e-03 3.43918800e-01 4.12899889e-02 1.86152816e-01 7.21588060e-02 9.59108770e-02 -3.43028903e-02 2.77341217e-01 2.77516156e-01 -1.78637117e-01 5.45167364e-02 2.72910148e-01 -2.04937421e-02 -2.90423900e-01 -8.03127363e-02 -2.08710879e-02 1.35227516e-01 6.65871143e-01 -2.21996754e-02 -1.07397087e-01 -2.98575163e-01 2.14576438e-01 2.84267843e-01 -3.21654707e-01 -7.17567056e-02 -7.74358287e-02 1.97018813e-02 -4.04211879e-02 -3.44003826e-01 3.11435938e-01 2.87748933e-01 6.17414005e-02 1.48878887e-01 4.70018744e-01 -1.41069144e-02 -2.31273785e-01 -1.73774377e-01 -1.72524065e-01 1.44984618e-01 -1.48919612e-01 -1.24825142e-01 3.54429483e-01 -2.91880518e-01 8.26586410e-03 -1.16168641e-01 1.97110489e-01 4.57950741e-01 -1.95887148e-01 -2.39820778e-01 1.60463229e-01 -5.57084419e-02 3.05174261e-01 1.03834599e-01 9.26730186e-02 -2.26087756e-02 -2.79323936e-01 2.00764716e-01 -2.00563863e-01 -5.27813673e-01 1.05640352e-01 -2.81971961e-01 1.97259039e-02 4.73577023e-01 1.21887662e-01 2.91030943e-01 4.19125743e-02 -6.79240972e-02 -4.28740568e-02 -1.17134981e-01 1.63289264e-01 -1.60644010e-01 -3.68497252e-01 2.81044692e-01 -2.05008432e-01 -7.46272951e-02 -1.16524234e-01 2.33215660e-01 3.25350076e-01 -3.09164405e-01 4.80620097e-03 -1.04524828e-01 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1.76444396e-01 -1.31452233e-02 -2.24207163e-01 9.61511731e-02 1.30460009e-01 1.85076550e-01 -1.25431061e-01 -2.97190726e-01 1.14707284e-01 -4.74180281e-02 8.45057815e-02 7.70220876e-01 1.34754013e-02 5.26060879e-01 1.99524343e-01 -4.99118678e-02 -1.21919587e-01 -2.66427606e-01 3.06235701e-01 -9.27331969e-02 -1.33376241e-01 -3.36198121e-01 -3.85170549e-01 1.74906313e-01 -9.87130925e-02 -3.90374810e-01 -2.99597308e-02 -1.19815804e-01 3.61450613e-01 -1.00674987e-01 1.71469823e-01 2.90900230e-01 -2.61950493e-02 -2.18596131e-01 -1.04478076e-01 -2.58063823e-01 -5.73270507e-02 2.53549814e-01 6.86058849e-02 -3.54125835e-02 -4.79605079e-01 2.75453955e-01 6.61049962e-01 -4.94324528e-02 -1.28485695e-01 1.84836790e-01 2.64609963e-01 -3.06670694e-03 3.51642549e-01 -3.54535520e-01 1.21951975e-01 -1.82602808e-01 -3.72944772e-01 2.46964544e-01 4.90034632e-02 -1.81717560e-01 1.64289698e-01 -2.52111733e-01 -1.87957525e-01 -1.91515967e-01 2.33451694e-01 3.11638474e-01 2.85548717e-01 -5.54121565e-03 -1.81427285e-01 4.61217528e-03 -2.00036466e-01 3.24914381e-02 9.36837047e-02 1.96267605e-01 2.79436205e-02 -2.33157486e-01 -5.51875770e-01 -3.33387375e-01 2.64588773e-01 1.11320816e-01 2.08025612e-02 -1.52110308e-01 -1.83230326e-01 4.11784291e-01 -3.72968197e-01 3.49915437e-02 2.44852498e-01 7.18103051e-01 4.18355078e-01 2.54093558e-01 3.10367197e-01 2.80511640e-02 -1.41333640e-01 -1.01087011e-01 3.04102719e-01 -5.86144865e-01 -1.69828817e-01 -9.03674662e-02 2.60784447e-01 2.96502318e-02 6.41549751e-02 1.28875032e-01 8.60545486e-02 -4.87761021e-01 -3.08041483e-01 2.12693468e-01 6.82771355e-02 8.75544101e-02 -1.85029730e-01 1.90669030e-01 3.25610012e-01 1.90894250e-02 2.60791987e-01 4.14239466e-01 -2.05671236e-01 2.34101444e-01 -9.18296054e-02 4.32395875e-01 7.00439438e-02 3.42349112e-01 2.70906121e-01 -9.39272419e-02 -6.05539270e-02 1.85974628e-01 -6.70194328e-02 1.55725837e-01 6.85355246e-01 2.17456236e-01 -3.34211513e-02 4.57742587e-02 2.76102182e-02 -7.07245395e-02 -2.74097919e-01 4.19610232e-01 8.05883184e-02 -9.28153750e-03 -8.49507526e-02 4.45539743e-01 7.87824020e-02 -1.86601743e-01 -4.98047136e-02 4.56582278e-01 7.54540563e-02 1.79792210e-01 2.31316060e-01 1.19765687e+00 2.56551206e-01 3.30696478e-02 5.31420112e-01 -3.39353800e-01 1.74767827e-03 -2.45244041e-01 -5.55988401e-02 -3.28395784e-01 -2.37221017e-01 1.00088142e-01 -9.55968276e-02 2.40169689e-01 6.21985614e-01 -6.60684407e-02 -1.60374761e-01 -3.49416509e-02 -4.99079898e-02 1.11527883e-01 2.28369519e-01 3.51906382e-02 -3.24269563e-01 -1.69934824e-01 2.38909036e-01 -6.34789839e-02 3.14076632e-01 1.02572311e-02 -3.06768864e-02 9.89899691e-03 -1.53832704e-01 -1.85616240e-01 1.78837329e-01 2.46746853e-01 1.94586694e-01 -5.59811331e-02 -1.80516392e-01 -7.81070394e-03 -4.16348606e-01 -2.93840498e-01 -5.62152709e-04 -7.75529351e-03 -9.73900855e-02 6.05422080e-01 -1.06576607e-01 -7.03240186e-03 -2.13567819e-02 3.98990005e-01 1.89008396e-02 9.24828369e-03 4.62754369e-01 9.85007733e-02 5.69103584e-02 3.09954852e-01 2.46667027e-01 -3.59312817e-02 -3.33373278e-01 2.66481340e-01 2.71414042e-01 -6.82348311e-02 -7.39301741e-02 1.41173527e-01 1.26549914e-01 -3.18520784e-01 1.59911290e-02 2.60486882e-02 -1.70184746e-02 -1.30602241e-01 1.57750189e-01 1.68348208e-01 3.42072040e-01 1.59733474e-01 2.57535487e-01 -2.56462902e-01 -3.96305412e-01 3.90680879e-01 -1.22998662e-01 -6.94019616e-01 -3.91258448e-02 -4.36956808e-02 -2.56354719e-01 -2.90532678e-01 1.10211879e-01 -8.86732154e-03 -2.24040404e-01 -4.77163792e-02 -3.90566677e-01 8.12130943e-02 5.71889728e-02 -1.98673204e-01 1.66477978e-01 3.23426425e-01 6.41910493e-01 -2.80632935e-02 1.35956449e-03 -3.77511859e-01 2.42693469e-01 -2.79613703e-01 -1.62637681e-01 9.92247611e-02 -2.61605263e-01 -2.17241552e-02 -1.02778442e-01 7.61202350e-02 9.27888751e-02 -2.08877176e-01 -2.24787384e-01 -3.27709734e-01 1.06393933e-01 8.35247058e-03 -2.18136191e-01 -1.48874953e-01 -1.65845200e-01 8.35051239e-02 4.21956405e-02 -1.18078571e-02 -2.30139843e-03 3.14345986e-01 7.40158260e-02 3.25953901e-01 1.87404498e-01 -1.00165285e-01 1.69347286e-01 -7.77964387e-03 1.81154832e-01 -1.46538660e-01 2.09640920e-01 -3.02928597e-01 5.26055992e-02 2.00119749e-01 2.43018761e-01 -7.69381225e-02 1.68090742e-02 3.00324768e-01 -7.72336647e-02 -2.65933961e-01 -6.63385317e-02 -8.09354633e-02 9.17701796e-02 -1.96242899e-01 -5.92208430e-02 -2.99299657e-01 2.87650198e-01 -2.25475490e-01 -1.16592254e-02 -5.48351824e-01 -2.18784511e-01 7.67503679e-02 3.74411196e-01 5.03961779e-02 -1.51400104e-01 2.78509766e-01 8.95545408e-02 2.50755306e-02 2.25871980e-01 7.46042058e-02 3.41718853e-01 -2.53878593e-01 -7.15463236e-02 2.68796295e-01 1.33091211e-01 2.97436684e-01 1.11183316e-01 3.12543958e-01 8.57026055e-02 3.46742645e-02 2.12877929e-01 2.43908539e-01 -2.96140790e-01 -2.37643108e-01 1.05895057e-01 2.72852182e-02 -5.99341318e-02 1.80746287e-01 -3.72026558e-03 -4.85440671e-01 -2.16219515e-01 3.82596292e-02 2.57817090e-01 -1.33998886e-01 2.47332975e-01 3.88763279e-01 -8.28904659e-02 -1.23004794e-01 -3.81486267e-01 -5.95362671e-02 6.34679571e-02 2.64472365e-01 -3.01792473e-01 2.86026001e-01 2.42843390e-01 -1.16865359e-01 8.98106247e-02 3.48467559e-01 -1.14312418e-01 1.03681795e-01 2.77094036e-01 -2.10282713e-01 -3.88945313e-03 3.82694632e-01 4.81573105e-01 -1.69215426e-01 -1.49901792e-01 -1.47217244e-01 -4.39267725e-01 -1.73568815e-01 -8.20942968e-02 7.90499002e-02 -3.29977833e-02 9.88705680e-02 2.81038493e-01 1.16299547e-01 -2.67580122e-01 -1.63422167e-01 2.42326632e-01 1.17551498e-01 -2.13369504e-01 3.84975135e-01 -1.86122343e-01 -2.01808631e-01 2.72696353e-02 -2.77193129e-01 8.12997073e-02 3.54199857e-01 -2.41930713e-03 -3.51830900e-01 2.30867267e-01 -3.25103521e-01 9.34537724e-02 8.18618536e-02 3.59059691e-01 -1.63187087e-02 -1.16511425e-02 -2.08133131e-01 -1.93964019e-01 -1.54000998e-01 9.56899002e-02 -2.49836639e-01 -2.48294055e-01 2.10943464e-02 -4.11126250e-03 4.59430218e-02 1.60049945e-02 1.10685647e-01 3.57210815e-01 -4.59059209e-01 2.02777341e-01 -1.31121099e-01 2.46518612e-01 -1.93867832e-01 5.65789901e-02 -2.18935102e-01 5.96054876e-03 3.79958838e-01 3.01259786e-01 6.72884136e-02 -2.40086079e-01 -3.24530512e-01 9.32551920e-02 1.53001085e-01 4.53816324e-01 5.01491055e-02 2.27546450e-02 -3.17038834e-01 -4.79609162e-01 -2.20231742e-01 1.92707762e-01 -5.17546050e-02 3.53878230e-01 2.55314678e-01 2.58291394e-01 2.64569432e-01 -1.61386579e-01 2.22148702e-01 5.37378853e-03 -8.16476494e-02 2.52687544e-01 -1.25186130e-01 1.89530432e-01 -2.91785151e-01 3.42410475e-01 -2.36528851e-02 3.63160789e-01 1.48731545e-02 -1.29693702e-01 -2.44168088e-01 -3.55051070e-01 4.05547589e-01 3.27171572e-02 -3.82739425e-01 -2.38629594e-01 1.19341210e-01 -5.06836653e-01 -8.80916715e-02 -3.67282867e-01 -3.84489715e-01 -1.30222589e-01 6.17776066e-02 -7.74189979e-02 -2.24111795e-01 -8.97276253e-02 -4.45789516e-01 -1.69222429e-01 5.91284156e-01 3.07786345e-01 -5.37959561e-02 6.22255467e-02 -3.62089813e-01]
"Sand-Based Ecology" active "Item #: SCP-440 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: As of 6/19/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the majority of SCP-440 in existence is located in Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ's Large-Scale Wilderness Observation Dome (LSWOD). Standard LSWOD security protocols apply, and all observers and items placed inside the Dome are to be completely sanitized of SCP-440. The bottle in which SCP-440 was first discovered (hereafter referred to as SCP-440-Prime), is currently located in a security cabinet on Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-440 is a sample of fine-grain sand (sand grain of approximately 90 micrometers) that is chemically identical to typical silica-based sand. Its only difference is that it functions as if it were in a microgravity environment, regardless of the gravitational forces acting upon it. SCP-440 was found in a small glass bottle with no label on it, filled with a viscous fluid that, presumably, weighs down SCP-440 and prevents the grains from touching. SCP-440 is capable of giving this property to other samples of sand, essentially transforming it into SCP-440 itself1. The process governing this conversion is believed to be based on contact, requiring SCP-440 to be introduced into a sample of unconverted sand via compressed air. The rate of conversion from basic sand to SCP-440 is also unknown, but it is understood that approximately 30% (by mass) of 'seed sand' does not convert. When SCP-440 reaches specific levels of concentration within an environment, an SCP-440 based ecosystem forms. Because all SCP-440-based objects (environmental and sapient) are in constant gravitational freefall, there is less evolutionary pressure on gravity-defying traits. Experiment Log 03/10/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: In Examination Booth #6642, 2 g of SCP-440 injected into 4 L of fine-grain sand via air-powered hose. 03/18/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Sand-to-SCP-440 conversion ceases; approximately 1.2 L of sand remains unconverted. Small (0.5 to 1 cm) nodules of SCP-440 appear, floating aimlessly in the enclosure. 4/30/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Request to expand experiment approved by O5-β–ˆ to Examination Room #6135. 12 L of fine-grain sand added to the room. 5/10/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: 3 L of fine-grain sand remains unconverted. Larger rocks (average size: 10 cm) float through the enclosure. First discovery of SCP-440-based life occur, hereafter referred to as SCP-440-1. SCP-440-1 (colloquially called "dustbugs") are 6 cm entities somewhat resembling brine shrimp. Specimens of SCP-440-1 spend their lives using their rough 'teeth' to shear off sections of rocks for consumption. Study of SCP-440-1 specimens reveal they are composed entirely of undifferentiated SCP-440. Experiment transfer to Animal Enclosure #42 approved, and enclosure is re-seeded with β–ˆβ–ˆ L of fine-grain sand. 6/7/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Floating rocks (average size: 41 cm) compose the majority of the enclosure. SCP-440-1 population increases dramatically, kept in check by a new entity type, hereafter SCP-440-2. SCP-440-2s are 75 cm long entities resembling rocky cephalopods, using their tentacles to push themselves off the environment to move. They are dubbed "Rocktopods" by staff. After much deliberation, O5-β–ˆ ordered Animal Enclosure #42 shipped to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ for expansion purposes, owing to that Site's unused Large-Scale Wilderness Observation Dome. As with the previous transfer, approximately [DATA EXPUNGED] of fine-grain sand was placed in the Dome. 9/19/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Rocks in environment have an average size of 6 m. Populations of SCP-440-1 and -2 have grown as projected. Over the past week, four instances of a new apex predator, SCP-440-3 ("Sandsnakes") are documented. SCP-440-3s are 1.5 m long entities with a snake-like body and a mouth shaped like a conventional rock crusher. Two SCP-440-3s are killed before reaching full maturity (one from another SCP-440-3, another from attacking a group of SCP-440-2s). The survivors establish a territorial system within the LSWOD. It is assumed that SCP-440-3 specimens are composed of SCP-440, but capturing an SCP-440-3 sample has proven difficult, owing to hostility by SCP-440-3s. 10/08/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Permission to seek expansion for the environment denied by O5-β–ˆ. Additional Data: SCP-440 Exploratory Log A - 6/7/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ SCP-440 Exploratory Log B - 9/10/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ A Detailed Examination Of The SCP-440 Ecology by Dr. Zβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β€” FILE CURRENTLY PROCESSING Β« SCP-439 | SCP-440 | SCP-441 Β»" nan
[ 1.01073653e-01 -4.32645008e-02 -1.91413343e-01 -4.45643105e-02 4.41317409e-02 -5.35088122e-01 4.26826999e-02 2.59037256e-01 2.39690870e-01 2.21222177e-01 1.63021624e-01 4.20404047e-01 -3.01229805e-01 4.51863140e-01 1.85603034e-02 3.50901127e-01 1.43491134e-01 1.70176162e-03 -3.01205739e-02 -1.62994727e-01 -2.70386904e-01 -3.05105954e-01 1.17955290e-01 -1.40301496e-01 1.38825104e-01 1.13824748e-01 7.81679600e-02 2.57039964e-01 -1.92771375e-01 -4.85698998e-01 2.51524001e-01 1.90309927e-01 1.35995358e-01 5.71279675e-02 -1.07065716e-04 -9.54387337e-02 5.79616502e-02 3.37400250e-02 -4.70459368e-03 1.95100993e-01 -1.29601985e-01 -1.46262228e-01 -8.76960158e-02 -2.58027524e-01 1.83006935e-02 2.02692226e-01 5.59970327e-02 -3.01942766e-01 2.09049031e-01 -1.16721042e-01 2.04543620e-01 -1.95035100e-01 -3.08738858e-03 -1.65550932e-01 -2.20186412e-02 7.64993131e-01 3.80260795e-02 -4.29091454e-02 4.86646295e-02 9.91294533e-02 -1.80333629e-01 -1.58846471e-02 -1.37456462e-01 -3.30953337e-02 4.28763628e-01 -1.70047030e-01 1.32879093e-01 -2.65300900e-01 3.52835864e-01 3.24298322e-01 1.54665127e-01 2.56194681e-01 -2.02554017e-01 2.11748816e-02 -2.91387588e-01 9.39685851e-03 -5.35217002e-02 4.05413181e-01 1.97655395e-01 -2.36240719e-02 2.41687551e-01 2.45335698e-01 -3.66575390e-01 5.64664342e-02 -9.18826759e-02 3.09707254e-01 -9.25260484e-02 -1.02020055e-01 1.46687746e-01 -8.64974558e-02 7.69391134e-02 -5.52394725e-02 2.81330407e-01 2.78134197e-01 6.49987310e-02 -9.09383893e-02 2.49325797e-01 1.53995320e-01 4.17254299e-01 4.36748743e-01 2.56929904e-01 1.57952562e-01 4.13979322e-01 6.82676286e-02 3.93313244e-02 -1.79566577e-01 1.05508707e-01 -3.02818537e-01 2.26273872e-02 2.58396953e-01 -2.74696108e-02 2.37880945e-01 -4.56826352e-02 2.49833420e-01 -3.10325503e-01 -3.43511134e-01 5.13845563e-01 -2.57258922e-01 -1.88585281e-01 -6.42610760e-03 -7.29574561e-01 1.27129257e-01 -1.48413420e-01 1.92824244e-01 4.58687603e-01 4.07265216e-01 2.24265754e-01 -2.54420396e-02 3.39698568e-02 2.29082927e-02 -1.27874225e-01 1.84805393e-01 -4.21530187e-01 3.59896035e-03 -1.63918640e-02 1.76703766e-01 1.07811298e-02 -9.75834057e-02 -2.02213898e-01 7.33842105e-02 -3.29739265e-02 1.01475596e-01 2.91455358e-01 3.90012801e-01 -4.00819145e-02 -1.61980148e-02 -4.77344096e-02 2.12051734e-01 -2.33212367e-01 -1.07981518e-01 1.28590420e-01 -9.80378240e-02 -2.92428017e-01 2.83791333e-01 -1.34760678e-01 3.96919847e-02 9.84395504e-01 6.74003065e-02 -2.34835967e-02 1.04506217e-01 2.41823047e-02 7.02081025e-02 -1.04503229e-01 -2.57213145e-01 2.23753557e-01 4.57979649e-01 -1.46312967e-01 -1.27019390e-01 -6.14835560e-01 1.02932326e-01 2.10070014e-01 -1.58937752e-01 -1.25970125e-01 2.16534197e-01 -2.15503111e-01 8.10855553e-02 -5.38324416e-01 -1.12896897e-01 -2.21503247e-03 -3.21850479e-01 -3.01945060e-01 2.49584049e-01 3.59745920e-01 -2.26253539e-01 -5.30646779e-02 2.50420272e-02 -1.53951734e-01 2.14790046e-01 2.51434505e-01 -2.77428448e-01 -2.87230074e-01 -2.19219595e-01 8.64300877e-02 -7.27384761e-02 1.30619615e-01 7.56311566e-02 4.74702895e-01 3.31018478e-01 -1.94514200e-01 4.83941333e-03 1.23848647e-01 3.89227152e-01 6.60703838e-01 -1.43545881e-01 -2.98508495e-01 -4.00251076e-02 2.81642121e-03 -8.19396749e-02 -6.74541248e-03 3.08152407e-01 2.38663614e-01 -1.07020095e-01 -2.99122006e-01 3.06576282e-01 1.81886360e-01 -6.55741334e-01 2.50283778e-01 4.38241124e-01 2.86155909e-01 -1.99544996e-01 -5.10383546e-02 -3.91291976e-02 -5.36514027e-03 -6.65441826e-02 -1.23890571e-01 -6.77160546e-02 -2.29298592e-01 -3.56162161e-01 -1.68622017e-03 2.00620726e-01 1.54979542e-01 4.94905338e-02 2.89092094e-01 -1.19324997e-02 -4.22843605e-01 -2.03791082e-01 2.38029823e-01 8.78403127e-01 -1.22626781e-01 -1.79156885e-01 1.04559414e-01 4.64423038e-02 9.55558717e-02 -3.61084677e-02 -1.83094293e-01 5.74713409e-01 2.80591100e-01 1.90658167e-01 2.10702702e-01 1.21053942e-01 -2.00885553e-02 -3.97543103e-01 -1.71973586e-01 2.02567860e-01 3.07335019e-01 -6.09506182e-02 5.94572842e-01 1.88609421e-01 -1.90372601e-01 4.82265532e-01 -8.64124894e-02 -1.67884946e-01 -4.56332266e-02 1.76222265e-01 1.77214190e-01 -3.22941303e-01 1.81903511e-01 2.78959006e-01 1.74495474e-01 2.53414541e-01 1.85382158e-01 -4.35995758e-02 -3.14199254e-02 2.96148751e-03 7.21173063e-02 1.44892946e-01 1.04624972e-01 9.50374007e-02 3.11360538e-01 1.21154964e-01 -1.31117836e-01 -2.16123670e-01 -2.30546474e-01 -5.65140462e-03 -1.79444790e-01 3.76199722e-01 -1.13100991e-01 -1.39636397e-01 -4.34705317e-01 -1.01162295e-03 1.99743062e-01 -2.30270877e-01 1.22167617e-01 -2.00251598e-04 -3.39895129e-01 1.30936936e-01 3.25458378e-01 3.13352227e-01 -2.74896082e-02 2.68620610e-01 -4.47663635e-01 1.89025700e-01 -1.24260455e-01 1.22160718e-01 8.62317458e-02 1.63313016e-01 3.25303763e-01 1.07424907e-01 1.06835604e-01 -5.66778593e-02 -6.21521771e-01 1.36099383e-01 1.35321170e-01 -1.17326323e-02 1.48484766e-01 -3.21263224e-02 7.30218366e-02 -5.15675128e-01 3.82628627e-02 -6.59942150e-01 1.01581633e-01 7.10063651e-02 -7.29719549e-02 1.51461456e-02 -2.94689059e-01 -2.26878867e-01 -1.37101099e-01 -1.09328829e-01 1.68797467e-02 1.03130341e-01 1.17382251e-01 2.48882011e-01 1.34605944e-01 2.30510131e-01 -1.30788252e-01 -2.06782207e-01 -5.58076054e-02 -5.09399951e-01 -1.78672493e-01 -4.11901698e-02 -1.01582542e-01 -2.56946117e-01 -2.56515741e-01 -5.02045676e-02 -2.88094580e-02 2.86259800e-01 2.90931582e-01 7.18674585e-02 2.21841916e-01 -8.77891108e-02 -2.48301968e-01 2.32524097e-01 -4.85171676e-02 -2.92387664e-01 -1.20521598e-01 1.56550691e-01 2.24312618e-01 8.85823742e-02 4.55886781e-01 -2.63550073e-01 -2.10352287e-01 3.11777622e-01 3.48316371e-01 -3.94151211e-01 -1.79679975e-01 1.99983358e-01 3.07300627e-01 2.36627668e-01 2.86503971e-01 -1.49871588e-01 2.17473269e-01 -1.08346581e-01 -4.30451691e-01 2.84416020e-01 -4.57095020e-02 2.47414643e-03 8.63483325e-02 1.64637759e-01 -2.17371538e-01 1.42420724e-01 -1.53602464e-02 3.36468607e-01 2.21860915e-01 -2.41571039e-01 -3.79520625e-01 1.48897991e-01 3.15273814e-02 -2.48217687e-01 6.92673922e-02 8.12248066e-02 1.71449259e-01 -6.38702571e-01 6.50481805e-02 -3.53166491e-01 1.14176996e-01 -2.40980372e-01 -1.06571428e-02 -3.46336484e-01 -1.92268610e-01 3.05564761e-01 -2.73352861e-01 3.02402467e-01 1.84837312e-01 5.36243141e-01 2.47719079e-01 1.16620541e-01 -1.69582248e-01 -2.13585496e-01 -5.04793704e-01 -4.21767503e-01 8.24942768e-01 -4.65061516e-01 -3.44557285e-01 -9.72946659e-02 3.20804566e-02 -2.27891922e-01 1.25694007e-01 4.28399533e-01 -1.19305104e-01 -6.63092613e-01 -1.37741327e-01 -5.22574317e-03 7.92871267e-02 5.34508154e-02 7.89396241e-02 7.11116642e-02 2.30445251e-01 5.68390414e-02 9.32398140e-02 -1.03082888e-01 -1.72656015e-01 -2.33665556e-01 -2.86031496e-02 -9.74197686e-02 2.11720943e-01 4.70121592e-01 1.08022884e-01 -9.15050060e-02 3.98757458e-02 2.71208525e-01 5.88937327e-02 1.68777242e-01 3.41667831e-01 1.09560125e-01 2.17698440e-01 1.08130082e-01 2.93068551e-02 -3.79809856e-01 3.33539993e-02 -6.54795691e-02 1.46932006e-01 -1.09653518e-01 -1.34529129e-01 3.90659988e-01 4.48554270e-02 -3.20687443e-01 -3.18789989e-01 7.13786036e-02 -2.11828575e-01 3.43427002e-01 4.50099349e-01 1.10957468e+00 -7.27843195e-02 -9.31356102e-02 2.44582057e-01 -6.71934724e-01 2.39669271e-02 -3.08720291e-01 -1.82105035e-01 -1.55273959e-01 1.55079424e-01 6.62842467e-02 -9.15507823e-02 5.84041119e-01 3.33435178e-01 -1.75609544e-01 -1.55843765e-01 -2.88102090e-01 4.92240861e-03 7.34105334e-02 1.62335590e-01 1.40327841e-01 2.75698374e-03 -1.82457790e-02 2.79967189e-01 -4.94688898e-02 3.93591523e-01 -1.56924114e-01 -1.71124592e-01 -1.30337790e-01 -2.31232241e-01 -1.33917227e-01 1.75683007e-01 3.50295216e-01 8.80377665e-02 -2.97361072e-02 -1.01194717e-01 -3.15186709e-01 -2.73983926e-02 -4.04350460e-01 -1.47968829e-01 -1.53891400e-01 -5.98567426e-02 -6.03430206e-03 -1.65783718e-01 1.65386796e-01 1.10120915e-01 2.96012431e-01 1.01043336e-01 -5.51853143e-02 7.28622228e-02 3.26273441e-02 -2.56018266e-02 -1.98094264e-01 8.89728591e-02 1.44962203e-02 -1.42782316e-01 3.23767364e-02 2.20539927e-01 -1.59697026e-01 -1.07070625e-01 1.77471861e-01 -1.09636620e-01 -5.86432032e-02 -1.06398433e-01 -1.07187621e-01 -1.02106310e-01 -7.86116719e-02 4.24509645e-01 5.14237173e-02 6.10992730e-01 -2.76036888e-01 -9.60626677e-02 -1.79313689e-01 -3.08383435e-01 2.93172449e-01 4.97004017e-02 2.89081801e-02 5.21553010e-02 -1.21344402e-01 -3.81666422e-01 3.86093669e-02 -1.86059549e-01 1.48079395e-01 -2.58401990e-01 -2.21975535e-01 -4.84238893e-01 2.17673019e-01 4.03206460e-02 -2.09220231e-01 8.53134543e-02 -5.69844134e-02 4.64576393e-01 -9.90685374e-02 -5.33839501e-03 -4.03037906e-01 -1.73337907e-01 -3.08786333e-01 -1.59599736e-01 1.00006655e-01 -2.32530713e-01 -2.63505965e-01 -1.90673888e-01 1.77003101e-01 -1.55312553e-01 -1.42784670e-01 -2.30762750e-01 -8.82244762e-03 7.91392401e-02 -1.18742203e-02 1.99331809e-02 2.56655276e-01 -9.54719726e-03 1.00196578e-01 -1.32362973e-02 -1.30041510e-01 1.75259218e-01 6.44508675e-02 4.48244736e-02 -5.68632305e-01 3.88510048e-01 1.48556560e-01 -5.14175482e-02 -9.25188884e-02 -2.73807645e-01 4.76571247e-02 2.14473233e-01 1.12952195e-01 2.17613857e-02 -1.08319141e-01 6.18089400e-02 -1.58800408e-01 5.88400885e-02 2.88650155e-01 1.91497162e-01 -1.56291753e-01 2.23060716e-02 7.95965195e-02 -7.05712065e-02 -1.98098660e-01 1.17233768e-01 -1.50862843e-01 3.00432026e-01 -2.14633346e-01 1.58004776e-01 -4.66627568e-01 -6.71563372e-02 -9.05985087e-02 2.43006632e-01 2.36012980e-01 -5.62190652e-01 7.73976222e-02 1.78712055e-01 2.67255843e-01 4.87222999e-01 1.43506318e-01 4.22944665e-01 -2.45449916e-01 9.54526141e-02 2.05767915e-01 -9.25422162e-02 3.62913579e-01 8.75623524e-02 4.57197279e-01 7.07728207e-01 -4.58002044e-03 3.39667380e-01 -4.14349698e-02 1.36577383e-01 1.27065316e-01 4.96395469e-01 1.50280893e-01 3.22855532e-01 5.19349128e-02 9.30210575e-02 -4.80514288e-01 -1.53735489e-01 -2.15760097e-02 2.49960154e-01 7.15067983e-02 -3.78321297e-02 1.36252970e-01 -2.22597823e-01 2.33850598e-01 8.79476666e-02 1.37564287e-01 -1.05434269e-01 7.53760710e-02 -1.08240373e-01 -2.46370479e-01 -4.33921404e-02 1.15283392e-01 3.03124171e-02 1.40613943e-01 -2.66834438e-01 1.23017505e-01 3.81514169e-02 -3.47071528e-01 3.72975506e-02 2.90374279e-01 1.85736954e-01 3.63793336e-02 -6.64254501e-02 -1.61507174e-01 -1.33705154e-01 -2.14779645e-01 -8.40014368e-02 -2.13299677e-01 2.48792991e-01 4.89087068e-02 -3.57977934e-02 1.10277079e-01 -2.56454319e-01 -2.79429913e-01 3.86124134e-01 2.94918090e-01 1.97396241e-02 -3.40826735e-02 -7.49890730e-02 2.94929314e-02 3.77284437e-01 9.93824154e-02 -5.15584089e-02 3.88208032e-02 -4.73021090e-01 1.74051404e-01 1.61120698e-01 5.51428236e-02 1.20192498e-01 -3.60640585e-02 1.31403565e-01 -3.25932264e-01 -4.77283031e-01 1.78155944e-01 -2.58958638e-01 -1.23218425e-01 5.59987500e-02 -2.87195086e-01 -2.14425087e-01 -7.91506320e-02 -1.54706445e-02 -6.55001700e-02 -2.41090178e-01 -3.48109007e-02 -2.98101697e-02 -2.23623496e-02 -1.06614992e-01 -2.82866955e-01 1.77978456e-01 -5.80232032e-03 9.95385498e-02 -6.22438751e-02 -7.82066956e-02 1.65504217e-01 6.70321733e-02 1.91152528e-01 -4.77292538e-02 -1.03826001e-02 -1.54082878e-02 -1.49602979e-01 1.72481120e-01 3.62726822e-02 1.01739496e-01 -1.92348942e-01 -2.99231917e-01 -2.50775993e-01 5.04960753e-02 -1.96477711e-01 2.01447308e-01 -1.29050806e-01 1.54665127e-01 5.72680719e-02 5.27854711e-02 -8.87886435e-02 1.96209118e-01 9.48530138e-02 -4.93356027e-03 -2.59652048e-01 2.05456361e-01 -1.42190844e-01 1.81675449e-01 -7.97531232e-02 3.80982310e-02 -3.05710416e-02 -2.98687875e-01 -3.33737880e-01 -3.15770842e-02 3.69075805e-01 2.01381251e-01 -9.21482295e-02 4.87562083e-02 1.23334706e-01 -2.62873173e-01 1.22627556e-01 -6.63296342e-01 -4.46483463e-01 -1.57361496e-02 1.16134815e-01 -6.53675422e-02 -5.59590347e-02 -2.57501662e-01 -4.18641537e-01 -2.41539776e-02 1.62170961e-01 1.76305965e-01 -7.38570169e-02 9.24274251e-02 -1.89166397e-01]
"Jacob Ram" active "Item #: SCP-441 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-441 is currently housed in a designated outdoor pasture at Bio-Research Area 32. The 100 m2 field is surrounded on all sides and bisected into two rectangular halves by a concrete wall 1 m high. Once a month, a team of six D-class personnel is to lead SCP-441 from whichever half of the pasture it is currently residing in through the gate in the dividing wall into the other half of the pasture. The previously occupied section of the field is then to be thoroughly cleaned. The field must be carefully examined for any instances of SCP-441-1, which are to be dug out at the root and incinerated. Fresh sod must be sown in places where SCP-441 has grazed or where SCP-441-1 has been removed. All personnel dealing with SCP-441 are to remain in proximity of less than twenty meters for no longer than thirty (30) minutes. Any personnel showing any health problems whatsoever after contact with SCP-441 are to be examined by medical staff and reassigned. Description: SCP-441 is an adult male Jacob Ram. Prolonged proximity to SCP-441 leads to a depressed immune system in humans. After approximately thirty minutes of exposure, D-class test subjects showed markedly decreased white blood cell counts. After an exposure of an hour or more, subjects display symptoms of severe immune deficiency. After ninety minutes or more, the immune systems of subjects generally do not recover, and death results from massive infection. Laboratory analysis of a tissue sample retrieved from SCP-441 revealed a clear viscous mixture of interstitial fluids and blood not unlike arthropod hemolymph. Cell structure is identical to mammalian cells but lacks a nucleus or apparent genetic material. It should be noted that SCP-441 now reacts with aggression towards any personnel wearing a standard issue Foundation lab-coat. Patches of ground where SCP-441 has grazed begin to exhibit growth of SCP-441-1 after several days. SCP-441-1 resembles common pasture grasses (Poa, Festuca, and Lolium spp.), but exhibits black pigmentation. SCP-441-1 tends not to grow beyond small patches, but appears to have a slightly higher growth rate in the shadowy areas around the concrete containment wall. Similarly to the tissue sample of SCP-441, analysis of SCP-441-1 has revealed a cellulose-walled cell structure identical to terrestrial plants but lacking in a nucleus or genetic material. SCP-441 shows little interest in humans, but will make eye contact with any staff members entering its vicinity. Following a routine monthly cleaning, SCP-441 showed a marked and stubborn interest in D-1570, a schizophrenic. On duty staff recognized this change in behavior and convinced D-1570 to participate in experiment 441-1 (see below). Experiment Log 441-1: D-1570 spent a two day period living in containment with SCP-441, his official role assigned as β€œKeeper.” His duties were to groom, feed, and clean up after SCP-441. D-1570 was observed developing an extreme physical and emotional attachment to SCP-441. Surveillance tapes show D-1570 sometimes speaking to SCP-441, and other times sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of it silently for extended periods of time. Frequent medical examinations showed that D-1570’s immune system was degrading rapidly, and the subject perished 43 hours after first exposure. Refer to select transcripts below of an interview conducted with D-1570 shortly before his death. Excerpts from an audio log of Interview 441-1-a: <Begin Log> [14:52] Interviewer: Please explain your relationship with SCP-441. D-1570: You mean β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Interviewer: What? Please repeat your answer. D-1570: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It’s what he calls himself. Interviewer: May I remind you, these interviews are intended to be conducted with the utmost seriousness. D-1570: I’m completely serious. (Begins coughing violently) Interviewer: So you claim SCP-441 is sentient? D-1570: Yes. He’s been waiting for someone like me, you see (D-1570 is unresponsive for several seconds). He tells me things. Such things…..He’s waiting. Interviewer: Waiting for what? D-1570: Doctor, have you ever felt detached from your own body? As if you were still there, still inhabiting your person, but there was this thick wall of cotton between your mind and your body? Like you witnessed every action your body took three or four seconds after it happened? (D-1570 ceases to respond to questioning at this point) [15:03] Interviewer: Have you obtained any further understanding of SCP-441-1? D-1570: Oh, the black grass? It reminds him of home. (D-1570 begins coughing) Interviewer: Are you aware of the effect exposure to SCP-441 has on your health? D-1570: Yes. Interviewer: And you have no qualms with it? D-1570: He….he said it was the only way. (Coughing) Interviewer: Please clarify that statement. D-1570: Would you like to see what he’s done? (At this point, D-1570 begins lifting his shirt) Interviewer: Oh God. Shit. [DATA EXPUNGED] (Screaming over microphone) We need a medic in here! <End Log> Closing Statement: D-1570 died shortly after Interview 441-1-a from complications relating to acute pneumonia and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It should also be noted that SCP-441 has never been recorded or witnessed making vocalizations of any sort. Β« SCP-440 | SCP-441 | SCP-442 Β»" nan
[ 3.19706857e-01 -8.88710022e-02 -1.29164129e-01 -1.32069007e-01 5.21240950e-01 -3.54053110e-01 6.04514420e-01 -9.16379038e-03 -3.41787606e-01 2.19043300e-01 2.99710900e-01 4.33383398e-02 -1.88066110e-01 -3.71571988e-01 2.38152966e-01 3.35256308e-01 -1.18322439e-01 -5.36451861e-02 -4.86691833e-01 -3.39062244e-01 1.41584978e-01 -2.54493789e-03 -2.34582778e-02 1.37979448e-01 -1.32568285e-01 9.62843597e-02 1.27767071e-01 4.74322230e-01 5.50460145e-02 -2.26533785e-01 -7.58957211e-03 2.82575428e-01 6.63661584e-02 1.67146385e-01 -1.15717317e-04 -2.11971536e-01 -3.16886380e-02 1.07273035e-01 1.29299060e-01 3.80929559e-01 -3.73453259e-01 -1.39778703e-01 -3.09222322e-02 -2.40294948e-01 -2.85332128e-02 2.87854701e-01 4.57565896e-02 -4.30101305e-02 3.78192544e-01 1.94504470e-01 1.52931973e-01 -4.73588794e-01 8.79117381e-03 2.09781956e-02 3.60833675e-01 6.15400612e-01 -1.39339224e-01 -2.36863103e-02 2.30249688e-01 2.56425608e-02 8.34478065e-02 -1.31818429e-01 5.50416894e-02 -8.15717727e-02 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2.21147418e-01 -1.06169090e-01 -4.30167168e-01 -7.78252929e-02 -1.96016192e-01 -1.29415780e-01 5.85505426e-01 -1.40290111e-01 1.63428783e-01 -9.01719555e-03 2.34362170e-01 7.97933638e-02 3.73262197e-01 -3.15923214e-01 1.05726272e-01 2.26595923e-01 -2.65174508e-01 2.90826440e-01 1.16786338e-01 2.25586727e-01 -2.00202540e-01 -1.00567631e-01 -2.05326214e-01 -1.98759198e-01 -3.04719329e-01 4.85430360e-02 2.12047979e-01 3.60927656e-02 1.56135216e-01 -1.29912034e-01 1.61344573e-01 -2.19923720e-01 -4.40846533e-01 3.15506250e-01 1.23673879e-01 -7.91161954e-02 1.03728592e-01 5.07612564e-02 -1.19449608e-01 1.43776253e-01 -2.97440648e-01 -1.05976015e-01 -2.04903856e-01 -3.65770876e-01 -2.39386454e-01 2.70394474e-01 -2.10888445e-01 5.27941063e-02 4.11074981e-02 2.92604953e-01 -1.60392895e-01 -2.89187312e-01 -2.19867984e-03 -3.59414876e-01 -3.38589430e-01 1.84135631e-01 -3.02506238e-01 -3.04358453e-01 1.65257454e-01 2.93278210e-02 -1.53587083e-04 -1.63720503e-01 3.89238782e-02 -9.90821496e-02 9.14878845e-02 -3.43950577e-02 -2.32912555e-01 2.52286345e-01 5.30516028e-01 -1.57452777e-01 -1.20903604e-01 -9.58211645e-02 3.65375072e-01 -8.01051334e-02 2.53363736e-02 -1.35194352e-02 -8.39535967e-02 2.03387924e-02 4.22404498e-01 3.14831972e-01 1.35399148e-01 4.13543135e-01 -1.94467649e-01 -3.33679259e-01 4.69485745e-02 2.40177035e-01 -6.29338203e-03 -2.23570541e-01 3.41791324e-02 3.06593657e-01 2.42896453e-01 3.51421148e-01 2.22534552e-01 1.90551028e-01 -6.73392788e-02 -1.03494050e-02 -1.30108312e-01 1.51382580e-01 -2.00605877e-02 2.95160711e-01 -6.82164580e-02 3.94747704e-01 2.40168218e-02 -2.74382085e-02 -3.41868550e-01 -3.62992525e-01 4.11181837e-01 -2.25069970e-01 -2.53695101e-01 -1.77528203e-01 -7.93394633e-03 3.24450769e-02 2.18614805e-02 -4.60022628e-01 -1.89653575e-01 -2.17660367e-02 1.54520318e-01 -1.36348233e-01 2.70422459e-01 -4.31238227e-02 -4.51336712e-01 -6.25951169e-03 4.03709710e-02 -1.01087419e-02 1.00874439e-01 -1.69179946e-01 -3.84388089e-01]
"On-Time Piece" active "Item #: SCP-442 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-442 is to be kept away from its current owner in a secure container until being used for testing. The current owner must have a will leaving SCP-442 to a D-class personnel. The owner is granted a suspension of termination. Should the D-class listed in the current owner's will be terminated or otherwise invalidated for ownership of SCP-442, a new will is to be written at the next available opportunity. Description: SCP-442 is a gold-plated pocket watch three (3) centimeters in diameter with hands showing the hour and minute. Along the edge of the watch an inscription reads, "To my good friend, a helping hand." While no apparent seams allowing SCP-442 to be opened without damaging it have been found, scans of the interior of SCP-442 have revealed nothing unusual in its workings. As long as SCP-442 is wound it will set itself to the correct time. Crossing time zones or winding SCP-442 while it displays an incorrect time results in SCP-442 making rapid motions to adjust itself. The owner of SCP-442 is granted intrinsic knowledge of the time and can recite the precise time to an arbitrary precision as long as SCP-442 is on his or her person. Additionally, the owner of SCP-442 will never be late as long as the watch remains wound and on their person. Attempts to force the owner to be late have never succeeded while SCP-442 is wound. When SCP-442 is left unwound or removed from the owner's person, the owner will be incapable of being on time. The severity of incidents causing this increase as SCP-442 is left unattended, invariably becoming fatal within a week. Ownership of SCP-442 passes through normal means, and can be sold or gifted to another party. SCP-442 has never been left unowned, death of the previous owner results in SCP-442 instantly transferring to a new owner. A will leaving SCP-442 to someone close to the previous owner upon their death has never failed to surface; attempts to prevent a will from coming into being have met with the same failures as attempts to make the owner of SCP-442 late. The new owner is instantly aware of the existence of SCP-442 and is drawn to it, although the effects of owning the watch only manifest after initial contact with SCP-442. SCP-442 was brought into Foundation control by Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a junior technician working at Site 19 when he inherited it as a family heirloom. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's superiors noticed an immediate change in work habits after he received SCP-442; Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had a prior reputation for his lack of time management skills and was regularly written up for being late to his station. When questioned by Dr. Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ showed SCP-442 to Dr. Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and said that it was a "lucky charm." He then told Dr. Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ pieces of family lore attached to SCP-442 which later experimentation would reveal to be mostly true. Testing was performed to confirm SCP status, after which its history of harmlessness was cited and Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was allowed to maintain possession of SCP-442 on the condition he willed it to the Foundation on his death. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was subject to observation and regular psychological evaluation during his possession of SCP-442, during which further effects of SCP-442 were discovered. Extended ownership of SCP-442 slowly rewrites the subject's personality. Within two years, regardless of previous attitude, the owner exhibits unusually high self-control and reacts to situations in a timely manner. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's motor control increased dramatically during this period, scoring in the 99 percentile of every test at the two-year mark. During this same time the owner will become increasingly annoyed at tardiness; Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ broke ties with several friends over increasingly small infractions. After a decade of owning SCP-442, Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had completely changed. While Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ displayed a level of professionalism commendable of any member of the SCP staff, his private life had suffered tremendously. Unable to tolerate tardiness, Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ had pushed away all his friends and had been diagnosed with clinical depression. After Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ committed suicide, O5-β–ˆ reported ownership and had it transferred to him. A D-class personnel was then chosen for experimentation and given SCP-442. Β« SCP-441 | SCP-442 | SCP-443 Β»" nan
[-1.94922704e-02 -2.29009464e-01 -1.80314898e-01 2.59724744e-02 -2.78667718e-01 -2.08987251e-01 4.90061134e-01 3.30333821e-02 -1.71580836e-01 3.92399989e-02 4.23018873e-01 3.01538616e-01 -2.82478154e-01 1.21471375e-01 -6.50613159e-02 4.22421932e-01 -4.19885712e-03 2.76868790e-01 3.67650270e-01 -1.52210206e-01 -8.17882568e-02 -2.10128963e-01 -1.83889583e-01 1.59761846e-01 4.06635627e-02 -1.44666523e-01 2.40049273e-01 1.27510935e-01 -9.25488696e-02 -2.02671990e-01 3.27952504e-02 1.70388475e-01 -3.40648323e-01 3.76927465e-01 -1.08768392e-04 -4.73573714e-01 2.70984411e-01 -1.30747646e-01 -3.83061409e-01 1.88850209e-01 -5.86261034e-01 -1.98309198e-01 -8.54191110e-02 -1.68170482e-01 -7.13069662e-02 7.09377229e-02 -4.67562713e-02 4.36929077e-01 2.70380110e-01 1.84499770e-01 1.86569154e-01 2.72121876e-01 4.39405143e-01 -3.10021818e-01 7.50621408e-02 -1.40413359e-01 -6.92244023e-02 -9.34517448e-05 2.08960429e-01 1.53318599e-01 2.27341294e-01 -4.67877649e-03 -2.54950345e-01 6.64508939e-02 5.02258122e-01 -5.73363364e-01 -1.01177238e-01 1.16079494e-01 -9.72129703e-02 1.35527551e-01 7.12902993e-02 -5.02635203e-02 2.82060117e-01 -2.39693373e-01 6.97801188e-02 7.17386305e-02 2.10896596e-01 2.27006540e-01 1.79253235e-01 3.03872973e-01 1.04922265e-01 2.50189513e-01 -2.21932828e-01 8.16002302e-03 5.82796298e-02 2.26396546e-01 -7.64744505e-02 1.35608226e-01 -1.56219620e-02 -2.56726518e-02 -1.02273375e-01 2.05044657e-01 4.56052832e-02 1.06377669e-01 2.08284214e-01 -1.74135759e-01 1.50003046e-01 5.31891048e-01 -1.90256105e-03 1.37317777e-01 1.04860343e-01 2.31900096e-01 2.25201532e-01 2.42667511e-01 1.77335083e-01 1.39932424e-01 1.08617596e-01 -1.75673932e-01 -1.56089962e-01 4.99481745e-02 7.14100003e-02 2.51441240e-01 -1.53102651e-01 7.37681910e-02 1.49057493e-01 -1.11970238e-01 5.70367463e-02 -3.87769818e-01 -1.33452594e-01 3.50111872e-01 -4.56914663e-01 1.92554016e-02 1.08586192e-01 3.81855518e-01 7.96616673e-02 1.14376150e-01 -8.20952281e-02 -2.27167040e-01 -1.02448031e-01 -2.51054525e-01 -2.15615138e-01 -6.50127083e-02 -1.39711410e-01 -9.22546610e-02 -2.03061789e-01 4.68957067e-01 -2.25459397e-01 -4.28502336e-02 -1.44135520e-01 2.15607192e-02 6.87578842e-02 3.07537746e-02 4.40788925e-01 1.82223916e-01 -2.77060330e-01 -1.44196883e-01 -9.60653424e-02 9.93570462e-02 -1.77263081e-01 -7.26179965e-03 1.47559315e-01 -3.50069970e-01 -9.60694999e-03 2.83966541e-01 -5.51190436e-01 -1.41280547e-01 7.13186920e-01 8.79468992e-02 -8.61575305e-02 -5.63331664e-01 3.96526963e-01 1.17388345e-01 -2.76451677e-01 -1.23418577e-01 -3.38196866e-02 6.61379397e-02 -7.46577606e-02 -1.70031831e-01 6.69388324e-02 -8.07427466e-02 2.51844227e-02 -1.94503203e-01 -1.19976088e-01 7.53790215e-02 -6.24559820e-02 -2.14986414e-01 -1.72532558e-01 -4.11877744e-02 -4.58843529e-01 -1.88985631e-01 -4.10336018e-01 4.55661677e-02 3.36519890e-02 6.44671544e-02 6.25863448e-02 -2.72302270e-01 -5.86504221e-01 -3.57855350e-01 -5.12937903e-02 -2.46449962e-01 -3.85449201e-01 -4.27642643e-01 1.60779923e-01 8.48179217e-03 1.29631519e-01 -8.81669819e-02 2.17850327e-01 2.16532588e-01 -1.09185003e-01 5.18838942e-01 -7.10456818e-02 9.16924980e-03 6.73404276e-01 4.32883322e-01 -2.22131208e-01 1.47970915e-02 -2.22404867e-01 1.16781726e-01 2.81031132e-01 2.34070972e-01 1.87628865e-01 1.57038525e-01 -1.79525204e-02 1.23774738e-03 -1.88725404e-02 -1.51943564e-01 1.81438074e-01 9.10930559e-02 1.78760320e-01 -2.27906570e-01 6.06481023e-02 1.91387594e-01 -1.60359830e-01 -2.42314115e-01 3.55478019e-01 -1.74357846e-01 -2.09923953e-01 -9.66069177e-02 -2.44866014e-01 1.37023777e-01 3.79079908e-01 1.33046389e-01 2.38096267e-02 1.80946253e-02 -3.76270115e-01 5.57323173e-02 -2.69011706e-01 8.64650846e-01 -2.44846642e-02 -3.78443450e-01 -9.51793492e-02 -1.78826585e-01 2.17343241e-01 -1.60549298e-01 -5.55905223e-01 2.43768677e-01 2.59334564e-01 1.30969947e-02 -5.94015568e-02 -1.88682199e-01 -7.14877620e-02 -2.33170062e-01 -1.64329678e-01 -2.19036654e-01 -1.67813912e-01 -3.08222324e-03 1.94614798e-01 3.86291482e-02 5.35762683e-02 2.14443460e-01 3.06899011e-01 6.68390840e-03 3.21153402e-01 1.79885745e-01 2.16441140e-01 -3.12861830e-01 -8.67633447e-02 2.85479128e-01 -1.29967064e-01 2.28605703e-01 2.00914294e-01 -1.64691031e-01 -2.26442635e-01 -9.22121629e-02 3.27452160e-02 -7.11125322e-04 -1.48745924e-01 3.23231697e-01 1.16205432e-01 9.52319950e-02 1.01786606e-01 -4.19441797e-02 1.00130446e-01 1.05903678e-01 -1.62714005e-01 -1.32540435e-01 7.13619888e-02 5.89687347e-01 -8.48316252e-02 -1.20285705e-01 9.75068137e-02 -1.97738260e-01 2.34618545e-01 2.84037560e-01 6.28310889e-02 1.69889092e-01 -5.96362203e-02 4.97774273e-01 -2.79436022e-01 1.39498860e-01 -1.60979509e-01 -3.37960362e-01 -2.72791069e-02 1.59127176e-01 -1.15507022e-01 8.65949988e-02 6.24713480e-01 1.29961178e-01 -2.00012490e-01 -4.57095169e-02 -2.05443010e-01 2.97064126e-01 -6.27400726e-02 -1.28417209e-01 5.16454838e-02 -7.41896108e-02 1.18075609e-01 -1.65094808e-02 2.55091041e-01 -6.27749801e-01 -1.85591299e-02 -2.06426933e-01 -2.83014238e-01 1.70866862e-01 -8.47632065e-02 3.28608066e-01 -1.88181810e-02 -2.87818879e-01 3.63238335e-01 1.64116248e-01 3.44248079e-02 2.55525596e-02 1.25568241e-01 2.48248532e-01 9.39247310e-02 1.89061940e-01 -3.06538850e-01 -4.26026553e-01 2.90626679e-02 3.52502689e-02 -5.10179177e-02 -2.20492378e-01 1.21581860e-01 1.31339654e-01 -2.96695262e-01 3.20575908e-02 -3.86216372e-01 1.78002678e-02 3.26376379e-01 -3.48974645e-01 -5.01208961e-01 3.69850755e-01 1.44174099e-01 -1.94520921e-01 -3.20505887e-01 2.89072003e-02 3.17747504e-01 7.02068657e-02 2.34745331e-02 -1.26560301e-01 -3.66625264e-02 1.91413373e-01 6.75334752e-01 -1.46189481e-01 -2.70259261e-01 -2.40564182e-01 3.68175030e-01 1.53257057e-01 5.90115115e-02 -2.77424064e-02 1.32309854e-01 1.40547991e-01 -9.81300250e-02 3.57402146e-01 -2.60312766e-01 -2.57674187e-01 4.23416719e-02 3.96136045e-02 -5.38115501e-01 9.83024389e-02 -1.80438861e-01 6.53412998e-01 1.79105878e-01 -1.66845068e-01 7.30684772e-02 -3.86334918e-02 -5.00015877e-02 4.52215821e-02 4.82118502e-02 -3.54521126e-02 1.27298445e-01 -1.98934868e-01 9.74562913e-02 1.64999068e-01 -3.53138000e-02 -3.25637907e-01 1.20473027e-01 -4.27425236e-01 -4.69754159e-01 2.49557331e-01 -2.69961029e-01 -4.81025912e-02 4.39996421e-01 7.79518247e-01 3.26482415e-01 4.86880243e-01 1.09289780e-01 -1.93867430e-01 -2.01427191e-01 -3.20726156e-01 2.38353223e-01 -4.74956244e-01 -2.27409557e-01 7.19926730e-02 -1.57124996e-01 -2.14776769e-01 3.35114002e-02 -1.67650376e-02 2.52064973e-01 1.51151478e-01 -3.56859982e-01 3.32898229e-01 7.88125470e-02 -5.52888401e-02 -6.70672581e-02 6.22318424e-02 9.57221985e-02 2.34061018e-01 4.24389541e-02 -2.22388338e-02 -2.68546343e-01 -6.38336241e-02 4.24013883e-02 4.08074439e-01 -1.48331344e-01 3.03506106e-01 2.31303364e-01 1.61259398e-01 2.94529736e-01 5.76397516e-02 -6.83541223e-02 -8.42829198e-02 4.91061896e-01 2.69310892e-01 -2.00490728e-01 1.95760697e-01 3.87488663e-01 -4.47222680e-01 -2.31750801e-01 -6.89822435e-02 -2.26686914e-02 -4.57122875e-03 -1.00531749e-01 -1.55576512e-01 -2.63901621e-01 -2.80823261e-01 -1.45319596e-01 1.05611254e-02 1.13257132e-02 1.72116280e-01 3.66805494e-01 1.16753840e+00 1.10719033e-01 -4.37703840e-02 1.70122012e-01 -5.59279442e-01 -1.49992362e-01 -5.24592519e-01 -2.31470138e-01 -1.50455147e-01 1.33178905e-01 3.03784348e-02 -6.29083589e-02 -1.57622531e-01 2.47379050e-01 -4.46743131e-01 -1.77620083e-01 -4.23336834e-01 3.55123818e-01 1.91710323e-01 2.46071085e-01 2.95269459e-01 4.35883254e-02 3.60547602e-01 3.39228719e-01 1.54311478e-01 1.86157599e-01 -1.69019088e-01 -1.12128174e-02 1.61782980e-01 -2.14230567e-01 -4.18044776e-01 -1.09024405e-01 -3.34114879e-01 2.55789369e-01 -5.14311254e-01 -9.68950316e-02 -1.23704992e-01 -1.55048549e-01 -1.40371516e-01 -1.68338314e-01 -8.75779614e-02 4.57957327e-01 6.47209406e-01 -8.97128358e-02 8.43117386e-02 2.53670275e-01 2.40515694e-01 -1.60112932e-01 1.69477865e-01 1.75104484e-01 -2.39029139e-01 -5.81601411e-02 -3.07092994e-01 3.92872810e-01 2.57789224e-01 -4.22506072e-02 -1.87156543e-01 1.77038103e-01 -1.45814672e-01 -3.00194740e-01 1.95695728e-01 2.71522906e-02 -5.41545972e-02 4.19546664e-02 -1.47171512e-01 -3.30287576e-01 -2.66404122e-01 2.78965741e-01 -2.80572891e-01 3.71913135e-01 3.19106504e-02 7.05699325e-02 -2.94877768e-01 -5.00741363e-01 1.88667506e-01 -1.04692906e-01 -4.88907248e-01 -1.08998351e-01 -1.09329158e-02 -3.78318518e-01 5.52714290e-03 1.35413155e-01 2.37398401e-01 2.95205694e-02 -3.27833980e-01 -6.81550503e-02 -1.14330444e-02 -2.82117546e-01 3.41658026e-01 5.96876666e-02 -2.51776963e-01 4.53473091e-01 -2.92343693e-03 1.87947750e-01 -4.46089298e-01 -4.85305972e-02 -2.63332307e-01 -3.10281198e-03 3.63892674e-01 -2.95623869e-01 8.05231035e-02 1.49422586e-02 1.19848788e-01 -1.73864476e-02 -3.50765347e-01 -2.51095355e-01 -1.32474139e-01 1.38807356e-01 -6.54812753e-02 -1.06736332e-01 -1.77125111e-01 5.43723293e-02 1.29754409e-01 1.08782105e-01 4.24857400e-02 5.19995093e-01 3.22462380e-01 2.75790215e-01 1.11644226e-03 3.52154166e-01 1.03604764e-01 -1.67881832e-01 1.81445196e-01 1.61844626e-01 -9.72406566e-02 -9.72005352e-02 -1.66982189e-01 -1.36647103e-02 3.60050172e-01 3.49441350e-01 -3.23452689e-02 -9.57826525e-03 1.67653829e-01 2.94732869e-01 2.24013254e-01 3.38623554e-01 -2.53070056e-01 -8.01450089e-02 -1.65383518e-01 -2.75604963e-01 2.25695014e-01 3.35458100e-01 -3.91450226e-02 -1.85807332e-01 -3.04251403e-01 -9.04861912e-02 1.23845004e-01 1.69694126e-01 -3.07013337e-02 -3.76387805e-01 -2.05890879e-01 2.17622474e-01 7.82608520e-03 -8.80597010e-02 1.08331986e-01 2.11536452e-01 -8.98324624e-02 -2.87889898e-01 3.97844836e-02 -5.18340506e-02 4.01148081e-01 -9.86442640e-02 2.25118712e-01 1.26588628e-01 3.25846285e-01 4.78104919e-01 3.64734769e-01 2.05683842e-01 -2.22207651e-01 1.66251332e-01 -4.76654172e-02 1.58228651e-01 -1.45700993e-02 3.43618780e-01 -1.99910134e-01 1.60279348e-01 -3.01020965e-02 6.16803579e-02 1.05034627e-01 9.99596640e-02 2.08596557e-01 -8.04486871e-02 -2.47630104e-01 -1.71185106e-01 1.89159438e-01 4.10291329e-02 -9.94634330e-02 6.56462014e-02 8.16996247e-02 2.60917425e-01 -3.71028304e-01 2.11965412e-01 2.81769633e-01 -3.38485897e-01 -1.19574003e-01 1.80189684e-01 -1.61689937e-01 1.38119027e-01 -6.44750223e-02 2.24613830e-01 -2.24646315e-01 -1.08793892e-01 2.20779493e-01 -2.03518108e-01 -3.64560336e-02 -3.44068080e-01 1.90843642e-01 3.96085493e-02 -4.54732567e-01 -1.17873326e-02 1.70257255e-01 -3.40930432e-01 -2.35687122e-01 -2.88779498e-04 -1.16306134e-01 4.96148951e-02 9.41545293e-02 1.32949278e-01 -1.51335463e-01 -2.52511315e-02 4.27211761e-01 2.92387735e-02 1.76878482e-01 -2.93111086e-01 1.58355221e-01 1.32638142e-01 1.19510405e-01 1.03865519e-01 7.68015757e-02 1.99090526e-01 -6.39169812e-02 -8.00212920e-02 6.07552491e-02 -1.40429616e-01 -1.85841903e-01 1.62142754e-01 -2.03678355e-01 1.41297445e-01 8.17674026e-02 1.53700292e-01 3.97318266e-02 -3.16642486e-02 1.98697478e-01 -7.94229358e-02 3.60050946e-02 4.71383929e-02 3.44904065e-02 4.33834195e-01 7.80057833e-02 -1.93578638e-02 2.01499641e-01 1.93366725e-02 -4.40736748e-02 6.87344521e-02 2.20022395e-01 -7.52189837e-04 -4.41482753e-01 -3.94371808e-01 7.87452012e-02 7.50160754e-01 -1.03757985e-01 3.37642103e-01 -6.97744489e-02 -1.80353612e-01 1.95647702e-01 3.55948478e-01 -1.02945089e-01 2.14612097e-01 -3.06941211e-01 -9.97611284e-02 2.64263246e-02 1.29231617e-01 5.59418760e-02 6.32860139e-02 -1.10660128e-01 6.64948896e-02 -3.62601727e-01 1.24660328e-01 -9.01707709e-02 3.34138513e-01 -2.62216121e-01 1.80785865e-01 1.19249426e-01 -1.05772100e-01 -3.98965567e-01 -1.94190270e-05 5.13127208e-01 2.86522895e-01 4.36327904e-02 -8.11276585e-02 1.19171254e-01 3.82106602e-02 6.52633682e-02 -4.12520647e-01 -2.59987444e-01 1.75811410e-01 1.20160349e-01 -1.06930576e-01 -3.24617773e-01 -3.72113325e-02 -2.16844857e-01 -7.37182945e-02 2.73865938e-01 -1.13732591e-02 -8.20457528e-04 -2.77321208e-02 1.05244949e-01]
"Thought-streaming Crayons" active "Item #: SCP-443 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature and relative fragility, SCP-443 is kept in a locked drawer in Dr. Ziegler's office (Sector 28). Access to Level 1 personnel and higher is freely granted at the discretion of Dr. Ziegler, or his assistant, upon request, with limitation applied at their discretion. Due to wear, the original packaging is filed in the archives record as 6-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. All drawn material is to be handed back to the person who authorized the use. Description: SCP-443 is a mostly complete 16-piece set of Crayola crayons, numbered SCP-443-01 through 14. The set is a model (BS0366) which was produced between 1997 and 1999, although the serial number on the packaging is outside the range of the product. Two crayons ("Blue Green" and "Violet/Purple") are missing. SCP-443-05 is snapped in two pieces (05a and 05b), while SCP-443-09 had its non-writing end damaged in a nibbling incident involving SCP-529 which, for this reason should be kept away from the items. SCP-443 was recovered from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, California, after β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, an amateur artist, noticed its effects and asked for help from a paranormal investigator. The crayons had originally belonged to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's daughter for several weeks. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was adamant that he never bought them, and that they were not given to her. All works produced by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and his daughter were confiscated and are listed as record 6-β–ˆβ–ˆ of the archives. When drawing is attempted with SCP-443, what is produced is actually a "stream of thoughts" emanating directly from unknown people. The user is entirely unaware of this until they stop using the crayons, at which time they become aware that they have written or drawn something completely unrelated to what they were intending to. Even with the full knowledge of what the item does, the user is entirely incapable of seeing what it is they are tracing until they actually stop doing so, which they can willingly do at any time. They will answer questions as to what they are drawing (though most of the time they describe it as "mindless scribbling", particularly if they are aware of the SCP's effect). Most of the time the result is a written stream of thoughts, occasionally interrupted by small icons or simplistic drawings. The nature of what is written adapts depending on the user: text will appear in the native language of the user, and in an alphabet the user can draw. Drawing quality varies depending on unclear factors, and appears unrelated to any artistic skill of the user. Writing, on the other hand, is mostly the user's, though emotions expressed in the thoughts written may distort it. The expressed thoughts appear to be a form of real-time "stream of thought" transmitted from real persons, as current simultaneous events (such as electoral results) have been referred to. Each crayon represents a specific person, and a user may switch between crayons to represent more than one person involved in a situation at a given time. So far, the equivalent of 10-15 hours of thought processes have been compiled. Given that the crayons were already somewhat worn when recovered, this has left SCP-443-08, which is most frequently used, as little more than a stub. No identifying information has been collected so far (all names are rendered as unidentifiable symbols), but enough data is present to assess that the involved persons form a loose network of friends, family, and coworkers, each individual being fairly close to at least one other. All the involved persons are from the Portland, Oregon area. See addendum for details. Addendum: List of colors included, their classification number and details: Β« SCP-442 | SCP-443 | SCP-444 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-443" by Agent Circeus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 443.jpg Name: BS0366 Author: crayon collecting License: All Rights Reserved (Permission Granted) Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "The new mint box of SCP-443"
[ 1.41120881e-01 -4.15698677e-01 -1.21400043e-01 1.61431804e-02 -3.17474425e-01 -4.29810822e-01 3.10132951e-01 2.05182862e-02 -9.54153687e-02 9.18110311e-02 2.17984051e-01 2.64189959e-01 -2.71710962e-01 -1.70318022e-01 -1.25510767e-01 -4.53768410e-02 -1.02751374e-01 1.68359667e-01 2.83003122e-01 -2.26934012e-02 2.39834022e-02 -4.22761738e-01 -1.80736437e-01 3.39139551e-01 -4.37224805e-02 -5.56559324e-01 1.34616375e-01 6.93621114e-02 -3.80481370e-02 -1.04044646e-01 1.29898250e-01 5.48841596e-01 -1.45547315e-01 3.15239757e-01 -1.15799943e-04 -3.10533226e-01 2.87742645e-01 -1.98083624e-01 -7.58535638e-02 1.42931223e-01 -6.30219102e-01 1.52567104e-01 -7.78295621e-02 -1.54829785e-01 1.55596673e-01 -1.14081763e-01 1.61536053e-01 9.80107561e-02 4.72889274e-01 -4.92334664e-02 1.76035076e-01 3.02957714e-01 1.85155824e-01 2.04764277e-01 4.34324652e-01 1.29746810e-01 -1.48671523e-01 1.20072164e-01 3.38542491e-01 -4.29752231e-01 -1.86504424e-02 2.94215530e-01 -4.42780495e-01 5.73356189e-02 2.36784264e-01 -4.79209512e-01 2.15137973e-01 -2.28117630e-01 -1.61929894e-03 2.79275954e-01 -3.52333605e-01 1.41021967e-01 2.27794603e-01 -4.00720686e-01 -1.45990610e-01 -1.09881543e-01 -3.21569353e-01 1.20347314e-01 -4.38359886e-01 -1.08359240e-01 -3.45795780e-01 1.41468391e-01 -2.82260060e-01 2.80804396e-01 2.30440766e-01 -1.30898923e-01 -2.00929433e-01 -1.06802052e-02 1.91592112e-01 -2.60676853e-02 2.60368139e-01 -3.06155592e-01 1.19970284e-01 5.66351153e-02 -1.00276163e-02 7.97207057e-02 3.42773438e-01 3.82351093e-02 -9.96498987e-02 5.18039465e-01 9.14744139e-01 4.06831175e-01 2.57776916e-01 2.82421857e-01 2.78577626e-01 -8.59368369e-02 -1.23218499e-01 3.17231230e-02 1.56173021e-01 4.11453396e-01 6.99729696e-02 4.11048681e-02 -2.21320957e-01 2.94667155e-01 1.55732483e-01 -3.26209992e-01 6.36008456e-02 -6.85035437e-02 -2.29796261e-01 2.05731466e-01 -6.97645783e-01 -1.84161291e-02 -7.16441721e-02 3.26972634e-01 -7.57326484e-02 5.10928750e-01 4.72682491e-02 -1.54749304e-01 7.25531131e-02 2.24258914e-03 -9.45307761e-02 -2.92105466e-01 -3.04513723e-01 3.21984105e-02 4.66303229e-02 1.01322822e-01 1.33874059e-01 -2.42572293e-01 -2.23960325e-01 -3.41114029e-02 3.70055914e-01 -3.50595206e-01 7.78700888e-01 1.67208374e-01 -4.12927330e-01 -1.67194396e-01 1.06461100e-01 -1.72744319e-02 1.27028868e-01 3.70609760e-02 4.19810414e-01 -1.25102758e-01 -2.99613744e-01 1.36238217e-01 -4.58434463e-01 2.46338889e-01 2.86500752e-01 1.58074111e-01 -1.10572778e-01 1.40227467e-01 2.08795473e-01 -3.48335385e-01 2.41586745e-01 -1.89200893e-01 1.57922521e-01 3.21336001e-01 -7.30916709e-02 -2.54530489e-01 -4.17091787e-01 -2.24435329e-02 9.70742702e-02 8.08024928e-02 -2.98147678e-01 1.60499811e-01 1.88456215e-02 3.08876872e-01 -1.25730783e-01 1.80598572e-01 -2.00855672e-01 -1.15662612e-01 -2.42600530e-01 4.35979962e-01 3.20475817e-01 1.52688026e-01 1.97100386e-01 -4.91620935e-02 1.05353400e-01 -1.16310589e-01 1.72185302e-01 -1.85418531e-01 -3.39453906e-01 -3.54966640e-01 1.20518552e-02 1.72124386e-01 2.59515792e-02 -6.90179020e-02 4.07541960e-01 4.17078733e-02 7.69245904e-03 -8.16799980e-03 -8.17755684e-02 -1.24770857e-01 6.10981464e-01 4.49409515e-01 -2.21215442e-01 -2.15554073e-01 -3.26164067e-01 -1.94374904e-01 2.03385890e-01 2.43394479e-01 -4.12047118e-01 -7.25391582e-02 -3.28216925e-02 2.16265291e-01 -6.32929206e-02 -4.76918548e-01 2.28175521e-01 2.22025558e-01 7.54821897e-02 -2.60646820e-01 -6.87499791e-02 -1.14402175e-01 -3.83353010e-02 -1.62625447e-01 8.94212648e-02 2.11300731e-01 2.88049001e-02 -1.54752254e-01 -1.22519195e-01 2.89142698e-01 4.75355983e-02 2.17991114e-01 2.48389319e-01 5.19864112e-02 -4.88002151e-01 -9.93515551e-02 7.15892157e-03 6.60704851e-01 -1.94733799e-01 -4.95760649e-01 1.79446220e-01 -1.64726183e-01 2.71198720e-01 -3.84743772e-02 4.00591828e-03 1.56389177e-01 3.82053673e-01 2.06792131e-01 9.33671594e-02 -2.39726141e-01 -2.46691734e-01 -2.18771368e-01 -1.41222656e-01 -2.27966502e-01 2.10456729e-01 1.05396278e-01 -2.89807737e-01 1.98776364e-01 -3.91526222e-01 4.30902153e-01 2.08454981e-01 -9.14442837e-02 2.04530776e-01 -1.16139106e-01 -3.26516628e-01 -2.21666306e-01 3.17050368e-02 5.47976017e-01 -6.84969947e-02 2.63279587e-01 5.37452176e-02 -5.68747818e-02 -3.26588750e-01 -1.36105493e-01 -2.40131721e-01 4.23268527e-01 1.20993361e-01 3.40642482e-01 1.39132723e-01 -6.66447803e-02 -2.42711484e-01 -3.10700744e-01 -8.30198478e-05 -4.72706370e-02 -5.66208176e-03 8.30501691e-02 6.84349015e-02 -3.30557168e-01 -3.12266469e-01 4.05749120e-02 -1.31763130e-01 -2.81198740e-01 4.65955213e-02 4.24494594e-01 -1.59261957e-01 -2.12675855e-01 -4.87939686e-01 3.61236304e-01 -2.14104041e-01 3.89690809e-02 -3.13647926e-01 -4.69216168e-01 3.27088311e-02 1.50736615e-01 1.10003270e-01 3.82889718e-01 4.47467446e-01 2.35123128e-01 1.95629805e-01 -3.42542939e-02 -2.06763074e-01 1.00491017e-01 1.26203299e-01 -9.20117572e-02 9.83901843e-02 1.87169790e-01 2.88241386e-01 -3.14408123e-01 -1.15170898e-02 -3.49444300e-01 -5.09108454e-02 -5.19105978e-02 1.00922517e-01 -6.20398149e-02 -1.75007775e-01 2.62175590e-01 3.29139493e-02 -1.70916900e-01 2.71590471e-01 1.52952805e-01 2.01474428e-01 1.03319265e-01 7.75872171e-02 4.04061943e-01 -9.00441036e-02 1.07889608e-01 -3.07304226e-02 -4.52364236e-02 1.26753688e-01 -3.58943678e-02 -8.53482857e-02 -1.02551430e-01 -3.30136269e-01 8.26855898e-02 1.60887986e-01 -4.03439552e-01 5.77782979e-03 -2.32050911e-01 2.27959961e-01 1.53701752e-01 -1.52081966e-01 2.53541499e-01 1.95956782e-01 -2.75269926e-01 -3.27164754e-02 -2.27219108e-02 1.47155687e-01 -8.70779529e-02 9.95058641e-02 1.12160102e-01 -4.66528535e-03 4.18263882e-01 6.54318154e-01 -1.70053691e-01 -3.15419614e-01 -1.33380175e-01 4.08228636e-01 3.02206159e-01 2.47679189e-01 4.51600887e-02 2.00100556e-01 -3.57402712e-02 -3.52812439e-01 -6.50336370e-02 -3.52273509e-02 -1.92167953e-01 -1.52882352e-01 2.47997239e-01 -3.27636868e-01 -5.90302944e-02 1.26547977e-01 2.29828507e-01 1.84437066e-01 -3.60057577e-02 -5.88174909e-02 -6.69190139e-02 -2.99926400e-01 -2.11318478e-01 -1.06987424e-01 1.03236496e-01 2.57321969e-02 -5.52532792e-01 6.13186881e-02 -2.65231997e-01 1.03712283e-01 2.35654816e-01 3.49432409e-01 -3.74208808e-01 -2.30379209e-01 2.35139430e-01 -1.23189442e-01 -1.10792875e-01 2.33490542e-02 3.11348021e-01 4.58978087e-01 3.53418887e-01 -2.72973422e-02 -1.96661055e-01 -2.91416347e-01 -4.37855482e-01 2.98892289e-01 -1.14883915e-01 -2.56042331e-01 8.38516057e-02 3.57762635e-01 -1.50821984e-01 3.67446640e-03 2.09928259e-01 -7.81383812e-02 -2.80783206e-01 -2.00278357e-01 1.22302383e-01 2.02431843e-01 -1.33762047e-01 -4.14199442e-01 1.27836242e-01 1.82337418e-01 1.39037222e-01 4.60413098e-02 3.85493815e-01 -2.59548128e-01 6.96487427e-02 -3.55365992e-01 5.79609811e-01 1.93287767e-02 2.34422207e-01 1.97691128e-01 3.74881119e-01 7.56443068e-02 1.16465077e-01 -2.03894198e-01 2.04119578e-01 3.84431869e-01 1.83990598e-01 4.00285155e-01 4.68838066e-01 3.13241810e-01 -1.38503388e-01 -1.09854706e-01 4.37973917e-01 9.08596516e-02 -2.72895899e-02 -3.64799440e-01 -1.30551949e-01 9.09715425e-03 -2.67609864e-01 -4.55921143e-02 -4.37988758e-01 2.09571118e-03 2.21687123e-01 4.03290272e-01 1.14533496e+00 -3.35583031e-01 1.94679677e-01 -1.13676116e-01 -5.20318449e-01 4.85683642e-02 -1.19701706e-01 -8.14885572e-02 1.83788035e-02 2.16113672e-01 4.53054309e-02 -4.16326284e-01 2.53059804e-01 2.68914491e-01 1.10619865e-01 -1.63297951e-01 -3.47049624e-01 2.91689128e-01 3.80006373e-01 -6.70463666e-02 3.09293777e-01 1.40657485e-01 2.29874015e-01 1.31665170e-01 -8.40174481e-02 5.12015000e-02 -8.87608156e-02 -6.95227981e-02 -1.80304945e-02 1.55801952e-01 -4.25712079e-01 2.66912043e-01 -4.19443935e-01 -3.12985815e-02 -4.30728763e-01 1.84859410e-02 -1.06504872e-01 -8.32766220e-02 -3.59330475e-01 -2.73969531e-01 -1.50843874e-01 3.65591943e-02 7.14573681e-01 -1.95732951e-01 2.34561890e-01 1.52187705e-01 5.11882544e-01 -5.72961196e-02 -1.77820891e-01 8.21587265e-01 1.02152424e-02 -2.49537230e-01 -4.27779466e-01 8.50806534e-02 4.18432921e-01 1.51530489e-01 1.57288343e-01 1.87794909e-01 -1.74508482e-01 -7.82531425e-02 1.22835197e-01 1.70377180e-01 1.28460377e-01 -1.06589139e-01 -3.59761864e-02 -8.15441981e-02 -8.98635387e-02 1.10577017e-01 -1.03793271e-01 7.88287744e-02 1.15011923e-01 7.15698227e-02 -2.96971440e-01 -3.69212955e-01 -1.19824462e-01 -3.56931955e-01 -3.15768391e-01 1.06928632e-01 8.59756023e-02 -3.03308576e-01 -1.67680174e-01 3.12806100e-01 7.68688321e-03 -1.58044726e-01 -3.07815522e-01 -3.40685815e-01 1.56313866e-01 2.54109912e-02 -8.56084600e-02 1.95891663e-01 -1.17176481e-01 2.40148485e-01 6.11301921e-02 -3.82740539e-03 -3.32722187e-01 2.80986968e-02 -5.12599826e-01 9.26468894e-02 2.16836855e-01 -1.08402140e-01 1.11810386e-01 -7.95846209e-02 1.26363292e-01 5.22702821e-02 -3.67023677e-01 -2.25339934e-01 -1.95308402e-01 1.36745334e-01 1.55634657e-01 -4.59659606e-01 -2.07036600e-01 -6.24376051e-02 3.06561679e-01 1.76932707e-01 4.97633480e-02 2.84536242e-01 4.35159877e-02 2.95852512e-01 -3.31752181e-01 2.03591570e-01 1.31286010e-01 -6.10156246e-02 -2.04849780e-01 2.78976351e-01 2.92457454e-02 -7.95731097e-02 -3.42737138e-02 -8.61818437e-03 1.57231912e-01 1.31398544e-01 -2.38045260e-01 1.22718610e-01 1.27817109e-01 -2.60232687e-01 -2.82238126e-01 -3.78398925e-01 8.39665160e-02 1.07871786e-01 -7.02224076e-02 -6.51801657e-03 3.21964681e-01 2.57099271e-01 -2.22715996e-02 3.87548730e-02 -2.01175645e-01 -1.03391781e-01 1.40005248e-02 1.23420386e-02 -9.67568457e-02 -4.02939200e-01 -2.42782503e-01 3.31066884e-02 -2.71627158e-01 -2.93140501e-01 3.86388659e-01 2.42376179e-01 1.19492985e-01 -2.15366900e-01 3.03449154e-01 -2.25620456e-02 2.86508203e-01 -6.99387416e-02 4.24430281e-01 -3.35101299e-02 3.23137939e-01 5.26315987e-01 2.56188530e-02 4.46177833e-02 -5.82103617e-02 3.24218988e-01 -5.88869639e-02 7.05515325e-01 -1.80460230e-01 3.17379624e-01 1.65167689e-01 1.89532995e-01 8.17761570e-02 -1.14779942e-01 1.31473288e-01 8.83651972e-02 -2.90662974e-01 -2.82393187e-01 -1.52763456e-01 5.68835123e-04 1.55635476e-01 1.96602568e-03 -7.72617534e-02 9.89248902e-02 -8.50590784e-03 -1.33607939e-01 -1.66264623e-01 4.33787480e-02 3.83401185e-01 -4.31638896e-01 -2.29670763e-01 2.59405136e-01 -1.77045867e-01 1.49758995e-01 2.89595574e-01 1.93894565e-01 1.52949765e-01 6.03051577e-03 -1.18208237e-01 -1.29574627e-01 -2.29611114e-01 -2.68857092e-01 3.69585961e-01 3.39163452e-01 -4.43274707e-01 8.95279720e-02 1.33438259e-01 -2.96781331e-01 -1.96179241e-01 1.62301764e-01 1.89441249e-01 1.20721851e-02 -3.45261134e-02 -1.52506605e-01 -4.64669675e-01 2.04727203e-01 -3.41322608e-02 -1.73684686e-01 1.85503334e-01 1.80149496e-01 -2.84877539e-01 1.00327037e-01 -3.48138809e-01 6.78931326e-02 -1.09303016e-02 3.49413186e-01 1.51237085e-01 2.28245646e-01 2.27060597e-02 -2.83695251e-01 -2.42208362e-01 1.94934476e-02 -9.98096168e-03 -2.18068779e-01 1.31726846e-01 1.27936080e-01 -4.45003621e-02 3.13478231e-01 -1.01853028e-01 9.27474648e-02 3.02623864e-02 3.54507595e-01 -1.84665501e-01 3.62689883e-01 3.05717617e-01 5.70350438e-02 2.10856125e-01 -3.00175905e-01 3.19700800e-02 -4.89009842e-02 2.50804991e-01 -7.83758014e-02 8.62824544e-02 -1.10498942e-01 5.38590491e-01 3.53466898e-01 -2.23535169e-02 2.92064577e-01 1.49703979e-01 -2.74213314e-01 -1.03182755e-01 2.34612033e-01 -1.01450041e-01 -9.73380283e-02 5.15310392e-02 4.29225296e-01 1.71267062e-01 2.76815355e-01 4.80032302e-02 1.29603043e-01 1.01986803e-01 5.45833707e-02 -3.14866155e-02 -1.83924183e-01 -6.45015575e-03 8.86897147e-02 -9.40339416e-02 4.19659354e-02 -6.46835864e-02 -2.58292109e-01 9.73981172e-02 -3.84402238e-02 3.84953231e-01 -4.49490160e-01 -1.14561483e-01 1.70445144e-01 -4.18877453e-02 -4.34387065e-02 -2.85929590e-01 -3.07826042e-01 -1.98442172e-02 2.24734306e-01 3.81775349e-02 -1.63896084e-01 4.34716381e-02 -3.30491245e-01 -1.69149563e-01 -2.35271007e-02 1.80986807e-01 -3.13162692e-02 3.14893462e-02 -1.32325977e-01 -2.17266470e-01]
"The Language of Global Harmony" active "Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-444 identified outside Foundation custody are to be isolated or destroyed with extreme prejudice. The Foundation's instances of SCP-444 are to be kept under Type A Hazardous documentation protocols. Translators are to have no more than 12 hours weekly access to SCP-444 and must undergo weekly linguistics and psychological examinations. Individuals compromised by SCP-444 are to be isolated and prevented from making vocalisations and are to be terminated unless they are required for testing protocols. Rapid Response Task Force Omicron-11, AKA "Burke's Boys", is to be used wherever possible due to the deaf nature of its members. Description: SCP-444 is a linguistically-conveyed memetic virus. SCP-444 takes the form of a valid and coherent, if limited, language. Individuals exposed to SCP-444 assimilate it and lose their ability to use or learn other languages, although they typically retain their ability to understand previously understood languages. Written examples of SCP-444 require extended contact but verbal exposure has effect after only a few sentences. The mechanism for this change is still unknown. SCP-444's written form has a unique alphabet of geometric shapes read in a radiating pattern from the centre. Systematic examination of SCP-444, primarily in Experiments 444-7, 444-13 and 444-17, reveals that it lacks the ability to express several concepts including: In addition, over an extended period the lack of the ability to express these concepts appears to alter human behaviour. Subjects infected with SCP-444 become more docile and compliant as well as more concerned with procreation and childcare. Re-examination of the data from Experiment 444-17, gathered from MRIs, live electrode examination and dissections of infected brains, confirms that SCP-444 causes significant alterations to human brain structure, chemically severing [REDACTED] of the brain. This, not the reduced vocabulary, is believed to cause the altered mentality of the infected. The primary area of Foundation research into SCP-444 currently is to isolate the source. SCP-444 is to be considered a hostile invasive weapon. Since 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ0 instances of SCP-444 exposure have been recorded, typically among migratory workers or the underclass in depressed urban areas. Experiment Log 444-7. Β« SCP-443 | SCP-444 | SCP-445 Β»" nan
[ 7.30810314e-02 -6.77011088e-02 -1.21711746e-01 -1.80189647e-02 -1.27762422e-01 -2.70261019e-01 1.42943814e-01 -4.15736847e-02 -1.44139111e-01 1.32816657e-01 1.34326354e-01 -1.25674605e-01 -2.42286041e-01 -2.51010716e-01 -3.80508862e-02 3.26329648e-01 1.33812711e-01 1.22383505e-01 -6.73444197e-02 -4.27298546e-01 -6.55471534e-02 9.63811427e-02 -3.83171476e-02 1.95480511e-01 4.83155958e-02 -1.04039639e-01 1.35924490e-02 2.11007074e-01 -4.05245066e-01 -3.42031181e-01 -2.65703917e-01 3.95769715e-01 -9.96359363e-02 3.24932486e-01 -1.07962907e-04 -3.53910923e-01 2.16263324e-01 -1.44074231e-01 -1.19334124e-01 7.58683756e-02 -6.23728991e-01 -8.72122943e-02 -2.96619922e-01 -2.09999666e-01 -1.88056920e-02 5.85666783e-02 -7.78735876e-02 -3.39835346e-01 4.52142060e-01 3.32969338e-01 1.26958266e-01 9.15450975e-02 -1.81241464e-02 4.08893898e-02 1.14047572e-01 1.38881788e-01 -3.58856469e-02 7.11018667e-02 7.43253157e-02 -1.00032687e-01 -3.08598995e-01 -9.96994786e-03 -1.70528099e-01 -7.24574402e-02 -1.60508242e-03 -2.81497896e-01 1.31497547e-01 -3.40667188e-01 1.93754077e-01 3.05958480e-01 3.18562448e-01 -6.19256645e-02 2.18911376e-02 2.22807929e-01 7.77881742e-02 -4.84992713e-01 1.67805821e-01 1.45482808e-01 3.97492051e-02 2.50624329e-01 -2.47213375e-02 1.02339752e-01 -1.11974940e-01 7.79562965e-02 -1.39943630e-01 3.77985924e-01 -1.39185533e-01 -2.78206412e-02 -8.99184123e-02 -1.05954051e-01 -1.10448435e-01 2.54531980e-01 -1.07122391e-01 3.12873900e-01 -1.58850700e-01 7.04011321e-03 8.18257332e-02 -1.83508590e-01 3.68008912e-01 2.60648251e-01 3.88502851e-02 1.11456700e-01 2.50862151e-01 -1.71744730e-02 -7.92703331e-02 1.99104026e-01 3.83000016e-01 -2.44528309e-01 1.41554087e-01 1.79534301e-01 3.44428457e-02 3.14603895e-01 -1.82622910e-01 3.89786996e-02 3.34755983e-03 -1.81475252e-01 2.88837161e-02 -1.44608825e-01 -9.39659774e-02 3.08717549e-01 -6.52350605e-01 -8.04283917e-02 -3.01246166e-01 4.33588803e-01 7.38749683e-01 2.43287712e-01 1.29668992e-02 -2.65036464e-01 7.05107450e-02 -5.14568627e-01 -8.59164819e-02 -2.07501918e-01 -4.72561836e-01 3.18712890e-01 2.45237094e-03 6.04330182e-01 1.45315140e-01 4.81529674e-03 2.61372060e-01 3.41040199e-03 -2.17405215e-01 5.83672114e-02 4.61096972e-01 1.32417426e-01 -1.19318612e-01 1.32531926e-01 -6.44310713e-02 1.33162424e-01 -1.21947296e-01 -1.60861582e-01 3.78494024e-01 -1.26062222e-02 -1.75494254e-02 2.10224032e-01 -5.90906627e-02 2.22436592e-01 4.88290310e-01 2.24565357e-01 1.42485909e-02 -7.45284781e-02 4.50501740e-01 -3.97047549e-02 -2.44276702e-01 -1.24578714e-01 2.18133718e-01 5.81992149e-01 4.91037607e-01 -1.19821392e-01 -1.10046230e-01 -1.25023201e-01 2.39810839e-01 2.14609772e-01 -2.12331451e-02 -1.05404869e-01 -1.70571491e-01 3.53123963e-01 -1.05335578e-01 -6.20101206e-02 -3.85932356e-01 -4.94231880e-02 -5.04722357e-01 2.17614308e-01 3.39273900e-01 -4.79992658e-01 2.14752287e-01 1.26511186e-01 8.07099193e-02 -4.86079343e-02 2.96014369e-01 9.17254668e-03 -3.00480783e-01 -2.58642882e-01 3.58749121e-01 -3.54847163e-02 -5.83715811e-02 -6.18101954e-02 5.80272853e-01 2.59659439e-02 2.39180341e-01 -2.59816088e-02 2.01257318e-01 1.18603460e-01 4.40798193e-01 -2.70049889e-02 1.75621435e-02 1.69119254e-01 -1.66087478e-01 -2.08973631e-01 1.00115933e-01 5.34913182e-01 -1.83590353e-01 3.57254557e-02 -4.31830920e-02 -1.31400108e-01 -2.34193057e-02 -1.56117558e-01 1.72529891e-01 1.61528021e-01 2.42626458e-01 5.89131704e-03 -1.56175777e-01 7.03215480e-01 -5.64441442e-01 -6.83256462e-02 3.23773897e-03 -3.18133496e-02 -7.76875168e-02 -2.18739837e-01 1.21111982e-01 2.72744060e-01 1.38972029e-01 1.03247305e-03 -6.31628260e-02 2.17847764e-01 -3.12386155e-01 -5.36967218e-02 2.38746345e-01 1.05819178e+00 3.71479709e-03 -6.12841904e-01 1.46132365e-01 -4.86045368e-02 1.75226972e-01 2.12648913e-01 1.44195631e-01 1.92523614e-01 3.91568482e-01 1.17484219e-01 2.24545076e-01 -1.64827883e-01 2.39007100e-01 -3.08004409e-01 -5.93159080e-01 -9.91216153e-02 1.15055032e-01 -2.18661278e-01 -2.75343899e-02 2.30933309e-01 -3.45299244e-02 1.09587856e-01 3.93143773e-01 -2.30589166e-01 1.73932776e-01 2.77366415e-02 -3.59445326e-02 -4.19848502e-01 2.56536587e-04 -9.80587378e-02 2.51629837e-02 7.75596574e-02 1.00627966e-01 -2.84070149e-02 -2.48246863e-02 -9.64775160e-02 2.05671433e-02 -1.52545925e-02 1.12614147e-02 4.95005935e-01 3.73307854e-01 5.75442091e-02 -1.31397948e-01 -1.49960652e-01 -1.77771807e-01 -4.06847633e-02 -1.56018645e-01 1.57825481e-02 -1.99327186e-01 6.03046529e-02 -1.91112280e-01 4.83506732e-02 -4.11550045e-01 -8.77382979e-02 -2.43780613e-02 -5.53994119e-01 -1.63589008e-02 5.35045899e-02 -1.88637979e-03 4.82492507e-01 -1.30378187e-01 3.57616127e-01 -1.11748032e-01 -2.54029512e-01 8.01173970e-02 7.35516399e-02 -2.72387624e-01 6.22667335e-02 3.84557992e-01 -3.50600064e-01 -2.98475266e-01 -2.45535225e-01 -1.62733048e-01 2.68410742e-01 -9.72965807e-02 -2.00706929e-01 -2.34938022e-02 -4.16544169e-01 -2.12213218e-01 -4.81802970e-01 -2.04520464e-01 -5.27577400e-01 -2.20139921e-01 -2.58402750e-02 -2.92423487e-01 -2.15565920e-01 -2.68906746e-02 -3.71933430e-01 -4.55490351e-02 -3.10368299e-01 1.95387378e-01 -3.11421245e-01 8.15841854e-02 -1.72506765e-01 -2.76487470e-01 4.21544641e-01 -2.00628683e-01 2.84771174e-01 -2.67509699e-01 2.45996956e-02 -6.05613329e-02 -1.77501321e-01 4.91617545e-02 4.45097871e-02 -2.32768189e-02 1.64041311e-01 1.19720474e-01 -3.81097719e-02 2.19873842e-02 -1.46016106e-01 5.13058782e-01 -2.50759482e-01 8.65532085e-03 3.02331865e-01 6.31755637e-03 -1.93926558e-01 -3.74083444e-02 -1.21338703e-01 9.64818448e-02 3.92666042e-01 1.48850664e-01 -2.09907800e-01 -1.54543594e-01 2.39676192e-01 7.13686705e-01 -9.62425619e-02 8.58644694e-02 -2.71505803e-01 3.04261953e-01 1.96338475e-01 1.16374820e-01 1.59041971e-01 3.79490256e-01 -6.57026544e-02 -1.25143647e-01 5.24176419e-01 -3.10057431e-01 -1.72402382e-01 1.40694618e-01 -1.89851239e-01 -2.80499011e-01 -1.64270774e-01 -1.41994357e-01 4.85677540e-01 6.24078274e-01 -7.09424540e-02 -4.15799350e-01 2.76748091e-01 -3.97893935e-02 9.73413587e-02 4.19199258e-01 -1.71320304e-01 3.04887086e-01 -2.43751049e-01 -6.88090175e-02 -1.81782097e-01 7.52653703e-02 8.14392716e-02 5.72752237e-01 -4.42220747e-01 -2.89412022e-01 2.45710358e-01 -4.02863503e-01 -6.63684532e-02 3.92672837e-01 2.20026419e-01 4.11085755e-01 3.41383666e-01 3.48594099e-01 -2.96721667e-01 -3.68694037e-01 -3.34332027e-02 4.51126665e-01 -2.66782850e-01 -1.56723380e-01 -2.82078475e-01 5.91417179e-02 2.98897643e-02 1.69106275e-01 2.90797383e-01 -7.70444199e-02 -2.71222025e-01 -2.65759498e-01 3.05450052e-01 2.31498167e-01 -9.75623876e-02 -2.97865152e-01 3.26831043e-01 6.38075709e-01 1.02882668e-01 1.03620626e-01 2.71907002e-01 -2.00386494e-01 -9.05519053e-02 -3.11384887e-01 3.92121613e-01 1.35402173e-01 -7.96654671e-02 3.97213101e-01 2.25815564e-01 -4.01107877e-01 1.36174336e-01 -2.22195745e-01 3.62256259e-01 6.04858398e-01 1.57333285e-01 -3.90973911e-02 9.42851231e-02 1.39919389e-02 -5.95549531e-02 -2.98090428e-02 2.96310127e-01 1.75555751e-01 -9.53217968e-02 1.14219405e-01 -9.20740515e-03 -9.64977816e-02 -3.06483805e-01 7.47726485e-02 4.17965233e-01 -1.96109459e-01 5.02906322e-01 4.64045256e-02 1.21858120e+00 1.72847420e-01 2.45078102e-01 9.66397375e-02 -1.21079236e-01 -2.01370850e-01 -6.75386906e-01 1.78122148e-01 4.38708067e-02 3.26557398e-01 9.78667662e-02 -1.06899098e-01 4.08080280e-01 2.43961915e-01 -4.33648646e-01 -1.61764640e-02 -2.07390651e-01 1.20046020e-01 3.69513273e-01 6.95458874e-02 1.77807450e-01 -2.19305128e-01 2.46336833e-01 1.12686977e-01 -6.42092079e-02 1.80218965e-02 1.62086450e-02 9.62346867e-02 -1.63560778e-01 -1.77847773e-01 -4.85163957e-01 3.64343578e-04 -4.38688129e-01 -1.20603904e-01 -4.33123037e-02 1.24879368e-01 4.16133463e-01 -2.81017035e-01 8.39608535e-02 2.46555701e-01 2.00017672e-02 7.46468604e-02 7.59177268e-01 -2.24757865e-01 -5.59058040e-02 2.33497649e-01 1.42314032e-01 3.62430140e-02 -1.38322338e-01 2.00848773e-01 -1.02935053e-01 8.53320882e-02 -3.80019218e-01 4.92347851e-02 -1.47744656e-01 5.32672293e-02 2.57774472e-01 6.05471194e-01 -3.16879213e-01 -1.93487957e-01 1.66215599e-01 -2.06863023e-02 -4.73363668e-01 -9.20101181e-02 -7.76207028e-03 -3.17291588e-01 -1.10300206e-01 2.50063419e-01 -8.74895975e-02 -8.98704901e-02 1.47067204e-01 5.91937862e-02 -1.15213081e-01 -4.69156176e-01 -1.25983000e-01 -2.49881810e-03 -2.97277402e-02 8.32711440e-03 2.85802782e-01 -4.40656364e-01 -1.17596313e-01 1.03522666e-01 -9.74105448e-02 -1.69201940e-01 -3.19702297e-01 -6.69345409e-02 2.94028997e-01 -8.82915780e-02 5.28647378e-02 -2.37911507e-01 2.60970682e-01 1.33983150e-01 -8.31844062e-02 2.68994838e-01 -3.76786500e-01 -1.36382475e-01 -3.44190478e-01 1.13911718e-01 8.20805490e-01 -3.17230284e-01 -1.63421035e-01 -1.65733881e-02 1.05343811e-01 -1.35478646e-01 -1.16356805e-01 -2.18348309e-01 -2.58064449e-01 1.49031922e-01 8.86664018e-02 -1.07929744e-01 2.51471132e-01 4.83957082e-02 3.36284608e-01 -1.26310317e-02 2.98303276e-01 4.38780099e-01 2.28188001e-02 4.06184763e-01 -5.38586557e-01 5.82243763e-02 1.48467243e-01 7.94683844e-02 8.10945854e-02 -6.64057657e-02 -1.04703024e-01 1.34676486e-01 8.12598020e-02 -1.22747995e-01 2.25599185e-01 2.85270244e-01 -2.69919336e-01 8.80092084e-02 2.45151162e-01 1.19463108e-01 -2.28783369e-01 -7.35355839e-02 -1.35122389e-01 -8.73671100e-02 -3.06851655e-01 -3.03856432e-01 7.68922642e-02 2.23308757e-01 -2.67897099e-02 -1.52880952e-01 1.80712808e-03 -2.27091357e-01 1.18813053e-01 1.47276953e-01 6.10595822e-01 -5.74213266e-01 -7.09538087e-02 -2.09462821e-01 1.24217279e-01 -4.65286672e-02 2.04491690e-01 1.42466471e-01 2.19759256e-01 5.05046174e-02 1.62862003e-01 -1.02031454e-01 4.58567202e-01 1.75181240e-01 7.36356303e-02 2.62491941e-01 2.66023338e-01 6.57986641e-01 -6.00783266e-02 6.87074810e-02 -5.31897601e-03 -2.54590571e-01 -1.57516167e-01 4.25728023e-01 -2.46745408e-01 1.10198960e-01 -1.86039377e-02 -1.81356698e-01 -1.43348249e-02 -4.47376408e-02 7.02070743e-02 2.99561750e-02 5.79796843e-02 -1.71430558e-01 -4.43028629e-01 -1.31353438e-01 4.09123413e-02 1.97624445e-01 -2.03636989e-01 2.23507911e-01 1.33755326e-01 1.74474731e-01 4.83725592e-02 -1.65067837e-01 2.38953829e-01 -2.55763441e-01 2.09208190e-01 9.36986953e-02 -1.89642012e-01 2.87971459e-02 7.54135326e-02 3.18005711e-01 4.21582386e-02 -1.09480329e-01 1.68248534e-01 -1.25553280e-01 -6.74305633e-02 -9.94550511e-02 4.97393936e-01 1.06431015e-01 -2.72491395e-01 -2.16734976e-01 9.35390145e-02 -2.60597497e-01 -4.08926308e-01 2.90143400e-01 -6.71029761e-02 5.92597984e-02 -4.57137488e-02 -6.66212216e-02 -1.37227699e-01 -1.04003876e-01 2.97231525e-01 -3.39708716e-01 5.57696998e-01 1.13950618e-01 -1.40457258e-01 1.56078905e-01 -2.28901371e-01 9.42901820e-02 5.16067632e-02 3.91059697e-01 3.64631206e-01 1.96112707e-01 1.67530373e-01 -2.89333612e-01 -1.72731087e-01 7.44051784e-02 -7.51035661e-02 -3.84138562e-02 -9.23076868e-02 1.24243066e-01 3.41103613e-01 1.92873418e-01 -7.53499428e-03 -6.33396730e-02 -3.41474056e-01 -2.55851060e-01 -1.46064669e-01 2.78561950e-01 1.56458735e-01 1.74291030e-01 -1.79150313e-01 -1.91309273e-01 5.80123402e-02 2.08514079e-01 8.29321332e-04 1.92475226e-02 -2.25767016e-01 9.29424316e-02 -1.23259453e-02 1.54231474e-01 2.50770092e-01 1.76042750e-01 -1.46280229e-01 -1.63023695e-01 -2.56286293e-01 3.61561254e-02 -1.75135747e-01 -3.88382375e-02 -1.44415736e-01 1.53485224e-01 -7.90410563e-02 -1.06067076e-01 -4.06746492e-02 2.24091575e-01 4.29018475e-02 3.37286472e-01 -3.32290679e-01 1.97751820e-03 -1.40345514e-01 -8.80770683e-02 -2.23730937e-01 3.36215228e-01 1.22536063e-01 -2.91455954e-01 -2.20637143e-01 9.91959050e-02 1.33091956e-01 -3.60765725e-01 -2.85987049e-01 -2.64847457e-01 2.71206617e-01 2.49368176e-01 -5.59934676e-02 -1.67573079e-01 -1.93408951e-01 4.12136801e-02 3.00489217e-01 -3.14306170e-01 -4.04127575e-02 -1.60731122e-01 -3.30833644e-01 -8.50299746e-02 5.86283347e-03 3.32134143e-02 -1.23521108e-02 -1.90065488e-01 -1.83665708e-01]
""Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper"" active "Item #: SCP-445 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Access to and testing of SCP-445 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher, and each request must include a list of tests to be carried out. Any testing must be done with the accompaniment of no less than two guards for the entirety of testing. Any deviation from the preapproved list of tests will result in immediate termination of testing and a severe reprimand. Addendum: As of 06/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-445 is to be kept permanently separated from all samples of SCP-445-Ξ±, as described in isolation protocol IP-445-01. The access and testing regulations given above for SCP-445 apply equally to SCP-445-Ξ±. For more details, see Document 445-01. Description: SCP-445 consists of three stacks of white 11" x 17" paper. Each individual leaf has the text "Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper!" stamped on the bottom-left corner. While in its natural state, SCP-445 cannot be torn or burned, water has no adverse effect on it, and glue or tape will not stick to SCP-445. Observation of SCP-445 has found that its fibers are much denser than normal paper fibers at 3000 kg/m3, and a micro-layer of an unidentifiable substance is coated on each individual fiber. When SCP-445 is folded into a representation of an object, SCP-445 takes on the qualities of the object in question. While in its folded state, SCP-445 can only be unfolded into its original state by the person who originally folded it. SCP-445 can also be rolled, and it will stick to itself if slight pressure is applied. Drawing on SCP-445 does not produce any unusual effect, with the exception of any details illustrated for folded/rolled objects. A variant of SCP-445, designated SCP-445-Ξ±, was created on 06/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ via exposure of SCP-445 samples to SCP-073. Physically, SCP-445-Ξ± is almost identical to SCP-445, the only difference being a slight reddish tint to SCP-445-Ξ±. However, SCP-445-Ξ± behaves differently to SCP-445 when folded (see Document 445-01 for details). Addendum: 10/15: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Testing Log: Folded Into: A paper tube - When observed through one of the open ends, SCP-445 acted as a hand-held telescope, enhancing the view of objects within a 25 ft. distance. Folded Into: A Christmas tree - Remained stable when stood upright. When green and red lights were drawn onto the tree, they lit up despite the lack of a physical light source. Folded Into: A small knife - Became very sturdy and sharp, giving several researchers paper cuts when attempting to hold it. Able to hold its own against actual metal weaponry. Folded Into: A conical paper tube - Acted as a megaphone, though amplified only the folder's voice. When a volume control was drawn onto the side, the folder was able to change the volume of the megaphone. Folded Into: A paper cup - Became very rigid. Able to hold extremely hot or volatile liquids without any sign of tearing or melting. Folded Into: A paper crane - Became animate, much like SCP-368, though much slower and easily catchable. Recommend research into a possible connection between the two. Folded Into: A paper boat/hat - When placed in water, became self-propelling at speeds of up to 60 km/h. When inverted and placed on head, subject's physical attractiveness was greatly increased in the eyes of viewers. When both were performed simultaneously, both effects were achieved, with subject reported as looking 'dead sexy' while scooting around the water upside-down. Folded Into: A crumpled wad of paper - [DATA EXPUNGED] leaving three D-class personnel dead. Testing session ended. Folded Into: Origami copy of SCP-682 - Animated halfway through folding process, causing Dr. G considerable injury. Testing session ended. Notes: Let's not try that again. - Dr. G Addendum: 06/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ: Dr. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has requested permission to test samples of SCP-445 in conjunction with SCP-085. He has also requested permission to expose samples of SCP-445 to SCP-073, to determine whether SCP-073's ability to destroy ordinary paper by touch extends to SCP-445. Document 445-01: 06/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ: Approval for testing SCP-445 in conjunction with SCP-073 granted. SCP-073 is placed in a room with one (1) sheet of SCP-445 and instructed to touch the paper. SCP-445 sample exhibits no loss of structural integrity upon contact with SCP-073; however, the sample does change color, exhibiting a slightly reddish tinge within approximately thirty (30) seconds of initial contact with SCP-073. Modified SCP-445 sample designated SCP-445-Ξ±. Dr. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ recommends further investigation into physical and chemical composition of SCP-445. SCP-445-Ξ± stored in separate isolation chamber to prevent potential cross-contamination. 06/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ: One (1) sheet of SCP-445 introduced to SCP-445-Ξ±. SCP-445 sample begins exhibiting visible coloration consistent with SCP-445-Ξ± within ninety (90) seconds of initial contact. After approximately six hundred (600) seconds of contact, introduced sample of SCP-445 is physically indistinguishable from SCP-445-Ξ±. Formal isolation protocol IP-445-01 established to prevent cross-contamination between SCP-445 and SCP-445-Ξ±. 07/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ: Eight (8) sheets of SCP-445 introduced to SCP-445-Ξ±. Conversion occurs as before, bringing total number of SCP-445-Ξ± sheets to ten (10). Dr. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ begins testing on SCP-445-Ξ±, following the experimental protocol utilized on 10/15/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ by Drs. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and G. Folded Into: A paper tube - When observed through one of the open ends, SCP-445-Ξ± acted as a hand-held telescope, enhancing the view of objects within a 25 ft. distance. However, subject using the telescope reported that objects viewed through it seemed somehow "off"; when asked to elaborate, subject was unable to specify any specific visual issue, noting only that objects viewed through the telescope appeared "sinister." Folded Into: A Christmas tree - Remained stable when stood upright. When green and red lights were drawn onto the tree, they lit up despite the lack of a physical light source. Test results identical to those of SCP-445. Folded Into: A small knife - Became very sturdy and sharp, causing injuries to all subjects who attempted to pick it up, ultimately severing subject D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's right index finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint. Eventually, subject using reinforced gloves was able to unfold SCP-445-Ξ± sample into its original, neutral shape. Folded Into: A conical paper tube - Acted as a megaphone, though amplified only the folder's voice. The amplified voice was subject to significant distortion, exhibiting what was described as a "demonic growl" by observers, though in all cases the speaker's voice was still identifiable. When a volume control was drawn onto the side, the folder was able to change the volume of the megaphone. Folded Into: A paper cup - Became very rigid. Able to hold extremely hot or volatile liquids without any sign of tearing or melting. However, samples of water added to the cup became opaque and dark red in color within fifteen (15) seconds of contact; chemical analysis of the resulting fluid revealed it to contain large quantities of human hemoglobin and other blood proteins. No other liquid added to the cup exhibited this change, including water-based solutions in concentrations higher than 50 mM. Folded Into: A paper crane - Became animate, much like SCP-368. Sample displayed aggressive and territorial behavior, repeatedly "divebombing" researchers and attacking with its "beak" and "wings," causing minor injuries. After being caught and "killed" by crushing the paper crane, sample was able to be unfolded into its original, neutral shape. Folded Into: A paper boat/hat - When placed in water, became self-propelling at speeds of up to 60 km/h. Again, sample displayed aggressive behavior, repeatedly attempting to "ram" nearby subjects and even propelling itself out of the water to do so. When inverted and placed on head, subject began to act erratically, threatening researchers and security personnel with violence. Subject terminated. In light of these results, Dr. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ elects to suspend further testing on SCP-445-Ξ±. SCP-073 declines to comment when questioned on these findings. Note: In light of these findings, I would like to formally request that SCP-445 be reclassified as a Euclid-class object. β€” Dr. Sβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-444 | SCP-445 | SCP-446 Β»" nan
[ 2.92288214e-01 -2.54053354e-01 -8.15989152e-02 -8.92316252e-02 -1.27525091e-01 -3.01467389e-01 9.22607109e-02 1.46696880e-01 -3.53547931e-01 1.33311227e-01 2.66421497e-01 2.00272173e-01 1.17355093e-01 7.69472793e-02 6.01696298e-02 1.59348682e-01 1.96286336e-01 3.41213048e-01 3.73724192e-01 -2.26732433e-01 -8.25394541e-02 -1.92578226e-01 -5.09680510e-02 2.14838818e-01 -2.14204285e-02 -4.05511260e-02 -7.79407918e-02 6.32802099e-02 -3.46738845e-01 1.42796328e-02 -3.69963935e-03 4.58071560e-01 2.01635319e-03 2.21832886e-01 -1.10313507e-04 -7.02348500e-02 3.49505514e-01 5.42382970e-02 1.64889321e-01 3.23962480e-01 -4.14164364e-01 -9.73734036e-02 -1.87411770e-01 -3.01345915e-01 2.91790701e-02 -3.57013911e-01 -1.17849320e-01 1.16691381e-01 4.57864851e-01 5.02546690e-02 1.94998875e-01 2.44175851e-01 4.26677018e-01 -1.34589970e-01 4.21147108e-01 -1.89958718e-02 -2.29002103e-01 7.85301849e-02 1.08433187e-01 -2.00674459e-01 4.14964855e-01 7.23704621e-02 -2.66179651e-01 -6.42959103e-02 1.69141397e-01 -7.15012150e-03 5.83380878e-01 2.38708332e-02 1.51818041e-02 6.05536819e-01 7.76072443e-02 -1.97613351e-02 -7.49394596e-02 6.11780472e-02 3.17815356e-02 3.34087312e-01 -5.62251061e-02 2.19985977e-01 1.37911186e-01 3.17507684e-02 -1.23251025e-02 1.62210003e-01 -3.38226676e-01 2.21572503e-01 -1.86933935e-01 1.99984863e-01 -2.63484091e-01 3.08620334e-02 2.74643391e-01 9.06473026e-02 -2.51352340e-01 8.01486075e-02 -3.41225904e-03 -8.86665732e-02 1.69886276e-01 -3.45010078e-03 5.81953451e-02 -3.42566520e-01 2.12697566e-01 3.26294273e-01 4.52054828e-01 1.31903350e-01 3.76711547e-01 1.88074142e-01 -2.35495865e-02 2.84031272e-01 2.80996365e-03 -1.53080642e-01 -1.68827713e-01 3.71511996e-01 7.23818392e-02 5.01684472e-02 -8.78000855e-02 8.28384832e-02 -7.01743085e-03 -4.49957162e-01 3.49888295e-01 -1.81516275e-01 -2.94918451e-03 3.54791671e-01 -4.34487849e-01 -6.70290664e-02 -2.60916144e-01 3.85027289e-01 3.37152272e-01 4.88824010e-01 9.37683880e-02 -7.47162178e-02 5.86567670e-02 1.15973786e-01 -2.10420877e-01 1.36659220e-01 -1.99645326e-01 3.61941420e-02 -1.79102853e-01 1.74198106e-01 -6.87284172e-02 -7.30773136e-02 6.44227341e-02 -9.90907028e-02 1.15961321e-01 1.30304620e-01 7.54275501e-01 4.05223399e-01 -1.25920191e-01 -1.73147604e-01 1.63812220e-01 6.02142103e-02 -1.39948845e-01 -1.37220412e-01 1.13821246e-01 -1.58947080e-01 -3.44142884e-01 2.71330565e-01 -2.33087048e-01 2.11496830e-01 2.45852306e-01 -3.15549910e-01 -6.43717125e-02 1.47278607e-01 3.81409228e-01 -7.46343005e-03 1.61126107e-01 -1.79837883e-01 2.06295922e-01 -1.18372694e-03 8.13572183e-02 -2.05859601e-01 -2.53695101e-01 -2.23423496e-01 1.15769126e-01 1.73160508e-02 -8.60688612e-02 -1.09015219e-01 -9.21040773e-03 9.02241692e-02 -2.12177485e-01 -6.69372035e-03 -5.82491636e-01 1.02159180e-01 -3.64324301e-01 3.49361092e-01 1.95820838e-01 -4.03804541e-01 -1.43484220e-01 7.03551620e-02 -4.67152506e-01 -2.81299829e-01 3.17025423e-01 -1.27530620e-01 -4.18723166e-01 -4.33076888e-01 2.85444379e-01 -1.05890639e-01 -2.50387583e-02 3.20145302e-02 1.04741387e-01 6.17055632e-02 1.36089906e-01 -1.98861165e-03 -1.44972399e-01 1.61822923e-02 4.63812113e-01 2.11207643e-01 -7.60011673e-02 1.13300890e-01 2.61733625e-02 -1.01240821e-01 -1.58941224e-01 1.86709523e-01 -1.51274592e-01 -2.32965216e-01 -8.51518437e-02 5.32214679e-02 -6.78078234e-02 -4.51480627e-01 2.91137934e-01 2.02048242e-01 1.95746511e-01 -1.79608688e-01 2.03452930e-02 2.96748690e-02 -2.56200582e-01 -1.57711208e-01 -1.42595535e-02 -1.14823617e-01 -1.68821618e-01 -3.28319855e-02 -8.48235562e-02 1.39254957e-01 1.51899204e-01 -6.18762709e-02 1.46569550e-01 8.31210911e-02 -6.08350813e-01 -1.94242254e-01 -1.26314163e-03 7.37311304e-01 -2.06498429e-02 -6.46231532e-01 1.34417042e-01 -2.75553852e-01 4.69904691e-02 1.11699231e-01 -5.00620484e-01 3.24492097e-01 9.15992260e-02 2.64510959e-01 5.03472388e-02 -1.44233838e-01 -3.21354628e-01 -3.83498192e-01 -3.00172865e-01 -2.34069183e-01 5.98778017e-02 2.46501580e-01 -1.76606458e-02 -4.18644324e-02 4.13503349e-01 3.13795000e-01 2.22304627e-01 -3.19159538e-01 2.96282500e-01 8.20221528e-02 -8.25356394e-02 -1.73823953e-01 -2.57769555e-01 2.56574452e-01 3.59681658e-02 1.19016044e-01 2.95232702e-02 -6.99496418e-02 -5.61795384e-02 -8.15552548e-02 3.43761593e-02 1.15529597e-01 5.76846451e-02 1.04667321e-01 7.47452378e-02 1.35913789e-01 -8.36715028e-02 1.53137162e-01 -4.30685235e-03 -6.03099763e-02 -3.42400335e-02 1.30655274e-01 -3.16608213e-02 3.45077276e-01 -2.64358193e-01 1.23545758e-01 3.81939523e-02 -2.16238499e-01 -1.83223218e-01 4.54957038e-02 -2.52205700e-01 -2.40442127e-01 -2.68723279e-01 2.36358956e-01 -9.12900269e-02 4.10942594e-03 -9.10542533e-02 5.20066172e-02 -3.57031338e-02 2.17101008e-01 -2.48045489e-01 2.02899247e-01 3.85076195e-01 6.58551157e-02 7.98754543e-02 -2.17168048e-01 -3.21201980e-01 2.91258633e-01 -1.45879164e-01 8.88213143e-03 4.42790426e-02 7.16088936e-02 2.96411932e-01 -3.71063292e-01 2.42969692e-01 -7.20016301e-01 -1.42078996e-02 7.72707313e-02 -2.39218369e-01 -3.48345995e-01 -1.22027524e-01 -1.04816705e-01 2.79052611e-02 4.51556183e-02 3.44210774e-01 -2.60665976e-02 1.81554168e-01 -1.49048522e-01 2.39813209e-01 3.39191109e-01 1.26827627e-01 5.31122787e-03 -3.44785422e-01 -2.55446255e-01 6.62802383e-02 -5.76659665e-02 -1.03810951e-01 -1.64644003e-01 -1.13471024e-01 -5.51900342e-02 3.61929275e-02 -6.53782189e-02 -4.11166251e-01 -1.90569833e-01 1.11858360e-01 1.45326525e-01 -2.22324058e-01 5.20896196e-01 -1.00790538e-01 -3.43440056e-01 -2.03906178e-01 2.91557193e-01 2.07905561e-01 2.92398725e-02 -2.68892087e-02 9.12457183e-02 -2.89888740e-01 1.84238374e-01 3.52741987e-01 2.65722908e-02 -6.58898428e-02 -1.16809599e-01 2.52599567e-01 1.74792454e-01 3.38159829e-01 -1.23707213e-01 -6.18987866e-02 9.44855362e-02 7.78528750e-02 2.90960521e-01 -1.59837827e-01 -5.55031486e-02 2.41637215e-01 -1.21693090e-01 -2.90902019e-01 -1.01639517e-01 4.90158983e-02 5.39852142e-01 2.11423844e-01 -1.87754944e-01 -2.08838552e-01 1.16301857e-01 -2.68099252e-02 1.16756044e-01 2.68034428e-01 -1.21826872e-01 -2.53527556e-02 -5.60022533e-01 -1.41926214e-01 -1.91800252e-01 2.75354177e-01 5.46731763e-02 2.86394149e-01 -1.36538893e-01 -4.03370380e-01 2.29568794e-01 -5.88846385e-01 3.93474132e-01 5.46814268e-03 4.41977799e-01 7.02272713e-01 -5.93599528e-02 -8.86004046e-02 -3.11303914e-01 -3.68420094e-01 -4.17099565e-01 4.24102433e-02 -4.69831467e-01 -3.31941992e-01 -1.16135597e-01 3.75769854e-01 -3.81189555e-01 4.36638407e-02 2.63305157e-01 -1.13815904e-01 -3.33569676e-01 -7.26174712e-02 -5.48518375e-02 -8.58754888e-02 -2.98395306e-02 -5.57300627e-01 2.12742001e-01 8.07535928e-03 6.99110031e-02 -3.66297131e-03 3.08097124e-01 -1.74738407e-01 -6.41099960e-02 -4.56623673e-01 9.01080251e-01 3.21805090e-01 9.93116125e-02 2.20779240e-01 1.95611387e-01 -1.64723247e-01 3.72555442e-02 -2.21226573e-01 -1.12295449e-01 4.83676553e-01 7.10601062e-02 -1.33841679e-01 2.01373130e-01 1.60394400e-01 -2.52201974e-01 1.22879818e-02 4.19080049e-01 -2.65434593e-01 1.20207220e-01 -1.25315800e-01 6.51980042e-01 2.73362964e-01 -4.33606446e-01 -1.38882771e-01 2.58043855e-01 -2.07954884e-01 3.11126977e-01 4.05624568e-01 1.17852974e+00 -2.37320252e-02 -1.91403776e-02 6.38633445e-02 -6.00382611e-02 -1.15529902e-01 -6.52286947e-01 -2.52449065e-01 -1.43045569e-02 -3.20646882e-01 -1.26352883e-03 -1.82909459e-01 2.54790246e-01 1.60412326e-01 -3.01513255e-01 -3.36531609e-01 -2.76009560e-01 1.60994962e-01 4.03323799e-01 2.86941499e-01 3.00156862e-01 1.73339292e-01 3.86685908e-01 2.43428141e-01 2.82890469e-01 1.92365810e-01 5.17662130e-02 -1.17031243e-02 -2.89319277e-01 -7.67136887e-02 -4.73131090e-01 1.78085208e-01 -2.78092861e-01 1.28712237e-01 -1.03220321e-01 4.90615554e-02 -1.94939464e-01 -1.86336353e-01 -1.88657016e-01 -1.20855942e-01 -2.74946988e-01 2.09950760e-01 3.98175508e-01 -2.51517534e-01 1.32218498e-04 -9.17305201e-02 2.66583592e-01 3.70148122e-02 -1.21680856e-01 3.62092227e-01 -3.52417156e-02 -1.82596236e-01 -5.34739196e-01 1.42575204e-01 4.07343686e-01 -1.90491319e-01 2.18615457e-01 6.44361973e-02 -3.16103667e-01 -1.27480999e-01 1.84795782e-01 -3.90819693e-03 -1.01313196e-01 1.23399748e-02 2.04568550e-01 -1.83998287e-01 1.14579991e-01 2.54589230e-01 9.33805704e-02 2.88438201e-01 -1.13619052e-01 -1.56441674e-01 5.82099054e-03 -4.22605067e-01 -1.86183769e-02 -1.24953963e-01 -4.84743081e-02 6.64879978e-02 -6.94139227e-02 -4.32394385e-01 8.77902806e-02 2.68553138e-01 1.71438083e-02 -4.74870726e-02 -3.02757144e-01 -2.02616990e-01 3.64614666e-01 -2.08115295e-01 1.07549362e-01 2.83921242e-01 -1.29087260e-02 4.11424994e-01 -1.37905866e-01 2.58143604e-01 -4.15136397e-01 1.44108728e-01 -1.84885815e-01 -7.43951797e-02 4.93958741e-01 -2.32664600e-01 2.56404042e-01 -2.25220382e-01 1.64679855e-01 2.41948873e-01 1.04768932e-01 -2.97328591e-01 -3.64425153e-01 1.18056990e-01 -2.02046484e-02 -2.69138992e-01 1.50295764e-01 2.59457022e-01 3.57016265e-01 9.01900977e-02 3.50221574e-01 -1.47593111e-01 1.79967687e-01 2.40030766e-01 -4.00166869e-01 3.38012762e-02 -1.90884769e-01 6.37568161e-02 -1.47869408e-01 3.09952199e-01 6.70948103e-02 -1.82783529e-02 -2.61236399e-01 -2.00580582e-02 2.77887434e-01 1.59771591e-01 2.40393989e-02 2.84647733e-01 1.55014455e-01 6.91192523e-02 -1.63051605e-01 -6.17408194e-02 -1.25555247e-01 7.08733499e-02 -4.62884724e-01 -9.08352807e-02 -5.51701784e-02 3.22085947e-01 1.23685412e-01 -3.93707216e-01 -7.88725956e-05 -7.47039095e-02 -2.76868679e-02 1.88680395e-01 1.75208867e-01 -2.89257228e-01 -8.26748684e-02 5.88614568e-02 1.96820125e-01 -2.91153584e-02 2.89934874e-01 3.58643919e-01 1.13408901e-01 -2.28348598e-02 1.14473477e-01 4.62007187e-02 2.31027558e-01 -1.08117305e-01 4.17732000e-01 7.60311261e-02 -8.55249316e-02 4.90691125e-01 1.88854560e-01 1.38791308e-01 -1.59842119e-01 4.76019681e-01 3.90543863e-02 7.37527430e-01 -2.39266008e-01 1.78649306e-01 1.90073233e-02 -5.97094186e-03 -3.71724457e-01 1.99915003e-02 1.62700102e-01 -1.28085434e-01 -5.10981902e-02 -2.51944780e-01 -2.30970353e-01 -2.82896869e-02 1.91284463e-01 -1.47228360e-01 4.27772710e-03 -3.95841375e-02 -1.11153245e-01 9.30389091e-02 1.61531761e-01 -1.52729768e-02 4.45231080e-01 -4.20571595e-01 -2.31051832e-01 2.69770205e-01 -1.70793638e-01 4.94281277e-02 3.40301126e-01 2.87835866e-01 -1.84854984e-01 -2.14144990e-01 1.88679434e-02 -1.02884792e-01 -2.44495317e-01 -1.08869895e-01 1.00597985e-01 1.37950897e-01 -6.13253713e-01 -8.08311105e-02 2.40878984e-01 -3.35384578e-01 -1.30518615e-01 1.71190754e-01 3.79986912e-01 5.89710176e-02 -1.75582558e-01 -7.16769397e-02 -2.73960441e-01 9.35733877e-03 1.84765235e-02 -1.13221459e-01 1.35915235e-01 -1.60726547e-01 8.76551028e-03 1.69315979e-01 -1.12258345e-01 8.32449645e-02 1.22054338e-01 5.29640555e-01 -1.40676767e-01 -2.21161470e-02 1.73615903e-01 -2.42238745e-01 -9.18522477e-03 5.09556755e-02 -2.07436010e-01 -1.72003180e-01 2.32902333e-01 2.12221771e-01 -6.05832525e-02 9.68377665e-02 -5.38508818e-02 7.09188059e-02 -3.72912675e-01 1.65995836e-01 -1.39737219e-01 1.96585223e-01 4.39486533e-01 -5.09258769e-02 8.00220594e-02 -2.65031666e-01 4.99565005e-02 -1.45309731e-01 1.90042630e-01 -1.19064793e-01 -2.39477828e-02 1.67119522e-02 -3.14117260e-02 4.88296866e-01 1.92071840e-01 4.74269614e-02 -1.86212152e-01 -3.24344486e-01 -1.94505174e-02 5.90513468e-01 -1.15692921e-01 2.63130933e-01 1.52121000e-02 2.16280788e-01 1.68605283e-01 2.38642126e-01 -1.55795449e-02 1.03384145e-02 1.22149132e-01 1.14620045e-01 -5.26865602e-01 8.56175646e-02 -4.96371239e-02 -1.52225912e-01 -2.20162496e-02 2.84038931e-01 4.26450372e-02 -1.96139708e-01 -1.03305690e-01 -4.80153821e-02 1.48634940e-01 -3.07419807e-01 -9.97611880e-02 1.84398398e-01 1.15503415e-01 -1.85912669e-01 6.52934760e-02 -2.82323658e-01 1.80945210e-02 6.77001476e-02 2.38912582e-01 -3.64630073e-01 -5.30375913e-02 2.70165354e-01 -2.25084111e-01 -1.45500526e-01 3.94978404e-01 -1.19018331e-02 -1.88877374e-01 -1.63374439e-01 -1.13423504e-01]
"Human Mannequin" active "Item #: SCP-446 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-446 is to be kept locked in its case and only removed for testing. Any clothing and accessories must be removed from SCP-446 when not in use (see Incident 446-A). Description: SCP-446 in its normal state appears to be a Caucasian female, early twenties, brown hair 17.78 cm at its longest point, unusually bright blue eyes, light skin with a tattoo of the Marshall, Carter and Dark logo on its lower back, 1.75 m tall and weighing 52.16 kg. SCP-446 is anatomically correct, at least on the outside. All physical characteristics are consistent with a living human, including skin tone and texture, eye color and clarity of the sclera, even body heat. SCP-446 does not respond to any communication, however, and also does not breathe or exhibit a pulse. SCP-446 is normally stored lying on its back inside a long aluminum box with a hinged lid. SCP-446 and its storage box were discovered in [REDACTED] by Agents β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The storage box itself is unremarkable, aside from a plain white label listing SCP-446's clothing sizes. When the agents attempted to lift SCP-446 by the shoulders into a sitting position, SCP-446 responded to their touch by sitting upright on its own. A gentle push on its shoulders from the front encouraged it to lie back down. Further coaxing can compel SCP-446 to stand up on its own, and it will remain standing until downward pressure is applied to the top of its head, encouraging SCP-446 to sit again. SCP-446 generally does not move without prompting of some kind, although its eyes will follow the nearest person and it will make eye contact if possible. Moving and posing of SCP-446's limbs is also possible; once moved into position they will hold the established pose indefinitely. This works even in cases where delicate balancing would be required for a person, such as standing on one foot or even one hand. Attempts to push SCP-446 over have exactly the expected effect; it makes no attempt to preserve its balance and simply falls over. A medical examination of SCP-446 revealed additional information. See Document 446-1-A for details. Incident 446-1 SCP involved: SCP-446 Personnel involved: Guard β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Dr. Sunderland Date: 9/2/2010 Location: Storage Room 6, Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ Description: In the spirit of modesty, SCP-446 was initially stored clothed in a standard Class D personnel uniform. A guard later investigated reports of a "thumping noise" in Storage Room 6 where SCP-446 is kept. SCP-446's case was found to have moved several inches from its normal resting place as the result of rhythmic blows to the lid from the inside. Dr. Sunderland was called in, and upon opening the case, found that SCP-446 was attempting to rise to a sitting pose. It would bang its head against the lid, lie back down, and attempt to sit up again. Once the lid was opened, SCP-446 stood on its own without coaxing. SCP-446 then put its hands together at the wrists, lowered its head, and hunched its shoulders. SCP-446 also changed its expression for the first time since entering Foundation control; its face took on a subtle mixture of sadness and fear. It held this pose until Dr. Sunderland touched its shoulder, which prompted SCP-446 to return to a normal standing position, expressionless. However, SCP-446 could not be induced to lie down until the Class D uniform was removed. Document 446-1-A - Medical Examination of SCP-446 Β« SCP-445 | SCP-446 | SCP-447 Β»" nan
[ 3.37866396e-01 -2.48378545e-01 -9.61502790e-02 -3.33583266e-01 1.97981387e-01 -6.19442724e-02 4.54200327e-01 1.84867859e-01 -3.85946989e-01 -2.29204781e-02 1.41976565e-01 4.41276096e-02 -2.22920235e-02 -4.08913225e-01 4.10922050e-01 1.26466960e-01 6.88503981e-02 2.61179924e-01 -8.29603337e-03 -3.88413697e-01 -2.35298686e-02 -1.75071210e-01 -1.48493107e-02 3.00632179e-01 -2.29866087e-01 -1.17452502e-01 -6.44116895e-03 4.19414043e-01 -5.31500764e-02 9.31627080e-02 7.86365867e-02 1.34491667e-01 -8.36428031e-02 4.65239733e-01 -1.11531357e-04 -7.99037144e-02 -1.05557971e-01 8.78209546e-02 -2.83731431e-01 -1.36872642e-02 -2.65305191e-01 -2.54145682e-01 -2.38500446e-01 -3.34302932e-01 1.09196752e-01 -1.57503009e-01 2.21092656e-01 1.07556514e-01 5.34342289e-01 2.99013883e-01 2.44584054e-01 3.34507674e-01 7.41048753e-02 -3.93306501e-02 -1.59590364e-01 2.16151923e-01 -1.58817723e-01 9.95728374e-02 1.61294192e-01 -2.11414918e-01 1.11850224e-01 -2.39593267e-01 -1.92410663e-01 8.76800120e-02 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-8.89561251e-02 -9.74462107e-02 -3.93673182e-01 -3.70100945e-01 -9.56666246e-02 -1.22214027e-01 3.24958056e-01 6.81367964e-02 9.34818108e-03 1.63916126e-01 -4.38959777e-01 1.53296709e-01 2.70651996e-01 -1.54760823e-01 7.41398111e-02 5.10264277e-01 -2.69015312e-01 3.44267428e-01 1.20979466e-01 1.54808849e-01 -7.60752782e-02 -1.00194640e-01 7.18920454e-02 4.98604104e-02 -1.75938800e-01 -1.32606044e-01 2.31199235e-01 8.82770866e-02 -4.73190099e-01 -1.53443497e-02 1.88075304e-01 -3.55213642e-01 -1.49314344e-01 -1.56118229e-01 5.18525243e-01 -1.66082412e-01 2.51950175e-01 -1.31841108e-01 -1.39074489e-01 -1.32728189e-01 -2.20844954e-01 1.51915446e-01 1.43236190e-01 2.08485156e-01 -3.66552442e-01 1.62573412e-01 -1.74724028e-01 1.11549415e-01 1.78306922e-01 1.59205794e-01 3.47416759e-01 -4.06669788e-02 -4.16283123e-02 8.82042758e-03 -3.60079169e-01 3.19716394e-01 -1.14403538e-01 -2.03889728e-01 9.46138650e-02 2.62964189e-01 7.45599642e-02 2.55490005e-01 2.37966791e-01 3.75607684e-02 -6.75693825e-02 -3.68053354e-02 -6.18494488e-02 1.10835552e-01 -5.19398898e-02 1.66520514e-02 8.74694884e-02 -2.81356007e-01 -1.28051210e-02 -7.96836168e-02 1.96982801e-01 -2.40468904e-01 -5.79764307e-01 -2.09665939e-01 2.38191798e-01 4.57137316e-01 1.61644980e-01 7.25041144e-03 -1.92712292e-01 -1.82460621e-01 5.01742922e-02 3.71152371e-01 -2.29677305e-01 -7.19147027e-02 1.52124196e-01 2.94802934e-01 9.48677510e-02 3.57273161e-01 1.77460596e-01 -2.70815521e-01 2.23813742e-01 1.30833760e-01 -5.46018660e-01 2.46504858e-01 -1.43355653e-01 -2.99099404e-02 -6.57967627e-02 7.25093961e-01 2.01696157e-01 -2.93087333e-01 -1.82492435e-01 -1.50672555e-01 4.76998746e-01 -4.11382049e-01 -4.01529193e-01 -4.42521833e-02 4.75355946e-02 -2.53272057e-01 -7.36963153e-02 -5.43699145e-01 -1.16879664e-01 4.84124608e-02 1.07906582e-02 -2.86805313e-02 8.78198892e-02 -1.74455777e-01 -8.29535127e-02 -1.42741933e-01 6.07467592e-01 2.20653657e-02 -3.31753977e-02 -2.04169661e-01 -1.44357070e-01]
"Ball of Green Slime" active "Item #: SCP-447 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-447-1 is to be kept within a fifty-gallon clear plastic container at all times, monitored by camera by a Security Level 3 or higher staff member to prevent overflow. Area is to be maintained at Level 1 Clean Room status to prevent contamination by foreign matter at a site at least 10 km from any cemetery, morgue, or mortuary. Under no circumstances is SCP-447 to be allowed to come into contact with dead bodies. Because SCP-447-1 constantly excretes a viscous greenish slime (designated SCP-447-2) at a rate of approximately 10 cc/hour, a Class D personnel in good physical condition is to be detailed to harvest the excreted slime at least once per day. SCP-447-2 can be harvested using any appropriate equipment, so long as safety procedures are carefully adhered to in order to prevent on-site fatalities. Slime can be transported in an ordinary sealed glass or plastic container through any standard mode of transportation, provided that there is no risk of the slime coming into contact with a dead body en route. Although malodorous, the slime harvested from SCP-447-1 is nontoxic, noncorrosive, and nonradioactive. It is, in fact, perfectly safe so long as it does not come into contact with a dead body. The slime is edible, and reportedly makes a good salad dressing. Adding 10 cc of SCP-447-2 to one gallon of gasoline improves fuel efficiency by 150%. Furthermore, SCP-447-2 can be refined (see Appendix 447-C: Distillation Process) into a useful lubricant approved for use at all SCP Foundation installations, so long as said lubricant is never used to lubricate dead bodies. All staff assigned to SCP-447 are to be screened by polygraph for any suicidal, necrophiliac, or homicidal tendencies. In addition, all staff assigned to SCP-447 must be in good health and good physical condition, and must adhere to on-site safety regulations at all times. This is to minimize the risk of SCP-447 or its generated slime coming into contact with a dead body. Description: SCP-447-1 is a green sphere approximately 5 cm in diameter, with a spongy surface texture and a weight of 1.37 kg. The object is warm to the touch, approximately the same temperature as a human body, although its core temperature is slightly higher. Personnel handling SCP-447-1 have reported no adverse effects, so long as SCP-447-1 does not come into contact with a dead body. SCP-447 was retrieved by Foundation agents on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the city of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, California, United States of America. The incident clearly illustrates the danger inherent in allowing either SCP-447 unit to come into contact with a dead body. For further information, please see Appendix 447-A: Retrieval Report. The dangers of allowing SCP-447-1 or -2 to come into contact with dead bodies have been clearly documented: detailed eyewitness reports can be found in Appendix 447-B: Prior Incidents. To summarize, however, initial effects include [DATA EXPUNGED PER O5-LEVEL DIRECTIVE. RESEARCH INTO THIS FIELD FORBIDDEN UPON PAIN OF IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OR DEMOTION TO CLASS D. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR FOR MORE DETAILS]. Addendum 447-a: SCP-447 downgraded from Keter to Safe, so long as security measures are in place to prevent SCP-447 from coming into contact with dead bodies. Please see Experiment Log 447-A for further potential applications of SCP-447. For a list of all works by this author, click here. Β« SCP-446 | SCP-447 | SCP-448 Β»" nan
[ 3.06881309e-01 -2.19223216e-01 -3.54574397e-02 1.23765757e-02 -3.11425589e-02 -2.29756936e-01 -1.94783479e-01 2.12496489e-01 -4.39394504e-01 -1.21965325e-02 2.52263129e-01 4.00217801e-01 -2.60544986e-01 1.27549067e-01 2.04446375e-01 9.68401134e-02 7.45396223e-03 1.44667357e-01 -3.44720840e-01 -2.67146707e-01 -1.32521182e-01 -2.08580300e-01 -2.53911614e-02 3.48243982e-01 -2.72332914e-02 2.07898915e-01 1.27800420e-01 2.39546478e-01 -8.93206745e-02 -2.01520994e-01 2.89848030e-01 -8.51996839e-02 2.37994507e-01 2.18972132e-01 -1.08711116e-04 -1.87602594e-01 8.03629681e-02 8.26322883e-02 -2.40891188e-01 2.31672928e-01 -5.90074301e-01 -1.66603953e-01 -2.31229156e-01 -1.50517687e-01 1.21735543e-01 -3.82694364e-01 7.38994777e-02 -8.37911367e-02 3.73541594e-01 2.05355659e-01 1.83936119e-01 -1.09201267e-01 7.15917498e-02 1.92669168e-01 8.75685513e-02 1.78080171e-01 -3.31112713e-01 -1.45721715e-02 4.03984725e-01 -8.78918990e-02 1.21529447e-02 -5.07961549e-02 -2.19588056e-01 1.81047916e-01 3.44181031e-01 -6.29306538e-03 7.46219516e-01 -5.56599200e-02 1.76387981e-01 4.63359505e-01 -3.97148766e-02 -2.40227655e-02 2.74044126e-01 4.59219282e-03 -9.85980108e-02 -6.83986396e-02 7.10528120e-02 2.10306361e-01 1.23939170e-02 -5.92106208e-02 -2.54755944e-01 1.85331672e-01 -4.48022842e-01 -8.90656635e-02 7.71851987e-02 2.11478263e-01 -2.18553156e-01 -2.04957854e-02 3.63921314e-01 -1.24485604e-01 -1.66829884e-01 3.88990492e-02 -1.45778954e-01 6.89399615e-02 2.01066688e-01 -1.21801220e-01 1.10334426e-01 3.03199857e-01 5.61356127e-01 3.49042058e-01 3.33422899e-01 1.64171249e-01 2.69530475e-01 2.08527178e-01 1.64239824e-01 -1.80760905e-01 1.63520519e-02 -4.31309164e-01 -1.12107776e-01 1.85084805e-01 3.30008827e-02 2.02606171e-01 -2.25015562e-02 3.60861897e-01 1.00258894e-01 -9.34327766e-02 2.71910965e-01 -2.53551364e-01 -1.61695689e-01 4.25770551e-01 -3.99515301e-01 1.83296636e-01 -1.98615715e-01 2.91072756e-01 3.61449569e-01 3.09277087e-01 1.35695152e-02 -1.97288439e-01 4.11317013e-02 -2.27419451e-01 -1.83442220e-01 3.16051006e-01 -4.28106755e-01 4.30401117e-02 -1.37064517e-01 5.43363452e-01 -1.73403397e-01 -2.40109921e-01 1.44764513e-01 4.85364944e-02 6.04586042e-02 3.57847512e-02 6.63644850e-01 3.87928337e-01 -4.17324573e-01 -3.10246766e-01 5.47691062e-03 -4.31438163e-02 -2.38462120e-01 5.96195906e-02 4.17341679e-01 -3.45606863e-01 -4.71908778e-01 2.51757622e-01 3.12160607e-02 6.15876764e-02 2.19081968e-01 -1.05915174e-01 -3.70715052e-01 1.15276210e-01 2.20420942e-01 2.13271588e-01 -4.85028559e-03 -2.92233646e-01 -8.99337046e-03 4.61965621e-01 3.52029665e-03 -5.73008470e-02 -3.66215676e-01 5.84110022e-02 3.48762453e-01 -2.40271702e-01 -7.83999413e-02 -1.05166204e-01 -2.90571153e-01 1.61287174e-01 -5.15119076e-01 -2.54995763e-01 9.36370995e-03 -3.18560074e-03 -4.18866813e-01 3.45370591e-01 2.64832854e-01 -3.14293832e-01 -6.39638528e-02 -1.69008091e-01 -7.78810754e-02 2.26819545e-01 -2.06584483e-02 -1.54933900e-01 -1.22095406e-01 -5.29181361e-01 3.08326811e-01 -2.71941006e-01 1.50517762e-01 1.80139780e-01 2.03156397e-01 3.68831642e-02 -3.03730164e-02 1.54016763e-01 2.62676738e-03 -2.76663690e-03 5.95595360e-01 5.01029380e-02 -2.98765540e-01 2.90804617e-02 -5.32533765e-01 -1.77124247e-01 2.32657164e-01 1.01777039e-01 -1.68783888e-01 -1.60864145e-01 1.50842415e-02 3.63585055e-02 -1.26832366e-01 -3.25818807e-01 3.32561791e-01 2.48150095e-01 3.88025552e-01 -2.62973905e-01 -5.36588281e-02 1.84159413e-01 2.76679937e-02 -9.47119370e-02 1.12043604e-01 1.31391168e-01 -1.25134259e-01 -3.06294292e-01 -1.14778072e-01 2.13077292e-01 2.90397644e-01 -4.43618521e-02 1.47172034e-01 8.30774829e-02 -5.93578637e-01 -1.94077894e-01 2.47488558e-01 1.26164258e+00 -1.75727963e-01 -1.24712912e-02 1.33294249e-02 -2.72029161e-01 4.96969111e-02 2.88586374e-02 -1.09091423e-01 2.04571754e-01 1.15473837e-01 -2.91031343e-03 2.06832752e-01 -2.67491825e-02 -1.19745724e-01 -4.43239033e-01 -1.51171356e-01 -7.62392431e-02 3.23293209e-02 -1.38182148e-01 -3.02906007e-01 2.66891062e-01 -5.52215949e-02 1.69727147e-01 6.80953488e-02 -2.16175362e-01 3.01578164e-01 -6.93524331e-02 4.16137837e-02 -2.26095393e-01 2.61515319e-01 6.07766151e-01 3.51252407e-01 5.36325797e-02 5.20785302e-02 -9.53701511e-02 1.35065541e-01 1.06066495e-01 -2.07240760e-01 -9.46130455e-02 1.50810897e-01 2.60895044e-01 -2.56815329e-02 4.00057957e-02 -1.46650866e-01 -2.72852648e-03 7.23169744e-02 1.13821160e-02 -8.55907053e-03 1.17222250e-01 -2.87726671e-01 4.81576137e-02 -2.68714309e-01 1.68350711e-01 2.20700562e-01 -4.18666750e-02 8.18894431e-02 8.46682787e-02 -3.32249790e-01 3.87320109e-02 -1.10630497e-01 5.08118033e-01 -3.62310857e-01 8.23770761e-02 -6.29066169e-01 2.36632705e-01 -2.49915719e-01 1.57992125e-01 -3.82117093e-01 2.32688174e-01 4.80741262e-01 4.76773456e-02 1.17796794e-01 -4.95565772e-01 -6.16019703e-02 2.54735917e-01 1.04802988e-01 1.00073554e-01 1.91169027e-02 6.94495365e-02 3.91674750e-02 -9.93898436e-02 2.18285859e-01 -6.59332454e-01 1.97969735e-01 2.53534824e-01 -2.70934433e-01 -1.08460851e-01 -9.61635709e-02 2.37607628e-01 -1.22792408e-01 -1.11906879e-01 -6.78429566e-03 -2.00263768e-01 -9.41221882e-03 -1.08968750e-01 -1.20077185e-01 2.60727912e-01 -1.92537028e-02 7.61879385e-02 -3.03759992e-01 -2.84215361e-01 -3.63222733e-02 -6.12294301e-02 -1.32045925e-01 -2.30027646e-01 -1.46748051e-01 -1.15378886e-01 -1.06849767e-01 -1.79110751e-01 -3.77951592e-01 -4.67325635e-02 2.01825798e-01 -2.15310743e-03 -1.79281428e-01 3.35720122e-01 -7.22857863e-02 -3.56390387e-01 -2.88584083e-01 -1.27977235e-02 2.61529952e-01 2.56550252e-01 1.46251261e-01 4.76807617e-02 -1.18076101e-01 3.90423238e-01 1.98309153e-01 -2.91898608e-01 -3.73594016e-01 8.95870700e-02 9.25891101e-02 3.06276917e-01 4.37371284e-01 -1.17112398e-01 9.60849077e-02 -9.14285779e-02 -2.58627266e-01 1.17063724e-01 -4.57087681e-02 2.57588625e-01 1.99985832e-01 1.22141629e-01 -2.73673445e-01 -1.00296952e-01 6.50452822e-02 6.70311689e-01 -5.39276414e-02 -4.56882715e-02 -3.72113615e-01 1.85629830e-01 -1.59815535e-01 1.68012574e-01 2.03346983e-01 5.66299306e-03 2.31642544e-01 -2.63420731e-01 -3.18989515e-01 -1.24531083e-01 2.32576594e-01 -3.50741856e-02 3.50074023e-01 -2.15937644e-01 -1.48958653e-01 2.72443771e-01 -3.71157765e-01 1.60690933e-01 8.15215930e-02 6.22945726e-01 3.15424800e-01 1.91863030e-01 3.81845474e-01 -1.61976159e-01 -1.69178694e-01 1.80750832e-01 4.82495070e-01 -5.28797686e-01 -4.83637154e-01 -1.25233352e-01 3.40884566e-01 -1.87131926e-01 3.19815092e-02 2.63364673e-01 -8.65073577e-02 -4.81538087e-01 -6.87696934e-02 1.36053443e-01 2.10842952e-01 -1.28710449e-01 -1.23106301e-01 3.70854735e-02 4.16409075e-01 1.10103212e-01 1.74509317e-01 1.22531634e-02 -3.30482394e-01 2.11749479e-01 -6.10805005e-02 3.57032329e-01 3.59915107e-01 4.51894164e-01 1.91480279e-01 -2.48917952e-01 1.86750218e-02 4.64144908e-02 3.19536179e-02 1.03618167e-01 4.62112069e-01 1.54215917e-01 4.94479984e-02 -1.64689329e-02 7.77869895e-02 -1.28335804e-01 -4.48839962e-01 3.35692346e-01 -1.58700988e-01 1.50772989e-01 -4.16366644e-02 3.36081266e-01 1.69419676e-01 -3.65289867e-01 -2.79314488e-01 4.40747023e-01 -8.21409672e-02 5.03214821e-02 3.13873529e-01 1.21761048e+00 4.43142466e-02 -2.72353683e-02 7.73918554e-02 -2.17123777e-01 -1.25467449e-01 -5.07617414e-01 -1.26488060e-01 -1.74652800e-01 1.92210779e-01 1.15339950e-01 -1.90582752e-01 1.57120213e-01 3.23188096e-01 -2.91830331e-01 -1.50241002e-01 -5.91267347e-01 1.14480928e-01 2.09840328e-01 2.30657876e-01 1.63708299e-01 6.07474819e-02 2.04464987e-01 2.35085234e-01 4.57466282e-02 1.86132804e-01 -1.74529016e-01 -5.63282147e-02 2.14028746e-01 -7.17696920e-02 -3.68836313e-01 2.04042882e-01 -1.67947441e-01 2.23611534e-01 7.72201270e-02 1.10034533e-01 -4.47656393e-01 -1.52233150e-02 -4.70571160e-01 -2.29989558e-01 -1.51049137e-01 1.23950452e-01 5.02872527e-01 2.30463268e-03 -8.65206718e-02 -8.33742842e-02 3.64187986e-01 6.13183938e-02 -4.57320437e-02 4.27716762e-01 -3.59576792e-02 -1.54289901e-01 5.29251955e-02 1.49116665e-01 3.99388313e-01 -1.60664231e-01 1.37074739e-01 1.44093379e-01 -6.95612580e-02 1.69545077e-02 1.73755258e-01 1.76271349e-01 -8.95635411e-02 3.56300138e-02 1.08380787e-01 -4.06582914e-02 -7.76669104e-03 -7.66221508e-02 4.97434027e-02 5.13347685e-01 -2.83544332e-01 4.08649407e-02 -1.35654639e-02 -4.61299181e-01 -2.04285290e-02 1.11758128e-01 -1.47535518e-01 9.77000147e-02 1.91005990e-01 -3.15189391e-01 -1.02589145e-01 1.35712802e-01 1.69253543e-01 -2.97017127e-01 -1.16170958e-01 -3.07546735e-01 2.46302322e-01 1.95868481e-02 -1.57253277e-02 -3.28802057e-02 -6.07835315e-02 3.25702935e-01 -1.43119752e-01 1.75641626e-01 -4.11885768e-01 -2.36421619e-02 -3.91918600e-01 -1.27966151e-01 4.58473265e-01 4.32861559e-02 3.04810315e-01 -3.81402001e-02 6.13160655e-02 2.81378329e-01 -1.79954231e-01 -1.95713997e-01 -1.65949479e-01 1.54384166e-01 1.33041963e-01 -2.21909046e-01 -2.75502890e-01 -1.57797366e-01 1.15821354e-01 4.09374200e-02 -4.98262532e-02 2.16894522e-01 2.65410632e-01 2.16355562e-01 3.49141881e-02 2.10721806e-01 2.38523006e-01 1.13250017e-01 6.00443110e-02 5.11594057e-01 -2.58732308e-02 -6.13006465e-02 -1.59189060e-01 -4.28336672e-02 2.36869320e-01 2.88710184e-02 2.49822773e-02 6.71201795e-02 5.96916266e-02 3.73216346e-02 -2.92420298e-01 -8.44908431e-02 -2.20818743e-01 2.20672682e-01 -3.21980298e-01 4.64710817e-02 -1.72079839e-02 2.72405297e-01 1.20249897e-01 -8.32063258e-02 -1.64667651e-01 4.88911159e-02 -1.95665509e-01 1.89974993e-01 -7.04574212e-02 -1.39629617e-01 -5.25340112e-03 7.08423480e-02 7.82292411e-02 3.28876764e-01 -1.57862529e-01 -2.34528795e-01 -1.23809986e-01 -7.17332363e-02 9.30169448e-02 2.15939388e-01 2.34811157e-01 -1.24976061e-01 2.09261149e-01 -1.28236651e-01 1.99238017e-01 3.97824854e-01 -8.41109008e-02 -5.79574332e-02 7.64282197e-02 4.69452381e-01 9.74683790e-04 1.51498780e-01 -4.90328260e-02 -3.68297957e-02 -9.67679992e-02 -7.48461187e-02 -2.98718065e-01 -9.62793902e-02 7.98452199e-02 1.47150293e-01 3.58867139e-01 -1.01637430e-01 -6.09704182e-02 2.06959248e-02 2.50399888e-01 -9.84707028e-02 -6.77307621e-02 -2.37169564e-01 1.82369620e-01 1.99089393e-01 -1.19714402e-01 1.41006351e-01 1.13319352e-01 -3.81517053e-01 -4.43349294e-02 1.66774973e-01 -2.37020195e-01 1.85146794e-01 -5.72603680e-02 2.74216086e-01 1.13237552e-01 -1.81213379e-01 5.45190498e-02 -2.67936617e-01 -1.46362171e-01 -2.99999714e-01 4.29751873e-01 2.06541985e-01 -3.04866999e-01 -6.53515458e-02 1.66536227e-01 -3.11687917e-01 -4.05210614e-01 3.95867467e-01 2.70331383e-01 8.91743302e-02 -1.42470375e-01 5.56841232e-02 -6.83884695e-02 -1.76593214e-01 -9.72242653e-02 2.56472882e-02 -2.14254081e-01 -1.72427103e-01 -4.17765453e-02 -1.88772995e-02 -1.72945529e-01 9.42494795e-02 1.81400985e-01 1.77784145e-01 1.00023121e-01 -6.59007430e-02 -1.28845587e-01 -3.15890610e-01 -1.82931259e-01 3.08880568e-01 -3.16275716e-01 -3.87613326e-01 9.26971361e-02 2.64551133e-01 -1.64651752e-01 1.16931476e-01 -2.31162414e-01 1.72193423e-01 -8.85458023e-04 1.78946093e-01 -3.12111139e-01 6.88495710e-02 3.22101891e-01 1.66964129e-01 1.45867959e-01 -3.00954193e-01 2.62689721e-02 1.11637890e-01 1.81481630e-01 -3.43328923e-01 -1.64618909e-01 -3.05503160e-02 2.09317997e-01 5.52471399e-01 2.21193999e-01 2.56582260e-01 -8.60814154e-02 -4.71110374e-01 1.56529859e-01 4.58187401e-01 -1.07702427e-01 -2.99521953e-01 -5.04735895e-02 -1.82347953e-01 1.83502749e-01 4.77486908e-01 -1.72071517e-01 2.99429544e-03 -1.34014204e-01 2.59180278e-01 -5.04462004e-01 3.12731743e-01 -1.85612082e-01 9.76187289e-02 -3.19839150e-01 1.22970097e-01 -2.65279263e-02 -8.19568634e-02 9.50705260e-03 1.46576494e-01 6.90239489e-01 -6.71735585e-01 -1.45701513e-01 -2.01065451e-01 1.66281044e-01 -3.23547781e-01 -4.39006001e-01 -6.57674074e-02 -2.09932283e-01 -2.30334938e-01 2.42308423e-01 -2.66115546e-01 -1.79625407e-01 -3.93881023e-01 -2.46369064e-01 -2.11005099e-02 3.43818992e-01 6.77229092e-02 -9.44877118e-02 -2.19343249e-02 -6.58329651e-02]
"Jack-in-the-Box" active "Item #: SCP-448 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-448 is to be kept in a 3m x 3m x 3m room, decorated with colorful wallpaper, warm lighting, and several small children's toys scattered about. When not under observation, object is to be kept on its pedestal at all times. Room must be kept clean and in good condition. All personnel entering the room (clearance level 2 and above and only one at a time) for any reason are reminded to smile and keep a cheerful disposition while in the presence of SCP-448. Description: Object appears to be a child's Jack-in-the-box toy. The box portion is 13cm along each side and is constructed of tin, with a colorful decal depicting a smiling clown on each facet of the box except for the bottom and right side, which holds the turn crank. When cranked, the toy plays "Pop Goes the Weasel", causing the "Jack" to leap out the top before the final five notes, as most toys of its kind normally do. The "Jack", however, transforms to reflect the mood of any person within 3m of the object. The strength of one's mood also affects its appearance, and every form it has taken has been unique. While the hand crank is functional, SCP-448 has been shown to randomly activate itself. Once out of the box, the "Jack" will stay out of the box until the lid is closed or the influencing person leaves the room. When approached by more than one person, object will stay shut and instead shake vigorously, becoming more and more violent until one or both persons leave its area of influence. In this state SCP-448 cannot be opened nor can it be activated, and can be dangerous the longer it stays in this state. Attempting to fake emotions, such as smiling when one is actually depressed, delays the self-activation of the artifact but does not completely fool it. X-rays do not penetrate the box's surface. The following moods have been observed: Happy: Smiling clown. While the clown's face, outfit and color scheme are different every time, its mood is consistent. In this state during special events, such as holidays and birthdays, object SCP-448 has been found to sing an appropriate song to the influencing person. "Happy Birthday", "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Here Comes the Bride", "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", and "American Pie" have been recorded. SCP-448's voice has been described as high-pitched and irritating. Sad: Frowning clown. Tears have been often recorded to flow from clown's eyes. Chemical analysis has found them to be of the same composition as human tears. When approached by persons with suicidal thoughts, Object takes the form of [DATA EXPUNGED] Angry: [DATA EXPUNGED] Scared: Unknown. In this state, lid will only open slightly before quickly shutting. Sounds of whimpering, screaming and crying can be heard from within. Dog/Animals: Anthropomorphic dog wearing clown outfit. When approached by any animal other than human, Object will take the form of an anthropomorphic version of that same animal in clown garb. Emotionless: Blank white cloth doll. This occurs when the object is approached by an entity incapable of feeling emotion, such as [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unknown if SCP-448's environment also affects whatever form it takes. Until further testing is performed, its current containment procedures will not be altered. Addendum: All attempts at physically penetrating or otherwise destroying SCP-448 have been unsuccessful. This is not because it is indestructible- rather, when approached with the intent of dismantling, object will retaliate by opening up (without any cranking or music) and relentlessly attacking the approaching person with what appears to be a red boxing glove on the end of a long, rigid metal spring. The glove itself has been recorded reaching speeds up to 235 kph. Attempts to damage it from outside its area of influence with long-ranged weaponry results in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Β« SCP-447 | SCP-448 | SCP-449 Β»" nan
[ 3.72574031e-02 -5.59848309e-01 -8.13373104e-02 1.61270306e-01 7.83017203e-02 -2.42290944e-01 4.39351499e-01 9.71277617e-03 -1.03232466e-01 1.87179595e-01 6.67620003e-02 1.76722750e-01 -3.99530888e-01 -3.55692178e-01 3.28470021e-02 -3.72108147e-02 1.49335667e-01 3.25299710e-01 1.83667511e-01 -2.77533293e-01 -1.45661443e-01 -2.82574266e-01 -2.83835143e-01 4.04570311e-01 -4.24103349e-01 -2.88499683e-01 1.56184629e-01 3.13416392e-01 -3.40770155e-01 -2.39915717e-02 1.06028400e-01 1.15858704e-01 -1.74564093e-01 5.62216878e-01 -1.12183989e-04 -3.22523236e-01 2.24208608e-01 -5.31929843e-02 5.63124418e-02 -4.98635545e-02 -5.73676050e-01 -1.08334154e-01 -1.98384210e-01 3.26587930e-02 2.52525583e-02 -2.12040499e-01 6.00007512e-02 2.00576514e-01 8.99628401e-01 3.04076940e-01 1.54110968e-01 3.75761032e-01 1.66847631e-02 1.74466014e-01 4.54293489e-01 2.20395789e-01 -2.24576831e-01 7.61928409e-02 3.47934216e-01 6.32983148e-02 -1.06915340e-01 -6.99030235e-02 -2.42764145e-01 -7.13490099e-02 5.02680056e-02 -4.84423995e-01 1.51606441e-01 -7.08853379e-02 1.10433191e-01 7.99240321e-02 -1.19586512e-01 -2.01837227e-01 7.57235065e-02 -8.74550566e-02 1.18847065e-01 -1.84383094e-01 1.85500979e-01 1.43801570e-01 1.15732513e-01 -3.76103483e-02 -8.33422542e-02 4.06152397e-01 -2.16794789e-01 1.73076704e-01 5.73762916e-02 -1.62717234e-02 -4.30609249e-02 9.46766604e-03 2.78359856e-02 -4.30724889e-01 2.41075456e-01 7.25944713e-02 -3.51111405e-02 1.71909198e-01 6.74478859e-02 -1.25814676e-01 -2.07821708e-02 -1.21668935e-01 -7.66147450e-02 1.23732813e-01 -4.35930304e-02 2.85259396e-01 -2.32319124e-02 2.95113891e-01 4.46961939e-01 -4.24672689e-05 5.87937683e-02 -3.69432867e-02 -1.48091629e-01 4.81398195e-01 -1.26991436e-01 2.35507071e-01 -3.17328095e-01 2.16653004e-01 5.41006565e-01 -1.00309290e-01 1.24122664e-01 -9.44772214e-02 -3.62999082e-01 1.54196024e-01 -8.17880273e-01 3.92984487e-02 1.26077294e-01 4.55019146e-01 5.44463456e-01 4.79192078e-01 -1.31525710e-01 -1.39979795e-01 -2.78314382e-01 8.77850503e-02 -1.47005916e-01 2.87135094e-01 -4.16609645e-01 -3.86952497e-02 1.19641550e-01 4.57925498e-01 3.84826474e-02 2.99951527e-03 2.68452078e-01 -1.93800315e-01 3.18781994e-02 4.28314693e-02 5.24853170e-01 2.52839595e-01 -2.95768052e-01 -1.59549549e-01 -5.21581396e-02 6.72875345e-02 -1.64126948e-01 -1.75449625e-01 5.57334125e-01 -2.94560224e-01 1.57062903e-01 1.25633150e-01 -3.92229915e-01 8.63617212e-02 4.64005321e-01 2.28930525e-02 -3.41088593e-01 -1.52601644e-01 4.69195962e-01 -1.62413821e-01 9.80719253e-02 4.83394004e-02 -9.01616067e-02 1.68735489e-01 3.24374706e-01 -2.85468698e-01 -9.82809737e-02 -5.96616790e-02 -9.41396430e-02 -1.52380034e-01 -1.39924332e-01 2.69703213e-02 -1.22034676e-01 -1.26865923e-01 -3.87615323e-01 -2.38482580e-01 -4.41445380e-01 -2.03904167e-01 -2.40508869e-01 3.78229976e-01 3.23781371e-01 -1.11504808e-01 -2.08789960e-01 -2.33534612e-02 -1.66867539e-01 3.25098038e-02 3.68782252e-01 8.95133913e-02 -7.09977373e-02 -3.47572058e-01 1.14383869e-01 2.08628476e-01 -7.17163505e-03 -1.89132243e-02 6.35249354e-03 3.53988081e-01 -6.13416992e-02 2.79519349e-01 -9.94998887e-02 -9.47549716e-02 5.32320440e-01 -1.64847095e-02 -1.05711140e-01 -3.01718384e-01 -5.06098010e-03 -1.85351104e-01 1.72371224e-01 1.61502033e-01 -2.32993022e-01 -2.29744509e-01 -1.60785750e-01 2.37913042e-01 -1.06631353e-01 -3.17733496e-01 2.17515454e-01 2.01923817e-01 -4.32354771e-02 -4.34537292e-01 -3.26454163e-01 2.56195009e-01 4.36141282e-01 -1.03704914e-01 2.75906622e-01 -1.06658809e-01 -6.27230704e-02 -1.37873799e-01 1.06295675e-01 4.02128875e-01 2.33320907e-01 5.33606410e-02 5.62615320e-02 1.71449229e-01 1.67431403e-02 6.33386075e-02 -1.48441762e-01 4.42214876e-01 -2.84162108e-02 -2.35249057e-01 1.06036337e-02 2.57350743e-01 1.75257474e-01 4.19224389e-02 -1.35348707e-01 3.97511750e-01 4.25054759e-01 7.57757574e-02 1.94094405e-01 -2.22404018e-01 -2.49649361e-01 -1.79918066e-01 -3.75468433e-01 -4.17415649e-02 -1.00931652e-01 2.27149148e-02 4.69207257e-01 2.10885227e-01 -1.98514193e-01 -3.60128060e-02 3.03753972e-01 -1.99293226e-01 2.11167663e-01 -9.25250128e-02 -9.51587930e-02 -1.26369089e-01 9.13242400e-02 1.20468903e-02 -2.71211535e-01 1.66902304e-01 -2.00993314e-01 -8.59198496e-02 -1.75705865e-01 -2.25300412e-03 1.67207465e-01 1.67750448e-01 2.15426773e-01 1.69028372e-01 4.05092686e-01 -2.75430214e-02 -3.36555719e-01 -2.90591598e-01 -1.33369163e-01 -1.39978334e-01 -3.08841884e-01 -5.47839589e-02 -3.91189456e-02 3.88331935e-02 -2.46370077e-01 2.17682272e-02 -1.18410550e-02 1.39111459e-01 7.57891536e-02 2.98937678e-01 -9.71842259e-02 8.46647546e-02 3.24382216e-01 5.60551405e-01 -1.04622699e-01 -3.66556793e-02 -9.24777463e-02 1.33841217e-01 -1.38021246e-01 1.01297237e-01 -1.30503356e-01 1.38514981e-01 4.77929652e-01 9.64568183e-02 1.76113814e-01 -8.36195499e-02 -7.61031583e-02 3.16224933e-01 7.38484114e-02 -1.02735393e-01 6.10812791e-02 -8.96942914e-02 -4.91037399e-01 -3.22268516e-01 1.91470250e-01 -4.99433935e-01 -1.30477613e-02 -1.75958574e-02 -2.28714496e-01 -9.35416594e-02 2.74887308e-02 6.59352392e-02 1.57046661e-01 -2.31149226e-01 3.85194749e-01 -1.41153201e-01 6.72820881e-02 1.39068469e-01 1.06326267e-01 2.26917222e-01 6.81272671e-02 -4.21029665e-02 -2.09392935e-01 -5.69837272e-01 8.52405131e-02 1.70399458e-03 2.92306878e-02 -3.25588912e-01 -1.51485935e-01 -2.30779648e-01 -6.74446002e-02 -1.27514631e-01 -3.26662719e-01 -1.63954660e-01 4.66875136e-01 2.60641966e-02 -8.31964388e-02 3.53133529e-01 2.22627386e-01 -2.41395652e-01 -2.35791847e-01 -4.05856818e-01 1.98699176e-01 1.55093491e-01 3.23215663e-01 -1.88031971e-01 -4.35373098e-01 1.36190563e-01 5.04235744e-01 -2.18499810e-01 -1.83593839e-01 -1.82331085e-01 6.78546056e-02 2.81639099e-01 1.21157765e-01 -2.92944652e-03 3.13284434e-02 1.82518035e-01 -3.33992869e-01 1.92019209e-01 -5.47479019e-02 2.89968755e-02 -4.83151227e-02 8.05905685e-02 -3.24752331e-01 -1.31496802e-01 -1.11760072e-01 5.37616134e-01 1.22968899e-03 2.78252214e-02 -1.10990658e-01 1.52830094e-01 8.95722955e-02 -1.05685867e-01 1.32276677e-02 1.21429116e-02 1.45187601e-01 -2.33140275e-01 -4.22417313e-01 2.43288517e-01 -9.60824043e-02 1.20644487e-01 4.37745214e-01 -1.17009133e-01 -2.61730283e-01 2.69942433e-01 -3.33220869e-01 2.42520973e-01 1.62772000e-01 5.43907583e-01 5.70290744e-01 4.26577479e-01 -2.08649412e-01 -2.68739522e-01 -5.33855319e-01 1.77733317e-01 1.53959587e-01 -2.60325879e-01 -1.24868779e-02 -1.46327624e-02 2.09613234e-01 -2.53846288e-01 1.19976521e-01 -7.75137544e-02 -1.02724701e-01 -1.42443866e-01 -3.26260239e-01 1.77492499e-01 2.50314832e-01 -3.27890902e-03 -3.16149801e-01 1.60060883e-01 4.72914070e-01 1.61713794e-01 3.16916764e-01 2.83785118e-03 -1.16190471e-01 1.00371279e-01 -2.59171091e-02 5.00357389e-01 3.49011868e-01 1.49091303e-01 2.53188223e-01 2.77914286e-01 -2.30341509e-01 -5.12417220e-02 4.98325936e-02 4.95108478e-02 6.28305197e-01 2.14375168e-01 -1.08663678e-01 -1.67739347e-01 2.90059686e-01 7.42915645e-02 1.90146286e-02 4.01420802e-01 3.15295421e-02 2.49130309e-01 -1.04145981e-01 1.40668198e-01 -2.54666954e-01 -2.90398240e-01 -3.39997649e-01 -1.41162589e-01 -7.02470466e-02 6.25330091e-01 1.27986982e-01 1.18694174e+00 2.75619719e-02 3.19339931e-01 2.05129594e-01 -2.28048936e-02 -1.83235884e-01 -5.54951072e-01 -9.35988352e-02 -2.67879162e-02 4.22509402e-01 1.38020977e-01 -2.97451198e-01 1.63084671e-01 2.85397500e-01 -3.60665113e-01 -2.07265660e-01 -4.67130750e-01 3.50770473e-01 1.86105043e-01 1.06988192e-01 -1.46445081e-01 -6.66859150e-02 -1.35887191e-01 1.41630203e-01 1.84911504e-01 2.01754972e-01 -5.02329506e-02 3.36735509e-02 -2.28171870e-01 -1.64378524e-01 -3.94369751e-01 -1.52346611e-01 -2.14886233e-01 1.58045679e-01 -9.55598652e-02 1.24785982e-01 -1.04736917e-01 -3.31488729e-01 -4.30488139e-01 -3.67013970e-03 -7.92171434e-02 4.00232404e-01 7.34444499e-01 -2.81895816e-01 -6.85991943e-02 4.10154164e-02 2.77673662e-01 8.97073820e-02 -2.08171144e-01 1.04752399e-01 -1.47718906e-01 1.15326539e-01 -2.92596012e-01 -7.26848841e-02 4.80217159e-01 -1.30790368e-01 -1.56091943e-01 2.27349654e-01 -2.32124805e-01 -8.73858407e-02 1.69995129e-01 -1.57423571e-01 1.34340534e-02 -1.31142691e-01 3.62332948e-02 -4.36797030e-02 1.15626780e-02 9.14801583e-02 -4.38650548e-02 -1.42772123e-01 2.22094506e-01 3.90409096e-03 3.98286879e-02 -5.57845414e-01 4.30404037e-01 2.00506106e-01 -6.03102408e-02 1.10242993e-01 1.93230346e-01 -4.96100128e-01 -2.20532164e-01 -3.97549458e-02 3.89790460e-02 -1.03786379e-01 -1.51144579e-01 -2.12116987e-01 7.89839178e-02 2.60377750e-02 2.11817771e-01 2.06061229e-01 -2.58837283e-01 7.13192165e-01 2.32108906e-02 -1.63617924e-01 -3.66350412e-01 7.49256238e-02 -1.39367521e-01 -2.00324863e-01 2.84344941e-01 -6.48104548e-02 -1.12366386e-01 -7.93640539e-02 1.46778047e-01 2.05099374e-01 -3.82905155e-01 -2.12185964e-01 -2.19656184e-01 1.83352306e-01 3.56804878e-02 -2.11887956e-01 -7.01505393e-02 2.15038255e-01 1.04208536e-01 1.69054464e-01 -9.81922671e-02 3.91606987e-01 1.35872349e-01 3.55237305e-01 -4.67912585e-01 1.58753261e-01 1.14878200e-01 -2.70509183e-01 1.70647204e-01 5.19783139e-01 -2.11043581e-02 5.01746386e-02 -1.24883093e-01 1.40113495e-02 2.17737764e-01 9.68505740e-02 -2.69996226e-02 3.33254218e-01 1.80197507e-01 1.19259842e-01 -1.17392421e-01 -1.52142644e-01 -1.54054224e-01 2.04485968e-01 -5.77900171e-01 -1.06748424e-01 -8.07742625e-02 2.62341976e-01 8.47496465e-02 2.20606089e-01 -3.82429689e-01 -2.67888874e-01 -8.79398286e-02 -3.40094417e-02 -3.83990631e-02 -1.93607703e-01 -2.41754860e-01 2.95553892e-03 5.02491631e-02 2.18091905e-01 8.52927566e-02 -9.08948015e-03 -2.09355000e-02 -2.77835369e-01 1.76959276e-01 5.46206124e-02 3.85939717e-01 2.04527482e-01 1.33900970e-01 1.20043270e-01 3.31981421e-01 5.74587882e-01 1.52948767e-01 2.42116645e-01 3.48370701e-01 4.83389854e-01 3.65152508e-02 2.77308285e-01 -2.78123189e-02 4.77097332e-01 -2.91450918e-01 2.92819917e-01 -3.24134454e-02 -1.75109670e-01 1.39444411e-01 7.50013143e-02 2.50376135e-01 -1.46016717e-01 -5.13194919e-01 -1.50417611e-01 -6.91375285e-02 -1.39327064e-01 -3.26644570e-01 1.22389838e-01 7.50028566e-02 -4.49198894e-02 -1.48148373e-01 1.91851512e-01 3.57906282e-01 -2.77762979e-01 -2.86334772e-02 5.17304659e-01 -2.75738567e-01 3.86030197e-01 1.37961358e-01 3.11404079e-01 1.39150500e-01 -3.75568449e-01 2.40597129e-01 -3.90366018e-01 -3.18083405e-01 4.37215716e-02 5.39050177e-02 1.96700588e-01 -4.14140612e-01 -2.56336033e-02 1.33192271e-01 -2.96518475e-01 -4.49876666e-01 3.77464473e-01 3.72671694e-01 -7.90473819e-03 -2.45093539e-01 -2.00871333e-01 -2.64853597e-01 9.36486721e-02 -1.50824875e-01 -3.30742151e-01 -2.10896090e-01 6.62413836e-02 1.10657997e-01 2.98709512e-01 -3.31320405e-01 6.10169284e-02 -1.73213761e-02 2.72787601e-01 -5.27306646e-02 2.50182152e-01 2.88899004e-01 -1.61632791e-01 -4.37906504e-01 1.59917146e-01 1.31532148e-01 -5.05764663e-01 5.64360060e-02 -9.24625546e-02 -1.19144179e-01 3.35910171e-01 5.05897291e-02 1.87588021e-01 -3.87550816e-02 8.83492976e-02 -1.25818163e-01 3.57517093e-01 6.58754051e-01 2.08891124e-01 1.12555511e-01 -1.72655672e-01 6.86800629e-02 -1.45962648e-02 7.50447214e-02 -2.79736429e-01 -1.90148383e-01 -2.34479919e-01 2.37840582e-02 3.28234047e-01 1.28033206e-01 2.29870662e-01 -1.30275294e-01 -3.83349434e-02 -7.01109916e-02 1.81328088e-01 -1.74378186e-01 -7.15214387e-02 -1.53175946e-02 6.13072991e-01 1.12763345e-01 6.80684224e-02 2.86872655e-01 -1.58834144e-01 -1.24840569e-02 -2.20425770e-01 -3.77881318e-01 -4.49376268e-04 -1.55860126e-01 1.48930445e-01 -4.18478012e-01 3.48252445e-01 7.85283931e-03 -1.73308179e-01 -1.49779707e-01 -1.75364718e-01 2.61581510e-01 -1.75363675e-01 -3.70311856e-01 -4.84641194e-02 2.34155208e-01 -2.66132087e-01 -2.37347305e-01 -4.58288997e-01 -3.48885246e-02 -1.74488276e-02 1.19763196e-01 -4.30713683e-01 6.82597384e-02 -3.32148284e-01 -2.81419575e-01 -8.93757939e-02 4.12869304e-01 1.87262744e-02 8.62083398e-03 5.03772497e-03 -4.22286279e-02]
"Gut Dust" active "Item #: SCP-449 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-449 are to be stored in a standard containment vault outside of testing. To minimize additional production, between 3 and 5 kilograms of SCP-449-A will be available for testing in a low-risk chemical storage container. Excess SCP-449-A generated in testing of SCP-449 must be incinerated. A network of D-Class spaced no closer than 1500 kilometers apart are to consume one grain of SCP-449-A per day to monitor for use of SCP-449. Should use by parties other than the Foundation be detected, agents are to follow the dragnet procedure outlined in Document 449-5 to locate and confiscate the SCP-449 instance. Description: Each instance of SCP-449 is a twisting aluminium cone, loosely resembling a cornucopia. Each is 40 centimetres long with a mouth approximately 15 centimetres in diameter, weighing slightly more than a kilogram. On the side of each is stamped the word β€œJOY”. For unknown reasons, all instances tarnish very easily. When squeezed by a human, SCP-449 instances produces SCP-449-A. The user may control the rate of production by thought, ranging from a single grain to about 6 litres per second. SCP-449-A is a clear, crystalline substance resembling sand in texture. It may be shaped, crushed, or dissolved in water or alcohol, though not in bodily fluids other than blood. It is odorless and tasteless. Eating large quantities of SCP-449-A may cause erosion of tooth enamel, damage to the alimentary lining, and diarrhoea or vomiting consistent with the consumption of other abrasive substances. If consumed in any quantity, it causes the consumer to enter a state of extreme pleasure and euphoria for up to a day as long as it remains within the digestive tract. This effect is not modulated by dosage and takes effect immediately. SCP-449-A is neither digested nor externally damaged by its passage through the alimentary canal, though when excreted or removed through other means, it no longer exhibits anomalous properties. The euphoric effects of SCP-449-A cease immediately if any person within approximately 1300 kilometres has more SCP-449-A by mass within their digestive tract. To date, all individuals SCP-449 instances have been recovered from had gone to extreme lengths to retain the effects of SCP-449-A, including: In almost all cases, the SCP-449 users had abandoned activities other than producing and consuming SCP-449-A. To date, 83 instances have been recovered, out of an estimated 100. Addendum 449-2: Several SCP-449 instances were accompanied by the following note: JOY from the factory any will let you have JOY interferes within 761 miles very unfortunate regrettable apologies etc happy way for you to be one to feel JOY JOY JOY JOY better than JOY as much JOY as you like how much JOY to have joy how much to have sorrow without JOY you cooperate you defect you organize you destroy you use factory only provides Β« SCP-448 | SCP-449 | SCP-450 Β»" nan
[ 7.01612309e-02 -1.93925917e-01 -1.85435817e-01 -1.87126230e-02 1.21631369e-01 -3.24977756e-01 -1.49862379e-01 4.17833805e-01 -1.08572163e-01 2.84710705e-01 -1.30653791e-02 1.46331891e-01 -4.26418990e-01 2.27679253e-01 2.31250644e-01 4.25023526e-01 -2.51602940e-03 1.94207639e-01 -1.14086322e-01 -2.79649824e-01 -5.00531681e-02 -3.48538101e-01 -7.69097358e-02 8.74684528e-02 8.74392763e-02 1.46697238e-01 2.25531325e-01 1.14389837e-01 -2.81422108e-01 -5.37832439e-01 3.88202220e-01 2.34991267e-01 2.21243352e-01 4.24892306e-01 -1.14329734e-04 -1.25620544e-01 1.49770677e-01 1.49017591e-02 -3.03927779e-01 2.60478169e-01 -5.58897436e-01 -3.21724787e-02 -1.73680097e-01 -2.30625004e-01 -3.03446548e-04 1.60259958e-02 -5.76480255e-02 2.03461051e-01 6.81226909e-01 6.45906106e-02 1.55383229e-01 -9.07667447e-03 -4.99021374e-02 -5.89763932e-02 2.93721110e-01 7.23667324e-01 -1.79558650e-01 4.64449227e-02 -8.99466127e-02 -2.05668330e-01 9.69445184e-02 -1.51039928e-01 -4.83308315e-01 9.07756239e-02 2.24323675e-01 -1.42689526e-01 2.02785209e-01 -9.13646892e-02 3.55323583e-01 2.30029657e-01 -1.32210135e-01 -9.28165913e-02 -2.90964227e-02 -4.23244527e-03 -5.43144904e-02 -4.60059315e-01 1.45386010e-01 5.49099818e-02 -1.16610467e-01 5.92617728e-02 -3.09367161e-02 4.47032154e-01 -1.78374037e-01 5.83840571e-02 -3.72622274e-02 3.94914299e-01 -2.81186759e-01 -3.31740491e-02 4.80645686e-01 -5.32378368e-02 -6.46198448e-03 -5.11803403e-02 2.12356254e-01 3.18900973e-01 1.46508619e-01 -2.25095749e-01 2.05079556e-01 -2.15145662e-01 3.79575998e-01 1.54643998e-01 -2.17500590e-02 -5.35161793e-03 2.76390254e-01 1.50347918e-01 -6.69955909e-02 -3.41177493e-01 3.28636855e-01 -2.19368413e-01 2.50466149e-02 1.96317419e-01 1.66511044e-01 1.82391703e-01 -1.55410931e-01 4.56404328e-01 -3.08649898e-01 -2.62752295e-01 -1.82391226e-01 -3.34169716e-01 -5.13572872e-01 1.63778022e-01 -4.64161128e-01 1.04457065e-01 -1.20738409e-02 2.55281180e-01 4.29520488e-01 1.62703499e-01 1.93346962e-01 -1.33344635e-01 9.85451639e-02 1.30963549e-01 2.05065613e-03 8.74449126e-03 -4.87562031e-01 1.55721931e-02 1.28840938e-01 3.09587747e-01 -9.52192545e-02 -9.96824168e-03 -2.54503284e-02 4.57898900e-02 -3.60174328e-02 1.64954551e-02 5.95512807e-01 4.39030081e-01 -1.09381013e-01 2.97242943e-02 -5.60994633e-02 4.89236489e-02 -2.21971765e-01 5.67872822e-02 2.22064406e-01 -2.46590711e-02 -2.41506681e-01 2.11149946e-01 -2.40022436e-01 7.15828687e-02 6.16406977e-01 -2.17796996e-01 -1.50508896e-01 -9.45028441e-04 2.34093264e-01 2.27666050e-01 -1.48270622e-01 -2.50381827e-01 2.86301792e-01 3.54748130e-01 -5.63900359e-02 -2.59227037e-01 -3.32836390e-01 1.68135222e-02 2.79534698e-01 -1.40200630e-01 -1.83746547e-01 2.34297410e-01 -1.96146727e-01 -2.65172180e-02 -2.82735288e-01 -2.41104677e-01 -2.11279422e-01 -3.60396326e-01 -2.17525288e-01 3.06931794e-01 4.16513234e-01 -4.49319005e-01 4.91263084e-02 -7.19659552e-02 6.24301694e-02 3.91286850e-01 2.85056323e-01 -2.84604877e-01 -1.91304505e-01 -4.49322760e-01 2.73091435e-01 9.99572575e-02 -1.17019489e-01 -8.73985067e-02 3.12469065e-01 -3.98076996e-02 2.59197325e-01 5.27103208e-02 -1.47419870e-01 3.22954684e-01 6.18312180e-01 -1.34167716e-01 -2.58244008e-01 1.02708265e-01 -2.49344274e-01 -1.99127227e-01 4.38254811e-02 1.12333141e-01 -3.43533903e-01 -4.53235716e-01 -1.40254408e-01 1.27084076e-01 1.16648786e-02 -4.14617181e-01 2.59628952e-01 2.80254364e-01 4.36178714e-01 -4.83434260e-01 -2.45261431e-01 -5.16090468e-02 2.40951687e-01 -9.23467875e-02 1.36835352e-01 1.52750582e-01 1.67050473e-02 -2.60060728e-01 -1.20905284e-02 4.39107865e-01 1.61995113e-01 -8.58891159e-02 1.76924929e-01 -5.12492582e-02 -4.05935645e-01 -2.74209291e-01 5.30278087e-01 1.10346663e+00 -1.50307879e-01 2.46587619e-01 4.92235869e-02 -7.33843818e-02 2.39235237e-02 3.64761008e-03 -4.91985232e-01 3.04228842e-01 5.15274048e-01 -1.72318276e-02 -9.72986519e-02 5.98399378e-02 1.60705715e-01 -4.12234485e-01 -5.99528775e-02 -9.50642526e-02 1.72562197e-01 -8.13148171e-02 6.47802353e-02 1.11867502e-01 2.47641262e-02 1.20331176e-01 2.34465092e-01 -1.49440750e-01 2.89659202e-01 1.08193398e-01 5.03869690e-02 -2.20608622e-01 1.51028231e-01 1.21924162e-01 8.20296705e-02 5.56384437e-02 1.00434944e-02 -1.67252570e-01 2.73964912e-01 2.28959508e-03 -1.17115773e-01 -1.51535973e-01 4.21091467e-02 1.86931208e-01 -1.38080195e-01 1.78190261e-01 -6.45523220e-02 -1.51117802e-01 -4.61230241e-02 1.04668222e-01 -2.90818829e-02 -2.11510025e-02 -1.22516580e-01 -1.49601921e-01 -8.68186802e-02 -8.62459466e-02 -6.74997345e-02 -8.54998231e-02 3.51613425e-02 3.22610587e-02 -4.38395679e-01 2.81469792e-01 2.85644561e-01 5.17959177e-01 -2.36280300e-02 -7.46356472e-02 -5.35525799e-01 9.89570990e-02 -1.09434962e-01 1.37436405e-01 -9.02111009e-02 2.62837857e-01 3.12443137e-01 1.36931598e-01 3.40149760e-01 -1.10460995e-02 -2.41962299e-01 2.19514951e-01 1.59820858e-02 1.19577289e-01 1.07716061e-01 9.46881622e-02 -1.13910571e-01 -3.14777344e-01 1.76824629e-01 -7.33647048e-01 2.22466320e-01 1.35225385e-01 -1.78942084e-01 -2.86098152e-01 -3.46300378e-02 4.20057565e-01 -1.22242726e-01 -1.35123521e-01 -7.69227967e-02 -1.00189231e-01 2.10334674e-01 3.35856825e-02 -3.31519954e-02 3.41061890e-01 -1.11231022e-01 -3.04357767e-01 -1.96176171e-01 -2.69097775e-01 -6.60075471e-02 -2.25388318e-01 5.72121562e-03 -3.70625198e-01 -1.17570804e-02 3.93162787e-01 6.68394119e-02 -2.71114886e-01 8.69936030e-03 -8.94277319e-02 4.50367153e-01 3.45908222e-03 -4.45243716e-02 1.23214707e-01 -6.00831695e-02 -2.65489578e-01 -7.78186694e-02 1.63522679e-02 -4.61543612e-02 1.46413267e-01 3.31194401e-01 -8.31291359e-03 -3.13684911e-01 3.26423049e-01 4.52113956e-01 7.62916878e-02 -4.05318327e-02 -1.17420964e-01 3.42748731e-01 2.20523953e-01 3.74728739e-01 -1.63903847e-01 2.91220844e-01 2.06454188e-01 -4.00082946e-01 2.48515308e-01 -1.27598479e-01 1.41471416e-01 3.06971297e-02 1.31769991e-02 -4.26345259e-01 -1.93594977e-01 2.50620633e-01 7.15464413e-01 1.48818478e-01 -2.34562472e-01 -3.93088192e-01 1.27408057e-01 -4.80107069e-02 2.66456664e-01 9.05250907e-02 -6.54887315e-03 1.59707963e-01 -4.82816190e-01 -4.33585465e-01 -1.32157400e-01 2.13066801e-01 -5.56830503e-02 2.91586429e-01 -3.06675673e-01 5.79382144e-02 3.26184243e-01 -1.31955579e-01 6.24987543e-01 1.18484639e-01 6.54466867e-01 3.64175439e-01 3.95356983e-01 -3.70029241e-01 -5.12340926e-02 -4.72975016e-01 -9.54468399e-02 2.55682886e-01 -4.57701504e-01 -3.99155945e-01 -2.68521339e-01 4.08403754e-01 -4.88213189e-02 3.09896588e-01 3.01083568e-02 1.71091974e-01 -5.61525106e-01 -3.09842050e-01 7.94503540e-02 1.81179985e-01 6.38028653e-03 -9.81295556e-02 -1.46691978e-01 1.87831879e-01 -1.83968153e-02 9.37985033e-02 9.77646261e-02 -1.78625181e-01 8.20630044e-02 -2.29654714e-01 3.86565000e-01 -1.70341194e-01 2.57522881e-01 2.09204897e-01 -3.75906155e-02 1.26906587e-02 8.69073197e-02 -1.37215042e-02 3.00025325e-02 5.52165091e-01 -4.52587008e-02 3.29555839e-01 -2.47470915e-01 1.31450415e-01 -2.33242184e-01 -3.91236365e-01 1.45361468e-01 2.19671085e-01 9.42506865e-02 -6.66053891e-02 5.37984788e-01 3.55402887e-01 -3.20183277e-01 1.71102844e-02 -6.47478253e-02 -5.15514985e-02 2.18492582e-01 4.03579682e-01 1.25964832e+00 8.12063515e-02 -2.01239251e-02 1.77910075e-01 9.05018859e-03 -9.97492298e-02 -6.80912256e-01 -1.02973729e-01 -4.54396242e-03 1.56630367e-01 1.47337213e-01 -1.35818124e-01 2.99877793e-01 4.90250766e-01 -8.02201852e-02 -1.60675660e-01 -4.01830345e-01 4.31004643e-01 1.99793622e-01 1.05099142e-01 1.33102015e-01 -1.80630580e-01 -7.50797316e-02 1.90834910e-01 4.19679247e-02 4.13769454e-01 -7.70999044e-02 4.29637870e-03 -1.10718362e-01 -1.64729469e-02 -1.46447957e-01 1.55379400e-01 -2.88251370e-01 1.29214495e-01 1.98659018e-01 -1.66731291e-02 -4.04939473e-01 -2.70800948e-01 -3.21239322e-01 1.87074423e-01 -1.43326670e-01 2.22228512e-01 1.42185465e-01 -1.22754037e-01 -1.24162100e-01 -3.43391001e-02 2.04235762e-01 3.52705233e-02 -9.15020481e-02 4.15220171e-01 -8.14457983e-03 -1.30494431e-01 2.76662409e-01 -1.74208626e-03 3.90347242e-02 -1.34869367e-01 2.27633100e-02 2.21497372e-01 -2.10404620e-01 7.70245343e-02 1.47199467e-01 -6.40156940e-02 -2.17901379e-01 7.31620565e-02 4.28646356e-02 -7.36401454e-02 -2.05741148e-03 1.84795544e-01 3.37658972e-01 -1.06591277e-01 -1.60678178e-01 -8.80331791e-04 -2.03970581e-01 -4.47387010e-01 -5.94611885e-03 -2.02945340e-02 -1.46118477e-01 5.29380552e-02 1.08147927e-01 -2.46364027e-01 -7.19594583e-02 -2.11082056e-01 1.38086259e-01 -1.07264459e-01 -2.85361677e-01 -5.57403624e-01 3.30929667e-01 1.55876009e-02 5.47257178e-02 1.01828076e-01 1.00269161e-01 4.70102698e-01 -7.80196562e-02 -1.87482759e-01 -3.56068671e-01 -7.87727069e-03 -1.75398082e-01 2.76931301e-02 5.77650905e-01 -1.55531675e-01 2.90339261e-01 -2.17329726e-01 7.50261322e-02 2.67046928e-01 -1.63232252e-01 -2.22837999e-01 -1.06917709e-01 1.55747741e-01 1.14454255e-01 -2.39710942e-01 1.14686593e-01 -1.48319406e-03 7.71560147e-02 1.13733271e-02 3.42484772e-01 1.54911205e-01 2.49580830e-01 6.03464209e-02 -3.55202585e-01 2.93096870e-01 7.76917413e-02 2.38965154e-01 5.90643240e-03 1.54883996e-01 1.41482204e-01 9.99738574e-02 -2.99792171e-01 -1.48550076e-02 1.79567039e-01 1.95691541e-01 -2.32277974e-01 2.34252229e-01 1.11378632e-01 -2.64078826e-01 -1.99545428e-01 2.45591968e-01 -1.86129943e-01 1.29722789e-01 -5.19284904e-01 -6.13480667e-03 1.78174302e-01 2.48488307e-01 3.46486047e-02 3.87332924e-02 -5.80841005e-01 1.68139145e-01 -1.96951538e-01 2.87927330e-01 7.78009221e-02 -5.92688203e-01 3.17272007e-01 -1.73530839e-02 4.11459133e-02 3.15458119e-01 1.48252830e-01 3.66061419e-01 4.24899161e-02 -2.48845056e-01 -1.49698660e-01 1.73818648e-01 1.24276862e-01 2.23003164e-01 1.95065320e-01 1.85643092e-01 5.35030067e-01 2.73768753e-01 -5.36330342e-02 -8.14036727e-02 -2.57074893e-01 5.04489183e-01 -1.73760086e-01 5.02334177e-01 -1.20554119e-01 -5.73476069e-02 -2.20836535e-01 -3.29489797e-01 -9.73176733e-02 7.48980939e-02 1.82880178e-01 2.75511831e-01 -2.04097033e-01 9.20168217e-03 -2.08864823e-01 -9.59452391e-02 1.17159426e-01 1.06778964e-02 -1.38197958e-01 -1.20050751e-01 1.30011540e-04 1.66380182e-01 -1.26080379e-01 2.54135996e-01 3.08878899e-01 -3.28496426e-01 3.01534422e-02 2.63367146e-01 -9.09315273e-02 -5.49321920e-02 4.23015580e-02 4.19442207e-01 -1.24280833e-01 -6.05952442e-02 -1.23945795e-01 -2.67201155e-01 -1.90598235e-01 -1.21333420e-01 2.54818916e-01 2.52757549e-01 -3.57621606e-03 -1.84659973e-01 1.73785836e-01 -3.66982192e-01 -7.00991809e-01 3.18905324e-01 5.28989792e-01 8.66305009e-02 -4.28149015e-01 8.43160450e-02 -5.36111481e-02 4.48427582e-03 -2.53968656e-01 -2.57667094e-01 -2.06414044e-01 8.30293372e-02 -2.02152863e-01 1.33293092e-01 -1.47353739e-01 7.72432610e-02 -1.04905277e-01 2.70418823e-01 9.36408862e-02 -1.21652156e-01 1.00723438e-01 -3.99928033e-01 4.45476361e-03 -4.29465659e-02 -2.80508906e-01 -2.04681933e-01 -4.74074893e-02 -7.78456852e-02 -2.61042446e-01 2.10933268e-01 -1.13228843e-01 1.75090417e-01 -4.87720361e-03 -3.12987179e-01 -2.34422654e-01 2.17037946e-01 -1.23805262e-01 1.94482312e-01 1.70536339e-02 -2.66205639e-01 1.71388969e-01 1.03946693e-01 8.42351615e-02 -2.57359385e-01 -1.91456392e-01 4.51773368e-02 3.62157017e-01 3.01993221e-01 1.03096232e-01 1.13022953e-01 -1.56772569e-01 -2.36574233e-01 6.55516386e-02 3.37605268e-01 -9.06065479e-02 1.22134194e-01 -1.91302195e-01 1.99096486e-01 7.78291300e-02 3.07484537e-01 -6.68613091e-02 -1.74972951e-01 -1.47078693e-01 3.40110093e-01 2.41277982e-02 -8.23047105e-03 -1.37554452e-01 1.02364711e-01 -1.83095127e-01 2.24494398e-01 1.72793373e-01 -2.44785063e-02 -1.76555276e-01 -6.89163208e-02 4.78246570e-01 -1.04274802e-01 -2.81397164e-01 2.03792214e-01 1.01881914e-01 -6.17102981e-01 -1.77078381e-01 -5.85812271e-01 -1.48607939e-01 -1.56520382e-01 2.41635233e-01 -1.57919660e-01 -5.25167845e-02 -4.05018240e-01 -2.87240177e-01 -3.63389365e-02 4.67468321e-01 1.03827350e-01 -2.91392356e-01 5.43949846e-03 -1.46891177e-01]
"Abandoned Federal Penitentiary" active "Item #: SCP-450 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-450 is to be kept locked and secured at all times, except for monthly maintenance and cleaning as detailed below. Any civilians or personnel who enter SCP-450 at any other time are to be considered lost, and no rescue attempts are to be made. Description: SCP-450 is the death row block of the abandoned β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Federal Penitentiary in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ. Distance from entrance to the execution chamber is approximately 166.5 meters. A complex pattern, drawn in human blood, is located on the wall behind the electric chair. This pattern slowly degrades over time due to normal environmental decay and must be maintained regularly. The cell block is inhabited by what appears to be one or more hostile spectral entities. Attracting the attention of said entities is invariably fatal, and may or may not occur due to one of the following criteria: Personnel assigned to maintain the containment pattern are instructed to silently walk down the center of the main hallway at a slow but steady pace. As it takes approximately eleven minutes to walk to the execution chamber at maximum safe rate of travel, personnel will have only three minutes to work on the pattern and still have enough time to reasonably guarantee a safe exit from the facility. Auditory and visual hallucinations (including spectral voices, bleeding walls, and poltergeist activity) are considered normal. Lack of same is cause for concern. Personnel are encouraged not to investigate any dead bodies, supernatural activity, or rotting remains. For a list of all works by this author, click here. Β« SCP-449 | SCP-450 | SCP-451 Β»" nan
[ 4.04146612e-02 1.67820990e-01 -1.86353356e-01 1.25521924e-02 -8.57302081e-03 -1.15598878e-03 7.05540925e-02 1.18397050e-01 9.32167321e-02 -9.40427464e-03 1.03290973e-03 9.04200003e-02 -6.30104691e-02 -6.06517345e-02 1.01019524e-01 1.77587748e-01 8.48446712e-02 2.18254969e-01 -1.62400961e-01 -8.51669088e-02 -3.06276262e-01 1.50450274e-01 -2.22045526e-01 3.37915063e-01 -1.17431261e-01 1.05462708e-01 -1.91462815e-01 1.02013104e-01 -9.13860574e-02 -1.97283119e-01 1.19304970e-01 3.51188540e-01 2.26416178e-02 5.19300938e-01 -1.03696519e-04 -3.06134790e-01 3.57244094e-03 -4.55237851e-02 -1.64842159e-01 -7.25893974e-02 -4.04227316e-01 -1.84335500e-01 -1.71422645e-01 -4.20055628e-01 -9.81743932e-02 -2.27171808e-01 3.71481359e-01 2.35146791e-01 1.43041998e-01 -2.04354122e-01 2.19534278e-01 -1.61687285e-02 2.01342866e-01 -5.08262590e-02 -1.24649934e-01 2.33581617e-01 -9.27194022e-03 -2.20603673e-04 4.28980649e-01 4.19167206e-02 2.98574656e-01 -1.06937125e-01 -4.27307218e-01 1.54741600e-01 2.83763051e-01 -2.96659827e-01 4.46270369e-02 1.30960178e-02 9.16607976e-02 4.29721236e-01 2.55826622e-01 -2.78909206e-01 4.08230782e-01 3.64010572e-01 1.04209125e-01 -2.86039561e-01 1.82003990e-01 3.54965478e-01 -1.24715947e-01 2.02275887e-01 -4.31589223e-02 3.29834670e-01 -1.69701934e-01 -2.02664182e-01 -2.54697651e-01 2.05348909e-01 -1.20115235e-01 -8.91286209e-02 1.73558652e-01 -8.60136468e-03 -1.75409243e-01 1.42291799e-01 2.93326974e-01 8.94879773e-02 -6.73472062e-02 -6.74154311e-02 2.46048141e-02 -6.27605468e-02 1.80757925e-01 3.50155205e-01 4.45395857e-01 7.62990192e-02 2.89054960e-01 8.81190076e-02 1.40303120e-01 -3.22394818e-01 4.24779803e-01 -4.18235511e-01 -1.76489502e-01 3.78773928e-01 -1.42264456e-01 2.02017948e-01 -3.30974758e-01 7.73336291e-02 1.95271328e-01 -4.97162268e-02 1.97790697e-01 -1.54570401e-01 -8.41610730e-02 5.84294975e-01 -4.01123017e-01 2.07320571e-01 -3.78751248e-01 2.25731537e-01 3.95864189e-01 -2.96459526e-01 1.52853299e-02 -2.01418191e-01 -1.70488341e-03 -4.26027775e-02 -2.94332176e-01 -4.40527461e-02 -1.93621799e-01 -1.79805994e-01 -6.27760366e-02 3.16879183e-01 -3.84288467e-02 -1.47983879e-01 -2.65730500e-01 -3.27569470e-02 3.01677376e-01 -1.74096778e-01 3.38576347e-01 3.01032931e-01 -2.73929358e-01 -2.51560092e-01 -1.14031494e-01 -2.09690690e-01 1.34999871e-01 1.43189013e-01 3.47441614e-01 -2.15890240e-02 4.62451987e-02 2.22543404e-01 -1.83866456e-01 -9.64665562e-02 3.19625676e-01 1.01305015e-01 -2.66793817e-01 8.49841163e-02 3.24088395e-01 2.10085735e-01 -1.85099132e-02 -1.99864268e-01 2.00141355e-01 6.11615241e-01 -2.18610987e-02 -3.45690474e-02 -5.47231250e-02 -2.17934236e-01 -1.62182853e-01 -1.18329696e-01 2.61763990e-01 1.07515514e-01 -3.20097744e-01 2.77965009e-01 -5.35395622e-01 -3.18910420e-01 -3.22785258e-01 1.65911056e-02 -5.47075272e-01 5.12953848e-02 1.14166535e-01 -1.16089948e-01 5.64907230e-02 -8.52610078e-03 -1.64260566e-01 -3.76801677e-02 2.14800850e-01 -2.79278249e-01 -1.22850247e-01 -1.06256172e-01 1.92012548e-01 -1.46363944e-01 1.22695714e-01 -1.58118621e-01 3.63664627e-02 9.52968225e-02 4.47216630e-01 2.80350149e-01 -2.89131612e-01 2.35097662e-01 2.19550639e-01 2.52069265e-01 -9.93295908e-02 3.84957157e-02 -1.08732462e-01 -1.42453849e-01 1.23743549e-01 2.94568986e-01 -9.05657411e-02 1.89532209e-02 -7.56865442e-02 1.05946921e-01 -1.07055366e-01 -3.07277709e-01 3.15934390e-01 -2.57937107e-02 -2.15494886e-01 -1.32868543e-01 -3.00135501e-02 -4.96757366e-02 -1.05690278e-01 7.68940076e-02 2.41042674e-01 2.32003331e-02 -2.59295455e-03 -2.33217239e-01 -2.06428096e-01 -9.03584529e-03 2.59098917e-01 -1.32785603e-01 4.26782481e-02 2.35046014e-01 1.35884449e-01 -3.88700739e-02 1.24992914e-01 9.20689404e-01 -2.40145609e-01 -2.93347359e-01 -1.88445076e-02 1.69906288e-01 4.91815321e-02 1.16792649e-01 -1.67965367e-01 1.36525378e-01 2.02745080e-01 1.30940199e-01 3.50400656e-02 8.84521976e-02 -1.11603048e-02 -2.23720238e-01 -1.75089985e-01 -5.44970855e-02 2.33005494e-01 1.69976428e-01 -1.85290575e-01 3.41708124e-01 2.11166978e-01 -3.23418155e-02 -3.32849711e-01 -3.33680911e-03 3.68306845e-01 -1.07309833e-01 -6.84455782e-02 -6.54368056e-03 3.13782245e-01 3.29461515e-01 -4.19517979e-02 8.60120058e-02 3.61158513e-03 -9.12080556e-02 1.45330206e-01 -1.34186983e-01 9.48567241e-02 2.42114402e-02 -9.18679386e-02 1.34897023e-01 -3.04596294e-02 -5.70064709e-02 -2.63426721e-01 -3.27479392e-01 5.97054847e-02 6.55115917e-02 7.63544068e-02 -3.21729183e-02 -4.11962837e-01 -1.46561742e-01 -1.98363349e-01 7.49021709e-01 3.35658550e-01 -7.63783306e-02 -1.08032286e-01 -5.31354509e-02 -2.12088466e-01 1.71393350e-01 -9.73536670e-02 4.27151248e-02 -4.71520275e-01 2.72870809e-01 -1.74432263e-01 -1.71921514e-02 5.03944643e-02 2.26094335e-01 -2.33339161e-01 2.46791571e-01 6.47555828e-01 -2.08753705e-01 2.15853006e-01 -2.29126558e-01 -3.65137160e-01 2.32668504e-01 5.37604988e-02 -1.68455601e-01 1.64573252e-01 1.36147663e-01 -3.58630389e-01 -2.69620895e-01 8.76727700e-02 -5.61096311e-01 2.68539209e-02 3.32576223e-02 -2.09089801e-01 -4.33055237e-02 -2.42155790e-02 6.01164401e-01 1.12950634e-02 -4.05742556e-01 1.87709421e-01 6.97252378e-02 -9.24476609e-03 7.19074011e-02 -9.33357626e-02 4.60654199e-01 2.64010698e-01 -6.23965450e-02 -9.97243333e-04 -4.43942379e-03 1.09096885e-01 -2.07687244e-01 6.34789467e-02 -1.53269693e-01 -1.76930606e-01 5.77094741e-02 -3.58359478e-02 -4.31711853e-01 -5.92826866e-02 1.13314144e-01 1.56032875e-01 6.44981861e-02 -4.06390756e-01 3.81439000e-01 8.11078176e-02 -1.79180175e-01 -1.59112737e-01 1.99540593e-02 1.71127647e-01 -4.79389392e-02 1.43410742e-01 -1.26915589e-01 -3.68237674e-01 5.20712018e-01 6.35708589e-03 -1.88376680e-01 6.42630234e-02 3.67370136e-02 1.16845392e-01 2.95937687e-01 4.64920215e-02 -3.07626110e-02 1.15974002e-01 7.86150843e-02 -1.10570535e-01 -2.14231461e-02 -7.96394795e-02 -2.11135559e-02 9.21505019e-02 -2.73171097e-01 -2.86113769e-01 -1.64838061e-01 2.13494413e-02 3.94361198e-01 3.32896322e-01 -6.85309470e-02 2.14034528e-03 8.95011202e-02 -3.01430821e-01 5.44645637e-02 5.17440438e-01 7.41374046e-02 1.05690978e-01 -2.15383410e-01 1.23911634e-01 -1.07971497e-01 3.00295562e-01 3.65215354e-02 -2.69055873e-01 -2.42023185e-01 -9.70320925e-02 1.59994438e-01 -3.87412846e-01 2.73793846e-01 5.55153608e-01 4.11086470e-01 4.64447081e-01 2.57126600e-01 3.74987349e-02 3.77179533e-02 -1.92677274e-01 -9.87251550e-02 1.69836313e-01 -6.87209129e-01 -2.66640574e-01 1.47263668e-02 -1.01703681e-01 -1.04618959e-01 6.23244084e-02 -2.63795882e-01 1.62076071e-01 -1.73631012e-01 -5.38173139e-01 1.36361152e-01 4.29244116e-02 -5.17673433e-01 -1.25571206e-01 -4.48626429e-02 1.84718147e-01 2.76723176e-01 2.39640877e-01 -7.46831596e-02 2.49730274e-01 2.87360568e-02 -1.26938254e-01 3.43431950e-01 -3.04618359e-01 5.30716419e-01 3.75797749e-02 -2.35564873e-01 1.50074467e-01 3.23085576e-01 -1.22869276e-01 1.37222305e-01 6.88700497e-01 4.56554264e-01 -6.46264777e-02 1.48890495e-01 2.31087413e-02 -5.17754629e-02 -1.03005938e-01 4.26335335e-01 1.23303622e-01 5.56926370e-01 -3.23624939e-01 -2.61257380e-01 -4.71916003e-03 -4.62876916e-01 -1.15764566e-01 2.47508541e-01 2.09551603e-01 3.05239081e-01 1.51465714e-01 1.25071359e+00 -1.90709665e-01 1.12494238e-01 7.70391673e-02 -4.58909750e-01 5.16370088e-02 -2.24521741e-01 -2.18707532e-01 -1.38296172e-01 -9.80555192e-02 8.36330876e-02 -3.11932832e-01 1.50546953e-01 5.20439267e-01 -2.27225214e-01 -3.57781827e-01 -6.99791670e-01 -6.71737269e-02 5.36531396e-03 7.56324232e-02 8.80453363e-03 1.79559603e-01 2.68621385e-01 2.95740575e-01 -4.43473794e-02 7.65790418e-02 -2.43750408e-01 1.12603471e-01 -3.64843123e-02 9.14636999e-02 -2.86197484e-01 -8.72061625e-02 -6.79763034e-03 4.06755805e-01 1.01570666e-01 -1.20863900e-01 -4.86437500e-01 1.00155361e-01 -2.63555676e-01 2.51938313e-01 -6.32558390e-02 1.60781130e-01 9.67414916e-01 -6.79914132e-02 4.03204709e-01 9.87996459e-02 7.75985867e-02 -1.19314373e-01 -7.70544559e-02 3.22171338e-02 1.79509699e-01 -2.18670025e-01 1.33612463e-02 -6.88470080e-02 1.34004027e-01 -9.41321403e-02 1.85738802e-01 1.31906524e-01 -9.92585048e-02 -5.33187687e-02 1.82016417e-01 3.06010157e-01 1.11130565e-01 -2.75304317e-01 -4.89337482e-02 2.09675953e-02 -2.75555700e-02 1.14207819e-01 2.30789948e-02 -2.03987509e-02 2.55937934e-01 1.84855327e-01 -6.77843243e-02 -3.70936275e-01 8.44525844e-02 1.64602827e-02 -2.95347214e-01 2.28557825e-01 -1.79342330e-02 -3.35396528e-01 -1.05910366e-02 3.57961684e-01 6.80631623e-02 -4.72047657e-01 -1.17298774e-01 4.92844097e-02 -1.57983005e-01 -1.11795828e-01 -5.84205501e-02 9.53940973e-02 -9.65831578e-02 6.16192281e-01 1.65852886e-02 7.80451149e-02 -4.18004751e-01 1.50041044e-01 -2.84794420e-01 -1.83648080e-01 5.96909881e-01 -3.17483276e-01 -4.10425901e-01 -4.55581471e-02 1.41250208e-01 3.10975671e-01 -4.72613484e-01 -2.20636219e-01 -3.59169304e-01 8.68143216e-02 -2.37637609e-01 -4.96352464e-01 1.22490242e-01 -9.48429182e-02 2.83666402e-01 -1.20447464e-02 -2.75012881e-01 -2.73173545e-02 3.26484501e-01 2.66036928e-01 9.31735560e-02 2.71087974e-01 1.04217511e-02 1.34101376e-01 -2.45994348e-02 2.56806284e-01 -1.34916708e-01 -2.76857674e-01 -9.96003076e-02 1.14429869e-01 -1.10466801e-01 3.48170131e-01 1.39480323e-01 2.30765387e-01 4.51766789e-01 6.46477118e-02 3.53633352e-02 1.34705096e-01 -3.10228646e-01 -1.41408324e-01 -2.95348436e-01 -1.45152971e-01 -6.56535150e-03 3.41882855e-01 -3.73576060e-02 5.14588654e-02 3.71508300e-02 1.98394656e-01 -1.89325929e-01 9.72823948e-02 6.26950413e-02 -3.40327859e-01 -9.56962258e-02 4.23239060e-02 2.84548491e-01 -1.03648696e-02 -1.63341746e-01 -1.35243028e-01 -6.09550811e-02 -1.36076197e-01 -1.00938760e-01 2.68197298e-01 2.16737717e-01 1.20302523e-02 2.87633359e-01 -4.72065926e-01 1.28252044e-01 5.37729442e-01 3.29907686e-01 -1.77804336e-01 -1.56482998e-02 4.72121947e-02 -1.82927728e-01 2.98360199e-01 6.30619228e-02 3.80098857e-02 -9.99422744e-02 1.85910493e-01 -2.12759897e-01 6.66985363e-02 -9.73061472e-02 8.28344375e-02 1.67628050e-01 -5.52519970e-02 1.66732483e-02 -3.35534543e-01 4.74663638e-02 2.41560951e-01 -1.79655924e-01 -1.47134334e-01 1.92256242e-01 1.57646481e-02 1.25171216e-02 5.14070839e-02 3.13612044e-01 -3.87154251e-01 5.24778701e-02 4.52148408e-01 -3.76031958e-02 1.86100304e-01 1.34001886e-02 3.41058880e-01 -2.99288750e-01 -1.31199241e-01 -8.66952017e-02 -4.06639636e-01 -2.22003069e-02 -3.33541572e-01 1.33335367e-01 3.15520167e-01 9.47747082e-02 -1.55829832e-01 1.50717512e-01 -3.12354475e-01 -2.39500359e-01 2.44213134e-01 2.00298995e-01 -1.94442905e-02 -1.89421400e-01 4.72666137e-02 -3.15693945e-01 2.63107754e-02 7.93941095e-02 -7.42582530e-02 4.80551533e-02 -3.11093748e-01 -1.11853793e-01 -2.30904724e-02 -1.32344440e-01 1.06290251e-01 1.12181306e-01 4.06127684e-02 -2.68354844e-02 4.26650077e-01 -2.92345434e-01 -3.62710923e-01 -3.85557443e-01 4.21149969e-01 1.17279263e-02 -2.78561294e-01 1.10177957e-01 -1.27786249e-01 2.31273517e-01 1.39915824e-01 -1.53096691e-01 3.98845226e-02 -1.76655188e-01 -8.36578086e-02 -3.41444671e-01 2.54015699e-02 1.87295333e-01 2.02273037e-02 -6.92170439e-03 5.30932844e-02 2.52417829e-02 -1.40274823e-01 1.33276999e-01 7.58647220e-03 -6.05624259e-01 -5.26888184e-02 4.10981059e-01 4.26313758e-01 -7.48947263e-02 2.95267608e-02 6.46115318e-02 -3.98526639e-01 1.78744286e-01 4.60220248e-01 -1.60689950e-01 4.95033041e-02 2.20279485e-01 4.12778109e-02 -1.62074771e-02 2.80469120e-01 4.64566648e-01 2.80157387e-01 -3.59033085e-02 1.78376045e-02 -4.58317846e-01 7.04317391e-02 -3.00406039e-01 2.17175126e-01 -2.11527616e-01 3.27819586e-01 3.00590992e-01 -1.12867303e-01 1.28970956e-02 -4.67455499e-02 4.51680630e-01 1.14096157e-01 -8.97780508e-02 -3.87443691e-01 -3.69994366e-03 -2.60258257e-01 1.51347533e-01 -2.37268239e-01 -2.67253965e-01 -3.31506319e-02 1.80577978e-01 -3.97039622e-01 -1.34116709e-02 -2.55941987e-01 -1.98972404e-01 -1.11386247e-01 3.68251920e-01 -5.82907423e-02 -6.48867935e-02 -5.70672333e-01 7.81104341e-02]
"Mister Lonely" active "Item #: SCP-451 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-451's current state, physical containment is not feasible. Extensive study of Agent Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's psychological profile has allowed researchers to provide him with a mental task in order to keep him at Site-19. A security detail of two guards must accompany SCP-451 at all times in order to prevent attempts to access or release other potentially dangerous objects contained on-site. Any research into SCP-451 should be restricted to determining ways to contain or communicate with him. Description: SCP-451, formerly Agent Mβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, is a Caucasian male, 33 years of age and 1.6 m tall. SCP-451 can not perceive the presence or actions of other human beings. Changes made to the immediate environment are generally not noted by SCP-451 unless his attention is elsewhere for any arbitrary period of time. Certain changes to SCP-451's surroundings are misinterpreted, including all attempts to communicate with him and any clear evidence of direct human intervention. Study may be necessary to determine a pattern in what is perceived and what is not. SCP-451 appeared at Site-19, one month after he was declared MIA following a failed attempt to retrieve a dangerous artifact. The actions of SCP-451 were found to be consistent with stress responses indicated in Agent Jβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's psychological profile. Reports of petty thefts and "ghost sightings" between the artifact's location and Site-19 suggest that SCP-451 traveled here on foot, taking what resources were at hand. The artifact itself remains at large. Addendum 451-1: SCP-451 has recently shown suicidal tendencies. Despite how many staff feel about his presence, it is no excuse for providing him with convenient methods of self-termination. SCP-451 was a valuable agent before his accident and can be again if he ever regains his full perception. Addendum 451-2: Following the events described in Incident Report 451-1, further attempts at convincing SCP-451 to self-terminate will result in suspensions of all involved personnel. We have him classified as Euclid for a reason. Addendum 451-3: Though direct communication is not possible with SCP-451, it has been found that active attempts to deceive him have varying rates of success. A program has been put in place to plant false evidence for SCP-451. His psychological profile indicates that he will construct a narrative using this evidence. This "plotline" is intended to keep SCP-451 at Site-19 where he may continue to be monitored. Contingencies have also been made in case any evidence is overlooked or misinterpreted. Incident 451-1: On 07/08/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-451 discovered a firearm left for him by Site-19 staff. SCP-451 entered the main break room, placed the weapon in his mouth, and fired it. The bullet passed through SCP-451 without harming him and entered a Level 2 researcher. The researcher was briefly able to interact with SCP-451 before expiring. Unfortunately, no useful information was passed on to SCP-451. Document 451-A: Contents of SCP-451's Journal Β« SCP-450 | SCP-451 | SCP-452 Β»" nan
[ 1.31402999e-01 -1.91970155e-01 -2.99116895e-02 9.40702036e-02 2.85038859e-01 -1.26899004e-01 5.29529214e-01 -9.50134322e-02 2.47163832e-01 4.78915945e-02 1.16922900e-01 -1.35267638e-02 -4.05519754e-01 -4.54960495e-01 1.45908803e-01 1.80353418e-01 9.85602364e-02 1.41628876e-01 2.97000259e-01 -2.87033081e-01 -1.50007263e-01 1.25101164e-01 1.06078871e-01 3.18647802e-01 -1.74795404e-01 -3.13664943e-01 3.37435395e-01 1.74252167e-01 -6.70000315e-02 -2.53516525e-01 -1.05200596e-02 2.48546928e-01 7.34257028e-02 3.80957037e-01 -1.08293549e-04 -1.54276684e-01 2.22357899e-01 1.78828686e-01 -1.56610668e-01 -2.14172602e-01 1.06933817e-01 -2.23021895e-01 1.96323940e-03 -1.46996811e-01 -2.49428693e-02 -4.41435948e-02 2.78243907e-02 1.13418870e-01 3.21250468e-01 1.37668982e-01 1.78710192e-01 3.06595951e-01 1.19070902e-01 -1.72858223e-01 1.06698714e-01 1.25048691e-02 -1.83108419e-01 -6.39617503e-01 3.58192682e-01 4.10020575e-02 2.88512737e-01 -1.05577573e-01 -1.94265485e-01 -3.46666098e-01 3.37822944e-01 -1.21098377e-01 2.57923394e-01 -1.74040254e-02 3.78945589e-01 3.78585100e-01 2.37992629e-01 2.09763452e-01 1.18860900e-01 1.69787124e-01 8.99923742e-02 -1.81500882e-01 4.79670674e-01 1.21024340e-01 -3.91003229e-02 8.85316581e-02 -8.58494954e-04 4.03230160e-01 -1.66297153e-01 2.82353729e-01 -3.38072628e-01 2.87341207e-01 -3.25493328e-02 -7.84784704e-02 1.83291405e-01 -1.03477992e-01 9.86862928e-02 1.18187644e-01 3.47741604e-01 2.54613727e-01 -3.09422389e-02 -2.52760440e-01 -9.38861631e-03 3.45657438e-01 3.47864926e-02 5.45109846e-02 5.84818900e-01 2.81096518e-01 -7.62627274e-02 -3.97772295e-03 2.73074269e-01 7.61911049e-02 2.60107636e-01 -2.00013161e-01 4.76744436e-02 4.25745249e-01 1.20463490e-01 2.63714314e-01 -3.36158812e-01 2.42590860e-01 5.11038303e-01 1.23104006e-01 -1.26550138e-01 -1.14067599e-01 -1.99394599e-01 2.77011752e-01 -5.06197512e-01 -1.69909727e-02 -1.66891981e-02 3.69002521e-01 3.76624137e-01 4.89814915e-02 -7.86216930e-02 -5.12902141e-01 2.70898882e-02 -6.29448295e-02 -2.16361970e-01 -7.23768398e-02 -6.68208376e-02 -3.62787455e-01 -1.02351740e-01 3.13236892e-01 1.86617136e-01 -8.54293406e-02 -1.03032269e-01 8.53280649e-02 3.67805183e-01 2.36246679e-02 3.53650212e-01 2.04772428e-01 -4.35023427e-01 -1.93414420e-01 -1.13783866e-01 -1.54987127e-01 -7.84547403e-02 -2.78324843e-03 5.08453012e-01 1.00618444e-01 -1.91882297e-01 2.18595535e-01 -8.31365287e-02 -4.89099510e-02 7.76946068e-01 -8.62048566e-02 -2.51914352e-01 -1.97628707e-01 3.65935504e-01 -1.42232716e-01 7.98971206e-02 -7.86003843e-02 6.32489473e-02 2.92593330e-01 1.85837761e-01 -2.50367343e-01 -3.28824759e-01 -1.54771104e-01 -1.35505423e-01 -4.25801910e-02 -1.07595183e-01 1.09209074e-02 -2.68842161e-01 1.66955236e-02 -4.52998430e-02 -2.41744280e-01 -1.96359038e-01 -6.43966421e-02 -5.19972265e-01 3.05582941e-01 1.77530661e-01 1.28213525e-01 -2.23299965e-01 -1.20376341e-01 -2.47894019e-01 1.34800479e-01 7.28579089e-02 -2.41837502e-01 -1.92707449e-01 -3.18477929e-01 1.18633442e-01 -6.52011260e-02 1.67124048e-01 -1.73360839e-01 3.07429850e-01 2.91274041e-01 1.92513317e-01 2.58807987e-01 -2.78164983e-01 8.19546208e-02 2.21806690e-01 8.42668191e-02 -7.06846938e-02 3.96483094e-02 -3.14348221e-01 -1.22033127e-01 6.01137653e-02 3.06909919e-01 1.15894705e-01 -2.07439721e-01 -1.29619166e-01 -2.35904932e-01 -1.26540452e-01 -1.33807078e-01 2.07819790e-01 9.92242545e-02 -4.36471999e-02 -5.11083424e-01 -1.49605915e-01 -1.39761129e-02 1.96323022e-01 -4.71892469e-02 -4.97142226e-02 -9.35337618e-02 -9.45392326e-02 2.02625364e-01 -2.95772225e-01 3.13134938e-01 2.67907381e-01 -6.84030354e-02 1.12017483e-01 1.49158046e-01 -5.09604812e-02 -2.88719893e-01 1.10083520e-01 6.39873505e-01 1.03344314e-01 -1.42392129e-01 6.26451001e-02 3.78164440e-01 2.96050817e-01 -1.46592364e-01 -1.79164305e-01 -7.28203058e-02 2.72213995e-01 1.94332346e-01 1.39892593e-01 -1.40691578e-01 5.86222336e-02 -1.64854258e-01 4.69529256e-02 -2.50323862e-01 4.26582187e-01 8.90519992e-02 -2.26230830e-01 3.79630178e-01 -9.97996777e-02 5.39120078e-01 -1.87270358e-01 -4.27356847e-02 1.62732720e-01 6.66623414e-02 2.45503992e-01 -1.63517997e-01 -1.35902822e-01 3.25955570e-01 -4.74581234e-02 1.77701756e-01 2.89130695e-02 -1.81969255e-01 3.10629457e-01 -1.06797762e-01 -2.02112515e-02 2.72272289e-01 -3.02457929e-01 2.02658981e-01 1.47191823e-01 2.67397612e-01 -3.12897153e-02 -1.12967812e-01 -1.03550795e-02 -2.23331794e-01 -1.35048822e-01 -2.65497744e-01 -2.30361119e-01 1.60355955e-01 -1.78249702e-01 6.29504085e-01 -3.40392053e-01 4.35005203e-02 9.52671394e-02 -1.54276729e-01 2.42520571e-02 7.41483644e-02 -2.51417488e-01 3.80109042e-01 -4.29244399e-01 2.02424899e-01 -7.44699836e-02 3.52678746e-02 -1.36861801e-01 8.73032361e-02 -1.84976771e-01 2.84233630e-01 1.77266195e-01 4.49043922e-02 -7.41004497e-02 -4.57330048e-01 -5.30390978e-01 1.72668323e-01 2.07652926e-01 -4.35860246e-01 5.05216360e-01 -3.29489887e-01 -2.92120397e-01 1.25190377e-01 3.01948003e-02 -6.99209392e-01 -4.84137572e-02 -1.34088276e-02 -8.22241530e-02 -4.94997948e-02 1.03033952e-01 2.19528064e-01 -5.44729352e-01 -2.00829357e-01 -5.56653142e-02 1.71563685e-01 -1.10099413e-01 -1.09460078e-01 -2.21799582e-01 5.16729951e-02 -5.99591061e-02 1.29325762e-02 -2.00237334e-01 -1.59864560e-01 1.71971843e-01 -8.24401155e-02 -5.22925667e-02 -4.15784307e-02 -3.54786545e-01 -2.70267688e-02 -1.75113946e-01 -2.63809860e-01 -2.44645834e-01 -1.29581094e-01 -3.06130704e-02 -1.07198484e-01 -1.13717370e-01 4.79333788e-01 1.72564343e-01 -3.13684523e-01 2.32148692e-02 -3.84048492e-01 1.71165764e-01 1.63720205e-01 6.44358754e-01 -2.74749577e-01 -1.61439493e-01 3.87394994e-01 2.44495526e-01 -2.78137237e-01 -1.04606964e-01 -1.18581943e-01 3.86892200e-01 1.40129417e-01 1.12407252e-01 -2.12434888e-01 1.20433845e-01 3.00176274e-02 -1.73169240e-01 4.58032310e-01 8.94763544e-02 1.72994770e-02 1.50903523e-01 -1.15836374e-01 -3.24570298e-01 -1.33076802e-01 1.12031819e-02 8.17918658e-01 2.53403574e-01 9.09670070e-03 1.63127184e-02 -1.83747225e-02 -2.02762246e-01 1.03854954e-01 2.33047113e-01 1.42896399e-01 2.18527108e-01 -8.72068182e-02 1.15567401e-01 -1.18144870e-01 2.53972232e-01 -1.51743680e-01 -4.41722162e-02 -3.82072955e-01 -2.16442168e-01 2.88651258e-01 -2.52616316e-01 -1.06514283e-01 4.04625922e-01 4.30087030e-01 3.79602820e-01 2.14670688e-01 2.25408748e-02 5.33146877e-03 -8.29086602e-02 -3.11299354e-01 3.93591970e-01 -2.53348313e-02 -1.83732376e-01 -1.70774758e-01 2.66626656e-01 -1.79326802e-01 5.49030453e-02 -1.25465974e-01 1.57238953e-02 -4.17043239e-01 -6.55863211e-02 6.16054013e-02 1.35017291e-01 -2.51993984e-01 7.93795809e-02 -1.14160784e-01 4.04126406e-01 -2.89922431e-02 2.67277420e-01 -2.36686960e-01 -9.63590518e-02 -1.00678496e-01 -9.94168371e-02 4.23339158e-01 8.73695016e-02 1.41753107e-01 3.66287291e-01 -4.82653767e-01 -1.87235385e-01 4.01571393e-02 -3.06100041e-01 1.58026040e-01 6.74200058e-01 1.45884901e-01 1.45576417e-01 1.75794140e-02 4.69557166e-01 3.16727430e-01 2.81595699e-02 1.02007754e-01 1.93704158e-01 2.74844140e-01 -9.33868438e-02 3.42756510e-02 -1.64210752e-01 -2.33052880e-01 -4.35118735e-01 4.76700544e-01 -1.00838169e-02 3.30463469e-01 -8.65522213e-03 9.96820807e-01 2.96165615e-01 2.28650063e-01 -4.29285407e-01 -2.83509701e-01 -3.70958336e-02 -3.22583288e-01 -3.52239050e-02 -1.71907991e-02 1.57050103e-01 -3.28350030e-02 -7.51282498e-02 1.63420126e-01 5.70133507e-01 -4.58553374e-01 -2.63785366e-02 -8.21448743e-01 4.61241752e-02 2.27434307e-01 3.06814283e-01 2.26752516e-02 -1.35508068e-02 3.25743705e-01 2.86739349e-01 -8.98891315e-02 2.56010920e-01 -1.19207315e-01 7.55705461e-02 -2.44729090e-02 -2.67790318e-01 1.20245032e-01 -2.16284677e-01 -4.33820456e-01 7.31885666e-03 -1.63608212e-02 -3.09653670e-01 3.32583375e-02 -4.43440944e-01 1.92750506e-02 -8.61153081e-02 7.92368874e-02 3.21668983e-01 7.45036185e-01 -1.30071446e-01 2.54377186e-01 2.07311198e-01 5.60870878e-02 6.83545843e-02 1.87972277e-01 2.13697359e-01 -1.01738118e-01 -1.01242848e-01 -1.02830283e-01 -6.89928159e-02 1.26725823e-01 3.19766030e-02 3.94154161e-01 5.74439205e-02 -2.63894707e-01 -2.49462485e-01 1.95705429e-01 1.15074709e-01 -6.45444989e-02 -2.44793594e-01 -1.02611724e-02 -4.04303148e-02 -1.03755698e-01 2.08547041e-01 -2.26621568e-01 -5.52880228e-01 1.37166709e-01 9.20703337e-02 -2.10507840e-01 -4.32168007e-01 2.40001991e-01 1.60029113e-01 -1.04322806e-01 2.97711730e-01 3.15237045e-02 -4.48784560e-01 -1.23232752e-01 2.88707852e-01 1.84366152e-01 -2.50888199e-01 -2.63880074e-01 -1.27482384e-01 -2.61832811e-02 -1.00889318e-01 2.42025554e-01 2.10880920e-01 -2.47767508e-01 1.67545050e-01 -8.26516226e-02 2.78440952e-01 -3.91859502e-01 -5.10571599e-02 -3.03257942e-01 -1.45366803e-01 4.88319933e-01 -4.35749173e-01 -3.61559004e-01 1.51830390e-01 1.59373745e-01 4.10246626e-02 -3.07680607e-01 -1.47982106e-01 -1.52332976e-01 1.14518806e-01 -2.26377454e-02 -2.42656589e-01 1.81442738e-01 2.11576030e-01 1.67230770e-01 -2.73179095e-02 3.47785056e-02 2.74960905e-01 3.23102117e-01 4.02131816e-03 -3.61322343e-01 -8.88216645e-02 -4.35006469e-02 3.66712268e-03 3.19582134e-01 3.40645671e-01 -5.98355979e-02 -6.90560564e-02 -1.44166397e-02 -1.39629990e-01 5.63238263e-01 2.30780035e-01 4.49929200e-02 7.70532116e-02 1.83655515e-01 4.56922222e-03 -1.50038570e-01 3.66927266e-01 -3.65081251e-01 -2.00097695e-01 -3.30457777e-01 -2.61010025e-02 3.90727865e-03 2.83461064e-01 -1.45543143e-01 -8.45718384e-03 6.62692562e-02 2.14964971e-01 6.10536635e-02 7.74568096e-02 5.42303734e-02 -4.91143882e-01 -1.30150810e-01 1.92931056e-01 5.94191670e-01 -2.95877308e-01 1.41638756e-01 -8.95470902e-02 -1.34083286e-01 -1.29799828e-01 2.41494104e-01 -3.41409035e-02 2.02406198e-01 5.02443731e-01 -7.76806325e-02 2.04108208e-02 1.19541094e-01 7.03645825e-01 1.85088962e-01 -7.06853112e-03 1.80338770e-02 5.46417348e-02 5.56433499e-02 1.09754525e-01 5.40471822e-02 1.61287889e-01 -4.37025249e-01 -1.44721612e-01 -3.01778227e-01 -2.25997552e-01 1.56355929e-02 3.33270192e-01 2.32638255e-01 -8.49206448e-02 -2.54530549e-01 -1.83958113e-01 -7.43498355e-02 -2.06286788e-01 -3.14258516e-01 1.33258834e-01 -3.27713899e-02 1.03685066e-01 -4.55758512e-01 -1.99981943e-01 2.11616009e-01 -2.24149019e-01 -1.65510792e-02 3.49003851e-01 -1.15992963e-01 3.22410315e-01 -1.14950754e-01 2.44856983e-01 1.00103363e-01 -6.57258332e-02 3.44569795e-02 -3.63534957e-01 -1.53634980e-01 -2.87305772e-01 5.07478453e-02 3.26479715e-03 -1.83930874e-01 -3.01424712e-01 -2.29750462e-02 -2.94589490e-01 -3.90323251e-01 1.89349800e-02 4.31753725e-01 1.77157321e-03 3.48879337e-01 -1.19835623e-01 -3.53209019e-01 -5.52510060e-02 1.26513362e-01 -4.60498065e-01 1.44573867e-01 2.06418112e-01 7.29559734e-02 2.05483213e-01 -3.44631791e-01 7.25258812e-02 -1.28998443e-01 -1.23656407e-01 -1.14065468e-01 -1.81503609e-01 -7.99144879e-02 8.56476091e-03 -3.24014038e-01 2.55837232e-01 -1.07904859e-01 -2.34532729e-01 4.89252321e-02 -1.73411191e-01 6.43590689e-02 1.53584793e-01 4.25551474e-01 2.36235216e-01 5.58658063e-01 -2.04831988e-01 -4.92864698e-02 3.26248020e-01 4.27565902e-01 5.01609333e-02 3.41121033e-02 -6.50859028e-02 -3.88643071e-02 -4.42677289e-01 6.25027493e-02 6.43232465e-03 -5.87798893e-01 1.05357476e-01 3.07137698e-01 2.26606920e-01 7.26672262e-02 2.49154016e-01 3.02013960e-02 1.35166273e-01 1.15526475e-01 3.66879404e-01 -2.22152546e-01 -8.22596848e-02 2.82321870e-01 5.72453486e-03 7.22791255e-02 4.55020189e-01 1.44808143e-01 2.18660641e-03 -9.73165706e-02 2.06398711e-01 -3.74494761e-01 4.11537960e-02 -2.76710600e-01 1.22968927e-01 2.17440933e-01 2.43533790e-01 1.79859325e-01 -5.27514398e-01 -3.22366089e-01 -2.88523257e-01 6.10184550e-01 -6.74973577e-02 -1.52806371e-01 -5.08656681e-01 1.89893633e-01 -1.63348302e-01 -1.28791165e-02 -3.41829240e-01 -2.09531829e-01 -4.12237532e-02 -7.33865425e-04 -5.84451817e-02 -1.70769483e-01 -2.40158498e-01 -1.35090336e-01 -1.51838541e-01 -1.05255961e-01 1.25652060e-01 1.64688900e-01 -3.12724710e-01 8.81779194e-02]
"Dreamcatcher Spider" active "Item #: SCP-452 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-452 specimens are contained in a 5m by 5m isolation chamber at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Specimens should be fed live insects (preferably crickets or meal worms, but other harmless insects are viable) at least once a week, and regular observation should be maintained to ensure the health of the specimens. Personnel tasked with maintenance of SCP-452 should wear sealed suits at all times while inside SCP-452's containment. Experimentation on SCP-452 may be performed with permission from at least one (1) level 4 personnel, provided all safety requirements and regulations are observed. Specimens taken out of primary containment should be kept inside the specially prepared portable terrariums designated for safe use with SCP-452. Exposure of personnel to the effects of SCP-452 should only be performed in isolation chambers for easy recovery of SCP-452 specimens after exposure. Description: SCP-452 is a colony of Latrodectus hesperus (Western American black widow) physically indistinguishable from normal spiders of its kind. SCP-452 has a preference to spin webs near areas where humans sleep, and when allowed to freely roam, will attempt to relocate if no humans sleep near its web for extended periods of over a week. When a sleeping human subject within 5 meters of a SCP-452 web enters rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, SCP-452 suppresses the subject's ability to dream, even in subjects with chronic dreams and/or nightmares. Subjects, upon waking, generally report having had restful sleep, though several subjects have also reported feeling "unusual, like [they are] missing something". Furthermore, if a specimen used in this manner bites any human within approximately one week from the initial event, the bitten subject will suffer vivid hallucinations in addition to the normal effects of spider venom. SCP-452 was recovered from [REDACTED] following intercepted hospital reports of anomalous visions experienced by spider bite victims, after which a Foundation containment team was dispatched. Experiment Log 452-1: Date: β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ Source: D-21017, female Caucasian, 29 years old Subject: D-21020, male Hispanic, 31 years old Procedure: Specimen of SCP-452 in sealed terrarium placed near bed of Source for one week, then Subject exposed to specimen, resulting in Subject being bitten. Antivenom administered to mitigate physical effects. Details: Source confirms no recollection of dreaming during the week, despite a history of recurring dreams. Subject immediately experienced vivid hallucinations for approximately eleven (11) minutes. Upon returning to normal, described hallucinations with great detail. Source later questioned, and confirmed that the described hallucination matched the description of Source's recurring dream. Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ Source: D-21389, male African-American, 48 years old Subject: D-21395, male Caucasian, 26 years old Procedure: Source selected due to known diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of combat experiences in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject confirmed to have no military experience or interest. Details: Source confirms no recollection of dreaming during the week, despite previously having recurring nightmares. Upon being bitten, Subject experiences vivid hallucinations and is restrained after beginning to scream and thrash. After returning to normal after approximately fourteen (14) minutes, Subject describes hallucinations as being in a combat zone while [DATA EXPUNGED] the bodies of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several details given match that of standard combat procedures as corroborated by Source, which Subject had no previous knowledge of. Β« SCP-451 | SCP-452 | SCP-453 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-452" by Aelanna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp452.jpg Name: File:Black Widow 11-06.jpg Author: Trachemys License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-452"
[ 2.08357163e-03 -2.44322762e-01 -1.52693748e-01 -1.87942043e-01 9.32533592e-02 -2.50431478e-01 6.64100572e-02 1.77648887e-01 2.01729044e-01 -3.06176171e-02 -3.60600390e-02 -3.30376267e-01 -1.24247424e-01 -3.83005917e-01 1.95205986e-01 1.56326830e-01 8.88019875e-02 3.34378481e-01 -1.65685609e-01 -4.96427119e-01 -2.51094431e-01 -2.10599422e-01 -1.56954557e-01 3.33116859e-01 -1.22060828e-01 -3.91496636e-04 1.09663375e-01 2.86464721e-01 -4.05754196e-03 -9.05413553e-02 2.79634565e-01 1.72960848e-01 5.62984683e-02 1.85383648e-01 -1.06207372e-04 3.38922851e-02 2.47982368e-01 1.46664418e-02 2.36430317e-01 3.07011336e-01 -2.89464623e-01 -1.79176539e-01 1.01803645e-01 -2.92582780e-01 -6.49490803e-02 -6.37208670e-02 1.07859328e-01 -1.28748313e-01 3.10785621e-01 2.23936856e-01 2.28252873e-01 3.28074880e-02 -8.16609338e-02 -1.53365225e-01 2.57143587e-01 8.42566192e-02 -1.43487185e-01 1.47190347e-01 2.98539549e-01 -3.38347927e-02 -1.12272374e-01 -1.16071291e-01 -1.05693482e-01 -4.16749120e-02 3.59949887e-01 -1.79773673e-01 1.64498135e-01 -2.31082097e-01 6.60415366e-02 3.39917511e-01 1.53577492e-01 3.19322079e-01 2.96408474e-01 4.53256547e-01 -2.87904382e-01 3.30801487e-01 1.32507101e-01 4.03387815e-01 4.16762987e-03 1.14322856e-01 2.38745555e-01 1.84468046e-01 -1.22224800e-02 -3.56109254e-02 -2.06588924e-01 4.16385055e-01 -5.17563075e-02 5.86103760e-02 1.71180621e-01 -1.19281925e-01 -1.11116087e-02 7.83405155e-02 3.03678155e-01 -8.07263982e-03 -2.42510781e-01 -9.62881148e-02 2.36483186e-01 -2.15742156e-01 1.24709450e-01 3.89948905e-01 5.09286344e-01 6.59638569e-02 9.22035873e-02 -9.78773236e-02 -1.96046636e-01 -7.72652552e-02 -1.83863625e-01 -1.28985897e-01 2.38367632e-01 5.63167155e-01 -7.49144629e-02 4.07023132e-01 9.07761157e-02 -1.48880124e-01 -1.54058576e-01 -9.11290944e-02 3.21020007e-01 -1.55782849e-01 -3.31609875e-01 4.89359945e-01 -6.85034752e-01 7.28201726e-03 8.81563872e-02 3.29832911e-01 2.49098361e-01 -1.12769961e-01 5.13278484e-01 -3.21716607e-01 -8.87926221e-02 1.20375201e-01 -3.81616682e-01 1.06798060e-01 -2.87690699e-01 -1.95336044e-01 -1.85503796e-01 2.33410135e-01 -7.96091929e-02 -6.30412102e-02 -3.86807998e-03 9.29047018e-02 -7.97711164e-02 -1.04317911e-01 2.32823625e-01 1.72324404e-01 -3.33030850e-01 -1.06171660e-01 3.58152017e-02 9.45048183e-02 -8.18320885e-02 -1.28068671e-01 4.48210478e-01 1.33494407e-01 -2.41532326e-01 2.76463836e-01 -4.00283456e-01 1.55274436e-01 7.69758284e-01 -2.04212174e-01 -1.87744796e-01 1.88331455e-01 1.72062695e-01 -7.63161294e-03 -1.62330523e-01 -2.11845323e-01 1.71062306e-01 5.93854308e-01 2.59976625e-01 7.43369386e-02 3.19406658e-01 -2.48687327e-01 2.57237814e-02 -1.25292376e-01 1.89605844e-03 6.80795535e-02 -3.17701697e-01 6.42054901e-02 -1.61254674e-01 -3.24591547e-01 -1.78536385e-01 -1.29048631e-01 -4.53997195e-01 9.49620456e-02 1.33580491e-01 -1.06084898e-01 -2.24950910e-01 -1.16689831e-01 -4.06606078e-01 9.22748223e-02 3.81251574e-01 -7.98933432e-02 -3.40498745e-01 -4.63063240e-01 9.30785164e-02 1.00078180e-01 1.25195861e-01 -4.14565504e-02 4.29652691e-01 4.39501911e-01 2.85576850e-01 -1.35309860e-01 3.80699560e-02 1.33315757e-01 2.01066360e-01 -1.35305405e-01 4.18086387e-02 -1.51489064e-01 4.64629568e-02 8.35444331e-02 9.01456326e-02 3.22918326e-01 4.13024165e-02 1.02530941e-02 -2.86284000e-01 3.08346399e-03 -2.36259237e-01 -3.24912161e-01 3.00033867e-01 2.69672066e-01 1.82441115e-01 -1.05036609e-01 -1.48620289e-02 -8.08505341e-02 -2.34545544e-01 -1.09240092e-01 -2.13091582e-01 3.17855984e-01 4.29550782e-02 -8.84167850e-02 -1.15290415e-02 2.79877096e-01 1.04349323e-01 -6.51268438e-02 -4.05028872e-02 6.86886534e-02 -5.50939381e-01 -9.34084207e-02 2.57641762e-01 3.92722696e-01 -1.69086605e-01 -4.09231275e-01 5.46273768e-01 3.30000281e-01 2.12138414e-01 -3.61349136e-02 -1.67963833e-01 -1.70134053e-01 -2.24450743e-03 2.26688117e-01 2.70463042e-02 -3.86719219e-02 6.86872825e-02 -2.73526847e-01 -9.91984010e-02 2.70858854e-01 3.53256404e-01 4.17764097e-01 5.07043898e-01 1.23710431e-01 -2.21838459e-01 5.55123873e-02 -2.00588871e-02 -5.13178557e-02 3.18915039e-01 9.43628419e-03 -1.51164562e-01 -4.45817672e-02 2.48356014e-01 2.68885076e-01 8.13483074e-02 -5.10177426e-02 2.15615675e-01 4.41920646e-02 -2.68882066e-01 -2.10421070e-01 -1.11509524e-01 -3.50269452e-02 1.73092261e-01 -4.55267087e-04 1.99038744e-01 -1.60747081e-01 -2.33808205e-01 -3.27550262e-01 -1.49862945e-01 -1.95608824e-01 -1.96265817e-01 9.69604477e-02 -3.62445503e-01 -4.19656523e-02 -2.97367603e-01 4.85219568e-01 -7.11916983e-02 -1.51999280e-01 -8.61814618e-02 3.78878266e-02 -2.91857988e-01 2.12284010e-02 -1.98546797e-01 3.82797509e-01 1.67057756e-02 2.29736745e-01 -4.95044664e-02 3.13737690e-01 -1.11684881e-01 2.11397469e-01 -2.70590544e-01 4.10933614e-01 2.96091408e-01 8.18011835e-02 1.14881292e-01 2.28616849e-01 -2.13410854e-01 -1.40786571e-02 2.00087011e-01 -1.28807664e-01 2.40041688e-01 -7.92827383e-02 9.08701867e-02 -1.57556653e-01 2.58974403e-01 -1.43567622e-01 -4.98416424e-02 -1.00642331e-01 -1.24023284e-03 -9.64982137e-02 -9.68508944e-02 1.03546865e-01 -3.22915077e-01 -3.23587239e-01 -2.65480038e-02 1.18750513e-01 -4.13745604e-02 -1.48999766e-01 -4.04934660e-02 3.42601299e-01 3.03420890e-03 1.26648605e-01 -1.33581012e-01 -2.82065183e-01 1.38372645e-01 -3.70996781e-02 -1.39424741e-01 1.60160735e-02 -3.85412961e-01 2.58092791e-01 3.97923514e-02 -3.20376515e-01 -9.80415046e-02 -2.74747699e-01 9.82562825e-02 1.04845576e-01 -9.64956582e-02 3.04250449e-01 1.16269305e-01 -2.42032424e-01 -1.29658282e-01 -5.46058267e-02 2.25115135e-01 -1.55668231e-02 2.41307229e-01 4.53953668e-02 -8.75299647e-02 3.04050893e-01 3.54346901e-01 2.28399873e-01 -5.15776537e-02 1.28118590e-01 4.37356606e-02 -1.48510262e-01 3.06200832e-01 -2.30286345e-01 4.49064195e-01 1.50883272e-01 -3.03427041e-01 6.60080239e-02 -3.57717946e-02 1.65370896e-01 -8.62232521e-02 -3.67611974e-01 6.73343092e-02 -2.26911426e-01 -3.34511418e-03 4.78168994e-01 2.62970120e-01 -2.37918377e-01 -1.05911106e-01 1.08777471e-01 -2.63748497e-01 -1.57614708e-01 2.22776338e-01 -1.84252728e-02 6.88495412e-02 -2.70104557e-01 -3.70221063e-02 -2.54688114e-01 1.40234798e-01 6.25203876e-03 1.16145946e-01 -3.59066203e-02 -1.39100179e-01 1.55573487e-01 -3.12335014e-01 1.80282280e-01 1.38670444e-01 5.78791261e-01 2.82475948e-01 -9.97788683e-02 1.04911573e-01 -1.92484066e-01 -3.13587077e-02 -7.91716054e-02 -5.75754084e-02 -8.72976422e-01 -2.70511270e-01 3.00572794e-02 4.74151134e-01 -1.61661133e-01 -1.85266972e-01 2.37599105e-01 7.80428993e-03 -3.81434798e-01 -3.22904050e-01 -8.24107379e-02 -6.24032691e-02 -2.76196092e-01 -1.54151320e-01 -3.00415725e-01 2.89491385e-01 -2.60702640e-01 1.29587024e-01 3.37147921e-01 -3.24245721e-01 9.41074565e-02 -4.45644855e-02 3.15667570e-01 6.24345951e-02 4.08117138e-02 5.62977612e-01 1.29435703e-01 -5.45247376e-01 -7.82724619e-02 -1.18350483e-01 9.40533802e-02 6.79906189e-01 1.14715762e-01 -1.43892676e-01 1.64868280e-01 -4.68407646e-02 -2.80749589e-01 1.31961405e-01 3.37430626e-01 -9.89737064e-02 4.50373828e-01 -1.17088430e-01 3.02278399e-01 -1.10712372e-01 -1.78568795e-01 -3.75332117e-01 1.11815937e-01 -1.68720037e-01 -1.04610980e-01 4.87802267e-01 1.14669478e+00 1.80001467e-01 -1.48589537e-01 2.19188482e-01 -2.45340198e-01 4.04266536e-01 5.96735738e-02 -1.18248262e-01 -1.26748696e-01 -1.70612723e-01 8.78667533e-02 -2.09618747e-01 1.88042298e-01 5.64213805e-02 -1.79112285e-01 -6.29968643e-02 -3.26747388e-01 1.37081489e-01 1.53903753e-01 1.39727861e-01 2.21025512e-01 -1.20478541e-01 2.24372208e-01 3.01260859e-01 -2.71081030e-01 9.92498547e-02 4.74753678e-02 1.33035090e-02 -2.05006644e-01 -1.24082603e-01 -7.52547607e-02 3.37565303e-01 8.35302919e-02 1.18468434e-01 -2.47240782e-01 -1.43262208e-01 -1.71683848e-01 -1.17934562e-01 -3.40418249e-01 1.06513254e-01 -5.29067777e-02 4.03957397e-01 2.21458375e-01 7.84986839e-03 1.50726855e-01 2.23788604e-01 3.29079658e-01 6.86029196e-02 -2.20304117e-01 2.45569199e-01 1.61525071e-01 -1.03298210e-01 1.49209742e-02 1.13855027e-01 -2.25171268e-01 -2.67402232e-01 6.32972866e-02 1.40302733e-01 -4.00220007e-01 -6.22694902e-02 2.09851459e-01 2.49441415e-01 -8.24278742e-02 -6.71755448e-02 3.59656140e-02 -1.32742032e-01 -3.55073512e-02 1.88212141e-01 3.10663491e-01 -1.99563563e-01 7.85612911e-02 5.45489341e-02 -2.24291280e-01 -2.69688249e-01 4.06203307e-02 -2.26697743e-01 -5.99912524e-01 2.35700026e-01 -4.00553018e-01 -3.65846217e-01 -2.03682423e-01 2.71775335e-01 -1.13399155e-01 -1.53931782e-01 -9.18739215e-02 -9.17632133e-02 2.90080637e-01 3.71002629e-02 -1.56315506e-01 1.41942516e-01 -2.72946805e-01 6.45358741e-01 -8.70993920e-03 -9.72592756e-02 -3.92210782e-01 -8.04159697e-03 -5.96586943e-01 -1.50923043e-01 4.11944538e-02 -7.22348243e-02 -1.38669491e-01 -8.11967179e-02 1.45007819e-01 3.16506743e-01 -2.26637229e-01 -2.37044528e-01 -1.64927110e-01 6.00150488e-02 1.19505495e-01 -3.93793464e-01 1.39971733e-01 -2.41521880e-01 3.19898844e-01 -1.88442767e-02 -1.99102297e-01 -1.95183188e-01 2.51325697e-01 4.18675542e-02 -1.46290153e-01 9.35803801e-02 6.30833432e-02 8.14049095e-02 -1.20649040e-01 2.89892226e-01 -2.00740904e-01 -1.01464652e-02 -3.64331976e-02 -8.97396430e-02 2.35274043e-02 1.37622222e-01 -8.59364718e-02 2.57132322e-01 3.98571640e-01 1.21694550e-01 -3.11429977e-01 2.71684051e-01 1.33294165e-02 3.45903486e-01 -3.50717992e-01 -3.87457982e-02 -3.35131645e-01 2.77529210e-01 -1.14784099e-01 3.08133829e-02 -2.62950808e-01 2.08370686e-01 5.73117733e-02 2.60154903e-01 -1.93248719e-01 -3.27309966e-01 5.39954066e-01 1.21966705e-01 4.64511096e-01 -2.46504933e-01 2.99407899e-01 1.63034499e-01 -2.37511218e-01 -4.19312529e-03 4.11587656e-01 -6.28296882e-02 5.11563480e-01 6.15072668e-01 2.14989260e-01 -1.52534112e-01 4.99663532e-01 4.43830580e-01 2.18744963e-01 2.68131196e-01 -9.56907123e-02 1.83461010e-01 2.38007475e-02 3.17216396e-01 9.13369209e-02 -2.51229107e-01 -5.41917920e-01 2.46591903e-02 -2.98426151e-01 -5.75643070e-02 -6.45121187e-02 2.66960800e-01 -4.68471721e-02 -9.20686871e-02 -2.76070356e-01 -8.51815194e-03 -6.67604245e-03 -4.57967669e-02 1.35021973e-02 -3.36749792e-01 -4.11244519e-02 5.49545623e-02 -1.57171026e-01 -2.35447779e-01 3.08788598e-01 -1.94159791e-01 -1.14535302e-01 7.18014538e-01 -8.40148106e-02 2.66410857e-01 4.32867229e-01 -1.09766470e-02 1.04859933e-01 -1.77571163e-01 1.42130360e-01 -1.37963936e-01 -2.33968273e-01 -2.01886937e-01 1.18625620e-02 1.24791034e-01 1.18988305e-01 8.79999995e-02 1.93956003e-01 -2.36099452e-01 9.89882350e-02 -1.10302838e-02 4.14324194e-01 -1.79292977e-01 2.48040661e-01 -1.93295002e-01 7.20210224e-02 1.40232146e-02 -2.31179848e-01 -2.40131930e-01 3.10486555e-01 -3.67182046e-01 -1.04812466e-01 2.07080722e-01 -3.77056688e-01 1.14973299e-01 -1.55989245e-01 2.58235127e-01 -1.87450320e-01 1.16486043e-01 2.83685997e-02 -1.69672042e-01 -2.01232076e-01 1.66406587e-01 -1.67107046e-01 -6.35848343e-01 6.74663205e-03 1.54761612e-01 -5.57871312e-02 6.90658987e-02 -3.86256725e-02 -3.67824972e-01 1.30514607e-01 -1.05106711e-01 -5.80549166e-02 9.95831215e-04 8.11482742e-02 1.04812004e-01 2.44674496e-02 -1.04160570e-01 2.73925126e-01 -1.72833860e-01 1.97903484e-01 3.30483019e-02 -7.08880246e-01 1.15730762e-01 8.83836579e-03 4.24421877e-01 2.39261001e-01 1.26397759e-01 -3.54033917e-01 -2.55508363e-01 -4.35935557e-01 1.58134159e-02 -2.21695408e-01 2.39443377e-01 1.25230983e-01 3.77151847e-01 1.63515165e-01 4.42980528e-01 1.13142170e-01 5.74306995e-02 -5.49871661e-02 5.25626779e-01 -1.64414600e-01 -2.03003027e-02 -2.01121688e-01 1.15702659e-01 1.29142016e-01 2.58812368e-01 2.66070552e-02 -1.99806958e-01 -1.19851969e-01 -4.08584505e-01 3.71874303e-01 4.10867274e-01 -1.45826593e-01 -1.31225392e-01 1.40517130e-01 -3.85886192e-01 1.09437466e-01 -3.56790364e-01 -3.27926964e-01 -1.90801434e-02 1.42366126e-01 -9.03935283e-02 -2.05835588e-02 2.46397927e-01 -3.57655287e-01 -9.34758037e-02 -2.00346500e-01 -4.04481702e-02 7.39052845e-03 4.78106588e-02 -1.70434669e-01]
"Scripted Nightclub" active "Item #: SCP-453 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-453 is to be staffed by no fewer than: four (4) bartenders, six (6) bouncers, four (4) cleaners, one (1) doctor, four (4) EMTs, and two (2) observation personnel, all trained Foundation staff, at all times. Additionally, ten (10) or more Foundation security staff are to be kept on standby in the adjacent outbuilding 453-01, connected to SCP-453 by basement access. All staff are required to familiarise themselves with Document 453-1, Complete List of Known Scripts and memorise all Scripts that have been flagged by the current on-site supervisor (Dr. Moriglioni). Failure to memorise flagged Scripts is grounds for immediate discharge from SCP-453 duty, and will result in a formal demerit on the offending personnel's record. SCP-453 is to be locked and guarded between the hours of 0400 and 2000, local time; from 2000-0400 it is to be unlocked and open. Anyone entering the club during operating hours will have a radio tracking tag clipped to his or her clothing, and will remain monitored closely by closed-circuit cameras at all times. During the day, SCP-453 is to be inspected and measured in all dimensions by staff. Any movement of fixed objects in the building are to be recorded and reported to head researcher Dr. Moriglioni. Fire prevention and violence suppression protocols are to be kept in accordance with Standing Order 405-991 section T; should movement of fixed internal structures violate this protocol, renovation crews are to be recruited to the site immediately for restructuring. Description: SCP-453 is a nightclub located in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Italy, currently owned and operated entirely by Foundation personnel. Every night, an apparently random assortment of civilians from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and adjoining municipalities arrive at the club; although the night invariably begins identically to any other club, over the course of the night the civilians present fall into "roles" in one of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ currently documented sequences of events (termed "Scripts" by Foundation operatives working on SCP-453). Over the course of the evening, generally according to Script, civilians will depart the club and return home, maintaining only partial memories of the night. All surviving civilians depart before 0400 every night. SCP-453 has existed in its current location for as long as Foundation records exist. Archaeological evidence suggests a wealthy Roman senator, known for extravagant nightly parties, had a villa in the location as early as β–ˆβ–ˆ B.C.E.; the Foundation has had possession of the site since 1β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. On several occasions the building has been torn down or destroyed; outdoor parties continued to persist nightly at the site. When the site itself is rendered inaccessible, civilian partygoers will gather as near as possible to the site and begin an impromptu street party; this party rapidly devolves into a riot (see Document 453-1, Complete List of Known Scripts, attached). The club in its current configuration was designed and built entirely according to Foundation specifications. All core construction materials are SCP containment grade, to limit damage due to the more violent Scripts. Dr. Moriglioni has observed that the building has shown some self-mutational ability. Of particular note has been the gradual shift of the location of the secure locker containing suppression weaponry for staff use: it has moved closer and closer to the men's washroom. At this time it remains in the secure staff section. Other sections of the building have slowly moved and changed in similar ways. A complete log of known Scripts is attached as Document 453-1. The 'selection' of a Script appears to be semi-random, although various stimuli will encourage particular Scripts to occur (for example, Script 117 "The Silver Harlequins" has only been observed when more than 15 club attendees are over the age of 60). Please note that while Script logs detail "pertinent events", all events in the club aside from staff actions become Scripted at around 2100 hrs (varies depending on Script). Participants begin speaking in Latin while engaged in Script, although music, dance styles, alcohol, et cetera remain "modern". Complete logs of all recorded actions, lines, and requests for each Script are available on request from Dr. Moriglioni. In its current configuration, SCP-453 has shown preference for three (3) Scripts in particular; these three account for roughly 80% of the Scripts seen, and represent a good cross-section of the general types of Scripts SCP-453 is capable of. These Scripts follow, listed in order of frequency: Low priority, low fatality; staff medical intervention required at 2307 hrs for 43-male-C, and recommended for 43-males-A and -B. Medical treatment of 43-wife at 2319 hrs is also recommended, but is conditional on consent from 43-wife as she will have left the script at this point. Pertinent Events: Aftermath: Despite the trauma of the events, 43-wife shows no memory of them the following day. When injuries are pointed out, she reacts with shock. 43-husband remembers the events vaguely, but will not believe they were anything but a nightmare. Reacts violently to interrogating Agent if pressed in this manner. The three 43-males remember getting in a bar fight, but not the cause. Notes: None of the participants in this Script have any relationship or prior knowledge of each other. If introduced after the events of the Script, participants 43-wife and the 43-males will have an irrational hatred of 43-husband; this applies to anyone who has previously participated in the Script as one of these roles, even on different dates. 43-husband finds himself extremely attracted to 43-wife. Further post-Script introduction of 43-husband and 43-wife has been denied after [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is of some interest to note that despite capably handling the 43-males in combat, the Script appears to preferentially select a 43-husband who is diminutive in stature and in poor physical condition, while the 43-males are typically large and physically fit. Experiment Log 453-s43: Deviation: The male washroom is closed and locked after 43-wife enters. Result: Four new individuals (43-locksmiths) arrive at the washroom almost immediately after it is closed, forcibly opening the doors in order to use the facilities. Events proceed as usual, with a 12-minute delay. These individuals appear to be able to circumvent any lock we have thus far applied to the door, including SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Deviation: 43-husband is denied access to a full bottle of alcohol, given a glass instead. Result: 43-husband takes a bar stool into the washroom. Participants 43-wife and 43-male-A and -C are killed instead of injured. Participant 43-male-B suffers irrecoverable spinal injuries1. Deviation: Four (4) Foundation personnel enter the men's washroom and attempt to subdue 43-husband using suppressive weaponry. Result: See video log 453-43-039. Foundation personnel subdued by 43-husband, who reacts immediately to the arrival of the Foundation personnel before any attack is made, disarming them and destroying their weaponry after suppressing them with it. Foundation personnel ignored from this point onward; Script proceeds as usual with a 3-minute delay. Note: Direct intervention in Scripted events should be handled much more carefully in light of [DATA EXPUNGED]. We were very lucky this time. β€”Dr. Moriglioni. High priority, medium fatality; staff are to immediately prepare the triage in room 453-12 on commencement of this Script at 2213 hrs. Medical intervention will commence at 2259 hrs. Most medical intervention will be aided by autopsy information from previous Script occurrences, attached in Document 453-s21-med. Pertinent Events: Aftermath: No participants in Script 21 show any memory of the actual events. All remember being involved in a violent bar fight, and remember that some people were badly hurt. Other memories are fuzzy, consistent with serious intoxication. Notes: This is one of the historically most common events, having occurred for as long as the Foundation has known about this site. It has diminished somewhat in frequency. As the most violent of the common Scripted events, it is required that all SCP-453 staff be completely familiar with the exact sequence of all events in this Script, both for their own safety and to diminish civilian casualties as much as possible. Experiment Log 453-s21: Special: To date, any attempted intervention in Script 21 has resulted in either neutral results (such as being unable to change the time required to prepare 21-senator's meals) or SCP-453 staff becoming part of the Scripted events, in which case the staff invariably suffers serious injuries. Further testing has been denied pending Level 4 authorisation. Previous logs are available on request. Top priority, high fatality; if no known Script has manifested by 0000 hrs, staff are advised to prepare for the possibility of a Script 82 event; a weapons check is advised, followed by donning of riot gear and gas masks treated to resist type-14 neurotoxin. Civilians are to be told the riot gear is part of a theme night, and issued nonfunctional decorative goggles if they wish to participate. Pertinent Events: Script 82 will not manifest until 0200 hrs; until this time, SCP-453 will be fully inactive, and events entirely mundane. Aftermath: No surviving participants will remember Script 82, remembering only a pleasant night at the club, even if operation Pariah failed, with the exception of 82-prime. Those who participated as 82-prime will have recurring nightmares featuring [DATA EXPUNGED], typically leading to loss of sleep, decreased productivity, and eventual insanity. For this reason, staff should capture former 82-prime participants as they leave the club and remit them to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ for therapy and monitoring. Notes: Despite the severity of this Script, Pariah is typically extremely effective. An abort has not been necessary since β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ, and a full failure has not been observed since 16/12/1857. However, reports indicate that Script 82 has become increasingly common since [DATA EXPUNGED]. Β« SCP-452 | SCP-453 | SCP-454 Β»" nan
[ 1.10956691e-01 -6.33659437e-02 -3.58638130e-02 -1.26468286e-01 -1.48717454e-02 -1.86299130e-01 5.51655829e-01 1.50998011e-01 -2.41719514e-01 3.66567671e-01 -1.69357628e-01 5.34953102e-02 -7.64139444e-02 3.34147550e-02 1.47048607e-01 4.62537676e-01 7.78002962e-02 -1.48333451e-02 3.21779214e-02 -1.23171106e-01 -2.79763311e-01 -1.06293976e-01 -2.43305191e-01 3.05850089e-01 -1.07999019e-01 5.96936084e-02 3.33824148e-03 1.61024138e-01 -3.96263093e-01 4.76996116e-02 1.09702967e-01 2.94321477e-01 4.56491895e-02 5.13931289e-02 -1.11626061e-04 -3.08486074e-01 6.76867028e-04 -2.05997735e-01 -2.34595329e-01 1.44854158e-01 -4.17874455e-01 1.76421534e-02 3.11999936e-02 -2.07777292e-01 -7.65695125e-02 2.91431159e-01 1.29672974e-01 1.32910669e-01 4.57421571e-01 1.02263071e-01 1.76824093e-01 -1.56002268e-01 -6.68300390e-01 -2.61477113e-01 9.66082737e-02 7.67503530e-02 -8.98168702e-03 -2.78290778e-01 3.33454490e-01 1.83829274e-02 2.40532160e-01 -5.59184924e-02 -2.21388206e-01 -2.40113903e-02 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-3.15492339e-02 6.19297326e-02 -1.78458095e-02 -1.28353745e-01 8.19284562e-03 3.32049966e-01 2.56322235e-01 1.51145812e-02 -5.26534244e-02 3.92901629e-01 5.28716862e-01 -1.01325564e-01 -3.53906363e-01 1.29540905e-01 -1.34861723e-01 -2.19958737e-01 2.54089236e-01 1.12349756e-01 -1.68760613e-01 -1.38047468e-02 1.36436448e-01 -1.54815152e-01 -5.17180003e-03 2.27118000e-01 2.37783074e-01 1.17631376e-01 -3.65001172e-01 -2.74536431e-01 2.71989971e-01 -1.26182124e-01 -2.43823081e-01 -1.09452829e-01 -1.31312206e-01 -3.82327527e-01 -4.05256525e-02 -1.72160938e-01 2.84004509e-01 2.63541877e-01 2.01494560e-01 2.50640690e-01 8.94399807e-02 -1.90307334e-01 -2.42867798e-01 3.87873389e-02 3.17716867e-01 -1.31074131e-01 8.62424523e-02 -2.28080958e-01 -1.93809628e-01 8.26131999e-02 1.38854668e-01 -8.14787000e-02 4.18211907e-01 1.05290435e-01 9.45050418e-02 -1.81181654e-01 4.82358364e-03 -6.66066632e-02 -1.33973569e-01 -2.40195170e-01 -2.36207917e-01 5.82099073e-02 3.31793875e-01 3.00577104e-01 3.78878862e-01 2.51358673e-02 6.23489507e-02 2.14644611e-01 -6.98793232e-02 2.63637960e-01 -3.67118977e-02 3.47297847e-01 -1.91436186e-01 1.81507334e-01 9.50339511e-02 3.49756703e-02 9.49129276e-03 9.14558116e-03 -3.04332580e-02 -1.64918914e-01 -8.01715031e-02 1.61862969e-01 -5.00072800e-02 -7.37527087e-02 -6.95469156e-02 -1.01694137e-01 1.08791709e-01 -6.23930655e-02 -3.97539616e-01 1.13817118e-01 -1.28252417e-01 -3.03160012e-01 -2.77214080e-01 -3.05175576e-02 2.94543922e-01 -1.72939021e-02 1.88683569e-01 2.31427550e-01 -2.93931007e-01 3.02593738e-01 -9.32711437e-02 1.31858708e-02 2.38776863e-01 -2.53280811e-02 5.36883712e-01 -3.03513676e-01 1.62895739e-01 -1.73107982e-01 -9.14793313e-02 2.01310977e-01 5.21677509e-02 -3.87166262e-01 1.42750040e-01 1.33002073e-01 -3.88582081e-01 2.24103570e-01 7.40171745e-02 -2.53942192e-01 3.00833464e-01 1.03698052e-01 -3.12122852e-01 1.39215872e-01 -1.51996225e-01 -7.36840516e-02 6.73656091e-02 -1.98485672e-01 -1.28153980e-01 1.25240207e-01 9.18112770e-02 -3.12353879e-01 -1.11689024e-01 5.19935638e-02 2.27019295e-01 -3.79551947e-01 -1.25583887e-01 2.33195145e-02 -1.39781803e-01 1.16199650e-01 6.60115331e-02 6.97661983e-03 -1.11563794e-01 -4.00254607e-01 2.42558002e-01 -2.59022146e-01 -2.75019765e-01 9.47406292e-02 -2.31014967e-01 1.27601802e-01 -1.19854368e-01 5.57343177e-02 -2.36670539e-01 -5.25328755e-01 -1.02782503e-01 -3.10025841e-01 3.02953154e-01 1.61220238e-01 -2.13050500e-01 -4.14632142e-01 5.25008559e-01 2.93031275e-01 -2.67470032e-01 -2.16234058e-01 -1.68618962e-01 1.17931794e-02 -8.44035745e-02 1.47331670e-01 -1.99699640e-01 -3.74071985e-01 2.93660969e-01 3.20615351e-01 -5.08852266e-02 -1.68566942e-01 -6.30851556e-03 -2.22640280e-02 4.62168634e-01 1.81096926e-01 -2.85544414e-02 8.28251243e-03 1.96895555e-01 -1.44866422e-01 7.53436536e-02 -1.02490984e-01 -1.60674155e-01 -1.13288097e-01 3.58499847e-02 -1.53303295e-02 -1.97228283e-01 -4.23710309e-02 -8.22966695e-02 2.17996627e-01 2.35014588e-01 4.63488758e-01 -1.74834505e-01 -6.08454049e-02 -3.11062247e-01 1.35911167e-01 4.75379527e-01 3.38265114e-02 -3.84653091e-01 9.92992297e-02 -1.67266443e-01 3.49464536e-01 -1.32394820e-01 1.24281738e-03 -4.66083616e-01 -2.44874671e-01 8.18229020e-02 -1.10581286e-01 -1.62759319e-01 -1.20540485e-01 4.88675594e-01 3.52485090e-01 5.40824175e-01 -3.74770403e-01 9.00272503e-02 2.35868506e-02 8.33497196e-02 2.65858084e-01 -6.32872045e-01 9.41935778e-02 -2.33473871e-02 -7.32044056e-02 -3.67725223e-01 6.28604926e-03 9.04975310e-02 3.91643718e-02 -2.04462737e-01 -4.22001153e-01 2.14480028e-01 2.86457717e-01 -3.30670923e-01 8.60663429e-02 -1.14083104e-01 3.65082830e-01 3.30845982e-01 3.19181055e-01 1.65965930e-01 -1.97908714e-01 6.54854894e-01 -2.33474091e-01 -1.70367002e-01 2.06987187e-01 2.18387712e-02 2.82692492e-01 -1.67882353e-01 -4.89312559e-01 2.41848141e-01 3.53018120e-02 1.90636143e-01 7.88034558e-01 2.66591579e-01 -1.31946564e-01 1.04250692e-01 2.16746077e-01 2.06879854e-01 -3.39301318e-01 -1.22554794e-01 -1.30802751e-01 2.41093576e-01 -1.64895818e-01 -5.13307452e-01 -2.73396105e-01 -2.57002175e-01 -3.95559728e-01 -2.28580311e-01 9.78841856e-02 3.42028439e-01 2.24506944e-01 1.15025759e+00 2.47599587e-01 1.19730428e-01 6.23906031e-02 -5.11945426e-01 -4.36739415e-01 2.40101442e-02 -5.42944260e-02 -1.55623674e-01 -9.67884138e-02 8.07489082e-02 -7.46893883e-02 -2.09270731e-01 4.01864946e-01 -2.40945876e-01 -2.09068343e-01 -7.06450939e-01 4.89736050e-02 6.93705007e-02 4.11462694e-01 -1.78212196e-01 -3.15006524e-01 -6.33394495e-02 2.39217490e-01 7.21798018e-02 3.29865739e-02 -7.70923123e-02 -7.03071877e-02 7.28464350e-02 5.56065841e-03 -4.67440486e-02 1.50583297e-01 -1.72074735e-01 -9.62763000e-03 -7.50880688e-02 -6.12920970e-02 -1.99694529e-01 4.76369619e-01 -4.78737384e-01 -8.26533064e-02 6.59678131e-02 3.23201329e-01 4.76976871e-01 -1.36255026e-02 1.30311621e-03 2.77286351e-01 7.26279169e-02 -1.69248332e-03 -2.94116527e-01 8.30645766e-03 4.76381443e-02 -1.33836761e-01 -2.65415549e-01 4.20183063e-01 2.44006693e-01 -4.15024012e-01 1.39057651e-01 1.12656191e-01 -1.94069371e-01 -8.34603831e-02 1.68864980e-01 -7.52322897e-02 -1.08287811e-01 2.98450962e-02 -1.88110590e-01 6.47223275e-03 -1.50589079e-01 3.10364008e-01 -6.29880875e-02 3.72932255e-01 -5.79983853e-02 4.00338054e-01 -9.05629843e-02 -4.45599496e-01 4.72397268e-01 -5.50082922e-02 -3.10575932e-01 -2.13970140e-01 -1.41045168e-01 -3.88034463e-01 -1.34540036e-01 2.88199782e-01 7.87150189e-02 -8.04851055e-02 -1.37028590e-01 -1.46769518e-02 -1.19511217e-01 -1.66964129e-01 3.30913246e-01 -1.34287570e-02 -4.72600050e-02 5.95242918e-01 1.74976930e-01 2.03363653e-02 -3.98295492e-01 -2.26226345e-01 -5.38411498e-01 -2.40445137e-02 2.96086252e-01 -5.14047265e-01 -3.47393364e-01 -1.38625130e-01 4.34472896e-02 4.23978359e-01 -5.15248239e-01 -2.47106150e-01 1.89797029e-01 1.63727432e-01 -1.87835649e-01 4.75894734e-02 -4.38750446e-01 3.17246407e-01 -1.19598873e-01 9.09691676e-03 -2.24619716e-01 2.81178355e-01 3.17759305e-01 3.99912000e-02 -4.43408966e-01 -6.77889585e-02 2.07806036e-01 -3.07547241e-01 6.66621327e-02 4.48304027e-01 -3.28702122e-01 -1.23633510e-02 5.79921082e-02 -1.15120925e-01 -3.76888625e-02 3.21372747e-01 2.72207826e-01 3.23787630e-01 2.50844777e-01 1.54596448e-01 2.97332436e-01 4.21173394e-01 -3.44688654e-01 3.99363264e-02 -2.66055495e-01 -1.88036729e-02 -2.43944913e-01 2.35490352e-01 -6.03566319e-02 2.90459096e-01 -2.54723579e-01 5.59344664e-02 -9.38533694e-02 1.95712849e-01 -1.05664864e-01 -1.38072129e-02 1.94422960e-01 1.19801812e-01 3.23863089e-01 -1.34289026e-01 5.32433614e-02 -2.17559204e-01 -2.29962796e-01 -9.91681442e-02 1.50186896e-01 1.70166224e-01 4.21111248e-02 1.40165061e-01 1.12609789e-02 -1.68487713e-01 -5.35182208e-02 4.43535477e-01 7.56360710e-01 7.82040879e-02 1.56982452e-01 4.03855860e-01 3.26088190e-01 2.10088745e-01 1.07936919e-01 2.67095596e-01 -4.68969882e-01 1.52138352e-01 -1.74328685e-01 8.03320631e-02 1.30370548e-02 4.94452640e-02 6.14556391e-03 5.11643924e-02 -1.12815060e-01 -2.81870276e-01 8.68851021e-02 2.08876058e-02 2.95797616e-01 -1.41339907e-02 -1.86973572e-01 -6.25183508e-02 8.49569961e-02 8.23970065e-02 2.37377614e-01 -3.39310169e-01 1.39385670e-01 -6.95784315e-02 2.65008844e-02 2.53892154e-01 -5.52444644e-02 4.40120578e-01 1.20712489e-01 -1.50212482e-01 5.24055839e-01 2.29113605e-02 -2.27290876e-02 -1.20381862e-01 -1.57270133e-01 4.60108817e-01 2.41200760e-01 2.89506257e-01 1.16559669e-01 -1.39671847e-01 -1.97995096e-01 4.03125376e-01 3.82617652e-01 4.15477574e-01 2.38674045e-01 -5.62522896e-02 1.98546603e-01 -1.88272312e-01 4.21301961e-01 -4.16138053e-01 -1.67526454e-01 -2.02106535e-01 1.88698456e-01 3.31470668e-02 -4.02807593e-01 5.32420203e-02 -6.64335713e-02 3.83016653e-02 -1.50056854e-01 -9.54582244e-02 -7.39509007e-03 -1.11157611e-01 -7.71653354e-02 3.09313506e-01 2.06119064e-02 -4.63278264e-01 6.65664002e-02 2.11020797e-01 3.65203060e-02 1.37642816e-01 -6.74218088e-02 2.19673105e-02 -2.95440823e-01 1.07796215e-01 -2.11647511e-01 3.34738225e-01 -9.56037547e-03 4.83540475e-01 2.99278408e-01 -2.29106009e-01 1.96442857e-01 -2.30270535e-01 2.03701898e-01 8.04919899e-02 -7.21720755e-01 -9.08029601e-02 9.45000127e-02 6.57175720e-01 7.84613192e-02 2.20277503e-01 -2.36669719e-01 -5.66780493e-02 9.74268019e-02 1.62138090e-01 -1.36846676e-01 2.75719792e-01 5.38445711e-02 -2.69824266e-01 1.12319581e-01 2.49689102e-01 2.47278243e-01 -1.60032168e-01 1.12959899e-01 2.50642747e-01 -4.04443860e-01 -1.61962539e-01 1.72393903e-01 3.27286422e-01 -2.31320843e-01 2.54960775e-01 -6.68862909e-02 -4.77394834e-02 6.52738437e-02 5.93575276e-02 5.58774233e-01 1.27339453e-01 -3.18662226e-01 -1.44750044e-01 2.62042582e-01 -1.74749300e-01 -6.66186884e-02 -3.08259964e-01 -2.44442761e-01 -1.21842094e-01 1.29383579e-02 -1.86140582e-01 -2.08382979e-01 -1.50175095e-01 -2.68356293e-01 -1.03681043e-01 -4.10675794e-01 8.08502287e-02 -1.68943182e-01 -1.27235174e-01 -1.46034390e-01]
"Comic Book" active "Item #: SCP-454 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-454 should be kept in a plastic bag with a thin piece of acid-free cardstock. This can then be contained with standard procedures and minimal security. There is no need for psychological containment. Description: SCP-454 is a comic book, titled β€œThe Crypt of Terror” The front cover has the picture of a female, nervously looking around, with a shadowy figure some distance behind her. The price is listed as ten cents and the issue number is seventeen. The item bears slight damage from age and normal wear. Although the cover mentions a werewolf, the story does not. Showing a subject a photograph of the item will not trigger an attempt to obtain it. It has no unusual physical or mental effects on subjects who have seen no more than β–ˆ pages of the interior. Such subjects experience a mild desire to read the item, but it is no greater than that provoked by any other interesting item. The interior story of the comic, as far as researchers are able to deduce, concerns a woman being stalked by a mysterious force. Julia, the protagonist, refers to the force only as β€œHim”. Much of the story concerns Julia's efforts to escape β€œHim”; she finally believes that she has bested it, only for it to [DATA EXPUNGED]. The first and last pages also bear a number of advertisements normal for 1950s-era comics, which do not display the item's primary effect. If a subject who shows normal levels of empathy begins to read the comic, they will become more and more interested in it, expressing fear and relief as the story progresses and finally horror when it ends. Subjects' psychological state descends into excessive denial and depression as the story ends. After reading the comic, subjects begin to think and talk solely about a need to save Julia from β€œHim”. If given time alone and appropriate materials, subjects write or draw continuations of the story, in an effort to provide a continuation where Julia survives. Each of these efforts will end with Julia dead as before, however. In the event that a subject should make Julia survive, through deus ex machina or similar plot devices, they will throw away their effort, saying that it does not fit into the story. These efforts come to occupy a great deal of the subject’s time and effort. β–ˆβ–ˆ% of subjects suffer from severe depression, becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative. Higher than normal rates of suicide have been observed. Interviews with subjects and study of notes left behind show a sense of helplessness and of having failed Julia. Subjects with a history of [DATA EXPUNGED] undergo an additional event. The subject will write themself into the story, claiming to have found the perfect way to save Julia personally. Approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ% of such subjects are subsequently found [DATA EXPUNGED]. Misogynistic or low-empathy subjects display no psychological effect and show no interest in the comic or the characters after reading. Addendum: In a recent experiment, D-Class personnel with normal levels of empathy were instructed to read the comic and placed in isolation. After β–ˆβ–ˆ attempts, one subject claimed to have found a way to save Julia. He was found dead with [DATA EXPUNGED]. The security camera in his room suffered electrical disturbances during the event, in which a figure was seen briefly standing in the room. No signs of entry were seen. The security team was placed on probation. Β« SCP-453 | SCP-454 | SCP-455 Β»" nan
[ 2.90477246e-01 8.71810690e-02 -1.97101265e-01 3.49249355e-02 -1.65487245e-01 7.09303990e-02 2.09393397e-01 7.32809976e-02 -3.78733337e-01 9.63606499e-03 -5.13373949e-02 2.83250630e-01 -1.96505159e-01 -2.00188421e-02 -6.11104956e-03 9.71688405e-02 1.52888745e-02 3.90647471e-01 -5.23481481e-02 -1.31287873e-01 -1.00983381e-01 4.14067544e-02 -2.08722159e-01 4.06327933e-01 6.58125877e-02 -3.82476330e-01 2.82207221e-01 3.26173931e-01 -1.62282303e-01 -1.23582952e-01 1.83602765e-01 4.56817038e-02 3.72231193e-02 1.44037500e-01 -1.05116495e-04 -2.34394640e-01 8.27786699e-02 4.75509763e-02 1.02837674e-01 -3.42931032e-01 -1.36814401e-01 -3.67474198e-01 -1.35403022e-01 -3.46345574e-01 2.42487818e-01 -1.51640534e-01 2.80598551e-01 2.99354881e-01 2.67404675e-01 -1.52435184e-01 2.21902668e-01 8.41522664e-02 2.41364732e-01 4.80216630e-02 4.69006687e-01 -1.25740632e-01 -3.05258960e-01 -2.22902983e-01 3.70862573e-01 5.64453145e-03 1.52048513e-01 3.24926168e-01 -1.09914124e-01 6.37491122e-02 1.13374494e-01 -1.16211019e-01 3.69646281e-01 -3.16681802e-01 1.29181683e-01 2.28404179e-01 -1.63005412e-01 -1.60974815e-01 1.24707803e-01 2.03714848e-01 -1.12783900e-02 2.92658180e-01 9.77346897e-02 1.06216498e-01 -1.53979972e-01 -5.25326431e-02 2.27462605e-01 2.63107419e-01 -1.90195009e-01 4.10479382e-02 -9.13826749e-02 4.36920524e-01 -3.56706321e-01 1.09698577e-02 2.70667791e-01 -1.92939445e-01 -2.52194315e-01 2.11667959e-02 4.11528945e-02 -1.26550663e-02 1.32367119e-01 -1.58247396e-01 -5.79512827e-02 1.74178585e-01 2.17591539e-01 2.91232258e-01 -3.34016755e-02 7.54263848e-02 -1.26497537e-01 6.01352192e-02 3.85885835e-01 -2.83221245e-01 2.19501048e-01 -1.90779537e-01 -2.81083554e-01 6.18029594e-01 1.64469719e-01 5.99790253e-02 -1.23449944e-01 -4.01058905e-02 5.71960360e-02 -3.50632459e-01 1.17874302e-01 -1.00960746e-01 -1.43070862e-01 4.55211848e-01 -4.68336612e-01 6.89439252e-02 -2.76187688e-01 6.54165089e-01 4.94751334e-01 2.08840221e-01 -2.39887953e-01 -4.80456650e-01 -1.23158038e-01 2.33274419e-02 -2.04293638e-01 2.74717323e-02 -2.52683133e-01 -2.33740434e-02 1.37093998e-02 -5.98821137e-03 -3.40101793e-02 -2.19424814e-01 -1.19964920e-01 -5.81289865e-02 2.30921879e-01 -3.28043342e-01 5.67919612e-01 4.53098357e-01 -1.48609996e-01 -7.76791126e-02 1.37894467e-01 2.92729065e-02 -1.46826699e-01 -2.12611090e-02 2.20298782e-01 7.28054196e-02 3.82909849e-02 2.19851851e-01 3.76156904e-02 -1.88045893e-02 2.97590345e-01 4.24866285e-03 -1.37973487e-01 -4.38825414e-02 2.36845925e-01 8.50728154e-02 -1.87804997e-01 -1.28158284e-02 -2.67106295e-02 4.37301725e-01 1.62212104e-01 -7.73589164e-02 -2.12362275e-01 -1.49761543e-01 -8.55107456e-02 -1.15049563e-01 -2.48555347e-01 -1.73469096e-01 7.44017772e-03 3.20015877e-01 -5.98795852e-03 9.79267880e-02 -6.29397213e-01 1.23467848e-01 -3.71854365e-01 3.23677003e-01 1.46261156e-01 -1.51400268e-01 -2.03827515e-01 -8.44353959e-02 -3.42532694e-01 -4.83724028e-01 3.16159844e-01 -3.74679714e-02 -1.57195106e-01 -3.40329051e-01 6.15963697e-01 5.36526181e-02 1.07488684e-01 4.40567210e-02 1.22328080e-01 -2.05811150e-02 2.65805572e-01 3.67246658e-01 -1.01292022e-01 2.76663929e-01 4.53527123e-01 7.28228912e-02 -1.11487173e-01 -1.13900341e-01 7.16443285e-02 -3.16002578e-01 -4.00723182e-02 2.34804973e-01 -2.27878585e-01 7.65493587e-02 -2.55480021e-01 -7.87398890e-02 1.68708712e-01 -5.21329284e-01 2.44705617e-01 6.63401261e-02 -3.52240294e-01 -1.95377305e-01 -2.36663491e-01 2.01880932e-01 4.76666428e-02 5.30974306e-02 -1.01440869e-01 -1.43141270e-01 -3.49141210e-01 6.86963126e-02 6.58098236e-02 1.40660107e-01 -5.65546146e-03 1.02861047e-01 8.67160633e-02 -1.86277673e-01 -5.65968275e-01 5.80713302e-02 8.62642303e-02 5.29268742e-01 -1.84734628e-01 -4.77650374e-01 -3.38041894e-02 -1.54870898e-01 2.93966919e-01 4.23645139e-01 -6.30584359e-02 1.20237961e-01 1.08036593e-01 -9.99504402e-02 -7.70126209e-02 -5.09936102e-02 4.74728569e-02 -4.27701235e-01 -1.67824775e-01 -9.93158817e-02 1.38342083e-01 1.38726503e-01 2.67398000e-01 1.74381703e-01 3.29533219e-01 2.03191578e-01 1.21044934e-01 6.92905039e-02 2.26828292e-01 1.44442320e-01 -1.85018659e-01 -9.74662676e-02 -5.61524667e-02 2.74665326e-01 2.43244562e-02 2.13884234e-01 -1.56013578e-01 -2.63334960e-01 -3.03575788e-02 -1.57205388e-01 7.35726282e-02 7.54253641e-02 -7.21287951e-02 5.16692586e-02 2.27116391e-01 1.87215984e-01 2.58755535e-02 -3.08000982e-01 7.55543783e-02 -1.37740120e-01 -1.93663258e-02 2.24417493e-01 1.22447640e-01 2.37453014e-01 -2.82045398e-02 5.35598218e-01 2.69157380e-01 5.89830652e-02 -1.39173061e-01 -1.26755551e-01 -9.65678468e-02 -8.88860896e-02 -1.62440985e-01 1.58925563e-01 -2.23875821e-01 1.16864771e-01 -1.41352862e-01 -1.09687343e-01 -4.34430949e-02 2.12635845e-01 -3.31718087e-01 2.28216633e-01 4.14842457e-01 -7.67382756e-02 1.59841061e-01 4.21962552e-02 -3.42505127e-01 2.49414787e-01 -6.29099309e-02 -4.45628941e-01 2.91493163e-02 5.72142564e-03 -5.06454289e-01 -4.89227682e-01 7.01718479e-02 -4.52351183e-01 -2.26665307e-02 -3.25403623e-02 -1.23231165e-01 -1.51532099e-01 -3.73140872e-02 -2.13432848e-01 -1.10559901e-02 -1.60634637e-01 1.34341419e-01 1.29901856e-01 -4.15508170e-03 2.55108804e-01 1.16163500e-01 2.28819877e-01 3.87537032e-02 8.00148174e-02 -2.30405182e-01 -4.23559815e-01 2.86605418e-01 -3.23129855e-02 1.00901082e-01 -1.33685857e-01 -2.56383657e-01 -3.42243999e-01 3.92924855e-03 -6.11920536e-01 -1.76635414e-01 -1.75997503e-02 -1.27227113e-01 -2.01311149e-02 -5.41309221e-03 5.74891686e-01 1.71425547e-02 -4.04346377e-01 1.49359535e-02 -2.10013434e-01 2.37587929e-01 -2.05125343e-02 2.34152064e-01 -2.22099870e-01 -4.21028584e-01 4.47822124e-01 1.17895201e-01 -6.76079541e-02 -1.10648222e-01 -2.79090949e-03 3.33321840e-01 4.97877538e-01 3.85942012e-01 -1.21871009e-01 -1.20467424e-01 3.56828064e-01 2.63576526e-02 2.30394766e-01 -1.41131207e-01 2.01628301e-02 9.81478766e-02 -2.96490937e-01 -4.31475163e-01 -2.82588780e-01 -1.18045226e-01 3.66693884e-01 3.01571071e-01 3.49332206e-02 7.02631176e-02 3.64730097e-02 -1.23398721e-01 -2.95480452e-02 4.85616922e-01 -1.90171450e-01 5.86668774e-02 -2.70949602e-01 2.49492973e-01 -1.62880383e-02 9.06567201e-02 1.86557099e-01 7.63544515e-02 -3.51932108e-01 -1.22192226e-01 1.74138293e-01 -5.58710158e-01 4.60990332e-03 4.13210452e-01 3.22224855e-01 3.90554994e-01 -2.16927841e-01 1.17326222e-01 -1.23580005e-02 -2.98628211e-01 -8.71244743e-02 6.41550496e-02 -3.15724798e-02 -2.38522545e-01 -2.48975363e-02 -2.49568354e-02 -4.60709870e-01 1.02064088e-01 1.97309796e-02 1.55225039e-01 -2.99666137e-01 -4.53736901e-01 -1.68658458e-02 -2.63587564e-01 -1.24068119e-01 -1.41814172e-01 -1.62084445e-01 2.47031644e-01 -5.74590974e-02 4.40660894e-01 1.11488007e-01 -1.42348588e-01 7.52058700e-02 -2.02758312e-01 4.83426452e-01 1.15671726e-02 3.47459167e-01 1.22634389e-01 -9.35833082e-02 -1.22405924e-01 4.29559201e-02 1.52172409e-02 -1.96613953e-01 5.33965588e-01 3.52973491e-02 -2.45603055e-01 2.67635345e-01 2.81303227e-01 -4.55674902e-02 -6.66141137e-03 3.97988915e-01 -4.86074351e-02 3.40673327e-01 8.82838741e-02 2.41376728e-01 -3.15419853e-01 -1.98244110e-01 -8.12709108e-02 1.52266219e-01 1.89691141e-01 4.67990458e-01 3.12392414e-01 1.24264848e+00 -2.07356170e-01 3.11559856e-01 -3.38053256e-01 -5.39437942e-02 2.86701798e-01 -7.03589916e-01 -1.37769371e-01 -1.08783349e-01 8.65273178e-02 -6.41919300e-02 -2.64959872e-01 1.77046299e-01 4.41885978e-01 -2.90912360e-01 -3.04059744e-01 -4.40093189e-01 8.34500510e-03 8.12772512e-02 -8.78409743e-02 -9.96943116e-02 -1.52336821e-01 -1.37802511e-01 2.30050400e-01 1.77107677e-01 2.65451998e-01 -8.07584301e-02 -7.52137527e-02 -2.26836562e-01 1.12095073e-01 -3.78042102e-01 1.59981102e-02 -2.32657835e-01 1.66720241e-01 4.21788573e-01 -3.24748963e-01 2.02935442e-01 6.75425157e-02 1.02814182e-03 1.92052741e-02 1.10194348e-02 2.50623524e-01 3.46356511e-01 -4.39607114e-01 3.49049330e-01 2.64288157e-01 2.07851440e-01 1.47298928e-02 3.88163254e-02 3.49702537e-01 9.54565853e-02 -3.08275074e-01 -1.91164926e-01 1.84587389e-01 -1.97589815e-01 -1.98222533e-01 1.16848640e-01 3.84185880e-01 -1.95528671e-01 -2.05506414e-01 2.13419452e-01 1.25188351e-01 2.38771993e-03 1.17866494e-01 1.07711419e-01 -6.05514832e-02 5.51492423e-02 4.64522885e-03 -1.15144908e-01 -3.82525735e-02 1.19240686e-01 2.59250291e-02 -6.63018078e-02 -4.43789124e-01 1.01706728e-01 -2.64637262e-01 6.61288053e-02 1.45229280e-01 -8.41700509e-02 -3.68740737e-01 -1.34159610e-01 2.49112785e-01 -8.44817907e-02 2.49359328e-02 -1.99817866e-01 -2.27172330e-01 2.38348424e-01 7.01981559e-02 1.23984842e-02 1.71718031e-01 2.51847893e-01 7.95479000e-01 -5.98294511e-02 1.83429703e-01 -4.14053291e-01 2.83790886e-01 -4.08043832e-01 -2.15191767e-01 3.37898642e-01 -1.88866287e-01 -8.28646943e-02 1.55817503e-02 1.04535364e-01 5.96283495e-01 -2.79265434e-01 -2.46982574e-01 -2.67233819e-01 1.29308760e-01 -1.99436415e-02 -4.42774504e-01 -2.84733204e-03 2.16255888e-01 2.06845567e-01 6.34837598e-02 -6.63684085e-02 1.49580285e-01 3.73007059e-01 1.98220387e-01 -6.41079664e-01 1.18247993e-01 -2.42850363e-01 8.25492665e-02 -2.46938720e-01 6.65750146e-01 5.46901003e-02 -1.23565547e-01 -1.30279854e-01 8.15892071e-02 -9.76392701e-02 2.80305594e-01 3.69994730e-01 2.96408147e-01 3.44122767e-01 1.64704069e-01 4.97261286e-02 3.19008023e-01 -3.93517643e-01 -2.68012248e-02 -3.92406225e-01 -3.69730517e-02 -3.04980166e-02 2.95332104e-01 -4.44004349e-02 3.15883085e-02 -4.52143639e-01 -8.70494023e-02 -1.82103470e-01 9.34610367e-02 -2.17772484e-01 -3.64947580e-02 1.21855915e-01 2.74935272e-02 1.21170565e-01 7.18271956e-02 4.64942213e-03 -2.09217057e-01 -1.28873527e-01 -9.16249007e-02 2.85914983e-03 1.09992176e-01 4.94282901e-01 2.14021951e-01 2.85089374e-01 -1.95124716e-01 3.86578053e-01 9.25033808e-01 -1.74161181e-01 5.26070874e-03 -8.39949474e-02 5.86627305e-01 1.89063981e-01 3.18678856e-01 -2.12951601e-02 1.90676808e-01 1.82668969e-01 3.80339742e-01 -7.57905468e-02 -1.29831731e-02 1.30766451e-01 -5.19806333e-02 2.44563535e-01 -9.49764997e-02 -4.08876568e-01 -1.93085641e-01 4.98494431e-02 -1.09248348e-01 8.13695416e-02 1.50755182e-01 5.43938726e-02 1.25346974e-01 -1.45436423e-02 1.43128052e-01 3.27842206e-01 -3.77082855e-01 -1.72254726e-01 4.63430762e-01 -1.75928865e-02 2.29716063e-01 -4.11412641e-02 2.78756857e-01 -3.34619731e-01 -1.01408534e-01 5.51402159e-02 -1.01350680e-01 -1.59596100e-01 -4.34317105e-02 -7.92486146e-02 2.55281836e-01 2.86996603e-01 -1.03317481e-02 1.26455337e-01 -3.12534481e-01 -3.96417439e-01 2.71052033e-01 3.69373232e-01 -2.82548517e-02 6.23510927e-02 -1.88382044e-01 -1.32802665e-01 1.31526245e-02 -1.38166443e-01 -1.28972158e-02 -7.90076852e-02 -1.85800105e-01 -2.93143988e-01 1.13208868e-01 -1.09023623e-01 9.83977243e-02 -2.87662428e-02 5.97922802e-02 -2.33203154e-02 1.43745661e-01 -1.15850177e-02 -3.08871835e-01 -1.60504699e-01 2.64145106e-01 5.75422822e-03 -5.02917528e-01 -1.02716066e-01 1.39798746e-01 2.99333096e-01 5.11110485e-01 2.93966588e-02 -5.76381423e-02 -7.67501965e-02 -7.71536008e-02 2.97712702e-02 2.47088477e-01 4.01564509e-01 2.92241778e-02 1.87514815e-02 -1.47485062e-01 -7.23267943e-02 -1.34349661e-02 1.51093766e-01 -1.34857923e-01 -5.14230132e-01 -1.09612979e-01 9.68518760e-03 5.31190395e-01 -8.53754058e-02 -4.86106947e-02 -1.72261074e-01 -2.62946337e-01 2.75824070e-01 1.96754426e-01 4.67776246e-02 -1.87587336e-01 1.50967345e-01 4.48006004e-01 -7.01577812e-02 5.90029582e-02 2.66632199e-01 1.05739109e-01 -8.43233317e-02 2.69298494e-01 -3.82843763e-01 -3.77808996e-02 -1.61060672e-02 -1.10652611e-01 -1.46008208e-01 6.71375215e-01 2.46069685e-01 -1.21148527e-01 -1.24792762e-01 -2.02373192e-01 2.16148376e-01 4.08492684e-02 -2.40901515e-01 9.75870118e-02 8.34115446e-02 4.42362577e-02 -8.98666605e-02 -3.29297751e-01 -7.03257173e-02 -1.13213912e-01 1.75920025e-01 -3.78868163e-01 -3.10578465e-01 -8.10935795e-02 -2.36771777e-01 -1.33945942e-01 2.93396767e-02 1.37846470e-01 9.06338543e-02 -3.21252167e-01 -1.23488503e-02]
"Cargo Ship" active "Item #: SCP-455 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Object SCP-455 cannot be moved nor contained in any structure. Containment must be made on site. No exploration or testing is to be made on or in SCP-455. No personnel are to remain in close proximity for more than five minutes. All physical contact with SCP-455 is forbidden; any personnel breaking this order are to be quarantined. Any hallucinations experienced near SCP-455 are to be recorded and logged. Any personnel experiencing hallucinations are to be transferred. Any personnel attempting to enter SCP-455 are to be restrained by any means deemed necessary. Description: SCP-455 is a large cargo ship currently run aground on the southern coast of Chile. Most of its structure is underwater and badly damaged, with rust coating 85 to 90 percent of all surfaces. Internal structure appears to be significantly larger than external dimensions, and is not flooded despite large holes visible on outer hull. Internal structure appears to be a random assembly of rooms, halls, and structures. Initial salvage teams reported rooms made of human teeth, an engine with tendon strips for timing belts, a hall extending for 182.88 m (600 ft) beyond where the outer hull should terminate, an open "gym" room with steel walls as pliant as taffy, and numerous audio and visual hallucinations. Team was lost after reporting entry to "central navigation." Rescue team lost after reporting the investigation of "screaming" in a cargo section. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has suggested the use of robots to map the interior of SCP-455 after the failure of several manned exploration teams. Experiment Log 455 details the attempts to explore SCP-455 and information established despite their failures overall. Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Record of last major exploration attempt by MTF Zeta-9. Β« SCP-454 | SCP-455 | SCP-456 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-455" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Wrecktophg4.jpg Name: Wrecktophg4.jpg Author: Donna S. Schaffer License: All Rights Reserved (Permission Granted) Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-455 in the water"
[-1.05855383e-01 -1.59868561e-02 -1.86532587e-01 1.02109417e-01 1.40485987e-01 -1.57546118e-01 3.97418439e-01 1.31994411e-01 1.00338593e-01 2.19569162e-01 -3.70496571e-01 8.63823220e-02 -1.06976725e-01 1.73618808e-01 3.80264729e-01 1.36692688e-01 2.02315569e-01 1.45536020e-01 -1.12173758e-01 -1.77307293e-01 -1.35701612e-01 -1.24474213e-01 -5.95671013e-02 1.10237733e-01 -3.61133993e-01 1.26525402e-01 -9.06551816e-03 9.51808691e-03 -4.08525527e-01 -6.89339340e-02 2.35366434e-01 2.37316787e-01 1.98954567e-01 6.54044032e-01 -1.05929874e-04 -7.98032135e-02 -9.08307582e-02 -7.10993931e-02 9.16579589e-02 -1.29854935e-03 -9.04838517e-02 -1.70943499e-01 -1.65908799e-01 -4.06882316e-01 1.24027804e-02 -6.02936335e-02 2.21226498e-01 5.25475979e-01 5.89143038e-01 1.14918642e-01 2.46616453e-01 1.31072029e-01 -1.98663920e-02 1.00385897e-01 4.01487648e-01 -2.99814492e-01 -2.47183695e-01 1.69455305e-01 2.97924101e-01 -5.00703566e-02 1.50172964e-01 2.98441797e-01 3.04010510e-03 -1.69666365e-01 5.86200133e-02 -1.12345517e-01 2.99144477e-01 -2.06588358e-01 2.24734589e-01 2.71907449e-01 3.14309537e-01 -2.14766935e-02 1.09573029e-01 -5.66763850e-03 2.90955268e-02 -2.73827732e-01 1.35459021e-01 3.53903741e-01 4.36217301e-02 1.08373865e-01 1.99832339e-02 1.41493961e-01 -3.05736065e-01 -1.45517513e-01 -2.94397175e-01 1.81519240e-01 -1.01424009e-01 9.83201936e-02 -3.60329114e-02 5.68531267e-02 -2.28199735e-02 1.97443381e-01 1.66658252e-01 1.44345194e-01 -1.39609307e-01 -1.58224881e-01 1.03097893e-01 2.46471286e-01 9.87357050e-02 3.25466633e-01 1.35523215e-01 1.51239455e-01 1.06384814e-01 1.87751800e-01 9.35708582e-02 -6.54186532e-02 2.45396011e-02 -7.33029768e-02 -2.86728293e-01 3.34044516e-01 -2.72045016e-01 1.26678675e-01 -3.51325482e-01 -1.62442014e-01 5.80494590e-02 1.23294771e-01 1.26052037e-01 -5.05944043e-02 7.51925707e-02 -8.20008293e-02 -4.30059165e-01 2.59551525e-01 2.95677483e-02 5.75667262e-01 3.05627465e-01 -1.70895472e-01 2.11948052e-01 -8.17400143e-02 6.80052564e-02 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1.49306148e-01 2.14790836e-01 -1.27484366e-01 1.03152893e-01 3.40040565e-01 1.27050579e-01 2.58174866e-01 -2.34386578e-01 1.05420232e-01 5.47756135e-01 -2.93379910e-02 -1.47596672e-01 -2.09070742e-01 -1.08609326e-01 -3.95144662e-03 -2.33077973e-01 2.46003747e-01 1.76813841e-01 7.35551640e-02 -2.22242102e-01 1.22191533e-01 -1.69351816e-01 -1.00337759e-01 2.86537558e-01 -1.04314119e-01 -5.85471187e-03 -3.84654790e-01 6.99139237e-02 3.18801515e-02 -3.27123791e-01 1.00520939e-01 3.29311103e-01 4.13185954e-01 -2.56795734e-01 -3.88506870e-03 -6.65329844e-02 3.18492085e-01 3.36975873e-01 -7.93287680e-02 1.60194654e-02 1.46028548e-01 -3.03410739e-01 2.93621123e-01 9.09765735e-02 6.42383933e-01 -1.19628176e-01 -6.19877279e-01 -1.05346322e-01 -2.00052217e-01 1.67318478e-01 5.71280941e-02 -3.58752221e-01 4.98026013e-02 -2.66385376e-01 2.94301659e-01 1.60332069e-01 1.09913640e-01 4.37189080e-02 -3.81201714e-01 -1.68656781e-01 -4.75412086e-02 1.98870197e-01 2.20959738e-01 1.36570215e-01 1.78205878e-01 1.65724188e-01 -1.74777105e-01 2.46217594e-01 -1.29862409e-02 2.15548098e-01 -1.36578036e-02 8.38884562e-02 -2.03099355e-01 2.31555998e-01 3.32468390e-01 -2.53508687e-01 1.72213688e-01 1.52212679e-01 -6.70821071e-02 2.48394907e-02 2.87468918e-03 1.69526845e-01 1.20398067e-01 1.24721505e-01 2.19559789e-01 3.65007877e-01 6.12821877e-02 -1.03845648e-01 -4.56927568e-01 -9.97542441e-02 -2.72926122e-01 2.38432772e-02 -8.49345550e-02 2.72417545e-01 -4.01430530e-03 -5.04180789e-01 5.29163599e-01 -3.48307118e-02 -2.19217107e-01 9.84962564e-03 -2.52764463e-01 -1.00560412e-01 2.14919314e-01 -9.60645545e-03 6.43860772e-02 -3.80317539e-01 -7.01906998e-03 -3.04449886e-01 -1.08075105e-02 1.02649234e-01 1.86043814e-01 -3.43065888e-01 7.58814216e-02 6.02392137e-01 -1.13771662e-01 1.96085110e-01 -5.69462925e-02 -6.46551251e-01 3.46404880e-01 7.05493335e-03 -4.54007685e-01 1.32482752e-01 -1.99581191e-01 4.42149937e-02 -9.97958258e-02 -1.19918898e-01 -4.70940232e-01 2.29461923e-01 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-1.67530149e-01 2.60940135e-01 1.93325251e-01 -5.75667731e-02 2.06146285e-01 -1.74826473e-01 -3.35749149e-01 4.42124866e-02 4.38010767e-02 -2.75698185e-01 4.68337864e-01 1.27850398e-01 1.19429743e+00 -3.22179884e-01 1.50318183e-02 -9.37661305e-02 -4.51924503e-01 2.21871227e-01 -6.36868596e-01 -1.59460902e-01 -8.17426294e-02 -2.73977131e-01 7.14089349e-02 -3.15993518e-01 -1.07779324e-01 1.77553833e-01 -1.65836647e-01 -1.98714688e-01 -4.02684629e-01 -2.39365593e-01 8.94039795e-02 3.86828244e-01 9.10331085e-02 -2.95132920e-02 -2.22783148e-01 2.44774655e-01 -4.85602804e-02 3.66167635e-01 -7.89206922e-02 3.00162494e-01 5.52726397e-03 -9.21689644e-02 -5.17328143e-01 4.49874476e-02 9.41196084e-02 6.13414273e-02 5.50379269e-02 -6.94703730e-03 -1.02828197e-01 2.68123358e-01 -6.28790736e-01 -1.98216394e-01 3.12759466e-02 4.48781401e-01 2.68656313e-01 -2.30177909e-01 3.08314189e-02 2.29512364e-01 1.08704567e-01 5.50065748e-02 -1.80409968e-01 1.58378243e-01 3.87866888e-03 -1.21872492e-01 -2.19964191e-01 2.66444206e-01 2.59498358e-01 1.02338701e-01 2.75599927e-01 9.05003697e-02 -2.26418212e-01 -1.17509745e-01 2.09255964e-01 -3.13795805e-01 -4.99037988e-02 -4.15249020e-01 1.57241911e-01 -2.21773133e-01 1.47673413e-01 2.59460509e-01 7.51371235e-02 1.72799811e-01 3.30057651e-01 1.09734476e-01 9.46018770e-02 -5.31120181e-01 3.30774754e-01 2.39259869e-01 -3.97402704e-01 -4.49517667e-02 -2.25119621e-01 -3.79136086e-01 -6.95490986e-02 -8.16227682e-03 3.18600744e-01 -1.25082478e-01 -1.12849429e-01 -1.74246803e-01 -3.85884498e-03 -6.51834682e-02 1.39838070e-01 3.87998879e-01 -4.59807068e-01 7.52318025e-01 2.77742863e-01 7.23059103e-02 -4.00102228e-01 2.22668037e-01 -4.96456504e-01 -1.32427439e-01 1.62483245e-01 -3.26226801e-01 -2.88050890e-01 -8.32126290e-02 1.47306368e-01 4.31848437e-01 -2.77331620e-01 -2.59668499e-01 -1.96326584e-01 1.44615456e-01 -1.79438770e-01 -1.73698291e-01 -5.79890013e-02 1.88783973e-01 5.40472865e-02 7.01135118e-03 -1.23843469e-01 2.44516984e-01 3.43818754e-01 2.51241505e-01 8.07737038e-02 2.56785482e-01 1.27505255e-03 -1.69899926e-01 1.97489709e-01 4.25807744e-01 1.52340323e-01 -1.45437598e-01 1.37910685e-02 1.25605777e-01 -1.66610688e-01 1.37033463e-01 -6.36471212e-02 4.53596085e-01 2.02551946e-01 2.76116639e-01 3.14167410e-01 2.24999502e-01 -2.66534090e-01 7.54666030e-02 -4.50758338e-01 -1.04885206e-01 -2.51604706e-01 2.75214106e-01 -2.66652070e-02 3.05402398e-01 -2.25561067e-01 6.40140250e-02 3.86165008e-02 7.07717566e-03 -2.04278365e-01 5.60957342e-02 1.87869862e-01 1.20525518e-02 3.01396072e-01 1.01230860e-01 2.76979059e-01 -1.33100659e-01 -2.62017325e-02 1.02240644e-01 1.04722679e-02 2.03044638e-01 2.98761934e-01 2.41821244e-01 2.86876827e-01 -1.62466876e-02 -3.23075384e-01 2.58726150e-01 5.37810266e-01 1.58517629e-01 -2.57732093e-01 5.48867285e-01 6.95069926e-03 2.62207568e-01 -6.74603730e-02 -2.08790358e-02 -3.41376215e-01 5.25214016e-01 -2.33376622e-01 -1.14485562e-01 3.35149705e-01 -2.02736616e-01 -9.10067931e-02 -7.15427920e-02 -1.20159738e-01 -6.33291481e-03 1.40197277e-01 6.57006800e-02 -3.74781825e-02 4.69319262e-02 -7.25026475e-03 3.26933324e-01 -1.83685824e-01 2.99242198e-01 2.27422446e-01 -1.71740770e-01 -6.00884072e-02 3.23416650e-01 2.59066731e-01 1.68313563e-01 -2.55713791e-01 2.01783374e-01 -2.77389407e-01 -1.13365196e-01 -5.04321717e-02 -1.04422435e-01 -1.73517585e-01 -3.70769709e-01 9.32847559e-02 1.16674736e-01 -2.19203949e-01 8.48186612e-02 1.87463224e-01 -3.21607262e-01 -1.80940181e-01 2.75880635e-01 3.14624399e-01 2.17138126e-01 4.29610722e-02 -1.37738630e-01 -1.37358159e-01 -1.00471199e-01 5.76833934e-02 -1.88108534e-01 -3.69635448e-02 -1.31328985e-01 -1.04522035e-01 4.34478708e-02 3.64928156e-01 1.08501576e-01 -1.56371459e-01 1.93993732e-01 2.20414937e-01 6.23250194e-02 -1.55395931e-02 -1.32059962e-01 -2.65817065e-02 5.19679710e-02 -1.86005160e-01 -4.05021846e-01 1.08751036e-01 3.40617567e-01 -2.89970428e-01 1.49950221e-01 1.55007198e-01 6.08834215e-02 -1.84318237e-02 -3.03683490e-01 -3.36039484e-01 2.35125981e-02 3.78207684e-01 2.78430104e-01 -2.75383350e-02 -2.12650344e-01 -2.30267003e-01 1.40327141e-01 1.96417585e-01 -2.93499857e-01 -5.66530049e-01 -1.82197794e-01 2.13212460e-01 3.48992020e-01 -9.67993289e-02 3.14993888e-01 -2.30439261e-01 -2.62072861e-01 1.24040112e-01 -1.75572425e-01 3.48168015e-02 1.69399619e-01 -9.69602615e-02 1.51901111e-01 4.59659435e-02 1.82428524e-01 1.26314297e-01 -1.20549910e-01 1.14097223e-01 2.21907198e-02 -3.66270274e-01 -4.27832715e-02 1.03610769e-01 2.28124410e-01 -1.54629692e-01 5.06272674e-01 8.82652029e-02 -1.85790569e-01 -9.66740623e-02 -9.16003622e-03 4.62606341e-01 1.66195601e-01 -3.58242273e-01 1.90095589e-01 2.66770035e-01 -3.55337076e-02 3.87471318e-01 -4.72620159e-01 1.78697752e-03 1.11669302e-01 -2.69827228e-02 -4.59852427e-01 5.95351122e-02 9.40427855e-02 8.28227177e-02 1.31035727e-02 2.45597512e-01 -9.15263072e-02 2.38706395e-02 -3.75085324e-01 -6.75179735e-02]
"Soporific Bedbugs" active "Item #: SCP-456 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-456 colony is to be kept in a sealed containment room. Personnel entering the containment area should wear Level 1 biohazard suits to avoid being bitten by SCP-456, and the suits must be treated with insecticide upon leaving the enclosure. When not being used in experiments, SCP-456 must be fed 70 ml of human or animal blood per 100 insects, weekly. Description: SCP-456 is a variety of the common bedbug (Cimex lectularius). In addition to an anticoagulant, SCP-456 injects [DATA EXPUNGED] when biting its host, causing the brain to produce adenosine, endorphins, and a narcotic identified as an analogue of fentanyl. As a result, victims of SCP-456 infestations experience increasing euphoria and somnolence as the number of insects increases, eventually sleeping 24 hours/day. SCP-456 was identified after a number of individuals were found dead in their homes, suffering from varying degrees of malnutrition, blood loss, and narcotics toxicity. SCP-456 continues to be a problem in the wild. To reduce the number of infestations, the CDC has issued a false report that bedbugs carry malaria and must be exterminated when found. Addendum: Four D-Class were requisitioned for exposure to SCP-456, to determine long-term effects. Experiment 456-1: D-17514 exposed to SCP-456 and fed standard rations, but given no other special treatment. After 17 days of exposure, D-17514 slept constantly and was unable to care for himself. Subject expired from malnutrition β–ˆ days later. Experiment 456-2: D-17515 exposed to SCP-456 and fed intravenously when unable to care for herself. Subject expired from blood loss after β–ˆβ–ˆ days. Experiment 456-3: D-17516 exposed to SCP-456, fed intravenously, and given periodic blood transfusions as needed. Subject expired from narcotic overdose after β–ˆβ–ˆ days. Experiment 456-4: D-17517 exposed to SCP-456, fed intravenously, and given periodic blood transfusions in addition to small doses of a narcotic antagonist. Subject survived for β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ days, and was supporting a colony of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ insects at conclusion of experiment. D-17517 remanded for amnestic treatment and reassignment on β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ. Addendum: Mobile Task Force Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") is investigating a report that a drug cartel located in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Mexico, is kidnapping members of the public, breeding SCP-456, and extracting the narcotics produced by the victims under the cover of DEA operatives. Anyone found to be using SCP-456 in this manner is to be terminated. Β« SCP-455 | SCP-456 | SCP-457 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-456" by eric_h, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Datoteka:Bed bug, Cimex lectularius.jpg Name: bug.jpg Author: Piotr Naskrecki License: Public Domain Source Link:,_Cimex_lectularius.jpg For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-456"
[ 3.10764849e-01 -7.81519830e-01 -7.49651864e-02 -2.51556367e-01 2.13791341e-01 3.28114703e-02 2.13083342e-01 3.05100530e-02 -2.58825988e-01 -2.48879462e-01 -3.79885919e-02 8.35828930e-02 -1.65554211e-01 -1.88381717e-01 3.96442920e-01 4.38692451e-01 1.50683299e-01 7.66576156e-02 9.12740156e-02 -4.22427565e-01 -8.08146372e-02 -1.74035817e-01 -1.07362248e-01 2.40754396e-01 -2.81519562e-01 -2.65321732e-01 -3.56732383e-02 2.10270256e-01 -2.28623990e-02 -4.99186873e-01 5.28590798e-01 4.69653517e-01 3.12748551e-01 2.05610380e-01 -1.07784072e-04 -3.23095173e-02 9.23948735e-02 6.46103993e-02 -1.90411761e-01 3.26149046e-01 -9.58300456e-02 -5.51398359e-02 4.66247462e-02 -1.32445604e-01 -2.24621147e-01 -3.04734886e-01 1.68237805e-01 -1.43785194e-01 4.58667547e-01 2.75994122e-01 1.79567635e-01 -2.68734932e-01 -2.32912168e-01 -1.85932487e-01 2.14980662e-01 3.31123978e-01 -1.11095766e-02 2.75939852e-01 5.00372171e-01 -1.16030745e-01 4.52655889e-02 -2.66136110e-01 -3.66574734e-01 -2.36842990e-01 4.33210850e-01 -1.21338502e-01 3.00900429e-01 -2.87020594e-01 4.27032895e-02 2.39964053e-01 -2.17701733e-01 1.76107645e-01 7.05644339e-02 1.10567160e-01 3.77855152e-02 -2.40013897e-01 -1.54901281e-01 7.66598210e-02 2.27548495e-01 2.04872683e-01 2.48463154e-01 2.22732648e-01 -9.80300531e-02 -6.85667396e-02 5.03947623e-02 -5.59041575e-02 -1.74462780e-01 4.79531055e-03 2.02977166e-01 -1.27535939e-01 -1.43723667e-01 1.59728631e-01 2.15144768e-01 1.56424195e-01 -1.15184695e-01 -2.43478697e-02 4.33308661e-01 -2.58175015e-01 6.07428610e-01 -8.25389102e-02 2.14946494e-01 -1.84181988e-01 4.14237291e-01 1.35325223e-01 -1.37017056e-01 -1.89799726e-01 5.00327488e-03 4.80707377e-01 -3.64405811e-02 2.05494717e-01 -2.19118431e-01 3.40092570e-01 -1.03679374e-01 1.36011988e-01 2.06391916e-01 -2.26734892e-01 1.77716240e-01 -3.81213009e-01 -3.08284938e-01 5.32779098e-01 -3.14122319e-01 1.26584560e-01 -1.61799759e-01 3.48424941e-01 3.57612491e-01 -3.94732393e-02 1.41791508e-01 -2.27522209e-01 -8.63079429e-02 4.44965631e-01 -2.60249615e-01 8.61650482e-02 -4.29465115e-01 -3.26925665e-01 -2.87325233e-01 -3.28270406e-01 -1.18865460e-01 -5.14755026e-02 4.46456730e-01 -8.43166038e-02 -2.49427736e-01 2.05267873e-02 5.35593867e-01 2.02384219e-01 -2.46388108e-01 -9.37987268e-02 7.52177984e-02 1.45997927e-01 -2.66834468e-01 -1.52512163e-01 1.50991976e-01 4.16864604e-02 -4.02738065e-01 2.08550096e-01 -3.07345241e-01 5.53881340e-02 7.19859362e-01 -2.11894393e-01 -2.87262839e-03 2.55477995e-01 1.51509363e-02 -1.87944725e-01 8.07615146e-02 -1.29576996e-01 1.16216578e-01 7.94218183e-01 3.89928371e-01 -1.79392502e-01 1.70397699e-01 3.63707058e-02 5.32635711e-02 -2.33986020e-01 7.06560090e-02 -1.63679048e-01 -2.18805358e-01 -8.15028790e-03 -6.30404502e-02 -3.08125168e-01 -9.20212567e-02 -1.17362879e-01 -2.70801336e-01 3.33072811e-01 1.36442795e-01 -1.81874126e-01 7.51157179e-02 1.27899379e-01 5.41920699e-02 2.76638437e-02 4.05813247e-01 -4.10293154e-02 -3.86246383e-01 -4.58876193e-01 1.16776049e-01 1.21729761e-01 1.58804610e-01 9.86602083e-02 3.92431766e-01 -5.80093712e-02 2.78288305e-01 -1.27782691e-02 -2.42522284e-01 8.32558200e-02 2.93282777e-01 1.77182436e-01 2.69122869e-01 2.94190478e-02 -3.88317496e-01 -4.50931974e-02 -8.29499140e-02 5.91823280e-01 7.50258416e-02 -5.03583141e-02 -2.80436307e-01 1.46362474e-02 -4.10035700e-02 -4.37210441e-01 1.85613960e-01 3.39820147e-01 2.48428941e-01 -2.10479960e-01 -1.81214899e-01 1.24945410e-01 2.11334205e-03 8.85341913e-02 -1.01779692e-01 3.18151772e-01 1.31432429e-01 -1.69033259e-01 2.43757367e-01 2.25524336e-01 2.42070124e-01 -1.35457898e-02 1.98618859e-01 -2.85188798e-02 -4.70269442e-01 5.10759465e-03 3.14223647e-01 4.68249530e-01 -2.02023342e-01 -2.31726572e-01 2.62795180e-01 -9.87221748e-02 6.63811117e-02 1.53233483e-01 1.51629690e-02 7.93819688e-03 3.43222529e-01 3.06100935e-01 -2.11972296e-01 1.57431707e-01 9.59539611e-04 -3.31198305e-01 -4.13208455e-02 1.42857552e-01 3.17141503e-01 1.16755426e-01 2.79682010e-01 6.91168159e-02 -1.70161799e-01 2.85159558e-01 -3.50203067e-02 -2.74160713e-01 1.24142550e-01 -5.41280210e-02 -5.21219196e-03 8.93959999e-02 1.00553632e-01 1.55161798e-01 -8.21598843e-02 1.18935436e-01 1.06611457e-02 -1.10368781e-01 -2.81072974e-01 2.49714423e-02 -7.48112276e-02 -7.86885843e-02 2.62516588e-01 1.04566120e-01 1.17009841e-01 5.52163608e-02 -1.76251814e-01 -2.91927785e-01 -2.21439764e-01 3.77280600e-02 -2.95483083e-01 1.60350099e-01 -2.82368541e-01 -4.03595753e-02 -1.11210816e-01 5.29823899e-01 -1.99185073e-01 -1.34734154e-01 -9.45561305e-02 -1.75540105e-01 -7.11004212e-02 1.43377259e-01 -4.01437730e-01 5.30085802e-01 6.30419403e-02 -4.83899340e-02 -1.91655770e-01 2.03029186e-01 -2.42567822e-01 1.71163067e-01 -2.05556273e-01 1.46916017e-01 2.61568248e-01 -2.36471016e-02 -2.18738183e-01 4.37107593e-01 -8.47073421e-02 1.76715210e-01 1.30902737e-01 2.55147725e-01 2.93757707e-01 -1.69232726e-01 1.60112325e-02 -1.36781469e-01 1.13838002e-01 -3.79864246e-01 1.28646329e-01 -5.95872104e-02 -6.41322136e-02 -2.89601386e-01 -4.39480171e-02 -9.21573788e-02 -1.11267447e-01 -1.52250424e-01 -3.73773992e-01 2.82582849e-01 4.31688130e-02 1.16495796e-01 1.58872381e-02 4.62394178e-01 -8.66831318e-02 4.42194551e-01 -1.99013278e-01 -3.64623815e-01 1.49981141e-01 -8.47033560e-02 -1.97405349e-02 -2.07265392e-01 -2.84064859e-01 -6.40307516e-02 3.60509641e-02 -3.68248552e-01 -9.37063619e-03 -7.65385181e-02 -1.20436117e-01 4.66284566e-02 -1.32593155e-01 -1.95804805e-01 1.19696185e-01 -2.45036125e-01 3.26857083e-02 -7.47500956e-02 5.20040207e-02 2.58764058e-01 5.22402264e-02 -6.03763983e-02 -1.75824121e-01 2.31159255e-01 -1.67699099e-01 2.46325016e-01 -1.42406866e-01 -3.81083749e-02 1.69001017e-02 1.83878064e-01 3.53203624e-01 -3.60268652e-01 2.43705869e-01 3.43287103e-02 -3.50830972e-01 2.49082595e-01 4.55870479e-02 9.71511602e-02 7.78889656e-03 -3.81264716e-01 -1.10754296e-01 -1.97504714e-01 9.59061384e-02 1.39326900e-01 1.80912942e-01 -1.60567850e-01 -2.30185553e-01 1.11721486e-01 -1.40746564e-01 -3.08189094e-01 4.04705822e-01 -1.34605661e-01 1.74092874e-01 -3.27600896e-01 3.91696155e-01 -3.17504913e-01 2.12511525e-01 -4.31331769e-02 3.81292813e-02 -2.90887684e-01 -1.34056762e-01 2.41579890e-01 -2.85825908e-01 1.31842300e-01 1.13916904e-01 7.58283913e-01 6.78708196e-01 1.47318557e-01 2.79925317e-01 -2.35188067e-01 6.16664626e-02 2.30035946e-01 -5.00125550e-02 -5.32480955e-01 -1.75190985e-01 -1.96392283e-01 5.93422413e-01 -1.64198950e-01 3.97227295e-02 2.31245399e-01 -2.13368475e-01 -4.26245868e-01 -2.13368729e-01 2.58008033e-01 1.21227309e-01 -5.40032089e-02 -4.14098561e-01 -3.01776588e-01 2.51910090e-01 -1.07673086e-01 4.64585513e-01 4.42062229e-01 -2.61812031e-01 1.66776985e-01 -1.54569983e-01 4.49709505e-01 -4.71440442e-02 2.44193271e-01 3.86705726e-01 -3.89528513e-01 -4.74407852e-01 -1.00116923e-01 -1.64588735e-01 3.22085917e-01 5.34271598e-01 3.00285406e-02 5.01174740e-02 3.49701911e-01 -5.87469749e-02 -2.14121267e-02 -1.04677118e-01 4.65354234e-01 6.28999481e-03 -1.45847067e-01 -1.49772003e-01 1.00524150e-01 4.46776971e-02 -1.57137066e-01 -2.29069695e-01 -1.64064877e-02 -3.08492392e-01 2.24205822e-01 3.79165173e-01 1.17692006e+00 -8.03831220e-02 1.41931251e-02 -3.21465917e-02 -4.31169271e-02 1.83459178e-01 4.29220498e-01 -9.58592966e-02 -1.82682723e-01 -1.00640915e-01 2.20068157e-01 -2.31575921e-01 3.66884530e-01 3.53696167e-01 -1.92086443e-01 -4.70861271e-02 -3.47636312e-01 2.72241831e-01 1.94287568e-01 5.80500066e-02 -1.06751481e-02 -5.58259478e-03 2.95316409e-02 2.62082815e-01 -1.82242408e-01 2.79637724e-01 1.89341139e-03 2.95100845e-02 -3.55963439e-01 -4.34503049e-01 -5.43116499e-03 3.34872842e-01 1.56132340e-01 -9.30958614e-02 1.36171915e-02 -1.82342231e-01 -4.03568327e-01 -4.12059993e-01 -3.94698799e-01 -1.88514870e-02 1.64011404e-01 -3.23987268e-02 3.02379608e-01 -1.31887883e-01 1.61266237e-01 6.93423077e-02 5.30275047e-01 1.46441594e-01 -2.38150313e-01 1.42431527e-01 1.61917686e-01 -3.78666222e-02 4.13306296e-01 1.03017651e-01 1.81205958e-01 -3.30239296e-01 3.63664836e-01 3.37195098e-01 -2.68051624e-01 -3.78983133e-02 1.42128989e-01 3.52142721e-01 -2.50000983e-01 1.83391973e-01 8.99848863e-02 -8.55522417e-03 -1.09965898e-01 -7.51017854e-02 4.04096007e-01 -8.49273130e-02 -5.05550988e-02 5.55893108e-02 -2.40692407e-01 -3.84353071e-01 4.88352068e-02 -2.05222428e-01 -3.30302387e-01 2.85099745e-01 2.03557536e-02 -3.65700364e-01 -1.01043925e-01 1.52707741e-01 -2.96123385e-01 3.84785905e-02 -4.63026986e-02 -3.81933600e-01 -8.94140303e-02 -8.81110430e-02 -1.42082572e-01 3.14967275e-01 7.86435306e-02 6.08279347e-01 -7.24743912e-03 -2.61510760e-01 -3.58598232e-01 4.64010946e-02 -7.19368815e-01 -1.74483620e-02 2.60007799e-01 -1.88927397e-01 2.17299983e-01 -1.08724415e-01 1.93808720e-01 -7.25868791e-02 -1.52005509e-01 -2.15883315e-01 -3.51598531e-01 1.00542679e-01 -9.74699110e-02 -5.64180166e-02 5.42848408e-02 -1.76600337e-01 2.50822961e-01 -7.18563274e-02 6.73673898e-02 2.20722854e-01 3.80198807e-01 2.85962611e-01 -3.04623663e-01 1.40925273e-01 1.23346545e-01 1.23852409e-01 -1.75341383e-01 -1.64833218e-01 1.52669325e-01 7.85360932e-02 -3.88041496e-01 4.90862727e-02 3.57940674e-01 1.91379339e-01 -1.52840689e-01 5.90908155e-02 3.86187583e-01 4.92518246e-02 -2.65223384e-01 5.07864952e-01 -1.50433168e-01 3.98172826e-01 -2.05956489e-01 2.01887831e-01 -9.53015164e-02 2.23017618e-01 -2.43571982e-01 -1.48865342e-01 -1.43204018e-01 -1.59638867e-01 -6.76478893e-02 3.37861389e-01 -1.26538947e-01 -3.61896813e-01 2.72711128e-01 8.10830295e-02 7.30107009e-01 -2.02351123e-01 4.74372238e-01 2.11523116e-01 -2.37964187e-02 -1.25275850e-01 7.83442184e-02 7.37130120e-02 2.21847430e-01 2.19074339e-01 2.74100713e-02 -1.67908564e-01 -1.22518860e-01 2.88307726e-01 1.87079251e-01 7.55279735e-02 2.10839331e-01 6.95309401e-01 1.65350541e-01 5.39585054e-01 6.11618832e-02 2.89829999e-01 -2.38952309e-01 -1.11951090e-01 -1.96565881e-01 -4.98925298e-02 -6.28583282e-02 2.91360855e-01 1.68470278e-01 4.23130505e-02 -4.31139886e-01 -1.85120180e-01 2.44700862e-03 -1.50105894e-01 -6.31759241e-02 -1.92133740e-01 1.28829092e-01 8.75493437e-02 -3.50378931e-01 3.10948696e-02 4.61993575e-01 -3.23708892e-01 -2.13064507e-01 3.82035613e-01 -5.67991845e-02 9.45888534e-02 2.24301100e-01 2.38698840e-01 -1.91051438e-01 2.16170609e-01 -1.55638322e-01 -4.02410217e-02 -1.23489194e-01 -1.25439569e-01 9.41848308e-02 -2.04708353e-01 1.82517245e-01 1.85428318e-02 1.09187894e-01 -2.52176642e-01 -1.12504251e-01 1.31652743e-01 2.31971398e-01 -7.84585159e-03 -1.31024599e-01 1.03671309e-02 -1.81058809e-01 -1.90773353e-01 1.42658710e-01 -1.85145691e-01 -1.86188780e-02 -5.50445095e-02 -1.14555880e-01 1.36864275e-01 -3.72005135e-01 1.04664415e-01 5.99083677e-02 2.90656358e-01 -1.64225131e-01 9.18456167e-02 -3.57897487e-04 3.61588560e-02 -1.81007639e-01 2.17656717e-01 -1.93146229e-01 -4.48336333e-01 1.66145876e-01 -1.80243999e-01 5.76907992e-02 -4.45952527e-02 2.73087453e-02 -2.04129234e-01 -9.28866714e-02 -1.46029294e-01 2.25753319e-02 4.54277545e-02 1.10524679e-02 1.95329919e-01 2.03524768e-01 1.36699835e-02 8.09043199e-02 -3.43635082e-01 8.66773650e-02 -2.38464549e-02 -6.88151956e-01 -6.27647247e-03 4.27068509e-02 4.57770437e-01 1.42393187e-01 2.04303227e-02 -3.38851929e-01 -5.84202290e-01 -4.51009125e-01 -1.84577852e-01 -1.20134778e-01 1.67818487e-01 1.48161083e-01 -5.51062711e-02 -2.12869514e-02 1.17148831e-01 9.32589546e-02 -3.25951040e-01 -9.71156135e-02 1.27813324e-01 -4.81950715e-02 1.70543611e-01 -9.93245542e-02 -2.51525175e-02 -2.23937538e-02 1.21913500e-01 3.69984172e-02 -3.46285880e-01 -1.35713026e-01 -1.87754080e-01 5.48820615e-01 1.42177716e-01 -6.65740520e-02 -3.27120721e-01 1.06501706e-01 4.59831133e-02 2.90362956e-03 -1.20660432e-01 -1.30624756e-01 -1.58706412e-03 2.49294832e-01 -1.50167346e-01 1.70267925e-01 3.01863048e-02 -3.71615529e-01 -5.00375815e-02 -1.25071719e-01 4.12181132e-02 8.10942724e-02 -8.76868814e-02 -3.12868446e-01]
"Burning Man" active "Item #: SCP-457 Object Class: Euclid/Potential Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-457 is to be kept in a 5m x 5m chamber with no less than 22.9cm (9in) of cumulative fireproofing via various materials (asbestos cement, perlite boards) upon all surfaces and a blast-proof observation window with emergency blast shielding installed. The opening to the chamber must consist of at least two temperature-controlled and airtight chambers that may be sealed in case of emergency. SCP-457's chamber should be kept at high humidity with a drainage system installed in the floor, as well as a misting sprinkler system installed and running constantly, and emergency hoses capable of at least 2.1 MPa (300 psi) of water pressure. SCP-457 is allowed a small structure upon the wall of its chamber that remains water-free, but only allows for minimal protection and preservation of form. All personnel entering SCP-457's chamber should be wearing at least Class-A temperature-controlled, flame-retardant sealed suits, and enter in groups of three, with two members equipped with high-grade blast shields and emergency fire extinguishers. Personnel should only enter SCP-457's chamber in order to supply SCP-457 with its daily allotment of fuel material, or to examine and repair any damage to the chamber or sprinkler systems. Should SCP-457 engage personnel in a hostile manner, it is to be controlled via emergency extinguishers and hoses until it retreats back to its safe chamber. In the event that SCP-457 breaks containment, emergency sprinkler systems will be triggered and personnel will be supplied with extinguishers and blast shielding. Description: For all points and purposes, SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame. SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size. SCP-457's most rudimentary form appears to be that of a single flame, comparable in size to that of a matchstick. In this form, SCP-457 possesses only the simplest of directives and shows no signs of being unusual compared to any other flame beyond a penchant for suddenly flickering to burn human hands, and the ability to 'jump' to more flammable materials or other flames, which it then assimilates into its total form. As SCP-457 grows larger, it is able to assume more complex shapes, and its intelligence grows with size and fuel sources. SCP-457's method of intelligence is unknown, but upon reaching an approximately human size, SCP-457 almost always assumes a human-like form surrounded by and composed of flames. SCP-457 has been observed to communicate through writing letters out of its own flames, charring them onto the wall or other surfaces, and more rarely through speech, created via high-pressure, superheated air and the crackling and pops of flames. Once SCP-457 reaches an unknown threshold of size and fuel source, SCP-457 splits into two beings, and so on so forth. However, multiple beings of SCP-457 are aggressive towards each other, and will either attempt to consume or extinguish their doubles, especially if there is only a limited amount of fuel at hand. SCP-457's behavior is largely predictable, as its goals are simply to acquire larger sources of fuel and to spread. The danger of SCP-457 comes from its ability to increase intelligence with size, and apparent ability to learn and mimic behaviors. This has led to it purposely damaging and sabotaging sprinkler systems and, in rare circumstances, set up relatively complex traps. It has also attempted to trick or reason with personnel to be released or have access to more fuel. Due to SCP-457's unique composition, variable intelligence, and uncooperative nature, its psychology may not be accurately determined in accordance with any human analogy. SCP-457 was recovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in the summer of 2007, after multiple wildfires were attributed to it. It is unknown where or how SCP-457 initially formed. Investigation into the potential of SCP-457 being responsible for other major fires is underway. Addendum: An Interview between Doctor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-457 Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Can you speak, currently? SCP-457: Yes. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Good. Would you mind answering some questions? SCP-457: [[No reply]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I'll take that as a no. How do you feel about being confined? SCP-457: [[Crackling]] Dislike. No fuel. No air. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We have provided you with adequate air and fuel to survive. SCP-457: Can not burn. No fuel. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Are you saying that you cannot grow? SCP-457: Grow. Need. Must grow. [[457 moves about containment area as if searching]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How do you feel? SCP-457: Hungry. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Do you feel anything besides hunger? SCP-457: [[No answer, 457 approaches blast shielding separating it from Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How do you feel about humans? SCP-457: They burn. [[457 moves closer to blast shielding, appearing to examine the window and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How do you feel about fuel? SCP-457: It burns. [[457 places a 'hand' upon the blast shielding to no effect]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please move away from the window. Or we will be forced to reduce your size considerably. SCP-457: [[No reply or signs of understanding. Does not move.]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: …How do you feel about water? SCP-457: [[Emits a high-pitched scream of superheated air and presses body against blast shielding.]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Please move away from the window, or we will be forced to turn the sprinklers back on. SCP-457: [[Backs away from the window, still screaming, hissing, and snapping.]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Do you understand that? Stay away from the window, and you will not be doused. SCP-457: [[Quiets and remains still for several seconds before approaching window again, stopping several feet away.]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Do you understand? SCP-457: Want fuel. Want air. Want burn. Want to burn. Want to burn. Want to burn. [[Repeats self, growing louder and beginning to move about containment area rapidly, apparently searching walls and ceiling for a way out]] Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: There is not a way out, if you would please…what is it doing? Is it looking for a way ou- [[At this point in the interview, SCP-457 managed to severely damage much of the sprinkler system and destroy a portion of the fuel injector that had been sustaining its intelligent form, giving it free access to several gallons of gasoline. The interview transcript was recovered via security footage from before the blast. SCP-457's temporary breach of containment came from an exploitation of the sealant used to attach the blast shielding to the rest of the chamber. How SCP-457 managed to learn of and exploit this weakness is unknown, and it has since been moved to a higher-security chamber.]] Addendum 2: Due to the excessive resource requirements in keeping SCP-457 contained, locating a permanent renewable fuel source is currently a high priority. Proposals so far include, but are not limited to: Approval of one or more of these proposals pending review. Β« SCP-456 | SCP-457 | SCP-458 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-457" by agatharights, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp-457-new.png Author: Jadeitor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-457, having split into two bodies, observes a camera during testing."
[ 8.54051020e-03 -4.20525283e-01 -9.68572199e-02 -2.09532958e-03 -1.75529607e-02 -1.30662590e-01 2.12371930e-01 1.17433578e-01 1.20351287e-02 -1.02630317e-01 -1.82519928e-02 4.74923104e-02 -2.54958808e-01 3.21468264e-01 5.63812673e-01 7.33084679e-02 -5.13014346e-02 -1.02572210e-01 2.64918804e-01 1.79984164e-03 7.42287114e-02 -3.94286513e-01 -1.77908186e-02 9.97191593e-02 -2.30265573e-01 -1.50353894e-01 -9.25733615e-03 3.69368233e-02 -8.99526924e-02 -5.14243484e-01 1.99560091e-01 4.81184945e-02 6.99565485e-02 3.13533038e-01 -1.08256449e-04 -1.83789030e-01 5.79684563e-02 5.79377287e-04 -8.48825574e-02 1.64641947e-01 5.18338680e-02 -5.85214607e-02 -1.22320183e-01 2.43729036e-02 9.37960595e-02 -1.90398917e-01 1.60717189e-01 2.19966426e-01 5.38107395e-01 1.63978726e-01 1.91334501e-01 -8.04592222e-02 -1.45229995e-01 1.28594846e-01 1.26846433e-01 1.65604696e-01 -3.54278535e-01 -6.07623160e-01 2.26847261e-01 2.16528267e-01 -5.57005685e-03 -4.53209914e-02 -2.68287838e-01 -1.72380790e-01 5.57644010e-01 -4.12402332e-01 -8.97306763e-03 -5.06558008e-02 2.17060268e-01 5.23569047e-01 1.38935983e-01 6.62874356e-02 2.40566447e-01 6.34550527e-02 -7.71373585e-02 -1.45604476e-01 3.20765495e-01 3.14261258e-01 -2.30969653e-01 -2.09466934e-01 -2.19328582e-01 1.21154957e-01 -2.41239741e-01 1.61459953e-01 -2.12483481e-01 3.60905796e-01 -1.41951874e-01 9.51722562e-02 1.63866162e-01 5.60193993e-02 4.81418706e-02 -2.36002758e-01 4.54295389e-02 1.89374432e-01 2.27857716e-02 -7.68633373e-03 7.08502680e-02 4.07632738e-01 2.88782895e-01 1.46307319e-01 4.03361946e-01 2.11351186e-01 5.22078574e-01 1.48153424e-01 1.96961109e-02 1.76484972e-01 3.28058362e-01 -7.03521678e-03 -3.05256814e-01 2.87770361e-01 -1.69833124e-01 2.38536865e-01 -3.71730655e-01 8.12813118e-02 2.47774243e-01 1.27223417e-01 2.46469285e-02 7.64632830e-03 1.92976996e-01 3.17184925e-01 -3.52369457e-01 -9.88261774e-02 -3.27852205e-04 3.39949876e-01 2.54116088e-01 1.58041596e-01 7.57324100e-02 -1.80190429e-01 1.72116563e-01 1.51114659e-02 -1.49417818e-01 2.12768719e-01 -3.77453685e-01 -3.53678465e-02 -1.06744640e-01 -1.89733356e-01 -5.81806488e-02 -3.05995077e-01 1.25410855e-01 2.42971689e-01 2.02794775e-01 1.88646987e-01 7.35060692e-01 2.54289716e-01 -8.62242877e-02 -4.17605609e-01 1.74739994e-02 3.40782776e-02 -1.49305388e-01 7.64095858e-02 5.01513541e-01 -8.05840194e-02 -3.31141949e-01 1.72771513e-01 -1.30264491e-01 1.55879647e-01 6.57179207e-02 -2.73553133e-01 1.69190377e-01 -2.77849644e-01 1.14572972e-01 7.91924596e-02 -2.64886796e-01 -2.21467614e-01 -1.89002648e-01 3.61107051e-01 -5.53819060e-04 -1.92081422e-01 -6.42973930e-02 9.80407745e-02 -1.41816244e-01 -3.70551527e-01 -7.07360655e-02 7.71309212e-02 -2.87845522e-01 -2.67484814e-01 -1.93310633e-01 -1.99616686e-01 -3.24451566e-01 1.02003299e-01 -1.98706672e-01 4.37174708e-01 5.40128529e-01 -1.42927364e-01 4.91448268e-02 -7.24984854e-02 2.88773119e-01 -3.92314941e-02 -1.71334501e-02 -3.20770532e-01 -1.93083689e-01 -4.85894382e-01 1.14050515e-01 -1.37691036e-01 2.94415027e-01 1.20240517e-01 3.33231986e-02 4.30040397e-02 -2.14410806e-03 3.36875647e-01 -1.94315970e-01 7.44728744e-02 -7.92184193e-03 -5.01981452e-02 -2.46846944e-01 6.18691221e-02 -4.54010218e-01 1.76270604e-02 1.94047898e-01 1.40395522e-01 1.09385364e-01 -1.57002192e-02 -1.26063123e-01 -2.93550417e-02 -1.49421692e-01 -5.38131595e-01 2.61307806e-01 2.07918927e-01 1.67713717e-01 -6.23285592e-01 -1.78299639e-02 1.63262114e-01 3.32029790e-01 -1.81242347e-01 -2.15312600e-01 -1.20008923e-02 -4.00022715e-01 -1.59659475e-01 -2.06355616e-01 -1.85803901e-02 2.34746352e-01 5.54859564e-02 7.72041231e-02 -1.09766848e-01 -3.17653447e-01 -8.86146128e-02 2.11405396e-01 8.71433318e-01 -9.49478894e-02 -5.99500164e-02 -4.73737344e-02 -1.31629612e-02 5.57252020e-02 -7.20545053e-02 -4.27839130e-01 1.12681121e-01 -5.29531203e-02 1.71914771e-01 -1.85743347e-01 1.38759390e-01 -9.16367471e-02 -9.36345905e-02 -2.79279768e-01 8.98487270e-02 2.05793917e-01 1.08018324e-01 5.21431975e-02 3.09729815e-01 3.06676686e-01 8.74992162e-02 -2.58682966e-01 -7.62717798e-02 2.48224095e-01 -8.83067399e-03 3.23377736e-02 -9.07945558e-02 2.31751412e-01 2.58303672e-01 -8.62898529e-02 1.85444802e-01 1.34675816e-01 -1.16473950e-01 8.26738402e-02 -2.64912900e-02 -1.67803288e-01 -4.00689132e-05 -1.02948219e-01 2.84043729e-01 1.19172677e-01 2.62849063e-01 -7.75336474e-02 -1.76717058e-01 -1.40561819e-01 -2.70595700e-01 -2.27055341e-01 1.20619975e-01 -2.57988591e-02 1.74415529e-01 -1.05122909e-01 8.23262393e-01 -1.61583852e-02 -2.01738223e-01 -1.65561903e-02 1.14881888e-01 -3.76743935e-02 1.43310905e-01 -3.19598258e-01 1.58916026e-01 -5.75275335e-04 1.17761940e-01 -3.22993606e-01 6.99172840e-02 -4.12172899e-02 1.35646909e-01 -4.70484830e-02 5.82780838e-02 4.76816863e-01 -2.06213534e-01 3.18989724e-01 -1.47490352e-01 -3.71371955e-01 3.78787249e-01 -2.07458381e-02 -1.13320522e-01 2.74532437e-01 7.08143273e-03 2.67164572e-03 -8.82145464e-02 -5.32588623e-02 -8.50537181e-01 -8.97994787e-02 3.12847309e-02 -2.07819894e-01 -2.40792230e-01 1.11735120e-01 4.15328473e-01 9.10654888e-02 -2.35557765e-01 -7.77949840e-02 1.85566396e-01 6.61497638e-02 6.06163070e-02 5.45507297e-02 -7.08554089e-02 7.32324794e-02 -5.12491092e-02 -2.74156064e-01 -5.53126872e-01 2.23241299e-01 7.58363754e-02 -1.56662539e-02 -1.53139755e-01 -2.41883665e-01 8.93623009e-03 1.75181523e-01 -1.49829343e-01 -9.42367390e-02 4.99573983e-02 2.36178171e-02 -1.30489498e-01 -1.93182260e-01 4.55180377e-01 3.01993877e-01 -2.81788766e-01 -2.21654609e-01 6.08212836e-02 -1.13770351e-01 2.13423535e-01 5.04108667e-01 -2.19853550e-01 -2.96084285e-01 5.88036358e-01 5.70239723e-01 -3.67968142e-01 -1.48226053e-01 -1.38208925e-04 5.11618778e-02 2.20183551e-01 3.50306123e-01 -2.64883339e-01 2.71869719e-01 -7.04803392e-02 -2.37747669e-01 2.41986275e-01 -5.13627939e-02 2.17268184e-01 5.22300648e-03 -2.97258049e-02 -5.54005206e-02 1.05193453e-02 2.72893339e-01 -1.25776967e-02 1.24886140e-01 9.48199653e-04 -6.26438856e-02 -1.38236433e-01 -1.79308355e-01 -1.33108467e-01 1.24858588e-01 1.99838892e-01 2.21279338e-01 -3.38633716e-01 1.32957891e-01 -2.13412523e-01 3.31775695e-01 2.01216310e-01 -1.47274956e-01 -3.59976918e-01 1.95568819e-02 1.71998084e-01 -7.39971641e-04 1.62482113e-01 6.67951331e-02 3.45973700e-01 2.76168108e-01 3.13605547e-01 -5.01125194e-02 -2.16543805e-02 7.98071455e-03 -1.70605987e-01 1.61813758e-03 -3.95028055e-01 -1.00610413e-01 -1.77640721e-01 -2.06249580e-01 9.98432375e-03 -1.55337686e-02 2.41401657e-01 -2.05555692e-01 -2.02903122e-01 -5.58380306e-01 1.27491027e-01 3.56509775e-01 -5.27481318e-01 -2.97351554e-02 -2.92873532e-02 1.34948790e-01 1.40938401e-01 3.01007122e-01 8.16967189e-02 -2.87028849e-01 -2.05291525e-01 -4.72176164e-01 3.59556377e-01 3.42307299e-01 4.48929638e-01 3.15761417e-01 -7.26681426e-02 7.96512142e-02 9.27036926e-02 -1.11442603e-01 -8.32527503e-02 6.13885581e-01 -1.51176631e-01 -3.77540499e-01 -2.06796482e-01 3.19037080e-01 2.29816273e-01 -1.11863054e-01 1.83058064e-02 -8.16755965e-02 2.26791009e-01 -2.60562133e-02 6.34772927e-02 -8.67563020e-03 -9.57239345e-02 8.37633312e-02 1.01973064e-01 -1.94633111e-01 1.46226287e-01 5.48119605e-01 1.28788555e+00 1.97679684e-01 2.60762572e-01 -8.44366774e-02 -3.54900479e-01 -4.25463200e-01 -3.49701673e-01 4.85071503e-02 -1.04048751e-01 -1.28458664e-01 -1.39788896e-01 -2.24757135e-01 8.49805400e-02 5.05364060e-01 -4.62543905e-01 7.83882588e-02 -5.89354753e-01 -1.98309422e-01 3.04307699e-01 4.48091418e-01 -2.87109554e-01 3.74025851e-03 2.80031979e-01 2.58735150e-01 -1.06581077e-01 5.33073425e-01 -3.87972631e-02 4.69936766e-02 6.30204827e-02 -1.17718495e-01 -1.78897157e-01 1.84160136e-02 -1.08384736e-01 1.49870500e-01 1.29356220e-01 -3.93872596e-02 -2.13155970e-01 5.35424799e-02 -3.54127556e-01 -4.51751381e-01 1.18475415e-01 5.23567080e-01 5.88802934e-01 3.94876525e-02 -1.64676860e-01 -1.69129387e-01 2.70598561e-01 -3.16107683e-02 -2.16682013e-02 2.48520389e-01 -5.70166819e-02 -1.69796199e-01 -1.11636408e-01 1.34025756e-02 4.13785964e-01 -3.54242980e-01 6.23972654e-01 -1.99293092e-01 -1.91591337e-01 -1.70856386e-01 1.74311981e-01 4.43295911e-02 -1.49829015e-01 -2.01226041e-01 3.37415189e-01 3.04487854e-01 2.52607942e-01 9.66320857e-02 1.19244881e-01 2.58912623e-01 -9.45764557e-02 -3.74232866e-02 -2.76985466e-01 -3.56622547e-01 3.36339235e-01 -1.79627433e-01 -2.13452429e-01 3.43533941e-02 -3.45723480e-01 -5.96316159e-01 -1.69704154e-01 6.33128405e-01 9.64517817e-02 5.76353259e-02 8.31743889e-03 6.68220893e-02 8.63893852e-02 -4.60535812e-04 -1.79209545e-01 2.66244113e-01 2.35197656e-02 6.57622635e-01 5.53455465e-02 4.99746770e-01 -3.61498743e-01 -1.92280427e-01 -3.40352833e-01 -2.24627554e-02 3.81729186e-01 -4.00435299e-01 -1.51864320e-01 -2.64150262e-01 1.02050640e-01 2.13190049e-01 -1.78496584e-01 -2.15700403e-01 -9.26143900e-02 1.08293064e-01 -1.74618423e-01 -2.94693634e-02 -2.45010629e-01 4.14063573e-01 1.35947689e-01 2.67210510e-02 6.00036047e-02 3.04700434e-01 3.54992002e-01 1.89136475e-01 -1.60016701e-01 1.22330524e-01 2.58212909e-02 2.21497603e-02 4.25306223e-02 1.56631395e-01 3.38136032e-02 3.15012857e-02 -7.42731690e-02 3.16754542e-02 2.08448097e-01 3.30279797e-01 -8.82041082e-03 4.05315965e-01 3.55429471e-01 7.60740368e-03 -4.99778567e-03 1.80957839e-01 -4.60840821e-01 -4.53914069e-02 -3.34755301e-01 2.58152727e-02 -4.00551587e-01 2.05845863e-01 4.69789617e-02 -8.83326158e-02 -6.73687309e-02 8.72222856e-02 -4.07406241e-02 1.82769939e-01 -9.08773243e-02 -3.52988809e-01 2.17135265e-01 1.57274038e-01 5.06385639e-02 -1.86600342e-01 2.65326291e-01 7.53220394e-02 -2.44722515e-01 -1.04756929e-01 3.06466073e-01 9.99798253e-02 2.29672730e-01 1.35297459e-02 5.38176656e-01 -1.31121442e-01 2.67153010e-02 5.57809532e-01 3.31317931e-01 1.31172016e-01 -5.57081550e-02 6.90633953e-02 1.07921310e-01 5.31269088e-02 6.51262701e-02 1.42520666e-02 -9.37347487e-02 -2.17771024e-01 -2.93321908e-01 -1.51999267e-02 1.14875995e-01 -3.15236934e-02 -1.30693996e-02 -1.17279202e-01 -1.78175569e-01 -9.54220444e-02 3.32586557e-01 2.23241337e-02 -2.05144510e-01 6.05117790e-02 -5.40346429e-02 3.77224118e-01 -2.27630008e-02 2.09729329e-01 3.82100016e-01 -2.06135347e-01 3.97326611e-02 2.36038417e-01 -1.66188911e-01 3.79548296e-02 -3.39048058e-01 3.85577142e-01 -4.31497395e-01 -3.00573140e-01 -8.75837207e-02 1.65448815e-01 -2.00160533e-01 -2.78984874e-01 2.92639211e-02 1.42486826e-01 -1.36622548e-01 7.50514045e-02 1.43621475e-01 -2.61083901e-01 -3.31313670e-01 1.02449246e-01 1.46558270e-01 3.49796593e-01 -6.89862818e-02 -3.00856709e-01 -3.40703338e-01 6.32152185e-02 1.78916380e-01 -1.19570285e-01 -3.95266749e-02 -1.85931787e-01 -3.10161710e-01 1.45590901e-01 -2.51217604e-01 8.45040679e-02 7.69021958e-02 1.15390860e-01 3.70888859e-02 -3.18216205e-01 1.12738959e-01 3.33071426e-02 -6.47869408e-02 4.13476586e-01 -2.20300350e-02 -5.30429423e-01 -1.95021387e-02 1.57638550e-01 -4.49104933e-03 1.77390173e-01 -1.89968497e-01 -3.22898924e-01 2.68681142e-02 7.34899417e-02 -1.21722229e-01 -6.96958322e-03 4.65718657e-01 2.23228872e-01 1.85702872e-02 -1.66336432e-01 -1.33534610e-01 -3.94642167e-03 3.13629180e-01 1.29107907e-01 -6.67635560e-01 -3.61560308e-03 -4.05059382e-02 1.66080162e-01 -1.23767652e-01 1.83334962e-01 -1.37829468e-01 -6.86221384e-03 2.13009551e-01 4.02142465e-01 8.75045881e-02 1.25357836e-01 -6.95980433e-03 2.06108540e-01 2.07436278e-01 6.71134174e-01 -9.19037610e-02 7.52892643e-02 1.10126473e-01 2.70630807e-01 -4.60140109e-01 1.33355483e-01 -3.25384468e-01 4.08742428e-01 1.00787636e-02 3.49065274e-01 -1.02899224e-01 -4.44212198e-01 -3.49015370e-03 -6.57780170e-02 4.81981277e-01 8.58446583e-03 -3.56489033e-01 1.60645708e-01 -1.74183220e-01 1.30889013e-01 8.53075907e-02 -1.48512229e-01 -2.29560375e-01 -2.19618991e-01 -1.02418900e-01 -1.13767982e-01 -3.19249153e-01 -1.82398260e-01 -1.12243503e-01 -2.50944346e-01 -3.10294211e-01 1.21873943e-02 1.08869299e-01 -5.24613559e-01 2.45606080e-02]
"The Never-Ending Pizza Box" active "Item: SCP-458 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-458 is considered safe and therefore is to be stored in the staff canteen at Site 17, with no access restrictions required. Description: SCP-458 is a large-sized pizza box from the pizza chain Little Caesar's, of their Hot-n-Ready variety. It is made of simple cardboard, measures 25.4cmx25.4cmx2.54cm (10inx10inx1in), and weighs about 20 to 20.49 grams depending on toppings. As a result of the unusual nature of SCP-458, measurement of weight is inconsistent. What makes SCP-458 an oddity is that, while appearing to be an ordinary pizza box, when it comes into contact with human hands, it instantaneously replicates within it the holder's subconsciously preferred choice of pizza, down to the favorite sauce, cheese, crust, and topping. It is not limited to the Little Caesars brand, as pizza from all major pizza chains, as well as local and even handmade pizzas have been produced. There seems to be no limit to its ability, except that it cannot make anything but pizza, and its toppings must be edible by normal human standards (see Addendum 1a). The box is also rather indestructible, as all tests to destroy or dismantle the box have proven fruitless. It is assumed the box is semi-sentient, having at least enough telepathic or empathetic ability to sense what the holder's personal choices regarding pizza are. After constant testing showed SCP-458's seemingly infinite power to generate pizza (but with little other use), it has henceforth been placed inside the canteen at Site-17 for free use by personnel. After its open usage has been allowed, personnel morale has shown to have sharply increased. Addendum 1a: Upon testing SCP-458 with SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the subject took a bite of the slice, which appeared to be a garlic-free slice of sausage and olive pizza on wheat crust. This was met with the response "It's a fine slice, but I would have preferred a rather different sauce." It was inferred that the box cannot use substances that are indigestible by regular human bodies. Further testing confirmed this. Addendum 1b: Please see Document #458-1a Document #458-1a: I would just like to remind all staff that just because we have a pizza box that can constantly create pizzas for you does not mean that you can just sit around and eat pizza all afternoon. If continued abuse of the box continues, coupled with reports of personnel gaining unhealthy amounts of weight, I may be forced to implement a mandatory physical training regimen following lunch hours. -Dr. del Morrino Document #458-1b: For simple curiosity's sake, and to, perhaps, get a better idea of the mindset of certain SCP's, I have compiled a list of sentient SCP's reactions when holding the box. Further testing on SCPs may reveal some odd characteristics about the SCPs themselves, and is suggested. - Dr. Kreign Update: Further cross-testing is permitted but requires approval and supervision due to safety concerns. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-457 | SCP-458 | SCP-459 Β»" nan
[ 8.36281851e-02 5.76466694e-03 -6.41781315e-02 2.03864172e-01 4.52326201e-02 -1.98757321e-01 2.80752182e-01 1.66560113e-01 -6.63083326e-03 2.10332766e-01 7.02152923e-02 3.17637287e-02 -3.51010770e-01 3.36174428e-01 -4.95111533e-02 1.35502458e-01 1.04354387e-02 2.91158736e-01 1.04107507e-01 -5.67176044e-02 -2.42932618e-01 -4.01629955e-01 -8.68786722e-02 7.52784312e-02 -1.32131010e-01 -2.49880746e-01 1.79108217e-01 1.60997450e-01 -3.36210877e-02 -3.74117285e-01 2.39400730e-01 1.12880252e-01 -9.04029682e-02 2.31962249e-01 -1.13379989e-04 6.84386045e-02 2.84585059e-01 7.63110593e-02 -4.64867204e-01 -1.42248616e-01 -2.56674528e-01 -1.26893118e-01 -3.46296161e-01 -9.39032808e-02 3.20715815e-01 1.33653522e-01 3.28184336e-01 2.69370735e-01 1.88922390e-01 1.00076333e-01 1.80353701e-01 -3.30925733e-02 -1.46688506e-01 -2.27505527e-02 2.83943266e-01 -1.10598736e-01 -1.58076227e-01 -5.45330703e-01 4.92933154e-01 2.91257262e-01 3.18609715e-01 -1.04457445e-01 6.74947426e-02 -2.27105439e-01 -1.05453521e-01 -1.78545207e-01 2.88069516e-01 -2.45813936e-01 2.99021214e-01 4.29617286e-01 -1.04885437e-02 -2.05597651e-04 3.93894762e-02 -2.31703203e-02 -9.00635496e-02 -3.30696553e-01 3.57702486e-02 2.96486020e-01 -1.90289572e-01 -3.61647755e-02 2.14981541e-01 1.11315407e-01 -3.59269321e-01 1.55981928e-01 1.58585325e-01 3.07926893e-01 -1.44608870e-01 -2.13084873e-02 3.59669849e-02 -1.73723564e-01 -9.75942835e-02 -2.07445174e-01 2.34261155e-01 1.02851965e-01 9.93265957e-02 -2.26617321e-01 2.20630646e-01 3.40006292e-01 4.03120130e-01 4.94089574e-01 6.35372102e-01 1.96142703e-01 -2.30581369e-02 6.00558259e-02 3.16468298e-01 1.59617975e-01 -6.27745315e-02 -6.04077801e-02 -5.11460960e-01 6.09208524e-01 -2.59215403e-02 1.77552730e-01 -1.57569438e-01 1.87779799e-01 2.16991171e-01 -1.35720745e-01 4.13880587e-01 1.42837882e-01 -1.44085690e-01 4.36406314e-01 -4.53071207e-01 2.09717542e-01 7.87598118e-02 3.49723518e-01 -5.34822680e-02 5.74226499e-01 -2.59143144e-01 -1.57987759e-01 1.16973072e-02 1.78633958e-01 -1.56579554e-01 2.43016347e-01 -3.28768015e-01 -7.45477453e-02 1.18677147e-01 -1.32311761e-01 -1.54871315e-01 -1.48463964e-01 2.71229684e-01 -2.14479538e-03 -8.78910422e-02 -7.22904056e-02 5.77870309e-01 2.10951924e-01 6.29636180e-03 -3.09648752e-01 -2.78718416e-02 -1.90671891e-01 -1.09692536e-01 1.44122824e-01 3.95197630e-01 -2.92545617e-01 -9.91792083e-02 1.58664733e-01 -1.58015519e-01 -2.35354900e-02 6.19672239e-01 -3.40223581e-01 -4.71993610e-02 8.24825838e-02 1.14194512e-01 6.03474602e-02 1.53442502e-01 -2.01587036e-01 -2.94681042e-01 5.89951515e-01 -2.83698380e-01 3.56218256e-02 -3.64283800e-01 4.79431264e-02 -1.77821279e-01 1.28405029e-02 -1.16236947e-01 -6.03736751e-03 -3.69459391e-02 -4.17691290e-01 -1.51522070e-01 -1.77315295e-01 -5.30075312e-01 5.11620678e-02 -2.44463742e-01 3.67704123e-01 1.53905332e-01 -1.83529392e-01 -1.05177583e-02 5.44646662e-03 1.22460470e-01 -1.77008763e-01 -1.23562233e-03 -2.51054227e-01 -3.29839587e-01 -5.36229193e-01 3.94755125e-01 -6.15120307e-02 4.95888770e-01 2.67423779e-01 -5.05354665e-02 1.23636104e-01 -1.98750868e-02 2.67521232e-01 -5.95512502e-02 -1.20378040e-01 7.80801296e-01 -8.35719556e-02 -1.83384389e-01 -1.88156083e-01 -2.83653975e-01 -8.79187658e-02 -2.72152632e-01 3.08970332e-01 -1.90727666e-01 6.80045411e-02 -2.34980762e-01 2.76856929e-01 -1.64332286e-01 -2.09742934e-01 2.73728639e-01 8.64459127e-02 3.67643982e-02 -4.77924585e-01 -8.30214843e-02 1.33363739e-01 2.61484794e-02 -1.16810873e-02 -1.06032774e-01 -8.99174362e-02 -6.64806962e-02 8.00663084e-02 -8.84899944e-02 3.74507695e-01 1.21444479e-01 -3.76322791e-02 1.79430366e-01 -1.30456761e-01 -5.34798920e-01 -2.45494783e-01 7.55073801e-02 6.92727089e-01 -2.08492011e-01 -1.69854835e-01 2.37589091e-01 -9.28609595e-02 2.28075296e-01 1.65808216e-01 -4.04689074e-01 3.57579887e-01 -6.50865883e-02 1.62754625e-01 7.34043047e-02 -1.11758627e-01 -7.82836229e-02 -3.08517158e-01 -3.53325188e-01 -2.20333263e-01 1.44912317e-01 3.73871297e-01 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3.05902988e-01 2.20868871e-01 -3.45180839e-01 2.94265866e-01 -9.56690609e-02 1.44377500e-01 1.17915496e-01 5.13870716e-01 2.34209508e-01 8.50302726e-02 -1.94547139e-02 -9.35518928e-03 -7.22932890e-02 3.64470810e-01 1.86254263e-01 5.15653729e-01 3.91029000e-01 -1.82113171e-01 -1.01319142e-01 1.07642166e-01 -4.31163073e-01 5.59738874e-02 -1.67014942e-01 2.14793403e-02 2.19355151e-01 2.39350617e-01 -2.43944526e-02 4.75000031e-02 -2.37051263e-01 4.38163280e-02 -8.58565792e-03 2.46911421e-01 -4.91062582e-01 -1.29731581e-01 3.31829846e-01 1.45110145e-01 1.64103553e-01 -2.97628731e-01 3.06707740e-01 -2.61737546e-03 -1.24396592e-01 5.22051640e-02 1.70683354e-01 2.89915085e-01 2.02915668e-01 2.46798709e-01 2.90290862e-01 3.14945504e-02 -3.34502757e-01 3.94097060e-01 1.02048844e-01 -5.68538380e-05 -1.99852601e-01 4.21821415e-01 -1.98766351e-01 2.64721572e-01 -1.13769442e-01 4.60336417e-01 -4.20165896e-01 1.38983786e-01 -4.38296884e-01 1.80938002e-02 1.23702727e-01 -1.73894539e-01 -1.81963459e-01 -2.86350697e-01 -1.15169838e-01 -1.01622723e-01 2.16289982e-01 -1.62134111e-01 -1.48519829e-01 -9.31101069e-02 -7.40483031e-02 9.80760753e-02 -8.52125436e-02 3.79283726e-01 6.15607612e-02 -3.11740696e-01 2.84519121e-02 -3.98043916e-02 3.68870609e-02 -1.81207329e-01 8.22780579e-02 2.25502864e-01 -9.97684598e-02 -3.15134346e-01 1.83992341e-01 -3.60204168e-02 -1.30630240e-01 -2.35672817e-01 -2.06058547e-02 3.29898775e-01 -1.69485450e-01 3.16619463e-02 1.37589410e-01 -2.88625032e-01 2.28217676e-01 2.50802219e-01 8.47119316e-02 -6.30669892e-02 3.55731696e-01 3.33215147e-02 -1.11431576e-01 -8.68464336e-02 1.29908353e-01 -2.56682307e-01 -6.66453391e-02 -2.95410097e-01 -3.75311702e-01 3.31442505e-01 -2.48190552e-01 8.60981122e-02 9.96196419e-02 2.53720433e-01 1.38265312e-01 -3.29557151e-01 -1.57563075e-01 1.80451795e-01 3.30000855e-02 2.41028607e-01 -2.01012760e-01 2.36659631e-01 5.52645922e-02 8.08754116e-02 -1.73370808e-01 1.89648420e-01 -5.93616590e-02 1.79957077e-01 -6.51368380e-01 -3.01802568e-02 -1.04547560e-01 2.15384990e-01 5.52218676e-01 1.71005890e-01 6.41993852e-03 -2.80205011e-01 -5.54658063e-02 3.49944681e-02 1.53979942e-01 -1.04292065e-01 -2.65510738e-01 -2.95467764e-01 -3.17472667e-01 4.01034743e-01 1.82364494e-01 -3.10696661e-01 -2.59570237e-02 -3.71452183e-01 -1.33428022e-01 1.39160514e-01 -8.65936205e-02 -4.20930237e-02 9.90969613e-02 1.36067227e-01 3.14677730e-02 1.76294297e-01 1.16179638e-01 -4.75816041e-01 5.86425234e-03 -4.76553813e-02 -3.08752924e-01 9.45574269e-02 -5.16787134e-02 3.80257696e-01 6.96780980e-02 3.34960550e-01 -1.02857366e-01 2.01053284e-02 4.81244400e-02 6.49009943e-02 2.72619039e-01 1.42215282e-01 -4.36371863e-01 -7.62559008e-03 2.15656921e-01 -3.84913057e-01 -3.77789527e-01 1.83007896e-01 -5.98080829e-03 -1.70756400e-01 4.86199446e-02 -3.21328700e-01 -2.46844620e-01 -2.92101800e-01 -2.07151026e-01 -1.41566366e-01 1.72971368e-01 2.53522284e-02 4.16972525e-02 -2.52364576e-01 -9.12663937e-02]
"Interplanetary Thermostat" active "Item #: SCP-459 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-459 is to be kept unpowered in a standard security locker. The access code is to be changed bi-weekly and known to level 3 and higher personnel. Removal for testing purposes must be requested at least one week in advance, and approved by a level 4 personnel. As of 04/15/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, testing has been indefinitely suspended. Proposals for use should be directed to O5-level personnel. Description: SCP-459 appears to be a standard home thermostat. The item is equipped with a small display, four buttons, and two dials on either side of the screen; the two buttons on the right side raise and lower temperature, and the other two appear to affect relative humidity in the area - However, these buttons will only work when both dials are set to the off position. The left dial (Dial 1) is marked with several standard weather conditions including "rain", "snow", and [DATA EXPUNGED]. The fourth and fifth positions' lettering has worn off, and have been marked as 4 and 5. The fourth and fifth positions have been respectively designated "T-storm" and "Hurricane". The right dial (Dial 2) has β–ˆβ–ˆ different settings, all of which are unmarked. The rightmost positions on each dial are the "off" positions. SCP-459 can, when wired to a heating and cooling system, modify weather patterns in addition to temperature and humidity. The area of effect appears to be about 1,500 square feet (about 139 mΒ²), the same amount as a modest home. How these effects are produced is currently unknown, as site-wide heating and cooling systems show no abnormalities in the area, even if the temperature is significantly different. Recent testing may suggest SCP-459 can access resources from other planets, and possibly other dimensions. Addendum 459-1: SCP-459 was discovered in a suburban home in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, after reports from neighbors of loud noises and bright flashes at night. Authorities' first attempts to investigate resulted in [REDACTED], attracting the Foundation's attention. A group of agents with standard protection gear cut power to the house and proceeded to retrieve SCP-459 without incident, wherein all agents returned to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ with the device. The bodies of [REDACTED], the occupants of the home, were recovered as well; cause of death is officially listed as a gas leak. Test Log 459-2 Pre-testing note: The default settings are 20 degrees Celsius and 50% relative humidity. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Name: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 3/16/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Temperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20Β°C/50%/Dial 1, Snow Results: After 127 seconds, rain began to fall in the testing area. Temperature indicated by SCP-459 is confirmed. Weather cleared after twenty minutes. Notes: "I thought it would decrease the temperature… Well, I was half right - this is, functionally, ordinary weather, and follows the same rules." -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 3/16/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Temperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 23Β°C/75%/Dial 1, "4" Results: After 47 seconds, dark clouds began to coalesce followed by moderate rain and occasional thunder. Wind speed inside the testing chamber peaked at 67 km/h. Weather cleared after 34 minutes. Notes: "Nothing particularly unusual, though maybe we should have some weather gear close by next time we test this thing." -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 3/16/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Temperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 26Β°C/80%/Dial 1, "5" Results: At first, outcome appeared identical to second test, but seven minutes after activation, weather conditions began to sharply deteriorate, with heavy rain and winds reaching up to 162 km/h, followed by [REDACTED]. Weather took over two hours to clear up. Site-wide brownouts reported. Notes: "Let's not try that again… While watching a handful of sopping wet researchers being blown around a test chamber is, in retrospect, hilarious, my assistant getting electrocuted and the risk of site-wide containment failure put a bit of a damper on the whole thing." -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 3/24/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Temperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20Β°C/50%/Dial 2, leftmost position. Results: After five minutes of inactivity, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ exited the test chamber due to a spontaneous nosebleed. At 07:32 after activation, a breeze began to blow throughout the room, increasing in speed very rapidly, after which the view was obscured by large amounts of unidentified red material [DATA EXPUNGED] sensors clocked the wind speed at 428 km/h before they were destroyed [DATA EXPUNGED] entire East wing locked down. Weather did not subside for a week after the incident and further testing was suspended until the test chamber could be fully inspected and repaired. Inspection of the chamber showed large quantities of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and other chemical compounds known to make up Jupiter's atmosphere. Notes: "Was that the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ red spot?!" -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Date: 4/15/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Temperature/Humidity/Weather setting: 20Β°C/50%/Dial 2, one turn from leftmost position. Results: D-class personnel adjusted the device accordingly. After 742 seconds, [DATA EXPUNGED]. All further testing suspended indefinitely. Notes: "It took three weeks to get the thing back, but it's completely undamaged. It's possible we could use this thing to help recreate natural environments for certain Earth-native animal SCPs." -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-458 | SCP-459 | SCP-460 Β»" nan
[ 1.16375282e-01 -3.92158598e-01 -1.26751244e-01 1.22682124e-01 1.03844143e-02 -1.68801919e-01 3.70742410e-01 3.53544950e-03 1.02987073e-01 9.59698409e-02 -1.95377231e-01 2.63115495e-01 -6.47768006e-02 3.37655753e-01 1.70480147e-01 1.05913684e-01 -2.01022848e-01 5.77457920e-02 3.42909177e-03 -2.34347269e-01 -1.35059446e-01 -1.02556482e-01 4.96115945e-02 2.84943908e-01 8.87164474e-02 -1.13023475e-01 2.04028025e-01 1.90532699e-01 2.38860920e-01 -2.81746209e-01 3.38201106e-01 2.55996823e-01 9.76134986e-02 2.85448343e-01 -1.00991223e-04 -1.44823089e-01 -8.93307254e-02 9.63383466e-02 -3.25199738e-02 2.12300256e-01 1.64473459e-01 -1.47306398e-01 1.76522121e-01 -3.34417015e-01 1.66372489e-02 -9.33302753e-03 -1.70102522e-01 -3.16117443e-02 3.70633528e-02 1.39373869e-01 2.42044479e-01 1.75272256e-01 1.96849406e-02 4.79778498e-02 2.72073478e-01 -5.12098819e-02 -2.83581298e-02 -3.04451734e-01 2.44194165e-01 4.23449911e-02 2.53138334e-01 8.93986002e-02 -1.61351576e-01 -1.67230710e-01 5.31488061e-01 -2.65830040e-01 3.23411934e-02 -1.44705057e-01 1.27489716e-01 2.52939224e-01 1.72951430e-01 -1.49346769e-01 8.99965614e-02 4.04397473e-02 -5.74513339e-02 -1.82353050e-01 1.94995746e-01 -1.02198198e-01 6.80147558e-02 2.12651901e-02 3.64581525e-01 2.57959813e-02 -4.16065276e-01 1.23541571e-01 -1.65660799e-01 6.25819504e-01 -1.72450483e-01 1.36133492e-01 -1.43203720e-01 8.98308083e-02 2.66311854e-01 -9.50224549e-02 3.51225942e-01 1.96115505e-02 -1.16260767e-01 -2.67310053e-01 1.26915768e-01 1.99640691e-01 8.24463740e-02 3.90689492e-01 5.96060753e-01 2.54206449e-01 3.88207883e-01 1.34622961e-01 1.68179810e-01 1.26545921e-01 1.47988155e-01 -9.17784125e-02 -1.44963369e-01 1.80506617e-01 7.30819348e-03 1.74665300e-03 1.67743549e-01 -1.40789807e-01 -4.53527737e-03 4.99577075e-02 2.89628923e-01 -1.95430800e-01 -2.05090463e-01 3.09031099e-01 -3.51428568e-01 -1.96001217e-01 6.21481575e-02 1.45684674e-01 3.77357870e-01 1.42065808e-01 1.01734154e-01 -3.41117591e-01 1.14001900e-01 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-4.79836576e-02 1.65256560e-01 2.13411465e-01 6.66992292e-02 5.22172093e-01 8.11827928e-02 2.90678084e-01 2.28620410e-01 4.33545187e-02 1.52941674e-01 2.05577567e-01 4.92869675e-01 -4.35992897e-01 -3.45709443e-01 -2.08559766e-01 -2.05987748e-02 -3.06661725e-01 3.62928450e-01 3.32674235e-01 3.24827075e-01 -1.82265878e-01 1.25538409e-01 -1.15443096e-01 -2.93288261e-01 3.68594855e-01 3.99533629e-01 -1.76279739e-01 -3.20292383e-01 2.83873398e-02 6.88580610e-03 2.89832324e-01 -2.69044399e-01 -2.44798377e-01 1.14346221e-01 -1.12665460e-01 -1.72908157e-02 -2.09693611e-01 -4.46432978e-02 3.37329626e-01 3.39517295e-02 9.71876085e-02 -1.46854296e-01 -5.92755914e-01 7.20101818e-02 8.97517279e-02 6.99104011e-01 -2.96095423e-02 -2.54265517e-01 5.68585172e-02 8.25806707e-02 3.57456565e-01 1.59087386e-02 -5.24370633e-02 2.60475516e-01 -2.06106275e-01 -1.01156816e-01 -1.38053879e-01 5.28642423e-02 -1.65364340e-01 -2.15254098e-01 -3.98702472e-01 -1.39037162e-01 1.87618762e-01 3.25249165e-01 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3.05262804e-01 -1.01230353e-01 -1.29562035e-01 -8.86934176e-02 1.39934435e-01 -5.03224172e-02 -1.93172708e-01 -2.20835730e-01 -6.31014556e-02 2.84401942e-02 1.93297803e-01 -7.52981603e-02 8.04355890e-02 4.70989943e-01 -3.58495086e-01 -1.55448429e-02 -3.08226436e-01 -5.16293585e-01 1.46130025e-01 -2.03479733e-02 -1.16157494e-01 -1.47186100e-01 4.00872715e-02 2.96601746e-03 -1.57722786e-01 -7.80494437e-02 -1.51713437e-03 -2.80581951e-01 1.71134472e-01 -2.72669822e-01 7.72856623e-02 6.24740064e-01 -5.40969074e-02 -2.09970683e-01 4.90661561e-02 -8.25659707e-02 8.51416290e-02 1.14393346e-01 -1.20392665e-01 -5.95551021e-02 -1.84619442e-01 -5.88308349e-02 2.33570978e-01 -6.76966235e-02 8.24660361e-02 1.53388843e-01 2.92050630e-01 1.15068801e-01 2.28797525e-01 -1.56383723e-01 2.54630327e-01 -5.93075342e-02 -2.61437744e-01 5.15497625e-01 -2.89853990e-01 -1.30753532e-01 -2.91432291e-01 -3.69939208e-01 -1.69729650e-01 -1.82945117e-01 -5.64697683e-02 2.48150066e-01 1.27298027e-01 -5.60377575e-02 -7.37123117e-02 -1.96548283e-01 3.27963382e-02 -1.90322280e-01 2.99160630e-01 -3.73011172e-01 1.21599525e-01 -3.76821369e-01 -1.60855725e-01 -2.01312155e-01 1.28658026e-01 -1.49520621e-01 1.22918077e-02 -5.04002392e-01 -2.20638752e-01 1.95562005e-01 -3.14032733e-01 -3.36328715e-01 3.26275267e-02 4.42458838e-01 3.18018973e-01 6.03172109e-02 9.60795879e-02 -2.35606357e-01 -4.74263400e-01 -2.51374483e-01 1.77614719e-01 -2.79631823e-01 3.28643471e-02 -2.50493698e-02 -1.51761472e-01 -2.91399527e-02 -1.97179299e-02 3.26202452e-01 -4.79422361e-02 -5.31712115e-01 -2.26093642e-02 4.89178337e-02 1.94395736e-01 -2.16520518e-01 -5.68370614e-03 3.33117366e-01 1.42539099e-01 4.86175299e-01 3.03934485e-01 2.26149544e-01 -3.28132927e-01 -1.36957034e-01 -3.28493685e-01 3.27119648e-01 -1.01058342e-01 3.35109890e-01 3.71576518e-01 -2.47335546e-02 -1.26568332e-01 3.17875236e-01 -2.50187963e-01 1.90638706e-01 5.78346014e-01 8.74683857e-02 -1.26015246e-01 2.65110284e-01 5.56861162e-01 3.48866731e-03 -3.00121158e-01 -6.08974136e-02 5.37584536e-02 4.51771230e-01 -1.20610960e-01 1.80346310e-01 -1.68797284e-01 -3.36210102e-01 -1.36428490e-01 3.31979305e-01 -1.93779200e-01 4.35936421e-01 4.56883967e-01 1.01195288e+00 1.86636209e-01 8.75611827e-02 3.17147702e-01 -4.65616941e-01 1.15869753e-01 -1.68942362e-01 -4.02747840e-02 4.63817716e-02 -4.58524585e-01 -9.84446611e-03 -8.24794844e-02 2.02386543e-01 3.22132826e-01 -3.77914131e-01 -9.84433815e-02 -1.44961134e-01 -1.42963558e-01 3.31566334e-01 2.10543629e-02 9.08561125e-02 -3.66159603e-02 -1.78822745e-02 2.65482396e-01 -6.40613884e-02 4.99428779e-01 -6.12771325e-03 -1.49448276e-01 1.47029608e-01 -2.55094677e-01 -3.29707384e-01 -3.50245237e-02 1.04680233e-01 -3.15031633e-02 -1.22625388e-01 2.13468000e-01 1.22460641e-01 2.32174359e-02 5.69715537e-02 -2.21087500e-01 -1.41346887e-01 6.66077137e-02 5.03399611e-01 -2.27861211e-01 -2.78001696e-01 -4.79300059e-02 2.43348643e-01 -1.73453555e-01 -2.03689620e-01 2.37709150e-01 1.61866903e-01 -7.51333609e-02 -9.18900669e-02 4.74633932e-01 -1.62937313e-01 -7.34806284e-02 5.75707674e-01 1.37802795e-01 -7.11548701e-02 -1.38574079e-01 1.29654780e-01 -6.78868070e-02 -1.38044074e-01 4.00570817e-02 6.37780428e-02 -1.11646138e-01 -2.15189338e-01 3.02404761e-01 7.63039989e-03 3.30375060e-02 1.86885521e-01 2.38260999e-01 -3.73573527e-02 -4.27881688e-01 3.65535051e-01 -2.32198849e-01 -1.21866986e-01 -1.26220986e-01 -4.06114608e-02 -1.95470288e-01 1.19089678e-01 2.55512774e-01 8.15289393e-02 -3.71763781e-02 -2.02379420e-01 -3.02199423e-01 1.23125494e-01 -3.00064802e-01 6.61240220e-02 1.64811313e-01 -4.16681245e-02 4.50171709e-01 1.52347103e-01 8.06508139e-02 -4.66447085e-01 3.41015160e-02 -3.07734698e-01 -3.33933532e-01 2.87332118e-01 -4.66999561e-01 1.21849284e-01 1.07446022e-01 1.01395130e-01 -2.47186497e-01 -2.19042659e-01 -2.35450879e-01 -2.34953254e-01 1.66356668e-01 -1.20849721e-01 -1.89441606e-01 -1.26284704e-01 1.83591202e-01 2.51463711e-01 6.79702535e-02 2.96279818e-01 5.74352384e-01 2.90403664e-01 5.58635473e-01 -3.29529196e-01 3.30954902e-02 -2.27196738e-01 5.04912511e-02 2.62491494e-01 5.09173200e-02 -3.34648006e-02 3.14026792e-03 -1.53019622e-01 1.20365564e-02 1.14061102e-01 3.76804918e-01 1.01973318e-01 2.17145920e-01 1.47870108e-01 6.26060441e-02 -5.83545193e-02 3.65313768e-01 -5.11293292e-01 -1.07308745e-01 -1.89176530e-01 -2.22453788e-01 -1.36667371e-01 2.61501014e-01 -1.67425111e-01 1.23165334e-02 -2.61597842e-01 5.92332100e-03 2.65525728e-01 2.05445856e-01 9.07258466e-02 -5.26376665e-01 1.23505116e-01 1.02884918e-01 2.66280830e-01 -5.23027442e-02 1.78243399e-01 4.05053288e-01 2.22375011e-03 -7.48177543e-02 1.57905489e-01 2.30672345e-01 3.77153724e-01 2.93739021e-01 3.46728057e-01 -5.94815658e-03 -4.19964164e-01 4.27315831e-01 3.72472517e-02 -2.64341146e-01 1.62105218e-01 5.13030708e-01 -2.56216466e-01 9.15908664e-02 -1.62500720e-02 7.10945949e-02 -3.06616038e-01 3.50475490e-01 -2.92134523e-01 1.57291517e-01 3.85329016e-02 -1.03852645e-01 -4.73161135e-03 -2.52848625e-01 -2.10771859e-01 -5.84145449e-02 1.74897879e-01 2.04152986e-01 1.84985265e-01 -2.63193309e-01 -2.35808015e-01 3.81014705e-01 5.91182560e-02 3.06353420e-01 6.03110157e-02 -1.71297297e-01 -1.17824920e-01 4.43687946e-01 -3.20976436e-01 -8.03449675e-02 9.33072418e-02 1.18197747e-01 -8.03026557e-02 -1.43351421e-01 2.13549972e-01 1.00717291e-01 -2.17699513e-01 -5.10218069e-02 -9.99299586e-02 1.18481010e-01 2.41130851e-02 2.91415691e-01 1.76381811e-01 -3.27680856e-01 1.51584342e-01 -5.24605699e-02 4.93664354e-01 1.89427398e-02 1.14120603e-01 -2.13441506e-01 8.24927837e-02 1.32209599e-01 -7.90835992e-02 -5.25096416e-01 -5.29489107e-02 -2.48111278e-01 -1.87290702e-02 3.52484167e-01 -5.03318124e-02 1.44674435e-01 -3.02398633e-02 3.28352243e-01 1.01955337e-02 -1.50959849e-01 1.85863338e-02 1.09071713e-02 -2.58066088e-01 9.40317586e-02 6.19087331e-02 -1.94705531e-01 -1.58187398e-03 -2.16562629e-01 1.47691473e-01 1.08850628e-01 -7.02256113e-02 -1.02235056e-01 -1.72971599e-02 -4.10529859e-02 -1.60546958e-01 1.36836797e-01 4.19752508e-01 3.07637155e-01 2.63353556e-01 -1.77084133e-02 -1.62034556e-01 -6.72561768e-03 3.36600512e-01 -2.27279380e-01 -4.23749328e-01 -1.63747326e-01 2.49693543e-01 2.10636511e-01 1.91364363e-01 2.48972908e-01 -3.08891535e-01 -2.64151543e-01 -1.21336564e-01 2.58676201e-01 -2.04426348e-02 -5.93074132e-03 5.55608757e-02 1.72280353e-02 -5.18069640e-02 2.73843762e-02 5.99430166e-02 -1.64595500e-01 -2.12805465e-01 1.13059394e-01 -2.47344136e-01 2.95900315e-01 -2.97127455e-01 2.80447036e-01 1.03399165e-01 2.90552199e-01 1.99141741e-01 -7.07750916e-02 -9.38865766e-02 -2.55960636e-02 5.28967083e-01 2.45829478e-01 -2.20145196e-01 -1.30558640e-01 5.07222265e-02 -2.67045408e-01 1.96890503e-01 -3.25438902e-02 1.25256386e-02 -2.60833241e-02 1.47050217e-01 -3.42102855e-01 -2.69434620e-02 -3.71331960e-01 -3.52832973e-01 -6.03236295e-02 2.37701625e-01 1.89788893e-01 -4.38228920e-02 -6.79924548e-01 8.27424079e-02]
"SΓ©ance Storm" active "Item #: SCP-460 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-460 is to be tracked and observed by Mobile Task Force Mu-13, while containing any serious incidents as they occur. All relevant information is to be transmitted, encrypted, and backed up at Site 19. During any major ectoplasmic event, all personnel are to evacuate a minimum of 5 miles from SCP-460’s current location. Description: SCP-460 is a free-floating mass of cumulonimbus, with an average diameter of 3.5 km. Normally, SCP-460 takes the form of a large ring, and is unaffected by standard meteorological conditions that a cloud of its shape and size would be. The composition of the cloud itself is typical, with frozen water (H2O) making up 98.7%. However, the remaining 1.3% of the cloud consists of a highly active form of ectoplasm, which lends to SCP-460’s unique properties. Typically, SCP-460 is dormant, floating at a speed generally relative to the current wind speed of the surrounding area. Occasionally, SCP-460 will halt its movement, usually over an area of moderate population. Once completely stationary, the ectoplasm of SCP-460 will condense and fall as a viscous rain, causing the spirits of the recently dead to manifest in a physical form as ghosts. This rain occurs as a light shower after the main downpour, with only intermittent pauses. Normally, only subjects who have died within the last year will manifest, with only the rare exception. Of note is that not only humans are capable of returning as a ghost, but also all sentient life that possesses a purpose for their manifestation. Spirits that manifest in this have complete autonomy while SCP-460 remains stationary, and will revert back to whatever nature they possessed in life. The actual manifestation, however, varies on a case-by-case basis. Most subjects who return from a non-violent death are often passive and appear much like they did in life. Variations occur mostly among the spirits of those who suffered a violent end, with many victims of crimes such as murder and rape manifesting as ghostly avatars of justice. It should be noted that deaths caused as a result of SCP-460 would result in further manifestation. Over time, the ectoplasm making up individual manifestations will β€œevaporate” and rise back up to the main body of SCP-460. This may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks, depending on the temperature and general humidity of the area. Once SCP-460 starts moving again, any remaining manifestations are instantaneously vaporized, and the cycle starts over. After becoming mobile, SCP-460 will wander for an indeterminable amount of time, with no pattern or common habits. Discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ near Siberia, where reports of a literal β€œghost town” had begun to circulate into the press at large. The number of ectoplasmic manifestations caused by the long-term stay of SCP-460 was overwhelming, and due to the violent nature of the now discontented spirits, a large military operation was required to secure the area. The surviving personnel now make up what is now Mobile Task Force Mu-13 aka β€œGhostbusters”. SCP-460 was immediately classified as a Keter class SCP, with all research diverted into predicting its movements to avoid further incidents. Addendum: Due to the outcome (or lack thereof) of Incident 460-b and 460-c, item has been reclassified as Euclid. Observation Log 460-a All relevant reports from Mu-13 are to be catalogued and formatted as follows: Subject: Amy Glaskow, formerly a housemaker and mother of 3. Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Liverpool Cause of death: Auto accident. Description: Comparison to pre-death records showed little difference in appearance due to manifestation. Subject returned to former home, reconciled with husband and children. First noted case of pre-mature dematerialization, a week before standard evaporation. Subject: Richard Bellington, formerly a dock supervisor with ties to organized crime. Date: β–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, NJ, USA Cause of death: Drowning Description: Overall manifestation resembled subject, but its clothing had changed from former work attire to an old-fashioned black and white prison uniform, replete with a ball and chain around the left ankle. Subject observed going to a local police station, and attempting to provide testimony to indict a local crime boss. Status of this investigation is ongoing. Dematerialized normally. Subject: Alexsandr Daskovich, formerly an owner of a local bar. Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Russia Cause of death: Cerebral trauma Description: Manifestation resembled a monstrously strong version of the subject, demonstrating extremely aggressive behavior. Involved in an attack on owners of his former bar, leading to one (1) immediate death due to extreme trauma. Two (2) other deaths resulted after a fire inside the bar consumed the building. The cause of the fire is still unknown. Dematerialized shortly after. Subject: Kong Mu Shen, formerly a police officer. Date: β–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Province, China Cause of death: Heart attack Description: Death occurred while SCP-460 was in the area. Subject attempted to apprehend a manifestation, which promptly revealed his true nature. Cardiac arrest as a result of stress followed. Subject manifested normally, and after initial confusion proceeded to operate as a law enforcement officer until dematerialization. Subject: Alex Grahl, formerly a notorious serial killer. Date: β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ [Note, death occurred seven years before manifestation.] Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Germany Cause of death: Shot to death Description: No resemblance to subject before death, resembled a twisted, disturbing interpretation of a norse troll. Manifested at place of death, a hotel where the subject had been gunned down by law enforcement. Subject proceeded to murder and partially cannibalize most of the hotel’s patronage and staff. Neutralized and dematerialized shortly after by Mu-13. First case of manifestation of a long dead subject. Subject: James Strather, formerly a noted spiritual medium Date: β–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, GA, USA Cause of death: [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: Subject appeared incredibly vindicated, with his immediate action after manifestation being to inform every single one of his critics of this fact. Dematerialized early, the first example of living beings able to influence manifested spirits on the physical plane. Subject: Spot, formerly a domesticated canine. Date: β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ DOD: Unknown Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Ireland Cause of death: Unknown Description: Subject appeared to be a manifestation of a mixed breed dog of unverifiable heritage, wearing a small collar engraved with the name β€œSpot”. Upon contact with Mu-13, subject interacted playfully with several task force members. Subject followed Mu-13 during the entirety of the session. Dematerialized normally, to the dismay of Mu-13, which had grown fond of its company. Β« SCP-459 | SCP-460 | SCP-461 Β»" nan
[-2.59077013e-01 -5.36403358e-01 -5.87959886e-02 5.98183237e-02 2.00738832e-01 -4.09643859e-01 -2.83650219e-01 -1.36428967e-01 3.13559100e-02 3.02906688e-02 3.38794917e-01 2.54592508e-01 -3.82649630e-01 -1.20342441e-01 1.79659307e-01 -5.89423738e-02 1.75927103e-01 1.57896489e-01 -4.18195367e-01 -2.93856680e-01 -1.04487576e-01 -1.03894413e-01 3.06715909e-02 1.78654552e-01 9.89745334e-02 -2.66532730e-02 1.27222566e-02 2.08409905e-01 -3.09487283e-01 -1.42004520e-01 1.76710382e-01 -7.52290338e-02 2.56603718e-01 5.30672848e-01 -1.14146511e-04 -1.38602719e-01 1.21042304e-01 -1.29511476e-01 -5.40378749e-01 4.71808314e-02 -4.14154649e-01 -1.43684760e-01 9.88687798e-02 -2.12186202e-01 3.89192291e-02 7.21827373e-02 -1.14376664e-01 -1.86019704e-01 7.56146014e-01 3.02388579e-01 1.26284093e-01 -9.03999582e-02 -9.68544781e-02 -2.52154171e-01 2.48424768e-01 6.56866908e-01 -2.11126894e-01 -1.20020816e-02 1.68191493e-01 -3.27889115e-01 1.32429317e-01 -9.11189839e-02 -2.61550367e-01 5.56762740e-02 3.76007199e-01 -6.28621802e-02 2.06880748e-01 2.17135489e-01 -3.97132933e-02 2.78970063e-01 3.29592228e-02 5.24007529e-02 3.81346226e-01 7.45582953e-02 -5.38265938e-03 1.81145161e-01 -7.55889900e-03 -1.64209232e-02 -1.31449386e-01 -2.44046390e-01 -1.78494364e-01 3.66006315e-01 -1.05895646e-01 1.05682656e-01 -2.96088815e-01 4.53830101e-02 -1.92511469e-01 9.05273780e-02 1.12158537e-01 5.41481301e-02 4.37020510e-02 1.15662694e-01 8.94468203e-02 1.60474211e-01 -2.95057833e-01 3.19679677e-02 1.46214530e-01 1.78418607e-01 6.73612431e-02 3.97553295e-01 5.36388338e-01 -1.32985920e-01 6.14714622e-01 -1.04971372e-01 2.14981139e-01 -1.11096889e-01 4.95785959e-02 -2.21313491e-01 1.19839218e-02 8.17668885e-02 4.61438783e-02 -3.42782810e-02 -3.43268663e-02 2.44506121e-01 -2.69700158e-02 1.46170752e-02 -8.92464593e-02 -2.80655950e-01 -3.42032373e-01 5.73397055e-02 -3.30748349e-01 1.75033078e-01 1.23431496e-01 9.68633443e-02 3.70171279e-01 1.71201587e-01 1.69644758e-01 -2.35634491e-01 3.92295420e-02 2.14915842e-01 -4.09803353e-02 -3.40747423e-02 -5.43315768e-01 -6.65362924e-02 1.26993194e-01 -6.11324720e-02 -2.09784120e-01 1.55598715e-01 3.61828022e-02 2.30910946e-02 1.19876020e-01 -8.22188854e-02 1.50247216e-01 3.11806530e-01 -3.81279826e-01 -1.07575715e-01 -6.12385683e-02 2.07454115e-01 1.18566908e-01 -8.90800580e-02 3.56666505e-01 -2.99496986e-02 -2.50654876e-01 1.85470939e-01 -1.67363793e-01 4.64031883e-02 2.18371570e-01 -1.38369456e-01 -2.63621658e-01 -3.79040316e-02 2.76154369e-01 8.84411391e-03 8.77893791e-02 -2.25733638e-01 1.14358000e-01 5.14775753e-01 -2.46929929e-01 -8.42852145e-02 -5.11557221e-01 -4.00214106e-01 1.96586668e-01 -3.05041909e-01 2.64894292e-02 -3.57122533e-02 -5.71297705e-01 -5.80146015e-02 -1.01309502e+00 -5.62015735e-02 2.23374739e-02 -7.07412809e-02 -3.91301155e-01 2.83514321e-01 3.99611682e-01 -2.24491879e-01 -1.74337506e-01 2.30270922e-02 1.19104527e-01 -1.05211034e-01 1.18603691e-01 -1.02434635e-01 -1.84610575e-01 9.98771787e-02 1.81356333e-02 7.03222165e-03 -2.01042458e-01 4.72665206e-02 4.70906973e-01 3.33307862e-01 9.08755604e-03 1.40329123e-01 -1.10592388e-01 -9.31480899e-02 4.67462510e-01 -2.02709347e-01 -2.69330777e-02 3.36654812e-01 -5.93089104e-01 -1.66488767e-01 3.64951999e-03 2.21738935e-01 -2.63702959e-01 3.06853112e-02 -3.07727009e-01 1.02044061e-01 -5.65700582e-04 -2.05764502e-01 1.81638032e-01 -2.90349429e-03 1.61232427e-01 -4.93575782e-01 -1.00770384e-01 2.66774833e-01 -1.13659501e-01 2.74320040e-02 2.78573722e-01 1.49338230e-01 -9.03928503e-02 -2.94820398e-01 -1.83528319e-01 -4.82930578e-02 3.16981375e-01 -8.84854496e-02 5.93181923e-02 1.49255663e-01 -5.42953253e-01 4.35514867e-01 5.94125502e-03 5.01505852e-01 -1.98013827e-01 6.70783818e-02 3.54885042e-01 2.63593774e-02 1.24647021e-01 -1.13049053e-01 -1.19290225e-01 2.78493822e-01 9.74116847e-02 3.35505515e-01 2.02076938e-02 1.43959925e-01 -1.29197717e-01 -2.78411180e-01 -4.43836525e-02 2.90437555e-03 5.54595232e-01 4.29604948e-01 3.07558596e-01 -6.84549734e-02 6.07033744e-02 9.83447507e-02 -3.68590742e-01 -6.15009153e-03 2.87318498e-01 -9.09970105e-02 -4.42634821e-01 5.44877313e-02 3.82150590e-01 2.96609193e-01 3.81383598e-01 -9.63843241e-02 5.19406088e-02 -1.00278042e-01 2.25598980e-02 -2.64600813e-01 1.70718327e-01 -7.06152385e-03 1.62469894e-01 4.76930380e-01 1.08476162e-01 -7.14693777e-03 -3.17679644e-01 -1.31359801e-01 -2.99564051e-03 -1.10065475e-01 -1.10665135e-01 9.31210071e-02 -1.95199028e-01 -3.06538314e-01 -2.80588597e-01 5.11805475e-01 3.66005599e-02 2.94035077e-02 7.66130239e-02 -2.12634057e-01 -2.13318527e-01 -2.65854865e-01 6.92201182e-02 3.39732230e-01 -2.42895961e-01 -1.03592142e-01 -6.83189571e-01 -9.00725126e-02 -5.02545945e-02 1.25213027e-01 -4.00537610e-01 -3.31143588e-01 3.85556936e-01 2.09818631e-01 3.28548819e-01 -5.17118238e-02 -4.17218745e-01 2.55684614e-01 1.20272085e-01 -2.04988644e-01 1.93628177e-01 3.15475985e-02 8.14868882e-02 -1.07085906e-01 1.36393324e-01 -4.12698328e-01 -1.39315873e-01 3.55883688e-01 -4.83298272e-01 1.64823636e-01 -1.07683100e-01 8.60479474e-02 -1.59447253e-01 -1.31128863e-01 3.86881754e-02 1.13124274e-01 -3.60135809e-02 -1.42551586e-01 2.00071692e-01 2.18578383e-01 -2.10668176e-01 -9.88499448e-02 -8.31921622e-02 -2.02489361e-01 -3.60809937e-02 2.24800054e-02 1.63671285e-01 6.55729473e-02 -4.36362959e-02 2.66351253e-01 2.53139287e-01 -1.57470882e-01 -1.28426775e-01 1.25291213e-01 3.68409306e-01 7.31684342e-02 -3.36716980e-01 3.41900021e-01 1.27734154e-01 -2.50567824e-01 -1.08577386e-01 2.26896465e-01 -9.58134308e-02 5.69627210e-02 4.74423736e-01 -2.68680036e-01 9.88571420e-02 2.44629756e-01 1.75347403e-01 -3.92313581e-03 -1.64356023e-01 -2.17460111e-01 2.72851497e-01 -1.87716797e-01 2.05452114e-01 3.16737741e-02 4.63868499e-01 -1.98387071e-01 -2.37791866e-01 -7.75976777e-02 9.43353549e-02 1.01601064e-01 -3.08614135e-01 4.86503681e-03 -3.45561057e-02 -1.59087460e-02 3.50130051e-02 9.06095564e-01 3.87338221e-01 -1.08388528e-01 -1.02390975e-01 3.91878545e-01 -2.19043210e-01 1.70778587e-01 2.02255353e-01 3.43743451e-02 1.08077392e-01 -2.47886285e-01 5.64299524e-02 -1.94429144e-01 4.29108679e-01 -4.33399379e-01 -4.47912440e-02 -3.77029181e-01 5.91112562e-02 2.07861036e-01 -1.38138413e-01 3.43238525e-02 4.13226575e-01 3.23567748e-01 6.40874878e-02 1.56699196e-01 1.45582557e-02 -1.64036497e-01 -3.94648105e-01 3.88361812e-02 4.09043729e-01 -9.45934951e-02 -2.52079844e-01 -3.87862436e-02 -8.05360731e-03 1.59889102e-01 1.19274423e-01 5.42702824e-02 1.02388747e-01 -2.45558664e-01 -1.44223601e-01 2.16960773e-01 1.17644452e-01 -4.17479068e-01 -1.99044317e-01 -7.16457609e-03 2.35610217e-01 1.46376073e-01 4.78414670e-02 1.16155157e-03 5.67943268e-02 -1.70002311e-01 -1.66577399e-01 3.76161247e-01 1.97343528e-01 4.01457787e-01 5.13227880e-01 -1.15782674e-02 1.75127480e-02 1.60510868e-01 1.61066721e-03 8.61905888e-02 6.05181098e-01 -3.56744491e-02 1.97190106e-01 2.89189935e-01 2.65872888e-02 -3.18053782e-01 -1.33377612e-01 9.66451019e-02 -4.53723930e-02 4.64854538e-01 2.22350545e-02 4.24495637e-01 2.61751443e-01 -3.03738415e-01 -5.45234025e-01 3.63991112e-02 -1.04128145e-01 7.22846389e-02 5.23967683e-01 1.11798477e+00 1.89547583e-01 -3.42054814e-02 -9.49857011e-02 -5.86382188e-02 7.57127255e-02 -7.28295386e-01 -1.74455062e-01 -3.70120183e-02 2.64435351e-01 -4.56693163e-03 -1.88261479e-01 1.04660161e-01 4.88899916e-01 -4.22832161e-01 -3.13391760e-02 -5.00555754e-01 1.17336661e-01 1.20834105e-01 1.69930205e-01 2.77106855e-02 -3.43171321e-02 1.16158389e-01 1.52458385e-01 -1.07030548e-01 4.33906198e-01 -9.69011486e-02 2.61331528e-01 1.99484795e-01 -3.62192065e-01 -2.16477484e-01 3.22838426e-01 -2.94161290e-01 -6.88200742e-02 -1.30099088e-01 -6.72779799e-01 -1.64965808e-01 -2.10874334e-01 -3.50559056e-01 -1.97688580e-01 1.04959533e-01 4.06363606e-01 6.85228705e-01 -3.61970626e-02 -2.17167571e-01 1.22073941e-01 5.08166403e-02 6.16302602e-02 9.94093642e-02 2.69569188e-01 -2.86228120e-01 -1.43640667e-01 -5.20459116e-02 1.53433546e-01 -1.20448787e-02 -5.77353463e-02 5.95304906e-01 2.06217647e-01 -1.73813567e-01 -1.95595816e-01 1.11944608e-01 3.95839632e-01 2.46255681e-01 1.27973810e-01 2.82192118e-02 7.67471492e-02 -1.82856068e-01 1.35456219e-01 1.86869986e-02 -4.19997424e-01 8.63044336e-02 4.68200028e-01 -1.05091400e-01 -4.16458517e-01 -2.32039884e-01 -2.58516166e-02 -2.81331360e-01 3.26951712e-01 1.22587129e-01 -2.87244052e-01 1.69988573e-01 2.16430917e-01 -3.88855152e-02 -6.36941433e-01 -2.03827456e-01 -2.10798845e-01 1.47002131e-01 2.33913343e-02 3.75146657e-01 2.65808284e-01 1.81425557e-01 2.06788167e-01 7.14508072e-02 -2.19963640e-02 -3.38148534e-01 -2.47994483e-01 4.31215623e-03 8.57805833e-03 2.73989677e-01 -2.16475636e-01 2.58918434e-01 -2.94151772e-02 1.29313901e-01 4.38165784e-01 -1.60504952e-01 -1.58279404e-01 -2.69556195e-01 1.30102172e-01 2.24948879e-02 -1.25184268e-01 1.38568819e-01 -1.10933796e-01 2.58967906e-01 1.61550686e-01 3.83866429e-02 1.22463800e-01 5.65354787e-02 -2.94755157e-02 -6.22428954e-01 7.83824623e-02 9.70668942e-02 -1.07427649e-01 -1.32822469e-02 1.24957375e-01 1.75079510e-01 1.78277642e-02 -2.52926033e-02 -2.08365053e-01 -5.91790006e-02 2.12811887e-01 6.44650608e-02 3.70825410e-01 1.50095731e-01 1.53339922e-01 -2.80390233e-01 -3.62877160e-01 -2.69453406e-01 3.70714933e-01 -3.04028183e-01 -1.11518539e-01 -9.71017033e-02 2.12680459e-01 -1.45548079e-02 1.33439243e-01 -6.80884659e-01 4.05329168e-01 5.21486439e-03 5.42406365e-02 -1.08959354e-01 -3.74290109e-01 6.08525462e-02 9.18205455e-02 1.64751276e-01 -7.93181285e-02 5.91366626e-02 7.66527355e-02 2.00010180e-01 2.96995305e-02 5.83642721e-02 9.13759228e-03 2.04224795e-01 2.66737938e-01 5.94136342e-02 -2.69628584e-01 5.46495244e-02 4.81753051e-01 2.52685368e-01 1.65205926e-01 1.61033049e-01 4.85107720e-01 -2.77446032e-01 4.47914839e-01 2.05236346e-01 2.99434423e-01 -1.73509866e-01 3.17886740e-01 -4.91211504e-01 -2.10505873e-01 2.21017778e-01 1.50435835e-01 -5.06608129e-01 -2.34054253e-01 -1.62518993e-01 6.65765116e-03 -7.38972276e-02 2.59498328e-01 3.04642767e-01 -8.43209103e-02 2.25492448e-01 -3.63941640e-02 -3.83336097e-02 3.53965938e-01 9.79329273e-02 -4.73672859e-02 1.63993344e-01 7.66045094e-01 -1.25401899e-01 1.95879579e-01 6.72095492e-02 1.79527923e-01 4.42386568e-02 8.55559856e-03 2.40897000e-01 -3.54782008e-02 -1.72274306e-01 -1.90858722e-01 1.85433492e-01 2.47039497e-01 8.14190060e-02 -3.72072011e-02 1.32725626e-01 -2.63760626e-01 -3.72087151e-01 2.91373022e-02 8.36566314e-02 3.85893852e-01 -5.66835254e-02 2.13865768e-02 -2.18795940e-01 -7.59191513e-02 8.02996978e-02 -1.81397453e-01 -1.32168144e-01 -1.46830529e-01 1.68283239e-01 -1.11039512e-01 -3.98974530e-02 6.01191185e-02 -7.40381479e-02 2.44052932e-01 -1.56151757e-01 2.48463780e-01 -8.58052820e-02 -4.35708582e-01 1.71536237e-01 3.71148065e-02 -2.35411108e-01 -7.52636865e-02 -2.35920534e-01 3.73222902e-02 9.04993042e-02 2.90944993e-01 -1.08515613e-01 -4.30573434e-01 -4.01477106e-02 1.12338506e-01 -2.62735963e-01 -1.31652085e-02 3.01213562e-01 4.56864722e-02 2.72747874e-01 6.47237450e-02 -1.11007005e-01 2.11756945e-01 9.40656364e-02 -3.07540745e-01 -2.94279784e-01 1.31207809e-01 -8.10108781e-02 7.26218879e-01 -4.07195091e-02 2.93616891e-01 -2.47186720e-02 -4.10823196e-01 2.91938215e-01 1.22643217e-01 -1.79030836e-01 -3.93536165e-02 2.16089606e-01 1.84560776e-01 3.03347677e-01 7.83358589e-02 4.09541018e-02 -1.95240796e-01 2.89053016e-04 -3.94975804e-02 -3.76895487e-01 2.21587420e-01 -1.74996704e-01 4.08469252e-02 -2.97132313e-01 3.45046967e-01 4.76687327e-02 -1.84980109e-01 -2.67957419e-01 -3.26749295e-01 3.12191814e-01 -1.51147395e-01 2.77838171e-01 6.29192069e-02 4.02296036e-02 -5.18355668e-01 -5.71593307e-02 -5.97893476e-01 -1.80274829e-01 -1.10475630e-01 2.02134773e-02 2.08197981e-01 -2.98084736e-01 -1.30409971e-01 -3.66702288e-01 -3.85970697e-02 6.33623242e-01 3.59442085e-02 -1.77893758e-01 -4.73491549e-02 -6.85838386e-02]
"ZICU-TV" active "Item #: SCP-461 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-461 is to be kept in a locked room without windows and its display faced away from the door. The door must be guarded by one Level 3 security personnel whose presence is monitored via security cameras. A Level 2 security rating is required to enter the room. No one is allowed entry from 0300 to 0305 GMT until further notice. Description: SCP-461 is a 25-inch cathode ray tube (CRT) television of unknown origin, although it outwardly resembles a Zenith unit manufactured in the early 1980s. The model number is β€œZT-035,” but this does not correspond to any known Zenith television. Once a day, at exactly 0300 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), SCP-461 self-activates and displays video footage lasting precisely five minutes. The nature of the footage varies widely, but it is never a conventional broadcast. Instead of standard television programming, SCP-461 displays what appears to be video feeds of closed-circuit security cameras in both commercial and residential settings. All footage appears contemporary and transmitted "live." SCP-461 does not require an external energy source to operate; it has no power cable. It also has no antenna. When it is active, changing the channel has no effect, and its unadjustable audio produces only low static. Its knobs to adjust color, sharpness, tint, or other visual settings have no effect and may not be connected. All attempts to physically access the internal components have proved fruitless. The device has no seams, screws, bolts, or other entry point or fastener. X-ray scanning does not reveal the interior of SCP-461, and sonographic inspection is similarly inconclusive. The unit is also unusually heavy for a CRT television β€” approximately 50 kilograms above normal weight for a device of this type. Addendum 461-A: Incident log, 03/08/20β–ˆβ–ˆ We put the device inside of a Faraday cage today to filter out all incoming signals. Nevertheless, SCP-461's behavior proceeded as normal at 0300 GMT. Perhaps it's transmitting from an internal data storage component? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Addendum 461-B: Incident log, 09/04/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Today, the device displayed footage of the interior of the room it is contained in, from the perspective of the corner just above the door. However, there are no security cameras or other video recording devices in the room. Advise that no fewer than two individuals occupy the room at one time. Also advise closed-circuit cameras to be installed in the room to monitor for unusual phenomena. Said footage is designated SCP-461-1. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Addendum 461-C: Internal SCP correspondence, 09/12/20β–ˆβ–ˆ I did some analysis on SCP-461-1 as you asked. Nothing really jumped out at me at first, but I punched up the gamma and brightness, contrast, and a few other doodads, and it looked like there's someone standing in the far corner. I checked the entry log for that day, and no one is recorded going in or out. The hallway camera tapes don't show anyone going in or out either. Are you guys running an experiment on long-term exposure to this thing? Robert β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-460 | SCP-461 | SCP-462 Β»" nan
[ 9.43736136e-02 -5.15853167e-01 -9.95428581e-03 -7.80867636e-02 2.18971640e-01 3.26516815e-02 4.31436956e-01 1.47011220e-01 -1.49894163e-01 8.87720287e-02 3.30225490e-02 2.80579720e-02 -4.26147133e-01 -2.43986458e-01 1.38173029e-01 3.76078635e-01 -3.25780399e-02 3.49015415e-01 1.21034533e-01 -3.27088326e-01 9.03933570e-02 -1.48549467e-01 -1.37213483e-01 7.70051405e-02 4.69623357e-02 -1.19283900e-01 2.12712526e-01 -1.13793336e-01 8.95696729e-02 -1.94332018e-01 1.74634695e-01 2.15427503e-01 4.82307523e-02 3.64164203e-01 -1.13054819e-04 -2.99911171e-01 -8.17281455e-02 -1.08579032e-01 -3.15949589e-01 3.23940367e-01 -4.63672429e-01 -4.35185015e-01 1.12799414e-01 -1.58443347e-01 -9.42073986e-02 -5.57487831e-02 -1.08304247e-01 1.52082324e-01 1.90281779e-01 4.94438469e-01 1.90561175e-01 2.85642564e-01 -1.28030553e-02 -3.68117243e-02 -1.67534739e-01 2.19037488e-01 -1.41651198e-01 1.54829070e-01 1.45107493e-01 2.25493267e-01 -1.31143946e-02 2.99687356e-01 2.91288923e-02 -3.11646193e-01 -9.41754580e-02 -2.34459400e-01 1.66117683e-01 -1.52814269e-01 2.77010202e-01 6.30671382e-02 -1.49665326e-01 -4.67338078e-02 1.70423746e-01 -1.01857543e-01 1.21054482e-02 -1.44148290e-01 -6.40970469e-03 3.87904912e-01 -2.02662736e-01 2.21012667e-01 -7.14930445e-02 2.12495569e-02 -3.06379408e-01 -1.22762814e-01 -7.19814654e-03 1.22922055e-01 1.92684848e-02 1.51155172e-02 7.18389153e-02 -2.66515743e-02 5.30013800e-01 -9.59137157e-02 6.74171075e-02 2.88920403e-01 3.42186131e-02 -1.42106488e-01 2.40056589e-01 4.27266359e-02 -8.49734023e-02 -2.95626074e-01 1.13113113e-01 1.36215001e-01 2.48661637e-01 9.94862150e-03 5.19997738e-02 2.83516973e-01 1.11180749e-02 -3.22594270e-02 -7.76016772e-01 2.81033665e-01 -1.10790014e-01 1.29258990e-01 -9.18447003e-02 2.25361913e-01 2.84779489e-01 -1.31821752e-01 3.99427600e-02 -1.49541348e-02 -7.08214641e-02 2.80371994e-01 -2.71357208e-01 9.52826217e-02 2.85533872e-02 2.06852555e-01 6.08032286e-01 2.56676763e-01 -1.13432460e-01 -4.28096235e-01 -3.54872830e-02 -2.14012295e-01 -2.48179510e-01 1.87215522e-01 -1.62825450e-01 2.40885820e-02 -1.25414163e-01 -1.90213323e-01 -5.45819521e-01 -9.15117934e-02 -3.81984375e-02 1.12810805e-01 -6.47384897e-02 -2.23741354e-03 8.05815220e-01 4.53630507e-01 -4.97382075e-01 2.51487434e-01 -1.85051057e-02 2.31233433e-01 -1.33682355e-01 2.41897516e-02 2.93451637e-01 -4.22075033e-01 -3.23029369e-01 2.19811842e-01 -2.99402237e-01 1.80863917e-01 6.19058967e-01 -1.83347762e-01 -1.59960225e-01 -4.84460056e-01 1.29793346e-01 1.03416145e-01 -3.27537209e-02 6.12286944e-03 2.18018577e-01 3.09423000e-01 -3.63661617e-01 1.12107627e-01 -4.55755323e-01 -2.16472998e-01 2.73834057e-02 -2.73647547e-01 -5.74796163e-02 6.74365833e-02 -8.11411738e-02 -2.59532809e-01 -1.59645304e-01 -2.05184847e-01 -4.94782895e-01 2.42517833e-02 -3.03028911e-01 2.92305350e-01 2.19715893e-01 1.64094788e-03 -5.91260135e-01 -1.27078682e-01 -1.91788241e-01 -1.89917669e-01 -8.04071948e-02 -3.18466634e-01 -2.57830262e-01 -4.36693013e-01 1.37053654e-01 1.39958248e-01 2.47290209e-01 7.94544816e-02 6.42144382e-02 2.05110777e-02 3.31315666e-01 3.92068654e-01 -6.30350932e-02 -3.73330921e-01 5.43090522e-01 -1.59176558e-01 -1.93322554e-01 1.04321800e-01 -1.09927334e-01 -7.81658944e-03 3.04035038e-01 2.85023123e-01 -2.90070549e-02 2.75628008e-02 9.16593522e-03 1.44800590e-02 -2.23212734e-01 -2.41570666e-01 2.54451603e-01 6.47293627e-01 -1.61574721e-01 -2.07020268e-01 -2.01279044e-01 1.70553997e-01 6.89905807e-02 -2.33147547e-01 -1.52700141e-01 4.64391112e-02 -1.09124079e-01 -5.34904227e-02 -2.56073534e-01 8.93396139e-02 2.30152398e-01 7.62078762e-02 1.65269986e-01 -1.52476475e-01 -3.44855666e-01 2.80203134e-01 1.49015710e-01 1.97234094e-01 -1.49512023e-01 -3.60019386e-01 -6.05040751e-02 2.48857573e-01 3.30293387e-01 2.10088715e-01 -9.89730060e-02 1.59286425e-01 2.88559288e-01 -2.46253058e-01 8.60864148e-02 -5.14235906e-02 1.86728388e-02 -3.97093333e-02 -4.23197774e-03 -1.79316714e-01 1.53017059e-01 5.59834480e-01 -3.39782089e-01 3.66484404e-01 -1.43038541e-01 4.38506871e-01 1.99178278e-01 -3.31041366e-01 2.39544809e-02 1.68925747e-01 1.32074788e-01 -1.65026844e-01 3.87217164e-01 5.24343967e-01 7.23833293e-02 3.70730460e-02 -1.60456926e-01 -1.32762179e-01 -2.25210056e-01 -1.77204505e-01 -1.45482883e-01 2.40974620e-01 -7.97215253e-02 3.44326258e-01 2.48765290e-01 1.09761655e-01 -1.90376550e-01 -2.70687789e-01 -2.65611798e-01 -1.46223545e-01 -1.17196336e-01 -9.70341917e-03 2.89621372e-02 2.44599909e-01 -9.12418664e-02 1.90588728e-01 3.16496849e-01 -3.59177917e-01 -1.50115669e-01 -1.06896698e-01 -9.69378352e-02 1.04708977e-01 -1.76575050e-01 6.57458425e-01 5.98728191e-03 2.48539954e-01 -1.74666271e-01 -2.28746474e-01 1.74455512e-02 9.55648646e-02 -3.88943613e-01 1.62859499e-01 1.94384843e-01 1.61830932e-01 3.65454070e-02 -2.28125185e-01 -2.01971486e-01 2.33873203e-01 -8.86989236e-02 -1.18413433e-01 -5.00546172e-02 -1.99028656e-01 5.53268008e-02 -1.14335120e-01 -6.79633468e-02 -3.40747267e-01 2.52966642e-01 1.72339931e-01 -1.69870093e-01 9.93629023e-02 1.28311766e-02 3.40478659e-01 -4.48871881e-01 -2.82195091e-01 1.17598258e-01 -6.96802735e-02 2.60453194e-01 3.16422492e-01 8.93758312e-02 8.46251473e-02 -3.07945937e-01 1.67889401e-01 -3.22928168e-02 -1.88463390e-01 1.21197484e-01 4.64490950e-02 -1.85660437e-01 -2.43009701e-01 -1.18590705e-01 2.60806791e-02 1.05309218e-01 -3.07027847e-01 2.30970718e-02 -1.65258735e-01 -9.35828909e-02 -1.00693017e-01 -4.54864889e-01 3.05050343e-01 2.12038141e-02 -1.70868590e-01 -1.05262049e-01 1.56473387e-02 -5.37774079e-02 1.93635479e-01 -1.01926789e-01 -1.55126452e-01 3.82816270e-02 2.05258757e-01 2.21826181e-01 -6.90428019e-02 -3.75938624e-01 -8.81840475e-03 -7.40933046e-03 3.12695026e-01 -1.39678776e-01 -2.66953558e-01 8.05308744e-02 2.92465478e-01 -3.76069367e-01 5.15008032e-01 -1.79978833e-01 6.84011579e-02 -1.43425733e-01 1.32604823e-01 -5.42188883e-01 -1.80056110e-01 2.49099478e-01 4.73520279e-01 2.47345105e-01 -6.17112890e-02 2.03412488e-01 2.68392712e-02 -2.23164484e-01 -1.90187365e-01 1.21093646e-01 -1.66181445e-01 -6.12782203e-02 3.81261021e-01 -1.45447642e-01 -1.26751408e-01 -1.06517196e-01 -3.91903780e-02 2.44246840e-01 -5.82929611e-01 -2.32711941e-01 4.20899421e-01 -1.26390457e-01 -3.68028849e-01 1.72237381e-01 8.14813554e-01 3.97442669e-01 2.73081303e-01 -2.29151994e-01 -1.70971036e-01 -4.29902643e-01 -2.97913194e-01 -2.15792283e-01 -2.71782100e-01 1.01818502e-01 1.59790188e-01 -8.55314638e-03 -3.59994285e-02 2.53294185e-02 6.11289963e-02 2.16038436e-01 -1.07557848e-01 -5.64822629e-02 8.57345387e-03 -8.64839777e-02 -5.62841520e-02 -2.23867580e-01 1.77686289e-01 1.19402289e-01 1.99495077e-01 2.56135821e-01 1.32713988e-01 -1.54387340e-01 8.87451768e-02 -8.47026892e-03 6.29711747e-02 -2.49993458e-01 3.31453741e-01 3.50327849e-01 2.83369154e-01 -1.32053107e-01 1.27170414e-01 6.32128306e-03 -1.73064217e-01 7.09456980e-01 1.03542998e-01 -3.93099934e-02 2.45317910e-02 6.31380975e-01 2.94529740e-02 -1.23372935e-01 3.64000320e-01 -2.34779984e-01 -2.15989556e-02 1.15080759e-01 2.39052251e-01 -3.30781877e-01 -3.38836551e-01 -1.83001474e-01 3.93127561e-01 -2.54324228e-02 2.33752906e-01 2.64876217e-01 1.19417799e+00 2.82165229e-01 2.27270335e-01 4.85239148e-01 -3.65349621e-01 8.81559625e-02 -2.52689999e-02 -4.43519279e-02 -7.33264163e-02 -2.49843329e-01 -1.86852291e-02 6.78916276e-02 -9.81142148e-02 2.76031971e-01 -4.42502439e-01 -1.42624393e-01 -5.84591389e-01 2.39583760e-01 5.16992450e-01 7.46947676e-02 -3.08779720e-02 5.24746962e-02 -3.14979136e-01 2.18449831e-01 9.61378291e-02 1.91222176e-01 7.96721950e-02 -1.12338446e-03 1.66657642e-01 1.34173697e-02 -2.87322521e-01 -2.46175919e-02 2.40174592e-01 1.91476226e-01 -1.91490740e-01 -2.26104587e-01 -1.80632174e-01 -2.12292761e-01 -2.40788847e-01 -2.09970430e-01 -2.45032176e-01 3.77562284e-01 7.77890027e-01 -1.04584366e-01 -2.63359874e-01 -2.17464287e-02 3.87148708e-01 5.07963374e-02 6.97048083e-02 1.83890104e-01 -1.54977040e-02 2.34728247e-01 -9.91438180e-02 9.67658237e-02 6.26324937e-02 -1.67077199e-01 2.43566796e-01 -1.28976405e-01 -1.59184963e-01 2.00987756e-02 1.45712510e-01 -9.26173180e-02 -1.81548953e-01 -3.07287797e-02 -1.14771686e-01 -1.75668359e-01 -8.00050646e-02 1.60733223e-01 1.52103424e-01 2.83963501e-01 1.47915021e-01 2.05693975e-01 -1.55129105e-01 -5.24926424e-01 2.09074512e-01 3.85621428e-01 -5.37035227e-01 -1.54839799e-01 -2.84451377e-02 -2.92931795e-01 1.61799550e-01 2.11343259e-01 3.93620208e-02 -2.33020872e-01 -4.60769147e-01 -2.22800095e-02 1.42290786e-01 -2.60865927e-01 1.02683447e-01 3.38739961e-01 -1.02152303e-01 2.50620861e-03 1.78310126e-01 2.31671914e-01 -4.04871851e-01 9.16447118e-03 -1.28053829e-01 -7.58674517e-02 9.89549458e-02 -1.64024338e-01 2.73868114e-01 -1.26238614e-01 2.48094261e-01 -2.84681786e-02 -2.30309054e-01 -2.00117245e-01 2.11499512e-01 1.82322264e-01 1.79506063e-01 -1.05552606e-01 -2.85482854e-01 1.39891207e-01 -1.09071732e-01 5.87811843e-02 -1.26513556e-01 2.55450428e-01 2.58752018e-01 2.41641834e-01 -5.71510419e-02 -1.63586289e-02 4.41782502e-03 1.09639950e-01 -9.12215859e-02 2.62318522e-01 1.42025262e-01 -1.29187733e-01 -3.56113344e-01 -3.85681428e-02 5.62504642e-02 4.35785651e-01 5.38251959e-02 1.39584973e-01 2.27237105e-01 1.49925143e-01 1.68323040e-01 -2.17325360e-01 -1.89024284e-02 -1.02102451e-01 -1.83781415e-01 -4.64827478e-01 -1.01903260e-01 2.58782357e-01 -1.31379977e-01 9.62468311e-02 -3.38548928e-01 5.02074622e-02 1.96425885e-01 -3.39221419e-03 -2.64603287e-01 -3.23799014e-01 -1.45337462e-01 8.43350440e-02 5.16806066e-01 4.58169729e-02 3.43534537e-02 4.66455847e-01 2.57989857e-02 2.79005524e-02 -2.73591667e-01 8.23853686e-02 2.79785842e-01 2.62370765e-01 -2.12884992e-01 1.98028311e-01 1.24753779e-02 2.84676105e-01 3.08772027e-01 -1.66545048e-01 -1.15913980e-01 3.70148629e-01 -4.00788784e-01 -9.14833844e-02 -1.48730800e-01 1.61446691e-01 -8.85134414e-02 1.14918582e-01 -1.35131165e-01 1.60139844e-01 1.49984643e-01 4.53758627e-01 -1.21499956e-01 5.95321432e-02 -4.24154490e-01 -1.42389834e-01 4.14477259e-01 2.71485485e-02 1.39570355e-01 1.27843156e-01 4.12628427e-02 5.54728448e-01 -1.19264320e-01 1.28681436e-01 1.96725801e-01 -6.27795681e-02 3.09170961e-01 2.77586997e-01 -7.04052374e-02 4.21439320e-01 5.72940446e-02 2.97634184e-01 1.09908417e-01 -1.43338203e-01 5.32662988e-01 2.34425187e-01 -2.81063408e-01 4.26660888e-02 2.30636653e-02 4.42455970e-02 3.29683304e-01 3.65007743e-02 2.45334983e-01 -2.95011759e-01 -2.57807523e-01 1.31139129e-01 1.67835802e-01 -7.35765770e-02 -5.51024154e-02 -9.52956602e-02 -1.59059763e-01 -4.31752112e-03 -1.19568676e-01 -2.44531363e-01 -2.70626992e-01 6.40051719e-03 -1.70052089e-02 3.05594444e-01 1.30247608e-01 1.04682200e-01 -1.10190801e-01 3.91526192e-01 5.44117875e-02 1.06382854e-01 8.79009292e-02 -3.11009258e-01 -2.14076191e-01 3.11300099e-01 3.06124296e-02 -5.67163050e-01 -7.57102743e-02 -2.15636671e-01 -2.06042733e-02 4.62629274e-02 -2.38285176e-02 1.31411031e-01 1.00733764e-01 -1.78166121e-01 -1.53532475e-01 3.53189930e-02 4.35469151e-01 -5.05160689e-02 -8.15863907e-02 -1.40483424e-01 2.09753320e-01 -6.64421678e-01 2.48018816e-01 3.77215803e-01 -4.51618612e-01 -2.13738412e-01 2.59043872e-01 5.47456145e-01 -1.07864298e-01 2.86147177e-01 -1.03338785e-03 -1.45764127e-01 -3.10186986e-02 2.84398586e-01 -2.47023255e-02 -1.44080564e-01 1.84490997e-02 6.31212741e-02 1.44287050e-01 3.90971601e-01 1.78885117e-01 -3.87120694e-02 -1.60896063e-01 2.62493491e-01 -2.49258280e-01 2.78351128e-01 -1.25562653e-01 2.70971537e-01 3.65043133e-01 -6.79315114e-03 3.16743031e-02 9.28385854e-02 -1.12695105e-01 -3.66858423e-01 4.51232970e-01 -2.23542109e-01 -1.55100226e-01 -1.80798948e-01 1.11035965e-01 -2.72191882e-01 -7.11747259e-02 -2.39633977e-01 -8.26786608e-02 -6.26901612e-02 -2.30934490e-02 -1.51381552e-01 -1.14899673e-01 -7.73636252e-02 -2.77432323e-01 -1.62469056e-02 -2.06356812e-02 1.47651523e-01 2.43511330e-02 -4.11058396e-01 6.35092258e-02]
"The Getaway Car" active "Item #: SCP-462 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-462 is stored in a temperature- and humidity-controlled vault at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Under no circumstances are Class-D personnel to be allowed near the object. Despite its state of disrepair, SCP-462 does not show any signs of further deterioration due to rust. Description: SCP-462 is a 1968 Chevrolet El Camino in a state of serious disrepair, with several broken windows and severe rust damage. A single key is inserted into the ignition. To date, all attempts at removing the key have failed. If a human sits in the driver's seat and turns the key as if to start the vehicle, they will instantaneously disappear. Around 42% of SCP-462’s drivers have been known to suddenly reappear without the vehicle at a distant location after a random period of time, ranging from 43 seconds to 7 months, near the spot that they have confirmed as being their chosen destination. These drivers rarely arrive at their destination safely; many have been observed falling from a considerable height after reappearing, while others have arrived while flying in the direction of their destination at various speeds, resulting in injuries that are sometimes fatal. Occasionally, test subjects will arrive in various states of dismemberment. In 35% of these cases, the test subject never reappears and cannot be located, even when fitted with a GPS transceiver. The remaining 23% of test subjects [DATA EXPUNGED]. The subjects who survive SCP-462’s traveling process report that they are driving during the time they are gone, and express confusion regarding the experience and their abrupt re-appearance. These reports typically contradict the time between vanishing and reappearing, with most drivers insisting that they have been gone for a few minutes as opposed to the actual period of time their disappearance was observed. The object first came to the Foundation’s attention on October 5th, 2β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ when β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Marshall inadvertently used it to find his father, who was serving a life sentence at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Penitentiary, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ km from the object's original location. The prison’s security staff detained Mr. Marshall soon afterward. Questioning was carried out by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was working undercover as one of the facility’s guards. SCP-462 was immediately located and moved to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ without incident. Β« SCP-461 | SCP-462 | SCP-463 Β»" nan
[-1.50307015e-01 1.24370968e-02 -1.23396598e-01 1.73898518e-01 8.02966952e-02 -8.32060650e-02 2.16013100e-02 3.12003762e-01 -7.80677348e-02 -5.29182479e-02 2.33008474e-01 3.00402641e-01 -1.60058409e-01 -1.57617420e-01 6.23016730e-02 1.79311931e-01 -8.21567178e-02 5.68217114e-02 -3.37688215e-02 -3.02689373e-01 -1.25396252e-01 -7.54124373e-02 -1.26062423e-01 4.06712770e-01 -6.48647500e-03 -2.32507437e-01 2.97472421e-02 -5.91188334e-02 1.45301014e-01 -2.27583602e-01 -2.90995445e-02 5.00997305e-01 1.75779238e-01 4.29932117e-01 -1.03563885e-04 -1.49612457e-01 1.88675877e-02 -3.81321497e-02 -1.77157402e-01 -1.92183107e-01 -3.33319277e-01 3.59188646e-01 -3.03024024e-01 -1.16381697e-01 -1.24978080e-01 1.55804783e-01 1.42144829e-01 -1.70640305e-01 4.74390745e-01 2.61439770e-01 2.31892049e-01 -7.61843100e-02 -4.94234934e-02 2.96028703e-02 2.46158525e-01 4.13659513e-02 -7.24634901e-02 2.66507342e-02 3.96841496e-01 -3.00148576e-01 -3.26689668e-02 8.14414322e-02 7.52971768e-02 -1.07457019e-01 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-1.92651108e-01 -1.39216706e-01 -3.54119897e-01 8.76871273e-02 -2.37310100e-02 1.95560589e-01 2.03577340e-01 1.40236601e-01 -9.53652188e-02 1.43071681e-01 -9.06174537e-03 5.26254904e-03 1.65571466e-01 -3.36148649e-01 7.61481896e-02 3.55345830e-02 5.49583286e-02 1.98705420e-01 1.76829502e-01 1.29989967e-01 -7.20986575e-02 -1.97317451e-01 7.99861774e-02 1.81954920e-01 -1.65177941e-01 -4.44551647e-01 -3.45555246e-02 1.42747551e-01 -5.48347235e-02 -9.15133804e-02 2.87971437e-01 -2.06820324e-01 -1.00990787e-01 1.91962987e-01 3.56321484e-01 2.96455771e-01 6.40762970e-02 -1.35837182e-01 -8.60639140e-02 3.68945226e-02 2.92800337e-01 7.26730302e-02 -1.27523184e-01 1.76643208e-02 5.76741286e-02 2.12593898e-01 -5.90061732e-02 1.09003827e-01 -7.30476761e-03 -5.66849932e-02 1.11255176e-01 1.18839242e-01 -3.26760679e-01 -5.64622656e-02 -3.96465249e-02 1.51590705e-01 4.65771034e-02 -5.09682484e-02 -2.63560534e-01 4.54839528e-01 -4.49111499e-02 1.27057843e-02 2.06445754e-01 3.23956870e-02 4.06825058e-02 1.18324153e-01 -1.23583280e-01 1.67819723e-01 6.24671996e-01 2.39847720e-01 9.49572101e-02 -3.42039764e-02 -1.18694250e-02 -1.76746309e-01 2.84303188e-01 -2.63459980e-01 -4.65392321e-01 -1.12087093e-02 4.13073450e-01 4.89924967e-01 9.65020809e-05 1.00882463e-01 -2.21108183e-01 -1.08032435e-01 -1.03694342e-01 1.93810195e-01 1.82139054e-02 -4.46130186e-01 2.35250196e-03 -1.37781963e-01 1.45876959e-01 1.93844050e-01 1.99080274e-01 -2.12606356e-01 1.19146615e-01 7.57598355e-02 -8.70464921e-01 1.89085543e-01 -2.31725827e-01 3.29347074e-01 -2.28237845e-02 4.43057954e-01 8.70307013e-02 -6.05741590e-02 -2.16825098e-01 -2.09350690e-01 4.38905418e-01 2.18496509e-02 -1.72138795e-01 -1.93457723e-01 3.09027255e-01 6.04633652e-02 1.56961024e-01 -2.43133038e-01 -2.20895395e-01 1.21367745e-01 -1.13143265e-01 -4.49421436e-01 -1.88913360e-01 2.07813293e-01 7.64301941e-02 -3.90143655e-02 4.47303146e-01 1.70024927e-03 -7.45778158e-03 -9.52376202e-02 1.07867278e-01]
"A Spoon That Bends People" active "Item #: SCP-463 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-463 is to be maintained in the small glass display case within its containment cell at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. If SCP-463 must be transported from its current location, it should be transported in its display case, or some other container. At no time should any Foundation researchers come into direct physical contact with SCP-463. Following the incident of β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, personnel are strongly discouraged from bringing food of any sort into SCP-463's cell. Description: SCP-463 is a small silver spoon, approximately 17.5 cm in length, with a mass of approximately 153 g. Unless handled by a human, SCP-463 displays no abnormal behavior. Neutron imaging, MRI, and the [REDACTED] imaging system have revealed no detail to the inner structure. All analysis of SCP-463 is consequently limited to its directly observable effects. Any individuals who pick up SCP-463 have their spines bent backwards at a 90o angle, just below the T6 Thoracic vertebra. This bending typically proves fatal, although some test subjects have survived with full lower-body paralysis. Its effect on humans is displayed regardless of whether or not the subject is wearing gloves, oven mitts, or any other such barrier; the only apparent requirement for SCP-463 to be able to 'bend' its holder is that the subject have a firm grip. Subjects who have held SCP-463 very weakly (i.e. with just the tips of the fingers) have been unaffected. Testing has demonstrated that SCP-463 displays no unusual effects when in contact with autonomous machines, remotely controlled machines, animals, or corpses. Addendum: It is the opinion of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ that SCP-463 does not actually physically bend the user, but has somehow been embedded with a psychic trigger, which causes the user's back muscles to violently contract. This would explain the absence of SCP-463's effect when handled by non-humans. Memo: See testing logs SCP-463-β–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆ. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Testing Log SCP-463-β–ˆ: 3:01:25 Subject D-4221 is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-4221's back muscles were surgically removed from his body during surgery for spinal stenosis. 3:01:53 Subject D-4221 is instructed to pick up SCP-463. 3:01:58 Subject experiences bending of the upper spine. 3:02:06 Subject goes into neurogenic shock. 3:02:48 Subject declared clinically dead. Body removed from testing site. Testing Log SCP-463-β–ˆβ–ˆ: 4:15:39 Subject D-4279's wheelchair is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-4279 has already had a complete fracture of the C5 vertebra, and has no neuromuscular connection to any muscles below the neck. 4:15:51 Researcher, using tongs, places SCP-463 in D-4279's hand. 4:15:53 Subject experiences non-fatal bending of the upper spine. Minor injuries are sustained as a result of falling from wheelchair. 4:15:58 Subject removed from testing site. Testing Log SCP-463-β–ˆβ–ˆ: 4:45:43 Subject D-5119 is placed in proximity to SCP-463's unlocked container. Subject D-5119 has been paralyzed below the waist by prior interaction with SCP-463. 4:45:48 Subject becomes highly agitated, and attempts to remove herself from the testing chamber. 4:45:59 An armed guard is called into the testing chamber to ensure compliance of D-5119. 4:46:39 Subject D-5119 is instructed to pick up SCP-463. Subject does not comply. 4:46:45 Subject D-5119 is instructed to pick up SCP-463. Subject does not comply. 4:46:56 Subject D-5119 is instructed by the armed guard to pick up SCP-463. 4:47:10 Subject experiences non-fatal bending of the spine, about the T6 Thoracic vertebra. No further injuries are sustained. 4:47:20 Subject removed from testing site. Memo: It would seem that SCP-463 does indeed exert a direct force on the user's spine. Sadly, we have absolutely no clues as to the nature of the force. We don't even know what the net torque is. I think the next course of action should be to test SCP-463 on personnel from whom the spinal column itself has been removed. Further testing is clearly in order. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-462 | SCP-463 | SCP-464 Β»" nan
[ 3.38399172e-01 -7.07431674e-01 -5.91131523e-02 -1.32424951e-01 6.33803681e-02 -2.16064602e-01 3.46448660e-01 1.54965073e-01 2.03045711e-01 2.14617893e-01 3.13642561e-01 4.05805051e-01 -1.70934558e-01 -3.68897915e-01 3.38541090e-01 -1.57399356e-01 1.47657186e-01 3.12897384e-01 -1.47052005e-01 -1.43720284e-01 -1.63653538e-01 -1.30409896e-01 -1.82318613e-01 3.06405723e-01 1.63505539e-01 3.16510163e-02 3.04057032e-01 2.63380200e-01 1.09318756e-02 -9.13168937e-02 4.13894862e-01 2.11869538e-01 -2.86732137e-01 3.49372596e-01 -1.16526200e-04 -1.04955435e-01 1.24367550e-01 3.12117189e-01 -1.88286036e-01 -4.16748784e-02 -7.31626034e-01 -2.09010184e-01 -1.11735158e-01 -3.66946943e-02 5.43915406e-02 2.92901725e-01 -9.33670327e-02 5.60781658e-02 1.86246738e-01 1.72724873e-01 1.41739830e-01 -8.91166739e-03 1.54347897e-01 -1.26711518e-01 3.14631939e-01 1.09928243e-01 -4.47019190e-01 1.45310819e-01 -4.38155606e-03 2.80560911e-01 2.83983678e-01 -2.64040362e-02 -1.49821803e-01 2.82859206e-01 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3.53145093e-01 6.03349879e-03 -7.12445304e-02 -5.48371207e-03 3.01741153e-01 1.41681343e-01 -6.12699278e-02 -4.46835235e-02 -2.17482805e-01 1.09871127e-01 2.10501060e-01 7.20430091e-02 -1.24460794e-01 1.18050292e-01 -2.78211087e-01 -5.35543375e-02 4.86158520e-01 1.77986190e-01 8.28007236e-02 -1.91326458e-02 -3.34873050e-01 1.93407476e-01 -1.53499767e-01 9.38665643e-02 1.50145561e-01 -8.93995073e-03 1.13913417e-01 1.57078244e-02 3.40730697e-02 1.21125877e-01 1.79133669e-01 -6.95770830e-02 -3.48072886e-01 -6.65269941e-02 -1.24975942e-01 1.20540492e-01 -9.18854773e-02 1.35619700e-01 2.33830437e-01 -1.52971491e-01 2.50494301e-01 2.92887390e-02 -3.69927138e-01 1.90284759e-01 2.78845150e-02 5.58697879e-01 -4.83102463e-02 -3.54410619e-01 1.20532513e-01 -2.32322350e-01 3.40707093e-01 3.69647183e-02 -2.93390434e-02 3.57791573e-01 5.25002778e-01 9.13727880e-02 7.78702423e-02 7.39396438e-02 -1.48447499e-01 -3.83931160e-01 -2.44644731e-01 -1.73943102e-01 2.03007072e-01 -7.49352276e-02 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-7.61795230e-03 -7.16037825e-02 1.30097464e-01 1.56786248e-01 -3.42128426e-01 -8.84347633e-02 1.84030578e-01 -9.69848186e-02 1.53944539e-02 1.63597390e-01 -7.24710152e-02 -1.21774398e-01 -8.87863152e-03 3.17489147e-01 -4.01879102e-01 -2.87339892e-02 2.61635166e-02 -2.42749751e-01 1.85036976e-02 -4.01618145e-02 8.64594523e-03 -2.10588634e-01 -3.66890639e-01 -3.66255157e-02 1.58504575e-01 -5.69017828e-01 8.32311064e-02 -4.02331084e-01 -2.96368629e-01 -8.49908516e-02 9.34215784e-02 1.84828579e-01 -1.36994541e-01 -2.35594898e-01 -1.32374335e-02 4.65308785e-01 -2.76980162e-01 -3.78173143e-01 2.15801716e-01 -3.84116292e-01 7.73494095e-02 -3.23520973e-02 2.66559094e-01 -3.42533916e-01 1.26282424e-01 -1.47422940e-01 -2.71570891e-01 4.58605200e-01 4.72833030e-02 -5.27558662e-02 -3.62650335e-01 1.22337066e-01 2.32898638e-01 -4.45290618e-02 -2.31452197e-01 -3.38613003e-01 1.33164987e-01 -5.48545904e-02 -3.66012245e-01 -1.30209342e-01 8.60776007e-02 3.89277250e-01 1.95162818e-01 5.76702207e-02 2.26213783e-01 2.14672267e-01 3.72151762e-01 -8.50925967e-02 5.66088378e-01 1.61007315e-01 2.76102513e-01 -6.97922260e-02 1.27601475e-01 -6.88076541e-02 7.79017508e-02 -3.43315378e-02 -7.97914341e-02 2.58082092e-01 2.18863845e-01 1.77704975e-01 1.58706099e-01 4.47313964e-01 -1.54067159e-01 8.02920908e-02 -4.69990112e-02 -2.11942181e-01 1.46163662e-03 -4.94367927e-01 -3.74734640e-01 2.01367185e-01 2.60767609e-01 1.85836494e-01 -1.06790215e-01 -3.64871949e-01 3.45670879e-01 -8.36579204e-02 1.23840451e-01 -3.35805953e-01 -3.53389621e-01 -4.83801097e-01 9.67385620e-02 2.52444714e-01 2.93239027e-01 1.59450516e-01 2.19512641e-01 -1.16523527e-01 -1.12025566e-01 2.51992396e-03 3.30695845e-02 2.69678533e-01 -1.33184984e-01 2.12836608e-01 9.71871316e-02 -1.77338451e-01 4.85935003e-01 3.75583649e-01 1.78160265e-01 -1.99645132e-01 5.17889485e-02 -4.25781548e-01 1.85167372e-01 1.55992582e-01 2.82705694e-01 -2.45724339e-02 1.33003801e-01 8.94653425e-02 -2.01043740e-01 1.10013284e-01 -6.64906111e-04 -3.42316806e-01 1.72680318e-01 -4.46261793e-01 -2.70355940e-01 -1.59039441e-02 -2.05750782e-02 4.17845219e-01 5.95475510e-02 3.44409011e-02 4.16240036e-01 5.09025715e-02 2.85225242e-01 3.51855695e-01 -2.86211193e-01 -1.54225722e-01 2.07324386e-01 -1.99818715e-01 -1.16182797e-01 2.46838257e-01 2.69501805e-01 -5.34818619e-02 -7.72063434e-02 2.44668801e-03 1.00391521e-03 -1.67765588e-01 5.04615791e-02 2.82788754e-01 2.92201370e-01 2.28447527e-01 5.97747937e-02 2.07917675e-01 -2.90513992e-01 5.65989763e-02 -8.46915506e-03 4.48499054e-01 2.82085058e-03 3.13880205e-01 -3.83220941e-01 -8.05261582e-02 -2.21283175e-02 8.09768215e-02 4.68799239e-03 3.26598853e-01 1.87088713e-01 -6.31756783e-02 1.68507606e-01 -2.27703333e-01 5.69797754e-02 2.17587277e-01 6.31495237e-01 1.75196797e-01 5.48102856e-02 -4.97042090e-02 -2.15164900e-01 5.19902483e-02 5.33610463e-01 -2.34937891e-01 -4.36973780e-01 1.13168873e-01 2.15418771e-01 -9.98770893e-02 2.11019859e-01 -1.58493504e-01 5.70782304e-01 -1.92354947e-01 1.09163076e-01 1.35749862e-01 -6.89030513e-02 -9.30473730e-02 -2.76988775e-01 7.92630985e-02 -1.65183902e-01 7.50372112e-02 4.89876838e-03 8.79052952e-02 -2.19110683e-01 -1.35437977e-02 -1.76006556e-01 1.21302575e-01 3.53274941e-01 1.64176390e-01 8.84415433e-02 -2.08127081e-01 -8.68176967e-02 -1.28696993e-01 1.27683327e-01 -2.76040852e-01 5.96824810e-02 -3.76853980e-02 -1.83975175e-01 2.27698252e-01 9.18522254e-02 5.79150990e-02 -1.47347718e-01 1.73783451e-01 5.43181241e-01 -2.44451299e-01 1.40932563e-03 8.62128288e-02 -1.39303207e-01 1.76840529e-01 1.14678353e-01 1.41302973e-01 -3.41817141e-01 -1.57091945e-01 -3.05205017e-01 3.46106201e-01 -1.48557229e-02 -5.82717452e-03 -7.03400895e-02 1.53905064e-01 -1.23627961e-01 -4.13595825e-01 -8.54446113e-01 -2.49547943e-01 3.68413841e-03 7.16780052e-02 -4.27796915e-02 -1.07359816e-03 -3.38039160e-01 -2.55943894e-01 -7.09875003e-02 3.93230021e-01 1.46504179e-01 -2.40051933e-02 -8.17228258e-02 -1.31427035e-01]
"The Foundry" active "Item #: SCP-464 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Site 53 consists of a warehouse that has been built around SCP-464. The intervening space between the walls of the warehouse and SCP-464 is equipped with motion sensors and stationary cameras. Site 53 is staffed by a rotating complement of seven guards. Unclothed beings sighted inside the warehouse are to be shot on sight, and unauthorized clothed people to be detained for questioning and physical examination. Description: Discovered in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-464 is a large building located in the middle of a farm near β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The building consists of ten rooms, one of which takes up 70% of the building. The remaining nine rooms vary in size and function and take up two stories at the rear of the building. The largest room, designated β€˜the floor’, contains fourteen (14) identical, large machines all of which are connected to a fifteenth machine as well as the control room. Several of the machines are damaged by neglect and abuse. A full listing of functionality follows: #01 – Nonfunctioning #02 – Nonfunctioning #03 - Undetermined #04 - Undetermined #05 – Malfunctioning – All products are mindlessly homicidal #06 – Functioning #07 – Nonfunctioning #08 – Functioning #09 – Functioning #10 – Malfunctioning – Will produce only a biological β€˜soup’ containing several complete organs #11 – Nonfunctioning #12 – Functioning #13 – Malfunctioning – All products are comatose and non-responsive #14 – Malfunctioning - [DATA EXPUNGED] #15 – Functioning Machine #15 seems to be a raw material converter and a fuel dispenser. It can accept and convert any animal or human bodies or body parts, living or dead. It must be at least 15% full for any of the other machines to function. All products of SCP-464 are to be recycled. The next largest room is on the ground floor and was labeled β€œRefining.” When found, it was locked and barred from the outside. Upon exploration, it was discovered to have a very large pile of dismantled and destroyed parts of machinery, various broken surgical equipment, as well as the remains of various decapitated animal and human bodies. The animals were not identifiable as belonging to any known species. On top of the pile was sitting [DATA EXPUNGED]. This has since been classified as SCP-464-1. SCP-464-1 was deemed unsafe to keep and thus was destroyed, resulting in an acceptable level of casualties. The animal parts, SCP-464-1, as well as all destroyed machinery are currently under study. The other room on the ground floor contained a standardized military uniform for adult men as well as various civilian outfits for men, women, and children. These notably included identification for the local [DATA EXPUNGED] as well as stocks of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, rifles, and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The second floor contains a closet, a small room containing two small cots, a latrine, a large gasoline powered generator, and the observation room. The observation room overlooks the floor and has a wide variety of control panels. Fourteen panels each control the machines on the floor. They were discovered labeled in French as follows: Panels labeled #3 and #4 do not power up. The dials on panels #5 and #8 are missing and it has been discovered that they are set at Female, Asian, 10 and Male, Caucasian, 25 respectively. Experimentation with the panels and machines has led to the discovery that the machines will create human beings as per the settings. The settings "Male/Asian/0/76" resulted in newborn Asian males, normal except for a tattoo near the base of the spine showing [DATA EXPUNGED]. The significance of the last dial (50-125) was not initially known. Later tests (on settings "Male/Caucasian/50/50" and β€œ50/51”) seem to show that the date signifies the age at which the produced humans will die of organ failure. Autopsy has shown that the beings resemble typical humans in all aspects excepting the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED] suspected due to the unique section between the memory section on the brain and the frontal lobes. Also noted in the autopsies is that each combination of the sex and race dials only has one DNA sequence, with only the age varying between like outputs. Production takes twenty (20) minutes, and once the being is created, it lies in a coma or trance-like state for another fifteen (15) minutes. If this period lapses without interference, the being shall awaken and obey the orders given to it by the first human it encounters. During the trance period the being may be told any factual information, including name and personal history, and afterwards the being shall act as if though the information pertains to itself. All beings seem to be created knowing French, Spanish, and Chinese as well as knowledge pertaining to combat, weaponry, and vehicle operation. Dissection of the machines indicates that manufactured humans are not created in a manner similar to cloning or, for that matter, birth. Rather, the machines seem to create each body part individually, in an inactive state. They are then assembled and activated, through unknown means. Though these machines may be repaired with standardized parts, total replication of a functioning machine has as-of-yet failed. It has been theorized that at full production, SCP-464 could produce up to 700 adult individuals a day, assuming β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ of organic material was available. Document 464-1: War simulations that included three instances of SCP-464 all resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]. This of course assumes an adequate supply of raw material, which could be acquired from the deceased, livestock, and civilian populations. Addendum: Agents β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ have been put on assignment to search for more instances of SCP-464. The danger of a fully functioning instance falling into the hands of some other agency or country is too great to ignore. β€” O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-463 | SCP-464 | SCP-465 Β»" nan
[-1.35790393e-01 -1.21170424e-01 -1.86530873e-01 2.43882880e-01 1.26272574e-01 -2.57594198e-01 1.96938783e-01 4.07163143e-01 -4.85384427e-02 1.54899314e-01 -1.66341573e-01 4.73359764e-01 -1.42461941e-01 4.87481579e-02 2.23597094e-01 4.85635072e-01 1.21828333e-01 1.91624209e-01 -5.21623552e-01 -3.02217007e-01 -2.62827128e-01 -1.07226618e-01 -1.02382883e-01 1.52196705e-01 -2.47765724e-02 2.02141628e-01 1.05756141e-01 2.21041143e-01 -1.88187473e-02 -2.47518539e-01 -8.76534209e-02 9.39808413e-02 -4.42268439e-02 7.44889140e-01 -1.09175882e-04 -1.16216712e-01 -1.69444591e-01 1.06941298e-01 -1.70579016e-01 2.61161387e-01 -7.09159672e-01 -1.73719734e-01 -3.83249909e-01 -1.67337731e-01 1.09499224e-01 -1.42698690e-01 1.82457849e-01 1.03735037e-01 1.11584507e-01 1.31960690e-01 1.81765944e-01 8.04852974e-03 9.88087729e-02 -2.13743262e-02 -4.90944564e-01 1.62540674e-01 -1.81035355e-01 -6.67954907e-02 5.42940319e-01 2.06065968e-01 8.83365646e-02 2.81651229e-01 -9.89718735e-02 -4.33118567e-02 1.65186703e-01 -2.65230358e-01 3.33444118e-01 -3.10361922e-01 4.39752311e-01 4.66304243e-01 5.17540164e-02 -1.45466164e-01 7.04956949e-02 3.09843402e-02 -9.12752524e-02 -1.13238320e-01 6.71284497e-02 2.81159878e-01 5.50657511e-02 6.75911456e-02 -2.34211907e-01 1.41941607e-01 -1.58609018e-01 -2.15391636e-01 2.22670734e-02 3.57733190e-01 -3.84326614e-02 -1.17429420e-01 1.72106355e-01 5.98236136e-02 1.11336060e-01 6.42577782e-02 8.99785385e-02 3.33701253e-01 -4.79487628e-02 -1.57125354e-01 3.34533513e-01 2.02537939e-01 3.35952997e-01 2.93796152e-01 -1.50000323e-02 1.35257557e-01 -1.24805719e-01 7.81188309e-02 7.01281279e-02 -2.01916233e-01 5.04235104e-02 -1.47201493e-01 -3.73567134e-01 4.36585754e-01 -1.87015250e-01 2.44791806e-01 -2.90487558e-01 -1.89905584e-01 -7.26446211e-02 -2.96523068e-02 1.44679412e-01 -2.74762902e-02 -1.67451516e-01 1.54660687e-01 -2.28641286e-01 -1.03956163e-02 -9.29058865e-02 4.56780463e-01 2.28613555e-01 7.88404271e-02 -1.29293382e-01 -2.82697994e-02 -1.68312073e-01 -2.20221877e-01 -2.13530660e-01 1.93753809e-01 -2.50004947e-01 -3.07357877e-01 -1.19671516e-01 2.50004500e-01 -1.56895503e-01 -2.15515360e-01 -7.23854750e-02 1.22080088e-01 2.07707003e-01 -1.84857100e-01 4.08276141e-01 5.08872688e-01 -2.48924166e-01 -2.20295966e-01 -7.61573911e-02 -6.75220601e-03 -1.60086051e-01 -7.40498584e-03 4.45807934e-01 -2.70242304e-01 -1.70819134e-01 2.66072452e-01 -2.52460778e-01 2.69232714e-03 1.36368290e-01 -3.90269235e-02 -9.84880403e-02 1.35575622e-01 1.85840189e-01 1.82784915e-01 -2.10722312e-01 -1.69279009e-01 4.11815867e-02 3.29092741e-01 -2.77532935e-01 -5.44981919e-02 -3.78398418e-01 -2.67612547e-01 -7.46345669e-02 -2.76179910e-01 -6.01093769e-02 3.16425711e-01 -2.59374231e-01 8.47786218e-02 -1.99409887e-01 -2.72717774e-01 -5.02139330e-01 -3.31042260e-02 -4.25559729e-01 1.70488968e-01 3.74962062e-01 -2.46928021e-01 -2.17906773e-01 -2.05345929e-01 -1.38968721e-01 -1.32321104e-01 9.84274223e-02 -8.09336603e-02 -3.07073891e-01 -3.90595078e-01 3.80690783e-01 5.26154079e-02 3.81843150e-01 -1.25601530e-01 1.82895303e-01 3.48588452e-02 1.84066311e-01 1.11672573e-01 -6.75064251e-02 8.71941596e-02 4.49191928e-01 2.69514089e-03 -4.34624217e-02 -1.36805698e-01 -2.08135501e-01 6.82336017e-02 -7.75817558e-02 3.43651891e-01 1.79398149e-01 7.47862831e-02 -7.88070410e-02 2.42556870e-01 -2.05836996e-01 -5.32942414e-01 2.66857862e-01 -2.27785874e-02 -2.11102758e-02 -6.20213568e-01 -1.25911996e-01 -1.22237904e-03 2.03712419e-01 -1.21950610e-02 -8.82356241e-02 5.67036234e-02 -2.88110048e-01 -2.46744696e-03 -2.84415513e-01 3.18865061e-01 1.41305670e-01 -2.12697871e-02 2.32506260e-01 -2.32488345e-02 -1.84874326e-01 2.87744969e-01 3.57891172e-01 1.13761759e+00 -1.26924723e-01 -1.32886335e-01 3.41642499e-02 -2.34291688e-01 1.26812562e-01 9.93689224e-02 -1.64961591e-01 -1.13112845e-01 5.63006923e-02 2.78541744e-01 1.14733957e-01 -1.75851583e-01 2.03896761e-01 -5.48276603e-01 9.42258835e-02 -6.21751472e-02 3.41062546e-01 4.07256961e-01 1.64237935e-02 4.71418560e-01 -1.76305383e-01 3.68971884e-01 5.34880608e-02 8.95467550e-02 3.08113039e-01 -2.13947911e-02 5.76890633e-02 -2.00293094e-01 3.29396158e-01 1.40616432e-01 2.36807704e-01 1.01656541e-01 -5.57981357e-02 -2.10097536e-01 1.57780677e-01 -1.87718853e-01 -1.43503398e-01 -1.12830088e-01 8.74267146e-02 1.82494149e-01 2.73287565e-01 1.73236340e-01 -7.48292282e-02 -1.65429354e-01 9.03510526e-02 -1.96757972e-01 -2.97879763e-02 1.95656747e-01 1.42756566e-01 3.20435733e-01 -3.03545386e-01 4.09491271e-01 3.38470966e-01 -2.82881826e-01 1.23719223e-01 -4.13080081e-02 -2.73044527e-01 1.99186698e-01 -1.32656753e-01 2.22184807e-01 -4.77969229e-01 3.39512885e-01 -3.17285150e-01 1.52351931e-01 -4.66452708e-04 1.72448084e-01 -2.30118215e-01 2.02085674e-01 4.81784731e-01 3.54902558e-02 1.96937889e-01 -3.14944655e-01 -5.33713877e-01 3.08191746e-01 -8.83954484e-03 -2.06730664e-02 2.10945487e-01 -1.49002239e-01 6.86313361e-02 -3.05841774e-01 7.77089819e-02 -2.34338269e-01 1.65172517e-01 1.18394136e-01 -1.08152591e-01 1.68047115e-01 -3.08773480e-02 2.95584291e-01 1.11358650e-02 -3.74679238e-01 2.59321660e-01 -8.91411752e-02 2.23778948e-01 1.17834143e-01 -7.36297816e-02 1.20786741e-01 5.28090410e-02 -1.20490296e-02 -2.23576456e-01 -2.30263889e-01 -5.52549958e-02 -3.60076316e-02 1.27834782e-01 -4.15832847e-01 -3.28562886e-01 4.85243678e-01 1.48645848e-01 -1.39243558e-01 2.75635850e-02 -5.02380542e-02 1.52943984e-01 5.16744256e-02 -1.51954994e-01 5.44255733e-01 2.27087274e-01 -2.82208532e-01 -1.96471050e-01 3.76881421e-01 -1.94954112e-01 1.79931805e-01 3.87987077e-01 -2.73692966e-01 -2.09265903e-01 4.46420103e-01 2.12396994e-01 -3.62857074e-01 -1.96670532e-01 -3.93250063e-02 4.48723175e-02 4.04391408e-01 4.15607095e-01 -3.96677107e-01 2.41790548e-01 1.51618436e-01 -2.74871618e-01 9.97364055e-04 -1.75117791e-01 2.21699357e-01 2.35807225e-01 3.64282042e-01 -7.02701330e-01 -1.28324583e-01 2.41088822e-01 2.12747470e-01 1.67893991e-01 -5.63262515e-02 1.32766608e-02 1.77413523e-01 -6.87507838e-02 -4.49533312e-04 1.81869656e-01 -7.28275552e-02 -1.46338373e-01 -2.99252391e-01 -3.70870650e-01 -2.01166019e-01 1.56588763e-01 -1.13805898e-01 -7.35447556e-02 -2.55078971e-01 -1.05319090e-01 2.72958279e-01 -3.88648480e-01 3.98856819e-01 9.53823179e-02 3.87942046e-01 4.94308412e-01 -2.77667474e-02 7.68856406e-02 1.51814952e-01 -1.54179528e-01 -5.04971668e-02 4.99977142e-01 -4.35602784e-01 -3.55389029e-01 -2.40334436e-01 -3.03365453e-03 5.92206456e-02 3.81033421e-02 3.60422671e-01 -1.14255205e-01 -3.07103693e-01 -4.38845187e-01 -1.86551765e-01 -1.41825423e-01 -1.57128852e-02 -4.70312424e-02 1.46267772e-01 -8.42094305e-04 -5.26776072e-03 3.15951318e-01 1.62892520e-01 -1.98480934e-01 1.49658145e-02 -7.97728971e-02 2.87273616e-01 -4.38428730e-01 5.03906786e-01 1.70025975e-01 -3.08506608e-01 -1.44068331e-01 -1.45871323e-02 2.11541634e-02 2.03024060e-01 5.31114995e-01 1.98894411e-01 -4.36322749e-01 -9.45002437e-02 3.10362905e-01 -2.43222207e-01 1.92024052e-01 2.65712857e-01 1.62787795e-01 3.74363288e-02 -1.70666918e-01 2.37394005e-01 -3.38281751e-01 -4.02335972e-01 2.91313790e-03 1.25575572e-01 -2.16862068e-01 -1.10457979e-01 3.10900897e-01 1.21526039e+00 1.42336413e-01 3.03871799e-02 2.91583925e-01 -3.75942469e-01 -4.26818170e-02 -5.21695435e-01 4.48985696e-02 -1.92941055e-01 -1.77568585e-01 8.46086368e-02 -2.78736025e-01 -9.25631449e-02 5.38891673e-01 -1.11520402e-01 -4.73424979e-02 -5.54589868e-01 -3.47858578e-01 2.28348732e-01 3.21800232e-01 2.02356260e-02 -8.20115060e-02 5.00153154e-02 2.05481634e-01 -8.11459962e-03 4.63782817e-01 -1.84623912e-01 3.10301445e-02 -5.35844006e-02 2.46709697e-02 -3.98128897e-01 1.78651854e-01 -2.99330009e-03 4.10625160e-01 2.54005790e-01 3.63950543e-02 -1.10625759e-01 -5.95894381e-02 -1.35322243e-01 1.13116853e-01 5.13045788e-02 3.57331723e-01 8.14591289e-01 -9.02921706e-03 3.01799446e-01 -5.60712181e-02 1.54585406e-01 1.10559531e-01 -2.56910292e-03 2.42509589e-01 -9.09852833e-02 -1.17553763e-01 -3.53430033e-01 2.49977529e-01 -7.79377446e-02 -3.33785862e-01 2.21046850e-01 2.55039632e-01 -3.04274529e-01 -1.48988590e-01 1.83954194e-01 7.85062164e-02 -1.95954204e-01 1.44350037e-01 -2.59176403e-01 -1.81343675e-01 4.98172420e-04 3.02506685e-02 1.62358984e-01 2.31673289e-02 2.05945671e-01 1.63778201e-01 -6.08401000e-02 -5.05191028e-01 -1.11185841e-01 4.39648837e-01 -5.04113317e-01 1.89988241e-01 -1.13526270e-01 -6.68818057e-01 1.23297451e-02 2.24614859e-01 7.39552751e-02 -2.86954880e-01 -3.59157473e-01 -1.09049723e-01 9.23836753e-02 1.05762877e-01 1.43718258e-01 1.13781340e-01 -2.84108310e-03 7.81004846e-01 -4.28657904e-02 1.99198127e-01 -4.26562071e-01 5.77998012e-02 -4.26932961e-01 -1.26352891e-01 2.76084721e-01 -2.65209138e-01 -5.42443153e-03 -1.68247446e-01 1.03578568e-01 -2.03369036e-02 -4.40523356e-01 -2.46486187e-01 -1.18215978e-01 1.33196011e-01 -1.18591174e-01 -3.11668068e-01 -8.95376652e-02 3.30469549e-01 2.29454041e-01 5.09284399e-02 -6.58963472e-02 1.63428992e-01 1.48921385e-01 4.68466096e-02 -2.61997562e-02 2.52632111e-01 1.58940628e-01 3.74140292e-02 7.86666796e-02 4.48171735e-01 4.06212099e-02 1.81073360e-02 4.83980728e-03 -7.07216142e-03 1.03617154e-01 2.93496460e-01 1.17917895e-01 2.07110181e-01 3.96560639e-01 1.00537330e-01 2.66391367e-01 2.66241193e-01 -1.98263571e-01 1.69040859e-01 -3.33133906e-01 -2.00740278e-01 -2.50998676e-01 3.36682200e-01 -6.42929077e-02 -1.54995203e-01 -5.12734771e-01 -8.49291459e-02 2.93364599e-02 1.78280458e-01 -7.38704652e-02 -4.94113080e-02 1.17581829e-01 2.19164357e-01 1.95832819e-01 -2.03504071e-01 7.15925619e-02 1.25894681e-01 -2.77866721e-01 1.85121018e-02 1.96299359e-01 1.28106236e-01 3.29848379e-01 4.37159985e-02 3.21617901e-01 3.93320769e-01 -5.22957221e-02 7.91058615e-02 4.81428295e-01 5.88165261e-02 -4.70156878e-01 2.09416032e-01 -1.44139081e-01 2.74010032e-01 -1.18770070e-01 3.07435114e-02 -2.27153659e-01 2.80928671e-01 -4.62831222e-02 1.78096041e-01 -4.11524400e-02 1.92127414e-02 2.03303039e-01 -2.54310835e-02 -6.73283637e-02 -2.39833593e-01 1.46286190e-01 5.39301001e-02 4.91280332e-02 -2.36039907e-01 -1.02107249e-01 2.76959926e-01 2.22695321e-01 2.95621753e-01 1.49000406e-01 -3.34775150e-01 7.04774586e-03 4.65376079e-01 -1.71262786e-01 -9.74667072e-03 1.89105988e-01 4.13912565e-01 -8.54880139e-02 -3.11028719e-01 -6.12006709e-02 -1.85973361e-01 -4.70116250e-02 -4.04849827e-01 1.05761267e-01 1.14113569e-01 1.12848267e-01 3.33609320e-02 1.26980469e-01 -3.27345520e-01 -5.94338834e-01 3.61232787e-01 2.13226452e-01 1.47856772e-01 2.60204580e-02 -6.42498881e-02 -2.98758507e-01 7.95304179e-02 5.44396527e-02 -1.04428403e-01 1.06984749e-01 -1.40031070e-01 -2.21210822e-01 1.00715287e-01 -4.24482077e-02 1.13655373e-01 2.18359560e-01 2.02739820e-01 9.59286690e-02 4.72712405e-02 -2.48790413e-01 -1.93826690e-01 -2.21850991e-01 1.57004535e-01 -1.17989391e-01 -2.41512656e-01 -7.49635622e-02 3.04569989e-01 -2.05425784e-01 -6.30902424e-02 -6.84795231e-02 8.29406977e-02 -9.77882892e-02 4.28660922e-02 -1.63145930e-01 5.80909103e-02 6.23109899e-02 1.79064311e-02 -2.91382205e-02 -2.69989967e-01 1.65247202e-01 3.23790796e-02 1.63546175e-01 2.32770704e-02 -3.41502905e-01 3.39202061e-02 2.09535360e-01 3.11517507e-01 -1.36445373e-01 -3.62314768e-02 -1.66423127e-01 -2.49143332e-01 -5.02390824e-02 1.70154925e-02 -5.01801819e-02 2.65351295e-01 8.16036761e-02 -4.46176268e-02 4.69861664e-02 5.05408406e-01 6.35989308e-02 -4.60709771e-03 1.29475594e-01 1.03671700e-01 -3.25152814e-01 1.55595556e-01 -1.18148439e-01 3.00362080e-01 -7.92111307e-02 5.12212157e-01 1.80280790e-01 -1.80682585e-01 -2.22404450e-01 -2.38243774e-01 2.76088387e-01 -6.48851469e-02 -4.56067860e-01 -5.49114466e-01 2.31580421e-01 -1.53702974e-01 -8.39762688e-02 -2.91159660e-01 -2.81937361e-01 1.61634274e-02 1.98160380e-01 -1.53895661e-01 -2.20084414e-01 -1.35786617e-02 -3.47909868e-01 -6.62832037e-02 2.58602619e-01 4.83782627e-02 7.76834041e-02 -1.93509266e-01 7.51844943e-02]
"Party in a Box" active "Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-465 is secured in containment locker 8423 at Site-19. Under no circumstances is SCP-465 to be opened by any personnel ranking above class D, and then only in a space at least 15 square meters in area. No other special attention or care is required. Description: SCP-465-01 is a large two-piece cardboard box decorated with a faded confetti pattern popular in the 1970s. Other than a large printed label on the top of the lid marked "Party in a Box", no indication of contents or manufacturer are found on any portion of the object. When any human subject completely removes the lid of SCP-465-01, an array of decorations, furniture, and a group of at least 20 people (collectively SCP-465-02) appear spontaneously in the room or immediate vicinity in which the box was opened. These individuals proceed to celebrate raucously, and actively attempt to include the subject in their festivities (primarily dancing and consumption of alcohol). Though most members of SCP-465-02 are persistent in these attempts, and several of them extremely persuasive, the subject does not appear to be compelled to participate. Should the subject attempt to leave the party, additional members of SCP-465-02 will manifest at any location that the subject visits for the duration of the "party". Approximately 5 hours following the appearance of SCP-465-02, all instances of SCP-465-02 will simultaneously vanish, accompanied by the subject if he or she has consumed any amount of alcohol in the course of the party. At the same time, the lid of SCP-465-01 will reappear atop the box in the closed position, and any damage sustained by SCP-465-01 in the course of the party is reversed. Attempts to close or damage the box prior to the end of the time limit have had no effects on this phenomenon, nor have attempts to distance the subject from SCP-465-01 prior to the conclusion of the "party". Subjects that have vanished as a result of interaction with the box may appear among the members of SCP-465-02 during subsequent activations of SCP-465-01, expressing little or no association with their original identities. Of the individuals comprising SCP-465-02, only two have appeared on every occasion that the box has been opened. The first (designated 02-A001) is a male disc jockey, and appears with a table covered in sound equipment and other tools, which he uses to play a wide variety of music audible wherever instances of SCP-465-02 are present. The second (designated 02-A002) is a male bartender, and appears with a small, well stocked bar from which he distributes a variety of alcoholic beverages. An additional 185 unique members of SCP-465-02 have been identified, many of whom have appeared on two or more separate occasions (most notably 02-A048 and 02-A162). If a "party guest" appearing as part of SCP-465-02 is touched by any individual other than the subject who opened SCP-465-01, that "guest" will immediately become hysterical and incoherent, pleading in slurred speech with the individual who made contact. The majority of these "guests" will attempt to flee from the vicinity, and will vanish upon entering an area where no other elements of SCP-465-02 are present. The remainder of "guests" affected in this way will fall dead within several minutes of contact. The corpses of these individuals do not vanish with the rest of SCP-465-02, nor do such individuals appear in future manifestations of SCP-465-02. Autopsies reveal cause of death to be a combination of exhaustion and blood alcohol levels in excess of 1.8. By contrast, 02-A001 and 02-A002 consistently ignore all individuals save for the activating subject and other members of SCP-465-02. Attempts at physical contact with either entity have resulted in premature termination of the "party". The significance of 02-A001 and 02-A002 remains unknown. Β« SCP-464 | SCP-465 | SCP-466 Β»" nan
[-5.72422426e-03 -2.95494258e-01 -3.13312970e-02 2.09321603e-01 -1.40481696e-01 -3.00604254e-01 2.34630406e-01 -2.03261450e-01 -6.99717104e-02 3.21208715e-01 2.53377184e-02 -1.95326596e-01 -3.14464837e-01 3.01256999e-02 -1.52804539e-01 9.75838453e-02 4.66148630e-02 3.85141164e-01 -2.45421469e-01 -2.42863312e-01 -1.93152100e-01 -3.81893247e-01 -1.10128194e-01 1.78212583e-01 -4.29190025e-02 -1.76538855e-01 -1.43896788e-01 7.60780647e-02 -1.93109825e-01 -1.31108388e-01 3.05320382e-01 2.25870728e-01 -3.22024971e-01 4.71776754e-01 -1.13966009e-04 -2.98460871e-01 4.16034758e-02 7.95452148e-02 -1.88625678e-01 2.80970931e-01 -5.13551474e-01 2.76713431e-01 -2.29661074e-02 1.24763317e-01 -6.84893057e-02 4.83214743e-02 1.63574696e-01 1.74713358e-01 6.29021764e-01 7.63061121e-02 1.62030563e-01 1.07133314e-01 -2.46633682e-02 -3.36830504e-02 1.73789695e-01 -8.16464201e-02 -1.35124266e-01 -1.06349148e-01 2.53935307e-01 -1.94748625e-01 1.75599799e-01 -6.80998787e-02 -2.21216395e-01 -1.79112628e-01 1.15909288e-02 -3.64157349e-01 -4.72130589e-02 -1.99811518e-01 -4.49202098e-02 3.84579413e-03 -1.47654656e-02 2.07117125e-01 -1.10840857e-01 1.99204292e-02 -3.74697670e-02 3.60012166e-02 5.53666316e-02 5.02266549e-02 1.43828437e-01 6.06900156e-02 8.12618807e-02 3.31821650e-01 -3.33315104e-01 5.00317067e-02 2.19831735e-01 5.77711999e-01 3.85479033e-02 2.12393954e-01 -6.05342388e-02 -2.68304706e-01 3.25483948e-01 9.74183902e-02 1.27982095e-01 -7.68655911e-02 3.59689236e-01 -1.56237483e-02 4.53842312e-01 1.03697360e-01 5.93140237e-02 -2.19094497e-03 2.90166259e-01 1.30338982e-01 2.00022101e-01 7.34965503e-02 4.28617477e-01 1.80060435e-02 2.88322419e-01 1.36987627e-01 -2.42938519e-01 9.76336896e-02 -2.33253941e-01 3.04451257e-01 -2.37910748e-01 8.30283016e-02 2.24279672e-01 -4.71231490e-02 9.31198224e-02 4.07596603e-02 -4.14638549e-01 2.35392898e-01 -5.42821705e-01 3.71981561e-01 2.64959484e-01 2.97801375e-01 2.47725576e-01 2.75519133e-01 -2.09596801e-05 -3.80288213e-01 -3.68779391e-01 1.03928581e-01 -3.45339864e-01 3.72233450e-01 -4.86477196e-01 -1.78823814e-01 -7.44948238e-02 -2.82084733e-01 -3.94778639e-01 -5.18673956e-02 3.45164359e-01 2.08029393e-02 1.68928038e-02 -6.13981821e-02 6.81863070e-01 1.58618972e-01 -2.36261323e-01 -3.29032332e-01 1.13584504e-01 -1.49140060e-01 5.68263493e-02 -8.36226419e-02 5.44103265e-01 -1.66203305e-01 -1.37694776e-02 2.57648736e-01 -3.33232254e-01 1.97535723e-01 2.57324934e-01 -2.52488852e-01 -1.49920151e-01 -1.55527771e-01 1.30736306e-01 -8.14882740e-02 6.61070570e-02 -1.80250362e-01 -1.22215249e-01 5.69091618e-01 -9.32172015e-02 -2.70944815e-02 -4.89958040e-02 -1.78115487e-01 -1.27687201e-01 -3.97830099e-01 -1.23956122e-01 -1.57997683e-01 -1.37606710e-01 -2.25046650e-01 -8.14363241e-01 -1.71528131e-01 -6.69500709e-01 -4.40785706e-01 -3.80196214e-01 3.94271016e-01 4.06436682e-01 -8.21641758e-02 -2.05444932e-01 -8.15064535e-02 1.03906244e-01 -1.21914364e-01 3.54172945e-01 -1.77405968e-01 -2.51322746e-01 -2.66647071e-01 2.38890901e-01 7.33412430e-02 9.17322710e-02 7.73377791e-02 2.03453630e-01 -7.17356652e-02 -9.43692848e-02 2.95284748e-01 -2.21223030e-02 -1.35352820e-01 5.34129083e-01 -9.24397856e-02 -6.24082517e-03 5.87557927e-02 -8.96180142e-03 1.26038715e-01 2.43128031e-01 1.15448318e-01 2.48819143e-01 -3.40243727e-01 -2.16944553e-02 2.93508559e-01 -1.99527845e-01 -1.40117258e-01 2.15615571e-01 2.04327896e-01 2.50294179e-01 -6.43819094e-01 5.44150211e-02 5.98331451e-01 -1.86400898e-02 -1.59902811e-01 2.83252653e-02 1.30004108e-01 -2.64923424e-01 -2.22076192e-01 1.02201223e-01 3.12830210e-01 3.15620899e-01 6.55829906e-02 1.89748377e-01 2.09567085e-01 -1.11052781e-01 -8.82454515e-02 2.75344282e-01 2.83517033e-01 -2.12834790e-01 -4.89774607e-02 -4.83399443e-02 1.09855302e-01 1.50997311e-01 2.61017084e-01 -1.96829885e-01 3.84916514e-01 1.74281284e-01 1.02216922e-01 1.78400561e-01 -3.88306752e-02 -1.40721649e-01 -1.48678064e-01 -1.93755552e-01 -2.41118386e-01 1.50228748e-02 7.11114481e-02 -2.89767087e-01 2.17356741e-01 -1.35990396e-01 3.54312867e-01 -1.42930135e-01 5.15046418e-02 2.29607075e-01 7.21210390e-02 9.63974372e-02 -2.44836777e-01 2.44062334e-01 3.70671988e-01 8.53823572e-02 7.09694177e-02 -3.48975286e-02 -2.37111822e-01 2.19053999e-01 -5.93283884e-02 -1.02642335e-01 2.30734353e-03 -8.87727439e-02 3.99149805e-02 3.47234219e-01 3.41475636e-01 9.96541008e-02 -2.58312821e-01 -4.07029800e-02 -4.77087721e-02 -1.98375881e-01 -1.80765748e-01 -1.42008901e-01 -3.27286303e-01 1.93132222e-01 2.89694816e-01 3.37365299e-01 2.34979112e-03 9.07270331e-03 1.55871913e-01 -1.90466166e-01 2.12361306e-01 4.76042718e-01 4.68001008e-01 -1.15769334e-01 2.25506142e-01 -1.35171890e-01 1.77180782e-01 -2.47692913e-02 8.36346671e-02 -5.32325804e-01 1.03957459e-01 6.56744897e-01 -1.62903488e-01 2.21958458e-01 -1.81244448e-01 -3.77205163e-01 1.62331343e-01 5.10410629e-02 -1.30339503e-01 1.13866612e-01 1.16507411e-01 -4.29572344e-01 -2.13364676e-01 -4.96258400e-02 -3.84015232e-01 -7.02841859e-03 1.62558541e-01 7.89339095e-03 -1.97340190e-01 8.38773604e-03 1.63268253e-01 -1.71556503e-01 -6.71265423e-02 2.89333969e-01 6.84130564e-02 9.60991383e-02 1.69162974e-01 1.40488833e-01 1.30924866e-01 2.26409674e-01 -1.72348648e-01 -2.08159417e-01 -2.73694575e-01 -6.61096349e-02 -7.47841224e-02 6.72160760e-02 -2.95626819e-01 -1.04593821e-01 -1.18457608e-01 8.51822272e-02 -1.90025240e-01 -4.48929340e-01 -5.31328935e-03 1.39547987e-02 5.13448119e-02 -1.51333928e-01 4.18815166e-01 2.38798201e-01 -3.43346298e-01 -1.81990117e-01 -6.75802752e-02 1.51683703e-01 3.78771961e-01 6.35018051e-02 -4.53490824e-01 -3.26920509e-01 6.49248511e-02 3.61803114e-01 4.77609504e-03 -1.68937460e-01 -1.81412563e-01 2.88689822e-01 4.10920769e-01 4.29142676e-02 6.57189265e-02 2.83649415e-01 1.59524754e-01 -1.92660451e-01 1.18691912e-02 -8.55243504e-02 8.45311359e-02 -6.73537329e-02 -1.23864181e-01 -3.77890646e-01 -7.30916439e-03 -3.72443534e-02 2.49486789e-01 2.48511985e-01 3.92752662e-02 -2.18453825e-01 6.36032131e-03 -1.44961014e-01 -5.43497443e-01 -2.96300184e-02 2.89425433e-01 -5.86172268e-02 1.91934541e-01 -3.04955065e-01 5.81029020e-02 1.91328213e-01 -2.56367717e-02 1.58814624e-01 -1.57531157e-01 -1.03465930e-01 2.29599848e-01 -1.21683776e-01 -1.43984482e-01 5.92558682e-02 5.77567220e-01 3.04817259e-01 4.96510684e-01 -2.15346217e-01 -1.45090416e-01 -2.86647141e-01 -9.90316421e-02 -9.74771194e-03 -3.50875467e-01 -7.16341734e-02 3.77807729e-02 1.49239257e-01 -1.23939916e-01 1.40800983e-01 7.16760606e-02 -2.31608823e-01 -2.05878794e-01 -3.33389163e-01 1.04829855e-01 2.41269603e-01 -4.31068271e-01 -2.53654301e-01 -1.62497312e-01 3.05604428e-01 9.52371210e-03 2.13794023e-01 1.64658260e-02 9.77516398e-02 1.50512308e-01 -1.05150774e-01 1.62944049e-01 6.37557060e-02 6.79028332e-01 2.67231911e-01 -2.64984250e-01 4.85797711e-02 1.69520900e-01 1.60780609e-01 4.34830301e-02 7.07080543e-01 -6.53295591e-02 1.32601112e-01 -3.80854696e-01 5.34352660e-01 2.36992836e-02 9.72138345e-02 9.85572785e-02 -9.13619176e-02 -2.65944805e-02 -2.60137945e-01 2.08117571e-02 -2.05791190e-01 -2.91949004e-01 2.08325479e-02 3.23744923e-01 -5.29903024e-02 4.94102985e-01 1.40186995e-01 1.16010892e+00 2.25716487e-01 1.65423095e-01 -7.51116459e-05 -3.02085578e-01 -1.36592522e-01 2.70520955e-01 4.27239388e-02 -4.96055894e-02 -1.45632803e-01 1.69838920e-01 -2.18729824e-01 -1.81825727e-01 2.80696929e-01 -5.58840513e-01 -1.61880642e-01 -1.09619176e+00 -1.15580834e-01 9.33968276e-02 3.29705715e-01 -1.01621207e-02 9.31220949e-02 1.89220056e-01 2.49730974e-01 7.53282011e-02 2.22834542e-01 -2.33330995e-01 2.19636589e-01 -1.38008103e-01 -2.04094365e-01 -2.98075765e-01 1.60995021e-01 -9.48981568e-02 3.07717830e-01 4.52541821e-02 -3.10674310e-01 -4.82696965e-02 -1.06991865e-01 -3.25067401e-01 4.70507033e-02 2.03233302e-01 3.39944869e-01 4.72671390e-01 -2.43707716e-01 1.31458580e-01 1.01965910e-03 2.10965216e-01 2.03740492e-01 -2.34894678e-02 -2.50432998e-01 -1.92359984e-01 9.68346256e-04 -3.95277679e-01 1.65423080e-01 3.83013725e-01 -2.78639525e-01 2.45852306e-01 1.08309485e-01 -5.91531396e-01 -5.78559004e-02 1.88600674e-01 2.07095277e-02 4.28064875e-02 -9.59182531e-02 -8.17757249e-02 -2.61836033e-02 -1.23223074e-01 1.18234970e-01 2.16298029e-01 1.46626413e-01 4.20815721e-02 1.54329225e-01 -8.70456100e-02 -4.84525621e-01 3.02994788e-01 2.98227102e-01 -6.52553141e-02 1.85661688e-02 -1.19258009e-01 -1.76977322e-01 1.95809022e-01 2.59746641e-01 -2.71076616e-02 2.13419601e-01 -1.25842735e-01 -1.03720851e-01 2.58772522e-01 -4.29479778e-02 -3.67271863e-02 6.78674206e-02 -2.57808834e-01 4.53148425e-01 1.80277541e-01 1.71026215e-01 -4.08065826e-01 -1.57558963e-01 -5.50437033e-01 -1.48462176e-01 5.35821974e-01 -2.99467128e-02 -7.10482672e-02 -3.20103705e-01 1.44449487e-01 2.52599776e-01 -3.11950203e-02 -2.23734066e-01 -1.35701343e-01 1.54296890e-01 -1.99489623e-01 4.82431836e-02 -3.27853024e-01 6.24061674e-02 9.59579796e-02 2.09018081e-01 1.01246834e-01 3.52769673e-01 2.97933370e-01 -6.31056726e-02 -2.15924025e-01 2.89961278e-01 3.11867893e-01 -1.63260862e-01 -6.37633801e-02 4.07117337e-01 -4.08847816e-02 1.00798376e-01 -5.34475856e-02 -1.41066864e-01 1.36779130e-01 2.36154199e-01 1.37164295e-01 2.16855228e-01 1.83752313e-01 1.29873157e-01 4.81485166e-02 -6.96020797e-02 -1.51119575e-01 6.52613491e-02 -3.84881377e-01 -1.94971293e-01 -3.63764763e-02 3.02691042e-01 2.64939461e-02 1.47935227e-01 -5.78460753e-01 1.94739759e-01 -8.97331312e-02 7.99254328e-02 -4.06686157e-01 -1.55119672e-01 3.30904573e-02 1.41950548e-01 2.30560973e-01 -1.68497175e-01 1.54867858e-01 -1.48271278e-01 -1.23222969e-01 -2.59125978e-01 7.08799809e-02 2.20929712e-01 2.43555963e-01 8.48828182e-02 2.48259604e-01 -8.33598226e-02 3.79691459e-02 5.88891447e-01 2.88802803e-01 1.75632387e-01 -3.45528901e-01 4.98674542e-01 -1.04888909e-01 2.12858766e-01 -1.80265799e-01 5.14921725e-01 -7.43862927e-01 2.35480830e-01 2.75676083e-02 -1.90376490e-01 1.75777420e-01 2.67631501e-01 2.56335855e-01 -7.07503557e-02 -2.59602249e-01 -1.88016385e-01 5.17644063e-02 3.59301940e-02 -1.99344024e-01 1.26899658e-02 -3.52977552e-02 3.23300153e-01 -2.10007951e-01 3.36274445e-01 5.23299217e-01 -2.64975548e-01 5.35287149e-02 3.35069329e-01 6.29642084e-02 -1.47996649e-01 4.20394391e-02 3.41620117e-01 -9.91128162e-02 -1.81663632e-01 4.27102357e-01 2.06365868e-01 -1.50416344e-01 -2.29987428e-02 1.54413497e-02 3.32766265e-01 -6.77247271e-02 -6.07975051e-02 1.69385612e-01 -3.22811455e-01 -2.96873033e-01 2.76843637e-01 3.23551387e-01 4.11331579e-02 5.38616888e-02 -2.85596639e-01 -3.51700187e-01 1.24100253e-01 2.41423193e-02 -4.25862610e-01 -3.51065397e-01 4.53582630e-02 9.31622982e-02 1.38090491e-01 -2.59277731e-01 3.78515571e-02 1.18481398e-01 3.43066514e-01 -2.11537536e-02 3.28092724e-01 -4.69272919e-02 -4.53488350e-01 -1.16905890e-01 3.58260959e-01 -1.01099990e-01 -3.67575496e-01 -2.11154953e-01 1.52345933e-03 -2.22270578e-01 4.39533629e-02 -6.57944754e-02 2.18293399e-01 -3.43768895e-01 -1.56113595e-01 -6.61196038e-02 2.93394685e-01 3.05788398e-01 -8.94273818e-02 1.68095067e-01 -6.85777739e-02 3.09345424e-02 -2.62291748e-02 2.69258380e-01 -4.06337418e-02 -3.91166776e-01 1.04720391e-01 7.05787092e-02 2.98208177e-01 6.87346384e-02 9.58081260e-02 -9.01452824e-02 -1.35382861e-01 1.28476724e-01 -1.57951221e-01 -1.38983741e-01 -9.95887741e-02 -3.60004790e-02 7.02710971e-02 2.63387769e-01 3.26197505e-01 3.30280870e-01 -4.22748446e-01 9.21029672e-02 3.03010195e-01 -3.45930248e-01 -1.26487510e-02 1.01502731e-01 1.33498579e-01 6.47898465e-02 4.03446466e-01 1.39624432e-01 -4.76802081e-01 -3.57474461e-02 -1.29235491e-01 2.43338689e-01 -8.60216003e-03 -2.31613412e-01 2.12064330e-02 2.60995746e-01 -4.58619207e-01 -1.48219347e-01 -1.97326243e-01 -2.38597751e-01 -4.39981706e-02 8.03594440e-02 -4.17969882e-01 -1.88059896e-01 -3.15783136e-02 -1.89799011e-01 -1.72900315e-02 3.84277552e-02 2.53598988e-01 -1.89446248e-04 2.02938870e-01 8.10529850e-03]
"Mobile Veins" active "DRAFT PROPOSAL The purpose of this report/proposal is to review the original procedures regarding the entity in question and decide if there is a need for more applicable containment solutions. Also attached is the recent incident regarding the need of this review, a revised copy of the procedures to supersede the original, the original procedures, and any other documentation to support this change in protocol. Below are the electronic signatures of staff/committees that are required for these revisions to be enacted and put into practice: *Awaiting further data on SCP-466 threat level. Revised special containment procedures may be enacted in the mean time due to time constraints. **See Memorandum-466-72 for additional details. NOTE: The following document is no longer applicable and will hence be stricken from the main database. It will be archived and referenced for record keeping purposes only. Some details may be redacted from this document as the new protocols dictate. Item #: SCP-466 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-466 is locked in a 5 meter by 5 meter by 5 meter room. SCP-466 is to be fed five times a day through a one-way slot in the steel door, with low-iron meals of mass below 0.1 kg. The key to the door is accessible only to Level 3 or higher personnel. Description: It is unknown if SCP-466 is a separate pathogen affecting a human host, or the human host itself. Current theory suggests the former. For clarity, the host individual will be referred to as SCP-466-2 and the possible infective agent as SCP-466-1. SCP-466-2 is a [REDACTED]. SCP-466-2 exhibits anomalous vascular hypertrophy, particularly along the skin. This includes very broad arteries and veins not part of normal human anatomy. The continually-increasing mass of blood vessels is gradually displacing and eroding SCP-466-2's muscles and organs. SCP-466-2 is estimated to have approximately β–ˆ liters of blood. The excess vessels will sometimes rearrange under the skin, which is extremely painful. If the host or hypothesized pathogen is threatened, the excess vessels will physically tear the skin and extend up to β–ˆ meters outward. These defense vessels will constrict threats until neutralized. If cut, they hemorrhage as expected, and will be replaced by more vessels from deeper inside SCP-466-2's body. As demonstrated by the rearrangements, SCP-466-1 displays some degree of control over the mobile vessels when inside the body. This control is utilized when SCP-466-2 consumes food: if SCP-466-2 does not consume the entire meal, SCP-466-1 will use the collective strength of the mobile vessels and force-feed SCP-466-2. This is advantageous for SCP-466-1; it appears that nutrients go primarily to expansion of the mobile vessels. Incident Date: 08/02/2014 Incident Time: 13:25 Site/Location: Research Site-45 Secured Medical Unit Unique Identifier (Auto-fill): 466-080214 Civilians Involved (Y/N): N Personnel Involved (Y/N): Y SCP Involved (Y/N): Y Details: SCP-466 and patient had begun to show abnormal behavior as extremities, excluding the head, began suffering from avascular necrosis over a 48 hour period. Afterwards, SCP-466 was observed to go into a state of acute cardiac arrest. Level-3 authorization was granted for a rapid response medical team to assist in the revival of the patient while observing the standard protocols of extrinsic biological hazards. SCP-466 and patient were pronounced dead after thirty minutes of continuous resuscitation. SCP-466 and patient were left in the containment cell for another 48 hours of observation with no activity reported. Level-3 authorization was then given to perform an autopsy on the deceased body. Upon opening the chest cavity, it was observed by medical staff that all arteries and veins had retracted from the external limbs and were clustered around the heart. Though the body was in a normal state of expected decay, the cardiovascular system seemed to show no signs of decomposition. During the autopsy, SCP-466 and the patient became active again and killed the two closest medical staff, Doctors Girard and Sharma. SCP-466 was observed appropriating the circulatory systems from the deceased into itself while also attempting to sever the head of the patient with a surgical bone saw. The patient's head was seen [REDACTED], which prompted Dr. Briggs to attempt a rescue of the patient from SCP-466. Dr. Briggs was subsequently killed; however, the distraction was timely enough to allow security teams to arrive on scene before the decapitation could take place. SCP-466 was eventually contained and the patient secured. Three medical and security staff were treated with minor injuries, two fractures and three lacerations. One security officer had to be surgically treated for a punctured lung and heart. Action Items: Review procedures regarding SCP-466. Current procedures may not apply. Interview Date: 08/04/2014 Interview Time: 06:48 Site/Location: Research Site-45 Interviewer/s: Internal Investigator RubΓ©n Foster Interviewee/s: Medical Director Dr. Andrea Itzkowitz Agent Foster: All right… we are recording now. Have a seat, doctor. Dr. Itzkowitz: How long will this take? Agent Foster: Depends. Is this your first time in one of these? Dr. Itzkowitz: No. There was one other time. Agent Foster: Well, let's get started. (papers shuffling) You were… according to the case file… the one who authorized the autopsy, correct? Dr. Itzkowitz: I did. Agent Foster: Would you like to elaborate a bit more, doctor… for the record. Dr. Itzkowitz: Right. Well, we were certain that it died and we waited for two days as per the protocols for expired anomalous entities in containment. I ordered the autopsy to be performed before the body decayed any further. Agent Foster: Did you have the body scanned or order an X-ray beforehand? Dr. Itzkowitz: We did. I said we were doing it by the book. Agent Foster: You felt that was enough? Dr. Itzkowitz: … Agent Foster: Doctor? Can you please answer? Dr. Itzkowitz: …I didn't see a need for further counter-measures. We were dealing with time constraints to perform the autopsy before the incineration deadline. So no. Agent Foster: (scribbling) Then what happened? Dr. Itzkowitz: It came back to life… Agent Foster: You were present? Dr. Itzkowitz: I was in the observation booth. I was the one that called security. Agent Foster: Was there a reason why security wasn't on standby? Dr. Itzkowitz: I told Doctor Sharma to take care of that. Apparently he didn't. Agent Foster: Yes. Now Sharma is dead. Dr. Itzkowitz: Yes. Agent Foster: (scribbling) Tell me about Doctor Briggs during this incident. He was the only person present in the room while security was being assembled, correct? Dr. Itzkowitz: Yes. Agent Foster: …Continue. Dr. Itzkowitz: Sorry. I think he was trying to save the patient. The body was in fairly poor condition and was falling apart while the thing was fighting back. Agent Foster: The patient was also alive? Dr. Itzkowitz: Yes. Though it is just a head now, connected to that thing. Agent Foster: So what prompted the Doctor to attempt a rescue? Dr. Itzkowitz: I'm pretty sure there were words exchanged between them, since the lungs were still attached. I couldn't make out the voice behind the glass. Agent Foster: Any idea about what was said? Dr. Itzkowitz: No. But apparently it was enough to convince Briggs to risk his own life and try to stop the thing from sawing the patient off its… body, I guess. Agent Foster: I see. (scribbling) Then what happened? Dr. Itzkowitz: Briggs struggled with it for a few seconds. Then it… well… I'm not really sure what you call it. Rooted into him I guess? Agent Foster: And that's when security came in? Dr. Itzkowitz: Right, then I ran after the glass was shot out. Agent Foster: Where is the entity and patient now? Dr. Itzkowitz: Heavily sedated in temporary containment until we figure out what to do next. The head still seems active, however. Agent Foster: That is… rather interesting. (scribbling) Is there anything else? Any other details you want on record? Dr. Itzkowitz: Briggs was a good man. I regret his death. And I'm also going to ensure that his death was not in vain. Agent Foster: Sentiments noted. Thank you, Doctor. Dr. Itzkowitz: So what happens now? Agent Foster: I file this case report to my superiors. If there is a follow-up, you will be notified. Dr. Itzkowitz: Very well. We're done then? Agent Foster: Yes. (Dr. Itzkowitz leaves the room and closes the door.) Agent Foster: For the record, I don't believe there was negligence involved here… the procedures were unfortunately outdated. I'll see about interviewing the patient if possible. (click) Interview Date: 08/04/2014 Interview Time: 14:48 Site/Location: Research Site-45 Interviewer/s: Internal Investigator RubΓ©n Foster Interviewee/s: Patient related to SCP-466, formerly known as SCP-466-2 Agent Foster: Alright… I have the recorder on. Open the cell please. Security Guard: Be careful in there, sir. I'll escort you in. Agent Foster: Alright, then- (ahem) Well… patient is, indeed, just a head. The rest of it seems to be sedated. Not much movement. Security Guard: Man, that's fucked up. Agent Foster: Quiet, please. Um… excuse me? (patient looks at Agent Foster) Agent Foster: Can you hear me? Patient: … Agent Foster: Right… no lungs. Blink once for yes, twice for no. All right? Patient: (blink) Agent Foster: Good. Um… is your name [REDACTED] and you are β–ˆβ–ˆ years old? Patient: (blink) Security Guard: (indecipherable comment) Agent Foster: Are you in control of the… that. (Agent Foster motions to SCP-466 laying on the floor) Patient: (blink, blink) Agent Foster: Do you know why it wants to separate from you? Patient: (there is a long pause followed by a single blink) Agent Foster: Do you want to be separated? Patient: (rapid blinking) (security guard raises weapon at patient) Agent Foster: Ok, ok, calm down. Ease off the trigger. No harm is done. Patient: (expression changes to being frightened) Agent Foster: I take it separation should not happen? Patient: (blink, blink) Agent Foster: The heart. You think it's evil, perhaps? Patient: (blink) Agent Foster: But while it's connected to you still, it can't… what exactly? Patient: (patient mouths the word 'become') Security Guard: Begone? Agent Foster: No, become. Become what? Patient: (expression becomes panicked) Agent Foster: Whoa, hey now. What did I say? Security Guard: Shit! It's starting to move! (SCP-466 begins to lift itself up, dragging the patient's head across the floor and slowly stumbling towards both men) Security Guard: Get out of the way! (gunfire) Move! Agent Foster: Stop shooting, get out of the cell! (alarm is triggered as both men leave and lock the cell door) Medical Technician: Hurry, get the IV back in before it wakes up! (running footsteps) Fuck, we can't keep increasing dosage like this, it's resisting it. Agent Foster: (panting) End of the interview. (click) NOTE: The following document has been authorized for immediate use. Additional details and/or procedures may follow before finalization is completed. Item #: SCP-466 Object Class: Euclid (pending possible reclassification after formal review) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-466 is to be sealed in Containment Cell-73 in E-Block at Research Site-45. E-Block is to remain separated from the main installation for the entirety of SCP-466's captivity. Containment Cell-73 is to have a 30cm thick acrylic observational window installed and the door welded shut from the outside. SCP-466's primary containment component, or its "head," and the primary heart connected to the brain stem, are to be locked together in a perforated stainless steel lock box at all times.1 The "head" is to be considered a vital component of containment. Efforts must be made to ensure that SCP-466 does not put it in jeopardy and it remains connected at all times. Four liters of a nutrient-rich water solution is to be sprayed into the containment tank every ten hours. The nutrient solution will be adjusted and administered by medical staff. An oxygen-rich atmosphere (25% O2) will be maintained in the cell at all times. In the event of a containment breach, SCP-466 is to be suppressed with gas-based flame weaponry. Description: SCP-466 is an amorphous and animate configuration of four human cardiovascular systems. The primary heart of SCP-466 is still attached to the original brain stem and thus still preserves its "head". The other three were absorbed during a separate incident post-acquisition and serve no purpose other than additional extensions of the whole. All four hearts of SCP-466 have increased in size by 275% and are observed to beat in synchronization at 130BPM. SCP-466 is considered to be sentient, as it responds to stimuli and pain in appropriate manners. The veins and arteries of SCP-466 are able to move, as their smooth muscle tissue (the tissue between the intima and adventitia) has developed into tissue resembling skeletal muscle. The ends of each appendage is also tipped with a sharp, calcified barb. SCP-466 is observed to be dexterous and extremely mobile, and can even remain on vertical surfaces or ceilings for long periods of time. SCP-466 is capable of producing erythrocytes, monocytes and thrombocytes. It is unknown where the hematopoetic progenitor cells are located, as no bone marrow has been discovered. SCP-466 is not capable of angiogenesis and is dependent on appropriating other human cardiovascular systems in order to increase its mass. SCP-466 can, however, heal itself at an accelerated rate. SCP-466 is able to oxygenate without the use of lungs. It is theorized to extract oxygen and nutrients from the surrounding air. The primary heart still remains connected to the original brain stem, though it has attempted several times to physically separate itself from it, including hitting it against hard surfaces or attempting to rip it off. The behavior of this is not fully understood, but it is theorized that separating the "head" from SCP-466 would trigger another step in its ongoing development. SCP-466 has remained in an agitated state since the development of the perforated lock box placed around its "head" and primary heart. Small amounts of water have been observed to drain from the perforated lock box, though this is merely from condensation and should be ignored. Due phenotypical similarities to SCP-1429-005, genetic material was compared between the two specimens and found to have multiple orthologous sequences, possibly indicating common ancestry. Patient: SCP-466 Species: Human (Comparability) Date: 08-Aug-2014 12:01 Sample ID: 466-Kappa-90 Sent: 08/12/2014 21:36 To: Dr. Frederick Carlyle, Superintendent of Research Site-45 From: Ethics Committee Review Board Secretary In light of the situation regarding SCP-466, whereas the current containment procedures no longer apply to its current condition and thereby necessitate the review and development of more applicable procedures and containment protocols, the following draft has been proposed. However, the patient associated with SCP-466 does invoke the authority of the Ethics Committee, as dealing with the well-being and moral decision of what is to be done in regards to both patient and entity. It is unfortunate that there is no ideal solution in separating both, and that there is no sustainable solution in both preserving or improving the quality of life of the patient without putting a substantial amount of risk on additional staff. It is not an easy decision and would not be the first nor last time such a ruling is made. Thus, after careful deliberation, this committee is tasked with making those difficult decisions on behalf of the Foundation and has decided the following measures: 1. That the patient be considered as lost collateral. Mental health considerations need not apply. 2. That this lost collateral is considered a deterrent to SCP-466's development and hence be considered a primary component in aiding containment. 3. That said primary component be maintained and kept in a reasonable functioning state. 4. That all identity and details regarding the primary component be expunged from all records. 5. That staff who are tasked with handling SCP-466 be screened for specific moral objections that may conflict with containment protocols. With these measures in place, the ethics committee review board grants a conditional approval to the following procedures and that they may be enacted immediately as such. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us. Sincerely, Ethics Committee Review Board Secretary Β« SCP-465 | SCP-466 | SCP-467 Β»" nan
[ 2.16664463e-01 -9.19594646e-01 1.01552689e-02 -2.51567096e-01 1.14822360e-02 -3.13773751e-01 2.26325408e-01 1.67949364e-01 -1.00821041e-01 1.41201004e-01 -2.56975833e-02 1.88755080e-01 -1.43421352e-01 -1.08645901e-01 7.81467333e-02 3.44475895e-01 9.03360844e-02 1.71700582e-01 1.49549887e-01 -4.08044755e-01 4.54100370e-02 -1.87292844e-01 -1.06719479e-01 1.25635073e-01 -1.61013961e-01 -2.49825564e-04 4.26245965e-02 1.57192051e-01 -1.35696888e-01 -5.06515741e-01 -9.09811556e-02 4.82336164e-01 2.46999681e-01 3.40225220e-01 -1.12989015e-04 -7.61091262e-02 -7.17358664e-02 -4.10497263e-02 -2.45279931e-02 3.47639978e-01 -4.29396510e-01 -4.94850069e-01 1.64471805e-01 -2.12009817e-01 1.74259737e-01 -1.84567556e-01 -1.95792094e-01 -1.78360686e-01 4.08470988e-01 2.88544625e-01 1.56818271e-01 3.07137519e-01 -2.55704165e-01 -8.54316205e-02 -3.40622276e-01 2.46626288e-01 -7.57834613e-02 3.21948975e-01 4.83092606e-01 -1.93883702e-02 1.53719140e-02 1.04466155e-01 -2.23132402e-01 2.81992722e-02 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2.10380778e-01 -2.26827085e-01 2.06584424e-01 -1.38754636e-01 2.52682745e-01 4.38103080e-02 5.35524637e-02 3.50001216e-01 4.76399213e-02 -1.41112283e-02 -1.42234758e-01 -1.98546961e-01 2.92701483e-01 2.64552474e-01 3.76053482e-01 -4.77228165e-02 2.97468901e-01 1.98413238e-01 -9.18569863e-02 -2.29632646e-01 6.08342476e-02 3.04220855e-01 -2.38420516e-01 1.00303898e-02 -2.41436705e-01 2.11230576e-01 -3.38091329e-02 -1.48130685e-01 -5.07693470e-01 6.99872151e-03 1.47188706e-02 1.54099256e-01 -1.82470948e-01 -2.24104315e-01 2.95210872e-02 1.04368396e-01 4.96759303e-02 -2.16923878e-01 2.45939448e-01 -1.83432966e-01 -3.17633778e-01 -1.31562918e-01 -2.63871974e-03 -1.50395617e-01 3.02215368e-01 -1.52872369e-01 9.41895097e-02 2.13176414e-01 2.33270779e-01 1.35786831e-01 3.78407538e-01 -2.81883776e-02 -4.19390470e-01 -2.51373589e-01 -1.71478301e-01 -5.42684132e-03 1.40753716e-01 4.47243731e-03 -6.09030910e-02 -7.77132437e-02 -1.84867904e-01 -2.53310978e-01 6.26682192e-02 2.69965231e-01 4.96658497e-02 -1.33723691e-01 -5.09112179e-01 -3.28637987e-01 -5.14716245e-02 3.14007699e-01 4.18604106e-01 1.07114315e-01 2.12323889e-01 2.62273043e-01 -1.19210750e-01 1.63124725e-01 4.99074310e-01 -3.30072343e-01 -9.79712829e-02 4.37166214e-01 1.48704216e-01 2.12064609e-02 3.03506792e-01 1.72355548e-01 1.21712849e-01 -1.67635754e-01 -1.70393318e-01 -1.84229255e-01 -2.46282388e-02 3.21405753e-02 2.72416659e-02 5.84363937e-02 3.62628400e-01 -2.15202957e-01 1.05732985e-01 -2.92440414e-01 -3.13220769e-02 -1.29463077e-01 -3.40514667e-02 -3.63878049e-02 1.96813375e-01 8.09154212e-02 8.80016237e-02 -1.42843187e-01 -2.99495626e-02 -4.81391978e-03 1.43206209e-01 -9.36181843e-02 -1.50178313e-01 -7.74913654e-02 -1.18486039e-01 8.82658884e-02 2.13221326e-01 1.83708876e-01 -5.45523390e-02 -9.43487287e-02 -1.69405580e-01 -3.43536764e-01 1.94341298e-02 1.73316360e-01 -2.00394318e-01 -4.01650637e-01 -2.95909196e-02 6.81555346e-02 3.73165719e-02 5.17374501e-02 -9.61148143e-02 2.06175104e-01 4.48270142e-02 -3.03818405e-01 5.96058667e-02 6.11252971e-02 1.34670928e-01 -1.94383413e-01 1.16596311e-01 -8.83683413e-02 6.21702634e-02 -3.57345566e-02 1.74253136e-01 6.47610351e-02 -3.32492679e-01 -9.90763828e-02 3.09066065e-02 3.88597667e-01 1.28209561e-01 3.15100998e-01 -2.79205263e-01 -5.46797931e-01 -1.30581498e-01 9.17979181e-02 -1.35135949e-01 4.75262523e-01 9.12903026e-02 8.80466700e-02 1.08247310e-01 -1.00183263e-01 -8.03609043e-02 -3.58065575e-01 -2.25029618e-01 8.00202563e-02 -5.00501581e-02 8.77270177e-02 2.88394332e-01 2.83584267e-01 -9.47142690e-02 3.67077261e-01 -1.46584466e-01 -1.96292236e-01 -2.94636816e-01 -1.56773746e-01 6.46212041e-01 -6.51939586e-02 7.16995820e-02 -2.04921529e-01 2.12801754e-01 2.29143891e-02 1.01871707e-01 -4.51420546e-01 -3.62118065e-01 6.88739121e-03 7.39394948e-02 -2.35381812e-01 -8.40844065e-02 3.87489229e-01 -4.54124391e-01 -1.56210706e-01 1.45389274e-01 2.40606800e-01 5.73120862e-02 -9.63157341e-02 -1.46192238e-01]
"Confessional Phone Booth" active "Item #: SCP-467 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-467 is currently located at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, and is guarded by a single security personnel, changed daily. Although SCP-467 has no true anomalous lasting effects, the information it reveals can leave people with lasting effects of their own. While SCP-467 is being studied or moved, all involved personnel must have no cell phones, pagers, or other communication devices on them without clearance for testing. Description: SCP-467 appears to be an empty phone booth, and was found in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The SCP Foundation discovered it due to a legend about a 'haunted phone' that used to reside inside the booth, although testing has revealed that the phone was of no importance, and the effects came from the booth itself. Even after the phone was removed, the booth itself remained a place of superstition before being recovered by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Although there is nothing extraordinary about the booth itself, so long as a human and a communications device are in the booth at the same time, its effects are easily observed. Communications devices receive a message from somebody the user knows. This call shows no preference for friends, family, loved ones, co-workers, or even just acquaintances. Curiously enough, later examination of phone records or call logs reveal that this call never happened, even though it may be observed and recorded. The 'caller' has never even picked up the phone, in the process, suggesting SCP-467 has a powerful form of telepathy. These calls divulge information that the user previously did not know, most commonly secrets and confessions. These calls range from insignificant to life-changing (see addendum). A single user may use the phone booth more than once, provided that at least twenty-four hours have passed since their last use. It is suggested that the booth not be used for personal reasons. Addendum: A collection of some of the more notable results has been collected, and is still being formed. Test Log 467-Various Subject: Nature of Call: Effects: Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple violent crimes Nature of Call: Subject's mother, telling him she was disappointed with what he had done and admitting that she blamed herself for not raising them right. Effects: Subject seemed mildly disturbed for several hours, repeatedly asked to be allowed to contact family. Subject's request was turned down. Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of homicide Nature of Call: Subject received call from victim's family, saying that they never forgot, but they were slowly learning to forgive him. Effects: Mild discomfort for several hours. Subject: Class D personnel; [DATA EXPUNGED] Nature of Call: [DATA EXPUNGED] Effects: Violent outbursts intermittent with hysterical sobbing. Subject was terminated after an attack on nearby researchers. Subject: Class D personnel Nature of Call: Received a call from researcher present in the room at the moment, saying that he thought the subject's haircut looked ridiculous. Effects: Mild annoyance, followed by amusement. Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of several counts of rape Nature of Call: Victim of subject, telling him she had managed to heal and grow past the crime since then, having started a family and working with women's rights organizations. Effects: Subject was confused and admitted that he was not sure how to feel about that. A notable improvement in morale followed for several days. Subject: Dr. Rights Nature of Call: Unknown. Effects: Moderate depression for approximately two days, intermittent with doubt regarding working with the Foundation. Full recovery followed. Subject: Dr. Iceberg Nature of Call: Unknown Effects: No immediate effects. Two days later began an argument with a researcher at Site 17, which led to a mild physical conflict. Full reprimand followed. Subject: SCP-1599 Nature of Call: Message from subject's creator or creators claiming they have lost its signal, don't know where it has gone, and that they are unable to recover it. Effects: Subject denied the message came from its creator, and believed the message was a trick performed by its captors. Incident Report - β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ Near holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, a notable increase in disturbing or distressing calls has been observed. Theory currently holds that this is due to increased family tension and urges to be 'nice' to people at this point in time. Additionally, it was during the holiday season that the first two reported incidents occurred of occupant inside SCP-467 receiving a call from themselves, and other reported incidents of an occupant receiving a call from the deceased or non-existent. Further investigation pending on how personnel could 'lie' to themselves, and how SCP-467 receives calls from non-existing sources. Subject: Class D personnel Nature of Call: Subject's own voice, describing latent homosexuality. Effects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed. Subject: Class D personnel; amnesiac testing subject Nature of Call: Subject's own voice, explaining forgotten events prior to amnesiac testing. Effects: Subject seemed moderately confused, but showed no other effects. Subject: Class D personnel; convicted of multiple counts of homicide Nature of Call: Victim of subject, angrily screaming for five minutes. Effects: Subject attempted to destroy SCP-467, immediate termination followed. Subject: Dr. Rights Nature of Call: Voice was described as that of a young child; Dr. Rights shut off the recording equipment after voice revealed to belong to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Effects: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject: Secretarial/Security Staff Break Nature of Call: Dr. Iceberg [REDACTED]. Effects: [REDACTED] Β« SCP-466 | SCP-467 | SCP-468 Β»" nan
[ 1.68375790e-01 -2.21376210e-01 -6.93686828e-02 -1.53371453e-01 -2.65386879e-01 -1.56782702e-01 2.96516001e-01 1.25277042e-01 -1.02421507e-01 -5.89992180e-02 -1.44348472e-01 2.35576808e-01 -6.24671094e-02 -4.02606636e-01 -1.42662460e-02 2.59883136e-01 -1.64920256e-01 5.29645026e-01 -1.23834796e-01 -4.89759631e-02 -1.93463966e-01 -2.96303838e-01 -9.60242227e-02 4.57236469e-01 7.38678873e-03 -1.18507951e-01 -4.71203513e-02 1.31872624e-01 -5.78162931e-02 -3.53408784e-01 1.40879273e-01 3.48974407e-01 -2.05865711e-01 5.48806787e-01 -1.11703885e-04 -1.22950181e-01 8.94336849e-02 1.53392728e-03 -3.66146296e-01 1.42006829e-01 -7.64114141e-01 1.70306623e-01 -2.14298576e-01 -6.04366325e-02 -6.59527257e-02 -1.88522801e-01 1.51387990e-01 -1.06146142e-01 4.64968860e-01 2.49194667e-01 1.30982921e-01 3.51138622e-01 -2.15579927e-01 -1.25013664e-01 -1.62584156e-01 3.99966449e-01 1.74989160e-02 4.84555513e-02 2.13884845e-01 -2.09269598e-01 5.70378564e-02 7.65920728e-02 -1.35620803e-01 -1.32050328e-02 1.72302276e-01 -2.87244350e-01 4.64564443e-01 -2.74517089e-01 3.86156797e-01 3.13243091e-01 -2.43677810e-01 7.17501575e-03 3.34336251e-01 -2.31806072e-03 -3.67276520e-02 -1.19617485e-01 9.14411917e-02 1.37255311e-01 -1.49695590e-01 5.32114953e-02 -1.31724223e-01 1.94389656e-01 -8.02814141e-02 -9.96472836e-02 -6.42298087e-02 -1.10936217e-01 -1.15745336e-01 -1.99284613e-01 2.45479524e-01 -2.80424654e-01 -3.32493931e-02 -1.08238682e-01 8.41343850e-02 6.48529306e-02 1.16356440e-01 2.63555646e-02 4.70637172e-01 -1.78295121e-01 -1.14383884e-01 -3.65158170e-01 2.62861729e-01 1.80099636e-01 -2.68138558e-01 -9.44378823e-02 2.86664844e-01 -2.31576815e-01 7.41523683e-01 -2.80892588e-02 -3.09319228e-01 5.45687914e-01 3.14925909e-01 5.86574137e-01 -9.07068476e-02 1.91485733e-01 -9.28681791e-02 -3.09903100e-02 1.33513138e-02 1.00237593e-01 -3.10298711e-01 4.34006929e-01 -5.95823109e-01 1.95042178e-01 2.73084734e-02 2.78697282e-01 6.22304320e-01 8.15574601e-02 -7.34245256e-02 -2.94114530e-01 1.06132741e-03 -4.00246292e-01 -3.60577889e-02 -1.49645314e-01 -2.81406462e-01 5.93227856e-02 6.42255247e-02 9.61812511e-02 -2.52701819e-01 -2.22227693e-01 -2.55348414e-01 -9.59796906e-02 -1.10464372e-01 -1.88410267e-01 6.28181756e-01 4.22638953e-01 -7.23249912e-02 -7.14803040e-02 -1.98020980e-01 -1.22790836e-01 -2.89117973e-02 1.16864175e-01 4.31886613e-01 -9.01064947e-02 1.69269800e-01 2.39641011e-01 -1.72754303e-01 2.31206223e-01 2.70355381e-02 6.04327656e-02 -3.44211012e-01 5.02051674e-02 4.85248834e-01 -2.17898503e-01 -2.74714619e-01 -3.52922752e-02 1.26613438e-01 4.89394546e-01 8.40724930e-02 -1.77007139e-01 -2.62667865e-01 -2.04413205e-01 -1.93379954e-01 -3.65159929e-01 8.50153249e-03 1.49538636e-01 -1.59843385e-01 4.05164391e-01 -9.31523293e-02 -2.85616279e-01 -5.28929055e-01 -1.82392418e-01 -3.87135863e-01 1.65917024e-01 -1.26718685e-01 -2.45389074e-01 -1.34181336e-01 -4.75393385e-02 2.15484500e-01 -2.77575463e-01 1.97198480e-01 -1.09757148e-01 -1.26819506e-01 -3.76189083e-01 3.11288331e-02 2.52854586e-01 -2.04529002e-01 -8.17414969e-02 1.08637542e-01 -1.02698639e-01 3.23071629e-01 -3.38674174e-03 -1.66538551e-01 -2.63001293e-01 6.80783153e-01 6.51954636e-02 -9.64777172e-02 3.75957042e-02 1.02819413e-01 -2.19130740e-01 -6.47497401e-02 2.71847367e-01 8.07370245e-02 -3.73168327e-02 -4.74418625e-02 3.92545871e-02 -2.79353708e-01 -2.11942777e-01 1.87127963e-01 2.69100666e-01 4.77203242e-02 -2.23432750e-01 -2.88659874e-02 7.86083043e-02 5.02757020e-02 -8.24136212e-02 -1.81510544e-03 2.50527300e-02 9.10417661e-02 -2.11718008e-01 -5.70064560e-02 3.42425674e-01 1.46540776e-01 -3.29064801e-02 2.07364008e-01 2.29964882e-01 -3.82389240e-02 1.12784624e-01 -1.98376521e-01 4.78970379e-01 -6.50486425e-02 -3.61958086e-01 1.72583207e-01 -1.31948829e-01 1.34198919e-01 2.60976225e-01 7.01173965e-04 2.52097934e-01 4.70286041e-01 -2.21845377e-02 1.13369763e-01 1.05231116e-02 -1.23956710e-01 -2.30016649e-01 -7.66699091e-02 7.54480390e-03 2.34823227e-01 4.12140712e-02 -3.45926017e-01 2.67626554e-01 2.02652529e-01 1.90378875e-01 -2.20749155e-01 -2.51774609e-01 5.09920955e-01 7.06412420e-02 -1.61435187e-01 -3.04608881e-01 1.35392129e-01 -1.28104135e-01 2.19211593e-01 -4.32061329e-02 -2.41067290e-01 -4.92217876e-02 1.88687816e-01 -7.36786202e-02 -1.92218535e-02 7.07846805e-02 -1.19722366e-01 1.93096310e-01 4.38769072e-01 8.42707530e-02 7.77148036e-03 -2.01553702e-01 -1.56265542e-01 -7.39143118e-02 -5.82924373e-02 2.13045359e-01 -2.14622721e-01 -2.16273502e-01 1.53777897e-02 4.60559875e-01 4.79784727e-01 8.60568583e-02 1.42173620e-03 -1.41557619e-01 -1.34101957e-01 -6.20563142e-03 2.53562853e-02 6.86192751e-01 -2.00774863e-01 1.85448080e-01 -3.44114184e-01 1.52288198e-01 -3.03649548e-02 9.16673839e-02 -4.68797177e-01 7.08618313e-02 4.01216209e-01 -4.48393449e-02 -1.05076209e-01 -4.46088761e-02 -1.88139662e-01 2.62670010e-01 2.13162482e-01 -5.13872981e-01 1.11774363e-01 -2.94736177e-01 -7.24756569e-02 -1.48361802e-01 4.52204272e-02 -5.11611581e-01 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-1.17959253e-01 4.24451604e-02 -2.04797491e-01 -3.99134755e-02 -2.01493800e-02 -1.02433935e-01 -4.58987541e-02 1.78470194e-01 2.69564223e-02 -1.32264033e-01 2.35382468e-02 7.87718222e-03 3.10496449e-01 -3.97755235e-01 -7.95563608e-02 1.79382622e-01 -2.54394531e-01 -2.92257518e-01 2.12366015e-01 8.58698547e-01 3.44423175e-01 3.14675689e-01 -6.34174496e-02 2.04909742e-02 -2.61857420e-01 -2.66563326e-01 2.30835259e-01 -1.23236716e-01 -2.90661454e-02 1.38967693e-01 2.36188948e-01 -1.65210709e-01 3.19406874e-02 1.48771271e-01 7.77249560e-02 -2.83905566e-01 -1.78842880e-02 -7.31188878e-02 6.72055408e-02 -2.52056360e-01 -7.87983462e-02 3.50200891e-01 6.38323486e-01 2.15588033e-01 1.79596752e-01 2.85084873e-01 -3.37152332e-01 7.70195797e-02 -5.53743355e-02 6.62044406e-01 -8.18666145e-02 8.42903316e-01 3.74454796e-01 1.60150200e-01 -1.01848312e-01 2.09247306e-01 -2.09468156e-02 1.24864385e-01 6.57620549e-01 3.21002483e-01 1.05636179e-01 1.77306589e-02 2.85085082e-01 -3.16945672e-01 9.25050303e-02 4.52066660e-01 9.07463804e-02 1.83360219e-01 6.61860704e-02 1.81531921e-01 -1.87912926e-01 -3.62894386e-01 -2.71947682e-01 4.78801310e-01 1.21408880e-01 3.12280804e-01 -3.55302393e-02 1.09112036e+00 2.69229442e-01 2.53086925e-01 2.11535260e-01 -3.72983992e-01 1.46614388e-01 -6.47189975e-01 -1.35052875e-02 1.80819228e-01 1.52550861e-01 1.99977502e-01 -3.29462409e-01 6.34567440e-02 2.45453447e-01 -2.98943281e-01 -4.23226684e-01 -5.36052048e-01 -8.29444304e-02 2.08037958e-01 -3.26417834e-02 2.00402215e-02 3.38676907e-02 1.10331029e-02 2.24722162e-01 1.80088818e-01 3.04381967e-01 1.63363814e-01 4.31548655e-02 -2.00823203e-01 -3.92023567e-03 -2.34353378e-01 2.89244503e-01 6.01477772e-02 -2.12303121e-02 2.46738002e-01 3.54516715e-01 2.47362971e-01 5.22274897e-03 -2.62989253e-01 -1.97450351e-02 -1.10771738e-01 1.59479260e-01 6.38841271e-01 1.73500985e-01 3.28712046e-01 -7.95902610e-02 1.22694388e-01 7.52605572e-02 -2.37305745e-01 4.85517681e-01 4.06056829e-02 2.59319007e-01 -4.26125437e-01 6.27647340e-02 1.45705029e-01 -1.79973379e-01 6.09751761e-01 2.80646384e-01 -1.05654538e-01 4.07587327e-02 1.78238422e-01 5.37932254e-02 -9.64668542e-02 -3.96562628e-02 -2.49367401e-01 -1.73176780e-01 -8.33464712e-02 1.98750317e-01 -2.45871037e-01 -1.34072125e-01 1.87005356e-01 1.64785460e-02 -1.09067649e-01 -5.06407499e-01 2.81117022e-01 2.89750874e-01 -3.24840009e-01 1.25185609e-01 -5.23259453e-02 -4.29091305e-01 -1.07291220e-02 2.78873563e-01 -1.42922997e-01 -2.54682064e-01 -2.25213736e-01 9.03235003e-02 8.19296166e-02 -1.53271049e-01 1.19974054e-01 -1.43918106e-02 -1.79173470e-01 5.71635604e-01 1.39298052e-01 2.13819578e-01 -3.48450541e-01 4.30134796e-02 -1.72355533e-01 -5.62955104e-02 3.23205471e-01 -2.81412274e-01 -1.46575838e-01 -1.01738028e-01 1.52210757e-01 3.22515249e-01 -1.17807396e-01 -2.27430418e-01 -2.10091859e-01 1.43811718e-01 -1.76525246e-02 -3.37401301e-01 5.49516790e-02 -6.71687489e-03 2.74381548e-01 1.15280934e-01 5.24108708e-02 6.85576424e-02 2.93355912e-01 1.32772550e-01 -1.27205521e-01 9.67669040e-02 1.91411540e-01 1.12023897e-01 -7.76424929e-02 3.19026440e-01 -4.11428541e-01 -7.81808943e-02 -2.27774248e-01 -2.12798119e-01 1.08459458e-01 4.01294351e-01 3.13830197e-01 1.45375729e-02 2.02887833e-01 1.18702255e-01 2.36280531e-01 -3.26471537e-01 -8.04069489e-02 -1.58173870e-02 -3.77892196e-01 -9.84813794e-02 -2.60015815e-01 2.75781125e-01 6.92388713e-02 -5.55358417e-02 -1.69200137e-01 1.89557284e-01 -5.38443066e-02 1.33790821e-01 -3.48021179e-01 -1.54871240e-01 -3.87587659e-02 -1.30289406e-01 -2.13384368e-02 -1.49230257e-01 3.57898064e-02 2.05514744e-01 -2.37432048e-02 -2.67473847e-01 7.57123604e-02 -3.50876376e-02 2.80150652e-01 2.73968965e-01 6.68205917e-02 1.67426616e-01 1.71670794e-01 2.12279752e-01 5.57436466e-01 1.31255776e-01 -3.77397865e-01 1.36945531e-01 -3.42510283e-01 2.29837999e-01 -1.84306890e-01 3.96990001e-01 -5.72277904e-01 3.40450048e-01 -9.26955566e-02 -1.86735004e-01 6.65744916e-02 1.41353803e-02 3.40241678e-02 -6.93358928e-02 -4.86472607e-01 -1.33046091e-01 -6.50260150e-02 9.33030918e-02 -9.58819240e-02 8.00531209e-02 -1.97722495e-01 2.31748909e-01 -2.28125229e-01 1.15445480e-01 3.34967792e-01 -2.26948529e-01 2.10531130e-02 2.23229632e-01 -1.42959431e-01 3.17320794e-01 2.46230960e-01 2.63445944e-01 1.83890518e-02 -2.03475282e-01 2.76973844e-01 -1.75286844e-01 -1.28684342e-01 -2.54752129e-01 2.02385783e-01 4.47372645e-01 -1.15470067e-02 -2.81887442e-01 1.85999796e-01 -2.64088660e-01 -2.30771199e-01 2.00031012e-01 3.48073334e-01 1.13921329e-01 1.39230877e-01 -1.81360349e-01 -1.88550219e-01 1.48997828e-01 1.89126581e-02 -5.89166060e-02 1.66169539e-01 1.42847851e-01 1.80761352e-01 2.76842177e-01 -3.09698403e-01 5.92387915e-02 -1.86240003e-01 5.96390739e-02 8.67289528e-02 3.29950362e-01 6.89284578e-02 -1.44075722e-01 8.91690776e-02 2.48075888e-01 6.31887047e-03 -5.35133481e-01 -1.99415669e-01 -7.93136060e-02 1.49814054e-01 1.42813161e-01 -9.16437712e-03 -8.28459561e-02 -2.12718785e-01 -3.41191351e-01 -2.53311899e-02 1.19219132e-01 2.96505392e-01 2.55790353e-01 9.36965644e-02 -2.16751829e-01 2.38290131e-01 -1.90935239e-01 9.48549360e-02 -7.94030726e-02 -5.12606084e-01 1.54005170e-01 3.83936375e-01 1.59762740e-01 -1.53130904e-01 2.65096903e-01 4.73122904e-03 -4.41069007e-01 3.09091043e-02 2.02864781e-01 -5.04796356e-02 -2.75682360e-01 1.76081240e-01 -8.11122879e-02 1.05748087e-01 3.13343495e-01 8.59750435e-02 -1.93472520e-01 3.15895751e-02 3.56847167e-01 -4.44748580e-01 4.32976224e-02 -2.05822155e-01 1.11473598e-01 1.55770443e-02 4.86232676e-02 2.36530565e-02 -8.96673128e-02 -1.54078260e-01 -5.68287745e-02 2.77614206e-01 -9.19837281e-02 7.51672611e-02 -4.38123584e-01 2.02079535e-01 -2.47796953e-01 -8.88464674e-02 -3.87876868e-01 -1.15450352e-01 1.85614035e-01 3.48543860e-02 -3.16916019e-01 -2.63726175e-01 -2.98228264e-01 -3.71657670e-01 -1.34557575e-01 3.98704082e-01 -8.63079205e-02 1.03803210e-01 1.47450060e-01 -4.88219634e-02]
"The Abacus" active "Item #: SCP-468 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A buffer area of one kilometer is to be maintained around SCP-468-2. Individuals found inside upon initial Foundation acquisition may only exit with the permission of the overseeing Level 4 researcher. All Foundation personnel entering for purposes of observation must exit two hours after entrance. SCP-468-1 is not to be moved from SCP-468-2. It is to be contained within a standard locked containment unit. One video camera inside the unit is to monitor SCP-468-1's movement. The unlocking combination is held by the overseeing Level 4 researcher. Description: SCP-468-1 is an abacus with dimensions of 20 by 7 centimeters, in near-perfect condition, with no missing beads or signs of disrepair. Its beads, despite the lack of any obvious motor or driving system, will move autonomously. Periods of movement are interspersed by periods of rest, which usually last three to five hours. SCP-468-1’s beads will often perform basic arithmetic operations, though this is not always the case. SCP-468-2 is the former farming village of [REDACTED], located in the Chinese province of Jiangsu, with an area of about 2.3 square kilometers. It is presumed that the previous owner of SCP-468-1 lived within this village. Research Site-133, which houses all personnel assigned to SCP-468, is located 3 kilometers from SCP-468-2. Foundation investigations have [DATA EXPUNGED]. Roads, houses, and other sufficiently large man-made structures inside SCP-468-2 will shift their positions as SCP-468-1 itself moves. Movement invariably results in the formation of geometric patterns. Usually, roads lined with houses will move to form rows and columns. Other patterns that have been observed include basic circular and triangular patterns. Researchers have recorded a relation between arithmetical operations done by SCP-468-1 and the movement of SCP-468-2. For example, SCP-468-1 moving to multiply 10 and 32 resulted in a 10 by 32 grid pattern, with outlying houses forming a perimeter around the resultant grid. All sufficiently large animals (including horses, dogs, cats, and human beings) within SCP-468-2 are subject to its effects. During periods of SCP-468-1’s rest, affected subjects will travel between structures. Only SCP-468-2's roads will be used to travel. No two subjects will ever travel in different directions on the same road. The speed of travel is invariably 2.3 meters per second, with one pace taken every 0.6 seconds. Mathematical functions are often performed with affected subjects acting as counters. Animals susceptible to SCP-468-2's effects begin to display symptoms 2.5 hours after entry into the village. The initial symptom is the loss of all complex mental functions, such as basic coordination, language skills, and reasoning. After 3 hours inside, instinctive and reflexive actions, such as the fight or flight response, are forgotten. After 3.5 hours, brain activity reduces to an essentially comatose state, and only the knowledge of how to walk is retained. However, only a certain number of affected individuals actually take place in group movement at any given time; because of this, surplus beings will simply [DATA EXPUNGED]. If enough subjects are removed from SCP-468-2 such that the number of affected individuals inside is less than β–ˆβ–ˆ, all movement will cease; it can only resume once members of the same species as the removed subjects are placed inside SCP-468-2. Despite their inability to consume food or water, all subjects seem to be in perfect health. Removing SCP-468-1 from SCP-468-2 causes all activity within SCP-468-2 to cease, though affected subjects do not regain lost mental capacity. Given the research opportunity that would be lost, this is prohibited. Addendum-468A: Before it became the focus of Foundation attention, SCP-468-2 was a relatively isolated community. Beginning January 12th, 19β–ˆβ–ˆ, residents reported roads and houses shifting several meters in sudden bursts. Local authorities assumed tectonic instability to be the cause of the moving structures, and advised all residents to evacuate. Approximately half of the population complied. By February 3rd, no more reports were filed concerning the believed tectonic instability. By March 21st, attempts to contact people living in the village were met with no response, prompting Foundation involvement. By the time nearby agents arrived, the entire remaining population had succumbed to SCP-468-2's effects. A discrepancy exists between the population of SCP-468-2 post-earthquake evacuation (188) and the current human population (66). Extensive Foundation exploration has not found a single member of the missing 122, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum-468B: Patterns and calculations made by SCP-468-2 have begun increasing in complexity since observation has begun. While only basic addition and subtraction were seen when first discovered, its repertoire of mathematical operations has expanded to include multiplication and division; calculating the area of quadrilaterals, triangles, and circles; comparing proportions; and finding the square roots of two-digit numbers. On July 19th, 20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-468-2 arranged in grid patterns used for basic arithmetic. However, Foundation observers quickly realized that the right half of SCP-468-2 had only very limited activity, whereas the left side exhibited an abnormal increase in subject movement. Dr. Fβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, upon investigating the matter, theorized that the computations being made were an attempt to perform matrix multiplication, with the left hand side acting as "scratch work" and the right hand side including the actual matrices. After only 39 minutes, all subject movement ceased and SCP-468-1 entered another period of movement: the shortest recorded period of rest yet. Researcher estimates place the time required for matrix multiplication to take place inside SCP-468-2 at approximately three days. Matrix multiplication was an unusual jump in the normally steady progression of mathematical complexity previously undergone. Furthermore, the subsequent arrangement of SCP-468-2 facilitated fraction multiplication, the only recorded instance of a decrease in mathematical complexity between rearrangement periods. Β« SCP-467 | SCP-468 | SCP-469 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-468" by Chubert, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: File:Chinese-abacus.jpg Name: Chinese-abacus.jpg Author: Dave Fischer License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-468-1"
[-1.72136024e-01 -1.27871826e-01 -1.56714827e-01 2.36744627e-01 2.77895154e-03 -3.39634627e-01 5.16434491e-01 2.92318523e-01 3.59909117e-01 3.06274503e-01 -2.16976225e-01 5.60751967e-02 2.35169753e-01 -1.47049442e-01 1.73636407e-01 1.24036483e-01 1.15194760e-01 2.87261307e-01 9.93007272e-02 -3.22833866e-01 -2.86371559e-01 -2.13521481e-01 -1.72902361e-01 3.66065860e-01 1.75227374e-01 -1.78194359e-01 -1.17734902e-01 -1.15517981e-01 1.44519374e-01 -5.71824685e-02 1.97650552e-01 2.41276786e-01 1.04491539e-01 5.82681119e-01 -1.12487876e-04 -1.78199291e-01 1.46732666e-02 1.61868423e-01 -8.93171653e-02 4.01924640e-01 -7.08533466e-01 1.33980393e-01 -4.61203977e-02 -2.23116368e-01 3.63236181e-02 -7.05387518e-02 2.17324257e-01 -1.05288930e-01 4.35390055e-01 2.00073183e-01 1.58106595e-01 -3.66076648e-01 2.83407062e-01 -1.56804428e-01 1.15296505e-01 8.34911540e-02 6.18741773e-02 -1.36237115e-01 -6.25149533e-02 -3.78458276e-02 1.76525079e-02 -1.45449787e-01 -1.20056123e-01 -8.53870530e-03 1.32737890e-01 6.82863742e-02 2.06239615e-02 -1.66298538e-01 3.63119543e-01 2.66882092e-01 -1.02786437e-01 4.49549891e-02 -2.62496211e-02 7.85919428e-02 -1.47819936e-01 -1.40513718e-01 1.02129497e-01 3.38417113e-01 3.28967422e-01 1.25607088e-01 3.88706505e-01 1.56765014e-01 -3.42297822e-01 -1.74077675e-02 -5.89413404e-01 3.32237445e-02 -1.27244201e-02 1.23458710e-02 -6.21020682e-02 -1.99298412e-02 1.64360195e-01 1.46358553e-02 1.01705633e-01 6.25161588e-01 -2.97898538e-02 3.46242562e-02 3.00583780e-01 -1.06597170e-01 2.60562658e-01 -4.09292839e-02 5.79374909e-01 1.23254871e-02 2.46604644e-02 1.78684786e-01 -3.42739895e-02 1.33158728e-01 -4.26561339e-03 3.31722312e-02 -9.50610861e-02 5.87172627e-01 -1.68415070e-01 3.93411368e-02 -2.91791707e-01 1.39785573e-01 9.22268257e-02 -1.23378552e-01 9.04548243e-02 -1.93369821e-01 -4.48073506e-01 2.79188067e-01 -8.52791905e-01 -8.90493467e-02 -3.81561159e-03 9.59770530e-02 2.51097590e-01 1.17293205e-02 6.88427016e-02 -7.22535923e-02 1.88824050e-02 2.32649103e-01 -1.74054474e-01 1.86946616e-01 -3.79972458e-01 1.18955433e-01 -1.43432990e-01 1.37157276e-01 -3.05022597e-01 5.77729717e-02 7.74842575e-02 2.49488950e-01 2.39204932e-02 -1.52959168e-01 2.97183067e-01 3.64827812e-01 -1.81920066e-01 -1.19680233e-01 -2.64367670e-01 3.56638730e-02 -2.53023207e-01 -1.86229572e-01 4.13178176e-01 1.87747553e-01 -5.08616984e-01 1.83819577e-01 -2.12013498e-01 -1.52494060e-02 5.83215952e-01 -2.85533108e-02 -1.05616875e-01 -7.02311993e-02 9.30673853e-02 3.71739060e-01 -7.72826895e-02 -2.98852116e-01 2.26773202e-01 2.96533018e-01 -2.64382899e-01 1.02564454e-01 -5.72144873e-02 -1.31622463e-01 -2.43881777e-01 1.83360483e-02 4.95090568e-03 1.71202615e-01 -7.07185045e-02 2.12257743e-01 -7.52366066e-01 -2.81619370e-01 -5.18367290e-01 -4.01777714e-01 -6.69253096e-02 1.46838874e-01 2.49134585e-01 -3.45077187e-01 4.34997156e-02 -7.07172677e-02 -1.05286175e-02 2.33589262e-01 2.71032959e-01 -1.97606876e-01 -3.22066158e-01 -4.82033581e-01 -7.08506703e-02 3.15141939e-02 1.13163009e-01 -1.38730362e-01 3.57311577e-01 8.62823147e-03 3.80108543e-02 1.07637726e-01 -2.91934162e-02 -9.57824141e-02 6.84190691e-01 -7.11413249e-02 1.36454459e-02 -2.28131905e-01 -2.27330148e-01 -3.16628404e-02 -9.92353633e-02 2.37579435e-01 -1.18171843e-02 -1.56515107e-01 -2.52871931e-01 8.30842331e-02 -9.15515572e-02 -4.16217536e-01 2.66564608e-01 -1.05469607e-01 3.06289434e-01 -3.06385070e-01 7.98998922e-02 1.18378334e-01 2.75096923e-01 -1.19263574e-01 5.26146181e-02 3.37677509e-01 -1.04882233e-01 -8.31868649e-02 -2.86539674e-01 1.32466659e-01 1.24701351e-01 4.37340103e-02 1.25592127e-01 1.91230536e-01 6.65436685e-02 8.12271684e-02 2.69050628e-01 9.08332169e-01 -3.44745144e-02 2.57597305e-02 3.73131424e-01 8.21127929e-03 2.56545752e-01 -5.42130992e-02 -3.45650852e-01 7.47774988e-02 5.78754306e-01 4.63580608e-01 1.57579347e-01 -1.27350435e-01 9.34379399e-02 -3.03826451e-01 8.08823332e-02 2.23753527e-01 3.85221117e-03 6.31122768e-01 1.03081353e-01 1.65640712e-01 6.78956583e-02 3.54148597e-01 -7.65988976e-02 -3.90967764e-02 9.72046927e-02 5.90835512e-02 -1.26497477e-01 -1.99829396e-02 1.71333909e-01 3.64356101e-01 -1.00323096e-01 1.34264559e-01 1.43119246e-01 -6.19780160e-02 -1.64714590e-01 -7.26628583e-03 6.89968616e-02 1.33195639e-01 2.05690339e-01 -1.87194645e-01 1.59815013e-01 2.66627252e-01 -1.04654312e-01 -4.92173523e-01 -1.21840037e-01 5.49520440e-02 -1.24244414e-01 1.20486662e-01 1.56650260e-01 7.75603503e-02 -1.69406876e-01 5.45721687e-03 1.38153613e-01 -2.44912393e-02 -6.49658032e-03 1.56163037e-01 -8.21278021e-02 8.14235806e-02 1.82715237e-01 4.08953935e-01 -2.56647497e-01 2.21718177e-01 -5.37909806e-01 -7.97134340e-02 -1.48735389e-01 1.22894265e-01 -5.14858738e-02 2.72747517e-01 1.29029959e-01 9.17477757e-02 3.08638006e-01 1.05879068e-01 -5.55341780e-01 9.81453657e-02 2.05444664e-01 -9.40189138e-02 1.69762000e-01 -1.09330080e-01 -2.22883970e-01 -2.48452693e-01 5.97547553e-02 -1.86325267e-01 -4.88280319e-02 -5.25767058e-02 -1.95352703e-01 2.16956288e-01 1.13059841e-02 4.39091831e-01 2.29536057e-01 -3.27001154e-01 4.02171105e-01 2.82251060e-01 2.59388298e-01 1.07942663e-01 1.45339489e-01 5.88964164e-01 -1.06750987e-01 -1.22218147e-01 -1.18203811e-01 -3.97609770e-02 7.10367858e-02 7.07147121e-02 -7.48355687e-02 -4.15492475e-01 -3.34456772e-01 5.31779706e-01 3.29902202e-01 -2.75091035e-03 1.46716684e-01 -2.58665383e-01 1.86008602e-01 8.87299553e-02 -6.07447177e-02 5.56375921e-01 1.54085115e-01 -2.83735514e-01 3.83572280e-02 -9.98739526e-03 1.99778423e-01 1.94027349e-01 9.23325832e-04 -4.37545419e-01 -1.37857854e-01 4.12036031e-02 5.90818226e-01 8.03171471e-02 -1.74576312e-01 -5.50666451e-02 4.21598330e-02 -1.25921434e-02 -2.69244071e-02 -2.14109346e-02 7.57850781e-02 9.40148830e-02 -7.23123193e-01 1.62912607e-01 -3.02770566e-02 -2.88252264e-01 -8.71811882e-02 -2.94624180e-01 -6.04048371e-01 -2.65842110e-01 6.74327612e-02 5.03174603e-01 4.36604261e-01 -1.57191709e-01 -1.03424042e-01 1.68957710e-01 -1.21722840e-01 7.45438561e-02 -1.28792509e-01 -1.13225013e-01 -1.91494554e-01 -5.84265254e-02 -2.36716107e-01 -1.25764623e-01 3.82800967e-01 -2.16545016e-01 3.40212807e-02 -1.24412283e-01 -2.03411922e-01 3.88334870e-01 -2.25160852e-01 1.86728671e-01 3.10460657e-01 5.71440011e-02 4.81525421e-01 3.80835146e-01 3.30695733e-02 -5.96017689e-02 -3.56239051e-01 -2.02818379e-01 1.68020278e-01 -1.22616291e-01 -3.46451521e-01 -2.99717076e-02 5.82753913e-03 -1.69639066e-02 -1.93249900e-02 3.45154494e-01 -3.28882635e-01 -2.59460300e-01 -2.32355610e-01 1.36979669e-01 1.76691428e-01 -5.61121143e-02 1.37151673e-01 -6.05096743e-02 -9.03809816e-02 -1.85588166e-01 7.15730265e-02 3.06200683e-01 -5.50685897e-02 -2.03838828e-03 6.70002028e-02 1.96463645e-01 -2.62765408e-01 4.52419370e-01 1.71309654e-02 8.61986428e-02 1.33433491e-01 3.60294688e-03 4.74260226e-02 5.12763023e-01 4.05629069e-01 1.65144399e-01 -9.18529704e-02 -5.30693727e-03 -2.28512357e-03 -1.09330334e-01 -2.67428756e-01 2.32201755e-01 1.65691823e-01 1.79088980e-01 -1.73989177e-01 4.36997026e-01 5.51804304e-02 -5.01982450e-01 2.75673419e-01 3.89252305e-01 -1.54229671e-01 1.86955243e-01 5.49296677e-01 1.14651072e+00 -1.58514157e-02 8.98844600e-02 5.27705610e-01 -9.05563235e-01 -2.94458449e-01 1.00453317e-01 -2.88796835e-02 -2.08808973e-01 -8.47980604e-02 7.72941262e-02 -1.80685446e-01 2.88294256e-01 3.19931239e-01 -3.02498877e-01 -2.24212229e-01 -7.35300183e-01 -4.46033403e-02 2.13668942e-01 5.53240627e-02 7.65746757e-02 -7.01268688e-02 1.89149499e-01 1.13778494e-01 1.50992563e-02 2.48775914e-01 -2.42032446e-02 -2.55667549e-02 -4.65684645e-02 4.93465215e-02 -2.47084051e-01 1.24490231e-01 2.15410255e-02 1.09207965e-01 -1.02866404e-01 -1.17155842e-01 -1.90847963e-01 -4.38008070e-01 -3.17167431e-01 -1.93936363e-01 -2.10523695e-01 3.38703424e-01 4.21376437e-01 -1.01747110e-01 3.35634410e-01 1.47326097e-01 3.95132661e-01 1.22736298e-01 1.70294747e-01 3.41859818e-01 -3.46221961e-02 3.13122481e-01 -3.38474244e-01 6.44403398e-02 2.39987239e-01 -2.44204834e-01 4.64102507e-01 1.50133923e-01 -2.13448718e-01 -1.55406296e-01 1.82885438e-01 9.63662118e-02 5.46646975e-02 -2.03857109e-01 -2.42163077e-01 -3.48313183e-01 -1.33295462e-01 3.29075456e-01 3.94094348e-01 -7.22146258e-02 1.62896425e-01 -6.09750077e-02 -2.24140376e-01 -3.38332027e-01 9.34419408e-02 2.82220662e-01 -4.65185523e-01 1.45888090e-01 -2.04830796e-01 -3.99597585e-01 -1.60409987e-01 4.93985787e-02 -1.73912853e-01 -3.66670996e-01 -2.42390648e-01 -2.61809647e-01 -6.65893778e-02 1.16824247e-01 6.05741926e-02 1.78414479e-01 -2.07787007e-01 3.16403657e-01 6.10914305e-02 -1.01374127e-01 -3.58848035e-01 6.72232881e-02 -2.70172656e-01 -1.14148855e-01 -1.31531581e-01 -6.72675222e-02 3.37037072e-02 -8.56589749e-02 2.16672584e-01 -1.46291956e-01 -3.15456539e-01 -2.38992289e-01 -2.20236972e-01 1.35368347e-01 -1.63552478e-01 -2.30375882e-02 2.25863963e-01 -6.88826218e-02 -5.82120493e-02 2.29709800e-02 -2.66518533e-01 -5.27122393e-02 2.12119985e-02 6.67752996e-02 -1.12109981e-03 2.37771571e-01 1.71674825e-02 -4.10765521e-02 -1.10281035e-01 6.28443900e-03 3.89137939e-02 1.27769038e-01 -2.29026467e-01 -6.82147145e-02 1.28387082e-02 1.83998913e-01 -1.79020083e-03 1.56033143e-01 2.09148347e-01 1.85694143e-01 -1.93484545e-01 3.14283445e-02 -2.27237806e-01 1.40137881e-01 -1.62665650e-01 -1.38620660e-01 -6.05529826e-03 2.70284772e-01 -1.94887891e-01 2.96195477e-01 -2.85432726e-01 -3.74142915e-01 -7.51163289e-02 1.96753055e-01 -2.68259346e-02 -3.88958484e-01 1.61605775e-01 7.66599700e-02 -7.13381451e-04 3.06416918e-02 2.55308062e-01 7.52372921e-01 -8.72415975e-02 -6.33922545e-03 4.44336802e-01 1.20434262e-01 3.36030245e-01 6.20686769e-01 1.11067332e-01 2.31297046e-01 -1.13653906e-01 3.20049196e-01 2.76438147e-01 3.70858759e-01 -4.25627977e-01 2.65433878e-01 -6.66320622e-02 1.18545957e-01 1.36647642e-01 3.42944682e-01 -2.97224402e-01 4.15743232e-01 -1.42566770e-01 -2.42462367e-01 4.09518518e-02 2.70500004e-01 1.96855009e-01 -2.10707173e-01 -7.51759261e-02 -4.43006009e-01 1.27034485e-01 2.65274048e-01 4.06077415e-01 -3.07827204e-01 1.71039164e-01 1.45028949e-01 -1.32513359e-01 1.64463639e-01 4.51403946e-01 -2.28804529e-01 1.15117698e-03 4.99032065e-02 -3.75342041e-01 -8.67600590e-02 5.21224260e-01 1.65135771e-01 1.51182652e-01 -3.11678529e-01 -1.35733962e-01 -1.18131511e-01 -1.83087811e-01 -1.84380263e-01 -1.60288006e-01 2.17790961e-01 3.22651297e-01 3.88343744e-02 6.55192360e-02 -2.68147618e-01 -4.85305369e-01 -1.04085077e-02 6.50120750e-02 2.06027124e-02 1.04101747e-01 -4.67227846e-01 -3.02222222e-01 2.22298518e-01 -6.94118813e-02 -1.18044438e-02 1.15590610e-01 -6.71247005e-01 -2.34971702e-01 -8.59169438e-02 -1.78189129e-01 6.60739169e-02 1.59616798e-01 5.18756926e-01 -1.19967669e-01 4.81048495e-01 -4.77497354e-02 -4.55568105e-01 -2.83396721e-01 1.09892689e-01 -3.88649523e-01 -1.87437549e-01 1.91011712e-01 2.14861840e-01 -2.19314754e-01 -6.64335936e-02 1.09013401e-01 1.28200144e-01 -4.28319484e-01 -8.08771551e-02 -2.79867023e-01 2.15361908e-01 -1.10067949e-01 -3.24370824e-02 -7.42262304e-02 -1.01185098e-01 2.18328997e-01 3.27707664e-03 1.51236653e-01 -6.74407631e-02 -1.14707559e-01 -1.67632326e-01 -2.70670746e-02 5.82598805e-01 -1.50035784e-01 -1.13973029e-01 -5.13902828e-02 -1.60167411e-01 -1.11702189e-01 2.13037074e-01 -9.68420133e-02 3.33587736e-01 1.36677995e-01 -2.96467394e-01 1.50234848e-01 -3.18516344e-02 2.59250224e-01 1.32848665e-01 1.68759122e-01 2.09209830e-01 -2.99014598e-01 8.65938291e-02 -9.06729549e-02 3.29549551e-01 5.40665798e-02 1.51979983e-01 -4.05561067e-02 -4.30789202e-01 -1.67486727e-01 -2.26286709e-01 3.44281018e-01 -1.40239596e-01 -4.28737432e-01 -1.15786277e-01 2.35876422e-02 -1.85271308e-01 -3.58378664e-02 -5.25283813e-01 -1.59737974e-01 1.25008166e-01 5.71333542e-02 -3.96294385e-01 -9.75559875e-02 1.53617889e-01 -2.81030029e-01 -1.24217875e-01 3.23653640e-03 6.42160103e-02 1.09132960e-01 -5.56112379e-02 -2.53080726e-01]
"Many-Winged Angel" active "Item #: SCP-469 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Subject is to be kept in an airtight, soundproof containment chamber, 15.24m x 15.24m x 15.24m (50ft x 50ft x 50ft) until a viable termination method is available. All personnel who enter SCP-469’s chamber (Class D Only) must wear standard Sound-Proofing Anti-Resonance (SPAR) suits at all times while inside the chamber, and communicate only through written notes, hand gestures or text messaging. Absolutely no-one is to touch or even approach the subject with anything other than probing instruments. All equipment taken into SCP-469’s containment chamber must make as little noise as possible, or none at all. Cell phones are permitted for communication between personnel as long as they are muted. Absolutely no bells are to be rung anywhere near SCP-469 (No less than 15.24m), including alarms and recordings of bells. Description: SCP-469 appears to be a gargantuan mound of large avian wings with white, glossy feathers, curled into a massive ball measuring 8.84m (29ft) in diameter and weighing several tons. Each wing varies in size and span, ranging from a few centimeters to several meters, with the largest estimated to be at least 53m (173.8ft) in length, and branch off one another in seemingly random, fractal-like arrays. X-rays have revealed the wings to possess long chains of small, vertebrae-like bones as opposed to the few long bones in a typical avian wing, allowing each wing to have exceptional flexibility akin to a snake. These chains of bones can also "lock" together to form a more rigid structure to aid in flight or defense. At the center of the mass is a large humanoid creature, approximately 6m (19.6)ft in height, curled up into a fetal position, to which all the wings are attached at its spine. Further details regarding this humanoid are unknown, as the density of both the wings and its body make it difficult to study remotely. SCP-469 appears to "feed" exclusively on sound waves, using the energy gained from sound to grow newer and bigger wings and feathers, as well as repairing damaged ones. The louder the sound and/or the higher the frequency, the faster SCP-469 grows. Though it can be sustained by any sound, it seems to have a preference for rhythmic/musical noises, especially those produced by bells (see Incident Log 469-01). SCP-469 itself, however, seems to make no noise whatsoever due to the sound-absorbing structure of its plumage. Any human or animal that touches or gets too close to the surface of the creature will be quickly enveloped by the outstretching wings and drawn inside. Despite the feathers’ soft appearance, each barb has a sharp point that quickly pierces through clothing and into bare flesh, releasing a potent mix of stimulants that immediately activates the pain receptors in the victim's body, with additional stimulants keeping the victim from passing out too quickly. This is done to make the victim scream loudly, thus feeding SCP-469 even more until the victim either passes out or dies of blood loss and/or suffocation from being buried beneath newly-grown wings. SCP-469 is responsible for the loss of four personnel this way. Touching SCP-469 with dead or nonliving objects does not have the same effect, though it actively resists any attempt to physically penetrate its core body. All termination methods of SCP-469 have been unsuccessful. Flamethrowers were initially used, but the noise from the discharging propellant as well as the crackling flames gave SCP-469 the energy to grow faster than it could be destroyed. Cutting and slicing instruments, due to their close range, resulted in failure and the loss of two agents. Acid immersion is being suggested. Incident Log 469-01: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/2013, during an attempt to gather feather samples from SCP-469, Researcher Water's phone emitted the sound of a ringing bell.1 This resulted in SCP-469 to immediately awaken, unfurling its numerous wings, and standing to its full height, with many smaller wings completely enveloping its humanoid body in a manner similar to full plate armor.2 The entity then proceeded to escape from its cell by tearing open the ceiling and crawling up into the upper floor, repeating this action until it gained access to the roof outside. Security fired upon SCP-469 as it tunneled it way up through the facility, though small-arms fire proved unsuccessful in slowing the entity down, though it did result in large amounts of feathers to be shed, injuring several personnel who unwittingly touched them.3 Once on the rooftop, SCP-469 raised its arms over its head, leapt into the air, and began flying straight up into the sky, initially reaching speeds of over 1200 MPH, the resulting shockwave causing further damage to the facility rooftop as its wings propelled it into the air. With each flap of its wings, SCP-469's ascended higher and faster, but also shed more and more feathers with each burst of speed. Observations revealed that at the third flap, SCP-469's ascension began to rapidly slow down due to the loss of its feathers. At the fifth flap, SCP-469 had lost approximately 50% of its feathers and proceeded to plummet back down to the ground, appearing to be desperately clawing up at the sky above while flapping its wings faster, until finally crash-landing in a nearby forest, approximately 1.2km from where it started. SCP-469 was recovered without resistance and placed in a temporary holding cell until its original containment chamber could be repaired and reinforced. During this time, as well as approximately five months after being re-contained, SCP-469 returned to its previous fetal position and showed no signs of aggression or sudden movements, though researchers have claimed to have heard what sounded like "muffled weeping" coming from SCP-469. Β« SCP-468 | SCP-469 | SCP-470 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-469" by ProfSnider, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp%20469.jpg Name: File: A single white feather closeup.jpg Author: Joao Estevao Andrade de Freitas License: Public Domain Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "One of SCP-469's feathers"
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3.33288312e-01 -1.01184070e-01 1.75745562e-01 -3.82962584e-01 3.54503155e-01 3.89246136e-01 -4.46304679e-01 -8.94106233e-06 1.95522293e-01 5.94218932e-02 1.13095880e-01 2.10328251e-01 1.25703409e-01 6.87155500e-02 1.66078974e-02 -2.54715025e-01 -1.18880913e-01 -1.02137551e-01 -3.91901165e-01 4.53775488e-02 -4.27690804e-01 1.18658524e-02 -5.40706851e-02 -8.98315236e-02 3.58671039e-01 -1.20505944e-01 4.41243984e-02 -2.24112689e-01 6.84161857e-02 5.45744359e-01 2.25544542e-01 2.11930554e-02 1.58895433e-01 -5.10227203e-01 3.51448506e-01 -7.27833360e-02 1.25617072e-01 -3.88518684e-02 -1.68234557e-01 5.18587418e-02 -1.58147469e-01 -5.98179221e-01 5.31094559e-02 -3.83146644e-01 -1.61560684e-01 5.35709679e-01 2.19805152e-04 1.34469897e-01 -2.39451066e-01 3.57293099e-01 -4.89479043e-02 -2.99687147e-01 2.12456547e-02 -4.66607362e-02 -4.89738248e-02 4.62092906e-01 -2.62052208e-01 -1.00197040e-01 5.26574589e-02 8.86668041e-02 4.38437611e-01 -1.23325780e-01 1.15835562e-01 -2.79363152e-02 1.94551349e-01 6.93793893e-02 -1.97177485e-01 1.72624737e-01 -1.44749761e-01 1.24018900e-01 -2.11924925e-01 -4.04879451e-02 -1.99358046e-01 -1.23409489e-02 7.35559344e-01 -1.48562178e-01 -1.15585320e-01 -1.29709095e-01 2.57707179e-01 1.11787900e-01 -4.50088322e-01 -1.85704619e-01 -6.21831231e-02 -1.96639095e-02 -2.24846184e-01 -8.66406336e-02 4.43570584e-01 -2.50263989e-01 -1.40408978e-01 2.06088990e-01 -3.47632527e-01 4.27626148e-02 -1.66031733e-01 1.66115731e-01 -1.17371626e-01 -2.47480527e-01 1.15350120e-01 -9.04403627e-02 -1.95040509e-01 -1.50988579e-01 2.69856095e-01 1.89275518e-01 1.07059658e-01 -2.06139565e-01 -6.63305894e-02 -6.28883094e-02 8.95064026e-02 -2.17538044e-01 3.74914035e-02 -1.01729035e-01 -1.62525430e-01 3.23618859e-01 -4.97151524e-01 2.25890920e-01 -3.50192040e-01 1.44283444e-01 -7.59701952e-02 3.37394059e-01 6.80290535e-02 -2.60537297e-01 -1.34342819e-01 -1.03457943e-01 -4.82532270e-02 2.02363595e-01 2.14634016e-01 3.28360200e-02 -2.15366438e-01 -5.58102190e-01 -2.02638805e-01 1.86581582e-01 1.14604034e-01 -1.02265611e-01 3.98219496e-01 3.86578053e-01 1.10911325e-01 1.76870868e-01 -1.37045532e-01 5.23064891e-03 4.96203959e-01 -4.20390457e-01 -1.98807761e-01 -1.97774559e-01 -1.46907806e-01 -1.22917123e-01 9.07115638e-02 5.08174062e-01 8.03883746e-02 -1.45359337e-01 -1.55454963e-01 1.73384607e-01 3.93637717e-02 -1.20497853e-01 2.11057812e-01 1.02497719e-01 1.11060046e-01 -1.78856462e-01 -5.82685471e-02 -6.26755878e-02 -6.39641434e-02 -2.70448118e-01 -4.77530248e-02 1.81983829e-01 5.24010397e-02 -4.15621586e-02 5.20269014e-02 1.64867237e-01 5.42723457e-04 -2.35112049e-02 1.12205230e-01 2.31622577e-01 -4.63487595e-01 -1.37370676e-01 2.25945190e-02 7.35646427e-01 2.66264402e-03 2.72077485e-03 7.19089806e-02 -9.86122638e-02 3.81299347e-01 -1.35440379e-01 -1.26322582e-01 2.00714812e-01 7.19037116e-01 3.46874028e-01 2.18063638e-01 -2.92206705e-01 -1.48031384e-01 -9.55812037e-02 -2.63700277e-01 2.60909408e-01 3.77409533e-02 -2.39476010e-01 -1.18697369e-02 1.43973887e-01 1.17350034e-01 1.33464754e-01 7.86063820e-02 -2.07045544e-02 1.43983290e-01 2.17840195e-01 9.01811123e-02 -6.32508695e-02 2.52739135e-02 2.13029027e-01 1.24631725e-01 8.45917016e-02 -5.11157513e-02 -1.64460614e-01 -8.31277370e-02 -9.07431692e-02 1.87493101e-01 5.02060056e-02 3.56565893e-01 6.35470301e-02 1.03277721e-01 4.50473875e-02 -2.55204469e-01 -6.91948116e-01 -4.69773524e-02 -1.01054952e-01 4.02935147e-02 1.36209056e-01 4.67242189e-02 -7.16724098e-02 -9.43496600e-02 4.29123700e-01 -3.15781415e-01 1.50357857e-01 5.63952513e-02 -1.30578852e-03 5.48559465e-02 5.01443371e-02 -2.76927084e-01 5.35907984e-01 -7.55557716e-02 -3.47895958e-02 -3.26457292e-01 4.14405078e-01 -8.12775642e-02 1.40048847e-01 -2.63071414e-02 -2.19989732e-01 1.70973137e-01 5.29098868e-01 2.07933292e-01 5.99561967e-02 -3.08446765e-01 1.15422063e-01 -1.54856518e-01 -1.50033087e-01 -4.96040322e-02 -2.71820337e-01 -2.56169587e-01 -1.21286951e-01 1.17920436e-01 -4.13015872e-01 -5.59541434e-02 -6.40896931e-02 -2.02403739e-01 -7.03442618e-02 8.55044797e-02 2.64814138e-01 6.79290891e-02 -2.10705444e-01 6.97039291e-02 -1.83922887e-01 1.89026475e-01 2.06057981e-01 4.62507397e-01 3.30470383e-01 -3.73280421e-02 -1.45019859e-01 -1.32677838e-01 -3.10646296e-01 1.51290849e-01 3.53024423e-01 1.06896885e-01 -3.78191292e-01 -4.01992619e-01 4.65707064e-01 2.00144500e-01 -5.77390492e-01 -1.58408761e-01 -1.57775536e-01 2.42259905e-01 -1.38954371e-01 -1.14428282e-01 3.72807503e-01 -3.44400592e-02 -3.05512726e-01 -4.77416255e-03 6.92630187e-02 7.73969367e-02 1.30479798e-01 4.13309693e-01 -1.41273784e-02 1.39651485e-02 -1.13665581e-01 4.43495095e-01 1.20575391e-01 3.26570272e-02 -6.68483526e-02 -6.36139363e-02 -2.31818005e-01 2.52332538e-01 -1.41898736e-01 3.70481372e-01 1.54694960e-01 -2.96855330e-01 5.52205592e-02 4.75659631e-02 -9.05717239e-02 1.53146967e-01 -7.13817552e-02 -2.11710036e-01 -8.54009390e-02 4.29270029e-01 4.94708121e-01 3.92351836e-01 -1.69366524e-01 -2.07235187e-01 3.33042145e-01 -4.39107679e-02 -1.04125485e-01 -8.51133591e-05 4.91853505e-02 2.20240355e-01 1.90843180e-01 -6.40988350e-02 -1.66972026e-01 2.36707464e-01 1.59290433e-01 -1.10897757e-02 -1.92673936e-01 -1.12939611e-01 3.34536672e-01 -3.95456523e-01 1.41506836e-01 7.67074078e-02 1.34422809e-01 5.07700205e-01 1.28861098e-02 -6.31731972e-02 6.60565794e-02 -3.57560962e-01 -2.00202867e-01 2.56960750e-01 1.22222826e-01 -1.97836727e-01 1.23559274e-01 -8.74970183e-02 -9.15062502e-02 7.24139810e-02 2.33641729e-01 -1.75465241e-01 -6.02780342e-01 -1.97286084e-01 1.79277092e-01 2.11641371e-01 -6.68857917e-02 -2.07067624e-01 1.25830516e-01 -1.04620799e-01 -4.40663584e-02 2.84428775e-01 3.00072253e-01 -2.44824171e-01 2.34284297e-01 9.66191590e-02 4.80761714e-02 -1.65702730e-01 6.29075825e-01 2.22967848e-01 2.59546041e-01 5.28514385e-03 -9.39094424e-02 -1.03757590e-01 3.28589350e-01 4.91915494e-01 1.73936605e-01 -3.88388820e-02 4.61147338e-01 2.65925765e-01 -1.06038749e-01 -1.92691255e-02 3.74809295e-01 -2.25525331e-02 1.91486970e-01 -4.38029945e-01 7.71713734e-01 -4.22240719e-02 -2.95514166e-01 -2.60086566e-01 4.03394312e-01 5.68736158e-02 -2.10871011e-01 3.48349303e-01 1.07682180e+00 3.51904631e-01 1.62307352e-01 2.55509168e-01 6.23724945e-02 -3.42044592e-01 -3.17141324e-01 1.67719290e-01 2.00491007e-02 -1.63945571e-01 5.48589453e-02 -1.17953375e-01 -1.08479209e-01 4.38550800e-01 -1.44949034e-01 -5.20664990e-01 -9.00370851e-02 -3.73147160e-01 1.50826469e-01 2.43900388e-01 -1.28022000e-01 -6.49830848e-02 7.32031390e-02 2.55344957e-01 -1.86818503e-02 1.49277747e-01 1.56058416e-01 9.62327570e-02 -1.70980066e-01 -2.26206988e-01 -1.82782784e-01 2.56790072e-01 1.67668685e-01 2.98537582e-01 1.20276809e-01 -3.15997958e-01 2.80958593e-01 -6.88848019e-01 -6.27962589e-01 -1.04835063e-01 1.07586086e-01 2.16675252e-01 4.15119499e-01 -1.50677651e-01 5.16112670e-02 -1.67327896e-01 2.02869251e-01 6.94324896e-02 1.27475113e-01 4.15756881e-01 -2.73749270e-02 1.07730456e-01 -4.45990443e-01 1.72307849e-01 -8.49265605e-02 -1.37769073e-01 4.46244866e-01 1.70647562e-01 -1.66287780e-01 -1.23642586e-01 1.28703699e-01 9.01383832e-02 -2.05760926e-01 2.71639042e-02 1.21652670e-01 -1.38763249e-01 -3.38420309e-02 1.96810812e-01 2.84739017e-01 -2.70608783e-01 2.41593271e-01 -2.21292749e-02 1.08003996e-01 -4.32420194e-01 4.86877352e-01 8.73605758e-02 -3.67656648e-01 1.67029426e-01 -6.56998158e-02 -3.30595791e-01 -2.80692220e-01 1.06237166e-01 1.91454273e-02 -2.41515249e-01 -1.66867629e-01 -1.11949638e-01 6.85909390e-02 1.23853147e-01 -3.06324549e-02 2.15281308e-01 -4.94033486e-01 1.13594353e-01 2.17623562e-02 1.67872846e-01 -3.21889192e-01 1.30529866e-01 -2.39338860e-01 -2.93624341e-01 3.09587240e-01 -6.43336400e-02 1.06525555e-01 -6.67306632e-02 9.89305675e-02 7.70095512e-02 -1.04597293e-01 -1.67416289e-01 -2.49019623e-01 1.09708279e-01 -6.03631623e-02 1.89458802e-02 3.81429563e-03 1.29312009e-01 -1.74920201e-01 2.97162652e-01 -1.02642559e-01 -3.59328300e-01 2.14717552e-01 -3.06153923e-01 -5.23667336e-01 2.46600956e-01 2.85561472e-01 2.93826889e-02 1.67452052e-01 4.17529196e-01 1.32714167e-01 -7.98311010e-02 9.32258368e-02 -1.10213056e-01 2.09586948e-01 2.73078889e-01 -1.11929707e-01 2.59250820e-01 1.13216333e-01 1.25333920e-01 -1.48785427e-01 3.96467209e-01 -3.02757382e-01 3.59603703e-01 -2.24740118e-01 -1.84311196e-01 -1.68067455e-01 2.35579774e-01 2.55576260e-02 -2.26485118e-01 -6.10434473e-01 -6.86745942e-02 1.94605831e-02 2.94774592e-01 -6.36249483e-01 -2.22367361e-01 -5.10377064e-02 4.29273210e-02 4.41875041e-01 2.10532218e-01 -8.53773355e-02 -5.50985709e-02 2.50510238e-02 -1.24955930e-01 2.86786914e-01 2.58500814e-01 3.78304332e-01 4.79171842e-01 -1.12709269e-01 1.00308664e-01 3.11898351e-01 2.57773101e-01 4.73753780e-01 3.94557178e-01 -7.31529176e-01 9.39065218e-02 -5.67822680e-02 3.49876761e-01 2.52828691e-02 3.70991677e-01 -2.37843215e-01 6.65346459e-02 -4.30718288e-02 -3.46795648e-01 1.49035290e-01 1.97340339e-01 -1.91105768e-01 -2.60046691e-01 -2.80323356e-01 -1.99654594e-01 2.21490785e-01 -8.15598071e-02 5.91942072e-01 -1.28617942e-01 2.21618697e-01 2.87915647e-01 -1.50947109e-01 1.84947371e-01 2.25356191e-01 -2.01506183e-01 1.98285535e-01 6.93817675e-01 -1.66425362e-01 2.51011431e-01 2.24124640e-01 4.43277687e-01 -6.36551380e-02 -1.42394407e-02 2.50625521e-01 -1.66615427e-01 -1.26982346e-01 -1.85332209e-01 9.70013216e-02 4.00401622e-01 1.52134374e-01 1.18438885e-01 1.03467375e-01 -2.52879262e-01 -2.16020867e-01 1.11326195e-01 2.83561915e-01 3.55610363e-02 2.11320147e-01 -4.73144978e-01 -2.14674212e-02 -1.74129516e-01 -1.04286022e-01 -2.08952114e-01 1.34826275e-02 1.16918281e-01 -1.04000352e-01 9.90947112e-02 7.65155070e-04 7.09248707e-02 -1.86484888e-01 3.39439958e-01 6.70589209e-02 1.85632244e-01 1.11051440e-01 -3.16753715e-01 -3.28044295e-01 2.16761023e-01 -2.93717802e-01 -5.80842853e-01 -1.90384939e-01 2.34788701e-01 1.76709205e-01 1.77157804e-01 6.15581088e-02 -1.87985599e-01 -3.12176496e-01 1.26159295e-01 -2.32873127e-01 1.98278859e-01 3.45891386e-01 2.66814291e-01 -7.67259672e-02 2.78956801e-01 1.27147809e-01 6.13850020e-02 1.10369854e-01 1.26455814e-01 -3.84635806e-01 -4.02295321e-01 -2.85519063e-01 3.67058247e-01 -2.11542402e-03 -4.76072468e-02 -2.81296670e-01 -1.19684964e-01 2.91607715e-02 3.13848555e-01 8.40190053e-02 4.03661549e-01 3.29529613e-01 4.28589612e-01 2.73504674e-01 1.77496746e-01 2.61349559e-01 -1.16923414e-01 5.07870354e-02 1.38697505e-01 -1.57920614e-01 -4.30764854e-02 -2.46542588e-01 1.02981493e-01 -7.85441175e-02 4.94808286e-01 8.39539915e-02 -2.77801782e-01 9.93599929e-03 -4.93421167e-01 4.69660640e-01 -3.55539359e-02 -3.49835962e-01 -3.04728061e-01 9.40782726e-02 -3.04809868e-01 1.15503848e-01 -1.67093799e-01 -2.72927284e-01 1.60914939e-02 -4.76184748e-02 -3.19305450e-01 -2.48745441e-01 -2.09080160e-01 -4.35687572e-01 -1.28136203e-01 7.65839070e-02 -5.16840778e-02 -1.25349715e-01 -1.81766674e-01 -2.48587340e-01]
"Nexus of Abandoned Places" active "Item #: SCP-470 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: No items or personnel are to enter or exit SCP-470 or the external containment area without approval by Site Command. Anything entering SCP-470 must be examined both before and after contact. Anything exiting SCP-470 is to be contained and examined, resistance by any items or staff to this process may be overcome by whatever means deemed necessary by Site Command. Any staff entering SCP-470 must be equipped with a long-range GPS tracking bug. Staff entering SCP-470 are to remain in groups of no less then twenty (20) at all times. Should staff become separated, [DATA EXPUNGED], or any combination thereof, they are to immediately exit SCP-470. Staff or equipment lost within SCP-470 are to be declared β€œmissing” 48 hours after loss of GPS contact. Staff or equipment located after disappearance of GPS contact are to be recovered whenever possible. Should the GPS beacon [DATA EXPUNGED] Description: SCP-470 appears to be a large abandoned office building in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-470 has had no registered owner since β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, when it was abandoned with the collapse of the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Corporation. The building is seven floors, including basement levels, and in a general state of disrepair consistent with its term of abandonment. SCP-470 appears to be (or to house) a dimensional anomaly, causing its internal rooms to β€œshift” and become other locations that have been β€œabandoned” for extended periods of time. The ability for an outside location to appear within SCP-470 appears to manifest after twenty and thirty years of little to no human observation, interaction, or habitation. This anomaly appears to be limited to the rooms of SCP-470, with the halls remaining primarily stable. The rooms of SCP-470 appear to exist both in their original physical location and within SCP-470 simultaneously. All rooms appear to be internal locations, such as store rooms, abandoned offices and factory areas, with no external locations such as abandoned lots or storage yards ever recorded manifesting inside SCP-470. Manifested rooms appear to be β€œcut off” from their original surrounding locations, with all doors besides the β€œentry” door opening up to blank brick walls of the same construction as SCP-470. These locations appear to be unstable, and will β€œflicker”, ceasing to exist within SCP-470 at random points, and remaining unmanifested for random periods of time before manifesting within SCP-470 again. Anything inside a room when it unmanifests will be transported with the room to its original physical location. This process also works in reverse, as any objects inside the room will be present when it manifests inside SCP-470. The β€œflicker” rate appears to vary, ranging from six seconds to several years. Addendum: It appears possible to remove a room from β€œrotation” by increasing the level of observation and activity inside the original physical location of the room. The longer an area is left outside of observation or activity, the stronger the β€œconnection” with SCP-470. Initially, rooms are able to shift only when no humans are present, or actively observing the area. After longer periods of abandonment, rooms are capable of shifting with as many as fourteen people inside. The danger of SCP-470 comes from the fact that some of the rooms do not appear to originate in our reality, dimension, or time-space. Some are constructed of non-terrestrial elements, or have items that parallel with no known technology or construction. For example, [DATA EXPUNGED] at least 80% organic, with the non-organic portions showing signs of infestation. Also, there have been four recorded escapes by β€œbeings” transported by shifting rooms within SCP-470. Notably, β€œSubject R” remains at large within SCP-470 itself, and is thought to be responsible for some of the deaths recorded inside SCP-470. The death toll currently stands at eight staff and forty-five civilians at last estimation, with several hundred more listed as β€œmissing”. Many of the civilian deaths and disappearances are attributable to youths β€œexploring” abandoned areas when they shift into SCP-470, becoming trapped inside, shifting inside a different room, [DATA EXPUNGED], or other dangers that may be inside manifesting rooms. Addendum 2: As of 25/11/2016, a total of 38 instances of rooms located within decommissioned SCP Foundation facilities have been observed within SCP-470's rotation. Most notable of these are several rooms from the top basement levels of SCP-1730 following the initial cessation of exploration attempts by Foundation personnel. Attempts to remove these rooms from rotation via observation of the facilities is currently ongoing. Β« SCP-469 | SCP-470 | SCP-471 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-470" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: IMG_3784.jpg Name: IMG_3784.jpg Author: Angelidakis License: All Rights Reserved (Permission Granted) Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Last image that [DATA EXPUNGED]"
[-1.61040947e-01 1.86028525e-01 -9.84061882e-02 2.04822227e-01 1.64975360e-01 -4.05715168e-01 2.71332741e-01 2.00973690e-01 3.73829842e-01 1.97869793e-01 4.45523784e-02 -3.51595841e-02 -7.62127638e-02 -1.76909074e-01 4.11301255e-02 1.84970766e-01 -2.34727897e-02 8.64400640e-02 -3.71310532e-01 -9.94670987e-02 -2.72401214e-01 2.93934885e-02 -1.59836486e-01 2.25790814e-01 -1.13470331e-01 2.49185413e-02 8.07049349e-02 2.61456780e-02 -2.12563887e-01 -6.86681867e-02 1.95348099e-01 2.95464933e-01 -1.34537965e-01 5.02808034e-01 -1.09693101e-04 -3.76910828e-02 1.64550974e-03 6.18482120e-02 -3.88503494e-03 5.51540107e-02 -3.62189531e-01 1.07868440e-01 -1.54522493e-01 -2.86096185e-01 2.92831324e-02 -9.04473383e-03 -1.95568874e-02 2.43475199e-01 -1.44028692e-02 1.72269836e-01 1.81183666e-01 3.56490970e-01 9.04349685e-02 -1.54777780e-01 2.12885410e-01 1.86635017e-01 -1.50839537e-01 -1.20196544e-01 2.18624949e-01 -1.48233771e-02 3.54590684e-01 -7.55681992e-02 -2.54361689e-01 -9.05408487e-02 -2.51496583e-02 -1.19522646e-01 -1.05721138e-01 5.26784025e-02 7.11997971e-02 1.72036290e-01 1.46878436e-01 -1.57302171e-01 3.53371352e-01 9.59559083e-02 -8.48104656e-02 -6.55559301e-01 1.93669811e-01 6.89787045e-03 6.89122751e-02 2.38983735e-01 3.24631304e-01 3.94998610e-01 -3.47098820e-02 -9.62374285e-02 -1.28423229e-01 2.77446270e-01 -5.56018800e-02 1.02630831e-01 -1.20699085e-01 8.90031084e-02 -1.89399779e-01 2.97940448e-02 1.88561201e-01 8.29876959e-02 -1.97252065e-01 -1.14649020e-01 2.67150789e-01 2.47113913e-01 2.78575212e-01 1.94205761e-01 4.19012398e-01 2.84941085e-02 1.75152853e-01 2.01351643e-01 6.38343841e-02 8.56057853e-02 8.59612450e-02 -3.42092335e-01 -1.04646511e-01 5.63636899e-01 8.38672444e-02 9.29311141e-02 -7.35777617e-02 9.17702913e-02 -4.28525433e-02 3.97915207e-02 1.79229409e-01 -1.59190372e-01 -1.46515712e-01 1.43934160e-01 -4.38354433e-01 2.45526418e-01 1.29906118e-01 2.42429916e-02 5.73106050e-01 5.70473671e-01 -5.62866451e-03 -2.75187582e-01 -1.04449831e-01 -1.18041143e-01 -1.14222422e-01 1.42178804e-01 -4.24667656e-01 2.28822589e-01 -1.54393092e-01 4.14204776e-01 -1.98068902e-01 5.88873439e-02 -4.33547050e-01 -1.51514597e-02 1.02820255e-01 -5.65309450e-02 4.05934989e-01 2.18661994e-01 -5.37905693e-01 3.49622443e-02 -2.05185831e-01 -3.82968038e-01 -6.04905374e-02 2.46917512e-02 9.93725806e-02 -3.97132307e-01 -1.49640575e-01 2.59009123e-01 8.07789862e-02 1.60356134e-01 3.38970542e-01 8.33268538e-02 -3.28712642e-01 -1.64501704e-02 3.63130122e-01 1.71803072e-01 -1.99875943e-02 -1.06827907e-01 2.26327047e-01 6.37818635e-01 9.86220837e-02 1.92209736e-01 -4.48477566e-01 -1.68925837e-01 -1.89627960e-01 -1.43553363e-02 2.66845822e-02 2.36695424e-01 -5.24676204e-01 2.97595430e-02 -2.54355460e-01 -2.31790796e-01 -4.53586727e-01 -4.09615368e-01 -5.21143198e-01 -4.72450592e-02 1.48757651e-01 -3.04159462e-01 -1.49829358e-01 6.14129305e-02 -1.26252547e-01 -1.79612577e-01 3.51074368e-01 -3.15623969e-01 -4.55479681e-01 1.67480353e-02 6.17767610e-02 3.27093899e-02 1.10359885e-01 -1.88900277e-01 -1.42528312e-02 5.55940866e-02 1.82665855e-01 1.90725461e-01 1.25719205e-01 -6.13807403e-02 2.84963548e-01 1.13262132e-01 -1.56462640e-01 -8.54357928e-02 -3.70206892e-01 -2.74519678e-02 -3.58179137e-02 1.86156273e-01 -2.23213043e-02 1.49965817e-02 -1.68291956e-01 7.60747567e-02 -9.25049633e-02 -2.69366711e-01 3.08094412e-01 1.17662191e-01 9.68389437e-02 -2.02218786e-01 -1.12083100e-01 -6.79688156e-02 -2.24713624e-01 -4.29888070e-02 1.77355111e-01 1.92821935e-01 -2.40050152e-01 7.46243745e-02 -4.44625467e-01 2.25631982e-01 2.87158638e-01 -1.14559829e-01 1.69360906e-01 2.08597794e-01 6.88780174e-02 -1.66928351e-01 3.86980832e-01 1.08637786e+00 8.65825713e-02 -2.38980263e-01 -2.82564253e-01 -2.97206491e-01 1.69490382e-01 8.23912099e-02 -8.50065351e-02 -5.99121340e-02 4.42189962e-01 2.53936648e-01 4.11592796e-02 -9.51211303e-02 1.17504187e-01 -4.03355062e-01 1.85095400e-01 -2.57532060e-01 2.29342192e-01 4.91336077e-01 -4.77951579e-02 5.23700833e-01 -1.25167102e-01 2.62004346e-01 -3.87580693e-01 6.50581531e-03 3.89760196e-01 4.01987843e-02 4.52809706e-02 -5.31826094e-02 1.28177956e-01 2.59813458e-01 -7.39082992e-02 1.88747626e-02 1.76974083e-03 -1.62435040e-01 2.18270719e-02 -1.74880922e-01 2.78697349e-02 1.70210451e-02 -2.51038969e-01 5.00459015e-01 2.13357195e-01 2.32089922e-01 -3.19408894e-01 -4.76435542e-01 -3.73896509e-02 -3.88607606e-02 2.44342219e-02 -2.17111513e-01 -1.21906079e-01 1.76134378e-01 -3.61110151e-01 5.35833120e-01 8.44447464e-02 -2.14645162e-01 1.08846404e-01 5.65152988e-02 -1.77581891e-01 1.10869586e-01 2.76786983e-01 3.74165595e-01 -4.31357235e-01 3.59744161e-01 -3.12754691e-01 -2.04922348e-01 1.71284333e-01 5.79969250e-02 -2.65468985e-01 3.50380450e-01 3.28588843e-01 -1.36467278e-01 2.20754504e-01 -2.26355135e-01 -5.27294219e-01 3.14543754e-01 6.71506152e-02 -5.42816520e-01 -5.75485788e-02 -7.75235817e-02 6.01361282e-02 -5.97185194e-02 1.18971623e-01 -4.30198997e-01 1.11386769e-01 3.04653402e-03 -3.18345845e-01 -8.98768231e-02 -1.63409278e-01 4.80734289e-01 -5.49427653e-03 -5.19925654e-01 1.31014377e-01 -1.31094351e-01 4.95845303e-02 3.08850527e-01 -2.19515771e-01 1.90004885e-01 8.42317417e-02 -1.83057487e-01 -1.34209460e-02 -9.83864665e-02 1.06156625e-01 -1.00242481e-01 1.49954066e-01 -2.39507869e-01 -2.69424230e-01 4.92274277e-02 1.74984366e-01 -2.62916505e-01 -2.22953245e-01 2.47948673e-02 1.52420923e-01 1.72232568e-01 -4.85794842e-01 6.20445192e-01 1.54930726e-01 -2.71858543e-01 2.73218155e-02 1.27843216e-01 2.27137342e-01 3.27770740e-01 2.40500852e-01 -6.63608313e-02 -7.95561671e-01 2.13883981e-01 3.01818877e-01 -9.40456092e-02 -1.12065934e-01 1.72799006e-01 1.02547720e-01 5.94087899e-01 4.66412082e-02 6.05791695e-02 -1.41774312e-01 1.11927308e-01 -3.96115154e-01 -5.50502054e-02 -5.13318665e-02 1.11379504e-01 -2.18546391e-02 1.02878444e-01 -3.94832790e-01 -1.51317999e-01 1.15562290e-01 4.85363692e-01 5.24927557e-01 -1.85571074e-01 -2.01540470e-01 3.15541983e-01 1.14990091e-02 2.56181657e-01 2.62061149e-01 -1.85831804e-02 -1.87242538e-01 -3.11580300e-01 1.58658534e-01 -2.26264313e-01 -6.67556748e-03 -1.92028612e-01 -1.02642529e-01 -3.90707582e-01 -1.58329934e-01 1.44053981e-01 -3.20947498e-01 7.21802339e-02 3.03341508e-01 2.01069549e-01 3.58919233e-01 4.92907017e-01 -1.53467461e-01 -9.39718038e-02 -4.00855467e-02 -3.57217669e-01 -8.34872387e-03 -1.72443837e-02 -1.39820486e-01 -9.46753398e-02 -4.73067649e-02 -5.05228946e-03 5.63029991e-03 2.18224525e-01 2.69595176e-01 -4.25966322e-01 -1.51769161e-01 2.00574156e-02 1.20342016e-01 -2.21825078e-01 5.45928031e-02 2.69408021e-02 4.32749838e-01 1.73967436e-01 -2.52003849e-01 -1.92211807e-01 3.77219379e-01 -7.73450732e-02 -5.54136746e-02 2.51830220e-01 -5.42176142e-03 3.54727149e-01 4.99736398e-01 1.24041006e-01 3.14273477e-01 1.18165463e-01 -7.78965354e-02 -9.58358112e-04 5.96144438e-01 2.09688261e-01 3.45379524e-02 -4.69385624e-01 2.84854949e-01 -4.17725176e-01 -2.37901043e-02 4.35214043e-01 -5.77336513e-02 3.00327420e-01 2.47368380e-01 3.72022763e-02 -1.51115745e-01 -4.22602326e-01 1.70357525e-01 2.36123100e-01 -1.76640693e-03 4.02459651e-01 6.64313510e-02 1.08628762e+00 1.59510061e-01 4.13732603e-02 3.65514457e-01 -6.64525092e-01 -4.77089137e-02 -1.86447293e-01 -2.65356749e-02 -8.99272338e-02 -1.96924154e-02 8.10598433e-02 -2.01633438e-01 -4.87153605e-03 3.90270561e-01 -1.57976016e-01 -2.56808341e-01 -8.01039159e-01 7.77918845e-02 2.91431174e-02 1.12866715e-01 1.44274428e-01 5.36680315e-03 3.16823810e-01 1.66190505e-01 -1.75880447e-01 2.75207669e-01 2.83790613e-03 2.95785815e-01 -5.52276969e-02 -6.48071617e-02 -3.61235440e-01 1.83064044e-02 3.73218566e-01 3.04805994e-01 -8.63964856e-02 -6.03191555e-02 -4.22747433e-01 -1.90364718e-01 -3.36803108e-01 -1.31460398e-01 8.33277032e-03 4.05326724e-01 5.35093844e-01 -2.30228826e-01 1.31126285e-01 4.31453325e-02 -1.77876189e-01 1.32874072e-01 -5.92945702e-02 2.00470854e-02 -2.29163527e-01 1.08875223e-01 -3.33100557e-01 -2.42539905e-02 4.20606852e-01 1.35865673e-01 6.19699419e-01 5.51307201e-01 -3.64378244e-01 -1.16643727e-01 1.93998232e-01 -1.25859782e-01 1.54152840e-01 -1.71993434e-01 -3.03712189e-01 -1.15718938e-01 2.01526880e-02 2.51918525e-01 1.39869079e-02 1.96832433e-01 6.18380010e-02 1.61808118e-01 -1.67287543e-01 -4.25358683e-01 3.05825882e-02 7.81687275e-02 -3.25739533e-01 1.62739828e-01 -3.05744231e-01 -1.27073824e-01 -1.46255214e-02 1.54986531e-01 2.40585223e-01 -3.29303592e-01 -3.83179814e-01 -3.83222789e-01 7.93399811e-02 1.98115930e-02 -6.12781048e-02 1.04498431e-01 -3.33400577e-01 1.37870222e-01 1.91750899e-01 1.23398215e-01 -3.89804840e-01 1.84144124e-01 -4.56333578e-01 6.22367524e-02 6.80883825e-01 -4.03081417e-01 -6.31356016e-02 -2.87085474e-01 1.01177230e-01 1.40778676e-01 -3.26258600e-01 -2.18849689e-01 -1.78163052e-01 1.29735664e-01 -1.02624573e-01 -1.91100106e-01 2.48814195e-01 1.67600870e-01 3.91796231e-01 -8.41727182e-02 -1.92779824e-01 2.46555805e-01 4.73298468e-02 1.05038926e-01 -6.23929873e-02 7.07698166e-02 -2.83505470e-01 2.08012313e-01 2.13379726e-01 4.97736096e-01 1.03635952e-01 -1.35557070e-01 -1.06492028e-01 -8.00182521e-02 -9.04232860e-02 3.08338702e-01 -8.81262198e-02 -5.81181571e-02 3.43236119e-01 5.52800260e-02 4.29152660e-02 2.06298068e-01 -1.70224354e-01 9.05033723e-02 -2.54635513e-01 2.29011513e-02 -1.47242308e-01 2.65822232e-01 1.36869922e-02 1.02099814e-01 4.77427803e-02 1.11722216e-01 7.14386553e-02 5.95280342e-02 4.06861544e-01 -4.67298061e-01 -1.77948684e-01 5.70868421e-03 2.47360051e-01 6.14031404e-02 8.33120546e-04 -9.86070633e-02 -7.85594434e-03 -3.01585257e-01 1.52009591e-01 1.85026765e-01 4.52576220e-01 2.28775695e-01 2.79892564e-01 7.49702826e-02 -1.20183475e-01 6.06444418e-01 1.81379065e-01 -1.93412304e-01 -1.19281458e-02 9.30776633e-03 -1.82017088e-02 1.36219025e-01 1.01055227e-01 -3.29335630e-02 -3.80809963e-01 1.15412638e-01 1.08136654e-01 -8.87986943e-02 9.50310752e-02 2.19386950e-01 -1.08142927e-01 -1.63146988e-01 -4.02714819e-01 -1.37575254e-01 2.29962915e-01 4.70642447e-02 3.31981957e-01 -2.38169134e-01 -1.18948080e-01 -4.22371253e-02 -6.15779199e-02 3.89342457e-01 5.16505063e-01 -2.96089828e-01 3.58846456e-01 3.26709747e-01 -1.96827382e-01 3.36942486e-02 2.06624180e-01 2.18134865e-01 -5.93243092e-02 -2.38068402e-01 6.84692785e-02 -6.87820092e-02 -4.90482673e-02 -2.90348440e-01 -4.60854322e-02 7.63017312e-02 -2.60991335e-01 4.19069780e-04 1.29088685e-01 -3.42364043e-01 -2.83843249e-01 2.39900649e-01 5.03742039e-01 2.94855386e-01 -1.53686553e-02 2.12208241e-01 -1.39087543e-01 1.18187271e-01 1.10275380e-01 -3.03374827e-01 -1.67158663e-01 -7.08862543e-02 -1.24048278e-01 5.57120740e-02 -9.20406580e-02 9.94459093e-02 1.11744352e-01 1.76887333e-01 1.43062413e-01 -9.26070139e-02 -9.50111598e-02 -5.73598266e-01 -1.80493802e-01 8.21581706e-02 -2.59673178e-01 1.54128119e-01 9.49027538e-02 4.40499373e-02 1.12187369e-02 6.48919195e-02 -4.93265912e-02 2.76549160e-01 1.25804454e-01 -3.88029158e-01 -4.92078096e-01 4.39571023e-01 2.11713985e-01 -1.87357366e-01 -3.70593369e-02 -2.18955413e-01 1.56640261e-01 4.44946662e-02 1.45896628e-01 1.21856350e-02 -2.97563732e-01 -1.00658871e-01 -1.13358267e-01 4.25633490e-01 -1.57654390e-01 -2.27232710e-01 1.73022432e-04 -3.17997813e-01 -5.60543165e-02 1.49506316e-01 -4.71321754e-02 -5.42896241e-03 1.25859126e-01 -2.70844191e-01 -3.29908989e-02 9.31744799e-02 1.46732822e-01 6.25918247e-03 -1.27001274e-02 1.40934512e-01 -2.16899365e-01 -2.94794241e-04 -2.48636156e-01 2.72689521e-01 -7.53310844e-02 1.96893424e-01 1.91362590e-01 -2.72378922e-01 -3.84521596e-02 -1.23542555e-01 2.58189708e-01 3.47197741e-01 -1.32307664e-01 -1.27477542e-01 1.57355368e-01 -3.47860575e-01 1.97055787e-01 -8.04223940e-02 -2.85190821e-01 6.15629703e-02 -9.95174646e-02 -2.13606611e-01 -2.73484796e-01 -1.96282119e-01 -4.10260618e-01 2.92392615e-02 1.67546123e-01 6.19154572e-02 -8.52607749e-03 -1.75647125e-01 7.97904283e-02]
"A Satellite" active "Item #: SCP-471 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Methods of containing SCP-471 are currently being investigated. Primary goal of containment is to block the non-terrestrial transmissions emanating from it, with a secondary goal of acquiring and studying SCP-471 itself. MTF Mu-4 ("Debuggers") is currently tasked with blocking SCP-471's transmissions. Observation Probe Delta-2 is currently in an elliptical orbit around Earth that allows it to regularly intersect the signal emanating from SCP-471. It is responsible for observing and reporting this signal each time it intersects. Delta-2 also possesses boosters capable of keeping it within the signal for extended periods of time for the purposes of testing or to monitor a significant deviation in SCP-471's signal. Description: SCP-471 is an artificial satellite currently in an elliptical orbit around Earth. SCP-471 appears identical to Satellite β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ, a weather satellite launched by [REDACTED] in 197β–ˆ. Though SCP-471 superficially resembles Satellite β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ, additional equipment of unknown purpose can be seen on its backside. Photographs and manufacture reports have confirmed that this equipment was not present at the launch of Satellite β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ. It is unknown whether Satellite β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ was altered after launch or replaced entirely sometime later. SCP-471 has continued transmitting the same weather information Satellite β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ has been responsible for, which allowed SCP-471 to go undetected for decades. SCP-471 was first discovered by the space shuttle Discovery during a routine maintenance mission to [REDACTED]. An anomalous signal was detected being transmitted away from Earth, which was traced back to SCP-471. Once Foundation agents within NASA had identified that the satellite was in fact an SCP Object, the Foundation took over the investigation and released a cover story, indicating that NASA had detected a top-secret military research project. Since its discovery, SCP-471 has transmitted constantly, looping every β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ minutes. Only one interruption in the signal has been recorded (See Test Log 471-931). The signal is stronger than any the Foundation or any other Earth agency is capable of producing, and all attempts to block it have met with failure. As well, the signal is clearly directed; it is only detectable within a narrow cone (radius to height ratio = .0013) originating at SCP-471. The target of the signal appears to be fixed on Jupiter. See Addendum 471-01. The contents of the transmission are heavily encrypted, and appear to be raw static when observed directly. Were it not for the strength of the signal, NASA would have assumed it was random static generated by the Earth's electromagnetic field. Over time, the signal has evolved, with sections of it changing since its initial discovery. A Foundation supercomputer, BOMB-2, was tasked with cracking the encryption and determining the contents of the signal. After running continuously for β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ days, BOMB-2 was able to decrypt a small portion of it, which appeared as a series of binary values. While most of the values' purposes remain unknown, several of them were identified to correspond precisely with discrete values relating to Earth, including: β–ˆβ–ˆ hours after successfully decrypting this portion of the code, BOMB-2 suffered an apparent electronics malfunction. Investigation revealed that BOMB-2 had suffered damage consistent with that of an EMP; however, no other electronics in the area had similar effects. The Foundation created a new computer, BOMB-3, to pick up where BOMB-2 left off. β–ˆβ–ˆ hours after beginning its analysis, however, BOMB-3 suffered identical damage to BOMB-2, despite being hardened against an EMP. Whether this is a result of a direct attack or a consequence of the contents of the signal has not been determined. The method by which SCP-471 gathers data is currently unknown, and is under investigation. Currently three (3) probes have been launched towards SCP-471 in the hopes of examining it more closely. See Test Log 471-931 for details. Addendum 471-01: While attempting to glean the purpose of the integer values identified by BOMB-2, the Foundation discovered a copy of the signal transmitted by SCP-471, much weaker and with an 88 minute delay, being transmitted back at Earth. Investigation revealed that SCP-471 was transmitting its signal in such a way that it was amplified by the magnetosphere of Jupiter and broadcast in all directions. The copied signal evaded detection because it blended in with the background static naturally produced by Jupiter. Further investigation into the possible interaction of this signal with SCP-2399 and other Jovian based anomalies is ongoing. Β« SCP-470 | SCP-471 | SCP-472 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-471" by DrSevere, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: spac0558 Author: NOAA Photo Library License: CC BY 2.0 Source: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-471 in orbit"
[ 1.15677275e-01 -4.24159706e-01 -2.24093394e-03 -7.30614662e-02 1.58146054e-01 -4.80909020e-01 -5.89676052e-02 2.37808865e-03 1.61443606e-01 6.76262900e-02 2.08054379e-01 4.47214156e-01 -3.81745011e-01 -2.98852846e-02 5.41190431e-02 2.86115780e-02 -1.99969672e-02 3.23454477e-02 6.47431388e-02 -1.49687499e-01 -4.05508913e-02 -8.59123468e-02 1.53831780e-01 8.26386735e-02 6.08633719e-02 -8.43310952e-02 1.52401283e-01 -4.88401465e-02 -1.69522792e-01 -2.93147266e-01 3.30314338e-01 1.99662879e-01 4.32082899e-02 3.35999966e-01 -1.08682747e-04 -1.02398962e-01 3.67873907e-02 1.27684236e-01 -3.26696157e-01 3.33432943e-01 -4.33269650e-01 -2.04086781e-01 1.33150872e-02 -3.11252326e-01 -1.17466830e-01 1.91295803e-01 -7.56056383e-02 -1.07839458e-01 4.94375646e-01 2.16547742e-01 1.98902175e-01 9.38651338e-02 7.12161064e-02 9.75252762e-02 5.22800311e-02 1.19900696e-01 -1.12894766e-01 -4.82677929e-02 5.78306168e-02 3.15729201e-01 -4.52125724e-03 3.32260072e-01 -8.60708728e-02 -1.09462634e-01 5.47005869e-02 -3.64308357e-01 3.90049160e-01 -5.72420172e-02 4.60284464e-02 -8.69813934e-02 -9.24721453e-03 -2.49673724e-01 -4.68669161e-02 -2.79939510e-02 -3.61886658e-02 -1.75305516e-01 1.64278135e-01 -2.13936530e-02 -8.61829966e-02 1.28528282e-01 2.44061485e-01 7.62215927e-02 -3.34876060e-01 -5.94475120e-02 -1.82063699e-01 2.75229245e-01 -2.19703857e-02 1.31132871e-01 -6.89041764e-02 1.11072823e-01 6.00757971e-02 -1.69302836e-01 2.26721853e-01 9.62388888e-02 -1.44331008e-01 -1.55389085e-02 1.14754818e-01 8.95861611e-02 -1.06701544e-02 2.12727979e-01 4.34743874e-02 1.82922378e-01 3.43624711e-01 2.58097559e-01 1.70089722e-01 5.87724335e-02 8.29273183e-03 7.07281157e-02 -1.94995686e-01 3.52451146e-01 -1.03709921e-01 1.09754041e-01 -3.86956264e-03 2.58196771e-01 1.36548176e-01 -2.71059144e-02 2.91925132e-01 -2.98514366e-02 -3.59145403e-01 3.30737561e-01 -4.56584156e-01 5.31182326e-02 1.60843790e-01 1.92333341e-01 4.52308536e-01 2.18601257e-01 4.06086296e-02 -1.50864616e-01 2.32751906e-01 -2.47363269e-01 -2.19325766e-01 1.37797222e-01 -2.34896556e-01 -1.02457471e-01 2.85496982e-03 2.49987692e-01 -3.17407519e-01 -1.34325951e-01 -1.03602350e-01 9.30879172e-03 1.34889662e-01 -1.51215345e-01 2.35135794e-01 4.94303316e-01 -5.45720637e-01 2.33000070e-01 -4.32206355e-02 5.71536571e-02 -1.52332872e-01 -1.50994629e-01 2.45650515e-01 -1.43774197e-01 5.90549149e-02 2.23693386e-01 -4.34677184e-01 1.41732410e-01 4.99166787e-01 2.02114284e-01 -5.47879159e-01 6.18692115e-03 2.98892260e-01 2.77477235e-01 -2.88624913e-01 -5.78538626e-02 2.59320736e-01 4.10633922e-01 -3.14359277e-01 -7.43756369e-02 -6.16053283e-01 4.28417735e-02 3.06466371e-01 -1.88810930e-01 1.42094782e-02 1.53331101e-01 -2.02122241e-01 -1.59616545e-01 -2.25054145e-01 -1.57189429e-01 -3.91263604e-01 3.32711264e-03 -5.83511889e-01 5.02299368e-01 2.72915870e-01 -1.31508306e-01 -5.21968246e-01 -2.02556640e-01 -1.54164061e-01 -2.41520584e-01 -7.41921216e-02 -1.81288958e-01 -3.76302689e-01 -3.73554617e-01 1.45663340e-02 1.99233413e-01 6.00913651e-02 -1.35824934e-01 2.31783390e-01 1.79354936e-01 1.73832960e-02 3.78487378e-01 1.05766416e-01 8.42196792e-02 4.59121674e-01 -2.75929838e-01 -3.17288250e-01 -1.93593696e-01 1.57532177e-03 -1.02736736e-02 3.08229506e-01 2.68106043e-01 2.43881717e-02 -1.78059861e-01 -1.32974833e-01 1.62889853e-01 -1.96730923e-02 -2.62825340e-01 3.65389347e-01 2.05769211e-01 1.69972733e-01 -2.81282455e-01 -1.16234861e-01 2.37341493e-01 -3.92516702e-01 -1.16670296e-01 3.39431502e-02 -2.71087103e-02 -1.69861764e-01 5.08969091e-02 -2.04031616e-01 4.13945943e-01 1.66901171e-01 1.33354992e-01 7.62940347e-02 -1.00837313e-01 -1.49903253e-01 -1.41204283e-01 4.21472251e-01 7.11173356e-01 -3.14432114e-01 -3.31386834e-01 -1.96032941e-01 4.06821035e-02 2.17036039e-01 5.94573319e-02 -1.18994974e-01 9.71810073e-02 3.14567924e-01 4.16548252e-02 2.76448801e-02 -8.22216421e-02 1.24782607e-01 -3.16362023e-01 -3.83253068e-01 -5.67572825e-02 2.36106887e-01 2.09834039e-01 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-2.69018173e-01 4.13758904e-01 1.69004545e-01 3.26599091e-01 -7.37939402e-02 -1.84882715e-01 6.07288145e-02 -4.96033609e-01 -7.68173933e-02 1.04075931e-01 7.82998279e-02 3.03453594e-01 1.49907351e-01 1.13580322e+00 1.82910755e-01 -1.51781321e-01 2.64753222e-01 -5.03410399e-01 3.70558530e-01 -3.73930156e-01 -1.23046562e-01 1.55365378e-01 -8.54798034e-02 6.26442605e-04 -3.69920693e-02 3.94620486e-02 4.96469662e-02 -2.23410890e-01 -2.17734307e-01 -3.17840964e-01 1.95480376e-01 4.51910913e-01 2.71212995e-01 1.71705678e-01 1.28223017e-01 -2.96889216e-01 2.63859093e-01 -2.02662900e-01 1.33216277e-01 2.34416360e-03 8.69264528e-02 1.44518852e-01 -3.55402410e-01 -2.95905858e-01 -5.44268414e-02 8.83064717e-02 4.46356162e-02 -2.65949368e-01 2.88250923e-01 1.39295474e-01 -3.94716531e-01 9.37345028e-02 -2.43944690e-01 -1.18541375e-01 4.76525813e-01 7.04720974e-01 -6.01200247e-03 -2.13208184e-01 -1.04172222e-01 -1.49478801e-02 1.63178131e-01 -1.68664462e-03 2.11716279e-01 -1.34642035e-01 -1.14378333e-01 -6.18030764e-02 1.01022527e-01 4.93651837e-01 2.09593117e-01 6.52666390e-01 1.08935572e-01 -2.13215321e-01 -3.44728440e-01 2.10955530e-01 -6.86609522e-02 -7.29937926e-02 1.55028835e-01 -3.20329629e-02 -2.23460153e-01 -1.01442531e-01 4.31036890e-01 1.53781071e-01 3.29671860e-01 -6.01367094e-02 -1.69760197e-01 -5.38884997e-02 -4.96750653e-01 -1.03179641e-01 -1.45876586e-01 -4.70816791e-01 8.46245065e-02 1.39931485e-01 -3.58086973e-01 3.17716263e-02 2.63390541e-02 2.47540906e-01 -3.06849062e-01 -4.62430269e-01 -2.38680854e-01 8.43910500e-02 -6.12971373e-02 2.01005012e-01 1.97526947e-01 -1.19708449e-01 2.98341334e-01 -2.41528660e-01 3.37595046e-01 -4.31437254e-01 -1.59150928e-01 -1.61831439e-01 -8.25276598e-03 3.89285684e-01 -2.77166188e-01 3.50119412e-01 -6.76423460e-02 1.67054057e-01 3.61283682e-02 -1.60485506e-01 -2.86723942e-01 -1.36514455e-01 1.04675934e-01 -2.95308530e-01 -2.51506418e-01 -5.04583642e-02 1.38770968e-01 2.99674898e-01 1.58435419e-01 -9.20672491e-02 2.73761570e-01 2.48186171e-01 4.87823002e-02 -2.76529491e-01 8.88444036e-02 -4.24058624e-02 -1.14717305e-01 1.45388395e-01 3.37207645e-01 1.09613268e-02 -7.93375149e-02 -2.04743385e-01 -1.41345546e-01 1.10021003e-01 3.32162380e-01 -3.33918929e-01 4.13598716e-01 8.31572637e-02 2.50855625e-01 -1.77015081e-01 2.61212531e-02 4.15569246e-02 5.01116216e-02 -1.46803498e-01 -3.31604481e-01 7.87089020e-02 3.29985321e-01 -3.81255001e-02 6.23051589e-03 4.78915460e-02 -9.87947285e-02 3.24819356e-01 5.04787527e-02 1.82133466e-01 -3.31750721e-01 6.25502095e-02 -1.09181754e-01 3.63772303e-01 1.43431544e-01 2.29737788e-01 4.71976578e-01 3.59701127e-01 -9.39662978e-02 3.37634049e-02 7.26668015e-02 5.63705325e-01 3.04326862e-01 -4.91858944e-02 1.46886200e-01 1.25691503e-01 3.39510083e-01 1.36516672e-02 1.27523124e-01 1.74155265e-01 2.84279197e-01 -2.75443941e-01 1.32807798e-03 -1.11397728e-01 1.70163110e-01 -1.85800165e-01 -2.95386906e-03 -6.97819740e-02 6.14309758e-02 1.90070704e-01 7.59772584e-02 -4.56922889e-01 -5.88309132e-02 -3.92118990e-01 -2.19575152e-01 2.58603573e-01 2.20442683e-01 3.25586826e-01 -1.75979733e-01 1.67624354e-01 1.33603498e-01 -2.83412099e-01 -5.57289496e-02 3.61947179e-01 -2.35902980e-01 2.66713738e-01 4.09120351e-01 -1.69265255e-01 2.79864520e-01 -2.63018440e-02 2.22592399e-01 -1.47526234e-01 -1.86054856e-01 1.94725558e-01 6.67198747e-02 -2.74164766e-01 -3.45144778e-01 1.97505593e-01 -1.33911103e-01 -3.44032466e-01 2.79414952e-01 1.66090265e-01 -3.37321162e-01 -1.60748705e-01 7.36685619e-02 2.11174667e-01 8.19723606e-02 1.13991693e-01 6.57404959e-02 1.59063086e-01 2.09207777e-02 -1.34171948e-01 -2.34082535e-01 -3.13206941e-01 -1.50522739e-01 -3.74128699e-01 1.89515844e-01 -7.72815123e-02 1.08602434e-01 -1.22899696e-01 1.95448875e-01 5.67330271e-02 7.55021498e-02 -1.69173658e-01 -2.26561561e-01 -1.23384520e-01 1.51822299e-01 -4.14034069e-01 -4.32476252e-01 -2.89068729e-01 4.99796961e-03 -2.26752341e-01 1.25149861e-01 1.47879748e-02 -1.33835360e-01 -1.18974857e-01 -5.04422560e-02 -1.81489274e-01 2.39077330e-01 5.96105337e-01 -7.69782364e-02 -3.55618186e-02 -2.82935768e-01 -8.76403674e-02 -2.11091153e-02 2.00559244e-01 3.23660105e-01 -4.57795113e-01 -8.18242729e-02 -4.20237519e-02 2.59924233e-01 4.56956252e-02 3.83934736e-01 -3.07549179e-01 -2.90030420e-01 1.70748644e-02 2.03752726e-01 -2.05305740e-01 -1.33929253e-01 -1.81895316e-01 4.90132868e-01 1.10390425e-01 4.77045089e-01 1.38407171e-01 -1.52108461e-01 -3.17503326e-02 2.58283973e-01 -1.62307486e-01 5.20952821e-01 -3.88070196e-01 3.06948423e-01 -1.64284676e-01 1.36870787e-01 2.61884868e-01 1.18294016e-01 -2.01579988e-01 -3.02441239e-01 4.84933168e-01 -1.48820326e-01 -1.47214726e-01 -1.00297742e-02 2.61118233e-01 -1.16431758e-01 1.41799733e-01 -9.38464887e-03 -2.63386428e-01 3.25170346e-02 1.80128947e-01 -2.01773554e-01 -1.75552443e-02 -1.11415625e-01 -3.31102937e-01 -1.09737433e-01 4.24917042e-02 -5.54053709e-02 2.31490627e-01 -8.32122639e-02 -2.18879171e-02]
"The Bloodstone" active "Item #: SCP-472 Object Class: Safe Anomalous Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-472 is to be kept in the center of an empty, locked cell measuring 37m x 37m (122 x 122 feet). All personnel wishing to enter for research purposes must undergo a psychological evaluation and submit a research request before being permitted entry. Personnel should not remain within 18 m (60 ft) of the stone for more than five (5) minutes without being directly monitored by security personnel. Update 472-001: No personnel exposed to SCP-472 through stage 6 of its effects may be allowed more than four (4) consecutive minutes of further exposure without direct approval of Site Command. Update 472-002: Once every sixty (60) days, one D-Class personnel must be exposed to SCP-472 for a period of between ten (10) and twenty-seven (27) minutes. Update 472-003: Due to biomass loss, no personnel may be exposed to SCP-472 more than once in a 48-hour period without explicit approval by Dr. A. Jones. Description: SCP-472 is a red garnet, of the pyrope-spessartite variety, of unusual size (1.8 carat). The phrase "For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart" has been engraved in 2 mm (0.08 in) high lettering on the stone's surface. Relevance of the phrase is unknown. When any organism possessing a heartbeat passes within an 18 m (60 ft) radius of SCP-472, that subject will begin to hear the distant beating of a heart within their head. The heartbeat heard directly corresponds with the subject's own heartbeat, with the frequency of the palpitations increasing or decreasing with the pulse of the subject. Prolonged exposure causes a variety of additional psychological effects. Stage 1: Onset 5-7 minutes: Low-level feelings of unease and anxiety. Effects cease immediately on vacating area. Stage 2: Onset 6-21 minutes: Gradually increasing feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Effects decrease on vacating area and cease within 5 minutes. Stage 3: Onset 18-27 minutes: High-level feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Subject begins to hallucinate, reporting seeing the world around them tinged with red and hearing vague whispering noises. 27% of subjects also report strong feelings of guilt. Effects decrease within 20 minutes of vacating area and cease within 60 minutes. Stage 4: Onset 34-59 minutes: Previous symptoms increase. Hallucinations become more vivid and visual; frequent hallucinations include rivulets of blood trailing down the walls, images of dead bodies, thumping, screaming, and ambulatory corpse-like figures. 65% of subjects rendered mentally incapable of leaving the influence of SCP-472. Effects decrease within 60 minutes of vacating area and cease within 3 hours. Stage 5: Onset 55-69 minutes: Previous symptoms increase. 100% of subjects rendered mentally incapable of leaving the influence of SCP-472. 38% of subjects exposed enter a state of catatonia; this state has a 76% fatality rate if subjects are not removed from SCP-472's area of influence. Effects decrease within 6 hours of vacating area and cease within 24 hours. Stage 6: Onset 361-723+ minutes: Surviving subjects now capable of leaving the influence of SCP-472, though many do not realize this unless prompted. Previous symptoms vary in degree of intensity and become sporadic, alternating with periods of lucidity indefinitely until subject leaves or is removed from the area. Effects cease within 24 hours of vacating area. SCP-472 was recovered from the mansion residence of [REDACTED], a wealthy man living in [REDACTED]. Foundation investigators were alerted by local reports of hauntings by domestic staff after [REDACTED] was hospitalized by a fall. Mobile Task Force Delta-5 ("Front Runners") was assigned to investigate due to possible connection to ongoing projects. Investigation narrowed down the origin of the anomalous effects to SCP-472, which had been prominently displayed in [REDACTED]'s jewel collection. Origin of SCP-472 is under investigation. SCP-472 does not appear to have any other anomalous effects, harmful or otherwise. Object tentatively classified as Safe, pending testing. Potential downgrade to Anomalous. See Addenda. SCP-472 was located via reports from the so-called 'anomalous community', from interfacing with Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 ("Bibliographers"). Initial theories from anomalous community sources categorized SCP-472 as a 'seal' containing an entity responsible for SCP-472's anomalous effects. However, further analysis has not supported this, rather indicating that SCP-472's appearance as a red garnet may be due to a fundamental perception error of unknown nature. Sources have not been able to confirm anything substantial about the origin or nature of SCP-472. Addendum 472-045: Effects of Subsequent Exposure: Subjects previously exposed to SCP-472's effects experience a cumulative 10-20% increase in the speed of onset of certain of SCP-472's effects with each additional exposure. Eventually, subjects will immediately begin experiencing symptoms at Stage 2 levels, with Stage 3 occurring within 5-10 minutes. Stages 4-5 then occur as normal. Time of onset of Stage 6 is not affected and continues to occur no earlier than 361 minutes after initial exposure. Hallucinations begin to differ in nature when a subject is exposed to SCP-472 more than one (1) to five (5) times. Subjects report visions of a massive, growing collection of skinless organic material resembling animal/human organs, muscular structures, bones (though no recognizable bones), etc, joined together in a fashion that does not occur in nature. All subjects report multiple hearts beating within the biomass, sometimes dotting its surface. After the fifth exposure, all subjects report seeing this (whether or not previous hallucinations remain present or superimposed). Additionally, interviews with multiple-exposure subjects [DATA EXPUNGED] anomalous information element. See documents [REDACTED] and Interview 472-0165-b. SCP-472's Object Class has been upgraded to Euclid. Containment procedures updated. Addendum 472-078: Area of Influence Conditional Increase: When no subjects have been exposed to SCP-472 for more than five (5) minutes within a period of two (2) months, its area of influence begins increasing by a rate of 0.5 m (1.6 ft) per hour. Expansion is temporary, reverting back to the original 18 m (60 ft) area of effect once a subject undergoes exposure. Addendum 472-130: Possible Physical Biomass Presence: Further testing with subjects exposed multiple times to SCP-472 [DATA EXPUNGED] indicating that the garnet stone classified as SCP-472 may in fact be the only visible portion of a much larger - and continually increasing - biomass existing in so-called "trans-dimensional" [DATA EXPUNGED] metaphor of "the tip of the iceberg". Object Class pending review. Additional containment measures pending review. Addendum 472-135: Subject Biomass Alteration: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subsequent testing of subjects exposed to SCP-472 indicates that all subjects experienced a 0.01 - 1.35 percent decrease in biomass with each exposure to SCP-472. Subjects remain unaware of this event. Containment procedures updated. Β« SCP-471 | SCP-472 | SCP-473 Β»" nan
[-1.19083729e-02 -4.20773178e-01 -8.18432495e-02 2.41805881e-01 -2.03036755e-01 -2.66267359e-01 1.25744298e-01 1.69750407e-01 2.17315808e-01 2.75533676e-01 2.73539484e-01 3.98294896e-01 -2.93894649e-01 -3.70483667e-01 -3.98836024e-02 8.75744969e-02 -5.70145994e-02 1.10825196e-01 1.09578490e-01 -2.68643051e-01 3.10536586e-02 -1.11572176e-01 -1.41247645e-01 3.39188576e-01 -2.69686282e-01 -1.64976060e-01 7.84800202e-02 4.40269083e-01 -9.45125967e-02 -2.25973561e-01 -5.01688480e-01 2.01405093e-01 -1.84466705e-01 3.27482820e-01 -1.12805043e-04 -3.35856497e-01 2.36678556e-01 8.03336650e-02 -1.96166053e-01 7.47458194e-04 -5.05301178e-01 -2.93745071e-01 6.70999885e-02 -1.78686813e-01 6.71658590e-02 9.04565305e-02 -1.87665090e-01 1.85692489e-01 -2.47185752e-02 -9.21640173e-02 1.24728784e-01 2.04283103e-01 -3.14306542e-02 -9.00612772e-02 3.62802178e-01 -4.16583568e-02 -1.35369167e-01 -1.38759941e-01 2.24602744e-01 5.20903885e-01 -3.10798377e-01 2.29192853e-01 -3.30275476e-01 5.50969541e-01 3.07913214e-01 -3.94932449e-01 1.34626627e-01 -1.53391883e-01 -2.31251493e-01 5.07736921e-01 -1.92355320e-01 6.01828359e-02 4.03928339e-01 1.32019997e-01 -8.90047848e-02 -3.40173125e-01 2.29189947e-01 1.27629414e-01 -1.16176598e-01 -5.40970899e-02 -1.51650056e-01 2.16499165e-01 -1.39661908e-01 -1.47284493e-01 4.27443981e-02 -1.17859088e-01 -1.50174320e-01 4.06398289e-02 3.22685689e-01 -3.77176069e-02 -4.17702973e-01 2.07415596e-01 -1.30568969e-03 -1.32340699e-01 7.95720592e-02 -1.34474784e-01 9.32101235e-02 5.05091488e-01 9.60524902e-02 2.73977220e-01 3.65455031e-01 1.32381588e-01 -1.86419308e-01 4.54842746e-01 -9.58315209e-02 -4.30996448e-01 1.38040707e-01 -4.14800286e-01 9.17482078e-02 5.08606493e-01 -1.79444730e-01 3.84286106e-01 -1.47773596e-02 -1.19315907e-01 3.00166190e-01 -1.48024917e-01 -1.16938539e-01 -4.07783955e-01 -2.37088636e-01 4.64324921e-01 -3.89826745e-01 4.85040881e-02 8.11305344e-02 2.82356441e-01 4.07269925e-01 8.61064196e-02 1.80075318e-01 -1.23390049e-01 -2.37551443e-02 -4.59876329e-01 -1.17660567e-01 -5.93397813e-03 -1.94340587e-01 2.37485379e-01 -2.15227623e-02 3.66796762e-01 1.87592477e-01 1.47656351e-01 1.34906648e-02 9.62634385e-02 -2.60018080e-01 1.82537392e-01 5.59035838e-01 4.20880884e-01 -1.40950158e-01 -1.54987946e-01 1.52753219e-01 -5.50821200e-02 4.63110069e-03 1.68637425e-01 5.82640767e-01 1.02404468e-01 6.33643195e-02 1.44912228e-01 -2.32338741e-01 2.18086749e-01 5.11816502e-01 1.91457257e-01 -1.60900950e-01 -1.77853480e-01 3.00937951e-01 -1.51193086e-02 -2.26993293e-01 -1.07070506e-01 1.25883505e-01 1.91485435e-01 -1.84073031e-01 -2.26061076e-01 1.43818036e-01 3.30448031e-01 1.51839763e-01 2.17978451e-02 -1.46337785e-02 -1.37672186e-01 -1.28439233e-01 3.05733383e-01 -7.72892684e-02 2.81757146e-01 -2.65089095e-01 -3.49533200e-01 -3.04823756e-01 1.19763836e-01 2.20466703e-01 -9.81272757e-02 -1.41674429e-01 3.93202268e-02 -2.98815578e-01 -4.42195982e-01 3.34316820e-01 -1.65472105e-01 -4.49665397e-01 -4.42051023e-01 3.02644055e-02 4.21569198e-02 -2.74763346e-01 -1.09959655e-01 2.89215177e-01 1.37686908e-01 3.77861917e-01 4.20843847e-02 -3.20614994e-01 9.62442905e-02 2.07365513e-01 -1.21844701e-01 -1.50436200e-02 -1.92268983e-01 4.13737327e-01 -3.55463438e-02 3.90205413e-01 4.34522212e-01 -1.93917826e-01 -3.20779905e-02 -1.42463118e-01 -3.01716179e-02 -6.73091561e-02 -1.46921322e-01 1.07465044e-01 3.03288102e-01 5.00847884e-02 -8.13174993e-02 -1.39717028e-01 1.36152625e-01 -5.78590751e-01 -9.88655686e-02 -1.14573590e-01 -1.23177461e-01 -5.75398393e-02 -1.35624390e-02 -1.97672784e-01 -9.54310372e-02 2.61104524e-01 1.52797967e-01 -8.85244925e-03 1.68337356e-02 -6.08855076e-02 -3.30063730e-01 3.09302539e-01 9.03410196e-01 -2.51695186e-01 -1.46910042e-01 2.09752873e-01 -1.90276071e-01 1.44109771e-01 1.03276454e-01 -3.65224838e-01 2.74614483e-01 3.57268333e-01 1.27939910e-01 -2.11733356e-01 -1.20823070e-01 6.67889267e-02 -1.46716088e-01 -3.55993658e-01 2.23226100e-01 2.21175104e-01 2.04796284e-01 -3.24611336e-01 -1.12906337e-01 -6.97407275e-02 1.95586801e-01 -2.17213094e-01 -1.57067794e-02 5.06126285e-01 -1.12750433e-01 -1.64851397e-02 -1.93210244e-01 -1.09796144e-01 4.50694680e-01 2.38766111e-02 1.80482253e-01 6.92780986e-02 -1.59503132e-01 -3.38665098e-01 -1.61708996e-01 1.23659536e-01 6.31673308e-03 1.28301814e-01 3.52801442e-01 2.31427103e-01 -3.50079015e-02 -1.75912619e-01 -5.31597575e-03 8.66183415e-02 1.79461122e-01 -2.64860094e-01 2.41791159e-02 -3.27531338e-01 3.92057240e-01 3.85782838e-01 3.42163116e-01 9.34350267e-02 -4.63566408e-02 2.51545142e-02 2.40685537e-01 -2.12062001e-02 7.58166909e-02 -1.51324406e-01 4.94446129e-01 -1.54354312e-02 1.65620685e-01 -4.34098929e-01 -2.85542570e-02 3.69990349e-01 4.88958284e-02 -2.51874030e-01 1.89499721e-01 5.68590522e-01 -3.31352055e-02 -4.12641279e-02 9.13400277e-02 -1.90235689e-01 2.56291837e-01 1.48502707e-01 -1.37384996e-01 1.19825736e-01 -1.58698440e-01 -1.32622525e-01 -7.10805953e-02 3.75827134e-01 -6.09689057e-01 -9.32991281e-02 4.03380394e-02 -3.93735319e-01 -1.23527788e-01 2.27844745e-01 7.32495412e-02 2.40400746e-01 -1.37306228e-01 -9.54869911e-02 7.35599026e-02 1.91742629e-01 8.35889578e-02 1.91478506e-01 3.22882146e-01 -3.51091363e-02 2.11203769e-01 -2.23740354e-01 -2.55466908e-01 7.35609308e-02 -2.06160262e-01 5.12578040e-02 3.16612758e-02 -5.83405085e-02 2.42088318e-01 8.06711689e-02 -3.87369156e-01 -5.38257360e-01 7.76695693e-03 2.91089565e-01 1.64714694e-01 -2.44757026e-01 1.56073689e-01 6.16124831e-02 -4.14951950e-01 -1.99793786e-01 -2.69534528e-01 7.19656870e-02 5.52676134e-02 1.09618492e-01 -1.89072005e-02 1.84212297e-01 3.47467810e-01 4.12316144e-01 -2.06509568e-02 -2.12545007e-01 -2.62428343e-01 -1.47397229e-02 -7.33203590e-02 2.35492885e-01 -3.17910053e-02 -3.55353579e-02 1.88398942e-01 -2.42521554e-01 1.04903631e-01 -9.77119505e-02 -8.21411908e-02 5.75075522e-02 -2.74809867e-01 -2.11090341e-01 -7.50263780e-02 -2.56944150e-01 6.41873419e-01 1.61769778e-01 -4.69399802e-02 -2.86126465e-01 3.67589265e-01 1.42569572e-01 1.06463723e-01 4.41771895e-01 9.50484872e-02 6.66859560e-03 -1.53210029e-01 1.80039376e-01 2.10573554e-01 2.06422091e-01 2.49256864e-02 5.52831450e-04 -4.42902595e-01 -2.06347018e-01 3.28630954e-01 -3.55000854e-01 -3.66227865e-01 -1.33695871e-01 6.25257492e-01 5.38824737e-01 -1.24382660e-01 -3.05630147e-01 1.53876662e-01 -1.52761325e-01 2.91317821e-01 4.28105146e-01 -5.13257742e-01 -6.85827956e-02 -4.23544236e-02 4.79372948e-01 1.77191556e-01 8.69704932e-02 1.17413819e-01 1.17956758e-01 -2.13029325e-01 -4.79255795e-01 4.93830383e-01 2.65954714e-02 -8.25499464e-03 -1.33100286e-01 1.56873763e-02 4.28491175e-01 1.16236895e-01 1.19188026e-01 2.52208382e-01 -1.88506350e-01 3.08636799e-02 -6.78156838e-02 6.38206124e-01 5.51172316e-01 -3.67491096e-01 3.36095333e-01 1.27511099e-01 9.39497128e-02 1.35297894e-01 -1.05994642e-01 -6.03246614e-02 7.63994098e-01 8.43987393e-04 -1.52249113e-01 7.30759948e-02 2.28518367e-01 1.12093531e-01 -2.59568673e-02 2.50079602e-01 1.61929384e-01 6.60966039e-01 -6.67648157e-03 1.82420284e-01 -7.62192085e-02 -3.94495815e-01 1.98662937e-01 3.76788042e-02 2.53369957e-01 -1.39913913e-02 9.19565484e-02 1.31597519e+00 5.13144672e-01 -7.32035339e-02 2.93685853e-01 9.60284546e-02 -3.85307372e-01 -3.68729979e-01 -1.50778219e-01 -2.96914071e-01 4.96233761e-01 1.20026886e-01 -3.03280860e-01 9.58932117e-02 2.23319322e-01 -1.96494609e-01 -2.83915579e-01 -5.46253324e-01 -2.46000752e-01 5.59251904e-02 -2.56837122e-02 7.05478117e-02 8.50255117e-02 3.53004813e-01 1.69368938e-01 5.38671091e-02 1.20542765e-01 1.74047142e-01 2.83501416e-01 -7.65296146e-02 1.24182001e-01 -3.73287857e-01 8.50815475e-02 -7.06424236e-01 -4.80698869e-02 -5.90138018e-01 -2.77694851e-01 1.08264774e-01 7.90409744e-02 -1.76306173e-01 2.37643570e-02 3.90695333e-02 5.10915995e-01 2.68817216e-01 -9.80145112e-02 1.47541955e-01 6.31651795e-03 9.90395769e-02 -1.08996488e-01 -2.85096586e-01 2.14232638e-01 -1.00715443e-01 -2.76104137e-02 -1.82275977e-02 1.36900246e-01 6.16694331e-01 -7.62065277e-02 1.15287781e-01 1.57467961e-01 -1.22059517e-01 -3.60542774e-01 1.54684633e-01 2.39901379e-01 -2.02696607e-01 6.59470409e-02 1.50135770e-01 -3.26063097e-01 1.04103819e-01 5.91559596e-02 -9.51575190e-02 2.55837679e-01 -2.30817989e-01 2.28894413e-01 -3.83242369e-01 -4.46947366e-01 2.55175352e-01 -2.16178089e-01 -5.41701257e-01 1.12337396e-01 2.06430301e-01 -2.35881299e-01 -2.56833464e-01 4.07899290e-01 -1.68677382e-02 -2.58227646e-01 -5.23193657e-01 -4.68363427e-02 2.26676822e-01 -2.27866635e-01 -2.02743635e-02 1.86671063e-01 6.05715299e-03 -2.30970010e-01 -2.00689480e-01 1.08610258e-01 -3.33527386e-01 1.70116425e-01 8.50032568e-02 -2.13863596e-01 4.95277047e-01 -4.48303483e-02 4.51781720e-01 -3.19245234e-02 4.41247076e-02 1.63161859e-01 -1.73677161e-01 -1.88707456e-01 -3.34659517e-01 1.59432322e-01 -6.47413894e-04 -2.28289232e-01 -1.22728683e-01 -3.26608568e-01 2.58548319e-01 9.51078460e-02 1.95125669e-01 -1.30506260e-02 3.66642535e-01 1.80926114e-01 -1.14726081e-01 -1.76168710e-01 1.57830209e-01 8.36619809e-02 1.39652029e-01 3.66931319e-01 1.65461432e-02 -2.05543861e-01 -3.85581926e-02 -2.39912838e-01 2.74010479e-01 3.99138063e-01 -1.24877118e-01 2.42780335e-02 1.41229272e-01 -5.83363064e-02 -1.44151887e-02 -1.68541878e-01 2.06926376e-01 -1.47633776e-01 -4.16320562e-01 -1.83945566e-01 -2.16192156e-01 2.58955687e-01 -1.27726927e-01 -1.28319621e-01 -2.41859660e-01 1.05652727e-01 7.08184913e-02 1.73850402e-01 1.16545260e-01 -4.47437376e-01 4.60955612e-02 -1.60686597e-01 5.57051487e-02 -2.88715780e-01 -2.68862963e-01 -4.57868055e-02 7.10120648e-02 -6.71922565e-02 3.32089305e-01 7.06813931e-02 2.41958424e-01 6.76658656e-03 2.18167335e-01 1.02858298e-01 4.45848525e-01 1.19879209e-01 1.47499651e-01 3.19320738e-01 2.49789745e-01 -6.78493688e-03 -9.51331854e-02 -7.13940263e-02 -1.69863701e-01 2.93084562e-01 4.63363528e-02 4.33610864e-02 -1.42403409e-01 6.51250929e-02 1.86716720e-01 -2.64550056e-02 -1.44164309e-01 -3.20616335e-01 -2.51495570e-01 -1.03146397e-01 -1.35946110e-01 2.87444264e-01 -3.15938801e-01 6.71086758e-02 1.00142092e-01 -3.00635725e-01 -2.32401639e-02 2.56420523e-02 2.81825811e-01 -1.86719403e-01 -1.71714976e-01 5.75677872e-01 -1.49847984e-01 2.32482925e-01 8.45955908e-02 3.41469079e-01 -2.49208048e-01 -1.87710375e-01 -4.05192859e-02 -4.51857209e-01 -9.51681659e-02 -2.44034708e-01 -5.11969179e-02 1.01226009e-01 -4.81591731e-01 1.69074982e-01 6.03359491e-02 -2.68418759e-01 -2.33558819e-01 3.14056933e-01 2.35729724e-01 2.91974097e-01 2.78267831e-01 -1.86544225e-01 1.01450354e-01 -1.04843184e-01 -2.30854034e-01 -2.14136764e-01 7.91771710e-02 2.02725753e-01 -1.68695763e-01 -1.54030938e-02 -2.44351164e-01 6.13049082e-02 -3.04756224e-01 3.70227881e-02 -7.13074431e-02 -1.21075213e-01 9.65737849e-02 -1.34263620e-01 -2.73236841e-01 2.91188031e-01 3.10228672e-02 -5.93183398e-01 1.97279051e-01 4.12010550e-01 2.54168004e-01 1.61073893e-01 2.30588824e-01 -2.17431113e-01 -1.94017559e-01 9.45879668e-02 -3.05795342e-01 2.79427916e-01 -7.19564641e-03 -4.69510667e-02 -1.10269144e-01 4.55444157e-02 -7.39487410e-02 1.59539685e-01 8.08399394e-02 -2.78098509e-02 -2.66762972e-01 -1.04026996e-01 3.16803455e-01 2.90997297e-01 -1.50227189e-01 3.70300204e-01 -1.76452905e-01 -2.93775797e-01 1.31666347e-01 1.77330077e-01 -2.84460783e-01 3.33623767e-01 -4.97363955e-02 5.20419776e-01 1.57510743e-01 3.54742078e-05 1.66605458e-01 3.54801156e-02 -4.68378454e-01 -1.80070907e-01 9.62589830e-02 -3.92388105e-02 6.64783362e-03 3.58411968e-01 -2.55936265e-01 5.60141020e-02 -2.13863812e-02 2.24886518e-02 -4.37203616e-01 3.79368924e-02 6.61022604e-01 1.64618134e-01 4.21235710e-02 5.12379259e-02 3.06475580e-01 1.67521629e-02 -1.01178624e-01 -3.03354353e-01 -5.23950040e-01 -8.77202153e-02 1.67971551e-01 -1.40374124e-01 -1.01889193e-01 -2.64266104e-01 -1.97379261e-01 -1.15385883e-01 -9.34637636e-02 4.45807502e-02 -1.75523400e-01 -2.42835969e-01 -1.17470942e-01]
"Supai" active "Item #: SCP-473 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A 5 kilometer area surrounding SCP-473 is off limits to all personnel. Human testing in this range is prohibited without O-5 approval. Above all, loss of human life within this 5 kilometer area must be prevented. A further 20 kilometer distance is to be secured by no less than two Foundation combat units at all times. Any unauthorized vessels entering this area are to be sunk and their crew eliminated. Vessels approaching the site but remaining outside of the 20 kilometer kill zone may be boarded and turned away with the use of Class-A amnestics. Description: SCP-473 is a wrecked Spanish galleon typical of those used in the early 16th century. It is resting on the ocean floor at β–ˆβ–ˆΒΊβ–ˆβ–ˆ'β–ˆβ–ˆ"N β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒΊβ–ˆβ–ˆ'β–ˆβ–ˆ"W. SCP-473 was brought to the attention of the Foundation after the loss of a research vessel operated by [REDACTED] University. A Search and Rescue team which approached SCP-473 reported audio anomalies "like giggling, and pleading for help". They reported voices in English, Spanish and an unrecognized language. Agents embedded in [REDACTED] immediately moved to cancel the search, declaring the crew and vessel lost. Note: Though the wreck is designated SCP-473, anomalies present may be due to cargo within the wreck. Further investigation of this is advised against at this time. Proximity Effects: Phenomena encountered by ships approaching SCP-473 include disembodied voices (which may have knowledge of Foundation personnel and operations) and minor physical disturbances such as unidentified vibrations and impacts on the ship. Electrical disturbances are common, causing primary and emergency lighting to fail. This results in absolute darkness within a ship which, combined with persuasive voices created by SCP-473, causes extreme disorientation. Personnel in the area are advised to confirm the physical presence of anyone they are in communication with and to ignore any voices that have no discernible source. Periodic cries for help from the water (coming from the direction of SCP-473) are to be expected and ignored. Spontaneous movement of small objects has been observed, but has caused little disruption to operations. Sharp objects and weapons are to be secured in locked containers while within 20 km of SCP-473. Addendum 1: Interview SCP-473-b Interviewed: J. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Executive Officer (XO) of the Foundation vessel which identified and sonographed SCP-473. Interviewer: Dr. Halen, SCP-473 project lead Forward: The Foundation destroyer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ sailed within 500 meters of SCP-473 before retreating to a distance of 3 kilometers and sinking. Evacuation of the ship was successful (excepting the captain), but 16 hands were lost during the 3 hours the crew awaited rescue. Below is an interview with the highest ranked surviving officer. <Begin Log, [April 17, 20β–ˆβ–ˆ]> Dr. Halen: The destroyer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ sank minutes after locating SCP-473. Why don't you start by explaining how your ship was damaged? XO: Well I know what happened, just not how. As we got closer to the site, these voices got louder. Below decks started reporting some hard knocking against the hull. It got rough as we got close. The ship started to vibrate a bit and some of the electronics shorted out. The captain ordered us to turn around, tried to get us out of there. But by the time we’d come about, they’d already started in on the bolts. Dr. Halen: Could you explain, please? XO: It started to fall apart from the inside. Screws, bolts, nails in the damn furniture… it all started getting knocked out or unscrewed. Even some of the stuff welded in place. The voices got bad too. And the bastards were always so matter-of-fact and calm, even while they were rattling the ship all to hell and taking everything apart. One of them was talking about all the great things he could show me. Another was gibberish I couldn't make out, but she was pissed. We could all hear the voices, there were just no bodies to go with them. It got hard to tell which voices were our crew and which were the damn… whatever they were. Dr. Halen: When was the last time you saw Captain β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? XO: He gave the order to turn around and told me to handle things on the bridge while he checked something below deck. I didn’t know he was missing until after I gave the order to abandon ship and everyone was in the rafts but him. God if that’d only been the end of it… We started rowing away from the wreck and we heard him yelling for help. It was far off, toward the shipwreck. He and I served together for β–ˆ years, we helped bring in SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, I know it was him. I figured he’d gotten knocked overboard or something. And I gave the order for a raft to go get him. Watched them get close to the horizon, must have been 2 or 3 kilometers from the shipwreck when they just went under. No sound to it, like a kid’s bobber getting pulled under by a fish on the line. I’ve seen men die, but I know I sent those guys someplace a lot worse. Wasn’t long after that that Daniels started whispering to me about what a bastard I was, how I sent them all to die for nothing. He said the only way to make it right was to jump out of the raft and join him. Maybe I would have too, if not for the other guys on my raft. We spent hours rowing, with our friends screaming for help behind us. Even when they were far behind us, they didn't stop whispering in our ears. My friend β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ told me it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He never was religious, but he said that he'd found God. He said he only wanted me to see what God had shown him. We don't leave our people behind. We just… we don't. <End Log> Closing Statement: Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and associates present on the research vessel β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ are confirmed to have been "acquired" by SCP-473. Recommend extreme measures be taken to prevent personnel and civilians from expiring in close proximity to SCP-473. Currently advise maintaining containment at present location due to the inherent danger of recovery and the threat of exponential strengthening through acquisition of Class-D subjects at any given Site. Note: Interview subject J. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's corpse was found in his quarters on April 24, 20β–ˆβ–ˆ; suicide is suspected. A note nearby read "I SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT THEM". Testing of SCP-473 as a possible cognitohazard is recommended. Addendum 2: Continuing research has found that one Professor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ led the doomed University expedition to the site of SCP-473. Though his research notes appear to have been lost with him, his last out-going email includes some context of his expedition. Sent 1/15/20β–ˆβ–ˆ Samantha, You're right, the research papers are wordy and I could never put my opinion in them anyway. You already know that he led a small army south to Ecuador and eventually killed the high priest in charge of appeasing Supai. But it seems that he also captured his two daughters and arranged to have them sent back to Spain as examples of the indigenous population. Sick bastard wanted them as trophies, or worse. Anyway, the ship's manifest listed a number of cultural artifacts in the girls' personal belongings. On that list was an item that I think represented the god himself and THAT is the real prize. The manifest lists all manner of gold and artifacts that the University would love to have, even if we don't hit the jackpot on this one… Still, I can't help but get excited about the prospect of bringing back the Inca's 'unholy grail'. All the best, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ P.S. Let's keep this quiet, it'd be a disaster if someone beat us there! Β« SCP-472 | SCP-473 | SCP-474 Β»" "Sonar Image of SCP-473"
[ 9.95468870e-02 -3.66904676e-01 -1.43273041e-01 -1.04235590e-01 7.40142167e-02 -3.37705016e-01 2.48157099e-01 1.06539935e-01 9.04213414e-02 8.73767659e-02 -2.82693505e-01 2.33962432e-01 3.44959229e-01 -3.22517425e-01 2.01896474e-01 6.25219420e-02 2.90978730e-01 2.22142607e-01 -4.15753499e-02 -1.68368712e-01 -3.56400073e-01 -9.09012854e-02 -1.82934120e-01 2.17145875e-01 -3.09752170e-02 2.03853548e-01 5.36937043e-02 -2.49403685e-01 -4.24174041e-01 -4.28364158e-01 4.97326910e-01 3.50088984e-01 5.47116473e-02 4.49589640e-01 -1.10131899e-04 -1.11673631e-01 1.37936771e-01 -3.09767425e-02 -1.83927953e-01 2.10515380e-01 -4.92124259e-01 -1.48726016e-01 -2.40872446e-02 -3.46643329e-01 -2.90687263e-01 -1.26281917e-01 -2.02603072e-01 8.74662101e-02 5.99615872e-01 1.62799388e-01 1.23169839e-01 1.13779776e-01 -1.47853896e-01 4.69986685e-02 3.01307738e-01 -3.92314285e-01 -3.33917618e-01 -1.88972548e-01 4.18262541e-01 -7.52598792e-02 1.64283171e-01 1.51349634e-01 -2.09439307e-01 -1.43199965e-01 -7.20316991e-02 -2.60510832e-01 8.83829221e-02 -6.77769333e-02 1.19025804e-01 3.66564840e-01 -5.83023727e-02 -5.14413267e-02 -1.52296349e-02 8.27970579e-02 -1.08962260e-01 -3.23566914e-01 2.07540751e-01 6.20019361e-02 2.68201679e-02 7.20224828e-02 1.56777918e-01 4.22754675e-01 -1.91740632e-01 -2.19182283e-01 -9.68063101e-02 7.14920282e-01 -1.44075751e-01 7.30381683e-02 1.98876783e-01 -5.88373132e-02 -3.46204787e-01 2.15511546e-01 -4.60397974e-02 3.35115731e-01 -1.75313532e-01 -2.25423515e-01 1.13333166e-01 -1.22946821e-01 7.00500235e-02 2.07036689e-01 3.15580398e-01 2.35184118e-01 -2.73568109e-02 2.20784664e-01 1.22953743e-01 -3.76651287e-02 1.45133317e-01 -7.14923516e-02 -2.88851708e-02 5.39168954e-01 1.74455658e-01 1.43307030e-01 2.87144855e-02 6.60572276e-02 -2.63861537e-01 2.31476173e-01 1.09956242e-01 -3.57604265e-01 -1.48583636e-01 1.58754066e-01 -2.39509329e-01 -1.77488804e-01 5.66380545e-02 1.97204083e-01 4.93982404e-01 1.16499215e-01 7.18085468e-03 -8.60671028e-02 -2.15717942e-01 -3.49937648e-01 1.63791666e-03 -4.04417031e-02 -4.90934044e-01 -8.02678913e-02 -5.64306341e-02 4.88901526e-01 -2.18194306e-01 -2.06470087e-01 -4.67005759e-01 2.03914894e-03 3.07459831e-01 -3.19232464e-01 5.15290141e-01 3.73759568e-01 -2.45367333e-01 -2.98139483e-01 -2.84895241e-01 -1.01430304e-01 -1.66105375e-01 -5.06328754e-02 4.21329737e-01 -1.12366498e-01 -1.03987955e-01 2.41388470e-01 -1.95646003e-01 1.63703993e-01 2.90218174e-01 -2.03214400e-02 -1.00452475e-01 -7.54550323e-02 4.30128187e-01 1.73056275e-01 -3.62504929e-01 1.30223766e-01 3.10670525e-01 3.31090242e-01 9.21409354e-02 -2.04956546e-01 -3.28812450e-02 -2.69861847e-01 2.04162866e-01 -9.98148322e-02 2.07975149e-01 1.13611124e-01 -2.67668635e-01 4.49747778e-02 -3.96103829e-01 -1.22914404e-01 -5.06841421e-01 -7.20036775e-03 -2.36467540e-01 1.56489126e-02 3.92759353e-01 -2.74257004e-01 7.03993440e-02 -2.81898052e-01 -1.20194361e-01 1.05892658e-01 2.40528852e-01 -1.52297691e-01 -9.86889377e-02 -3.84904295e-01 -1.89034060e-01 2.63741970e-01 -1.36732012e-01 -2.41557270e-01 1.42299116e-01 1.60417020e-01 4.94371019e-02 9.69346762e-02 2.82661282e-02 3.01605240e-02 8.15175533e-01 -6.42056912e-02 5.13584763e-02 9.03891623e-02 1.73914358e-01 1.05576431e-02 1.67073622e-01 3.91487122e-01 -2.30166372e-02 -8.06460455e-02 -1.27541348e-01 3.20453942e-02 -3.87276411e-01 -2.72439092e-01 2.16962829e-01 -2.39367671e-02 1.83847085e-01 -3.97808641e-01 -2.19196588e-01 -8.38848352e-02 -2.90990710e-01 1.46647528e-01 3.37626666e-01 1.12855375e-01 -3.44616950e-01 -7.41550028e-02 -2.90558696e-01 4.99300867e-01 2.02861950e-01 -9.20507684e-03 -7.40886480e-02 2.91692037e-02 -1.02504045e-01 5.45827076e-02 9.45079923e-02 7.08100140e-01 -1.90705806e-02 -4.34166402e-01 1.49735153e-01 -1.02494441e-01 1.38296530e-01 8.28709677e-02 -2.51777321e-01 1.20882519e-01 2.03915417e-01 3.71980578e-01 1.58861250e-01 -1.87393725e-01 4.19279009e-01 -4.58583862e-01 -3.34663600e-01 -1.40516341e-01 4.71530780e-02 2.54228175e-01 -3.71733010e-02 3.46569955e-01 1.57104820e-01 -1.82821348e-01 1.41439483e-01 1.19907193e-01 1.77424610e-01 1.15349017e-01 1.58432394e-01 -1.49512589e-01 2.14979768e-01 3.80508214e-01 -8.49005133e-02 1.47729859e-01 -1.11267030e-01 -2.45600045e-01 -1.69845194e-01 -1.85270414e-01 -4.32044128e-03 -1.11687081e-02 -9.23811868e-02 2.00500652e-01 -3.02365087e-02 1.73630208e-01 -1.71361864e-02 -2.65082985e-01 -2.84727752e-01 -3.63199055e-01 1.92077998e-02 -3.34044397e-02 1.80958346e-01 -2.34692603e-01 -1.83863595e-01 5.04016697e-01 1.61384150e-01 -1.24050625e-01 5.72405346e-02 -2.95295030e-01 -2.20144153e-01 2.13830620e-01 -1.81862488e-01 4.46275622e-01 -2.52589405e-01 1.88133061e-01 -3.49650413e-01 -2.35131547e-01 -4.48972024e-02 1.19251072e-01 -3.41313183e-01 -1.28967598e-01 5.02153754e-01 -6.17348254e-02 -8.62176716e-02 -1.48560897e-01 -4.44633603e-01 3.68011951e-01 1.64669696e-02 -5.10137677e-01 1.17807686e-01 -3.43643099e-01 2.55556762e-01 1.01796761e-01 4.65198494e-02 -1.73763931e-01 9.94882584e-02 -1.74126476e-02 -5.36823690e-01 6.28310144e-02 -1.35794029e-01 3.55317146e-02 5.12182452e-02 -2.03751832e-01 3.00590277e-01 -1.87413357e-02 2.28252281e-02 2.52498337e-03 2.40946338e-01 3.28415960e-01 -1.43230647e-01 1.14762120e-01 -6.20799745e-03 -5.12459166e-02 -1.44432798e-01 1.63638696e-01 3.62293236e-02 -9.56778228e-02 -2.90523797e-01 5.09046495e-01 -2.34006032e-01 -3.22964907e-01 -3.31796855e-01 -2.26251841e-01 2.97992557e-01 -1.87299531e-02 -7.61633962e-02 2.35477999e-01 7.39165172e-02 -2.39856988e-01 -1.13667153e-01 -1.85742974e-01 2.98246086e-01 2.56554395e-01 3.96435767e-01 1.04576349e-02 -6.77824989e-02 2.83205092e-01 2.71091968e-01 -1.63222253e-01 -1.40510825e-02 1.52001888e-01 3.06857228e-01 2.17397988e-01 1.88710108e-01 1.12955999e-02 1.45738706e-01 1.70593753e-01 -2.21759781e-01 -1.17623426e-01 1.68110039e-02 4.95114364e-02 1.51878912e-02 2.67152656e-02 -1.15340210e-01 -2.08521122e-03 -1.10542156e-01 6.84117615e-01 2.23020211e-01 -1.65136755e-01 -2.28325248e-01 1.93704009e-01 -1.39682302e-02 -7.71463513e-02 3.45287137e-02 8.57066363e-03 -1.81832299e-01 -1.36409506e-01 -1.99373886e-01 -1.79411471e-01 1.18425921e-01 -2.60469764e-01 3.46501559e-01 -2.69049466e-01 7.52036134e-03 2.77701050e-01 -1.99416921e-01 -1.75086096e-01 -5.52147115e-03 4.36571836e-01 3.64856213e-01 3.40872824e-01 -1.21252529e-01 -2.25367889e-01 -3.18883568e-01 -5.22797480e-02 4.03111607e-01 3.54014598e-02 -6.00673780e-02 2.93413978e-02 2.43625015e-01 -2.24939752e-02 1.31662041e-01 1.08554624e-01 -1.53571516e-01 -4.13409889e-01 -1.98726609e-01 1.95606306e-01 1.79675564e-01 -5.69851995e-01 -7.12987334e-02 -1.62451744e-01 3.55601907e-01 6.78721666e-02 8.42477835e-04 1.84845150e-01 -1.80470183e-01 2.11325392e-01 4.78201061e-02 9.18446407e-02 2.63103712e-02 7.59204775e-02 7.47208476e-01 -1.54713988e-02 6.03488237e-02 -1.28696591e-01 -2.23828465e-01 1.67291597e-01 4.65526044e-01 3.71589899e-01 1.62652522e-01 -1.99075177e-01 3.23657095e-01 -2.51709819e-01 -2.02236786e-01 2.06330612e-01 3.83116245e-01 3.38843167e-01 -9.21379402e-03 1.60584301e-01 -1.99787393e-02 -3.68126988e-01 -2.65077472e-01 2.88517296e-01 -1.11873791e-01 5.26477575e-01 6.11376941e-01 1.23311234e+00 -7.75094032e-02 -9.93591733e-03 1.56842750e-02 -2.67698497e-01 1.33611515e-01 -5.73056936e-01 -2.00536028e-01 -1.28024936e-01 -3.99008654e-02 8.88341591e-02 -2.55905688e-01 4.41679098e-02 1.30845923e-02 -5.01485586e-01 -1.12737924e-01 -2.69742787e-01 -4.35814820e-03 2.47019589e-01 2.74717629e-01 1.13815933e-01 -3.01417321e-01 -2.82045137e-02 2.00038642e-01 -1.02034487e-01 1.80563644e-01 1.18957013e-01 3.87803972e-01 6.75041676e-02 -1.86782047e-01 -2.68513769e-01 3.21604908e-01 5.95152564e-02 1.61731303e-01 -3.05885132e-02 1.70648828e-01 2.49833673e-01 -1.04171664e-01 -5.06640039e-02 -1.91532269e-01 7.79082030e-02 3.53875637e-01 6.75718009e-01 -2.21193776e-01 -7.45858997e-02 6.60076588e-02 6.46530688e-02 1.05743103e-01 -3.19459677e-01 2.15378419e-01 -5.22766672e-02 1.07392244e-01 -1.39591217e-01 3.06149840e-01 6.27244949e-01 -2.05880497e-02 2.76835233e-01 3.82651202e-02 -2.57679939e-01 -2.04394549e-01 2.04993755e-01 -2.57459164e-01 -2.81300515e-01 -6.01433478e-02 5.54337911e-02 -2.91829407e-01 3.45157608e-02 2.10660219e-01 2.72091210e-01 2.10079886e-02 3.98072034e-01 1.53447106e-01 6.40977472e-02 -5.23379087e-01 -1.94200665e-01 3.18243392e-02 -4.43408340e-01 -1.48687884e-01 -1.42918408e-01 -6.61192417e-01 -1.74205616e-01 1.14356920e-01 3.53706211e-01 -2.17639282e-01 -4.61686939e-01 1.28686324e-01 -3.55608240e-02 -1.44340202e-01 3.72263119e-02 2.25851864e-01 -3.26112092e-01 2.19145596e-01 4.33179438e-02 1.08183466e-01 -3.79609168e-01 -9.14464071e-02 -5.32407105e-01 7.19894171e-02 6.84523463e-01 -2.81142950e-01 -2.25115418e-01 -8.43300149e-02 1.76148087e-01 2.45644823e-01 -2.27316976e-01 -2.63100415e-01 -1.50650978e-01 1.37638807e-01 -5.24885617e-02 -5.24696290e-01 -1.85175568e-01 2.74681970e-02 1.12349980e-01 4.01931964e-02 -2.96155930e-01 1.77942023e-01 3.59754413e-01 3.40730816e-01 -4.91061717e-01 1.58403099e-01 7.55976513e-02 -2.35953834e-02 -5.61190434e-02 4.78292167e-01 1.26094252e-01 3.27291749e-02 4.38932739e-02 -1.44841865e-01 1.83211952e-01 2.81149298e-01 -1.01536967e-01 3.07700098e-01 8.95253271e-02 2.02157661e-01 3.11858088e-01 9.47416108e-03 -1.20279066e-01 -6.91930056e-02 -4.19445753e-01 -2.30275899e-01 -8.69843811e-02 2.90608823e-01 1.95260271e-02 8.95846710e-02 -2.60460656e-02 -1.10952213e-01 2.00122863e-01 2.72503048e-01 2.15061054e-01 2.44212504e-02 2.13117167e-01 -4.45011556e-02 2.03125000e-01 3.89886856e-01 2.26238132e-01 7.80157596e-02 1.45842642e-01 -3.00124120e-02 -8.33819732e-02 -1.13860473e-01 4.42403734e-01 1.39099598e-01 -3.31390016e-02 1.35609001e-01 1.03430077e-01 6.42977238e-01 2.59182066e-01 7.52914473e-02 3.64905953e-01 1.11820363e-01 -2.85786420e-01 -1.02140512e-02 2.21462063e-02 3.62003088e-01 -3.52336705e-01 1.03094049e-01 -2.62561440e-01 -1.62290171e-01 7.50759095e-02 -1.25192001e-01 -4.23214406e-01 6.79829866e-02 -2.83538371e-01 -1.49929717e-01 6.52344674e-02 2.69514084e-01 -1.23866603e-01 -1.10054515e-01 1.71449378e-01 2.87798375e-01 -1.81028053e-01 2.28060916e-01 3.50208402e-01 -2.55729228e-01 2.55872130e-01 4.06875283e-01 -4.59909961e-02 2.00043350e-01 2.46293936e-02 3.59307617e-01 6.72593564e-02 -1.17935188e-01 2.92622715e-01 9.35654491e-02 -2.25780934e-01 -2.46834069e-01 1.19035229e-01 6.23966567e-02 -6.16940148e-02 7.97050595e-02 1.46151230e-01 -2.66031623e-01 -5.63673615e-01 2.77404726e-01 4.49807823e-01 3.07164460e-01 -1.99705660e-01 2.06479635e-02 -1.90422192e-01 -9.29829180e-02 1.02206506e-01 -3.88192236e-01 1.02899671e-01 -2.42107045e-02 -1.75424904e-01 1.14338242e-01 6.60246164e-02 7.95711204e-02 -1.22666851e-01 1.34132430e-01 2.78491884e-01 -4.70843054e-02 -1.79559812e-01 -3.67377013e-01 -5.08452058e-02 6.23360686e-02 -3.49338472e-01 -6.83857560e-01 -6.80031553e-02 3.42178375e-01 -1.82167947e-01 1.02344774e-01 1.75079763e-01 -1.06993102e-01 2.08024174e-01 -2.29081273e-01 -3.39250684e-01 -1.14551306e-01 2.60630518e-01 2.48848930e-01 -1.83343098e-01 -2.26352274e-01 -6.44585118e-02 2.73491532e-01 1.77830219e-01 1.71115492e-02 -4.16198313e-01 1.28716975e-01 2.16871887e-01 2.96825230e-01 2.76795682e-02 3.52969646e-01 -2.66119465e-02 -2.59678096e-01 3.79069239e-01 1.31922975e-01 -3.42641287e-02 1.44334575e-02 -1.11243263e-01 1.37364030e-01 1.45898089e-01 3.21267575e-01 -9.57990810e-02 -7.37937093e-02 -5.17522357e-02 1.01537161e-01 -3.26435834e-01 1.32279098e-01 1.14664752e-02 1.04091570e-01 -1.95305228e-01 1.77891225e-01 1.57436907e-01 -1.04009531e-01 -2.59523243e-01 -6.36875853e-02 3.04960072e-01 -9.45795253e-02 -7.42251500e-02 -3.32191363e-02 3.19137782e-01 -3.45792055e-01 1.60591647e-01 -2.16399312e-01 -1.25476912e-01 1.33589981e-02 -6.09502681e-02 -3.18669319e-01 -4.43802588e-02 -1.74312517e-01 -3.14327632e-03 -1.45170733e-01 -1.88512087e-01 1.31102368e-01 6.30402490e-02 -3.00037026e-01 7.84233660e-02]
"β„žFM" active "Item #: SCP-474 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Portions of SCP-474 which exist inside of physical space are secured within Foundation-made pill bottles. Bottles are stored inside a locked medicine cabinet, itself located within an anomaly storage vault. All non-hazardous recordings of SCP-474 audio are on the research team's shared hard drive space, with any cognitohazardous audio being stored on a secure server with restricted access. Foundation personnel embedded in educational systems are to encourage zero-tolerance drug policies on college campuses in order to maximize the possibility of SCP-474 instances being discovered. Agents under the cover of being law enforcement agencies are to seize these whenever possible, and destroy them if deemed unrecoverable. Description: SCP-474 denominates pills produced for non-medicinal purposes by Alexylva University in apparent collaboration with the Oneiroi Collective. Each occurrence of SCP-474 is blue, and analysis has shown it to be chemically identical to generic sugar-based placebo pills. When ingested, SCP-474 will affect the consumer until the next time they enter REM sleep. Audio broadcast from Alexylva University will begin playing through their mouths, consisting of station breaks and notes associated with that campus' radio station. This spoken-word programming will be in the subject's native language, with mute subjects mouthing words and DHH individuals enunciating as they would attempting speech normally. Although music is frequently referenced, it has not been broadcast audibly. Affected individuals who remember their dreams will report them as having a heavy musical theme. Dreamers, even musicians, have been unable to replicate the sounds they heard but have universally described it as some variation of 'trippy'. The speaker within Alexylva appears to have some connection with the individuals they broadcast through, as multiple subjects tuned in to the station in their dreams will have identical muscle contractions and eye movement while being affected. See Addendum 474-B for more information. SCP-474 was discovered after a local broadcast news station in [REDACTED] aired a story about a 'drug craze' at a local community college campus. Sixty-five(65) instances of SCP-474 were recovered from various members of the student body. Since then, approximately fifty(50) caches of SCP-474 are recovered annually from various college and university campuses in North Africa, North America, Europe, Eurasia, Oceania and Australia. Foundation personnel working on SCP-474 who receive recruitment literature from Alexylva University in their dreams are to report to their supervisors immediately upon waking. Addendum 474-A: Documentation associated with SCP-474. Alexylva University proudly proclaims another triumph in their successful working relationship with the Oneiroi Collective Educational Animus, a method for mentally-crowded students to let airwaves flow into their ears and put to good use that time which is wasted sleeping. University Elders pray to the gods that this provides an outlet for student stress and as there are no known side-effects mixing with other school-sponsored narcotics, it can be acquired from any nurse station. β€” Alexylva University Staff Oneiroi Dreams of Radio Eat a pill before dreamtime. Enjoy dream programming. Advertising is provided for those in the waking world. Don't mind them. Keep rockin' the dream. Addendum 474-B: Testing logs of SCP-474 audio phenomenon. Subject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: Note: Subject reported dreaming of roaming swamps on an elephant while dancing while tearing their eyes out, which was reported as enjoyable. Subject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: Note: Subject noted songs in an incomprehensible language sung to them as they explored a hilly area, before waking up when a storm began forming above them. Subject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: Note: Subject was not able to remember their dreams. Subject/Intake: D-0327, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: Note: Last known broadcast of DJ Otay, real name believed to be Polybus Maximus. Subject/Intake: D-0412, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: Note: The following note was regurgitated by D-0412 following the conclusion of the test. Although these are rainy days for all those who love peace on campus, the threat of political violence will not prevent the normal carrying out of campus activities. The announcement of consular election results will be announced on the campus forum. Simultaneously, funeral services to those who perished due to violence against citizens will be held on the adjacent green. Beloved campus figure Polybus Maximus will be put to rest, along Campus maniple security will be present, to prevent any violence between these groups, so please feel free to safely attend either event. β€” Alexylva University Staff Subject/Intake: D-0412, two(2) SCP-474 pills prior to sleeping. Result: After several hours of dead air emanating from D-0412's mouth, along with distant sounds of human screams and mayhem, an individual believed to be Maximinus Thrax, the captain of the Visigoth Gladiators Combat Sport team, entered the station and proclaimed this message. Note: Shortly after the broadcast ended, D-0412 spontaneously suffered dozens of simultaneous spear wounds. Testing has been suspended until a cost-benefit analysis of potential D-Class resources being lost can be performed. Β« SCP-473 | SCP-474 | SCP-475 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-474" by jinjja and Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-474 under its present containment procedures"
[ 1.15019619e-01 -3.45332414e-01 -1.17721282e-01 -2.32437268e-01 -3.94959003e-02 -3.93549621e-01 1.47997111e-01 1.48997664e-01 1.87062815e-01 1.33458599e-01 1.04001425e-01 2.15414926e-01 -4.78078872e-01 -1.40104935e-01 2.82135844e-01 2.28535041e-01 -3.11335418e-02 2.94073284e-01 1.88871771e-01 -4.30781007e-01 -1.94284126e-01 -8.08375999e-02 -2.27536306e-01 1.99219108e-01 -1.13257207e-02 -8.69273320e-02 2.93825716e-01 1.63229302e-01 -2.07437336e-01 -2.77805954e-01 4.44286652e-02 4.21235770e-01 -1.07886761e-01 1.26130745e-01 -1.10065172e-04 -1.64595500e-01 8.87529328e-02 -9.16258767e-02 -2.97061652e-01 7.17928633e-04 -4.91680801e-01 -8.63372013e-02 -2.22674072e-01 -1.42041922e-01 -1.11428492e-01 -2.52800673e-01 -7.02365767e-03 6.53804094e-03 4.03057128e-01 1.60065919e-01 1.45102233e-01 -5.42362407e-02 -8.45410977e-04 4.60911244e-02 1.63910046e-01 -1.32173076e-01 1.15103088e-02 -5.58975376e-02 3.60189795e-01 8.08624849e-02 1.06655508e-01 3.27069700e-01 -4.07328039e-01 1.04699947e-01 1.03643455e-01 -3.33318144e-01 -5.26471883e-02 -4.01082724e-01 2.66429067e-01 2.97902107e-01 1.39620960e-01 -1.63399130e-01 8.00684541e-02 6.40742183e-02 2.00433452e-02 -3.28026682e-01 1.44863471e-01 8.44599530e-02 -7.96421692e-02 1.97755113e-01 7.03370525e-03 3.02363604e-01 -1.61221355e-01 1.86778009e-02 6.69153109e-02 2.29984924e-01 -1.99791864e-01 7.20060319e-02 3.82030904e-01 -2.00822607e-01 -2.28401572e-01 1.96322292e-01 1.78910330e-01 1.33142948e-01 -6.39606044e-02 -1.57122299e-01 1.47222385e-01 7.38357529e-02 2.65828043e-01 2.53790736e-01 3.58224958e-01 1.59743860e-01 6.72693849e-02 1.88279346e-01 -8.39710981e-02 -5.60020469e-02 2.77392179e-01 -2.18507871e-01 -7.81162502e-03 4.35814202e-01 -4.84335721e-02 2.37042904e-01 -3.31571072e-01 1.93065986e-01 7.88716674e-02 -2.04538345e-01 -1.97029546e-01 -2.43049681e-01 -4.04580146e-01 3.24485064e-01 -6.74867213e-01 1.68429404e-01 -9.58027393e-02 3.20082098e-01 6.06864929e-01 3.38694870e-01 1.52243018e-01 -1.23600185e-01 1.09658511e-02 -1.79035336e-01 -1.34326667e-01 9.82040465e-02 -2.14796931e-01 1.42377555e-01 1.14282876e-01 5.48383594e-01 1.20997898e-01 -1.62702292e-01 -6.59018476e-03 -3.02064657e-01 2.92359740e-01 -7.85815641e-02 6.26433492e-01 5.60220778e-01 -2.00016722e-01 6.70722201e-02 -2.39360511e-01 -2.60675400e-01 -1.74660712e-01 4.36112434e-02 2.87492990e-01 -1.30659938e-01 2.88367383e-02 2.68744677e-01 -1.38340965e-01 6.87220246e-02 5.11965454e-01 8.06836877e-03 -3.56837772e-02 -4.90010865e-02 2.57748842e-01 -1.23052724e-01 -1.64731637e-01 -1.08416125e-01 2.30392426e-01 1.82315186e-01 -1.06061511e-01 -2.99913347e-01 -1.52908847e-01 7.42914379e-02 -5.31509109e-02 -4.35140878e-02 -7.71626085e-02 8.84521082e-02 9.53195430e-03 2.00008750e-01 -1.49774164e-01 -3.70550334e-01 -6.22561514e-01 -4.62570220e-01 -4.11984622e-01 1.10777430e-01 4.63048965e-01 -1.52933732e-01 1.76523626e-02 -2.99718268e-02 2.26615012e-01 -1.78314179e-01 3.72172594e-01 -1.08373433e-01 -2.07978904e-01 -4.61763471e-01 -3.09165597e-01 2.10479528e-01 -1.12292111e-01 -3.67376953e-01 1.13369927e-01 2.77129292e-01 2.15725914e-01 1.94719195e-01 -1.07413836e-01 3.04870978e-02 4.88014728e-01 4.36228663e-02 -1.86653793e-01 -7.55281523e-02 1.20128736e-01 -1.91412419e-01 4.46132272e-01 2.40008414e-01 -2.64014661e-01 -3.61019552e-01 -1.72479022e-02 2.52382979e-02 -1.43679455e-01 -3.20042104e-01 2.49141499e-01 4.26684499e-01 1.14037886e-01 -1.49052739e-01 -1.49875909e-01 2.28290379e-01 -8.97889733e-02 -1.90903038e-01 -6.19423017e-02 -1.35902418e-02 5.78771941e-02 -6.91558346e-02 -2.46775046e-01 5.44467390e-01 1.89355284e-01 1.46959633e-01 2.96449989e-01 1.23265712e-02 -1.78475171e-01 -1.64315164e-01 4.28801239e-01 8.53539228e-01 -1.08292073e-01 -2.05666482e-01 3.08142364e-01 -1.72412828e-01 1.09395906e-01 7.49001354e-02 -5.43880537e-02 2.32283309e-01 7.43708551e-01 -5.76007068e-02 1.86968550e-01 1.11978844e-01 2.93578625e-01 -2.65272349e-01 -2.83737719e-01 -1.98880397e-02 -5.13230488e-02 -1.22593410e-01 -9.18876454e-02 3.56380455e-02 -1.56463534e-01 4.43471283e-01 1.81401253e-01 -1.06972277e-01 3.83553505e-01 -1.87388122e-01 -4.25601333e-01 -2.54388005e-01 1.64872825e-01 5.60186684e-01 -2.47922391e-02 1.54199809e-01 2.30031833e-02 -2.80755043e-01 -2.28929445e-01 -1.17394634e-01 -2.07668915e-01 1.68761551e-01 -2.02939227e-01 1.79047063e-01 1.59326628e-01 1.92147922e-02 -2.28086427e-01 -2.23820195e-01 -9.67721120e-02 -1.56159103e-01 -1.83455035e-01 -8.94064531e-02 -2.35870242e-01 -1.75624222e-01 -2.58479059e-01 3.32252383e-01 3.86347204e-01 -9.34319943e-02 1.00246184e-01 2.19263896e-01 -2.02148587e-01 2.35967562e-01 1.08437806e-01 5.69657564e-01 -2.43014589e-01 1.82064265e-01 4.25652005e-02 9.93939638e-02 1.88694492e-01 1.54502615e-01 -3.20237726e-01 1.86776772e-01 4.76482868e-01 -1.47876382e-01 -2.10128486e-01 -7.89680257e-02 -2.91992277e-01 2.36043081e-01 1.56525105e-01 -3.33860934e-01 -7.83919916e-02 -9.22199413e-02 -2.16569960e-01 -2.83154935e-01 -5.45897074e-02 -3.87388289e-01 1.10413633e-01 1.52856082e-01 -1.45148158e-01 -1.21694170e-01 -1.35878459e-01 -1.32199928e-01 -3.66720647e-01 -1.07958093e-01 1.75288226e-02 8.13069940e-02 1.48651049e-01 1.23976566e-01 7.25714043e-02 4.05141264e-01 -2.09899962e-01 1.17147297e-01 -3.14956218e-01 -1.80517808e-02 -1.32172123e-01 -1.40113696e-01 -1.97299030e-02 -1.91770911e-01 -1.84353903e-01 1.31881729e-01 -6.40319602e-04 -2.60797292e-01 -1.85872510e-01 -2.75122258e-03 2.91900486e-01 8.22106078e-02 -3.59249115e-01 3.86267126e-01 1.93176031e-01 -3.01644266e-01 -1.53036535e-01 -8.95903409e-02 1.92154899e-01 3.92402001e-02 1.22701660e-01 -1.11475892e-01 -1.80350959e-01 4.03913677e-01 4.13540870e-01 1.80644140e-01 -1.22265182e-01 -2.37430692e-01 2.42750496e-01 1.46290153e-01 1.18574999e-01 2.45818764e-01 3.49242330e-01 1.79029316e-01 -1.81727991e-01 2.11394563e-01 1.35642085e-02 -4.45592421e-04 2.23195896e-01 1.64031550e-01 -3.45180899e-01 -1.14296913e-01 1.52421176e-01 4.62374061e-01 9.66125354e-02 -1.05409659e-01 -1.25818476e-01 2.36396436e-02 -9.26484540e-03 -2.09363714e-01 2.14329168e-01 1.80927459e-02 8.58924910e-02 -3.62057984e-01 -1.20879095e-02 -2.90678680e-01 8.32776651e-02 1.02616921e-01 4.78018314e-01 -4.39912379e-01 -2.39055514e-01 3.30081493e-01 -1.77128538e-01 -2.45206699e-01 -3.66535001e-02 6.01468027e-01 4.35364813e-01 4.55939651e-01 2.28467569e-01 -4.63629439e-02 -4.57389146e-01 -1.81431398e-01 1.52570069e-01 -2.29040086e-01 -1.40813753e-01 1.15766421e-01 2.00425789e-01 1.02491923e-01 1.89336568e-01 2.63635784e-01 3.18539023e-01 -5.99450827e-01 -4.12076861e-01 -3.30592021e-02 1.90982759e-01 -2.36356586e-01 -5.07937491e-01 -2.29787365e-01 6.69821978e-01 -8.77059356e-04 2.57517844e-01 1.71837941e-01 1.52663186e-01 -1.05242161e-02 -3.64741795e-02 5.99396467e-01 -1.01879388e-01 3.15530926e-01 2.78639168e-01 6.72619417e-02 4.62876707e-02 1.20555058e-01 -1.37885317e-01 -3.81434485e-02 5.80855966e-01 -1.74422711e-01 2.74461269e-01 1.94212254e-02 2.46202759e-02 -6.61760494e-02 -1.53206632e-01 5.91803193e-01 2.60100216e-01 2.43896067e-01 -4.14078981e-01 1.81512550e-01 1.08330525e-01 -4.52294797e-01 -1.08952492e-01 2.24185959e-01 -4.95187230e-02 3.67664695e-01 -1.90247577e-02 1.26860631e+00 9.21378955e-02 1.34577423e-01 7.74189010e-02 -1.06692187e-01 7.91007578e-02 -3.41651559e-01 -2.63639390e-02 5.36107980e-02 1.72960043e-01 1.31224975e-01 -1.28797486e-01 6.77727582e-03 3.16075057e-01 -2.92523295e-01 -1.64974675e-01 -3.40377986e-01 1.40871108e-01 3.75345767e-01 -4.05499712e-03 7.11626485e-02 -9.89349000e-03 3.67233187e-01 2.24175423e-01 5.46461642e-02 8.12843591e-02 8.11194256e-02 1.00191161e-01 -1.92285970e-01 4.54399213e-02 -4.21201795e-01 -2.86409929e-02 -5.51714338e-02 2.77374834e-01 -3.10723037e-01 1.55052006e-01 -1.67079479e-01 -2.86628336e-01 -1.78428441e-01 2.14686543e-01 -2.00526923e-01 2.03384370e-01 6.70772552e-01 -6.88007986e-03 3.37004811e-01 4.21699993e-02 4.37926441e-01 1.49957864e-02 -2.71892548e-01 9.47390571e-02 1.59957111e-01 -8.19493011e-02 -2.23294660e-01 -6.47057816e-02 2.23424837e-01 5.80633171e-02 1.23101078e-01 4.15284306e-01 -4.92995262e-01 -2.33246967e-01 1.93019837e-01 1.48894504e-01 -2.75190622e-01 5.30762821e-02 -1.47909792e-02 -1.05715416e-01 -2.93162521e-02 2.49593347e-01 2.88677126e-01 1.63834840e-01 6.52068928e-02 -2.65242636e-01 -2.43607163e-01 -4.96316254e-01 -9.28772166e-02 -1.58725575e-01 -3.93851399e-01 -1.21842511e-01 4.25473228e-02 -4.81965691e-01 -1.56568825e-01 1.40509754e-01 -7.75253996e-02 -1.43214718e-01 -4.70115215e-01 -3.54658514e-01 1.57254487e-01 1.39659896e-01 -1.46582812e-01 1.54329374e-01 1.07676648e-02 3.70554835e-01 -7.75349885e-02 -5.51050566e-02 -4.19761628e-01 4.72813919e-02 -2.98754752e-01 -1.82186186e-01 3.13078016e-01 -5.63420244e-02 1.56471595e-01 -8.80136490e-02 1.78956106e-01 2.68903434e-01 -1.09142847e-01 -2.37748772e-01 -9.06893909e-02 1.51145771e-01 9.70360544e-03 -1.10875301e-01 -1.95097122e-02 -8.51843432e-02 2.20013574e-01 9.68431383e-02 1.34475797e-01 1.15485281e-01 4.41823572e-01 2.65097558e-01 -1.34556681e-01 3.08632076e-01 1.61932319e-01 3.45819741e-01 8.54071826e-02 1.13708422e-01 -7.82738551e-02 -7.25934356e-02 -1.88892230e-01 -7.36321211e-02 1.08492859e-01 2.15941593e-01 -2.88770854e-01 3.22574317e-01 3.77807587e-01 1.14393560e-02 -1.45789795e-02 -1.25685170e-01 2.82619540e-02 2.12025031e-01 -4.91265595e-01 -1.80429444e-01 -1.30536063e-02 3.26323420e-01 -1.18729994e-01 -4.50919494e-02 -3.27069432e-01 -3.55473831e-02 5.53523824e-02 2.20297307e-01 3.08241457e-01 -4.31493968e-01 1.52902886e-01 -1.47562355e-01 3.04248005e-01 -1.47129744e-01 1.26490727e-01 1.55756608e-01 9.08659399e-02 -1.16405733e-01 -5.80609255e-02 7.38722831e-02 4.11919981e-01 2.60705799e-01 -1.15254030e-01 5.66004850e-02 6.28064275e-01 9.89670679e-02 1.23323627e-01 9.63629484e-02 3.30447890e-02 2.48285219e-01 -1.23432316e-01 3.03000271e-01 -2.07520619e-01 1.32256925e-01 -4.83999997e-01 -4.62550037e-02 3.28907818e-02 -1.73836112e-01 -3.42732370e-02 1.19293347e-01 -2.14950498e-02 -9.95606557e-02 -4.80960727e-01 -2.77402937e-01 -6.42470494e-02 6.32381812e-02 -3.37252617e-02 -2.19965428e-01 -1.26934454e-01 -1.42010404e-02 -4.43347633e-01 3.96642014e-02 2.74770707e-01 -3.57815892e-01 1.67124033e-01 2.62409478e-01 1.96191981e-01 2.83456892e-01 -6.36708662e-02 2.99955606e-01 -7.55487308e-02 -6.28094673e-02 2.45595708e-01 -5.26203476e-02 -2.17592031e-01 -2.37707421e-01 8.46696123e-02 4.64819521e-01 -6.23723157e-02 4.23708446e-02 1.84052452e-01 -2.80899912e-01 -2.72277862e-01 2.49500632e-01 4.09647703e-01 4.63030376e-02 -2.49262918e-02 -1.87212780e-01 -3.11878949e-01 -6.23660758e-02 -6.68692738e-02 -2.62789011e-01 1.90437227e-01 9.80093982e-03 -5.32485880e-02 2.96532720e-01 -2.70526141e-01 8.32551569e-02 3.78302820e-02 1.60192132e-01 1.19501911e-02 -5.61889745e-02 1.10965848e-01 -3.17663759e-01 -3.31273109e-01 2.20598415e-01 -1.95779398e-01 -6.77990496e-01 -2.61440217e-01 3.97323668e-02 2.48347536e-01 7.06493929e-02 -7.07599521e-02 -1.77830145e-01 6.53073043e-02 -3.53525758e-01 -3.02425891e-01 -2.14352999e-02 4.86719936e-01 1.09678559e-01 7.67417401e-02 -2.79644132e-01 1.64732605e-01 1.14287086e-01 1.51243180e-01 3.95204760e-02 -1.90797135e-01 -7.71208033e-02 4.07399498e-02 2.95065075e-01 -3.62159200e-02 4.23028380e-01 -2.99129099e-01 -2.22363323e-01 -1.54322132e-01 3.54140043e-01 -3.30529660e-01 -2.27316439e-01 -1.57323599e-01 4.28504378e-01 2.17494234e-01 4.83208835e-01 1.75638571e-01 -1.36456430e-01 -1.40637353e-01 2.08748039e-02 -2.99833030e-01 -5.34141585e-02 -1.02841906e-01 1.15572952e-01 -6.90387040e-02 1.99416742e-01 5.14536863e-03 -2.30001867e-01 -1.79047674e-01 -2.63493836e-01 4.91675109e-01 -7.76579091e-03 -4.75038886e-02 1.85410641e-02 4.41368908e-01 -2.00217083e-01 -1.26276076e-01 -5.05885065e-01 -9.93530080e-02 8.09934288e-02 1.79219306e-01 -2.70825058e-01 1.89536121e-02 -1.45369515e-01 -3.06106806e-01 -8.88698623e-02 1.43766373e-01 3.87171507e-02 -7.28990510e-02 -1.42647490e-01 -2.65103102e-01]
"Soap of a Pope" active "Item #: SCP-475 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-475 is to be kept in a watertight containment locker in Storage Unit 45-C of Site-36. All testing with para-religions requires permission from the Site Director. To prevent religious Groups of Interest from learning of the object's existence, knowledge of SCP-475 is to follow Level III Infosecurity Protocol. Description: SCP-475 is an ornate sculpture of soap depicting an unidentified Pope. Inscribed at the base of the statue is the phrase "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Analysis reveals the object to be composed of long-chain saturated fatty acids (CH3-(CH2)n), totaling 89.7% of its mass, with the remaining 10.3% corresponding to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, attached as the hydrophilic head. It is believed that the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ gives SCP-475 its unique properties, but all attempts to recreate this compound have failed. When SCP-475 comes into contact with water and is applied to the skin, all accumulated foreign contaminants are removed. Tested materials include dead skin cells, perspiration, bodily parasites, mold, dirt, and detergents. Post test examinations have shown that 100% of foreign contaminants are removed, a statistical anomaly. This process only occurs when used on human skin. All attempts so-far to use SCP-475 on non-humans have failed to produce its anomalous effects. Testing on anomalous animals, such as SCP-1845 or SCP-2050, is pending approval. Unlike typical soaps, the usage of SCP-475 does not damage it. SCP-475's secondary anomalous effects manifest when it is used on a professing member of an organized religion. Subjects universally report greater mental clarity, show greater adherence to church doctrine, and rate at least 15 centiakiva more on the Brandon-Spencer Piety Scale. These effects increase in intensity the longer the subject uses the object, culminating in local reality changes, signified by all bodies of water within a 5 meter radius turning into an equivalent liquid that is considered "holy" in the subject's religion. Examples of these changes can be found in Test-Log-475. Addendum: SCP-475 came under Foundation containment when insubordinate elements of the Horizon Initiative relinquished control of it. These elements cited a desire to maintain unity and prevent infighting as to why the object could not be kept. SCP-475 was allegedly recovered from the residence of the Catholic Cardinal, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was found deceased from injuries "consistent with upside-down crucifixion."1 The following materials were also provided: I write this document to preserve the personal revelation invested in me. Over these past years, I have grappled with my faith. Having committed it to paper, the idea seems absurd. I, a leader of the faith. I, whose vote has determined the successor of Peter. I, who has undeniable proof of God's glory. The Initiative, for all of its missteps and blasphemy, has provided undeniable proof of God's glory. Proof that has to be withheld from the world due to inscrutable agreements with occult forces who do not have salvation in mind. Despite this undeniable proof, I wrestled with fears that God is not almighty. How can a God so glorious and almighty stand by as false idols exert their forces over man? By the grace of God, my fears have been quelled. The night before, I beheld an apparition of Mary. To try to capture the glory of it would be futile, but it is an experience too magnificent to withhold. We were out at sea. Below the waves, I could see the Church Penitent, awaiting purification. Further below that, deep beneath, there was Creation. All around us were the gilded statues of Saints, each linked to a church, far below us. The Virgin Mother herself was resplendent, situated atop a pedestal, the pedestal carried by a many-winged creature of fire. In her right arm, she held the Savior. In her left, a block of marble. She confided in me, told me of my purpose. Encased in the marble were the Keys of Heaven, the Church's Magisterium itself, the Authority to Commune with Saints. I was to take it, "free the keys", and cleanse the Church Militant. Then, "All will be made clear". When I woke up, there was a block of soap on my nightstand. Queer, but I do not question the machinations of God. Every day since that night has been hazy. I have worked with a fervor to accomplish this mission. Even to this moment, I have my doubts. But I am human. It is in my nature to doubt. If there is once thing I can be certain of, it is that I am a cog in God's plan. -β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Addendum: SCP-475 approved for extensive testing with para-religions. Note: Due to the scarcity of para-religion adherents under Foundation control, SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been approved to create suitable test subjects. Test Subject's Religion: Roman Catholicism Duration: 3 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into mixture of olive oil and balsam, consistent with the Chrism oil employed in various Catholic rituals. Stigmata manifested in subject's hands. Notes: Subject was heard reciting Confiteor as anomalous effects took place. The stigmata healed over the course of the next three days. Test Subject's Religion: Roman Catholicism (Sedevacantist) Duration: 5 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into mixture of olive oil and balsam, consistent with the Chrism oil employed in various Catholic rituals. No overt anomalous effects observed. Notes: Post-test interview indicated that the subject accepted the current Pope as rightful Pontifex Maximus. Test Subject's Religion: Pentecostal Duration: 11 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into pasteurized grape juice. Subject began exhibiting glossolalia. Subject displayed xenoglossy in the post-test interview. Notes: Subject made the following requests: Requests denied. Test Subject's Religion: Hasidic Judaism Duration: 60 minutes Results: Testing was aborted after failure to produce anomalous results. Subject vehemently denied any change in behavior or mindset. Notes: Kant counters measured a β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ% increase in ambient hume levels. Further testing warranted. Test Subject's Religion: Broken Church Duration: 13 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into machine oil. Subject began manifesting symptoms of SCP-217 infection. Notes: Subject was placed under quarantine. Within 48 hours, the SCP-217 infection present in its system had been rendered inert. Subject transferred to Site-234 for further study. Test Subject's Religion: Cogwork Orthodox Duration: 14 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into machine oil. Subject proceeded to transform into metallic, ovoid object bearing numerous markings on the surface. Notes: Resultant object pending classification as an instance of SCP-1564. Test Subject's Religion: Maxwellism Duration: 15 minutes Results: Water transmuted into thermal adhesive. Testing terminated as subject began complaining about a "splitting headache". Analysis indicates that part of subject's brain had been replaced with cybernetics inconsistent with standard Maxwellist augments. Notes: Subject claims to have experienced a continuation of "The Signal", a hallucinatory vision all Maxwellists experience after undergoing implantation of their first augments. In this vision, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Test Subject's Religion: Neo-Sarkicism Duration: 30 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into blood. Subject began morphing into an instance of SK-BIO Type β–ˆ. Testing suspended and subject sedated. Upon resumption, subject calcified into a roughly ellipsoidal object and began emitting thermal radiation in the microwave range. Notes: Further testing with Neo-Sarkic Cults suspended in order to prevent APOTHEOSIS events. Subject currently in secondary storage at Site-10. Test Subject's Religion: Children of the Scarlet King Duration: 45 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into blood. Subject underwent a series of transformations, turning into progressively more advanced (in the Daevite caste system) variants of the DV-BIO Type. Transformations culminated with the subject becoming a Colossal Squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) and expiring. Notes: Genetic testing indicates that the blood is from the common Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Test Subject's Religion: Fifthism Duration: 25 minutes Results: Water transmuted into 100 specimens of the subphylum Asterozoa. Subject melted into candle wax. Notes: Suspected connections to SCP-1523. Test Subject's Religion: Church of the Second Hytoth Duration: 30 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into blood. Subject's forehead developed pigmentation in the shape of a seven pointed star. Subject displays previously unknown knowledge of Hytothan rituals and the language of Ortothan. Notes: Analysis indicates that the blood is from the common Seven-Arm Octopus (Haliphron atlanticus). Test Subject's Religion: Children of the Torch Duration: 17 Minutes Results: Water transmuted into an aqueous flame, similar to those created by SCP-2814. Subject then melted into a waxy substance, yet remained motile and cognizant. Notes: Subject expired after 24 hours. Remains stored on Site-23. Test Subject's Religion: Australian Church of Australia Duration: 1 minute Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] Note: Further testing with the Australian Church of Australia requires unanimous approval from the O5 Council. Research into preventing AU-Class End of The World Scenarios deemed a Class XI priority. Β« SCP-474 | SCP-475 | SCP-476 Β»" nan
[ 3.46589386e-01 -2.25750864e-01 -1.96046904e-01 4.96330205e-03 5.54803684e-02 -5.02193645e-02 -2.43664645e-02 1.90723091e-01 6.21575832e-01 1.96923643e-01 2.01983675e-01 4.16575111e-02 -1.53136581e-01 -1.62310958e-01 6.59930110e-02 -5.29067218e-02 1.88690305e-01 4.32953864e-01 1.88939676e-01 -1.11472994e-01 -8.99118409e-02 -3.06944638e-01 1.85773835e-01 8.26769322e-02 5.17145544e-02 3.76015790e-02 -2.46773940e-02 9.94737968e-02 -1.60685986e-01 -4.13729459e-01 -2.19359860e-01 2.04259634e-01 1.18592098e-01 3.87669802e-01 -1.12873742e-04 -1.30749032e-01 1.17966004e-01 6.94745257e-02 6.92914054e-02 3.50554809e-02 -4.64529485e-01 -5.01379967e-02 -2.43975148e-02 -1.41568080e-01 2.93275833e-01 2.11956687e-02 2.11352520e-02 2.04604790e-01 4.26510215e-01 1.12616941e-01 1.64173260e-01 -2.02983975e-01 -3.78777623e-01 1.74094170e-01 -1.24424838e-01 -5.10642491e-02 -1.41963497e-01 1.23237617e-01 -2.61550434e-02 1.40937090e-01 2.14698806e-01 6.08357675e-02 -5.71489990e-01 3.05764321e-02 1.84857965e-01 -2.15110153e-01 3.41762930e-01 -1.71889305e-01 3.43903035e-01 2.92457312e-01 2.23536938e-01 8.55842233e-02 9.46669877e-02 9.97444317e-02 1.51609778e-01 -1.86491355e-01 1.12341978e-01 8.16689059e-02 1.49770603e-02 -1.69452980e-01 -2.09421948e-01 2.37057880e-01 -2.56903082e-01 6.50827121e-03 1.16094658e-02 2.42533907e-01 -3.00599430e-02 -9.92369503e-02 1.68097705e-01 8.34582821e-02 -2.96123713e-01 -3.36881608e-01 2.99270805e-02 8.15112963e-02 2.16114625e-01 1.04716338e-01 1.64987534e-01 2.93063998e-01 2.60770041e-03 2.02735856e-01 9.17108476e-01 2.42670059e-01 -5.57576828e-02 3.15254666e-02 -3.97698060e-02 2.14429513e-01 2.31540456e-01 -6.45877898e-01 -1.16322137e-01 4.22583699e-01 -6.32224008e-02 2.27373824e-01 9.89305750e-02 -4.70383056e-02 -3.83744724e-02 1.32936135e-01 1.96439903e-02 -1.21944554e-01 -1.41057506e-01 4.66969550e-01 -3.88205320e-01 7.51980618e-02 3.38929147e-02 2.08489239e-01 1.38731316e-01 5.03805578e-01 -1.57890812e-01 -2.14931997e-03 5.59655242e-02 3.54056716e-01 -4.04224172e-02 2.44432658e-01 -3.74841630e-01 1.09692149e-01 -2.53927335e-02 -4.66989949e-02 -3.24266553e-01 2.90691690e-03 1.44181952e-01 -1.08052798e-01 -2.85210997e-01 -2.01955169e-01 7.47007668e-01 2.89024293e-01 -2.55987961e-02 -1.95012659e-01 1.12312682e-01 -1.93056762e-01 -2.06654578e-01 -9.08159465e-03 1.53252795e-01 -7.13697895e-02 1.20132260e-01 2.42702857e-01 -2.49242917e-01 1.91055033e-02 5.39964497e-01 8.02760050e-02 -2.51763433e-01 5.73533103e-02 1.59746841e-01 -5.05742952e-02 -4.37165022e-01 -2.64950663e-01 -4.68758605e-02 3.50209415e-01 -3.93202901e-01 -9.77329686e-02 3.11556570e-02 1.39828324e-01 -2.26726308e-01 -2.37815175e-02 1.48666471e-01 3.52173448e-01 -1.96517706e-01 4.82958667e-02 -7.04146445e-01 -2.68131167e-01 -5.18731654e-01 -2.78104007e-01 6.00483175e-03 3.61935437e-01 2.22879067e-01 -2.60572553e-01 7.50212669e-02 1.23424642e-01 -4.06786323e-01 6.64347485e-02 5.84459044e-02 -7.72807524e-02 -1.16567738e-01 -1.43953666e-01 -1.84878111e-01 -1.78390458e-01 9.29783508e-02 1.01921834e-01 1.03667773e-01 -7.12255910e-02 2.77187645e-01 -1.85225740e-01 -1.23083368e-01 1.55329593e-02 4.46237475e-01 2.60376722e-01 -1.00257166e-01 1.62909314e-01 9.63888019e-02 5.42650223e-02 5.52807748e-01 3.71416658e-01 -4.36260611e-01 -3.37611139e-02 -2.11958721e-01 8.36569071e-02 -2.52557546e-01 -3.46278161e-01 2.51202494e-01 4.07532394e-01 1.64694622e-01 -2.58484989e-01 2.05415696e-01 1.47329360e-01 2.12023661e-01 -2.10880667e-01 3.89245618e-03 1.43149540e-01 -1.85136124e-02 -2.13333547e-01 -1.38218328e-01 2.50594735e-01 1.73717290e-01 -1.41188562e-01 1.39505211e-02 -1.75022528e-01 -3.80564868e-01 -1.74698070e-01 3.08213562e-01 9.26552534e-01 -2.22036570e-01 -4.11851972e-01 1.14056490e-01 1.18730552e-01 2.58437306e-01 9.59333256e-02 -3.22511107e-01 3.89861852e-01 2.79452920e-01 2.31650487e-01 -1.06894799e-01 8.99538174e-02 -6.38172850e-02 -2.32402503e-01 -8.45713764e-02 -1.37159914e-01 2.32880726e-01 4.74061817e-01 -9.50215235e-02 -1.58276428e-02 4.14423227e-01 1.15504317e-01 -3.52750540e-01 -2.42846891e-01 1.93958491e-01 1.05911363e-02 1.99103523e-02 -2.33059958e-01 -9.44018960e-02 -1.34824246e-01 5.83264269e-02 8.80524367e-02 -1.29395008e-01 -2.32182756e-01 3.15847099e-01 -1.21884570e-01 6.53458089e-02 -3.76026519e-02 -1.98370919e-01 2.46124551e-01 1.63564965e-01 3.61621648e-01 -1.95039928e-01 -2.79850841e-01 -1.71518728e-01 -1.82419941e-02 -3.13588008e-02 2.22863376e-01 -1.02807067e-01 4.20998782e-01 1.17550269e-01 2.61512786e-01 1.76650330e-01 -1.17242500e-01 8.55956227e-02 -5.94501607e-02 -2.74916738e-01 1.63079843e-01 -2.96190202e-01 4.03679192e-01 2.01232404e-01 -2.63433039e-01 -5.90045989e-01 -9.79517587e-03 1.20272085e-01 5.76723740e-02 -2.65555948e-01 -3.64133537e-01 5.87605417e-01 1.91264302e-02 2.17555434e-01 -2.99937665e-01 -4.98091012e-01 3.91461611e-01 4.34070118e-02 7.33150914e-03 5.48896939e-02 -3.69288735e-02 1.09717838e-01 -2.08282441e-01 1.57081068e-01 -6.21224761e-01 1.93244159e-01 2.17398211e-01 -2.22500116e-01 -8.48627537e-02 1.22936800e-01 5.24953082e-02 4.64522652e-02 1.26816422e-01 8.86972547e-02 2.76177041e-02 1.01009041e-01 1.73250839e-01 1.07734486e-01 1.10410646e-01 -2.14206100e-01 -4.58196029e-02 -2.11521789e-01 -2.27363035e-01 -9.67763960e-02 -8.45428184e-02 -6.35641739e-02 -1.11778013e-01 -2.22124964e-01 2.61327792e-02 -6.01908490e-02 -2.61043757e-01 -3.00732143e-02 5.42349853e-02 5.97413123e-01 1.56872794e-01 -3.38158637e-01 1.25523210e-01 -3.05992942e-02 -2.75246352e-01 -2.18681663e-01 1.19326174e-01 -2.56493658e-01 -5.46141677e-02 -1.41461745e-01 8.23846981e-02 -2.30774894e-01 2.50580311e-01 5.59732437e-01 -5.84801137e-01 -1.65807724e-01 1.21975370e-01 5.33643104e-02 1.15091339e-01 8.15408528e-02 -3.35071832e-01 3.57674450e-01 -7.62818800e-03 -2.50615925e-01 5.09970427e-01 -8.54952931e-02 1.80813178e-01 1.66146696e-01 4.22392696e-01 -5.48072278e-01 -1.69302136e-01 1.35756329e-01 3.28630209e-01 1.73998754e-02 -1.56563088e-01 -4.97463375e-01 5.88518493e-02 -2.11472660e-01 -5.72117232e-02 3.73473883e-01 -1.91205889e-01 -8.19200650e-02 4.37519662e-02 -1.70099512e-01 -2.61364758e-01 3.28344047e-01 4.61988077e-02 1.24101480e-02 -4.62520808e-01 1.31003121e-02 7.83455595e-02 -3.17535251e-01 1.07282303e-01 1.00548863e-01 5.79762161e-01 4.72288996e-01 -3.66701931e-02 2.27016076e-01 5.61181223e-03 -3.99287164e-01 9.30482894e-02 2.09605053e-01 -2.33963490e-01 2.50548236e-02 -9.53369811e-02 3.43067721e-02 -8.47560838e-02 -1.67549700e-01 3.56943831e-02 -1.07500315e-01 -4.87725914e-01 -1.48265110e-02 1.93188056e-01 -5.04763126e-02 1.33350715e-01 -1.65393203e-01 1.09107941e-01 1.47386521e-01 1.81561857e-01 3.69905353e-01 -1.57111604e-02 -3.93258452e-01 1.75885215e-01 -1.24089301e-01 3.53461266e-01 2.97183245e-01 3.84934098e-02 4.82945554e-02 -2.82368865e-02 -2.63959259e-01 -7.18563199e-02 -1.63717885e-02 -2.78189331e-01 5.64330876e-01 -1.68358814e-02 -2.33287379e-01 -3.14744830e-01 3.59620869e-01 -1.10755367e-02 -1.74937919e-01 2.37117082e-01 2.50433534e-01 2.49573857e-01 -9.45489481e-02 6.59684181e-01 2.33692199e-01 -6.77861214e-01 -2.99792230e-01 1.80789024e-01 -2.01853827e-01 2.39298835e-01 3.30842972e-01 1.18067670e+00 -1.28746042e-02 2.89170504e-01 5.56695223e-01 -2.55732238e-01 2.37771004e-01 -3.16969126e-01 -2.66430229e-01 -1.87572464e-01 -5.85401990e-02 -1.02906907e-02 -1.86410233e-01 2.76160866e-01 5.06931543e-01 -3.82676899e-01 -1.60362288e-01 -5.08964598e-01 -4.17238414e-01 2.44605601e-01 -2.13203728e-02 -1.48737162e-01 -9.76292044e-02 3.52463983e-02 2.30830029e-01 1.37374163e-01 3.37304085e-01 -2.45640621e-01 2.74835467e-01 -9.44282766e-03 -2.57375181e-01 -3.05340350e-01 2.20302314e-01 4.95833531e-02 4.02309261e-02 -2.14931756e-01 -2.19887063e-01 -1.80164903e-01 2.57057339e-01 -1.69259787e-01 -3.56213808e-01 -1.10334329e-01 3.45494390e-01 4.00504023e-01 6.19976111e-02 1.65397786e-02 -1.91736162e-01 2.91673034e-01 1.06933370e-01 -5.54125234e-02 1.48670554e-01 2.65587103e-02 -1.23421401e-02 -1.95179090e-01 1.67634055e-01 2.05495909e-01 -2.32472748e-01 -6.96124509e-02 -5.26730120e-02 -9.52733383e-02 -5.10231145e-02 1.39916182e-01 1.26978710e-01 -1.27238259e-01 -2.28778701e-02 -2.42776066e-01 -2.85730094e-01 5.37697151e-02 -1.69434413e-01 1.18774630e-01 3.01030893e-02 7.71062309e-03 1.26926944e-01 -1.12065084e-01 -4.38175887e-01 -2.29692042e-01 -2.06911325e-01 2.53695119e-02 1.42158037e-02 6.48561940e-02 -5.38247347e-01 -2.89734423e-01 -6.42576963e-02 3.60831656e-02 -2.86023170e-01 -1.28017247e-01 -3.91608357e-01 2.18000159e-01 1.62094142e-02 3.11698079e-01 1.77068427e-01 -1.32386670e-01 1.84794739e-01 1.12882718e-01 -7.89496303e-03 -3.27890813e-01 -5.31463511e-02 1.94009379e-01 -3.46486121e-02 3.37084949e-01 -1.33348137e-01 3.64101939e-02 -1.15355290e-01 2.01955155e-01 -9.77149978e-03 5.58584407e-02 -2.50125617e-01 -3.02650303e-01 1.10970847e-01 1.92813799e-01 -4.54868153e-02 1.92878678e-01 2.73395568e-01 3.96384716e-01 -1.36640087e-01 2.62104839e-01 2.99745142e-01 9.38768014e-02 8.44652727e-02 -1.58128932e-01 1.75358012e-01 2.18409210e-01 2.21385613e-01 -2.35030934e-01 8.88822377e-01 1.42235950e-01 1.20826371e-01 -2.06217393e-01 -1.69636831e-01 2.02655997e-02 1.00590229e-01 2.76863277e-01 2.15736300e-01 1.42528817e-01 -1.14701092e-01 2.72328883e-01 9.35689136e-02 2.00531453e-01 -1.85365885e-01 -4.92028236e-01 -1.52409777e-01 -1.31917745e-01 2.41295978e-01 5.19344844e-02 -1.47584721e-01 -3.31010818e-01 -9.08975303e-02 -8.63393471e-02 1.88541219e-01 -2.15426579e-01 -2.38928318e-01 -3.34440678e-01 -1.94759935e-01 1.26518488e-01 4.69396561e-01 -3.94760221e-02 1.86958462e-01 -3.71149816e-02 1.10060208e-01 1.05273627e-01 -1.51804104e-01 -9.12481397e-02 3.11589658e-01 2.49130249e-01 2.42048174e-01 -8.03671181e-02 2.91542441e-01 -2.04208940e-02 -8.45291167e-02 -2.66961474e-02 1.18356682e-01 -1.27192006e-01 4.89446402e-01 -1.89828966e-02 2.67716229e-01 -2.32416660e-01 -9.52613577e-02 -3.25432062e-01 1.60434797e-01 3.68684173e-01 -2.14151144e-01 -1.07480191e-01 1.59284219e-01 -5.19746952e-02 9.79184061e-02 1.95766658e-01 1.28778368e-01 -5.13001382e-02 1.47970393e-01 -4.57504466e-02 4.06063832e-02 -8.36421549e-02 2.18443349e-01 2.19309226e-01 -7.69143701e-02 -6.85485974e-02 9.31163505e-02 -2.94119958e-02 7.33950809e-02 2.06982538e-01 3.72519553e-01 -6.27670437e-02 -2.45968521e-01 -1.41680613e-01 -4.82599527e-01 -4.25712541e-02 -2.64208198e-01 1.13091812e-01 1.67374790e-01 1.51377261e-01 -1.88646719e-01 1.64967462e-01 -2.60149151e-01 -1.34530097e-01 3.41193765e-01 3.27739894e-01 2.35936195e-01 -6.79792464e-02 8.58573988e-02 -1.17146768e-01 1.60808697e-01 9.10543948e-02 -1.22972846e-01 -8.76573473e-03 -1.09120376e-01 2.41217583e-01 2.46931836e-01 -8.71815011e-02 6.24214113e-02 -2.50020158e-02 6.89371750e-02 -9.67170447e-02 2.07997486e-01 -5.43932877e-02 1.57110631e-01 -1.45204589e-01 2.39223301e-01 -2.07242537e-02 -6.77058637e-01 -2.71949857e-01 -9.87064764e-02 4.87970561e-02 -4.29552831e-02 -2.90664285e-03 -2.29547918e-01 7.68381581e-02 -1.07349232e-02 -1.92662284e-01 1.50469527e-01 -9.63280872e-02 2.04947889e-01 4.01188545e-02 -4.19889510e-01 -8.78266408e-04 3.00852388e-01 1.88001513e-01 -6.96927160e-02 -2.31361493e-01 -1.13813862e-01 -1.62299991e-01 6.08895600e-01 -2.52656024e-02 5.08441806e-01 -3.10450822e-01 -1.43947527e-01 1.26801088e-01 1.35798827e-01 -1.74353436e-01 4.97167528e-01 -8.26767385e-02 1.72855392e-01 -1.06742129e-01 5.34303188e-01 6.57468736e-02 -4.08368558e-03 2.96917185e-03 -5.45268476e-01 -6.72080040e-01 5.24164923e-02 -5.58693223e-02 4.83894914e-01 -2.79800981e-01 5.01567125e-01 -2.13908330e-01 -7.34805614e-02 -2.86039144e-01 -1.65591195e-01 5.58853090e-01 -1.57259986e-01 -1.62013337e-01 7.44018406e-02 2.16691583e-01 -3.14648807e-01 8.39806274e-02 -8.37342292e-02 -2.43924838e-02 -1.43325835e-01 1.84889510e-01 -5.23968399e-01 -2.69745857e-01 -1.40261382e-01 -2.80294597e-01 -1.43882170e-01 4.04751360e-01 9.14020836e-02 -9.38141495e-02 4.68977131e-02 1.37407668e-02]
"Map to Nowhere" active "Item #: SCP-476 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-476 is to be kept in a standard precious item locker. During experiments, a level-2 clearance personnel must be present at all times to avoid the item being used to escape. A list of locations that are to be monitored on a regular basis is found in document 476-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Description: SCP-476 is a 60-page Rand McNally Canada Road Atlas published in 2006 (ISBN 0-88640-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ) by the Canadian Cartographics Corporation. Upon closer examination, it is revealed to contain a large number of anomalies such as locations that do not exist, missing locations, and misplaced or misnamed ones. Indices and distance chart are consistent with the anomalous maps. A tentative list of anomalies can be found in document SCP-476a. Using the map, it is possible to reach every single one of the locations. If an attempt is made to continue toward a location without regularly consulting the map, the users will miss the nonexistent location and be returned to "normal" geography. People inhabiting the locations (if any) appear totally oblivious to the absence of them on normal maps, including those on sale in the locations themselves, dismissing them as "not up-to-date". They always seem eager to convince newcomers to settle there. Tracking and GPS devices systematically fail during use of SCP-476, as do most communication methods other than landlines and regular mail. Landlines are, however, untraceable, and although mail sent from nonexistent locations has been known to reach its intended destination, marks on items clearly usually show that they never go through Canada Post systems at any time. People actively following a SCP-476 user will be affected normally, but other third parties will simply report having lost sight of the user at some point, which will systematically happen should direct eye contact to users be lost. The SCP's anomalous effects appear specifically connected to the physical representation that the atlas constitutes: copies and electronic duplication of the data fail to display any unusual properties. It is possible to use SCP-476 with any means of transportation, and aerial pictures of anomalous locations have been produced. Incident report 476-08d: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/19β–ˆβ–ˆ, during a flyover of the nonexistent "Gander-Glenwood International Airport" (YGG/CYGG; SCP-476 does not display Gander International Airport), a plane on the runway was noticed. Examination of the plane's serial numbers revealed it to be an Air Malta plane (tail number OB-1β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ) that disappeared en route over the Atlantic Ocean on β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1990. None of the passengers or their personal items could be located, and the airport was, as every time it had been explored beforehand, apparently abandoned. Addendum 03: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has discovered SCP-354 marked on the atlas in small red text. The label is made of Cyrillic characters, and translates into gibberish. Several roads converge on the location of SCP-354, all of which are nonexistent in "normal" geography. Addendum 04: Request to use SCP-476 to establish additional secret facilities has been denied. Too risky that locations might become unreachable. Plus, it is not possible to communicate with such facilities. O5-β–ˆ Β« SCP-475 | SCP-476 | SCP-477 Β»" nan
[ 8.74857455e-02 -8.27702135e-02 -1.01212159e-01 -2.81668641e-03 -1.05770426e-02 -2.09822565e-01 1.56861186e-01 2.26243213e-01 1.18650578e-01 1.41427740e-01 3.45362484e-01 4.88263309e-01 -2.31550515e-01 -4.39614475e-01 2.21353307e-01 -1.62104189e-01 5.29795475e-02 1.46779791e-01 -3.75172310e-02 -2.07106501e-01 -4.55166757e-01 -1.01476386e-01 -2.62324274e-01 2.03422129e-01 -3.55875976e-02 -1.64739743e-01 5.54291606e-02 5.46606705e-02 8.50238055e-02 -4.22872990e-01 4.78801737e-03 1.98834166e-01 -2.31212422e-01 4.44249243e-01 -1.10395944e-04 2.97204033e-02 2.15657741e-01 1.11284845e-01 -1.16086833e-01 -6.20823428e-02 -5.19908428e-01 2.92238772e-01 -1.12390600e-01 -1.50938228e-01 -5.94572835e-02 2.09571972e-01 1.65770233e-01 -1.77532458e-03 1.80129945e-01 4.92761843e-03 1.61901414e-01 2.26405829e-01 -1.08531207e-01 -7.95407221e-02 3.20764124e-01 -9.69926864e-02 -1.84747815e-01 3.09703410e-01 3.19500268e-01 4.69318256e-02 -1.20650724e-01 1.31543711e-01 -1.22164488e-01 -1.44377321e-01 1.40577272e-01 2.79211160e-02 2.53322333e-01 -1.61866456e-01 4.77129258e-02 5.41675210e-01 -1.07051097e-01 -1.27485260e-01 3.91269848e-02 5.58996312e-02 -3.32149059e-01 -1.76107347e-01 1.34578601e-01 -1.09599255e-01 2.28000283e-01 1.42864227e-01 -2.86084056e-01 6.41102418e-02 -3.11776191e-01 1.26496226e-01 -2.94869035e-01 5.31785563e-02 -1.79427743e-01 1.31342992e-01 1.32284984e-01 -7.15169013e-02 -3.98764193e-01 -1.41497567e-01 8.60952958e-03 5.08777425e-02 -4.01012935e-02 -2.02809304e-01 4.92322594e-01 5.19766919e-02 1.69917747e-01 -2.71756381e-01 4.80443001e-01 2.27367312e-01 -2.17970029e-01 2.62350410e-01 -1.87881906e-02 6.42295554e-02 1.92452595e-01 1.46057904e-01 -2.56803125e-01 2.79200017e-01 2.36380205e-01 1.20396331e-01 9.29686204e-02 1.01388441e-02 -1.59235284e-01 3.39873572e-04 6.22431487e-02 -2.49909878e-01 -3.33046108e-01 4.46501911e-01 -4.34849024e-01 5.16087711e-01 -1.75918654e-01 2.11695269e-01 3.27245712e-01 8.79101232e-02 -1.18763357e-01 -3.43852974e-02 -4.98208515e-02 3.38640183e-01 -1.15518935e-01 1.55555204e-01 -3.28893602e-01 2.03650922e-01 -5.04739285e-02 6.71826363e-01 -1.22871824e-01 -1.50538400e-01 -4.56350446e-01 1.00113451e-01 5.34648858e-02 -1.50770068e-01 4.10233527e-01 2.56575137e-01 -3.80760044e-01 6.24009743e-02 -2.24315360e-01 1.09419310e-02 -3.40640515e-01 4.83551510e-02 -8.87042135e-02 -6.98506534e-02 2.98164099e-01 2.50776678e-01 -1.89569160e-01 1.16592854e-01 5.52230895e-01 5.81456795e-02 -3.65340143e-01 -2.39926875e-01 4.10847783e-01 2.88468271e-01 -1.21023580e-01 -1.58734798e-01 -3.88908647e-02 7.93218017e-01 -1.58564478e-01 -2.68861074e-02 -1.83919489e-01 -4.53856327e-02 -3.44206020e-02 -1.48149997e-01 -2.32136399e-01 2.73531914e-01 -1.50120080e-01 3.86419296e-02 -1.50482178e-01 -1.45166337e-01 -3.26399058e-01 1.46798491e-01 -8.73489499e-01 -5.08037955e-02 2.09721215e-02 -1.35201737e-01 -2.82358468e-01 -4.79076169e-02 1.58918977e-01 -3.77157271e-01 1.18410364e-01 -1.65171236e-01 -3.78688067e-01 -4.03552204e-01 7.92857185e-02 1.90140024e-01 -7.66413752e-03 -1.52635723e-01 2.25280613e-01 -3.40628028e-01 -5.61931431e-02 2.48747408e-01 1.85568094e-01 4.91813570e-01 2.70411640e-01 -1.83372706e-01 -1.83922023e-01 1.03294209e-01 -2.18970135e-01 5.02587259e-02 -4.66991365e-02 -3.69515829e-02 -3.94806005e-02 -2.70685647e-02 1.08399168e-02 -1.11002207e-01 -7.54023269e-02 -3.63340788e-02 2.01042980e-01 -1.07217401e-01 3.94239396e-01 2.59810425e-02 -1.84415162e-01 -2.48605192e-01 -9.33362246e-02 -9.08297747e-02 -6.85682744e-02 7.46121407e-02 -1.11606419e-01 5.49930297e-02 -1.48772895e-01 8.64215419e-02 1.16385005e-01 -2.06285641e-01 2.66501874e-01 2.33652636e-01 -3.06287646e-01 1.45933134e-02 5.20873189e-01 9.22348559e-01 1.77290678e-01 -4.72187638e-01 -6.37611281e-03 9.78969261e-02 1.62411273e-01 -1.33987561e-01 -3.95880729e-01 3.98307055e-01 1.18377894e-01 1.81436166e-01 1.61285147e-01 5.39286919e-02 1.35498300e-01 -5.38513243e-01 -6.29240721e-02 -3.41961384e-01 3.25786415e-03 5.26634276e-01 -1.53955162e-01 3.59807789e-01 2.14710087e-01 1.81904361e-01 2.62678593e-01 -5.63769564e-02 2.04780802e-01 -5.90882869e-03 -1.52786687e-01 -1.41335994e-01 5.83825121e-03 4.16687548e-01 -6.91110566e-02 -1.55185359e-02 7.24454224e-03 -1.66733131e-01 -1.48086056e-01 -2.20595926e-01 -5.90827018e-02 1.11283138e-01 4.38596494e-02 5.14487982e-01 -1.37093082e-01 3.25731456e-01 -7.96876624e-02 -3.74846697e-01 1.62726000e-01 -3.82383377e-03 5.29236253e-03 -7.21465051e-02 -1.37575731e-01 1.60039380e-01 -2.71586198e-02 3.77614021e-01 -6.32486790e-02 -2.18463019e-01 5.05942479e-02 -2.36712605e-01 -2.70755976e-01 1.48261145e-01 -1.33225992e-01 3.86626482e-01 -1.53570414e-01 -3.20597261e-01 -3.52313161e-01 -4.36631382e-01 -1.18907735e-01 1.48696899e-01 -4.72709984e-01 1.22738227e-01 2.50559807e-01 -3.23743612e-01 1.08351447e-02 -3.46031517e-01 -2.52447724e-01 2.14357197e-01 1.59437492e-01 -4.70705032e-01 1.57630548e-01 -7.48485848e-02 -3.19900423e-01 2.32703090e-02 1.79481775e-01 -5.03879726e-01 -5.57741523e-02 2.69821405e-01 -4.76003647e-01 -3.14943284e-01 -2.40700796e-01 2.05801409e-02 2.73713827e-01 -9.53225717e-02 4.47807670e-01 1.42692313e-01 1.34319961e-01 2.72104740e-01 3.37475479e-01 3.34265053e-01 -5.34909189e-01 -1.75307006e-01 -7.14147761e-02 -1.67562008e-01 1.30372316e-01 1.14526153e-01 -1.11925595e-01 2.63007991e-02 -3.42818469e-01 -9.54272002e-02 1.66338965e-01 -3.72042924e-01 -4.64628369e-01 -1.61019012e-01 3.24754447e-01 2.87095875e-01 -1.91303924e-01 5.89018822e-01 2.77603716e-01 -2.56111145e-01 9.40571502e-02 -1.73007756e-01 3.12082887e-01 5.25642216e-01 2.51841903e-01 1.18166972e-02 -3.59322876e-01 1.79673046e-01 5.50704002e-02 3.98925394e-02 5.70877418e-02 -8.96540284e-02 1.54499710e-01 5.96563041e-01 -2.57428624e-02 3.64569873e-01 1.25922054e-01 2.48181313e-01 -4.33599919e-01 1.84902862e-01 -1.08385362e-01 -8.95716846e-02 8.80534053e-02 2.23737322e-02 -4.44091529e-01 -2.84451365e-01 1.18430406e-01 2.82246500e-01 1.32336304e-01 -2.05081359e-01 -2.14083061e-01 6.14620708e-02 5.04237264e-02 4.62226748e-01 1.13896437e-01 2.87057072e-01 -2.45786592e-01 -1.33934617e-01 3.96684229e-01 9.19204578e-02 -6.33205113e-04 -4.15687114e-02 -7.21524237e-03 -3.94365340e-01 -1.37258783e-01 8.13622698e-02 -2.43785098e-01 -2.39270851e-02 -5.06122522e-02 4.21127528e-01 4.86162066e-01 4.42528248e-01 -2.53587693e-01 1.38925416e-02 -3.17093194e-01 4.43390571e-02 8.97374526e-02 4.56241481e-02 -2.40497768e-01 6.15352094e-02 2.37904415e-01 -7.96582773e-02 -2.44620163e-02 2.04390034e-01 1.17715904e-02 -1.82584941e-01 -7.26406872e-02 -1.31217256e-01 -2.32791156e-01 -3.38828027e-01 -1.50610749e-02 1.69884581e-02 3.79806399e-01 1.87510833e-01 -1.12639256e-01 5.29883988e-02 2.82004207e-01 -4.25819814e-01 -7.75768012e-02 4.26660717e-01 -4.31016237e-01 3.32975715e-01 5.89542687e-01 1.61285743e-01 -1.64501786e-01 1.75574526e-01 -3.64768282e-02 -2.04427429e-02 5.72311997e-01 1.16153717e-01 1.62090287e-01 3.92747000e-02 1.31333083e-01 -6.91712573e-02 -2.86571026e-01 1.33218735e-01 -6.41595712e-03 1.58680826e-01 2.28846475e-01 1.73627958e-01 -1.48008138e-01 -4.20687079e-01 6.39624670e-02 2.23699763e-01 5.84679805e-02 7.04371929e-01 1.87652349e-01 1.09732175e+00 -3.52072455e-02 8.73924717e-02 -2.52094623e-02 1.27403632e-01 1.04346141e-01 -3.40136647e-01 1.42063782e-01 -2.01415956e-01 2.23099247e-01 -2.94681522e-03 -1.53517321e-01 1.93636686e-01 4.05077457e-01 -3.62355411e-01 -1.28729656e-01 -4.24757838e-01 5.13812780e-01 1.65545017e-01 -2.66074955e-01 1.05842538e-01 6.09326959e-02 4.05182749e-01 1.53551430e-01 1.45754576e-01 1.93572834e-01 6.50240630e-02 -1.14995427e-01 -2.39840999e-01 -1.35828570e-01 2.44100858e-02 9.96242370e-03 -8.75668004e-02 4.16572317e-02 2.60770053e-01 3.75520200e-01 -3.05431932e-01 1.18506439e-01 -1.96220532e-01 -7.27030709e-02 -2.67319828e-01 2.65747130e-01 4.37727183e-01 -1.98920161e-01 3.58558297e-01 1.41087517e-01 -1.62761718e-01 2.09442228e-01 -6.82462677e-02 4.34266716e-01 -4.57609385e-01 -4.24083881e-02 -1.26131535e-01 -3.16200666e-02 4.45325464e-01 3.24415267e-01 3.32558334e-01 3.31576407e-01 -3.55883241e-01 2.30665617e-02 2.05182806e-01 2.87652370e-02 1.05292141e-01 -4.51634414e-02 -7.09029706e-03 -3.12839091e-01 -4.84155444e-03 1.63629755e-01 -1.36885256e-01 1.84236076e-02 -1.73618719e-01 -2.19954103e-01 -1.48829550e-01 -4.65269089e-01 -1.02222621e-01 2.28033021e-01 -2.79564977e-01 5.67378141e-02 3.47939655e-02 -8.10939223e-02 -2.66113132e-02 1.79238677e-01 2.99287647e-01 -1.73558876e-01 -3.90031934e-01 -2.56032616e-01 1.05170226e-02 1.79502461e-02 4.83892076e-02 1.92066044e-01 -2.83116400e-01 -1.95115909e-01 1.86516374e-01 -1.27179027e-01 -4.01852429e-01 8.90281051e-02 -4.17661190e-01 1.17257945e-01 2.47923627e-01 -1.64111421e-01 4.38274741e-02 -1.93381757e-01 2.04527766e-01 -5.68064637e-02 -3.09458137e-01 -2.33801663e-01 -2.08077222e-01 1.56291202e-01 -4.60755602e-02 -1.66799322e-01 -1.85843427e-02 3.35910134e-02 3.96520615e-01 -3.43726352e-02 -7.40480376e-03 3.17627221e-01 2.85031684e-02 1.39476746e-01 1.75343044e-02 1.20265119e-01 -2.22463384e-01 1.55641418e-02 -1.94666207e-01 5.70940614e-01 -1.40802100e-01 -1.23422854e-01 -1.73332840e-01 -1.15086116e-01 4.28610086e-01 3.08512062e-01 -1.82129204e-01 -1.33904656e-02 3.27999353e-01 1.25669297e-02 2.32108012e-01 7.76510760e-02 -1.30178615e-01 2.64208794e-01 -3.90082002e-01 -1.31667197e-01 7.03799874e-02 2.86301464e-01 9.57613736e-02 -1.91615820e-01 3.55313450e-01 1.44999340e-01 8.72742459e-02 1.20452039e-01 2.79219538e-01 -4.61548269e-01 2.34273896e-01 1.04386419e-01 1.29248276e-01 -1.50489703e-01 1.19389914e-01 3.77544314e-01 1.40818253e-01 -5.63659072e-02 1.74900562e-01 3.27431321e-01 2.90200561e-01 1.86700020e-02 -1.11039117e-01 -1.45047188e-01 -7.30911642e-02 4.34922665e-01 -1.29757440e-02 -2.56589413e-01 2.05532953e-01 1.18460961e-01 -3.30285817e-01 3.07012349e-01 1.11528277e-01 -2.24377930e-01 -1.91539526e-01 2.49485254e-01 -4.83713970e-02 -3.08835834e-01 -5.68174291e-03 5.74454963e-02 -8.95609185e-02 -1.33545130e-01 -3.47765535e-02 2.42642313e-02 2.19730675e-01 -8.15318152e-02 5.86698115e-01 -1.89661477e-02 1.67077202e-02 -2.19259318e-02 -8.68971124e-02 -2.45605683e-04 4.41838413e-01 -2.15571001e-01 1.01635560e-01 3.52856964e-02 -1.39988959e-01 -6.40505403e-02 2.09537879e-01 4.27903607e-02 6.60541654e-02 -7.79138356e-02 2.25010678e-01 -2.37510018e-02 -1.47346735e-01 -9.96556655e-02 1.85318232e-01 3.01176216e-02 -2.91031748e-01 3.35096419e-02 1.20448753e-01 -2.44838566e-01 8.06956366e-03 6.20280728e-02 5.30248404e-01 3.45965922e-01 -1.89116865e-01 -1.97128002e-02 -1.54102549e-01 -9.62410215e-03 1.04925334e-01 -2.93683708e-01 -3.26757938e-01 1.70482054e-01 -2.95532197e-01 1.87097713e-01 -5.97139746e-02 8.34363997e-02 8.19361433e-02 7.27183074e-02 2.57127196e-01 6.71582147e-02 -3.32149446e-01 -4.21541333e-02 -1.53396595e-02 9.83609110e-02 -2.14060649e-01 2.76549220e-01 -1.41168028e-01 2.13540167e-01 -3.46021503e-01 3.48839819e-01 -1.64732829e-01 1.30661756e-01 1.25263155e-01 7.69832283e-02 -1.38602376e-01 4.75977749e-01 4.15582925e-01 2.14862414e-02 -1.62691340e-01 -4.20475066e-01 1.66875780e-01 -1.87226921e-01 8.84767696e-02 -6.80356994e-02 2.81519704e-02 -1.12093933e-01 1.13980129e-01 5.34057200e-01 -4.30600680e-02 -6.34068623e-02 -1.02123298e-01 -4.25961047e-01 -2.90736556e-01 3.00867796e-01 1.99422259e-02 -2.53359169e-01 3.35881040e-02 -2.08946422e-01 9.32648703e-02 1.18228093e-01 1.46884039e-01 -4.49010015e-01 4.22895402e-02 4.32234555e-01 -3.61546487e-01 1.71680257e-01 -1.76463827e-01 1.76855385e-01 3.17602716e-02 -1.42506119e-02 2.35217959e-01 -2.25451559e-01 1.32133335e-01 -1.80051953e-01 3.30561370e-01 -2.81003267e-01 -7.77112916e-02 2.52348870e-01 1.95753306e-01 -1.48766890e-01 -1.54105753e-01 -2.22533375e-01 -1.91582948e-01 2.39303678e-01 4.56541358e-03 -1.51600286e-01 -3.83243918e-01 -4.44439739e-01 -3.09209764e-01 -6.15248717e-02 3.50083858e-01 -1.00052662e-01 -2.21239310e-02 -1.35757446e-01 -1.97284773e-01]
"Fossil Sea" active "Item #: SCP-477 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-477 is enclosed in a climate-controlled structure designated Site-44. The building is constructed exclusively of metal and wood, with no stone or concrete materials. Outwardly it appears to be the machinery storage warehouse for a defunct quarry, but it contains numerous labs dedicated to the study and containment of SCP-477. No sedimentary stone or concrete items may be removed from the containment complex unless they are crushed and mixed into an acidic slurry to dissolve all remaining fossil material. Incidences of SCP-477 appearing outside Site-44 must be appropriated immediately and returned to the complex, or disposed of by complete pulverization and acidic treatment of their host substrate. Description: Site 44 is located upon and encloses a thin layer of Cambrian shale covering approximately 2 square km of a mesa in Zavkhan province, Mongolia. Within the stone is a high concentration of what appear to be aquatic fossils from the Precambrian era, collectively known as SCP-477. These anomalous fossils are capable of motion, appearing to β€œswim” through sedimentary rock as though it were shallow water. Members of SCP-477 are able to move through all tested types of sedimentary stone without apparent resistance. This constitutes the main danger to successful containment, as an animate fossil which escaped into another geological formation would be extremely difficult to recover (and might engage in runaway reproduction; see Incident 477-01). They are incapable of leaving their stone habitat to move through liquid or gaseous environments, nor can they pass through soil, sand, clay, or other porous substrates. They also seem incapable of passing through minerals that have been generated by processes other than sedimentation, including igneous and metamorphic rock. The geological layer directly beneath the inhabited shale consists of granite and quartzite, which forms a natural barrier to their spread. During the construction of Site-44, the fossils were discovered to be capable of moving through and inhabiting concrete. Construction and containment procedures have been modified accordingly, and all infested concrete samples destroyed. Almost 900 species of fossil have been catalogued in SCP-477 so far, many unknown to mainstream science. Predators, prey organisms, and vegetation are all represented, and interact with each other in a manner consistent with a functioning ecosystem. Despite their lack of soft body parts or any biochemistry that could conceivably support life, the fossils move, eat, and reproduce as though they were alive. As the fossil bed was isolated underground for millions of years, photosynthesis does not seem to be important to the ecology of SCP-477. The process from which the organisms derive energy is unknown. Foundation researchers have carefully exposed the entire 9 cm thick shale layer to facilitate observation and research of SCP-477. Incident 477-01: A large fragment of rock containing several instances of SCP-477 was somehow obtained by the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Museum of Natural History and put on display. It was placed in contact with the museum’s sandstone western wall, and one or more organisms escaped and multiplied. By the time Foundation personnel arrived, thousands of the creatures had infested the building, weakening structural integrity and collapsing an inner wall. The old wing of the museum was dismantled and ground into powder as part of a renovation project announced by the museum’s board of directors. Β« SCP-476 | SCP-477 | SCP-478 Β»" nan
[ 2.62558550e-01 -3.09755892e-01 -1.68532312e-01 -5.80430403e-02 -1.95859708e-02 -2.71219820e-01 1.24034792e-01 5.21850705e-01 8.07395205e-02 -4.87691090e-02 -1.36493281e-01 3.17417055e-01 -5.68811037e-02 -1.07216522e-01 2.41678521e-01 -3.60502750e-01 2.14361861e-01 1.20663241e-01 1.74478576e-01 -1.36481866e-01 -2.87856996e-01 -4.91303056e-01 7.01342076e-02 -1.70828506e-01 1.65008262e-01 9.85180065e-02 -6.28791153e-02 2.85509348e-01 2.37192959e-02 -1.53797761e-01 3.30440611e-01 1.16080441e-01 3.72648388e-01 5.73370636e-01 -1.08356769e-04 1.88030850e-03 1.99693311e-02 -4.76073399e-02 -1.75000548e-01 4.56438601e-01 -2.51267582e-01 3.52920949e-01 -1.95670009e-01 -4.56073850e-01 1.33000240e-01 -3.43203962e-01 1.92207098e-01 -5.36287546e-01 4.21480924e-01 3.65264267e-02 1.16265163e-01 7.41290897e-02 -2.31690481e-02 1.28259674e-01 2.38874823e-01 1.40719872e-03 -1.55474693e-01 -3.17711323e-01 5.12948513e-01 1.03375398e-01 -1.77749678e-01 3.69160354e-01 -2.22041130e-01 -7.44451210e-02 1.22870229e-01 -1.65543526e-01 3.55327696e-01 -4.36646819e-01 1.19669013e-01 6.27303064e-01 1.34727865e-01 2.37677768e-01 -5.64707303e-03 8.12117159e-02 -5.90747058e-01 -2.95607328e-01 1.77663029e-03 5.61827838e-01 1.06977731e-01 -2.58624285e-01 1.77869141e-01 1.06899828e-01 -3.74956280e-01 5.02594793e-03 -2.51075268e-01 2.27328315e-01 -6.31370619e-02 -5.22173122e-02 9.30113420e-02 6.75154105e-02 -2.61292100e-01 -4.62850966e-02 1.67729959e-01 3.78922969e-01 -8.10555369e-02 -6.05537705e-02 3.31400931e-01 1.25895575e-01 2.85176724e-01 3.53578299e-01 3.30860972e-01 1.65463760e-01 -4.34664786e-01 2.92694956e-01 -2.62960661e-02 -3.62190641e-02 -4.57196124e-02 -2.42773294e-01 2.47449487e-01 6.43840551e-01 1.05594978e-01 2.91076481e-01 -1.01585202e-02 1.10806189e-01 1.65197030e-02 7.61390924e-02 5.27856648e-01 -1.42953590e-01 1.07239924e-01 2.80702084e-01 -6.39942646e-01 1.43009752e-01 1.24984846e-01 2.40930304e-01 1.93628594e-01 4.53635827e-02 1.96321204e-01 2.68236548e-03 6.20737374e-02 -2.81120270e-01 -1.55073702e-01 2.42501378e-01 -1.59975022e-01 3.24786119e-02 -1.98366810e-02 3.23617131e-01 -6.67142347e-02 -3.79528701e-01 -2.38427650e-02 1.00951098e-01 8.24765339e-02 -1.99593171e-01 4.16906953e-01 4.34409142e-01 -2.34481975e-01 -3.40840340e-01 -1.25325307e-01 -9.81368721e-02 -4.48929109e-02 -1.53580457e-01 3.71297091e-01 -1.08619981e-01 -2.80342937e-01 1.81350470e-01 -5.03022596e-02 2.83588380e-01 5.14651954e-01 1.26975387e-01 6.60298690e-02 1.22772623e-02 -7.40859956e-02 3.57299119e-01 -4.48163599e-01 -2.77719889e-02 2.23551929e-01 4.64091271e-01 -5.26456796e-02 5.93401641e-02 -2.19711691e-01 5.37560046e-01 3.28623801e-01 -1.17078938e-01 6.79786652e-02 -1.34041309e-01 -2.09205691e-02 -1.04775377e-01 -2.97597140e-01 1.31751299e-01 -1.28535228e-03 -3.21714550e-01 -1.07979760e-01 2.55601853e-01 2.70208120e-01 -2.45723516e-01 -1.10275768e-01 -2.02721238e-01 5.49188256e-02 2.19015956e-01 -1.44947628e-02 -2.58656025e-01 -2.70481884e-01 -1.86508596e-01 -5.53798920e-04 4.79738824e-02 1.27863601e-01 4.23906706e-02 1.97863281e-01 -1.35993630e-01 -1.15358137e-01 -1.42166123e-01 2.59160995e-01 1.01282232e-01 6.92689061e-01 -9.74929333e-02 9.27092228e-03 -3.04795414e-01 -3.08738500e-01 1.49845287e-01 1.23585336e-01 2.94102758e-01 1.13957621e-01 -5.75683080e-02 -2.03364596e-01 -2.40067065e-01 -2.17726678e-01 -3.65498394e-01 2.49821037e-01 1.92931950e-01 1.71861470e-01 -2.25960556e-02 -2.91882232e-02 6.49265349e-02 -2.56420672e-01 -9.66037810e-03 -1.40911609e-01 2.95199275e-01 -3.19313556e-01 8.01890530e-03 -3.15867007e-01 1.56321645e-01 3.29587385e-02 7.19063953e-02 1.43287018e-01 1.84086431e-02 -5.39486468e-01 -1.10798873e-01 5.63231260e-02 8.49152446e-01 5.39527312e-02 -2.16002196e-01 1.62792668e-01 -3.83943170e-01 1.51384935e-01 2.38865297e-02 -3.78804773e-01 1.20091820e-02 2.78456450e-01 4.34284121e-01 1.45877749e-01 -7.53153563e-02 1.25705689e-01 -2.21904323e-01 -1.21922851e-01 2.41569057e-01 9.89950597e-02 4.98518199e-02 -2.45046988e-01 4.89191189e-02 -2.69818783e-01 6.84222281e-02 -1.83255211e-01 1.45884320e-01 2.45764747e-01 1.67042166e-01 4.25638910e-03 -9.30847153e-02 2.74523199e-01 5.72515965e-01 1.42467216e-01 8.16398486e-02 7.45126903e-02 -1.91435859e-01 -1.21484533e-01 1.29215211e-01 -1.87113762e-01 5.02775572e-02 1.32671550e-01 1.24023139e-01 2.21502513e-01 2.87094176e-01 -1.61408246e-01 -2.10284069e-01 -1.73586622e-01 -1.20148666e-01 7.85159841e-02 5.60372472e-01 -6.27967417e-02 -3.15167725e-01 -1.23708703e-01 5.24008095e-01 6.70555234e-02 -1.80289268e-01 -4.00613658e-02 8.87492299e-02 -2.79316872e-01 9.27380770e-02 -4.02362160e-02 4.92303193e-01 3.34938127e-03 1.50932297e-01 -4.56392497e-01 -4.38778214e-02 2.32597645e-02 1.15060352e-01 -1.76072389e-01 5.73908985e-02 5.10694146e-01 -7.23201931e-02 3.43530290e-02 -1.05071545e-01 -6.00438476e-01 9.91074815e-02 3.83838005e-02 -1.89655766e-01 -9.19919554e-03 1.91258758e-01 8.00176933e-02 -4.81820218e-02 2.62604177e-01 -1.86740786e-01 3.84188071e-02 6.93469569e-02 -1.50428131e-01 1.26330763e-01 -2.47727990e-01 6.83286563e-02 7.06766769e-02 -1.35547429e-01 2.03577876e-01 2.40413055e-01 2.69198924e-01 2.33607948e-01 -1.96159989e-01 1.28400639e-01 3.27115990e-02 5.47026634e-01 -6.56775460e-02 -3.88935894e-01 -3.75712141e-02 1.05342098e-01 -2.86524501e-02 -1.29223228e-01 -4.12165910e-01 -7.85001814e-02 1.59172803e-01 1.85328238e-02 -3.85229200e-01 -3.30414951e-01 -3.74831297e-02 3.39790732e-02 -9.62854549e-02 2.15800717e-01 4.05877084e-02 -2.52508938e-01 -1.30943596e-01 2.99468059e-02 2.08040863e-01 6.53708518e-01 2.73409367e-01 1.05879284e-01 2.95249205e-02 3.32777947e-01 5.54601215e-02 -1.29149064e-01 -2.21857801e-01 2.37695277e-01 1.30965188e-01 2.60533601e-01 2.45690435e-01 -2.80893356e-01 6.84203021e-03 -1.16290323e-01 -3.03790092e-01 -1.83837995e-01 -8.29434171e-02 -8.74934569e-02 -6.16668761e-02 3.06455165e-01 7.39950389e-02 2.04572957e-02 -3.12672704e-02 5.07664859e-01 2.47480854e-01 -1.36944115e-01 -5.54391265e-01 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-2.19414420e-02 1.12782314e-01 2.03476906e-01 -2.24941820e-01 3.09383035e-01 -2.98510175e-02 -2.78191954e-01 4.42986488e-02 3.24924648e-01 -2.61786461e-01 1.62642568e-01 2.86148757e-01 9.78770375e-01 -2.03110605e-01 -5.27061969e-02 9.97566804e-03 3.48720104e-01 1.41881198e-01 -3.67857635e-01 8.15209225e-02 -8.24219137e-02 -2.06525937e-01 -7.69878924e-02 -1.05782345e-01 2.03370854e-01 -3.45923126e-01 -2.84045368e-01 -4.46342751e-02 -2.50348210e-01 1.79761469e-01 1.71888947e-01 -1.00260638e-01 3.24146003e-01 -1.44705817e-01 -1.18968770e-01 1.95329785e-01 -1.68073848e-01 2.99385101e-01 -3.89657132e-02 7.15771019e-02 -1.06729493e-01 8.37674588e-02 -1.65279090e-01 3.84486057e-02 3.66012514e-01 1.21168628e-01 -1.00554980e-01 3.05228885e-02 4.70195077e-02 1.46533728e-01 1.00964839e-02 -3.31573129e-01 -5.64852543e-02 -7.46104419e-02 4.84019816e-01 -8.65105987e-02 2.42787097e-02 -1.20064020e-01 2.48794511e-01 1.29433066e-01 -1.48979187e-01 3.39801520e-01 -2.25683689e-01 -4.13966551e-02 -8.26085731e-02 2.40141079e-01 6.35128379e-01 1.62555054e-01 3.27525288e-01 5.45873120e-02 -2.85005808e-01 -1.40446290e-01 2.28496730e-01 -8.74944255e-02 -7.92315528e-02 -1.52694866e-01 1.35382771e-01 -1.19410180e-01 3.81363370e-02 2.84917593e-01 -6.36223406e-02 8.23167324e-01 2.78525911e-02 2.13236675e-01 -1.05325438e-01 -3.79684925e-01 6.74804896e-02 -3.35123800e-02 -3.27411473e-01 1.49531513e-01 -2.07597226e-01 -2.38738000e-01 -5.26135340e-02 1.08322538e-01 -2.26914696e-02 -3.30879360e-01 -1.48476481e-01 -2.88788825e-01 6.79791421e-02 1.05774179e-01 -3.70293170e-01 1.34400234e-01 -2.34393016e-01 2.48063490e-01 5.86582208e-03 -6.90410063e-02 -3.69443208e-01 -4.88670841e-02 -3.55368406e-01 4.11284827e-02 2.03387573e-01 -2.13224798e-01 -1.16347365e-01 -1.02219909e-01 9.04756635e-02 1.45110413e-01 -1.98396966e-01 -2.59293377e-01 -1.43698350e-01 1.25662088e-01 -1.01395071e-01 -4.90293145e-01 -1.63360998e-01 -1.03075549e-01 -1.16421424e-01 -3.44155170e-02 -9.53450147e-03 -7.52318949e-02 2.49233246e-01 2.64299154e-01 -4.69253212e-02 2.82264620e-01 2.84360684e-02 1.56440958e-03 -2.41286650e-01 1.75623804e-01 -1.31354868e-01 -9.40071121e-02 -5.55010960e-02 -1.33761048e-01 1.06673911e-01 4.45156805e-02 -4.42819118e-01 -1.44950569e-01 3.12350541e-01 2.29789078e-01 1.44098029e-01 1.22670613e-01 5.86807989e-02 1.76187709e-01 -4.92155105e-01 5.20628057e-02 -8.42829198e-02 2.53159165e-01 8.51571001e-03 1.90854192e-01 1.27725706e-01 9.10053551e-02 1.21121787e-01 2.37106487e-01 1.06154218e-01 -1.19812943e-01 2.49686196e-01 1.32607862e-01 -2.24578828e-02 -4.32136171e-02 4.02653724e-01 1.56641573e-01 2.17281088e-01 1.12995274e-01 -5.42237598e-04 1.51287824e-01 3.24126810e-01 9.88257825e-02 1.40783265e-01 -1.17128335e-01 1.94600463e-01 2.25171834e-01 1.81996003e-01 -1.15528658e-01 1.37788072e-01 4.31545705e-01 7.35417381e-02 8.03186148e-02 -1.39593989e-01 4.86480504e-01 -4.45540577e-01 1.57350749e-01 -3.40946227e-01 1.16702475e-01 1.72673017e-01 -6.47492111e-02 -5.93303144e-03 -1.81178808e-01 -1.06283389e-02 -2.24379390e-01 -6.11180477e-02 1.57765836e-01 -4.87149298e-01 -1.38826579e-01 1.99174583e-01 -6.58640265e-02 -1.07931137e-01 -1.15394574e-02 3.24755818e-01 -2.04079419e-01 9.89726260e-02 7.46499538e-01 -3.92836213e-01 6.32190192e-03 -3.18695277e-01 -2.32698694e-02 1.02206543e-01 -3.92518580e-01 1.33088931e-01 -8.41230527e-02 -2.90779412e-01 -9.05418545e-02 -2.42506608e-01 9.15255174e-02 -6.31273329e-01 1.42115131e-01 5.87763339e-02 -2.02743873e-01 -2.05553874e-01 2.55407006e-01 7.67340600e-01 2.15172470e-01 1.37899071e-01 -1.92875087e-01 6.21599816e-02 6.92680329e-02 -6.12617545e-02 -2.02962812e-02 1.60139799e-01 -3.00836295e-01 -2.57481754e-01 8.19916129e-02 2.28735089e-01 1.05027556e-01 -1.58316776e-01 3.20348114e-01 -1.32126644e-01 -5.95058918e-01 3.73325050e-02 -2.85019994e-01 -8.56131241e-02 -1.60151571e-01 -1.78009808e-01 -5.35615563e-01 4.58178259e-02 4.76303607e-01 -3.69759858e-01 -6.98598102e-02 -1.71105284e-02 -3.89316201e-01 1.78676426e-01 -3.87990773e-01 -3.75893265e-01 1.40872777e-01 1.63961843e-01 8.01724419e-02 -1.21675402e-01 -2.04695031e-01 -9.38405916e-02 -4.64895703e-02 1.73542574e-01 -9.11517963e-02 -3.13420773e-01 -2.75393903e-01 1.67275995e-01 -4.76008244e-02 -9.22725946e-02 7.98586104e-03 2.63478886e-02 -4.40222353e-01 1.42552778e-01 1.06836312e-01 6.97310269e-02 -2.80889422e-02 -1.06806546e-01 4.40983027e-01 -7.48840906e-03 3.88468146e-01 -1.10077538e-01 4.43231732e-01 2.26645708e-01 -3.29707026e-01 -6.83680654e-01 1.76660463e-01 -8.43861699e-02 3.84120762e-01 6.26089470e-03 -8.16654116e-02 -1.18169926e-01 -7.71526322e-02 -2.11749464e-01 -2.78263152e-01 7.77468503e-01 -3.55400480e-02 -1.23693325e-01 -7.34601989e-02 2.86508594e-02 2.02495396e-01 1.83001921e-01 -2.06292078e-01 -2.25153953e-01 -3.30845565e-02 2.07103550e-01 -3.76206189e-01 -4.78498712e-02 -4.30165946e-01 -2.17239797e-01 2.61761118e-02 -7.28909820e-02 -2.16669422e-02 5.76116629e-02 -1.14871643e-01 -5.04698791e-02]
"Tooth Fairies" active "Item #: SCP-478 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-478 are to be surgically recovered whole from victims before death. After recovery, they are to be kept in specialized vacuum-sealed lockers within Bio-Site 66. Instances of SCP-478 do not seem to be able to pass through solid matter, and thus may be held indefinitely unless damaged. Mildly affected victims may be treated in a normal civilian medical establishment by Foundation surgeons under the guise of orthodontic surgery. General sedation is to be administered, as per normal surgery. Severely-affected victims of SCP-478 are to be recovered by the nearest Foundation establishment and subsequently moved to Bio-Site 16 for study. Because of SCP-478’s unique structure, infected individuals are not to be terminated prematurely. Victims deemed capable of full recovery may be treated for infection and released, as above. Survivors are to be administered a Class-B Amnesiac and false memories are to be planted. Victims deemed unsalvageable may be terminated. Description: SCP-478 are small entities of inconsistent size and shape that resemble a darkly-coloured butterfly or moth in flight. Wild instances have been encountered a number of times, but their elusive nature makes capture difficult. Extracted instances of SCP-478 do not seem to need to eat, sleep, breathe, or breed. After some testing with captured instances, it is understood that SCP-478 are somewhat predatory and normally prey exclusively on humans under the age of 25. Furthermore, SCP-478 most often seeks out individuals who have not yet shed all their deciduous teeth. SCP-478 will enter a victim’s mouth while they sleep, and attach onto the soft palate in the upper nasal cavity, usually blocking one nostril. The body’s mucus production will increase, leading the victim, upon waking, to believe that they have developed a minor cold. From there, the victim’s palate will begin to generate teeth in addition to the gingiva's (gums) normal replacement of teeth. This growth process will begin at a rate several times faster than normal tooth growth, and quickly increases in speed and severity. The palate’s generation of new teeth will continue until the entire palate has been covered, proceeding down the victim’s throat and esophagus. Over the course of two to four days these teeth will completely saturate the stomach lining, then begin growing within the lungs and the subcutaneous layer of skin. Skeletal calcium will be leached away to provide material for the new teeth, in an increasingly painful process. This growth will continue until the entire digestive tract has been saturated by dental tissue, after which SCP-478 will exit the victim's mouth and flee. Teeth within the stomach are exposed to the body's normal acid production, while teeth within the skin will group closely together, forming rigid masses of dental material underneath the surface. All teeth are normal beyond placement, containing a root, nerve and enamel. It is unknown exactly how or why SCP-478 cause this explosive new growth of dental tissue. Addendum: Historical Note Documentation recovered from Foundation raids on the dental laboratory of Dr. Rasmin Yelkov implicate SCP-478 as a primary source of the phenomenon observed in SCP-1994. Investigation into Dr. Yelkov's ability to communicate and capture instances of SCP-478 is ongoing. Β« SCP-477 | SCP-478 | SCP-479 Β»" nan
[ 2.99050122e-01 -3.49965632e-01 -9.63975489e-02 -6.15388714e-02 5.27595694e-04 -3.63368452e-01 -2.73134205e-02 4.83430326e-02 -1.53985796e-02 -7.26676509e-02 2.60193706e-01 3.46406326e-02 -2.06679568e-01 -4.76591825e-01 2.76735812e-01 -5.38367964e-02 2.90708810e-01 3.08865160e-01 -7.11564124e-02 -3.98501426e-01 -2.71666378e-01 1.26978919e-01 -2.87451833e-01 4.98365134e-01 -2.32009441e-01 -2.22212642e-01 7.52669275e-02 4.01063889e-01 -2.37402916e-01 -3.53115082e-01 3.17466050e-01 3.66758078e-01 -1.16325997e-01 2.79942751e-01 -1.12090107e-04 -1.85506791e-01 8.65943581e-02 8.21793899e-02 -3.64721030e-01 4.85926747e-01 -3.76606822e-01 -2.51887143e-01 -8.04742612e-03 -2.35034347e-01 1.02773361e-01 -1.01451524e-01 7.66440704e-02 -2.56768465e-01 5.65577865e-01 1.91437185e-01 1.77162975e-01 -7.14371651e-02 -2.41161771e-02 6.95867687e-02 4.61892784e-01 2.38733619e-01 -6.25361353e-02 -2.01773375e-01 3.24491948e-01 -4.76566017e-01 1.81773663e-01 -7.96151832e-02 -3.57536316e-01 -3.64155471e-01 2.86031693e-01 -1.21471532e-01 3.25840175e-01 -4.07356709e-01 8.29192623e-02 2.09160261e-02 -6.22029543e-01 1.52155593e-01 3.98829244e-02 -9.92644727e-02 -3.33757281e-01 -2.33693048e-01 1.23485036e-01 2.53522605e-01 4.86763716e-02 1.01813301e-01 2.24950805e-01 1.77384704e-01 -8.74732211e-02 -6.07569292e-02 -1.79179713e-01 3.07634890e-01 -1.09187597e-02 -6.98235407e-02 3.98615688e-01 -2.91185439e-01 -2.10630670e-01 -1.15067847e-01 5.07883579e-02 4.35698330e-01 -4.68896031e-02 -5.25945937e-03 -1.92059092e-02 1.21111777e-02 6.44159138e-01 3.90709609e-01 1.04884148e-01 7.42382109e-02 -4.60290730e-01 1.58774734e-01 -2.15377942e-01 -4.10178065e-01 8.85529518e-02 -5.25370575e-02 -8.85987505e-02 4.48758990e-01 5.08319885e-02 2.38872156e-01 -2.36353930e-02 2.41491020e-01 6.18642941e-02 1.01681024e-01 2.13173985e-01 -2.27424771e-01 -1.13185607e-01 3.86264294e-01 -1.36655226e-01 5.68259247e-02 -1.85523257e-02 5.63930646e-02 2.53422737e-01 4.25013483e-01 1.02493063e-01 -1.47304863e-01 -3.60447586e-01 -1.11593574e-01 -1.51204407e-01 2.15741754e-01 -2.52235919e-01 5.88097200e-02 -2.95036752e-02 4.31154102e-01 -5.13345227e-02 3.78449373e-02 -1.67723373e-01 1.05583362e-01 -9.38915880e-04 -1.30121678e-01 3.23129594e-01 2.15565637e-01 -6.26916170e-01 2.82369833e-02 -1.40451819e-01 -2.22632751e-01 -1.26935527e-01 -5.10444567e-02 3.93480599e-01 -3.42296548e-02 -4.08959031e-01 2.26663843e-01 -3.44254643e-01 -4.13717926e-02 9.56897080e-01 -6.34806603e-02 1.33760840e-01 -1.25275329e-02 -5.57027161e-02 -1.99059591e-01 -1.12462781e-01 -8.60085711e-02 2.95842022e-01 6.50894582e-01 6.74298406e-02 -1.23565711e-01 1.46617278e-01 6.94711786e-03 4.10254598e-01 -6.87316209e-02 1.09158114e-01 -2.82000512e-01 -2.62320638e-01 9.14056972e-02 -4.43575203e-01 1.08302176e-01 3.17586549e-02 -6.95682108e-01 -2.79241055e-01 5.83058417e-01 3.18058014e-01 -3.04678619e-01 -2.91366316e-03 2.94109397e-02 -2.14085817e-01 1.69876248e-01 3.41795534e-01 9.39872116e-02 -3.64450902e-01 -3.30279171e-01 2.51722097e-01 -9.60779097e-03 5.77534325e-02 -7.70961717e-02 -1.63130742e-02 3.53292197e-01 2.15487629e-01 8.59115447e-04 7.77982995e-02 -1.25316247e-01 5.86962342e-01 -6.87760934e-02 1.24117553e-01 -8.01130459e-02 -4.62756976e-02 -1.09527387e-01 2.04882827e-02 2.25468591e-01 -2.88780540e-01 -2.46708021e-01 -3.08508486e-01 1.69920936e-01 -1.86294511e-01 -4.05285388e-01 1.81858763e-01 3.24349493e-01 3.69942158e-01 -7.08213970e-02 -3.44167322e-01 2.75041163e-01 6.78196326e-02 7.21286684e-02 -6.70688674e-02 3.80965054e-01 -1.49760619e-01 -8.87451991e-02 -1.32286996e-01 2.96575457e-01 2.32461959e-01 -2.05285382e-02 1.73865587e-01 7.64643550e-02 -1.28918663e-02 -2.75829732e-01 1.56804174e-02 6.45672381e-01 1.07397094e-01 2.09304374e-02 3.94562155e-01 -5.08369394e-02 2.54168749e-01 -1.80986673e-02 -2.42910102e-01 7.34353513e-02 5.10777414e-01 1.59491912e-01 1.41211867e-01 4.46601212e-02 8.85890331e-04 -2.83047795e-01 -1.38901636e-01 1.92577243e-01 -1.91130966e-01 -2.04055458e-01 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2.76266560e-02 -6.84453994e-02 -1.63997173e-01 -1.20167330e-01 -2.40535885e-01 4.13872570e-01 -2.20164448e-01 -1.45852581e-01 7.14479908e-02 2.75358796e-01 2.64891118e-01 5.30517161e-01 -1.20146446e-01 1.26118466e-01 -2.42644519e-01 3.11956912e-01 5.01469756e-03 -3.32597673e-01 2.16046814e-02 3.12767252e-02 -3.23908143e-02 -2.38793433e-01 -6.22569144e-01 -2.95099430e-02 -9.82561484e-02 -3.33544225e-01 -2.83860058e-01 -2.94446111e-01 2.73303967e-02 1.34600371e-01 -4.54784743e-02 1.45789430e-01 3.80887301e-03 -1.53385460e-01 -4.47490178e-02 -1.70788437e-01 1.62679166e-01 2.51102448e-01 1.51408955e-01 -4.58771661e-02 -4.75923359e-01 2.13016555e-01 3.61859173e-01 1.65023729e-01 -3.11951432e-02 -8.59483238e-03 1.22894265e-01 -1.51633129e-01 1.96893543e-01 -2.52146930e-01 -7.61976168e-02 1.43055096e-01 -2.85580575e-01 -1.13445185e-02 1.16838075e-01 5.38107753e-02 1.68943599e-01 6.04224578e-02 -2.10507050e-01 -3.56504351e-01 -5.98783754e-02 5.02351165e-01 2.32172295e-01 -5.73638827e-02 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1.90842345e-01 1.19005449e-01 2.80202366e-02 -2.13849112e-01 2.05244757e-02 1.03565976e-01 -2.95394987e-01 -4.57976401e-01 1.67968944e-01 5.78786507e-02 1.47365332e-01 3.97023797e-01 1.19947183e+00 -3.26462053e-02 -1.25444867e-03 3.84098701e-02 -5.65622747e-02 9.76716504e-02 -4.18442637e-01 -6.49022162e-02 -3.95843208e-01 4.33117226e-02 2.39431575e-01 -1.34541690e-01 2.55721450e-01 -1.78977177e-02 -2.50834763e-01 -1.42625332e-01 -1.77244414e-02 -9.60275903e-02 1.09070301e-01 2.34915853e-01 4.37951498e-02 -2.49918073e-01 4.33936030e-01 2.05397680e-01 -1.12015404e-01 3.34502995e-01 -7.88827538e-02 2.11444367e-02 -1.06719330e-01 -1.88520312e-01 1.48011819e-01 2.96662956e-01 -1.14546075e-01 7.42671415e-02 -1.43917799e-01 -3.85327965e-01 -1.79391876e-01 -5.31245828e-01 -2.81424761e-01 9.88520030e-03 1.42716810e-01 4.56050113e-02 1.34796828e-01 -2.72834748e-01 1.11470439e-01 1.83481440e-01 4.58466500e-01 3.75439189e-02 -4.75672111e-02 1.85854509e-01 -1.31205946e-01 2.76219904e-01 1.19997591e-01 9.08638909e-02 2.04805195e-01 8.78064632e-02 5.00176847e-02 4.05305326e-01 -1.24665432e-01 -6.59900606e-02 1.60875246e-01 2.01266035e-01 -1.96534172e-01 1.08594308e-02 7.01780105e-03 8.31390843e-02 -1.49367988e-01 -1.75947472e-01 2.02307910e-01 6.72852173e-02 2.01668113e-01 6.30254522e-02 -8.00772160e-02 -4.05702382e-01 -1.30477741e-01 -2.55849779e-01 -5.70804894e-01 1.30990446e-01 -1.94247380e-01 -3.59410614e-01 -1.13410950e-01 2.40155354e-01 -1.03627749e-01 -2.14929253e-01 -1.13413468e-01 -3.82331401e-01 -3.62053770e-03 -2.96962429e-02 -2.35085711e-01 1.32422075e-01 -1.38196886e-01 6.11077487e-01 -2.40411118e-01 -1.76807195e-01 -3.74625325e-01 1.23482846e-01 -4.20411885e-01 5.28004467e-02 2.92468071e-01 -1.92026198e-01 -2.96158791e-01 5.25840037e-02 1.77335978e-01 2.11948812e-01 -1.84836596e-01 -1.97036624e-01 -3.00756812e-01 1.08774006e-01 1.08813196e-01 -4.39800978e-01 1.80654392e-01 1.04011171e-01 1.49379402e-01 -1.38520973e-03 -4.79691336e-03 -3.32125276e-01 1.30546406e-01 4.00682420e-01 -4.09489572e-01 3.50952148e-01 1.34173051e-01 1.55729398e-01 -2.12109052e-02 2.84154356e-01 -1.91605482e-02 1.35079846e-01 -3.18970501e-01 -1.03175178e-01 2.81795353e-01 3.08358341e-01 -3.86056751e-01 2.94184890e-02 3.43969375e-01 5.58527038e-02 -2.05587074e-01 5.22001795e-02 -1.44522652e-01 2.18398318e-01 -1.13248579e-01 2.29471922e-01 7.85810873e-02 2.86287904e-01 -7.06211403e-02 7.47132078e-02 1.48739100e-01 -5.94041869e-02 1.03009278e-02 4.65151489e-01 -3.64534371e-02 -2.45321512e-01 3.67062181e-01 1.78356301e-02 2.93712765e-01 4.69642252e-01 3.56366932e-01 1.29851550e-01 -7.03159273e-02 -1.95237681e-01 5.96669726e-02 9.98944715e-02 3.66427809e-01 4.55700934e-01 -2.08534554e-01 -8.99549387e-03 5.00135422e-01 2.80313581e-01 4.01664637e-02 1.14276804e-01 -7.62938410e-02 6.79816380e-02 2.97228336e-01 1.25527069e-01 1.24539867e-01 1.51997209e-01 -2.98976362e-01 -2.99978480e-02 -1.21158987e-01 1.66204780e-01 2.06124932e-01 3.38808298e-01 6.67030513e-02 -2.83689816e-02 -3.69249910e-01 -2.82029569e-01 4.25413512e-02 -1.22353308e-01 2.68383831e-01 -2.12865859e-01 2.89158136e-01 -7.32817054e-02 -2.03187272e-01 1.82300538e-01 4.63677078e-01 -2.78087974e-01 -3.22900363e-03 7.37183154e-01 -2.01618858e-02 1.68632761e-01 2.28675351e-01 3.19896579e-01 9.18803960e-02 -3.85492221e-02 -3.33424993e-02 -2.94579834e-01 -2.31057480e-01 -1.96381688e-01 1.70942351e-01 7.91331828e-02 1.44297630e-01 2.51009017e-01 9.13068354e-02 -2.56778866e-01 -6.66374505e-01 2.73409843e-01 4.57079560e-02 -2.91525096e-01 -1.81537777e-01 -8.06281716e-02 -2.43680596e-01 -1.41016647e-01 -1.17289677e-01 -1.25099882e-01 -3.55746560e-02 -4.19934154e-01 1.63849428e-01 2.59993285e-01 -1.54168203e-01 8.25376213e-02 -1.42062515e-01 1.04104348e-01 2.86313873e-02 2.00989068e-01 1.38410732e-01 -5.62269211e-01 -1.04780696e-01 -1.23141490e-01 -3.07108998e-01 -8.17967057e-01 5.47769666e-02 3.99885327e-02 -7.80350491e-02 2.23836631e-01 -2.48319447e-01 2.79163927e-01 -6.29667267e-02 6.01231568e-02 -1.58739492e-01 2.43211344e-01 3.05748135e-01 3.07603925e-02 -1.21124752e-01 -7.41519555e-02 1.29994139e-01 -1.07417680e-01 9.90643799e-02 2.32244477e-01 -2.38899142e-01 -1.74124107e-01 -2.08008975e-01 4.74866241e-01 3.34315926e-01 1.82976902e-01 -6.53981119e-02 -1.77297860e-01 -2.08646670e-01 1.12710260e-01 -1.56184047e-01 5.15919328e-02 6.74320087e-02 7.17821062e-01 4.22629207e-01 5.82838282e-02 1.60299405e-01 1.49778828e-01 5.84342442e-02 2.67340869e-01 -6.03466146e-02 2.74483919e-01 -1.70740977e-01 1.64910719e-01 -1.45534068e-01 2.99695313e-01 5.50984405e-02 -1.97893426e-01 -2.69338965e-01 -3.15401256e-01 4.01130080e-01 -3.22621725e-02 -2.39598155e-01 -2.82032132e-01 7.11413026e-02 -1.89202547e-01 -3.61482203e-01 -1.80601776e-01 -2.98614085e-01 -2.34536812e-01 -9.72962081e-02 -1.84720188e-01 2.96661835e-02 -2.56224185e-01 -3.74947518e-01 -6.99852183e-02 1.86735034e-01 9.46030170e-02 9.55612734e-02 4.61111441e-02 -2.12224677e-01]
"Hallway 4, D-Class Dorms, Site 14" active "Item #: SCP-479 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A Site 14 standard 2mm CR4 double skin steel plate security door (UNI 9569 Class 3) with full gasket seal is installed on either end of Hallway 4. Both doors are to be kept locked, and keys retained by the ETHB on duty. D-class personnel authorized to enter for the purposes of surveying and research. Hallway 4 is no longer authorized as a thoroughfare between the D-class laundry and plant room. Sweeps of Site 14 looking for similar phenomena will continue to supplement regular security sweeps until further notice. Description: Hallway 4 is a 25m long hallway connecting the plant room in the Site 14 D-class dormitories to the laundry room. As of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, persons entering Hallway 4 have mentioned powerful visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations of blood, ranging from isolated blood spots on the floor to "blood raining upwards, hitting the floor from the other side like it's the pane of a window". These visions of blood have been proven to be hallucinations. The floor at the time of the first report was plain bare concrete and no evidence of blood can be found by chemical or photographic means. Some ordinary rust was found, but not in the quantities or locations reported in the hallucinations. The ground under Hallway 4 is the same volcanic bedrock that the rest of Site 14 rests on, proven so after a D-class team excavated it with hand tools and a new reinforced concrete floor was poured. A thorough investigation of the walls and ceiling also turned up negative results. No abnormal chemicals are present. Neurological analysis of D-class subjects with no prior history is pending, but so far looks inconclusive. Antipsychotic medication is ineffective. The existence of this phenomenon in a Secure Facility may constitute a security breach and a report to O5 level is in preparation. A request is pending to authorize the funding to declare Hallway 4 a Containment Site, although at present there is no plan in place to deal with the effect, should it spread. Β« SCP-478 | SCP-479 | SCP-480 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-479" by thekit, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: File:Schiffbau tunnel.jpg Name: Schiffbau_tunnel_small.jpg Author: Audriusa License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-479 connects the D-Class laundry and steam plant room."
[ 2.56899092e-03 -3.89382094e-01 -2.76299641e-02 3.24571759e-01 -1.39828861e-01 -2.96449810e-01 7.88696408e-02 6.61665499e-02 -9.73844603e-02 -1.19508594e-01 -2.81630028e-02 3.06922436e-01 -2.32409626e-01 -2.92855948e-01 2.56673872e-01 2.17633903e-01 5.34169935e-02 1.45247728e-01 -3.92939657e-01 -3.01806390e-01 -2.37618625e-01 -5.89759238e-02 -2.95202553e-01 3.42341006e-01 -1.78486168e-01 -9.38501954e-02 -3.56548540e-02 2.06683755e-01 -1.30527511e-01 -1.92394704e-01 1.40796557e-01 3.17068398e-01 5.96474037e-02 4.03588176e-01 -1.10263987e-04 -1.96557522e-01 7.58668482e-02 6.52428493e-02 -1.65228873e-01 2.10845575e-01 -4.14045155e-01 -2.07124487e-01 2.07052007e-03 -3.47520649e-01 4.79729287e-02 -3.23398679e-01 5.87875322e-02 3.66374642e-01 1.75064608e-01 1.21486798e-01 1.50184944e-01 -2.31408700e-01 -9.10951942e-02 -2.26862222e-01 5.72313517e-02 2.14912146e-01 1.33824855e-01 -3.79811645e-01 3.63343090e-01 -2.30278760e-01 -6.66155219e-02 -1.10389456e-01 -3.86633545e-01 1.97088365e-02 2.44124100e-01 -2.03720793e-01 -1.24587856e-01 -1.07385926e-01 2.11664274e-01 3.06823611e-01 7.02481642e-02 -1.12692416e-01 3.91675115e-01 2.98580140e-01 -2.04711854e-01 -1.22391015e-01 2.81366229e-01 1.04325362e-01 -1.31546140e-01 -1.04505591e-01 -1.04197130e-01 5.90292931e-01 -6.46860823e-02 2.24474058e-01 -2.95224637e-01 2.87669003e-01 -1.47786453e-01 -3.77806500e-02 2.08565146e-01 -1.75764099e-01 3.04458439e-02 8.23808685e-02 1.89214855e-01 1.00908749e-01 -2.02870324e-01 -2.62636572e-01 2.23295033e-01 4.32962477e-01 3.37291777e-01 2.46988758e-01 -9.39326826e-03 5.36185056e-02 -1.90785185e-01 4.30275872e-02 -4.80247056e-03 -2.24651143e-01 2.79396959e-02 3.03948373e-01 -4.96829860e-02 7.18759537e-01 -8.46015960e-02 4.80641484e-01 -1.60563663e-01 -2.67261058e-01 8.10530186e-02 3.03458725e-03 -1.58556730e-01 -2.36197218e-01 -1.44553244e-01 4.90611285e-01 -5.25343776e-01 3.15087810e-02 1.48355411e-02 4.09988761e-01 5.44737279e-01 1.13528758e-01 1.51078135e-01 -2.41195530e-01 -5.56200109e-02 -2.83246845e-01 -1.62363693e-01 1.54836103e-01 -2.71794766e-01 4.17928584e-02 3.98123376e-02 7.12898731e-01 2.06941534e-02 2.14053299e-02 -4.48105522e-02 -2.24130638e-02 -2.65058316e-02 3.68153937e-02 5.82264602e-01 3.75769585e-01 -2.72682905e-01 -9.70861688e-02 1.02846265e-01 -3.78334075e-02 2.01929789e-02 2.48186737e-01 2.36943021e-01 -9.85143185e-02 -5.41077442e-02 2.10481867e-01 -3.47187556e-02 1.90835238e-01 1.04013406e-01 -2.17325445e-02 -4.85619418e-02 1.55558124e-01 4.09965396e-01 -2.70123314e-03 2.26875544e-01 -8.27905536e-02 1.60479799e-01 5.46137393e-01 -2.03279704e-01 -9.36650555e-04 -1.53923675e-01 -2.54446715e-02 1.81094676e-01 -2.68812627e-02 -2.09086344e-01 -1.31445065e-01 -2.09824234e-01 1.26098245e-01 -2.04318538e-01 -2.23921463e-01 -2.43767917e-01 -3.72424215e-01 -4.59485859e-01 2.74445295e-01 2.81569391e-01 -3.25227916e-01 -2.77932417e-02 1.62217647e-01 2.74638921e-01 -5.15335619e-01 3.78333509e-01 -3.12816687e-02 -4.14030701e-01 -3.46260160e-01 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1.21765241e-01 2.28762656e-01 1.52466625e-01 -1.94466963e-01 -3.14624131e-01 4.04118896e-01 -3.71555518e-03 -1.83422700e-01 -1.66561633e-01 3.10561597e-01 6.18837714e-01 2.07288682e-01 1.07683122e-01 -1.16506845e-01 -1.83265805e-01 -2.13828728e-01 -1.07233189e-01 -1.23302527e-01 -4.23904555e-03 -2.57540882e-01 1.25522584e-01 2.16711670e-01 1.49973720e-01 -1.33733198e-01 -1.47919327e-01 1.01290628e-01 8.98619592e-02 -3.24976981e-01 -2.12030739e-01 -3.29748064e-01 -2.22829446e-01 -9.62242931e-02 9.29101586e-01 1.99447870e-02 -1.21352941e-01 -7.97551533e-04 -1.94990814e-01 -2.56829649e-01 1.34770302e-02 1.70906335e-02 4.35233563e-01 -2.49752656e-01 1.17404580e-01 -4.91808355e-02 -7.05516785e-02 2.21724778e-01 1.13028646e-01 -5.80938339e-01 2.09718764e-01 4.00626987e-01 -4.44788711e-05 -7.39384219e-02 -3.19432728e-02 -4.75337595e-01 5.03463612e-04 2.40339562e-01 -5.14584899e-01 1.97329640e-01 -2.90662833e-02 1.07064426e-01 -4.74399090e-01 5.16951531e-02 -3.17211524e-02 1.66992530e-01 3.12070679e-02 -2.82059580e-01 -2.44503781e-01 3.83323245e-02 2.04802379e-01 -1.81043833e-01 -2.65850097e-01 3.13494094e-02 -2.17875186e-02 8.92684087e-02 -7.10220337e-02 -2.19156042e-01 6.31852269e-01 -1.41941652e-01 1.07704923e-01 -2.46789023e-01 2.09770873e-01 2.75583025e-02 -1.67836025e-01 8.06468874e-02 -2.43194386e-01 -1.87200621e-01 1.63516209e-01 -7.08474137e-04 -6.38296723e-01 -6.21317625e-01 -1.41120940e-01 1.44127935e-01 2.12857768e-01 -2.00398982e-01 5.82272172e-01 2.28403546e-02 -3.13335389e-01 -1.68848515e-01 1.91258360e-02 1.59127131e-01 9.30432826e-02 2.63073176e-01 -2.67849982e-01 -1.68652698e-01 4.15438533e-01 1.32121041e-01 3.62521261e-01 -1.83506563e-01 -1.08482771e-01 7.38709122e-02 2.13787094e-01 2.53027081e-01 -1.21952603e-02 -1.05343737e-01 1.02408998e-01 -1.33170769e-01 1.77776754e-01 -1.15625001e-01 -2.68317491e-01 1.13806024e-01 -4.02721316e-01 -6.33229539e-02 -2.88266480e-01 -2.75201172e-01 2.48315766e-01 5.29117137e-02 -5.98386638e-02 -1.96160406e-01 -1.77027155e-02 -2.80075312e-01 6.30778819e-02 5.94195783e-01 -1.71243802e-01 4.50149039e-03 -2.03032061e-01 3.85576040e-02 7.64165372e-02 3.22509259e-01 -1.05895236e-01 2.21368268e-01 -5.46478331e-01 -7.18628466e-02 2.32241824e-01 -4.73142505e-01 -8.43107402e-02 -1.04102418e-02 8.47406745e-01 3.93529803e-01 -1.31297141e-01 1.41603768e-01 4.47318405e-02 -2.14982644e-01 -3.68367940e-01 4.00749147e-01 -2.71032512e-01 -2.31809974e-01 -4.02585641e-02 4.95326936e-01 -8.04879069e-02 1.88645408e-01 2.76039511e-01 2.33939156e-01 -3.04009944e-01 -2.31515959e-01 -1.12662343e-02 2.15593621e-01 -2.83930540e-01 -2.54946947e-01 -2.45556012e-01 5.56164384e-01 -6.77309930e-02 9.31615382e-02 5.71676306e-02 -1.00156024e-01 1.50952592e-01 -1.55079097e-01 4.40971583e-01 3.15205723e-01 2.60648336e-02 3.60009789e-01 -2.64871925e-01 -2.55913198e-01 1.00504912e-01 3.50388549e-02 -1.13185626e-02 7.11971998e-01 -1.68009520e-01 1.23711720e-01 -1.95442393e-01 2.57742375e-01 -4.80179042e-02 -2.24510264e-02 4.35611844e-01 5.73706105e-02 4.80319887e-01 -4.83911708e-02 -3.27035296e-03 -4.68901247e-02 -2.42681414e-01 2.62243122e-01 4.51773822e-01 -1.80572376e-01 2.62695134e-01 1.98981956e-01 1.08199739e+00 1.99283659e-01 2.93713748e-01 4.04815935e-03 -1.32679837e-02 -1.03699891e-02 -5.33939600e-01 -1.08981587e-01 -1.34531155e-01 8.76679048e-02 2.47734383e-01 -1.98768988e-01 1.75579101e-01 5.59759974e-01 -1.87354654e-01 -3.49729329e-01 -3.47204477e-01 3.42570901e-01 3.41061354e-01 -7.10906684e-02 1.36033714e-01 6.81259409e-02 8.04128870e-03 2.57289022e-01 7.99825490e-02 2.12646015e-02 -1.64786112e-02 2.94075727e-01 -1.45738631e-01 -1.20232441e-01 -4.66100961e-01 1.16288632e-01 -3.99680436e-01 3.55502337e-01 -1.38939127e-01 8.68819058e-02 -2.47066114e-02 2.21686497e-01 -8.33111107e-02 3.76494318e-01 -3.00957579e-02 3.66616249e-01 3.98785263e-01 -4.17861436e-03 3.20180595e-01 1.06854148e-01 2.74630100e-01 -1.51783554e-02 -2.14723065e-01 2.01537222e-01 -9.82008204e-02 -2.78320432e-01 -1.61941886e-01 1.04952984e-01 -6.12744913e-02 -2.67814487e-01 6.15175784e-01 2.64412135e-01 -1.16577588e-01 -8.79324079e-02 1.72698766e-01 -2.67604534e-02 -7.27165341e-02 -2.23664477e-01 1.96036790e-02 -6.69013485e-02 4.00962681e-02 8.23321417e-02 1.27048362e-02 8.83037038e-03 4.91757840e-02 3.86381708e-02 -3.48498166e-01 -4.11481261e-01 4.41481126e-03 1.02830999e-01 -3.24356794e-01 -8.99103433e-02 -2.14959174e-01 -4.47596103e-01 1.85613915e-01 1.77194387e-01 1.22655192e-02 -1.69313997e-01 -1.72228530e-01 -2.05702707e-01 -5.93383163e-02 -1.20122153e-02 -8.78500342e-02 1.96212932e-01 1.59638658e-01 5.74390948e-01 -1.60480179e-02 1.86596051e-01 -3.43134731e-01 1.48291796e-01 -3.41791987e-01 -1.10770732e-01 4.68845457e-01 -2.77557760e-01 6.10651216e-03 1.23953551e-01 7.65981078e-02 1.97864860e-01 -1.13752428e-02 -1.76934600e-01 -1.34738848e-01 1.49292648e-01 1.19114079e-01 -2.85518318e-01 1.50992244e-03 -2.65549541e-01 1.50342613e-01 -8.60560162e-04 3.43419939e-01 -1.07917495e-01 2.55996078e-01 2.46726841e-01 1.23218834e-01 6.06743656e-02 -2.45690838e-01 1.94734350e-01 1.22509122e-01 3.19503099e-01 -2.50047594e-01 -2.55572468e-01 -2.19857588e-01 -1.08287513e-01 3.89296822e-02 4.10598516e-01 -1.35477364e-01 3.64704907e-01 2.85194129e-01 -3.58667336e-02 -2.65612528e-02 -2.53221422e-01 -3.61329690e-02 -9.96476114e-02 -3.57002914e-01 4.18770388e-02 2.46170238e-02 2.15150714e-01 -5.61257340e-02 3.79845547e-03 3.52504961e-02 1.86068155e-02 -5.44398166e-02 1.54943064e-01 -2.03933623e-02 -2.10784256e-01 4.81721222e-01 -5.22449501e-02 2.11885214e-01 -2.16493160e-01 3.23542953e-01 1.50242984e-01 -1.32081047e-01 -1.59454510e-01 -1.83411315e-01 -1.01839758e-01 3.31154555e-01 4.49440181e-01 8.98596719e-02 -9.91972629e-03 -3.03466283e-02 7.48046935e-02 5.89731216e-01 6.11811318e-02 5.62449172e-02 1.42096102e-01 3.49841430e-03 3.06340791e-02 -2.58854032e-01 2.99828276e-02 -3.29346538e-01 1.72098815e-01 -2.70695835e-01 -1.65597126e-02 -1.08319640e-01 3.50546658e-01 2.02491418e-01 -2.64005423e-01 -2.86332428e-01 -1.23617522e-01 -1.41520813e-01 1.36905313e-01 -6.28300458e-02 -8.05809051e-02 -6.53283894e-02 -9.83095318e-02 1.39990047e-01 5.29234558e-02 3.65502030e-01 -1.88231051e-01 4.67228480e-02 3.37201834e-01 -9.29325595e-02 2.26943761e-01 4.94334996e-02 1.44574121e-01 -1.73487645e-02 -3.01965997e-02 -9.19182375e-02 1.62371010e-01 1.47698224e-02 -1.28446639e-01 1.20859452e-01 3.42949569e-01 -1.22356951e-01 1.23292193e-01 7.59458616e-02 -2.73296386e-01 -5.94753861e-01 3.52533400e-01 2.52127677e-01 1.58266544e-01 4.43073541e-01 -6.20531105e-02 -2.78633773e-01 1.04191348e-01 -9.28558260e-02 -2.99813062e-01 4.51739654e-02 -2.32342154e-01 -2.71295328e-02 1.61814898e-01 -3.47678393e-01 8.45767260e-02 -4.05278504e-02 2.83174485e-01 -9.69012454e-02 -1.33656502e-01 -1.18159473e-01 -5.49324632e-01 -3.00354898e-01 2.44506508e-01 -1.39251456e-01 -6.56723142e-01 -1.16156273e-01 -1.84631837e-03 1.64070174e-01 8.10900852e-02 -8.12778994e-02 -2.27678806e-01 1.26698419e-01 -7.73489177e-02 -2.11329177e-01 -3.95110808e-02 4.35633361e-01 -2.59673484e-02 -1.37337089e-01 -1.52176052e-01 8.74401107e-02 2.20938446e-03 9.28489864e-02 1.81565270e-01 -2.44437501e-01 1.93645179e-01 2.07825407e-01 -7.88527504e-02 -8.83645415e-02 6.66309536e-01 -4.18973602e-02 -1.96337223e-01 -1.18462987e-01 -7.21729593e-04 -1.86001092e-01 -2.28249859e-02 2.55167466e-02 1.90066382e-01 2.87668169e-01 -7.92657062e-02 2.45579854e-01 -8.41814950e-02 -2.33738571e-01 -2.31764335e-02 -2.60429353e-01 4.66495268e-02 2.78713461e-02 9.22933668e-02 1.49816543e-01 2.21502647e-01 1.11408401e-02 -6.83993101e-02 -2.49279872e-01 -2.47697443e-01 3.71230215e-01 -5.36517203e-01 -1.07084624e-02 -2.63852745e-01 4.31839257e-01 -2.52917767e-01 -1.45618036e-01 -1.38921097e-01 -4.00264651e-01 1.07525326e-02 1.83072373e-01 -1.95148885e-01 6.47520870e-02 -7.28248060e-02 -2.46417165e-01 -1.40975595e-01 2.00674921e-01 8.14968906e-03 -1.49896011e-01 -1.38363257e-01 -6.70439154e-02]
"Recurring Nightmare Field" active "Item #: SCP-480 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Site-415, located 142 km SSW of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Wyoming, United States, has been constructed at the location of SCP-480's recovery, and is to be used exclusively for its containment. SCP-480 is to be monitored constantly for indicator signs of an impending fluctuation event. SCP-480 is contained in a Type-3 standard observation chamber retrofitted with an early-warning system consisting of a spectrum of electromagnetic radiation sensors. Work stations and research staff are to be situated a minimum distance of 25m from the observed center of SCP-480. In the event of a likely significant expansion of the area of SCP-480, a D-Class subject is to be immediately prepared and secured in the observation antechamber located next to the primary containment unit. Addendum 28-MIKE: To address concerns raised by research staff, a memetic pass-phrase system has been instituted to confirm that personnel are not currently under the effects of SCP-480. All personnel completing a shift at Site-415 must undergo memetic reality confirmation protocols prior to being signed out. Description: SCP-480 is a localized electromagnetic field generated by an unseen and as yet unknown source, capable of inducing substantial changes to human consciousness and physiology. While size and strength of the electromagnetic field fluctuate constantly, SCP-480 typically occupies a space of approximately 450m3 and usually is observed to be between 2.4T and 4.6T. SCP-480 is capable, however, of contracting and expanding substantially; it has been documented at minimums of 38.1Β΅T and 18m3, and maximum values of 14.9T and 792m3. Although SCP-480 is 62% more likely to experience a major fluctuation event if no sapient organism is present within its area of effect, these events can occur at any time regardless of persons or materials present within SCP-480. When a sapient organism is introduced into the area of SCP-480, it will undergo radical changes in sensory perception and mental function. Subjects placed in SCP-480 experience a mental state similar to dreaming during REM sleep, and become mostly unresponsive to outside stimuli. In this state, subjects experience the perception of a recurring period of time, either a recent event or a time perceived to be in the near future. Each recurrence begins in the same manner; for instance, if a subject finds themselves driving a car upon a particular section of highway at the beginning of a recurrence, they will always find themselves engaging in the same activity in each successive iteration thereof. However, subsequent events will differ in each successive scenario experienced by the subject. Each recurrence experienced by those within SCP-480 consists of an event or series of events that will cause heightened sensations of existential dread and/or terror in the subject. Some recurrences end with the subject's perceived death, while others conclude with the subject simply losing consciousness due to unknown means. Regardless of the means by which recurrences end, the scenario experienced by the subject restarts in the exact same manner. Subjects apparently do not retain any memory of previous recurrence iterations. For a partial list of known recurrence scenarios, see Addendum 480-3. Subjects will continue to experience the effects of SCP-480 as long as they remain within its area. Because of the nature of SCP-480's influence, subjects exhibit acute, unremitting signs of increased stress levels while remaining within the electromagnetic field, invariably leading to deleterious physiological effects. Removal of affected individuals from SCP-480 has invariably resulted in spontaneous cerebral hemorrhaging in subjects (usually occurring in the brain stem), causing brain death within minutes. Addendum 480-1: RESEARCH PROTOCOL UPDATE 480-T.78 Modality of Test Subject Preparation In consultation with the Behavioral Psychology Office and Directorate of Neurology, the following protocols are to be observed for the preparation of SCP-480 potential test subjects. Note that a minimum of five fully-prepared potential test subjects are to be maintained at Site-415: - Senior Researcher E. Moore Addendum 480-2: TO ALL SITE-415 STAFF In regard to the procedural inquiry after Incident 480-14 and the loss of Dr. Herrera, the Site-415 Ethics Committee has, by a vote of 4-3, adopted the staff recommendation that Foundation personnel affected by SCP-480 be maintained as test subjects for the duration of continued life function. While the effects of SCP-480 are undeniably distressing for those observing former co-workers, the correlation between presence of test subjects and reduced instances of containment breaches requires that personnel who would be lost to the Foundation in any subsequent scenario be employed to reduce risk to unaffected staff. For record keeping purposes, personnel who are affected by SCP-480 are to be immediately considered deceased. Addendum 480-3: Recorded results of SCP-480 events Β« SCP-479 | SCP-480 | SCP-481 Β»" nan
[-1.07301094e-01 -4.06732351e-01 -2.92529128e-02 -4.25195657e-02 1.82832837e-01 -2.14578643e-01 2.32898951e-01 4.07269821e-02 1.35449041e-02 -1.19610652e-02 4.73030001e-01 4.36530448e-02 -2.69072443e-01 -1.86904922e-01 -1.65873170e-02 1.81050286e-01 -7.10007846e-02 3.69266778e-01 -1.85826302e-01 -2.87526727e-01 -1.13832749e-01 -4.09178674e-01 -1.06164783e-01 4.49521542e-02 -5.55116415e-01 -1.93290085e-01 2.18082726e-01 -9.88628715e-02 -7.66560528e-03 -2.54732698e-01 1.18159570e-01 -2.23025009e-02 -8.41278583e-02 8.73382613e-02 -1.09557790e-04 -2.44337052e-01 9.73259360e-02 -1.35228246e-01 2.05544189e-01 2.12510973e-01 -5.06368577e-01 -1.06284298e-01 1.31469309e-01 -2.00363666e-01 7.41378218e-03 -3.11686546e-02 -2.21895706e-02 1.09023035e-01 5.69048941e-01 9.99316797e-02 1.67296678e-01 -9.15723220e-02 -1.95748150e-01 7.71307424e-02 6.44750744e-02 3.77255946e-01 -1.21208563e-01 -2.02618122e-01 8.56314972e-02 -4.43421565e-02 6.46107495e-02 7.07973018e-02 7.58988112e-02 -3.62287574e-02 4.63096440e-01 -6.35760725e-02 1.57285571e-01 6.02985313e-03 2.35087976e-01 1.78794518e-01 3.77862938e-02 -1.61918402e-01 1.04046583e-01 1.29880056e-01 -2.23891139e-02 -2.80669004e-01 9.80961621e-02 1.92023173e-01 -1.07818358e-01 3.41497213e-02 2.41920501e-01 3.10705334e-01 -2.55113989e-01 -3.62906680e-02 -3.04417521e-01 4.56619672e-02 4.41639908e-02 1.88042019e-02 6.57224879e-02 -1.87088311e-01 9.69597697e-03 1.10542178e-01 4.52645391e-01 2.22823635e-01 -3.29528630e-01 -1.85913190e-01 1.34281337e-01 -4.29576606e-01 -3.14566563e-03 1.33879736e-01 3.24751139e-01 1.81139395e-01 8.14470574e-02 3.51544917e-02 2.48639181e-01 -1.43625841e-01 3.53626721e-02 -2.65153289e-01 -6.75221235e-02 2.84502149e-01 -1.40261516e-01 1.64251029e-01 -2.31687091e-02 3.08517933e-01 1.96824387e-01 -2.07333043e-01 -6.91173226e-02 -6.57564700e-02 -1.43857211e-01 4.57622588e-01 -6.92766726e-01 1.76369280e-01 3.83492820e-02 2.12639272e-01 4.53779221e-01 1.93715051e-01 -4.89298441e-02 -4.72243935e-01 2.06518192e-02 1.36458859e-01 -1.95507169e-01 2.41987165e-02 -5.19532263e-01 7.53735900e-02 -6.48187175e-02 -1.94189161e-01 1.10710703e-01 3.06419462e-01 -2.30323419e-01 1.05485350e-01 1.23765722e-01 -3.52976434e-02 2.63284862e-01 2.31872663e-01 -6.45347476e-01 -2.90505975e-01 -1.73125729e-01 2.23415375e-01 -1.81315038e-02 6.91142380e-02 4.09114927e-01 1.23620041e-01 -2.09196255e-01 2.29967609e-01 -1.79862957e-02 1.37289748e-01 9.38976884e-01 -7.69709945e-02 -1.21987395e-01 -8.44679549e-02 1.23955339e-01 -1.16734922e-01 3.55233222e-01 -3.47194187e-02 -5.69564551e-02 2.86944002e-01 -8.87376890e-02 -3.18969004e-02 -1.05696507e-01 -5.69840670e-02 -2.11932719e-01 -4.55193035e-02 -4.92094550e-03 -2.75604755e-01 -2.00311050e-01 2.91268434e-02 -3.22338939e-01 1.14454336e-01 -1.08588979e-01 -2.63252556e-01 -4.14648771e-01 5.18562831e-02 1.98614642e-01 -2.67395517e-03 -3.02692920e-01 1.04022302e-01 7.33029991e-02 -2.72932261e-01 1.08961985e-01 -1.19148657e-01 -4.34897542e-01 -3.85731131e-01 -2.18743578e-01 5.69390580e-02 1.21758178e-01 -1.78911239e-01 3.33531827e-01 4.56581950e-01 2.36580133e-01 3.92756872e-02 -8.61981511e-02 1.52145773e-01 3.59111458e-01 -1.43853009e-01 -1.03562720e-01 -3.03823531e-01 -3.44662100e-01 -3.37995738e-01 9.47039127e-02 1.83161318e-01 2.20602434e-02 -6.10216185e-02 5.97923547e-02 -4.25866060e-02 -1.02339931e-01 -2.92292506e-01 2.48053089e-01 3.13702136e-01 -3.46614532e-02 -2.36787543e-01 -1.72105208e-01 -9.15661901e-02 -2.64927745e-02 -3.74577157e-02 -1.96411282e-01 6.29974306e-02 -1.07723631e-01 -2.93298990e-01 -2.04530656e-01 3.52201253e-01 1.67697072e-01 1.04141250e-01 2.41682529e-01 -3.77165347e-01 4.50914614e-02 4.95383777e-02 1.84575003e-02 7.61899471e-01 -5.34240156e-02 2.40167275e-01 1.29280567e-01 6.25545606e-02 3.30582783e-02 1.37349248e-01 -1.11399859e-01 1.38000146e-01 3.44466120e-01 1.15967132e-01 1.90933868e-01 1.50480289e-02 2.01821104e-01 -3.85196686e-01 -5.78223914e-02 -8.95431712e-02 3.38173300e-01 4.24291253e-01 2.56368935e-01 3.42288375e-01 -4.91347492e-01 3.22470933e-01 2.21151002e-02 -9.98549163e-04 2.50956535e-01 1.45056963e-01 -3.00611347e-01 -2.59181619e-01 3.18029404e-01 4.16319877e-01 -4.48827334e-02 1.95370764e-02 -9.05525014e-02 1.65070608e-01 -3.63164216e-01 -2.44759545e-01 7.98057988e-02 7.81211406e-02 1.81290463e-01 4.73264724e-01 4.06308144e-01 -2.17980295e-02 -2.24021658e-01 -4.51516062e-01 -1.87082142e-02 8.87049884e-02 -1.08292617e-01 1.51354149e-01 -4.69590366e-01 -2.09819183e-01 -6.22664034e-01 6.51083827e-01 -1.21607538e-03 -1.30711421e-01 1.15233967e-02 -5.16674966e-02 -3.56458038e-01 -6.42534047e-02 2.39537328e-01 4.02133167e-01 -2.80422624e-02 3.33888680e-01 -5.65708935e-01 -1.69333652e-01 -3.66806574e-02 8.61576796e-02 -1.83489874e-01 -6.80680200e-02 5.90941846e-01 1.71302497e-01 5.76277114e-02 2.22947061e-01 -3.83222133e-01 1.92131236e-01 3.02041143e-01 -1.82086036e-01 -1.96246225e-02 8.32227692e-02 -3.62620056e-02 -3.67338061e-01 3.57853062e-02 -3.06515783e-01 4.89085168e-02 5.51069230e-02 -2.78175890e-01 2.25963682e-01 -1.38801783e-01 -4.76711243e-02 -1.02800236e-03 -1.36069834e-01 2.53753394e-01 3.35466377e-02 7.48144835e-02 6.20996118e-01 -6.59772828e-02 3.30840796e-01 -4.58337814e-01 -7.17258155e-02 -2.57959455e-01 -1.14446409e-01 -3.43819372e-02 -1.41118631e-01 5.16836382e-02 -2.46576164e-02 -4.33444619e-01 2.48900160e-01 3.40349048e-01 -2.20619053e-01 -4.86947238e-01 2.09115937e-01 -9.46476683e-02 -8.15239996e-02 -1.47755250e-01 4.72445697e-01 1.84225991e-01 -3.34468007e-01 1.26320735e-01 1.85888459e-03 1.65501416e-01 3.11520159e-01 4.28305477e-01 -2.17599422e-01 -1.84577435e-01 3.48713607e-01 5.10480940e-01 1.18131623e-01 -2.50922233e-01 2.72060242e-02 -1.50596306e-01 -1.10182472e-01 1.45724267e-01 1.49082109e-01 7.97080398e-02 1.15976669e-01 -4.93666559e-01 -1.59797072e-02 -1.48013681e-01 1.06646590e-01 6.40991628e-02 -5.08922711e-02 8.87767598e-02 -2.71708995e-01 -2.39268988e-02 5.27838647e-01 4.62417245e-01 -5.03833331e-02 8.35312083e-02 3.38033997e-02 -1.43869311e-01 -6.51185438e-02 2.64736861e-01 -1.43141925e-01 -1.65144466e-02 -1.41349668e-02 -8.18852782e-02 -1.15643382e-01 -9.24345478e-02 1.20368429e-01 2.38736108e-01 -3.12858611e-01 1.98849905e-02 3.72519732e-01 -2.87032515e-01 1.13963606e-02 1.96986631e-01 3.71485919e-01 3.22208077e-01 9.74900573e-02 -1.19498167e-02 -6.43032640e-02 -1.08927220e-01 -5.08786321e-01 2.34235421e-01 -2.10626319e-01 -6.97604716e-02 -4.93689179e-02 3.71212848e-02 4.23673447e-03 3.86681519e-02 2.04235762e-01 1.11829422e-01 -4.64925259e-01 -2.65743017e-01 3.94659117e-02 -1.45321816e-01 -2.80160397e-01 2.24988610e-01 5.92478272e-03 3.58241260e-01 2.17547327e-01 1.63759068e-02 3.27826925e-02 5.56136444e-02 -1.20412437e-02 -1.12950951e-02 4.01230961e-01 2.52930135e-01 2.90640801e-01 3.00966024e-01 1.57246307e-01 -3.26236449e-02 7.99213126e-02 -1.73407629e-01 1.27811506e-01 7.43454576e-01 2.29816183e-01 2.25621670e-01 -2.31782779e-01 3.11435997e-01 -3.58939469e-01 6.97053820e-02 4.74918813e-01 -9.85476449e-02 5.54915726e-01 -4.35507864e-01 2.92070091e-01 -2.51439750e-01 -9.22425762e-02 -1.56617854e-02 -1.85240865e-01 3.48395593e-02 5.07090330e-01 5.60395837e-01 1.20664310e+00 2.66472340e-01 2.91990221e-01 4.47442919e-01 -2.67697990e-01 3.38868648e-01 -3.23703676e-01 5.57408743e-02 -4.07687217e-01 3.75567168e-01 5.40217981e-02 -2.08136916e-01 4.01030093e-01 2.52191335e-01 -1.39788032e-01 -1.82983249e-01 -2.50169575e-01 -8.90382901e-02 2.30003715e-01 7.93795362e-02 -1.85215771e-01 -2.62332931e-02 1.05301686e-01 1.45829678e-01 -2.13492528e-01 4.09283908e-03 -1.13753989e-01 2.00723601e-03 5.75553253e-02 -1.15853608e-01 -2.45956078e-01 7.16577992e-02 1.27292320e-01 9.31380615e-02 -3.53603154e-01 -1.50765195e-01 -3.25942159e-01 -3.51342320e-01 -4.80089337e-01 -4.80343476e-02 -1.88727662e-01 3.58645648e-01 1.88035101e-01 -1.61173850e-01 -8.48795250e-02 2.94394437e-02 4.67793673e-01 -2.60082968e-02 -2.09063768e-01 -5.84869720e-02 -5.78111783e-02 1.72560811e-01 -1.84877217e-01 1.56804368e-01 -1.17199220e-01 4.96586040e-02 2.24429995e-01 2.91659772e-01 -2.66262531e-01 -7.19489083e-02 1.66472152e-01 5.10369167e-02 1.82545975e-01 2.09350482e-01 -1.41679235e-02 5.30816428e-02 -4.51427065e-02 2.33597979e-01 1.06699824e-01 1.93597768e-02 1.16458163e-01 8.35570693e-02 -2.36025929e-01 -4.53020304e-01 1.39276758e-01 -2.14182585e-01 -3.41134757e-01 2.60226498e-03 7.23549426e-02 -4.43854809e-01 2.41938367e-01 3.60185683e-01 -2.53486812e-01 -2.61106461e-01 -3.24404746e-01 -2.23368272e-01 1.92115068e-01 -9.08305570e-02 -4.80894819e-02 3.66975605e-01 2.19551221e-01 7.68577039e-01 -1.37261569e-01 1.41982958e-01 -3.62592697e-01 8.64300728e-02 -1.18263513e-01 1.19757742e-01 -1.94046721e-01 -5.13342798e-01 6.71384633e-02 -1.12604596e-01 1.46008611e-01 3.79229605e-01 -3.41163218e-01 -1.89141721e-01 -2.91467160e-01 8.44088644e-02 2.23814636e-01 -2.65540540e-01 -8.36105198e-02 -4.94586043e-02 1.78167701e-01 1.52370352e-02 -2.21273769e-02 1.21507645e-01 1.26772314e-01 2.74546683e-01 -4.52533811e-01 4.99623790e-02 2.08714996e-02 -9.89942700e-02 3.85198072e-02 4.29793030e-01 8.22950304e-02 -9.76769719e-03 -2.71811396e-01 2.87688076e-02 -3.11122328e-01 3.78549904e-01 -2.58997858e-01 -8.79349709e-02 5.06469846e-01 -4.24268842e-02 -2.51278698e-01 1.20371925e-02 -9.98161063e-02 1.55291587e-01 -3.43273699e-01 7.56893978e-02 -4.16393578e-02 2.65600085e-01 -2.13002563e-01 1.90243218e-02 -1.79209054e-01 1.28343046e-01 1.41298037e-03 1.31273672e-01 1.48909286e-01 -5.77970803e-01 5.36590628e-02 -8.98392946e-02 2.80631274e-01 -3.32046390e-01 2.39251420e-01 1.47912711e-01 8.92838314e-02 -1.64277464e-01 1.00133725e-01 4.66655821e-01 3.94432396e-01 4.10895944e-01 3.87582123e-01 -3.45954955e-01 -1.49370670e-01 2.06869081e-01 -2.23873824e-01 -2.05501899e-01 3.65930825e-01 4.23095554e-01 -1.07000291e-01 2.74626166e-01 6.44715279e-02 -6.65430203e-02 -1.11920387e-01 2.58024395e-01 -1.65382847e-01 7.09609538e-02 -5.60470596e-02 3.94000947e-01 4.27170157e-01 -2.55133212e-01 -5.35752513e-02 9.55658033e-02 2.60106832e-01 1.69755638e-01 1.49263233e-01 -1.04606450e-01 1.37662753e-01 2.41140679e-01 -1.06129952e-01 2.49070153e-01 3.97083491e-01 -2.48983055e-01 3.40137631e-02 4.39147681e-01 -1.22981541e-01 1.09866686e-01 1.00826910e-02 1.60890222e-01 3.24172117e-02 -5.93731888e-02 1.84911668e-01 -1.98862791e-01 -1.26306191e-01 -1.49239764e-01 -7.85029083e-02 3.95731062e-01 3.07942241e-01 1.66740999e-01 9.88418087e-02 -2.62779921e-01 -2.93220907e-01 1.12079963e-01 8.81806165e-02 -4.46119159e-02 2.36319020e-01 1.06413536e-01 -5.78002296e-02 3.01754445e-01 -1.07829906e-01 -5.18688917e-01 -5.80168515e-02 -2.04890445e-01 -1.91426173e-01 2.85559863e-01 -4.05345678e-01 8.50651562e-02 -3.00413370e-01 2.38955528e-01 -1.37294367e-01 -1.72936037e-01 1.53825879e-01 -1.76357046e-01 -1.46263137e-01 7.72911012e-02 -9.95401517e-02 -2.01639041e-01 1.31542951e-01 2.60892194e-02 -4.68408652e-02 -1.31003514e-01 -1.14558578e-01 -3.12465370e-01 2.61233926e-01 6.84267357e-02 -1.84245229e-01 2.01777682e-01 4.95373219e-01 -7.01332390e-02 5.76518886e-02 7.53803132e-03 1.74895287e-01 -8.88264701e-02 1.95068777e-01 -1.96413994e-01 -2.34241441e-01 1.90773811e-02 -2.82012541e-02 3.77495378e-01 -1.14760086e-01 2.76397586e-01 -1.07957952e-01 -5.35880327e-01 -1.15492366e-01 1.27872795e-01 -9.47249532e-02 -1.82685494e-01 1.22079723e-01 4.47289258e-01 2.53721744e-01 -1.29888549e-01 1.88264307e-02 -6.67558983e-02 -3.97625208e-01 3.08831930e-01 -3.57160002e-01 6.28751293e-02 -6.56724498e-02 1.92110583e-01 -4.73240279e-02 3.61390680e-01 1.94588169e-01 2.17436976e-03 -8.22207332e-02 -2.56202340e-01 3.08224618e-01 1.25889704e-01 -1.17998347e-01 -1.77095197e-02 4.82000560e-02 -4.68296498e-01 -1.40487239e-01 -7.15817571e-01 -2.30010077e-01 -2.95509468e-03 -1.17217284e-02 -1.04421981e-01 -2.62184232e-01 1.33495048e-01 -4.13413882e-01 -1.21063218e-01 3.42288435e-01 1.42900124e-01 9.34756249e-02 1.64752364e-01 1.57767367e-02]
"Scar Tissue" active "Item #: SCP-481 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-481 is currently contained in Sector-25, in a specially designed dormitory for the affected subjects. The dormitory is built to modified D-class specifications, with space for two (2) occupants at this point, based on the spread of the scar tissue. Besides the standard sleeping quarters, there is a living space for each accessible through an outer isolation room. Subjects are allowed written and recorded entertainment that is available from local sources and does not violate containment procedures. No excessive funds are to be spent on this. Subjects are allowed visits to the outer facility and external walled gardens for no more than three (3) hours per day, supervised by two (2) Level 2 Security personnel. Cameras are installed in the dormitories, and are to be monitored by one (1) Level 2 Security personnel at all times. Subjects should not be prevented from self-harm, except for in cases of corresponding large scale violence in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Full-body restraints are authorized in this case, under the supervision of a trained medical team. Description: SCP-481 was originally a clustered pattern of scars, roughly corresponding to a variably partial map of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, India, appearing on SCP-481-1 (formerly Ms. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ) since at least 199β–ˆ. SCP-481 has since spread to SCP-481-2 (formerly Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, see Addendum 481-01). When SCP-481 first manifested on SCP-481-1, it appeared as a small series of criss-crossing scars that has been found to correspond to the neighborhood of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. While it is still not readily apparent why this town is being mapped, the sympathetic effects of the scars and city are readily apparent. The scars are a perfect recreation of the town. Streets and alleys appear as straight scars resembling lacerations made with a dull cutting instrument. Buildings are represented by scar nodes. A small canal flowing through the town is represented as a jagged scar across the abdomen of SCP-481-1. The growth of new scars corresponds to the expansion of the already overcrowded town/city, including slums set up on unofficial roads. Described as very painful by both SCP-481-1 and -2, the effect is not limited to growth. Any demolition leads to a severely painful scouring of the corresponding scar patterns. Scars currently cover 100% of the skin, including the scalp, of SCP-481-1 and approximately 47% of the skin of SCP-481-2 from the shoulders to the lower torso, including both arms. SCP-481-1 has shown tendencies to self-harm since her incarceration. Any scars left by this faded completely within 20 days and did not correspond to changes in the city architecture. It was therefore believed that the self-inflicted scars were merely an expression of SCP-481-1's frustration with her containment. This has since been proven inaccurate by Incident 481-1-01. Addendum: 481-01: When SCP-481-1 ran out of skin for the scars to expand to, it was believed that the expansion events were over. Within a week, scars began appearing on SCP-481-2. He was immediately quarantined along with SCP-481-1, and has since been under observation. SCP-481-2 had a history of dealings with the [DATA EXPUNGED] before coming to the Foundation, just as SCP-481-1 did. Whether this connection is the key to SCP-481-2 becoming the new focus for the scars is currently under investigation. Incident 481-1-01: On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-481-1 attempted suicide via an improvised plastic blade drawn across the wrists. At the same time, the now infamous riots in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, India, had reached the peak of their violence. SCP-481-1 was immediately attended to and stabilized, while the riots lasted for several days. The source of the riots was later traced to two neighborhoods, corresponding with the parts of the scar pattern covering SCP-481-1’s wrists. Addendum: 481-02: Further investigation led to similar ongoing reports of violence and petty crime from neighborhoods mapped out on the portions of the body associated with repeated self-harm. Tests were performed to determine whether damage to the scar pattern caused corresponding violence in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Surgeons made several incisions to parts of the scars corresponding with β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's business district. No effect was noted. It is hypothesized that the self-inflicted damage is a compulsory response to violence and other crime in the city. Self-harm appears to be inflicted on parts of the body associated with high-crime neighborhoods. On β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, after SCP-481-2 attempted to remove a portion of his upper arm during a string of murders in the corresponding neighborhood, current procedures involving full-body restraints were adopted. SCP 481 Testing Β« SCP-480 | SCP-481 | SCP-482 Β»" nan
[-9.61859804e-03 -3.64520341e-01 -8.47684890e-02 -2.82241460e-02 -2.35554352e-02 -2.45021164e-01 2.86126763e-01 4.11576957e-01 2.69118380e-02 6.16770647e-02 1.49953976e-01 2.28596419e-01 -7.29951411e-02 -3.70697789e-02 7.10150450e-02 3.94850433e-01 4.34648804e-03 1.59035102e-01 4.79470380e-02 -2.00500846e-01 -4.85939682e-02 -2.09837988e-01 -2.43661031e-02 2.96559006e-01 -4.07873660e-01 -3.21877599e-02 1.66652009e-01 1.55292913e-01 4.86615188e-02 -3.16758752e-01 3.65054607e-01 1.39499500e-01 1.65825635e-01 1.84974402e-01 -1.10673835e-04 -1.18432857e-01 -1.63231432e-01 8.69506318e-03 -1.38197355e-02 8.56593549e-02 -2.39769131e-01 -2.67707616e-01 4.32304591e-02 -2.83356786e-01 6.42340854e-02 9.37294587e-02 -2.97784135e-02 -1.17911426e-02 3.32989037e-01 1.57248482e-01 1.89557463e-01 2.51988709e-01 -1.89852595e-01 -1.78688578e-02 1.12297058e-01 6.47687316e-01 -2.04610944e-01 -1.28763095e-01 4.45508450e-01 1.76608741e-01 1.29212886e-01 1.36683255e-01 -2.26818278e-01 -6.20045513e-03 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2.09814683e-02 1.58034369e-01 4.22354266e-02 -1.10659063e-01 1.09118022e-01 -9.62910149e-03 -6.69534085e-03 2.80392561e-02 1.85233891e-01 1.86882481e-01 8.04566145e-02 -3.31549764e-01 -1.62677765e-01 -7.95939416e-02 3.88946652e-01 -2.82715261e-03 2.19587460e-01 2.76316494e-01 -1.74498931e-02 -1.29041642e-01 -1.27110258e-01 -3.35135460e-01 -7.58663118e-02 -3.59561712e-01 1.38030395e-01 -1.43823490e-01 2.98465610e-01 3.63925882e-02 -2.39311814e-01 -2.16846451e-01 3.49048972e-02 1.16247209e-02 1.01466335e-01 2.19681889e-01 -3.66005272e-01 -2.75795702e-02 -4.89364602e-02 5.81595302e-01 -1.39831498e-01 1.72611162e-01 1.82732999e-01 4.17973548e-02 -6.08763918e-02 -9.81564447e-02 -5.62848039e-02 1.73726037e-01 -1.04141645e-01 9.07913893e-02 2.84624994e-01 -1.25754580e-01 2.45521322e-01 1.44724339e-01 4.59098555e-02 -2.03540012e-01 -4.81771156e-02 -2.33365178e-01 1.07937217e-01 5.76651748e-03 1.83076262e-01 -8.28860551e-02 -7.53161013e-02 7.54712895e-02 5.62690804e-03 4.99981195e-02 -2.20855791e-02 -6.68156147e-02 -2.06475109e-01 -8.06117356e-02 -7.48121440e-02 -1.09945752e-01 3.64439338e-02 5.01670301e-01 -1.17226757e-01 4.86608446e-02 3.77579480e-01 -1.81605443e-01 5.80244698e-02 4.22661275e-01 -1.17962599e-01 1.65598586e-01 1.57444209e-01 2.59849411e-02 1.65332928e-02 1.48091540e-01 2.61785924e-01 -1.52266935e-01 -1.08458370e-01 1.96039937e-02 -5.73223054e-01 -1.91821590e-01 -1.10803045e-01 2.55154558e-02 -8.78374428e-02 1.38161913e-01 1.42957136e-01 1.87368587e-01 -2.94864863e-01 -5.89017630e-01 2.34246105e-01 4.26889956e-01 8.93277228e-02 -2.01024622e-01 -2.25971729e-01 -3.89556915e-01 1.15679301e-01 -9.28635970e-02 -2.12019477e-02 1.28107995e-01 -6.60402253e-02 -2.86762774e-01 2.38412753e-01 -1.16072662e-01 9.06511545e-02 -7.31559517e-03 4.61182624e-01 -1.41266599e-01 -2.97837317e-01 -2.52661914e-01 -6.76340580e-01 -8.37020427e-02 1.94414794e-01 -2.88300395e-01 -4.21073943e-01 1.15697995e-01 2.28211105e-01 -2.01774985e-02 -1.13309056e-01 -2.55572826e-01 2.23225802e-02 -4.64642458e-02 -2.39412561e-01 -3.80049087e-03 2.38353521e-01 3.38354975e-01 3.68083158e-04 5.36786504e-02 -6.23770021e-02 2.46165276e-01 4.35304284e-01 1.18066184e-01 -3.88575852e-01 -2.45202303e-01 -2.14831501e-01 8.24294761e-02 2.46674001e-01 -5.27849272e-02 3.31122093e-02 -2.33527556e-01 -2.52223402e-01 -1.81075837e-02 4.17721808e-01 -1.25341073e-01 3.07411373e-01 8.02530870e-02 4.46049124e-01 6.78783134e-02 1.98214844e-01 9.88551155e-02 -1.08374417e-01 -1.67172384e-02 7.72077739e-02 -1.68570504e-01 8.17594975e-02 -5.06202923e-03 1.75656080e-01 -1.12467736e-01 3.28894585e-01 1.17929094e-01 -6.58905357e-02 -8.94698650e-02 -2.27078483e-01 2.88228124e-01 -8.06119889e-02 8.42855778e-03 1.49455457e-03 2.34917939e-01 -6.82212934e-02 2.21144799e-02 -5.17004192e-01 -3.77583146e-01 7.07294196e-02 1.62109151e-01 -4.18395013e-01 -2.04251692e-01 -2.82101780e-02 -2.88360000e-01 -5.82476333e-02 3.06005180e-01 2.61534423e-01 -9.40741003e-02 -1.19494259e-01 -2.83722579e-01]
"Mentally Mutating Straitjacket" active "Item #: SCP-482 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-482 was recovered during an experiment being conducted by Dr. Bright at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. After initial containment, SCP-482 was turned over to Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for documentation and analysis. Dr. Bright and Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ are to be notified immediately should there be any changes to SCP-482 or any duplicates found. While it is not being tested, SCP-482 is to be stored in Containment Locker β–ˆβ–ˆ, located at Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ. Access to the locker is restricted to Level 2 Personnel and above; such access (and all activities thereafter) are to be logged and recorded within 24 hours of completion. The maximum time limit for testing of SCP-482 is 1 hour after mutations manifest; all subjects who have reached or exceeded this point while in contact with SCP-482 are to be immediately terminated. Before autopsy and disposal SCP-482 is to be recovered first and separated from the subject’s body; localized thermal cleansing protocol is then to be performed on the body after autopsy and any biological samples or personnel deemed contaminated by the test subject. Description: SCP-482 is a black leather straitjacket of similar make to the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ brand. Although the jacket seems to made for the Medium size, testing has shown that it can fit most body sizes; subjects with larger body types report, however, that they feel β€œcompressed” or β€œsuffocated” while wearing it. The words β€œMade in Tsiao-yan, China / Hand Wash Only / No Aserejena Powder” are present on the manufacturer’s tag in faded text. Neither the factory nor the item β€œAserejena” exist on any known records. Finally, while there are no obvious signs of wear and tear on the item, there are several small cuts on the straps. Analysis has shown that these could not have been inflicted by anyone wearing SCP-482. Testing has shown that while immune to any damage due to body changes occurred by the subject, it can be damaged by external forces as normal for an object of this material. Further destructive testing on SCP-482 has been suspended due to the lack of viable duplicates. SCP-482 has two known effects, occurring in a linear fashion once the item is worn. These have been identified as Time Points Alpha and Beta; experiments have shown that while the effects of Time Point Alpha fade after loss of contact with SCP-482, those inflicted by Beta are permanent. Time Point Alpha refers to the initial stage of exposure to SCP-482. This exposure time lasts a varied period between 1 and 6 hours that a subject wears SCP-482. The item can be removed before Alpha elapses completely without ill effect. During this period, the subject feels β€œmentally better”; any mental afflictions that the subject possesses, regardless of degree or intensity, are negated completely. Any medication being taken by the subject has its effects completely negated as well. Foundation standard psychological tests return results consistent with a baseline normal, mentally stable individual. Upon separation of the subject and SCP-482, the mental illnesses return in full force, along with the side effects of any medication. Multiple sessions wearing SCP-482 have continued effect, though any time in the suit contributes to the overall cumulative time until the subject reaches Time Point Beta. Time Point Beta refers to the subsequent time period that passes if a subject is still wearing SCP-482 once Alpha lapses. During this period, the subject experiences physical mutation that seems to be determined by the nature of the subject’s mental disorder. Should the subject have multiple mental illnesses, the mutations will manifest according to their degree of strength. See Experiment Log SCP-482 for recorded physical mutations observed during testing. Β« SCP-481 | SCP-482 | SCP-483 Β»" nan
[ 1.07061312e-01 -3.75913888e-01 -9.47046280e-02 -1.36916619e-02 1.28550595e-02 1.22726485e-02 3.73969376e-01 1.78376898e-01 -5.21891937e-02 -3.10530961e-02 1.08046085e-01 3.61339808e-01 -1.12212449e-01 2.24408284e-02 5.00084639e-01 9.82666910e-02 -1.22799963e-01 1.13785349e-01 2.27109492e-01 -2.30447054e-01 1.90678492e-01 -1.93853885e-01 -3.71503562e-01 3.47661853e-01 1.58755317e-01 -1.76456317e-01 2.57225811e-01 2.84356326e-01 -1.07176438e-01 -2.35328704e-01 1.82788335e-02 1.47171482e-01 -2.95870095e-01 2.00614050e-01 -1.12861992e-04 -1.96927965e-01 1.20462708e-01 -1.65319279e-01 -4.41745184e-02 3.00937355e-01 -5.94680190e-01 -7.94958249e-02 1.26335695e-02 -1.89685047e-01 1.00833019e-02 -1.03139170e-01 -6.62592575e-02 -6.97062239e-02 4.30815130e-01 1.57394171e-01 1.38301998e-01 3.66349161e-01 -9.48313326e-02 1.69005617e-01 1.93392038e-01 3.63704681e-01 -1.08520314e-01 4.71728146e-02 3.41361493e-01 2.01414749e-01 2.95246065e-01 -5.66077381e-02 -3.07300389e-01 3.78357470e-02 9.28858444e-02 -2.53569633e-01 4.63916548e-02 -2.32508734e-01 2.49406368e-01 5.85551560e-01 7.65421800e-03 -4.40674350e-02 4.83505689e-02 -1.16476581e-01 3.50742370e-01 4.36594747e-02 1.60942107e-01 2.10020632e-01 2.07491130e-01 -3.35706845e-02 5.90655692e-02 2.82417476e-01 -6.61284477e-02 -9.29037854e-02 -4.99629855e-01 1.46041557e-01 -1.41034037e-01 1.93854701e-02 7.42130307e-03 -3.87791336e-01 -2.52627015e-01 1.32746562e-01 7.57547244e-02 2.59751081e-01 -2.85765305e-02 -1.31669760e-01 -7.30565097e-03 -1.98612392e-01 2.90114641e-01 -2.81904399e-01 3.19332838e-01 2.21424252e-01 -1.57046005e-01 2.75266588e-01 -2.02604041e-01 4.46835253e-03 1.86433002e-01 -3.93613754e-03 -2.99433410e-01 4.66538459e-01 -1.87179390e-02 3.64898711e-01 -8.80971029e-02 -1.41507789e-01 -1.14819363e-01 -1.02407292e-01 6.56622350e-02 -3.00105155e-01 -6.47729874e-01 3.89088631e-01 -7.82977045e-01 -9.45565626e-02 1.28564224e-01 2.59776920e-01 6.91787526e-02 -5.05064093e-02 1.39733702e-01 7.25354403e-02 -3.71473461e-01 1.56488851e-01 -2.78251916e-01 2.31848657e-01 -4.60962445e-01 -1.27921000e-01 1.37658035e-02 1.27767354e-01 -3.28574061e-01 1.77523583e-01 -2.54658937e-01 -1.10196158e-01 -1.11072421e-01 6.05710186e-02 4.12360340e-01 3.24954331e-01 -4.52223659e-01 -3.07332873e-01 -1.85943052e-01 -1.03419989e-01 -1.67903721e-01 -1.91629395e-01 -7.83493451e-04 1.71181530e-01 3.12247127e-02 2.88135588e-01 -1.15569517e-01 1.30076453e-01 3.48510295e-01 8.45492482e-02 8.45716242e-03 -1.75942585e-01 3.00370961e-01 -2.01620787e-01 -2.45125815e-01 8.43035057e-02 8.21277276e-02 2.37553388e-01 -3.98966342e-01 -2.37467572e-01 3.05643648e-01 -3.09448224e-02 3.01924944e-02 -9.31033567e-02 -9.92463604e-02 3.21156174e-01 -2.59289831e-01 -1.99167896e-02 -6.81183785e-02 2.54175812e-01 -4.73234564e-01 -3.59732151e-01 -3.86130244e-01 1.80619195e-01 -4.29788791e-02 -3.74814868e-01 1.59418732e-01 8.53820443e-02 -1.10132940e-01 -2.27287337e-01 3.75326931e-01 -2.01024055e-01 6.61456063e-02 -4.69076633e-01 -1.40904918e-01 2.02916697e-01 7.88779780e-02 1.63170286e-02 4.39217180e-01 2.95091152e-01 1.96971577e-02 1.06304035e-01 -3.74025591e-02 1.73954908e-02 -3.04406971e-01 2.19245628e-01 -2.91604936e-01 -6.47693798e-02 -2.93747663e-01 -9.95660480e-03 2.06918925e-01 1.37792751e-01 -1.16331473e-01 -7.41699487e-02 -3.11263680e-01 -8.22317377e-02 1.07421197e-01 -2.62755811e-01 1.48856297e-01 1.71122730e-01 -6.19796142e-02 -1.55863404e-01 -2.13233709e-01 3.76880318e-01 9.60839987e-02 5.16137760e-03 -2.30337098e-01 7.22494870e-02 -8.39886442e-02 -2.64902353e-01 1.05343357e-01 2.56770849e-01 1.79979652e-01 -1.01738662e-01 1.80645511e-01 -2.14102805e-01 -5.58131933e-01 4.09368724e-01 9.37308744e-02 7.34718800e-01 2.30685860e-01 -4.59753126e-01 8.17285404e-02 4.97575626e-02 1.23327203e-01 -1.55937538e-01 -4.57638681e-01 3.80747408e-01 1.42753944e-01 7.48844370e-02 -5.44470884e-02 -7.42136985e-02 -1.60730124e-01 -2.56900907e-01 -2.68772304e-01 1.68355051e-02 8.37963074e-02 1.39070883e-01 1.93617627e-01 7.45617691e-03 -2.82037765e-01 1.18590165e-02 1.27626523e-01 -1.58862740e-01 1.60737798e-01 1.22428216e-01 4.42761518e-02 -9.06503424e-02 -1.06332622e-01 1.65582299e-01 4.18125391e-02 9.50819850e-02 8.72136056e-02 -1.32723257e-01 -2.36322612e-01 -2.16359213e-01 -1.10400468e-01 -3.07023283e-02 -4.52107713e-02 1.94683239e-01 3.82734746e-01 1.07314408e-01 -5.25485585e-03 -1.78234205e-01 -1.16189629e-01 -4.88619469e-02 -3.80805582e-01 3.98397565e-01 -1.85534477e-01 3.63082796e-01 -1.68932229e-01 2.75010616e-01 7.55444681e-03 -9.19000134e-02 -1.22130930e-01 8.11007917e-02 -7.67476633e-02 1.49932683e-01 9.68835354e-02 3.75347108e-01 2.30753422e-01 -2.04855919e-01 -2.98253536e-01 2.98626363e-01 4.89366874e-02 1.07276656e-01 -1.64731756e-01 8.22279155e-02 3.05493772e-01 -3.11646938e-01 4.06832881e-02 -2.91090369e-01 -4.35015678e-01 2.71714896e-01 -1.67047046e-02 -8.62148106e-02 4.03196573e-01 -3.87957506e-02 -1.30914629e-01 -2.41302177e-01 1.30472174e-02 -4.28583056e-01 -1.80225164e-01 2.11615711e-02 -1.94282487e-01 1.89917460e-01 -4.82339934e-02 1.20522521e-01 1.49878964e-01 -8.46048519e-02 4.15972829e-01 6.92144930e-02 2.41206750e-01 2.42170524e-02 5.65068871e-02 4.61842507e-01 5.79090863e-02 1.69757411e-01 -1.91548720e-01 -4.29790139e-01 -5.99784777e-03 2.22440958e-01 1.09582521e-01 -1.35802239e-01 -2.53574401e-01 1.52973726e-01 4.78348434e-02 -4.12533194e-01 1.85205072e-01 5.28217480e-02 3.48844916e-01 -2.87880033e-01 -1.88979715e-01 5.46512723e-01 -4.05222885e-02 -1.62625164e-01 -2.81647801e-01 -4.57442671e-01 -1.32643720e-02 3.33490789e-01 1.77489877e-01 -3.10927212e-01 -6.89130798e-02 3.49811405e-01 -1.48244411e-01 -3.22199225e-01 -1.47607684e-01 -2.81100512e-01 1.30585745e-01 -1.23479277e-01 2.68990904e-01 -2.62524456e-01 3.03327382e-01 2.13949367e-01 -8.52443427e-02 2.22506881e-01 -9.17715952e-02 -8.68450180e-02 1.86928827e-02 -3.39169987e-02 -2.01189190e-01 -5.33673987e-02 -6.92142919e-02 3.66357118e-01 8.06306377e-02 -1.44088775e-01 -6.74466565e-02 1.49717718e-01 4.37235646e-02 3.99456620e-02 5.11425555e-01 -7.92167895e-03 1.50792122e-01 -7.35728800e-01 2.83996820e-01 1.77427083e-01 1.23813070e-01 -5.81270643e-02 2.26187944e-01 -1.83758184e-01 -1.03497632e-01 4.20100361e-01 -4.62877929e-01 1.83130428e-02 3.04658979e-01 6.01198733e-01 5.43546200e-01 2.42637649e-01 -4.47185904e-01 -9.96656194e-02 -3.30694526e-01 -6.42415211e-02 3.05483788e-01 -4.34188545e-01 -2.82197505e-01 -3.02234977e-01 2.18115464e-01 1.38354346e-01 1.22185156e-01 8.17592219e-02 6.91818148e-02 -2.81662166e-01 -2.38463119e-01 4.12878513e-01 -2.00854719e-01 -1.42521977e-01 1.61613896e-01 1.86720029e-01 -2.44782586e-02 -1.80119500e-01 3.92919689e-01 2.31233433e-01 -1.17650926e-01 1.38782701e-02 -1.55147135e-01 5.12272596e-01 4.98510012e-03 5.80108702e-01 3.88226002e-01 1.52694866e-01 -7.49716461e-02 2.30425104e-01 1.05937734e-01 -1.27271995e-01 5.34647584e-01 1.39846176e-01 -9.00367796e-02 2.92032082e-02 1.60308272e-01 -2.97976822e-01 2.77979612e-01 2.91923016e-01 8.13018978e-02 2.92426586e-01 -2.14556247e-01 1.57821536e-01 -2.90168785e-02 -3.98286790e-01 1.26983032e-01 9.16678384e-02 -3.65167767e-01 6.34307042e-02 3.52046788e-01 1.34497201e+00 -2.26632804e-02 -1.80583764e-02 1.59808025e-01 -4.82335210e-01 -1.47007614e-01 -2.55788118e-01 -1.58605158e-01 -2.53946017e-02 2.57313192e-01 1.14960656e-01 -4.14479494e-01 2.37819940e-01 3.05612743e-01 -4.71331894e-01 -2.42255166e-01 -4.85142976e-01 -1.76333711e-01 2.27729321e-01 3.88116807e-01 -7.43430331e-02 -9.30312350e-02 4.81546484e-03 1.97004274e-01 -8.08627382e-02 2.91289717e-01 8.73184055e-02 1.35935515e-01 -2.06355676e-01 1.61876738e-01 2.55378913e-02 5.73231131e-02 -2.98678249e-01 -7.94131085e-02 -7.09796604e-03 -1.69007555e-01 1.11237265e-01 -2.52910614e-01 -1.13548182e-01 1.55690178e-01 -1.47148632e-02 3.82113814e-01 5.03131092e-01 -3.49963009e-02 2.25451201e-01 -2.58076817e-01 4.50814009e-01 1.34777084e-01 -6.39142469e-02 1.54983237e-01 7.98997581e-02 4.69170846e-02 -2.12601885e-01 3.76338750e-01 2.41655216e-01 -3.76162112e-01 1.89585641e-01 3.07518005e-01 3.76015976e-02 -1.29341051e-01 1.29275277e-01 2.38035783e-01 -2.91928738e-01 3.19764763e-02 9.57971364e-02 -2.83866435e-01 -1.86200276e-01 2.81146526e-01 -1.12330005e-01 1.53916851e-01 8.10620859e-02 -5.42799160e-02 -1.52398229e-01 -4.83043909e-01 2.17217818e-01 -1.78493246e-01 -2.96096236e-01 -5.58483601e-02 -4.59357679e-01 -4.36857790e-01 -2.02722266e-01 2.33159512e-01 1.19171672e-01 -8.46820790e-03 9.59538370e-02 -5.24199903e-01 -5.54658398e-02 -1.07220627e-01 -1.79893777e-01 1.17528804e-01 -9.71844420e-05 8.13525558e-01 -2.72191137e-01 1.08522378e-01 -3.63812864e-01 4.70377058e-01 -2.35388558e-02 9.74400714e-02 5.65297604e-01 -3.75153244e-01 3.23168710e-02 -2.25339606e-01 1.27839029e-01 5.79059757e-02 -4.80850458e-01 -1.79014593e-01 -2.86811739e-01 9.94672328e-02 -3.11393619e-01 -2.42481411e-01 -6.09726235e-02 2.69170068e-02 1.46045908e-01 6.76922947e-02 7.89135247e-02 9.98655409e-02 1.99828252e-01 1.37233183e-01 1.35208189e-03 1.28704578e-01 -1.22104488e-01 -1.33469373e-01 1.01895079e-01 1.30048916e-01 -6.83220103e-02 4.81743701e-02 -3.68796706e-01 6.61818385e-02 1.01182327e-01 4.50035334e-01 -1.99344024e-01 1.73770651e-01 2.08825901e-01 -4.13159467e-02 9.63094756e-02 2.62361560e-02 -7.27765039e-02 2.51887113e-01 -3.06524426e-01 -9.63074118e-02 -1.95438951e-01 2.58764327e-01 1.39233679e-01 -8.47299844e-02 6.93208203e-02 1.40572771e-01 -8.32648650e-02 1.38399124e-01 8.35230052e-02 -1.32728070e-01 5.85261211e-02 7.48200044e-02 -6.22930638e-02 2.39388552e-02 1.37403086e-01 3.52194518e-01 -5.09553254e-01 -1.86716780e-01 3.36900175e-01 1.71061039e-01 -7.50849023e-02 -2.06078608e-02 3.91842395e-01 -4.26672772e-02 3.55364084e-01 5.97246230e-01 2.60743439e-01 1.45644233e-01 -1.07496493e-01 2.45152697e-01 7.36528710e-02 1.61060020e-01 -6.59931153e-02 5.68904281e-02 -6.68339729e-02 -2.03430265e-01 2.72855818e-01 9.39886346e-02 -6.71142712e-02 -1.69225022e-01 5.87181188e-02 -2.23851174e-01 2.65898649e-02 -1.33368641e-01 -8.16387907e-02 1.59635708e-01 -3.28723527e-02 -1.88037090e-03 1.92682266e-01 1.83352306e-01 -4.38084602e-01 2.20175147e-01 2.29108289e-01 -1.56838849e-01 2.71839857e-01 3.46752673e-01 4.84939180e-02 2.33698487e-01 1.45212531e-01 3.05215120e-01 -3.94375056e-01 -1.09222353e-01 -7.19572827e-02 -2.25766793e-01 -1.35129735e-01 4.22590907e-04 2.12557122e-01 1.48955882e-01 -3.16120297e-01 1.32259935e-01 1.60893008e-01 -2.06468254e-01 -4.14023727e-01 2.98125535e-01 3.31565797e-01 -1.96665093e-01 -3.44107449e-01 -1.48483753e-01 -2.87683934e-01 -1.99199736e-01 8.24792832e-02 3.06790948e-01 1.48162335e-01 -6.96335807e-02 -3.26174051e-01 3.29616159e-01 6.78152367e-02 9.19996649e-02 -2.11745389e-02 3.67901534e-01 -9.52885896e-02 -1.29944086e-01 2.26066023e-01 -7.04402477e-02 -2.38405585e-01 9.81874019e-02 4.22151014e-02 -4.85839635e-01 2.23460607e-02 5.45832515e-01 -7.51889348e-02 1.66657940e-01 3.46556723e-01 -2.23389119e-01 3.55410904e-01 -2.97179788e-01 -1.84864029e-01 2.52585024e-01 5.48637033e-01 2.49468535e-02 4.54376228e-02 -1.19854629e-01 3.10410798e-01 -3.76798242e-01 1.34376407e-01 -2.02098712e-02 -1.45494193e-01 -2.92328268e-01 5.15538216e-01 4.22217399e-01 9.75235552e-02 1.79935008e-01 -1.75137848e-01 -3.57989669e-01 -1.42748147e-01 7.15433210e-02 -3.03408913e-02 4.27036673e-01 -7.57733807e-02 7.95114517e-01 1.14165038e-01 -8.96345265e-03 1.87652707e-01 4.84004281e-02 1.16505861e-01 -3.13477188e-01 -5.94620645e-01 1.14283897e-01 1.06499061e-01 2.73897320e-01 -6.91729486e-02 6.25074267e-01 1.25997394e-01 -1.10763580e-01 -1.95547476e-01 -5.24577737e-01 4.79084074e-01 1.12217017e-01 -3.36628467e-01 1.56348914e-01 2.19271928e-02 6.89930096e-02 -2.63134204e-02 -4.10232365e-01 4.63473760e-02 2.02588707e-01 -1.16670243e-01 -3.99640858e-01 -3.84976156e-02 -1.68246731e-01 -1.79516315e-01 -4.06985469e-02 -8.82619992e-02 2.62446612e-01 -7.17108101e-02 -2.04509109e-01 -5.69315106e-02]
"Anti-Aging Placebos" active "Item #: SCP-483 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-483 needs no special containment, other than to prevent use outside of authorized testing. SCP-483-1 is not to be administered to subjects for whom there exist living humans outside the Foundation who are significantly acquainted with the subject and aware of the subject's age. Under no circumstances is SCP-483-1 to be administered to those known by Overseers. If SCP-483-1 is to be administered to a subject in a quantity in excess of their original age (see Addendum 483-b), all documents detailing and suggesting the test should exclude any and all information about the subject in question, especially the proposed original age to be tested; information recorded from and for these tests should not be taken from the subject directly, but rather from a clone of the subject created using SCP-222 (using a double-blind procedure), until all tablets designated for the test have been successfully administered. In cases where the subject is an SCP-222 clone created for this test (the recommended procedure), the original may be used for initial records. Description: SCP-483 is a standard orange prescription bottle filled with up to 50 spherical, gray tablets (SCP-483-1). The label indicates that it was issued to a "Sherman, David A.", and in place of a prescription name, the label reads "anti-aging". The remainder of the label has been torn off. Analysis of the tablets shows that they are chemically identical to placebos. When SCP-483-1 is ingested by an organism possessing a stomach capable of digesting medication, its effect takes place: All existing memories, documents, and records regarding the organism's age are altered, decreasing the organism's recorded age by one (1) full year. All numerical values/memories relative to the organism's age are altered correspondingly. The ingesting organism displays no biological change, apart from the aforementioned memory adjustment. Medical pills or tablets of any kind which are placed in SCP-483 become SCP-483-1. Individuals affected by SCP-483-1 will remember accurately how many years have passed since certain events in their lives, excepting the ingesting subject's date of birth. Affected individuals may be convinced that their interpretation of the subject's age is wrong and revise it; further ingestion of SCP-483-1 by the original subject will reduce the revised age. Addendum 483-a: SCP-483 was recovered from the home of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, after wide discrepancies were reported between his medical records and physical condition with regard to his age. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's official documents, as well as his nearby relatives and friends, reported that he was 8 years old, though they could recall events involving him over a decade ago. A β–ˆβ–ˆ-year-old newspaper story listing his name corroborated this discrepancy. His physical stature and development showed that he was at least 20 years of age, and his growth rate was that of a normal human. Upon confiscation and discovery of the effect of SCP-483-1, subject was terminated and his records corrected. Addendum 483-b: If SCP-483-1 is ingested in a quantity greater than an organism's original age, the organism loses all memory aside from functional memory (skills, language, etc.), all existing recorded information regarding the subject vanishes, and all those who knew the subject lose any and all memories regarding the subject. When questioned as to past events having involved the subject, affected individuals simply note there having been "another person" or "a stranger" present. Note: I've always been paranoid about memetic and mind-altering effects. Lucky for me, my countermeasures saved my memory from the overdose. Unfortunately, however, I've lost my clearance, seniority, staff, awards, retirement date, and the opportunity to have my aging mother ever recognize me again. Fixing at least some of these problems would be simple; that is, if anyone knew who the hell I was! That's the last time I get a rookie to draw up an experimental procedure for me, goddamn it. - Dr. Blast Note: Dr. Blast, please refrain from using official documentation as a medium to voice complaint. That you're 2 weeks old is no excuse. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-482 | SCP-483 | SCP-484 Β»" nan
[ 3.50318640e-01 -2.36046717e-01 -1.26561269e-01 -1.78856045e-01 7.33215958e-02 -8.94609243e-02 1.90129638e-01 1.22156382e-01 3.40300828e-01 -2.67508384e-02 3.46435219e-01 -1.58820167e-05 -1.38283879e-01 -7.34868720e-02 -1.96087509e-02 6.37298152e-02 -1.89373344e-02 1.77107036e-01 5.57928026e-01 -1.94801494e-01 -1.89664751e-01 -1.80252418e-01 -1.21208891e-01 1.66588679e-01 1.37006119e-01 -7.98249394e-02 2.66287953e-01 4.46739681e-02 -8.71747211e-02 -3.90112638e-01 -1.03526292e-02 2.63718247e-01 -9.21151191e-02 3.32205683e-01 -1.09338245e-04 -2.83018261e-01 -1.21891107e-02 5.54581285e-02 -3.44526082e-01 1.10200286e-01 -5.79705238e-01 -8.45964253e-02 -5.31613640e-02 -2.14181751e-01 -1.88672375e-02 1.60096765e-01 -1.52579352e-01 -2.05945998e-01 1.12622522e-01 1.76569477e-01 2.20241755e-01 9.10522044e-02 2.28999555e-02 -2.88163014e-02 4.93793517e-01 -7.44822621e-02 -1.07479043e-01 2.88439542e-02 1.99311450e-01 4.42120850e-01 4.71225590e-01 5.21291904e-02 -2.80395389e-01 3.21992964e-01 2.18555152e-01 -2.88216144e-01 5.13846457e-01 -3.73638719e-01 -5.37118986e-02 1.79069549e-01 1.30648926e-01 -1.29546061e-01 -1.37511253e-01 1.31326430e-02 -9.29079577e-02 -7.11599961e-02 2.25415099e-02 -9.09813344e-02 1.82234887e-02 -5.24744242e-02 -2.36882448e-01 1.37368113e-01 -2.03713812e-02 -2.33762294e-01 9.85450223e-02 1.35391861e-01 -7.56470636e-02 1.84223115e-01 2.78986037e-01 -2.00007290e-01 1.15342125e-01 6.70915991e-02 3.26469988e-01 1.04123712e-01 2.69758970e-01 -2.64377058e-01 -7.31955841e-02 1.97417602e-01 2.53030777e-01 2.57353336e-01 1.24245532e-01 3.25917490e-02 -1.30511373e-01 2.67993152e-01 -3.84968907e-01 2.96691507e-01 2.19347954e-01 -1.68151587e-01 -4.20580298e-01 4.10783648e-01 -2.80699600e-02 1.86292812e-01 -2.02289671e-01 2.51868069e-01 -2.78457385e-02 -2.84372449e-01 -3.35101932e-01 -4.13903743e-01 -4.97024238e-01 3.10442805e-01 -3.31344575e-01 1.83766991e-01 3.61034907e-02 3.46124135e-02 1.55066296e-01 4.00225013e-01 1.25547603e-01 -3.95667553e-01 -3.38595718e-01 -1.48063332e-01 -1.23014301e-01 3.45449865e-01 -5.24753034e-01 4.71403077e-02 8.99946690e-02 -1.52117744e-01 -6.78319857e-02 -6.56249598e-02 -3.22469920e-01 -2.27436453e-01 -6.73724897e-03 -1.08756341e-01 7.92136431e-01 2.55786151e-01 -8.98712873e-02 -2.03251630e-01 5.70572466e-02 6.98616914e-03 -2.10736811e-01 -2.33150832e-02 1.92714244e-01 1.10012732e-01 -7.91229233e-02 3.02715033e-01 -8.90017971e-02 -1.08073935e-01 7.86054611e-01 4.30536130e-03 2.07396910e-01 -4.02208805e-01 3.42816323e-01 -6.52201250e-02 -1.41583696e-01 -1.70272678e-01 4.53346103e-01 2.85563022e-01 -1.04779474e-01 -1.52310580e-01 2.40764081e-01 8.16785321e-02 -1.33361951e-01 -1.49993807e-01 2.16385975e-01 -1.93061810e-02 1.97353899e-01 -2.24413723e-01 -2.13983491e-01 9.74942595e-02 -3.09153974e-01 -5.84515452e-01 3.51032913e-02 -2.63838340e-02 -1.86580122e-01 -2.21689686e-01 -2.27100015e-01 -4.24348153e-02 -3.69853050e-01 -7.18994588e-02 2.23216102e-01 -7.89277256e-02 -1.48319051e-01 -4.81654733e-01 -6.49517030e-02 -1.01721033e-01 4.56008874e-02 1.44482449e-01 6.09080456e-02 1.16326764e-01 -1.83592826e-01 2.85190970e-01 -1.33316651e-01 2.52880603e-02 8.89698118e-02 2.22849011e-01 -1.68509871e-01 -1.79115310e-01 8.91111940e-02 -1.85607210e-01 3.39433253e-01 -1.41809527e-02 8.36415216e-02 -2.61617273e-01 -2.66114563e-01 -2.21769616e-01 1.20704904e-01 -1.90506965e-01 2.06611872e-01 4.21979010e-01 4.89108801e-01 -3.30183730e-02 -6.95551857e-02 -6.73340037e-02 4.26771611e-01 9.74133797e-03 -3.30792338e-01 -1.26017109e-01 3.57561298e-02 3.52744497e-02 -3.84699702e-01 4.73236054e-01 2.83612579e-01 1.26993135e-01 3.32931787e-01 7.04620220e-03 -5.18460393e-01 -1.03014342e-01 2.77017474e-01 5.58142662e-01 -1.22085579e-01 1.13356240e-01 1.44040182e-01 -2.73023974e-02 3.15326527e-02 5.63643537e-02 -3.08786660e-01 2.69546390e-01 4.97463286e-01 -9.44647193e-02 8.03636760e-02 3.47237326e-02 -5.77704832e-02 -3.09678674e-01 -1.38460189e-01 -1.13696553e-01 -1.86491102e-01 5.44745326e-01 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2.26619206e-02 -2.49074325e-01 -2.60677952e-02 5.48506193e-02 -3.89005244e-01 -7.75854215e-02 1.04135452e-02 1.18508674e-01 -1.77565143e-01 1.22592226e-01 2.26820081e-01 1.32555991e-01 2.69100130e-01 3.02900732e-01 -5.98340593e-02 -6.19831458e-02 -3.22913408e-01 -3.03246289e-01 -2.33669832e-01 -1.34770200e-01 1.93020836e-01 -1.99526444e-01 -4.19768877e-02 1.28049165e-01 2.02007130e-01 -1.53787568e-01 -1.25974134e-01 3.34255490e-03 3.91663574e-02 1.41112204e-03 -2.69544631e-01 4.76156622e-01 -4.55032252e-02 -3.06335449e-01 -2.04885736e-01 -2.26024330e-01 2.33819872e-01 -2.10138619e-01 1.45163730e-01 1.05412211e-03 2.07984626e-01 2.34516621e-01 3.75410736e-01 -1.70466840e-01 -3.68908048e-01 2.23167185e-02 -7.63861015e-02 1.15737610e-01 1.07638724e-02 1.22070096e-01 1.07059479e-01 4.72029224e-02 2.28834778e-01 1.20500028e-01 5.19356020e-02 8.52409750e-02 1.38348773e-01 -2.86020245e-02 -3.47297639e-01 -1.67047530e-02 -2.65341133e-01 1.69163868e-01 1.45577788e-01 -2.56672204e-01 -2.25873053e-01 -1.75717220e-01 2.65441924e-01 -3.17780197e-01 1.00515589e-01 1.28557563e-01 2.00341508e-01 -4.73927796e-01 4.60144699e-01 -2.81250458e-02 2.17854217e-01 -1.29886752e-03 7.21467063e-02 -1.39075428e-01 -2.41531339e-02 2.60369778e-01 -2.21015587e-01 -3.47221643e-01 2.01778129e-01 6.95070744e-01 2.97973007e-01 2.57840872e-01 -3.46969426e-01 -1.02882711e-02 -3.01202592e-02 -3.86092775e-02 3.68305594e-02 -3.56955558e-01 -2.89607078e-01 -1.52100191e-01 4.50604737e-01 -9.84461829e-02 1.60719797e-01 -3.83791998e-02 2.66749859e-01 -6.18159175e-01 -4.21876103e-01 1.84570268e-01 -7.16225952e-02 -8.13243017e-02 -2.63220191e-01 1.19806707e-01 4.07047302e-01 6.67365342e-02 2.28613660e-01 8.19194317e-02 -9.91255492e-02 2.29985312e-01 -1.70492098e-01 6.82896137e-01 -3.01625803e-02 2.90624470e-01 3.67035687e-01 -8.82813334e-02 4.98701632e-02 -2.23278068e-02 5.98941594e-02 -2.41328046e-01 4.22644228e-01 2.10921437e-01 8.56833756e-02 4.03720364e-02 3.63746770e-02 2.71218061e-01 -4.06320840e-02 2.56760180e-01 1.88139454e-01 -8.29408839e-02 -5.40912032e-01 2.62294739e-01 1.51826560e-01 -3.84233713e-01 -1.66177168e-01 -1.40719926e-02 -2.04260081e-01 1.56774640e-01 3.70408952e-01 1.24576342e+00 3.05224985e-01 3.43823969e-01 3.10327739e-01 1.24883585e-01 -6.54325187e-02 4.24950719e-01 -1.56160131e-01 -2.43813470e-01 3.24977815e-01 1.63041074e-02 -1.11407913e-01 -7.25601763e-02 2.31903121e-01 -5.64825356e-01 -2.78388917e-01 -4.32500452e-01 -2.54514813e-01 4.16006833e-01 1.46449715e-01 -5.01400717e-02 -4.65491787e-02 3.54409188e-01 2.45912716e-01 1.43792063e-01 1.05162121e-01 4.85179201e-02 1.89025700e-01 -1.34303514e-02 -8.23886842e-02 -1.50919586e-01 1.12638652e-01 -2.86492944e-01 -6.32737204e-02 -1.59199640e-01 3.47838663e-02 -2.10225090e-01 -5.44985831e-01 1.02016479e-01 5.72446473e-02 -1.70334969e-02 1.61524475e-01 7.01088130e-01 -2.08627298e-01 2.67492652e-01 -1.02488272e-01 5.88409662e-01 -7.32920617e-02 -2.99698949e-01 -1.02882870e-01 2.88993381e-02 -1.93335950e-01 -2.30302408e-01 -1.49088353e-02 1.28901094e-01 -2.03872904e-01 -9.06785578e-02 4.26594466e-01 -2.49884024e-01 -7.05307275e-02 2.18965039e-01 -2.88852841e-01 1.42398596e-01 2.41354495e-01 -6.32677451e-02 -2.63353437e-01 -1.87135294e-01 1.87425822e-01 -8.39882195e-02 1.99697927e-01 1.30472526e-01 -2.01513171e-01 -2.68918723e-01 -3.09399515e-01 -1.47991002e-01 -3.73620838e-02 -3.66472602e-01 -2.25237116e-01 -1.59258008e-01 -3.31568211e-01 2.41958678e-01 1.45656154e-01 1.34014279e-01 2.03905568e-01 -1.05806239e-01 -3.01015258e-01 2.30237052e-01 -1.83776617e-01 -2.16895089e-01 1.97238147e-01 1.46491960e-01 8.84693116e-02 1.24443673e-01 -4.27648239e-02 -3.92846435e-01 3.08493525e-01 1.59271993e-02 -4.49654497e-02 -8.10805112e-02 4.33522873e-02 -9.61075053e-02 -2.23762646e-01 7.98576251e-02 2.63040930e-01 -1.75998509e-02 -2.52583116e-01 -2.40932107e-01 9.73927975e-02 -7.60326684e-02 -3.69513839e-01 -1.67597219e-01 2.03271896e-01 2.45353710e-02 1.95212141e-01 7.64639899e-02 4.14990425e-01 1.61883414e-01 1.15657642e-01 1.29240766e-01 5.56761622e-01 2.35060155e-01 2.44401589e-01 1.12920627e-01 7.17252418e-02 2.97772646e-01 1.20502993e-01 -1.74549088e-01 5.61592076e-03 -4.69462238e-02 2.14565232e-01 9.92348194e-02 -4.58814716e-03 2.89774328e-01 4.01682481e-02 2.10633159e-01 5.97651973e-02 -1.11489043e-01 -2.15324521e-01 -3.21139514e-01 -8.98489077e-03 1.41199119e-02 3.14584404e-01 -2.96492651e-02 1.41182439e-02 -1.55076027e-01 -9.24439915e-03 -5.99416569e-02 3.07468563e-01 2.11127058e-01 -3.10494900e-01 2.78797567e-01 -2.60480754e-02 5.36731005e-01 -6.40693530e-02 -9.18381196e-03 -2.51462340e-01 -2.64507353e-01 -1.52193740e-01 1.21426135e-01 2.97665559e-02 -7.37269595e-03 -2.97059745e-01 3.72927636e-01 8.97515789e-02 2.61551917e-01 1.80055469e-01 -1.27539158e-01 3.15539658e-01 -2.20071658e-01 3.50775808e-01 -1.55024648e-01 3.88930559e-01 -8.19031075e-02 -1.00303926e-01 -2.79569685e-01 -1.09450504e-01 -2.42963079e-02 3.10896009e-01 2.62278974e-01 6.69938847e-02 -2.27684066e-01 -1.63647681e-01 -2.91721404e-01 -1.85856998e-01 -3.96481715e-02 -2.01461747e-01 1.78350925e-01 -1.86481904e-02 -2.37666056e-01 1.78203717e-01 -8.26870725e-02 7.89449271e-03 4.86718833e-01 -2.28697211e-01 5.54967336e-02 2.03695208e-01 -1.71834052e-01 3.98777574e-01 3.73314798e-01 1.88599601e-01 -8.60030949e-02 1.78148031e-01 -7.42244869e-02 -5.00129640e-01 1.47720203e-01 -3.98493074e-02 -1.14728464e-03 2.02772677e-01 -3.08869213e-01 5.71275540e-02 2.24326670e-01 -1.92275524e-01 -9.84501988e-02 -1.67483445e-02 2.76017874e-01 -3.51815343e-01 -4.34846282e-02 1.92986317e-02 -2.20962435e-01 -3.08810864e-02 1.53137431e-01 -2.22670194e-03 2.09736049e-01 1.67796407e-02 -1.39280051e-01 1.24386258e-01 -1.45952746e-01 1.11702248e-01 -8.21596906e-02 4.03495401e-01 1.35473356e-01 -3.81368957e-02 1.33380592e-01 -1.76470965e-01 -3.00099015e-01 1.22967213e-01 -1.80441916e-01 -3.96485031e-01 2.05892012e-01 -1.76742077e-01 -4.61669564e-02 -1.34855986e-01 1.14414201e-03 -1.23338126e-01 -2.33285323e-01 -4.24953192e-01 -1.52635187e-01 2.93309838e-01 2.90145576e-01 1.78050697e-01 1.43707171e-01 -1.23585291e-01 1.11043170e-01 -1.16298176e-01 1.18079193e-01 1.71742126e-01 -1.48768291e-01 -2.21881531e-02 3.59864175e-01 2.51457155e-01 9.04165208e-02 3.28190833e-01 -3.38644326e-01 -1.23835787e-01 -1.95982456e-01 5.05204797e-01 -5.32225072e-01 1.35697275e-01 -1.14292115e-01 1.02642521e-01 1.10553212e-01 2.50531346e-01 1.18621022e-01 6.04980998e-02 -2.21982583e-01 7.06423596e-02 -3.96216959e-02 -1.13245957e-01 2.62745768e-01 -2.05018986e-02 -1.12098709e-01 2.57136226e-01 7.44600967e-02 9.23861638e-02 -4.22923118e-01 -7.39579722e-02 5.18569231e-01 7.90846348e-02 -4.25116383e-02 -1.13078952e-01 1.47697240e-01 -7.63081834e-02 -2.88585156e-01 -4.72968847e-01 -2.23246828e-01 1.62540957e-01 1.95263475e-01 -3.89728189e-01 -1.12556942e-01 -4.19873446e-01 -6.39435975e-03 -5.15330918e-02 2.40157411e-01 -2.81508248e-02 -1.05792165e-01 -1.12420082e-01 -2.31451541e-02]
"Memory Stealing Drug" active "Item #: SCP-484 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: All samples of SCP-484 reserved for testing must be secured in Pharmaceutical Locker AG-β–ˆβ–ˆ. This testing pool should include at least twenty (20) doses of any particular form of SCP-484 or fifty percent (50%) if fewer samples exist. All other samples are currently stored in Secure Storage Room 112-β–ˆ. All personnel of clearance Level 3 and below must have written authorization from a Level 4 staff member to access SCP-484. Any staff member currently researching SCP-484 may not interact with any O5 personnel until the conclusion of their research and a thorough toxicology screening and search of their office space and home. If any staff member, of any security level, is found to have appropriated SCP-484 without authorization or outside experimental parameters, they are to be reprimanded and reassigned, with the stolen SCP-484 returned to containment. Description: SCP-484 is a pharmaceutical of unknown origin originally discovered in use as a street drug in urban areas throughout the world. Interrogations of dealers has put a tentative first release around June, 200β–ˆ in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Norway. As with most street drugs, the physical form of SCP-484 varies greatly from sample to sample. SCP-484 is generally found in pill form, though at least two types have been powders within a rapidly dissolving gel pack. Reports of a trans-dermal patch were received but no sample has been obtained to date. SCP-484 has a number of street names, with the most common being V, Vic (vΔ«k), Vicar (vΔ«-ˈker), and Care, each revolving around the word "Vicarious". Phrasal slang includes any mention of memories or remembering and name code uses V-names like Victor or Vivian. Unlike most street drugs, all samples of SCP-484 are nearly chemically identical. Most illegal drugs vary by manufacturer and contain impurities and additives, but other than cosmetic appearance, SCP-484 samples are identical. The only explanation for this is that all samples come from the same source. Why there is such cosmetic variation is unknown, though researchers believe it is to disguise SCP-484 as a simple street drug. This also explains how a pharmaceutical with the level of sophistication demonstrated by SCP-484 reached the open market without precursors or public notice in its development. All known organizations capable of manufacturing SCP-484 are being investigated in order to determine the source. The logo seen on many iterations of SCP-484 is a tilted square with eight dots within, though no companies with similar logos are anywhere near capable of producing such a chemical. The dealer questioned in Interrogation Report 484-A33 seemed genuinely unaware of the drug's origin, despite repeated and vigorous methods of interrogation. When ingested, SCP-484 is absorbed and causes the brain to produce a chemical compound previously unknown. Researchers have named the compound β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆ. The compound is extremely volatile and breaks down almost immediately if extracted from the brain. Subjects experience rapidly increasing brain activity and pupil dilation. When a subject exposed to SCP-484 makes eye contact with an unaffected person, a form of telepathic connection will be established between the two subjects. The subject having ingested SCP-484 will begin to experience hallucinations of the other subject's memories. The degree of vividness and duration of these hallucinations increases with the amount of SCP-484 taken. The unexposed subjects enters semi-hypnotic state. Repeated use of SCP-484 builds a familiarity with the hallucinations and certain subjects have been able to move through a subject's memory at will, similar to a lucid dreamer altering a dream. At higher dosages, the victims began to lose the memories test subjects described viewing, forgetting all or part of the memory. This memory loss was accompanied by intense migraines and psychological trauma, chiefly feelings of loss and violation, though the subjects were unable to describe what exactly was lost. It was later revealed that a subject using SCP-484 at high dosages actually appropriates the memories and adds them into his or her own memories. There seems to be no limit to the number of memories a subject can absorb, and existing memories are not overwritten. This data is corroborated by Interrogation Report 484-A33, though all answers from this report must still remain suspect. Testing allowed several subjects to have their memories, from childhood to the present, completely erased and absorbed by other test subjects. Those absorbing the memories reported initial discomfort and confusion by the double memories, but all those absorbed seem as real and personal as the subject's original memories. These memories seem to be maintained as long as the subject's memory is not damaged by some other chemical or trauma. The risk SCP-484 poses to information security is high, and as such its tight regulation is vital. Research is ongoing into using SCP-484 in multiple fields. If properly controlled, it could be used to extract unwanted memories of security breaches or traumatic experiences. Permission is currently pending for use of SCP-484 with various memetic hazards. Priority is given to experiments concerning SCP-484's use in advanced espionage and information security. Addendum: Excerpt from Interrogation Report 484-A33: Interrogator: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, assisted by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Supervisor: Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Subject: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ "Crimson Andrew" β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, detained drug dealer from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, USA. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: So you still maintain that you were never involved in the manufacture of this drug? Crimson Andrew: (coughing) Done told you that already. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Indeed you have. Yet I remain unconvinced. Do you think another session with Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ would change my mind? Crimson Andrew: (spitting) Fuck you. Do whatever you want, won't change anything. Just kill me already and get it over with. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Now, please describe what it is like to use SCP-484. Crimson Andrew: When you drop Vic, man, it's like nothing else. I've tripped on anything I could get in my arm, up my nose, or down my gut, and nothing was ever like Vic. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: The hallucinations were more vivid? Crimson Andrew: Sorta. It's not like that, though. When you're on a trip, you know it. You know, at least somewhere, that the walls ain't really melting, you know? But on Vic, no matter how weird it gets, you know it's real. Everything you see, it's like you're doing it. And afterwards, it's like you'd done it from the beginning. Doesn't bother me that I have to take it away from someone. It lets me have a better life. Better history. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Better? Elaborate. Crimson Andrew: Well, check this. You remember being a kid? How happy simple shit could make you? New toy. Climbing a new tree. Just playing, whatever. Well, Vic lets you experience that again and again, and every time it's different, but it stays with you. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How do you mean? Crimson Andrew: You remember your fifth birthday? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I don't see how that's relevant. Crimson Andrew: Just, fuck, do you remember or not? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Yes, I do. Crimson Andrew: How was it? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: I really don't… Crimson Andrew: (shouting) How the fuck was it? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: It was very nice. Crimson Andrew: Yeah. Usually are. You know how many fifth birthdays I've had? Thirty-eight. I remember one where my dad, or some bitch's dad, really, but he's my dad when I remember it. Not like looks like my dad, he's a big fat β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, but it's still like he's mine, you know? Anyway, my dad got me a fucking pony. Who really does that? It's a joke or something from TV, no one really does that. But my dad did. That's the purest joy I've ever felt. No jealousy, no fear, nothing tainting it, and no hangover afterward. Just pure, simple joy. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How poetic. Crimson Andrew: Yeah. It is. Especially since my real dad never gave me nothing but a good ass-whup when the beer ran out at night. With the Vic I got a thousand happy memories that make the bad ones less important. Gonna come in handy soon, I bet. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How's that, exactly? Crimson Andrew: Well, when you people kill me, it sure as hell ain't gonna be my shitty life flashing before my eyes. Β« SCP-483 | SCP-484 | SCP-485 Β»" nan
[ 2.73118556e-01 -1.24032281e-01 -1.19377896e-01 1.26584709e-01 1.80971086e-01 -2.04645395e-01 2.29658261e-01 1.62764415e-01 1.58712655e-01 4.32792865e-02 3.71871978e-01 3.98513041e-02 -2.85958022e-01 -3.01676512e-01 4.98056889e-01 1.93760291e-01 2.47059874e-02 1.68077648e-01 1.16244696e-01 -3.05882484e-01 -4.20413986e-02 -3.52661669e-01 -1.66464910e-01 1.23494901e-01 -2.37232715e-01 3.44696976e-02 2.88296133e-01 1.15241641e-02 -3.56890634e-02 -4.32065099e-01 1.44126505e-01 1.47442907e-01 1.23147614e-01 4.40799326e-01 -1.12013440e-04 -2.74463922e-01 -2.05652695e-02 -2.09734812e-01 -2.84533560e-01 1.33585006e-01 -5.91993451e-01 -3.29159573e-03 2.54562441e-02 -3.52371722e-01 -7.38050044e-02 5.33884540e-02 6.88439235e-02 -4.57915694e-01 2.92514712e-01 1.55001283e-01 1.76251695e-01 -8.86446759e-02 8.93790200e-02 -8.05452839e-02 2.55630702e-01 -2.68380314e-01 -3.99856195e-02 1.81402229e-02 1.69896241e-02 2.47017574e-02 2.89818078e-01 1.27917066e-01 -4.53911245e-01 1.78945109e-01 1.90967947e-01 -1.53582409e-01 2.17010573e-01 -7.14217871e-02 3.30147386e-01 2.10773081e-01 1.28098354e-01 -2.07546160e-01 2.19130546e-01 6.58188313e-02 5.76811060e-02 -1.13412336e-01 1.73110008e-01 2.53446698e-01 -1.02371745e-01 6.46792352e-02 -1.71406195e-01 2.81366318e-01 -1.03764080e-01 -1.55531853e-01 3.04572197e-04 -3.32627714e-01 6.14689998e-02 7.20009729e-02 4.88780916e-01 -2.86905825e-01 1.05976030e-01 1.60522237e-01 1.86940387e-01 3.94465894e-01 9.54233781e-02 5.55655099e-02 6.17161691e-02 7.37998693e-04 2.76083708e-01 1.03460379e-01 2.37728000e-01 -6.68104663e-02 8.40128213e-02 8.52932259e-02 -2.99959391e-01 1.31364077e-01 1.28597359e-03 1.98989600e-01 -3.51503760e-01 -6.66250810e-02 -1.31040782e-01 9.41123590e-02 -2.39840567e-01 2.41955891e-01 -1.41856838e-02 -2.38165185e-01 -2.90507138e-01 -1.49797857e-01 -3.48149419e-01 1.56245336e-01 -6.61880195e-01 2.99613830e-02 -1.91096514e-01 3.40465307e-01 4.75888669e-01 -9.03404318e-03 6.99796602e-02 -4.51595664e-01 -1.20966733e-02 1.43240139e-01 -1.63079098e-01 1.77912876e-01 -2.88289428e-01 4.80981357e-02 9.12587419e-02 3.42503376e-02 1.51003869e-02 -1.98193714e-01 -5.22679269e-01 -1.70354843e-01 1.23028822e-01 -6.67732954e-02 5.92751741e-01 2.46781379e-01 -2.12497622e-01 -2.59968221e-01 -9.99344289e-02 -2.19462052e-01 -1.68810800e-01 1.08420655e-01 1.07100502e-01 7.05808848e-02 1.12376966e-01 2.15117857e-01 1.01174368e-02 -1.66379467e-01 5.15621126e-01 -1.32333243e-03 -2.04107299e-01 -2.27572583e-02 3.11084926e-01 2.63686895e-01 1.53257221e-01 -4.12717611e-02 1.20398782e-01 4.82095420e-01 -5.56445196e-02 -3.63026559e-01 1.09989256e-01 3.94975953e-02 1.34201031e-02 -1.36096731e-01 -3.16674970e-02 4.16564047e-02 -3.74058411e-02 5.32307215e-02 -2.10124686e-01 -3.06979030e-01 -2.59023458e-01 -5.11277854e-01 -2.26467609e-01 -2.46497951e-02 9.06319842e-02 -3.21095020e-01 -2.44754702e-01 2.13267446e-01 -2.83402771e-01 -6.82972297e-02 2.76032656e-01 1.15876220e-01 -2.10304856e-01 -5.14206231e-01 1.62100732e-01 5.99377565e-02 1.15748748e-01 -2.75657699e-02 1.80628747e-01 2.11077631e-01 2.29069218e-02 6.99008778e-02 -1.13440834e-01 -1.52512729e-01 4.31685358e-01 2.46444881e-01 -1.36871427e-01 9.57246944e-02 -9.23777744e-02 -1.17059566e-01 3.14580798e-01 -2.43779141e-02 -1.83066159e-01 -1.90337449e-01 1.87746920e-02 3.25345397e-02 -4.93906289e-02 -3.77566338e-01 2.08652183e-01 2.08156928e-01 1.89464077e-01 -6.62985491e-04 -4.52276170e-02 1.24826185e-01 1.61941662e-01 2.28380896e-02 -3.74463433e-03 -1.90854400e-01 -3.84255592e-03 2.54087467e-02 -3.39941710e-01 3.52053732e-01 4.60380048e-01 2.70519070e-02 2.08693132e-01 -1.18409820e-01 -9.68773961e-02 -7.04905158e-03 4.68182415e-01 6.63339019e-01 -1.07031614e-02 -2.15477645e-01 4.82016444e-01 1.20316908e-01 1.24391012e-01 4.02313024e-02 -6.93687797e-02 2.12099567e-01 2.12217659e-01 -1.15538612e-01 1.13465965e-01 1.62390083e-01 1.25165209e-01 -3.69376123e-01 2.60318130e-01 1.75212592e-01 1.69500217e-01 5.46412587e-01 5.75029373e-01 4.20611026e-03 1.45926535e-01 1.73507273e-01 2.62262076e-02 -1.58097714e-01 3.09847593e-01 -1.43791258e-01 -3.84109944e-01 -7.92547986e-02 1.58048019e-01 3.79523605e-01 4.90537323e-02 9.18768421e-02 4.12651263e-02 -1.47827506e-01 5.76864183e-02 -3.26501839e-02 -2.65325606e-02 -1.18049338e-01 1.11105949e-01 1.14636905e-02 6.49300963e-02 8.90440345e-02 -5.73066697e-02 -1.50618870e-02 1.66092724e-01 -1.94412488e-02 5.95052610e-04 1.98533475e-01 -3.15527558e-01 -1.11855827e-01 -4.09210831e-01 1.73950568e-01 1.35491416e-01 5.87048531e-02 -1.62792742e-01 1.31051600e-01 -1.13126673e-01 3.00500076e-02 -5.04146591e-02 7.30239868e-01 -2.02207819e-01 -9.89812240e-02 -2.41038650e-01 1.38973266e-01 1.21791251e-01 1.17245212e-01 -1.28341943e-01 -1.67967245e-01 4.23296720e-01 6.01177476e-02 -2.81366467e-01 -1.52061820e-01 -1.86290145e-01 3.86739492e-01 2.60547221e-01 -2.01877639e-01 -8.81214961e-02 -1.30045101e-01 -1.58399850e-01 -2.80030161e-01 -3.13850284e-01 -4.47366625e-01 7.08863288e-02 6.55185357e-02 -2.51084626e-01 -3.02248094e-02 -1.19818740e-01 -3.87116522e-02 -1.81531861e-01 3.61224450e-02 2.59740531e-01 2.12105334e-01 9.70090479e-02 1.71267346e-01 -4.97503132e-02 4.92129862e-01 -7.80795068e-02 8.54688287e-02 -4.18523192e-01 -6.84935004e-02 -2.65979350e-01 -1.76614419e-01 3.59681249e-02 -4.45812494e-02 -2.10673958e-01 8.80142674e-02 3.49696398e-01 -1.38446048e-01 3.40104908e-01 5.21272868e-02 4.86092955e-01 -1.37537122e-02 -3.41969550e-01 7.23175943e-01 4.22495790e-02 -1.51904508e-01 -1.58348739e-01 1.21747591e-02 -3.44694480e-02 -2.20031530e-01 3.49449962e-01 -3.67495953e-03 -2.37787619e-01 4.55002993e-01 3.12097162e-01 7.03586489e-02 4.02900478e-04 -9.94412825e-02 5.27760647e-02 6.13679411e-03 1.22146487e-01 9.09148008e-02 1.68977678e-01 1.29377991e-01 -3.11854959e-01 -5.02868481e-02 -8.04715082e-02 -2.09372714e-01 9.29008648e-02 -3.37258610e-03 -4.04883415e-01 -5.44431470e-02 -6.99220821e-02 3.04702878e-01 1.88992620e-01 -1.51388198e-01 3.69373336e-02 -2.04820558e-01 -1.26570314e-01 -2.34538704e-01 2.26646081e-01 3.41725536e-02 1.70965880e-01 -7.14683771e-01 1.96148828e-01 -1.48735374e-01 9.69681740e-02 -1.16090029e-01 1.82387799e-01 -1.06847852e-01 -2.23230079e-01 2.04696000e-01 -2.94871330e-01 1.39055643e-02 3.85088652e-01 5.74519813e-01 3.11419636e-01 2.51990259e-01 1.18024740e-02 -1.72400057e-01 -1.02536008e-01 -1.97244018e-01 8.60793740e-02 -9.21494663e-01 -3.80965531e-01 5.76214306e-02 5.06846130e-01 -2.03487858e-01 6.70143291e-02 8.30056071e-02 2.77548105e-01 -2.30856702e-01 -2.76552558e-01 -2.26854190e-01 -7.79309124e-02 -1.38162851e-01 -3.25890601e-01 1.61517575e-01 2.52588153e-01 6.27161562e-02 5.08087724e-02 2.74928212e-02 1.66400820e-01 4.41639945e-02 4.84255515e-02 8.10398996e-01 -3.42565589e-02 2.88238943e-01 2.56836623e-01 2.98220292e-02 1.84224397e-02 -4.60661650e-02 -7.46184811e-02 7.39973113e-02 5.32095075e-01 8.81262794e-02 2.11397246e-01 -1.45799741e-01 -2.77416766e-01 -2.30530813e-01 -2.55560696e-01 3.01439524e-01 9.58539248e-02 3.25202078e-01 -3.56561631e-01 3.29783350e-01 5.97163811e-02 -3.84424537e-01 -3.71088535e-02 -8.04802030e-02 -2.06968188e-01 2.65154094e-01 1.43720165e-01 1.26581204e+00 2.03499850e-03 2.89910883e-01 2.03833915e-02 3.95730846e-02 -6.84371367e-02 -8.40535685e-02 -1.69080034e-01 -1.56133860e-01 4.66185272e-01 6.28038421e-02 -2.09028885e-01 -7.16311261e-02 2.51146525e-01 -3.14404845e-01 -8.50861073e-02 -1.80631682e-01 1.18186079e-01 3.76350462e-01 2.87845563e-02 -8.88351128e-02 -8.76959190e-02 3.90000373e-01 2.73057729e-01 1.79845598e-02 2.49269411e-01 -2.81315446e-02 1.85503438e-01 -5.66663854e-02 -6.02279231e-02 -5.09948969e-01 1.43070966e-01 -5.14346302e-01 2.74444431e-01 -1.99103847e-01 -4.63884138e-02 -4.83446330e-01 -2.82930017e-01 -3.06030095e-01 3.20086479e-02 -2.04369068e-01 2.03348935e-01 3.43411952e-01 -1.83002636e-01 2.67525822e-01 -6.23199902e-02 5.42069793e-01 4.56234366e-02 -3.10493469e-01 8.86565372e-02 1.02465168e-01 -4.46341544e-01 -4.18315679e-01 1.69533461e-01 2.59125680e-01 1.41427875e-01 -6.13403358e-02 5.06083906e-01 -2.63583601e-01 9.08781588e-03 1.69168741e-01 1.09711282e-01 -9.74306315e-02 1.31912693e-01 -3.44154164e-02 3.34424153e-02 -2.08239391e-01 1.62399322e-01 2.00439036e-01 -9.03817788e-02 2.00966135e-01 -2.74295211e-01 -1.62649289e-01 -3.30966175e-01 3.14142816e-02 8.01456869e-02 5.00898622e-02 -2.25836009e-01 -1.97629407e-01 -4.79949921e-01 1.19537108e-01 -8.79742727e-02 2.37907544e-02 -1.21463716e-01 -1.47274703e-01 -2.92572409e-01 8.48436430e-02 -8.13455731e-02 -1.95198551e-01 1.39611885e-01 5.58201335e-02 6.65381491e-01 -1.66810945e-01 1.14127897e-01 -3.23400348e-01 4.78368282e-01 -2.14584246e-01 -5.20155244e-02 2.65583634e-01 4.87753516e-03 1.87200129e-01 -3.41479257e-02 1.51054978e-01 3.16035390e-01 -1.71963274e-01 -2.52080798e-01 -3.66971433e-01 8.99843723e-02 2.77920570e-02 -3.36753041e-01 -2.34874010e-01 -1.40481338e-01 2.89335161e-01 1.05704963e-01 5.52820601e-02 3.75268400e-01 3.78499329e-01 6.23330772e-01 1.03264183e-01 3.90024245e-01 -9.38477926e-03 2.04429105e-01 -7.35175563e-03 4.37604755e-01 2.37652827e-02 1.83145896e-01 -4.44060355e-01 4.82865125e-02 -2.06845745e-01 6.30174577e-02 -7.60953203e-02 3.56779814e-01 3.43873501e-01 5.38364835e-02 -7.75205120e-02 -1.39714733e-01 -3.56205046e-01 1.11754768e-01 -5.94485760e-01 9.32056531e-02 2.78214924e-02 3.35533202e-01 3.06924395e-02 -1.70177773e-01 -3.52825433e-01 -1.01634134e-02 -9.73627642e-02 7.39404093e-03 1.11365296e-01 -2.02198178e-01 1.91278011e-01 -8.03039223e-02 5.30713439e-01 -3.48820835e-01 1.65571123e-01 -4.02578145e-01 -3.59537662e-03 -2.56769270e-01 -4.85104130e-04 6.27903119e-02 1.54468030e-01 3.06425303e-01 -1.37029201e-01 7.11887889e-03 -1.10509694e-02 8.64156634e-02 3.45528185e-01 2.76548296e-01 -1.86080381e-01 5.72266281e-01 -2.52648205e-01 5.97166836e-01 -1.51557460e-01 1.08723849e-01 -3.17316234e-01 -1.02588302e-02 -1.20155495e-02 -2.81165510e-01 4.66821063e-03 1.85161844e-01 -4.49086949e-02 -2.16131642e-01 -3.04188699e-01 -6.50696456e-02 -1.39445988e-02 -1.92876309e-01 3.51253331e-01 2.25922704e-01 -2.21774086e-01 1.13839798e-01 -1.57479003e-01 1.48020551e-01 2.70366549e-01 -4.25872386e-01 -1.03998937e-01 1.76366121e-01 5.37456498e-02 9.56643447e-02 1.69459119e-01 2.03819200e-01 -1.59029532e-02 -3.82831506e-02 1.21967839e-02 -2.92383879e-01 -1.04207665e-01 -1.45507619e-01 1.50472045e-01 1.19658001e-01 -2.44621992e-01 -2.25771084e-01 1.53058425e-01 -1.61240384e-01 -3.73604745e-01 4.41264153e-01 1.70666203e-01 -3.02948356e-01 -2.98797160e-01 -6.16825260e-02 -3.14148784e-01 -1.34393707e-01 2.03329876e-01 4.47455747e-03 5.79640806e-01 2.28750724e-02 -1.10769019e-01 2.76285648e-01 -1.20183125e-01 7.04255179e-02 1.64315224e-01 1.48224905e-01 -1.58803448e-01 1.14817277e-01 -2.02284276e-01 -3.30433875e-01 -3.64682488e-02 1.30334944e-01 -3.46995145e-01 -3.47088844e-01 -1.24036774e-01 2.22468212e-01 -1.14211850e-01 -1.80989817e-01 -1.44147709e-01 -1.56424731e-01 3.07963312e-01 -2.18624741e-01 -3.40450734e-01 -1.58437490e-01 7.10033238e-01 7.08113760e-02 2.12784246e-01 -3.88186902e-01 2.77623594e-01 -1.41986966e-01 5.09815440e-02 -1.23121977e-01 -5.19104153e-02 1.99144796e-01 5.87481916e-01 2.97995090e-01 2.97290031e-02 5.13009965e-01 -2.48659536e-01 -2.90104657e-01 -1.99452370e-01 2.46543184e-01 -3.62232089e-01 -2.25704655e-01 -2.30275327e-03 -5.19983172e-02 1.90802410e-01 -9.05793626e-03 1.40975758e-01 2.62928158e-01 -1.38483420e-01 6.98348656e-02 -4.33668882e-01 -1.62430093e-01 1.19921535e-01 1.78061262e-01 4.78657382e-03 4.19040859e-01 -7.01572299e-02 1.33952111e-01 -1.43993080e-01 -7.41184279e-02 3.65841329e-01 -1.60213798e-01 6.80232272e-02 3.14592272e-02 1.58875987e-01 -3.48637104e-02 -1.64566949e-01 -5.89380026e-01 3.06789298e-02 1.43949211e-01 8.33208486e-02 -3.03139150e-01 2.12096930e-01 -1.08407279e-02 -6.68667629e-03 -8.10744017e-02 5.77248037e-01 1.19321369e-01 -1.33834764e-01 1.05014518e-01 -1.43578753e-01]
"Death Pen" active "Item #: SCP-485 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-485 is to be kept in a locked safe-deposit box at all times with the key to be kept in a secure location. Description: SCP-485 appears to be a standard retractable pen with an unusually easy to click button. The pen itself was accidentally stolen by Dr. Dahij, upon renewing his life insurance policy. The pen once belonged to Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Life Insurance Inc. Each time the pen's tip is extended, a random person known to the user dies by an unknown cause. Since the button's action is abnormally smooth, subjects during testing were noted to rapidly click the pen without conscious thought or realization of what was happening. Initial discovery occurred upon Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ falling dead mid-sentence as Dr. Dahij was absently clicking his pen near his desk. Dahij called his wife, only to discover no answer at any normally reachable locations, including her place of employment. Supervisor β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was found dead with a mildly surprised look on his face. Pen was given SCP status, testing to follow shortly. The pen's action was confirmed by a reclusive Class-D personnel who only knew 39 living people, all met since his internment at location β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ on base. Said personnel successfully dispatched upwards of 90% of the remaining test subjects on hand, as they had all been selected from the same dormitory wing on-base. Procedure for obtaining live testing personnel has been updated to require more randomization in the selection process. Addendum: Due to Dr. Dahij's recent personal tragedy involving nearly all of his friends and family, SCP-485 is hereby remanded to off-person custody in a locked safe-deposit box. Note: At least he's stopped that damn infernal clicking at all hours at his desk. Now if he would just stop crying. -Dr. Bright Β« SCP-484 | SCP-485 | SCP-486 Β»" nan
[ 4.22638118e-01 -5.09850144e-01 -1.89190149e-01 -6.75904974e-02 1.31014258e-01 -4.61784862e-02 2.42251456e-01 2.77514100e-01 2.38074943e-01 2.01954424e-01 2.73162752e-01 1.72929615e-01 2.90526003e-02 -1.50354415e-01 1.58321649e-01 6.91911951e-02 1.10300053e-02 1.91781387e-01 1.77564397e-01 -1.08115718e-01 -5.61727658e-02 -5.53270988e-02 -1.38623789e-01 4.01173383e-01 3.44668478e-01 1.88436750e-02 2.51491725e-01 2.37942845e-01 1.19366929e-01 -4.38434750e-01 2.14411750e-01 2.92644143e-01 -1.15665480e-01 4.46703076e-01 -1.09772598e-04 -1.60762668e-01 1.09825566e-01 -4.86709066e-02 -2.89963931e-01 5.99749899e-03 -3.34830225e-01 -2.57242531e-01 4.28111032e-02 -3.12775195e-01 1.00156531e-01 -2.29646176e-01 2.41712108e-01 -2.29416415e-01 3.16224009e-01 1.89038575e-01 1.70829073e-01 1.50059849e-01 1.80198863e-01 -5.11745028e-02 7.97770992e-02 -9.19686165e-03 -3.15075547e-01 4.01974507e-02 2.74281442e-01 1.88326821e-01 1.62667885e-01 -3.96728842e-03 -2.11617783e-01 1.22057170e-01 3.11187387e-01 -1.98316425e-01 5.54902375e-01 -7.94934183e-02 3.42789948e-01 4.52755064e-01 -1.11537285e-01 -1.52836964e-01 3.57116193e-01 -2.54346374e-02 6.47634268e-02 -1.42538354e-01 6.47845119e-02 2.27328598e-01 -1.74951628e-01 2.15680688e-03 8.89677629e-02 2.31878802e-01 -2.67313957e-01 -1.84184298e-01 4.54994217e-02 -3.75640959e-01 -1.63917989e-01 2.40155477e-02 2.21137941e-01 -3.39183435e-02 2.26293907e-01 6.89594373e-02 9.50132087e-02 5.30661233e-02 1.69803232e-01 -1.85412690e-02 1.32904232e-01 -1.44342452e-01 3.41288686e-01 2.48450920e-01 6.68542743e-01 1.71774894e-01 1.42119735e-01 3.96658387e-03 1.09994642e-01 -4.69238102e-01 1.82372585e-01 -1.52689099e-01 -1.30030155e-01 4.88549054e-01 8.59152526e-02 1.59966931e-01 -7.88690895e-02 2.04840645e-01 4.23792064e-01 -1.57468125e-01 -5.57238348e-02 -2.20349759e-01 -2.93261945e-01 6.27321243e-01 -4.66126442e-01 -4.72528040e-02 -3.86494696e-01 3.61700326e-01 2.80710816e-01 3.14912766e-01 7.66935647e-02 -3.00543010e-01 -1.34677455e-01 3.08543861e-01 -1.25547975e-01 3.93946804e-02 -1.97522849e-01 -1.81209877e-01 -7.61901811e-02 2.67857630e-02 1.17321294e-02 -1.92168146e-01 -2.23863348e-01 -1.35104701e-01 1.48690835e-01 -1.40008156e-03 4.08913463e-01 2.23410562e-01 -7.44934306e-02 -1.61024615e-01 -7.19390363e-02 -3.53574216e-01 -9.46792364e-02 9.07353237e-02 4.25591975e-01 1.94082588e-01 -3.76265198e-01 2.76465774e-01 -1.21081434e-01 -7.50148296e-02 6.54196799e-01 -1.06502809e-02 -2.83960879e-01 -1.35192379e-01 3.53622109e-01 1.69060633e-01 1.59603685e-01 -2.05727652e-01 1.63288757e-01 4.13085341e-01 -1.06913380e-01 -2.80670434e-01 -5.85401580e-02 -2.43315607e-01 -1.12209037e-01 -2.41269767e-01 -1.12772629e-01 2.56528318e-01 -2.45996758e-01 6.98187351e-02 -1.65785756e-02 -2.05898613e-01 -5.40723562e-01 -1.56499311e-01 -3.55726153e-01 -1.37464181e-02 7.71552920e-02 -1.25676766e-01 -2.26471752e-01 5.56621850e-02 -2.50905335e-01 -2.56171644e-01 1.03593543e-01 -1.06593333e-01 -3.82248908e-01 -3.14814031e-01 3.53497833e-01 -4.41606045e-02 1.47529721e-01 -1.68925375e-01 3.38745117e-01 2.31460199e-01 2.52108246e-01 6.38657287e-02 -4.27846968e-01 -6.43283874e-02 3.24840903e-01 9.01527554e-02 -1.00780115e-01 -1.66544616e-02 -3.83990794e-01 -9.69743878e-02 1.18538201e-01 2.57003028e-02 -9.01645049e-02 -1.57755893e-02 -3.07592452e-01 1.41517162e-01 -1.07977904e-01 -2.48264715e-01 2.54954427e-01 1.18711352e-01 1.41571879e-01 -8.14557672e-02 -1.86989412e-01 -1.00379344e-03 2.36536831e-01 -1.25576579e-03 1.28759116e-01 -1.05071098e-01 -2.87634611e-01 -2.78202761e-02 -2.11099043e-01 8.48367885e-02 2.02032715e-01 7.36749172e-03 9.25219357e-02 -2.21169703e-02 -2.69997030e-01 -1.83818564e-01 2.81738460e-01 5.62320292e-01 -1.20290548e-01 -2.93010920e-01 1.41440883e-01 2.76529223e-01 1.71427682e-01 1.39890043e-02 -5.18167257e-01 3.86160225e-01 1.34182364e-01 -5.46062477e-02 1.53222144e-01 -1.43497568e-02 -2.53013354e-02 -3.64266336e-01 1.46341845e-01 1.03852630e-01 1.64733022e-01 3.47584605e-01 2.36404344e-01 1.56339169e-01 -8.16255212e-02 1.43213317e-01 -1.69935048e-01 -2.51785278e-01 2.73448825e-01 -1.10660464e-01 2.64371075e-02 -1.05658434e-02 1.06183290e-01 3.98145825e-01 7.84187317e-02 1.43535018e-01 -2.08041221e-01 -1.42096668e-01 6.77481815e-02 -2.51545906e-01 -9.61631536e-02 -6.78981692e-02 -3.12170777e-02 4.02514637e-01 1.70453072e-01 7.24508539e-02 -2.40893319e-01 5.96256591e-02 5.25762178e-02 -6.68611079e-02 -2.00763226e-01 1.26597852e-01 -1.44183606e-01 -9.83759612e-02 -1.43967643e-01 6.80261672e-01 3.48679751e-01 -2.61405289e-01 -4.15624641e-02 3.20786722e-02 5.45132346e-03 -8.53758156e-02 -7.22724974e-01 4.59373862e-01 -3.00003141e-01 1.13943249e-01 -3.02741706e-01 2.36506075e-01 1.98469609e-02 1.64225832e-01 -1.02892406e-01 1.75786421e-01 6.64563596e-01 2.33875111e-01 -9.28334221e-02 -3.18851948e-01 -3.33138019e-01 1.51662990e-01 3.81141785e-03 -1.51666179e-01 1.68845117e-01 1.20137081e-01 -1.28282579e-02 -3.43449444e-01 4.77555841e-02 -5.57649136e-01 -7.77057856e-02 9.82796252e-02 -9.20256451e-02 6.52939156e-02 -2.69815356e-01 6.68954551e-02 1.66454718e-01 -1.84821218e-01 3.58363956e-01 1.28880247e-01 5.17598316e-02 2.67677363e-02 -3.79399140e-03 4.53367323e-01 2.48744171e-02 -3.35756205e-02 -1.38658166e-01 -1.34770915e-01 -3.26124541e-02 9.82515514e-02 -1.37379423e-01 -2.26888269e-01 -3.33214998e-01 1.44037902e-01 -1.44625843e-01 -5.01264393e-01 -1.85837075e-02 -1.25093818e-01 8.04017901e-01 3.05633917e-02 -2.13063180e-01 5.29579461e-01 1.45740330e-01 -3.15169275e-01 -2.08543658e-01 -9.36822519e-02 1.41785160e-01 -1.57720089e-01 2.40367249e-01 -1.59312800e-01 -1.75298855e-01 3.22596788e-01 4.48056042e-01 -1.32516190e-01 -1.40624374e-01 -1.35557160e-01 1.16648659e-01 2.26050422e-01 3.67956311e-01 1.57359820e-02 1.65603131e-01 1.41903579e-01 4.28938400e-03 -2.04533176e-03 -2.64333427e-01 -1.78010032e-01 9.34849530e-02 -8.47847853e-03 -5.47767341e-01 -2.61708319e-01 -3.50848287e-02 1.18518034e-02 -8.64328891e-02 -2.54589349e-01 3.14106718e-02 9.08984989e-02 9.24127474e-02 1.27130514e-02 8.63722935e-02 6.39429167e-02 -1.15938812e-01 -4.11377162e-01 1.99900135e-01 -1.54838026e-01 3.28099161e-01 -1.37635142e-01 5.06350249e-02 -1.55723840e-01 -2.07989529e-01 2.69626528e-01 -6.19014859e-01 -1.40014961e-01 3.93738687e-01 3.08558434e-01 5.11828482e-01 3.08466494e-01 -1.38903826e-01 -1.72305718e-01 -1.02418855e-01 2.42082566e-01 8.82030651e-02 -6.51208341e-01 -3.79825771e-01 -2.10946798e-02 3.57067794e-01 -3.00842315e-01 -5.48557332e-03 6.71019480e-02 1.73821092e-01 -5.64882576e-01 -2.42621481e-01 -3.67265418e-02 -1.29585862e-01 -3.48168403e-01 -1.51647747e-01 6.39488548e-02 1.70862466e-01 1.94585204e-01 1.34216294e-01 2.87436154e-02 -3.66829544e-01 4.98070233e-02 -3.51765342e-02 5.74478209e-01 2.50152536e-02 -8.84267036e-03 9.20856223e-02 -3.26746888e-02 -2.00508937e-01 -1.03188962e-01 -1.40353262e-01 4.46316600e-02 5.12392998e-01 2.88298517e-01 2.61458606e-01 3.10660034e-01 1.28605127e-01 1.26398519e-01 -2.19480872e-01 3.74399096e-01 -1.14123717e-01 4.94954437e-01 -2.02753574e-01 5.22886552e-02 2.16087848e-02 -3.51631850e-01 -7.77212679e-02 -2.27643438e-02 -4.29352410e-02 2.97845602e-01 2.50406742e-01 1.26003671e+00 -1.49670333e-01 4.68464103e-03 -2.30389666e-02 -3.59805852e-01 -5.29820956e-02 -1.18440107e-01 -3.10714424e-01 -2.37908304e-01 1.99064106e-01 1.04264684e-01 -2.47858748e-01 1.21429309e-01 3.85076255e-02 -3.16656440e-01 -5.40945493e-02 -5.87108970e-01 -4.10287857e-01 1.84025824e-01 1.11159325e-01 -1.63983539e-01 1.56186357e-01 1.19330525e-01 2.57338911e-01 -1.24468982e-01 1.91082478e-01 -7.92486966e-02 -2.35857572e-02 -1.81593716e-01 -1.04322247e-01 -2.88463116e-01 1.49657652e-01 -4.25503343e-01 2.57606119e-01 2.47837473e-02 -1.37434050e-01 -2.64131665e-01 4.60349917e-02 -2.37047330e-01 8.01393837e-02 -7.64377415e-02 3.97088975e-01 7.19432712e-01 -2.07615986e-01 1.84491590e-01 6.75904900e-02 2.64520705e-01 1.69331711e-02 -3.15858871e-01 2.87417382e-01 2.28495933e-02 -1.76133841e-01 -2.70655602e-01 2.28763416e-01 3.09375405e-01 -9.01398435e-02 2.86447015e-02 1.29672483e-01 -4.26939905e-01 -8.45124871e-02 1.92101970e-01 2.73684293e-01 8.31923187e-02 9.18821245e-03 -8.79094452e-02 5.58485575e-02 -5.48703447e-02 3.96247320e-02 -2.63792127e-02 -7.74130076e-02 1.25210151e-01 -5.76024018e-02 -2.04922900e-01 -3.95540476e-01 8.01769458e-03 -6.97630038e-03 -3.16351891e-01 6.76293373e-02 -1.00962900e-01 -3.98066640e-01 -6.22916594e-02 3.52375537e-01 1.46632204e-02 -5.35397947e-01 -1.45340860e-01 1.54570919e-02 9.80068445e-02 -1.58659667e-01 -7.89036378e-02 2.49328703e-01 1.19775467e-01 3.31034243e-01 -1.05387673e-01 1.66088775e-01 -3.87868792e-01 2.67173797e-01 -1.92517310e-01 -2.13412926e-01 2.64724493e-01 -2.82955676e-01 7.53302425e-02 -2.03266397e-01 2.55356550e-01 1.85191810e-01 -2.01944053e-01 -3.47871184e-01 -2.75390804e-01 1.40331477e-01 -8.60275701e-02 -3.15239638e-01 -1.25713900e-01 2.24692374e-02 4.28517669e-01 1.09292969e-01 -4.32052389e-02 1.88373685e-01 3.34849149e-01 3.58424366e-01 -1.06961995e-01 3.51422280e-01 -1.86818894e-02 4.59184051e-02 8.88564661e-02 4.99875963e-01 -5.14959320e-02 -8.81915763e-02 -2.72158027e-01 1.16768607e-03 -4.97816764e-02 3.68924022e-01 2.21180961e-01 1.30813196e-01 4.73263949e-01 -8.65460336e-02 -2.38300085e-01 5.38680516e-02 -3.33770066e-01 1.96964979e-01 -5.48260808e-01 1.41233414e-01 -1.03587814e-01 3.11170965e-01 8.36347509e-03 -6.02266900e-02 -1.09652817e-01 -2.85371616e-02 -9.12824795e-02 1.20733902e-01 -2.20765889e-01 -4.94968355e-01 -2.05292597e-01 -8.58577807e-03 4.58511710e-03 -3.16776752e-01 8.84706974e-02 2.22916901e-02 2.28105411e-01 -2.02179998e-01 4.95863445e-02 -4.49164957e-02 2.37660691e-01 3.28672607e-03 3.77287507e-01 -1.12891838e-01 -9.32325274e-02 4.33447301e-01 2.03123450e-01 1.31817505e-01 2.29884133e-01 9.44867358e-02 -2.46323735e-01 3.13240856e-01 3.12441260e-01 3.97951216e-01 -3.09433676e-02 1.34838730e-01 -9.25079212e-02 -1.39844090e-01 2.28637066e-02 1.13438822e-01 1.61476254e-01 5.15057556e-02 -1.84286207e-01 -5.46317101e-02 1.02226742e-01 1.61661915e-02 8.37515742e-02 1.30841166e-01 -1.57251462e-01 6.95521981e-02 1.55158415e-02 3.32904845e-01 4.37492609e-01 -3.27320427e-01 -1.95260689e-01 5.32862961e-01 -3.04972023e-01 -1.47066131e-01 3.17421556e-01 1.78483069e-01 -1.97277009e-01 -6.57080114e-02 -8.95634890e-02 -1.59204185e-01 -1.30826622e-01 -7.74572715e-02 1.87781472e-02 1.52487576e-01 1.42788693e-01 -5.40327840e-02 2.00261623e-01 -2.54613787e-01 -1.69756204e-01 3.83850574e-01 3.18082720e-01 -1.74866468e-01 -3.93554151e-01 -3.11219424e-01 -4.00921941e-01 -1.24800332e-01 1.02977403e-01 -1.10490024e-01 2.95315027e-01 -2.41251469e-01 6.62115067e-02 2.11926103e-01 -3.89131516e-01 1.17583081e-01 1.79967016e-01 2.54927695e-01 -4.51105312e-02 3.19147199e-01 -1.10150248e-01 -8.36090967e-02 -2.65489191e-01 1.96990788e-01 -6.13708422e-02 -1.64561942e-01 2.41469994e-01 1.58517107e-01 6.85884729e-02 3.25545147e-02 -2.40622163e-02 -8.29864219e-02 1.15690097e-01 1.71152219e-01 -2.33207092e-01 2.48447817e-04 3.69775534e-01 -2.13081077e-01 -1.34706474e-03 -2.76595265e-01 1.72873870e-01 -1.16358168e-01 1.72758952e-01 -1.37821689e-01 -2.60883629e-01 1.50199432e-03 4.15894449e-01 3.45278382e-01 -4.16606069e-02 2.38211975e-01 -2.55624056e-01 -4.54200238e-01 1.34883404e-01 4.58034009e-01 -1.82878107e-01 -6.00726809e-03 2.19718009e-01 9.53155309e-02 2.37190589e-01 1.62334338e-01 2.21121460e-01 2.37199843e-01 1.65258050e-02 5.19750826e-02 -2.29233369e-01 -8.74267519e-02 -6.79656342e-02 1.44826338e-01 -1.35649234e-01 2.56048352e-01 -5.76741435e-03 4.93740700e-02 -1.15686126e-01 -6.14442974e-02 2.22731993e-01 1.86228350e-01 5.24304360e-02 -1.31916761e-01 1.40943617e-01 -3.40250015e-01 -1.24731446e-02 -5.66615403e-01 -1.35097295e-01 7.56674483e-02 -1.06592208e-01 -2.10118264e-01 1.33634627e-01 -1.72524214e-01 -1.53850198e-01 -3.98579687e-02 8.05378199e-01 4.01654281e-02 9.64123979e-02 -1.26881689e-01 1.80548970e-02]
"Coatlicue Skin" active "Item #: SCP-486 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-486 is confined at Site-17 in a two room cell, which may be furnished as the subject requests, provided it does not violate standard SCP procedures. The cell walls and floor should be padded and carpeted. SCP-486 must wear a cut-resistant safety glove at all times, although temporary removal for the purpose of hygiene is permitted. SCP-486 has displayed no extraordinary physical ability or attempts to escape. Nevertheless, the subject should be guarded at all hours by any two Level-1 security personnel. Should SCP-486 engage in self-destructive behavior, personnel on duty are to restrain and sedate the subject. If the subject manages to cause injury to herself while still unrestrained, personnel are to exit and lock the cell before contacting assistance. Description: SCP-486 is a Hispanic female twenty-nine (29) years of age. The subject has black hair and brown eyes, is 158 centimeters in height, and weighs approximately 63 kilograms. The subject is missing her left arm from the elbow. Aside from this handicap and her condition, the subject shows the physical needs and characteristics of a normal human being. When SCP-486 experiences an injury that would normally cause bleeding, a growth resembling a reddish-brown snake of unknown species will emerge from the wound. The growth does not detach from the subject's body, and instead extends to approximately four times the length of the snake's head before halting. The size of the growth is proportional to the size of the wound. Despite being anchored to SCP-486, the growth appears to be autonomous and will attempt to bite any human within range, with the exception of the subject. Venom milked from the growth's fangs is clear and pinkish in color. The toxins present in the venom are similar to that of snakes in the family Elapidae, and are lethal to human beings. The growths may be surgically removed without anesthetic, as damage done to them is not felt by SCP-486. If the growths are less than 5-7 centimeters in length, they will wither after a period of 12-16 minutes into a dry scab-like substance. Growths exceeding 7-8 centimeters do not wither and must be removed by Level-2 medical staff who have been trained in handling venomous reptiles. The above deterioration will occur rapidly for any growth that has been removed in this way. SCP-486 does not sustain any scars or lasting injury, visible or otherwise, after the removal. Injuries that do not result in external bloodshed, such as blisters, do not trigger the growth. In the case of internal bleeding, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Most other substances produced or excreted by SCP-486, including saliva, sweat, tears, and mucus, are normal. Examination of the subject's menses reveals [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-486 claims that the condition only developed when she was fourteen, with the onset of puberty. It is unknown whether the subject is fertile. Prior to her recovery, the subject had been married for β–ˆ years, but produced no children. Addendum #486-1: Due to SCP-486's condition, retrieving blood samples is impossible, as is administering any injection. Sedatives must either be imbibed or inhaled. Addendum #486-2: It is recommended that SCP-208 be kept unaware of SCP-486's condition. Document #486-1: SCP-486 was discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, on β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, when the subject was involved in an automobile accident. The subject sustained broken ribs, a moderate concussion, and avulsion of the lower left arm. The growth (β–ˆβ–ˆ cm in length) proceeded to fatally bite two paramedics and one witness before agents arrived on-site. SCP-486's family has been told that she and her spouse were killed in the crash. The subject, being unconscious, has no clear recollection of the accident. Β« SCP-485 | SCP-486 | SCP-487 Β»" nan
[ 2.46217355e-01 -5.85483074e-01 -8.48199055e-02 1.05983652e-01 2.91479081e-01 -7.82465041e-02 1.26034722e-01 1.32216915e-01 2.54623830e-01 -1.78211331e-02 -3.28236842e-03 2.95323431e-01 -1.88274220e-01 -2.01103374e-01 1.52169093e-01 1.59244373e-01 -1.08879365e-01 2.76287585e-01 1.09171361e-01 -3.76074642e-01 1.29113302e-01 -6.17600195e-02 -5.64640872e-02 5.02154231e-01 -3.16497982e-01 -1.92809582e-01 2.08432287e-01 4.24757808e-01 1.70948226e-02 -5.01067519e-01 3.94407660e-01 1.87179707e-02 1.48855984e-01 1.91652566e-01 -1.13417176e-04 -2.17018262e-01 1.56881213e-02 -3.65177915e-02 1.76040437e-02 6.68885410e-02 -3.48965228e-01 -5.15163839e-01 3.23339909e-01 -2.26436183e-01 1.54739060e-02 7.05863461e-02 -1.92670926e-01 -1.58408523e-01 3.74913096e-01 3.10094982e-01 1.66362882e-01 9.62541401e-02 1.08108833e-01 2.10895762e-01 3.08644235e-01 1.01682469e-01 -7.09313825e-02 1.34101585e-01 3.57691288e-01 -1.05764633e-02 3.34024191e-01 -3.94527279e-02 -1.87599868e-01 -3.27025622e-01 -1.19424285e-02 -3.40062678e-02 7.42412031e-01 -2.42664352e-01 3.11992466e-01 5.17405391e-01 -1.53930128e-01 2.02337459e-01 -2.68090470e-03 1.26441466e-02 -1.02499589e-01 8.48541223e-03 7.20617622e-02 3.48642439e-01 -1.17576579e-02 -7.28826448e-02 -2.92101353e-01 1.80471480e-01 -6.61221221e-02 1.37991995e-01 -1.58694610e-01 2.11901248e-01 6.23771735e-02 -1.24394679e-02 4.26867232e-02 -3.04541320e-01 2.03561857e-01 1.52049392e-01 3.44821364e-01 4.06913340e-01 -2.47679546e-01 -4.16370817e-02 -1.30248800e-01 6.08803034e-02 3.17891330e-01 -1.13331728e-01 3.01987380e-01 -6.77931905e-02 -4.92882609e-01 2.41567314e-01 -1.58999056e-01 -3.53284240e-01 1.99302122e-01 -4.79046591e-02 -2.64038146e-01 9.89622995e-02 1.93845496e-01 3.26447457e-01 -2.16132626e-02 1.89866498e-01 -1.64085329e-01 -1.14302456e-01 1.03844464e-01 -1.07821241e-01 -5.05754948e-01 3.01999182e-01 -2.18831673e-01 9.82208699e-02 5.86956292e-02 2.83349961e-01 1.61737323e-01 8.21956713e-03 2.79904276e-01 6.43022032e-03 -4.30924119e-03 2.16487925e-02 -2.52303064e-01 2.61776060e-01 -4.76184487e-01 -3.98588032e-01 -3.13064992e-01 -1.22103944e-01 -1.86653391e-01 8.00714269e-02 -1.34551749e-01 1.31547555e-01 -3.91663641e-01 5.59547246e-02 3.61344993e-01 2.13827610e-01 -4.76971209e-01 -1.29600555e-01 8.36071074e-02 -2.62031406e-02 -2.08152249e-01 -1.77762061e-01 1.59502462e-01 -1.06799707e-03 -3.88143480e-01 1.88504219e-01 7.79404640e-02 1.27304923e-02 7.68590450e-01 -1.43145591e-01 7.26355240e-02 -4.24168967e-02 2.33016700e-01 -1.49977461e-01 -8.08191299e-02 -2.25073680e-01 2.63651032e-02 4.65938568e-01 1.01146854e-01 -2.34705821e-01 1.72353655e-01 -1.50721461e-01 3.20817530e-01 -8.14723074e-02 1.03502192e-01 -6.41319007e-02 -2.79938996e-01 1.47009939e-01 -2.14850068e-01 -3.92388076e-01 -2.95724422e-01 -8.88598040e-02 -1.98551670e-01 1.90235049e-01 -1.11185387e-01 -2.11036101e-01 -4.71723080e-01 1.69737920e-01 -3.11885625e-01 1.01574861e-01 -2.75479723e-02 2.69774735e-01 -3.77309620e-01 -3.96265358e-01 4.91946816e-01 5.86143620e-02 -8.65405947e-02 -6.76697353e-03 3.10227513e-01 1.30508676e-01 3.61970961e-01 1.09648988e-01 -8.34171250e-02 -4.17540312e-01 -6.84639066e-02 2.24614099e-01 -3.91482472e-01 -8.95903781e-02 -4.26102668e-01 -5.22083603e-02 2.72711217e-01 2.61148930e-01 -3.42376649e-01 -2.20860377e-01 -3.45125765e-01 9.67239439e-02 -4.86575328e-02 -2.77897567e-01 1.81263953e-01 1.09992862e-01 3.28386784e-01 -1.99754059e-01 -1.86887845e-01 4.50235188e-01 -1.73003197e-01 1.59464985e-01 -3.19668770e-01 -8.65875110e-02 -5.45211956e-02 -1.19573921e-01 -1.18120477e-01 4.44156945e-01 1.94451481e-01 6.25384925e-03 -2.62958631e-02 1.85955614e-01 -5.16210675e-01 1.66380703e-01 4.90333028e-02 2.30111793e-01 5.71749993e-02 -1.70140594e-01 6.62979633e-02 -1.09541103e-01 1.07396603e-01 1.25506157e-02 -1.68274716e-01 1.11098543e-01 -3.40180146e-03 1.26825199e-01 -1.18079307e-02 6.27638996e-02 -1.34398013e-01 -2.18330532e-01 -1.06814116e-01 8.68780091e-02 1.00374177e-01 2.30562612e-01 3.64832848e-01 -4.03747052e-01 1.19428402e-02 8.57960433e-02 -1.67269498e-01 1.54504171e-02 3.35605979e-01 8.18061829e-03 2.23922133e-01 -3.56532633e-02 -5.96203022e-02 2.65496463e-01 1.12054951e-01 9.31184813e-02 -3.80058177e-02 -9.04466510e-02 -4.91115451e-02 2.31911466e-02 -9.30004567e-02 -4.16150987e-02 -1.33657068e-01 3.03710718e-02 3.83045167e-01 -1.68078378e-01 -2.63842762e-01 -2.00069979e-01 -2.25827724e-01 -4.48049121e-02 -1.14359699e-01 6.14647157e-02 -2.92575657e-01 2.84879357e-01 2.88862079e-01 -1.77099466e-01 1.63856766e-03 7.68946782e-02 -1.66331872e-01 -2.77264833e-01 -9.25175548e-02 2.41857558e-01 -3.40662420e-01 1.91725150e-01 -4.95240875e-02 5.30156940e-02 -4.13425088e-01 3.09527576e-01 -5.14401346e-02 6.65750280e-02 -3.27935129e-01 -2.79366761e-01 4.22610939e-01 -2.76667923e-01 1.48791686e-01 1.54774904e-01 -3.15014988e-01 8.22267979e-02 9.18448865e-02 -5.28682172e-01 4.37469095e-01 -2.14464635e-01 2.78899610e-01 -1.05825931e-01 2.26250395e-01 -5.65731883e-01 -1.99584484e-01 -5.09753078e-02 1.78732902e-01 2.59357095e-01 2.00584438e-02 4.97177616e-02 -4.25606608e-01 -2.30690494e-01 9.50112864e-02 7.78254471e-04 6.23830929e-02 -2.63949670e-02 3.07822470e-02 3.34004998e-01 -2.08658710e-01 3.50507081e-01 -2.34714091e-01 -3.55562776e-01 7.31200054e-02 3.42058122e-01 9.65558738e-02 -1.29088107e-02 -3.26612711e-01 4.65448260e-01 4.69275028e-01 -2.66393304e-01 3.35778832e-01 -7.03683647e-04 4.64609742e-01 -7.76613578e-02 -1.30487621e-01 5.31070232e-01 -1.61818098e-02 -1.26865774e-01 -1.18001156e-01 -2.09006220e-02 -1.93216532e-01 -1.67185068e-01 6.96709305e-02 -3.57240558e-01 3.83140981e-01 2.12256879e-01 -2.00046763e-01 -1.06098987e-01 -2.43088067e-01 2.40241420e-02 2.16643531e-02 -1.43479556e-01 4.50397432e-01 -3.94481152e-01 -4.28517424e-02 1.83891878e-01 -8.24324042e-02 1.63833573e-01 1.68943375e-01 -9.20263901e-02 -9.81088914e-03 -3.17517757e-01 -5.78649700e-01 -1.67658448e-01 1.34844156e-02 4.72382784e-01 4.77371126e-01 -5.66987544e-02 -3.39504659e-01 -4.67817206e-03 -1.10509701e-01 -1.86874077e-01 2.63646066e-01 1.19884156e-01 3.14625795e-03 -3.96204948e-01 1.64919376e-01 2.04695582e-01 3.43905181e-01 2.73976684e-01 8.67369026e-02 5.38696593e-04 -1.22583441e-01 2.64991194e-01 -3.48996639e-01 1.85647532e-02 1.48534015e-01 5.02182245e-01 2.49773011e-01 -3.81312758e-01 -2.34311461e-01 2.23015234e-01 6.38989881e-02 2.30881497e-01 5.15764713e-01 -6.15086794e-01 -3.02189469e-01 -3.34694356e-01 3.92937630e-01 2.58091073e-02 5.71944565e-02 2.17687428e-01 1.70268789e-01 -1.41087368e-01 -1.41980171e-01 1.90962389e-01 -9.79808122e-02 -1.00573823e-02 1.34218633e-01 -2.25361630e-01 -1.26936302e-01 -4.97939363e-02 4.70050335e-01 3.75016958e-01 -3.41176391e-01 -5.29897846e-02 -1.63264126e-01 3.30962837e-01 -4.17716354e-02 3.19182605e-01 5.28263748e-01 -1.76705420e-01 -1.73180893e-01 -1.54968813e-01 -1.49406135e-01 6.22585900e-02 5.42006850e-01 2.77774185e-01 -1.03905939e-01 -1.69400647e-01 5.59371337e-02 5.97842149e-02 5.52433841e-02 4.20748442e-01 -9.16377530e-02 3.17619503e-01 -2.00774789e-01 4.47888225e-01 -8.24579298e-02 -2.59129822e-01 -3.91530782e-01 2.03199625e-01 -1.42214432e-01 4.33887690e-02 2.18281016e-01 1.18020535e+00 1.26828954e-01 -7.12821633e-02 -1.10405684e-01 -1.46704897e-01 1.64259464e-01 -1.29479766e-01 -2.39270523e-01 -1.59865350e-01 4.44317311e-01 2.45880783e-01 2.92127347e-03 9.61126611e-02 6.06827438e-01 3.66863459e-02 -1.81711003e-01 -4.48749870e-01 -4.06445801e-01 1.80503279e-01 3.06462616e-01 3.92486379e-02 -1.23399585e-01 -3.00146759e-01 1.69470146e-01 -1.84977829e-01 2.26790771e-01 -1.13105588e-03 6.88611865e-02 -1.88098803e-01 -1.84249029e-01 -8.69155079e-02 1.90639168e-01 -3.72045815e-01 6.28815889e-02 1.88154716e-03 -5.02375722e-01 2.45428327e-02 2.09329017e-02 -2.66050637e-01 1.07706636e-02 1.19984612e-01 2.01748341e-01 3.92207295e-01 -2.70899385e-01 -5.84934317e-02 1.12368703e-01 2.66420156e-01 -1.05238594e-02 -1.52200997e-01 3.70603919e-01 9.13935006e-02 -7.47373402e-02 1.89561009e-01 4.30728525e-01 4.88612801e-01 -3.70395690e-01 8.75610039e-02 1.02464795e-01 1.71276629e-01 -9.14692730e-02 1.15569420e-01 4.18019682e-01 -1.31914392e-01 -2.59304911e-01 1.84198752e-01 -8.01983625e-02 -2.57990360e-01 -4.86100167e-02 1.88006803e-01 1.00278497e-01 -1.35502666e-02 -2.52866354e-02 -7.81957582e-02 -4.64807034e-01 6.02656230e-02 -7.27144256e-02 -5.55699527e-01 -1.16867676e-01 -1.43316895e-01 -5.91235936e-01 -2.53463656e-01 7.50692636e-02 1.14177160e-01 -2.44580835e-01 1.21248595e-01 -3.94943178e-01 -3.17162067e-01 -1.85263485e-01 4.92124222e-02 1.59235969e-01 -5.73163554e-02 6.80988073e-01 -3.66605908e-01 2.43650749e-01 -3.01011771e-01 2.87076473e-01 -1.31245643e-01 -6.24613017e-02 5.82182348e-01 -5.08745573e-02 3.95071834e-01 -5.08231968e-02 1.18352003e-01 1.32776633e-01 -1.99380830e-01 -2.19495490e-01 -2.43807510e-01 1.23525225e-01 1.60525590e-01 -2.17579111e-01 1.29123017e-01 5.00333123e-02 2.98982441e-01 -6.00374527e-02 2.21511543e-01 -1.88057721e-02 2.89795399e-01 3.49917740e-01 -2.17624024e-01 2.86464751e-01 1.53024286e-01 4.65627089e-02 -6.73977211e-02 3.05489570e-01 3.15986909e-02 3.65186180e-03 -3.62094313e-01 -1.99763790e-01 1.37878329e-01 5.84511682e-02 -2.13844463e-01 5.04207574e-02 1.07213639e-01 -6.26325384e-02 -1.33042276e-01 3.40223196e-03 -3.05459797e-01 1.27566159e-01 -2.87639320e-01 -4.51056436e-02 -2.00008467e-01 2.26590276e-01 -1.71471998e-01 -8.01277440e-03 -2.81490475e-01 6.62976056e-02 1.11492865e-01 2.59240627e-01 -3.94733429e-01 -1.16995402e-01 3.06627750e-02 1.16169058e-01 4.50515926e-01 -1.46595255e-01 -2.22230274e-02 1.05936721e-01 -4.99554962e-01 -1.32866994e-01 3.72545421e-01 6.08222224e-02 5.63654723e-03 3.07681859e-01 1.42174363e-01 9.03316960e-02 -5.15539981e-02 9.44390222e-02 1.36423111e-01 2.16091320e-01 -4.53072876e-01 1.92754537e-01 1.74764678e-01 2.36817166e-01 4.01721559e-02 2.25345045e-01 1.51254106e-02 -2.07175568e-01 5.75065762e-02 1.86641604e-01 1.42924592e-01 -6.45644069e-02 1.02967545e-01 6.20343201e-02 -2.92818338e-01 -2.62211353e-01 -2.24436790e-01 1.21789821e-03 3.55989128e-01 3.35579999e-02 2.58742213e-01 -1.84459519e-02 -1.95292875e-01 1.36527225e-01 3.29189658e-01 -2.13959396e-01 7.33904466e-02 5.53753495e-01 2.08695251e-02 7.91423488e-03 2.40278691e-01 2.82722145e-01 -2.30449878e-04 -3.45849171e-02 -7.29334727e-02 -4.11047369e-01 -2.34246075e-01 -8.90370831e-02 3.00794929e-01 7.46591166e-02 5.07066905e-01 1.27990887e-01 1.49389133e-01 -2.60824472e-01 -8.13337564e-02 1.52558535e-01 2.50567198e-01 -6.37786910e-02 3.82162184e-01 -2.53224552e-01 -1.72617033e-01 -2.37141311e-01 -7.31979907e-02 1.51009858e-01 6.96980134e-02 -2.37977520e-01 1.00678075e-02 3.95419955e-01 -1.07898213e-01 7.13900626e-02 -2.35322695e-02 1.84119433e-01 -1.21910974e-01 2.52438694e-01 1.62976280e-01 -2.12165415e-01 -2.08265156e-01 3.99123393e-02 -3.81883085e-01 -7.63868988e-01 -3.03738527e-02 1.18757360e-01 1.43421039e-01 2.36093074e-01 2.37857938e-01 -6.57144561e-02 -1.28079765e-02 -1.74377918e-01 2.05719337e-01 2.12927684e-01 3.56972627e-02 -1.12716280e-01 2.83374429e-01 -1.00122601e-01 1.52032271e-01 -1.41110510e-01 1.01626277e-01 -1.51161969e-01 -1.62249729e-01 -3.17500800e-01 3.84047449e-01 5.79081655e-01 3.41597110e-01 3.95399213e-01 -3.92397583e-01 -4.01987135e-01 -2.54890651e-01 1.56012997e-01 -2.21966151e-02 6.12521052e-01 2.29939207e-01 4.67648000e-01 4.91940938e-02 -5.47100864e-02 1.96931154e-01 1.88322768e-01 8.09681565e-02 -2.04693943e-01 1.03615046e-01 2.06392497e-01 4.70082425e-02 2.63340455e-02 -2.93774228e-03 4.94304180e-01 -4.41230163e-02 -1.32478818e-01 -1.41391814e-01 -4.43780541e-01 5.75244308e-01 -9.23451483e-02 -1.54537395e-01 -3.68657126e-03 7.55499080e-02 2.38707840e-01 -1.62429780e-01 -4.29800659e-01 -3.16229351e-02 -6.18697181e-02 5.38676567e-02 -4.35907751e-01 5.97169660e-02 -5.95980138e-02 -5.20686030e-01 1.22328274e-01 5.17268121e-01 1.65481061e-01 -1.03520960e-01 1.72292236e-02 -1.45813271e-01]
"The Impossible House" active "Item #: SCP-487 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-487 is to be surrounded by an 8.05km (5mi) buffer zone purchased by the Foundation under the guise of a private ranch. The perimeter of the buffer zone is to be patrolled by Level 2 security personnel under orders to terminate unauthorized intruders on sight. The perimeter security forces are also under orders not to enter the buffer zone under any circumstances. In the event of a perimeter breach, Level 3 personnel within the buffer zone must be immediately notified. Access to SCP-487 is only permitted to staff with a security clearance of Level 3 or higher. While within SCP-487, all personnel are strictly forbidden to move any item, unless they are under orders to do so or if it is part of a current experiment. Any unauthorized change in the position of any of the items within SCP-487 must be immediately logged and all personnel within SCP-487 must follow standard evacuation procedures. Should containment protocols be compromised, any surviving Level 4 personnel are authorized to engage the containment failsafe. This will consist of demolition charges planted outside of SCP-487. Description: SCP-487 is a house located in the Northeastern United States in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. The exact appearance and architecture of SCP-487 is impossible to definitively describe, as it constantly changes its appearance and structure depending on the arrangement of the items within it. Currently, SCP-487 appears as a significantly larger version of a Sears Catalog Home. Within SCP-487 are exactly three thousand two hundred ninety four (3,294) items of occult or other superstitious origin. These items are carefully arranged throughout SCP-487 according to strict Feng Shui principles. Individually, none of these items show any kind of supernatural ability, and are essentially normal, non-anomalous items. However, it has been theorized by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ that these items are in such close proximity, and are arranged in such a particular way, that they create a synergistic effect that grant SCP-487 its anomalous properties. Initial testing by modifying the arrangement of certain items within SCP-487 appears to support this hypothesis (see Addendum 1-3). According to historical records, SCP-487 was built in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and was owned by various families and individuals. Through coincidence or premeditation, every owner had spent their lives collecting numerous items of occult or superstitious origin. Background checks of all previous owners reveal nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary other than the apparent compulsion to collect said items. The Foundation first learned of SCP-487 in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, when Agents intercepted a frantic call from β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-487's previous owner, to a family friend regarding strange events related to SCP-487 (See Addendum 1). β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was administered an amnestic and relocated to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Addendum 1: SCP-487's first recorded incarnation was a Georgian-style home. Inside, SCP-487 contained a basement level that was significantly larger than the building's blueprints indicated. Further exploration revealed an expansive maze of hallways, rooms, and doors with no discernible pattern. Exploration was temporarily halted when a researcher was separated from the expedition team and did not return. Search parties eventually found the researcher's camera intact. Analysis of the footage showed that the researcher had grown hopelessly lost and had become convinced that SCP-487 was stalking him. The researcher’s remains were also later found. Cause of death determined to be self-inflicted neck injury. Further exploration discontinued. Addendum 2: After the accidental movement of Item 254, the basement area disappeared without a trace. Shortly thereafter, all modern electronic and mechanical equipment within SCP-487 ceased to function. However, when taken outside, all affected equipment began to function normally. Machinery and other technology powered by Industrial Age sources (ie: steam power) still function normally within SCP-487. Addendum 3: SCP-487's current incarnation as a Sears Catalog Home came about as the result of moving Items 405, 772, 1056, and 2001 according to a certain mathematical pattern. SCP-487's dimensions now seem to be expanding at the rate of 0.3cm (.12 in) per month, necessitating the removal and relocation of the containment failsafes. Researchers have reported hearing groaning and growling sounds around the perimeter, though this is attributed to the stresses on SCP-487's structural materials as caused by its expansion. Addendum 4: After the unauthorized removal of Items 991 and 1074, tracking satellites detected a massive accumulation of thermal energy just beneath the Earth's surface, centered around SCP-487's general location. The anomalous energy readings immediately dissipated once the missing items were returned to their original locations. Β« SCP-486 | SCP-487 | SCP-488 Β»" nan
[ 1.03074382e-03 -1.55604526e-01 -1.77495867e-01 2.51667947e-01 -2.00967968e-01 -7.23413676e-02 1.97697338e-02 2.10833356e-01 2.61691421e-01 1.12437516e-01 -5.74557483e-02 4.05289412e-01 -2.99330175e-01 -2.36263022e-01 6.19325079e-02 3.69329631e-01 7.77312294e-02 2.70069242e-01 1.64503798e-01 -2.90703863e-01 -3.41538876e-01 -2.71489590e-01 -6.23509213e-02 1.44975632e-01 2.20322058e-01 -7.85482824e-02 4.09473553e-02 2.28341054e-02 -1.01606071e-01 -1.79434493e-01 1.43697575e-01 3.68657053e-01 -2.38574713e-01 6.24845743e-01 -1.06311934e-04 -2.07347367e-02 9.09174010e-02 2.51685269e-02 -2.95510769e-01 8.70904978e-03 -7.13796437e-01 -3.01377717e-02 -1.75337359e-01 -2.76918281e-02 -8.86604264e-02 7.33722448e-02 -2.30509359e-02 1.04722651e-02 8.67379382e-02 -4.96146418e-02 2.14448780e-01 -2.90012173e-02 6.97132945e-02 2.42608301e-02 1.64729729e-01 3.65212917e-01 -1.20444655e-01 7.64681548e-02 4.00759310e-01 3.19934748e-02 3.16453010e-01 -3.68789956e-02 -1.14985555e-02 2.63639186e-02 1.41448617e-01 -4.40952122e-01 7.18057975e-02 3.21227722e-02 -5.77434599e-02 2.92484283e-01 -2.09803164e-01 -2.01614350e-01 -2.76685748e-02 7.38071054e-02 -4.70536686e-02 -9.38769653e-02 1.31846294e-01 2.59836197e-01 -5.80223761e-02 -8.21173564e-02 -1.90314218e-01 2.99580246e-01 -2.95060605e-01 -1.08551331e-01 -2.27843955e-01 3.13059270e-01 -4.79147844e-02 9.19217020e-02 -1.43060550e-01 -5.59638329e-02 -1.35154426e-01 -2.72251248e-01 1.35222971e-01 9.99677461e-03 6.26904368e-02 -1.78018570e-01 1.99085310e-01 3.85651052e-01 2.48926863e-01 3.51613939e-01 3.17509353e-01 1.70975849e-01 3.01501602e-01 9.08581614e-02 5.17653674e-02 1.20079786e-01 2.27083057e-01 -4.16952372e-01 -5.66160142e-01 6.83189809e-01 -2.88308978e-01 4.55049485e-01 -8.69119838e-02 2.32579648e-01 -3.95787984e-01 -2.17451796e-01 1.33544296e-01 -1.27518043e-01 -2.61046976e-01 4.06956404e-01 -4.67124581e-01 1.99262872e-01 2.11721174e-02 3.24766263e-02 4.68458802e-01 3.00548952e-02 -2.33421162e-01 -1.17007740e-01 -1.34449759e-02 -1.11249819e-01 -1.13993898e-01 2.35479444e-01 -3.10523480e-01 -7.81007484e-02 4.27425019e-02 -3.03547174e-01 -2.14841366e-01 1.55494735e-01 -2.08087683e-01 8.47344398e-02 1.54537141e-01 -1.37387738e-01 5.57606161e-01 3.17710489e-01 -4.44264024e-01 -5.56638129e-02 -1.56704560e-02 -1.09211050e-01 -1.50717869e-01 -1.37603685e-01 4.50691819e-01 -2.52999991e-01 -2.36423299e-01 2.72544444e-01 -4.90723550e-02 1.23104937e-01 3.30647141e-01 -9.83950216e-03 -1.92462772e-01 7.18044341e-02 3.70303839e-01 2.04930589e-01 -7.43840029e-03 5.73633499e-02 -5.04489616e-02 5.73419929e-01 -2.83689588e-01 2.50768363e-01 -1.98144048e-01 -1.40550300e-01 -3.28726023e-01 -2.55424798e-01 -1.46850064e-01 2.53904283e-01 -2.54179835e-01 -6.13913089e-02 -4.10233349e-01 1.08020701e-01 -2.94340938e-01 6.75749406e-02 -2.45856032e-01 1.92936048e-01 6.66547865e-02 -3.07600588e-01 -2.71104544e-01 -8.08814988e-02 3.25195879e-01 -4.71188337e-01 1.57955006e-01 -2.12067023e-01 -2.96741843e-01 -5.22520483e-01 3.86151701e-01 8.80297869e-02 -2.13992670e-01 8.50148350e-02 1.45055830e-01 8.37671980e-02 1.01284832e-01 2.28590965e-01 -2.32706204e-01 3.88493389e-01 4.14423108e-01 3.17111850e-01 -2.17943266e-01 -1.21971555e-01 9.63152349e-02 9.52644572e-02 3.94123942e-01 1.73963740e-01 -7.38222599e-02 -7.30730742e-02 -1.18035413e-01 3.25815201e-01 -2.09369287e-01 -3.41756731e-01 3.54730129e-01 1.33947104e-01 5.61277829e-02 -5.57914913e-01 -2.37655714e-01 -2.91162655e-02 5.92348948e-02 -2.15029940e-01 -5.84344938e-03 9.33393463e-02 -1.75862968e-01 -2.39336267e-02 -3.81204426e-01 2.06936821e-01 3.15713942e-01 -1.21102147e-01 8.33394304e-02 -5.20123988e-02 -1.99248031e-01 -2.08971590e-01 1.59555167e-01 7.80480981e-01 -7.68351136e-03 -2.65324235e-01 1.97891757e-01 2.32098266e-01 7.04219267e-02 7.92286023e-02 -3.43007982e-01 2.65870970e-02 3.23240697e-01 2.54229486e-01 4.01092097e-02 -7.30450898e-02 -8.66569504e-02 -2.86280304e-01 1.49544001e-01 -2.15101302e-01 4.16561812e-01 4.23679054e-01 4.11188662e-01 3.44952941e-01 1.66105732e-01 5.00538647e-01 -3.59744698e-01 4.55503613e-02 1.83113769e-01 -4.17409055e-02 -6.56194016e-02 -1.36822805e-01 4.37753111e-01 2.00950339e-01 -1.20661698e-01 5.24989739e-02 1.01952635e-01 3.41239534e-02 -3.43396336e-01 -1.77691162e-01 3.12903821e-02 1.24219269e-01 1.90033421e-01 1.11752875e-01 4.32701349e-01 2.54271328e-01 -2.71235198e-01 -6.46325409e-01 -4.72384691e-02 -2.11763144e-01 -9.04789045e-02 1.49442911e-01 9.78653729e-02 3.22975814e-02 -2.99471408e-01 3.77958000e-01 1.48243338e-01 -2.27758080e-01 1.78613171e-01 7.70057067e-02 -3.44655305e-01 4.05186601e-02 -8.96209776e-02 2.02537060e-01 -3.27796251e-01 -2.87376232e-02 -3.09333116e-01 -6.10855073e-02 9.08610970e-02 1.00162134e-01 -2.58232266e-01 -2.10613254e-02 3.89250666e-01 8.77878740e-02 1.94738343e-01 -1.98766813e-01 -5.20844758e-01 1.98345914e-01 1.82236671e-01 -2.51282990e-01 1.66767120e-01 -1.50729120e-01 1.61735609e-01 -2.47061148e-01 5.13959788e-02 -9.82301980e-02 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-5.16557395e-02 1.59041375e-01 -1.77616373e-01 3.85362864e-03 1.72121059e-02 -3.65333527e-01 2.94188336e-02 -7.01568201e-02 -1.35537192e-01 2.11811230e-01 8.40439275e-02 -3.24291065e-02 1.39058128e-01 -1.93239614e-01 -1.40239568e-02 2.36768901e-01 -4.09067959e-01 2.78356761e-01 3.28016937e-01 4.40631121e-01 4.43534493e-01 3.83199096e-01 -4.24704105e-01 -8.56657624e-02 -2.05533862e-01 8.47236514e-02 1.48624331e-01 -1.58431008e-01 -6.82720318e-02 3.61009985e-02 -1.44598469e-01 2.54847914e-01 1.15991905e-01 4.36182953e-02 2.28777632e-01 -4.60901737e-01 -3.20659101e-01 1.10156164e-02 -6.92670345e-02 -2.27502033e-01 -1.24531247e-01 1.71858639e-01 3.34832966e-01 3.33517343e-01 2.31225207e-01 -5.66405319e-02 -1.27048582e-01 -7.57810250e-02 -1.06316835e-01 1.13460749e-01 2.70616770e-01 3.87707084e-01 4.46342230e-01 1.31243661e-01 1.34961933e-01 -1.30574733e-01 -1.35954723e-01 -2.47905061e-01 5.34162462e-01 3.37894320e-01 -1.01680510e-01 -9.26162899e-02 2.01277897e-01 1.22203147e-02 -2.02407807e-01 -7.56945312e-02 -1.54180797e-02 4.30138558e-01 1.29748076e-01 3.41878593e-01 -3.67943585e-01 -3.42833012e-01 5.56461047e-03 3.63828450e-01 -1.61246508e-01 3.98241937e-01 2.97363788e-01 1.14013934e+00 1.60899520e-01 1.34915382e-01 1.76561311e-01 -3.58008116e-01 -1.76715609e-02 -5.38253903e-01 -1.09025039e-01 -9.86899063e-02 3.00393343e-01 1.03326529e-01 -1.68839380e-01 1.64103642e-01 6.79910064e-01 -8.44044760e-02 -5.06175533e-02 -6.44367635e-01 -1.53192788e-01 2.38780722e-01 5.21490201e-02 4.07515354e-02 1.20806850e-01 8.43666196e-02 2.39514545e-01 2.07717568e-01 2.66422510e-01 -1.32748157e-01 1.94179475e-01 3.23595367e-02 -6.59962893e-02 -3.62779230e-01 2.35317439e-01 -3.68912406e-02 3.38703692e-01 1.14481427e-01 9.46131796e-02 -9.52633396e-02 -4.82177883e-01 -6.53078035e-02 8.30882508e-03 -2.92232245e-01 2.52946287e-01 7.77449250e-01 -4.62921895e-02 3.03629786e-01 1.72314927e-01 2.87074685e-01 1.16561905e-01 -1.42440591e-02 -1.06690504e-01 -1.55337185e-01 2.09001854e-01 -7.88530484e-02 1.32716954e-01 2.95339167e-01 -9.69666019e-02 2.36637414e-01 1.79213732e-01 -1.98299170e-01 -8.86743441e-02 1.74119130e-01 -5.84828593e-02 1.08371370e-01 -1.38110265e-01 -3.15341711e-01 -1.96461603e-01 -8.23081359e-02 1.67619795e-01 -1.41422614e-01 -1.03902765e-01 1.78803995e-01 1.00367926e-01 -2.27678224e-01 -4.81090218e-01 8.88750553e-02 -2.04329133e-01 -1.88546494e-01 1.75151112e-03 -2.84632713e-01 -3.10653478e-01 1.18957214e-01 2.50096619e-01 7.85823092e-02 -9.12855640e-02 2.46289689e-02 -9.66980755e-02 3.27956617e-01 -1.67790577e-01 2.51441687e-01 2.08470255e-01 -1.47871032e-01 2.55651146e-01 2.52051324e-01 -7.21326517e-03 -4.20208722e-01 2.62577474e-01 -5.51067650e-01 -1.81300893e-01 1.60368420e-02 1.83595642e-01 -1.93437859e-01 -1.49840340e-01 2.60508597e-01 -9.70836118e-05 -3.41630340e-01 -3.01938862e-01 -1.48118898e-01 1.08851425e-01 2.25533307e-01 -1.80154666e-01 4.37976010e-02 1.10918418e-01 1.46136090e-01 5.59509471e-02 -3.31034333e-01 1.51637405e-01 5.35990074e-02 7.03570396e-02 -1.39301613e-01 1.04733244e-01 -2.50190169e-01 1.20763779e-01 1.05122693e-01 4.46336329e-01 -5.36986105e-02 -1.70171723e-01 -1.84251413e-01 5.05852140e-03 -1.63379803e-01 3.36678177e-01 -2.00302213e-01 1.38821527e-01 2.04769760e-01 5.57243004e-02 6.03322685e-02 4.35922183e-02 -2.99689680e-01 -1.20520912e-01 -3.82449299e-01 -1.27714097e-01 -2.35231370e-01 2.97409654e-01 -4.29954790e-02 6.36815131e-02 -7.69463629e-02 -1.46827936e-01 4.13578004e-02 1.41018808e-01 1.64793789e-01 -1.91475421e-01 8.18070918e-02 1.64765026e-02 6.10767081e-02 4.45605777e-02 2.07637921e-02 1.84226632e-02 -1.12230480e-01 -9.82752293e-02 -8.03883523e-02 5.27624525e-02 3.66180599e-01 4.67311382e-01 1.64047733e-01 -4.76566181e-02 1.59229621e-01 -1.12730749e-02 3.83323014e-01 1.29739448e-01 3.20182890e-01 3.64538319e-02 1.93756089e-01 2.35738710e-01 3.62424180e-02 -1.01128027e-01 -4.92016852e-01 2.34925330e-01 3.01701110e-02 -2.09354788e-01 1.51561767e-01 1.62838832e-01 7.55013246e-03 -2.26351827e-01 8.95835981e-02 -2.02114731e-01 2.59701498e-02 -1.95272386e-01 2.66920865e-01 -2.95859645e-04 8.46173540e-02 -2.56533027e-01 4.98171821e-02 3.88384134e-01 1.04399122e-01 -2.71609902e-01 1.59384578e-01 7.32845426e-01 -2.31532604e-01 2.84294516e-01 2.30879590e-01 8.32048059e-02 -5.16493022e-02 -2.85225004e-01 1.37740657e-01 2.68706065e-02 -2.91584820e-01 -2.68709481e-01 -2.20407069e-01 3.99332084e-02 -1.12641407e-02 2.51213014e-01 1.57557189e-01 -2.44820133e-01 -5.40301025e-01 2.88456261e-01 3.00959468e-01 8.90708640e-02 1.76639706e-01 -2.14233354e-01 -5.04377127e-01 2.33657062e-01 -6.76750811e-03 -2.27480412e-01 -1.74754009e-01 6.96344376e-02 -1.90004371e-02 1.85495168e-01 -1.84511200e-01 1.24830566e-01 8.55221450e-02 2.92655438e-01 5.72886877e-02 2.43655354e-01 -5.13179041e-02 -2.49577284e-01 -8.47125500e-02 1.21436670e-01 -2.13289246e-01 -2.97947377e-01 7.97477737e-02 5.68687469e-02 -5.91822006e-02 2.34098397e-02 -2.42259681e-01 1.87616900e-01 -6.34398311e-02 -1.65436506e-01 -4.07454729e-01 1.83817208e-01 4.19660598e-01 2.79463530e-02 -8.50968156e-03 -2.90437430e-01 1.82404369e-01 -2.57451981e-01 1.33281350e-01 -1.08224981e-01 5.94730377e-02 6.65339977e-02 5.00739515e-02 1.67967513e-01 -1.73934698e-01 -7.56177753e-02 -3.99400182e-02 -2.62796760e-01 -5.72709069e-02 4.13969755e-01 -2.78211862e-01 8.35676268e-02 5.31295650e-02 3.70780099e-03 5.17712981e-02 -4.23224382e-02 3.54386836e-01 -9.70635712e-02 2.78547425e-02 3.56504172e-01 -3.85420918e-01 3.22521985e-01 -3.21889430e-01 3.86582434e-01 -1.40945865e-02 2.25350827e-01 2.77330756e-01 -1.03616700e-01 -2.39080295e-01 -2.04867825e-01 4.22565401e-01 -1.71441942e-01 -5.26799560e-01 -3.31024304e-02 1.94532529e-01 -6.63152263e-02 -3.10548931e-01 -2.48818904e-01 -2.24583536e-01 1.73970059e-01 -1.20788962e-01 -3.29715103e-01 -3.14897239e-01 -4.77899998e-01 -1.50985464e-01 -1.87073305e-01 1.10484220e-01 -3.24363448e-02 3.68270129e-02 -1.91273749e-01 1.03541166e-01]
"Meteor Attractor" active "Item #: SCP-488 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to the small size of objects leaving SCP-488-1, suppression of public dissemination of knowledge regarding SCP-488 is sufficient for containment in the foreseeable future. SCP-488-2 is housed in a reinforced bunker at a depth of 50 m near the military proving ground at [REDACTED]. Triple-redundant seismic sensors are in place to record meteorite impacts in the vicinity, and must be tested daily for functionality. In the case of impact of meteorites above 0.5 m in diameter, the structural integrity of the bunker must be inspected, and SCP-488-2 moved to a backup bunker located 500 m to the south via underground tunnel if repairs are necessary. Description: SCP-488-1 is a location near Earth's L4 Lagrangian Point. Though direct observation of the location has shown nothing stationary to date, objects ranging from 0.5 m to 12 m in diameter will spontaneously appear at this location, and immediately accelerate towards the Earth. Composition varies slightly from object to object, but are consistent with rocks of extraterrestrial origin, and do not appear to be artificial. Most of these objects disintegrate and burn up in the atmosphere, but a meteor of sufficient mass to impact the surface will strike every six (6) to twelve (12) hours. SCP-488-2 is a 26-year old Caucasian male identified as β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a resident of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ before his voluntary containment with the Foundation. SCP-488-2 is physiologically normal in all respects, apart from heavy scarring acquired from his anomalous property. To date, all objects positively identified as originating from SCP-488-1 have been recorded impacting within 100 m of SCP-488-2, determined via extensive experimentation involving relocating SCP-488-2 between secure Foundation sites. SCP-488-2 has shown no particular ability to resist damage from these impacts, and in fact first came to the Foundation's attention when he was hospitalized on β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/200β–ˆ after a 0.47 m meteorite destroyed his home, killing his wife and infant son. SCP-488-2 was voluntarily contained shortly thereafter, and has remained in Foundation custody since. SCP-488-2 is unaware of how this property manifested or exactly when it started, but that he first noted an anomalous impact approximately six (6) months before the β–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/0β–ˆ incident, and increased in regularity and severity up until the incident occurred. SCP-488-2 is usually cooperative with Foundation researchers, but suffers from severe depression and paranoia regarding his condition. SCP-488-2 is required to undergo regular psychiatric evaluation as well as the regular administration of antidepressants and sedatives. Contingencies are being developed should the objects originating from SCP-488-1 continue to increase in size until they are a threat to containment and suppression of public knowledge. These contingencies include but are not limited to the possibility of euthanasia of SCP-488-2. Β« SCP-487 | SCP-488 | SCP-489 Β»" nan
[-7.05999881e-02 -2.43103638e-01 -5.48136011e-02 3.89701396e-01 3.04502100e-01 -2.86403716e-01 1.08173095e-01 6.09028600e-02 3.08402002e-01 5.48764020e-02 -7.76160508e-04 -6.92784041e-02 -4.24633086e-01 -6.49694681e-01 1.03646517e-01 2.52921939e-01 -1.32057428e-01 1.56376109e-01 3.44826095e-02 -3.62359703e-01 2.15182230e-02 -2.29444504e-01 1.81425421e-03 2.15323597e-01 -1.17419973e-01 9.89290252e-02 1.74026489e-01 2.47812361e-01 -1.63343046e-02 -4.49519008e-01 3.11837375e-01 3.64903092e-01 1.68203220e-01 4.79432970e-01 -1.12711685e-04 -2.51263112e-01 1.57567963e-01 5.42263053e-02 -6.58142045e-02 -5.48631214e-02 -6.96361303e-01 -2.27157950e-01 1.28493886e-02 -1.91606119e-01 2.74460185e-02 6.45673126e-02 -5.08610606e-02 -7.54834488e-02 4.92518008e-01 1.59663737e-01 1.85911223e-01 -3.02184105e-01 1.83583230e-01 -7.51971900e-02 2.54556566e-01 3.53286654e-01 -5.43560162e-02 2.63881218e-02 9.33355764e-02 1.05217442e-01 7.22925887e-02 -4.11904156e-02 -1.00477979e-01 4.28128019e-02 3.24562609e-01 -2.27162894e-02 2.14801863e-01 1.45383537e-01 4.60557342e-02 2.39392981e-01 2.59967670e-02 -7.64760450e-02 4.75272797e-02 -1.12345651e-01 -1.22896500e-01 -6.46541864e-02 1.82441935e-01 1.49368763e-01 -1.10241426e-02 -1.08821414e-01 1.33751512e-01 1.05487831e-01 -3.37465346e-01 -1.78729311e-01 -1.88071907e-01 1.53223291e-01 -1.87166959e-01 7.82456473e-02 1.10337034e-01 1.19306855e-01 2.78947204e-01 -2.24904090e-01 2.89853454e-01 1.33986488e-01 1.77092701e-01 -2.06241593e-01 6.09522909e-02 -2.95656204e-01 1.34069771e-01 3.48812968e-01 1.75781175e-01 3.88475992e-02 1.92717001e-01 1.73775002e-01 -8.29033405e-02 -2.50709474e-01 2.39648402e-01 -1.72855645e-01 -7.64962062e-02 6.12488210e-01 -1.78106487e-01 3.01334560e-01 -2.36198381e-01 9.92386267e-02 3.42289239e-01 -4.52051349e-02 2.37499133e-01 -1.19116092e-02 -3.20129961e-01 4.28931296e-01 -3.95774066e-01 -1.69411730e-02 -4.66963574e-02 2.01354385e-03 4.16226506e-01 -1.13833629e-01 1.54537842e-01 -1.89401790e-01 1.79674283e-01 -1.04868524e-01 -1.19439721e-01 4.09985483e-01 -3.24768275e-01 -1.72354043e-01 -2.57569700e-01 1.65627763e-01 -1.07021078e-01 -2.85766989e-01 -4.50562611e-02 4.89756875e-02 1.84757747e-02 8.25360119e-02 4.53478128e-01 2.90980220e-01 -3.69501024e-01 1.14149570e-01 -1.01154126e-01 -3.84641349e-01 -1.41241878e-01 -2.17745692e-01 4.46601868e-01 -5.92673905e-02 -2.14525923e-01 2.16470629e-01 -2.17245713e-01 8.62459093e-02 4.49119121e-01 5.41766062e-02 -4.08803761e-01 1.24765165e-01 1.66001663e-01 1.20927297e-01 2.12759413e-02 -7.87627995e-02 2.71841437e-01 8.76815498e-01 -1.94548562e-01 9.64823216e-02 -2.41633981e-01 -6.73845708e-02 7.46973082e-02 -4.16167855e-01 -3.01182400e-02 -2.50815433e-02 -3.36904049e-01 -1.71964377e-01 -4.64216441e-01 1.62664149e-02 -2.26887360e-01 -4.32385117e-01 -3.91439497e-01 2.37367675e-01 1.53733745e-01 -1.07623599e-01 -5.99712789e-01 -6.11545108e-02 2.04055294e-01 -4.64883894e-02 2.83339471e-01 -1.89903542e-01 -2.88569897e-01 -3.33372355e-01 2.30944663e-01 5.13726510e-02 4.29638140e-02 4.92837131e-02 4.23660994e-01 3.81299525e-01 -2.15109766e-01 2.33343586e-01 4.73168604e-02 3.27433646e-02 6.12138391e-01 -4.90090311e-01 -6.00226581e-01 -2.30511114e-01 -2.87977517e-01 7.81636313e-03 2.63906091e-01 5.53540885e-02 3.05238236e-02 2.19923496e-01 -4.09264833e-01 1.87623426e-01 -2.46446982e-01 -4.43100214e-01 3.09984952e-01 1.10781059e-01 2.65982360e-01 -4.91100401e-01 -9.17886868e-02 5.62110282e-02 -1.09750954e-02 1.32750764e-01 1.88992292e-01 4.48807492e-04 -1.93643883e-01 1.16540659e-02 -1.90550372e-01 1.35597259e-01 2.50387400e-01 -2.06243470e-01 1.25778779e-01 9.13559645e-03 -1.99378386e-01 1.26714379e-01 5.48458278e-01 6.07208192e-01 -7.21299276e-02 2.92230636e-01 -4.30545546e-02 3.49540412e-02 2.39489332e-01 -2.92164981e-02 -4.83789966e-02 3.93922776e-01 6.15975499e-01 1.67451546e-01 8.19333941e-02 -2.21911799e-02 8.60039741e-02 -2.34078839e-01 4.08089533e-02 5.69216311e-02 5.96107095e-02 7.81046271e-01 4.27536964e-01 1.33651510e-01 -1.44227028e-01 1.05793536e-01 -3.95698458e-01 2.11253520e-02 1.70045391e-01 1.64364323e-01 -3.12092870e-01 -9.59142223e-02 1.53458431e-01 5.91159165e-01 9.05495435e-02 1.96107719e-02 1.48324519e-01 1.84042782e-01 4.11349460e-02 -2.02012554e-01 1.65161788e-01 2.09005177e-01 2.18874693e-01 2.57511884e-01 3.83763939e-01 2.34616101e-01 -4.54861194e-01 -3.50485176e-01 -2.29527816e-01 -4.13805991e-02 -1.82641447e-01 -3.25655658e-03 -1.24742940e-01 3.85023475e-01 -5.03144741e-01 1.67258278e-01 -1.92718521e-01 -1.41400978e-01 -6.49127662e-02 1.69695616e-01 -5.51780798e-02 -1.06300704e-01 -1.28699496e-01 4.77401584e-01 -1.18879844e-02 1.95053697e-01 -4.19690937e-01 1.50377557e-01 1.02090806e-01 5.89609779e-02 -1.77285463e-01 -1.48393020e-01 5.22778332e-01 3.22117627e-01 2.69697338e-01 -1.09365180e-01 -3.97949070e-01 1.11359537e-01 2.51675367e-01 -1.25826359e-01 1.65442213e-01 -1.27070621e-01 1.73400752e-02 -2.99907565e-01 1.11775018e-01 -3.12263668e-01 5.89084029e-02 -6.72914728e-04 -2.87538022e-01 -1.08053677e-01 1.40843809e-01 1.57544985e-01 -1.46485195e-01 -1.57309160e-01 -2.89718002e-01 6.08629957e-02 1.72583401e-01 1.57046095e-01 5.67874163e-02 4.41254586e-01 -2.77042508e-01 -5.91558479e-02 -1.09083138e-01 -5.44262469e-01 1.58230335e-01 -4.54081893e-02 9.24362522e-03 -7.99341127e-02 -2.56857574e-01 1.53681457e-01 1.09277420e-01 4.16404009e-02 -5.42238355e-01 -1.60845444e-01 -1.64209697e-02 3.37361381e-03 -1.65414959e-01 3.14184457e-01 2.08023228e-02 -3.59619766e-01 4.65528034e-02 3.21249180e-02 4.07092273e-01 3.82623285e-01 3.03025037e-01 -3.29313993e-01 -2.94935286e-01 2.62280613e-01 5.80022931e-01 -8.73478949e-02 -6.01754069e-01 -2.61710957e-02 2.71627307e-01 -1.17735788e-01 2.23273709e-01 -1.91422284e-01 2.58449793e-01 1.70266226e-01 -2.09196866e-01 5.95812947e-02 -8.15354809e-02 9.31667238e-02 -9.54617113e-02 -6.66673407e-02 -2.81865090e-01 -1.12063594e-01 -2.71870315e-01 5.73762178e-01 -4.21820544e-02 -7.43395239e-02 -4.16938841e-01 2.78255522e-01 1.20182283e-01 -1.72441050e-01 3.12076598e-01 5.19802868e-02 -2.62006596e-02 -3.05289865e-01 5.54431379e-02 -1.53468385e-01 1.42376840e-01 -4.03802469e-02 -1.31751820e-01 1.19495712e-01 9.30508040e-03 4.30633336e-01 -2.57538587e-01 1.95681732e-02 2.88907498e-01 4.14426297e-01 1.31994769e-01 -6.73327446e-02 -2.44565800e-01 -2.46277049e-01 -3.81977171e-01 1.70525342e-01 2.03338668e-01 -4.45473105e-01 -1.99032292e-01 -1.02799855e-01 -2.03849167e-01 -6.18488267e-02 1.53927654e-01 2.00007051e-01 1.55300528e-01 -4.27909851e-01 -3.69437188e-01 1.80882201e-01 1.87711567e-01 -8.83531719e-02 1.65181100e-01 -2.86210209e-01 2.93834120e-01 -1.73315480e-02 2.33583450e-01 -1.54374465e-01 -2.29187593e-01 7.49203116e-02 -6.97888657e-02 3.89815718e-01 3.59055102e-01 3.52600753e-01 2.06075087e-01 1.15863942e-01 -2.10239947e-01 -6.38149977e-02 2.92419028e-02 2.18707234e-01 7.05583513e-01 1.16740294e-01 2.25625224e-02 -3.75063032e-01 1.96681798e-01 -8.22597817e-02 9.38097015e-02 2.03573391e-01 1.70678440e-02 3.31124514e-01 -5.91633357e-02 1.25812083e-01 -3.60584944e-01 -4.32546079e-01 -1.10216253e-01 2.32246116e-01 -2.96271741e-01 -1.98115349e-01 3.61861378e-01 1.25053704e+00 4.13871378e-01 2.75028907e-02 -6.03822805e-03 -3.98829281e-01 -8.79238993e-02 8.31958577e-02 -2.64587909e-01 -3.23173344e-01 1.52698010e-01 8.29360858e-02 -2.73392051e-01 3.04938495e-01 4.60782021e-01 -2.61557624e-02 -2.43355200e-01 -5.34044623e-01 -1.70129582e-01 1.10242322e-01 3.40079218e-01 1.65011123e-01 -3.56906690e-02 -2.31272161e-01 1.58625782e-01 -5.20394742e-02 4.94970620e-01 5.40104546e-02 7.46276528e-02 4.74831015e-02 -2.52012283e-01 -2.11589128e-01 1.80549309e-01 -1.73789054e-01 5.35183251e-02 4.99769300e-02 -3.25937808e-01 1.51503131e-01 -4.17909354e-01 -1.78893954e-01 -1.02272116e-01 3.62323076e-02 3.70907128e-01 1.01131476e-01 1.03989944e-01 -5.57202101e-02 -8.02045912e-02 1.45032182e-01 4.09950353e-02 1.00121997e-01 2.88658708e-01 6.98420964e-03 -2.21638471e-01 -4.96125221e-02 1.54574588e-01 3.14635515e-01 4.87353280e-02 3.42508048e-01 1.15314117e-02 -1.49904594e-01 -1.65491641e-01 1.50795683e-01 9.90781710e-02 -6.96168989e-02 -2.20670328e-01 2.99159050e-01 -6.28890023e-02 7.92661384e-02 4.74084705e-01 -4.12997790e-02 2.16562286e-01 6.22313470e-02 -7.40496069e-02 -1.15749493e-01 -3.72400880e-01 1.65860891e-01 1.90301478e-01 4.26316075e-02 7.74654299e-02 -3.41225415e-01 -2.35858485e-01 -2.28736568e-02 4.82638404e-02 1.53355047e-01 -5.32824576e-01 -1.13355495e-01 -2.40074173e-01 3.11199635e-01 -3.50856990e-01 -2.38824040e-01 1.42211765e-01 8.54683444e-02 1.74070403e-01 7.79006183e-02 2.82208830e-01 -3.54548454e-01 6.88629225e-02 -4.27613920e-03 -1.49685219e-01 1.18989788e-01 -4.10837322e-01 1.04065374e-01 -1.37120605e-01 1.28642812e-01 1.35748815e-02 -3.80966365e-01 -1.96861953e-01 -2.72571653e-01 1.06410928e-01 6.72754017e-04 -2.02641785e-01 -7.10812118e-03 2.89786514e-02 1.01212211e-01 2.24877417e-01 -1.47153571e-01 5.48721068e-02 1.56212837e-01 7.66394511e-02 -2.75851756e-01 1.49060577e-01 2.61479095e-02 -5.58910854e-02 -1.35163546e-01 3.29980731e-01 2.87381589e-01 3.02345455e-02 -1.06101610e-01 -2.41980076e-01 -3.04174721e-02 2.28694037e-01 -1.10685416e-01 3.41066211e-01 3.52313042e-01 1.07877828e-01 -2.19632044e-01 3.67536277e-01 -1.42576173e-01 3.64036225e-02 -3.68301272e-01 -1.80774614e-01 -2.01573923e-01 2.36002162e-01 -8.22760612e-02 7.61580914e-02 -1.14378124e-01 9.89302248e-02 5.11809178e-02 1.20829009e-01 -4.19130037e-03 -2.23894864e-01 -1.26554862e-01 2.27867201e-01 6.96746886e-01 2.99652740e-02 2.57834755e-02 -1.90306872e-01 -1.25223458e-01 -1.32126689e-01 4.42249596e-01 3.15149963e-01 5.09823501e-01 2.67052382e-01 3.84404510e-02 1.58289760e-01 -8.00589696e-02 3.15591723e-01 1.97064698e-01 2.19953850e-01 2.38906115e-01 4.70174879e-01 5.98818855e-03 3.62890237e-03 1.35034546e-01 4.11173493e-01 -2.55701959e-01 1.38377830e-01 -1.93449363e-01 7.27860257e-02 2.23879889e-01 1.42467827e-01 3.40600424e-02 -2.58316576e-01 -2.28282079e-01 8.54401570e-03 1.22328937e-01 -1.53296351e-01 2.34201744e-01 -2.75074542e-01 6.85530752e-02 -4.30106930e-02 2.35115707e-01 1.44358724e-01 3.64768684e-01 -3.59087706e-01 -3.95782441e-02 5.32013834e-01 -3.77678543e-01 1.32139251e-01 8.21644999e-03 1.66841149e-01 1.69259056e-01 -2.54997224e-01 7.77895972e-02 -3.91616076e-02 -2.29255378e-01 -2.85495847e-01 -1.30840600e-01 -5.81657067e-02 -2.20270559e-01 2.67125815e-01 1.65495768e-01 -2.36454979e-01 -3.48479688e-01 4.87424105e-01 1.95867419e-01 -5.23112714e-02 -1.45392586e-02 -5.57410419e-02 -4.16349471e-02 5.23097627e-02 -1.77661791e-01 -9.85832661e-02 -5.01287699e-01 -1.89183280e-01 -4.09854621e-01 1.63578585e-01 -2.21415684e-01 5.03774732e-02 -5.51790856e-02 2.28514239e-01 -2.55144238e-01 -3.51589888e-01 6.23642206e-02 -2.04590201e-01 -4.10348088e-01 2.40986764e-01 2.65488178e-01 5.98812550e-02 -1.06108241e-01 1.55688465e-01 -1.96460679e-01 1.10048272e-01 -1.44893751e-01 2.11438462e-01 -1.85663894e-01 -2.37902567e-01 -3.49815667e-01 3.24476898e-01 3.00277621e-01 -4.62491810e-02 -9.06402618e-02 1.17993191e-01 1.64315686e-01 -1.58048183e-01 1.53442055e-01 -3.02364510e-02 -1.47824168e-01 -1.55653432e-01 2.10559577e-01 5.62449455e-01 1.31776050e-01 1.63970202e-01 -2.72113413e-01 -9.79379416e-02 -1.38670309e-02 2.93116391e-01 -1.76422521e-01 8.37466195e-02 1.06375525e-02 1.87873930e-01 3.37267160e-01 1.01736963e-01 1.29079416e-01 2.84700364e-01 5.81756681e-02 6.22348152e-02 -4.57806528e-01 1.53551176e-01 -3.89326662e-01 3.30891192e-01 -2.06391603e-01 -5.86532056e-02 1.78143248e-01 -1.50156796e-01 -1.42794833e-01 -3.02545339e-01 3.58901054e-01 7.92023689e-02 -1.58244014e-01 5.84977120e-02 1.22376733e-01 -3.70672435e-01 5.74343130e-02 -2.28984609e-01 -3.15576017e-01 6.53804839e-02 -1.85923651e-01 -1.05072565e-01 -8.56419269e-04 -1.99983045e-01 -4.31320816e-01 -8.73105079e-02 4.14211094e-01 1.35063469e-01 1.33936740e-02 -3.26590270e-01 4.78096940e-02]
"1-555-BUG-BASH" active "Item #: SCP-489 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-489 is held in a containment unit at Site-113. To prevent personnel accidentally bringing insect life into SCP-489's cell, a shower room has been established outside of the containment cell; personnel will change into the clothes provided to them after cleaning. Testing with SCP-489 is limited to indoor spaces. Due to the potential of containment breach and site damage, at no point may insectile based anomalies, including instances of SCP-831, be stored at Site-113. Description: SCP-489 is a roughly dome-shaped conglomerate mass consisting entirely of objects used to kill or repel insects (e.g. aerosol pesticide cans, "bug zappers", flyswatters, footwear, and lighters). Each item is capable of independent autonomous movement, though they usually move along the ground as a whole when in motion. As of June 17, 2013, SCP-489 measures roughly five meters in height, and eight meters in diameter at the base. There is a badly damaged transit van in the center of the mass, which contains a human skeleton sitting in the driver seat; the skeleton's rib cage has been crushed. A faded, scratched logo can be seen on the right side of the van, which reads: Xtreme Xtermination [sic] Services. We'll bash any bug, big or small! 1-555-BUG-BASH When an insect of any species comes within five meters of SCP-489, SCP-489 will surge towards the animal and attempt to kill it; of note is that SCP-489 is heedless of other non-insect organisms should an insect be on or nearby them when attacking, usually resulting in severe injury or death should said organism(s) fail to move in time. However, due to the number of objects moving at once, SCP-489 often fails to reach the target at all, instead having individual parts impede one another's movement. If SCP-489 fails to kill the insect(s), individual items on SCP-489 become hostile to one another and begin hitting objects adjacent to them. When not in the presence of an insect, SCP-489 is relatively docile, making study of it easier. Should SCP-489 successfully terminate an insect, objects capable of handling it safely (e.g. tweezers, shovels, etc.) will retrieve and pass the insect along the edge of SCP-489 towards the storage space of SCP-489; during this time, it becomes possible to see the transit van without imaging due to items moving out of the way to open the doors. The storage space of the van in SCP-489 possesses extradimensional properties, containing dozens of rows of glass jars stored on wooden shelves; every jar is full of various dead insects. If presented with new objects that would be considered "bug-killers", SCP-489 will readily attempt to incorporate them into itself; however, this habit makes its goal of exterminating insects even more difficult with the newly acquired mass. Newly added items immediately show signs of sentience. When new items are introduced to SCP-489, other items will enter the van's storage space and bring numerous jars containing disproportionately large specimens to the front of the storage space. These samples appear to serve as trophies for SCP-489; each jar is labeled with a date, and how the insect was obtained. Newly added items will gather around these jars in apparent admiration. Below is a list of several specimens SCP-489 has presented: Description: Three beetle-like creatures each measuring ~1.5 meters in length. The abdomens are covered in large thorn-like protrusions. Obtained July 7th, 1989 The beasts were terrorizing the village of Lathos in Thoazola. Brought down with the help of Julie and her Garden Gang. Description: A thin, knobby, elongated creature resembling a stick insect with an additional six pairs of legs; each leg measures ~2.5 meters. Body length is ~5 meters. Obtained December 20th, 1984 Found roaming the jagged rocky mountains of Jerinth. Its bladed legs felled Karen and Matthew before a well-aimed shot from Maxwell skewered its head. Description: A horseshoe crab-like creature with prominent mandibles, paddle-like legs, and several sac-like growths lining its back and underbelly. Length ~2 meters. Obtained March 26, 1987 A new challenge, one that took place beneath the waters of the Burmese Swamplands! We have the scars to show for it, but the beast fell after the puncturing of its venom sacs. Description: A humanoid entity 1.8 meters in height with eyes and proboscis resembling a housefly (Musca Domestica). Obtained May 5, 1991 Found within the frozen hills of Russia. Well worth the battle and losses; Theo and the Torches' sacrifice will be honored by all Bug-Killers for eternity. Description: An arthropod with four thick, short legs all spreading from its abdomen in a circle. Creature has large elongated pincers, and a head featuring a prominent proboscis and compound eyes. Height ~ 4 meters. Obtained November 18th, 2000 Master fought hard, but he had finally met a bug he couldn't kill. We fought for him and made it suffer, but we couldn't save our leader. Description: A wooden case with several pinned, non-anomalous butterflies, beetles, and dried earthworms. Our first kills after Master's death Obtained from February to April of 2001 We will carry on Master's work. Β« SCP-488 | SCP-489 | SCP-490 Β»" nan
[ 1.77711546e-01 -5.94428897e-01 -9.01380330e-02 6.08329102e-02 1.62313521e-01 -2.55392790e-01 2.26368025e-01 -1.51538076e-02 1.17503628e-01 1.08251767e-02 -4.50951569e-02 2.26089537e-01 -1.47097588e-01 -3.66577655e-01 4.75687683e-01 1.73920080e-01 -9.15325806e-02 2.29268447e-02 -4.14800085e-02 -2.84071267e-01 -8.06546584e-02 -1.64600909e-01 -7.52017945e-02 3.87412935e-01 -2.37456545e-01 3.30577157e-02 8.73196870e-02 2.95169502e-01 1.20831110e-01 -5.54981232e-01 4.13809478e-01 1.54407891e-02 1.07803725e-01 5.76260448e-01 -1.07376771e-04 -1.58514813e-01 1.10464968e-01 1.56927317e-01 -3.52922469e-01 7.10141957e-02 -8.30643594e-01 -3.81810248e-01 -1.11193985e-01 -2.40448296e-01 2.39669129e-01 3.03342909e-01 -6.11865222e-02 -1.12240553e-01 4.20743883e-01 2.62192428e-01 1.70343861e-01 -2.07332477e-01 1.63924187e-01 3.04288678e-02 2.24636257e-01 2.55264878e-01 -1.71869636e-01 -1.26265228e-01 4.54260200e-01 4.94571269e-01 4.43897247e-02 -5.84549047e-02 -7.99731538e-02 2.47287974e-02 4.60893393e-01 -2.33712867e-01 3.86248857e-01 -2.18846779e-02 1.39072046e-01 1.60136476e-01 -1.65941924e-01 -2.04380453e-01 -5.54668531e-02 -1.68835148e-01 -6.20861985e-02 -3.79615963e-01 1.34206861e-01 1.07785404e-01 1.11378498e-01 -1.11353427e-01 -7.76180625e-02 2.17654571e-01 -2.73464084e-01 -1.40744522e-02 -2.62834489e-01 3.21367830e-01 -1.08132564e-01 -9.30289098e-04 2.93298960e-01 -8.09691548e-02 9.83788352e-03 -3.59147750e-02 1.66998968e-01 3.03636283e-01 -7.39450455e-02 -1.47244602e-01 3.07873070e-01 -1.38682947e-01 4.81299698e-01 2.43794411e-01 5.69111966e-02 5.68979457e-02 2.77220964e-01 1.63461447e-01 3.67177606e-01 8.02782178e-02 -5.12116253e-02 -1.72598615e-01 -1.05745949e-01 4.95394975e-01 -1.47329867e-01 2.20934674e-01 -4.47120816e-02 1.09429315e-01 6.54042438e-02 2.54440576e-01 2.06030831e-01 -1.65500477e-01 -4.08839554e-01 3.89898390e-01 -2.65439332e-01 3.58029157e-02 5.46925738e-02 8.54779482e-02 5.01288116e-01 -4.74904664e-02 -1.11505017e-01 -2.64393061e-01 -1.70679569e-01 -1.24610901e-01 -1.75850600e-01 1.33052841e-01 -5.15595675e-01 -4.35159653e-01 -2.56198257e-01 1.28024116e-01 -3.76134008e-01 -2.20803082e-01 3.40857238e-01 -1.47658261e-02 -1.22271329e-01 -1.21955872e-01 3.14429522e-01 3.46413344e-01 -1.18768424e-01 -7.10202008e-02 -6.85734898e-02 -4.38411459e-02 -1.52773708e-01 -5.89572936e-02 8.31083953e-02 -7.72672240e-03 -3.44297796e-01 2.15910524e-01 -8.36853534e-02 1.20955417e-02 5.10015428e-01 -1.31933624e-03 -3.08409691e-01 -7.22800195e-02 1.22341640e-01 2.65770882e-01 1.33242637e-01 -1.54918104e-01 2.75566339e-01 4.19233412e-01 -1.23170502e-01 -3.95874940e-02 -3.18437755e-01 9.98606905e-02 1.58021316e-01 -8.16332102e-02 -3.21170539e-02 -1.46082062e-02 -2.74388552e-01 1.67029314e-02 -7.26497710e-01 -1.00126930e-01 -3.50015759e-01 -1.70908228e-01 -3.77710074e-01 3.40866387e-01 1.84464589e-01 -1.22436494e-01 -3.78159583e-01 -8.62133428e-02 7.86924809e-02 8.49186480e-02 1.44224182e-01 -7.81788006e-02 -2.61068046e-01 -2.45243907e-01 -5.40286815e-03 -2.39950687e-01 8.48684609e-02 -2.13402212e-01 3.22082967e-01 4.70667452e-01 5.61738526e-03 1.40215293e-01 -1.63771406e-01 1.32259145e-01 5.29594481e-01 -1.10977784e-01 -4.71019708e-02 -2.37908572e-01 -3.61618936e-01 -1.00259148e-01 1.65592909e-01 1.82175934e-01 1.49046093e-01 -1.58285186e-01 -5.27066946e-01 2.03957155e-01 -2.98468042e-02 -3.82741183e-01 3.35326284e-01 3.61462161e-02 2.32321486e-01 -2.90029168e-01 -1.21714115e-01 1.40106783e-03 3.87524009e-01 1.72980577e-02 -7.06214877e-03 3.39129977e-02 -2.97681034e-01 -2.38229483e-01 -1.71184331e-01 3.45211029e-01 1.66302517e-01 -8.82243067e-02 -3.14480104e-02 2.41690069e-01 1.01158679e-01 1.67675689e-01 2.40425035e-01 6.21505737e-01 -6.92716390e-02 1.80440634e-01 6.95174932e-02 3.94620508e-01 2.37403646e-01 1.21684529e-01 -4.53931481e-01 6.94052875e-02 2.08812878e-01 2.23340064e-01 1.82463139e-01 -1.50145397e-01 -4.28279974e-02 -2.73103207e-01 -1.57431051e-01 2.11347476e-01 2.50660211e-01 1.71983913e-01 4.61260915e-01 2.77081877e-01 -1.19082555e-02 -1.26874313e-01 -2.89228857e-02 4.29062769e-02 3.87199730e-01 3.32248793e-03 -2.87542224e-01 -1.63053185e-01 3.14569473e-01 1.28780082e-01 -6.45723194e-02 2.60764752e-02 -1.92490239e-02 -2.71897346e-01 -4.52588908e-02 -1.14502266e-01 -6.79515600e-02 1.33635685e-01 5.63271642e-02 1.59678221e-01 1.65705919e-01 2.00496629e-01 -2.08598971e-01 -5.03892183e-01 -3.81813943e-01 -1.12779729e-01 -3.00712168e-01 1.37866974e-01 2.59733461e-02 -3.92214894e-01 -2.04129457e-01 3.05505246e-01 6.26059854e-03 -2.53172159e-01 -3.57819609e-02 -2.08614662e-01 -1.60536960e-01 6.09592758e-02 -1.73844956e-02 7.04768598e-01 -9.51068252e-02 2.71062911e-01 -4.57841039e-01 2.84643382e-01 -2.41051883e-01 9.64320228e-02 -2.36197412e-01 -9.83327627e-02 3.18232328e-01 1.39599398e-01 3.00012141e-01 1.64580211e-01 -4.51852739e-01 1.89551309e-01 5.65901026e-02 9.56751257e-02 3.03451151e-01 -1.29020765e-01 -3.73778939e-01 -3.79248768e-01 2.70351350e-01 -3.04225981e-01 1.79954484e-01 9.21207741e-02 -5.97178340e-02 1.11686483e-01 -1.39792655e-02 2.36912832e-01 4.80822194e-03 -2.09172234e-01 2.38846932e-02 1.02860235e-01 1.02128752e-03 2.88871139e-01 1.59351781e-01 4.61615533e-01 4.05887254e-02 -3.53733599e-02 -1.77589834e-01 -4.70311344e-01 -1.16057880e-01 9.38979164e-02 8.25167596e-02 -4.88070995e-01 -1.25127658e-01 2.60223210e-01 -6.24572188e-02 -5.35967648e-02 8.29122066e-02 -1.19116433e-01 4.19656225e-02 -7.37255588e-02 6.36137053e-02 2.04062477e-01 4.23911884e-02 -3.82535785e-01 -1.88530281e-01 -1.92139000e-02 -1.66263729e-01 3.39706987e-01 3.34683806e-01 -2.55215019e-01 -4.18410361e-01 3.95696223e-01 4.98949498e-01 -2.11213320e-01 -1.98713601e-01 1.85832709e-01 2.21950382e-01 1.22340076e-01 2.52190471e-01 -3.18831921e-01 4.23389047e-01 6.72615543e-02 -5.08166909e-01 1.27753571e-01 1.00929767e-01 -9.11321715e-02 9.15162489e-02 -1.00263260e-01 -3.61777432e-02 -2.23125190e-01 3.03101484e-02 5.44189155e-01 -1.33079281e-02 -2.12315127e-01 -2.37821236e-01 6.00487851e-02 -1.26678005e-01 -1.56430766e-01 1.26678839e-01 1.69659480e-01 1.33021355e-01 -1.87180355e-01 -1.77343234e-01 -6.80167973e-02 3.15233678e-01 -1.92056656e-01 9.14678872e-02 -1.55713350e-01 8.00408050e-03 3.53561759e-01 -2.30144769e-01 3.55872810e-02 1.92075640e-01 5.60279667e-01 3.68660718e-01 1.08500630e-01 1.50652723e-02 2.87737716e-02 -5.52290618e-01 2.32985929e-01 4.07731444e-01 -4.82487589e-01 -3.67516756e-01 2.16994202e-03 -6.24354295e-02 3.35098952e-02 2.23507732e-01 3.55365247e-01 -1.34283721e-01 -3.52406353e-01 -5.41580319e-01 2.84865588e-01 1.82310015e-01 -2.21433625e-01 8.18446130e-02 -1.39902666e-01 2.54619326e-02 -9.44931433e-02 1.74546018e-01 3.60556021e-02 -1.26137897e-01 3.51154953e-02 -2.28167415e-01 2.08303392e-01 1.07504040e-01 4.07529026e-01 1.86712056e-01 -1.72278941e-01 -3.07277203e-01 -1.89214367e-02 2.66170949e-02 4.01472688e-01 5.54804444e-01 2.01519832e-01 -2.64060736e-01 -1.36808738e-01 9.82009247e-02 -1.79130554e-01 -1.04118034e-01 3.24015468e-01 2.91228265e-01 1.45588458e-01 3.69437188e-02 7.15048462e-02 1.54463932e-01 -3.51233810e-01 -1.49818033e-01 2.30846271e-01 -3.82311642e-01 1.42174631e-01 3.95228952e-01 1.18954992e+00 2.15901464e-01 1.93797335e-01 -1.29391298e-01 4.35295403e-02 8.94185342e-03 -6.42514648e-03 1.47672907e-01 -1.14376523e-01 -4.18045819e-02 1.12349495e-01 -1.05337471e-01 2.04867393e-01 4.42125499e-01 -2.83047646e-01 -8.34544450e-02 -6.01437092e-01 -3.04281443e-01 3.83102708e-02 3.77911001e-01 -1.22692794e-01 -6.66658431e-02 -9.13054422e-02 2.55594939e-01 -6.73965216e-02 5.06304622e-01 -5.62001579e-03 3.76480483e-02 -3.92265134e-02 -2.30709031e-01 -3.68658632e-01 6.37385324e-02 6.64455295e-02 2.97871709e-01 -2.10204408e-01 -2.36561358e-01 -1.83264256e-01 -5.09560049e-01 -4.39136744e-01 1.67016044e-01 -2.75822189e-02 2.18398318e-01 4.02727991e-01 -8.52915198e-02 5.56983650e-02 2.72118077e-02 3.05556506e-01 1.70991391e-01 8.47581923e-02 3.03609222e-01 -1.98822413e-02 -1.79948926e-01 1.55952545e-02 1.80968225e-01 9.60703939e-02 -2.22751439e-01 1.46155894e-01 -3.95416170e-02 -3.93218100e-01 -1.41010582e-01 1.79040298e-01 1.31895736e-01 -6.13062344e-02 5.93296885e-02 2.74934500e-01 -9.34468582e-02 -1.06450720e-02 1.02360114e-01 2.12726355e-01 2.56807283e-02 1.10303471e-03 6.63637742e-02 -1.00702040e-01 -3.95648658e-01 2.25535825e-01 6.66193143e-02 -4.26925868e-01 2.91599780e-01 -3.72090995e-01 -2.90565342e-01 -8.56314823e-02 1.98961779e-01 1.38184264e-01 -2.16045648e-01 -2.40623131e-01 -3.06659877e-01 1.61439404e-01 3.81741412e-02 8.17561373e-02 3.61399651e-01 1.05801940e-01 4.77628171e-01 3.64316218e-02 1.47312731e-01 -4.18583810e-01 -5.86535111e-02 -5.20643175e-01 -2.97640502e-01 -1.06686629e-01 -7.90514946e-02 -1.20858155e-01 -1.06383197e-01 1.53070375e-01 1.30438894e-01 -1.46079212e-01 -2.27558449e-01 -8.45251605e-02 1.16738245e-01 -8.27045143e-02 -2.09093094e-01 1.12843504e-02 1.63980708e-01 1.93768695e-01 -2.45246217e-02 -3.60837276e-03 -1.34408949e-02 2.00821832e-01 7.05101714e-02 -7.57674575e-02 3.93477023e-01 1.62938043e-01 1.64423697e-02 8.88605937e-02 2.33033463e-01 1.22934751e-01 9.19165835e-02 -1.73378170e-01 -3.01567707e-02 5.40838242e-02 2.10030958e-01 1.82152852e-01 4.68893945e-01 1.89745873e-01 9.17237252e-02 -1.65106580e-01 2.77581990e-01 -2.87820399e-01 1.43953875e-01 -3.06152046e-01 -1.42720073e-01 -3.35543722e-01 3.03289175e-01 2.87459362e-02 1.02767227e-02 -4.43583727e-01 -9.78503600e-02 2.59702317e-02 1.57651544e-01 5.90982661e-02 -4.88517014e-03 8.26018304e-02 1.72085747e-01 6.92410052e-01 2.92592078e-01 1.58293381e-01 9.74674746e-02 -1.96922943e-01 -2.07043841e-01 -1.01172224e-01 1.68131404e-02 4.69272405e-01 8.68200511e-02 3.38013992e-02 8.33346099e-02 2.59538382e-01 2.43125141e-01 3.19623500e-01 2.45042443e-01 -7.98463151e-02 3.52441251e-01 2.33405698e-02 1.41767025e-01 8.62106681e-02 9.31257978e-02 -4.88979667e-01 1.28328130e-01 -7.58896470e-02 -7.55473524e-02 1.09240487e-02 2.95085520e-01 1.03976719e-01 -9.75214913e-02 -3.64068091e-01 -2.68937498e-01 -1.61329918e-02 6.85683787e-02 3.05557519e-01 -2.83408135e-01 2.55722702e-01 -8.46401136e-03 -6.49488419e-02 1.41456708e-01 4.99840856e-01 -2.59234428e-01 1.61610037e-01 3.44947070e-01 -5.63457832e-02 2.79675703e-02 1.95405230e-01 5.14437139e-01 1.44828901e-01 -2.23072216e-01 -8.27410296e-02 -1.96385026e-01 -2.11019039e-01 -2.17264563e-01 -2.07036473e-02 4.55870852e-02 7.87862688e-02 2.38673270e-01 1.63200185e-01 -2.43098065e-01 -5.37016630e-01 3.68127137e-01 -1.32243335e-01 -1.17868558e-01 -2.49355491e-02 -2.31346995e-01 -4.65573743e-02 -3.28486115e-02 -1.65336326e-01 -2.83403873e-01 -1.35735005e-01 -1.85440406e-01 -2.35175923e-01 1.74222440e-01 -1.43889129e-01 9.35232490e-02 8.12613741e-02 3.43522519e-01 -1.43291190e-01 1.97980285e-01 -2.05281690e-01 -2.10935563e-01 -2.84800828e-01 3.08379859e-01 -1.75990060e-01 -6.10927582e-01 5.99675579e-03 5.61376512e-02 -4.15511250e-01 2.15241611e-01 -4.36665006e-02 1.01355471e-01 -1.45326078e-01 -3.08592953e-02 -3.30402136e-01 2.49465853e-01 2.72374809e-01 -1.55558046e-02 -2.60094617e-04 1.00180931e-01 7.92069957e-02 2.58481801e-01 1.24926172e-01 -1.17551327e-01 -4.17772353e-01 8.46604779e-02 3.59467208e-01 3.79629433e-01 -2.42611971e-02 3.30303848e-01 -3.09486300e-01 -2.98045665e-01 -8.16455707e-02 1.75431520e-01 -4.32036035e-02 1.54307812e-01 2.22477302e-01 -4.18905728e-02 1.14811182e-01 7.60077536e-02 2.70872731e-02 2.80323118e-01 1.64812252e-01 2.77495235e-01 -1.42101482e-01 2.01611102e-01 -3.23735744e-01 1.91105783e-01 -1.64710224e-01 3.63118619e-01 1.78946659e-01 -5.83083220e-02 -1.20595388e-01 -4.41752344e-01 4.08730954e-01 1.85322672e-01 -2.83091784e-01 -5.15023530e-01 1.01769961e-01 -2.00867653e-01 -9.98312533e-02 -2.91247994e-01 -2.80956984e-01 4.06648442e-02 1.22870989e-01 -2.60582060e-01 -1.82865262e-01 -4.04432341e-02 -3.82356107e-01 -7.53917247e-02 3.96493495e-01 1.70099869e-01 9.99245420e-02 7.24338293e-02 -1.45830154e-01]
"Ice Cream Truck" active "Item #: SCP-490 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-490 is to be maintained in Storage Garage 17-Golf. Garage 17-Golf has been heavily soundproofed, its door replaced with a soundproofed door with an interior code-lock. SCP-490 is to have all four wheels disabled through standard parking boots and is to be kept chained at all times to four molybdenum eyebolts, sunk a minimum of three (3) meters into a solid concrete floor. Description: SCP-490 is an ice cream truck dating to the 1960s constructed by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It seems to be mechanically standard except for the audio system, which does not respond to operators, though it appears to be in working order. The key to the vehicle is fastened in the ignition and cannot be extracted by any means. SCP-490 can be driven (fueled by a diesel engine originally made for the truck) and functions properly in all ways compared to other vehicles of the same model. Between 2 to 5 AM local time, SCP-490 will operate itself, and drive at a low speed in a random circuit through local roadways. At this time it will function as if in peak condition, while playing a tune from its speakers. The tune has not been identified, but resembles music played on non-anomalous trucks of the same make. However, the tune never loops, and no portions can be identified as of yet. Recorded portions do not carry the anomalous effect. Any individual who hears the music will start advancing towards the vehicle, ignoring any instructions to stop. Upon reaching the vehicle, the back doors to the truck will open and the person will step inside with the doors closing behind him/her. The doors become sealed, impossible to open by regular means, and if tampered with [DATA EXPUNGED]. If there are multiple subjects affected then each will line up and wait for the doors to open again, or until the 3-hour window has elapsed. Subjects outside the vehicle when time elapses will wander away in apparent confusion; when interviewed, they appear to have no memory of the event. After 5 AM, SCP-490 will lose its abnormal ability and the back doors can be opened. Any person(s) that entered into the truck during the time that the music was playing will have vanished. The freezers will have been stocked with frozen treats. Though the treats will contain traditional flavors (Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla), the wrapper advertises a surprise flavor. The "Super Surprise Flavor!" stated is human flesh incorporated into the product, which DNA testing has proven to be that of the subject(s) who entered the vehicle and subsequently vanished. Discovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Massachusetts, SCP-490 was located in the parking lot of a bank, from which it was then towed to an impound yard. The object had a parking boot attached to it and therefore could not escape. Shortly after the disappearances of several residents from the nearby trailer park, a team of Foundation agents were sent in to investigate. Discovering the truck and its contents the team paid the fine for it and drove it to Site-17. During the trip, it activated, causing the death of all team members except for Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who was driving the team's vehicle and realized what was causing his teammates to become entranced. Protocol A-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was initiated and several more agents equipped with ear protection arrived. SCP-490 showed aggression, and when blocked by several Foundation vehicles started ramming into them and the Agents trying to capture it. After one (1) hour and forty three (43) minutes of chasing SCP-490 through back roads it deactivated and was moved to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ on a flatbed truck. Β« SCP-489 | SCP-490 | SCP-491 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-490" by Tadeusz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 490-1.jpg Name: 490-1.jpg Author: Stephanie Shih License: All Rights Reserved (Permission granted) Source: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "A Popsicle composed out of basic sugars and human blood. A product of SCP-490. Photo by Agent Stephanie Shih."
[ 3.11235450e-02 -1.55318499e-01 -1.75510138e-01 2.66704381e-01 2.55830623e-02 -4.21271235e-01 2.62220442e-01 -9.54978094e-02 -1.43414080e-01 1.86448470e-01 1.92327708e-01 2.82073677e-01 -2.66922683e-01 -1.21512547e-01 1.29197733e-02 -1.50342330e-01 -4.45347801e-02 2.11468816e-01 7.47431889e-02 -1.65697917e-01 -3.82106721e-01 -3.05692643e-01 -1.73171416e-01 1.76887274e-01 -1.54633522e-01 -6.65475726e-02 2.67895311e-02 4.82696928e-02 -6.10222742e-02 -3.35567147e-01 -2.74893075e-01 5.84435284e-01 -4.07457761e-02 6.91455364e-01 -1.07923734e-04 -2.28261232e-01 1.05285430e-02 -1.46528378e-01 -8.04439038e-02 7.93362334e-02 -4.50989455e-01 8.32998827e-02 -9.69803557e-02 -8.45386311e-02 -7.57658435e-03 1.74313545e-01 2.12154929e-02 -9.90549028e-02 6.49944961e-01 1.84318274e-01 2.15317518e-01 1.26277916e-02 -2.48733312e-01 4.07240599e-01 1.54184282e-01 -1.78860843e-01 -2.68224478e-02 -3.71948257e-02 3.91390502e-01 -1.96830004e-01 -6.72499314e-02 8.10903981e-02 3.73027846e-02 3.58587243e-02 3.43487442e-01 -1.83555260e-01 2.21196070e-01 -4.54470292e-02 2.74910152e-01 1.38819069e-01 -4.93257865e-02 -1.37928545e-01 -7.29861856e-02 -7.64092430e-02 3.07410713e-02 -4.91689801e-01 4.57727276e-02 4.40179091e-03 -6.87664794e-03 1.16900203e-03 -3.73446971e-01 3.49210203e-01 -1.49388641e-01 1.56212272e-03 1.40243664e-01 2.89585412e-01 -9.19095799e-03 -4.22664769e-02 3.97771776e-01 -4.51514721e-01 -1.68807298e-01 -2.32614741e-01 2.71034837e-01 1.01023100e-01 -1.63078949e-01 -1.08545147e-01 3.36458772e-01 -1.75464034e-01 -1.25370100e-02 -5.05277254e-02 1.66500658e-01 9.62574631e-02 -1.39151230e-01 -3.84306312e-02 3.15234661e-01 1.86345637e-01 7.77171738e-03 -1.80976614e-01 -4.13502723e-01 3.75962138e-01 -2.60506868e-01 1.85660526e-01 -2.03509584e-01 -2.07490809e-02 2.14814574e-01 8.41357782e-02 -4.99994960e-03 9.31473002e-02 -2.43641865e-02 3.25846910e-01 -5.00062943e-01 1.48802727e-01 1.19827263e-01 3.70627075e-01 2.33524621e-01 1.72853440e-01 -1.51346162e-01 1.37140810e-01 -1.69452392e-02 4.27723378e-02 -1.93600461e-01 1.50811106e-01 -3.82575780e-01 -1.11796856e-01 9.92911309e-02 1.58210233e-01 -1.17168605e-01 3.00739077e-03 -6.73050523e-01 -1.79694414e-01 -1.27855197e-01 -1.44764096e-01 3.56174260e-01 5.14697097e-03 -3.61555934e-01 -1.86290815e-01 -1.70121297e-01 -1.65876389e-01 -5.29184714e-02 -1.11376837e-01 1.97930917e-01 -1.71564445e-02 1.16891727e-01 2.76247442e-01 -4.09409612e-01 -1.38025898e-02 5.98517179e-01 9.71205309e-02 -1.93818435e-01 -2.04545438e-01 2.75881290e-01 1.23527810e-01 -4.16616946e-01 -6.55651242e-02 -1.61990196e-01 5.60027421e-01 -4.84693915e-01 -7.26701915e-02 -5.44545710e-01 -4.86958995e-02 1.03242025e-01 -8.91349167e-02 1.27456740e-01 1.26798064e-01 -1.57604605e-01 -2.62351543e-01 -4.78078425e-01 5.73481619e-02 -3.51856858e-01 -6.95136115e-02 -5.75309932e-01 3.41709197e-01 2.30999038e-01 -1.79875284e-01 -3.35051924e-01 -4.63242317e-03 3.65156263e-01 -2.14742333e-01 6.26369938e-02 -2.29572520e-01 -2.50695974e-01 -2.57439226e-01 8.38078111e-02 2.13275015e-01 2.57700145e-01 -1.54500594e-02 -1.50099099e-02 -1.25474617e-01 -3.63720348e-03 4.94776756e-01 -7.98229724e-02 1.03052430e-01 5.50472975e-01 6.44506663e-02 -2.61432767e-01 -2.34248862e-01 9.33026373e-02 5.04514314e-02 8.26417208e-02 5.03454506e-02 -1.05978362e-01 1.09413035e-01 -1.36606321e-01 2.75528848e-01 -1.38841197e-01 -6.21737614e-02 3.27463329e-01 2.49773100e-01 -2.74735063e-01 -1.41880751e-01 -6.86693117e-02 2.31541023e-01 1.07028998e-01 -2.91485906e-01 1.37181148e-01 6.68529496e-02 -1.00477360e-01 -5.32979071e-02 3.89960632e-02 3.18983942e-01 1.62910789e-01 7.99923688e-02 1.32315442e-01 1.27549857e-01 -1.94260105e-01 4.57729578e-01 1.46442875e-01 5.92998266e-01 -1.16955139e-01 1.18429009e-02 3.96155715e-02 1.14235893e-01 3.96375179e-01 -4.96739894e-02 -1.85530290e-01 2.37701684e-01 -1.50925023e-02 1.35835603e-01 3.38620603e-01 -3.75628434e-02 -3.09260953e-02 -2.83558249e-01 -1.24684267e-01 -5.15061021e-02 1.83153465e-01 4.23021406e-01 4.27338853e-02 4.13369447e-01 -9.60129499e-02 7.11139888e-02 4.78918582e-01 -5.23491912e-02 2.80715346e-01 -6.29409552e-02 -2.39531651e-01 -3.33878487e-01 7.00158626e-02 5.52353561e-01 1.30651891e-01 3.64286415e-02 -1.75144285e-01 -6.46874905e-02 9.19920132e-02 -8.57640281e-02 1.96214709e-02 1.83568045e-01 8.69699121e-02 4.18781042e-01 1.62579924e-01 1.03484347e-01 -2.49387652e-01 -6.00977421e-01 1.09931551e-01 5.92395924e-02 -1.92923650e-01 -6.41078725e-02 -2.47716814e-01 -4.06800881e-02 -1.54006258e-01 2.32899904e-01 3.22275236e-02 -6.08491674e-02 1.66326374e-01 2.06169292e-01 -4.30358499e-01 1.17927723e-01 2.66094250e-03 6.41424954e-01 -6.82263970e-02 -9.72188190e-02 -2.05578506e-01 -8.17555934e-02 1.01087920e-01 1.78042635e-01 -1.94152370e-01 2.81290054e-01 2.87670314e-01 -1.30463302e-01 1.95025191e-01 2.04194393e-02 -1.07816709e-02 1.90383136e-01 2.44379014e-01 -1.99537694e-01 -2.57060993e-02 -2.21386775e-02 -3.41410071e-01 -2.92307019e-01 5.67144006e-02 -4.05926913e-01 9.92134884e-02 1.71752408e-01 3.27244364e-02 -9.90301669e-02 -1.24274611e-01 1.85165763e-01 -1.38352606e-02 -2.04600379e-01 3.93813580e-01 6.91311434e-02 3.14351097e-02 3.08122814e-01 7.13276565e-02 3.60886902e-01 1.34267718e-01 -7.39358440e-02 -3.13417137e-01 -2.03915969e-01 -1.06341518e-01 5.43457419e-02 -4.48341370e-02 -2.35365734e-01 -3.90900195e-01 -9.71273407e-02 -7.30665103e-02 -1.27245650e-01 9.11393017e-02 -2.25362763e-01 -3.92245464e-02 4.49188836e-02 -1.89590797e-01 4.57236618e-01 2.61749834e-01 -2.39784315e-01 -2.98256814e-01 -3.46970230e-01 3.97758603e-01 4.23610121e-01 1.96367308e-01 -8.38807896e-02 -6.75761104e-02 1.98002204e-01 7.06895173e-01 -4.00226235e-01 -2.27532163e-01 5.06655648e-02 9.53609720e-02 2.05138415e-01 2.04223767e-01 1.03823533e-02 -1.18387140e-01 2.89541066e-01 -3.87262523e-01 2.49620065e-01 -2.04042956e-01 1.84427768e-01 7.57380724e-02 3.43408376e-01 -3.68491083e-01 -1.61201179e-01 -4.53776792e-02 3.19277078e-01 5.35117276e-02 6.31858259e-02 -2.39506997e-02 -1.03790000e-01 8.76207501e-02 -3.02539349e-01 2.28023931e-01 -5.75526059e-03 -2.00490519e-01 -4.42901403e-01 -2.80775260e-02 -1.27399033e-02 -1.85093030e-01 3.84143703e-02 5.67993164e-01 -2.74043471e-01 -3.95357609e-02 1.25773996e-01 -2.13866547e-01 7.64322206e-02 -1.04235355e-02 6.10518217e-01 4.22092587e-01 1.06291093e-01 -1.25507023e-02 1.16378674e-02 -6.51314855e-01 -7.00452268e-01 -2.13211969e-01 -3.84828955e-01 -4.97107990e-02 -8.65980312e-02 6.21131472e-02 -3.18832844e-01 1.09001935e-01 1.15566282e-02 -1.81747172e-02 -5.13102338e-02 -5.92178479e-02 8.46805796e-02 2.32006431e-01 -1.17024325e-01 -3.54884565e-01 1.35515839e-01 3.12682956e-01 5.36694303e-02 4.15248036e-01 -1.57828972e-01 1.39372572e-01 1.99151397e-01 1.31596476e-01 1.73175082e-01 -1.56163573e-01 2.11656898e-01 1.99654475e-01 8.14357549e-02 -5.00919558e-02 2.15856612e-01 4.19487655e-02 -1.02017168e-03 7.38493443e-01 2.09907413e-01 2.51845837e-01 -7.74232745e-02 3.21602792e-01 -1.61890745e-01 -3.82882170e-02 3.39706689e-01 8.18492621e-02 3.39918345e-01 -1.07089311e-01 -2.55577154e-02 -3.14113587e-01 -4.78636146e-01 -3.15598637e-01 1.39858127e-01 -9.54888612e-02 5.91091156e-01 2.32097618e-02 1.18783116e+00 1.88706964e-01 1.59335420e-01 5.16806059e-02 -1.94921866e-01 -7.06594512e-02 -2.35990480e-01 8.56024697e-02 -6.61284998e-02 -1.41130254e-01 1.22038685e-01 -1.54202715e-01 -3.09912056e-01 2.98334658e-01 -2.33921215e-01 -1.80851683e-01 -3.78639579e-01 6.14230242e-03 2.53380805e-01 3.09948981e-01 -7.94748887e-02 7.53881559e-02 2.27572378e-02 2.09520459e-01 1.82390466e-01 2.00287521e-01 -1.97521493e-01 -1.84768021e-01 1.02271199e-01 -7.07113296e-02 -2.17563227e-01 4.65847217e-02 -5.57001606e-02 2.07149595e-01 -2.71868378e-01 2.10674629e-01 1.41669000e-02 2.11212233e-01 -1.69937819e-01 1.18180849e-02 -2.24256143e-01 2.66903490e-01 3.04333627e-01 1.29290625e-01 -6.09297343e-02 2.60100126e-01 2.02567592e-01 -2.45773587e-02 -1.36168271e-01 -2.02753276e-01 -9.79659185e-02 -2.52459664e-02 -1.30909815e-01 6.54587746e-02 3.16339523e-01 5.49792200e-02 2.18384508e-02 3.25371385e-01 -3.10793936e-01 1.47890002e-02 1.69093013e-01 9.10248682e-02 1.68452278e-01 -1.33747891e-01 1.54116049e-01 -1.70356274e-01 -1.20857388e-01 2.12809950e-01 9.30113122e-02 1.97917432e-01 3.52360755e-01 4.35994938e-02 -6.38408363e-02 -5.35960853e-01 1.38231656e-02 1.24344222e-01 -2.45270878e-01 -1.31732136e-01 -9.39642191e-02 -3.93620253e-01 -1.11049255e-02 4.65148576e-02 1.68237612e-01 1.21260276e-02 -1.40813738e-01 -2.71155149e-01 -6.12519495e-02 1.29692942e-01 -2.99115479e-01 2.06027597e-01 -3.57565910e-01 1.98908359e-01 4.84329164e-02 7.48124793e-02 -4.56692010e-01 2.16125801e-01 -3.97939056e-01 -1.65696219e-01 2.69386798e-01 -3.59639734e-01 -8.16677064e-02 -1.79100484e-01 2.80496389e-01 1.86098576e-01 -5.75739980e-01 -2.42834300e-01 -1.52104095e-01 1.91507965e-01 8.73112381e-02 -2.93246359e-01 -1.15763031e-01 4.64906134e-02 2.04589237e-02 1.20754875e-01 -2.16293558e-01 3.43869537e-01 3.37187290e-01 3.29608560e-01 -2.02692717e-01 3.54833424e-01 -1.38891220e-01 -1.14417516e-01 7.48047456e-02 3.89284849e-01 -1.95174813e-01 -1.36817381e-01 -1.59482553e-03 -1.05936825e-01 9.83852078e-04 1.56932041e-01 1.64761648e-01 4.67578977e-01 2.77327091e-01 1.98122695e-01 1.32553831e-01 -3.22016060e-01 -4.91467901e-02 5.10380208e-01 -2.82969296e-01 -1.92202866e-01 2.53789544e-01 3.51647913e-01 -1.96581304e-01 1.38677835e-01 -3.30672890e-01 -1.34159522e-02 1.33893311e-01 1.31954134e-01 -1.50654718e-01 1.76466122e-01 9.32532251e-02 2.57700235e-01 2.14685611e-02 1.29338980e-01 6.18128069e-02 1.14277139e-01 -1.07364409e-01 -2.96600685e-02 1.30246267e-01 9.20723453e-02 1.27916902e-01 5.57812452e-02 8.40606391e-02 -1.17919758e-01 -8.77697580e-03 1.96167931e-01 5.21343589e-01 7.75362365e-03 -1.17625482e-01 6.70224309e-01 -4.71053600e-01 3.63989353e-01 -1.24545008e-01 1.17857113e-01 -3.97905588e-01 1.13390014e-01 -1.81179091e-01 -2.80979514e-01 1.10604756e-01 9.20751970e-03 3.25932980e-01 -3.04474324e-01 -5.08446574e-01 2.22596503e-03 5.75326234e-02 2.34749913e-01 -4.04988043e-02 -1.64374292e-01 1.67056426e-01 1.40642583e-01 -2.19826192e-01 3.43631178e-01 2.39722908e-01 -3.78728688e-01 -1.35012001e-01 2.90064782e-01 -9.66920927e-02 1.55954525e-01 8.22076872e-02 5.01027294e-02 -1.21895574e-01 -1.18035764e-01 1.03815369e-01 2.63992026e-02 -1.68969378e-01 -1.72103107e-01 1.17367983e-01 4.55157191e-01 -1.77964494e-01 2.60132194e-01 2.29450673e-01 -2.69092381e-01 -4.57570441e-02 4.39119190e-01 1.98477283e-01 -1.76434442e-01 1.08999930e-01 -2.39934884e-02 -1.27993047e-01 1.09093726e-01 -2.09093675e-01 -1.07382491e-01 -4.66230869e-01 -1.93138391e-01 4.07909416e-02 3.21293950e-01 -2.30556443e-01 9.72637087e-02 -1.26889110e-01 1.68395713e-01 1.87714800e-01 3.66687253e-02 -1.18635856e-01 -1.74036667e-01 -4.51850951e-01 1.05055943e-01 1.82034940e-01 -1.35793045e-01 -1.55867755e-01 -5.48569672e-02 -8.37499574e-02 3.49703908e-01 -1.45723922e-02 -1.32764369e-01 -3.48223656e-01 1.43476337e-01 -3.60691309e-01 2.38790721e-01 4.25528616e-01 1.96779519e-01 1.54156461e-01 -2.76367038e-01 5.47209494e-02 -5.08415222e-01 2.23163173e-01 1.89392641e-01 1.17681429e-01 -2.42712170e-01 -1.55562803e-01 3.83086950e-01 -1.70563720e-02 3.95424843e-01 -1.27498016e-01 -1.08560242e-01 4.08750214e-02 2.93300778e-01 1.45931793e-02 -2.49362871e-01 2.04777971e-01 5.59010148e-01 3.12031209e-01 3.30138296e-01 1.89159796e-01 -1.32660091e-01 4.68892092e-03 5.26949286e-01 -4.90672231e-01 2.23179206e-01 4.57311086e-02 3.34867924e-01 2.59884089e-01 3.19974542e-01 5.08903079e-02 -7.71887600e-02 -1.55641422e-01 -8.02280977e-02 3.36798877e-01 -9.28549618e-02 -3.99823487e-01 -1.57306358e-01 3.89788896e-01 -4.65475209e-02 -2.45626256e-01 -2.57259399e-01 -2.29300484e-01 -5.66871539e-02 4.95263115e-02 -5.10225713e-01 -1.07575320e-01 -3.86952698e-01 -2.74421960e-01 1.83507502e-02 2.35475391e-01 -5.68433059e-03 -1.82835773e-01 -7.43128061e-02 -1.97401121e-01]
"Wrecking Light" active "Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A one-kilometer perimeter is to be maintained around SCP-491 at all times, for the purpose of preventing sea vessels access to the effects of SCP-491. Entrance is to be barred to all personnel with a security clearance below Level Two. Any intruders are to be questioned to ascertain their intent, then given Class-B amnestics and released no less than twenty kilometers from SCP-491. Description: SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from 1923 to 1987. The area within the perimeter of SCP-491 is subject to spontaneous change caused by minor (MW<3.5) earthquakes. The alterations caused to the topography of the seabed are greater than expected for earthquakes of these magnitudes. These earthquakes result in the production of large rocks or shallows in the path of an incoming vessel, inevitably sinking it. At random intervals, SCP-491's lamp will activate, producing a green light that rotates at six revolutions per minute. Any area of the surrounding sea illuminated by this light will evince several ships, identical to those present on the seafloor. These new ships retain the damage inflicted upon them, and begin to take on water, at a slower rate than non-anomalous counterparts. Displacement of water evidenced by testing has shown that these ships are physical in nature. These ships only last for a short period (t<2s), due to the rate at which SCP-491's lamp rotates. The interior of SCP-491 shows no anomalous effects, and is typical of a lighthouse built in that era. The lamp room of SCP-491 contains a Mesoradial Fresnel Lens lit by a Dalen Light. Cutting off electrical power to the lamp has no effect on the activation of SCP-491. All attempts to contain the light produced by SCP-491 have failed. The light emitted by SCP-491 is independent of the state of the lamp room; complete removal of lighting components did not prevent activation. Light emitted by SCP-491 can be influenced by sufficiently reflective surfaces, so long as the light reaches the sea. See Incident Log 491-032 for details on attempts to focus SCP-491 into a continuous loop. Addendum 491-1: An interview with the former owner of SCP-491, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Hanna, was discovered in the Nova Scotia Archives by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, who submitted it to the Foundation. Foreword: The following transcript is an excerpt from a local news tribute conducted by Tyler Musuko, for β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Hanna, the former owner of the lighthouse. <Commence Transcript> Musuko: Today indeed marks a sad day for β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Just recently a local hero, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Hanna, passed away. A former sailor in Australia, the sinking of his ship on a reef forced him into early retirement. He moved from town to town, including Cape Elizabeth, before finally finding his home here in beautiful β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Nova Scotia. He will always be remembered for his valiant efforts in manning the lighthouse, saving countless ships, no matter the weather or the hour, from the treacherous seas surrounding him. He gave his life last week, diving into the frigid waters to save the crew of the S.S. Kellar, endangered by the rocky seas. We will always remember his undying dedication and caring. Farewell, Mr. Hanna. Addendum 491-2: On 03/25/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Foundation personnel sent an unmanned small ship, the S.S. Greaver, into the affected area. A large rock in the path of the S.S Greaver immediately burst out of the water, tearing a large gash along the side of the S.S. Greaver, sinking it within two minutes. During the next "Green Light" event, the S.S. Greaver manifested above the area of its wreck. Addendum 491-3: Audio Log 491-1: Foreword: Through the use of several mirrors, Foundation personnel were able to keep the light produced by SCP-491 focused at the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The ship produced by SCP-491 was boarded by Foundation personnel. <Commence Audio Log 491-1> Agent Johnston: Ok, we're on board. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the ship, no water damage or warping. I'm no expert, but I'd say it's… 30s or 40s? Really large doors, Immigrant ship? 491 Command: Our records of the S.S. Vancouver confirm that. Attempt to proceed to the interior of the ship. Agent Johnston: Roger that. Agent Gold: These doors are jammed shut. I can't budge them. We're going to try the crowbar… No, that's not working. Agent Johnston: Try the Jaws of Life. At this point, several voices can be heard from within. Only one is discernible above the sound of rushing water. Unidentified Voice: Give me that bucket! Agent Gold: We're inside th- Hold! Maintain distance. 491 Command Agents, what is your status? Agent Johnston: Command, we have a potential biohazard. The hold is occupied by the former crew and passengers, by the appearance of their clothing. They're all undergoing various stages of decay, but they don't seem to be aware of it. Some of the crew are trying to repair the damage to the hull, the others are attempting to contain the passengers in the back. Unidentified Voice: Oh thank god, more help. Please, could you help us plug up these holes? Agent Johnston: The passengers have seen us, they're trying to push past the crew. One of the passengers just- Command, they've broken through, we're pulling back. Gold! Move! Unidentified Voice: What are you doing!? We have to save this ship, [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! You, give me that pump! Get back here! There is no audible dialogue for a span of one minute, however sounds of struggle are evident. Agent Johnston: Command, I'm on deck. Agent Gold just- All audio is drowned out by a screech that lasts for approximately thirty seconds. The screech can be heard without transceivers from 491 Command, and all radio transmissions were interrupted for the duration of the sound. Along with the screech, a 6.6 MW level earthquake occurred, dislodging several mirrors focusing the light, which ceases to illuminate the S.S. Vancouver. Radio contact with Agents Johnston and Gold was lost, and they are presumed dead. Addendum 491-4: Incident Report 491-2: SCP Involved: SCP-491 Personnel Involved: SCP-491 Staff, Agent Davis Date: 03/24/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Location: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Nova Scotia Description: Following the incident recorded in Audio Log 491, Foundation Personnel were placed on high alert for the next "Green Light" event. Several radio devices set to different frequencies were all placed around the area, in hopes that more information would be transmitted by the lost Agents, with no results. At 02:32:47 AM, the following radio transmission was recorded at 160.3 MHz. Unidentified Voice: Scotia, this is the S.S. Vancouver. All ship repairs have been completed. We are now docking to unload passengers and luggage. A series of mirrors was quickly constructed around the light, designed to allow the beam movement across the water. The beam's operator soon found the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The manifestation was observed to be mobile, although no disturbances in the water were noted. The new S.S. Vancouver was tracked as it slowly approached a dock that had not previously manifested. The ship docked without incident, the crew successfully readying the ship for departure, despite decomposition. Following the crew members was a series of passengers appearing to be of Eastern European origin, experiencing the same level of decay as the crew. Passengers were seen stopping to talk to the crew members before picking up their luggage. Although the beam produced by the mirror system was not wide enough to capture all of the passengers, a procession could be seen moving along a flat area of ground towards the mainland. Upon leaving the half kilometer radius, illumination by SCP-491 ceased to reveal any passengers. Agents Johnston and Gold were identified amongst the passengers. Both agents were observed to be wearing their excursion gear, including radios, but all attempts to communicate via radio received no response, nor did they respond to visual and audio communication attempts. Agent Davis was instructed to attempt to make physical contact with Agents Gold and Johnston and attempt to retrieve them. Agent Davis made physical contact with Agent Gold at 00:39, coinciding with an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, which damaged the mirrors and redirected the light. All passengers immediately vanished, along with the three agents. Further rescue attempts are currently suspended, pending review. Β« SCP-490 | SCP-491 | SCP-492 Β»" nan
[-2.58696228e-02 -1.43819571e-01 -1.11712113e-01 -5.83365373e-02 -2.68195480e-01 -3.89109433e-01 2.67244518e-01 -1.51752820e-02 -1.27779961e-01 1.40287191e-01 6.59730956e-02 2.43192300e-01 -2.89970934e-01 -8.60644951e-02 2.67702729e-01 1.26910955e-01 7.30492547e-02 1.63518772e-01 -4.09815639e-01 -3.11505169e-01 2.43364349e-02 -2.15048805e-01 -1.95055768e-01 -3.36949937e-02 -2.85463452e-01 8.04513395e-02 5.21404333e-02 -1.30668283e-01 -2.81764776e-01 -4.59002033e-02 3.17662388e-01 1.88272879e-01 -1.16726130e-01 4.22774583e-01 -1.10571920e-04 -1.07663393e-01 1.58808634e-01 7.65206218e-02 -1.28986284e-01 3.31713259e-01 -4.39263046e-01 -1.24918565e-01 2.33955935e-01 -1.70949161e-01 1.21698871e-01 -5.37070036e-01 -7.23371878e-02 3.51477057e-01 3.07575762e-01 1.47613421e-01 1.61408573e-01 1.25770777e-01 -2.44596153e-02 1.42689079e-01 4.22234058e-01 6.77455813e-02 -2.51559049e-01 -1.48132101e-01 -9.68923885e-03 4.73530293e-02 -1.23719454e-01 3.01599652e-01 8.90802070e-02 -1.99110627e-01 3.98603588e-01 -2.39612386e-01 -5.79451881e-02 2.25510195e-01 -7.51809701e-02 1.79227442e-01 2.61094004e-01 -9.31095630e-02 1.62495896e-01 1.10642947e-01 -1.35812610e-01 -3.09201300e-01 -4.80706384e-03 1.96323976e-01 5.59077933e-02 -5.76673932e-02 -1.95229173e-01 -2.80752946e-02 -2.32616976e-01 -9.21873078e-02 9.41234082e-02 3.59345883e-01 -1.00941502e-01 1.61324158e-01 7.20047355e-02 2.92738348e-01 7.55896494e-02 1.38831869e-01 -1.45366481e-02 1.20911047e-01 6.42833859e-02 5.20787537e-02 1.22190453e-01 4.01689887e-01 -1.09257422e-01 4.46492940e-01 2.45873347e-01 2.84037709e-01 -7.40379989e-02 2.97268063e-01 -9.17029679e-02 1.20074593e-01 1.86695039e-01 5.47020212e-02 -4.23094146e-02 1.66087329e-01 -2.44371310e-01 1.53195128e-01 9.31080356e-02 -3.22668925e-02 1.70070499e-01 1.75214484e-01 -3.31827290e-02 -2.85043746e-01 -2.38198154e-02 -1.16297387e-01 -6.04987979e-01 2.35762656e-01 2.03926876e-01 3.61955225e-01 5.01401663e-01 2.23439303e-03 5.09890318e-01 -5.50993323e-01 -2.03056470e-01 -5.11592552e-02 -1.05669178e-01 2.23179922e-01 -4.61080045e-01 7.51105994e-02 1.26618445e-01 1.13101445e-01 -2.40001321e-01 -2.05898926e-01 -1.24675773e-01 -4.60970178e-02 1.35434076e-01 -2.90639997e-02 4.76521611e-01 3.00640583e-01 -5.77244222e-01 -1.23259448e-01 -2.60069340e-01 1.82133671e-02 4.10870351e-02 -1.90508083e-01 4.44914550e-01 -1.53573230e-01 -3.00168753e-01 2.23147452e-01 -4.96155210e-02 3.72721583e-01 3.46263081e-01 1.39803678e-01 -3.63689393e-01 -2.93811738e-01 3.47979963e-01 -1.53981766e-03 -3.19541126e-01 -7.54383206e-02 3.17652285e-01 2.21526027e-01 -1.68034732e-01 -1.51133284e-01 -1.73789546e-01 -3.11370701e-01 -4.87919860e-02 2.35566255e-02 -2.06055060e-01 9.77438241e-02 -4.55767930e-01 -4.69536215e-01 -5.72110832e-01 2.41045058e-01 -3.94396186e-01 -4.09914285e-01 -2.29467839e-01 -9.31108966e-02 1.19269319e-01 -7.23882169e-02 -3.77657652e-01 -1.21273264e-01 -1.74439281e-01 -6.75402209e-02 2.94812322e-01 -2.96708882e-01 -1.84638917e-01 -1.25907376e-01 -4.07081127e-01 6.24436997e-02 -3.16937268e-02 -7.11243451e-02 2.47683987e-01 1.68153152e-01 -1.11248486e-01 1.30390704e-01 2.75032520e-01 9.17040370e-03 4.54173803e-01 -2.19058096e-01 2.06320643e-01 -9.12305061e-03 -1.89619422e-01 -1.23588098e-02 1.94282457e-01 2.36900523e-01 -1.94145098e-01 -2.18454137e-01 -7.88962096e-03 1.21281505e-01 -1.49091721e-01 -3.30495924e-01 2.56721139e-01 -2.18670955e-03 2.58445553e-03 -3.55650753e-01 -1.14842147e-01 9.98770166e-03 -1.75129488e-01 -5.32515869e-02 3.98595959e-01 1.48533091e-01 -2.90341198e-01 -2.53285408e-01 -2.53671259e-01 3.17950934e-01 1.78015187e-01 -1.25990435e-03 -1.21854777e-02 5.30586354e-02 -2.98900098e-01 3.72936398e-01 1.49754867e-01 6.66002333e-01 -1.56567730e-02 -5.66765547e-01 8.55591446e-02 4.60849628e-02 7.07459748e-02 1.57228559e-01 -2.97755331e-01 1.50609732e-01 -4.53328751e-02 3.52062643e-01 -4.56533134e-02 -5.28769381e-02 -3.66248786e-01 -2.87334263e-01 1.95668265e-02 -5.17607257e-02 4.25497293e-01 1.91412970e-01 7.00082928e-02 1.21652015e-01 2.02710852e-01 -3.71625237e-02 -3.18708420e-01 -4.48895060e-02 2.12869048e-01 -8.97698849e-02 -1.22604452e-01 -1.03697278e-01 4.19108987e-01 5.02904393e-02 -8.96406025e-02 2.04491526e-01 2.26532761e-02 9.92111266e-02 -1.94763899e-01 -2.04550177e-01 -4.90949154e-02 2.04429731e-01 2.06536576e-01 3.77034932e-01 2.86677897e-01 -7.52053708e-02 -2.63646722e-01 -4.08507168e-01 -3.05748224e-01 -3.48932832e-01 2.22846400e-02 2.64845222e-01 1.53909475e-02 -1.22211955e-01 -4.94138300e-01 3.28977227e-01 8.75514895e-02 -2.37092733e-01 1.16285585e-01 -1.34950325e-01 -1.78643554e-01 1.11999825e-01 3.00783306e-01 3.10947239e-01 -9.18387622e-02 -7.76254758e-02 -4.57125068e-01 -9.25567150e-02 -1.47263214e-01 8.94289687e-02 -1.83826074e-01 1.83390066e-01 5.73743343e-01 1.17868826e-01 2.57012099e-01 3.07292994e-02 -4.95675623e-01 2.23271176e-01 2.39054039e-01 -1.26851410e-01 8.37394595e-02 -3.25519651e-01 -4.61607307e-01 -1.31854326e-01 -3.63144069e-03 -5.12377024e-01 9.01252404e-02 -1.48622632e-01 -4.86410350e-01 5.05614519e-01 -1.47772595e-01 2.13754103e-02 -2.11673900e-02 -7.04871640e-02 2.42966160e-01 3.28135900e-02 2.76642472e-01 4.25501287e-01 3.72562259e-02 2.18551844e-01 7.17512071e-02 6.99071512e-02 1.57151714e-01 1.71650305e-01 -1.17008500e-01 1.06577694e-01 7.49805197e-02 -1.40982941e-01 -1.29983544e-01 -2.15618387e-01 3.02650541e-01 -2.43481994e-01 -1.10336013e-01 1.69471756e-03 2.54324913e-01 5.32478914e-02 -2.88734347e-01 4.60942298e-01 8.79228860e-02 -2.26092264e-01 -1.21848740e-01 -9.45795402e-02 -2.33153105e-02 -2.62364328e-01 3.31539452e-01 -2.17314556e-01 -2.25575149e-01 7.76803493e-02 4.00566697e-01 -1.85572833e-01 -2.35291168e-01 -3.97045761e-02 5.30545354e-01 4.59761441e-01 -1.26946084e-02 -1.09828167e-01 3.33528399e-01 1.45622581e-01 -4.34923053e-01 -2.84754951e-02 1.12226844e-01 1.41115263e-01 -2.25549370e-01 -3.01065385e-01 -1.17366828e-01 -1.72108173e-01 -4.46276506e-03 9.00861621e-01 2.25979537e-01 -1.94402605e-01 -8.06271806e-02 4.63444233e-01 -7.41263777e-02 -1.68806482e-02 5.18209517e-01 -1.42579809e-01 -9.32485610e-02 -4.50681299e-01 -2.41932198e-01 -3.43380459e-02 -9.49735940e-02 -2.90808678e-01 1.06647499e-01 -1.85646519e-01 2.09677145e-01 3.91280681e-01 -9.73338187e-02 2.48064563e-01 1.12106927e-01 3.70277971e-01 1.20055676e-01 4.84845787e-01 -9.98191759e-02 -1.82203785e-01 -2.83744365e-01 1.88647404e-01 1.16059080e-01 1.29287019e-01 1.16075687e-02 1.17101587e-01 2.86804652e-03 4.45031047e-01 6.86793551e-02 -3.68079767e-02 -1.80721879e-01 -3.12674046e-01 -1.92433640e-01 2.49946415e-01 4.38281111e-02 -1.14912376e-01 8.83627906e-02 7.63633549e-02 4.20691520e-01 -8.26544538e-02 -1.67123452e-01 -1.50223330e-01 -2.70413794e-02 1.05143920e-01 -2.04409063e-01 3.96471828e-01 1.21688195e-01 1.07139409e-01 1.57835156e-01 5.77001609e-02 2.32873082e-01 -1.35230049e-01 2.38626599e-01 -8.53713080e-02 5.72275460e-01 2.39103407e-01 3.56127061e-02 -2.53186584e-01 4.23418183e-04 -1.69775099e-01 1.32676825e-01 -2.45806471e-01 -4.40773442e-02 -1.89191461e-01 6.14995137e-02 2.37498552e-01 -1.09641314e-01 -2.94803172e-01 -1.74810797e-01 3.94256674e-02 -4.39110726e-01 5.56603909e-01 4.10136610e-01 1.23494506e+00 -6.20815419e-02 -3.90203185e-02 -2.45942071e-01 -3.97471160e-01 4.78246242e-01 -3.07187319e-01 -2.97773443e-02 -7.03931078e-02 -3.05860966e-01 8.80834237e-02 -3.14394325e-01 -8.59859511e-02 -1.29607305e-01 -3.61562282e-01 -7.26427883e-02 -3.11527103e-01 1.76333547e-01 1.92741737e-01 2.95728624e-01 3.14939946e-01 -1.10459253e-01 1.57149926e-01 1.27697140e-01 -1.50826812e-01 3.46524060e-01 -9.39655006e-02 2.12449804e-01 1.26576617e-01 -1.14809361e-03 -2.49177575e-01 9.52697918e-02 1.36302695e-01 4.93694991e-01 -2.14276135e-01 -2.69788325e-01 -9.49813202e-02 7.07531124e-02 -2.64126539e-01 -3.18160020e-02 -9.78084877e-02 5.30036926e-01 3.34856212e-01 -1.04080647e-01 -2.22312227e-01 -2.25565225e-01 1.03909999e-01 1.33824721e-01 -1.03975013e-01 9.96433273e-02 -1.25018120e-01 1.51916500e-02 -4.05398309e-01 7.97248259e-02 4.20285851e-01 3.10861379e-01 5.30330539e-01 7.56841227e-02 -3.83614987e-01 -1.55194908e-01 1.92017809e-01 -2.08201855e-01 3.18401083e-02 4.85694148e-02 6.17437810e-02 -7.72115439e-02 -9.18824226e-02 4.17519540e-01 2.67432779e-01 1.24791317e-01 9.60427597e-02 3.82025301e-01 -1.04967533e-02 -3.92319411e-01 1.74726710e-01 4.14752632e-01 -3.31918806e-01 4.44409363e-02 -1.72549903e-01 -7.28068724e-02 8.94505903e-02 3.26788247e-01 1.59630314e-01 -7.34754354e-02 -4.39262241e-01 -1.00166053e-01 1.16176151e-01 2.52490371e-01 -4.64421324e-02 3.75066549e-01 -9.38059837e-02 5.86427271e-01 8.17307308e-02 1.21603787e-01 -3.55802536e-01 -1.60363764e-01 -2.33211607e-01 6.13502674e-02 -7.58261383e-02 -2.61907697e-01 9.60376114e-02 2.46766154e-02 9.86691415e-02 3.69989216e-01 -1.88862368e-01 -2.30021700e-01 1.35338474e-02 1.20243959e-01 -8.72562900e-02 -2.72371948e-01 -2.54579723e-01 -4.86482196e-02 1.88718870e-01 -5.96468337e-02 -2.61516292e-02 2.72948831e-01 1.59531087e-01 3.34723517e-02 -2.23251134e-01 2.34431088e-01 5.79077788e-02 -1.27843708e-01 -1.29731402e-01 -4.25249264e-02 2.72917598e-01 7.40285590e-02 9.14801285e-02 -1.19871482e-01 1.08571470e-01 1.78031683e-01 -3.06190908e-01 7.04030320e-02 -8.17197934e-02 2.62899786e-01 -2.04946799e-03 -1.14908479e-01 2.05405187e-02 1.65004194e-01 -5.47185361e-01 -2.85020351e-01 -5.43051064e-02 2.89424658e-01 1.22120850e-01 2.12697849e-01 -3.01118582e-01 -3.65571529e-02 -4.32292856e-02 1.78877726e-01 -6.39004484e-02 -5.60523748e-01 -2.34179243e-01 2.11263999e-01 -1.10989727e-01 -1.22393323e-02 3.87582555e-02 1.29692599e-01 3.44501495e-01 -1.44825414e-01 2.52553970e-01 -2.82893348e-02 3.80081356e-01 4.60779309e-01 1.30808875e-01 3.11067194e-01 2.69660473e-01 5.41666389e-01 2.73419797e-01 3.24700445e-01 2.88392365e-01 7.11186290e-01 1.25977948e-01 -1.95726544e-01 -3.05585653e-01 8.08001459e-02 -3.71125668e-01 4.09946918e-01 3.53147164e-02 5.92686087e-02 1.53333932e-01 -1.00935034e-01 -2.12742016e-01 -5.85060567e-02 -6.86855492e-05 -5.88858761e-02 6.69507757e-02 8.04517325e-03 -4.72413123e-01 -1.07645087e-01 -2.32737958e-02 2.78494805e-01 -8.00389275e-02 3.16288799e-01 3.05943042e-01 2.39188932e-02 -1.81669611e-02 3.24089348e-01 2.26966932e-01 2.98922032e-01 -2.97195524e-01 4.36678864e-02 6.63853362e-02 -1.73313901e-01 2.48429283e-01 6.29535243e-02 -2.35288009e-01 -1.09891981e-01 3.88014987e-02 2.94552773e-01 -1.30294353e-01 4.62839529e-02 9.51362923e-02 -2.43853509e-01 -4.25784200e-01 2.94633418e-01 1.52341351e-01 1.99492648e-01 -5.87087333e-01 -1.79089829e-01 -8.39494541e-02 1.97483804e-02 1.16764598e-01 -1.81047752e-01 -3.51630419e-01 -1.09812818e-01 4.66992781e-02 -1.05016969e-01 2.77424693e-01 8.65341201e-02 -2.26339191e-01 1.44576728e-01 -4.62576328e-03 1.76993385e-01 2.25487232e-01 -4.43289250e-01 1.08567350e-01 2.01391041e-01 8.09503272e-02 -2.83019751e-01 -8.41601044e-02 1.86449945e-01 -3.54734898e-01 6.67150095e-02 -7.17836171e-02 1.67640135e-01 2.88652480e-01 -2.45168090e-01 -1.99392661e-01 -2.31443811e-02 2.38420352e-01 -8.00168514e-02 1.19612709e-01 -9.68316421e-02 -9.51939374e-02 2.86486149e-01 1.94017842e-01 -2.60596037e-01 -4.33975011e-01 -2.31834855e-02 4.78894621e-01 4.24064070e-01 -9.75407474e-03 3.77052337e-01 -9.13509578e-02 -2.83995658e-01 -1.38275446e-02 -2.96318717e-02 -5.85520156e-02 1.26042902e-01 4.88273147e-03 2.14487597e-01 1.99549794e-01 4.48077887e-01 1.69566318e-01 3.85215521e-01 -3.18422867e-03 3.66261527e-02 -2.46330827e-01 -7.82783702e-03 -2.18243733e-01 7.21029490e-02 -3.92485291e-01 2.15160698e-01 1.69014722e-01 -1.92727640e-01 -2.09605336e-01 -2.89833784e-01 5.69117963e-01 -1.65636614e-01 2.30873317e-01 2.18264565e-01 5.13106138e-02 5.58309853e-02 -1.58112243e-01 -4.78896350e-01 -2.87532002e-01 9.59751904e-02 9.12448168e-02 -2.71200567e-01 -1.07979655e-01 -1.11495689e-01 3.60028110e-02 -1.74299464e-01 -3.64587754e-02 -3.69812883e-02 -2.35716671e-01 8.59243330e-03 1.78306270e-02]
"Animated Cloth Dummy" active "Item #: SCP-492 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: No special containment procedures are required for SCP-492. SCP-492 can be kept in standard on-site living quarters. Requests by SCP-492 that are within the site's capability, short of violating containment protocols, may be granted. In the event that SCP-492 should become hostile, incendiary devices hidden in its living quarters may be used to neutralize the threat. Currently, due to its involvement in several other SCP projects, SCP-492 has Level 1 security clearance, but must be accompanied by at least one security guard at all times when outside its quarters. SCP-492 has also agreed to have a standard tracking device sewed into its "skin" so that its movements may be monitored at all times. Description: SCP-492 was formerly an animatronic dummy for a pirate attraction in the now abandoned β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Amusement Park. Due to the nature of the amusement park it was found in, SCP-492 is primarily made of low-quality synthetic cloth, and all of the hydraulic and electronic components inside it had been removed. However, due to unknown circumstances, SCP-492 has gained motor skills and sentience. Medical scans of SCP-492 have shown that is completely hollow, and is for all purposes a sapient cloth dummy. It is not known how SCP-492 can stand or move without internal or external support structures, though tests have shown that SCP-492's cloth body can expand and contract in a manner similar to human muscle. Despite the lack of a nervous system, SCP-492 possesses all of the conventional five human senses with the exception of taste, and is perfectly capable of perceiving the environment around it. It is not known how SCP-492 is able to see, talk, hear, or smell without the required organs. However, its ability to see and talk are connected to the "eyes" and "mouth", which have been crudely drawn on by permanent marker, as SCP-492's head possesses no facial features. Erasure of SCP-492's "eyes" and "mouth" would presumably render it unable to see or speak, respectively. Physically, SCP-492 can feel external stimuli. Through various tests, SCP-492 was able to discern objects by touch alone. However, SCP-492 does not feel pain, or at least has no concept of what it is. Its body seems to be unaffected by physical attacks: Its soft cloth absorbs blunt force attacks harmlessly, and damage incurred as a result of being pierced, cut, or ripped can easily be repaired through sewing the damaged parts back together. However, one note of interest is that SCP-492 has an intense fear of fire, most likely due to its flammable nature. In terms of strength, SCP-492 performed exceedingly poorly due to its fragile construction and lack of bone and muscle structure. SCP-492's strength is comparable to that of a human adult with markedly underdeveloped musculature. Mentally, SCP-492 possesses all of the conventional mental patterns and thought processes that define human behavior. It can think, learn, comprehend abstract concepts, solve puzzles, and feel emotion. IQ tests reveal SCP-492 to be slightly above average at a score of ca. 112. Numerous sessions with Foundation psychologists and psychoanalysts have shown no evidence of any past or present mental instability or disorder. SCP-492 was first discovered by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ while she was responding to a routine inspection order. A group of teenagers had broken into β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Amusement Park, which had been closed for β–ˆβ–ˆ years at the time, and were later caught by local authorities. The teenagers were in a hysterical state of mind and told the local authorities that they had witnessed "things coming alive" in the park. The Foundation quickly took over the investigation at that point. The teenagers were taken into Foundation custody and were given a class-B amnestic before being returned to local authorities. Meanwhile, several search teams were sent into the park, but found nothing of interest. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, however, stumbled across SCP-492 while she was searching the outskirts of the park. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ then managed to convince SCP-492 to surrender itself in to Foundation custody. Addendum 1: Due to its friendly and overtly helpful attitude and nonthreatening nature, Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has decided to let SCP-492 freely interact with on-site personnel. Because of its previous "career" as an animatronic pirate, on-site staff have taken to nicknaming SCP-492 "Captain Jack". Performance and opinion surveys of SCP-492 by on-site staff have proven so remarkably positive that O5 administration has decided to let Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's experiment continue indefinitely. Addendum 2: Given SCP-492's lack of organs or flesh, SCP-492 has proven to be uniquely suited to handling certain SCPs that would be dangerous to regular humans. SCP-492 has already been cleared to participate in several experiments with Safe-level SCPs. However, handling Euclid and Keter-class SCPs requires a security clearance upgrade, and is pending O5 review. Addendum 3: A Foundation surveillance team has been permanently posted at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Amusement Park after the following interview with SCP-492: <Begin Log> Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Do you remember when exactly you became aware of your own existence? SCP-492: Well… I can't quite tell for sure. A day is when the sun comes up and goes down, right? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: That's correct. SCP-492: Well then, that would be about β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ days to my best guess. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: (coughs) You mean you've been wandering around that park for β–ˆβ–ˆ years?! SCP-492: (cringes) Is that a bad thing? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: N-no. Moving on, did you notice anything strange about the park at all? Were there any others like you? SCP-492: Well, I really didn't have that much reason to go back into the park. It felt like I'd wasted years of my life there, you know? Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: That's a perfectly understandable feeling. SCP-492: Yeah, and the guys in the dinosaur ride kept trying to eat me. <End Log> Β« SCP-491 | SCP-492 | SCP-493 Β»" nan
[ 2.47437567e-01 -3.39712262e-01 -4.74962816e-02 -1.58779249e-01 1.06644250e-01 -2.54244328e-01 5.40169239e-01 1.11539900e-01 -8.08525980e-02 1.92374259e-01 4.58141081e-02 5.83475530e-02 4.31601591e-02 1.71265379e-01 4.20973599e-01 -1.77874207e-01 9.26155150e-02 7.94427469e-02 8.41796771e-02 -2.33033985e-01 -1.65452026e-02 -3.02912861e-01 -1.39823839e-01 8.13438520e-02 -2.19994143e-01 3.40095051e-02 -9.83217210e-02 -1.04665510e-01 -1.05452113e-01 -3.03300321e-01 1.60205364e-01 1.08286425e-01 4.87896726e-02 4.65711832e-01 -1.10777946e-04 -1.57045737e-01 2.68119872e-01 5.74715696e-02 -2.74709612e-01 2.37138346e-01 -1.21952593e-01 6.23230115e-02 -2.05663010e-01 -2.08823010e-01 -9.22018364e-02 -1.12758532e-01 4.85726982e-01 3.85529816e-01 5.90542614e-01 6.25869930e-02 1.77670375e-01 4.92303260e-02 -1.29130453e-01 6.12262338e-02 1.04572080e-01 5.11422038e-01 -1.65398791e-01 -5.56624420e-02 2.16046259e-01 -2.31140569e-01 1.32986769e-01 -5.77485375e-02 -1.78215966e-01 -3.68936099e-02 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6.58145472e-02 1.99955583e-01 6.42971992e-02 -1.06636837e-01 9.77102946e-03 1.93912163e-01 2.15020955e-01 -1.78257942e-01 -1.70414746e-01 2.64165431e-01 2.26544797e-01 -1.38785988e-01 -7.40175098e-02 6.15128689e-02 -1.01748891e-01 1.47282481e-02 5.88584363e-01 -1.29791591e-02 -2.84349561e-01 -1.26754597e-01 3.39010321e-02 6.21878803e-02 -3.15382212e-01 2.18121171e-01 4.76187378e-01 -1.68793187e-01 -2.48164728e-01 -2.37482354e-01 4.26318318e-01 3.48725975e-01 -3.49451788e-02 -3.11810791e-01 4.30750906e-01 -1.00106545e-01 -1.39639959e-01 -7.86128733e-03 1.10760644e-01 9.63663384e-02 -2.59406060e-01 1.51970774e-01 8.81835148e-02 -2.65284181e-01 7.72814974e-02 4.56451476e-02 3.52924734e-01 1.20736338e-01 -2.28668183e-01 1.42374188e-01 4.12331492e-01 4.38144952e-01 -2.74915826e-02 -3.09593022e-01 6.68504229e-03 9.83787552e-02 2.39483267e-01 2.30775457e-02 -1.90176361e-03 -2.24284217e-01 -2.38827541e-01 -4.06872958e-01 6.93125203e-02 -4.28767465e-02 3.90570849e-01 1.28058627e-01 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1.47663355e-01 3.23293120e-01 -3.27542454e-01 1.97518244e-01 1.36131003e-01 -2.08241045e-01 -3.33979987e-02 4.02154654e-01 4.40029167e-02 -1.82787061e-01 -2.27485433e-01 -1.40436925e-02 2.62391686e-01 3.13659430e-01 1.36211962e-01 2.08362117e-01 2.08003551e-01 1.23377092e-01 1.01495601e-01 -1.12992220e-01 -2.16546252e-01 1.16184525e-01 -2.59909749e-01 1.80379927e-01 9.22989547e-02 3.18441540e-01 -3.33641410e-01 3.46993923e-01 -2.53903359e-01 1.09672189e-01 9.14203301e-02 1.44604057e-01 -2.30378941e-01 -7.82141760e-02 2.25477263e-01 -7.95817375e-03 -2.08836451e-01 1.14962496e-01 2.67655283e-01 6.73583522e-02 9.01205838e-02 -1.42638609e-01 -1.50960937e-01 1.62947923e-01 3.00372839e-01 6.58670021e-03 2.52499849e-01 -7.61930421e-02 -3.52252685e-02 4.74172950e-01 4.89857405e-01 4.10603702e-01 -3.63909662e-01 5.73427498e-01 -9.13406834e-02 2.95348972e-01 1.17556654e-01 1.46347180e-01 -2.37046033e-01 8.92123114e-03 -3.35709453e-01 -1.45784974e-01 2.67666787e-01 9.09407735e-02 -5.89842424e-02 -9.55424681e-02 -3.42925966e-01 -8.27924162e-02 2.88830101e-01 -1.31768182e-01 -1.60072103e-01 1.05412239e-02 -6.22182973e-02 -1.00033469e-02 -4.07359540e-01 2.32739434e-01 4.06426400e-01 -1.02632098e-01 -2.17663258e-01 5.40446997e-01 -1.68092519e-01 3.23264450e-01 3.91711265e-01 2.55031586e-01 -2.22484961e-01 -3.51304293e-01 8.16227049e-02 -2.69805938e-01 -2.20489725e-01 -1.74360320e-01 8.86185542e-02 1.07867539e-01 -4.02292848e-01 1.79982334e-02 1.47150993e-01 -2.44805798e-01 -3.47160786e-01 -5.35331219e-02 1.24967612e-01 -2.21113577e-01 1.53358698e-01 -3.67807776e-01 -2.28922099e-01 -2.27694362e-01 -2.06821129e-01 -9.01320204e-02 6.01850487e-02 -1.38874233e-01 -3.05109143e-01 1.48664236e-01 -1.10062197e-01 9.12447423e-02 -3.18339705e-01 -4.86953929e-03 6.81001991e-02 -1.58188298e-01 1.10877745e-01 -4.34033982e-02 1.62540786e-02 -5.52643016e-02 -1.58420190e-01 -5.95906258e-01 -2.41119433e-02 1.58006877e-01 1.24167837e-03 1.10932939e-01 -6.60765320e-02 -1.52059257e-01 3.43457401e-01 -9.18758754e-03 6.67782053e-02 4.24794883e-01 2.35286608e-01 2.91444272e-01 1.40592441e-01 -2.92568415e-01 -2.32754692e-01 -7.54380226e-02 1.03203468e-01 1.30402401e-01 -1.62824273e-01 -3.61045539e-01 2.50317365e-01 4.33726996e-01 -7.90138990e-02 1.24805816e-01 -2.49266252e-01 1.13537803e-01 1.39489010e-01 2.68862873e-01 -1.42493278e-01 3.43528956e-01 1.29554093e-01 5.76817572e-01 -5.46838380e-02 6.52422667e-01 2.63094991e-01 -1.73939764e-01 -2.93889549e-02 2.26107851e-01 -5.23527086e-01 1.95364699e-01 -2.62868166e-01 2.81721771e-01 -2.11675525e-01 1.99200779e-01 1.41626559e-02 -3.93825531e-01 -1.15668193e-01 1.25220502e-02 5.76349914e-01 -2.15044975e-01 -2.26054117e-01 -5.01714461e-02 3.16294953e-02 -1.75343528e-02 -8.84026289e-02 -3.93307656e-01 1.51926978e-02 -8.52544010e-02 4.30020511e-01 -1.55863747e-01 -1.07824273e-01 -8.32984671e-02 6.25035688e-02 -1.68031320e-01 4.70983684e-01 7.15898946e-02 -7.28568062e-02 -3.85259315e-02 -1.23755984e-01]
"Replicant" active "Item #: SCP-493 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-493 are to be kept in separate standard personnel-grade rooms with basic furnishings for a human-like SCP. Individual SCP-493 may request additional furnishings provided the request does not violate restrictions specific to that individual. Additions must be approved on a case by case basis by Level 4 personnel. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have been allowed to continue their work as Level 2 personnel; however they are not to be assigned to high risk areas in order to prevent premature duplication. Each instance of SCP-493 is to be marked with a tattoo of their designation number on their upper right arm to prevent any confusion between the otherwise similar appearance of each individual. Description: SCP-493 is a group of genetically identical males of apparent ages between 20 and 90 years old. The younger SCP-493s have brown hair and brown eyes, are about 1.7m tall, and weigh between 70 and 90 kg, depending on diet and activity. Older SCP-493s' hair turns grey after beginning to bald around an apparent age of 50 years old. Each SCP-493 currently in containment is fluent in English and multiple dialects of German, speaking with a moderate Swiss-German accent. SCP-493-07 and SCP-493-08 are also fluent in Spanish. Seven instances of SCP-493 are currently in containment. From estimated duplication rates, it is believed that a minimum of twelve instances of SCP-493 have not yet been contained. When an instance of SCP-493 dies, nothing abnormal presents itself immediately. The corpse will decompose naturally. However approximately three hours after death, two younger SCP-493s (appearing to be in their early twenties) will materialize in close proximity to the location of death. These two new instances of SCP-493 are identical to each other, and maintain the memories of all of their previous lives. Other than the memories of their previous life, individual instances of SCP-493 do not appear to share any sort of mental link or bond with each other after reconstitution. If the two young SCP-493s move away from each other geographically, they may lead completely separate lives. Addendum: SCP-493-01 came to the SCP Foundation in 1963 as a Level 1 researcher four years before it was known that he had unique attributes. On April β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1967, shortly after being given Level 2 access, SCP-493-01 was killed during a containment breach of SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ at Site 19. His remains were dealt with according to standard procedure for all Level 2 personnel. Three hours and two minutes after SCP-493-01's death, several Class D personnel involved in the clean-up reported a thin mist appear in two vaguely humanoid shapes in the corridor outside SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's containment chamber. Approximately half a minute later, a bright flash followed. As the flash subsided, two naked human males (SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03) were standing in place of the mist. The pair were immediately placed in containment and then questioned. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have divulged their origins, the accuracy of which has largely been confirmed by historical and dental records. The original SCP-493 was born in 16β–ˆβ–ˆ in ZΓΌrich, Switzerland, becoming a successful protestant pastor before his first death and subsequent reconstitution in 17β–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 claim the recent events involving SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ resulted in their fifth reconstitution to date. Details of SCP-493-01's "family tree" of reconstitution can be found in Document 493-H. Containment of free SCP-493 is a work in progress. "It is the Foundation's hope that the majority of SCP-493 can be contained before duplication of SCP-493 runs exponentially out of control. However, just rounding these subjects up is quite the task, it is not like we can just put a bulletin up when the people we need to find could be any age." –Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ It is unknown if SCP-493 will keep dividing with every death, but there is no reason to doubt such an occurrence. Permanent containment and termination options are currently under consideration. Update 493-01: Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ apprehended SCP-493-04 and SCP-493-05 in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Germany on December β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1967. Each appears to be approximately 40 years old, the same age as SCP-493-01 before death. Update 493-02: On February β–ˆβ–ˆ, 1976, SCP-493-06 is discovered homeless on the streets of New York City, appears to be about 30 years of age. Incident Report 493-A: SCP-493-06 commits suicide. [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-493-07 and SCP-493-08 are to be kept under close observation in quarters guarded against future suicide attempts. (β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1977) Update 493-03: Following several heated arguments over the current political and religious status in various major nations, SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have requested to be removed from duty in sectors surrounding and including containment chamber of SCP-493-05. Request denied. "You're professionals, start acting like it." –Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ (β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1980) Update 493-04: SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 have repeated request to be removed from SCP-493-05, stating that regulation 36, subsection 8a states that they are "Not permitted to oversee contained family members without sufficient supervision," and arguing that this regulation applies to their case. Request granted by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. SCP-493-02 and SCP-493-03 are denied access to all other SCP-493s. (β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/1980) "And I am sick and tired of them heaping extra paperwork on me by quoting obscure regulations that I didn’t even know about."- Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Update 493-05: SCP-493-04 dies after complications following a fall and a broken hip. (β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/2005) "Well that was one of my more unpleasant deaths." –SCP-493-09, shortly after reconstitution. Memo 493-BA: "Request by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to 'show him what an unpleasant death is' denied. No, I don't care that he'll survive it; we don't need even more of these running around." Β« SCP-492 | SCP-493 | SCP-494 Β»" nan
[ 2.90841907e-01 -2.02280864e-01 -6.86579943e-02 -1.15467057e-01 -5.30219600e-02 -7.50881508e-02 3.31310302e-01 -9.42991674e-02 -5.12776494e-01 1.04019880e-01 -6.75564259e-02 -6.64782226e-02 1.42675355e-01 -9.33705568e-02 -1.85143337e-01 1.03281669e-01 1.73930332e-01 1.62757248e-01 1.51298732e-01 -5.52083611e-01 -1.61582962e-01 8.43972713e-02 2.12989718e-01 9.23974961e-02 -8.00995454e-02 -4.88653481e-02 -1.18574696e-02 3.67030472e-01 -1.02270737e-01 -1.84110656e-01 3.15953121e-02 2.41825402e-01 -5.20143658e-02 5.07505059e-01 -1.11891241e-04 -1.46907628e-01 3.35804373e-01 1.01848453e-01 -2.52344191e-01 2.34972224e-01 -3.49924386e-01 -2.31097378e-02 -1.12367682e-01 -2.93917924e-01 -1.03809759e-01 -1.80317104e-01 2.06218705e-01 4.26524699e-01 5.82286119e-01 -2.50385135e-01 1.67487174e-01 7.21845552e-02 1.18268490e-01 -1.38369590e-01 2.04181701e-01 1.80255294e-01 -4.06543091e-02 7.07901642e-02 2.80061305e-01 1.52950570e-01 2.28313878e-01 1.64935708e-01 -8.42504054e-02 1.74838267e-02 1.29024416e-01 -3.36747289e-01 3.00806046e-01 -1.08484842e-01 -1.28125906e-01 2.37379193e-01 2.65237331e-01 1.17835335e-01 -8.05309489e-02 1.43773973e-01 8.69902596e-02 -1.20052055e-01 1.93127528e-01 -1.67092785e-01 -1.11676842e-01 -1.61327161e-02 -1.45449281e-01 3.34711939e-01 -2.57096112e-01 -1.49530977e-01 -6.67052120e-02 1.40374631e-01 9.49452519e-02 8.00315365e-02 -2.70206807e-03 -1.52445301e-01 -5.14449775e-02 1.35628626e-01 2.77473539e-01 -2.09184721e-01 8.08804631e-02 -2.50585049e-01 2.78508272e-02 -9.39278081e-02 9.03835595e-02 1.56788439e-01 3.30516756e-01 -1.90942399e-02 -1.52440459e-01 2.44377881e-01 5.88315353e-02 -3.72553580e-02 3.55976485e-02 -9.44261923e-02 -1.92664102e-01 1.61969885e-01 -1.89102039e-01 1.56622916e-01 -1.59005389e-01 1.73071802e-01 3.31916571e-01 1.09804437e-01 -1.19796805e-01 -1.85663074e-01 -2.46163547e-01 2.07600832e-01 -5.72376013e-01 2.64849871e-01 -1.00923814e-01 3.51474822e-01 2.10115820e-01 3.92242789e-01 1.81819722e-02 -3.30315858e-01 -3.24955165e-01 -1.14149347e-01 -2.73236901e-01 1.15508959e-01 -2.08419591e-01 -2.96556264e-01 -1.66032344e-01 -1.33722126e-01 -1.65219694e-01 -3.66416313e-02 6.98316917e-02 2.39865810e-01 3.21768790e-01 -2.14594379e-01 5.78877687e-01 1.55169562e-01 -3.33738059e-01 -2.01674491e-01 -5.53156249e-02 -1.79334521e-01 -7.54350855e-04 -2.19613478e-01 4.77468818e-01 1.78577259e-01 -4.58262153e-02 2.69433945e-01 -2.99722880e-01 -1.58247262e-01 4.27010208e-01 1.02038994e-01 -3.26621830e-02 -2.31702223e-01 1.25142485e-01 1.21652260e-01 -4.27427948e-01 -2.87972003e-01 -2.14141868e-02 4.32887256e-01 -2.77083129e-01 -2.62382895e-01 -1.06378891e-01 4.52168938e-03 2.22937390e-01 1.45665109e-01 1.57184973e-01 -1.88088816e-04 -1.16858795e-01 1.04238421e-01 -6.85309410e-01 -3.40730064e-02 -1.27192095e-01 -5.75341694e-02 -2.73726851e-01 1.15732118e-01 4.08037305e-01 -2.41308451e-01 1.25076935e-01 -2.09028348e-02 -4.48785543e-01 4.36465144e-02 1.50332898e-01 -3.87831368e-02 -3.35461348e-01 -5.30915380e-01 2.73402244e-01 -2.10467800e-01 9.68119726e-02 -5.45707792e-02 2.86666721e-01 7.17949271e-02 3.91771905e-02 1.27509058e-01 -1.77060887e-01 -3.21554467e-02 4.49835181e-01 1.43323690e-01 1.16965145e-01 1.39026746e-01 -2.39917383e-01 5.58299199e-02 2.31327832e-01 3.33059311e-01 6.03511557e-02 -1.43008560e-01 -1.09576307e-01 -3.27736400e-02 -9.41341668e-02 -1.69079285e-02 2.38545254e-01 2.90314019e-01 1.64231420e-01 -4.53032166e-01 1.63508549e-01 2.70893782e-01 1.59355804e-01 -9.58454460e-02 -4.14821088e-01 3.45280081e-01 -2.12275654e-01 7.17194825e-02 -5.39419167e-02 2.47683764e-01 2.08997920e-01 -2.32133381e-02 2.31893197e-01 -6.86568990e-02 -2.93211222e-01 4.67515588e-01 8.30972865e-02 3.42849582e-01 1.48194835e-01 -1.19713522e-01 1.62991229e-02 1.11162737e-01 2.31396258e-01 1.96701568e-02 -3.10915351e-01 -1.32884700e-02 1.65467978e-01 -1.50804482e-02 -8.72972538e-04 -2.02471390e-01 5.80224358e-02 -1.88713804e-01 -2.73969863e-02 -1.74072355e-01 1.29625984e-02 5.79136312e-01 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-3.21016997e-01 -1.04235716e-01 -4.86143753e-02 -9.70596597e-02 3.98852438e-01 -2.48743087e-01 2.08740950e-01 -6.52549207e-01 -1.19832486e-01 3.50005887e-02 3.48067105e-01 1.13056526e-01 1.79612085e-01 -2.65150338e-01 -2.50606954e-01 2.05027878e-01 -3.50538045e-01 1.76060379e-01 1.62413046e-02 6.04776502e-01 2.17944130e-01 1.24279022e-01 4.19772901e-02 1.90713815e-02 1.08154282e-01 -9.84678939e-02 -7.94169828e-02 -2.23652691e-01 -2.45699331e-01 4.54667769e-03 6.49781600e-02 -5.40370718e-02 1.02728948e-01 -1.19787164e-01 -1.17734307e-02 -2.15628624e-01 -1.93941399e-01 1.23771824e-01 -1.36008382e-01 -3.81147891e-01 -2.44768634e-01 -1.90284997e-01 1.38122812e-01 -1.57528773e-01 2.99769104e-01 3.37601483e-01 -2.20309243e-01 2.87920266e-01 -2.23899633e-01 6.13564134e-01 1.65453032e-01 2.08020583e-01 4.09098655e-01 -2.82517344e-01 -9.00260210e-02 -1.14049539e-01 5.67001514e-02 7.38717318e-02 7.18313992e-01 1.27279997e-01 -7.03560710e-02 1.78416282e-01 3.79995890e-02 2.86288280e-02 -1.23654120e-01 1.24360971e-01 1.34213120e-01 4.52953100e-01 5.83306029e-02 -4.39330265e-02 -1.91105023e-01 -3.58086705e-01 -3.92900378e-01 -2.74863809e-01 -1.37595415e-01 2.54966378e-01 3.11545849e-01 1.21505642e+00 -2.81440094e-02 1.91954121e-01 -2.29011193e-01 -6.99324012e-02 1.40658960e-01 1.60594925e-01 -2.55029630e-02 -1.34204328e-01 -1.34526283e-01 3.34572606e-02 -1.96882665e-01 7.86915347e-02 4.49799061e-01 -5.23548305e-01 -1.96595982e-01 -1.36078566e-01 1.21419393e-01 1.65100262e-01 4.84494746e-01 -2.33973898e-02 1.10772893e-01 3.14158231e-01 2.94873118e-01 -8.83495144e-04 1.16449334e-01 -2.66891718e-02 3.13911363e-02 -2.11744532e-01 2.02257419e-03 -1.42499292e-02 2.48093292e-01 -6.99055314e-01 4.22271848e-01 -1.40631542e-01 -2.77469903e-01 -1.51747778e-01 -4.11538333e-01 -2.37923086e-01 -1.25572026e-01 4.56843004e-02 1.40883967e-01 9.01920736e-01 1.88148138e-03 1.07212327e-01 -1.76868945e-01 1.02538802e-01 -1.24463756e-02 -2.54913539e-01 1.36503160e-01 7.11037964e-02 -9.17364508e-02 -2.90161520e-01 7.61283040e-02 1.85564622e-01 -2.01145783e-01 4.01999414e-01 2.86969721e-01 -5.09182930e-01 -1.16608530e-01 1.34284392e-01 2.09812671e-01 -1.26092166e-01 -3.87710296e-02 -1.50531769e-01 -1.03396796e-01 -8.63568112e-02 1.08376250e-01 1.52876139e-01 4.52841699e-01 2.32199118e-01 8.96605775e-02 -8.59771296e-02 -3.59681517e-01 4.35142266e-03 -1.60593718e-01 -4.98898059e-01 3.13086845e-02 -1.46925062e-01 -4.77082372e-01 2.51735672e-02 2.47919440e-01 2.82556593e-01 -1.36601910e-01 -3.10318798e-01 -1.27243027e-01 6.13396466e-02 -4.10023369e-02 -2.99175054e-01 2.92775363e-01 -1.05963662e-01 4.92225885e-01 -5.40906899e-02 1.44710094e-01 -4.12614882e-01 -2.20908280e-02 -2.60501385e-01 -1.42940000e-01 1.25076070e-01 -6.26318276e-01 8.99257585e-02 -3.88602883e-01 1.36518568e-01 -1.46550266e-02 -2.75870204e-01 -1.92532375e-01 -1.80236802e-01 1.18587002e-01 -2.92605013e-02 -2.78131664e-01 -1.53878063e-01 1.93434477e-01 3.44675064e-01 2.01819018e-01 2.25392208e-02 1.67392328e-01 3.44294041e-01 4.77205873e-01 -4.89735268e-02 -4.51032445e-02 7.90777504e-02 -2.16565784e-02 2.69054860e-01 7.73891062e-02 -1.00508109e-01 1.17329590e-03 -1.16801850e-01 -4.67726914e-03 1.34527639e-01 3.04145664e-01 -2.11629584e-01 7.64934495e-02 1.60794824e-01 3.44779819e-01 -2.39081785e-01 2.63785362e-01 -7.55041987e-02 2.64287949e-01 -7.18776956e-02 -1.95425674e-02 -1.90123096e-01 3.28494132e-01 -1.42126769e-01 -1.12608075e-01 -2.46896923e-01 2.40428090e-01 2.72153281e-02 2.74065584e-01 -7.34544313e-03 -2.04780474e-01 6.62667155e-02 1.55919828e-02 5.65948486e-02 -2.95987204e-02 1.23572074e-01 7.28246123e-02 1.77434728e-01 -1.39022604e-01 1.77261502e-01 9.86077189e-02 2.06772134e-01 -2.44057164e-01 5.33460498e-01 -2.64754117e-01 -1.17250167e-01 5.17096043e-01 4.71926987e-01 7.62725547e-02 -1.27918929e-01 3.62378895e-01 6.55671805e-02 2.31608495e-01 5.14794476e-02 5.38053453e-01 -1.04584083e-01 -1.50157943e-01 -3.08835089e-01 -5.54511603e-03 2.35001813e-03 -7.58277625e-02 -3.32312286e-02 -7.52903968e-02 -6.19262516e-01 -4.35704082e-01 -1.31712303e-01 -2.01680824e-01 -8.05074871e-02 8.40972736e-03 1.13885157e-01 4.54633124e-02 -2.11194441e-01 2.08743289e-01 3.24180633e-01 -3.51659328e-01 8.58799145e-02 6.62924886e-01 -2.02411383e-01 1.45484641e-01 3.16313028e-01 5.19125700e-01 -2.58002073e-01 5.10149151e-02 1.07518010e-01 -3.15137744e-01 -7.18794838e-02 -2.42660299e-01 -1.86678232e-03 -1.22746818e-01 -5.85812569e-01 9.28216726e-02 1.81908965e-01 -2.35965714e-01 -2.90331423e-01 2.61755794e-01 -3.16732675e-02 -1.37822136e-01 1.22039773e-01 -1.21487036e-01 -2.60074824e-01 5.52559942e-02 3.06356698e-01 -6.12686038e-01 2.10962519e-01 7.71964118e-02 -2.14136019e-01 1.79246679e-01 -2.48585895e-01 8.39746073e-02 -1.73428118e-01 1.78792492e-01 1.52576685e-01 -1.55841962e-01 -1.32843658e-01 -2.42733695e-02 -5.48438467e-02 2.44874537e-01 -4.02182966e-01 -3.93700421e-01 3.66289504e-02 3.61441433e-01 1.23393282e-01 1.86295271e-01 -1.17689343e-02 2.05700286e-03 -5.59774399e-01 8.96624476e-02 -1.54865116e-01 3.20446640e-01 3.69677395e-01 -1.62579775e-01 1.04063019e-01 -2.33390555e-01 1.67839572e-01 1.88032806e-01 1.35932639e-01 2.05876529e-01 -5.65792143e-01 7.12553561e-02 2.44277671e-01 8.55516195e-02 1.29102185e-01 2.51717001e-01 -8.21396336e-02 -3.35321784e-01 1.16461195e-01 1.40133202e-01 -2.81203300e-01 5.35039186e-01 2.04969183e-01 4.32189554e-01 6.47341684e-02 6.21472478e-01 2.94836104e-01 -1.22701570e-01 -1.07082561e-01 -1.29160747e-01 -2.19227806e-01 2.11541101e-01 -1.21262297e-01 1.07179612e-01 -5.41106053e-02 6.42361701e-01 8.95881094e-04 -1.25346005e-01 -2.94849694e-01 -2.67126381e-01 2.37401366e-01 -1.59789294e-01 8.07598457e-02 -2.85444945e-01 2.39469949e-02 7.06099421e-02 1.35818981e-02 -1.04278073e-01 -3.19867246e-02 1.70522388e-02 1.65105313e-01 -8.88137519e-02 -9.25313756e-02 1.29115554e-02 -2.77515024e-01 -1.14876650e-01 2.36224651e-01 2.29312126e-02 -1.99464813e-01 -7.06551820e-02 -8.35675281e-03]
"Matter Transference Gloves" active "Item #: SCP-494 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-494 does not require any special containment procedures, other than being kept under lock and key in Storage Bunker β–ˆβ–ˆ at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Level 2 clearance and written permission from a Level 4 or higher researcher is required for testing procedures regarding SCP-494. Description: SCP-494 appears to be a regular pair of black leather fingerless gloves. SCP-494’s anomalous features can only be observed while worn by a human subject. Upon being fitted onto the hand, SCP-494 will change size to match that of its wearer. Test subjects have described the feeling of wearing the gloves as if they were β€œnot wearing gloves at all”. SCP-494’s true anomalous nature is revealed in that when an object is held in each gloved hand, after exactly five minutes, the two objects’ makeup will be suddenly traded. The range of materials that can be transferred as yet seems to have no limit, and has been observed to create working machines and even living organisms from the materials provided. (see Test Log for details) SCP-494 seems to have some limitations, such as the fact that only objects that can be supported by the wearers strength (artificial assistance, such as leaning one’s hands against a wall or table, seems to negate the effects of the gloves) will be transformed, and for reasons unknown, the gloves will refuse to work when worn by a subject over the age of sixty (60). Testing Log Test Format: Materials: Right hand: Left hand: Result: Right hand: Left hand: Test 494-1 Materials: Right hand: One (1) 0.24 carat diamond Left hand: One (1) Regular golf ball Result: Right hand: One (1) diamond-shaped piece of plastic Left hand: One (1) rounded crystal formation, two (2) inches in diameter. Diffractometry confirms monocrystalline diamond. Test 494-2 Materials: Right hand: One (1) Nokia flip-cover cellular phone Left hand: Two (2) stainless steel razor blades Result: Right hand: One (1) hinged stainless steel box with acid-etched surfaces denoting a cellphone keypad. Left hand: Two (2) millimeter-thick machines with small screens and microscopic computer circuitry. Found to be fully functional as cellular phones. Test 494-3 Materials: Right hand: One (1) white laboratory rat Left hand: One (1) 1974 penny Result: Right hand: One (1) copper statuette of a rat Left hand: One (1) small, disk-shaped organism with white fur. Though lacking sensory organs or any observed lungs or digestive system, organism is entirely viable and responds to external stimuli such as light and pain. Test 494-4 Materials: Right hand: One (1) vial containing live streptococcus bacteria Left hand: One (1) white laboratory rat Result: Right hand: One (1) vial containing animal cells with DNA of rat Left hand: No observable difference aside from a slight change in the hue of the animal's fur. However, after further observation, the resulting animal proved to be capable of asexual reproduction; it proceeded to give birth to seventy-seven young within an hour, without any indication of stopping. Resulting offspring grew rapidly, maturing within a half-hour. Mature offspring in turn produced their own offspring. All animals were subsequently incinerated. Estimations of rate of reproduction suggest over one hundred thousand (100,000) young would have been produced within a day. Note: All tests involving the effects of SCP-494 on live microorganisms are now strictly prohibited. Addendum 494-1: Suggestions for testing the effects of SCP-494 on SCP-500 in conjunction with other materials are currently pending approval. Β« SCP-493 | SCP-494 | SCP-495 Β»" nan
[ 8.07275996e-02 -1.64220467e-01 -7.60384351e-02 1.25160158e-01 -1.38548255e-01 -3.57401818e-01 3.12986940e-01 2.35629231e-01 -2.15956792e-01 1.20460711e-01 9.61366519e-02 2.46472940e-01 -4.08800505e-02 4.79926288e-01 -5.88406287e-02 1.84423462e-01 -1.22144893e-01 1.61150426e-01 -3.84693593e-01 -3.37569952e-01 4.08696122e-02 -4.17118639e-01 -2.26854533e-01 7.12566450e-02 1.69982746e-01 4.75268774e-02 2.63141215e-01 1.60058022e-01 -2.10211918e-01 -2.74142474e-01 1.16993055e-01 3.01499128e-01 -2.92519301e-01 2.58266956e-01 -1.15848568e-04 -4.21509482e-02 2.98514962e-01 -1.10082589e-02 -3.09629172e-01 7.03759119e-02 -2.96256512e-01 -2.18234405e-01 -4.03296240e-02 -1.25898749e-01 5.38360886e-02 -2.85079986e-01 -1.45066530e-01 4.40932363e-02 3.05213928e-01 1.71361566e-01 1.43580079e-01 5.59628367e-01 2.39839330e-01 -2.97357701e-02 1.06050074e-01 3.59472930e-02 -1.10676669e-01 -4.68577296e-02 6.76568925e-01 1.48646101e-01 7.47303963e-02 2.77502201e-02 -1.15021668e-01 -1.44745493e-02 2.81830043e-01 -4.19208646e-01 5.10494947e-01 -1.65470004e-01 7.95363709e-02 5.67826092e-01 3.50654274e-01 -3.03219054e-02 -1.58471599e-01 -1.58845901e-01 3.02806124e-02 3.32769603e-01 -6.57864213e-02 7.99300745e-02 -2.12297067e-01 -1.48618683e-01 -4.37321514e-01 2.78284043e-01 -1.02098167e-01 1.41393259e-01 -4.68237996e-02 9.30311531e-02 -1.35061935e-01 -2.85661109e-02 1.00646615e-01 -3.38361233e-01 5.51900268e-02 -2.37814546e-01 3.55051160e-01 -1.62394166e-01 2.61287749e-01 -5.46773113e-02 2.04878598e-01 1.63768798e-01 4.23397906e-02 3.55721712e-01 1.32687628e-01 2.70899802e-01 -3.28140199e-01 1.10666983e-01 -5.46289096e-03 -8.62561762e-02 1.35276809e-01 -3.88985544e-01 -4.82791692e-01 2.74489373e-01 9.35181528e-02 2.98599333e-01 -7.43350834e-02 -7.83220157e-02 -4.27122623e-01 -7.15814456e-02 3.28954101e-01 -3.08395058e-01 -4.30708289e-01 1.91886157e-01 -4.42716628e-01 1.02943495e-01 1.66652441e-01 2.93802232e-01 -1.02107041e-01 4.71114725e-01 2.01118737e-01 9.33343917e-02 -1.96296364e-01 -2.14492172e-01 -2.37338185e-01 1.16844721e-01 -3.19353133e-01 -2.08731353e-01 -8.12495574e-02 2.49735802e-01 -1.79952994e-01 -2.60045752e-03 2.84448236e-01 2.04948589e-01 2.03016609e-01 -3.40562426e-02 5.94376802e-01 3.84084702e-01 -3.87651592e-01 -1.67339802e-01 -2.59798057e-02 -6.44351467e-02 -9.90615264e-02 -3.62173095e-02 1.03428900e-01 3.58065546e-01 -1.89304247e-01 2.30833307e-01 -7.83016756e-02 1.64331779e-01 4.59631607e-02 -2.04383750e-02 -3.20027381e-01 -2.38489613e-01 3.43966603e-01 -2.63352662e-01 -2.80635580e-02 -1.05043545e-01 -1.58006698e-02 3.27929467e-01 -4.30622458e-01 -3.70332241e-01 -3.43472697e-02 1.32384181e-01 3.90788972e-01 -2.54118890e-01 -2.95075119e-01 2.17607394e-02 2.39780620e-02 9.12994742e-02 -4.25389856e-01 -1.06718145e-01 -2.56461114e-01 -2.47763902e-01 -2.87582189e-01 3.35533977e-01 1.46097064e-01 -2.85336137e-01 7.25566894e-02 -3.15113753e-01 -3.03960860e-01 -1.23661436e-01 2.11743325e-01 -1.52256593e-01 -1.69274300e-01 -5.42337120e-01 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2.23774090e-01 -1.48149505e-01 4.35959250e-01 1.93115950e-01 -2.01273054e-01 3.62118840e-01 1.12038642e-01 -9.60788652e-02 -4.05056000e-01 1.14361592e-01 9.06476155e-02 3.68524641e-01 2.46397033e-01 6.58032373e-02 -1.07655212e-01 6.84819520e-02 -2.26111606e-01 -1.89547896e-01 -8.16395059e-02 -3.43701951e-02 2.34483227e-01 -3.72689217e-02 6.92933984e-03 -5.83105534e-02 -5.50872125e-02 -1.57158859e-02 -5.69561869e-02 -3.44087273e-01 1.71900630e-01 -1.95868537e-01 2.80407637e-01 -1.70937851e-01 2.12627187e-01 1.61722377e-01 -2.15934023e-01 -9.09848437e-02 9.07411948e-02 -1.28480032e-01 -7.41199628e-02 -2.19687298e-01 5.57106793e-01 -8.07183385e-02 2.36288354e-01 -5.48553288e-01 3.28177363e-01 -1.16247110e-01 1.11429252e-01 9.93297249e-02 5.49348891e-01 4.02147323e-01 1.80222958e-01 1.55149728e-01 -1.96455702e-01 -3.86631846e-01 1.29252926e-01 5.41985407e-02 -1.20086402e-01 1.85483750e-02 -1.01301245e-01 2.29140595e-01 -1.06285900e-01 7.27687553e-02 -4.87162650e-01 -4.03341621e-01 2.35972360e-01 -9.54840407e-02 -1.78767592e-01 -2.93578506e-02 -8.15545544e-02 -3.15166265e-01 7.71277584e-03 5.01815081e-01 -1.20507432e-02 6.31437451e-02 2.55741864e-01 2.26942554e-01 3.37964982e-01 9.13537070e-02 9.77951214e-02 -1.97375804e-01 -5.71643531e-01 -1.41003415e-01 5.71773946e-02 -1.33581549e-01 -4.15231258e-01 -1.08213775e-01 -7.23262429e-02 2.57243842e-01 -5.06909983e-03 -2.95318574e-01 -3.79420161e-01 2.09958822e-01 -9.68471810e-04 4.19931561e-02 5.10101855e-01 -1.89065132e-02 -3.29293758e-01 -3.25463563e-01 -1.53350264e-01 1.14871100e-01 3.00496668e-01 -7.56478682e-02 -1.86145410e-01 -1.02046594e-01 1.22701973e-01 -9.24563482e-02 -9.53517035e-02 -4.87492800e-01 -2.08743289e-02 2.88134605e-01 2.54387528e-01 3.78450096e-01 -2.99120396e-01 2.90653944e-01 4.35425118e-02 -5.21931238e-02 1.07094254e-02 -5.18312931e-01 -1.82596594e-02 1.40242398e-01 9.86085385e-02 -5.16707599e-01 6.66253567e-02 -8.31277147e-02 1.74418807e-01 -4.69748564e-02 -1.66539222e-01 -1.10144407e-01 -1.10634200e-01 -5.00279898e-03 -2.00415850e-01 8.08556303e-02 -2.99095333e-01 1.27414927e-01 -6.08486712e-01 8.93129483e-02 1.58589482e-02 1.77651882e-01 1.70359299e-01 3.69954169e-01 -1.63751855e-01 -7.09337667e-02 1.03670657e-01 -2.65307426e-01 1.10746108e-01 1.38522938e-01 5.92066407e-01 4.53479528e-01 -7.97244236e-02 5.38924299e-02 -1.02893636e-01 -3.55754226e-01 1.39862120e-01 1.82164297e-01 -1.82671875e-01 -2.65629917e-01 -4.46169227e-01 7.27109239e-02 1.01990476e-01 4.67679789e-03 5.17680526e-01 3.53173800e-02 -5.67567766e-01 -6.15584664e-02 2.77987897e-01 -4.83657084e-02 9.59631205e-02 -4.07891572e-01 6.43263385e-02 -2.89078474e-01 -1.82247479e-02 3.70222360e-01 1.45494714e-01 -2.76569486e-01 1.58624902e-01 -2.60912180e-02 4.93414968e-01 1.05745994e-01 6.68706357e-01 3.20745796e-01 1.06643237e-01 -4.45587095e-03 -1.57326341e-01 -2.10447714e-01 -2.05062419e-01 5.38249433e-01 6.54635429e-02 1.40364721e-01 -2.20360234e-02 3.30010265e-01 -2.51657307e-01 1.71696782e-01 2.00820193e-01 3.40393297e-02 -1.72553182e-01 -2.91162357e-02 1.04233637e-01 -3.36402267e-01 -1.73939094e-01 -2.05195054e-01 2.64295906e-01 -2.38733158e-01 -2.74280667e-01 3.27477187e-01 1.14742076e+00 -1.12052500e-01 -5.83027229e-02 4.65891249e-02 -2.38608867e-01 -1.46179184e-01 -1.42168820e-01 -2.62102813e-01 8.88211504e-02 -8.51517469e-02 -4.47150320e-02 -4.05393392e-01 2.63987213e-01 2.98769951e-01 -4.06366676e-01 -1.97949618e-01 -3.71439248e-01 -4.15311635e-01 3.36710215e-01 2.00534642e-01 3.39704067e-01 5.22469096e-02 1.88499615e-01 2.36114442e-01 -1.28511386e-02 1.96960136e-01 1.36003017e-01 -3.17440331e-01 -2.31171146e-01 8.84749591e-02 -2.86455780e-01 2.51118571e-01 -4.30558801e-01 2.10666060e-01 2.16341704e-01 2.10689068e-01 3.17898631e-01 -2.06687257e-01 -8.48171785e-02 -4.34466340e-02 -1.74124286e-01 -8.44590180e-03 -1.29651636e-01 8.35460946e-02 2.43846819e-01 -2.93973535e-01 6.10828161e-01 8.25581104e-02 1.17097795e-02 4.27083492e-01 -1.54428240e-02 2.12488207e-03 -1.97084874e-01 4.03991759e-01 2.68841255e-02 -2.03260422e-01 -4.16456256e-03 3.47010583e-01 -2.75031835e-01 -5.36410287e-02 1.09705754e-01 2.39983320e-01 -8.67417827e-02 4.96327847e-01 2.35237494e-01 -2.62526184e-01 -3.58233824e-02 3.05661589e-01 -1.12380065e-01 2.26243153e-01 4.31211013e-03 -3.96314524e-02 -1.47097826e-01 -3.78376633e-01 7.75530338e-02 1.97825953e-01 -4.91477221e-01 2.70898998e-01 -3.00729960e-01 -2.36604184e-01 -5.55888489e-02 2.90348738e-01 -6.61948472e-02 -1.18990407e-04 -2.03349516e-01 -2.91179061e-01 1.97937444e-01 -1.68038368e-01 7.99331516e-02 1.80854917e-01 3.99821401e-02 7.47100413e-01 1.67927936e-01 -9.87731293e-02 -3.57886970e-01 3.57248783e-01 -4.20636266e-01 -2.10904274e-02 1.90096527e-01 -3.59914690e-01 4.63160351e-02 -4.03607100e-01 1.21667618e-02 -2.95742024e-02 -5.37077226e-02 -1.88825727e-01 -2.85640478e-01 9.91100073e-02 1.16371982e-01 -4.25722867e-01 -6.74358979e-02 2.29881629e-02 3.87362510e-01 1.18899629e-01 2.42960416e-02 2.14727655e-01 2.68787533e-01 1.57616764e-01 1.18625805e-01 2.30253011e-01 -8.96412656e-02 3.21383744e-01 1.54812574e-01 1.16489463e-01 6.59530808e-04 1.02370381e-02 -6.79446757e-02 -3.12262271e-02 7.31433332e-02 5.12950242e-01 -2.28989981e-02 1.93922445e-02 8.03459138e-02 -1.92151353e-01 2.32419401e-01 2.99308777e-01 -1.46722615e-01 2.76288480e-01 -3.31389934e-01 6.94448128e-02 1.12056151e-01 2.46340036e-01 -6.06529452e-02 -3.14174533e-01 -1.82173252e-01 6.39988333e-02 7.51188472e-02 9.55322608e-02 -1.30333945e-01 -1.58892319e-01 -8.97314623e-02 6.21214919e-02 -4.03950989e-01 2.84176201e-01 4.59438488e-02 9.91237685e-02 -9.85479634e-03 -1.00792743e-01 -1.82398241e-02 1.61640704e-01 9.88283306e-02 -4.62621450e-02 5.19730628e-01 6.46278858e-01 6.08958714e-02 2.60766745e-01 9.96069238e-03 -2.56316841e-01 -1.80236027e-01 4.91086483e-01 -9.66035668e-03 2.37885594e-01 -1.66794389e-01 4.76143062e-02 -7.89396651e-03 -3.16148221e-01 -2.50273179e-02 9.55059230e-02 2.77540907e-02 -7.02446774e-02 2.66794592e-01 -1.60880938e-01 -3.30787838e-01 -2.81991418e-02 -3.30734290e-02 9.67137218e-02 8.72868747e-02 -1.58415034e-01 5.37250675e-02 1.06066413e-01 -2.70382822e-01 -7.33383559e-03 1.15221083e-01 -2.82483548e-01 -1.81925431e-01 4.69020575e-01 -1.82396114e-01 -1.32033646e-01 2.20883161e-01 3.85373801e-01 1.10808328e-01 -1.99478790e-01 -1.49012074e-01 9.22501981e-02 -1.16122693e-01 -4.27469105e-01 2.17102896e-02 6.57533109e-02 -1.64508477e-01 4.41899300e-02 2.35405043e-01 -2.30085924e-01 -1.97465897e-01 1.56421989e-01 4.33188956e-03 -3.33335221e-01 1.05300188e-01 -6.30266592e-03 -1.14837833e-01 -1.80978224e-01 5.79027124e-02 -1.14113070e-01 7.80648440e-02 2.26760462e-01 -3.94963063e-02 2.68545687e-01 -8.65292270e-04 9.57860053e-02 -8.62902999e-02 5.30864060e-01 -2.35891789e-02 1.19113876e-02 -1.90354306e-02 -5.94085827e-03 -5.72672002e-02 -4.40631174e-02 -1.64114192e-01 -1.64926827e-01 1.17109172e-01 4.79541987e-01 2.40981430e-01 1.97434705e-02 6.95161968e-02 -2.55045056e-01 2.50659317e-01 -8.20066854e-02 -3.38309705e-02 2.90301889e-01 4.12932575e-01 9.22410116e-02 2.78265446e-01 -3.29541773e-01 2.57331401e-01 1.74602926e-01 2.57175088e-01 -2.26810083e-01 1.85576737e-01 -1.63335830e-01 1.74368724e-01 5.55290952e-02 -5.85631952e-02 5.55101991e-01 -1.32913828e-01 -2.62882292e-01 1.23071089e-01 3.31366032e-01 4.26025651e-02 2.86853671e-01 -2.72805452e-01 1.84897602e-01 1.71536922e-01 7.45688915e-01 6.68705404e-02 5.84703572e-02 8.89657438e-02 2.59815961e-01 -4.51242983e-01 3.57614607e-01 -1.34086058e-01 1.47136360e-01 3.45196165e-02 3.37043464e-01 -1.35651320e-01 -1.25729278e-01 -1.77944571e-01 -3.08888078e-01 4.08213764e-01 -1.65432140e-01 -6.92448542e-02 -1.99126884e-01 -4.49665263e-02 -2.64919519e-01 -1.68059766e-01 -3.04781467e-01 7.72247240e-02 1.21056579e-01 -2.02656593e-02 -1.79785267e-01 -5.13712391e-02 -9.61572081e-02 -2.34494507e-01 -7.42582381e-02 2.21865848e-01 1.17601529e-01 -3.52304406e-03 1.30024269e-01 1.11783981e-01]
"Thingmaker" active "Item #: SCP-495 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-495 is to be kept in a locked room, plugged into a standard, active 120-volt power outlet when not in use. A life-sized mold of a clam, oyster, or other species of sessile bivalve1 is to be stored within SCP-495; the mold is to contain no more than 100 (one hundred) grams of wax. In the event of a power failure, at least one Level 1 security personnel must enter the storage room and monitor the item for activity until power is restored. Researchers wishing to use SCP-495 must submit a written description of the planned experiment to Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Due to the results of Experiment SCP-495-β–ˆβ–ˆ, all molds and materials must be approved by at least one Level 3 or higher personnel before use with SCP-495. At least one personnel with experience treating venomous bites and stings must be available on standby while SCP-495 is in use. Description: SCP-495 appears to be the oven from a 1992 ToyMax "Creepy Crawlers" playset, save that the "Creepy Crawlers" logo sticker has been replaced with the logo from a 1964 Mattel "Thingmaker" hot-plate (a toy of virtually identical function to the more recent ToyMax version, discontinued by Mattel in the 1970's due to insufficient safety features). While SCP-495 is plugged into a standard 120-volt power outlet, it functions as a normal "Creepy Crawlers" oven. When not plugged into a power outlet, SCP-495 displays the following anomalous behavior: Addendum: Just because they're made of plastic doesn't mean they're safe. Where the venom comes from, I don't know, but Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is now in the infirmary after being bitten by a tiny purple asp. Please treat the products of SCP-495 as you would any venomous animal. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Β« SCP-494 | SCP-495 | SCP-496 Β»" nan
[ 7.94909149e-02 -4.56596643e-01 -1.53219908e-01 1.08618781e-01 -9.90395062e-03 -1.10041879e-01 1.82747021e-01 4.11743298e-02 2.25729436e-01 1.69111207e-01 1.06695749e-01 1.95201516e-01 -3.43382835e-01 1.89384446e-01 1.45141467e-01 3.83745492e-01 1.86880752e-01 3.49556386e-01 1.82049815e-02 -2.41449289e-02 -1.94788799e-01 -1.80409610e-01 -6.01396486e-02 4.68703270e-01 -6.31994009e-02 -1.44639432e-01 3.63948852e-01 6.30690381e-02 1.60130128e-01 -3.36159945e-01 2.94536948e-01 1.94747597e-02 -3.55043449e-02 3.27445805e-01 -1.12699119e-04 1.80581108e-01 2.04202116e-01 1.68293193e-01 -3.45015526e-01 1.92135990e-01 -2.85899609e-01 -7.80971721e-02 3.10255419e-02 -9.28368419e-02 2.39332169e-01 1.99084561e-02 1.59213156e-01 -1.24313151e-02 3.10211957e-01 2.41744116e-01 1.63222641e-01 6.00523502e-02 7.35670254e-02 2.56716847e-01 4.83134121e-01 2.95325667e-01 -3.87729853e-01 -3.62281770e-01 4.64777291e-01 3.39442998e-01 4.19382930e-01 8.95042997e-03 -4.48684692e-02 1.17310204e-01 2.33395144e-01 -1.09086506e-01 8.11042309e-01 -3.48284751e-01 2.59199232e-01 2.53912449e-01 1.41219739e-02 -1.20991422e-02 3.07434406e-02 -4.68314998e-02 -2.12053433e-01 3.25040407e-02 1.20522976e-01 3.03236246e-01 -1.06031343e-01 -1.03932448e-01 6.12874813e-02 2.51219332e-01 -1.79538861e-01 -1.10636480e-01 1.52231857e-01 4.12731379e-01 -1.96975783e-01 1.06997654e-01 -1.01046957e-01 -2.63048679e-01 8.85013142e-04 -2.58817583e-01 -8.23980048e-02 -2.43612994e-02 2.00159028e-02 9.96069983e-03 6.82530701e-02 2.52054989e-01 3.17719668e-01 1.38052523e-01 -8.44381005e-02 1.96410343e-03 -9.52790305e-02 2.45598331e-01 3.16245824e-01 -2.14713007e-01 -9.98228230e-03 -2.54094303e-01 -3.94028157e-01 5.91155708e-01 -8.63233358e-02 1.56228319e-01 -4.00669873e-02 1.63875028e-01 2.60937303e-01 -1.41282916e-01 5.55756271e-01 -2.93200672e-01 -4.04307902e-01 3.52396190e-01 -5.32556236e-01 2.09132228e-02 9.45261028e-03 4.14371073e-01 1.42633229e-01 2.87430346e-01 -2.45310236e-02 -2.29052216e-01 -1.71221390e-01 2.04889551e-01 -1.97016701e-01 9.90960449e-02 -3.43182743e-01 -9.28580835e-02 -4.22453322e-02 -2.02981964e-01 -1.16150379e-01 -1.07950836e-01 5.33502288e-02 -3.49833770e-03 1.54629230e-01 -1.37559548e-01 4.71854419e-01 4.24074441e-01 -2.15189785e-01 1.92018285e-01 2.37353072e-02 -9.09815282e-02 -1.13764971e-01 2.06501618e-01 1.70287684e-01 -7.12985843e-02 -1.48761524e-02 1.58978000e-01 -2.71314085e-01 1.79369807e-01 5.28032362e-01 -3.01041692e-01 4.32977751e-02 -6.33215606e-01 -3.65906470e-02 -8.14894363e-02 -1.90337166e-01 1.80457078e-03 1.03399321e-01 5.92361689e-01 -4.01205271e-01 -1.26946494e-01 -7.96851739e-02 -1.05756707e-01 -8.55855793e-02 4.20344733e-02 -2.17994615e-01 2.15843946e-01 -2.82936096e-01 -4.01567400e-01 -4.59378570e-01 1.06291823e-01 -2.47550711e-01 -2.37583384e-01 -2.31571108e-01 3.10437828e-01 2.33429953e-01 -1.50305420e-01 -5.29816806e-01 -5.73081896e-02 -3.03238690e-01 -1.22940086e-01 2.65731156e-01 9.78886709e-02 -2.73795247e-01 -4.45031077e-01 7.11847544e-01 -2.75745481e-01 2.98805740e-02 3.02305967e-01 -5.59454449e-02 2.64866859e-01 1.55282110e-01 2.06141174e-01 -1.08065791e-01 -9.12284032e-02 5.30053318e-01 -6.61117509e-02 7.57934749e-02 -2.99706936e-01 -4.45550978e-02 -1.55398399e-01 3.23419794e-02 3.42473745e-01 -2.63390034e-01 9.35811177e-02 -3.05970669e-01 3.36721152e-01 -2.50648141e-01 -5.06991565e-01 2.83075213e-01 3.84520054e-01 4.47584800e-02 -4.91560623e-02 -1.91911440e-02 4.89294380e-02 7.17816412e-01 8.07713997e-03 -4.36955750e-01 9.16641280e-02 -2.05209106e-01 -1.56261548e-01 -2.52956092e-01 1.02553867e-01 3.03924501e-01 1.71262413e-01 -1.54968321e-01 -1.27234533e-01 -2.09194943e-01 2.55005267e-02 -4.66497689e-02 4.62984115e-01 -7.87666589e-02 1.80812091e-01 1.27159357e-01 8.71410593e-02 5.03544927e-01 1.63453922e-01 -3.80162269e-01 5.51821291e-02 -2.82142740e-02 4.36938345e-01 5.10567660e-03 4.73400503e-02 -1.30735457e-01 -1.05089135e-01 4.08241972e-02 -8.40551872e-03 1.11560561e-01 4.48452532e-01 2.25953981e-01 4.39531766e-02 2.70329535e-01 2.69092739e-01 -7.67625496e-02 -1.01787455e-01 3.79352868e-01 -2.84290671e-01 -2.54198760e-01 -2.82737881e-01 2.50840932e-01 4.00078058e-01 1.26914114e-01 -2.72377534e-03 -3.73712927e-01 -2.59605020e-01 -1.46892801e-01 -3.26803438e-02 -8.41095448e-02 2.43942529e-01 2.28574593e-02 1.13207269e-02 2.13989094e-01 4.43339385e-02 -2.58531660e-01 -1.90384611e-01 -2.23612651e-01 -4.40464318e-02 -3.46631587e-01 4.66200888e-01 -3.49658504e-02 4.73494470e-01 -3.07517618e-01 4.55528319e-01 3.42191458e-02 -2.86492437e-01 -8.53612460e-03 -4.29045828e-03 -2.17587978e-01 -4.29954529e-02 -2.48012066e-01 5.25820434e-01 -5.88812726e-03 1.06919510e-02 -2.90451020e-01 1.74868405e-01 -2.92623401e-01 9.87550318e-02 -2.88740844e-01 5.12833059e-01 2.51153737e-01 1.64189279e-01 1.61215365e-01 1.01869786e-02 -2.51608819e-01 2.55263597e-01 1.62666276e-01 7.90330097e-02 9.13986936e-02 -1.41851947e-01 1.44347906e-01 -3.93637627e-01 2.41709545e-01 -4.55965668e-01 1.69923738e-01 2.53893018e-01 -1.38421068e-02 -2.67812937e-01 -2.04580665e-01 -2.68795155e-02 -2.33217981e-02 -1.07084922e-01 1.63464516e-01 2.91242063e-01 7.24293385e-03 5.47203235e-02 2.21169844e-01 9.19259191e-02 1.68960169e-02 8.82825553e-02 -3.12910080e-01 -4.94096339e-01 1.01175174e-01 -1.17603205e-01 -3.45349200e-02 -2.68581629e-01 -2.83654541e-01 -1.82757124e-01 2.57103164e-02 -3.07288736e-01 -9.70209464e-02 -2.19030336e-01 -3.72452319e-01 2.53809571e-01 1.07935719e-01 3.09864461e-01 2.42680162e-01 -1.49520174e-01 -2.99064457e-01 -5.16453147e-01 1.57694563e-01 -1.14881583e-01 1.35963470e-01 -1.97886646e-01 4.50269459e-03 2.66484529e-01 2.43539810e-01 -4.94078666e-01 -3.47400337e-01 1.72925666e-01 8.50927457e-02 3.81137252e-01 2.95963138e-01 -2.39922434e-01 1.87732145e-01 2.68108040e-01 -6.47507131e-01 1.24486811e-01 -1.33593529e-01 1.70893133e-01 1.07338816e-01 1.60987750e-01 -1.84429541e-01 -3.70686501e-01 -1.52144320e-02 1.78243846e-01 -1.45707326e-03 -4.83466461e-02 -1.50595512e-02 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6.05701804e-01 -3.29323485e-02 1.43881261e-01 -2.37617627e-01 2.17922583e-01 -7.99386576e-02 -3.13262820e-01 -4.01564419e-01 6.41735420e-02 -1.75636411e-01 5.27788997e-01 3.93874139e-01 1.00272942e+00 2.74388254e-01 -8.69682000e-04 1.52547255e-01 -2.65648991e-01 2.15914980e-01 -3.28963816e-01 -2.76279926e-01 -2.44864166e-01 1.49567664e-01 1.35490075e-01 -3.45880568e-01 8.92209932e-02 2.32179299e-01 -4.04575706e-01 -9.14230049e-02 -6.47287548e-01 -3.96333992e-01 2.52024531e-01 1.45044610e-01 1.81687884e-02 -1.22831956e-01 2.67618895e-01 2.11571336e-01 -2.26992257e-02 5.05874097e-01 -5.57104573e-02 -1.11000188e-01 1.32849351e-01 -1.03272162e-01 -4.88918036e-01 1.44413814e-01 -1.80508256e-01 1.14806257e-01 1.10540450e-01 -4.17724289e-02 1.89585060e-01 -3.28333199e-01 -1.56976461e-01 1.51407301e-01 -1.90981269e-01 2.93494046e-01 2.46626794e-01 -1.08766735e-01 -1.79410338e-01 -7.87884444e-02 3.64034325e-01 1.40863687e-01 -1.02723256e-01 3.81408483e-02 7.99847469e-02 1.19465947e-01 1.17570557e-01 1.52366519e-01 1.15490727e-01 -5.61922431e-01 2.25255694e-02 1.50635198e-01 -7.75651336e-02 -1.10052504e-01 1.30448267e-01 3.53623688e-01 -1.80118233e-01 1.26767159e-01 1.43740833e-01 -5.19825146e-02 -3.49737741e-02 -5.86235970e-02 5.83404228e-02 -3.57821770e-02 3.03675443e-01 -1.97008308e-02 -8.39240942e-03 -3.82856220e-01 1.54196754e-01 -5.25542386e-02 -4.51475292e-01 1.40020430e-01 -1.17579192e-01 -5.43712139e-01 -1.02979034e-01 1.06073199e-02 -1.29849017e-01 -3.16932350e-02 -4.08409417e-01 -3.74100477e-01 2.52202481e-01 1.40299499e-01 3.82572636e-02 3.76432061e-01 -2.27058996e-02 2.44753748e-01 1.64263949e-01 6.26524612e-02 -3.50779623e-01 1.74643397e-01 -2.49299809e-01 -4.42544706e-02 5.16970605e-02 -1.49752185e-01 1.69973914e-02 -2.84610122e-01 6.61985725e-02 1.10429995e-01 -3.10866058e-01 -2.06408143e-01 -1.43934399e-01 1.72422618e-01 2.40411353e-03 -1.33308515e-01 -4.24224734e-01 1.55808195e-01 3.67195576e-01 1.97152253e-02 -4.21155654e-02 -3.20507102e-02 3.09026968e-02 1.28727958e-01 2.02137642e-02 1.94685325e-01 -1.74621463e-01 1.47839800e-01 -1.06798574e-01 7.76010379e-02 4.00380969e-01 1.32258520e-01 -3.78771365e-01 -5.42046912e-02 8.54742676e-02 1.90688178e-01 7.45719522e-02 5.47172606e-01 3.71646762e-01 -2.93639213e-01 -2.10685551e-01 4.69051227e-02 -2.19479650e-01 3.56363446e-01 -2.04307690e-01 -1.71958450e-02 -9.89963301e-03 2.49423161e-01 5.58398068e-02 -1.75629213e-01 -1.33632496e-03 -1.28773406e-01 4.08441164e-02 2.33842194e-01 -2.24422693e-01 -1.59560833e-02 2.06796564e-02 3.24528009e-01 2.77333427e-02 5.20172641e-02 1.78572923e-01 2.29355454e-01 -2.14032739e-01 6.03846833e-02 1.96423799e-01 -9.53709111e-02 2.95752734e-01 3.81313413e-01 4.20957208e-01 8.68698303e-03 4.13829446e-01 2.29902804e-01 4.71054703e-01 2.31022075e-01 9.90459099e-02 1.57357574e-01 -4.35964726e-02 1.54644817e-01 3.41918319e-02 5.94495274e-02 -3.97997290e-01 -8.63103047e-02 -3.70623261e-01 -8.53091478e-02 5.71929710e-03 1.25038233e-02 2.19072118e-01 -3.36603001e-02 -2.33391717e-01 -1.86675981e-01 3.80791090e-02 -2.73496211e-01 -8.06281343e-02 -1.52906463e-01 -4.66722064e-02 3.10603946e-01 -3.34481508e-01 3.41550589e-01 3.09526294e-01 -1.28296435e-01 -1.98027566e-01 3.32091659e-01 -3.23866248e-01 -8.08753148e-02 2.92477131e-01 5.36203265e-01 1.91437259e-01 -4.46512192e-01 1.25067547e-01 2.49892734e-02 -1.61107734e-01 -2.26473510e-01 -3.01989578e-02 -7.52593204e-02 1.58065945e-01 1.29269645e-01 1.96344912e-01 -2.79121667e-01 -2.26326376e-01 1.20224558e-01 2.80883193e-01 -1.74119875e-01 1.54088467e-01 -6.32138029e-02 -3.58850121e-01 3.05015109e-02 -2.45806172e-01 -1.12766303e-01 -1.28657728e-01 -4.30831611e-02 -6.68785200e-02 2.09441751e-01 -3.65347266e-01 7.15410188e-02 6.00190572e-02 4.33040798e-01 -5.35368361e-02 2.63969988e-01 -6.65539429e-02 3.34256083e-01 -2.87967592e-01 2.76029885e-01 -4.17736433e-02 -3.66385996e-01 2.28689477e-01 -5.98563626e-02 -6.95681497e-02 5.31866908e-01 -2.95506753e-02 1.30839929e-01 -2.88912177e-01 2.63323516e-01 -2.98640937e-01 5.30071333e-02 5.40770650e-01 -1.50183809e-03 1.53211355e-01 -1.82777688e-01 2.01148137e-01 -1.14902534e-01 1.51355281e-01 -6.84315041e-02 -3.75042826e-01 -1.33206055e-01 -1.92955025e-02 6.26067817e-01 3.79522145e-01 9.94489342e-02 -1.30881026e-01 -1.98730201e-01 -2.64709800e-01 3.09041180e-02 -7.00488267e-03 -1.89148150e-02 4.32021730e-02 2.92403400e-01 6.28442410e-03 1.57093957e-01 2.35321950e-02 1.50395818e-02 3.06918621e-02 3.13838929e-01 -7.53716156e-02 6.19599111e-02 8.59807420e-04 1.60522178e-01 2.11539809e-02 2.53755510e-01 3.46927755e-02 -2.28480801e-01 -2.28205144e-01 -1.15122482e-01 2.29264602e-01 -6.67683631e-02 -2.98286110e-01 -3.39653671e-01 2.98437059e-01 -1.36422113e-01 -3.89762104e-01 -3.53654891e-01 -1.35826260e-01 -1.01987585e-01 -1.74609385e-03 -2.64430016e-01 -3.07529181e-01 1.32162735e-01 -2.59338915e-01 -6.16367720e-02 2.86687732e-01 1.81298584e-01 -8.74839425e-02 -2.90344059e-02 -8.51301029e-02]
"A Sunken Contagion" active "Hey there! You should read some of the other stuff I made… or not! I'm not the boss of you, do whatever you want! More by Vivarium Item #: SCP-496 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: MTF Ξ³-6 ("Deep Feeders") are to assist MTF Ξ²-7 ("Maz Hatters") in monitoring and researching SCP-496. The current perimeter around SCP-496 is to be publicly designated as a Protected Marine Wildlife Reserve. All personnel located inside of the perimeter must wear waterproof protective gear that covers their entire person, and avoid any skin contact with water. Personnel studying SCP-496 are to focus their research on finding a way of slowing or halting the spread of SCP-496. Description: SCP-496 is a substance composed primarily of calcium carbonate1 that covers a 35 square kilometer area of the sea floor 84 kilometers off the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia. The substance has characteristics of a waterborne contagion that is capable of infecting an organism via contact with the skin. Once SCP-496 has infected an organic substance, it will begin the process of converting all organic matter of the subject into SCP-496. Signs and symptoms of an SCP-496 infection include: Once the SCP-496 infection reaches the brain, the victim may suffer from: Once the SCP-496 infection has spread throughout the entire body, the following symptoms will occur:6 Addendum 496-1: SCP-496 was discovered by a Foundation research vessel while investigating reports of an abandoned fishing liner drifting in the middle of the ocean. Inspection of the fish hold of the ship revealed a large mass of SCP-496 which formed due to infected fish being stored in close proximity. The ship was boarded by a local Foundation research vessel. Attempts to locate the missing crew failed, however an individual infected by SCP-496 was found inside of a locked room in the cargo hold of the ship. The state of the room showed signs of an aggressive struggle. Addendum 496-2: Due to a lack of understanding of the contagious properties of SCP-496, Agent Viva became exposed to SCP-496 while inspecting the infected individual. The moment Foundation personnel became aware of the contagion, the subject was quarantined in a standard containment cell located on the research vessel. Agent Viva agreed to cooperate while under quarantine, and a portion of the video log from their observation has been added to this file. Video Log Agent Viva is locked inside of a containment room located in the storage hold of the ship. A camera has been placed in the room so Dr. Wilson may observe the infection as it advances. At the time of this segment, approximately 50% of the subjects body has been converted into SCP-496. [[Begin Log]] Dr. Wilson: Agent, are you still able to communicate? Agent Viva: Yes… it's hard though β€” The subject begins look around the room, causing flakes of SCP-496 to fall off of their neck. Agent Viva: I β€” I'm seeing things. This isn't real. Dr. Wilson: Agent, what are you seeing? The subject is silent for 12 seconds. Dr. Wilson: Agent Vivβ€” Agent Viva: A β€” a city made of stone… It's β€” It's under water. It's full of people, but they aren't drowning… they look happy. There is a temple decorated in… so many different shades of coral. Dr. Wilson: Can you see the room you are in? Agent Viva: Yes, but I can see the people too… the people going into the temple, and… praying. They look beautiful with the coral adorned on their face. The subject walks to the door of her cell, and attempts to escape. Agent Viva: We should go back… It's better down there. Please let me out. Dr. Wilson: Agent Viva, please try and focus on what you are seeing. Step away from theβ€” Agent Viva: The water made us, and it wants us back… The subject begins pounding on the door while pleading to be released. vocalization ended once Agent Viva's esophagus fully closed due to swelling. Agent Viva then expired due to suffocation. [[End Log]] Note: After the report of a contagion was received, MTF Ξ²-7 ("Maz Hatters"), and MTF Ξ³-6 ("Deep Feeders") were dispatched to begin investigating the sea bed for signs of SCP-496. Controlled testing of SCP-496 on D-Class personnel is authorized in order to study its effects. Addendum 496-3: Further investigations of the sea bed have revealed structures that resemble those described by Agent Viva buried underneath a 3 meter thick layer of SCP-4968. As of the writing of this document, 1,312 humanoids infected by SCP-496 have been discovered inside of these structures. The current perimeter of SCP-496, as of the writing of this addendum, spans a 35 kilometer area and is growing at a rate of 4.7 meters a year. Β« SCP-495 | SCP-496 | SCP-497 Β» Cite this page as: "SCP-496" by Dr_Adams, rewritten anonymously, rewritten again by Vivarium, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Infection.jpg Name: Antillian manatee /ManatΓ­ Antillano Author: USFWS/Southeast License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: LINK For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "An antillian manatee showing symptoms of an SCP-496 infection."
[ 2.59270638e-01 -6.62516057e-02 -1.12820335e-01 -7.07516223e-02 -9.86817330e-02 -3.94173324e-01 3.23700339e-01 1.04532562e-01 -3.17067914e-02 2.10603073e-01 -1.52497247e-01 2.78191835e-01 2.79082134e-02 2.31647104e-01 1.54569760e-01 1.74390733e-01 1.18099160e-01 1.37940124e-01 -7.16624036e-02 -7.73933753e-02 -1.24040492e-01 -8.96999985e-02 -1.01874582e-01 1.92123689e-02 5.87243866e-03 -6.96384162e-02 -2.87554506e-03 4.20974521e-03 -1.53865889e-01 -5.66730320e-01 2.91202009e-01 3.91002238e-01 2.86508381e-01 7.54058242e-01 -1.07462780e-04 6.91688061e-02 9.60534066e-02 6.09707739e-03 -1.54900268e-01 2.12171718e-01 -3.35942060e-01 9.62320939e-02 9.90065094e-03 -1.58092856e-01 1.42090976e-01 -5.88278398e-02 2.97819730e-02 -8.89673978e-02 4.64939415e-01 2.71854460e-01 1.86688349e-01 -8.28282349e-03 5.97414467e-03 7.83345327e-02 -2.57541835e-02 -1.75746426e-01 -1.38573870e-01 2.78059602e-01 1.71995685e-01 -3.24342139e-02 6.60971645e-03 1.91964775e-01 -3.54710460e-01 2.55813207e-02 1.80603400e-01 -3.32294554e-02 3.72065663e-01 -5.01766145e-01 1.81366101e-01 6.34388566e-01 1.71399519e-01 1.40532240e-01 -5.86624555e-02 1.21489011e-01 1.04332462e-01 -1.61447182e-01 1.16619311e-01 7.77577311e-02 1.13486294e-02 -6.25569075e-02 3.41818407e-02 4.24474895e-01 -2.77847022e-01 -6.01561405e-02 -3.11422616e-01 3.51649731e-01 -1.23034127e-01 -1.30616516e-01 5.54247089e-02 -1.69703513e-01 9.24956128e-02 -1.53235584e-01 -2.59040315e-02 1.84796229e-01 -4.30736616e-02 1.43100694e-01 3.20139170e-01 1.21538512e-01 4.53204513e-01 -3.21308225e-01 2.80384630e-01 -2.32770741e-02 -8.45401883e-02 3.51340920e-01 4.96018045e-02 -1.31416097e-01 -3.49987075e-02 5.70244081e-02 -1.23545855e-01 3.43394697e-01 -7.45250285e-02 8.79761428e-02 -1.23672068e-01 1.14619195e-01 -9.48371664e-02 4.00379449e-02 1.55377135e-01 -3.26370746e-01 -1.82401627e-01 7.79919997e-02 -5.83551943e-01 1.64757799e-02 -9.24117044e-02 3.79223943e-01 2.40465000e-01 4.87881362e-01 9.40269083e-02 -2.69852042e-01 2.13316575e-01 6.49477616e-02 -1.15991369e-01 1.44948391e-03 -3.31659526e-01 3.95782059e-03 -4.17894535e-02 -2.99258202e-01 -9.49771628e-02 -3.32755744e-01 4.31614339e-01 6.89369887e-02 -5.60406633e-02 -2.08054617e-01 4.81078982e-01 3.81781369e-01 -1.82680503e-01 -2.80646652e-01 -6.92727864e-02 4.90092151e-02 -2.12176159e-01 -2.59946659e-03 3.18672433e-02 1.63433075e-01 -3.76910180e-01 1.99858874e-01 9.42958444e-02 1.53493553e-01 1.45845130e-01 4.99766469e-02 -2.72389412e-01 -1.64187208e-01 4.24261950e-02 5.76521456e-03 -4.31329221e-01 -2.48815373e-01 2.48834357e-01 5.23466527e-01 -2.43021429e-01 -9.57744271e-02 -1.01099707e-01 6.13668300e-02 2.52236426e-01 -2.02202410e-01 -6.78668171e-02 3.84138465e-01 -7.42929056e-02 1.66721806e-01 -5.67696512e-01 -4.67672013e-02 -5.23922920e-01 -2.92161882e-01 -3.11761618e-01 2.91007161e-01 1.84826061e-01 -3.83521110e-01 -1.43714026e-01 3.63641903e-02 1.04275458e-01 1.50467321e-01 -9.81188752e-03 1.24837488e-01 -1.30932108e-01 -3.33219349e-01 4.44651812e-01 -1.28865555e-01 1.36891797e-01 -2.04921309e-02 1.63136557e-01 -2.38350928e-01 2.30108574e-01 4.57509654e-03 -7.52467960e-02 -1.18532322e-01 3.57466996e-01 9.39863324e-02 1.14058822e-01 3.89754176e-02 -5.10747433e-01 -5.65589704e-02 1.16148680e-01 4.88795549e-01 -1.17920218e-02 -2.71971315e-01 -2.50091970e-01 7.37289712e-02 -3.79280932e-02 -3.06917995e-01 3.29841435e-01 2.74721384e-01 -2.26559028e-01 -2.85458136e-02 -2.16624513e-01 3.63270015e-01 3.33962649e-01 4.56396565e-02 5.32217473e-02 2.72233129e-01 -4.01310444e-01 -1.42988890e-01 1.02315629e-02 1.55490413e-01 4.40296024e-01 9.41918790e-02 -2.98572779e-02 -2.51125675e-02 -6.62626743e-01 2.13260531e-01 2.13798881e-01 3.92070025e-01 9.82199982e-03 -4.30627614e-02 -7.72177354e-02 6.74717948e-02 3.53553772e-01 1.87550597e-02 -1.17277630e-01 2.49407366e-01 1.53125197e-01 2.65911609e-01 -7.66837597e-02 -7.18408031e-03 -1.48467943e-02 -2.79136628e-01 -1.20523997e-01 1.28418028e-01 1.29093662e-01 2.84092367e-01 -5.34073293e-01 1.18905064e-02 3.20982188e-01 1.89449906e-01 -2.52950460e-01 9.20941457e-02 2.82666653e-01 2.08870284e-02 5.16461395e-02 -1.26220971e-01 2.53462136e-01 2.38271505e-01 1.45624474e-01 6.27694800e-02 1.64855510e-01 -2.80637264e-01 1.81707978e-01 5.87309934e-02 -4.49784324e-02 -7.25518446e-04 2.05424473e-01 4.17793632e-01 2.72927970e-01 3.48823786e-01 -7.83607885e-02 -4.11275923e-01 -1.99854374e-01 -1.16786003e-01 -9.18136090e-02 3.21034461e-01 6.94817454e-02 1.16681801e-02 8.18012804e-02 -5.07692993e-02 8.83018151e-02 -3.35902333e-01 -2.54259378e-01 -2.23556787e-01 -1.85607269e-01 1.51295811e-02 -4.94025707e-01 4.66139346e-01 -6.95998520e-02 2.83512414e-01 -3.30987930e-01 2.72535849e-02 5.97704239e-02 1.55674294e-01 -4.22598988e-01 4.93036099e-02 2.74700135e-01 7.54528642e-02 -1.72880962e-02 2.66530991e-01 -5.13403475e-01 2.66868025e-01 -1.49171166e-02 -1.41995475e-01 5.90742640e-02 -1.93280727e-02 1.06414646e-01 -4.01789814e-01 -2.02080626e-02 -4.24573988e-01 -2.85389740e-02 -2.83542335e-01 -2.39389524e-01 1.31284490e-01 -6.49181828e-02 -3.04761916e-01 -7.80432299e-02 -2.33299360e-01 1.41147450e-01 -2.49158770e-01 8.78667682e-02 3.07487726e-01 2.05632159e-03 5.91822922e-01 -3.57713476e-02 1.05789676e-02 -1.36161104e-01 -1.74525276e-01 -1.28937483e-01 -1.68339629e-02 1.30435109e-01 -6.78795949e-02 -3.12229484e-01 1.91894799e-01 -4.97492142e-02 -3.88471127e-01 -8.17432255e-02 1.43799350e-01 3.21388006e-01 6.52207120e-04 -2.99739510e-01 2.76531994e-01 2.29714960e-01 -2.45199010e-01 -7.11862743e-02 -1.80750370e-01 -3.66678149e-01 3.37300003e-02 2.64047265e-01 -6.34147674e-02 9.69811454e-02 1.40553996e-01 -8.10151845e-02 -1.06886961e-01 1.24003895e-01 1.52540056e-03 3.00027281e-01 3.40241373e-01 2.59644687e-01 -4.51944560e-01 3.39868098e-01 -1.08094420e-02 -3.78756821e-01 3.08879912e-01 -8.14573839e-02 -2.17535123e-01 -1.32370591e-01 -4.26638782e-01 -2.16441095e-01 -2.72591442e-01 7.23126391e-03 7.51517773e-01 1.67895883e-01 -1.49935484e-01 -6.43804669e-01 -1.01330196e-02 -1.30990565e-01 -2.08665654e-01 2.53789961e-01 7.98783302e-02 6.86368495e-02 -3.49047005e-01 2.20581785e-01 -5.16751468e-01 1.86838493e-01 1.07885517e-01 1.28063798e-01 -3.57044458e-01 2.75253356e-01 8.14466625e-02 -3.58146399e-01 1.56595334e-02 9.32845697e-02 5.27451158e-01 4.41374362e-01 2.10969776e-01 1.40375480e-01 1.96316149e-02 -1.96468502e-01 3.81616727e-02 4.56915200e-01 -4.27398413e-01 -3.54589298e-02 -1.24148689e-02 4.30346459e-01 1.41976289e-02 1.53785020e-01 8.50902200e-02 -2.57068813e-01 -5.68164110e-01 -4.78738807e-02 9.79624316e-03 2.82371074e-01 4.85128574e-02 -6.54850667e-03 -1.99478507e-01 8.76623839e-02 9.07598212e-02 3.29495013e-01 1.90423235e-01 -1.90548569e-01 4.42728877e-01 -9.65689719e-02 7.49704659e-01 5.06307893e-02 3.65721762e-01 3.40027899e-01 -3.76296759e-01 -1.55440614e-01 -2.87596017e-01 -2.89096478e-02 3.33951354e-01 6.06750309e-01 -1.04984686e-01 1.37062324e-02 4.85572126e-03 1.44964382e-01 1.29113436e-01 1.75832242e-01 1.71497822e-01 1.41927257e-01 -3.52344313e-03 -7.84795433e-02 2.99956173e-01 -6.67067617e-02 -4.19082642e-01 1.09831356e-01 9.05693993e-02 -3.31038386e-01 7.63587430e-02 2.82692343e-01 1.17583537e+00 1.26484334e-01 7.31889457e-02 2.12360367e-01 2.84387749e-02 -1.40017331e-01 -2.18018740e-01 1.35945752e-01 4.64160442e-02 -2.32384294e-01 -3.98605205e-02 -1.37184095e-02 1.97294038e-02 2.55025208e-01 -6.21188402e-01 2.40421630e-02 -2.54999340e-01 3.31429206e-02 3.28103602e-01 9.35401209e-03 3.77741724e-01 -4.48322475e-01 -8.11710022e-03 2.65761584e-01 -1.04535930e-01 2.30732545e-01 -9.53128710e-02 -8.12467411e-02 1.29638433e-01 -1.71441600e-01 -1.72801375e-01 2.56276250e-01 -5.20602047e-01 -6.58923388e-02 1.02633238e-01 1.74829349e-01 3.90364192e-02 2.11664081e-01 -1.84509203e-01 -4.00629081e-02 -2.39601843e-02 5.42932525e-02 2.87800491e-01 -3.30800623e-01 -1.94745079e-01 -1.25588804e-01 2.69646227e-01 4.48514521e-02 -3.64773571e-01 2.90732414e-01 2.49327701e-02 -7.59471431e-02 1.05169959e-01 4.87389714e-01 6.48310125e-01 -3.08479071e-02 4.78185654e-01 2.04407573e-01 -1.07350804e-01 -8.01259428e-02 2.04865426e-01 7.28393048e-02 -3.47540796e-01 -1.05454050e-01 1.06520034e-01 -2.61144489e-01 -4.63860631e-02 2.00010240e-01 2.28866592e-01 4.03892584e-02 2.15382278e-01 1.96315825e-01 -1.32740393e-01 -3.67380917e-01 1.85581207e-01 -4.54154424e-02 1.49829507e-01 5.54304942e-02 -5.95770143e-02 -6.45764351e-01 -1.46798909e-01 4.17058885e-01 -8.10704678e-02 -1.80554584e-01 -2.03527048e-01 -4.70373273e-01 -1.28432289e-01 -7.92502314e-02 -1.48108751e-01 1.95753485e-01 9.03086886e-02 1.26747012e-01 1.07865155e-01 8.69433582e-02 -4.03426766e-01 -1.14799343e-01 -4.13224518e-01 3.36368277e-04 4.67209101e-01 -1.74670413e-01 5.18301487e-01 -1.11336537e-01 1.29255399e-01 3.49584103e-01 1.00707985e-01 -2.76761383e-01 -3.35377902e-01 1.46836579e-01 -6.54586777e-02 -1.28913879e-01 7.36830980e-02 5.86304292e-02 3.69110927e-02 -7.24059567e-02 1.53514490e-01 1.81262821e-01 3.73399854e-01 5.99614792e-02 -1.24315776e-01 5.07880189e-02 4.98648398e-02 2.56165504e-01 1.81522831e-01 2.34585151e-01 3.02263480e-02 7.20481351e-02 -3.57621074e-01 -4.43881713e-02 3.08096468e-01 6.89315125e-02 -1.61026523e-01 1.65056705e-01 2.90909350e-01 3.75527889e-03 -1.08325005e-01 2.17911839e-01 -2.19526887e-01 -5.08886687e-02 -4.01346177e-01 2.03784317e-01 -9.42859948e-02 2.32798770e-01 -1.30947441e-01 1.21863997e-02 3.71672818e-03 -1.40969917e-01 2.81958561e-02 2.44308114e-01 -3.72396529e-01 -2.14623973e-01 6.05873540e-02 1.26859739e-01 6.47935867e-02 1.67442009e-01 3.34054828e-01 -3.24979365e-01 -1.65612355e-01 8.46560374e-02 2.36738026e-01 4.29519862e-02 2.21156269e-01 6.60765767e-02 2.87819028e-01 6.35212511e-02 -9.57589224e-02 9.50663611e-02 2.48942420e-01 1.55481864e-02 -7.46687129e-02 6.08778238e-01 -2.06173956e-01 3.03994447e-01 -6.05026400e-03 6.99117482e-02 -5.25931418e-01 -1.13814577e-01 -1.58977285e-01 -1.58522934e-01 9.84674245e-02 -6.28200993e-02 5.44836596e-02 -2.09740791e-02 -2.06884757e-01 -1.68910593e-01 2.57237911e-01 2.27000400e-01 2.87300209e-03 1.43006161e-01 1.12302378e-01 7.70327961e-03 -3.07601869e-01 2.53222108e-01 4.09089893e-01 -3.30167890e-01 5.35566024e-02 3.24238658e-01 2.27371845e-02 -6.94068298e-02 2.43508860e-01 4.86429363e-01 7.67049119e-02 -5.64587228e-02 -6.23354502e-02 -6.16748296e-02 -1.72780231e-01 -1.14102222e-01 -5.56671657e-02 2.57176943e-02 6.79631159e-02 -8.55867099e-03 1.53046504e-01 -3.09429586e-01 -1.45512089e-01 2.30612859e-01 5.09426475e-01 1.82768121e-01 -1.81757763e-01 -1.40128955e-01 -5.76307401e-02 -2.39877954e-01 2.83967629e-02 -6.29882663e-02 9.06044319e-02 -4.29743761e-03 -3.99423867e-01 1.45868987e-01 -5.36121130e-02 1.00798033e-01 2.06388593e-01 5.13058126e-01 -3.10557187e-02 1.58491313e-01 -2.94617802e-01 -6.71567768e-02 -1.86559319e-01 9.21360627e-02 -3.11846733e-01 -3.54219705e-01 -3.23323198e-02 3.00582070e-02 -6.35425225e-02 3.52419674e-01 1.18273878e-02 -1.79588810e-01 7.38320574e-02 -4.04862851e-01 -3.26677680e-01 -1.52180508e-01 4.33276892e-01 5.65430485e-02 2.03748494e-01 -3.66071254e-01 5.50215952e-02 -1.77131578e-01 1.85875639e-01 3.57661881e-02 -4.03040022e-01 -9.59188417e-02 3.08697581e-01 2.17068240e-01 -4.28334065e-03 3.97595644e-01 -2.45095834e-01 -4.93295401e-01 5.99190630e-02 -1.08408056e-01 -4.36416529e-02 1.33547947e-01 1.16292639e-02 1.31608889e-01 -1.04382627e-01 2.01349884e-01 -2.93413531e-02 -2.26796744e-03 9.84526798e-02 -1.57958180e-01 -3.73963028e-01 1.70506760e-01 1.06968686e-01 1.39284045e-01 -1.27968088e-01 2.83493936e-01 -1.51804686e-01 -1.97363749e-01 -2.24373996e-01 -4.61371064e-01 6.49799824e-01 -4.45650667e-01 -1.91309735e-01 -1.93009958e-01 -2.14734245e-02 -1.55716464e-01 1.90650389e-01 -6.01060092e-01 3.56389135e-02 -2.36745607e-02 3.16487253e-01 -6.85432911e-01 -1.87783614e-01 -1.43195808e-01 -2.35671774e-01 -1.94959953e-01 1.73048422e-01 1.24333873e-01 -1.02178879e-01 -1.56527698e-01 3.92059237e-02]
"The Shell" active "Item #: SCP-497 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-497 is to be kept in a secure soundproofed room under continuous observation by standard security cameras. One guard and two medical personnel equipped with high-grade earplugs are to be posted at the door of the containment chamber at all times. Only cleared personnel are permitted to handle SCP-497. If SCP-497 materializes a body, medical personnel are to evaluate the subject's health and notify security. If still viable, the subject shall be escorted to a medical ward to be processed. Dead or terminal subjects are to be analyzed and then disposed of according to standard procedure. Description: SCP-497 appears to be an Eustrombus gigas conch seashell. Recordings have shown that SCP-497 continuously emits a very faint sound of voices screaming from within its shell. This sound dissipates a few inches away from the object. Periodically, SCP-497 will become active and its sound will increase greatly in magnitude for approximately one minute. Following this, an emaciated human subject materializes, holding SCP-497, and then collapses to the floor unconscious or dead. Instances of activity under normal conditions have been observed to occur at a minimum of two weeks apart, and a maximum of two years apart, with an average of four months. SCP-497 has materialized β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ subjects since containment began, detailed in Document β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. No subjects absorbed during experiments involving SCP-497 have been recovered. Subjects that hold SCP-497 near their ear and listen to it for more than β–ˆβ–ˆ seconds will appear to fall unconscious, and then disintegrate. This leaves SCP-497 to fall to the floor. During periods of high magnitude sound production, any subject that hears the sound will be absorbed, even if not in close proximity to the object. Experimentation has shown that the subject must actually listen to and hear SCP-497 in order to be absorbed. Subjects listening remotely or listening to recorded sound from SCP-497 are not affected. See Experiment 497-A for further details. It is possible to damage SCP-497, and samples have been extracted by using diamond drill bits. However, SCP-497's sound will increase in magnitude when damaged, and will materialize subjects at a greatly accelerated rate. The shell will quickly repair itself during this period as well. Attempts to continue damaging SCP-497 will cause its sound to increase exponentially. Determination of the composition of the samples has so far proved inconclusive. Extraction of further samples is advised against. See Experiment 497-B for details of early extraction attempts. Addendum: SCP-497 has produced subjects of various ages of both genders. Subjects have been comprised of a majority of people of Indian descent, with a small percentage of other races. Approximately eighty percent of recovered subjects have been dead. Of the remaining twenty percent, only three percent have survived more than two days after being released from SCP-497. Severe malnutrition and resulting complications have been the primary cause of death. SCP-497 was recovered in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's house in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, India, following an investigation into missing persons reports. The situation was brought to the attention of the Foundation after the discovery of many unsolved missing persons cases originating near the location, dating back hundreds of years. Agents β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ were called in to investigate the house and surrounding area. SCP-497 was discovered to hold supernatural qualities after Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ found it among a collection of shells and was absorbed into the object. "I should have kept a better watch over Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ on his first mission. But how inept do you have to be to hold a shell up to your ear when we are searching for SCP class objects?" –Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ during debriefing. Experiment 497-A: Subject: Human equipped with earplugs. Result: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed. Subject: Human equipped with headphones with loud music playing. Result: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed. Subject: Deaf human. Result: Subject holds shell up to ear, is not absorbed. Subject: Chimpanzee. Result: Subject is allowed to interact with the object. After approximately fifteen minutes, the subject holds the shell up to its ear and is absorbed. Experiment 497-B: Under direction of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, a Class-D personnel attempts to remove a sample of SCP-497 with a power drill. 0800: Class-D researcher equipped with high-grade earplugs enters the containment chamber and starts to drill. 0805: Standard drill bits prove ineffective and are replaced with diamond bits. 0810: Two (2) millimeters of depth reached with the drill. Observation room reports substantial increase in SCP-497's sound magnitude. 0811: A dead subject materializes in the chamber. Class-D is interrupted from drilling, and reports rapid repair of the shell. A decrease in sound magnitude to normal levels is recorded. 0820: The subject is removed from the test chamber. Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ authorizes continued drilling. 0825: Two (2) millimeters depth is reached again. An increase of SCP-497's sound magnitude is again reported. 0826: A new subject materializes and is removed from chamber. Class-D quickly resumes drilling. 0829: Four (4) millimeters of depth is achieved. SCP-497's sound magnitude level increases beyond the rating of the Class-D’s earplugs. Three subjects materialize within thirty (30) seconds of the volume increase. Both the Class-D and the drill are absorbed into SCP-497. The hole repairs quickly and a decrease in sound magnitude is recorded. Β« SCP-496 | SCP-497 | SCP-498 Β»" nan
[-1.39782444e-01 -5.05685329e-01 -9.86910686e-02 -3.17877345e-02 -7.94002116e-02 -3.53936434e-01 2.39246279e-01 -8.26921687e-02 -2.21501887e-01 2.34989882e-01 -7.48937204e-02 1.31923541e-01 -1.69967934e-01 1.10519066e-01 1.79550260e-01 2.26526126e-01 1.86240166e-01 2.55026340e-01 -1.50660604e-01 -3.49146008e-01 -2.18256474e-01 -1.01745829e-01 -3.82254124e-01 1.75827831e-01 2.73761988e-01 -1.45066725e-02 1.50641754e-01 1.50997236e-01 -2.17236340e-01 -2.64825404e-01 9.25024599e-02 9.33574364e-02 -6.98659420e-02 3.76989216e-01 -1.12399735e-04 -1.09888725e-01 2.61862844e-01 3.60646285e-02 -3.22534323e-01 2.53085166e-01 -4.26482499e-01 -1.87725842e-01 -1.97709948e-01 -1.56133235e-01 1.35170877e-01 -2.90367305e-01 -3.35858837e-02 -3.18491273e-02 5.42098522e-01 1.75753370e-01 1.41981050e-01 1.20069556e-01 1.13078035e-01 1.41854808e-01 3.31271708e-01 1.35342389e-01 -2.33561739e-01 -3.03932488e-01 2.56088287e-01 3.91040206e-01 1.85740098e-01 1.86812207e-02 -1.61876947e-01 -1.15828559e-01 -8.83849934e-02 -2.05139839e-03 4.75449294e-01 -1.33665383e-01 2.20777512e-01 2.91671783e-01 3.80843192e-01 2.08569080e-01 -1.64982658e-02 -2.72034239e-02 -1.34980902e-01 -4.29849863e-01 2.05938250e-01 2.70267427e-01 5.24062738e-02 5.49705923e-02 -1.10581249e-01 2.43185371e-01 -1.63409829e-01 -1.93593770e-01 -1.23030029e-01 2.60903835e-01 -2.85370708e-01 7.07719773e-02 2.86645532e-01 -1.03298903e-01 1.56306446e-01 1.10817015e-01 -5.21820523e-02 9.21604037e-02 -1.10674076e-01 -1.29292981e-04 6.80890605e-02 3.57428342e-01 2.09958598e-01 3.55035394e-01 6.18132278e-02 2.56974012e-01 -4.94259030e-01 2.54119009e-01 1.48435906e-01 -2.53744364e-01 2.28971243e-01 -1.96215138e-01 -1.92182913e-01 4.23196763e-01 -9.59816575e-02 3.10730994e-01 -8.64444971e-02 2.99599677e-01 2.57832557e-01 -1.02106616e-01 1.54919073e-01 -2.48549923e-01 -2.44325772e-01 4.16333675e-01 -5.83230495e-01 1.29570842e-01 1.01591967e-01 3.76462847e-01 5.20733476e-01 2.29777336e-01 1.32710740e-01 -2.37650529e-01 1.71416234e-02 -1.97512835e-01 -2.08192930e-01 -3.72207910e-02 -3.10984790e-01 -8.52403790e-02 -2.56461412e-01 1.36312515e-01 -1.22580417e-01 -2.69134846e-02 -9.93258506e-02 -4.35638763e-02 -7.00534806e-02 -6.23669885e-02 3.37053120e-01 3.95290494e-01 -3.49884272e-01 -1.30943745e-01 -1.21988364e-01 -1.02217771e-01 -1.14845105e-01 1.48454577e-01 5.21087587e-01 2.88629353e-01 -3.01296383e-01 1.81567639e-01 -2.18656525e-01 3.12047720e-01 2.63588727e-01 -6.47408562e-03 -3.98291647e-01 -4.74605471e-01 -1.23642804e-02 -1.48285657e-01 -5.97116351e-01 -3.14337760e-02 3.20926160e-01 1.99500903e-01 -2.88953722e-01 -2.55201787e-01 1.25381583e-02 -6.83623850e-02 4.45955873e-01 -5.53378277e-02 -3.41306925e-02 2.54388042e-02 -2.32215837e-01 -1.22071020e-01 -8.08243930e-01 2.63136551e-02 -4.56952035e-01 -4.77808714e-01 -1.34750411e-01 3.53458107e-01 3.17482263e-01 -2.59666443e-01 -2.17173651e-01 -6.19672537e-02 -4.50791381e-02 -2.01198474e-01 2.84264326e-01 -1.31327182e-01 -1.25526533e-01 -4.25635636e-01 3.52259874e-01 4.01614569e-02 -2.43930727e-01 8.20020027e-03 2.01509029e-01 2.35933289e-01 9.01975036e-02 1.09526962e-01 -9.43420306e-02 -8.63588080e-02 6.89931273e-01 -1.56945303e-01 -1.65904224e-01 -1.64191157e-01 -2.51177877e-01 -1.14721373e-01 6.00038469e-01 4.01489168e-01 -1.64807923e-02 -1.17261976e-01 2.15608422e-02 2.01605141e-01 -1.29209042e-01 -4.47324477e-02 2.24545792e-01 4.26775575e-01 2.30686873e-01 -1.53679430e-01 -1.22746378e-01 3.36826921e-01 9.95247737e-02 -1.50387874e-03 5.79857565e-02 -3.39877303e-03 -1.28190771e-01 -2.00560465e-01 -1.79564118e-01 1.68248340e-01 1.86508015e-01 3.79150659e-02 1.78638116e-01 1.42663062e-01 -1.41476184e-01 -1.29859746e-01 -2.95504592e-02 4.46931332e-01 -5.72123751e-02 1.35181338e-01 -5.65610491e-02 -1.60446972e-01 5.21495715e-02 6.04859665e-02 -1.95598602e-01 -1.26178339e-01 3.22744340e-01 7.38922581e-02 3.53742577e-02 -1.96456566e-01 5.16864695e-02 -2.67251641e-01 -1.12426616e-01 2.61667997e-01 1.06283143e-01 1.97316289e-01 5.10398448e-02 6.60720915e-02 -3.21982980e-01 8.02369416e-02 9.91065651e-02 -2.90354788e-01 3.31043541e-01 4.61036107e-03 -1.38171628e-01 -2.19310328e-01 2.01488703e-01 5.97292602e-01 1.28827259e-01 1.72979221e-01 9.38515291e-02 -1.98189646e-01 -1.35437638e-01 -3.17478068e-02 -1.50104426e-02 1.39077932e-01 1.05851702e-02 2.78213322e-01 1.66648582e-01 -1.05536215e-01 -1.94351256e-01 -2.66674787e-01 -2.08704725e-01 -3.92433107e-02 -1.92077026e-01 -9.68379006e-02 -2.10632995e-01 2.41547078e-01 4.10291255e-02 4.94588137e-01 3.72221768e-01 -3.89198447e-03 5.97281381e-03 7.84284994e-02 -5.04185595e-02 2.61882730e-02 -2.23403081e-01 6.59719467e-01 -1.41864911e-01 2.21353441e-01 -5.51988780e-01 2.60320544e-01 -7.68571049e-02 9.42506492e-02 -3.00791353e-01 -1.12838030e-01 1.25324428e-01 4.20365632e-02 7.83360302e-02 1.03821278e-01 -2.55998194e-01 3.55336577e-01 -1.33318961e-01 8.32173154e-02 -6.61659464e-02 -2.51736189e-03 -2.60900110e-01 -2.05907896e-01 1.65466070e-01 -5.43607771e-01 -8.96503925e-02 9.44447145e-02 -7.35521242e-02 -1.04287557e-01 -1.68447286e-01 1.12148501e-01 -2.00057805e-01 -2.21466959e-01 4.54289496e-01 8.53424966e-02 1.07805468e-01 4.11297411e-01 -7.28921220e-02 3.11053544e-01 -4.78655696e-02 2.10110232e-01 -1.22450329e-01 -4.92835075e-01 1.54820448e-02 2.45434925e-01 1.73462689e-01 -2.46709853e-01 -1.84259057e-01 6.32994324e-02 -2.89644524e-02 -1.73987910e-01 -2.74294615e-01 -1.43655136e-01 1.03909090e-01 -2.10827217e-01 -5.15006781e-02 2.92799413e-01 3.22169811e-01 -3.83562744e-01 -3.20302963e-01 -2.74412721e-01 1.96436912e-01 2.99871773e-01 9.99641195e-02 -1.95320353e-01 -1.99332714e-01 2.09344819e-01 4.49324399e-02 -3.56542459e-03 -2.60236472e-01 -1.64698854e-01 2.75832772e-01 2.27214441e-01 2.59784967e-01 7.82019868e-02 3.84308808e-02 1.45211399e-01 -6.29718304e-01 2.49517262e-01 1.03859855e-02 8.17490965e-02 5.54104261e-02 -1.28018826e-01 -4.90174711e-01 -1.59152418e-01 -3.12924236e-01 1.26597083e+00 1.61272183e-01 -3.23992431e-01 -3.41366798e-01 4.51832354e-01 6.88764974e-02 -4.32628915e-02 1.16724946e-01 1.11542128e-01 6.73460513e-02 -7.46132314e-01 -1.09854490e-01 2.77102608e-02 2.38937721e-01 -1.68980122e-01 2.92052865e-01 -2.79489785e-01 -3.93713564e-02 1.70103133e-01 -2.88948625e-01 -8.86865780e-02 3.97428498e-02 5.67548633e-01 2.95642197e-01 4.31969792e-01 2.68494248e-01 -1.29104614e-01 -4.87657219e-01 -1.73648894e-02 3.44344527e-01 -2.12666824e-01 -2.38680393e-01 1.33163810e-01 8.34894273e-03 3.33291173e-01 1.64392754e-01 2.38557190e-01 3.12506817e-02 -5.22881448e-01 -2.62725621e-01 3.01635444e-01 1.89974695e-01 -1.94047049e-01 -4.71541658e-02 -2.30587404e-02 4.32055175e-01 -5.17460555e-02 1.66228116e-01 6.70924932e-02 -8.28316063e-03 2.04658598e-01 1.13740578e-01 4.49040651e-01 1.35899976e-01 3.92171860e-01 4.86543506e-01 1.31135702e-01 6.55327505e-03 -4.52889390e-02 7.16942847e-02 1.13108516e-01 4.34768587e-01 4.16265652e-02 3.72537971e-03 -6.78934380e-02 2.72447020e-01 -7.30154067e-02 3.18034664e-02 2.03526646e-01 1.40998885e-01 2.56628096e-01 -1.24852419e-01 2.78950006e-01 -2.93989003e-01 -3.71793479e-01 -1.98721036e-01 3.64573330e-01 -2.32304960e-01 2.76830614e-01 5.23990020e-03 1.20138597e+00 4.75228466e-02 -1.36082798e-01 -3.32992785e-02 -9.65348817e-03 -6.26331121e-02 -3.86286467e-01 -6.55982364e-03 8.63450766e-02 -6.10786676e-02 1.21518254e-01 -2.24801689e-01 6.27445355e-02 1.24985605e-01 -5.61737776e-01 -1.16963394e-01 -4.37676638e-01 -3.91391844e-01 2.91870147e-01 1.76771015e-01 3.84703904e-01 -8.92570615e-02 2.44134098e-01 2.12986574e-01 -1.77353397e-01 1.10051416e-01 2.93972254e-01 2.01791182e-01 -4.20458950e-02 8.01723599e-02 -1.63982078e-01 3.37424338e-01 -2.83507615e-01 1.08407848e-01 5.90033047e-02 -4.52293307e-02 1.66321620e-01 -2.83570681e-02 -4.53086436e-01 1.61739558e-01 -3.82963791e-02 3.55693191e-01 5.23933470e-01 5.54588027e-02 3.26790735e-02 -2.76459754e-02 1.21879503e-01 2.30672136e-01 -4.05119173e-02 2.10346341e-01 -1.94999009e-01 3.26509066e-02 -7.70410001e-02 8.56416002e-02 3.26087445e-01 -1.50372535e-01 2.26841509e-01 1.71963409e-01 -2.60973632e-01 -2.07527652e-01 1.81010172e-01 6.74500316e-02 -2.60526747e-01 7.50866532e-02 -3.46598551e-02 -1.28107816e-01 4.46435921e-02 -7.27746859e-02 1.72793772e-02 3.33548099e-01 7.27566555e-02 1.18269389e-02 -6.82354122e-02 -3.94218951e-01 2.16624379e-01 -3.97351921e-01 4.66125794e-02 1.06579334e-01 -7.39433020e-02 -1.76248968e-01 -6.97297752e-02 2.28412330e-01 -5.13084084e-02 -4.37116593e-01 -4.39274907e-01 6.56767562e-03 2.48272955e-01 1.28180832e-01 -5.09221181e-02 2.76544362e-01 2.21903950e-01 2.93782055e-01 -1.32171139e-01 -6.48316741e-02 -3.91762853e-01 -1.36896402e-01 -3.36527437e-01 1.76926897e-05 3.75779748e-01 -3.05111051e-01 3.15605432e-01 -2.10927621e-01 1.96389228e-01 2.83251286e-01 -3.26575860e-02 -2.27748811e-01 -1.18442938e-01 1.39485121e-01 2.45834012e-02 -1.93599313e-01 -3.27014178e-01 5.82812801e-02 3.07922870e-01 4.71251793e-02 -7.10135773e-02 3.18876728e-02 3.14207911e-01 4.67693619e-02 -1.57630578e-01 2.91361451e-01 9.59193036e-02 3.11762653e-02 9.81173385e-03 1.98031832e-02 1.45258326e-02 5.99312931e-02 -4.94859442e-02 -1.60688594e-01 -3.18724513e-02 4.01093662e-01 -2.31796857e-02 2.88968205e-01 1.47823945e-01 2.73063425e-02 -8.04996938e-02 2.92305462e-03 1.05308712e-01 8.82440135e-02 -3.49877805e-01 -2.29985669e-01 -5.53890355e-02 2.97826141e-01 -2.95179058e-03 -9.62343663e-02 -2.44967952e-01 -1.09366141e-01 1.42759100e-01 2.80331850e-01 -2.09998593e-01 -3.65170568e-01 1.22348994e-01 -7.86008909e-02 2.07903594e-01 4.24613915e-02 9.99078304e-02 1.09160751e-01 7.87372068e-02 2.14792024e-02 9.94472504e-02 -1.48531958e-01 4.03237700e-01 6.07984006e-01 3.38923246e-01 -2.52171308e-01 4.90429044e-01 3.62594485e-01 1.26339838e-01 2.50499398e-01 -1.84776187e-02 2.86698312e-01 -1.60317674e-01 -1.99456289e-02 -1.95892408e-01 3.56382698e-01 -5.17852664e-01 1.90625831e-01 -2.00530097e-01 -1.10126883e-01 6.79658353e-02 -1.69040695e-01 6.72204569e-02 -1.27488106e-01 -1.82437778e-01 -1.23634666e-01 1.27180129e-01 9.17137340e-02 -3.72602552e-01 -8.35429505e-02 3.07221413e-01 3.68788362e-01 -6.30751669e-01 2.05316842e-01 1.64805532e-01 -3.47776264e-01 1.37414366e-01 6.32537425e-01 -1.16735496e-01 1.60587639e-01 -2.40606591e-02 3.78164828e-01 5.58507117e-03 -2.35454738e-01 9.03075561e-02 -1.06905527e-01 -1.50471181e-01 -2.72926658e-01 7.47497380e-02 1.80109754e-01 6.28377125e-02 1.94779128e-01 2.10039690e-01 -3.33052218e-01 -4.53635275e-01 2.50983059e-01 1.41337961e-01 -7.77432248e-02 -1.19299859e-01 -3.98787796e-01 -1.36755049e-01 -6.33356199e-02 -2.23805308e-01 -9.94542837e-02 6.30079731e-02 7.81374285e-04 -7.24462718e-02 1.15063742e-01 3.85664962e-02 7.54398182e-02 -1.39893055e-01 3.01488172e-02 -8.82587954e-02 1.05975531e-01 1.90375313e-01 -1.07728809e-01 -9.21371728e-02 -4.76437202e-03 -1.09437391e-01 -6.92190289e-01 -8.71265829e-02 1.95137337e-01 1.02677211e-01 4.04475838e-01 -1.57492250e-01 -1.68109208e-01 -2.25838229e-01 -7.05730543e-02 -1.65152088e-01 2.22787619e-01 5.85847914e-01 2.50061974e-03 5.39972773e-03 -3.02854478e-01 7.68542141e-02 -8.56698751e-02 1.29027709e-01 6.08335510e-02 -2.01652780e-01 -2.59668469e-01 1.60887569e-01 4.16269600e-01 6.97339848e-02 4.63516951e-01 -1.52294740e-01 -3.58049721e-01 2.45780155e-01 -6.03055693e-02 -1.17997505e-01 -9.46579725e-02 -1.09884456e-01 5.43227613e-01 3.52027081e-02 5.33571243e-01 1.37134865e-01 -1.62349969e-01 2.88155302e-02 1.86093211e-01 -2.79010773e-01 5.18751815e-02 -1.66701615e-01 3.99460606e-02 -2.58199517e-02 1.27731428e-01 1.10203095e-01 -1.85768411e-01 -3.70888531e-01 -3.44999909e-01 3.74038965e-01 -1.85542554e-01 -1.66040272e-01 1.94016341e-02 4.33620997e-02 -2.05844436e-02 -1.51279435e-01 -4.34389502e-01 -1.56015664e-01 1.75929852e-02 1.71481147e-01 -3.17767143e-01 -6.56991228e-02 -8.81508216e-02 -4.74366963e-01 -5.74119426e-02 7.88026601e-02 1.43021613e-01 -3.51395488e-01 1.48506882e-02 1.12674117e-01]
"11 Minute Snooze" active "Item #: SCP-498 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-498 is to be contained within a sound-proof bunker beneath Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, with a minimum of two attending Foundation Security Officers, properly equipped with noise-canceling headphones in addition to standard-issue equipment. The bunker is to be sound-proofed to noise-cancel a minimum of 95% of outgoing sound waves. A fully automated mechanical arm is to be used to reset SCP-498. Secondary Containment Procedure: In the event of failure, two D-Class personnel are to be locked inside with an appropriate amount of rations. They are to be informed fully of its effects and to alternate shifts sleeping and resetting SCP-498 until the failure is repaired. Security footage sans audio of the chamber is to be monitored at all times. Following Incident I498-B, in the event of failure an on-site Foundation Security Officer is to be sent in to manually reset until such a time automated safety procedures can be reinstated. Description: SCP-498 appears to be a Koway Brand RT-800 electronic alarm clock with yellow LED display, set to the U.S. Central Time Zone. When heard by a subject, the alarm has been seen to induce a state of increased alertness until reset. This effect prevents restful sleep in SCP-498's vicinity, although micro-naps are possible. Other than the "snooze" button and the display, none of the other functions on the device appear operational. Notably, the device continues to display time and require resetting even while not connected to a power source. Attempts to dismantle SCP-498 have not been successful in preventing it from activating, nor have they determined how it operates without an obvious power source. Every 11 minutes, the clock's alarm goes off, gradually increasing in volume. Testing reveals that the starting alarm plays at 30 dB, increasing 4 dB every 10 seconds the snooze button is not depressed. There has been no evidence that this process will ever stop; the loudest recorded level exceeded β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ dB before reset was achieved. The sound waves produced have been seen to damage nearby structures, cause internal bleeding, and are theorized to potentially cause seismic activity. Addendum 498-A: Containment Protocol updated. See Incident Report I498-B. Incident Report I498-B: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ, Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, Containment Bunker β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Due to a malfunction in the automated mechanical arm, Secondary Containment Procedures were activated. Two D-Class personnel were utilized until a replacement arm could be manufactured and deployed. D-4112 and D-4113 were in day 3 of their containment procedure, and post-incident psycho analysis indicate severe sleep deprivation and stress due to prolonged exposure to SCP-498. The two D-Class were observed conversing during this time, although lip-reading proved to be ineffective in determining the nature of the conversation. At 10:45:06 pm, D-4113 was observed depressing the snooze button on the device. 10:56:39 pm, D-4112 begins to become noticeably and increasingly agitated, gesturing toward SCP-498 and D-4113. 10:57:04 pm, D-4113 is seen becoming more and more aggressive. D-4112 appears to be attempting to reason with him. 10:57:50 pm, D-4112 attempts to reach for the device. D-4113 pushes D-4112 away. At this time, the attending Security Officers noticed the situation via closed-circuit camera. 10:58:23 pm, SCP-498 has still not been reset. Attending Security Officers decide to intervene. 10:58:45 pm, D-4112 and D-4113 are seen shouting at one another, with the latter standing over SCP-498. Security Officer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Wilson enters the bunker without noise-canceling headphones, a violation of Containment Protocol. 10:58:53 pm, Officer Wilson appears to be arguing with the two D-Class, presumably ordering them to reset the device. 10:59:08 pm, D-4112 again attempts to reach SCP-498, at which point he is struck by D-4113 and incapacitated. 10:59:12 pm, Officer Wilson draws his baton and engages D-4113. Note: D-4113 was convicted of murdering his CO and several fellow soldiers during a tour of duty in Iraq. 10:59:24 pm, D-4113 wrestles the baton from Officer Wilson, subsequently subduing him. Second Security Officer β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Thomas enters at this point, equipped with headphones and his side arm. 10:59:29 pm, Officer Thomas draws his side arm and fires twice, missing both times before D-4113 closes the distance between them. A scuffle ensues. 10:59:46 pm, Officer Thomas' headphones are knocked away. Both personnel are exhibiting severe pain at this point, presumably due to SCP-498. Camera footage vibrating due to acoustic stress. 11:00:02 pm, Officer Thomas manages to put distance between himself and D-4113 and fire his sidearm. D-4113 is terminated. Officer Thomas stumbles from the bunker, sealing SCP-498 and the occupants inside. Despite ruptured eardrums, he managed to activate the Containment Breach Emergency Switch before passing out. 11:01:56 pm, camera fails due to acoustic stress. 11:25:58 pm, due to an unrelated simultaneous breach at Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, containment teams arrived nearly 25 minutes after the alarm was activated. Upon arriving at the scene, it was discovered that D-4112 had at some point crawled himself to SCP-498 and activated the snooze reset. He was found repeatedly depressing the button, despite suffering from burst eardrums and internal bleeding. After Action Report New containment protocol initiated. Both Security Officers β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Wilson and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Thomas were diagnosed with eardrum rupture, resulting in deafness. Officer Wilson treated for severe internal bleeding. Both re-assigned. D-4112 was treated for severe internal bleeding, commended for preventing a potentially catastrophic containment breach, and successfully terminated at the end of the month. Β« SCP-497 | SCP-498 | SCP-499 Β»" nan
[ 2.06087157e-02 -2.26979554e-01 -8.92427117e-02 -8.56902450e-02 -3.37966494e-02 -1.82504281e-01 5.78863740e-01 -2.20860243e-01 -3.03454578e-01 1.07638044e-02 1.38984814e-01 2.44537875e-01 -4.07676458e-01 3.26602608e-01 -9.87851545e-02 3.67342383e-01 -1.00227021e-01 2.75910586e-01 4.68896866e-01 -3.58766690e-03 -2.16365047e-02 -2.48165458e-01 -3.23999107e-01 1.55508056e-01 -4.67847697e-02 9.07564256e-03 1.35420889e-01 -1.43921569e-01 -1.11859620e-01 -2.79037625e-01 2.82721311e-01 2.97136843e-01 -1.58017278e-01 5.05428493e-01 -1.05988896e-04 -2.48095676e-01 2.92695850e-01 1.74756661e-01 -3.17974240e-01 2.04177842e-01 -5.94826400e-01 -7.40042701e-02 3.89919616e-03 -1.79350585e-01 1.74377546e-01 -1.22574322e-01 -9.26481187e-02 3.08270812e-01 3.59291285e-01 2.71593869e-01 1.78300917e-01 1.94495201e-01 -1.27433717e-01 1.34246066e-01 -8.62388015e-02 6.22712374e-02 -1.26382828e-01 -1.60767093e-01 1.57610029e-01 1.14293419e-01 1.85627028e-01 -8.82863849e-02 -6.03827164e-02 -7.10118711e-02 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7.26650059e-02 -2.20399708e-01 -2.69208163e-01 -3.76494937e-02 1.32249400e-01 2.06293166e-01 -3.86741199e-02 -1.81364149e-01 1.42405601e-02 5.13121247e-01 -1.36332974e-01 1.32386550e-01 3.71595353e-01 -1.92554250e-01 -7.50948936e-02 2.67141551e-01 -8.45300555e-02 2.54219532e-01 1.14538856e-01 2.06588909e-01 -1.13235444e-01 -3.05763543e-01 2.83556402e-01 3.59672308e-01 -7.02950507e-02 -6.75138906e-02 -1.43055273e-02 2.72427738e-01 -5.23018658e-01 3.78632426e-01 1.58502743e-01 -3.05402726e-01 -3.18914086e-01 2.05120012e-01 1.06685152e-02 -1.20337084e-01 -2.89349079e-01 -5.33471256e-02 1.26493335e-01 1.15001835e-01 -9.41539481e-02 -1.22120775e-01 -5.55682063e-01 -1.48620442e-01 8.61192867e-02 2.65046239e-01 -2.33014315e-01 1.08069032e-01 -4.18023765e-01 5.51731847e-02 9.73699912e-02 -2.58190155e-01 3.74018282e-01 -2.74374485e-01 -2.99867123e-01 1.76436335e-01 1.01576559e-01 -2.69992977e-01 6.91384748e-02 -1.66900024e-01 -6.60501197e-02 -1.88263860e-02 -1.32567473e-02 -2.79243171e-01 -5.75297810e-02 -2.86244936e-02 -3.19877505e-01 3.27092469e-01 6.15232646e-01 -3.83445024e-02 5.64488210e-03 -1.12748519e-01 5.24133854e-02 -3.96374762e-01 2.08476320e-01 3.50217633e-02 -9.55721438e-02 -4.58571494e-01 4.07830834e-01 5.53689539e-01 -1.73140809e-01 4.84750271e-02 -2.88628023e-02 -2.32868508e-01 5.93607314e-02 5.20831048e-01 1.69537235e-02 2.75735725e-02 -1.25851080e-01 4.01540324e-02 9.04540252e-03 6.58825517e-01 1.17773242e-01 -1.41378731e-01 -2.54781008e-01 3.25125039e-01 -4.76752281e-01 1.04385935e-01 -2.76149094e-01 4.51774895e-01 6.46601082e-04 1.67260081e-01 1.33052975e-01 3.51804029e-03 -1.38101801e-01 -1.35099664e-01 2.78910100e-01 -1.18910171e-01 -1.88912913e-01 -7.54290000e-02 -2.06335094e-02 -1.25111770e-02 -9.05751213e-02 1.15316622e-02 -4.25935760e-02 -1.66955903e-01 -5.48489057e-02 -4.18494463e-01 -6.61365539e-02 -1.95102200e-01 -1.56486198e-01 -3.81014980e-02 8.61935169e-02 6.92454502e-02 -4.09197919e-02 -5.14948010e-01 1.04842521e-01]
"Old Sun Man" active "Item #: SCP-499 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-499 is to be contained within a circular containment unit, measuring 60 meters in diameter, with a shallow trench measuring 110cm around the perimeter to contain SCP-499-2. The chamber is not to be entered during daylight hours except in cases of extreme emergency. If the chamber must be entered, personnel are to wear a Grade C Heat Hazard Suit and appropriate eye protection. Food, water, and medication are to be supplied in appropriate amounts (as according to Document 499-CE) during nighttime hours. All loose items in the chamber are to be removed before sunrise. Under no circumstances is SCP-499’s daytime behavior to be interrupted. Description: SCP-499 is a human male of indeterminate race standing 1.75 meters tall and of at least eighty years of age. There is heavy burn scarring present on the subject’s body, primarily on the face, hands, arms and chest. SCP-499’s eyes are severely damaged by light over-exposure, and its respiratory system by smoke inhalation rendering it effectively blind and mute. SCP-499 will remain passive to any direct interaction. As appropriate for its age, SCP-499 displays typical physical effects of aging, including a weak heart, poor eyesight, and moderate to severe arthritis. In addition, X-ray analysis has shown no less than twenty-one healed bone breaks and hairline fractures, most located in the ribs and left leg. Of note is SCP-499’s abnormal resistance to heat: it is capable of resisting temperatures above boiling point for hours. SCP-499-2 is a metallic sphere measuring 1.1 meters in diameter, consisting primarily of nickel-iron alloy. The surface is engraved with abstract designs across the entirety of its surface. The item is incredibly dense, and weighs approximately 5900 kg. Despite this weight, SCP-499-2 may be moved by human beings, though with severe difficulty. At sunrise, local time, SCP-499-2 will begin to emit light of approximately 100,000 lumens and heat of approximately 120 Β°C. SCP-499 will then begin to push SCP-499-2 in a wide circle, with SCP-499-2’s position relative to the diameter of the circle when aligned to geographic north correlating with the relative angle of the sun above the horizon in the local time zone. At sunset, local time, SCP-499-2 will return to its inactive metallic state. Each complete circle will take approximately 48 hours. Addendum-01: At 2:33 P.M., β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/20β–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-499 collapsed for unknown reasons. The medical staff on hand managed to resuscitate the subject after twenty-eight minutes, at which point SCP-499 continued its circuit. During the twenty-eight minutes of inactivity, the sun was seen to remain at the same angle respective to the horizon without change. When SCP-499 resumed usual behavior, the sun returned to its appropriate position and movement. Appropriate cover-up measures in the affected area were taken immediately afterwards. Addendum-02: β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/2012: A message written by SCP-499 using its feces was discovered by staff cleaning the containment chamber. As best as can be determined, the message was as follows: Where is my son? Where are the others? Where [illegible]. Β« SCP-498 | SCP-499 | SCP-500 Β»" nan
[ 2.50150442e-01 -1.73470780e-01 -9.47804376e-02 4.92849834e-02 1.03373244e-01 -2.27259770e-01 3.37483585e-01 1.58315063e-01 5.77901788e-02 3.78292911e-02 1.33596495e-01 2.66599000e-01 -3.58712338e-02 -1.01966769e-01 4.62960690e-01 -1.18655346e-01 -5.45726195e-02 2.70856380e-01 -9.60210891e-05 -1.49778202e-01 -3.48206796e-02 -2.12353826e-01 -2.78771706e-02 1.48659945e-01 -5.66016585e-02 -7.87103400e-02 1.28095672e-01 1.54423594e-01 -3.15331854e-02 -3.58600050e-01 -2.53959429e-02 2.60280997e-01 6.36891574e-02 6.81892931e-01 -1.10082787e-04 -2.22548306e-01 9.42002535e-02 2.54600108e-01 -9.62376669e-02 2.94054687e-01 -9.90233496e-02 -3.50945354e-01 -9.40417573e-02 -3.87402266e-01 1.44483251e-02 -1.49763420e-01 -7.15312883e-02 3.24409485e-01 5.28683245e-01 4.70326021e-02 1.74558878e-01 2.74058521e-01 3.81550610e-01 -4.53434885e-02 -1.44559756e-01 -4.03468451e-03 -2.29025692e-01 -3.67031217e-01 -1.93191692e-02 3.73232722e-01 -4.52673919e-02 -3.98167558e-02 -2.14082643e-01 -5.59349582e-02 5.22019982e-01 -3.06231529e-01 -1.42373174e-01 2.47214362e-01 1.22317687e-01 3.98966074e-01 1.68450102e-01 7.59337991e-02 1.15210429e-01 2.03804329e-01 -1.89909279e-01 -6.01748601e-02 1.64907351e-01 2.15547845e-01 -1.85275853e-01 -2.20974863e-01 -1.85166836e-01 2.94372980e-02 -3.71966422e-01 -8.13683197e-02 -2.04031408e-01 2.97720641e-01 -1.12272143e-01 4.15588431e-02 4.29397106e-01 -9.48732346e-02 1.79896370e-01 -9.38288644e-02 3.45878184e-01 -1.07874162e-02 1.37012377e-01 -2.03520983e-01 6.66298419e-02 9.78848040e-02 -2.69917380e-02 -3.06728017e-02 5.42584181e-01 2.67652959e-01 -1.47282809e-01 6.37371615e-02 -1.03017166e-01 -1.23254724e-01 2.26279467e-01 -3.17681938e-01 -2.83898145e-01 4.28773016e-01 -3.13883834e-02 8.84707868e-02 -1.99258268e-01 6.85745031e-02 2.03451961e-01 1.61350712e-01 -9.83551294e-02 -2.84345280e-02 4.37269397e-02 3.02245408e-01 -3.32807511e-01 1.10524237e-01 2.49118552e-01 1.65814549e-01 1.92967966e-01 1.19759440e-01 1.07512444e-01 -2.04152718e-01 -8.20752140e-03 -8.14196765e-02 -1.85650274e-01 3.51187021e-01 -2.83327520e-01 -2.04812899e-01 -2.17293818e-02 -5.92753431e-03 -2.54845113e-01 -9.17241424e-02 9.64703113e-02 1.45983607e-01 -2.81338226e-02 -7.78177530e-02 6.76851332e-01 1.79288000e-01 -4.01274741e-01 -2.00817674e-01 -8.64716619e-02 -3.14419232e-02 -2.07490176e-01 3.12391873e-02 3.66693139e-01 6.38988391e-02 -5.74825928e-02 2.04172328e-01 -1.85226426e-01 8.74042735e-02 4.37486678e-01 -1.28420025e-01 -1.62031770e-01 -4.28754479e-01 3.02109420e-01 1.40873760e-01 -5.56887865e-01 -2.46378630e-01 6.73977509e-02 2.93639123e-01 -3.06553185e-01 -7.39259496e-02 -1.37457877e-01 2.33967811e-01 -1.19884804e-01 -4.56545278e-02 -8.91376883e-02 1.46811038e-01 -3.10130090e-01 -1.74722642e-01 -7.74883986e-01 3.21191490e-01 -4.65543687e-01 -1.74064800e-01 -1.56420276e-01 1.18409060e-01 3.04884106e-01 -5.82333654e-02 -5.03249288e-01 -3.07399154e-01 -1.94551423e-01 8.97881091e-02 2.25175053e-01 -1.28392950e-01 -1.84320994e-02 -3.86310726e-01 3.67721170e-01 -2.36714572e-01 3.15508872e-01 1.69924311e-02 2.62961477e-01 3.15162361e-01 2.74776425e-02 2.21830919e-01 -3.74521405e-01 8.78567770e-02 -1.92710087e-02 -2.77689189e-01 -2.88017727e-02 1.72615439e-01 -1.00398272e-01 1.18945159e-01 3.01855803e-01 2.26810068e-01 -1.78418651e-01 -5.38314544e-02 -6.64609894e-02 9.29521024e-02 3.16960998e-02 -1.83394969e-01 2.88406521e-01 7.39707053e-02 9.05651897e-02 -4.21001703e-01 1.34251760e-02 2.39878953e-01 3.93204540e-01 -1.14616208e-01 -1.86763301e-01 1.56720206e-01 -1.63470939e-01 -4.75785173e-02 -8.25163797e-02 1.35214701e-01 4.85951126e-01 2.18153223e-02 5.75349480e-03 -1.04693994e-01 -6.88334525e-01 2.23278806e-01 2.68315654e-02 4.58090693e-01 8.83881077e-02 -2.35612661e-01 2.00878367e-01 2.34721854e-01 3.81920904e-01 -1.69605091e-01 -4.43404466e-01 1.69859186e-01 -2.60815416e-02 1.01704270e-01 -3.58668119e-02 -1.21915579e-01 -2.98667282e-01 -2.63818711e-01 1.62656337e-01 1.32770970e-01 2.04245523e-01 6.84031904e-01 -2.08275989e-01 1.79397300e-01 1.28964409e-01 1.78550541e-01 -3.78631085e-01 -1.13704443e-01 2.84575403e-01 1.09033491e-02 3.50337684e-01 -9.47288200e-02 3.12514246e-01 4.32872213e-03 3.40671279e-02 2.22001091e-01 7.97792077e-02 4.17066999e-02 1.43631250e-01 -1.99249059e-01 -3.38779509e-01 4.76753488e-02 -9.24500227e-02 1.61479622e-01 1.47208676e-01 2.98255324e-01 -1.95843011e-01 6.07084930e-02 -3.17611955e-02 -9.73698795e-02 -1.27200902e-01 1.97675839e-01 -1.67393878e-01 -1.85258128e-02 4.63426560e-02 6.48464024e-01 -4.36863303e-03 1.45064339e-01 -1.01905599e-01 1.74367100e-01 7.08563179e-02 6.06640242e-03 -7.66676664e-02 4.14563566e-01 -3.24506983e-02 1.27788976e-01 -4.62262988e-01 1.39689431e-01 2.02975303e-01 1.38869211e-01 -1.22113213e-01 2.74096191e-01 5.40319920e-01 5.73269874e-02 2.90695608e-01 -2.06274629e-01 -4.98334348e-01 1.94174945e-01 1.12613570e-02 -2.75002927e-01 1.29855931e-01 -2.48296354e-02 -3.15013140e-01 -1.85133722e-02 8.88653845e-02 -9.03784990e-01 -1.22519031e-01 3.77468392e-02 -1.00127861e-01 3.05163600e-02 6.92849606e-02 3.43806773e-01 2.60183841e-01 -1.83099121e-01 1.70222655e-01 3.94778959e-02 3.30449909e-01 2.16842085e-01 2.13315398e-01 8.23368430e-02 3.87850910e-01 -1.24960989e-01 -2.03733265e-01 -3.92815381e-01 6.67117089e-02 1.29558817e-01 -7.06012826e-03 -3.49096775e-01 -3.18545192e-01 5.04633226e-02 1.77472699e-02 -1.92299977e-01 -3.28436792e-01 -3.16162199e-01 2.10436821e-01 -1.43217608e-01 -1.89297482e-01 5.00881195e-01 -3.51069868e-02 -3.31481278e-01 -2.64695227e-01 -2.70123392e-01 2.09014192e-01 1.44188404e-01 1.10613488e-01 1.12517916e-01 -1.61252663e-01 3.25049371e-01 8.34696442e-02 -4.12740678e-01 -2.88557887e-01 9.24530327e-02 4.22408998e-01 3.87563437e-01 3.37637126e-01 -3.88846129e-01 3.78545284e-01 2.26517215e-01 -2.63920963e-01 3.18264985e-03 -2.30628811e-02 2.04858437e-01 -3.16222571e-02 -4.35261160e-01 -2.64407843e-01 -2.02156678e-01 8.46306887e-03 8.54417562e-01 1.42488303e-02 -2.85131395e-01 -1.81683794e-01 4.04861197e-02 -8.47747922e-02 -1.82815660e-02 2.99354136e-01 -9.54129100e-02 2.03322396e-01 -6.34126365e-01 -9.72926617e-02 -1.82080880e-01 1.76925540e-01 5.24074435e-02 -3.62259522e-02 -1.92955554e-01 2.56605089e-01 1.83510482e-01 -3.16316992e-01 -7.52745196e-02 1.65062770e-01 6.08025789e-01 2.86694407e-01 2.36468576e-02 8.15637708e-02 1.35067776e-01 7.78917130e-03 1.76995441e-01 -2.17696920e-01 -3.45865130e-01 -1.81178734e-01 -2.19339982e-01 1.24826722e-01 1.81626394e-01 5.67915514e-02 -1.59491286e-01 2.43134424e-03 -5.75891495e-01 -8.15980956e-02 1.15232036e-01 1.35996714e-01 -2.53432810e-01 1.42190889e-01 8.43426362e-02 -4.15969035e-03 3.83775472e-03 7.38258511e-02 -8.32746401e-02 -1.67569593e-01 8.63824785e-02 -3.43831420e-01 6.53186917e-01 -3.78909595e-02 1.96160033e-01 1.68609694e-01 -8.56826827e-03 2.88901985e-01 -2.03808993e-01 9.61274803e-02 -2.07885265e-01 7.81098604e-01 5.43898270e-02 -6.05731085e-02 8.03929418e-02 3.46602172e-01 4.76158038e-02 -1.03845196e-02 -7.24767819e-02 3.15881930e-02 2.66305417e-01 -1.92859322e-01 2.95862734e-01 -1.94011644e-01 -2.54465133e-01 -3.34064096e-01 -2.21354976e-01 -1.74115315e-01 -2.33080074e-01 3.89218122e-01 1.29294777e+00 2.58750409e-01 1.40838966e-01 8.59537125e-02 -2.60746270e-01 -4.50876392e-02 6.10187724e-02 -6.47204220e-02 -2.59473771e-01 -4.84940410e-02 -1.00146085e-01 -1.80605292e-01 5.87224364e-02 1.07981883e-01 -5.82801044e-01 -8.21912140e-02 -3.84692699e-01 -2.35815436e-01 3.86940271e-01 4.00088847e-01 7.22746104e-02 -4.79708649e-02 1.36815041e-01 2.72371888e-01 -2.22631991e-01 1.36404261e-01 -9.51146260e-02 -8.31725597e-02 2.51366496e-01 -8.00007135e-02 -1.54271554e-02 5.17545640e-02 -1.94340765e-01 3.71623933e-01 1.54254869e-01 -4.92375970e-01 -7.67677501e-02 -2.98788339e-01 -9.67716053e-02 -1.14748150e-01 -6.03477918e-02 3.86427492e-01 3.71891648e-01 -2.24299908e-01 1.78778395e-02 -7.12700039e-02 1.60622090e-01 8.96247923e-02 8.18363726e-02 2.94622093e-01 -1.64081067e-01 4.90923524e-02 -2.78861523e-01 1.35135546e-01 2.01809734e-01 -1.00096822e-01 4.83038545e-01 -9.65532809e-02 -3.02908868e-01 -7.98165947e-02 2.06690177e-01 4.31777872e-02 -8.76223575e-03 -7.48670027e-02 2.89126158e-01 -1.05517536e-01 3.38925123e-02 2.12679476e-01 2.15090200e-01 -5.47617488e-02 5.99648468e-02 2.30165601e-01 -2.39772364e-01 -4.11128730e-01 2.08633348e-01 -1.53881118e-01 -2.76261181e-01 2.10980371e-01 -3.51695091e-01 -3.55578780e-01 7.71738291e-02 -9.21362117e-02 7.87505582e-02 -2.58652449e-01 -1.42718449e-01 6.43592421e-03 1.09630950e-01 -2.42389634e-01 -2.46090829e-01 3.13191324e-01 2.79893093e-02 1.99330449e-01 1.62078300e-03 1.57945096e-01 -3.96832913e-01 1.07578777e-01 -1.44559383e-01 -1.62498325e-01 6.97707608e-02 -3.96932691e-01 -1.55981585e-01 -4.00201797e-01 9.82177630e-02 4.45822924e-02 -3.43750179e-01 -2.22955123e-01 -3.06268513e-01 1.22868143e-01 -6.05379678e-02 -4.35422570e-01 -3.24393250e-02 1.25400990e-01 2.39216059e-01 6.78459331e-02 5.49001135e-02 2.93789566e-01 2.83212870e-01 5.82431145e-02 -5.25424927e-02 1.81851625e-01 -1.37482077e-01 4.55077216e-02 1.65061519e-01 4.80329186e-01 1.52069122e-01 -5.33636771e-02 -2.26145580e-01 5.03542498e-02 5.36506832e-01 3.47923189e-01 4.65598628e-02 -8.88437703e-02 3.69380474e-01 -3.57733183e-02 8.71845409e-02 1.19502936e-02 -1.44647792e-01 -8.31489339e-02 -2.71472007e-01 -1.06566496e-01 -1.18416511e-01 2.18999758e-01 7.52348173e-03 -5.79105727e-02 -2.23233700e-01 2.23963156e-01 1.33436350e-02 3.41982871e-01 -3.00465524e-01 -5.28962553e-01 2.81585455e-02 1.47455916e-01 2.69309759e-01 1.34270772e-01 -8.21279809e-02 2.43643709e-02 1.10160798e-01 -2.32121944e-01 3.53551239e-01 1.94535419e-01 1.58697560e-01 6.82184333e-03 2.79815108e-01 -1.66505277e-01 2.49286100e-01 5.48864543e-01 1.46485120e-01 1.63240746e-01 -4.51401502e-01 5.92815638e-01 -1.03960028e-02 4.71420847e-02 -7.36110611e-03 2.95300245e-01 -2.92289734e-01 -6.50245920e-02 -2.05479041e-01 5.12822904e-02 7.29752332e-02 3.03103030e-01 2.34129727e-02 -8.77609476e-02 -4.40169930e-01 -7.54930228e-02 2.75048837e-02 3.47304717e-02 -1.17675558e-01 -1.78632706e-01 9.30682719e-02 2.16346025e-01 1.25331298e-01 6.26719594e-02 1.96792379e-01 -1.36993662e-01 -6.00232882e-03 4.82836217e-01 -2.41471425e-01 1.69208810e-01 1.82203993e-01 2.68528283e-01 -1.70150891e-01 -1.23470657e-01 -1.58025306e-02 1.44465994e-02 -4.61659916e-02 -1.93272188e-01 -2.39650548e-01 4.91731204e-02 -8.74417722e-02 6.19209968e-02 1.67210832e-01 -3.07663918e-01 7.12356903e-03 1.76901706e-02 2.15501606e-01 -1.57179326e-01 -1.47969261e-01 -2.34109819e-01 -3.15297812e-01 1.42196164e-01 -1.48883998e-01 -1.79306820e-01 -1.46504641e-01 7.82208294e-02 -3.37412991e-02 1.40745476e-01 4.65437444e-03 1.08940676e-01 -8.80620629e-02 3.16842616e-01 -1.11722492e-01 -1.19062560e-03 -3.77309099e-02 -6.62983581e-02 -3.89504224e-01 2.37069696e-01 -2.94475406e-02 -3.18691462e-01 2.80702233e-01 -1.03723161e-01 7.01692775e-02 2.05209941e-01 7.53013045e-02 -1.05074711e-01 -1.33579716e-01 -2.63747841e-01 -2.18469664e-01 2.76311666e-01 7.36001849e-01 4.51593474e-03 -7.36596882e-02 -6.80095404e-02 -1.38486624e-01 -7.45532736e-02 2.69068092e-01 1.19637489e-01 -3.83236200e-01 -3.06639850e-01 3.49421531e-01 2.45316088e-01 -3.16517651e-02 2.50945061e-01 -1.95796579e-01 5.63104004e-02 3.96740556e-01 3.56290847e-01 -1.70898527e-01 3.54123324e-01 1.18740927e-02 2.99959272e-01 1.64980188e-01 7.57561922e-01 8.16978663e-02 1.96748093e-01 -1.11893855e-01 6.64140433e-02 -1.84755906e-01 3.63633990e-01 -3.49946022e-01 3.99476379e-01 1.05992183e-02 4.23930764e-01 5.96390776e-02 -2.08828092e-01 -3.19925308e-01 -4.05124545e-01 4.21499282e-01 9.30935591e-02 -1.93511561e-01 8.57484862e-02 -6.31151944e-02 -1.30873516e-01 6.02117740e-02 -3.05025756e-01 -1.57178521e-01 -2.23458856e-01 5.73096843e-03 -1.56430751e-01 -2.41651356e-01 -4.14771974e-01 -2.50451863e-01 -1.56225488e-01 3.28577235e-02 1.36777803e-01 -3.61498177e-01 -2.62305528e-01 5.23682274e-02]
"Panacea" active "Item #: SCP-500 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-500 must be stored in a cool and dry place away from bright light. SCP-500 is only allowed to be accessed by personnel with level 4 security clearance to prevent misapplication. Description: SCP-500 is a small plastic can which at the time of writing contains forty-seven (47) red pills. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions. Despite extensive trials, all attempts at synthesizing more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of the pills have been unsuccessful. Note From Dr. Klein: SCP personnel below Level 3 are now banned from handling SCP-500. This is not to be used to cure a hangover. Get AIDS and then ask permission. Request 500-1774-k Dr. [500-0022F] has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing with SCP-038. Request has been approved. Request 500-1862-b Dr. Gears has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing in SCP-914. Request has been approved. Request 500-2354-f Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for testing with SCP-253. Request denied. Request 500-5667-e Dr. Gibbons has requested two (2) pills of SCP-500 for his personal medkit. Request denied. Addendum 500-1: Two (2) pills have been authorized for use with SCP-008. As a result of conducting a series of tests on Class D subjects infected with SCP-008, it appears that even in the most advanced stages of the disease one whole pill will accomplish full recovery. Number of pills is fifty-seven (57) at the time of writing. - Dr. [500-0021D] Addendum 500-2: One (1) pill has been authorized for use with SCP-409. SCP-500 was tested on Subject 409-D5 who was exposed to the effects of SCP-409. Complete recovery accomplished. See Addendum 409-1. Number of pills is fifty-six (56) at the time of writing. - Dr. [500-0021D] Addendum 500-4: Request 500-1774-k approved. Five (5) pills have been used in experimentation with SCP-038. It has been determined that SCP-038 is capable of duplicating SCP-500; however, the success of the duplicated pills is limited. The duplicated pills are only effective in curing the subject 30% of the time, with chance of successful healing dropping as time since cloned increases. In 60% of the cases where the infection is permanent, symptoms of infection remain, though further infestation is neutralized. Repeated dosing with SCP-038 cloned pills is recommended for all personnel suffering from incurable conditions, as supply of SCP-500 remains extremely limited. All five (5) used samples of SCP-500 were returned. Number of pills is fifty-six (56) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-5: During experiments with SCP-038, one (1) pill was stolen by personnel D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to, reportedly, "cure a hangover". Stricter controls for samples of SCP-500 given to other projects is suggested. Personnel D-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has been terminated. Number of pills is fifty-five (55) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-6: One (1) pill has been used with SCP-231-4. Number of pills is fifty-four (54) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-7: One (1) pill has been used for Experiment 447-a. Number of pills is fifty-three (53) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-8: One (1) pill has been used with SCP-208. Number of pills is fifty-two (52) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-9: Request 500-1862-b approved. One (1) pill of SCP-500 is placed within SCP-914 with the setting at "Fine". Resulting object classified as SCP-427. Number of pills is fifty-one (51) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-10: Five (5) pills have been taken for the Olympia Project although only two (2) were used. The remaining three (3) will be returned shortly. Upon return, number of pills will be forty-nine (49). Addendum 500-11: Two (2) pills have been used for Experiment 217-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Number of pills is forty-seven (47) at the time of writing. Addendum 500-12: Request to have SCP-500 investigated for mental compulsion leading to obsessive fixation denied for triviality. Β« SCP-499 | SCP-500 | SCP-501 Β»" nan
[ 2.57331997e-01 -4.04082477e-01 -2.30664983e-01 -3.27033669e-01 1.36801973e-02 -2.00209185e-01 2.62508243e-01 -7.08221504e-03 2.58756131e-02 -2.49956343e-02 7.82986134e-02 2.94044852e-01 -6.97632432e-02 1.92530170e-01 4.00734037e-01 1.64212763e-01 3.09701767e-02 2.84589052e-01 2.13074610e-01 -1.97404698e-01 -8.79649669e-02 -2.19796225e-01 -3.38581920e-01 3.69020611e-01 -6.60916977e-03 -1.08984172e-01 4.50059354e-01 -2.54453253e-02 -2.36352280e-01 -4.51950192e-01 1.07428394e-01 2.60725260e-01 -9.92010534e-03 6.39352351e-02 -1.06749590e-04 -2.73815304e-01 2.91063517e-01 7.60656968e-02 -1.97853133e-01 2.80335192e-02 -4.47345823e-01 -3.16359848e-01 1.83924902e-02 -1.68640882e-01 1.11477949e-01 3.26335356e-02 -8.38843286e-02 2.91735828e-01 1.39194608e-01 3.25630069e-01 2.41987422e-01 1.07669570e-01 3.46370876e-01 -1.80846937e-02 4.45630759e-01 -5.52021861e-01 -1.59098908e-01 6.77983388e-02 5.94204247e-01 1.56354681e-01 3.34267497e-01 7.19699189e-02 -2.29098618e-01 -7.22902715e-02 1.32941291e-01 -1.80538461e-01 1.06806055e-01 -4.61438954e-01 1.09779812e-01 -4.75418679e-02 1.00202836e-01 6.43856451e-02 -1.79843321e-01 -4.62014265e-02 4.84605990e-02 -1.54198185e-01 -8.61344412e-02 9.66038853e-02 5.20968698e-02 1.25222176e-01 -8.51432607e-02 1.53764352e-01 -1.34285659e-01 -1.84993967e-01 1.09647661e-02 3.71858090e-01 -2.31562734e-01 6.41536415e-02 3.06877911e-01 -1.48624197e-01 -1.57359272e-01 7.36469850e-02 2.39932239e-01 -2.43431628e-02 1.19198605e-01 -1.25830784e-01 2.74754733e-01 1.98346585e-01 3.52960616e-01 2.78396159e-01 3.31718683e-01 9.98311862e-02 2.01964870e-01 9.64856073e-02 -1.78531587e-01 2.21408471e-01 2.47799858e-01 -1.68374598e-01 -3.35310757e-01 3.13762158e-01 -5.87832071e-02 3.08302611e-01 -1.10597640e-01 1.80885997e-02 4.68078591e-02 -1.77818522e-01 -6.41920120e-02 -2.06499740e-01 -3.68800193e-01 3.19039375e-01 -3.66789103e-01 1.38102537e-02 -1.84551075e-01 1.52304292e-01 3.53642762e-01 6.59407794e-01 1.10385977e-01 -1.91949263e-01 -1.01150341e-01 -9.32413042e-02 -1.88376293e-01 1.85754314e-01 -6.03709161e-01 -1.91517800e-01 -1.00966766e-02 2.33298421e-01 -1.89486265e-01 -9.12005827e-02 6.60746172e-03 -1.14964597e-01 5.24953566e-02 7.19114989e-02 2.66063809e-01 2.57440746e-01 -6.95689991e-02 -2.15325162e-01 -4.31045406e-02 1.61987972e-02 -1.58418685e-01 1.07054301e-01 6.26837313e-02 -1.03745326e-01 -1.69348463e-01 3.31633180e-01 3.64212226e-03 -2.06986386e-02 2.38214955e-01 -7.41065964e-02 -5.61810471e-02 8.98928866e-02 2.07945317e-01 -2.33395174e-02 -1.31792530e-01 -2.84530908e-01 7.84609541e-02 2.29583234e-01 -4.23422419e-02 -1.20344713e-01 2.07777008e-01 -2.48655736e-01 -2.66748011e-01 -4.33636546e-01 6.46448415e-03 1.74957946e-01 -1.05959676e-01 6.00141473e-03 1.27424328e-02 -6.42830655e-02 -6.24301553e-01 -2.67903268e-01 -2.45123267e-01 -1.15257949e-01 2.01553628e-01 -5.03776729e-01 -1.74896225e-01 5.32563170e-03 1.27542928e-01 -7.07083195e-02 1.28603250e-01 -1.76964745e-01 -3.05045038e-01 -4.92668331e-01 -3.38812411e-01 -4.71345671e-02 -4.65983599e-02 -7.85425529e-02 6.34486601e-02 -2.29692847e-01 1.82801723e-01 2.26952434e-01 -2.18839869e-01 -1.10118911e-02 1.61321908e-01 1.85047299e-01 -3.21025163e-01 -1.06133454e-01 -2.68261164e-01 -6.13205992e-02 1.85022339e-01 -1.12262227e-01 -1.62432387e-01 -3.00429970e-01 -3.25613707e-01 1.65444195e-01 3.96952815e-02 -2.63573349e-01 3.19614023e-01 3.45743835e-01 4.18235183e-01 -3.26815516e-01 -1.93597227e-01 1.44220963e-01 2.53426015e-01 -1.23536475e-01 5.50977699e-03 -7.42988661e-02 -1.61200285e-01 -1.23038270e-01 -1.85308293e-01 3.88742566e-01 2.89964139e-01 3.52240503e-02 2.91438580e-01 -8.21444616e-02 -4.81494874e-01 -2.47286990e-01 5.71883023e-01 5.55754423e-01 -2.63723314e-01 -1.87770396e-01 1.12235583e-02 -5.41425347e-02 2.87868269e-02 2.16637880e-01 -2.50438362e-01 3.71300131e-01 1.25796925e-02 4.77031246e-02 1.84663385e-01 1.73868567e-01 3.09446454e-01 -4.03089345e-01 -2.00749964e-01 -1.23816863e-01 1.21460997e-01 7.15467632e-02 1.31807819e-01 -1.39933541e-01 -1.55732006e-01 5.55591345e-01 -9.15932585e-04 -2.54521757e-01 2.32459083e-01 -2.05780149e-01 6.42394274e-02 -1.05684489e-01 3.17595974e-02 4.02537405e-01 -1.33300563e-02 3.10445011e-01 -2.41690222e-02 -2.50331640e-01 -1.09403506e-01 4.47880067e-02 -1.15756661e-01 -1.55713379e-01 -2.30289120e-02 1.07301570e-01 1.06428519e-01 1.47527248e-01 1.74236596e-01 3.03287115e-02 1.20280804e-02 -5.34810759e-02 -1.39605939e-01 4.86032441e-02 -9.04199556e-02 1.18177943e-02 1.36552490e-02 2.95391798e-01 4.10202563e-01 -6.35718107e-02 -4.35215607e-02 2.48091653e-01 -5.48211224e-02 1.38566285e-01 -5.95318615e-01 3.87004495e-01 -1.54712006e-01 3.32637504e-03 -1.88546881e-01 4.18248683e-01 4.13368121e-02 2.10696280e-01 -2.06943899e-01 -2.15183660e-01 6.02898657e-01 -1.89047679e-01 -6.48767054e-02 -1.41154259e-01 -1.76584199e-01 2.74877369e-01 1.10690266e-01 -2.55786628e-01 2.90687144e-01 -2.27659509e-01 -1.98050931e-01 -2.23086625e-02 9.15809199e-02 -8.58175397e-01 7.72804469e-02 -5.13947643e-02 -1.12152426e-02 -1.91499069e-01 -1.68885410e-01 -9.61849988e-02 -1.50926843e-01 -1.11674376e-01 -1.92004114e-01 3.65873314e-02 1.37874559e-01 -9.83971953e-02 3.72795105e-01 4.77980405e-01 -1.96378767e-01 -6.96516708e-02 -2.54594296e-01 -4.76848483e-02 1.68737564e-02 -4.02626805e-02 -1.27773270e-01 -1.18293345e-01 -3.88285130e-01 -5.87198464e-03 1.56786218e-01 -2.88884312e-01 -3.20750654e-01 6.19737804e-02 2.14825317e-01 3.62544321e-02 -2.18625665e-01 6.03178799e-01 2.58510634e-02 -2.93027937e-01 -1.90842584e-01 -4.96979058e-01 -3.87595547e-03 -1.70373857e-01 2.29564369e-01 -7.31351003e-02 8.81289095e-02 3.02595288e-01 4.41815943e-01 -1.10561110e-01 1.47695273e-01 1.01640765e-02 2.76241094e-01 1.20608047e-01 9.62234139e-02 -1.49340734e-01 -1.88791528e-02 1.69972163e-02 7.47211836e-03 2.02899024e-01 8.96427110e-02 -2.45427236e-01 1.78856969e-01 -1.43863812e-01 -6.15269244e-01 -1.04338400e-01 1.28012002e-01 1.93917248e-02 5.03509119e-02 -3.10873181e-01 -3.56274635e-01 -2.43530110e-01 1.50914013e-01 -4.59479362e-01 -5.78873046e-02 2.16133714e-01 -5.30932732e-02 -5.19322753e-01 2.53096730e-01 -1.23361103e-01 1.79900005e-01 -9.53828450e-03 2.10064113e-01 -9.73435026e-03 -1.10892169e-01 2.66592175e-01 -3.08237344e-01 5.42120785e-02 5.72652696e-03 6.90880060e-01 5.56089401e-01 2.02967390e-01 -1.44356713e-01 -2.80120492e-01 -1.92343980e-01 1.89027250e-01 6.69166669e-02 -4.11925554e-01 -3.08996528e-01 -3.86977047e-02 4.94088143e-01 -2.38647476e-01 1.60096049e-01 2.78137803e-01 1.55482963e-01 -4.76212829e-01 -3.73781055e-01 2.55481333e-01 4.31020819e-02 -1.05692379e-01 -1.31354466e-01 -9.74891242e-04 2.39378050e-01 -6.96891025e-02 9.01905671e-02 2.32028272e-02 5.49602658e-02 1.45848140e-01 -1.05876096e-01 1.70579851e-01 2.68648122e-03 -3.92728895e-02 5.19785225e-01 -2.37475708e-01 -1.84843704e-01 -7.49908481e-03 -8.60559493e-02 1.02975398e-01 5.33390164e-01 -6.22943267e-02 6.72225356e-02 -2.98883975e-01 1.26897797e-01 3.76546204e-01 -5.50910234e-02 4.25315231e-01 -6.15210794e-02 3.12360059e-02 -3.03196192e-01 3.17341208e-01 9.79226455e-02 -3.30073267e-01 -2.57979065e-01 2.77013570e-01 -1.13128051e-01 2.42780104e-01 4.53398339e-02 1.27309537e+00 3.63810845e-02 1.82850715e-02 1.90188568e-02 -3.51458013e-01 1.20482363e-01 1.20979384e-01 2.48088371e-02 -6.50245324e-02 1.80375054e-01 2.28205815e-01 -1.78359777e-01 -1.84516713e-01 5.30125737e-01 -3.39723825e-01 3.84848863e-02 -3.66746366e-01 3.21817845e-01 5.91090739e-01 -3.10924137e-03 5.47076613e-02 6.74627200e-02 7.88896531e-02 2.99186677e-01 7.66718388e-02 -8.42668116e-02 -1.33430958e-01 8.16450045e-02 1.90413818e-02 -8.90377387e-02 -1.95638686e-01 1.75028846e-01 -2.67011434e-01 -2.97216102e-02 9.52525437e-02 -1.10779598e-01 -4.08362836e-01 -2.74757862e-01 -3.07975531e-01 1.05031244e-01 1.16890058e-01 8.93463716e-02 4.92513537e-01 -2.24258229e-01 4.13300805e-02 2.17838977e-02 3.89895737e-01 -6.18207306e-02 -3.48291010e-01 -2.48267725e-02 2.76272774e-01 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