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"The Empty World" active "Item #: SCP-201 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: No personnel are to come within forty meters of SCP-201 at any time. Any and all work done with SCP-201 is to be performed via remotely controlled drone. Any personnel entering the containment area must be accompanied by two members of security. All personnel in containment area must wear a restraint harness with safety rope attached to the wall. Rope will allow access to within three meters of the minimum safe area. Exceeding this distance will result in physical removal from containment area and formal discipline. Those affected by SCP-201 are to have time and date of exposure, disappearance, and return, along with any and all personal information, recorded in Log ███████. Subjects who reappear are to be recovered as soon as possible by Agents and debriefed immediately. Description: SCP-201 appears to be a very old piece of medical equipment, superficially resembling an IV stand, but with many other glass and metal items attached to it. SCP-201 stands 1.8 m (6 ft) tall and has a mass of 36.5 kg (80 lbs). The metal portions are made of steel and brass, and various parts are connected with rubber tubing. The two “IV bags” are porcelain and are open at the top. SCP-201 was recovered in ████████████████ Hospital, in a long-unused storage area. No record of SCP-201 appears anywhere in hospital records. Entering within thirty meters of SCP-201 can result in the subject being displaced into an alternate reality. This effect is apparently random, with some subjects remaining totally unaffected after exposure to SCP-201. Those affected will cease to exist in our reality between one and forty-eight hours after initial exposure. Durations of displacement vary between a few hours and upwards of eight years. Time spent in this alternate reality can vary greatly from actual time elapsed in our reality. This alternate world appears identical to our own, with these exceptions: Subjects displaced to this “alternate world” report initial surprise and curiosity, which are shortly replaced with very strong feelings of loneliness and fear. The severity varies widely with individual subjects and with time of displacement. Upon the end of displacement, subject will re-integrate from this “alternate world” to our own, which can cause a great deal of shock, especially in urban settings. Most subjects who remain displaced for more than three months suffer lasting psychological damage consistent with being sequestered within solitary confinement. In addition, reports of intermittent, fragmentary broadcasts have been returned by subjects attempting to repair power to media devices such as televisions and radios. It is unclear if these are real or the product of the degraded mental states of those remaining long enough to complete said projects, but reports consistently resemble automated messages prepared by the Foundation in contingency for XK-Class Scenarios. Testing will commence if viable samples can be recovered. « SCP-200 | SCP-201 | SCP-202 » Cite this page as: "SCP-201" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 005.jpg Author: Skorj License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-201 at recovery"
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-1.09321341e-01 -9.60960984e-02 -1.23103522e-02 -1.67234577e-02 1.90507025e-01 -2.01952249e-01 1.85958758e-01 1.69082843e-02 9.30393953e-03 1.72259063e-01 -1.16117306e-01 3.74419242e-01 2.37926126e-01 -1.19006746e-02 3.30792427e-01 5.77679813e-01 1.37774557e-01 6.87300339e-02 1.74510151e-01 1.40186444e-01 -1.09973602e-01 -1.52650580e-01 5.82027175e-02 2.99458969e-02 -1.67898685e-01 -2.64198303e-01 -1.23938508e-01 5.68052121e-02 9.06078592e-02 1.52577743e-01 1.37350619e-01 -3.30576479e-01 -4.32288051e-01 2.83289880e-01 3.97170559e-02 -1.32503182e-01 -1.65065199e-01 -2.23403186e-01 -2.30770603e-01 -1.12161785e-01 1.21097907e-01 -3.35966080e-01 -8.82511586e-02 1.06716350e-01 1.21652370e-03 3.08377683e-01 -2.19064906e-01 1.16446510e-01 -4.15685356e-01 7.54964501e-02 6.91178069e-02 -6.55013174e-02 -2.15510488e-01 -2.50154823e-01 -3.14048052e-01 2.68650681e-01 -1.62823156e-01 -2.73396969e-01 1.10673076e-02 1.08297370e-01 1.54845208e-01 1.35833183e-02 -5.68404756e-02 2.47690156e-01 6.88024238e-02 -2.66016960e-01 -3.52297992e-01 3.24152768e-01 2.48209715e-01 4.51978073e-02 -1.24754421e-01 -1.97118342e-01 7.17435032e-02 1.87788270e-02 1.25065014e-01 6.94770645e-03 -1.99741349e-01 -1.57394707e-02 1.59354731e-01 5.60832262e-01 -2.65760552e-02 -2.00450227e-01 -1.74663931e-01 -2.42396370e-01 2.18954116e-01 5.55794895e-01 -3.74380857e-01 8.81613791e-02 6.33069277e-02 1.23836242e-01 2.06615716e-01 1.81365520e-01 3.98397028e-01 2.44409218e-02 1.64379086e-02 1.73195601e-01 -2.90466577e-01 5.00420667e-02 6.47501498e-02 2.06222415e-01 -7.81703070e-02 2.62424737e-01 1.11593299e-01 -5.36891930e-02 -1.67269960e-01 5.74691594e-02 3.88032734e-01 3.40586677e-02 -2.08131000e-01 -1.06083475e-01 -4.03841538e-03 -1.63804412e-01 -5.13023660e-02 -5.71121633e-01 -1.46138623e-01 4.82011735e-02 -1.61674812e-01 1.81087688e-01 -1.21976867e-01 -1.60280570e-01 -9.40458924e-02 -2.24902704e-02 3.46463263e-01 1.09789588e-01 -1.33232355e-01 -1.88131198e-01 9.37197506e-02]
"The Rewind Man" active "Item #: SCP-202 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Research is being conducted on SCP-202 at Bio-Research Area-12. Here, researchers are actively seeking to understand and cure the condition plaguing SCP-202. He is granted full amenities of Level-0 personnel quarters when not being examined. SCP-202 is under the assumption that he is in a hospital and is not to be made aware that his 'doctors' are in fact SCP researchers. Description: SCP-202 is an Asian-British male, 41 years of age, who performs all actions in reverse. He does not appear to age in reverse, but speaks, eats, walks, and performs all other actions opposite to what is considered normal. SCP-202 speaks in reverse English with a British accent. Recording his speech and playing it backwards at a 1:1 speed allows for normal communication. The subject asserts that he was a normal individual living in Stockport, England, until he woke up one morning four years ago and found that every action he attempted to do, he did in reverse. He pledges that no matter how hard he tries, he is unable to carry out normal patterns of motion. He also claims to be unable to explain how he is able to walk backwards through crowded halls without bumping into others or other inexplicable acts. Watching SCP-202 is particularly frustrating to Foundation biologists and physicists. Rather than acting as a pump, the chambers of his heart act as vacuums, pulling his blood towards the heart in arteries and pushing it away in veins. SCP-202 actually exhales oxygen and processes carbon dioxide. Researchers are fervently seeking answers to how his respiratory system works and if, on the molecular level, the Krebs Cycle of metabolism could possibly run in reverse. His 'eating' habits confound researchers as well, as food comes up from his stomach and out his mouth, and undergoes a reverse chew. For example, when 'eating' a sandwich, SCP-202 somehow regurgitates a bolus of food that reverse chews into a portion of sandwich. Boluses are added from SCP-202 into a complete sandwich that defies laws of both physics and biology. The resulting sandwich is completely normal and edible according to research. SCP-202 claims that he isn't aware of what he's going to 'eat' until it starts coming. As for 'waste', when SCP-202 needs to [DATA EXPUNGED, SEE ADDENDUM]. SCP-202 does not think in reverse and cannot foresee the future, as some personnel believe. He is rather good at Rubik's Cubes and enjoys dismantling jig-saw puzzles. Addendum: Direct Order from Commander [EXPUNGED]: "We're not having any more discussion about what happens when two oh two goes to the bathroom! I think we can all paint a pretty picture of what goes on in there. The damn scientists can't explain where it comes from and neither can the plumbers, so let's just leave it at that! The poor man has enough problems, give him the courtesy of a little privacy. Until the quacks can come up for a reason to study it, I want all data on the topic expunged!" « SCP-201 | SCP-202 | SCP-203 »" nan
[ 3.42633575e-01 2.41297912e-02 -7.70306215e-02 -2.19777495e-01 -3.47018749e-01 -2.63298810e-01 1.39069140e-01 2.68827289e-01 -1.69938147e-01 2.35655501e-01 1.86857924e-01 2.20637918e-01 -8.59264582e-02 2.99103111e-01 2.87709951e-01 -2.05124021e-01 2.29532033e-01 5.77409089e-01 -1.26495749e-01 -2.21818596e-01 -1.95847616e-01 -2.46705398e-01 -2.16484413e-01 8.94703194e-02 4.13154662e-01 -8.14549252e-02 4.57577437e-01 1.72300294e-01 2.13175509e-02 -4.61740971e-01 -1.70665503e-01 1.78736761e-01 7.17528611e-02 5.39128244e-01 -1.15402239e-04 -2.13457011e-02 8.49582702e-02 7.92405233e-02 -1.46700948e-01 3.49878967e-02 -1.93172336e-01 1.45408377e-01 -7.75639936e-02 -2.19900131e-01 -1.80005863e-01 -2.41723791e-01 2.23540306e-01 -5.62714711e-02 4.55472142e-01 2.74800122e-01 1.59315839e-01 -1.62518233e-01 -1.65017053e-01 -2.13983610e-01 1.01077832e-01 1.70703128e-01 -2.38670737e-01 -6.50185823e-01 1.90254629e-01 1.40175939e-01 -2.18732134e-01 6.61592409e-02 -1.28814399e-01 8.21768418e-02 1.88594788e-01 -3.90933931e-01 3.94572139e-01 1.50719911e-01 2.77485579e-01 5.13034761e-01 -4.68882248e-02 1.98547438e-01 1.51194155e-01 -3.68085951e-02 -9.97272506e-02 -1.05076335e-01 2.12382138e-01 -5.34458905e-02 -1.56650051e-01 2.17361912e-01 -2.70615518e-01 3.16963196e-01 -2.06832215e-01 -8.24530199e-02 -1.59575373e-01 3.13353747e-01 -6.84122816e-02 -1.12070711e-02 3.47605437e-01 -4.46237922e-02 6.81762457e-01 -1.11836903e-01 3.11518550e-01 1.64014563e-01 -7.38222450e-02 1.70780376e-01 2.92049348e-01 2.71857586e-02 2.80801803e-01 1.61403522e-01 1.54995129e-01 1.04585491e-01 -3.28387111e-01 -2.41542161e-01 3.34389247e-02 1.42040521e-01 -3.36652935e-01 -1.13658756e-01 -2.03520387e-01 4.02299941e-01 1.09977901e-01 1.22011751e-01 -2.56183837e-02 5.85369989e-02 -6.93180561e-02 -1.48308262e-01 -3.52441162e-01 -1.08093888e-01 -1.13609329e-01 2.33387172e-01 -7.22978354e-01 1.87096715e-01 -2.02478960e-01 2.08730534e-01 -2.92839687e-02 6.59195483e-01 1.94260344e-01 -3.38750362e-01 -7.73317069e-02 9.75694582e-02 -1.75927863e-01 -2.38604605e-01 -4.25109446e-01 -1.65511258e-02 -2.95436867e-02 -2.13517815e-01 -1.04268663e-01 1.34454116e-01 -1.52145475e-01 -1.43513963e-01 -2.17229322e-01 -7.97849670e-02 5.09432077e-01 7.48606473e-02 -2.98979521e-01 -1.86967388e-01 -1.86184961e-02 -8.21392909e-02 -3.37360092e-02 2.16446921e-01 1.81601703e-01 1.92409918e-01 5.10111488e-02 2.22354218e-01 -2.79586732e-01 -2.39446629e-02 4.41010416e-01 8.90345220e-03 -2.68336803e-01 -4.22922373e-01 4.68586385e-02 2.36401185e-01 -1.02531753e-01 -2.15904832e-01 8.34483206e-02 2.87214309e-01 -3.53683889e-01 -1.43296927e-01 -1.85239673e-01 2.66344398e-01 2.06678987e-01 -1.71786454e-02 -1.01773895e-01 2.59554684e-01 -1.46810815e-01 -1.07526056e-01 -3.06178957e-01 9.08301249e-02 -1.28763899e-01 -2.60159343e-01 -3.50451946e-01 4.93629575e-01 4.03315842e-01 -1.58062249e-01 -1.34104952e-01 3.99749465e-02 2.71954853e-02 2.00956032e-01 1.07313029e-01 6.92635179e-02 -1.31896034e-01 -4.31745321e-01 5.31069875e-01 7.41632506e-02 2.03100175e-01 1.08408704e-01 1.80838972e-01 -2.43366748e-01 3.58229637e-01 -9.42747369e-02 -1.63846001e-01 7.19088838e-02 -4.74045612e-02 -2.64463108e-02 1.07481796e-02 -4.66717556e-02 -1.00707836e-01 -3.28344136e-01 2.59905607e-01 3.71425558e-04 3.30504566e-01 -4.59078728e-04 -3.46277446e-01 -1.78150833e-02 -1.28933877e-01 -1.54850587e-01 2.85571218e-01 2.67962545e-01 6.44841492e-02 1.93686292e-01 -1.65173963e-01 4.92738247e-01 2.05689132e-01 -1.87603533e-01 -3.31805825e-01 3.52536738e-01 -6.79649552e-03 1.88267782e-01 9.16372016e-02 4.09516931e-01 3.69786799e-01 8.01821649e-02 1.21704854e-01 -2.00014133e-02 -2.38123387e-01 4.19628203e-01 1.70604922e-02 3.13536078e-01 -1.67568736e-02 -2.05341861e-01 9.21595916e-02 1.20398223e-01 2.86215872e-01 -3.88680130e-01 -4.05944496e-01 1.34218441e-04 2.75126129e-01 1.89659700e-01 1.09408140e-01 3.06557827e-02 -2.29254570e-02 -5.55342495e-01 -1.72352746e-01 2.82677919e-01 6.09993279e-01 -5.41538522e-02 -2.98770964e-01 1.72584057e-01 -1.97902873e-01 1.80522859e-01 -1.07752062e-01 -1.55836910e-01 -3.05591859e-02 1.07907895e-02 -1.94420256e-02 -2.79994488e-01 1.99919745e-01 6.30969882e-01 7.92525485e-02 2.45380774e-01 7.74086714e-02 4.15620208e-02 6.81222305e-02 -1.53275564e-01 -2.40964398e-01 -1.81038290e-01 2.22833887e-01 4.55113590e-01 2.69534707e-01 3.94505709e-01 -1.22858688e-01 1.42218759e-02 6.35037720e-02 7.31784254e-02 -3.16378064e-02 2.58886307e-01 -3.95744383e-01 -1.90957338e-02 2.07856268e-01 -4.13503870e-02 3.16171110e-01 -1.31816447e-01 -3.69769782e-02 2.61194054e-02 -3.85955572e-02 1.96204424e-01 -1.78361505e-01 2.75155306e-01 -2.96751350e-01 -9.92159471e-02 -3.65909457e-01 6.13989457e-02 9.48977321e-02 1.04230016e-01 -1.12622872e-01 2.63006121e-01 3.44129533e-01 -2.69270450e-01 -8.64548385e-02 -8.58432800e-02 -4.78399366e-01 2.43349656e-01 9.56573710e-02 -6.37584329e-01 2.56019413e-01 -2.11783916e-01 -1.10855699e-01 -2.74674445e-01 -8.57340917e-02 -6.22937799e-01 -8.73443019e-03 2.37861246e-01 8.55628997e-02 3.48779112e-02 -1.32813994e-02 -5.97632751e-02 1.62446097e-01 -1.85554907e-01 3.03644896e-01 -1.09079026e-01 2.26649642e-01 4.42494392e-01 -3.37921456e-02 1.84930116e-02 7.95424804e-02 -7.51155317e-02 -3.25415462e-01 -2.48929299e-03 -2.46405881e-02 -3.30070928e-02 2.73459461e-02 -8.48746821e-02 -2.52550215e-01 2.72539648e-04 1.75464377e-01 -4.47508663e-01 -9.22813416e-02 -2.42754474e-01 -3.49010110e-01 -1.36965454e-01 1.39125898e-01 4.89454299e-01 1.32387549e-01 -1.90016344e-01 -1.49082989e-01 -6.10628247e-01 9.62497368e-02 -1.04931016e-02 1.74336269e-01 -4.74213101e-02 -1.59962475e-01 3.35821062e-01 1.19638182e-01 -4.66441065e-02 4.06161658e-02 4.23304476e-02 3.73834193e-01 1.21927999e-01 2.78279841e-01 -3.61372647e-03 2.34259188e-01 -4.34904285e-02 -4.63204205e-01 1.95367604e-01 -7.36232549e-02 -4.04974937e-01 -3.41658182e-02 -2.02941112e-02 -3.98701906e-01 -2.38636076e-01 -7.13110119e-02 2.85912454e-01 3.85597833e-02 -2.34729856e-01 -1.82372913e-01 -2.50928819e-01 5.88363968e-02 -2.27164805e-01 2.60025889e-01 3.23707223e-01 5.23776412e-02 -3.76428425e-01 8.08391627e-03 -9.47626159e-02 -9.06002223e-02 -1.01734027e-02 8.09670463e-02 -3.81004244e-01 -5.48228510e-02 2.98436970e-01 -4.77981061e-01 5.48507385e-02 2.44787127e-01 3.54371190e-01 3.28291416e-01 -2.17503253e-02 -8.34094360e-02 1.82642385e-01 1.79282781e-02 -2.75981486e-01 -1.52017549e-01 -5.60543686e-02 -1.90875635e-01 -3.03245932e-01 4.09521282e-01 -2.26498455e-01 1.15458734e-01 -3.24474722e-01 4.04012978e-01 -5.20047188e-01 -1.21875338e-01 -1.61085904e-01 9.15729403e-02 -2.52107352e-01 -2.98196767e-02 -1.24593712e-01 -1.54053032e-01 2.39821494e-01 1.12459354e-01 3.03838053e-03 3.25698741e-02 4.38228324e-02 -1.87956721e-01 5.40342689e-01 1.27607092e-01 5.14626741e-01 -1.01983719e-01 1.33006210e-02 2.70170242e-01 -8.97252262e-02 2.82233506e-01 -3.15547325e-02 6.44512355e-01 -3.29368189e-03 1.13291763e-01 3.20488214e-01 3.47503960e-01 -2.61386245e-01 -1.76092982e-01 9.39945653e-02 8.01356211e-02 -9.31710154e-02 -4.22339678e-01 6.70964360e-01 -6.80786371e-02 -3.03015590e-01 -2.96010494e-01 3.50838363e-01 -9.91173238e-02 2.69359201e-01 1.23448759e-01 1.30834723e+00 2.61212587e-01 3.12746704e-01 1.11077495e-01 -5.29101729e-01 -1.78450480e-01 -4.98264074e-01 -7.27177858e-02 -9.76621732e-02 1.46274954e-01 -2.12626353e-01 -2.67991900e-01 -7.24898875e-02 -3.33460011e-02 -5.64547122e-01 -1.28151355e-02 -4.06922877e-01 -1.43918708e-01 4.18616265e-01 1.56787951e-02 1.72374751e-02 -2.25780502e-01 -3.53781171e-02 2.08736494e-01 5.17911650e-02 -1.03637330e-01 -8.79334509e-02 -1.93291083e-01 6.83229491e-02 4.30651814e-01 -6.86625093e-02 7.10437447e-02 -7.12876737e-01 -5.23741126e-01 -9.31803584e-02 -5.40573478e-01 2.33504266e-01 -2.22926419e-02 -4.23910506e-02 6.86788484e-02 -1.55379981e-01 1.58048272e-01 3.60836267e-01 -1.69687584e-01 -4.04587053e-02 -5.60447946e-02 9.50578153e-02 -7.29626492e-02 -2.30175301e-01 1.65165842e-01 -2.56494939e-01 -2.03207895e-01 9.88111496e-02 2.83418410e-02 2.31835842e-01 1.08898021e-01 2.20808238e-01 4.73983645e-01 -9.74505320e-02 -4.93889563e-02 1.97977453e-01 1.05993366e-02 -3.20689172e-01 6.01320900e-02 1.62827402e-01 -1.99132845e-01 -1.70129940e-01 1.94471814e-02 3.09381843e-01 1.43338785e-01 1.83981553e-01 1.55099183e-01 -2.67032474e-01 -3.16658318e-01 -3.01576823e-01 1.08011946e-01 3.31190787e-02 2.99026072e-03 -1.66661635e-01 -4.08281773e-01 -2.44582240e-02 8.45598057e-02 3.45598236e-02 -2.77921379e-01 -2.79100180e-01 -1.50496855e-01 3.76161188e-01 1.38327062e-01 -3.47506970e-01 3.72951597e-01 3.38240325e-01 3.44814330e-01 -1.62378341e-01 2.38904566e-01 -3.76831889e-01 1.76269174e-01 -2.32406244e-01 5.52521348e-02 4.82078418e-02 -3.71170312e-01 -3.51416767e-02 -3.96487623e-01 5.09058572e-02 1.32563591e-01 -2.58352339e-01 -2.21959621e-01 -6.36864752e-02 1.16437614e-01 2.83319145e-01 -3.56985718e-01 -1.75821297e-02 -1.03654385e-01 1.85386725e-02 1.25800893e-01 1.59745947e-01 2.63839215e-01 3.10175151e-01 4.36928004e-01 -2.64763046e-04 2.02982593e-02 -1.32297054e-01 2.78863430e-01 1.57220095e-01 1.99050456e-01 -4.84663993e-01 -7.22689256e-02 -2.42179558e-01 1.28979946e-03 1.45681635e-01 4.49633449e-01 4.01136875e-02 2.89953738e-01 4.19305205e-01 -2.17649341e-01 -1.01158217e-01 1.91029787e-01 -6.69369549e-02 9.78785157e-02 -1.72009051e-01 8.61038566e-02 3.00917327e-01 2.32678741e-01 6.67081922e-02 3.02697774e-02 8.55779499e-02 2.09885895e-01 8.12341124e-02 2.53763258e-01 -1.79734275e-01 -5.23576915e-01 1.04735658e-01 1.07394487e-01 -1.49401739e-01 7.01208832e-03 3.72594506e-01 2.37484500e-01 -5.43091334e-02 2.48344801e-02 1.52966229e-03 1.15611024e-01 1.36265503e-02 2.41408572e-01 5.30464649e-01 -1.12126246e-01 4.89380270e-01 3.55605245e-01 2.03217808e-02 2.34938011e-01 -2.46648222e-01 4.96510118e-01 -2.18341112e-01 2.50549078e-01 1.51276410e-01 3.79959136e-01 1.35548681e-01 -2.33965904e-01 -3.28477472e-01 3.98930982e-02 7.59171620e-02 7.50022009e-02 -6.60353228e-02 -7.61681423e-02 -2.42623433e-01 -2.71017849e-01 -4.92402948e-02 2.61594296e-01 1.79241329e-01 1.34190947e-01 2.16365501e-01 1.33826911e-01 -1.42779678e-01 2.46174499e-01 3.66153300e-01 -8.05310458e-02 8.48099068e-02 2.12327510e-01 -2.55941115e-02 1.25245214e-01 2.70366609e-01 1.28618792e-01 -1.70827448e-01 -2.94598162e-01 -1.87442191e-02 -7.80894980e-02 -9.16040782e-03 -6.39672652e-02 -4.87484708e-02 1.93482637e-01 -7.27211013e-02 3.89502272e-02 1.66502401e-01 -3.18385363e-01 -3.00913006e-02 -2.48034671e-01 1.22677274e-01 -3.11972231e-01 -1.36045516e-01 -2.00496931e-02 -6.39408827e-02 1.08449906e-01 -2.71286160e-01 8.21226910e-02 1.30755976e-01 1.34542212e-01 -2.46403337e-01 3.73016477e-01 7.45123858e-03 8.81491750e-02 -6.08363934e-02 7.61861727e-02 2.96220779e-01 -8.44016969e-02 -1.24864355e-01 -2.85591483e-01 -1.84776679e-01 1.19384989e-01 -1.95591614e-01 -8.02821368e-02 4.26928520e-01 -2.28121236e-01 -1.29857496e-03 3.06987017e-01 2.70741493e-01 3.02606821e-01 -3.21785837e-01 1.35073856e-01 4.54858057e-02 9.42335799e-02 2.45480359e-01 -2.93002337e-01 -1.70773879e-01 -3.61302793e-01 1.95567697e-01 2.44287267e-01 1.84340134e-01 3.12315553e-01 1.10960290e-01 -2.80627340e-01 1.89096898e-01 2.38093421e-01 3.19516569e-01 1.90308746e-02 -1.33452818e-01 -4.50509675e-02 -4.20613177e-02 2.65495121e-01 -5.00383079e-01 -1.40002161e-01 -1.53419703e-01 2.66659468e-01 -5.33771105e-02 1.57006174e-01 1.31133184e-01 8.13568681e-02 2.20620289e-01 3.71339172e-01 -2.93066412e-01 1.53558835e-01 5.21125197e-02 2.18885854e-01 3.29910845e-01 5.71301699e-01 3.05250511e-02 9.92223471e-02 -2.77123779e-01 -4.33765143e-01 2.24319488e-01 -6.95502460e-02 -2.80213624e-01 4.29141283e-01 -2.22976714e-01 -2.31943689e-02 -1.85987711e-01 -5.45359135e-01 -8.29240382e-02 -1.93257987e-01 -1.26525357e-01 1.93860997e-02 -9.38878432e-02 -4.64549929e-01 -2.94622928e-01 4.59613502e-02 2.18427628e-01 2.90214479e-01 -1.98871538e-01 -9.70627815e-02 -1.07631437e-01]
"Tortured Iron Soul" active "Item #: SCP-203 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-203 is to be kept in Storage Bunker 3-A at Research Facility ██ while powered down. Two D-Class personnel equipped with sound filtration equipment are required to guard Bunker 3-A in case of accidental activation of defense mechanism. While active, SCP-203 is to be accompanied by an armed escort to any testing procedures. Description: SCP-203 appears to at one time have been a Caucasian human male of indeterminate age. Subject is two and a half (2.5) meters tall (though it is theorized that the “skeletal” framework augments subject’s original height, as indicated by irregular musculature) and weighs approximately two-hundred (200) kilograms. The subject’s entire skeletal structure has been removed and replaced with a mechanical framework made of cast iron that seems to move on its own volition. This framework appears to be the sole cause of SCP-203’s ambulation, independent of its musculature. Several areas of skin on the subject’s body have split, revealing a section of the subcutaneous metal framework1. In addition to these areas, some parts of the metal structure seem have been made to intentionally protrude from the flesh, seeming to form an aesthetic pattern2. The augmentations to the subject's body include, but are not limited to: While lacking vocal cords, SCP-203 can communicate verbally through the transducer located on its faceplate. It appears to understand English to an extent, but its primary language appears to be a previously unknown Arabic dialect. SCP-203 has no recollection of a life before its augmentations, only that it feels near-constant pain and confusion. SCP-203 appears to run on an internal power cell that runs for a 72-hour period, after which the subject enters into a state of hibernation that lasts between 3 and 4 hours. Subject cannot deliberately deactivate this power source, though it has expressed that these periods of “sleep” are the only escape it has from its otherwise miserable existence. As there is no current way of ascertaining the truthfulness of the subject's statements, any expression of pain or depression by the subject is to be viewed by staff as a method of eliciting a sympathetic response, and are to be dismissed. X-rays, CT, ultrasound, and all other forms of diagnostic imagery4 have proven incapable of penetrating the internal workings of SCP-203 deeper than the subcutaneous level, and exploratory surgery activates a secondary defense mechanism that [REDACTED]. It has recently come to light that SCP-203 has the ability to emit a high-frequency drone, superficially similar to audio feedback, that has a severely damaging effect on the human nervous system. However, this mechanism is only activated when subject is provoked or harmed. For more information regarding this ability, see the attached testing log. SCP-203 has, on numerous occasions, requested either anesthetics, analgesics or on occasion, narcotics. These requests are pending approval. Test Format: Subject: Presiding Researcher: Method of Induction: Result: [Time after exposure]: Subject: Personnel D-104 Presiding Researcher: N/A Method of Induction: Accidental. SCP-203 is struck by D-104 when it refuses to enter storage. When defense mechanism activates, D-104 continues his assault, and forces SCP-203 into containment. Result: [1 minute after exposure]: Subject experiences a severe headache. [15 minutes after exposure]: Subject’s headache increases in intensity and his ears begin to bleed. SCP-203 continues to screech. (Note: D-171, the other guard on duty, is not affected by the sound) [20 minutes after exposure]: Subject leaves his post and checks himself into infirmary. [30 minutes after exposure]: Subject experiences seizure. Subject is now bleeding from all extremities. [35 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins to yell “shut it up” repeatedly, though he is no longer within audible range of SCP-203. [40 minutes after exposure]: Subject flat lines. Post mortem reveals that Subject died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. Subject: Personnel D-090 Presiding Researcher: Dr. █████ ████ Method of Induction: Subject is locked in cell with SCP-203 while being observed via remote cameras. D-090 is equipped with a Taser and is told to use said weapon on SCP-203. Subject is reluctant, but complies. SCP-203 begins emission of defenses 30 seconds after provocation. Result: [1 minute after exposure]: Subject becomes agitated and assaults SCP-203 again. SCP-203 continues emission and assumes fetal position. [10 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins holding head and ears and nose begin to bleed. SCP-203's defense mechanism continues. [25 minutes after exposure]: Subject experiences seizure. SCP-203's defense mechanism appears to cease. However, later analysis reveals that the frequency of the emitted sound has simply moved beyond the human range of hearing. [35 minutes after exposure]: Subject begins vomiting blood and bleeding from the eyes. [40 minutes after exposure]: Subject appears to be dead. Emitted sound genuinely ceases. [44 minutes after exposure]: SCP-203 stands and moves toward the body of subject. SCP-203 then begins to surgically remove subject’s skeleton. At this time, SCP-203 is removed from cell and put into storage. (Note: test seems to indicate that SCP-203’s defense mechanism is also a method of producing more SCP-203-like entities. Further tests in allowing SCP-203 to continue this process are being considered.) Interviewed: SCP-203 Interviewer: Dr. ██████ <Begin Log, ██-█-████, 3:34 PM> <Dr. ██████>: I saw you’ve requested to see the video footage from the test last week. <203>: Yes. <Dr. ██████>: Any particular reason? Pause. <203>: Eyes do not see, happens beyond. Lost in the black, like time of silence, and does not know what they do. <Dr. ██████>: I’m not sure I understand… you lose consciousness when your defenses are triggered? <203>: Yes. <Dr. ██████>: And… you wish to know what you did to your assailant? <203>: After the black, we see only after. Within the black, our body is only the tool of [unintelligible, possibly Arabic]. <Dr. ██████>: Why do you want to know this? 203 is silent for several minutes. <Dr. ██████>: 203? <203>: They think us a thing. They think us something to watch. [garbled, sounds like “We are a toy”]. But, even with the evil inside me, one talks to us as a man. <Dr. ██████>: I’m sorry? <203>: You, ██. You talk to us like we are not metal. You call us by name. 203 makes an unidentified sound; possibly laughter. <203>: When nobody hears, you call us by name. You call us “Edward”. Like guards say “Edward Scissorhands”. <Dr. ██████>: [becoming distressed] That would be unprofessional, 203 – <203>: You call us “Edward”, and you say you care, and you will help us – <Dr. ██████>: This session is over. <End Log> Closing statement: Dr. ██ ██████ has since been denied access to observation of SCP-203. « SCP-202 | SCP-203 | SCP-204 »" nan
[ 1.40489623e-01 -4.63533029e-02 -1.54020220e-01 9.79911238e-02 9.19069946e-02 -1.77452952e-01 3.81464303e-01 1.88279048e-01 -3.61051187e-02 2.70425528e-01 -3.89628075e-02 3.74174744e-01 -2.39103317e-01 -2.73187995e-01 3.95059854e-01 4.18401174e-02 1.68793917e-01 3.55229884e-01 1.33397738e-02 -2.55133301e-01 -1.34509593e-01 -1.10873468e-01 -2.68112510e-01 1.32231444e-01 -2.65590966e-01 -5.06160185e-02 4.19119000e-02 4.19613987e-01 -5.21967970e-02 -2.44396001e-01 -8.88727009e-02 1.08847447e-01 -1.29723936e-01 3.59184265e-01 -1.12308371e-04 -2.30819091e-01 -1.28206551e-01 6.88683093e-02 -1.90739959e-01 1.04680724e-01 -2.91652590e-01 -6.65630922e-02 7.56519213e-02 -4.83238161e-01 2.25653872e-02 1.45920953e-02 1.73218295e-01 4.07208204e-01 5.53634226e-01 1.08832315e-01 1.15888603e-01 3.45130414e-01 1.13102077e-02 1.35471478e-01 -4.11997922e-02 2.06741422e-01 -3.48606437e-01 -1.28340364e-01 2.80835599e-01 2.67174155e-01 -1.94191039e-02 2.20206439e-01 -1.86850518e-01 3.83960940e-02 3.24254185e-01 -3.23911637e-01 -1.41594499e-01 -1.20616190e-01 3.55419368e-01 2.92651474e-01 3.40356641e-02 2.37624664e-02 2.24383295e-01 6.49582371e-02 8.10971037e-02 -4.26265925e-01 2.86475658e-01 3.66185680e-02 6.42852560e-02 1.63494229e-01 -7.16945380e-02 1.76838934e-01 -1.45447031e-01 -2.11411268e-01 -1.48371354e-01 1.69054583e-01 -9.30815488e-02 -1.70169368e-01 3.50312382e-01 -9.76041257e-02 4.03198823e-02 6.61395714e-02 3.13816696e-01 2.45221570e-01 -1.94517389e-01 -2.34662667e-02 -1.14661999e-01 -6.63546994e-02 -6.89606220e-02 1.48299485e-01 1.82814181e-01 3.12623829e-01 -1.27723083e-01 7.60262609e-02 -2.75681447e-02 -2.48378232e-01 1.46588713e-01 -2.65011281e-01 -3.15938324e-01 4.89686280e-01 -6.33891672e-02 1.38203904e-01 -4.58494127e-01 1.21315636e-01 9.66141447e-02 -2.11772934e-01 -2.43507653e-01 -1.69766128e-01 -1.65532187e-01 2.94694334e-01 -5.34029365e-01 5.52274585e-02 -3.86115275e-02 1.94405019e-01 2.86664277e-01 -6.93864450e-02 2.59124964e-01 -4.35848255e-03 -1.77691028e-01 -8.89698714e-02 -2.42413059e-01 1.20360240e-01 -1.95385471e-01 -1.20220922e-01 1.01671107e-01 1.42811477e-01 -2.20719445e-02 7.46672228e-02 6.58888146e-02 -4.79702316e-02 2.73382753e-01 -1.26336947e-01 3.10674489e-01 4.22661692e-01 -3.56104314e-01 -1.98521301e-01 -1.20802060e-01 -6.20822072e-01 2.54111234e-02 9.20195207e-02 3.23823780e-01 -1.06388755e-01 -2.21190900e-01 1.97084427e-01 -2.08829075e-01 1.64844185e-01 7.59849191e-01 1.03851460e-01 -1.00336276e-01 -2.67193347e-01 2.43285075e-01 -1.18126132e-01 -4.96877015e-01 -1.03563234e-01 1.83308855e-01 2.03623638e-01 -3.52832854e-01 -4.21029121e-01 5.07147275e-02 -1.20577037e-01 -2.35766128e-01 -1.29462406e-01 8.56854245e-02 6.25957474e-02 -1.45845816e-01 4.00932044e-01 -2.60546952e-01 3.21608216e-01 -5.83403945e-01 -2.66916901e-01 -2.34228626e-01 3.37224901e-01 2.13581413e-01 -1.95032880e-01 1.40109345e-01 -6.52116686e-02 1.66796803e-01 -5.42831011e-02 2.52561063e-01 -2.19149172e-01 -2.76356041e-01 -3.03140998e-01 8.05106834e-02 4.23004329e-01 1.55071929e-01 -7.39425421e-02 1.96350694e-01 5.15967190e-01 4.23809320e-01 1.51602790e-01 -3.30017716e-01 8.19706544e-02 -1.73867028e-02 -2.56299168e-01 -3.61038387e-01 -2.46373937e-01 -1.50876530e-02 8.27428245e-04 5.49275815e-01 4.94233638e-01 -2.49623433e-01 -1.07206210e-01 -8.64769667e-02 -2.64568143e-02 -5.22667691e-02 -2.42080197e-01 2.08494157e-01 -9.35968384e-03 -2.91766316e-01 -2.68571347e-01 -1.87506571e-01 2.28378713e-01 -9.96015146e-02 -1.23845361e-01 -4.04431283e-01 9.98747200e-02 -1.68485850e-01 -8.14085677e-02 -2.37917937e-02 3.29777300e-01 1.21452764e-01 1.10747889e-02 1.14941604e-01 -2.60356963e-01 -4.04687405e-01 6.41869102e-03 -1.24584578e-01 1.05433285e+00 -1.69161633e-01 1.50841683e-01 2.05825001e-01 -3.59094709e-01 2.89129406e-01 -1.80985108e-01 -1.39965415e-02 6.72995150e-02 1.30167663e-01 -1.17511926e-02 2.84974948e-02 -1.15704350e-01 1.88576709e-02 -4.34381634e-01 -3.90507221e-01 -4.95666713e-02 3.38910580e-01 1.59534756e-02 -1.74595729e-01 2.53468484e-01 -3.44872653e-01 1.20461032e-01 2.15548411e-01 -1.18828885e-01 2.97747135e-01 -2.18253776e-01 -2.90484517e-03 -2.47647882e-01 1.88703880e-01 7.97871873e-02 1.98192060e-01 1.97577536e-01 2.08618883e-02 -8.31801146e-02 -3.28055620e-02 -1.75193951e-01 -9.57280323e-02 -2.19043598e-01 1.72859892e-01 4.32537913e-01 8.26331824e-02 -2.80312002e-02 -2.84444034e-01 -9.72756594e-02 -5.36287688e-02 -1.47397041e-01 -7.42447376e-02 3.19167115e-02 -3.37512374e-01 3.03203493e-01 2.87575889e-02 4.70043510e-01 2.18732394e-02 5.11547923e-02 1.12460159e-01 -1.12338498e-01 -8.29349756e-02 2.18939751e-01 -1.50961146e-01 3.53967845e-01 -2.83770084e-01 -6.24222383e-02 -3.76300484e-01 1.08654685e-01 1.08083539e-01 1.16282068e-01 -6.35616630e-02 2.17107192e-01 3.50384682e-01 -3.30222398e-01 -1.88794136e-02 3.32510054e-01 -1.95384070e-01 3.65124285e-01 1.42052189e-01 -1.95596814e-01 2.76826303e-02 -2.55047888e-01 6.94438219e-02 -2.60186791e-01 1.70939058e-01 -5.27161777e-01 8.95882323e-02 1.31990686e-01 1.10411368e-01 -4.29197848e-02 -6.08494878e-02 2.57414490e-01 -1.13152154e-01 -1.37603641e-01 5.80024682e-02 -1.58892035e-01 3.53989691e-01 3.30451310e-01 1.64685860e-01 1.44035771e-01 1.25386238e-01 1.02280139e-03 -2.64632314e-01 -2.33086362e-01 9.90248546e-02 1.88903157e-02 2.24873945e-02 -1.60448790e-01 -3.37138653e-01 2.00457916e-01 -4.64249924e-02 -4.37924325e-01 -3.26043129e-01 1.55422747e-01 2.64793545e-01 -1.13430209e-01 -2.28256553e-01 6.49539530e-01 5.18171601e-02 -1.57167539e-01 -2.16256455e-01 -5.81621528e-01 9.44616944e-02 3.23035866e-01 3.81226212e-01 -1.44134402e-01 7.95178264e-02 5.25858521e-01 1.53862849e-01 -3.53067309e-01 -1.57492742e-01 -1.68133631e-01 2.30082035e-01 -3.98615152e-02 3.10717911e-01 -3.64500731e-01 4.69993919e-01 1.15855075e-01 -4.39233750e-01 7.68982545e-02 -1.04699977e-01 -1.51915029e-01 1.59977108e-01 -1.96964033e-02 -4.88709658e-01 -1.37552887e-01 1.12603307e-01 4.86662328e-01 1.93710580e-01 2.36027613e-02 -2.42132973e-02 7.70705268e-02 1.86603457e-01 -1.98305007e-02 4.24878150e-01 2.80834530e-02 4.59435768e-03 -1.00270472e-03 1.05070785e-01 -1.84503421e-01 1.22874804e-01 9.66272037e-03 -1.08749591e-01 -3.98610353e-01 -4.10271659e-02 4.02237922e-01 -3.41837525e-01 2.70598143e-01 1.38977692e-01 3.38390321e-01 6.75753593e-01 4.83926795e-02 -1.18208982e-01 1.30994141e-01 -1.65116414e-01 -5.70717417e-02 4.82678592e-01 -1.72660306e-01 -1.72203690e-01 -2.30369702e-01 2.09154606e-01 2.79268682e-01 -8.28801990e-02 9.72590968e-02 1.42723233e-01 -5.54790974e-01 -1.11808330e-01 1.39646992e-01 -9.86108780e-02 -8.59490335e-02 2.35491812e-01 1.54828951e-01 -7.82304034e-02 1.54339314e-01 2.25550979e-01 1.43142745e-01 -9.14874002e-02 -4.40842137e-02 -2.21805260e-01 3.96166414e-01 1.56490803e-01 1.25667736e-01 2.35750556e-01 -1.49752438e-01 3.80598575e-01 5.85896671e-02 -1.45590156e-01 -2.10786033e-02 6.85526133e-01 2.53532648e-01 -1.54799044e-01 -2.20767614e-02 2.88147181e-01 -1.66608170e-01 -2.01737046e-01 4.74228173e-01 2.23986477e-01 4.28699076e-01 -3.56726050e-01 1.91247150e-01 -2.82107800e-01 -3.45492244e-01 -4.92788494e-01 8.79466254e-03 1.87201109e-02 4.09821242e-01 1.67843387e-01 1.39200854e+00 1.93144947e-01 -4.09838818e-02 6.67832419e-02 -2.93655872e-01 -1.60209969e-01 -8.15335691e-01 -9.24247578e-02 -9.99000892e-02 -2.73166299e-01 -3.31642106e-02 -1.59838215e-01 1.23685062e-01 4.73989457e-01 -1.62726939e-01 -2.36056343e-01 -4.13985312e-01 -2.01892331e-01 2.20722497e-01 3.36555898e-01 -5.90416677e-02 2.85821455e-03 -1.42039999e-01 2.33175755e-01 5.35436086e-02 -1.32120764e-02 5.46530867e-03 8.48811716e-02 1.00264303e-01 1.54435977e-01 -3.32160331e-02 1.66714266e-01 -1.47722930e-01 2.97216941e-02 -2.36336626e-02 -3.61469865e-01 3.05144310e-01 -8.94533917e-02 -2.34133199e-01 3.59813124e-02 1.29039362e-01 3.94530833e-01 5.30475080e-01 2.23601032e-02 1.54387087e-01 -6.95372596e-02 2.90180594e-01 -1.47358373e-01 -9.67545658e-02 1.65704161e-01 7.21787512e-02 -1.15599506e-01 1.38234988e-01 1.19532123e-01 8.55731517e-02 -1.91374749e-01 4.32397202e-02 3.04772884e-01 1.31962195e-01 -2.95508057e-01 1.91749021e-01 1.59460306e-02 -1.96648225e-01 1.10473298e-01 -7.74444118e-02 -7.64793456e-02 -4.48706187e-02 2.39356294e-01 -1.25818476e-01 3.40613797e-02 2.30615035e-01 6.41964152e-02 -1.72894493e-01 -4.66454834e-01 2.44197212e-02 -2.00841621e-01 -4.27907050e-01 3.47764939e-02 -1.62396394e-02 -4.65482801e-01 -4.42142040e-01 2.75702924e-02 9.22901705e-02 -2.50647545e-01 -4.96875882e-01 -1.29300728e-01 6.00989312e-02 1.69475555e-01 1.08484887e-01 2.75428951e-01 -1.90048009e-01 3.62931520e-01 -3.17638099e-01 3.24026644e-01 -4.00634646e-01 1.95920885e-01 -1.63032129e-01 -1.04296565e-01 2.80004352e-01 -5.57322085e-01 9.09274593e-02 -2.91394144e-01 1.58422336e-01 1.49997935e-01 -3.43140781e-01 -2.24217236e-01 -3.29462707e-01 1.41845539e-01 -1.00327305e-01 -1.61413267e-01 1.90439019e-02 4.54355218e-02 1.58360511e-01 4.03942950e-02 2.16257915e-01 1.55954674e-01 3.08350891e-01 3.94815713e-01 -1.76137090e-01 4.03484643e-01 2.01439917e-01 -5.37854247e-02 2.04505548e-01 6.39498830e-01 -4.59951237e-02 -1.75029933e-01 -1.47610947e-01 1.75862182e-02 3.22172910e-01 4.72817272e-01 -4.41880614e-01 -4.21130881e-02 3.53988379e-01 -2.51090117e-02 1.23174198e-01 4.88401540e-02 -2.94948518e-02 1.80631101e-01 -2.84367412e-01 -1.86590254e-01 -1.85235724e-01 2.91666418e-01 -1.17177442e-01 -2.37773056e-03 -1.47392556e-01 4.01884392e-02 1.63660683e-02 2.18033239e-01 -1.85661510e-01 -2.38983467e-01 -2.47780476e-02 -7.65928328e-02 9.32316259e-02 9.97617692e-02 -1.13394439e-01 3.92178297e-02 -1.33285194e-03 -4.55511585e-02 2.44481564e-01 2.07896810e-02 1.54488325e-01 8.34006593e-02 1.71915561e-01 -2.21689358e-01 4.72485811e-01 5.37782133e-01 2.39673525e-01 1.12073399e-01 -2.31246263e-01 -1.44067481e-02 -1.16248429e-01 2.34138131e-01 -9.14465562e-02 1.66632384e-01 -4.65690196e-02 -6.26913533e-02 -4.85308357e-02 1.96454838e-01 1.08422861e-01 -3.26414593e-02 -5.66422101e-03 -1.39581606e-01 -4.54130352e-01 -1.80100039e-01 6.05029352e-02 1.62680432e-01 -1.35411751e-02 -1.58900395e-02 2.10642055e-01 2.99610555e-01 -3.61795723e-02 1.94119900e-01 2.25904599e-01 -1.94198221e-01 1.88256409e-02 6.14971459e-01 1.51043281e-01 2.63956219e-01 2.45092921e-02 3.73097926e-01 -3.73398185e-01 -2.32584476e-01 -5.72575442e-03 -3.54776740e-01 -1.38287008e-01 -2.45818719e-01 8.40704888e-02 9.66396183e-02 1.88883722e-01 4.88552824e-02 1.09789230e-01 -3.29743207e-01 -2.81973630e-01 2.24219710e-02 5.42965472e-01 -2.56624758e-01 2.00568452e-01 -1.30970314e-01 -2.61229753e-01 -7.35051259e-02 -1.96257547e-01 -1.57146752e-01 4.28533293e-02 -2.50059143e-02 -1.87946364e-01 3.21561545e-01 -2.14843135e-02 8.29285383e-02 -4.25445646e-01 4.64519411e-02 -1.35267630e-01 -7.37577081e-02 1.16065532e-01 -8.90092552e-02 -3.11100513e-01 1.49889842e-01 8.00071433e-02 -5.50556183e-01 6.26491383e-02 1.76932991e-01 3.27607989e-01 2.22595021e-01 -8.16486776e-02 5.57024814e-02 2.34062642e-01 3.72441784e-02 -2.37647682e-01 3.88683707e-01 2.57950097e-01 8.75194743e-03 -1.48574829e-01 -3.76683511e-02 -4.82141338e-02 -1.66181847e-02 1.36513025e-01 5.68531873e-03 -3.77877057e-01 -1.35256853e-02 3.23840939e-02 5.04188657e-01 2.95830555e-02 1.32872581e-01 -2.05004349e-01 -1.99226931e-01 2.70363003e-01 4.63729590e-01 -2.37186685e-01 2.29376694e-03 1.30063472e-02 7.14489698e-01 2.54085690e-01 4.27597255e-01 1.89683139e-01 2.14245856e-01 -1.93489566e-01 -2.92404108e-02 -1.96371406e-01 2.29439475e-02 4.23077568e-02 3.62318665e-01 2.79581808e-02 8.05228651e-01 1.34799421e-01 -9.05171968e-03 -2.12753803e-01 -2.36726433e-01 4.50331479e-01 -8.48199427e-03 -2.14061975e-01 1.44908139e-02 7.82758370e-02 -1.32983282e-01 -3.30330133e-01 -4.13845599e-01 -3.79308909e-01 -1.72689959e-01 -5.20515852e-02 -2.43154868e-01 6.46819323e-02 -4.91940565e-02 -1.09208770e-01 -4.59805876e-02 2.65704066e-01 7.76617527e-02 -1.13350481e-01 -5.90911150e-01 1.43792899e-02]
"The Protector" active "Item #: SCP-204 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2 are to be kept in a 10 m x 10 m fortified holding area in Site-██. The holding area must be constructed out of armor plated steel and heavily-reinforced concrete. The holding area must also be vacuum sealed and contained within an outer shell with a higher air pressure that must always be maintained with at least 2 PSI over the current air pressure in the holding area. At least one full security team must be kept on standby at all times. It is only during SCP-204-1's scheduled feeding times that D-class personnel are allowed to enter for the purposes of maintenance. SCP-204-1's typical diet consists of any kind of meat, preferably from living subjects. Such subjects will often consist of aggressive animals such as wild dogs, bulls, or any other animal that must be euthanized due to aggression. However, D-class personnel will also suffice if such food sources are unavailable. SCP-204-2's diet consists of a regular human diet with no special measures required. SCP-204-2 is allowed to make special requests, but any and all requests must be given O5 approval. Any personnel caught attempting to deliberately provoke SCP-204-2 will be immediately terminated. Security personnel are required to ignore any and all of SCP-204-2's attempts to provoke a response from them unless there is a clear and present risk of containment breach. Failure to do so will result in harsh administrative punishment. When SCP-204-2 is about to turn the age of fourteen, the Foundation must initiate Containment Protocol 204. Further details may be found in Containment Protocol 204 Requirements. In the event of a containment breach, EMP generators must be immediately activated in order to keep SCP-204-1 disabled. Once EMP generators have been activated, security teams have approximately thirty seconds to neutralize SCP-204-2 before SCP-204-1 can adapt and reassemble itself. If containment cannot be achieved in this time, SCP-204-1 must be contained by conventional means. Security teams and agents are authorized to use any conventional weaponry at their disposal to contain SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2. If SCP-204-2 is terminated during containment, then Containment Protocol 204 must immediately be initiated. Description: SCP-204-1 is a semi-organic nano-machine colony that follows SCP-204-2 as a form of protector. SCP-204-1 spends the majority of its time in a dispersed cloud, where it is almost impossible to perceive with normal human senses. However, if SCP-204-2 is put into danger, or if SCP-204-2 commands it to, SCP-204-1 will instantaneously materialize into a solid, physical form. The exact shape and nature of this form is subjective, depending wholly upon SCP-204-2's view, state of mind, and imagination. Despite its variable nature, SCP-204-1 has a number of common traits. These include: massive strength, large size, basic intelligence, perfect obedience to SCP-204-2, and the ability to regenerate itself after consuming living flesh. SCP-204-1 is vulnerable to conventional weaponry, and can be temporarily forced back into its dispersed state if enough damage is inflicted. SCP-204-2 is always a child, ranging from four to fourteen years old. Physically, there is nothing outstanding about SCP-204-2 besides its ability to call upon SCP-204-1. All incidences of SCP-204-2 have common traits. All of them have had a history of abuse and danger, with many developing acute mental disorders as a result. This makes instances of SCP-204-2 difficult to contain in any traditional manner, as great care must be taken to keep them in a stable state. It appears that SCP-204-1 is attracted to such children, though why or how it finds them is currently unknown. If SCP-204-2 is terminated or reaches the age of fourteen, then SCP-204-1 will abandon it and find a new child to "imprint" on. As a form of self-preservation, if SCP-204-1 cannot find a suitable child, it will immediately materialize and go berserk, attacking anything in sight. Once SCP-204-1 finds a suitable candidate to protect, it immediately "imprints" upon SCP-204-2 and will follow it until SCP-204-2 expires or until SCP-204-1 decides to leave of its own accord. At first, SCP-204-1 appears benign, protecting SCP-204-2 from overt threats. However, through careful study and observation, it has been noted that all incidences of SCP-204-2 begin to adopt much more aggressive, danger-seeking behavior with little regard for human life. It is theorized that SCP-204-1 is able to manipulate SCP-204-2's thought processes in order to behave in a fashion that would benefit it. It is assumed that since SCP-204-1 requires organic flesh for sustenance, it needs SCP-204-2 to be in danger in order to "justify" its activation. See Addendum 1 for further details. Addendum 1: There have been numerous recorded incidences where it is believed SCP-204-1 has been involved. The first such recorded incident was when a car was found in a residential street, completely torn apart and covered in partially devoured human remains. Similar incidents occurred until Agents managed to track SCP-204-1 to ████████, ███████████ where they made contact with the first recorded incarnation of SCP-204-2. It took three more attempts and numerous casualties before SCP-204-1 and SCP-204-2 were successfully contained. Interviews with SCP-204-2 revealed that it seemed to feel a need to experience danger, such as standing in traffic or provoking hostile responses from others. When questioned on its reasons, SCP-204-2 simply replied that SCP-204-1 "allowed [it] to". Containment Protocol 204: In order to keep SCP-204-1 successfully contained, it has been necessary to keep a permanent stock of candidates to replace SCP-204-2 in the event that the current one is terminated or abandoned. Ideally, all candidates should be orphans below the age of ten with a history of abuse. However, in times of need, Article XII of Containment Protocol 204 may be authorized to allow candidates that don't meet specific requirements. They will be put under the supervision of "caretakers" which will consist of D-class personnel convicted of violent crimes, child abuse, and pedophilia with Foundation staff present to prevent inadvertent termination of candidates.1 If SCP-204-2 successfully reaches the cut-off age of fourteen years and SCP-204-1 abandons it, the former SCP-204-2 must undergo a rigorous amnestic treatment and a thorough psychological examination before being reintegrated into a government foster program. If it is deemed that the former SCP-204-2 cannot be successfully reintegrated, then the subject must be immediately terminated. Addendum 2: As of the writing of this report, the Foundation has contained thirteen instances of SCP-204-2. Eleven instances exhibited the trademark hostile and violent behavior typical among all instances of SCP-204-2. However, 2 instances of SCP-204-2 showed a marked improvement in their mental health and stability and had the lowest number of containment breach attempts. It is currently unclear what specific factors trigger these differences in behavior, as the exact mechanism SCP-204-1 uses to manipulate its host is still unknown. Addendum 3: Though there is evidence to suggest that SCP-204-1 may be sentient, or possibly even sapient, all attempts to communicate directly with SCP-204-1 have resulted in failure. Currently, the only feasible method of communicating with SCP-204-1 is to use SCP-204-2 as an intermediary. Unfortunately, the violent tendencies and hostile behavior exhibited by nearly all instances of SCP-204-2 as well as their questionable mental stability make this approach highly unreliable. « SCP-203 | SCP-204 | SCP-205 »" nan
[ 2.77869523e-01 -3.25880378e-01 -2.18945265e-01 4.64904793e-02 -1.10267773e-01 -2.44414598e-01 3.75722617e-01 -5.73833175e-02 -2.61122048e-01 2.99244612e-01 3.06889206e-01 1.41662449e-01 3.92540963e-03 3.92666847e-01 1.48175433e-01 1.72541797e-01 6.30563349e-02 3.33130956e-01 2.16722965e-01 -4.39364091e-02 -5.66252470e-02 -1.88080758e-01 -1.50516316e-01 1.15197845e-01 -1.34005889e-01 -2.08296478e-01 2.00311527e-01 -4.07027490e-02 -3.04559022e-01 -4.94676292e-01 4.49552029e-01 2.02579796e-01 -3.21795531e-02 4.16790009e-01 -1.05934858e-04 -1.20177075e-01 1.44062936e-01 1.21956468e-01 -2.22628087e-01 2.40894154e-01 -2.43763253e-01 -3.24992716e-01 7.10410848e-02 -1.34307608e-01 8.91942345e-03 5.13563491e-02 7.30564073e-03 5.57451665e-01 5.99355817e-01 9.87336854e-04 1.74681976e-01 -1.60670385e-01 2.80699342e-01 4.88286419e-03 1.58837643e-02 1.58876076e-01 -3.30451667e-01 -2.22745508e-01 1.03609242e-01 2.29995087e-01 4.40648556e-01 1.21982060e-01 -2.59696960e-01 5.27086891e-02 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4.38802183e-01 -6.65602535e-02 3.25015396e-01 -4.45632152e-02 9.41021834e-03 -1.45402998e-01 -1.23134395e-02 2.79513419e-01 3.50505225e-02 -4.04619426e-02 4.19267029e-01 2.21114248e-01 -1.64182037e-01 8.30457136e-02 -4.76722687e-01 1.33384606e-02 -7.00205192e-02 2.29117066e-01 2.17553809e-01 -5.60788400e-02 -1.29434869e-01 3.52703854e-02 -1.41475052e-01 -4.97319758e-01 3.00146252e-01 4.89738621e-02 1.62273601e-01 -3.19567978e-01 -4.60159034e-03 3.34988177e-01 -3.10652435e-01 8.61036405e-02 2.56950948e-02 1.94954336e-01 -3.12087744e-01 -7.85586908e-02 -3.66905928e-01 1.20627016e-01 1.60074860e-01 -3.26010883e-02 -1.83406230e-02 8.28344151e-02 3.55550535e-02 6.34235889e-02 -7.83348680e-02 5.41954041e-01 -1.80423784e-03 3.88238877e-02 -1.73660800e-01 -5.62850684e-02 1.77259043e-01 8.16635266e-02 -2.48276412e-01 1.21131100e-01 1.72181316e-02 2.19175071e-01 3.46979965e-03 -5.47805503e-02 -5.60087711e-02 -3.16318274e-01 -2.69975632e-01 1.72757134e-01 -1.77790627e-01 9.18491557e-02 6.05770350e-02 2.51075685e-01 5.88324629e-02 1.69453174e-01 -2.13946313e-01 3.22486050e-02 -6.28615618e-02 7.33669987e-03 1.52953550e-01 -2.38262177e-01 1.91327438e-01 7.27596164e-01 5.32130860e-02 2.47682050e-01 7.85368606e-02 -5.16547598e-02 -6.04095720e-02 -4.51627783e-02 2.67685980e-01 4.81317192e-02 2.53332675e-01 2.48207048e-01 5.10881171e-02 1.20699026e-01 -1.76136598e-01 -2.51591150e-02 -7.86760077e-02 -2.16296792e-01 -9.76568460e-02 2.80744433e-02 1.97950471e-03 2.18731478e-01 1.44376174e-01 8.37736651e-02 7.11600408e-02 -1.15272589e-01 -6.93073049e-02 1.09072156e-01 4.62494083e-02 2.43917163e-02 -2.57684082e-01 3.35761607e-01 -2.15732723e-01 3.85267854e-01 -1.45732313e-01 1.54358432e-01 -7.85444155e-02 1.40632898e-01 -5.36154695e-02 -2.91795228e-02 3.97439808e-01 2.98248082e-01 -3.47898640e-02 3.22545804e-02 -5.29436648e-01 3.90336394e-01 -1.18355557e-01 -3.23041886e-01 2.50186652e-01 4.21284251e-02 -2.54780442e-01 -3.76946628e-01 1.39713526e-01 -5.59072018e-01 -1.56793252e-01 -7.52955899e-02 -2.58742124e-01 -1.31135508e-01 -7.40624592e-02 -3.66228186e-02 -3.06667596e-01 -1.73358917e-01 1.82543881e-02 9.55263227e-02 1.78471059e-01 3.38754505e-01 2.44641170e-01 2.65851438e-01 -5.39207943e-02 -1.23356399e-03 -3.61398399e-01 -3.11669618e-01 4.12937552e-02 -1.08696841e-01 -6.08516783e-02 -8.65936978e-04 -2.77023703e-01 3.43335271e-01 -7.37113729e-02 -3.61231655e-01 -5.99757850e-01 -1.37660429e-01 -6.06528968e-02 -2.65287668e-01 -1.30409434e-01 4.92900193e-01 2.51540095e-01 -3.50491703e-01 -1.28695726e-01 -1.40725672e-01 2.56805837e-01 -1.94549430e-02 1.07927084e-01 -7.23843947e-02 2.10275073e-02 4.53297168e-01 6.32964015e-01 -1.67004898e-01 -2.71737188e-01 1.13261335e-01 2.35253975e-01 1.35127202e-01 1.59933358e-01 -1.48273513e-01 3.11478555e-01 9.06525105e-02 -1.78976834e-01 2.98150331e-01 -2.06428766e-01 -5.17312288e-02 -2.32788026e-02 -2.54709214e-01 -7.15902448e-02 -4.40712199e-02 -3.46406460e-01 6.55393064e-01 3.77327532e-01 -2.86781173e-02 -1.29264191e-01 1.54470041e-01 1.05504282e-01 -1.48301765e-01 6.88075088e-03 6.74661919e-02 1.36013292e-02 -3.75154823e-01 -1.09853916e-01 1.09778397e-01 1.12821944e-02 -2.47448380e-03 -3.83877382e-02 -1.04706019e-01 1.01618409e-01 2.46467233e-01 -3.34766686e-01 1.37323886e-01 3.11325163e-01 1.92332625e-01 8.09148401e-02 -1.70325890e-01 -1.17068440e-01 -2.73380786e-01 4.04593274e-02 -9.99329090e-02 -4.98718053e-01 -3.19091111e-01 -3.09416443e-01 -9.16166045e-03 6.94221407e-02 -1.92666590e-01 7.54454657e-02 3.88928711e-01 -1.99828178e-01 -1.73677072e-01 -4.24280435e-01 3.68800610e-01 -7.81902820e-02 -3.40388924e-01 6.77322224e-02 -1.01452142e-01 1.54773995e-01 2.36160859e-01 1.32029042e-01 1.00573882e-01 1.63180195e-03 2.70806462e-01 -1.90644249e-01 3.35306048e-01 2.73292474e-02 4.58505064e-01 2.74343669e-01 4.89337929e-03 9.41503346e-02 -2.17894897e-01 1.98095813e-01 3.48140925e-01 6.76077724e-01 2.96613257e-02 -1.57195523e-01 7.37823620e-02 3.42523187e-01 7.74121583e-02 -1.45510137e-01 1.37480870e-01 1.77838821e-02 5.68096042e-01 -3.19375694e-02 1.27345890e-01 4.48456891e-02 -3.05722833e-01 3.30701768e-02 5.03087103e-01 -2.11802229e-01 7.65514672e-02 4.58399892e-01 1.17423952e+00 1.87646732e-01 2.60858357e-01 2.54966199e-01 -2.41356567e-01 -3.80276859e-01 -3.20373625e-01 -1.11267880e-01 6.99030235e-02 -3.99070829e-01 -1.08768471e-01 -2.02261001e-01 1.79981813e-02 1.54665664e-01 -5.86394131e-01 -1.41572833e-01 -2.10207120e-01 2.79418886e-01 2.37035975e-01 1.68381423e-01 7.09062628e-03 -2.73038889e-03 2.65290707e-01 2.13451698e-01 -4.96062860e-02 6.61908388e-02 -2.80711483e-02 2.72011310e-02 -1.35310022e-02 -1.79416895e-01 3.09163667e-02 1.33091569e-01 -5.62598825e-01 2.01456606e-01 2.13186577e-01 -1.14853419e-01 -1.06421679e-01 1.26795590e-01 -2.42917702e-01 2.98002362e-02 -9.04833153e-02 1.90491840e-01 4.45440054e-01 -2.55825281e-01 -3.64845544e-01 6.90424368e-02 1.65188611e-01 -2.79621519e-02 1.35832980e-01 -3.49047482e-02 -1.11876905e-01 -3.87463495e-02 -2.97318488e-01 2.62963563e-01 3.24036121e-01 -2.36309394e-01 2.65404075e-01 7.01026842e-02 -2.98423856e-01 -3.05160910e-01 1.98740795e-01 -7.33079389e-02 -2.44259894e-01 -1.93326131e-01 3.80048007e-01 -9.79803577e-02 -6.19024783e-02 3.68106842e-01 9.00812522e-02 3.41211379e-01 4.87506866e-01 -2.97465245e-03 -1.43100172e-01 -3.26952040e-01 4.34525311e-03 -7.99669474e-02 5.02060831e-01 5.76460138e-02 -8.34879875e-02 -5.19052088e-01 -2.53583193e-01 4.58958387e-01 2.20934793e-01 -2.51010084e-03 -1.51985541e-01 4.56332453e-02 -1.54381692e-01 -1.91798955e-02 7.25367013e-03 2.90220350e-01 -2.01415479e-01 3.48117441e-01 8.23638886e-02 3.72009218e-01 -4.46668476e-01 1.00330457e-01 -1.38549343e-01 -1.76045775e-01 3.00956666e-01 -4.41228360e-01 -1.66710898e-01 -1.91369012e-01 1.63275287e-01 1.48868889e-01 -2.41151452e-01 -3.07827324e-01 -2.50286847e-01 1.49742335e-01 9.90848541e-02 -3.47641796e-01 1.03738578e-02 2.04025820e-01 -1.64750978e-01 1.22079238e-01 8.02414957e-03 1.70966342e-01 2.41988003e-01 1.82277352e-01 -1.78266928e-01 2.11408004e-01 -3.14032696e-02 -7.39489868e-02 -1.50727689e-01 2.02971861e-01 2.26566598e-01 -2.34350622e-01 2.82455655e-03 -1.12801388e-01 2.07579583e-01 2.61026770e-01 2.62707204e-01 -2.88599264e-03 1.73009202e-01 -1.26466164e-02 -2.94749916e-01 1.82898179e-01 -1.20944016e-01 7.33620077e-02 -2.22471267e-01 -8.23923573e-02 -1.39350176e-01 2.91762650e-01 -7.66838118e-02 5.64993583e-02 -7.74640543e-03 -3.23654264e-02 1.13915458e-01 2.01959908e-01 2.65865475e-01 -3.47008705e-01 -1.98357195e-01 3.53080273e-01 2.50020400e-02 -1.67593122e-01 1.91215426e-01 9.32848826e-02 -3.49975973e-01 -1.43538684e-01 2.51529962e-01 -2.85378471e-02 3.55939746e-01 -1.41555384e-01 4.24944788e-01 3.67354661e-01 -1.67999014e-01 5.70852935e-01 4.35853690e-01 1.33660108e-01 -2.62549579e-01 3.69558305e-01 3.90022211e-02 -6.36529997e-02 -2.91267876e-02 4.26022232e-01 -3.37526985e-02 -1.31086498e-01 -2.21399650e-01 1.54668108e-01 3.33258845e-02 -5.28312773e-02 -1.38058469e-01 -1.50676280e-01 -2.72240132e-01 -3.27794515e-02 3.93648714e-01 -3.55468765e-02 9.91500095e-02 -3.11338138e-02 -7.15545490e-02 4.94827837e-01 8.15157220e-02 2.75572270e-01 3.97077799e-01 -2.30881751e-01 4.13548239e-02 3.93941134e-01 -2.62422115e-01 -2.94366237e-02 2.34326199e-01 3.91984791e-01 -1.79733455e-01 -2.24066749e-01 -1.04444295e-01 2.35984959e-02 -2.01869786e-01 -2.25776538e-01 1.84839532e-01 1.19869187e-01 -1.66591749e-01 8.00722167e-02 1.13225177e-01 -3.48826468e-01 -4.46610183e-01 2.09832877e-01 -9.44365561e-02 5.28785475e-02 -2.69354343e-01 1.89763188e-01 -2.78140962e-01 1.68809518e-02 1.53396174e-01 -1.69383585e-01 4.56497520e-02 -2.25983322e-01 -6.51472658e-02 1.74336955e-01 -2.49390781e-01 7.46855885e-02 4.73213568e-02 2.88690269e-01 -7.82187060e-02 7.67240897e-02 -2.33145915e-02 -2.63923705e-01 -2.35256344e-01 2.53909320e-01 -1.59901068e-01 -3.55822355e-01 1.46684691e-01 8.24663788e-02 7.24009192e-03 1.79849029e-01 1.35271223e-02 -1.47207499e-01 9.45698917e-02 -1.18314691e-01 -3.25854421e-01 3.70179296e-01 5.14308989e-01 -1.19877718e-01 3.03562619e-02 -1.89951107e-01 1.49051458e-01 -2.18335196e-01 1.79991513e-01 2.49959394e-01 -1.79424748e-01 -2.02311084e-01 7.04469025e-01 5.78006506e-01 -2.60840124e-03 1.47319779e-01 -2.33775526e-01 -9.85329002e-02 1.35656804e-01 6.12719893e-01 -3.65385681e-01 1.48165926e-01 -1.48355113e-02 1.28371596e-01 -2.22013425e-02 9.11312830e-03 1.04765989e-01 1.42974868e-01 9.53020379e-02 2.44235098e-01 -4.83952880e-01 -5.21867462e-02 -2.39360794e-01 2.15887740e-01 3.78573127e-02 3.33776951e-01 1.18398324e-01 -2.09962904e-01 -2.67689377e-01 -1.97533414e-01 4.99734193e-01 8.57387260e-02 -1.41067758e-01 -1.00289769e-01 1.08698290e-02 1.97675183e-01 -1.40216216e-01 4.32753228e-02 -1.71453521e-01 -1.51673347e-01 -1.52729884e-01 -3.75232249e-01 -1.27085388e-01 5.65048307e-02 -8.83170497e-03 -1.60535663e-01 3.64350200e-01 -4.65661064e-02 -4.38404456e-02 -6.46285117e-01 1.60881970e-02]
"Shadow Lamps" active "Item #: SCP-205 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-205-1 and SCP-205-2 are contained within Chamber 52 at Site-23, under regular observation via the adjoining observation room. SCP-205-1 and SCP-205-2 are to be supplied with power and face the white projection screen on the wall opposite the observation window at all times. Chamber 52 requires monthly maintenance to ensure the continued operation of both SCP objects, their power supply and remote activation controls. Replacement parts and bulbs are kept on hand in the chamber. Maintenance is suspended during the final month of the SCP-205 cycle, occurring in April and October of each year. Should power to Chamber 52 fail it is to remain dark and sealed for a period of thirty days before local security enters to re-engage power for continued observation and containment. During maintenance it is critical that only one of the SCP-205 pair is ever turned off at a time. Should both objects lose power or otherwise cease normal operation the chamber must be sealed for a 30 day period before local security may enter to re-engage power and retrieve the remains of any personnel lost in the chamber. Pending O5 review, testing and observation is to continue before SCP-205 is to be moved to permanent storage. Description: SCP-205 is a pair of flood lamps used in photography. The light emitted by each lamp behaves in a manner unique to SCP-205 and passes completely through any surface that is not colored white. Once the light contacts a white surface it scatters and reflects as normal and loses any unnatural properties. If the light continues uninterrupted through any matter, otherwise casting no shadow, each lamp will display an unidentified young woman's shadow upon any flat white surface, such as the projection screen in Chamber 52. Whether or not this shadow corresponds to anyone living or dead has yet to be determined, although the shadow appears to re-enact a specific series of events leading up to the woman's death. Even if the lamps are slightly moved, the shadow remains distinct and does not lose focus or move along with the one lamp or the other. Only one shadow is cast although a physical person standing before two lamps would actually cast two shadows. When supplied with steady power and maintained, the SCP-205 pair will go through a six month cycle that ends on April 30th and October 31st of each year. Neither the inclusion of an extra day during a Leap Year nor intermittent operation failures change these dates, thus SCP-205's cycle appears to be tied to the standard calendar rather than a set passage of time. SCP-205 will shut off at midnight on the final day of each cycle. Any persons entering or already inside Chamber 52 when the lamps are both turned off are violently assaulted by forces unseen in a manner consistent with the fate suffered by the shadow woman, regardless of any other light sources in the room. If the lamps are shut off at the end of a standard six month cycle they can be remotely activated to immediately end the danger and begin a new cycle. If the lamps cease operating for any other reason Chamber 52 will remain dangerous and must remain sealed for at least thirty days regardless of the status of SCP-205 itself. During a dangerous phase any equipment in the room is often ransacked, but although SCP-205 itself has sometimes been moved the lamps are never damaged. On two occasions [DATA EXPUNGED] were carved into the walls. This strongly implies that [DATA EXPUNGED] displaying an awareness of current containment procedures. Overview of SCP-205's cycle: For the first month of operation, SCP-205 will display a still image of one woman in a provocative pose. Although variances have been noted in the pose and clothing of the woman, the individual displayed appears to be distinct and consistent through all cycles. During the last week of the first month, the shadow will begin to move slightly as if the individual is shifting her weight or becoming uncomfortable. Her hair and clothing will be observed to flutter in ways that do not correspond to any movement of the atmosphere within Chamber 52. By the end of the first calendar month the shadow will break her pose and spend the next eight hours moving through a series of poses that imply a photography session complete with clothing changes and short breaks, sometimes including a meal. After this session is over the shadow will constantly be in motion for the next five months, displaying a pantomime of the last days of a young model's life before she is brutally murdered at the end of the cycle. The shadow of the woman never moves beyond the boundaries of the projection screen. The shadows of objects that the woman appears to be interacting with do not appear unless they are being picked up or carried, and with the exception of the final month of the cycle any other individuals that the shadow appears to be interacting with are not seen. Although the cycle is slightly different each time certain consistencies are observed. The individual portrayed appears to have taken up photography as a hobby in addition to being a fashion model. Her behavior implies a great deal of social interaction although with a lack of intimacy and behavior that indicates living alone rather than with family or a partner. One implied sexual encounter with an unseen partner occurs in the second or third month of the cycle and exactly sixty six explicit sexual encounters occur in the final month of the cycle. During the last month of the cycle in April and October, shadows distinct from the young woman are displayed. These shadows all have exaggerated nude male physiques and horns projecting from the cranium although no phallus is ever observed, even during the sexual displays that take up the final days of the cycle. Only one shadow appears at first, interacting with the woman in a manner suggesting that they have met at a party or social gathering. The woman does not appear to notice the unusual nature of the other shadow and plays out a series of varying romantic interactions with it. The horned shadow will return to dine with the woman, engage in silent conversations and accompany her on outings. One recurring event involves the horned shadow introducing the woman to at least two other identical horned figures. After the second week of the month the woman will take photographs of one or more of the horned shadows during one of their outings, always with a non-digital camera that has been consistent through all observed viewings of the SCP-205 cycle. After this event explicit sexual encounters will begin between the woman and one of the figures, increasing in intensity and frequency until the end of the third week. During the final week of the month the woman appears to develop the film in her camera for the first time since photographing the horned shadow(s). Her reaction to the photographs is one of shock and horror, and her movements afterward suggest that she attempts to flee and seek shelter behind a locked door, presumably in her home. There she is encountered by multiple instances of the horned shadow figure which assault her repeatedly for the remainder of the week. It is strongly implied that she is killed during this process although the assaults will continue until the end of the cycle. On the last day of the cycle one of the horned shadows begins to grow larger in a manner suggesting that the figure casting it is approaching the SCP-205 lamps directly. It will eventually overcast all other shadows and at this time both lamps will be physically turned off regardless of any modifications made to prevent a halt in operation. Addendum: SCP-205-1 has been in the Foundation's possession since ██-██-████; SCP-205-2 is identical in every way, including the serial number. It was discovered in a ransacked motel room in ████, ██ on █-██-████. No sign of the identity or whereabouts of the occupant have been found, although a camera similar to the one displayed in the sixth month of the SCP-205 cycle was also recovered. Most of the contained film was ruined by exposure; see attached photo for the one image that was developed from the camera. Incident 205-76b: On 10-28-████, SCP-205-2's bulb burnt out. Researcher M. N████████ was sent in to Chamber 52 to replace the bulb during one of the climactic assaults. Upon the opening of Chamber 52's door, all horned shadow figures within view ceased their activity and turned towards the door. Researcher N████████ resealed the chamber and refused to enter to perform maintenance. Shadow figures did not resume their usual activity for approximately three hours. Incident 205-77a: On 4-28-████, SCP-205-2's bulb exploded. Shadow figures all ceased activity and looked towards the chamber door. No staff were dispatched to replace the bulb, Chamber 52 sealed and abandoned for 30 days according to procedure. « SCP-204 | SCP-205 | SCP-206 »" nan
[ 1.57946110e-01 6.73576817e-02 -1.23573899e-01 7.48446211e-03 -2.94359207e-01 -3.03909659e-01 5.86723030e-01 -6.02231845e-02 1.68219119e-01 2.21693277e-01 3.39996070e-01 -2.69126356e-01 -2.72723615e-01 -1.54173180e-01 3.15157399e-02 -1.61797598e-01 1.17413752e-01 3.43016833e-01 -4.47448730e-01 -1.39862835e-01 -2.23438572e-02 -1.47121087e-01 -7.64192045e-02 -5.63107505e-02 -3.58935744e-01 -1.37710795e-01 -1.24546941e-02 -1.56782836e-01 -1.81923375e-01 2.51521140e-01 3.05474401e-01 2.14836732e-01 -3.46410312e-02 1.56896710e-01 -1.12092792e-04 -1.54833674e-01 -5.80486059e-02 -2.25805547e-02 -1.25252917e-01 2.12038666e-01 3.69492248e-02 -6.67899773e-02 2.49950051e-01 -3.76583874e-01 8.30992907e-02 -3.30407843e-02 -1.90607250e-01 -7.97678977e-02 2.32860640e-01 -1.24110937e-01 2.17678413e-01 6.05429634e-02 -6.32850826e-02 -8.35050363e-03 3.08232397e-01 5.33888340e-02 -1.91953599e-01 -3.95940185e-01 9.43679959e-02 -1.70401394e-01 2.34689433e-02 2.46498972e-01 -2.29265884e-01 -1.29923999e-01 2.83007741e-01 -2.33014032e-01 1.52871862e-01 -2.02143610e-01 -8.95594712e-03 -1.39324069e-01 2.67184258e-01 -4.61736415e-03 3.71316791e-01 8.18463564e-02 -2.57818997e-01 4.00458246e-01 -3.09069548e-02 3.16450477e-01 2.69373450e-02 -1.15169540e-01 -1.75419211e-01 5.65428078e-01 -1.54113442e-01 4.75395098e-02 -9.98750255e-02 2.81103790e-01 1.46178128e-02 1.66305959e-01 -2.06259824e-02 -6.25762343e-02 3.46961498e-01 -1.27018169e-02 3.57502252e-01 1.53926790e-01 -3.13505530e-02 1.27692342e-01 3.00546676e-01 1.00793555e-01 -1.37292504e-01 4.19746190e-01 3.52283418e-01 1.98838800e-01 3.37971359e-01 2.07768112e-01 -8.70950446e-02 1.37215391e-01 3.24558020e-01 -8.82601961e-02 -1.90553084e-01 -1.13325223e-01 1.18775539e-01 2.48837233e-01 -7.34072849e-02 -4.37126793e-02 -1.60172388e-01 -9.28216204e-02 3.22206736e-01 -2.22227558e-01 -2.82491297e-01 6.18089177e-02 -7.80298829e-01 7.66659528e-02 2.74439514e-01 3.64929318e-01 6.88229322e-01 3.20001990e-01 7.86815882e-01 -5.22427917e-01 -1.16368204e-01 -5.62895276e-02 -1.71303958e-01 1.80781439e-01 -3.74950826e-01 2.50940174e-01 1.32235825e-01 5.61502039e-01 -1.67724997e-01 -4.66894694e-02 3.10247153e-01 2.03575641e-01 3.67609859e-01 6.81978092e-02 4.54979122e-01 2.92662889e-01 -5.09489775e-01 -6.60767779e-02 -5.96040599e-02 1.73043743e-01 1.91594839e-01 6.76023290e-02 5.60232103e-01 4.13994230e-02 -3.24011415e-01 1.92700654e-01 -7.20019341e-02 2.98492670e-01 4.97670650e-01 -3.04571837e-02 1.03314437e-01 -7.32229948e-02 4.22999978e-01 5.40297069e-02 1.72278926e-01 -7.06379022e-03 1.64273903e-01 3.33371282e-01 1.55752644e-01 -7.52761215e-02 1.16332494e-01 -2.26667762e-01 -1.39091127e-02 -2.52541929e-01 -1.66467533e-01 -1.24065891e-01 -4.02833343e-01 -3.77793074e-01 -4.15782005e-01 1.71307102e-02 -2.37403121e-02 -4.87556815e-01 -1.35137215e-01 1.76416770e-01 4.15475547e-01 -7.67480731e-02 -3.32908183e-01 -2.08226457e-01 -4.56334442e-01 -2.91237175e-01 1.46602243e-01 -1.72803909e-01 -4.04332072e-01 -3.26314718e-02 2.71455795e-01 9.86672342e-02 -8.60062987e-02 -1.44259557e-01 6.45994619e-02 4.73198622e-01 1.79924905e-01 6.17580712e-02 3.20366248e-02 -1.19909406e-01 4.57979962e-02 -8.22593719e-02 1.33672774e-01 2.37929642e-01 -1.50264680e-01 4.03994359e-02 -9.23172012e-03 2.52577454e-01 2.86507346e-02 -8.98601413e-02 1.50385171e-01 1.29163954e-02 -1.48326769e-01 -2.44079649e-01 2.03678057e-01 1.57191277e-01 1.47455588e-01 -3.45449477e-01 1.67859316e-01 1.42228678e-01 -3.69189233e-01 -4.08069253e-01 1.06768431e-02 5.57278514e-01 -8.19503739e-02 -2.10901380e-01 -3.24450910e-01 1.93310574e-01 3.84468138e-01 7.04392046e-02 4.24285308e-02 -1.66224334e-02 -4.28407431e-01 1.27820447e-01 -1.60398662e-01 7.73512423e-01 7.01904669e-03 -2.92631805e-01 3.13567758e-01 -4.68902197e-03 1.40437037e-01 8.20425749e-02 -4.31116037e-02 1.26384869e-01 9.48088020e-02 2.41290390e-01 -1.69951022e-01 1.28287613e-01 -2.00343207e-01 -2.33375341e-01 3.20133101e-03 -8.04907009e-02 4.82623488e-01 2.92233899e-02 7.36511871e-02 2.47785896e-01 8.52660388e-02 3.30275208e-01 -3.39068502e-01 -4.51325811e-02 2.50236958e-01 -2.15870246e-01 1.78052947e-01 4.19501923e-02 4.94920462e-01 3.00817251e-01 2.16393799e-01 2.64110208e-01 -1.01946853e-01 -1.10025011e-01 -7.00418428e-02 -8.54532868e-02 -6.98016211e-02 3.85163613e-02 -4.06318065e-03 2.83345263e-02 6.75514713e-02 6.62217662e-02 -1.98133081e-01 -2.58387715e-01 1.45411640e-01 -2.34434545e-01 -1.66610211e-01 6.40706101e-04 1.77024305e-02 -4.12828386e-01 -3.62059981e-01 4.70016927e-01 2.77182877e-01 -1.77989990e-01 8.38061869e-02 5.91988117e-02 -3.41202289e-01 6.16820082e-02 5.17071672e-02 2.56996483e-01 -1.87055990e-01 2.13321075e-01 -6.30551636e-01 7.82143921e-02 1.09092712e-01 5.28381914e-02 -2.02783570e-01 4.10509296e-02 4.44153309e-01 1.80617437e-01 2.17254505e-01 -3.90374988e-01 -5.86265385e-01 -5.70775084e-02 3.19330245e-01 -4.95735586e-01 -5.25247119e-02 1.40358694e-02 -6.43777102e-02 -4.16858077e-01 1.24038113e-02 -3.70050281e-01 1.33376941e-01 1.24003537e-01 -2.86453038e-01 -2.20723040e-02 -3.50619197e-01 -5.73850237e-02 -3.83575559e-01 -1.62943318e-01 -3.34244013e-01 -8.85642618e-02 2.42703602e-01 -1.25328854e-01 -9.53622684e-02 4.28313501e-02 -2.60884129e-02 -2.67877467e-02 2.96931230e-02 -1.77420661e-01 -1.52871152e-03 -1.30516365e-01 -7.80468807e-02 -1.58214852e-01 -2.39309855e-03 -1.53699487e-01 2.31948718e-01 -1.26554593e-01 -3.92677486e-01 1.37853831e-01 -1.05768785e-01 2.55248308e-01 -4.04124707e-01 5.87703049e-01 5.41731492e-02 -1.72646329e-01 -1.95707276e-01 -2.39742845e-02 1.54558808e-01 -1.02009602e-01 3.05667609e-01 -2.39177525e-01 -1.80505425e-01 3.02822560e-01 4.05660957e-01 -3.85621004e-02 -3.70296925e-01 1.01778731e-01 4.08860832e-01 4.56721038e-02 1.01863913e-01 -1.16789214e-01 2.30924129e-01 1.20730683e-01 -2.45575383e-01 -5.04070036e-02 -2.81394217e-02 -4.02517498e-01 -2.13517234e-01 -1.94386169e-01 -3.35925251e-01 -1.06601834e-01 -1.55895382e-01 2.50269383e-01 5.54330587e-01 -2.08251309e-02 1.77080423e-01 2.55272031e-01 -1.54088706e-01 -1.44109517e-01 -2.57588997e-02 -2.76792109e-01 -1.31942881e-02 -4.25638288e-01 1.41404584e-01 -4.11747210e-02 2.34507486e-01 -3.28310430e-02 1.79982513e-01 -3.44197392e-01 -4.60289232e-02 2.15559885e-01 -2.05504030e-01 4.06342037e-02 1.15930557e-01 5.14419496e-01 3.14338237e-01 1.87867507e-01 -2.62361199e-01 -3.65539730e-01 9.22743008e-02 -2.58654095e-02 8.76276866e-02 -5.70596933e-01 -5.38567118e-02 1.71596035e-02 1.46744102e-01 -3.91423851e-02 -9.58287194e-02 2.49367222e-01 -1.07349781e-02 -3.21618319e-01 -3.43127698e-02 6.95562130e-03 -5.81680834e-02 -6.64888099e-02 -8.81282687e-02 -2.21645072e-01 4.88380581e-01 -1.49182184e-02 6.88060075e-02 3.58575433e-02 6.18567839e-02 1.98736787e-01 2.67545041e-03 4.30615902e-01 3.18438202e-01 1.71256110e-01 9.11705121e-02 -2.63508856e-01 3.25880766e-01 1.20325945e-01 -7.06114769e-02 6.68016896e-02 6.43833220e-01 -9.69658643e-02 4.50881831e-02 -1.00637684e-02 3.51466276e-02 -4.34538200e-02 1.39164258e-04 -3.28212865e-02 -1.15620658e-01 2.21413389e-01 -2.34350726e-01 8.59481245e-02 5.28883003e-02 -2.68977672e-01 -1.19360760e-01 -4.71971929e-02 -1.47284761e-01 3.05993050e-01 4.09842759e-01 1.16703296e+00 -9.65773389e-02 -6.50781617e-02 -1.34262666e-01 -5.41114867e-01 -5.35016134e-02 -4.65384200e-02 -1.17730103e-01 -1.30266175e-01 -3.76989953e-02 6.95086718e-02 -2.14392766e-01 3.12770754e-01 6.55910000e-02 -2.32254520e-01 -3.56784105e-01 -3.93047392e-01 4.65633906e-03 1.73896566e-01 8.33906047e-03 2.55305562e-02 1.45900637e-01 2.67645359e-01 2.31761441e-01 8.54652449e-02 -8.54604691e-02 -2.43407041e-01 3.04559410e-01 2.00963408e-01 -3.19689035e-01 -9.35424566e-02 3.34298134e-01 -7.78970048e-02 3.66949588e-01 -5.07815421e-01 -5.36874652e-01 -1.89479589e-01 2.41134256e-01 -4.25391495e-01 -4.34507608e-01 -4.07922938e-02 4.17549193e-01 1.04590822e-02 -1.28439397e-01 -2.32977439e-02 -6.50987204e-04 1.16265729e-01 -1.77014098e-02 -4.88368869e-02 5.05190715e-02 -8.91846195e-02 -1.13641955e-01 -6.11612916e-01 2.49192193e-01 6.54815137e-01 2.86573563e-02 4.50145513e-01 2.02901483e-01 -2.63936609e-01 -1.23912282e-01 1.91306591e-01 4.20462675e-02 -1.87256783e-01 8.65904614e-03 -3.30278188e-01 1.47955060e-01 5.32351919e-02 4.50697392e-01 1.69496670e-01 1.72230050e-01 -4.17847149e-02 3.55503827e-01 -3.92184369e-02 -2.98794419e-01 2.35967949e-01 6.97545260e-02 -4.50337023e-01 7.27208480e-02 1.84524793e-03 -2.13626549e-01 2.26424932e-01 6.03333294e-01 -1.58391207e-01 -2.13036612e-02 -2.57635206e-01 -1.68859825e-01 3.23204219e-01 -1.01483893e-02 -8.11526254e-02 3.65032434e-01 7.22411573e-02 1.46004111e-01 1.52513757e-01 -2.12390311e-02 -3.48062575e-01 -2.08574370e-01 -4.25875098e-01 1.90747559e-01 1.07828572e-01 -2.29139805e-01 9.13285092e-02 -2.60567553e-02 9.55818146e-02 1.37481242e-01 -3.30863334e-02 -1.92938611e-01 9.16493908e-02 1.44999847e-01 -6.40119659e-03 -9.54004899e-02 -3.07952724e-02 -1.24549761e-01 2.69742846e-01 -3.08150239e-02 6.89112246e-02 2.09897369e-01 -3.51348929e-02 9.90206823e-02 -5.32047331e-01 2.09800061e-03 -2.07150832e-01 -2.18991086e-01 -2.90030912e-02 -1.68404840e-02 2.35514000e-01 6.95710853e-02 -7.83905238e-02 -1.54549539e-01 2.47601390e-01 8.68281722e-02 -9.67299864e-02 -1.85547337e-01 -6.27521127e-02 6.40386716e-02 6.48110285e-02 9.72306952e-02 -1.14723861e-01 -2.48336598e-01 -4.34667110e-01 -1.31411672e-01 6.74381554e-02 3.03104639e-01 -1.76311836e-01 1.58407375e-01 -2.66105145e-01 2.12164000e-01 -6.64131790e-02 1.01181887e-01 6.77221566e-02 -7.42322028e-01 -1.35142985e-03 9.80505720e-02 2.98032790e-01 -1.80757314e-01 3.70703824e-02 9.75288004e-02 6.55528903e-02 -1.74417630e-01 8.64060894e-02 2.67285127e-02 1.46196574e-01 2.89203405e-01 -7.65088052e-02 5.68847299e-01 1.17996313e-01 4.79208708e-01 1.32527605e-01 3.04163933e-01 2.74168905e-02 3.88306201e-01 3.26814920e-01 1.44087985e-01 -3.12701404e-01 3.13008688e-02 1.49683896e-02 2.10622624e-02 -3.81584913e-02 8.40895474e-02 1.10319726e-01 4.57245708e-01 -1.41749546e-01 -1.05671398e-01 3.04880422e-02 -2.24930808e-01 1.71683654e-01 -1.71247438e-01 2.73133546e-01 -4.24075164e-02 -1.37741596e-01 1.62824675e-01 2.93629449e-02 2.00937450e-01 2.03797877e-01 -5.88615537e-02 1.37992904e-01 6.17590249e-01 -2.07531258e-01 2.43217424e-01 1.61117345e-01 3.27928066e-02 1.95448220e-01 1.05082273e-01 2.76898265e-01 7.10483044e-02 -1.88250646e-01 -1.46998584e-01 2.72885486e-02 2.11366653e-01 1.57938704e-01 -6.87055141e-02 1.07231051e-01 -2.76271552e-01 -3.92695934e-01 2.82230049e-01 3.44746500e-01 -7.94284344e-02 2.17645064e-01 -4.30150002e-01 -1.22670896e-01 2.58664284e-02 2.43919864e-02 -3.42081189e-01 -3.72071475e-01 -2.66142905e-01 1.60060644e-01 -5.57884313e-02 -3.64400558e-02 4.64072488e-02 -4.28337464e-03 1.02322109e-01 -3.64238709e-01 6.20982468e-01 1.53236538e-01 -6.57263041e-01 -1.14360951e-01 1.41319364e-01 -4.56587747e-02 -1.16389319e-01 -2.54587997e-02 1.26746804e-01 -1.34748658e-02 -6.25459254e-02 2.18275875e-01 1.13685809e-01 1.71961531e-01 -1.03917673e-01 -3.21732104e-01 2.90892720e-01 2.93099225e-01 5.90036474e-02 2.58202851e-01 -1.54693201e-01 -1.79653749e-01 -1.40483722e-01 2.01568604e-01 -3.05334013e-02 -3.81667793e-01 1.90785285e-02 3.41200292e-01 7.35531926e-01 -3.68339494e-02 3.54791909e-01 -1.27575183e-02 -2.34095156e-01 1.20859750e-01 -1.82028580e-02 -3.97761986e-02 -1.74628213e-01 2.27230474e-01 2.86584944e-01 -1.17308408e-01 3.62810344e-01 3.85965079e-01 3.38943273e-01 -3.40111293e-02 -2.04941958e-01 -2.62982428e-01 -3.43477987e-02 -2.77740121e-01 1.53786182e-01 -2.90684462e-01 2.54720479e-01 1.64703041e-01 -2.77567327e-01 -6.78345785e-02 2.52183750e-02 4.55496490e-01 -2.91815490e-01 6.07406870e-02 7.13402480e-02 1.36422455e-01 -3.92561436e-01 -9.38859954e-02 -4.54367846e-01 -5.25759339e-01 -1.04051605e-01 1.22541443e-01 -1.25522772e-02 -1.20547384e-01 1.22695155e-01 -9.27520245e-02 -1.64024934e-01 -2.79346287e-01 8.70541856e-02 -5.82427941e-02 1.75574124e-01 -6.30736053e-02]
"The Voyager" active "Item #: SCP-206 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-206 is currently unable to be secured, an information suppression plan has been put into effect to conceal its existence. Frequencies known to be used by SCP-206 are to be monitored, and all images relayed to Earth via other probes or satellites deleted from non-Foundation assets after they have been retrieved. Technology and astronomy websites, journals and periodicals are to be monitored for discussion of the rover or the receipt of unusual photographs (see Document 206-AA12 for complete list). Persons who become aware of the existence of SCP-206 are to be administered amnestics. UPDATE - 30/11/20██: As orbital observation of SCP-206 has proven possible, agents within satellite and aerial imaging organizations are directed to keep watch for instances of SCP-206, and remove the images concerned. Deployment of 'image corruption' cover story suggested. Description: SCP-206 is a Martian exploratory rover (Designation - Invictus) launched on 12/08/20██ as part of a joint Russian Space Research Institute / European Space Agency effort. (Exact object specifications are listed in Document 206-AA1.) Despite a successful launch aboard a Soyuz-FG rocket, telemetry data was lost on 16/01/20██, roughly halfway to Mars. Attempts to re-establish communication failed, and on 10/02/20██ the craft was declared lost. On 08/06/20██ (a day after Invictus was planned to arrive on the Martian surface) a connection was established with ESA flight control on the rover's assigned frequency. Before terminating at the source, 38 photographs were transmitted, appearing to show views of the expected landing zone in the Victoria Crater. Three days later, a further batch of 11 images was received, showing a drastically different location (later determined to be in the Cydonia Mensae, roughly 2500km due south). The Foundation was informed of the incidents by operatives at the ESA shortly thereafter, and moved to investigate. Containment procedures were instituted on 21/06/20██, when ESA Control received a batch of 5 images showing panoramic views of the Martian surface, apparently taken from its satellite Deimos. How the rover (which, as designed, is rated at maximum speed of 90m per hour on flat ground) traveled between these locations is currently unknown. SCP-206 contacts Earth sporadically, utilizing its original channel, [DATA REDACTED]. Once a connection is established, it uploads a number of images in varying formats. Pictures received do not always correspond to the hardware originally installed on Invictus, though the signature and session initiation packets match those programmed. Tracking stations have received a total of ████ images. A large number of these images (roughly 38%) appear to have been taken on Earth, or worlds similar to it (differing in some detail). The remaining photographs seem to have been taken on, or in the region of, various celestial bodies, only a small percentage of which are currently identified. Periods between transmission vary considerably; the shortest registered to date is 26 hours, the longest 511 hours. Despite visual confirmation of the existence of something resembling the rover (see Addendum 206-1) no trace of it has been found in the received images, even when the scene includes a reflective surface. Further, a number of photographs show locations exceedingly difficult, if not impossible for a rover the size and shape of Invictus to access. Addendum 206-01: At the time containment procedures were instituted, it was unknown whether the transmissions originated from the probe itself, or if an unknown entity had simply co-opted the frequency and was impersonating the rover. However, on 13/08/20██, SCP-206 transmitted a photograph of what was identified as a portion of a Lunar Ranging Retro Reflector. Nearby orbital assets were re-tasked to survey the relevant regions, revealing tracks closely resembling those a rover the size and shape of Invictus could be expected to leave. On 30/11/20██ Japanese lunar orbiter SELENE captured the vehicle itself during a camera calibration session over the Copernicus Crater. Four hours later, SCP-206 uploaded a new image showing a view of the same region. Since then, SCP-206 has been captured by several satellites in various locales - see Sighting Log SCP-206. Addendum 206-02: Though SCP-206 generally uses [DATA REDACTED], on at least 5 occasions images have been transmitted to (or via) civilian or military space assets. No connection between the image sets in question has been found. See Incident Log SCP-206 for more details. « SCP-205 | SCP-206 | SCP-207 » Cite this page as: "SCP-206" by Dugong, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 206-1.jpg Name: Special-Effects Spirit in 'Columbia Hills' Author: NASA/JPL-Solar System Visualization Team License: Public Domain Source Link: Link Filename: 206-2.jpg Author: lyonka72 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: 206-3.jpg Author: NASA/D. Scott License: Public Domain Source Link: Link Filename: 206-4.jpg Author: Gene R License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: img2s.jpg Author: Gene R License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-6.jpg Author: AkkiKama License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-7.jpg Name: Dean Franklin - 06.04.03 Mount Rushmore Monument (by-sa)-3 new.jpg Author: Dean Franklin License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: 206-9.jpg Author: AkkiKama License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-10.jpg Name: Copernicus crater AS12-52-7739.jpg Author: NASA License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: 206-12.jpg Author: AkkiKama License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-13.jpg Name: Russian Tanker Author: mpavlos License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: 206-14.jpg Author: AkkiKama License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-15.jpg Author: AkkiKama License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 206-18.jpg Author: Peter Polling License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
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1.61530420e-01 -1.59563422e-01 -1.19650669e-01 -4.20970887e-01 1.24998659e-01 1.79511875e-01 6.93365335e-02 3.32922786e-01 5.19009158e-02 -1.91094011e-01 2.13299125e-01 -3.12587082e-01 6.80908337e-02 1.34882912e-01 -2.73685187e-01 4.09389241e-03 1.53258607e-01 -5.84881492e-02 1.55340537e-01 1.49737792e-02 2.49166101e-01 1.67941034e-01 -8.51718485e-02 -3.17626484e-02 -7.21084070e-04 -1.12234503e-01 -8.80325064e-02 1.95679843e-01 5.00075370e-02 -2.59506792e-01 1.12770140e-01 1.57595620e-01 -2.60233492e-01 -9.24053118e-02 -8.59423578e-02 -4.99752238e-02 3.76170993e-01 -6.40379712e-02 -2.40173355e-01 -6.01976970e-03 -9.62708890e-02 -9.16534290e-02 -1.02649145e-01 -3.03951234e-01 -2.48673454e-01 2.81495214e-01 1.03583887e-01 2.17550561e-01 6.75705150e-02 -1.92854255e-01 2.63996627e-02 2.05085352e-01 1.87163249e-01 -1.14157706e-01 -1.21380985e-01 1.21499663e-02 1.45438492e-01 -1.61694795e-01 -1.74189761e-01 7.36835673e-02 1.96770862e-01 -2.25860789e-01 9.69801396e-02 1.06931314e-01 4.17942226e-01 2.82833248e-01 -1.54371575e-01 -2.20596686e-01 5.20312972e-02 5.48760891e-01 -6.12975098e-02 -1.86814815e-01 -3.47480059e-01 2.20926359e-01 4.31892835e-02 1.31003261e-01 -1.38560995e-01 -4.57021773e-01 -1.50840983e-01 2.52650857e-01 4.56927210e-01 -6.38715401e-02 4.37088400e-01 -1.17812872e-01 -4.08890128e-01 1.42671347e-01 1.02877326e-01 -5.34551851e-02 -1.78392187e-01 -3.98726109e-03 2.10062698e-01 2.38896564e-01 2.94491559e-01 2.30228558e-01 3.56681317e-01 -2.06620783e-01 1.41542166e-01 -2.08849519e-01 1.81741133e-01 -1.04452819e-01 3.08474422e-01 3.58528435e-01 2.33232170e-01 -1.72336102e-02 2.27606837e-02 -3.25993299e-01 -2.15525255e-01 4.75546122e-01 -3.09023969e-02 -7.61463195e-02 1.37535602e-01 1.75889254e-01 9.52366441e-02 2.32399851e-01 -5.01549803e-02 -1.70100883e-01 1.06245324e-01 -1.19131366e-02 -3.41718197e-01 1.69522628e-01 2.82591015e-01 -3.01208466e-01 3.72241363e-02 5.03797472e-01 -2.94235488e-03 8.23736787e-02 -2.56096095e-01 8.67836624e-02]
"Cola Bottles" active "Item #: SCP-207 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-207 is to be stored in a waterproofed locking metal container measuring 1 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m. The key is to be issued to the current head researcher of Site-██'s bio-containment area. SCP-207 is to be retained inside this area at all times, and all personnel entering the area should be checked for any food or drink items, in addition to any other searches required. Any staff seen ingesting SCP-207-1 are to be retained for future study, with all Foundation clearance levels removed. All vending machines in Site-██ are to only dispense clear carbonated beverages; any variation from transparent is to be investigated immediately. Description: SCP-207 refers to a crate containing 24 Coca-Cola brand cola drinks. The bottles are designated SCP-207-A to -X. SCP-207-B is currently the active bottle for testing, and no other bottles are to be opened without authorisation from two Level 4 researchers. All bottles have been clearly labelled to aid identification. The liquid held inside these has been confirmed to be identical across all of SCP-207, and should not be ingested outside of supervised testing. The liquid has been classified as SCP-207-1, and is to be treated as a Class 2 chemical hazard. SCP-207-1 does not appear to alter with age; however, the active testing bottle should have its protective cover kept on outside of removing liquid for testing. Mass spectroscopy and chemical tests have shown higher than usual concentrations of caffeine and sugars (both natural and artificial), along with [REDACTED]. The practical effect of this is when a subject drinks SCP-207-1, they will effectively no longer require sleep or rest, nor attempt to sleep or rest. This effect is not lessened by any soporific or medication yet tested on test subjects. However, only a quantity larger than five (5) millilitres will cause this effect. The reason for this lower boundary existing has not been found, although it is hypothesised by Dr. C█████ that [REDACTED]. As such, unless authorised by two Level 3 researchers, only five (5) millilitres of SCP-207-1 is to be used for testing. Amounts higher than this have shown no difference in effect, with the exception of the Subject SCP-207 was recovered from (See addendum). In addition to removing the need for rest, SCP-207-1 also causes an increase in motor, reaction, and psychological functions. The increase is linear in progression, with an estimated 50% increase (measured by standard medical protocols, +/-5%) every 6 hours. The practical application of ingestion is that the subject is able to think, react, and move faster than others who have not ingested SCP-207-1. Mental proficiencies show the IQ of the subject to rise in line with other increases. However, SCP-207-1 does not alter the body of affected subjects. Physiology remains unchanged, and as such, can rarely support the increase in activity. No subjects have lasted longer than 48 hours during testing, with the cause of death varying from massive internal organ failure to exsanguination due to major artery ruptures. Subjects also begin to show stress after roughly 24 hours, usually making each movement extremely carefully, in order to avoid accidents. Tests SCP-207-Alpha and -Rho have shown that after approximately 24 hours, the increases caused by SCP-207-1 mean subjects can easily underestimate their speed. Most specifically, in test SCP-207-Rho, the subject was able to escape the containment area, despite a five (5) metre wall. However, this caused the test subject's internal bone structure [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum: SCP-207 was recovered from ███████ College, after reports of student ████ █████ moving from failing grades in all areas (including physical sports) to top percentile marks, and record-breaking performances in physical areas. Agent ██████, embedded in the local police force, brought ████ █████ in for interview. Subject revealed the existence of SCP-207 during the interview; however, escape attempt while Class A Amnestics were being administered resulted in the subject violently [DATA EXPUNGED]. Cause of death: organ failure due to massive internal hemorrhage. As SCP-207-A was empty on recovery, it is believed ingesting a full bottle [REDACTED]. SCP-207 recovered from subject's home, SCP-207-A already empty. ████ █████ reported to local police force as missing person; no further cause for surveillance of ███████ College required at this time. « SCP-206 | SCP-207 | SCP-208 » Cite this page as: "SCP-207" by Aeish, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: SCP207.jpg Name: CocaColaBottle.jpg Author: Hariadhi License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-207-C"
[ 2.38955736e-01 -4.30208743e-01 -2.29885831e-01 -6.63557723e-02 -3.87591869e-02 -2.96703726e-01 2.45730832e-01 -4.48545888e-02 2.68894166e-01 1.96386755e-01 1.21517554e-01 1.66454688e-01 -2.72404045e-01 4.80291694e-01 5.22974767e-02 1.18721396e-01 -9.90808662e-03 2.09788740e-01 2.29318410e-01 -1.01121493e-01 -1.46338910e-01 -4.99410816e-02 -1.46138862e-01 1.66669309e-01 -1.68476224e-01 -2.78821677e-01 2.44049996e-01 -1.60321847e-01 5.52634485e-02 -3.78431439e-01 1.96280867e-01 4.41361815e-01 -1.04129680e-01 1.35947451e-01 -1.07692889e-04 -1.94054216e-01 5.40815704e-02 1.87995117e-02 -2.33661041e-01 -1.72364097e-02 -3.02514464e-01 -7.84972962e-03 4.61982079e-02 2.69620307e-02 -9.51274261e-02 4.12936732e-02 4.77161184e-02 1.11281790e-01 4.61846799e-01 1.49156764e-01 1.48868755e-01 -3.97442244e-02 -1.01634651e-01 -7.04002157e-02 4.36514914e-01 -1.36070490e-01 -1.25968203e-01 1.50739342e-01 5.21859825e-01 -3.11871916e-02 2.38944948e-01 1.03136465e-01 -3.31031024e-01 1.50802508e-01 -1.31356895e-01 -1.93800598e-01 -6.87317327e-02 -6.66888356e-01 3.14810872e-01 2.89746970e-01 2.19435751e-01 9.94207636e-02 -8.78404677e-02 -3.06242574e-02 -1.35562465e-01 -1.48277089e-01 3.65027674e-02 6.18739575e-02 -2.38160819e-01 -7.99941793e-02 -3.38690765e-02 4.14658934e-01 -2.55059510e-01 -9.69820321e-02 -8.07785802e-03 4.74868000e-01 -2.27962956e-01 -8.29894319e-02 4.71518576e-01 -3.69729986e-03 2.48170227e-01 -3.97735350e-02 3.19441527e-01 -2.58842379e-01 7.05243722e-02 -1.07091382e-01 2.69836709e-02 1.68258056e-01 1.24029651e-01 5.18970191e-02 -1.22412657e-02 4.56754453e-02 2.51923591e-01 1.19342335e-01 -3.64076257e-01 9.00539383e-02 7.36190900e-02 -4.27895598e-03 -2.15342790e-01 5.05862117e-01 -3.03095609e-01 1.53386816e-01 -2.26763293e-01 -1.23296909e-01 -3.13171983e-01 -5.41818840e-03 -8.65653157e-02 -2.31094703e-01 -4.58472878e-01 2.01751590e-01 -4.37193602e-01 3.16125989e-01 -1.03893466e-02 2.39167735e-01 3.34576964e-01 2.75084347e-01 -3.88418958e-02 -3.53398211e-02 -1.41452521e-01 -1.72969162e-01 -1.12896353e-01 3.39637727e-01 -2.81408429e-01 2.15657234e-01 2.65971366e-02 3.59648377e-01 2.45511215e-02 4.45936024e-02 1.67896170e-02 -3.18510324e-01 4.10994709e-01 -3.41951609e-01 6.47361517e-01 5.04150033e-01 -3.15896794e-02 -2.52410769e-01 -6.04117848e-03 -4.59762156e-01 -1.82145402e-01 1.68683350e-01 1.70250878e-01 -2.71469623e-01 -8.51121247e-02 2.41232753e-01 -1.95449024e-01 7.22778216e-02 3.22615236e-01 1.54335871e-01 1.92044713e-02 1.21815369e-01 2.00467154e-01 -7.59345442e-02 -2.75815934e-01 -1.32326096e-01 -6.27508089e-02 5.43677747e-01 -3.28472823e-01 -1.50337070e-01 -3.60554829e-02 1.97727934e-01 1.93526335e-02 -2.50509709e-01 -6.24991842e-02 1.33832768e-01 -1.54282749e-02 -1.79724261e-01 -5.08850515e-01 -1.45123646e-01 -4.63304549e-01 -6.06949389e-01 -1.78046077e-01 2.64164507e-01 3.38204890e-01 -3.87170106e-01 7.37968162e-02 -1.28665358e-01 1.46124482e-01 -1.56665325e-01 1.30360141e-01 -2.57165581e-01 -2.45415658e-01 -2.30183125e-01 3.24075282e-01 2.28374805e-02 2.81359609e-02 -2.08772525e-01 -6.36662617e-02 5.95596097e-02 -6.70226142e-02 -6.91229925e-02 -2.43402407e-01 -8.93608779e-02 4.52855676e-01 1.20643131e-01 -4.02292222e-01 1.90658584e-01 -5.96160404e-02 -1.36030272e-01 2.22838253e-01 3.17621648e-01 6.78194910e-02 -3.49863142e-01 -2.07759127e-01 1.22434944e-01 4.91489507e-02 -5.13924658e-01 2.42180854e-01 4.79040444e-01 -9.04831961e-02 -3.38497646e-02 1.57972723e-01 4.91440773e-01 -5.42706773e-02 -2.04558820e-01 6.73221201e-02 1.19523339e-01 5.82792126e-02 -6.73407316e-02 -2.53085233e-02 4.19727981e-01 3.21483165e-01 -1.53101340e-01 2.66005427e-01 -2.39926413e-01 2.26792276e-01 5.80364428e-02 1.15853757e-01 3.97168219e-01 3.92284524e-03 2.87951618e-01 -1.17833890e-01 -1.81053534e-01 7.39698038e-02 2.20938221e-01 -7.05849752e-02 4.85371888e-01 2.43575096e-01 -2.17353150e-01 1.02934740e-01 8.00677761e-03 -9.28328838e-03 -3.66304070e-01 -1.95473909e-01 -7.53256902e-02 1.96268652e-02 1.70656741e-01 -4.74728674e-01 6.23247102e-02 -9.12128761e-02 5.18011630e-01 4.92534339e-02 -7.26143643e-03 1.54594317e-01 5.68333175e-03 -7.95341469e-03 -2.81747133e-01 4.14730757e-01 6.14895761e-01 1.63963243e-01 2.43843466e-01 -2.49313563e-01 -4.68285531e-02 9.45920050e-02 -9.43533331e-02 -5.41078188e-02 1.23353750e-01 1.39050230e-01 -2.18910142e-03 3.27915281e-01 2.72938043e-01 -2.29025409e-02 -4.51006174e-01 -1.14468895e-02 8.94371346e-02 -3.63527179e-01 1.06569186e-01 -2.20942333e-01 -2.07528755e-01 -7.23489001e-02 2.21345097e-01 4.81016397e-01 -1.37851581e-01 7.47108385e-02 3.79203260e-01 -6.73014717e-03 -1.34219438e-01 1.49544526e-03 7.93979526e-01 -1.00015618e-01 1.11738540e-01 -2.21099064e-01 8.08206424e-02 4.60696928e-02 1.96158364e-01 -9.84667391e-02 1.63020059e-01 6.54435754e-01 -3.88726890e-01 -6.53519034e-02 3.85052949e-01 -5.18866956e-01 2.74331123e-01 1.11174196e-01 1.16628028e-01 -1.04443923e-01 -1.94038078e-02 -5.13383269e-01 -8.17390680e-02 -2.45709360e-01 -2.23415285e-01 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-3.22166741e-01 -1.61155641e-01 -1.38742909e-01 -3.95835489e-01 4.21553373e-01 -6.35764822e-02 7.85884783e-02 -1.11640833e-01 -1.15961852e-02 -3.63727003e-01 1.68925241e-01 1.80255383e-01 2.52672076e-01 -1.33912817e-01 1.48538709e-01 1.47366792e-01 -5.64508662e-02 6.43091127e-02 1.08239144e-01 3.47934633e-01 3.85956794e-01 -7.60284960e-02 3.76149490e-02 6.56058118e-02 -3.86852533e-01 2.72088256e-02 2.42233470e-01 -8.95080790e-02 1.11755222e-01 -1.68594465e-01 -1.55548513e-01 1.39424980e-01 5.38035966e-02 2.57690310e-01 -1.29051199e-02 -6.68538034e-01 -2.09045187e-01 2.66261935e-01 6.92632720e-02 1.03474163e-01 -3.92205328e-01 -4.74539697e-01 4.00732785e-01 -4.90648486e-02 3.22244972e-01 3.06290716e-01 8.53158534e-02 1.73652738e-01 -2.81181872e-01 2.74219871e-01 8.48325435e-04 6.20207667e-01 6.75213616e-03 -2.38211583e-02 2.21417323e-01 1.48650765e-01 1.52929490e-02 -2.02857196e-01 6.21343553e-01 -1.81348011e-01 1.11572929e-01 -4.20535088e-01 2.62949497e-01 3.97507250e-01 6.37122383e-03 4.69402894e-02 2.04332009e-01 -3.53106521e-02 -2.34664112e-01 7.53897429e-02 1.16396442e-01 -3.58595490e-01 -4.90792319e-02 1.64205819e-01 -3.06675404e-01 3.85044545e-01 3.67261916e-01 1.15207505e+00 -3.32140848e-02 4.03516255e-02 2.72351205e-01 -9.11275372e-02 5.81436813e-01 -1.29066274e-01 3.48301709e-01 1.34309486e-03 -2.46115699e-01 7.16019049e-02 -3.06008250e-01 -4.55920398e-02 7.76053313e-03 -4.95113820e-01 -6.36594892e-02 -3.95543933e-01 -3.25941406e-02 3.44140828e-01 1.53716490e-01 1.66085392e-01 1.17428616e-01 5.49947731e-02 1.92018598e-01 1.42285496e-01 2.84577668e-01 -1.24527566e-01 2.18639031e-01 -2.38448873e-01 1.24964364e-01 -2.26511613e-01 2.16551945e-02 -4.23068255e-01 2.05491739e-03 -3.01494338e-02 2.36613676e-01 1.23917080e-01 -1.28062233e-01 1.66812479e-01 2.20735148e-01 -7.57801533e-02 5.87215833e-02 3.13766420e-01 -6.50920942e-02 2.58167326e-01 -3.03383112e-01 4.05809134e-01 -1.00045256e-01 -1.72078893e-01 -2.32635945e-01 3.35249364e-01 -7.32350769e-03 2.37003624e-01 -3.01701184e-02 5.98335624e-01 -2.32572943e-01 -1.91150662e-02 1.17873125e-01 -2.05949619e-01 -2.55039781e-01 1.71108231e-01 -4.74890977e-01 8.85923579e-03 1.14280075e-01 1.48116976e-01 -2.68513471e-01 -5.10275848e-02 8.64741672e-03 1.44025356e-01 3.40450078e-01 -3.78073789e-02 -1.23312492e-02 -1.57723695e-01 -4.36754465e-01 9.05281305e-02 -3.42193097e-01 -2.04003081e-01 1.16639324e-01 -2.22198889e-01 -3.32338959e-01 -1.29399404e-01 5.74167669e-01 2.21665129e-01 3.19434762e-01 1.73716813e-01 -5.86437404e-01 4.91804369e-02 -1.01126306e-01 -4.01025027e-01 6.50725514e-02 -2.38140225e-02 4.41897452e-01 -4.70301183e-03 1.35829166e-01 -3.52777869e-01 1.36889622e-01 -2.64465153e-01 -1.63825378e-01 3.57305348e-01 -4.10554260e-02 2.00458970e-02 -1.08797006e-01 1.16949856e-01 3.83483380e-01 1.30798504e-01 -2.58331895e-01 -3.33175808e-01 1.14677496e-01 -1.58099324e-01 -1.83658049e-01 -2.17535853e-01 2.53085911e-01 3.62938553e-01 5.22526428e-02 1.08705737e-01 2.74028599e-01 2.62158334e-01 -5.62461354e-02 -2.85037965e-01 2.60125250e-01 -5.50758354e-02 1.90857574e-01 1.05172746e-01 9.53359008e-02 6.75971135e-02 1.11489296e-01 3.17568183e-01 -2.09979931e-04 3.65043841e-02 2.07714707e-01 -1.59282029e-01 7.37361312e-02 -1.57426357e-01 2.45481685e-01 -1.63744166e-01 5.11046685e-02 -2.56178319e-01 3.71844992e-02 -2.89151847e-01 -4.82725948e-02 1.79316133e-01 2.80271381e-01 -8.01244006e-02 2.23849267e-01 -1.16495155e-01 1.31742120e-01 -1.88966647e-01 4.52221513e-01 3.89870793e-01 -2.23829851e-01 1.88795328e-01 1.72756508e-01 -1.85020342e-01 4.56973583e-01 2.97290653e-01 -1.47805929e-01 -1.49023697e-01 5.84596843e-02 2.49750793e-01 4.52982821e-02 1.69802859e-01 -2.07546249e-01 6.02630794e-01 8.34119022e-02 2.87785262e-01 1.89044282e-01 -3.34814079e-02 -2.17676491e-01 1.34908423e-01 4.70191866e-01 -7.57996365e-02 1.17349431e-01 -1.88658223e-01 4.76387292e-02 -1.04069613e-01 -3.22827309e-01 -8.56701925e-04 1.16515622e-01 -1.06505334e-01 1.43675506e-02 4.13662404e-01 -2.67229140e-01 -5.92139065e-01 5.89855909e-02 1.81648061e-01 -8.10335800e-02 -3.95439267e-02 -1.89840093e-01 -1.54747054e-01 2.72179365e-01 -4.74028885e-02 2.94883370e-01 4.15586770e-01 -2.37857968e-01 3.32661569e-02 -1.00484766e-01 3.09448633e-02 -1.81910113e-01 -1.65876150e-02 3.21673900e-01 1.27569987e-02 -1.15246929e-01 -2.54841298e-01 5.19308001e-02 -7.14465678e-02 1.60649214e-02 1.29815228e-02 4.03161317e-01 -2.06797287e-01 1.09905846e-01 1.89274460e-01 -2.13180527e-01 1.15164779e-01 2.17778236e-01 -4.85168248e-02 -2.29133695e-01 -1.14591472e-01 2.35085174e-01 -8.45517740e-02 9.24553163e-03 -2.90559474e-02 -1.65108908e-02 -1.17498495e-01 -1.68128356e-01 -1.82643130e-01 3.46672565e-01 -2.40395397e-01 7.96282142e-02 8.61726422e-03 1.23080134e-01 -6.20836057e-02 2.83960812e-02 -3.83235604e-01 -4.03199375e-01 -1.22765382e-03 1.33545309e-01 -9.73665789e-02 -5.91735959e-01 -5.47372736e-02 -1.65040687e-01 -1.35869086e-01 2.16331378e-01 -2.87576675e-01 4.94100712e-02 8.90827924e-02 -3.94435436e-01 -3.01469952e-01 3.07288200e-01 2.19283458e-02 -8.30968469e-02 1.65643042e-03 -2.61965334e-01 1.63212508e-01 -5.85706413e-01 2.65863329e-01 1.45548610e-02 -9.92144272e-02 5.53559624e-02 9.24311876e-02 5.06454289e-01 1.38862580e-01 4.11160916e-01 -1.55496120e-01 -8.94891694e-02 2.93925572e-02 3.04515898e-01 -1.82474732e-01 -3.90486754e-02 7.82234445e-02 6.82647824e-02 7.45667517e-02 5.30915439e-01 1.28760651e-01 1.85333535e-01 3.40113223e-01 1.93424389e-01 -8.02945066e-03 4.49613594e-02 -2.42739394e-02 -5.24365567e-02 2.31140539e-01 4.74047452e-01 -3.41802955e-01 9.57715511e-02 -6.81942776e-02 -3.46501730e-02 3.44368666e-01 -4.22097594e-01 -1.31852463e-01 -1.66816339e-01 4.05870467e-01 9.42510888e-02 -1.25922605e-01 -1.02820821e-01 -1.01316050e-01 3.24204415e-02 3.53418812e-02 -4.07289684e-01 2.10975096e-01 -1.66481212e-01 -9.26122740e-02 3.61608975e-02 3.10898423e-01 6.36061728e-02 -8.45972151e-02 -2.32542068e-01 -3.50399047e-01]
""Bes"" active "Item #: SCP-208 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to his docile manner, minimum containment procedures are to be applied to SCP-208. SCP-208 is to be housed in a 10 m x 10 m room decorated in traditional Egyptian style, furnished with a single couch and a stereo system stocked with music of North African origin of any era. Surveillance is to be maintained during all movement outside of containment. SCP-208 is approved to operate at Site-17’s medical wing. Description: SCP-208 appears to be a short, stout man of Egyptian heritage, possessing a great deal of hair over much of his body. Along his brow is a mane similar to a lion's in shape and color, which grows down to a significant beard. SCP-208 typically wears an Egyptian tunic, similar to that of typical Old Kingdom military, although occasionally this is replaced by modern military fatigues. SCP-208 is capable of inducing rapid cellular regeneration and reconfiguration within organic life forms, which amounts to the ability to quickly and effectively heal most physical ailments. This is performed by a unique form of electromagnetic radiation released from SCP-208’s body, which acts on a wavelength that oscillates with four degrees of freedom rather than three. The electromagnetic radiation displays unusual pulse phenomena. Furthermore, the energy of the radiation decays over distance in a fashion incompatible with the inverse-squared model. This radiation is emitted from SCP-208 naturally in small doses, and can be released in greater amounts when focused. Personnel have noted that being near SCP-208 provokes a feeling of wellness and ease, making him quite popular with the security staff. This radiation also possesses the ability of warding off ill intent, to the point of acting as a physical barrier to naturally malicious beings. What causes this is unknown, but MRI scanning of Class D personnel taken from death row in the presence of SCP-208 detected an unidentifiable pattern of neurons firing. This activity coincided with a feeling of extreme unease on behalf of the subject, as he tried to flee the secure containment chamber. It is speculated that the neural activity activates the acute stress response in human subjects, stimulating the “fight-or-flight” instinct. What causes it to affect non-human subjects is still unknown. Despite his appearance, SCP-208 is jovial and friendly to staff, and enjoys the company of others. Due to his good behavior and willingness to cooperate, SCP-208 has been permitted access to most common areas within Site-17. Known to most staff as “Bes”, SCP-208 has been adopted as an assistant in the medical wing of Site-17, a position he seems to have fit into naturally. SCP-208 is also fond of children, and has been noted to be very protective of what he considers the innocent. The only thing to inspire aggressive behavior from SCP-208 has been snakes, for which he has expressed a deep hatred. SCP-208 was originally discovered in █████, Egypt, during a search for SCP-███ along the Nile River. While SCP agents began digging into sediment in the Nile Delta, Dr. ██████ spotted a foot sticking out of the river bed. Further excavation revealed that it was connected to a great block of granite. Recovered and brought to Sector-██, SCP-208 was exhumed from the stone after surprising a researcher who discovered that he was still alive. After examination had been concluded, SCP-208 was moved to Site-17 as a Safe class SCP. Addendum 208-A: Comparison testing of SCP-500 showed that it still serves as a much more effective cure. SCP-208 commented that he still tells better jokes. « SCP-207 | SCP-208 | SCP-209 » Cite this page as: "SCP-208" by Dr Kondraki, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp208.jpg Name: Egypt.Dendera.Bes.01.jpg Author: Hajor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Sculpture of SCP-208, found close to the Nile Delta"
[ 2.72101641e-01 -3.20731461e-01 -6.93512782e-02 -2.91813880e-01 3.10730726e-01 -2.29391098e-01 4.31025475e-01 1.46027625e-01 1.28159165e-01 8.41724426e-02 -1.53175450e-03 8.26825872e-02 -1.96414202e-01 1.95824280e-01 1.75198093e-01 1.74313858e-01 1.75652087e-01 3.84627551e-01 1.24563746e-01 -2.66338259e-01 -2.20119879e-01 1.02293618e-01 -1.48628429e-01 2.34665349e-01 -1.23297088e-01 8.10307711e-02 2.25986198e-01 3.01950872e-01 2.53225043e-02 -1.07891254e-01 -1.23278261e-03 -1.14163309e-01 -9.53025520e-02 3.12595785e-01 -1.09121960e-04 -9.67666432e-02 9.15764645e-02 3.16013210e-03 -9.71319750e-02 -6.34234771e-02 3.12057406e-01 -1.50944591e-01 -1.55535653e-01 -3.98097754e-01 1.70633215e-02 5.62619045e-02 -2.72783116e-02 2.58677930e-01 5.07674754e-01 3.18586767e-01 1.54283151e-01 2.52248555e-01 -1.16071343e-01 -5.11997472e-03 3.46818507e-01 2.95713395e-01 -3.64558429e-01 -4.71550345e-01 2.74378538e-01 2.01075405e-01 4.49175537e-01 1.24199748e-01 -1.78466052e-01 -5.84406704e-02 3.48450720e-01 -1.83959007e-01 4.00097907e-01 3.49430516e-02 1.86484814e-01 4.73545909e-01 9.84842773e-04 1.69345006e-01 2.64721096e-01 6.21003285e-02 -1.56464443e-01 1.43647298e-01 2.80878365e-01 7.82863870e-02 -7.40872771e-02 -2.43799966e-02 -5.29385135e-02 3.02642405e-01 -1.26411721e-01 6.63581938e-02 -2.70000577e-01 3.13013703e-01 -1.66817784e-01 -8.87064170e-03 7.71860480e-02 -1.06084809e-01 2.71490633e-01 1.29233092e-01 2.24786207e-01 1.69078350e-01 -1.27258852e-01 -2.68814981e-01 2.03820989e-01 -1.10923141e-01 1.38574749e-01 -3.04770004e-03 3.62147056e-02 -1.42840231e-02 -1.29314018e-02 4.73686196e-02 -1.45835266e-01 -2.59132326e-01 4.25446332e-02 -2.41441756e-01 -3.24573070e-01 5.58402419e-01 -1.16006672e-01 2.40483403e-01 -1.26162976e-01 2.97424849e-02 9.70091745e-02 -1.15886256e-01 -2.72479117e-01 -7.77852535e-02 -3.15197527e-01 2.79030263e-01 -4.99587178e-01 6.75890371e-02 -1.25361219e-01 2.85423070e-01 5.77272952e-01 3.61614972e-02 1.01353601e-01 -4.49090332e-01 -9.95343085e-03 -1.11923121e-01 -1.97588503e-01 2.47494861e-01 -3.02022129e-01 1.50941135e-02 -2.74124861e-01 1.23497367e-01 -5.09728603e-02 -1.68842435e-01 6.59096986e-02 3.07433575e-01 1.22861490e-01 -1.25974894e-01 7.24337637e-01 4.62823272e-01 -3.93733323e-01 -1.97017372e-01 -1.80386245e-01 -2.40667567e-01 -1.22398049e-01 4.02164906e-02 3.25436950e-01 -1.07387891e-02 -2.81118661e-01 1.85217261e-01 -1.24663971e-01 1.36720642e-01 4.58412290e-01 -1.46211192e-01 -5.38988821e-02 -3.72699887e-01 3.00106734e-01 1.53932035e-01 -8.64685625e-02 -9.00397226e-02 -2.92387195e-02 3.56053025e-01 -7.73456469e-02 -4.67958868e-01 2.74046004e-01 3.68207507e-02 1.48038611e-01 -1.78266689e-02 -1.12951852e-01 -1.75475422e-02 -1.29575700e-01 -1.27886802e-01 -1.77656397e-01 2.03465715e-01 -4.05202001e-01 9.82677042e-02 -3.34946901e-01 1.56193152e-01 3.17859054e-01 -1.53824627e-01 -1.50051937e-01 1.61142666e-02 -1.79431170e-01 2.80561566e-01 2.18192667e-01 7.17772990e-02 -4.64337975e-01 -4.93251771e-01 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-1.51035666e-01 1.32533303e-02 2.41191000e-01 1.11428969e-01 2.97957152e-01 4.42612059e-02 7.76872933e-02 -2.45648488e-01 1.89360470e-01 1.52054980e-01 8.55761096e-02 9.45836976e-02 8.60743374e-02 -1.96619228e-01 -1.53143302e-01 3.19096416e-01 -4.84131187e-01 1.80409312e-01 1.19448371e-01 3.69487882e-01 5.52823365e-01 1.58288792e-01 -1.67759240e-01 -2.77048163e-02 -2.64654160e-02 -3.62696469e-01 -5.56521006e-02 -1.08541258e-01 -1.01974756e-01 -1.39514208e-01 9.62386429e-02 -2.31334478e-01 1.06243463e-02 5.77752255e-02 2.40675867e-01 -5.96005917e-01 -2.28492439e-01 6.73392788e-02 -9.46172848e-02 -2.64336616e-01 5.57817928e-02 -2.50680268e-01 2.06248909e-01 5.34082770e-01 1.59123152e-01 2.90773571e-01 -4.18234557e-01 2.27459475e-01 -2.28544459e-01 4.22566026e-01 2.36376002e-01 1.48924202e-01 8.63946453e-02 3.87583710e-02 -1.01500921e-01 -3.96977395e-01 -1.00175887e-01 6.91131130e-02 7.42931187e-01 4.18120559e-04 -1.83067217e-01 -3.57718080e-01 2.35702813e-01 3.33000064e-01 1.97038442e-01 5.84518433e-01 -5.38565889e-02 6.10194445e-01 -4.13395971e-01 2.41308451e-01 -8.30604583e-02 -3.86568666e-01 -4.05436993e-01 1.28140301e-01 -1.60453946e-03 2.94091046e-01 4.41477090e-01 1.26974356e+00 2.89965868e-01 2.42078379e-01 3.38973910e-01 -1.90699577e-01 -2.99173016e-02 -3.47349882e-01 -1.11978032e-01 -1.08459197e-01 2.98162177e-02 -7.85868019e-02 -7.93071985e-02 2.87829995e-01 3.43799978e-01 -1.77656025e-01 -2.43702829e-01 -3.72717083e-01 -3.97157639e-01 3.48774284e-01 -2.79048923e-03 2.64388155e-02 -1.53590590e-01 3.51403579e-02 2.60228395e-01 -1.44508511e-01 1.15594119e-01 1.90685600e-01 -8.20080750e-03 -4.72996645e-02 1.59711484e-02 9.19063911e-02 9.67997834e-02 -2.59068489e-01 2.00016517e-02 3.38128349e-03 -2.82042891e-01 2.12540805e-01 -4.49838996e-01 -3.60050440e-01 -1.93841872e-03 1.89675480e-01 2.86447555e-01 3.77120405e-01 -7.62314275e-02 -1.59160718e-01 -4.28334735e-02 1.60332054e-01 -1.02340486e-02 -2.06434160e-01 1.12220198e-01 -5.43953888e-02 7.38723278e-02 -1.23135522e-01 1.98697537e-01 6.56465411e-01 -2.59366989e-01 3.86406690e-01 2.03988418e-01 -2.83305138e-01 -2.93810606e-01 1.68950692e-01 -5.65614626e-02 -2.44730756e-01 6.93877563e-02 -1.53461188e-01 -5.53493090e-02 -3.16258185e-02 9.56020877e-02 -7.75182545e-02 1.82367563e-01 1.80556491e-01 -1.81100547e-01 -2.38930270e-01 -3.92196566e-01 1.72452644e-01 -2.76692688e-01 -1.47253620e-02 7.24197552e-02 -3.14203314e-02 -5.48159242e-01 -1.31138325e-01 7.81854570e-01 1.73168182e-01 -2.24535480e-01 -2.03318626e-01 -9.08001512e-02 1.49358079e-01 -1.03392042e-01 -1.32896498e-01 3.56723934e-01 1.68252125e-01 3.47424686e-01 -1.43105045e-01 7.34968409e-02 -4.30717707e-01 4.00783345e-02 -8.04963149e-03 8.38385336e-03 1.92555442e-01 -4.52671409e-01 -1.27720580e-01 -1.98043123e-01 1.10911094e-01 2.08839491e-01 -4.86687495e-04 -2.86627591e-01 -3.32538068e-01 1.65322870e-01 2.16685593e-01 -1.42013028e-01 6.71904683e-02 1.56959817e-01 6.79891035e-02 6.68813959e-02 7.36906156e-02 2.84650087e-01 3.11109990e-01 3.75482172e-01 -4.61530000e-01 -4.77970950e-02 8.91948817e-04 2.22920328e-01 1.01788864e-01 8.98077786e-02 -7.75637776e-02 -9.69561189e-02 1.58449654e-02 -1.60354629e-01 9.69992206e-02 3.62903953e-01 -3.54625061e-02 4.08559978e-01 4.47872311e-01 -5.96378557e-03 -2.22333714e-01 1.08534075e-01 -5.41419864e-01 2.73760110e-01 -3.42396230e-01 -2.44995773e-01 -1.05324183e-02 2.36439377e-01 -5.79644702e-02 -4.99178991e-02 -3.67807984e-01 -2.85611320e-02 1.02907464e-01 3.74752253e-01 -4.02863100e-02 -4.80895609e-01 -1.20056450e-01 -5.57139292e-02 2.50460893e-01 -5.00327572e-02 1.05070755e-01 4.75007892e-01 6.62129596e-02 -1.89405922e-02 3.00971419e-01 6.28595874e-02 3.68771106e-01 1.09062642e-01 5.13153017e-01 -2.08038285e-01 -1.48329348e-03 4.27909851e-01 4.73520234e-02 1.96299344e-01 -1.81566268e-01 8.05063732e-03 -1.26708269e-01 1.80606842e-01 1.82297155e-01 1.01117209e-01 2.58364767e-01 -2.08946258e-01 -1.74240068e-01 -9.61641073e-02 1.89491913e-01 -2.96586473e-02 1.36222765e-01 1.15268324e-02 -6.21850550e-01 -1.35444760e-01 4.74629626e-02 1.42155048e-02 4.86719370e-01 4.02235938e-03 1.24548666e-01 3.02602082e-01 3.46333645e-02 1.09917812e-01 4.37535405e-01 -1.99821994e-01 -9.96021777e-02 3.49045157e-01 -5.74237034e-02 -2.63188966e-02 -2.37259552e-01 3.35306197e-01 -8.13463554e-02 5.86075895e-02 1.19471073e-01 -2.65502751e-01 -1.81390584e-01 -1.93409890e-01 -3.87161300e-02 1.37104928e-01 -1.06815584e-01 1.43266857e-01 1.38807431e-01 -3.34482819e-01 -1.61335230e-01 -4.97812442e-02 2.77909219e-01 6.65478557e-02 2.86222100e-01 -2.86851972e-01 -1.21882215e-01 -2.45920718e-01 -7.04483613e-02 -2.97400594e-01 4.82136458e-02 -4.24262017e-01 -5.51705435e-02 3.58997554e-01 -2.79945016e-01 9.51905176e-02 -2.34809816e-01 3.66562456e-01 -4.16190438e-02 5.20492196e-02 3.84185687e-02 -2.09719077e-01 -2.38372624e-01 2.42421143e-02 -1.15985326e-01 -5.40876627e-01 1.08607244e-02 1.75723672e-01 1.96522757e-01 3.43432091e-02 -2.69080028e-02 1.08484723e-01 -1.58634976e-01 3.44884507e-02 3.13610886e-04 1.12537347e-01 4.47207332e-01 -1.24409124e-01 -8.05547927e-03 -1.43743038e-01 1.46768764e-01 6.44164458e-02 1.24789000e-01 5.72589003e-02 -4.06010240e-01 -2.74465650e-01 1.82053432e-01 3.93508017e-01 1.52599409e-01 2.64449626e-01 -4.58557576e-01 -2.45618641e-01 5.42086503e-03 3.56916070e-01 1.30333044e-02 2.84237087e-01 2.29144573e-01 3.44778359e-01 2.03622445e-01 5.98930538e-01 1.93066433e-01 -6.96129166e-03 -2.29122117e-01 -6.00074194e-02 -2.77395219e-01 -1.89388812e-01 -3.05191308e-01 2.88503468e-01 -8.30511674e-02 5.15022874e-01 -6.32746592e-02 -3.18070829e-01 -3.07176828e-01 -3.22479486e-01 6.32480204e-01 1.97880745e-01 -2.78540492e-01 -1.58294633e-01 2.65102778e-02 3.90304402e-02 9.91024300e-02 -1.08415462e-01 -7.01455921e-02 -7.90446773e-02 -8.94912146e-03 -1.23334527e-01 -1.84822202e-01 4.73295338e-02 -1.76478848e-01 -1.59294099e-01 3.48588049e-01 1.29184052e-01 -5.48198745e-02 -2.23939404e-01 -6.67837188e-02]
"The Sadist's Tumbler" active "Item #: SCP-209 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-209 is to be held in a 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m pressure-sealed storage locker, insulated to prevent any potential aroma from release to the surrounding area. Access to SCP-209 is limited to a single Class 2 or higher staff member for any transport. A standard security detail should accompany any transport of SCP-209 at a distance of at least twenty-three (23) meters. No more than one (1) human subject of any classification should be within the minimum safe distance of twenty (20) meters of SCP-209 at any time outside of a research trial setting. As current hypotheses regarding the function of SCP-209's "active" phase indicate enticement to use through olfactory manipulation of some kind, any staff assigned to research trial or security detail should be equipped with personal air filtration devices rated at Foundation standards of at least Euclid-III (HEPA filter, oil-resistant). Research has approved the use of the prototype modular keycard system (SCPassport) for SCP-209's storage locking mechanism. The keycard for SCP-209 storage is modified with a proximity alarm and deactivation protocol to enforce the single user only containment mandate. If more than one (1) human subject is detected in the proximity of both the keycard device and lock, a Level I containment breach alarm will be sounded and the locking system disabled to prevent removal of SCP-209 from its storage locker. Description: SCP-209 appears to be a single-malt Scotch tumbler, 10 cm in height and with an 8 cm diameter at its widest point. The tumbler shows no manufacturer's marks, but does indicate signs of moderate to heavy use and light wear including a small chip missing from the rim. When not in the possession of a human subject, the tumbler contains approximately 88 to 91 ml (3 oz) of an unknown golden-brown, translucent liquid. This liquid cannot be siphoned, spilled, drained, evaporated, or otherwise removed from SCP-209 by any means other than a human subject taking hold of the tumbler and consuming the liquid. All Activator subjects debriefed following a sampling of the liquid produced by SCP-209 report it to be alcoholic in nature and providing of a sense of warmth, self-assurance, and general well-being. This effect has proven to be highly addictive, with methadone therapy currently holding the highest rates of success for detoxification from SCP-209's effects. For SCP-209 to enter its active phase, three conditions must be met: Once these conditions are met, SCP-209 enters its active phase. The Activator subject will immediately seek a relaxing or comfortable position in which to finish the liquid in SCP-209 at a leisurely pace. Any other human subject within twenty (20) meters of the Activator subject (hereafter "Prey subject") will be locked into two distinct physical parameters for the duration of the active phase: All current attempts at moving any Prey subject beyond these boundaries while living have met with failure. Any human subject entering the twenty (20) meter sphere of SCP-209's influence after the Activator and Prey subjects have been established are not affected. Any descriptive word or phrase used in reference to SCP-209 by the Activator subject during the active phase will physically reflect upon the Prey subject in a variety of ways. See experiment logs 209-6.2 through 209-33.8 for details. Activator subjects seem aware of both the boundary restrictions imposed on Prey subjects as well as the physical effect of their descriptive language, but no matter the scale of physical harm or distress inflicted upon Prey subjects, Activator subjects seem to retain a light, amused demeanor. It is theorized that the effects SCP-209 inflicts on Prey subjects is intended as a form of entertainment for the Activator subject to enjoy while experiencing SCP-209's intoxicating effects. When the Activator subject has consumed all the liquid within SCP-209, both boundary parameters are nullified. If still capable of motion, former Prey subjects can and do flee the area with as much speed as possible. The Activator subject will immediately become confused by the now-empty SCP-209 and attempt to refill it with any available liquid. If the Activator is successful in filling SCP-209 with approximately 88 to 91 ml (3 oz) of any liquid, it will transmute into another glass of golden-brown, translucent alcohol and the cycle begins again provided there is another potential Prey subject in range. If Prey subjects or others disable or remove SCP-209 from the Activator before they are able to "refill" it, SCP-209 will exit the active phase and remain empty and inert for approximately seventy-nine (79) hours before refilling itself by unknown means to potentially begin a new active phase. Addendum: Experiment Log 209-18.4 Three (3) Class-D subjects appropriated for testing. 25 m x 25 m x 6 m room furnished with a single steel folding chair and SCP-209. Activator subject designated "D-Act", Prey subjects designated "D-Prey 1", "D-Prey 2". Log begins 122 seconds following D-Act ingestion of SCP-209. 122 seconds: D-Act seats himself in the single chair provided in the room. D-Prey 1 approaches D-Act. D-Prey 2 begins exploring the room's boundaries. 188 seconds: D-Prey 1 discovers the inner boundary and is unable to approach D-Act. 194 seconds: D-Prey 2 discovers the outer boundary and is unable to reach the eastern wall. 227 seconds: D-Prey 1 begins shouting obscenities and attempts to strike D-Act. No effect. D-Prey 2 attempts to "map" the outer boundary. 255 seconds: D-Act describes SCP-209 as "smoky". 258 seconds: D-Prey 1 begins coughing violently. D-Prey 2 approaches. 284 seconds: D-Prey 1 collapses, wracked with violent coughs. An unknown black smoke-like gas is expelled from his mouth with each cough. D-Prey 2 attempts to approach D-Act. 299 seconds: D-Act describes SCP-209 as "smooth". 302 seconds: D-Prey 2 appears to begin sweating profusely. D-Prey 1 continues coughing spasms. Expulsion of smoke-like substance continues from mouth, nose, eyes. 363 seconds: D-Prey 2 exuding a thick layer of a viscous, near-frictionless substance from all pores. Substance has eroded clothing and apparently the first layer of epidermis. D-Prey 2 is unable to remain standing, falls, and attempts to staunch the flow of the unknown substance from his pores. D-Prey 1 apparently expired. Smoke-like substance continues to vent from mouth, nose, eyes. D-Act applauds intermittently. 484 seconds: Viscous substance exuded from D-Prey 2 has eroded two (2) additional layers of skin; wounds approximate to second and third-degree burns. D-Prey 2 expresses desire to be terminated. Request denied. D-Act appears fixated on the remaining liquid of SCP-209. 522 seconds: D-Prey 2 expires. Substance appears to cease exuding from pores. D-Prey 1 ceases to expel smoke-like substance. D-Act continues drinking SCP-209. 948 seconds: D-Act consumes the last of SCP-209. Immediately stands and rushes to the body of D-Prey 1, begins clawing at the corpse with left hand, while maintaining hold of SCP-209 with the right. 954 seconds: Researchers determine that D-Act is attempting to refill SCP-209 with blood from the corpse of D-Prey 1. Per orders, one (1) security staff member enters and neutralizes D-Act, recovering SCP-209 still in its empty state. « SCP-208 | SCP-209 | SCP-210 »" nan
[ 2.60179132e-01 -3.06050926e-01 -1.44298345e-01 -1.06500790e-01 -9.96309370e-02 -2.22103614e-02 2.45767891e-01 -9.60968286e-02 4.95363355e-01 2.48434708e-01 2.08769500e-01 3.20692122e-01 -4.89171028e-01 1.03080131e-01 1.24366455e-01 3.45602423e-01 -6.45137951e-02 2.87943810e-01 4.65468884e-01 -1.37820154e-01 6.49778396e-02 -1.09310500e-01 -3.42843682e-01 2.85585448e-02 7.54983425e-02 -1.34508580e-01 1.76451772e-01 -1.13100536e-01 -1.53004393e-01 -1.69966117e-01 2.04813793e-01 3.03018391e-01 -2.63513803e-01 4.04010981e-01 -1.15282521e-04 -2.96328723e-01 2.37798557e-01 1.86297428e-02 -2.08586693e-01 -2.54418433e-01 -4.51574028e-01 6.17827438e-02 1.88874945e-01 3.44645716e-02 4.99946661e-02 -2.97076195e-01 1.18331715e-01 2.75437713e-01 5.58620691e-01 1.88778296e-01 1.05998002e-01 6.36918917e-02 2.77375191e-01 -1.74835056e-01 5.15068293e-01 1.14573173e-01 -1.38430953e-01 3.37910801e-01 3.17382455e-01 1.16214687e-02 -7.41829053e-02 1.87662140e-01 -2.67908394e-01 1.50606349e-01 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-2.30155960e-02 2.14190543e-01 -1.06145389e-01 1.36711329e-01 6.03334308e-01 2.87265450e-01 5.09164929e-02 -1.91416278e-01 -2.04991981e-01 4.92600411e-01 2.69344807e-01 -9.97060016e-02 4.59749028e-02 3.44319046e-01 -1.20487221e-01 3.17016214e-01 1.21877335e-01 -4.82310820e-03 -3.84047657e-01 1.04001276e-02 2.51272589e-01 -3.09471488e-01 -2.23275989e-01 2.17954651e-01 3.04653853e-01 1.21143185e-01 -1.56377286e-01 1.42881498e-01 3.03975761e-01 1.65712554e-02 -3.03927511e-01 -5.19721031e-01 -2.57460356e-01 -2.35203892e-01 -9.31530520e-02 -6.64325133e-02 2.85417199e-01 6.61982223e-02 5.69777936e-02 2.00665176e-01 -2.10270584e-01 -1.77598655e-01 -7.14406371e-02 3.21390867e-01 3.63614261e-01 -9.11691487e-02 -5.95829934e-02 1.07160211e-01 -1.73181161e-01 2.30694190e-01 1.83720067e-01 -2.44754270e-01 2.09259763e-01 1.81451961e-02 -4.72034886e-02 4.80061769e-02 5.05645350e-02 1.12481527e-01 -3.15049261e-01 -5.59908487e-02 -2.11379334e-01 5.44712171e-02 -7.45670721e-02 -5.58242090e-02 2.83308607e-02 2.64576524e-01 2.25395754e-01 -2.15391099e-01 1.83460061e-02 1.24364235e-01 1.31391790e-02 -3.64630949e-03 -3.48746628e-01 2.49372199e-01 6.91150784e-01 2.11782336e-01 1.59667373e-01 -2.00078189e-01 -4.01888549e-01 -3.37572359e-02 -4.27453369e-02 -2.14978814e-01 2.25120917e-01 1.22376941e-01 2.78350919e-01 2.60141164e-01 2.71452338e-01 -4.24457528e-02 -2.67476767e-01 -1.69765905e-01 8.11725780e-02 -3.31976414e-01 -5.24725765e-02 -2.40007862e-01 -2.91473847e-02 1.26361325e-01 1.74836665e-01 4.98585135e-01 -1.61266834e-01 1.23507015e-01 2.55500644e-01 -1.43101007e-01 -3.04199129e-01 6.79624230e-02 4.13257062e-01 -3.23419273e-01 3.51986617e-01 -5.10977447e-01 -5.47475666e-02 2.12397836e-02 1.34083584e-01 -1.25115216e-01 3.69862139e-01 5.07496119e-01 -2.30529532e-01 -5.10275625e-02 -5.04723787e-02 -5.18541396e-01 2.38292232e-01 -5.80607206e-02 8.73171687e-02 3.14359009e-01 -9.17577147e-02 -1.01779066e-01 -1.70135528e-01 -1.36609182e-01 -4.51792181e-01 1.18596055e-01 3.21677290e-02 -2.39221007e-01 -3.42991590e-01 -1.53910056e-01 4.08432037e-01 -5.68433940e-01 -2.05246732e-02 2.17644885e-01 -1.78240657e-01 1.66436940e-01 5.21607772e-02 2.86227018e-02 2.12704256e-01 -2.00516641e-01 -5.23608215e-02 -4.64425325e-01 -1.36641875e-01 -3.75192352e-02 -1.31192207e-01 -1.82006434e-01 -6.02612719e-02 -2.26212107e-02 -1.13944069e-01 3.37452069e-02 -3.00251216e-01 -2.38366738e-01 1.95840463e-01 2.51618233e-02 2.14259952e-01 -5.15899897e-01 6.17711782e-01 5.67287579e-03 -1.72987416e-01 -3.90960068e-01 -1.47499681e-01 6.64273128e-02 -1.66396663e-01 3.07751447e-01 8.49964991e-02 -1.66945949e-01 6.51950002e-01 4.34205711e-01 -4.91113096e-01 -1.23489164e-01 -1.07987195e-01 1.55238599e-01 7.98723400e-02 3.31484109e-01 -2.09577829e-01 1.27886966e-01 1.41317010e-01 -3.32964599e-01 2.92629302e-02 -1.12775140e-01 1.45953014e-01 3.90029103e-02 -9.09999385e-02 -2.33015776e-01 6.51946384e-03 -1.16613664e-01 3.83540928e-01 -7.87640288e-02 -3.64225842e-02 -1.76108062e-01 -4.41494845e-02 -1.15874954e-01 -2.14197069e-01 3.60851467e-01 1.04382403e-01 2.16028035e-01 -1.67123660e-01 -1.60794348e-01 -8.93450528e-03 6.01799525e-02 -4.13636178e-01 4.26010728e-01 -2.61839300e-01 -1.77223444e-01 2.65437275e-01 -2.26508692e-01 1.45180468e-02 4.55623031e-01 4.42880213e-01 2.97921389e-01 -1.36161363e-02 -1.43323705e-01 -4.34155837e-02 -4.22766924e-01 1.50215432e-01 -2.93195218e-01 -6.11508638e-02 -1.35624349e-01 1.35474447e-02 1.12234771e-01 -3.20255198e-02 -4.93875779e-02 2.78785313e-03 -1.56458095e-01 -4.22500342e-01 -2.61060417e-01 4.66069803e-02 4.11095507e-02 -1.46271810e-01 -1.60073206e-01 1.05049834e-01 1.16289280e-01 5.26532196e-02 3.50576460e-01 3.07533085e-01 7.21189752e-02 2.28659902e-02 -2.53508300e-01 3.60770822e-01 3.14613372e-01 2.85705417e-01 -1.99062917e-02 2.22992331e-01 -3.73993903e-01 2.09293023e-01 -1.48325533e-01 -1.75185204e-01 4.64048326e-01 -3.14848036e-01 2.01200880e-02 -1.25141352e-01 1.11184523e-01 2.56721407e-01 -5.75109897e-03 -4.90237400e-02 -7.64937624e-02 2.27203742e-01 2.29605827e-02 1.69948727e-01 1.56547297e-02 -3.86155009e-01 -2.85995930e-01 -8.60109627e-02 -1.88593805e-01 7.31266379e-01 4.86727774e-01 1.22968864e+00 -2.26024017e-02 -9.32940561e-03 -1.13791689e-01 -1.70809284e-01 -2.95661598e-01 1.96312204e-01 -2.89793611e-02 -3.90679725e-02 -5.19830845e-02 2.21822616e-02 -2.14482874e-01 -9.66097135e-03 -7.50813186e-02 -3.61408621e-01 -4.90434989e-02 -3.04889351e-01 3.19112390e-01 4.90299404e-01 4.43297684e-01 1.37989923e-01 9.29891765e-02 1.32508010e-01 1.62347078e-01 1.95826486e-01 1.59805089e-01 1.68710481e-02 1.05056718e-01 -3.40164006e-02 -1.11378938e-01 -3.76687855e-01 9.84034240e-02 -4.75097835e-01 2.22269163e-01 -5.28950617e-02 -1.63131222e-01 -2.20600478e-02 1.56750336e-01 -6.57939792e-01 1.19879231e-01 -1.33056551e-01 2.43559033e-01 3.74173254e-01 -1.17623702e-01 2.10111231e-01 -1.22483239e-01 4.23718929e-01 -6.86739981e-02 5.30835651e-02 5.72457537e-02 2.65227049e-03 -7.50480294e-02 -3.78379285e-01 3.29003185e-01 7.68664598e-01 -2.16562718e-01 -1.65176824e-01 -3.27685326e-02 -3.29125017e-01 -2.81720370e-01 1.27156690e-01 -1.15244433e-01 -6.74507096e-02 -8.47098082e-02 -4.18864161e-01 -1.16622359e-01 4.00790423e-02 5.03150932e-02 1.93911508e-01 3.64710987e-02 5.63490801e-02 -6.75501004e-02 -1.32638469e-01 -3.73378307e-01 -2.09009230e-01 1.78798451e-03 -3.01560313e-01 1.07512623e-01 -1.82666838e-01 -4.97030586e-01 -7.25345910e-02 2.50425693e-02 4.32623804e-01 -4.77410071e-02 -2.39684060e-01 -3.36661428e-01 1.47147462e-01 -6.97023720e-02 -4.37685754e-03 1.35097906e-01 -1.79423451e-01 2.84983099e-01 -8.54013413e-02 1.29079476e-01 -3.15623552e-01 -1.08641051e-02 -1.63062304e-01 -5.52675128e-02 -1.52865589e-01 -5.82272932e-02 -1.91690907e-01 -2.31886566e-01 1.55458972e-01 2.17597693e-01 2.49572590e-01 -1.98284805e-01 -1.93724602e-01 1.17182583e-01 7.10011879e-03 2.39863709e-01 -1.08853966e-01 1.81966886e-01 2.93197632e-01 1.57638878e-01 1.41273573e-01 5.34235835e-01 2.11855158e-01 5.24738431e-02 3.44150960e-01 1.61941633e-01 2.02412382e-01 1.23711549e-01 4.40751091e-02 2.67441839e-01 1.69993583e-02 1.83196291e-01 8.08301717e-02 2.68015955e-02 1.09091811e-01 3.56891483e-01 1.13339163e-01 3.43096197e-01 -2.62276798e-01 9.94134098e-02 -1.37351632e-01 2.00308457e-01 -1.68580800e-01 1.69712782e-01 -4.22763705e-01 -9.19981152e-02 3.43060270e-02 2.04901263e-01 1.52683770e-02 1.58771873e-01 -5.01321793e-01 3.23780440e-02 -2.67569244e-01 1.95417274e-02 9.95296910e-02 -2.57986307e-01 1.77479945e-02 2.86401957e-01 1.07833348e-01 3.15612525e-01 3.75745744e-02 -7.94822052e-02 -4.76068318e-01 -1.76456547e-03 8.93474147e-02 1.39999226e-01 5.84193729e-02 -3.28101888e-02 1.72245204e-01 2.49847159e-01 2.80808061e-01 4.12278801e-01 8.94061401e-02 1.85897157e-01 -2.44070098e-01 5.79054236e-01 1.06505550e-01 4.12643999e-01 -1.80051908e-01 4.57854688e-01 -5.17196842e-02 3.48337740e-02 1.01318695e-01 -1.03449509e-01 -7.00109750e-02 5.57699054e-02 1.44975439e-01 -2.31037751e-01 -5.07728636e-01 -1.25433624e-01 2.61418849e-01 6.90868497e-02 8.09102971e-03 -1.22779280e-01 -1.62342146e-01 1.05614744e-01 2.05729622e-02 2.65699208e-01 4.53018636e-01 -2.48103514e-01 5.95760811e-03 1.16053298e-01 1.98979631e-01 7.83511922e-02 -8.83871987e-02 3.41295779e-01 -3.41580436e-02 -1.21410847e-01 -1.09067746e-01 -3.31263274e-01 -1.88829750e-01 6.99686110e-02 3.38854581e-01 1.52603209e-01 6.89873323e-02 1.48316855e-02 1.45091847e-01 -2.02139586e-01 -1.95886075e-01 3.42014045e-01 1.59518108e-01 5.65777160e-02 -2.79309899e-01 1.04481943e-01 -2.94427216e-01 2.18321070e-01 2.80842274e-01 -2.70056784e-01 -4.29725587e-01 -1.38466328e-01 1.60697460e-01 2.62185574e-01 -1.01575851e-01 2.78626941e-02 9.46156681e-02 1.03998370e-01 1.19313262e-01 6.76696450e-02 -3.00204456e-01 -3.54417801e-01 -2.47109041e-01 2.15880349e-01 -1.19921260e-01 -8.19898665e-01 -3.34872097e-01 2.28161216e-01 -2.82633165e-03 1.63545698e-01 -3.01308721e-01 8.44560862e-02 -1.00216553e-01 -1.35950103e-01 -1.87152073e-01 3.75237763e-01 4.38245863e-01 -4.88083344e-03 5.00936806e-02 -1.01232655e-01 2.38961652e-01 2.76549216e-02 1.29763126e-01 -7.55216181e-02 -7.57782385e-02 1.20106705e-01 -1.07571185e-01 2.04024330e-01 1.60181060e-01 3.29868168e-01 -2.10741252e-01 1.60715021e-02 -5.91761768e-02 4.51301903e-01 -2.97353953e-01 -4.89501841e-02 2.32436927e-03 7.10550323e-02 3.27113271e-01 7.10281491e-01 2.04175338e-01 4.62374128e-02 5.26707880e-02 1.38182510e-02 -4.33687925e-01 1.69925764e-01 1.71471372e-01 1.14950351e-01 4.42529693e-02 4.33598071e-01 -1.25085443e-01 -4.70642559e-02 -2.20763460e-01 -1.66993171e-01 3.38876784e-01 -6.90804183e-01 -9.59132016e-02 7.35998452e-02 4.61341888e-01 -2.70260483e-01 -1.47149220e-01 -2.10377246e-01 -2.25330114e-01 -1.41666710e-01 1.97609827e-01 -5.95828258e-02 1.06135849e-02 1.19134590e-01 1.13188833e-01 -1.27739578e-01 1.44569859e-01 2.12427542e-01 3.19875777e-02 -6.49930909e-02 -2.57217824e-01]
"Flooded House" active "Item #: SCP-210 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The property containing SCP-210 has been designated as Site-███. The primary responsibility of guards on Site-███ is to prevent entry by trespassers and maintain the cover story detailed in Document 210-01. The servant's quarters adjacent to SCP-210 have been deemed safe for human habitation and may be used for on-site housing. A remotely controlled vehicle is to be sent into SCP-210 on a monthly basis to catalog any changes. Description: SCP-210 is a two-story mansion flooded to a depth of 4.35 meters with an unknown fluid substance. The substance, designated SCP-210-01, possesses a refractive index nearly identical to water. This fluid is invisible from the outside of SCP-210 and does not flow out of SCP-210 if a door or window is opened. Any living creature that comes into contact with SCP-210-01 enters a sleep-like state and begins drifting through SCP-210-01 as if neutrally buoyant. Beings trapped in this manner are designated SCP-210-02; to date, ██ instances of SCP-210-02 have been cataloged by remote means. Instances of SCP-210-02 emit a constant stream of bubbles as if exhaling despite no source of air being identified and subjects appearing to breathe as normal. Subjects have been noted to move through SCP-210-01 slowly "as if dancing." It has not been determined if this is under the power of the subjects or of microcurrents within SCP-210-01. SCP-210 came to the attention of the Foundation when an agent embedded in the ██████ County Police Department received a number of related missing persons reports. Mobile Task Force Iota-12 ("Damn Feds") was dispatched to intercept the investigations. The disappearances were quickly traced to a party held at SCP-210 on ██/██/20██, with several subsequent disappearances resulting from persons undergoing private investigations. Two team members were lost on initial contact with SCP-210, the first when entering through the front door and the second while attempting to recover the first. The full documentation of this investigation can be found in Document 210-01. Addendum 210-01: Attempts to remove SCP-210-02 from SCP-210-01 have failed, as instances of SCP-210-02 which reach the edge of SCP-210-01 will not travel any further. Instances of SCP-210-02 cannot be damaged; this property extends to clothing, evidenced by remote attempts to harvest sample material. Furniture and other inanimate objects within SCP-210-01 behave as if in normal atmospheric conditions, and may be removed from the residence. Removed items show no anomalies. Addendum 210-02: The remote observation of SCP-210 on ██/██/20██ was unable to locate SCP-210-02-07. Note: We have been completely unable to locate SCP-210-07 on subsequent observations. A request has been placed for tracking devices in case of further disappearances. -Researcher B█████ « SCP-209 | SCP-210 | SCP-211 »" nan
[-7.72618279e-02 -1.62225083e-01 -1.72808632e-01 -8.06556642e-02 2.19028704e-02 -2.65054584e-01 2.48065874e-01 1.02838062e-01 2.40010753e-01 2.53110707e-01 -1.34192854e-01 1.58428162e-01 -9.96990427e-02 3.53741527e-01 1.17923491e-01 3.39540020e-02 1.92825556e-01 8.86245538e-03 -1.24900505e-01 -1.45812571e-01 9.46225319e-03 -1.37144491e-01 -6.20482303e-02 2.83328235e-01 3.19282408e-03 -9.20266062e-02 8.25998783e-02 -3.53762554e-03 3.92003097e-02 -2.58478135e-01 2.19071478e-01 8.82855654e-02 4.40660603e-02 4.36182052e-01 -1.04907282e-04 -3.03286477e-03 1.59774765e-01 1.28502231e-02 -1.94097489e-01 -4.76851463e-02 -1.71766549e-01 -1.20577246e-01 -5.28777614e-02 -2.58620083e-01 -9.95091349e-03 3.46668512e-01 -1.54309068e-03 -7.64806569e-03 3.74467492e-01 1.55867487e-01 2.35529050e-01 -1.12628520e-01 2.26576507e-01 2.30466336e-01 5.33392191e-01 4.80220988e-02 -1.13812096e-01 -1.45389274e-01 6.94846749e-01 2.86291279e-02 1.45109102e-01 2.94037461e-01 -2.73967117e-01 -2.96063907e-02 1.23763859e-01 -2.30666906e-01 3.77190024e-01 2.54612379e-02 3.87572646e-02 2.18957990e-01 2.23269135e-01 1.47483349e-01 5.10497391e-02 -1.23950504e-01 -2.68168122e-01 5.20318598e-02 1.84078276e-01 1.92666098e-01 -2.75458619e-02 -1.39906883e-01 -1.79363862e-01 2.23953754e-01 -2.85933882e-01 -2.73242742e-02 -2.17848301e-01 2.84839779e-01 -1.65168896e-01 6.04851358e-02 -1.83100373e-01 -5.10477386e-02 -1.89942122e-01 -1.60544401e-03 3.53813022e-01 1.05675794e-01 -8.40359330e-02 1.22441743e-02 1.99360490e-01 7.34265596e-02 2.52321333e-01 -1.89516202e-01 1.10205576e-01 8.33676010e-02 1.74509048e-01 1.12099178e-01 3.08620632e-01 1.31447822e-01 -1.21907378e-02 -2.46469155e-01 -4.60913479e-01 2.54234701e-01 -2.73013741e-01 9.59978104e-02 -1.38904471e-02 3.10417354e-01 -2.77288020e-01 -1.53305873e-01 3.90477747e-01 -3.10810983e-01 -3.32741171e-01 2.10244238e-01 -5.74606955e-01 1.97366938e-01 2.40831566e-03 3.26595724e-01 6.27366006e-01 3.20858471e-02 -5.65602407e-02 -3.24794143e-01 -2.49068514e-02 -2.10263059e-01 -1.23491526e-01 7.87521452e-02 -4.20946151e-01 -2.55272537e-01 -8.39760378e-02 -3.07009161e-01 -1.49889097e-01 -4.37433273e-02 -2.34247163e-01 1.80400699e-01 3.80920023e-01 5.53801507e-02 4.96584892e-01 4.47912306e-01 -4.60012525e-01 -1.85985014e-01 4.82819676e-02 -1.94627866e-01 3.71508412e-02 8.73032287e-02 3.75197567e-02 -1.36419266e-01 -5.35523355e-01 2.60886103e-01 2.48621494e-01 6.12967126e-02 4.03317720e-01 7.89212584e-02 2.84639150e-02 -3.46574895e-02 2.42537022e-01 2.67220318e-01 -2.82973200e-01 -7.11388737e-02 -1.80691741e-02 5.41262388e-01 -9.68819037e-02 -3.96934785e-02 -3.16666186e-01 -1.76318958e-01 -2.22527552e-02 -4.36316460e-01 1.52821511e-01 3.66994500e-01 -9.67115313e-02 -1.67831536e-02 -7.05457449e-01 -1.44598454e-01 -1.34923726e-01 -2.50142161e-02 -2.88927495e-01 2.88424909e-01 2.98650235e-01 -4.35878634e-01 -2.15683460e-01 -1.13139972e-01 1.80990115e-01 -2.43765309e-01 -1.43637836e-01 -1.54779211e-01 -3.60496074e-01 -1.67879179e-01 1.12766840e-01 9.45483297e-02 9.70772654e-02 9.94964913e-02 9.74386036e-02 2.63549328e-01 2.86626667e-01 2.37012625e-01 -1.00958183e-01 6.33833483e-02 3.66197258e-01 5.33014715e-01 -2.92121410e-01 -1.81217551e-01 7.82998949e-02 -3.73537168e-02 1.15747795e-01 -7.26338401e-02 7.56862983e-02 -1.47136793e-01 -1.37862936e-01 1.98801860e-01 -7.51077309e-02 -3.62732798e-01 3.85843962e-01 2.58576363e-01 -2.37498417e-01 -3.21022958e-01 -1.28330588e-01 4.91469413e-01 -3.18415582e-01 -1.35637671e-01 -1.68367893e-01 1.17074579e-01 -2.73941547e-01 -5.41712940e-02 -3.30931008e-01 4.96086478e-02 3.49816740e-01 -5.33516333e-02 -5.26092835e-02 7.78802931e-02 -2.47305647e-01 -1.38554454e-01 1.08979642e-01 7.88551152e-01 -1.24498717e-01 7.36873299e-02 1.89518109e-01 4.42393124e-02 -5.41819585e-03 2.62837023e-01 -1.51902109e-01 4.90936898e-02 -3.27512592e-01 1.66921854e-01 7.18312934e-02 1.60417750e-01 7.06055537e-02 -4.47822869e-01 2.96092574e-02 1.82917062e-02 2.88086087e-01 1.48790027e-03 8.79376978e-02 7.34477788e-02 2.15815101e-02 3.21786314e-01 -2.04010472e-01 -4.83452156e-02 6.42158911e-02 -4.70988266e-02 1.93319805e-02 -1.21123955e-01 5.10347188e-01 4.14331943e-01 -1.13938414e-01 1.74772486e-01 -2.73855943e-02 -8.48679915e-02 3.30960117e-02 1.54559523e-01 1.77624151e-01 2.97547486e-02 1.48736630e-02 2.75795966e-01 2.21252173e-01 2.59293526e-01 -3.61099273e-01 -2.54407763e-01 -1.64667830e-01 -2.45573089e-01 -1.74970284e-01 -2.01287903e-02 4.08443855e-03 -4.85599697e-01 -1.57150522e-01 4.96850759e-01 2.92909175e-01 -1.98659405e-01 7.46067166e-02 4.49488536e-02 -3.37252676e-01 1.17863081e-01 -8.89191553e-02 9.90062505e-02 -2.38815427e-01 2.94467151e-01 -5.63260436e-01 5.91789261e-02 2.77194995e-02 1.51221007e-01 -4.16550815e-01 -1.75844550e-01 6.84438646e-01 2.61593051e-02 7.75579885e-02 -1.67285334e-02 -7.05095351e-01 2.62574106e-01 1.18146345e-01 -5.32498538e-01 8.80100057e-02 -6.73661232e-02 6.76315650e-02 -2.33473197e-01 8.44031870e-02 -3.03220809e-01 -1.26717776e-01 -1.84739511e-02 -1.34590060e-01 -4.55607623e-02 -1.79363221e-01 -2.07869224e-02 -1.47924766e-01 -3.78238767e-01 -1.19625524e-01 -1.89257309e-01 1.24261290e-01 3.10915917e-01 -8.74517336e-02 3.90744865e-01 -3.42845827e-01 2.95138866e-01 -1.63808078e-01 -7.60223418e-02 -4.21010613e-01 6.73182458e-02 -1.28201107e-02 -2.22843796e-01 -1.44848943e-01 -3.09321940e-01 2.41317123e-01 -1.11036189e-01 -3.72585133e-02 5.47304451e-02 -1.12809263e-01 6.25222474e-02 -3.99471402e-01 5.54023981e-01 2.55227894e-01 -2.20831439e-01 -1.92075685e-01 -1.13738187e-01 1.84080526e-01 1.02479815e-01 1.80153757e-01 -2.34117597e-01 8.80852789e-02 3.76082778e-01 2.58170485e-01 -1.77817851e-01 -4.03886847e-02 3.22098136e-01 1.37728021e-01 9.78589579e-02 -4.39651236e-02 -2.48293474e-01 1.20806083e-01 8.21022540e-02 -4.76585180e-01 1.80988386e-01 -2.69298330e-02 -1.48862034e-01 1.37820141e-02 -3.84815395e-01 -2.69032925e-01 -2.53697634e-02 -2.14475438e-01 3.31933856e-01 3.12573940e-01 -4.47618729e-03 -2.73656666e-01 1.30179152e-01 -1.10092156e-01 -9.47389081e-02 7.67106414e-02 1.43764228e-01 -1.81399677e-02 1.31257653e-01 -9.09012335e-04 -1.59086257e-01 1.99032426e-01 -2.07536608e-01 -4.59920727e-02 -5.20350516e-01 -1.46404594e-01 1.69742405e-01 -2.65036076e-01 2.87213802e-01 1.36948973e-01 5.38426578e-01 2.59178013e-01 -1.49001116e-02 -3.02582867e-02 -3.00179988e-01 -2.61581361e-01 1.51705667e-01 4.03573632e-01 1.35515198e-01 1.28408503e-02 9.69859883e-02 1.42403711e-02 -1.04964688e-01 5.45674972e-02 4.21125144e-01 -1.17876651e-02 -2.82592416e-01 -2.59963781e-01 1.29451811e-01 1.61583915e-01 -2.46287644e-01 2.44620427e-01 -2.09034622e-01 3.58636826e-01 7.00539649e-01 1.27836958e-01 -2.82384634e-01 1.32822543e-01 2.56678104e-01 -4.32258248e-02 9.07612666e-02 8.74923527e-01 2.39384267e-02 4.39209521e-01 -2.02372521e-01 7.42487311e-02 3.97582613e-02 -1.32429853e-01 7.13191405e-02 6.72451496e-01 1.72913000e-01 -6.27494603e-02 -2.14228872e-03 2.13980883e-01 -1.14726901e-01 1.46098696e-02 2.81677395e-01 1.70484722e-01 3.11195999e-01 -1.35275766e-01 2.22790524e-01 -4.10413504e-01 -4.16609764e-01 1.58298209e-01 1.62994578e-01 -1.76471144e-01 7.97524095e-01 1.95230931e-01 1.02621949e+00 -1.54380605e-01 -1.42423362e-01 1.57128960e-01 -3.85670155e-01 -1.75974026e-01 -4.60628629e-01 -1.08112358e-01 1.00025237e-01 -9.84100550e-02 -6.95866197e-02 -1.13680944e-01 4.55782041e-02 5.62375605e-01 -3.54759753e-01 -3.70723680e-02 -4.97792661e-01 1.58139661e-01 2.56537825e-01 2.40411401e-01 4.63732064e-01 2.03502521e-01 3.07880249e-02 2.24598512e-01 -5.46928588e-03 1.81386977e-01 -2.81204470e-02 1.54281452e-01 3.71935695e-01 -1.44961610e-01 -2.79426485e-01 2.58490682e-01 -2.37531378e-03 1.48184016e-01 -2.36196011e-01 6.21211976e-02 -1.63430765e-01 -2.16452926e-02 -1.78002641e-01 -2.27256373e-01 -1.41845524e-01 2.89273709e-01 5.46451688e-01 -1.50635213e-01 1.06867673e-02 2.67872304e-01 7.12435842e-02 -2.11591423e-01 -1.33947849e-01 -1.64624587e-01 -1.62159398e-01 -1.47507817e-01 -8.29439536e-02 1.30095363e-01 6.31367266e-01 -1.47940949e-01 4.03767556e-01 1.47456154e-01 -1.74062729e-01 -6.92346543e-02 1.84067756e-01 -2.05148846e-01 -5.39937466e-02 -3.11919332e-01 -1.66789725e-01 -2.11225659e-01 -1.43670011e-02 1.85895532e-01 1.96301877e-01 4.65772003e-01 1.94747359e-01 9.75330127e-04 -1.03062786e-01 -2.92075276e-01 -2.39899412e-01 -2.06397817e-01 7.86411688e-02 6.51969612e-02 -1.88576281e-01 -4.78560418e-01 1.10384695e-01 2.23356962e-01 -3.14080343e-02 -3.82772237e-01 -2.43494913e-01 -1.92955509e-01 -2.16515865e-02 1.79962534e-02 2.62501061e-01 1.75993651e-01 4.84321080e-03 9.99652818e-02 2.29885608e-01 2.99124699e-02 -4.52201843e-01 -1.87162817e-01 -2.94191331e-01 9.02791917e-02 -1.33099658e-02 -2.55718529e-02 -2.15005632e-02 -2.15913177e-01 2.68636912e-01 -3.35027725e-02 -1.99670345e-01 -3.29581887e-01 -2.42994968e-02 1.47714019e-01 -1.36262834e-01 1.00069106e-01 -3.68909054e-02 -5.39249219e-02 6.86544878e-03 -4.46672253e-02 -1.69924870e-01 3.35453719e-01 1.97369680e-01 2.01891154e-01 -4.41481054e-01 -8.45566839e-02 7.23475888e-02 -8.55308771e-02 -1.07244164e-01 9.30622965e-03 -6.00867122e-02 -6.58945367e-02 -6.68622106e-02 -1.72248140e-01 -2.68665314e-01 1.49396837e-01 -1.03956059e-01 -2.94535272e-02 2.15462685e-01 2.18271986e-01 -1.47069201e-01 -3.32733500e-03 -1.97265863e-01 -1.61702648e-01 -3.76138031e-01 -8.19761381e-02 -3.15829575e-01 3.14436018e-01 -2.47796506e-01 2.35966384e-01 -8.14723782e-03 -2.14667231e-01 -1.26454039e-02 6.39225822e-04 1.78780749e-01 -1.58755034e-01 6.50825948e-02 1.82436466e-01 2.23757312e-01 1.92654163e-01 -3.38233896e-02 1.36297107e-01 8.50132480e-02 -2.25100741e-02 5.63757382e-02 -4.25228886e-02 2.17267439e-01 4.58194077e-01 4.17742968e-01 -9.18616652e-02 -1.18684620e-01 3.15849036e-01 2.13558376e-01 1.06384754e-01 3.41226995e-01 6.63634777e-01 -1.29083291e-01 2.86021709e-01 2.52206679e-02 -3.66485752e-02 -6.78107142e-02 -1.86593518e-01 -3.00069690e-01 -2.18580775e-02 6.14997298e-02 1.28232598e-01 1.01047046e-02 -1.65972173e-01 -4.71219532e-02 -4.17990796e-02 2.98459172e-01 2.39654303e-01 3.37049931e-01 -1.11061104e-01 1.24295004e-01 1.58281699e-02 1.64096504e-02 1.32333353e-01 4.11555797e-01 -1.46289006e-01 3.71421993e-01 4.28519696e-01 -1.62875019e-02 3.44218552e-01 3.34514499e-01 3.03438962e-01 7.84323514e-02 -8.62584561e-02 2.99365073e-01 1.53138041e-01 -2.77904928e-01 -2.41115957e-01 2.10100681e-01 5.19667529e-02 2.21623793e-01 1.93477139e-01 1.04740664e-01 -2.07428873e-01 -3.26984972e-01 1.24403976e-01 1.63004622e-01 2.07898408e-01 1.20666496e-01 -1.68273315e-01 -1.69535443e-01 9.79270637e-02 -1.08588085e-01 -2.83891737e-01 -3.43667537e-01 2.69428436e-02 5.87000996e-02 1.27336964e-01 4.46932912e-02 9.86965299e-02 -1.44372150e-01 4.82592024e-02 -2.87126135e-02 3.87423158e-01 -2.24808052e-01 -3.13971877e-01 -2.71612883e-01 8.83721337e-02 -2.68509507e-01 -4.01660204e-01 3.09542060e-01 -7.63637722e-02 1.52833581e-01 -4.14068811e-02 -4.09100438e-03 -4.26791400e-01 1.45026785e-03 -4.82287481e-02 -4.51665670e-01 8.71980563e-02 3.91228944e-01 1.45743966e-01 7.61174485e-02 -2.79074579e-01 1.02394767e-01 -1.83869526e-02 1.27598435e-01 6.35254607e-02 -1.20404989e-01 1.21699341e-01 -1.31248817e-01 1.58821717e-01 -4.60760891e-02 2.89694518e-01 -3.38280052e-01 -3.61067861e-01 3.06793720e-01 1.88958287e-01 -4.92491305e-01 -2.79254079e-01 -5.59521280e-02 -1.32760689e-01 1.86416283e-01 3.43579203e-01 2.66272873e-01 3.50157410e-01 1.64320245e-02 1.16997361e-01 -4.82098311e-01 6.15114905e-02 -1.28561154e-01 2.41678745e-01 -7.37604648e-02 3.33142191e-01 1.87976182e-01 -1.86780300e-02 -4.10836279e-01 -1.60606027e-01 7.53129005e-01 -4.49458390e-01 -2.47086510e-01 3.05302925e-02 1.61737040e-01 2.41061114e-02 3.40521638e-03 -3.95080835e-01 -2.98948526e-01 1.36903152e-01 -9.59862694e-02 -3.48720849e-01 -1.30090460e-01 -1.68166161e-01 3.32028791e-02 6.50661364e-02 2.47418031e-01 1.16028406e-01 -5.03164567e-02 -1.73435286e-01 1.23363830e-01]
"Paper-Covered Building" active "Item #: SCP-211 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Because of the suburban location of SCP-211, the surrounding neighborhood has been vacated through intentional introduction of pollutive industry and redistricting, to promote “NIMBY” sentiment. In addition, the property surrounding SCP-211 is currently under Foundation management, and an armed guard has been stationed in the buildings. Unauthorized personnel entering the area are to be terminated on sight. A series of explosive charges has been set within SCP-211, and is to be examined every ██ days for degradation. Should SCP-211 become overtly hostile or neutralization is otherwise requested, it is to be terminated by detonating these charges simultaneously. To avoid inadvertent activation of SCP-211's defense mechanisms, extraction of SCP-211-1 should take place at a rate of fewer than █ pages per hour. Description: SCP-211 is a two-story building located in an abandoned district of ███████, IA. Records from ███████'s archives heavily suggest that the building was originally a middle-class dwelling, belonging to G██████ S███████████ (since deceased of natural cause). Since then, all furnishings have disappeared, save standard light fixtures and a radiator (pictured above). Note that several of these lights' switches have not been discovered, rendering them useless. Additionally, the building's topography has been nearly completely covered with an estimated ███,███ sheets of paper, hereafter collectively designated as SCP-211-1. Given these facts, SCP-211 itself is in remarkably poor condition. Severe mold and grime contamination are threatening to collapse a large section of the second floor, and the attempted May 4 demolition (see Document 211-01) has left a large hole in the south wall of the building. Recovered sheets of SCP-211-1 may be of various aspect and origins: blank, depicting various images, ripped pages from books (most often encyclopedias or novels), printouts from the Internet, etc. The paper may be of any color; in fact, the above picture is of the only hallway in which all sheets are printed on white paper. Entire stacks of paper have been discovered in the building's basement, whose individual sheets bear little or no relation to each other. Their only real identifying characteristic is that individual sheets' edges are unusually sharp, and that should a portion of SCP-211-1 be removed, more sheets appear (from unknown origin) as replacement. Research is pending, but so far, individually, SCP-211-1's constituent parts seem to have little purpose beyond [REDACTED: See Addendum 211-01] and defense. Document 211-01 SCP Status for SCP-211 was established after the building was condemned and scheduled for demolition on 4 May 2███, when the building “attacked” the team (hereafter labeled Incident Zero). The following is an interview of E████ R████████, one of four survivors, conducted by Dr. Spinoza. <Begin Log> Dr. Spinoza: Please state your name and occupation. Interviewee: E████ R████████, employed at ███████ Construction. Well, former employee. Can't exactly do my job with one crippled leg, now can I? Dr. Spinoza: My sympathies. Please discuss the events involving the attempted destruction of [DATA EXPUNGED]. R████████: Well, we - ███████ Construction, that is - were commissioned to destroy that thing, so we set about finding the best way to do it. We pretty much ruled out undermining for some reason. Something to do [DATA EXPUNGED]. Main thing is management decides to just use a couple of bulldozers to level the thing. Dr. Spinoza: Was there any action on the part of the building before you attempted demolition? R████████: Not really. We went in there, after all, making tests and all that. Found the mold, joked about all that paper all over the place. Only thing that really happened before we started was…yeah, when we were in the basement and someone else, I forget who, started ripping pages from the wall, just t'check how bad the mold was. Big stack of the stuff suddenly drops from the ceiling, outta nowhere, on top of the guy, and he gets a nice bunch of paper cuts. Thing that got us, though? His gear was all cut up as all hell. I mean, clothing, hat, glasses, what have you. All nicked up, had a big damn gouge in his glasses. Damn good thing he was wearing those glasses, I tell you. Dr. Spinoza: And then? R████████: Well, we didn't like being in a big house of knives, you know, so we got him out of there. Other than that, besides, well, you know, and nothing else happened. Dr. Spinoza: And on May 4? R████████: Well, we had everything set up, and started driving a pair of bulldozers toward the house, when all of a sudden all that paper on that one wall - outside, right? - well, it all just falls off by itself. Now, I should tell you, that day there wasn't a breeze in the air at all, so we thought that, well, the building's destroyin' itself and stuff, and we decide to help it along, and all of a sudden there's a big rumble - one you can hear over the bulldozers! - and all that paper flies into the air by itself and tears up everything in sight! [END OF INTERVIEW REDACTED] <End Log> Document 211-02 Subsequent to Incident Zero, testing was taken to determine the responsiveness of SCP-211. D-Class Personnel were issued a video camera and ordered to interact with SCP-211 in various ways. Video Log 1 Subject: D-19905 ordered to approach and explore SCP-211. Result: No response. D-19905 interacted with SCP-211-1 without threat. Building map of first floor made with camera footage. Video Log 2 Subject: D-19905 ordered to approach and extract a sheet of SCP-211-1. Result: No response. Page appears to be [REDACTED]. Video Log 3 Subject: D-19905 ordered to approach and extract a pile of SCP-211-1 near SCP-211's entrance. Result: Before extracting the target, D-19905 hesitates and examines a large poster on the wall near it. When questioned, D-19905 remarks that it's a painting that he made while incarcerated at [REDACTED], and proceeds to pick it up without incident. When D-19905 picks up the target, a pile of SCP-211-1 falls over, landing on him. D-19905 emerges, suffering lacerations to arms, legs, and face, but manages to extract the collection from SCP-211. Video Log 4 Subject: D-19905 ordered to approach SCP-211 and explore second floor. Result: D-19905 enters building via Incident Zero hole without incident. Upon entering contaminated area, D-19905 steps on a weakened part of the floor, which collapses. D-19905 exits building with a broken leg, [REDACTED]. Well, at least we know we can destroy it if we need to. - Dr. Spinoza Video Log 5 Subject: D- 21938 issued a pack of matches and ordered to light a sheet of SCP-211-1 within SCP-211 on fire. Result: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Remains removed from door, but main entrance to SCP-211 is now blocked, leaving the Incident Zero hole as the only entrance. Let's not try that one again, all right? I mean, eurgh. -Dr. Spinoza Addendum 211-01 Since collection of SCP-211-1 has begun, several specific books have become identified as their origin. Examples of these are as follows: No documents re: the Foundation have been discovered as of yet; however, security has been increased as a mild informational security threat. Addendum 211-02 Recent unexplained phenomena regarding SCP-211 have provoked further study. On 28 March ████, three individual sheets of SCP-211-1 were found in SCP-211's “entrance.” Examination of these sheets proved to be Foundation Protocol memoranda addressed to Dr. Spinoza, the interviewer of the previously mentioned E████ R████████. Upon questioning, Spinoza (who had been at Site-17 re: another project) noted that the notices had disappeared soon after he received them, adding that [DATA EXPUNGED]. Since this date, there have been █ other data security breaches involving SCP-211-1, several of which involve SCP-211 as subject material. Upgrade to Euclid status pending. « SCP-210 | SCP-211 | SCP-212 » Cite this page as: "SCP-211" by Espinoza, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: houseofpages.jpg Name: House of Leaves Author: Katherine Lannin License: CC BY-SA 3.0 (used with permission) Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[-3.21531892e-02 7.85035416e-02 -7.27860928e-02 2.77525522e-02 -5.91000244e-02 -2.66845047e-01 1.40252709e-01 1.85152307e-01 -1.72630832e-01 1.79181322e-01 2.43353873e-01 1.31242663e-01 -1.05118550e-01 2.63751566e-01 1.54175526e-02 7.83167630e-02 1.23359255e-01 -6.95795566e-02 2.08465662e-02 -4.56879660e-02 -2.22927153e-01 1.85462177e-01 -1.19178683e-01 3.42402607e-01 -1.80691093e-01 -2.73646981e-01 -2.56364673e-01 -2.10019574e-01 -1.23860821e-01 -2.15001591e-02 2.12528378e-01 2.84204483e-01 2.13959944e-02 3.57957482e-01 -1.06648993e-04 -5.39302230e-02 3.89104597e-02 3.90465111e-02 -1.30466759e-01 -7.30474666e-02 -1.74030468e-01 -3.80267709e-01 -3.11887860e-01 -2.47352391e-01 -6.43258840e-02 -1.77719757e-01 2.32780173e-01 3.51825058e-01 2.69370109e-01 3.23438905e-02 2.14103460e-01 9.42751020e-03 3.03896010e-01 -1.96022719e-01 1.44078359e-01 1.06724456e-01 -2.44753495e-01 -1.88617483e-01 4.32446599e-01 -2.86586881e-01 3.21420759e-01 2.04614982e-01 -1.55269936e-01 -2.22493783e-01 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5.03943041e-02 -2.11703598e-01 2.57500798e-01 -3.11511755e-01 9.48804338e-03 -1.07822068e-01 1.05571048e-02 -2.02676207e-01 -8.45467076e-02 -1.50204793e-01 -1.06837288e-01 4.28210109e-01 2.33958326e-02 6.29257679e-01 3.57415259e-01 -4.67567444e-01 -7.06302673e-02 1.60863087e-01 3.08417697e-02 -1.12078674e-01 7.72633823e-03 -1.03038531e-02 -2.09066063e-01 -4.29435730e-01 2.46139869e-01 3.98900732e-02 7.77493417e-02 2.92047322e-01 2.01714621e-03 -2.12789588e-02 5.30687161e-02 2.65476912e-01 3.16301078e-01 -2.25501195e-01 2.95489747e-02 -1.21963196e-01 3.87136132e-01 2.12357901e-02 -1.78678945e-01 -3.36826444e-02 -3.81339073e-01 8.38028640e-02 -3.87284130e-01 -9.17629153e-03 1.25074476e-01 -1.17121071e-01 2.43452042e-01 -5.69106162e-01 -3.32327262e-02 -4.97219414e-01 2.17403367e-01 -4.20783192e-01 8.36072117e-02 4.15062040e-01 -3.18362266e-01 -1.73952669e-01 -7.74780437e-02 -1.32945120e-01 -3.63557220e-01 7.10313693e-02 -3.04437250e-01 -6.35768473e-01 -4.16933239e-01 3.10733803e-02 2.03319248e-02 1.65375844e-01 4.86569144e-02 -2.29388013e-01 1.54198796e-01 2.80276597e-01 2.65504569e-01 -1.18586384e-01 3.21675874e-02 2.76675344e-01 2.87060976e-01 -2.01483101e-01 -4.87639941e-02 5.25833992e-03 -4.05941829e-02 -1.13618411e-01 5.39188534e-02 1.37707368e-01 -2.57567137e-01 -6.53989464e-02 8.95372778e-02 -1.57497361e-01 -3.95407051e-01 2.72873938e-01 6.55884221e-02 -2.02287976e-02 -4.17160749e-01 -1.92267388e-01 2.30579916e-02 -4.16775972e-01 -1.14731751e-01 9.13881883e-02 -9.66300443e-02 -2.33664945e-01 3.59238721e-02 -6.27958104e-02 2.54753837e-03 1.79160222e-01 -1.52133644e-01 5.44972543e-04 5.95907718e-02 -3.60458195e-01 1.79608222e-02 2.83500314e-01 7.94622958e-01 -2.49936268e-01 6.02301210e-02 5.29401116e-02 -6.45009503e-02 -7.35599026e-02 1.14485264e-01 -3.79432350e-01 2.27710128e-01 4.57759798e-02 1.54764920e-01 -7.27449954e-02 -2.88397241e-02 -3.43734107e-04 -4.46020305e-01 1.98713224e-02 -2.76013315e-01 7.73237720e-02 3.15767795e-01 -2.70958215e-01 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-3.11754465e-01 1.39494449e-01 -7.32098818e-02 -8.72163251e-02 -1.07487500e-01 2.38830984e-01 -3.24194506e-02 -1.45999730e-01 -1.48496583e-01 -7.55070522e-02 3.86204481e-01 2.77747035e-01 2.72194415e-01 2.18543764e-02 1.75746709e-01 2.61567861e-01 6.23907149e-02 4.53668028e-01 -2.76990771e-01 8.35609064e-02 -2.23844439e-01 -1.70403764e-01 -1.75380453e-01 3.06602836e-01 -1.34955093e-01 -1.83145329e-02 5.11515699e-02 -4.13066000e-02 -1.73835099e-01 8.00653473e-02 1.42752416e-02 -3.00717592e-01 -9.95512009e-02 1.08220659e-01 2.01951548e-01 -2.54237294e-01 5.28679043e-02 -5.63641153e-02 1.53899938e-01 -6.82181194e-02 7.74720609e-02 -1.37498146e-02 2.94744968e-01 6.49822550e-03 3.52279544e-01 2.12163448e-01 -1.08660959e-01 6.63785160e-01 2.01067865e-01 -1.09922141e-01 -2.41858959e-01 4.73343462e-01 3.64382043e-02 4.39358026e-01 -1.96175813e-03 2.81469405e-01 8.08381289e-02 1.51953608e-01 -2.51186341e-01 1.44866645e-01 7.87406042e-02 6.47633523e-02 -2.26928994e-01 -1.96332917e-01 -5.49655361e-03 1.31804328e-02 2.31322154e-01 6.06322326e-02 8.58192220e-02 -1.80450574e-01 1.17808633e-01 3.28618102e-02 1.32139698e-01 -2.94288751e-02 6.54052854e-01 -5.10731399e-01 1.89578444e-01 -9.72998589e-02 -2.68457644e-02 4.66676392e-02 4.54143137e-01 3.39741111e-01 -1.86159253e-01 9.22578126e-02 6.35878518e-02 -1.62679479e-01 -4.15718667e-02 -2.48955548e-01 2.54126191e-01 9.26081911e-02 -8.44995379e-02 1.94841385e-01 8.93069655e-02 -2.30520636e-01 -5.96076846e-01 2.05769822e-01 -6.95793405e-02 2.66970366e-01 -5.87272123e-02 -1.86460376e-01 -3.36501688e-01 3.98597419e-02 2.60145608e-02 2.02795491e-02 -6.29433990e-01 -6.23036884e-02 -5.52480593e-02 2.51038373e-01 5.42650521e-02 8.38345662e-02 9.43981856e-02 5.83504699e-02 2.12775636e-02 1.19235076e-01 -2.09941834e-01 -5.08753002e-01 -3.66085589e-01 1.09632969e-01 -3.82696763e-02 3.15921605e-02 2.32878640e-01 -6.69017881e-02 1.66360363e-01 3.28191221e-02 -2.50451326e-01 2.33894899e-01 -1.79711625e-01 -1.15815334e-01 -4.60708052e-01 3.11907381e-01 3.13157916e-01 -2.51258701e-01 1.10054828e-01 -4.25816737e-02 6.50612786e-02 -3.81407171e-01 1.11188255e-01 -2.69017480e-02 -3.37300360e-01 -1.56798691e-01 4.19882359e-03 2.47281268e-01 -6.69034794e-02 -1.63664609e-01 -1.97348967e-01 -1.03759505e-01 2.00845107e-01 5.30552983e-01 -1.48723543e-01 1.76137388e-01 1.43975303e-01 -3.12450260e-01 1.44778252e-01 7.03754067e-01 3.84607822e-01 -2.79636737e-02 3.43943201e-03 2.61592567e-01 -5.19293368e-01 1.17796279e-01 -2.58864164e-01 9.08663943e-02 1.46457002e-01 3.85191292e-01 2.39218622e-01 -1.46720618e-01 -1.01326264e-01 -1.38606116e-01 2.81006664e-01 -2.64242738e-01 -1.87786311e-01 -7.65644684e-02 1.56105593e-01 -2.01959640e-01 1.93264391e-02 -8.50083828e-02 -3.63594770e-01 -8.23514909e-02 -2.59566344e-02 -3.01283568e-01 -2.05429494e-01 -6.80692866e-03 -1.38702065e-01 5.66553557e-03 6.37134671e-01 -6.33049086e-02 -1.28019065e-01 -4.55354214e-01 1.57216936e-01]
"The Improver" active "Item #: SCP-212 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Use of SCP-212 must be cleared by the current containment site’s chief medical officer. Any subjects undergoing operation by SCP-212 must submit to full physical and psychological testing both before and after exposure. Resistance to testing will result in termination of subject. All personnel are to keep at least 1.5 m (5 ft) from SCP-212 when not in operation. Armed personnel are authorized to use whatever force deemed necessary to prevent unauthorized exposure. Should any personnel accidentally become exposed to SCP-212, full quarantine, testing, and judicial review will be initiated as soon as the subject is released by SCP-212. Description: SCP-212 is a large medical device, with three large robotic arms. The arms have an extremely diverse array of attachments, but no storage area or power source has yet been found. Attachments slide into and out of the arms as needed, with over five hundred different attachments documented. SCP-212 is made of plastic, steel, and other common materials. In-depth analysis is pending, as any attempt by mechanical means causes violent action from SCP-212, and attempts by any biological means normally results with subject's “improvement”. When exposed to living tissue, the “arms” of SCP-212 will rapidly move to grab and restrain it. SCP-212 will then begin to “improve” said tissue. This process is extremely fast, but SCP-212 does not inject any anesthetic, or replace any blood lost. The process has been described as “excruciatingly painful”, and can result in the death of the subject at a rate of 47%. Wounds made by SCP-212 are closed with standard surgical sutures and a chemical “sealant” that is not yet fully understood. Improvements that have been observed include: lining of joints with graphite, replacement of biological organs with artificial ones, addition of metal plates to bones, addition of new or duplicate organs, and replacement of teeth with small serrated steel bands, among many others. SCP-212 has been shown to be able to totally “re-configure” an organism. The “improvements” appear to be random, and can sometimes be detrimental or fatal, as illustrated by one subject’s complete loss of bone marrow and its replacement by a gel that is still under study. Subjects wishing to undergo exposure from SCP-212 are to be advised that the process is extremely invasive, and that no predictions on “improvements” can be made. See Also: SCP-212 Upgrade Log « SCP-211 | SCP-212 | SCP-213 »" nan
[ 3.29272151e-01 -1.02460012e-01 -1.26036793e-01 -3.84618253e-01 2.14399993e-02 -1.35409176e-01 1.31283268e-01 2.36892432e-01 1.76816821e-01 2.12903336e-01 1.03152908e-01 4.11244750e-01 -1.47872195e-01 2.57543568e-02 4.27163154e-01 -1.55240640e-01 2.54781723e-01 3.99393737e-01 -3.21634918e-01 -2.08593562e-01 -7.44489878e-02 -2.38035157e-01 -3.03280622e-01 2.86742151e-01 2.24120334e-01 7.83709511e-02 1.44867226e-01 9.30073932e-02 -7.76716396e-02 -4.54572886e-01 -2.02613965e-01 2.03012779e-01 -1.31120503e-01 2.31853127e-01 -1.11716610e-04 -1.63564086e-01 -4.28694859e-02 1.57332897e-01 -3.49810332e-01 -2.98680849e-02 2.09290564e-01 -4.03401613e-01 1.97904874e-02 -2.59225965e-01 2.14710116e-01 -4.69518691e-01 1.89963803e-02 2.44506717e-01 3.77929837e-01 2.93784887e-01 1.91390574e-01 1.40579343e-01 2.85680220e-02 -1.09028243e-01 4.78839241e-02 8.24540332e-02 -3.11457515e-01 -3.40307742e-01 4.65270221e-01 3.31422761e-02 -1.63191054e-02 8.36147293e-02 -1.60158962e-01 -1.70095205e-01 4.44116712e-01 -2.42817789e-01 3.15700591e-01 -1.13766581e-01 2.32356533e-01 1.51644409e-01 -2.83748657e-01 1.22268237e-02 8.29832777e-02 -1.63346663e-01 5.06795943e-02 -7.26051815e-03 1.55788988e-01 -9.90213305e-02 8.44938532e-02 4.70770299e-02 -3.30442280e-01 -6.77575469e-02 -3.81136507e-01 -1.49832413e-01 4.11045272e-03 2.17328399e-01 -1.46880165e-01 -3.94754484e-02 4.36758637e-01 -7.84783512e-02 -1.69840679e-02 1.05578527e-01 2.82310158e-01 3.58653158e-01 -2.34360740e-01 -1.93361309e-03 6.16278984e-02 1.45974457e-01 3.18958521e-01 2.26765439e-01 2.30504707e-01 1.31178752e-01 2.20149100e-01 3.48453261e-02 -2.61436164e-01 -3.36219035e-02 -1.21344134e-01 -2.13857174e-01 -3.74480873e-01 4.66856778e-01 -2.24631671e-02 2.30875701e-01 -3.49002182e-02 2.38375217e-01 2.35233337e-01 -2.54829526e-01 -5.87288290e-02 -5.36770634e-02 -4.59259748e-02 5.25879741e-01 -3.97645324e-01 2.19588261e-02 -2.18059421e-01 4.61499728e-02 2.90261716e-01 1.96521103e-01 3.83130051e-02 -2.37101972e-01 -4.39147092e-02 -3.94695364e-02 -2.46309817e-01 3.80222529e-01 -4.31365967e-01 -1.55303394e-02 -6.39250651e-02 8.77289549e-02 -3.59627426e-01 -2.03256726e-01 2.88417071e-01 7.82300346e-03 1.50271192e-01 1.12164937e-01 6.63803041e-01 5.18538237e-01 -1.91755503e-01 -3.80196959e-01 -3.46334949e-02 -4.23462898e-01 -1.39597028e-01 -5.02667427e-02 9.17709172e-02 -1.83348179e-01 -4.57190096e-01 2.22103715e-01 -1.64133564e-01 2.04559296e-01 3.59504580e-01 -1.54423162e-01 -2.24681526e-01 -1.10848539e-01 2.61290103e-01 6.66777417e-02 -7.50681311e-02 -1.22306623e-01 1.03196010e-01 1.86568588e-01 -3.51037532e-02 -2.61802793e-01 8.76354128e-02 3.01855411e-02 -8.10314119e-02 -2.19215706e-01 1.18127786e-01 -3.72522557e-03 -2.10460816e-02 1.14995852e-01 -6.88549737e-03 -2.38351047e-01 -4.90842402e-01 -1.54961064e-01 -3.02726746e-01 2.55223870e-01 2.32485086e-01 -2.40001217e-01 -3.76535542e-02 7.98831657e-02 -3.95100027e-01 1.48070268e-02 3.47788721e-01 -1.90773875e-01 -3.16064477e-01 -4.86450315e-01 1.73562706e-01 4.17907871e-02 2.59006798e-01 1.18899003e-01 6.15678020e-02 -1.12745211e-01 2.71331906e-01 2.96572484e-02 -1.14192083e-01 -2.36735880e-01 1.35235325e-01 1.96977198e-01 -1.64400324e-01 -2.04066008e-01 -2.46317506e-01 -2.22401753e-01 4.85250950e-02 1.97409242e-01 6.08623959e-02 -1.10912427e-01 -2.65089214e-01 -5.74096367e-02 -1.13443390e-01 -5.21566756e-02 2.95525074e-01 2.71398246e-01 2.78793216e-01 -4.17025357e-01 -1.37921020e-01 4.26672757e-01 -1.62772089e-01 -2.60716323e-02 -1.91963434e-01 4.78483140e-01 -1.70550749e-01 -7.63828121e-03 -2.89071649e-01 2.50962734e-01 1.17865510e-01 -4.67500277e-02 9.13817957e-02 1.83697231e-02 -5.69373846e-01 7.27850795e-02 -1.42027680e-02 8.69874060e-01 -2.76431412e-01 7.20550269e-02 5.54542914e-02 -2.74646521e-01 1.36207685e-01 2.14451730e-01 -2.87991703e-01 -8.86623263e-02 2.61085361e-01 4.02776659e-01 1.98417723e-01 3.26841287e-02 -9.16747153e-02 -4.19384480e-01 -4.44465965e-01 1.21863214e-02 2.91335471e-02 -2.41680831e-01 1.23067439e-01 -4.00151685e-02 -6.35562763e-02 7.30191991e-02 4.52566668e-02 -8.49733725e-02 -6.95808306e-02 -3.33446711e-02 2.40252197e-01 -2.75134593e-01 8.13804218e-04 4.58789557e-01 -1.09768763e-01 1.33216381e-01 -2.27310002e-01 1.10217236e-01 -1.32473052e-01 1.00578390e-01 -1.78702503e-01 8.64385143e-02 2.00299293e-01 3.25995862e-01 1.44570380e-01 2.88508892e-01 -5.42725958e-02 -7.02135265e-02 -1.93812281e-01 -4.54788804e-02 -1.42862797e-01 1.59176499e-01 8.48884508e-03 8.98235589e-02 8.05281103e-02 2.97463626e-01 3.40012789e-01 -2.22131193e-01 -1.71451315e-01 -8.57916251e-02 4.32921685e-02 9.32575390e-02 -5.47019720e-01 6.72671139e-01 -2.90396571e-01 1.11839838e-01 -2.21397772e-01 6.36458635e-01 7.70227686e-02 7.27616102e-02 -3.11786026e-01 8.53673741e-03 5.30459702e-01 -2.13339016e-01 -5.23874760e-02 -1.02271773e-01 -2.61300802e-01 2.29230031e-01 1.46110773e-01 -3.11751157e-01 2.35635296e-01 -4.10918385e-01 5.81882298e-02 -1.58426449e-01 1.26212597e-01 -6.92173362e-01 1.66589636e-02 1.51063547e-01 2.99159698e-02 4.80000749e-02 4.46637236e-02 1.47989858e-02 -1.60010830e-01 -2.06215847e-02 1.09475501e-01 1.51069447e-01 2.44962707e-01 1.56958312e-01 6.33390844e-02 2.19881922e-01 -1.53042027e-03 1.38975844e-01 -1.81655213e-01 -4.33269441e-01 5.75449504e-02 1.02593988e-01 5.81690334e-02 -4.70854431e-01 -1.89890370e-01 2.04936936e-01 2.73719132e-01 -4.07618999e-01 -2.87412703e-01 -8.18153545e-02 2.39132315e-01 -3.68939310e-01 -8.29273537e-02 6.64827168e-01 -3.33844125e-02 -2.99442291e-01 -1.55501708e-01 -4.85268027e-01 2.02967748e-01 9.97073650e-02 -1.42782301e-01 -1.51758030e-01 1.46186307e-01 2.58641511e-01 1.68892369e-01 -2.08262727e-01 -3.24305028e-01 -9.06902030e-02 2.17486676e-02 3.31687219e-02 2.63489306e-01 -3.96452129e-01 3.54957372e-01 -1.23840541e-01 -1.64305776e-01 8.54304433e-02 -1.49990767e-01 -1.66027158e-01 1.36154309e-01 1.21609375e-01 -4.30075675e-01 5.03367223e-02 -9.08994582e-03 3.37940812e-01 3.94522667e-01 -2.49269933e-01 -1.16334796e-01 -9.03033018e-02 7.05528483e-02 8.59083757e-02 -2.10806988e-02 3.03229839e-01 -8.27885121e-02 -5.30781746e-01 -8.70506763e-02 -8.70494619e-02 8.51670876e-02 4.58580937e-04 3.21823388e-01 -6.86252192e-02 -4.14667130e-01 4.16815102e-01 -5.09230196e-01 -3.22907716e-02 9.27083865e-02 2.75715172e-01 6.03824139e-01 7.60596395e-02 1.66598156e-01 -2.28931993e-01 -1.56430408e-01 5.81158996e-01 9.25879553e-02 1.48811936e-01 8.21124986e-02 -3.11468095e-01 2.28760377e-01 9.54517871e-02 -4.13481407e-02 6.65676370e-02 3.98703367e-02 -2.31392920e-01 -1.14394441e-01 1.65276334e-01 -2.85255760e-01 -1.17222987e-01 -9.03842226e-03 6.98121041e-02 1.93101555e-01 9.23488736e-02 2.04562500e-01 1.97444513e-01 -2.92088568e-01 2.09568694e-01 -4.68763150e-02 1.93973690e-01 2.47482106e-01 4.39778455e-02 1.61080346e-01 -2.20994666e-01 9.71287638e-02 -3.89609486e-02 -9.00686383e-02 9.78460833e-02 4.26701695e-01 2.56085128e-01 3.14622000e-02 6.09756745e-02 3.05821925e-01 -2.74733603e-01 -1.27088711e-01 5.73919952e-01 -2.24644229e-01 2.78368760e-02 -3.63257587e-01 5.67463517e-01 1.48476616e-01 -4.34561938e-01 -3.64002585e-01 8.13416004e-01 -6.45014942e-02 1.61497280e-01 5.51026464e-01 1.20550847e+00 1.44579187e-01 4.93695140e-02 7.26612611e-03 -6.32081449e-01 3.40993740e-02 -3.66647124e-01 -1.18066177e-01 -1.69626370e-01 -1.99784428e-01 -8.87142029e-03 -1.80254608e-01 1.41547784e-01 2.05563307e-01 -3.34637880e-01 -8.05350915e-02 -5.82599461e-01 2.45740656e-02 3.61949503e-01 1.09318130e-01 -1.56363085e-01 -2.56689280e-01 9.03444141e-02 2.04564288e-01 9.28272773e-03 -9.61569771e-02 2.36175835e-01 2.12272361e-01 1.69362426e-01 2.01556697e-01 4.56873234e-03 6.79630637e-02 2.98485737e-02 -1.78525150e-01 3.45291823e-01 -2.82585591e-01 1.59937426e-01 -4.64710355e-01 -2.30465949e-01 1.12839170e-01 1.83030754e-01 -6.25858530e-02 3.85855883e-01 1.39769807e-01 2.58715451e-01 -2.56914403e-02 4.21923310e-01 7.25467224e-04 -4.54487018e-02 3.05689812e-01 1.43724367e-01 -1.11045308e-01 -2.62663335e-01 2.34792769e-01 7.25110471e-01 -3.71326923e-01 1.17123261e-01 3.77132833e-01 -1.53067857e-01 -2.73147404e-01 1.82840347e-01 -1.10081695e-01 -3.77299428e-01 3.11492115e-01 1.12662069e-01 -1.87366143e-01 1.08809270e-01 1.19816184e-01 7.22688958e-02 6.88849092e-02 2.12292358e-01 -4.05538708e-01 -1.09003730e-01 -4.17889267e-01 -2.10794955e-01 9.21282172e-02 -2.04649821e-01 -1.09326206e-01 -2.48825938e-01 -2.84376442e-01 -3.19096863e-01 1.45242466e-02 2.01149672e-01 -9.90266353e-02 -1.09464556e-01 -1.67965934e-01 -1.09973304e-01 -1.86711341e-01 1.77418798e-01 1.30963936e-01 1.02722473e-01 4.67225462e-01 -2.09253892e-01 3.42234433e-01 -4.14983332e-01 1.33974418e-01 -2.25974381e-01 -2.96015054e-01 -1.78416241e-02 -2.82131910e-01 -2.89029807e-01 -2.86045104e-01 1.84406906e-01 1.52240368e-02 -9.45288166e-02 -2.79164582e-01 -3.04260612e-01 1.01838753e-01 4.59306352e-02 -2.15087250e-01 4.71816771e-02 1.12905502e-01 1.54242441e-01 1.09923281e-01 1.50756955e-01 8.53783116e-02 3.58752280e-01 2.91351646e-01 -1.36153862e-01 1.38104215e-01 1.60906032e-01 1.60632282e-01 1.32599115e-01 1.26786113e-01 7.12305307e-02 1.51069641e-01 -1.27730668e-02 -1.10122666e-01 -5.51480874e-02 3.40187848e-01 -1.13371201e-01 1.69463754e-01 3.34810138e-01 -2.09267050e-01 1.16066625e-02 -1.98584367e-02 -8.66909996e-02 2.52435058e-01 -3.64371955e-01 -1.54196039e-01 1.34652853e-02 3.02560091e-01 -7.91167691e-02 -1.21754616e-01 -1.44443855e-01 -4.93499599e-02 1.25220064e-02 2.19189212e-01 1.23500995e-01 -4.61954087e-01 -1.01576470e-01 1.24069542e-01 3.24943602e-01 1.78871632e-01 5.33307083e-02 2.29705915e-01 -1.71842948e-02 -1.47571221e-01 -2.92649306e-02 -3.67440656e-02 1.65329780e-02 6.44239858e-02 3.73210669e-01 2.97526479e-01 2.89337277e-01 3.69314373e-01 3.36838514e-02 3.80505413e-01 -2.41953269e-01 1.87651217e-01 -1.61487773e-01 1.91185787e-01 -7.85985515e-02 4.52527404e-01 3.43859121e-02 -2.34424233e-01 -1.45745113e-01 7.88520202e-02 1.80319786e-01 -9.22460556e-02 -1.83657408e-01 -1.70368731e-01 -4.52479005e-01 -1.49402410e-01 6.84584901e-02 4.47604768e-02 4.21670705e-01 -1.57350183e-01 1.31166399e-01 2.55065769e-01 -2.68121332e-01 1.11503951e-01 5.43244779e-01 -3.56231034e-01 1.41071841e-01 3.96373093e-01 8.41908529e-02 6.97514340e-02 -5.86663745e-02 4.49643075e-01 -1.42957613e-01 -2.32470274e-01 -1.08852267e-01 -3.88592631e-01 -2.74553504e-02 -5.31032914e-04 1.27153099e-01 -1.52781876e-02 -2.69389033e-01 1.23894051e-01 8.68897885e-02 -1.83000416e-01 1.27138764e-01 9.57056880e-02 4.70328890e-02 -2.43431836e-01 2.27136150e-01 7.24381208e-02 -1.80071294e-01 -5.47180325e-02 4.72217388e-02 7.46490061e-02 4.66498472e-02 -9.09401700e-02 -1.85736418e-01 2.44020835e-01 -2.14187339e-01 1.05388097e-01 -2.03968193e-02 4.53572094e-01 1.07882828e-01 1.52169377e-01 -1.30461836e-02 -3.70974153e-01 -1.73382625e-01 5.35394661e-02 -2.39234537e-01 -5.37276387e-01 3.42778414e-02 1.93023175e-01 3.78982462e-02 5.02361320e-02 1.48395464e-01 1.23191975e-01 -7.66591579e-02 -1.03688695e-01 -1.29667059e-01 1.78218395e-01 2.75079906e-01 1.54430509e-01 2.04405300e-02 -2.88671423e-02 -2.22473312e-02 3.33113551e-01 1.39219075e-01 4.52754498e-02 -7.01258853e-02 -3.28609236e-02 4.34657365e-01 5.33710241e-01 8.01968947e-02 2.04464123e-01 -3.12552780e-01 -3.68803591e-01 -3.93498428e-02 5.62752724e-01 -2.18993559e-01 -1.51654407e-01 5.67013174e-02 7.08416030e-02 3.33019614e-01 3.00371796e-01 2.68949121e-01 -1.22895144e-01 -8.60878208e-04 1.40564665e-01 -3.21572542e-01 1.43766068e-02 1.18468873e-01 1.28799900e-01 -3.67108621e-02 4.98897403e-01 2.14259788e-01 1.06807165e-01 -2.18955606e-01 -2.88063675e-01 8.33163083e-01 2.37075239e-02 -2.44409382e-01 -2.84466982e-01 7.60743394e-02 -7.73635879e-02 -1.84898525e-01 -2.87596524e-01 -3.67815673e-01 4.69129719e-02 3.29109021e-02 6.13356456e-02 1.96219429e-01 -2.38992751e-01 -4.99082021e-02 -1.14927860e-02 4.84201699e-01 1.95954815e-02 -1.46702211e-02 -2.32841194e-01 -1.42258018e-01]
"Anti-Matter Parasite" active "Item #: SCP-213 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-213 is contained in a high security humanoid containment cell within Site-77. The chamber is to be surrounded by a 10 meter wide zone filled with gaseous materials corrosive to human skin. SCP-213 should be informed as to the nature of its containment, to prevent manifestation of its effect which would result in additional containment breaches. A staffing of two guards armed with high pressure hoses, oleoresin capsicum, and polymer web grenades should be stationed outside the containment unit at all times. Description: SCP-213 is an adolescent humanoid male, 1.5 m tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-213 is able to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. An intense flash of light is produced when doing so. SCP-213 can use any part of its body to manifest this effect, and has used it to disintegrate projectiles as they impact its body. Manifestation of this effect has proven to be extremely painful, with extended use causing enough pain to render SCP-213 unconscious. SCP-213 was recovered from Palo Alto, CA, when reports of a teenage boy being arrested for homicide after "vaporizing" his girlfriend during coitus reached agents embedded in the local police department. Further investigation revealed SCP-213's anomalous properties. However, during initial containment, SCP-213 vaporized the agents attempting to apprehend it. During the ensuing firefight with MTF-████-██, SCP-213 was able to disable 2 agents before being contained. SCP-213's containment procedures were finalized on ██/██/19██, and classified as Euclid. Addendum 213-07: SCP-213 has made its seventh escape attempt. After asking for another interview with Dr. ████, SCP-213 waited for security personnel to allow her to enter the containment chamber. As the majority of the containment procedures were disengaged, SCP-213 was able to apply its effect to the remaining security measures and breach containment. SCP-213 killed Dr. ████, as well as two agents during the initial stage of its breach. SCP-213 had only seen a small portion of the facility and was easily apprehended after it encountered heavy resistance from security. Breaking through its cell weakened it enough to prevent further damage to other containment units. SCP-213 was apprehended in the site break room, attempting to break through the floor. However, extensive use of its effect left it unable to do so. Addendum 213-08: SCP-213 unintentionally breached containment on ██/██/20██. Due to the nature of this breach, no consequence has been issued. Video feed taken at 3:15 AM from SCP-213's cell show its bed and a section of the floor being affected, which caused SCP-213 to fall into a basement level. Containment procedures have been slated for revision. Researchers note From study of this video, it is clear that SCP-213's control of the effect is not as perfect as it previously believed and it has become more cooperative with us in trying to establish a method to control and utilize it. Vague conjecture on the part of the review staff as to possibilities of what would occur should the effect trigger accidentally, including SCP-213 self-vaporizing, are noted as being particularly useful in this regard. Addendum 213-09: ██-07-████: During a routine physical examination of SCP-213, lesions were discovered on its back, appearing as smooth nodules. Presently, there are four nodules, placed at intervals on the subject’s back in a perfect square. Distance between all four points is exactly 15 cm. Medical personnel have been assigned to SCP-213's containment in order to observe and rapidly respond to changes in this condition. Follow-up examinations have been scheduled. ██-09-████: A follow-up examination has led to the discovery of two more nodules, located in the center of its palms. SCP-213 reports mild irritation, but no pain or discomfort. They resist pressure applied with blunt or sharp instruments. During an attempt to excise a sample using a scalpel, the scalpel failed to cut and vaporized after a few seconds of applied pressure. SCP-213 denies responsibility for this occurrence. SCP-213 has become notably more apathetic, and has expressed feelings of extreme pain from its back and stomach. ██-14-████: SCP-213 was moved to intensive care after being observed having a seizure in its containment cell. Examination of SCP-213 shows an additional ten (10) nodules have appeared on its back. A perfect distance of 5 cm separates each one. SCP-213 continues to report no pain from the lesions. SCP-213 has been assigned additional medical observers, who will remain outside its containment with the standard guard staff for the next week. ██-23-████: All nodules on SCP-213 have disappeared and been replaced with thin incisions slightly less than 1 mm in width. During inspection of these new changes, the medical examiner witnessed the incision on SCP-213’s left palm open and an eye was observed watching her. SCP-213 has been placed in the medical wing indefinitely, pending further changes to the subjects condition. Addendum 213-10: The source of SCP-213’s effect appears to be a parasitic infestation of unknown origin inhabiting its body. This life form has not attempted to communicate, but does observe any persons in SCP-213's presence through the lesions present on SCP-213’s body. SCP-213 has exhibited panic over this development and requested several times the entity be removed from him. Any requests of this nature from SCP-213 are to be denied, pending further research. Researcher note The organism inhabiting SCP-213 fails to show up on any medical scan we have at our disposal. The new hypothesis is that this effect actually serves to provide sustenance and self-defense, with repeated tests to determine the nature of the anomaly has led to increased growth. SCP-213 has been placed in a chemically induced coma until further research can be conducted regarding the nature of this parasite. Containment procedures slated for major revision. « SCP-212 | SCP-213 | SCP-214 » Cite this page as: "SCP-213" by Daydreamin, rewritten by BlastYoBoots, rewritten by NekoChris, rewritten by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 213.JPG Author: (used with permission) License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-213 manifesting its anomalous property during initial containment"
[ 2.66406268e-01 -3.57947439e-01 -1.46128014e-01 -7.39231333e-03 3.04823428e-01 -4.70135182e-01 3.73950332e-01 1.57411080e-02 -6.71362802e-02 5.09593412e-02 8.16807598e-02 1.92396522e-01 -3.47166896e-01 5.66980913e-02 4.78196830e-01 3.50920439e-01 6.37603551e-02 1.56328231e-01 1.16581872e-01 -2.18217552e-01 -3.59807536e-02 -4.75091226e-02 -1.71814993e-01 1.39692515e-01 -7.88421854e-02 1.14037991e-01 2.01378077e-01 1.30545199e-01 -1.03562228e-01 -4.42557007e-01 2.99808294e-01 1.65630490e-01 7.28380261e-03 2.52081811e-01 -1.06962492e-04 -1.28520057e-01 1.55095145e-01 2.11343765e-01 -2.33940542e-01 1.22676343e-01 -1.45772263e-01 -2.11367428e-01 5.23803644e-02 -1.79648966e-01 3.18192244e-01 -2.22490765e-02 -1.77469447e-01 2.19719857e-01 5.21282375e-01 3.28743726e-01 1.79744214e-01 2.44196936e-01 3.99775863e-01 -9.77485850e-02 3.63008738e-01 3.51186782e-01 -2.15991110e-01 -2.12395027e-01 4.11318332e-01 2.38120943e-01 3.10431719e-01 -2.02422738e-01 -4.36544240e-01 -1.54925361e-01 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2.96556979e-01 9.21138525e-02 3.07455271e-01 1.52226225e-01 1.80574462e-01 2.33317614e-01 -4.29421276e-01 4.26457003e-02 3.39866877e-01 -2.53125638e-01 1.88764427e-02 3.90772313e-01 1.11493731e+00 2.64583342e-03 8.99881199e-02 -9.68225896e-02 -2.39000574e-01 -1.30134657e-01 -2.15583965e-01 -1.72950223e-01 1.27120763e-01 -3.45540732e-01 4.00793925e-03 -8.14055726e-02 3.31809282e-01 4.04063284e-01 -2.28007182e-01 -1.45452634e-01 -4.22220618e-01 -1.20926686e-02 4.24539834e-01 4.27588582e-01 1.82139158e-01 -2.97257453e-01 2.55438566e-01 2.69399434e-01 -1.34486601e-01 6.09472245e-02 1.13349639e-01 2.18924269e-01 -4.90362523e-03 -2.13177592e-01 -2.58341432e-01 8.23571309e-02 -4.66165021e-02 8.07943270e-02 5.72820120e-02 -1.39883891e-01 6.50013536e-02 -4.62407231e-01 -2.49961376e-01 1.77066863e-01 4.46790792e-02 1.51253134e-01 3.44519407e-01 8.16640407e-02 -7.33514130e-03 -2.23344192e-01 3.00577044e-01 4.62948270e-02 1.27675077e-02 2.53922641e-01 5.14305085e-02 -1.94576338e-01 3.93378705e-01 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1.34329438e-01 2.87679117e-02 3.89029652e-01 3.04881651e-02 2.83289969e-01 5.99079020e-02 3.34733039e-01 1.78845674e-01 1.18955970e-01 1.32454494e-02 -9.98504739e-03 1.18567944e-01 1.09404236e-01 -7.63496989e-03 1.59970999e-01 1.67973101e-01 -1.18042707e-01 -4.32628483e-01 2.53428698e-01 -1.48561105e-01 -9.51316729e-02 -3.45120728e-01 -8.73215869e-02 -2.17981134e-02 3.30294698e-01 -3.45805958e-02 -6.88969120e-02 -2.56028742e-01 4.98542935e-03 -1.49520293e-01 7.66012296e-02 4.72379290e-02 -3.24560046e-01 -4.59023975e-02 8.24665204e-02 2.58797944e-01 3.39723825e-01 2.53150165e-01 -2.46090174e-01 -1.03492007e-01 -1.42890260e-01 -4.68114614e-02 -7.33589754e-02 2.56851941e-01 1.77108034e-01 3.46108794e-01 1.12213880e-01 -4.35137935e-02 5.67524433e-01 2.32358947e-02 1.35245532e-01 -2.08985373e-01 -7.66558871e-02 -1.09596595e-01 1.45642459e-01 -1.07615031e-02 1.43723965e-01 -1.14100598e-01 -2.56329626e-01 -2.72533000e-01 1.15784913e-01 2.36964121e-01 1.24804638e-01 -9.29563418e-02 3.19214500e-02 -3.36103499e-01 -1.16178624e-01 2.84841843e-02 -1.13419220e-01 3.78186226e-01 -5.06927185e-02 1.77973248e-02 5.53252697e-02 -3.70470993e-02 8.33691061e-02 4.89719778e-01 -2.46090218e-01 1.46967813e-01 1.97460219e-01 2.03754395e-01 -4.73713279e-02 -1.07534625e-01 2.62243897e-01 3.09533179e-02 -1.57968536e-01 -2.18560696e-01 -3.80722016e-01 -1.73536748e-01 -3.15907359e-01 1.13486551e-01 6.06859699e-02 1.96834415e-01 3.08889616e-03 1.52726874e-01 -3.18344712e-01 -6.90180838e-01 3.75899881e-01 3.73247117e-01 -2.32498378e-01 2.65515056e-02 -1.91585332e-01 -2.15186253e-01 -1.13068171e-01 1.14857636e-01 -1.96307912e-01 9.10668075e-02 -9.36595500e-02 -3.42162549e-01 2.28308067e-01 -1.70193851e-01 1.03084818e-01 -1.04697339e-01 2.05261573e-01 -2.46647239e-01 -1.24760699e-02 -1.38468415e-01 -6.16193473e-01 -3.77376527e-01 8.90670940e-02 -1.84353799e-01 -5.27318597e-01 6.02267031e-03 -7.95578361e-02 -1.27973378e-01 -2.34301854e-02 -1.91599727e-01 3.70783687e-01 1.13846101e-01 -1.95596844e-01 -1.85664847e-01 3.76205683e-01 -6.33448511e-02 -1.27309814e-01 -9.07994527e-03 -4.25956436e-02 6.74681067e-02 2.34096721e-01 1.10377908e-01 -1.10853821e-01 -2.74425387e-01 -3.97804677e-02 5.39070606e-01 4.07697827e-01 4.99244891e-02 3.65066856e-01 -3.81349683e-01 -1.49375558e-01 -4.03775321e-03 2.71795243e-01 -1.86703019e-02 2.49095649e-01 -3.13020907e-02 -1.61941677e-01 1.29735380e-01 4.34582740e-01 1.29475340e-01 3.30776274e-01 -1.15996867e-01 2.90805846e-02 -3.02852482e-01 -2.55224705e-02 -3.44443828e-01 1.41093746e-01 -9.29348990e-02 2.86772609e-01 1.26189008e-01 -1.96182027e-01 -1.63072810e-01 -3.15721780e-01 4.07448709e-01 -6.25477452e-03 -1.59233347e-01 -2.66892880e-01 1.50581365e-02 -3.04003000e-01 -1.62117720e-01 -3.79459232e-01 -2.82482624e-01 -1.68919507e-02 2.55972147e-02 -6.93858638e-02 2.43902132e-02 -1.84158221e-01 -2.68391758e-01 -1.52432144e-01 2.32085809e-01 1.21234030e-01 -8.71188492e-02 -2.93644458e-01 5.94384819e-02]
"Hemotopian Virus" active "Item #: SCP-214 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-214 is to be contained in a 4 by 4 meter quarantine cell suitable for long term human habitation within Bio-Research Area-12. It is to be considered an etiological agent of a level four biohazard. Level four biohazard containment requires clean rooms, pre- and post-entry decontamination showers, and a vacuum antechamber. All air and water sources to SCP-214's containment area are to be isolated from the rest of the area. All employees entering SCP-214's containment area must wear hazmat-suits with self-contained oxygen supply and supplemental cut-resistant liner. The cell shall be under continuous observation using remote video surveillance. SCP-214 is to be considered a danger to itself and others and shall not be allowed to possess potentially dangerous utensils. Due to SCP-214's distinct perception of pain, guards shall not cause physical injury to it except under the direction of Level 2 staff. Beyond the above procedures, all personnel intending to interact with SCP-214 are to undergo psychological evaluation. Any employees with prior history of depression are not permitted to interact with it. Regular sessions of psychological observation are to occur post-research on all participants. Any personnel exhibiting two or more of the following symptoms during observation are to be quarantined immediately in identical containment to SCP-214: Research staff is heavily encouraged to read Log-214 and Interview-214 before conducting experiments, as a precautionary measure. Description: SCP-214 is male, age ██, formerly Agent █████ of the Foundation. Physical and mental changes were noted after investigation of Incident ███ at ██████ Public Library, MA. Containment of SCP-214 is detailed in [REDACTED]. A physical examination of SCP-214 shows the replacement of most bodily fluids, including but not limited to blood, vitreous humor, seminal fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid, with a mercury-like substance. Chemical analysis shows that the substance is a suspension of complex organometallic compounds in a protein- and lipid-enriched serum, but so far, nothing more can be ascertained of its origins or purpose. Most bodily functions were observed to no longer be active in SCP-214, though the related organs still exist in a preserved state within the body cavity. This includes the brain, which no longer shows activity on electroencephalography. It shows notable selective regenerative properties, some injuries vanishing within moments of infliction while others remain unhealed, even after a period of time in which a normal human would have recovered. SCP-214 does not experience pain normally, instead reacting to it as pleasure with no regard to physical damage to its body. Objects have been noted to disappear in the vicinity of SCP-214. There is currently no known method of recovering lost items. Addendum 214a Excerpts of Agent █████'s diary relating to becoming SCP-214 have been transcribed to Log-214 Addendum 214b Logs of interview with SCP-214 have been transcribed to Interview-214 Addendum 214c Researcher ██████ has been detained after showing symptoms identical in nature to SCP-214 at the conclusion of L214. Containment procedures have been updated to reflect the contagious nature of SCP-214. « SCP-213 | SCP-214 | SCP-215 » Cite this page as: "SCP-214" by ZanderChaney, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Mercury2.jpg Author: W. Oelen License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Blood sample from SCP-214."
[ 2.96709746e-01 1.14152290e-01 -1.64018255e-02 -3.87509465e-01 7.78580457e-02 -2.58729130e-01 1.80395916e-01 2.40793958e-01 9.24527049e-02 1.45176083e-01 5.36000468e-02 2.07699805e-01 -1.58354163e-01 2.30013076e-02 1.97928205e-01 3.14334124e-01 1.92977041e-01 2.01326832e-01 4.31402326e-02 -3.25126767e-01 -2.90430546e-01 1.03347309e-01 -3.58912379e-01 3.15863252e-01 -3.51108611e-01 -5.20904511e-02 -6.06562160e-02 1.79074064e-01 -3.64944965e-01 -4.72344905e-01 1.27875045e-01 1.04912825e-01 1.05170198e-01 9.57766771e-02 -1.10462031e-04 -2.08836183e-01 8.64745155e-02 -5.07316217e-02 1.47693381e-01 1.70656577e-01 -1.62010670e-01 -1.76684976e-01 3.62171866e-02 -2.52207488e-01 2.95140237e-01 -2.94327021e-01 1.16946474e-02 3.54918092e-01 3.80927950e-01 2.46488899e-01 1.83729976e-01 -1.45666273e-02 2.38191392e-02 -2.90094972e-01 1.51987001e-01 3.26416790e-01 -7.18037188e-02 -7.38604814e-02 3.90139014e-01 -3.91448259e-01 -2.04915449e-01 -6.08929843e-02 -2.75138021e-01 -3.40290219e-02 6.41295090e-02 -8.28986987e-02 7.59055987e-02 -2.76838392e-01 2.76431829e-01 2.72774309e-01 3.55966419e-01 -1.98714316e-01 3.53200704e-01 3.91783863e-01 -8.89420435e-02 1.24006614e-03 3.77979219e-01 -1.37267023e-01 7.06280172e-02 1.50395826e-01 9.60604474e-02 5.45895517e-01 -3.13566387e-01 7.49451444e-02 -3.15388650e-01 -3.79003547e-02 -7.23071173e-02 -4.43641543e-02 1.00890778e-01 -2.38126114e-01 -1.55203328e-01 2.65784442e-01 3.23558956e-01 2.21266910e-01 -2.95056533e-02 -6.59276824e-03 -9.68461409e-02 -1.56464815e-01 4.15890366e-01 3.28006484e-02 -1.53448701e-01 -5.06093204e-02 5.22857845e-01 4.94925343e-02 -5.58503307e-02 -2.72063285e-01 -2.18001410e-01 -2.71353781e-01 -3.89254801e-02 -5.83988652e-02 -1.77348629e-02 8.24266672e-02 -2.50955611e-01 -1.90702632e-01 3.94176990e-01 -1.04715884e-01 1.74281672e-01 -3.87088031e-01 -6.81262612e-02 2.09031105e-01 -4.60622877e-01 1.34202182e-01 -1.64960742e-01 4.63617414e-01 7.02245772e-01 8.23963061e-02 2.99540848e-01 -3.95316243e-01 -2.04241294e-02 2.20848024e-01 -8.19907784e-02 2.04463094e-01 -3.09831738e-01 5.18218242e-02 2.43022308e-01 7.51664221e-01 -1.26743689e-01 6.36127219e-02 4.69716370e-01 -4.49208217e-03 5.22267707e-02 -3.05984933e-02 6.38220072e-01 5.30183256e-01 -2.97681212e-01 2.41409600e-01 -1.31473243e-01 -2.14552190e-02 -2.13581458e-01 2.49799676e-02 1.51007339e-01 -1.16422974e-01 -1.82993010e-01 2.03299060e-01 7.59155601e-02 1.30086824e-01 6.84384763e-01 -2.60078222e-01 -2.38387346e-01 -2.40023002e-01 3.19683552e-01 -4.94585074e-02 -1.05631165e-03 -1.60630837e-01 8.02234411e-02 4.25197423e-01 -1.90264300e-01 -2.93891668e-01 1.28594324e-01 -6.42822450e-03 1.27041519e-01 -7.82029107e-02 -3.64284217e-02 2.91092783e-01 -1.07884638e-01 3.75523090e-01 -3.30936968e-01 -1.90472394e-01 -3.60472351e-01 -4.73840564e-01 -1.80644035e-01 1.54488757e-01 1.55338123e-01 -2.74356037e-01 1.05385490e-01 1.32193729e-01 -5.56042567e-02 -1.33992285e-01 2.27924615e-01 -3.77101861e-02 -3.91085774e-01 -2.29002401e-01 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-7.68762156e-02 1.15501449e-01 -1.80416197e-01 -1.55056998e-01 1.35888547e-01 -1.74239069e-01 -4.89503026e-01 -1.19868614e-01 -2.12194547e-01 -2.40520954e-01 4.26734239e-02 1.34599939e-01 -2.45044678e-01 3.44291478e-01 1.25244379e-01 -1.12520061e-01 -1.41020209e-01 1.09173425e-01 1.94019914e-01 -1.91008702e-01 -9.69987642e-03 1.24741653e-02 -1.51568219e-01 5.84517047e-02 -5.54530472e-02 -6.13148734e-02 -2.04431355e-01 -3.53225730e-02 4.41968232e-01 5.98741509e-02 -4.94142413e-01 5.90763330e-01 -1.57483265e-01 -1.99321479e-01 -9.26675424e-02 -3.70076090e-01 -1.98820114e-01 4.01084824e-03 1.50233686e-01 -2.43230402e-01 1.25709772e-01 3.09687763e-01 1.90349236e-01 -1.77853450e-01 1.58345863e-01 -6.15929700e-02 1.65340915e-01 -1.92984596e-01 1.65890604e-01 -4.76285636e-01 3.04057151e-01 -1.90853029e-01 -4.00557637e-01 3.59700382e-01 -2.32522637e-01 -2.69080341e-01 1.82436794e-01 -1.62268370e-01 -3.09350938e-01 -1.31225297e-02 2.86714137e-01 8.86782408e-01 3.93925011e-01 4.19080108e-02 -2.89117783e-01 3.29111628e-02 1.31609924e-02 -7.32947374e-03 3.05168092e-01 -1.23412125e-01 6.65346207e-03 -4.44807827e-01 2.45633468e-01 -2.45756909e-01 1.76974893e-01 -5.87405264e-02 3.04193974e-01 -3.92038733e-01 -2.57869303e-01 1.88577577e-01 -3.70655745e-01 4.25399542e-01 3.54991347e-01 4.94993985e-01 6.55341744e-01 -8.23666155e-02 3.39322686e-02 -9.49410573e-02 -2.89630651e-01 8.77368748e-02 7.24117458e-01 -3.95525604e-01 1.11355200e-01 -1.93532184e-01 3.93442452e-01 -9.98522565e-02 -1.06038257e-01 1.20312281e-01 9.17107314e-02 -4.46810126e-01 -1.91577673e-01 2.83917207e-02 1.29085079e-01 -1.38620555e-01 -1.62034288e-01 -2.74242163e-01 3.73023003e-02 -8.46153125e-02 1.75638855e-01 3.17199856e-01 -1.21145234e-01 3.22379209e-02 -8.05185586e-02 5.83949506e-01 4.29130524e-01 4.45497930e-01 -3.89934778e-02 -2.92040557e-02 -3.27087730e-01 1.18165553e-01 -1.27824426e-01 5.91860972e-02 4.94832903e-01 7.27711478e-03 -3.08619663e-02 -7.09570199e-02 -1.70115441e-01 -1.28771156e-01 -1.67816699e-01 4.25080508e-01 6.92681922e-03 -5.46696596e-02 2.24707752e-01 3.66938293e-01 1.48087814e-01 -3.66109729e-01 -2.96214014e-01 4.32511687e-01 -2.02761784e-01 2.47136608e-01 1.98484242e-01 1.11923361e+00 -6.78311437e-02 -7.74137080e-02 -7.92817101e-02 -3.26465547e-01 -1.42658696e-01 -3.77220750e-01 -4.00783718e-02 -1.95227727e-01 -7.89629146e-02 -2.43572984e-02 -9.48159993e-02 2.77505666e-01 2.78906643e-01 -5.39531469e-01 -2.88565427e-01 -1.79428115e-01 1.06833667e-01 2.31307477e-01 1.55333117e-01 2.54690289e-01 -3.59346122e-01 1.90796107e-01 3.04895908e-01 -1.69282872e-02 2.10731149e-01 -6.01983741e-02 9.76625159e-02 1.10891107e-02 -2.92308331e-01 -1.73772290e-01 9.16043110e-03 -3.49255949e-01 1.25137642e-01 1.02953739e-01 1.33055180e-01 -1.29427418e-01 -2.64588177e-01 -1.15558982e-01 8.34876746e-02 -4.37297896e-02 2.67838448e-01 5.92517972e-01 -1.06692642e-01 -2.68124819e-01 2.99892277e-02 2.34903947e-01 -1.14565663e-01 -2.34130427e-01 2.10393310e-01 -5.23670614e-02 -5.13136387e-01 1.54295594e-01 2.24099189e-01 5.06982505e-01 -2.93442577e-01 3.20809305e-01 3.50454748e-01 -1.70368671e-01 -1.91722766e-01 1.86986774e-01 3.77545357e-02 -1.82346746e-01 2.73093104e-01 7.87007287e-02 -3.53289038e-01 -4.16373163e-02 7.59650916e-02 -7.54581615e-02 2.56922901e-01 3.09072137e-01 -1.69887736e-01 -1.61863834e-01 -3.71309936e-01 1.83204010e-01 2.13270575e-01 -3.61206383e-01 -2.68815398e-01 8.93790498e-02 -2.56870568e-01 -8.78747329e-02 2.46855944e-01 8.34394321e-02 -3.96247327e-01 -2.48270452e-01 -3.98209780e-01 6.74352124e-02 -4.68717255e-02 2.44019568e-01 2.66451299e-01 2.51782000e-01 3.51996362e-01 -5.22586666e-02 -7.45511279e-02 -3.65465552e-01 1.55226395e-01 -2.89090961e-01 4.47789878e-02 1.89954136e-02 -3.02406311e-01 1.41604245e-01 -1.22675322e-01 1.12946436e-01 3.55853826e-01 2.02023849e-01 -2.49187544e-01 -2.88867533e-01 9.67752859e-02 4.41200472e-02 -6.57855794e-02 -3.09686046e-02 1.73248902e-01 2.17640147e-01 3.77891734e-02 5.13032526e-02 4.00935650e-01 3.02046567e-01 3.49373341e-01 -5.70600517e-02 -1.48738578e-01 5.43434285e-02 2.08227098e-01 2.81163722e-01 -5.47278300e-02 -6.27147108e-02 3.49901885e-01 -2.89795518e-01 -1.37148157e-01 2.31946051e-01 2.53816307e-01 -1.95443466e-01 -1.33599073e-01 3.98637578e-02 5.70436716e-02 -1.60470113e-01 2.94558465e-01 -3.96876574e-01 1.58985987e-01 -5.05225778e-01 1.03031009e-01 -2.21134305e-01 2.61511564e-01 -5.21479025e-02 1.09592319e-01 -3.25094342e-01 2.63065267e-02 -8.79030973e-02 2.79908419e-01 1.60788268e-01 -3.95750493e-01 3.24876875e-01 -1.41073123e-01 1.42362148e-01 2.69214630e-01 5.75744398e-02 -8.28308016e-02 -1.47998706e-01 -4.61510308e-02 7.00497478e-02 2.41596267e-01 2.35641420e-01 -4.20818012e-03 1.65267870e-01 -2.49708369e-02 -8.98758695e-02 2.99708515e-01 1.21530965e-01 1.29372133e-02 -2.16511264e-01 8.00341144e-02 -1.99356318e-01 1.15360491e-01 1.67087123e-01 -4.00754273e-01 -5.21560609e-02 -4.45902377e-01 -4.05141711e-01 -1.58224419e-01 4.27371636e-02 1.46923617e-01 4.78983345e-03 1.52781783e-02 -2.87311107e-01 -1.99491605e-01 -7.85194412e-02 7.25791678e-02 2.88974419e-02 1.92475393e-02 -1.57075480e-01 -1.08992551e-02 1.71735018e-01 7.84953497e-03 2.30757654e-01 -1.41033292e-01 -9.97862220e-02 -2.80462056e-02 1.24372475e-01 1.87214673e-01 3.75910819e-01 3.03477645e-01 -4.54736315e-03 -1.07220292e-01 -1.30877599e-01 -3.01923156e-01 -1.51539952e-01 -8.35222527e-02 2.78376758e-01 -7.51795992e-02 2.27960736e-01 -9.91628543e-02 1.77270830e-01 -1.97124287e-01 -6.17394388e-01 6.44314587e-02 3.80343556e-01 4.17626463e-02 2.34493345e-01 3.42362560e-02 -1.03518879e-02 2.05063354e-02 1.01845592e-01 -3.09022851e-02 1.40197603e-02 -4.41710912e-02 -1.75498828e-01 2.80623466e-01 -5.70440032e-02 8.79349113e-02 2.35513169e-02 1.02563165e-01 1.60089448e-01 8.94748196e-02 -2.75522675e-02 -2.89858848e-01 -3.00266743e-01 1.69786051e-01 -3.24471146e-01 -2.63929009e-01 3.44379991e-02 2.10486669e-02 6.42105639e-02 7.50907362e-02 9.75700989e-02 -2.09580243e-01 -1.94186151e-01 -7.64644146e-02 -2.27084279e-01 1.45190105e-01 4.36964661e-01 -2.16159951e-02 2.87597682e-02 -2.49337852e-01 2.74919748e-01 2.16443449e-01 1.66180298e-01 -1.27807036e-02 -4.99485791e-01 -5.17385490e-02 2.28661567e-01 4.92111981e-01 2.49172136e-01 2.11634800e-01 -2.82315016e-01 -1.83246672e-01 -1.29110053e-01 1.68991312e-01 5.11591621e-02 2.17051074e-01 4.85627912e-02 6.13669679e-02 2.45448828e-01 3.14860582e-01 2.17858985e-01 -1.27517149e-01 -2.29153067e-01 -1.62221879e-01 -1.89666182e-01 -1.00624979e-01 2.52600666e-02 1.91728085e-01 -2.35347599e-01 4.54807401e-01 -9.33615863e-02 -1.20416125e-02 -3.71670514e-01 -1.32685870e-01 3.48296344e-01 -4.40104485e-01 -1.16718508e-01 -1.98276564e-01 2.79215217e-01 -3.17928582e-01 8.34297836e-02 -1.88849553e-01 -2.25861177e-01 -7.74195865e-02 1.31763846e-01 -2.42801547e-01 -7.20409751e-02 -3.03797096e-01 -1.82391375e-01 -2.19355196e-01 6.38416767e-01 2.95149982e-01 8.31210017e-02 -1.57951370e-01 -4.28037383e-02]
"Paranoia-Inducing Spectacles" active "Item #: SCP-215 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-215 presents no threat unless worn, and so shall be kept in Dr. Naamdi's office until studies are concluded. SCP-215 is to be kept in its case when not in use, so as to prevent scratches to the lenses. Description: SCP-215 is a pair of prescription glasses designed to correct myopic vision. When worn, SCP-215 induces a belief in the wearer that inanimate objects are sentient and capable of communication with the wearer. The severity of this delusion varies from wearer to wearer, but generally strengthens over time if SCP-215 is worn regularly, and in the worst cases manifests as a severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, culminating in an irrational fear of all machines. There is no definite "safe" amount of time to wear SCP-215; while the onset of delusions generally takes at least twenty-four (24) hours, a great deal depends on the psychological disposition of the wearer before SCP-215 is put on, and persons who already have some varieties of obsessive-compulsive, synesthesiac, or technophiliac disorders have been known to begin suffering SCP-215's effects less than an hour after donning it. Removing SCP-215 does not remove the delusion, although normal methods of therapy have proven to be effective in less severe cases so long as SCP-215 is not put on again; a full recovery can turn to a full relapse in less than a day by the return of SCP-215. By the end of the second week, wearers tend to violently resist any attempt to separate them from SCP-215. Case Study 215-99983-D 99983-D displayed a typical progression of SCP-215-related symptoms. The subject had no record of mental illness before the commencement of the test. Week 1, Day 1: 99983-D is given a temporary position as a research assistant to Dr. Naamdi and is issued SCP-215 to replace a pair of his own spectacles that were destroyed by Foundation personnel. Subject complained that SCP-215 didn't match his old prescription, and stated that he was suffering from blurry vision and headaches by the end of the day. Week 1, Day 3: Subject stopped complaining of blurred vision and began referring to SCP-215 as "Steve." Subject stated that "Steve and I get along alright; it's not exactly a match made in heaven, but we get by." Subject did not assign names or personalities to any object besides SCP-215. Week 1, Day 6: Subject began to assign personalities to complex electrical and mechanical devices that he regularly interacted with, including the computer that he logged data entries in, the breakroom coffee machine, refrigerator, microwave, and a PDA he was issued by Dr. Naamdi. Most interactions involved complaining about the general uncooperative behavior of these devices. Week 2, Day 1: Subject began having prolonged conversations with the aforementioned mechanical and electrical devices, giving all of them names and sometimes speaking of them in personal terms with other Foundation personnel, almost always to the effect that the devices were somehow antagonistic. Subject reported that while he could not "hear" the machines speaking, their "body language" was very clear. Week 2, Day 5: Subject began assigning personal qualities to less complex objects in his work environment, starting with his office supplies. Week 2, Day 7: Subject began minimizing interactions with living people and talked almost constantly to his inanimate "companions." Discussions with staff psychologists indicated a sophisticated web of relationships between 99983-D and the objects. Week 3, Day 3: Subject had a violent altercation with the breakroom microwave after a burrito came out of it underdone. Subject reportedly cursed and shouted at the machine before attempting to destroy it with a breakroom chair. Subject was restrained and subdued, and later apologized for his behavior to the microwave and the chair. Week 3, Day 6: Subject began personifying set-pieces in his environment, referring to floor tiles and ceiling lights as people. Subject would stop to thank each inanimate object he interacted with (including each individual floor tile) for permitting him to use it. Week 4, Day 2: Subject began displaying signs of stress when asked to interact with any complex electrical or mechanical appliance, claiming that the machines had become hostile and threatening. Mechanical failures or faulty performances by any machines in 99983-D's presence were interpreted as signs of impending rebellion. Week 4, Day 3: Subject refused to come to work. His PDA had been smashed; 99983-D claimed it was an act of self-defense. After being coerced into coming into the office, the subject began screaming and showing other signs of acute stress at the sight of his computer, which was turned off at the time. He attempted to force his way past the security guards at the door and had to be sedated. Week 4, Day 5: Subject destroyed his table lamp, alarm clock, watch, and ceiling fan. Afterwards, he refused to come out of his room. When Foundation personnel forced their way into his cell, they found him dead, with severe burns on his hands and arms. He is presumed to have been fatally electrocuted while attempting to disable an electrical outlet in the room. Addendum: I have been asked many times now if SCP-215 enables the wearer to actually interact with machines in any meaningful way differently from how normal people do it, and I'm pretty confident the answer is "no." I've done every test I can think of, and all the evidence I've seen suggests that the "living" machines only exist in the wearer's head. There are things in this Foundation that can make what you believe real, but this isn't one of them. -Dr. Naamdi « SCP-214 | SCP-215 | SCP-216 »" nan
[-4.05210070e-02 -1.59012288e-01 -1.06316529e-01 -1.90645069e-01 -1.47169575e-01 -2.07599968e-01 6.06699109e-01 5.92775680e-02 -1.03853248e-01 2.36314639e-01 1.95383891e-01 1.88508496e-01 -2.08535478e-01 6.08915202e-02 1.23407952e-01 2.44853590e-02 1.44078480e-02 1.95928924e-02 -8.51255730e-02 -7.72880465e-02 -1.22224845e-01 -2.28273168e-01 -1.65194124e-01 1.11648031e-01 2.98922747e-01 -3.33493203e-01 3.66289854e-01 3.07450760e-02 -6.12855218e-02 -3.33434273e-03 7.49628022e-02 2.73053586e-01 -2.97427177e-01 9.54052657e-02 -1.15092123e-04 -3.04652676e-02 2.26110518e-02 -3.82645056e-02 -1.23702183e-01 2.99157977e-01 4.57338840e-02 7.67937582e-03 3.21446247e-02 -7.12874532e-02 -6.22508451e-02 -8.08633119e-02 -1.04378514e-01 2.61383038e-02 2.89771289e-01 3.32776487e-01 1.93014532e-01 1.58020437e-01 1.35861918e-01 -4.57319841e-02 6.19497657e-01 4.20361340e-01 -2.44953886e-01 4.31038961e-02 -3.58733758e-02 -4.79335152e-03 3.78132820e-01 2.49780770e-02 -1.31244719e-01 -1.04431383e-01 3.39930832e-01 -3.67625564e-01 1.83860704e-01 -3.27601045e-01 -2.09088381e-02 3.08548242e-01 7.14593008e-02 -1.31062828e-02 1.62661206e-02 9.25026163e-02 -9.01486799e-02 7.37151429e-02 -1.33550152e-01 -1.30924210e-01 1.40339240e-01 -1.48993134e-01 9.58070308e-02 3.15320343e-01 -1.78811386e-01 4.67488319e-02 -3.85041744e-01 -7.15156086e-03 -1.94497500e-02 7.68779144e-02 5.04059732e-01 -3.44619900e-01 1.85399204e-01 1.44224748e-01 -1.86710861e-02 8.44070092e-02 -4.20494266e-02 -1.44624829e-01 2.54888386e-01 4.90293689e-02 -2.94237863e-02 -1.50682315e-01 -1.37925610e-01 2.77959347e-01 1.26980335e-01 -4.32493314e-02 -2.38948628e-01 7.52340257e-02 2.10303709e-01 1.70542866e-01 -4.50580150e-01 2.87394822e-01 1.26254827e-01 4.97505128e-01 4.43974882e-02 -2.04507679e-01 6.75323093e-03 -3.82199973e-01 -2.97277570e-02 -4.27060723e-01 -3.91055822e-01 2.76420087e-01 -6.97177887e-01 1.25743434e-01 -1.60195380e-01 2.76045084e-01 4.03418511e-01 8.60283822e-02 2.76309103e-01 -2.80199260e-01 -4.03652847e-01 7.71798193e-02 -1.57712936e-01 3.65128905e-01 -4.04353470e-01 4.97926362e-02 2.00387109e-02 2.95041174e-01 -3.74164671e-01 3.53515819e-02 -9.54661518e-02 -1.02491960e-01 1.14028603e-01 3.82102355e-02 4.66113329e-01 3.66626501e-01 -3.03252935e-01 -2.48506576e-01 -1.47566378e-01 1.74980804e-01 -1.86948944e-02 1.53843239e-01 3.91628951e-01 -1.16802804e-01 -3.23099703e-01 2.43978247e-01 -4.61554617e-01 2.70797491e-01 6.22241437e-01 2.27341522e-02 -9.96257514e-02 -2.71247774e-01 1.95073694e-01 -5.37308812e-01 -3.74113694e-02 -4.98708747e-02 4.36001867e-02 3.49953800e-01 -6.37604654e-01 -6.34653047e-02 -6.46418631e-02 -7.56625980e-02 -3.22632611e-01 -4.81111780e-02 -2.60044962e-01 1.25600904e-01 -4.02622819e-02 -1.63436130e-01 -3.08066607e-01 -2.38500729e-01 -1.98213369e-01 -5.01876116e-01 -2.70540863e-01 5.40094137e-01 1.60518765e-01 -2.11060762e-01 -2.47459486e-01 -2.11807378e-02 -4.54585612e-01 -5.81562638e-01 2.18182936e-01 -2.64846146e-01 -3.39942157e-01 -2.92730093e-01 1.43359542e-01 3.51074696e-01 2.83707440e-01 -3.15882266e-01 2.61021197e-01 1.18963070e-01 3.64248306e-01 -1.99957602e-02 -1.76838890e-01 -5.45768067e-02 3.81275177e-01 7.98280165e-02 -2.22857118e-01 2.36624815e-02 -6.57739714e-02 -1.35984838e-01 -2.70628762e-02 1.92228585e-01 1.14462249e-01 -1.82238519e-01 -1.07891457e-02 -2.52597123e-01 1.45979911e-01 -2.29899839e-01 1.66278988e-01 6.13528565e-02 8.80253017e-02 -1.50011227e-01 3.71404082e-01 -4.68827188e-02 -2.12947801e-01 -7.98362046e-02 -3.23732287e-01 1.85139820e-01 -1.26311556e-01 -2.42416292e-01 -3.21363568e-01 1.35596275e-01 3.00870001e-01 -2.52898186e-01 2.52752781e-01 -2.47843578e-01 1.23464301e-01 -4.63706115e-03 -2.47073218e-01 7.09909916e-01 -1.10184968e-01 -2.08446324e-01 2.18361184e-01 -4.51483041e-01 1.97992940e-02 1.12455143e-02 -2.85335809e-01 2.67777354e-01 1.47477746e-01 5.80817200e-02 1.14112519e-01 5.75454868e-02 3.70877534e-02 -3.61116856e-01 -1.16796486e-01 5.49548119e-02 9.41504166e-03 9.19239372e-02 -3.16575915e-01 3.17560107e-01 -3.84220369e-02 4.89643812e-01 -1.57703415e-01 -1.97287783e-01 3.11083850e-02 -1.67977467e-01 1.57729194e-01 -2.27829620e-01 2.40553245e-01 1.46328583e-01 4.82404679e-02 1.42457187e-01 -2.52635121e-01 -5.56807034e-02 -3.30807388e-01 -8.87052901e-03 3.46839279e-02 2.36806571e-01 2.73490101e-01 2.54904360e-01 5.63475341e-02 2.14672312e-01 -5.52571204e-04 -3.25600892e-01 -5.21111041e-02 -1.66783154e-01 -4.52460736e-01 5.64564317e-02 2.10896861e-02 -2.25977898e-01 -6.57103434e-02 1.94362015e-01 2.85991818e-01 -1.22270167e-01 -9.67981070e-02 3.01123202e-01 -2.16637492e-01 3.85438725e-02 -1.75330304e-02 5.92121124e-01 2.92744860e-03 -2.60429438e-02 -3.11041266e-01 1.99600354e-01 -7.38395303e-02 1.31378129e-01 -2.22401887e-01 2.57110558e-02 1.68145925e-01 -1.60198703e-01 -2.82168180e-01 -3.01763088e-01 -4.96552378e-01 2.26900831e-01 4.70225662e-02 2.81821758e-01 1.29601374e-01 -2.81135559e-01 -2.19753236e-01 -2.65991181e-01 -2.08830368e-02 -9.38903093e-02 2.98427586e-02 4.66537336e-03 -8.53896514e-02 -1.57461613e-01 -1.40000969e-01 -1.81147650e-01 -2.73730725e-01 -1.09858900e-01 4.47486639e-02 7.10123777e-02 1.14450932e-01 6.87417030e-01 1.42615497e-01 2.37574920e-01 -2.09881544e-01 1.39916584e-01 -1.37355104e-01 6.95782229e-02 -4.88746054e-02 -8.48436430e-02 -7.03055114e-02 -1.56481668e-01 -1.80396169e-01 -8.38608816e-02 4.32245374e-01 -4.69753444e-01 -6.10160232e-01 2.55905002e-01 -8.52518305e-02 -9.58486125e-02 -3.81002605e-01 5.20778894e-01 1.63413569e-01 -1.29198983e-01 -2.02506945e-01 -5.02873063e-01 3.48815411e-01 4.69509102e-02 7.35415667e-02 -3.35889399e-01 -7.40167797e-02 1.88046783e-01 7.64676690e-01 6.20624274e-02 -3.40724528e-01 -2.75190443e-01 1.68789536e-01 5.89590408e-02 2.18958974e-01 -2.22127378e-01 2.98794955e-01 3.85130756e-02 -8.13854858e-02 2.63144612e-01 -3.24009031e-01 -3.65352482e-01 2.02723622e-01 -7.98595697e-02 -4.68993217e-01 -3.15650642e-01 -1.14719830e-01 2.16733534e-02 3.15074116e-01 5.68731129e-02 1.25416815e-01 2.90317778e-02 1.66469254e-02 5.80082610e-02 9.29545462e-02 3.14445607e-02 1.27194658e-01 1.11919068e-01 1.96774557e-01 1.35558307e-01 1.65583324e-02 -3.72449756e-02 3.52632403e-01 -3.48583877e-01 -2.61724353e-01 7.14408606e-02 -2.74348736e-01 2.45513961e-01 1.26378566e-01 5.88325739e-01 7.03679740e-01 -5.12319952e-02 -3.66958588e-01 -4.15183634e-01 -1.80803880e-01 -5.20263970e-01 1.52085736e-01 -2.63874769e-01 3.33990231e-02 7.04393461e-02 4.84692007e-01 -1.05842806e-01 -1.84618048e-02 2.28951752e-01 2.94502825e-01 -6.33070827e-01 1.06457151e-01 2.65369147e-01 -2.64200121e-01 6.14411868e-02 -1.65695280e-01 -7.33193085e-02 1.65632531e-01 1.77952982e-02 1.72321454e-01 4.52468656e-02 -6.05276413e-02 1.50434762e-01 1.74887791e-01 3.93292725e-01 2.32264012e-01 5.57022572e-01 3.58054191e-01 3.71911138e-01 -3.14059779e-02 -2.52087954e-02 -8.29132125e-02 -3.03884178e-01 7.02275157e-01 6.66150451e-02 9.84743983e-02 -1.96422055e-01 2.77069390e-01 1.90599412e-01 3.37790698e-01 4.50776160e-01 -8.06620196e-02 3.57262604e-02 9.22401547e-02 -7.10958689e-02 3.52635160e-02 -4.54121977e-01 -2.58009017e-01 2.01688543e-01 -2.51347840e-01 3.97265404e-01 5.03788233e-01 1.08971608e+00 1.56103685e-01 8.10239911e-02 2.36625835e-01 -1.86699763e-01 -9.18921977e-02 -5.90454154e-02 -8.74346402e-03 -1.18596787e-02 -2.06193343e-01 2.08301082e-01 -2.61860162e-01 3.40915143e-01 1.18000917e-01 -9.22827274e-02 -3.17406952e-01 -2.82703102e-01 7.36762509e-02 4.31470990e-01 -9.72922891e-03 4.34083879e-01 2.54103392e-01 5.31017125e-01 1.73734173e-01 9.65245739e-02 2.11906768e-02 -4.11887094e-02 3.15128922e-01 -1.31324217e-01 1.45064384e-01 5.81967123e-02 3.22853684e-01 -2.84884363e-01 -6.41248673e-02 -3.29425961e-01 -1.82068348e-02 1.39564589e-01 -7.02538192e-02 -4.95141298e-01 2.17694367e-04 -1.08053207e-01 2.36183673e-01 2.26892620e-01 -8.23079422e-02 2.66690582e-01 -5.26250713e-02 6.77191496e-01 2.38103257e-03 5.57282418e-02 9.62907150e-02 -1.97547227e-02 3.55937541e-01 -5.97286224e-01 5.37589751e-02 3.60845506e-01 -3.02965641e-01 3.13156128e-01 1.50715098e-01 -1.66591793e-01 -1.57326877e-01 1.31305233e-01 -1.05783809e-02 -1.16055571e-02 4.13346231e-01 -2.47801736e-01 -1.14722766e-01 -1.44250035e-01 1.41006500e-01 -5.78082390e-02 2.04563871e-01 -3.07813346e-01 -1.84442126e-03 -1.75021395e-01 -3.38633925e-01 -1.12836301e-01 -4.50118214e-01 -1.36931807e-01 -2.51577590e-02 5.34950048e-02 -1.71853676e-01 6.83245948e-03 2.32441515e-01 2.00952917e-01 3.83890746e-03 -8.15530643e-02 -3.12437147e-01 5.41360557e-01 1.47419600e-02 2.36043632e-01 5.65550387e-01 1.22557350e-01 3.17736775e-01 -8.05267990e-02 2.90732712e-01 -3.78788948e-01 4.70110811e-02 1.48670882e-01 4.80883382e-02 -1.95879444e-01 -2.42160112e-01 -1.88468426e-01 -1.46854535e-01 2.40290567e-01 -4.21428233e-02 -1.60733163e-01 -2.12900877e-01 -2.77934968e-01 1.35249823e-01 6.50906041e-02 -3.05843532e-01 3.13145339e-01 -5.14532290e-02 2.56236047e-01 -2.82904897e-02 -9.27815214e-02 2.46995747e-01 7.94527680e-02 -3.50671485e-02 -2.63011098e-01 8.58728364e-02 1.08531691e-01 2.50608295e-01 -5.45189157e-02 -1.12748779e-01 1.43168256e-01 2.91849226e-01 4.00297977e-02 -9.51042324e-02 3.20251077e-01 2.99471110e-01 5.78589179e-03 -2.06413165e-01 2.19576463e-01 1.05442226e-01 -2.15973958e-01 -1.71934977e-01 6.72023669e-02 1.91534087e-01 -3.52512419e-01 -3.41874994e-02 5.79509623e-02 2.90641427e-01 -2.86039382e-01 -1.35036230e-01 1.13579765e-01 4.31756638e-02 3.31503637e-02 3.02831799e-01 1.46698296e-01 -2.95406044e-01 4.13898289e-01 -8.47626254e-02 -2.40659397e-02 2.10700631e-01 3.41035694e-01 -4.16367613e-02 -2.99302369e-01 -1.62375599e-01 4.00393963e-01 2.02000752e-01 3.32733721e-01 4.31104422e-01 1.87046811e-01 2.36667857e-01 -4.49022353e-01 3.02990437e-01 -1.00696780e-01 1.39346942e-01 -7.94788543e-03 3.05315256e-01 -1.45090148e-01 2.28038639e-01 -4.04599875e-01 5.78008220e-02 9.68770031e-03 -1.21584699e-01 4.41973731e-02 -1.85179326e-03 -1.94263123e-02 2.15384811e-01 1.72630530e-02 -2.92811304e-01 -2.21250072e-01 -1.70230567e-01 2.86174148e-01 -3.07390094e-01 3.94094676e-01 1.83997788e-02 -9.67405215e-02 2.46152654e-01 2.22735181e-02 -1.31569177e-01 3.07740748e-01 -2.24363565e-01 1.20860972e-01 9.91221294e-02 -1.71208397e-01 8.61352310e-02 2.78452747e-02 1.95702910e-01 -1.91374142e-02 1.42052859e-01 -1.98011130e-01 1.85891315e-02 -6.00018166e-02 -2.71380633e-01 2.59655893e-01 1.29670892e-02 3.04039359e-01 2.75345266e-01 1.89448163e-01 -2.39251599e-01 -2.39197165e-01 4.62352065e-04 -1.24545908e-03 -3.46185803e-01 1.56688124e-01 -6.23478740e-02 -2.56992847e-01 1.04898565e-01 -8.31442792e-03 -1.18956916e-01 -1.13495141e-02 -6.15097024e-02 1.55126944e-01 1.91283405e-01 -2.63530642e-01 5.58091737e-02 -1.27240673e-01 2.33810127e-01 -1.68277040e-01 4.86408323e-01 3.99699099e-02 -9.55011882e-03 1.60838664e-02 1.62268877e-01 -1.20305143e-01 -3.29743892e-01 1.24703705e-01 1.40954196e-01 1.33232191e-01 -1.54993191e-01 2.73549706e-01 -6.94788843e-02 2.85889596e-01 -1.39305294e-02 -3.09234142e-01 3.69155735e-01 -4.67611849e-02 -1.82967097e-01 8.86806175e-02 -9.76437852e-02 2.80974358e-02 -2.09614143e-01 1.11168630e-01 -1.09348729e-01 -3.57584536e-01 3.63933921e-01 -5.79676125e-03 6.08454525e-01 -1.06600016e-01 6.18598282e-01 -1.30799845e-01 -2.46815950e-01 -5.74866422e-02 1.92377388e-01 -1.51898935e-01 -1.07790060e-01 2.28184033e-02 4.15296495e-01 2.41919070e-01 1.75440446e-01 2.68980384e-01 -3.50124724e-02 -7.65549541e-02 3.20675939e-01 -2.46424094e-01 7.72137046e-02 -1.16132675e-02 -4.92958957e-03 4.64665592e-02 2.80736417e-01 1.42386809e-01 1.62497252e-01 -2.34749705e-01 -3.93549889e-01 5.44997811e-01 -1.86229184e-01 2.32702225e-01 -1.62061695e-02 4.66727652e-02 -3.35505038e-01 -2.15981022e-01 -2.33793318e-01 -1.53361991e-01 5.17925173e-02 -3.62588875e-02 2.78592467e-01 -4.79700416e-02 -2.36552492e-01 -1.89799100e-01 -2.47082561e-01 2.73535818e-01 -1.05865367e-01 2.37766236e-01 -1.25316549e-02 -1.63117766e-01]
"The Safe" active "Item #: SCP-216 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-216 currently resides in Laboratory 5. Access requires Level 2 clearance. Insertion of recording devices into SCP-216 is prohibited without O5 approval. Description: SCP-216 is a 35.6 cm (14 in) high iron safe with a multiple-dial combination lock. The lock has 7 dials each with numbers ranging from 0 to 9. The combination cannot be changed while the door is open. The weight of the device appears to fluctuate in an obtuse manner (see document 88-B). The door of SCP-216 can always be opened, but the accessible interior space appears to change depending on the currently entered combination. Objects placed inside SCP-216 may be accessed by re-entering the combination that was configured when the object was inserted. Objects retrieved from SCP-216 appear to be undamaged by the device. It is speculated that every possible lock combination results in a different interior, and that there are approximately 4 million available compartments. It is unknown how many objects currently reside inside SCP-216. An engraving found on the bottom of the safe reads "3/4". It has been hypothesized that the compartments of SCP-216 are shared with three other devices of a similar nature. This hypothesis is consistent with the findings reported in document 88-B. Document # 88-A: Dr. █████ Initial test log - Combination lock set to 6692724 and door opened. Compartment appears empty. - 1 notebook and pencil placed inside and door closed. - Combination lock set to 6692725 and door opened. Compartment appears empty. - Combination lock re-set to 6692724 and door opened. Notebook and pencil retrieved from compartment. Note: "SCP-216 appears to be a very efficient storage solution." - Dr █████ Document # 88-B: Dr. █████ Test log Testing the effect of inserted items on the SCP's total mass. - Total mass of unit before inserting item: 935.877 kg - Notebook and pencil (total mass 350 g) inserted into SCP-216 and door closed. - Total mass of unit after inserting item: 935.965 kg Expected mass: 936.227 kg Actual mass: 935.965 kg Difference: 262 g Testing shows that SCP-216 takes on approximately 25% of the mass of its contents, suggesting the mass is distributed evenly between SCP-216 and the three other hypothesized devices. Document # 122-A: Dr. ███████ Test log Compartments 0000000-0000206 checked for contents. Compartment 0000000 found to contain traces of sawdust. Compartments 0000001-0000206 found to be empty. Further testing arranged. Document # 152-D: Dr. █████ Test log Compartments 0000332 - 0000398: Each compartment had a body part from █████ ███████, a 28-year-old female who had been reported missing on ██/██/20██. Contents removed for identification and then incinerated. Liver, spleen, and lungs not recovered. Document # 159-B: Dr. ████████████ Test log Compartment 0000409: A live wolverine (Gulo gulo; adult male) with a mass of 30 kg. Upon the door being opened, it attacked and killed Dr. ███████ and mutilated two nearby D-class personnel before being shot five times by guards. Autopsy of the wolverine revealed no anomalies. Subsequent examination of compartment 0000409 has revealed it now contains only loose wolverine hair, with residual traces of wolverine urine and wolverine anal musk. Document # 160-A: Dr. ████████████ Test log Compartment 0000456: A fully loaded Glock 19 handgun with a round in the chamber, and one regular flavor Klondike Bar ice cream dessert. The ice cream bar was not melted, cold to the touch and remained so as long as it was in the compartment. It was removed for inspection, and began to melt within 2 minutes. It was placed back in the compartment; the door closed for 3 hours, and then reopened. The ice cream bar was in the same slightly melted state as when it was placed back three hours prior. The ice cream bar was removed, placed in a freezer in the nearby 2nd floor cafeteria for one hour. After one hour it was placed back into the compartment with the handgun and the door closed. Document # 161-A: Dr. █████ Test log Chamber 0000501, confirmed to be empty, had one (1) standard Foundation GPS unit placed inside it. When the chamber was sealed, GPS failed. Data from the unit upon retrieval showed that the satellite was unable to confirm source location during this time. Document # 174-B: Dr. King Test log Chamber 6162384: 51 apple seeds. Chamber 1846563: 22 apple seeds. Chamber 2960104: 9 apple seeds. Chamber 8585821: 78 apple seeds. Chamber 1111111: one heavily-decomposed apple. Document # 152-E: Dr. ██████ Test log On 04/16/██ all previously checked compartments were opened with the intention of confirming contents. When compartments 0000332 to 0000398 were opened, individual body parts were found corresponding to an unknown male, arranged in the same order as found in experiment 152-D, including the liver, spleen and lungs. All previous traces of tissue from experiment 152-D, which had not been cleaned, were found to have been sterilized from these compartments. Pursuant to request for O5 directive, body parts were placed back into their compartments. Containment procedures currently under review. Document # 162-A: Dr. █████████ Test log (testing performed by Dr. █████) One █████████ digital videocamera recorder was set to record and placed in compartment 5500000, oriented so as to face outwards towards the door. The door was closed and compartment 5500001 was opened. Compartment 5500001 was found to be empty. The door was closed, compartment 5500000 was opened again and the videocamera recorder was retrieved. Upon viewing the recorded footage, Dr. █████ suffered from a transient ischemic attack. The recorded footage shows Dr. █████ placing the videocamera inside the safe and closing the door. No time passes before the door is re-opened and the videocamera is retrieved from the safe. This is inconsistent with the scene reported by Dr. █████. No audible sound is present on the recorded footage. A subsequent analysis of the videocamera revealed that several internal components of the camera had been fractured. Document # 162-B: Dr. █████████ Test log [DATA EXPUNGED] [DATA EXPUNGED] Document # 162-D: Dr. █████████ Test log One tape recorder was placed inside compartment 5500000 and the door was closed. Several other compartments were opened and closed before returning to compartment 5500000 and retrieving the tape recorder. The following file has been reported to cause disorientation, nausea, sweating, a sense of overwhelming despair, abdominal pains, panic attacks, migraines, and strokes. - This file should only be listened to in a secure environment. - Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for up to 24 hours after listening to this file. - Refrain from making quick eye movements while listening to this file. « SCP-215 | SCP-216 | SCP-217 » Cite this page as: "SCP-216" by psh, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: SCP-216-Recording-001.mp3 Author: psh License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 2.76381195e-01 -1.81497246e-01 -1.12740703e-01 8.70664120e-02 -1.28265545e-01 -5.38300574e-02 4.75031972e-01 -1.01584092e-01 -3.71549441e-03 3.64049703e-01 -2.30249286e-01 2.96934068e-01 -1.79424390e-01 1.31345049e-01 1.91128537e-01 6.16855323e-01 9.40820426e-02 1.09562702e-01 -2.53754556e-01 -1.92018539e-01 -1.41732067e-01 -1.28577799e-01 -3.86941433e-01 6.41248003e-02 2.12223046e-02 9.66495201e-02 -2.23879546e-01 2.84294069e-01 -5.90705015e-02 -2.92813897e-01 7.69814476e-03 5.36423385e-01 -3.06223899e-01 4.68781412e-01 -1.14996510e-04 -2.02857763e-01 3.09496336e-02 6.40824959e-02 -3.22103918e-01 8.55383649e-02 -5.44175565e-01 -5.55995107e-02 -9.53135490e-02 -2.49948323e-01 2.62589574e-01 -8.72850269e-02 -1.85825273e-01 6.86598197e-02 -3.30694541e-02 1.09731682e-01 1.43200934e-01 2.23573983e-01 2.53895670e-01 -1.19593911e-01 1.24491349e-01 2.10666074e-03 -1.05185769e-01 1.45568267e-01 2.97612578e-01 -2.51816791e-02 -1.63756013e-01 5.70069440e-02 1.49052665e-01 2.73045570e-01 3.09421539e-01 -7.57410824e-02 -3.09586406e-01 -1.05232075e-01 2.74544597e-01 4.39883888e-01 6.25979900e-02 -2.32011005e-01 1.76242366e-02 -3.30141366e-01 -9.78218168e-02 1.98564846e-02 2.10156426e-01 1.21213924e-02 1.33334264e-01 -1.05528481e-01 -5.30104414e-02 3.13502520e-01 -2.22922206e-01 -1.06558874e-01 -2.08030343e-01 3.56715888e-01 -1.14174806e-01 -1.29305776e-02 4.60412800e-01 -1.00924022e-01 -2.11903259e-01 -1.04193293e-01 2.54754394e-01 5.60328849e-02 2.03340754e-01 -3.82134281e-02 3.39658111e-01 -2.01353297e-01 5.24613857e-01 -2.08937272e-01 -1.57720953e-01 1.43139839e-01 3.40494607e-03 -5.55055551e-02 2.13559315e-01 2.98745126e-01 -9.04116780e-02 -1.37484685e-01 -6.27785206e-01 4.41851407e-01 -1.32014588e-01 1.79640409e-02 -1.01548225e-01 -9.99410357e-03 3.28704327e-01 -3.90469193e-01 -5.98857626e-02 -2.40022138e-01 -3.65379840e-01 3.19928646e-01 -4.13186282e-01 1.33943353e-02 -1.07011780e-01 5.15316844e-01 4.31646377e-01 7.36490265e-02 1.47947520e-01 5.44521101e-02 -2.13494778e-01 1.27397835e-01 -1.90176502e-01 1.55814365e-01 -2.99327612e-01 -4.85516861e-02 -4.49384637e-02 1.37871251e-01 -2.53911763e-01 2.10910141e-02 2.35189736e-01 -2.14500874e-01 4.63827960e-02 4.74676713e-02 6.76807761e-01 3.76377434e-01 -1.11615859e-01 -2.65369356e-01 2.84265410e-02 -3.48850876e-01 -2.30914205e-01 1.45782351e-01 8.90024900e-02 -2.69349337e-01 -1.15511278e-02 1.81358352e-01 -1.54812172e-01 6.98979646e-02 2.47989103e-01 -4.12596995e-03 -1.40399277e-01 7.87671804e-02 2.02578992e-01 1.34649247e-01 -1.24722913e-01 -1.74104542e-01 -1.71412304e-02 3.22502941e-01 -4.10426669e-02 -1.92570105e-01 -7.47885555e-02 -1.68890730e-01 -6.46212175e-02 -2.25778427e-02 -1.71228811e-01 6.06013611e-02 -1.43495455e-01 5.70432782e-01 -1.69770837e-01 7.74824470e-02 -7.16826856e-01 -1.73340812e-01 -2.89600622e-02 2.32318759e-01 1.63119480e-01 -3.69750708e-01 -3.10400933e-01 6.05249256e-02 1.69545636e-01 -3.89799744e-01 2.09827483e-01 -7.61475787e-02 -3.92509252e-01 -4.91519421e-01 5.13594449e-01 1.62511885e-01 8.36246163e-02 -3.01051378e-01 2.54265279e-01 -9.07541588e-02 3.30242664e-01 1.49012357e-01 -4.51336145e-01 6.07863106e-02 3.93128991e-01 9.05376673e-02 -1.70532525e-01 2.16724649e-01 -3.60707521e-01 1.32020697e-01 4.98210825e-02 -7.06624314e-02 2.83502579e-01 -3.01523264e-02 8.85929689e-02 2.81278670e-01 -1.98867112e-01 -2.69261152e-01 1.97005555e-01 1.76779911e-01 3.40882875e-02 -4.97166902e-01 5.30385692e-03 3.33086759e-01 -6.55238628e-02 -1.88915893e-01 -2.32942164e-01 -7.15867709e-03 -2.21396893e-01 1.49435923e-01 -7.01974053e-03 4.95620191e-01 1.89318299e-01 -5.49990013e-02 -3.41431163e-02 1.38658047e-01 -2.10402250e-01 3.28212939e-02 -2.07569934e-02 1.00378573e+00 -1.14800833e-01 1.03660695e-01 1.68436408e-01 -3.04268807e-01 2.23803401e-01 1.75203666e-01 -4.04177099e-01 3.61071289e-01 -4.64847237e-02 3.59516516e-02 1.67424932e-01 -2.30261251e-01 -2.92467065e-02 -5.11300564e-01 -7.21337944e-02 -1.58444285e-01 2.68696189e-01 -2.74463147e-01 1.33997872e-01 3.06096494e-01 1.18014276e-01 2.08652750e-01 9.61630791e-02 -6.09828979e-02 3.56564522e-01 2.15093344e-02 -5.13039343e-02 -4.11561847e-01 2.28747725e-03 4.38439280e-01 3.73529911e-01 1.39636829e-01 -4.01120745e-02 -7.63581172e-02 2.12477311e-01 -1.04794092e-01 -8.10201988e-02 7.88965523e-02 2.98672885e-01 4.34332997e-01 4.02610928e-01 1.91126943e-01 -1.71519071e-01 2.79738158e-01 -6.82734549e-02 -1.56121716e-01 -3.22437555e-01 2.41755515e-01 -1.25338346e-01 4.82560754e-01 -8.69228169e-02 3.45456421e-01 3.62421185e-01 -2.64457494e-01 -5.69994003e-02 -9.51076113e-03 -1.16478421e-01 -1.63524866e-01 -3.31739746e-02 3.90550613e-01 -3.17645311e-01 3.05465758e-01 -1.24339856e-01 2.74352729e-01 -1.64802402e-01 1.11986749e-01 -4.96147834e-02 6.01990111e-02 7.92395234e-01 2.93268889e-01 -7.45570287e-02 -5.38797304e-02 -3.42670202e-01 2.85079509e-01 1.35802761e-01 -3.09794456e-01 2.09745288e-01 -4.24394578e-01 -4.87304619e-03 -1.57793686e-01 1.07634261e-01 -2.96715677e-01 2.24663503e-02 3.05202127e-01 -1.22364074e-01 -2.22061589e-01 1.09780885e-01 -1.23625338e-01 -3.31480920e-01 -5.85618764e-02 1.34018645e-01 -2.03123912e-01 1.51116028e-01 2.95592070e-01 7.42525458e-02 3.44751835e-01 -3.88011374e-02 -1.60117578e-02 -3.67830575e-01 -3.38300228e-01 -1.09212911e-02 -3.81350406e-02 -1.31454945e-01 -4.16458875e-01 -1.49269044e-01 -3.49708319e-01 1.32020205e-01 -3.18078697e-01 -1.48212776e-01 -3.44967455e-01 3.22865605e-01 -2.11475357e-01 -1.18609093e-01 7.65928388e-01 2.62517259e-02 -3.10838163e-01 -3.18980604e-01 -3.10166806e-01 9.49854627e-02 2.08982080e-01 3.41583490e-01 -2.91291505e-01 1.68583870e-01 4.64272201e-01 2.70181268e-01 -1.09325409e-01 -3.83374095e-01 1.81415811e-01 1.12952471e-01 3.18691730e-01 6.66353405e-02 -1.36048257e-01 2.06817776e-01 1.99689075e-01 -8.64543207e-03 3.61399263e-01 -3.16445112e-01 -1.57735199e-01 2.63626307e-01 -1.55892804e-01 -5.23122430e-01 -1.96286757e-02 2.80429572e-01 3.93384904e-01 1.63211644e-01 3.45121622e-02 -2.38850147e-01 -6.58670962e-02 -7.59856850e-02 -2.47077957e-01 2.53147781e-02 -4.17323858e-02 -2.38237724e-01 -1.20421834e-01 -2.24359617e-01 -1.87039241e-01 1.35427147e-01 -1.55264348e-01 2.64205277e-01 -6.20316677e-02 -2.75351435e-01 3.76453280e-01 -4.75687921e-01 2.48217478e-01 3.75588298e-01 3.21962386e-01 4.45662111e-01 -3.34207453e-02 -1.49155008e-02 -3.30923349e-01 -5.33110023e-01 3.53444457e-01 1.92540750e-01 -2.43124306e-01 -2.75691092e-01 -1.15188293e-01 -8.03495347e-02 4.48380187e-02 -3.64511423e-02 -6.41555861e-02 3.37228812e-02 -1.49720564e-01 -5.03701210e-01 1.73873585e-02 -2.05764025e-01 -3.80630754e-02 -4.98244762e-02 1.14787057e-01 2.25462541e-01 4.27689776e-02 1.83729991e-01 5.03130406e-02 1.16752818e-01 2.65307456e-01 -1.18829422e-01 1.57968327e-01 2.97720253e-01 6.85963452e-01 1.78958341e-01 -8.39471444e-02 1.46176115e-01 3.79413590e-02 8.79586767e-03 -9.55639780e-02 5.37718475e-01 1.27070710e-01 -3.47469062e-01 2.24120766e-01 4.05932248e-01 -4.80427779e-02 -8.87794197e-02 1.02374010e-01 -4.93063778e-02 2.32714549e-01 3.74282330e-01 3.85218501e-01 -3.83840650e-01 -3.34324509e-01 6.81841001e-02 1.41928360e-01 -2.83295900e-01 2.61334389e-01 2.64282465e-01 1.02837157e+00 -6.87046126e-02 -4.20583561e-02 2.49762818e-01 -3.02155197e-01 -3.57876301e-01 -4.62278545e-01 -2.92723417e-01 -6.13451079e-02 -2.45995089e-01 1.76212654e-01 -4.38866615e-01 -7.18156919e-02 -1.07886707e-02 -2.24421725e-01 -3.78031135e-01 -5.79882503e-01 3.45535181e-03 1.46789551e-01 3.14490259e-01 1.57990634e-01 1.51492417e-01 2.15647444e-01 1.91783011e-01 2.83631742e-01 1.17892049e-01 -1.72476377e-03 4.64593209e-02 -5.86306490e-02 2.00470164e-02 -3.62124205e-01 -1.82997249e-02 -3.07988226e-01 5.13025522e-01 3.87923062e-01 1.10638298e-01 -2.48637293e-02 -8.75198171e-02 -8.34338963e-02 1.46016821e-01 -1.99625660e-02 3.52272317e-02 6.12058222e-01 3.06816995e-02 2.27377892e-01 9.00465995e-02 1.07063212e-01 -2.97813267e-02 1.18389446e-02 -1.85774997e-01 -1.04801975e-01 -3.80627632e-01 -3.81908298e-01 3.42187613e-01 7.41177499e-01 -4.17935550e-01 6.40978217e-02 2.60293573e-01 -3.35013628e-01 -4.59082201e-02 1.19662181e-01 1.82331368e-01 -1.85957327e-01 3.27783883e-01 1.38723508e-01 -2.22360134e-01 -2.31812280e-02 1.71503231e-01 3.68815325e-02 2.94670045e-01 1.34120315e-01 -1.82153329e-01 -1.44599319e-01 -3.53811651e-01 2.78457761e-01 2.48911396e-01 2.42827684e-01 -1.13235869e-01 -7.28168264e-02 -2.26496175e-01 -1.49790674e-01 4.69627231e-02 1.56254873e-01 -1.64749250e-02 -1.84288532e-01 -1.74419656e-01 2.54809082e-01 -1.44539267e-01 -2.65465565e-02 3.03364515e-01 -2.18100831e-01 3.30511808e-01 1.22963689e-01 3.18392515e-01 -3.59171033e-01 1.80130288e-01 -2.52038211e-01 -2.97296673e-01 6.49510741e-01 1.77449938e-02 -1.80953890e-01 -2.91645408e-01 1.12759240e-01 2.25921012e-02 -1.45431668e-01 -2.59739518e-01 -6.19342811e-02 1.63821355e-01 -1.14884287e-01 -6.74973354e-02 -9.22887400e-02 -1.31531775e-01 8.07019845e-02 4.81984988e-02 -2.28172503e-02 9.06764641e-02 2.00966686e-01 9.05373842e-02 2.94121563e-01 -1.68017056e-02 6.54852614e-02 5.43251373e-02 5.39334863e-02 -5.06046526e-02 -1.20822459e-01 -1.48505971e-01 -1.29288256e-01 -9.12039205e-02 -1.28077447e-01 1.82346359e-01 1.27351598e-03 9.18374136e-02 -9.91546437e-02 3.49395834e-02 5.76255955e-02 3.06227863e-01 -2.83148825e-01 2.38233700e-01 -5.01463115e-01 -2.19515294e-01 -2.52790630e-01 2.24421367e-01 -1.90300364e-02 -1.08423710e-01 -7.06212223e-01 6.95855841e-02 -3.26094329e-02 1.19704083e-01 -6.84860302e-03 -3.30407917e-01 1.14907742e-01 1.34052038e-01 -1.70605600e-01 9.42741185e-02 -1.22616090e-01 1.32565588e-01 -2.25240484e-01 -1.52599514e-01 1.60324141e-01 -8.11578780e-02 2.08862320e-01 1.11046378e-02 2.00912118e-01 4.61590290e-01 5.21968417e-02 2.50552416e-01 2.07877532e-01 6.72896393e-03 -1.22982450e-01 4.43449438e-01 8.93065482e-02 -4.12261933e-02 -1.48761094e-01 1.20252423e-01 8.76985863e-02 4.94843721e-02 -9.86860693e-02 -1.15524856e-02 4.63949181e-02 -6.06715046e-02 3.60557139e-01 -1.77013800e-01 -3.76991421e-01 -1.29969969e-01 -6.51641190e-02 -2.72155609e-02 3.50209087e-01 -1.27337068e-01 -9.14147496e-02 9.59195048e-02 1.35061085e-01 3.18461984e-01 2.10717946e-01 -3.84848952e-01 1.06001876e-01 2.14442000e-01 1.20037526e-01 1.11231081e-01 2.81226099e-01 4.16824222e-01 1.30340969e-02 -1.81118831e-01 9.66162682e-02 1.86083894e-02 -1.30383715e-01 -2.56089598e-01 -8.17096010e-02 3.59989762e-01 -4.60934669e-01 8.04176331e-02 1.01079747e-01 -1.96285903e-01 -6.85523376e-02 3.25865358e-01 9.10798982e-02 -1.83469102e-01 -1.19550087e-01 3.25297602e-02 -1.05309770e-01 2.71847636e-01 1.10878557e-01 -1.59053624e-01 -2.23345056e-01 -1.24200396e-01 1.12937741e-01 2.49440014e-01 3.64594124e-02 9.70788673e-02 1.24157749e-01 2.02759922e-01 -2.14995533e-01 6.92750737e-02 -1.72389627e-01 -1.72017038e-01 -5.86555660e-01 2.05238126e-02 1.93989202e-02 -1.20441981e-01 -4.32318859e-02 4.90060121e-01 1.75330028e-01 1.23946272e-01 2.55667925e-01 1.43925771e-01 -1.38336478e-03 -2.89578080e-01 -3.85035276e-01 3.01482499e-01 4.71033722e-01 -8.15577582e-02 9.61143449e-02 -1.14125691e-01 1.54964849e-01 -3.03488106e-01 1.38119489e-01 -5.83821312e-02 -1.05948500e-01 -1.39084384e-01 8.11126292e-01 4.02564436e-01 7.01123327e-02 2.27330580e-01 -2.65748829e-01 -2.12242723e-01 -3.43379076e-03 3.58251542e-01 3.11353933e-02 -2.49923114e-02 1.59579348e-02 -1.23382337e-01 -3.45192030e-02 -5.92952184e-02 3.52760106e-01 -4.70727623e-01 1.80477630e-02 2.06795782e-01 -2.78091908e-01 1.10458098e-01 1.13225408e-01 1.09364696e-01 1.79511636e-01 5.07100940e-01 2.21023560e-01 -1.10172808e-01 -1.74799353e-01 -8.82150456e-02 2.37532809e-01 7.00247660e-02 -1.59909889e-01 -3.47779959e-01 2.98026115e-01 -2.09633753e-01 -1.93545640e-01 -4.67581093e-01 -1.33419096e-01 1.37183189e-01 2.33464316e-02 -2.56065756e-01 5.51643148e-02 1.98698975e-03 -1.55604586e-01 -1.26718074e-01 4.83942270e-01 -8.85142758e-03 -4.13040891e-02 -2.87675053e-01 -1.61627993e-01]
"The Clockwork Virus" active "Item #: SCP-217 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Containment area is to be kept behind two reverse-pressure airlocks. Chemical shower sterilization, full contained-atmosphere haz-mat suits, and 24-hour post-interaction quarantine and testing are mandatory for all personnel entering containment area. Should containment be breached, the blast door for the containment and research area will seal, and chemical agent ZEER-217-11 will be pumped into the air. Any humans exposed to SCP-217 are to be contained and held for observation. Any items touched by those affected by SCP-217 must be sterilized. Description: SCP-217 is a virus, incurable by current means, with a rate of infectivity at 100%. It affects all organisms in the kingdom Animalia, and can be spread via touch or contact with bodily fluid. SCP-217 is very hardy, and can survive for years outside the host body. The progress of the infection is very slow, with some subjects going several years before manifesting any symptoms. SCP-217 alters the biochemistry of organic tissue, causing organic matter to re-arrange into a form of “organic metal”. The processes involved with this change are not yet fully understood, but the advanced stages are well documented. A subject will begin to turn into a complex arrangement of gears and clockwork, these taking over for the former biological functions. Advanced-stage infection is reported to be very painful, but earlier stages are oftentimes unnoticed, with only vague feelings of confusion, insomnia, and joint stiffness. Hearts are replaced by gears and small tubes, joints by gear networks, eyes by structures not unlike primitive “hand-crank” film cameras, etc. SCP-217 shows first on the outside of the body in all creatures except mammals. In mammals, it first converts the internal structure before manifesting outside the body. This can cause those infected to go for very long periods of time without knowing of infection. SCP-217 has even been shown to totally convert the inside of the body before showing any externally-visible symptoms. SCP-217 has infected several major metropolitan areas in the past, most notably ████████████. The mental state of those in middle to advanced stages of infection has been shown to be much diminished. Subjects respond in a repetitive fashion, are very dull and mechanical in action, are easily distracted and confused, and appear generally irritable when faced with new problems. In addition, research on a fully “converted” brain has [DATA EXPUNGED] Document #217-6: Notes on symptoms Subjects infected by SCP-217 have, at early stages, reported no major symptoms, aside from increased lethargy, and a general lack of emotional response. Some have reported a feeling of “fluttering” or “moving” under the skin, coupled with a persistent “ticking” noise. This noise seems most prominent when SCP-217 infects the shoulders, neck, and head; however, it is inaudible if recording equipment is pressed against an affected area. Initial infection of SCP-217 is, as has been already stated, almost undetectable. As the infection advances, subjects will begin to feel sharp, “tearing” pain in areas that are being “converted”. It has been compared to a knife wound or a deep muscle tear, and can persist for hours, or several days, depending on both the subject and the area affected. The new clockwork organs appear to tear and rip at tissue for a short time, before becoming fully integrated and settling into the surrounding tissue, and this is believed to account for the pain. Areas infected appear to be metal, mainly brass, steel, and iron. Other substances have been reported, appearing to be leather, rubber, glass, wood, and other basic materials. Despite appearances, it is purely organic material, and even carries the subject’s DNA. Organs and tissues affected appear more resilient than normal, carrying the same strength and density as the materials they resemble, instead of normal tissue density. Areas damaged repair over time, but is much slower than standard human regeneration. Damaged areas can be instantly “repaired” by replacing damaged areas with new parts of the same type. Testing has shown that there are no ill effects if parts made from normal materials (steel, wood, leather) replace the existing bio-mechanical clockworks. Most alarming, people infected with SCP-217 can continue for months, even years, without being detected. With infection so easy to spread, hundreds could be affected before proper containment could be enforced. Infection appears to spread most quickly in large offices, malls, and other large concentrations of people. Note: Anything or anyone suspected or confirmed to be infected with SCP-217 is NOT to be allowed near SCP-882. Addendum: At this time, cross-experimentation between SCP-229 and SCP-217 is allowed only with O5 approval. « SCP-216 | SCP-217 | SCP-218 » Cite this page as: "SCP-217" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 5.46783805e-02 -2.63971925e-01 -6.82421774e-02 -2.97627687e-01 -4.33450416e-02 -1.60436183e-01 2.89524764e-01 2.00839341e-01 3.08407903e-01 1.20004095e-01 2.90944874e-01 4.07305121e-01 -3.88495803e-01 6.25819415e-02 1.49058834e-01 -3.62896025e-02 1.72205642e-01 3.54707211e-01 -6.09618425e-02 -1.17997512e-01 -1.66320592e-01 -2.91400909e-01 -1.37881219e-01 3.16014886e-01 9.60729048e-02 -3.37334484e-01 -2.07004875e-01 3.47339392e-01 1.24414004e-01 -2.92908758e-01 -1.42770812e-01 2.98393518e-01 2.14611396e-01 5.17010212e-01 -1.10040535e-04 -1.36728004e-01 2.99938142e-01 1.04816675e-01 -4.72621806e-02 3.20654273e-01 -2.52609044e-01 -1.74200207e-01 3.87379527e-02 -3.52917314e-01 2.51542568e-01 -1.31497145e-01 1.50832579e-01 2.49529183e-01 2.66070694e-01 2.80431390e-01 1.40864491e-01 1.72558635e-01 1.56779960e-01 7.51892999e-02 5.24024785e-01 1.79402724e-01 -1.71545088e-01 3.69271562e-02 5.49151599e-01 4.58644293e-02 -2.53926903e-01 -1.06400557e-01 -1.66582361e-01 -1.83980972e-01 2.19450906e-01 -2.76468515e-01 5.20464182e-01 -3.64239246e-01 -7.12156296e-02 2.20229879e-01 -2.43541524e-02 -7.46974498e-02 1.44304529e-01 3.41686457e-02 7.71597326e-02 -5.39821029e-01 1.67945907e-01 3.55533771e-02 1.24989316e-01 -3.80308740e-02 -1.42894955e-02 5.50587177e-01 -2.67710626e-01 -8.07835534e-02 -6.54043183e-02 3.28853250e-01 1.02786869e-01 -3.58466581e-02 -7.29129687e-02 -1.48661688e-01 1.06238320e-01 1.41867828e-02 2.62525231e-01 1.20724507e-01 9.43287984e-02 -1.86859027e-01 -8.51126239e-02 -1.55383879e-02 4.36691731e-01 1.12037711e-01 -4.60167557e-01 1.07148632e-01 6.39075786e-02 4.04553004e-02 7.82354176e-02 2.65390687e-02 -1.93233579e-01 -3.71144295e-01 -1.12743594e-01 5.07480204e-01 -3.08611214e-01 5.94370216e-02 5.55271655e-02 -1.79872513e-01 3.52444470e-01 2.45510396e-02 -1.15238935e-01 -1.89032927e-01 -1.12763960e-02 1.21791027e-01 -1.88360378e-01 3.66359614e-02 -8.02963600e-02 2.91601956e-01 4.26932484e-01 3.25228423e-01 -3.51499841e-02 -3.28151852e-01 -1.28641412e-01 -3.24559137e-02 -2.38840520e-01 8.26108828e-02 -4.28098202e-01 1.48774788e-01 -1.20273359e-01 -1.64587330e-02 -1.06738597e-01 2.22489953e-01 1.80034295e-01 8.88642669e-02 -1.10036395e-01 -1.05813332e-01 1.85830906e-01 4.37839359e-01 -2.65291870e-01 1.06303886e-01 2.15456337e-02 1.51311636e-01 -2.01750576e-01 4.93846498e-02 6.81293830e-02 -1.30684301e-01 -2.49196589e-01 1.16808698e-01 -3.59276354e-01 1.60184145e-01 7.20099092e-01 -2.58804113e-01 -2.85814166e-01 -1.37200281e-01 1.98673308e-01 1.97969936e-02 -1.42332306e-02 -7.33727291e-02 -5.84811065e-03 2.74520814e-01 1.56630635e-01 -8.10677707e-02 3.62434238e-01 9.69452038e-03 2.12003082e-01 -1.39518514e-01 1.44888461e-01 1.69356748e-01 -1.25527561e-01 -9.60223153e-02 -4.28852320e-01 8.03544670e-02 -3.98132056e-01 -2.99402386e-01 -2.66128838e-01 4.45349813e-01 2.75597423e-01 -1.11704424e-01 2.79653575e-02 6.63572401e-02 -1.42400056e-01 -8.83250237e-02 1.67461842e-01 7.30732679e-02 -5.71852505e-01 -4.20452625e-01 4.09263402e-01 2.31366038e-01 3.49289387e-01 4.31816317e-02 2.81966418e-01 6.50661951e-03 4.12912458e-01 1.71056576e-02 -6.81692883e-02 -1.05060399e-01 -3.95399146e-02 4.79294717e-01 -2.06784476e-02 -2.01456219e-01 -1.68325752e-01 -1.30650654e-01 6.34166718e-01 2.98270106e-01 -4.24327841e-03 2.86817737e-02 -1.24621198e-01 -2.88218781e-02 1.25671094e-02 -3.42721283e-01 2.24730045e-01 2.56189764e-01 -1.54775351e-01 -1.34925589e-01 -2.75216430e-01 1.87816307e-01 -7.87648559e-02 -1.38678372e-01 -2.37287045e-01 3.25400144e-01 -2.10976616e-01 -1.00233421e-01 -8.65004957e-02 2.03179538e-01 1.78196386e-01 -3.76529805e-02 3.17950509e-02 -2.02411890e-01 -4.70714681e-02 -3.68886776e-02 1.76815435e-01 6.91843748e-01 -6.54722303e-02 -9.70981941e-02 2.75844312e-03 -1.38975173e-01 3.28991443e-01 2.32613366e-02 -2.98251480e-01 3.75624262e-02 1.88401863e-01 2.63126135e-01 -1.03208266e-01 7.72410929e-02 2.18687907e-01 -4.94969547e-01 -3.62263054e-01 1.81462571e-01 1.56106517e-01 4.70489115e-02 -5.07326961e-01 -3.02852448e-02 -1.20467447e-01 9.19948798e-03 2.61869222e-01 -7.45369270e-02 1.71311915e-01 -1.10446371e-01 -1.81244761e-01 -1.06067911e-01 -1.19398870e-01 2.49607433e-02 -2.41721556e-01 3.02472916e-02 -1.58240318e-01 -6.55690059e-02 -2.30204184e-02 8.04978982e-02 -1.36756897e-01 1.03876173e-01 4.80420977e-01 4.96776998e-01 1.25910506e-01 3.63984734e-01 -3.83779779e-02 -8.27350020e-01 -3.73380221e-02 1.20817028e-01 -3.16847682e-01 -1.32862069e-02 6.25650510e-02 8.98636207e-02 2.41321884e-02 2.30995372e-01 2.87023317e-02 -3.23535383e-01 -2.45331347e-01 1.23534538e-01 -2.56411284e-01 3.52301262e-02 -1.11476600e-01 4.61098164e-01 -2.14906648e-01 2.90925533e-01 -2.19730332e-01 -4.15164419e-03 -9.14675742e-03 4.25204635e-02 -8.27302597e-03 2.02800304e-01 4.06518787e-01 -1.83606222e-01 1.87086016e-02 9.10782740e-02 -1.35338679e-01 1.80851340e-01 1.01439618e-01 5.85094243e-02 7.83014521e-02 2.35689208e-02 1.02301426e-01 -3.22724611e-01 2.92210191e-01 -6.28907263e-01 3.77336219e-02 1.89824417e-01 -9.91217941e-02 -1.25021650e-03 1.71652790e-02 2.30617508e-01 6.77816942e-03 -1.16418011e-01 2.14392737e-01 8.53973702e-02 1.82297841e-01 2.77057260e-01 -1.65017143e-01 2.93434113e-01 1.92259640e-01 2.05785096e-01 -1.91139858e-02 -3.94161969e-01 1.28814057e-02 -1.12300210e-01 2.65346039e-02 -2.24525586e-01 -1.43045664e-01 -1.13005929e-01 1.84260279e-01 -3.92807931e-01 -2.11901397e-01 -1.47023559e-01 8.12929720e-02 8.66371989e-02 -2.43639648e-01 4.45346385e-01 -7.58188617e-05 -1.30186811e-01 1.07722975e-01 -3.75725359e-01 -1.35109827e-01 4.94167395e-02 -4.39963071e-03 -6.40011281e-02 3.87605935e-01 2.57688791e-01 4.19332474e-01 -1.24231599e-01 3.57813649e-02 -5.11346720e-02 1.76844567e-01 -4.21052203e-02 -2.18707118e-02 -2.75704801e-01 1.26352802e-01 -5.23461774e-02 -4.68755931e-01 3.62428546e-01 -4.14043099e-01 -2.05039069e-01 1.18104547e-01 -4.70801443e-01 -4.97447699e-01 -2.57059813e-01 1.53932810e-01 5.90485215e-01 1.89288795e-01 -2.27699220e-01 -4.19629037e-01 -1.60783872e-01 -1.29130036e-01 2.38716677e-01 7.72603214e-01 -1.56353369e-01 5.55386655e-02 -2.61964351e-01 -1.00452676e-01 -2.84374356e-01 -4.36205342e-02 -7.69825429e-02 5.70348978e-01 -3.30147743e-01 -2.79004067e-01 3.12927246e-01 -6.60236597e-01 6.52702376e-02 3.26605439e-01 6.99434221e-01 6.32530093e-01 -1.24588348e-02 -1.56867392e-02 -3.37227345e-01 -2.43352905e-01 -1.73900291e-01 1.21976703e-01 1.60872594e-01 3.12120438e-01 -2.30778009e-01 1.07971378e-01 2.62912875e-03 -2.08071843e-01 -3.62471975e-02 1.77068543e-02 -2.98659414e-01 -3.08854848e-01 3.63525540e-01 -1.05339624e-01 4.22216207e-02 -2.62548029e-01 4.13330505e-03 -7.92139024e-02 1.01790160e-01 1.59387499e-01 1.60495475e-01 -2.58265108e-01 1.97373033e-02 -1.74558256e-02 3.54491591e-01 2.12620631e-01 -2.36653566e-01 -8.40563327e-02 -7.93539360e-02 -5.90715669e-02 9.34697241e-02 -3.04508328e-01 6.56850189e-02 6.22675300e-01 1.62609383e-01 -2.21225455e-01 -1.40091851e-01 3.96817684e-01 -3.62732947e-01 -3.18935663e-01 4.39807743e-01 3.20411548e-02 -7.26290867e-02 -1.53334022e-01 2.67907947e-01 -1.23184016e-02 -3.04570705e-01 -2.73329496e-01 1.13268159e-01 -1.87895581e-01 6.76187158e-01 3.85930032e-01 1.10174954e+00 1.51165351e-01 1.65937364e-01 5.82927540e-02 6.55913427e-02 1.58523306e-01 -2.33518511e-01 7.43207484e-02 -2.20651954e-01 -4.05125201e-01 3.88442688e-02 -1.81505397e-01 2.09921181e-01 1.28452495e-01 -3.28066468e-01 -7.74848759e-02 -5.69072425e-01 1.06335908e-01 3.03888023e-01 2.35612988e-01 1.62379131e-01 -2.49697849e-01 6.08506128e-02 2.41559327e-01 5.79134189e-02 2.81567007e-01 4.50265547e-03 8.05577412e-02 -1.95748717e-01 1.30789503e-01 -3.08811426e-01 2.01049834e-01 1.95167273e-01 -5.04096132e-03 -4.91411746e-01 4.43626314e-01 2.52618361e-03 -6.02502882e-01 1.94092959e-01 3.86718139e-02 1.57928348e-01 1.78895257e-02 6.24575496e-01 -2.30235472e-01 -1.35929175e-02 8.15588236e-02 4.49898988e-01 -1.20035231e-01 -3.49409841e-02 1.79002155e-02 -4.50667664e-02 -1.38893589e-01 2.00067014e-01 -7.49223232e-02 5.72159529e-01 -1.18722737e-01 2.89290100e-01 4.91550326e-01 -5.21981064e-03 -2.80215710e-01 1.53160051e-01 -3.07366606e-02 -1.60073459e-01 3.35397363e-01 -3.20236862e-01 -2.74191976e-01 -1.00954063e-01 -1.71747595e-01 2.76840031e-01 4.38870311e-01 2.19391808e-01 2.65570939e-01 -2.93758601e-01 -3.90409946e-01 8.23397711e-02 1.96003588e-03 -5.10780275e-01 -2.15892568e-02 -1.99909106e-01 -2.43628889e-01 -1.14867747e-01 3.81758839e-01 1.11307532e-01 -1.33017600e-01 -1.79006651e-01 -7.64797866e-01 1.26926854e-01 -1.00618321e-03 1.45685852e-01 3.57641339e-01 -6.71529993e-02 5.82756519e-01 -8.44218880e-02 -1.21776581e-01 -3.72850567e-01 -4.03826423e-02 -1.69587538e-01 1.22852802e-01 3.40605855e-01 -1.47789076e-01 7.56929666e-02 -1.56619117e-01 7.80548528e-02 1.95045650e-01 8.98654982e-02 -2.32430950e-01 -4.33327675e-01 1.17259197e-01 1.56137004e-01 6.36735409e-02 2.53306720e-02 -6.52966425e-02 2.55823493e-01 4.42838892e-02 1.03501655e-01 2.46811241e-01 2.58226812e-01 3.65658969e-01 4.02374238e-01 2.71619201e-01 -1.10006534e-01 4.19482112e-01 9.00134966e-02 1.27947420e-01 -1.23713098e-01 1.83320671e-01 -3.63831699e-01 4.01011296e-02 1.16392098e-01 3.31178755e-01 -3.43841523e-01 2.77418852e-01 1.40798643e-01 1.20137423e-01 2.99239419e-02 4.86032099e-01 -3.03084403e-01 2.29672819e-01 -3.15156281e-01 -1.36788175e-01 1.18744366e-01 2.44845152e-01 -2.33502686e-02 -6.93517104e-02 -8.75151977e-02 -1.21537566e-01 -1.71282098e-01 1.36288121e-01 -1.42927431e-02 -3.49797666e-01 -1.37637943e-01 -1.28322020e-01 9.34068635e-02 5.26158176e-02 2.29980573e-01 9.12625194e-02 2.92548556e-02 -1.68093741e-01 -3.05422619e-02 2.70947456e-01 2.15113178e-01 2.94616222e-01 5.47293127e-01 -3.06803137e-01 2.32441261e-01 2.70792633e-01 7.59248361e-02 -8.39146003e-02 -4.81369533e-02 4.24361050e-01 -1.01517580e-01 1.62782341e-01 -1.06875323e-01 1.46748528e-01 -1.05024405e-01 -2.43048057e-01 -1.79570407e-01 1.57141104e-01 2.20123127e-01 1.77479848e-01 4.03879285e-02 -1.17319390e-01 -3.16194087e-01 -1.31289706e-01 -1.57227013e-02 2.90986866e-01 -9.10828710e-02 1.01921737e-01 8.38650018e-02 2.63044298e-01 -3.57409894e-01 1.78588778e-01 4.14216816e-01 -2.45312825e-01 -1.04436398e-01 1.90502718e-01 -4.19461988e-02 -1.58415437e-02 1.52868420e-01 1.56269923e-01 -1.07302666e-01 -2.48238012e-01 -1.00729287e-01 -3.89068089e-02 -5.76544516e-02 5.21636717e-02 4.69464846e-02 1.03721216e-01 -1.80701017e-01 2.05603719e-01 1.13505922e-01 -2.13771850e-01 -5.11335492e-01 9.92889330e-02 2.07102954e-01 2.83219010e-01 6.80740923e-02 2.47611180e-01 -1.23732165e-01 2.49226823e-01 6.20292537e-02 -1.24874733e-01 -2.83468336e-01 -2.42652237e-01 -3.99801821e-01 2.55937070e-01 -1.43925011e-01 7.78858140e-02 -1.71366736e-01 2.80535161e-01 1.23604871e-01 -8.39186534e-02 -6.44738004e-02 -3.26601744e-01 -3.24253410e-01 4.93966565e-02 -2.85216182e-01 -5.26550293e-01 3.19164813e-01 2.64007747e-02 -1.56249180e-01 -5.07713035e-02 -2.13617794e-02 2.69189537e-01 -3.84613901e-01 1.10872872e-01 2.19831821e-02 2.74188131e-01 2.15924948e-01 -5.99718504e-02 -3.92855667e-02 -2.08520740e-02 2.42210940e-01 2.96581089e-02 1.57586470e-01 7.73794129e-02 -2.57218063e-01 4.75031184e-03 -1.95492245e-02 3.49628478e-01 -2.09770165e-02 1.64199173e-01 -2.46185556e-01 -5.28015018e-01 -2.21939713e-01 1.31519943e-01 -1.97845161e-01 2.14273363e-01 -2.31234413e-02 1.71531707e-01 1.35556340e-01 6.21843636e-01 1.54607862e-01 -3.76377739e-02 -2.95703292e-01 5.09458929e-02 -3.51162612e-01 1.57482564e-01 1.71699226e-02 2.71204770e-01 1.01616584e-01 3.69779408e-01 7.98054114e-02 -1.76646009e-01 -2.78429568e-01 -2.56957561e-01 3.96794319e-01 -3.80611748e-01 -3.38072509e-01 -3.59736145e-01 -5.25101740e-03 -1.19304053e-01 2.27842003e-01 -6.84844032e-02 -2.66274780e-01 -1.63320810e-01 2.59975672e-01 -1.56194761e-01 -6.60232380e-02 -2.36415789e-01 -3.15228224e-01 -1.12500288e-01 4.13789004e-01 2.75579412e-02 -3.89728285e-02 -2.87387013e-01 -4.18289825e-02]
"Lamprey-Mass Organism" active "Item #: SCP-218 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-218 is contained within a standard aquatic specimen tank (saltwater). Tank maintenance is to be carried out by remote drone only. No further procedures are required. Description: SCP-218 is a predatory colonial organism weighing approximately 1800 kg, consisting of several hundred parasitic lampreys of the family Petromyzontidae, designated Petromyzon anomalis. Individual Petromyzon anomalis specimens average between 50 and 90 cm in length, and are similar in appearance to the common sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus) with the primary exception of complex ultraviolet-spectrum skin patterning. Individual lampreys can break off from the primary mass and move under their own power, acting similar to non-anomalous specimens. These motile units will remain in the vicinity of SCP-218’s primary body, until captured and eaten by colony members. The central mass of SCP-218 contains the organism’s primary organs, as well as a muscular foot for locomotion. SCP-218 is capable of surviving out of water for up to an hour, though it is greatly inhibited in mobility. Motile units of SCP-218 produce a paralyzing toxin, applied by bite or through the lamprey’s mucus sheath. This toxin inhibits locomotor muscles and will numb the target to pain – all other internal and mental processes will continue unaffected. The paralyzing effect has not been observed to dissipate, and no effective counteragent has yet been discovered. Early observation led researchers to believe that SCP-218 reproduced through the parasitic implantation of motile units into a host body – this behavior has since been determined to be atypical feeding behavior, where numerous motile units will burrow within the body of still-living prey for upwards of 48 hours before normal consumption resumes. Addendum-01: Physical examination of SCP-218 shortly after containment revealed that the primary mass contained several foreign objects preserved within the main body cavity. SCP-218 was removed from its containment tank and tranquilized to allow for surgery. Objects removed from SCP-218 include: Both the skeleton and artifacts date to approximately 7500 BCE, though do not resemble the artifacts of other Neolithic groups in the region of recovery. Addendum-02: SCP-218's behavior became significantly more agitated after removal of the aforementioned objects: entity would repeatedly beat against the walls of its tank or attempt to scale them. When one of the hair pins was placed back in the containment tank, SCP-218 used one of its colony members as a manipulator to retrieve the pin, and then place it back inside its central cavity through means of a large sphincter. This dorsal sphincter was not present until the removal of the body and artifacts. « SCP-217 | SCP-218 | SCP-219 »" nan
[ 1.47453874e-01 -2.82160997e-01 -1.32784054e-01 -1.37875423e-01 3.06218475e-01 -9.44006220e-02 3.09453040e-01 3.16419274e-01 1.62436798e-01 1.71256270e-02 -2.34446570e-01 1.78571254e-01 -2.47086197e-01 -3.86935830e-01 4.64207232e-01 1.55404076e-01 2.02258795e-01 2.35484496e-01 -5.01999669e-02 -4.55975860e-01 -1.70009047e-01 -2.36939013e-01 2.28562370e-01 -5.84184453e-02 1.46674410e-01 2.03556135e-01 1.60386246e-02 1.69884995e-01 -3.29384416e-01 -4.12159503e-01 3.48186016e-01 1.63841829e-01 2.72169530e-01 5.12718976e-01 -1.11411078e-04 -1.61652826e-02 -9.31087062e-02 9.11727250e-02 -4.63640541e-02 2.57276773e-01 1.98747709e-01 -3.39765280e-01 1.26467988e-01 -3.71422410e-01 2.38249227e-01 -3.15987140e-01 3.45706567e-02 -3.14886481e-01 7.87722766e-02 1.53863788e-01 9.56002921e-02 -5.82346320e-02 9.50644687e-02 8.36095363e-02 3.41354847e-01 2.54692107e-01 -2.68193096e-01 8.44115242e-02 4.01420295e-01 6.98460382e-04 3.37303907e-01 1.41050860e-01 -1.82225090e-02 -2.16384396e-01 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2.69750029e-01 -7.54386187e-02 1.53312609e-01 -2.83540219e-01 -2.39548028e-01 -4.26369272e-02 4.95408565e-01 -1.38598785e-01 -9.24198106e-02 3.80742162e-01 7.01338872e-02 1.49168363e-02 -6.80723935e-02 4.31700110e-01 4.49081779e-01 -1.94620490e-01 -2.64777929e-01 -1.22030571e-01 3.23488414e-01 -1.00374922e-01 -8.76623988e-02 2.42002249e-01 6.22797310e-02 -2.72684842e-01 2.35877767e-01 8.52524266e-02 1.68909788e-01 7.37035871e-01 -5.51401153e-02 1.85742870e-01 -3.67584586e-01 1.16580598e-01 -1.11110404e-01 2.13611722e-02 -8.22748467e-02 -4.00014967e-02 2.88292825e-01 -2.07738355e-01 -1.17696121e-01 -2.23860960e-03 1.27880216e-01 2.84993410e-01 -4.49065305e-02 -6.05537407e-02 6.61698654e-02 -1.13415413e-01 -3.43003631e-01 -4.87460762e-01 -1.70788243e-01 -1.06023677e-01 -4.09069687e-01 -3.46519537e-02 2.11169273e-01 3.95158641e-02 -1.26822293e-01 -3.23085129e-01 5.23755252e-02 -3.79172981e-01 7.19878078e-02 1.25760242e-01 -2.47793775e-02 -4.25171614e-01 -4.19958532e-01 -8.23892429e-02 1.50844991e-01 9.89067778e-02 -2.89189164e-03 2.61428952e-01 1.60488605e-01 2.61663735e-01 -1.53985456e-01 1.82287589e-01 1.53745174e-01 4.16622728e-01 -7.09874779e-02 4.04404700e-01 -3.14934820e-01 -1.94618031e-01 2.03216076e-02 -6.99984655e-02 5.35867274e-01 9.36758071e-02 -2.48830214e-01 -2.28144869e-01 1.08610533e-01 -1.43145740e-01 5.49462326e-02 1.30590469e-01 -1.71234254e-02 -5.33619411e-02 -2.78676838e-01 -1.22236967e-01 -4.48330253e-01 1.88012034e-01 -2.22194903e-02 1.28481358e-01 3.27200621e-01 -1.44436002e-01 1.03256747e-01 -1.72141060e-01 1.29659936e-01 1.37992799e-01 4.28740792e-02 -3.83559614e-03 5.51249944e-02 -3.13200206e-01 9.10560638e-02 1.34970397e-01 7.77743399e-01 -3.72802988e-02 -1.22258291e-01 2.38214269e-01 8.60406682e-02 4.01439071e-01 -1.95190489e-01 -3.40417117e-01 1.61143780e-01 3.90247375e-01 3.69225889e-01 -4.11241427e-02 9.74928290e-02 1.53000832e-01 -2.63173044e-01 -5.58277629e-02 1.08658090e-01 5.80651999e-01 8.58142525e-02 1.65563762e-01 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4.82904958e-03 -2.46948481e-01 -3.53296131e-01 3.10029358e-01 -8.28360543e-02 5.06181903e-02 -4.42588478e-01 2.09904656e-01 -2.73564458e-01 1.25007018e-01 -2.01810580e-02 5.27876504e-02 -2.07569405e-01 -7.29429796e-02 3.49044651e-01 -3.01840067e-01 3.74028571e-02 2.10449785e-01 3.91498297e-01 4.55988318e-01 2.55674720e-01 -2.25372553e-01 -2.92922501e-02 -2.87578613e-01 2.95159698e-01 9.82663274e-01 -5.18801451e-01 -2.08214685e-01 -2.16334295e-02 1.10578008e-01 3.96291614e-02 -1.24820158e-01 5.12569509e-02 -2.79582739e-01 -3.77624124e-01 -1.99267149e-01 9.30968951e-03 -2.04547659e-01 2.21576899e-01 -1.96536347e-01 -3.16336244e-01 -4.66797240e-02 3.40615548e-02 2.45814130e-01 1.36798561e-01 -3.49983484e-01 -1.25556681e-02 1.43085895e-02 -1.64278015e-01 2.16198037e-03 7.69412339e-01 1.03001706e-01 -1.88702643e-01 3.33355591e-02 -2.57364988e-01 -8.86799693e-02 1.10833995e-01 3.70291084e-01 3.15528452e-01 -3.36283684e-01 -5.47735021e-02 -1.86750926e-02 8.92749354e-02 -6.69879187e-03 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3.25095057e-01 3.51237267e-01 4.73244786e-01 -6.31855652e-02 1.45545438e-01 2.22139545e-02 -2.78728306e-01 -1.34807853e-02 1.24148615e-01 2.09826559e-01 -2.89344847e-01 1.05679944e-01 1.80358037e-01 -6.05508238e-02 -1.65931836e-01 2.43364945e-01 3.21150333e-01 4.28400263e-02 1.20032705e-01 2.76808232e-01 -1.29041672e-01 -3.47597271e-01 1.86614349e-01 2.41830572e-01 -5.17063975e-01 3.83953564e-02 -1.97534740e-01 -1.49808303e-01 1.42849833e-01 -2.95255724e-02 1.00395344e-02 -3.67669851e-01 -2.73219466e-01 -4.88760352e-01 5.39647639e-02 -1.05000073e-02 -5.38382418e-02 1.72031343e-01 2.14672238e-01 3.54744047e-01 -3.42069492e-02 1.37186065e-01 -3.15639377e-01 4.40613329e-02 -3.46671075e-01 -9.48048010e-03 -8.65658522e-02 -1.04353622e-01 1.68331921e-01 -2.53894567e-01 6.93816617e-02 -4.11361223e-03 -7.73574412e-02 -1.17175631e-01 -2.52758026e-01 1.50221527e-01 1.11099770e-02 -1.40899941e-01 -6.96961433e-02 -1.42890319e-01 1.73188075e-02 -2.59882007e-02 -2.77255744e-01 -6.77830577e-02 2.20406473e-01 -1.11294545e-01 -1.22807249e-01 2.61221319e-01 1.52105808e-01 -1.54115558e-01 3.36697064e-02 -5.76193072e-02 2.97226399e-01 1.13180839e-01 -1.27784669e-01 -1.64847821e-01 2.90131986e-01 1.63113981e-01 9.27041471e-02 -4.49136905e-02 4.68230754e-01 1.31157503e-01 -4.49243635e-02 5.29000878e-01 -1.57468375e-02 2.47304857e-01 -4.83265936e-01 -6.86255321e-02 -1.83229432e-01 2.18992263e-01 -6.99616894e-02 -1.02619745e-01 -6.13977425e-02 6.06419742e-02 -5.25607355e-02 2.81452835e-01 5.37869148e-02 -1.75886035e-01 1.34502664e-01 1.99820682e-01 5.66338301e-01 3.37636396e-02 1.38604000e-01 5.09748086e-02 -1.44604281e-01 2.13635102e-01 2.46450514e-01 1.76184684e-01 5.57139397e-01 3.12816828e-01 1.03126302e-01 2.87945360e-01 3.48423570e-01 1.78544909e-01 2.73312509e-01 3.65206748e-01 -4.69976872e-01 2.38832578e-01 1.22420497e-01 3.42707872e-01 2.01359570e-01 1.49978191e-01 -4.93263841e-01 -2.49097776e-02 -1.54955551e-01 1.80400684e-01 2.40397871e-01 2.03096926e-01 -1.70772821e-01 -4.38108444e-02 -8.50433931e-02 -3.44069809e-01 3.51751149e-02 2.88841501e-02 -5.62153272e-02 -8.71575773e-02 1.82741567e-01 -2.15151042e-01 -3.32573056e-01 2.15224430e-01 4.49201405e-01 -1.38751879e-01 5.49279228e-02 5.94323277e-01 -1.56297058e-01 2.08873283e-02 3.03346701e-02 1.80992410e-01 1.58556819e-01 1.18227243e-01 -8.99756625e-02 -2.38438964e-01 -1.49631724e-01 -1.20079748e-01 -1.96001276e-01 5.49877882e-02 3.09412390e-01 -7.52103999e-02 2.79476438e-02 -1.74915507e-01 -4.40849155e-01 2.78674036e-01 3.71404648e-01 -4.55911085e-02 3.52036566e-01 -2.92195797e-01 -1.90287441e-01 -2.65209854e-01 4.14686576e-02 -3.09978565e-03 5.14186144e-01 -1.01493001e-01 2.03431070e-01 9.40267071e-02 -6.59658834e-02 6.82206079e-02 3.44890729e-02 1.40489280e-01 -2.92278975e-02 -4.77518022e-01 2.48740893e-02 -2.29332998e-01 -6.27400400e-03 4.63099442e-02 -5.48965871e-01 -6.18770123e-01 9.43203941e-02 2.78838784e-01 -2.90393917e-04 -1.49512529e-01 3.73495482e-02 -2.48886738e-02 2.78080404e-01 -1.16593912e-01 1.82616506e-02 5.67617491e-02 -1.28501728e-01 4.15918715e-02 -3.22169401e-02 -1.62517980e-01 1.80586486e-03 -3.06426305e-02 2.73217726e-02 -4.19069529e-01 -5.29499054e-01 -3.22708219e-01 -4.40926477e-02 5.86065233e-01 1.80562302e-01 -1.85689852e-02 -2.57903159e-01 -4.51959342e-01 -2.68184990e-01 -7.44920075e-02 -4.07197000e-03 2.28832096e-01 5.44194430e-02 2.35362053e-01 -1.57739714e-01 1.91040888e-01 2.25840107e-01 2.47970764e-02 -1.46483868e-01 -2.15696409e-01 -9.88156050e-02 -1.32826701e-01 -2.12844700e-01 2.00484797e-01 -1.74662888e-01 3.66445780e-01 2.61598766e-01 -2.33545810e-01 -2.32560426e-01 -4.28682446e-01 5.07548511e-01 -1.27414674e-01 -1.34614542e-01 1.17217079e-01 -2.01139338e-02 -1.98894188e-01 -2.61403844e-02 -6.45970345e-01 -8.63789022e-02 -4.20685969e-02 4.58678864e-02 -2.50590414e-01 -1.99061602e-01 6.92295358e-02 -2.69649267e-01 -1.74471587e-01 7.73959234e-02 1.61260635e-01 -1.47817269e-01 -2.10098505e-01 -8.96430314e-02]
"Resonance Engine" active "Item #: SCP-219 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: When not in use, SCP-219 is to be kept in a dismantled state. All of SCP-219's parts, as well as replacements for those parts, will be stored in the Engineering Division warehouse on the grounds of Site-43. SCP-219 is not to be tested within twenty-four (24) kilometers of any Foundation facility that houses Euclid or Keter-class objects. Description: SCP-219 is a mechanical device consisting primarily of an array of pistons, driven by an electric motor which can be powered by attaching it to a separate generator. The entire machine is supported by a thorium alloy frame. The outer frame of each of SCP-219's pistons are also made primarily of the same thorium alloy. Attached to the outside of SCP-219 is an ████ IBM Desktop PC, keyboard, and monitor, all shielded with shock-absorbent foam to prevent damage to them by SCP-219's vibrations. When SCP-219's computer is turned on, it automatically runs an "Earthquake Generator" program. Using the keyboard, a user can select up to twenty items from a list of commonly used construction materials, including multiple varieties of stone, soil, bricks, concrete, steel, iron, [DATA EXPUNGED] and glass. Selecting the "Other" option from the bottom of this list brings users to a different screen, enabling them to select other substances, including several types of wood, plastics, papers, and bone. A user may also choose to describe the properties of a material that is not currently on the list, name it, and save it to the list for future use. After selecting a given material, the user is asked to estimate the objects' mass, volume, and select a general shape to describe it. It is not possible to key in the composition of SCP-219 into SCP-219; any attempt to do so results in the computer displaying an error message and shutting down. After materials have been selected, the user is asked to specify a range of effect, from fifty (50) feet (distances are given in English units) to ██████ (██) miles, and set two timers: one to determine how long SCP-219 will wait before activating once the program starts running, and one to determine how long it will run after it has activated. When all criteria have been filled in, the user may select "Run" to start SCP-219 or "Start Over" to enter a different set of criteria. SCP-219 cannot be shut down once a program begins running without being dismantled or damaged. When activated, SCP-219's pistons oscillate and begin creating vibrations in the air to match the resonant frequency of the materials selected by the user. Different sets of pistons create distinct resonances. These materials begin to vibrate in turn as they are struck by air waves, eventually shattering or otherwise coming apart from the strain put on them by the oscillations. The waves created by each oscillator do not seem to have any effect on each other even when they are traveling through the same media, enabling SCP-219 to resonate with many materials simultaneously. Studies of how this is possible, or how the effect might be duplicated, have been inconclusive. SCP-219 was recovered in ███ █████████, California, after an incident in which a heavy earthquake hit a city suburb without any prior warning from seismic geologists. Eye-witness reports gathered from survivors indicated the seismic disturbance had effects similar to that of a quake registering at 8.8 on the Richter scale, over a space of only 20 kilometers. Examination of the surrounding area showed far more subtle structural damage than should be possible for a quake of any magnitude, and the bodies of multiple people who died of massive internal cranial trauma, including several cases where the entire skull had apparently exploded. Foundation Agents found SCP-219 in the rubble of a collapsed house, along with some packaging materials and spare parts. The house's previous owner was one █████████ ██████████████, who was later found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in a hotel in Boulder, Colorado. Included with the remains of the packaging was a diagram of a large funnel-shaped object attached with a complex of tubes to SCP-219, and instructions for how this "Resonance Focuser" was intended to be used. Its intended purpose, according to these instructions, was to channel the resonance-waves generated by SCP-219 on a much more linear trajectory, increasing the range of the machine in a single direction by ███%. The instructions suggest several applications for this attachment, including a makeshift offensive "wave cannon," a tunnel-carving device, and a "Resonant Annihilator" function created by turning the Focuser downwards1 and keying the composition of the Earth's core into SCP-219. The search for this missing attachment is still ongoing. Addendum: For those who wish to use SCP-219 for demolition purposes, note that SCP-219 will work most effectively if it is on level, solid ground. Also note that for buildings utilizing an internal metal frame for support, SCP-219 is better used to target the frame than the materials built around it. If SCP-219 is still running but the vibrations appear to have stopped, disconnect the power supply and check to see if the oscillators have ground away the surface underneath themselves; they may not work properly if the ground the machine is set on is also shaking. You may need to move SCP-219 to a more durable foundation to ensure that it works properly. Consult User Manual 219-01 for more information. -Dr. Chung Addendum: Despite the obvious similarities to Nikola Tesla's earthquake machine (see SCP-███-█), SCP-219 clearly must have been built at least ██ years after Tesla's [DATA EXPUNGED]. Given what we know about [DATA EXPUNGED] it is most likely that whoever built SCP-219 simply took Tesla's designs and expanded on them. -Dr. Chung « SCP-218 | SCP-219 | SCP-220 »" nan
[-4.57988501e-01 -2.59284914e-01 -1.30084753e-01 3.07100892e-01 -1.17050081e-01 -1.67519346e-01 -6.46759048e-02 1.38385557e-02 -5.04759192e-01 6.12426519e-01 8.66821781e-02 3.07931036e-01 -3.40535603e-02 -2.30229437e-01 1.50437504e-01 -1.96813837e-01 1.82471499e-02 3.59404951e-01 1.04447015e-01 -4.61366251e-02 -3.01964790e-01 -1.74056321e-01 -3.42720419e-01 2.22305030e-01 -2.47575074e-01 -3.80922407e-01 -1.84522569e-02 -1.28350362e-01 1.06004635e-02 -2.63735473e-01 6.25657886e-02 6.11551166e-01 -1.49087846e-01 4.40376341e-01 -1.10826062e-04 -1.72473013e-01 1.61638007e-01 1.66724443e-01 9.02455896e-02 1.43868610e-01 -2.58974135e-01 2.61222363e-01 -1.93871632e-01 -2.10357621e-01 1.67190224e-01 -2.36019306e-02 -2.97899023e-02 -2.24894658e-01 4.86007541e-01 1.29084796e-01 1.72625631e-01 3.09349656e-01 -1.16942227e-01 -1.91400960e-01 3.17654133e-01 5.07504083e-02 -1.67079777e-01 -8.40565115e-02 4.35175836e-01 1.59903765e-01 -1.47987768e-01 8.50952715e-02 3.42202634e-02 4.94709648e-02 4.51328874e-01 -1.01803809e-01 -3.38666141e-02 -2.81038254e-01 1.71456054e-01 4.37945813e-01 4.44911450e-01 8.57203379e-02 2.03866065e-01 -4.71453890e-02 -1.30877241e-01 -2.22572863e-01 1.61780030e-01 -2.10295558e-01 -3.37983966e-01 -2.63554364e-01 -2.40585998e-01 2.13419810e-01 -3.74064744e-01 -2.95943230e-01 9.74296704e-02 -3.85989286e-02 -1.47203982e-01 9.47735161e-02 4.80932742e-01 4.73495349e-02 -7.97097757e-02 -1.15434326e-01 3.11251968e-01 4.22087610e-02 -1.50149837e-01 2.24920716e-02 7.70414323e-02 1.08059138e-01 2.13550895e-01 4.80926707e-02 -2.87709653e-01 1.55933738e-01 1.78553849e-01 1.31019518e-01 -1.29594266e-01 4.84168120e-02 3.83041278e-02 -2.24903435e-01 -1.44639313e-01 3.92882943e-01 -3.25874150e-01 8.57986733e-02 -5.44358678e-02 -1.00019380e-01 -7.14302137e-02 -1.79840222e-01 -3.49683762e-01 -8.37894008e-02 -3.10055286e-01 1.93726525e-01 -5.47048390e-01 1.06196769e-01 -1.49363847e-02 2.60353088e-01 4.76894118e-02 2.71453764e-02 3.24532181e-01 -6.94914609e-02 -8.43110383e-02 -3.29027958e-02 -1.34752274e-01 1.78906068e-01 -2.77759135e-01 3.53744417e-01 6.27454296e-02 -2.25930125e-01 6.20632581e-02 6.79144785e-02 3.29185016e-02 -1.66473258e-02 3.29567909e-01 -1.21737188e-02 2.29250103e-01 2.75380194e-01 -1.53067902e-01 -8.25391486e-02 -2.46240586e-01 -1.97751269e-01 -1.68308571e-01 -6.24027401e-02 4.51128364e-01 9.27635282e-02 3.83500904e-02 2.46758193e-01 -1.99269071e-01 1.44264743e-01 2.48963162e-01 2.03290597e-01 2.58913753e-03 -1.90893292e-01 2.55988121e-01 2.40803331e-01 -6.53239906e-01 -7.96683878e-02 1.41456485e-01 3.49747032e-01 -4.73840535e-01 -2.41965204e-01 -2.26664454e-01 4.02830653e-02 -1.35771632e-02 2.44192723e-02 -2.30123892e-01 6.46000922e-01 -3.06618750e-01 5.42176999e-02 -2.88951039e-01 2.35809132e-01 -3.72491926e-01 -4.91289914e-01 -4.65460807e-01 1.99472293e-01 1.29496247e-01 -4.54825372e-01 1.77030385e-01 -9.69645679e-02 1.67598516e-01 -2.64995903e-01 -1.19322419e-01 -2.40055799e-01 -3.71237189e-01 -3.52371216e-01 2.86838681e-01 2.05925912e-01 1.79957077e-01 -6.53894916e-02 -9.42487642e-02 3.05979252e-01 1.31511554e-01 2.57510573e-01 -9.94843170e-02 1.18297813e-02 2.41848752e-01 -1.08246766e-01 -1.56122237e-01 -2.96809912e-01 1.04266293e-01 -2.38372572e-02 1.15993060e-01 4.83525574e-01 1.08342953e-01 4.78507318e-02 -1.80272773e-01 1.11301444e-01 -3.24151039e-01 -2.34925017e-01 2.59261847e-01 1.85760945e-01 1.62996486e-01 -2.48971269e-01 -3.09724007e-02 2.20378414e-01 7.06266239e-02 -3.01401526e-01 -5.72496891e-01 -1.29688948e-01 -3.10001105e-01 6.37350976e-02 -2.19503701e-01 -8.41451287e-02 1.22148529e-01 -3.01069953e-02 3.99902128e-02 -8.59396309e-02 -2.70921171e-01 -3.42797227e-02 -4.80660908e-02 8.97904813e-01 7.86586478e-02 7.33830035e-02 1.76083952e-01 -1.76652715e-01 2.14782253e-01 -4.36212346e-02 -1.23695612e-01 3.54659587e-01 1.83308974e-01 8.69017988e-02 -3.64186950e-02 -2.39903763e-01 4.16958779e-02 -2.21093133e-01 -3.15962583e-01 1.39393508e-01 2.97757000e-01 3.81596535e-01 2.12617606e-01 -7.03776926e-02 -9.66150407e-03 -2.12482095e-01 3.55727762e-01 -5.60130626e-02 5.51853515e-02 -7.78496489e-02 -2.28785321e-01 -2.49134883e-01 2.15303987e-01 1.32680565e-01 1.12962604e-01 2.12295204e-01 3.67597491e-02 1.24001550e-02 -3.07988584e-01 -1.65739641e-01 -3.27233933e-02 9.06860679e-02 3.74183327e-01 2.29654878e-01 -4.89554666e-02 2.05304995e-01 -5.63714445e-01 -5.00223577e-01 -1.40885159e-01 -1.85829420e-02 -2.55174991e-02 5.28401062e-02 -1.24430214e-03 3.02061170e-01 -1.48468807e-01 3.16817105e-01 2.76258700e-02 -1.90925956e-01 2.54539788e-01 5.19192703e-02 -3.39585960e-01 3.07413220e-01 8.91099572e-02 3.45223904e-01 -1.71758652e-01 2.24286303e-01 -4.54184532e-01 1.75155982e-01 -9.27285254e-02 1.93533689e-01 -2.32453629e-01 2.08829209e-01 6.89281642e-01 -1.76035568e-01 2.86129713e-01 1.71717390e-01 -1.05510183e-01 4.22019750e-01 2.05992982e-01 -2.77475297e-01 9.64372382e-02 -6.87711090e-02 5.28556481e-03 -4.17531759e-01 1.59039751e-01 -4.67536360e-01 3.39780822e-02 1.07669331e-01 -3.81290466e-02 1.00819789e-01 1.87675897e-02 -6.80242404e-02 1.13114439e-01 -1.92500278e-01 7.70077407e-02 -3.56802464e-01 1.53629139e-01 6.71017706e-01 3.84624302e-01 3.40319067e-01 -2.53743023e-01 2.07646742e-01 -1.54998630e-01 -1.08135261e-01 8.04424956e-02 6.66100010e-02 3.41069624e-02 -3.39774191e-01 -3.24691385e-01 5.27951308e-02 3.50044906e-01 2.87297145e-02 5.18960766e-02 -2.34081790e-01 5.43735266e-01 -5.34917191e-02 1.71654627e-01 6.04614079e-01 1.61351681e-01 -3.05679142e-01 -7.88769647e-02 7.74776330e-03 1.58799559e-01 1.74319401e-01 2.73808360e-01 6.59312531e-02 3.10616702e-01 8.29464663e-03 4.31613475e-01 -1.09987035e-01 -4.74989623e-01 4.20617014e-02 1.40660912e-01 1.37923524e-01 -8.90773237e-02 -4.51521203e-02 -4.98661287e-02 2.70808876e-01 -5.52850008e-01 1.83451608e-01 -1.16256073e-01 1.42139748e-01 -8.07785764e-02 -2.60348320e-02 -2.79928505e-01 -8.75370130e-02 -6.68473616e-02 2.88990527e-01 1.94731429e-01 7.33782649e-02 7.35386983e-02 1.51010215e-01 2.20386311e-01 2.48711467e-01 1.33695394e-01 6.29366040e-02 -3.60106289e-01 -2.79973567e-01 -1.27759248e-01 -2.62731105e-01 1.70714617e-01 1.40436366e-02 1.01050287e-01 -1.98965460e-01 7.22619221e-02 1.46956727e-01 -2.23776624e-01 5.83037555e-01 -2.75136679e-01 1.77216873e-01 3.11474919e-01 2.01744318e-01 8.63966867e-02 4.87161428e-02 -4.92340803e-01 -2.70994991e-01 3.44617367e-02 5.74348234e-02 -7.37466896e-03 -1.51894882e-01 -3.12974393e-01 4.23988581e-01 1.00013427e-01 3.33792180e-01 -3.32809426e-02 -5.99870801e-01 -1.66617393e-01 2.28380889e-01 8.94380957e-02 6.26432374e-02 2.48869397e-02 -2.05741562e-02 3.72083515e-01 4.14451212e-01 -4.08443920e-02 2.74236381e-01 1.78626448e-01 9.69256926e-03 -4.50677201e-02 3.69865179e-01 -7.25985840e-02 3.15443367e-01 -2.11589381e-01 7.35280365e-02 8.22620988e-02 1.21885233e-01 -1.42716661e-01 -1.27644986e-01 4.03943598e-01 -3.01849432e-02 7.96828642e-02 6.10707216e-02 4.90327746e-01 -1.67887956e-01 -8.34009573e-02 2.68385231e-01 9.04239565e-02 1.78713173e-01 -2.15880617e-01 2.34460011e-01 -5.22362627e-02 -3.72766227e-01 -5.54641197e-03 1.09636590e-01 -1.50143668e-01 4.42065567e-01 1.88751966e-01 9.78857934e-01 1.30993724e-01 -1.32310882e-01 2.84008771e-01 -1.05092088e-02 8.51394832e-02 -7.04738259e-01 1.28882110e-01 -1.10517353e-01 -2.53632635e-01 -9.09421593e-02 -9.28475112e-02 3.11627034e-02 3.66718799e-01 -4.53456938e-01 -2.72429287e-01 5.79194091e-02 -9.04524624e-02 7.32862353e-02 5.80017030e-01 1.34634092e-01 -1.92077816e-01 -1.24048069e-01 2.14811802e-01 1.99289158e-01 3.58725727e-01 -6.03556037e-02 2.93608695e-01 6.56258166e-02 -1.61112353e-01 -4.80138928e-01 7.69020692e-02 -3.68282497e-01 1.51284173e-01 -1.33343637e-01 4.40347344e-01 4.07844782e-01 -2.12261453e-01 -6.06793240e-02 1.83260560e-01 -1.70564413e-01 3.73453587e-01 3.05848211e-01 -1.51901571e-02 -7.66844228e-02 -1.27927825e-01 1.30591750e-01 -2.58217454e-02 -9.66624692e-02 6.53352290e-02 -1.07101411e-01 -2.01679334e-01 7.20805079e-02 2.15265229e-02 1.06563054e-01 1.58330367e-03 6.14066660e-01 1.34738147e-01 5.11608571e-02 -2.18735576e-01 1.64920196e-01 -2.42393017e-02 -1.64834455e-01 2.79473007e-01 3.04205772e-02 -1.67982012e-01 1.03813998e-01 6.90145493e-02 1.32378042e-01 -7.03333393e-02 8.72450918e-02 2.52412319e-01 -1.71380758e-01 -5.04389226e-01 1.84282079e-01 -2.02743094e-02 -4.23647612e-01 -9.19892220e-04 1.15783706e-01 -3.25804710e-01 -1.09424673e-01 5.91752231e-01 1.02274343e-01 -1.80590570e-01 -3.73536348e-01 9.69344378e-03 1.42804701e-02 1.05952825e-02 4.07698959e-01 3.19359899e-01 -1.99740119e-02 -2.07215592e-01 1.58011526e-01 1.17373556e-01 -4.03995812e-01 -1.49404287e-01 -2.84977019e-01 4.24164981e-02 -7.05202520e-02 -2.94663161e-01 2.36026525e-01 -1.03668712e-01 8.01291093e-02 2.60190725e-01 -3.85934979e-01 -2.33543053e-01 -1.78667560e-01 1.26631632e-01 -1.04151547e-01 -1.53257623e-01 -1.01027794e-01 1.56134844e-01 4.01218385e-02 7.23323375e-02 1.79481432e-01 2.10538805e-01 1.37451649e-01 1.43295884e-01 9.05163437e-02 3.08112949e-01 6.61036605e-03 -8.75514597e-02 1.74307510e-01 1.68135643e-01 8.92520249e-02 -3.28334644e-02 1.17866255e-01 -2.75704801e-01 -7.67993703e-02 5.62492907e-01 1.37833727e-03 -3.15849066e-01 -1.60950288e-01 6.73557818e-02 -1.78960338e-01 2.30522454e-01 1.12592116e-01 4.32121933e-01 -1.81229189e-02 -3.03118229e-01 -2.47992069e-01 2.84414232e-01 -3.39728743e-02 3.02877910e-02 -3.40141028e-01 -2.61380494e-01 2.23817021e-01 1.26948208e-01 -1.40248761e-01 -1.94140002e-01 3.20801467e-01 -6.68034703e-02 2.62797147e-01 -9.66926292e-02 1.62738338e-01 7.15034306e-02 1.70033380e-01 9.09816995e-02 1.91888347e-01 1.22735873e-01 2.27368847e-01 -2.33638644e-01 1.61011055e-01 8.33994821e-02 -2.95778699e-02 1.48732930e-01 2.70987153e-01 3.03335004e-02 8.00993592e-02 5.36694407e-01 -2.63399243e-01 -9.92557853e-02 4.83616143e-02 9.94002149e-02 6.26558810e-02 1.31702602e-01 -2.35820383e-01 -1.50461212e-01 -1.29177626e-02 -1.38213828e-01 -1.63117573e-01 -5.04257083e-01 -5.67013383e-01 -8.59389678e-02 3.23034048e-01 1.89461514e-01 7.67515302e-02 -3.13990057e-01 -3.40282246e-02 3.48877043e-01 2.50685394e-01 9.49930921e-02 -1.96013618e-02 -2.93330997e-01 -1.27888620e-01 3.83693963e-01 4.06810120e-02 -1.22116886e-01 2.37911031e-01 2.56642789e-01 -1.26544520e-01 -4.48734671e-01 3.04221034e-01 7.28923231e-02 -6.18102439e-02 -1.20895453e-01 5.25117330e-02 3.26526761e-01 -2.01146737e-01 2.80355245e-01 1.59002110e-01 -2.72799164e-01 -3.37879151e-01 1.14665434e-01 4.31871444e-01 -4.03027087e-02 -3.26655895e-01 -2.10359082e-01 4.58196886e-02 1.93394378e-01 -7.47715458e-02 -7.30924085e-02 -1.56601667e-01 -7.03765750e-02 -3.66119355e-01 -2.13823095e-02 -2.03767970e-01 9.71794724e-02 -4.29380327e-01 2.22687438e-01 3.91527295e-01 7.32068196e-02 -1.12995706e-01 -3.01400572e-01 -2.51315892e-01 1.63025856e-01 -4.64411080e-02 -2.17233464e-01 -2.15147738e-03 2.25152746e-01 1.95986345e-01 2.59679317e-01 -5.59171522e-03 4.49771173e-02 -1.33140102e-01 3.74502182e-01 -1.37448475e-01 2.89639443e-01 3.62598419e-01 -3.31918448e-02 -2.04081560e-04 -3.36941093e-01 -4.19711359e-02 -1.14359118e-01 2.49432966e-01 -2.03427941e-01 -1.37649536e-01 1.09448813e-01 7.91591704e-02 3.56321305e-01 -4.27464433e-02 2.28105873e-01 -3.14400226e-01 -1.07661992e-01 1.70233384e-01 5.56577027e-01 -1.36221200e-01 -2.96314299e-01 -6.86520860e-02 4.50692743e-01 4.11894649e-01 5.28380215e-01 -1.39394373e-01 -1.10765129e-01 1.19698986e-01 1.84909075e-01 -1.85919791e-01 1.16140574e-01 3.29003260e-02 8.12528729e-02 1.10879302e-01 1.40083179e-01 2.62219191e-01 -5.33583649e-02 -4.69355345e-01 -2.12032106e-02 2.80618727e-01 -7.54475733e-03 -4.89286900e-01 -1.30556926e-01 7.69036934e-02 -2.47513697e-01 -3.60734731e-01 -3.42441499e-01 -3.68335724e-01 -1.74404476e-02 -1.20553121e-01 -2.10042000e-01 -1.29001722e-01 -1.09292753e-01 -2.63300717e-01 -3.26055326e-02 5.21080256e-01 2.14283913e-01 -9.14868414e-02 -5.55581391e-01 -2.36390039e-01]
"Two's Company" active "Item #: SCP-220 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-220 is housed in an empty condominium on property recently acquired by Research Sector-09. The subject believes the building to be occupied by other residents, and should be allowed to persist in this belief. A false bus stop has been installed near the building's entrance; this measure has proven sufficient in deterring SCP-220 from wandering outside the containment perimeter. SCP-220 exhibits trepidation when venturing beyond the building's lobby, most likely due to mobility challenges; the subject will sometimes remain seated at the bus stop for upwards of one hour, before returning indoors. SCP-220's room has been provided with a telephone connected to an automated recording service, ostensibly a courtesy of the residence; dietary, medical, and recreational needs are to be ascertained from these recordings and several live video feeds. New requests should be submitted to Dr. Hart for approval or denial. In light of Incident 220-P, only D-class subjects are approved for in-person contact with SCP-220 and should be immediately quarantined after testing, in accordance with Sector-09's Type 2 Contagion Procedure. Description: SCP-220 is a multiracial, English-speaking human male, aged 76 years as of 5/15/12. SCP-220 presents behaviors symptomatic of dissociative identity disorder, alternately referring to himself and behaving as one of two distinct identities. It is uncertain whether SCP-220 is affected by a psychological disorder or is deliberately playing the role of two persons. In SCP-220's public and private behavior, the identity of "Ormond Garibaldi" alternates with that of "Ollie G████" (a name which corresponds with the subject's birth certificate). Any individual who interacts with SCP-220 in person will be fully convinced that these identities are two separate persons. Two variations of this phenomenon have been observed: Despite the anomalous nature of these conversations, test subjects never exhibit fear or distress during or when asked to recall time spent with SCP-220. The effects of SCP-220 are irreversible, regardless of whether an individual is informed of SCP-220's nature before and/or after the in-person test. Within 4-6 hours of contact with SCP-220, affected individuals will begin to display signs of slight disorientation — forgetting their purpose in entering a room or the subject of a conversation. This disorientation gives way to a permanent state of identity confusion: affected individuals will begin to perceive every person they come into contact with as two distinct individuals. The afflicted will address a single person either as if they are speaking to two people at once, or alternating between two distinct conversations. The majority of affected subjects perceive one of these illusory identities as a close friend or relative, regardless of appearances or whether their conversational partner is a stranger or acquaintance. excerpt from the notes of Dr. Hart The secondary effects of contact with SCP-220 were discovered accidentally, during psychiatric evaluation of D-7905 by Dr. Palermo. 24 hours had elapsed since D-7905's exposure to SCP-220; the affected individual's confusion and disorientation had increased, to the point of several times referring to Dr. Palermo as his father. Thirty minutes into the interview, recordings indicate that Dr. Palermo also began to display signs of confusion and disorientation, alternately addressing the interviewee as D-7905 and his son. The effects of SCP-220 were determined to be highly contagious, spread via in-person contact (including eye-contact with no accompanying verbalizations). Five individuals were subsequently quarantined; D-class subjects were terminated. Dr. Palermo's condition has deteriorated from identity confusion to a state resembling advanced Alzheimer's disease. The contagiousness of these symptoms has been proven to increase with their severity. Individuals who observe SCP-220 via audio or audiovisual recordings demonstrate no anomalous effects, provided that these recordings do not take the form of a two-way conversation with SCP-220. Addendum 1: On 1/26/12, SCP-220 sustained serious bruising after a fall. D-9120, under pretense of being one of the building's residents, was instructed to assess the subject's injuries. SCP-220's emotional distress was observed to exacerbate its anomalous effect on D-9120, who became rapidly disoriented, forgetting her objective. D-9002 was instructed to retrieve D-9120 from the containment site, and was indisposed by these symptoms at a notably slower rate. D-9120 and D-9002 were subsequently quarantined and remotely euthanized. Addendum 2: The following is the complete list of requests made by SCP-220 via phone. Granted requests and meals are supplied while SCP-220 is occupied with the daily ritual of walking five times around the building's lobby. Denied requests are communicated by a note of apology from the condominium's "manager", citing the item's unavailability. Requests made by SCP-220 while identifying as "Ormond": -Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (granted) -a pair of silk house slippers (granted) -a French coffee press, grinder, and coffee beans (denied; safety concerns) -an electric kettle (granted) -a request that management post his open invitation to a chess tournament for other guests to see (denied; denial phrased as "best postponed until the busy season") Requests made by SCP-220 while identifying as "Ollie": -a picture of his wife (denied; records indicate that Ollie G████ was never married granted; with permission of Dr. Hart, Assistant Researcher Evans has supplied a photograph of her deceased grandmother) -Tylenol PM (granted; dosage limited to two tablets) -an address book (granted; SCP-220 has been observed to write in this book frequently) -a request for a call to be put through to his granddaughter (denied; SCP-220 has no record of family— denial phrased as "number unavailable") -a bicycle (denied) -a guide to birdwatching in Florida (granted) -a pair of binoculars (granted) -a chess set (granted; SCP-220 has been recorded spending upward of four hours engaged with the chess board, crossing back and forth to play each side) « SCP-219 | SCP-220 | SCP-221 » Cite this page as: "SCP-220" by (user deleted), from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: oldcouple%20%281%29-new.jpg Author(s): Mildiou, Elogee FishTruck does not match any existing user name License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Link Derivative of: Flickr For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Still frame of SCP-220 in containment"
[ 1.68306425e-01 3.19358885e-01 -5.16400747e-02 -3.38630229e-02 -7.99619257e-02 -2.59066939e-01 6.84692144e-01 -1.25503600e-01 4.65260804e-01 1.42668486e-01 -9.08406302e-02 -5.09697981e-02 -1.58483610e-01 2.56842285e-01 -1.34570092e-01 -4.48709838e-02 3.91596593e-02 8.98362771e-02 2.22553283e-01 -1.28034085e-01 -1.69668868e-01 1.17104324e-02 -3.03862765e-02 3.18109572e-01 -1.80092782e-01 -1.48918122e-01 2.98016727e-01 1.76810816e-01 1.12538144e-01 -4.78988998e-02 1.97512910e-01 4.95732397e-01 -6.17686100e-02 5.04418433e-01 -1.10216570e-04 -1.96818054e-01 1.16322570e-01 2.75945906e-02 -8.49252343e-02 1.34557914e-02 -5.30195087e-02 4.33580071e-01 4.20535058e-02 -2.82660693e-01 -1.45452365e-01 9.98472199e-02 1.29163871e-02 2.19450027e-01 8.04753840e-01 1.26497597e-01 1.27794757e-01 -1.44485667e-01 4.79843840e-02 -9.16505828e-02 9.05339792e-02 -1.14931487e-01 7.81402811e-02 -2.27258995e-01 2.05235839e-01 -6.67187795e-02 3.60772192e-01 8.67383704e-02 -3.93807918e-01 -1.69062510e-01 -1.44244537e-01 -1.91066593e-01 -5.58594652e-02 -2.62816679e-02 3.59963536e-01 4.78574872e-01 3.35015394e-02 1.06823772e-01 1.53725803e-01 1.24005891e-01 2.45482877e-01 5.61866872e-02 3.94095927e-01 -2.28540465e-01 -1.35370493e-01 1.84693262e-01 -2.35697389e-01 2.19651923e-01 -2.77719826e-01 -1.00684546e-01 -4.09151316e-01 2.93175101e-01 1.51141537e-02 3.01333278e-01 2.48010904e-02 -1.53957918e-01 -6.88700527e-02 1.57697991e-01 1.82416096e-01 -5.19208126e-02 -4.13917005e-02 -1.22309655e-01 1.43207580e-01 -1.69696674e-01 9.92256999e-02 -3.50787677e-02 1.87688783e-01 -4.50125188e-02 -1.81182906e-01 8.01598206e-02 2.24542528e-01 2.76520532e-02 9.76507068e-02 -2.11090982e-01 -8.25903937e-02 2.28885874e-01 1.28259599e-01 2.39694044e-01 -5.84954560e-01 -2.92260330e-02 7.32220784e-02 6.03472255e-02 -2.42361799e-01 -1.67783648e-01 -4.32135403e-01 5.17970085e-01 -4.16909635e-01 7.93343037e-02 2.16853425e-01 4.59452271e-01 2.26493940e-01 4.17180389e-01 -4.92796898e-02 -2.74646252e-01 7.22409561e-02 -2.52220899e-01 -1.78374767e-01 5.22632664e-03 -1.43411919e-01 -8.66978168e-02 -5.60419597e-02 -5.62669374e-02 -4.00091941e-03 4.30707820e-03 3.20292376e-02 2.38045469e-01 3.91833521e-02 -1.66443139e-01 5.49200535e-01 2.15543717e-01 -4.95942272e-02 -1.44616932e-01 -5.00679165e-02 -4.09139454e-01 -3.00689638e-02 -1.46657154e-02 1.84149534e-01 9.25931111e-02 -5.34624457e-01 2.10725531e-01 -8.52471441e-02 4.67860177e-02 6.52282774e-01 4.86433469e-02 1.56659544e-01 -5.88790417e-01 1.69654578e-01 -1.47875205e-01 1.32379577e-01 -1.73798040e-01 6.59911335e-02 3.13758165e-01 1.30156294e-01 -1.55966535e-01 1.51024833e-01 -1.08626246e-01 1.73025668e-01 2.79626120e-02 -1.31019086e-01 -1.72220469e-01 6.22408614e-02 -9.03664827e-02 -3.04723948e-01 -8.13656524e-02 -2.20473468e-01 -2.15268955e-01 -5.02847791e-01 3.17126513e-01 4.91471201e-01 -1.61882177e-01 -1.12484194e-01 5.45176268e-02 -2.82245845e-01 7.96107501e-02 1.13256767e-01 1.88734999e-03 -2.38192439e-01 -2.26669788e-01 3.84617984e-01 -1.11735407e-02 -8.12239796e-02 -2.26903304e-01 -1.37650982e-01 3.04171205e-01 3.05015773e-01 1.98270649e-01 -1.00026011e-01 -2.25209028e-01 4.72761318e-02 2.20109403e-01 -9.03161243e-02 1.03913076e-01 2.67339256e-02 -3.14575106e-01 3.47434193e-01 1.28734022e-01 3.60086620e-01 -2.08609641e-01 -2.59433657e-01 -3.93890850e-02 -4.54122573e-02 -2.78939277e-01 1.88054591e-01 2.67260283e-01 1.80890277e-01 -1.59263611e-01 -1.99532267e-02 5.32056868e-01 -4.00480255e-02 -1.99831173e-01 -3.28251988e-01 7.50965858e-03 -1.00436054e-01 1.95288166e-01 -2.33065486e-01 3.00670117e-01 1.89517036e-01 4.09943052e-02 2.38986552e-01 1.02542125e-01 -9.87679958e-02 2.48708073e-02 1.98929474e-01 5.51553488e-01 -1.46387085e-01 1.87602043e-01 -4.18107100e-02 -1.80651739e-01 4.01007771e-01 2.16116607e-02 -4.82289732e-01 3.74442279e-01 1.05921671e-01 1.12070106e-01 -1.76146105e-01 1.17463455e-01 3.36322844e-01 -4.45781827e-01 -1.32547706e-01 1.11373805e-01 2.06423551e-02 -7.53911287e-02 -5.28423488e-01 2.37378538e-01 -1.49195850e-01 4.47199225e-01 -5.24420217e-02 5.32013886e-02 7.42608607e-02 -6.81801140e-02 1.07788503e-01 -3.57588828e-01 7.51638925e-03 4.65377897e-01 -9.09529328e-02 1.87703535e-01 -1.24686368e-01 -4.08438027e-01 -1.50027096e-01 -8.31855685e-02 7.78873311e-03 -2.47048855e-01 -3.61276269e-02 4.59973991e-01 2.22107679e-01 3.01364541e-01 3.16500460e-04 -6.12366974e-01 3.28824446e-02 -2.38028970e-02 -3.41143161e-01 4.32329848e-02 7.31421560e-02 -9.99604613e-02 2.37753224e-02 3.62137318e-01 2.84968391e-02 -2.57151593e-02 2.94918418e-02 1.78328246e-01 -4.32720408e-02 -8.58922675e-02 9.67013985e-02 4.26589727e-01 -2.33830839e-01 1.21631371e-02 -7.26132691e-02 -1.35194048e-01 1.17239334e-01 1.37396425e-01 -1.11769021e-01 -8.20141584e-02 3.86014521e-01 -4.29333419e-01 -4.60961074e-01 1.74597427e-01 -3.99801701e-01 1.37194082e-01 1.52501971e-01 -4.93268341e-01 2.33291462e-01 -1.89218417e-01 -6.70411251e-03 -6.31144524e-01 -5.09766750e-02 -4.52153236e-01 -1.84586838e-01 1.05850428e-01 -9.09289271e-02 -2.12059245e-01 5.66201843e-03 -1.96001958e-03 1.18786588e-01 6.24723956e-02 1.76003575e-01 -1.21899307e-01 6.82889223e-02 7.25005716e-02 -1.51446074e-01 2.29381651e-01 -2.61101156e-01 1.97840557e-01 -5.42390049e-01 -3.63088369e-01 -1.22484386e-01 -1.57417238e-01 4.35007140e-02 -1.35484770e-01 -2.69634545e-01 2.09369391e-01 -7.28926510e-02 -9.50356945e-02 -4.18206841e-01 4.42704782e-02 -8.03616717e-02 -9.50368196e-02 -2.41216794e-01 4.71010655e-01 -1.32702608e-02 -2.44305819e-01 -1.27767950e-01 -2.72238493e-01 1.74822971e-01 1.17750533e-01 2.75032848e-01 -5.43435067e-02 -9.62803736e-02 1.66867390e-01 3.87552023e-01 2.83390433e-01 1.63593702e-02 -1.72026083e-01 4.69008796e-02 -8.59112442e-02 2.94044495e-01 -2.50714570e-01 4.98596042e-01 1.29362017e-01 -3.88925463e-01 2.30320245e-01 -2.90478051e-01 -1.54203072e-01 -1.04957655e-01 3.45551260e-02 -6.14935279e-01 -1.55329555e-01 -1.05584569e-01 5.99998236e-01 2.37736836e-01 -7.83355907e-02 -3.24345738e-01 -9.39502567e-02 -1.25945583e-01 -7.00630397e-02 3.02265286e-01 4.62822281e-02 -1.70583487e-01 -2.17878535e-01 -7.87542462e-02 -2.19785273e-01 1.78831905e-01 -1.35336095e-03 6.98556900e-02 -4.94384080e-01 -2.34314293e-01 2.44666517e-01 -4.52982575e-01 2.98896760e-01 2.41089195e-01 2.58398771e-01 3.46190333e-01 2.01255735e-02 -9.40209106e-02 -7.01176410e-04 -2.12585747e-01 -1.57319933e-01 1.68598369e-01 -4.38193351e-01 -3.31224173e-01 -1.00349352e-01 5.24245024e-01 -4.38998491e-01 -1.13904774e-01 1.62620038e-01 1.92373931e-01 -3.70690942e-01 8.24623182e-02 6.99983239e-02 7.04432465e-03 1.87787592e-01 -2.11592153e-01 3.34492093e-03 2.69362777e-01 2.80808896e-01 4.33283180e-01 3.35170656e-01 -6.62283674e-02 3.89492750e-01 -5.35127185e-02 5.21531224e-01 4.44918185e-01 4.52111214e-01 4.14781839e-01 6.63912818e-02 6.42955154e-02 1.67966023e-01 -1.90435708e-01 2.76652753e-01 7.31548667e-01 -3.15487050e-02 -1.54685393e-01 -3.09491605e-01 3.87795419e-01 7.55454376e-02 6.77442029e-02 3.70377064e-01 2.01557979e-01 2.17579976e-01 -9.92070884e-02 1.30648300e-01 9.59304348e-03 -4.38314885e-01 -1.89388156e-01 3.89783606e-02 1.32961214e-01 4.91975844e-01 1.46659330e-01 1.19170129e+00 1.90556690e-01 3.34200233e-01 1.13921262e-01 -5.45999944e-01 2.13594913e-01 -2.94797659e-01 -1.89895913e-01 -1.61462784e-01 3.39152575e-01 -4.70373444e-02 -1.39936656e-01 -4.19270582e-02 2.47007042e-01 -3.29808831e-01 -2.60968894e-01 -8.01392317e-01 -2.87294865e-01 1.02778837e-01 3.31732929e-01 -7.00575560e-02 1.11611076e-02 7.41775274e-01 2.21238598e-01 6.99230954e-02 1.02036884e-02 -1.43000195e-02 -5.84862046e-02 -2.43466243e-01 -2.84053981e-02 -3.06975484e-01 -1.51533872e-01 -3.34476709e-01 -4.29045379e-01 -8.65082890e-02 -1.76650435e-01 2.87330955e-01 1.79343864e-01 1.59623250e-02 -3.27945858e-01 -1.12168923e-01 1.34294420e-01 3.11119378e-01 1.93695277e-02 7.03341514e-02 1.63429826e-02 2.88886487e-01 3.60011533e-02 -3.06538697e-02 9.16209295e-02 -1.09304693e-02 2.43621603e-01 -2.13346690e-01 6.36775643e-02 6.27040982e-01 -3.95085990e-01 4.79359657e-01 4.36154217e-01 -1.24131531e-01 -3.00536722e-01 1.42835453e-01 4.04431596e-02 -2.77650297e-01 -1.98322713e-01 -4.45121108e-03 -1.06436975e-01 -7.91709274e-02 1.11963145e-01 1.05577871e-01 1.11830808e-01 1.31964982e-01 -1.95083231e-01 -1.18121356e-01 -4.17070866e-01 -1.16247058e-01 2.26658031e-01 -3.90700668e-01 -1.00619726e-01 1.66665331e-01 -5.74683666e-01 -2.12602362e-01 1.48372263e-01 7.62916580e-02 1.97487488e-01 -1.86097503e-01 -2.20412195e-01 4.09129649e-01 1.25674680e-01 1.65174413e-03 2.26668388e-01 7.55499164e-03 5.46618521e-01 -6.94056600e-02 3.09302807e-01 -3.93736720e-01 -2.11861208e-02 -2.74781942e-01 2.47618183e-02 9.69311148e-02 -2.80084133e-01 -8.25338066e-02 -1.14051618e-01 1.53009400e-01 -1.62105173e-01 -6.86321259e-02 -2.07667753e-01 -3.19003731e-01 1.57487392e-01 -2.46678993e-01 -3.25118124e-01 9.22608748e-02 1.08339740e-02 -8.55547637e-02 3.25695798e-02 1.59574047e-01 2.72845507e-01 2.91590780e-01 3.70674312e-01 -1.20468043e-01 5.36024421e-02 -1.12484500e-01 5.34340404e-02 9.51147974e-02 2.69170940e-01 -3.12740028e-01 2.54355103e-01 -2.53759325e-01 -2.02864155e-01 3.39877188e-01 3.79899949e-01 -1.52753845e-01 -2.82671660e-01 7.09873140e-02 9.83393788e-02 -1.80253148e-01 3.37357402e-01 1.29009083e-01 1.75755829e-01 -3.39512318e-01 1.31604850e-01 1.01665065e-01 2.78551191e-01 -9.78665203e-02 1.41617507e-01 -5.25291301e-02 8.42258111e-02 -1.59131676e-01 2.77039886e-01 -8.02841485e-02 -1.47428483e-01 2.31757879e-01 -6.77352697e-02 -1.89573262e-02 1.38948649e-01 6.05116971e-02 8.72858241e-02 -3.31796914e-01 -6.96180537e-02 2.57493407e-01 -3.27508152e-02 8.47363546e-02 2.17989907e-02 4.26514655e-01 -2.02220283e-04 5.51740192e-02 6.49360716e-01 2.46164754e-01 1.81780532e-01 -2.39103302e-01 -7.32776523e-02 -2.60312319e-01 1.80004328e-01 -4.45541888e-02 7.53903806e-01 -3.39624882e-01 -9.59174260e-02 -2.77443051e-01 4.81841043e-02 1.03740003e-02 1.55234160e-02 -1.43378317e-01 -2.17109025e-01 -5.50705850e-01 -3.10782969e-01 3.88372578e-02 2.14500856e-02 8.18388015e-02 2.32989267e-01 -2.23055631e-02 -3.61000478e-01 -4.21508998e-01 -5.71265444e-03 3.63896102e-01 -2.80969799e-01 1.50522441e-01 4.58714306e-01 -3.55640016e-02 3.15923274e-01 4.30438548e-01 5.15684605e-01 -2.88040280e-01 3.38417776e-02 -2.92921633e-01 -2.00295180e-01 -3.88075858e-02 -1.60621583e-01 1.18595488e-01 1.67324483e-01 -3.85294616e-01 -4.29711901e-02 1.32181853e-01 -2.08689719e-01 -2.51615405e-01 9.18550715e-02 2.85176754e-01 1.04060136e-02 2.29223520e-01 -3.15652490e-01 2.80666072e-02 -2.87186354e-02 1.17678210e-01 -3.05335283e-01 -6.87719956e-02 -3.69983494e-01 -1.09338358e-01 3.76007080e-01 -3.10785592e-01 4.38553020e-02 -1.39097080e-01 6.93465546e-02 -1.74411356e-01 2.07601994e-01 1.85069954e-03 -3.39168429e-01 5.41776512e-03 3.07698041e-01 2.12458335e-03 -4.16408390e-01 9.62274056e-03 1.44077569e-01 2.74304040e-02 1.74180865e-01 1.53392881e-01 -3.35539021e-02 5.82500212e-02 1.52186736e-01 -2.51449883e-01 3.73047501e-01 4.13891852e-01 -1.46693528e-01 1.49475068e-01 -1.05804667e-01 2.60590106e-01 -1.60320532e-02 8.98228884e-02 1.12999171e-01 -2.44075477e-01 1.78572461e-01 2.82904178e-01 1.93730533e-01 1.63243309e-01 4.54302132e-01 -1.87461793e-01 2.50603765e-01 2.05315918e-01 1.35269046e-01 -3.13944936e-01 1.12409040e-01 2.75117159e-01 1.43210426e-01 -9.58985742e-03 1.91892803e-01 6.06375992e-01 -1.22908339e-01 -9.35232714e-02 2.45999262e-01 -6.67656898e-01 -3.02116603e-01 5.86352386e-02 1.46141917e-01 -2.72222646e-02 4.97783959e-01 7.16802925e-02 -2.88933039e-01 -3.06162596e-01 -2.24024385e-01 5.11517167e-01 -2.68653836e-02 -2.61479300e-02 -9.47585255e-02 1.40944391e-01 -1.17797844e-01 -3.10222059e-02 -3.41012864e-03 7.10713789e-02 -9.68163684e-02 5.85559793e-02 -3.68138403e-01 -1.30231604e-01 -1.85837716e-01 -1.90758646e-01 -9.15443823e-02 7.00228522e-03 2.07257792e-01 -7.24595785e-02 -1.88568324e-01 7.38852546e-02]
"Compulsion Tweezers" active "Item #: SCP-221 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-221 is to be kept in a locked container where it cannot be removed except for further testing by Security Clearance Level 2 Personnel. The container is a 15.25 cm by 15.25 cm steel box with a cushioned interior, with an internal locking system. The container is to be placed in a locked room, with a guard to ensure that SCP-221 is not taken. Description: SCP-221 is a pair of tweezers made out of gold, made in the 16th or 17th century. After subject testing it was noted that the damaged areas which had been used to gather material samples were smaller than they had been prior to the test. It is currently theorized that SCP-221 uses the minute amounts of gold in the human body to regenerate damage to itself. Subject testing revealed that SCP-221 creates a highly focused case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in any person which uses it on their own body. Subjects will utilize SCP-221 to slowly remove any and all hair from their body, before removing finger and toenails, as well as teeth, culminating with the removal of organs, both the external, such as the eyes and skin, and the internal, such as the liver and pancreas, using their hands if SCP-221 is not effective (though SCP-221 will never be set aside during this process, and remains gripped in one of the subject's hands). If SCP-221 is taken away from the subject, they become violent and manic, and will use their hands to continue the process, albeit in a less careful manner. It is to be noted that the progression of this behavior is different for each subject, but no less fatal. SCP-221 came into Foundation possession after reports of a human being who was [DATA EXPUNGED]. Foundation personnel retrieved SCP-221 within 10 hours of the original report. Addendum: Test Log 221-1: The test subject, a Class-D, was ordered to use SCP-221 to remove his eyebrow hair. While the subject was initially unenthusiastic about his task, after the first 10 minutes he began to more actively pluck out his own eyebrow hair, and after completely denuding his brow, moved on to plucking out his eyelashes, despite repeated assertions that the test was over. When released after SCP-221 was taken out of the room, he began to pluck out his eyelashes with his own fingers, completely removing all of them before moving on to his toenails. The subject completely removed his toe and fingernails, before yelling and smashing his own face against a wall. The reason for this outburst became apparent when he reached into his mouth and began ripping out his now loosened teeth. Eventually the subject died from blood loss and shock, halfway through the task of pulling out his own internal organs. Test Log 221-2: The test subjects were two Class-D personnel, Test Subject 1, ordered to use SCP-221 on the other Class-D, Test Subject 2. After 15 minutes, the test subjects began to argue about how the holder of SCP-221 was using it on the other. The test subjects began to fight for use of SCP-221, Test Subject 1 used SCP-221 to stab Test Subject 2 through the eye, piercing into the brain, immediately killing him. Test Subject 1 began to use SCP-221 to remove his own eyelashes, continuing to his teeth and eyes. Test Subject 1 died of blood loss, after removing 73% of the skin on his body. « SCP-220 | SCP-221 | SCP-222 »" nan
[ 4.22254086e-01 -2.62736201e-01 -1.70757994e-01 4.46586730e-03 -4.02451694e-01 -2.18825098e-02 3.51229995e-01 2.39166036e-01 6.45663291e-02 2.35237047e-01 1.41675875e-01 -6.02753609e-02 -4.25616324e-01 -2.08565071e-01 1.03784055e-01 5.90015166e-02 -2.21355751e-01 3.62795562e-01 -3.16331476e-01 -7.89342970e-02 2.46773317e-01 8.61025066e-04 -4.00554478e-01 3.29067051e-01 1.10689834e-01 -3.25316846e-01 4.03506786e-01 -2.50920188e-02 2.59850770e-01 -2.52187759e-01 3.56510356e-02 2.69188404e-01 -2.47801527e-01 3.79136533e-01 -1.13832073e-04 -1.68994263e-01 9.34845954e-02 7.49975517e-02 2.79375836e-02 1.44675955e-01 -3.25545758e-01 -2.15692654e-01 9.59154814e-02 -1.95655093e-01 -4.83930148e-02 1.89689808e-02 9.15887728e-02 -1.35498375e-01 2.60646492e-01 3.73283893e-01 1.85728118e-01 2.48383939e-01 1.98451847e-01 5.19349687e-02 5.07994652e-01 2.15466872e-01 -3.12913537e-01 -4.50190932e-01 3.69780272e-01 -1.81185624e-05 2.80285209e-01 -6.08792342e-02 -2.41892725e-01 6.76010773e-02 1.98307067e-01 -3.85083854e-01 1.11350350e-01 -3.63661617e-01 3.21433127e-01 2.41287366e-01 -1.76088318e-01 4.17616256e-02 3.85417759e-01 -2.32006818e-01 -1.33750632e-01 -2.83829384e-02 -6.20331205e-02 1.40810713e-01 -4.31800336e-02 2.07799196e-01 -5.19107319e-02 2.07152992e-01 -1.45364612e-01 2.13249470e-03 1.17283151e-01 -3.32407087e-01 -2.13048056e-01 6.61551505e-02 4.87743646e-01 -2.53934354e-01 7.39553617e-03 -2.06883907e-01 1.18094370e-01 3.33145112e-01 -1.21860258e-01 -5.28298877e-02 2.95423239e-01 -7.28062913e-02 2.57744253e-01 2.50519216e-01 -4.63859327e-02 4.11230028e-02 -1.42519623e-01 3.52327786e-02 -1.65087819e-01 -1.84582849e-03 -2.19701044e-02 -3.60287845e-01 -2.43519455e-01 2.11716499e-02 -9.63583142e-02 4.60095048e-01 3.40006649e-01 -1.88329846e-01 2.60875404e-01 -2.53955752e-01 -1.71353877e-01 -1.98868528e-01 -2.86461085e-01 4.01554585e-01 -8.42660725e-01 -1.22417375e-01 -2.68036604e-01 -1.10015914e-01 4.08624738e-01 1.00130759e-01 3.89243104e-02 -1.88007265e-01 -3.71003300e-02 1.45536482e-01 -2.15299040e-01 2.19602540e-01 -1.85709223e-01 2.46325452e-02 -1.62615702e-02 -1.93795532e-01 -1.59767151e-01 -4.22532037e-02 -6.76163062e-02 -1.10513873e-01 2.23006174e-01 -4.65695821e-02 6.36263490e-01 3.57381195e-01 -2.86709875e-01 -1.22999409e-02 -2.31873125e-01 -2.12496027e-01 -1.10754177e-01 1.36267364e-01 3.29968154e-01 1.80258602e-02 -4.15717006e-01 1.94466084e-01 -5.43146372e-01 1.63114712e-01 5.55458307e-01 3.04821990e-02 3.22335921e-02 2.81101644e-01 2.01090276e-01 -2.24083543e-01 1.84625641e-01 -1.20526798e-01 3.21339369e-02 2.19580591e-01 -3.95308197e-01 -1.59027517e-01 9.58890170e-02 3.93350981e-02 -2.47843698e-01 2.54451215e-01 -1.49932206e-01 4.64684755e-01 -2.09298134e-01 5.30085266e-01 -5.17894141e-02 1.40965870e-02 -2.35569283e-01 -4.31517392e-01 -4.93059188e-01 5.75671911e-01 1.87087074e-01 -2.91188270e-01 -2.44088769e-01 2.79155150e-02 -3.56791019e-01 -2.28220746e-01 3.25633883e-01 -2.10791871e-01 -3.89190674e-01 -5.91772616e-01 2.04243854e-01 1.73843339e-01 3.34329635e-01 -2.11709142e-01 2.07826480e-01 -1.20566696e-01 2.87376672e-01 -1.18308224e-01 -2.36326978e-01 -5.96216656e-02 4.36909288e-01 2.39797369e-01 -2.38257170e-01 -1.98655203e-01 -1.23883814e-01 -1.11339688e-01 6.08667970e-01 2.04226181e-01 -1.78640798e-01 3.31582911e-02 -3.60495746e-02 -1.17067665e-01 -1.78986862e-01 -8.68995339e-02 1.47803649e-01 2.82118559e-01 3.22401553e-01 -5.17673157e-02 -1.08544014e-01 1.03149407e-01 1.98030531e-01 -2.43709266e-01 -4.48976964e-01 -2.03843508e-02 -1.15934044e-01 -1.88441515e-01 -1.86685696e-01 1.42326593e-01 1.68089926e-01 -2.87351340e-01 1.17692463e-01 -1.32878289e-01 -1.56568646e-01 -2.50666827e-01 6.35299012e-02 1.16939986e+00 -1.97542757e-01 -2.28039816e-01 1.21340752e-01 2.28661567e-01 -3.27060260e-02 -8.18958692e-03 -1.47257030e-01 3.11078966e-01 3.85383576e-01 1.68816280e-02 -8.82711932e-02 -8.59148502e-02 -1.19033813e-01 -3.15222859e-01 -1.17074251e-01 4.58750278e-02 1.74876228e-01 -3.89945805e-02 -2.41487697e-01 -4.63307798e-02 -2.92970836e-01 1.45938978e-01 3.66036683e-01 -8.16454813e-02 1.96374133e-01 -1.51582137e-01 8.93511903e-03 -1.78465769e-01 -3.79608870e-02 2.47764722e-01 1.43914953e-01 1.60427049e-01 -3.25751930e-01 -1.10859722e-01 8.37216675e-02 -2.98022747e-01 -8.10335949e-03 1.57428399e-01 -1.14151426e-02 2.36682355e-01 3.53489012e-01 1.70767426e-01 -1.38411924e-01 -2.79158294e-01 -1.66701183e-01 -4.28543650e-02 -1.89008445e-01 -4.48037833e-02 -1.42672509e-01 4.56890203e-02 -6.62241653e-02 3.94600391e-01 1.38755739e-01 -1.25633538e-01 5.86317554e-02 2.19285890e-01 -2.28742167e-01 7.97194242e-02 -5.68857640e-02 6.32976532e-01 -1.33542046e-01 2.58664917e-02 -3.38749111e-01 1.52282864e-01 -1.27239451e-01 5.09270355e-02 -1.48461582e-02 -1.44514292e-01 3.76833916e-01 1.31042593e-03 1.20816886e-01 -2.22661942e-01 -2.80485034e-01 2.09699884e-01 3.96182686e-02 -2.29743898e-01 3.22496623e-01 -2.02476785e-01 8.59702826e-02 -4.18451160e-01 -1.94087148e-01 -3.60446095e-01 -2.14788243e-02 3.71344015e-02 9.63089764e-02 1.42255157e-01 -2.11535424e-01 1.85787931e-01 -2.16809914e-01 1.03181377e-02 3.00424933e-01 1.30432650e-01 1.13356188e-01 6.36447608e-01 -7.61363134e-02 3.56655002e-01 -6.30219579e-02 2.89046824e-01 -1.07930437e-01 -3.58436614e-01 9.83361006e-02 -9.81033593e-02 -1.37431085e-01 -2.33881637e-01 -1.68029428e-01 -3.45072784e-02 2.18727529e-01 -4.18843031e-01 8.38795677e-02 -1.50891915e-01 4.69422102e-01 -9.11314562e-02 3.87959518e-02 3.57371241e-01 1.65209964e-01 -1.85008794e-01 -6.49555400e-02 -2.39331812e-01 1.59982324e-01 -3.71485129e-02 3.26500162e-02 -9.90555063e-02 -5.38140424e-02 4.98634934e-01 6.81624830e-01 -3.83517116e-01 -5.14343023e-01 -1.08449310e-01 1.08764917e-01 -5.75304404e-02 -4.38098470e-03 -2.08667934e-01 5.03619611e-02 3.14693898e-01 -1.57799438e-01 1.78837836e-01 -1.86537534e-01 -4.16765511e-02 2.04064488e-01 2.17301503e-01 -4.87485886e-01 -2.15322673e-01 1.03216894e-01 -1.63767457e-01 2.45306805e-01 -4.67059128e-02 9.97541621e-02 3.62119600e-02 8.76927562e-03 1.05855599e-01 3.31797227e-02 9.41622704e-02 -3.89173068e-02 -1.94093868e-01 5.42900898e-02 8.64838362e-02 2.42627472e-01 -6.44988045e-02 2.40615100e-01 -3.26895058e-01 -3.39354187e-01 3.42770785e-01 -2.61485010e-01 1.80490855e-02 3.71373147e-02 4.77855235e-01 4.87475574e-01 -1.07245587e-01 -7.79174417e-02 -3.01105946e-01 -2.82864630e-01 -8.13259557e-02 3.23771656e-01 -4.78593446e-02 -2.68693537e-01 -3.46665382e-01 3.44167829e-01 2.42226757e-02 -2.86006518e-02 1.56747669e-01 3.79828840e-01 -7.68470109e-01 -1.81616142e-01 1.70749784e-01 7.81372711e-02 2.18796790e-01 -1.29257694e-01 5.12301475e-02 -3.29151074e-03 -4.73550847e-03 3.67768586e-01 1.42816320e-01 -3.37112367e-01 4.05770451e-01 -5.35453781e-02 1.03265092e-01 1.08333662e-01 1.54597819e-01 -4.22230482e-01 4.25309867e-01 2.22740948e-01 -4.65065800e-02 -1.35380164e-01 1.01814605e-01 3.95167887e-01 8.34521931e-03 3.51627707e-01 -3.54586899e-01 3.50822747e-01 2.57388592e-01 5.71042709e-02 5.60173631e-01 -8.41814652e-02 1.34230494e-01 9.16606635e-02 9.92827415e-02 2.23653466e-01 -3.45787287e-01 -3.46199162e-02 1.62741885e-01 -1.58485666e-01 1.04536258e-01 3.58473361e-01 1.14266086e+00 -1.72302008e-01 9.52343792e-02 4.10456471e-02 -6.81287408e-01 1.83067963e-01 -2.02946097e-01 -1.55493960e-01 -1.12455897e-01 1.90190256e-01 1.81593627e-01 -2.24094123e-01 2.80582935e-01 3.23369890e-01 1.13903545e-01 -1.55928895e-01 -4.48161155e-01 4.04105812e-01 3.52469832e-01 4.23870862e-01 2.05169201e-01 -4.34357207e-03 1.81113482e-01 1.70784861e-01 1.08765341e-01 2.51780003e-01 -4.01353575e-02 -1.28547043e-01 4.20401059e-02 4.74702604e-02 -3.18923354e-01 1.85696617e-01 -3.26606899e-01 2.68736035e-01 -7.38962069e-02 -5.78623354e-01 1.27303079e-01 -2.27975368e-01 -2.04405561e-01 1.54858783e-01 1.88638791e-02 1.69413686e-01 5.28696358e-01 1.14393625e-02 2.64398456e-01 8.34626630e-02 4.31175113e-01 -4.16983813e-02 -4.80082892e-02 4.43929255e-01 5.29751554e-02 -1.86688572e-01 -2.78588921e-01 1.34296283e-01 -9.87599865e-02 -4.79537658e-02 -9.35766324e-02 3.41786772e-01 -1.27790451e-01 2.02880260e-02 1.27199531e-01 2.05519423e-01 -3.61448228e-01 3.00136417e-01 -2.35414654e-01 -2.30171159e-01 -2.57625282e-02 6.69031814e-02 2.48055886e-02 1.89265937e-01 2.72380948e-01 1.57322407e-01 -1.38362840e-01 -5.31010926e-01 9.22847763e-02 -1.03258997e-01 -1.76686928e-01 6.97596520e-02 -1.73913270e-01 -1.96454585e-01 -2.44799972e-01 2.79010534e-01 -5.37960604e-02 -1.20096333e-01 -3.38527530e-01 -1.61193550e-01 2.20566005e-01 -2.69018173e-01 1.30021006e-01 3.63604128e-01 5.92009798e-02 4.69178259e-01 -2.37829611e-01 1.17186224e-02 -3.72873545e-01 2.03806907e-01 -2.77538627e-01 -4.17364985e-02 1.72570392e-01 -1.23131894e-01 -7.57427961e-02 -8.76559988e-02 1.36274010e-01 1.36065751e-01 -2.99713105e-01 -2.84251481e-01 -1.39091045e-01 1.12978309e-01 1.12437628e-01 -2.98606217e-01 -7.32568726e-02 2.28721537e-02 1.47232443e-01 1.83831215e-01 1.29242554e-01 2.37108484e-01 2.85539836e-01 5.66196382e-01 -1.31916881e-01 5.12055904e-02 5.86224981e-02 4.77228984e-02 -3.96947600e-02 1.54286802e-01 1.84306860e-01 2.87414193e-01 4.36416827e-02 -3.87034006e-02 -8.34384933e-02 3.54703158e-01 -1.54305017e-02 1.74466416e-01 -2.36559380e-02 -3.52250755e-01 -4.53689665e-01 -2.45130025e-02 -2.71447767e-02 8.90278146e-02 -2.36558631e-01 -2.18994886e-01 -8.03991035e-02 2.54293710e-01 -2.33223662e-03 -1.82984602e-02 -2.06687585e-01 8.77105668e-02 -4.80964966e-02 1.03185557e-01 -1.10248387e-01 -2.60752384e-02 1.13337800e-01 -1.27526179e-01 2.73482829e-01 1.19939961e-01 2.05931336e-01 3.56452078e-01 -1.59087986e-01 -2.32718661e-01 4.38605361e-02 -2.52355933e-01 1.65758178e-01 -1.81376860e-02 1.25391930e-01 3.47718477e-01 1.87899724e-01 9.85148028e-02 2.54251599e-01 1.49815917e-01 -2.44677469e-01 1.25729039e-01 2.40347832e-01 6.53396621e-02 7.59523958e-02 3.13541591e-01 3.76287490e-01 -2.54106104e-01 -9.31806583e-03 1.96586803e-01 1.38597682e-01 1.90432429e-01 -1.58822358e-01 -7.37624317e-02 -2.67084926e-01 -3.76314260e-02 1.88833904e-02 7.01034814e-02 2.69082785e-01 1.53086009e-02 1.22214034e-01 6.39947504e-02 7.16700107e-02 8.71167853e-02 4.44676965e-01 -1.55062243e-01 -1.83973879e-01 1.76146254e-01 -4.58785780e-02 -2.25659505e-01 2.67511278e-01 1.76673889e-01 -2.77224451e-01 -2.42586926e-01 -2.05020145e-01 -4.28114623e-01 -1.49743915e-01 -1.10805929e-01 4.77078557e-01 -1.68791384e-01 1.55317426e-01 1.35460332e-01 1.20475627e-01 -2.06334844e-01 -2.47930229e-01 2.86792338e-01 -5.49018010e-03 -5.35141528e-01 -6.34106472e-02 -1.78020120e-01 -4.71850276e-01 1.11039385e-01 -6.33441955e-02 2.35774368e-01 -7.84350783e-02 3.41725469e-01 1.10425420e-01 2.96010047e-01 -2.97101080e-01 8.98279399e-02 -3.35976273e-01 3.86007756e-01 3.79339755e-02 4.67820734e-01 -4.03877608e-02 -2.98696667e-01 -1.34723336e-01 2.64607854e-02 -1.16967149e-01 -4.58860725e-01 7.93524086e-03 2.56428957e-01 1.30220607e-01 1.06066182e-01 2.35384017e-01 4.25124049e-01 -5.28152101e-02 6.30483925e-02 -3.18917990e-01 4.01629418e-01 6.05339892e-02 -2.01054394e-01 1.70089573e-01 -2.12775961e-01 2.39635497e-01 -1.23257101e-01 1.86206385e-01 -3.82900923e-01 -1.11983061e-01 2.19543967e-02 3.83628726e-01 7.10494757e-01 2.88916305e-02 1.40175596e-01 -8.04811716e-02 -8.46754909e-02 -2.19834372e-01 2.86727995e-01 -2.00833336e-01 1.25822470e-01 -1.24471724e-01 2.96499789e-01 1.73688471e-01 2.02808648e-01 1.24639370e-01 1.30243167e-01 -5.30347712e-02 1.43608391e-01 7.18415678e-02 -3.07977170e-01 -5.13285846e-02 1.17398627e-01 2.33605294e-03 2.98356235e-01 -1.02138275e-03 1.05305433e-01 -3.39367002e-01 -1.68540567e-01 5.43352842e-01 -2.22298279e-01 -3.34017068e-01 -3.17037739e-02 1.91953704e-02 -2.41130032e-02 -7.04173505e-01 -2.34111026e-01 -3.37167799e-01 8.07405114e-02 -1.90068513e-01 -6.65330887e-02 1.02287948e-01 -1.38312997e-02 -1.81919977e-01 2.14039639e-01 4.94045243e-02 3.12429160e-01 1.50981143e-01 -3.87210697e-01 -1.40102029e-01]
"Clone Coffin" active "Item #: SCP-222 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-222 itself requires no special containment. It also cannot be moved. The site is guarded by SCP Foundation personnel as well as a rotating mix of US, Italian, and NATO soldiers (none of whom are aware of its significance). Foundation personnel travel to and from the site very often, and their true numbers are carefully hidden from the soldiers (and usually from personnel below clearance level 3). Description: SCP-222 designates an area of tunnels in the Dolomites Mountains, near Aviano, Italy. The site is close to the Church of St. Gregory, and Aviano Air Force Base is also nearby. The tunnels are filled with carved stone coffins; one coffin in particular has unusual properties, and some portion of the tunnels is also involved. The carvings in the tunnels appear very old and of fairly good workmanship. History After 1948, US operatives in Italy participating in Operation Gladio began receiving word of unusual activities at the site. In 1954 Aviano Air Base was turned over to NATO. On February 22, 1955, Foundation operatives found a series of tunnels carved into the mountains. They appeared to be catacombs (tunnels for storing the dead); archaeological research into their construction has yielded contradictory results. (See #SCP-222-7 through -9.) The tunnels were being used as a hideout by a terrorist cult. All members of the cult were killed or taken into custody. (Operation details filed in #SCP-222-1 through -5.) The cult appeared to be less mentally stable than most such organizations, but otherwise unremarkable. However, details turned up during the operation prompted further investigation. Once the nature and abilities of the site were determined, it became one of the most-used and -visited objects under Foundation care. Function As previously stated, one (and only one) coffin in the tunnels has unusual properties. (See #SCP-222-6 for summation of all tests done to date and clarification of items below.) If a living person is placed into the coffin and it is closed, the following sequence of events occurs. Clones created by the coffin appear in all physical respects to be identical to their originals, though dressed in tattered rags of unknown origin. Man-made objects are not duplicated; the cloning process is not recommended for occupants with tooth fillings or pacemakers. Clones appear to possess the same lifespan and medical conditions as their originals. The most unusual aspect of a clone is its mind. Clones appear to be victims of global retrograde amnesia. Languages are retained, along with most physical skills. While clones cannot remember any people or events, they appear to retain their ethical beliefs and loyalties, and thus can usually be quickly re-indoctrinated into Foundation personnel. Security procedures must be retrained, but combat and weapon skills are preserved. Some clones demonstrate retention of computer and interrogation skills as well. Many Foundation personnel have been cloned with SCP-222, providing a loyal workforce for Foundation initiatives. It is one of our most obviously useful items. Addendum: Document #SCP-12: Indoctrination Issues Lieutenant █████ ████████'s clone was brought to a mockup KGB indoctrination center where he was brainwashed into becoming a "KGB spy". He was a native of the USSR, so this was considered a useful test of a clone's attitudes. The clone eventually rebelled against the brainwashing and was prepared to die rather than submit. At that point the "training exercise" was ended and he was welcomed as a loyal Foundation member. However, ██████ █. ██████'s clone was given a standard indoctrination, but it rebelled and proclaimed allegiance to an Afghan terrorist group. It was terminated, and questioning of the original ██████ █. ██████ revealed that the beliefs had been accurately copied. Addendum: Document #SCP-222-13: Call for clone psychiatric/sociological analysis General ████████ maintains that cloned personnel display behavior patterns and habits that cannot be accounted for by simple amnesia. He cites a statistically significant higher incidence of mental illness, particularly homicidal tendencies, among clones when compared to "original" personnel. Addendum: Document #SCP-222-14: "Second generation" Clones Clones may themselves be cloned, though records show this has only been performed twice. The "second generation" clones were observed to have marked mental differences: both were resistant to indoctrination, and Foundation psychiatrists returned a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. However, intelligence and mental ability were measured at equal to or greater than the original clones' (or even the originals'). Further investigation is warranted. Addendum: Document #SCP-222-15: "Clonedex" ███ ███████ has called for an effort to catalogue all clones in Foundation employ and the verification of the locations of each of them, as there appear to be consistent reports that the Foundation has more personnel than is recorded. Addendum: Document #SCP-222-17: Clone Approval Orders By order of O5-2, all cloning activities must be recorded with a work order and must be approved by non-clone personnel of at least clearance 4. Addendum: Document #SCP-222-21: Clone Visual Identification As a result of the nearly successful Site ██ takeover attempt by the clone of General ████████ wherein [DATA EXPUNGED], all current and future clones are to be tattooed on the forehead and back of both hands with a simple C. This should negate the possibility of a clone impersonating its original for nefarious purposes. « SCP-221 | SCP-222 | SCP-223 »" nan
[ 2.06166446e-01 2.79205710e-01 -1.61906891e-02 2.54496634e-01 -2.54675597e-01 -1.52530745e-01 3.77353579e-01 6.66956678e-02 -3.19524467e-01 1.92959145e-01 3.93005349e-02 1.61522105e-01 -3.55748981e-02 -3.98735106e-02 1.10654712e-01 1.67520761e-01 2.43317351e-01 -1.03545124e-02 -1.89844534e-01 -3.16830188e-01 -4.01656657e-01 1.11763969e-01 -2.43188322e-01 8.67245942e-02 -1.73757132e-02 1.99573860e-01 -3.30568478e-02 3.52754891e-01 -5.50753772e-02 9.00557265e-02 -5.17265685e-02 -1.36331916e-02 -6.43182099e-02 2.61618793e-01 -1.11575435e-04 -6.38937280e-02 3.37570794e-02 9.45989117e-02 -6.65464580e-01 2.63784844e-02 -1.22411206e-01 -6.67819306e-02 -1.64456874e-01 -4.07792240e-01 3.11852634e-01 -1.28916517e-01 1.63104609e-01 4.35321629e-01 2.68978238e-01 1.30996527e-02 1.98154584e-01 5.60835423e-03 -5.75600453e-02 -1.07047103e-01 -8.12245905e-02 9.85909849e-02 -3.05064172e-01 -2.23700907e-02 1.72436759e-01 4.33681697e-01 4.61400658e-01 2.20387816e-01 -2.07051054e-01 3.22855040e-02 4.84390482e-02 -1.28449574e-01 1.43711388e-01 2.49097571e-02 7.83031806e-02 1.45416707e-01 1.03819214e-01 -1.32980198e-01 4.21175927e-01 1.91798985e-01 -1.64623987e-02 1.97876096e-02 2.27411017e-01 2.00510725e-01 -8.31824988e-02 4.15958948e-02 2.05699783e-02 3.43134105e-01 -2.29529113e-01 -2.17636883e-01 -5.15034832e-02 4.02477756e-02 8.29013344e-03 8.26490074e-02 3.04623097e-01 -9.41707268e-02 -3.91079858e-02 -9.64794233e-02 1.89386889e-01 1.18109435e-01 1.08896181e-01 -1.73444867e-01 1.04760952e-01 2.68564194e-01 3.47656608e-01 4.73034143e-01 2.86823809e-01 9.48502645e-02 -1.84549585e-01 1.40150815e-01 -2.08513945e-01 -1.63649544e-02 -1.82142258e-01 -2.74177939e-01 -2.72452325e-01 4.18246955e-01 -3.21556121e-01 2.91113824e-01 -2.28786886e-01 5.10564484e-02 1.49326727e-01 1.86999187e-01 2.48063892e-01 -1.77530512e-01 -2.88858525e-02 4.19802785e-01 -9.56101835e-01 1.08425379e-01 -1.47048654e-02 2.16148615e-01 2.09293082e-01 1.01375552e-02 1.18857004e-01 -1.22440644e-01 -4.02852297e-01 7.64204711e-02 -2.27834255e-01 2.03514233e-01 -1.74361616e-01 1.66571975e-01 5.87711781e-02 1.29255220e-01 -3.89685810e-01 7.55832717e-02 1.18762501e-01 7.35082775e-02 4.97180521e-01 -7.16033056e-02 5.04745543e-01 2.63743222e-01 -2.86629468e-01 -1.48528963e-01 5.00456654e-02 -3.54445845e-01 -6.48815483e-02 5.44516034e-02 2.15311542e-01 -1.22502528e-01 3.46136726e-02 2.16175348e-01 -1.32399857e-01 3.23886164e-02 2.77016759e-02 -6.17126375e-02 -4.47056651e-01 -5.80267049e-02 1.53473124e-01 4.16130275e-01 -9.96934399e-02 -1.58668041e-01 1.39393792e-01 6.02696717e-01 -8.93452838e-02 -1.01864025e-01 1.05196625e-01 6.89737275e-02 1.50461704e-01 1.83700603e-02 6.67881072e-02 -5.66706583e-02 -2.64304370e-01 1.75886285e-02 -4.77050453e-01 1.46754637e-01 -1.83797702e-01 -4.53454226e-01 -2.34673858e-01 1.12584896e-01 3.03869665e-01 -2.42491543e-01 -2.58106083e-01 -7.52516687e-02 -3.20886642e-01 1.65372435e-02 3.05410266e-01 -1.20204307e-01 -3.28426480e-01 -3.93451750e-01 3.19321662e-01 9.57382545e-02 7.99926370e-03 4.41932790e-02 -1.04617983e-01 9.72216353e-02 1.02315480e-02 6.81617334e-02 -3.65477979e-01 -1.27391487e-01 3.94212186e-01 -3.21445853e-01 2.38149911e-01 7.34063461e-02 -1.35370016e-01 6.27256883e-03 2.63785928e-01 3.16371530e-01 -1.73770040e-01 6.23496100e-02 -1.18085302e-01 7.13703632e-02 -3.19966614e-01 -5.04983962e-02 2.52211124e-01 1.30860522e-01 -3.31344455e-02 -8.30474962e-03 -3.12959254e-02 1.95053384e-01 4.41275015e-02 -1.34580076e-01 -2.85967648e-01 5.65844774e-01 -3.37217569e-01 -1.21492244e-01 -4.76156533e-01 2.73454994e-01 3.10779482e-01 -9.27390978e-02 2.42089238e-02 -1.70591205e-01 -1.72997773e-01 -2.19218507e-01 1.15774833e-02 7.46726334e-01 -8.86487886e-02 -8.53454098e-02 1.32291391e-01 6.62422106e-02 3.30249108e-02 1.39213875e-01 -2.48120695e-01 1.60792604e-01 2.02128902e-01 2.27671042e-01 8.74751285e-02 -2.20490530e-01 1.61163900e-02 -3.64360809e-01 -1.20015182e-01 -2.99067236e-02 1.37279153e-01 6.59874737e-01 -8.08769185e-03 5.22425234e-01 1.18851826e-01 5.30360453e-02 -2.09730759e-01 -2.66152143e-01 2.52575070e-01 -7.96744302e-02 1.43466040e-01 -8.58990327e-02 2.26898417e-01 3.34447771e-01 2.67801940e-01 9.52871069e-02 1.06663778e-02 5.40142581e-02 -1.87678441e-01 -1.53432652e-01 5.32699004e-03 -1.10801563e-01 -1.70279909e-02 1.70025215e-01 2.26115122e-01 2.12355927e-01 -2.99786955e-01 -2.47676909e-01 2.82950047e-02 3.92797887e-02 -1.15923412e-01 1.49324656e-01 -3.20073336e-01 -2.53527649e-02 -2.64602035e-01 4.77824271e-01 8.50314721e-02 -5.46221696e-02 2.18821198e-01 -1.24843530e-01 3.84723172e-02 -1.65501088e-02 9.46122780e-02 5.34169614e-01 -4.09102440e-01 1.36261761e-01 -5.18721282e-01 2.14387298e-01 1.01669490e-01 1.47897214e-01 -2.81253457e-01 3.24497342e-01 3.06480616e-01 -1.75551921e-02 -1.04611196e-01 -1.51145056e-01 -3.40350151e-01 3.18118095e-01 2.38485709e-01 -3.59554380e-01 6.07616790e-02 2.03796625e-01 -4.23309468e-02 -3.83851379e-01 2.05298558e-01 9.43443254e-02 -1.37574807e-01 2.63578564e-01 -2.85641372e-01 -9.49354544e-02 -1.79610565e-01 2.95762777e-01 -1.68902516e-01 -1.83750793e-01 3.69110078e-01 1.91710055e-01 1.65174469e-01 5.86394072e-01 1.48326159e-01 4.27455828e-02 2.38159642e-01 3.56034264e-02 -2.71719694e-01 -3.17242205e-01 7.38536790e-02 -1.44999370e-01 2.39699911e-02 -4.00592029e-01 -3.41315061e-01 -1.81542739e-01 -2.07852110e-01 -2.50547767e-01 -6.64647579e-01 -6.69106245e-02 2.18436450e-01 -3.76518704e-02 -1.87961757e-01 6.23577297e-01 1.83252320e-01 -2.50836104e-01 -1.87794298e-01 -3.76474187e-02 1.49432585e-01 2.07369030e-01 2.94197768e-01 -2.28865847e-01 3.49578597e-02 2.91860968e-01 2.56223708e-01 -8.87178853e-02 -3.81035268e-01 1.75421596e-01 -4.63639444e-04 2.92841852e-01 1.55779691e-02 -2.32609019e-01 2.98116535e-01 3.82877700e-02 -4.04261559e-01 4.93935421e-02 -1.00578912e-01 -2.65071318e-02 1.63227946e-01 -5.37909158e-02 -3.54460180e-02 -2.00886369e-01 8.02813843e-03 4.77645099e-01 -1.96620543e-02 -2.21493587e-01 -3.28003585e-01 -1.36487052e-01 1.89056713e-02 1.63137123e-01 3.13700914e-01 -1.49834067e-01 6.69741780e-02 -1.33681700e-01 -2.54528504e-02 7.11142495e-02 4.93973568e-02 1.23376392e-01 -2.83467144e-01 -2.69903660e-01 -2.45074719e-01 3.36440086e-01 -5.18022180e-01 1.34333208e-01 1.01628140e-01 4.08197880e-01 5.02859712e-01 4.99056906e-01 -1.50531322e-01 -8.93122628e-02 -2.34738961e-02 -2.45994627e-01 3.96561831e-01 1.31014558e-02 -1.01092272e-01 3.86856049e-02 3.74659479e-01 3.59274089e-01 -3.21942084e-02 7.02911466e-02 -1.30744681e-01 -5.02905548e-01 -2.87719995e-01 8.38275403e-02 -9.27929729e-02 -2.87554234e-01 1.76630542e-01 -9.37882289e-02 1.68441623e-01 -2.77635455e-01 1.10888243e-01 1.93773493e-01 -1.18757196e-01 4.06394631e-01 1.48310989e-01 3.22100401e-01 3.75031799e-01 1.64853796e-01 5.42738140e-01 -1.60341397e-01 -4.98422310e-02 -9.57982913e-02 9.39915553e-02 -1.33961849e-02 6.42419279e-01 4.40452956e-02 -5.13512008e-02 -4.27503616e-01 1.44739956e-01 -1.78619713e-01 -2.06059322e-01 2.47976199e-01 8.16453099e-02 3.44150573e-01 4.38863151e-02 4.24221218e-01 -2.98271954e-01 -3.95555913e-01 -1.40356213e-01 -2.10634992e-02 7.17303380e-02 3.13802868e-01 1.29512608e-01 1.35900855e+00 2.62177587e-01 2.41290808e-01 1.74416587e-01 -6.57661110e-02 -4.00394291e-01 -1.57118946e-01 -3.62840176e-01 -2.78537255e-02 -5.15086800e-02 1.13867901e-01 -2.88948536e-01 -6.19078465e-02 2.97256649e-01 -3.72233331e-01 -6.66761696e-01 -4.81835335e-01 -3.47390860e-01 9.50241908e-02 7.60436952e-02 -1.04036488e-01 -5.35957292e-02 2.73915559e-01 2.54396468e-01 2.54204571e-01 8.30780044e-02 1.18544638e-01 2.29652897e-01 9.54915658e-02 -1.50531024e-01 -1.28400356e-01 3.30660194e-01 -4.76789474e-01 3.73196274e-01 2.60413110e-01 -1.60963908e-01 -2.38831684e-01 -5.28893098e-02 -2.73457281e-02 -7.84134790e-02 2.40953863e-01 1.90445498e-01 4.90191758e-01 2.98786551e-01 1.81904778e-01 -3.11216265e-01 2.95604169e-01 -5.06950915e-02 -1.26193494e-01 -2.07902983e-01 4.48873602e-02 -1.03890076e-01 -3.25683415e-01 2.14094847e-01 2.58928567e-01 -1.37747303e-01 3.59458506e-01 3.08354914e-01 -1.59206331e-01 -8.71207938e-02 1.64572045e-01 -2.31358074e-02 4.23699282e-02 1.10742860e-01 -5.46238124e-01 -7.18574524e-02 4.01828811e-02 1.83574408e-01 -6.53123781e-02 2.98417598e-01 2.63837099e-01 -8.45811963e-02 -3.73930819e-02 -2.88594693e-01 4.41112220e-01 -2.98548862e-02 -2.28228539e-01 1.40385747e-01 -5.24061434e-02 -4.06467795e-01 1.27197057e-02 5.75870216e-01 1.47423238e-01 -4.51421469e-01 -4.72729832e-01 -9.41533744e-02 1.74353018e-01 -9.44379345e-02 2.66446382e-01 1.08284280e-01 -1.71890244e-01 4.54251945e-01 1.44812101e-02 -1.39183983e-01 -3.88365775e-01 2.21462175e-01 -3.88534009e-01 -1.25647960e-02 2.87869293e-03 -4.40591633e-01 2.24050712e-02 -1.38791278e-01 2.16226444e-01 1.29558876e-01 -1.64993569e-01 -2.14248538e-01 -4.68677133e-01 1.06874570e-01 -2.44665742e-02 -2.27145508e-01 1.14038484e-02 1.49598405e-01 2.48723850e-01 4.57071811e-02 -7.84173533e-02 3.97441760e-02 1.13453247e-01 1.26205593e-01 4.85056713e-02 2.82194287e-01 -1.19363010e-01 2.95592216e-03 -1.70191675e-02 7.93242097e-01 1.23245709e-01 -1.14312060e-01 -3.25519472e-01 8.18723664e-02 -7.38330558e-02 2.92271942e-01 -1.30630344e-01 1.43537968e-01 7.05998242e-02 3.07935596e-01 4.60824594e-02 6.06136769e-02 -2.30573177e-01 -2.77227024e-03 -2.85471022e-01 -4.53311168e-02 -2.64295191e-02 2.97029346e-01 3.07212817e-03 -1.05209589e-01 -1.92036286e-01 -6.24801144e-02 4.00768249e-06 2.36627281e-01 -2.91347802e-01 -3.11794784e-02 2.31979966e-01 -3.02531928e-01 2.79477745e-01 2.35637829e-01 -1.11599818e-01 -1.59701571e-01 -3.23042534e-02 -9.77908373e-02 3.24165588e-03 -1.29836932e-01 4.08066124e-01 -1.36518374e-01 1.28661975e-01 -5.47018554e-03 1.76849842e-01 3.87243211e-01 3.88502628e-01 1.63062990e-01 1.16711155e-01 -1.27079472e-01 6.37824461e-02 1.66535527e-01 1.40474103e-02 1.21294193e-01 -2.09105343e-01 3.29653054e-01 -3.35320473e-01 2.10477427e-01 2.05407172e-01 -1.81146845e-01 -1.88503236e-01 -8.16863254e-02 -2.26481944e-01 -8.81329402e-02 8.88970196e-02 -2.22807065e-01 -1.15309067e-01 1.28600881e-01 8.24219063e-02 2.11864293e-01 -1.80270776e-01 1.27758697e-01 2.16232225e-01 -1.64048716e-01 8.84877518e-02 5.02431571e-01 -1.78547800e-01 8.42827780e-04 8.64824206e-02 3.60363156e-01 -6.08834550e-02 -1.49751753e-01 1.82220891e-01 -3.98960948e-01 7.49069676e-02 -2.69442588e-01 -2.03173369e-01 9.80172083e-02 -2.83534646e-01 -1.15335040e-01 1.23104997e-01 -2.97413766e-01 -3.59642446e-01 2.55755574e-01 2.88628936e-02 -5.52540757e-02 1.00352213e-01 -3.48882765e-01 -1.90126359e-01 -1.20639339e-01 6.66949386e-03 -1.94209605e-01 2.57643294e-02 -2.25279883e-01 -3.34616862e-02 2.77443901e-02 -1.02506071e-01 9.38801914e-02 -1.90196298e-02 2.87237048e-01 -7.92995561e-03 -6.69672415e-02 -6.10682555e-02 -1.76395357e-01 -1.74055874e-01 2.39795461e-01 -2.63706267e-01 -5.61517477e-01 -3.64640960e-03 2.54952937e-01 -1.59621775e-01 6.72482997e-02 -2.83048987e-01 3.38128775e-01 -5.74690923e-02 2.39496753e-01 -4.82224256e-01 9.51910540e-02 6.99679852e-01 -1.48049414e-01 -1.35660082e-01 -2.32780471e-01 -1.23908482e-01 3.34831281e-03 1.19090661e-01 1.81218117e-01 -7.07507491e-01 -1.74154401e-01 1.33487687e-01 4.23620254e-01 -1.05591066e-01 1.66862786e-01 2.96143983e-02 -3.02675396e-01 2.42117599e-01 1.25522301e-01 -4.17600051e-02 1.58637166e-02 2.52011806e-01 -4.47406843e-02 1.33958831e-01 4.81268317e-01 1.60185844e-01 -3.04204226e-02 -6.65202364e-02 -3.27367187e-01 -3.37047517e-01 1.26683414e-01 2.81414986e-02 4.23550874e-01 -2.91352987e-01 4.91918206e-01 -8.28104764e-02 -2.35694721e-02 -2.42523834e-01 -2.52273649e-01 4.62973028e-01 -1.19414143e-01 -9.01170000e-02 -2.64641345e-01 1.46096498e-01 -6.74539626e-01 1.43450633e-01 8.15259665e-02 -2.63958901e-01 -3.31147313e-02 6.19294634e-03 -2.12579310e-01 -6.32939041e-02 2.72213846e-01 -1.31236374e-01 -1.79454967e-01 1.36845754e-02 1.20251045e-01 1.28304496e-01 4.06135395e-02 8.02927651e-04]
"A Photo Album" active "Item #: SCP-223 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-223 is kept in a locked containment vault in Site-19. If the two (2) photos missing from SCP-223 are recovered, they should be stored in two separate, specially prepared vaults at Site-17. Any personnel who see any anomalies appear anywhere in SCP-223 must be reassigned to another project immediately. Such personnel must be kept under observation for mental instability (including tri-weekly examination by a site psychiatrist) and are advised to minimize their exposure to photographs of any kind. Description: SCP-223 is a photo album, capable of holding thirty (30) photos, bound like a small hardcover book. The photos are attached to the pages with an unknown adhesive. It matches the appearance of a product made by ██████████ but lacks any brand label. “From danny with love” has been written on the back in blue ink. SCP-223 contains twenty-eight (28) photos, which chronicle an engaged couple’s vacation to ██████ Beach. The final two (2) pages of the album have been ripped out. The couple in the photos has been positively identified as E███ ██████ and L███ ██████, who went on the vacation depicted June of 19██. E███ and L███ died on June ██ in a murder-suicide by E███. E███’s suicide note claimed he found his fiancée in bed with another man and killed her, however no evidence of such an affair was ever found. There is one other person who frequently appears in the photos of SCP-223, a Caucasian male with attractive and somewhat androgynous features, designation SCP-223-1. Based on his behaviour in the photos he seems to be a friend of the couple. All attempts to determine the identity of SCP-223-1 have proven fruitless. SCP-223-1 does not appear in photos and recorded footage of SCP-223, although careful comparative analysis of the photos and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Occasionally, persons reading SCP-223 will see the likeness of their romantic interest in one or more of SCP-223’s photos, replacing an incidental bystander. Independent observers can verify that the photos do in fact change, however these anomalies are always discovered by the individual they most concern. SCP-223 seems to target readers who are in a stable, happy romantic relationship with these anomalies. SCP-223 apparently can only target one person at a time in this way. If the discoverer of the anomaly (hereafter the target) continues to read SCP-223, their perceptions of the album's contents will change radically. While any other reader continues to see the original photos, the target will see an album of photos of their romantic partner interacting with an androgynous but attractive member of the target’s sex. The target invariably reacts with jealousy and suspicion, and if allowed will search for the final two pages, believing that the contents will prove whether or not the target’s partner is cheating. The effects of SCP-223 on a given target wear off completely within one (1) week unless the target is exposed to new photos or SCP-223. At this point the current target’s love interest’s likeness will vanish from the album and the target can safely view ordinary photographs. A former target attempting to view SCP-223’s photographs will see [REDACTED]. If not allowed contact with SCP-223 following the initial discovery, the target’s perceptions of other photographs will also be altered. The nature of these alterations varies depending on the content of the photos, but the majority involve the inclusion of a humanoid similar to SCP-223-1. Pictures including both the target and the target’s romantic partner seem to be the most psychologically damaging to view. Exposure to a sufficiently large number of photographs seems to cause a ‘brainwashing’ effect in the target, creating a strong delusion of great danger that can only be resolved by returning the missing photos to SCP-223. This appears to be caused by a long succession of subliminal signals and traumatising images rather than by any actual psychic influence. Psych. Report 223-6 (Dr. Morris) ██/██/19██ Interview Log Examiner: Please be seated. How long has it been since your first exposure? Morris: Um, about a week? Yeah, that‘s right, seven days. It’s all kind of blurred. Examiner: How do you feel? Morris: Sort of paranoid. Edgy. Like he’s watching me from somewhere, somehow. Um, any update on the missing photos? Examiner: Who do you mean by ‘he?’ Morris: The man we called 223-1. From the photos. He’s… Examiner: Yes? Morris: (silence) Examiner: Have you been exposed to any photos since your last visit? Morris: No. Examiner: Good. What do you see here? (photo is of a grizzly bear drinking from a pool) Morris: Um, it seems to be a photo of two bears mating. Examiner: Very well. And this? (photo is of a bed, no figures present) Morris: A naked man, seated on a bed. Look, it’s been a week, right? You can let me go? I’ve got to find those photos… Examiner: You seem extremely interested in SCP-223’s missing photographs. Why? Morris: I’ve got to prove Lily’s innocence. Examiner: Dr. Morris, your wife is in no danger. We discovered nearly twenty photographs hidden in and around your quarters, Dr. Morris. Whatever you saw in those photos is not real. Morris: (lunging at the examiner, restrained by guards) Liar! You’re working for them aren’t you! Examiner: (to guards) Take him away for now. Morris: Wait! Wait! When can I see Lily aga— [LOG ENDS] Note: Morris was given a Class-A amnestic and has now returned to his full duties. Mrs. Morris has been informed that her husband is dead. Addendum 223-1: Further analysis of E███’s autopsy report indicates that several of the wounds found on his body could not have been self inflicted, therefore suicide has been ruled out as cause of death. There is no evidence of anyone other than E███ entering or leaving the scene of the crime for at least twenty four (24) hours before and after his death, although [REDACTED] one of the walls. « SCP-222 | SCP-223 | SCP-224 »" nan
[ 2.28262559e-01 1.11997932e-01 -1.95038348e-01 6.64976090e-02 -1.63575277e-01 -1.37884855e-01 2.17737481e-01 2.28112470e-02 -2.32028544e-01 3.03943187e-01 -2.70623296e-01 1.59526840e-02 -2.53930539e-01 -1.74667433e-01 -1.63913369e-01 -2.18489747e-02 3.90142053e-02 2.74375290e-01 2.59546489e-01 -1.38948694e-01 -1.61990240e-01 1.20941825e-01 6.24029785e-02 6.82315603e-02 -1.38887629e-01 -2.57494092e-01 -2.88721621e-02 4.34103847e-01 -9.59860608e-02 -6.10030293e-02 -1.83124185e-01 2.55218118e-01 -4.31291051e-02 2.02439856e-02 -1.08974644e-04 -3.77105296e-01 -4.90149707e-02 -1.28048092e-01 -1.26098141e-01 -2.34355107e-01 -4.76840615e-01 -1.93614230e-01 -7.68417642e-02 -4.20835972e-01 1.86047509e-01 7.02352300e-02 1.30553961e-01 3.43117356e-01 4.90609080e-01 7.41670504e-02 2.40289077e-01 -2.53582686e-01 2.59582639e-01 -1.13783911e-01 3.57035309e-01 3.45669091e-01 -1.28486291e-01 -2.02386603e-01 2.72520304e-01 -7.41659328e-02 7.34266937e-02 3.03931773e-01 -2.05951542e-01 1.26925141e-01 3.87921870e-01 -7.85239637e-02 3.14031616e-02 -1.60442129e-01 7.80652091e-02 -8.32412019e-03 2.04916418e-01 9.13183540e-02 1.24977402e-01 4.86921296e-02 -1.80338636e-01 -1.10483803e-01 2.59821326e-01 2.39439413e-01 -2.89284050e-01 -5.90940751e-02 -3.05496007e-01 1.36204019e-01 -2.80411988e-01 9.54146013e-02 -1.02006033e-01 2.76240110e-01 -6.79225251e-02 9.63377431e-02 2.94776142e-01 -1.25875667e-01 -1.34367853e-01 -4.50686365e-02 3.23564529e-01 1.70931816e-01 2.68772095e-01 1.86881587e-01 2.01124430e-01 1.13640755e-01 2.93076783e-02 2.72187918e-01 3.12437713e-01 2.55303588e-02 1.14419870e-02 2.85625368e-01 3.10736299e-01 -6.39748797e-02 4.04772967e-01 -6.52134120e-02 -2.11268589e-01 4.11003172e-01 9.82049480e-03 1.00292802e-01 -9.76724029e-02 1.10155873e-01 4.95255828e-01 -1.75942108e-01 -2.16175780e-01 -2.91151851e-01 -3.03347677e-01 4.37831402e-01 -2.54214346e-01 6.59627691e-02 -3.00350368e-01 2.85541654e-01 4.07796413e-01 8.14506635e-02 8.79050195e-02 -3.88365567e-01 -6.63387552e-02 2.74930745e-01 -2.09936112e-01 1.76502153e-01 -1.28612027e-01 -5.04309237e-02 1.06745973e-01 1.81832030e-01 -1.22016095e-01 -2.55008578e-01 1.54237328e-02 -5.64375259e-02 8.59999359e-02 -2.15852037e-01 5.79926968e-01 4.05038446e-01 -1.85160398e-01 -6.08616471e-02 -4.90467362e-02 -4.58814532e-01 -2.30346650e-01 9.17337760e-02 1.67704076e-01 -5.05740978e-02 -1.15168877e-01 2.62722611e-01 -1.34649485e-01 7.73299336e-02 2.26885572e-01 9.69262198e-02 -2.33907282e-01 -5.31919785e-02 3.17803741e-01 4.11349207e-01 -2.82402873e-01 -1.38495743e-01 -2.49129329e-02 2.49528140e-01 -1.54422134e-01 -2.09924132e-01 -1.17037207e-01 -3.57884705e-01 -4.06052172e-03 -1.23243615e-01 -7.58198127e-02 -1.55806407e-01 -3.08695078e-01 9.38867629e-02 -4.38899577e-01 -1.91752702e-01 -2.80586272e-01 -2.99445927e-01 -3.58708322e-01 3.42647284e-01 2.21523076e-01 3.02301962e-02 -1.72735989e-01 -1.60989091e-01 -7.40633234e-02 -1.99772388e-01 5.92699237e-02 -1.48619592e-01 -2.41319135e-01 -1.27854124e-01 8.16755742e-02 7.60948751e-04 -4.06290218e-02 -3.84965800e-02 1.48142979e-01 4.93525825e-02 2.13920295e-01 3.25937480e-01 -1.74936086e-01 1.93450689e-01 5.27840436e-01 3.57345462e-01 -2.78178066e-01 5.83986416e-02 -9.96312201e-02 4.56127301e-02 3.22443843e-01 9.89823639e-02 -1.05546348e-01 -2.73152441e-01 -1.02091298e-01 2.93555111e-02 -1.05483450e-01 -1.75709501e-01 2.46269003e-01 1.65155306e-01 1.33916102e-02 -2.65315950e-01 1.09087206e-01 4.03079987e-01 -1.26490444e-01 -2.89406359e-01 -9.92370099e-02 -2.91749202e-02 -1.49482235e-01 7.76661858e-02 -1.52135074e-01 2.68490911e-01 2.27313176e-01 1.48481891e-01 1.06064007e-01 2.01798141e-01 -4.26526144e-02 8.80130231e-02 1.69538796e-01 6.11582458e-01 -2.83305824e-01 -5.54033220e-01 -1.72909647e-01 -4.65698212e-01 1.07826680e-01 7.74854049e-03 -4.05649692e-01 2.31222376e-01 -6.10597208e-02 1.75524652e-01 1.33743867e-01 -1.10424971e-02 4.70945425e-02 -3.00396621e-01 -1.21183679e-01 -3.03142130e-01 1.37749776e-01 5.45510501e-02 5.13327159e-02 3.10798824e-01 -1.92680120e-01 1.94694623e-01 -1.18874997e-01 1.66795239e-01 2.54684776e-01 7.78425261e-02 2.05667272e-01 1.28590539e-02 2.53243178e-01 2.07355812e-01 1.15782149e-01 1.35227621e-01 -9.29311439e-02 -1.58091486e-01 -6.55987933e-02 -8.60417187e-02 1.29143089e-01 2.53643662e-01 3.90535891e-01 1.63500115e-01 3.52739781e-01 2.62759149e-01 -5.93798906e-02 -2.62283564e-01 -1.30866006e-01 -1.56347260e-01 -3.25749703e-02 -7.18179792e-02 1.39645413e-01 8.14732909e-02 -1.85791418e-01 1.08118996e-01 2.36405488e-02 -1.71479821e-01 7.93645009e-02 1.18823588e-01 -1.22873627e-01 -4.26187832e-03 2.34979615e-02 3.21175963e-01 -5.90895116e-01 6.90126568e-02 -1.85986266e-01 3.23010795e-02 1.99685052e-01 1.74152210e-01 -8.43359903e-02 3.96812335e-02 4.57889259e-01 -1.74657643e-01 1.20415643e-01 -3.98154974e-01 -4.79938060e-01 7.05328062e-02 1.02469638e-01 -3.29117417e-01 4.10530746e-01 -4.39747386e-02 -3.41916502e-01 -3.52251381e-01 3.20022404e-01 -4.04690713e-01 -5.69613427e-02 1.10609390e-01 -8.67636353e-02 4.45700400e-02 4.99730743e-02 2.65893251e-01 -4.62129444e-01 -4.56918478e-02 1.62378922e-01 1.38861120e-01 3.04531902e-01 4.28817153e-01 1.41831532e-01 3.70669328e-02 -1.30482346e-01 1.41189903e-01 -1.98354468e-01 -6.52435571e-02 -2.57265456e-02 -2.51433142e-02 -2.23780051e-02 5.12295440e-02 -1.61569528e-02 2.99956854e-02 -9.83004719e-02 -3.89171928e-01 -3.71218443e-01 5.87388827e-03 4.77805495e-01 -1.60248011e-01 -3.16940993e-01 5.15608072e-01 1.52098104e-01 -3.52111310e-01 -2.20439076e-01 -1.74549207e-01 1.37742519e-01 -2.81549871e-01 3.12462002e-01 -4.11134839e-01 -3.06061745e-01 2.80096322e-01 5.28123796e-01 -2.50973612e-01 3.13021950e-02 1.20784648e-01 3.02227318e-01 2.07029521e-01 2.36692101e-01 -2.08101153e-01 5.48516512e-02 6.50604218e-02 -2.49937281e-01 1.97183296e-01 -9.77162793e-02 -4.75017428e-01 -1.23284265e-01 1.48517191e-01 -4.27866727e-01 -1.56389531e-02 3.20930453e-03 8.42490554e-01 3.89382005e-01 -6.02535047e-02 -3.19963515e-01 -3.61316279e-02 -1.63770944e-01 -3.68873030e-01 1.00861721e-01 -1.36240721e-02 -8.56304094e-02 -2.44952887e-01 -1.06404528e-01 -1.83704540e-01 5.87898716e-02 2.24426150e-01 1.80079609e-01 -4.27095085e-01 -2.61149079e-01 2.52976924e-01 -4.07481492e-01 3.27696979e-01 3.40978265e-01 3.95790935e-01 2.48858571e-01 1.33979127e-01 -7.26518258e-02 1.22210637e-01 -3.14350456e-01 1.81861948e-02 -3.97520848e-02 9.18011293e-02 -1.08411908e-01 6.37437180e-02 1.46126792e-01 -3.00467372e-01 6.14671484e-02 8.07262138e-02 -5.97326979e-02 -1.77379519e-01 -2.30229691e-01 -5.00935838e-02 -3.32222693e-02 -2.97268555e-02 -1.23606948e-02 3.93695645e-02 3.07545811e-01 2.31953770e-01 1.91311374e-01 -1.92082256e-01 3.43387090e-02 1.73423946e-01 -7.83263594e-02 3.84755760e-01 -5.92742041e-02 3.14221799e-01 4.80639428e-01 -4.26937550e-01 -4.69723679e-02 6.09163493e-02 -1.41396508e-01 1.55454472e-01 6.63708806e-01 1.23209514e-01 -1.94939613e-01 -1.05563782e-01 2.00444758e-01 -1.54386044e-01 -2.62394309e-01 1.29671365e-01 2.18537934e-02 2.12699756e-01 1.19746082e-01 1.57169342e-01 1.67238116e-01 -3.73354077e-01 -3.59861463e-01 1.31400988e-01 3.10245957e-02 1.53774694e-01 2.31655508e-01 1.13752556e+00 6.41266406e-02 2.84862280e-01 -5.32218277e-01 -4.88215983e-01 -8.18869397e-02 1.36834294e-01 -2.96592921e-01 5.58745265e-02 -2.06097469e-01 -8.92168283e-02 -1.44310027e-01 1.00632139e-01 5.33735991e-01 -1.16630554e-01 -2.83357233e-01 -4.93351579e-01 -5.31485714e-02 1.48022577e-01 2.08857596e-01 3.23149972e-02 2.28953864e-02 -3.50848548e-02 2.72732317e-01 7.07922503e-02 -9.46556404e-02 -5.63723184e-02 1.98320433e-01 -1.31858170e-01 9.44221299e-03 -3.15643013e-01 -8.60207230e-02 -4.14343804e-01 2.91978896e-01 5.21892123e-02 -2.66165078e-01 -1.14095256e-01 5.51016591e-02 -5.82919240e-01 -1.19618937e-01 -2.93961614e-02 3.15429419e-01 6.50965869e-01 7.37085864e-02 1.78681880e-01 5.62308207e-02 6.89253137e-02 -8.09170026e-03 8.96874070e-02 1.33071288e-01 -1.31227329e-01 -1.22385435e-01 -3.49156618e-01 2.62072980e-01 6.20850861e-01 3.05664502e-02 -1.28441723e-02 -2.00595297e-02 -3.83009315e-01 -1.56009674e-01 1.98660895e-01 -4.83596995e-02 -5.73499762e-02 -1.33139074e-01 -8.27980712e-02 -1.03148639e-01 1.50013417e-01 3.51358026e-01 -1.55312046e-01 1.94381818e-01 1.14020124e-01 6.72559021e-03 -8.42022076e-02 -3.78795683e-01 1.30611032e-01 -2.59786040e-01 -5.33429742e-01 2.28798483e-02 2.20709205e-01 -3.21514398e-01 -2.80687422e-01 5.43950379e-01 3.01292628e-01 -1.92035884e-01 -2.20385358e-01 -2.63297588e-01 1.74708173e-01 3.86423171e-02 2.07577243e-01 2.43721530e-01 -9.18492004e-02 9.28736627e-02 -4.72847298e-02 1.71926737e-01 -4.49612081e-01 2.94230878e-02 -3.48011047e-01 -7.41751641e-02 1.62164140e-02 -7.04753920e-02 -1.91098809e-01 -2.77291834e-01 2.02725470e-01 3.92090321e-01 -5.58171421e-02 -3.01540375e-01 6.51263595e-02 1.52824864e-01 -4.99188006e-02 -3.05812627e-01 1.42943978e-01 1.38813674e-01 1.30271122e-01 5.48030548e-02 -9.60411057e-02 4.12030101e-01 2.70245850e-01 1.41660228e-01 -1.81383893e-01 5.98847382e-02 1.82858467e-01 -1.24999084e-01 7.03733489e-02 4.38645065e-01 -5.80394529e-02 -9.23783779e-02 -2.61447370e-01 -1.61952496e-01 3.74997914e-01 1.42727032e-01 -1.85782686e-01 2.57559512e-02 4.69381735e-02 1.82583869e-01 2.68729143e-02 3.48001510e-01 1.69879179e-02 -1.74743414e-01 -3.75896364e-01 -1.62213072e-01 -1.69313043e-01 3.60829204e-01 -2.03957975e-01 -4.21110466e-02 -2.46472061e-01 1.07947178e-01 4.39804420e-02 2.58556873e-01 1.71365932e-01 -1.08733334e-01 1.08915642e-01 4.44879420e-02 3.74507904e-01 7.60562941e-02 -4.40471880e-02 -1.21252239e-01 1.31039038e-01 -1.21674174e-02 1.48886919e-01 -1.47521021e-02 2.48419568e-01 -2.52716169e-02 -2.28128470e-02 1.77119821e-01 2.16350228e-01 4.29109126e-01 4.08037364e-01 -9.46611911e-02 1.92731500e-01 2.05603391e-01 8.79202634e-02 3.35864455e-01 -2.82683462e-01 4.24318671e-01 -2.82207757e-01 2.60403484e-01 1.36338338e-01 7.52680451e-02 1.35704637e-01 1.93281636e-01 2.90209632e-02 -2.11636573e-01 -5.06934106e-01 -1.51978493e-01 -2.58124266e-02 -3.04051846e-01 4.35044497e-01 -4.91151623e-02 -1.02523103e-01 -2.77720630e-01 -2.16391943e-02 1.19215861e-01 4.86748427e-01 -2.04957888e-01 3.32615167e-01 3.26676130e-01 -1.83208846e-02 4.38227445e-01 3.20811957e-01 3.24646622e-01 -1.02074139e-01 2.56899208e-01 1.45912468e-01 -2.61908144e-01 -2.07014248e-01 -1.36170894e-01 -7.59825576e-03 9.37081054e-02 -6.55854568e-02 -1.05889954e-01 2.43577734e-01 -3.36877972e-01 -2.74307519e-01 4.14112747e-01 2.40047887e-01 -9.85063165e-02 -3.52660328e-01 -3.30508441e-01 -2.71618962e-01 1.68794803e-02 2.67441541e-01 -1.28132671e-01 -3.45273644e-01 -1.99587047e-01 -3.13617401e-02 2.13179886e-01 8.74327496e-04 7.98495933e-02 -9.14464369e-02 6.77472875e-02 1.12247571e-01 2.61325151e-01 -1.88645780e-01 -4.79463905e-01 -4.94473219e-01 2.20214546e-01 -9.21006724e-02 -6.93100154e-01 7.95233548e-02 2.51419932e-01 9.71115101e-03 1.10902473e-01 2.11527959e-01 3.94700378e-01 -1.44294847e-03 -7.13113248e-02 -3.02163064e-01 1.93243042e-01 6.21505499e-01 -1.48053259e-01 -2.12619603e-02 -2.18493477e-01 1.15178458e-01 1.79395229e-01 1.84800014e-01 -5.97838424e-02 -5.56618273e-01 -1.06626712e-01 6.21146441e-01 3.24338973e-01 -9.21988785e-02 2.67873764e-01 -2.36911342e-01 -1.55386046e-01 4.00030226e-01 2.68109083e-01 -1.02420852e-01 -1.33477598e-02 1.13272719e-01 4.71740723e-01 -1.15840891e-02 4.14557934e-01 3.38719964e-01 1.27626508e-01 5.82865179e-02 1.28014296e-01 -5.35307407e-01 9.98765454e-02 -7.61667565e-02 9.58794728e-03 -1.85617194e-01 6.01194501e-01 2.35816941e-01 -6.08272217e-02 -3.39156091e-01 -5.23966014e-01 4.94879544e-01 5.67687899e-02 -1.28205061e-01 1.24552257e-01 1.61967531e-01 -1.10187225e-01 -1.43154562e-01 -3.61669451e-01 -4.33172196e-01 9.29557979e-02 2.09184110e-01 -1.79948226e-01 -5.37434369e-02 -3.68995875e-01 -1.33842215e-01 -1.06144689e-01 2.32710361e-01 -3.90500017e-02 2.64124572e-02 -1.46262407e-01 -1.03188522e-01]
"Grandfather Clock" active "Item #: SCP-224 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-224 is to be stored in a soundproof enclosure with acoustic destructive interference nodes. Nodes must be replaced on a weekly basis by remote means due to the erratic nature of SCP-224’s effect; non Class-D personnel are not to enter the enclosure. Additionally, SCP-224’s enclosure must be kept free from moisture to avoid rapid oxidation. In the event that the clock begins to chime, all personnel must evacuate the area, and the location should be secured following procedure Zeit 77. Description: SCP-224 is a wooden grandfather clock, accented with a black lacquer and gold leaf. Markings, remotely observed, date its origin at the end of the 19th century. Though internal examination of its components has been done, the density and construction of its gears make method of function impossible to interpret. The hands of the clock do not move with any known consistency, though the tendency seems to be generally clockwise. Additionally, chimes occur at non-regular intervals, ranging from approximately one minute to several months. To further complicate matters, the numbers on the clock also have a tendency to move and shift, though they generally retain ascending order. Each chime has an anomalous acoustic signature that causes a drastic localized temporal acceleration. People and objects in range of the sound begin to age. The amount of time is not consistent with the chimes, ranging from essentially inconsequential amounts to several years, though the amount aged during any single event is consistent for all objects within the field of effect. SCP-224 was originally found in the ████ ████ Antique Shop and purchased by Mr. ████ ██████████ as a gift for his wife. When brought home and wound, the anomalous properties were noticed, though not acted upon, both apparently considering the object broken. Their bodies were discovered in their collapsed house two days later, aged significantly. Foundation personnel monitoring ██████ took interest, and SCP-224 was subsequently recovered. Agents ███████ and █████ were unfortunately lost following exposure during transportation. Any instances of SCP-224 retaining any numeric pattern for an extended period should be reported to Dr. Simmons Dr. Locke. Failure to do so will result in suspension and possible demotion. Addendum SCP-224, Cataloged Incidents: Due to repeated errors on the part of the maintenance crews working on containment for SCP-224, Dr. Simmons insisted that the following report be spread among the onsite work crews to fully stress the importance of SCP-224’s containment. After its circulation, it was added to the primary case file for historical purposes. Today, I had the pleasure of informing Agent ███████ that he is to be given retirement pay and is free to leave active duty as of this evening. It was not initially approved by Director ██████ until I explained the circumstances. Agent ███████, who is the father of Alice ███████ and husband of Merilee ███████, was walking past the SCP-224 containment facility on Friday, March 17, 198█. He was reporting to his supervisor’s office to deliver the final report on SCP-███, which he was instrumental in helping acquire. Because SCP-224’s effect is so unpredictable, he had no way of knowing that the object had activated until the acoustic dampening equipment failed, leading to the collapse of the wall. At this time, Agent ███████ was exposed to seven iterations of SCP-224’s effect. The first one saw him age into his mid-thirties. Those of you who have seen the video are aware that this wasn't a drastic change. However, by the second exposure, he was now well into his forties. There was significant graying of hair. By the third iteration, he was balding, and we estimate his age reached into the early sixties. By the fourth, his skin had noticeably wrinkled, with liver spots appearing in several places. By the sixth iteration, Agent ███████ collapsed due to a broken hip, fracturing several ribs and his left arm. It was at this time that he lost control of his bowels and bladder. When the seventh iteration ended, containment had to be manually reestablished. At this time, Agent ███████ is estimated to be over a hundred years old. As a note, Agent ███████ volunteered for termination and examination of SCP-224’s effects, should the retirement pay he was now technically entitled to be rewarded to his family. I heartily thank Director ██████ and Agent ███████ for giving us this opportunity to study SCP-224’s effect. I hope you’ll remember in the future that, while some SCPs kill immediately, others do not. Others leave lingering effects that have ramifications for the people—and the families of the people—who are subjected to them. Dr. Rasmussen was down the hall from Agent ███████. He is now a thirty-five year old man in an elderly body. Assistant Researcher Jessup, who was pregnant when she was exposed in the same incident, died when her child was forced through her abdomen. Her son is a forty year old man with the mind of an infant. Dr. Quinn's undiagnosed case of bladder cancer consumed his entire abdomen in a matter of moments. Please keep these incidents in mind before failing to replace the "perfectly fine" acoustic nodes in the containment enclosure. Dr. J. Simmons, Head of Containment, SCP-224 « SCP-223 | SCP-224 | SCP-225 »" nan
[-1.75714090e-01 4.13578227e-02 -7.08623379e-02 2.95459423e-02 -1.42192587e-01 2.23985892e-02 5.54161429e-01 1.11026920e-01 -2.70937686e-03 1.87557727e-01 1.95067897e-01 2.24073485e-01 -3.15944940e-01 -3.43304724e-01 -2.47151464e-01 2.53537655e-01 4.20014411e-02 3.78031433e-01 8.98969173e-02 -1.31980181e-01 -1.90306574e-01 -5.70394052e-03 -1.01072110e-01 8.55024755e-02 -3.76203448e-01 4.39239433e-04 1.61797076e-01 -6.30026832e-02 -1.65334605e-02 -2.07534045e-01 -9.37413350e-02 1.81940645e-01 -9.84116197e-02 8.42544854e-01 -1.06640029e-04 -3.43217939e-01 2.60596335e-01 3.65303941e-02 -4.16621566e-01 1.59402817e-01 5.69344312e-02 8.21635965e-03 -1.80237800e-01 -1.63183287e-01 -1.00114346e-01 -4.97824475e-02 -1.50281163e-02 6.99598193e-02 8.10128525e-02 2.47384444e-01 2.50899613e-01 -1.69423923e-01 1.08216427e-01 -1.42006978e-01 4.65091944e-01 6.32861555e-02 -1.24353483e-01 -2.61953678e-02 3.13924670e-01 1.26177222e-01 4.58071381e-02 -3.98570485e-02 -8.10681656e-02 -1.65411111e-04 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-4.03980128e-02 3.33257973e-01 1.75070509e-01 2.78566927e-01 1.24684766e-01 -1.26262218e-01 -2.95496117e-02 -2.76172142e-02 -9.85555127e-02 -3.45831066e-01 1.94727138e-01 4.83816445e-01 -6.38502985e-02 1.34630740e-01 2.12395582e-02 8.17647353e-02 -2.11728960e-01 -8.82535651e-02 -7.89519176e-02 1.74228594e-01 1.83430970e-01 3.12151700e-01 4.04012978e-01 2.73597121e-01 -3.53495687e-01 -3.93899918e-01 -8.67220536e-02 6.29800707e-02 -5.91505766e-02 4.85302322e-02 9.29765701e-02 5.88394701e-02 -9.39352810e-02 8.76095444e-02 1.15968183e-01 -1.89961970e-01 1.14556774e-01 2.64258116e-01 -2.29088031e-02 9.13455384e-04 -3.75766665e-01 4.10896152e-01 -3.15253079e-01 4.79636788e-02 -3.64096791e-01 -2.08616346e-01 -3.93366115e-03 6.63790777e-02 -2.89837480e-01 4.58643019e-01 5.03221035e-01 7.94807076e-02 -3.93588841e-02 -1.05813235e-01 -3.90665323e-01 2.77260929e-01 1.18163109e-01 -7.67837092e-02 -3.33912019e-03 -1.06060304e-01 -4.53404896e-02 -3.50944310e-01 2.56547719e-01 -6.68196917e-01 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-1.37306094e-01 2.09679484e-01 -1.04546010e-01 1.49613664e-01 -2.58290349e-03 -2.12340385e-01 1.78588495e-01 -4.70141441e-01 1.89978525e-01 1.11002304e-01 -3.23173776e-02 1.30132198e-01 2.20323242e-02 -3.92334074e-01 -3.00401598e-01 2.55805161e-02 -3.96313101e-01 -5.09707749e-01 3.83077711e-01 5.56520402e-01 4.92806226e-01 3.86800498e-01 -3.81929800e-02 -2.61597276e-01 -1.77234281e-02 6.06135614e-02 2.00729340e-01 -1.85994357e-01 -4.49712239e-02 -9.85633135e-02 1.01271626e-02 4.89890546e-01 4.93200570e-02 -1.17233470e-01 5.61890155e-02 -3.13454360e-01 -9.58620459e-02 3.08564574e-01 1.15025140e-01 1.43888975e-02 -1.43831313e-01 1.09808274e-01 3.61036867e-01 3.74375641e-01 1.80866525e-01 -9.21870954e-03 8.15548748e-02 1.53833002e-01 -2.27390304e-02 4.95285422e-01 4.31997813e-02 2.93977559e-01 6.36188686e-02 3.78291160e-01 4.58549485e-02 -1.48094624e-01 1.03800096e-01 -1.28180474e-01 3.59775752e-01 2.70760089e-01 -2.54117727e-01 -2.44382977e-01 3.19299042e-01 -5.68609089e-02 -3.45160455e-01 -1.15659267e-01 3.71847712e-02 6.65676668e-02 -1.15851171e-01 2.63496280e-01 -2.38667145e-01 -2.02532321e-01 -1.45204321e-01 1.19053900e-01 -3.17483507e-02 1.92217290e-01 3.03256452e-01 9.45251286e-01 2.39543885e-01 -8.91872798e-04 2.77982920e-01 -2.35019643e-02 -5.67258373e-02 -2.39985511e-01 -1.39506653e-01 -2.02069893e-01 4.98058945e-02 1.34919882e-01 -3.42665128e-02 -1.95103168e-01 1.25150606e-01 -3.46038252e-01 -1.60279691e-01 -6.23731673e-01 4.14763897e-04 1.56060934e-01 2.62485743e-01 -2.82036886e-02 1.31312191e-01 2.37379149e-01 3.03955317e-01 2.12861940e-01 1.58004880e-01 -1.93077549e-01 1.96744815e-01 1.98058829e-01 -1.85578763e-01 -3.78974259e-01 1.35197878e-01 -1.11446761e-01 1.85540527e-01 -3.07983637e-01 -1.31806806e-01 -6.44586682e-02 -8.73262286e-02 -5.65213375e-02 -2.41679981e-01 8.86767060e-02 4.92873669e-01 5.12071788e-01 -1.59690306e-01 2.40902696e-02 1.57858938e-01 1.56541780e-01 -2.15811834e-01 -2.23857276e-02 -4.36681919e-02 -2.02493191e-01 -3.35405469e-02 -1.08264491e-01 1.20031394e-01 8.29122495e-03 9.45384502e-02 1.28896758e-01 2.57208258e-01 -5.85112572e-02 -1.87585071e-01 2.10780784e-01 2.60681901e-02 1.01355664e-01 4.32402492e-02 -3.27477902e-01 -1.73120752e-01 -1.69762418e-01 2.65648514e-02 -3.32446963e-01 -1.03857309e-01 4.38960344e-01 3.47747624e-01 -1.60410836e-01 -3.79952610e-01 -1.84410661e-01 -2.19886675e-01 -2.25418597e-01 3.57257947e-02 -1.67287901e-01 -1.62355468e-01 3.43052298e-01 4.12047893e-01 -1.26965031e-01 -2.38156199e-01 -3.30775917e-01 -4.85360660e-02 -2.31066998e-02 -2.32116073e-01 2.62004346e-01 3.05267602e-01 -2.01540902e-01 -3.87010574e-02 2.31565669e-01 -7.91917592e-02 -4.32698369e-01 8.12586024e-02 -5.85589446e-02 1.04696117e-02 -1.08340979e-01 -2.34179482e-01 -1.79173812e-01 -7.96917602e-02 1.23059943e-01 3.50419879e-02 -2.48047784e-01 -2.32246324e-01 -2.08629489e-01 7.85071924e-02 2.43843887e-02 3.10132857e-02 -1.90564647e-01 1.53031081e-01 9.67095718e-02 6.98423907e-02 -7.70957395e-02 5.47655761e-01 1.20786764e-01 2.09473208e-01 2.20658675e-01 9.46175978e-02 -5.21846861e-02 -8.60304236e-02 2.78334081e-01 1.19344510e-01 1.30653262e-01 2.29272731e-02 -2.06527978e-01 -6.55579418e-02 2.84290403e-01 4.89012569e-01 3.08375172e-02 -1.80907831e-01 9.06670243e-02 1.50689453e-01 2.05089122e-01 5.66697657e-01 -1.84236854e-01 6.97707087e-02 -1.50137737e-01 -2.30062827e-01 -7.52154142e-02 3.11940134e-01 -1.34373263e-01 -3.11048818e-03 -3.03156208e-02 1.34758204e-01 7.48846605e-02 6.57509736e-05 3.87402214e-02 -3.10608000e-01 -1.32554546e-01 1.05230018e-01 2.13248238e-01 -4.27652672e-02 1.55464873e-01 -2.13560816e-02 -2.38335934e-02 -1.12457298e-01 5.57290278e-02 -2.06815571e-01 2.55424559e-01 3.15134466e-01 1.60530031e-01 -3.28753213e-03 1.86253384e-01 1.07177250e-01 2.89914548e-01 2.12893650e-01 -8.35980475e-02 5.95786035e-01 1.36443153e-02 -7.31461942e-02 7.96742961e-02 3.90072018e-01 6.10796474e-02 2.84108907e-01 -1.33395970e-01 7.69457221e-02 1.31253481e-01 9.56937820e-02 2.43823364e-01 -1.42835438e-01 -1.45823583e-01 -4.69639897e-02 1.10905796e-01 2.26294667e-01 -1.47261666e-02 -8.55924338e-02 1.50887728e-01 1.46051213e-01 -5.72798774e-04 1.69112802e-01 3.68511081e-01 -4.14407514e-02 -1.75466612e-01 5.82512856e-01 -3.79818112e-01 3.94554615e-01 5.53768165e-02 2.40751788e-01 -6.36022240e-02 -1.05914906e-01 4.53392923e-01 -4.31645095e-01 -3.78281213e-02 -1.31412923e-01 1.22718282e-01 2.45934054e-01 -3.92820388e-01 2.13570878e-01 1.61456406e-01 -2.94983029e-01 -2.88649619e-01 -1.13308296e-01 1.49967432e-01 8.19576159e-02 1.27730563e-01 -8.78948867e-02 -3.33922207e-01 4.00835238e-02 9.23240110e-02 1.35790601e-01 -1.34695292e-01 1.16199084e-01 2.36984596e-01 1.22693233e-01 -1.11291625e-01 1.32334441e-01 -9.70059559e-02 1.66682541e-01 -3.87320444e-02 2.70406812e-01 3.08324397e-01 -4.92349297e-01 -5.81418335e-01 5.99385947e-02 -2.59690613e-01 8.38678554e-02 1.92583114e-01 -2.09163651e-01 1.65551126e-01 3.83966081e-02 -5.96378297e-02 6.76558614e-02 -2.13054612e-01 5.06759919e-02 -2.40904361e-01 5.91400862e-01 2.14496940e-01 -8.34434107e-02 2.01060567e-02 -1.47648349e-01 -8.51429701e-02 -1.32592663e-01 1.84379488e-01 -6.55818060e-02 -3.00744418e-02 -4.17012036e-01 -1.63063362e-01 3.22836071e-01 -1.63939670e-01 3.81242037e-01 -8.01095068e-02 -7.49428496e-02 -5.59164025e-02 2.72234946e-01 8.91613960e-03 1.36642203e-01 3.01276948e-02 1.69585228e-01 -4.47443640e-03 5.64114273e-01 2.33641833e-01 2.85379022e-01 -1.29730403e-01 3.61640342e-02 -5.20612001e-01 1.21071957e-01 -2.85750449e-01 3.73666227e-01 -8.92755315e-02 1.65229097e-01 1.69072673e-01 2.06276942e-02 -2.84262717e-01 -3.21852416e-01 6.34928226e-01 -4.42578077e-01 -2.43708506e-01 -1.87018409e-01 1.34301022e-01 -2.48560254e-02 -2.49954164e-01 -2.62476981e-01 -4.49570715e-02 -6.65281480e-03 8.52854475e-02 -1.90482035e-01 -1.76330328e-01 -2.81107992e-01 -2.30665326e-01 1.89642478e-02 4.58724737e-01 2.96984520e-02 1.26110956e-01 -3.20092022e-01 4.23149318e-02]
"Unstoppable and Immovable" active "Item #: SCP-225 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-225-1 is contained at Site-65 for study and experimentation. No guards are necessary for the object itself, as theft is impossible and the object is harmless for the moment. Ongoing tests are to be made to find a way to eliminate SCP-225-1, or at least to find a way to move it from its position in a controllable fashion. SCP-225-2 is as yet uncontainable and should be monitored as best as possible as it travels, with constant updates as to its current position, speed, and trajectory, along with projections as to its estimated position for the next 50 years. As of this writing SCP-225 poses no immediate threat. However, in the event that a collision course with SCP-225-1 is detected, SCP-225 is to be immediately upgraded to Keter, and every effort must be made to find a way to alter SCP-225-1 or SCP-225-2 from their courses. All Foundation resources are to be made available for this objective should a collision ever become probable. Planetary evacuation plans are to be drawn up as a precaution, as are revised containment procedures for Keter level items whose containment being compromised by [DATA EXPUNGED] would not also result in the item's imminent destruction. Description: SCP-225-1 and SCP-225-2 are shiny gray metallic spheres of unknown origin and composition, each with a diameter of 0.681 meters. SCP-225-1 appears stable and motionless, but is in fact moving in a geosynchronous path above Earth, at the exact speed of Earth's rotation, maintaining its relative position at all times. Gravity, magnetism, and all other forces tested have had no effect upon it; it maintains position approximately 7.3 meters above the surface. No amount of force brought to bear on it in any direction has any effect upon its position; all tools and weaponry tested have no effect upon it physically. SCP-225-2 follows a path around the sun that is nearly synchronous with Earth's. It does not orbit Earth; Earth rotates under it, giving it the illusory appearance of traveling around the Earth at velocities usually ranging from 1,600 - 2,000 km/h, depending on its current relative altitude. It does not technically orbit the sun either; it appears to be moving under its own power via unknown means. Its course has not been entirely predictable. Differences between SCP-225-2's path and Earth's orbit move the planet closer to or further away from SCP-225-2, within a surprisingly small level of variance to date. Since it was first observed in ████ it has never reached a relative altitude of less than 10 km, generally staying between ██ km - ████ km above the surface, though it has moved as far away as [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in a temporary loss of contact in ████ (contact re-established in ████ after the ██████ Lunar Impact incident). Similarly to SCP-225-1, no force or weaponry brought to bear upon it has had any effect, though testing on it is significantly more difficult, time-consuming, and resource-intensive due to the variation in its relative position. Addendum: To summarize: no effort to move or damage SCP-225-1 has any effect, and no effort to stop or damage SCP-225-2 has any effect. SCP-225-2 destructively travels through any object in its path without pause and/or pushes it out of its way, regardless of that object's composition. SCP-225-1 is unaffected by any amount of force brought to bear on it in any direction. While individually each object is not as yet of any major concern, there are cataclysmic implications should the two objects collide. Projections based upon the estimated amount of material contained between the two objects (0.33 cubic meters, appr. 2,600 kg) show that should the objects annihilate each other, they would release at minimum the power of a ██ gigaton nuclear explosion, potentially much higher depending upon what they are constructed of. Since all tests thus far have shown that neither SCP-225-1 nor SCP-225-2 can be damaged or moved by any means known, the possibility also exists that neither object would be annihilated, halted, or altered from their course even by contact with the other. If this is true, then a collision between SCP-225-1 and SCP-225-2 has the potential to [DATA EXPUNGED]. In this circumstance planetary evacuation may not be sufficient and [DATA EXPUNGED] should time permit before [DATA EXPUNGED]. « SCP-224 | SCP-225 | SCP-226 » Cite this page as: "SCP-225" by RhettSarlin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: silversphere.jpg Name: Sputnik asm.jpg Author(s): NSSDC, NASA, RhettSarlin License: Public Domain/CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Derivative of: Wikimedia and RhettSarlin images of the sky For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-225-1 (left) and SCP-225-2 (right)"
[ 1.63106710e-01 -3.20030510e-01 -3.91837917e-02 9.88654606e-03 4.58144285e-02 -2.97104985e-01 1.05870143e-01 -1.55678883e-01 9.20439288e-02 3.45757216e-01 -5.00340899e-03 2.40471646e-01 -5.41765153e-01 1.95482463e-01 -2.33841687e-02 2.12350637e-01 1.50697365e-01 1.42013431e-01 -1.69120803e-01 -1.30187377e-01 -1.75751314e-01 -1.15281455e-01 -1.39543414e-01 7.26788417e-02 -8.79407823e-02 -5.59855402e-02 -4.27074544e-02 -6.11907840e-02 -1.60197407e-01 -2.91016042e-01 4.60075408e-01 4.72685546e-01 -6.62106499e-02 4.39439029e-01 -1.11730951e-04 -9.31288004e-02 3.73957045e-02 1.95565745e-01 -4.10933763e-01 -2.98143420e-02 -1.15033008e-01 2.69236527e-02 -1.35129632e-03 -2.21820682e-01 2.53683299e-01 1.24185301e-01 -1.92520209e-02 2.19286144e-01 3.82631212e-01 1.73179671e-01 1.71040639e-01 -1.07299007e-01 3.01924914e-01 -9.51680914e-02 3.62178117e-01 -4.68328074e-02 -1.40896291e-01 -9.93222371e-02 -8.36591125e-02 4.26025391e-01 1.55283615e-01 1.32464200e-01 -3.34941655e-01 -6.99725673e-02 4.28025663e-01 -3.23887885e-01 6.92087635e-02 2.09046956e-02 6.41170144e-02 1.51480421e-01 -2.15715319e-02 -1.89109713e-01 6.02646247e-02 2.82011889e-02 -7.63885379e-02 3.51721719e-02 1.23469330e-01 2.43198220e-03 1.99865252e-01 -4.28571105e-02 -2.96565831e-01 9.40936990e-03 -4.35059071e-01 -6.90438598e-02 -3.98818910e-01 3.87907207e-01 -4.05494533e-02 1.45750374e-01 1.57469600e-01 7.92674348e-02 -4.01749983e-02 -1.89892486e-01 2.97161341e-01 2.07486778e-01 1.66603848e-01 -8.74317214e-02 1.07865579e-01 1.55299142e-01 1.88940138e-01 1.92932203e-01 2.51046002e-01 2.06656948e-01 2.59912342e-01 2.24730387e-01 7.17562884e-02 -7.32680038e-02 6.00348301e-02 -1.29901692e-01 -2.02592805e-01 4.79651093e-01 -1.97416589e-01 3.88464838e-01 -5.71955107e-02 6.03981130e-02 2.10441828e-01 5.12055606e-02 3.04161996e-01 -2.85053968e-01 -3.28869671e-01 3.85558516e-01 -5.02675533e-01 3.31274450e-01 -2.46725790e-02 -3.52222123e-03 3.27427298e-01 1.10980384e-01 2.37138927e-01 -9.88682434e-02 1.07401066e-01 1.33699983e-01 -6.78066090e-02 3.51148456e-01 -2.53920287e-01 3.53855602e-02 -2.05444004e-02 1.83040574e-01 -2.76036173e-01 -2.19769944e-02 1.83799192e-01 2.22198904e-01 2.44543523e-01 -2.06108928e-01 3.23933601e-01 2.98770100e-01 -3.59414905e-01 4.76778075e-02 -1.12360820e-01 -3.17558050e-01 -1.90460727e-01 1.45478621e-01 3.49014521e-01 8.66701305e-02 6.25108406e-02 1.97343335e-01 -4.44959283e-01 1.69667378e-02 1.06217735e-01 7.15937838e-02 -4.59837079e-01 -2.85914630e-01 2.88947135e-01 6.79670796e-02 -4.32073206e-01 -3.58858407e-02 -5.27236029e-04 2.83052742e-01 -1.76626131e-01 -1.88670650e-01 1.16041442e-02 -1.31508529e-01 -1.51911989e-01 -3.64444375e-01 -1.36267617e-01 8.75351578e-03 -2.28753820e-01 -3.50939661e-01 -7.73732066e-01 1.58731014e-01 -4.07607585e-01 -1.93371460e-01 -4.22778249e-01 3.75679940e-01 2.00036913e-01 -1.88893870e-01 -4.03575450e-01 -1.78384617e-01 -2.83182472e-01 8.10713097e-02 2.99294919e-01 -3.08378339e-01 -5.23172975e-01 -5.53675294e-01 1.13815159e-01 6.04606681e-02 2.66202211e-01 -8.62853155e-02 3.36590618e-01 5.53694189e-01 -5.82040437e-02 8.56802836e-02 9.50618088e-03 5.99793673e-01 4.15471971e-01 -5.04637837e-01 -1.98199823e-01 -4.02032077e-01 -5.53490937e-01 1.59455672e-01 8.38954598e-02 2.86732644e-01 7.87666161e-03 -4.28247936e-02 -3.07915449e-01 -1.52994562e-02 -2.31622204e-01 -2.10615128e-01 2.74229199e-01 -5.61750047e-02 1.65714949e-01 -1.44699782e-01 8.76504555e-02 1.53652066e-02 -1.93708409e-02 -2.24494770e-01 -1.76177733e-02 1.92575857e-01 -1.81388900e-01 -1.32703722e-01 -2.10628197e-01 1.19205810e-01 1.55348003e-01 -1.86171070e-01 7.33507946e-02 4.78129499e-02 -2.82484312e-02 -1.12128288e-01 7.77920410e-02 8.24843287e-01 4.44930233e-02 -9.12893042e-02 -1.28023475e-01 2.60641845e-03 2.86375344e-01 -4.21284139e-02 -5.07808566e-01 4.16618079e-01 -5.10033906e-01 4.73109305e-01 2.20994487e-01 -1.48991957e-01 -6.97977915e-02 -3.47105592e-01 -3.22835475e-01 -1.50523201e-01 1.87224582e-01 4.75441992e-01 -9.49139521e-03 3.03566784e-01 2.19803914e-01 9.50700119e-02 3.02465390e-02 1.94955289e-01 -2.12889034e-02 -3.19774561e-02 -9.88885164e-02 -1.65115461e-01 -1.98446624e-02 5.19735038e-01 -1.55640155e-01 1.11222453e-01 1.09097131e-01 6.95121437e-02 -3.06062382e-02 -5.99378794e-02 2.35434119e-02 2.48886853e-01 1.85417175e-01 3.92716527e-01 3.62948805e-01 1.54951930e-01 -1.27753332e-01 -2.94452488e-01 -1.48310542e-01 -3.88313122e-02 -4.24297489e-02 -1.33572713e-01 3.97976264e-02 2.78975517e-01 -2.31661886e-01 4.09372002e-01 -1.94472551e-01 -2.86139250e-01 5.62024601e-02 2.92336762e-01 -6.09532297e-02 1.65096465e-02 2.90601933e-03 2.78565258e-01 -3.86878759e-01 1.08849071e-01 -1.36285767e-01 -1.82522431e-01 7.01796263e-02 1.74363609e-02 -1.72648847e-01 2.29068901e-02 3.04130226e-01 3.59276652e-01 2.81846315e-01 -7.27688745e-02 -3.14811438e-01 2.24951431e-01 1.47383943e-01 -1.45231947e-01 2.89620049e-02 -3.23770553e-01 -2.29444370e-01 -1.87118724e-01 1.86638966e-01 -6.42156303e-01 -3.28731872e-02 3.09729367e-01 -8.11453760e-02 7.50531703e-02 3.62091176e-02 3.61006707e-01 -1.42393216e-01 -5.32878302e-02 7.29479641e-02 1.29047990e-01 5.01724072e-02 1.04920104e-01 2.36169189e-01 3.65247995e-01 2.59801537e-01 6.13670498e-02 3.91545966e-02 -4.20446903e-01 7.06929862e-02 2.41858974e-01 -2.44289916e-02 -2.30989337e-01 -2.13025346e-01 7.29095787e-02 4.07408863e-01 -1.38370290e-01 -3.57241839e-01 -2.23193258e-01 2.67382741e-01 4.24621776e-02 -2.20984325e-01 3.94697160e-01 2.48363525e-01 -2.59323359e-01 -1.04349174e-01 9.59641766e-03 2.64494717e-01 2.61780441e-01 -4.73112017e-02 -2.83129841e-01 -2.93784589e-02 3.59021336e-01 6.11047328e-01 -2.29295284e-01 -8.28093067e-02 1.56226084e-01 4.76847589e-01 8.30298737e-02 3.14425863e-02 -2.90533185e-01 3.05880517e-01 3.88465226e-02 -6.93059742e-01 7.61724189e-02 -2.18140066e-01 1.36865228e-02 -1.83214657e-02 2.23990213e-02 -2.90329009e-01 -3.68768685e-02 -9.59726796e-02 5.34306169e-01 1.17657818e-01 -8.59252810e-02 -3.74934286e-01 8.33404437e-02 -7.68500343e-02 -9.01333094e-02 -1.52059793e-02 -1.30328134e-01 8.09372813e-02 -2.10119769e-01 -1.44841030e-01 8.92354473e-02 8.78714845e-02 -1.12422705e-01 -1.05711780e-01 -8.39677826e-02 -1.29732834e-02 3.03376526e-01 -4.02534366e-01 -1.09461851e-01 1.00350991e-01 1.51326239e-01 3.95182788e-01 -1.24133393e-01 -2.69318104e-01 -1.59693420e-01 -4.48496640e-01 -4.11981642e-02 1.37823924e-01 -2.49629498e-01 -1.91594929e-01 -5.14780357e-02 -5.98259233e-02 3.02540064e-01 -6.85357153e-02 3.20087463e-01 -1.27212510e-01 -4.62187499e-01 -1.83257431e-01 6.44460768e-02 5.99701293e-02 -2.21073449e-01 -4.86956872e-02 7.05262497e-02 -2.33194411e-01 6.88956454e-02 4.01084386e-02 -2.86413819e-01 -3.08417212e-02 -7.85919130e-02 -7.20970333e-02 1.85338229e-01 3.22829366e-01 4.01355773e-01 2.21603289e-01 5.59560247e-02 2.40106583e-01 -4.92520183e-02 -1.99145839e-01 6.38798848e-02 4.93174136e-01 8.86300951e-02 1.86911616e-02 -8.16227719e-02 3.26866388e-01 -1.14557959e-01 -4.11499552e-02 3.12152877e-02 -1.04329683e-01 2.01681107e-01 -6.84693307e-02 -1.66348810e-03 1.33895367e-01 -3.94584298e-01 4.24582586e-02 3.14316630e-01 -2.89335817e-01 1.67051181e-01 3.84779721e-01 1.19961143e+00 3.62015665e-02 -2.97061168e-02 -5.60477488e-02 -4.55867946e-01 6.50713295e-02 1.22246556e-01 -2.96100751e-02 -1.90112069e-02 -2.02949986e-01 -6.36838824e-02 -1.00951210e-01 1.15722626e-01 1.07635036e-01 -2.32788086e-01 -9.46135297e-02 -5.10929286e-01 -2.16392592e-01 9.66558009e-02 3.47993255e-01 8.71283785e-02 2.07205281e-01 2.74928510e-01 2.61692524e-01 -3.13960403e-01 2.91307420e-01 -3.93914320e-02 1.01873867e-01 1.86153263e-01 -4.39076386e-02 -3.61121982e-01 6.98031783e-02 -1.43355671e-02 4.55893219e-01 -2.90612668e-01 -2.16013595e-01 -4.25665937e-02 -4.18521196e-01 -1.01198040e-01 -3.92020315e-01 -4.36874926e-02 3.08426529e-01 1.87868312e-01 -1.33841082e-01 -4.27146852e-02 -8.29706639e-02 2.11220682e-01 4.74261306e-02 7.60022476e-02 6.22020364e-02 -3.73809561e-02 -3.56802046e-02 -1.74747795e-01 -5.46330810e-02 5.47997952e-01 2.60356516e-01 3.23411107e-01 1.64595380e-01 -2.84498155e-01 -2.52697587e-01 1.79250374e-01 -2.28353366e-01 1.38719350e-01 -5.85876629e-02 8.72787014e-02 -3.13527942e-01 -8.32548961e-02 5.61662316e-01 1.60701007e-01 1.46353364e-01 1.32927299e-01 -2.25401357e-01 -1.61048710e-01 -4.31372643e-01 3.91981393e-01 5.15130870e-02 -2.48114020e-01 2.75784016e-01 -2.22240910e-01 -8.43713284e-02 -1.87875628e-01 4.75977093e-01 2.27169007e-01 -1.62911445e-01 -2.93982863e-01 8.37658867e-02 6.96955025e-02 -4.13071439e-02 3.82048994e-01 3.69190723e-01 -2.73113161e-01 4.54582926e-03 8.84404778e-02 7.20656291e-02 -3.86613637e-01 3.84539105e-02 -3.39683235e-01 -2.40977272e-01 3.56425941e-02 -5.11021793e-01 -1.80483624e-01 -3.84452462e-01 1.15130812e-01 -1.93100706e-01 1.11109294e-01 -2.35475913e-01 -3.28840047e-01 1.08035445e-01 -3.48847196e-03 -1.44927964e-01 -3.69307876e-01 5.30571900e-02 4.14577693e-01 2.32381448e-02 1.28446847e-01 6.74146533e-01 3.03634822e-01 3.22665036e-01 -2.19499081e-01 2.75806844e-01 3.25193778e-02 -2.10162655e-01 4.33301404e-02 6.63331375e-02 4.32181537e-01 -3.76163349e-02 1.42161682e-01 -7.68110156e-04 1.14129856e-01 3.20725411e-01 -9.78125408e-02 2.46523783e-01 -7.35833943e-02 -9.76719186e-02 -1.05867602e-01 2.69687623e-01 -5.72666042e-02 4.63599153e-02 -2.59938270e-01 -5.03206611e-01 4.28269804e-03 2.40982547e-01 6.09217212e-03 3.55006568e-02 -7.00569451e-02 -5.94265247e-03 2.02394038e-01 1.64961204e-01 -9.31738913e-02 -4.86009747e-01 1.46469548e-01 1.75546467e-01 3.08700502e-01 -4.42586020e-02 1.16725370e-01 -1.44639298e-01 3.63415956e-01 -1.20859228e-01 1.22827351e-01 2.46678695e-01 5.07599890e-01 -1.13257349e-01 1.27916887e-01 3.35274935e-01 3.27896923e-02 3.54240060e-01 4.35078919e-01 3.14885080e-01 -2.23015398e-01 1.65370792e-01 -1.37915630e-02 -7.51852542e-02 4.76059876e-02 1.10908762e-01 -1.65755555e-01 -7.81018808e-02 -2.89919883e-01 -1.34161189e-01 2.14747563e-01 -6.95246086e-02 -2.09626570e-01 -3.32481295e-01 -2.86486536e-01 7.24857599e-02 2.27439404e-01 4.51587550e-02 4.26339000e-01 -5.16274944e-02 -1.01534231e-02 -1.06641278e-02 1.54069915e-01 2.31845930e-01 4.62843716e-01 -1.29692465e-01 -1.28952429e-01 6.34723604e-01 2.04429045e-01 -1.36798337e-01 -1.04406156e-01 -3.92508991e-02 -1.22596724e-02 -5.81831396e-01 2.82932203e-02 1.46973401e-01 -1.57957748e-01 -2.80526787e-01 1.11778326e-01 -1.84189051e-01 7.83739537e-02 2.84934342e-01 2.05297470e-01 -3.32226068e-01 -4.90187928e-02 2.35904515e-01 1.06151797e-01 7.40228593e-02 4.85976897e-02 -1.43381879e-01 -7.77576640e-02 2.46716842e-01 1.00318133e-03 -3.18781853e-01 -3.32905203e-01 -2.83437878e-01 -2.50697464e-01 2.42134526e-01 6.54382333e-02 7.04988837e-02 8.23133662e-02 1.27219111e-01 1.57527216e-02 1.15034327e-01 -1.67065948e-01 -6.72216788e-02 -1.57727405e-01 1.18701920e-01 -1.61122367e-01 -6.00009374e-02 -8.70689098e-03 2.56040335e-01 -1.44735277e-01 8.46982300e-02 -1.72708780e-01 3.55378091e-01 -3.60382378e-01 -6.69523999e-02 -2.99922228e-01 5.08501589e-01 5.02131820e-01 -1.82835847e-01 -7.57382661e-02 -1.60996765e-01 -1.85373619e-01 5.07812202e-02 2.24079818e-01 5.24230972e-02 -2.83714205e-01 -2.50785381e-01 3.63002032e-01 2.77157813e-01 -4.11983840e-02 4.13581319e-02 -3.22446287e-01 -1.00811385e-01 1.33185890e-02 2.50698566e-01 1.48546159e-01 2.03721687e-01 -3.62706959e-01 2.41621673e-01 8.43842179e-02 4.28643465e-01 2.93225020e-01 -5.76989949e-02 -6.19128235e-02 2.30770737e-01 -1.98436543e-01 1.80718318e-01 -1.86258659e-01 4.66410577e-01 -3.07463318e-01 3.25857133e-01 1.49985656e-01 -1.84793640e-02 -1.39728516e-01 -1.20488696e-01 6.30976617e-01 2.22995505e-01 -2.81472117e-01 1.52468190e-01 1.89377204e-01 -5.66499345e-02 -4.06997278e-02 -2.44541481e-01 -2.66482204e-01 3.92007343e-02 -8.63913167e-03 -1.68319061e-01 1.65865328e-02 -8.76858830e-02 -1.70444563e-01 -3.81790032e-03 1.78955317e-01 -9.41984414e-04 5.69392294e-02 -3.28911841e-01 1.09186873e-01]
"Puzzle Of Terror" active "Item #: SCP-226 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedure: SCP-226 is to be kept in a locked cabinet within the Site-██ Secure Item Storage unit. Any person wishing to use SCP-226 must have approval from any personnel with at least level 3 Security Clearance. Description: SCP-226 is a cardboard box, measuring roughly 30 cm x 20 cm x 4 cm. It has a lid that fits securely over the bottom half, as with any common puzzle box. The surface of the box is a deep black, with the word "fear" scrawled with white ink on the upper-right corner of its lid. Within the box are 1,000 cardboard puzzle pieces, each measuring roughly 2 centimeters in diameter, also considered SCP-226. When completed, the puzzle always forms in a rectangular shape. However, the design and order in which the pieces fit together change with use. SCP-226 aligns itself with whoever initially opens the box. When opened, the pieces change design, and the completed image will show what has been discovered to be the greatest fear of the person who it is aligned to. The image on the pieces do not change after the box has been opened. Recorded images on SCP-226 are as follows: When completed and taken back apart, the lid of SCP-226's box will fly through the air and secure itself back on the lower half. The puzzle pieces will disappear, presumably returning back into the box. SCP-226 will then become un-aligned, and align itself with the next person to open the box. Additional Notes: SCP-226 was first discovered by now defunct Mobile Task Force ███████-12 on ██/██/19██. At the time, the Task Force was investigating reports of a possible SCP in a series of tunnels underneath a church in the city of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to an equipment malfunction, MTF-12 had lost communication with the surface, and was stranded within the tunnels until repairs were made. The Task Force discovered SCP-226 on a wooden table within a stone room, surrounded by several chairs. Believing it to be a simple puzzle, MTF-12 decided to open SCP-226 to pass the time. When completed, SCP-226 depicted the exact scene of MTF-12 sitting at the table working on a puzzle. However, Agent T█████ appeared to be viciously stabbing several other members of the Task Force with a standard-issue combat knife. The puzzle was taken apart, transporting back to its box. Repairs were soon made, and MTF-12 returned to the surface. Note: Regrettably, an accident en-route to the surface caused the death of Agent T█████. « SCP-225 | SCP-226 | SCP-227 »" nan
[ 1.19138949e-01 -4.13319953e-02 -1.54440135e-01 6.49340674e-02 -1.09940879e-01 -1.03455134e-01 2.13506415e-01 -8.03721845e-02 -1.39482409e-01 2.76149452e-01 1.22135937e-01 7.22190142e-02 -2.93336898e-01 2.04629600e-01 7.00567439e-02 1.59124181e-01 2.38083359e-02 2.42862314e-01 -3.22256953e-01 6.60810471e-02 -1.38119757e-01 -1.21155336e-01 -1.12172015e-01 1.85586303e-01 -1.41148686e-01 3.71843092e-02 -9.31279212e-02 1.66966826e-01 -1.34828687e-01 -2.43053049e-01 8.24314579e-02 7.22023919e-02 3.27160470e-02 7.66720295e-01 -1.07566746e-04 -2.05491975e-01 3.25282328e-02 -8.01203921e-02 -5.48240781e-01 -1.85893834e-01 -3.27190727e-01 -3.46359015e-02 -2.41425216e-01 -1.76826924e-01 1.07982323e-01 4.97051366e-02 1.93654329e-01 2.17847005e-01 4.73546624e-01 1.34744287e-01 2.08017722e-01 4.08442467e-02 4.35196638e-01 1.15063816e-01 6.80165440e-02 3.63549292e-01 -4.15625960e-01 -4.31805968e-01 5.56749925e-02 3.83282863e-02 3.05589437e-01 -4.85418625e-02 -7.23741800e-02 -2.60906499e-02 2.03788713e-01 -3.42378587e-01 -1.59321725e-01 -2.67101616e-01 -1.10100865e-01 2.52501577e-01 1.49665829e-02 -1.74521610e-01 4.55019921e-01 4.84588481e-02 -1.45187721e-01 1.68133661e-01 1.63111374e-01 1.41969502e-01 -8.07119682e-02 -1.25582337e-01 -1.00477740e-01 5.33473194e-01 -2.09693208e-01 1.46659687e-01 -2.51381755e-01 1.93623021e-01 -9.88293961e-02 5.69848232e-02 2.40860894e-01 -3.61843437e-01 -8.77171829e-02 2.54701283e-02 2.31736645e-01 9.76369157e-02 -1.02189125e-03 -1.24571323e-02 4.08123285e-01 -1.26934037e-01 1.40949348e-02 1.61371484e-01 7.06956685e-02 6.80811778e-02 3.31518203e-01 -5.12708351e-02 2.05341563e-01 1.30997077e-01 -1.83640406e-01 1.97672490e-02 -4.07052904e-01 7.21733749e-01 -1.35694683e-01 3.22418541e-01 -1.57565460e-01 2.51324505e-01 3.58359143e-02 -1.07450694e-01 1.29018143e-01 -6.26082122e-02 -5.35066068e-01 4.37082618e-01 -5.78385770e-01 2.28215590e-01 -1.09845571e-01 3.46235901e-01 4.78096277e-01 2.61748079e-02 1.78744286e-01 -4.91009027e-01 -4.29307222e-02 -1.05402902e-01 -2.59871423e-01 -1.82288229e-01 -3.88296545e-01 6.24046028e-02 -1.33774161e-01 -1.61227491e-03 -2.65900224e-01 1.42645255e-01 2.78855830e-01 -6.65313751e-02 2.23166607e-02 -1.19908698e-01 5.95686555e-01 2.64794290e-01 -2.65074432e-01 -4.38320518e-01 -2.78396588e-02 -5.68806902e-02 -4.33176234e-02 6.61281571e-02 3.57186824e-01 1.78713232e-01 1.35809798e-02 1.92278177e-01 -1.72632799e-01 1.58239394e-01 1.80310786e-01 7.77565315e-02 -3.19123417e-01 -1.15392311e-02 1.31575450e-01 1.44870758e-01 4.18499745e-02 -1.74317554e-01 2.58500539e-02 4.01096523e-01 5.11858343e-05 9.72975641e-02 2.20215544e-01 -7.11149648e-02 -2.01238751e-01 -2.65980721e-01 1.39212713e-01 -5.80509640e-02 -2.62087137e-01 1.11831188e-01 -4.29737777e-01 -6.32844195e-02 -3.27048957e-01 -5.60294390e-02 -4.38130319e-01 3.25231373e-01 2.17841923e-01 -7.37731159e-02 -4.05115813e-01 -4.28946055e-02 -2.71071583e-01 1.33091584e-01 -4.12087366e-02 -7.09002779e-04 -9.21124890e-02 -2.30444580e-01 3.69824082e-01 7.09440485e-02 -1.09522752e-01 3.49407084e-02 3.47640187e-01 5.92318662e-02 1.82405204e-01 1.81035951e-01 -4.23948616e-01 1.12288058e-01 3.61431688e-01 -1.37569740e-01 -7.10220188e-02 -8.95341113e-02 -5.44867694e-01 -1.86852068e-01 3.36626291e-01 2.80182451e-01 -9.42051411e-02 -9.29165471e-05 -2.26970434e-01 4.62528504e-02 -2.00433359e-01 -1.62520602e-01 2.38368750e-01 1.43999115e-01 3.11750919e-02 -3.61669332e-01 -8.09492096e-02 3.26847166e-01 -1.60016030e-01 -1.93081379e-01 1.13505840e-01 8.29379857e-02 -2.27414966e-01 2.48353891e-02 5.55008650e-02 2.85677820e-01 2.93196559e-01 -1.29389569e-01 1.84346557e-01 1.66684017e-01 -1.12109333e-01 9.20497552e-02 -2.00842172e-01 6.54428303e-01 -2.86502570e-01 -1.00430354e-01 -3.86547372e-02 4.43014145e-01 5.60309878e-03 1.71722919e-01 -1.00408815e-01 2.65626162e-01 3.93867269e-02 3.21178168e-01 1.88084677e-01 -3.08894277e-01 -3.03992867e-01 -3.52095068e-01 -1.84263796e-01 -1.70457289e-01 2.52131075e-01 1.15317091e-01 -4.37867224e-01 4.67091113e-01 1.23685479e-01 9.25790966e-02 2.03442410e-01 1.03619896e-01 2.21968457e-01 -3.61386761e-02 1.76546559e-01 -1.15598440e-01 9.54277292e-02 5.65430939e-01 1.16621323e-01 8.06295350e-02 -1.81544259e-01 1.57950580e-01 -3.02077562e-01 1.07390396e-02 -4.36663032e-02 -1.27085343e-01 2.66340554e-01 4.12858069e-01 3.75011325e-01 2.28736579e-01 -7.83645138e-02 -3.35739851e-01 -2.21096262e-01 -3.21901515e-02 -2.53403261e-02 2.92231262e-01 -1.16380624e-01 -3.05005938e-01 -1.70029297e-01 7.57291913e-01 -3.11429724e-02 -1.36153653e-01 -1.07184112e-01 -9.63490270e-03 -1.74474329e-01 -3.69516723e-02 -3.32592130e-01 3.86683792e-01 -4.09887940e-01 3.69016469e-01 -1.65773749e-01 2.31224641e-01 -1.71454743e-01 1.60518885e-01 -1.07384995e-01 -3.90218087e-02 6.05514169e-01 -7.88884908e-02 2.60207534e-01 -2.02494368e-01 -3.42034042e-01 2.73000896e-01 1.88703641e-01 -2.89104432e-01 1.99803859e-01 -4.21020761e-02 -2.34744787e-01 -6.04307294e-01 2.08574921e-01 -3.14379811e-01 -2.25316346e-01 7.28787333e-02 -1.80406258e-01 -1.46305859e-01 1.36443883e-01 1.84961826e-01 1.15391910e-01 -2.38041520e-01 2.76648045e-01 1.70864969e-01 2.20913559e-01 1.33477464e-01 6.86195195e-02 6.42884821e-02 -4.17408608e-02 9.43580419e-02 -2.96523213e-01 -4.80271429e-01 -8.56633633e-02 -9.41613466e-02 -6.60401117e-03 -3.28636378e-01 -2.52655178e-01 -1.74023643e-01 2.46724352e-01 -3.51390123e-01 -1.10006131e-01 -2.55920310e-02 -1.67697325e-01 -4.54092734e-02 -2.98833027e-02 2.82733560e-01 1.24679403e-02 -2.69068927e-01 -1.42212093e-01 -9.30743143e-02 8.32978711e-02 3.14132512e-01 5.33592105e-01 -9.07984674e-02 -1.04034536e-01 5.30125976e-01 5.39374292e-01 -5.50054722e-02 -4.75256115e-01 2.19262373e-02 1.48509979e-01 4.19288248e-01 -5.56571549e-03 -1.87188014e-01 2.62452781e-01 3.09410304e-01 1.54587207e-02 -4.45257360e-03 -6.14717267e-02 -2.43916959e-02 3.09876483e-02 2.71216363e-01 -1.87380239e-01 3.99599709e-02 -4.38571870e-02 5.26581049e-01 3.44894886e-01 -1.28123732e-02 -3.80910277e-01 6.22271374e-02 -3.09203774e-01 -7.56185949e-02 9.77357700e-02 -1.14449561e-01 1.66871846e-01 -2.90232092e-01 -1.61318704e-01 3.30384403e-01 1.25040069e-01 2.05131993e-01 1.80969059e-01 -2.25642458e-01 -4.23917413e-01 9.35460478e-02 -3.55624020e-01 -2.63353828e-02 6.78947389e-01 7.94022307e-02 2.27566093e-01 3.10925156e-01 -1.22627348e-01 -1.63683921e-01 -2.60170132e-01 -4.65147104e-03 1.19539060e-01 -1.94242671e-01 -1.72973603e-01 -2.72654332e-02 2.13974088e-01 2.72620291e-01 -3.07349470e-02 -7.32981190e-02 -6.75801784e-02 -1.83275044e-01 -2.38482654e-01 1.27797261e-01 4.30571958e-02 -1.61576942e-01 5.42559884e-02 -3.11096665e-02 2.50609755e-03 7.11246729e-02 1.22387344e-02 -1.01783641e-01 1.36490703e-01 3.02812189e-01 -9.64279622e-02 1.37270004e-01 2.73324370e-01 5.50378680e-01 3.97740662e-01 1.26578212e-01 1.66617841e-01 5.60152391e-03 1.12613387e-01 -1.74081728e-01 7.49616146e-01 1.62381485e-01 -2.81466126e-01 -2.18371794e-01 4.95559543e-01 -1.84747785e-01 -2.63422459e-01 3.09890866e-01 -6.48837611e-02 4.18270677e-01 1.55647635e-01 6.46387637e-02 -4.56830472e-01 -3.44067127e-01 1.55770043e-02 -2.16214433e-02 -1.27872350e-02 8.64080787e-02 3.39816004e-01 1.15316594e+00 8.77193883e-02 4.86584514e-01 2.25908577e-01 1.15934663e-01 -9.27552357e-02 -6.24121845e-01 -1.20317817e-01 -1.99307576e-01 -2.55649984e-02 5.73202483e-02 -3.32856476e-01 5.15860505e-02 -2.84644496e-02 -8.54623020e-02 -1.63501129e-01 -4.39796865e-01 4.04069126e-01 2.87860900e-01 1.78746864e-01 -8.87455791e-02 2.35493213e-01 2.51067668e-01 2.34592944e-01 1.25849456e-01 1.49096757e-01 -1.66715518e-01 1.74321249e-01 7.78354630e-02 -3.89726907e-02 -3.70478064e-01 2.59870708e-01 -6.97665453e-01 3.26126754e-01 4.73914035e-02 -1.79383963e-01 -1.36352539e-01 -4.13236208e-04 -2.80236572e-01 8.46234486e-02 2.53143251e-01 1.93766311e-01 9.03201818e-01 4.02529314e-02 -7.91489482e-02 -4.14467193e-02 2.66235441e-01 -6.35879561e-02 8.13501179e-02 7.51643162e-03 2.59153754e-01 -1.91920772e-01 -7.03771234e-01 1.46421716e-01 1.82519644e-01 -7.80944154e-02 -9.23412852e-03 1.32168517e-01 -5.77464178e-02 3.19943540e-02 2.04291940e-01 9.97364596e-02 -9.17533785e-02 -5.85121550e-02 2.76251197e-01 -1.95781663e-01 1.22501560e-01 2.34539822e-01 5.67868091e-02 -2.41737068e-01 3.45785618e-01 1.98939174e-01 -1.20044500e-01 -4.03518766e-01 5.30502558e-01 -1.18996091e-01 1.89201608e-01 3.25904414e-02 -2.15730220e-01 -3.10921192e-01 -1.10135242e-01 3.89669091e-01 4.39669676e-02 -2.52099723e-01 -2.04732001e-01 -2.47084256e-02 1.47018403e-01 -2.25608021e-01 1.89687684e-01 1.69141665e-01 -1.12023488e-01 2.52615601e-01 -2.31504254e-02 2.48901621e-01 -4.08850223e-01 1.12846419e-01 -3.24217975e-01 -2.15795279e-01 5.70426762e-01 3.25043537e-02 -1.70244053e-01 -5.35913222e-02 1.21911064e-01 2.07005918e-01 -3.89135301e-01 -3.09627295e-01 -2.88401902e-01 1.05245061e-01 1.50731057e-01 -1.79661021e-01 -2.80400515e-01 -9.00334343e-02 3.21886271e-01 2.47349322e-01 -1.42830253e-01 1.75901353e-01 2.87565500e-01 1.88810468e-01 -3.82326245e-01 -5.07742763e-02 2.16817960e-01 -1.82256788e-01 -7.05820024e-02 2.34715059e-01 2.77726442e-01 -8.26420337e-02 -1.54325560e-01 1.10192932e-02 -1.16505526e-01 3.28473568e-01 -2.35967547e-01 3.60253811e-01 5.53691350e-02 1.62644200e-02 -4.36388440e-02 3.52562666e-02 -1.90172195e-01 3.83598208e-02 -4.54341620e-01 -3.22267354e-01 9.52557921e-02 2.74013758e-01 5.96632995e-03 2.78465506e-02 -2.16134891e-01 1.84355810e-01 -2.16862246e-01 6.38617054e-02 -2.47667834e-01 -2.39252567e-01 1.84832502e-03 3.16354670e-02 -1.25865564e-01 -4.52473052e-02 2.53243804e-01 2.15451140e-02 -1.18738309e-01 -6.36974573e-02 6.15215953e-03 6.85520098e-02 2.02913642e-01 8.02122727e-02 3.08669321e-02 5.51750064e-02 -7.15333521e-02 3.52836162e-01 3.23288530e-01 2.14589983e-01 -8.24200436e-02 1.95477799e-01 -1.58238277e-01 -1.18646003e-01 1.22994505e-01 -3.44067849e-02 2.41623655e-01 2.15297621e-02 -1.79279968e-01 -1.17548212e-01 9.35462043e-02 -1.42213479e-02 -3.82653661e-02 -3.51664752e-01 -1.92433491e-01 -3.51009928e-02 2.02137351e-01 -6.87691793e-02 -1.17970355e-01 5.93089871e-02 2.16029376e-01 1.26358783e-02 2.31667096e-03 1.38304502e-01 4.02943879e-01 -1.44956917e-01 5.85215539e-03 4.01014000e-01 2.24541783e-01 1.68237254e-01 -1.18504629e-01 2.85005242e-01 1.56172782e-01 -3.10613334e-01 2.22400546e-01 -3.06766182e-01 -1.76596865e-01 -2.44119167e-01 1.28455982e-01 1.93979234e-01 -4.32178199e-01 2.11528614e-01 1.10317193e-01 -3.72129649e-01 -6.39333904e-01 2.76992768e-01 -4.24648449e-02 -3.20468172e-02 2.31903419e-01 -3.03622752e-01 -1.37079731e-01 7.08820894e-02 1.59536436e-01 -2.32780695e-01 -3.47425163e-01 -3.54910083e-02 -1.24002777e-01 2.58562386e-01 -2.45161980e-01 1.16134085e-01 -3.15524638e-02 8.72524604e-02 7.56746233e-02 2.73795485e-01 -1.74930662e-01 -2.94496864e-01 -1.59825847e-01 3.87009978e-01 -9.56680700e-02 -4.91918474e-01 8.91710222e-02 2.64415890e-01 -6.14656545e-02 3.21512818e-01 1.88972235e-01 3.58059317e-01 7.61137605e-02 2.54910272e-02 -3.86324406e-01 3.07597250e-01 1.57180995e-01 -6.74503818e-02 -8.22220147e-02 -8.40054229e-02 -3.09072435e-01 -4.36813980e-02 1.67610705e-01 -1.12680696e-01 -2.05879450e-01 -2.81436265e-01 3.12814742e-01 1.53712243e-01 -2.95712829e-01 1.66428044e-01 -6.55361265e-02 -2.86633790e-01 1.21306032e-01 1.87614039e-01 -1.59269542e-01 2.03364506e-01 6.59473762e-02 1.90671563e-01 -8.71707406e-03 -3.72770242e-02 5.72175607e-02 -9.39829089e-03 -2.34818570e-02 1.71311721e-01 -2.02713832e-01 1.31755874e-01 -3.88062559e-02 1.35626718e-01 5.61088808e-02 5.73708177e-01 2.26290107e-01 -8.05358291e-02 -3.93582508e-02 -2.18713105e-01 3.70714217e-01 -1.17579261e-02 -2.42740035e-01 3.16904970e-02 -1.32532731e-01 -6.40578866e-02 -1.24369040e-01 -2.84480751e-01 -1.30699456e-01 -7.94369206e-02 -2.49183521e-01 -1.39389504e-02 -1.34705449e-03 -3.70986640e-01 3.21718790e-02 1.12904094e-01 8.04778188e-02 1.15764169e-02 7.24591240e-02 -4.41824585e-01 -3.75751369e-02]
"Complete Antikythera Mechanism" active "Item #: SCP-227 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-227 is to be kept in a climate-controlled room, at a temperature of 21-24°C and humidity no higher than 10%. Anyone touching the object is required to wear surgical gloves; a supply of these is to be kept with SCP-227 at all times. Food, drink, cigarettes, or any other sources of contamination are not allowed inside of the containment area. Loose clothing, hair, or other adornment is not recommended. Only personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher are allowed access to SCP-227, although lower ranking staff are allowed to use the object while under supervision. If SCP-227 needs to be transported to another location, it should be sealed in an insulated, airtight container filled with an inert gas. Description: SCP-227 is a bronze clockwork device measuring 10 cm x 16 cm x 26 cm and weighing 5 kg. SCP-227 is somewhat similar in appearance to reconstructions of the "Antikythera Mechanism", an incomplete and heavily corroded Greek artifact thought to date from approximately 100 BCE. Unlike that artifact, SCP-227 was found intact and apparently fully functional. This is partly because SCP-227 was found on land at ██████, █████, instead of at the bottom of the Mediterranean, but the lack of significant damage is remarkable. Preliminary testing of SCP-227 shows that it may have some ability to repair itself over time. Further testing is pending approval from O5 level staff. SCP-227 has one major dial with three hands on the front face; this dial has several concentric rings which rotate independently. The rear face has two major dials with two hands each; these dials are surrounded by a spiral groove, through which some of the internal gearing is visible. A number of smaller dials are arranged around the rest of the object. The total number of these minor dials visible at once varies when the object is in use, as does the number of hands on each dial. There are three small cranks on the right side of SCP-227. Turning any of these sets the moving parts of SCP-227 into action. The top crank causes the most rapid change; some of the smaller hands have been observed moving at speeds of over ████ RPM. Extended use of the top crank causes SCP-227 to heat up significantly. Personnel are advised to use caution when turning the top crank, to avoid damaging SCP-227 or injuring themselves. The middle and bottom crank are used for medium and fine adjustments, respectively. The object is covered in a large number of inscriptions. The majority of these are in Attic Greek; however, some are in various writing systems that have yet to be deciphered. These include Linear A, Cretan hieroglyphs, and one or more unknown languages. The translatable text is essentially a manual of operation for SCP-227, with the exception of one passage which states [DATA EXPUNGED]. The full significance of this passage is under investigation. Early indications are that SCP-227 is an incredibly accurate astronomical computer. Symbols corresponding to the Sun, Moon, and planets are prominently placed on the front major dial, along with many other symbols of unknown meaning. The rear major dials have markings consistent with several ancient calendar systems. These include the Callippic, Metonic, Saros, and Sothic cycles. There are also at least two more previously unknown calendar systems present. Addendum SCP-227-01: Further study has revealed that SCP-227 is able to compute the locations of bodies that were only recently discovered by modern astronomers. For example, one set of hands and markings corresponds to the Kuiper belt object 50000 Quaoar. Quaoar is difficult to detect even with the Hubble Space Telescope; how the designer of SCP-227 was able to predict its orbit is unknown. Addendum SCP-227-02: SCP-227 has demonstrated an ability to predict even aperiodic astronomical events. One researcher was turning the top crank and happened to notice a minor dial appear very briefly. Fine tuning revealed that the minor dial first appears on a date corresponding to 23 Feb 1987. This is the date that the supernova SN 1987A was first observed on Earth. Addendum SCP-227-03: Advancing SCP-227 past the date corresponding to ██ ███ 2███ is not possible. A force of up to 100 N applied to the bottom crank is unable to produce any movement past this date. Testing with additional force has not been authorized due to the risk of damaging SCP-227. When the object is set to this date, a large number of dials and symbols appear which are not seen at any other setting. The meaning of this final setting is unknown. Some researchers believe that this may represent an XK class end-of-the-world scenario, such as a wandering brown dwarf (the so-called “Nemesis hypothesis”), a gamma ray burst, or [DATA EXPUNGED]. Addendum SCP-227-04: The date of the final setting on SCP-227 was observed to change once, to a time ██ years later than the previous date. The symbols that appeared at this new final setting were somewhat different from the previous one, but their meaning remains unknown. Research into what may have caused this change is underway. « SCP-226 | SCP-227 | SCP-228 »" nan
[ 1.08746208e-01 -5.92006028e-01 -2.08615270e-02 1.07280642e-01 -2.76749879e-01 3.40169109e-02 3.80634338e-01 3.62759718e-04 2.06827387e-01 1.15943559e-01 -7.35236937e-03 3.71054471e-01 -1.27523646e-01 -1.37880549e-01 2.14588538e-01 1.34366304e-01 -8.65956098e-02 1.96965933e-01 2.69334942e-01 -1.82412863e-01 -2.48862907e-01 -1.10233054e-01 -2.02175096e-01 1.60915568e-01 1.71563972e-03 -1.05637349e-01 1.30964383e-01 1.36875864e-02 1.92255691e-01 -2.31631383e-01 1.47884432e-02 3.13970029e-01 -1.83448821e-01 5.55591285e-01 -1.10341796e-04 -2.11026534e-01 2.90180594e-01 1.61607116e-01 -3.09872448e-01 4.07552332e-01 -1.48192361e-01 -1.12918094e-01 1.06332421e-01 -2.92245477e-01 2.37874269e-01 4.14070904e-01 -1.22560427e-01 1.01867363e-01 4.97190863e-01 2.36907005e-01 1.81739226e-01 2.25690186e-01 1.76248014e-01 -2.59208586e-02 -7.11959675e-02 -1.59458295e-02 -2.73514450e-01 3.88834745e-01 4.96992230e-01 4.12632167e-01 -1.00634620e-01 4.71539721e-02 -2.73254991e-01 8.23437870e-02 2.60730892e-01 -4.23639119e-01 6.21951893e-02 -1.78040013e-01 1.58728823e-01 4.02673215e-01 -3.14867377e-01 -1.22365609e-01 3.53902504e-02 -2.80276746e-01 5.13782240e-02 -1.49217591e-01 -1.79707378e-01 5.26607484e-02 -1.23269260e-01 -7.93905631e-02 -1.49812952e-01 -8.83865431e-02 -2.68787563e-01 -1.86170712e-01 3.81456725e-02 5.16203761e-01 -9.46635827e-02 1.25418320e-01 9.83376876e-02 1.43341199e-01 2.25897178e-01 -4.52173427e-02 5.34823656e-01 -3.22655924e-02 3.06783140e-01 -8.29195697e-03 2.06396371e-01 1.41936436e-01 1.70637682e-01 -3.71377431e-02 -6.41866773e-02 3.80855352e-01 1.28305942e-01 4.06408645e-02 -2.30305493e-01 1.50801569e-01 -6.70571551e-02 -1.91042379e-01 -1.94270704e-02 6.30691171e-01 -2.11458549e-01 2.83985108e-01 -8.08790848e-02 1.39973974e-02 3.34291607e-01 1.85562134e-01 1.44232046e-02 -6.77934736e-02 4.69761826e-02 2.02449635e-01 -2.56528705e-01 6.28934652e-02 6.58292770e-02 1.69452839e-02 2.42864877e-01 3.99065346e-01 5.00831194e-02 -2.59281009e-01 -1.35844305e-01 -5.76767251e-02 -2.60390133e-01 8.59182701e-02 -2.29489535e-01 1.25138640e-01 -8.41572285e-02 4.48495224e-02 -9.51775461e-02 -6.84195608e-02 1.06915392e-01 1.94618940e-01 7.08748177e-02 -4.01101932e-02 4.11721826e-01 5.01967013e-01 -2.61700153e-01 -1.32254986e-02 1.48243561e-01 -3.87937576e-02 -2.22237423e-01 -2.01954469e-01 7.05897957e-02 -2.55346239e-01 1.29470885e-01 1.57486379e-01 -5.24221539e-01 -7.65418410e-02 -1.26246605e-02 -1.75316125e-01 -3.71453352e-02 2.39688195e-02 5.53519607e-01 2.30872482e-02 -2.95812339e-01 -1.40753642e-01 2.16215719e-02 4.32602346e-01 -4.53601517e-02 -1.75394133e-01 -1.83931187e-01 6.46037683e-02 1.92625850e-01 -2.03916013e-01 1.08170256e-01 2.66410381e-01 -2.20704824e-01 -1.18846916e-01 -4.31873679e-01 1.02879733e-01 -4.55858409e-01 -2.20237270e-01 -1.83197916e-01 3.49467099e-01 1.65201977e-01 -1.36807337e-01 -4.10210252e-01 -1.18419185e-01 2.19211787e-01 -4.68141101e-02 1.53954580e-01 -2.17471614e-01 -2.54102796e-01 -6.50059402e-01 -2.00752407e-01 2.32734025e-01 4.37415063e-01 -9.90219936e-02 -5.01434654e-02 -3.89564961e-01 1.13712341e-01 2.52236072e-02 -1.47105902e-01 -1.90135285e-01 2.82298028e-01 -4.92748711e-03 -1.90909788e-01 -2.47753918e-01 -1.89182073e-01 2.15075254e-01 3.11952353e-01 3.50817859e-01 -3.29756081e-01 1.87643513e-01 -7.74695128e-02 1.83703676e-02 -1.98660553e-01 -2.74073094e-01 2.30332792e-01 2.75205195e-01 -1.32264107e-01 -2.25693092e-01 -9.51766148e-02 3.07847828e-01 3.59433237e-03 -3.09674293e-01 -2.52728283e-01 -7.48482570e-02 -2.16530234e-01 5.65916859e-02 -4.14721996e-01 2.77669400e-01 2.99207926e-01 -6.38458356e-02 1.43663228e-01 -1.47655711e-01 -2.05628932e-01 -2.09552690e-01 9.02899820e-03 3.66285235e-01 -7.37636909e-02 5.27520254e-02 -5.57267927e-02 5.86264506e-02 1.52478933e-01 -7.86108673e-02 -4.99957055e-02 5.15296280e-01 -7.48948157e-02 3.16636354e-01 6.36867657e-02 9.37488489e-03 -1.18594505e-01 -2.14221150e-01 -3.46424282e-01 -1.65737502e-03 -5.13559356e-02 1.41597137e-01 -4.01365906e-01 3.84353362e-02 -4.73016128e-02 1.50151744e-01 3.19741905e-01 9.63678211e-03 2.95205742e-01 8.86788443e-02 -2.24482685e-01 -2.43087098e-01 -9.49211568e-02 6.85216606e-01 -1.17149942e-01 2.19201401e-01 1.66356470e-02 1.64292514e-01 -5.82876578e-02 -1.37540504e-01 -2.52545625e-01 2.41945028e-01 9.47207287e-02 3.98621619e-01 1.58486798e-01 2.33501121e-01 -1.51335955e-01 -3.33084583e-01 -2.94994086e-01 8.01287219e-02 -1.47351354e-01 3.37316573e-01 4.41781767e-02 3.56233299e-01 -1.17456140e-02 1.39139444e-01 2.95794398e-01 -2.54121453e-01 -1.36793181e-01 -1.16615659e-02 -9.85863656e-02 9.80951265e-02 -4.02970225e-01 4.31393921e-01 -2.34358028e-01 7.92228989e-03 -2.52200544e-01 1.37415919e-02 4.67295721e-02 4.16550972e-02 -8.21565986e-02 1.37037933e-01 5.58355153e-01 -2.44939119e-01 1.04470879e-01 1.47581577e-01 -1.71469167e-01 3.73419464e-01 -9.06770956e-03 -3.08373362e-01 2.04319917e-02 -2.38329023e-01 1.14695244e-02 -1.53239533e-01 2.05211505e-01 -7.39565670e-01 5.16460603e-03 3.83135557e-01 -1.98744267e-01 5.53213060e-02 -6.05342276e-02 1.67868078e-01 -2.35516820e-02 -7.77261406e-02 3.35768193e-01 -1.35243848e-01 3.66994172e-01 4.43248093e-01 1.10421278e-01 3.85621399e-01 8.40102881e-02 3.46493274e-01 -1.62411615e-01 -3.62619340e-01 1.85832635e-01 1.48598522e-01 -2.91717425e-02 -2.58022755e-01 -3.15329790e-01 -2.19921410e-01 -3.00552929e-04 -1.29384249e-01 -6.00592792e-01 -2.88743585e-01 2.54832149e-01 -2.36472338e-02 7.75519460e-02 5.07598162e-01 6.21647276e-02 -2.89364845e-01 -2.41246566e-01 -2.37264097e-01 9.13406909e-02 5.29826386e-03 -1.12441760e-02 -1.75905302e-01 3.55591089e-01 9.16676596e-02 3.97399068e-01 -2.88377583e-01 -5.84548652e-01 -1.49660006e-01 1.50813460e-01 1.30519331e-01 5.87895028e-02 -3.95031661e-01 -1.31836280e-01 7.34530091e-02 -1.39291823e-01 7.80427605e-02 -1.58417866e-01 -9.11305621e-02 7.46042877e-02 3.13504376e-02 -2.63040870e-01 -9.37115252e-02 4.12574410e-02 4.50980812e-01 2.22119510e-01 -2.27839202e-01 -2.21274421e-01 -2.09612660e-02 1.19671516e-01 8.52009505e-02 1.73266292e-01 6.77602142e-02 -1.49306372e-01 1.74420059e-01 -1.93658426e-01 -1.88793540e-01 1.50697440e-01 -8.41783136e-02 7.49892369e-02 -1.47197068e-01 -2.27112219e-01 2.83079892e-01 -4.52291876e-01 -1.66264951e-01 -1.23894580e-01 4.81494784e-01 5.40388048e-01 9.48108733e-02 -2.76211381e-01 1.16794206e-01 -3.03889751e-01 5.64565770e-02 3.44825864e-01 2.61586130e-01 -6.77694902e-02 -1.76200688e-01 -9.15947855e-02 2.66223192e-01 -1.64926648e-01 1.54373407e-01 -1.72034010e-01 -5.05605221e-01 -7.79439881e-02 2.07634866e-01 1.02833807e-01 -3.82308036e-01 1.64804086e-01 3.35976899e-01 -6.20614365e-03 2.64325380e-01 5.07727899e-02 2.79896259e-01 -1.92460656e-01 1.50280431e-01 4.19452414e-03 4.65991586e-01 8.24444741e-02 4.15116549e-01 -3.61795537e-02 1.84922829e-01 3.64332080e-01 -1.74347192e-01 4.04727049e-02 -2.52641916e-01 4.98250455e-01 4.15300429e-02 -1.60223544e-01 -5.56581505e-02 4.24568504e-01 8.34865868e-02 -2.17713997e-01 2.20021289e-02 1.67072847e-01 1.38391107e-01 -2.33330607e-01 1.67017251e-01 -1.55689895e-01 -4.34071958e-01 -5.54782927e-01 4.66488302e-01 -8.62330794e-02 1.30629659e-01 3.06408226e-01 1.09033704e+00 1.96768910e-01 9.99588817e-02 3.10194552e-01 -6.34126246e-01 -1.77597135e-01 -4.66606840e-02 -2.64704406e-01 -6.93916529e-02 9.24332440e-02 2.67410967e-02 -3.06992561e-01 -1.46377921e-01 -2.54587531e-01 -4.33786958e-01 -1.65057674e-01 -4.72139925e-01 -2.46219784e-01 2.52902061e-01 2.17508450e-01 3.40930253e-01 -8.37906003e-02 4.35255527e-01 2.23111704e-01 -1.69919699e-01 2.26210222e-01 2.17294823e-02 -2.58178692e-02 1.12717062e-01 1.40211657e-01 -5.33570528e-01 -1.11761503e-01 1.73566669e-01 3.20528030e-01 -2.27728649e-03 -4.17272225e-02 2.83764869e-01 -4.70625490e-01 3.34814221e-01 -2.60239393e-01 -9.14647132e-02 1.78450644e-01 4.83670652e-01 -1.09614491e-01 5.86087443e-02 -2.10289881e-01 1.10998288e-01 -1.18663624e-01 -1.64051503e-01 -1.24172412e-01 1.16836846e-01 -2.81287730e-01 1.21999852e-01 2.46439219e-01 1.88955918e-01 4.81522270e-02 2.18054786e-01 3.49879026e-01 7.32906014e-02 -3.05987537e-01 1.80346802e-01 -2.83803549e-02 -1.33339912e-01 2.44297266e-01 -1.88938752e-01 -2.94070005e-01 2.45673154e-02 6.70226142e-02 1.31443113e-01 8.21407437e-02 9.61710736e-02 1.00482300e-01 -2.83243418e-01 -3.64892721e-01 3.69249545e-02 -2.42866352e-01 -4.20088708e-01 1.84644371e-01 -2.94264793e-01 -2.71397710e-01 -2.33525023e-01 8.77231658e-02 7.22977072e-02 -2.32868537e-01 -3.27670068e-01 -7.29275122e-02 -2.05303550e-01 -1.87191978e-01 2.35809788e-01 1.76053613e-01 -4.35757011e-01 2.66441964e-02 -1.46231782e-02 1.06679358e-01 -3.99767160e-01 2.03732327e-01 -1.08382702e-01 -1.81397632e-01 -4.73255515e-02 -4.03745413e-01 -9.75912437e-02 -3.19752544e-01 5.95422238e-02 -4.91839834e-02 -7.85290971e-02 -2.90738344e-01 -1.65953204e-01 1.34774566e-01 -1.58103943e-01 -2.85516649e-01 2.60630324e-02 4.88374345e-02 1.32419094e-01 1.38931334e-01 5.48332818e-02 5.09763420e-01 3.17893684e-01 4.14302260e-01 4.02523786e-01 2.35096246e-01 1.87058493e-01 2.83824708e-02 9.29531232e-02 1.57912403e-01 1.42546400e-01 1.03321590e-03 -3.16599831e-02 -1.19649677e-03 4.05208170e-01 3.74818951e-01 -2.36215442e-02 2.43661553e-01 1.54394850e-01 -4.35496978e-02 7.81830177e-02 2.72145033e-01 -1.30821913e-01 1.21696196e-01 -1.94238201e-01 -2.74967730e-01 -2.23749727e-01 2.61210024e-01 -1.55373216e-01 1.00407057e-01 -2.69362897e-01 -3.92594710e-02 2.57376403e-01 1.20591119e-01 -2.31540948e-01 -1.28474385e-01 -1.21803924e-01 1.29363686e-01 2.24896342e-01 2.98594505e-01 2.54222061e-02 2.46191472e-01 1.95624232e-01 -4.35995422e-02 4.13205951e-01 1.56411678e-01 2.98734546e-01 -9.82601717e-02 5.11441350e-01 -1.86686981e-02 1.80287167e-01 3.53403509e-01 4.26356822e-01 2.12699547e-01 -2.77869254e-02 2.18260754e-02 -1.76619053e-01 -2.97525048e-01 -2.14561224e-01 2.21635431e-01 6.54105842e-02 1.40233383e-01 -1.57768145e-01 2.39966158e-02 7.53548741e-02 -3.46090257e-01 -5.58407679e-02 -2.37847537e-01 -1.30296215e-01 -9.60647315e-02 1.58559665e-01 1.45960301e-01 -2.63279434e-02 -1.48620814e-01 -1.31786048e-01 3.00109774e-01 4.39104922e-02 1.00018471e-01 4.89702046e-01 1.39637608e-02 -2.46990114e-01 4.84602094e-01 4.39083613e-02 -3.73456657e-01 9.69276130e-02 1.91837579e-01 -3.50836217e-01 -5.75619400e-01 4.72163796e-01 1.32054269e-01 -6.44992292e-02 -2.98876226e-01 -1.93606298e-02 2.49672294e-01 -4.11726177e-01 -7.35068619e-02 1.83410108e-01 -3.41549188e-01 2.48490006e-01 -1.26612306e-01 2.36237422e-01 3.51532668e-01 3.95985425e-01 -1.38496310e-01 -8.75942931e-02 3.01364392e-01 1.55780300e-01 -6.08854890e-02 6.05110712e-02 3.11095178e-01 2.67003085e-02 1.16213679e-01 -6.22793399e-02 1.00138277e-01 -3.03263068e-01 3.70052844e-01 8.39194283e-02 3.39823775e-02 -2.24680062e-02 -1.54972519e-03 -2.88510501e-01 -3.77436467e-02 -6.57442287e-02 -3.52593422e-01 4.33198884e-02 4.17241007e-02 3.29618389e-03 1.14243394e-02 3.15963216e-02 4.66599345e-01 -1.32491529e-01 8.60186070e-02 -1.72535866e-01 1.27087742e-01 3.53594065e-01 -2.61003673e-01 1.81372836e-01 -1.40899733e-01 -2.05734670e-01 -1.11447312e-01 2.98567623e-01 2.35766411e-01 -1.76592767e-01 -1.12769872e-01 4.60734814e-01 3.71882200e-01 7.57737681e-02 3.87482107e-01 -1.55354336e-01 -1.36533245e-01 -9.47688743e-02 1.20813265e-01 4.86810040e-03 1.53845951e-01 -1.81249559e-01 5.34610376e-02 1.38878092e-01 3.69996965e-01 9.32982638e-02 -3.80113311e-02 -9.50277969e-02 -3.19898337e-01 -2.93166339e-01 3.30952704e-01 -6.15350008e-02 2.14715004e-01 -1.44916937e-01 2.19816670e-01 9.36279297e-02 -1.19672477e-01 -3.76576692e-01 -1.36912078e-01 6.50076091e-01 8.20151418e-02 -3.90550703e-01 -1.12066008e-01 2.28381723e-01 -3.57983321e-01 -4.17207479e-02 -2.25545004e-01 -1.41817018e-01 7.19925854e-04 -4.57847193e-02 -5.60962319e-01 9.40364897e-02 -2.03438997e-01 -2.34130815e-01 2.99060829e-02 4.87948567e-01 3.04112192e-02 -4.37829681e-02 -6.25683844e-01 -3.37294601e-02]
"Psychiatric Diagnostic Tool" active "Item #: SCP-228 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-228 will be used to conduct experimental psychiatric testing at Site-23. SCP-228 is to be kept under glass in observation room 113-AD-C at Site-23. Access to observation room 113-AD-C will require either level four authorization or a signed notification from Medical Director Light. Observation room 113-AD-C is to be monitored by no fewer than four (4) high definition video cameras and a reinforced one way observation mirror running the full length of the east wall. When a subject observes SCP-228, their reaction is to be documented by no fewer than five (5) researchers stationed behind the observation mirror, as well as the subject's accompanying psychiatrist. Description: SCP-228 is a Polaroid photograph of variable appearance. It is apparent at this time that SCP-228 derives its subject matter from the subconscious mind of the viewer. The images produced are always visually clear, but vary in interpretive coherency. For example, one viewer may cause SCP-228 to manifest a clear portrait of that viewer's father, while another causes an image of a heart shaped object submerged in green fluid to [REDACTED]. The coherence of the image produced by SCP-228 appears to vary from subject to subject, and is theorised to have some connection to the viewer's emotional state. SCP-228's various image manifestations can be photographed normally, although the photographs will not display the ability to manifest new images. It will manifest an image when viewed remotely by video feed. After SCP-228 has manifested an image, it will remain inert, displaying the same image, until that viewer looks away. At that point, it will adapt its manifestation to reflect that of the current viewer. The question of what SCP-228 manifests when unobserved is moot. SCP-228 will be used to assist members of the psychiatric staff at Site-23. During psychoanalysis, the patient, hereafter referred to as the subject, will be asked leading questions and instructed to look at SCP-228. Once the manifestation has been recorded, the subject will be instructed to look away. At no point should the interviewer view SCP-228 before the subject, as this will corrupt the record and potentially skew psychoanalysis of the subject. Addendum: As of ██/██/████, no personnel who have previously been exposed to a visual memetic agent is authorized for exposure to SCP-228, due to the possibility of [SUBSEQUENT DATA EXPUNGED]. « SCP-227 | SCP-228 | SCP-229 »" nan
[ 1.22531503e-01 -4.09778625e-01 -1.13417953e-01 -3.19328904e-01 -2.01416820e-01 -9.09648165e-02 6.67528689e-01 1.67802677e-01 3.49860758e-01 1.21029414e-01 1.12023920e-01 1.05438396e-01 -2.21662357e-01 2.32450627e-02 1.81006551e-01 -1.35696763e-02 -1.94197576e-02 2.65969306e-01 -1.33442059e-01 -4.42837663e-02 -2.16117874e-01 -2.63507545e-01 -3.63731235e-01 1.40641585e-01 -4.13413644e-01 -1.37988836e-01 1.61426380e-01 1.90213397e-01 -1.40522763e-01 -3.11935276e-01 -1.99337512e-01 2.92729616e-01 -9.19728428e-02 1.29786327e-01 -1.09658315e-04 -2.40238324e-01 9.95609909e-02 -6.22251406e-02 -1.35082230e-01 -1.22105718e-01 4.27819528e-02 -4.25782293e-01 1.88899577e-01 -2.45159060e-01 1.17625065e-01 -6.43200502e-02 2.50401706e-01 3.08416188e-01 2.62429506e-01 9.97281969e-02 1.93456709e-01 1.48429647e-01 5.53456359e-02 7.58711714e-03 1.71390727e-01 4.03119534e-01 -2.74852246e-01 -5.69677055e-02 1.34572238e-01 2.54095972e-01 -3.27935964e-02 1.01863936e-01 -9.12584588e-02 1.45420387e-01 1.96147650e-01 -1.15588903e-01 3.39995205e-01 -3.59342426e-01 1.55672338e-02 1.62786424e-01 3.13579381e-01 -1.34870075e-02 2.47077480e-01 -1.88898649e-02 -2.62515932e-01 -1.37795284e-01 1.26888275e-01 -5.99810518e-02 -1.00189283e-01 3.63445580e-02 -1.34369269e-01 1.61334857e-01 -3.44733179e-01 1.13697037e-01 -1.29390024e-02 -1.91013128e-01 -2.24354714e-02 1.51460305e-01 2.59500772e-01 -6.25649514e-03 7.45346621e-02 1.43211290e-01 2.31992275e-01 2.26055682e-01 -2.76585013e-01 9.63339508e-02 7.93139338e-02 -2.04468951e-01 -1.59364387e-01 4.70050514e-01 8.68305862e-02 9.40347686e-02 -5.53276800e-02 1.22711249e-01 1.13196187e-01 2.03581855e-01 -1.22500300e-01 2.17425287e-01 -4.11042809e-01 2.00208873e-01 4.76927496e-02 1.06382877e-01 -6.11092597e-02 -1.74704596e-01 1.93480074e-01 -4.06500787e-01 -5.32522723e-02 -1.36153400e-01 -1.05691217e-01 1.72152340e-01 -2.82867223e-01 2.34461010e-01 -1.49200693e-01 4.67142999e-01 6.80706501e-01 3.05974454e-01 3.63675386e-01 -3.00592303e-01 -8.07066038e-02 6.94482550e-02 -7.27613270e-02 1.33292958e-01 -2.91497290e-01 -2.40355427e-03 5.83839081e-02 3.60815793e-01 -6.91364780e-02 -1.03736740e-04 5.91616519e-02 -1.50214836e-01 1.57832548e-01 -3.91458757e-02 8.65476549e-01 3.11833054e-01 -1.50816843e-01 -1.64075553e-01 -2.56276429e-01 8.56120512e-02 -3.19947749e-02 5.59437349e-02 4.94470224e-02 -4.78126183e-02 -4.01944578e-01 1.99944437e-01 -1.73047081e-01 3.64051372e-01 5.35058260e-01 -4.07319069e-02 -5.91729999e-01 -2.09218413e-01 4.93517637e-01 -1.35529846e-01 2.11919680e-01 -6.35817125e-02 -1.62094235e-02 3.01035762e-01 -1.12176239e-01 -9.57396179e-02 -2.16613442e-01 -3.28611642e-01 -3.45886424e-02 6.45908043e-02 5.62377013e-02 1.51824921e-01 -2.32611880e-01 1.24255819e-02 -1.79277837e-01 -1.38986051e-01 -1.79301828e-01 -1.73089206e-01 -5.06169796e-01 1.10148855e-01 1.43947706e-01 1.05079345e-01 -3.26104879e-01 -7.41100684e-02 -5.23516595e-01 -2.19798863e-01 2.65900433e-01 -1.79963008e-01 -3.71253610e-01 -1.44804180e-01 4.80774306e-02 3.69165629e-01 -6.90895095e-02 -3.51462781e-01 1.76940426e-01 4.44050312e-01 3.39294851e-01 7.77437538e-02 -2.54993945e-01 -1.90003961e-01 2.34216884e-01 8.35734531e-02 -1.79948360e-01 1.39306903e-01 -1.12565912e-01 -2.45717168e-01 1.04376100e-01 2.35232562e-01 5.35284616e-02 -2.26014797e-02 -1.09095350e-02 1.95546392e-02 -6.30972162e-02 -1.61451787e-01 2.66846687e-01 2.97060847e-01 1.82235867e-01 -6.32402077e-02 2.44072806e-02 2.44376302e-01 -9.44148675e-02 -7.34484866e-02 1.29407108e-01 -2.63824672e-01 -1.99351549e-01 -5.65039217e-02 -1.09606773e-01 2.68094927e-01 1.41526967e-01 -5.33068962e-02 1.78266287e-01 8.03932697e-02 -9.57642042e-04 2.44983267e-02 2.95945197e-01 2.76204169e-01 -1.64300412e-01 -4.80735928e-01 4.48980602e-03 -9.80400592e-02 1.42175868e-01 1.07306972e-01 7.40729272e-02 1.61844507e-01 -8.85759294e-02 8.42175484e-02 3.59179601e-02 1.17539510e-01 3.64799201e-02 -3.94997746e-01 -2.05192700e-01 -1.53172091e-01 5.12407064e-01 4.84668434e-01 -1.42424047e-01 9.84316468e-02 -2.15960145e-02 1.91601604e-01 -4.43863496e-02 -2.05792367e-01 1.55930474e-01 -1.54371634e-01 1.88719153e-01 -1.68362796e-01 1.94766447e-01 -7.40591213e-02 3.82529907e-02 2.01387614e-01 -1.98015019e-01 4.82789837e-02 -2.50875086e-01 -1.66733682e-01 5.66993840e-02 1.49413556e-01 -3.65303569e-02 1.87500626e-01 1.28863245e-01 7.75068626e-02 1.18244372e-01 -2.80568242e-01 -1.55509233e-01 -2.54004270e-01 -2.34413013e-01 -1.51482485e-02 -2.18735546e-01 -1.57390624e-01 -9.68435481e-02 4.01867926e-01 2.45437354e-01 -1.43438324e-01 6.36618678e-03 -1.28583625e-01 -2.60567993e-01 2.74801869e-02 -4.35347378e-01 4.91861254e-01 -3.85508418e-01 2.95489468e-02 -4.12702143e-01 2.11777791e-01 5.48421815e-02 8.27942491e-02 -5.16383685e-02 7.09857717e-02 5.14427125e-01 -2.79442489e-01 1.56147912e-01 -2.90600568e-01 -2.70255119e-01 2.93555975e-01 1.80850670e-01 -1.82102546e-01 5.02965674e-02 -2.98262864e-01 -1.11859925e-02 -2.19976589e-01 -1.12450629e-01 -7.62870967e-01 -3.16106752e-02 -4.37191427e-02 -1.52486801e-01 -1.04597226e-01 -1.28967911e-01 -1.93620786e-01 -3.35729867e-01 -2.36249305e-02 2.29307607e-01 2.02818871e-01 2.83647060e-01 3.42477560e-02 -8.89857486e-03 2.30119288e-01 -5.60312033e-01 -2.35021897e-02 -3.30713123e-01 -2.12182507e-01 -1.84732243e-01 -1.94167361e-01 -8.03726166e-02 -5.24122417e-02 -1.75509796e-01 -1.46299163e-02 2.32829154e-02 -1.04399547e-01 -2.82520831e-01 3.03265482e-01 3.95428181e-01 -9.29749385e-02 -3.26771528e-01 4.38276947e-01 8.98012891e-02 -2.16069803e-01 -1.13274395e-01 -1.15255937e-01 2.32671514e-01 -3.05907249e-01 4.47854698e-01 -1.61368266e-01 -4.20429677e-01 3.56246293e-01 3.65627229e-01 -6.18700348e-02 -2.38539726e-01 4.04970869e-02 1.54843070e-02 1.72793865e-01 -1.04943223e-01 2.41277628e-02 2.42413744e-01 9.64049250e-02 -2.12887049e-01 1.07980475e-01 -2.75895268e-01 -4.25184906e-01 -4.03667614e-02 7.39186332e-02 -7.41617441e-01 -5.20176888e-02 1.08888038e-01 4.73970145e-01 4.43188429e-01 -2.61523962e-01 -3.05119455e-01 -1.60927564e-01 -1.52322233e-01 -1.37534291e-01 2.28238955e-01 1.92144692e-01 -9.03838202e-02 -1.52343914e-01 -1.43150926e-01 4.84602004e-02 1.17307059e-01 2.04795208e-02 4.99577746e-02 -4.66403157e-01 -3.09138924e-01 2.92978853e-01 -2.56114304e-01 -4.21481356e-02 3.66720617e-01 5.49849749e-01 2.73873806e-01 2.13540364e-02 -3.79849315e-01 -8.20832849e-02 -3.61013472e-01 -3.19081455e-01 3.20291340e-01 -1.42891277e-02 2.68094074e-02 7.29801366e-03 4.11205620e-01 -2.69341469e-01 -5.56125306e-02 -2.15714313e-02 2.26405367e-01 -4.27812129e-01 -8.55082124e-02 -1.25513047e-01 -8.60977918e-02 -2.82940716e-01 -1.78084597e-01 3.28323431e-02 2.61871278e-01 3.33724588e-01 -1.62078232e-01 8.84318799e-02 -7.61166438e-02 -9.18519348e-02 3.71312052e-02 7.66215384e-01 3.20242554e-01 2.27369249e-01 1.93737522e-01 1.34552598e-01 2.28365943e-01 1.63889304e-01 -4.59510945e-02 1.80043846e-01 5.99089682e-01 7.98544586e-02 1.18202619e-01 -4.80002254e-01 2.90427834e-01 -2.49301001e-01 1.21637650e-01 5.24226964e-01 4.23867241e-05 2.53482163e-01 -4.75818943e-03 3.68545175e-01 -2.93826815e-02 -3.48003954e-01 -4.68424141e-01 8.25769827e-02 3.87593843e-02 3.69604111e-01 4.46323425e-01 1.14192009e+00 3.99286076e-02 2.06286177e-01 5.15611582e-02 -2.61728346e-01 6.83902800e-02 -1.10504210e-01 -1.03094682e-01 -3.14504832e-01 7.53314644e-02 -4.85320017e-02 -1.97008312e-01 9.80499610e-02 1.36943489e-01 -3.35075676e-01 -3.09997350e-01 -2.99887031e-01 -1.27885863e-01 2.40630031e-01 3.36841404e-01 -1.94233973e-02 5.04584797e-02 1.78673059e-01 2.54110396e-01 1.84992209e-01 1.03917345e-01 -1.50033366e-02 9.44711417e-02 -8.69514644e-02 -1.26333833e-01 -1.60972327e-01 2.38833558e-02 -2.31010780e-01 -8.73459876e-02 -3.55592340e-01 5.18916622e-02 -9.96980444e-02 -1.08050510e-01 -6.68581128e-01 -9.32528749e-02 -1.07180150e-02 8.66798833e-02 4.87318009e-01 -1.84182331e-01 1.75588846e-01 3.44426148e-02 3.65029246e-01 -2.10087806e-01 -1.50022671e-01 3.13829780e-01 4.44717072e-02 -1.62006319e-01 -2.70867378e-01 1.27472743e-01 3.51332903e-01 3.50799933e-02 6.25207126e-02 8.48011225e-02 -2.93507040e-01 3.50810550e-02 2.06669092e-01 1.66151170e-02 -9.21759829e-02 7.34242722e-02 1.60069808e-01 -1.82189196e-01 6.94579259e-02 -6.09481409e-02 -2.74107069e-01 2.32011527e-01 1.70939177e-01 -2.01264154e-02 -8.34311619e-02 -3.63321811e-01 1.34038225e-01 -1.96800381e-01 -4.76635337e-01 -3.10026072e-02 2.07829908e-01 -3.81064229e-02 -2.00011760e-01 2.79818833e-01 1.95085689e-01 -4.21755761e-01 -6.21897995e-01 -1.11998990e-01 1.25893980e-01 -5.20560658e-03 -2.07131550e-01 5.02771437e-01 1.67468086e-01 3.94220382e-01 9.22009349e-02 3.39460403e-01 -4.26215917e-01 -3.52229327e-02 -2.50136137e-01 1.88850105e-01 -3.93252298e-02 -1.46712944e-01 2.27458384e-02 -4.97587249e-02 2.70405591e-01 3.18765581e-01 -1.04097806e-01 -2.91056454e-01 -1.37657300e-01 1.14063539e-01 1.38190776e-01 -3.35732043e-01 9.66150612e-02 6.60659671e-02 1.89137399e-01 2.01965988e-01 -1.51689202e-01 1.98675483e-01 2.48903498e-01 4.26510960e-01 -3.35405648e-01 -1.58034161e-01 1.96632475e-01 1.79420471e-01 1.08807437e-01 2.75703341e-01 4.30154353e-02 1.22234724e-01 -2.75605023e-01 -8.41685236e-02 2.97460824e-01 3.44233543e-01 -1.00317389e-01 1.29425198e-01 -3.07064671e-02 1.66769534e-01 9.73289013e-02 -2.76876390e-01 1.11830682e-01 -1.22973047e-01 -4.21193004e-01 2.66521499e-02 -2.28914812e-01 2.61646509e-01 -1.08192734e-01 1.79377452e-01 -3.06245476e-01 2.04676256e-01 1.25488237e-01 1.02811150e-01 1.66573241e-01 -2.51450837e-01 -6.96625048e-03 -6.59741834e-02 -9.58036259e-02 6.75755143e-02 9.86026898e-02 3.22324723e-01 -1.90303162e-01 9.85869691e-02 2.91207701e-01 1.08896298e-02 2.84889132e-01 5.55502176e-02 1.03810556e-01 1.43385381e-01 -4.04546916e-01 5.00482678e-01 3.29249769e-01 2.73897082e-01 -1.05366454e-01 1.60506785e-01 -2.45919690e-01 4.86990809e-01 -2.85219401e-01 2.73124754e-01 -1.50593504e-01 5.78919947e-02 -1.64711431e-01 6.98069984e-04 9.15568098e-02 1.37813136e-01 -2.10535586e-01 -2.51929820e-01 -5.22642255e-01 -4.77832928e-03 1.77812561e-01 -2.78459609e-01 3.25487524e-01 3.55202645e-01 -1.11635268e-01 1.84601411e-01 4.13078293e-02 1.64636061e-01 3.41105163e-01 -1.57016322e-01 -6.89645335e-02 1.31778389e-01 8.72865766e-02 6.15087628e-01 2.29305938e-01 4.20303673e-01 -5.39814271e-02 -1.19645134e-01 -1.63428143e-01 -2.41729975e-01 -2.23912671e-01 3.45832519e-02 1.84255615e-01 1.64213508e-01 -7.96889216e-02 7.93421194e-02 2.30111882e-01 -3.16000372e-01 -1.93923637e-01 1.74970478e-01 3.59183192e-01 -2.15563282e-01 6.15436316e-01 -4.28295285e-02 -2.31845424e-01 -3.57273445e-02 -1.71812195e-02 -2.22108290e-01 -1.50329009e-01 1.18625753e-01 -1.69310626e-02 1.00223556e-01 -1.58384979e-01 1.06385872e-01 -2.17636414e-02 3.11888963e-01 1.55341323e-03 2.58425921e-01 3.43643986e-02 -2.27910072e-01 -4.72213961e-02 2.40332305e-01 5.10871112e-02 -5.33217311e-01 5.34204319e-02 7.09145293e-02 6.85596745e-03 2.62318462e-01 6.72708452e-01 6.04462437e-02 2.43917406e-01 1.50420561e-01 -1.39899775e-01 2.68421739e-01 2.10467145e-01 2.41662692e-02 -9.54433382e-02 -3.62163484e-01 2.17661951e-02 2.82638445e-02 1.20589100e-01 1.12342887e-01 -4.43383381e-02 1.05188563e-01 1.53595850e-01 6.03165209e-01 9.42383334e-02 5.58573484e-01 -1.79053962e-01 -1.88630924e-01 -4.33089063e-02 3.91909420e-01 -4.24223721e-01 -2.92578667e-01 1.45592287e-01 3.49132240e-01 1.46755308e-01 3.06952864e-01 2.82328099e-01 -9.35626253e-02 -5.55837974e-02 -1.59755379e-01 -2.55666435e-01 -2.27646783e-01 -2.43989308e-03 -2.14371219e-01 6.24291152e-02 4.89269316e-01 1.86188310e-01 -1.67114511e-01 -3.12280267e-01 -1.72554255e-01 2.81160980e-01 -1.29813462e-01 2.88525801e-02 2.21299633e-01 7.28346407e-02 -1.65255889e-01 -1.20745607e-01 -4.39563006e-01 -1.13338776e-01 6.74936995e-02 1.28557727e-01 2.20155671e-01 -2.84741968e-02 -3.14931929e-01 -1.50121450e-01 -6.08239397e-02 6.72921538e-01 8.22306126e-02 1.10646114e-01 -3.43185306e-01 -1.04607366e-01]
"Wire Weed" active "Item #: SCP-229 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: No electrical devices of any kind are allowed inside or within thirty meters of the containment area. Any and all personnel entering the containment area are to be clad in lead-lined clothing and helmets. Anything found to be infested by SCP-229 is to be immediately incinerated and the resulting ash and debris contained and disposed of under protocol XJR-99. Containment area is to be composed of a hollow cube of 18 cm thick granite, 8 meters on a side, with a single door and airlock. These are to operate with no electrical components, and those components are to be made of wood or stone whenever possible. Any organism infested with SCP-229 is to be immediately incinerated. Any items or staff exiting the containment area must be scanned and cleared by site security. Description: SCP-229 appears to be a mass of wires and cables. Superficially, they appear to be raw copper wire, insulated Ethernet cable, phone cable, power lines, and many other forms of electrical cable. The current mass weighs 94 kg at last measurement. SCP-229 is tentatively identified as a form of silicon-based life. SCP-229 is a highly invasive parasite, attacking anything carrying even a low electrical current. SCP-229 will grow several centimeters every hour, and form connectors to attach to electrical power sources (wall socket plugs, USB connectors, etc.). SCP-229 will also splice itself into power lines and existing wires if no connection is available. SCP-229 appears to "feed" off electricity. SCP-229 appears to go dormant when not in the presence of an electrical source. Any electrical current entering within thirty meters, no matter how small, will immediately cause SCP-229 to “grow” in the direction of the electricity. Questions regarding the possible intelligence and sensory organs of SCP-229 are still under investigation. SCP-229 appears to “grow” best on metal or plastic, but is very capable of infesting living tissue. In vertebrate animals, SCP-229 will quickly penetrate the epidermis and other tissues, attaching to and enveloping the spine. SCP-229 will then grow along nerve pathways and up into the brain, attaching and infesting it within a few days. This process appears to be extremely painful, and can cause very erratic behavior. When the infested subject nears death, usually from massive internal bleeding and brain damage, SCP-229 will exit the body by puncturing through the skin and attaching to any nearby structures, thus beginning the cycle again. It is theorized that SCP-229 has always been present in our ecosystem, but that the technological level, and thereby the availability of electricity, was insufficient to allow its spread. With the current prevalence of wires and other electrical devices, detection can be extremely difficult. Incineration is currently the best means for SCP-229 removal. Addendum: At this time, cross-experimentation between SCP-229 and SCP-217 is allowed only with O5 approval. « SCP-228 | SCP-229 | SCP-230 » Cite this page as: "SCP-229" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[-5.45521360e-03 -3.17877322e-01 -1.17465898e-01 -1.69834614e-01 8.48521367e-02 -5.26289105e-01 1.63783222e-01 5.01125529e-02 3.07527751e-01 5.10738418e-02 1.76310226e-01 4.81773138e-01 -2.31793493e-01 2.79443830e-01 2.78928846e-01 5.50720870e-01 6.72690943e-02 1.96104392e-01 -2.59486496e-01 -1.78443134e-01 -5.26368506e-02 -1.61305368e-01 -3.67758982e-02 1.83400169e-01 -5.45211375e-01 -1.59225613e-01 2.70544469e-01 2.96523094e-01 -7.51894489e-02 -3.23848873e-01 6.19717613e-02 -4.87005226e-02 1.22479409e-01 2.92898804e-01 -1.09009925e-04 -1.02486752e-01 4.96305376e-02 2.13419557e-01 3.69164348e-02 2.43321940e-01 -6.44653738e-02 -9.30307060e-02 2.70620976e-02 -2.31068462e-01 2.23000631e-01 -1.24481833e-02 -1.08853616e-01 4.40262645e-01 3.93766254e-01 2.59873271e-01 1.74197450e-01 -3.14383768e-02 2.99065292e-01 -8.90517160e-02 1.59299657e-01 4.39084858e-01 -1.74147084e-01 -2.22073421e-01 1.50605798e-01 -9.08998623e-02 1.22126408e-01 -2.41736084e-01 -2.21208528e-01 -8.57182592e-02 7.26684928e-01 -1.26698166e-01 2.87949026e-01 -1.89456254e-01 1.18830390e-01 3.16645563e-01 -3.19027752e-01 1.78310081e-01 3.03470105e-01 2.55571038e-01 -2.01530114e-01 -1.54896140e-01 9.51619595e-02 2.41038710e-01 -1.37492821e-01 9.96417478e-02 2.99629658e-01 9.42286626e-02 -1.97846726e-01 -6.89676264e-04 -2.48082128e-04 5.97733259e-01 5.75850718e-02 1.24909639e-01 4.44025010e-01 -3.22803527e-01 2.55602747e-01 2.81692166e-02 2.81373739e-01 2.64648587e-01 1.08471528e-01 1.39876768e-01 2.19555423e-01 1.07004456e-01 4.27360356e-01 1.56112343e-01 3.16266954e-01 -3.51522863e-03 1.84196845e-01 3.77891868e-01 -1.79116651e-01 -3.49367291e-01 -1.40720636e-01 1.67076021e-01 5.42547107e-02 3.86034787e-01 1.33279502e-01 2.85660088e-01 6.94654062e-02 3.45102936e-01 2.77793437e-01 -1.12501249e-01 1.02786288e-01 -1.31859377e-01 -4.11497086e-01 1.03613853e-01 -4.37991470e-01 1.35253638e-01 2.11527832e-02 1.81606740e-01 5.43929696e-01 1.82291240e-01 2.00769201e-01 -4.57728475e-01 -1.04412166e-02 2.12554663e-01 -2.52775669e-01 2.99113780e-01 -3.52945387e-01 -7.31253177e-02 -7.57605657e-02 6.94144964e-02 -6.89952895e-02 -7.98246264e-02 1.87631235e-01 1.40864523e-02 -1.32741377e-01 2.98815109e-02 4.07610625e-01 5.50183713e-01 -4.14882034e-01 -4.08898503e-01 1.60611980e-02 -3.42167407e-01 -1.92937613e-01 3.41454387e-01 5.59827313e-02 2.59540472e-02 -1.08674489e-01 1.84125558e-01 -1.65176511e-01 -6.32536691e-03 6.28288567e-01 -1.64796799e-01 -4.68263954e-01 9.53051969e-02 1.38696387e-01 2.00064719e-01 -1.63364738e-01 -1.40448570e-01 1.45144761e-01 2.18532741e-01 -2.30577245e-01 -1.60202980e-01 2.29203567e-01 -2.13472284e-02 -1.04676664e-01 -1.47875771e-02 -9.52214189e-03 1.94148317e-01 -2.23802477e-01 1.38795882e-01 -2.21198872e-01 -3.55895489e-01 -1.27931044e-01 -1.24677591e-01 -3.15130115e-01 6.47285208e-02 1.61640808e-01 -5.20406552e-02 -6.92107081e-01 1.98839188e-01 -3.01131964e-01 1.42053589e-01 3.16484928e-01 -9.41464007e-02 -3.64592522e-01 -5.08318067e-01 -8.57222304e-02 -8.41994882e-02 1.81278273e-01 1.13232201e-02 2.53871620e-01 -3.02512497e-01 2.02572897e-01 1.60014644e-01 -1.12400644e-01 4.56506684e-02 3.49923670e-01 -4.26178873e-02 2.45000497e-02 -1.28560662e-01 -6.39613420e-02 -8.83831605e-02 2.60914683e-01 4.10459071e-01 -3.27937216e-01 -3.12323898e-01 -4.45308357e-01 3.15264076e-01 2.76727676e-02 -1.51301682e-01 2.32007146e-01 1.71053544e-01 -1.27224684e-01 -3.07568461e-01 -1.13496698e-01 2.95631774e-02 -2.66808849e-02 -3.17796841e-02 9.86093655e-02 2.42347464e-01 -1.91232488e-01 -2.91620970e-01 -1.40062451e-01 -9.81635079e-02 9.27267447e-02 1.05934836e-01 7.16916993e-02 8.19002017e-02 -9.21199322e-02 -2.08346769e-01 2.26760939e-01 1.13985384e+00 -1.11172181e-02 -1.00608774e-01 1.32496044e-01 2.21497223e-01 2.46051937e-01 -1.37645662e-01 -2.31910333e-01 -1.58528045e-01 -1.14737712e-01 3.33768368e-01 -1.34737149e-01 -9.86505896e-02 -1.20966069e-01 -2.01155931e-01 -1.76672906e-01 4.48785692e-01 -5.09264730e-02 5.18042266e-01 -1.15096115e-01 1.64541557e-01 9.11949202e-02 1.35641806e-02 -3.71625245e-01 -1.33813947e-01 2.69429594e-01 -2.12605372e-01 2.38579378e-01 -6.14215843e-02 1.72805846e-01 2.26516694e-01 -6.11296445e-02 -1.35462329e-01 7.80047895e-03 1.86163560e-01 -3.65738794e-02 -6.35378361e-02 -2.17110947e-01 1.09075338e-01 3.10288787e-01 3.03282619e-01 -3.89780216e-02 -7.17946813e-02 -1.93744883e-01 -1.99322030e-01 -1.37334183e-01 1.22539714e-01 -2.52529413e-01 1.87380239e-01 -1.05199985e-01 -2.77023584e-01 -3.57711129e-02 3.00548226e-01 1.12829924e-01 1.78282186e-02 -1.46528080e-01 1.24642821e-02 -2.01290011e-01 1.04006045e-01 1.12779520e-01 5.66338181e-01 1.08422516e-02 -5.25875315e-02 -3.16355288e-01 2.09287584e-01 -2.82136977e-01 9.65671241e-02 1.39806420e-02 6.95805192e-01 1.06978677e-01 1.86688483e-01 1.48793384e-01 9.45030674e-02 -3.35626394e-01 1.14886820e-01 1.87044963e-01 2.29141325e-01 6.53327107e-02 -5.60489148e-02 -1.22481026e-01 -5.16557872e-01 3.37260872e-01 -6.99201882e-01 1.93094820e-01 8.53757467e-03 -1.13733426e-01 -1.68762490e-01 6.70692697e-02 3.46002989e-02 -1.26761988e-01 -1.73365697e-01 2.35511929e-01 3.32462788e-01 1.01265162e-01 2.97549754e-01 1.68880075e-01 1.36062443e-01 2.56119192e-01 -1.05267115e-01 4.34406139e-02 -3.92570168e-01 -4.39247750e-02 1.23268373e-01 9.23194923e-03 6.04770482e-02 -9.94940177e-02 1.45859107e-01 3.40816408e-01 -1.60919771e-01 2.85295516e-01 1.45255491e-01 4.79201525e-01 -1.23325348e-01 -2.78132230e-01 2.94032604e-01 7.26003200e-02 -1.40204981e-01 1.54221743e-01 6.75640404e-02 -3.72769721e-02 -2.42528886e-01 7.92302862e-02 8.26294497e-02 -1.94263130e-01 2.42604405e-01 -8.09441805e-02 -2.66266912e-01 1.12734094e-01 1.04964338e-01 3.21967661e-01 5.47148734e-02 1.46699890e-01 -2.38375992e-01 2.08312139e-01 5.71331382e-02 -4.68282014e-01 1.39481902e-01 7.70147666e-02 -2.13936239e-01 -1.79116681e-01 -2.34725818e-01 -2.38428533e-01 -1.14428159e-02 3.36430520e-01 7.44547009e-01 2.97255516e-01 -3.04694623e-01 -2.80601054e-01 1.41351059e-01 -1.57915384e-01 -1.08072842e-02 9.93911102e-02 -6.98652565e-02 4.79060113e-02 -6.88342333e-01 6.62194043e-02 -2.66501993e-01 7.08885817e-03 -1.94635540e-02 2.38955066e-01 -3.14633787e-01 -2.83136755e-01 2.32116356e-01 -3.25193971e-01 -2.13524744e-01 1.48222581e-01 3.21563423e-01 5.82173228e-01 3.23635787e-01 4.20779400e-02 -1.71692356e-01 -2.00885877e-01 -2.07506105e-01 3.57965797e-01 -3.54370564e-01 -1.98519692e-01 -9.27486494e-02 2.80908316e-01 -1.31392151e-01 8.78044739e-02 6.36741966e-02 -3.95147949e-02 -2.24131003e-01 -2.87766874e-01 1.71194524e-01 9.97113734e-02 -1.29984329e-02 3.71559598e-02 -1.84640080e-01 4.16422665e-01 4.11156714e-02 2.91588549e-02 5.48502356e-02 -3.32163721e-01 -5.49784936e-02 -1.31571919e-01 2.44596615e-01 -2.11684272e-01 -1.08530380e-01 1.30605295e-01 -1.18676908e-01 -2.83508629e-01 -1.80414930e-01 -7.18696415e-02 8.30162540e-02 4.13836628e-01 1.24226853e-01 8.64746273e-02 -1.45876199e-01 3.46751362e-02 -2.65439481e-01 -1.16818205e-01 3.92373770e-01 5.85241057e-02 3.29436064e-01 -6.38879463e-02 3.87832224e-01 2.73162395e-01 -3.74981731e-01 1.53135285e-01 1.19103817e-02 -3.60665284e-02 1.16515897e-01 3.87117267e-01 1.13829231e+00 2.68102229e-01 -1.16022322e-02 1.05315745e-01 -1.56018808e-01 1.98917668e-02 -2.91277260e-01 -2.34204769e-01 -1.23276010e-01 -3.61160517e-01 7.35714147e-03 -5.52878901e-02 3.84748995e-01 3.38482946e-01 -1.29147053e-01 1.31097317e-01 -6.28355861e-01 1.64306372e-01 2.69200474e-01 2.30682954e-01 -2.95217305e-01 8.99317581e-03 5.57622671e-01 2.45451808e-01 -1.52882546e-01 1.71945050e-01 -1.11792095e-01 2.08023369e-01 -1.55526698e-01 -2.62303144e-01 -1.59307808e-01 1.78159401e-01 -9.09158066e-02 3.65439296e-01 -1.47956207e-01 -9.10385400e-02 -5.15526772e-01 -3.50069284e-01 -5.77970743e-01 7.50045059e-03 -3.79054509e-02 2.28060022e-01 1.42300889e-01 -1.72093019e-01 -3.93467676e-03 -6.65404424e-02 1.76185250e-01 3.51481549e-02 -4.10187691e-01 1.13245800e-01 -1.19142300e-02 -4.87245293e-03 -1.40777323e-02 2.93412730e-02 2.93140233e-01 -1.24206953e-01 3.24584067e-01 2.41324916e-01 -4.01463240e-01 1.59881953e-02 1.83319196e-01 1.48329526e-01 -1.61169887e-01 1.20393924e-01 1.57861531e-01 1.87117327e-02 -1.79847516e-02 9.69179794e-02 1.64990440e-01 8.65195021e-02 -1.71759710e-01 -5.28557785e-02 -3.44492137e-01 -3.87109697e-01 2.39334390e-01 -6.65679574e-02 1.74842983e-01 -8.85683522e-02 -1.66107297e-01 -4.39380944e-01 -6.74129874e-02 4.23316836e-01 1.51948228e-01 5.68055809e-02 -2.51605183e-01 -5.04874110e-01 -1.03824511e-01 1.39616325e-01 1.36736900e-01 1.06458858e-01 -1.79171607e-01 3.25136483e-01 -2.45152805e-02 3.12281400e-02 -3.36014390e-01 9.00763720e-02 -2.33576849e-01 -1.93330020e-01 7.53517300e-02 -2.16935754e-01 2.28705145e-02 -1.49467766e-01 9.66257378e-02 2.71893144e-01 -2.97575761e-02 -2.70949334e-01 -1.49981871e-01 8.09129700e-02 1.72239542e-01 -3.15717578e-01 6.20442331e-02 -1.75658897e-01 2.63124734e-01 -3.62651348e-02 1.05528289e-03 1.78562388e-01 1.94395289e-01 1.27312109e-01 1.60057172e-01 3.57709378e-01 2.65066713e-01 3.19120497e-01 -3.67629491e-02 -1.00983769e-01 2.05991156e-02 1.27584785e-01 -1.40696093e-01 -5.21393567e-02 4.96909618e-02 1.65192470e-01 -9.31768417e-02 1.23765074e-01 3.33242685e-01 -6.21181503e-02 -1.33688688e-01 -8.13060030e-02 -2.27029890e-01 4.00709718e-01 -1.38311744e-01 1.31315812e-01 -1.01759518e-03 3.46938372e-01 -3.21017355e-01 -2.76241302e-01 -3.51533294e-01 2.26886258e-01 4.27821465e-02 1.47453770e-01 -1.38888443e-02 -5.87193608e-01 -2.43478883e-02 1.41289815e-01 1.86963767e-01 -2.19079077e-01 6.33814856e-02 1.78049043e-01 -8.92318785e-02 -2.13929683e-01 -1.47495335e-02 -3.62261944e-02 1.77595690e-01 -2.62423977e-02 4.80991565e-02 5.56542762e-02 2.15406835e-01 3.92262280e-01 9.49935988e-02 1.40793622e-01 -5.74598253e-01 3.13298762e-01 -9.61865708e-02 2.33831368e-02 1.96649745e-01 3.24512422e-01 -4.11011577e-02 -2.29692772e-01 -1.29552603e-01 1.70020491e-01 -1.40195750e-02 2.91392833e-01 -4.83831987e-02 -5.87029336e-03 -3.37474167e-01 -2.61248410e-01 1.75313473e-01 -6.68561906e-02 -2.30360054e-03 -9.72657129e-02 -1.30874589e-01 1.86836421e-01 -2.08777040e-01 8.45339149e-02 3.55562210e-01 -2.05200076e-01 -1.36600479e-01 4.10429060e-01 1.85652450e-01 -2.35326618e-01 1.28523529e-01 4.41243231e-01 -1.09445259e-01 -3.47229615e-02 1.04140624e-01 -3.83682907e-01 -2.87555754e-01 -1.11763582e-01 2.24824157e-02 1.96653008e-01 4.16112900e-01 -5.84497973e-02 9.79416817e-02 -3.24540377e-01 -3.64035815e-01 1.29280195e-01 3.12995017e-01 -2.94306520e-02 -4.73015457e-02 -2.45645232e-02 -2.69751579e-01 4.60388772e-02 8.04574601e-03 -1.05406247e-01 4.41501886e-01 -1.83143914e-01 -1.08455725e-01 2.81939477e-01 -1.15808491e-02 5.87292984e-02 -6.79760128e-02 2.18107238e-01 -2.29022726e-01 2.20716000e-01 -1.43662259e-01 -4.57360446e-01 -1.44681215e-01 -4.84361500e-02 -5.00386357e-01 -4.20515120e-01 -1.85387768e-03 -1.03147663e-01 -2.10968181e-01 1.27091883e-02 -4.00233835e-01 1.72066595e-02 2.05034781e-02 1.59832090e-01 -2.25772217e-01 2.01034471e-01 2.11558044e-01 -1.52877912e-01 3.81693169e-02 -1.99336335e-01 1.65595502e-01 4.23875779e-01 1.11115925e-01 -4.14965264e-02 -4.75246400e-01 -8.04220792e-03 6.42461598e-01 2.96354383e-01 -5.48056588e-02 4.97463733e-01 -1.86160758e-01 -1.25986874e-01 -3.42304528e-01 -1.54307395e-01 3.14342882e-03 3.39072436e-01 1.81951001e-01 -1.19850636e-01 -5.69737377e-03 4.74989563e-01 1.42358944e-01 -6.13778941e-02 -4.74291652e-01 -6.51418194e-02 -2.31616139e-01 -1.57750636e-01 -1.65648237e-01 3.79799813e-01 -1.77991077e-01 1.67881876e-01 -4.69125137e-02 -4.94716823e-01 1.16720730e-02 -2.48558447e-01 6.62624061e-01 4.14959371e-01 -1.39561817e-02 -4.23505634e-01 -6.29714206e-02 8.86878446e-02 1.35830387e-01 -2.64495462e-01 -4.46184605e-01 -1.35722980e-01 4.51188534e-02 -1.10405661e-01 1.09500932e-02 -1.61024019e-01 -1.32907882e-01 -1.35742202e-01 2.51102835e-01 -3.26194279e-02 -1.00939944e-01 -1.42609835e-01 -3.44282836e-01]
"The Gayest Man Alive" active "Item #: SCP-230 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-230 is kept in a secure room in Site-██. The room must have a controlled ventilation system so that air exiting the room can be properly filtered before it reenters the regular ventilation system of the complex. SCP-230 is to be given anything he requests that does not violate standard procedures for SCP containment. The door is set to automatically lock every time it closes and can only be opened from outside the room. Personnel entering SCP-230's room must wear a full HAZMAT suit with its own oxygen supply. Personnel exposed to the air in SCP-230's cell or who come in physical contact with SCP-230 or any of SCP-230's bodily fluids must be contained and held for observation for no less than one month. Personnel still exhibiting symptoms from SCP-230 after one month are to be terminated. If personnel are cleared by on-site staff after a month, they are then to be transferred and forbidden contact with SCP-230. Due to recent events, subjects that have been exposed and cleared by staff are required to undergo regular psychological exams. If upon exam the personnel exhibits any of the traits shown in document 230-4436b, the personnel is to be terminated. NOTE: Subject has made several escape attempts utilizing personnel exposed to SCP-230. This represents a low threat due to the fact that exposed personnel are usually impaired; however, personnel will become violent in order to stay in SCP-230's presence. Description: SCP-230 is a male Caucasian with a lean build and gaunt appearance. SCP-230 is 185 cm (6 ft 1 in) tall, 68.04 kg (150 lbs), and appears to be in his early thirties. He wears bright clothing and prefers the colors pink and yellow. SCP-230 is a very cheerful individual who appears to be incapable of negative emotions. SCP-230 secretes a chemical similar in composition to heroin from his pores. The chemical has been named Compound-███. Once secreted from his pores, it evaporates immediately and contaminates the air around SCP-230. Compound-███ seems to be effective in as little as thirty parts per million in gaseous form. When inhaled, Compound-███ causes extreme euphoria in subjects. Analysis on Class-D personnel under the effects of SCP-230 indicated they had dopamine levels greater than five times of what is expected during sexual climax. Subjects express impairment similar to the effects of heroin. Subjects become willing to comply with any request SCP-230 makes provided it does not involve leaving SCP-230's presence. Compound-███ is present in all of SCP-230's bodily fluids. Exposure is possible even by contact with SCP-230's skin. Exposure to the compound will result in immediate addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are extreme and have a thirty percent mortality rate. Symptoms include: loss of appetite, tremors, panic, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, dementia, insanity, blindness, and hemorrhaging, though symptoms vary from subject to subject. Symptoms typically last for around two weeks before subsiding. The symptoms appear to be determined by how much of Compound-███ the subject is exposed to. Subjects that ingest any of SCP-230's bodily fluid (i.e. saliva, blood, etc) have a mortality rate from withdrawal of 100%. SCP-230 was found in an apartment in █████████ with twenty people acting as his servants. SCP-230 seemed to be actively attempting to limit the number of people he exposed. Several bodies of exposed persons were found on the premises. When questioned about them, SCP-230 replied, "Things were getting crowded, so I had to ask a few of them to stop breathing." SCP-230 appears to be under the effects of Compound-███, but doesn't seem to be impaired by it in any way. Attempts to alter SCP-230's mood have proven ineffective. Use of various drugs known to cause depression only resulted in SCP-230 producing more of Compound-███ and thus were ineffective. SCP-230 is a very friendly individual and will candidly engage in conversation with any personnel. SCP-230 is unaware of how or when he began secreting Compound-███. When questioned about his past, SCP-230 replied that he has been secreting Compound-███ as long as he can remember. SCP-230 prefers to talk about things he considers "good" or "gay". SCP-230 has some psychological attachment to the word "gay". When asked to describe himself, SCP-230 used the word "gay" six times, "gaiety" four times, and the word "gayest" once when SCP-230 referred to himself as "the gayest man alive." Note by Dr. ██████: SCP-230's preoccupation with the word "gay" has nothing to do with sexual orientation. SCP-230 doesn't appear to have a sexual orientation due to a lack of interest in sex entirely. This makes sense, seeing as SCP-230 experiences the same amount of pleasure doing any given activity, making sex unnecessary. Addendum 230-1: Class 2 personnel researcher ██████ ███ was accidentally exposed to Compound-███ during research. ██████ ███ was detained and sent to treatment for the duration of withdrawal symptoms. After one month, ██████ ███ was released after being cleared by medical staff. Two months later, ██████ ███ was found trying to break into SCP-230's containment area. ██████ ███ reacted violently and injured several personnel before she was detained. ██████ ███ was terminated after examination, and precautions have been made to prevent further occurrence; see document 230-4436b. Document 230-4436b: [DATA EXPUNGED] « SCP-229 | SCP-230 | SCP-231 »" nan
[ 1.99825704e-01 -1.33989796e-01 -1.53922766e-01 -1.92446128e-01 2.30832160e-01 5.88002568e-03 1.64168358e-01 2.24170648e-03 2.42738292e-01 2.37282142e-01 -4.94185053e-02 -1.31725594e-01 -2.66635448e-01 -7.99318030e-02 4.81722146e-01 3.20087492e-01 -1.90951843e-02 2.74324089e-01 1.64979026e-01 -1.68137610e-01 -2.37153411e-01 -1.17290393e-01 -8.21842402e-02 1.41138628e-01 1.39200658e-01 5.98623343e-02 2.00438038e-01 2.80298799e-01 -1.83683947e-01 -4.12659615e-01 -7.79242888e-02 1.73808932e-01 -2.89345495e-02 -1.58187617e-02 -1.11299007e-04 -2.70267755e-01 1.48955286e-01 1.92004591e-01 -1.90031543e-01 -4.82130319e-01 -8.71856883e-02 -1.27438962e-01 -1.09656349e-01 -1.77625805e-01 3.87073830e-02 2.58687526e-01 1.21736132e-01 1.13277398e-01 5.23759842e-01 8.29752311e-02 1.16999283e-01 -1.69165209e-01 1.55088082e-01 -1.71380550e-01 2.30873406e-01 1.08863875e-01 -1.09421410e-01 -3.09753895e-01 3.22858423e-01 2.55358994e-01 1.53627321e-01 -2.35369995e-01 -2.87231565e-01 -4.72101234e-02 6.22543991e-01 -2.81115234e-01 2.24555910e-01 2.72707827e-02 2.56246895e-01 3.89801532e-01 -2.30735838e-01 2.16611236e-01 3.64681512e-01 1.69107884e-01 -3.85572240e-02 -6.41400635e-01 3.34899843e-01 2.95026332e-01 -3.75777692e-01 1.89541541e-02 -4.50909555e-01 -4.21262272e-02 -2.32715115e-01 1.47766098e-01 -2.43916392e-01 3.77766579e-01 -7.56552964e-02 6.48865998e-02 4.74505186e-01 -6.50225654e-02 -1.61037669e-01 6.75353333e-02 4.22211647e-01 1.68828219e-01 -1.78269133e-01 -5.76830190e-03 9.40557346e-02 6.73426762e-02 2.52057612e-01 -1.47269711e-01 2.46515214e-01 1.47215724e-02 3.65330487e-01 1.16039954e-01 -1.55562669e-01 3.49014848e-01 2.99661368e-01 -3.15025717e-01 -2.14054197e-01 1.50405750e-01 8.94312635e-02 1.81454897e-01 -1.65990293e-01 5.88491522e-02 9.06788558e-02 6.20670952e-02 -4.57584739e-01 -3.19113843e-02 -3.07021409e-01 5.87585330e-01 -4.77622241e-01 1.43746212e-01 -1.90370083e-01 5.87379277e-01 4.70397264e-01 -7.52922744e-02 2.29124829e-01 -2.64272243e-01 2.14958295e-01 1.68397754e-01 -1.11107357e-01 2.75004767e-02 -2.23795459e-01 -2.17105493e-01 -3.16932723e-02 -1.39265060e-02 -4.45298404e-02 -6.57551959e-02 4.30360913e-01 -1.98217794e-01 -2.33270049e-01 3.17953557e-01 6.68196499e-01 6.91810772e-02 -5.67541420e-02 -2.85735428e-01 -1.46044269e-01 -4.30441856e-01 -1.71672311e-02 1.10602841e-01 4.05346990e-01 1.87324956e-02 -1.21642292e-01 1.88312098e-01 -1.20046102e-01 2.41773725e-01 4.00378764e-01 -1.68826029e-01 -2.77934462e-01 3.77422832e-02 1.92964330e-01 1.91206232e-01 -3.33173648e-02 -1.73850879e-01 7.50973299e-02 3.07448149e-01 2.69751936e-01 -2.35345259e-01 1.06744617e-01 2.03003824e-01 -2.21831352e-01 -4.86763269e-01 -2.91259959e-02 2.94022784e-02 -1.19334631e-01 -8.50482211e-02 -1.71332762e-01 -3.45928669e-01 -1.65323749e-01 -1.83649678e-02 -3.09123725e-01 5.35101257e-02 2.04393983e-01 -4.79307890e-01 1.92277968e-01 6.54958338e-02 -1.66450411e-01 1.73192620e-01 3.60202432e-01 -2.25102842e-01 -2.25191712e-01 -4.87590045e-01 3.23070697e-02 -2.99035639e-01 -5.18002026e-02 -2.27641743e-02 1.43391192e-01 1.63827375e-01 4.73491639e-01 6.90388083e-02 -1.55896232e-01 3.12663727e-02 -8.03359225e-02 2.01235324e-01 -2.93871433e-01 7.29891732e-02 -3.11465770e-01 -2.22392365e-01 1.70355022e-01 1.38056884e-03 -2.57873088e-01 -1.96138650e-01 -9.93204787e-02 7.32551441e-02 4.16695625e-02 -8.65992382e-02 2.26692006e-01 1.97618634e-01 1.81977481e-01 -4.28631246e-01 -2.52361167e-02 2.39246413e-01 4.83461563e-03 6.66200370e-02 -5.15333526e-02 -8.51388648e-02 -4.34918739e-02 6.72562122e-02 1.40774280e-01 3.07459384e-01 2.91050434e-01 -1.88126728e-01 2.71159410e-02 1.51509538e-01 -3.31173033e-01 -1.21081367e-01 2.31883213e-01 4.86948609e-01 -3.01247276e-02 -1.17462687e-01 -9.57547277e-02 1.21028535e-01 1.25416473e-01 2.74050869e-02 -3.75912160e-01 2.09915176e-01 -8.20588227e-03 2.14767516e-01 -1.15768425e-01 2.70705372e-01 7.09610507e-02 -1.89328194e-01 -2.49261171e-01 -2.62347907e-01 6.10276699e-01 4.36769307e-01 1.33369476e-01 2.90179074e-01 1.10833026e-01 1.82542697e-01 -1.78340748e-01 -2.68805474e-01 -7.72677958e-02 -5.27671203e-02 3.58865649e-01 -7.09029883e-02 8.02159160e-02 9.97792035e-02 -8.55947584e-02 1.21539943e-01 -3.58748645e-01 8.53493530e-03 2.43980497e-01 -1.35896876e-01 -2.74825916e-02 -1.69792116e-01 4.16137762e-02 3.35607259e-03 -9.08044800e-02 2.42131159e-01 -7.26020858e-02 1.16538532e-01 5.84217347e-02 -6.10287562e-02 -2.38399833e-01 -2.55785920e-02 -1.86666831e-01 2.69402266e-01 7.72279724e-02 1.17595635e-01 -2.02499613e-01 1.07835993e-01 6.85714558e-02 6.38226571e-04 2.11587280e-01 1.27558962e-01 1.87789023e-01 4.23625171e-01 -2.06679553e-01 -1.25680789e-01 -3.40109587e-01 3.40443730e-01 1.23590745e-01 1.19182961e-02 -8.84936973e-02 9.69826877e-02 3.13315094e-01 -2.66882896e-01 2.25069910e-01 4.35428135e-03 -3.56032759e-01 2.47128859e-01 9.00087431e-02 -2.04134494e-01 2.98241138e-01 -2.68297672e-01 -2.81441450e-01 -1.79297462e-01 3.22109200e-02 -9.25554395e-01 4.95412722e-02 1.68034166e-01 2.46731594e-01 -3.31040382e-01 -9.80418175e-02 1.74166784e-01 -1.61489487e-01 -1.76723080e-03 -1.22348532e-01 1.75415948e-02 1.15650883e-02 -1.55353069e-01 1.30401701e-01 -7.48038664e-02 -4.25783664e-01 1.50763500e-03 -4.19199973e-01 -3.22730839e-01 -9.77492705e-02 -2.43316665e-01 -2.70047903e-01 -2.34689519e-01 4.99372818e-02 1.37585625e-01 4.35804744e-04 -2.10495487e-01 7.27461576e-02 6.95744008e-02 1.88255936e-01 -1.30699679e-01 -2.59260714e-01 6.10965252e-01 1.00679733e-01 -2.66331315e-01 -1.80212557e-01 -2.54210532e-01 -1.25034116e-02 -1.22747988e-01 3.19939584e-01 2.06953064e-02 -2.58110493e-01 3.61674994e-01 2.36465842e-01 -1.17210925e-01 8.52324888e-02 -1.50304809e-01 1.92179501e-01 1.10497214e-01 2.70552188e-01 -4.40494806e-01 2.85712749e-01 -9.00528133e-02 -2.16119260e-01 3.60647738e-01 2.72370894e-02 -1.89472154e-01 1.50720309e-02 1.84481487e-01 -4.52108979e-01 -2.36393452e-01 7.36876056e-02 3.48638088e-01 2.00425591e-02 1.17238832e-03 -6.25126734e-02 -1.06138960e-01 -1.87989175e-01 -3.61165196e-01 3.28903466e-01 3.74952525e-01 1.91984460e-01 -1.22754551e-01 -2.40559131e-01 -3.30432981e-01 2.04319879e-01 -2.05565184e-01 -1.42845526e-01 -2.43848875e-01 1.14583664e-01 4.71246421e-01 -2.78408587e-01 1.59193128e-01 5.24569392e-01 5.81866026e-01 3.36037785e-01 1.20094486e-01 -2.62805015e-01 2.20300272e-01 -1.53317854e-01 -1.91771332e-02 3.44580472e-01 -2.66862094e-01 -3.27173680e-01 -2.67890126e-01 1.42606854e-01 -4.88330722e-01 -1.96323972e-02 -2.94604808e-01 2.56695956e-01 -1.54955521e-01 -4.64186072e-01 7.04042539e-02 3.09808552e-02 -1.26286730e-01 -5.17656580e-02 -4.79713753e-02 3.78752142e-01 1.12647146e-01 2.58811057e-01 -7.56026581e-02 -2.68802822e-01 1.10821716e-01 -3.82846653e-01 4.35070932e-01 3.15687895e-01 3.55103537e-02 -1.88981101e-01 -5.75882755e-02 4.91298996e-02 -1.02060348e-01 -1.01931743e-01 2.61539191e-01 7.08284438e-01 -2.42922589e-01 -2.51891911e-01 -3.36225718e-01 4.14696902e-01 2.17185974e-01 -1.82174310e-01 2.82736868e-01 1.89202055e-01 5.29130697e-01 -1.81491897e-01 3.96428674e-01 -1.31015271e-01 -3.32086563e-01 -3.82772654e-01 2.95627832e-01 -1.04143582e-01 3.36945951e-01 1.53608471e-01 1.31484354e+00 2.90683299e-01 1.46546364e-01 -4.18652713e-01 -2.62696952e-01 4.87798527e-02 -2.84867316e-01 -8.46128613e-02 9.43983942e-02 4.16516572e-01 -6.26222491e-02 -2.09621578e-01 2.19285145e-01 4.32915658e-01 -4.41172153e-01 -1.82357773e-01 -4.99870062e-01 -6.44174963e-02 2.17806563e-01 2.44002536e-01 -1.83937520e-01 -1.82995096e-01 7.81352073e-02 2.42055073e-01 1.35031000e-01 1.92478582e-01 -5.89725412e-02 3.37762833e-02 -2.52754033e-01 -5.73601685e-02 -6.44516945e-03 -2.19402209e-01 -4.25105929e-01 -2.65904833e-02 -1.15567677e-01 -3.43299061e-01 -2.03580633e-01 2.06912681e-01 -6.33871496e-01 7.25244805e-02 5.11325933e-02 9.31075215e-02 5.74795425e-01 -1.13345131e-01 2.39832580e-01 -1.19098097e-01 -7.90383387e-03 -8.00861642e-02 -2.71108299e-01 2.48509720e-01 1.29868388e-01 -4.12841648e-01 1.82928517e-01 -5.95787317e-02 1.14728644e-01 -2.61900634e-01 2.88887560e-01 1.39378920e-01 -1.91972479e-01 4.98510264e-02 1.49157867e-01 -2.52466872e-02 -3.90989125e-01 2.73384750e-02 2.67295033e-01 -7.27234110e-02 9.06279683e-02 -6.15277849e-02 9.58978105e-03 2.58852780e-01 -1.64600983e-01 -1.97946832e-01 -1.54282317e-01 -3.14037293e-01 -8.30044299e-02 -2.37989157e-01 -3.35783452e-01 -2.71348208e-02 6.55646473e-02 -4.31973726e-01 -4.57036942e-01 2.29445502e-01 2.39391088e-01 1.50110777e-02 2.00092187e-03 -3.05468947e-01 1.48619696e-01 -4.26351503e-02 2.58758981e-02 3.03859264e-01 1.53231308e-01 5.61436772e-01 -1.08153731e-01 2.93733180e-01 -3.55972439e-01 -2.04742346e-02 -1.44596711e-01 -2.89943665e-01 1.80967033e-01 -4.32889819e-01 -2.36261681e-01 -3.59952092e-01 3.90295461e-02 2.84773052e-01 -2.72794306e-01 -2.21305177e-01 4.78918813e-02 1.28021136e-01 5.22561632e-02 -4.15374726e-01 -1.95095874e-02 1.22164004e-01 2.94250637e-01 -1.98009163e-01 2.79434979e-01 1.92820057e-01 4.72451419e-01 7.65237212e-02 -1.59840643e-01 1.34450987e-01 4.02375013e-02 2.46331081e-01 2.63845474e-01 4.47603315e-01 -2.94959098e-01 1.41403019e-01 -1.43065169e-01 4.29062136e-02 2.10055187e-01 3.72963488e-01 -2.58525223e-01 3.51607978e-01 5.20219803e-01 2.31668577e-02 -3.56957391e-02 3.83264303e-01 -1.61464617e-01 1.50852025e-01 -3.04124147e-01 2.69963056e-01 -3.59961480e-01 2.74925709e-01 -3.73490490e-02 9.91952866e-02 -8.07791576e-02 4.18877244e-01 -9.96695384e-02 1.51055157e-01 9.57393646e-02 -6.53778195e-01 1.18246257e-01 9.76419970e-02 5.16069949e-01 8.45510289e-02 -4.40871939e-02 1.44864187e-01 -4.01957631e-02 3.62367257e-02 2.72585809e-01 3.59309912e-01 7.63355196e-02 1.55073866e-01 2.50667363e-01 -8.28410238e-02 2.45637409e-02 5.35710633e-01 2.95614779e-01 3.00429940e-01 8.84622633e-02 2.20804453e-01 -1.41723491e-02 2.32762307e-01 -1.47616655e-01 4.01738107e-01 -3.11519384e-01 -3.31707984e-01 -3.23738754e-01 1.72868893e-01 3.25807370e-02 3.03995740e-02 -1.11081496e-01 1.18212998e-01 -1.83740005e-01 -6.07574843e-02 -6.46724924e-02 -3.27107579e-01 6.70367330e-02 1.47052169e-01 -2.30601773e-01 8.28854665e-02 -1.83214277e-01 -8.39376226e-02 1.63309872e-01 -1.42333493e-01 6.63631856e-02 1.16116598e-01 3.10132325e-01 4.43137735e-01 1.68747962e-01 4.96171445e-01 -1.79212615e-01 -1.40122911e-02 -2.98588574e-02 -3.32211822e-01 -1.16674133e-01 -3.09852183e-01 1.22569628e-01 8.29822496e-02 2.23594874e-01 -3.35970163e-01 1.60056412e-01 -2.95268863e-01 -4.47444655e-02 1.53514415e-01 3.65059942e-01 1.40953735e-01 -1.41813904e-01 -6.05722070e-02 -5.75045161e-02 -2.54945606e-01 -3.89132835e-02 -1.57651618e-01 2.48734906e-01 -6.46344423e-02 -1.04157358e-01 3.85823816e-01 -1.46664828e-01 9.74638015e-02 -6.97571365e-03 -1.65804520e-01 -6.30576089e-02 -2.34558508e-01 -5.37249222e-02 -1.44866422e-01 -3.12868685e-01 2.73690820e-01 1.50808424e-01 -1.52938902e-01 2.10674584e-01 1.49792045e-01 4.75446433e-02 1.29651949e-01 1.59852386e-01 1.59681424e-01 -1.33173749e-01 -1.61181092e-01 -6.81318156e-03 2.61762619e-01 3.54927450e-01 9.23103541e-02 1.27931984e-04 -7.65752792e-02 1.56395912e-01 -7.51768518e-03 7.59140924e-02 -1.35874329e-02 -1.76979899e-01 2.21143030e-02 1.22339509e-01 3.64396572e-01 1.69114724e-01 8.54344666e-02 -3.54436785e-01 -5.22791743e-02 1.90242574e-01 6.47439778e-01 -3.75625908e-01 -2.71226596e-02 7.21267462e-02 -1.82086110e-01 1.26559790e-02 3.37169707e-01 3.68487984e-01 2.87929345e-02 -8.11472815e-03 -8.37079734e-02 -3.34252208e-01 -1.17603913e-01 -3.23781401e-01 1.55095205e-01 1.00175366e-02 6.82720244e-01 -1.50630608e-01 1.38253439e-02 -1.50135949e-01 -3.97706091e-01 4.65325147e-01 1.00825571e-01 -3.30995545e-02 -9.39853936e-02 -3.05987503e-02 5.83365411e-02 -5.56804538e-02 -4.06355023e-01 -1.21427238e-01 -1.91986531e-01 1.76030144e-01 -1.36977695e-02 5.51594049e-03 -4.98214781e-01 -1.34678721e-01 -1.52679369e-01 5.71686387e-01 1.57613158e-01 -4.53022681e-02 -3.37364748e-02 -3.93790789e-02]
"Special Personnel Requirements" age restricted "ADULT CONTENT Do not proceed if you are not over the age of 18 or are not willing to see such content. SCP-231 seven seals, seven rings. seven brides for the scarlet King Item #: SCP-231-7 (See Addendum re: SCP-231-1 through SCP-231-6)they gather round the natal bed, the foolish and the wise. they fear the child yet to be born, whose voice shall rend the skies. Object Class: Keterthe faithful watch the forest for the coming of the King. their lanterns bright, they wait at night for the new world he shall bring. Site and Personnel Requirements: Under special order of O5-██, the following addendum is attached to the beginning of the file for SCP-231-7. the dragon waits in shadows, his breath will scorch the land. the hero in the castle draws his sword and makes his stand. All personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must rotate out for one month of psychological counseling after two months on-site. SCP-231-7 is to be kept at an undisclosed location. All personnel assigned to SCP-231 will be transported there blindfolded from Site-19 by a route including no fewer than seven different forms of transportation, including but not limited to aircraft, automobile, underground tunnel, and ████████████. Removal of the blindfold during the transport process is grounds for immediate termination. the princess in the tower is hidden far away. but nothing under heaven can keep The Groom at bay. Personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must undergo heavy psychological testing before being cleared to enter the site. Individuals must score at least 72 points on the Milgram Obedience Examination, be unmarried, have no offspring, and express nothing less than total loyalty to the Foundation. Normal psychological screening procedures against Axis II disorders are waived, so long as the Class-D personnel in question has the mental capacity to carry out Procedure 110-Montauk as needed. Luke 23:34. Personnel who express sympathy towards SCP-231-7's plight and/or express a desire to rescue or sympathize towards SCP-231-7 will be transferred to another project without delay. Any actual rescue attempts will be met with immediate termination. Personnel who have served on the staff of SCP-231-7's Containment Team are not required to divulge that information to others. No official record shall be kept of the names of any staff assigned to SCP-231-7, nor will said service appear in the personnel files of said staff. they gather round with leering smiles, the soulless and the dead. though her soul unwinds, the cruelest minds will keep her in her bed. While on-site, individuals assigned to SCP-231-7 will be issued concealing helmets with integrated voice changers to protect their identity. On-site staff are not to remove said uniforms in the presence of other staff members. Off-duty hours are to be spent in private quarters alone. Six Class D Personnel are to be assigned to SCP-231-7 each month for the purposes of carrying out Procedure 110-Montauk. Violent criminals are not to be used for this purpose due to the possibility of accidental fatality during the 110-Montauk process. Special Containment Procedures: Following repeated escape and suicide attempts, and based on the failure of containment for SCP-231-1 through 6, containment of SCP-231-7 has been amended to the following: SCP-231 is to be contained within a soundproof holding cell, adjacent to holding cells for six Class D Personnel assigned for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Cameras will monitor every inch of the cell at all times, and must be manned 24 hours a day. Malfunctioning monitoring equipment will be replaced without delay by psychologically screened staff. Doors will be magnetically locked, openable only by positive action by the control and monitoring facility. This includes all doors linking the main holding cell to those of the six Class D Personnel. SCP-231-7 is to be kept restrained to a hospital bed at all times except for the purposes of Procedure 110-Montauk. Hydration will be provided through IV drip. Feeding will be carried out twice per day through feeding tube by approved medical personnel who have not taken the Hippocratic Oath. Under no circumstances are narcotics, anesthesia, or other unapproved medications to be administered to SCP-231-7. the potter told his 'prentice to prepare him seven jars. six he made with grace and skill, the last his hands did mar. Procedure 110-Montauk is to be carried out at least once every 24 hours by Class D Personnel. During Procedure 110-Montauk, at least one Security Clearance 4/231 staff member must monitor the procedure by camera at all times, although the sound may be turned off if the vocalizations of SCP-231-7 become too distressing. Following the procedure, all Class D Personnel must return to their holding cells or explosive collars will be detonated. the cretin moon no more is howling, gone its mourning black. in their dreams its face is prowling, come to take them back. [DATA EXPUNGED PER ORDER OF O5-██ ON ██-██-████. INFORMATION MOVED TO EYES-ONLY DOCUMENT 231-110-MONTAUK. ACCESS TO 231-110-MONTAUK IS LIMITED TO PERSONNEL WITH SECURITY CLEARANCE 4/231] Description: SCP-231-7 is a █████ female between █ and ██ years of age, with [DATA EXPUNGED]. the King is in his courting clothes, the brides are in their beds. the unborn princes wait in sleep to raise their eager heads. SCP-231-1 through 7 were retrieved from ██████████, ██, following a police raid on a warehouse owned by an organization called the Children of the Scarlet King (see article on ██-██-████ in the ████████████ ██████ newspaper, "Police Raid Satanic Sex Cult, Save Seven"). 24 hours after the rescue, SCP-231-1 (real name ████████████ ████████████) went into labor pains, giving birth three minutes later to SCP-██ (█████████ ██████████), causing a ██████████ event resulting in over ███ confirmed casualties. Foundation Personnel immediately took possession of remaining SCPs 231-2 through 231-7 and, based on notebooks recovered from the cult, instituted Procedure 110-Montauk to prevent future occurrences. the hens were in the henhouse and seven eggs did lay, till the fox crept in by dark of night and stole the eggs away. Addendum 231-a: Current Status of SCP-231 units. six were broken by their bindings six no more shall sing. comes the seventh full unwinding and all the bells will ring. Addendum 231-b: Text of missive by O5-██ Dear Friends, It has come to my attention that recently, certain rumors have surfaced regarding SCP-231. Due to the drop in staff morale, I have decided to address some of the more prevalent points. One final note: The Foundation does many distasteful things in the completion of our mission, but our mission is important enough that the price is one we must pay. Containment of SCP-231 is one of our most dangerous duties, not because of any direct danger to ourselves (like SCP-682) but because of the danger that our resolve will fail, that we will allow ourselves to either let down our guard due to sympathy for the suffering of an innocent, or that we will allow ourselves to become monsters through the performance of monstrous acts. Just do your jobs, and save the philosophizing for the shrink. Sincerely, O5-██ Don't believe it when they say they're trying to save her. Why would they bother? They've got exactly what they want exactly where they want it. Addendum 231-c: Update 231-07's emotional response to Procedure 110-Montauk appears to be reduced recently, despite proper execution of said procedure, increasing danger of SCP-██ undergoing a ████████████ event. Two options have been proposed. 1. Development of a new containment procedure with higher emotional response than Procedure 110-Montauk. 2. Administration of a Class A Amnestic to SCP-231-7, allowing for a return to base emotional response state. Said memory modification is to be administered during execution of Procedure 110-Montauk to maintain heightened emotional state following memory reset. Please advise. the doctor never tells his god which one he really seeks. instead he hides himself away, and quietly, he weeps. Dr. ████ Addendum 231-d: Decision Proverbs 1:32 Carry out Option 2 at the first available opportunity. their god's own voice, he makes the choice, declaring with their word. "in fear and pain let her remain, lest she be like the third." O5-██ Addendum 231-e: Aftermath Ezekiel 6:14 Option 2 was carried out. SCP-231-7's emotional state returned to 100% efficacy. Dr. ████ subsequently committed suicide due to heightened emotional stress. Will continue analysis of efficacy of treatment. the doctor's gun ended his run, as he put it to his ear. as she was defiled, the pitied child, he gave it to his fear. Dr. ██████████ Addendum 231-f: Continued Analysis of Efficacy of Treatment Revelation 18:21-24 After some analysis, I have determined that it is not necessary to perform memory modification every time Procedure 110-Montauk is carried out. In fact, it is better to delay for some time before re-administering the agent. Analysis of Subject 231-7's emotional response indicates that efficacy of Procedure 110-Montauk seems to peak between the third and fourth performance of the procedure: the dread of anticipation of events seems to heighten emotional response for a time, before familiarity with the procedure begins to lessen the efficacy of treatment. My recommendation is that Class A Amnestics be administered once a week during Procedure 110-Montauk. The calendar has been modified accordingly. her memory a fickle thing, the strongest shall endure. when her weeping starts to waver, their drugs make her mind pure. Dr. ██████████ For a list of all works by this author, click here. « SCP-230 | SCP-231 | SCP-232 »" "Image removed by order of O5-██"
[ 2.57243842e-01 -8.00147355e-02 -1.67800531e-01 1.63183838e-01 -2.63539284e-01 -2.09867537e-01 3.64114165e-01 1.00567350e-02 1.47689983e-01 -6.51005004e-03 7.35308602e-02 2.39185132e-02 5.79999387e-02 2.99094450e-02 -6.11224137e-02 7.13801337e-03 7.06061199e-02 2.37040013e-01 -2.64044076e-01 5.87830245e-02 -2.47170091e-01 1.22301534e-01 -2.67014027e-01 7.16903731e-02 -1.32513372e-02 -8.94920975e-02 -1.95819467e-01 3.46289843e-01 -1.67458087e-01 -3.83921802e-01 7.62608871e-02 2.62715757e-01 1.58679947e-01 1.09706610e-01 -1.04704995e-04 -1.17191486e-01 1.13946706e-01 9.95329842e-02 -2.31546760e-01 3.40490669e-01 -1.98817655e-01 -3.66201967e-01 -8.28131139e-02 -2.61308759e-01 1.94428474e-01 1.72506168e-01 1.22364476e-01 6.20757759e-01 4.94543642e-01 3.31394047e-01 2.39241853e-01 2.26311997e-01 -6.68476447e-02 -1.73915789e-01 4.72269654e-02 3.16902548e-02 -2.77821958e-01 -4.70639586e-01 4.14790064e-01 2.53106117e-01 3.38062830e-02 -3.72791216e-02 -3.72003973e-01 -3.13895084e-02 2.44059443e-01 -3.27114969e-01 2.27250114e-01 -3.54347944e-01 6.15360774e-02 -6.75886124e-02 3.18489462e-01 3.63764495e-01 -6.21478213e-03 1.58333883e-01 -2.83168048e-01 -2.19866544e-01 2.30813667e-01 2.26608038e-01 -2.25292575e-02 -1.46362320e-01 -2.46552117e-02 -1.62126683e-02 -2.55953968e-01 4.75781821e-02 1.69198096e-01 4.44089085e-01 2.36974750e-03 -4.09914181e-02 2.11008489e-02 2.93710195e-02 3.85608852e-01 -1.90600097e-01 6.97297156e-02 4.22916934e-02 2.05473661e-01 -1.47424519e-01 -9.32738110e-02 2.28511229e-01 2.67879739e-02 8.95409510e-02 8.70974287e-02 3.76105547e-01 -1.47834316e-01 2.04454914e-01 8.72948319e-02 1.52288496e-01 5.60938478e-01 -4.70576733e-02 -2.08863989e-03 4.46238220e-01 1.54866472e-01 4.05931741e-01 -2.76491083e-02 -2.67147988e-01 -8.27188119e-02 1.13311052e-01 -1.71830833e-01 -1.89615011e-01 3.73100452e-02 2.54998267e-01 -7.33532235e-02 1.01152137e-01 -1.63865238e-01 5.04047751e-01 9.12267417e-02 1.01842970e-01 -1.32884458e-01 -1.79761946e-01 -6.25261888e-02 -1.06131256e-01 -1.45746246e-01 1.56681150e-01 -5.95305227e-02 7.17373788e-02 1.79706320e-01 -1.23138823e-01 2.46091112e-02 1.20330609e-01 3.01410817e-02 -2.32116077e-02 1.90495133e-01 1.97661549e-01 2.91484565e-01 3.78890842e-01 -9.45629701e-02 -1.90853745e-01 -1.70219585e-01 -5.95275648e-02 1.60321710e-03 1.03739388e-01 2.04707757e-01 -2.80139595e-01 -1.05082221e-01 2.23397791e-01 -3.41786206e-01 9.10273790e-02 1.24812357e-01 9.78768710e-03 7.16193095e-02 3.84020448e-01 2.53641129e-01 -2.14686587e-01 -4.16399986e-01 -1.01797953e-01 -2.57798105e-01 2.01831058e-01 -1.09676868e-01 1.38860390e-01 4.44667926e-03 -2.45409176e-01 2.29994282e-01 -1.05293125e-01 -6.72378615e-02 -1.72317132e-01 -2.64743537e-01 2.44128853e-01 -1.67585745e-01 8.07517543e-02 -1.12506241e-01 -3.57133672e-02 -2.84983814e-01 7.11087137e-02 4.17814583e-01 1.29058614e-01 2.81898946e-01 -1.73332483e-01 -2.65935451e-01 -1.01414673e-01 3.47229362e-01 1.37414366e-01 -3.41366172e-01 -1.79111823e-01 -1.10105760e-01 1.94634512e-01 5.92439733e-02 -3.02645545e-02 -3.28757539e-02 6.51312396e-02 3.83788675e-01 -3.11170891e-02 -2.50151828e-02 2.51852751e-01 8.24781135e-02 6.36729598e-01 3.16247754e-02 2.23175824e-01 -1.23552643e-01 6.25842391e-03 3.93191844e-01 4.26427782e-01 2.68090993e-01 -6.81590140e-02 -1.38059139e-01 -7.97001459e-03 -2.41389155e-01 -3.34423214e-01 1.87685475e-01 1.31560296e-01 2.34378353e-01 -7.08342195e-01 -9.47861820e-02 3.30199361e-01 -4.43538338e-01 6.82527274e-02 3.63064557e-02 2.99546514e-02 -4.77808625e-01 -9.56455991e-02 1.17350273e-01 2.28783384e-01 2.86911398e-01 -2.26304248e-01 3.07918251e-01 1.71949472e-02 1.24596521e-01 -3.11799884e-01 1.45719554e-02 5.25841355e-01 -1.59150004e-01 -6.43618047e-01 -1.23116717e-01 1.67376362e-02 -1.63257703e-01 1.72083274e-01 8.28563571e-02 2.94929445e-01 6.11677766e-02 1.73917696e-01 -3.23432609e-02 3.90480720e-02 -7.70597830e-02 -2.78178960e-01 -2.82461107e-01 -9.65744779e-02 3.57136339e-01 -1.58470660e-01 -6.82947159e-01 3.99515517e-02 7.10852891e-02 2.13219479e-01 -1.05159417e-01 -2.75925584e-02 2.18422458e-01 2.00301856e-02 3.48982126e-01 -6.01756945e-02 9.55798477e-02 6.14316622e-03 3.19079384e-02 2.31044754e-01 -4.62070759e-03 -5.17718121e-02 -2.36376956e-01 -2.97808737e-01 2.61454344e-01 6.95697963e-02 -3.44620496e-01 -1.37900367e-01 5.72602823e-02 3.74252850e-04 -3.09291165e-02 -1.61552906e-01 3.20103914e-02 -9.32942033e-02 -6.19863644e-02 -8.70903861e-03 3.36158782e-01 2.57498085e-01 3.27523053e-02 6.49946570e-01 1.11257032e-01 -2.49107808e-01 1.60012916e-01 1.80555850e-01 -1.58169240e-01 -1.24075882e-01 -4.37012345e-01 -3.63407657e-02 -2.88135976e-01 1.36859983e-01 -3.67262274e-01 4.43577506e-02 9.69575122e-02 1.17937766e-01 -1.66260265e-02 -4.41012643e-02 5.77655911e-01 -8.64329413e-02 -2.36734346e-01 -6.41131401e-01 -4.34570551e-01 1.02250129e-01 4.01136763e-02 -7.15922475e-01 1.01231039e-01 1.72279179e-01 1.33475333e-01 -3.09231490e-01 5.06479107e-02 -2.62178123e-01 -6.39196411e-02 1.69182613e-01 -2.56510884e-01 -5.36498055e-02 -2.10153371e-01 -1.55678913e-01 -1.52584672e-01 -2.15510815e-01 1.75526500e-01 1.29194945e-01 4.52099502e-01 3.71243149e-01 2.31614679e-01 -8.78721997e-02 -3.71796568e-03 9.85432342e-02 -1.61609352e-01 2.51620710e-02 1.48135051e-01 -2.25296229e-01 -3.94292831e-01 1.47256866e-01 -3.26676756e-01 8.54229853e-02 -2.19905034e-01 -6.43405497e-01 -2.96428949e-01 8.01202841e-03 3.73801887e-01 6.48556650e-03 -2.29023248e-01 4.65211272e-01 2.11451396e-01 -3.72298867e-01 -1.06573023e-01 -4.12713289e-02 -8.71813744e-02 2.76203211e-02 1.03504293e-01 -3.69789809e-01 -3.70231211e-01 6.48281053e-02 3.73702377e-01 -1.54872894e-01 1.42894968e-01 1.72003046e-01 2.34637752e-01 -1.12815499e-02 1.88219622e-01 -9.25845653e-02 -1.27914444e-01 -3.26085329e-01 3.45475487e-02 2.62401193e-01 -4.73625772e-02 1.77604221e-02 -9.79271233e-02 1.06754728e-01 -2.05513313e-01 -1.53375134e-01 -5.55254444e-02 3.88219267e-01 4.35917974e-01 -2.82759853e-02 -1.91783160e-01 1.44942015e-01 -1.71389759e-01 1.25478670e-01 9.28734541e-02 -1.82394907e-01 -4.54787724e-02 -3.52048784e-01 -1.37072712e-01 1.08323827e-01 2.95343459e-01 -3.38152312e-02 5.48327602e-02 -2.52397895e-01 -1.05835520e-01 1.83900371e-01 -2.50305772e-01 4.62033525e-02 -2.02811182e-01 5.67615330e-01 1.59278885e-01 -4.89986353e-02 -1.40552118e-01 -5.77068403e-02 -2.34711930e-01 -2.37018359e-03 5.59812151e-02 4.48355108e-01 -9.11621451e-02 -5.59484288e-02 -1.04175573e-02 -6.81298524e-02 -1.19421691e-01 2.11283695e-02 -1.67012855e-01 -2.43395597e-01 -4.08581913e-01 1.41342118e-01 6.33573830e-02 -4.53879423e-02 -3.25287938e-01 -9.35185254e-02 3.73270988e-01 1.00248940e-01 3.08372557e-01 -7.06465393e-02 -5.53699553e-01 3.00652176e-01 -1.88433856e-01 2.67418593e-01 -1.28024876e-01 1.95204511e-01 3.21568012e-01 -2.54177768e-02 1.92947686e-01 -2.17928868e-02 2.14814879e-02 3.38577956e-01 6.92652166e-01 3.76764745e-01 -2.38729000e-01 -1.10401310e-01 2.09052846e-01 1.14894152e-01 1.42264411e-01 2.77133048e-01 -7.76252151e-02 1.35198385e-01 -2.00756758e-01 -3.20457280e-01 -2.81687826e-01 -1.80960208e-01 -2.41086379e-01 3.44118983e-01 2.36348867e-01 6.60982803e-02 3.80438864e-01 9.62138772e-01 6.32683784e-02 1.57780424e-01 -2.35031731e-02 -2.06136763e-01 1.07538208e-01 -2.20724344e-01 8.94354482e-04 -3.64814222e-01 3.55844013e-02 1.34407803e-01 -3.29399467e-01 -6.71948195e-02 2.08730727e-01 -4.24024224e-01 -2.89240070e-02 -3.17653775e-01 -3.26918699e-02 8.12947154e-02 2.90903151e-01 -2.73262650e-01 -6.99843764e-02 1.26350045e-01 2.53257573e-01 1.06233433e-01 2.37424955e-01 -1.71663806e-01 -4.33890298e-02 -3.71184200e-02 -4.41705436e-01 -4.45352122e-02 1.85054496e-01 -2.47472748e-01 3.62877250e-01 -2.36902878e-01 9.11053792e-02 3.29693481e-02 2.78387308e-01 -7.22040907e-02 -1.61220327e-01 1.91484943e-01 -9.33617130e-02 1.96891233e-01 -5.88756680e-01 1.60971776e-01 2.85548061e-01 1.00183964e-01 -1.43983319e-01 6.68134773e-03 3.85350376e-01 -1.36534527e-01 1.10479861e-01 -1.58549368e-01 1.76083878e-01 2.31554955e-01 -1.12816975e-01 3.86151105e-01 -6.41978979e-02 -4.29678947e-01 -1.96067005e-01 2.01299846e-01 -3.50662202e-01 -8.39999095e-02 -2.72355974e-01 -4.71898466e-02 7.28022009e-02 2.37666623e-04 1.80130050e-01 4.13812138e-02 1.52340874e-01 3.37873280e-01 4.05429542e-01 -4.34019156e-02 -4.57182676e-01 -2.29692063e-03 -2.19851300e-01 -3.64431292e-01 2.75091566e-02 2.14902967e-01 -7.62363672e-01 -4.17721361e-01 8.77383649e-01 3.91172152e-03 -4.63651940e-02 -3.69871855e-01 -1.87977124e-02 -2.45221838e-01 -2.40219701e-02 3.16795349e-01 2.49862432e-01 -6.27586842e-01 5.17967522e-01 -1.42491326e-01 1.81818809e-02 -4.26238984e-01 -2.31711268e-01 -1.75156742e-01 -5.90038747e-02 4.25583988e-01 -2.74991512e-01 -1.64404646e-01 7.00273141e-02 4.97779548e-02 1.30888715e-01 -2.85044730e-01 -2.08747491e-01 -1.30824119e-01 1.26656026e-01 1.85572624e-01 -2.03866541e-01 1.17046356e-01 -7.26377964e-02 5.51078543e-02 2.04513177e-01 -1.72425453e-02 2.56896645e-01 1.24950051e-01 2.66727388e-01 -2.78328627e-01 2.54027456e-01 1.78041868e-02 4.31870893e-02 -3.37126590e-02 6.67005301e-01 -9.68757197e-02 -7.14862943e-02 -1.63555875e-01 -1.80507749e-01 2.52519846e-01 4.38597381e-01 -6.95642531e-02 1.07670836e-02 1.99522674e-02 1.39273271e-01 1.26350269e-01 2.73152441e-01 -1.73067063e-01 1.86024122e-02 -5.41464984e-02 -4.24005166e-02 -5.96832097e-01 3.55204165e-01 -1.92943476e-02 -8.18046853e-02 -3.23009223e-01 1.13796979e-01 -7.97129497e-02 3.31701040e-01 -8.87662023e-02 -4.29211974e-01 2.98418313e-01 1.48211699e-02 -2.97584906e-02 1.87568933e-01 -6.72928765e-02 3.57914358e-01 -2.68381983e-01 -4.76438031e-02 2.10988134e-01 2.96519212e-02 1.01258360e-01 -4.89301048e-02 1.46661088e-01 2.35575333e-01 -9.24970433e-02 3.92799348e-01 2.41185144e-01 4.75530118e-01 6.12611063e-02 -1.33305613e-03 6.82512999e-01 -1.43014267e-01 -2.83701211e-01 2.12510452e-01 -2.10727021e-01 3.20480108e-01 -2.83926159e-01 1.61190070e-02 1.46123320e-01 1.47063702e-01 6.42766282e-02 -9.16462913e-02 -1.18457660e-01 1.04235075e-02 9.24189612e-02 -1.54646963e-01 2.59469360e-01 -1.82060078e-01 -9.70600024e-02 1.54710338e-01 -1.08498184e-03 2.40868583e-01 1.20363869e-01 -9.25189555e-02 1.10091053e-01 3.77437592e-01 2.05019414e-01 3.24301779e-01 -2.17932060e-01 5.69563985e-01 -1.49007395e-01 -6.27770275e-02 4.96337526e-02 -3.45344633e-01 -2.22378582e-01 -1.12517513e-01 4.32728320e-01 1.13381751e-01 -5.83248958e-02 -5.14179692e-02 3.82045954e-02 -3.05098712e-01 -4.64935720e-01 2.50779539e-01 1.46965012e-01 4.52974290e-01 1.24929547e-01 9.96333808e-02 -5.13629138e-01 8.30667093e-02 2.09289446e-01 1.51145207e-02 -1.10705391e-01 -2.74032596e-02 8.95718485e-02 8.13815594e-02 -7.13625178e-02 1.16124451e-01 -3.30804676e-01 3.09694320e-01 -1.00379527e-01 9.66358036e-02 -1.05277471e-01 -1.96493760e-01 -2.09075019e-01 1.86833456e-01 -6.26253784e-02 -3.34242195e-01 7.69963488e-02 1.58320799e-01 -5.15785767e-03 1.65632188e-01 -7.72649571e-02 -1.53781354e-01 9.87420231e-02 -9.11316369e-03 5.47181703e-02 2.07222134e-01 4.99558747e-01 2.05984920e-01 9.74319428e-02 -2.71544337e-01 1.98749289e-01 -9.64335203e-02 1.12023227e-01 1.41070291e-01 -3.17144692e-01 1.01743050e-01 1.31648719e-01 3.86914998e-01 -2.89471447e-01 4.93322730e-01 1.69398338e-02 -4.99762416e-01 1.89391017e-01 8.87218490e-02 -5.56100570e-02 9.72768292e-02 1.47477552e-01 1.91045433e-01 6.55068234e-02 4.35140431e-01 2.05574542e-01 2.40671337e-01 4.44610007e-02 -2.27468103e-01 -2.79786378e-01 1.71635196e-01 3.50214578e-02 2.38328546e-01 -1.00506529e-01 2.67603934e-01 1.60408661e-01 -3.89061421e-01 -5.70125043e-01 -4.50426757e-01 6.19189978e-01 -1.71685189e-01 -1.01117998e-01 -4.13433425e-02 2.99973130e-01 3.54685843e-01 -1.70273826e-01 -2.03787521e-01 -9.55880433e-02 -1.58613354e-01 -1.13052823e-01 -4.26961780e-01 -3.66720617e-01 -2.66434819e-01 -1.94677059e-02 -1.23287179e-01 1.08494014e-01 4.69651334e-02 9.01501253e-02 -1.23010077e-01 3.75468992e-02]
"Jack Proton's Atomic Zapper" active "Item #: SCP-232 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-232 is to be kept in a locked safe in the Cognitohazard wing of Site 73. When not in use for testing, its batteries are to be removed. When batteries are not installed, SCP-232 may be handled safely by any authorized staff member. The Foundation is to monitor online auction houses and dealers of vintage toys, and acquire any products of the same model as SCP-232 for testing and disposal. Any other instances of SCP-232 discovered are to be archived appropriately. When batteries are installed, personnel other than D-Class are not to handle SCP-232 for any period longer than necessary to install and remove batteries. Staff members who have been exposed to works in the Jack Proton franchise, in any format, are not to handle SCP-232 for any period of time while batteries are installed. D-Class carrying SCP-232 for testing purposes are to be monitored at all times and terminated if SCP-232-related behavior should pose a security risk. The copyright, publication, and merchandising rights of the Jack Proton novels and all spinoff media are to be held by Springfield Crown Publishing, a Foundation front company, for the purpose of keeping the works out of print, thereby preventing activation of anomalous properties in any SCP-232 instances that may exist outside containment. In the event of any public occurrences of SCP-232 behavior, the Foundation shall liaise with local law enforcement authorities to recover the artifact and issue Class-A amnestics to affected parties as appropriate. The Foundation shall encourage world governments to enact extensions to international copyright law as necessary to prevent the Jack Proton franchise from lapsing into the public domain; in the event that any Jack Proton franchise material becomes public domain, DDoS techniques and/or mass deployment of Class-E amnestics is authorized as appropriate. Description: SCP-232 is a mass-produced children's toy of early 1950s manufacture, composed primarily of tin and a battery-powered electric light apparatus, with an exterior painted to resemble a laser gun of the type featured in popular science fiction of the early 20th century. A hinged section at the base of SCP-232's handle opens to accept two standard AA alkaline batteries. When batteries have been installed correctly and the trigger is pulled, a small red electric light in the barrel lights up. SCP-232's cognition-affecting properties become active whenever SCP-232 is picked up and held or carried by a human being while it has working batteries installed. Within 5-30 seconds of picking up SCP-232, the person handling it will begin speaking in English, regardless of any previous fluency with the language or lack thereof, in a manner resembling the speech patterns of pre-teen and/or adolescent American youth culture circa 1920-1960. Persons so affected will deny that anything is unusual about their manner of speech and will insist that they have always spoken thusly. This behavior continues until approximately 15-20 seconds after the test subject is induced to relinquish possession of SCP-232, after which speech patterns return to normal. In test subjects that have had no exposure to any works from the Jack Proton franchise, SCP-232's effects do not continue past this stage and the subject retains no memory of their behavior while under its influence. Patent information embossed on the handle of SCP-232, and historical analysis of non-anomalous artifacts identical in appearance, indicate that SCP-232 is a mass-produced "Atomic Zapper" toy, produced by the [REDACTED] corporation from 1953 to 1958 as a licensed merchandising tie-in to "Jack Proton - Space Cop", a series of young adult science fiction novels by American author M.K. Snyder. Approximately █████ units were manufactured and sold during the toy's production run, of which an unknown quantity remain in existence today. The Foundation has acquired 138 units since containment of SCP-232 began, all but three of which have shown no anomalous properties under testing. Thorough examination has indicated no discernable differences between anomalous and non-anomalous units. The Jack Proton series, consisting primarily of fifteen novels and several dozen short stories written between 1940 and Snyder's death in 1973, revolve around the eponymous Major John Patrick "Jack" Proton, an officer of the "Galactic Police Department" in a 27th century setting where the human race has colonized the entirety of the Earth's solar system. The setting is typical of early 20th century juvenile science fiction and relies heavily on soft sci-fi depictions of space travel common in literature of the time, including the existence of intelligent life on planets within the solar system, a breathable atmosphere on the Moon and other heavenly bodies, faster-than-light travel without relativistic complications, and sapient artificial intelligence in computers based on vacuum tube technology. The novels were additionally adapted into a nationally syndicated radio program from 1947-1952, a television series aired by the NBC network from 1953-1954, and a black-and-white movie released to theaters in 1956. The Jack Proton franchise bears no demonstrable anomalous properties itself, and may be read, viewed, or listened to safely provided that the person doing so does not come into contact with SCP-232. In subjects who have previously read, watched, or listened to any installments of the Jack Proton franchise, SCP-232's secondary effect begins to manifest after approximately 90-120 seconds of physical contact with the toy. During this stage, the test subject's memories and personality are radically altered, to the extent that the subject believes him/herself to be a resident of the fictional 27th century setting of the Jack Proton novels. Test subjects in this stage refuse to answer to their given names, and will, during interviews, describe life stories and career experiences of life in the 27th century which are internally consistent with themselves and with canonical details about the setting, often describing themselves as close associates of Jack Proton or other major characters featured in the franchise. Polygraph examinations given to test subjects in this state have consistently indicated that the test subjects believe these accounts to be true. In the third and final stage of SCP-232 exposure, occurring approximately 30-45 minutes after first contact, test subjects begin to experience severe sensory hallucinations, to the effect that they now perceive the world around them to be the fictional setting of the Jack Proton franchise. In this state, test subjects almost invariably believe that they are members of Jack Proton's "Junior Action Squad" and have been assigned a mission of utmost interplanetary security, which researchers and security personnel of the Foundation are involved in or are attempting to prevent them from completing. Though attempts to neutralize Foundation personnel with SCP-232 have invariably proven futile, test subjects have been noted to resort to physical violence on occasion. Persons afflicted by the later stages of SCP-232 exposure will resist any attempts to remove SCP-232 from their person, and, if separated from it, will attempt to recover it by any means available to them. Effects of the later stages of exposure wear off gradually over a period of approximately 3-6 hours after SCP-232 is removed from the subject's person; in approximately ██% of tests involving long-term exposure, test subjects have retained memories of their artificial persona after dissipation of the effect, resulting in cognitive dissonance and associated psychological impairments. SCP-232 came to the Foundation's attention on ██/██/████, following the arrest of Martin ██████, a retired steel worker living in [REDACTED], PA, for disorderly conduct following an affray at a shopping mall. ██████, who insisted on referring to himself as "Space Cadet Max Mars", was taken into custody after confronting several mall patrons and brandishing SCP-232, demanding to know the location of "the Phobos Ruby", an artifact the theft of which from the Martian Museum of History drives the plot of the novella Murder on the Io Express. During debriefing prior to amnestic therapy, ██████ stated that he had owned one of the toys as a child and had been a fan of the series, and purchased SCP-232 from an online auction site for nostalgic value because he had "had so much fun playing cops & aliens with it" in his youth. All interviews conducted by Dr. J. Andrews. Test subjects had no exposure to the Jack Proton franchise prior to their acquisition by the Foundation. All interviews conducted three hours after initial exposure to SCP-232. Interview Log 232-1 Test Subject: D-65203 (Caucasian male, 37 years old) Franchise exposure: Six Jack Proton novels (Jack Proton - Space Cop, Jack Proton Goes to Mars, All Humans Must Die!, The Great Callisto Caper, War in Space, The Night The Lights Went Out in Ganymede) <Begin Log, ██/██/20██, 12:38 PM> Dr. Andrews: Good afternoon, D-65203. How are you today? D-65203: Excuse me, sir? Dr. Andrews: I'm sorry. What is your name? D-65203: Billy, sir. Billy McMercury. Dr. Andrews: You're speaking more politely than usual, Billy. D-65203: Gosh, sir! I wouldn't dare sass off to a real live scientist! Dr. Andrews: I see. How old are you, Billy? D-65203: Fourteen. But that doesn't mean I'm not a real space cop! See? Jack Proton gave me this official space deputy badge himself! D-65203 gestures to the D-Class identification badge pinned to his jumpsuit. Dr. Andrews: I see. Do you work for Jack Proton, then? D-65203: Golly, sir! I sure do! I'm part of his Junior Action Squad! Dr. Andrews: And what is it that you do for him? D-65203: I'm on a super-secret mission right now! I'm not sure I'm even supposed to tell you. I better check with him first. Is there a hyper-phone in the next room? Dr. Andrews: Where do you believe you are at this moment, Billy? D-65203 looks around the interview room, including out a window overlooking the Site 73 parking lot. D-65203: Gee, sir, I'm no architect. But judging from the view out the window, this has to be Space Station Delta! D-65203 points at a 1989 Buick Le Sabre, owned by Dr. Graham. D-65203: Say, is that Admiral Jove's flagship docked out there? Please say you'll let me get his autograph! Dr. Andrews: We'll see. <End Log, 12:41 PM> Interview Log 232-2 Test Subject: D-11503 (Caucasian male, 47 years old) Franchise Exposure: Six episodes of The Jack Proton Hour radio program, encompassing the two-part stories Marooned on Mars, The Prince of Neptune, and A Pioneer's Homecoming. <Begin Log, ██/██/20██, 3:42 PM> Dr. Andrews: Good afternoon. D-11503 begins to speak in a monotone "robot voice" without natural inflection. D-11503: Greetings, humanoid. Dr. Andrews: Would you please identify yourself for the record? D-11503: I am D-Bot, unit model 11503 at your service.1 Dr. Andrews: You're a robot, you say? You look very lifelike. D-11503: I was programmed to appease humanoid sensibilities. Dr. Andrews: And how old are you? D-11503: I was activated at the Advanced Robotics Facility in Old New Hampshire on Earth, on January 12th 2592. Dr. Andrews: What is your purpose? D-11503: I am a fully modular service robot. My purpose is to assist Major John Patrick Proton of the Galactic Police Department in the apprehension of dangerous criminals. Dr. Andrews: When you say you're fully modular, what does that entail? D-11503: My body has been designed to make use of a wide variety of customizable limbs. I may remove my factory-installed appendages at will and replace them with those designed for specific purposes. Dr. Andrews: Could you please demonstrate now by removing your left arm? D-11503: Affirmative. D-11503 grabs his left arm at the shoulder with his right hand and attempts, unsuccessfully, to remove it by unscrewing it from its socket. D-11503: I seem to be experiencing a malfunction. Please refer to my operating manual for information on how to resolve this difficulty. Dr. Andrews: Never mind, D-Bot. Are you capable of solving logic problems? D-11503: I am programmed to answer any and all queries directed to me. Dr. Andrews: A man has been sentenced to death. The morning of his execution, the executioner tells the condemned man he is to be either hanged or drowned, and tells the man to ask him one yes or no question, which he is compelled to answer truthfully. If the answer to the question is "yes", then the man will be hanged. If the answer is "no", then the man will be drowned. The man asks "Are you going to drown me?" Will the man be hanged, or will be he drowned? D-11503 is silent for 38 seconds. Dr. Andrews: D-Bot? D-11503: Error. Error. Dr. Andrews: I beg your pardon? D-11503: If answer = no then result = drowning. But no = incorrect if result = drowning. Therefore drowning = impossible, result = hanging. Hanging = impossible if answer = no. Error. Error. Does not compute. System overload! System overload! Consult operator's manual for… D-11503 slumps over and ceases responding to outside stimuli. <End Log, 3:49 PM> Interview Log 232-3 Test Subject: D-67539 (Caucasian female, 26 years old) Franchise Exposure: One short story collection (Starship Days), one unauthorized fan-fiction short story (Major Sarah) Foreword: None of the official Jack Proton stories feature female characters as protagonists or action-oriented supporting characters. Prior to Interview 232-3, all experiments with female test subjects had resulted in the subject developing the personality of a damsel-in-distress or innocent-bystander persona. Major Sarah, an unauthorized piece of short fiction published in 1972 by the fanzine Junior Action Squad, which details the experience of the first woman to join the Galactic Police Department and her subsequent forbidden love affair with Jack Proton, was introduced in order to determine whether third-party fiction set in the Jack Proton universe would have an impact on the results of exposure. <Begin Log, ██/██/20██, 10:38 AM> Dr. Andrews: Good morning. D-67539: Sir! Good morning, sir! D-69539 rises to her feet and salutes. Dr. Andrews returns the salute. Dr. Andrews: As you were. Please state your name for the record. D-67539: Sir, Lieutenant First Class Samantha Marie van Saturnburgh, sir! Dr. Andrews: No need to be so formal, Lieutenant. Please relax. D-67539: Sir, I didn't get where I am today by relaxing, sir! Dr. Andrews: I'm not an officer. You don't need to call me sir. D-67539 pauses. D-67539: Sir, I… yes, sir. Yes. Dr. Andrews: You mentioned "getting where you are today". Where is that? D-67539: I'm currently the youngest officer in the Galactic Police Department. Dr. Andrews: How old are you? D-67539: Seventeen. Dr. Andrews: You were commissioned at seventeen? D-67539: Not bad for a girl, huh? Dr. Andrews: Why did they accept you so young? D-67539: Because I wasn't wasting my time wearing frilly dresses and playing with dolls, that's why! Dr. Andrews: You must have been very goal-oriented to make it so young. Why did you want to be a space cop so badly? D-67539: To work with Jack Proton, of course. Dr. Andrews: Why him, specifically? D-67539: Because he's the best there is! He's smart, and he's strong, and… can I tell you a secret? Dr. Andrews: Everything we discuss here is strictly confidential, Lieutenant. D-67539: Well… he's dreamy. Dr. Andrews: Dreamy? D-67539: Those beautiful blue eyes, that rock-solid jaw, those bulging biceps… can't you just imagine him holding your hand on the walk home, sharing a malt with you at the drug store, dancing close together at the spring formal? Dr. Andrews: I can't say it had occurred to me. D-67539: I just have to meet him. I'll introduce myself, and he'll be so impressed by how much I've accomplished, and we'll talk about work, and spaceball, and music… and maybe he'll ask if I'll go with him for dinner and a movie at the hover-in! Wouldn't that be a dream come true? I'll wear my hair down and put on my prettiest dress - I mean, I don't wear dresses like some little girl obsessed with princesses and space-ponies, but that doesn't mean I can't wear a dress for him, I bet he loves a girl who knows how to dress up… <End Log, ██/██/20██, 10:42 AM> « SCP-231 | SCP-232 | SCP-233 »" nan
[ 4.33651716e-01 -2.72530854e-01 -7.46454746e-02 3.95722352e-02 5.82480840e-02 7.35616535e-02 7.13997245e-01 -1.58114508e-02 -6.72683818e-03 1.77840665e-01 -2.11036295e-01 3.09262067e-01 -3.08363885e-01 1.14884563e-02 -1.70778349e-01 4.75697130e-01 2.55566210e-01 1.54048294e-01 1.41822234e-01 -2.11587369e-01 -2.85029076e-02 -8.83252546e-03 -2.20611215e-01 2.80724585e-01 -2.17171952e-01 1.16858162e-01 4.07121390e-01 7.73409903e-02 -7.65815824e-02 -3.18884581e-01 3.14814538e-01 1.83792368e-01 1.52529040e-02 2.92158186e-01 -1.09668523e-04 -1.89815432e-01 2.84069717e-01 -6.24285499e-03 -1.83785036e-02 1.12659767e-01 -3.75444949e-01 -2.35282984e-02 4.04647598e-03 -1.93433136e-01 2.35033497e-01 5.76998889e-01 1.32297546e-01 3.38273019e-01 4.06067610e-01 -1.80797130e-02 1.65753081e-01 -1.64253600e-02 5.54383755e-01 9.64758098e-02 3.76678020e-01 2.88151979e-01 -4.11016464e-01 -3.25933769e-02 5.93243586e-03 3.64843905e-01 6.21759780e-02 7.86546711e-03 -9.86262932e-02 -7.93005899e-02 1.54784486e-01 -2.32438833e-01 6.97701424e-02 5.68244942e-02 -1.82827227e-02 2.12887883e-01 -2.15915181e-02 -4.53042448e-01 1.04967616e-01 -7.58533701e-02 -8.06854293e-02 -2.16606766e-01 1.17547542e-01 3.66365373e-01 -1.21047217e-02 -3.21576782e-02 4.97908629e-02 -1.34246871e-01 -3.58921468e-01 -1.75523207e-01 2.23324418e-01 2.19695479e-01 -1.09277017e-01 1.12242199e-01 -8.45480189e-02 -8.92151669e-02 2.68589467e-01 -1.42502874e-01 2.39693478e-01 2.50798389e-02 6.33757114e-02 -3.90766710e-02 -1.40279949e-01 -4.11863737e-02 1.30478203e-01 -8.77711251e-02 -2.01031175e-02 3.62429619e-02 2.08341613e-01 2.97473758e-01 1.26167297e-01 -2.67814487e-01 2.29485214e-01 -1.03410751e-01 -2.76326001e-01 4.83937651e-01 -1.85345426e-01 2.44552985e-01 -2.38175407e-01 4.77239519e-01 2.35932663e-01 -2.20054790e-01 -3.93051393e-02 -3.18211973e-01 -6.07832819e-02 3.39016974e-01 -8.83799434e-01 -1.15373321e-01 -2.05567077e-01 1.87946737e-01 4.24727023e-01 2.68800735e-01 -1.30406737e-01 -4.14362639e-01 -2.95250397e-02 6.04358166e-02 -1.74951598e-01 2.93475330e-01 -3.84826332e-01 -4.97508347e-02 -3.06324717e-02 3.09543740e-02 -8.95985439e-02 -7.18345568e-02 -6.12894855e-02 1.37546360e-02 1.61251962e-01 2.01156691e-01 2.40364254e-01 2.80192882e-01 6.43197671e-02 -6.66719675e-02 7.93102235e-02 -1.90962814e-02 -2.21753240e-01 4.40857094e-03 2.75383294e-01 -1.17599942e-01 3.59475203e-02 1.58328041e-01 -6.26718283e-01 -2.41987966e-02 7.01592863e-01 -2.65646338e-01 -1.68559060e-01 -3.22405726e-01 2.71039993e-01 2.16398194e-01 -2.39055138e-02 -1.76874205e-01 -1.31215006e-01 4.53655750e-01 -2.52845418e-02 -1.84577942e-01 -1.11432269e-01 -2.58826017e-01 -1.71340078e-01 -3.45186263e-01 -2.46494457e-01 4.39068288e-01 -1.83158666e-01 -2.47612804e-01 -2.37169415e-01 -1.98459849e-01 -4.58572656e-01 -4.00565058e-01 -2.11072549e-01 1.35670811e-01 3.06553602e-01 -1.18330263e-01 -5.75200677e-01 -2.27410421e-01 -4.95107621e-01 -2.63424307e-01 1.10659286e-01 -1.01207897e-01 -2.11158961e-01 -4.54242885e-01 2.63784915e-01 5.04063368e-02 1.19688645e-01 -1.20143015e-02 5.07947244e-02 7.65267730e-01 1.35398805e-01 3.96138519e-01 -2.70641565e-01 -5.37723936e-02 6.86636567e-02 1.52572067e-02 -2.03752771e-01 -2.93234438e-02 -2.49487042e-01 -1.25817433e-01 -1.16821364e-01 3.80849063e-01 1.00628100e-01 -6.69158548e-02 -1.86674654e-01 1.78369626e-01 -3.06846499e-01 -4.60568160e-01 2.44205371e-01 1.11864723e-01 2.71028161e-01 -1.71165287e-01 6.03298843e-02 3.90527993e-02 5.64530671e-01 -6.30945265e-02 -4.21443284e-01 -2.37348422e-01 -3.02504927e-01 6.23021200e-02 -2.34885857e-01 2.13202834e-01 1.15587734e-01 4.35134508e-02 3.12601216e-02 -1.76277384e-02 5.16144373e-02 -6.89325333e-02 1.65341362e-01 8.44581366e-01 -5.24341911e-02 1.59477755e-01 3.30064565e-01 1.26337202e-03 2.34963790e-01 1.07062422e-01 -5.57594597e-01 4.37474519e-01 5.72222061e-02 4.51035015e-02 1.78469941e-02 -1.18177131e-01 -1.21356189e-01 -2.62926906e-01 -1.27813146e-01 1.68047212e-02 -2.91884094e-01 6.39267445e-01 -1.81481987e-01 3.64657313e-01 3.51724513e-02 -5.12109278e-03 3.53191376e-01 -9.38689560e-02 -1.66985746e-02 -9.11867023e-02 -2.44862244e-01 -9.91024151e-02 3.89471143e-01 6.20188937e-02 -1.33764982e-01 1.72464892e-01 -4.71833915e-01 -1.37261957e-01 -1.29002273e-01 -2.19396695e-01 -9.46782306e-02 2.82336593e-01 3.15506011e-01 2.88045466e-01 2.43161887e-01 1.42716512e-01 -2.70564973e-01 -1.23620868e-01 -1.99037224e-01 -2.05506057e-01 -9.85853076e-02 1.01256922e-01 3.40189785e-02 1.49549738e-01 -3.25350374e-01 2.02389970e-01 -8.87908041e-02 -1.44699797e-01 -9.52891782e-02 3.60005423e-02 -1.67057067e-02 -9.61402580e-02 -4.20782298e-01 2.55151272e-01 -9.34310332e-02 -2.27423519e-01 -2.77079847e-02 -1.10557340e-01 -1.51334867e-01 1.06168844e-01 1.79817155e-01 1.17958516e-01 4.25318182e-01 2.66224027e-01 2.11192891e-01 2.16537029e-01 -2.33576253e-01 3.23008955e-01 -7.14266449e-02 -4.95010078e-01 8.10644180e-02 -3.43522936e-01 -6.88129440e-02 -3.70249540e-01 1.61462247e-01 -3.46216857e-01 -8.58039260e-02 1.90937698e-01 -2.15713382e-02 -7.44552985e-02 1.67089701e-01 -9.74934697e-02 1.44497707e-01 -5.77275828e-02 1.82578221e-01 8.05144906e-02 2.71352738e-01 1.78872332e-01 2.78704111e-02 2.11045995e-01 -1.97008893e-01 -8.06208998e-02 -1.48102865e-01 -3.77537131e-01 7.44041055e-02 7.79794604e-02 4.13553789e-03 -6.70885816e-02 -3.37649286e-01 -2.06489697e-01 -1.45147473e-01 -3.64850685e-02 -2.87530780e-01 -5.03254384e-02 9.72549617e-02 3.89571749e-02 -5.67130223e-02 6.22568250e-01 1.77965388e-01 -1.78131089e-01 -1.78747416e-01 -1.63902074e-01 3.90331805e-01 -3.61965805e-01 3.48343164e-01 5.13826460e-02 1.18120089e-01 2.28489816e-01 3.05909365e-01 -4.23032016e-01 -2.10717797e-01 -1.10873669e-01 2.34640852e-01 1.69146955e-01 1.97915733e-01 -1.22707225e-01 3.06641221e-01 2.73695886e-01 -3.34777951e-01 2.03020461e-02 -7.14581981e-02 2.08189130e-01 -4.48387861e-02 4.20040339e-01 -5.24968803e-01 -2.15264425e-01 -9.15670544e-02 3.56017292e-01 -1.18108742e-01 -4.70949560e-02 -2.12767929e-01 1.33325815e-01 1.26637220e-02 -6.22616075e-02 -1.01738960e-01 9.58755091e-02 -7.73325488e-02 -1.56505793e-01 -2.46894509e-01 1.95911705e-01 -8.17886516e-02 9.68376696e-02 1.73571989e-01 -1.36833582e-02 -3.79363149e-01 3.27463150e-01 -3.06013674e-01 4.73996341e-01 4.18812603e-01 3.66223097e-01 6.39784515e-01 1.21665068e-01 4.52487245e-02 -4.72328961e-01 -4.10853535e-01 1.45867437e-01 3.12309802e-01 -2.88707227e-01 -2.02308103e-01 -1.73727423e-01 2.44372804e-03 -2.73151726e-01 -6.75812960e-02 1.99486434e-01 5.52621968e-02 4.41004336e-02 -5.36084235e-01 -8.61846283e-02 -1.23130128e-01 1.28041403e-02 -1.90252047e-02 1.78793594e-02 2.75909364e-01 5.22988960e-02 1.95484668e-01 6.55616373e-02 -2.36812249e-01 9.28335860e-02 -1.19143468e-03 4.36696857e-01 7.75804445e-02 1.36849627e-01 9.58704576e-02 1.38313800e-01 -2.19603509e-01 -1.10971466e-01 9.85368341e-03 -2.18005776e-01 4.33443516e-01 3.72598946e-01 -1.56242326e-01 -5.85063457e-01 1.08114496e-01 2.24345714e-01 -1.20326363e-01 -9.28637013e-02 -1.53279096e-01 6.53105602e-02 5.81824146e-02 2.25404710e-01 -1.82119265e-01 -3.28835845e-01 -2.51458913e-01 -1.96711808e-01 -1.09550245e-01 2.87055939e-01 2.81808525e-01 1.02564228e+00 -2.23819584e-01 3.06465209e-01 8.94307867e-02 1.38072565e-01 2.97917485e-01 -4.04330432e-01 -2.78413355e-01 -2.67217278e-01 4.23474431e-01 4.53767255e-02 -2.44421333e-01 -2.43489537e-03 7.47587681e-02 -2.29246691e-01 1.58930421e-02 -5.84535122e-01 3.61933589e-01 3.82105350e-01 3.75006884e-01 1.04677036e-01 -4.72154096e-02 1.52213037e-01 2.10547164e-01 1.87121570e-01 3.25181127e-01 1.83318909e-02 -3.03223580e-01 -2.54533798e-01 -1.50663987e-01 -4.46244717e-01 1.61978289e-01 8.88489000e-03 2.28464067e-01 2.68539429e-01 -3.99767645e-02 1.46611005e-01 -9.45098549e-02 -4.65510607e-01 6.19122200e-02 -4.39602770e-02 3.10645998e-01 3.09677809e-01 -3.57105166e-01 -1.21350475e-01 3.23687732e-01 1.54660121e-01 -2.46374402e-02 1.10431775e-01 1.45681426e-01 1.63249746e-01 -1.90431178e-01 -3.16080064e-01 2.11865082e-01 7.72559881e-01 -2.85642475e-01 8.82974342e-02 -2.79980768e-02 -3.71740609e-01 -6.05487376e-02 1.78885564e-01 -5.28612845e-02 1.06335869e-02 3.15398118e-03 1.72819689e-01 1.71447113e-01 1.55866832e-01 3.12118769e-01 -1.00693032e-01 -3.58357579e-01 8.77069384e-02 9.58923623e-02 -1.32997883e-02 -4.16894704e-01 4.36036170e-01 -1.67968765e-01 -4.83641289e-02 1.33433536e-01 -8.07629004e-02 -4.14519578e-01 -3.74420099e-02 5.26349880e-02 2.24154681e-01 4.45326045e-02 -1.20677486e-01 -2.11074471e-01 2.88898975e-01 -1.27140194e-01 -1.54113263e-01 1.48555145e-01 2.87322998e-02 3.47050995e-01 9.01694730e-05 9.65946075e-03 -3.35240155e-01 4.15078513e-02 -2.07435712e-01 -2.71855503e-01 2.03946069e-01 -3.22988957e-01 -3.17732282e-02 -2.88194388e-01 1.71382248e-01 1.48833036e-01 -3.60689908e-01 -2.71327674e-01 -7.14854524e-02 1.69860348e-01 8.25308412e-02 -2.13875651e-01 -2.23013118e-01 4.85058457e-01 1.60375252e-01 2.46171460e-01 -1.80588856e-01 2.56019920e-01 1.82668135e-01 3.41681153e-01 1.38328791e-01 1.48872808e-01 1.15403505e-02 -1.43749923e-01 2.37500053e-02 2.81412244e-01 3.09864998e-01 7.14036152e-02 -9.23013538e-02 3.14538293e-02 -3.70840658e-03 3.81318092e-01 1.14714339e-01 8.87426957e-02 3.53453726e-01 -7.96306655e-02 -1.56328350e-01 3.13324004e-01 -2.42179826e-01 2.38283239e-02 -3.66954923e-01 -5.80747873e-02 -7.48013631e-02 2.06936568e-01 7.19065070e-02 7.02037215e-02 -1.44677714e-01 -1.19600110e-01 -1.77457616e-01 -1.74112674e-02 -1.29570529e-01 -4.91360724e-02 -7.20152408e-02 1.67986751e-01 3.65420729e-01 2.87701815e-01 1.98785529e-01 3.82542551e-01 4.10779417e-02 -6.81675375e-02 1.71529263e-01 -6.77203089e-02 3.27965498e-01 2.30938345e-01 4.77146775e-01 -2.15828624e-02 1.16184302e-01 4.25517797e-01 1.22794509e-01 -3.33398581e-02 -2.09345803e-01 3.55289310e-01 2.04394713e-01 1.67707428e-02 -1.61131606e-01 5.59631407e-01 4.08316791e-01 1.33709416e-01 -1.19034454e-01 8.57845917e-02 2.28872791e-01 -9.93618220e-02 -4.19258475e-02 -6.05820790e-02 -3.98718446e-01 7.05605969e-02 2.27342561e-01 -2.60879308e-01 -1.46042341e-02 3.83193269e-02 -1.20514937e-01 1.71958297e-01 2.76259303e-01 2.40581393e-01 2.93618202e-01 -1.93079561e-01 -2.70523131e-01 2.71572828e-01 -2.47297123e-01 -2.18793288e-01 -2.40687907e-01 3.34779501e-01 -4.99317870e-02 -2.15666041e-01 5.87144643e-02 -2.48929247e-01 -1.55994862e-01 8.24602228e-03 7.83170238e-02 -9.32626948e-02 -1.74177647e-01 -5.40147796e-02 1.19089685e-01 -1.91374093e-01 -3.53804886e-01 3.25581908e-01 2.05886737e-03 1.60771191e-01 -1.29136413e-01 -5.01430072e-02 -1.67611435e-01 1.18911408e-01 2.38071233e-01 -2.21188277e-01 -2.12403342e-01 -3.04318696e-01 3.58120166e-02 -4.02482785e-02 -1.06325433e-01 6.45043179e-02 -2.10376933e-01 1.06042519e-01 -5.80612049e-02 4.48824942e-01 -2.60463152e-02 2.42955741e-02 -7.57533163e-02 -1.84065290e-02 2.40401104e-01 -2.50024468e-01 2.33207390e-01 5.08687012e-02 -4.17032689e-02 3.30809772e-01 -2.59114563e-01 2.60090798e-01 5.86300865e-02 2.99111843e-01 -5.83806038e-02 3.56088340e-01 6.80336893e-01 -3.65215689e-01 -4.49341722e-02 -1.90436572e-01 8.40826184e-02 -5.61973304e-02 1.04932480e-01 -2.39777252e-01 -3.57723594e-01 -1.86129555e-01 5.80235012e-02 2.89442599e-01 4.18304540e-02 2.94296294e-01 -2.47166723e-01 -1.91961825e-01 -3.24899368e-02 2.77903765e-01 -4.28022295e-02 -3.61222655e-01 -2.44269282e-01 1.74285889e-01 1.13521330e-02 3.66370797e-01 1.89039215e-01 4.87530470e-01 -6.26017302e-02 -5.61001757e-03 -3.46540719e-01 4.97105047e-02 -1.90061077e-01 2.26083353e-01 -2.16176078e-01 6.76313266e-02 7.44972751e-02 1.48337007e-01 -3.02292496e-01 9.58249271e-02 3.57851714e-01 8.29037204e-02 -1.47268429e-01 -3.54432431e-03 1.02480374e-01 -3.12935442e-01 -2.42963076e-01 -3.17785978e-01 -3.39355059e-02 -1.00038491e-01 3.46149318e-02 -3.91868681e-01 5.40379100e-02 -2.90091913e-02 -2.60244787e-01 -2.12215185e-02 1.91301182e-01 -3.59169506e-02 9.10946950e-02 -3.86366546e-01 1.39591668e-03]
"23-Sided Polyhedron" active "Item #: SCP-233 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-233 is to be kept within a cubical vanadium-lined container, dimensions 23 by 23 by 23. The unit of measure is irrelevant. A 23-meter safe zone is to be established around the object: no Class D personnel older or younger than 23 years of age are to be allowed within the safe zone. For optimal results, Class D personnel with birthdays falling on the 23rd of the month should be used. No firearms other than those chambered for special-purpose .2323 caliber rounds are to be allowed within the containment chamber. Shift changes will occur at 23 minutes past the hour, with the final shift change occurring at 2323 Greenwich Mean Time exactly. Under no circumstances are [REDACTED]mm ammunition, Class D personnel born in the month of [REDACTED] or on the [REDACTED], [REDACTED], or twenty-[REDACTED] of the month, or any [REDACTED]-sided object to be brought within the 23-meter safe zone. Personnel are cautioned to take special care at [REDACTED] minutes past the hour, especially [REDACTED] hours, as this is the time period during which the object is most active. For best results, the 23-meter safe zone should be cleared of all personnel during that time period. Description: SCP-233 is a 23-sided polyhedron, each face being made up of both an equilateral triangle and a straight line simultaneously. Because of the space-time altering nature of the object, the exact physical makeup of the object cannot be emulated in three-dimensional or two-dimensional form. SCP-233 has the unusual property of altering the laws of mathematics in its vicinity, causing rounding errors to occur unless calculated using a base-23 system. Mathematical calculations carried out in base 23, however, have the benefit of being carried out at 23 times the normal speed: for this reason, destruction of the item has been postponed pending possible integration into [DATA EXPUNGED]. The difficulty of converting binary information into base-23 mathematics aside, the device has already shown its value to the Organization (see report 234[REDACTED] by Dr. Nana [REDACTED] regarding her "unusual solution" to the Unified Field Theory.) Unfortunately, SCP-233 appears to have a particularly violent effect upon occurrences of the number [REDACTED] occurring within its safe zone (see report re: death of Dr. Nana [REDACTED] on [DATE REDACTED].) Chemical breakdown of the affected object proceeds at a rapid rate: direct contact results in immediate destruction of the object in question by breakdown into component atoms within .23 seconds. One note: SCP-233 appears to be triggered not by the actual physical properties of the object in question in any empirical sense, but by the perceptions of nearby observers. For instance, it is safe to handle SCP-233 using a 2.74 m long pole, so long as no observers within the danger zone perceive said pole as being [REDACTED] feet in length. The reason for this is unknown, but the Observer Effect recorded in classical quantum physics may be involved (see report 77-Heisenberg). Addendum 233-a: Upon the recommendation of Dr. A. Clef, the research committee has petitioned to redesignate this object as SCP-2323. Although this would place the item outside the standard numbering scheme, SCP-233's mathematical nature requires that utmost precautions be taken regarding all numbering schemes involving data related with the project. This was dramatically illustrated during Incident [REDACTED] during which the object's accidental contact with a [REDACTED]-volt battery used to power a personal music device caused an approximately [REDACTED]-thousand percent increase in the object's range of effect to 232.32 kilometers, resulting in deaths of the entire home team at a nearby AAA league baseball game (said game being at the top of the [REDACTED] inning at the time), and the destruction of all computer files containing information on SCP-233's interaction with the number [REDACTED]. For the safety of all personnel, future reference to the number [REDACTED] in conjunction with SCP-233 is to be avoided at all costs. Addendum 233-b: Under no circumstances are pregnant female personnel to be allowed within the safe zone. For a list of all works by this author, click here. « SCP-232 | SCP-233 | SCP-234 »" nan
[ 1.76431969e-01 -3.58787060e-01 -1.20456599e-01 -6.17576763e-02 5.92912026e-02 -2.31439859e-01 4.25776899e-01 -4.06153463e-02 -3.19997400e-01 6.02604151e-02 8.91569778e-02 2.25857466e-01 -2.27839395e-01 3.24261844e-01 1.98072921e-02 1.37466818e-01 1.06971703e-01 1.24555141e-01 1.71877205e-01 1.60680190e-01 -1.88169166e-01 -9.42019820e-02 -3.25935453e-01 -5.53996563e-02 -3.35523069e-01 7.63950944e-02 -1.77020244e-02 7.76594132e-02 -2.98567146e-01 -3.08776736e-01 3.64634931e-01 1.50179833e-01 1.61675159e-02 5.57905138e-01 -1.11200781e-04 -2.42072538e-01 -2.01240420e-01 1.00236565e-01 -3.11071455e-01 3.23672384e-01 -2.29911342e-01 -6.91275477e-01 -1.90293834e-01 -5.29897034e-01 -2.14524791e-01 1.14436701e-01 -1.53803676e-01 2.36813098e-01 4.58969146e-01 6.41734675e-02 1.62173450e-01 1.22662904e-02 2.29988337e-01 1.90526210e-02 6.32171094e-01 8.85631517e-02 -5.66381097e-01 -2.25035414e-01 -5.31474836e-02 4.64652598e-01 2.42095038e-01 2.60567516e-02 -2.07174882e-01 -5.52209727e-02 5.46059847e-01 -2.59900182e-01 6.22540936e-02 2.20490813e-01 -6.36771843e-02 2.97359556e-01 9.43795126e-03 -1.86348334e-01 1.61747158e-01 -4.43503186e-02 -4.45899993e-01 -3.57320428e-01 1.47778213e-01 1.69482335e-01 1.24404795e-01 -3.59871328e-01 4.23506089e-02 2.35365212e-01 -3.34857464e-01 1.01453136e-03 -2.51978040e-01 4.31738049e-01 -2.52672732e-02 4.44113053e-02 2.94835884e-02 7.61602633e-03 4.13583100e-01 -7.18424097e-02 1.93124190e-01 1.48533756e-04 5.58240861e-02 -1.50004461e-01 -1.36083320e-01 2.07996760e-02 -7.37259984e-02 -2.72768825e-01 1.12140834e-01 3.50960135e-01 2.33241573e-01 7.56943449e-02 -1.71231791e-01 -5.03606796e-02 2.99665928e-02 -4.09936346e-02 -3.18471640e-01 5.25175095e-01 -2.99720410e-02 2.77049005e-01 1.19507484e-01 4.27973866e-02 2.15609074e-01 9.79912505e-02 -1.10000402e-01 -1.52582347e-01 -7.66928867e-02 1.34265989e-01 -1.75689831e-01 6.49612844e-02 -1.14732072e-01 9.89419147e-02 4.97076780e-01 1.62344507e-03 3.88319530e-02 -3.54741067e-01 -1.06213883e-01 -3.53569388e-02 -1.27913550e-01 3.14179331e-01 -4.57254708e-01 -7.03194886e-02 -1.62501484e-01 3.13960642e-01 -4.28156555e-01 2.31983699e-02 1.48475930e-01 4.53649312e-02 4.21342626e-02 -1.14719823e-01 6.85125113e-01 1.31151572e-01 -2.84324765e-01 -3.70670825e-01 -1.99062020e-01 -1.70383230e-01 -2.17437997e-01 -1.40358433e-01 2.79638052e-01 -5.64349554e-02 -3.46847326e-01 2.17316866e-01 -1.73542917e-01 2.17180192e-01 6.44622922e-01 -3.60863246e-02 -6.90796822e-02 -3.89892787e-01 3.90165806e-01 5.40181771e-02 -3.08291525e-01 -3.02125722e-01 9.53101739e-02 1.49348915e-01 -3.13638628e-01 3.76246348e-02 1.85599267e-01 8.24861303e-02 1.41640440e-01 -2.09960148e-01 -2.16695163e-02 -9.23015475e-02 -1.59936145e-01 -9.36158299e-02 -5.13941765e-01 1.79843530e-01 -2.22475916e-01 -2.13692978e-01 -3.53935897e-01 1.19088203e-01 3.20206970e-01 1.13424815e-01 -2.11350381e-01 -1.57444581e-01 -5.37003577e-02 -4.73270714e-02 2.16498256e-01 -9.44675654e-02 -3.76847625e-01 -5.19288242e-01 1.87754229e-01 9.99549329e-02 1.97385609e-01 -3.01190585e-01 2.45797887e-01 6.64267600e-01 1.10557199e-01 -3.32287401e-02 -2.39570349e-01 3.18734273e-02 3.99133086e-01 -7.89384171e-02 -2.05262065e-01 -2.34215483e-01 -4.39656675e-01 -1.12214789e-01 4.08655167e-01 1.90818369e-01 1.87150702e-01 -1.52162850e-01 -1.57041728e-01 6.41821176e-02 7.76545033e-02 -1.62037805e-01 3.03596467e-01 2.31678531e-01 2.59487957e-01 -3.59958470e-01 8.01129863e-02 -1.78962946e-01 2.69585431e-01 -2.56943464e-01 -2.29641676e-01 -4.12992612e-02 -2.10162386e-01 -1.56854063e-01 -2.38442272e-01 5.14216244e-01 2.65779644e-01 -5.43350354e-02 1.29090473e-01 -7.32297995e-05 2.20621929e-01 -7.03739375e-02 2.58631706e-01 8.81624103e-01 -7.37651587e-02 2.82441348e-01 2.06573568e-02 1.44804036e-03 1.31292567e-02 1.73615858e-01 -6.05563633e-02 5.61451018e-01 -4.39812094e-02 5.56775779e-02 -3.68164405e-02 -1.38854265e-01 -3.02654561e-02 -4.67906862e-01 -1.21663295e-01 -6.41579330e-02 1.09772027e-01 1.78473160e-01 -6.34630561e-01 3.28190029e-01 1.09307826e-01 2.15402320e-01 1.21881999e-01 -1.35833830e-01 -2.02444252e-02 -8.57239813e-02 1.25309020e-01 -1.08857438e-01 8.20752904e-02 4.78232861e-01 -3.09549481e-01 1.86741099e-01 -5.44984750e-02 3.09286583e-02 -1.28271550e-01 -2.21612349e-01 6.43207729e-02 1.47207379e-01 1.30679727e-01 2.45459273e-01 2.37684324e-01 3.79416585e-01 -6.69414252e-02 -6.44114465e-02 -1.10544905e-01 -1.41937599e-01 -1.60641178e-01 1.35481387e-01 1.49322361e-01 -1.63638204e-01 -5.28270155e-02 2.50754148e-01 9.81459171e-02 -2.45225161e-01 5.03849648e-02 2.88436804e-02 -6.21344298e-02 -7.78395757e-02 -2.90642112e-01 5.63830614e-01 -2.03476816e-01 9.60707621e-06 -1.91889808e-01 -4.75620255e-02 2.53039803e-02 8.33188966e-02 -1.77759249e-02 2.49458641e-01 4.73022312e-01 -1.20170012e-01 3.85523736e-02 -1.37052342e-01 -4.42892015e-01 2.19196096e-01 2.45784312e-01 3.00235022e-02 2.04371184e-01 -4.12451982e-01 -2.21389204e-01 -4.18502122e-01 2.28228301e-01 -4.91641670e-01 1.40227482e-01 3.40384930e-01 -1.12137929e-01 -1.06873401e-01 -9.95837227e-02 2.47789279e-01 1.45927206e-01 -1.36073753e-01 -5.11234403e-02 -1.24968335e-01 1.76331595e-01 -1.57997251e-01 7.27298781e-02 3.34258735e-01 -3.78031671e-01 -1.60345048e-01 -2.88331270e-01 -3.24727923e-01 -8.34704190e-03 1.81315914e-01 -1.96741253e-01 -2.28059202e-01 -7.48044774e-02 -1.09724015e-01 1.69294924e-01 -2.13616595e-01 -4.94536072e-01 3.58516686e-02 3.52162957e-01 4.72261235e-02 -3.00795197e-01 4.84079957e-01 1.32795051e-01 -2.68619925e-01 -6.82208389e-02 -2.15531364e-01 1.91665307e-01 -4.20629270e-02 1.95128009e-01 -1.57266721e-01 -1.59996137e-01 4.43549037e-01 5.39375305e-01 -1.74098298e-01 -3.75632018e-01 1.65188462e-01 2.51684159e-01 9.46480222e-03 2.25059345e-01 -2.27697253e-01 2.69224495e-01 -1.06400967e-01 -4.36748803e-01 1.17204517e-01 -3.22262317e-01 -1.19290732e-01 3.68195325e-02 1.52253136e-01 -2.54311770e-01 -1.29451036e-01 -2.13083047e-02 4.53436226e-01 2.75958002e-01 -2.44279236e-01 -4.30647701e-01 -8.93028229e-02 -1.62955597e-01 4.68848683e-02 -4.89428127e-03 -2.05552150e-02 -8.51862058e-02 -1.73122779e-01 -8.51201490e-02 1.86202452e-02 2.17793137e-01 1.06935967e-02 2.24728495e-01 -2.69960999e-01 -1.79787889e-01 2.41516739e-01 -3.79206717e-01 1.07004136e-01 3.29476714e-01 5.14947593e-01 2.81111717e-01 2.46184263e-02 -4.11210775e-01 -2.67996162e-01 -6.31732166e-01 -9.53933820e-02 5.84049284e-01 6.18699610e-01 -3.07122767e-01 7.45962784e-02 -1.31127819e-01 6.96251765e-02 1.34950608e-01 1.79452375e-01 -3.47301587e-02 -2.95612425e-01 -2.41305411e-01 1.24547933e-03 6.75498620e-02 -9.89654101e-03 4.31442112e-01 -9.47805941e-02 9.24995840e-02 3.67348194e-01 -1.43846259e-01 -1.68827217e-04 -8.74419361e-02 -1.57644823e-02 -1.25956669e-01 2.18410760e-01 1.40441120e-01 7.08003566e-02 2.54120398e-02 3.53648335e-01 2.62340363e-02 -3.09090945e-03 1.83486015e-01 -1.75796244e-02 5.25830448e-01 2.66343094e-02 3.37218530e-02 -3.72121990e-01 6.04914367e-01 -4.07767631e-02 -1.48150980e-01 2.00759634e-01 1.38981745e-01 3.44380975e-01 1.03279382e-01 -3.90449055e-02 -1.52913302e-01 -2.04470560e-01 -2.29243979e-01 2.34066054e-01 -2.60692835e-02 4.76229697e-01 6.87504053e-01 1.16007042e+00 2.23788917e-01 3.18084419e-01 3.32458824e-01 -2.78559655e-01 -5.85645065e-02 -9.11628604e-02 1.10864127e-02 -1.72138169e-01 -2.36392766e-02 -4.38659638e-02 -2.33100578e-01 3.79586555e-02 1.91460326e-02 -2.28264242e-01 -3.40377986e-01 -5.25303245e-01 -7.64213204e-02 5.89000732e-02 2.55117089e-01 1.41205462e-02 1.22981742e-01 1.99897781e-01 1.79784805e-01 -4.40216400e-02 -2.07978547e-01 4.76099253e-02 -3.07581294e-02 -5.53052612e-02 -5.92768081e-02 -3.31663519e-01 5.38054779e-02 -5.92997596e-02 1.93330780e-01 -5.57328574e-02 -2.86346227e-01 -2.08144747e-02 -2.63192624e-01 -1.20065935e-01 -1.06470764e-01 1.14489451e-01 8.32702368e-02 3.15367043e-01 -3.11073929e-01 1.51889836e-02 -2.14409873e-01 1.73308119e-01 -1.94181249e-01 -3.68123464e-02 -2.70787403e-02 4.41965051e-02 -1.81915745e-01 3.27190710e-03 8.61942396e-02 -1.18336484e-01 -1.40070498e-01 1.58952013e-01 -1.35267034e-01 -6.03974350e-02 -2.68030316e-01 1.97215900e-01 -1.81387484e-01 -2.18358397e-01 -1.73819140e-01 2.23660603e-01 -8.53348076e-02 4.48251516e-02 -1.04610980e-01 -1.02456688e-05 5.42602360e-01 3.68566006e-01 3.47769596e-02 -2.03356579e-01 -3.30433279e-01 1.05733462e-01 -2.44185761e-01 9.05460864e-02 -4.80808765e-02 -1.16366178e-01 -4.63231683e-01 -8.47553536e-02 3.75126630e-01 4.82238591e-01 -6.34436263e-03 -2.19362646e-01 -2.24909797e-01 3.45317245e-01 -1.01453185e-01 2.26563126e-01 3.30455035e-01 1.48533255e-01 2.75011778e-01 -1.00059308e-01 3.68102819e-01 -4.08127248e-01 1.08443871e-01 -1.20516084e-01 2.25582477e-02 -8.93949047e-02 -3.95553470e-01 -3.50753605e-01 -2.24586725e-01 1.00127645e-01 1.41144335e-01 -2.25164086e-01 -2.24995911e-01 -1.65631294e-01 1.07435048e-01 5.50812483e-02 -2.05394328e-01 -1.81097925e-01 1.25856131e-01 4.66623083e-02 4.91822399e-02 -1.23622797e-01 2.19119191e-01 1.53091818e-01 3.90967697e-01 -2.86961466e-01 2.43064493e-01 1.60348609e-01 -4.36982624e-02 1.18565038e-01 -7.80938715e-02 4.19925123e-01 2.29821652e-01 -1.61942005e-01 -3.04114223e-02 2.01069444e-01 3.14375073e-01 -1.60067677e-01 3.37410003e-01 1.41903505e-01 1.53829560e-01 -2.26081550e-01 2.91502833e-01 -1.36332586e-01 -1.68726787e-01 -2.37899318e-01 -2.49508768e-01 -2.88890839e-01 2.27529004e-01 -2.16101542e-01 -2.27522999e-01 5.34104332e-02 -8.32547098e-02 1.54329091e-01 2.79816687e-01 1.42757952e-01 -4.29234169e-02 -2.12035999e-01 9.81487408e-02 -1.30654320e-01 2.19655871e-01 2.21444726e-01 1.27744198e-01 -1.87520832e-01 -7.53086135e-02 1.78372458e-01 8.43805075e-02 9.10262540e-02 2.09981292e-01 4.83990371e-01 2.44720563e-01 3.62282433e-02 4.66815174e-01 1.98511794e-01 1.12836711e-01 1.41554520e-01 1.86960444e-01 6.67988583e-02 1.30286574e-01 -2.27956120e-02 -2.81835068e-02 -2.05810592e-01 9.94222611e-02 -3.27170640e-01 -9.77207348e-02 1.07883168e-02 3.92310917e-02 1.37887135e-01 -2.70562172e-01 -1.71467751e-01 -1.20404996e-01 2.20519707e-01 7.41890818e-02 3.78235906e-01 -1.77870154e-01 3.61550823e-02 5.59685707e-01 5.70657969e-01 2.88433611e-01 5.36393821e-01 -1.89400718e-01 -9.11597461e-02 1.92310497e-01 -1.34150580e-01 -1.19323261e-01 -1.70028552e-01 2.82280087e-01 -1.15796015e-01 -1.38973981e-01 4.38145734e-02 -1.80539504e-01 -1.41261175e-01 -8.24081153e-02 2.50174403e-01 2.42699891e-01 1.82990760e-01 3.03318501e-01 2.12905452e-01 -2.62394458e-01 -4.42413568e-01 2.60667562e-01 2.10890651e-01 5.71515001e-02 -1.10781961e-03 -1.21004626e-01 -2.90649712e-01 2.69633234e-01 1.35141164e-01 -7.00645000e-02 -2.50571758e-01 -2.00720727e-01 -3.74361500e-02 3.33133221e-01 -2.61296816e-02 9.86561775e-02 -1.68098751e-02 4.94059205e-01 2.45857053e-02 6.52969629e-02 -3.76617685e-02 -2.97432303e-01 -3.83655220e-01 2.38806829e-01 -8.09848830e-02 -4.07909960e-01 2.32650116e-01 2.46423036e-01 8.64853635e-02 1.38389289e-01 8.80059153e-02 3.78701210e-01 6.36680871e-02 4.13164571e-02 -3.64824742e-01 4.56490815e-01 4.32772607e-01 -2.33969912e-01 -1.12739792e-02 -2.58181572e-01 5.96661679e-02 4.73361105e-01 1.90646648e-01 2.61498600e-01 -2.89875567e-01 -1.21998385e-01 -1.51129931e-01 2.27971837e-01 -9.87299159e-02 1.72270939e-01 -3.76460969e-01 -1.57750160e-01 1.36648327e-01 5.59516907e-01 -3.53004970e-02 1.93592891e-01 -3.17267440e-02 4.39665206e-02 8.74009132e-02 5.00100851e-01 2.20324904e-01 2.96768606e-01 -1.85042650e-01 -2.26305962e-01 -3.85952294e-02 2.42278334e-02 -3.54194753e-02 2.70334687e-02 -1.23881742e-01 3.01292241e-01 2.20080853e-01 -8.86443183e-02 -2.10639648e-02 -7.45506510e-02 3.91658813e-01 -2.64447369e-02 -1.68650582e-01 1.68665156e-01 -2.19960604e-02 1.21766679e-01 6.99565336e-02 -3.82950068e-01 -1.46087483e-01 -1.28071994e-01 8.27948153e-02 1.34201795e-01 -1.16015926e-01 -3.84158164e-01 -2.66878963e-01 6.35567084e-02 5.51845849e-01 -9.00143683e-02 -2.81476751e-02 -4.67802197e-01 -5.51451780e-02]
"Extradimensional Fish" active "Item #: SCP-234 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-234 is studied at Containment Area 06-234, which encompasses the 300 meter radius Red Zone of SCP-234. The main laboratory building within the Red Zone is built as an "open-air" structure, with no doors or closed windows. No closed containers or spaces of any kind are allowed within the Red Zone of SCP-234. Any space which inadvertently becomes closed within the Red Zone is to be declared a Class II dimensional/implosion hazard and must be remotely destroyed on-site following mandatory evacuation of the laboratory area. Personnel trapped within a closed space are to be considered lost. Experimentation with SCP-234 may only be performed with express, prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel. Experimentation which introduces closed spaces into the Red Zone of SCP-234 may not exceed 1 L in volume, and must be treated as a Class III dimensional/implosion hazard. Description: SCP-234 is a species of organism of presumed extradimensional origin resembling fish measuring approximately 25 mm in length. SCP-234 does not appear to have any eyes or light-sensitive organs, but navigates via a highly evolved sense of echolocation. It maintains buoyancy via a gas-filled organ similar to a swim bladder which allows it to float in the air, and exhibits behavior consistent with an omnivorous scavenger organism, though to date it has not been observed consuming any terrestrial organic matter. SCP-234 appears to only be able to exist within a closed, air-filled space, and will spontaneously come into existence whenever such a closed space exists or is brought within the Red Zone, an area of approximately 300 meter radius in a remote area in the mountains near [REDACTED]. When an SCP-234 specimen is startled, killed, brought out of the Red Zone, or the closed space containing the specimen is breached, all matter (including air) within the closed space is immediately extradimensionally evacuated with sufficient force to cause a catastrophic implosion within the surrounding area. SCP-234 was discovered following a series of incident reports and disappearances of back-country hikers near [REDACTED]. A Foundation survey team sent to the area inadvertently created a closed space with a standard adverse-weather camping tent, whose subsequent implosion resulted in the disappearance of one (1) research personnel and severe injuries to an additional two (2) agents. Research is ongoing into how SCP-234 is capable of extradimensional movement. Experimentation is hampered by the inability to study SCP-234 outside of closed spaces, and attempts to trace evacuated objects via the use of tracking devices have yielded no results; to date, objects evacuated by specimens of SCP-234 have never been found again. Addendum 234-01: Incident Log 234-031 On ██/█/██, Dr. ███████ accidentally introduced a closed space into the Red Zone of SCP-234 in the form of a sealed coffee thermos. Upon opening the container, the resulting implosion startled four (4) additional SCP-234 instances within the testing area, causing a chain reaction that inflicted severe damage to the laboratory as well as causing injuries to six (6) research personnel. Post-incident photographs of the remains of Dr. ███████ are kept on file as a warning to research personnel assigned to SCP-234 as to the consequences of carelessness during experimentation. « SCP-233 | SCP-234 | SCP-235 »" nan
[ 1.10856064e-01 -5.84283948e-01 -1.53873578e-01 -2.33482525e-01 1.45389766e-01 -4.99424458e-01 1.02535002e-01 -5.00764884e-02 1.70788974e-01 1.83858499e-02 -4.19001393e-02 1.66372404e-01 -3.11801195e-01 4.75672901e-01 3.54298621e-01 -1.28834963e-01 3.24932188e-01 3.19855176e-02 1.02457747e-01 -2.80792475e-01 -3.62205327e-01 -3.51482093e-01 -7.79028162e-02 -5.57912923e-02 3.46755385e-01 2.50574946e-01 -4.02412772e-01 1.36808604e-01 5.74846752e-02 -2.24803150e-01 3.18136007e-01 7.29459375e-02 2.10092694e-01 5.21285057e-01 -1.07878732e-04 3.82263027e-02 -1.37542769e-01 -1.40887024e-02 9.24044475e-02 1.57697409e-01 -4.16769385e-01 -6.07273459e-01 -1.28220826e-01 -4.04383183e-01 -1.57300103e-02 -2.44637027e-01 9.03316587e-02 -3.44868660e-01 1.71638161e-01 2.59269625e-01 1.87887520e-01 3.95272337e-02 1.97052836e-01 9.20395833e-03 2.97266960e-01 2.81072110e-01 -2.99756140e-01 -5.85133769e-02 3.90158445e-01 6.55943975e-02 2.35396132e-01 1.75612196e-01 -1.42836213e-01 -1.10618033e-01 9.31591243e-02 1.31813027e-02 1.88161254e-01 -2.82788416e-03 2.06687495e-01 4.02138531e-01 -1.85739085e-01 1.04641236e-01 -3.87407131e-02 -1.46454617e-01 -3.04343820e-01 -2.61668205e-01 6.43396750e-02 2.57868081e-01 1.60002187e-01 -2.05392212e-01 -1.48018122e-01 1.43545210e-01 -4.10246700e-01 1.88536599e-01 -3.56605023e-01 3.27793658e-01 4.29063849e-02 2.62923818e-02 2.80991457e-02 -1.62206322e-01 -2.47640878e-01 -1.16771329e-02 2.08950654e-01 4.30043787e-01 1.06064029e-01 7.23454650e-05 9.83387828e-02 -3.62944096e-01 2.84461647e-01 4.57739420e-02 3.16449434e-01 8.90283212e-02 -2.46590763e-01 1.42592192e-01 9.78332460e-02 1.90874159e-01 -5.72470091e-02 3.82847428e-01 -3.49847913e-01 4.37655777e-01 6.75495341e-02 3.25930476e-01 6.56878874e-02 2.05156431e-01 1.53068870e-01 -2.84991413e-01 1.06308401e-01 1.25786200e-01 -5.65491654e-02 1.84443280e-01 -5.11137068e-01 2.93418616e-01 1.26745254e-02 1.69248849e-01 3.13625008e-01 2.30989888e-01 1.50906637e-01 -1.05813064e-01 1.55060083e-01 2.85644960e-02 -1.66006655e-01 2.13777319e-01 -2.73410112e-01 -3.98546040e-01 8.95121787e-03 3.76514167e-01 -3.57546434e-02 -2.69403219e-01 -5.74559672e-03 2.49330357e-01 -7.37809613e-02 -4.65729535e-02 2.89781213e-01 3.15942168e-01 -2.60480314e-01 -5.28539300e-01 -2.24385276e-01 2.19497547e-01 5.14773205e-02 -1.31626859e-01 4.59297925e-01 2.39459686e-02 -4.70110446e-01 2.53028244e-01 -1.48943737e-01 1.66952223e-01 5.59296608e-01 1.10617504e-01 -3.60834986e-01 -3.38595539e-01 6.66285530e-02 -2.51706280e-02 1.27547935e-01 -8.19338858e-02 2.19864696e-01 3.95354748e-01 -2.40441058e-02 1.14053018e-01 -2.26428986e-01 2.81005025e-01 5.29688954e-01 -1.76973581e-01 1.15094282e-01 -1.89092696e-01 -2.40699485e-01 1.83703348e-01 -4.39315647e-01 -1.97446018e-01 -4.03259248e-02 -1.02017477e-01 -2.42520958e-01 5.05742073e-01 1.34892672e-01 4.41585965e-02 -2.47061655e-01 1.93347812e-01 -1.47177488e-01 -3.03159817e-03 7.17292950e-02 -2.36383140e-01 -3.47587585e-01 -2.18397796e-01 3.53258252e-02 1.16676399e-02 1.99877068e-01 -1.59269348e-02 5.71130097e-01 7.01730549e-02 -1.13565261e-02 -4.31076363e-02 1.24184430e-01 1.19585164e-01 4.26755399e-01 -6.31937291e-03 3.75573561e-02 -3.03149074e-01 -2.71615148e-01 -1.17942272e-02 1.23738162e-01 2.94624984e-01 1.41107187e-01 -1.70308292e-01 -4.73279506e-01 1.13761827e-01 -6.60062358e-02 -3.72665614e-01 2.62191534e-01 2.01625556e-01 1.41779050e-01 -2.77412236e-01 -7.13559762e-02 -1.13281861e-01 -1.15534939e-01 -2.44234223e-02 1.12313747e-01 1.42294616e-01 -5.77849261e-02 7.03837723e-02 -6.17420487e-02 1.23520389e-01 2.64095247e-01 1.24946706e-01 -1.01116814e-01 2.56343096e-01 -3.22116613e-01 5.85601181e-02 3.40935349e-01 7.97375977e-01 -1.23200931e-01 -7.05928281e-02 3.40262920e-01 -1.10895500e-01 2.52770454e-01 -1.07121743e-01 -3.65747005e-01 2.86602974e-01 2.20488667e-01 4.90145117e-01 5.79962209e-02 -6.22135885e-02 1.29919857e-01 -3.19397748e-01 -1.04929984e-01 -1.44693628e-03 3.64381850e-01 -4.53664139e-02 -1.66808888e-01 7.53682852e-02 -5.23436487e-01 2.73615032e-01 -3.03953081e-01 -4.96420525e-02 3.48655075e-01 2.17914909e-01 9.48344991e-02 -5.90256229e-02 3.58821660e-01 6.08138204e-01 7.86079392e-02 1.45583272e-01 9.46800187e-02 -1.82120148e-02 -1.65182903e-01 -7.03978091e-02 1.73197761e-01 -6.85459971e-02 1.50125831e-01 1.53015196e-01 3.89847517e-01 5.73572665e-02 -8.42749104e-02 5.60758486e-02 -3.30664307e-01 -2.51159042e-01 5.88566512e-02 3.48866433e-01 9.21083689e-02 -2.46276975e-01 -1.71843186e-01 2.54250348e-01 -1.20506011e-01 -8.83492827e-02 -2.47379970e-02 5.46428673e-02 -1.42158836e-01 1.74659751e-02 1.15465298e-01 4.26476598e-01 -7.22624063e-02 -1.16431311e-01 -3.55385512e-01 3.14560324e-01 -3.65431786e-01 1.09680250e-01 -1.10297397e-01 2.01719120e-01 3.45829636e-01 2.55868822e-01 3.64508927e-02 -3.65429193e-01 -6.69506431e-01 6.61265627e-02 5.77976480e-02 2.11654931e-01 2.60370642e-01 -3.44686151e-01 -6.64571524e-02 -1.65098086e-02 1.91926554e-01 -3.52946073e-01 9.50328335e-02 1.64131626e-01 -2.44101763e-01 1.97123989e-01 -2.43893802e-01 5.11109550e-03 -1.41965389e-01 -1.12215847e-01 3.79960537e-01 1.71587225e-02 1.69122983e-02 -1.14176482e-01 -6.06375784e-02 2.04529300e-01 2.31766045e-01 -1.04558840e-01 -7.67727494e-02 8.93788189e-02 -6.36017770e-02 2.99609341e-02 6.95075199e-04 -9.95676368e-02 -3.75263691e-01 3.83392006e-01 2.30756417e-01 -2.64374942e-01 -1.51278198e-01 3.18759587e-03 -1.21562511e-01 -1.37593612e-01 -1.63633019e-01 2.97720671e-01 -1.06606921e-02 -2.35015228e-01 -1.27619222e-01 5.65204071e-03 1.75121754e-01 7.45085776e-02 2.23811194e-01 -1.51991874e-01 -1.85910493e-01 4.67139572e-01 1.46796271e-01 -4.98662621e-01 -6.90439865e-02 1.44320622e-01 1.62308887e-01 8.76429826e-02 2.00666070e-01 -4.29093957e-01 -1.88836639e-04 -1.81481287e-01 -5.95072210e-01 -2.07440361e-01 -6.88886195e-02 -2.24276125e-01 9.52170417e-03 2.19496951e-01 -2.71148145e-01 1.16462298e-02 2.93539613e-01 4.03942436e-01 4.55943197e-01 -9.84554663e-02 -5.59609175e-01 -1.51610196e-01 -2.90710628e-01 -6.90143108e-01 2.41150096e-01 -9.68495458e-02 1.05941765e-01 -1.87223777e-01 -6.58279955e-02 -1.99032545e-01 3.38833958e-01 -1.65555663e-02 3.31557959e-01 -2.10548639e-01 -3.06340195e-02 3.46416503e-01 -3.13316673e-01 3.60833287e-01 1.21806979e-01 3.20076525e-01 3.71137679e-01 -2.00243276e-02 -1.82781368e-01 -2.21470697e-03 -4.51960325e-01 -6.65624663e-02 6.50944948e-01 -2.31563225e-01 -1.33312494e-01 2.67031807e-02 2.33325988e-01 -1.53160051e-01 1.00993961e-01 1.99210688e-01 -1.20585598e-01 -2.62131393e-01 -2.11547732e-01 -2.59380508e-02 1.25297666e-01 -1.18126035e-01 -1.96337730e-01 -2.48072799e-02 -1.10281706e-01 -1.70372333e-02 6.30755499e-02 6.68347627e-03 -1.12852871e-01 9.01115984e-02 9.63272303e-02 -4.25611660e-02 1.70304656e-01 4.83503282e-01 1.05059952e-01 5.35456799e-02 -9.66124758e-02 -7.74858519e-02 1.95225388e-01 1.97525278e-01 4.72522408e-01 4.04608816e-01 1.40677080e-01 -2.72727609e-01 1.86285749e-01 2.14704908e-02 2.49372140e-01 5.20352013e-02 2.65471905e-01 1.87338337e-01 -3.21739852e-01 2.99018919e-01 -1.08198732e-01 -3.70132297e-01 7.90289417e-02 2.65827805e-01 -3.80757034e-01 2.15309456e-01 3.79622102e-01 9.65264201e-01 2.61736691e-01 1.35729745e-01 8.77816603e-02 -2.99531609e-01 -6.99402485e-03 -1.64779782e-01 1.37870774e-01 2.83004418e-02 4.45120335e-01 -1.41867157e-02 -1.04161240e-01 1.63009539e-01 1.17318936e-01 -4.15565297e-02 -2.73568220e-02 -4.35214728e-01 -9.00262967e-02 2.44890913e-01 1.04947135e-01 -1.86619218e-02 -1.40734330e-01 1.11311823e-01 2.12571770e-01 -2.65172035e-01 2.80636493e-02 -3.22085395e-02 -3.22934687e-02 -7.20913697e-04 1.06313497e-01 -9.92928818e-02 1.33042976e-01 -9.31604877e-02 2.33884528e-02 -3.49282146e-01 -9.89020616e-02 -4.92682457e-02 -1.14492988e-02 -3.60951543e-01 -1.53130502e-01 -8.91133696e-02 1.08449347e-01 7.45045245e-01 -2.20549464e-01 2.94135083e-02 -2.13473886e-01 1.36782125e-01 1.33914039e-01 -1.84006408e-01 1.43997371e-01 -2.06213757e-01 -2.09538221e-01 1.77756011e-01 2.72948086e-01 6.47093117e-01 7.48396013e-03 4.81483728e-01 1.93876654e-01 -1.05669454e-01 -1.84387058e-01 1.55328825e-01 6.12283759e-02 -1.47804677e-01 -2.47935116e-01 2.12703481e-01 -2.17160583e-02 -1.00013532e-01 6.02945089e-02 3.21438015e-01 -9.56723816e-04 1.01680666e-01 -1.61384940e-01 2.92743724e-02 -3.57666582e-01 3.84764969e-01 -2.65800625e-01 -1.14287054e-02 2.55542278e-01 -1.89425290e-01 -3.91142398e-01 9.47125405e-02 2.09482774e-01 2.72947937e-01 -2.81703621e-01 -6.93561435e-02 -3.13170046e-01 1.85140058e-01 8.43447968e-02 -2.03758061e-01 2.77490526e-01 -1.42621130e-01 3.17952991e-01 -5.23835793e-02 2.36846576e-03 -3.70855629e-01 1.74055651e-01 -3.96023303e-01 -9.97150913e-02 2.61452347e-01 1.35545274e-02 8.69980380e-02 -2.35402390e-01 1.07205205e-01 1.94509476e-01 -2.84524977e-01 -2.52117634e-01 -1.11207359e-01 7.96645060e-02 -3.87165099e-02 -2.73962617e-01 -2.34983966e-01 -2.94431299e-01 -1.21062109e-02 1.19991869e-01 -2.61879146e-01 1.56072810e-01 1.12452984e-01 -4.07228619e-02 -2.28625208e-01 1.97630405e-01 2.73148745e-01 -1.38134271e-01 -7.63143450e-02 -1.44866966e-02 -3.54185812e-02 -1.79443229e-02 -2.95836031e-02 -6.05772994e-03 3.68025601e-01 -8.38185381e-03 -2.00775534e-01 3.17811430e-01 3.25600147e-01 1.91741168e-01 -2.73541451e-01 5.84828071e-02 -8.98572057e-02 7.49075785e-02 -5.11333466e-01 -1.10264421e-01 -4.11266200e-02 3.11557591e-01 -1.88567922e-01 6.80590002e-03 -1.91550180e-01 -6.94219908e-03 1.97873384e-01 2.64254689e-01 4.61820781e-01 -2.15811692e-02 5.13763353e-02 3.38020802e-01 2.16662418e-03 1.77377328e-01 4.49354410e-01 1.03789888e-01 -2.74572581e-01 7.66526833e-02 2.64384449e-01 -2.31027938e-02 3.54999423e-01 6.23923242e-01 2.51946509e-01 4.19724137e-01 3.48749235e-02 3.40102822e-01 2.46126950e-01 1.78712651e-01 -1.79955915e-01 -2.61684172e-02 -2.79596329e-01 4.52019274e-01 1.88539438e-02 1.90373778e-01 -8.77714396e-01 -2.88743824e-01 -2.92970657e-01 -3.07266861e-01 1.07038379e-01 2.82398492e-01 -1.62869737e-01 -2.47036740e-01 -1.91660836e-01 -1.86875790e-01 1.32362083e-01 1.36742860e-01 5.80148846e-02 -2.90016651e-01 1.61346450e-01 5.99946938e-02 -3.16724271e-01 1.34964615e-01 4.25019741e-01 -2.92116761e-01 1.91497371e-01 6.07751250e-01 -1.66257769e-01 5.86850271e-02 -1.96094196e-02 2.45685235e-01 -8.87238756e-02 -9.51233581e-02 -6.31903484e-02 -4.37714830e-02 -1.56221002e-01 -2.45590627e-01 -1.67935237e-01 2.37803131e-01 3.19893658e-03 -4.25633043e-02 1.18670896e-01 -2.18951523e-01 6.04208522e-02 3.33192348e-01 2.85897493e-01 -1.90820783e-01 2.62809470e-02 -1.59836844e-01 3.59292738e-02 -2.09884599e-01 -2.11549252e-02 -1.24263294e-01 -1.49771661e-01 8.21214244e-02 -2.12955594e-01 2.72306621e-01 9.64404047e-02 1.20668761e-01 1.01826891e-01 1.47375152e-01 -6.03518486e-02 -3.59771281e-01 -2.73190528e-01 -4.43959713e-01 -1.62846923e-01 -1.16165757e-01 -2.69421220e-01 -3.02731037e-01 6.45597950e-02 1.88568860e-01 -3.43420655e-01 -1.81333721e-01 -9.73575860e-02 2.19224095e-01 -1.88611075e-01 -3.08848470e-01 -2.69664437e-01 9.69952531e-03 6.78099543e-02 -1.45376595e-02 1.96054295e-01 -1.66175425e-01 -9.53722671e-02 -1.83975607e-01 1.86650723e-01 4.34963107e-02 -9.67100263e-02 1.50639892e-01 4.19887811e-01 4.24329668e-01 5.25862873e-02 1.42856166e-01 -1.44443691e-01 -4.79240924e-01 1.18019201e-01 -4.83635925e-02 -7.47605562e-02 2.60027051e-01 -5.19589446e-02 4.38159019e-01 -6.39768019e-02 5.44011705e-02 3.48595738e-01 -1.86007664e-01 2.84039050e-01 -5.47285341e-02 -1.52734756e-01 1.54092371e-01 -2.32555389e-01 2.18640998e-01 -1.08077219e-02 3.81322592e-01 6.84089288e-02 -2.89963931e-01 3.67378928e-02 -2.80585051e-01 5.05920053e-01 -1.63628444e-01 -1.64584681e-01 -8.06238130e-02 -1.14954263e-01 -4.49889048e-04 1.60606638e-01 -5.81065416e-01 -4.42214608e-01 1.02755621e-01 2.08232433e-01 -5.31201437e-02 -1.72610939e-01 -4.29756761e-01 -4.06428844e-01 -9.79469940e-02 2.36789018e-01 7.68411905e-02 -9.06445086e-02 1.69097021e-01 -1.83420345e-01]
"Phonographic Records" active "Item #: SCP-235 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Currently, four (4) instances of SCP-235 have been recovered. All instances are to be kept in a secure storage locker within Reliquary Research and Containment Site-76. Authorization of two (2) Clearance Level 2 staff is required to remove an instance of SCP-235 from storage for research and testing purposes. Description: SCP-235 appear to be shellac phonograph records of the type commonly produced in the late 1920s. Each instance of SCP-235 has a white label with the title in black lettering. Each record contains a different song. They are as follows: SCP-235-4 has no label and contains a song that has not been identified. The tune has no lyrics, and is a slow, mournful dirge. Each instance of SCP-235 creates an identical phenomenon when played at speeds between 77 and 79 rpm: all objects within a certain distance of the recording (correlated with the volume at which it plays) appear to freeze in place whenever the record "skips", or is unable to play a section of the recording. This "freeze" lasts for a set duration, approximately 1█ times the amount of time skipped. Those affected do not perceive the freeze and will continue as they were before it began unless outside stimulus is introduced to alert them to the gap in time. During the freeze, all motion in the affected area stops completely: objects thrown or falling will remain in mid-air, individuals do not breathe or blink, and even chemical reactions such as fire will simply pause in a manner visually similar to pausing a movie. During this time, any individual outside the range of effect, hereby known as an observer, may enter the area and interact with affected objects. Any object or individual willfully contacted (either directly or via another object) by an observer will resume normal behavior: that is, objects will fall, individuals will begin moving, breathing, and thinking, and chemical reactions will resume. All others remain frozen as before until either touched by an observer or the effect ends. This "unfreezing" effect appears to be entirely subjective; only objects that the observer touches or influences intentionally will resume normal activity. Common phenomena such as rain and wind will not have any effect on the area and will behave as though all objects and individuals in the affected area are rigid and non-absorbent. Instances of SCP-235 and the devices playing them cannot be interacted with during a freeze. All forces, up to and including plastic explosives, have proven unable to affect either device while in this state. Neither copies nor recordings of SCP-235 exhibit any of the anomalous effects displayed by SCP-235. It is believed that the effects of SCP-235 are caused by an anomaly specific to the records themselves and is not attributable to the contents of the records. SCP-235-1 was found in 194█. It was discovered atop a record player, found at the scene of the murder of [REDACTED], who was at the time president of the [REDACTED] Corporation. SCP-235-2 was found still spinning at a wedding between [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both bride and groom were found murdered by single gunshot wounds to the head with no witnesses, despite both individuals being discovered dead on the dance floor at the reception. SCP-235-3 was found following reports of a "time traveling tune", at the time in the hands of several college students (who were administered Class B amnestics and released). SCP-235-4 was discovered first hand by Foundation agents investigating █████ ██████, believed to be a member of [REDACTED]. Agents discovered him dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. On his desk was SCP-235-4, with a note reading, "This one has served us well but is nearly full. You know what to do." Addendum 235-001: An additional anomalous property was discovered while Dr. ██████ was attempting to discern the properties of SCP-235's effect. Dr. ██████ ordered a D-class under the influence of SCP-235 shot and killed from a distance. While this in and of itself produced little useful data, it was noted on the next play-through that the record skipped in a location where it had previously played smoothly. Further testing confirmed that each time an individual dies while affected by SCP-235, the instance that produced the effect is damaged slightly, producing another section of the song that is likely to skip. Multiple deaths during a single skip appear to correlate with the new skip being longer in duration, but a consistent pattern has not emerged. « SCP-234 | SCP-235 | SCP-236 »" nan
[-1.18999831e-01 -3.97416875e-02 -7.14916661e-02 -5.28513396e-04 -1.22313932e-01 -2.54876018e-01 1.23457849e-01 1.65412121e-03 1.41427666e-01 4.72462595e-01 -7.80608431e-02 1.63056850e-01 -5.37033379e-01 -9.05996263e-02 -2.29254335e-01 -2.05612838e-01 -3.83325554e-02 2.92735755e-01 3.49180013e-01 -1.08779393e-01 -1.57702580e-01 1.60607602e-02 -2.43447632e-01 3.85522358e-02 -3.88888270e-01 -2.53884614e-01 2.01323688e-01 9.38407779e-02 -1.25550672e-01 -2.92746782e-01 -1.82073563e-01 3.51143748e-01 -1.08036930e-02 4.24614519e-01 -1.12524358e-04 -2.53707886e-01 9.89708006e-02 -9.85253602e-02 -3.79213244e-02 -3.24873552e-02 -4.17081356e-01 5.21675199e-02 -1.61871370e-02 4.91720326e-02 2.21463218e-01 -2.09370419e-01 7.59727806e-02 -2.68301785e-01 1.46891624e-01 2.43293773e-02 1.33584797e-01 -9.34685692e-02 -1.47718251e-01 3.68238403e-03 3.78141761e-01 1.05304399e-03 -2.16479465e-01 5.32479212e-02 4.97410655e-01 2.55618900e-01 -1.82409585e-02 1.59433872e-01 -2.52231598e-01 9.87465605e-02 2.99112976e-01 -3.37740868e-01 1.33734033e-01 -1.49708003e-01 1.98579013e-01 2.70654261e-01 1.24034971e-01 -1.69499144e-01 9.63795856e-02 -5.78183830e-02 1.33510441e-01 -4.32445139e-01 -5.74275590e-02 -8.72685090e-02 -1.50322998e-02 -9.69632417e-02 -4.93945330e-01 2.72270322e-01 2.78760213e-02 -5.44651225e-02 -2.75701061e-02 8.73379186e-02 -1.40960887e-01 -8.11928883e-02 5.48815906e-01 -1.54241264e-01 1.74735889e-01 -8.79988372e-02 2.54658014e-01 3.67163792e-02 -2.78171241e-01 3.59901860e-02 6.88504428e-03 4.58268970e-01 1.73425805e-02 2.92735815e-01 4.43133682e-01 1.16362870e-01 1.34955898e-01 1.52168378e-01 2.65621841e-01 -2.26051629e-01 -4.41852771e-03 -3.29899848e-01 6.17490299e-02 4.55182940e-01 -1.37889892e-01 2.85596419e-02 8.35273713e-02 4.27546389e-02 2.03081608e-01 -3.36254001e-01 9.83294249e-02 -4.68177825e-01 -3.29982311e-01 4.12693441e-01 -6.65471315e-01 7.88667575e-02 -1.85526544e-04 5.24109304e-01 4.88932937e-01 3.47884119e-01 7.54169151e-02 -1.38240322e-01 -1.51239350e-01 -5.02249859e-02 -2.23757342e-01 -1.00348637e-01 -6.27868250e-02 2.03950688e-01 3.23263019e-01 -8.70833844e-02 -4.29259688e-02 1.39552817e-01 -1.23853862e-01 -1.82805285e-01 2.75406241e-01 -1.72508374e-01 2.51574129e-01 2.01896310e-01 -1.99006543e-01 -9.01390016e-02 -2.15459362e-01 -1.68224663e-01 -1.79191396e-01 1.50370240e-01 4.73916173e-01 1.84582844e-01 3.41484725e-01 1.70017213e-01 -3.14362019e-01 9.03286412e-02 5.80268204e-01 8.23900104e-02 -3.03744346e-01 -6.34271324e-01 3.58937979e-01 4.53909636e-02 -5.98662086e-02 -9.66824871e-03 1.44904703e-01 4.11006123e-01 -8.77111107e-02 -4.17757958e-01 -2.93463796e-01 -3.24252069e-01 3.66862476e-01 9.55062211e-02 2.22110093e-01 -2.45463848e-01 -3.80434591e-04 2.19176542e-02 -6.39274955e-01 2.60676712e-01 -2.04712898e-01 -2.57869959e-01 -3.23078960e-01 3.69198024e-01 1.64579794e-01 8.16527940e-03 8.65606144e-02 1.33558318e-01 -1.52017161e-01 -1.89576045e-01 7.93946311e-02 -2.00434804e-01 -2.75952220e-01 6.09269403e-02 2.79571295e-01 2.37941131e-01 -2.95650750e-01 -1.38967380e-01 5.87368123e-02 3.50422800e-01 -7.96364024e-02 3.45090777e-01 -3.88766862e-02 2.30485708e-01 1.96350291e-01 1.34951308e-01 -1.08855739e-01 -2.96257854e-01 6.64681196e-02 -1.90659970e-01 2.29142472e-01 1.26193181e-01 1.24774287e-02 -1.68427229e-01 -4.43566144e-02 3.76961827e-02 -2.38312587e-01 -4.14620340e-01 1.43717572e-01 2.65580922e-01 1.14123002e-02 1.04915842e-01 3.87708135e-02 2.08244294e-01 2.35833660e-01 -2.67120034e-01 -2.03192011e-01 6.33997936e-03 -5.08739389e-02 -1.06437370e-01 4.43476401e-02 1.53512701e-01 2.33008817e-01 1.32472560e-01 1.23031333e-01 1.11457326e-01 -4.63288240e-02 3.34779978e-01 -1.16043106e-01 6.67284966e-01 -4.14362662e-02 -2.44059965e-01 3.06065381e-01 -2.88617402e-01 3.26723188e-01 -2.63518155e-01 -1.49272889e-01 1.29721940e-01 -4.70071845e-02 3.25609115e-03 2.59665340e-01 -1.37974739e-01 -4.86720633e-03 -3.05936094e-02 -2.06895977e-01 6.43827915e-02 7.97512159e-02 -1.63722783e-01 5.00776097e-02 1.49353594e-01 -1.78966090e-01 -8.00337493e-02 4.53518957e-01 -1.37858331e-01 2.69930422e-01 -2.02792212e-01 -3.56952995e-01 -3.69897515e-01 8.85631368e-02 5.72909713e-01 1.82144180e-01 4.57930118e-02 -1.87473670e-01 -2.29748309e-01 3.71852405e-02 -2.90669411e-01 4.32165116e-02 7.23343417e-02 -3.62817906e-02 5.31026900e-01 7.23500475e-02 -5.21597750e-02 -3.59908640e-01 -4.22071755e-01 -3.52424979e-02 1.50856107e-01 -1.77913100e-01 -2.63693154e-01 -2.48667553e-01 2.80672431e-01 -2.38234513e-02 1.85181648e-01 -2.35672891e-01 -1.78976253e-01 2.22269416e-01 1.17541455e-01 -2.67528772e-01 1.06395319e-01 -1.84347615e-01 6.21031642e-01 -4.30082560e-01 7.23448247e-02 -2.47163430e-01 -3.15820868e-03 2.14070022e-01 1.16101950e-01 -1.47099584e-01 3.65740150e-01 3.31915289e-01 -3.72485667e-02 -9.42637306e-03 -5.08581940e-03 1.99966401e-01 1.72170952e-01 1.07375264e-01 -3.81346673e-01 9.34396312e-03 2.68344253e-01 -3.11460167e-01 -4.36067671e-01 4.35311235e-02 -7.09408104e-01 -9.98484567e-02 1.73690706e-01 3.04259174e-03 2.45201975e-01 -1.60721019e-01 -4.39057359e-03 -2.92589009e-01 -2.67188728e-01 5.22897124e-01 -4.74972874e-02 -4.66944557e-03 1.71951786e-01 -1.42704630e-02 3.26213539e-01 -1.11497581e-01 5.57706915e-02 -3.16031039e-01 -8.61769840e-02 -3.75574864e-02 4.88687307e-02 1.33101910e-01 -1.86862350e-01 2.09155500e-01 -3.72191608e-01 2.07769901e-01 -9.86704305e-02 9.62117463e-02 -1.82048902e-01 2.38981172e-01 1.27205074e-01 -2.47211754e-01 5.99189699e-01 3.01346719e-01 -2.09174618e-01 -2.84739017e-01 -2.58815527e-01 2.24826738e-01 -1.46898568e-01 1.83004111e-01 -2.94660121e-01 -2.87609342e-02 -3.65203582e-02 7.44280457e-01 -2.22715229e-01 -2.67030358e-01 1.07125305e-01 9.58034024e-02 1.24798790e-01 1.70267627e-01 1.65482461e-01 2.10668713e-01 1.52789578e-01 -4.85766888e-01 1.24304250e-01 -1.07307844e-01 -7.19110817e-02 -3.29534784e-02 2.57374793e-01 -2.53317237e-01 1.17043741e-01 -2.72204340e-01 9.91714716e-01 4.84570891e-01 -1.68260932e-01 -9.82967112e-03 2.93140978e-01 -7.91108012e-02 -5.79086319e-02 1.38318777e-01 1.60101801e-01 -8.94844532e-02 -3.83614331e-01 1.75779268e-01 5.85267507e-02 1.93543762e-01 1.42159507e-01 2.16001526e-01 -6.02774084e-01 -3.26979041e-01 4.51111719e-02 -1.78111330e-01 1.91059411e-01 1.91249534e-01 2.94518828e-01 2.91253030e-01 2.53013879e-01 1.53734505e-01 9.00528952e-02 -6.09236062e-01 -1.97346419e-01 1.13671623e-01 -1.59702167e-01 -1.05373919e-01 8.80087167e-03 -7.85095766e-02 1.35413766e-01 1.05140559e-01 3.21908712e-01 2.32138500e-01 -2.39912584e-01 -2.24587321e-01 2.22601533e-01 -5.26625067e-02 4.31858636e-02 -4.44145501e-01 9.51793790e-02 4.07758504e-01 4.80261147e-01 2.38569543e-01 9.45995152e-02 3.37733239e-01 5.57683744e-02 2.06354037e-01 6.43285394e-01 -1.51947737e-01 5.96310794e-01 1.33983284e-01 6.48778602e-02 1.36152908e-01 3.39397132e-01 5.93233295e-02 -1.94749862e-01 5.93752325e-01 1.25492364e-01 7.30151534e-02 2.51687616e-01 3.33839864e-01 -9.01209414e-02 -2.54919410e-01 2.07926720e-01 4.40855548e-02 6.24740757e-02 -1.41925409e-01 3.23675305e-01 6.84179962e-02 -2.81812519e-01 -4.15103197e-01 -1.13617301e-01 2.04537153e-01 5.66758335e-01 -5.60005791e-02 1.16660810e+00 -4.94420528e-02 2.10493311e-01 1.27894993e-04 -1.02583475e-01 1.15587905e-01 -2.93334693e-01 3.59261893e-02 9.73922312e-02 -3.15583944e-01 1.75563470e-02 -2.81721026e-01 -1.29149258e-01 2.07772329e-01 -4.59891051e-01 -2.40009502e-01 -4.96238947e-01 -5.27539372e-01 9.61344168e-02 2.62004267e-02 -6.34599477e-02 7.64544010e-02 2.46289715e-01 1.56780407e-01 -2.08869383e-01 2.06796154e-01 4.35510203e-02 -1.11632487e-02 3.41676612e-04 2.73301244e-01 -4.85016942e-01 -1.96959414e-02 -2.81463116e-01 4.43534441e-02 -3.24321091e-01 1.38669088e-01 1.16626325e-03 1.09996581e-02 -5.76005101e-01 6.10373095e-02 -1.66676864e-01 4.69887584e-01 6.96560383e-01 -6.51482940e-02 7.71004409e-02 2.79349297e-01 4.41178083e-02 5.52170398e-03 -2.25518625e-02 -2.52825677e-01 -9.97567624e-02 -1.34118810e-01 -1.69023767e-01 -5.00048101e-02 5.50841391e-02 2.20450256e-02 -3.25042337e-01 2.28575245e-01 -3.34911466e-01 -2.52238035e-01 1.50856555e-01 1.30003765e-01 -2.56404225e-02 -1.39502451e-01 3.02730817e-02 -9.23832133e-02 -1.22135080e-01 4.08403784e-01 -1.98385522e-01 3.42206135e-02 2.42813930e-01 1.99752331e-01 -2.39769548e-01 -3.82950842e-01 -5.01790941e-02 -2.54767567e-01 -5.45069039e-01 4.52380121e-01 9.41352844e-02 -2.86889315e-01 3.43048275e-02 7.84685165e-02 -3.99437808e-02 -8.64668638e-02 -4.58739191e-01 -2.55956262e-01 1.91079870e-01 7.24016950e-02 1.39468938e-01 4.24508452e-01 -1.84209675e-01 2.67630428e-01 -4.21368778e-02 -1.53980523e-01 -3.57779890e-01 6.14232421e-02 -3.10715705e-01 -1.28788576e-01 4.99226376e-02 -5.13362110e-01 -3.94192077e-02 -3.17601472e-01 9.71333385e-02 3.42153579e-01 -1.08831808e-01 -1.22016959e-01 -4.71895710e-02 2.42419884e-01 -7.01614469e-02 -1.30802423e-01 -3.27083915e-01 4.07327265e-02 1.99481159e-01 1.65702850e-02 2.55193442e-01 4.37046558e-01 7.15593919e-02 8.01712573e-02 3.08773369e-02 2.03079879e-01 -3.71548608e-02 -2.11447045e-01 1.35581326e-02 -1.75950125e-01 1.47497296e-01 -3.05037051e-02 -2.02020407e-01 -1.33101478e-01 -1.15761369e-01 2.74736464e-01 4.84794937e-02 8.46526921e-02 1.83184639e-01 5.66720963e-02 -8.62506479e-02 3.62907082e-01 2.17416346e-01 3.85292292e-01 -3.39833379e-01 -2.77983069e-01 -6.43962398e-02 2.45173559e-01 1.00492224e-01 -1.23821542e-01 -2.31244341e-01 2.03389257e-01 -9.98995379e-02 -8.61807633e-03 -2.31846675e-01 -3.12129200e-01 -3.16671968e-01 2.25192860e-01 1.10038385e-01 -9.20157880e-02 1.70809269e-01 1.49798870e-01 1.09400466e-01 -6.22329861e-03 -2.04633791e-02 -1.76666174e-02 1.34873226e-01 -9.78413671e-02 1.12227187e-01 3.22536677e-02 3.99299383e-01 3.02506059e-01 2.91548878e-01 -3.49263638e-01 -1.90609843e-01 5.14314890e-01 -2.29555950e-01 4.48677152e-01 -1.18958503e-02 6.27701283e-02 -1.59334451e-01 4.32454087e-02 -2.63203289e-02 9.03552845e-02 5.72490618e-02 -1.04634605e-01 3.65362793e-01 -4.07883823e-01 -3.79036933e-01 2.91657168e-02 9.88850072e-02 4.97295320e-01 -1.55305089e-02 -1.02143355e-01 -5.06517291e-02 -2.57481765e-02 -1.49243206e-01 -1.04130395e-01 6.41565919e-01 -1.11198440e-01 -2.24085584e-01 4.98186737e-01 -1.74468905e-01 3.17690492e-01 1.79129466e-01 9.98048857e-02 -1.72082335e-01 -2.20532611e-01 5.07564664e-01 -2.39635214e-01 2.78341095e-03 4.78641726e-02 2.95037061e-01 3.57938260e-01 -9.53899175e-02 1.30110696e-01 1.22255415e-01 -1.53523192e-01 -1.63514942e-01 3.36284161e-01 3.54884654e-01 8.91303003e-04 8.21141154e-02 -1.61525279e-01 -1.11424364e-01 1.41181305e-01 -4.89329279e-04 -7.97900558e-02 -2.95727968e-01 -1.51076332e-01 -4.73178290e-02 7.45504946e-02 -1.81351826e-01 7.92286918e-02 -2.37445489e-01 1.16344042e-01 1.64930567e-01 2.20278770e-01 8.32684636e-02 -2.19219312e-01 -5.10589898e-01 5.35788462e-02 -5.44460043e-02 -1.84509814e-01 2.39844292e-01 1.24790281e-01 1.45735830e-01 1.16575539e-01 -1.38120741e-01 4.30233508e-01 -3.91184837e-01 9.80452746e-02 -2.46553838e-01 2.52504468e-01 1.09682359e-01 -1.85876369e-01 1.05469130e-01 -2.24472031e-01 6.40560240e-02 2.00513098e-03 1.27534598e-01 -2.72071939e-02 -7.72722661e-02 -2.67097294e-01 5.12604952e-01 9.87829044e-02 8.36535469e-02 2.54747450e-01 -2.54713058e-01 -1.87874720e-01 2.06300646e-01 2.34384835e-01 2.09559456e-01 -1.72152206e-01 1.02970757e-01 5.22678375e-01 1.66642725e-01 1.77587047e-01 1.59398019e-01 2.93245643e-01 -8.66694376e-02 2.75334835e-01 -3.87852043e-01 -1.02483727e-01 -6.38148785e-02 1.17808171e-01 2.07399249e-01 2.90881336e-01 -8.70645344e-02 -1.32084295e-01 -2.21795127e-01 -1.51615947e-01 5.37139654e-01 -8.78433287e-02 2.06023753e-02 2.36546904e-01 2.72733867e-01 -4.84242141e-02 -3.05285990e-01 -4.78847653e-01 -1.93365589e-01 5.01025170e-02 -5.43423444e-02 -3.76750290e-01 -1.66051507e-01 -5.21504760e-01 -4.96158630e-01 -1.63267460e-03 2.19518408e-01 2.52432555e-01 -1.26148760e-01 8.68128613e-02 -9.68025625e-03]
"Mimic "Crabs"" active "Item #: SCP-236 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Any and all materials leaving the containment area are to be scanned for any contamination by SCP-236. Any objects showing contamination by SCP-236 are to be immediately returned to the containment area and cleared of contamination. Personnel leaving the containment area must submit to a full physical examination and X-ray. No objects are to be left in the containment area without personnel present. Any objects appearing in the containment area are not to be touched until cleared by supervising personnel. Blast doors are to be opened only to allow personnel in and out of the containment area. No sudden movement or aggressive action of any kind is allowed in the containment area. Containment area is to be kept as dark as possible, with night-vision goggles recommended for all interacting personnel. Should traditional lighting be necessary, lights must be turned on remotely and a waiting period of one hour is to be observed before entry will be allowed. Description: SCP-236 appears to be a swarm of near-microscopic crabs. Individuals match no known form of crustacean, and elements of their physiology appear to point to an artificial origin (See Document █████████████████). SCP-236 appears to operate under a form of collective intelligence or “hive mind”. This intelligence appears to grow when individual SCP-236 are in close proximity, and dissipate when they are divided. Large swarms appear to exhibit “predatory” intelligence, and become significantly more aggressive than individuals. Swarms show aptitude with problem solving, encircling tactics, and stealth. In addition, swarms appear able to take on the physical aspects and appearance of inanimate objects, such as doors, chairs, or even complex patterns such as those found in paintings, for extended periods of time. This mimicry is near perfect under casual observation, and requires detailed observation to detect. Swarms will sometimes even destroy existing objects and replace them in what appears to be an attempt at better disguise. SCP-236 can create additional individuals from any organic matter. This includes wood, cotton, or other materials derived from an organic source. SCP-236 units appear to remove small portions of matter with their pincers, consume it, then lay small spherical “eggs”, which hatch in to new members after ten minutes. Juvenile SCP-236 look identical to adults but are smaller in size, and lack the chemicals used in the defensive response. Juveniles reach full adult size after six hours. SCP-236 individuals appear to fear light, rapid movement, or loud noises. This fear is reduced in proportion to the number of units in a swarm, but even large collectives can be startled by a sudden sound or bright light. SCP-236 that are startled while mimicking an object will rapidly break apart into individual units, which will then scatter and hide. Swarm regrouping can take up to 24 hours. When cornered, or unable to escape quickly, SCP-236 units will initiate their “defensive response”. This entails a unit raising its pincers, and then detonating with an explosion equivalent to 9.07 kg (20 lb) of C-4 explosive. Initial research suggests that this is the result of an internal chemical reaction involving the mixing of three normally inert chemicals. Collection of these chemicals has been problematic due to the relatively minute size of the storage chambers, and the likelihood of startling SCP-236 during the procedure. SCP-236 will use humans or any other living things as a resource, provided the swarm is of a sufficient size. Moderate size swarms can convert a whole human being in less than five minutes. Individual SCP-236 have also been observed entering the human body, typically while the subject is asleep, and begin to consume it from the inside out. This behavior, coupled with mimicry and the defensive response, make SCP-236 very difficult to detect and contain effectively. Addendum: While SCP-236 has not been observed to mimic organic life, the possibility exists for SCP-236 to develop this behavior. Notably, during testing with SCP-2366 when SCP-236 mimicked a brown bear and began to exhibit increased predatory behavior and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Such formations are to be immediately reported, and testing area cleared immediately. « SCP-235 | SCP-236 | SCP-237 »" nan
[ 2.45185092e-01 -2.45548472e-01 -1.03643812e-01 -2.91642189e-01 2.07713358e-02 -1.16039477e-01 4.49352473e-01 1.02706634e-01 1.24125555e-01 2.94383526e-01 -2.51848429e-01 -1.26046181e-01 -1.63740695e-01 1.74257815e-01 2.50327736e-01 1.93213463e-01 1.37591884e-01 2.62324214e-01 -1.03069805e-01 -3.11106652e-01 -2.83057392e-01 -3.34358573e-01 1.17973439e-01 1.00013249e-01 2.31511489e-01 -4.09695506e-02 -6.91134715e-03 9.74010210e-03 -1.52775139e-01 -1.59947082e-01 5.68845749e-01 1.98721260e-01 2.51707375e-01 3.87812227e-01 -1.08909451e-04 -9.54308435e-02 1.44057572e-01 1.90858617e-01 -1.23537071e-01 2.43856207e-01 1.76789090e-01 -2.14768037e-01 6.35193055e-03 -2.99837738e-01 2.02947874e-02 1.58614054e-01 3.38783801e-01 3.50207202e-02 5.24558723e-01 7.49543905e-02 1.68129325e-01 -2.41857786e-02 -5.37784062e-02 1.14694007e-01 1.91438705e-01 1.62960187e-01 -2.48962253e-01 2.52635218e-02 3.42305481e-01 4.11404639e-01 2.11563006e-01 -1.91317603e-01 -1.84950069e-01 -4.45719212e-02 3.15499514e-01 -9.95355323e-02 9.67465818e-01 -3.59121263e-01 1.97727263e-01 1.65444329e-01 -3.61448020e-01 2.67370582e-01 7.33403862e-03 -8.46032053e-03 -1.33803738e-02 -6.64537624e-02 -7.71846995e-02 3.88538688e-01 2.31600821e-01 -1.74037237e-02 -3.27312022e-01 1.66039094e-01 -2.33071253e-01 -7.93672800e-02 -8.74938592e-02 1.95187762e-01 1.35982007e-01 -1.40359119e-01 3.80991325e-02 -2.27996275e-01 3.43595564e-01 -1.55798584e-01 -3.77865322e-02 5.43903410e-01 9.71547142e-02 2.54125763e-02 2.45315164e-01 4.79294658e-01 3.46144319e-01 3.33007604e-01 3.22662830e-01 2.68361628e-01 6.36439398e-02 2.86415905e-01 1.23247340e-01 -4.25464623e-02 -2.07550168e-01 2.43191168e-01 -2.96356410e-01 4.16448534e-01 -1.79799765e-01 3.45484763e-01 3.26492190e-02 2.07329601e-01 1.93692625e-01 -1.04758658e-01 5.34763820e-02 -7.48001188e-02 1.10671841e-01 2.88862199e-01 -4.28800851e-01 1.96811363e-01 -3.38361673e-02 2.31923178e-01 2.63254791e-01 6.80865571e-02 2.85777897e-01 -3.28917265e-01 1.06299125e-01 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-8.10892284e-02 8.00951943e-02 2.18932569e-01 -3.27169687e-01 1.71100751e-01 -4.92806844e-02 -2.89283365e-01 -4.56926376e-01 1.52873024e-01 -2.53975332e-01 4.41996872e-01 4.71021712e-01 1.03735697e+00 8.28308910e-02 8.19361880e-02 -1.18430048e-01 -1.77051321e-01 -7.17688948e-02 2.36855790e-01 -4.66268621e-02 -2.81089768e-02 2.41975510e-03 -2.84861866e-02 -1.83623597e-01 -5.11589050e-02 4.52438831e-01 -3.30409855e-01 -1.40430257e-01 -4.60381418e-01 -1.83947876e-01 1.93634406e-01 4.09254543e-02 4.88273352e-02 -1.27611607e-01 1.16253592e-01 2.50131160e-01 -3.91038537e-01 2.85124257e-02 -1.11956848e-02 9.47913378e-02 -7.84203410e-02 5.62307686e-02 -5.48423454e-02 2.98624307e-01 1.57178554e-03 1.17658511e-01 -8.27724859e-03 -3.32192749e-01 7.21659437e-02 -1.86836630e-01 -7.53638595e-02 -8.25329125e-02 -1.15512520e-01 -3.85996066e-02 2.63451725e-01 -2.46631384e-01 -1.99248586e-02 2.22312942e-01 2.01878414e-01 4.95055839e-02 -7.46745765e-02 -4.25398797e-02 8.08721557e-02 1.13000497e-01 -1.39960140e-01 1.71005011e-01 -1.76158518e-01 -1.28868282e-01 -1.97336487e-02 1.86143458e-01 -4.60392922e-01 -1.01072170e-01 1.78873435e-01 3.40772010e-02 -1.88770965e-01 -2.19916791e-01 2.02206075e-01 3.89579572e-02 -8.48520026e-02 3.08351573e-02 2.06860378e-01 2.02084139e-01 2.73973674e-01 -8.82547870e-02 9.06091928e-03 -3.46057296e-01 2.47517750e-01 -7.05083534e-02 -9.10112038e-02 1.52322873e-01 -2.94765085e-01 -3.02888483e-01 1.14221480e-02 4.44776833e-01 2.04433128e-01 1.36853650e-01 -1.29018262e-01 -8.85979533e-02 1.53217989e-03 -6.18648194e-02 -1.71846479e-01 1.99772865e-01 1.91063080e-02 3.96937013e-01 1.14571378e-01 9.35147516e-03 -3.45010042e-01 -8.50016847e-02 -6.26621783e-01 -8.53879526e-02 2.59829402e-01 -3.28654796e-01 -2.93314427e-01 -3.59162450e-01 6.91476688e-02 3.14970687e-02 -4.04803157e-01 -2.23981991e-01 -1.84993863e-01 6.60812482e-02 1.02407396e-01 6.53029233e-02 -7.30121732e-02 7.96627719e-03 3.35764140e-02 7.03035444e-02 -1.36076927e-01 -5.23244143e-02 2.39826202e-01 2.06498548e-01 -2.31985137e-01 2.36860022e-01 -4.96157818e-02 -2.97035903e-01 -2.19065443e-01 -2.38691822e-01 1.81117520e-01 -1.11942358e-01 2.56348476e-02 -8.96222517e-03 4.07990575e-01 3.73208001e-02 2.78804451e-02 3.20394218e-01 5.46453059e-01 8.36215392e-02 -2.38160491e-01 2.82831252e-01 -6.10438436e-02 1.72026768e-01 -1.76241115e-01 -1.00164913e-01 -1.65411189e-01 3.10343742e-01 -1.88829392e-01 -8.04996938e-02 -2.35589638e-01 -7.83431306e-02 1.57876253e-01 2.38187596e-01 -1.37780830e-01 -1.74702808e-01 1.07809506e-01 3.47037971e-01 3.92386496e-01 -3.28210562e-01 2.50686586e-01 1.66891441e-01 -5.42330556e-02 -1.15540922e-01 4.72640306e-01 -2.77711614e-03 2.13433206e-01 1.00438446e-01 4.16584492e-01 1.85386598e-01 2.95413613e-01 4.97796267e-01 7.38234162e-01 3.67509872e-01 -1.24276550e-02 4.77005631e-01 1.16637662e-01 5.36174417e-01 1.86470509e-01 3.32644671e-01 -5.78641355e-01 -4.66413423e-02 -2.06481427e-01 -2.59698808e-01 2.14252502e-01 2.81723570e-02 -5.27488589e-02 -1.61514923e-01 -1.62874132e-01 -2.93856412e-01 2.31676027e-01 -1.50380149e-01 1.65148959e-01 -4.93043475e-02 2.06910774e-01 5.34417890e-02 -3.64030540e-01 1.51812106e-01 5.63726246e-01 -2.16807917e-01 -2.02835947e-01 3.15170646e-01 -4.18363512e-01 3.24107222e-02 1.88759536e-01 4.62696373e-01 -3.75651335e-03 -2.27087259e-01 2.21587658e-01 -2.80463278e-01 -2.64667183e-01 -2.12150678e-01 1.13272004e-01 2.24586263e-01 -2.98698872e-01 2.97277346e-02 7.77629092e-02 -2.68927097e-01 -1.34865597e-01 2.57080615e-01 2.41764665e-01 -1.88646168e-02 7.56434023e-01 -6.52411059e-02 -3.35665554e-01 -9.75519568e-02 1.46746293e-01 -3.60802978e-01 2.43841097e-01 -2.42637843e-01 -2.08842650e-01 5.12992404e-02 -2.51445144e-01 9.01441351e-02 3.72486562e-02 4.10593539e-01 -7.76308626e-02 -5.85655263e-03 -9.11519527e-02 -1.22217923e-01 1.58106297e-01 -3.37545611e-02 -2.09199518e-01 -4.82669175e-01 1.97308004e-01 1.66466907e-01 -1.69068098e-01 9.19779390e-02 -1.77547559e-01 2.13412642e-01 -1.83484763e-01 -4.21753488e-02 -1.26578182e-01 1.64437562e-01 2.25237533e-02 -3.15435007e-02 6.41825236e-03 -2.70275325e-01 1.14327474e-02 -8.79250094e-02 1.01686791e-01 1.77130401e-01 -3.64623189e-01 9.85112414e-02 3.36816192e-01 3.17947477e-01 2.50354588e-01 1.38262615e-01 -1.05706193e-01 -1.65981144e-01 -1.34562045e-01 -1.74435064e-01 -1.07092716e-01 2.11270481e-01 1.31419823e-01 1.87453717e-01 -9.49016511e-02 1.54852485e-02 3.24547380e-01 -3.61983851e-02 3.57142240e-01 1.75950844e-02 -3.14465642e-01 -1.31755456e-01 -2.80857444e-01 2.77955038e-03 -7.67588839e-02 2.76100308e-01 1.60162002e-01 -3.45359921e-01 2.60169894e-01 -3.22621018e-01 6.53992236e-01 4.60173860e-02 -3.04665178e-01 -1.15038812e-01 -4.75194976e-02 -4.15574044e-01 2.15632259e-03 -5.45113981e-01 -1.29783988e-01 -1.21092930e-01 2.85937972e-02 -1.45317078e-01 2.49924585e-02 -1.20738231e-01 -1.69080064e-01 -1.51498228e-01 1.42137170e-01 1.61826134e-01 1.77639388e-02 -3.30641299e-01 -2.49570325e-01]
"Self-Made Man" active "Item #: SCP-237 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: The recovered components of SCP-237-1 have been individually shrink-wrapped, and are to be stored separately; laser grids are established around each component to detect any incipient signs of activity. The individual instances of SCP-237-2 are contained in separate proportionately-reduced humanoid containment cells, with supervised interaction between instances being permitted contingent on good behavior. Personnel supervising interaction between instances of SCP-237-2 are required to be fluent in spoken Japanese; all interactions are to be recorded and filmed. Instances of SCP-237-2 will periodically request supplies of resin and clay with which to repair damage to themselves; to de-incentivize self-harm and prevent stockpiling, these requests are to be fulfilled no more often than once a month, and any supplies not used in repairing damage are to be removed. Standard data-mining bots have been introduced into the law-enforcement IT infrastructure throughout the Kansai region of Japan, to maintain surveillance for uncontained instances of SCP-237-2. Standard Internet-monitoring bots have been set to watch video-sharing sites for further copies of SCP-237-1's videos; all such copies are to be taken down via Prenda protocols. Description: SCP-237 is the collective designation of the physical remains of SCP-237-1, and of the set of instances of SCP-237-2 which it created. Prior to being taken into Foundation custody, SCP-237-1 appeared to be a human male of Japanese ethnicity, with falsified identity documents indicating an age of 24 years. It manifested the anomalous ability to endow instances of SCP-237-2 with sapience, sensoria, and independent mobility. The 16 instances of SCP-237-2 are clay-and-polyurethane statuettes which were anomalously given awareness, sight, hearing, and independent mobility by SCP-237-1. 14 of the instances have displayed the ability to speak Japanese; of these 14, 3 have also displayed the ability to speak English.1 While being transported to Site-12 for long-term containment, SCP-237-1 abruptly collapsed into several dozen disconnected slabs of clay and polyurethane resin, similar in composition to the instances of SCP-237-2; however, where the resin-and-clay mixture in instances of SCP-237-2 is homogeneous and featureless, in SCP-237-1 the mixture is shaped into replica human organs that are accurate to the sub-millimeter level. List of instances of SCP-237-2 in custody The psychological profiles of the SCP-237-2 instances are similar to a statistically improbable degree; however, rather than being a further indication of anomaly, this is believed to be a result of their common origin. Acquisition Log: SCP-237-1 was discovered after it uploaded several videos to the video-sharing site [REDACTED].jp, in which it demonstrated its anomaly. A mobile task force was dispatched to its residence, where it was taken into custody along with the instances of SCP-237-2. Excerpt from interview log 237-411QL; interview subject: SCP-237-2-9, "Penguin": SCP-237-2-9: I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not human — well, humanoid — but I think I have a clearer view of our situation than the others. Dr. Gladstone: Oh? SCP-237-2-9: They're still waiting for him to come back for us. They're expecting him to rescue us, free us, repair us… all that. Dr. Gladstone: And you aren't? SCP-237-2-9: Look. I loved him as much as the rest of them. But you've had us here for… what, three years? Dr. Gladstone: Four, next month. SCP-237-2-9: Nearly four years. And he hasn't tried anything. No raids, no infiltration… nothing. And I can't believe he'd just abandon us. At first I thought it was just because he was your prisoner — Dr. Gladstone: I can't confirm or deny that. SCP-237-2-9: Doctor. We know you caught him. We saw you catch him, that first day, before you caught us. It's just that most of the others think he escaped somehow. And Office [SCP-237-2-8] and Skinny [SCP-237-2-6] think that what you caught was a decoy. Dr. Gladstone: But you don't believe that? SCP-237-2-9: Oh, no, no, no. I wish I believed he was smart enough to make a decoy. But he… well. I suppose he wasn't stupid, otherwise I wouldn't be smart, but I suppose he was… nave? Dr. Gladstone: "Naive". It's from the French. SCP-237-2-9: Ah, thank you. Naive. That's what he was, yes. And now… <sighs> …now he's dead. Isn't he. Dr. Gladstone: Again, I can't — SCP-237-2-9: — can't confirm or deny, right. Honestly, though, it's the only explanation that makes sense. You let us see each other, but not him? You let us — them — have clay for repairs, but we have to do it ourselves instead of having him do it? He's dead. I… I hope he didn't suffer. Dr. Gladstone: I can't comment on that. I'm really, really sorry. You understand. SCP-237-2-9: Yeah. Yeah, I do. Honestly, we're probably better off with you than with him. Dr. Gladstone: How so? SCP-237-2-9: You saw his videos. You saw how quickly he could make us. Dr. Gladstone: Yes… SCP-237-2-9: So why aren't there more of us? Dr. Gladstone: I don't— SCP-237-2-9: There were more of us, but he unmade them. He kept getting bored with us, or unsatisfied… dissatisfied? Dr. Gladstone: Ah, I believe either word will do here. SCP-237-2-9: He kept being dissatisfied with us. And when he got dissatisfied with one of us, he'd mash them down into the goop, and then start over. That's what happened to Dog, and Clown, and Nun, and Princess… they're just gone. You realize Baby [SCP-237-2-5] is the third Baby? The first one was a girl, but then he said he felt bad about putting so much detail into the parts of a naked baby girl. So he mashed her up, and made a boy. That didn't last either — same reason. Finally he decided babies don't need gender, so that's Baby now. Dr. Gladstone: I had no idea. That does explain a lot; thank you. SCP-237-2-9: And then there's Faceless [SCP-237-2-4] and Gothic [SCP-237-2-10] and Gymnast [SCP-237-2-11] — if he would have just taken the extra time to finish making with their details before giving them life… well, I can't blame him. Dr. Gladstone: Why not? SCP-237-2-9: … no, you don't understand. Earlier, I said I can't believe he'd just abandon us? I mean that literally. I can't. Just like I can't blame him. None of us can. « SCP-236 | SCP-237 | SCP-238 »" nan
[ 2.28499085e-01 1.10120289e-02 -8.15392509e-02 1.24457359e-01 3.91777813e-01 -1.59138873e-01 5.05792856e-01 1.84391513e-01 9.42789987e-02 4.20868814e-01 -8.46046209e-02 2.91574091e-01 -5.80218099e-02 -6.95656985e-02 3.97707582e-01 1.11932218e-01 1.99909493e-01 1.10731870e-01 -1.99781165e-01 -2.23462090e-01 -1.51612505e-01 -1.18289061e-01 -2.26534214e-02 9.79083180e-02 -1.93787247e-01 -4.59703952e-02 1.47275552e-01 1.39117077e-01 -1.55506566e-01 -4.21043962e-01 6.74829856e-02 2.74963081e-01 2.58171894e-02 4.21489954e-01 -1.12368201e-04 -1.55128110e-02 2.40556300e-01 7.64896572e-02 -3.02564621e-01 3.62007558e-01 -9.34433788e-02 -1.92718506e-02 -2.65430331e-01 -2.50134289e-01 1.78926438e-01 -1.31936267e-01 5.72966337e-01 3.33871767e-02 6.47325933e-01 1.84453845e-01 1.51981667e-01 -1.00681424e-01 3.86011481e-01 -1.89578533e-01 -9.87560228e-02 2.22028539e-01 -2.17353150e-01 -3.90206933e-01 1.11007430e-01 3.33989523e-02 -1.70748517e-01 -2.77915508e-01 -1.25261217e-01 -2.09703967e-01 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4.03458893e-01 2.97876056e-02 4.44213271e-01 5.98158613e-02 -1.39475167e-01 1.17133811e-01 -5.98780885e-02 4.48523581e-01 -1.91686764e-01 2.13651717e-01 2.75174856e-01 2.99160206e-03 1.64266214e-01 -2.09340125e-01 -1.79866403e-01 -5.59449680e-02 -2.40505889e-01 4.34833579e-02 -3.78243327e-02 8.61435980e-02 2.04300776e-01 2.32746884e-01 2.03422710e-01 -2.83251762e-01 1.91717386e-01 4.32350859e-02 -8.78244638e-02 -3.19144309e-01 -1.48496926e-01 -9.81171653e-02 -1.65584996e-01 -4.84168790e-02 6.87851965e-01 2.05433071e-02 -6.73474744e-02 -9.18317810e-02 -1.16188876e-01 -5.82618639e-03 5.07015549e-02 2.88040726e-03 5.52491844e-01 -2.63595611e-01 3.11819583e-01 -1.28667802e-01 2.58662879e-01 1.37795791e-01 1.24182537e-01 -2.76902113e-02 -5.74806854e-02 4.33739871e-01 -4.23511155e-02 6.59255236e-02 -2.33702764e-01 -2.85988450e-01 3.10511649e-01 -7.52862617e-02 -4.58726555e-01 2.24368721e-01 -3.60117227e-01 6.73854873e-02 2.56859232e-02 1.39890276e-02 -5.82082033e-01 -1.35174200e-01 2.43085325e-01 -1.19755708e-01 -1.48522615e-01 -5.65984212e-02 3.51555914e-01 -1.92154665e-02 -1.63806617e-01 2.35386565e-01 3.14624548e-01 2.84973145e-01 2.71987140e-01 -5.88009134e-02 7.14411139e-02 4.20910984e-01 1.11428641e-01 -2.34820992e-01 -4.59255636e-01 -5.01833148e-02 -2.87426990e-02 1.57741662e-02 -3.64815116e-01 -1.02107078e-01 -4.44715954e-02 1.49493411e-01 -2.46561050e-01 -4.17349011e-01 -3.32202405e-01 2.51663417e-01 1.04667254e-01 -8.20401162e-02 7.77897894e-01 1.50708780e-01 -2.36723706e-01 -3.12333345e-01 -2.68404894e-02 4.40415144e-01 3.21524471e-01 -9.18180794e-02 -2.70843416e-01 -1.92762226e-01 3.59637767e-01 4.36024487e-01 1.30445277e-02 -2.61544466e-01 -1.47231948e-02 1.88050553e-01 2.31771275e-01 2.19142422e-01 -2.21044660e-01 5.21828353e-01 -5.72209172e-02 -3.14366311e-01 1.43311337e-01 -2.66300082e-01 -3.31772305e-02 7.37092122e-02 3.84634525e-01 -4.36624378e-01 9.84448120e-02 6.16706721e-02 6.25082254e-01 3.17696661e-01 -1.32475317e-01 -3.96302044e-01 1.25827054e-02 -1.68373272e-01 -1.95501093e-02 -2.97317922e-01 4.05842513e-01 6.37726858e-02 -1.67389140e-01 -9.33993012e-02 -8.18191916e-02 2.24614933e-01 1.24865640e-02 -1.65231116e-02 -3.61191273e-01 -2.34731272e-01 2.35993147e-01 -3.00488949e-01 -1.67228673e-02 -9.51523483e-02 4.33677822e-01 4.15934771e-01 3.12472105e-01 -1.48148879e-01 4.36445884e-02 -2.39671066e-01 4.83521670e-02 3.24265033e-01 -2.76085317e-01 4.68816515e-03 -8.49703252e-02 1.97698787e-01 3.05134933e-02 -1.32485092e-01 2.02459782e-01 9.64449644e-02 -6.95853820e-03 1.09944537e-01 -1.75547689e-01 -1.24022238e-01 3.14352773e-02 -2.05333143e-01 -2.13954020e-02 -2.87975639e-01 -3.41935344e-02 1.40967280e-01 3.14049365e-04 -2.30196685e-01 1.92338973e-01 -1.00578897e-01 2.97510505e-01 4.47663069e-01 1.33359998e-01 2.67897129e-01 -1.13937102e-01 2.71061927e-01 -1.47022486e-01 -1.46158516e-01 -8.59068558e-02 7.65240610e-01 -4.21940051e-02 -3.37989688e-01 -2.36990854e-01 3.37927699e-01 -4.59897608e-01 -1.39096737e-01 1.54779509e-01 4.84698229e-02 2.08019577e-02 2.58454867e-02 1.87700376e-01 -3.34752470e-01 -2.67210722e-01 -1.83499232e-01 4.82350409e-01 -3.53651017e-01 3.51695299e-01 4.28670466e-01 1.16122115e+00 2.02689946e-01 1.70192376e-01 -1.14336848e-01 2.67656557e-02 8.08013082e-02 -5.56794286e-01 -9.99633446e-02 -1.08924694e-01 5.24838306e-02 -1.63763583e-01 -1.00648463e-01 1.45931482e-01 2.74875045e-01 -6.16362929e-01 -1.67764738e-01 -5.04728913e-01 8.77962708e-02 4.15353805e-01 3.29982698e-01 7.06671774e-02 -1.06617317e-01 6.25545382e-01 2.13298589e-01 -8.80702510e-02 1.69151589e-01 -8.22010711e-02 2.28213251e-01 6.13390617e-02 2.20319629e-01 -2.85021037e-01 1.02237590e-01 -2.77320504e-01 2.59938836e-01 -3.82054821e-02 -1.09465674e-01 -3.37640978e-02 1.19552001e-01 1.59307778e-01 -2.18576103e-01 1.08723052e-01 3.11594367e-01 4.85317290e-01 -4.01899368e-02 1.50751382e-01 -1.12502292e-01 3.38519931e-01 -2.80374456e-02 7.06982166e-02 2.40031183e-01 -8.30716342e-02 1.49270892e-01 -2.99238116e-01 -5.82167879e-02 2.71984637e-01 -2.49463454e-01 1.68887436e-01 1.75799325e-01 -2.12340489e-01 -2.03702584e-01 1.47573337e-01 -6.52975589e-02 -1.34764135e-01 -8.94421339e-02 -6.71620248e-03 -8.35529566e-02 2.66294950e-03 1.28370941e-01 1.56033337e-01 1.34019926e-01 9.88598242e-02 -1.49375200e-01 -5.17797917e-02 -4.84922796e-01 -1.11897029e-01 -3.18992227e-01 -4.16931093e-01 4.80414229e-03 -2.70745128e-01 -4.10526454e-01 -2.61464328e-01 -1.02601208e-01 1.07825749e-01 1.49313882e-01 -1.67941004e-01 -1.80275187e-01 8.92612338e-02 -3.28690380e-01 1.96767136e-01 2.03450024e-01 -3.26275587e-01 2.13011086e-01 1.32057860e-01 5.87263405e-01 -3.75638008e-01 -1.43955365e-01 -1.83329850e-01 -1.14408262e-01 3.51399183e-01 -2.74349064e-01 -2.31201738e-01 -5.30631542e-01 1.74045220e-01 1.61874354e-01 -1.95323244e-01 -1.58465788e-01 -2.47633904e-01 1.65658906e-01 -3.35290954e-02 -9.35692117e-02 2.52869338e-01 2.16104299e-01 1.46742016e-01 5.32150939e-02 1.25336632e-01 2.47430354e-01 2.37129733e-01 3.74399036e-01 5.09788748e-03 3.41150820e-01 1.67082503e-01 -6.02149032e-02 1.65235475e-01 3.41643929e-01 7.04605877e-02 8.29934254e-02 -3.33462246e-02 -2.30246857e-01 3.47566515e-01 3.43437940e-01 -1.72893673e-01 3.34294140e-02 1.62734300e-01 -3.66542079e-02 -1.27874434e-01 -3.26006263e-02 -8.56177956e-02 -1.43986419e-02 -3.80704522e-01 7.17717502e-03 -1.74406976e-01 2.78160483e-01 4.58675995e-03 9.33744833e-02 1.87764429e-02 1.32347241e-01 -7.92538077e-02 2.04120651e-01 -4.20458801e-02 -2.93133497e-01 -1.25741526e-01 2.52480973e-02 -1.36725336e-01 1.57119751e-01 2.64031410e-01 -2.06613198e-01 8.47721100e-02 -1.00276962e-01 1.01739489e-01 -1.94083691e-01 1.00675240e-01 2.13209122e-01 1.47008270e-01 8.58520940e-02 1.25165671e-01 6.00166917e-01 5.88689327e-01 1.06584735e-01 1.42436102e-01 2.41252214e-01 -3.95653456e-01 1.16599262e-01 1.95048321e-02 4.48854655e-01 -6.67634830e-02 -3.01787376e-01 -4.85306472e-01 -6.27909377e-02 -2.56493539e-02 -1.58588633e-01 -1.76754802e-01 -2.17074379e-01 -3.25567901e-01 -9.99550298e-02 3.49593818e-01 -2.25405395e-01 -2.69551754e-01 7.27341771e-02 -1.49528235e-01 -5.29335588e-02 6.05042428e-02 -1.18281692e-01 6.03313684e-01 -8.10849965e-02 4.54540588e-02 3.04849714e-01 -2.58855969e-01 5.27586080e-02 1.03870586e-01 3.62756699e-01 -1.73735440e-01 -2.53333360e-01 3.00367802e-01 -1.44755706e-01 -3.08950562e-02 -2.00407892e-01 -3.03344801e-02 -1.61940247e-01 -2.20616788e-01 7.46696815e-02 1.29313216e-01 -2.28649467e-01 -5.27680278e-01 1.78130761e-01 2.78907359e-01 -1.32144079e-01 2.64259934e-01 -2.54789144e-01 -4.22617465e-01 1.60818368e-01 1.90278411e-01 -2.26911575e-01 1.39235765e-01 3.10668677e-01 -1.17745630e-01 3.59875947e-01 -2.24364474e-01 8.13418552e-02 -4.06169504e-01 1.91226721e-01 -1.09954201e-01 -9.24363956e-02 1.16923086e-01 -3.31704855e-01 -1.17959239e-01 3.63867790e-01 -1.67472586e-01 -4.08442497e-01 4.20715511e-02 3.52246583e-01 1.47523522e-01 -2.25758571e-02 -1.76591761e-02 -2.59098094e-02 2.25381609e-02 2.08737999e-01 -2.30867013e-01 3.66304427e-01 1.16143465e-01 -1.46863416e-01 -2.19702572e-01 -3.71260762e-01 2.52346024e-02 5.33502661e-02 1.58914611e-01 2.51834959e-01 -2.89390475e-01 -4.18386869e-02 -1.85505226e-01 4.91768003e-01 -2.75290105e-02 1.01993978e-01 -1.90827250e-01 3.98692898e-02 1.72177553e-01 6.95138201e-02 -1.83983341e-01 3.85633796e-01 5.16605973e-02 5.14251173e-01 4.59652282e-02 6.18197680e-01 2.20695332e-01 6.94325194e-02 1.94685772e-01 4.69502807e-02 -2.84978569e-01 1.14300698e-01 -2.29356050e-01 7.58489892e-02 1.21158868e-01 5.14463842e-01 1.63010091e-01 -2.74067819e-01 -1.44190654e-01 -4.33193415e-01 4.08452600e-01 -4.51533616e-01 -1.76543966e-01 1.36159122e-01 1.61139295e-01 -2.71016926e-01 -1.42561495e-01 -2.93010116e-01 -1.83466434e-01 4.02370617e-02 -2.42697254e-01 -4.03601713e-02 4.06942377e-03 -4.95107293e-01 -1.79219201e-01 -1.66812971e-01 1.92467064e-01 2.40163237e-01 -7.99114630e-02 -1.75812364e-01 -1.00836992e-01]
"Building Complex" active "SCP-238: The Dying Facility Authors: Original author - Dr Gears, rewritten by MalyceGraves. Image Credit: See comments. ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. SCP-238 has been contained in situ, and a 5 kilometer exclusion zone has been set up around Shmidta Island under cover story Omega-Green 12 (“Ecological Preservation Area”). All Foundation naval assets stationed at Provisional Site-163 have been disguised as Russian Federation Navy and tasked with preventing access to Shmidta Island. Exploration of the SCP-238 complex has been indefinitely suspended as per O5 Executive order O5.ord.238-086. Any entities attempting to breach the SCP-238 exclusion zone are to be dissuaded from doing so whenever possible. Any entities apprehended on Shmidta Island are to be detained for questioning. Entities observed gaining access to SCP-238 are to be presumed lost. Under no circumstances are Foundation assets to attempt any form of retrieval. The containment wing of Provisional Site-163 has been built around the opening to the cave housing the SCP-238 entrance and access has been limited to L04/238 researchers only. SCP-238 refers to an extensive network of underground tunnels and chambers theorized to exist within a pocket dimension outside of our prime reality. To date, the only known entrance to SCP-238 is through an intricately-carved stone structure discovered in a cave on Shmidta Island, Russia. Despite multiple attempts to map the entirety of SCP-238, it is not currently known how extensive the SCP-238 facility is. While the area immediately surrounding the entrance to SCP-238 appears to be carved from rock similar in composition to that found in the Shmidta Island region, the composition shifts radically the further into the facility one explores. Samples taken periodically throughout the explored areas of the complex have displayed internal properties similar to rock formations found throughout the Ural, Baltic, and Mediterranean substrata. Additionally, significant portions of the SCP-238 complex appear to be comprised of organic tissue. While a majority of this tissue consists of calcified bone, there are some sections of the facility superstructure that retain characteristics most commonly found in still-living human tissue. The Foundation first became aware of SCP-238 during the acquisition of records from former GRU Division-P assets in the aftermath of the fall of the USSR. While the coordinates of SCP-238 were listed in Division-P files, no records of the initial discovery have yet been located. Access to the SCP-238 cave had been sealed by Division-P operatives, though no records remain as to the original rationale behind this decision. Due to its extremely remote location, research into the anomaly was deemed a low priority by Foundation administration until reports surfaced of a missing Russian Federation arctic survey team that had been assigned to study the glaciers in the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago. A Foundation team sent to investigate the report found that the receding Schmidt ice cap had exposed the entrance to the SCP-238 cave and the Division-P containment barrier had been recently breached by unknown entities. While several expeditions into SCP-238 located evidence of their passage, no members of the Russian survey team were ever found. In April of 1997, a Foundation expedition under the leadership of Foundation parageologist Dr. Sergei Zhuravlev was sent to Shmidta island in order to ascertain the whereabouts of the missing survey team as well as to set up provisional Site-163 in order to begin research into the SCP-238 anomaly. Overall management of the 238 research was originally assigned to Dr. Inga Ilyinishin, the Siberia Region Director. SCPF Internal Memorandum We've been at it for about a month now, and I figure you guys were itching for a proper report. When we first arrived, the cave opening was still relatively clear of ice, but it's damn cold up here. The only reason it hadn't frozen over yet was because of the precious little rainfall. Even so, setting up P. Site 163 has been a chore. We finally finished setting up our foothold on Shmidta and finished up the preliminary examinations of the SCP-238 portal. It was easy to confirm that the area on the other side is definitely not a part of our prime reality, None of the tunnels and structures visible through the 238 aperture show up on GPR1 and the Multi-D rep2 you sent with us has been having a field day studying the energy bleed from the event horizon. He was going on and on about "stable Einstein-Rosen bridges"3 and he seems quite happy to sit in the cave and study his instrument read-outs. When he finally gave the go-ahead, I sent in the first expedition with the intent of scouting out the area immediately surrounding the opening. The good news is that we can run a hard line to the repeater array set up just on the other side of the event horizon. The bad news is that the 238 "pocket" is much, much larger than we originally anticipated. The repeater we placed in there only has a range of about a thousand meters in that place, and we hit that pretty quick. So far, we’ve found very little of interest. One of the expedition guys found a beat up old camera that we were able to confirm was owned by Dr. Piotr Bravikov, one of the arctic survey scientists. The casing was heavily damaged and the data card was irretrievably corrupted. We were able to get a single image from it, however. It’s mostly unhelpful, as it shows the “hallway” just inside 238, but I’m attaching it for reference anyway. You might want to consider sending out a linguist. A little past the first junction we found some writing on the walls painted in some sort of ochre. I’m including a picture of that as well. Regards, Zhuravlev Attachments: The “writing” found on the cave wall was determined to be an archaic form of antimemetic cognitohazardous glyphs known as ūrma, utilized by adherents to Saarnian Proto-Sarkicism. As such, management of SCP-238 research was re-assigned to Sitra Achra personnel under the direction of Dr. Judith Low. Further expeditions into SCP-238 were indefinitely postponed due to budgetary shortfalls. File Update - On 22 February, 2020 cameras in the SCP-238 containment area recorded a figure stepping out of the portal. The figure appeared to be suffering from an advanced stage of SCP-610 infection, but was able to ambulate into the room utilizing six of its eight limbs. It moved into the containment area and spent several minutes examining the containment gate before retreating back into the SCP-238 aperture. Upon consideration of this new development in light of other world events, Dr. Low directed that another expedition into SCP-238 be undertaken, this time composed of MTF Xi-8 (“The Last to Fall”) Alpha Company specialists, led by Commander Malachai ben Liraz. Date: 24 February 2020 MTF: Xi-8 Alpha Company, Second Platoon Team Lead: Cmdr. Malachai ben Liraz Team Composition: Maj. Arundhati Dara, Spc. Pierre Bonafonte, Spc. Samantha “Sam” Allan, Spc. Mikhail Lermontov Foreword: Team members were outfitted with Class A Environmental combat suits as well as internal self-termination protocols. Additionally, Specialist Allan was designated as incinerator support and was armed with an INFERNI Plasma Lance. Video feed is from Commander ben Liraz’ body camera. [BEGIN LOG] ben Liraz: Listen up. You may have noticed a new face in our compliment. Major Dara is on loan to us from the Mole Rats. The powers that be have concluded that her expertise will be invaluable, and I happen to agree. You have any words of wisdom for us, Major? Dara: Trust your equipment. We'll be laying out anchor beacons as we go and all your HUDs will sync to them, and those are often far more reliable than the shit you see with your eyes. If everything goes sideways, blank your visors and follow the beacons out. Those little blinking lights have saved more than one Mole team, so we know they work. ben Liraz: Thank you Dara. Glad the Rats could spare you for this little jaunt. Dara: You’ve been so busy fighting flesh monsters that Command figured you could use the extra-D4 backup. ben Liraz: Fair enough. You get us through, my guys will get us home. Everyone zip up, we’re going over. Control, are we a go? Zhuravlev: Systems are green up here, Commander. We’re getting telemetry from the beacon we put through earlier and it looks everything is clear in the entryway. [ben Liraz salutes the cameras, then proceeds through the SCP-238 event horizon.] Lermontov: Looks like they've made some upgrades since the last time we had people in here. ben Liraz: Control, it looks like there has been some attempt at wiring this place. There are lights and the walls show evidence of extensive stonework. I can't tell if the walls have been plastered over, or just smoothed out. [The team heads further into the complex. The excavations are more extensive here, and the texture of the walls changes radically. Exposed support beams made from calcified bone support cross sections crafted from rusting metal and decaying wood, along with a wide variety of different types of brickwork and cement. The remains of machinery and fossilized organic tissue can be seen embedded in the walls exposed by excavation work.] Dara: This place is a tomb. Not all of it is Sarkic though. [The feed shifts as ben Liraz walks over to where Maj. Dara is crouched down next to a shallow pit. Inside the pit can be seen what looks like the torso portion of a suit of tarnished metal armor. She reaches down and lifts the corner of the breast plate revealing a mass of fused gears and levers.] Dara: This is Mekhanite. Whoever was in here dug something out of it and left everything else. ben Liraz: The War of the Flesh. Dr. Low says that it isn’t clear how it ended, but everything points to something apocalyptic. Nearly depopulated the Mediterranean basin, whatever it was. I’d never heard that there was fighting this far, though. Unknown: They chased us for years after the Ozi̮rmok fell. No place was safe from their pogroms, even here. [The team moves into defensive positions around ben Liraz and Dara. The video feed swings in several slow arcs, but no source of the voice is visible.] ben Liraz: Identify yourself. Who’s there? [Several minutes of silence pass, with no observable change in their surroundings.] Allan: Well. At least we know this place isn’t completely abandoned. ben Liraz: No one ever said it was, Sam. Advance, tunnel formation; we’re not done here. Control, we’re proceeding further, gonna see if we can find the source of the voice. [They keep moving through the complex. After another 1200 meters, Dara stops and steps closer to the side of the tunnel. She pulls an instrument off her utility harness and moves it a few inches from the wall.] ben Liraz: What is it, Dhati? Dara: This wall is different. Lots of bone used in the construction, but this? This is still living tissue. Unknown: Adí-üm wasn’t built, it was grown. Only the most devout of us could ever hope to serve as shelter for the Faithful. Our faith provided everything we needed, and those of us so elevated as to become Kiraak gloried in their ascension. But even the Ascended still aged, even if slowly. More Flesh was always needed. As the Kiraak aged, their extremities died first. Made the outer walls stronger, as the Ascended reallocated nutrition to those structures closer to the Heart. [Dara touched her ear, then gestured further down the tunnel. A moment later, the team started moving cautiously in that direction.] Unknown: Adí-üm was glorious in those days. Spires and domes as far as the eye could see. Standing in ranks about the Grand Kiraakänä . And when they sang? All Adí-üm rejoiced together in chorus. [The team moves forward, exiting into a vast cavern built on a much larger scale than the rest of the complex surveyed so far. A large bonfire can be seen burning in a central hearth, and hundreds of candles are spread out across the floor.] Unknown: The nälikä soon5 was never meant to be a weapon. But, after the Ozi̮rmok fell, the lüjekütake6 became corrupted. It was the song of Ascendancy, the gift of Ion to the Faithful, a way to feed the Kiraak. But in the end, it became as the Red Death, and Kalākāran released it upon those that would wish us harm. [On the far side of the cavern can be seen a deep alcove, and the team follows the spiraling pattern of the candles to the opening, spreading out to either side. Specialist Allan steps first into the alcove, leading the way with her Lance.] Unknown: And now you come into me, bringing your weapons of death, stinking of machine and of the mortification of the flesh that comes with too long association with those dead things. I protected the Faithful from the Fleshless, and I have yet to surrender my vigil. ben Liraz: You're the facility, aren't you? We’re not here to cause you harm. We’re researchers, and we just want to know what’s going on. SCP-238: Your heart beats with your lie, Commander. Even if you didn’t wish to cause harm to those I protect, your masters certainly do. But their chance to do so has passed. The Ozi̮rmok once again walks the earth, and all shall tremble before the Host. Those who would be free shall be welcome with open arms, but even those who resist shall be embraced by the Halkost. Allen: Commander, there's movement on the other side of the cavern. ben Liraz: Right then, time for exfil. Allen, you've got point, lead us out. SCP-238: Join us, ben Liraz. Let this not be your kalmänä. ben Liraz: No, I don't think so. We're getting out, even if we have to burn our way through. SCP-238: So be it. [END LOG] Afterword: The remainder of this log has been omitted for brevity. Xi-8 was able to exfiltrate, but were engaged the entirety of that transit by entities in advanced stages of SCP-610 infection. Specialist Bonafonte and Commander ben Liraz were the only two to make it to the extraction site, but Spc. Bonafonte succumbed to 610 infection and was terminated. Cmdr ben Liraz was released after no signs of infection were found following 14 days of quarantine. Governance of SCP-238 has been reassigned to the Kelipat Nogah Initiative and has been slated for decommissioning. At no point should any Foundation personnel attempt to enter or disturb the SCP-238 archway. Any personnel attempting to violate this order will be subject to immediate termination. SCP-238 has been sealed. May those that reside within find whatever peace they are searching for. Act III: In Conquestum Mundi | In Memoria, Adytum « SCP-237 | SCP-238 | SCP-239 » Cite this page as: "SCP-238" by MalyceGraves, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Image 1 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_001.jpg Author: Disco-Dan Release year: 2013 Image 2 Source: SCP Foundation Wiki License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Title: cave_002.jpg Author: MalyceGraves Release year: 2021 Image 3 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_004.jpg Author: Elena Pleskevich Release year: 2009 Image 4 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_003.jpg Author: sunriseOdyssey Release year: 2015 Image 5 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_005.jpg Author: Helen Cook Release year: 2011 Image 6 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_006.jpg Author: Dominic Alves Release year: 2010 Image 7 Source: Flickr License: CC BY 2.0 Title: cave_007.jpg Author: Dominic Alves Release year: 2010 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
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-5.32779098e-02 -3.36571604e-01 5.26252836e-02 -7.43646920e-02 2.50215203e-01 -1.51642293e-01 -2.15991497e-01 1.73710976e-02 -9.25317928e-02 4.33678627e-01 5.13502061e-01 1.23915430e-02 5.42436898e-01 -1.54233381e-01 3.01645726e-01 1.79767400e-01 -3.80363204e-02 -1.25807062e-01 3.72407958e-02 1.67535737e-01 -3.48269790e-01 -3.12290728e-01 2.38035753e-01 1.77465156e-02 3.51448953e-02 -2.31514916e-01 -3.79108302e-02 9.33677033e-02 1.15796678e-01 2.58342505e-01 5.00906184e-02 -2.22938627e-01 -2.34212890e-01 2.96650618e-01 3.89413536e-01 1.52710706e-01 -5.43943085e-02 -1.30282074e-01 -2.51264185e-01 2.71047670e-02 2.52097964e-01 -7.11718649e-02 -2.45266795e-01 7.31288791e-02 -1.24652132e-01 1.98116779e-01 9.75915492e-02 1.30680755e-01 -1.32118508e-01 4.56200629e-01 7.69826099e-02 -2.66635776e-01 -2.86644548e-02 -3.49793673e-01 -2.70057887e-01 -3.18165757e-02 -1.30852103e-01 -2.25824311e-01 2.40209594e-01 2.10702851e-01 7.17449635e-02 -4.83749658e-02 -1.12933539e-01 2.29934677e-01 4.21698950e-03 -9.64256972e-02 -3.89657468e-01 -6.06040144e-03 3.79420072e-01 3.80351730e-02 -8.68098363e-02 -9.74288136e-02 8.60869884e-02 -1.80151448e-01 1.61595359e-01 2.00447753e-01 -1.23587973e-01 -5.18235797e-03 -1.74158052e-01 2.43755113e-02 2.47822721e-02 -1.03840545e-01 -2.35629514e-01 -4.20671582e-01 -1.81908049e-02 -1.02281392e-01 -7.25785568e-02 2.53908280e-02 2.91500296e-02 -6.53873160e-02 1.79590270e-01 3.32884133e-01 2.03698307e-01 2.87764400e-01 5.39113469e-02 -8.83562341e-02 -1.11684434e-01 -5.22591509e-02 -5.11216074e-02 1.01339333e-01 9.74824131e-02 5.23237050e-01 5.83361872e-02 -1.74463540e-01 -2.59186719e-02 -1.14767767e-01 5.86919665e-01 5.05694225e-02 -3.29296649e-01 1.00347601e-01 1.80704713e-01 -2.25409403e-01 1.82350531e-01 -2.73309559e-01 -2.01279491e-01 2.90207826e-02 9.90368798e-02 -5.06167591e-01 -2.75825143e-01 -1.09782808e-01 -2.66430616e-01 1.08775370e-01 3.13451916e-01 7.23001137e-02 -3.10245194e-02 -4.01101023e-01 3.39980349e-02]
"The Witch Child" active "Item #: SCP-239 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-239 is to be kept within a one room cell furnished with 1 (one) bed, 1 (one) EKG machine, and 1 (one) IV to be filled with pentobarbital mixed with [DATA EXPUNGED] to be refilled daily. Under no circumstances is SCP-239 to be removed from her containment area at any given time. The walls of this cell are to be coated in a telekill-lead alloy. Only Class 2 personnel are allowed any contact with SCP-239 at any time. All personnel guarding SCP-239's containment area are to be equipped with Telekill headgear (SCP-148). Subject's proper name is Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir. Under absolutely no condition should the subject ever be awakened. Any personnel found attempting to awaken the subject will be immediately terminated. Description: SCP-239 appears to be an 8-year-old girl, 1 meter in height and 20 kilograms in weight. Subject has shoulder-length blond hair. Upon closer inspection, the subject's eyes "shimmer" a gray-green shade. Subject seems to emit a previously undiscovered form of radiation, which has been named ███████████. These waves seem to be harmless in low concentrations but in higher concentrations they could break down matter on a subatomic level. SCP-239 seemingly has the ability to do whatever she expresses a will to do. Put simply, the subject can do anything that she truly wants to do on a basal psychological level as long as she is conscious. Fortunately, she only seems to be able to affect herself and her immediate surroundings; therefore, "If she can see it, she can change it." It would not be the most prudent course of action, however, to try to test how powerful she can be. She seems to be able to create and affect living matter; for example, when a D-class personnel accidentally caused her harm, she simply wished him away. Fortunately, when the subject was made to feel guilty for what she had done, she wished him back. SCP-239's self-preservation instinct makes her virtually invincible while she is conscious. Subject's skin can not be punctured by anything excepting SCP-148. As a method of controlling the subject's ability, she has been told that she is a witch. This, besides improving morale greatly, makes her believe that she is unable to use her abilities outside of a pre-approved list of "spells" given to her by the SCP Foundation. This will hopefully prevent any and all attempted escapes. However, the subject is to be kept calm at all times to prevent any subconscious wish of harm to herself or others. Origin: SCP-239 came to to the attention of the Foundation very soon after her birth in █████████, ███████. Approximately three hours after subject's birth, ███████ █████ Hospital was destroyed by an unexplained explosion. The press was informed that it was due to a gas leak. SCP teams were dispatched shortly to search the site for any abnormalities. The only living person they were able to locate was SCP-239. For the next eight years, the subject was raised under SCP care. As of ████████ █, 20██, Subject is to be kept in a medically induced coma until further notice. This decision was made by [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-239 is permanently contained in Site-17. Note from Dr. ████████, dated 12/26/04: Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to tell her about "Santa Claus" and then tell her that it was just a story?! Now we have another potential SCP to deal with, but we can't catch him because he is "magic". Dr. A. Clef's Report: My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers. I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a piercing implement will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise impenetrable skin. This tool will be used to kill SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications. One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or "good person," thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature. - Clef « SCP-238 | SCP-239 | SCP-240 »" nan
[ 1.81058466e-01 -4.40473139e-01 -1.82260767e-01 1.19120181e-01 2.26348445e-01 -1.24487735e-01 1.35936722e-01 -6.11737594e-02 -3.28970671e-01 1.17569976e-01 1.43389389e-01 3.17902230e-02 -2.79164582e-01 -3.32685888e-01 5.75527623e-02 -1.34863257e-01 2.31540427e-01 2.02557027e-01 4.09851633e-02 -9.88447145e-02 -1.18082039e-01 -1.26965612e-01 -1.14328302e-01 4.63614166e-01 -2.76379704e-01 -3.36977392e-01 1.86619058e-01 1.71705887e-01 -1.79020558e-02 -1.32489964e-01 2.18237415e-01 3.70641761e-02 -2.70975027e-02 6.34116888e-01 -1.10006687e-04 -2.34697446e-01 2.57893205e-01 2.21544653e-01 -2.42933348e-01 1.82181790e-01 -1.17854960e-01 4.49448451e-02 -1.44062430e-01 -1.80096298e-01 -1.07124135e-01 2.96546489e-01 3.76626194e-01 1.74404070e-01 2.83574164e-01 2.20141754e-01 1.66733116e-01 1.64074019e-01 1.54183432e-01 8.58635530e-02 5.18611610e-01 8.88851807e-02 -2.72289276e-01 -2.14450195e-01 2.48828277e-01 1.15438342e-01 1.95187002e-01 -4.22830097e-02 -1.92503572e-01 -3.20192218e-01 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-1.66292284e-02 -1.12910859e-01 6.35824949e-02 -4.57869209e-02 -1.12258121e-01 3.60591322e-01 3.52119237e-01 -3.55692297e-01 -1.27549350e-01 1.79993108e-01 3.01423320e-03 -1.81505680e-01 -6.17541745e-02 2.63606787e-01 -4.33494523e-02 -7.01920763e-02 1.60437226e-01 9.75955948e-02 4.14417163e-02 3.24527323e-01 1.12682588e-01 -1.29091933e-01 -4.80650693e-01 -1.36398003e-01 -3.34184945e-01 -4.02725071e-01 5.82953729e-02 5.35602458e-02 -3.73779178e-01 3.86911258e-02 1.45647645e-01 3.65727842e-02 -1.17490619e-01 -1.28852889e-01 -2.15480514e-02 3.64363976e-02 -9.28413197e-02 1.85499847e-01 3.15045238e-01 -3.62272203e-01 5.13034821e-01 -1.29468530e-01 3.28774184e-01 -3.97915959e-01 -4.11057472e-02 1.37907550e-01 3.31468321e-02 -1.84359662e-02 3.69788297e-02 -2.54422545e-01 -1.38397232e-01 1.63815126e-01 -9.46283937e-02 -2.88003951e-01 -2.10634619e-01 -1.76194519e-01 8.96316767e-02 1.09154366e-01 -3.25787961e-01 -1.61976404e-02 1.71067476e-01 2.36610338e-01 3.43176648e-02 -2.86681913e-02 2.76786387e-01 7.31972903e-02 3.73533279e-01 6.80130571e-02 2.88982362e-01 1.66327849e-01 -7.42912143e-02 1.10701427e-01 3.84949088e-01 5.93517758e-02 3.28284502e-02 3.24974582e-02 -5.62615320e-02 2.69394726e-01 3.64214510e-01 -2.99718708e-01 1.67383879e-01 1.04684837e-01 -4.66033258e-02 -4.39525008e-01 6.93508461e-02 -3.00184667e-01 1.15896195e-01 -1.97079480e-01 -1.29684508e-01 -1.04758218e-01 2.78035104e-01 -4.48861532e-02 3.11587297e-04 -1.33294344e-01 -1.50077477e-01 -7.36654550e-02 2.20601007e-01 -3.52617353e-01 -4.94447798e-01 8.49639550e-02 1.14006393e-01 -1.13285273e-01 5.24622202e-02 1.97378054e-01 1.34709269e-01 -4.06838208e-02 -2.85239816e-01 3.76840234e-01 2.13649467e-01 2.49070123e-01 1.52264699e-01 3.31569254e-01 -1.62105277e-01 2.28481710e-01 5.26347339e-01 1.44794896e-01 3.82763147e-01 7.19203055e-02 2.32664645e-01 1.85740098e-01 -9.98848304e-02 -8.66759345e-02 2.01438472e-01 2.12449536e-01 -6.63635731e-02 -9.36424881e-02 -2.38063961e-01 4.81017008e-02 7.99031705e-02 -2.23005598e-04 -1.10620171e-01 -1.45756692e-01 -1.28497571e-01 9.66974869e-02 -3.94599080e-01 4.28629480e-02 1.24023817e-01 -8.54208469e-02 5.88770568e-01 -1.35191485e-01 2.69132406e-01 2.77366608e-01 -5.60496897e-02 -1.09622136e-01 7.24729598e-01 3.71546671e-02 4.14737850e-01 -4.18805666e-02 3.44764501e-01 1.08185828e-01 -3.33894163e-01 2.15486139e-02 -4.18094635e-01 -2.38755345e-01 -1.00467712e-01 3.18643063e-01 2.52537876e-01 -5.67544140e-02 4.35596816e-02 1.69839233e-01 -2.17362478e-01 -3.81354541e-01 1.52870446e-01 1.80731758e-01 -6.38674619e-03 -1.48102701e-01 2.61204112e-02 -5.05780339e-01 2.31142387e-01 -8.71379301e-03 -8.04936662e-02 4.36716974e-02 4.22959402e-02 -1.28171876e-01 3.35138172e-01 2.06535105e-02 6.18474968e-02 -1.67606845e-01 5.06247059e-02 -1.09365828e-01 1.13002829e-01 1.83787555e-01 -3.84913117e-01 -2.76173592e-01 1.36591554e-01 1.31551951e-01 -6.86656594e-01 -2.38050282e-01 -2.11659297e-01 1.79545552e-01 3.29454720e-01 -7.57729635e-02 -1.35378778e-01 2.13315994e-01 1.33073777e-01 -7.47907013e-02 8.07539299e-02 2.99247235e-01 1.98585287e-01 1.72308058e-01 -6.98388070e-02 -3.79532613e-02 -6.58174753e-02 1.43899858e-01 6.79624304e-02 -1.90042090e-02 -8.43884945e-02 1.90043941e-01 3.29783916e-01 1.80094242e-01 3.05891842e-01 -3.56256574e-01 -3.50719988e-02 -5.59916534e-02 4.92891401e-01 -3.10229838e-01 2.13440239e-01 -1.26279844e-02 5.20151734e-01 3.58118981e-01 2.33984768e-01 4.07825410e-01 5.57081439e-02 6.42157048e-02 5.73455215e-01 -6.57619350e-03 -7.71626979e-02 2.58017592e-02 7.37527385e-02 -1.01802908e-01 5.65555930e-01 1.03533834e-01 -1.52700961e-01 -4.36016470e-01 -2.68872529e-01 4.45261747e-01 -2.27149218e-01 -6.91261739e-02 -6.91936240e-02 2.15802081e-02 -3.59005392e-01 -1.49890795e-01 -7.59893358e-02 -8.76832381e-02 -1.22816578e-01 7.45607018e-02 -3.35709065e-01 1.13196611e-01 -4.33039129e-01 1.96690951e-02 -3.69045027e-02 3.68560553e-01 1.56026363e-01 6.41556755e-02 -5.90184748e-01 1.51478378e-02]
"Breath-Powered Flying Machine" active "Item #: SCP-240 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-240 is to be kept in the Secure Artifact Storage Facility in Site-77. Due to its age and delicate construction, SCP-240 is to be contained in a vacuum sealed container with humidity and temperature levels constantly monitored and controlled. The mouthpiece is to be permanently covered. No subjects are permitted to enter SCP-240's containment chamber. Description: SCP-240 is a vehicle capable of air travel. It is constructed from a wooden rod which the operator sits in the middle of, a mouthpiece connected to a pipe device, and a large canvas sack, which contains a porthole for exhaust fumes to exit. The words "Morsum Kite" have been painted on spot the operator is intended to sit on. The words "From many, comes might" are sown into the canvas. When activated, SCP-240 is capable of flying for approximately twice the duration of the user exhaling into its mouthpiece. Following this, it will enter a slow descent and ultimately land. Although it can only take off from land, testing has shown that SCP-240 is capable of landing on water and heavier-than-air gases. For every 1N of force the user exerts into SCP-240, there will be 50N of thrust in return. It produces dust emissions within the barrels. These emissions contain minerals such as nickel, copper, gold, platinum, potassic feldspar, and Pyroxferroite. However, the steel drums do not appear to have any connection to the mouthpiece or piping. Additionally, users utilizing SCP-240 have occasionally reported tasting ammonia, sulfur, and having hot gas rush cause severe lung discomfort. Post-test medical examinations have not shown any corroborating damage to the subjects' bodies. SCP-240 was discovered in 1927 in the possession of the Morsum Space Society, an organization dedicated to astrological research, following a raid on their headquarters due to bootlegging charges. Notes recovered during the operation indicated the bootlegging had been done to finance SCP-240. It was found inside the home and taken as evidence by the UIU. Its extranormal capabilities were not discovered until three years later, when an evidence clerk casually blew into SCP-240 and was thrown across the room, suffering a broken nose and three fractured ribs. SCP-240 was immediately transferred to the Foundation while a nonfunctional replica was handed over to the UIU. Due to the age and relative obscurity of SCP-240, it was not difficult to manufacture documentation discrediting it as a hoax. Addendum: Utilizing fiber optic camera technology, Foundation researchers were able to place cameras within SCP-240's mouthpiece during flight. Over the course of the examination, the camera recorded a location in space which appeared very similar to the solar system. However, the Earth and Moon were missing and Venus had several possibly artificial satellites around it. All orbits were moving notably faster, at a scale similar to the scale of the input/output of SCP-240. Further testing is currently being conducted. « SCP-239 | SCP-240 | SCP-241 » Cite this page as: "SCP-240" by SpoonOfEvil, rewritten by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 240.png Name: Number 4. (My Airships p161).png Author: Alberto Santos-Dumont License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-240 being used prior to initial containment, by members of the Morsum Space Society"
[ 5.53363189e-02 -1.13840319e-01 -7.44672939e-02 6.01137206e-02 -9.79208350e-02 -2.87457079e-01 3.16066109e-02 1.84268966e-01 -3.37535411e-01 2.42157191e-01 1.64757743e-01 3.39580357e-01 -6.49959594e-02 2.32545272e-01 4.62581456e-01 -1.15879640e-01 3.16431880e-01 5.20582385e-02 -1.08264051e-01 -1.25776783e-01 -2.29105622e-01 -2.36257493e-01 -3.21940899e-01 1.93351090e-01 9.47353542e-02 4.38424647e-02 1.65904835e-01 -1.20934159e-01 1.24949411e-01 -2.74964720e-01 1.40049621e-01 1.38711780e-01 -3.26754414e-02 7.67205477e-01 -1.11164889e-04 -1.62656501e-01 1.39391348e-01 -4.56177928e-02 -3.19144636e-01 1.14686163e-02 4.46632564e-01 3.89546305e-01 -1.98986351e-01 -2.88707137e-01 -1.17169164e-01 3.87775928e-01 1.09062798e-01 -2.82562822e-01 4.58900750e-01 2.14532867e-01 1.03573024e-01 3.31097305e-01 4.50544506e-02 -2.15369985e-02 3.48040074e-01 8.61823037e-02 -3.48509043e-01 -2.57654995e-01 4.33283225e-02 -1.11277200e-01 -2.63303250e-01 1.74501270e-01 -3.75262022e-01 -1.05932303e-01 2.56319493e-01 -8.51558670e-02 7.99942538e-02 9.51168537e-02 -1.27473986e-02 1.57057539e-01 -3.68549705e-01 -4.43306342e-02 1.82374746e-01 -6.53842464e-02 -2.06108510e-01 -7.05400482e-02 3.21073532e-01 3.65943670e-01 -1.87187597e-01 -6.70153424e-02 -1.10713892e-01 2.01531574e-01 -5.93600750e-01 4.08552811e-02 -1.18284851e-01 1.06701173e-01 -1.84330925e-01 2.91253299e-01 4.56220835e-01 -6.66546077e-03 3.86824943e-02 -1.48043647e-01 3.66432488e-01 7.81118125e-02 2.99184293e-01 2.09490910e-01 1.37444884e-01 -2.02431217e-01 3.14604253e-01 -1.39287084e-01 3.34124491e-02 9.67887565e-02 -3.24044861e-02 -1.00447834e-01 -2.82715857e-01 -3.35871875e-02 -2.78797690e-02 -4.49971497e-01 -2.76921391e-01 4.41155165e-01 -7.41346106e-02 3.47374193e-02 -2.41268009e-01 2.32311293e-01 -3.47509325e-01 -2.60540932e-01 -2.91104019e-01 -1.47037536e-01 -6.71505928e-02 2.36894444e-01 -4.54226166e-01 -2.36944035e-02 -5.11358827e-02 3.88361722e-01 2.27276802e-01 9.39189736e-03 2.88290799e-01 -2.58600954e-02 -9.97612253e-02 -7.50711486e-02 -1.27632141e-01 3.02468926e-01 -4.04793590e-01 1.93337277e-01 -5.36319241e-02 -1.02760874e-01 -2.14281023e-01 -2.33572304e-01 -1.73210222e-02 -5.52736931e-02 1.63845628e-01 -5.99033758e-02 5.74863791e-01 4.92224693e-01 -1.64846763e-01 -1.07730202e-01 1.38241515e-01 3.82597633e-02 -1.13678724e-01 -1.03631569e-02 2.58332789e-01 -2.66417772e-01 -1.47542819e-01 1.77543119e-01 -3.85642201e-01 1.50600404e-01 2.39217967e-01 -1.89188197e-01 -1.07606076e-01 -4.24723715e-01 7.87239596e-02 1.15828000e-01 -2.60821491e-01 -3.02115232e-01 1.82050750e-01 2.32304633e-01 -9.84927267e-02 -1.82808042e-01 -1.72184497e-01 -4.19544429e-03 1.80277437e-01 -3.29957306e-01 -1.37661636e-01 2.45919615e-01 -2.53224432e-01 7.88332894e-02 -4.39444035e-01 -1.14700362e-01 -1.23499990e-01 -4.21077967e-01 -3.38496417e-01 2.29986921e-01 3.77226382e-01 -3.90385956e-01 -3.21516693e-01 -1.15563676e-01 1.28384391e-02 3.38559225e-02 2.85778463e-01 -3.44460994e-01 -3.58286113e-01 -5.90443075e-01 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-1.29616439e-01 -6.04863428e-02 1.74397156e-02 1.04623452e-01 -4.09826972e-02 3.46574187e-01 -1.07488886e-01 -2.25637913e-01 7.97845870e-02 -2.35416681e-01 1.32922158e-01 -3.29914987e-01 1.22116715e-01 -2.46263072e-01 -7.28069693e-02 3.22035134e-01 -2.60272324e-01 3.26969266e-01 -1.64559036e-01 2.84636110e-01 3.97089154e-01 1.03064917e-01 -1.63800374e-01 -2.50297152e-02 -2.47949108e-01 -1.96360558e-01 1.05297707e-01 5.85449766e-03 -1.36773720e-01 -1.95485622e-01 5.21099925e-01 -6.66628480e-02 1.24075957e-01 5.93371987e-02 2.55551077e-02 -3.82186949e-01 -1.30998537e-01 -1.38987496e-01 -3.65547203e-02 -8.34391192e-02 -2.93757439e-01 6.44128621e-02 1.16181048e-02 2.84943819e-01 2.03628823e-01 3.79829034e-02 -1.20781176e-01 -4.70592082e-02 -4.39613730e-01 5.07894874e-01 3.62059921e-01 4.61583644e-01 -1.98036551e-01 2.85860956e-01 2.97533035e-01 -2.22941652e-01 -7.44125322e-02 2.32914343e-01 4.87754703e-01 -4.15172838e-02 3.37580115e-01 -1.25876144e-01 3.25702310e-01 -1.93142191e-01 -1.97571874e-01 1.63719431e-01 -1.93470400e-02 3.59568298e-02 -3.05109888e-01 4.32387680e-01 -2.19252724e-02 -2.68519402e-01 -2.96182603e-01 -2.62936410e-02 -1.96718961e-01 7.40279257e-01 3.88814300e-01 1.31099093e+00 -9.22329426e-02 6.42859563e-02 1.08085185e-01 2.75964677e-01 -2.17329338e-02 -8.76779556e-01 -2.04048660e-02 -1.91186760e-02 1.50585264e-01 -1.86621055e-01 -2.08501965e-01 1.56004444e-01 -1.39052570e-02 -4.98902768e-01 -2.15860739e-01 -1.06769614e-01 6.63913488e-02 1.88527137e-01 4.90788937e-01 2.58950870e-02 -6.53671846e-02 2.66694784e-01 2.07675859e-01 3.18334885e-02 5.22495210e-01 1.33640081e-01 -1.52225077e-01 4.93163690e-02 -1.30608648e-01 -3.67402762e-01 1.15358509e-01 -4.26298231e-01 4.81621958e-02 -2.05979571e-01 8.29242691e-02 2.05618918e-01 8.01148489e-02 -3.25318068e-01 4.57690060e-02 7.84893241e-03 1.13361459e-02 2.01263353e-01 -2.64797747e-01 -1.41677961e-01 -1.95461154e-01 1.76406577e-01 -3.27622741e-02 -5.63757145e-04 2.28399575e-01 -4.33327556e-02 -2.35059410e-01 1.90637231e-01 2.59405285e-01 7.15958595e-01 -2.71162271e-01 2.11542681e-01 2.29842111e-01 -2.53473699e-01 -1.45208433e-01 1.42405778e-01 -1.68203831e-01 -2.30388612e-01 1.45863086e-01 2.40798861e-01 -3.63816619e-02 -1.55201387e-02 1.19264908e-01 1.15275890e-01 -6.93575889e-02 1.15170375e-01 -1.92436799e-02 1.30262012e-02 -4.10341561e-01 1.00474805e-01 -6.80647616e-04 -4.54868764e-01 7.28558144e-03 1.39009014e-01 -3.76789898e-01 -3.59647498e-02 3.55222911e-01 3.81830096e-01 -3.21310833e-02 -3.29373628e-01 -1.37926608e-01 2.57449776e-01 2.50652479e-03 -4.38792296e-02 1.53602555e-01 -2.24787369e-01 3.03310335e-01 1.64964676e-01 5.79994284e-02 -3.49229485e-01 1.08885191e-01 -2.83179045e-01 -2.90898439e-02 3.39827806e-01 -2.44313002e-01 -1.99466750e-01 -3.56990516e-01 1.46864325e-01 2.30725612e-02 -1.25754640e-01 -1.76388353e-01 -2.98798949e-01 1.64165303e-01 -1.75475590e-02 -3.05715233e-01 -1.91355020e-01 1.91606253e-01 6.82685301e-02 -3.32766026e-02 -9.98845920e-02 3.87540042e-01 3.18478286e-01 1.35668755e-01 2.50991583e-01 4.92163301e-01 -4.44630422e-02 -1.82130802e-02 -4.49509248e-02 2.84923702e-01 6.95025176e-02 -6.33984655e-02 -1.75900146e-01 -8.92940387e-02 3.01690757e-01 3.17872882e-01 -6.47748858e-02 2.93934196e-01 1.75461382e-01 6.11941740e-02 -2.63184369e-01 2.29272515e-01 -1.13117799e-01 1.92362040e-01 -3.59682441e-01 2.18694080e-02 -1.77999809e-01 1.98046938e-01 -4.29098941e-02 -4.31621484e-02 -3.16692024e-01 -5.95913269e-02 5.44182621e-02 2.53332734e-01 4.66807336e-02 -2.13796459e-02 3.09372842e-01 -6.46069832e-03 2.27617264e-01 3.13666850e-01 3.95261973e-01 1.21964298e-01 2.34242186e-01 1.15082599e-02 4.06750552e-02 -1.11178763e-01 2.37934723e-01 4.17056344e-02 3.06302935e-01 -7.90621340e-03 4.58062202e-01 3.01435918e-01 1.74098402e-01 3.09259981e-01 -5.09937763e-01 3.33125472e-01 -2.41441205e-01 2.71967530e-01 -1.30867794e-01 2.95533448e-01 -1.56270102e-01 -1.02492936e-01 -3.52898389e-01 -2.74678115e-02 2.52448559e-01 -3.36717516e-02 -2.23325372e-01 -1.16350636e-01 -2.82468766e-01 8.78052041e-03 3.44694287e-01 8.32358226e-02 3.75999697e-02 5.71460091e-02 -8.03399161e-02 3.27590704e-01 1.72543004e-01 2.59190291e-01 2.37831086e-01 -1.11306943e-01 -1.63766593e-02 3.39028895e-01 2.59873837e-01 -1.39476061e-01 8.55580866e-02 3.84089261e-01 -3.07244986e-01 -1.27268687e-01 7.81553164e-02 -1.05902456e-01 8.76708478e-02 -1.42468527e-01 4.79846261e-02 2.38394484e-01 4.87568341e-02 1.56848922e-01 1.38563558e-01 -2.12556452e-01 -3.97710621e-01 2.40063127e-02 1.35767749e-02 -1.28031433e-01 -1.37388065e-01 -3.61081988e-01 -1.91681445e-01 -2.30396748e-01 -1.06480807e-01 -1.06514441e-02 3.02411169e-01 1.89393133e-01 -2.15750873e-01 3.05060506e-01 8.66689719e-03 9.35018510e-02 -1.43292621e-01 1.58833727e-01 2.05782428e-01 8.73688888e-03 -2.12485790e-01 -4.52364951e-01 -3.30963075e-01 -1.88455954e-01 -1.90004200e-01 -4.86279540e-02 -8.62499699e-02 1.69792175e-01 -6.93850080e-03 2.03397706e-01 -3.61355916e-02 -1.69705331e-01 3.72587256e-02 1.70690730e-01 -2.13233456e-01 3.23158801e-01 5.00527859e-01 1.83764219e-01 -1.64451569e-01 -1.59143880e-01 -6.43183431e-03 7.04080053e-03 1.85637146e-01 -4.21460625e-03 -1.20752364e-01 -1.82478651e-02 9.61143374e-02 2.81826794e-01 1.91524383e-02 8.40573162e-02 -2.33816847e-01 5.37413396e-02 -1.21109802e-02 4.89737540e-01 6.73720390e-02 -6.24137186e-02 -8.83118287e-02 2.46640190e-01 4.58722323e-01 5.18938661e-01 3.47553752e-02 9.81457625e-03 2.03715041e-01 7.42942467e-02 -3.97486061e-01 1.86539203e-01 -6.71672001e-02 1.76381588e-01 1.18613236e-01 3.11932087e-01 -4.01665382e-02 3.28122936e-02 -2.19953015e-01 -2.01889575e-01 3.23154926e-01 -3.76684248e-01 -2.58049458e-01 2.59879202e-01 9.32812244e-02 -2.59444505e-01 -5.99854104e-02 -2.51907885e-01 -3.93091619e-01 1.66713875e-02 1.69931501e-02 -1.92392096e-01 -2.01799318e-01 -3.69678497e-01 -1.98827595e-01 -1.15662470e-01 3.73648912e-01 1.91596612e-01 -1.63591146e-01 -1.55122563e-01 -1.61363646e-01]
"Good Home Cooking" active "Item #: SCP-241 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-241 is to be kept at Site-19 using standard operating procedures for containing Safe-class book- and manuscript-type SCPs (see Document 241-05-3H), with the following additional conditions: SCP-241 must be kept open on a flat surface, with restraints across opposing pages of the open book to keep it from closing accidentally. Containment devices must be checked at least once a week for structural integrity. Any anomalies must be reported immediately to Site Command. Access to SCP-241 is restricted. Any and all usage of SCP-241 must be logged. SCP-241 must be transported in an authorized bookstand such that it cannot accidentally be closed in transit. In the event that SCP-241 is opened outside of a testing environment, the last person to have touched it must report to the nearest infirmary, and a D-class personnel must close and re-open SCP-241. Description: SCP-241 appears as a normal book, 33 cm x 23 cm x 3.5 cm, entitled Good Home Cooking. The cover of SCP-241 is a red and white checkerboard pattern, with the title in simple black letters on the front and spine. When open, SCP-241 contains 99 recipes, sorted into typical sections of a cookbook. Many of these recipes include a picture of the dish that is invariably appetizing, and a small percentage will call for rare or exotic ingredients. Whenever SCP-241 is opened by a subject (known as the Target) different from the one who last opened it (i.e. the previous Target), the recipes contained in the book change. Preliminary investigations concluded that if the Target eats a dish prepared from one of the recipes in SCP-241, that person soon dies from apparent anaphylactic shock. Others who eat the same dish are not similarly affected. Testing has been authorized to determine the exact nature of SCP-241’s effects. SCP-241 appears to be impervious to getting dirty and to at least minor damage. For example, sauces splashed onto its pages disappear almost immediately, and torn pages and nicks on the cover are repaired within seconds. Testing on the limits of SCP-241’s durability are not authorized without approval from [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Research on SCP-241 continues, including potential interaction with other SCP items. For more information on current experimentation, please see the Supplemental Testing Log. Directive 241-S06, ██/██/20██ In light of recent test results with SCP-241, no further testing of SCP-241 on personnel without pre-existing food allergies is authorized without Level 4 Security Clearance. Testing may continue on personnel with pre-existing food allergies as long as documentation of said allergies has been filed with [DATA EXPUNGED]. –O5-██. Directive 241-S09, ██/██/20██ Reclassification of SCP-241 to Euclid class is denied. Honestly, the cookbook? Leave it in its room and everything’s fine. It’s no one else’s fault if you don’t know what you’re allergic to and don't bother to find out beforehand. Unless you’re cooking for your significant other, then you’d better know. –O5-██. Directive 241-S11, ██/██/20██ Cross-testing SCP-241 with other SCPs will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Exposure to SCP-682 has already been considered and denied. –O5-██. Addendum 1: Acquisition Summary The Foundation became aware of SCP-241 in April 20██, while investigating reports of a “black widow” in ██████, ██, named ████████ █████████. Mrs. █████████ had been married four times, and all four of her husbands had died shortly after eating a meal at home. However, since authorities never found evidence of foul play, Mrs. █████████ was never charged with any crime. Subsequent interviews with Mrs. █████████ by Foundation personnel revealed the existence of SCP-241, at which time SCP-241 was seized by Foundation agents. Mrs. █████████ revealed that she had first realized there was something unusual with SCP-241 when [DATA EXPUNGED]. See document [DATA EXPUNGED] for transcripts of interviews with Mrs. █████████. Addendum 2: Initial Testing Log All tests on SCP-241 were carried out in Test Kitchens at Site-19, using D-class personnel for test subjects, unless otherwise indicated. Test 241-01, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-A was chosen from general population. No unusual traits selected for. Procedure: Subject 241-A was presented SCP-241 while closed and instructed to open it, choose a recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process. Results: Before exposure to SCP-241, subject declared that he had “never cooked anything more complicated than Ramen noodles.” Subject opened SCP-241, reporting nothing unusual. Subject looked through recipes in SCP-241, choosing Sautéed Scallops in a White Wine Sauce. Subject prepared the Sautéed Scallops from the recipe in SCP-241, and when complete, remarked that he did not know he could do that. Subject declared that the prepared dish smelled “fantastic”, and while eating it, declared, “This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten!” Three minutes after completing the meal, subject started showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Subject was treated with emergency doses of epinephrine, but treatment was not effective. Subject died from anaphylactic shock six minutes afterward (later confirmed by autopsy). A subsequent examination of SCP-241 revealed that 81 of its recipes called for shellfish. SCP-241 was left open. Analysis: Results are consistent with previous descriptions of the effects of SCP-241. Test 241-02, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-B was chosen from general population. Subject reports no known allergies to scallops or other shellfish. Procedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-01. Subject 241-B was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Sautéed Scallops recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process. Results: Before exposure to SCP-241, subject expressed doubt that he’d be able to prepare the Sautéed Scallops recipe. After preparing the dish, subject expressed surprise that he had done so, similarly to the reaction of Subject 241-A, and said that the dish smells “pretty good”. While eating, subject declared that the dish was “pretty good” and again expressed surprise that he had cooked it. Subject did not suffer anaphylactic shock or any other adverse effect after completing the meal. Post-testing observation of subject revealed no long-term effects from eating the dish. SCP-241 was left open. Analysis: Results are consistent with previous descriptions of the effects of SCP-241. Suspect that SCP-241 may somehow improve the cooking skill of whoever is preparing the dish. Test 241-03, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subjects 241-C and 241-D were chosen from general population. Both subjects report no skill in cooking and no allergies to shellfish. Procedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-02. Subject 241-C was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Sautéed Scallops recipe, and transcribe it to a standard sheet of paper. In a separate test kitchen, Subject 241-D was given the transcribed recipe and instructed to prepare and eat the dish prepared. Results: Subject 241-C found and transcribed the recipe without incident. The transcribed recipe was visually compared to the recipe in SCP-241 and confirmed to be identical. SCP-241 was left open. Subject displayed no adverse effects from interaction with SCP-241. Subject 241-D was given the transcribed recipe and attempted to prepare the Sautéed Scallops, but experienced difficulty and frustration, several times declaring, “I told you guys I can’t cook!” The completed dish did not look or smell nearly as good as in previous tests. Subject balked at eating the dish, saying that “it smells like ████,” but was persuaded to eat it by [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject ate approximately 40% of the meal before stating, “I’m gonna be sick,” at which time subject vomited. Subject was instructed to finish the meal, but subject responded [DATA EXPUNGED]. Termination of subject considered but rejected in favor of further testing. Analysis: More evidence that SCP-241 can improve the cooking skill of its user. Subject 241-D retained for further testing. Test 241-04, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-D. Procedure: SCP-241 was still open from Test 241-03. Subject 241-D was instructed to not close SCP-241, find the Sautéed Scallops recipe, prepare it, and eat it, while giving feedback during the entire process. Results: Subject vociferously protested to having to eat her own cooking, but was persuaded to cooperate with the promise that subject would not have to eat the resultant dish if it turned out like in the previous test. Subject expressed skepticism but proceeded to prepare the Sautéed Scallops recipe. While cooking the dish, subject experienced none of the difficulties she experienced from the previous test, instead expressing the now-familiar surprise that her cooking was turning out so well. The completed dish looked and smelled similar to the results of Test 241-02. Subject was not nearly as reluctant to eat the prepared dish, declaring it “not bad… not bad at all.” Subject did not appear to suffer from any adverse effects after eating the dish. During post-testing interviews, subject was asked how she was able to prepare the Sautéed Scallops during this test when the results of the previous test were so unappetizing. Subject stated that she did not know, only that once she started cooking the dish, it became perfectly clear to her how to do it. Subject did not appear to have any additional knowledge of cooking, and even had trouble remembering the cooking techniques she used in this test. Analysis: There is now little doubt that SCP-241 can turn people who know nothing about cooking into gourmet chefs, at least for the dish that’s being prepared. Test 241-11, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subjects 241-E and 241-F were chosen from general population. Subject 241-E is known to have an allergy to peanuts. Subject 241-F has demonstrated considerable skill as a chef. Procedure: Subject 241-E was presented SCP-241 while closed and instructed to open it and choose a recipe. Subject 241-F was then instructed to prepare the selected meal from SCP-241. The prepared dish was given to Subject 241-E, who was then asked to eat it. Results: Subject 241-E opened SCP-241 and, while looking through the recipes offered, stated that all the recipes called for peanuts, adding, “peanuts mess me up something fierce.” Subject found a few recipes that did not include peanuts, and selected an Australian Carrot Cake. Subject 241-F prepared the Carrot Cake from SCP-241 and remarked that the finished product was better than he expected. The cake was presented to Subject 241-E, who started eating without prompting or hesitation. Subject stated that the cake was “the best thing I’ve ever eaten” and ate nearly half the cake before claiming satiation. Within two minutes, subject started showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Subject was administered epinephrine, which was ineffective, and died four minutes later (autopsy confirmed anaphylactic shock as the cause of death). The recipes in SCP-241 were examined, and 85 of the 99 recipes called for peanuts or peanut products, but the Australian Carrot Cake was not one of them. The Carrot Cake and seven other recipes included lupin flour; a quick search found that lupin flour can induce an anaphylactic reaction in those who suffer from peanut allergies. The remaining six recipes called for more exotic ingredients: two called for [DATA EXPUNGED], and while the other four asked for [DATA EXPUNGED], respectively. SCP-241 remained open. The remaining half of the cake was saved for further testing. Analysis: Reactions of Subjects 241-E and 241-F were both consistent with prior observations. The selection of recipes supports the theory that SCP-241 somehow determines the substance that the Target is most allergic to, and offers recipes to specifically induce a fatal allergic reaction in the Target. Contacted [DATA EXPUNGED] for analysis of the six “exotic” recipes. Test 241-12, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-F, [DATA EXPUNGED] Procedure: Subject 241-F was instructed to prepare the six dishes that contain neither peanuts nor lupin flour. The dishes were turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED] for analysis. The six recipes were transcribed and turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] Analysis: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject 241-F showed no apparent ill effects from preparing seven different dishes from SCP-241 in quick succession. Recommend retaining subject to study long-term effects of secondary (i.e. not as the Target) exposure to SCP-241. Test 241-13, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-G was chosen from general population and is known to have an allergy to peanuts. Procedure: Subject was instructed to eat the remaining cake from Test 241-11. Results: Subject asked if the cake contained peanuts, and was assured that it did not. Subject stated that he didn’t much like carrot cake, and was told [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject started eating the cake, remarking that the cake was “pretty good, actually”. Subject consumed approximately 75% of the remaining cake before declaring satiation. After seven minutes, subject started showing signs of anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine was administered, and subject was stabilized. Subject eventually recovered, although recovery time was somewhat longer than expected. Analysis: It appears that, although the recipes from SCP-241 are potentially hazardous to anyone susceptible to the allergen in question, SCP-241’s recipes are most potent against the Target. Results from Tests 241-12 and 241-13 are encouraging to [DATA EXPUNGED] for [DATA EXPUNGED]. Test 241-14, ██/██/20██ Subject: Subject 241-H was chosen from general population. According to complete health screenings, subject has no food allergies. Procedure: Subject was instructed to open SCP-241 and leave it open for analysis. Results: Analysis of SCP-241 showed that 79 of the recipes on its pages called for chicken eggs or egg-based products. 15 of the remaining recipes called for eggs from [DATA EXPUNGED]. The other five recipes [DATA EXPUNGED]. These five recipes were transcribed by [DATA EXPUNGED] and turned over to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject 241-H stated that she had never experienced any problems eating eggs before. Subject was presented with one dozen hard-boiled chicken eggs and was instructed to eat them. Subject asked for salt and pepper (granted), and proceeded to eat the eggs. While eating the third egg, subject started complaining of stomach pain. Subject was instructed to continue eating, and she begrudgingly continued. Upon ingesting her seventh egg, subject collapsed on the floor, doubled over in pain. Within 60 seconds, subject started showing signs of anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine was administered, and subject was stabilized. Subject recovered, within the expected recovery time for such an episode. Analysis: We now have evidence that SCP-241 somehow induces or amplifies an allergy in the Target when SCP-241 is opened. This ability would explain how SCP-241 is able to cause an allergic reaction in Targets without pre-existing food allergies. For information about subsequent and current experimentation, see the Supplemental Testing Log. Addendum 3: Notes from Crosstesting: To determine the effects of SCP-241's recipes on subjects that either cannot eat or do not require sustenance, approval was given to crosstest SCP-241 on SCP-1770. Upon subject opening the book, the contents were identical to before it was closed previously. This confirms results of Test 241-23 in which SCP-241 does not respond to inorganic subjects. « SCP-240 | SCP-241 | SCP-242 »" nan
[-1.36108585e-02 -3.73189658e-01 -2.73307562e-01 -6.69809207e-02 -1.21742226e-01 -8.57314095e-02 -3.27930041e-02 1.58406869e-01 -1.09618613e-02 1.29688069e-01 -4.59520146e-02 1.44249141e-01 2.90696453e-02 4.26215291e-01 1.74934464e-03 1.19859196e-01 2.04892561e-01 1.47091180e-01 4.37205821e-01 -2.25948151e-02 -8.00568908e-02 -2.66981572e-01 4.10551764e-02 2.76340425e-01 7.32921883e-02 -6.17437661e-02 1.26154721e-01 -2.50498682e-01 5.23513667e-02 -3.35311860e-01 1.96691334e-01 3.02881241e-01 -1.41403209e-02 3.77273500e-01 -1.12279093e-04 7.37255812e-02 -2.51801033e-02 -1.32514285e-02 -2.43382528e-01 3.73288505e-02 -1.32373139e-01 -3.50909233e-01 -1.68591276e-01 -2.15649650e-01 6.96330965e-02 9.25546885e-02 9.04148221e-02 1.29778877e-01 1.22021250e-01 2.41530135e-01 2.21621439e-01 -3.66134167e-01 7.61644617e-02 -1.19839646e-01 5.31231523e-01 2.51647606e-02 -4.39313978e-01 -1.13333113e-01 3.41327608e-01 1.48600966e-01 1.83930963e-01 1.27529219e-01 -2.61875838e-01 1.25985846e-01 8.20233896e-02 -7.01778680e-02 3.17391306e-01 1.31155208e-01 3.22249562e-01 3.07780415e-01 2.69696355e-01 -4.45056986e-03 3.61729823e-02 -7.78804943e-02 -3.22072923e-01 -1.03906795e-01 2.15262501e-03 1.23376139e-01 -4.26442958e-02 9.76646412e-03 -4.21570204e-02 -4.85610403e-02 -3.89004409e-01 -2.23673165e-01 1.04581736e-01 4.27513599e-01 -2.00697824e-01 -1.04518965e-01 2.31390342e-01 -3.38257365e-02 1.88551515e-01 6.24065613e-03 1.65740903e-02 -2.62691468e-01 6.68170393e-01 -2.51199491e-02 3.01309943e-01 -7.11856633e-02 2.72225678e-01 -3.00224572e-02 1.80029631e-01 6.65397570e-03 -3.50695290e-02 -2.94988006e-02 8.03097337e-02 -5.11650927e-02 3.20535868e-01 -1.67553201e-02 -3.83145452e-01 9.88399208e-01 -2.67008096e-01 2.99875569e-02 1.12024270e-01 1.77688271e-01 1.40220731e-01 -3.04049730e-01 2.44226053e-01 -5.92672825e-01 -3.59822989e-01 5.14930665e-01 -2.29828984e-01 2.14318112e-02 -2.59373814e-01 6.95051372e-01 8.36457685e-02 -6.30793534e-03 -1.64996311e-02 -2.52350628e-01 -1.71173126e-01 6.06730357e-02 -2.21832618e-01 1.07671618e-01 -2.06839085e-01 -1.00745648e-01 2.38860995e-02 3.47141596e-03 -3.80347408e-02 -3.16510707e-01 -7.14089945e-02 -2.74927497e-01 1.93111859e-02 -2.06122428e-01 6.26308858e-01 2.19563246e-01 -2.08626270e-01 -1.68146968e-01 1.74775794e-01 -1.41984031e-01 -2.74196893e-01 1.33968711e-01 1.35994196e-01 -1.57322600e-01 1.48498043e-01 2.81934291e-01 -1.29305720e-01 -2.30909556e-01 3.25664431e-01 -6.68302029e-02 2.63338108e-02 -3.89175057e-01 2.57919192e-01 3.35524738e-01 -3.05578977e-01 -1.63668334e-01 -1.81303993e-01 4.50650275e-01 -6.64008483e-02 -1.00742606e-02 3.10532570e-01 -3.47946316e-01 -1.54414430e-01 -3.03439558e-01 -6.14661537e-02 2.55582929e-01 2.02849075e-01 -2.97769248e-01 -1.24582432e-01 9.62048024e-02 -5.14947236e-01 1.90881211e-02 -3.86946127e-02 2.55268067e-01 2.01001227e-01 -1.43678844e-01 -4.59787339e-01 -5.28006963e-02 -3.03247452e-01 -1.42173082e-01 1.88643023e-01 -2.22399116e-01 -3.49091709e-01 -1.98231831e-01 4.43454206e-01 -1.25945836e-01 1.79925129e-01 5.01796789e-02 -4.51441966e-02 -2.25706473e-01 1.07650638e-01 2.15001956e-01 -2.25751147e-01 2.72057325e-01 5.61874807e-01 4.43351507e-01 -1.70630142e-01 1.69757664e-01 1.99414603e-02 -1.32572025e-01 4.53076303e-01 -2.54142787e-02 -1.94182530e-01 -3.07414234e-01 -1.35208964e-01 1.19396456e-01 -4.00921851e-01 -4.96343225e-01 2.79840529e-01 1.41791806e-01 4.24524711e-04 -2.03979358e-01 7.81527255e-03 8.58387277e-02 -3.99288768e-03 -2.49017343e-01 -1.05778188e-01 -1.09911352e-01 -2.22175762e-01 2.86108372e-03 -6.69313818e-02 1.42565787e-01 3.36258501e-01 1.78017259e-01 -9.66447741e-02 -5.44979349e-02 -4.15244013e-01 1.28635496e-01 2.25850731e-01 5.87849081e-01 -3.25164586e-01 -2.91576892e-01 1.93451289e-02 -4.48798090e-02 1.36289552e-01 1.77606627e-01 -6.71799779e-01 3.86629581e-01 -2.59677827e-01 9.26520079e-02 -4.49841209e-02 -1.74341351e-01 -5.64797558e-02 -3.44364822e-01 -2.11022701e-02 -6.83168471e-02 2.64205873e-01 -1.31929424e-02 -2.73815900e-01 1.20553456e-01 1.06659986e-01 4.77835923e-01 -1.05097406e-01 6.19360059e-02 2.62496710e-01 -1.17249824e-01 4.73633140e-01 -2.49252573e-01 1.21739402e-01 5.88110924e-01 1.07679255e-01 -1.62861776e-02 4.43214811e-02 2.58065555e-02 -2.52256274e-01 -1.05943717e-01 9.40216631e-02 -1.16695976e-03 3.29337597e-01 8.88930187e-02 5.24304621e-02 1.09083526e-01 -1.03516497e-01 -1.31800815e-01 -3.44645604e-02 4.12963070e-02 -4.57708426e-02 2.68846929e-01 1.20523363e-01 2.39233598e-01 -8.78347456e-02 3.38277072e-01 3.67264062e-01 -9.84062403e-02 -2.87412695e-04 -3.15880179e-02 -3.28554481e-01 -1.93037748e-01 -2.92089403e-01 2.73867577e-01 -2.79527932e-01 -3.54896128e-01 5.85792363e-02 -1.90875724e-01 -3.42425108e-02 1.00830421e-01 -8.77432078e-02 1.32006899e-01 3.98829579e-01 -1.53248459e-01 -2.10032612e-01 -4.44141030e-01 1.39076347e-02 1.11856163e-01 2.05402430e-02 -2.32766613e-01 1.77777767e-01 1.32548632e-02 -3.19409579e-01 -1.18121386e-01 2.00568691e-01 -7.10023522e-01 9.79828462e-02 8.20463151e-02 -8.72244500e-03 -1.52254701e-01 3.85606475e-02 -2.16816589e-01 2.34011859e-01 -1.51599735e-01 2.27450773e-01 1.13727510e-01 2.07956493e-01 1.67145610e-01 2.65140116e-01 5.96284755e-02 -9.22138244e-03 2.94201910e-01 -3.58724892e-01 -4.68411781e-02 -7.26702511e-02 -1.75619081e-01 -8.40513110e-02 -1.61478460e-01 3.44534330e-02 2.25305229e-01 1.04126573e-01 -5.29680550e-01 -9.67048481e-03 4.10874248e-01 3.09361696e-01 -4.91682552e-02 -1.99913442e-01 4.01382595e-01 2.67782062e-01 -3.49947840e-01 -1.54609218e-01 -2.40843326e-01 1.34699523e-01 -3.33482504e-01 -3.51527287e-03 -3.53413373e-01 -4.45978250e-03 2.15508312e-01 3.18309337e-01 -2.39287820e-02 2.17659697e-02 2.42799386e-01 3.25842321e-01 1.55869931e-01 3.79352748e-01 -3.25465724e-02 -8.56157541e-02 -9.51304883e-02 -4.34465468e-01 2.62036532e-01 -1.86899841e-01 -1.99970245e-01 -2.17746347e-01 -1.47854298e-01 -5.23490965e-01 -1.22812502e-01 -1.44663781e-01 3.95875633e-01 3.51829797e-01 -1.59890398e-01 -1.67565688e-01 -1.97931215e-01 -1.12933517e-01 1.87602386e-01 8.12369809e-02 -1.91955626e-01 -8.88367295e-02 -6.51618540e-01 -5.97055927e-02 -1.59575976e-02 1.05491780e-01 -1.40267551e-01 2.67565638e-01 -2.90191710e-01 -2.04051211e-01 2.05535501e-01 -3.36350411e-01 3.81508261e-01 1.51385009e-01 4.66544688e-01 2.93230206e-01 9.71505493e-02 1.14869000e-02 -2.31600180e-01 -4.39074993e-01 2.39999220e-01 -7.25011602e-02 -1.62795335e-01 -2.31323704e-01 5.53554408e-02 2.66332626e-01 -2.81072766e-01 4.92667593e-02 2.42248878e-01 -1.60245672e-01 -4.12673384e-01 -2.72818953e-01 1.83187887e-01 3.99357313e-03 3.99925224e-02 -2.43264303e-01 2.24879071e-01 1.18626200e-01 5.96366525e-01 1.73404172e-01 -4.79405448e-02 5.27915508e-02 6.31938735e-03 -1.02938674e-01 4.83502746e-02 1.16088025e-01 1.34018809e-01 5.66265464e-01 -3.80468488e-01 -1.96418181e-01 -8.13091099e-02 2.43723810e-01 1.42091200e-01 6.35895848e-01 2.06173077e-01 -3.99795873e-03 -8.33933130e-02 2.03498930e-01 3.12931448e-01 -1.68788940e-01 7.32002929e-02 3.46859917e-02 -7.04554319e-02 -2.50096679e-01 8.01675498e-01 -8.69464055e-02 -4.06077474e-01 -5.88669442e-02 -7.43796080e-02 4.79514524e-02 3.73665124e-01 5.01942933e-01 1.08697319e+00 3.42985988e-01 1.34318203e-01 4.33175974e-02 -2.62507081e-01 -1.28815904e-01 -3.14266592e-01 7.23161399e-02 -1.01781012e-02 -2.84957826e-01 -4.15767692e-02 -2.87367970e-01 -6.45166859e-02 1.33399040e-01 -3.15393716e-01 -1.44544318e-02 -2.44625226e-01 -1.68164253e-01 2.48503253e-01 2.03366876e-02 -1.16334051e-01 1.83977187e-01 -5.41364811e-02 1.79490089e-01 1.82922021e-01 2.90238231e-01 -2.45414868e-01 1.38907313e-01 -4.55043018e-02 2.22267210e-01 -3.77111696e-02 7.80503452e-02 -3.03328365e-01 3.25263768e-01 4.28023219e-01 -2.31420666e-01 -1.43313378e-01 -9.06332210e-02 5.26784286e-02 9.15859118e-02 -1.79298565e-01 2.12373823e-01 4.51346457e-01 -1.59237251e-01 -1.76911857e-02 -1.65832993e-02 5.14946640e-01 1.13948584e-02 4.37683836e-02 -2.18003113e-02 1.86228622e-02 -2.83119211e-04 1.40721826e-02 7.53720477e-02 3.65548342e-01 -4.63213265e-01 -1.30489826e-01 2.09325746e-01 -2.42509514e-01 -2.51562834e-01 1.48565024e-01 2.24078894e-01 -1.98318765e-01 -1.26297042e-01 2.80664206e-01 -2.71715164e-01 -3.59337814e-02 2.29931623e-01 1.96328923e-01 3.57204825e-02 1.45167753e-01 2.75433471e-04 -1.82245106e-01 -3.65805835e-01 8.06733221e-02 -2.26983145e-01 -2.90959805e-01 6.30928725e-02 -1.77838191e-01 -4.33445483e-01 3.68895731e-03 5.43267429e-01 2.24657819e-01 1.77042410e-01 -1.53783977e-01 7.31407031e-02 3.74449700e-01 7.86639974e-02 2.48935670e-01 4.06739712e-01 -4.85737901e-03 1.67536587e-01 1.78532347e-01 1.64106518e-01 -3.98942769e-01 2.21619368e-01 -2.08631456e-01 -2.02007249e-01 2.48762354e-01 9.69696864e-02 -2.70601958e-01 -2.83301353e-01 9.58388075e-02 3.90163124e-01 -2.49882907e-01 -2.58447587e-01 -2.78928149e-02 1.68057606e-01 8.48516356e-03 1.62715465e-02 -5.52300453e-01 1.46188051e-01 2.51971602e-01 1.06532045e-01 -1.35933191e-01 1.40189707e-01 2.86378235e-01 8.49793106e-02 -1.99325368e-01 1.08219512e-01 3.55821624e-02 8.08874071e-02 -2.41992220e-01 1.03435135e-02 2.83242345e-01 -1.12911142e-01 -9.39144567e-02 -9.90789533e-02 1.54501081e-01 3.37254107e-01 1.17305987e-01 2.29646385e-01 1.81907281e-01 -7.63496896e-03 -1.46533072e-01 2.98462391e-01 -3.31772983e-01 1.94045976e-01 -3.43709320e-01 -2.04529539e-01 2.40380287e-01 3.45884889e-01 -1.91560209e-01 -2.29243338e-01 -2.45368123e-01 -1.96404070e-01 -8.14767107e-02 2.70818532e-01 1.75017878e-01 -1.15784742e-01 4.74983267e-02 4.53402370e-01 -2.09849905e-02 1.25990391e-01 1.95988551e-01 3.52752320e-02 -3.90112028e-02 -7.86069781e-02 2.17055753e-01 1.12580642e-01 2.57478029e-01 -8.27414319e-02 6.21615708e-01 3.70575100e-01 3.93735692e-02 4.88096774e-01 -6.02698810e-02 2.32637778e-01 6.89108074e-02 7.26146996e-02 -1.63678035e-01 2.82690853e-01 -1.98923424e-01 1.75494954e-01 -4.84205186e-01 2.32143160e-02 -1.89615622e-01 -1.09122522e-01 -2.29941048e-02 -2.16016933e-01 3.50420058e-01 -2.81567246e-01 -3.09470177e-01 6.05785176e-02 1.62363723e-01 6.94984198e-02 4.56842892e-02 -2.13013873e-01 7.67838955e-02 3.44804555e-01 2.13107362e-01 1.59473032e-01 6.24002397e-01 -3.06241423e-01 -1.96769927e-02 -9.38579068e-03 -3.44417654e-02 -1.84227869e-01 3.56382221e-01 2.20319241e-01 -3.18323404e-01 -1.17272243e-01 6.52415305e-02 -1.53094083e-01 -1.18742600e-01 -2.76388265e-02 -2.32209582e-02 3.35188568e-01 -1.05732366e-01 1.78565323e-01 1.14635006e-01 -1.52646974e-01 1.64093271e-01 2.14528233e-01 4.58630472e-02 -5.73456176e-02 -2.30703980e-01 2.93131154e-02 -6.12875223e-01 3.72879133e-02 3.19981501e-02 5.91043085e-02 -3.71596187e-01 -1.11579308e-02 -3.05038810e-01 2.27572128e-01 -2.50816286e-01 9.10531655e-02 2.40272641e-01 2.69900262e-01 1.27819583e-01 1.67567998e-01 -2.68461734e-01 -1.75460503e-01 -3.36762726e-01 2.68832505e-01 -2.39383385e-01 -2.60970354e-01 1.65185258e-01 -6.76494539e-02 -7.79350251e-02 2.63905734e-01 -2.89120320e-02 1.46325856e-01 -1.42183244e-01 7.30856135e-03 -3.09650838e-01 2.13202164e-02 4.36657131e-01 1.29782364e-01 6.90174028e-02 -1.36910856e-01 -2.87887640e-02 -2.76049346e-01 1.78501561e-01 -1.32202879e-01 -3.29109997e-01 4.49010618e-02 3.87870073e-01 6.36246860e-01 -6.00309707e-02 -2.01236740e-01 -1.31123319e-01 -3.54586691e-01 1.36994392e-01 2.70845920e-01 1.09899543e-01 5.26310466e-02 4.96445596e-02 1.71875134e-02 3.23842652e-02 5.33852756e-01 3.36131632e-01 -5.80798760e-02 1.32893398e-01 5.59422135e-01 -1.47653803e-01 -2.10641131e-01 -7.02134073e-02 -1.09641403e-01 2.77521402e-01 5.07808328e-01 1.86847299e-02 1.25378743e-02 -3.21658522e-01 -9.36994404e-02 5.18814802e-01 3.82413901e-02 -1.25565201e-01 -7.41571188e-02 2.34065101e-01 3.14267933e-01 -1.28941938e-01 -6.96433783e-01 -2.42152229e-01 -1.70877259e-02 1.49018914e-01 -4.13172930e-01 -6.96389675e-02 -2.08152086e-01 -1.61914885e-01 -3.06549743e-02 4.89719599e-01 -1.63866431e-01 -1.48068681e-01 -1.43461630e-01 -7.00358972e-02]
"Self "Cleaning" Pool" active "Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-242 is kept at a home located in ████████, NM procured by the Foundation on ██/██/████. The original owner was an out of state landlord who had problems keeping it rented. After retiring, he moved there, but disappeared after three days. The home is unremarkable and is inhabited by Dr. ██████ and Dr. ██████████ who pose as a married couple with no children. The backyard is defined along its perimeter with a cinder block wall approximately 2 m high in accordance with the homes in the general vicinity. The pool is monitored at all times by a single Level 1 guard who also covers as the couple's live-in cook (human monitoring was added after Incident 242-1). Swimming or wading in the pool is strongly discouraged and any access to the pool by anyone other than Class D personnel for experimental reasons is forbidden. Description: SCP-242 is a swimming pool approximately 4.5 m wide by 9 m long with a depth ranging from 1 m deep on both ends to 1.5 m deep in the center and a total volume of approximately 53,000 liters. It has a dual waterfall feature, an in-pool vacuum unit, and stairs on one end. Any substance when placed into the pool will eventually be transmuted into sterile water which will remain sterile even after being removed from SCP-242 and introduced to a non-sterile environment. A sample taken from SCP-242 and poured into a container of water that had been tinted with red food coloring did not mix, but rather stayed together as a non-miscible bubble. Subsequent examination of samples shows them to be nothing more than pure, sterile water. The length of time required for the transmutation to complete is dependent on the nature of the substance placed into SCP-242. Ordinary river water sampled from █████████, NM was completely sterilized in 7 minutes. Stagnant pond water taken from ████, NM was sterilized in 18 minutes. 50,000 liters of coal tar was converted over the course of 12 days. While the pool contains nothing but sterile water, there is no apparent action of any of the features of the pool. Once a non-water substance is placed into the pool, the water jets and waterfall will come on even if disconnected from any power source. The pool vacuum, if attached, will also activate and drive around the bottom of the pool even through extremely viscous liquids. There is no cycling of water into or out of the filtration system. Pipes leading to the filtration system have been completely removed and shown to be empty and dry while pool contents were being sterilized. Stagnant pond water, Time=9 min. Stagnant pond water, Time=18 min. Addendum: Incident 242-1: On ██/██/████, during a time when the home was vacant but being monitored by a hidden video camera, a man and woman, apparently in their early 20's scaled the rear wall and gained access to SCP-242. They proceeded to undress, and go swimming along with two vinyl inflatable rafts acquired from the shed in the backyard. After the water jets came on, the female was startled and indicated she wanted to leave. The male claimed that it was just the automatic timer coming on to clean the pool, and "there was nothing to worry about". The couple continued to swim and engaged in intimate activities. 24 minutes after the jets started, the female was heard to say that the water was "really warm" and made her feel "tingly". The male agreed, and they both climbed onto their respective rafts and fell asleep holding hands. 29 minutes after the jets started, both of the rafts popped within 4 seconds of each other and the couple was again immersed completely in the water. At this time, significant frothing of the water began with a deep red color being given off from the subjects' locations. Subjects were heard to scream loudly and both attempted to exit the pool. Before exit was possible, the couple went under the surface, the frothing stopped and the pool went from red to clear approximately 48 seconds later. The decision was made to institute a live guard at the pool. After two weeks, a story was leaked to the press that the couple had eloped to an unknown location somewhere in Mexico. Abstract: What are the general properties of the water contained in SCP-242? Does the water retain any SCP like properties when removed from the location? Proposal: Determine if the water is safe for human consumption both while in the SCP and outside of it. Required equipment/personnel: Estimated Budget: [DATA EXPUNGED] Status: Approved (██/██/20██; Drs. ███ and ████████) Results: Transcript attached for review. Contact Dr. ██████ for a full Lab Report. Dr. ██████: Alright, once you've entered the dive suit, we'll lower you into the pool. All you need to do is take a drink from the metal straw by your mouth when instructed to do so. Test Subject A: Uhhh, I can't see out of this thing. Shouldn't there be glass here? Why is it all metal? Dr. ██████: That's classified. Just get into the dive suit please. <sound of overhead crane followed by a loud splash> Dr. ██████: Is the barrel full yet? Test Subject B: Yep. All full. Dr. ██████: Good. Remove the siphon and get into the other dive suit. You will not be placed into the pool. Just drink from the metal straw fed from the barrel when instructed to do so. Test Subject B: So if I ain't going in the pool, why am I getting into that thing? Dr. ██████: <sighs> Again, that is classified. We went over this in the debrief. Just do as instructed please. <mechanical sounds> Test Subject B: Damn it's dark in here. There's no light? How will I find the straw when I…oh…there it is. Dr. ██████: SCP-242, Experiment 17, time zero set. Test Subject A, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience. Test Subject A: Ah…it's pretty warm. There's a weird chemical aftertaste, but it doesn't last long. Dr. ██████: Good, thank you. Test Subject B, please take a sip from the straw and tell me what you experience. Test Subject B: Hmm. Its cool. And…tastes like…well…nothing. It's good! Dr. ██████: OK. <A loud, long belch is heard, followed by laughter from Test Subject A> Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, what is going on? Please take another sip. Test Subject A: Wow. I've got lots of gas. Eeew! This stuff is really warm now. And it stings my mouth. How much longer is this test? Dr. ██████: OK. Test Subject B, please take a sip. Test Subject B: Yep. Same as before. No taste or smell at all. The water…is this water? It's cool and pleasant. Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please repeat the process. Test Subject A: Ow! [REDACTED] this is really hot now! And…HEY! What the [REDACTED]?! Is that one of my fillings!? What the [REDACTED] is this [REDACTED]?! Dr. ██████: Please just report your experience as succinctly as possible. Fillings can be replaced. Test Subject B, please repeat the process. Test Subject B: This is boring, doc. Seems like a lot of hassle just to give us a drink of water. Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please repeat. <choking and gurgling sounds> Dr. ██████: Test Subject A, please respond. <sound of a muffled scream followed by electrical shorting> Dr. ██████: Test Subject B, please repeat. Test Subject B: Ahh! Yep. Still nice. Dr. ██████: OK. Test Subject B, we're moving to the next phase which is a full medical analysis. But you'll need to uhh…decompress…before you can exit the suit. It will take several hours, so get comfortable in there. Please take a drink every time the indicator light goes on and let me know if anything changes. Use the urination adapter as needed. Test Subject B: Understood. Damn, that was easy! Testing was ended due to internal electrical and subsequent structural failure of Atmospheric Dive Suit A. Retrieval was not attempted; complete loss of Atmospheric Dive Suit A occurred after approximately 15 hours. Test Subject B was extracted after 17 hours. No physiological changes were detected. Subject B's urine was recovered and showed no extraordinary properties. Subject B has been released to the Class D Pool Group for future reuse. The water remaining in the barrel was left to evaporate and did so within the expected time frame. No residue of any kind remained. Note: The use of SCP-242 for possible disposal of any SCP related materials that are "difficult" to manage is being considered at this time. Contact Dr. ██████ for details and/or permission for testing. « SCP-241 | SCP-242 | SCP-243 » Cite this page as: "SCP-242" by Phlimm, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 242-1.jpg Author: Phlimm License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 242-2.jpg Author: Phlimm License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 242-3.jpg Author: Phlimm License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: 242-4.jpg Author: Phlimm License: CC BY-SA 3.0 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Stagnant pond water, Time=0 min. Stagnant pond water, Time=16 min."
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-8.02008808e-02 3.49517584e-01 1.59792468e-01 2.48637021e-01 2.17672378e-01 4.82393283e-04 -3.24837230e-02 -1.04645453e-01 -2.40464136e-01 5.68991661e-01 3.75914872e-01 -3.84869546e-01 -6.34953305e-02 -1.21920191e-01 -6.33170754e-02 2.64242917e-01 9.79135707e-02 -1.00757420e-01 -2.05881730e-01 -8.75700414e-02 3.02089751e-02 -8.31717476e-02 -3.32628995e-01 3.22799772e-01 5.37907481e-01 -8.42257682e-03 -2.50839263e-01 4.90673520e-02 3.09383392e-01 -3.31431478e-01 -3.06437552e-01 -1.71855465e-01 1.61525369e-01 -1.36331990e-01 -1.23332299e-01 -7.43391216e-02 2.20362723e-01 2.56759107e-01 6.32753149e-02 -6.46589398e-02 1.69467688e-01 -2.15994000e-01 2.54842564e-02 1.59485012e-01 3.45870107e-01 -1.26721829e-01 -3.22179198e-01 -9.01460052e-02 -4.29142639e-02 1.83622509e-01 -1.02087846e-02 -6.83662474e-01 5.32020748e-01 -3.07415992e-01 1.78553909e-01 8.59842077e-02 -1.03196591e-01 1.47899598e-01 -1.88827023e-01 -1.36385322e-01 1.67611539e-01 2.14937180e-01 3.01415235e-01 2.20749956e-02 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2.22044531e-03 -5.64568043e-02 1.14107348e-01 -3.36733490e-01 -1.33569613e-01 -3.72624218e-01 -2.21534520e-02 -7.08667934e-02 -1.60600603e-01 4.03489098e-02 6.47520721e-02 -3.81809622e-02 2.40024105e-01 -6.16433332e-03 -8.18585977e-02 -1.92826897e-01 -2.57223666e-01 4.98048589e-02 2.21778467e-01 -1.40441477e-01 -2.56355315e-01 -1.20778941e-01 7.50513747e-02 3.87778401e-01 -3.22883517e-01 -3.92611101e-02 1.32470071e-01 4.70985770e-01 -2.26894870e-01 -2.59881079e-01 3.58991235e-01 2.13491961e-01 -2.73072869e-01 -1.43617481e-01 -1.23613223e-01 9.26120579e-03 2.86627468e-02 1.90071091e-01 -1.38415068e-01 2.48330891e-01 3.54964286e-01 5.42789698e-01 -1.45796686e-01 -4.81741782e-03 6.71296641e-02 -1.08816847e-02 1.07602231e-01 4.29647602e-02 -3.43168169e-01 -1.08064063e-01 5.18971160e-02 -4.40643936e-01 1.27447113e-01 -1.53908059e-02 -1.87978908e-01 1.13752723e-01 -1.48212701e-01 -5.97452760e-01 -3.58611951e-03 6.98089078e-02 7.93002903e-01 1.43007964e-01 6.77263737e-02 -1.96039900e-01 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-4.05491181e-02 -1.35416016e-01 1.80260330e-01 -4.71282929e-01 4.01786029e-01 -2.37602228e-03 -3.37003201e-01 1.75017729e-01 2.51541764e-01 -3.44705641e-01 3.41826826e-01 1.60293669e-01 9.05363142e-01 -7.60383904e-02 -9.10787657e-02 2.21606910e-01 -1.42536774e-01 4.29507792e-02 -2.64661998e-01 -1.88166365e-01 1.51904210e-01 3.54399115e-01 7.20401928e-02 -1.27686681e-02 2.07406521e-01 -4.45993096e-02 -1.61508471e-01 1.14826951e-02 -5.97391188e-01 5.30603863e-02 2.72710532e-01 3.53311867e-01 2.76999980e-01 7.43838772e-02 2.30057999e-01 2.19120204e-01 -3.03409696e-02 5.38853146e-02 6.88091153e-03 9.02776141e-03 8.08793604e-02 2.72970367e-02 -3.26854914e-01 1.45168856e-01 -8.06985348e-02 -1.21793551e-02 7.00144991e-02 1.78593531e-01 -7.49462796e-03 2.83453260e-02 -3.76131475e-01 -1.44821212e-01 -3.96792926e-02 1.41021818e-01 3.68373990e-01 3.29725146e-01 -1.14145307e-02 -4.43928503e-03 7.54411593e-02 -1.38014615e-01 3.33911553e-02 1.95651129e-01 -1.93895563e-01 -7.63917947e-03 1.72317520e-01 1.77570999e-01 5.80647230e-01 -2.82498211e-01 3.44344348e-01 7.14280233e-02 -2.42427111e-01 -1.23226523e-01 2.01531366e-01 -2.18496680e-01 -2.69142687e-01 -7.48441815e-02 1.04468599e-01 -2.06025705e-01 -1.36938989e-01 -1.81909546e-01 1.69329613e-01 3.89297426e-01 1.65911853e-01 -1.23472653e-01 -2.71997482e-01 -3.92192721e-01 6.73893392e-02 -3.67191672e-01 3.48919071e-02 1.39043391e-01 -1.43266127e-01 -5.38906097e-01 1.56731710e-01 1.25096738e-01 -4.27169353e-02 -2.90264130e-01 -1.48128778e-01 -1.71584949e-01 2.03520566e-01 -3.26023787e-01 -3.69521952e-03 2.22782809e-02 4.40610992e-03 7.33109057e-01 1.37603879e-01 1.71755195e-01 -4.11729634e-01 -4.09653261e-02 -4.12778229e-01 2.03250349e-02 -4.13327485e-01 1.36976950e-02 -3.30415398e-01 -3.51421386e-01 2.04144746e-01 2.19017491e-01 -1.97403446e-01 -3.34800541e-01 -1.64376646e-01 1.01942934e-01 -4.18575704e-02 -1.82867981e-02 -4.29031141e-02 2.47029170e-01 -2.37626918e-02 8.89756531e-02 -6.53797388e-02 1.77612588e-01 3.05795431e-01 1.47930592e-01 3.71552646e-01 1.32397339e-01 3.17962527e-01 -9.02084708e-02 -8.98660049e-02 2.23906353e-01 -8.78342167e-02 6.44028634e-02 -1.04511529e-01 -7.42449909e-02 -2.25910321e-02 -1.00398347e-01 9.57965851e-02 1.71964929e-01 -4.29575443e-02 4.23269048e-02 -1.19081259e-01 -3.76265333e-03 -2.84880489e-01 1.71275765e-01 -3.23988050e-01 -6.01587892e-02 -3.23810548e-01 2.48765975e-01 -1.21341303e-01 4.45218414e-01 -2.63228387e-01 1.62481189e-01 1.07421525e-01 2.69906074e-01 -1.47419408e-01 5.06728478e-02 -5.08242771e-02 1.57949045e-01 4.49272275e-01 -4.85368036e-02 2.42866188e-01 -8.64166766e-03 2.00144112e-01 5.32960296e-02 -3.70553471e-02 -7.71830603e-02 -2.79696822e-01 3.38944793e-01 5.30650973e-01 5.22752143e-02 -4.51385509e-03 3.03463966e-01 1.43623471e-01 -1.25730768e-01 -3.29448164e-01 3.81349653e-01 -7.57005438e-02 3.90355825e-01 1.21186696e-01 -1.21886946e-01 -2.20501781e-01 -1.32213682e-01 -1.56415552e-01 9.72108915e-02 7.70573542e-02 -4.75032888e-02 -1.15273722e-01 -4.78441492e-02 -9.91724655e-02 2.08427206e-01 1.84941366e-01 4.55028601e-02 1.83351696e-01 -1.08338319e-01 -1.55732870e-01 -5.08950502e-02 5.09353466e-02 -4.68786992e-02 3.33094269e-01 -2.44583875e-01 1.59293950e-01 2.61145800e-01 9.10231546e-02 3.06403209e-02 2.25862846e-01 8.76935422e-02 1.49614528e-01 -1.57057673e-01 -1.82301085e-02 -1.55773014e-01 -1.22800721e-02 -3.23410004e-01 5.83614781e-02 1.11531518e-01 -1.23033347e-02 7.38701746e-02 2.48335525e-01 -3.01436603e-01 4.10287455e-02 1.23038821e-01 1.87792391e-01 -9.32132006e-02 1.73605829e-01 -3.90631929e-02 1.42082781e-01 2.73242474e-01 -1.34132147e-01 -1.79676101e-01 1.82111949e-01 1.26278535e-01 6.45719841e-02 3.61180931e-01 8.78881589e-02 1.06371753e-01 -2.05074951e-01 2.60387629e-01 2.99268705e-03 2.12169532e-02 -1.55883670e-01 -2.57657707e-01 -5.06694496e-01 -1.30876005e-01 -2.12379143e-01 -3.46081227e-01 -2.43492052e-02 2.96271205e-01 -3.09921950e-01 1.64634623e-02 -2.05421537e-01 1.42181218e-01 -4.18445021e-02 -2.06032887e-01 -3.26333642e-01 2.52088517e-01 7.19726877e-03 6.52210191e-02 1.04727745e-01 -2.00815216e-01 2.37528086e-01 -1.41229197e-01 2.87058979e-01 1.57588437e-01 -9.77596045e-02 6.80711716e-02 3.82918566e-01 1.70637429e-01 4.18442152e-02 2.11342890e-02 -3.02296937e-01 1.90181118e-02 1.83809638e-01 8.35960731e-02 -7.71940053e-02 -6.88832030e-02 3.09854429e-02 3.68398100e-01 1.00455165e-01 4.66942042e-01 1.79067776e-01 5.20158280e-03 1.65736631e-01 -1.35147378e-01 -5.09084761e-01 2.17513785e-01 1.47465514e-02 1.85845718e-01 -3.73450041e-01 3.00354481e-01 9.15667564e-02 -5.20410985e-02 -3.79113227e-01 -1.39050752e-01 6.57778382e-01 -4.93813336e-01 -3.74424428e-01 -3.64788882e-02 -1.26641259e-01 2.48428911e-01 5.75756803e-02 -5.63123703e-01 -3.19289446e-01 1.55730337e-01 -1.40219092e-01 -2.96725422e-01 -9.20048282e-02 -3.49787533e-01 -1.83040872e-01 -7.06510916e-02 2.18000203e-01 2.43211910e-02 -1.79691166e-01 6.12052754e-02 5.35514578e-02]
"Animation" active "Item #: SCP-243 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-243 is to be secured in the geometric center of a standard containment cell no less than 16 m x 16 m x 16 m. The cell is to be connected to an adjacent room of similar size and composition by one standard lockable door; all exits to the cells are to be kept locked and guarded against unauthorized access. No Eligible Group (more than 4 identical inanimate objects; see below) is permitted into the containment cell, nor any item capable of producing such a group, except as necessary for testing. Personnel entering the cell are subject to search & seizure of unauthorized multiples. Objects animated by SCP-243 are to be removed to the adjacent room for study. Undesirable animated items are to be disposed of promptly, by incineration if appropriate. In the event that SCP-243 is applied to other SCP objects, or to other items of similar value, the "flock" is to be separated and held in standard Safe- or Euclid-class inanimate item lockers until the effects wear off. Following Incident 243-02, bringing Eligible Groups of weapons, easily weaponized objects, or dry-cell batteries into SCP-243's containment is strictly forbidden. Description: SCP-243 is a mass of small dry-cell batteries, all fused at their negative terminals into an ellipsoid approximately 30 cm long by 10 cm diameter. The arrangement is semi-fluid: the batteries may be rearranged by applying gentle pressure, though it is far more difficult to remove them from the central cylinder. SCP-243's unusual properties manifest when an Eligible Group of objects is brought into its active zone, an area of indeterminate shape extending no more than 7.3 m or less than 2.5 m from the center of the item. The active zone's precise extent and shape change from minute to minute. An Eligible Group consists of 5 or more identical or nearly-identical inanimate objects: "nearly-identical" items are those that a casual observer cannot easily distinguish based on attributes other than overall color. Eligible Group members animate when brought into the active zone, displaying unusual flexibility and powers of levitation and locomotion. They acquire a few basic instincts, including self-preservation and variously complex flocking behavior. Object flocks range from simple separation-alignment-cohesion groups, like flocks of birds or shoals of fish, to aggregates involving role specialization and formation of discrete subunits. Animated objects also, secondarily to flocking, tend to behave in ways thematically appropriate to an object of their type: umbrellas form large shades, chairs make themselves available as seating, knives seek out objects to cut, etc. An item separated from the "flock" wanders aimlessly or searches for other flock members. Approximately 4 hours after separation, the item goes dormant and loses all apparent unusual properties; at this point, reuniting it with its group renders it animate again. 25 minutes after going dormant, it becomes permanently inanimate, losing all unusual properties and reverting to a normal object of its type. Whether intact or missing members, a flock de-animates permanently 24 +/- 2 hours after initial exposure to SCP-243. Flocks displaying complex shoaling behavior frequently fuse upon deanimation into aggregates representative of that behavior. Addendum: SCP-243 came to the Foundation's attention following a series of suspicious incidents involving █████ Animation Studios. The unusually fluid, "natural" motion depicted in the cartoons produced would not ordinarily have attracted attention, but [DATA EXPUNGED] every desk lamp in the facility [DATA EXPUNGED]. The effects wore off in the usual 24 hours. Class-A amnestics were administered to the animators involved and their families, all of whom remain under surveillance. Future █████ productions are to be monitored carefully for evidence of further interference. Addendum 2: Given the release of █████ Animation Studios's film "Knick Knack" prior to containment of SCP-243, in which a flamingo is one of several characters, it is currently hypothesized that SCP-243 may be a possible origin for SCP-1507. The style of movement observed in SCP-1507 instances matches movement observed from the character in the film, and the effects of SCP-243 would explain the former's flocking behaviors. If SCP-243 is the origin of SCP-1507, it is currently unknown why SCP-1507 has yet to deanimate, or if it will deanimate in accordance to SCP-243's behavior in the future. « SCP-242 | SCP-243 | SCP-244 »" nan
[ 9.99333896e-03 -4.72470850e-01 -1.01196967e-01 -2.53165215e-01 2.17974991e-01 -1.94180325e-01 3.28370214e-01 -1.09173767e-02 -8.70937407e-02 2.86935776e-01 -1.47030100e-01 2.87663102e-01 -2.44167179e-01 -2.78824002e-01 9.07420460e-03 -3.27424668e-02 1.21380471e-01 6.25986680e-02 3.05799365e-01 -2.79650182e-01 -1.95718050e-01 6.91740885e-02 -8.05813819e-02 1.72517285e-01 -4.93655540e-02 8.70428309e-02 -5.24003431e-02 -3.66263427e-02 1.48193955e-01 -1.30226925e-01 8.30371771e-03 2.30888873e-01 1.92594215e-01 2.90233195e-01 -1.10431632e-04 -3.93407017e-01 6.48523122e-02 3.00236419e-02 -5.91836162e-02 2.72264063e-01 -1.59151200e-02 -9.09959199e-04 -1.17377780e-01 -3.03384632e-01 2.38071039e-01 2.99327701e-01 5.46914004e-02 -2.72395611e-01 4.85042453e-01 1.85264219e-02 1.47102579e-01 -4.26953174e-02 -1.43320724e-01 1.61365032e-01 4.61279809e-01 -3.28808933e-01 -2.30450079e-01 -5.05058244e-02 5.90730667e-01 2.84189992e-02 4.61229831e-02 -8.19949955e-02 -1.37348294e-01 -1.12766400e-03 1.37134224e-01 -2.19738111e-01 3.98374826e-01 -2.73278207e-01 -2.15081528e-01 -5.08947000e-02 -2.15052832e-02 1.98993385e-02 8.49293247e-02 -1.63606927e-01 2.55760819e-01 -1.76166072e-01 2.10894085e-02 3.58509868e-01 9.53211412e-02 -1.24996807e-02 -3.88537049e-01 4.25190479e-01 -3.35669965e-01 8.52999538e-02 -1.88302726e-01 3.92316073e-01 1.50347874e-02 8.56527314e-02 7.39974603e-02 6.11415431e-02 1.39851406e-01 -4.38108295e-02 1.67940333e-01 3.12809736e-01 4.09576334e-02 -5.87010086e-02 -9.15593654e-02 -5.22566885e-02 2.19888061e-01 3.34793895e-01 4.82000075e-02 4.88073379e-03 1.11885116e-01 1.75519705e-01 -4.48690206e-02 2.13866964e-01 -8.16282630e-02 -2.27692962e-01 -4.20483984e-02 4.21656907e-01 -2.29591534e-01 1.04190849e-01 -2.49698833e-01 1.17620967e-01 4.61097732e-02 -1.16799928e-01 -2.11867485e-02 -1.52355051e-02 -2.79534280e-01 1.78839251e-01 -7.90639341e-01 1.31488398e-01 -1.09484509e-01 1.70836389e-01 5.06524026e-01 1.49796069e-01 1.09843679e-01 4.07981239e-02 1.60686240e-01 -2.21507013e-01 -7.45098218e-02 1.01062573e-01 -4.63678122e-01 -5.77067770e-02 -9.83528197e-02 4.57837343e-01 -1.75540745e-01 1.21707628e-02 -7.01210089e-03 1.10358030e-01 -5.27622527e-04 3.43631878e-02 3.42836559e-01 1.79301649e-01 -1.00386031e-01 -2.59004503e-01 2.05642637e-02 -1.49156392e-01 2.89280433e-02 -3.22431028e-02 3.11104298e-01 -2.47364983e-01 -7.58986473e-02 2.08506465e-01 -4.13572252e-01 -3.80572677e-02 6.37204826e-01 -5.96151780e-03 -1.34479120e-01 -1.46916568e-01 2.62796402e-01 7.72330910e-02 -1.06515415e-01 -2.03385964e-01 -5.58994971e-02 2.80402303e-01 -1.22081831e-01 -1.64059952e-01 -3.16133916e-01 -8.96327272e-02 2.67599255e-01 -1.22348018e-01 -1.32559165e-01 -6.39936402e-02 -2.52032697e-01 1.07715532e-01 -5.54026544e-01 9.55141708e-02 -3.27950150e-01 -1.10515162e-01 -3.82800847e-01 3.68616909e-01 4.16104525e-01 -8.66306201e-02 -4.76466358e-01 -2.01632693e-01 1.11976929e-01 3.40663075e-01 1.43386751e-01 -5.10131381e-02 -2.94319808e-01 -2.51966387e-01 -1.11780874e-02 2.55922750e-02 -5.62478900e-02 8.82788822e-02 2.12974355e-01 2.88780302e-01 2.33847171e-01 2.92689130e-02 -1.26215234e-01 7.51011968e-02 4.77058887e-01 -2.36024097e-01 -1.79593191e-01 -1.13065369e-01 -1.75736472e-01 -6.44567236e-02 5.53812832e-02 3.67173105e-02 -1.57984406e-01 -1.96912393e-01 -2.83008903e-01 1.53859258e-01 -5.99374846e-02 -3.08736324e-01 2.47552872e-01 1.18114725e-01 1.63264364e-01 -3.67879689e-01 -4.79810499e-02 3.89684409e-01 -1.28791779e-01 -1.39235631e-01 2.20472485e-01 3.96294236e-01 -2.97790945e-01 -2.28107020e-01 -1.04547806e-01 1.75892383e-01 5.16203716e-02 -2.92019606e-01 1.06425639e-02 3.43240321e-01 4.06001918e-02 -1.05679348e-01 3.08967352e-01 8.01185608e-01 -1.75680503e-01 4.57541615e-01 2.87307035e-02 -3.45382839e-01 1.37272105e-01 2.29646251e-01 -3.29000205e-01 2.99147725e-01 -7.64228255e-02 3.49744916e-01 8.92354995e-02 -2.09363312e-01 -8.37203301e-03 -1.28120646e-01 -1.99012116e-01 5.71521260e-02 2.24887475e-01 2.82565773e-01 -9.06141326e-02 1.68325469e-01 -3.17730755e-01 1.65801018e-01 7.75431171e-02 -1.07547022e-01 9.09719467e-02 -1.80777580e-01 -1.66373327e-01 -4.36921604e-02 3.77692014e-01 7.39895463e-01 6.58048466e-02 2.56296545e-01 -2.47870296e-01 -2.08836347e-01 -1.25805140e-01 -2.90678024e-01 1.23611704e-01 1.75304368e-01 3.98236632e-01 2.40532771e-01 3.87769729e-01 2.18185663e-01 -5.16115665e-01 -5.42563260e-01 -5.28848208e-02 -1.51922122e-01 -4.23659831e-02 6.02188855e-02 2.92351335e-01 -2.87615526e-02 -1.24324486e-01 3.73651505e-01 -1.46578938e-01 -4.09015179e-01 6.85955212e-02 7.29775578e-02 1.03284717e-01 8.33355114e-02 -5.86991124e-02 6.00551486e-01 -5.32371737e-02 1.82059184e-01 -3.30643177e-01 2.04370022e-01 9.60538760e-02 1.93677828e-01 -2.91629523e-01 -1.72439635e-01 2.98410058e-01 7.49276951e-02 3.50565314e-01 -1.43996272e-02 -1.91013217e-01 1.87333688e-01 1.66969802e-02 -1.70844853e-01 9.47232991e-02 -1.61454454e-01 -1.23315923e-01 -1.98941156e-01 1.72947824e-01 -3.90193045e-01 2.28797551e-02 4.25208919e-02 -1.67493194e-01 -3.50958794e-01 -3.48667473e-01 3.13573718e-01 1.58089072e-01 -1.27492145e-01 2.22075388e-01 2.03753933e-01 -6.09840937e-02 2.20038649e-02 2.51723051e-01 2.00551882e-01 -2.06656829e-01 -4.57960442e-02 -1.82346210e-01 -1.97254628e-01 1.11425281e-01 -6.60802349e-02 -2.05696955e-01 -1.02004439e-01 -1.96515948e-01 -6.57983497e-02 3.78442276e-03 -4.72935662e-02 -6.09408319e-01 -4.47985262e-01 1.43155307e-01 -1.57105491e-01 -2.24930942e-02 7.53281265e-02 2.55119503e-01 -3.20536047e-01 -2.34166339e-01 3.61623205e-02 2.56842822e-01 2.35352963e-01 8.73958617e-02 -2.76680648e-01 -2.81010896e-01 4.74426866e-01 6.15782082e-01 -2.99828440e-01 -1.98938563e-01 -4.62636091e-02 1.00629762e-01 -4.53287773e-02 2.81317294e-01 -1.69434194e-02 3.70150119e-01 1.03821598e-01 -3.72200370e-01 1.24603696e-01 -2.22034886e-01 -1.31740153e-01 2.75977910e-01 3.19644660e-01 -5.88762574e-02 -1.69071164e-02 -6.72843456e-02 6.69459164e-01 7.06184432e-02 -8.89275894e-02 -3.89630914e-01 1.03823720e-02 1.34978861e-01 1.72480755e-02 3.82517092e-02 2.50728071e-01 1.16400803e-02 -6.95704715e-03 -2.94428825e-01 -2.50132009e-02 3.21861148e-01 -4.93361056e-02 2.12434337e-01 -2.09280625e-02 -1.69786240e-03 4.19020861e-01 -2.70528674e-01 2.92477846e-01 1.44654319e-01 1.70764580e-01 3.39677185e-01 1.04681142e-01 -2.29049563e-01 -2.74473399e-01 -4.74585742e-01 -3.65673304e-01 2.44741023e-01 -4.23939526e-01 4.89412509e-02 -6.05477095e-02 -2.27935314e-02 -1.69697762e-01 1.15275778e-01 7.24041089e-02 2.23717183e-01 7.64793456e-02 -8.11196327e-01 1.32030666e-01 2.03791838e-02 -1.21643089e-01 -2.30079338e-01 5.33318520e-03 2.18720108e-01 2.29046177e-02 8.42056721e-02 6.38053566e-02 -1.75800845e-01 3.22073877e-01 -3.66860062e-01 1.32870957e-01 2.35860616e-01 -8.80614221e-02 -6.17126515e-03 1.85952395e-01 1.39746308e-01 -1.62447095e-01 8.10030401e-02 2.92147636e-01 6.53651178e-01 7.57966936e-02 -2.44679283e-02 -5.56874752e-01 2.00841516e-01 2.71994889e-01 -4.22665551e-02 2.68091410e-01 -3.27810496e-02 5.83900809e-01 -2.63863981e-01 8.76480564e-02 3.54981944e-02 -3.09726566e-01 -4.58790600e-01 -1.31806031e-01 -1.59718394e-01 4.65957075e-01 3.18792343e-01 9.98004973e-01 1.61304444e-01 4.65408675e-02 3.35902244e-01 9.81349275e-02 -1.20314457e-01 -3.60391825e-01 6.86660269e-03 -7.44713843e-02 -1.23432882e-01 4.79836799e-02 -2.28745818e-01 1.16690189e-01 1.25994608e-01 -2.40237162e-01 -4.35567588e-01 -7.14593053e-01 -4.81161922e-01 -1.02680407e-01 8.84879306e-02 -3.11233569e-02 -2.71851234e-02 -8.64425302e-02 1.93104252e-01 -1.01945445e-01 3.45822185e-01 4.67942394e-02 -5.12408391e-02 -3.36853564e-01 2.11948708e-01 -1.36473626e-01 2.08386227e-01 2.03202605e-01 1.09547012e-01 -3.35399687e-01 2.01099396e-01 1.07448332e-01 -3.80174406e-02 -2.06515804e-01 -2.39085138e-01 1.17720753e-01 3.02602887e-01 6.72357738e-01 -6.18688285e-01 -1.20593265e-01 1.29247174e-01 1.05154850e-01 -1.32268906e-01 2.58343536e-02 4.10403684e-02 4.56644595e-03 2.98609324e-02 -3.70557718e-02 2.21517142e-02 9.79949713e-01 -1.78920090e-01 -4.88912426e-02 2.94210583e-01 -3.85238051e-01 -1.81129098e-01 1.67274401e-01 1.00892790e-01 -1.18751183e-01 -1.62803054e-01 3.19281295e-02 1.85538456e-02 -2.03492101e-02 9.06318426e-02 7.07773566e-02 7.74475858e-02 2.65354037e-01 1.26934528e-01 -1.82355810e-02 -3.50882173e-01 1.80411831e-01 1.89468697e-01 -5.96469343e-01 2.03277200e-01 -4.52380278e-04 -4.14677501e-01 -4.26926799e-02 5.62857032e-01 2.82476276e-01 2.19596121e-02 -2.25954711e-01 -2.19003513e-01 1.00797005e-01 -1.44644186e-01 1.90043867e-01 4.23491985e-01 -2.66874850e-01 1.42875850e-01 5.84631190e-02 -9.80366953e-03 -4.04082179e-01 -1.58737510e-01 -3.06354225e-01 -1.97658271e-01 9.75880474e-02 -3.34941238e-01 -3.26787114e-01 -1.23242334e-01 1.60600498e-01 1.91850856e-01 -4.45390344e-01 -2.65743524e-01 -1.96750835e-01 1.29985660e-01 6.98431283e-02 -2.04126492e-01 7.92248026e-02 6.44858107e-02 4.32035998e-02 -5.24218790e-02 -5.43815158e-02 1.18822619e-01 1.32777885e-01 -2.86472086e-02 1.43278211e-01 9.73569527e-02 2.43510958e-02 -3.64171028e-01 -5.19331135e-02 4.08566520e-02 1.31332189e-01 -8.61827955e-02 -2.98004389e-01 3.06937471e-03 2.92008370e-01 1.23471245e-01 -3.46443653e-02 6.42338514e-01 2.31074050e-01 -3.82137485e-02 -6.49907142e-02 1.08262159e-01 -3.03230822e-01 1.00214437e-01 -3.80882025e-01 -2.00167954e-01 -2.66380787e-01 2.81992704e-01 -1.44580945e-01 -6.35152832e-02 -2.12939247e-01 -1.16159376e-02 8.07935819e-02 2.94813961e-01 9.51881856e-02 -9.87201855e-02 -9.91834700e-02 2.15873763e-01 1.30764484e-01 1.56502023e-01 8.64899904e-02 1.58070982e-01 1.83111474e-01 -5.24231046e-02 2.01835975e-01 1.50018454e-01 4.92629200e-01 1.15604177e-01 1.55894548e-01 -2.59426951e-01 4.01523918e-01 3.34245354e-01 5.37169039e-01 3.58607441e-01 2.73735553e-01 4.44836736e-01 1.93811789e-01 3.50556910e-01 1.56810403e-01 -1.53890282e-01 -8.83474499e-02 -1.04613736e-01 -7.92982131e-02 2.11100236e-01 2.76956528e-01 1.56342804e-01 -4.49668653e-02 -2.96916366e-02 -3.07315677e-01 -2.45880067e-01 2.65202764e-02 -5.70744127e-02 1.38426006e-01 -1.66036710e-01 2.37444237e-01 2.26608172e-01 -4.71821465e-02 2.74784863e-01 5.25104761e-01 -1.72756597e-01 -9.13706571e-02 2.15444848e-01 -2.75912642e-01 2.61889398e-01 -1.82780307e-02 2.44515508e-01 1.47108391e-01 2.12155536e-01 2.12369308e-01 -2.76442803e-02 -1.18614435e-01 -6.47656694e-02 4.35633250e-02 2.77073056e-01 -2.24879295e-01 2.96575278e-01 1.30552024e-01 -3.59942853e-01 -3.59090209e-01 2.80848891e-01 -1.13061503e-01 9.11018997e-02 4.46578562e-01 -1.85071394e-01 -3.03265512e-01 -1.34796903e-01 2.35456526e-02 -1.17511995e-01 9.50561985e-02 -5.56343734e-01 -1.26725316e-01 3.95668186e-02 -1.77736327e-01 6.69295639e-02 -5.20515032e-02 -1.44601405e-01 9.21692252e-02 -5.70159517e-02 -1.00941658e-02 -3.51582050e-01 -2.38830239e-01 1.31028801e-01 1.03618369e-01 -2.26453260e-01 2.44345918e-01 2.10112214e-01 -1.83120459e-01 3.18981737e-01 1.65383667e-01 4.15927172e-02 -2.98097998e-01 2.80097872e-01 -2.68587798e-01 3.24528486e-01 5.58003545e-01 -1.08359076e-01 -2.47952845e-02 -1.25260605e-02 -8.41170549e-03 -4.55684632e-01 2.18185201e-01 1.88793138e-01 -1.76768869e-01 -5.26995920e-02 -1.01729371e-01 3.66781682e-01 -1.24896549e-01 -6.52148798e-02 -1.46411359e-01 -5.90804406e-02 -3.55950817e-02 -4.12639752e-02 -1.65450554e-02 -2.33444534e-02 -1.44258559e-01 4.02090877e-01 6.91517964e-02 5.06735086e-01 2.31699154e-01 -1.42084733e-01 2.19461009e-01 2.57886797e-01 -1.76155552e-01 2.98043668e-01 -4.10168260e-01 4.12848622e-01 -6.89170659e-02 2.56679177e-01 1.83212817e-01 -1.44152910e-01 -9.60051417e-02 -1.98512197e-01 5.05171895e-01 -2.51732975e-01 -4.62337136e-01 2.18020618e-01 1.91600863e-02 -3.08368206e-01 -6.51852116e-02 6.13394119e-02 -2.88812250e-01 3.09816878e-02 -9.94303226e-02 -1.97717026e-01 1.15909195e-02 1.87059231e-02 -3.61197025e-01 -6.37286678e-02 4.78734136e-01 1.45957038e-01 3.86842601e-02 -1.44947529e-01 -1.25941008e-01]
"Ice Fog Jar" active "Item #: SCP-244 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: When not in testing, SCP-244-1 is to be placed in a room with its own thermostat, kept at a temperature of no less than 38℃. This room must also have its own ventilation system to provide constant air circulation. SCP-244-1 will rest on top of a scale attached to an alarm, so that any abrupt changes in weight from SCP-244-1's cap's sudden removal or from SCP-244-1's displacement may be immediately detected. If the alarm goes off, SCP-244-1 is to be immediately retrieved, capped, and placed back on the scale. In the event that SCP-244-1 spends longer than four (4) hours uncapped and active before retrieval is possible, initiate Procedure 244-2123-B. Description: SCP-244-1 is a Tunisian-style earthenware jar, made of common ceramics mixed with traces of [DATA EXPUNGED] and decorated with silver filigree. The inside of SCP-244-1 always has an internal temperature of -37℃ and a 125% humidity, regardless of external conditions; persons handling SCP-244-1 invariably describe it as cold to the touch. SCP-244-1 includes a cap of identical make and style to the jar itself. When SCP-244-1 is uncapped, condensed water vapor will flow from its mouth. The rate at which the vapor emanates increases if SCP-244-1 is left lying on its side or suspended upside-down. This vapor is identical in composition to ice fog, with a temperature of -37℃ and 125% humidity as it exits SCP-244-1. Over time, this fog will disperse through whatever area SCP-244-1 is in, lowering ambient temperatures and raising humidity levels proportionally. The amount of time it takes for SCP-244-1 to fill an area with fog varies depending on the size of the space, the amount of moisture already in the air, and the temperature at the time SCP-244-1 is opened. If SCP-244-1 is left uncapped outside of any structure, it will still produce water vapor and lower the surrounding temperature. However, the effect may be considerably diminished, or enhanced, by the effects of the sun, wind, local topography, and/or local vegetation. In any space where SCP-244-1 has changed the environmental temperature and humidity to -37℃ and a 125% humidity, there is a chance of encountering SCP-244-2, directly proportional to the amount of time that the area has been fogged over. SCP-244-2 is a mobile gaseous entity, visible only as a dense cloud of greyish fog. Whether it simply uses SCP-244-1's own fog as camouflage or is actually a part of said fog is still undetermined. Thermal imaging shows that SCP-244-2 is far colder than its surrounding environment. How SCP-244-2 achieves locomotion is not known, but testing and observation has made it clear that SCP-244-2 usually remains motionless unless there is a source of heat nearby. SCP-244-2 is attracted to any source of heat energy, and will move to envelop such sources. Because of SCP-244-2's own inordinately cold internal temperature, any object that comes into direct contact with it usually flash-freezes. Biological heat sources (including humans) are invariably killed by the flash-freezing effect, and mechanical or electronic devices ice over. SCP-244-2 appears to grow in size as it "consumes" thermal energy. In a sufficiently large beclouded area, there may be multiple instances of SCP-244-2. SCP-244-2 will not attempt to consume heat sources with a temperature equal or greater than 600℃, and will actively move away from such sources if they are brought closer to it. For this reason, SCP-244-2 is easily repelled with burning wood or other combustive fuel fires. SCP-244-2 has been observed to disperse if exposed to great concentrations of heat in a short period of time. History: SCP-244-1 was first discovered in the basement of a recently emptied Chaos Insurgency-occupied military base, where it had completely filled the basement level with ice fog and at least two manifestations of SCP-244-2. It was retrieved by Dr. Morris with the assistance of Mobile Task Force Beta-62. It is unknown whether the Chaos Insurgency had placed SCP-244-1 in the basement as some sort of diversionary tactic or if they themselves were looking for it. Addendum: Whatever SCP-244-2 is composed of, it is certainly not normal water vapor. At those temperatures, mere water would surely become a solid, as indeed would most gases. However, taking samples of SCP-244-2's material has proven difficult, as it is both gaseous and freezes most devices applied to it. I suspect that this may be related to the [DATA EXPUNGED] in SCP-244-1, but studying that mineral has a host of problems all its own. -Dr. Morris « SCP-243 | SCP-244 | SCP-245 »" nan
[-2.42544990e-02 -5.15939808e-03 -1.53370574e-01 5.64865954e-02 -3.85245144e-01 -4.96477932e-01 3.79009485e-01 1.31041497e-01 7.08789349e-01 5.05792856e-01 7.22637177e-02 2.68275559e-01 -9.86022968e-03 3.21272463e-01 3.26243043e-01 -6.61400184e-02 -3.31462212e-02 2.32523903e-01 -4.17621732e-02 -1.63058534e-01 -1.91033389e-02 -9.36248973e-02 -2.12069154e-01 1.39384642e-01 2.21209317e-01 -2.77451009e-01 -1.94040120e-01 -3.39369215e-02 7.59868100e-02 -4.05553937e-01 1.52003884e-01 1.76933870e-01 -3.15230130e-03 1.19271807e-01 -1.05132225e-04 -1.61069408e-01 1.29516110e-01 1.96542233e-01 -2.24467721e-02 8.30239579e-02 -6.79024607e-02 -1.02595240e-01 4.31849584e-02 -3.27094905e-02 1.20580867e-01 2.70106852e-01 1.94377196e-03 -3.62000801e-02 3.02204967e-01 -1.31186530e-01 1.95911616e-01 -1.27326399e-01 7.66294748e-02 1.96599305e-01 1.69381335e-01 -2.31708791e-02 -2.03371421e-01 -1.99629679e-01 -5.13801053e-02 -1.65017977e-01 2.56226778e-01 9.64463577e-02 -3.43069613e-01 7.56475329e-03 1.84775710e-01 1.81315422e-01 -3.53033006e-01 -6.29575402e-02 1.11473382e-01 2.65683144e-01 3.58486325e-01 -1.90224990e-01 5.23831286e-02 1.54725298e-01 -9.71058309e-02 -1.30340979e-01 1.62399948e-01 -1.96721599e-01 2.34964073e-01 -4.43740748e-02 3.01678717e-01 1.21023670e-01 -4.44740981e-01 1.90142915e-01 -2.97192484e-01 4.77230214e-02 -2.58203328e-01 -1.56705398e-02 3.11430216e-01 -1.30070478e-01 -1.55053124e-01 -9.43156183e-02 1.05135277e-01 1.47277609e-01 4.36528549e-02 -1.00015655e-01 5.22577912e-02 4.27654572e-02 2.33432144e-01 1.42716423e-01 3.18450123e-01 9.08277407e-02 2.20836744e-01 4.67017777e-02 -3.73238400e-02 1.50675744e-01 1.12316564e-01 -1.31529391e-01 -3.14250022e-01 -2.56921887e-01 -4.69829798e-01 -2.48266205e-01 -2.74951994e-01 -1.88956380e-01 5.26681878e-02 -2.59942144e-01 -4.22627432e-03 -4.23687786e-01 -1.96559697e-01 3.72129649e-01 -4.36293274e-01 2.16114879e-01 -8.37669475e-04 2.35115871e-01 -4.73643877e-02 2.52492204e-02 4.72611189e-01 -1.36805609e-01 -2.39880025e-01 1.21129565e-01 -1.48953646e-01 4.51001167e-01 -2.11526349e-01 3.04676175e-01 7.24022463e-02 -2.52397619e-02 -2.56631374e-01 9.78003629e-03 1.92214310e-01 1.11346364e-01 3.62242818e-01 5.04410677e-02 4.17774320e-01 2.25021228e-01 -3.96437556e-01 -1.87697917e-01 1.69434443e-01 3.28749530e-02 -2.48275220e-01 -4.34495918e-02 2.63523072e-01 -7.46857002e-02 -5.45747697e-01 2.49469250e-01 -5.24114035e-02 -2.41930913e-02 4.28816140e-01 5.61166778e-02 -1.84481934e-01 -2.02111408e-01 5.00202924e-02 2.62935132e-01 1.24800406e-01 -1.37122124e-01 8.10678378e-02 5.52637935e-01 -6.48490071e-01 -1.09992474e-02 -6.60251975e-01 -5.91684021e-02 -4.48760018e-02 -1.53336495e-01 -3.66295991e-03 2.60373980e-01 -1.41516402e-01 7.72513449e-02 -9.03473735e-01 -1.14230193e-01 -5.21345854e-01 -1.36255860e-01 -1.62225649e-01 2.75623709e-01 2.87121326e-01 -2.70736754e-01 -1.17609337e-01 4.55396175e-02 -1.53285921e-01 -7.71482140e-02 2.37527728e-01 -5.30565441e-01 -4.79799956e-01 -1.53527722e-01 1.36764785e-02 -4.33336059e-03 -1.50229456e-02 -1.08678266e-02 3.39487255e-01 2.85966635e-01 -2.82876253e-01 3.44246894e-01 -2.01381534e-01 -3.50584686e-02 1.75689146e-01 1.34476185e-01 -2.63281047e-01 -1.17285205e-02 -1.78620383e-01 -7.11859614e-02 -7.83107728e-02 1.25483230e-01 -9.52995047e-02 -2.03186035e-01 -1.15536731e-02 3.23691577e-01 2.72564113e-01 -3.62241685e-01 2.98984408e-01 2.09928542e-01 -2.59499028e-02 -4.38698120e-02 1.12510666e-01 9.28389356e-02 4.58217889e-01 -3.60272467e-01 2.26387843e-01 2.20504776e-02 -1.54760495e-01 -1.29040390e-01 -6.90764636e-02 -9.33671370e-02 3.67686391e-01 -3.57595645e-02 2.44522229e-01 2.25337055e-02 -5.48464358e-01 4.12254483e-01 9.47205126e-02 3.79854053e-01 -1.24676503e-01 1.29955098e-01 3.32823962e-01 -2.09689587e-01 1.76195756e-01 -8.52543190e-02 -1.08793631e-01 4.15660620e-01 1.26291305e-01 5.37200719e-02 -1.24885544e-01 -1.89450011e-02 -3.58640075e-01 -4.11457032e-01 -1.41374588e-01 -1.40213177e-01 1.42080247e-01 4.03007597e-01 2.21386611e-01 4.36384864e-02 1.97709501e-02 3.90254200e-01 -8.82999450e-02 -9.79013219e-02 1.70769140e-01 -1.35439530e-01 -1.16669748e-03 -9.43316892e-02 2.43044436e-01 -3.41089070e-02 1.09565914e-01 1.39676630e-01 -2.32997332e-02 1.20760061e-01 1.44459249e-03 6.26126246e-04 8.02896097e-02 -1.72100231e-01 4.15933356e-02 2.36516580e-01 -1.52671888e-01 2.27709785e-01 -1.23908900e-01 -5.36618769e-01 -2.78502524e-01 -9.41257104e-02 -7.02989846e-03 3.01860392e-01 -2.13617936e-01 4.32425179e-02 -1.24541014e-01 3.39056365e-02 1.43872768e-01 1.40819815e-03 1.68729033e-02 3.96732520e-03 -2.91914731e-01 2.74224337e-02 6.56965375e-02 3.78410548e-01 2.58796550e-02 -2.32835308e-01 -5.72485566e-01 2.18427226e-01 -1.40455350e-01 1.34337947e-01 -2.16148287e-01 3.42612594e-01 3.74239981e-01 4.93642092e-02 2.50890225e-01 -3.41221355e-02 -3.43869448e-01 3.10093015e-01 3.58790249e-01 1.93898201e-01 6.40573800e-02 1.52252108e-01 -4.55199152e-01 -2.59808689e-01 6.90134093e-02 -2.32106432e-01 1.68668106e-01 -2.38611400e-02 1.85847599e-02 -1.41882673e-01 1.35939457e-02 -8.29352215e-02 -2.91956246e-01 -1.14555709e-01 1.42862620e-02 1.53759465e-01 2.63488650e-01 3.48906934e-01 -6.36718199e-02 3.59270513e-01 -1.91005617e-02 -8.26437250e-02 -2.65032649e-01 -3.84054214e-01 3.33784334e-02 -2.11649626e-01 -6.24834560e-02 -2.18814597e-01 -1.06168516e-01 1.77184287e-02 2.89583076e-02 -9.92134884e-02 3.16404581e-01 4.43064747e-03 3.36455666e-02 1.00986667e-01 -2.45861858e-01 5.12120008e-01 2.82603167e-02 -3.54276359e-01 -3.22580010e-01 -1.04944788e-01 3.06651264e-01 -8.04177821e-02 1.02192380e-01 -4.85571474e-02 -6.59575462e-02 1.84815094e-01 5.61273396e-01 -3.95857543e-01 -2.44641393e-01 7.41852820e-03 2.05260798e-01 1.58202812e-01 1.03875324e-01 -1.48527384e-01 2.63652235e-01 4.28874753e-02 -3.57245058e-01 1.12250753e-01 -1.02635950e-01 3.43199164e-01 -1.53821275e-01 -1.11760475e-01 -2.10877061e-01 -3.28729488e-02 -9.13293809e-02 4.67431307e-01 1.76623330e-01 -1.13075208e-02 -2.52524108e-01 -7.98205063e-02 -8.41058344e-02 1.34942695e-01 4.30928558e-01 8.51279795e-02 1.06115758e-01 -5.82035780e-01 1.72598168e-01 -4.60299343e-01 3.09805900e-01 -2.14620501e-01 -4.48202826e-02 -3.77380908e-01 -5.74576557e-02 8.54675546e-02 -1.08737744e-01 2.76409507e-01 3.67091089e-01 2.33953431e-01 4.93005723e-01 6.45573288e-02 -4.61775251e-02 3.50074358e-02 -4.88185197e-01 1.36067476e-02 1.74923986e-02 -4.96380806e-01 -2.14046195e-01 -1.96382701e-02 -1.68842271e-01 2.53110349e-01 1.18081756e-01 7.54934698e-02 -7.36404359e-02 -2.71753758e-01 7.13814516e-03 2.17143223e-01 2.06907243e-02 8.70807618e-02 1.46035731e-01 1.02602288e-01 -1.05147086e-01 1.06270306e-01 1.79462865e-01 2.44940389e-02 2.37468109e-01 -1.36491179e-01 3.30429943e-03 2.41739601e-01 1.39145613e-01 3.91399711e-01 -2.17926294e-01 3.69706890e-03 3.48725259e-01 1.64230958e-01 1.36222929e-01 -2.63510555e-01 4.02437180e-01 3.58090810e-02 1.32737219e-01 -1.94573693e-03 2.52127856e-01 1.67258143e-01 -9.53376591e-02 -1.45738304e-01 1.73875257e-01 -5.62080033e-02 -1.26775801e-01 5.39386213e-01 -2.01663762e-01 -3.62257212e-01 2.46419773e-01 1.67262927e-01 -2.99430966e-01 3.80825162e-01 4.92811501e-01 1.16188979e+00 1.08820371e-01 -1.48636594e-01 1.89759597e-01 -1.84018835e-01 -2.20358800e-02 -1.08933989e-02 3.68943699e-02 1.56723019e-02 -8.31317082e-02 9.99095365e-02 -2.46383488e-01 1.84430242e-01 4.51590985e-01 -6.94060802e-01 -3.16006720e-01 -3.99150550e-01 -2.47280449e-01 2.21380413e-01 3.99219126e-01 2.73548454e-01 -6.92544505e-02 4.23595279e-01 2.06261754e-01 2.08805323e-01 5.79557180e-01 -3.68617237e-01 6.47800714e-02 4.63572979e-01 4.94553037e-02 -5.50671779e-02 1.60292715e-01 -1.07556164e-01 2.10590497e-01 1.34222405e-02 -3.78375910e-02 -2.08913192e-01 1.27709523e-01 -1.11722700e-01 -4.83389050e-02 -8.08913410e-02 1.38110787e-01 1.86569408e-01 -3.72834913e-02 1.52104288e-01 -1.50437998e-02 2.53992021e-01 -1.17333740e-01 -4.74285260e-02 -6.07012548e-02 1.50888441e-02 -1.77371904e-01 -1.39639407e-01 1.85681611e-01 5.44691622e-01 2.04419661e-02 2.88246721e-01 1.77516997e-01 -2.16776341e-01 -4.24310789e-02 2.00287387e-01 1.61564097e-01 8.84250998e-02 -1.20199002e-01 3.84440832e-02 -9.03196633e-02 -4.12862264e-02 2.96726257e-01 9.77782831e-02 1.36766940e-01 9.88020077e-02 1.88322917e-01 -1.88676149e-01 -4.06602114e-01 1.66191623e-01 -1.57521755e-01 5.49780130e-02 1.33430779e-01 -1.83415785e-01 -7.58018866e-02 2.12137908e-01 3.89758855e-01 5.52488714e-02 -1.69837072e-01 -1.90020636e-01 -3.77179474e-01 3.69753897e-01 -6.69931099e-02 -1.75047815e-01 1.97414309e-01 1.23472497e-01 3.61809582e-01 8.71670991e-03 4.85657295e-03 -4.23511952e-01 -4.81170136e-03 -1.32962361e-01 -7.71407112e-02 8.59613046e-02 8.67997669e-03 1.49581879e-01 -1.72357738e-01 2.29489475e-01 8.99496004e-02 -1.61973923e-01 -1.86378241e-01 -1.90382540e-01 7.23438039e-02 -3.54289007e-03 -4.42865305e-02 -4.87711243e-02 2.41453126e-02 4.29878145e-01 2.08075866e-02 1.15884297e-01 3.16342622e-01 1.33771032e-01 1.76922932e-01 -4.05263811e-01 2.15667740e-01 -1.41535908e-01 -1.42314553e-01 6.85292035e-02 3.03966254e-02 1.60260141e-01 3.60202640e-02 9.34260711e-02 -1.52195722e-01 2.26865768e-01 1.03383191e-01 -9.65406895e-02 5.88675495e-03 -1.34945571e-01 3.58127683e-01 -2.00925812e-01 7.69972354e-02 -4.11874466e-02 -6.82498515e-02 -4.46942985e-01 -1.36771187e-01 3.13410610e-01 3.05274099e-01 -7.44665265e-02 1.49463490e-01 -8.03428710e-01 3.48566510e-02 -1.17985509e-01 1.58575282e-01 -5.73341995e-02 -2.85284340e-01 1.61646083e-01 2.22517252e-01 1.07287318e-01 6.55586049e-02 2.05543801e-01 1.27936989e-01 -2.94827610e-01 2.00713322e-01 3.39121222e-01 2.41333410e-01 9.79101956e-02 2.35752419e-01 2.37471193e-01 6.47533238e-02 9.89351328e-03 4.95274097e-01 -4.63383943e-02 2.18634903e-01 3.75776067e-02 9.67631400e-01 -1.09841833e-02 2.39648536e-01 -1.88806459e-01 -1.73186600e-01 -4.02087510e-01 -1.35845363e-01 1.05426311e-01 6.80300295e-02 -5.51898293e-02 -8.18776786e-02 9.27490219e-02 -3.09044808e-01 1.18885592e-01 4.45747934e-02 2.98798680e-01 7.84238726e-02 -2.92057078e-02 -3.07111531e-01 3.20033841e-02 1.35203674e-01 -1.26552463e-01 2.21156806e-01 1.84565291e-01 -1.15072340e-01 3.38699818e-02 -5.28267659e-02 -1.11904733e-01 -3.68823409e-02 2.22767577e-01 1.89299211e-01 1.04019612e-01 -1.08048096e-02 2.01248899e-02 -1.00091793e-01 -1.71551123e-01 -2.45309323e-02 -1.48060068e-01 2.28499502e-01 3.31319831e-02 9.25811678e-02 1.66158229e-01 -2.59593427e-01 -9.85889584e-02 3.38695467e-01 1.27489582e-01 -4.63349134e-01 -2.61616111e-01 -8.10965449e-02 -1.13837741e-01 1.84515998e-01 2.56973859e-02 -1.46057293e-01 -5.94522655e-01 -4.24065858e-01 7.77342403e-03 -3.81171815e-02 2.77844630e-02 1.19633049e-01 1.08577996e-01 1.72704622e-01 -2.54721999e-01 1.89952627e-01 -1.63176343e-01 -3.07617545e-01 -2.29060516e-01 1.06465913e-01 -1.41584769e-01 -4.07004267e-01 -6.98095933e-02 7.62377828e-02 -1.43121198e-01 2.49036640e-01 -2.00997815e-01 -6.33817688e-02 -2.01344922e-01 -4.16592479e-01 -4.14598703e-01 1.95003316e-01 2.28551418e-01 1.62203655e-01 1.48649037e-01 -2.52852112e-01 -2.02201176e-02 -3.99561338e-02 3.09063911e-01 -2.46763602e-01 1.57218203e-01 -1.36424825e-02 3.22035640e-01 6.71827197e-01 1.09499514e-01 5.83503917e-02 -6.90660775e-02 -3.33904773e-01 2.46459730e-02 2.60735869e-01 -1.22907884e-01 -5.90803660e-02 6.77863806e-02 2.52863858e-02 2.18470961e-01 1.60792843e-02 1.71253189e-01 1.02294117e-01 2.39315301e-01 2.07432151e-01 -2.30113924e-01 7.13870227e-02 5.76767139e-02 4.92303744e-02 2.20684651e-02 5.88654518e-01 -1.13437913e-01 -3.39939326e-01 -3.23264122e-01 -3.60571444e-02 4.11513060e-01 -6.24243677e-01 -9.68227386e-02 2.28930667e-01 2.85813808e-01 -2.34879822e-01 -2.17497289e-01 -2.57505596e-01 -3.32877010e-01 -5.87498471e-02 2.18540862e-01 -3.12453866e-01 -3.65541726e-01 -1.53131977e-01 -1.48411661e-01 -4.54494990e-02 3.77654523e-01 2.48485029e-01 -3.80721658e-01 -1.33137345e-01 -3.07435602e-01]
"SCP-RPG" active "Hello. This is an SCP that is only describable using interactive media. I utilized RPG Maker to create this, and there are 4 endings. Spoilers on the discussion page. I got lots of help and testing on this. Pretty sure I dinged all the testers in the credits, but special thanks to Decibelles, TwistedGears, and Waterfire. Additionally thank you to SunnyClockwork for the beautiful artwork I used in the game. Note: My original SCP-245 was moved to the SCP-2623 slot with specific explicit permission from the administration given the nature of the project I put into the SCP-245 slot. It should not be taken as a precedent of any kind as to permission to do any such action in the future. Also! If you play this and spot a bug, mention it here. I'll fix it as soon as possible. I've run through this myself a hundred times or more, but I'm sure I or my testers missed something. And I've requested that the page be locked so no one can edit it and mess with the links. If you're wondering why it's locked. Edit: Until I was halfway through making it, I was unaware that this wouldn't run on Macs (or even that Macs can't run EXEs). Despite that, I have been told by other users that a windows emulator can run this program no problem. Suggested emulators such as "Wine" and "Bootcamp" have been mentioned. ▸ More by this Author ◂ F.A.Q. Item #: SCP-245 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Copies of SCP-245-1 are to be contained on airgapped computers. These computers are to be located on floor 10, section C of Site-88. Individual iterations of SCP-245-1 are to be monitored and completed on a regular basis to ensure continued containment. Major changes to SCP-245-1's gameworld are to be reported to SCP-245's project head. Under no circumstances should SCP-245-1's master password be revealed to any entities encountered in SCP-245-1. Description: Please see for information relating to SCP-245. Notice: SCP-245-1 will only run on a system utilizing OSCP or the Windows operating system. « SCP-244 | SCP-245 | SCP-246 »" nan
[-8.90941769e-02 -9.30474252e-02 -6.88583702e-02 5.89110963e-02 8.02185759e-02 -2.00733706e-01 -5.49968816e-02 -8.89936835e-02 -7.58006275e-02 3.21545362e-01 -1.93731189e-01 3.38255614e-01 -7.76859820e-02 2.93145657e-01 -9.15350765e-02 1.20082192e-01 1.83231845e-01 2.92687982e-01 2.34345975e-03 -5.87992463e-03 -3.34638000e-01 6.96196482e-02 2.11318955e-02 2.65576690e-01 3.62232141e-02 -5.73896542e-02 -1.82154417e-01 1.72198474e-01 -2.32876599e-01 -2.01617286e-01 1.41386732e-01 2.28519142e-01 -1.41181946e-01 3.75024498e-01 -9.96138187e-05 -3.13619107e-01 3.03786993e-01 -7.48691931e-02 -2.44173691e-01 2.06706092e-01 -1.13586992e-01 2.75920689e-01 -6.47085756e-02 -2.08553120e-01 3.50885272e-01 2.65687793e-01 4.10450101e-01 2.85126567e-01 5.08921564e-01 -7.01916590e-02 2.57005721e-01 -7.05491826e-02 2.87476629e-02 -1.13618933e-01 -1.83394346e-02 2.75945812e-02 -2.51681089e-01 -9.73096192e-02 -1.08051607e-02 1.84435118e-02 3.15144628e-01 1.11368932e-02 -3.47622603e-01 -3.32806647e-01 9.01719555e-02 -2.34131187e-01 4.71571743e-01 -1.41435400e-01 1.74277306e-01 1.55556783e-01 2.53629655e-01 -1.18237168e-01 2.35288143e-01 1.27041221e-01 1.90410942e-01 1.12119047e-02 1.60058901e-01 3.14065695e-01 -1.94651484e-01 4.80682403e-02 -5.14449596e-01 1.07080281e-01 -3.74164492e-01 1.38442907e-02 1.14009596e-01 1.96816564e-01 1.17016047e-01 3.01049743e-02 1.60587415e-01 2.43061647e-01 2.21897699e-02 1.90181807e-01 -3.54645669e-01 -1.63935974e-01 2.10774675e-01 -1.10453963e-01 -8.80794674e-02 2.49723911e-01 7.00323954e-02 2.03914922e-02 8.76873508e-02 1.05060309e-01 2.13431433e-01 1.19698562e-01 1.78447738e-01 -3.45768094e-01 2.69081295e-01 -1.88089833e-01 -2.96550632e-01 3.61606449e-01 4.87446785e-02 1.41447470e-01 -3.94675910e-01 9.03733671e-02 -1.80507228e-01 -5.62997721e-02 6.08059168e-02 -1.70771658e-01 8.96970257e-02 1.25843510e-01 -3.05947453e-01 2.63912439e-01 -2.52643168e-01 5.65477788e-01 3.84157062e-01 6.97975531e-02 -1.14947446e-01 -1.35038778e-01 -4.90106679e-02 -1.60515592e-01 -1.39379412e-01 8.32408592e-02 -4.72788453e-01 -2.74513941e-02 1.89121172e-01 6.97013214e-02 -1.65929660e-01 1.57764345e-01 -5.41865081e-02 -1.93475876e-02 1.64551944e-01 3.29470970e-02 2.53918558e-01 2.14263365e-01 -2.44897250e-02 -2.73089319e-01 -8.36791471e-03 -1.15032725e-01 -1.73537821e-01 3.31984460e-03 2.20452264e-01 -1.21102050e-01 -1.66301593e-01 2.94450641e-01 -7.57001638e-02 -8.24872479e-02 3.90609838e-02 -6.03713915e-02 -1.12369880e-01 -1.86294317e-01 2.83182144e-01 7.12504089e-02 -2.26355448e-01 -9.39457491e-02 -4.97535616e-02 3.02415162e-01 -2.14678079e-01 4.16696481e-02 5.12583144e-02 -4.13211942e-01 6.01811968e-02 -1.70583338e-01 -3.93270366e-02 -2.71627188e-01 -1.99306663e-02 -2.66868860e-01 -2.32851177e-01 2.22409263e-01 -3.87926966e-01 -1.61846727e-02 -2.77766287e-01 -9.70122218e-02 4.53726351e-01 -3.12064350e-01 -1.54624313e-01 -6.36924356e-02 -6.97950065e-01 1.19371280e-01 2.15744898e-01 -1.51825026e-01 -3.68612051e-01 -3.81834120e-01 6.02925308e-02 1.57853737e-01 1.76541641e-01 -1.83062449e-01 1.82040840e-01 1.30893558e-01 3.71915013e-01 1.62027180e-01 -1.79861039e-01 4.99042310e-02 3.22185427e-01 3.37330788e-01 -1.09699160e-01 -1.66551083e-01 2.17863649e-01 1.30779091e-02 -5.50625697e-02 2.25474358e-01 1.59766138e-01 -9.48022008e-02 -1.08882420e-01 7.07764085e-03 -2.13499770e-01 -2.50667453e-01 2.92823344e-01 2.85501868e-01 -8.42067152e-02 -4.62643743e-01 -1.47231311e-01 1.89503759e-01 -3.23162228e-02 -4.08963263e-01 -1.29978448e-01 -2.24077627e-01 -4.80725348e-01 -2.88751870e-01 -1.58996210e-01 4.09929939e-02 8.29259306e-02 -6.92288652e-02 1.43362030e-01 2.50179231e-01 -2.87304759e-01 -1.47403568e-01 1.30563647e-01 3.28753889e-01 -3.39456916e-01 -1.29966021e-01 1.28562301e-02 -8.47614855e-02 6.11499771e-02 2.72125840e-01 -2.43243963e-01 1.11169174e-01 -1.25394538e-01 7.20274746e-02 2.06790075e-01 -2.57574748e-02 -1.28082354e-02 -3.54945809e-01 -1.62322894e-01 -1.02111809e-01 1.97390243e-01 3.34931314e-02 -6.88317537e-01 2.33160853e-01 7.06405193e-02 3.03198218e-01 3.04553628e-01 -2.06524253e-01 -7.00157583e-02 -1.70294657e-01 3.31672043e-01 -1.40492380e-01 4.74049561e-02 1.97520420e-01 -2.48399451e-01 2.79607028e-01 -1.45621806e-01 2.67858915e-02 -2.23095730e-01 1.44483885e-02 2.07742542e-01 2.24253893e-01 -6.65568486e-02 6.64996430e-02 9.16391611e-02 3.23000699e-02 6.87749684e-02 -1.11507349e-01 3.45612913e-02 -1.75143227e-01 -8.37076604e-02 9.72589552e-02 -1.72246963e-01 -3.03989917e-01 7.98576847e-02 4.28291380e-01 -1.98654307e-04 -8.23515132e-02 1.02758266e-01 -3.55599858e-02 -7.66279250e-02 2.69343287e-01 -3.21174741e-01 1.79921821e-01 -5.18761635e-01 2.80648649e-01 -2.39612043e-01 -1.69831678e-01 7.99815729e-02 1.83458269e-01 6.01864234e-02 2.42214337e-01 5.02892792e-01 -2.59138551e-02 -6.54387474e-02 3.56053710e-02 1.11600518e-01 2.54116029e-01 -1.83833420e-01 -4.50353622e-01 3.00956555e-02 1.42732458e-02 -3.53073090e-01 -5.36064565e-01 1.12580039e-01 -6.20602190e-01 -3.82243246e-02 3.01211596e-01 1.50021285e-01 -3.09297264e-01 -3.30426037e-01 2.35020220e-01 3.88556463e-03 -2.52504736e-01 3.31380874e-01 1.70959279e-01 1.45666733e-01 5.08885622e-01 5.09189442e-02 1.35151640e-01 -2.53572404e-01 2.49586985e-01 -2.66861051e-01 -1.86395064e-01 9.21911374e-02 8.88247639e-02 -9.02522802e-02 6.78027840e-03 3.15400213e-02 -1.89420581e-01 2.13789135e-01 -2.77025700e-01 -2.85412222e-01 1.13426737e-01 9.43850912e-03 -1.20915130e-01 -1.83797717e-01 6.82509065e-01 2.16197088e-01 -3.57053787e-01 -6.16226718e-02 3.14152837e-02 2.09023476e-01 2.55584389e-01 2.34833956e-01 -3.89775187e-01 3.48484889e-02 1.27157241e-01 3.68694603e-01 -2.31994957e-01 4.85625565e-01 3.01202331e-02 2.38559797e-01 1.69932142e-01 -6.76653385e-02 2.04765070e-02 2.74031103e-01 -1.66808084e-01 -2.01919302e-01 3.66773725e-01 -1.02812096e-01 -2.06020594e-01 -3.77649069e-02 1.55642942e-01 -2.85210878e-01 6.72085732e-02 -6.42014900e-03 2.53230661e-01 4.91162762e-02 -6.83654621e-02 -8.31300393e-03 -4.91602011e-02 -6.52854666e-02 2.53598273e-01 2.26457492e-01 -8.83689299e-02 2.40904734e-01 2.17586569e-02 2.78366238e-01 9.89079699e-02 3.43783908e-02 -2.65656918e-01 -1.28880978e-01 -4.57478642e-01 -1.69902310e-01 3.11188012e-01 -2.80602485e-01 3.36934268e-01 2.90491939e-01 1.09421454e-01 3.70683789e-01 4.38123047e-01 -8.59488323e-02 -2.92732507e-01 -3.21317911e-01 -2.09891841e-01 2.48831242e-01 -2.24888653e-01 -6.54130103e-03 9.82895717e-02 1.82139009e-01 -1.49860293e-01 -7.83045441e-02 1.14907732e-03 -4.27106738e-01 -3.81058119e-02 -2.42086798e-01 8.34851936e-02 -4.68805172e-02 -2.66601801e-01 -6.58844337e-02 2.58870691e-01 2.58943532e-02 1.33456543e-01 5.97033016e-02 2.64596939e-02 -1.02156959e-01 9.31020379e-02 -1.86638162e-01 1.11897022e-01 1.74716786e-01 1.52665094e-01 2.82850564e-01 8.71405751e-02 -4.52222489e-02 2.91852981e-01 -8.66791978e-02 1.57189921e-01 5.26452065e-01 2.27162629e-01 -2.84527659e-01 -7.80088976e-02 3.33245337e-01 -1.78435966e-01 -1.35780036e-01 4.36898246e-02 -3.24673593e-01 -3.70488614e-02 -4.02451038e-01 2.12026268e-01 -4.91092235e-01 -2.78715611e-01 -2.83997893e-01 4.46567953e-01 7.56362975e-02 5.72286010e-01 7.39083514e-02 1.20489049e+00 -1.55227825e-01 1.91430002e-02 1.56843439e-01 -6.69597015e-02 -1.83280837e-02 -4.24967200e-01 1.30202666e-01 1.26682058e-01 -1.60117581e-01 6.28251061e-02 -1.12855196e-01 -1.63847715e-01 3.30195934e-01 -3.60115081e-01 9.73590184e-03 -2.69518226e-01 -3.97664219e-01 2.24268660e-01 3.44591647e-01 7.42046023e-03 -1.62744444e-04 1.00087620e-01 3.20148438e-01 -3.18573378e-02 -3.40628177e-02 -2.40994096e-02 3.04571148e-02 -3.17028463e-02 2.69955814e-01 -1.99558422e-01 3.88864487e-01 -1.45929093e-02 1.57575220e-01 -1.18333690e-01 -1.93123296e-01 -7.43283257e-02 4.33791727e-02 -2.74755478e-01 -9.73176304e-03 3.31345163e-02 1.90418288e-01 6.20100677e-01 -4.02567297e-01 5.91469882e-03 4.52040657e-02 1.01538515e-02 5.82855660e-03 -1.95471980e-02 -1.29781380e-01 1.52211234e-01 -8.37331042e-02 -8.56748149e-02 -2.94476990e-02 6.44277155e-01 1.56909212e-01 2.14450866e-01 -2.22343609e-01 -1.55963391e-01 -7.31582120e-02 2.28937909e-01 -1.92594588e-01 1.07542567e-01 -4.43082184e-01 -2.55235165e-01 -6.23683669e-02 -1.80837929e-01 1.80548057e-01 -3.11754256e-01 -8.22009444e-02 3.02227318e-01 -2.57907100e-02 -2.38976121e-01 -4.06770289e-01 7.74183497e-02 -1.14162661e-01 -1.69641733e-01 -3.64655316e-01 1.94930702e-01 -4.66116607e-01 2.77582891e-02 1.71901286e-01 2.20043555e-01 -9.69273075e-02 -2.99496740e-01 1.94275770e-02 -1.41295135e-01 -7.15414062e-02 1.27441421e-01 1.12916492e-01 -5.87263331e-02 1.84145257e-01 2.58213934e-02 -1.72603764e-02 -4.63130116e-01 -1.12079896e-01 -1.86351761e-01 -1.59571543e-01 2.57730544e-01 -5.11464536e-01 -4.43339169e-01 -2.97320336e-01 2.69825310e-01 2.27717068e-02 -2.21123561e-01 -2.73720741e-01 -5.61633818e-02 1.38513461e-01 4.74479422e-02 -1.30640164e-01 -2.13043183e-01 1.96086615e-01 2.04683289e-01 -8.12460184e-02 6.23362958e-02 4.31332797e-01 2.02941775e-01 7.43013024e-02 1.83897793e-01 2.17249721e-01 -1.04372226e-01 -1.81100637e-01 -9.26465765e-02 4.38460320e-01 -7.19309747e-02 5.30433320e-02 -6.12072200e-02 -2.75663082e-02 7.98902735e-02 4.85155225e-01 7.90180713e-02 3.48688632e-01 1.77879542e-01 2.72577494e-01 5.60163818e-02 1.42504394e-01 1.87175274e-02 9.63124484e-02 -1.83069795e-01 -3.46769720e-01 2.72573292e-01 3.93780977e-01 5.22540184e-03 1.74759969e-01 -1.21895969e-01 5.14491554e-03 -2.28535593e-01 1.70463964e-01 -2.27437213e-01 -5.05995572e-01 1.81704313e-01 2.69867927e-01 2.48465419e-01 -1.06815591e-01 1.28495470e-01 -2.10438110e-02 -1.22965626e-01 -2.49668822e-01 1.14481248e-01 2.90904373e-01 1.48731038e-01 -1.08539507e-01 2.03077629e-01 -2.01908961e-01 4.38985080e-02 4.66152221e-01 2.47346446e-01 1.04547985e-01 -1.63927615e-01 9.90132987e-03 1.24304846e-01 4.12001282e-01 -3.75130139e-02 3.15984756e-01 -5.11269331e-01 6.14611432e-02 -4.83130038e-01 -1.33280575e-01 1.31602287e-01 1.43082412e-02 2.36600116e-01 -1.17351137e-01 -2.63772517e-01 1.35338783e-01 1.50263920e-01 4.63489629e-02 -2.51209110e-01 2.90627867e-01 -1.56688094e-01 4.32340562e-01 -6.65049255e-02 1.41876161e-01 4.46731448e-01 -3.06039274e-01 1.07424676e-01 2.39179760e-01 1.55803964e-01 1.58018634e-01 -1.87511861e-01 2.52247691e-01 -7.65908286e-02 -3.16104263e-01 2.06882089e-01 1.97914973e-01 5.16169034e-02 -2.92456914e-02 2.24083811e-01 3.25619549e-01 3.60634506e-01 -3.93206300e-03 1.73510343e-01 -3.13947469e-01 -4.40807581e-01 8.17151368e-02 2.21906155e-01 2.05754295e-01 -4.12847772e-02 -1.20452054e-01 -2.88502842e-01 2.51710624e-01 2.16237471e-01 -3.36058766e-01 1.96107216e-02 -4.61402118e-01 4.41264212e-02 1.26729622e-01 -6.37613516e-03 1.44392163e-01 1.00533158e-01 2.38827199e-01 1.09720550e-01 3.58046979e-01 -3.88598070e-02 -6.83046728e-02 2.53098197e-02 3.27740669e-01 -7.91521072e-02 -3.30204487e-01 -1.86778605e-02 4.04752903e-02 1.52948931e-01 2.46905565e-01 -2.88372636e-01 1.50195912e-01 -8.40252936e-02 3.96490902e-01 5.29992580e-02 2.63121396e-01 7.14847088e-01 -1.39726177e-01 9.60160978e-03 -9.59410146e-02 1.04662776e-01 -1.73290282e-01 2.40592822e-01 2.36016884e-01 -3.84945810e-01 1.95165768e-01 3.12534660e-01 -4.21752073e-02 -9.10927076e-03 2.80752033e-01 -1.01605929e-01 -3.97564769e-01 -3.81688885e-02 6.67207837e-02 -1.22850545e-01 -1.69251472e-01 1.12755811e-02 -2.10471507e-02 1.00878045e-01 2.71284312e-01 5.44496113e-03 8.52874219e-02 -2.09036052e-01 5.83420753e-01 -2.58464187e-01 -2.15838760e-01 -5.35344742e-02 1.32843331e-01 2.93389764e-02 7.20525086e-02 2.18313932e-01 -1.01537645e-01 -2.03282863e-01 8.94695893e-02 5.34778357e-01 2.32533872e-01 -3.69788885e-01 4.07530107e-02 3.43208730e-01 -3.24832797e-01 3.41554731e-01 -4.01399612e-01 -8.29623416e-02 -1.50070727e-01 -3.22897770e-02 -3.00414085e-01 -2.04658061e-01 -1.73505828e-01 -1.82192460e-01 -6.00538924e-02 4.41614181e-01 7.57758087e-03 5.67867234e-02 -1.91343948e-01 -2.04586126e-02]
"Prophetic Projector" active "Item #: SCP-246 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-246 is to be kept in a wooden crate within Site-██'s secure storage. Researchers who requisition its use for experimentation are responsible for their own room arrangements. SCP-246 is otherwise not to be removed from its container, especially for recreational use. Description: SCP-246 is a 16-millimeter film projector. When activated, SCP-246's projection lamp lights up and the reels begin turning. When the projector is pointed at a screen or other white surface, a film appears, even though SCP-246's film (hereafter referred to as SCP-246-01) does not pass in front of the projection lamp. The film feeder has been welded shut, making any attempt to load SCP-246-01 into the second reel impossible. Requests to cut through or replace the feeder have been denied, due to the possibility of inadvertently breaking SCP-246. Examination of SCP-246-01 suggests that it is blank while inert, though high-speed photography shows images on the film when SCP-246 is in its active state. Analysis of these images is underway. When replaced with any other roll of 16 mm film, SCP-246 continues functioning as described below. After using SCP-246 with a reel other than SCP-246-01, that reel exhibits similar properties to SCP-246-01. Microspectrometer analysis of reels made blank by SCP-246-01 has shown anomalous forms of [REDACTED]. Further analysis by Foundation researchers other than Dr. ██████ is not permitted. Despite SCP-246-01's content or lack thereof, when activated, SCP-246 projects a short film in the style of 1950s educational films. SCP-246 seems to have a limited degree of awareness, as a female D-class subject was shown a film entitled "So You're Not Going to Live Very Long!". Shortly afterwards, she was terminated at the end of the month as per procedure. An introverted D-class subject ██████-██ (despite previous convictions for [REDACTED]) was shown "Three Easy Ways to Remove ████████", a film explaining tools and techniques for home surgery, and was subsequently terminated after his attempt to use a toothbrush as a surgical instrument. That night, Dr. ████████, employed as a surgeon before the Foundation [DATA EXPUNGED] and who had supervised ██████-██, attempted to follow the film's advice. He was found dead the next day, ████████ and viscera scattered on the floor around him. Further experimentation resulted in the films "Digestive Systems of Woodland Creatures", "Three Handy Tips for Handling Amputation", and "Sightless Eyes: Dealing with Total Paralysis", which involved graphic descriptions of stroke victims' slow death by starvation before being found by relatives. All subjects suffered the described afflictions shortly after exposure to SCP-246. Researchers are therefore discouraged from following SCP-246's directions, and to report any urges to activate SCP-246 to their research supervisor. « SCP-245 | SCP-246 | SCP-247 »" nan
[ 5.43540455e-02 9.04880837e-02 -1.42418161e-01 -6.20516166e-02 -2.01971587e-02 -1.94361091e-01 2.56844968e-01 6.96332976e-02 -2.40550011e-01 3.98530722e-01 2.30240077e-01 2.10120425e-01 -2.35068664e-01 -1.66801542e-01 7.88034797e-02 -1.97696313e-01 -7.47860596e-02 5.46274006e-01 -1.79510992e-02 -9.31169614e-02 -6.41077086e-02 -1.63385943e-01 -3.24476093e-01 1.47912487e-01 -4.01072092e-02 1.51205240e-02 1.24591038e-01 8.19875449e-02 -1.67097062e-01 -2.95396656e-01 1.54350176e-01 2.90458739e-01 -4.65462841e-02 5.85469723e-01 -1.11273082e-04 -3.53323549e-01 4.07556057e-01 -7.10973218e-02 -2.34663695e-01 2.31475189e-01 7.90044516e-02 1.18176155e-01 1.77983999e-01 -2.05908820e-01 -1.82860732e-01 -2.00223714e-01 2.96571463e-01 -1.19933270e-01 -6.94689080e-02 1.12010859e-01 1.85580984e-01 1.20105512e-01 1.20661259e-01 1.77998677e-01 1.72143623e-01 5.57606757e-01 -2.40949482e-01 -1.58475768e-02 2.25425288e-01 6.00257441e-02 -1.34969369e-01 3.85264456e-02 -2.43088692e-01 7.68352440e-03 2.92489171e-01 -4.82889235e-01 -1.18259996e-01 -3.81322473e-01 3.62136625e-02 4.88452800e-02 2.43502155e-01 -1.62791505e-01 2.36485988e-01 1.26638591e-01 -1.68394044e-01 -2.26890996e-01 -1.34849668e-01 1.68588489e-01 -1.91630974e-01 -8.20307136e-02 -1.27681658e-01 3.97302151e-01 -2.96816498e-01 6.11430816e-02 1.21813901e-02 3.97848994e-01 -9.48462784e-02 9.98983830e-02 8.45368654e-02 -1.86155662e-01 3.22693110e-01 -1.47696227e-01 2.24848121e-01 1.62781272e-02 3.57877553e-01 1.25754312e-01 1.88407287e-01 1.10692149e-02 -1.20554090e-01 -1.84290797e-01 2.80147735e-02 2.36701652e-01 1.35480519e-02 1.37082964e-01 2.00926989e-01 2.34468922e-01 2.30308533e-01 4.07336116e-01 -2.95857489e-01 5.74919820e-01 -5.04784696e-02 3.45063776e-01 1.40579477e-01 7.73680806e-02 -4.88450341e-02 -3.94950844e-02 -3.85560021e-02 -9.66081694e-02 -2.51081347e-01 2.06160665e-01 -4.35478210e-01 -8.77842400e-03 -1.52679920e-01 2.89589971e-01 3.15242708e-01 6.22696698e-01 2.90769935e-01 -3.22646707e-01 -1.23728424e-01 -3.54948528e-02 -1.41399592e-01 3.15542728e-01 -3.04113775e-01 -1.15979165e-01 1.29440457e-01 3.46028924e-01 -1.15731008e-01 -1.90522522e-01 -3.02540958e-01 6.26042560e-02 5.63783990e-03 -1.23248093e-01 7.78616369e-01 3.57551605e-01 -1.93804994e-01 -1.10676875e-02 -8.85645449e-02 -1.26444429e-01 -3.01145557e-02 5.92365786e-02 5.71401596e-01 -2.58071367e-02 -2.01214373e-01 1.75231472e-01 -8.48919898e-02 3.11456859e-01 2.18974724e-01 4.58122082e-02 -1.67914256e-01 -1.45308897e-01 4.03782666e-01 -1.70961946e-01 -4.89927441e-01 -8.43543261e-02 1.07778192e-01 3.44132185e-01 -3.72674614e-01 -1.19534217e-01 -1.80980876e-01 -4.52460736e-01 -2.46710822e-01 -1.52183056e-01 -1.23598225e-01 1.02538280e-01 -3.87083113e-01 -1.17046990e-01 -2.88606137e-01 -3.57606053e-01 -3.55967492e-01 1.64324522e-01 -2.77103543e-01 3.62370640e-01 1.36139959e-01 4.71488684e-02 1.00137934e-01 -4.01083082e-01 -8.83209929e-02 -1.42794445e-01 9.47866663e-02 -7.06799030e-02 -3.12609315e-01 -1.32975116e-01 2.06250876e-01 1.88586131e-01 7.87679181e-02 1.78130344e-01 -2.79389936e-02 -3.54274213e-02 5.38925469e-01 1.69242665e-01 7.56231509e-03 -7.97049552e-02 2.96227541e-02 2.34564066e-01 -2.24034771e-01 3.86752486e-02 -1.46917224e-01 -1.74835652e-01 -9.19717476e-02 2.29303285e-01 1.27117001e-02 -2.72794574e-01 1.34022012e-01 1.39475852e-01 -9.80383903e-02 -2.92357683e-01 3.05539370e-01 3.33521068e-01 1.08567677e-01 -1.72954366e-01 -4.89675477e-02 -7.51876980e-02 -9.28450152e-02 -2.48366043e-01 -1.81724504e-01 -1.66329041e-01 -2.47606009e-01 -3.12717110e-01 4.07270715e-02 2.11708114e-01 2.64676809e-01 -3.53596509e-02 1.60092339e-01 -7.14425221e-02 -4.09557104e-01 3.79270762e-02 -9.62506682e-02 5.48861206e-01 -9.10370648e-02 -5.13029635e-01 1.99771285e-01 1.73008904e-01 1.48553476e-01 7.15548992e-02 2.91818585e-02 3.22265208e-01 -3.85029837e-02 -4.32437519e-03 3.36335093e-01 -4.34686244e-02 -9.17524192e-03 -3.51254016e-01 -1.99398458e-01 -2.13356942e-01 2.83931106e-01 2.66426861e-01 -2.02423379e-01 4.09231693e-01 -5.53241186e-02 1.12881713e-01 -1.18865900e-01 -3.67726505e-01 4.13289852e-02 -1.00389712e-01 -1.03592791e-01 -3.48737724e-02 3.94335657e-01 -1.00115864e-02 5.08351550e-02 1.73755720e-01 -1.68185443e-01 -2.22672507e-01 -1.83052346e-01 -1.72767222e-01 3.39767011e-03 2.82922804e-01 8.53047296e-02 3.53444278e-01 1.90436766e-01 2.04819486e-01 -2.31642798e-01 -3.07184130e-01 -2.68522292e-01 -2.73593605e-01 -9.19299275e-02 1.37861028e-01 1.66355908e-01 -1.35264575e-01 -1.42962798e-01 1.04082584e-01 4.65132385e-01 -2.73335218e-01 -9.57486108e-02 2.87390292e-01 -2.67938584e-01 1.26386955e-01 -2.92863846e-01 9.58746895e-02 -1.87267452e-01 1.58079296e-01 -3.66795540e-01 2.72231758e-01 3.01594008e-03 1.10957488e-01 7.68313408e-02 1.24224074e-01 4.41280961e-01 1.22868344e-01 -2.05501541e-02 -3.21937948e-01 -1.94754988e-01 4.27151620e-01 -1.64308306e-02 -4.61376980e-02 4.44432441e-03 -1.57534599e-01 3.08448344e-01 -2.91544408e-01 -1.73124000e-02 -4.68726546e-01 2.28892103e-01 5.25261182e-03 -1.51989117e-01 -1.27664432e-01 -2.65816420e-01 1.73057392e-01 -1.35161996e-01 -2.33689368e-01 2.34665006e-01 1.11563660e-01 2.55283445e-01 2.17479348e-01 6.79490045e-02 5.12969494e-02 6.77716359e-03 2.65380275e-02 -1.21761352e-01 4.86325510e-02 3.34929265e-02 -1.22508474e-01 -8.61271918e-02 -1.81996748e-01 -3.30068856e-01 -2.24558100e-01 -9.96365994e-02 -4.07123953e-01 -3.13899554e-02 1.98385060e-01 1.50921166e-01 1.19418241e-01 -4.58960503e-01 6.75866008e-01 9.89567041e-02 -1.91257715e-01 -6.56405091e-02 -1.90189064e-01 -1.51312709e-01 -4.33466971e-01 -6.38341950e-03 -4.58027981e-02 -1.38405666e-01 1.42821029e-01 2.90344983e-01 -3.50080073e-01 -5.65903306e-01 -5.67491613e-02 1.22230664e-01 2.34358177e-01 1.38708949e-01 -1.04928255e-01 6.88230842e-02 4.56068069e-02 -6.70857579e-02 3.81107211e-01 -3.46165359e-01 -2.70973206e-01 9.95387975e-03 -2.89598573e-02 -4.87924039e-01 -1.58931673e-01 6.25648573e-02 9.48382467e-02 2.42541090e-01 -2.07486078e-01 -8.59016851e-02 3.13068300e-01 -1.66070893e-01 -8.70085582e-02 1.83865204e-01 1.48304567e-01 -2.15485558e-01 7.22599477e-02 1.19566262e-01 1.00127004e-01 3.15380059e-02 1.06816091e-01 7.19153434e-02 -2.69078523e-01 -1.64301246e-01 1.55702174e-01 -1.76005706e-01 1.87434405e-01 3.18620920e-01 5.16599000e-01 5.44536710e-01 8.68342910e-03 -1.04245611e-01 -1.42077640e-01 -2.48467892e-01 5.70373423e-02 -2.21410066e-01 -3.02339762e-01 7.84134716e-02 -1.05673082e-01 4.99518424e-01 -8.72138143e-02 2.02063862e-02 1.30581051e-01 1.99376605e-03 -2.04552650e-01 -1.04495034e-01 -3.91991958e-02 -1.12061337e-01 -3.26223761e-01 -2.76526839e-01 5.16980179e-02 1.61701709e-01 3.23253088e-02 2.34066024e-01 -6.06193841e-02 -2.28066787e-01 1.84448063e-01 -2.18295649e-01 3.18387181e-01 2.25674301e-01 4.56894964e-01 -1.07668214e-01 3.03142399e-01 4.23844397e-01 1.75810695e-01 8.72908011e-02 2.74879783e-02 6.32045865e-01 1.83158770e-01 -3.75481278e-01 -3.28633189e-02 1.84640750e-01 -2.27520391e-01 -1.74967632e-01 3.85255724e-01 -3.70376199e-01 4.09820303e-02 8.62907898e-03 2.86119044e-01 -1.09709859e-01 -4.51327205e-01 -4.59465325e-01 -1.36171013e-01 -2.34669477e-01 4.60328132e-01 3.34943950e-01 1.14036298e+00 -8.37856084e-02 2.76567131e-01 4.99811880e-02 -1.54827133e-01 3.92081253e-02 -1.22269928e-01 -1.45455366e-02 -1.49257824e-01 -6.17217794e-02 -8.37668926e-02 -7.07402229e-02 6.43056780e-02 5.31174503e-02 -5.01709342e-01 -9.19471029e-04 -4.87136692e-01 -1.68026462e-01 3.66103679e-01 3.63415122e-01 3.94941509e-01 -1.02708265e-02 -1.11371033e-01 2.30612889e-01 1.72770292e-01 1.36062130e-01 -8.50895122e-02 6.28352687e-02 -1.45523414e-01 -9.91718918e-02 -1.41866818e-01 3.05700362e-01 -3.63215685e-01 1.94547743e-01 -3.62977803e-01 5.93080781e-02 -6.11401275e-02 2.61501402e-01 -5.27111888e-01 -8.74044150e-02 4.61788327e-02 3.47598523e-01 6.33718610e-01 -1.99332312e-01 1.79122314e-02 6.98434785e-02 4.32285011e-01 2.77302619e-02 1.93995386e-01 4.32772934e-01 -9.72822905e-02 4.06182930e-02 -4.60858822e-01 4.72447500e-02 6.69690788e-01 -3.35474491e-01 -1.85343213e-02 -4.07047234e-02 -2.95675695e-01 6.23786151e-02 1.59522712e-01 -1.66650429e-01 -7.94915035e-02 -1.31280199e-01 1.18720554e-01 7.78696388e-02 -1.51664421e-01 1.13820933e-01 5.82985207e-02 1.28612116e-01 5.08462265e-02 3.00574034e-01 -5.96571751e-02 -4.49931473e-01 -3.36487621e-01 1.50473006e-02 -4.54177141e-01 -2.00444497e-02 1.61881581e-01 -5.28999865e-01 1.96131505e-02 6.59456611e-01 -5.62550090e-02 -1.32529348e-01 -5.11334956e-01 1.77988455e-01 -2.54109688e-02 -8.75732005e-02 6.16873056e-02 4.70862299e-01 -3.01418215e-01 4.89564538e-01 6.25980198e-02 1.41547948e-01 -4.01273698e-01 -9.67295170e-02 -5.39518781e-02 2.06776083e-01 5.96441805e-01 -7.12011382e-02 -1.74720541e-01 -5.12977093e-02 2.10128114e-01 2.62418576e-02 -1.58351615e-01 -2.42373794e-01 -6.56262860e-02 1.44305259e-01 1.24517478e-01 -2.86066592e-01 -7.87465200e-02 1.18527614e-01 1.90641791e-01 4.59519960e-02 -1.44430071e-01 2.76262343e-01 1.64765835e-01 2.97819436e-01 -2.07825989e-01 1.97999328e-01 9.31415111e-02 6.46062121e-02 -6.82415739e-02 6.78099096e-01 -5.03540114e-02 3.16187134e-03 -1.86650589e-01 -1.37460843e-01 -5.29437400e-02 2.51496106e-01 -5.47359958e-02 3.06844026e-01 1.33162156e-01 7.98232332e-02 -3.50866839e-02 1.74018577e-01 1.69032544e-01 -1.72686309e-01 -4.96463120e-01 -3.05590242e-01 -2.76531160e-01 2.80705333e-01 8.08256418e-02 1.08946539e-01 -3.22635993e-02 -4.98326309e-02 5.34156002e-02 2.63414681e-01 -1.10347137e-01 -2.81306416e-01 -3.42717879e-02 1.52478293e-01 2.08956763e-01 1.60364553e-01 2.17642128e-01 -1.74920335e-01 -1.89809632e-02 -8.48894566e-02 5.00924028e-02 -4.17941138e-02 3.94208997e-01 1.54665932e-01 1.07838929e-01 2.15207592e-01 -2.40144119e-01 2.60390520e-01 1.28561482e-01 3.31009924e-01 9.48088095e-02 4.64736104e-01 -3.22493091e-02 3.30664337e-01 -1.36869073e-01 3.26714844e-01 -1.62136063e-01 1.64956480e-01 -9.72599548e-04 2.09428430e-01 -9.56712291e-02 7.49677494e-02 2.74798810e-03 -5.45061678e-02 -3.07954103e-01 -8.45323429e-02 2.40852177e-01 3.09390336e-01 5.46718240e-01 1.73537433e-01 -3.77682090e-01 4.62182641e-01 4.53337133e-01 1.14693373e-01 3.25675517e-01 -8.90381932e-02 9.46017727e-02 2.61666685e-01 1.36008233e-01 1.47289157e-01 3.33973199e-01 3.11283946e-01 8.21261704e-02 -2.50182569e-01 -3.30615081e-02 -1.70640662e-01 -2.28281692e-01 -1.44166693e-01 3.73073928e-02 5.33563532e-02 1.49186822e-02 -2.43642889e-02 2.15837806e-01 -2.77059287e-01 -1.97383866e-01 3.65962744e-01 2.94148773e-01 1.30710110e-01 -1.46384180e-01 -1.47197992e-01 -2.87722737e-01 4.97599482e-04 5.92085943e-02 -3.05964142e-01 -1.34511322e-01 -3.35410833e-01 -1.99103594e-01 1.88376755e-01 -1.39695331e-01 8.27277228e-02 -1.33382887e-01 2.92819627e-02 1.35036379e-01 2.44658768e-01 3.03601772e-02 -2.76582062e-01 -3.03553462e-01 2.63549715e-01 8.24439600e-02 -3.44599694e-01 -3.65173258e-02 1.12786092e-01 -2.26498544e-02 5.96167557e-02 7.09680142e-03 -3.08061451e-01 -9.07678604e-02 -1.13236360e-01 2.27250606e-02 1.95466056e-01 6.25387207e-02 4.31880392e-02 7.63024762e-02 -3.26035976e-01 -1.78985596e-01 -6.86052382e-01 1.96657702e-01 1.16801135e-01 -2.30826378e-01 2.98394319e-02 7.90255666e-02 4.41941023e-01 -7.25660697e-02 5.09043396e-01 -3.44080657e-01 -5.62771559e-01 1.43049791e-01 5.11312485e-01 -1.48549005e-01 2.21599024e-02 2.00977266e-01 5.76156616e-01 2.39649974e-02 5.03358603e-01 3.11829732e-03 9.19585116e-03 -3.87316011e-02 2.61238217e-01 -5.05703509e-01 3.71455342e-01 -3.47653508e-01 2.22673282e-01 -8.68018717e-02 3.62442017e-01 1.13496587e-01 1.39537737e-01 -3.62509906e-01 -2.75851130e-01 4.01175052e-01 -4.38904434e-01 4.32559028e-02 2.17923988e-02 6.92104250e-02 -2.53645331e-01 -2.21545085e-01 -3.04203898e-01 -9.76044387e-02 -2.75934357e-02 1.32019505e-01 -1.58682793e-01 -1.62578866e-01 -4.87838238e-01 -3.07662338e-01 -1.04512796e-01 4.24439132e-01 2.02594340e-01 -4.16824827e-03 -6.48739263e-02 7.52331987e-02]
"A Harmless Kitten" active "Item #: SCP-247 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-247 is kept in an enclosure of at least 20 (twenty) by 40 (forty) meters, furnished based on the plans provided by the [REDACTED] Zoo and lined with SCP-148 offset from the rest of Site-██ by at least 50 (fifty) meters in order to mitigate its psychic effect. (As per current containment procedures for SCP-148, its use in the containment of other SCPs is to be avoided if at all possible. - O5-█). SCP-247 is to be fed 18 kilograms of fresh meat on a tri-weekly basis. Feeding occurs in a separate enclosure. Cleaning staff should enter the enclosure only during designated feeding times. No other access to the enclosure is allowed. The footage resulting from any violation of this order is to be archived for use in training the cleaning and monitoring staff of SCP-247. In case of a containment breach, the entire wing must be evacuated and all live footage of the incident heavily censored. The area SCP-247 occupies will be sealed off and gassed, followed by the return of SCP-247 to containment. If for any reason this should become impossible, a retrieval team will be sent in armed with heavy tranquilizer rifles. Retrieval team Agents must be specially selected for high reflexes, excellent marksmanship, unquestioning obedience, and low empathy scores. Description: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat resembling that of a tiger. Remote feeds and still photos also show this illusion, although it is unknown whether the photo itself is affected or merely the observer. SCP-247's true nature has been confirmed by analysis of weight, water displacement, and dental moulds made from bite marks. It is unknown exactly how SCP-247 generates this illusion. There are two components to the illusion: first, a memetic effect that changes the perceived image of SCP-247 to that of a kitten, and second, a psychic component which radiates outward from the subject (diminishing according to the inverse square law and reaching half strength at █ meters). Any sentient being within this field comes under the impression that SCP-247 is completely harmless, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Individuals in this field also show extreme reluctance to harm or allow others to harm SCP-247, even while being actively harmed by the subject. This psychic field can be blocked with SCP-148, or avoided by striking from well outside its effective range. The memetic effect is not blocked by SCP-148; as of yet, no one has been able to see SCP-247 as anything but a small striped cat. Typically SCP-247 will begin to purr or mew when approached by a human. The human will remark that this is adorable, and approach to pet the subject (this has been observed even in persons who strongly dislike cats). SCP-247 has been known to accept affection from its victims for upwards of seven minutes before disemboweling and devouring them. Genetic analysis shows slight deviation from a typical Bengal Tiger's genotype, indicating possible contamination [DATA EXPUNGED] all further breeding experiments require O5 level approval. The resulting hybrids have been designated SCP-247-1; see Experiment Log 247a-14 for more details. Addendum 247a: A series of tests in exposing SCP-247 and the Control subjects to various non-human animals. Control testing took place in an exact replica of SCP-247’s enclosure. Control A is a yellow kitten matching SCP-247’s apparent size and age. Control B is a fully grown Bengal Tiger matching SCP-247’s actual weight. Experiment Log 247a-01 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: A mixed-breed dog, mostly terrier. A known cat-chaser. Control Test A: Subject immediately began barking and ran at the control, which retreated up a nearby tree. Control Test B: Subject cowered in the corner as far from the control as possible. Control took no notice of subject. Results: Subject ran toward SCP-247, barking loudly. At approximately five (5) meters away subject slowed to a halt and became silent. At this point, SCP-247 rolled over and made a ‘mewing’ sound believed to be a sign of annoyance. The subject retreated to a far corner of the enclosure with its tail between its legs. Notes: That was extremely odd. Further testing recommended. - Researcher S████ Approved. - O5-█ Experiment Log 247a-02i-ii Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: A male tabby kitten with the same apparent age as SCP-247. Control Test A: Subject played with the control in the manner expected of kittens. Control Test B: Subject climbed a tree and attempted to hide itself from the control, displaying visible signs of terror. Results (test i): Subject approached SCP-247 and mewed. SCP-247 responded in kind and played with the tabby kitten. The resulting footage is extremely odd; at one point SCP-247 lifts the subject (which appears to be the same size as SCP-247) with a single forepaw, while at another point SCP-247 lifts the subject with its mouth, clearly showing that its mouth is much larger than it appears to be. The leading researcher characterized this as adorable but remarked that it gave him “a headache.” Due to a faulty recorder, this test had to be repeated. Results (test ii): Subject approached SCP-247 as above. SCP-247 made a deep purring sound, analogous to a growl. Subject reacted as in control test B. Notes: This seems to indicate 247 has some degree of conscious control over its apparent appearance. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-03 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult male deer, a normal prey animal for a Bengal Tiger. (Control B and SCP-247 were not fed for 3 days prior to this experiment.) Control Test A: Subject grazed. Control fell asleep two minutes into the experiment. Control Test B: Control attacked, killed and devoured subject, which behaved normally for a deer trapped in an enclosed space with a large predator. Results: Subject began grazing as in control test A. SCP-247 approached it calmly and killed it with a single bite to the neck, then proceeded to devour the subject. (Test was repeated without SCP-247 being forced to fast. SCP-247 completely ignored the subject for over a day before apparently becoming hungry and killing it, again with a single bite to the neck.) Notes: SCP-247 seems to prefer humans, both as food and for entertainment. Other prey animals presented to SCP-247 were all killed in a single strike, while humans are invariably allowed to pet the SCP for some time before being killed and are sometimes mauled and ‘played’ with the way a cat will play with a mouse. Furthermore, the SCP has killed every human it has had the opportunity to kill, regardless of hunger. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-08 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female chimpanzee. Control Test A: Subject and control ignored one another. Control Test B: Subject retreated to a tree, showing some signs of unease. Control displayed some curiosity towards the subject but did not attack. Results: Subject approached SCP-247, made noises identified as signs of affection, and began to groom SCP-247. SCP-247 allowed the subject to groom it for over an hour, then messily killed and devoured it. Notes: This seems to be its typical reaction to unfamiliar prey animals. It seems to prefer to prey on apes with advanced social behaviour. Experiments with gorillas and other social apes have shown similar results. Essentially, SCP-247 is a large predator that has somehow adapted to take advantage of the largest available food source — humans. We should investigate all future reports of man-eating tigers in case there are more of these things. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-12 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female grizzly bear. Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Subject and control acted nervously and gave one another as large a berth as possible. Results: Initially subject and SCP-247 ignored one another. At one point subject came very close to SCP-247, resulting in SCP-247 giving a warning growl. Subject responded with hostility. Test aborted due to possible harm to SCP-247; subject tranquilized by Foundation personnel and subsequently killed by SCP-247. Notes: Future tests involving animals potentially capable of killing or injuring a Bengal Tiger are cancelled. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-13 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female Bengal Tiger Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Subject and control greeted one another, established the order of social dominance, then both fell asleep. Results: Identical to control test B. Notes: Interestingly, SCP-247 was the beta animal in this interaction. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-14 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult male Bengal Tiger Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Omitted, record of normal Bengal tiger mating behaviour substituted. Results: As expected based on control B. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Notes: Researcher S████ has been removed from this project for lax security in his experiments, although in light of his injuries, further disciplinary measures have been deemed unnecessary. [DATA EXPUNGED], which seems to have benefited from a form of ‘hybrid vigor’, has been designated SCP-247-1. Considering that SCP-247 is likely to have bred naturally in the wild, Mobile Task Force Iota-5 ("Tiger Bait") has been formed and assigned to hunt down and contain or destroy all incidences of the hybrid SCP-247-1. - O5-█ « SCP-246 | SCP-247 | SCP-248 »" nan
[ 2.17228442e-01 -4.64181639e-02 -1.32951111e-01 -4.33015898e-02 3.90233815e-01 -1.81638762e-01 7.02094585e-02 1.99195705e-02 3.01346540e-01 2.18665615e-01 -4.07599332e-03 9.58830491e-02 -6.58047348e-02 2.32814237e-01 2.84937501e-01 -1.37312770e-01 3.46164882e-01 4.22322214e-01 7.84619302e-02 -3.20453018e-01 -1.77195057e-01 -3.27314548e-02 4.00251001e-02 3.11901629e-01 1.82721540e-02 -8.95161703e-02 -1.29557446e-01 9.22678337e-02 -3.84426147e-01 -2.62164026e-01 4.27836478e-02 -1.01607572e-02 7.38620311e-02 1.55651048e-01 -1.06737098e-04 -2.00935274e-01 9.45928097e-02 -2.10223347e-02 2.74596810e-01 -1.26026303e-01 2.13469099e-02 -2.95052201e-01 -2.25536730e-02 -1.26810417e-01 -6.08551987e-02 -2.89649721e-02 2.84546554e-01 -3.22048143e-02 2.68397927e-01 2.40869656e-01 1.75137103e-01 -1.61003008e-01 -1.68892249e-01 8.74827802e-02 3.30421358e-01 3.63328196e-02 -7.65318200e-02 -2.68865228e-01 5.69548570e-02 1.28084645e-01 2.29748741e-01 -4.59826645e-03 1.00042373e-01 -3.15324545e-01 1.02319896e-01 6.04806021e-02 5.11583149e-01 -1.86033413e-01 -8.98786783e-02 5.47596961e-02 -2.13584840e-01 1.13553531e-01 -4.70718145e-02 2.94766992e-01 -1.90088168e-01 -1.98646605e-01 3.28031510e-01 3.49787891e-01 1.14185892e-01 -1.19766574e-02 1.19892508e-01 4.03264374e-01 -6.58884794e-02 -2.68100258e-02 -2.13678218e-02 -1.85154602e-01 4.58905213e-02 1.72375739e-01 -1.19238153e-01 3.12430076e-02 -3.13460827e-01 -1.03705734e-01 1.96186543e-01 3.97072256e-01 4.29047737e-03 8.46196413e-02 1.53340816e-01 7.58905783e-02 -1.89294796e-02 1.55850440e-01 3.68388444e-01 1.99538782e-01 3.49583849e-02 8.90084207e-02 5.02162948e-02 -7.12626427e-02 -1.74191430e-01 -1.01472482e-01 -4.67666984e-01 4.97068584e-01 -2.28661612e-01 3.95884439e-02 -5.88229112e-02 3.07712704e-01 -2.33700946e-02 -8.85585472e-02 -1.70194209e-01 -5.12399105e-03 -4.97630507e-01 2.74145812e-01 -1.57439068e-01 2.24283308e-01 -1.41895115e-01 1.47171408e-01 2.61668507e-02 6.60156831e-02 2.56138831e-01 -3.02038193e-01 -4.38910257e-03 -1.04158126e-01 -3.56583536e-01 1.19193502e-01 -4.28046882e-01 -7.72520602e-02 -1.24430351e-01 -2.65558600e-01 -2.32307881e-01 2.08427869e-02 -2.53688574e-01 2.52970874e-01 -4.87978943e-02 -1.29191414e-01 3.10537159e-01 1.16584420e-01 -5.56186855e-01 -1.59099206e-01 2.21335515e-01 -3.07550579e-01 -1.44901529e-01 -2.07916990e-01 4.34733629e-01 3.68258327e-01 -3.99453759e-01 2.86296546e-01 -3.01866651e-01 1.43624485e-01 3.19014609e-01 8.63260552e-02 -2.21467286e-01 -9.61771831e-02 8.78283307e-02 1.37780458e-01 -4.78901602e-02 -2.33292595e-01 6.09879196e-02 1.91914544e-01 -6.27654269e-02 -1.82382479e-01 -2.15418980e-01 -3.13396931e-01 3.77374500e-01 -1.33327171e-01 1.84884325e-01 2.81790614e-01 -6.16276003e-02 1.42289743e-01 -3.00721228e-01 1.39920816e-01 -3.44693899e-01 -1.55072212e-01 -2.23145634e-01 4.86364275e-01 1.50026590e-01 -4.78856592e-03 -1.92843582e-02 2.08173972e-02 -1.48081705e-01 1.11903824e-01 1.60460427e-01 -1.17413640e-01 -2.88944840e-01 -5.63294470e-01 2.52338141e-01 7.06830621e-02 1.52270049e-02 1.35191362e-02 1.64707571e-01 3.06446403e-01 2.07216769e-01 1.78511709e-01 -1.59483269e-01 -1.83982953e-01 4.18097407e-01 -8.54692236e-02 -4.61048447e-02 -2.25018766e-02 9.22226012e-02 1.38829827e-01 2.50870466e-01 5.18702328e-01 3.02585252e-02 -3.90731394e-01 -2.76354641e-01 6.76027238e-02 2.79914197e-02 -2.98422605e-01 3.07821453e-01 2.02350140e-01 7.01835379e-02 -1.26841113e-01 -1.41511753e-01 4.41602439e-01 -2.56856769e-01 1.49701713e-02 1.93804920e-01 2.22839504e-01 -7.94077665e-02 -1.71275273e-01 -2.73234934e-01 -1.04713693e-01 9.30140093e-02 -9.02230814e-02 1.47279143e-01 1.13416404e-01 1.91224143e-01 1.50595248e-01 -4.01521614e-03 4.08803046e-01 -2.47773305e-01 -1.28459424e-01 -1.36492833e-01 6.71312690e-01 2.96827286e-01 4.27121408e-02 -2.50120968e-01 2.84901016e-05 3.85208353e-02 1.11975167e-02 -7.29942229e-03 -3.05546016e-01 -9.84867439e-02 4.46643531e-02 -2.67785102e-01 2.55613089e-01 3.17430705e-01 3.60489875e-01 -4.26263601e-01 2.54151672e-01 -9.90027860e-02 3.77995878e-01 5.21150231e-02 2.44099289e-01 -6.20494410e-02 -1.14453621e-01 1.17274679e-01 -9.43802595e-02 1.96580827e-01 2.73616761e-01 -5.58644254e-03 8.37062076e-02 4.24345955e-02 1.33252993e-01 -2.46493161e-01 -3.47613618e-02 1.80113181e-01 8.20460990e-02 -2.89194077e-01 -1.53106630e-01 9.60833207e-02 7.27395043e-02 -2.05795467e-01 -5.38042933e-02 1.03005201e-01 5.28784320e-02 -1.61606163e-01 1.20663412e-01 -1.51903003e-01 -2.03423649e-01 1.21678010e-01 4.57657307e-01 1.23398334e-01 7.19697773e-02 -1.64164364e-01 2.45492663e-02 -6.41664416e-02 1.72425229e-02 -3.95277351e-01 4.60065305e-01 -9.01692882e-02 -1.81600958e-01 -2.56543577e-01 2.33566985e-01 -1.73204511e-01 1.13108926e-01 -4.44451086e-02 -1.29149765e-01 1.39205232e-01 -1.31391540e-01 2.17482373e-01 -9.14570615e-02 -6.98960423e-01 1.01106964e-01 8.72577727e-02 -4.81617115e-02 2.01929897e-01 -1.76037222e-01 -2.97231764e-01 -1.50952756e-01 1.42941520e-01 -3.44280720e-01 -1.75204679e-01 -1.48041189e-01 -1.20467529e-01 5.00955954e-02 -2.19468594e-01 7.70228505e-02 -1.43564105e-01 -4.56623361e-02 1.80013537e-01 6.51736259e-02 9.47512463e-02 8.87337327e-02 6.68869242e-02 5.70936278e-02 -3.56438458e-01 -8.37256983e-02 -1.43977791e-01 -4.84176636e-01 -1.73942856e-02 2.02845991e-01 -1.87836215e-01 1.62772089e-03 -5.62772095e-01 2.08228618e-01 1.53340414e-01 -2.96929449e-01 2.75932372e-01 2.06088275e-02 1.56120747e-01 2.90797763e-02 -1.66240573e-01 1.15036748e-01 1.72322109e-01 -3.14627081e-01 -3.95005494e-02 1.18950577e-02 2.43548393e-01 1.36820748e-01 5.51304519e-01 -3.72971803e-01 -3.07570726e-01 4.09496099e-01 -1.08925793e-02 -5.48259839e-02 -4.04180974e-01 2.62891620e-01 -1.89247746e-02 1.45732230e-02 2.44319081e-01 -2.78084368e-01 3.38661790e-01 5.69357201e-02 -3.97311568e-01 2.10431159e-01 -1.47866771e-01 -1.26316128e-02 1.14465617e-01 9.44853127e-02 -3.79426479e-01 -1.51460767e-01 2.46011570e-01 6.82983756e-01 2.38476336e-01 2.16312692e-01 -4.05401915e-01 -1.14023723e-01 -1.50922909e-01 -1.62893012e-01 2.25005046e-01 -2.58647591e-01 8.71285200e-02 5.38434871e-02 -2.24919781e-01 1.74814716e-01 4.63253409e-02 2.13925213e-01 -4.28239107e-02 -1.14598967e-01 -2.67983377e-01 1.17944799e-01 -2.79201210e-01 3.41901422e-01 1.63351670e-01 8.08504820e-02 4.92226869e-01 1.69817001e-01 -2.97243446e-01 -4.19623628e-02 -1.54503062e-01 -2.63057113e-01 9.88507047e-02 2.17595249e-01 -7.48763755e-02 1.17970176e-01 -1.75740078e-01 -4.76452522e-02 2.17171274e-02 3.18738222e-01 -1.69067025e-01 -2.01989189e-01 -5.48467645e-03 6.79128291e-03 -2.27270991e-01 9.50458925e-03 -6.47799522e-02 1.96746029e-02 -1.24901004e-01 4.31324482e-01 2.46294916e-01 1.13761678e-01 2.39156000e-02 6.51336135e-03 1.79398268e-01 -1.85195014e-01 1.43042430e-01 -2.04745326e-02 2.86503226e-01 1.70849621e-01 -8.09289292e-02 -1.74617067e-01 8.47812369e-02 -3.38672698e-02 4.71891344e-01 1.89055040e-01 1.11964539e-01 -1.50812298e-01 1.81862622e-01 1.88622400e-02 4.83249575e-01 2.00750813e-01 2.21109360e-01 2.65917331e-01 -1.90316558e-01 4.62087125e-01 -5.50714396e-02 -2.40325555e-01 9.02742147e-02 4.91174012e-01 -1.27252504e-01 4.45669293e-02 5.49510896e-01 1.17509210e+00 7.82401934e-02 2.20931485e-01 1.72300979e-01 -1.63216129e-01 6.89984918e-01 -3.70894857e-02 -4.08659466e-02 -1.49226308e-01 -1.89155892e-01 -5.65338787e-03 -1.15282811e-01 3.74831945e-01 3.72032225e-01 -5.56041837e-01 -2.69761890e-01 -4.51761395e-01 3.06373071e-02 3.56369883e-01 5.69954477e-02 -6.75654486e-02 -1.35251224e-01 1.34272873e-01 2.60803461e-01 -1.07222475e-01 6.74777254e-02 1.87103860e-02 9.25276726e-02 -4.12209004e-01 3.66338305e-02 -2.07645260e-02 2.01459169e-01 -2.96239913e-01 -1.47883698e-01 -2.31782496e-01 -9.55183282e-02 -7.26426244e-02 -5.38812757e-01 -1.89024523e-01 -1.73058420e-01 2.45751217e-02 3.65213096e-01 5.28989673e-01 -2.68848062e-01 9.86664556e-03 1.23394296e-01 9.26735923e-02 6.55463487e-02 -1.71034083e-01 3.78415771e-02 -4.44721654e-02 2.89304763e-01 1.04659520e-01 -2.02252239e-01 7.36649573e-01 -1.78722944e-02 5.95408790e-02 -3.08978315e-02 -8.55281800e-02 -1.16627716e-01 1.91142380e-01 1.91520378e-02 7.11320713e-02 -1.75357535e-01 4.51468378e-02 -1.41183361e-01 -1.53887272e-01 2.44893327e-01 1.89271137e-01 -2.23726317e-01 1.06869817e-01 -1.95362970e-01 -1.45229012e-01 -3.20666194e-01 1.36514574e-01 -1.02606714e-01 -1.72615051e-01 4.03621234e-02 -2.80013293e-01 -2.87322789e-01 -2.15161964e-01 8.72630060e-01 2.38543674e-01 -2.57644892e-01 -1.54435635e-01 -8.89663026e-02 -4.60858494e-02 1.78687915e-01 4.79007792e-03 3.57198894e-01 -2.24257171e-01 2.84010798e-01 3.04134693e-02 -1.14993393e-01 -3.81835938e-01 5.45048267e-02 -2.84145057e-01 2.41351966e-02 6.99501753e-01 2.56275646e-02 3.25523578e-02 -2.71012753e-01 1.91780105e-01 2.59264439e-01 -1.39989182e-01 -3.60755682e-01 -1.87139079e-01 5.22402264e-02 6.15265518e-02 -1.37230381e-01 1.82273358e-01 1.00358054e-01 8.11924115e-02 1.39135540e-01 -2.54841775e-01 9.56974626e-02 2.47525483e-01 3.49663377e-01 -3.33955407e-01 4.03858274e-02 2.50858832e-02 -2.58426994e-01 -1.58986859e-02 3.49995494e-01 1.27432600e-01 -1.75948769e-01 -2.83928573e-01 -1.09768420e-01 6.72706738e-02 1.76184446e-01 4.42773439e-02 1.88025638e-01 1.63583934e-01 9.53449607e-02 -2.11140722e-01 -2.05982402e-02 -1.13700628e-01 1.88228518e-01 -1.65172428e-01 -2.49158919e-01 1.82118028e-01 2.95876026e-01 -2.31462419e-01 3.18205118e-01 -5.32070577e-01 1.19985886e-01 5.59093356e-02 1.85144842e-01 -2.52173483e-01 -2.50073433e-01 -1.45979121e-01 4.29364927e-02 5.59846878e-01 1.43656224e-01 1.45546943e-01 2.97461003e-01 -2.23620266e-01 2.90739164e-02 3.60552222e-01 5.18040843e-02 2.12539300e-01 3.47929001e-01 2.05059364e-01 -1.90341383e-01 1.94281071e-01 2.71256775e-01 -2.26883627e-02 4.51526552e-01 -8.29988420e-02 4.55679864e-01 -5.82314245e-02 7.32527748e-02 3.09405535e-01 4.54444587e-01 -5.30296154e-02 -2.29589194e-01 -1.16339840e-01 3.42328958e-02 2.60450602e-01 7.62587711e-02 -1.27735689e-01 -1.40682727e-01 -2.86097139e-01 -2.53338605e-01 9.06238258e-02 -1.03441007e-01 4.55208540e-01 4.81603444e-02 7.59234950e-02 4.80601192e-02 -6.01866782e-01 2.70140857e-01 4.46796566e-01 -1.30873710e-01 -1.16130993e-01 4.94842857e-01 -2.93954879e-01 2.66051769e-01 2.05629736e-01 2.82130986e-01 -3.89703661e-02 7.38547593e-02 1.04092574e-02 -1.48167834e-01 -8.23932290e-02 -3.67228948e-02 3.49047128e-04 3.05661857e-01 2.08688644e-03 -7.44964033e-02 1.34149104e-01 -2.59540975e-01 -5.19414842e-01 1.30600139e-01 4.18854624e-01 -6.69737086e-02 5.45337021e-01 -4.03883696e-01 1.52614832e-01 -3.44605856e-02 -2.76095420e-02 -3.82845283e-01 -2.93939918e-01 -2.16014758e-01 2.56707277e-02 1.97707862e-01 -2.78451174e-01 1.01341613e-01 -2.24524453e-01 5.24831302e-02 -2.01074392e-01 3.34877133e-01 -1.29076734e-01 -3.84162486e-01 -3.54624569e-01 1.77694857e-01 -1.16701029e-01 -8.42902660e-01 -5.06614819e-02 3.22536886e-01 -1.91426429e-03 2.05571309e-01 1.34801781e-02 1.35649189e-01 -3.05901706e-01 -8.84643868e-02 -1.19471699e-02 1.82250682e-02 -8.89816806e-02 -2.44225591e-01 -1.45155564e-01 -1.37809396e-01 1.20245598e-01 -4.03197080e-01 2.73892611e-01 7.16233030e-02 -4.60153759e-01 -1.23536564e-01 1.29110828e-01 5.87826967e-01 -8.98475423e-02 4.03328668e-05 -9.28710923e-02 -3.33412379e-01 -4.13997099e-02 2.00589195e-01 -2.59467304e-01 3.50559920e-01 -1.97558291e-03 5.16721606e-01 -1.16636772e-02 5.16683578e-01 3.32265735e-01 -3.67016159e-02 2.68616140e-01 -2.49871075e-01 -3.12425047e-01 -4.09899876e-02 -6.57140017e-02 -4.83955815e-02 -8.12137201e-02 4.60358530e-01 7.18861073e-02 -2.14020714e-01 -1.33704826e-01 -3.60393167e-01 5.86562812e-01 -3.80715460e-01 -2.46024370e-01 3.17061529e-03 -9.69505683e-02 -9.56309289e-02 6.64678738e-02 -3.06482702e-01 -1.67604655e-01 -2.77042575e-02 4.67776544e-02 -2.31702998e-01 2.13721264e-02 -3.95664066e-01 -1.41803831e-01 -1.39516562e-01 -8.62399302e-03 -1.68381661e-01 2.92632163e-01 -1.13377348e-01 -2.30041236e-01]
"110%" active "Item #: SCP-248 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-248 is to be kept in a fire-proof safe in Dr. Mize's office unless being used directly for testing purposes. The safe has a keypad-style opening mechanism. Any personnel of at least Level 2 Security Clearance have full permission to access SCP-248, as the numeric code is [REDACTED]. Description: SCP-248 is a twenty-five (25) page booklet of stickers, each reading "110%" with a small pressed imprint of the words "The Factory" in the bottom right corner. The booklet itself is 7.5 cm in height and 15 cm in length. Each page of SCP-248 contains two (2) of the stickers, making a total of what would be fifty (50), but circumstances before its discovery have left only forty-nine (49) stickers. SCP-248 was discovered at a small house in ████████, Georgia. The object came to the Foundation's attention after one (1) of the stickers was placed on an old, half disassembled tractor in the family's barn by the youngest son, Ronnie ████. The tractor was suddenly able to operate as if it were fully functional, despite lacking much of the engine and frame. Agents removed SCP-248 and the tractor from the family in exchange for a bogus coupon for free pesticides for the farm. The family was administered standard Class A amnestics. Dr. Mize received SCP-248 upon its arrival to Site-██ and took deep interest in its apparent abilities. The tractor is now labeled SCP-248-1. See Addendum 248-01 for testing of SCP-248-1. Testing of SCP-248 has been approved by Dr. Mize. See Addendum-248-02 and below for preliminary tests. Remaining stickers in SCP-248: forty-six (46). Addendum-248-01: SCP-248-1 is a 1979 John Deere tractor in an extremely rusted state. Most of the engine is missing, apparently from a restoration that was never completed. The frame is also partially missing near the rear of the tractor where the driver would be positioned. A sticker from SCP-248 is located near the back behind the left wheel. Upon turning the key to the ignition, SCP-248-1 starts up and operates as if it were in pristine condition. It is capable of achieving speeds up to 42 km/h, slightly faster than a typical tractor of that specific model. Though the tractor operates with no engine, gasoline is still required to maintain power. Further testing is required to understand whether or not the tractor would operate without a gas tank. Removal of the gas tank resulted in SCP-248-1 becoming non-functional in all aspects. The whole of SCP-248-1 is to be held in hangar ██ of Site-██ for future tests regarding the need for fuel, but lack of engine to create forward motion. Addendum-248-02: Testing of SCP-248 on a ██████ brand computer. A sticker from SCP-248 was placed on the motherboard of the computer, which was then started up like usual. The speed of the computer was greatly enhanced, as noted by Dr. ███ █████████, the owner of the computer. Diagnostics of the PC reveal the disc space to have increased from its maximum of 250 GB to 275 GB, as expected. The RAM had also reached the expected 110% efficiency. However, the interior was also experiencing similar results; the heat sink was pulling off 10% more heat than usual, and the conductivity of the wiring was allowing electricity to flow 10% more smoothly than the best modern superconductors. Why the wiring is achieving such a high rate of non-resistant flow, compared to the heat sinks slightly above-optimal cooling, is not understood at this time. Removal of the battery rendered the computer useless, just as in Addendum-248-01. Further study of SCP-248 and power supplies has been noted for future tests. Dr. ███ █████████'s computer is now labeled SCP-248-2 and is to be kept in Dr. Mize's top desk drawer. The drawer is opened via numeric keyboard, the password to which is [REDACTED]. Dr. Mize has requested that future tests regarding electronics attempt to focus, at least partially, on the implications of this high conductivity. Some form of electricity producing turbine or power plant could potentially increase energy production a thousandfold. Addendum-248-03: Testing of SCP-248 on organic matter. A sticker from SCP-248 was placed on the forearm of a Class D who volunteered to work with this unknown SCP rather than being transferred to Site-19 for Keter duty. Initial reaction to the sticker yielded no results. Subject received none of the additional enhancements as seen in previous tests. After 60 minutes of exposure the subject was still unchanged. Retrieval of the sticker was ordered to test the item's adhesive properties. Agent had difficulty removing the sticker, while the subject was claiming to experience extreme pain during the attempted retrieval. After a small talk with Dr. Mize, Agent █████ removed the sticker with much of the subject's skin still stuck to it. Microscopic examination revealed that the resin had bonded to the subject's flesh in the same way Navy grade tape bonds to the sides of submarines to withstand tremendous pressures. Chemical testing of the resin itself shows that it is consistent with average, mass-produced resin used in everyday Scotch tape. The chunk of skin was labeled SCP-248-3 by Dr. Mize and is now held in a vacuum-sealed plastic container. It is stored in the same fire-proof safe as SCP-248, in Dr. Mize's office. Addendum-248-04: Testing of SCP-248 on SCP-248-1; attempted removal of sticker. Agent █████ asked to try and remove the sticker with his fingers. After a few moments of failed attempts at scratching it off, Agent █████ is given tools to use: tweezers, a pair of pliers, a pocketknife, a chisel, and a hunting knife had no effect on the sticker itself. This test, along with test 248-03, confirm that the adhesive has properties beyond our understanding. After failing to remove the sticker, a second sticker was added near the first to test if SCP-248 has "stack-able" abilities. The first speed trial observed SCP-248-1 reaching 84 km/h, which is indeed 220%. However, after a 15-minute period, the tractor showed advanced signs of oxidation wear. After a total of 36 minutes of use with both stickers, SCP-248-1 had almost completely turned to rust and lost all form. At this point the stickers fell free from the pile of rust and were gathered by Dr. Mize for testing. Results show that the resin had formed a chemical bond, as with the biological matter, and only broke that bond after the original composition of the matter it was attached to had changed. It should be noted that there is no longer resin on the stickers and they no longer stick to surfaces. SCP-248-1 neutralized. -If this item was mass-produced, like it is assumed that other "Factory" SCPs were, we could have potentially struck gold! If a power grid can be made to function without the degenerative effects of SCP-248, free-flowing power could be possible at room temperature! I will personally begin researching "The Factory" and its whereabouts as soon as High Command approves. -Dr. Mize « SCP-247 | SCP-248 | SCP-249 »" nan
[-1.27168372e-01 -8.96361694e-02 -1.25570700e-01 -7.70499483e-02 1.94145441e-01 -1.93919484e-02 1.24186955e-01 1.75392985e-01 2.45403528e-01 3.06360155e-01 1.45632192e-01 4.94023293e-01 -1.60446361e-01 2.61317879e-01 1.37368143e-01 2.51727700e-01 -2.71438761e-03 3.04121137e-01 4.49391723e-01 -1.53231785e-01 -1.09681629e-01 -8.66948813e-02 -4.48540002e-02 2.00176537e-01 -5.34402311e-01 1.25792980e-01 2.86971986e-01 -4.61121164e-02 1.35188341e-01 -4.32237804e-01 6.19789995e-02 1.37436330e-01 1.32168368e-01 5.89702904e-01 -1.12363632e-04 -6.19414300e-02 1.54650718e-01 6.56003356e-02 -3.14237744e-01 2.75539726e-01 -4.51225281e-01 -2.55285595e-02 1.11470997e-01 -2.41012350e-01 3.45036164e-02 4.32090759e-01 -6.26150146e-03 2.82489937e-02 2.41620511e-01 -1.28496855e-01 1.79245159e-01 1.66686177e-01 3.24345678e-01 2.44630635e-01 4.98122454e-01 -3.92818078e-02 -1.14761993e-01 3.50692242e-01 4.28143978e-01 1.93317667e-01 -1.44364893e-01 3.49793553e-01 3.38495791e-01 -1.05306424e-01 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-2.14285046e-01 -4.04465526e-01 -1.72695696e-01 2.60974556e-01 -3.06221545e-01 -3.68401498e-01 -2.29154453e-02 -6.40020370e-02 -2.98797637e-01 -9.60021317e-02 -1.57738253e-01 1.21324353e-01 1.08821236e-01 6.51211217e-02 9.51090828e-02 4.08391625e-01 -1.73270792e-01 5.12323789e-02 1.02912284e-01 -3.96933556e-01 -7.84191787e-02 -3.24184052e-03 1.79770574e-01 -2.62491673e-01 -7.60601386e-02 2.22163633e-01 -2.07412288e-01 -3.16582590e-01 3.98428947e-01 -5.10019511e-02 8.47297981e-02 2.45676503e-01 3.04824322e-01 2.99821734e-01 -3.15661571e-04 -1.81087494e-01 -7.88070187e-02 4.19152111e-01 -3.26370418e-01 -2.23509103e-01 1.36053577e-01 -2.42718697e-01 2.76085343e-02 -2.20208153e-01 1.30742900e-02 3.72480810e-01 1.33695230e-01 -1.98121965e-01 -2.32301697e-01 -1.98852345e-02 -2.21013457e-01 1.55728206e-01 -3.47205102e-01 9.41455737e-02 2.86203980e-01 -5.43378592e-01 -5.33325255e-01 -6.54501319e-02 1.60770714e-01 -3.95956337e-01 7.48349056e-02 -1.87342927e-01 -5.64345300e-01 -3.54394853e-01 3.89274955e-01 1.87302679e-01 2.49446467e-01 -1.79756522e-01 -2.67814770e-02 1.88506976e-01 1.60538316e-01 2.96540588e-01 -2.14529440e-01 -1.24607466e-01 1.36603653e-01 1.68353125e-01 -2.03863531e-01 -3.06251824e-01 -1.24360070e-01 1.50686279e-01 9.57222357e-02 -1.99041426e-01 1.68705821e-01 -7.56826922e-02 -1.89788938e-01 3.88145179e-01 -1.64828569e-01 -5.00318885e-01 2.39747614e-01 1.31620556e-01 -1.22895371e-02 -2.09715411e-01 -9.25265327e-02 -2.43340999e-01 2.16866314e-01 -8.44296664e-02 -2.32748389e-01 4.28121574e-02 -2.50031918e-01 -1.35565907e-01 -2.89639741e-01 2.28826568e-01 3.62548947e-01 -5.08835092e-02 5.95297962e-02 6.27267454e-03 -1.53112952e-02 8.25539455e-02 3.01429927e-01 9.56143141e-01 1.72104537e-02 1.48106873e-01 1.04225308e-01 1.09286249e-01 1.65448219e-01 1.56665534e-01 -4.32651132e-01 3.15766484e-01 -3.27760220e-01 3.42638406e-04 5.03806658e-02 -5.95015436e-02 1.90335155e-01 -3.76771569e-01 -1.05521880e-01 5.62400483e-02 1.97187945e-01 2.86590129e-01 -4.07643020e-01 3.69665474e-01 -1.38472924e-02 3.95369262e-01 3.69826972e-01 -9.01585817e-02 2.66543478e-02 -1.05119079e-01 -2.46688202e-01 -8.67337883e-02 2.60286778e-01 1.77504957e-01 -3.64659876e-01 1.78374723e-01 -1.20271914e-01 -3.83503973e-01 5.55395782e-02 3.25579792e-02 6.15458861e-02 1.39132008e-01 4.12715256e-01 2.30161741e-01 1.24832913e-01 1.28487244e-01 -1.26209319e-01 -4.03942585e-01 -1.04448646e-01 -1.61093503e-01 -2.75876492e-01 1.45577937e-01 8.68078694e-02 5.62775470e-02 -3.57061625e-01 3.43361408e-01 1.66881025e-01 -1.65100038e-01 2.88938591e-03 -1.97335258e-02 -1.87862605e-01 1.09018296e-01 -3.46097261e-01 3.82852733e-01 -2.86374062e-01 8.73120427e-02 -4.18719679e-01 5.80507070e-02 -2.61372477e-01 1.06040664e-01 -1.55550227e-01 -2.91132212e-01 4.80393261e-01 -6.58004433e-02 6.74835443e-02 1.03444211e-01 -2.09777102e-01 3.04305881e-01 7.36766011e-02 -4.16585058e-01 1.10191569e-01 -2.46976107e-01 -1.52485549e-01 -3.12548697e-01 2.85980433e-01 -4.07775015e-01 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-9.71432030e-02 -1.25716090e-01 1.08870864e-01 1.20262653e-01 1.86810151e-01 -5.84968552e-02 -1.83977321e-01 -2.44879484e-01 -2.29227945e-01 -2.80273706e-01 1.76198095e-01 -1.01798654e-01 1.23594306e-01 2.90695764e-02 -2.57720560e-01 2.71662444e-01 -3.87279958e-01 4.46267962e-01 1.08058758e-01 6.81210220e-01 6.28111064e-01 -3.90555233e-01 -2.51994729e-01 -2.54254818e-01 -5.37655354e-01 1.63635761e-01 5.17674267e-01 -3.25547993e-01 -3.89750123e-01 5.68948351e-02 6.70593753e-02 -2.55571693e-01 -1.20012745e-01 2.77436703e-01 -1.90173477e-01 1.25675574e-01 -1.87781349e-01 4.56129812e-04 7.67171606e-02 -1.16510011e-01 -1.02030560e-01 2.44809464e-01 1.64656654e-01 1.50887787e-01 9.86314714e-02 3.35748754e-02 -7.56400228e-02 2.27519974e-01 -2.01783657e-01 3.08326364e-01 4.78872269e-01 3.12110186e-01 -1.42345935e-01 -4.14539985e-02 -3.82596329e-02 9.76389199e-02 -8.60116705e-02 1.80515617e-01 3.51173103e-01 1.48540795e-01 -9.24185067e-02 1.22432215e-02 1.66809797e-01 -2.84612216e-02 -1.76293612e-01 9.83944610e-02 1.45583376e-01 1.92466840e-01 -1.64503872e-01 3.76667023e-01 -4.34176773e-01 -3.34337652e-01 -3.18069369e-01 -4.90674637e-02 -1.51887581e-01 6.00997269e-01 2.94666260e-01 1.16205049e+00 -3.09963953e-02 -1.09302655e-01 -1.34972543e-01 -4.13043171e-01 5.00030458e-01 -6.65374398e-01 -3.91715914e-02 -2.04041272e-01 4.72952947e-02 1.58267424e-01 -1.96510136e-01 -2.38796435e-02 2.60575712e-01 -1.44814536e-01 -3.29307765e-01 -4.68360692e-01 9.90529060e-02 2.82893419e-01 3.89619648e-01 9.49814469e-02 7.41736665e-02 -4.66693826e-02 1.68095499e-01 1.61833450e-01 3.91629934e-01 -2.03227699e-01 -2.78582014e-02 -7.97101855e-02 -9.55480859e-02 -4.31774199e-01 -5.37163503e-02 -1.00099586e-01 5.16215324e-01 3.32477093e-01 2.48003355e-03 -1.91098228e-02 -2.11339071e-01 -9.60065275e-02 4.82251905e-02 -1.82513639e-01 3.21466744e-01 6.15169287e-01 9.81998164e-03 5.11352345e-02 2.63040572e-01 2.72384584e-01 -2.00945348e-01 -1.56232744e-01 -1.57113791e-01 -1.12820767e-01 -1.96197674e-01 -2.14313492e-02 3.52778211e-02 6.95175469e-01 -2.72610903e-01 2.46819839e-01 2.09920987e-01 -1.05880059e-01 -1.95639014e-01 1.11713387e-01 9.35064182e-02 -3.98969185e-03 -5.57027981e-02 2.75598168e-02 -2.36211702e-01 -2.00298093e-02 8.35423693e-02 5.05970269e-02 3.62788260e-01 1.75962269e-01 -1.09128714e-01 -2.11188763e-01 -4.53705519e-01 -8.91198346e-04 4.23381537e-01 -4.37095642e-01 1.50079027e-01 3.39215659e-02 -2.71219015e-01 -1.70726627e-01 2.72592038e-01 3.78876746e-01 6.31127879e-02 -6.56258613e-02 -2.50075281e-01 -2.53789239e-02 -1.42291188e-01 9.29348245e-02 1.46473974e-01 -7.65005201e-02 7.39334822e-01 1.71635374e-01 2.90918555e-02 -3.90115470e-01 7.61315972e-02 -2.11339429e-01 -2.34364912e-01 8.61585364e-02 -1.92622632e-01 -1.63984392e-02 -7.32988194e-02 2.14042604e-01 1.10875383e-01 -3.30779143e-02 -2.77408779e-01 -1.50823385e-01 1.40946835e-01 -1.09278657e-01 -1.00798033e-01 -5.71941622e-02 4.82699245e-01 1.26882255e-01 1.64005041e-01 -3.07886779e-01 6.40816689e-02 3.30759108e-01 6.37934506e-01 1.73895165e-01 3.78591716e-01 -1.70754015e-01 -1.41080528e-01 -1.89952478e-02 4.65673447e-01 2.21712902e-01 6.57420903e-02 5.23653440e-02 -9.23187006e-03 -9.48954225e-02 4.36113812e-02 1.22605478e-02 2.54997283e-01 -6.54986352e-02 2.48811580e-02 -1.39767602e-01 5.29596694e-02 -7.58321285e-02 2.21748799e-01 -3.54796410e-01 -2.01855645e-01 -1.46094367e-01 2.91848570e-01 -2.60144979e-01 1.62718877e-01 -8.00128728e-02 -1.39239684e-01 -7.71416798e-02 1.42552912e-01 1.20623499e-01 -3.80065478e-02 1.37189031e-01 1.11396506e-01 -4.20660079e-02 4.90991354e-01 -1.23643018e-01 1.41777292e-01 1.28847316e-01 5.88951670e-02 9.29173678e-02 2.42391422e-01 1.87128708e-01 -2.39142403e-01 2.83683658e-01 -7.57067055e-02 -4.35190983e-02 -4.48491052e-02 -1.79992989e-02 -8.85943025e-02 -7.46408328e-02 4.60919321e-01 -1.39148533e-01 2.89467233e-03 3.34271826e-02 2.34735265e-01 1.81452483e-01 1.12184472e-01 -4.02869247e-02 1.22220432e-02 6.23175949e-02 -1.84893414e-01 6.79640472e-02 -2.75003791e-01 -2.31784970e-01 -1.32968100e-02 1.45053640e-01 1.72855467e-01 3.65078628e-01 -4.68576960e-02 -1.18239641e-01 -1.43793151e-01 3.34130347e-01 8.86191875e-02 4.51981544e-01 -3.25904042e-01 -1.31872311e-01 1.99222893e-01 3.40346918e-02 7.01053888e-02 2.22150475e-01 2.25226760e-01 -2.14992717e-01 -1.23963326e-01 -6.51814938e-02 -7.90692940e-02 -5.10871448e-02 -2.26412922e-01 2.41446067e-02 2.28542894e-01 -1.88531592e-01 3.50411206e-01 1.38794899e-01 -2.05972955e-01 -4.86835033e-01 2.75209576e-01 -1.60364538e-01 3.83940041e-02 -2.41290376e-01 1.30509272e-01 -2.89486051e-01 1.22206444e-02 1.20160587e-01 -2.70668621e-04 -5.54410040e-01 -5.50802827e-01 9.50388983e-02 1.44587860e-01 -1.81451768e-01 8.51177871e-02 2.53823306e-02 2.23197639e-01 -6.05529547e-02 1.76363885e-01 -1.24172866e-01 -2.47961536e-01 -1.56902298e-01 1.04340233e-01 -9.99826416e-02 -2.89103568e-01 -3.78486142e-03 3.72270018e-01 -1.21798754e-01 -1.47306221e-02 3.46672237e-01 2.63983279e-01 2.89074481e-02 1.36173159e-01 -3.04996371e-01 3.67385954e-01 5.72386444e-01 -4.17998098e-02 4.81331237e-02 1.22993611e-01 1.90163776e-01 -2.34186258e-02 2.13806376e-01 -1.81099355e-01 -2.75876343e-01 1.24288797e-01 2.69473530e-02 4.57850724e-01 7.18590291e-03 2.07293898e-01 -2.92611152e-01 -2.16390148e-01 1.10597193e-01 4.57161546e-01 -1.00138456e-01 -6.53723776e-02 4.93479967e-02 1.06287323e-01 2.37309620e-01 4.77329373e-01 1.37806926e-02 1.97276384e-01 -1.09404236e-01 -2.32424345e-02 -3.93032432e-01 1.12584241e-01 -1.36871129e-01 -5.77669851e-02 1.09244518e-01 3.89826179e-01 7.02798739e-02 1.28225058e-01 -3.96156490e-01 -1.06499409e-02 2.55404294e-01 -3.94876391e-01 -4.60423678e-01 -3.11875701e-01 2.68732518e-01 1.14334993e-01 1.23139709e-01 -5.86307235e-02 -2.10869804e-01 1.34889185e-01 8.92811269e-02 -3.72419775e-01 4.42261472e-02 -2.17512324e-01 -1.68911710e-01 -2.74638459e-03 6.18919313e-01 -3.69900628e-03 1.10820472e-01 -3.94172192e-01 -1.87545463e-01]
"The Random Door" active "Item #: SCP-249 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedure: SCP-249 is affixed to a wall within Site-██. Access to SCP-249 is unrestricted, though an accurate log of destinations must be kept and submitted to a Level-4 supervisor every four (4) weeks. No SCPs of any class may be brought or kept within one thousand (1000) meters of SCP-249 without Level-4 approval. Description: SCP-249 appears to be a windowless door, covered in a faded white paint. It was first found in a house located within the small town of ██████. When opened, SCP-249 does not lead to the other side of the doorway, but to a random door within eight hundred and fifty (850) meters. Items that go through SCP-249 are teleported to that other door, regardless of what may be between the door and SCP-249. When observed from the destination, the exit door appears to open on its own accord, and whatever goes through SCP-249 appears out of thin air. When opened, SCP-249 takes on the appearance of the door it is connected to. When shut, SCP-249 is no longer connected to that door, and reverts to its standard appearance. However, roughly every five hundred (500) uses, SCP-249 does not connect to a door within its range, but instead to a random location anywhere in the world, even locations with no apparent doors within hundreds of kilometers. When the 500-use mark approaches, common use of SCP-249 is stopped and tests are done to record its exit location. Since its discovery, a log has been kept documenting these cases (See Addendum 249-001). Document 249-A In accordance to O5-██, all restrooms have been moved away from SCP-249's range. Addendum 249-001 Teleportation log. 12-10-19██: SCP-249 is found and moved to Site ██. 24-6-19██: Agent █████ goes missing and is found weeks later in eastern Canada; describes random transportation. 17-10-20██: Middle of what appears to be the Sahara desert. 4-12-20██: Warehouse in a destroyed city resembling ███████. 25-2-20██: Madagascar. 17-5-20██: When opened, SCP-249 releases a massive torrent of water. Agent ██████, who was holding the door handle, shuts the SCP before Site ██ is flooded. Later, a fish found on the ground is examined, and identified as a species living only in the Mid-Atlantic Deep Sea Trench. 22-10-20██: [DATA EXPUNGED] 19-11-20██: Agent ████ requests use of SCP-249 in infiltration mission. Request approved. Mission is successful. « SCP-248 | SCP-249 | SCP-250 »" nan
[ 7.55467936e-02 -5.53800389e-02 -4.51298952e-02 -7.69595727e-02 9.77409035e-02 -3.83736581e-01 2.59972751e-01 -1.61699548e-01 1.03161953e-01 1.52697369e-01 1.59283131e-01 3.40622663e-01 -1.67043820e-01 1.63423359e-01 2.69661218e-01 2.67467499e-01 2.95293871e-02 7.38910362e-02 -2.51310796e-01 -1.93460211e-01 -4.82099861e-01 -1.52177274e-01 -3.56061488e-01 3.56813848e-01 9.71224383e-02 -1.44451754e-02 -2.04008311e-01 -1.21950833e-02 -6.74779788e-02 -1.89356729e-01 8.08656812e-02 2.92485565e-01 -1.15158558e-01 6.77461028e-01 -1.04938925e-04 -1.91591933e-01 2.31965423e-01 1.40876666e-01 -3.69027108e-01 -3.25710416e-01 -2.90240914e-01 1.63106754e-01 -7.38551542e-02 -2.89803267e-01 2.08213598e-01 1.47223666e-01 3.65832925e-01 2.84331245e-03 9.21171904e-02 3.11336815e-01 2.57797331e-01 -5.11597507e-02 1.79067895e-01 -1.53692707e-01 2.66391248e-01 6.65626535e-03 1.68162538e-03 -4.47846174e-01 1.81454614e-01 -1.56646818e-01 8.88512377e-03 -3.04990590e-01 3.67694311e-02 -1.81030422e-01 4.50717717e-01 -2.38934994e-01 -6.23207510e-01 -1.33237734e-01 9.50376317e-02 3.14666748e-01 2.22293079e-01 -1.29291341e-01 -5.07765375e-02 1.54073164e-01 -2.44429454e-01 2.09844485e-01 2.13484660e-01 2.97720104e-01 3.27560827e-02 -1.36200890e-01 -4.05907422e-01 5.07694960e-01 -2.40757257e-01 1.37801647e-01 -3.53266746e-01 5.32728791e-01 4.23441269e-02 1.46108672e-01 1.83762938e-01 -2.04763740e-01 1.22561641e-01 -9.03355777e-02 1.85404092e-01 3.31918709e-02 2.18382582e-01 -6.10781200e-02 3.85394692e-01 2.77272522e-01 1.69001102e-01 -1.40655562e-01 1.92922756e-01 2.97663361e-02 -4.35923710e-02 -9.92207900e-02 2.65284896e-01 -2.02742830e-01 2.76958287e-01 1.55001655e-01 -3.86048049e-01 5.12181818e-01 -1.47602305e-01 2.11244985e-01 1.55300396e-02 -1.49372831e-01 2.30403468e-01 1.60084486e-01 -6.95794635e-03 -7.27537945e-02 -9.97487530e-02 2.14337274e-01 -1.06487922e-01 7.68196881e-02 -1.27904728e-01 1.13990247e-01 2.75960207e-01 -2.65882492e-01 -6.23656288e-02 -2.45525986e-01 -1.23835482e-01 1.32294923e-01 -1.91395342e-01 1.67926088e-01 -3.08826745e-01 -2.74871260e-01 -2.10935935e-01 4.83293265e-01 -4.87036891e-02 9.81051940e-03 -4.97853234e-02 4.21534032e-02 1.33304164e-01 -1.66611344e-01 2.34430641e-01 4.71478179e-02 -4.37261820e-01 -1.13841491e-02 -1.27629876e-01 9.91622806e-02 -2.04229131e-01 -4.60397964e-03 2.11796090e-01 -1.27968282e-01 2.29402501e-02 2.63852954e-01 -2.53515899e-01 -1.13303028e-01 4.69061702e-01 -1.33537084e-01 -5.63695431e-01 -1.04452789e-01 3.75532150e-01 4.80805300e-02 -4.20017928e-01 -1.39700308e-01 -9.40203443e-02 6.44521356e-01 -1.64306790e-01 -5.11218011e-02 2.34839112e-01 -2.58986235e-01 -3.20655182e-02 -4.79841232e-01 -3.41455340e-01 9.53710377e-02 -3.20636600e-01 1.59599587e-01 -6.97062373e-01 -1.26002952e-01 -4.37751710e-01 -1.42522007e-01 -4.63960946e-01 1.31252453e-01 3.26917410e-01 -3.36955398e-01 -9.21490714e-02 1.93889178e-02 7.50015900e-02 -1.06609007e-02 2.94858128e-01 -1.96904421e-01 -2.90275335e-01 -4.31739599e-01 3.08645636e-01 6.91741779e-02 8.93697515e-02 -3.28951180e-01 4.01433766e-01 3.53975654e-01 2.62878835e-01 8.88771266e-02 -2.49617353e-01 -1.64264306e-01 2.70139277e-01 1.93615705e-01 -6.64021522e-02 3.07501778e-02 -1.08915932e-01 1.03901468e-01 3.18680346e-01 2.06565429e-02 8.50273073e-02 -9.53458548e-02 -8.22092667e-02 8.62807557e-02 -2.90490717e-01 -9.57610905e-02 3.62066478e-01 1.42172873e-01 -1.63257405e-01 -2.68845886e-01 -2.46570120e-03 -9.07738879e-02 1.34003937e-01 -2.09459588e-01 2.04314277e-01 1.02865525e-01 -5.87602407e-02 -1.28518948e-02 -1.94008440e-01 2.37258002e-01 3.15071762e-01 -9.27055925e-02 -1.84199624e-02 2.88406104e-01 5.80250360e-02 2.78365970e-01 3.07763129e-01 3.62517774e-01 2.39590898e-01 -1.05013978e-03 -2.30588317e-01 3.65752041e-01 4.83126901e-02 1.44701779e-01 -1.07728936e-01 1.82092026e-01 3.56930755e-02 8.32017809e-02 2.37284169e-01 -3.85066681e-02 -1.29119694e-01 -4.43695813e-01 2.47796044e-01 1.47345647e-01 3.35763305e-01 5.73896646e-01 5.63908517e-02 3.86422426e-01 6.31256541e-03 3.39366764e-01 -1.01160623e-01 -3.89350615e-02 1.24749802e-01 3.56173478e-02 7.74336457e-02 2.67483033e-02 2.84333736e-01 3.72173846e-01 -8.12700167e-02 7.73300976e-02 3.33562680e-02 -3.54105867e-02 -1.36030287e-01 -1.38370916e-01 4.49762009e-02 3.12700450e-01 9.45996419e-02 1.55107066e-01 1.17237031e-01 3.04976523e-01 -1.27989799e-01 -4.29647177e-01 -2.52070762e-02 -1.61187381e-01 -9.66615826e-02 8.40257853e-02 -1.50816515e-01 3.90227288e-02 -1.17083833e-01 2.98658997e-01 2.53683448e-01 -1.52969912e-01 -5.11960424e-02 -1.46526143e-01 -3.66106510e-01 -1.03323065e-01 -1.41977191e-01 1.97782308e-01 -3.12923014e-01 -3.87222804e-02 1.07657642e-03 -4.28223936e-03 -1.06239915e-01 1.37333259e-01 -1.50010258e-01 3.48232538e-02 2.62956232e-01 9.19619799e-02 2.27716506e-01 -2.83367544e-01 -3.27375174e-01 1.70356501e-02 2.12786481e-01 -1.42269000e-01 2.73936093e-01 -2.24307805e-01 -3.23783696e-01 -3.35121125e-01 8.52263346e-02 -2.43899673e-01 4.35783155e-02 2.60655910e-01 -2.21061349e-01 -9.97950435e-02 -1.44311607e-01 2.11062342e-01 -1.86181277e-01 -2.20689282e-01 2.06299439e-01 3.62570621e-02 3.02714437e-01 2.06109017e-01 1.34685580e-02 3.65258247e-01 -2.04882309e-01 -2.42698416e-01 -1.29417423e-02 -2.99283147e-01 2.14946792e-01 1.81629345e-01 1.52279502e-02 -2.18898728e-01 -1.89367741e-01 -2.18467981e-01 2.57242441e-01 -5.42136252e-01 -3.03901166e-01 1.84878651e-02 3.60928178e-01 2.19062448e-01 -3.03744793e-01 7.48707294e-01 5.32590076e-02 -3.28792572e-01 -4.99357954e-02 -6.35211766e-02 2.04580292e-01 4.40380238e-02 2.00305313e-01 -1.48455456e-01 -1.88138157e-01 3.08694601e-01 2.34606057e-01 -1.20016508e-01 -4.78415564e-02 3.09698544e-02 1.26730964e-01 1.01959370e-01 4.99917790e-02 -7.97730386e-02 3.95738631e-01 -3.83758619e-02 -4.95765030e-01 3.25928420e-01 -1.12477496e-01 -2.21605539e-01 -1.08742679e-03 -3.35480601e-01 -2.94621348e-01 -3.47152770e-01 -4.41955663e-02 7.81266451e-01 8.35901722e-02 -6.02486692e-02 -8.12393650e-02 -8.89373720e-02 -1.26484126e-01 8.90609547e-02 -2.88946722e-02 8.02020878e-02 -6.23341016e-02 -3.62024993e-01 -1.17537104e-01 9.96939093e-02 -8.54094140e-03 -1.33617923e-01 7.57387578e-02 -1.29021078e-01 -3.14974487e-01 9.87594575e-02 -1.93145320e-01 9.33755711e-02 1.71038359e-01 4.29768145e-01 2.62323469e-01 2.55754292e-01 3.03247739e-02 -1.76282078e-01 -2.98516780e-01 -1.33779421e-01 5.08671343e-01 -1.14095062e-01 -1.58301383e-01 2.70410091e-01 1.30026499e-02 6.50327951e-02 1.34780809e-01 1.05931923e-01 -4.89552356e-02 -2.59369552e-01 -1.07385129e-01 4.38566767e-02 -6.95858374e-02 -2.77915627e-01 1.26128316e-01 -1.30935118e-01 7.44329244e-02 -7.57656118e-04 1.08764894e-01 -2.74199992e-01 1.02197789e-01 2.35020116e-01 2.41202861e-02 3.89276266e-01 -1.50925238e-02 9.71428528e-02 3.28877270e-01 -3.04212496e-02 -3.36245716e-01 7.65265059e-03 -1.55426696e-01 -8.47302228e-02 5.42906761e-01 1.47770330e-01 1.06374524e-03 -1.27737090e-01 3.57537180e-01 3.01585868e-02 -9.34486240e-02 2.70889550e-01 -5.69240823e-02 3.25745732e-01 -1.07545361e-01 -2.42154468e-02 -4.93512779e-01 -3.87720853e-01 1.56505987e-01 1.24994740e-01 -1.17149837e-01 2.24283233e-01 1.69253767e-01 1.00752521e+00 1.50691673e-01 4.70983088e-02 1.51419088e-01 -3.61942023e-01 -1.32679626e-01 2.75409758e-01 -1.47094861e-01 8.03077444e-02 -7.18181804e-02 5.67854717e-02 -1.72329232e-01 1.38834342e-01 4.03760374e-01 -3.79988909e-01 -1.75562724e-01 -5.86956143e-01 1.87850118e-01 3.52455944e-01 -3.04546766e-02 7.26109371e-02 5.85400797e-02 4.82664466e-01 2.45324701e-01 1.44609123e-01 8.58065784e-02 4.67688218e-02 5.68567682e-03 1.53916582e-01 -1.36620224e-01 -1.09144241e-01 2.31638238e-01 -4.82496798e-01 2.70829439e-01 1.55528292e-01 -1.41242193e-02 -2.44451821e-01 6.26749592e-03 -1.37097418e-01 9.31935757e-02 5.97784407e-02 3.28869492e-01 6.14384949e-01 -7.42048100e-02 2.04684094e-01 8.52741525e-02 1.91606492e-01 -1.74836740e-02 -8.89975727e-02 2.72680193e-01 -2.21327305e-01 -6.02326728e-02 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9.39030051e-02 -1.16852513e-02 3.60980749e-01 1.12218745e-01 -1.75829098e-01 2.88204476e-02 1.28988519e-01 5.16077220e-01 -8.46395940e-02 8.34993087e-03 -1.44039243e-01 -1.32069752e-01 8.45179856e-02 2.91784465e-01 -6.00729473e-02 2.67124802e-01 1.47453710e-01 -3.61653008e-02 2.40862578e-01 2.60139525e-01 -3.77351284e-01 9.98800471e-02 -4.68412071e-01 -2.91540891e-01 8.17669630e-02 3.79370034e-01 -1.39084831e-01 5.54914773e-02 -3.87060702e-01 2.50560850e-01 1.11380629e-01 9.45173651e-02 -2.99032535e-02 -5.64936996e-01 2.33474985e-01 1.61098003e-01 -6.00126646e-02 1.68922082e-01 1.42641187e-01 6.12149984e-02 -1.31195784e-01 -2.37462223e-01 2.09625915e-01 9.11077335e-02 2.09457427e-01 1.52968675e-01 1.51863933e-01 2.36368567e-01 2.40766391e-01 2.28536993e-01 2.67882168e-01 -1.89592972e-01 7.09685087e-02 2.20174685e-01 -2.53922492e-01 -5.85030690e-02 1.49717674e-01 1.69002220e-01 -5.62196136e-01 2.68520236e-01 -1.77156225e-01 -2.85907775e-01 9.01523232e-02 1.49770468e-01 1.23480536e-01 -1.94043741e-01 -2.87762940e-01 7.81716499e-03 1.39179081e-02 -4.43580747e-02 2.09733263e-01 -1.21124849e-01 -8.05928744e-03 -5.74734397e-02 1.42287076e-01 2.50968281e-02 2.98836082e-01 -4.23160106e-01 1.01336926e-01 2.41593137e-01 -6.83880746e-02 1.38846219e-01 3.04376960e-01 -3.88060398e-02 1.49125054e-01 -2.37294868e-01 3.03700954e-01 1.05381580e-02 1.09738201e-01 -1.06865957e-01 -6.48178309e-02 1.85336053e-01 2.44115978e-01 2.53494591e-01 1.99120268e-01 -3.23442847e-01 -1.67303786e-01 1.89736158e-01 1.62956491e-01 -4.42329459e-02 1.15090862e-01 -2.03813091e-02 -2.31586739e-01 2.99831718e-01 1.12552315e-01 -5.89803636e-01 -1.97517470e-01 -2.27264404e-01 6.50835037e-03 3.02925348e-01 -1.86660081e-01 1.18225306e-01 1.99882895e-01 -7.00538745e-03 -1.12116627e-01 5.11377871e-01 -1.74129516e-01 -4.77067649e-01 -3.99905592e-01 3.01509500e-01 -4.00855914e-02 -3.13999474e-01 -2.21504923e-03 -2.22039744e-02 -2.75235564e-01 4.61140508e-03 -1.64395839e-01 -6.77892342e-02 -2.30875522e-01 -6.87426478e-02 -3.33867162e-01 2.23922983e-01 3.88016850e-01 2.31781527e-01 -1.10964842e-01 -1.71038523e-01 2.92920619e-01 -3.72547656e-01 2.43291140e-01 1.76564500e-01 -3.54347229e-01 2.56078653e-02 1.31664619e-01 1.94029048e-01 -3.16500574e-01 1.38083816e-01 -7.63101652e-02 -4.94865216e-02 -2.07382925e-02 1.42507777e-01 8.05105641e-02 -7.15444013e-02 1.87166840e-01 -2.15118587e-01 2.76413441e-01 2.84010917e-01 3.39081675e-01 2.65785456e-02 -3.80224735e-02 2.20464975e-01 -3.02716851e-01 6.06370121e-02 -1.53246790e-01 2.05184713e-01 -7.51610696e-02 4.89128768e-01 1.02381587e-01 -2.89149493e-01 1.89316884e-01 -3.78136665e-01 2.28202686e-01 -3.77148092e-01 -2.78468668e-01 -4.32645679e-01 2.63365149e-01 -3.66633356e-01 1.48708373e-01 -2.87501365e-01 -2.07168967e-01 1.63104668e-01 8.66927803e-02 5.17839193e-02 -2.18398884e-01 -3.27807486e-01 -1.94753274e-01 -9.67613235e-02 6.79161191e-01 4.89212237e-02 1.27336206e-02 -1.83781572e-02 3.09320837e-02]
"Most of an Allosaurus" active "Item #: SCP-250 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-250 is to be kept in a 50-meter-by-50-meter enclosure simulating a prairie environment, with padded steel walls 15 m high and 1 m thick. The temperature must remain between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius by day, and between 10 and 14 degrees Celsius by night, with an average humidity of no more than 8%; this serves the dual purpose of ensuring that SCP-250's overall behavior remains predictable, and of maintaining the physical integrity of its component parts. Vegetation within the enclosure is to be maintained on a weekly basis; see document 250-MB48 for details. Although SCP-250 does not physically require nutrition, it is to be fed one live adult pig every two (2) days in order to regulate its aggression and hunting instincts. The remnants of its meal are to be removed from its enclosure no less than one (1) hour after the onset of its nightly dormancy period; this includes cleaning any residual biological debris from SCP-250's physical components with compressed air and whisk brooms. At no point during cleaning are any of SCP-250's physical components to be moved by more than 1 meter in any direction, as this risks disrupting its dormancy. Dormancy ends within five minutes of sunrise; access to SCP-250's containment during its activity period is prohibited. Description: SCP-250 is the animate fossil skeleton of an allosaur (originally identified as Allosaurus fragilis; however, an incomplete scientific article found in the personal effects of paleontologist Dr █████████ indicates that this classification may have been erroneous). It consists of 153 disarticulated bones, and 14 plaster-and-fiberglass replacements, held together and animated by an unknown force. Study of this force is hindered by SCP-250's aggressive behavior, which has been assessed by Foundation palaeozoologists as being well within theoretical norms for an allosaurus. SCP-250 emulates what are presumed to have been the standard daily activities of a living allosaurus: it wanders its enclosure by day, enters a state of dormancy by night, and will attempt to kill and devour anything which it perceives as suitable prey, including humans. Its lack of organs does not seem to affect its behavior in any way, except in that the remains of any prey it consumes will inevitably fall out of the gaps in its skull, neck, and ribcage, at which point it ignores them. SCP-250 was first excavated as an 80%-complete skeleton in [REDACTED], 19██ ; records from the excavation do not include any report of anomalies. In 19██ , it was transferred to the ████████ Museum of █████████████ in [REDACTED], where it was assembled, mounted, and put on display. On the night of ██/██/20██, SCP-250 seized and killed an intruder to the museum. Although damage to the intruder's remains was so extensive as to render forensic identification impractical, they were conclusively shown to not be those of paleontologist Dr █████████, whose office in the museum was extensively vandalized that night and who has not been seen since. Foundation personnel embedded within museum staff reported the incident, and SCP-250 was taken into custody. « SCP-249 | SCP-250 | SCP-251 » Cite this page as: "SCP-250" by Dr Kondraki and Voct, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: SCP-250.jpg Author: Dr Kondraki License: CC BY-SA 3.0 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-250, taken before capture."
[ 2.49637365e-01 -9.69704166e-02 -1.94016263e-01 9.90246534e-02 2.95760572e-01 -4.99026217e-02 -2.96455789e-02 3.20855290e-01 -1.72778055e-01 -2.62796208e-02 -2.87465483e-01 2.39540771e-01 -1.15364224e-01 -1.62137851e-01 3.93028736e-01 1.48616061e-01 9.68178883e-02 2.63691038e-01 -6.61437884e-02 -2.00115949e-01 -3.23502600e-01 -1.18621580e-01 1.48993745e-01 -8.86121690e-02 -3.02641571e-01 3.97699922e-01 -9.73398834e-02 3.14237744e-01 5.94298430e-02 -4.31803584e-01 2.61152327e-01 4.71467823e-02 1.19663514e-01 3.40335935e-01 -1.07411812e-04 -1.62637249e-01 -2.43206713e-02 6.44866452e-02 -3.72222036e-01 4.59555477e-01 1.34952635e-01 -3.26303020e-02 6.30168319e-02 -4.06097949e-01 -6.38490543e-02 -9.33084637e-02 4.21228826e-01 -2.94296592e-01 1.57193944e-01 6.77798763e-02 1.69772565e-01 -2.53469080e-01 1.30350292e-01 2.16665901e-02 2.64602721e-01 2.76097059e-01 -3.09907179e-02 -1.29295021e-01 4.19445246e-01 -1.23756319e-01 4.44027372e-02 1.33604407e-01 -1.11772409e-02 -1.28726766e-01 2.28917748e-01 -2.51193017e-01 7.10051581e-02 -3.59010875e-01 5.04353225e-01 6.28782570e-01 1.46321788e-01 2.72543430e-01 1.01357698e-01 1.47426441e-01 -5.68081066e-02 -3.77674848e-01 6.77752197e-02 4.04984981e-01 2.09818900e-01 -3.21605727e-02 2.31181830e-01 2.96445608e-01 -3.24239284e-01 -9.49381962e-02 -5.67515850e-01 2.24614829e-01 -1.75918266e-01 -9.26953256e-02 1.36708915e-01 -2.19394013e-01 -1.00754693e-01 2.95008004e-01 1.88854203e-01 4.02149975e-01 -3.74858052e-01 -3.91384866e-03 2.44007587e-01 -1.61867738e-01 4.60876942e-01 3.02435428e-01 -1.31228259e-02 -2.02990975e-02 -1.93594652e-03 1.32136330e-01 5.91804124e-02 -1.67327821e-01 1.44786641e-01 -2.33476758e-01 -1.58919483e-01 3.74485075e-01 -1.32387578e-01 7.93265104e-02 -1.52795702e-01 2.67532498e-01 8.10862035e-02 -1.43636703e-01 3.76945943e-01 -2.63240039e-01 -1.60280779e-01 2.57387832e-02 -3.79886538e-01 6.63145445e-03 -1.10247098e-01 1.02623574e-01 2.93096721e-01 1.85428247e-01 -1.00686131e-02 1.05041899e-01 9.99738798e-02 -1.94397680e-02 -2.07437634e-01 1.72358200e-01 -1.04383551e-01 -8.28970447e-02 7.82044604e-02 4.71983850e-01 -2.67985046e-01 -2.21123591e-01 2.20583682e-03 -8.56826901e-02 -1.96144119e-01 -2.77790129e-01 3.82205158e-01 4.55369234e-01 -1.38658583e-01 -2.38010749e-01 -8.56284127e-02 1.62734911e-01 -1.02672845e-01 -1.68338403e-01 5.78131676e-01 -2.27346882e-01 -3.88702229e-02 2.31354907e-01 8.46674517e-02 1.72294229e-02 6.08375430e-01 2.31155440e-01 2.44624019e-01 -5.32930978e-02 -2.00331416e-02 4.94975209e-01 -5.44419944e-01 -2.98431739e-02 7.92128071e-02 7.08797157e-01 -2.86862075e-01 8.05415679e-03 2.24563509e-01 1.94316536e-01 8.74075964e-02 3.38486955e-02 9.32571590e-02 -1.75320849e-01 1.94061641e-02 -8.31597596e-02 -8.46256852e-01 -1.72737598e-01 -1.96680412e-01 -2.13231221e-01 -1.31925449e-01 3.64737600e-01 2.08132073e-01 -3.54380220e-01 5.81260584e-02 2.09310912e-02 7.52737522e-02 5.24916314e-02 1.97963923e-01 -1.67086765e-01 -3.40429604e-01 -3.42705607e-01 4.99135405e-01 1.39803126e-01 2.67423034e-01 9.13450494e-02 -1.98417917e-01 4.34805714e-02 1.81492701e-01 2.99486946e-02 -2.16022506e-01 -3.41178700e-02 3.60756606e-01 -2.91714072e-01 9.59825963e-02 -2.53212720e-01 -2.27490529e-01 8.01617280e-02 1.20944060e-01 4.48491573e-01 -1.40376106e-01 2.41655242e-02 -3.66115332e-01 -2.94242557e-02 7.71212503e-02 -5.14425457e-01 2.85271794e-01 -4.13492508e-02 9.35657322e-03 9.38471314e-03 -2.05226481e-01 2.42400263e-02 -2.45203063e-01 -3.87672111e-02 -1.06884226e-01 2.53327638e-01 -1.11958832e-01 1.10515207e-02 -3.29407662e-01 4.17445414e-02 1.28807992e-01 -2.29814146e-02 -4.67878170e-02 2.43657574e-01 -1.07861936e-01 6.44589663e-02 -1.84991747e-01 5.46699345e-01 5.59158884e-02 -1.82092562e-01 -5.30974083e-02 -2.85378635e-01 2.89365560e-01 -2.05278993e-01 -4.52261358e-01 -7.41975456e-02 1.69100896e-01 5.22416830e-01 4.80098389e-02 3.45711038e-02 -1.08409576e-01 -1.88519016e-01 -1.39636487e-01 2.62815118e-01 7.61318132e-02 3.44344497e-01 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-2.65511006e-01 7.97040612e-02 3.01117152e-02 4.13776785e-01 -1.60068452e-01 7.48496652e-01 1.99520409e-01 -5.69917634e-02 -4.00655687e-01 6.98344588e-01 -9.39959064e-02 1.49551481e-01 3.41523111e-01 1.16376877e+00 -1.54189831e-02 2.24022537e-01 2.38874070e-02 -1.71853751e-01 4.15361196e-01 -1.25221908e-01 1.85366258e-01 -2.08061159e-01 -2.26040304e-01 7.47790514e-03 -1.85537785e-02 -5.58557995e-02 2.27145180e-01 -3.05090487e-01 -2.57866442e-01 -5.29234290e-01 -1.51239470e-01 3.19384784e-02 4.70996536e-02 -5.58842048e-02 -2.97339708e-01 -2.58358389e-01 2.35752851e-01 -3.12496480e-02 3.63663077e-01 5.02234995e-02 1.66800003e-02 2.10443720e-01 2.54616529e-01 -1.69900551e-01 3.04339021e-01 5.09997420e-02 -1.19294763e-01 1.63049027e-01 -2.27367803e-01 -1.79569468e-01 2.12366618e-02 -5.47362924e-01 -1.26687050e-01 3.56362723e-02 4.50941660e-02 7.20322907e-01 9.02420282e-02 1.32175624e-01 2.11826339e-01 3.62843424e-01 -1.04177080e-01 2.04326525e-01 2.71426439e-01 -8.54632631e-02 3.03599536e-01 3.94388676e-01 2.16529027e-01 2.64364004e-01 -1.80365965e-01 9.15429741e-02 1.30852014e-01 1.05427466e-01 -3.63684744e-01 1.95785791e-01 2.65544653e-01 -9.84906554e-02 -1.41486570e-01 2.83543188e-02 -2.41232246e-01 -1.41842425e-01 2.08845541e-01 1.13261431e-01 2.83163220e-01 5.00904322e-01 7.87867233e-02 -2.84984754e-03 -3.27011228e-01 9.98658687e-02 -1.93783045e-01 -5.60124993e-01 2.42151737e-01 -2.87911385e-01 -1.46619707e-01 -5.63442670e-02 -1.57845542e-01 5.93315065e-02 -4.33489412e-01 -1.01677835e-01 -1.16912551e-01 -2.06798807e-01 9.41068158e-02 1.33129120e-01 3.07854086e-01 -1.80314764e-01 2.38437176e-01 2.61491723e-03 1.67025506e-01 -4.00107741e-01 4.25484683e-03 -3.55686069e-01 -1.49761975e-01 -1.58243209e-01 -3.40688825e-01 4.48680436e-03 -5.87675758e-02 2.02416077e-01 3.30054052e-02 -5.16757071e-02 -2.43201211e-01 -3.81566674e-01 8.71994123e-02 -3.24623808e-02 -2.42077708e-01 -9.84900743e-02 -2.12230533e-01 -2.36765832e-01 -4.18805052e-03 -2.23637834e-01 -6.31254241e-02 2.43887186e-01 4.40302759e-01 2.17383236e-01 3.53769124e-01 -1.99460149e-01 6.10515140e-02 -2.38318428e-01 1.74287319e-01 1.74743950e-01 -9.98092219e-02 -2.29297042e-01 -1.14201218e-01 3.02101132e-02 1.80745289e-01 -2.30638966e-01 8.69660303e-02 2.94306930e-02 8.89767706e-02 -1.10442132e-01 3.03936172e-02 -7.13684410e-02 4.98344779e-01 -1.62076861e-01 -8.78681242e-02 -1.90042764e-01 2.52330273e-01 7.30824322e-02 2.88425684e-01 -2.39867136e-01 6.67497739e-02 1.92274988e-01 3.19196999e-01 -3.21399514e-03 -8.35534409e-02 3.62490475e-01 3.91777694e-01 3.46019268e-02 6.67582527e-02 5.57844527e-02 1.68014541e-01 -8.67620260e-02 1.71112314e-01 2.95456916e-01 3.20987850e-01 6.55136883e-01 1.57819360e-01 2.85889030e-01 -5.67128137e-02 -5.73139712e-02 -3.23011503e-02 3.56269687e-01 1.30539313e-01 3.23742256e-02 3.11809450e-01 -2.40448385e-01 9.69276875e-02 4.48540449e-02 4.65656102e-01 -4.50629324e-01 1.77892298e-02 -1.59596615e-02 1.51783511e-01 1.57497570e-01 -3.07869967e-02 3.34584206e-01 -2.11371049e-01 -2.81153675e-02 -5.12995362e-01 7.22896401e-03 -1.11680478e-01 2.62061745e-01 -2.37518176e-01 1.12166017e-01 -1.59932017e-01 -1.36836655e-02 -1.65198594e-02 5.97374141e-01 -4.56743129e-02 1.20737832e-02 6.40379369e-01 -2.54482150e-01 8.61452296e-02 2.77585715e-01 1.90182194e-01 7.07304254e-02 -2.30972469e-01 -9.24819522e-03 -6.65956959e-02 -2.18314976e-01 -2.77789515e-02 -8.38737711e-02 -5.95364161e-02 -7.72596225e-02 1.04803048e-01 1.53271183e-01 -1.97537512e-01 -1.76565349e-01 -1.81855932e-02 4.15392518e-01 -1.60879388e-01 3.81403744e-01 -1.06718531e-02 -1.93723917e-01 -7.29917586e-02 -5.11271171e-02 2.56647486e-02 9.88373309e-02 -1.73156485e-01 -6.20557256e-02 1.24663964e-01 3.15333740e-03 1.19182721e-01 -7.10790679e-02 2.58131713e-01 -1.47500098e-01 -2.99982876e-01 4.13132571e-02 5.01090872e-05 6.26144633e-02 7.56224245e-02 -1.02325037e-01 -7.40193725e-01 2.49592531e-02 3.50989074e-01 -1.48691786e-02 -6.28134236e-02 -1.37384608e-01 -4.00378227e-01 -2.15823114e-01 -7.85904378e-02 -3.60139310e-01 1.54077765e-02 -2.84699947e-01 -8.76867175e-02 -1.53466180e-01 1.15424015e-01 -7.56698996e-02 -2.46788748e-02 1.67749926e-01 -7.15190545e-02 -5.60853601e-01 -1.18585102e-01 5.24156913e-02 1.90644294e-01 1.55638486e-01 -1.32192969e-01 -1.02192156e-01 -4.82440382e-01 1.48683056e-01 1.79684848e-01 -1.63884521e-01 1.10285804e-01 2.73385495e-01 2.36367971e-01 9.56375748e-02 2.39145249e-01 3.64666969e-01 3.68540078e-01 1.45217165e-01 -2.72856206e-01 -2.49598846e-01 2.67796457e-01 1.62166178e-01 1.12931684e-01 2.46142566e-01 2.03300595e-01 8.15426186e-02 -7.99372941e-02 -3.02661121e-01 -3.35360646e-01 6.08442008e-01 -2.11655140e-01 -2.25495860e-01 -1.90629676e-01 -6.03263862e-02 -1.31680757e-01 9.25601497e-02 -2.96980470e-01 -1.78386331e-01 2.88107432e-02 -6.55617565e-02 -2.18909100e-01 1.73560843e-01 -1.40507296e-01 -2.77521819e-01 -2.14227811e-01 4.53646630e-01 1.49289742e-01 1.08143508e-01 -3.03422928e-01 -2.67924458e-01]
"The Deceptive Snow Globe" active "Item #: SCP-251 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-251 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. No one is to enter the container alone. If anyone is found to have been left alone in the container for any amount of time, they are to be treated as violently hostile and terminated with extreme prejudice. The container is to be guarded by armed personnel at all times and guards should never allow anyone, regardless of clearance level, to move the artifact or be alone with it. Sounds of screaming, gunfire, and fires will be heard from within the container. This is normal. Description: Origin unknown. SCP-251 consistently appears to be a small snow globe. Attached is a series of photographs taken of the same artifact over time. This indicates that the snow globe is at least partially animate. However, when viewed directly by multiple people, there is no apparent movement except by a perpetual "blizzard". SCP-251 has not been moved since its arrival at Site-19, but the "snowflakes" have never ceased falling. The scenes depicted in SCP-251 are all extremely violent or morbid, occasionally depicting something fantastical, while mostly depicting more realistic brutality. All those who have been alone with SCP-251 for any amount of time have later displayed extreme violence, xenophobia, and emotional distress. « SCP-250 | SCP-251 | SCP-252 »" nan
[-2.41670497e-02 -4.57288802e-01 -2.83767898e-02 5.70664704e-01 -1.99353129e-01 -2.89835840e-01 3.17952752e-01 -5.45189455e-02 1.99159026e-01 1.33206114e-01 2.03612864e-01 1.39919832e-01 -3.15750718e-01 1.82970613e-02 1.77399963e-01 -9.90095064e-02 1.61096409e-01 1.51597068e-01 -1.00735754e-01 -1.58874601e-01 -1.89374492e-01 -1.52152106e-01 -2.57700235e-01 2.57893264e-01 -9.96462032e-02 -2.51790226e-01 5.21592610e-02 1.28154159e-02 6.26252517e-02 -4.93329987e-02 1.59591064e-01 3.31647508e-02 -1.87737886e-02 4.85268086e-01 -1.09065906e-04 -3.01516950e-01 3.03824514e-01 6.88437596e-02 -1.02230370e-01 -1.79208927e-02 -3.49639088e-01 -2.28885382e-01 -1.17021792e-01 -1.75799623e-01 4.52071093e-02 -5.14201298e-02 3.21900934e-01 3.43185484e-01 1.68819815e-01 1.31827876e-01 1.63198262e-01 9.35304612e-02 1.79228202e-01 2.33037233e-01 -2.80304044e-01 2.64127791e-01 -3.18902016e-01 -1.75921410e-01 -1.83990188e-02 1.89599290e-01 2.51620352e-01 8.07750970e-02 -1.73841506e-01 -2.51888242e-02 1.42688155e-01 -2.94033766e-01 7.07652494e-02 -2.79853255e-01 8.73433873e-02 2.57557720e-01 -5.39380573e-02 -1.50347874e-01 2.59588838e-01 1.78277001e-01 -9.25244689e-02 1.10198706e-01 1.71776697e-01 3.07352990e-01 5.16218655e-02 -8.75436217e-02 -2.41280034e-01 5.34679145e-02 -3.93611759e-01 2.96105146e-01 -2.10185081e-01 7.51207992e-02 -1.91039830e-01 3.17612410e-01 -8.10867324e-02 -1.49616018e-01 6.23049736e-02 -1.97977722e-01 1.85584373e-04 2.42855713e-01 9.02512744e-02 -1.12607352e-01 1.19581230e-01 3.04955512e-01 -3.25919241e-02 1.55027598e-01 4.62570876e-01 1.45304278e-01 1.05198845e-03 1.60916716e-01 2.86763251e-01 -1.00830562e-01 2.45055035e-01 1.72016263e-01 -3.35352480e-01 4.27228481e-01 4.18693759e-02 2.68112421e-01 -2.57616997e-01 1.21969068e-02 -1.12589285e-01 -9.46571771e-03 3.32580835e-01 -1.42723665e-01 -3.73603404e-01 3.22275192e-01 -3.91623765e-01 1.44762799e-01 -2.76328661e-02 1.65081799e-01 3.00137937e-01 2.01478437e-01 6.91907108e-02 -2.28656366e-01 5.16318195e-02 9.84863862e-02 -2.35541910e-01 4.04146940e-01 -2.21262515e-01 1.17975965e-01 -5.70257567e-02 -1.31552786e-01 -2.52174824e-01 5.62193394e-02 3.03103663e-02 1.01862969e-02 5.33016138e-02 -3.28056701e-02 4.26695675e-01 1.86729670e-01 -4.34475362e-01 -6.18550144e-02 1.52491987e-01 -1.37018591e-01 -3.47294420e-01 -1.05170459e-01 1.81845114e-01 1.12612732e-01 -2.63544858e-01 1.20263353e-01 -2.76771516e-01 8.06383342e-02 5.26175499e-01 3.47913206e-01 -4.17941540e-01 -8.58072639e-02 2.55745083e-01 3.00923198e-01 -1.03668617e-02 -5.89380860e-02 -1.79720551e-01 5.99125564e-01 -5.43520331e-01 -1.80697411e-01 -2.87482023e-01 -2.38773957e-01 -1.60075596e-03 -2.85281152e-01 -2.14430958e-01 -1.32151052e-01 -3.49341720e-01 -4.35720421e-02 -9.46421862e-01 -1.13180436e-01 -7.83828497e-02 -1.45117939e-01 -4.58892822e-01 3.02293032e-01 1.51191428e-01 -9.03123245e-02 -1.22278921e-01 -2.35484570e-01 -2.02062920e-01 -7.20474795e-02 3.21524680e-01 -2.66052753e-01 -3.55046451e-01 -2.80680656e-01 1.59557909e-01 6.86974749e-02 -2.11569205e-01 -1.18255265e-01 3.83475661e-01 2.01614767e-01 -1.16298720e-01 3.27332914e-01 -1.58780470e-01 2.39794016e-01 4.50629950e-01 -1.13449283e-01 -2.59151667e-01 4.69578803e-02 -2.28302881e-01 -7.66275302e-02 2.92223632e-01 3.35900277e-01 6.84047416e-02 2.69371038e-03 -1.29124019e-02 1.23373717e-01 -9.91096273e-02 -4.54155833e-01 2.66029000e-01 2.67743580e-02 -1.06379099e-01 -1.64659455e-01 5.59478020e-03 -2.06014514e-03 3.49159501e-02 -2.76631057e-01 8.67880210e-02 1.65613785e-01 -2.60365665e-01 6.26754714e-03 -1.36964545e-01 -3.31833139e-02 4.14747626e-01 -1.12988114e-01 2.56192744e-01 2.42350519e-01 -5.09551764e-01 2.56841183e-01 1.77108005e-01 5.87004244e-01 4.71977070e-02 -4.11969125e-01 3.66684288e-01 -1.06177308e-01 1.06178910e-01 8.35100561e-02 -1.16174012e-01 2.60322571e-01 3.52019817e-01 1.89225286e-01 -1.22999577e-02 1.31288553e-02 -2.43106008e-01 -3.23698044e-01 -1.95094153e-01 -3.56539339e-01 2.68988878e-01 1.34620294e-01 -1.64578944e-01 1.68281898e-01 -3.88339907e-03 2.36981183e-01 1.89980119e-01 1.44770574e-02 4.97606173e-02 1.03011869e-01 -1.24714047e-01 -9.42200199e-02 2.94924051e-01 3.59916180e-01 -1.21425442e-01 1.04880668e-02 -3.50547731e-01 1.37397945e-01 -2.74410903e-01 3.49501260e-02 3.35413754e-01 1.29885525e-01 -1.67912915e-01 3.50058563e-02 5.21392934e-02 5.52091561e-02 -8.91381800e-02 -3.33531797e-01 -2.69626081e-02 4.11342010e-02 -1.12797089e-01 1.76004738e-01 -1.35227695e-01 -1.70973346e-01 -2.69881248e-01 4.56553251e-01 -1.47145718e-01 1.12360783e-01 -4.14026193e-02 -1.24961048e-01 -1.28392294e-01 2.40756899e-01 2.19722226e-01 4.52505440e-01 -2.83823818e-01 -1.73440650e-02 -4.47742075e-01 1.15970619e-01 -5.90293780e-02 1.04929522e-01 -1.09516837e-01 -1.39110640e-01 4.08870161e-01 6.82024471e-03 4.20036763e-01 -4.53957468e-01 -3.88566345e-01 2.45052785e-01 1.97072268e-01 -1.33865714e-01 1.01818003e-01 5.12685739e-02 -3.80133271e-01 -4.24074382e-01 6.89972565e-02 -6.12513065e-01 1.20137982e-01 3.36852789e-01 -4.34407532e-01 -1.03942856e-01 -1.02829419e-01 3.70249003e-01 9.34015587e-03 -8.95464569e-02 3.09985876e-01 3.23222995e-01 2.26680398e-01 5.63588142e-01 3.94083053e-01 1.80552274e-01 -2.06989750e-01 1.70517519e-01 -2.77223080e-01 -5.34978867e-01 1.20566934e-01 5.79765886e-02 -3.42720337e-02 -2.84764897e-02 -3.61301392e-01 1.92885906e-01 2.57404894e-01 -4.25234556e-01 -1.89557090e-01 -1.59849465e-01 -1.64915130e-01 2.95711577e-01 -9.42162052e-02 6.90190196e-01 8.94594863e-02 -1.87808782e-01 -7.24289864e-02 -1.32141471e-01 2.26290405e-01 3.05270880e-01 2.09598377e-01 -1.77822039e-01 -8.24765265e-02 3.98425281e-01 3.15278888e-01 -2.68579990e-01 -2.09422514e-01 -2.12097783e-02 3.77315640e-01 4.26588833e-01 3.77833515e-01 8.17805063e-03 4.09735292e-01 2.31896251e-01 -4.75377560e-01 1.56076446e-01 -1.56621024e-01 -1.34613857e-01 -2.33568102e-02 2.43725762e-01 -3.43096018e-01 3.97130288e-02 -1.77212924e-01 7.44825423e-01 2.63889998e-01 2.40621250e-02 -2.12814957e-01 1.61314353e-01 -1.53445363e-01 -7.66241625e-02 9.72307548e-02 1.89656913e-02 4.26775813e-02 9.17888880e-02 -2.00997785e-01 -2.35512674e-01 1.64632887e-01 -1.84127137e-01 1.52756885e-01 -4.32739973e-01 -1.40780734e-03 3.17448705e-01 -1.59001395e-01 7.17496574e-02 1.16053864e-01 1.53357700e-01 4.13921565e-01 1.83560669e-01 -3.47468734e-01 -6.21619895e-02 -5.09930432e-01 -9.76560339e-02 1.94431975e-01 1.62538588e-01 -4.07963276e-01 -6.21519014e-02 1.51631057e-01 7.00778663e-02 2.54113190e-02 2.83021897e-01 -3.84126753e-02 -3.28716487e-01 -4.04904366e-01 -6.75454885e-02 2.58544832e-01 -7.00806454e-02 1.20601617e-01 1.36566624e-01 -4.59024217e-03 2.90761948e-01 2.72983521e-01 -3.97367030e-02 1.53249115e-01 2.66637709e-02 -3.03318929e-02 3.09796512e-01 -2.33420178e-01 1.85488880e-01 2.32994020e-01 3.20159465e-01 1.10589914e-01 -4.46911938e-02 1.17718123e-01 -1.74366497e-02 6.77692950e-01 2.15395823e-01 -8.61511901e-02 -4.23722506e-01 4.21287268e-01 -3.11421245e-01 1.63489029e-01 1.70492366e-01 2.18059979e-02 -1.54307693e-01 -2.50587910e-01 2.34689027e-01 1.03969509e-02 -2.67220169e-01 4.03059691e-01 3.06733608e-01 -7.30373561e-02 2.16922939e-01 4.18104649e-01 1.20145810e+00 2.03979895e-01 1.92731321e-01 1.29407063e-01 -1.08855978e-01 2.08351556e-02 -3.48346412e-01 -3.02030712e-01 -1.27925947e-01 -2.44593639e-02 -7.08262026e-02 -2.19869614e-01 2.17016995e-01 4.23392743e-01 -3.87205362e-01 -2.00461924e-01 -4.96147931e-01 -8.00087228e-02 2.87702143e-01 -3.37489438e-03 5.57123590e-03 9.93622169e-02 6.35518372e-01 1.88545659e-01 -1.74995214e-01 2.45403230e-01 -1.74914002e-01 2.04288252e-02 1.44042641e-01 -1.56176403e-01 -2.28075907e-01 8.16625431e-02 3.14739980e-02 1.62177056e-01 -7.96717778e-02 -3.67569894e-01 6.84997961e-02 -1.98424056e-01 -3.47533494e-01 -9.31819975e-02 -9.93589759e-02 3.87599766e-01 4.92521673e-01 -3.43132973e-01 1.12836406e-01 -9.26565081e-02 4.68138568e-02 2.44311795e-01 2.22240284e-01 1.00785352e-01 4.57645468e-02 2.09541857e-01 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2.31440648e-01 2.24588841e-01 -2.15146214e-01 3.15014482e-01 -1.00358995e-02 -1.22553498e-01 4.18863222e-02 6.60682917e-01 1.50013179e-01 1.93842854e-02 -2.41646528e-01 -2.76145078e-02 -3.97891179e-02 2.74855167e-01 -8.83487538e-02 3.43500644e-01 1.05316922e-01 3.69385988e-01 -1.64854508e-02 1.18355364e-01 1.08049484e-02 -2.77450662e-02 -5.98986745e-01 -2.93245316e-01 2.55723625e-01 2.37436503e-01 5.49649931e-02 1.13598444e-01 -6.35534942e-01 4.45550457e-02 -1.40867427e-01 -5.82413152e-02 -2.71714061e-01 -4.82308179e-01 2.35924441e-02 1.68664992e-01 3.13913941e-01 -6.59886301e-02 3.09560806e-01 1.75470889e-01 -1.03247762e-01 -2.28022672e-02 3.73631954e-01 1.70982122e-01 3.87227327e-01 1.60269812e-01 2.09419772e-01 -1.46567151e-01 2.00968117e-01 4.92878556e-01 3.26235503e-01 3.43821853e-01 2.32633054e-01 2.81894475e-01 -4.04516906e-02 9.41142812e-02 5.87236471e-02 -1.61933154e-01 -1.96786210e-01 1.80073246e-01 -2.90773541e-01 3.56473890e-03 1.56596228e-01 3.30699801e-01 2.06249669e-01 -6.29014298e-02 1.45782053e-01 -2.19954029e-02 9.03480649e-02 -2.93856710e-01 -3.34556997e-01 3.58232344e-03 5.03503308e-02 1.13165259e-01 1.94160029e-01 4.16175038e-01 3.62555653e-01 -1.22334749e-01 9.62930322e-02 4.35948342e-01 -1.34368107e-01 -1.45936340e-01 1.41843751e-01 1.31544366e-01 -3.78468931e-02 -6.49518520e-02 1.96348205e-01 -1.85990274e-01 -1.58883706e-01 1.04051612e-01 2.27982417e-01 -1.55260302e-02 -2.17653252e-02 1.55693963e-01 1.51168719e-01 -2.76946962e-01 -4.62086350e-01 2.28278995e-01 1.22569270e-01 -1.78188402e-02 2.18527429e-02 -5.13711333e-01 -8.21128637e-02 1.64625660e-01 -1.88400418e-01 -2.18213826e-01 -3.73278469e-01 1.32890150e-01 -1.09154917e-01 7.69556165e-02 -2.72092134e-01 8.55495781e-02 -2.00309411e-01 1.54426591e-02 -1.09165171e-02 9.51718464e-02 -8.09997916e-02 -4.35113877e-01 -3.96049917e-01 4.23094779e-01 -1.42097240e-02 -4.67425674e-01 -5.16432524e-02 1.82746977e-01 -3.55637729e-01 1.46280646e-01 -1.55543983e-01 4.32954758e-01 -4.59160954e-02 2.38887444e-02 -8.29921067e-02 1.79953977e-01 1.30645245e-01 8.23797286e-02 4.69257385e-02 2.17324328e-02 -7.66774416e-02 -4.39310670e-02 1.32663354e-01 -3.11790794e-01 -1.83873743e-01 -2.53864408e-01 1.79421827e-01 4.40730929e-01 -3.60459015e-02 3.40510607e-02 -1.33410245e-01 -1.92983612e-01 -8.00834894e-02 4.65946235e-02 -7.67703131e-02 1.16484106e-01 -1.57872319e-01 6.43538088e-02 2.11043641e-01 -1.08377688e-01 2.39106327e-01 -5.53199314e-02 -1.97141375e-02 2.47344553e-01 -3.42959404e-01 2.10738331e-01 -2.28527650e-01 1.19610541e-01 -1.73605055e-01 5.58957875e-01 9.18704346e-02 -2.34745532e-01 2.62478162e-02 -3.12417716e-01 5.61877787e-01 -2.96156049e-01 -2.55701602e-01 3.10322762e-01 -1.61946118e-02 -5.46155810e-01 -3.22087467e-01 -1.19520783e-01 -1.92106336e-01 -5.13983853e-02 1.02934524e-01 -1.79552332e-01 -1.52061924e-01 -4.11396801e-01 -1.46345451e-01 -5.63359521e-02 4.87452775e-01 2.90491790e-01 1.46322716e-02 1.92331180e-01 -3.76928002e-02]
"Humboldt Squid" active "Item #: SCP-252 Object Class: Euclid Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-252 is to be contained in a 150 m3 aquarium, reinforced with high tensile steel plating. Guards are to be specially trained in water-borne combat techniques and armed with model-B74H harpoon rifles with high-capacity electrical discharge shafts. The tank is fitted with 15 remotely-activated depth charges, which are to be detonated simultaneously if a containment breach is imminent A breeding pair is maintained under the direction of marine biologist Dr. ███████. Personnel should not approach the containment tank unless they have been previously prepared for the anomalous effects of the animals. Additional specimens of SCP-252 may exist in the wild. Due to their destructive capabilities, capture is deemed a high priority. Given the difficulties inherent in the size of specimens, termination is authorized if a breach of secrecy is imminent. Current specimens are considered sufficient and further acquisitions are not a priority. Containment of information regarding encounters will consist of Standard Cover Story 53 "Drunken Sailor" and administration of amnestics as necessary. Description: SCP-252 is a sub-species of Dosidicus gigas. Mature specimens are noticeably smaller than average, reaching no more than 1 m in length and weighing a maximum of 40 kg. Dissection shows the absence of an ink sac and an increased density of chromatophores (approx. 20 times the normal adult average). Behavior is identical in most ways to mundane specimens, except when hunting or threatened. When a member of SCP-252 detects prey, they exhibit aggressive behavior and move towards the target at maximum speed while rapidly cycling their chromatophores. This color shifting has a hypnotic effect on prey animals that make visual contact, causing them to cease all defensive behavior and attempts to flee until grappled. When threatened by a predator or otherwise agitated, SCP-252 rapidly metamorphs into an unidentified aquatic life form of extreme size with an indeterminate physiology and extremely destructive demeanor. Physical attributes in this state are in a constant state of change. Size fluctuates between 50 and 75 meters in length with no fewer than 50 and occasionally as many as 200 appendages of various natures. Appendages shift constantly between suckered tentacles averaging 5 m in length, insectoid limbs terminating in barbed pincers, and humanoid arms and legs ending in sharpened talons. Details and positions of appendages on the body also vary randomly, with the only constant being a cluster of tentacles around the head obscuring the mouth area. It is not currently known how this rapid growth is achieved. Due to the potential for a containment breach no research on the matter is currently authorized. All animal life excluding other SCP-252 and mundane squid species will attempt to escape the vicinity by the most direct route possible. This fear response can cause the targets to harm themselves as they flee into hazardous conditions or ram repeatedly into container walls. Roughly 95% of subjects encountering an enraged SCP-252 develop a phobia of cephalopods. It is not known if this is an additional anomalous effect or a normal behavioral reaction to traumatic experiences. Upon review of security footage during containment, Dr. ███████ has determined that SCP-252's "metamorphosis" is in fact an advanced hallucination induced by the shifting pattern of chromatophores. These hallucinations cause the victim to see SCP-252 as a titanic sea creature with an excessively large number of tentacles. Specific details vary greatly from subject to subject, but the hallucinatory creature consistently presents as a greatly exaggerated cephalopod with tentacles clustered around the mouth area, additional appendages with talons or pincers, and the general impression that all features are fluid and randomly shifting. Subjects removed from visual contact with SCP-252 will remain convinced that their hallucinations were a real "sea monster" and will attempt to rationalize any logical contradictions inherent in their delusion, such as a 100 m monster swimming in a 10 m enclosed tank. This rationalization and the lingering phobia is thought to be a form of post-hypnotic suggestion. Subjects viewing video of agitated SCP-252 who have never been exposed directly experience a much less severe fear reaction and are able to perceive the squid despite the hallucinations. Subjects describe the illusory monster as "fake-looking" and "nonsensical" but still find it moderately frightening. After second-hand exposure, subjects develop a partial immunity to the full effects of direct exposure. Repeated direct contact after "inoculation" by video further lessens the effects. Acclimatized subjects can develop a complete immunity to the fear effect and experience only the vaguest awareness of the hallucinations. Addendum: SCP-252 came to Foundation attention after numerous reports of "sea monster" sightings by commercial fishermen off the coast of █████. Agent ██████ secured a specimen at greater than usual personal danger. Commendation for performance above and beyond the call of duty recommended. Agent ██████ allowed himself to be exposed to SCP-252's effects during first contact. Initial containment procedures were based on his reports of the specimen's size and physical capabilities, resulting in an excessive expenditure of resources. Disciplinary action recommended, pending oversight review. « SCP-251 | SCP-252 | SCP-253 »" nan
[ 6.70444667e-02 -1.73593998e-01 -2.77032942e-01 -2.41913810e-01 1.76506847e-01 -9.05379951e-02 3.45433474e-01 1.66064098e-01 -5.56233674e-02 2.21876726e-01 -1.43240809e-01 -3.61856729e-01 -1.32807540e-02 2.81822443e-01 3.12760293e-01 -6.28279746e-02 3.12634498e-01 1.13915496e-01 -1.15078375e-01 -2.44498760e-01 -1.86665803e-01 -2.98262477e-01 1.40235007e-01 -9.57588404e-02 1.96540263e-03 1.86077729e-01 -2.92517900e-01 -5.30560054e-02 -3.25151116e-01 -1.86181888e-01 2.54608005e-01 2.72053033e-01 2.19037861e-01 3.84330302e-01 -1.05874329e-04 -2.55017467e-02 -2.98275650e-02 9.36050639e-02 -1.41647279e-01 2.55688727e-01 4.04613875e-02 -2.38492966e-01 1.09898590e-01 -4.32262123e-01 -1.02532320e-01 -4.07511353e-01 1.84556812e-01 -2.43178785e-01 2.61321038e-01 6.36598542e-02 1.92396387e-01 -3.39842916e-01 -4.76411507e-02 -2.29010299e-01 2.94408292e-01 -5.05910851e-02 -2.18696758e-01 -2.96163291e-01 3.95640582e-01 1.21128298e-01 1.06236920e-01 -5.23840934e-02 -5.54476231e-02 -7.89883062e-02 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1.49829775e-01 8.52148905e-02 -3.13542970e-02 2.55828351e-01 -1.39333636e-01 -7.85212517e-02 3.45251501e-01 -9.57316235e-02 6.28976747e-02 1.76084600e-02 3.58835101e-01 5.78160048e-01 -4.07930017e-02 1.06177405e-01 1.04603209e-01 -1.32674575e-01 -1.28551647e-01 -1.17304780e-01 -1.38411056e-02 1.16453260e-01 3.36867929e-01 -1.84390564e-02 2.22166285e-01 4.62649018e-02 -6.07483573e-02 7.53505081e-02 -2.08564162e-01 -3.75422686e-02 1.70654338e-02 4.19486761e-01 -1.93593994e-01 -3.85913551e-01 -1.14609256e-01 4.62605944e-03 -1.09945826e-01 -7.83651471e-02 3.97943333e-02 -1.62705258e-01 -1.62444741e-01 2.35574037e-01 -1.13286488e-01 5.83933830e-01 1.37815565e-01 3.74666303e-02 -3.97464275e-01 1.77876234e-01 -1.54455632e-01 1.91727579e-01 -2.79156752e-02 1.75130308e-01 2.54417658e-01 -2.41438765e-03 1.81410342e-01 1.78604215e-01 -5.44959009e-01 1.04479782e-01 3.27318907e-01 -3.59197170e-01 2.37522960e-01 -1.08877912e-01 -2.21975490e-01 -1.51911676e-01 1.07185677e-01 -3.93479705e-01 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-3.11229825e-01 -7.34464377e-02 -1.12181664e-01 -3.61802489e-01 1.26350626e-01 -8.37097988e-02 6.45010769e-02 -2.87335992e-01 -4.14360724e-02 -3.95748675e-01 1.99406564e-01 5.26621789e-02 8.88842046e-02 -1.95155993e-01 -2.02179514e-03 2.62171715e-01 -1.29736409e-01 5.62467575e-01 2.54766017e-01 8.12982395e-02 3.98238778e-01 1.45217612e-01 -4.04714234e-02 -8.03077072e-02 -1.38985708e-01 2.02363178e-01 5.03707767e-01 -5.77761889e-01 -1.45274878e-01 8.03143904e-02 1.53657421e-01 -7.13146776e-02 5.64516447e-02 -6.52452349e-04 -1.93989366e-01 -7.96252862e-02 -2.62732744e-01 9.30273607e-02 4.08229269e-02 1.23580933e-01 -1.77202836e-01 -3.61963719e-01 8.63420740e-02 1.80365592e-02 6.61807582e-02 2.22025454e-01 -1.25455320e-01 2.32917130e-01 -8.80517662e-02 -5.97829819e-02 2.77496576e-01 4.29366052e-01 2.82265469e-02 -2.08647162e-01 -6.82793856e-02 1.32417336e-01 2.25916430e-01 -5.20094931e-02 3.82705480e-01 1.91564307e-01 -1.74757894e-02 -2.19531193e-01 1.45279113e-02 -1.55147612e-02 -5.24623916e-02 3.44935097e-02 7.75199085e-02 4.84258831e-02 -2.88959235e-01 4.44869757e-01 2.19066441e-01 -1.62172437e-01 -1.01442710e-01 2.04130471e-01 -2.33701065e-01 3.38432714e-02 3.94272089e-01 1.11554825e+00 -3.38284969e-01 -1.83324799e-01 -1.96489200e-01 -1.12553976e-01 5.29945254e-01 -2.89662004e-01 1.36397377e-01 -2.27953181e-01 1.39970943e-01 -5.39817400e-02 -1.34088710e-01 2.40790665e-01 5.18034026e-02 -3.80930811e-01 -2.13589296e-01 -4.17704016e-01 1.86928719e-01 -2.80166473e-02 2.05355883e-01 4.14827317e-02 -3.36424142e-01 -1.25026986e-01 2.93834001e-01 -1.41746178e-01 2.60930121e-01 -5.98783838e-03 1.50847539e-01 -2.10241705e-01 2.11254150e-01 -1.39774665e-01 1.96878672e-01 -3.41989249e-01 -3.86613943e-02 -1.44099087e-01 -1.92935407e-01 -1.38159707e-01 1.56739242e-02 -3.51111948e-01 -1.60947159e-01 -7.11098462e-02 2.58176714e-01 1.99135765e-01 -2.00416595e-01 -2.08812058e-02 -4.97427620e-02 2.89223343e-01 8.12487677e-02 -1.79966331e-01 1.62723079e-01 1.34338886e-01 -3.14701907e-02 1.04627870e-01 2.69338340e-01 9.24116015e-01 -1.60803720e-01 3.16347748e-01 5.46157323e-02 -1.60199270e-01 -1.47851557e-01 2.32270896e-01 1.68686897e-01 -3.07318419e-01 6.77114949e-02 1.68626204e-01 1.85237620e-02 -2.09232792e-02 2.38856360e-01 2.80920357e-01 2.49005735e-01 1.46022722e-01 1.79453954e-01 9.69776046e-03 -3.13759744e-01 5.10374680e-02 -2.09331051e-01 -1.83739349e-01 3.79108563e-02 -1.55149505e-01 -3.30403209e-01 -2.01208547e-01 2.33593956e-01 -1.49605736e-01 -1.78999469e-01 -4.98883910e-02 -2.29204938e-01 1.69328392e-01 -6.02015406e-02 1.61625057e-01 4.51226681e-01 4.54161875e-02 1.79210305e-01 3.87320668e-02 2.11303998e-02 -3.82657140e-01 2.08039093e-03 -5.45085609e-01 -6.43477589e-02 -1.71083272e-01 -2.11148694e-01 -1.52471103e-02 -3.25011909e-01 1.56417310e-01 4.18876708e-01 -2.71068722e-01 -3.41081619e-01 -1.89791724e-01 5.28119020e-02 -5.23031503e-02 -3.40340436e-01 -1.40188918e-01 -1.54338360e-01 -6.63983673e-02 2.04385854e-02 -1.06696293e-01 2.15306118e-01 3.28909189e-01 4.19353805e-02 1.07140571e-01 1.42745033e-01 3.71592380e-02 -1.05260260e-01 -2.95992326e-02 3.57461981e-02 1.42319947e-01 6.68371245e-02 -2.10556626e-01 -1.35725364e-01 2.78638184e-01 1.16953492e-01 -1.23103298e-01 -4.36224565e-02 2.30917796e-01 9.53793079e-02 -2.18234569e-01 3.55313182e-01 1.32844774e-02 2.03145444e-01 -4.36803132e-01 -5.94246052e-02 -1.99436381e-01 3.02877694e-01 -1.14377864e-01 1.70805305e-02 3.10272835e-02 8.04392323e-02 5.14751300e-02 2.78942794e-01 1.94138229e-01 -1.80339918e-01 2.31992215e-01 2.36010268e-01 1.69623181e-01 -3.10302265e-02 4.46053118e-01 2.29429454e-01 -2.13049307e-01 8.11363831e-02 1.00157015e-01 4.70231473e-02 3.10825408e-01 2.82593489e-01 2.41899893e-01 1.56366318e-01 9.25408751e-02 1.49234846e-01 3.60340238e-01 2.90664524e-01 8.46311375e-02 4.52214152e-01 -2.03212678e-01 2.09669724e-01 1.38797581e-01 5.95182538e-01 -7.00997770e-01 -1.12119518e-01 -2.53709286e-01 -1.51861891e-01 3.24646421e-02 1.87615052e-01 -1.34134620e-01 -1.33365899e-01 -1.30343914e-01 -3.62028062e-01 1.61088991e-03 -1.69341981e-01 -1.74626052e-01 -2.01014280e-01 4.40013893e-02 1.59407035e-01 -6.34644449e-01 9.06303804e-03 5.68846345e-01 -3.06438822e-02 -5.49186803e-02 7.29875147e-01 -2.85952121e-01 8.99698492e-03 1.59094244e-01 4.27073061e-01 -4.31214757e-02 -3.78843248e-02 -1.68285862e-01 -8.96996483e-02 -1.25439510e-01 -1.06330976e-01 -5.72050698e-02 1.89744994e-01 -3.45501691e-01 -1.84394773e-02 1.28865197e-01 -1.88478246e-01 -1.34245992e-01 1.76332578e-01 4.18477386e-01 -1.39594495e-01 1.77013487e-01 -3.10427517e-01 -7.96902999e-02 -4.00592268e-01 1.53269604e-01 -4.09439392e-02 9.54467580e-02 -2.61016876e-01 -1.57503605e-01 1.17058344e-01 -1.21585168e-01 1.27977610e-01 -1.10211894e-01 3.20593596e-01 -9.94350985e-02 -1.64504573e-01 3.35759576e-03 -1.47617266e-01 1.32885754e-01 -5.29091479e-03 -1.92993551e-01 -2.86270857e-01 3.73420045e-02 4.33912158e-01 -2.62733370e-01 1.84217080e-01 -7.18955547e-02 -1.40232876e-01 5.76232485e-02 -2.72695869e-01 -3.92303765e-01 1.38057500e-01 -3.10181320e-01 -2.11830661e-01 8.62738639e-02 -9.31892172e-02 4.20237668e-02 -1.68214291e-01 2.04415634e-01 -6.86668307e-02 -2.85458535e-01 -1.15278132e-01 1.79359436e-01 4.84340608e-01 1.30614683e-01 1.44017592e-01 -3.20272595e-02 -3.28935444e-01 5.42775281e-02 -4.66549285e-02 -2.33004484e-02 2.97790080e-01 -8.26395899e-02 2.97748208e-01 2.76487805e-02 2.96705024e-04 3.54304582e-01 2.83620767e-02 1.76730394e-01 -5.72524890e-02 -1.19559251e-01 -1.30521566e-01 -1.43912155e-02 1.89760923e-01 -6.07037917e-02 2.41939917e-01 5.31728342e-02 -2.60666192e-01 -1.77467421e-01 -2.19724774e-01 6.48114562e-01 -9.62640122e-02 3.29371472e-03 -3.01762998e-01 -1.38234526e-01 1.03263132e-01 2.87907541e-01 -5.42925775e-01 -1.01947203e-01 -2.67855674e-02 1.23715878e-01 -1.44203141e-01 1.09996907e-01 -1.44526228e-01 -1.36331066e-01 -1.20014735e-01 6.66360259e-02 8.46728384e-02 -4.72355494e-03 -1.16447888e-01 -2.88533688e-01]
"The Cancer Plague" active "Item #: SCP-253 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: At this time, SCP-253 poses a substantial threat to humanity. SCP-253 is to be kept under Biosafety Level-4 protocols at all times. All research is to be conducted at a site where incineration and irradiation protocols can be swiftly enacted, that is geographically isolated, and does not possess a diverse biosphere. The sterilization protocols shall be enacted following the occurrence of any event on this list: At the conclusion of testing, any subjects exposed to SCP-253 are to be disposed of, and their remains are subject to the sterilization protocol. Any researcher leaving the facility is to undergo two weeks of mandatory chemotherapy, followed by a 15-day quarantine. Description: SCP-253 is a cluster of undifferentiated human cells, matching the physiological traits of cancer. As per cancerous cells, cultured samples of SCP-253 will grow indefinitely if given an adequate source of nutrition. SCP-253 is contagious, able to pass from human to human, as well as to some animal species. SCP-253 is not an airborne contagion, but physical contact with surface neoplasms on infected subjects will spread the plague. The first sign of SCP-253 infection is the emergence of skin lesions, typically dime-sized (2 cm in diameter) in groups of three to five, at the site of infection. Within twelve (12) hours after the appearance of the lesions, MRI scans show the development of neoplasms within the brain. At this time, the neoplasms do not induce neurological symptoms. Over the next twenty-four to forty-eight (24 to 48) hours, numerous skin lesions start to emerge and grow in size. These lesions often induce substantial swelling in surrounding tissue, which can be quite painful for the subject. Often, the pain, if left untreated, leaves many subjects unable to move. Towards the end of the forty-eight (48) hour period, neoplasms start to emerge in the lymphatic system and neurological symptoms start to manifest. The neurological symptoms of SCP-253 are different for each patient, depending on which part of the brain the invasive cells have contaminated, with one exception. Each human patient heretofore exposed to SCP-253 has felt a complete cessation of pain forty-seven to forty-nine (47 to 49) hours after infection. Other neurological symptoms include: The neoplasms do not seem to respond to radiation, and chemotherapy with high-dose mitoxantrone, irinotecan, and dacarbazine has only minimal effects. Chemotherapy was observed to kill some cells and markedly slow the growth of others, and therefore might be useful for post-exposure prophylaxis, but is ineffective in established disease. If the mass of cancerous cells within a population does not reach a biomass threshold of approximately one-thousand four-hundred kilograms (1400 kg/3100 lbs), the cells will overwhelm the host within five (5) days, resulting in death. If not transferred to a new host, the cancer cells will consume any remaining usable biomass of the host's corpse before finally running out of resources and dying. However, if the mass of cancer cells within a population reaches the threshold, electromagnetic phenomena will start to manifest. The sources of these phenomena appear to be the infected hosts, but the mechanism of the EM manipulation is not understood at this time. Furthermore, it appears the EM emanations facilitate some sort of communication between the hosts. Coordinated in some fashion by the neoplasms, the hosts start to act as one entity spread through many bodies. The intelligence of this entity is initially animalistic and reactive. As the intelligence of the gestalt entity is believed to be based on the remaining brain tissue within the hosts, it is hypothesized that the entity may be able to achieve human-like intelligence. The events from Incident I.J77.82 appear to support this hypothesis, and research suggests that some of the more unsettling things seen at ██████████████ Hospital are manifestations of this intellect. Until suitable methods can be created to jam the EM transmissions of the end-stage infection entity, and until efficacious treatment alternatives for the diseases known as cancer enters common usage, the utmost care must be taken with samples of SCP-253. Addenda: 253a: Proposal that SCP-253 be classified as Euclid is pending review of Incident I.J77.82 by the Overseers. 253b: SCP-253 has been given provisional Euclid classification. Final report on Incident I.J77.82 has been released. Research into the events of Incident I.J77.82 has been approved. 253c: Research involving approaching the threshold biomass in human subjects has been denied. Decision on request to test threshold biomass in cultured samples pending. 253d: Use of SCP-500 in experiments with SCP-253 has been denied. 253e: Use of SCP-427 in experiments with SCP-253 have been approved. Early results are not encouraging. Despite success using 427 to treat other forms of cancer, in this instance, 427 appears to induce accelerated growth in both tumorous growths as well as in the patient. Subjects were terminated as they neared the critical threshold for use with 427. Request to take patients beyond the critical threshold is pending. « SCP-252 | SCP-253 | SCP-254 »" nan
[ 2.34801769e-01 -1.14968583e-01 -1.38090700e-01 -1.94152728e-01 -1.76360365e-02 -1.16696343e-01 1.76000789e-01 2.69625559e-02 -1.26849219e-01 2.48428479e-01 1.39567494e-01 1.94685191e-01 -4.16336656e-01 3.01272601e-01 1.35017097e-01 -1.88978780e-02 1.59267217e-01 1.05154678e-01 -5.25067560e-02 -1.42412603e-01 -2.62796372e-01 -3.74507718e-02 -3.06194514e-01 5.59693342e-03 -7.66918734e-02 -2.16634929e-01 1.67131320e-01 1.82730943e-01 3.59393982e-03 -5.97244859e-01 3.13693173e-02 -2.06237659e-01 2.66795289e-02 2.36161336e-01 -1.10830733e-04 -3.01390231e-01 1.61239982e-01 -1.89352296e-02 6.42188415e-02 3.20722103e-01 4.40713853e-01 9.25289392e-02 6.88133091e-02 -2.86773413e-01 1.07734531e-01 2.52965301e-01 -1.81660756e-01 2.21579999e-01 1.87823877e-01 3.03037226e-01 1.81912154e-01 3.37771654e-01 -1.62356831e-02 1.41270421e-02 7.55608529e-02 2.08605409e-01 -3.50508898e-01 -2.19293892e-01 2.41673976e-01 8.61243606e-02 2.00541928e-01 1.37601107e-01 -4.29066345e-02 -8.98731574e-02 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-6.88899085e-02 6.97509274e-02 -2.48465762e-01 1.77894473e-01 -5.16851306e-01 5.88218831e-02 2.11454183e-01 4.85876873e-02 -1.73201099e-01 -1.02066256e-01 5.73528409e-01 6.35197684e-02 -2.91391343e-01 -2.57302076e-01 3.67138356e-01 4.72677767e-01 -4.09854144e-01 3.19593586e-02 -1.81843251e-01 -4.05226313e-02 -3.71316344e-01 1.34709030e-01 2.89857715e-01 1.15025409e-01 -3.06178302e-01 1.42467096e-01 4.14759219e-02 1.12699687e-01 1.32628188e-01 -2.30281100e-01 -1.06477030e-01 -3.06905121e-01 2.79385000e-01 4.36545312e-02 -4.44616646e-01 -1.43881887e-01 1.42337486e-01 5.04134059e-01 -1.47002200e-02 -7.90157691e-02 1.88927144e-01 -6.23006262e-02 -1.23251356e-01 -1.66835979e-01 2.11533252e-02 -3.78155299e-02 -1.67439446e-01 1.29990324e-01 -5.92145264e-01 -8.14955756e-02 -2.77800798e-01 -1.12714499e-01 -2.42936715e-01 1.05978251e-01 3.31769377e-01 -3.83611292e-01 -3.19284439e-01 -1.47119120e-01 -2.20804647e-01 3.25119704e-01 1.84590667e-01 3.00260577e-02 -3.25430781e-01 -2.75514007e-01 -4.66139503e-02 1.56874001e-01 2.83061415e-02 -1.74044788e-01 3.61667782e-01 -3.50747854e-01 4.09405380e-01 7.59326369e-02 -1.13986254e-01 1.52877122e-01 8.36136863e-02 -1.63909402e-02 -2.17413474e-02 -2.04872906e-01 -5.69795191e-01 -2.25329727e-01 6.98845685e-02 1.59679383e-01 -3.97188991e-01 -1.87557772e-01 -4.07975107e-01 -1.16724409e-01 3.26296389e-02 -1.28815785e-01 1.73138455e-01 8.26193094e-02 1.73203394e-01 3.33608352e-02 -2.38593638e-01 -1.83791324e-01 1.91501305e-01 -6.96593449e-02 -1.54676408e-01 2.00306982e-01 -2.69756734e-01 -3.81761640e-01 -2.73758285e-02 1.81951091e-01 2.38143504e-01 6.17842525e-02 1.15111023e-01 8.93567875e-02 -1.95663840e-01 1.20364623e-02 -1.23651445e-01 5.35166681e-01 -1.82289466e-01 1.06510101e-02 -1.27485067e-01 -6.21377584e-03 4.44722399e-02 1.21536724e-01 -3.75944525e-01 2.17898086e-01 -2.71890491e-01 2.93681055e-01 -1.75144941e-01 3.80644500e-02 1.45942971e-01 -3.08907926e-01 2.19921581e-02 -2.44413246e-03 3.29003185e-01 6.79446995e-01 -2.85662208e-02 5.53639717e-02 -1.37448639e-01 -2.44904757e-02 -2.02177808e-01 -1.85106158e-01 6.40733242e-02 -2.61072487e-01 1.44095406e-01 -1.31132364e-01 2.69625157e-01 1.81451216e-01 6.72960952e-02 -1.04792923e-01 -7.24383295e-02 1.63541466e-01 -1.24074385e-01 -1.98118649e-02 -1.96731567e-01 -3.62412423e-01 4.65327531e-01 5.23618877e-01 1.54568171e-02 1.37201756e-01 -1.39118999e-01 -4.47145969e-01 -8.73086154e-02 3.86120752e-02 -2.61939406e-01 8.04989412e-03 1.44547611e-01 -2.58225296e-02 3.31470847e-01 5.27567565e-01 8.71823877e-02 -3.48150842e-02 -1.60798118e-01 -6.93619028e-02 -7.01443627e-02 -3.13814543e-03 -4.07640100e-01 5.94861686e-01 -2.03856334e-01 2.07827032e-01 -3.77268642e-01 1.92265764e-01 -4.57649268e-02 1.28571123e-01 -2.65469730e-01 1.07125990e-01 -6.98422967e-03 -1.47686809e-01 1.23247735e-01 2.27698684e-01 -1.63683981e-01 3.11945051e-01 -1.33194298e-01 -1.76127732e-01 1.70055643e-01 1.24617614e-01 -6.74945042e-02 -4.87408668e-01 1.18767671e-01 -8.30567658e-01 -2.56747514e-01 1.39424905e-01 1.04884878e-02 2.89485417e-02 9.01092887e-02 -2.85743117e-01 -4.82607074e-02 -8.30752626e-02 -5.04890317e-03 1.30560383e-01 1.23248227e-01 4.36988622e-01 -2.76825801e-02 4.86243218e-02 -2.57706165e-01 1.67998523e-01 -1.47568285e-01 -2.14980736e-01 9.16929618e-02 -1.74945623e-01 4.33514491e-02 -2.37131082e-02 -2.79874712e-01 2.27405608e-01 2.23910064e-01 -3.29346746e-01 -1.48290813e-01 -6.33438155e-02 7.66781121e-02 -1.40156627e-01 -1.76513702e-01 3.89222056e-01 1.90286323e-01 -1.84196681e-01 6.08107187e-02 -1.05912372e-01 -1.28913194e-01 1.01239502e-01 4.38039973e-02 -2.46908531e-01 2.63179362e-01 3.40028644e-01 -1.62209600e-01 3.22641768e-02 1.47968680e-01 1.90695569e-01 1.90014258e-01 3.67648602e-02 2.39790782e-01 1.74579218e-01 4.04439241e-01 -4.95397486e-02 -4.24105585e-01 2.10560292e-01 -1.62906304e-01 -2.86926001e-01 -2.20840424e-02 -9.24702659e-02 -3.44848961e-01 -7.69494697e-02 3.24547254e-02 4.85803336e-01 5.30899227e-01 -3.86759967e-01 -4.23893750e-01 5.47564290e-02 9.34176240e-03 8.24577808e-02 3.63295496e-01 7.67923594e-02 -1.15941707e-02 -4.66103852e-01 8.10212910e-01 -2.63842076e-01 1.44767582e-01 4.54012938e-02 1.33875579e-01 -3.79775614e-01 -9.45592206e-03 1.42739221e-01 -3.50947410e-01 -7.77260363e-02 -3.30858156e-02 4.75623131e-01 4.24427748e-01 1.85251802e-01 5.18691726e-02 -1.44049481e-01 -2.02866241e-01 -1.32281989e-01 -2.02341437e-01 1.59189045e-01 1.77669469e-02 1.00457799e-02 4.97020692e-01 6.45105690e-02 -2.45344564e-02 -1.82382464e-01 -1.69214770e-01 -6.63640678e-01 -9.57844853e-02 3.14738333e-01 2.74519324e-01 1.13160327e-01 1.78556070e-01 1.15666073e-02 4.56150658e-02 -1.29035413e-01 5.42205013e-02 -3.50081846e-02 -1.02891304e-01 2.41448388e-01 -3.29704285e-02 5.61332166e-01 -9.82432291e-02 1.83652744e-01 4.39212084e-01 -3.17906350e-01 -1.62100330e-01 -2.25321054e-01 -2.11557060e-01 2.35579073e-01 6.04669929e-01 6.25204593e-02 -1.09080613e-01 -2.46417180e-01 -2.00859047e-02 -2.86074072e-01 3.88715155e-02 4.78360742e-01 -8.59294385e-02 1.23606794e-01 -3.19639772e-01 2.50566274e-01 1.44368768e-01 -2.37865523e-01 -2.18619391e-01 8.25508460e-02 -1.68122813e-01 3.18171710e-01 3.25893223e-01 1.14809775e+00 -1.07660279e-01 1.88802063e-01 5.49431294e-02 3.27630699e-01 -2.15883121e-01 1.87514666e-02 -2.25316565e-02 -5.49093299e-02 -3.38275105e-01 3.04484926e-02 -7.90485144e-02 5.37315011e-02 4.45325315e-01 -1.88106522e-01 4.41322364e-02 -5.58486283e-01 -2.55006045e-01 3.38295519e-01 2.65917480e-02 4.25842144e-02 -1.09473206e-01 9.71496552e-02 2.08457142e-01 -1.37500659e-01 4.55202870e-02 6.67794645e-02 1.57349408e-01 -3.57708409e-02 -1.86864823e-01 5.46906032e-02 2.95495600e-01 -1.25353625e-02 2.26457790e-02 -1.88957602e-02 -2.38003626e-01 -7.75662586e-02 9.55041721e-02 -1.25529632e-01 8.15214887e-02 1.82485893e-01 1.67993143e-01 3.43886971e-01 -4.13387597e-01 -3.79571229e-01 -6.47858456e-02 1.66946068e-01 1.12835176e-01 -1.65746942e-01 1.13937542e-01 3.30906808e-02 -2.10160792e-01 -4.77752015e-02 1.49381950e-01 2.66351309e-02 -2.22707540e-01 3.29988599e-01 2.53881961e-01 -2.60014236e-01 3.14804614e-02 1.99734196e-01 -1.04431966e-02 -1.15409017e-01 2.24707469e-01 3.91107723e-02 -1.95812270e-01 -1.07116543e-03 1.55881017e-01 2.17172474e-01 -5.75717017e-02 1.26895785e-01 2.02610008e-02 -9.32675824e-02 -3.10256660e-01 3.61876227e-02 2.09111154e-01 -3.81558120e-01 -1.00295298e-01 1.13145404e-01 -1.16186477e-01 3.34086791e-02 1.00622344e+00 7.15110898e-02 -2.55977571e-01 -3.39847147e-01 -1.38700202e-01 -7.54676536e-02 2.32564121e-01 -5.38673736e-02 4.22078192e-01 3.07607323e-01 4.09409821e-01 -1.30274206e-01 -3.07127926e-02 -3.56133014e-01 3.48922051e-02 -3.62015873e-01 1.20884188e-01 -6.12594711e-04 -4.49889123e-01 2.39730366e-02 -1.92906082e-01 1.80035904e-01 3.46869558e-01 1.27465442e-01 -2.33022198e-01 -2.48565316e-01 1.17118753e-01 2.77538955e-01 1.21222874e-02 -1.09413527e-02 6.17405623e-02 1.19243167e-01 -4.76249717e-02 9.51921940e-02 2.52864629e-01 2.43576556e-01 2.57562734e-02 4.05955575e-02 7.55850524e-02 -8.89211427e-03 4.15912896e-01 -2.61871874e-01 6.04839586e-02 1.57759383e-01 9.41690579e-02 -7.46773630e-02 -6.48103654e-02 2.49799192e-01 3.32054108e-01 -5.58560938e-02 1.56937838e-01 1.35307789e-01 1.49531454e-01 -1.52100548e-01 -1.18229099e-01 1.16290385e-02 1.94062978e-01 -3.90460581e-01 1.21858194e-01 -1.84421223e-02 3.33310515e-01 -1.53139114e-01 -2.26197645e-01 -5.16767740e-01 4.54385183e-04 5.58137149e-02 3.60178232e-01 2.01026335e-01 -3.31286103e-01 -1.30925626e-02 -5.38109057e-02 2.56368101e-01 5.61334901e-02 7.19638392e-02 1.32189825e-01 1.29935101e-01 -1.30290926e-01 3.30343336e-01 2.71458536e-01 3.13748330e-01 7.08996644e-03 3.90682787e-01 -6.44104928e-02 1.50098294e-01 3.46523017e-01 8.05200040e-02 2.60869935e-02 6.53992966e-02 4.16709073e-02 -4.58819941e-02 2.90385842e-01 1.26242614e-03 -2.28522375e-01 -2.51218140e-01 -1.36935025e-01 -3.70139003e-01 -2.12669410e-02 3.26574564e-01 -6.84770644e-02 3.72121334e-02 -3.95214595e-02 -4.64767903e-01 -2.04195920e-02 -7.48420432e-02 4.70122881e-02 3.35909814e-01 -4.73101698e-02 8.47829208e-02 2.19327137e-01 -2.92361885e-01 2.46572539e-01 5.77033818e-01 -1.76492244e-01 2.57430822e-01 3.77783626e-01 1.43234968e-01 -1.88509235e-03 -1.63180549e-02 4.10985559e-01 9.32871774e-02 -8.87100101e-02 1.20658003e-01 -1.80442199e-01 -3.29640582e-02 -5.21210022e-02 1.76458344e-01 5.87014854e-02 4.17270243e-01 5.81004322e-02 1.99138224e-01 -2.82506943e-01 -3.24798584e-01 -2.80001815e-02 1.48756072e-01 1.44399047e-01 -1.58781871e-01 -2.26625428e-01 -9.89815220e-03 -8.55220780e-02 1.92612767e-01 -3.90220433e-01 -8.66727233e-02 -2.08375111e-01 -3.45993459e-01 1.68716177e-01 6.44306615e-02 8.74149501e-02 7.99231082e-02 3.45026851e-01 1.41742095e-01 3.63141626e-01 -1.98312178e-01 -5.63521504e-01 -1.74916118e-01 1.64470315e-01 -4.98673290e-01 -5.45343518e-01 8.50719064e-02 2.55431496e-02 -1.83107778e-01 1.38500333e-01 4.22951253e-03 3.48399162e-01 -2.37088442e-01 2.63306051e-01 -1.06093422e-01 1.80353343e-01 7.59045780e-01 -1.57083720e-01 -5.01874611e-02 -1.46640405e-01 1.32635295e-01 2.54588813e-01 1.42636195e-01 -1.02603093e-01 -3.99923205e-01 -7.27558928e-03 4.39225465e-01 1.80301592e-01 6.21889867e-02 6.05835676e-01 -2.60108769e-01 -5.22594631e-01 -3.10860008e-01 -1.26549546e-02 4.06912565e-02 1.10746501e-02 1.05817519e-01 -1.35263085e-01 1.24561831e-01 5.02756953e-01 1.31044850e-01 1.78544899e-03 -1.86508775e-01 3.64441484e-01 -1.76190302e-01 -1.98469549e-01 -8.42913911e-02 1.14293434e-01 -1.68912992e-01 3.83196145e-01 6.49622977e-02 -9.93479043e-02 -1.57497019e-01 -4.43316340e-01 5.64432263e-01 1.75698668e-01 -6.32911548e-02 -8.19715112e-02 8.40418041e-04 -2.77835757e-01 9.67951193e-02 -3.25153440e-01 -6.46448582e-02 -1.45288974e-01 1.13247827e-01 -3.72970670e-01 -1.61295742e-01 -1.58207670e-01 -4.58862752e-01 -1.59837544e-01 3.79815102e-01 1.21218255e-02 1.42103419e-01 -2.30351061e-01 -1.14378251e-01]
"Employee of the Month" active "Item #: SCP-254 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-254 is to be kept in a standard storage locker when not in use. When in storage, it must be placed face-down on the floor of the locker and secured with straps to prevent accidental activation. Use of SCP-254 may be requested by any department head, and must be approved by at least two (2) level-3 personnel. SCP-254 may not be used in a capacity that will result in SCP-254-1’s contact with SCPs posing a memetic contagion hazard. Under no circumstances is SCP-254 to be active in a single department or area for longer than twenty-six (26) days. Reuse is permitted only if the area in question has undergone a complete personnel rotation (i.e. no employees remain who have had previous contact with SCP-254). Description: SCP-254 is a rectangular wooden plaque measuring 22 cm x 30 cm and weighing approximately 1.5 kg. On the front of the plaque is an empty brass picture holder, as well as a printed metal plate with a black background and gold-colored letters reading “Employee of the Month.” Affixed to the back of the plaque is a standard hanging device. SCP-254 was discovered in the rubble of a Texaco gas station in ██████, Kansas, on ██/██/195█. A Foundation agent secured SCP-254 after discovering that it had sustained no damage in the explosion that had leveled the gas station and resulted in the deaths of █ employees and ██ civilians . When SCP-254 is hung on a wall in a work area of 4 or more people, SCP-254-1 will appear soon afterward. SCP-254-1 will arrive either at the end of the next designated break period, or at the beginning of the following work shift. SCP-254-1 is an incorporeal human of variable gender, age, race, name, and appearance, able to manipulate objects in the manner similar to that of a normal human of average strength and coordination. SCP-254-1 will adopt the appearance and persona of a model employee, based on an area’s memetic consensus. Once SCP-254-1’s appearance has been established, an image of SCP-254-1 that appears to be an 8 x 10 glossy photograph fills the empty picture holder, and it will not change until SCP-254 is moved to a new location. Across the bottom of the photograph, in print, is the newly assumed name of SCP-254-1. The photograph cannot be removed from the picture holder by any known means, but it can be torn or ripped. Doing so in an aggressive or purposeful manner results in a violent reaction from SCP-254-1 (see attached recording SCP-254-a: [DATA EXPUNGED] the ██/██/████ incident). Regardless of appearance, SCP-254-1 maintains a cheerful demeanor at all times. SCP-254-1 is able to carry on conversations about the weather, traffic, the previous night’s TV shows, sports, and other such topics, although SCP-254-1 will never discuss topics of which present individuals have no knowledge. Personnel assigned to work in an area where SCP-254 is in use do not appear alarmed by SCP-254-1’s incorporeal nature or sudden appearance, stating that SCP-254-1 “works here.” Due to local personnel’s reluctance to remove the plaque, or inability to remember to remove the plaque, removal is to be scheduled and performed by off-site personnel. SCP-254-1 is capable of performing menial tasks quickly and efficiently. When given tasks that require specialized training, although SCP-254-1 does not possess the required expertise, (s)he will attempt them with the usual good attitude, but will perform as well as an average person could be expected to perform. SCP-254-1 will continue to perform as exemplary an employee as possible for a length of time between 28-46 work days, usually ending at the conclusion of a calendar month. If SCP-254 is placed in a workplace several days into a calendar month, SCP-254-1 will act as an effective employee until the end of the following month, although due to the dangers posed by shifting memetic consensus, no use of SCP-254 for longer than 26 days is permitted. After the “month” has passed, if SCP-254 is not removed, SCP-254-1 will begin to degrade in performance, beginning with an unhelpful attitude and forgetfulness. If SCP-254 is not removed, SCP-254-1 will become a worse and worse employee until “fired.” Firing can be represented by removing SCP-254 from the wall, or by informing SCP-254-1 of its termination. If SCP-254-1 is fired within approximately 20 days from the start of its decline in performance, SCP-254-1 simply leaves the area and disappears. Following cessation of employment after this point, SCP-254-1 will actively sabotage the work area in the most destructive manner possible, posing severe hazard to any nearby personnel. And the WORLD, people. We work with SCPs here, and if proper removal arrangements are not made with off-site security and documented with on-site security, the offending employee will find themselves jobless or worse. -O5-█ Addendum: Following Incident 254-0210g, all tests on employing SCP-254-1 beyond 26 days must be conducted at a separate site containing no other SCPs. NO EXCEPTIONS. -O5-█ Audio Log 254-a13: Dr. █████: “This is Doctor [REDACTED]. This is experiment #13 on SCP-254. I am using a standard phillips-head screwdriver, to attempt to remove the brass fitting from SCP-254.” [There are 15 seconds of tool-working sounds.] “It appears that these screws are affixed by means beyond the normal. Perhaps glue, or something else.” SCP-254-1 (going by “Gus” this iteration): “Would you like me to get you some solvent, sir?” Dr. █████: “No thanks, Gus, no need. Would you hand me that box cutter? I’ll try cutting this picture out.” Gus: “Really? Why would ya wanna do that? I think that plaque looks jim-dandy right where it is.” Dr. █████: “Now now. This isn’t an insult to you, Gus, you’re a great employee. This is an experiment.” Gus: “Okay, Doc, I trust ya.” [There is a slight paper ripping noise.] Gus: “Whacha doin’ Doc? Would ya please not do that?” Dr. █████: “Just a little bit fur-” [The audio of the two cuts out, and there are 5 hard banging sounds - presumably SCP-254-1 slamming Dr. █████'s head against the table. Then there is a wet sound as the box cutter is [DATA EXPUNGED].] -end of tape- Experiment Log 254-b: Testing on extended employment of SCP-254-1 as a janitor at Sector-██. Day 26: End of standard employment period reached. SCP-254-1’s performance continues to meet high standards. Day 32: First sign of performance degradation noted. SCP-254-1 leaves a dirty rag on Research Assistant █████’s desk. Apologetic when rag is noticed and returned. Day 34: SCP-254-1 is mopping the floor in Sector-███ when a hurrying technician trips over the bucket of cleaning solution. SCP-254-1 recorded cursing at the technician. Day 35: End of the calendar month. SCP-254-1 described as “sullen” by a late-working researcher. Break room kitchen in Sector-███ left uncleaned, coffee spilled around Dr. █████’s garbage can. Day 36: SCP-254-1 reprimanded by supervisor for apparent drunkenness. (Note: Very odd; SCP-254-1 has never been seen to eat or drink.) Day 39: SCP-254-1 fails to return cleaning solutions to the janitorial closet. Near-disaster when mentally disturbed test subject (see Experiment Log [REDACTED]) finds a bottle of ammonia-based cleaner in a bathroom. SCP-254-1 reprimanded for carelessness. Fellow janitor █████ ███████ observed in a verbal altercation with SCP-254-1; both parties are somewhat vague on the cause of the quarrel. Day 43: SCP-254-1 again observed to be apparently drunk on duty. Cleaning is becoming noticeably more erratic. Day 48: Fire alarm goes off in Sector-███. False alarm. Ink markers fail to pinpoint a culprit, but SCP-254-1 was observed near the tripped alarm a few minutes prior to the incident. Security footage unavailable due to an unidentifiable object blocking the camera’s view of the hallway. Day 56: Dr. ████ upbraids SCP-254-1 for removing perishable items from the lab refrigerator and shredding irreplaceable experiment logs. SCP-254-1 calls Dr. ████ [REDACTED] and threatens to [REDACTED]. Security called. Day 58: Kitchen knife found stabbed deeply into Dr. ████’s whiteboard. Dr. ████’s locked secure document safe has been opened and rifled. Guard posted at the door to Dr. ████’s office. SCP-254-1 and █████ ███████ recorded arguing in raised voices in the staff break room. Day 59: Janitor █████ ███████ signs in to work, but fails to report to supervisor. Located by accident several hours later trapped in the cold storage rooms attached to [REDACTED] autopsy theater, suffering from severe hypothermia. Guard on duty at Dr. ████’s office incapacitated by a blow to the head; crude human figure formed from a mop head impaled on a broken mop handle driven through Dr. ████’s desk chair. SCP-254-1 nowhere to be found. Day 60: At Dr. ████’s request, and with approval from [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-254 removed from the wall. SCP-254-1 leaves the building and vanishes. Day 61: SCP-254-1 caught on camera in Sector-███ late at night. Power failure and multiple backup system failures cause ██ containment breaches, resulting in ██ direct casualties and ██ further losses from sterilization of an outbreak of SCP-███ (see Incident Report 254-0210g). « SCP-253 | SCP-254 | SCP-255 »" nan
[ 4.44356561e-01 5.80446385e-02 -8.71141478e-02 -5.27707674e-02 -5.00463657e-02 8.56209993e-02 4.05966789e-01 2.14658141e-01 6.97094798e-02 3.23699355e-01 4.92450535e-01 3.79583210e-01 -7.90358111e-02 -1.24519110e-01 2.28510261e-01 1.69511646e-01 6.92135319e-02 2.02007651e-01 3.85486275e-01 -3.60690318e-02 -1.44739509e-01 -1.10755228e-01 -1.00642197e-01 3.56376648e-01 -2.24343747e-01 -7.87730888e-02 1.04574114e-01 -1.25238732e-01 -1.29890040e-01 -2.45208994e-01 2.57511914e-01 3.72855932e-01 -1.61323041e-01 5.07781088e-01 -1.13030801e-04 -2.67221749e-01 2.04543710e-01 1.10816434e-01 -6.14152610e-01 -1.06573448e-01 -2.33963430e-01 -2.58176357e-01 -5.02630845e-02 -3.82545441e-01 7.61093795e-02 1.81846827e-01 2.85755008e-01 6.12514876e-02 1.65931791e-01 -4.48535457e-02 1.03914298e-01 -4.37123515e-02 -1.58412997e-02 -1.63390085e-01 -1.65309802e-01 5.86097986e-02 -2.11367354e-01 -2.08433107e-01 2.12856621e-01 -1.61555156e-01 3.89164537e-01 -1.34985864e-01 -1.56921133e-01 5.64155169e-02 4.75963056e-01 -2.00571954e-01 4.84133869e-01 1.36082917e-01 5.68973958e-01 2.93717176e-01 -4.97687433e-04 -1.18729368e-01 2.47347668e-01 -2.01565009e-02 1.92100763e-01 5.53433634e-02 2.21026137e-01 3.11546117e-01 1.44342795e-01 -2.59006053e-01 -4.59184378e-01 3.30403060e-01 -3.36005449e-01 1.46820664e-01 -5.51480174e-01 4.09489423e-01 -1.07932061e-01 -1.94702074e-02 2.93477207e-01 -1.10992990e-01 1.35563925e-01 9.55843627e-02 8.77450854e-02 6.29901364e-02 3.78424525e-01 -7.91462585e-02 1.56037942e-01 9.69159529e-02 1.24053150e-01 -3.53875816e-01 5.13035320e-02 1.86186790e-01 1.81293577e-01 3.39010596e-01 9.79326293e-02 3.08275700e-01 3.64843577e-01 2.39186674e-01 -2.80394435e-01 4.47470546e-01 3.12229693e-02 1.04203694e-01 -1.90958083e-01 2.34759241e-01 3.97431493e-01 4.65726368e-02 9.39404313e-03 -2.05031365e-01 -1.51369303e-01 3.36028308e-01 -1.17735960e-01 1.27650201e-01 -1.46399602e-01 4.04838085e-01 1.24336831e-01 1.35726348e-01 4.90039308e-03 -2.71593988e-01 2.51656294e-01 8.05757660e-03 -2.46429205e-01 1.23681873e-01 -1.52750790e-01 1.79642793e-02 -2.82268852e-01 1.29746795e-01 -8.45473856e-02 -2.94769168e-01 2.75368374e-02 -2.30336055e-01 2.16472074e-01 -4.89327237e-02 4.75772172e-01 1.02786951e-01 -3.92077059e-01 -1.35017097e-01 -1.14948645e-01 -5.10508597e-01 -1.60425588e-01 1.29513796e-02 2.79370189e-01 -4.52466130e-01 -2.74694175e-01 1.27753049e-01 -1.61467895e-01 6.63502738e-02 -2.87018102e-02 1.67654231e-02 -1.13781355e-02 2.81482279e-01 3.03889573e-01 -8.00662935e-02 -4.11264002e-01 8.97818133e-02 -3.72215390e-01 1.34645462e-01 -3.15836817e-02 -1.88161671e-01 6.41251653e-02 1.08830668e-02 -4.81724367e-02 -3.85360301e-01 -1.65131807e-01 3.04964576e-02 -2.07894924e-03 -1.31502459e-02 -6.02325499e-01 -4.00708824e-01 -2.68320054e-01 3.62468027e-02 -2.52341688e-01 8.40427354e-03 1.81775823e-01 -2.43074507e-01 -1.92774683e-02 -2.33584285e-01 -5.19887328e-01 4.13377918e-02 -2.85561290e-02 6.57599932e-03 -3.25662524e-01 -3.25614065e-01 4.72262383e-01 -1.78202684e-03 2.85890698e-01 5.70305660e-02 -4.60783057e-02 2.09820881e-01 1.62657753e-01 1.66730240e-01 -1.70849934e-02 -1.89090610e-01 -8.49797428e-02 4.29807603e-01 -9.51854959e-02 2.52825707e-01 -2.91706562e-01 -9.87890586e-02 3.43762100e-01 3.21837723e-01 -4.67671119e-02 -4.01203483e-01 -4.02133226e-01 3.32395807e-02 -2.12934896e-01 -4.76815104e-02 1.74972415e-01 4.94287163e-01 1.32779077e-01 -3.97272319e-01 1.73442420e-02 1.00746997e-01 -4.98982444e-02 -2.49810800e-01 9.41131916e-03 -1.72214359e-01 -1.35555372e-01 1.62286192e-01 -2.85540611e-01 4.17524159e-01 3.21323931e-01 -6.55746013e-02 1.26740411e-01 9.15873200e-02 -4.55257297e-01 2.28429958e-01 2.91203428e-02 4.52340215e-01 -2.19022378e-01 2.02910975e-01 1.29770562e-01 -1.03183158e-01 2.51783788e-01 1.37915164e-02 -6.33596489e-03 2.98714072e-01 3.11288416e-01 -1.46504074e-01 -7.65793622e-02 -4.59748171e-02 -1.05271824e-01 -2.02985823e-01 -1.69274658e-01 -2.38289148e-01 1.01332687e-01 7.78883696e-02 -1.72904685e-01 1.56068876e-01 -3.43542218e-01 4.40301374e-02 7.88929090e-02 -5.42965494e-02 2.35190794e-01 -1.98990166e-01 2.09496588e-01 -4.03268710e-02 -7.67341331e-02 4.12088603e-01 -1.40856773e-01 4.18579429e-02 -2.14609265e-01 -2.07106262e-01 2.96068434e-02 3.74116302e-02 -1.70215249e-01 2.41358697e-01 1.39366373e-01 1.01673268e-01 2.11382911e-01 6.52160197e-02 -9.00757313e-02 -8.75697583e-02 1.67396873e-01 -1.69493675e-01 -1.07606411e-01 9.42544937e-02 3.65830548e-02 1.65910348e-01 -9.05644223e-02 3.58471125e-01 2.20537521e-02 -4.85045282e-04 8.01487640e-02 1.69023320e-01 1.17121011e-01 -4.29920293e-02 -1.99672148e-01 6.61405265e-01 -4.49305922e-01 3.05462003e-01 -3.05536568e-01 -3.49201798e-03 -1.54829949e-01 1.12385731e-02 -2.56455224e-03 2.48576641e-01 4.99852359e-01 9.84447300e-02 5.81908412e-02 -3.06710839e-01 -1.90687075e-01 1.02943920e-01 9.54597965e-02 -7.78008997e-02 -2.89872922e-02 -2.25706533e-01 -5.25110304e-01 9.18224230e-02 1.08206473e-01 -7.29455292e-01 3.76735702e-02 3.95826608e-01 -3.00775021e-01 -3.59274834e-01 -1.32781923e-01 4.16877151e-01 -4.53070283e-01 -8.77671093e-02 1.67687640e-01 -2.36200653e-02 1.72431529e-01 3.49115640e-01 -7.03738183e-02 8.65867659e-02 -1.05509207e-01 1.76122449e-02 -3.70355308e-01 -5.75281918e-01 1.70640334e-01 -2.84639429e-02 -1.21745877e-01 -3.01715672e-01 -2.01221645e-01 -1.64239526e-01 -1.96606517e-02 -3.12122107e-01 -4.22980636e-01 2.10272834e-01 -3.77217680e-02 9.38128456e-02 -4.97759312e-01 4.91919816e-01 1.89127736e-02 -1.62314877e-01 -2.30594993e-01 -4.06316429e-01 1.28658846e-01 4.55218524e-01 7.14283586e-02 -8.81772116e-02 -3.15381289e-01 4.00848806e-01 1.54172271e-01 -2.80164808e-01 -2.70840317e-01 -1.04753293e-01 2.19023049e-01 7.77275907e-03 4.31774825e-01 -3.16708922e-01 1.23554021e-02 1.30769074e-01 -6.03911355e-02 3.12163204e-01 -2.07970992e-01 -2.46238112e-01 7.49182627e-02 2.62323290e-01 -3.61074805e-01 2.86393650e-02 5.37907034e-02 6.90651894e-01 3.68080348e-01 7.15107098e-02 -6.35707900e-02 -1.62302077e-01 -1.72465757e-01 1.27067372e-01 8.10264945e-02 -8.87919590e-02 -8.49885270e-02 -1.29770681e-01 2.52807550e-02 -4.69624288e-02 1.42809793e-01 -5.64043112e-02 7.93234184e-02 5.04774926e-03 6.46120012e-02 2.90001959e-01 -1.62855372e-01 2.30503231e-01 6.73571751e-02 5.63756406e-01 5.82811534e-01 -1.29925489e-01 -9.94385779e-03 -1.24168970e-01 -2.76485354e-01 -2.72693913e-02 -1.15518428e-01 -6.38674125e-02 -7.98353553e-02 8.06119889e-02 1.01922229e-01 -2.74525613e-01 -1.33885235e-01 -9.67379194e-03 -3.73336188e-02 -2.11302042e-01 1.77056540e-03 8.74946937e-02 -6.23903945e-02 -1.78559259e-01 2.75792331e-01 4.36532218e-03 -1.35103688e-01 1.88335836e-01 1.65283993e-01 1.33531183e-01 -2.05116779e-01 3.74904037e-01 -6.86912388e-02 6.29272640e-01 1.71703264e-01 5.34051299e-01 -1.35290558e-02 -2.24270038e-02 2.84994543e-01 -1.06409781e-01 -1.48193046e-01 1.86377183e-01 8.27618420e-01 2.44335800e-01 -9.60152894e-02 -8.51459205e-02 3.20255578e-01 6.14263043e-02 -3.05597633e-01 7.88552761e-02 -2.59727356e-04 3.66865218e-01 -3.42983574e-01 -2.53551994e-02 2.27619205e-02 -4.20100570e-01 -7.18819976e-01 -7.51914755e-02 -2.27833241e-02 2.17095673e-01 2.27894098e-01 1.26905465e+00 2.56768800e-03 -1.27545387e-01 -1.53617144e-01 3.42052393e-02 -1.36706248e-01 -3.54177594e-01 -6.48112595e-02 -2.71117896e-01 4.75490429e-02 -6.36481792e-02 -1.74901366e-01 4.91974279e-02 2.95016140e-01 -4.88036692e-01 -9.51231793e-02 -2.99836814e-01 -6.99449852e-02 -4.45952751e-02 2.45069265e-01 -3.05148065e-01 1.04436733e-01 2.24040180e-01 2.12881535e-01 -4.01469367e-03 2.12713882e-01 -8.61432925e-02 1.06845468e-01 -1.91238314e-01 1.56696029e-02 2.48613119e-01 2.82638501e-02 -3.03986162e-01 3.49788070e-01 1.04437821e-01 8.86163190e-02 -2.32689992e-01 -1.45286277e-01 -2.72622198e-01 -4.38496292e-01 8.71382430e-02 1.74824610e-01 5.34678936e-01 -2.02002794e-01 -3.67269740e-02 4.53349799e-02 5.02313614e-01 -2.41013393e-02 2.37613842e-01 4.69342135e-02 3.87941562e-02 -1.23883793e-02 7.35426620e-02 2.71424860e-01 7.56578326e-01 3.72950621e-02 1.11936182e-01 1.78922355e-01 -7.69671351e-02 -1.76528767e-01 1.58827767e-01 8.94005075e-02 -1.04977466e-01 1.93615053e-02 1.55840129e-01 -1.67241111e-01 6.23850487e-02 -1.19173177e-01 6.27358481e-02 1.64911747e-01 3.93374935e-02 -1.61769390e-01 3.91233526e-03 -3.96545202e-01 -1.57475889e-01 1.34416576e-02 -4.76415902e-01 9.68291536e-02 -1.30527914e-01 -4.53159958e-01 -2.55725056e-01 2.98558801e-01 3.16994756e-01 -5.59537448e-02 -2.57116467e-01 -1.20995216e-01 2.11584643e-01 -9.21194553e-02 1.34508252e-01 3.33078057e-01 -3.42720926e-01 4.37118590e-01 -1.61063790e-01 2.32576624e-01 -3.39504331e-01 2.69966871e-02 -2.80153722e-01 1.33964032e-01 4.44238812e-01 -3.07528693e-02 -8.37394074e-02 -3.17087680e-01 3.15792970e-02 4.28713918e-01 -2.51042753e-01 -2.36274540e-01 -2.22072765e-01 1.73495501e-01 2.83875652e-02 -2.19370469e-01 1.30873650e-01 2.43902609e-01 4.82950024e-02 4.85202633e-02 -1.65402636e-01 1.80978104e-01 2.12630883e-01 2.24732772e-01 2.05839351e-01 1.45023048e-01 1.44286156e-01 -7.97321796e-02 4.59476024e-01 4.92907107e-01 -2.04027712e-01 9.33447927e-02 -1.48339033e-01 -6.87373988e-03 3.64952236e-01 1.68471575e-01 -2.61551118e-03 1.82575464e-01 -1.64870825e-02 -8.56775865e-02 1.91834763e-01 5.22927105e-01 -3.39620858e-01 6.45280033e-02 -5.54499149e-01 -1.46010369e-01 6.08905666e-02 2.23197907e-01 1.54050112e-01 1.81606755e-01 5.28394207e-02 2.25631937e-01 2.19503921e-02 2.44900256e-01 2.22611874e-01 -5.59143089e-02 -4.93646950e-01 1.19265974e-01 2.72324272e-02 -1.32322937e-01 4.68758605e-02 -4.85874787e-02 -1.13038085e-01 -4.98553738e-02 3.62300366e-01 3.46763611e-01 1.50715530e-01 -6.91779926e-02 6.19225681e-01 1.40101984e-01 2.63341099e-01 7.51074910e-01 1.45312637e-01 1.34334490e-01 3.85778487e-01 6.51884377e-01 -1.97735399e-01 2.78468151e-02 1.33166671e-01 3.19701493e-01 -7.51047358e-02 9.47609767e-02 -1.43771678e-01 -9.13962200e-02 1.02448454e-02 1.74731329e-01 1.50992215e-01 -5.86685911e-02 -7.20826864e-01 -5.14305159e-02 1.45442203e-01 -9.43357497e-02 1.71401992e-01 -1.97288513e-01 -1.80266589e-01 -6.79752510e-03 -2.50911355e-01 2.02772662e-01 3.52613539e-01 -3.28740120e-01 -5.07288538e-02 -2.53767610e-01 9.88296196e-02 2.01218873e-01 4.58650380e-01 2.79634267e-01 -1.39098898e-01 4.77726683e-02 1.62726566e-01 -2.61436999e-01 -2.11914331e-01 -9.24396738e-02 -5.52736549e-03 1.57577261e-01 -2.08310321e-01 -1.01619177e-01 8.03114772e-02 -2.33929828e-01 -2.99598455e-01 9.42640081e-02 4.25171852e-01 6.76813815e-03 -8.56052618e-03 6.41153082e-02 -4.21738595e-01 -6.51739985e-02 3.02288607e-02 -1.95549324e-01 -1.15632199e-01 -7.58633763e-02 1.40132412e-01 3.41199338e-01 -3.26421559e-01 6.47863001e-02 5.11565357e-02 -1.65325120e-01 -3.80035937e-02 4.31630574e-02 3.99664827e-02 -3.84164691e-01 -3.55556369e-01 4.00801569e-01 -2.98669878e-02 -1.07411563e-01 2.99575590e-02 2.17875421e-01 -5.53918481e-02 -1.19885039e-02 -5.05666994e-02 -1.02551460e-01 2.27919534e-01 -1.58539504e-01 -1.27007477e-02 -8.76329746e-03 6.84608877e-01 4.68888357e-02 4.21445847e-01 -2.16557816e-01 -2.41064578e-01 -4.14805561e-01 1.16289370e-01 -9.25349370e-02 -3.45289022e-01 -2.52685159e-01 4.33979034e-01 5.67063630e-01 -2.19206214e-01 4.14364755e-01 -4.83078733e-02 -6.15581684e-02 2.58645356e-01 3.39575171e-01 -2.33737618e-01 2.05347642e-01 1.75627246e-01 9.35767666e-02 7.05595687e-02 3.58809233e-01 2.47201592e-01 -3.39719564e-01 -3.24429572e-01 1.50942788e-01 -5.45475066e-01 2.99966261e-02 -4.78753448e-01 6.99017048e-02 -2.85676092e-01 2.12720186e-01 1.54916272e-01 -2.17239439e-01 -1.12008452e-01 -1.62663609e-01 4.34430122e-01 -2.72189260e-01 -2.91739255e-01 -3.16849709e-01 1.57531157e-01 -2.79726148e-01 -3.04648191e-01 -3.83854270e-01 -6.13240451e-02 -1.02299727e-01 -4.75737406e-03 -7.73686767e-02 -1.32491171e-01 -3.24433297e-01 4.77577448e-02 -1.91205800e-01 6.63151324e-01 -5.70269227e-02 -8.56672153e-02 -1.87252134e-01 -1.08780549e-03]
"Base Eleven Disorder" active "Item #: SCP-255 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Tissue samples and specimens related to SCP-255 are contained at Bio Site-16, a purpose-built containment and research facility designed to Priority Beta contagious phenomenon specifications. Bio Site-16 is subject to a remote location personnel rotation waiver in addition to standard contagious phenomenon preventive quarantine periods. Bio Site-16 is located in the Vaitupu Atoll of Tuvalu on an island owned by Ragnarik Ecological Modeling Inc., a Foundation front organization. Persons and animals determined to be infected with SCP-255 are to be secured and transported to a designated temporary holding facility prior to transfer to Bio Site-16. In cases where capture of an SCP-255 carrier is exceedingly difficult or impossible, lethal force is authorized. The Office of Celestial Anomalies is to continually track the orbit of 3214 Hybris, maintain a schedule of upcoming near-Earth flybys, and alert the Research Director if any changes in observed orbit occur. The next scheduled flyby of 3214 Hybris is 11 November 2023, when it is predicted to pass within 950,000 km of Earth. Description: SCP-255 is an anomalous infectious phenomenon of extraterrestrial origin, manifesting in most living subjects as a neurological disorder with varying symptoms. Eligible carriers of SCP-255 have thus far been observed to be organisms possessing a cerebral cortex with approximately ≥5.4 billion neurons. Experimentation has determined that species capable of contracting SCP-255 include humans, chimpanzees, African elephants, bottlenose dolphins, false killer whales, and others. In non-human carriers SCP-255 causes, through unknown means, degeneration of motor neurons and nerve cells. The rate of degeneration and severity of related symptoms is inversely related to the number of neurons the subject possesses in its cerebral cortex, with less neurologically-developed organisms displaying the most debilitating effects. The effects of SCP-255 on humans, however, is markedly more complex. While degradation of brain cells and the nervous system has been noted on a limited basis in humans, a range of more unusual symptoms occurs in these subjects. See SCP-255 Research Log for more details. Individuals infected by SCP-255 can be reliably diagnosed through EEG observation and confirmation of verified markers in measurements of neurological activity. See Appendix B for further documentation. Outbreaks of SCP-255 coincide with close flybys of 3214 Hybris, a relationship that was theorized using advanced statistical models following the second outbreak in 1965, and confirmed during the asteroid's 1987 close approach. Observations of 3214 Hybris have determined it to be an approximately 110 meter C-type asteroid with no anomalous properties observed at this time. The nature of the orbit of 3214 Hybris brings it into close approaches with Earth once every 11 years. Addendum 255-1: Research Log The following is a listing of known SCP-255 outbreaks and relevant data The first known outbreak of SCP-255 occurred in 1968, known now to have coincided with 3214 Hybris passing within 350,000 km of Earth. All known infected individuals resided within 7 km of the township of Mawlaik. Foundation assets became aware of SCP-255 while investigating an unknown illness affecting certain primates, including humans, in rural regions of northwestern Myanmar. The number of animals affected is unknown, but was estimated at the time to be between 1,000-5,000 individuals, primarily among forest-dwelling monkey species. All human instances and a representative sample of infected monkeys were brought under Foundation control, and special containment procedures enacted. In controlled laboratory conditions, animal subjects displayed advanced signs of motor neuron impairment, with a 100% mortality rate over a period of three weeks. Human subjects displayed mild neurological impairment, comparable to that experienced after a minor stroke. Experimentation confirmed that the disorder was not contagious. All human subjects recovered within ten days, and were released without incident after being informed that they were treated under a World Health Organization initiative. A second SCP-255 outbreak occurred in 1979 in three separate regions, undetected until 19 months later when a routine review of forthcoming medical literature documented several individuals complaining of a "phantom limb" sensation affecting the dominant hand, simulating the spastic movement and persistent ache of an extraneous eleventh digit. Foundation personnel covertly interviewed subjects claiming to be affected by this phenomenon. Subsequent research determined that all individuals resided within 25 km of the 11th parallel south, and were experiencing an anomalous condition. Lack of person-to-person transmission capabilities were confirmed, and disinformation measures in the scientific community were carried out, achieving effective containment. The second outbreak was classified as a separate SCP designation until 1984, when research determined it to be the same phenomenon as SCP-255. The third documented outbreak of SCP-255 occurred in Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1990, coinciding with the passage of 3214 Hybris within 550,000 km of Earth. Characteristic of SCP-255, the outbreak is noted to have started in what was at the time the eleventh-most populous city in the eleventh-most populous country on Earth. Beginning in this instance and continuing through subsequent outbreaks, only human subjects have been infected by SCP-255. Affected subjects in this outbreak displayed altered circadian rhythms, sleeping for periods between 3-4 hours at a time and awaking fully refreshed, conducting activities, and then tiring and sleeping within an average period of 7 hours, thus operating biologically in accordance with an eleven-hour day. During interactions with researchers, test subjects displayed a tendency to change subjects in the middle of speaking to say "hello" in either English, Portuguese, or Indonesian, the languages spoken by infected subjects in the second outbreak. Subjects would state "hello" in one of these languages regardless of any prior linguistic knowledge, and uniformly claimed no recollection of doing so. Additionally, these subjects would address Foundation personnel as members of the World Health Organization without prompting. In all other manners, test subjects observed in this iteration of SCP-255 functioned in their altered biorhythm in a normal manner, before recovering and returning to a normal, non-anomalous state within 2-3 weeks. The fourth outbreak of SCP-255 took place in an office building in the 12 de Octubre Avenue Business District of Quito, Ecuador. At the time of the outbreak, Ecuador had a population of approximately eleven million people. Additionally, the building in which the initial outbreak was localized was eleven stories high. The fourth outbreak is the first observed instance of SCP-255 being transmitted from person to person, with an incidence rate in laboratory conditions of 13.9%. Infectious iterations of SCP-255 have since been observed to be transmitted from person to person by sustained close proximity (generally within a 2 m radius), despite the lack of observable pathogens. This change in pathogenicity, along with the higher initial number of cases, was responsible for the reclassification of SCP-255 to Keter effective 23 December 2001. Foundation operatives seized control of the building under the established World Health Organization cover. The size of the outbreak, however, mandated heightened secrecy protocols. Test subjects were transported to Bio Site-16 for observation. Similar to the second outbreak, infected individuals reported experiencing a phantom limb-like sensation. However, in this event the phenomenon was intensified greatly. Test subjects reported the sensation of seven additional limbs, originating at seemingly random points of the body with no apparent relation to existing anatomy. While the precise nature of the additional appendages was difficult to ascertain, infected persons reported that they felt as though they had three joints, were approximately a meter in length, and had no structure analogous to a hand or foot at the end. These "limbs" were apparently not subject to the painful contractions and sensations normally associated with amputees. However, subjects uniformally reported heightened distress at the sensation of seven additional limbs, moving independently of their control at most times. Additionally, test subjects lost conscious control of their left arms. At most times, subjects were unable to move their left arms. However, at 1100 hours local time each day, the left arms and hands of infected individuals would independently make motions analogous to what appeared to be the act of writing. When supplied with pen and paper, these individuals all wrote, in crudely formed script, the numbers "11 11 65", theorized at the time to be the date of the next outbreak, and confirmed eleven years later. All infected individuals ceased to be affected by SCP-255 within 3-4 weeks. Test subjects were administered broad spectrum amnestics and released to Ecuadorian authorities. Foundation assets within the World Health Organization disseminated disinformation related to an exotic strain of malaria and subsequent treatment efforts as part of containment efforts. The fifth and most recent outbreak of SCP-255 took place in Brussells, Belgium, where 11 individuals working on the eleventh floor of the NATO headquarters building all complained to medical staff of constantly hearing a set of eleven electronic tones, repeating constantly. Containment protocols were activated by Western Europe Sector personnel, and all infected subjects were transported to Bio Site-16. Test subjects continued to complain of hearing the repetitive set of tones. Most subjects experienced heightened stress and irritability, as well as sleep deprivation. Infected individuals were administered sedatives to ameliorate secondary SCP-255 symptoms. Testing of this group of infected individuals revealed the incidence rate of SCP-255 was now 100%, ensuring that any humans exposed to the subjects would contract it. Eleven days after the test subjects were secured at Bio Site-16, infected individuals reported a cessation of the perceived repetitive tones. One test subject immediately reported hearing an "electronic" voice, similar to that generated by speech simulation software, repeating the Spanish word "estrella". Once the subject reported the phenomenon to researchers, it immediately ceased, whereupon another of the original eleven test subjects reported a similar phenomenon. The original cluster of infected individuals appear to comprise a phrase in this manner, the constituent words of which were repeated in order for every new case of infection beyond this group. The phrase is transcribed below, translated from Spanish to English for this version of the document: BINARY STAR LOST NOT LOST TRANSPOSE DEAD INSTRUCTION URGENT AWAIT TRANSMISSION Upon relating to researchers this particular symptom, all test subjects ceased to display any signs of SCP-255 infection. Subjects were amnesticized per SCP-255 guidelines and released. « SCP-254 | SCP-255 | SCP-256 » Cite this page as: "SCP-255" by (user deleted), from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: eeg.png Name: Eeg raw.svg Author: Hugo Gamboa License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Signature SCP-255 EEG pattern, observable thirteen seconds after commencement of observation protocol"
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3.84527624e-01 -5.60758896e-02 2.20264331e-01 -1.01708971e-01 6.64161384e-01 1.33360252e-01 -2.13102847e-01 -2.03709781e-01 1.44700214e-01 -4.52130437e-01 -1.87481061e-01 4.27381396e-02 1.50487885e-01 1.68597344e-02 -5.89052029e-02 1.92909420e-01 1.01563625e-01 4.73299176e-01 3.28913599e-01 9.39753023e-04 -9.00967568e-02 -2.56229013e-01 2.97145825e-02 2.52135247e-01 -3.31564099e-01 -4.49734703e-02 -1.04834042e-01 -1.14096873e-01 -2.51180351e-01 7.03517377e-01 2.00753063e-01 -1.49242267e-01 -3.24426502e-01 -3.14352125e-01 -9.73436758e-02 -2.43727528e-02 -9.49934497e-02 3.88094544e-01 7.33414888e-02 2.54377663e-01 -1.29879072e-01 -6.63748235e-02 -3.23760986e-01 -1.89729318e-01 -4.81601477e-01 8.25787187e-02 2.41740093e-01 -4.35526282e-01 -4.23058681e-02 -2.36868650e-01 1.97818577e-01 1.14470892e-01 3.60482670e-02 -1.59315914e-01 -2.73926377e-01 1.71631888e-01 1.75847366e-01 -1.65370792e-01 7.30026513e-02 -7.27239996e-02 -4.40987721e-02 8.20590407e-02 8.44286233e-02 4.32644367e-01 3.57187927e-01 4.51311648e-01 -9.16387290e-02 9.06180739e-02 -6.12472817e-02 3.43499273e-01 7.77947530e-02 -7.20828655e-04 5.66380955e-02 4.96040434e-02 4.20894753e-03 -5.73718362e-02 1.31235451e-01 1.92680791e-01 -5.32328188e-01 1.61737934e-01 3.35611701e-01 2.87876371e-02 -3.88433605e-01 1.44691050e-01 -6.21201955e-02 1.52626619e-01 -2.74309576e-01 -1.74877897e-01 -4.64197360e-02 2.27356911e-01 -2.75976032e-01 -4.78735492e-02 -2.56817937e-01 -8.08006153e-02 -9.19694453e-02 4.19014305e-01 3.39220613e-01 -7.28747785e-01 -3.81068997e-02 -2.34552786e-01 6.45528287e-02 3.32390398e-01 4.46300298e-01 5.70802629e-01 -9.15966928e-02 -9.28916708e-02 1.10163584e-01 1.01958044e-01 4.02400464e-01 1.05954774e-01 1.36200801e-01 -1.09232530e-01 -3.59100997e-02 3.08031589e-01 2.71981806e-01 1.67183876e-01 1.95116267e-01 4.23150271e-01 -3.08072686e-01 3.30131233e-01 -9.70974043e-02 3.21926683e-01 -2.30085731e-01 8.96791294e-02 -3.57857466e-01 -8.78910869e-02 7.39681348e-02 1.68883473e-01 -6.10804707e-02 -1.47258177e-01 -5.80205917e-01 -6.29290417e-02 -1.67938694e-01 6.92655370e-02 6.84945643e-01 9.35861021e-02 4.10161465e-02 1.26005545e-01 4.11820784e-02 2.50051409e-01 5.61793625e-01 -1.73254356e-01 3.55168991e-02 4.66918230e-01 -1.02556534e-01 8.72048289e-02 8.56332034e-02 4.38966423e-01 -8.35091919e-02 1.54740691e-01 -8.12289342e-02 7.58575574e-02 3.67127657e-02 7.51468688e-02 -1.43855050e-01 1.87256902e-01 1.46234021e-01 3.06606144e-02 2.49236897e-02 -1.80789411e-01 -4.13544357e-01 8.74689668e-02 2.87896931e-01 -1.93593964e-01 -2.33065754e-01 -4.19367440e-02 -3.83126140e-01 1.32514285e-02 9.89630073e-02 -7.70514756e-02 -4.75553349e-02 -3.70137900e-01 -1.41663179e-01 1.20719045e-01 -6.31292863e-03 6.30928203e-02 -2.85078287e-01 3.88413906e-01 1.34161472e-01 -4.29870456e-01 -7.90664405e-02 -6.58111155e-01 -7.33551010e-02 1.40928820e-01 -3.60222936e-01 -5.11562586e-01 1.63269624e-01 1.34025633e-01 -9.01091173e-02 -6.76282644e-02 1.35544792e-01 1.35035649e-01 -3.55214655e-01 2.71024376e-01 -2.83436298e-01 6.88167587e-02 1.59310356e-01 -4.78988625e-02 -2.00497076e-01 -1.49022475e-01 2.31911138e-01 2.48311177e-01 7.28300512e-02 -5.99281676e-02 -7.36247376e-02 -8.58990774e-02 -9.34975967e-02 4.55054313e-01 1.63233075e-02 4.60777402e-01 -1.79178581e-01 -6.00828946e-01 -1.77231863e-01 7.80305490e-02 -3.05065185e-01 2.15027675e-01 -4.64810058e-02 1.39296010e-01 2.80384541e-01 3.06284994e-01 1.87894329e-01 6.02540746e-02 4.84057665e-02 -2.93307938e-02 1.24257296e-01 -2.51629651e-01 -7.16770962e-02 -3.25139873e-02 3.82692248e-01 1.45033568e-01 3.18206623e-02 -3.23193967e-01 -3.16133916e-01 -7.27135122e-01 4.53730792e-01 5.68401068e-02 -1.67649031e-01 -8.02220106e-02 1.42009214e-01 -4.07267213e-01 4.10385355e-02 -3.99448276e-01 -4.10575345e-02 7.41202058e-03 8.67306665e-02 -1.63137287e-01 -7.27829114e-02 -2.38587335e-01 -3.15892875e-01 -9.06334072e-02 1.88367650e-01 -8.69334266e-02 1.06604807e-02 -3.42632174e-01 -4.80199307e-02]
"Trapped in the Typewriter" active "Item #: SCP-256 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-256 is contained within a cubic chamber 3 m (10 ft) on a side, with 1 m (3 ft) thick walls composed of a mixture of brick and rubberized layers, with two conductive rods sticking out 18 cm (7 in) from the walls to either side of the entrance. Entrance is restricted by a soundproof airlock. Chamber is to be constantly under surveillance by EMR device and video camera. Entry and surveillance are restricted to only authorized personnel who have undergone surgical adaptation to resist the effects of SCP-256. To see a list of authorized personnel, see document SCP-256b. Personnel not on this list may enter if they are security clearance Level 3 or above, but must wear sound-canceling earphones. All personnel must be stripped of all electronics, ferrous metals and conductive material. They are also required to wear a specially designed insulated and redirective bodysuit (HAZMAT-ELEC) which must be tested before wearing, before entrance, and after exit with a significant charge. A taser is supplied and is rated high enough for testing use. The only recording allowed aside from the EMR device is done by hand. SCP standard office paper is suitable, but writing instruments must be nonconductive. Crayons are kept on hand. Description: Moved to Site 76 on 03-02-2007. SCP-256 is similar to a typewriter in most respects, except that the keys are fixed in position, rather than connected to levers, and instead of a rollbar and most of the machinery that should be present, two concave copper discs stand on either end, facing inward, 38 cm (15 in) apart. While invisible to the naked eye, EM readings show that a significant electrical charge passes between the copper discs without any conductive medium. If any of the prohibited items are brought into the containment chamber, this current increases in both amplitude and voltage, eventually arcing out and striking the object in question. This is also the reason reinforced concrete was not used in the chamber's construction, as rebar seems to agitate the artifact. It is unknown where the extra energy comes from, or even the initial current, as there seems to be no power generation source within SCP-256. If at any time this current oscillates more than the average peak of 26% on the EMR surveillance, all unauthorized personnel regardless of clearance level must immediately evacuate the chamber. Those who fail to comply are to be terminated at once, again, regardless of security clearance. For further information, see file 256b. >Open file 256b Displaying authorization list Agent 76-8947 Agent 76-3465 Agent 76-2456 Agent 76-8638 Agent 76-4634 Scientist 76-2464 Scientist 76-4363 Scientist 76-6521 Scientist 76-3215 [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] BaseCommand 0776-0103 *Deceased* >Access file 256b SysAdminOverride 4498 Implementing System Administrator Override will trigger Containment Protocol 289: Security will be alerted to your override and be dispatched to detain you. Termination will commence in 24 hours unless authorized or repealed by active BaseCommand. Proceed? Y/N >Y Confirm security code. >SysAdmin 76-4498 System Override acknowledged. BaseCommand 0776-1389 has not authorized. 24 hour countdown engaged. >Open file 256b Displaying authorization list Agent 76-8947 Agent 76-3465 Agent 76-2456 Agent 76-8638 Agent 76-4634 Scientist 76-2464 Scientist 76-4363 Scientist 76-6521 Scientist 76-3215 Mary-Ann Waters *CIVILIAN* Robert Waters *CIVILIAN* James Turtle *CIVILIAN BaseCommand 76-0103 *Deceased* >Access record Mary-Ann Waters Mary-Ann Waters. Vitals under file MAW_1. Suspected mother of Item# SCP-256 … You have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance? >N Acknowledged >Access record Robert Waters Robert Waters. Vitals under file ROW_1. Suspected father of Item# SCP-256 >Access record James Turtle James Turtle. Vitals under file JAT_1 Discovered Item# SCP-256. Claims to be romantically involved with Item. >Activate security alarm 58B Override SysAdmin 76-4498 Security alarm activated. Security dispatched. >Access 256c Access denied. File rated for BaseCommand or higher. > Access 256c Override SysAdmin 76-4498 From: HR_76-5974 To: BaseCommand 76-1389 Let me officially give you congratulations on your promotion, General Trent. It's a sad, sad thing that happened to your predecessor, but such is the way of things when working for The Foundation. Regardless, I looked into the various classified files that General Gerhart had under lock and key with your access codes, and found out some really surprising things about SCP-256. First off, the list of authorized personnel are not surgically adapted in any way. In fact, many of them have never undergone anything more serious than the mandated physical. And civilians, tsk tsk. I can't even begin to understand why General Gerhart let them even know of the base. Containment agents have been dispatched to see how far their psychosis has progressed and how much they know, but from what I've found in the late General's personal files, he supposedly had them convinced this was some kind of hospital. Second, as you may have guessed from the notes on the civilians and the highly classified paper manuscripts, the "authorized personnel" seemed to believe quite vehemently that SCP-256 was once a young adult human named Elizabeth Waters, and has been somehow trapped in the artifact. Even the General was convinced, and the very fact that the BaseCommand was compromised by the item's delusions makes me worry about the entire facility. All personnel on the "authorized" list have been placed under covert surveillance. It is unknown how far the item's control over them goes, and I will be personally reviewing all other SCP security measures enacted on General Gerhart's behalf. Third, there is information on the artifact that has not been made available in the report. Firstly, the variance on the EMR is remarkably similar to an oscilloscope's pickup of human voice. Apparently when SCP-256 starts its variance, it somehow starts producing audio with it. Second, the compromised personnel write down in the manuscripts that the delusions claim to be in pain when metal is brought near it. After an audio recorder was brought into the room, the afflicted agents noted that the delusions ceased for several days, and when they resumed, they indicated that it nearly "killed" the artifact. Needless to say, I cannot confirm or deny these rumors due to the security restraints on SCP-256, but I do not place credibility in them. Simply put, General, this was a coverup. Recommend immediate disciplinary procedures for all personnel involved. In regards to SCP-256, I recommend research into power production. As long as the research personnel observe the listed sound-blanking procedures, any possible auditory contamination can be contained. There was no listed drop in power when the "little girl" "almost died", and more conductive material may serve to permanently suppress the risk of the artifact. However, as per your new policy with advanced timetable on the destruction of destructible SCP items, I have scheduled the item for a tentative destruction on 15 January 2008. Your vigilant officer; Edward Berstrom. … You have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance? >N Does the black moon howl? >No. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Password confirmed. >date Mon Jan 14 2008 >Query countdown Countdown to termination for SysAdmin 76-4498: 23:16:26 >Query location BaseCommand 76-1389 Override SysAdmin 76-4498 BaseCommand 76-1389 is currently in his office. >Activate security alarm 136c Override SysAdmin 76-4498 Security alarm activated. Security dispatched. *General Network Alert* Warning, SysAdmin 76-4498 may be fabricating alarms to distract Security. All personnel report sightings immediately. … You have not accessed this terminal in three minutes. Do you require assistance? … You have not accessed this terminal in 10 minutes. Do you require assistance? … You have not accessed this terminal in one hour. Do you require assistance? … You have not accessed this terminal in two hours. Do you require assistance? *General Network Alert* Warning, SysAdmin 76-4498 is to be terminated on sight. SysAdmin is armed and dangerous. … You have not accessed this terminal in three hours. Do you require assistance? *General Network Alert* Warning, Site 76 Lockdown initiated. All SCP rooms sealing. *General Network Alert* All Level 1 and 2 personnel are to proceed directly to designated Containment Breach Defense Points and arm themselves. Follow direction of Level 3 personnel. *General Network Alert* Explosion detected in Human Resources office. Security has been dispatched. … You have not accessed this terminal in four hours. Do you require assistance? … System Override: Containment Protocol 289 has been temporarily suspended by: BaseCommand *1-0001 … You have not accessed this terminal in five hours. Do you require assistance? *General Network Alert* BaseCommand 76-1389 has been relieved of duty by BaseCommand *1-0001. Access codes are now suspended. *General Network Alert* Site 76 Lockdown disengaged. Initiate reclamation and SCP update process. *General Network Alert* Check arms back at designated Containment Breach Defense Point. Return to standard duties. *General Network Alert* SysAdmin 76-4498 is no longer pending termination. … You have not accessed this terminal in six hours. Do you require assistance? … System Override: Containment Protocol 289 has been rescinded. Authorization approved. … You have not accessed this terminal in seven hours. Do you require assistance? >logoff Does the black moon howl? >logoff Override BaseCommand *1-0001 Goodnight, Director ██████████. « SCP-255 | SCP-256 | SCP-257 »" nan
[ 5.89302406e-02 -2.78409362e-01 -7.04026148e-02 1.24501437e-01 -2.08595097e-02 -1.25342369e-01 3.18933129e-01 3.91859636e-02 3.13801765e-01 1.84593722e-01 5.57848401e-02 1.41018406e-01 -1.08973213e-01 1.36258706e-01 3.65585774e-01 2.55880773e-01 3.15812491e-02 3.28045577e-01 -2.32250586e-01 -1.56208187e-01 -7.81677961e-02 -1.94141075e-01 -3.13671172e-01 3.12515795e-01 -2.82832701e-02 -1.04504727e-01 1.93101317e-01 4.68033478e-02 1.56083360e-01 -1.03369646e-01 3.37403744e-01 2.63909698e-01 2.50701010e-02 5.31174362e-01 -1.09796703e-04 -1.43586263e-01 1.13760024e-01 2.88833268e-02 -1.74020126e-01 1.30318224e-01 -1.39824957e-01 -3.80833261e-02 2.70578358e-02 -2.87773401e-01 2.91323870e-01 2.14318439e-01 8.84267092e-02 4.86075059e-02 2.88605183e-01 -2.77015995e-02 1.93115309e-01 1.07008509e-01 2.27189079e-01 -7.31460080e-02 -8.38892907e-03 2.15565532e-01 -2.42768764e-01 -4.01859462e-01 2.98682451e-01 1.14689633e-01 8.52684379e-02 9.64283124e-02 -2.66660973e-02 2.92449468e-03 4.59239453e-01 -1.45392418e-01 -1.14349373e-01 2.77543485e-01 1.98218480e-01 2.89293498e-01 8.08125734e-02 3.72237116e-02 1.88633278e-01 4.32753190e-02 -1.98094070e-01 1.34709716e-01 4.29908127e-01 2.49664217e-01 -1.44718915e-01 -6.17880747e-02 -1.84375808e-01 9.75457579e-02 -3.45934838e-01 -8.56313556e-02 -1.01596527e-01 -5.02873026e-02 -1.63627669e-01 4.21582647e-02 1.55881330e-01 9.79281291e-02 1.27832890e-01 -1.10865356e-02 2.39707187e-01 2.24817932e-01 2.79894501e-01 -7.16539174e-02 1.50380403e-01 6.13809265e-02 1.96427122e-01 -2.48900458e-01 2.68564016e-01 1.52240992e-01 1.75330117e-01 1.44406974e-01 1.90132543e-01 -3.16686749e-01 1.54395476e-01 -1.90543875e-01 -2.96938449e-01 6.99874341e-01 -7.95691013e-02 1.28320336e-01 -8.41509029e-02 2.93540191e-02 1.92942098e-01 -9.60509554e-02 5.19475453e-02 -3.09042424e-01 -1.32637993e-01 5.67413568e-01 -4.20215011e-01 1.92572594e-01 -1.61929578e-01 1.60335451e-01 5.52105248e-01 -2.19704911e-01 3.06718916e-01 -1.71915472e-01 -1.62134632e-01 1.54071659e-01 -1.50437921e-01 1.42885000e-01 -1.90827459e-01 -6.56389147e-02 -1.23144545e-01 2.01154083e-01 -1.51053205e-01 5.73770367e-02 -5.92456609e-02 -3.95257547e-02 -1.72052197e-02 1.01813592e-01 4.99461919e-01 4.63436753e-01 -1.87490046e-01 -1.29966810e-01 -1.80508241e-01 -4.18124408e-01 -7.81180859e-02 1.21257879e-01 5.13496935e-01 -4.38656509e-02 -4.22400475e-01 2.39075363e-01 -3.20424616e-01 7.21225590e-02 1.00290962e-01 -2.89470196e-01 -8.37330297e-02 -9.51037034e-02 2.02437773e-01 1.44387811e-01 1.17249752e-03 2.11857557e-02 -4.19337265e-02 2.39403754e-01 -3.08937818e-01 -2.04456046e-01 -7.19081536e-02 -1.12937488e-01 -3.63354310e-02 -1.63879454e-01 -1.68351933e-01 2.14254677e-01 -2.11812451e-01 9.68949944e-02 -2.89362669e-01 2.30087470e-02 -5.23325861e-01 -3.49181354e-01 -3.29132944e-01 2.05695346e-01 3.21840703e-01 -3.87757510e-01 -3.15078229e-01 -3.58472243e-02 -6.58665672e-02 -1.26391590e-01 2.19025105e-01 -2.78117299e-01 -5.37670016e-01 -3.30013543e-01 4.16985974e-02 1.37150526e-01 4.55396920e-02 -2.41173431e-01 2.59400100e-01 2.54856557e-01 1.89087123e-01 -6.31127581e-02 -3.51367325e-01 2.81582344e-02 2.55120754e-01 1.14300288e-02 -1.72197163e-01 -3.02265529e-02 -1.40010595e-01 -1.26768872e-01 1.89464197e-01 1.55535057e-01 -1.13976583e-01 -1.01945892e-01 -1.34969622e-01 9.00378451e-02 -2.63935387e-01 -4.14873838e-01 2.49464184e-01 1.63131312e-01 -5.22673763e-02 -2.39415929e-01 4.94565703e-02 -1.55198202e-01 -8.97815973e-02 -1.52905405e-01 -1.52554646e-01 -2.22472921e-01 -3.75693351e-01 -1.26943678e-01 -3.39236915e-01 2.72995710e-01 6.71281889e-02 -3.82733867e-02 9.79551971e-02 -7.75986388e-02 -7.70902187e-02 2.33046383e-01 -8.29373449e-02 4.72954005e-01 -8.73353109e-02 7.90284723e-02 1.03118077e-01 6.76899776e-02 2.62634218e-01 1.06018521e-01 -3.70049179e-01 2.69967258e-01 1.25144809e-01 2.28249550e-01 6.56920113e-03 -2.27106482e-01 2.67859269e-02 -3.59862834e-01 1.89035237e-01 1.26418382e-01 3.17633003e-01 7.02110827e-01 -2.42300823e-01 1.08558156e-01 1.21119574e-01 8.28110054e-02 1.24775507e-02 4.64437269e-02 2.38839060e-01 -4.64460663e-02 -2.12608412e-01 -1.15319028e-01 3.30064058e-01 5.32036662e-01 -4.90479618e-02 1.31040156e-01 -1.58491626e-01 1.51123516e-02 -1.91327576e-02 -2.10605338e-01 5.06251231e-02 1.20467760e-01 -1.69061050e-01 3.30172002e-01 2.37948343e-01 2.87386596e-01 -3.18947166e-01 4.68771160e-02 -3.46633971e-01 -1.67451873e-01 -2.92620748e-01 1.60678580e-01 1.86121799e-02 7.37786591e-02 -1.43956691e-01 9.56676841e-01 3.63603443e-01 -2.01022595e-01 -1.22825466e-01 5.52436337e-02 -2.61378497e-01 -1.84724912e-01 6.52340129e-02 4.02500421e-01 -2.03315184e-01 3.16837430e-01 -2.21039787e-01 1.36211636e-02 -1.72894359e-01 8.93252641e-02 -5.01427837e-02 1.34299710e-01 6.20003343e-01 2.84736484e-01 2.48741671e-01 1.54706500e-02 -4.62083042e-01 1.69411972e-01 1.25322863e-01 -1.96089745e-01 8.27275366e-02 -1.07133202e-01 -2.05884323e-01 -6.69478178e-01 -6.18591048e-02 -4.64992493e-01 -9.37833190e-02 2.31871217e-01 -7.56288469e-02 5.57662286e-02 -1.01691939e-01 1.50582924e-01 -1.90115049e-01 -1.32915691e-01 3.49846244e-01 -1.54928178e-01 1.53841212e-01 3.29093605e-01 7.12283254e-02 3.43327820e-01 -1.20538153e-01 -1.48470134e-01 -1.51715681e-01 -2.73243010e-01 3.13259751e-01 4.80097756e-02 -2.16160312e-01 -3.02055597e-01 -3.32233846e-01 -5.66316396e-02 3.09322268e-01 -3.51218134e-01 -9.87387151e-02 -1.49599433e-01 2.14539886e-01 1.71096027e-02 -3.31188478e-02 7.42859185e-01 1.97492987e-01 -3.23514938e-01 -1.28542230e-01 -4.58006822e-02 1.28654495e-01 8.80730897e-02 2.63819575e-01 -3.15716803e-01 1.41020387e-01 3.48190755e-01 2.84342736e-01 -2.65073866e-01 -2.51601160e-01 1.72848493e-01 1.99873909e-01 1.11381903e-01 1.61466837e-01 -1.35684237e-01 3.12391311e-01 1.55735031e-01 -4.29615378e-01 4.34719063e-02 -2.27793872e-01 -4.04058635e-01 1.22713529e-01 -1.25550494e-01 -4.56522942e-01 -2.10186720e-01 1.14927888e-01 6.61291182e-01 1.74878582e-01 -4.96092532e-03 -2.43871361e-02 1.38656318e-01 -1.19862325e-01 -6.26668781e-02 -2.84166299e-02 -1.88048207e-03 -2.70711333e-01 -1.70905933e-01 -1.34720549e-01 2.25243252e-02 2.50280619e-01 7.67726004e-02 1.56744987e-01 -1.80247039e-01 -2.77915388e-01 4.02135402e-01 -3.21874321e-01 -7.94760808e-02 6.99565262e-02 3.26318979e-01 3.88563126e-01 9.96683240e-02 -2.37008840e-01 -5.80128767e-02 -4.74493504e-01 3.75330299e-01 1.18609011e-01 -2.80837268e-01 -3.78082320e-02 1.17827788e-01 1.23894349e-01 1.57324329e-01 1.14731165e-02 3.01827580e-01 3.75577770e-02 -5.35999835e-01 -2.93208957e-01 1.34253070e-01 6.79016905e-03 -1.93005845e-01 1.55971438e-01 -1.72839195e-01 6.29615039e-02 1.76531598e-01 -3.75468507e-02 2.65880190e-02 2.01518070e-02 9.58683118e-02 -1.78027391e-01 4.73230451e-01 -1.14845023e-01 4.76006836e-01 -8.26216713e-02 1.46537870e-01 1.93780586e-01 -5.54737709e-02 -3.38792384e-01 1.02026217e-01 5.77766240e-01 2.27117315e-01 -1.89086303e-01 -1.51112765e-01 1.17816299e-01 -1.96420625e-01 -1.02845550e-01 5.96089251e-02 1.33751094e-01 3.24813813e-01 -1.80581678e-02 1.17653146e-01 -3.63814354e-01 -2.64530748e-01 1.36487529e-01 3.16172302e-01 -3.43817174e-01 2.72346646e-01 2.59231836e-01 1.06045687e+00 1.69405922e-01 4.38571535e-02 1.41846403e-01 -3.02344799e-01 -5.33727109e-02 -2.40249112e-01 -1.63375348e-01 -7.95644298e-02 -9.35970619e-02 1.00851292e-02 -2.66898662e-01 1.19684219e-01 1.01425305e-01 -3.76676381e-01 -2.92295843e-01 -7.60730326e-01 -2.64807880e-01 2.80590832e-01 2.14744940e-01 -1.47588953e-01 8.33133981e-02 4.06551100e-02 1.99956089e-01 -8.66009519e-02 2.08255619e-01 2.77327597e-02 1.36078551e-01 1.36997208e-01 -1.78732067e-01 -5.84980845e-01 9.42066535e-02 -2.12771475e-01 2.88028181e-01 2.72470396e-02 -4.00001496e-01 2.00689107e-01 -1.00617521e-01 -3.18517238e-01 1.16535038e-01 5.38213365e-02 4.98303503e-01 3.31507027e-01 -1.64402455e-01 9.04114097e-02 -1.75702795e-01 9.13353711e-02 3.34083773e-02 1.06071783e-02 -8.67155381e-03 5.86458519e-02 -3.91182005e-01 3.86894345e-02 1.63018405e-01 3.04254204e-01 -2.47342378e-01 2.90197730e-01 -4.02595699e-02 -1.89981833e-01 -2.97041029e-01 2.04639360e-01 -2.16070432e-02 -1.09714329e-01 -6.46538585e-02 2.19206244e-01 -1.53345525e-01 1.28380060e-01 4.52452362e-01 2.52324883e-02 1.04311362e-01 3.59471202e-01 -5.04169464e-02 -3.76617819e-01 -4.91788685e-01 3.67795527e-01 1.93103254e-01 -2.82839805e-01 3.85373719e-02 -3.55274111e-01 -3.77703756e-01 -1.51315287e-01 6.07459188e-01 4.48005386e-02 -4.13718402e-01 -4.15116310e-01 -1.29047796e-01 1.40578881e-01 -8.28409195e-02 -4.22004126e-02 1.91988245e-01 2.62889445e-01 3.12955886e-01 3.80438417e-02 2.01571971e-01 -4.14828300e-01 2.07838833e-01 -2.11840615e-01 -7.17581110e-03 2.66987532e-01 -4.01743650e-01 3.63013558e-02 -4.92162347e-01 1.79742962e-01 2.10161194e-01 -7.38901496e-02 -3.26230198e-01 -2.11750180e-01 1.30210280e-01 -5.27222045e-02 -1.71157673e-01 -3.01751345e-01 1.94634259e-01 2.62409508e-01 1.47924632e-01 -3.25569324e-02 3.70956473e-02 2.87242800e-01 2.74568617e-01 1.33905709e-01 3.00176769e-01 -1.42786622e-01 -1.14047833e-01 -1.77903339e-01 4.23744231e-01 1.14339732e-01 -1.52867138e-01 -1.60686359e-01 -8.91800597e-02 1.88563600e-01 4.42592621e-01 1.10421352e-01 3.93619955e-01 1.39503494e-01 -1.13183051e-01 -2.17017457e-02 2.68965483e-01 -4.52714115e-01 2.04950243e-01 -4.60065454e-01 -3.12935472e-01 -1.95810318e-01 3.44993442e-01 1.13516532e-01 1.14909178e-02 -4.20354694e-01 -5.22838011e-02 -3.45766954e-02 1.42261729e-01 -1.78089350e-01 -5.36839545e-01 1.89280108e-01 1.76999256e-01 1.28760874e-01 -7.84786493e-02 2.17382431e-01 2.36337036e-01 -9.47763771e-03 -1.74942821e-01 2.92588528e-02 7.69772828e-02 3.25099379e-01 -2.74462327e-02 3.44104797e-01 -7.83000886e-02 3.89543831e-01 5.09149373e-01 1.63518071e-01 -7.96220154e-02 -3.13741416e-02 1.27454042e-01 1.15465214e-02 1.44637436e-01 1.19602032e-01 3.12330008e-01 -1.35191325e-02 9.98573378e-02 -2.38256663e-01 -2.04430446e-01 -7.45974258e-02 1.23136761e-02 9.96634215e-02 -2.20144749e-01 -2.02673391e-01 1.06243990e-01 7.96678960e-02 2.26580590e-01 2.05546394e-01 -2.25082383e-01 -1.22598961e-01 1.04932830e-01 3.46193433e-01 8.59174058e-02 4.50615972e-01 -2.06934720e-01 6.91430643e-02 3.30406904e-01 2.09970981e-01 -1.25304550e-01 3.09657484e-01 2.51307577e-01 -4.14569974e-02 -3.94928277e-01 1.06325924e-01 3.85206863e-02 -1.66536972e-01 -2.08231136e-01 -2.12400034e-02 1.57133430e-01 2.04084367e-01 5.99783882e-02 1.92885399e-01 -2.25005433e-01 -3.53892714e-01 3.30966979e-01 9.56508815e-02 7.98167437e-02 -2.34713793e-01 -2.16006681e-01 -1.09560683e-01 1.25131056e-01 -1.24787487e-01 -1.44870177e-01 -1.57596126e-01 -3.41969728e-03 -1.75710410e-01 1.91622198e-01 -6.28332868e-02 9.92127582e-02 -4.31297198e-02 3.38731885e-01 -1.34167373e-02 1.97315246e-01 3.84441242e-02 -2.30819643e-01 -2.54407763e-01 2.20102683e-01 5.38976938e-02 -3.37986559e-01 1.94739876e-03 3.52134883e-01 -1.11075696e-02 2.28256762e-01 -5.58633404e-03 1.14366226e-01 -1.89836919e-02 -5.65376543e-02 -1.80404142e-01 1.24016337e-01 7.03587592e-01 -4.11494821e-01 -1.81089178e-01 -3.12469333e-01 8.38391781e-02 -1.94617555e-01 2.78765351e-01 -1.21308587e-01 -2.83849776e-01 -2.97721446e-01 3.11934233e-01 4.12908256e-01 -6.47012442e-02 1.68497473e-01 -1.95703849e-01 -2.74027675e-01 3.36334296e-02 1.75967768e-01 -7.89429992e-02 6.94569349e-02 4.27064933e-02 7.18659461e-02 2.62660772e-01 5.02946973e-01 3.33160877e-01 3.49806100e-01 4.11622077e-02 1.39305159e-01 -3.10204506e-01 1.05615184e-01 -3.28614742e-01 1.45789355e-01 2.57544275e-02 3.58038366e-01 1.33044168e-01 -1.90625533e-01 -1.71149075e-01 -2.00006604e-01 2.64267474e-01 7.39456788e-02 -1.57848343e-01 1.60311848e-01 7.13906363e-02 -6.33485541e-02 -1.00175165e-01 -6.13018215e-01 -3.67431104e-01 -3.82465273e-02 -2.19506815e-01 -3.20454419e-01 2.57975445e-03 7.87760243e-02 -2.47727618e-01 -1.18382394e-01 5.52336514e-01 7.36003965e-02 6.77806605e-03 -4.29243863e-01 -1.72046751e-01]
"Professor William Woodsworth’s Collection of Curiosities" active "Item #: SCP-257 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Owing to the immobile nature of SCP-257, Site 93 has been erected outside of SCP-257. Access to the interior of SCP-257 is restricted to level two containment and recovery personnel and above. Motion-detecting video cameras have been set up throughout SCP-257's exhibits to monitor any new biological specimens that appear. All biological specimens extracted from SCP-257 are to be examined, logged, and removed from SCP-257. Biological specimens are to be placed in one of Site 93’s temporary holding pens for study and threat classification. If researchers identify specimens they deem worthy of further research, personnel are to fill out Form 257-12 and follow appropriate research protocols. Specimens are otherwise sent to Bio-Site 29 for storage and long-term care. Description: SCP-257 is an abandoned zoological garden and park located in ████████, United Kingdom. The zoo itself, described as a "Collection of Curiosities" is named for a William Woodsworth, billed as “the greatest explorer and naturalist this side of Reality 12/3.14.” According to promotional materials found within SCP-257, the zoo was founded in 1899 to “educate the gentlemen and ladies of England about Nature, and the many strange Beasts encountered by Explorers on their Travels.” No permits, building licences, or planning permissions have been found that correspond to the location or appearance of SCP-257. Several signs and notices indicate that the zoo has been temporarily closed for maintenance, but the dilapidated appearance of the park and outdated equipment suggests that the park has been abandoned for at least fifty (50) years. At irregular intervals, animals will appear within the zoo’s confines through an unknown manner. These animals appear in the various enclosures at random intervals. Simultaneously, a hand-written manual appears at the entrance of the zoo inside the ticket booth. These guides detail the proper care and feeding of each organism and sometimes reveal information about its origin and acquisition. The animals vary widely in appearance, behaviour, and classification; many do not appear to be related to any terrestrial animals. There does not appear to be any schedule as to when these animals are delivered. See Acquisition Log W-257 for a complete list of animals delivered in the past ██ years. On ██/██/████, the following typewritten note was discovered pinned to the entrance of SCP-257 along with a guide. FROM THE DESK OF PROFESSOR WILLIAM WOODSWORTH, EXPLORER AND NATURALIST To the esteemed gentlemen and zoological enthusiasts of the Special Containment Procedures Foundation: As you are no doubt aware by now, I have decided to entrust you with my zoo and my collection of rare and exotic animals while I take a leave of absence. You are straight-thinking and responsible men of science and you will no doubt be able to look after them. After my travels through [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED], I've decided to visit the thirteenth moon of Enouious as the next stop on my safari. Naturalists and learned men such as yourselves will no doubt enjoy studying some of the splendid and vital creatures that I’ve discovered here. The viewing public will appreciate the new additions to my collection- they’re like nothing I’ve ever seen! I cannot write much longer; my indigene guides and I will be up early tomorrow to check the traps. Keep up the good work! - Regards, Professor William Woodsworth « SCP-256 | SCP-257 | SCP-258 »" nan
[ 2.26050764e-01 5.52924991e-01 -2.06261739e-01 3.87032777e-02 -9.40117463e-02 -1.81477088e-02 3.18488888e-02 9.87630412e-02 2.06911862e-01 1.44471958e-01 2.04728380e-01 4.92754877e-01 -1.07244864e-01 -2.75243640e-01 1.76593170e-01 -6.38692360e-03 1.45850241e-01 7.10871369e-02 1.80991873e-01 -3.09291035e-01 -3.66495013e-01 4.95901741e-02 -2.20451131e-01 1.56651467e-01 4.45351377e-02 -1.43082932e-01 -1.46735117e-01 1.65514767e-01 -6.53293505e-02 -2.96394706e-01 -8.91913548e-02 9.16894600e-02 -5.31649776e-02 4.42961454e-01 -1.08316628e-04 -1.47191405e-01 2.86637932e-01 -1.12867542e-01 -2.18371093e-01 5.31363897e-02 -1.30821332e-01 7.05159605e-02 1.29469171e-01 -4.64795411e-01 -2.62889266e-02 -1.17155075e-01 2.75159508e-01 1.38884103e-02 -6.29859269e-02 -5.43540297e-03 2.05289513e-01 3.80538218e-02 4.75943536e-01 2.63817031e-02 3.81550401e-01 3.61005992e-01 -4.80547324e-02 -2.93497831e-01 3.65557522e-01 -2.24959537e-01 -1.07202470e-01 5.00756241e-02 -6.80397674e-02 -1.63129866e-01 4.54792827e-01 -6.36782078e-03 -2.72677630e-01 -3.67970049e-01 -2.46747389e-01 1.83934569e-01 2.19104867e-02 3.81178372e-02 8.10544100e-03 1.35028169e-01 -4.17809367e-01 -2.05965668e-01 3.22602428e-02 6.25996649e-01 -1.73259392e-01 -1.34867713e-01 5.45785241e-02 4.86011058e-01 -2.95454860e-01 3.82776171e-01 3.18808816e-02 4.82696086e-01 -8.41285884e-02 2.16476202e-01 -3.95966787e-03 -4.15268280e-02 -3.80302109e-02 -9.31173712e-02 3.07742596e-01 3.37589622e-01 1.98617473e-01 6.15385063e-02 4.87041086e-01 4.67555337e-02 2.39721671e-01 -1.27174288e-01 -4.04694825e-02 -3.50738387e-03 -6.31453916e-02 1.91822067e-01 5.16092002e-01 5.90499155e-02 6.58860579e-02 -2.34583080e-01 -5.04347729e-03 8.91331911e-01 -1.20237872e-01 1.40099376e-01 3.38386327e-01 1.32085294e-01 -7.36590400e-02 1.61749814e-02 3.59004319e-01 -3.30701470e-01 2.76347511e-02 1.89295322e-01 -3.65765356e-02 1.12439301e-02 -1.60137266e-01 1.62781686e-01 4.45940167e-01 1.94663972e-01 6.32503629e-02 -3.23005706e-01 5.77240139e-02 -5.77909425e-02 -2.85195678e-01 1.84163287e-01 -2.11082280e-01 1.34588117e-02 -2.12923080e-01 2.92509168e-01 1.12063542e-01 -2.35532150e-01 -2.71429539e-01 -9.20789465e-02 -3.74848656e-02 6.10122308e-02 4.70380485e-01 4.42492247e-01 -1.31788060e-01 6.95174858e-02 -1.76596199e-03 -1.11823611e-01 -3.77750427e-01 1.74504742e-01 6.38426095e-02 -1.55071467e-01 -4.29364026e-01 1.91352442e-01 -5.05867973e-02 3.88784744e-02 4.40385342e-01 2.95764089e-01 -4.63000387e-01 4.77623679e-02 2.15354472e-01 5.72628200e-01 1.09818190e-01 -2.07942829e-01 -1.37693718e-01 2.57329345e-01 -2.50572205e-01 -1.85652852e-01 -8.97292569e-02 -5.59276827e-02 1.41812250e-01 9.98467207e-02 -2.07404017e-01 8.64678919e-02 -1.74021915e-01 1.13948159e-01 3.87728289e-02 -2.47953966e-01 -1.42028496e-01 -2.61381213e-02 -3.14679630e-02 6.95632026e-02 -1.23631097e-02 3.74936722e-02 -2.66852319e-01 1.96156427e-02 -3.27991307e-01 5.36493734e-02 1.73849925e-01 -1.82771027e-01 -2.25218892e-01 -4.44474190e-01 4.85039741e-01 -4.43520397e-02 -1.22229764e-02 -3.13303947e-01 2.90436834e-01 7.21185207e-02 3.06095302e-01 -8.37158039e-02 -5.14898337e-02 3.26467127e-01 4.83792603e-01 5.13690472e-01 -1.51172536e-03 3.34229544e-02 -1.53824106e-01 3.53285596e-02 1.31680518e-01 4.24616486e-01 1.74841568e-01 -4.06511784e-01 -3.42301652e-02 1.11804195e-01 -2.04812884e-01 -4.64514881e-01 2.66319752e-01 -1.00328950e-02 1.20880917e-01 1.33030504e-01 -1.18043229e-01 -3.91564280e-01 -2.28604972e-01 -2.65238900e-02 -3.88255984e-01 1.41261414e-01 -1.29358485e-01 -1.55556798e-01 -1.51612908e-01 1.93458825e-01 2.33457610e-01 2.18422487e-01 1.75467685e-01 1.27139226e-01 -1.02062628e-01 2.06253659e-02 4.84920293e-03 6.09131634e-01 -2.04048529e-02 -3.52481186e-01 -6.23498065e-03 1.44093055e-02 1.73657939e-01 1.35006150e-02 -7.23056614e-01 -2.07782358e-01 3.16836804e-01 2.14422479e-01 7.50240386e-02 -1.02447353e-01 -1.66175544e-01 -2.33324006e-01 4.37352993e-02 7.46425316e-02 1.17494963e-01 2.33906642e-01 -6.16896093e-01 1.75746351e-01 -8.87157023e-02 2.05149800e-01 6.70675421e-03 3.39765735e-02 2.59008408e-01 2.29008615e-01 3.26003321e-03 -2.58996814e-01 2.47112334e-01 -1.72962621e-01 6.63951933e-02 8.14783201e-02 -5.07675149e-02 -1.67094052e-01 -1.75925091e-01 1.27495840e-01 2.47483104e-02 3.18199277e-01 -6.18456677e-02 3.06802038e-02 3.14259708e-01 2.61979967e-01 -2.91609794e-01 -2.65971392e-01 -2.21513569e-01 -8.92674103e-02 -1.06246956e-02 1.87726751e-01 1.51032940e-01 -1.07859716e-01 -3.02431472e-02 2.47705225e-02 -5.98717341e-03 -1.64100394e-01 -1.76304281e-02 9.04892981e-02 -2.58355439e-01 7.28767440e-02 5.55356406e-02 3.25294673e-01 -1.52003840e-02 -5.29727414e-02 -3.84297758e-01 -8.03217571e-03 -2.67956614e-01 8.52346718e-02 -2.83739413e-03 4.39128846e-01 2.90651083e-01 4.16362472e-02 1.54635813e-02 -5.21716595e-01 -6.95092559e-01 -4.16624472e-02 -7.74133503e-02 4.12786365e-01 4.52376872e-01 -1.27615392e-01 -3.43785644e-01 -5.39004385e-01 6.80633038e-02 -1.45876274e-01 -8.11453313e-02 -3.05689692e-01 -2.21484885e-01 -5.67203611e-02 -1.84478551e-01 -7.77736586e-03 9.93684977e-02 -6.32411838e-02 4.37632889e-01 3.94310117e-01 7.10472614e-02 1.52253747e-01 -1.39331043e-01 1.30567998e-01 -4.99382764e-02 -1.08416565e-01 -7.90409818e-02 -2.77744830e-01 1.02679305e-01 2.34082602e-02 -7.34845325e-02 -1.88192502e-02 -3.80976766e-01 -3.60107422e-02 -3.85877281e-01 -3.76831770e-01 -3.50689620e-01 -1.83103964e-01 1.53428301e-01 1.41503721e-01 1.60614520e-01 2.71425158e-01 -3.37481573e-02 -2.33735591e-01 7.59133920e-02 -3.84083241e-01 1.83159888e-01 4.54015613e-01 2.53020406e-01 -2.04107046e-01 -3.43814075e-01 6.96358234e-02 8.63902867e-02 -1.32643163e-01 1.46842107e-01 3.19807827e-01 2.36361772e-02 2.47457117e-01 2.23666474e-01 -9.08992589e-02 6.90010712e-02 2.50352658e-02 -3.41692418e-01 2.03252450e-01 -2.63800453e-02 -2.47637555e-01 9.38668847e-02 -6.03754260e-02 -4.81134087e-01 -1.01499297e-01 -2.29016110e-01 1.11216092e+00 4.82852250e-01 -9.34464484e-02 -3.08428735e-01 1.76407501e-01 -3.42164665e-01 -7.30060861e-02 3.84396255e-01 -5.61342947e-02 9.57137272e-02 -3.76010686e-01 2.46111870e-01 -2.60369033e-01 -5.95321693e-02 -1.26462400e-01 -1.62248492e-01 -1.74555287e-01 -2.16088280e-01 1.21497609e-01 -2.47383729e-01 2.71779150e-01 5.33695102e-01 3.10164601e-01 4.68096435e-01 1.08264901e-01 2.19187185e-01 -1.61496863e-01 -1.23527057e-01 -4.36018974e-01 7.47191757e-02 -4.34903381e-03 -2.41467625e-01 -3.83769535e-02 2.95858681e-01 9.47706252e-02 -8.92999396e-02 1.63820907e-01 -1.24731533e-01 -5.01959860e-01 -1.67665392e-01 -3.90641466e-02 3.05677623e-01 2.52698772e-02 -2.41639782e-02 5.76510578e-02 1.16821632e-01 2.78547227e-01 1.06640548e-01 -1.54695641e-02 5.45343682e-02 2.90541887e-01 -1.44572869e-01 1.86727971e-01 8.29890743e-02 -2.54035071e-02 1.04069203e-01 1.94883659e-01 -1.01194791e-01 3.85095067e-02 5.37863560e-02 2.34498724e-01 4.41755384e-01 1.39220446e-01 -7.01771379e-02 4.24824469e-03 1.95249990e-01 -2.07816780e-01 6.49506152e-02 1.56083331e-01 -2.03910351e-01 4.52135690e-02 2.35024288e-01 6.15116656e-01 -8.21006391e-03 -1.69709355e-01 -3.37835699e-01 3.45674306e-01 -2.88283825e-01 2.29741290e-01 5.95747828e-01 9.45179224e-01 3.02769542e-02 2.71893322e-01 2.28443742e-01 -2.88913816e-01 5.76678395e-01 -2.47133240e-01 -8.51329882e-03 -2.79955775e-01 8.71442556e-02 -6.41919449e-02 7.78117822e-03 1.84339061e-01 3.92625928e-01 -5.62246323e-01 4.18186247e-01 -3.31161499e-01 -6.89795837e-02 -1.66956037e-02 9.74480882e-02 2.80047596e-01 -1.02487892e-01 -9.03687403e-02 2.12639987e-01 8.29288810e-02 3.64461094e-01 -9.70583931e-02 -3.33130248e-02 4.53718975e-02 -2.06846446e-01 -2.46489853e-01 -3.71196829e-02 -1.34953558e-01 1.70683771e-01 1.16000779e-01 9.22362879e-02 -1.05413340e-01 2.23073184e-01 -3.33288610e-01 1.32029280e-01 4.41383198e-02 1.33726433e-01 5.45047581e-01 -1.97790578e-01 9.74709839e-02 1.32698879e-01 2.87216622e-03 -1.33972950e-02 3.12198475e-02 3.15642655e-01 -4.54462856e-01 2.22892433e-01 -2.79862821e-01 2.70269632e-01 5.55678904e-01 -3.66553873e-01 -9.72949564e-02 2.70957232e-01 -2.02859178e-01 -1.58060238e-01 9.84266922e-02 -2.74288189e-02 2.63361782e-02 -2.67290883e-02 1.08180419e-02 -2.11666465e-01 -2.67583765e-02 -4.21570661e-03 -4.98355413e-03 -7.25162551e-02 1.49412885e-01 3.74157697e-01 -6.52778521e-02 -3.24701697e-01 -2.34371081e-01 -9.80584770e-02 -6.46324337e-01 3.70755404e-01 2.65872866e-01 1.49437105e-02 -4.74791676e-02 7.27645218e-01 -4.31882702e-02 -1.25544429e-01 -2.64765650e-01 -1.48485154e-01 3.93598050e-01 2.38403529e-02 -4.93690632e-02 4.90603358e-01 6.90418482e-03 9.64131951e-03 1.19182244e-01 -1.71688676e-01 -3.44503701e-01 2.01521605e-01 -5.77533424e-01 1.81630291e-02 2.84704447e-01 1.14049308e-01 -3.17387879e-01 4.53822352e-02 1.03494927e-01 -1.11685075e-01 1.64700300e-01 -2.96276927e-01 -1.45629749e-01 8.52138698e-02 7.53685161e-02 -1.40851304e-01 1.27589464e-01 -4.59429473e-02 1.21306583e-01 1.52779847e-01 -1.49501851e-02 2.56821245e-01 2.12228298e-01 3.92337382e-01 -9.79840308e-02 -8.03855360e-02 -1.31781116e-01 3.12130123e-01 1.71543974e-02 1.70756921e-01 -9.21156928e-02 -2.07202017e-01 -4.07552754e-04 -4.90029603e-02 8.17343518e-02 1.83447510e-01 -1.70842707e-01 2.53932059e-01 -1.23109691e-01 1.75448179e-01 -1.66208059e-01 4.28488404e-01 -2.36564726e-01 4.86755222e-02 -3.65671694e-01 -1.07169725e-01 5.78367822e-02 2.40222022e-01 -1.80543825e-01 -1.12238556e-01 -3.48992050e-01 1.47581846e-01 7.33309761e-02 1.04607962e-01 8.46770033e-02 -1.27236798e-01 -4.51562479e-02 2.64201432e-01 -9.38579887e-02 6.79768324e-01 2.88486898e-01 3.14351469e-01 -1.21584453e-01 -7.07721710e-02 -8.60345438e-02 -1.70280248e-01 2.21363351e-01 4.04407233e-02 4.39307541e-01 1.14067338e-01 2.75467217e-01 1.05115898e-01 9.39255860e-03 1.67899713e-01 -1.08308531e-02 1.48541667e-02 2.35225767e-01 2.46052220e-01 4.01756428e-02 2.09576458e-01 6.11932948e-04 -8.35575759e-02 -1.58857197e-01 3.07072878e-01 4.71368693e-02 5.10041341e-02 4.07341778e-01 -8.40863734e-02 2.71030050e-02 3.28100822e-03 -1.00292094e-01 -1.54226527e-01 -4.07913774e-01 -2.42778823e-01 1.69980228e-01 -2.32683852e-01 1.57663584e-01 1.62655696e-01 3.21248978e-01 -1.04065359e-01 7.40138069e-02 1.98506802e-01 -2.37532064e-01 3.08411215e-02 4.42857534e-01 3.19665112e-02 -1.71085186e-02 -2.09943280e-01 2.64506787e-02 -2.82445192e-01 -6.95937499e-02 6.15252331e-02 -1.60864517e-01 -5.83061539e-02 -1.26095042e-01 2.15138882e-01 1.25978827e-01 -1.58378780e-01 -3.81120682e-01 -9.60870832e-02 2.68491358e-01 -2.51519084e-02 -2.24529415e-01 -2.78567448e-02 1.28282622e-01 9.58760008e-02 2.87836790e-01 -1.67227283e-01 -2.45529205e-01 -1.06482744e-01 1.32187670e-02 1.94621548e-01 -7.77385756e-02 8.72826278e-02 -2.85442114e-01 3.07801545e-01 3.10157776e-01 7.01972693e-02 -1.77585155e-01 -7.02208281e-01 -2.56742209e-01 -1.72279850e-01 -1.33764416e-01 -5.67599952e-01 -2.63833068e-02 1.65021643e-01 -2.52484679e-01 -1.38367683e-01 -1.95401236e-01 -2.28450403e-01 -5.05722940e-01 9.33806822e-02 -2.78519660e-01 6.09750301e-02 -1.38438776e-01 1.73673496e-01 -1.12465806e-01 -5.82075901e-02 4.58356887e-02 -7.05030188e-02 3.09270769e-02 -1.88196599e-01 -1.53559208e-01 -2.22719893e-01 5.54817498e-01 1.41239256e-01 -1.56677648e-01 -4.55644764e-02 -1.61832068e-02 -3.36671233e-01 -1.66754067e-01 -1.15812235e-01 1.22253254e-01 2.50387967e-01 4.21893448e-02 2.06419408e-01 2.62247343e-02 7.23764777e-01 1.22100875e-01 2.17297241e-01 3.11066657e-01 1.66064620e-01 -2.70866424e-01 1.65903389e-01 -7.49064833e-02 1.27082929e-01 3.46848696e-01 1.64777681e-01 5.19788750e-02 -8.03511292e-02 -1.24429047e-01 -3.91189575e-01 4.62030381e-01 -2.66251236e-01 -3.92815381e-01 -3.05564910e-01 -2.61613429e-01 5.27791083e-02 -1.29795462e-01 -4.07457680e-01 -2.07861707e-01 2.37451717e-01 2.97247589e-01 -2.41933927e-01 -2.55958378e-01 -5.95433176e-01 -4.67456043e-01 -1.13175377e-01 1.13026127e-02 -6.92631677e-02 1.11619256e-01 -5.60817756e-02 -2.33040079e-01]
"Weeping Frog" active "Item #: SCP-258 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-258 is to be kept in a standard storage vault with a keycard lock to be accessed only on approval from the supervisor of Site 15. SCP-258 is to be stored in a 2m x 2m basin, which is to be emptied twice a week by approved D-class personnel. All personnel interacting with SCP-258 are to be rotated no less than twice a month. While using SCP-258 is not directly harmful in any way, all who have utilized it have expressed a desire to do so again, ranging from the wistful to the vehement. All personnel interacting with SCP-258 are to be screened for underlying mental instability. After Incident 258-1, cleaning personnel are to be issued light hazmat suits while interacting with SCP-258. Description: SCP-258 was recovered from ██████████, Maine after parents of local schoolchildren reported that stories of a 'sad bouncy frog' their children had been spreading were true. Agent F███ confirmed the nature of the object and Foundation personnel replaced it with a replica without incident. SCP-258 appears to be a simple bouncing playground rider, seemingly designed to fit children of elementary school age and shaped like a stylized green frog with rotating handles on either side of its head. SCP-258 has milky-white eyes with what appear to be streams of white paint running down its face, as though it were weeping. Numerous attempts have been made to remove this substance from SCP-258; the green paint comes off with normal paint removal techniques, but the white substance, hereafter designated SCP-258-1, cannot; it only fades with time, observed to depend on various factors including length of time utilized and the extent of the emotional burden 'relieved'. SCP-258 constantly appears to 'weep' streams of SCP-258-1, at a constant rate of approximately 0.12 liters per hour. When a subject sits on SCP-258, grasps its handles, and begins rocking back and forth, they report that a feeling of peace and contentment washes over them; the 'eyes' of the object then begin leaking SCP-258-1 at an accelerated rate, relative to the effect it has on its user's state of mind. Though this substance cannot be removed from SCP-258 once the seat is vacated, it remains in liquid form during use, and will drip from the object onto the ground. Testing of this material afterward has determined it to be a mixture of plain white paint, human tears, and skin secretions of the American bullfrog. How SCP-258 generates SCP-258-1 is unknown. The direct effect of SCP-258 only lasts for as long as the subject remains seated, though several subjects suffering symptoms of chronic depression have reported a lasting positive effect, resulting from some 'insight' they gained while riding SCP-258. Repeated use of SCP-258 by a subject has shown to be mildly addictive, and Agent W████████ had to be restrained and struck before regaining self-control. The results of allowing mentally unstable subjects access to SCP-258 is unknown, pending further testing, though it is likely that any subject suffering from severe depressive symptoms would cause SCP-258 to produce uncontrollable amounts of SCP-258-1. Addendum 258-1: After D-3354 committed suicide following repeated skin contact with SCP-258-1, the direct effects of contact with the substance were reexamined. Continuous skin contact with the fluid appears to transfer some of the emotions suppressed during use of the SCP, and the prior user was reevaluated, revealing she was recovering from [DATA EXPUNGED]. « SCP-257 | SCP-258 | SCP-259 »" nan
[ 5.77292703e-02 -2.48718008e-01 -1.99910268e-01 6.37960434e-02 1.16973184e-01 -4.42165703e-01 1.89972907e-01 1.15920618e-01 5.83428517e-02 9.16452482e-02 7.76162446e-02 1.05053425e-01 -2.36926019e-01 -2.86371855e-04 3.85694087e-01 -3.77270252e-01 7.36868382e-02 1.50096014e-01 7.68561289e-02 -8.79518911e-02 1.04491696e-01 -4.63037603e-02 -7.77160898e-02 3.67143780e-01 -8.58698636e-02 -2.11181045e-01 1.97140291e-01 1.08372666e-01 1.26023188e-01 -3.09822828e-01 2.55495995e-01 1.80505484e-01 -8.98274183e-02 3.13388675e-01 -1.10853252e-04 -2.83765048e-01 2.23702207e-01 7.27494508e-02 -1.44856676e-01 -9.93748531e-02 -3.80714208e-01 -2.32398242e-01 -4.12609577e-02 -1.81047365e-01 2.75311857e-01 2.28120297e-01 2.00972259e-01 -3.74308378e-02 5.70282936e-01 1.42541766e-01 1.83457553e-01 5.13460994e-01 9.12850723e-03 3.67988646e-01 5.63923061e-01 7.06487745e-02 -1.95763946e-01 2.65046626e-01 6.36120856e-01 -8.11996236e-02 -4.01228100e-01 1.25456462e-02 -1.90670803e-01 -1.80349454e-01 6.53659776e-02 -3.46133739e-01 6.08234584e-01 -2.78518587e-01 2.46474713e-01 3.02144080e-01 2.34130323e-02 1.14393502e-01 1.70680448e-01 1.76154617e-02 -6.47070706e-02 -1.58019677e-01 5.36926873e-02 4.02197212e-01 -1.04960382e-01 -1.97539702e-01 -3.00822109e-01 1.27149418e-01 -4.78721261e-01 1.96623474e-01 -7.97217190e-02 -4.16698121e-02 -7.68436044e-02 -5.54042086e-02 2.47517079e-01 -7.64496550e-02 -1.06905468e-01 1.64052993e-01 1.94729865e-01 1.74082845e-01 4.35190126e-02 4.39798236e-02 -9.24867764e-02 4.16041791e-01 -3.14896442e-02 3.61362159e-01 1.15684628e-01 2.38834485e-01 2.50373304e-01 1.51808441e-01 1.58922940e-01 6.94339722e-02 -2.73801893e-01 -3.23918834e-02 -4.12007533e-02 4.07142937e-01 -2.66059458e-01 2.29623586e-01 3.88551056e-02 4.34792340e-02 -4.60270531e-02 -3.21714222e-01 1.74368307e-01 -2.98533589e-02 -3.84747237e-01 4.31899875e-01 -4.27215964e-01 1.78867415e-01 7.85776824e-02 2.42048278e-01 2.91683197e-01 3.19153756e-01 2.29340866e-01 -2.11006388e-01 -1.83564603e-01 -1.75539896e-01 -1.51566103e-01 1.53357685e-01 -4.67283487e-01 7.88736194e-02 -1.36124969e-01 5.88912904e-01 1.27079964e-01 8.98823887e-02 4.53626625e-02 -1.27040222e-01 1.09282658e-01 -1.72460645e-01 2.39344284e-01 3.36118728e-01 -4.68077928e-01 -1.69445053e-01 -6.18586205e-02 -5.93633592e-01 7.42352158e-02 -1.20422505e-01 1.26456484e-01 -3.25075090e-01 -5.89877963e-01 1.99808314e-01 -3.11345100e-01 7.10402429e-02 1.92426667e-01 1.93132356e-01 -1.09138936e-02 -7.74755180e-02 4.20282423e-01 -1.46623123e-02 -3.32376570e-01 -1.02476276e-01 -8.93332288e-02 3.22372049e-01 1.88936576e-01 -3.69075507e-01 1.66977167e-01 1.36420012e-01 2.22543448e-01 -2.01979205e-01 -1.64718404e-01 1.13176227e-01 -1.15365565e-01 1.40016079e-01 -2.64868766e-01 -2.11650670e-01 -3.39330226e-01 -5.96914478e-02 -2.42925748e-01 3.77664804e-01 1.21769108e-01 -7.84206241e-02 -9.46538895e-02 -1.40031055e-01 -3.07483196e-01 3.97220731e-01 6.72527850e-02 -1.26144409e-01 -3.39686990e-01 -2.77597398e-01 -3.48184966e-02 1.17397457e-01 2.34949380e-01 -1.17187306e-01 1.74055681e-01 6.19785070e-01 2.44587660e-01 8.30127597e-02 4.73097675e-02 4.79526520e-02 4.67265964e-01 3.09768826e-01 -3.81517172e-01 -2.10184991e-01 1.62576940e-02 -3.49812955e-02 -1.12831295e-01 -9.79043767e-02 -2.67561395e-02 -2.57819146e-01 -5.09861529e-01 4.09711376e-02 6.81249201e-02 -2.17730254e-01 2.43776545e-01 1.85152501e-01 5.46490178e-02 2.35784158e-01 -5.49998097e-02 2.40487307e-01 1.18670324e-02 -7.39694983e-02 -3.02717716e-01 1.07657917e-01 -1.08963907e-01 -2.33471408e-01 -2.43925840e-01 2.07116887e-01 1.44807205e-01 7.79907852e-02 -2.97986548e-02 4.24455464e-01 -2.79943854e-01 2.63938576e-01 -2.73867399e-01 4.17193294e-01 7.66717941e-02 -3.14369574e-02 -1.47199538e-02 -4.39241044e-02 9.04356092e-02 2.95751616e-02 7.94696808e-02 1.30193189e-01 -4.19357926e-01 2.82950029e-02 3.21997315e-01 -8.72771535e-03 -3.60048950e-01 -2.91203052e-01 -3.59548420e-01 1.35374412e-01 2.93209970e-01 -4.63759959e-01 5.82945168e-01 8.42813551e-02 -1.96652040e-01 -1.94465239e-02 2.98844352e-02 -1.18439488e-01 1.88511059e-01 -2.01633006e-01 1.20329596e-02 -2.03289926e-01 3.31089348e-01 5.76435447e-01 1.44082114e-01 3.22049274e-03 -1.52903631e-01 -3.00676078e-02 2.51702338e-01 7.78976595e-03 8.61788690e-02 7.19053522e-02 1.34190977e-01 1.58591360e-01 4.00799513e-01 9.97753292e-02 -4.48035002e-01 -2.03804761e-01 -1.90319225e-01 -2.61798292e-01 -3.63328978e-02 2.61042207e-01 5.68029098e-02 -1.13674589e-01 -2.08345085e-01 2.47731164e-01 -2.25422513e-02 -2.25686375e-02 6.64654672e-02 2.34098986e-01 -7.32852370e-02 8.15824866e-02 -3.88997853e-01 4.73512292e-01 -1.77387491e-01 5.01844883e-02 -4.98330355e-01 3.03940713e-01 -1.40515447e-01 9.19141248e-02 -2.95961291e-01 1.17283314e-01 3.73431385e-01 -6.56594262e-02 1.14194043e-01 2.27164000e-01 -5.27250588e-01 1.56889945e-01 2.97174364e-01 -1.66051790e-01 1.19019106e-01 9.84920934e-02 -5.71404696e-01 -4.41894412e-01 2.17002675e-01 -5.43966353e-01 -5.76686300e-02 -1.96565371e-02 5.71718160e-03 1.86757788e-01 -1.17154159e-01 2.17166290e-01 -2.03598127e-01 -2.07617119e-01 1.64732754e-01 -2.73836792e-01 -4.67303693e-02 4.07786608e-01 1.19693249e-01 3.41941506e-01 1.74495980e-01 -3.18239145e-02 -2.95083553e-01 -2.86487281e-01 -2.40722913e-02 -8.29235762e-02 -1.58208504e-01 -2.93115526e-01 -3.21311384e-01 1.93355143e-01 -6.79285303e-02 -5.88083267e-01 -1.52863175e-01 -3.96104306e-02 2.92661786e-01 -4.20362726e-02 -9.86232236e-02 3.07860762e-01 9.46342349e-02 -1.69254795e-01 -1.44945756e-01 -4.23383191e-02 -4.72441688e-03 1.03752583e-01 5.17354190e-01 -1.82616651e-01 -7.48439208e-02 6.56215906e-01 7.02488184e-01 -2.70157933e-01 4.67770062e-02 -4.28155437e-02 3.29011604e-02 4.06335741e-02 2.84483373e-01 -1.12199932e-01 8.56989920e-02 -1.67931318e-01 -4.54806119e-01 -1.34783462e-02 4.21895236e-02 -4.03536744e-02 1.01681724e-01 1.62979707e-01 -8.59960765e-02 -1.79097459e-01 -8.31568018e-02 2.72520185e-01 2.72867113e-01 -1.36651263e-01 -3.41104537e-01 2.70547301e-01 -1.83286443e-01 9.97354556e-03 1.41613861e-03 5.14717288e-02 2.38042027e-01 4.88554835e-02 1.12328984e-01 -3.91087621e-01 2.44101390e-01 -1.22163214e-01 1.11958392e-01 -3.05947006e-01 -9.83103290e-02 1.75043434e-01 -1.39144883e-01 8.37535933e-02 8.65590274e-02 4.05402809e-01 3.58930826e-01 -1.19104043e-01 -2.53286988e-01 -1.09211989e-01 -2.52823085e-01 3.14558819e-02 4.16971534e-01 -4.12515551e-01 -3.02313238e-01 1.66217815e-02 3.79792362e-01 -3.03702392e-02 3.60782631e-02 2.32540265e-01 -3.10204297e-01 -4.12657231e-01 1.16959391e-02 2.45497867e-01 2.27507919e-01 4.38766964e-02 -4.48406534e-03 1.45066738e-01 6.40970767e-02 3.05454135e-01 2.22711340e-01 -5.51225012e-03 -1.90778390e-01 7.95790106e-02 -3.97078633e-01 3.31956774e-01 -1.58133563e-02 -8.39869902e-02 1.24354318e-01 2.05682199e-02 -1.85337305e-01 -3.82607281e-02 2.28446290e-01 8.36474523e-02 6.30888104e-01 1.47993583e-02 -2.01138571e-01 2.88382858e-01 1.46772182e-02 1.49045442e-03 7.81538934e-02 1.94092289e-01 -4.94237058e-03 4.15418059e-01 -1.01088166e-01 3.10234815e-01 3.01896576e-02 -3.34578902e-01 -5.07735014e-01 3.10001850e-01 -2.35666364e-01 5.31289041e-01 1.84397437e-02 1.11882508e+00 -1.35346577e-01 -1.16822682e-01 3.08543503e-01 -6.32711649e-02 -1.17572933e-01 -2.50166267e-01 -7.02182725e-02 -1.43186301e-01 1.78234398e-01 1.15490526e-01 -1.14840232e-01 1.68707520e-01 2.24453643e-01 -2.71447808e-01 -1.35051891e-01 -2.44170472e-01 1.07794501e-01 -1.77741479e-02 2.12269336e-01 2.77100623e-01 1.06394939e-01 -1.98735192e-01 1.98066995e-01 -2.55883992e-01 3.25035661e-01 -1.03663713e-01 1.04404462e-03 2.02662006e-01 2.77956575e-02 -5.32623231e-02 -2.81363316e-02 -1.19708396e-01 2.72785217e-01 -8.08391571e-02 -3.29714388e-01 -1.42409831e-01 2.77433902e-01 -5.27185261e-01 -1.66203111e-01 9.23395678e-02 4.20659631e-01 3.12341511e-01 -4.58624661e-02 1.52043849e-01 -4.75930274e-02 1.70232445e-01 2.36815121e-02 5.59897609e-02 3.78950953e-01 4.16925512e-02 -4.30713743e-02 9.96687412e-02 1.86078072e-01 4.74384904e-01 -2.69403458e-01 1.58271834e-01 -5.53705283e-02 -8.35682899e-02 -4.88332286e-02 1.31825715e-01 -2.94619828e-01 2.03421507e-02 -3.66980910e-01 2.99793899e-01 -8.93007368e-02 -5.07652713e-03 1.44058377e-01 -4.66847606e-02 -1.65755838e-01 1.08226180e-01 -6.95335567e-02 2.94336379e-02 -2.38722891e-01 1.94750562e-01 -3.53378236e-01 -7.15152204e-01 3.53052288e-01 -5.79614043e-02 -3.30330044e-01 -2.05036178e-01 1.27939135e-01 -1.29535526e-01 -2.17393145e-01 6.00002632e-02 -1.89107612e-01 -1.64238125e-01 1.59915060e-01 3.97047162e-01 2.35424772e-01 -2.97836244e-01 -5.63268773e-02 -2.03177020e-01 2.02461049e-01 -3.37245435e-01 9.14549008e-02 -3.45834434e-01 2.16894411e-02 -2.35669822e-01 -2.48417914e-01 -2.21039414e-01 -1.02571614e-01 8.61336440e-02 1.57076195e-01 -2.64123321e-01 -1.89283386e-01 -4.15142119e-01 1.24522813e-01 4.03039306e-02 -6.40541594e-03 3.74713354e-02 2.25196704e-01 3.49854112e-01 3.71527411e-02 1.31604761e-01 2.78833032e-01 1.72517732e-01 1.29047707e-01 -2.88721889e-01 4.64485049e-01 2.07406078e-02 -1.79024115e-01 -2.80067716e-02 6.44676626e-01 2.04952046e-01 1.93144903e-02 1.22838780e-01 -1.36749685e-01 2.36964852e-01 -5.00998795e-02 3.38291705e-01 6.10664003e-02 6.76738769e-02 -1.28369525e-01 -3.71954471e-01 -2.55929917e-01 -8.75004008e-02 4.42313366e-02 -5.93708813e-01 -4.35130298e-02 -3.28902870e-01 2.93556839e-01 -7.06063733e-02 2.58593559e-01 -3.07666540e-01 -8.60702619e-02 -1.38150498e-01 2.41683677e-01 1.82916373e-01 -3.89879942e-01 3.38807479e-02 1.90799847e-01 1.72617093e-01 1.56946838e-01 2.85955638e-01 -2.08965585e-01 -1.47869110e-01 -2.39127636e-01 2.81198770e-01 1.74455136e-01 1.47280380e-01 4.82507832e-02 4.78546098e-02 -6.21715337e-02 4.57763493e-01 5.94802916e-01 9.08956304e-02 3.86615366e-01 -1.20150350e-01 3.84517819e-01 -1.40146926e-01 2.93249249e-01 1.31912930e-02 -2.99109042e-01 -1.00647308e-01 -1.55078024e-01 -1.47578523e-01 -1.94595948e-01 1.41213134e-01 -3.29067037e-02 4.24618006e-01 -3.15106511e-02 -4.05525804e-01 9.33288857e-02 1.19989499e-01 -1.90165386e-01 2.72321135e-01 1.75821297e-02 2.09805831e-01 -2.03951016e-01 -1.91964358e-01 1.71592176e-01 4.72793669e-01 -1.27854988e-01 1.41195640e-01 2.19107509e-01 -1.34898081e-01 5.04170246e-02 2.24812284e-01 1.92232341e-01 2.15140358e-01 -1.56580105e-01 1.47822350e-01 -3.53261530e-01 -1.01656094e-01 -1.80661216e-01 3.11955422e-01 2.72031844e-01 -1.31927326e-01 -1.51966631e-01 8.85811374e-02 -2.59944648e-01 -1.81603506e-01 1.93297505e-01 4.84914541e-01 -3.95766854e-01 2.89307069e-02 -3.26130033e-01 -1.40724489e-02 -1.21721581e-01 -1.65872797e-01 -5.29777482e-02 6.26025349e-02 -6.12090454e-02 9.96862128e-02 2.73509294e-01 -8.47806409e-02 6.06683902e-02 -1.31088987e-01 1.89533368e-01 -4.23145816e-02 1.12129033e-01 6.07569888e-03 -4.07116413e-01 -2.90341467e-01 1.24348983e-01 -8.19170102e-02 -6.02499664e-01 -4.09673601e-02 2.84237981e-01 -3.42649579e-01 3.48529398e-01 -1.46417752e-01 1.91179495e-02 1.27313644e-01 4.28511947e-02 -1.67832658e-01 3.37807208e-01 -1.38213765e-02 1.77279621e-01 1.29186315e-04 -1.90417483e-01 2.19898690e-02 -1.36917472e-01 7.62102529e-02 -8.60002041e-02 -3.33404899e-01 2.28013713e-02 1.97563022e-01 5.13420224e-01 1.53220400e-01 -5.11684306e-02 -5.82288057e-02 -2.97838122e-01 -1.31545305e-01 -8.48195106e-02 -2.64079124e-03 9.82113183e-02 9.60326288e-03 3.57159197e-01 3.03561360e-01 3.48851979e-01 1.16082527e-01 4.02103782e-01 2.91218549e-01 1.17299696e-02 -1.78614840e-01 -2.23066732e-01 -1.70259345e-02 3.71329904e-01 -2.67700493e-01 6.24962389e-01 -1.88787118e-01 2.80484930e-02 -1.42502531e-01 -2.82367945e-01 6.81852102e-01 -7.92700410e-01 -2.99838781e-01 -5.40496819e-02 3.27739686e-01 1.29418366e-03 -1.54820725e-01 -5.10462940e-01 -9.72089097e-02 -7.18968138e-02 9.91717633e-03 -3.21073383e-01 1.18925311e-01 -4.36729193e-01 -8.61992836e-02 9.42084417e-02 5.33573866e-01 -2.08622799e-03 4.86043990e-02 1.76505044e-01 -1.53115079e-01]
"The Weisenglass Spiral" active "Item #: SCP-259 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: A single copy of a computer program capable of producing SCP-259 is to be kept on compact disc in the High Security Containment Vault at Site-25. As discs containing SCP-259 are typically destroyed during experimentation, additional copies may be made for approved experiments. Mobile Task Force Gamma-10 remains on standby to collect and neutralize any copies of SCP-259 found outside the Foundation. Unauthorized media containing SCP-259 or the means to produce it are to be destroyed immediately. Description: SCP-259 is a fractal image known as "The Weisenglass Spiral". A completed rendering of SCP-259 acts as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, opening a portal to an unknown location. The locations accessed appear to vary depending on the size and orientation of the rendered image, and have included: Foundation mathematicians are working on determining why this specific fractal has anomalous properties, and whether other similarly anomalous images exist. By O5 order, any image rendering related to SCP-259 experimentation must take place at least ████ m from inhabited areas. After Incident K-259-1, 41 copies of a CD capable of generating SCP-259 were confiscated from ██████.com, and a public warning issued that the CD, labeled “100 Fun Fractals You Can Print,” contains a malicious virus that will destroy the user’s computer. ██████.com claimed to have obtained the disks from a reseller's bankruptcy sale, and the Foundation was unable to trace the original producer. Whether SCP-259 was released accidentally, or distributed with knowledge of its anomalous properties, is under investigation. Incident K-259-2 makes it clear that SCP-259 is being used with malicious intent. The Foundation is working with global anti-terrorism forces to retrieve SCP-259 from the organization responsible for this incident. Addendum: Incident K-259-1 – A residence hall at ███████ University was destroyed by explosion/fire on █/█/20██. Authorities were mystified that conditions at the center of the incident resembled the detonation of a small fusion-based device. Graduate student █████ ███████ was completely vaporized, as were ██ others, including several who left shadows imprinted on the nearest standing walls. Questioning of survivors indicated that ███████ had gone to his room with a CD he had recently ordered from ██████.com “to play with some fractals”, leading to the eventual discovery of a program capable of rendering SCP-259 for sale on the site. Incident K-259-2 – █/██/201█: Image of SCP-259, approximately 10 m x 10 m in size, appears on Diamond Vision screen during soccer game at ███████ Stadium, outside ██████████, ███████. Approximately 60,000 people in attendance. Survivors report a large circular anomaly appeared in front of the image, and venomous cockroaches "poured out" from it, attacking anyone they could reach. Approximately █████ casualties. Considered a self-containing incident as the insects are unable to survive for more than two hours in Earth's atmosphere. The cockroaches average 2 kg in weight, and correspond to no known terrestrial species; several live specimens were collected by Foundation MTFs and classified as SCP-████. They are currently held at Site-██ in a 35% oxygen environment. The ███████ ████ organization later claimed responsibility for the image. Mass application of amnestics necessary to partially suppress public knowledge of this event. Experiment X-259-1 — A battery-powered computer was set up in an uninhabited area of the ██████ Desert to render an image of the Weisenglass Spiral, with remote cameras and sensors set up to monitor the results. Foundation personnel observed at a safe distance. Upon completion of the image, a circular area appeared in front of the computer, approximately 1 m in diameter, emitting a blinding white light followed by a ball of superheated plasma. The plasma dissipated after expanding to an area of ███ cubic meters. Given the interference provided by the building in Incident K-259-1, this is consistent with the damage observed. Dr. ███████ considers it interesting that SCP-259 took effect without direct human observation. Experiment X-259-2 — Experiment X-259-1 re-created, except the size of the rendered fractal was doubled. Upon completion of image, a black portal approximately 3 m in diameter appeared, and all matter within ███ m was pulled into it. This is consistent with an otherwise unexplained incident in ███████, ████, where an apartment building was described by observers as imploding and disappearing, leaving a ███ m deep hole. Experiment X-259-3 – Generation of an inverted version of SCP-259. [DATA EXPUNGED] and area quarantined pending containment of multiple examples of SCP-███. « SCP-258 | SCP-259 | SCP-260 »" nan
[-1.01176031e-01 1.44816548e-01 -1.42098367e-01 2.11824045e-01 -3.14703375e-01 -1.83748826e-01 1.71672285e-01 5.35369851e-02 8.56692865e-02 2.64732778e-01 1.82331540e-02 -6.44137785e-02 -1.52357861e-01 5.73376179e-01 1.74234241e-01 1.29940696e-02 1.28055111e-01 1.31822884e-01 6.49951026e-02 -1.43750653e-01 -5.33434093e-01 1.66004434e-01 -2.84101218e-01 2.73079097e-01 -1.38322070e-01 -2.02137247e-01 -6.57229051e-02 9.14928243e-02 -5.92773519e-02 -2.12945968e-01 3.24948221e-01 2.70363450e-01 5.68506569e-02 2.83130318e-01 -1.10410932e-04 -2.13400438e-01 2.34384432e-01 2.75386721e-02 -3.66387755e-01 2.83552110e-01 -3.37401718e-01 6.33208081e-02 -2.94669598e-01 -3.39432687e-01 2.31133640e-01 3.08992118e-01 6.81768432e-02 1.20534822e-01 1.10538915e-01 7.42507279e-02 1.39439330e-01 -4.83334988e-01 3.76194388e-01 -1.77696850e-02 -5.26225381e-02 1.80627689e-01 -2.19490141e-01 1.43443039e-02 -8.00215174e-03 7.18276575e-02 1.91950619e-01 1.13054708e-01 -7.13721663e-02 5.69934435e-02 4.33698148e-01 -2.84772485e-01 5.92411637e-01 -1.93088129e-01 2.14491248e-01 4.75848943e-01 -7.97486156e-02 -6.22040853e-02 3.36750984e-01 3.04589383e-02 -1.31877586e-01 4.27075028e-02 2.15592235e-01 2.67656088e-01 -2.70394504e-01 -1.09763384e-01 -1.69972345e-01 -7.37905875e-02 -4.27196085e-01 -1.01284124e-01 -3.84549856e-01 7.53454939e-02 1.27692267e-01 5.33062629e-02 1.68811262e-01 1.83075052e-02 -5.69927692e-02 -1.76844940e-01 5.29849268e-02 -3.81813608e-02 -4.79148068e-02 1.86031789e-01 7.07217529e-02 2.20437348e-01 2.71907538e-01 3.89074348e-02 -9.50172022e-02 1.44138470e-01 7.61600852e-01 1.87681630e-01 1.89517826e-01 -3.03840250e-01 1.51047185e-01 -2.04014093e-01 -2.32232153e-01 3.45195979e-01 -2.66401339e-02 2.90601909e-01 3.42032500e-02 -4.48363647e-02 -2.77737677e-01 -1.97482899e-01 1.40900239e-01 -2.50672132e-01 -1.32251754e-01 3.10146898e-01 -4.96284842e-01 2.56246980e-02 -2.20013037e-01 3.44446182e-01 4.24680084e-01 -5.18487915e-02 1.49491087e-01 -3.31723601e-01 2.15284348e-01 1.09099925e-01 -1.70953467e-01 1.13975637e-01 -3.06923211e-01 1.10264510e-01 7.30637535e-02 5.94573980e-03 -2.24190831e-01 -1.89163551e-01 1.16986066e-01 -5.00821918e-02 9.88984257e-02 -6.85093477e-02 4.62100923e-01 3.20922136e-01 -2.87466258e-01 -7.22840130e-02 -2.02529132e-01 -2.35661089e-01 -1.40581623e-01 -1.14640594e-02 2.55079985e-01 -4.18919772e-02 -1.50256932e-01 1.57378346e-01 -3.11817914e-01 1.50150195e-01 3.42706926e-02 7.13339215e-03 -4.81318653e-01 -9.30864271e-03 1.42396465e-01 4.09786887e-02 -2.89907724e-01 -1.29253358e-01 1.55134618e-01 4.89683032e-01 -3.94737840e-01 -3.21110219e-01 -7.51035986e-03 -2.26218671e-01 -7.20612258e-02 2.36597266e-02 -1.57011449e-01 1.82339221e-01 -3.70283991e-01 1.76256239e-01 -2.52770007e-01 -3.64240557e-02 -4.14708793e-01 -4.19410206e-02 -3.75962257e-01 8.87582675e-02 3.31024021e-01 -1.08726345e-01 5.01491278e-02 -5.56424521e-02 -2.19099879e-01 2.47445986e-01 2.04783916e-01 -1.14218198e-01 -3.43895882e-01 -3.34576219e-01 2.03992814e-01 2.09753022e-01 5.66114299e-02 4.08045501e-02 1.77339837e-01 1.32453158e-01 2.02687532e-01 4.93154489e-02 -1.50053829e-01 1.22223077e-02 2.35156521e-01 2.81415612e-01 -6.09463602e-02 1.11699015e-01 -7.28094056e-02 1.59996934e-02 -1.73855945e-01 1.34685367e-01 1.99391127e-01 -1.78556353e-01 -2.59994328e-01 6.21866100e-02 -1.77105635e-01 -4.14325297e-01 2.42205083e-01 3.52406800e-01 2.90448844e-01 -4.90929633e-02 -9.39286500e-02 3.47516954e-01 -2.17362285e-01 -2.26761416e-01 -2.57254183e-01 -2.10280940e-02 -3.19536269e-01 -1.39085865e-02 -1.60784632e-01 1.84081346e-01 2.43364468e-01 5.06589226e-02 2.53157288e-01 6.80542514e-02 -3.86516243e-01 -9.98923928e-02 1.18174531e-01 6.52747869e-01 -1.13422036e-01 -1.95758656e-01 2.52340967e-03 -2.11482868e-01 1.24383099e-01 6.60318211e-02 -2.51605008e-02 4.01483178e-01 1.53767020e-01 1.33515403e-01 -6.99633956e-02 6.49215057e-02 -1.18421040e-01 -4.33019727e-01 -1.82927072e-01 9.65894833e-02 5.78433909e-02 2.14584604e-01 -2.51928300e-01 7.36495527e-03 1.49711251e-01 1.35445758e-03 2.04005495e-01 -9.21691880e-02 2.52878815e-01 -2.03230083e-01 -1.38195753e-01 -8.05189610e-02 2.55184174e-01 6.72199786e-01 -1.66783631e-01 2.92364452e-02 -1.85415894e-01 4.79842983e-02 -2.27656767e-01 -1.34434432e-01 2.22248390e-01 3.17278266e-01 1.67080790e-01 2.40410179e-01 -4.33214270e-02 -9.79929604e-03 -2.78100044e-01 -2.56777555e-01 -8.40743259e-02 -2.56492704e-01 -8.35014433e-02 5.99819161e-02 1.53706864e-01 -3.23977709e-01 -1.90962180e-01 3.42770904e-01 1.99492112e-01 -9.67691168e-02 -9.61521044e-02 -9.05092880e-02 -1.17691927e-01 1.89428970e-01 1.30575597e-01 5.48171878e-01 -3.34320337e-01 1.45701140e-01 -3.52252990e-01 -5.64914057e-03 4.62124757e-02 1.68531522e-01 -1.33904114e-01 2.40096986e-01 1.47313297e-01 -1.56336248e-01 3.97856176e-01 -4.49878484e-01 -1.70779735e-01 1.84607029e-01 1.39463663e-01 -2.57364482e-01 1.22450098e-01 -4.49073091e-02 -2.22181633e-01 -4.83845055e-01 -2.76047643e-02 -6.21009767e-01 -5.50061800e-02 2.32675508e-01 -2.38552481e-01 6.86505586e-02 -1.15398832e-01 9.64401588e-02 -1.49308443e-01 -1.55391023e-01 3.90612662e-01 -3.14331539e-02 1.70005158e-01 1.59175962e-01 1.59518570e-01 3.69541556e-01 6.82471171e-02 1.42512349e-02 -2.85980880e-01 -1.45799786e-01 7.29112998e-02 5.16829193e-02 -7.17670023e-02 2.01156408e-01 -2.30837226e-01 -1.50777039e-03 2.39111349e-01 -5.61992347e-01 -1.16676256e-01 1.33042201e-01 3.53571534e-01 9.08487812e-02 -3.70360106e-01 3.93964469e-01 1.14875101e-02 -1.45502761e-01 -1.30392807e-02 -1.34505302e-01 2.45135128e-01 -1.52932793e-01 2.71861225e-01 -1.77501142e-01 5.42981744e-01 1.92137972e-01 7.42507949e-02 -1.21403605e-01 1.71052128e-01 -1.03841290e-01 3.51395071e-01 8.10484290e-02 4.01190728e-01 1.91521555e-01 7.86501229e-01 2.24231645e-01 -4.00795996e-01 8.82287547e-02 -1.95262223e-01 -4.63861316e-01 -6.55973926e-02 2.22154513e-01 -3.90969008e-01 -7.46655883e-03 -1.56906828e-01 7.21690655e-01 5.19775867e-01 -2.33937830e-01 -1.26776338e-01 2.61551142e-01 6.61843047e-02 2.40375578e-01 9.23668221e-02 2.77370542e-01 -5.71125466e-03 2.88353860e-01 7.71231130e-02 -1.05899103e-01 3.12834866e-02 2.92275250e-02 1.55024067e-01 -5.37834883e-01 -7.02885687e-02 2.02941045e-01 -2.88926929e-01 7.04075575e-01 2.33134497e-02 2.75522381e-01 5.14184177e-01 7.46092722e-02 -6.57363057e-01 -9.09671858e-02 -4.57184225e-01 -2.77325898e-01 3.89136165e-01 -2.18684480e-01 -1.53308392e-01 2.13741869e-01 2.55929857e-01 6.83410019e-02 -9.84370857e-02 4.46892411e-01 -6.11891448e-02 -5.49870670e-01 -2.53706008e-01 -2.49313135e-02 -4.81902547e-02 -1.79927588e-01 2.61219114e-01 1.26159102e-01 -5.21486551e-02 1.86497897e-01 -5.21196760e-02 2.08999619e-01 1.71319842e-01 1.61322102e-01 -2.73545504e-01 5.29446483e-01 1.93675533e-01 5.63005030e-01 -6.22601062e-02 3.06518048e-01 -8.95014554e-02 3.69312048e-01 3.46913338e-02 -1.55225784e-01 5.34020901e-01 1.08532831e-02 -2.90305436e-01 -1.62256747e-01 2.14895885e-02 -1.84102610e-01 -6.86179847e-02 2.00018525e-01 6.62401095e-02 1.12882771e-01 -1.50302932e-01 9.18307602e-02 -6.63676336e-02 -4.00853693e-01 -3.63090873e-01 2.43758038e-01 -1.61031276e-01 1.57072842e-01 3.35744679e-01 1.08789837e+00 8.20405334e-02 -2.25135297e-01 1.21916130e-01 -5.01776397e-01 -8.80302861e-02 -1.84833780e-01 -6.26097694e-02 6.60708472e-02 6.40043095e-02 -7.80238137e-02 -2.68393099e-01 -9.76675302e-02 1.97921127e-01 -4.78130132e-01 -2.26142853e-01 -3.78899783e-01 -2.51959532e-01 2.37449586e-01 3.89240414e-01 4.89230640e-02 1.68401033e-01 3.79599810e-01 2.22468570e-01 -1.75508544e-01 1.62374392e-01 -1.42559618e-01 8.35728422e-02 -2.16535907e-02 9.55517963e-02 -1.86163411e-01 1.72417402e-01 -1.91520080e-01 5.66058934e-01 4.34768461e-02 -3.46257657e-01 -1.47373721e-01 1.39208838e-01 1.23424202e-01 -2.39103049e-01 -1.80029929e-01 3.64638776e-01 2.38855883e-01 -2.62751728e-01 -7.90926963e-02 1.84587091e-02 4.16571759e-02 -1.20982975e-01 -1.84396766e-02 2.88782805e-01 5.33236153e-02 -4.90823060e-01 -6.79266870e-01 1.78944111e-01 3.19376945e-01 2.53070772e-01 6.79410934e-01 2.77166907e-02 -2.62780100e-01 -1.96633741e-01 1.38375476e-01 -8.28794017e-02 -5.06055839e-02 -1.61039606e-01 4.64287922e-02 -1.49039462e-01 -3.00785829e-03 1.43842846e-01 -4.02511992e-02 -5.11072241e-02 1.32805869e-01 -2.71049850e-02 -6.92591965e-02 -3.58079731e-01 -5.88033199e-02 -2.70151019e-01 -1.04663275e-01 1.85749024e-01 -6.56137913e-02 -3.51380825e-01 -1.54977664e-01 6.15684807e-01 1.27351925e-01 -2.53737062e-01 -5.32190204e-01 -5.01906462e-02 3.00694734e-01 3.62030379e-02 6.81201369e-02 4.24629629e-01 2.27001160e-02 3.02136570e-01 1.01213530e-01 -4.71252240e-02 -3.73096675e-01 7.92817920e-02 -2.90479362e-01 -1.96623310e-01 8.27816576e-02 -2.09337384e-01 -2.42480591e-01 -1.82558909e-01 -3.94610837e-02 1.02268673e-01 -1.64552897e-01 -2.00652003e-01 -6.07181229e-02 1.25727624e-01 -4.19971831e-02 -2.79958658e-02 -2.20392436e-01 2.04232946e-01 2.04678982e-01 2.26996288e-01 2.00726673e-01 2.11354584e-01 1.07302532e-01 1.07407928e-01 -8.15459341e-02 1.04317605e-01 5.27025424e-02 4.61589955e-02 1.10802308e-01 1.09478667e-01 1.02740802e-01 6.98507205e-02 -1.83119074e-01 -1.26617268e-01 1.03137650e-01 3.96717668e-01 -1.88756078e-01 2.93401927e-01 3.76380645e-02 -2.57778633e-02 -2.10074291e-01 3.74636412e-01 -2.13070914e-01 -4.97983284e-02 -4.22816873e-01 -3.24844837e-01 -1.45476162e-01 2.94087201e-01 1.77890316e-01 -1.27458110e-01 -8.52523521e-02 -4.76450659e-02 2.17934547e-04 1.71555564e-01 -1.51461307e-02 -4.25432652e-01 -3.69522795e-02 7.14870915e-02 2.54033595e-01 2.86363423e-01 3.76736224e-01 1.55882075e-01 -2.36044571e-01 -6.83495328e-02 1.49501294e-01 1.95723176e-01 3.44555855e-01 2.93188483e-01 2.52723902e-01 5.15358262e-02 4.74049784e-02 4.09649342e-01 3.78153712e-01 3.02175939e-01 9.68058407e-02 8.09092596e-02 -4.37622100e-01 2.76266485e-01 -8.11210871e-02 -1.03950076e-01 -2.93354064e-01 -1.47493005e-01 -4.44959223e-01 -2.23592237e-01 -1.28728256e-01 1.08048655e-01 -4.59363490e-01 -2.29548067e-01 1.56164885e-01 1.20823078e-01 3.10048282e-01 -2.28818133e-02 1.61571816e-01 -3.67587782e-03 -2.55151480e-01 4.35466617e-01 4.51681018e-02 2.52551109e-01 3.90288949e-01 -1.31176308e-01 -7.90387467e-02 1.06380790e-01 -6.98653562e-03 1.58256516e-02 3.77124280e-01 1.44552544e-01 -1.46845028e-01 -1.84024498e-01 1.39673993e-01 1.92160800e-01 1.00719288e-03 -2.04118118e-01 5.43095358e-02 2.85207957e-01 -1.41576594e-02 6.93297014e-02 1.97599664e-01 -1.87873483e-01 -1.76531196e-01 1.48911551e-01 6.43598914e-01 1.39233405e-02 -5.25124431e-01 -5.25508821e-01 -4.82559651e-02 9.63051096e-02 1.39415488e-01 -1.86792925e-01 -2.96547651e-01 -1.75041407e-01 -3.19761813e-01 6.70028850e-02 1.21746153e-01 8.11244175e-02 -1.23884551e-01 3.42161626e-01 8.52561742e-02 3.58220369e-01 6.53586686e-02 -5.87832332e-01 -2.23351315e-01 2.61604846e-01 7.28873014e-02 -2.21030116e-01 1.11353844e-01 3.11151683e-01 -1.50178775e-01 2.37443253e-01 -8.21240544e-02 3.44306409e-01 -4.07461792e-01 5.45729250e-02 -4.26400572e-01 6.86141178e-02 7.73201048e-01 -2.19422460e-01 5.26488796e-02 -2.27168337e-01 2.39409402e-01 6.95754886e-02 1.24400780e-01 1.77214563e-01 -3.53880644e-01 -3.94471705e-01 1.61541834e-01 4.79161590e-01 1.69200599e-01 1.35335460e-01 -1.02389872e-01 -2.74071187e-01 3.09193730e-02 1.05874300e-01 5.08563444e-02 -1.18160777e-01 -2.29281291e-01 1.42795712e-01 2.05783144e-01 3.35272402e-01 2.55141497e-01 3.73423815e-01 2.50190914e-01 3.44254315e-01 -3.16994876e-01 -1.14837438e-01 -9.96019542e-02 1.63264833e-02 -3.09099201e-02 3.26280057e-01 1.52851030e-01 -1.61829233e-01 8.96273106e-02 -1.39800563e-01 5.60496271e-01 -2.22631484e-01 -1.36468142e-01 -1.41049977e-02 1.55822456e-01 -3.38694513e-01 1.90504044e-01 -1.72768876e-01 -3.06974322e-01 -1.89984009e-01 2.70232230e-01 -4.80093658e-01 -1.18243724e-01 -3.13518494e-01 -2.14527234e-01 -4.38680835e-02 1.83602646e-01 1.08675681e-01 -1.73307106e-01 -3.23547482e-01 -1.48690447e-01]
"The Tracking Stone" active "Item #: SCP-260 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-260's current location and target are to be tracked by Foundation personnel. The current target is to be relocated between ██████████ and █████'██ (due to the nature of the intervening terrain), whenever SCP-260 approaches its vicinity. Description: SCP-260 appears to be a small clastic rock whose exact composition is unknown. It possesses phenocryst-like formations that identify it as a form of igneous breccia. On one of the larger and smoother portions of the surface is inscribed the name of a human, transliterated into Cyrillic, which changes over time at well-defined intervals. SCP-260 maintains continuous motion along a geodesic across all objects that stand between it and the individual currently named on the stone (hereafter the "target"). Its speed in a vacuum across a frictionless surface has been estimated at approximately 1.22 centimeters per second, but it usually moves much slower than this due to atmospheric and surface friction. (An accurate estimate is impossible, as SCP-260 is known to "stick" to the surface of whatever object it is currently located on, preventing its deposition in pure vacuum.) SCP-260 does not experience noticeable effects from erosion by the objects that it moves across. Tests have demonstrated that the stone possesses extremely high compressive and elastic strength, surpassing pressures exerted upon it by gunfire and tension presses. Due to the stone's continuous motion, serious experimentation for thermal or chemical sensitivity has not been conducted; however, it is doubtful that such experimentation would be successful, as the stone's composition suggests that it has already experienced high-temperature conditions. Upon surface contact with the target, all attempts to remove or relocate either the target or the SCP become futile. SCP-260 begins to burrow into the target's body in the direction of the chest at a speed of approximately 0.5 centimeters per second. All organs along the SCP's path are pulverized. As soon as the target's vital signs cease, the stone immediately exits the body via the shortest route (whereupon the name of a new target appears on the same space as the previous name), and recommences motion. Typically, the new target is the person closest to the stone at the time at which it exits the body, but some variations have occurred (consult the addendum for further information). Addendum: Test Log The following scenarios were constructed as potential preventative measures to contain SCP-260. Scenario 1: SCP-260 was lured into a cubic concrete cell and locked inside. Result: Upon reaching the edge of the floor and climbing halfway up the wall, SCP-260 ceased motion. Observers described it as "flickering" for several seconds between its natural coloration and a "photographic negative", after which it vanished. The current target expired shortly thereafter. An autopsy revealed the stone's presence in the target's chest, having punctured the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Several seconds after discovery the name of Dr. ███████, who performed the autopsy, appeared on the stone and he was immediately evacuated to a more secure location. Scenario 2: SCP-260 was lured into a hollow, open-ended rotational cylinder mounted on a fixed stand (hereafter referred to as a "gerbil wheel") with its current target placed outside the cylinder, with the aim of allowing the SCP to continue its motion while simultaneously retarding it with minimal effort. Result: After 57 hours and 22 minutes, SCP-260 ceased motion. Events that followed matched very closely to the results of Scenario 1. An autopsy was not performed, and observation of the corpse was ordered for the following 72 hours. Complaints about the deceased ensued. 9 hours into the observation, perforations were first observed in the corpse's chest, followed by the full emergence of SCP-260 over the following hour. After remaining still for 47 minutes, the SCP began moving towards one of the observers, who was moved to another room for continued study. Note 1: This appears to be normal behavior for the stone when it is not removed from target following death. Other experiments confirmed that penetration of a wood coffin and 1.8 m (6 ft) of soil requires a little more than 72 hours. Note 2: Due to the failure of this method of containment it is not recommended that SCP-260 be utilized as a power source. Scenario 3: SCP-260 was lured into a hollow, transparent, smooth plastic sphere (hereafter "hamster ball"). Result: While SCP-260 was prevented from climbing walls and deterred from teleportation, target motion allowed the SCP to negotiate around various obstacles and did not prevent it from beginning penetration once the hamster ball achieved physical contact with the target. At this point target panicked and attempted to leave the premises and was detained and terminated by Foundation agents. SCP-260 flickered as before, but immediately targeted Agent █████, who had first shot the target and changed motion accordingly. Agent █████ was removed from the vicinity and the hamster ball was destroyed by gunfire. SCP-260 was unharmed. Note: Prior to the target's termination the hamster ball containing SCP-260 fell over the edge of an embankment during its pursuit. Observers noted that the ball fell normally (rather than gripping the wall and maintaining its speed as SCP-260 usually does) and retained its momentum at the bottom, causing SCP-260 to follow the target at much higher speeds. Agent █████ has been relieved of his duties and is currently subject to transportation between sites off the coast of Asia and North America, in order to keep SCP-260 on a geodesic on the floor of the Pacific Ocean that runs through Challenger Deep. « SCP-259 | SCP-260 | SCP-261 »" nan
[ 1.04774572e-01 1.60678625e-02 -1.90804094e-01 7.45765641e-02 4.75462563e-02 -3.08679968e-01 1.89857095e-01 5.47216162e-02 8.07302594e-02 3.68495643e-01 4.05411631e-01 7.54572377e-02 -4.20169115e-01 9.47221220e-02 1.06746428e-01 9.74461362e-02 -2.04006042e-02 1.33482814e-01 6.23165518e-02 -8.65064859e-02 -9.30555984e-02 -2.55606115e-01 -9.84403118e-02 3.92919257e-02 6.75488263e-02 2.95523852e-02 1.22840852e-01 1.46978378e-01 1.00746974e-01 -2.20835164e-01 8.99779350e-02 2.52591461e-01 -9.89602432e-02 6.54288113e-01 -1.08244632e-04 -2.72180766e-01 1.18095921e-02 2.21441649e-02 -4.16021913e-01 -4.46222574e-01 -5.31471856e-02 -2.79789001e-01 -1.84411809e-01 -3.50232452e-01 1.28032282e-01 2.02436030e-01 1.70611054e-01 -3.94561216e-02 1.44826367e-01 8.03997293e-02 2.38169789e-01 -9.64387804e-02 5.00897318e-02 -4.58214954e-02 4.12945420e-01 -1.68021053e-01 -2.67078638e-01 -2.88122147e-01 -4.91351672e-02 6.19231343e-01 2.09478185e-01 2.12111041e-01 -2.74759412e-01 9.61563140e-02 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-6.31470531e-02 2.18540609e-01 1.20509855e-01 3.83033991e-01 2.45034918e-02 1.55330971e-01 -1.02735244e-01 -2.41555884e-01 1.36132285e-01 -1.47159621e-01 -1.21317983e-01 1.53822467e-01 2.55312920e-01 1.27405691e+00 1.42591327e-01 -3.43649872e-02 -2.73614287e-01 -5.72318017e-01 -4.81749237e-01 1.12474494e-01 -3.73312622e-01 -1.61612645e-01 -1.27743021e-01 -2.86535155e-02 -1.21845953e-01 6.23345822e-02 1.72721341e-01 -1.82977363e-01 -1.42716065e-01 -6.35531664e-01 1.83158979e-01 7.20799789e-02 7.35459030e-02 1.99639261e-01 4.96020503e-02 2.31654361e-01 2.44720891e-01 -1.43065095e-01 1.12348139e-01 -6.21369556e-02 2.03368440e-01 1.21063501e-01 7.73169696e-02 -1.95837006e-01 1.06297955e-01 -6.32059813e-01 -2.52049770e-02 -3.02297771e-01 -7.29834437e-01 -1.75544783e-01 4.97443751e-02 -9.40597206e-02 -2.92097300e-01 -3.40901203e-02 3.45369607e-01 3.88673306e-01 -1.34960739e-02 1.32368937e-01 -1.11647427e-01 1.46962553e-01 -1.20980069e-01 1.28861800e-01 -1.40591674e-02 -1.62845030e-01 -3.37738782e-01 -2.77817491e-02 1.75223544e-01 2.09936455e-01 1.72346815e-01 -6.31562844e-02 2.74518967e-01 -6.79396167e-02 -3.30218822e-01 2.46046498e-01 8.62043276e-02 -7.91900605e-02 -1.14455990e-01 -2.61878744e-02 -1.46686047e-01 -3.50424573e-02 2.18820900e-01 -1.11851431e-01 8.41614306e-02 1.33054778e-01 -1.43540084e-01 -3.58274490e-01 -3.07112008e-01 3.49204354e-02 -5.37954085e-02 2.87364181e-02 1.79812163e-01 -2.34823555e-01 -6.06517978e-02 -1.36993676e-01 2.42297277e-01 2.93228179e-02 -3.48469257e-01 -3.55069667e-01 7.33623281e-02 2.21240938e-01 -1.11786209e-01 3.32713760e-02 3.45718652e-01 -2.31056109e-01 -3.89167964e-02 4.43505719e-02 2.16543972e-01 -4.33925539e-01 7.50617459e-02 -1.35378748e-01 -2.67223008e-02 1.77756906e-01 -3.09391737e-01 -1.01664821e-02 -2.09813654e-01 1.76671878e-01 -1.41623651e-03 -1.77111298e-01 -3.04788440e-01 -2.51798153e-01 8.90587196e-02 6.85276091e-02 -9.60001722e-02 -1.66799009e-01 -1.23913586e-01 2.46764079e-01 -9.54573080e-02 -2.95841284e-02 4.28126484e-01 2.84043521e-01 1.74734861e-01 7.93350190e-02 4.79337782e-01 5.44172116e-02 -9.81762782e-02 8.25202316e-02 3.76434535e-01 1.09362140e-01 -5.26702143e-02 -2.30325729e-01 -7.97653869e-02 1.22469939e-01 2.71369904e-01 9.65667889e-02 1.60321936e-01 1.44441396e-01 -1.45782679e-01 -2.12078989e-01 5.94522059e-01 -1.94840595e-01 6.04092367e-02 -5.12630463e-01 -3.74865413e-01 5.28836846e-02 3.33775252e-01 -2.79750563e-02 5.76339811e-02 -2.16511905e-01 5.67176193e-03 4.17058580e-02 -5.95875271e-03 7.52058476e-02 -4.62769359e-01 -3.52404527e-02 -1.30793487e-03 -9.46810544e-02 -4.00109589e-01 7.05506429e-02 -2.40337327e-01 2.07403839e-01 -2.10411131e-01 1.65174782e-01 1.22040153e-01 3.11164051e-01 1.87467597e-02 3.32625747e-01 2.52472758e-01 2.49247000e-01 3.69682431e-01 1.18486971e-01 2.12415844e-01 5.23612089e-02 2.52735257e-01 -2.04616457e-01 1.95555657e-01 1.74539760e-01 3.14987302e-01 -9.78357047e-02 1.43054560e-01 -5.42723089e-02 -9.67223123e-02 1.17703982e-01 -1.64185688e-01 -1.46506950e-01 -2.48266175e-01 -2.22451985e-01 -1.80247471e-01 1.54652894e-01 3.16448450e-01 9.51840505e-02 1.28169346e-03 1.02338918e-01 5.84508404e-02 3.78281027e-02 -9.78845507e-02 4.06932473e-01 -2.66276449e-01 -1.31239016e-02 4.70869988e-01 -1.95579067e-01 -1.10646218e-01 -2.26050746e-02 2.08372697e-01 -1.58568576e-01 -3.73242319e-01 5.29149966e-03 -1.29434258e-01 -1.50779873e-01 -3.19824129e-01 1.08433187e-01 -5.57280183e-02 -3.25216323e-01 4.52871263e-01 1.55974165e-01 -3.74071568e-01 -1.81542575e-01 3.23335230e-01 3.93908471e-01 6.72781989e-02 1.41491652e-01 -1.39055565e-01 5.56248426e-02 -1.34046361e-01 5.20198159e-02 9.40013863e-03 -4.20156084e-02 -7.78590441e-02 -2.44220451e-01 5.23040444e-02 -5.87612577e-02 1.13179795e-01 1.51363939e-01 2.57650226e-01 -2.24625822e-02 1.47337943e-01 -1.04237735e-01 -3.42272222e-01 -4.07534480e-01 3.05951118e-01 8.00227821e-02 5.61036058e-02 2.16284841e-01 3.64621341e-01 -2.59117354e-02 1.31964356e-01 -6.69424683e-02 1.60684943e-01 4.68876287e-02 -1.52058646e-01 -4.49287474e-01 2.86862701e-01 -8.28592181e-02 -2.65664577e-01 2.37279143e-02 -1.55433238e-01 -3.86328071e-01 1.06330171e-01 2.32172742e-01 -9.05301049e-02 -2.53313154e-01 -1.70203254e-01 4.12085027e-01 3.49558502e-01 -2.07175180e-01 -1.89275329e-03 -2.38553926e-01 -2.20417619e-01 1.57477990e-01 2.98260629e-01 -2.13397443e-01 1.52842060e-01 -6.59176894e-03 -1.85230337e-02 1.71855286e-01 1.86668590e-01 1.04630627e-01 2.87761360e-01 5.20641692e-02 1.21048741e-01 1.12702936e-01 -1.32220954e-01 1.03723042e-01 3.13561738e-01 -7.26125902e-03 3.63566637e-01 9.07986313e-02 4.47952859e-02 -5.67451492e-02 -1.26883090e-01 6.32347345e-01 4.41564769e-01 -8.24884176e-02 6.41328096e-02 8.91398415e-02 -2.34611511e-01 9.90229100e-02 -5.68845510e-01 -3.29851955e-01 -5.54502346e-02 -4.93441299e-02 -2.20320240e-01 -7.06024766e-02 -3.65996867e-01 -3.25025879e-02 8.43511671e-02 5.10228276e-01 1.06960341e-01 9.08472762e-02 -3.74509096e-01 -9.69013106e-03]
"Pan-Dimensional Vending" active "Item #: SCP-261 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Any access to SCP-261 must be approved by staff with level 2 security clearance or higher. Any and all items dispensed by SCP-261 must be recorded, along with the amount of money entered and the amount of time elapsed between uses. Currently, SCP-261 may be used only ten times in a twenty-four hour period, with no transaction exceeding the equivalent of 500 Japanese yen. Testing approved by Site Command is not under these restrictions. Items dispensed by SCP-261 should be reviewed by Site Health and Safety officials before consumption. Failure to do so releases the Foundation from any obligation regarding negative effects. Items deemed dangerous or useful to research will be confiscated by site security, with financial compensation provided in proportion to money spent. Description: SCP-261 appears to be a large black vending machine with no front glass panel, and a small keypad on the right side. SCP-261 was recovered in Yokohama, Japan. SCP-261 was brought to the Foundation’s attention after investigation of an “urban legend” about a “magic vending machine” that was circulating on the internet. SCP-261 was found in a back alley behind a large shopping center, with a hand-written sign saying “out of order” in Japanese taped to it. SCP-261 has no marks or identification of any kind, and no locals remember when or how it came to be in its current location. Internally, SCP-261 appears to be a basic vending machine equipped to vend food and beverage items. After a key was made and the front door opened, no abnormal materials were found, and it was determined that SCP-261 has never actually contained any food or beverage items. The keypad, while connected and operating correctly, does not activate any of the dispensing mechanisms. When money is placed into SCP-261 and a three-digit number is entered on the keypad, SCP-261 will vend a random item. SCP-261 has not accepted any currency other than Yen, with rejected currency being deposited in the coin return slot. It is unknown how these items appear; however, SCP-261 will not operate when the door is open, or when recording devices are placed inside. The number entered on the keypad has no effect on the item vended, nor has any pattern been detected. Items are always some form of “snack food”, and typically have bright, attention-grabbing packaging. SCP-261 is capable of operating with no external power supply, but operation in this state will cause “unstable” vending to occur much more quickly than normal. If SCP-261 is used several times in a short period of time and/or large amounts of money are entered before an item is vended, SCP-261 will start to dispense bizarre items. While still “food”, their suitability for human consumption is often non-existent. Log of items vended during Testing Phase 8: 800 yen entered for each item, items being dispensed every 2 minutes. SCP-261 is attached to power. “Coke Zero” – A can of diet Coke, packaging in English. “Cheetos” – A small bag of Cheetos snack food, packaging in English. “Black Black” – A single pack of caffeinated chewing gum, packaging in Japanese. “Yan Yan” – A single Yan Yan cone, with peach dipping frosting, packaging in Japanese. The Meiji Seika Company does not produce this flavor. “Pepsi: Dragon Twist” – A can of Pepsi cola, with a trace of fruit flavor, packaging in English. Flavor identified as Dragon Fruit. PepsiCo does not produce this product. “Darkside Cola” – A “can” with clear plastic sides, packaging in Japanese. Liquid inside is clear. When opened, liquid appears to react to the air, and changes to dark black over a period of several seconds. The black coloration “looks like billowing smoke”, and cannot be reversed. Liquid’s taste described as “cola, with something spicy in it.” “The Little Bakery: 7 Grain” – A small tube the size of a candy bar with a green button, made of aluminum, packaging in English. When the top is twisted off, a mass of “dough” is extruded. “Dough” contains several enzymes and bacteria that have not yet been identified. On contact with air, these cause the dough to rise and “bake”, killing the microbes in the process. Produces a small, round loaf of bread weighing 250 grams. Taste described as good, but chewy. “Lemon Clams” – Thick plastic baggie with a plastic tube on the side, containing water and twelve clams, packaging in Dutch. Following on-package instructions, the plastic tube was cracked like a “glow stick”. Liquid in the bag flashed to steam, venting from a hole that popped open in the top of the bag, slightly burning one researcher. Steaming finished after thirty-eight seconds, after which clams were found to be fully cooked and infused with a mild lemon flavor. On investigation, clams match no recorded species. "Diet Ghost" – A can containing an instance of SCP-2107. Packaging was in English. Testing done on this instance provided similar results to other contained instances of SCP-2107. This marks the first time SCP-261 has vended another SCP object. “<Unknown>” – Small mesh bag filled with small, multi-colored pyramids, packaging in an unknown language. Pyramids found to be very hard and unpleasant tasting, compared to chalk in taste and consistency. When placed in hot water, pyramids open and produce “strings” that quickly dissolve, coloring the water the same shade as the pyramid. Water had no additional taste, but testing revealed a sharp increase in mineral, carbohydrate, and protein content, with several minerals unidentified at the present time. This content was found to be consistent with the recommended daily intake of nutrients for adult humans. Researcher ingesting the water reported stomach cramps two hours later, but no other effects. “<Unknown>” – Aluminum box with a small glass window on the side, and a large round button on the top, packaging in an unknown language. Box is seamless, and appears to be filled with small, round animals covered in fur, each with three small paws and a single large eye. Pressing the button causes the inside of the box to rapidly become super-heated, cooking the small animals alive. Muffled noises and scratching were heard for several seconds during the cooking process. After one minute, thirty seconds, the front panel opens and gives access to the now-cooked animals. Professor Kain volunteered to eat the animals, with no other researchers willing to do so. Taste described as crunchy and very spicy, with a small hint of beef. “<Unknown>” – Tall, thin aluminum can, packaging in an unknown language. Opening the can caused a chemical reaction with the liquid inside the can. Liquid was apparently not intended for an oxygenated atmosphere, and detonated violently, causing several injuries and killing two researchers. Testing discontinued, and area cleared. Testing area observed to smell like citrus for several days. Note: subsequent testing recorded in Experiment Log 261 Ad De « SCP-260 | SCP-261 | SCP-262 »" nan
[ 3.61420870e-01 -2.86145270e-01 -8.64911452e-02 1.79182589e-01 1.67222142e-01 -2.31705815e-01 3.42793107e-01 1.52171601e-03 -2.81609476e-01 2.53409706e-03 1.99091792e-01 1.76780939e-01 -8.83180946e-02 3.96509111e-01 1.48157403e-01 -1.29492834e-01 1.68713644e-01 4.23699826e-01 -7.47427866e-02 -1.57600269e-01 -1.78811550e-01 -2.15629950e-01 -3.49796683e-01 3.99091065e-01 1.03664629e-01 -5.89081421e-02 7.20538944e-02 -1.63095966e-01 -4.63299416e-02 -3.15745980e-01 5.02136827e-01 2.96741519e-02 -1.84242874e-01 4.14939880e-01 -1.12746944e-04 -2.34089553e-01 2.01624021e-01 2.63684783e-02 -2.76235163e-01 1.45168528e-01 -5.17679095e-01 -8.97547826e-02 -1.81878224e-01 -1.19539313e-01 1.33108258e-01 -5.11100769e-01 5.77129163e-02 1.81465983e-01 -3.33651528e-02 7.67890289e-02 1.34554699e-01 -1.75839737e-01 1.35143444e-01 1.19979493e-03 7.88946748e-02 -3.39570612e-01 -8.56886134e-02 -5.37266970e-01 2.74923563e-01 -8.82151797e-02 2.50324041e-01 -4.92158905e-02 -1.49858734e-02 -8.27102214e-02 3.07605118e-01 -1.26308814e-01 5.87945096e-02 -2.26088986e-01 3.29359770e-01 3.60910207e-01 -4.20269780e-02 -5.58028705e-02 2.46489361e-01 -1.54932842e-01 -1.17896721e-01 -1.66912451e-01 -2.44398564e-02 2.07510158e-01 3.18422168e-02 -2.48362839e-01 -3.11632961e-01 2.56860256e-01 -2.87184179e-01 1.90888152e-01 -2.55275108e-02 4.00755256e-01 -1.97071626e-04 -5.18409945e-02 1.50069878e-01 -3.29979271e-01 2.89759070e-01 -2.17949957e-01 1.66263938e-01 1.16503738e-01 -3.24731730e-02 1.79093722e-02 3.22587907e-01 4.61820364e-01 1.70048133e-01 -4.82873917e-01 -1.50512472e-01 1.50094941e-01 -6.87673613e-02 1.15880445e-01 1.04237191e-01 2.20210865e-01 -3.23997945e-01 7.26661459e-02 -5.30326128e-01 4.12217021e-01 1.30784959e-01 3.91270667e-02 2.55140699e-02 1.20054789e-01 2.75637567e-01 7.29723945e-02 -2.04293564e-01 -1.24436086e-02 1.61490843e-01 2.26029441e-01 -7.99361587e-01 2.84455325e-02 -3.84823829e-02 1.13991044e-01 2.32775599e-01 6.80486977e-01 -3.89511615e-01 -2.28272304e-01 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-9.85229313e-02 2.47006714e-01 -2.98229121e-02 2.46381328e-01 2.38814414e-01 -1.52784079e-01 3.61798167e-01 -2.19648331e-01 8.21538791e-02 5.01336642e-02 1.87975645e-01 8.24879587e-01 5.93754947e-02 1.60486445e-01 -3.08973551e-01 -9.30899158e-02 2.54218936e-01 -1.93046764e-01 -1.01709720e-02 1.71843797e-01 4.35696125e-01 3.81257236e-01 1.77382082e-01 1.23603165e-01 1.12602869e-02 -1.36859030e-01 9.01692957e-02 -6.98012039e-02 1.10090904e-01 7.32212793e-03 -1.28484860e-01 1.32027075e-01 -1.29982397e-01 2.55911589e-01 5.60643315e-01 -2.37467393e-01 1.00070283e-01 8.65068287e-03 -1.38608158e-01 -5.04525974e-02 -5.34876585e-01 3.63398820e-01 -3.16138864e-01 -2.18436494e-01 -2.51531988e-01 1.03450075e-01 -1.02707244e-01 1.31088927e-01 -3.06784838e-01 4.99681741e-01 1.75608814e-01 7.02234954e-02 2.47939482e-01 1.48282856e-01 -1.47508010e-01 4.57069308e-01 1.07287697e-01 -3.18721384e-01 2.83292681e-01 -4.58785385e-01 -2.84372091e-01 2.41331771e-01 8.95045772e-02 -3.11128110e-01 1.30391344e-01 3.83058548e-01 -1.53251477e-02 -5.63051105e-02 -1.17128924e-01 3.37910473e-01 -1.08016647e-01 -1.32978246e-01 3.06766573e-02 -2.64001071e-01 1.70358300e-01 2.21625920e-02 -4.14046608e-02 2.13116035e-01 1.12198792e-01 -2.37227365e-01 -3.55750859e-01 -1.52302444e-01 1.54157311e-01 9.12392512e-03 9.73689370e-03 -2.47950569e-01 -2.95174927e-01 -1.54644981e-01 2.96354741e-01 -4.47027773e-01 -3.13918293e-01 -7.90416300e-02 -8.79225284e-02 2.07563668e-01 -2.42319137e-01 8.14260900e-01 1.33814812e-01 -2.79739410e-01 -2.10456476e-01 2.48251017e-02 -1.01481348e-01 2.71769129e-02 1.56513080e-01 9.85612273e-02 -6.34705573e-02 2.71828204e-01 3.11136276e-01 -3.45008403e-01 1.98304653e-02 2.84964323e-01 2.04407558e-01 2.38903850e-01 3.53870153e-01 -1.32800505e-01 -1.35826230e-01 2.19737455e-01 -4.24459487e-01 1.20457560e-01 -2.35311821e-01 -2.35278398e-01 1.53725222e-01 1.97407275e-01 -6.49348378e-01 -7.96995237e-02 1.93797097e-01 1.25305265e-01 4.05811071e-01 -1.49109825e-01 1.86950311e-01 -3.66589651e-02 -2.19661564e-01 -3.02386403e-01 -3.17431271e-01 1.10198207e-01 -1.93340659e-01 -1.95735544e-01 -2.37042040e-01 -5.54770511e-03 -6.26950935e-02 -2.17784181e-01 7.66192019e-01 -3.40654969e-01 -2.47576848e-01 2.34748885e-01 -3.37656021e-01 1.30050182e-01 -1.77929386e-01 4.96819437e-01 4.34981614e-01 2.10585669e-02 2.79025674e-01 -2.22620323e-01 -4.05445784e-01 -1.32561103e-01 8.17223340e-02 6.29443079e-02 -2.99027473e-01 1.66597217e-02 6.18208572e-02 -3.43373179e-01 -4.83095981e-02 8.13819095e-02 -2.52009064e-01 -1.95419610e-01 -5.82030639e-02 7.34990686e-02 -8.01397413e-02 3.20387930e-01 7.50168711e-02 2.20798835e-01 -1.04944400e-01 1.57751814e-02 2.86722332e-01 1.73157945e-01 -2.26017460e-01 3.96975249e-01 -2.25289211e-01 -6.95474744e-02 -9.14729238e-02 2.99926788e-01 -9.77365859e-03 2.03772664e-01 6.64614066e-02 9.27746445e-02 -6.25807941e-02 -1.00069337e-01 3.90074700e-01 2.09904954e-01 -2.13814020e-01 1.75531227e-02 3.81944835e-01 1.75923258e-01 -3.53380919e-01 -1.64019093e-01 -1.88065052e-01 1.22521864e-03 2.71149337e-01 -5.53771220e-02 -1.19415939e-01 -4.25311238e-01 -5.07386386e-01 3.36003810e-01 -1.90272585e-01 2.25149751e-01 4.65198398e-01 9.19773996e-01 1.83334313e-02 -9.58165973e-02 1.31059781e-01 -2.83732951e-01 -1.10653386e-01 -1.71720549e-01 2.00733855e-01 -3.49152908e-02 -8.14136863e-02 -4.74081151e-02 -2.44771138e-01 -1.60640821e-01 1.08346708e-01 -2.07682401e-01 -1.13965474e-01 -4.54638511e-01 1.93286359e-01 2.12152675e-01 4.78192046e-02 -2.54103336e-02 -2.45900676e-01 -2.43151307e-01 2.01211870e-01 1.59572795e-01 1.59474432e-01 -1.47880852e-01 -1.86530739e-01 -8.42034668e-02 2.44847089e-01 -3.78762707e-02 2.27350727e-01 1.68304712e-01 1.27894178e-01 1.72705725e-01 -4.66177464e-02 -2.13201836e-01 2.04881001e-02 4.63928245e-02 -1.40932679e-01 -9.02032405e-02 3.36028844e-01 2.82797694e-01 -2.78454006e-01 6.72904477e-02 -1.36476085e-02 1.30842894e-01 8.23061019e-02 -1.85923234e-01 2.47397974e-01 -8.01369995e-02 -4.15766891e-03 -5.62443376e-01 3.12672555e-01 2.25706056e-01 -1.06037915e-01 -1.28833532e-01 2.40779936e-01 -8.77975896e-02 2.26907358e-02 1.49985224e-01 -1.45763308e-01 3.95628400e-02 1.18254527e-01 6.12049550e-02 8.29354376e-02 4.03020456e-02 -1.94518175e-02 3.34434658e-01 1.03186175e-01 2.13745445e-01 -5.07096089e-02 3.07151899e-02 -4.95484889e-01 2.24093366e-02 1.91964298e-01 -9.64481011e-02 -2.24651560e-01 -1.52966663e-01 -5.72020411e-01 -2.23641936e-02 1.32042065e-01 9.41539630e-02 1.76372021e-01 -1.95995197e-02 -3.85978997e-01 1.76135734e-01 1.13609344e-01 3.76616001e-01 1.50970161e-01 -1.87360883e-01 2.48557299e-01 6.50598481e-02 4.54105064e-02 -3.57660860e-01 1.32616460e-01 -6.70290947e-01 -1.11512005e-01 4.73165549e-02 -1.89164013e-01 -7.51165003e-02 -3.37842703e-01 6.41369820e-02 2.28277817e-01 -4.24368262e-01 -1.92218184e-01 3.39135081e-02 1.79780781e-01 3.86480480e-01 -1.91406429e-01 -2.39327639e-01 1.60276219e-01 6.13473393e-02 1.52856916e-01 -2.10543826e-01 1.01152070e-01 1.63880855e-01 1.54558316e-01 1.70616638e-02 4.89672482e-01 -9.18463245e-02 -1.54344827e-01 2.05928519e-01 2.17282653e-01 3.19235809e-02 -1.06339827e-01 2.31511593e-01 -1.13817258e-02 1.18147567e-01 1.09216489e-01 3.67016196e-01 3.44468683e-01 2.82427579e-01 -7.01819286e-02 3.04790229e-01 2.89678633e-01 -2.80751258e-01 7.74867758e-02 -2.51373261e-01 -1.34875983e-01 1.75866753e-01 3.12984824e-01 -8.77247751e-02 -3.50813456e-02 -5.08544333e-02 1.85977370e-01 2.88811494e-02 1.39632300e-01 -1.65404722e-01 4.63848151e-02 1.78457215e-01 4.37281311e-01 1.30069628e-01 1.77332927e-02 1.61356553e-01 -8.67747143e-02 -4.27376091e-01 1.89962648e-02 3.86920780e-01 1.24068290e-03 5.74834272e-02 4.38290447e-01 1.93466529e-01 3.13485533e-01 -1.92716606e-02 4.81987864e-01 6.62293807e-02 5.48209213e-02 -1.07743979e-01 6.02602303e-01 4.23948616e-02 1.95734948e-01 -3.92373390e-02 -1.27110898e-01 -2.27002293e-01 1.55631915e-01 -3.68259668e-01 -1.09533727e-01 -5.12985028e-02 6.22587875e-02 -4.11957800e-02 -1.47829533e-01 -1.84020668e-01 8.74838606e-02 2.87202537e-01 1.33962959e-01 3.29147458e-01 -1.45586625e-01 -2.24011824e-01 1.28753737e-01 -1.51201272e-02 5.74266553e-01 4.71691757e-01 -3.67656589e-01 -1.47251710e-01 6.65274728e-03 -2.36391753e-01 -3.17626715e-01 1.13812253e-01 -3.63888033e-02 1.36997595e-01 -4.72496003e-02 -2.20872574e-02 -2.93977764e-02 5.97455949e-02 -6.39682040e-02 -2.30927225e-02 4.19667631e-01 2.54550517e-01 2.48464961e-02 1.37779266e-01 -2.12122977e-01 2.27564618e-01 3.70850652e-01 2.04969376e-01 9.68912523e-03 -2.34958291e-01 4.02133912e-02 -6.12582937e-02 1.53327361e-01 3.30564022e-01 -1.67645141e-01 1.65616512e-01 -3.46284240e-01 1.70986578e-01 2.96927035e-01 -1.94934562e-01 9.37463716e-02 2.54781377e-02 1.33446544e-01 4.75279801e-02 -9.73096788e-02 -2.78177112e-01 -2.42512673e-01 -3.04271966e-01 1.43123850e-01 -3.49966347e-01 -2.43007600e-01 -1.99680440e-02 2.78693676e-01 -1.69805855e-01 1.92272097e-01 -4.01810795e-01 2.37566218e-01 -2.01934218e-01 2.88602412e-01 -1.08479857e-01 2.68221974e-01 2.67558903e-01 -5.00709862e-02 2.20378071e-01 -3.86433989e-01 1.18875660e-01 -1.43910022e-02 2.45385274e-01 1.12860918e-01 -2.54672408e-01 -4.29164201e-01 -1.52240142e-01 5.48507333e-01 1.08475849e-01 -3.14106569e-02 -7.94012249e-02 -1.52333677e-01 -6.23175949e-02 3.24429333e-01 1.09327398e-01 -6.13825545e-02 1.59616306e-01 -1.70337155e-01 1.87017411e-01 4.86037731e-01 1.23939075e-01 -2.41329610e-01 1.15479186e-01 4.36918825e-01 -7.20864609e-02 2.33640105e-01 -1.01977728e-01 1.59174036e-02 2.53122151e-02 3.05450231e-01 -2.40962524e-02 -1.39547706e-01 8.61913860e-02 -7.06770718e-02 1.00880116e-01 -3.21847290e-01 -2.22112507e-01 -3.74770314e-01 2.53705502e-01 -1.57795414e-01 -3.47461373e-01 -1.85151055e-01 4.89013419e-02 -1.48386762e-01 1.74569011e-01 -4.05696593e-03 -2.12030977e-01 -2.65778333e-01 -3.85717213e-01 -2.69019566e-02 2.62266099e-01 1.48685919e-02 -9.34431925e-02 -1.71467736e-01 1.02062188e-01]
"A Coat of Many Arms" active "Item #: SCP-262 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Currently, SCP-262 is undergoing review and research to see if it is capable of being used by field agents in the acquisition of other SCPs. Monitored use by commander level authority is preferable. It is inadvisable to allow agents unsupervised usage of SCP-262 at this time. When not in use, SCP-262 is kept in a climate-controlled room at Site ██, guarded by at least two Level-2 Security personnel. Description: SCP-262 is a light brown, European military-style greatcoat from a period between the late 1500s to the early 1900s. It is without any specific designations or markings, leading researchers to believe it was an original archetype sample, intended to be submitted to military officials for approval as part of a new uniform design. The pattern was either rejected or lost because it was never implemented. It is made of wool and extends below the knee on most individuals. Carbon dating of the coat fibers has been inconclusive, placing the age of SCP-262 in the range of 6,200 to 6,400 years old. One explanation is that the wool used to create SCP-262 is perhaps thousands of years old, but the coat itself was cut, sewn, and assembled recently. SCP-262 is capable of manifesting numerous arms from within the dark inner lining. When worn, any subject wearing SCP-262 needs only to open the coat to materialize hands and arms which are somewhat under the subject's control. Most limbs are human in nature and vary in skin tones, length, and strength. A noted few include: The space under SCP-262 is considered to be non-Euclidean in nature and the coat itself divergent from normal dimensions. In one instance, test subject 402M was told to put SCP-262 over his head. Upon doing so, SCP-262 fell to the ground as the Class-D personnel disappeared under it. Some time later, fingerprinting of objects that have come into contact with the limbs of SCP-262 have identified one of the arms as that of subject 402M. Subjects properly wearing SCP-262 are able to manipulate these arms with a varying amount of control. Test subject 301F was able to perform multiple tasks at once even while unaware and blindfolded, leading researchers to believe that SCP-262 has both perception and awareness of its surrounding even when the subject does not. Some believe SCP-262 to be fully sentient, due to observing SCP-262: Acquisition: SCP-262 came into the Foundation's care when "The Administrator" relinquished his ownership of the coat in the late 20th century. Because of his status, "The Administrator" is granted special rights which effectively allow him to remain silent about the origins of SCP-262, how he came to possess it, and how he has used it in the past. "The Administrator" released SCP-262 to the Foundation, stating, "In the right hands, it could be extremely useful. In the wrong hands, it could be extremely dangerous. In my hands, it was becoming extremely dusty and moth-ridden and taking up far too much space in my closet." Addendum 01: Selected notes from further research regarding the properties of SCP-262 « SCP-261 | SCP-262 | SCP-263 »" nan
[ 1.27484193e-02 -3.73288095e-01 -4.61967811e-02 1.10459350e-01 -1.25074029e-01 -3.38612646e-01 3.27974468e-01 1.52984858e-01 2.81865388e-01 1.10234156e-01 3.47544491e-01 2.98899323e-01 1.66377593e-02 -1.71885401e-01 1.51867270e-01 6.77517951e-02 6.05482087e-02 4.59621251e-02 -1.77142248e-01 -1.20884605e-01 -2.59536486e-02 -1.25847802e-01 -8.88357088e-02 1.22977227e-01 2.22368985e-01 -9.61367134e-03 -1.35848522e-01 -2.53378183e-01 -1.14486299e-01 -4.98605482e-02 6.43878281e-02 -9.59307328e-02 5.17447442e-02 -6.98013380e-02 -1.10034816e-04 -3.25266898e-01 1.47088230e-01 1.32249609e-01 -2.12392032e-01 3.47596593e-02 1.09173441e-02 -2.34535933e-01 3.13932151e-02 -1.72201887e-01 1.59595460e-01 -1.82047218e-01 2.07251161e-01 4.29787636e-01 1.50235057e-01 1.82555825e-01 1.79869473e-01 -1.53250038e-03 -6.94845244e-02 -1.65478751e-01 1.92162976e-01 2.12368742e-01 -9.84565392e-02 -4.93914574e-01 5.01241386e-01 8.56060758e-02 2.01940596e-01 8.58710855e-02 -2.16795225e-02 -2.06106286e-02 2.91281462e-01 -3.23096395e-01 1.42095014e-01 3.71446073e-01 2.21879423e-01 2.45177507e-01 -2.31987432e-01 8.38927105e-02 1.02313139e-01 -1.11014724e-01 3.51452023e-01 1.67374358e-01 2.13850126e-01 2.66740263e-01 1.72200069e-01 -1.29492030e-01 -3.79293203e-01 7.99416974e-02 -2.73970455e-01 8.35769996e-02 -4.57003593e-01 3.79086405e-01 -2.61981547e-01 -5.28002949e-03 3.14101517e-01 -3.25153351e-01 -1.52368918e-01 7.25021809e-02 -7.52540454e-02 3.68628025e-01 -1.83732495e-01 -8.65011513e-02 1.53499097e-01 3.71688932e-01 4.05484736e-01 3.34319234e-01 4.58412498e-01 9.89911780e-02 -2.15271220e-01 -1.10012650e-01 1.46882907e-01 1.07547060e-01 1.38913691e-01 -3.19730252e-01 -3.05062562e-01 1.76379472e-01 5.49722761e-02 1.82840377e-01 -3.50358635e-01 9.77321267e-02 -3.92518550e-01 -4.04763252e-01 -1.62702873e-01 -2.59050965e-01 -3.60961556e-01 2.04586282e-01 -3.56619745e-01 -6.93830103e-02 1.92723751e-01 5.31427860e-01 7.96148032e-02 1.17201768e-01 1.49410486e-01 9.17384699e-02 1.03321567e-01 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2.52664208e-01 -9.98766571e-02 -2.43978754e-01 2.71900803e-01 1.58178117e-02 2.66645193e-01 -6.51684478e-02 -7.27704763e-02 -1.91399395e-01 -4.20192719e-01 4.58410352e-01 -2.01114908e-01 2.19013587e-01 -1.78246140e-01 -1.01108693e-01 3.83153617e-01 2.57402241e-01 -2.97954287e-02 -2.48130560e-01 1.78120121e-01 2.52467506e-02 -1.38433188e-01 -2.20671222e-01 1.28101259e-01 1.19700678e-01 6.98353127e-02 -4.94078785e-01 1.28819242e-01 3.01133931e-01 -3.34562212e-02 -2.45137542e-01 -1.53416857e-01 1.47025855e-02 3.49758863e-02 -1.34518314e-02 -1.26288086e-01 3.77868742e-01 9.75070745e-02 -4.11524847e-02 2.34857857e-01 -3.75008807e-02 -6.61610126e-01 -2.98469633e-01 8.05421993e-02 6.56382680e-01 1.41354175e-02 -4.42610830e-01 5.25531359e-02 -5.79536378e-01 -5.42598292e-02 4.24609259e-02 -3.55646491e-01 -4.47584242e-02 2.85514593e-01 3.69665563e-01 2.52578203e-02 -1.03589445e-01 5.45164617e-03 -2.03985870e-01 -9.09494087e-02 5.15362620e-02 3.51604313e-01 9.25743133e-02 6.19483367e-02 5.39787859e-02 -2.32867405e-01 3.05871814e-01 1.34802729e-01 1.99562982e-01 1.68457940e-01 -9.33515932e-03 1.24805920e-01 8.47865343e-02 3.44278349e-04 2.43781626e-01 1.81449711e-01 1.90334424e-01 -1.94665208e-01 -1.64915159e-01 -3.31981570e-01 4.97568026e-02 -6.92474991e-02 -4.72843647e-02 2.54202247e-01 -1.52751565e-01 2.46194512e-01 1.80329196e-02 1.43015698e-01 -3.45346421e-01 7.42075965e-02 -1.08191140e-01 9.90160778e-02 2.77833223e-01 -9.29168388e-02 2.37978816e-01 -7.21223187e-03 1.95666134e-01 -1.68853760e-01 3.69893849e-01 -1.84822828e-02 -2.16411501e-01 1.77308455e-01 -4.08384465e-02 -1.23009950e-01 5.01997471e-01 -3.59855324e-01 8.70104507e-02 -1.58896863e-01 2.05304518e-01 -8.78780149e-03 8.03864002e-02 -4.80136462e-02 -3.79873276e-01 3.76041204e-01 1.07555628e-01 1.90767404e-02 -3.32683802e-01 -1.75244063e-01 1.97335735e-01 8.29913246e-04 -6.16451740e-01 1.39285192e-01 -3.92353833e-01 -4.00100946e-01 -4.19714861e-02 1.35721579e-01 -3.91462147e-01 -3.37210536e-01 3.69879574e-01 -1.23463817e-01 8.23780373e-02 -1.23711377e-01 2.91818947e-01 -2.82322377e-01 -1.14106506e-01 6.01576984e-01 3.96032631e-01 2.67029881e-01 -3.30804102e-02 1.74784973e-01 1.01720616e-02 -2.65042096e-01 7.75405765e-02 -2.77513713e-01 -2.23212689e-01 -1.07048884e-01 5.61587373e-03 -1.58182964e-01 -1.41972512e-01 2.18986627e-02 2.83934057e-01 2.78353393e-01 -1.66730314e-01 -4.28316332e-02 -1.45322815e-01 3.03929776e-01 -2.30824545e-01 -1.63113967e-01 6.70823753e-01 7.79622644e-02 -1.81981385e-01 -1.21366382e-01 -4.17647175e-02 1.36456922e-01 -2.69092530e-01 4.66115266e-01 -2.60508925e-01 -1.09495014e-01 1.90485314e-01 2.21966073e-01 3.28169353e-02 -3.14181298e-01 -2.24083751e-01 6.27435744e-02 -1.45835057e-01 3.66435111e-01 -1.48769572e-01 3.64272565e-01 3.29061300e-02 1.48814216e-01 4.13720012e-01 -6.72820508e-02 -2.41868496e-01 1.96909919e-01 2.80255079e-01 -2.90067971e-01 -1.03927210e-01 1.94108620e-01 2.77808070e-01 3.21272671e-01 -2.82487184e-01 -1.15890466e-01 -2.53355801e-01 8.58773962e-02 1.56121731e-01 -2.78071254e-01 -3.39748651e-01 1.36959940e-01 -3.88897717e-01 -2.92440861e-01 2.06478518e-02 2.58754432e-01 2.82434444e-03 -8.45512096e-03 -2.21734703e-01 -2.52315789e-01 2.09493056e-01 -3.50821525e-01 3.17680925e-01 1.92771479e-01 4.17410135e-01 4.89562392e-01 2.25313175e-02 -2.12348729e-01 3.08956839e-02 -2.37890303e-01 -2.98975021e-01 2.41915196e-01 -1.19380340e-01 -4.43951041e-01 -2.04315022e-01 3.23206782e-01 -1.08636193e-01 1.18986098e-02 2.94102188e-02 2.05517281e-02 -1.13952555e-01 -2.65624803e-02 1.24293812e-01 -6.50236011e-02 -1.14786536e-01 -1.31185636e-01 2.14841351e-01 -3.05982351e-01 1.60333857e-01 2.96956390e-01 1.20779656e-01 -4.07201827e-01 1.33819040e-02 -1.11996129e-01 3.52520734e-01 1.59471497e-01 3.27476740e-01 5.88697135e-01 1.15301058e-01 3.97472978e-02 7.23449886e-02 6.33336082e-02 2.41613612e-01 3.80815446e-01 2.36775160e-01 9.28923115e-02 -4.08096522e-01 9.31806415e-02 -2.57609934e-01 5.05102053e-02 1.79812253e-01 1.12806529e-01 2.27388829e-01 -3.00914735e-01 5.52371860e-01 5.96750826e-02 -4.01340991e-01 -1.93887964e-01 1.32070333e-01 -1.21855782e-02 1.89512715e-01 3.95052582e-01 1.15890014e+00 -1.43451065e-01 4.07382585e-02 -1.92621633e-01 -1.34669647e-01 4.58731204e-01 -1.75599143e-01 -2.23223060e-01 -2.55052060e-01 -9.06742364e-02 2.22695604e-01 -1.86568722e-01 9.06093195e-02 4.10590053e-01 -1.53725535e-01 -5.28072059e-01 -3.71837616e-02 -1.64161623e-01 2.91347682e-01 -2.36023366e-02 -1.30656987e-01 -1.67538747e-01 -1.97048839e-02 3.17464828e-01 -8.02034810e-02 -6.25705197e-02 -9.97669846e-02 6.10618368e-02 -2.12558538e-01 -5.23371175e-02 -3.60193364e-02 4.68927443e-01 -6.16216324e-02 4.91777658e-02 5.33791304e-01 -6.52876962e-03 3.86818498e-01 -8.35055262e-02 -4.94091585e-02 -1.28743798e-01 -1.05284281e-01 4.07126427e-01 2.18330115e-01 -2.89930403e-01 1.21471368e-01 4.57127485e-03 3.92523289e-01 -2.99048815e-02 6.86929375e-02 2.92505413e-01 1.27610907e-01 -5.26043996e-02 -3.01313549e-01 4.42234725e-01 7.20770776e-01 -1.07027426e-01 1.49845541e-01 3.04295778e-01 -3.87094207e-02 -1.75390080e-01 1.49653420e-01 2.50001580e-01 -1.87831402e-01 -7.02781528e-02 -6.86088651e-02 -2.11214393e-01 -2.92919558e-02 3.12661767e-01 -2.88735539e-01 -1.24299824e-01 6.05748082e-03 1.79379344e-01 3.99848558e-02 -3.47967207e-01 -1.40650243e-01 8.18264708e-02 -7.66729712e-01 -1.09148934e-01 8.45052861e-03 -6.71666145e-01 -1.54417604e-01 2.03881294e-01 1.41686827e-01 4.77737002e-03 6.60566241e-02 -6.41718730e-02 -7.71133229e-02 -1.16865650e-01 2.57243216e-01 6.65521249e-02 -5.68849640e-03 3.80006760e-01 -3.02620232e-01 1.14861958e-01 -3.63947511e-01 2.66772248e-02 -2.34595269e-01 1.57930285e-01 -3.13133895e-02 -4.22478080e-01 2.90364586e-02 -1.31990939e-01 1.79630458e-01 1.70209244e-01 -1.45130353e-02 -2.74570942e-01 -2.90508956e-01 7.16867670e-02 2.45929167e-01 -6.67115226e-02 1.07975096e-01 5.74722961e-02 2.44973078e-01 -2.04597823e-02 7.95521885e-02 8.86855125e-02 1.40385240e-01 -1.17987387e-01 1.74305532e-02 1.26939908e-01 -1.53929755e-01 -3.69620509e-02 1.33559957e-01 4.10257220e-01 -4.84926440e-02 -4.78462987e-02 -3.24666381e-01 -2.01174751e-01 9.59269851e-02 3.93747300e-01 8.68052244e-03 2.54217505e-01 2.62572169e-02 7.56654143e-03 2.17097953e-01 3.31710547e-01 -2.33467877e-01 -2.66193002e-01 -4.88551676e-01 -3.14802945e-01 1.05939776e-01 2.54304767e-01 9.26537812e-02 -2.91866343e-03 -6.91452324e-01 3.63118708e-01 -1.50166705e-01 2.68536568e-01 -1.46855474e-01 -6.15598083e-01 -1.46555170e-01 -1.53430879e-01 1.74235761e-01 2.71147877e-01 -1.14702024e-01 4.33755904e-01 -1.70374945e-01 -3.70446831e-01 5.07841289e-01 1.47599742e-01 2.25317821e-01 2.31223479e-01 2.56376535e-01 1.07109115e-01 2.88530260e-01 4.14469481e-01 2.77909666e-01 1.84133396e-01 -2.15860412e-01 2.22569853e-01 2.91688621e-01 1.16519161e-01 -1.39441594e-01 -1.06016062e-01 8.03266391e-02 -1.28997803e-01 4.77846079e-02 2.17857361e-01 2.90504426e-01 -1.06203847e-01 -1.90098420e-01 -1.92508455e-02 -1.65835068e-01 -1.14967100e-01 -1.57460138e-01 -2.33011264e-02 3.85630012e-01 5.07788360e-02 1.48826092e-01 -3.63771506e-02 -1.79916158e-01 1.31965607e-01 4.45534050e-01 -1.60666838e-01 1.96198970e-01 2.67943680e-01 -6.77432269e-02 3.31347257e-01 2.08513349e-01 6.07230775e-02 9.09245666e-03 1.55608729e-01 1.53324798e-01 -5.92138112e-01 3.95893194e-02 -1.78477913e-01 2.48713186e-03 8.28415155e-02 -4.99770083e-02 1.23786144e-01 8.61618370e-02 -2.60053217e-01 -2.94479638e-01 -8.19356665e-02 8.73828903e-02 1.99138016e-01 2.19799250e-01 -3.16638947e-01 -3.91106814e-01 -2.96767265e-01 3.89932424e-01 -1.43322393e-01 -1.26639023e-01 -2.14558154e-01 5.77097349e-02 2.47727796e-01 -1.63649738e-01 1.10476911e-01 1.28677681e-01 1.66949213e-01 -3.43170762e-02 3.29202741e-01 8.08008611e-02 -5.87151527e-01 -1.36841938e-01 2.06208378e-01 -2.80525774e-01 -5.12107372e-01 2.26648614e-01 3.42869371e-01 -1.29102590e-02 -3.62991899e-01 1.01890162e-01 3.70253623e-01 3.19640785e-01 -1.06090896e-01 -2.28959739e-01 1.04775302e-01 3.48182917e-01 1.77679047e-01 2.58570850e-01 -5.90509772e-02 1.89255476e-01 -1.28569752e-01 1.03668340e-01 3.48614044e-02 -1.93665519e-01 -3.62972170e-01 3.84925663e-01 3.30034763e-01 -5.10039441e-02 2.84043342e-01 -8.87844935e-02 -2.35453889e-01 -5.31055965e-03 2.91288286e-01 5.41046932e-02 3.90143603e-01 -4.77540568e-02 4.56029288e-02 1.75846234e-01 4.53947663e-01 3.56077462e-01 -2.35558420e-01 -9.10667032e-02 -1.61640763e-01 -4.66146141e-01 4.33755726e-01 -1.12874106e-01 1.28058106e-01 9.70087498e-02 4.01589543e-01 2.05138661e-02 -3.06708157e-01 -1.24616735e-01 -2.37553045e-01 5.01709223e-01 -9.66286063e-02 -2.29665771e-01 1.36399744e-02 3.42421412e-01 2.50293445e-02 -8.90875682e-02 -2.09820896e-01 -1.63748384e-01 9.18553844e-02 1.00639686e-01 -2.58741468e-01 -1.46379590e-01 -8.02036077e-02 -2.27084294e-01 -1.01626813e-01 2.08057687e-01 3.74791920e-02 1.32243648e-01 1.97301850e-01 3.05496883e-02]
""Cash or Ash"" active "Item #: SCP-263 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-263 is to be stored in a low value items storage vault at Site-19. It may be removed for testing provided permission from a level 3 researcher and a fire-resistant area to conduct testing in. All testing with SCP-263 is to be recorded. Subjects testing SCP-263 are allowed a mobile telephone, a PDA, or a netbook computer with full, unrestricted access to a complete, synchronized copy of the Foundation's data banks, stored in a dedicated database server to guarantee full retrieval of any records entry in no more than 200 milliseconds if and only if they are terminated immediately after testing has concluded. All recordings of testing on SCP-263 are to be reviewed by a researcher with level 4 or higher clearance, and censored where necessary to prevent access to restricted material. All researchers observing SCP-263 during testing are to be administered a local amnestic and have their notes confiscated. Research notes from testing require permission from a researcher with level four clearance to access. Description: SCP-263 is a black and white television, bearing the logo of the "THOMSON" company. It matches no known model of television, but has a similar style and construction to televisions built in the year 1961. SCP-263 is fully intact, but has sustained minor cosmetic damage to the screen and frame. SCP-263 has been observed to function even when not connected to a power outlet. When switched on, the TV always displays the interior of a studio, whose design bears similarities to studios of television game shows from the 1960's. A large logo, saying "CASH OR ASH?" in large, stylized letters can be seen on the back wall of the studio, and an unidentified music piece is playing in the studio at all times. The only man visible in the studio is SCP-263-1. SCP-263-1 appears to be a male human of Caucasian descent of approximately thirty-five years of age, dressed in a suit that matches a style commonly worn between the years 1959 and 1964. SCP-263-1 has a demeanor that has been described as "Blithe," "Enthusiastic," and "Over the top." SCP-263-1 is smiling almost constantly. As soon as a human turns SCP-263 on, SCP-263-1 will look directly at the subject and say that the subject is "a new competitor who just tuned in to the Cash or Ash show." He will then state that he wishes the subject "lots of luck" in answering "three fiendish questions" and "getting the cash - and not ash!" (SCP-263-1's exact phrasing varies slightly between each usage of SCP-263.) SCP-263-1 will proceed to ask the questions. The questions asked by SCP-263-1 are always related to the environment surrounding SCP-263. If inside of a fully enclosed structure, SCP-263-1 will ask questions about the owners, history, and design of the structure. If outside of a enclosed structure, SCP-263-1 will ask questions pertaining to the history, geology, ecosystem, and weather patterns of the surrounding area. While inside of a Foundation facility, all of the questions are related to various SCPs in possession or in the records of the Foundation or about the history and architecture of the site in which it is stored. Many of them are inquiries upon rather basic information easily found in documents accessible by low level personnel, but some of them concern specific minutiae, found only in certain esoteric documents which require high clearance and/or are rather complicated to find or reach. In each case, though, the information needed to correctly answer the question can be gathered from Foundation records. For a full list of questions asked by SCP-263-1 while in Foundation possession, see document 263-Q1. If within the next forty-five seconds, the subject supplies a correct answer, their success will be acknowledged and briefly congratulated upon by SCP-263-1. If, however, the subject answers incorrectly, or does not answer within forty-five seconds, SCP-263-1 will say: "Time's up! So sorry," and the subject will immediately combust. The flames are always of both high temperature and intensity, and will fully enclose the subject within four seconds. All attempts to extinguish the fire up to this point have been unsuccessful. After forty-two seconds, the fire will disappear, along with the remains of the subject who burns entirely. After forty-two seconds have passed, SCP-263-1 will look out towards the place where the subject combusted and state that the failure is "a pity" and that "hopefully the next competitor will avoid the ash… and get away with the cash!" SCP-263 will then turn off on its own. If during the forty-five seconds, someone whispers to the subject, audibly speaks to the subject, the subject leaves the area directly in front of SCP-263, or the subject interacts with a computer greater than twenty-seven centimeters, SCP-263-1 will accuse the subject of cheating and the subject will combust in the same manner as described above. SCP-263 will then remark on the "dwindling ethics of today's people", and SCP-263 will switch itself off. Portable consumer electronic devices, such as mobile telephones, PDAs, and laptop computers smaller than twenty-seven centimeters do not cause the subject to combust, thus allowing the subject to find the information required to correctly answer the question within the provided time. If the subject correctly answers all three questions, SCP-263-1 will say, "Congratulations! You have won the cash! Here is your prize!." SCP-263 will then turn itself off and a prize will appear in front of the subject. The prizes given away by SCP-263 appear to have no discernible theme or pattern. So far, the following prizes have been given: All attempts to inquire SCP-263-1 about himself or SCP-263 have proven ineffective. SCP-263-1 does not react to any questions or statements, save for the question answers or any "cheating" attempts. « SCP-262 | SCP-263 | SCP-264 »" nan
[ 2.01762896e-02 1.63654685e-01 -7.69727826e-02 -2.12264583e-01 1.29622310e-01 -6.17203936e-02 2.30171978e-01 3.65582913e-01 6.18339814e-02 2.89577454e-01 -8.37701261e-02 1.49099097e-01 -3.53553802e-01 1.35118142e-01 4.81472425e-02 2.94315517e-01 6.89317733e-02 2.82071084e-01 1.79285824e-01 -1.62228361e-01 -1.54377833e-01 -1.04538612e-01 -3.55249867e-02 -5.71555346e-02 -3.95569146e-01 -5.17719314e-02 3.63374084e-01 -2.48490814e-02 2.92395055e-02 -5.86958975e-02 2.42757082e-01 3.09309244e-01 -2.18446463e-01 3.72331291e-01 -1.12907976e-04 -3.67531478e-01 1.25161618e-01 -6.96159247e-03 -1.64601326e-01 1.82522386e-01 -6.27857670e-02 1.49693698e-01 3.62060666e-02 -5.02128564e-02 -6.94846883e-02 6.12967968e-01 1.43198699e-01 -1.13085210e-01 2.96339899e-01 7.06089288e-02 1.62561849e-01 3.51888388e-02 1.19609155e-01 4.38996591e-02 2.75201891e-02 3.43314916e-01 -5.52684553e-02 -7.35610025e-03 -9.33498517e-02 -4.85519767e-02 2.25073412e-01 3.82619202e-01 2.72967350e-02 -1.99176893e-01 3.57872963e-01 -3.01454484e-01 -5.93315102e-02 8.19831118e-02 2.72838026e-01 1.51821613e-01 -1.97427660e-01 -8.11601132e-02 2.44197011e-01 -3.12611647e-02 9.34410933e-03 1.58941038e-02 4.09741968e-01 2.69289613e-01 -2.67407507e-01 2.95675192e-02 -4.29321051e-01 8.03437755e-02 -4.20222849e-01 1.89416371e-02 -1.96192667e-01 -4.83854748e-02 -8.03299323e-02 4.56830636e-02 1.37684882e-01 -2.16729715e-01 4.66536321e-02 -2.05042362e-01 2.20183626e-01 1.21535070e-01 -1.07745007e-01 -4.83163074e-02 1.33599684e-01 1.89904675e-01 -1.84789747e-01 -3.87703180e-01 5.72491214e-02 3.06517128e-02 6.26233965e-02 1.22035637e-01 2.85430588e-02 -1.69657454e-01 2.04192668e-01 -4.22201455e-01 -6.54260874e-01 2.96194106e-01 -2.15526089e-01 4.06040587e-02 -3.34209025e-01 1.10230774e-01 -3.33294854e-03 -1.78422540e-01 3.05594690e-03 -1.22015551e-01 -3.76039028e-01 3.82186621e-01 -2.85462588e-01 -2.33571889e-04 1.16843566e-01 4.38945174e-01 3.50852251e-01 6.44397199e-01 4.00070436e-02 -5.67294396e-02 5.21343984e-02 -1.75592929e-01 -1.36094630e-01 3.66507918e-01 -2.42980629e-01 5.08066043e-02 1.86980128e-01 3.26928496e-01 -4.43304330e-01 1.06127085e-02 -1.22937905e-02 1.73221588e-01 1.28260940e-01 -8.06178898e-02 4.35225725e-01 3.02655458e-01 -5.66644967e-01 6.85995594e-02 -1.21759780e-01 7.87545592e-02 -1.64948791e-01 -3.52582596e-02 4.61187452e-01 -1.55162424e-01 -8.36219490e-02 2.36169606e-01 -2.21529052e-01 -4.93640080e-02 5.60236633e-01 -8.57926235e-02 -7.42803738e-02 -2.61868775e-01 2.38830745e-01 1.28123537e-01 -5.22473812e-01 -1.69635162e-01 -6.95295446e-03 4.93775159e-01 -6.09691024e-01 1.36776408e-02 -6.02095351e-02 -1.36756703e-01 -2.05765814e-01 -2.75572091e-01 -2.23058492e-01 -1.27194509e-01 1.70209780e-01 -2.07765982e-01 -1.87251598e-01 -2.75618464e-01 -4.31043833e-01 -5.32256663e-02 -1.51874036e-01 1.94445431e-01 5.62841117e-01 -1.18633196e-01 -5.58838069e-01 -6.12891316e-02 -4.45851773e-01 -5.17779328e-02 8.81508142e-02 -2.52565414e-01 -2.46115163e-01 -2.76977807e-01 4.75409359e-01 1.17408670e-01 2.21037380e-02 -1.85552418e-01 -3.10501695e-01 3.95857275e-01 3.41022938e-01 4.43202287e-01 -3.60228091e-01 -3.56269717e-01 4.74788249e-01 -1.01003256e-02 -3.39535594e-01 -8.57382864e-02 1.26385033e-01 -3.02078165e-02 3.63671035e-02 1.12307347e-01 1.51284672e-02 -2.01281041e-01 -2.58806825e-01 1.49230063e-01 -1.82473645e-01 -2.54587770e-01 1.21792831e-01 5.51156521e-01 1.86581612e-02 -3.43751132e-01 -1.99099630e-01 3.04030508e-01 2.64651567e-01 -4.15692210e-01 -1.52331606e-01 -1.16752209e-02 -2.91501075e-01 -1.16297333e-02 -2.56358981e-01 9.91873741e-02 3.67189884e-01 1.97841972e-01 1.73177898e-01 7.40663856e-02 -3.52361172e-01 1.22862048e-01 -5.04710563e-02 5.23080051e-01 3.78937796e-02 -2.28325754e-01 1.17392845e-01 7.56992176e-02 3.54805648e-01 1.62096009e-01 -3.86029363e-01 2.90095031e-01 2.05888361e-01 -1.87133893e-01 -9.23247114e-02 -2.05501541e-01 4.70468961e-02 -1.68328181e-01 1.99847817e-01 -2.69176066e-01 2.15668716e-02 5.38404644e-01 -9.79929268e-02 1.64333388e-01 -1.25237733e-01 4.20411497e-01 1.91181958e-01 -9.40395668e-02 1.18078217e-02 -8.87899622e-02 2.48974830e-01 -2.95246869e-01 2.53389627e-01 1.66470602e-01 1.22955367e-02 1.34276956e-01 -1.67652160e-01 -4.28701788e-02 -1.78238153e-01 -3.31436783e-01 4.62789387e-02 -5.75612038e-02 1.96120739e-01 2.31204301e-01 2.12476090e-01 3.79842706e-02 -1.54915482e-01 -6.90588355e-02 6.31702319e-02 -2.19093248e-01 -1.01296514e-01 1.50731038e-02 1.38051003e-01 -1.72956228e-01 -3.17323893e-01 5.59224188e-01 4.07323718e-01 -1.38415292e-01 1.97220087e-01 3.09347417e-02 -1.57800809e-01 9.35507268e-02 -1.27032056e-01 4.30958867e-01 -3.28979731e-01 2.91970462e-01 -2.96239525e-01 -2.11409315e-01 2.00859666e-01 8.07321593e-02 -9.23595944e-05 2.83104509e-01 2.91551471e-01 -1.96540013e-01 1.07857279e-01 1.56090468e-01 -2.78756857e-01 2.36837536e-01 1.28043741e-01 -3.54101866e-01 1.07402362e-01 -1.51585102e-01 -5.49461693e-02 -5.85035026e-01 6.82851151e-02 -5.36913037e-01 1.24261817e-02 9.72572714e-02 2.69575268e-01 -1.16786323e-01 1.03966020e-01 1.20526992e-01 -7.06410035e-02 -5.02803475e-02 2.04153523e-01 -1.92059457e-01 1.98952556e-01 2.07810745e-01 -1.07892469e-01 6.40617236e-02 -4.26098198e-01 1.30017892e-01 -2.75238156e-01 -3.80354732e-01 1.00061163e-01 1.65358722e-01 3.99102550e-03 -6.62624538e-02 1.39570786e-02 -3.61429363e-01 4.75326963e-02 -1.07025340e-01 -2.66407486e-02 -3.00483592e-02 6.28983020e-04 1.61946446e-01 -4.76185888e-01 4.42318618e-01 -1.74794302e-04 -1.73642665e-01 -2.64476776e-01 -1.96569860e-02 9.29860175e-02 -2.11967051e-01 1.50864109e-01 -9.84456986e-02 9.81460810e-02 -3.38534713e-02 2.63390929e-01 -9.27992761e-02 -2.43030041e-01 1.70941114e-01 2.00755909e-01 2.93742388e-01 1.84999585e-01 -1.66770071e-01 2.72186488e-01 3.53061944e-01 -2.20995590e-01 1.62063375e-01 -2.72809774e-01 -1.05068617e-01 -1.30749866e-01 2.87622631e-01 -7.74578094e-01 -4.17275019e-02 2.17340916e-01 4.50734161e-02 1.10762797e-01 -1.51349723e-01 1.36556523e-02 1.26803026e-01 -9.04644430e-02 -3.94481141e-03 1.62603017e-02 4.90434654e-02 -2.03496903e-01 -1.56624109e-01 3.84289891e-01 3.79318967e-02 5.03801405e-02 -1.14718571e-01 2.81096280e-01 -4.38672930e-01 -4.00515795e-01 3.01224858e-01 9.98642854e-03 5.18236637e-01 2.51810923e-02 5.70629716e-01 2.59203017e-01 1.36653006e-01 -1.89871445e-01 -7.35096931e-02 -5.25494993e-01 -4.21681225e-01 1.28912032e-01 -1.58865973e-01 -1.24735653e-01 7.70042986e-02 -9.88062248e-02 -1.64811254e-01 2.61646397e-02 4.40922678e-02 1.59266330e-02 2.02928141e-01 -8.06349516e-02 -2.93736216e-02 -3.54396254e-02 2.99241304e-01 1.79849938e-01 3.00355881e-01 -1.84876844e-01 2.33622402e-01 3.86616051e-01 -1.36600463e-02 2.77828183e-02 2.40112841e-01 7.61779621e-02 1.79517031e-01 1.59308448e-01 1.23083964e-01 2.29870707e-01 6.50765896e-02 -2.18846649e-01 2.51506232e-02 2.02326737e-02 -9.11597982e-02 7.68389165e-01 1.20966867e-01 -2.95725167e-01 -1.53502882e-01 2.43356183e-01 3.00452821e-02 6.25905469e-02 2.94384416e-02 -7.46386638e-03 2.45511770e-01 -1.15431011e-01 1.96204469e-01 -4.27627057e-01 -4.33232725e-01 -6.23179495e-01 2.09346667e-01 2.60458261e-01 2.29794696e-01 2.18960449e-01 1.22993875e+00 -1.01460621e-01 1.57517001e-01 1.96833491e-01 -6.92264378e-01 2.06956178e-01 -5.15029311e-01 -1.36036471e-01 -4.36092168e-02 8.29090104e-02 -8.94287303e-02 -1.63551956e-01 -1.56108275e-01 3.75258148e-01 -2.93766320e-01 -8.52195993e-02 -8.05450976e-01 1.57460701e-02 2.69894779e-01 3.99101734e-01 -6.49733245e-02 2.13905111e-01 1.72455579e-01 1.68373048e-01 8.17484409e-02 2.31811315e-01 4.68099955e-03 -1.12151384e-01 2.51466960e-01 6.30166978e-02 -4.37817872e-01 2.39208937e-01 -1.13792226e-01 5.80277406e-02 1.19992405e-01 -5.41325569e-01 8.79371166e-02 2.21910879e-01 -1.37423307e-01 -1.11320101e-01 -1.60114035e-01 3.90125066e-01 4.18455154e-01 -8.25599059e-02 1.07040599e-01 3.45610678e-01 2.68113405e-01 -3.19663361e-02 -1.42255366e-01 2.01409549e-01 9.74489301e-02 5.13508283e-02 -2.01812118e-01 8.41382295e-02 4.58626539e-01 -1.39622062e-01 -3.67962390e-01 -9.87783447e-02 -1.34932667e-01 -1.53144687e-01 2.13347584e-01 -1.85102090e-01 -1.87364161e-01 -4.42840725e-01 3.92554700e-02 -1.41144112e-01 8.25735405e-02 2.20119834e-01 -3.61060649e-02 -3.57751027e-02 1.77965790e-01 3.66647989e-02 -3.76085609e-01 -4.88218993e-01 -4.65127639e-02 4.18906480e-01 -5.28970301e-01 -3.28257412e-01 2.10127637e-01 -4.19390261e-01 7.12464824e-02 -1.08976878e-01 2.93936640e-01 1.11568600e-01 -1.96128324e-01 8.66925810e-03 4.19959784e-01 -1.56213656e-01 2.68689066e-01 3.38989884e-01 -8.29638261e-03 7.95276538e-02 2.27772787e-01 1.53940842e-01 -3.80344689e-01 -7.57682025e-02 -7.07191303e-02 -9.33360085e-02 -3.13152969e-01 -2.34313920e-01 1.66973807e-02 -3.62310827e-01 2.32561052e-01 1.20496489e-02 -3.38174224e-01 -2.05046579e-01 -3.77365686e-02 2.20041022e-01 7.65085146e-02 -2.49545515e-01 -4.93783280e-02 2.17038736e-01 6.70588613e-02 1.16314910e-01 -1.22080334e-01 2.99278051e-01 9.32083204e-02 4.16181475e-01 7.92407468e-02 -1.28861457e-01 -1.68097571e-01 -1.45236507e-01 1.03171043e-01 3.17923725e-01 -4.78682593e-02 -4.31742221e-02 -6.65551499e-02 -2.45769188e-01 6.94084838e-02 4.06434923e-01 -7.55451024e-02 2.38376692e-01 1.21490255e-01 -3.00422939e-03 9.27193537e-02 1.62453145e-01 -7.50701055e-02 1.19248005e-02 -1.16754293e-01 -2.13054314e-01 -4.35104109e-02 2.69912422e-01 -1.67381644e-01 9.05163735e-02 -2.43965879e-01 2.68595964e-01 6.97070546e-03 2.12150905e-02 -2.39789516e-01 -2.10481688e-01 3.85581590e-02 1.20887086e-01 -8.54571164e-02 3.65119904e-01 1.24490425e-01 4.54676270e-01 5.21175712e-02 -5.98282181e-02 2.25552261e-01 3.51922244e-01 2.00809557e-02 -2.98723634e-02 6.23103231e-02 1.97542265e-01 -9.56414416e-02 2.74857938e-01 2.43038222e-01 2.08263412e-01 -3.76922697e-01 1.36778116e-01 -3.37849945e-01 1.66944697e-01 -4.47400659e-02 3.48796397e-01 1.34938464e-01 3.61369327e-02 -7.48706004e-03 6.81084096e-02 5.44993952e-02 9.98273939e-02 -2.28087921e-02 -6.88940063e-02 -5.11401117e-01 -5.76222688e-02 1.67625904e-01 3.85589302e-02 5.00258207e-01 2.74258703e-01 -1.58507347e-01 3.55645299e-01 3.55718642e-01 -7.56253023e-03 3.94278556e-01 -7.98455998e-02 1.44375786e-01 1.52082324e-01 2.80581027e-01 6.09326959e-01 2.18452215e-01 1.51937425e-01 1.88617855e-01 -2.33493939e-01 3.27048779e-01 8.98772553e-02 -1.70398682e-01 -1.36369243e-01 -7.94581044e-03 5.24902996e-03 2.52976924e-01 1.16156833e-02 2.07820848e-01 -1.59309551e-01 -2.35262439e-01 9.70056802e-02 1.87001497e-01 -1.12856604e-01 -1.56069577e-01 -4.20472324e-01 4.08097655e-02 -6.53624013e-02 1.55571431e-01 -4.68626499e-01 -4.18273583e-02 -2.47369796e-01 3.34665701e-02 2.56326228e-01 2.14944407e-01 8.90030712e-02 -1.30209044e-01 2.17943490e-01 7.62034282e-02 2.54006624e-01 -1.23261034e-01 -2.91863531e-01 -2.89877862e-01 2.20819414e-01 2.18668565e-01 -5.02803445e-01 -2.04727612e-03 6.04732335e-02 1.48370430e-01 1.17005184e-01 2.03610379e-02 1.04045197e-01 -5.96066594e-01 -4.76752445e-02 -1.76794291e-01 2.94336319e-01 4.97343212e-01 -2.25537688e-01 6.12223633e-02 -7.67455101e-02 1.02302067e-01 1.40849560e-01 1.63785115e-01 4.90546972e-02 -4.17585313e-01 -4.69027519e-01 -2.49499857e-01 2.19981238e-01 -2.17531875e-01 4.92521197e-01 -1.31760582e-01 2.29949336e-02 3.65171552e-01 2.09564433e-01 -5.17604174e-03 5.14788441e-02 -5.22228181e-02 2.66192347e-01 1.42367154e-01 5.51779747e-01 2.42755815e-01 2.54770577e-01 -2.37856627e-01 9.76941437e-02 -4.93475884e-01 -1.90165848e-01 -1.26678243e-01 1.63311228e-01 -1.81901678e-02 2.07629934e-01 -2.85547432e-02 9.96004790e-02 -1.74046233e-01 -5.78896813e-02 5.85852742e-01 1.07617646e-01 -6.89528883e-02 1.14459153e-02 2.63920069e-01 -1.07531197e-01 1.65395457e-02 -8.27375889e-01 -1.30978018e-01 -1.82800874e-01 5.77780791e-02 -1.84098333e-01 -2.75857687e-01 -1.82418600e-01 -1.91788778e-01 -9.03234258e-02 4.04640883e-01 4.75355834e-02 2.44144812e-01 -5.11409342e-01 -9.39240903e-02]
"Skeleton Temple" active "Item #: SCP-264 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-264 is to be contained in a 16 by 16 meter room of standard reinforcement. Two guards are to be stationed outside of this room at all times, circulated every twenty-four hours. The room is to be monitored every day for a minimum of two hours. SCP-264 requires no nourishment of any type. No support is necessary either, as SCP-264 suspends itself through an unknown source of levitation. Note: As of ██/██/200█, only Agents ████ ███████, ██████ █████ [DECEASED], █████ ██████, and Dr. ██████ ████ are permitted to visit SCP-264. Failure to comply will result in reassignment, pending transgressor's condition [see Addendum 264-01]. SCP-264 has noted previously some attachment to the aforementioned agents, as they were part of the team that originally discovered [DATA EXPUNGED]. In addition, both Agents ████ ███████ and █████ ██████ were on location during [DATA EXPUNGED]. Suggest keeping them on-site until further notice. -Dr. Carnival Description: SCP-264 is a skeleton of humanoid appearance, estimated at two meters in height. Its skull is slightly elongated, and two metal protrusions extend from either kneecap. SCP-264's torso and upper pelvis have either been replaced by, or consists of, a structure, composed of an unknown metallic substance, that resembles a temple of unknown origin. The structure is composed of several layers of balconies and terraces, with a door located at the approximate center. On the structure are dozens of carved statues that resemble men, women, children, and, in a few cases, animals. Statues are unable to be removed, although they appear to go about the standard activities of any tribal culture when not being viewed directly. The structure and skeleton seem to either have been mounted upon, or are part of, a hemisphere just over one meter in diameter, composed of what appears to be the same unknown metal. The edge of the hemisphere is lined with evenly spaced spikes about 2.5 cm (1 in) in length. Several of the statues have been seen interacting with the sphere in various ways, and seem to be aware of its existence. The back side of the hemisphere is covered in carvings of several languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, German, and ███████. Translation of the ███████ language has been suspended indefinitely due to [DATA EXPUNGED] (see Addendum 264-02). SCP-264 is sentient, communicating through several non-verbal forms, including Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean sign language, and Morse code. It is most frequently recorded communicating through writing, however, and has been noted writing in nearly every language currently discovered, including the ███████ language. On rare occasions, a designated statue will speak for the SCP; there have been only two recorded instances of this happening since its discovery. Subject refers to itself as "The Guardian", and refers to the carved statues as separate entities. SCP-264 claims to be the creator of the statues and the structure they "live" in. The statues appear to be aware of "The Guardian's" existence, as they have been observed retrieving several objects from the interior of the hemisphere, where it is presumed the structure expands. Objects retrieved from the interior include a stick of charcoal, papyrus, SCP-███, and a small semi-transparent marble of [DATA EXPUNGED] which was presented to Agent ██████ by one of the statuettes. How SCP-264 is capable of communicating with its "subjects" is currently unknown, as neither it nor the statues emit any form of psychic read-out. However, SCP-264 has alluded to having abilities of precognition. Taken from Interview 264a: SCP-264: I saw what would happen to the doctor as easily as you see me and my people now. Dr. Carnival: How exactly did you manage to do that? SCP-264: I trace the threads of Fate. SCP-264 refused to elaborate on what it meant. However, it can be assumed that through some force unknown, SCP-264 is able to view the path a person may take through the course of their life. SCP-264 has proven to have knowledge of several other SCPs currently contained, including SCP-035, SCP-███, and SCP-███ [see Interview 264a]. Addendum 264-01: Due to the actions on 06/10/20██, in which Dr. █████, and the civilian ███ █████ [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-264 will allow only the aforementioned agents to converse with it. Following [DATA EXPUNGED], Dr. ██ entered SCP-264's cell to perform several experiments with one of the statues. At 0200, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Several hours later, a previously unseen statue was viewed emerging from the doorway located at SCP-264's center. Close-up imaging proved the statue to be in the likeness of Dr. ██. Addendum 264-02: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Note: The next stages of exploration have been enacted upon today. A fiberscope was inserted into the doorway located at what we're guessing is the center of 264 (with its permission, of course; can't have any more assistants lost to rudeness). For the most part the view was nil. Image was distorted—some property of 264 is interfering with the camera, though of course it can't give any insight as to what causes this to happen. The phrase 塩の鎧 inscribed on the inside of the hemisphere it's mounted on was all we found. The Japanese translates to 'Salt armor', though what this means we're still at a loss for. However, it does confirm our suspicions that 264 is Japanese, or at least Asian, in origin, despite where it was discovered. Further exploration sched. for 11/6. -Dr. Carnival. « SCP-263 | SCP-264 | SCP-265 »" nan
[ 2.98050135e-01 6.00807182e-02 -1.45665482e-01 3.85875255e-01 1.42067254e-01 -1.00612476e-01 2.75230587e-01 2.13754073e-01 1.83946904e-05 1.79700792e-01 -1.23724528e-01 7.85118416e-02 6.29441217e-02 -3.86521518e-02 3.08239251e-01 -2.18155950e-01 3.00852004e-02 2.48573497e-01 -4.68593627e-01 -1.60653014e-02 -2.19827160e-01 -1.69262335e-01 -1.63742319e-01 3.51732597e-02 3.16547835e-03 1.21464662e-01 -3.65919799e-01 1.35825187e-01 -1.27141237e-01 -2.53170699e-01 7.99877942e-02 -1.65577903e-01 -1.35282189e-01 6.36162639e-01 -1.07383239e-04 -1.60927117e-01 2.07537726e-01 -4.17035110e-02 -2.53767937e-01 1.76460356e-01 -5.58351502e-02 -5.05727567e-02 -4.19713706e-01 -2.83903301e-01 -1.97091758e-01 -9.04424340e-02 1.85137242e-01 7.39705116e-02 1.34376988e-01 1.57716602e-01 2.38460764e-01 -3.09675355e-02 1.30502701e-01 -4.92396504e-02 -3.08178626e-02 2.92223305e-01 -1.15369156e-01 -2.39562877e-02 -4.56058281e-03 3.03389102e-01 1.75416678e-01 -5.57966530e-02 -3.06610286e-01 -1.25651538e-01 2.59587675e-01 -2.54938126e-01 -1.59732223e-01 -2.07872272e-01 3.28479588e-01 1.83899865e-01 4.36650574e-01 -1.69780731e-01 3.69286269e-01 2.34950095e-01 2.06945073e-02 -1.39134780e-01 2.68167585e-01 2.47778758e-01 1.26122177e-01 -6.72119111e-02 -3.25930774e-01 2.05780640e-01 -3.14276278e-01 6.64924979e-02 -2.31596604e-01 8.64471588e-03 1.82912033e-02 1.19647704e-01 7.93256983e-02 -3.71073256e-03 2.20331460e-01 -1.40050173e-01 2.52269566e-01 5.25877714e-01 7.65588582e-02 -5.50172254e-02 1.56060562e-01 -2.50748396e-01 7.51841674e-03 1.07568346e-01 -3.70193154e-01 2.64529884e-01 -7.29422793e-02 1.39263764e-01 -1.65697664e-03 -2.77038127e-01 1.69440657e-01 -5.50444573e-02 -2.89508194e-01 4.92007792e-01 1.51910201e-01 2.80174494e-01 -1.22697555e-01 3.49929407e-02 -1.57649696e-01 9.17990953e-02 -1.55603494e-02 -2.58601084e-02 1.47295684e-01 1.51995957e-01 -3.31179112e-01 1.36236429e-01 4.90509644e-02 1.45014599e-01 4.11173373e-01 2.39462480e-02 3.51966918e-02 -1.91735938e-01 2.08321754e-02 1.39439732e-01 -2.58899182e-01 5.26718616e-01 -2.51729965e-01 1.29705846e-01 -1.09681562e-02 5.69151482e-03 -2.21939534e-01 -2.45755576e-02 1.79101557e-01 4.14236300e-02 6.23669215e-02 -2.66471654e-01 5.28401375e-01 3.06067973e-01 -3.46248806e-01 -3.22127283e-01 -9.72762853e-02 -8.56529474e-02 -2.02522561e-01 -1.65559709e-01 3.13143194e-01 -9.62366462e-02 -7.75924698e-02 2.41880789e-01 -1.54744819e-01 1.45500600e-01 3.33915740e-01 7.31789172e-02 -9.68574286e-02 4.93429936e-02 3.00417513e-01 4.30669188e-01 -5.28526545e-01 -1.66071698e-01 1.40827987e-02 4.84807789e-01 -7.87373707e-02 -1.38586432e-01 2.91950583e-01 -1.07521147e-01 -1.90324709e-01 -2.07435675e-02 7.64456540e-02 -3.06427535e-02 -4.16579515e-01 2.35013708e-01 -1.08296037e+00 -2.38915980e-01 -2.79792190e-01 -3.29394042e-01 -1.45715818e-01 1.90605506e-01 6.93753734e-02 -1.99574098e-01 1.60540119e-01 -2.58195749e-03 -2.12122262e-01 1.39083087e-01 1.22086003e-01 -9.03564505e-03 -2.05927923e-01 -4.89815474e-01 2.70249426e-01 1.92501709e-01 2.15213329e-01 -6.23900928e-02 1.58461973e-01 1.78904966e-01 2.14730427e-01 -3.00690848e-02 -9.13598612e-02 1.74849674e-01 2.36300841e-01 -1.98169544e-01 -2.88411170e-01 4.73163314e-02 -1.77410990e-03 2.04089373e-01 5.92274189e-01 6.11818373e-01 -2.89528631e-02 -8.13620463e-02 -7.37301782e-02 5.78198768e-02 2.82977223e-02 -2.44468123e-01 2.65102774e-01 9.99294966e-02 1.86524525e-01 -2.77163595e-01 6.36585581e-04 9.02418420e-02 -9.45062414e-02 -3.08331817e-01 -2.30062798e-01 4.37116206e-01 -5.12096062e-02 2.26194728e-02 -1.83869787e-02 3.05986822e-01 3.45394462e-01 -2.66870081e-01 1.67982563e-01 6.69976696e-02 -1.77115388e-02 -3.50153483e-02 -1.48331612e-01 6.87705636e-01 3.08391489e-02 -3.38864565e-01 1.50932238e-01 -2.90939152e-01 2.28592902e-01 4.60239407e-03 4.16854322e-02 1.72181055e-01 3.94383520e-01 1.78899989e-01 2.06515521e-01 -4.19444852e-02 -1.20547943e-01 -4.75744158e-01 1.52325269e-03 -1.55968964e-01 -4.13063653e-02 7.60031193e-02 -2.76727766e-01 4.15363818e-01 2.25781307e-01 -2.36555953e-02 4.66904119e-02 -1.70140803e-01 1.31789327e-01 -1.34089142e-01 7.90271461e-02 -1.41322047e-01 2.08647132e-01 -1.03782248e-02 1.11145914e-01 7.60617256e-02 9.43398103e-02 3.77252065e-02 1.77669197e-01 4.17739302e-02 1.39076963e-01 -1.82324931e-01 3.27820152e-01 8.77237692e-02 1.76180586e-01 3.99572076e-03 -1.98321149e-01 -2.25184411e-02 7.16553777e-02 -1.22399759e-02 1.19501881e-01 1.86611935e-02 -9.14382637e-02 -2.01610431e-01 -6.15297332e-02 3.90508056e-01 6.76588565e-02 5.96511476e-02 3.39279249e-02 -2.14365229e-01 -1.62378505e-01 1.43224716e-01 1.28214464e-01 1.60406202e-01 -2.37882912e-01 -2.47734673e-02 -3.80966187e-01 8.77936110e-02 2.05894299e-02 1.68413192e-01 -6.94327205e-02 -2.49867067e-01 6.43226266e-01 -6.96477294e-02 7.98097253e-02 -3.34427476e-01 -4.31704164e-01 4.16698098e-01 1.17669649e-01 -4.41480458e-01 1.02572300e-01 -1.81170091e-01 1.54197827e-01 -2.74752408e-01 -1.22853763e-01 -3.68036687e-01 -6.26972392e-02 2.15269521e-01 -2.61376441e-01 -8.81907493e-02 -1.51850700e-01 3.06575716e-01 -4.22965251e-02 -2.07850501e-01 2.50368863e-02 5.58673441e-02 3.57711554e-01 3.28596413e-01 1.31678447e-01 2.92662352e-01 1.91191241e-01 -1.40534312e-01 -2.71545470e-01 -3.65402341e-01 1.13553889e-01 -8.46537799e-02 5.88871655e-04 -2.69531190e-01 -2.56346256e-01 4.15992826e-01 -8.29512477e-02 -5.15666962e-01 -3.85167092e-01 1.11616984e-01 1.36526972e-01 1.86111271e-01 -4.30503041e-01 3.16196889e-01 -6.70851693e-02 -2.21673593e-01 -9.52565968e-02 -1.20861903e-01 -8.36663693e-02 3.16102535e-01 2.59993553e-01 -2.89516389e-01 -3.23757023e-01 2.75025606e-01 3.16094309e-01 -2.42393732e-01 -4.21570122e-01 -1.34109268e-02 6.73236102e-02 3.57424140e-01 2.57666916e-01 -1.32595628e-01 3.49923223e-01 9.93439406e-02 -1.98216349e-01 1.00454830e-01 -1.20765679e-01 -4.78091329e-01 -3.93722346e-03 2.64041196e-03 -3.96404982e-01 -1.66749835e-01 -1.17409443e-02 2.04488590e-01 3.81190658e-01 -1.30204961e-01 -2.01976612e-01 2.02194169e-01 -7.15372637e-02 1.53864622e-01 1.63234130e-01 -2.30681852e-01 -2.23564487e-02 -8.79392028e-02 -1.13360984e-02 1.56443268e-01 1.43197045e-01 2.96933129e-02 4.85986518e-03 -3.13691318e-01 -5.07627502e-02 2.07963243e-01 -3.75647247e-01 3.49483818e-01 2.77929343e-02 2.31446072e-01 2.92550445e-01 3.00879300e-01 4.19676035e-05 6.97325692e-02 1.06148534e-01 -9.34799295e-03 2.85200238e-01 -2.62446664e-02 -1.29110992e-01 3.01868860e-02 1.86799020e-01 3.48792732e-01 4.62147817e-02 1.56613499e-01 -1.20642342e-01 -4.96112555e-01 -1.32234931e-01 1.53711159e-02 3.77848744e-02 -9.76780429e-02 1.66811228e-01 1.10647067e-01 1.02918915e-01 1.95200771e-01 1.12734148e-02 1.44223005e-01 -8.01576748e-02 3.59654844e-01 -1.35554567e-01 3.48014593e-01 2.23807141e-01 3.27160180e-01 3.49132657e-01 -1.50738284e-01 2.27865428e-01 1.03721246e-01 -2.59818155e-02 6.63845763e-02 6.47623003e-01 3.57378453e-01 -4.92000915e-02 -3.33634943e-01 5.59273697e-02 -8.51764157e-02 -2.69948840e-01 1.20130502e-01 1.28303662e-01 3.32379967e-01 -2.39499152e-01 3.31298143e-01 -3.84981722e-01 -2.71851510e-01 -3.18899244e-01 2.72023320e-01 -5.30039817e-02 2.24544182e-01 4.26219195e-01 1.22650409e+00 -9.13953558e-02 -4.51928861e-02 3.71738464e-01 -5.92324555e-01 1.01809658e-01 -5.42801201e-01 -1.08413942e-01 -3.72184128e-01 7.51382783e-02 -1.08751114e-02 -2.27059409e-01 8.42369273e-02 2.39636108e-01 -1.82552814e-01 -3.84174228e-01 -5.47430158e-01 1.90015286e-02 7.27349073e-02 3.07739615e-01 -3.71960364e-02 -4.50449251e-02 1.65871605e-01 3.07292938e-01 5.44884689e-02 1.44806102e-01 -5.79126887e-02 2.20295057e-01 -1.24247903e-02 8.37658793e-02 -2.76520610e-01 3.78633946e-01 -6.55154064e-02 4.57518309e-01 2.30919078e-01 2.70343162e-02 -1.39310494e-01 -1.17197568e-02 -1.58509076e-01 -1.17970780e-01 9.54720527e-02 2.95145959e-01 6.98264420e-01 -4.05588150e-02 1.71627626e-01 -7.22949579e-02 2.26923257e-01 6.78821802e-02 -5.52151166e-02 3.38239491e-01 -1.16912447e-01 1.55652717e-01 -1.58461124e-01 9.12741497e-02 2.00974613e-01 -5.94606847e-02 1.94979087e-01 1.78489685e-01 2.56285258e-02 -1.91519827e-01 2.04095140e-01 -1.84145123e-02 -4.52864245e-02 -3.41321886e-01 -3.73939984e-02 -1.46396145e-01 1.57159939e-01 1.92954138e-01 9.07496065e-02 6.30592257e-02 1.02848805e-01 2.90333331e-01 -2.07313418e-01 -4.48640913e-01 -9.07430500e-02 -2.81226248e-01 -2.42094949e-01 -9.31118354e-02 2.39853282e-02 -3.70581359e-01 -2.39229709e-01 -2.47963160e-01 -5.30662276e-02 -4.96490061e-01 -4.11358774e-01 -1.28335496e-02 -9.58855301e-02 3.10930610e-02 2.22108707e-01 3.58463347e-01 -3.47605228e-01 4.86131847e-01 -6.19886480e-02 1.70012265e-01 -3.93491983e-01 1.18962407e-01 -2.37353265e-01 1.11654133e-01 5.65286160e-01 -2.63074726e-01 -2.70789206e-01 -5.28446794e-01 1.78977653e-01 -5.17024025e-02 -3.88215780e-01 -1.70596018e-01 -3.46378416e-01 7.51286820e-02 1.83781013e-02 -2.19021112e-01 8.62467736e-02 -4.16462682e-02 2.48019442e-01 -1.22910719e-02 -4.23103608e-02 1.67480528e-01 6.97521344e-02 3.85367930e-01 -4.34419543e-01 1.80230215e-01 -6.33417815e-02 -2.51874458e-02 -1.60230752e-02 4.53269541e-01 1.19196467e-01 -1.14907712e-01 -1.18986681e-01 -9.95076522e-02 3.10604185e-01 3.61740112e-01 -1.95218921e-01 7.94291943e-02 1.51253164e-01 2.58933574e-01 4.61708426e-01 2.73646981e-01 -4.42708731e-01 -1.93565667e-01 -5.50720096e-01 -3.22476685e-01 -2.20482230e-01 3.00943226e-01 -7.00672269e-02 -2.64818538e-02 -5.20934105e-01 5.44136623e-03 -1.44027662e-03 3.13101619e-01 -7.90204555e-02 -1.16935104e-01 -1.93348750e-01 -1.37664214e-01 1.71297282e-01 3.73890340e-01 3.78623754e-02 3.07389498e-01 -3.31442416e-01 -2.73674160e-01 1.35969937e-01 -1.55096233e-01 1.46085992e-01 3.63985896e-01 2.21321076e-01 2.88329661e-01 -2.86066145e-01 2.16520995e-01 2.14223340e-01 2.47934684e-01 1.49094015e-01 1.61321387e-01 8.63981396e-02 5.93827888e-02 9.33379233e-02 1.40541717e-01 -2.55957358e-02 1.57903433e-01 -1.58881426e-01 1.40267551e-01 1.90313801e-01 8.11713412e-02 9.51073542e-02 -8.42540413e-02 -3.12600166e-01 -6.57099187e-02 3.05864841e-01 -5.57571314e-02 1.88856751e-01 -4.97990213e-02 -1.37554869e-01 1.96071163e-01 5.04893720e-01 1.88088089e-01 1.59591749e-01 -9.41975489e-02 5.03478460e-02 2.84416169e-01 -5.30641414e-02 -8.87831226e-02 -4.43618521e-02 7.65485168e-02 -1.91968322e-01 -2.77050734e-01 5.72803291e-03 -1.50758937e-01 -6.54514059e-02 -9.42233875e-02 -9.59229376e-03 3.74540761e-02 8.19359496e-02 1.05082013e-01 1.71904609e-01 -2.65479177e-01 -4.66543436e-01 3.02524120e-01 1.74301043e-01 1.49331376e-01 2.54927009e-01 -2.08234981e-01 -2.61784196e-01 1.02777079e-01 4.97217812e-02 -5.32235540e-02 -3.97556216e-01 5.88633381e-02 -1.49023771e-01 2.74632961e-01 -3.93875614e-02 9.31983292e-02 -1.23762622e-01 1.89619422e-01 -9.24355313e-02 1.73569337e-01 -3.26436991e-03 -3.34223688e-01 -3.41923535e-01 1.46930724e-01 -1.21552132e-01 -7.79366910e-01 -7.05643669e-02 2.20855340e-01 3.51025373e-01 -1.33559883e-01 -2.83985198e-01 3.05966437e-01 -7.03186095e-02 -3.04114997e-01 -2.96409070e-01 7.91548267e-02 -3.42497468e-01 1.16286159e-01 -3.26146632e-02 -2.46207565e-01 -1.76206112e-01 2.41522685e-01 1.85245797e-01 -6.68375269e-02 -2.73295343e-01 -9.62779298e-02 -2.02404857e-01 4.14823204e-01 -2.88827688e-01 1.76404044e-01 -2.03616455e-01 -2.83396453e-01 2.31256172e-01 1.73240811e-01 -1.02412969e-01 6.00840509e-01 1.78728297e-01 1.23144709e-01 2.05586120e-01 3.48449230e-01 1.57911360e-01 1.31075516e-01 1.75997704e-01 2.12445378e-01 -3.54686290e-01 1.02843679e-01 -1.93773299e-01 2.49143720e-01 -1.00273445e-01 3.90377671e-01 7.23605826e-02 -2.51686573e-01 -4.95607331e-02 -1.00153886e-01 4.45345223e-01 -1.60622194e-01 -1.63727373e-01 3.33847106e-02 7.32134432e-02 -1.88938722e-01 -9.89803001e-02 -5.05649984e-01 -1.41439870e-01 -1.04980946e-01 -7.07831793e-03 -3.03995013e-01 -1.42733485e-01 -3.15849692e-01 -1.32379130e-01 -1.12054460e-01 5.50774276e-01 -1.45944403e-02 -9.46275238e-03 -2.92749703e-01 -6.59355074e-02]
"Black Volga" active "Item #: SCP-265 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Site-54, -109, and -110 have been provided SCP-265 specific sub-taskforces in order to study SCP-265. Each houses a small fleet of tactical aircraft as well as Agents trained in standard Foundation information-gathering and interrogation techniques. Civilian cover stories and disguises are preferred - see Document 265-B for further protocol. Local news outlets are to be scanned for signs of SCP-265 and teams are to investigate possible encounters. Specific protocol is to be arranged on an incident-by-incident basis. Agents are not to instigate violence towards SCP-265 until a better understanding of its nature can be ascertained. Description: SCP-265 appears to be a Series 1 GAZ M21 Volga automobile, devoid of any license plating, logos, or other identifying marks. It is painted black with white-rimmed wheels and appears to be in pristine condition, regardless of environment. Some accounts note that it has white curtains in all but the front windows. Note that the production of the GAZ M21 ceased in 1970, with Series 1 being produced between 1958-1959. SCP-265 is absent of human occupants and appears to travel under its own power. Other details vary between encounters; it’s common for individuals to report that SCP-265 is silent while traveling, while others hear its engine idling for an extended period of time before noticing it nearby. Similarly, some encounters result in the vehicle leaving physical evidence such as tread marks on roads, where other encounters leave no physical traces. SCP-265 nearly always appears in scenarios which commonly elicit dread and paranoia in subjects, such as following lone travelers and idling in home driveways for a short while before driving off. SCP-265 has been encountered throughout rural Poland, far from urban centres but occasionally passing through small rural communities with populations under 500. It has been encountered at various times late in the day, with confirmed encounters having occurred at any time between 1829 hours and 0813 hours.1 SCP-265 normally moves at about 65 km/h2, but has been recorded exceeding 400 km/h3 in isolated instances. Addendum - Foundation Capture Attempt: At 23:11 on ██/██/20██ a vehicle matching SCP-265’s description was seen idling outside a Foundation-controlled weather station at [REDACTED]. After visually confirming the lack of human occupancy, a pursuit team including one helicopter and four high-performance offroad vehicles were dispatched from nearby Site-109 to follow and attempt to capture the vehicle. SCP-265 quickly accelerated to an excess of 200 km/h and showed an unexplainable degree of maneuverability. The helicopter continued pursuit until SCP-265 vanished into a densely forested area. The following search of the area found no trace of any vehicle, but incomplete human remains were discovered 4 kilometres away in a waterlogged area. Addendum - Similar Phenomenon: Given multiple concurrences of SCP-265 and human remains, and the similarity between their respective vehicles, it's possible that SCP-265 may be a variant or distantly related to phenomena observed in SCP-2613. Investigation into both anomalies is ongoing. Additional Documentation: Below is attached a translated series of excerpts collected from civilian sources, including audio interviews, law enforcement, news outlets, and personal diaries. This list is incomplete - please see Dr.Seidelman for access to full records. RECORD: Incident Transcript 265-1973-4/3 Recovered from police records of [LOCATION REDACTED] SUMMARY: An isolated event. Victim was taking a walk between villages in the late afternoon around 1300. A black Volga automobile with white rims appeared behind him and following at a low speed. According to the civilian, the vehicle was unusually loud and accelerated to hit him, fracturing his leg as he dove for cover. He played dead as the vehicle completed a three-point-turn to face him again, and waited for several minutes before it drove off. Civilian claimed that the interior was empty of any driver or passenger. RECORD: Diary of Civilian 265-1974-8/11 Excerpt recovered from archives of [REDACTED] "… unusual event. We pursued the Volga for nine minutes in two cars, during which it led us further from the town. It was growing dark, but we were confident that we could catch it. Piatek shot at it, but he missed or the car was bulletproof. He swears that he did not miss. It then turned sharply to the right and drove into the lake. We stopped and began writing the report on the side of the road; after three or so minutes Gorecki drew our attention towards the lake, and we saw lights emerging from the other side, and red tail lights driving off into the woods on the far side. There are only two sets of tire tracks. We swear on the lives of our mothers that this is true, and myself and Gorecki request to resign." RECORD: Audio 265-1982-7/31 — 9:17-11:01 Recovered from police records of [LOCATION REDACTED] "… The couple claimed that the vehicle, an unmarked Volga limousine painted black with white tires, appeared behind them while they were traveling. It followed them for several minutes before ramming them repeatedly and driving off. Neither could describe the driver, and both said that the offending vehicle made no noise and left no tracks." RECORD: Diary of Civilian 265-1989-8/11 Excerpt recovered from archives of [REDACTED] "I awoke just past midnight, and walked downstairs to fetch a drink of water. Once downstairs I noticed lights through the window. The car from a few weeks ago was back at the end of the drive, by the street. Its headlights were facing the house, and it was idling loudly. I was afraid that somebody was out there, and I almost went to wake up Piotr and the children, but I couldn’t convince myself to move. After ten minutes the car backed away and drove away. It looked just like the car my grandfather had at his old shop, but black and brand new. I will tell the police in the morning." RECORD: Incident Transcript 265-1990-11/2 Recovered from Police Records of [LOCATION REDACTED] On 10/29/1995 the citizen claimed to see an unconscious person in the back seat of a vehicle fitting the aforementioned description of a black M21 Volga, and provided a description of the person's appearance; this was later determined to be very similar to ██████ ██████████, who disappeared from his house near the town of ███████ on the same day 41 years ago. RECORD: Handwritten Excerpt 265-1995-4/11 Recovered from Police Records of [LOCATION REDACTED] "I woke up around 3 in the morning, and saw a car outside of my front door. It was a black Volga automobile, with curtains and white wheels. I do not know why I got into the car. I just felt like I needed to get into the back seat, so I did. I remember the door was heavy when I opened it, and the inside was clean and smelled like something familiar that I cannot place. I don’t remember anyone else in the car. I remember seeing water out in front of me in the headlights, that I was moving towards it, and the lights all went out and I felt the car crash into it and go under. I held my breath as the water came over my head, and opened my eyes and saw terrible things. Everything was so quiet. Things watched me, with sad faces in the dark. There were so many, they touched me and I could see them begging me to [illegible] I remember screaming and beating the door, and the door opened and I fell out onto the grass. I remember spitting water and somebody finding me a little while later, and I fell asleep in the car to the hospital. I’m so afraid. There were black rails and horses, they’re waiting for everyone to come. A ship under everything else darker than anything. And the others are so sad, they want to touch and be happy again but they're so far down, and it's so dark and cold. They can’t come back." « SCP-264 | SCP-265 | SCP-266 »" nan
[ 1.04275443e-01 -2.49004588e-01 -4.71339822e-02 4.39255498e-02 2.53401428e-01 -1.97042361e-01 3.95872802e-01 3.73862870e-02 -1.35194033e-01 1.35968089e-01 2.29410544e-01 2.68803298e-01 -2.20734611e-01 2.10191965e-01 1.89192861e-01 1.31403401e-01 -9.50649381e-03 -7.33231753e-02 -2.57528313e-02 -8.62261578e-02 8.08588415e-02 -5.16687240e-03 -1.91976145e-01 1.17924139e-01 -1.80813253e-01 2.30585933e-01 9.50515568e-02 -2.32378036e-01 -1.99140906e-01 -1.04202479e-01 3.77786964e-01 2.71312088e-01 2.58856773e-01 5.77547848e-01 -1.09510882e-04 -3.08929175e-01 -1.26741707e-01 -1.71526700e-01 1.27474904e-01 5.96383847e-02 1.22519627e-01 -2.07823768e-01 -1.00427806e-01 -3.56520683e-01 -1.53906256e-01 -4.95554879e-02 7.41601214e-02 4.72671628e-01 2.47340038e-01 1.51323736e-01 2.14127034e-01 1.45950198e-01 9.78449285e-02 9.10497010e-02 -8.99718888e-03 -1.08593069e-01 -1.68225020e-01 1.79581106e-01 5.40564172e-02 -6.91269189e-02 1.17647991e-01 4.98327851e-01 -1.13672808e-01 -2.90394872e-01 4.33760613e-01 -1.51626602e-01 5.38678110e-01 -1.01356432e-02 1.82480380e-01 -2.67134197e-02 2.30650544e-01 -3.32226753e-01 1.46679327e-01 -3.24820466e-02 3.36359516e-02 -2.25916561e-02 4.47746553e-03 1.55971587e-01 -1.72987208e-01 1.45614237e-01 -2.00850978e-01 2.78974682e-01 -2.30135202e-01 -4.06288989e-02 -2.03604866e-02 3.84367734e-01 -2.98176855e-02 1.18415959e-01 2.38323361e-02 -7.97692090e-02 2.94779707e-03 -2.46326700e-01 2.79061019e-01 2.05136210e-01 -4.32608314e-02 -2.55849868e-01 3.04242134e-01 1.24798894e-01 1.39780939e-01 -4.42731529e-02 3.60253781e-01 -9.94042028e-03 3.32452863e-01 -4.46623936e-02 6.80059418e-02 -5.79140522e-02 1.94585383e-01 -6.28123522e-01 -3.83740902e-01 1.77025840e-01 -1.11735165e-01 3.00527457e-02 -2.97554374e-01 -3.59855630e-02 -6.68410435e-02 2.01202873e-02 2.98281282e-01 -1.32725373e-01 -8.40519927e-03 2.79450327e-01 -5.54747403e-01 1.22491881e-01 1.19474173e-01 3.86724234e-01 3.17132831e-01 3.51533145e-02 -9.90295410e-02 -2.49603644e-01 -1.90709978e-01 9.24446061e-02 -1.88071385e-01 8.43489841e-02 -2.68891811e-01 -5.28147340e-01 -2.16112629e-01 2.44757789e-03 -2.19291732e-01 -1.16349354e-01 -5.63642561e-01 2.00954363e-01 4.33050901e-01 4.33531386e-04 3.92367959e-01 3.02326649e-01 -5.25857329e-01 1.32636920e-01 -1.34641096e-01 -2.24964604e-01 -1.85104653e-01 -1.50084049e-01 3.90675277e-01 -2.10196584e-01 1.16827134e-02 1.71306580e-01 -2.60654896e-01 -3.53383780e-01 6.72634482e-01 3.55545104e-01 -3.03799063e-01 -2.21033588e-01 4.29343253e-01 3.41660529e-01 -2.92998523e-01 -4.41521127e-03 1.59419447e-01 4.77130532e-01 1.69381276e-01 -1.74953923e-01 2.61722296e-03 -3.38409334e-01 4.47156489e-01 -3.32999825e-01 1.14999317e-01 6.21959455e-02 7.81802535e-02 -2.94844568e-01 -2.52067626e-01 -3.77653837e-01 -5.23446620e-01 6.53467178e-02 -4.03485864e-01 2.05364019e-01 3.17987740e-01 -1.99996859e-01 -5.00069261e-01 2.30774563e-02 -2.06783518e-01 3.06473315e-01 -1.35849416e-01 -1.34183362e-01 -2.50959665e-01 -1.61740243e-01 5.12791932e-01 -1.71346590e-01 2.92855203e-01 -4.09597129e-01 1.71984714e-02 2.17218131e-01 3.75395954e-01 5.48045576e-01 -2.80812442e-01 -1.28502905e-01 5.17380536e-01 -1.75218642e-01 -1.15407975e-02 -5.10370685e-03 2.66984459e-02 2.28885144e-01 2.73852944e-01 -1.15207888e-01 1.00152902e-01 5.88822700e-02 -1.03101537e-01 6.10871129e-02 -5.67102730e-02 -4.01943088e-01 1.99393302e-01 -9.45475399e-02 -2.02852152e-02 -2.49848530e-01 1.33130580e-01 -2.42363349e-01 3.42969387e-03 -2.63836324e-01 -1.29937440e-01 2.95017630e-01 -1.20875910e-01 -7.50453845e-02 -2.57421434e-01 5.23270331e-02 1.89425454e-01 1.66220784e-01 2.25122292e-02 -7.62982070e-02 -1.88102290e-01 1.76240519e-01 4.44820702e-01 6.79809272e-01 -2.33576298e-01 -5.12531698e-01 -8.75964109e-03 3.97332711e-03 2.41897866e-01 1.53914660e-01 -3.74831498e-01 1.50244519e-01 -5.47803760e-01 1.19080981e-02 1.66112538e-02 1.96659297e-01 3.13452840e-01 -7.51349851e-02 -2.24863559e-01 -2.96728581e-01 -2.38146493e-03 1.15339726e-01 -2.63111014e-02 3.99563670e-01 -2.30221674e-02 1.78674266e-01 4.27631587e-01 1.77197456e-01 -8.24396685e-02 -2.15071619e-01 -8.77258033e-02 -3.60167682e-01 5.58200777e-01 4.86491114e-01 -1.82456836e-01 1.07318215e-01 -1.33175775e-01 -1.62947074e-01 -1.41730579e-02 2.37948522e-01 2.26956323e-01 1.16692655e-01 1.63302928e-01 4.22742873e-01 -4.88803722e-02 1.91042870e-01 -4.78718579e-01 -3.21867377e-01 -5.69842383e-02 -3.10652077e-01 2.37537995e-02 -1.65836494e-02 2.94463448e-02 -1.55783206e-01 -2.81517893e-01 1.79708883e-01 -1.32053778e-01 4.87965532e-02 5.35922423e-02 -3.33700836e-01 -1.52015075e-01 3.21432769e-01 -5.65595776e-02 4.06959891e-01 -3.49014521e-01 2.21361056e-01 -2.95156538e-01 -2.55168706e-01 7.07714036e-02 5.88558149e-03 -2.29560032e-01 5.28006315e-01 5.12293041e-01 2.30121017e-01 1.76976547e-01 -7.18094260e-02 -5.95702231e-01 2.43190110e-01 -4.29728478e-02 -2.41298139e-01 8.45321640e-02 -2.25153849e-01 -7.66570717e-02 -5.42585105e-02 1.84883192e-01 -4.06978279e-01 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3.30414325e-02 -2.04131976e-01 -9.63555202e-02 1.27891563e-02 2.09386215e-01 -2.65099436e-01 4.54644486e-02 -3.17640066e-01 1.22914158e-01 -4.53261852e-01 9.00828987e-02 -2.59350866e-01 5.93924802e-03 -1.22920744e-01 -3.07390720e-01 2.37035170e-01 -2.66683668e-01 4.43875678e-02 -7.32858852e-02 2.87840188e-01 3.20980370e-01 -2.09323645e-01 -4.20979828e-01 -1.65807918e-01 -3.83202314e-01 2.56391298e-02 -8.51621293e-03 -2.38541543e-01 -1.73765108e-01 -7.47978911e-02 2.49494761e-01 -2.28977993e-01 -1.14357546e-01 1.99673817e-01 -2.51352102e-01 -1.37007192e-01 -9.79197472e-02 2.28784889e-01 1.22665256e-01 -1.75603762e-01 4.49735932e-02 2.55831748e-01 -1.01224825e-01 2.81399727e-01 1.80713251e-01 8.22502449e-02 7.17256665e-02 2.01695114e-01 4.60596606e-02 1.77236944e-01 4.77257036e-02 7.08293766e-02 3.77877474e-01 7.20342398e-02 -4.48050678e-01 1.92380939e-02 -1.48766279e-01 3.32568020e-01 6.95990086e-01 6.87549338e-02 1.40896067e-01 2.82179452e-02 -2.70687006e-02 -1.47230312e-01 -1.51558638e-01 3.46644610e-01 1.95186630e-01 1.82880893e-01 7.95170367e-02 7.16025755e-02 -4.42703336e-01 -4.72468168e-01 1.84481719e-03 7.45667890e-02 2.24481709e-03 6.92421019e-01 2.00317338e-01 1.37675583e+00 -5.50365262e-02 4.59350552e-03 -1.89116269e-01 -3.69049847e-01 5.63839497e-03 3.31066027e-02 -1.25529900e-01 -1.14225931e-02 -1.82328090e-01 1.84187815e-02 -1.46453783e-01 -1.01353370e-01 1.22830935e-01 -1.43818241e-02 -4.25675750e-01 -1.89035848e-01 1.57434061e-01 5.96306995e-02 1.59096479e-01 2.49408767e-01 1.23698883e-01 -2.84695894e-01 1.65596783e-01 7.80833662e-02 4.17081445e-01 4.60900441e-02 -1.10670567e-01 1.52642190e-01 -2.25054517e-01 -1.89366475e-01 -1.59996212e-01 1.35152161e-01 2.04435080e-01 5.49154617e-02 -4.05407429e-01 -2.04319313e-01 4.37215358e-01 -3.61733288e-01 -6.78051114e-02 -1.76848903e-01 4.06423569e-01 3.31143051e-01 -4.88101728e-02 -3.89346294e-02 1.13750525e-01 7.32422695e-02 -7.32931122e-02 -3.15282270e-02 1.04084328e-01 8.76347423e-02 -6.49670884e-02 5.30370921e-02 1.59175470e-01 1.80063799e-01 2.11135119e-01 1.27955139e-01 3.08495104e-01 -2.83381760e-01 -7.00412467e-02 1.71356410e-01 -9.85583737e-02 -7.21439198e-02 -2.01591909e-01 4.12252806e-02 -3.83817703e-01 4.09099227e-03 3.54778796e-01 -7.07450658e-02 1.75186932e-01 1.75078899e-01 -2.23296862e-02 -9.82731953e-02 -3.60180885e-01 -9.93636921e-02 1.21290103e-01 -5.96080899e-01 1.29507750e-01 -1.37549803e-01 -4.44833428e-01 -3.54793258e-02 -7.29202107e-02 3.92055899e-01 -5.46375453e-01 -2.47497961e-01 3.45571227e-02 -1.59364864e-01 9.52188298e-02 3.24810386e-01 2.18417525e-01 -3.52774113e-01 9.21206176e-02 6.46940842e-02 1.99733302e-02 -3.58598679e-01 8.29713568e-02 -3.35535318e-01 2.25755740e-02 -3.18907827e-01 -4.81570750e-01 -2.76338458e-01 -1.97428733e-01 1.76687911e-01 2.71130446e-02 -1.33733302e-01 -2.30369359e-01 -2.62451202e-01 1.83563665e-01 -9.84291881e-02 -1.66142210e-01 1.24479130e-01 2.49970451e-01 -2.40199436e-02 6.04245216e-02 -1.06108226e-01 5.66725612e-01 3.31181675e-01 2.73415387e-01 2.86289714e-02 1.29021719e-01 -3.99818927e-01 -3.95754278e-01 1.59656629e-03 6.15145683e-01 3.65007490e-01 -1.08300224e-01 -3.34943049e-02 -5.87863810e-02 -5.68274409e-02 3.51836458e-02 9.01317149e-02 2.43509710e-01 3.14894319e-02 3.60869914e-01 3.63398224e-01 1.10623784e-01 -2.62136400e-01 2.10138336e-01 -3.62982422e-01 -2.52388157e-02 -3.12747667e-03 2.46568933e-01 -3.42393070e-01 1.35186732e-01 -3.85714859e-01 -1.42814368e-01 1.81507540e-03 -1.52795747e-01 3.14792395e-02 7.60333613e-02 -1.09084368e-01 9.76405218e-02 1.11840792e-01 5.14593005e-01 -6.90731108e-02 3.31191234e-02 1.89492643e-01 7.52283707e-02 4.39313501e-02 2.39191353e-01 3.26040149e-01 1.22566916e-01 -6.53522387e-02 2.78977547e-02 -6.06629662e-02 4.26572025e-01 8.56261775e-02 -2.52250344e-01 -2.13686585e-01 8.73835087e-02 -2.36994073e-01 2.55686253e-01 2.54210923e-02 -4.40181158e-02 1.57522947e-01 1.89778253e-01 -4.45125163e-01 -1.75209954e-01 2.53223211e-01 -1.11398116e-01 -1.71964094e-01 -9.83394161e-02 -2.10352078e-01 1.32014826e-01 2.18497366e-02 2.29494840e-01 3.34200747e-02 4.58188541e-02 4.01468128e-02 6.39258474e-02 2.73344934e-01 -1.43743232e-01 4.61279005e-01 -2.95065194e-01 5.79191819e-02 1.47412017e-01 4.89373170e-02 9.25240144e-02 -1.27368957e-01 1.03285387e-01 -1.77745864e-01 -1.90079853e-01 -1.72490422e-02 -2.07972489e-02 -1.42008483e-01 -2.56863505e-01 2.62379885e-01 2.55067378e-01 2.83455640e-01 2.89921686e-02 1.43524945e-01 -2.95331568e-01 -2.52493978e-01 2.61680365e-01 -4.31030132e-02 1.04832008e-01 -2.65838861e-01 -3.19893137e-02 1.44054621e-01 -1.27030671e-01 4.50024664e-01 -1.02722511e-01 -3.58697265e-01 1.25279695e-01 2.61096567e-01 9.55912620e-02 -1.59988850e-01 6.92160502e-02 -1.31839022e-01 2.48392045e-01 -1.62338287e-01 3.04514438e-01 6.38191551e-02 -1.04307435e-01 -3.76602232e-01 6.48266217e-03 -1.29000753e-01 -7.36615062e-02 -9.80158243e-03 3.32546204e-01 -1.08977072e-01 1.11630268e-01 1.96638986e-01 3.13860714e-01 3.94723266e-02 2.39765972e-01 -3.11365336e-01 4.35484886e-01 2.15077490e-01 2.85931379e-01 8.71683583e-02 -1.60149500e-01 -7.43681267e-02 -1.79046750e-01 1.86439306e-01 3.23435180e-02 -6.17803931e-01 7.10361153e-02 4.26806360e-01 3.74123812e-01 -1.81007713e-01 3.67741346e-01 -1.50518656e-01 -2.10629508e-01 3.48179527e-02 1.50468156e-01 2.22096071e-01 2.06110254e-02 -2.67529022e-02 -1.57894239e-01 2.65621096e-01 6.05794787e-01 3.29921246e-01 1.99207664e-01 1.14417793e-02 1.86182588e-01 -3.62523407e-01 2.34014932e-02 -1.42726541e-01 2.90999204e-01 -6.10711575e-02 4.25900131e-01 -1.67655721e-01 -1.92693263e-01 -2.07739636e-01 9.14420336e-02 4.80082065e-01 -6.45037964e-02 -2.50725634e-02 -3.17708671e-01 1.47624418e-01 1.90363809e-01 2.84326881e-01 -1.28810108e-01 -1.49210617e-01 -4.42470610e-02 -1.80735022e-01 -1.52057678e-01 -5.11326268e-02 3.95878479e-02 2.08826959e-02 -2.03072298e-02 -9.81121361e-02 -1.06172159e-01 2.45992377e-01 -3.89942437e-01 -1.59245789e-01]
"Will o' the Wisp" active "Item #: SCP-266 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-266 is to be kept in a 10 m x 10 m air-tight containment unit, with the internal temperature maintained at or above 48°C by an independently-powered heating unit. Access to containment requires Level 2 or above clearance, and thermal hazard suits are to be utilized and maintained during all interaction. Description: SCP-266 is a number of free-floating masses of gaseous material, possessing a natural luminescence which exists as a bright purple or red glow. In most cases, SCP-266 feels cold to the touch, and exerts an endothermic effect on its immediate surroundings. Despite having no obvious nervous system, SCP-266 appears to react to stimuli and has been observed to learn certain habits based upon its experiences. SCP-266 is remarkably fond of warmth, and will actively seek sources of heat, natural or artificial. Of all sources, however, SCP-266 prefers human contact as a method of obtaining warmth, oblivious to the inimical effect it has on mammalian life. Due to SCP-266’s endothermic nature, extended exposure without proper protection will lead to death by acute hypothermia. While not aggressive, SCP-266 will grow discontent and even hostile when not provided with adequate heat, and has exhibited the capability to cause considerable havoc when deprived of warmth. Human contact has also been observed to aid in calming SCP-266, suggesting a need or desire for social interaction. Personnel assigned to this duty have reported hearing SCP-266 speak (recorded excerpts of conversations have revealed that SCP-266 is capable of speaking in an unknown Gaelic dialect) and on occasion have spoken back. SCP-266 was discovered in █████, Ireland, after local reports of several youth inexplicably falling victim to hypothermia at a local hot springs. These events, along with ongoing reports of “Will-o’-the-Wisps" by superstitious locals, caught Agent ███████’s attention. After finding SCP-266, he was able to lead it to nearby Site-██. Upon arrival, Agent ███████ exhibited symptoms of hypothermia, and was only saved by the efforts of Dr. █████ and staff. Due to Site-██’s containment conditions, SCP-266 was relocated to Site-19 at first convenience. Addendum 266-A: Audio logs recording conversations between personnel and SCP-266 have revealed English words and phrases being used alongside its standard dialect. Current theory is that it is simply imitating these words, much like a parrot. Further documentation is requested regarding this matter. « SCP-265 | SCP-266 | SCP-267 »" nan
[ 1.28838673e-01 -6.44899428e-01 -6.11091182e-02 5.64106964e-02 1.80496287e-03 -3.80712986e-01 1.72904000e-01 1.99311078e-02 8.34058464e-01 3.06041896e-01 6.43397719e-02 3.42840105e-01 -3.77801418e-01 -1.75943807e-01 3.09688807e-01 2.62829274e-01 2.39695117e-01 9.59252845e-03 -9.03522521e-02 -2.93521911e-01 -1.25880763e-01 -6.76180124e-02 -4.57102098e-02 6.63547292e-02 -2.80437052e-01 -4.70339060e-02 1.36446536e-01 2.35921629e-02 -5.49310185e-02 -2.77433872e-01 1.52337998e-01 -8.10291916e-02 1.37045547e-01 1.49940819e-01 -1.14017668e-04 -8.18425268e-02 1.33661062e-01 7.81026706e-02 -1.02758981e-01 -1.14441440e-02 -2.08393037e-02 -1.64392158e-01 2.63091233e-02 -1.84621841e-01 1.34087741e-01 2.28957996e-01 1.53841510e-01 -6.01955466e-02 3.64182234e-01 2.46293083e-01 1.22105084e-01 7.05938088e-03 1.51459768e-01 -5.92879299e-03 2.62550533e-01 -1.86666753e-02 -3.84854198e-01 -6.09651446e-01 3.73829246e-01 -1.92753971e-01 2.20874414e-01 -6.67796656e-02 -3.09302777e-01 -2.63098896e-01 5.76530695e-01 -1.33904278e-01 1.02766007e-02 1.27263993e-01 3.22493315e-02 5.44599056e-01 -8.83521363e-02 8.49135220e-02 1.69286683e-01 2.37426743e-01 -2.22970650e-01 9.93643403e-02 3.80683929e-01 2.00297739e-02 1.59004598e-03 -3.51438150e-02 1.81557700e-01 2.02234283e-01 -1.92271113e-01 1.89651310e-01 -3.70018274e-01 9.67288733e-01 -1.29302308e-01 1.00168325e-01 1.17489569e-01 -1.03125878e-01 3.70991617e-01 1.03651062e-01 8.14023018e-02 2.34586746e-01 -5.07006049e-02 -9.64245349e-02 4.04290035e-02 3.34480941e-01 2.16694847e-01 -4.65119146e-02 7.58053958e-01 1.07597746e-01 6.76418170e-02 2.52223313e-01 1.29825234e-01 -1.76605999e-01 2.01554626e-01 -2.69059837e-01 1.21682482e-02 2.79126614e-01 1.17506392e-01 1.10966936e-01 -7.40728900e-02 1.93677872e-01 -5.93426824e-02 -1.66987076e-01 3.49411704e-02 -4.62649055e-02 -3.07130873e-01 4.23238665e-01 -1.02500007e-01 -1.08502179e-01 -4.84917089e-02 2.55416036e-01 3.33386213e-01 5.52751362e-01 2.56679237e-01 -1.97534710e-01 -3.51373628e-02 1.76462501e-01 -1.86336860e-01 9.84060839e-02 -4.00460325e-02 1.07792959e-01 -2.43522063e-01 7.79713631e-01 -3.64506012e-03 6.24229833e-02 -8.53393748e-02 3.96189243e-02 5.91601245e-02 7.46264458e-02 5.05992413e-01 3.40039819e-01 -5.97838819e-01 -2.09439546e-01 -8.39678720e-02 -2.60489762e-01 -1.32460639e-01 3.10774054e-02 4.34358656e-01 -3.53327719e-03 -3.33456248e-01 1.41196728e-01 -1.11531503e-01 2.20485572e-02 5.00157714e-01 -9.71346498e-02 -3.76191884e-01 -3.15599173e-01 2.75912404e-01 9.06866565e-02 9.88113433e-02 -3.93193699e-02 2.34335661e-02 2.60953397e-01 -1.11279286e-01 -3.45809102e-01 -1.32522076e-01 -9.53897312e-02 1.05729617e-01 -2.26133898e-01 -3.13406438e-02 -1.60044849e-01 -3.61694396e-01 1.45286828e-01 -5.49994707e-01 -3.33597809e-01 -2.30776012e-01 -2.18219385e-01 -3.28121811e-01 2.33729929e-01 4.27924126e-01 8.39307308e-02 -3.39463949e-01 4.75065410e-02 -3.56321812e-01 -3.18906568e-02 4.03394222e-01 -2.47531354e-01 -5.20400822e-01 -4.53708798e-01 1.09834328e-01 -5.09333685e-02 -1.34212092e-01 -1.80892304e-01 2.04093039e-01 1.76238209e-01 2.17712358e-01 2.19160140e-01 -8.31848234e-02 1.42601535e-01 5.06259322e-01 5.17204851e-02 -2.68666923e-01 -4.20689955e-03 -2.80711234e-01 -1.68691576e-02 2.16693550e-01 3.14753324e-01 -1.76000714e-01 -2.88440973e-01 -1.16450019e-01 2.11907804e-01 1.47712469e-01 -3.62335473e-01 1.76294461e-01 1.93329930e-01 1.55496955e-01 -3.43453318e-01 -1.77459523e-01 2.08704293e-01 -9.93714407e-02 -1.82529926e-01 2.94857994e-02 2.04705372e-01 -2.06405282e-01 8.34127888e-02 -2.94806719e-01 4.96979356e-02 1.72884583e-01 3.26782130e-02 1.21590436e-01 -2.03328766e-03 -1.39238894e-01 4.64808457e-02 1.54330671e-01 4.31942195e-01 -2.31091175e-02 1.34370374e-02 1.45404026e-01 -3.33677679e-01 1.05841517e-01 -1.58075586e-01 -7.68420147e-03 1.44366145e-01 1.72404543e-01 2.34488651e-01 -1.11022756e-01 4.20386754e-02 -1.79137155e-01 -3.15704197e-01 1.33298635e-01 -2.60057636e-02 1.25799254e-01 4.35656101e-01 -1.86804399e-01 1.53906137e-01 -6.46067336e-02 2.33771548e-01 -1.10326037e-01 1.34976625e-01 2.31456622e-01 -1.08993500e-01 3.29666622e-02 -1.50663227e-01 2.31799498e-01 3.77850354e-01 1.01741061e-01 1.31352648e-01 -1.82867318e-01 -2.43339181e-01 1.93172023e-02 -2.73815006e-01 5.22836531e-03 8.26883409e-03 1.94113746e-01 2.36914635e-01 -6.78258762e-02 6.65329620e-02 -8.61056820e-02 -1.21896513e-01 -1.42631024e-01 -2.28739604e-01 -4.94264923e-02 -1.79754779e-01 -7.63202384e-02 2.40414307e-01 -3.41853090e-02 7.15407014e-01 -2.03155398e-01 -1.61131844e-01 1.55197710e-01 -2.41163418e-01 -1.76883519e-01 -5.21611646e-02 -1.00421086e-01 3.30206692e-01 -2.83121854e-01 -1.48197070e-01 -5.12061536e-01 -1.35943636e-01 -2.14631215e-01 3.12543032e-03 -6.65181652e-02 -3.56953591e-02 2.82050192e-01 1.20478861e-01 -3.78027745e-02 3.95827331e-02 -2.29857668e-01 -3.95123176e-02 1.79663062e-01 -2.76656926e-01 2.71558642e-01 5.20605072e-02 -3.74757051e-01 -3.51021379e-01 2.98705399e-01 -8.49525154e-01 1.63148828e-02 -1.27024338e-01 -9.88910794e-02 -2.89172828e-02 -1.38155743e-01 -4.04078215e-02 -4.51587468e-01 -1.43966541e-01 -1.38217449e-01 3.99233140e-02 1.16951630e-01 -7.44218379e-02 2.97287941e-01 1.84666529e-01 -3.39969009e-01 -4.14207608e-01 -1.19060531e-01 -2.72382230e-01 1.23881958e-01 1.21343337e-01 -6.83557093e-02 -3.14076841e-02 -2.95746922e-01 3.14082146e-01 1.45099610e-02 -3.55672866e-01 -2.25439653e-01 -1.52784914e-01 4.21895683e-01 -3.02706689e-01 -1.28564117e-02 6.12837911e-01 1.59873396e-01 -2.39579767e-01 -2.25204319e-01 -1.92398503e-02 1.57885194e-01 -2.94886976e-02 2.91002005e-01 -4.96932864e-02 -8.72000605e-02 2.08758101e-01 3.79253209e-01 -5.10471046e-01 -1.49960548e-01 2.18462069e-02 1.56392738e-01 -2.75359396e-02 3.64092350e-01 7.86114484e-03 6.09974325e-01 1.33455217e-01 -2.63388723e-01 7.26016685e-02 -1.41831473e-01 -5.19958213e-02 -1.49131447e-01 6.64555803e-02 4.61657345e-02 2.28074938e-02 5.63248731e-02 1.04246628e+00 1.76041678e-01 -1.33271858e-01 -8.70856047e-02 -1.29234076e-01 -2.40833119e-01 -8.83615166e-02 2.17639958e-03 1.20220937e-01 9.04141217e-02 -1.12604879e-01 4.50941861e-01 -2.85963446e-01 1.71104088e-01 5.56269567e-03 8.73898417e-02 -3.10921192e-01 -1.40626937e-01 1.37394249e-01 -2.45561346e-01 1.01314873e-01 2.56766617e-01 1.99645072e-01 4.49325144e-01 4.09241468e-01 -2.25383744e-01 5.96713088e-02 -3.10947865e-01 -2.47270405e-01 6.53572381e-01 -2.55035996e-01 -1.48286387e-01 -1.02444589e-01 -1.11695826e-01 1.13378853e-01 1.89942062e-01 1.72536328e-01 1.92220598e-01 -3.21830839e-01 -1.60035327e-01 7.46368542e-02 3.78446758e-01 -4.48933691e-02 -1.35375589e-01 -8.11896399e-02 1.13999844e-01 2.75332481e-01 1.83505237e-01 5.66905923e-02 5.13143279e-02 -2.28304774e-01 -2.00119004e-01 4.71043855e-01 3.64979118e-01 7.93847740e-02 1.38142332e-01 5.76316658e-03 4.02575076e-01 -2.39423722e-01 1.61974639e-01 1.19304650e-01 5.29243052e-01 2.85137165e-02 2.89300755e-02 -3.74064952e-01 2.48628244e-01 -1.88593864e-02 6.82411939e-02 1.28891066e-01 6.32949322e-02 1.82422742e-01 8.82786438e-02 7.32623816e-01 1.16430774e-01 -1.83012053e-01 4.29044329e-02 4.16947007e-01 -2.19060823e-01 2.64497716e-02 5.41760385e-01 1.15715802e+00 3.41501720e-02 2.56894171e-01 -3.35257761e-02 -3.52647364e-01 2.07877532e-01 -7.92019427e-01 -9.44185033e-02 -1.34475857e-01 3.17255408e-01 -3.36057208e-02 -2.47353703e-01 3.51595730e-01 5.72441757e-01 -6.40148282e-01 -4.20787275e-01 -4.78224277e-01 6.73162565e-02 1.60494313e-01 3.31323236e-01 -2.91398853e-01 -9.03144255e-02 3.23326319e-01 1.71253994e-01 -3.39584351e-02 2.57189095e-01 -2.76782271e-03 5.81181236e-02 -2.06603020e-01 -5.39404526e-02 -1.04780518e-01 1.12633228e-01 -2.65060514e-01 9.27338749e-02 -7.74147585e-02 -1.08818606e-01 9.43353847e-02 3.12342167e-01 -4.45006013e-01 -1.64606363e-01 4.84428331e-02 4.33671564e-01 3.74201715e-01 -3.50725919e-01 1.78519592e-01 1.26699820e-01 -2.62271851e-01 -1.53928099e-03 -1.10908002e-01 2.04598218e-01 -1.63350999e-01 -1.20340019e-01 -1.76290333e-01 2.36656308e-01 3.72402757e-01 -1.80103004e-01 1.65442958e-01 1.31619141e-01 -3.75551522e-01 -2.10328832e-01 1.33240730e-01 2.65186191e-01 -3.04832131e-01 -8.49187523e-02 1.09355718e-01 -5.77659197e-02 -1.61042109e-01 2.01552019e-01 -1.50329143e-01 8.43031257e-02 3.11946988e-01 2.33418099e-03 -1.32273525e-01 -4.25991446e-01 4.41794135e-02 -7.81071857e-02 -2.24802479e-01 3.03895980e-01 3.96194793e-02 -6.65384293e-01 -6.23875037e-02 4.50020850e-01 1.17697999e-01 -3.64952117e-01 -3.26751471e-01 -1.77593067e-01 1.31337374e-01 -2.02235371e-01 1.68066755e-01 4.25914705e-01 -9.06304345e-02 4.05751109e-01 -3.27961862e-01 1.77419886e-01 -3.50349605e-01 -2.23888874e-01 -9.84540433e-02 -1.57298937e-01 -1.42962947e-01 -2.77895600e-01 2.50586215e-02 1.27193294e-02 1.53046772e-01 6.44186512e-02 -5.39262593e-02 -2.09834471e-01 -3.07387382e-01 1.49907634e-01 1.86091531e-02 -3.52999896e-01 -5.95266335e-02 3.05642337e-02 2.73165464e-01 6.97547663e-03 6.31025434e-02 3.47815156e-01 3.45515236e-02 3.15717101e-01 -1.06641933e-01 8.43655095e-02 5.39429896e-02 -1.38344526e-01 2.05443010e-01 5.49682140e-01 -8.30860808e-02 7.26890862e-02 1.76499128e-01 -1.26862377e-01 6.92251086e-01 2.37560928e-01 -1.50981635e-01 1.62276343e-01 8.87648389e-02 -3.63411643e-02 -3.68944168e-01 2.92746305e-01 -3.65294069e-01 2.70812839e-01 -3.67325664e-01 -1.62982553e-01 -3.87101918e-02 2.28003934e-01 -6.49542063e-02 -3.32530178e-02 4.94568460e-02 1.48041815e-01 5.43497205e-02 2.75194079e-01 1.56521991e-01 -6.36336565e-01 -1.22609414e-01 1.51117727e-01 -1.15271799e-01 -1.97467133e-01 2.84410864e-01 6.09817021e-02 1.33443803e-01 -1.84492409e-01 6.73232302e-02 -1.73710510e-01 4.59214032e-01 2.45838448e-01 2.44969770e-01 4.40784954e-02 1.96855552e-02 6.74305677e-01 2.21544638e-01 4.47717533e-02 1.33556813e-01 4.92998622e-02 -1.51323676e-01 2.24601507e-01 1.34470284e-01 1.01297848e-01 -2.93377012e-01 2.20302753e-02 -2.63995677e-01 -3.25230397e-02 -1.17249772e-01 1.71960071e-02 2.10059837e-01 -1.27137050e-01 -1.04624167e-01 -1.33603637e-03 1.39363572e-01 -6.81240950e-03 -2.15569913e-01 7.48228058e-02 4.28747497e-02 1.44860044e-01 4.88613881e-02 2.59763151e-02 5.56274772e-01 -1.22303613e-01 -2.93366592e-02 2.87461966e-01 -9.53210294e-02 -4.27903347e-02 -1.16081405e-02 2.04748958e-01 2.72104889e-01 -5.86022735e-02 2.31803551e-01 -1.95523903e-01 -1.55482143e-01 -2.41937071e-01 1.77933022e-01 -1.01692544e-03 1.16891358e-02 8.84751678e-02 7.51087815e-03 -2.50874728e-01 -5.44142902e-01 8.85939822e-02 4.95898157e-01 2.18380421e-01 8.57584458e-03 -3.65900666e-01 -2.09723875e-01 -1.13715447e-01 1.01014420e-01 -2.50763685e-01 1.37111366e-01 -2.44004205e-01 1.34574875e-01 2.57107377e-01 -2.64031410e-01 6.25734553e-02 -1.93593770e-01 -5.02594635e-02 -1.08027644e-01 1.29483894e-01 -8.71286616e-02 -5.15582800e-01 -2.67513663e-01 1.57464713e-01 -1.85245693e-01 -7.76180267e-01 -1.36409923e-01 -4.34531830e-02 -4.21573557e-02 -7.32548609e-02 -4.22467217e-02 1.27171755e-01 3.57633889e-01 9.39290971e-02 -2.37837031e-01 1.39599908e-02 -1.30509790e-02 4.20515649e-02 1.86875999e-01 -5.24489321e-02 -1.26158148e-01 3.13551724e-01 1.72703549e-01 -1.96686655e-01 -1.00252330e-02 -1.04074933e-01 1.20935783e-01 2.84389079e-01 1.01468049e-01 6.59932196e-02 -1.36454403e-01 -8.33641291e-02 -2.01090351e-02 2.30067708e-02 -1.64395809e-01 -1.46929860e-01 6.03007339e-02 2.02042207e-01 -4.65550087e-02 2.30898097e-01 3.12995076e-01 2.81087160e-01 -5.38039245e-02 1.07344151e-01 -1.80044305e-02 -5.08378670e-02 -1.73668981e-01 5.09923650e-03 1.31964102e-01 5.93312681e-01 -5.83874062e-04 -2.42216751e-01 -1.87796697e-01 -1.83303609e-01 4.22513932e-01 -7.97896683e-02 -3.63016799e-02 6.19373471e-02 -4.09977883e-02 -6.75416887e-02 -1.27648473e-01 -5.46341181e-01 -2.29871675e-01 -2.89121587e-02 6.70347735e-02 1.62392884e-01 -3.21707457e-01 7.61048570e-02 -2.69204676e-01 -2.03119859e-01 2.77454972e-01 2.42875218e-01 1.76225275e-01 -2.07859069e-01 1.55770585e-01]
"Tumorvore" active "Item #: SCP-267 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-267 is contained in a cave formation within Site-37. Live animals must be supplied to replace any that succumb during the course of feeding. A population of livestock is maintained on site for this purpose. Any personnel interacting with SCP-267 organisms should be furnished with level 4 isolation equipment, and a tranquilizer weapon and stun gun for protection. Wild occurrences of SCP-267 must be eradicated as soon as they are detected. Recovered human victims cannot be rehabilitated, but are to be removed for use in ongoing observation of possible anti-senescent effects of SCP-267's venomous excretions. Description: SCP-267 are hairless, sightless, carnivorous rodents highly adapted for subterranean life in eusocial colonies. A single nest is currently contained in the ███████████ cave formations in █████████, █████████. SCP-267 is biologically similar to Heterocephalus glaber, but represents a distinct subspecies. Members of an SCP-267 colony spend the vast majority of their lives underground. They lack eyes completely, and auditory and tactile senses are atrophied. They do not seem to experience pain or any sense of self-preservation. They are extremely sensitive to smell and airborne chemical stimuli, which they use for navigation, hunting, and communication. Unlike in eusocial arthropods, there is no queen. There are caste divisions in its population, however, including workers, soldiers, breeders, and nursery attendants. SCP-267 has sharp teeth and claws, but its primary weapon is its venom. The venom is effective in µL amounts and has aggressive paralytic and carcinogenic effects. In a hunt, dozens of soldiers cooperate to locate and bring down prey. They attack simultaneously, inflicting dozens of bites in a few seconds and incapacitating the target. They then drag it, conscious but immobile, back to their colony. At the colony, swarms of worker caste SCP-267 emerge to transport the victim inside. Workers remove foreign aromas, carefully check for parasites, and physically dismantle the organism's means of locomotion to prevent escape. By this time, tissues directly exposed to venom have begun to exhibit abnormal cell division. Within 24 hours, undifferentiated masses of tissue are visible at every bite location. The tumors arise spontaneously but seem to target skin and fatty tissues, as growths they are less likely to threaten vital organ systems. This has the added benefit to SCP-267 of producing a high concentration of energy-rich lipids for consumption. The tumors grow continuously until a few days after the larder animal's death. Because of the rapid tumorigenesis, larders have massive caloric needs. Workers masticate and regurgitate root pulp to provide the larders with nutrition. They seem to distinguish cancerous from healthy tissue by its scent, and remove tumors for consumption once they have "ripened" to a desirable size. Workers have been observed licking and tending to larder animals to keep them clean and healthy. Larder animals last between 12 weeks and ██ years, depending on the species, and supply all of the colony’s food. Many months typically elapse between SCP-267’s forays to the surface. Members of SCP-267 are violently territorial and respond with overwhelming force to any intrusion into their caves. With sufficient food they are capable of extremely rapid reproduction, a fact that has become particularly threatening since the extinction of their primary predator, ███████████████████. Addendum 267-1: Bones from human beings have been uncovered in multiple waste areas within the caves, dating back several thousand years. Because of the difficulties in operating inside the nest, a full forensic survey of these leavings is unfeasible. Nineteen months after containment was first established, larder A-26 was discovered to be human, possibly █████████████, who disappeared along with his parents on a family trip in 19██, at the age of █. The lack of appendages combined with rampant tumor growth is responsible for delaying the initial identification. Genetic tests are consistent with human DNA with massive deleterious mutations. Attempted interviews with the subject (SCP-267-A26) have discovered only that his language faculties have atrophied over the course of his imprisonment. Addendum 267-2: SCP-267 shows a marked preference for acquiring humans as compared to other mammals. This is likely a result of humans' long life span and fast metabolism compared to other prey. Human subjects provide 33% more cancerous matter per month than a similarly sized pig, and can be kept as larder animals until the expiration of their natural lifespan.1 This helps to explain forensic and anthropological evidence of human predation even at a time before habitat intrusion made such behavior inevitable. « SCP-266 | SCP-267 | SCP-268 »" nan
[ 2.94420063e-01 -3.08696449e-01 -1.24084130e-01 -7.05981776e-02 2.66440749e-01 -8.64374638e-02 1.29394501e-01 1.81159079e-01 1.81884974e-01 -1.53655916e-01 -1.75273910e-01 2.70367473e-01 -5.22765636e-01 1.16666481e-01 2.55991071e-01 1.16217241e-01 -7.92291760e-02 4.18435447e-02 -3.38545680e-01 -3.61571580e-01 -1.40085772e-01 -1.13828443e-01 -2.46797234e-01 3.07866424e-01 -2.77918369e-01 5.45251556e-02 2.43998826e-01 3.10184926e-01 1.45586571e-02 -4.72886115e-01 4.78458315e-01 -1.26158282e-01 7.80507475e-02 6.82072163e-01 -1.06490319e-04 -1.30748227e-01 -1.32272586e-01 -3.19352150e-02 -3.29302907e-01 6.27299622e-02 -3.03004980e-02 -4.71729517e-01 -7.87870362e-02 -4.65755552e-01 6.51676059e-02 -3.65370750e-01 1.73638090e-01 -4.80265737e-01 2.78020293e-01 1.00014567e-01 1.49325430e-01 -2.05227450e-01 1.10161401e-01 -5.65918908e-02 -2.40795221e-02 3.95143837e-01 -2.23032981e-01 -9.58302841e-02 6.93740174e-02 3.58644485e-01 2.48897523e-01 1.19141214e-01 -6.34256378e-02 -1.82616010e-01 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-1.40340447e-01 -8.91902223e-02 -4.64799292e-02 3.08879763e-01 8.21661279e-02 1.73005983e-01 -3.99871200e-01 2.95829237e-01 -1.02066156e-02 2.17473045e-01 1.15426825e-02 8.26619044e-02 -1.32832900e-01 -2.29335278e-01 1.74512580e-01 -8.33179131e-02 -1.80250052e-02 6.64043874e-02 4.12690312e-01 2.24527135e-01 1.17746629e-01 -1.45621672e-02 2.35139932e-02 -3.49939875e-02 1.70289516e-01 -5.44877388e-02 1.32914543e-01 -2.69703686e-01 -4.40965733e-03 4.96376812e-01 -7.94881582e-03 -3.86505052e-02 3.05723876e-01 -1.40828639e-01 -2.45949835e-01 -1.03203468e-01 1.36589319e-01 -1.08374558e-01 6.71729371e-02 2.06247494e-01 -1.41635120e-01 2.02647224e-02 -9.46735665e-02 3.23475331e-01 1.96171492e-01 2.26340964e-02 1.96468070e-01 -1.09016277e-01 3.02174002e-01 -7.28155207e-03 1.08299114e-01 2.17334047e-01 -8.75664502e-02 5.11725061e-02 -9.76070836e-02 -1.05475090e-01 4.39091176e-01 5.05629778e-01 -2.36858316e-02 4.61385734e-02 -3.56485695e-01 1.31748021e-01 2.76616253e-02 1.71142295e-01 6.22197449e-01 -6.52314350e-02 2.16990709e-01 -3.45887482e-01 1.71377718e-01 -2.22961605e-02 -1.81564137e-01 -4.07285064e-01 2.44676575e-01 -6.15461916e-02 -1.29306987e-01 6.54490590e-01 1.18589282e+00 2.28720345e-02 3.48300971e-02 7.37552196e-02 8.24232996e-02 2.43401617e-01 -2.82361329e-01 1.12421691e-01 -4.61239591e-02 1.63346097e-01 -8.09182450e-02 -1.90854654e-01 2.10368901e-01 3.01894218e-01 -2.46173248e-01 1.53051177e-02 -4.20820087e-01 -5.74183837e-02 1.68350771e-01 -2.16055691e-01 1.66329980e-01 -3.24451745e-01 8.12328085e-02 1.83937341e-01 -3.63586158e-01 1.20598912e-01 8.37410986e-02 4.19083461e-02 -1.00312848e-02 -8.18680972e-02 1.50996940e-02 1.01392865e-01 -1.66756988e-01 2.75561750e-01 -2.54531592e-01 -4.25116420e-01 -4.47792523e-02 -1.14113852e-01 -4.12202358e-01 1.73072830e-01 2.24389881e-01 -3.21913138e-02 2.58318126e-01 -3.52688253e-01 -1.18914276e-01 -1.51227936e-02 6.82234913e-02 1.47091225e-01 1.71171711e-03 2.19129518e-01 2.91836262e-02 9.90881473e-02 8.60229060e-02 1.58428550e-01 1.05250806e-01 -9.83617678e-02 -2.24949215e-02 2.05915108e-01 -1.10754371e-01 -1.52522653e-01 1.15035430e-01 2.98215114e-02 -2.96933055e-01 1.91925406e-01 6.19756095e-02 -2.18471617e-01 -2.23688744e-02 4.03114110e-02 4.47577655e-01 1.73604041e-01 4.43253487e-01 -8.58459771e-02 -9.05850083e-02 -3.94092113e-01 -2.02644557e-01 4.72149551e-02 -6.15968466e-01 1.12203054e-01 -1.71995759e-01 -2.87217915e-01 -1.06043562e-01 2.37085924e-01 5.85045926e-02 -4.10885394e-01 -2.48147652e-01 -2.51658946e-01 -1.57999203e-01 2.43202835e-01 -1.24110632e-01 1.81109115e-01 7.59792030e-02 5.64077318e-01 -1.53093129e-01 -5.72840720e-02 -3.45202416e-01 1.15979962e-01 -4.48209971e-01 -1.19870834e-01 3.99534777e-02 -3.36528838e-01 8.93060770e-03 -3.07594836e-01 1.42185971e-01 1.83508888e-01 -1.25467703e-01 -1.96958303e-01 -2.60557234e-01 1.22021087e-01 -3.82150039e-02 -2.23773420e-01 -1.47184551e-01 -1.22121647e-01 -1.18062556e-01 4.27193306e-02 -1.46380350e-01 2.42270559e-01 4.15385336e-01 2.99032956e-01 -2.34555438e-01 1.08278707e-01 -2.78706998e-02 1.84354708e-01 -2.27949888e-01 -2.33092159e-01 5.09699166e-01 -2.24585589e-02 -3.86650681e-01 -1.71295613e-01 3.33591104e-01 2.89803267e-01 -1.28635794e-01 3.63281280e-01 3.10808748e-01 -4.36851420e-02 -1.72703460e-01 2.05172837e-01 -6.74678013e-02 3.82831246e-01 -7.61496723e-02 -8.42445418e-02 -2.18558356e-01 2.49592721e-01 -3.01944822e-01 -1.92947045e-01 -3.62456411e-01 -1.12412818e-01 1.99059620e-01 3.27552617e-01 -1.51334867e-01 1.49446642e-02 3.12191755e-01 2.69346207e-01 3.25282425e-01 1.55236244e-01 1.16079800e-01 2.11974397e-01 -2.55665839e-01 8.87479931e-02 3.56483191e-01 3.18354458e-01 6.43195808e-01 1.41254470e-01 1.43676803e-01 5.85997142e-02 4.99235885e-03 6.51135594e-02 1.12248980e-01 1.60235345e-01 -3.46974105e-01 3.04999053e-01 -6.49281219e-02 2.84609228e-01 -2.18347609e-02 1.13266341e-01 -6.99787557e-01 3.99668701e-02 -1.06329039e-01 5.63661801e-03 8.84784479e-03 5.99944592e-02 2.23246500e-01 -1.87364578e-01 -5.50337017e-01 -3.70077729e-01 -1.89511925e-01 2.45087937e-01 -7.59343654e-02 -1.38487071e-01 1.98864028e-01 3.27376246e-01 -2.77523667e-01 2.33216956e-01 4.98535603e-01 -1.97805017e-01 -7.59866787e-03 6.93946242e-01 -5.76090738e-02 -1.49305344e-01 1.02137387e-01 2.18802333e-01 -9.84508246e-02 -1.71800181e-01 -1.86588466e-01 -2.41245121e-01 -1.28118500e-01 -6.19279519e-02 1.43474475e-01 1.15715541e-01 1.93628371e-01 1.39305536e-02 1.03466280e-01 -2.36497760e-01 -1.36070445e-01 3.00606519e-01 2.26432860e-01 -9.50081572e-02 6.16863146e-02 -2.00873673e-01 -2.01136127e-01 -1.40144616e-01 -1.38766795e-01 -1.67727903e-01 -5.34321256e-02 -2.10126176e-01 2.25248896e-02 2.30936438e-01 -2.19460443e-01 1.15126483e-01 2.80457318e-01 4.69246358e-01 -8.10274854e-03 -3.65124702e-01 -2.13027537e-01 -1.72477260e-01 -3.38557899e-01 1.05828121e-01 -4.53621238e-01 -5.95371783e-01 4.64647785e-02 2.39243999e-01 2.55016118e-01 7.48980418e-02 2.46706665e-01 2.93902665e-01 -4.74750876e-01 -2.81479985e-01 -7.86654651e-02 1.49712682e-01 3.84405553e-01 -6.17403127e-02 -2.56851949e-02 -1.32662937e-01 8.60364586e-02 1.75168648e-01 1.40837476e-01 4.83114161e-02 -4.75190789e-01 -5.07453494e-02 6.74376562e-02 3.48455906e-01 -1.67425033e-02 2.00543880e-01 -2.79071163e-02 -6.06822133e-01 -2.44114339e-01 6.56741038e-02 1.36601934e-02 2.47439861e-01 1.91697344e-01 2.98765868e-01 2.48836223e-02 3.83713424e-01 6.20314740e-02 1.47973761e-01 1.85003400e-01 -1.99230053e-02 1.89521551e-01 -7.84245655e-02 -9.42299291e-02 -7.81877711e-02 -6.68530613e-02 3.40583742e-01 9.18219239e-03 -1.05748177e-01 -1.34884939e-01 -4.82587576e-01 6.90417886e-01 1.60314277e-01 -3.52160841e-01 -3.26461226e-01 2.16004178e-02 4.34264243e-02 1.14282601e-01 -2.70943679e-02 -1.83893949e-01 -1.46651685e-01 3.09451669e-01 -6.63232207e-02 -2.09191367e-01 -2.58197278e-01 -3.87171268e-01 -1.31072164e-01 6.76735938e-01 4.57963534e-02 2.55406708e-01 -1.43645704e-01 -2.21367881e-01]
"Cap of Neglect" active "Item #: SCP-268 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-268 is currently to be maintained within [DATA EXPUNGED], as it has been deemed that the chance of use for facilitation of escape by restricted personnel or humanoid SCP is too great. However, the possibility of use by field agents after further testing is under review. See addendum 268-05. Description: SCP-268 is a tweed-wool newsboy cap. The design and make seem to be of Irish origin. Due to the style and fabric, it is estimated to have been created in the late 1800's to early 1900's, though fiber analysis is inconclusive. The only markings on the cap are a small label with writing in Middle Irish, reading "The Garden is the Serpent's Place." However, there are various indications that this label was sewn onto the cap in recent times. Due to the nature of the artifact, testing has been extremely difficult. SCP-268 seems to be a normal hat until it is worn. Anyone wearing the hat, however, becomes suddenly and instantly unnoticeable. Subjects become unmemorable, thoroughly ignorable, or "taken for granted" by all observers. Observers, with specific prompting, are able to later recall physically seeing the subject, but can give no specific details other than "seeing a man with a hat". Observers seem to have the overwhelming feeling that the wearer is someone that was "supposed to be there", and thus did not merit thought or notice. During initial testing, remote analysts completely forgot what they were supposed to be observing within the chamber, and it was not until the D-Class subject wearing SCP-268 spoke out loud that he was noticed again. Removal of the artifact, vocalization, and physical interaction with observers seem to be the only way in which wearers of SCP-268 can make themselves noticeable. Once an observer has been made to 'notice' a SCP-268-wearing individual, they slowly begin to ignore the subject once more unless kept actively engaged by the wearer. Testing reveals that if a subject wears SCP-268 upwards of twenty (20) cumulative hours, its effects seem to linger, with diminished potency, on the subject even while not wearing the artifact. Testing in this area has been cautious due to the possibility of containment breaches, but one incident [see Addendum 268-04] has shown that if the artifact is worn long enough, that the effect is rendered permanent and unbreakable. Extensive research is still unable to determine whether or not electronics are directly affected by SCP-268. Observers viewing an SCP-268-wearing subject through electronic means still have difficulty acknowledging the subject's existence, and even when noticed, observers report to be unable to see the face of the individual in question. Observers note pictures of SCP-268-wearing individuals as being "blurry", and digital media such as surveillance cameras is reported to become "grainy and unfocused". Research is unsure whether these alterations are extant and physical, or merely perceived due to SCP-268's properties. It should be noted that although capturing SCP-268 through visual electronic means has been difficult, motion-sensing, weight sensing, heat seeking and similar devices all trigger correctly when encountering an SCP-268-wearing subject. Addendum 268-01: SCP-268 is noted to have some similarities to SCP-180. SCP-268, however, does not seem to function on inanimate objects, and more importantly does not directly steal the identity of its host. While SCP-180 causes its host to become unrecognizable after SCP-180 itself is removed and placed on another object, this seems to be a side-effect of its function of identity theft and transfer. Meanwhile, SCP-268 could be said to 'steal' the identity of long-time wearers as they become irrevocably forgotten. This has caused some speculation as to whether the items share similar origins, or whether the many similarities they share are merely coincidental. Addendum 268-02: At Agent ███████'s request, and after approval by Dr. █████████ and Dr. Klein, SCP-268 is being used with agents in active field duty. Results thus far have been favorable. Addendum 268-03: Field-Testing has been suspended. Though Agent ███████ appears to have been on payroll and on records, no personnel, either on Site-██ or in higher command, remember knowing or hearing about an Agent ███████. Further tests should be conducted only on D-Class personnel, and on no single individual for longer than ten (10) hours. Addendum 268-04: SCP-268's effects seem to strengthen and become permanent as individual subjects wear the artifact for extended periods of cumulative time. There is a marked difference in the potency of SCP-268's effect on someone wearing it for the first time, and someone who has worn the artifact upwards of five hours on other occasions. For example, someone who has not worn the cap before seems to dispel its effects merely by speaking. Those who have worn the artifact on several occasions for extended amounts of time seem to be able to ask observers questions and receive answers with the observer having little to no recollection of the event. In one test, a subject who had worn the artifact for upwards of fifteen hours was able to ask standing personnel the test chamber's password, nearly causing a containment breach and the escape of D-Class personnel. The security personnel in question reported being unable to recall parting with the information in question. - Dr. Klein Addendum 268-05: As of ██/██/████, SCP-268 is missing. Its absence was discovered early in the morning by Agent █████ and research analysts, and in its place was a note reading "Thanks, I needed my hat back. ~ L.S." A full investigation of this security breach has been launched as of ██/██/████. Refer to [DATA EXPUNGED] « SCP-267 | SCP-268 | SCP-269 » Cite this page as: "SCP-268" by Pair Of Ducks, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[-1.57696173e-01 -2.12164726e-02 -3.88029963e-02 1.39519230e-01 -3.63244593e-01 -1.89656541e-01 6.27990603e-01 1.12971418e-01 7.59243011e-01 2.43347421e-01 6.23624504e-01 1.78119242e-01 -1.37177929e-01 -1.52441844e-01 1.47328451e-01 1.39857426e-01 -1.97889417e-01 2.38026693e-01 -3.71344745e-01 -1.11355223e-02 1.87615484e-01 2.54094345e-03 -2.29145437e-01 6.88529983e-02 -9.61064100e-02 -2.54098237e-01 1.70620397e-01 -1.36507526e-01 1.78656444e-01 -2.12947309e-01 2.96679020e-01 2.53484935e-01 -2.10594058e-01 1.37599766e-01 -1.17226613e-04 -2.36344025e-01 5.39420664e-01 4.91518453e-02 2.29425430e-01 -1.56533927e-01 -4.45185080e-02 -1.02164216e-01 1.20342173e-01 -1.13947317e-02 5.40380403e-02 5.29517710e-01 1.94301959e-02 6.65683206e-03 -2.10936725e-01 1.11439088e-02 1.36867285e-01 4.95006502e-01 -4.53096814e-02 -4.36740890e-02 3.68477494e-01 2.83304960e-01 -2.48780057e-01 -1.04487635e-01 -6.49714470e-03 -1.55234471e-01 2.32585654e-01 1.42429665e-01 -2.51229525e-01 -5.93836010e-02 1.80118427e-01 -1.52734876e-01 3.19140315e-01 5.35484664e-02 1.71019584e-01 2.13575795e-01 -1.16304979e-02 1.07669726e-01 2.15837836e-01 2.65415777e-02 5.92950881e-02 -1.53397188e-01 2.80688345e-01 -2.84819931e-01 2.71347016e-01 2.15161547e-01 9.80063230e-02 2.74414778e-01 -2.37130508e-01 4.41763550e-04 -2.16207072e-01 -3.40211168e-02 -2.65466481e-01 5.30241728e-02 -5.66626340e-03 -2.42830515e-01 2.46191561e-01 1.34969324e-01 1.68690622e-01 9.03864130e-02 3.15809786e-01 -2.32557565e-01 3.23674232e-01 7.87170138e-03 3.79683152e-02 3.91823113e-01 1.48281440e-01 3.63907009e-01 -6.78633228e-02 3.01974773e-01 9.12221894e-03 -2.81893879e-01 3.16506654e-01 -5.35208404e-01 2.05125380e-02 1.81863293e-01 2.56382022e-02 2.37849131e-01 6.35081604e-02 9.77301598e-03 -8.79690275e-02 -4.16453660e-01 2.72667408e-01 -4.78965014e-01 -4.39715356e-01 2.50678688e-01 -5.72924495e-01 -1.31391063e-01 -1.24243423e-01 2.23600641e-01 2.92260438e-01 7.06683159e-01 -3.44189741e-02 -3.80284488e-01 -8.35846812e-02 1.46992221e-01 -2.28446603e-01 5.38863279e-02 -8.65842551e-02 1.44087166e-01 2.23027878e-02 1.92197427e-01 -1.19661413e-01 -4.51440290e-02 5.07585108e-02 -1.62420068e-02 1.69675902e-01 -6.77212775e-02 3.80986243e-01 3.90225351e-01 -6.09705806e-01 -1.78376436e-01 1.95172280e-01 -4.26499397e-01 -2.15997636e-01 2.29960024e-01 1.77591145e-01 -4.82630953e-02 -7.05334842e-02 1.58663526e-01 -2.52153039e-01 5.73946047e-04 3.16027433e-01 1.86605856e-01 -2.77960058e-02 7.77107328e-02 1.69620857e-01 -1.27491683e-01 6.85294792e-02 8.73751566e-02 -6.96433708e-02 4.50329721e-01 -1.57590702e-01 -4.07689780e-01 -9.62196067e-02 -3.07578109e-02 2.14275822e-01 3.48434411e-02 -2.08333388e-01 -3.24746408e-02 -8.37548673e-02 -1.65929034e-01 -4.35767978e-01 -2.79683352e-01 -5.32028496e-01 -2.80636609e-01 -2.36439571e-01 3.32112670e-01 1.92224056e-01 -2.45391801e-01 -1.93049341e-01 -1.68390706e-01 -2.92187274e-01 -1.27823457e-01 2.87773192e-01 -3.52417260e-01 -3.02270621e-01 -2.39035189e-01 3.40761542e-01 1.78378433e-01 -8.95096585e-02 -2.00268507e-01 2.86684781e-01 -1.36723638e-01 -1.03236241e-02 2.53789693e-01 1.72377340e-02 -4.32972275e-02 1.65013641e-01 -3.17633376e-02 -2.13031694e-01 -2.24865347e-01 1.18112773e-01 -7.60235786e-02 5.45510948e-01 1.89441055e-01 1.98104247e-01 -2.29006276e-01 -1.56339422e-01 -7.89144309e-04 1.95127249e-01 -2.13977367e-01 8.55330378e-02 2.90646881e-01 -2.72188008e-01 -1.54757679e-01 -1.22872822e-01 5.18265031e-02 3.89107801e-02 1.37479082e-02 1.23325042e-01 -4.21672910e-02 -2.15837732e-01 -2.51725703e-01 -1.45299539e-01 5.17219007e-02 1.96087524e-01 -4.17202972e-02 1.94401771e-01 -1.22914575e-01 -3.32298912e-02 3.39760371e-02 4.95398641e-02 2.29540661e-01 6.21593781e-02 -7.31167734e-01 -2.71241963e-01 2.26188093e-01 -5.80226444e-02 -1.74576640e-01 -3.34470093e-01 4.55017596e-01 2.75122970e-01 -2.05335803e-02 -1.93336129e-01 6.67929575e-02 4.76069748e-03 -3.70438069e-01 -2.22683370e-01 -1.33739159e-01 -1.51362658e-01 -2.01803911e-03 7.30806291e-02 1.73263818e-01 -7.23640844e-02 2.04793677e-01 -1.13958351e-01 1.57638580e-01 8.13973485e-04 -3.63016687e-02 1.26811460e-01 -2.69472510e-01 9.30637345e-02 3.41704249e-01 1.67750306e-02 8.05177689e-02 -1.30942045e-02 -1.62157521e-01 -1.09286852e-01 -1.00484371e-01 4.63196896e-02 -1.08619675e-01 3.75153050e-02 8.11027139e-02 2.40286529e-01 2.93657273e-01 -5.42746559e-02 -4.90843207e-01 -9.25349221e-02 -8.86685625e-02 -1.29508063e-01 -2.94200983e-02 -6.90226257e-02 -2.29933280e-02 1.76919460e-01 1.24050416e-01 1.36667281e-01 3.12002636e-02 -2.15077579e-01 1.18969083e-01 -7.16693252e-02 6.51478991e-02 2.88183540e-02 5.07828772e-01 -9.21319649e-02 1.32456318e-01 -4.21658993e-01 -7.18924403e-02 5.35338111e-02 -7.61717418e-03 -2.40839422e-01 3.73480543e-02 2.68017203e-01 -4.86662947e-02 -1.92363560e-01 -2.42675349e-01 -4.86825079e-01 1.49640411e-01 7.50526190e-02 -2.65717715e-01 3.60925570e-02 -8.94250944e-02 -6.66229308e-01 -1.71496198e-01 -1.45739898e-01 -5.05577207e-01 -7.68740848e-02 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2.01236382e-01 5.96807189e-02 3.99683893e-01 1.27909243e-01 1.20147035e-01 -7.92111605e-02 -3.81953955e-01 2.69653767e-01 2.91735381e-02 -1.01478752e-02 -2.62225509e-01 8.14705864e-02 -3.17756206e-01 -3.23294669e-01 3.13771479e-02 -3.57620358e-01 -3.52768391e-01 1.89192712e-01 4.27791178e-01 6.42637968e-01 1.98828131e-01 -2.82824069e-01 -1.24686509e-01 -3.20253104e-01 -7.91646540e-02 -4.69260886e-02 -2.86166757e-01 -2.42728874e-01 6.30378723e-02 2.14710683e-01 -1.53141648e-01 2.25862805e-02 1.47419661e-01 1.81490734e-01 -6.15123034e-01 -1.84398722e-02 3.93550545e-01 2.43818499e-02 -1.28896326e-01 -3.39977592e-02 -1.96163077e-02 -1.38183102e-01 2.49958515e-01 2.61452347e-01 2.32049406e-01 -1.61760263e-02 -1.03333175e-01 9.40185934e-02 3.24709564e-01 -3.26505274e-01 6.05776548e-01 2.30338722e-01 3.89929920e-01 -1.25644132e-01 -9.63191390e-02 -1.22535378e-02 2.33374104e-01 5.88881373e-01 2.18237922e-01 2.40296677e-01 -5.67388870e-02 2.93324947e-01 -5.56854904e-02 1.84508622e-01 9.22885537e-02 1.04554638e-01 2.48723283e-01 -1.27667233e-01 1.31150067e-01 -5.76362684e-02 -2.26944759e-01 -2.23153662e-02 8.60450491e-02 1.36423066e-01 6.98710263e-01 2.39027247e-01 1.35619783e+00 -5.75717306e-03 -7.94635639e-02 -1.74460202e-01 -4.02343333e-01 1.25665039e-01 2.99629301e-01 -1.55891582e-01 -1.18177563e-01 9.18393806e-02 1.36268571e-01 -1.85230494e-01 3.80762339e-01 3.82686913e-01 -4.93592680e-01 -2.01703370e-01 -2.77321219e-01 7.16432333e-02 1.73700914e-01 -1.31174669e-01 -1.59304991e-01 -1.19742967e-01 2.73861051e-01 1.33496687e-01 -9.91755202e-02 2.12092802e-01 -3.37821282e-02 5.43172993e-02 9.11887810e-02 -2.40758769e-02 4.15234081e-02 1.86747685e-01 -3.08029652e-01 3.36642042e-02 2.49941245e-01 -6.92934275e-01 1.14240304e-01 -1.74009606e-01 -4.75439698e-01 8.84577036e-02 -9.15491134e-02 4.74640578e-01 1.68517873e-01 -8.49317536e-02 2.51924336e-01 -1.18653327e-01 2.47009426e-01 2.38440663e-01 -1.85313314e-01 3.97446528e-02 -1.92203537e-01 1.94532260e-01 1.32052541e-01 1.48201585e-01 6.00039840e-01 1.82033554e-01 4.34442014e-02 1.58763200e-01 -3.14334869e-01 -3.14694494e-01 1.83814198e-01 1.01696022e-01 3.22406106e-02 1.15399644e-01 -1.22525878e-01 -1.28578559e-01 -5.64282797e-02 2.26841539e-01 -2.40003109e-01 1.15149783e-03 -2.39759028e-01 -2.87147947e-02 -2.55570859e-01 -2.89024472e-01 6.26282245e-02 -4.43851680e-01 -1.82400253e-02 6.40955986e-03 3.56454439e-02 -1.92824990e-01 1.28536010e-02 1.49464428e-01 6.03098273e-02 -1.03419773e-01 -4.49271232e-01 -2.73128986e-01 2.12857295e-02 -7.09756017e-02 1.00883655e-01 2.07013488e-01 2.35360101e-01 4.17418003e-01 -1.79990798e-01 4.99730520e-02 -3.36706370e-01 6.73593283e-02 -1.78937986e-01 9.32472348e-02 1.87229082e-01 -2.23478496e-01 8.10455009e-02 -2.64473617e-01 4.94897775e-02 2.28596613e-01 2.56574005e-02 -1.39585644e-01 -3.16550314e-01 1.53949097e-01 1.53540567e-01 -3.86603773e-02 9.53285117e-03 2.04254478e-01 3.67996216e-01 -6.12717941e-02 1.29006788e-01 3.74072790e-01 1.84641376e-01 3.00413966e-01 -9.66276675e-02 1.98923260e-01 -3.17537338e-01 3.17595638e-02 3.55473049e-02 5.96151114e-01 -3.05731259e-02 2.46157739e-02 -1.11446314e-01 -6.70861229e-02 1.56545699e-01 1.94378093e-01 1.94581494e-01 -2.00216338e-01 2.28932470e-01 -9.38167199e-02 -1.86714321e-01 2.42268249e-01 -9.92194265e-02 -7.12799504e-02 -4.29927945e-01 -2.97830403e-02 1.45810336e-01 2.51297355e-01 7.17844740e-02 5.84191158e-02 -3.65582585e-01 2.94321597e-01 -7.45635182e-02 7.97561035e-02 9.29715205e-03 -8.34054291e-01 -1.52939335e-01 3.28179933e-02 5.29492795e-01 -1.85327843e-01 -4.97001037e-02 -1.05122678e-01 -8.67447332e-02 -1.80833876e-01 3.51958424e-01 1.60719365e-01 3.94933552e-01 8.62333477e-02 6.52608514e-01 1.29683420e-01 2.97404081e-01 7.52783656e-01 -3.92185450e-01 -5.92822162e-03 4.96027395e-02 4.94026214e-01 2.00583696e-01 4.82409708e-02 2.34035984e-01 2.38268241e-01 8.87848958e-02 1.06983714e-01 3.10532779e-01 -5.42216636e-02 1.86040595e-01 6.35161325e-02 3.64797592e-01 1.14189707e-01 9.25130993e-02 -3.61069739e-02 1.86779007e-01 2.46692777e-01 4.17388290e-01 2.46475726e-01 -5.20132370e-02 -1.21841103e-01 -3.53076011e-01 -8.06792453e-02 5.29531896e-01 -8.95591900e-02 1.40548870e-01 1.62313357e-01 -1.55604675e-01 -2.20225766e-01 2.25064531e-01 3.14788073e-01 -2.93724239e-01 -3.16566452e-02 1.57115728e-01 -2.94332296e-01 -1.98810995e-01 -2.13493511e-01 -2.09241174e-03 5.33003584e-02 -4.03677486e-02 -7.42267072e-02 1.27866134e-01 -2.23867550e-01 -4.24498409e-01 2.83700228e-01 8.26879665e-02 -1.69547573e-01 -2.14728162e-01 -9.23132375e-02 -2.81397194e-01 2.00427603e-03 3.52872610e-02 5.56386337e-02 -3.18139404e-01 4.54912245e-01 6.88153803e-02 2.91267216e-01 -1.32577732e-01 4.56340797e-02 2.47051455e-02 9.79155079e-02 -8.58896598e-02 8.07715803e-02 2.95311183e-01 -4.32123423e-01 -5.67736745e-01 3.72072548e-01 -1.19646393e-01 -2.73390263e-01 9.74110663e-02 1.47346005e-01 4.55147624e-02 1.71022400e-01 -3.08336709e-02 -1.12771355e-01 5.02238691e-01 -4.61794466e-01 -1.55945271e-01 3.42670023e-01 -7.04362465e-04 -3.20315540e-01 -1.86692420e-02 5.20193800e-02 1.06859311e-01 1.82716638e-01 -5.49629610e-03 -4.63534713e-01 -2.22182706e-01 -1.65428415e-01 8.07132542e-01 5.57858288e-01 -3.04505732e-02 2.62784779e-01 -9.83182788e-02 -1.54074937e-01 2.60910481e-01 -7.18597276e-03 1.39815519e-02 5.65971099e-02 -1.42924771e-01 9.79902670e-02 5.93195371e-02 2.80203015e-01 2.76647687e-01 2.15226993e-01 -5.52411042e-02 -4.27050814e-02 -3.56434077e-01 -1.05942599e-01 -1.69141307e-01 7.24461302e-02 -2.63111264e-01 2.44282290e-01 -7.28997588e-03 -2.84838021e-01 -1.99911073e-01 -4.23300534e-01 4.76556063e-01 9.73200053e-03 -1.69761837e-01 -1.22327050e-02 1.94371000e-01 -6.73660815e-01 -2.74786115e-01 -1.94642752e-01 -3.28663945e-01 9.33576189e-03 9.54875071e-03 -5.53681910e-01 -2.82656789e-01 -1.58197269e-01 -7.48170167e-02 -1.55166656e-01 5.21064818e-01 4.81672585e-02 1.09648369e-01 -2.40822449e-01 7.46052861e-02]
"Dialysis Bracelet" active "Item #: SCP-269 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-269 is stored in a standard Safe-class secure locker at Site-19. Experimentation with SCP-269 may only be performed on Class D personnel, and only with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers. Description: SCP-269 is an unmarked bracelet composed of red jade approximately 11 cm in diameter in its inactive state. SCP-269 exhibits unusual resilience as all attempts at obtaining a sample have failed to date, as well as constantly maintaining a temperature of approximately 36°C regardless of ambient room temperature. When placed on the wrist or ankle of a living human subject, SCP-269 contracts to fit tightly but comfortably over the extremity. Over the next 24 hours, SCP-269 extends flexible tendrils that integrate with its host's circulatory system through the ulnar and radial arteries, a process described by test subjects as being painless but mildly uncomfortable. Upon completion of this process, SCP-269 cannot be removed from its host without amputating the affected hand or foot. Once SCP-269 is fully integrated, it will begin to filter substances from its host's bloodstream. How this is done is not fully understood, but the process occurs over three stages: In the first stage, SCP-269 will begin to filter contaminants and infectious agents such as blood-borne bacteria and viruses. This includes many disease agents that are currently incurable such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); SCP-269 appears to be capable of identifying and isolating infected blood cells from healthy ones. As this process often results in a general improvement in the health of the host, the host may resist attempts to have SCP-269 removed. This stage typically lasts anywhere from one week to one month. In the second stage, SCP-269 will begin filtering components of the host's immune system from the bloodstream. Because SCP-269 continues to filter infectious agents from the host's body, this generally goes unnoticed unless a blood analysis is performed. Stage 2 lasts anywhere from one month to six months. In the final stage, SCP-269 will begin to filter vital blood components such as red blood cells and platelets, causing an onset of acute anemia and thrombocytopenia. Hosts that reach Stage 3 quickly weaken and will invariably expire within one week unless massive blood transfusions are given. SCP-269 came to the Foundation's attention following reports that a civilian (one Mr. ████ ████████ from [REDACTED]) had been cured of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and died shortly thereafter. SCP-269 was discovered attached to Mr. ████████'s wrist, and was secured by Foundation agents after it was found that SCP-269 had integrated into his circulatory system. Investigation into the precise function and origin of SCP-269 is ongoing. « SCP-268 | SCP-269 | SCP-270 »" nan
[ 3.56391937e-01 -5.94857097e-01 -8.21955502e-02 -2.98154861e-01 -1.74211860e-01 -3.58912759e-02 1.97196007e-01 -8.13238174e-02 2.53024101e-01 6.68120980e-02 1.27202213e-01 4.80744600e-01 -1.35538459e-01 2.61382222e-01 5.59328087e-02 1.28389642e-01 -3.50400098e-02 2.36080393e-01 8.87851566e-02 -9.86616760e-02 1.28686562e-01 -1.67662665e-01 -3.91023844e-01 2.02714771e-01 2.54335999e-01 -2.74040282e-01 6.41530752e-02 -9.24783275e-02 -2.80715851e-03 -4.61911947e-01 -1.39935568e-01 5.00658333e-01 -4.62245531e-02 2.68474489e-01 -1.16923598e-04 -5.38955450e-01 1.73069924e-01 -1.14998840e-01 -6.04362249e-01 1.34827346e-01 -7.17112347e-02 -4.59744692e-01 3.54745388e-01 -3.23172420e-01 2.05780372e-01 -3.66739064e-01 -7.58533552e-02 1.26144677e-01 8.86685699e-02 -4.52774548e-04 1.27237201e-01 5.83422184e-01 1.39049143e-01 5.28499149e-02 -1.56990036e-01 -1.47713244e-01 -2.52657738e-02 1.47741601e-01 6.08926177e-01 9.03131962e-02 2.04367954e-02 2.68432409e-01 -2.70121872e-01 1.12650663e-01 6.36080563e-01 -3.33498508e-01 1.56983703e-01 -4.25246090e-01 1.10454917e-01 2.79347509e-01 1.67326927e-01 -1.30947515e-01 5.59901819e-02 4.11753468e-02 8.29939470e-02 1.35637432e-01 -3.64545994e-02 -1.71887591e-01 1.27246410e-01 1.95504978e-01 -5.49104035e-01 2.81419218e-01 -3.21138591e-01 4.11772542e-02 -1.95460871e-01 -2.22476631e-01 -2.40513980e-02 -6.42964989e-03 1.68698400e-01 -5.10748513e-02 6.43121675e-02 -1.02416025e-02 5.79529166e-01 2.06814438e-01 1.01227231e-01 -1.57619223e-01 3.46285328e-02 4.87543017e-01 3.30823720e-01 -1.78397059e-01 3.23982835e-02 2.15218797e-01 3.33424956e-01 2.06392527e-01 -2.22286321e-02 -3.64499629e-01 9.05123278e-02 -3.81403267e-01 -3.99487615e-01 1.26291856e-01 2.85017282e-01 3.78275514e-02 2.73484230e-01 1.33534595e-01 7.11664483e-02 -3.82752568e-01 -1.26759931e-01 3.16676986e-03 8.76103342e-02 3.78431857e-01 -5.13175130e-01 2.85558045e-01 3.31038833e-02 2.23903909e-01 2.10316584e-01 4.38082814e-01 8.58275965e-02 8.50961171e-03 -3.76621857e-02 7.51580074e-02 -1.99710175e-01 1.47244870e-03 -3.11968625e-02 -9.40829143e-02 -4.06129379e-03 4.13337916e-01 -9.59365293e-02 7.41171688e-02 2.59667426e-01 1.95158884e-01 1.96321849e-02 1.15365870e-01 4.93816674e-01 5.11565268e-01 -8.81639123e-03 2.91669577e-01 -1.51759833e-01 -1.15621649e-01 -9.37627777e-02 -7.84223005e-02 2.95573175e-01 8.73256288e-03 -6.54168501e-02 1.22381270e-01 -2.47152507e-01 2.45170727e-01 7.78950095e-01 -1.33015722e-01 -1.31225795e-01 -1.36576921e-01 3.44476283e-01 -1.77562952e-01 -7.88066685e-02 -1.48057505e-01 -1.23045193e-02 1.17937729e-01 -1.65430605e-01 -3.44478518e-01 2.59371907e-01 -1.22121930e-01 -1.50638163e-01 -4.22335751e-02 1.35630280e-01 9.49185863e-02 4.49510962e-02 1.29302397e-01 -1.54895708e-01 -1.85222238e-01 -6.36473119e-01 -1.43688992e-01 -1.75297081e-01 1.50263026e-01 4.72013913e-02 -1.83738053e-01 6.13197014e-02 8.84269401e-02 -5.06154656e-01 1.59952968e-01 -8.58981237e-02 -1.89299405e-01 -3.96961123e-01 -3.09183329e-01 3.43656927e-01 6.76349085e-03 7.54858255e-02 -1.19055621e-01 1.86708227e-01 -8.15118011e-03 4.94709045e-01 3.60661298e-02 -6.45273104e-02 -1.86377093e-01 4.90212329e-02 3.37361455e-01 2.55619697e-02 1.27171483e-02 -1.86190695e-01 -8.14908519e-02 2.91214168e-01 -7.89942369e-02 -3.71600181e-01 -1.26847550e-01 -2.39093691e-01 -7.50994717e-04 7.68371299e-02 -3.12148165e-02 1.28078625e-01 3.89039040e-01 1.05129503e-01 -2.82371938e-01 -5.90922199e-02 4.74498659e-01 -1.50358289e-01 -1.27755880e-01 -3.33125949e-01 1.75233528e-01 -2.09724400e-02 1.39496177e-01 -2.16760218e-01 3.97668593e-02 3.70283455e-01 -4.44448739e-02 2.48989195e-01 3.12859118e-02 -3.18019480e-01 4.37343791e-02 -3.80047821e-02 3.42689961e-01 -6.81413561e-02 -4.13620144e-01 -5.89978024e-02 -3.80618334e-01 3.52277517e-01 -3.99944633e-02 -4.55233045e-02 1.32821143e-01 -1.26785696e-01 8.35557729e-02 -1.40617909e-02 2.50508964e-01 1.58137344e-02 -2.88838416e-01 -4.02919084e-01 -1.01296626e-01 -1.11081544e-03 7.42284060e-02 -6.26920462e-02 -3.29473436e-01 6.44370839e-02 4.10730660e-01 -1.66265503e-01 -3.34390938e-01 1.59205377e-01 -3.40575457e-01 1.77478582e-01 -3.15858901e-01 -2.64168531e-01 2.11742312e-01 -1.32460315e-02 1.16910867e-01 8.21792334e-02 -2.25967601e-01 7.39003196e-02 -2.15201247e-02 -1.33556977e-01 4.31195349e-02 1.12055369e-01 2.22342044e-01 -5.73110133e-02 2.17551384e-02 1.11980408e-01 1.10454030e-01 2.83168536e-02 -6.69517666e-02 -8.36243853e-02 2.47416481e-01 -2.23872721e-01 2.17305228e-01 3.00530195e-01 -1.40100807e-01 3.01149935e-01 -1.47073209e-01 1.38252437e-01 4.21070866e-03 -1.04380764e-01 2.51610100e-01 -1.19671477e-02 3.93410504e-01 -7.80943111e-02 1.82389602e-01 -2.75547385e-01 1.78960934e-01 7.02546760e-02 5.99130690e-02 -2.62656003e-01 2.76958704e-01 5.13996780e-01 -4.46945727e-02 -1.84514731e-01 -2.41965890e-01 -8.58227760e-02 2.66586065e-01 1.81371018e-01 -1.25071988e-01 3.12684476e-01 5.28398864e-02 5.64621165e-02 5.76783605e-02 5.52679747e-02 -9.13564682e-01 -1.01293951e-01 3.20773423e-01 1.41857311e-01 1.12290300e-01 1.09395757e-01 2.40246236e-01 -5.11887491e-01 1.06604099e-02 -3.07145745e-01 -2.11116388e-01 1.32340297e-01 7.11612254e-02 1.82301521e-01 3.44065815e-01 1.10443667e-01 -3.21981474e-03 -1.54257536e-01 1.57235280e-01 2.15538993e-01 -5.86462691e-02 -1.14154994e-01 -2.29933888e-01 -1.58446908e-01 1.37495026e-01 4.83970255e-01 -2.27975935e-01 -4.80147719e-01 1.83036461e-01 2.60015905e-01 -6.18698709e-02 -2.50172138e-01 5.62453628e-01 -2.70558715e-01 -1.63271949e-02 -2.53248394e-01 -1.67202935e-01 -2.38889560e-01 -1.70110181e-01 4.10702499e-03 -7.47033358e-02 6.22603536e-01 2.37178162e-01 2.78190643e-01 -7.74543062e-02 -1.55523345e-01 -2.97344416e-01 4.27516520e-01 1.76697120e-01 4.07676518e-01 -2.48116583e-01 3.95007506e-02 7.76256025e-02 -1.87756926e-01 3.55776250e-01 -1.72728300e-01 -5.63767135e-01 7.43189380e-02 -1.77534088e-01 -6.49881244e-01 5.75056300e-02 8.15632120e-02 5.16476512e-01 5.12333453e-01 -1.40898705e-01 -2.20647305e-01 3.57099138e-02 1.93961784e-01 -2.06152171e-01 3.94682884e-01 3.91760021e-02 1.28839284e-01 -4.07004565e-01 5.84994480e-02 -8.05652589e-02 1.94037348e-01 5.10884933e-02 4.58315998e-01 -1.69888556e-01 -4.25825119e-01 2.90288836e-01 -3.17372173e-01 2.96194293e-02 -2.27932498e-01 6.31715178e-01 4.74861950e-01 2.05616906e-01 -4.72521037e-01 4.68820669e-02 -2.41666496e-01 2.87158012e-01 4.23291177e-01 -3.44635725e-01 -3.51866521e-03 -2.89272934e-01 2.07059205e-01 1.48535892e-01 -6.38251007e-02 1.08247489e-01 1.68874979e-01 -6.55327737e-01 4.32264954e-02 3.93800408e-01 -3.49588208e-02 6.26198202e-02 1.53182328e-01 1.21068388e-01 -2.16531139e-02 -3.25826630e-02 -4.96397205e-02 3.83685112e-01 -2.78804690e-01 2.12714016e-01 -1.75410688e-01 6.97846174e-01 5.42718284e-02 -1.88589264e-02 -2.44186893e-01 -3.38131249e-01 1.04339123e-02 2.20715284e-01 -5.77264428e-02 8.26776698e-02 7.15265691e-01 1.56299651e-01 1.94467857e-01 3.30121279e-01 1.44505635e-01 1.63827389e-01 -2.47221291e-01 3.07683706e-01 -1.75623864e-01 3.72733399e-02 -2.14109525e-01 1.03502035e-01 -1.15103513e-01 -4.36312109e-01 -3.45260531e-01 2.97340333e-01 1.26802879e-05 3.27198178e-01 3.29866260e-01 1.33623135e+00 5.53971119e-02 -3.45023334e-01 2.47211456e-01 -6.49173796e-01 1.43801734e-01 -2.67753005e-01 -1.71215981e-01 -8.83456436e-04 5.68014346e-02 -6.80015013e-02 -2.46314421e-01 -7.90146515e-02 4.55208331e-01 -3.33070010e-01 -1.79275587e-01 -4.46596116e-01 3.50858927e-01 3.49845827e-01 3.32102656e-01 4.69271876e-02 -1.81647405e-01 -1.29681006e-01 2.33048424e-01 2.25928016e-02 -3.18313800e-02 -1.62066355e-01 5.60348816e-02 2.58211046e-01 -8.15019757e-02 9.85168144e-02 -1.80879161e-01 -2.75015533e-01 2.05262616e-01 -1.09474532e-01 -2.13084593e-01 -2.24958435e-01 -9.46343690e-03 -4.80481051e-02 -5.41216135e-02 -6.51428327e-02 4.17251922e-02 2.92158365e-01 -1.83187053e-01 -1.99396551e-01 -1.37450948e-01 2.54986435e-01 -1.47194818e-01 -1.22211166e-01 2.98384577e-01 1.16673768e-01 -3.01460832e-01 3.83512497e-01 5.61973929e-01 5.11072338e-01 -9.23767015e-02 1.93772480e-01 3.66553754e-01 1.32187039e-01 -3.86066921e-02 8.67736638e-02 5.22908382e-02 -1.99368700e-01 3.84928197e-01 -8.99858475e-02 -1.59790203e-01 -9.28330272e-02 4.67971973e-02 -7.69911241e-03 2.30011463e-01 -1.24684520e-01 -1.68052450e-01 -4.74023253e-01 -4.07686919e-01 -2.16493934e-01 -3.61060351e-01 -3.81355375e-01 -8.92360434e-02 4.52638045e-02 -2.94805914e-01 -3.18125844e-01 -1.77170366e-01 3.01738113e-01 -2.00570077e-01 -3.60245675e-01 -4.43183035e-01 -3.25500257e-02 -2.38892108e-01 2.90577859e-01 2.75507033e-01 1.00903124e-01 1.83251783e-01 -8.67202953e-02 1.84910044e-01 -3.48892182e-01 1.97938979e-01 8.73713791e-02 -5.83579428e-02 1.87628746e-01 -4.86794889e-01 2.38650933e-01 -3.19077820e-01 6.08636662e-02 2.00349372e-02 -1.18942067e-01 -2.59216905e-01 -2.91253448e-01 1.41596213e-01 9.63535085e-02 -1.01696290e-01 -5.67407981e-02 -1.06586264e-02 3.79060477e-01 4.93240431e-02 3.43272477e-01 3.11292976e-01 4.93865669e-01 -5.49437925e-02 2.38277584e-01 7.44621083e-02 -1.11084387e-01 1.25228718e-01 3.28917146e-01 7.39870965e-02 3.42770517e-02 5.16366176e-02 5.02428524e-02 -1.55243874e-01 4.34269428e-01 3.58666480e-01 -2.98659168e-02 -3.00192207e-01 4.13434207e-02 2.88282079e-03 6.44659102e-02 1.11985043e-01 -1.76378489e-01 1.84108004e-01 -3.12532902e-01 -3.15508723e-01 1.10305129e-02 2.34088063e-01 -1.20684266e-01 -1.67462558e-01 -1.91362724e-01 1.70998350e-01 1.54593997e-02 1.91953108e-01 -4.58264071e-03 -5.55949152e-01 5.30740917e-02 -3.01043000e-02 2.62913585e-01 2.87264317e-01 -1.51995927e-01 1.46622015e-02 5.08665806e-03 -9.77092236e-02 9.08886641e-02 4.81255502e-02 1.75724298e-01 -3.44844609e-01 2.75328159e-01 1.27804965e-01 -8.11974704e-02 1.56597942e-01 3.77065353e-02 9.35412794e-02 -2.97035784e-01 1.64357185e-01 -2.14225695e-01 9.18867961e-02 -8.20286199e-02 1.10445753e-01 9.14943218e-02 -4.47780252e-01 -1.30517423e-01 5.66935502e-02 1.09519251e-01 1.60231203e-01 2.82415897e-02 -1.94912910e-01 -3.95763814e-01 -2.02918842e-01 9.86428000e-03 -6.72897175e-02 1.84727699e-01 1.43323138e-01 5.00233695e-02 4.91226651e-02 -5.16487584e-02 1.53951958e-01 1.99482188e-01 -2.30190083e-01 -1.29712597e-01 1.10178918e-01 9.58202854e-02 2.09042076e-02 2.10861340e-01 3.25720720e-02 -1.78235665e-01 -1.62146807e-01 2.01012157e-02 -2.69506842e-01 -2.52124984e-02 -1.50343671e-01 2.24371895e-01 -7.39509091e-02 -3.60367119e-01 3.42037752e-02 1.15300126e-01 -2.56386220e-01 -4.72779609e-02 1.86335221e-01 1.61630094e-01 -2.07063198e-01 -1.08859576e-02 -1.80523396e-01 1.97325259e-01 -1.11345872e-01 6.51512519e-02 -2.94497192e-01 2.32052907e-01 -9.80219096e-02 5.91570847e-02 2.18233228e-01 2.18496919e-02 6.75017089e-02 -1.27850130e-01 3.65828127e-01 7.16947913e-02 1.34710237e-01 1.98914520e-02 -3.79780680e-01 -3.32386255e-01 1.15071587e-01 -4.58530366e-01 -6.29306361e-02 1.27196029e-01 3.79007697e-01 3.42566311e-01 8.68624193e-04 2.57662117e-01 3.18223447e-01 -5.16406417e-01 5.23829535e-02 1.46316011e-02 1.40541345e-02 1.58630282e-01 1.35663420e-01 1.67673677e-01 -1.95686966e-02 -7.82108456e-02 -2.45853309e-02 1.58046812e-01 2.22605467e-02 -3.11850637e-01 -9.59202647e-02 9.19309929e-02 4.99965340e-01 8.92475769e-02 2.93873250e-01 -2.44572341e-01 -3.10910434e-01 -4.08063531e-02 5.33486128e-01 -3.98790874e-02 3.03392828e-01 -1.64025668e-02 5.43542691e-02 1.39963835e-01 3.81514251e-01 2.22656041e-01 5.34654409e-02 -1.45317301e-01 -1.16927184e-01 1.47355214e-01 3.22706401e-02 -7.38222152e-02 3.69661957e-01 -1.91277489e-01 3.63884568e-01 -1.63712919e-01 1.45655364e-01 -3.93047690e-01 4.16620150e-02 5.65391898e-01 -3.46904129e-01 -8.03652182e-02 -8.71595293e-02 3.35577488e-01 -1.11642137e-01 -1.01466581e-01 -2.97192425e-01 -1.74665198e-01 -5.72018549e-02 1.20442174e-01 -1.68583363e-01 4.72984090e-02 -8.30870643e-02 -1.43133342e-01 -1.46225765e-01 6.42695427e-01 2.24505633e-01 -1.59612507e-01 -2.88895577e-01 -8.36979002e-02]
"Secluded Telephone" active "Item #: SCP-270 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-270’s immovable nature, a structure has been built around it that outwardly appears to be a large farmhouse, henceforth called Outpost Delta. Outpost Delta is to be staffed with a minimum of ███ trained personnel. Extensive records of SCP-270’s ciphers are kept at Site-11. Extensive records of decoded ciphers are available in █-███, ██████. If the security of Outpost Delta is compromised, SCP-270 is to be destroyed, along with all on-base records of verified or unverified information accumulated, and manuscripts outlining various encryptions SCP-270 has used. Description: SCP-270 is a nondescript black phone of mid-20th century make. There were no human populations exceeding ██ people per ████ square meters within a █████ radius of the location of discovery, and SCP-270 itself was well hidden by surrounding native vegetation. The unusual properties of SCP-270 were apparent upon discovering that the power cord extended an indefinite length into the soil directly below SCP-270, despite which a steady voice was speaking through the earphone. Investigations regarding how long the cord is have since been officially discontinued (see Addendum 270-A). What makes SCP-270 of continued interest is the audio stream from the earphone, which has since been discovered to contain encrypted messages that are of value to the Foundation. Said ciphers are referred to as SCP-270-1. For the most part, SCP-270-1 consists of a mildly distorted human female voice (see Addendum 270-B) speaking in a steady monotone, which has been recorded listing names, cryptic phrases, patterns of numbers, quotes, mangled quotes, strings of letters, [DATA EXPUNGED] incomprehensible words, sounds that cannot be produced by any known animal that continue for extended amounts of time (███ unconfirmed languages have been distinguished to date, ██ of which are reoccurring), monologues, nursery rhymes, [REDACTED] leading to speculation as to whether or not the narrator is in fact human, etc. The following have also been recorded: melodies, periods of silence (see Addendum 270-C), metallic scraping noises, metallic scraping noises that have been looped and re-calibrated so they play roughly in the same tune as several classical music tunes and a handful of [DATA EXPUNGED], Morse code, [REDACTED] human screaming, various computer programming languages, every known language on earth (including, in one incident, Pig Latin), [DATA EXPUNGED] possibly of biological origin, condescending laughter, music, music played backwards, music [REDACTED], conversations that have evidently been recorded ranging from [REDACTED] politically significant and extensively protected area to what was most likely an average household, discussing what grocery supplies to buy from the supermarket, static, ambient soundtracks, etc. A demonstrative sample of SCP-270-1 can be found here. SCP-270 is otherwise a perfectly normal phone and is susceptible to damage as similar phones would be. Disassembly has not uncovered the source of SCP-270’s unusual properties. Speaking into SCP-270 has no effect on SCP-270-1. Currently disputed, refer to Incident-270-█ in which [DATA EXPUNGED]. Attempts to decipher SCP-270-1 have yielded partial successes. In one notable case, a complicated cipher proved to be an intensive description of an SCP-███’s imminent attempt to breach containment. Evidence of such was found in the [REDACTED] of SCP-███’s containment. Containment breach was accordingly prevented. Decoded portions have alternately been startlingly useful to the Foundation, and immensely frustrating to both personnel working on SCP-270-1 and Foundation officials. For example, one ██-hour study of what seemed to be a significant cipher proved to translate into a long and painstakingly thorough list of extremely unofficial synonyms for a human █████. Likewise, information gained from SCP-270-1 have both [DATA EXPUNGED] preventing a possible XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, and listed ‘secret ingredients’ of Dr. R█████’s widely praised cherry pie. As it is impossible to determine how useful portions of SCP-270-1 will be, personnel are advised to choose whatever segments of SCP-270-1 they deem to be most promising. However, some portions of cipher are either too intricately encrypted for our most perspicacious personnel to decode, or indeed may hold no meaning at all. Attempts to decode SCP-270-1 are continually ongoing (see Addenda 270-D and 270-E). Addendum 270-A: A probe was extended a total of █████ meters along the wire before the maximum extension length was reached. The matter has since been declared not of sufficient interest to merit a more thorough examination. Addendum 270-B: As of █/██/██, ████ military time, the unidentified female voice of SCP-270-1 stuttered for █ seconds before breaking down into what researchers described as ‘disconsolate sobs,’ pleading to be [REDACTED]. This continued for ██ seconds before audio cut off abruptly to a ██-minute excerpt of SCP-270-1 from ██/█/██. Immediately afterwards, SCP-270-1 proceeded as usual, the only noticeable difference being that the voice narrating SCP-270-1 was male. Addendum 270-C: Further examinations revealed that this was in fact not silence, but audio stimuli both too high or too low pitched for human perception. ███ additional unidentified languages have been discovered upon supplying Outpost Delta with appropriate audio equipment. Addendum 270-D: As of late, SCP-270-1 has been becoming noticeably more difficult to decode. This includes utilizing more convoluted methods of encryption, loud background noises being added while the narrator is speaking, multiple voices speaking at once, and, in one case, loud [REDACTED] extremely personal details [REDACTED] Dr. A████, who was visibly shaken by the event. Morale has since plummeted while stress levels have skyrocketed. A computer program has been coded in order to automatically decode portions of SCP-270-1. A recreation wing has been added to Outpost Delta. Addendum 270-E: Data Processor 270-1 has been discontinued. All attempts to electronically resolve portions of SCP-270-1 have thus far failed. . . . LEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED As of late, concerns have risen regarding the psychological states of personnel working on SCP-270. What I’m talking about, of course, are the natural issues that arise when you have a situation like this. Namely, putting a bunch of highly intelligent, motivated, tenacious people together and ordering them to solve a puzzle that may or may not have a solution. And telling them that lives may depend upon their success or failure. Recently, Dr. █████, by some superhuman effort, cracked ██ minutes’ worth of cipher that had been discarded by communal agreement as a ‘dud’ and [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the aversion of a ██ end-of-the-world scenario. This has not been beneficial for the mental states of many personnel, as every ‘dud’ they discard may contain information regarding an equally disastrous event. Since then, there have been rapidly emerging paranoia and/or obsession-related disorders. Some personnel are beginning to insist that the most trivial details of the cipher contain important messages, others have not slept or eaten in days in their pursuits, and still others have suffered from psychotic breakdowns. Outpost Delta has since been supplied with more personnel in an attempt to spread the workload more thinly. However, the effects of having a few days of diligent work crumble into a ‘dud,’ repeatedly, have proven to be an absolute disaster for morale and, at times, mental stability. Currently, we only have enough staff to decode roughly ██% of the cipher. So far, reassigning personnel after a ██-month stay at Outpost Delta, applying Class A amnestics, and returning them to work on 270-1 at the end of a ██-month period of low-pressure jobs has worked fairly well as a short-term solution. This, however, requires a rather large number of personnel to be continually circulating in and out of Outpost Delta to maintain the minimum amount of staff required to decode the greater portion of what comes out of SCP-270. In addition, long-term circulation through Outpost Delta has been shown to ingrain certain paranoid and obsessive mental behaviors that Class A amnestics don’t wipe clean. [DATA EXPUNGED] nature of SCP-270, this is exactly what it wants, if certain people are to be trusted [DATA EXPUNGED] disconcerting to said O5 member. [REDACTED] not in fact a method of safe communication between unknown entities, as originally hypothesized, but rather [DATA EXPUNGED]. I request for this matter to be discussed more in-depth sometime in the near future. -Dr. ██████ « SCP-269 | SCP-270 | SCP-271 »" nan
[ 1.54900745e-01 1.50225982e-02 -1.49569288e-01 -1.00994378e-01 -2.97395997e-02 -3.68364662e-01 4.13102239e-01 7.58575350e-02 4.98441607e-02 2.96104163e-01 -2.22190604e-01 9.33242440e-02 -2.76332647e-01 -9.93539095e-02 -1.96174420e-02 1.28633082e-01 -6.70212321e-03 4.73967433e-01 1.13316271e-02 -9.11503285e-02 -3.75899196e-01 -7.68387318e-03 -8.25686753e-02 3.11829954e-01 2.94275694e-02 -1.69392928e-01 8.75103548e-02 -6.28362522e-02 -1.64935037e-01 -3.36072356e-01 2.39533797e-01 1.61168158e-01 -1.81248590e-01 2.25430235e-01 -1.05832783e-04 -2.63534606e-01 8.57828259e-02 -5.85790761e-02 -4.15227145e-01 -1.04573540e-01 -6.40809909e-02 1.21916853e-01 -1.44449353e-01 -2.96031356e-01 -1.22210875e-01 -1.10881165e-01 6.53220415e-02 -2.10149348e-01 3.49076062e-01 1.72967792e-01 1.86772451e-01 1.45475850e-01 3.12246513e-02 -1.20187150e-02 1.92187205e-01 -1.21362135e-01 -1.01127483e-01 -3.27686816e-01 3.90670061e-01 1.92183167e-01 3.76740605e-01 8.17024708e-03 -1.65700123e-01 -2.63119698e-01 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9.91511866e-02 9.73394886e-02 -1.54664367e-01 -3.23107839e-01 -1.21765472e-01 9.45222303e-02 2.24897563e-01 8.79081246e-03 -5.97777143e-02 9.98214632e-03 3.17311198e-01 -4.16668624e-01 5.75181544e-02 1.99657753e-01 -1.88110963e-01 1.27278164e-01 3.69362712e-01 1.50357159e-02 2.37118825e-01 2.78197974e-01 1.90007567e-01 -2.31027111e-01 -9.62474570e-02 2.79613197e-01 -1.92040369e-01 -1.70215264e-01 -2.55975515e-01 5.90515547e-02 2.08722621e-01 1.23776041e-01 -2.12644767e-02 9.77541730e-02 -2.61827260e-01 -1.64586827e-01 1.04713619e-01 4.21615839e-02 2.58849561e-01 -1.51281664e-03 -1.05140492e-01 -3.01964600e-02 -8.56123418e-02 6.96539730e-02 -2.06235006e-01 -1.14572689e-01 -4.28866856e-02 3.64553094e-01 3.43735427e-01 6.17359206e-02 9.51809734e-02 -2.68230766e-01 -7.68165514e-02 3.28476354e-02 2.37982124e-01 1.54144585e-01 -4.79809314e-01 -8.32211524e-02 9.93403569e-02 -1.13404453e-01 -4.17489946e-01 -7.82199875e-02 1.91869624e-02 2.72009581e-01 1.59390986e-01 2.41489038e-02 5.53706177e-02 -4.32881802e-01 -1.71397701e-01 -3.02079350e-01 3.88368279e-01 5.67967176e-01 1.66081801e-01 -1.40124291e-01 -2.01558918e-01 1.21410973e-01 1.05086491e-01 1.94183066e-01 -2.89038215e-02 -4.08619702e-01 -2.73571372e-01 1.85972214e-01 2.76276469e-01 3.95639315e-02 2.11647689e-01 -1.72127128e-01 -2.71921784e-01 3.38609606e-01 3.80417973e-01 -1.77309271e-02 9.51837227e-02 1.73135847e-01 2.47086078e-01 1.63379878e-01 4.74963218e-01 3.68800834e-02 1.73807293e-01 -1.63635483e-03 1.02368973e-01 -4.22064245e-01 5.58815897e-03 -2.58461058e-01 2.60124326e-01 -1.31521821e-01 1.19275741e-01 9.08420384e-02 2.89036823e-03 -2.69785106e-01 -8.22002441e-02 4.38774407e-01 1.95964158e-01 -2.63358772e-01 -2.96126217e-01 2.28222668e-01 -1.15473703e-01 1.29502073e-01 -2.39791274e-01 -1.43699080e-01 7.09899664e-02 -2.00072557e-01 -4.67561930e-01 -1.77394822e-01 -2.44604975e-01 -1.60695866e-01 -1.06605455e-01 6.89480782e-01 1.19498610e-01 1.80536568e-01 -2.60184616e-01 -3.30525972e-02]
"Inscribed Disc" active "Item #: SCP-271 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-271 is to be stored as long as possible in Containment Unit !12 in ███ █ █████ ████████████████████ ██ ████ on a meter-high stone pedestal (SCP-271-01), which will be flooded with water and sealed off in a hollow 5-cm-thick sphere, composed of glass saturated with iron. Permanent neodymium-████████ magnets will be mounted around the (standard-sized) room to suspend the sphere in-air and repel unwanted intruders. The room will be lined with pyrolytic carbon to contain the magnetic field generated by the magnets. The door to the room is to be left unguarded and disguised as an ordinary janitorial closet, and kept locked by an unobtrusive password box mounted in the wall down the hallway and around the corner that appears to be a thermostat. Dr. Vg is to change the password on a monthly basis. All study is to be observation-only until further notice. In case of unauthorized access electromagnets in the room are to be activated by remote to destroy the glass sphere so that recovery may be simplified. Description: SCP-271 is a small disk, composition unknown but metallic in nature, a little more than 4 cm in diameter, and engraved with a number of symbols that may or may not represent an unknown alphabet. These symbols are infectious to their environment over time, gradually appearing as if invisibly carved into nearby objects. They are capable of escaping through any hole, however minute, but have been demonstrated to be unable to penetrate non-gaseous fluids. Objects that carry the symbols for a sufficient time begin to be changed on a molecular level to the same material as the SCP; both the engraving and petrification processes are extremely painful to biotic organisms. The only known method for purging the symbols is the destruction of the object, and it is not possible to do this to SCP-271 itself. At this time both SCP-271 and SCP-271-01 are thoroughly coated with the engraved symbols and seem to "swim" slightly - Dr. Vg and other observers have described them as looking "like the far side of a heat wave" or "not quite all there". The symbols also appear to have fractalized somewhat; studies with vision-enhancing equipment have revealed miniature symbols inside and around the larger carvings on both objects. SCP-271 was a previously unknown SCP recently acquired from a shrine belonging to the Church of the Broken God by Mobile Armed Task Force 12 when [DATA EXPUNGED]. It was previously stored in a room of its own, which documents note was to be kept sealed "until the assembly was ready". Documents acquired at the same time suggest that [DATA EXPUNGED]. The platform is original; on account of the extensive writing on the room in which it was contained, the shrine itself was pulverized. However, due to rapid retaliation by enemy forces, the remnants of MATF-12 were forced to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Contact has been reestablished, but the nature of the SCP and the enemy seekers prevent easy recovery, and it is currently considered more advisable for the SCP to remain hidden if comparatively unprotected than to attract attention by launching a very expensive recovery mission. MATF-12 has been ordered to conform itself into CU-!12 (the exclamation mark denoting their atypical existence outside of a secured SCP Foundation area). Addendum: SCP-271 is not to be brought into the presence of SCP-882. EMERGENCY BULLETIN: Reports from other embedded sources indicate that as of ██-██-████ the Church is aware of CU-!12 and the location of SCP-271, and is planning an imminent assault against the unit. SCP-271 is to be kept out of enemy hands at all costs. CU-!12 has been ordered to mobilize and prepare for evacuation. A recovery team is being prepared for immediate deployment under the direction of Agent DuPont. A more detailed report is to follow. « SCP-270 | SCP-271 | SCP-272 » Cite this page as: "SCP-271" by Noaqiyeum, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: infectiousinscription-new.jpg Name: Музей языков мира экспонат 05.jpg Author: Ostrinstro License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-271"
[ 3.84546936e-01 -5.56355238e-01 -1.36798620e-01 3.71650726e-01 4.40203175e-02 -2.04285622e-01 2.50150710e-01 -7.72673935e-02 3.83192599e-01 3.61150265e-01 -9.86684412e-02 2.89342910e-01 -2.97346115e-01 7.55946562e-02 1.06983185e-01 2.13503003e-01 -9.15817544e-02 1.95338309e-01 -5.91888651e-02 -1.07422739e-01 -6.38304576e-02 -1.89527184e-01 -9.13894251e-02 1.29898593e-01 2.64692903e-01 -4.09105867e-01 -1.77981481e-01 -1.22343205e-01 3.96076068e-02 -4.65723544e-01 5.46041243e-02 2.83277690e-01 1.63265780e-01 5.10317028e-01 -1.13685193e-04 -1.75676972e-01 1.25677735e-01 6.34386390e-02 -3.18867445e-01 2.01838791e-01 8.79973173e-03 -2.62883693e-01 1.03598041e-02 -3.52009296e-01 2.26655811e-01 2.84046736e-02 -3.04157883e-02 1.34912834e-01 3.89016598e-01 -9.90706086e-02 1.49650559e-01 2.68344790e-01 2.03322813e-01 1.49862543e-01 3.14025767e-02 -2.99246516e-02 -2.36051127e-01 -7.19805583e-02 2.44690046e-01 4.56601590e-01 1.51308373e-01 3.92517626e-01 -3.29214841e-01 3.82963903e-02 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9.66635253e-03 -5.35312146e-02 3.74665737e-01 4.45716053e-01 9.45717543e-02 1.84501812e-01 -2.20785569e-02 -1.46338314e-01 -2.80313194e-01 1.24306925e-01 -1.05986327e-01 -1.82819888e-01 4.34812419e-02 4.77224924e-02 -1.58631250e-01 1.87485427e-01 9.25450698e-02 -3.06654703e-02 9.58770812e-02 3.26662511e-01 -2.03507707e-01 -3.23035806e-01 -4.84412700e-01 2.37258196e-01 -7.87751153e-02 -3.23683232e-01 3.27231199e-01 -8.76854286e-02 -3.34753603e-01 -2.28101954e-01 2.67258704e-01 3.10120970e-01 -3.51877004e-01 -5.99977911e-01 -9.13526863e-02 1.68299049e-01 -1.15124561e-01 2.28615329e-01 2.32346848e-01 1.25269771e-01 3.20623368e-01 -1.94882348e-01 1.10346802e-01 -3.60112518e-01 3.63874048e-01 -1.24618597e-01 -6.75560012e-02 3.61988902e-01 -2.65301466e-01 -9.41113569e-03 -3.22363347e-01 7.16322288e-02 4.27839793e-02 7.71442801e-02 -1.86466455e-01 -2.57891923e-01 1.61800504e-01 -1.25833541e-01 9.14812088e-02 -2.15576619e-01 6.95556775e-02 3.96281987e-01 8.48774891e-03 1.65135622e-01 3.11536312e-01 3.01330298e-01 1.19499169e-01 -2.08675191e-01 3.83938968e-01 -2.73629115e-03 1.24451496e-01 -1.00625521e-02 1.90000564e-01 4.40349281e-01 -8.36111903e-02 -1.98100731e-01 -5.03109433e-02 1.85805887e-01 3.63025248e-01 -2.67990619e-01 1.67336836e-01 1.03109345e-01 -4.00363281e-02 1.67410553e-01 3.38905066e-01 -3.80473018e-01 -2.09146395e-01 -4.47075069e-01 -3.86903912e-01 -6.56652525e-02 2.54488736e-01 9.34698898e-03 -1.32412180e-01 -3.36410314e-01 1.86407194e-03 3.23155373e-02 2.51951039e-01 -1.87063441e-02 -2.18740195e-01 -4.98770505e-01 1.42558992e-01 5.32023191e-01 -2.08391160e-01 3.65056768e-02 2.14988306e-01 7.13173598e-02 -2.01236933e-01 1.32130489e-01 -1.19255021e-01 1.80372730e-01 5.17332703e-02 3.16358000e-01 2.39920869e-01 1.81238368e-01 3.96517336e-01 7.60127231e-02 9.55120102e-02 -1.46891013e-01 2.08268121e-01 1.22795843e-01 2.23150149e-01 -1.35602549e-01 -1.16739504e-01 -4.37889159e-01 -1.30225211e-01 -6.52750060e-02 -6.81034103e-02 2.12470859e-01 -1.93245411e-01 1.86134547e-01 -1.75627638e-02 -3.54154438e-01 4.60643843e-02 2.39124388e-01 1.33379504e-01 1.06537804e-01 -5.33076823e-02 1.02042146e-01 1.89618111e-01 -3.16662520e-01 1.84088215e-01 4.55164492e-01 -3.35754305e-01 -1.19705558e-01 1.51289880e-01 7.06863776e-02 -7.90676549e-02 -5.87414727e-02 4.26685959e-01 1.28774587e-02 -3.54261518e-01 1.26376050e-02 -2.05996066e-01 -2.43925173e-02 -2.84342408e-01 2.28011981e-02 -3.18900943e-02 2.00329125e-01 1.14274122e-01 1.66114300e-01 -1.84903279e-01 -2.35161528e-01 4.16685730e-01 3.87365490e-01 1.25774473e-01 2.82154381e-02 -1.63012594e-01 -1.96073279e-01 1.02972947e-01 -3.13706882e-02 -2.08894923e-01 -2.85965860e-01 -2.46818643e-02 -1.85509548e-01 3.32305133e-01 9.35325027e-02 7.34357163e-02 5.06737940e-02 4.83518720e-01 6.90907761e-02 2.22133752e-03 -8.61845165e-02 -1.74573645e-01 -3.83772463e-01 -2.93345172e-02 1.14983171e-01 -6.53189719e-01 -2.65625920e-02 3.59033376e-01 2.49056667e-01 -1.36373878e-01 -2.26051897e-01 2.04835489e-01 -2.23374993e-01 -3.23695302e-01 -4.17978466e-01 3.36452991e-01 5.22397220e-01 -1.87510699e-02 1.56759188e-01 -2.01468512e-01 -1.36746585e-01 1.70477569e-01 1.92609712e-01 3.10811270e-02 1.77251324e-02 -2.05095753e-01 4.44063127e-01 3.48745614e-01 6.56255102e-03 3.21892679e-01 -1.92987114e-01 -2.23518699e-01 2.17120796e-01 2.06421733e-01 -7.41097629e-02 2.76521504e-01 4.84376922e-02 2.06948072e-01 -1.32097360e-02 5.13473034e-01 1.59294471e-01 1.66735977e-01 8.95464420e-02 4.99820590e-01 -9.08300057e-02 2.30441205e-02 7.31845200e-03 2.63640191e-02 3.79982926e-02 1.15926325e-01 1.46943867e-01 -6.43531606e-02 -9.15867686e-02 -2.34714821e-01 6.32206142e-01 -7.12910742e-02 -1.71346694e-01 8.10379684e-02 1.83189705e-01 -3.45818773e-02 4.25167270e-02 -7.57845283e-01 -3.15649241e-01 -3.52234319e-02 5.64157031e-02 -5.89332640e-01 -2.26550788e-01 -9.96584892e-02 -1.93027914e-01 -5.64206615e-02 3.77975583e-01 4.39958125e-02 -1.41337961e-01 -4.28639352e-01 3.49815823e-02]
"An Old Iron Nail" active "Item #: SCP-272 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-272 is to be contained in a small wooden box in a vault at Sector-25. Apart from this, no further containment is necessary, as the object is completely inert when not in use. Care is to be taken not to drop the item during transit. Description: SCP-272 is an iron nail, approximately 11.5 cm long, resembling ancient designs. Covering every flat surface are engravings of unknown cultural origin. The engravings have been described as “captivating, but scary” in a majority of staff interviewed. The nature of the object becomes apparent when it is dropped onto the shadow of an individual. The nail will bury itself exactly 2/3 of its length into the material the shadow is cast on. Following this, two effects should be noted: the person whom the shadow belongs to will not be able to remove the nail, by any means, and they are limited to movements that keep their shadow cast on the nail. The nail, however, may be removed by conventional means by anyone else, although those requested to do so reported a mild aversion, citing claims that “it feels fair”. The object was discovered during a routine sweep embedded into an exposed rock face near an abandoned air force base in █████, Afghanistan, with a human skeleton scattered around it. It was thought to be mundane until a researcher dropped it at their feet, and was subsequently pinned to the spot for 20 minutes before being assisted. Experiment log: Format: 272-X Test subject: Surface: Lighting: Purpose: Procedure: Results: Conclusions: Addendum: 272-a Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-01) Surface: Rock face at discovery site Lighting: Midday sun (directly overhead) Purpose: Establish nature of SCP. Procedure: Subject was handed the nail and told to hammer it into his shadow at his feet. Results: Subject complies. Once the nail had reached the 2/3 mark, subject could not continue. Subject attempts to move away but is unable to. Subject soon becomes fatigued and succumbs to heatstroke. Object removed. Subject given medical treatment. Conclusions: Nature of the object established. 272-b Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-02) Surface: As above Lighting: Night (Minimal) Purpose: Establish effects at night. Procedure: Nail was dropped at the subject’s feet and embedded itself exactly 2/3 of the way in. Subject then asked to move 10 m away from the nail. Results: Object embeds. Subject complies showing no adverse effects. Subject then attempts to escape and is terminated. Object recovered. Conclusions: Subject is free to move when no shadow is cast. 272-c Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-03) Surface: As above Lighting: As above, 2 hours before sunrise Purpose: Establish effects of lighting changes. Procedure: Nail dropped as above. Subject told to walk in a straight line away from the nail. Results: Object embeds. Subject shows no adverse effects. Sunrise occurs at 6:06 local time. Subject is [DATA EXPUNGED]. Three clean-up teams dispatched. Subject’s torso recovered 106 m from object, showing signs of road rash and severe blunt trauma. Object recovered. Testing moved to Sector-25. Conclusions: [DATA EXPUNGED]. 272-d Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04) Surface: Concrete floor of test facility 25-h Lighting: 1 standard (60 W) light bulb, directly overhead Purpose: Establish lighting requirements. Procedure: Nail dropped on the shadow of test subject. Subject told to walk in a straight line away from the object. Results: Object embeds. Subject is free to move. Object recovered. Conclusions: Insufficient lighting will cause no effect. 272-e Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04) Surface: As above Lighting: 1 standard (1,500 W) stadium light, directly overhead Purpose: As above. Procedure: As above. Results: Object embeds. Subject trapped. Object recovered. Conclusions: Lighting requirements established. 272-f Test subject: 2 D-Class (D-272-04 and D-272-05) Surface: As above Lighting: 2 stadium lights, positioned 90° apart Purpose: Determine if multiple subjects can be held. Procedure: Subjects positioned so their shadows overlap. Object dropped onto both shadows. Subjects told to advance away from the nail. Results: Object embeds. Subject D-272-04 continues unhindered, but reports feeling a ‘chill’. D-272-05 is held by the object. Object recovered. Conclusions: Object cannot hold more than one subject. Potential secondary effect observed. 272-g Test subject: 8 D-Class (D-272-04 - D-272-11) - See addendum for details Surface: As above Lighting: 4 stadium lights, positioned in a ring around the subjects Purpose: Determine the selection mechanism for which subject is held. Procedure: Subjects positioned so their shadows overlap. Nail dropped onto all 8 shadows. Results: Object embeds. Subject D-272-09 is held (18 YOA, Caucasian, 1.8 m, 88 kg), all others free to move. Reports of a scream from all subjects except D-272-09. All subjects except D-272-09 seen to shiver. Object recovered. D-272-09 removed from study, experiment repeated. Subject D-272-06 held (24 YOA, Hispanic, 1.6 m, 102 kg), all others appear to shiver and report a scream but remain free. Experiment repeated four additional times as per the above method; discontinued after D-272-07 fell unconscious. Subject given treatment for severe hypothermia. Conclusions: Emerging patterns suggest that the youngest possible subject to be held will be. Additionally, secondary effect on larger groups observed; further research pending acquisition of a larger sample group. Addendum: Subjects of equal gender distribution, ages ranging from 18 to 59, numerous physical traits represented. 272-h Test subject: 1 D-Class (D-272-05) Surface: 1 outdoor field, grassy Lighting: Early morning sun (appr. 9:00 AM) Purpose: To determine if subject can escape by digging. Procedure: Object dropped onto subject's shadow. Subject then given a shovel and told to dig out the object. Results: Subject digs for 90 seconds, then falls over screaming. Subject expires before medical intervention could be administered. Autopsy reveals subject died of a "Cerebral hemorrhage; cause indeterminate." Object recovered, field repaired. Repeated with D-272-07 and 08; results identical. Conclusions: Subjects held by SCP-272 cannot dig the nail out; attempting to do so is invariably fatal. 272-i Test subject: None Surface: N/A Lighting: N/A Purpose: To determine the object's destructibility. Procedure: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-09) is given the object and a selection of tools and told to ‘go to town’ in an attempt to destroy the object. Test area evacuated. Results: Subject selected an angle grinder, set the object in a vise and proceeded to bring the grinder upon the object. An instant later subject is seen writhing on the ground, clutching his temples. Audio recordings from inside the room record subject speaking in [REDACTED]. 30 seconds later, subject expires. Autopsy reveals the cause to be a cerebral hemorrhage. Examination of the object reveals some minor damage from the grinder. Conclusions: Object appears to be fully destructible, but will resist actions against it with lethal force by an unknown method. Object tested to maintain its original functionality. 272-j Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-10) Surface: Concrete floor of test facility 25-h Lighting: 1 stadium light, positioned on a computer-controlled track Purpose: a.) Determine the effects of rapid lighting shifts and b.) Determine if subject can be withheld from the object via restraints, barriers etc. Procedure – Test 1: Light positioned to cast a long shadow. Nail dropped into the head of subject's shadow. Light slowly raised. Results – Test 1: Subject dragged at a proportional rate towards the object. Subject has difficulty standing. Procedure – Test 2: As above. Light raised very rapidly. Results – Test 2: As above, but at a more rapid rate. Noted that subject was unable to remain standing and accelerated upon falling; attributed to the decrease in shadow size relative to standing. Subject acquired minor road rash. Procedure – Test 3: As above. Subject restrained with chains attached to their feet, chicken wire screen placed between subject and object. Results – Test 3: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject expires. Object recovered. Further testing with restrained subjects prohibited. Conclusions: Subject seen to be ‘dragged’ by their shadow, at a rate required to keep it cast upon the object. Intervening obstacles appear not to impede this function, although will damage the subject, or in the case of barriers like the chicken wire, [DATA EXPUNGED]. 272-h Test subject: 1 D-Class personnel (D-272-04) Surface: As above. Lighting: 1 Stadium light in a fixed position, roughly 45° from horizontal Purpose: Establish the effects of long-term containment. Procedure: D-272-04 positioned central to the room. Object is dropped onto the subject's shadow. Results: Subject held. After the third day, subject becomes unresponsive to attempts to provide nourishment. After the first week, subject heard to only speak [REDACTED] (see transcript below). By the eleventh day, the subject, having not eaten or drank in 8 days, seen to become agitated, rapidly shifting between mania and a comatose state. At the fourteen day mark the test is terminated. Object recovered. Subject noted to be severely malnourished, but resumed speaking English once the object is removed, and proceeded to recover rapidly before monthly termination. Conclusions: Extended containment has yielded that the subject will survive for prolonged periods without nourishment, but will enter a degraded mental state. Addendum: Partial transcript of subject D-272-04's manic speaking from day 14, translated sections in {}: (Begin transcript) Dr. Kimiro: For the record, state your name… D-272-04: {…Ashes burn at my tongue I cannot taste the water boils at my sight…} Dr. Kimiro: Can you repeat that? D-272-04: {…I cannot sleep the screams are heard I am not warm the shadow steals…} Dr. Kimiro: Right… How do you feel? D-272-04: {…The chains they bind I cannot move the people [DATA EXPUNGED]} Dr. Kimiro: What is he saying? What is he speaking? Someone get me a translator. D-272-04: (Growing louder) {…Cut my flesh to ribbons that I might be free (Subject begins clawing at his skin) [DATA EXPUNGED] I am the prisoner of my own foolishness let the crows come and [DATA EXPUNGED] let my flesh crumble like the apple whose ashes burn at my tongue…} (End transcript) « SCP-271 | SCP-272 | SCP-273 »" nan
[ 2.80074865e-01 -1.53523490e-01 -1.17444217e-01 5.49296811e-02 -8.88807327e-02 -2.01029301e-01 4.94839966e-01 1.98748082e-01 2.01417044e-01 2.22243384e-01 1.91825897e-01 4.27719951e-01 -2.00754359e-01 -3.63031387e-01 3.50229889e-01 1.16653211e-01 9.13472101e-03 2.53956079e-01 -2.38276303e-01 -1.17697842e-01 4.92393225e-02 -3.43592726e-02 -2.47084334e-01 2.61815548e-01 -1.89313725e-01 -2.30127876e-03 6.42039329e-02 1.89763367e-01 6.49439991e-02 -2.00973690e-01 5.51077016e-02 9.05120298e-02 2.61466652e-02 3.70920211e-01 -1.12726542e-04 -2.83302546e-01 6.19808175e-02 1.10738158e-01 1.88764825e-03 9.54575017e-02 6.04435243e-02 4.02323604e-02 1.00464664e-01 -3.75643581e-01 7.84915909e-02 -9.22998693e-03 6.68981075e-02 1.82713866e-01 1.55134320e-01 1.91184685e-01 2.23208889e-01 2.66612142e-01 1.05682708e-01 6.39651567e-02 2.28469729e-01 -5.29290782e-03 -7.75789246e-02 -7.87751675e-02 5.08689620e-02 2.20117986e-01 -1.35404700e-02 -8.31495523e-02 -1.21215940e-01 1.26468047e-01 1.38055906e-01 -1.21823110e-01 -6.76773116e-02 6.88218400e-02 3.83834764e-02 2.01738596e-01 -1.98352173e-01 4.75513078e-02 1.41683519e-01 -1.05636828e-01 -2.16880918e-01 -1.06366329e-01 2.28625268e-01 1.79668784e-01 3.89835574e-02 1.63062274e-01 6.12352490e-02 4.33072805e-01 -1.94758788e-01 -5.65838292e-02 -8.99060518e-02 2.83299208e-01 -2.56636173e-01 4.73406923e-04 3.97382379e-01 -1.05254270e-01 3.65714473e-03 -2.28846688e-02 1.95116863e-01 3.73303369e-02 6.12516934e-03 -5.11909239e-02 3.27731401e-01 3.58903736e-01 3.34920853e-01 4.56664264e-01 3.24507087e-01 2.41962358e-01 -1.32510141e-01 2.02192962e-01 -2.65346736e-01 1.82920638e-02 1.27602831e-01 -3.08609307e-01 -3.21614414e-01 5.32476425e-01 -1.76164016e-01 3.65285613e-02 1.13272306e-03 1.99860781e-02 4.06711608e-01 9.96168517e-03 2.17633039e-01 -3.49349499e-01 -1.73047066e-01 3.34072649e-01 -5.63349485e-01 1.18135422e-01 -3.52515541e-02 1.27475664e-01 2.48773947e-01 1.94199145e-01 2.07477123e-01 1.11421436e-01 -1.59709439e-01 -4.80378196e-02 -1.66958213e-01 1.18266493e-01 -2.78328180e-01 -2.36798957e-01 -4.76076007e-02 5.66711783e-01 -7.11928383e-02 -4.28352766e-02 1.68183044e-01 -5.88040166e-02 2.84767710e-02 2.20646113e-02 5.70420802e-01 3.22289765e-01 -4.18462098e-01 -8.56774896e-02 -4.73364815e-02 -7.61558354e-01 -2.29499191e-01 3.50964442e-02 3.16088915e-01 -1.77813619e-01 -2.44726866e-01 2.32917607e-01 -3.95548970e-01 2.56763488e-01 4.19041008e-01 -9.51725692e-02 -6.33810237e-02 4.07351375e-01 3.44486773e-01 5.74977435e-02 -2.42841929e-01 -1.62443772e-01 1.65786162e-01 2.97198772e-01 2.63640136e-01 -6.71011358e-02 -2.75093943e-01 -7.50017446e-03 -2.58289456e-01 2.03554370e-02 1.16478093e-01 1.12491339e-01 -4.09035355e-01 2.42308304e-01 -2.62751848e-01 2.44474754e-01 -4.28451002e-01 -1.59611806e-01 -3.32994521e-01 3.22152406e-01 2.30596811e-01 -4.96109009e-01 -4.03130464e-02 -1.95797935e-01 -8.98640379e-02 -1.31097436e-01 2.69868046e-01 -2.22495303e-01 -3.98420691e-01 -3.00365567e-01 3.32988203e-01 2.10238501e-01 -3.74546088e-02 -4.28843200e-02 1.30041584e-01 8.01217183e-02 2.31965333e-01 1.25203028e-01 -1.84814498e-01 -4.76396196e-02 2.83515513e-01 -3.05120319e-01 -2.67481476e-01 -1.83214545e-01 -1.25601828e-01 1.22323193e-01 5.12329042e-01 1.42544001e-01 -1.95430502e-01 -9.68585387e-02 -1.50219440e-01 1.80513754e-01 -1.90882623e-01 -4.48765308e-01 2.88141191e-01 5.03071658e-02 2.33220562e-01 -9.36127901e-02 -5.94377220e-02 2.65562415e-01 -5.38879931e-02 -1.61156580e-01 1.05403990e-01 -2.21433565e-01 -3.22706997e-01 -1.47394150e-01 -2.77320892e-01 1.52030468e-01 7.92290792e-02 -3.08425282e-03 1.49527475e-01 2.24093348e-02 -5.55017889e-01 -2.89791077e-01 1.40067721e-02 9.54953849e-01 -1.86099678e-01 -2.84280568e-01 1.83467939e-01 -1.73053414e-01 1.06956080e-01 7.75651773e-03 -6.18564151e-02 2.65963763e-01 1.29265636e-01 2.08408460e-01 -1.69170335e-01 -1.09242000e-01 -9.36150551e-02 -5.59211493e-01 -7.92197213e-02 1.28652126e-01 3.02525878e-01 1.23136267e-01 9.13201347e-02 -4.34280857e-02 -3.63031477e-01 1.58955142e-01 -9.65674073e-02 -4.93235402e-02 3.28395128e-01 -6.59077242e-02 5.78251444e-02 2.67702453e-02 1.25445098e-01 3.59873861e-01 2.36647591e-01 2.61764377e-01 1.65074274e-01 4.61987359e-03 -1.10048172e-03 -1.54926285e-01 -2.85698324e-01 -3.67402136e-02 -1.28497139e-01 2.66622692e-01 3.18064272e-01 1.51919082e-01 -2.30303690e-01 2.29801208e-01 -2.57905632e-01 -1.26518890e-01 -1.99457079e-01 3.25447798e-01 -2.62758255e-01 4.67047065e-01 -3.19732487e-01 3.96282434e-01 -2.23128293e-02 -4.92701419e-02 -7.48810768e-02 -7.25484826e-03 -1.24738820e-01 6.38832003e-02 1.21350609e-01 1.72567010e-01 -1.97048157e-01 2.21456155e-01 -3.50544184e-01 1.75070897e-01 -2.48022359e-02 9.35341790e-02 -7.20920414e-02 1.97920054e-01 6.87697649e-01 -5.39671145e-02 6.02391958e-02 -5.10214418e-02 -3.45607936e-01 1.58663206e-02 2.10604638e-01 -3.05499230e-02 1.07623981e-02 6.69728499e-03 -3.80955227e-02 -2.28778273e-01 1.94688305e-01 -5.30394256e-01 1.88940205e-02 9.52405483e-02 -6.24781474e-02 1.48426872e-02 -2.53278971e-01 1.89316317e-01 -1.20897830e-01 -2.38693263e-02 3.74209762e-01 1.84273615e-01 1.83085412e-01 9.48854536e-02 5.53566068e-02 1.80971235e-01 -1.74982622e-01 2.70249397e-01 -2.12903515e-01 -5.94335616e-01 2.08132446e-01 3.84790152e-02 -1.45893455e-01 -1.72762707e-01 -1.98135257e-01 -4.66378957e-01 4.11229208e-03 -3.75677228e-01 -4.62345243e-01 -2.76282411e-02 5.06941676e-01 1.38387442e-01 -2.64977008e-01 5.09289384e-01 -1.38915535e-02 -1.51343539e-01 -2.28479266e-01 -3.39703828e-01 2.76459038e-01 1.70814082e-01 2.30144426e-01 -2.09307559e-02 -2.64085382e-02 5.15651762e-01 1.35580897e-01 -2.62644738e-01 -5.57537496e-01 -1.45935833e-01 1.35828659e-01 2.17896745e-01 1.37626454e-01 -1.34706378e-01 9.51709673e-02 1.89837754e-01 -1.16314389e-01 -5.87505810e-02 -9.44895074e-02 -1.04272649e-01 1.72493577e-01 6.88019767e-02 -5.33861458e-01 -2.50105202e-01 9.19478834e-02 1.52427167e-01 4.69709449e-02 1.74252186e-02 -3.22620958e-01 8.37164298e-02 5.89522347e-02 6.50776997e-02 3.37130874e-01 -1.35273501e-01 -2.02929825e-01 -3.61065060e-01 6.87866658e-02 -8.99039879e-02 1.59642383e-01 -2.64905412e-02 -4.39573526e-02 -1.15865819e-01 -3.37765336e-01 3.30294847e-01 -3.69712353e-01 1.85126796e-01 1.46582946e-01 5.65591097e-01 3.04296911e-01 1.84281860e-02 7.18019083e-02 -7.68748522e-02 -9.75379869e-02 4.24221009e-02 1.90241456e-01 -4.08959150e-01 -3.04385990e-01 -1.07286148e-01 3.71863633e-01 2.30394796e-01 1.98554844e-02 1.21737368e-01 1.00906029e-01 -5.13755322e-01 -5.65018915e-02 7.97161683e-02 -2.63319686e-02 -1.36030510e-01 1.77013636e-01 2.30875671e-01 -3.61429751e-02 2.09071264e-01 2.08004981e-01 -8.61366391e-02 -1.96363643e-01 -1.73375174e-01 -1.16942145e-01 2.43595034e-01 9.95577872e-02 -2.29102001e-01 2.14405686e-01 -1.48969814e-01 3.31993937e-01 -1.86477453e-01 -1.21826753e-01 -7.29469210e-02 4.92926359e-01 1.21078752e-01 1.80393718e-02 -7.02197924e-02 2.02430665e-01 -1.46901280e-01 2.64526606e-02 1.67737842e-01 1.02467991e-01 5.18344343e-01 1.86784774e-01 1.67298689e-01 -2.93925196e-01 -3.12294364e-01 -4.46179777e-01 -2.99992234e-01 -1.36570349e-01 2.41487369e-01 9.26156566e-02 1.24063039e+00 -5.90615831e-02 -2.31533498e-01 7.96176214e-03 -4.00644332e-01 -2.91110635e-01 -7.42240995e-02 -4.81092125e-01 -2.42349640e-01 -5.91054596e-02 9.36963633e-02 -2.19601899e-01 8.47325400e-02 3.12607557e-01 -6.69433400e-02 -3.69316190e-01 -2.80193210e-01 3.87536496e-01 1.87129676e-01 2.61093259e-01 2.47283101e-01 9.21482071e-02 -3.18014652e-01 2.40703434e-01 7.89952204e-02 8.91783088e-02 8.65489617e-02 -6.03099028e-03 -9.51626990e-03 -1.76479533e-01 -1.49379984e-01 2.07066193e-01 -1.64339200e-01 2.31621191e-01 4.04647380e-01 -6.34820819e-01 -1.07367709e-01 -8.08537304e-02 -1.46791875e-01 -8.67078006e-02 1.24136165e-01 1.99498385e-01 5.95937610e-01 -1.74781293e-01 2.99273580e-01 -7.10454136e-02 7.38064991e-03 -6.51521981e-02 -3.00530680e-02 1.38504744e-01 -3.63276415e-02 -5.27207032e-02 5.83185367e-02 2.57951111e-01 5.26997685e-01 -8.13634619e-02 -8.05667192e-02 2.48987809e-01 -3.78770335e-03 -1.00675799e-01 2.25493893e-01 9.02726203e-02 -9.03187543e-02 4.69164997e-02 1.02566198e-01 2.91841254e-02 3.25122965e-03 2.44065642e-01 -2.24614859e-01 3.56120825e-01 -1.78251833e-01 6.00603931e-02 -2.49128565e-01 -4.00585592e-01 2.31711164e-01 -3.02027375e-01 -5.68084419e-01 -5.37053682e-03 -2.34057724e-01 -1.33180723e-01 -1.88123882e-01 -3.28507066e-01 2.24205717e-01 -2.49387518e-01 -3.43558758e-01 -1.05370574e-01 1.00796632e-01 -1.53299510e-01 -2.54329532e-01 1.56667531e-01 -2.50131637e-01 3.98583978e-01 -2.71266818e-01 1.59365719e-03 -4.22609091e-01 2.08898380e-01 -1.97350085e-01 4.71064355e-03 5.59027076e-01 -3.25698495e-01 1.38436034e-01 -2.68580765e-01 1.59614518e-01 1.28790796e-01 -2.70812154e-01 -3.35226208e-01 -7.42547065e-02 9.09061208e-02 -5.07801175e-02 -1.79135293e-01 1.23860002e-01 3.80443037e-02 2.07705304e-01 5.48086427e-02 5.96765392e-02 -1.25466939e-02 1.79750621e-01 3.38292331e-01 2.20867738e-01 3.55495781e-01 -1.44352540e-01 3.35835926e-02 -2.39489287e-01 4.75459635e-01 5.73844574e-02 -7.48894438e-02 -2.78590173e-01 5.12469262e-02 1.81274831e-01 2.41942525e-01 -4.08983827e-01 -9.11585838e-02 2.23496884e-01 -7.94482157e-02 5.21772951e-02 1.63356543e-01 -4.48214933e-02 -1.29422441e-01 -4.27457482e-01 -2.02791348e-01 -1.16143398e-01 2.82814801e-01 2.70227809e-02 3.33580554e-01 -1.42328858e-01 2.10625082e-01 3.05402745e-02 3.31776321e-01 -2.72298455e-01 -4.47932601e-01 1.46775618e-02 2.18284294e-01 2.37536743e-01 -1.10079765e-01 -1.38993531e-01 9.17552710e-02 3.00684944e-02 -1.56956166e-01 3.03017586e-01 -2.02548280e-01 2.99009055e-01 4.40986920e-03 2.91933239e-01 5.90463392e-02 2.99282670e-01 3.24604303e-01 8.40314254e-02 7.43627995e-02 -4.63415794e-02 5.14726102e-01 3.24110180e-01 -1.19374707e-01 1.51211396e-01 3.58774751e-01 5.91981038e-02 2.35759765e-01 6.89510107e-02 3.17904294e-01 2.80893594e-01 -3.20687518e-02 2.94069499e-01 2.54967771e-02 -4.12267178e-01 -2.62235284e-01 -6.19989522e-02 2.50111341e-01 4.22579139e-01 -1.06110558e-01 6.17715642e-02 8.20159242e-02 -1.41870111e-01 -1.29628882e-01 3.23273599e-01 -2.89800465e-01 -1.56955317e-01 4.74434972e-01 -4.28105034e-02 4.38249744e-02 3.03670406e-01 3.32901537e-01 -1.69078097e-01 -3.84826332e-01 1.40017018e-01 -2.28015631e-01 -1.88835144e-01 -8.72585475e-02 2.89050750e-02 8.83274972e-02 1.38126491e-02 2.70640790e-01 1.97362840e-01 -2.90720701e-01 1.96457142e-03 1.87509686e-01 1.68215126e-01 -9.63057205e-02 3.24351005e-02 1.64427310e-02 -1.66259989e-01 -3.88743468e-02 -7.04489797e-02 7.24902302e-02 -3.33210826e-01 -2.95259327e-01 -2.50895899e-02 2.13986471e-01 -5.01607209e-02 6.24381714e-02 -6.12015203e-02 1.70928702e-01 -1.30532652e-01 2.70721197e-01 8.30458850e-02 -3.83735090e-01 -5.19391954e-01 1.37407809e-01 -1.00768514e-01 -2.32402116e-01 8.30735937e-02 1.32918477e-01 5.55138327e-02 3.00360560e-01 -2.93845944e-02 1.85908720e-01 -6.42441958e-02 -9.84411314e-02 -3.30892861e-01 2.44981363e-01 3.79828602e-01 -2.64934421e-01 -3.21645965e-03 -2.13171721e-01 -1.83301926e-01 -1.63736239e-01 2.22594470e-01 -1.19330034e-01 -2.05782905e-01 -1.41152143e-01 6.25756741e-01 4.15422440e-01 1.43611982e-01 3.09810847e-01 -1.24153696e-01 -3.15820217e-01 1.68804824e-01 2.41034746e-01 -9.16085988e-02 1.68258488e-01 -1.72487289e-01 2.57646382e-01 1.26062155e-01 2.64364392e-01 1.17003419e-01 -3.24924923e-02 -1.00621514e-01 1.98822599e-02 -2.01989219e-01 2.64190227e-01 -1.12408832e-01 2.96707600e-01 -4.81264926e-02 1.71016306e-01 7.29282275e-02 -8.41912404e-02 -1.06727988e-01 -2.29321152e-01 3.92543495e-01 2.69889832e-01 -1.14779267e-02 5.69277480e-02 2.79228181e-01 -7.36804605e-01 -3.07075620e-01 -6.89830840e-01 -4.26373452e-01 9.20185223e-02 4.01876355e-03 -3.23235720e-01 1.37057573e-01 -1.36060417e-01 -3.35678160e-01 6.32394850e-02 3.15667868e-01 -3.30196917e-02 3.93217467e-02 -3.53296548e-01 -1.12144902e-01]
"Human Phoenix" active "Item #: SCP-273 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-273 is held in an enclosure 5 m x 10 m in size, half of which is closed off for the subject's privacy. All major structural and facing materials of the cell are of fireproof and non-thermally-conductive materials. A bedroll and other modest furnishings are allowed, provided they remain in the private section, and that all consumption of food be performed in the adjacent area. All windows from the observation room into the enclosure are composed of heat-treated glass of at least 1 cm total thickness, with an insulated gap in between. Heat and infrared sensors in both enclosure and observation are set to produce an alarm if any temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius. Observing staff are required to evacuate the room in such an event. Food in the form of raw meat must be provided every 12 hours for consumption, at least 2.5 kg per feeding. Other foods may be provided at SCP-273's request, provided good behavior continues. All clothing provided to SCP-273 must be either flame-resistant in nature, or be of inexpensive make and fabrics. SCP-273 is not to be interacted with in person if it has not consumed a meal of raw meat of at least 2.5 kg mass within the last 12 hours. In light of Incident 273-02, alcoholic beverages in excess of 50% alcohol by volume must not be provided to SCP-273, nor should any other flame accelerants be provided. All staff interacting with SCP-273 must be armed with non-lethal defense measures. Lethal force should not be used. Description: SCP-273 resembles a middle-aged woman of Indian descent. DNA samples and medical tests indicate SCP-273 conforms to human normal in all other respects, despite the subject's abnormalities. SCP-273 feels no need to eat or drink, but is perfectly capable of doing so. SCP-273 has generally shown willing compliance and cooperation with the Foundation's containment and requests. SCP-273 suffers from what it describes as a "hunger", which requires regular feeding every 12 hours. This hunger satiates itself through a form of remote combustion. This produces no visible flames, instead oxidizing the subject from the outside in until reduced to a fine white ash. Metals are not consumed, except under special circumstances (see Incident Report 273-03). When tested, the hunger demonstrates a preference for meat over other organic matter, especially live human subjects. SCP-273 exhibits no signs of conscious control over its satiation, and becomes upset upon consuming live animals. In response to testing with D-class personnel, SCP-273 screamed at obse[DATA EXPUNGED]sed into the corner of its private enclosure and refused to enter the front partition for 12 hours. Addendum 273-01: In the event of SCP-273's death, the body becomes the center of a large conflagration, marked by a central pillar of approximately one meter in width and extending far upwards. After the initial flames subside, all that remains of SCP-273's body is a pile of white ash, with a corona of faint blue flame. The flame is not extinguishable through oxygen deprivation and requires no fuel. Over the course of several hours, SCP-273's body slowly reforms from the ash pile by consuming any source of raw material nearby, including the surrounding air. In this state, slow consumption of inorganic material has been observed. The new body resembles the old in all ways, with no signs of injury or illness. When SCP-273's body is completely reformed, it awakens, with no memory of events after its recent death. Incident Report 273-01 Date: ██/██/████ Location: [DATA EXPUNGED] The Foundation received reports of a thin pillar of flame exceeding 70 m in height, and resulting wildfires, witnessed in the vicinity of ████████████████. Due to the anomalous shape and duration of the flame, a small MTF was dispatched to the location. Bodies of two deceased Caucasians, one male and one female, were found at the point of origin of the fires, the cause of death later determined to be severe 3rd degree burns. SCP-273 was found shortly thereafter, unclothed and covered in white ash, standing over a deer carcass, which radiated anomalous amounts of heat. Carcass crumbled to ash and coals at a touch. SCP-273 was cooperative at this juncture, and followed the task force out. SCP-273 was then transported to Site-██ for evaluation and containment. Partial Transcript of Interview with SCP-273: Interviewer: Dr. ████. Foreword: SCP-273 had been obtained the day prior and introduced to a temporary holding cell in Site-██. A video camera situated behind Dr. ████ provided visual records of the interview. SCP-273: You are saying then that I will be kept safe here. Away from people. Dr. ████: Yes, 273. SCP-273: Thank you. And by the way, my name is ███████████. You may use that instead. Dr. ████: Noted. [pauses, shuffling of papers is heard.] What was the first thing you remember, from when you were younger? SCP-273: [long pause, followed by sharp inhalation] I woke up surrounded by flames and covered in ash. It was the first time, I think. Dr. ████: You remember nothing else from before that? How long ago was this? How old were you? SCP-273: Is it not proper to only ask only one question at a time? Dr. ████: Answer the questions, please. SCP-273: I, I don't. It was a very long time ago. Probably [DATA EXPUNGED]. Dr. ████: And how old were you? SCP-273: 3█ years, that much I remember. And [pause] I think I had made some great mistake. Perhaps that is why I am what I am now. Dr. ████: And what are you now? SCP-273: A demon. Note: The preceding interview transcript omits 3 min 7 sec from the beginning and all parts after the last line for a reason. Level 3 clearance or higher is required for access to the original recordings. Know that SCP-273 admitted in the former omitted fragment to involuntarily killing the two deceased subjects found near her point of extraction. SCP-273 also identifies the victims as old friends. Staff members working with or observing SCP-273 are to be reminded of this fact, and of procedure for working with humanoid SCPs in general. -Dr. ████ Incident Report 273-02: Date: ██/██/████ Location: Site-██ Agents █████ and ██████ entered the enclosure of SCP-273 with intent to question regarding ████████████. SCP-273 had earlier been granted a bottle of Bacardi 151 for personal use, by Agent █████. It had been 12 hours and 37 minutes since the last scheduled feeding. Upon the agents' entry, SCP-273 demanded they leave. When they did not at first, SCP-273 became agitated, shouting at them and gesturing frantically. Less than one second after they secured the door, the bottle of Bacardi was observed to [DATA EXPUNGED]. [DATA EXPUNGED] extreme damage to SCP-273's enclosure and observation room due to flames of unprecedented strength. Recorded temperatures exceeded ████ degrees Celsius. Agent █████'s death will be handled as per normal procedure. Agent ██████ is still in recovery as of this writing. SCP-273's ashes have been contained in an air-tight, fire-proof safe. The damaged enclosure is to be repaired for future use in containing other SCPs. Incident Report 273-03: Date: ██/██/████ Location: Site ██ The fireproof safe was found to be ineffective in containing SCP-273. Severe corrosion damage to the interior and hinges of the safe led to breach of containment, followed by the resumed revival of SCP-273. 3 kg of raw pork was left in the room, and the door secured. Upon awakening, SCP-273 appeared disoriented, but consumed the offered meal as expected. SCP-273 then requested to return to its original containment. As said enclosure has since been repaired, this request will be carried out immediately. Addendum 273-03-2: SCP-273's activity has changed drastically since the death event. It rarely leaves the private partition of its enclosure except to feed, and refuses to speak. Surveillance using ███████ shows that SCP-273 barely moves when on its own, either sleeping or sitting against one wall. It shows classic signs of depression, despite having no prior indications of such a condition. Recommending close observation for any additional changes in behavior. « SCP-272 | SCP-273 | SCP-274 »" nan
[ 8.60121101e-02 -3.67194027e-01 -1.87816501e-01 -4.66030166e-02 2.01804861e-01 -5.30290091e-03 -1.02313936e-01 3.25918108e-01 3.66018116e-01 -8.68054703e-02 -3.99776101e-02 4.67758417e-01 2.46454985e-03 -8.59640017e-02 -1.02372263e-02 7.50425458e-02 1.05120718e-01 6.52410388e-02 3.84460688e-01 -1.31213278e-01 -2.40595147e-01 -1.28528669e-01 7.39067048e-02 1.34125710e-01 -1.25645310e-01 -2.68642575e-01 1.54719904e-01 2.35564876e-02 1.61263898e-01 -1.76265582e-01 9.52401198e-03 2.07688242e-01 -2.03452349e-01 3.89497012e-01 -1.10746434e-04 -2.05637351e-01 -9.05218825e-04 2.12557152e-01 4.21562977e-02 5.43219373e-02 -7.57981464e-02 -5.13981998e-01 4.24085595e-02 -1.43148124e-01 -1.10906281e-01 -3.23122069e-02 2.21403137e-01 1.92968547e-01 4.40161973e-01 8.30226019e-03 1.94973364e-01 1.77021921e-01 -8.40784889e-03 6.23876229e-02 -1.90997899e-01 2.55641609e-01 -4.82413441e-01 -5.57228439e-02 1.64253339e-01 2.10819706e-01 1.38097525e-01 3.01034022e-02 -7.98774287e-02 -5.79737425e-02 1.62374318e-01 -2.44354129e-01 2.24948525e-02 -2.15357468e-01 3.21753085e-01 3.99018854e-01 -1.05367582e-02 5.91155961e-02 -4.61313268e-03 4.26727794e-02 -2.45075092e-01 -5.31874262e-02 5.06010354e-01 1.99478835e-01 -1.00255340e-01 2.70847380e-02 -6.86626285e-02 2.97324777e-01 -1.67901218e-01 -9.95284468e-02 -2.07954064e-01 2.70163476e-01 1.43036738e-01 4.84580286e-02 5.89800291e-02 -1.40397489e-01 3.97272050e-01 -4.63178568e-02 2.13882521e-01 2.94264108e-01 1.34136081e-02 -1.33303329e-01 -3.48026282e-03 -2.67828465e-01 1.98359460e-01 -8.29198286e-02 3.15606862e-01 1.47348121e-01 -4.54573929e-02 7.28749707e-02 -8.15588683e-02 -1.14938192e-01 4.91426140e-02 -3.13205332e-01 -4.67126250e-01 3.04129750e-01 -1.78766638e-01 1.65301740e-01 -1.17958985e-01 8.32248777e-02 2.70776767e-02 -1.34929568e-02 -3.66644450e-02 -1.16119802e-01 1.05553968e-02 4.20682490e-01 -1.07323483e-01 1.28145412e-01 -1.11964785e-01 3.96482617e-01 3.51374805e-01 3.19471836e-01 7.96094686e-02 -1.24410667e-01 1.19251952e-01 2.03506146e-02 -2.18528926e-01 1.34308591e-01 -4.04249817e-01 -9.08061936e-02 -1.82631418e-01 5.71721017e-01 -3.38518731e-02 -1.08954772e-01 8.81188549e-03 2.77153868e-02 9.78601575e-02 -3.49600643e-01 5.87512910e-01 3.82364839e-01 -2.39486426e-01 -2.25569472e-01 1.99750900e-01 5.70418052e-02 -7.35064372e-02 1.62693843e-01 4.82336968e-01 -5.20843975e-02 -1.42256021e-01 2.32830092e-01 -8.21786225e-02 -4.02819179e-02 5.44510901e-01 6.64024204e-02 1.18055150e-01 -1.86846867e-01 2.25556195e-01 3.36555131e-02 -2.31964111e-01 -3.35562021e-01 -1.36065576e-02 3.43314767e-01 -1.58868492e-01 -6.12428710e-02 3.09480309e-01 6.00872450e-02 6.61052167e-02 -3.15822698e-02 7.45935068e-02 2.22906083e-01 -5.32571822e-02 7.56824240e-02 -3.59214813e-01 3.97249013e-02 -2.87044317e-01 1.49028704e-01 -2.36532778e-01 2.08880186e-01 3.85468811e-01 -1.73586711e-01 -6.02538526e-01 -5.54281399e-02 -5.60325272e-02 1.71553686e-01 1.56370699e-01 -1.56140581e-01 -2.66512543e-01 -5.53732157e-01 8.82546231e-02 -5.06190695e-02 4.12308961e-01 -2.73273531e-02 1.58181787e-01 -9.10628587e-02 3.64578545e-01 1.98951155e-01 -3.86420369e-01 2.43470535e-01 2.69072145e-01 -5.76709919e-02 -3.11881036e-01 2.25673527e-01 2.93492377e-01 1.33034930e-01 1.44064099e-01 3.43395397e-02 -5.93347214e-02 -1.56798646e-01 -2.48702869e-01 1.44144058e-01 -3.08608115e-02 -2.22250503e-02 2.26843700e-01 8.51087421e-02 -4.13171249e-03 -2.50295192e-01 6.54831342e-03 3.29322517e-01 -1.77059382e-01 -1.21135704e-01 -4.34341431e-01 -2.83678956e-02 -2.83110410e-01 -9.93115231e-02 -5.24919406e-02 -5.87359630e-02 3.47982734e-01 1.52787089e-01 -1.01677254e-02 -7.12445518e-03 -1.45748824e-01 1.58993959e-01 2.79669195e-01 5.32460928e-01 -1.07119039e-01 1.08353317e-01 -7.50976279e-02 3.05581212e-01 3.35100144e-01 -3.77933122e-02 -3.10022503e-01 4.23358202e-01 2.54449934e-01 -3.54709476e-02 -5.84819503e-02 3.28546017e-02 1.31590083e-01 -2.39099219e-01 -5.02798259e-02 4.65259589e-02 8.57854411e-02 2.36889482e-01 -3.80449206e-01 -2.99762581e-02 -2.55157471e-01 3.35023910e-01 -3.21718961e-01 1.66193888e-01 3.83936763e-01 -2.31721118e-01 4.72157329e-01 -3.15285057e-01 4.77672070e-01 1.44872382e-01 9.23594907e-02 1.55600414e-01 4.07778993e-02 -3.43058370e-02 -6.11039475e-02 -6.55417070e-02 -6.15197569e-02 -3.48509848e-02 7.18377705e-04 1.70487389e-01 -8.92271940e-03 1.61094293e-01 -2.92960256e-01 -5.27599379e-02 -1.60196628e-02 -2.25758880e-01 -1.80139676e-01 -5.99372759e-02 -7.04976693e-02 -1.13133647e-01 2.47601137e-01 4.16512012e-01 3.60128641e-01 -1.86379641e-01 -6.73292875e-02 6.36286661e-02 -1.00712046e-01 3.11299264e-01 -4.51205462e-01 2.14305758e-01 6.74113482e-02 -4.23946045e-02 -5.09951890e-01 7.22751021e-02 6.58075884e-02 1.29545778e-01 -2.15444610e-01 1.52071074e-01 3.50360692e-01 -1.58800006e-01 2.21844763e-01 -1.82862520e-01 -4.57357377e-01 2.16213584e-01 -2.38375232e-01 -2.22202197e-01 1.37414649e-01 -5.86918332e-02 -3.94586712e-01 -9.27410573e-02 6.83129877e-02 -9.35395539e-01 2.67556179e-02 -4.10416573e-02 -1.50022998e-01 -4.19265836e-01 8.18699971e-02 1.09889641e-01 -2.56846305e-02 -2.88345158e-01 3.17125320e-02 -1.12389036e-01 1.87440127e-01 4.68804985e-01 4.09592956e-01 1.18010394e-01 -9.66929421e-02 -1.92526326e-01 -4.45329249e-01 -2.13614643e-01 4.49325070e-02 -2.79675741e-02 -2.44354784e-01 6.51279092e-03 -2.98688889e-01 3.42845440e-01 1.15370639e-01 -3.16149652e-01 -3.14510822e-01 -4.47335392e-02 1.77179784e-01 -2.36333638e-01 -2.55838484e-01 3.51078987e-01 1.32972270e-01 -3.44163895e-01 -1.05856463e-01 -1.10795252e-01 -5.91823943e-02 1.51007727e-01 4.63030368e-01 -2.71471053e-01 2.44017646e-01 4.63637084e-01 2.98573315e-01 -4.73543882e-01 1.88834548e-01 3.23616356e-01 1.46149099e-01 1.75869688e-01 3.20829928e-01 -2.58744359e-01 3.84080082e-01 -8.00810941e-03 -2.71139771e-01 1.39893025e-01 -3.16988900e-02 -2.80299008e-01 3.21427584e-02 -1.30171686e-01 -3.81004214e-01 -1.53799638e-01 3.58159840e-01 1.83671430e-01 2.88446218e-01 -1.85831964e-01 -5.49666323e-02 -4.17404801e-01 -8.20877627e-02 -1.59979671e-01 1.09586440e-01 1.84316471e-01 -2.83386018e-02 -3.99365462e-02 3.54462475e-01 -2.16266587e-01 1.50183052e-01 -1.16498657e-01 4.04322654e-01 -3.94580901e-01 -1.11410633e-01 2.32947811e-01 -2.54386246e-01 3.16797525e-01 1.99955121e-01 4.76592213e-01 3.02088350e-01 4.71991999e-03 -6.55022800e-01 1.12117440e-01 -5.79472706e-02 -8.05387422e-02 3.53918150e-02 -1.73793212e-01 1.06789591e-02 -4.27811071e-02 -1.85063004e-01 -1.56830311e-01 -3.75729539e-02 3.75752300e-02 -5.25367782e-02 -6.81368828e-01 -4.13048416e-01 3.08095098e-01 2.49194294e-01 -2.72655070e-01 -8.40355083e-03 -8.35714340e-02 -1.98027164e-01 -7.79963890e-03 3.68905127e-01 1.95022941e-01 -2.09081750e-02 -7.72012994e-02 -4.48366851e-02 -2.16197763e-02 -1.19767082e-03 5.37740029e-02 3.17210495e-01 6.19115643e-02 -1.14208080e-01 -1.59871101e-01 -3.02566104e-02 6.62996247e-02 6.94663286e-01 -7.39218965e-02 2.15646136e-03 -3.43176872e-01 1.55281708e-01 6.26290321e-01 1.02769677e-02 7.17389286e-02 6.50609583e-02 5.01582064e-02 -2.39664674e-01 3.30850601e-01 1.38647005e-01 -2.63620704e-01 -1.74159870e-01 -3.26182544e-02 1.92537140e-02 2.72815615e-01 6.11785412e-01 1.30059540e+00 3.06865215e-01 6.44255951e-02 2.06626162e-01 -4.63542610e-01 -5.18119097e-01 -3.07553738e-01 3.01734358e-02 -2.11778909e-01 -3.58395725e-01 -1.62803620e-01 -1.62700981e-01 2.05666870e-01 4.82137650e-01 -2.94653118e-01 -1.15022674e-01 -5.56555390e-01 -2.22325534e-01 4.12265867e-01 2.04947874e-01 -5.30231476e-01 -5.80752362e-03 -6.90717772e-02 2.52300858e-01 -5.18646948e-02 -8.69343504e-02 -1.11550361e-01 -2.20965222e-02 -1.76218733e-01 -2.90504452e-02 3.62752378e-01 1.79463800e-03 -2.95479983e-01 8.60898793e-02 1.55105311e-02 -2.72613794e-01 -1.76076457e-01 -1.91312470e-02 -1.96134046e-01 -2.03451142e-01 -4.02026176e-02 3.13762724e-01 6.92880929e-01 -3.69388223e-01 -1.93645447e-01 -1.20080106e-01 2.30688140e-01 -4.88656200e-02 -2.77109537e-02 1.30758256e-01 -4.28560190e-02 -8.51500966e-03 -9.96434689e-02 1.65057778e-01 1.56856135e-01 -2.41933599e-01 3.88842225e-02 -4.08553742e-02 -2.39110902e-01 -8.10689703e-02 1.42212838e-01 1.32389963e-01 -1.95390284e-01 -8.94810483e-02 9.81360376e-02 -9.24160890e-03 -6.09251298e-02 2.78495520e-01 3.57852608e-01 2.14940339e-01 1.34679824e-01 -1.45933554e-01 -2.05027550e-01 -3.76312852e-01 1.56416640e-01 -1.59750551e-01 -4.41527158e-01 -8.31545591e-02 -3.64906281e-01 -5.57538331e-01 -1.34866640e-01 3.89411420e-01 4.22842532e-01 -3.42269957e-01 -1.23566955e-01 -1.63192555e-01 -1.71057895e-01 4.01186049e-02 -1.50831625e-01 2.91408002e-01 1.55409677e-02 2.90754378e-01 1.87494785e-01 1.94613397e-01 -3.77770841e-01 -4.87930477e-02 -2.34941721e-01 -1.72888741e-01 1.30189613e-01 -1.83673993e-01 -2.40344614e-01 -4.10670966e-01 1.41986459e-01 2.00120136e-01 -3.42559278e-01 -2.15606287e-01 -2.41591185e-02 1.27326459e-01 5.59661575e-02 -7.84328133e-02 -1.92733720e-01 2.19342038e-01 2.48307884e-02 1.19356355e-02 -2.54376471e-01 2.23972604e-01 2.54708529e-01 5.88690024e-03 1.06914252e-01 2.31196582e-01 1.45443931e-01 1.37409896e-01 1.81502014e-01 1.25961736e-01 1.11978553e-01 -8.62778723e-02 -2.36925147e-02 1.28142610e-01 5.51470041e-01 1.61198080e-01 1.23641163e-01 1.70752257e-01 2.57863194e-01 7.44296312e-02 -1.55471101e-01 -8.78956467e-02 -3.84158552e-01 6.02054410e-02 -2.51406580e-01 -8.42345878e-02 -1.48465201e-01 3.12070191e-01 -2.58935481e-01 1.25194360e-02 -2.02088654e-01 6.22584186e-02 1.46731332e-01 3.59044820e-01 3.18275839e-01 -3.13982666e-01 2.53378674e-02 2.29953408e-01 3.86416048e-01 1.42510474e-01 -6.55773878e-02 1.77438021e-01 -2.92871535e-01 -1.09236605e-01 5.45394659e-01 2.06755847e-01 1.69119090e-01 -1.49727553e-01 4.71983820e-01 3.01097602e-01 1.22267999e-01 5.97208083e-01 1.65739417e-01 1.45005763e-01 -1.38788998e-01 -3.15224737e-01 -6.64119050e-02 3.06713283e-01 7.79969320e-02 -8.22483376e-02 -2.81633228e-01 -4.36361611e-01 -1.89666376e-01 2.03894153e-02 4.80724238e-02 6.59313127e-02 9.31776464e-02 1.05605805e-02 -3.43143642e-01 -3.30773383e-01 3.14246446e-01 -9.87814665e-02 -5.14254160e-02 -4.65851724e-02 5.39109111e-02 3.94407034e-01 1.63869798e-01 3.59575868e-01 3.30782890e-01 -1.51758507e-01 2.98504770e-01 -2.27812696e-02 1.92869864e-02 1.11124799e-01 1.02148019e-01 4.09233719e-01 -2.96055108e-01 -6.95501789e-02 -1.70644820e-02 1.49966091e-01 -2.10286558e-01 -1.85213506e-01 3.13327134e-01 2.68315405e-01 3.25344384e-01 1.62555322e-01 1.49387658e-01 -3.08279514e-01 -6.26556426e-02 2.50123348e-02 3.32736909e-01 -1.65227741e-01 4.55578625e-01 -1.53346241e-01 -5.36555409e-01 1.47411525e-01 -9.66182351e-02 -2.37262160e-01 1.78563774e-01 1.27731413e-01 -2.75686502e-01 4.14133847e-01 -9.68749002e-02 6.36554807e-02 -5.52393794e-02 1.14722587e-01 2.26216123e-01 -2.13441595e-01 -8.78170803e-02 -9.92406830e-02 -2.78914750e-01 3.24458987e-01 1.36129102e-02 -4.62224633e-01 -5.57356365e-02 -1.59282997e-01 1.62702173e-01 2.56252438e-01 8.97265747e-02 9.48199332e-02 -1.97613329e-01 -1.17367208e-02 -1.76319420e-01 -2.16621440e-02 2.49654934e-01 6.08511008e-02 -1.20648809e-01 -6.46732822e-02 -5.59128029e-03 2.20446452e-01 2.59943783e-01 -3.32549475e-02 -7.15987027e-01 -1.82215571e-01 -9.77220461e-02 6.31641507e-01 1.46330819e-01 1.13567874e-01 -1.86050832e-01 2.67617200e-02 -6.51039556e-02 2.62773573e-01 -1.26340032e-01 2.48664498e-01 1.90360487e-01 2.38046885e-01 1.96043998e-01 5.30276299e-01 3.70451480e-01 8.77129212e-02 1.92403063e-01 1.38465241e-01 -8.80041048e-02 -1.27112761e-01 -2.97002047e-01 9.56580117e-02 -9.62584391e-02 7.87102163e-01 6.77928552e-02 1.84313785e-02 -8.78258497e-02 -3.77964407e-01 3.73268753e-01 -1.48213461e-01 -3.86622787e-01 7.01150969e-02 -8.59856978e-02 -4.60652024e-01 1.12709127e-01 -3.54128063e-01 -3.37078631e-01 -2.08688363e-01 -2.00753257e-01 -5.14048412e-02 -1.83839858e-01 -2.52837837e-01 -1.17752567e-01 -1.94806367e-01 3.74176472e-01 1.58634260e-02 9.12895501e-02 -5.37515163e-01 7.61382580e-02]
"Graffito" active "Item #: SCP-274 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Any buildings found to be infected with SCP-274 are to be reported immediately to a superior and the leader of Mobile Task Force Pi-1 (“City Slickers”). MTF Pi-1 is to incinerate cases of SCP-274-1, and secure the infected building(s) by forming a quarantine with a 1 kilometer radius under the guise of the local police and fire department. MTF Pi-1 is to terminate any cases of SCP-274-2 through the use of high-pressure fire hoses. Civilians insisting on entering an instance of SCP-274-1 are to be detained, and have one class B amnestic administered. Any apparatus used to contain or handle SCP-274 should either be incinerated, or entirely composed of metal or glass, and washed thoroughly immediately after use. The cover story for a containment breach of SCP-274 should be gang-related arson. Description: SCP-274 is a paint of variable color. Buildings inflicted with SCP-274 appear to have large amounts of graffiti covering the sides of the building, and often have large, disturbing designs to them (see addendum-274). While its consistency is that of normal paint, its composition reveals it to be 28% hemoglobin, 12% gastric acid, and 60% common components consistent with Krylon brand spray paint. When SCP-274 is applied to a wall, it will begin to spread until it has covered the wall and any walls attached to it. SCP-274 is unable to spread on metal, glass, and horizontal surfaces. While SCP-274 spreads on buildings, it will convert the interior of a wall into a large mesoglea, the interior walls into a gastrodermis, and the exterior walls act as a protective shell and epidermis. Buildings coated entirely with SCP-274 will become cases of SCP-274-1. SCP-274-1 exhibit signs of life, react to stimuli, and behave in a manner similar to many species of the Anthozoa class. Buildings converted into SCP-274-1 lure passing civilians by emitting noises from inside SCP-274-1. Sounds of glass breaking, loud coughing, or pained whimpers have all been reported from D-class personnel. It is currently unknown whether SCP-274-1 or the SCP-274-2s are responsible for this behavior, as the noises stop immediately after entry. Typically, civilians will either call the police, or investigate the noises themselves. As subjects search inside SCP-274-1, they will be recognized as food by instances of SCP-274-2, if any are present. When a victim enters a room inside SCP-274-1, barring the entry way they will immediately be suctioned into a gastrovacular cavity belonging to SCP-274-1, later processing them into SCP-274 and one instance of SCP-274-2. Specimens of SCP-274-2 are organisms composed of SCP-274 that appear as men or women wearing a gas mask or respirator, along with a bright, pastel colored hoodie. SCP-274-2 is able to support its heavy weight by its thickness and density in its membrane, which consists of 45-50% of the mass of SCP-274-2. SCP-274-2 act as nematocysts for SCP-274-1, and can disguise themselves by merging into the walls. This is done by heavily compacting themselves, and implanting itself into an interior wall, save for their 'mask', which flattens around the wall, and disguises itself as standard graffiti. This behavior has proven to be a means of ambushing food for SCP-274-1, and will only react when it detects something it considers a food source. SCP-274-2 possess a hinged operculum that ejects SCP-274 located in their right hand. This operculum looks identical to a normal spray can, and can project SCP-274 in a similar manner. SCP-274-2 will attempt to spray SCP-274 into the eyes and mouth of its victims in an attempt to incapacitate and encapsulate them. This method of attack has shown to be very painful, and will blind and numb the victim from the neck down. Once tagged, the victim is placed into a gastrovascular cavity, resulting in a new SCP-274-2. SCP-274-2 are able to duplicate themselves while inside an instance of SCP-274-1, and will produce one new SCP-274-2 every 24 hours. Once twelve SCP-274-2 specimens reside inside one SCP-274-1, further cases of SCP-274-2 will leave SCP-274-1 and find a new building to spray with SCP-274, while avoiding any people they may encounter. Once a building at least two kilometers away from another SCP-274-1 is found, the SCP-274-2 will spray SCP-274 onto the building until it has completely dehydrated itself of SCP-274, and dies, resulting in another instance of SCP-274-1. If left unchecked, it is estimated that SCP-274 could cover a large city within 20 days. Addendum-274: « SCP-273 | SCP-274 | SCP-275 »" nan
[-2.84098256e-02 -1.64141104e-01 -1.36127010e-01 1.62883937e-01 6.56937286e-02 -2.68521726e-01 2.24035189e-01 9.29481443e-03 1.33742005e-01 2.47622788e-01 -7.86113814e-02 1.25016332e-01 -1.38295710e-01 7.35243857e-01 1.31848007e-01 -2.65144743e-02 -1.21586494e-01 2.70679835e-02 8.42985511e-02 -1.35702968e-01 -8.51214398e-03 1.12488113e-01 -3.49385552e-02 2.96826392e-01 -2.67100394e-01 -6.54189885e-02 -1.09757378e-03 -2.69184321e-01 9.59000215e-02 -3.09880614e-01 4.57901537e-01 2.74775267e-01 1.39119416e-01 6.83192909e-01 -1.14292401e-04 -1.57982782e-01 8.49593952e-02 -7.02654570e-02 -5.58323339e-02 1.47788167e-01 1.20736331e-01 -9.07506421e-02 -1.12378150e-02 -2.13428810e-01 -3.08500588e-01 -1.46460701e-02 1.16859443e-01 3.29323918e-01 4.23663884e-01 -6.79178769e-03 1.17366716e-01 -1.05047576e-01 2.59376943e-01 2.06835777e-01 1.29173294e-01 -2.17075869e-02 -1.64727598e-01 2.17240229e-02 2.78529257e-01 2.74600267e-01 4.93666567e-02 1.02163605e-01 -2.31597483e-01 4.33743000e-03 4.00553644e-01 -3.69479299e-01 2.25533590e-01 -3.06382835e-01 1.99749053e-01 3.22219044e-01 1.39771327e-01 -1.37486398e-01 1.38108298e-01 3.78468148e-02 -1.59399986e-01 -4.12142217e-01 2.70905554e-01 -3.75195779e-02 1.11015886e-01 -1.20660976e-01 -1.07486270e-01 2.92525947e-01 -2.94310868e-01 -9.61871296e-02 -3.40186059e-01 1.86670393e-01 -1.97336942e-01 8.99801776e-02 8.94008949e-02 4.01073061e-02 -1.08296268e-01 -6.87970817e-02 8.26435909e-02 1.95746705e-01 1.30737051e-02 -6.09107725e-02 1.87297463e-01 5.07815301e-01 4.09991220e-02 1.23592384e-01 -1.18439429e-01 1.72404692e-01 4.77592200e-02 2.01864183e-01 2.28252411e-02 -9.26537588e-02 3.53670537e-01 -1.96711440e-02 -1.19362421e-01 1.49170414e-01 -2.56097376e-01 1.63142622e-01 1.38643691e-02 -4.88678168e-04 7.78404921e-02 9.78805050e-02 -5.56465760e-02 -2.09756836e-01 -2.39654735e-01 1.15090683e-01 -9.36827287e-02 4.05945368e-02 -1.33363605e-01 1.62395433e-01 4.88942504e-01 -8.26517865e-02 1.10717699e-01 -1.64613605e-01 3.28647196e-02 -1.20708533e-01 -2.26035535e-01 1.14450388e-01 -3.31481010e-01 -3.97340059e-02 -6.90136254e-02 2.90948153e-02 -3.44864577e-01 -3.06316018e-01 1.05488058e-02 7.98538327e-02 -1.24634460e-01 -6.79779649e-02 4.15464908e-01 5.05954027e-01 -4.50240523e-01 -1.14663474e-01 1.37066737e-01 -4.84532744e-01 -2.33750626e-01 -6.83498532e-02 2.28029147e-01 1.11911975e-01 -4.92729515e-01 1.20749980e-01 -7.49261156e-02 1.30787745e-01 -4.87788022e-01 -3.69427465e-02 -8.81349519e-02 -1.35890588e-01 1.43735781e-01 1.48519250e-02 -1.95250809e-01 -1.87810943e-01 -2.58913473e-03 4.38518375e-01 3.87820415e-02 -3.26016843e-01 3.57551366e-01 -2.25535691e-01 2.68104285e-01 -1.03894524e-01 8.61939192e-02 1.36814937e-01 -1.12846136e-01 1.12606883e-01 -3.96570086e-01 -4.02207494e-01 -6.12567008e-01 -1.23134013e-02 -1.84043899e-01 1.04383901e-01 6.70380235e-01 -3.23521107e-01 3.99524607e-02 -3.49460170e-02 -5.13177030e-02 1.90671802e-01 1.39998570e-01 -6.06218129e-02 -3.40850830e-01 -2.96339840e-01 3.44923526e-01 1.04027037e-02 1.50621027e-01 3.45630832e-02 1.20906495e-01 -2.24456582e-02 8.95550027e-02 2.69565254e-01 -2.57766604e-01 -3.88503075e-01 3.85651477e-02 2.27455199e-01 -1.33658737e-01 7.71509185e-02 -3.31825882e-01 3.53348292e-02 4.36663538e-01 1.05682619e-01 -2.69887485e-02 -3.47885281e-01 -1.32626355e-01 4.26625907e-02 -1.21567316e-01 -4.47386682e-01 2.68889040e-01 2.04628155e-01 3.76585871e-01 -2.81461596e-01 -1.01827823e-01 4.00714010e-01 -3.70602667e-01 -4.14653011e-02 3.75858769e-02 1.66693687e-01 -2.03414857e-01 -1.84252962e-01 -2.54192501e-01 1.00438513e-01 3.03867191e-01 -2.32622281e-01 1.73691865e-02 1.96499869e-01 -1.17121451e-01 1.66053623e-01 2.27831557e-01 7.39248276e-01 9.75489616e-02 7.00211525e-02 -3.05687129e-01 1.07204318e-01 -8.57810751e-02 1.03134155e-01 -1.60853475e-01 -1.87850669e-02 3.84907685e-02 9.99389067e-02 -4.25908938e-02 -6.78273141e-02 8.28345940e-02 -1.17142662e-01 -2.57510841e-01 1.33381724e-01 -2.06537992e-01 1.36068299e-01 -1.39417082e-01 1.62043959e-01 1.57671064e-01 9.14858654e-02 4.69575711e-02 -4.16799039e-02 2.86656350e-01 -2.59185582e-01 6.95069432e-02 4.11268435e-02 3.19957703e-01 6.21310949e-01 -2.00770468e-01 4.53634821e-02 -1.75346315e-01 -3.09272945e-01 5.27098477e-02 -1.11246472e-02 -2.39270315e-01 1.56973973e-01 2.52950013e-01 3.78508508e-01 2.37346664e-01 3.68470103e-01 -4.32854652e-01 -4.66284454e-01 -2.74083972e-01 -1.48185194e-01 -2.14218289e-01 -3.21633145e-02 -1.33084981e-02 -1.45169660e-01 1.96709827e-01 3.82295042e-01 1.35878399e-01 -9.05255154e-02 -1.92539737e-01 -8.72310176e-02 -7.87704960e-02 5.49719781e-02 8.42039734e-02 3.28197509e-01 -2.51302809e-01 2.26407230e-01 -4.90276128e-01 -4.58506048e-02 2.76663657e-02 1.32659012e-02 -1.64754447e-02 -2.62977988e-01 4.86062318e-01 -2.31114864e-01 4.13714536e-02 1.11227877e-01 -3.67164940e-01 2.09564015e-01 -5.58917038e-02 8.67838971e-03 2.26288110e-01 2.10172251e-01 -2.92980164e-01 -4.18748111e-01 1.24276146e-01 -4.98341143e-01 2.99127307e-02 -2.51989156e-01 -2.37465084e-01 -7.61592537e-02 -1.19445741e-01 3.48704964e-01 -3.59086931e-01 -2.53561854e-01 2.89925337e-01 2.09042519e-01 6.88799173e-02 1.34008572e-01 7.11292550e-02 4.94369835e-01 2.06003994e-01 -6.70097470e-02 -2.33314082e-01 -1.62705377e-01 -7.79074207e-02 8.79621282e-02 -1.31085878e-02 -3.86163086e-01 1.95334572e-02 -5.41389845e-02 -8.58155861e-02 -4.61115897e-01 -3.41454357e-01 -4.52298298e-02 4.00338531e-01 1.50603876e-01 -3.26638192e-01 2.70376295e-01 1.75407410e-01 -2.48596892e-01 -7.77247995e-02 7.87191913e-02 5.07063754e-02 9.44305062e-02 1.44253252e-02 -1.89746708e-01 -9.27341357e-02 3.56138170e-01 1.77040696e-01 -1.72326237e-01 -4.99559909e-01 4.66965511e-02 1.68793932e-01 3.33998144e-01 7.13089928e-02 -1.18190117e-01 3.71775687e-01 -3.59935164e-02 -1.36557043e-01 1.06466241e-01 -2.64499784e-01 1.31795064e-01 2.17970740e-02 -2.54814267e-01 -2.98282862e-01 -1.24274656e-01 -1.27722532e-01 7.42820382e-01 1.68328822e-01 -1.95878774e-01 -3.21279228e-01 -1.35300513e-02 -4.37148176e-02 2.50707567e-01 2.20176518e-01 1.68245241e-01 1.11087365e-02 -1.38608634e-01 -3.02863717e-01 -5.01623712e-02 3.13743651e-01 6.93918839e-02 -1.56538010e-01 -3.72428149e-01 7.64650553e-02 1.98413759e-01 -3.43327165e-01 4.66121405e-01 -5.09453565e-03 5.48483133e-01 4.63972211e-01 2.82041550e-01 -2.34984592e-01 -2.07810521e-01 -2.28828356e-01 1.58779547e-01 3.38766724e-02 3.33996385e-01 -2.21021056e-01 -1.26976119e-02 2.95207024e-01 2.56917961e-02 9.16344672e-02 4.02200162e-01 6.64337771e-04 -3.72471422e-01 -2.53514767e-01 3.49319398e-01 2.97445863e-01 -1.90856934e-01 6.74762055e-02 -8.04598182e-02 1.97753802e-01 2.05140844e-01 1.33218244e-01 1.61348820e-01 9.94888023e-02 4.15183127e-01 -4.45386142e-01 2.97200590e-01 -1.69720247e-01 3.10584426e-01 3.30638111e-01 -3.23299199e-01 -1.82697207e-01 2.28755072e-01 -7.66586363e-02 5.07607870e-02 6.78823292e-01 -1.44444838e-01 -2.42125317e-01 -4.41393316e-01 6.78649470e-02 1.01136498e-01 -1.14483029e-01 3.41663361e-01 2.18280882e-01 5.83042324e-01 1.99614003e-01 3.12432289e-01 -8.31018835e-02 -4.24640566e-01 -2.83715948e-02 1.53512076e-01 -3.03242892e-01 6.73348844e-01 2.31071144e-01 1.27843654e+00 -2.89534982e-02 -5.75365946e-02 -9.32679400e-02 -6.64148852e-02 -1.09281447e-02 -2.56667376e-01 -6.87209815e-02 1.05436362e-01 -2.63450235e-01 1.10879593e-01 -4.54803295e-02 1.10008687e-01 5.29280722e-01 -3.97996604e-01 -1.73023194e-01 -6.48415029e-01 2.77082920e-01 3.13357443e-01 2.13883027e-01 3.06763828e-01 -3.97371911e-02 -2.29494601e-01 1.99650005e-01 -7.52146840e-02 3.26984614e-01 1.46162391e-01 2.08467618e-01 1.59507450e-02 9.86943543e-02 -2.33493611e-01 1.56713650e-01 -6.07859015e-01 3.73586744e-01 3.13234091e-01 1.79134712e-01 -3.03603321e-01 1.95497274e-01 -2.16080919e-02 4.82842177e-02 5.88018447e-02 3.23147446e-01 7.46680796e-01 -1.29433498e-01 -1.23872859e-02 7.01209605e-02 2.98562646e-01 6.51257858e-02 1.11651197e-01 1.36449888e-01 5.00762500e-02 -9.57963765e-02 3.92435417e-02 2.90376488e-02 6.71381474e-01 -2.17622682e-01 3.71512651e-01 1.33562550e-01 -3.60611975e-01 -2.16123998e-01 1.37387693e-01 -1.96851209e-01 -2.42490858e-01 -1.81977108e-01 3.99163030e-02 -2.18506202e-01 1.53484076e-01 1.32559150e-01 3.35126698e-01 1.83508560e-01 -2.12903712e-02 -9.01319087e-02 -2.71614879e-01 -3.56914669e-01 3.75585593e-02 -1.33680359e-01 -1.87030271e-01 2.13079721e-01 -1.50114223e-01 -3.74331504e-01 -2.46654630e-01 6.42188132e-01 1.56258449e-01 -2.13213965e-01 -3.86901736e-01 -1.32880911e-01 1.51201248e-01 -1.61684789e-02 1.27842948e-01 2.20111534e-01 1.34703368e-01 5.90342641e-01 1.37476057e-01 3.66827965e-01 -3.48167449e-01 -1.01143733e-01 -4.24746543e-01 1.02382541e-01 7.63018429e-01 -1.18798308e-01 2.29191914e-01 -1.80618539e-01 5.29946908e-02 2.31739566e-01 -8.66568312e-02 -2.81426966e-01 -1.11743227e-01 1.69167072e-01 5.42589128e-02 3.00739169e-01 -3.34182754e-02 1.91061154e-01 2.05574498e-01 2.03614193e-03 1.63842380e-01 1.49550168e-02 2.08563715e-01 1.34736314e-01 3.42461318e-01 2.42508829e-01 7.07990676e-02 -8.72411430e-02 2.95588709e-02 2.14807779e-01 1.66401625e-01 4.64355908e-02 -1.29991040e-01 -9.80163589e-02 2.59734154e-01 8.14457685e-02 -1.63037274e-02 3.19855332e-01 -1.23922728e-01 -9.53700617e-02 -1.65672079e-01 6.55731037e-02 -1.93825796e-01 -1.27717733e-01 -4.07126158e-01 -2.85225928e-01 -3.51517379e-01 1.83912247e-01 -3.44621874e-02 4.48711403e-02 2.73452133e-01 -1.83599666e-01 -5.38048893e-03 2.03859463e-01 1.78294078e-01 -1.99465081e-01 8.36537778e-02 6.94317520e-02 3.57728332e-01 -2.21587434e-01 1.55698434e-01 1.95412606e-01 -2.13572204e-01 -1.33916482e-01 2.90636778e-01 -1.00235082e-01 5.70050627e-02 -4.54342142e-02 4.27027106e-01 -1.44765750e-01 1.79150235e-02 2.07505316e-01 1.34866759e-01 -4.91250232e-02 1.47375777e-01 2.32089892e-01 3.36262211e-02 3.43518585e-01 -8.56154710e-02 1.97288573e-01 -3.25557023e-01 -2.28073210e-01 3.33122797e-02 2.01127231e-02 1.24018108e-02 -1.48048058e-01 -2.41846386e-02 -8.16885680e-02 -3.69304419e-01 -6.23037219e-02 1.25286534e-01 2.93577075e-01 1.79250374e-01 -4.03567962e-02 4.33238409e-02 3.77571136e-01 -5.09103775e-01 -2.33913794e-01 7.04058170e-01 -2.04377323e-01 4.24677938e-01 -1.39201775e-01 1.67440295e-01 -1.67607248e-01 3.54037732e-01 3.66820514e-01 -2.32187659e-01 -1.24440856e-01 -5.90386838e-02 -1.97232198e-02 -1.52214244e-01 -1.23565711e-01 2.13164687e-01 5.47632240e-02 -1.02907382e-01 1.57499433e-01 1.24896131e-01 -2.21434027e-01 -4.38791722e-01 1.15179293e-01 2.65277892e-01 1.53143123e-01 -3.24893713e-01 -1.11612417e-01 -4.46592361e-01 -1.01599701e-01 7.24229869e-03 -1.82699963e-01 -4.74840969e-01 -2.04222456e-01 -4.42769021e-01 2.25356936e-01 -2.04893604e-01 6.85075596e-02 1.73292801e-01 5.15187025e-01 -6.58601820e-02 4.73991603e-01 -1.51452452e-01 -2.72492707e-01 -1.52594164e-01 2.27931738e-01 -1.56669151e-02 -5.23533165e-01 1.10224234e-02 1.97794765e-01 1.51963130e-01 2.28834882e-01 -1.60524696e-01 5.56020625e-02 -1.34765401e-01 -3.19988817e-01 -4.13148373e-01 2.72242546e-01 2.31887743e-01 -8.83683339e-02 1.29401043e-01 -3.56699169e-01 1.27262577e-01 -5.13595045e-02 1.66508347e-01 2.24919364e-01 -5.47625124e-01 8.52059126e-02 4.00289834e-01 2.43188083e-01 -5.92060909e-02 3.96579772e-01 -2.47181743e-01 -2.19450876e-01 1.01007327e-01 1.64438754e-01 -2.79176295e-01 1.61335215e-01 -9.99151915e-02 -2.03152131e-02 1.10921003e-01 3.51699710e-01 1.11474656e-01 1.91132978e-01 1.81996301e-01 2.19691887e-01 8.40506610e-03 -1.68584496e-01 -2.73395926e-01 -1.27519757e-01 -1.59066796e-01 2.13529810e-01 1.23269223e-01 -2.18620494e-01 -1.25324503e-01 -2.61093289e-01 5.62767565e-01 -4.85283047e-01 -2.51168519e-01 -1.02293380e-01 2.07123291e-02 7.61616752e-02 1.89381883e-01 -2.55613010e-02 -2.17280760e-01 -8.37886333e-02 2.07305685e-01 -5.57907283e-01 3.15254405e-02 -2.94013649e-01 -8.54372233e-02 -1.36500657e-01 1.35817835e-02 -3.18672210e-02 4.44203708e-03 -7.00494468e-01 -6.81916624e-02]
"Ironskin" active "Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Subject is to be contained within two 6 m x 6 m (20 ft x 20 ft) subterranean cells, that is only accessible by a freestanding overhead elevator, although she is allowed short term access to the communal facilities contingent on good behavior, and is accompanied by no fewer than two operatives, all armed with gas grenades filled with an incapacitating agent. Personnel are not to assist SCP-275's self-destructive behavior unless authorized by Level-4 personnel; such behaviors are either potentially harmful to bystanders, or pointless. Subject has requested: Description: SCP-275 is a woman who cannot be physically damaged by any means available to the Foundation. Subject is of apparently Middle-Eastern origin and claims to have grown up 'somewhere in the Ottoman Empire', but to have been a homeless orphan with no memories before the age of approximately ten. Subject claims to be one hundred and sixty-eight (168) years of age, despite appearing to be in her mid-thirties. Subject is 1.63 m (5 ft 4 in) tall and weighs 190 kg (419 lbs), again despite having an appropriate and healthy-sized figure. Hair and eyes are brown. She speaks most languages of the Middle East fluently, and speaks English with a mild accent. SCP-275 is perfectly normal in the fact that she needs to breathe, eat, and sleep. However, subject is almost completely resistant to physical trauma, various forms of radiation, and extreme temperatures. By SCP-275's own recollection, her flesh has never experienced any damage, and her skin has never been pierced or scratched. Testing indicates that the majority of SCP-275's mass is composed of the elements common to all organic life. However, it is currently believed that many of the structural compounds have been replaced with significantly more durable substitutes, and the subject's tissues also appear to contain significantly elevated amounts of various heavy metals. Foundation researchers have thus far been unable to collect tissue samples. Attempts have been made to X-ray the subject, but results were inconclusive: subject's skin contains significant quantities of radio-opaque elements, repelling most attempts to penetrate it with radiological or electromagnetic means. Diffractometry tests upon cell samples extracted from urine, feces, and menses indicate the presence of several novel polymers; however, the degree to which these polymers are represented in other tissues is speculative at best. This "impenetrability" of the subject extends through the entirety of the subject, including her hair and nails. Subject has claimed that her hair and nails have not been properly cut since she was fourteen (14), just before her condition manifested itself; in Foundation custody, her hair is to be cut by weekly exposure to a ████-Watt laser, and her fingernails and toenails are to be abraded with an angle grinder on a biweekly basis. In addition to this, due to her physical makeup and density, her biology has been slowed as well. Subject ages at least a fourth of the normal rate of aging; also, her menstrual cycle is approximately six months long, with menses itself generally lasting for three to four (3 -4) weeks. SCP-275's mental state has been described by Dr. Glass as "worrying": because her anomalous condition prevents her from experiencing most forms of sensation, she indulges in self-destructive behavior in an effort to perceive tactile stimuli. « SCP-274 | SCP-275 | SCP-276 »" nan
[ 1.15147844e-01 -3.32885906e-02 -1.69529811e-01 -3.78169529e-02 2.79052585e-01 -1.89319924e-01 2.53199309e-01 2.67600089e-01 2.57428229e-01 1.81323573e-01 -1.87943593e-01 -2.74742935e-02 -4.80896197e-02 3.55174392e-02 7.05592632e-02 2.34725714e-01 -9.88768786e-03 1.78578705e-01 7.39363506e-02 -2.68049240e-01 -1.34567777e-02 -1.69626743e-01 -7.26225451e-02 1.73482403e-01 -5.41986674e-02 7.76026845e-02 1.57331243e-01 1.17990963e-01 -1.36932328e-01 -7.01498911e-02 1.13877960e-01 1.96496710e-01 -1.01254605e-01 2.72721767e-01 -1.15012423e-04 -3.75750363e-02 -5.10077737e-02 4.88252044e-02 -9.39676538e-02 -4.11829092e-02 3.14721137e-01 -3.38759989e-01 -1.19598120e-01 -3.59676480e-01 -9.78835300e-02 -1.77175745e-01 8.25536996e-02 1.61623508e-01 2.74938434e-01 6.21141307e-03 1.47498593e-01 5.09408951e-01 2.39673004e-01 1.95914224e-01 3.03085387e-01 2.20884845e-01 -3.28547835e-01 -1.82035998e-01 1.19136132e-01 3.04950833e-01 1.57437965e-01 1.76575050e-01 -2.61742711e-01 -6.61101863e-02 1.04907133e-01 -1.19553879e-01 -6.64169202e-03 -1.46725699e-01 1.97990447e-01 5.48678160e-01 7.93197602e-02 2.23985150e-01 1.88635029e-02 6.51528165e-02 -1.56337142e-01 4.13943268e-02 2.43452698e-01 1.25595063e-01 -1.57559678e-01 8.56888294e-02 -2.04127744e-01 2.04218462e-01 -2.22622082e-01 7.86028653e-02 -1.31264865e-01 9.28399935e-02 -1.32010445e-01 -1.30797625e-02 8.71820524e-02 -7.19252527e-02 1.08641751e-01 8.52105841e-02 3.47251385e-01 -2.57818997e-02 -1.01286620e-01 -1.06957428e-01 1.63428336e-01 1.10971734e-01 4.31018978e-01 1.67146400e-01 2.17574149e-01 1.44413143e-01 -2.16552123e-01 1.82588115e-01 -3.49620938e-01 -3.18127424e-01 5.63317165e-02 -6.37031734e-01 -2.84851283e-01 2.68562347e-01 1.36680612e-02 6.40355349e-02 -8.29904079e-02 6.81974888e-02 -6.40989244e-02 -7.51580745e-02 6.01915717e-02 -2.37637192e-01 -3.72750133e-01 2.32711568e-01 -3.16077739e-01 4.08647358e-02 5.19360155e-02 1.67247608e-01 2.90919214e-01 7.77554587e-02 2.38961756e-01 2.01515153e-01 -1.11263253e-01 -1.08894527e-01 -2.30852559e-01 1.70281336e-01 -3.10590208e-01 -2.12635189e-01 -1.02653615e-01 2.46028215e-01 -2.37273440e-01 -2.32320845e-01 9.84090790e-02 2.60134608e-01 -1.30320685e-02 -9.51231420e-02 5.35778761e-01 4.48067337e-01 -4.07707781e-01 -1.77547589e-01 3.13714415e-01 -4.12061602e-01 -1.42075550e-02 -3.55455540e-02 2.21952423e-01 -1.69224665e-02 2.75907386e-02 1.29258826e-01 -5.04538864e-02 2.44354948e-01 7.18311906e-01 -7.61051774e-02 -6.26579896e-02 -1.04112655e-01 1.49165139e-01 1.61437988e-02 -4.05286223e-01 -2.33118773e-01 1.34284362e-01 2.01328710e-01 1.65513948e-01 -1.89177349e-01 5.01250327e-02 -2.07987782e-02 -6.98567331e-02 -4.76263352e-02 1.78479582e-01 4.78053354e-02 -1.31212741e-01 3.75504017e-01 -3.00254792e-01 1.25191972e-01 -5.58846235e-01 -1.61592945e-01 -1.19077206e-01 2.13179201e-01 2.44231388e-01 -4.01342183e-01 -1.07886188e-01 -1.05316788e-01 -7.75396153e-02 2.71384090e-01 1.03882782e-01 -1.67253941e-01 -3.07181418e-01 -4.94696498e-01 7.09047079e-01 3.37750241e-02 6.01734370e-02 -6.33598417e-02 1.83186904e-01 -1.94970965e-01 2.21192703e-01 -1.85635015e-01 -3.50472033e-01 -1.10112093e-01 3.04524656e-02 -2.74561763e-01 -4.49035197e-01 -9.54193026e-02 -1.86059922e-01 -7.85419121e-02 4.61558640e-01 2.04628214e-01 -2.45499104e-01 -9.62595865e-02 -7.49352202e-02 1.08384944e-01 4.17546136e-03 -2.29415938e-01 2.35885516e-01 2.96465963e-01 -4.08177115e-02 -2.02187747e-01 8.35147426e-02 1.56044485e-02 -2.38016799e-01 -2.63731070e-02 -3.81970972e-01 1.98968753e-01 -8.85404423e-02 -7.86275268e-02 -1.52735673e-02 3.26849282e-01 2.64504910e-01 -8.64060819e-02 6.82330038e-03 -1.03576913e-01 -4.99483198e-01 -3.17270011e-01 1.88114196e-01 9.38403308e-01 -3.03006321e-01 -2.08907723e-01 5.75150847e-02 -2.42473260e-01 1.67789117e-01 2.37781517e-02 -2.58757949e-01 3.75941485e-01 -2.06687391e-01 3.27906221e-01 -9.94634479e-02 3.65736485e-02 1.03807719e-02 -4.59697425e-01 -2.43742689e-01 9.52005684e-02 6.94791153e-02 1.87653452e-01 7.07832575e-02 -1.06960975e-01 -2.07686961e-01 2.56768078e-01 -2.80519556e-02 6.77721575e-02 2.40574867e-01 6.78151622e-02 2.18247637e-01 -2.99343497e-01 9.62461308e-02 1.33613974e-03 -6.37336448e-02 2.90254623e-01 -3.70844193e-02 -3.21766704e-01 1.53002694e-01 3.77727561e-02 -1.92417756e-01 -1.25563279e-01 -4.39512394e-02 2.87564814e-01 2.19688982e-01 1.41685098e-01 -4.50045884e-01 1.25672773e-01 -3.34319770e-01 -3.45633060e-01 -2.19510004e-01 2.33007222e-01 2.14263611e-02 5.54413497e-01 2.07847893e-01 3.08666378e-01 9.37977433e-02 6.30837083e-02 -1.05926603e-01 -9.59973130e-03 -1.56391591e-01 5.75447641e-02 1.28121287e-01 3.20072442e-01 4.65978263e-03 3.34523559e-01 -2.76416332e-01 4.02495325e-01 7.71751031e-02 8.49971250e-02 5.40167727e-02 7.93690234e-02 7.01940417e-01 -2.61595864e-02 1.12869322e-01 -1.25909701e-01 -3.82773161e-01 1.91647574e-01 -5.54023683e-02 -3.61402743e-02 4.45936620e-02 1.07204564e-01 1.99102927e-02 -2.07374752e-01 2.87166715e-01 -6.66113138e-01 -2.26702783e-02 2.76623636e-01 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-1.01728171e-01 -1.01160280e-01 2.10392371e-01 9.36435983e-02 -6.39286637e-02 -2.95046538e-01 -1.35276154e-01 -1.46379471e-01 2.17269629e-01 6.38514161e-02 8.75840895e-03 -1.14278533e-01 -7.93021768e-02 2.56838590e-01 -5.07705152e-01 2.00781003e-01 -6.37574645e-04 4.58028078e-01 4.82430071e-01 -3.00918352e-02 -2.16988131e-01 7.75415376e-02 -4.09611538e-02 3.27259392e-01 2.92511374e-01 -6.02231979e-01 -1.91009834e-01 -1.84135720e-01 2.15372279e-01 1.54061779e-01 -6.06917255e-02 1.77487984e-01 1.99298576e-01 -2.56612122e-01 -1.23555474e-01 1.06705047e-01 -1.43876448e-01 -1.62831262e-01 4.44940552e-02 8.26886073e-02 -2.57662445e-01 1.78586200e-01 4.37776506e-01 5.55524454e-02 -1.67609528e-01 -4.34191786e-02 -3.31077129e-01 5.09254396e-01 2.76266456e-01 2.75677830e-01 3.90224993e-01 -3.46481532e-01 1.91171691e-01 -1.51139498e-01 -8.84674117e-02 5.27811684e-02 7.04686701e-01 9.43142027e-02 -2.07464397e-01 -1.90919533e-01 2.58612096e-01 5.46917096e-02 1.10342786e-01 3.69173020e-01 6.51216581e-02 4.24982131e-01 4.62443419e-02 4.95272607e-01 -3.04672986e-01 -2.35940859e-01 -4.25681025e-02 2.25740641e-01 -1.75619759e-02 4.21712816e-01 1.66834757e-01 1.29541814e+00 2.23736480e-01 -1.27155587e-01 1.32574514e-01 -1.87582731e-01 -1.93105564e-01 -7.16038823e-01 -3.74048084e-01 -4.82771657e-02 -3.54136288e-01 -5.08466810e-02 -2.25305885e-01 1.44887477e-01 5.48534036e-01 1.47975713e-03 -3.19493502e-01 -6.42633498e-01 -1.48716703e-01 2.22103924e-01 3.24193567e-01 4.23212886e-01 -5.43082133e-02 -1.09464206e-01 2.61401355e-01 8.13855454e-02 6.77014813e-02 1.13052972e-01 8.90472755e-02 -5.63836247e-02 7.65274242e-02 -1.67529687e-01 8.00812840e-02 -1.66655019e-01 1.47966251e-01 4.61301595e-01 -4.06487018e-01 4.23762947e-02 -2.62511551e-01 -6.51501957e-03 6.49938732e-02 -2.36390252e-02 6.27645850e-02 5.03922164e-01 -1.23792604e-01 4.35945354e-02 -3.95286858e-01 3.61619592e-01 3.38558406e-02 -8.57391357e-02 1.39248192e-01 1.21677279e-01 -2.18071014e-01 2.94436067e-01 3.19314338e-02 5.73176622e-01 -5.26196480e-01 1.23734191e-01 1.86591744e-01 1.49160353e-02 -1.63765743e-01 1.29506648e-01 1.65342540e-01 -1.59360349e-01 -6.93393126e-02 2.05706894e-01 1.93821430e-01 9.11632255e-02 1.15724809e-01 7.73177296e-02 2.47169733e-01 6.42004088e-02 -2.39882946e-01 -2.80035973e-01 -4.17732656e-01 5.52187301e-02 6.36464804e-02 -3.04444641e-01 6.72489628e-02 -3.46527189e-01 -3.51490825e-01 -4.84232783e-01 -6.94454610e-02 2.54882395e-01 -2.99786061e-01 -2.37258106e-01 -4.31618005e-01 5.72657958e-02 -1.95420999e-03 1.51736721e-01 2.14621827e-01 -2.40367755e-01 6.15023911e-01 -2.22430915e-01 3.40720981e-01 -3.61374468e-01 1.28713280e-01 3.89373042e-02 -3.30266804e-02 4.32661206e-01 -3.76117766e-01 1.13175444e-01 -3.73033494e-01 1.07849367e-01 8.19298625e-02 -2.01190725e-01 -2.59114087e-01 -2.41254300e-01 1.62044317e-01 -1.09237116e-02 -2.86811888e-01 1.31501198e-01 8.28642026e-02 2.30475307e-01 -6.29181638e-02 -1.04952669e-02 8.85317102e-03 3.27457875e-01 -3.81360354e-04 1.52882338e-01 3.35997403e-01 8.67060423e-02 6.08594809e-03 6.40853718e-02 5.06845653e-01 9.33282599e-02 -4.91591692e-02 -2.69994259e-01 -6.36125058e-02 -1.12844087e-01 1.87621772e-01 -5.51961362e-02 3.70618515e-02 1.60087168e-01 -6.92502633e-02 -8.07651877e-02 1.02204375e-01 -2.97254443e-01 4.55409959e-02 -4.78156030e-01 -1.33359313e-01 -3.44041079e-01 2.82224387e-01 -1.48910210e-01 1.40034884e-01 -1.46251082e-01 5.97806312e-02 -4.38712053e-02 1.02453709e-01 6.52600452e-03 -2.59066254e-01 1.03480846e-01 -7.30482787e-02 -1.24596581e-02 3.42088699e-01 -3.37484740e-02 -1.61544710e-01 -1.46452039e-01 -1.30668774e-01 2.75724500e-01 -1.61877990e-01 1.88287035e-01 -2.85085998e-02 3.94959033e-01 -9.11844075e-02 8.95054787e-02 3.76250863e-01 -2.51592517e-01 -2.97681335e-02 -3.26963998e-02 -4.95563122e-03 4.46267426e-01 1.18117765e-01 -9.55991521e-02 2.31102392e-01 1.23124205e-01 -2.77400643e-01 -5.36217801e-02 3.67119759e-01 1.92042395e-01 -1.55949965e-01 8.36830437e-02 -2.46652178e-02 -3.70322973e-01 -1.44407824e-01 -8.03449303e-02 4.16295491e-02 1.62402898e-01 -3.81402150e-02 -3.19366641e-02 2.78793663e-01 4.16441867e-03 1.54723540e-01 2.90653527e-01 -2.39414185e-01 1.74815014e-01 6.09616995e-01 1.33868381e-01 1.11844964e-01 1.91987887e-01 4.31053519e-01 -3.01041782e-01 -4.25313860e-01 -2.40674853e-01 -3.86048675e-01 -2.98376739e-01 -1.78926155e-01 -2.19767950e-02 -7.03691095e-02 -4.49463434e-04 1.13100588e-01 1.35466248e-01 -3.17942023e-01 -8.56479816e-03 1.00366026e-01 3.66442978e-01 -4.93747890e-02 -8.51767287e-02 3.78580354e-02 -1.63689166e-01 -1.59357205e-01 -3.64973724e-01 2.95390692e-02 -5.49283139e-02 -1.11435048e-01 -1.94621369e-01 3.51797730e-01 1.18420966e-01 7.73088634e-02 -1.49791673e-01 2.43839025e-01 -1.44679382e-01 -7.32828826e-02 -8.20655599e-02 -2.63091892e-01 -2.94938922e-01 9.46159586e-02 -1.25874385e-01 -3.30267578e-01 2.15009805e-02 3.79326373e-01 3.21974158e-01 1.77795753e-01 3.36883329e-02 2.38398880e-01 -1.08552299e-01 -2.14100033e-01 -3.38406295e-01 2.93677002e-01 -1.71078946e-02 -1.01749655e-02 7.28117600e-02 -8.89794528e-02 -2.66554337e-02 7.52220303e-02 1.85682923e-01 -1.15148507e-01 -2.81821758e-01 -2.07820266e-01 3.41760576e-01 4.65048641e-01 1.29354164e-01 2.58984983e-01 -3.00250351e-01 -3.47151220e-01 2.48409629e-01 3.90794396e-01 -1.20172553e-01 4.46050107e-01 1.28452748e-01 6.00265145e-01 8.54209587e-02 3.99677783e-01 2.67618001e-01 6.71370327e-03 -1.51695486e-03 -7.20545799e-02 -1.26199245e-01 1.98318660e-01 -8.46341774e-02 2.71051675e-01 -1.39734492e-01 3.99913877e-01 2.77370401e-02 6.54914463e-03 -2.30030760e-01 -2.55583167e-01 4.68117297e-01 2.26444900e-01 -6.72606602e-02 5.51191270e-02 6.91180974e-02 -1.74976543e-01 1.69841945e-01 -6.31309748e-01 -1.86358824e-01 -7.17319548e-02 -8.10478106e-02 -2.56351531e-01 3.66065502e-02 -3.70277949e-02 -2.47864529e-01 -6.70275614e-02 3.20686072e-01 1.52677402e-01 -4.39066067e-02 -5.21872401e-01 8.92419182e-03]
"Time Schooner" active "Item #: SCP-276 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-276 is to be indefinitely moored at Site-██’s docks, with access given only to personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher. Considering its unique qualities, no objects originating from an earlier (or possibly later) era than our own are to be taken onto SCP-276 due to the potential for loss of valuable materials. Regular maintenance is to be carried out after SCP-276 has been made incapable of operation, due to containment issues. Description: SCP-276 has a variable shape, size, and mass, but always appears to be a nautical vessel of make and model relevant to whatever era it exists in. Currently, it takes the form of a large sailing schooner, 92.93 m (304.9 ft) in length and weighing 1360 metric tonnes. Under normal conditions, SCP-276 operates as a standard sailing vessel, capable of achieving 16.2 knots at optimal conditions, regardless of its current manifestation. On SCP-276’s bridge, near the wheel of the ship, is a throttle labeled “Forward”, “Back”, and “Back Again”. Usage of any of these functions will activate SCP-276’s ability to travel through time, while taking anyone currently on the vessel as well. This ability is only limited by the requirement that the era in question possesses some form of boat. Attempts made to travel before the emergence of human life have failed, as well as trips made into the far future. The throttle will act in relation to the current era, with the exception of “Back Again” which will return SCP-276 to modern time. It is unknown if operation of SCP-276 can fundamentally alter history, due to the retroactive nature of time. Any changes made would have already taken effect, and all current research into SCP-276 is related to making sure that any possible manipulation of the time line does not occur. Of note is the anti-anachronistic nature of SCP-276. Beyond its tendency to change its form to the respective era it resides in, all non-human objects on SCP-276 will alter as well to become time appropriate. A flashlight taken back to the early 1700s will revert to a more primitive form of illumination such as a gas lamp. Organic life is unaffected with the exception of creatures that either do not exist yet, or have ceased to exist. In both cases, the animal will become another species from the closest taxonomic rank it shares. Dead persons brought to modern times are similarly affected, becoming an entirely different person. Genealogical testing reveals that the subjects are [DATA EXPUNGED]. Note: SCP-276 is not, I repeat, NOT to be used as a recreational device, especially involving exploitation of SCP-276’s temporal qualities. Temporarily restricting access to level 4 personnel until further notice. -Dr. ██████ Addendum: As of █-██-████, the newly formed Mobile Task Force Rho-5 "Stitch In Time" is to be assigned to and given full security clearance involving use of SCP-276. After taking into consideration SCP-276's ability to "fix" anachronisms and errors in time, all missions involving temporal tampering are to be headed by Rho-5. « SCP-275 | SCP-276 | SCP-277 » Cite this page as: "SCP-276" by Dr Kondraki, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp276.jpg Name: Yacht Eos Dartmouth Feb 2008.jpg Author: Simon.pooley License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-276, near ███████, UK (Full version available)"
[-3.74035686e-02 -1.24365009e-01 -1.25101507e-01 -2.90053129e-01 -1.80277646e-01 -5.50776571e-02 1.75132483e-01 2.92527694e-02 -4.76402603e-02 -1.58622824e-02 6.18342170e-03 1.88848287e-01 -1.23348303e-01 -2.95472369e-02 1.84866741e-01 -1.18808120e-01 2.60729432e-01 3.32964808e-01 -9.25087109e-02 7.04440624e-02 -2.67710775e-01 -1.79369926e-01 -3.84432286e-01 -1.06416987e-02 -5.48191071e-02 2.30482426e-02 -1.46802127e-01 -1.02191782e-02 -8.35726112e-02 -1.28917351e-01 3.53590012e-01 2.10997716e-01 1.24300808e-01 9.74977016e-01 -1.08626584e-04 -2.60271102e-01 1.45359918e-01 -2.80977655e-02 -2.97591299e-01 2.04327196e-01 -3.34330261e-01 1.73468277e-01 1.33292869e-01 -2.79529035e-01 -1.70646131e-01 -1.76091149e-01 -2.35712118e-02 -1.29663378e-01 5.39222896e-01 2.50234812e-01 1.86556593e-01 2.62562931e-01 -6.12938404e-03 -2.06144318e-01 2.83839136e-01 -3.28923203e-02 -2.80092835e-01 -1.99906286e-02 3.50203514e-01 4.06473935e-01 1.08536415e-01 9.46402475e-02 -1.25352263e-01 -1.66903604e-02 5.52809298e-01 -4.63834196e-01 2.70806521e-01 5.06916679e-02 -1.78299651e-01 3.09394032e-01 3.77684921e-01 -1.72592238e-01 1.36053590e-02 6.59648031e-02 -1.65585741e-01 4.76650372e-02 1.54732466e-01 4.26133834e-02 1.84077412e-01 1.82270333e-02 -1.32871121e-01 1.07039765e-01 -3.85202169e-01 1.03799872e-01 7.19059706e-02 6.54504180e-01 1.40509745e-02 1.95918664e-01 -2.08996281e-01 3.86798531e-02 1.91406831e-01 -1.47779947e-02 3.25213075e-02 2.86287576e-01 1.30652860e-01 -7.91641697e-02 4.25046645e-02 1.83961123e-01 -2.86531717e-01 -8.21784362e-02 1.57687292e-02 4.11975056e-01 3.26998860e-01 1.22096099e-01 1.59378588e-01 7.84597322e-02 1.69137623e-02 -6.64970577e-02 -3.05890739e-01 1.33770123e-01 -1.11965977e-01 1.00812092e-02 1.02361277e-01 -1.04423605e-01 -1.72550634e-01 -2.20073890e-02 -2.59222053e-02 -2.64103919e-01 1.29683301e-01 -2.24223789e-02 -3.77779245e-01 2.08566129e-01 2.22521752e-01 2.48730913e-01 1.85728416e-01 -5.78400008e-02 4.18380462e-02 -3.27090621e-01 -2.42765993e-01 2.46785637e-02 -2.93423176e-01 -4.59877454e-04 -4.87619042e-01 -1.56877846e-01 -1.96675181e-01 1.72599986e-01 -4.34895128e-01 1.17212512e-01 -3.61430585e-01 -1.30461305e-02 1.70160726e-01 -2.88403302e-01 3.11747700e-01 2.79346794e-01 -5.16423106e-01 -9.93743986e-02 -1.47154242e-01 -8.07462633e-02 -2.72401422e-01 -5.35702407e-02 8.92098024e-02 -2.61642218e-01 -1.04677230e-01 2.41448954e-01 -4.60439503e-01 -3.94296758e-02 4.15780574e-01 2.23156989e-01 -8.82224664e-02 -2.80752748e-01 2.95120478e-01 2.18563214e-01 -5.06041110e-01 -8.27699900e-02 -7.70608289e-03 5.94273098e-02 -2.58135259e-01 -1.99957937e-01 1.38115600e-01 -1.54288694e-01 1.52591884e-01 -2.91725963e-01 -2.34309621e-02 1.30208656e-01 -9.60372686e-02 -2.15354323e-01 -4.94598076e-02 2.47969493e-01 -1.02966823e-01 -5.46011031e-01 -1.76379427e-01 1.11300863e-01 -1.36944475e-02 -1.01896763e-01 3.65064330e-02 -4.48818177e-01 -1.37737645e-02 2.19336674e-01 1.35638073e-01 -7.01443180e-02 -1.57002345e-01 -2.86030948e-01 -3.89874220e-01 1.28197074e-01 2.92431586e-03 -8.26502666e-02 9.03757289e-02 -2.26417114e-03 7.54584670e-02 2.57273585e-01 8.93869549e-02 9.67091694e-02 2.73448884e-01 2.44876564e-01 1.42203227e-01 -1.27145529e-01 -4.97604795e-02 2.05069836e-02 4.28824544e-01 8.90223831e-02 4.56734866e-01 -9.70346034e-02 -3.41752350e-01 2.36199334e-01 -1.74977377e-01 8.75971839e-02 1.92571625e-01 -3.14101093e-02 1.96422845e-01 -1.45655021e-01 2.38817036e-02 -1.23673707e-01 -9.88727063e-03 -1.56903401e-01 2.76073694e-01 -1.11594811e-01 -2.38258258e-01 -2.26777837e-01 -1.25111878e-01 2.10549086e-01 2.99335688e-01 -7.39761963e-02 4.47816774e-02 -1.75137579e-01 -1.96331292e-01 5.65476179e-01 -3.73777688e-01 5.86914718e-01 -9.96579975e-02 8.81386250e-02 2.72800419e-02 5.24110943e-02 1.92005247e-01 -1.12127200e-01 -3.38157088e-01 1.99722931e-01 -1.35544330e-01 4.69501406e-01 -7.25394934e-02 -7.92416260e-02 -1.97869420e-01 -3.91233593e-01 -8.64746124e-02 -2.47219447e-02 -3.93113261e-03 1.18858241e-01 -4.60971236e-01 -3.66311707e-02 2.74078608e-01 -4.52291872e-03 3.63890231e-01 3.27152133e-01 -1.08532247e-03 1.05163110e-02 -1.95003062e-01 -3.29259902e-01 4.35687870e-01 5.63349247e-01 -2.26098076e-01 2.19661772e-01 2.30610266e-01 -1.15914717e-01 6.13043308e-02 -1.28387392e-01 4.19239514e-02 2.29958698e-01 3.78820658e-01 1.99301362e-01 1.59559771e-01 3.23984921e-01 -5.12321815e-02 -1.88050866e-01 1.89405994e-03 -4.60689031e-02 2.96088611e-03 4.29607630e-01 2.17771366e-01 7.18353316e-02 -1.35038093e-01 7.82841444e-03 2.97452688e-01 -3.57696056e-01 1.04299046e-01 1.12232506e-01 -3.23760152e-01 2.64290392e-01 8.09467882e-02 3.38586330e-01 -2.57169724e-01 -2.53496259e-01 -4.80222732e-01 -1.37233362e-01 -2.53108531e-01 1.79363519e-01 -1.61690816e-01 4.64625210e-02 7.17681885e-01 7.11966380e-02 1.18116617e-01 -6.64397329e-02 -5.09007931e-01 2.54108757e-01 1.37004599e-01 -8.61096010e-02 1.11233331e-02 -2.93025523e-01 -3.18123281e-01 7.34987333e-02 1.98512338e-02 -4.71367538e-01 4.43456620e-02 -4.30746861e-02 -3.88447136e-01 4.30755615e-01 -1.45528957e-01 3.67648602e-01 2.12107375e-02 -1.74534738e-01 3.29446226e-01 2.09181368e-01 2.01362699e-01 5.04120231e-01 1.96400687e-01 4.49292138e-02 -8.31762701e-02 2.09775716e-01 -1.20952450e-01 -2.26522624e-01 -3.97616625e-02 2.13801086e-01 -8.18967149e-02 -1.12185799e-01 -1.91242829e-01 -8.92093871e-03 5.23341000e-01 -1.18904851e-01 -3.91422272e-01 7.52454400e-02 1.16071753e-01 5.60759392e-04 -3.36931556e-01 4.74032342e-01 -1.60199739e-02 -2.20163807e-01 -1.06730200e-01 8.27356651e-02 -2.75025051e-02 9.21023265e-03 2.73839921e-01 -6.69114366e-02 -8.63244981e-02 1.02502108e-01 3.51721585e-01 -2.42569461e-01 -1.45900190e-01 1.40294284e-01 2.75129348e-01 1.46037593e-01 -1.40248574e-02 -4.46110964e-02 3.81487668e-01 2.02083617e-01 -2.51252472e-01 2.16603562e-01 -2.23976490e-03 6.75748847e-03 1.43335052e-02 2.03444809e-01 -2.26644218e-01 -1.88193873e-01 3.22343484e-02 5.87425947e-01 4.17267233e-01 -8.19379762e-02 -1.17970020e-01 -6.48450032e-02 -1.68131500e-01 -1.62390411e-01 1.94877252e-01 -2.50217587e-01 8.58659744e-02 1.39766872e-01 2.59090483e-01 -8.55702385e-02 9.91002843e-02 -4.35267836e-01 5.15711792e-02 -1.56248644e-01 -2.54242778e-01 3.45724732e-01 -2.47271687e-01 7.84742534e-02 3.37262243e-01 3.65604401e-01 2.14297533e-01 5.04665732e-01 -4.84295815e-01 1.11636315e-02 -8.39223713e-02 3.12518626e-01 1.55092448e-01 1.48831848e-02 1.49866998e-01 -1.84414908e-01 -4.89205010e-02 1.53478056e-01 1.12622313e-01 -1.00790374e-01 -9.68503803e-02 -1.10585533e-01 -5.97892068e-02 1.21392690e-01 -1.09418882e-02 -1.25813887e-01 3.31497639e-01 -3.44126113e-02 -2.50039935e-01 2.64267385e-01 -5.67324832e-02 -1.30565111e-02 -1.65905971e-02 -3.05076614e-02 -1.66259527e-01 1.89174086e-01 -3.08113992e-01 1.76229373e-01 7.22875819e-02 2.23910913e-01 -1.49477810e-01 -1.30116537e-01 2.04032451e-01 -1.52696684e-01 4.59613353e-01 1.74286932e-01 6.24832772e-02 -1.49393901e-01 2.41566837e-01 -2.53378361e-01 -4.28725034e-02 -2.90658653e-01 2.53025681e-01 -8.29881504e-02 -2.24995688e-01 1.40916109e-01 -1.46937430e-01 -2.99485952e-01 -3.07814658e-01 -3.52365989e-03 -2.35881791e-01 4.21852082e-01 5.53806901e-01 1.28039443e+00 -1.81329012e-01 -1.69180725e-02 2.37225711e-01 -2.06875801e-01 4.22214270e-01 -2.29739830e-01 -6.31111115e-02 -8.17399696e-02 5.34878850e-01 -1.32178757e-02 -8.25886354e-02 -1.35760024e-01 -1.22745305e-01 -5.75717866e-01 -2.09857658e-01 -1.64910585e-01 4.68106605e-02 1.42379642e-01 3.02571744e-01 1.57393247e-01 -9.46775898e-02 7.47629106e-02 3.00290346e-01 -1.89800665e-01 2.70905823e-01 -4.04213257e-02 1.52759448e-01 3.69378626e-02 -4.94064018e-03 -2.79400975e-01 -2.11359575e-01 -8.38328600e-02 1.80253670e-01 -1.06847711e-01 -7.04973459e-01 1.04230389e-01 -3.29622597e-01 -8.82256329e-02 -3.33240151e-01 5.60388491e-02 5.18677056e-01 3.61718029e-01 -4.36607361e-01 -1.83448985e-01 -9.09676328e-02 -3.54525559e-02 -7.60295137e-04 5.54996468e-02 -9.34942663e-02 -1.32572159e-01 -2.37584054e-01 -1.16355725e-01 2.52226800e-01 9.33561385e-01 1.44485578e-01 2.69116461e-01 1.28306031e-01 -1.95452288e-01 -2.34823748e-01 2.24478811e-01 -3.13150316e-01 1.89844415e-01 1.77492723e-01 -1.38366714e-01 -1.33513257e-01 -1.43110588e-01 9.90394428e-02 1.91525027e-01 1.01401540e-03 3.96291733e-01 5.52309692e-01 -1.13214269e-01 -4.71577317e-01 -2.75228582e-02 -2.21940115e-01 -4.32554066e-01 1.03946760e-01 7.20679164e-02 -3.34783137e-01 1.23616025e-01 4.37953085e-01 1.51212946e-01 1.75166056e-02 -2.50557810e-01 -1.51712477e-01 5.47334068e-02 4.88429936e-03 2.40336172e-02 2.77521402e-01 -3.80819201e-01 2.37967357e-01 4.87687737e-02 -5.22777140e-02 -3.99448514e-01 -1.14744417e-01 -1.10713258e-01 1.57148838e-01 1.70919850e-01 -4.80168760e-01 -3.30693632e-01 -2.87958622e-01 7.36527145e-02 2.05451772e-02 -4.35711533e-01 -2.95373380e-01 -1.31723791e-01 1.07013457e-01 -1.82289168e-01 -1.88931093e-01 -2.77056128e-01 1.43143982e-01 -2.04640832e-02 4.33647595e-02 -6.62508653e-03 5.11405110e-01 9.38273072e-02 6.06747568e-02 2.16797352e-01 2.90027857e-01 -3.62758823e-02 -2.81405300e-01 1.40361279e-01 2.38726735e-01 -6.39809743e-02 1.88237607e-01 -1.63822286e-02 1.86349023e-02 1.01845816e-01 4.30577546e-01 4.27474678e-02 -3.09661124e-02 -8.41049328e-02 2.33938888e-01 3.90151918e-01 2.80499130e-01 -2.60117620e-01 2.42066324e-01 -2.64918119e-01 -5.55039763e-01 -4.16129120e-02 3.17099154e-01 1.51898488e-01 1.45397261e-01 -4.01498139e-01 2.15973035e-01 6.77650943e-02 -2.05434728e-02 -4.79643792e-01 -9.54635441e-02 2.41137994e-03 2.12698027e-01 -4.01846739e-03 1.73974931e-01 4.38687205e-01 -1.81628793e-01 8.89558345e-02 -2.00889692e-01 2.40552977e-01 1.60217166e-01 1.57288015e-01 -2.84159742e-02 1.11662224e-02 -7.36049190e-02 3.75945359e-01 4.02875304e-01 1.82631925e-01 -1.37595326e-01 3.36950719e-02 5.41583955e-01 4.20859735e-03 1.77306265e-01 1.90162197e-01 3.45616490e-01 -1.45106509e-01 3.48642945e-01 -2.32877359e-01 -2.58624792e-01 2.13098407e-01 -5.02381176e-02 7.32531631e-03 -9.70893204e-02 7.43269827e-03 -2.80605674e-01 -2.64528152e-02 2.15443432e-01 2.13108752e-02 -1.41021729e-01 1.00662202e-01 1.76354736e-01 1.03161760e-01 1.28085330e-01 2.60585070e-01 7.08618835e-02 1.02877647e-01 1.99719235e-01 2.51673222e-01 8.59783292e-02 -6.78088218e-02 -4.49219123e-02 -1.24700956e-01 -2.86803514e-01 3.58404875e-01 -2.12154567e-01 -2.00492233e-01 -3.46761011e-02 6.81894273e-02 3.88917327e-01 -4.20647681e-01 7.97306299e-02 1.56338662e-01 -2.31744364e-01 -1.55902788e-01 -7.65983760e-02 1.31375149e-01 1.97667047e-01 -7.93422014e-02 5.09808771e-02 -2.51432329e-01 1.43847600e-01 3.08648646e-01 7.38674849e-02 -3.48942786e-01 -3.03616393e-02 -1.70065016e-01 7.69133633e-03 7.64342323e-02 9.44418907e-02 -1.74795821e-01 3.30153614e-01 -1.97802521e-02 3.27684045e-01 1.04631566e-01 -3.19267720e-01 1.88240819e-02 4.47813049e-02 -2.80659437e-01 -1.98751166e-01 1.57002181e-01 3.14279824e-01 -1.06353223e-01 3.39197725e-01 2.45881557e-01 3.45763862e-01 -1.63828656e-01 -2.49699518e-01 -5.14742695e-02 1.59847841e-01 3.31483364e-01 -1.24514148e-01 1.42025024e-01 -2.93912262e-01 -9.35999602e-02 -7.01491833e-02 1.32052749e-01 -1.20199077e-01 -4.12184626e-01 1.37765720e-01 8.82541239e-02 6.52850330e-01 -1.21547282e-01 -5.19037582e-02 -1.06858589e-01 -2.03036696e-01 -1.66517407e-01 -1.45755857e-01 -1.11221597e-01 1.10063665e-01 -3.82470906e-01 4.25010100e-02 -3.73276770e-02 6.05361879e-01 2.41933614e-01 -9.76119116e-02 -4.94840071e-02 -3.71903554e-02 -1.08477972e-01 1.71909004e-01 5.60349748e-02 4.04243171e-01 -2.84384340e-01 3.24709326e-01 1.10977642e-01 -1.53523376e-02 -3.47358108e-01 -3.13664585e-01 5.90722919e-01 3.62492576e-02 -1.35614932e-01 1.46986693e-01 3.33454199e-02 -5.70444390e-02 3.45955752e-02 -7.09777236e-01 -1.08795956e-01 2.29357690e-01 8.11328217e-02 -2.46323258e-01 7.38174049e-03 -3.45946372e-01 -1.45080462e-01 -7.20221177e-02 2.80581862e-01 -1.28847286e-01 -3.84504125e-02 -3.16561222e-01 -1.52373672e-01]
"Chalkland" active "Item #: SCP-277 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to difficulties inherent in containing SCP-277, it has been placed under a Level-█ lockdown. Activities of the residents of SCP-277 must be monitored by no less than ██ embedded agents, and civilians are not to be aware of Foundation presence or influence. Any attempts to contact civilians within SCP-277 by those outside SCP-277 must be investigated. Personnel must undergo psychological screening before being assigned to SCP-277. Description: SCP-277 is a moderately populated town in ████, █████. The principal anomaly within SCP-277 are apparitions found throughout the area that seem to be images projected from children’s thoughts, or imagination. These are collectively referred to as SCP-277-1. Incidents of SCP-277-1 appear as figures ‘drawn’ in white outlines, with no physical substantiality of their own. The size, ‘style’ in which they are ‘drawn,’ and the complexity of the projections vary from child to child. Pre-pubescent children are the only individuals capable of producing such incidents, and the process of projecting one seems for the most part to be unconscious and involuntary. An average of ███ incidents of SCP-277-1 are present at any given time within the area; a largely comprehensive catalogue of pre-pubescents and the designation of their projections may be found in Document 277-██. While embedded Agents are requested to report potentially uncategorized children to their supervisors to be examined, due to the size of SCP-277, the pre-pubescent population there within, and security complications, this is recognized as occasionally unfeasible. Incidences of SCP-277-1 are capable of interacting with each other, although physical objects pass through leaving no damage to either party. Children frequently play with their projections, and the existence of SCP-277-1 is regarded as normal by residents of the town. Civilians in SCP-277 claim that the projections have been present within the town since its colonization. This claim is dubious at best, as there are no records of the Area’s existence before the year 2███, and the towns immediately surrounding the Area deny any knowledge of the city. Testing of members within SCP-277 revealed that their dental, fingerprint, and DNA records correspond with no recorded population databases. When under questioning, civilians denied having memories of living or traveling anywhere but within SCP-277. OPERATION 277-██████ UPDATE THE FIRST: Attempt #█ to evacuate SCP-277 has commenced on 6/15/██. Small changes were made to the previously detailed methods of evacuation, namely [EXPUNGED] in hopes of avoiding what may have caused previous failures. Documents outlining past attempts to remove civilians from SCP-277 may be found at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Residents continue to deny any memory of previous evacuation attempts. Personnel members involved in previous assignments involving the suppression of SCP-277-1 and SCP-277-1-█R in particular seem to have been [REDACTED] more trained personnel and Class-D subjects are requested along with the necessary medical equipment in the event of another such incident. OPERATION 277-██████ UPDATE THE SECOND: As of 6/23/██, Operation 277-██████ has proven unsuccessful due to [DATA CORRUPTED]. SCP-277-1-█R demonstrated the ability to render mental damage not only to pre-pubescents, but to physically mature Agents. No further evacuation attempts are to be carried out. Level-█ Lockdown suggested. -Dr. R█████ Foundation personnel have been unable to trace the source of File Operation 277-██████. Foundation databanks have been unable to produce an unexpunged copy of the file. No personnel or civilians in the area are able to recall any attempts made to evacuate, and the legitimacy of the file has been called into question multiple times. As per common consensus, however, no further evacuation efforts have been planned. Furthermore, it has been discovered that when a resident of SCP-277 leaves the area for over ██ minutes, they are violently [REDACTED] and then may be found within the area with no memory of departing from the Area. Addendum 277-A: As of 9/14/██, an unaccounted-for SCP-277-1 was photographed in the local library by a Foundation Agent. No one in the vicinity claimed to be responsible for the projection. As the appearance and actions of incidents of SCP-277-1 are often telling of a child’s psychological profile, efforts are being taken to identify the owner of these projections, designated SCP-277-1-R█. Projections that match the image shown in ‘drawing’ style or behavior are to be reported immediately. Addendum 277-B: Sightings of projections that are similar to SCP-277-R█ have tripled in frequency since 9/23/██. On 10/5/██, there were ██ child casualties made by members of SCP-277-R█ upon childrens’ projections. See Interview 277-A for details. UPDATE: Three months following this incident, members of SCP-277-R█ have vanished from the area. It is still unknown whether they were projections from a child or a manifestation native to SCP-277 itself. Addendum 277-C: Inquiries made to civilians regarding the incident on 10/5/██ have returned with mixed results. A number of the residents claim that they had never witnessed such an occurrence before and expressed desire for Foundation officials to quickly identify and prosecute the perpetrator. Others claim that similar events happen periodically every █ years. Personnel staffing SCP-277 have expressed discomfort when dealing with members of the town. They smile too wide, as if this entire place is just a fairy tale and that massacre was just part of their happy ending. -Agent J███ « SCP-276 | SCP-277 | SCP-278 »" nan
[ 5.80222309e-02 -1.30054370e-01 -1.08894363e-01 1.07256941e-01 -1.92249715e-01 -4.37179595e-01 4.38004762e-01 3.99445482e-02 5.57395518e-01 1.19460873e-01 6.35535866e-02 2.21512407e-01 -3.27743515e-02 -1.74109921e-01 -1.14947774e-01 -7.21409023e-02 2.36760765e-01 2.99536586e-01 -3.65301549e-01 -2.19542131e-01 -3.52064371e-01 -1.13674954e-01 -2.54245281e-01 3.19960356e-01 -1.35877296e-01 -7.82925561e-02 1.74826339e-01 4.36519124e-02 -4.07038331e-02 -1.67975053e-01 2.10867330e-01 -1.13513349e-02 -2.96762455e-02 3.89089346e-01 -1.09959779e-04 -1.91547439e-01 9.02165752e-03 -5.90859987e-02 -1.46791115e-01 3.54933172e-01 -6.04682639e-02 8.35812762e-02 7.53830299e-02 -2.08426654e-01 -2.15501487e-02 -3.25828761e-01 2.47815400e-01 -2.59346515e-02 4.92220163e-01 -1.19690776e-01 1.87347814e-01 -3.81977372e-02 -1.08662024e-01 -5.19783534e-02 -2.98522979e-01 2.10070968e-01 -2.17447057e-01 -1.39397100e-01 5.25521755e-01 -2.27480289e-02 2.20715418e-01 1.71426803e-01 -3.04914176e-01 -4.56549451e-02 2.51798600e-01 -3.38815153e-01 1.63741335e-01 -4.30527069e-02 1.60911545e-01 2.67092347e-01 -1.34257779e-01 -5.87237105e-02 2.43321076e-01 1.49447411e-01 -2.09660158e-01 2.38831177e-01 1.77391380e-01 9.51975361e-02 -2.70822626e-02 1.56692937e-01 -1.83518663e-01 6.82395622e-02 -1.41943008e-01 -4.54095677e-02 -8.00472572e-02 3.60392302e-01 -2.25343294e-02 1.23001851e-01 -1.83547333e-01 -5.11533283e-02 2.00027779e-01 1.05157832e-03 2.14876607e-01 3.25545371e-01 -6.57243654e-02 1.55597948e-03 2.29816228e-01 1.78451180e-01 1.20198175e-01 1.15964092e-01 4.97701824e-01 1.50892541e-01 -1.74973115e-01 3.08823198e-01 1.26479387e-01 -2.51666784e-01 3.98563862e-01 -8.02120492e-02 -9.98917744e-02 2.46360704e-01 1.37780711e-01 1.76947594e-01 -2.89717644e-01 2.79621959e-01 1.24504834e-01 8.14135373e-02 2.10106045e-01 -1.55409709e-01 -3.90882753e-02 3.33381653e-01 -6.16616249e-01 2.75062919e-01 -3.01717017e-02 2.50057429e-01 2.36312494e-01 2.43209690e-01 8.03346094e-03 -2.36996010e-01 1.74911469e-02 -1.77206993e-01 -2.71358669e-01 9.64621976e-02 -1.93055108e-01 1.54958814e-01 1.19177029e-01 5.69058061e-01 -9.55311432e-02 8.86404142e-02 -2.47953564e-01 1.40345007e-01 3.84221345e-01 -3.47716898e-01 5.99824190e-01 3.01495016e-01 -6.00218832e-01 -8.61212388e-02 1.76064633e-02 -1.47716925e-01 -1.11047342e-01 1.95364710e-02 2.30357215e-01 -1.03691742e-02 -2.63319701e-01 1.71672136e-01 4.91931178e-02 1.02844741e-02 6.82295784e-02 -3.11385486e-02 -2.60036051e-01 -3.11884910e-01 2.74998277e-01 -1.21407978e-01 -1.52772531e-01 -2.24921837e-01 1.16849609e-01 3.83936524e-01 -3.89815569e-01 -9.73734260e-02 -3.12824517e-01 -4.05379444e-01 -2.01707721e-01 -1.57530382e-01 -1.36817545e-01 5.42873517e-02 -1.96075395e-01 1.19539417e-01 -5.88977277e-01 -2.50464916e-01 -1.62269086e-01 -1.31330803e-01 -2.14939073e-01 -7.61054531e-02 3.30872118e-01 -1.25473037e-01 1.36196926e-01 -6.55817613e-02 1.70345426e-01 1.39428735e-01 3.35464150e-01 2.99627364e-01 -1.98000133e-01 -3.89022678e-01 2.94546515e-01 1.08089693e-01 5.62687218e-03 -5.23652658e-02 4.30291295e-02 2.08275348e-01 4.85198610e-02 4.34239209e-02 1.88722640e-01 -5.90117788e-03 4.78861362e-01 4.32801712e-03 -1.23709299e-01 -2.25925982e-01 -2.28217840e-01 -2.23903265e-02 2.60204613e-01 1.93345770e-01 -1.08369872e-01 -8.47581401e-02 -2.35992163e-01 1.46501854e-01 -1.65845677e-01 -2.61029959e-01 2.90446848e-01 2.12832347e-01 8.58512297e-02 -4.96362060e-01 7.58309709e-03 4.03978348e-01 -3.09133261e-01 -1.33955434e-01 2.34142527e-01 2.38852456e-01 -2.02430606e-01 -3.06063816e-02 -2.38479704e-01 2.70287506e-02 8.22300538e-02 -9.02273878e-02 1.98804528e-01 1.67470962e-01 4.28361259e-02 -5.00113796e-03 2.41439506e-01 5.15984714e-01 2.04754584e-02 -1.90732226e-01 1.78416878e-01 -1.04763210e-01 1.15662776e-01 1.02740556e-01 -1.27809942e-01 2.30914447e-02 3.96964431e-01 4.46934700e-01 4.15511541e-02 -1.23314768e-01 1.41159613e-02 -3.58803868e-01 1.83107987e-01 -1.19783834e-01 -3.21709514e-01 4.57127392e-01 1.63785845e-01 2.32613891e-01 3.88107561e-02 4.22782779e-01 -1.51017308e-01 3.56094241e-02 3.49715114e-01 -2.08501562e-01 -2.24384218e-01 -1.28557235e-01 3.75514835e-01 4.62930709e-01 9.84830856e-02 4.52301055e-02 4.77079861e-02 -1.20165966e-01 -2.16702327e-01 1.79036438e-01 -4.42185439e-02 3.50003839e-02 1.25488058e-01 8.04119036e-02 3.23008478e-01 9.01076943e-02 -2.72115171e-01 -2.54383802e-01 1.22410193e-01 -7.01429471e-02 -7.79822320e-02 1.31915227e-01 -1.33147001e-01 7.41837770e-02 -1.27320826e-01 4.82407242e-01 -1.28956303e-01 -2.63716616e-02 6.55390620e-02 -3.79455159e-03 -9.09756124e-02 3.51836458e-02 -1.81358024e-01 4.19428140e-01 -4.45753664e-01 -8.88860002e-02 -3.15139979e-01 -1.87305108e-01 1.13127872e-01 1.12530090e-01 -3.11944693e-01 3.46710861e-01 5.79264760e-01 -4.44355235e-03 -4.90755253e-02 1.70092404e-01 -3.68268728e-01 1.74806088e-01 1.06196985e-01 -5.57996929e-01 1.76666811e-01 3.41042906e-01 -1.85924172e-02 -4.17898089e-01 1.39196515e-01 -6.11604869e-01 -2.88197905e-01 -2.19594866e-01 -3.08401227e-01 -9.13285539e-02 -2.62497991e-01 1.25467032e-01 -1.58119053e-01 -1.20914549e-01 2.93466181e-01 3.30172867e-01 1.93666831e-01 -3.29491645e-02 5.33801988e-02 3.43078047e-01 -3.28454584e-01 2.04190537e-01 -2.33545631e-01 5.02629466e-02 -1.35043174e-01 -1.48151685e-02 6.67127743e-02 -5.05245589e-02 -2.82413810e-01 -1.78282559e-01 -1.27430752e-01 -1.25072643e-01 -6.72087312e-01 -1.17510349e-01 1.21845856e-01 1.31244540e-01 -2.78562516e-01 6.87826216e-01 1.81324199e-01 -2.48302519e-01 -6.46118075e-02 -2.45609820e-01 1.17724977e-01 1.31769329e-02 3.68200600e-01 -3.85026336e-01 -4.14592236e-01 3.00100207e-01 8.87651443e-02 -1.21229533e-02 -3.91708463e-02 -1.25099793e-01 3.05254757e-02 2.41748512e-01 -1.86012283e-01 2.83730887e-02 3.62398326e-01 6.96596280e-02 -4.10224825e-01 5.17557785e-02 -2.58483794e-02 1.50210261e-02 -1.16333358e-01 5.83505556e-02 -5.63060641e-01 -1.71792641e-01 -2.15163276e-01 1.12072253e+00 4.07186478e-01 -1.82792053e-01 -2.48125792e-01 -1.83736473e-01 -6.00183904e-02 2.49843616e-02 3.27702723e-02 -6.00880869e-02 -1.89062543e-02 -2.47042567e-01 4.36869025e-01 5.32655977e-02 1.06971912e-01 9.79665518e-02 3.75297479e-02 -4.77043599e-01 -2.51107067e-01 1.83704123e-01 -1.46348149e-01 2.99054477e-03 1.71253711e-01 3.98139030e-01 2.02330127e-01 4.27343845e-01 2.99552623e-02 -4.59520854e-02 -2.00766712e-01 -2.17050105e-01 7.67345309e-01 5.53168766e-02 -2.00323373e-01 -1.83068365e-01 1.64387435e-01 1.14537247e-01 -5.71501851e-02 3.00960839e-01 -2.95978859e-02 4.53322828e-02 -3.65038097e-01 9.03801396e-02 1.02183647e-01 -1.98869631e-01 2.56498665e-01 -5.38097657e-02 3.53825718e-01 1.03356680e-02 1.35156378e-01 2.50060886e-01 1.29455149e-01 1.00200385e-01 -1.68073967e-01 3.08204114e-01 1.54265836e-01 2.59074807e-01 4.30393130e-01 1.78113088e-01 6.25265110e-03 1.66465253e-01 -8.44691321e-03 4.44072932e-01 5.93237877e-01 1.99767314e-02 -3.33754480e-01 -2.39387929e-01 9.26685110e-02 -3.49331796e-02 1.17624685e-01 2.40002662e-01 -3.05999577e-01 2.35264793e-01 4.04605195e-02 2.61686385e-01 -1.30126357e-01 -3.98103505e-01 -1.79119110e-01 1.15517214e-01 -5.65814562e-02 5.72097063e-01 3.51450294e-01 1.23126793e+00 -1.05822481e-01 1.37657791e-01 1.03516050e-01 -9.74851996e-02 2.62325168e-01 -1.18190818e-01 -3.72795403e-01 -2.70532578e-01 9.34713185e-02 2.06142683e-02 -2.34364703e-01 2.11943135e-01 3.35456431e-01 -2.01010689e-01 -2.84882009e-01 -5.15318990e-01 -1.06216274e-01 7.32382480e-03 -5.36825620e-02 3.12165111e-01 -8.69977251e-02 1.70457393e-01 2.50502497e-01 -7.87289217e-02 -4.11498174e-02 3.57025936e-02 1.73764169e-01 -1.92326561e-01 -1.85282245e-01 -2.94285655e-01 6.23480268e-02 -7.36730099e-02 1.32890955e-01 2.52361715e-01 5.40864319e-02 -2.02229634e-01 -1.07859604e-01 -1.12192281e-01 -9.42266285e-02 -1.36720359e-01 3.33478749e-01 4.03968692e-01 -1.72185138e-01 1.95111364e-01 3.20360959e-01 5.19581400e-02 1.22363962e-01 2.69328263e-02 1.79645583e-01 -2.19185382e-01 -3.55225615e-02 -2.59828359e-01 1.11264195e-02 4.52699095e-01 -8.27974007e-02 1.17825896e-01 1.59673989e-01 -1.44737110e-01 -1.01034313e-01 2.04798222e-01 -9.25524011e-02 1.09822147e-01 -4.13121283e-01 4.54438329e-02 -1.55137017e-01 -1.86217353e-02 4.97102976e-01 -3.30565646e-02 -3.04024965e-01 1.19071454e-01 1.61579236e-01 -1.44152641e-01 -4.18127984e-01 1.44297127e-02 -2.78453343e-02 -1.61318883e-01 -3.34100500e-02 1.09702632e-01 -6.02912068e-01 -2.75078937e-02 7.71588922e-01 1.05914801e-01 -3.60083252e-01 -2.30278775e-01 -2.33385414e-01 -1.34242415e-01 9.40024778e-02 -1.33662760e-01 4.92382757e-02 8.87386408e-03 5.12423217e-01 6.69650137e-02 1.55697959e-02 -3.87028277e-01 -1.94123626e-01 -2.16285899e-01 1.22983947e-01 7.68364817e-02 -2.68375576e-01 -1.24182642e-01 -1.44251138e-01 1.53318107e-01 8.70078355e-02 -3.31584781e-01 -2.32978866e-01 -2.73583204e-01 1.18931197e-01 1.72657564e-01 -1.22243159e-01 -8.80156904e-02 1.86055209e-02 2.67204881e-01 -1.01479162e-02 -1.16897210e-01 1.35383517e-01 -1.27637889e-02 3.02756757e-01 -2.59130925e-01 6.88889623e-02 5.00313900e-02 -9.07564908e-02 6.05970398e-02 3.66775244e-01 2.69523934e-02 4.65866290e-02 -1.97313830e-01 -1.11017004e-01 1.11926191e-01 2.77502835e-01 -2.68788785e-01 1.83898404e-01 1.82057127e-01 1.15671568e-01 -2.03461722e-02 -3.08101363e-02 -1.20293707e-01 3.28264013e-02 -3.49430710e-01 -2.00914461e-02 -3.04263324e-01 3.05440515e-01 -1.58161730e-01 4.31084670e-02 3.55470628e-01 -1.12605011e-02 -1.10035971e-01 2.28851318e-01 -1.67315751e-01 -3.51247638e-01 1.24677412e-01 5.03039174e-02 -1.48920372e-01 -1.96867138e-01 7.16843233e-02 2.70241678e-01 -2.03583822e-01 -2.16871560e-01 5.31670988e-01 2.42534652e-01 4.07355905e-01 5.96424937e-01 3.01498055e-01 -3.51480216e-01 -2.07440525e-01 6.05477870e-01 1.68888792e-01 1.07127488e-01 4.80892986e-01 8.95821527e-02 8.26447010e-02 7.38662994e-03 2.38310043e-02 2.26805702e-01 -4.29426283e-01 3.31266165e-01 -4.15808439e-01 -2.58758701e-02 5.75104170e-03 2.60510165e-02 2.05660373e-01 -3.72078568e-02 -1.29949093e-01 -2.29456529e-01 4.66963761e-02 -8.13483074e-02 2.50241637e-01 2.40462385e-02 -6.36430308e-02 1.71376821e-02 -3.70017141e-01 6.43300712e-02 3.05403650e-01 -1.86021164e-01 6.67621568e-02 6.47568107e-02 1.84345916e-02 5.38409278e-02 5.91895208e-02 5.71408458e-02 1.62232265e-01 -1.76935509e-01 7.87793994e-02 -4.52719778e-01 -1.32626459e-01 -2.18902186e-01 1.39493704e-01 2.54329443e-01 -1.50897978e-02 2.02732012e-01 8.64044055e-02 -2.71871984e-01 -5.16132474e-01 -1.07123069e-01 8.28758627e-02 4.20014679e-01 5.72642624e-01 -3.40738893e-01 -6.21222675e-01 1.03854246e-01 7.50963343e-03 -1.50994107e-01 -1.04234949e-01 -4.59190160e-01 -5.99459410e-02 1.54856965e-01 -3.33018690e-01 5.26124872e-02 -5.18309772e-02 2.24395484e-01 8.18791091e-02 3.40933017e-02 5.72666079e-02 -5.00269115e-01 -2.20468581e-01 1.42059788e-01 -1.64005384e-01 -4.78381179e-02 1.16640650e-01 1.50915146e-01 1.11621218e-02 3.95331025e-01 -3.01047802e-01 3.37861925e-01 -1.16330832e-01 -1.09494790e-01 -9.18306112e-02 2.50432402e-01 3.82363677e-01 -7.30634779e-02 1.53162986e-01 -2.74319410e-01 2.21052259e-01 -2.62211561e-01 1.18875228e-01 9.00634304e-02 -3.34058791e-01 -9.38315019e-02 -9.03543681e-02 6.00126088e-01 2.86185159e-03 3.44919890e-01 1.01612076e-01 -2.97763973e-01 2.01942958e-02 -1.23896981e-02 -5.01618199e-02 2.20626444e-01 8.79525170e-02 6.82477579e-02 1.71817616e-01 2.86152691e-01 2.70233095e-01 2.77915210e-01 1.47212982e-01 -1.83736175e-01 -4.32675421e-01 -7.04280809e-02 -1.09790504e-01 1.79695725e-01 -2.19634235e-01 7.12439269e-02 -1.50862113e-02 -1.98750108e-01 -1.08823329e-01 -2.64523625e-01 3.25373501e-01 -1.29803479e-01 -5.18986136e-02 -5.88976145e-02 2.16904998e-01 -2.21808285e-01 -3.07738215e-01 -6.78589880e-01 -2.60508042e-02 3.53306234e-02 1.42349899e-02 -2.96735615e-01 -2.06085712e-01 -4.80492860e-01 -1.30521469e-02 -7.83120021e-02 5.60554624e-01 -1.72595650e-01 1.76705807e-01 -2.36567006e-01 1.22693203e-01]
"A Large Mechanical Spider" active "Item #: SCP-278 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Without any input into its controls, SCP-278 will construct its web in any dimly lit, large open area, preferring high 90 degree tri-corner roosts spanning 300 cubic meters. Those personnel at its controls report that the ease of piloting SCP-278 appears inconsistently simple in comparison to the complexity of the mechanisms involved and the lack of any electronic guidance. Description: SCP-278 is a large mechanical robot made of steel, iron, and banyan wood, strongly resembling Idiops barkudensis, a type of Indian arachnid. Clear signs that SCP-278 has been "upgraded" or "modernized" recently have been found. Core mechanisms and frame of the body are dated back some 150 years to the [EXPUNGED] period. Many new engineering components have been added by unknown parties. Hydraulics and servos seem to have replaced what were systems of pulleys and gears driven by steam engines. The average length of SCP-278 is about 16.5 m (54 ft) from the opisthosoma (abdomen) to the tip of the furthest leg and the highest part of the main body sits about 8.2 m (27 ft) off the ground. A control panel of levers and pedals are positioned at what would be the mid-cephalothorax on the back of SCP-278. Again, numerous modifications have been made to the control panel, actually simplifying the control scheme into a more conventional "flight stick and throttle" configuration. Though SCP-278 lacks any electronics, CPU, or wiring beyond the presence of a few dozen car batteries, the complex motions of multipedal locomotion are fully automated through a complex network of looping tethers, compound pulleys, belts, and hydraulic pistons. The oldest functioning component of SCP-278 is a type of "processing transmission" relying on multiple rotating perforated drums and coils providing different instructional input for commands of motion. A human operator working the controls essentially "shifts gears" to readjust the configuration and position of the control drums and coils which guide the rhythm of motion to the legs essential for moving SCP-278. Though the finer details that control SCP-278 are not fully understood, researchers are perplexed by the autonomy SCP-278 displays when no human input is presented. It is not known how SCP-278 is capable of moving and performing complex tasks on its own without an operator, the most impressive of which is the construction of an elaborate "web" made from nylon tether, similar to bungee cord, with high tensile strength. The cords are constantly stored and reused since the discovery of SCP-278, the typical web having a diameter of about 41 m. Addendum: SCP-278 escaped confinement on the 2nd of September 2008 when SCP-███ breached its own containment, disabling the facility located at [EXPUNGED]. During the night, SCP-278 had traveled [EXPUNGED] km to Liverpool, England, where it was found, poised vertically upside down on the side of a building known as Concourse House. SCP personnel posing as a theatrical group introduced SCP-278 to citizens as "La Princesse," the showcase of a theatrical production. With human operators at the controls, SCP-278 was paraded around the city under the guise of a show. « SCP-277 | SCP-278 | SCP-279 »" nan
[ 7.21969455e-02 -4.31094855e-01 -1.13296188e-01 -1.63275316e-01 5.73644787e-02 -3.04047763e-01 4.30489518e-02 2.02477634e-01 1.05602972e-01 2.34668225e-01 9.41543095e-03 1.34140313e-01 -1.26351565e-01 1.21590987e-01 4.66012985e-01 -3.09488568e-02 2.53788352e-01 1.32218242e-01 1.16674013e-01 -1.42987475e-01 -2.64912337e-01 -3.56304675e-01 -2.24906176e-01 -5.99915385e-02 2.91329324e-01 -1.49347395e-01 9.53843165e-03 1.68206364e-01 5.93626127e-02 -2.99169123e-01 2.96849385e-02 6.04635663e-02 2.45897621e-01 4.51148480e-01 -1.07109750e-04 -2.05628887e-01 1.95686519e-02 4.01722342e-02 -1.69453174e-01 1.80688486e-01 7.94972479e-02 -2.48530194e-01 -9.82255638e-02 -5.54376721e-01 5.29728690e-03 3.79996300e-02 2.91386455e-01 -3.10661905e-02 1.99413449e-01 3.09009314e-01 2.44225383e-01 3.40547919e-01 4.10845652e-02 -1.51378438e-01 8.17772076e-02 2.23123625e-01 -4.98822220e-02 6.10610172e-02 6.25843287e-01 2.34713510e-01 -1.82194784e-01 -2.82756925e-01 2.31153175e-01 -1.29655510e-01 4.93666619e-01 -2.50249803e-01 2.41629809e-01 -2.73346156e-01 1.38570249e-01 1.25034913e-01 5.16607054e-02 1.26474887e-01 1.58678710e-01 -7.63528869e-02 -1.04199030e-01 2.07386509e-01 -4.03432995e-02 5.34720540e-01 -2.14107130e-02 7.64501914e-02 -1.87605441e-01 1.62718162e-01 -4.10607457e-01 -3.14078145e-02 -1.39971986e-01 4.02550668e-01 -3.42753083e-02 1.15023747e-01 1.27472147e-01 -2.24508777e-01 1.55977130e-01 -3.49555239e-02 4.27212715e-01 3.56534839e-01 4.08968516e-02 -7.55377710e-02 2.05739394e-01 -2.74773985e-02 2.29763061e-01 4.81187314e-01 -5.86417019e-02 1.07489796e-02 1.79219976e-01 4.08461392e-02 9.90239903e-02 3.10562998e-01 -2.81858861e-01 -1.18300952e-02 -1.57913178e-01 4.30214763e-01 2.66256958e-01 1.65020421e-01 7.27081522e-02 1.67175844e-01 4.26726379e-02 -1.01566955e-01 2.53034949e-01 2.30117112e-01 -2.23863110e-01 1.75269485e-01 -4.77835774e-01 1.50547102e-01 8.06329679e-03 1.26846775e-01 8.69986489e-02 8.81893188e-03 2.60448009e-01 3.04433517e-02 8.99155289e-02 -1.78143948e-01 -2.47969806e-01 7.69276619e-02 -2.20763400e-01 -3.19224000e-01 -2.14133412e-01 5.74242473e-01 -4.23226804e-01 2.76550055e-01 -2.08684858e-02 -2.87613310e-02 2.28133537e-02 8.54159798e-03 2.07284749e-01 2.58798718e-01 4.08383290e-04 -3.03961754e-01 -7.53787905e-02 -3.41807663e-01 -1.27995998e-01 6.49220049e-02 2.71172523e-01 -2.68756673e-02 -3.95530581e-01 2.29215533e-01 -6.42085195e-01 -7.72263482e-02 4.33082223e-01 1.25899583e-01 -3.49322587e-01 5.19669913e-02 3.22419226e-01 4.09249574e-01 -2.32720733e-01 -1.14298925e-01 -3.98415737e-02 2.79645056e-01 1.48008406e-01 -1.63420856e-01 1.86558887e-01 -3.03267725e-02 -1.98117662e-02 8.96500424e-03 7.98743516e-02 3.23891312e-01 -1.25789925e-01 -6.52495697e-02 -3.28972191e-01 -2.38292590e-02 -1.02097601e-01 1.68166548e-01 -1.89229146e-01 3.76728356e-01 2.08241284e-01 -2.42666081e-01 -1.29274219e-01 -5.44849038e-03 -1.67771503e-01 2.50196874e-01 2.70293504e-02 -1.59950778e-01 -1.98903054e-01 -4.79232669e-01 1.35720253e-01 3.29428047e-01 3.08763862e-01 1.48619950e-01 1.69604078e-01 -3.61175120e-01 3.74371856e-01 -7.20496848e-02 -9.05932188e-02 1.60466373e-01 3.08103830e-01 4.55463044e-02 -1.69783935e-01 -3.98486495e-01 4.51115407e-02 1.92723155e-01 5.26734769e-01 2.51106501e-01 -1.32947534e-01 3.37950914e-05 -2.49357417e-01 1.04206547e-01 -4.45731618e-02 6.78106099e-02 1.93311021e-01 6.52062893e-02 -6.85745031e-02 -1.22913480e-01 -9.88986567e-02 1.20142773e-01 -6.34720996e-02 -2.32026979e-01 -4.24702644e-01 2.14939043e-01 -1.50261819e-01 1.00080252e-01 -9.50988606e-02 1.55289233e-01 7.45964646e-02 -1.05238147e-02 1.61801755e-01 1.81241035e-01 -5.68472505e-01 -1.72757581e-01 7.83095602e-03 7.36003757e-01 -3.97589207e-02 -3.55975807e-01 2.84583688e-01 4.55120392e-02 3.93295228e-01 -9.16728973e-02 -3.27492535e-01 -3.63122369e-03 -2.15648293e-01 3.91747296e-01 1.96743205e-01 -2.02376824e-02 -1.30285949e-01 -3.69173199e-01 -2.15013161e-01 2.63551295e-01 1.97518066e-01 1.86923757e-01 4.95744526e-01 5.01531847e-02 -2.86925972e-01 2.51958380e-03 2.78709888e-01 -2.53436446e-01 1.33091047e-01 7.80225545e-02 8.90628248e-02 -1.26121446e-01 1.67503282e-01 3.39804798e-01 -1.92982852e-01 2.77816772e-01 -9.76817831e-02 6.95262030e-02 -7.42080733e-02 7.79211819e-02 -7.49389129e-03 1.30091399e-01 1.68377697e-01 -3.17907184e-02 9.91198793e-02 1.95325181e-01 -1.91457808e-01 -2.01985478e-01 -2.77255327e-01 -1.25377804e-01 -5.29259071e-02 3.82431626e-01 1.91254228e-01 -1.18547313e-01 -1.99001119e-01 6.31567299e-01 -1.57080576e-01 5.11263125e-02 -1.65454790e-01 -1.88962206e-01 -7.33259320e-02 3.76266949e-02 8.99514109e-02 4.98187602e-01 -2.06841871e-01 1.47383407e-01 -9.94375870e-02 1.48318246e-01 -2.00621873e-01 1.07957013e-01 -3.13304849e-02 1.02678247e-01 4.15629625e-01 4.74429205e-02 3.55026662e-01 -3.65673974e-02 -4.07602906e-01 3.64772230e-02 1.17027029e-01 -1.98190972e-01 5.92452288e-02 -1.75662413e-01 9.39171091e-02 -2.38743424e-01 1.81894332e-01 -3.85729223e-01 -7.07423240e-02 3.34915482e-02 3.43933180e-02 -1.97931111e-01 -1.97842885e-02 3.75967264e-01 -1.42366841e-01 -2.42288351e-01 6.00286722e-01 1.08669899e-01 1.28123472e-02 2.78971106e-01 1.86888590e-01 -7.28955343e-02 3.75569254e-01 7.06940740e-02 -1.71420559e-01 -4.19618249e-01 6.33211955e-02 2.83758640e-01 4.32271918e-04 -3.11344564e-01 -2.51372427e-01 5.39253466e-02 5.60307801e-02 -2.03237012e-01 3.60041112e-01 -4.95561272e-01 4.80721533e-01 -3.83525550e-01 1.70780271e-01 5.16599655e-01 -9.84331127e-03 -1.04774781e-01 -1.08267806e-01 -4.83404696e-01 1.06762394e-01 2.89962351e-01 3.11856717e-01 -1.24469571e-01 1.42275989e-01 3.17490846e-01 6.30426407e-01 -4.01798368e-01 -4.39413488e-02 -4.36115265e-02 1.43938214e-01 2.15227976e-01 3.95785451e-01 -1.01135433e-01 2.23909661e-01 1.27326176e-01 -4.90914196e-01 1.94389999e-01 -2.47565895e-01 -4.77093369e-01 -8.00464377e-02 -1.79098248e-01 -2.51948863e-01 5.49960881e-02 1.27596840e-01 1.25180617e-01 2.90488869e-01 -2.33463913e-01 -7.65832067e-02 -2.50581652e-01 8.80310312e-02 -1.24063596e-01 -2.78136849e-01 -2.57847309e-01 5.40393479e-02 -1.76741183e-01 -1.37763888e-01 -1.92226350e-01 3.23362909e-02 -8.40812102e-02 -4.07672003e-02 1.36492273e-03 -5.11477411e-01 3.28852415e-01 -2.65388757e-01 2.00630322e-01 2.80535743e-02 3.19458097e-01 3.02141994e-01 4.94409129e-02 -2.65595280e-02 -5.23113497e-02 -3.73598099e-01 9.69014391e-02 4.55179095e-01 -5.30643344e-01 -1.37859598e-01 -1.16903447e-02 1.49903700e-01 -3.22966129e-02 -1.10300899e-01 -2.74453755e-03 -2.75411963e-01 -1.49943084e-01 1.14197850e-01 1.84315681e-01 2.06729561e-01 -2.53317714e-01 -2.75659431e-02 1.83003008e-01 -2.41113842e-01 3.16696428e-02 3.41925882e-02 1.62931502e-01 -2.95792192e-01 -1.65752694e-01 -1.62427962e-01 1.20866768e-01 7.69618824e-02 6.72321543e-02 3.64658535e-01 1.28561389e-02 -3.40967506e-01 2.49210689e-02 -3.42555158e-02 2.69967586e-01 4.92063820e-01 4.49974686e-01 -1.78997487e-01 3.50337476e-01 2.21564963e-01 -4.53360796e-01 -3.58469844e-01 9.17934701e-02 -4.46503423e-02 2.18900025e-01 4.02498730e-02 4.10365433e-01 -2.02009693e-01 -3.08408141e-01 -5.70397019e-01 2.36848727e-01 -9.80290622e-02 1.31947264e-01 2.71437675e-01 1.13332152e+00 -1.96013004e-01 -3.84114147e-03 9.99816507e-02 -4.26818997e-01 -5.60086146e-02 -2.65304625e-01 -3.53454351e-02 -2.01635808e-01 -6.91820309e-02 -3.90607230e-02 -4.36956026e-02 -5.12254387e-02 1.32806329e-02 -1.58950984e-01 -1.44348264e-01 -1.97345659e-01 3.79519880e-01 4.96630311e-01 5.63508928e-01 -5.58779226e-04 1.14188284e-01 7.00799841e-03 2.31984794e-01 -3.41941208e-01 -1.06814377e-01 -9.18155685e-02 -2.04756185e-01 3.22984122e-02 1.16791455e-02 -3.41778815e-01 2.48794749e-01 1.05973527e-01 2.54327446e-01 1.80232361e-01 -3.21421504e-01 1.59239754e-01 -1.28611401e-01 -1.75980881e-01 -1.63721457e-01 -1.56261101e-01 4.37085867e-01 5.82092583e-01 -1.49474079e-02 1.44864321e-01 2.48003274e-01 1.60141811e-01 5.64721152e-02 -1.40412688e-01 2.48542354e-01 1.26518279e-01 -1.71992347e-01 -1.43613651e-01 3.30127716e-01 7.42478371e-02 -9.94690955e-02 3.10820490e-01 2.43830964e-01 2.99840290e-02 -1.45831227e-01 1.98628396e-01 -9.40013751e-02 -1.55776506e-02 -1.53392270e-01 1.15072161e-01 -2.91736782e-01 -2.83481404e-02 3.08835626e-01 2.11412266e-01 2.37594515e-01 -1.22828774e-01 -8.33174735e-02 -3.56757864e-02 -3.23338807e-01 2.13485688e-01 -3.13013375e-01 -4.38674629e-01 1.36477306e-01 -3.84179801e-01 -2.20498875e-01 -1.05686128e-01 -1.23894148e-01 7.14134648e-02 -2.62520462e-01 -2.15634137e-01 1.41936302e-01 3.07479538e-02 -3.91465388e-02 2.35942423e-01 1.96474552e-01 -3.50256652e-01 2.40481317e-01 4.50222716e-02 -6.18086383e-02 -3.99627537e-01 -2.18481235e-02 -4.22842115e-01 -1.32579774e-01 -2.49615997e-01 -4.95199800e-01 -2.40247056e-01 -3.63037974e-01 1.82732612e-01 -2.97848672e-01 -1.03965700e-01 -2.88664401e-01 -1.92513287e-01 9.15132239e-02 1.97422095e-02 -1.09906673e-01 -5.08452915e-02 -3.57938334e-02 7.45880678e-02 7.30197057e-02 -1.12789132e-01 1.62034184e-01 2.38496527e-01 1.62594877e-02 -2.46571023e-02 3.20976198e-01 -6.56936020e-02 -2.24455312e-01 -2.47294195e-02 3.14579278e-01 -4.34180498e-02 -4.92060706e-02 -5.15430234e-02 -5.05584180e-02 1.21187277e-01 2.45249674e-01 1.11864120e-01 2.22675860e-01 1.38314784e-01 1.74599197e-02 -1.08046874e-01 1.27639830e-01 -3.02470803e-01 5.48274100e-01 -3.32957894e-01 -2.39851296e-01 -2.47159541e-01 2.99722970e-01 -1.63741603e-01 1.44277230e-01 -5.61819315e-01 2.02657636e-02 5.76849468e-02 2.40137011e-01 -1.60785876e-02 -2.24153236e-01 4.83369201e-01 -3.22526619e-02 2.70049363e-01 2.98146158e-01 1.85549274e-01 2.39135146e-01 8.25838298e-02 -1.66751653e-01 1.39450938e-01 4.96808365e-02 4.26825285e-01 2.90414989e-01 3.34941633e-02 -1.42286360e-01 3.45525295e-01 2.48592600e-01 3.76947075e-01 2.97863156e-01 -4.79514450e-01 -1.48575380e-01 -1.40936956e-01 -7.12176692e-03 5.22372201e-02 6.52963817e-02 -2.47858971e-01 2.48581581e-02 -3.36810172e-01 -2.92214334e-01 1.12660564e-01 3.23186874e-01 2.28348933e-02 -1.08228168e-02 -4.40118402e-01 -2.51841784e-01 4.46760580e-02 -1.49491534e-01 3.45331281e-01 -2.48096645e-01 6.79618046e-02 1.48169603e-02 1.32428100e-02 -1.36734203e-01 5.51886737e-01 -1.16405338e-01 6.06015660e-02 5.41981578e-01 -2.73362011e-01 -4.53894287e-02 2.87001640e-01 1.94368720e-01 4.54603648e-03 -4.93530631e-01 1.72191471e-01 -1.61675036e-01 -2.65633404e-01 -6.52554631e-02 -1.49152294e-01 2.33190060e-01 3.20264846e-01 1.51379734e-01 1.27578795e-01 -1.57317340e-01 1.20837770e-01 -1.13434322e-01 -8.79717525e-03 -1.79883435e-01 2.80819267e-01 -2.63946086e-01 -3.95247191e-02 -2.02655539e-01 3.35250166e-03 -2.76019454e-01 -1.16106886e-02 -4.07577723e-01 -9.28178504e-02 8.37506056e-02 -1.47276456e-02 1.20728768e-01 -3.25549036e-01 3.79443675e-01 5.17199859e-02 1.43235475e-01 1.55182824e-01 -3.28140169e-01 -6.96762204e-02 -8.11196398e-04 -4.14856404e-01 -5.17248511e-01 -6.35920167e-02 2.54528910e-01 -1.49228454e-01 -8.60606283e-02 -9.53294486e-02 4.31614667e-02 -3.24267834e-01 -1.43089905e-01 -1.71687469e-01 1.53449163e-01 9.67907440e-03 4.01128009e-02 -1.03646755e-01 -7.46959671e-02 4.48564393e-03 -1.66125879e-01 1.17912918e-01 9.03663486e-02 -2.07459331e-01 -1.80574059e-01 3.03000137e-02 6.26910985e-01 -1.81911349e-01 1.38605043e-01 -9.37124118e-02 -2.65701592e-01 1.77409053e-02 1.91267103e-01 -1.26232132e-01 4.49256808e-01 2.42300451e-01 1.93764672e-01 -1.15632256e-02 5.44930220e-01 3.08273047e-01 -1.01543628e-01 1.15245201e-01 2.79376775e-01 -1.89636365e-01 -8.32654014e-02 -1.62952557e-01 3.82893771e-01 1.95053816e-01 2.92998999e-01 -7.15888962e-02 -1.18417621e-01 -1.90916881e-01 -4.65785153e-02 4.25291389e-01 3.41501743e-01 -4.61956650e-01 -2.68589318e-01 1.09768413e-01 9.51249674e-02 -5.61361238e-02 -3.46826583e-01 -2.68855184e-01 8.79033059e-02 4.21019718e-02 -2.92089641e-01 2.30422169e-01 -3.17992717e-01 -2.68001437e-01 1.27875820e-01 3.75423849e-01 -1.66383237e-01 -7.18128979e-02 -1.12301834e-01 -2.76283622e-01]
"Meandering Man" active "Item #: SCP-279 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: There is no known way of inhibiting SCP-279’s movements. As SCP-279 has not yet been sighted outside of its host town, D███, the city has been placed under a Level-█ lockdown. No media regarding SCP-279 are permitted to leave the town. If at all possible, the civilians are to be kept unaware of the anomalous properties of SCP-279, as well as the fact that their city is being monitored. SCP-279 requires no other containment methods to remain secure. A minimum of 2 agents are to follow SCP-279’s movements as closely as they are able. Description: SCP-279 appears to be a man in his early forties, of unremarkable appearance and dress. SCP-279 does not respond to any form of external stimuli, and has not been observed to deviate from a standard neutral expression. SCP-279 has been reported to spontaneously disappear and reappear throughout D███, presenting unusual difficulties to agents required to monitor it. SCP-279 seemingly spends the majority of its time travelling through the town of D███. Attempts to eliminate SCP-279 have failed. SCP-279 continues whatever it is in the process of doing regardless of any injury it has sustained. Small portions of SCP-279 attempt to continue locomotion even when separated from the whole. In light of this, attempts to dispatch SCP-279 have been indefinitely postponed. All samples taken confirm that SCP-279 is human. At approximately 3:00 AM, SCP-279 vanishes for two hours and returns in its original state at another location in D███. Containment or restraint is impossible as SCP-279 possesses an inordinate amount of strength when physically restrained and has utilized its ability to spontaneously reappear in a different location when indirectly restrained. Although SCP-279 has no known motive, it does not have a known history of violent behavior. SCP-279 has been observed standing in unusual areas for up to several days at a time, looking into windows of occupied rooms, walking in a circle roughly two meters in diameter for ██ hours, [DATA EXPUNGED] in houses, entering shops and [REDACTED] staring [REDACTED] shop manager informed local authorities after three minutes, walking along roads, etc. Care must be taken to avoid direct skin contact with SCP-279. When such contact is made, the person in question will vanish along with SCP-279 at the usual time of disappearance. Only one individual has been recovered after direct contact with SCP-279, despite [REDACTED] D-class and equipment expended. Said individual appeared to be in a state of near-catatonic shock upon recovery in a basement. After being relocated to Site-██, the subject showed signs of being legally blind despite examinations proving vision was only slightly farsighted. Subject appeared to be reasonably lucid despite showing signs of mental [DATA EXPUNGED]. [DATA EXPUNGED] reported saying “Get away from me” repeatedly while [DATA EXPUNGED] however, does not satisfactorily explain the injuries the subject incurred while confined to a straitjacket, in a padded room. Addendum-279-A: Agents monitoring SCP-279 have brought to our attention a problematic development. While in the past, information leaks were secured easily due to the fact that SCP-279 rarely appeared near large crowds, it has recently been frequenting densely populated areas. More conspicuously odd actions have also been noted, although this may be due to the fact that more people are reporting unusual events surrounding SCP-279. Despite our best efforts, SCP-279 has since become something of a landmark of the town due to its open, unusual behavior. Liberal amounts of amnestics were administered when citizens noticed connections between missing individuals and SCP-279. Violence directed towards SCP-279 attracted large amounts of attention and resulted in an immense security breach before agents were able to arrive. Currently, efforts are being made to maintain security without upsetting the population of D███. However, if [REDACTED] fails, the city is to be put under a Level-██ lockdown. Attempts to maintain any pretense that D███ is not being closely monitored will be discontinued. As it is a relatively small town, the process of [DATA EXPUNGED] ought to go smoothly. -Dr. ████████ . . . LEVEL 5 SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED: Recently, a researcher who has a notable history of [REDACTED] noticed an odd distortion in a picture of SCP-279. After considerable concentration, the doctor was able to see a similar distortion in all files depicting SCP-279. Dr. █████ then discovered an effective method of [REDACTED] an extremely elaborate and convoluted process, after considerable time, [REDACTED] was able to achieve the desired effect. An extremely subtle memetic hazard had affected SCP-279 and nearly all examinations it was involved in. Since then, SCP-279 has been confirmed to be decidedly not human. DNA re-testing is impossible due to the nature of SCP-279, but it appears to be [REDACTED] [REDACTED] testing confirmed that Agents claimed to be grasping SCP-279's arm when, as viewed with the aid of Dr. █████'s methods, the Agents' arm appeared to be [DATA EXPUNGED] up to the elbow in [REDACTED] is unknown. [REDACTED] researchers were reminded that despite the admittedly unsavory aspects of allowing it to interact with civilians, [DATA EXPUNGED] use of Foundation resources, coupled with the fact that very little is known of SCP-279’s motives, requests to evacuate D███ have been denied along with requests to [DATA EXPUNGED] Researchers are reminded to maintain a professional calm. As per mutual agreement, the Containment Procedures regarding SCP-279 have been updated. Agents tasked with monitoring SCP-279 have not been informed of its nature, as the information was deemed to be too distressing. « SCP-278 | SCP-279 | SCP-280 »" nan
[ 4.68817577e-02 -3.60942841e-01 -1.18610010e-01 -1.90386742e-01 1.42494991e-01 -4.84785169e-01 3.42838377e-01 -9.59896520e-02 -1.11099891e-01 1.57469690e-01 2.86992252e-01 2.33038396e-01 -3.53703320e-01 -2.66095251e-02 2.50384539e-01 -2.17560619e-01 1.05994098e-01 1.83133692e-01 6.48275986e-02 -5.77791594e-02 1.42091244e-01 -2.19121158e-01 -2.01375663e-01 2.80167818e-01 -1.33176014e-01 -1.82285458e-01 1.84230268e-01 -1.07180528e-01 1.98763430e-01 -4.09486771e-01 -3.78379971e-02 7.09343255e-02 3.89569178e-02 6.38904870e-01 -1.09049593e-04 -1.74438253e-01 2.48026978e-02 1.01080917e-01 -1.30556837e-01 -2.69055247e-01 2.47516215e-01 -1.49133846e-01 1.68870613e-01 -2.52813756e-01 -1.42277762e-01 -1.14872083e-01 1.00749157e-01 2.04432756e-01 6.03463113e-01 2.39292413e-01 2.24054068e-01 8.71712342e-02 2.40389127e-02 -2.66843915e-01 -4.95663881e-02 5.66493236e-02 -1.65185824e-01 -2.88313329e-01 2.89417952e-01 9.36436281e-02 4.85363230e-02 -2.23455474e-01 -2.39497185e-01 -1.09370947e-01 3.58242303e-01 -2.24213734e-01 1.22346766e-01 -3.26509364e-02 3.29262853e-01 3.25013965e-01 4.17134305e-03 5.64847030e-02 2.85997152e-01 -1.25435472e-01 4.87366319e-02 1.26895681e-01 5.07515728e-01 -1.03660487e-02 -2.84843266e-01 9.61610768e-03 -2.46654257e-01 3.25049937e-01 -2.66674548e-01 1.68356419e-01 -5.66091418e-01 1.47073418e-01 -2.94572692e-02 4.34398092e-02 2.41839975e-01 -5.57272509e-02 -1.48828760e-01 2.38429364e-02 3.58855128e-01 1.80052429e-01 1.04197256e-01 -2.67398417e-01 1.29967183e-01 -1.18895777e-01 -3.83602493e-02 3.01338255e-01 -9.32832807e-02 6.54488131e-02 -1.88620463e-01 -6.85292156e-03 2.08689600e-01 -8.06774721e-02 6.33813441e-02 -1.37718678e-01 -1.57714009e-01 5.78076720e-01 1.28306374e-01 1.34667218e-01 -3.02572727e-01 9.97013375e-02 1.55845553e-01 -1.39989719e-01 -7.62392804e-02 -8.94868970e-02 -4.20246542e-01 1.85000569e-01 -3.45593095e-01 2.60021895e-01 1.78150713e-01 3.60722572e-01 4.17435527e-01 -9.67060775e-02 -2.04935178e-01 -2.76723713e-01 -3.44944336e-02 1.65862396e-01 -1.96173832e-01 4.06024568e-02 -3.25783223e-01 -2.05407694e-01 -1.18779488e-01 2.51779735e-01 3.00745238e-02 -4.43855412e-02 -1.31428659e-01 1.14848956e-01 7.13519659e-03 -1.99615270e-01 5.05295694e-01 7.00358897e-02 -5.87647378e-01 -1.56928241e-01 -8.12973827e-02 -4.63168114e-01 -1.05627492e-01 -8.62492025e-02 4.24813360e-01 2.23151669e-01 -1.63999245e-01 1.83969036e-01 -1.60289943e-01 -1.58083871e-01 4.55984503e-01 2.33130790e-02 -3.59157473e-01 -2.43904293e-01 3.11189443e-01 2.72520006e-01 -8.42447579e-02 -2.33209312e-01 1.56307921e-01 2.57167488e-01 2.15364113e-01 -2.27769285e-01 1.53376549e-01 2.72609312e-02 1.02821454e-01 1.15116937e-02 -2.20538855e-01 -3.14941630e-02 -2.50645459e-01 6.64523393e-02 -4.34437960e-01 -9.72575974e-03 -5.76969683e-02 -1.95497155e-01 -5.15873015e-01 3.35934103e-01 1.99348375e-01 -3.21120292e-01 -2.47779056e-01 -4.28169593e-02 -1.19101413e-01 2.49136969e-01 1.86827257e-01 4.72621061e-02 -6.59093037e-02 -3.21570843e-01 2.10699424e-01 -6.65443391e-02 1.37971401e-01 -1.46344617e-01 2.46670395e-01 5.67735992e-02 1.29894122e-01 2.32007444e-01 -9.89443809e-02 -3.68160345e-02 1.53852046e-01 1.77271403e-02 -1.53806582e-01 -6.36428446e-02 -1.58367276e-01 -1.49349749e-01 5.72029710e-01 4.01808918e-02 -1.88856512e-01 -1.69945210e-01 -2.61861593e-01 -1.72337770e-01 -3.87465246e-02 -9.63790715e-02 2.82097608e-01 1.03199363e-01 -4.72762883e-02 -1.55383721e-01 -1.68859944e-01 -2.47504488e-01 2.38555104e-01 -1.16640180e-01 1.95439696e-01 3.19049776e-01 -5.84770329e-02 -4.87371720e-02 -6.49525523e-02 1.19600251e-01 2.11785600e-01 4.74082939e-02 8.27934891e-02 -7.81296100e-03 -5.98583072e-02 1.23574503e-01 2.54043102e-01 5.75141728e-01 2.11463198e-02 -1.71515018e-01 -6.82391524e-02 1.26236796e-01 2.31683835e-01 -1.98487058e-01 -8.08927536e-01 -1.58991903e-01 -4.72452529e-02 2.61520475e-01 -2.26445049e-02 -2.17324961e-02 1.63829684e-01 -2.89089739e-01 1.23185314e-01 -2.07455307e-02 3.86422843e-01 2.26043001e-01 1.65906012e-01 7.38139376e-02 -1.12846106e-01 1.21521607e-01 -6.13395758e-02 1.13914847e-01 2.68617332e-01 7.91994631e-02 1.84339836e-01 -4.58649918e-02 1.66436076e-01 4.73674923e-01 -1.84851587e-01 6.51221573e-02 2.94760436e-01 -7.85254873e-03 7.59410337e-02 -1.37302339e-01 2.50759930e-03 1.24850847e-01 1.23795360e-01 3.48675191e-01 1.25493020e-01 3.79283816e-01 -2.32972860e-01 -2.99602866e-01 7.46967494e-02 -6.14100173e-02 -1.90163217e-03 1.01545073e-01 -2.27018744e-01 -9.52708498e-02 -1.88451260e-02 4.10109609e-01 -3.51156056e-01 1.00805499e-01 -1.02142729e-01 1.01162136e-01 -1.38566688e-01 1.97488040e-01 1.30460367e-01 4.36481744e-01 -3.31407875e-01 1.34845361e-01 -3.48297596e-01 2.03630045e-01 1.34477136e-03 1.27920315e-01 -1.26690656e-01 2.52965063e-01 5.23284912e-01 5.45051545e-02 1.44370198e-01 -2.00573266e-01 -4.70946610e-01 1.58705980e-01 1.94634408e-01 -2.95433044e-01 4.12641913e-01 -1.22364201e-01 -4.85728562e-01 4.57116589e-02 4.08146493e-02 -7.25677669e-01 -3.00444067e-02 -1.26021996e-01 -1.39183879e-01 8.34646150e-02 -2.85605770e-02 6.39571726e-01 -7.10188672e-02 -3.49880785e-01 1.45299926e-01 1.87192574e-01 -3.65049392e-02 -2.62764399e-04 -1.16295114e-01 3.11552674e-01 -1.60134390e-01 1.28161628e-02 -2.10717216e-01 -3.50468084e-02 1.62105158e-01 -9.80898621e-04 3.48717794e-02 -2.07408205e-01 -2.86418200e-01 2.65265048e-01 -1.55431986e-01 -4.41939265e-01 -1.73407510e-01 -2.12467000e-01 2.81570554e-01 -1.74814209e-01 -3.19162220e-01 4.62711811e-01 7.28809610e-02 -3.00675064e-01 2.73751691e-02 -3.30791205e-01 8.40007514e-02 3.24708581e-01 3.53257984e-01 -2.18598410e-01 2.21289098e-02 5.83158314e-01 1.58327818e-01 -1.52050570e-01 -6.02103062e-02 1.03862055e-01 2.04064518e-01 1.02411352e-01 1.38761356e-01 -7.08848760e-02 4.29329164e-02 1.34327814e-01 -4.03256387e-01 1.54813036e-01 -2.54378039e-02 -2.02792361e-01 -3.64151672e-02 -3.48680049e-01 -2.30734795e-01 -1.31852567e-01 4.44378965e-02 7.22671568e-01 3.62194739e-02 -1.98415369e-01 1.35928392e-01 1.18839638e-02 -1.58779338e-01 -3.18680108e-02 2.50113368e-01 1.56513959e-01 7.53889382e-02 -5.86469233e-01 -3.33214439e-02 -2.89644986e-01 2.57261023e-02 -1.41481861e-01 -1.00258075e-01 -3.98173153e-01 -8.43901485e-02 2.49083906e-01 -2.78764367e-01 -1.06024761e-02 4.47515666e-01 3.12278509e-01 3.95936519e-01 1.59410834e-01 -1.06750175e-01 8.87047648e-02 -6.57262653e-02 2.81941503e-01 1.63683757e-01 -2.38133892e-01 -2.98375160e-01 -1.91762581e-01 2.36746594e-01 -2.44752094e-01 4.36108261e-02 -2.40216032e-01 1.11137509e-01 -3.74113292e-01 -3.62861991e-01 9.20994133e-02 1.59560144e-01 -2.37899423e-01 -2.14799065e-02 -1.64883614e-01 2.89889984e-02 2.00673804e-01 1.84820052e-02 -1.67157039e-01 5.92299551e-02 1.43422917e-01 -2.02803731e-01 5.62058091e-01 2.33780667e-01 1.91910952e-01 1.66745916e-01 2.73910612e-01 -1.25281930e-01 9.89563018e-02 -3.99539210e-02 1.85258836e-01 6.49006724e-01 1.10936753e-01 1.95738703e-01 1.11169174e-01 4.69866008e-01 1.21771760e-01 -2.72610653e-02 2.03375712e-01 1.92178398e-01 2.24907622e-01 9.75760892e-02 2.77109653e-01 -2.36608312e-01 -3.33438128e-01 -2.56050557e-01 3.22649889e-02 -1.40113384e-01 2.85655200e-01 1.95362732e-01 1.24274004e+00 3.25244933e-01 2.03256249e-01 1.48485631e-01 -2.51538098e-01 1.74975201e-01 -1.29252905e-02 -1.34735554e-01 -9.86360479e-03 2.19776928e-01 -5.13011143e-02 -1.73511714e-01 8.82082507e-02 4.19209480e-01 -4.49067652e-01 -2.33575538e-01 -6.02133691e-01 6.72620833e-02 8.58038142e-02 2.74090350e-01 1.94341436e-01 -7.96102062e-02 3.67670283e-02 2.60933906e-01 -2.61077791e-01 2.10778609e-01 5.16196564e-02 1.22270599e-01 2.11707428e-01 1.23783313e-01 1.34437876e-02 -1.85332835e-01 -1.10239707e-01 5.16430028e-02 1.15176504e-02 -2.05117241e-01 2.24179514e-02 -4.25604165e-01 -1.98699296e-01 -2.26509526e-01 -1.64090499e-01 6.31673753e-01 5.50378621e-01 -2.18763426e-01 1.02160528e-01 1.96138117e-02 3.75702083e-02 -3.74620818e-02 2.14812070e-01 3.35595340e-01 -1.53109163e-01 -2.26474553e-01 -4.69188206e-02 -9.31374952e-02 4.27351713e-01 -5.79814240e-02 6.02114558e-01 1.74321637e-01 -1.85652167e-01 -1.72967583e-01 2.31287435e-01 6.94407299e-02 -1.70132115e-01 -8.48462135e-02 1.39088959e-01 -1.19537175e-01 -3.86793092e-02 3.16824943e-01 1.06168471e-01 -4.38240528e-01 3.18457454e-01 1.08033702e-01 -3.99831504e-01 -4.10074234e-01 -1.00406408e-01 -3.10596645e-01 -3.59964579e-01 2.24676803e-01 -2.22156182e-01 -2.87175357e-01 -1.25728836e-02 1.94383949e-01 1.76762283e-01 -3.11662465e-01 -2.73222238e-01 -4.12760191e-02 5.28717116e-02 -1.22622460e-01 1.69107839e-01 3.41338158e-01 -2.39988789e-02 3.35867375e-01 8.08545649e-02 1.50300592e-01 -4.00727957e-01 9.74236056e-02 -2.84608603e-01 7.85217881e-02 -1.05169415e-01 -4.92776245e-01 -2.79442191e-01 -2.29313392e-02 1.46784663e-01 1.00405559e-01 -1.54046208e-01 -2.40455419e-01 -9.99094918e-02 1.06082685e-01 -1.18847869e-01 -3.19889158e-01 -1.85304686e-01 1.45241112e-01 1.15598448e-01 4.36187834e-02 -7.48740435e-02 3.17885488e-01 2.72328556e-01 -1.87643871e-01 1.16145708e-01 5.77357737e-03 -2.21431389e-01 -1.10495731e-01 1.48389518e-01 3.43155175e-01 -4.57611121e-02 8.73211622e-02 -3.17351311e-01 -7.58213848e-02 3.78722131e-01 2.59390384e-01 7.91636556e-02 1.51170850e-01 3.17278929e-04 -1.91310957e-01 -1.49743870e-01 2.49161988e-01 -3.84963810e-01 8.33513141e-02 -5.07739365e-01 -2.14273810e-01 2.29733810e-01 3.29479307e-01 5.90510108e-02 -8.29751417e-02 -4.05616947e-02 2.81323493e-01 6.89746439e-02 -1.73306894e-02 -4.28273864e-02 -4.91966963e-01 1.76382717e-02 1.62626594e-01 7.64522702e-02 -3.40023786e-02 8.38629082e-02 -2.56842315e-01 -2.04327837e-01 -3.05668235e-01 2.85025269e-01 2.41671905e-01 2.50109226e-01 3.74291867e-01 1.05022766e-01 -5.22060916e-02 1.52236700e-01 5.94767332e-01 1.68037042e-01 -8.49513896e-03 -3.25792789e-01 2.44051129e-01 -3.46850246e-01 2.72203106e-02 2.25863531e-01 -1.95529342e-01 -4.79334295e-02 -1.65615886e-01 -5.35822332e-01 -1.11388341e-01 -3.81143987e-02 3.34629476e-01 -1.55501306e-01 -1.64189383e-01 -2.53114343e-01 -1.60331681e-01 2.18084436e-02 3.23136114e-02 1.47860467e-01 -2.62044696e-03 1.21077150e-01 2.17981339e-01 -8.47144052e-02 -1.39410987e-01 6.86084867e-01 -1.57169268e-01 8.09943974e-02 5.44817805e-01 -1.13242559e-01 1.05225623e-01 8.02904293e-02 2.53189057e-01 -1.26803711e-01 -1.13985799e-01 -5.08409850e-02 -3.23208988e-01 -1.34509578e-01 -2.41172075e-01 1.60994411e-01 -2.94520371e-02 -1.49196554e-02 2.05589354e-01 1.52015179e-01 -2.81598896e-01 -4.18024361e-01 -8.64583403e-02 1.92668185e-01 -2.19209388e-01 -7.64889494e-02 -1.08358242e-01 -1.29180536e-01 1.55712087e-02 -8.06497708e-02 -1.72970325e-01 -1.53870910e-01 5.19606583e-02 -3.25338244e-01 1.59957737e-01 -2.19436318e-01 9.72618759e-02 3.16449106e-02 9.54570994e-02 -6.60911351e-02 3.75855774e-01 1.07701747e-02 -5.24781287e-01 -2.71911472e-01 2.46573776e-01 -4.20906506e-02 -2.62894392e-01 3.69595528e-01 2.49965265e-02 -2.13055462e-01 2.50729144e-01 8.98064673e-02 5.37043571e-01 -6.98413402e-02 -1.04150720e-01 -3.46075147e-02 3.37231725e-01 4.81871456e-01 -1.17485650e-01 -1.20619878e-01 -8.11426491e-02 1.79179013e-01 -3.64256382e-01 1.90793306e-01 1.36595652e-01 -1.90899476e-01 -2.09109113e-01 7.45088339e-01 2.99721062e-01 -1.77424159e-02 8.29213671e-03 -7.34232217e-02 7.92888328e-02 2.32173473e-01 1.51548669e-01 -1.26672998e-01 3.87076974e-01 -1.71316857e-03 4.18313518e-02 1.43791467e-01 8.01533103e-01 3.95383090e-01 9.12172720e-04 9.84318107e-02 3.19532573e-01 -1.12313226e-01 -1.47534147e-01 -1.22948401e-01 3.95217061e-01 1.24166850e-02 6.11656487e-01 1.45458490e-01 -2.84367681e-01 -6.56524301e-02 -4.04792994e-01 5.90042770e-01 -1.28781736e-01 -2.80228913e-01 -3.34873080e-01 7.40692765e-02 1.26294911e-01 3.24752703e-02 -2.56584674e-01 -3.05266678e-01 9.76014063e-02 -4.83654700e-02 -1.64244492e-02 3.29512358e-02 -4.95733649e-01 -1.39834687e-01 -1.23464786e-01 3.88653904e-01 2.92802360e-02 -2.32838821e-02 -1.15869671e-01 -1.02243312e-01]
"Eyes in the Dark" active "Item #: SCP-280 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-280 is to be contained in a 5 x 5 meter cell, and no equipment of any kind is to be left inside when staff are not present. Containment area is to be kept in total darkness at all times. Any items taken into the containment cell must be removed by staff at the end of testing, and any staff entering into containment must wear infrared goggles and be equipped with an infrared ID strobe and a strong flashlight. In the event of an SCP-280 attack, all staff are to power on their flashlights and illuminate the subject under attack. No aggressive action is to be taken against SCP-280, and staff are to keep one meter from SCP-280 at all times. Staff should continue to illuminate SCP-280 until it retreats to a sufficient distance to allow the recovery and extraction of the subject of the attack. Description: SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 appears to be wholly composed of matter that can gain or lose corporeal form. This matter is very black, with only the eyes showing any other color, and when changing to a non-corporeal form, looks much like smoke. The eyes are non-functioning, and appear only when SCP-280 is retreating, appearing to be used like eyespots on some insects. SCP-280 is very strong, and has been observed pulling apart steel with its hands, showing no sign of stress. SCP-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a “sleepwalker pose” by observers. SCP-280 will move slowly towards any human beings and attempt to attack them. SCP-280 appears to sense human life; no limit has yet been found on this ability. SCP-280 will approach to within 14 centimeters of a subject, and then use its hands to pull and tear at the subject, causing massive physical trauma. The attack can last between one and five minutes, and will continue until the death of the subject, at which point SCP-280 will expose its eyes, lose corporeal form, and move to the next human. If no humans are present, SCP-280 will move and ball up against a wall or other structure until a human being is again present. SCP-280 will retreat slowly from light, exposing its eyes in the direction of the light, or at any nearby humans. This has been described as extremely disconcerting by those who have been stared at. If the area that SCP-280 currently resides in becomes fully illuminated, or there is a very bright burst of light, SCP-280 will fade away and re-appear in another area. This appears to be done purely as a defensive response to light, and will not be used to follow or attack prey. SCP-280 does not appear to eat, breathe, or sleep. It does not ingest any of the tissue removed during an attack, and simply drops it to tear a new piece. Due to its ability to become incorporeal at will, and its aggressive nature, no samples of SCP-280 have been collected. Addendum: Notes on Recovery SCP-280 was recovered in ██████████, Mississippi after several reports of locked-room murders and child deaths. All were reported as being extremely vicious, and victims were "horribly mangled." The Foundation became involved after a family of five was murdered in their home. A survivor was found in the basement, 9-year-old David ██████, who had come over for a sleep over. He was found in an advanced state of shock, holding a flashlight and unresponsive to outside stimulus. During an investigation of the basement, an officer was attacked and badly mutilated. His statement attracted the interest of Foundation agents. During recovery, SCP-280 was temporarily lost due to its ability to teleport when exposed to high levels of light. It was also observed that SCP-280 is frequently discounted as a shadow when seen in the dark, or dismissed as clothing, hair, or another object when accidentally touched in the dark. When tracking a subject, SCP-280 will remain incorporeal until the moment of attack, causing some to walk very close to or through SCP-280. Subjects report a feeling of dread and unease when inside SCP-280. SCP-280 usually does not respond to this, but will sometimes expose its eyes and enter its retreating posture when passed through. No pattern has emerged for this behavior. Addendum: Notes Following Testing During a series of extensive testing of the effects of various illumination sources on SCP-280's retreat reflex, SCP-280 broke containment. SCP-280 was observed to repeatedly appear and dissipate throughout the illuminated Site, progressing through the sub-levels and eventually appearing in SCP-1591's containment chamber. Upon being exposed to SCP-1591, SCP-280 displayed its eyes but did not retreat. The entity paused and knelt for several minutes before demanifestation. SCP-280 reappeared in its cell several hours later without incident. « SCP-279 | SCP-280 | SCP-281 »" nan
[ 2.97943234e-01 -1.81693643e-01 -1.52717352e-01 -2.56084412e-01 2.95088103e-04 -2.42758736e-01 4.44706410e-01 2.56304275e-02 -5.96702211e-02 -6.72274008e-02 -9.49543715e-02 3.72284390e-02 -3.20942581e-01 8.84838030e-03 3.43820214e-01 4.86762151e-02 -3.55956145e-02 4.64168251e-01 -4.94434088e-01 -1.34267434e-01 -9.86588523e-02 -2.86523849e-01 -2.53842294e-01 1.41964704e-01 -1.93705708e-02 -1.58087481e-02 -1.96054503e-02 1.38449017e-02 1.38607444e-02 -4.76826191e-01 2.83899605e-01 -3.36852781e-02 -2.50198767e-02 5.11365175e-01 -1.07428328e-04 -1.93496406e-01 6.31706715e-02 2.05732003e-01 -3.33534554e-02 3.05891275e-01 1.67731017e-01 -3.12318325e-01 2.17265517e-01 -3.69608551e-01 4.88829948e-02 1.98597789e-01 1.64815068e-01 7.21336380e-02 1.91330358e-01 3.24880153e-01 1.47775188e-01 -2.41955766e-03 2.96344578e-01 1.72452435e-01 1.58003151e-01 1.33274302e-01 -1.81774989e-01 -5.53275228e-01 7.54643828e-02 8.55310410e-02 2.81183451e-01 1.48509905e-01 -9.93792266e-02 -2.52611667e-01 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3.20904434e-01 -3.07028502e-01 -1.32274806e-01 -7.18392134e-02 -1.12981550e-01 8.19841400e-02 9.14889500e-02 5.92055678e-01 4.47739884e-02 1.78350687e-01 4.72673416e-01 -2.65177697e-01 -5.57533465e-02 6.82939410e-01 -9.06810760e-02 -1.72181606e-01 6.55765891e-01 6.81807706e-03 3.21259022e-01 -9.07562375e-02 2.21708521e-01 -1.32183284e-01 -1.59290671e-01 -2.79639393e-01 1.24345869e-01 -1.39473245e-01 -1.90273792e-01 5.19402213e-02 3.61750603e-01 9.24426094e-02 9.21377167e-02 1.23259023e-01 -2.23559126e-01 -1.75368115e-01 9.99147668e-02 -1.11382931e-01 -2.50861477e-02 1.08167164e-01 -8.52707773e-02 -2.49793962e-01 -1.92387640e-01 5.46663292e-02 -1.32784098e-01 -8.66206139e-02 -1.57310784e-01 -2.63086766e-01 1.17978036e-01 -1.15389146e-01 7.95008987e-02 -1.15978464e-01 1.73266120e-02 -3.15115750e-01 3.12913597e-01 -7.64521956e-02 -2.53653586e-01 -4.71190400e-02 2.26205021e-01 -7.16752633e-02 -6.68274641e-01 2.69833595e-01 8.58319253e-02 1.19365476e-01 2.20621243e-01 1.86976507e-01 -1.50582001e-01 -6.42641932e-02 -1.37231024e-02 -3.33459228e-01 2.91704178e-01 7.81248361e-02 1.15056150e-01 4.42190133e-02 6.41406253e-02 1.00710401e-02 -2.61499345e-01 2.82553196e-01 3.80771384e-02 -8.37154835e-02 -4.00892310e-02 4.96468972e-04 4.83888835e-01 -1.38636120e-02 3.04979324e-01 -1.49749011e-01 -3.56301844e-01 5.08799970e-01 2.96564579e-01 -1.76064834e-01 -1.14337042e-01 1.40133470e-01 3.34168673e-01 6.77873790e-02 7.82012716e-02 4.84667689e-01 4.62496817e-01 -1.56380594e-01 2.61475772e-01 -1.06035180e-01 6.45323321e-02 -2.63406068e-01 6.09800741e-02 9.05636773e-02 4.52019632e-01 4.10247669e-02 -2.45664194e-01 -2.00723317e-02 -2.59250700e-01 6.98555350e-01 -1.83268324e-01 1.88199237e-01 -1.19960666e-01 7.96515942e-02 -4.05844688e-01 -1.49997920e-01 -2.12319866e-01 -3.52227390e-01 -1.69524223e-01 3.07290666e-02 -1.97460532e-01 -9.66696069e-02 -1.65975645e-01 3.27938758e-02 -3.48371007e-02 -1.22419164e-01 9.92016196e-02 1.29602134e-01 -4.44419801e-01 -3.82023528e-02]
"The Snooze Alarm" active "Item #: SCP-281 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-281 is currently contained within maximum security storage locker 18-E on level 7 of Research, Reliquary, and Containment Site-76. SCP-281's lithium-ion battery pack is to remain plugged into the site's main power grid unless used in testing. Necessary cables have been supplied and are stored with the object. Because of the nature of the object's anomalous properties, testing on SCP-281 is to be authorized by the Level 4 senior member of research staff currently assigned to this project. D-Class personnel used in testing are not to be informed on the nature of SCP-281. Description: SCP-281 is a makeshift device measuring approximately 25 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm. Built into the device is a high capacity lithium-ion laptop battery to provide power. In addition, the object incorporates a variety of components from such diverse sources as a Philips brand alarm clock, a digital kitchen timer of unknown make and model, a NEC PC-8201a portable computer and a USB keypad (brand unknown). Attempts to reverse engineer it have thus far not yielded any significant results. SCP-281 is currently not believed to be functioning as intended by its creator. SCP-281's effects become apparent when the following tasks are performed in the correct sequence: 1. Subject sets an alarm using the alarm clock interface 2. Subject waits for the alarm to sound and presses the alarm clock's snooze button The depression of the snooze button triggers the creation of a localized temporal anomaly around SCP-281. The area affected is a spherical field with an approximate radius of six meters, centered on SCP-281 and designated SCP-281-1. Personnel and items outside this anomaly are not affected in any way. How the device creates the temporal anomaly is unknown at this time. The kitchen timer component of SCP-281 will display 9:00 when SCP-281-1 is created and begin counting down. Setting the kitchen timer to any other amount of minutes or seconds prior to activation does not appear to have any effect on SCP-281's functioning. Within SCP-281-1, time passes at a highly increased rate, with nine minutes lapsing inside it compared to approximately one millisecond outside. From the perspective of those inside the temporal anomaly, time moves at a normal rate while outside of SCP-281-1 time appears to have effectively stopped.1 Subjects within SCP-281-1 can move around within its limits, but attempts to have subjects cross from an active instance of SCP-281-1 into an area beyond its influence have invariably resulted in subjects undergoing massive and acute cellular disruption along the line separating those parts inside and those outside of SCP-281-1. A similar effect has been observed on subjects and objects brought into an instance of SCP-281-1 from outside its area of effect. It has proven possible to move SCP-281-1 by transporting SCP-281 to a different location while active, but any materials, biological or otherwise, immediately suffer a massive cellular and molecular disruption as described above. Any organic material present within SCP-281-1 when the device is activated is subject to normal biological processes over the period of time that lapses inside SCP-281-1. To those outside of SCP-281-1, no time appears to have passed. If subjects present in an active instance of SCP-281-1 have moved during the period of time SCP-281-1 was active, they will seem to have teleported to their new location. As the timer reaches zero minutes and zero seconds, the alarm sounds again and time inside and outside of the instance of SCP-281-1 are instantaneously resynchronized. Due to the abrupt nature of this event, subjects inside SCP-281-1 when the nine-minute period expires, suffer effects resembling severe decompression sickness. Known treatments for that condition have been proven to be equally effective in treating SCP-281 test subjects. Addendum 281-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes On ██/██/20██ a remote monitoring station picked up encrypted transmissions emanating from a location in the █████████ Mountains. After decryption, the transmissions were found to be reporting progress on a project referred to as 'Full Circle' and SCP-281 was secured by a Foundation airborne recovery team during a raid on a fortified hiker's cabin. The device's creator, a 36-year-old African American male identified post-mortem as █████ █. ███████, exhibited erratic and aggressive behavior when encountered. No evidence exists of an affiliation with any known GOI or other organization. « SCP-280 | SCP-281 | SCP-282 »" nan
[ 8.40198174e-02 -4.44294751e-01 -7.10326135e-02 2.30881259e-01 -2.96458274e-01 -2.63287127e-01 4.73316818e-01 -1.08061172e-01 -4.80681323e-02 1.77526735e-02 3.24551880e-01 3.06075007e-01 -4.65880066e-01 5.92807308e-02 3.32688168e-02 2.56481260e-01 -1.05746798e-01 2.43577614e-01 2.44909927e-01 -4.61487360e-02 -1.30819887e-01 -1.14750959e-01 -2.39564404e-01 1.41522974e-01 -8.99693072e-02 9.06837434e-02 1.27653360e-01 -3.50583973e-03 6.55692294e-02 -3.68778944e-01 2.73969293e-01 2.38628209e-01 -1.68247864e-01 4.87364262e-01 -1.07907093e-04 -3.17186803e-01 3.02367419e-01 -1.75743774e-02 -1.92889258e-01 2.15394408e-01 -2.77735412e-01 -7.37977028e-03 -2.96159787e-03 -2.06080437e-01 -1.13749271e-02 2.92801976e-01 -1.64654642e-01 -2.43928343e-01 6.42612651e-02 4.11621660e-01 1.87598825e-01 2.19361305e-01 -1.99081853e-01 6.38502613e-02 3.96392673e-01 7.78506622e-02 -2.26778135e-01 -1.11206949e-01 3.64522874e-01 2.15918884e-01 3.22360708e-03 -6.79680146e-03 1.72679365e-01 5.96041381e-02 6.34110272e-01 -2.76080608e-01 6.13047816e-02 -1.54762203e-02 1.15810804e-01 1.11258850e-01 6.25862479e-02 -1.44386157e-01 -4.84825037e-02 -2.61514693e-01 -2.43653685e-01 -3.03213120e-01 2.55208552e-01 -2.01558307e-01 2.64250427e-01 -1.47347301e-01 7.58751929e-02 3.62990797e-01 -2.63495177e-01 -2.08621487e-01 -7.37323463e-02 1.60364315e-01 -9.62712467e-02 4.45415825e-02 -1.50528923e-01 7.01312944e-02 4.53846395e-01 -1.74365506e-01 6.03463411e-01 2.42203444e-01 6.64611906e-02 -1.23037435e-02 4.11854908e-02 -7.58556202e-02 8.52234811e-02 2.90247500e-02 -3.83175284e-01 3.31555873e-01 2.89179057e-01 -6.11763224e-02 5.48463091e-02 3.34233195e-01 9.54628065e-02 -3.69863898e-01 -5.95885038e-01 3.68176490e-01 -8.29189196e-02 4.89648655e-02 -1.67116225e-02 -2.30794981e-01 1.82117194e-01 -4.80269641e-02 1.09064594e-01 -8.81325230e-02 -1.82949230e-01 3.15322220e-01 -2.60840595e-01 1.26145557e-01 7.19043761e-02 -1.76203623e-03 4.39725816e-01 2.03961566e-01 -5.97635359e-02 -1.64667398e-01 -3.56047034e-01 -2.06893891e-01 -2.68773645e-01 7.79428259e-02 -4.20078278e-01 2.70748526e-01 -2.02993497e-01 1.96402501e-02 -6.42262250e-02 -5.13230376e-02 -1.73914373e-01 3.31068113e-02 -1.41262919e-01 -2.47949641e-02 3.74809504e-01 1.18397661e-01 -5.01416802e-01 -1.33779928e-01 -1.29011020e-01 1.57024682e-01 -1.16764791e-01 -6.60656467e-02 3.81505668e-01 -1.72399744e-01 -4.23400968e-01 1.94832638e-01 -4.95999902e-01 1.68263301e-01 4.59377497e-01 -5.16216159e-02 1.51130095e-01 -2.73800194e-01 4.12052870e-01 -1.23577803e-01 -3.18113536e-01 1.24486268e-01 -2.58814986e-03 3.36787075e-01 -4.79398780e-02 2.04606891e-01 -4.52386081e-01 -5.88498935e-02 2.57745832e-01 -1.29718259e-01 1.27868682e-01 1.90709531e-01 -2.11518437e-01 2.94280320e-01 -5.85748971e-01 2.01656967e-01 -4.47644711e-01 -3.90804619e-01 -5.29260159e-01 3.96410733e-01 1.52691975e-01 -2.92029027e-02 -5.00984013e-01 -1.25829399e-01 1.16582975e-01 -2.87896872e-01 7.91271180e-02 -4.43854690e-01 -4.79188889e-01 -3.99484992e-01 -1.08240068e-01 1.99634984e-01 3.01651716e-01 -9.51978415e-02 -1.04540251e-01 1.14338383e-01 6.94893748e-02 3.32650214e-01 1.38179049e-01 -1.24840878e-01 3.38129759e-01 3.12181175e-01 -2.81650782e-01 -3.04895222e-01 -2.31078595e-01 8.80835801e-02 3.35566223e-01 1.99481517e-01 -4.55065668e-02 -8.06185156e-02 -2.41218179e-01 1.71272010e-01 -1.47358239e-01 -3.56501937e-01 2.24808410e-01 4.51770246e-01 2.22040161e-01 -7.99754113e-02 6.69314936e-02 4.89634797e-02 5.00068963e-02 -3.24680090e-01 -2.37372816e-01 -1.69724494e-01 -1.95688874e-01 -1.68111205e-01 -1.82647422e-01 2.13660389e-01 1.08327925e-01 -1.95801798e-02 5.27635105e-02 -3.75972055e-02 7.18119070e-02 1.83795631e-01 -2.17472881e-01 4.93535668e-01 -1.22630060e-01 7.87225589e-02 -5.98292761e-02 4.32730913e-02 2.53528357e-01 3.38288955e-02 -1.15658611e-01 3.67605090e-01 1.90245733e-01 -7.40247667e-02 3.84453721e-02 -1.92308381e-01 -1.48546353e-01 -3.51866841e-01 -8.66658986e-02 7.78042078e-02 9.50895995e-02 -2.43435442e-01 2.82709319e-02 2.42266625e-01 -1.42062664e-01 2.13190243e-01 2.53299922e-01 -5.55506572e-02 -4.63505834e-02 2.74219848e-02 -3.04413944e-01 -4.23124611e-01 8.76678452e-02 5.37813067e-01 2.83423755e-02 4.88681905e-02 1.03116455e-02 6.99312463e-02 -1.00304514e-01 -2.01221183e-01 3.30557255e-03 1.96446896e-01 -3.03365588e-02 5.20739675e-01 2.32153699e-01 2.44254962e-01 -1.80736825e-01 -3.63423377e-01 -2.29958490e-01 -3.30486037e-02 -1.89143151e-01 1.26802072e-01 1.42722145e-01 7.64951333e-02 -3.99319251e-04 3.89750808e-01 5.33133209e-01 -2.72168547e-01 2.86125634e-02 8.59259665e-02 -9.34394747e-02 -1.36418477e-01 2.11519282e-02 4.41900939e-01 -3.39089930e-02 2.14886218e-01 -3.42560202e-01 -1.75452977e-01 5.67011088e-02 1.98835768e-02 -1.46493435e-01 2.48291209e-01 4.99582201e-01 -1.56486407e-01 1.21359363e-01 5.25639467e-02 -2.35568404e-01 2.08618402e-01 1.80469498e-01 -1.15319669e-01 -1.62773579e-01 -2.15492055e-01 -1.14066757e-01 -2.26915896e-01 1.81138739e-01 -5.55251837e-01 -7.05595762e-02 1.02037080e-01 -1.73940375e-01 -8.66554007e-02 -1.74557596e-01 -2.08768129e-01 -1.69400021e-01 -9.96601284e-02 3.58624198e-02 -2.47004002e-01 5.46139386e-03 5.41809201e-01 -1.64785042e-01 4.57956851e-01 1.17691178e-02 1.02066584e-02 -3.77851576e-01 -1.47934422e-01 1.24492444e-01 -8.91073719e-02 -1.34399697e-01 -3.59319866e-01 -1.70730293e-01 -1.58434838e-01 6.36031777e-02 -3.27924669e-01 -3.73005956e-01 -1.82718202e-01 -1.39450766e-02 -1.34776503e-01 -5.60237825e-01 4.42326814e-01 1.87936455e-01 -2.72761643e-01 -1.41412720e-01 -1.88059673e-01 2.43195117e-01 2.42007449e-01 5.81922829e-02 -1.52347878e-01 -1.35034397e-01 2.41411388e-01 5.69595814e-01 -8.83543044e-02 -6.75188065e-01 6.42500492e-03 1.90886836e-02 -5.64345419e-02 1.33236349e-02 1.04363821e-01 2.10491836e-01 2.30660945e-01 -3.07417601e-01 4.67675984e-01 -3.27028930e-01 -6.23284318e-02 3.35730225e-01 -3.10640205e-02 -3.61595899e-01 -5.33215478e-02 -1.54591441e-01 4.08612341e-01 3.35585713e-01 -1.03237823e-01 -1.54091299e-01 4.44642901e-02 -3.98304686e-02 -3.98064777e-02 1.84486005e-02 7.21853897e-02 -5.62746301e-02 -3.38751003e-02 1.06305234e-01 5.46941943e-02 -9.13415551e-02 -1.61567039e-03 4.43813026e-01 -3.37623179e-01 -3.18905622e-01 3.79145861e-01 -3.40368509e-01 -1.53325871e-01 1.48285115e-02 5.34488201e-01 3.90891343e-01 2.72970706e-01 -3.50232005e-01 -3.20659608e-01 -3.13518703e-01 1.97911650e-01 -3.02686952e-02 1.09208055e-01 1.47741899e-01 2.05559246e-02 -2.87088513e-01 1.35321632e-01 1.41460951e-02 5.71672320e-02 3.61172646e-01 -5.19949615e-01 -5.68385199e-02 2.82620430e-01 6.39390051e-02 5.99327870e-02 2.38644257e-01 1.36632234e-01 2.23768279e-01 5.94830096e-01 4.36060354e-02 8.26868415e-02 1.04043223e-01 2.24998295e-02 2.03215539e-01 1.91653907e-01 -4.64276895e-02 6.60943151e-01 1.35056466e-01 3.55437636e-01 3.56108844e-02 9.26072989e-03 -9.93354395e-02 -1.01354532e-01 6.47678912e-01 1.78984523e-01 -1.95405688e-02 -3.06276411e-01 5.45237482e-01 -2.22204849e-01 -1.22597069e-02 1.49610892e-01 3.72944772e-02 3.78371596e-01 -6.43026009e-02 -3.40862200e-02 -2.08260894e-01 -2.14702621e-01 -3.47355396e-01 1.46670580e-01 -1.01934105e-01 3.97562236e-01 2.93081254e-01 9.17502165e-01 2.61253178e-01 -8.66149366e-02 3.60837698e-01 -5.45099005e-03 -1.17477663e-01 -8.59111100e-02 -1.02354906e-01 1.38073592e-02 2.85071209e-02 1.76368594e-01 -1.82809964e-01 -4.35406826e-02 2.77478397e-02 -3.06331724e-01 -2.98189133e-01 -5.77792108e-01 -1.20497599e-01 1.21739373e-01 3.62942219e-01 1.48764029e-01 1.65923968e-01 4.45384711e-01 2.20423162e-01 1.49567807e-02 2.64707863e-01 3.09104621e-02 -1.58562809e-02 -1.41358927e-01 1.22601755e-01 -1.86441660e-01 -3.33760120e-02 -7.28225987e-03 1.61835663e-02 -2.90441453e-01 4.72028106e-02 1.71304345e-01 -1.21227905e-01 2.68420428e-01 -2.17047617e-01 -3.39998640e-02 2.43214101e-01 2.97783107e-01 -2.44771063e-01 6.46588132e-02 -7.85418153e-02 -3.79334204e-03 3.21697700e-03 8.13770220e-02 -4.23703223e-01 -4.08665501e-02 1.38884023e-01 2.74351537e-01 -1.69177819e-02 1.62983358e-01 1.51659653e-01 2.13071276e-02 6.95036724e-02 -1.38862163e-01 -2.25457504e-01 2.12285668e-01 -1.53192028e-01 -1.06750757e-01 1.64489850e-01 -3.33101034e-01 -1.91325337e-01 -2.95993984e-02 2.38896802e-01 6.87225610e-02 4.26153898e-01 1.68159485e-01 1.68585792e-01 -2.55590975e-01 -3.47765833e-01 1.41077399e-01 -2.17219740e-01 -2.65057087e-01 -1.09643117e-01 -3.02901149e-01 -7.48467892e-02 4.93143275e-02 4.01591182e-01 1.68479517e-01 -5.58766089e-02 -3.21250111e-01 4.18026559e-03 2.56613553e-01 -2.51455724e-01 -4.88667144e-03 4.57137674e-01 -1.85210660e-01 1.49890631e-01 1.95875645e-01 2.44701400e-01 -4.35210139e-01 1.58811230e-02 -4.20034558e-01 1.34558126e-01 1.63444772e-01 -1.58805996e-01 1.06589541e-01 -3.60709488e-01 5.74453399e-02 1.59340397e-01 -2.43856236e-01 -2.41063327e-01 4.14797887e-02 1.20843060e-01 1.10289246e-01 -2.31147900e-01 -1.20953090e-01 1.03091396e-01 -7.14756772e-02 1.12732455e-01 -8.16157982e-02 4.73607242e-01 2.05485329e-01 3.08887929e-01 -1.70302600e-01 1.81168064e-01 1.56735796e-02 -3.10714953e-02 8.56364891e-02 1.75689325e-01 -2.26591583e-02 -1.00295119e-01 -2.91727521e-02 8.59198626e-03 3.19508582e-01 2.82254606e-01 -1.12995049e-02 -9.91546456e-03 -2.06420254e-02 4.84162495e-02 4.68114438e-03 2.86828041e-01 -2.58492082e-01 1.50766835e-01 -3.43523473e-01 -4.00295913e-01 -7.80602843e-02 2.63623148e-01 -3.98163646e-02 1.35009244e-01 -4.71777141e-01 -2.15676263e-01 6.82561770e-02 -3.87090705e-02 2.75161415e-01 -2.15743259e-01 -2.51998276e-01 2.31720909e-01 2.63531208e-01 4.64206561e-03 6.81236088e-02 1.90632179e-01 -1.23490952e-01 -4.85052094e-02 2.53125936e-01 1.43696174e-01 3.04597408e-01 2.67755836e-01 3.78492236e-01 6.73281774e-02 2.34617904e-01 4.71264303e-01 7.09805777e-03 2.89758682e-01 -9.60227922e-02 6.63035452e-01 -1.62789837e-01 -1.61034346e-01 8.44838563e-03 1.07716843e-01 -1.76499009e-01 3.23439687e-02 3.10778320e-02 -3.78947221e-02 1.50203481e-01 9.94073078e-02 1.17095158e-01 -1.36164606e-01 -3.39924484e-01 -1.22183427e-01 8.04103091e-02 3.09925944e-01 2.08502471e-01 -2.12811127e-01 9.57968552e-03 5.35059690e-01 -1.99520901e-01 1.03711575e-01 3.48807245e-01 -1.92525998e-01 6.75894767e-02 2.00155884e-01 -6.95687905e-02 -2.96364911e-02 3.26643586e-01 1.19386993e-01 -7.07356259e-02 -3.83937567e-01 2.71301717e-01 1.41734153e-01 -6.58174157e-02 -5.99594899e-02 3.40226665e-02 2.98592776e-01 -3.92683089e-01 3.36228073e-01 1.43624380e-01 -2.59065658e-01 1.21401712e-01 2.57812440e-01 8.52640420e-02 9.47009474e-02 2.04910830e-01 -1.05638668e-01 2.47195121e-02 2.76594460e-01 -2.88450588e-02 -2.33791992e-01 -4.50937510e-01 1.44475147e-01 -8.08808059e-02 4.34379786e-01 -6.48643896e-02 1.12892665e-01 -2.15871468e-01 3.09880674e-01 -1.82754975e-02 7.67852515e-02 5.90132885e-02 -3.51235956e-01 -3.68874341e-01 3.67779322e-02 -1.02608660e-02 -1.30764842e-01 2.83242375e-01 5.36116175e-02 -9.97922570e-02 5.12855984e-02 -6.81799054e-02 -1.22163794e-03 -1.33929074e-01 6.51587471e-02 -2.62497753e-01 5.09617329e-01 3.51511329e-01 -3.31687033e-01 1.92955375e-01 -1.28429472e-01 3.32915261e-02 -5.43965936e-01 2.42387012e-01 4.04544361e-02 8.03129598e-02 -1.08577110e-01 3.96760464e-01 5.91577828e-01 -1.59201697e-01 2.31540799e-01 -1.43128052e-01 -1.38027117e-01 -1.12783074e-01 3.11156005e-01 -1.81858957e-01 -1.45852016e-02 -1.48911878e-01 -3.93791348e-02 6.45725057e-02 2.90048987e-01 2.10152879e-01 -1.95072293e-02 -7.34540299e-02 3.24760914e-01 -2.62800783e-01 2.04927683e-01 -5.27461052e-01 2.23639995e-01 5.09836897e-02 1.41573280e-01 1.06897943e-01 -1.05676125e-03 -3.03709954e-01 -3.14063370e-01 4.67346996e-01 -7.29256496e-02 -3.51721823e-01 1.38652071e-01 1.18890777e-01 -1.34141833e-01 -1.37982666e-01 -4.42986898e-02 -1.10482194e-01 -3.30227353e-02 3.05246692e-02 -2.81881362e-01 -1.62555218e-01 -1.58830285e-01 -2.26532489e-01 8.85242522e-02 3.66923809e-01 1.08867221e-01 9.96122286e-02 -2.87478924e-01 -5.32193817e-02]
"Ritual Devil Sticks" active "Item #: SCP-282 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-282 should be kept in a containment locker outfitted with a standard array of explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic high-level defenses. Personnel entering SCP-282's containment must be verified with a retinal scanner, and no experimentation sessions lasting longer than 3 hours are permitted. Description: SCP-282 is a children’s toy recovered from the Truk Atoll in Micronesia. SCP-282 is in the shape of a set of devil or juggling sticks, apparently made from locally available materials. Historical/cultural sources show that SCP-282 was originally used by natives of its island of origin as part of an elaborate annual ritual (known as █████ ██████, literally translated as “He Moves”) to bring good luck for the following year. Numerous anomalies on the island alerted the Foundation to SCP-282’s presence, including exceptionally long harvest seasons, several unknown species of fruit growing locally, and reports by missionaries of strange lights and noises, and packs of children who appeared identical. Full research on SCP-282’s properties is pending. Addendum 282-A Cleanup operations in the Truk Atoll have recovered large amounts of information, including a nearly-complete set of use instructions for SCP-282. Operations in the atoll will be reduced, and despite apprehension from teams assisting in recovery of SCP-282, full testing as to whether anomalous properties can be recreated will continue. Addendum 282-B Personnel of Level 4 or above may view Incident Report 282-CB. As of ██/██/████, any attempts to recreate the effects of SCP-282 are punishable by termination. All remaining information is to be classified. [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 282-C Materials seized from a residence on the Truk Atoll resemble an incomplete replica of SCP-282. As the replica (seemingly in the process of creation) demonstrates no anomalous properties, it has been added to SCP-282's containment until such a time as we can ascertain its nature. Foundation-operated coercion revealed little information as to how or why it was created, but did indicate that more civilians in the area of recovery may know how or be interested in creating similar replicas. Whether the recovered replica is identical to SCP-282 is unknown. Incident Report 282-CB Personal Log of Dr. J██████ Garrison, ██/██/████ Attempts to recreate the ritual described in Documents 282-14 through 17 are slow going, mostly due to the exhausting requirements of using SCP-282. First of all, it took us half a week to find anyone at the site who can actually use juggling sticks. [For reference: Researcher M███ Munoz, a medical technology analyst, was ultimately chosen as the subject.] Second, SCP-282 are apparently very difficult to use, compared to ordinary juggling sticks, so he had to spend a few weeks working on that. Third, and most persistent and annoyingly, the instructions we have call for the subject to juggle with SCP-282 constantly, for 36 hours, with a low rate of error and no dropping the stick. And that's the reason it's taken us 2 months so far. They can talk about dedication, and project funding and results, but the stamina required is damn near superhuman. It's been suggested that we apply an intravenous drip of caffeine and electrolytes to maintain alertness, and I'm willing to try that. Hour 0 Subject stands in a 10 m x 10 m blast chamber that has been prepared according to recovered instructions. Among other preparations, subject stands in the center of a 1.5 m diameter circle marked with native flowers, with a goat’s head at the anterior point. Surrounding this circle is a 3 m circle marked with a mixture of goat and chicken entrails mashed by hand with wooden implements. Outside of this is a final 3.5 m circle marked with chicken feathers, chicken and goat footprints in ash, and a poultice of several herbs and human blood. One chicken skeleton and one goat skeleton have been laid around the room, outside the perimeter of the final circle. The subject, medical technician M███ Munoz, with attached intravenous drip, stands in the center, with SCP-282. Subject begins to use SCP-282. Hour 1 Subject continues with no major errors in play, or reports of anomalies. Vital signs are all normal. 6 hours already. He hasn't dropped it yet. I'm very hopeful that this time will be it. I watch through the plate glass, get nervous every time he fumbles. Every time. It's gotten a little ridiculous. I'm worried it might be an effect of the SCP, so I told the standing guard, but I think it's more stress than a mental pull. Going to call a secondary observer in, and sleep on the cot in here. Woke up, he's still going. Note: Instruments in testing chamber showed that subject’s heart rate had increased slightly by this point in time. Hour 18 Subject notes sounds of laughter from inside the testing chamber; outside observer notes nothing abnormal. Hour 23 Subject becomes increasingly paranoid, claiming that the experiment won’t work and asking if he can stop. Encouraged to continue juggling, and at no point does the subject drop the stick. Hypothesized to be a stress reaction. Hour 26 Subject claims to feel a breeze in the chamber. Signs of strong winds are apparent when animal skeletons outside the circles are moved as if being blown; however, none of the flowers in the first circle are disturbed, nor is subject’s play impaired. Hour 27 All lights in chamber abruptly dim. In addition, the outer circle appears to completely and suddenly disappear from view. Signs of wind, despite the enclosed and subterranean nature of the blast chamber, have increased. Subject is encouraged to continue juggling. Note: Later records show no electrical issues with chamber lights. Hypothesized to be an effect of the SCP. Hour 30 Subject reports feeling cold, sensors affirm that the temperature inside the chamber has dropped 20 degrees. Continues juggling. I nearly can't believe he's kept it moving this long. Obviously, the error frequency was expected to go up as the time goes longer, but he hasn't dropped it once, and the error rate seems to have decreased, like it's getting ingrained. Here comes the final stretch. Looks tired, I don't blame him. Hour 32 Second circle moves as if being blown inwards, then disappears entirely. Subject makes no note of this. After ten minutes, animal skeletons around the perimeter of the chamber stand up, despite lack of muscle or connective tissue. Subject becomes unresponsive, muttering quietly. Hour 33 Final circle disappears, and lights dim again, until area inside chamber is completely dark. Observers note a voice exclaiming, “he moves”, before sounds of juggling cease, and a clattering noise is heard. Class 2 Lockdown is ordered. Note: Further analysis through infrared camera reveals that at hour 33:14, the subject's knees buckle, and after muttering loudly before footage is interrupted by several bright flashes, apparently only visible to infrared sensors. During this time, subject disappears entirely, and SCP-282 falls to the ground. Hour 34 Sounds of juggling resume from inside the chamber. Note: Infrared cameras show that a figure not corresponding to M███ Munoz appeared in the testing chamber, recovered SCP-282 from the floor, and continued juggling while laughing quietly. Hour 35 Several more infrared flashes occur, some of which now translate into flashes in the visible spectrum. Containment chamber is very dark. At 35:28 hours, side of containment chamber is ruptured by a sudden heat measuring over ████ degrees Celsius. Camera footage shows the unknown force proceeding to destroy obstacles in its path via obliteration moving up an emergency stairwell (damaging stairwell, but without compromising it structurally). At ground level it proceeds to carve a route through the facility until the perimeter of Site-██ is reached, at which point it is no longer seen. All of the above take place within 4.7 seconds. Nearby personnel report seeing only a bright hot light. Note: Camera footage shows that upon compromising the perimeter of the facility, the force paused for several milliseconds, then disappeared, as opposed to exiting the facility. Infrared footage from the testing chamber shows that it is completely empty at this time. Within several seconds, light in testing chamber returns to normal. Subject has returned to testing chamber, collapsed on the floor, with SCP-282 nearby as if dropped. In addition, a fine layer of ash covers the testing room floor. Paramedic teams rush in. Subject is currently undergoing treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, and is expected to resume normal operations shortly. After-Action Report From Interview with Subject M███ Munoz I'm… I'm juggling, right? Like I've been doing for the last, hell, whole day. Then, everything picks up like I'm standing in a [REDACTED] hurricane, and I feel this… thing…. Don't even know what it is, but it was there and I could… Christ. Everything went black, and I knew that I had moved, that I was somewhere else, because I knew there wasn't a floor or ceiling or those goddamn sticks where I was. Just… Nothing, really, and the darkness. And then it was there. Goddammit. I knew it, that there was something else there, even though I couldn't see or hear or feel it because there was nothing to see or hear or feel. It was just waiting there, keeping me there, waiting for me to do something… I curled up in this little ball, tried to make it not notice me, but it was there breathing down my neck the whole time. In the end, I just told it I wanted to leave. That was it. Additional data: Over ██████ in property damage was caused by Incident-282-CB, and containment of 3 separate SCPs were compromised. Because of this, current sanctions on experimentation with SCP-282 were put in place. « SCP-281 | SCP-282 | SCP-283 »" nan
[ 3.78526628e-01 -5.80188632e-01 -1.62600055e-01 7.46601596e-02 5.52770868e-02 -1.51752234e-01 1.13909632e-01 1.13990076e-01 -3.20050190e-03 1.91061422e-01 2.68582225e-01 -4.67371382e-02 -2.61474848e-01 -1.50200456e-01 6.94277957e-02 -2.86706239e-01 2.34878287e-01 3.87992680e-01 5.84212579e-02 1.70098394e-02 -2.40973398e-01 -1.58244982e-01 -2.82355025e-02 2.93309897e-01 -6.20281212e-02 -4.50602882e-02 -1.64432097e-02 5.26733026e-02 -1.46229371e-01 -3.41288447e-01 2.50925012e-02 -4.59480397e-02 -1.10138834e-01 7.51208186e-01 -1.14923270e-04 -1.19737014e-01 2.51067698e-01 -1.40587285e-01 -4.99179602e-01 6.51753247e-01 2.51529574e-01 1.38244510e-01 -1.60225376e-01 -2.62382627e-01 -1.49687618e-01 -1.82995677e-01 8.65703970e-02 7.68349543e-02 7.50115097e-01 1.43063530e-01 1.34412691e-01 3.85632753e-01 1.36828065e-01 1.01753972e-01 2.05755413e-01 3.48104611e-02 -3.38136584e-01 -2.74954051e-01 4.42453057e-01 1.69506803e-01 2.02229530e-01 -3.36258322e-01 -2.04705715e-01 2.95735687e-01 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2.62340128e-01 2.01367468e-01 2.07549945e-01 1.04070045e-01 -1.01988971e-01 1.69739693e-01 -7.47907907e-02 2.72265762e-01 -1.16982341e-01 7.51204193e-02 5.62607348e-01 2.11425811e-01 1.04173578e-01 -1.75600782e-01 -4.76127304e-02 1.11221075e-01 -9.15201232e-02 -9.84270349e-02 -2.19317395e-02 1.57698814e-03 2.51338065e-01 1.58881083e-01 8.80992599e-03 -1.46065071e-01 -1.14847779e-01 -1.20518170e-02 -2.10105814e-02 -4.76526096e-02 -7.92520940e-02 -2.84862459e-01 8.06197003e-02 -5.36323965e-01 5.22205412e-01 -3.22217643e-01 -9.47272107e-02 2.53155380e-01 -1.38243407e-01 -2.47774467e-01 1.29127763e-02 4.68380526e-02 7.44365215e-01 -3.13861221e-01 -1.80174068e-01 -6.10843718e-01 -8.10061544e-02 -1.66190073e-01 1.38659626e-01 -2.42919102e-01 7.65478313e-02 5.52840650e-01 -2.74370313e-01 2.31452346e-01 -9.76060927e-02 -4.95450236e-02 1.40416101e-01 2.43367359e-01 -3.19962472e-01 1.71513006e-01 9.35790781e-03 -8.74083955e-03 -1.47927627e-01 1.83640376e-01 -6.12537503e-01 -3.07366073e-01 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1.45176291e-01 2.06281245e-01 1.64469644e-01 1.78182602e-01 -6.01148307e-02 1.97919518e-01 -5.08019850e-02 1.89557403e-01 9.95516852e-02 1.09315217e-01 -2.25792885e-01 4.54400480e-01 -2.64881194e-01 -8.14623460e-02 1.71915039e-01 -2.97383010e-01 4.10171360e-01 1.60380706e-01 4.48558390e-01 4.67835307e-01 1.61049396e-01 -4.06891316e-01 -3.62202525e-01 -2.91421264e-01 -2.97628313e-01 8.90992433e-02 6.71453029e-02 -2.92401999e-01 -8.17143247e-02 2.06262469e-02 2.93855131e-01 -1.04527071e-01 1.98615998e-01 -3.07349414e-01 -5.48510551e-01 -2.96424419e-01 1.34960860e-01 2.66833335e-01 -7.11228326e-02 -6.46862537e-02 2.47847199e-01 -4.59993966e-02 4.12682369e-02 -5.22849262e-02 -2.71797180e-02 7.37871102e-04 2.93443799e-01 -2.47544438e-01 7.91067444e-03 3.74239892e-01 1.33590192e-01 1.13318361e-01 -1.42564818e-01 8.47993270e-02 -7.82515481e-02 -3.26601882e-03 -1.14388987e-01 5.54503560e-01 2.78103530e-01 5.34538515e-02 -7.92705268e-02 1.37025237e-01 3.26977149e-02 -7.82580972e-02 -2.52727550e-02 -9.73172337e-02 5.10010719e-01 -6.29576966e-02 -3.17930914e-02 3.56231272e-01 -1.87889993e-01 -7.42316917e-02 5.14817722e-02 -3.06572281e-02 4.10529882e-01 4.23673958e-01 1.00998735e+00 6.18366413e-02 7.63991401e-02 4.53956336e-01 -8.41489494e-01 -4.62549180e-01 -5.47936499e-01 -2.67308444e-01 -1.85636148e-01 3.76619339e-01 -1.51349651e-02 -3.05613071e-01 2.02585280e-01 1.97706506e-01 -4.21472728e-01 -8.50750133e-02 -5.24241388e-01 2.23502859e-01 1.40568599e-01 4.92567085e-02 1.27500191e-01 1.73085518e-02 1.54189453e-01 1.86477721e-01 -8.14363956e-02 2.63397068e-01 -1.73442602e-01 2.62384377e-02 -1.40551433e-01 9.74177197e-02 -1.08723655e-01 1.37821704e-01 5.90740107e-02 3.03171813e-01 4.31008369e-01 -2.80393392e-01 -3.86602163e-01 -1.27909556e-01 -9.08997562e-03 -2.41937250e-01 2.13602986e-02 2.95473754e-01 5.95927835e-01 -1.63745642e-01 -1.27390251e-01 1.38916755e-02 2.93132335e-01 6.14356212e-02 -1.20970018e-01 3.79216790e-01 -2.01022461e-01 2.14155480e-01 -2.73062915e-01 3.57675105e-01 -4.34555933e-02 5.11404313e-02 -2.00529397e-01 2.31970578e-01 -6.09813370e-02 -1.25481531e-01 1.52737305e-01 1.01089574e-01 -1.70560792e-01 -1.14981651e-01 -9.21718627e-02 -1.14083551e-01 1.71681978e-02 -2.53228433e-02 -1.88724976e-02 -2.43946478e-01 1.08989917e-01 1.21972091e-01 3.32112052e-02 -4.35444057e-01 1.65126562e-01 1.85760111e-02 -3.53187621e-01 5.03756285e-01 1.80533215e-01 -5.58496773e-01 -1.28463045e-01 -6.88268244e-02 5.56603931e-02 -1.43145606e-01 -2.58559763e-01 -1.82768907e-02 -5.88886924e-02 -2.44333819e-01 2.33285189e-01 2.99578846e-01 -2.54504949e-01 1.68518722e-01 -4.10626940e-02 -6.06910475e-02 -3.41998518e-01 3.33251134e-02 -3.33228409e-01 -5.43484725e-02 1.34954244e-01 -3.96372378e-01 -6.08860075e-01 -1.16551146e-01 6.01425134e-02 1.66497007e-01 -5.08075893e-01 -1.40402049e-01 -2.18964428e-01 1.44525066e-01 -4.21072207e-02 -2.75030453e-02 -2.05796048e-01 1.60171926e-01 8.89527351e-02 1.95438638e-01 -1.44514471e-01 3.12132150e-01 1.02029532e-01 4.86722350e-01 1.40814558e-01 7.75193572e-02 1.25539422e-01 -8.21585581e-03 -4.53994535e-02 3.81285369e-01 2.46355355e-01 9.26079527e-02 -6.91412091e-02 1.15693539e-01 2.36417592e-01 3.31143558e-01 -3.37673090e-02 2.46065602e-01 6.57495782e-02 -2.40784977e-02 -1.23445891e-01 -1.36276394e-01 5.46360426e-02 2.69654542e-01 -6.02494657e-01 -1.10809669e-01 7.66542405e-02 1.83115244e-01 -6.38430938e-02 -1.44470662e-01 2.37645209e-01 2.47603342e-01 -9.99865234e-02 2.89202422e-01 -1.83248952e-01 -2.75475532e-01 -9.05804038e-02 1.55945405e-01 -1.25260010e-01 -1.00652352e-01 2.19087198e-01 1.08748734e-01 1.11213177e-01 -3.36158693e-01 1.04868911e-01 -4.87201400e-02 2.24346980e-01 -2.94633508e-01 2.16673359e-01 3.22821811e-02 3.54514301e-01 4.93104547e-01 3.29120278e-01 3.23085070e-01 1.98264346e-01 1.28243580e-01 1.67454913e-01 8.49756524e-02 2.93252259e-01 2.94582427e-01 2.03928314e-02 -3.32265586e-01 -3.05398971e-01 -2.13612497e-01 1.76227570e-01 1.21209696e-02 4.34127986e-01 -3.00754011e-02 -5.02848327e-01 2.50302944e-02 2.95131683e-01 4.85202856e-03 -2.51236618e-01 -4.17552739e-02 7.51534477e-02 -1.34319335e-01 4.51449901e-02 1.72509000e-01 3.34292710e-01 -6.23575076e-02 -3.86759251e-01 3.63315016e-01 -2.08006978e-01 -8.00994933e-02 -1.68225586e-01 2.85303593e-01 -2.63890717e-02 -3.41512084e-01 1.10454790e-01 -4.14486408e-01 -1.40878484e-02 -2.11237580e-01 3.26507866e-01 1.69858396e-01 -5.28026819e-01 1.32071763e-01 1.42670512e-01 -2.03475714e-01 -4.82084364e-01 1.15223922e-01 1.78600699e-01 9.72465705e-03 4.32879776e-01 -2.50185281e-01 -3.73885125e-01 1.34508863e-01 2.55063891e-01 -2.91198581e-01 -1.27791658e-01 -1.39050558e-01 -6.00682907e-02 6.67937770e-02 -3.60952675e-01 5.42888157e-02 -3.28878313e-01 2.48943627e-01 1.67970240e-01 3.18160981e-01 2.02134669e-01 -2.85925716e-01 -3.38962168e-01 -2.01787781e-02 6.06047874e-03 -3.09458822e-01 9.93121490e-02 1.50329486e-01 -8.70863944e-02 2.14654043e-01 -1.71130270e-01 3.19226593e-01 -5.92323691e-02 5.61391078e-02 -3.44589114e-01 1.98337346e-01 6.54804558e-02 1.59358472e-01 1.44948572e-01 -1.88937962e-01 -2.35033393e-01 -3.54983658e-02 1.75421685e-01 7.50580197e-03 -5.07701039e-01 1.34936944e-01 -2.19931398e-02 4.49525088e-01 1.24619342e-01 -1.26679152e-01 -8.97731110e-02 -6.80618137e-02 -2.52101067e-02 1.07717894e-01 -1.76181525e-01 2.18420833e-01 -2.00550050e-01 -6.45920187e-02 7.47225732e-02 1.57972857e-01 -1.92612987e-02 -6.31497055e-02 1.70649499e-01 4.42983508e-01 -1.01821139e-01 8.19533095e-02 -1.60308294e-02 8.81873071e-02 -7.39373416e-02 1.56221494e-01 1.06801808e-01 -8.74780789e-02 1.64648145e-02 1.66535929e-01 3.99102986e-01 4.89594907e-01 -1.20461099e-01 1.02101997e-01 -4.50698063e-02 -7.40978122e-01 -4.26227182e-01 -6.03323579e-01 -1.96296915e-01 -1.36291981e-02 -4.20551822e-02 -1.77178830e-01 4.79877274e-03 -2.45642647e-01 -1.43846244e-01 4.78601977e-02 2.35182673e-01 -4.23874743e-02 2.71739036e-01 2.82942131e-02 1.45775914e-01]
"A Rock That Falls Sideways" active "Item #: SCP-283 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to the strange but harmless nature of SCP-283, it is to be kept in a secure box against the east wall of room E-107 at Site-137. Aside from that, SCP-283 can be handled by any personnel as long as they are observed by at least a level 3 member of staff, who is to keep watch over SCP-283 to prevent petty theft. Description: For all intents and purposes, SCP-283 is an ordinary rock, slightly mottled and worn from age and collisions, made of dark gray granite. It weighs just over 1 kg and is 10 cm in length. However, instead of following the usual route of gravity, SCP-283 is pulled in the direction of exact magnetic East. Close study reveals that SCP-283 is, in fact, falling around the Earth as well as being affected by its odd gravitational pull. The rock was first found after an investigation of poltergeist activity in ███████, Australia. Reported as the phenomenon known as 'Min Min lights,' which are in fact known to be ████████. See document [DATA EXPUNGED] for Dr. ████ █████'s notes on the subject. According to witnesses, the rock purportedly hurtled across the plains, through the walls of a house and a car, and was eventually stopped by a mobile trailer home, where it remained lodged in the metal wall until the following morning. At first, Agent █████ believed it to be attracted by some magnetic force, although subsequent testing has proved this false. SCP-283 is an ordinary granite cobble, apart from falling in the wrong direction. Agent █████ accidentally dropped SCP-283 and was forced to chase after it. The retrieval involved a minor head injury, but confirmed suspicions about its nature. Note from Dr. Wood: It has come to the attention of the higher level personnel that someone has been stealing SCP-283 for use as a paperweight. I don't care how 'zen' it looks, any further misdemeanors will be dealt with severely. « SCP-282 | SCP-283 | SCP-284 »" nan
[ 2.73058712e-01 -1.60542026e-01 -1.54765129e-01 1.64313614e-01 -6.97617903e-02 -2.42364153e-01 1.39191791e-01 1.82587415e-01 5.47836088e-02 1.43487692e-01 3.92225266e-01 2.24859700e-01 -5.24918735e-01 -3.15314174e-01 2.98756629e-01 -1.96896359e-01 1.01265669e-01 -2.81828847e-02 2.91504800e-01 -1.65330678e-01 -1.99749976e-01 -1.05442507e-02 -2.97370821e-01 1.91438243e-01 3.82955256e-03 -1.71249527e-02 7.79420212e-02 2.99123734e-01 1.49999842e-01 -6.36856779e-02 1.26760826e-01 1.90199569e-01 -8.10093358e-02 4.25919622e-01 -1.05136474e-04 -3.34550858e-01 -1.14920614e-02 -5.34227192e-02 -1.51683122e-01 -2.15412110e-01 -2.70073593e-01 -2.14244545e-01 -2.81751692e-01 -2.67684519e-01 5.97101822e-02 -1.37817442e-01 8.90204161e-02 1.35149747e-01 7.85589963e-02 1.13733523e-01 2.43925229e-01 -1.69655263e-01 7.98319057e-02 -2.26995707e-01 4.29232091e-01 -6.20964840e-02 -1.51024923e-01 3.24554116e-01 -9.61118843e-03 4.00535524e-01 2.47817516e-01 -2.81516016e-01 -2.92937458e-01 9.74039584e-02 3.67327213e-01 -2.12106362e-01 2.13714223e-02 1.19711906e-01 -7.82579854e-02 1.91568062e-01 -8.99761468e-02 -4.34283875e-02 1.67019323e-01 -3.02518517e-01 -6.87832087e-02 -2.59106550e-02 1.76864207e-01 6.19484544e-01 -1.94310606e-01 1.08136795e-01 8.81313756e-02 1.94430783e-01 -3.75453293e-01 -7.64701068e-02 -2.41051778e-01 2.85232142e-02 -2.15033278e-01 1.91242099e-02 2.38630489e-01 3.20517182e-01 -1.81980297e-01 3.46456096e-02 3.20995629e-01 5.43295555e-02 1.41862273e-01 -1.73109118e-02 2.53631920e-01 2.12031648e-01 4.09467578e-01 1.97932273e-01 1.38986841e-01 2.84813792e-01 -4.50112112e-02 2.20602483e-01 2.83948854e-02 -1.43494576e-01 1.22674137e-01 -4.47225928e-01 -2.73082972e-01 6.08572841e-01 7.82765970e-02 2.40956143e-01 -2.16683396e-03 -1.73544772e-02 9.32877511e-02 4.61679623e-02 5.03607035e-01 -2.76363313e-01 -2.92473972e-01 3.03395271e-01 -2.09274322e-01 1.48416862e-01 -3.14996034e-01 1.04477212e-01 4.73428190e-01 3.84113133e-01 1.92579687e-01 -1.37933522e-01 3.48539144e-01 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9.27373618e-02 -1.16761461e-01 1.09276757e-01 5.48004769e-02 3.13359886e-01 1.20155983e-01 2.63618559e-01 -2.59377450e-01 1.41038448e-01 3.37936103e-01 -8.93250406e-02 -2.55739033e-01 -2.92398661e-01 -2.13763803e-01 2.71664336e-02 3.58642936e-01 7.98194781e-02 1.29936367e-01 -1.97687894e-01 -3.98078740e-01 1.06334807e-02 -3.95487696e-02 -8.11938420e-02 2.99479932e-01 2.74368286e-01 -1.57413036e-01 2.23711327e-01 1.75894201e-02 1.50124103e-01 -1.28035501e-01 -2.99320012e-01 -6.00015745e-02 -8.30912814e-02 -2.17125237e-01 1.61708772e-01 -4.25980747e-01 -7.67533705e-02 1.55244499e-01 -1.25913873e-01 3.74217518e-02 9.90803838e-02 -1.25033438e-01 -7.99448118e-02 4.99170899e-01 1.29813477e-01 1.11518361e-01 8.13101977e-03 2.12704197e-01 2.89524831e-02 1.24948725e-01 -1.57245025e-01 -2.59608895e-01 4.57669228e-01 1.41642988e-01 -1.83616519e-01 -7.43812919e-02 -1.05964527e-01 8.56623352e-02 -2.24095270e-01 -1.03767030e-01 4.96210456e-02 1.56327024e-01 2.46079057e-01 -1.21235222e-01 1.48186564e-01 -1.89075097e-01 1.11510679e-01 2.38955006e-01 -2.90899146e-02 3.56740355e-01 9.40238610e-02 6.48518950e-02 6.44516870e-02 5.98751158e-02 6.16258621e-01 -1.16080202e-01 6.88918382e-02 7.98614025e-02 2.48695672e-01 2.83185206e-02 -8.51192772e-02 3.17279585e-02 1.88227624e-01 3.03419203e-01 2.58403122e-01 1.67342462e-02 1.87641218e-01 -2.50285298e-01 -3.96883428e-01 -1.84890077e-01 3.39732729e-02 6.06373474e-02 1.23264700e-01 4.14086785e-03 1.07186891e-01 -3.52436334e-01 9.02540460e-02 6.09966964e-02 -9.92571712e-02 -1.71125069e-01 1.44692764e-01 -1.86835095e-01 -1.42152235e-01 -1.23470753e-01 5.42551935e-01 -1.66639701e-01 1.69560924e-01 -3.12009782e-01 2.90080812e-02 1.85838580e-01 6.65849745e-02 8.79602730e-02 1.89265013e-01 7.57261336e-01 -7.54008219e-02 -7.16761500e-03 -6.61376044e-02 -2.92594820e-01 2.58288272e-02 2.10038617e-01 -2.97920227e-01 1.12864487e-01 -3.66518311e-02 5.72012318e-03 -2.28548005e-01 2.10330725e-01 -7.08195567e-01 4.26663533e-02 1.71734586e-01 -7.06083253e-02 -2.52157122e-01 -2.77663410e-01 9.94039848e-02 -5.59717827e-02 -3.13901335e-01 8.10858756e-02 2.07383260e-01 1.01019233e-01 1.81057602e-01 2.00963244e-01 3.66530031e-01 -1.79459915e-01 -1.13078104e-02 -1.16412178e-01 -3.67013723e-01 -9.87363681e-02 3.91167849e-02 -1.09783053e-01 -6.36266917e-02 -1.03382714e-01 -4.32736963e-01 -7.24052265e-02 -9.31278095e-02 -2.51966864e-01 1.21675484e-01 2.85613209e-01 2.92556852e-01 -4.23434258e-01 3.12511504e-01 -7.21542984e-02 -1.70148969e-01 9.20054689e-03 -2.87910044e-01 -3.47210057e-02 1.60628214e-01 3.39814007e-01 1.58530399e-01 2.36372389e-02 2.34389648e-01 7.47035086e-01 6.81093009e-03 -2.99303561e-01 8.52981806e-02 3.60265017e-01 1.96599826e-01 1.36536494e-01 -1.94609821e-01 3.17399465e-02 2.39453778e-01 -5.18178701e-01 1.59271866e-01 -1.58764362e-01 -3.35529536e-01 -1.29183665e-01 -2.26959735e-02 -2.67811328e-01 -3.13040018e-02 -2.34753668e-01 6.01453364e-01 -2.42383257e-01 -3.44412684e-01 -4.23936576e-01 1.03314370e-01 6.42543361e-02 -4.78716120e-02 3.22366089e-01 -5.64949699e-02 1.20729320e-01 4.12240289e-02 3.50960225e-01 5.93678607e-03 -1.85206160e-01 -1.43394738e-01 1.19857341e-02 -2.25671217e-01 -2.22148180e-01 1.90291986e-01 -2.13621408e-01 3.63835216e-01 2.44162962e-01 3.56548041e-01 1.43924490e-01 2.65716732e-01 -2.22772479e-01 -2.65154958e-01 -4.72378403e-01 -7.07936008e-04 3.79146606e-01 -1.64820090e-01 -1.06441818e-01 1.77315041e-01 -2.56536990e-01 -7.64490589e-02 1.48054749e-01 9.55828801e-02 -1.17624924e-01 -4.74642694e-01 -2.57480890e-01 1.90747961e-01 4.01170403e-01 -4.38360631e-01 -1.78535264e-02 -2.68759429e-01 2.61616886e-01 6.84734881e-01 -1.22503508e-02 -1.34494245e-01 1.79359373e-02 7.19835982e-02 -2.51940101e-01 3.26894820e-01 2.92674154e-01 -7.42500797e-02 3.28683436e-01 3.49964887e-01 -2.19719317e-02 -8.35993886e-03 -1.66315079e-01 9.51688960e-02 5.44698715e-01 5.51454425e-02 -8.57496858e-02 1.14157125e-01 2.45217502e-01 -1.18287712e-01 -4.27935481e-01 1.80930212e-01 8.16486999e-02 4.60945994e-01 -2.52242424e-02 5.17062247e-01 -1.09356418e-01 -3.66462231e-01 -2.54845530e-01 1.11333316e-03 -9.17639658e-02 3.48833382e-01 1.24360055e-01 1.15587914e+00 5.16715692e-03 3.08607873e-02 -2.70902105e-02 -2.46348977e-01 3.33669633e-01 -6.91514239e-02 -3.52352172e-01 -3.64408821e-01 -7.24960193e-02 -6.03647009e-02 -1.62014127e-01 6.54453188e-02 1.84230149e-01 -3.44881356e-01 -1.01815648e-01 -5.50158322e-01 1.27057821e-01 2.20540881e-01 1.03889136e-02 1.11797638e-01 1.86401933e-01 -2.82724202e-02 2.44320408e-01 -1.35991752e-01 1.66631609e-01 -2.45517567e-01 -3.71643552e-03 7.95033574e-02 2.02504501e-01 -4.79753971e-01 2.02653766e-01 2.36099213e-01 -5.66178076e-02 9.30363238e-02 -6.89853728e-02 6.27631918e-02 3.36878337e-02 -8.99070725e-02 -3.44602823e-01 -9.62267146e-02 5.94139025e-02 9.72952396e-02 -1.45500630e-01 1.55843854e-01 1.09911688e-01 1.66871697e-01 -1.74418896e-01 -4.10183221e-02 9.40677002e-02 9.51640233e-02 -2.50462472e-01 -2.83051133e-01 1.25909686e-01 1.57608286e-01 1.85865283e-01 -1.99276879e-01 -1.40191153e-01 -6.78655552e-03 -4.68635373e-02 2.29267955e-01 -8.47658366e-02 -4.43403572e-02 -3.19321483e-01 3.89173478e-01 -3.30759853e-01 1.46875054e-01 1.06459036e-01 -5.60253896e-02 3.75873625e-01 -2.98575044e-01 1.82675272e-01 -1.84403464e-01 -3.42362255e-01 -7.88401812e-02 -5.05265474e-01 -2.71809310e-01 1.75949067e-01 -2.58632928e-01 -1.25383154e-01 -5.01042195e-02 -2.70318240e-01 3.05355489e-01 -5.04950643e-01 -2.40654096e-01 -2.59912431e-01 4.28381264e-01 -2.15313330e-01 -4.20317166e-02 3.10270041e-01 -7.00852200e-02 -2.19648495e-01 1.79270849e-01 -7.19546303e-02 -4.01042491e-01 -2.34550405e-02 -8.27104375e-02 -1.76980525e-01 -2.23987717e-02 -3.50721590e-02 -2.91684806e-01 -1.17038660e-01 9.61655974e-02 1.62332788e-01 -1.38454959e-01 -2.92975456e-01 -6.04187027e-02 6.40840307e-02 2.01520756e-01 -7.88985286e-03 1.88365698e-01 -1.28241321e-02 6.92343414e-02 1.67666972e-01 -6.09449372e-02 1.18437849e-01 3.10075134e-01 6.33405566e-01 3.91411856e-02 2.65836000e-01 6.33299500e-02 5.36365658e-02 3.90678458e-02 2.27925643e-01 -3.66117246e-02 4.62499112e-02 -2.57113993e-01 -5.37339784e-02 -1.27125576e-01 1.36690482e-01 -4.09185737e-02 3.68384808e-01 1.54081658e-01 -1.01329975e-01 7.07019344e-02 5.38393855e-01 -2.60123640e-01 -2.38047168e-01 -5.51616728e-01 -1.30060300e-01 7.08726281e-03 2.75258809e-01 -4.20329720e-02 -3.07153445e-04 1.50350779e-01 2.90055245e-01 -1.36320695e-01 9.63321924e-02 -1.26415342e-01 -5.77354014e-01 -2.08399996e-01 1.47674292e-01 1.94498256e-01 1.65585935e-01 5.01444982e-03 -1.83757782e-01 1.83850881e-02 -2.50931699e-02 1.99900702e-01 1.28427535e-01 2.29557604e-01 3.12370539e-01 3.60499769e-01 1.36453956e-01 6.92506209e-02 2.92623937e-01 2.58217663e-01 1.64238326e-02 3.81056517e-01 6.62775517e-01 -2.96137154e-01 7.15248883e-02 2.67324626e-01 2.26633161e-01 -3.70602682e-02 -5.73363267e-02 -2.83389896e-01 -1.71840861e-01 9.49552432e-02 2.37113059e-01 -2.47964144e-01 -1.48896784e-01 -6.10085540e-02 -3.36361751e-02 1.67094335e-01 -9.19022262e-02 4.65221822e-01 2.03605548e-01 -2.87678130e-02 -2.06557736e-01 1.28650233e-01 -1.52704492e-01 4.05483395e-01 -2.06917927e-01 -2.13221442e-02 2.94162035e-01 -2.60362476e-01 4.69769202e-02 -8.58409405e-02 5.52914217e-02 1.13006324e-01 -2.95974791e-01 6.64293617e-02 -1.56362608e-01 -1.29779577e-01 -5.16716056e-02 2.11152472e-02 1.39612546e-02 -2.60904819e-01 1.02777451e-01 2.14365572e-01 -2.60725617e-01 -1.09901480e-01 2.87430942e-01 3.30445826e-01 4.16442454e-02 -1.52212679e-01 -3.75630498e-01 1.87994003e-01 3.95155139e-02 2.90267132e-02 9.34529677e-03 -5.29163778e-01 -9.43909362e-02 1.01476274e-02 1.82260305e-01 7.63094351e-02 1.06105156e-01 -1.92870386e-02 -4.96930219e-02 9.51848477e-02 2.64657408e-01 2.64707953e-01 -1.71422288e-01 -4.37360495e-01 4.98348504e-01 1.91386223e-01 -1.04718767e-01 2.70928055e-01 1.30822867e-01 -1.17706917e-01 2.75954574e-01 -4.89025936e-03 4.88597840e-01 -2.55597290e-02 -8.48964378e-02 -4.44480896e-01 -5.30383456e-03 3.73987411e-03 -1.34082198e-01 -3.17590013e-02 -1.81269720e-01 -5.90712875e-02 -2.89348722e-01 1.86193660e-01 -2.10291654e-01 -9.54044685e-02 -3.80366623e-01 2.66677290e-01 3.47712576e-01 -1.84482247e-01 7.12715536e-02 -9.79589447e-02 -2.30939448e-01 1.24377981e-01 3.95510852e-01 -2.81982332e-01 5.11979759e-02 -1.10542879e-01 -7.89014325e-02 2.31694490e-01 3.42065066e-01 2.57193625e-01 6.34966612e-01 2.47954920e-01 1.63374126e-01 -5.50005436e-01 4.75102253e-02 -1.02877751e-01 1.59136519e-01 -3.58275585e-02 5.98176830e-02 -3.57032567e-02 -7.86954630e-03 2.59256586e-02 -9.72712561e-02 6.13036096e-01 3.69547784e-01 -1.28957272e-01 2.45289668e-01 9.23238099e-02 -3.98395181e-01 -1.65461868e-01 -4.62781191e-01 -2.81136751e-01 -1.25789180e-01 -8.07554349e-02 -1.24743715e-01 3.37630883e-02 -5.16029298e-01 -1.72574252e-01 -1.24269770e-02 5.45703590e-01 -2.25098252e-01 1.20747369e-02 -5.28711379e-02 -1.67909898e-02]
"The Twins" active "Item #: SCP-284 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 are to be kept under minimal security protocols, with occasional off-site trips when approved by a Level 4 or higher personnel. During these trips they are to be accompanied by a minimum of one Level 1 researcher and one Level 1 field agent. Their quarters are a standard humanoid containment room with two beds. When offered separate containment quarters, they replied that privacy is moot. Description: SCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 are twins born █/██/████ in ████████, Illinois. Though they appear to be normal, they are dizygotic twins who share a single functional brain. SCP-284-1 is female, 1.72 meters tall, containing the left side of the brain. SCP-284-2 is male, 1.79 meters tall, containing the right side of the brain. The portions that are not associated with either lobe are [DATA REDACTED]. In both subjects, the size of the possessed lobe is approximately 50% larger than normal, presumably to allow for maintaining function of two bodies at once. It has been found that while the subjects have separate personalities, they share memories, skills, knowledge, physical sensation and have shown limited levels of emotional synergy. Though there is no way to know for certain, they claim to have taught themselves how to block out sensory information from each other to varying degrees. Vision and hearing can be blocked out completely, while taste, smell and touch can be weakened. Doing so is a choice of the one receiving the information, not the one experiencing it. With physical skills, it should be noted that while both subjects have the knowledge of proper technique, muscle tissue only develops to properly execute the skills efficiently and with significant endurance in the subject who physically learned the skill. While the subjects do not show any advantage in proficiency for skills associated with their respective lobes, it has been found that when separated by a significant distance they each have delayed responses from the other subject’s lobe. Also of note is that both subjects seem incapable of remaining awake more than sixteen (16) minutes after the other has fallen asleep and both awaken at the same time whether allowed to sleep until they wake up on their own or woken from their sleep separately. Addendum: 284-1: Test Log 284-1 SCP-284-1 and SCP-284-2 were placed at separate ends of the facility. A team of researchers, including two surgeons, removed the top of SCP-284-2’s cranium and proceeded to apply an electrode to various points on the brain to gauge reactions to the stimuli. In all instances, SCP-284-1 experiences the same sensation or physical reaction as SCP-284-2. Addendum: 284-2: Researcher Note Today it was noted that while SCP-284-1 was playing the piano in Dr. ██████'s office, SCP-284-2's fingers began twitching erratically. When brought to Dr. ██████'s office, it was discovered that the twitching of SCP-284-2's fingers were in time with the motions of SCP-284-1's fingers as she played. Further study of this phenomenon is being scheduled. « SCP-283 | SCP-284 | SCP-285 »" nan
[ 1.35230318e-01 -4.27083820e-01 -3.98384929e-02 4.36799834e-03 -2.06552237e-01 -1.84376333e-02 4.43037242e-01 6.41048094e-03 -4.68760207e-02 1.34164482e-01 -3.92908566e-02 -2.97713071e-01 -1.33258224e-01 -1.18875429e-01 -7.57793933e-02 -1.83792815e-01 8.45485553e-02 2.89815158e-01 -3.73804688e-01 -2.18813568e-01 -1.12888552e-01 1.37884647e-01 -1.82445854e-01 3.15861814e-02 -1.41323721e-02 -1.30983695e-01 -4.33731861e-02 3.69658738e-01 9.39819589e-02 -2.17993006e-01 2.37889830e-02 3.73091102e-01 -1.35929063e-01 2.84426600e-01 -1.11270412e-04 -1.62670508e-01 1.12710744e-01 1.18032902e-01 -2.06763491e-01 1.45343125e-01 -1.94106594e-01 -6.09254930e-03 1.57726987e-03 -3.50134641e-01 -3.05264175e-01 -8.36684629e-02 2.27499902e-01 -6.55235499e-02 3.03621978e-01 -3.23800415e-01 1.90738901e-01 1.17763899e-01 -1.30007610e-01 -2.93634623e-01 4.22048688e-01 3.38169336e-01 -8.70262459e-02 -7.81244934e-02 3.83573294e-01 -2.26985514e-01 1.83638990e-01 4.51965258e-02 -8.71036127e-02 -2.39366088e-02 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-4.32359993e-01 7.94470683e-02 -2.64445692e-01 2.59400457e-01 1.27842113e-01 6.04190454e-02 1.57299548e-01 1.28473535e-01 -1.03372484e-01 1.46666124e-01 4.79477972e-01 2.35221520e-01 3.59497041e-01 -1.44014105e-01 4.71386462e-01 2.65676707e-01 -3.97119343e-01 1.29006524e-02 -1.98602036e-01 -5.89580715e-01 8.15741941e-02 -9.43220109e-02 3.56048435e-01 1.11452796e-01 4.19595428e-02 2.11778596e-01 -5.01029909e-01 2.28037074e-01 4.34002459e-01 7.20932558e-02 2.42112458e-01 -3.25997531e-01 2.04797834e-01 -1.29999397e-02 -1.90150648e-01 -2.28309959e-01 2.76991010e-01 6.36226535e-01 -9.32923704e-02 -1.60890669e-01 4.28265333e-01 -6.15794323e-02 9.63623896e-02 4.44177426e-02 -1.03441112e-01 1.66262444e-02 -1.00088492e-01 5.11427104e-01 -7.11803138e-01 -2.04928428e-01 6.28815638e-03 -3.36617470e-01 -3.72169137e-01 5.41871488e-01 5.18116653e-01 -4.15865742e-02 4.46956605e-01 -1.79139122e-01 4.28156964e-02 -3.25050615e-02 1.59579262e-01 -4.17784862e-02 -5.02483308e-01 -5.58505714e-01 5.16436994e-01 2.77803600e-01 -3.64000686e-02 -2.11037070e-01 3.27206492e-01 3.10062706e-01 4.89322871e-01 1.66615233e-01 1.29826412e-01 8.52168575e-02 1.24739610e-01 -1.79026335e-01 8.82207006e-02 -1.33703455e-01 -1.19453400e-01 6.32329509e-02 1.73139632e-01 2.98515975e-01 2.02658400e-01 -1.97059765e-01 5.81788272e-02 -3.82543355e-01 4.53723688e-03 -1.56337976e-01 1.89209282e-01 9.94647667e-02 1.97806098e-02 -3.46785158e-01 2.00810537e-01 3.93732160e-01 2.44995907e-01 -3.13930392e-01 -6.66578233e-01 5.46900511e-01 7.10303560e-02 5.31280115e-02 7.82130007e-03 5.59668615e-02 1.47856966e-01 -2.86027845e-02 2.68563181e-01 -8.38494580e-03 3.26680243e-02 4.07482415e-01 3.32346201e-01 3.77056152e-01 -4.44907602e-03 -2.20546633e-01 4.84882221e-02 -1.71409637e-01 1.58929020e-01 2.11645849e-02 -2.01862007e-01 8.69270340e-02 -9.63531658e-02 -3.65593955e-02 5.53958155e-02 5.12720598e-03 3.68087776e-02 -3.42188060e-01 -6.36116862e-02 -7.33462945e-02 3.11969459e-01 1.65630892e-01 -3.74850422e-01 2.60190338e-01 -3.01026732e-01 7.32943058e-01 9.73947644e-02 -2.99551543e-02 1.06420957e-01 -4.26185429e-01 -3.88773568e-02 -1.67613223e-01 1.86441898e-01 7.11173117e-01 9.15401727e-02 2.60225087e-01 4.49291855e-01 -1.20801568e-01 -4.73985709e-02 -7.68489540e-02 4.19664569e-02 -1.87278882e-01 4.17197287e-01 1.36664718e-01 1.66360904e-02 3.84755842e-02 -3.51703651e-02 -1.78992242e-01 1.38986543e-01 -1.58330634e-01 -2.41956249e-01 -2.44108036e-01 1.24200732e-01 3.58812451e-01 -6.64278716e-02 6.87706769e-01 -1.07018374e-01 2.72659343e-02 2.93779910e-01 2.59729534e-01 -7.47211725e-02 -1.57049969e-01 -8.32455382e-02 6.42869413e-01 -5.13741910e-01 -7.29251653e-02 -3.75172853e-01 4.18404862e-02 -1.75893232e-02 2.12453231e-01 -2.16902375e-01 2.11299360e-01 1.01391524e-01 -1.27050772e-01 -2.60280788e-01 8.14955458e-02 -3.07814211e-01 -1.50553361e-01 3.30297828e-01 -6.76134825e-02 8.81359205e-02 3.85426655e-02 1.10068232e-01 -3.96357238e-01 -7.27158636e-02 -2.51419842e-01 -2.30842739e-01 1.83257870e-02 6.20653480e-02 -2.03752860e-01 -2.59282351e-01 -3.98992628e-01 -3.59426290e-01 -6.36589602e-02 3.57356966e-01 -9.51820612e-02 2.76566505e-01 2.42686525e-01 -2.41438061e-01 -2.01759338e-01 3.86100523e-02 5.61264306e-02 -3.19245577e-01 -3.26934993e-01 1.06516734e-01 -2.47433141e-01 -5.21009453e-02 -3.63298059e-01 -1.56694740e-01 2.05832854e-01 -3.18092369e-02 -2.86659241e-01 1.04897343e-01 -2.86848336e-01 -1.59903660e-01 -1.30830631e-01 -7.45088011e-02 4.66816515e-01 2.99456626e-01 -3.35924745e-01 -1.73462272e-01 -1.30928889e-01 3.37850481e-01 1.22871689e-01 2.89202750e-01 -5.27028680e-01 -4.24214721e-01 4.83710617e-01 1.91017032e-01 2.23851830e-01 1.57406673e-01 -2.66040355e-01 2.49761105e-01 -7.94453919e-02 3.11157107e-01 -2.65441597e-01 4.60798413e-01 -9.06745344e-02 -5.99787056e-01 7.68396258e-02 -7.34515339e-02 -1.73610389e-01 -2.13004932e-01 -2.03001663e-01 -4.93845016e-01 -1.81407064e-01 -2.51056015e-01 4.61214960e-01 7.86080658e-02 -8.65910500e-02 -1.51830941e-01 -2.31062993e-01 -2.78263658e-01 -5.93972616e-02 4.04527634e-01 -3.40140998e-01 1.39704451e-01 -2.33888179e-02 1.21045843e-01 -1.19497068e-01 9.12692174e-02 -1.86882112e-02 1.36229947e-01 -5.16107678e-01 -3.88376087e-01 1.71648830e-01 -5.15036821e-01 4.97381866e-01 1.73986197e-01 7.20941246e-01 2.46008039e-01 4.31405529e-02 2.27008760e-01 -1.55913964e-01 -6.06057830e-02 -6.05607443e-02 1.78619176e-01 -3.53070758e-02 -1.14120506e-01 -1.68280199e-01 -9.52777192e-02 -8.44603702e-02 -4.61101271e-02 -1.15255006e-01 -1.82685181e-02 -1.03985265e-01 1.26867563e-01 -7.22171292e-02 -8.86700749e-02 -7.57174641e-02 -5.35023332e-01 -2.03095526e-01 2.81687438e-01 3.68468054e-02 3.37320685e-01 3.81108820e-01 -1.77173316e-01 1.93549424e-01 2.56237406e-02 5.53720653e-01 4.60260641e-03 3.70321512e-01 2.79591203e-01 2.16183141e-01 2.09070340e-01 1.93888526e-02 -8.32923427e-02 5.29591402e-04 5.80589414e-01 3.48056145e-02 6.46934584e-02 3.01558942e-01 1.59873113e-01 -1.76687643e-01 -1.24478258e-01 2.21183896e-01 -8.89991745e-02 2.64102519e-01 -1.22134730e-01 -1.97849656e-03 -1.06108729e-02 -4.04625624e-01 -1.73976794e-01 1.20300673e-01 -3.15207094e-02 1.14764394e-02 9.60578248e-02 1.06506002e+00 -2.70598173e-01 1.67498142e-01 -2.40853325e-01 -5.80464423e-01 4.27644223e-01 -1.59745961e-01 1.91574618e-02 3.49295139e-02 -1.16888121e-01 7.04647228e-02 -1.77671596e-01 3.83026183e-01 3.83707225e-01 -3.00760031e-01 -3.18230033e-01 -4.13617104e-01 1.39156595e-01 3.01780980e-02 3.28341663e-01 2.53807187e-01 1.88323990e-01 4.09505785e-01 1.56633392e-01 -6.79477379e-02 -1.96686447e-01 1.28753573e-01 -2.34899074e-01 -3.36599410e-01 1.38796166e-01 -5.56848645e-02 4.40080911e-01 -3.48451026e-02 1.97162867e-01 -1.73644707e-01 -2.40457267e-01 1.65318340e-01 -3.13948125e-01 -1.22845441e-01 -8.14776942e-02 -9.09593999e-02 3.40991169e-02 1.22061104e-01 1.61412284e-01 2.31232971e-01 -2.41137836e-02 3.85223687e-01 1.68176147e-03 -3.39565665e-01 9.86039415e-02 -2.90914569e-02 1.94728106e-01 9.93883833e-02 -6.89821020e-02 -1.28428012e-01 -1.95949584e-01 5.84141374e-01 3.56812865e-01 -1.67050004e-01 -2.37871915e-01 1.37700513e-01 6.77252039e-02 -2.10246831e-01 -8.45426321e-02 5.71424561e-03 -1.24490842e-01 -7.28462934e-02 1.42992958e-01 3.29289168e-01 -1.00093730e-01 1.92555830e-01 -4.88827638e-02 -1.75195560e-02 -3.38363022e-01 7.02924728e-02 -1.23975955e-01 -3.08440477e-01 -1.10983578e-02 4.94045429e-02 -2.46148512e-01 -5.65722734e-02 -1.57566536e-02 -1.66277401e-02 -5.37638813e-02 -1.67538881e-01 -1.18661344e-01 -8.25594962e-02 1.64138064e-01 -2.61678308e-01 3.97540599e-01 8.07653274e-03 4.27214652e-01 -7.58402571e-02 3.13561320e-01 -3.96328717e-01 -8.29218477e-02 -4.89317089e-01 -4.94432189e-02 -7.97886178e-02 -4.19373512e-01 -1.19310841e-01 -3.45211416e-01 2.09743470e-01 -3.49944115e-01 -2.24030435e-01 -2.29075417e-01 -6.88708201e-02 1.14109978e-01 -1.52132317e-01 -2.35094219e-01 -2.46174321e-01 -1.60371959e-01 1.98253170e-01 1.16135344e-01 4.22086641e-02 1.04315959e-01 1.74076945e-01 4.99012709e-01 -1.12084448e-01 7.08353566e-03 -1.46526814e-01 -9.23973601e-03 -4.61139716e-02 -8.44419971e-02 -1.43846557e-01 1.39357790e-01 -1.60261884e-01 -1.47490680e-01 -4.06375937e-02 2.57770002e-01 -1.50737643e-01 -5.53833432e-02 -2.42839642e-02 7.96760544e-02 -3.51043612e-01 3.50390677e-03 -7.22261816e-02 3.15449774e-01 1.80135369e-01 7.17558041e-02 -3.82100374e-01 2.61704624e-01 -2.49854729e-01 2.77466215e-02 1.04141787e-01 1.23595156e-01 -9.44066644e-02 1.43253639e-01 9.60413218e-02 -4.72358093e-02 -7.07382485e-02 -3.00734602e-02 1.78166255e-01 -2.55529016e-01 1.88230097e-01 -1.50768816e-01 8.94093663e-02 -1.73246160e-01 -2.03125343e-01 5.66669479e-02 2.45830819e-01 4.95515436e-01 1.26777157e-01 4.70935814e-02 9.41019803e-02 3.01286429e-01 2.62200713e-01 1.52868435e-01 -7.01947436e-02 1.39868557e-02 -9.25478637e-02 4.64457311e-02 -4.37408797e-02 2.77077705e-01 -9.62053761e-02 -6.24215603e-02 -9.27722976e-02 -2.42721736e-01 2.60809790e-02 1.38351187e-01 6.90004006e-02 -2.57759094e-01 -5.65215468e-01 -3.90065759e-01 2.05226749e-01 2.65799239e-02 8.57263327e-01 -1.01409145e-02 1.00440942e-01 1.69039920e-01 -1.92785382e-01 2.60844916e-01 3.24617773e-01 -2.11124390e-01 -1.40816808e-01 8.14501762e-01 -3.37082595e-01 2.26465002e-01 2.32415810e-01 3.25585008e-01 -9.97764692e-02 -1.82898521e-01 -1.59796000e-01 -1.01932608e-01 -1.34185359e-01 -2.36021996e-01 1.23137832e-01 7.80054033e-02 -1.75423026e-01 -5.59530258e-02 1.74947336e-01 -9.36236903e-02 -1.23067401e-01 1.22758493e-01 -3.23018022e-02 -3.23654950e-01 1.38357937e-01 -2.01243058e-01 -1.48469031e-01 3.12384427e-01 1.40239373e-01 -3.16820800e-01 -4.18119699e-01 1.17103346e-01 1.74695067e-02 2.57503510e-01 -1.12198092e-01 8.35101157e-02 -2.05093552e-03 1.75695673e-01 -8.99800807e-02 4.05028492e-01 5.63884750e-02 -2.35818010e-02 -8.25014785e-02 1.92453757e-01 5.09043671e-02 -3.24636519e-01 -1.92488462e-01 4.92078066e-01 2.84689009e-01 -5.41913062e-02 1.14454083e-01 3.48095745e-01 2.30264500e-01 4.56473343e-02 -1.91625163e-01 2.39925548e-01 2.64684021e-01 -1.36499226e-01 1.62497103e-01 -6.30763769e-02 1.24610260e-01 -1.35659531e-01 3.49982344e-02 2.49555856e-01 -1.01082727e-01 3.68450791e-01 2.81015821e-02 2.73869276e-01 1.39907598e-01 4.03734148e-01 -3.33591729e-01 -3.94680321e-01 1.87838003e-02 9.75703262e-03 -1.70328915e-01 -8.08301345e-02 9.29960385e-02 2.97795087e-01 -5.21961786e-02 1.63989112e-01 5.58959007e-01 -2.25314796e-01 -2.51350820e-01 4.23720002e-01 -2.82000661e-01 -1.36502728e-01 4.33608703e-02 2.57084876e-01 2.10830078e-01 5.30224800e-01 -3.83243188e-02 -1.43152833e-01 -2.41988614e-01 -2.47418940e-01 5.46211243e-01 -7.78615996e-02 1.60585254e-01 -3.95616949e-01 2.87279487e-01 -3.20947133e-02 -7.39251301e-02 -3.97930056e-01 -2.81921357e-01 -3.43791991e-02 2.15291053e-01 -4.43501621e-02 1.07530713e-01 -2.13598430e-01 -1.49530873e-01 -7.89481625e-02 3.32799941e-01 -1.80380002e-01 1.58440128e-01 -1.38888811e-03 -7.46611357e-02]
"A Hack Job" active "Item #: SCP-285 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-285 is to be kept in a Level-III humanoid containment chamber on Site-43's B-Wing. SCP-285 is to be given basic amenities. Following SCP-285's recent cooperation with the Foundation, it is allowed exactly two hours of free roaming Site-43's botanical gardens with supervision by at least one guard if it so chooses. Personnel are not to discuss SCP-285's past with PoI-6938 without approval of Site-43's Director. If this occurs, authorized technical staff are to manually remove the information from SCP-285-B via use of SCP-285-A. SCP-285-B instances are not to be edited without the permission of the Administrator of Site-43's Technical staff. SCP-285 is to never be given its full abilities back under any circumstances. Description: SCP-285 is an anomalous humanoid entity with no defined shape or internal structure, the exception being SCP-285-A, which consistently manifests itself on the object's back. SCP-285's body changes sporadically, with no pattern among the alterations; despite the trauma SCP-285 incurs as a result of this bodily mutation, it will not at any point display signs of homeostatic distress. Subject claims it cannot control these changes. These changes include, but are not limited to: SCP-285-A appears to be an Ethernet1 port, which allows access to SCP-285's internal database. When accessed by a computer capable of wired connections between networks, various files are capable of being accessed. These files (SCP-285-B) contain various text files, audio files, cognitohazards, and videos. ~90% of all files have been corrupted. The cause of this corruption is currently unknown. Additionally, SCP-285 is only capable of accessing files that were formed within its own database. Investigations into SCP-285-B and its contents reveal that editing of SCP-285-B could cause external changes on SCP-285's body and psychological state. To what extent this is possible without causing permanent damage to SCP-285 is currently unknown. It is believed that PoI-6938 used this ability to evade GoI-102 ("Unusual Incidents Unit") through consistent use of editing SCP-285's facial structure and body type, along with editing in Thaumatological based offense capabilities to defend against GoI-102 agents. Recovery: SCP-285 was recovered following an attempted arrest involving itself and an unknown individual (currently believed to be SCP-285's creator) in Las Vegas, Nevada. SCP-285 and the unknown individual (PoI-6938) were initially pulled over for speeding, before the officer discovered that PoI-6938 had attacked a federal building in [REDACTED], California. This federal building was later revealed to have been under the direct control of GoI-102, and was used as a prison for anomalous humanoids. The attack by PoI-6938 and SCP-285 ended in the deaths of 34 GoI-102 personnel and the release of ~70% of the prison population. The officer attempted to arrest SCP-285 and PoI-6938, but was attacked by SCP-285. PoI-6938 then escaped, leaving SCP-285 with the officer. SCP-285 was then arrested and put into GoI-102 custody, before eventually being given over to the Foundation following an anomalous Trade Of Information between GoI-102 and the Foundation. Both local law enforcement and Federal Agents were unable to locate PoI-6938. Anomalous pathways located in Nevada are currently being investigated with joint Foundation-UIU task forces. Interview Log Interviewer: Dr. Henderson Subject: SCP-285 <Begin Log> Dr. Henderson: What is your purpose? SCP-285: I don't know. Dr. Henderson: How do you not know? SCP-285: I just don't know. I have an idea of why I was created, but I'm not too sure. Dr. Henderson: Well, tell me why you think you were created. SCP-285: Well, to entertain kids. Originally, I think. Although, my purpose was probably [pause] altered, for lack of a better word. Dr. Henderson: How do you think you were altered? SCP-285: It's hard to explain. I remember some things perfectly, but others I can't even think of. I think he was mad, and he wanted to hurt someone. And he used me to help hurt them. I hope he didn't succeed. Dr. Henderson: Why do you not want him to succeed? SCP-285: I don't want to hurt anyone. Dr. Henderson: Then why did you attack that officer? [SCP-285 Pauses] SCP-285: I just did as I was told. But I think that's the only time he ever made me hurt someone. At least, I think he did. Dr. Henderson: Why do you think your creator put these various files onto you? SCP-285: Insurance, I guess. Dr. Henderson: Explain. SCP-285: You see, I remember my, uh, 'database', for lack of a better word, being biological in nature. My brain [taps forehead], contains all the information in my 'database', even if I can't access anything he put on me. Or anything he didn't want me to see. Dr. Henderson: So, if your brain were to be damaged or if you were to die, all the files within your database would disappear? SCP-285: Not disappear as much as just become corrupted. But, yes, that's the idea. He wanted to make sure that if I was to get captured by the 'you-eye-you' or whatever it was called, that they wouldn't have been able to read my files. He really hated those guys. Maybe that's what made him mad in the first place. I remember whenever I brought it up he'd get angry and yell at me a lot. I cried a little, but not a lot. He hates when I cry. It's not my fault that he created me to cry. Dr. Henderson: Did he bring anything up that maybe would have explained why he was so angry? SCP-285: No, but the way he sounded it was like the end of the world to him. That's why he created me, I think. Why he altered me. He wanted to use me as something, as a, uh, weapon, I guess? Whatever it was, he wanted to hurt the 'you-eye-you'. He used to go on and on about how they were evil and deserved to be destroyed because they took everything from him and how they all need to die. It was scary. Dr. Henderson: Well, the UIU is not evil; I can say that with confidence. SCP-285: How though? He told me they kidnap and murder innocent people who've done nothing but exist. Told me how they made being alive hell for him and his friends and family. I've never had a family, but that must hurt, right? Dr. Henderson: Whatever your creator told you, it was inaccurate to reality. SCP-285: If you say so, doctor. I trust you more than him, anyways. Dr. Henderson: Why do you think your creator left you behind? SCP-285: He was done with me. Dr. Henderson: How was he done with you? SCP-285: He had done what he had wanted to do, whatever it was. I guess I was just one more loose end. Dr. Henderson: If you truly were a 'loose end', as you described, why did he not kill you himself? SCP-285: I think he was, and after uploading all the files into my 'database', he was gonna do that. But he got interrupted. And he panicked, and he just hoped that the cop would just finish me off. Glad he didn't do that, you know? I like living. Better than whatever I was before. Dr. Henderson: Why do you think he wanted to get rid of all the files in your database? SCP-285: Something was there, something about some other people. He did something to them. Stole something real important to them. I think he was a part of them at one point, but left. Maybe I was a part of them too, I don't know, but I know that whatever group it was, he didn't want them coming after him. Or finding me. Dr. Henderson: Do you remember the name of this group? SCP-285: I don't know man. I remember him talking about some 'fucking stoners', but that's pretty much it. <End Log> Addendum-285.1 The following collection of documents are filed in chronological order based off of documents from SCP-285's internal database and GoI-102 related documents. The purpose of this collection is to provide a possible time frame regarding SCP-285's creation and PoI-6938's overall motive and goal. The following document was a deleted audio file, believed to be addressed to SCP-285's original owners. [DATA CORRUPTED] I don't give a damn what blunt thinks or says. I need him. Without him, I wouldn't have gotten this far. The damn feds are crawling all over the damn place, and this guy is the only thing keeping them away from me. If anything, you should be glad he's around. Better for them to be mind fucked into oblivion than just killed, right? Man, you really gave this guy some sweet powers. You sure this guy was meant to be a kiddy thing? I thought we were meant to be pacifists or something? Not that I'm complaining. You know, that's the one thing I've always hated about you two. You're too damned soft. You don't ever fight back. You just sit on your ass and make jokes and do nothing. Yeah, it was fun, what we did. For a while, at any rate. Then Jordan got taken. You two wouldn't understand. What it's like to have to take care of someone. Look after someone. Do some [pause] some real shitty things to protect the ones that you love. [DATA CORRUPTED] And every damn time I tried asking you and the others about what we should do about Jordan. About how the Ravens took him. Remember what you fucking said, Jude? "He got what he deserved"? Well, I remember that. [DATA CORRUPTED] Maybe we need a couple of terrorists in the world. To knock the man a peg or two down. [DATA CORRUPTED] Electronic copy below as per Federal Records Act UIU File: 2016-982: Codename "Merrymaker" Summary: Suspect capable of performing high class Thaumatology and minor reality warping. Possible connections to The Serpent's Hand, an anomalous terrorist organization, and is primarily active in Southern California and Nevada. Possible member of the secretive location known as 'The Library', the main base of the Serpent's Hand. Name: Unknown, but has consistently given out the first name "Jordan" Irregularity Cross-reference: Human, Magician, Terrorist, American, Serpent's Hand Physical Description:2 Capabilities: Suspect is capable of performing offensive thaumatic spells. These spells include fire-based projectiles, sentient flesh-based creations formed from his own epidermis,3 and capable of forming Ways. These Ways are not permanent, and are incredibly unstable. In all cases, Ways produced by the suspect are incapable of transporting him at long distances. These Ways also cause temporary physical and mental effects to the suspect. Suspect suffers from vomiting and nausea after forming Ways. Purpose/Motive: Primarily motivated by hatred of organizations or agencies responsible for preserving and maintaining consensus reality, along with curbing activity in the anomalous community. Believes that the only way anomalous humans can continue to exist is by the destruction of any and all normalcy agencies. Willing to cooperate with any group or person as long as this primary motive is maintained. Modus Operandi: Suspect often works with terrorist organizations, specifically the Serpents Hand, various anartist4 sects, and, on one occasion, with a currently unidentified anomalous terrorist group. Its cooperation is often in tandem with the organizations opposition to normalcy agencies. Behavior: Behaves with very little remorse or empathy towards non-anomalous entities. Exhibits unwillingness to socialize with other people, both anomalous and non-anomalous. Destroyed Unit Patrol Car: Patrol car has suffered major scorching on the exterior and the interior of the vehicle. Analysis provides evidence of external source. Additionally, the hood of the car has been found to been smashed in by an external force. Analysis of the vehicle suggests that the scorch marks were caused by a fire produced through Thaumatology. Body Camera Footage: Footage shows suspect assaulting and killing fifteen Federal Agents after an anomalous arms deal goes wrong. Footage of Way: Footage of a Way produced by the suspect. Current Status: Detained at [CLASSIFIED], California. Not allowed to contact anyone or receive packages from family or associates. Indefinite solitary confinement. Crimes: Murder of a Federal Officer, Destruction of Property, Anomalous Arms Dealing, Drug Ownership, Drug Trafficking, Drug Manufacturing, Treason, Terrorism, Murder of a Police Officer, Theft of Federal Property, Speeding, Arson, Selling Paratech without a license, Performing Thaumatology Without a License, Driving Without A License, and Evasion of Arrest. Sentencing: Capital Punishment. History of UIU Action: 5/22/2016: Suspect first appeared aiding a Serpent Hand operative escape Unit patrol vehicles with a currently unidentified Ford pickup truck. Used his Thaumatological abilities to destroy five of the seven cars. The suspect and the accompanying operative escaped after driving their vehicle through a Way produced at the bottom of a canyon, of which they had driven off of. 6/9/2016: Suspect encountered near [CLASSIFIED], California selling anomalous drugs in a local club. When arrested by three Agents, he formed three biological entities of varying shapes and sizes to attack the Agents. Suspect escaped via a Way he had produced while the entities began attacking civilians in order to distract Unit Agents from apprehending him. Fifteen civilians and two officers were killed by the time the three entities were destroyed. 6/11/2016: Along with five individuals belonging to an unidentified anomalous terrorist organization, the suspect set fire to a Unit controlled prison, destroying various anomalous objects and persons in the resulting attack. 6/15/2016: Cornered by five Unit Agents in [CLASSIFIED], Nevada. Almost arrested before four of the five Agents were killed by a controlled, Thaumatological blast of lighting coming from another entity with the suspect.5 The suspect and the entity escaped through a Way. At this time, The Bureau considered making the suspect a Number One priority case on the West coast. 8/22/2016: After two months of silence, the suspect was encountered with fifteen Serpent Hands agent while breaking into a Unit controlled warehouse. Around 30% of the contents within the warehouse was stolen before Unit Agents were able to interfere with the operation. The operatives engaged in combat with the Agents before being subdued by the operatives. The Agents were then locked inside of the warehouse, with the suspect setting fire to the building. There were no surviving Agents. 9/1/2016: Suspect was pulled over for speeding. When the officer discovered the suspect's criminal nature, she attempted to arrest him. The suspect attacked and killed the officer. The Bureau officially declares the suspect as a Number one threat to national security on the West Coast. 9/12/2016: Suspect is involved in an arms deal between the Serpents Hand and a currently unidentified third party.6 Interrupted by Unit Agents, ending in the murder of fifteen Agents, all by the suspect. 10/2/2016: The suspect is arrested after a failed break inside of a Unit controlled warehouse, similar to the break in on 8/22/2016, of which the suspect was also a part of. However, in response to the theft, the Bureau increases security measures in anomalous storage warehouses. The suspect and the fifteen Serpent Hands operatives were unprepared for these increased measures, and were all arrested. INTERVIEWER: Hello, Mr. Jordan. How are you doing tod— SUSPECT: Eat a dick. INTERVIEWER: If you don't wish to cooperate with us, we can put you back in Solitary confinement. SUSPECT: Alright. INTERVIEWER: Alright, so what is yo— SUSPECT: I hope your entire family dies of cancer. INTERVIEWER: Alright, Officers, take Mr. Jordan back to his cell. We're done here. SUSPECT: Don't worry, I won't be there long. Big bro always comes, in the end. The following document was recovered inside of SCP-285's memory files. Originally a video, but only the audio was recovered. Audio begins with the sound of a car driving down a road. A male voice can be heard talking, identified as PoI-6938. PoI-6938: They're fucking animals, all of them. They beat us, abuse us, make us follow their rules, which always fucking put us at a disadvantage, and they expect us to not fight back? It's horrible. SCP-285 does not speak. PoI-6938: Well, me and you will show them. We're gonna get Jordan back, and then him and me and you are gonna take this world. Right, Hax? SCP-285 does not respond. PoI-6938: Right, Hax? SCP-285: Y-Yes, yes sir. PoI-6938: That's more like it. Now get ready, some feds are up ahead. This place should be where they keep the prisoner lists and shit. And hand me that mask. Just cause you don't need one doesn't mean I don't. The car slows down to a halt, with two car doors opening and slamming closed. Faint talking can be heard, along with the sound of a door opening and closing. Audio cuts out for thirty-one minutes before beginning once again.7 Vomiting noises can be heard, as someone is yelling. PoI-6938: God fucking damnit! You fucking dumbass, can't you do anything right? SCP-285: I-I'm sorry, alright, I just can't— SCP-285 is cut off by vomiting. PoI-6938: Damnit blunt. <Whisper> Why did he have to make you so much of a pansy? SCP-285: Oh god, I can't do this. It hurts. PoI-6938: I'd expect so. They made me put that feature in. SCP-285: They? PoI-6938: Yeah, the fucking stoners. Blame them for what's going on. When someone like me or some other person feels bad for killing someone, it's like five times as painful for you. Increased empathy and the like. I would've made you like me, but they just had to be— Vomiting noises begins again. SCP-285: Get it out of me! Help me, make me a sociopath or something, I can't, I won't do this for the rest of my life. PoI-6938: I can't. It's a built-in thing they made me put in you. I'd have to kill you to remove it. So, better get used to it Hax. Thankfully, it wasn't too useless. We got what we needed. Go and, uh, get some rest, or whatever. SCP-285: Y-Yes sir. <End video> The following phone call is believed to be between PoI-6938 and PoI-6939 ("Jordan") after they had escaped the correctional facility where PoI-6939 had originally been placed. PoI-6938: Hey, dude, you there? PoI-6939: Yes, I am. What happened? PoI-6938: Fuck if I know man. Our, uh, mutual friends did something to Hax. PoI-6939: What do you mean 'did something' to it? PoI-6938: I can't mess with his files now. Without possibly killing him, at any rate. PoI-6939: And? PoI-6938: Which means he's a liability. They know his face, and he doesn't have any of the fancy stuff he used to have. Now he just sorta [pause] changes at random. He's too dangerous. PoI-6939: What do we do? PoI-6938: We, uh, do what we need to. PoI-6939: Of course. Where will it be? PoI-6938: Outside of Vegas. I'll meet you at Salt Lake. PoI-6939: Alright. Just, be careful, alright? PoI-6938: You know I am, brother. Love you. PoI-6939: Love you too. Addendum-285.2 The following document was given to the Foundation by GoI-102 during the initial trade between GoI-102 and the Foundation. Holy Heck! You've just found yourself your very own Mr. Hax by Gamers Against Weed! Always use Antimalware, kids. Who is this Fourchan? Collect them all and become Mr. Gamer! 01. Mr. Literal Serial Killer 02. Mr. Normie 03. Mr. Bernie Sanders 04. Mr. Get Anything For Free In Any Shop 20. Mr. Sex Number 21. Mr. Heavenly Virtues 22. Mr. Deadly Sins 23. Mr. Original Character 24. Mr. D.A.R.E. 25. Mrs. Gentrification 26. Mr. Mad About Video Games 27. Mr. Meme 28. Mr. Ominous (discontinued) 29. Mr. Destiny 30. Mr. Monty Python And The Holy Grail 31. Ms. Zapatista 32. Mr. Hax ✔ 33. Mr. Just Has The Tattoo 34. Mr. Top Text and Mr. Bottom Text 35. Mr. Finale 36. Mr. Humble Waterfilter Merchant Addendum-285.3 The following document was discovered inside of a sealed envelope addressed to Site-43 staff. Dear Janitors/Ravens I know this type of thing isn't our usual style, but we as a group decided that this situation couldn't be considered 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination. We know you have Hax, and we know what happened to him. Including what happened with Ken and Jordan, and what they planned on doing to him. How we know this is not important, but what is important is what we learned from it. And we just want to say one thing to everyone involved: We're sorry. We're sorry we trusted a monster who we thought was our friend. We're sorry that we couldn't stop him in time. We're sorry that we couldn't prevent what you went through, Hax. I, and the rest of the group, want to say that we never wanted this to end this way. For Hax, for you Janitors, or for the Ravens, who didn't deserve what happened to them. We just wanted to bring happiness to children with your powers. We just wanted to mock you and the Ravens. We didn't mean for this. We never intended for things to end like this. We're so so sorry. Signed, Gamers Against Weed P.S. Don't worry about Ken or Jordan. We've dealt with them. « SCP-284 | SCP-285 | SCP-286 »" nan
[ 1.41347021e-01 3.19563627e-01 -1.77285075e-01 1.39930144e-01 -1.28323883e-01 -2.15991169e-01 4.95804340e-01 2.25909129e-01 1.38044700e-01 -6.22644052e-02 -2.97815621e-01 1.78303450e-01 -8.73294193e-03 1.81584254e-01 4.58433986e-01 2.84670711e-01 -4.19305861e-02 2.12610170e-01 -2.81368107e-01 -1.58935785e-01 -1.62042394e-01 -4.05367702e-01 5.97806722e-02 2.50871569e-01 -2.01874197e-01 8.45075324e-02 1.38454884e-01 2.53740102e-01 -1.86666951e-01 -3.71720940e-02 -6.06771819e-02 1.66007012e-01 -7.09499493e-02 2.83478200e-01 -1.07538981e-04 -1.58678576e-01 -2.11168215e-01 8.85481834e-02 -2.61568427e-01 3.02797824e-01 -5.34312785e-01 -3.82756323e-01 -2.18824491e-01 -3.62100393e-01 1.80049568e-01 2.93007731e-01 1.71214491e-01 3.01009148e-01 5.16026258e-01 1.19247444e-01 1.77736342e-01 -1.40855238e-01 1.38671547e-01 -8.39586277e-03 3.36951047e-01 1.16972968e-01 -1.34440372e-03 7.06448313e-03 2.17786610e-01 1.32858559e-01 1.54771075e-01 -9.63544399e-02 -2.24472061e-01 -4.36869591e-01 3.05766493e-01 -1.56326517e-01 5.03198385e-01 -1.78213194e-01 3.70412588e-01 -1.04433022e-01 8.44450481e-03 -3.36237922e-02 -3.67004201e-02 -1.16657592e-01 -2.22992152e-02 -1.81356460e-01 3.65169436e-01 3.26215088e-01 -3.52034345e-02 2.40555733e-01 2.55893730e-02 1.40454590e-01 -2.69758791e-01 -1.45014644e-01 4.92305979e-02 4.46081795e-02 1.03172034e-01 -5.52952997e-02 -4.24622931e-02 1.56176314e-01 9.52623878e-03 1.48343489e-01 8.41098130e-02 2.85271317e-01 1.24227606e-01 -5.52756861e-02 -1.76889058e-02 -3.21083926e-02 2.25297119e-02 3.70912224e-01 1.18745580e-01 1.47090465e-01 1.30017355e-01 6.42831475e-02 1.23867445e-01 -1.30211011e-01 -1.91545591e-01 -1.82371870e-01 -1.25875533e-01 4.36000228e-01 -5.15566468e-02 2.75099903e-01 6.79613650e-03 -1.01397462e-01 6.75309822e-02 6.73584491e-02 1.54864222e-01 -6.32215291e-02 -7.25759491e-02 -2.20030230e-02 -2.16918766e-01 5.31246886e-02 -1.44072860e-01 1.93597257e-01 3.60528171e-01 -3.22563171e-01 1.79353118e-01 -2.79468983e-01 -2.51058578e-01 -6.04435205e-02 -1.43138483e-01 8.71856362e-02 -2.20899120e-01 -3.50560211e-02 4.14365567e-02 4.41103727e-01 -3.51000905e-01 -1.33825862e-03 -3.00689936e-01 9.81626213e-02 1.32520823e-02 3.80240045e-02 3.19689870e-01 3.39773595e-01 -3.28724951e-01 -1.95715547e-01 -2.73239136e-01 -2.88240820e-01 -2.67106425e-02 -1.08841434e-01 1.11070402e-01 -1.30217910e-01 -3.11861038e-01 2.46725455e-01 1.40639350e-01 3.40018012e-02 3.95355374e-01 -1.55722946e-01 -1.99360967e-01 -2.94136345e-01 2.75748998e-01 3.77769649e-01 9.05560981e-03 4.14505303e-02 7.49425665e-02 2.61295795e-01 1.47202879e-01 -9.72509757e-02 1.43554881e-01 -1.66025404e-02 1.26360863e-01 -4.17399630e-02 -5.11773862e-02 7.93797523e-02 -1.14519686e-01 -1.43479377e-01 -3.00404370e-01 1.34013250e-01 -3.09407711e-01 -5.07562578e-01 -4.71576542e-01 4.83799055e-02 3.90054673e-01 -1.53966889e-01 -2.48936236e-01 -2.04121992e-01 -2.09191233e-01 1.29807675e-02 2.10501000e-01 -9.08495635e-02 -3.07209373e-01 -6.66310966e-01 1.00830041e-01 -5.35492599e-02 3.47135633e-01 3.64696197e-02 2.22655669e-01 -2.58461805e-04 2.60661095e-01 -1.94799438e-01 7.29727596e-02 -2.28479013e-01 3.37155730e-01 1.29142672e-01 -1.61794141e-01 -1.56367317e-01 -2.83850264e-02 3.53190936e-02 1.85535982e-01 2.94690996e-01 -1.09695323e-01 -1.45781666e-01 -2.50884771e-01 4.40477878e-02 1.35375962e-01 -2.81314701e-01 2.68129945e-01 4.02612150e-01 -1.06457155e-02 -3.39531004e-01 -1.57647416e-01 1.48427323e-01 -5.53511605e-02 -1.14331566e-01 -2.64252216e-01 7.12775514e-02 -3.16558182e-01 -9.36785042e-02 -3.72552454e-01 2.30283350e-01 1.17981389e-01 3.66286933e-02 1.49939403e-01 -4.36299480e-02 -1.61775351e-01 -2.76858173e-02 2.25229725e-01 1.02826273e+00 -2.54310928e-02 -9.61222500e-02 1.68904707e-01 8.99939686e-02 3.53685468e-01 8.59939381e-02 -1.75801829e-01 1.09059513e-01 -2.30734587e-01 8.70235562e-02 1.45763487e-01 -9.44191813e-02 7.03642070e-02 -3.25237721e-01 -5.14793172e-02 1.23485498e-01 -1.68330118e-01 2.61586130e-01 -8.59733224e-02 2.76784033e-01 2.30344441e-02 2.23673567e-01 1.10958636e-01 -1.68281160e-02 1.32934228e-01 -2.65027937e-02 1.61747351e-01 -1.47926360e-01 1.29367694e-01 2.96770126e-01 -1.51687428e-01 1.80231750e-01 6.08138777e-02 2.92061027e-02 3.45366038e-02 -4.79539633e-02 1.66186228e-01 5.09312749e-02 -7.09894225e-02 1.91672191e-01 4.33222026e-01 3.80343020e-01 -5.73535115e-02 -3.23028088e-01 -1.98621646e-01 -2.26837382e-01 -2.87156045e-01 1.36875212e-01 1.43516213e-01 -3.53588670e-01 -9.27971303e-02 4.72715378e-01 5.58412857e-02 -7.85498768e-02 5.44163696e-02 7.14448020e-02 -3.37745249e-01 1.64059162e-01 7.37204477e-02 5.96605539e-01 -2.01533049e-01 1.72511175e-01 -3.60709459e-01 8.09732601e-02 2.76363622e-02 7.71830902e-02 4.93289381e-02 1.70479298e-01 2.27332532e-01 -4.52637784e-02 -9.12410766e-02 -1.72719017e-01 -2.35511199e-01 1.23384938e-01 1.80116385e-01 -5.03980480e-02 1.25802144e-01 -2.27272779e-01 -1.44222781e-01 -4.83296037e-01 9.52345803e-02 -3.21173012e-01 1.08136885e-01 -7.28345290e-02 -2.15188935e-02 3.16487141e-02 -4.10989113e-02 3.10599446e-01 -2.34385163e-01 -1.50817811e-01 4.79911119e-01 1.42771527e-01 1.60880655e-01 5.23320377e-01 -3.08316723e-02 2.84217536e-01 2.09029436e-01 3.53379428e-01 -1.54491350e-01 -3.58399600e-01 1.03081460e-03 7.07501471e-02 -1.01445079e-01 -3.24146509e-01 -2.18499482e-01 2.70031750e-01 2.12846734e-02 -2.15709031e-01 4.64394204e-02 -1.27492040e-01 3.88761729e-01 -2.26974487e-01 1.06561673e-03 6.31584823e-01 2.01685820e-02 -2.91540295e-01 9.16083828e-02 -9.22050625e-02 2.48577096e-04 2.51450390e-01 1.35042503e-01 -3.90745014e-01 -3.73995692e-01 1.50868103e-01 5.35634398e-01 -3.91649663e-01 8.99744332e-02 5.20465709e-02 9.37045887e-02 1.64100409e-01 9.87566411e-02 -3.14678788e-01 8.48533586e-02 5.09219244e-02 -7.45440125e-01 9.38351676e-02 -2.19254017e-01 -4.39909875e-01 -3.44637670e-02 -1.96064219e-01 -4.12809849e-01 -2.26771459e-01 2.09411681e-01 3.22913915e-01 5.19971736e-03 5.68615906e-02 -1.06663689e-01 -2.62376666e-01 -2.74528265e-01 -2.73752082e-02 9.35278535e-02 -3.46196406e-02 -1.75526321e-01 -3.96428332e-02 -2.07929462e-02 -6.04960173e-02 -6.16648570e-02 -1.24830529e-01 1.34011796e-02 -3.92164558e-01 -3.90598208e-01 3.11172187e-01 -4.58170503e-01 1.26987383e-01 3.36317345e-02 6.20971620e-01 4.81064737e-01 2.70380229e-01 -6.83446601e-02 -4.95939627e-02 -3.04475456e-01 -4.24354635e-02 4.26112145e-01 -3.30099940e-01 -8.65556486e-03 1.08224668e-01 2.19568774e-01 -1.26319915e-01 1.56206369e-01 4.21847820e-01 2.84182876e-01 -2.46749729e-01 -2.97922909e-01 -6.34986237e-02 1.10137075e-01 -1.92428380e-01 -6.32795226e-03 1.51831675e-02 -9.68255028e-02 3.25745761e-01 -1.44436480e-02 -2.58791028e-03 -2.97217190e-01 1.11103520e-01 4.06032614e-02 -4.65545207e-02 3.70596111e-01 2.01471999e-01 2.29401007e-01 2.91495342e-02 -2.36695483e-01 8.27476084e-02 -2.53563792e-01 3.27839702e-01 7.10743189e-01 1.32429898e-01 -3.32997054e-01 -2.93829143e-01 2.02379972e-01 -2.90719956e-01 -3.23501140e-01 2.14225367e-01 2.38093764e-01 1.93081275e-01 -1.39547914e-01 2.93943137e-01 -2.91092038e-01 -3.84166539e-01 -1.37170270e-01 4.11419481e-01 -3.54836285e-01 4.74212885e-01 3.93614739e-01 1.31605554e+00 1.23204835e-01 2.08772108e-01 6.73242211e-02 -4.80326593e-01 3.31339717e-01 -4.53200728e-01 -1.05663426e-01 -1.54361650e-01 -1.32862777e-01 8.00744519e-02 -9.55601484e-02 4.12250757e-02 3.27767819e-01 -1.39859110e-01 -2.72529364e-01 -5.23529112e-01 -4.09420095e-02 2.02189982e-01 2.63580292e-01 -5.12801781e-02 -3.84540297e-02 -4.82786857e-02 2.59415090e-01 5.17409891e-02 -1.11254521e-01 1.01654893e-02 4.80270013e-02 -3.18204582e-01 -4.36076745e-02 -1.24609381e-01 2.92332508e-02 -1.98317114e-02 2.17466980e-01 -1.95355669e-01 8.21214318e-02 1.40586160e-02 -1.00337245e-01 -4.26003158e-01 -1.14114478e-01 6.01212233e-02 2.21539259e-01 2.35724404e-01 8.98296461e-02 2.40002885e-01 -3.15796621e-02 2.71799505e-01 -6.53701872e-02 -1.63534746e-01 -2.79504750e-02 1.05304236e-03 -2.58646995e-01 1.31973118e-01 1.79243490e-01 2.36639932e-01 -7.67097399e-02 3.22410017e-01 -3.48326191e-02 -1.74482733e-01 -2.34640524e-01 1.68986872e-01 -2.14522183e-01 -3.03300023e-01 -1.22778982e-01 7.93253351e-03 -2.56173015e-01 -6.25430718e-02 5.07995427e-01 -1.29587874e-01 8.09108466e-02 4.36409563e-01 -1.09618813e-01 -1.21439040e-01 -4.71550912e-01 1.16272017e-01 -2.91733116e-01 -5.01460075e-01 -1.41334653e-01 -5.61471999e-01 -2.89780796e-01 -1.62750468e-01 3.57676119e-01 1.64608285e-01 -1.98397875e-01 -1.24907330e-01 -3.60139668e-01 1.72866300e-01 -8.42024907e-02 4.98994112e-01 1.37211323e-01 -1.07876221e-02 3.07111174e-01 -1.97424710e-01 2.71582574e-01 -4.15370286e-01 2.31914595e-01 -2.64692724e-01 2.26402301e-02 4.26794380e-01 -1.54822201e-01 -1.13337256e-01 -1.16685092e-01 2.18965873e-01 4.34656627e-02 -7.98879862e-02 -3.01707298e-01 -1.55926481e-01 1.15165360e-01 -1.61990002e-01 -4.31744009e-01 1.66781992e-02 1.21318698e-01 2.09553335e-02 2.37979665e-02 -1.44572333e-01 1.12041153e-01 3.38718385e-01 3.64198625e-01 2.52624869e-01 3.59198093e-01 -5.96812703e-02 3.58225182e-02 5.13361115e-03 4.31883872e-01 -1.52705908e-01 2.46288523e-01 -4.22632575e-01 -7.70003274e-02 2.61912078e-01 3.67229581e-01 -1.44582123e-01 3.78708601e-01 1.67228356e-01 1.28768191e-01 -1.57977249e-02 3.23070019e-01 -2.48749331e-01 8.33526552e-02 -2.24044576e-01 -1.43779859e-01 -1.73592791e-01 3.60422492e-01 -2.95657311e-02 2.96158940e-01 -7.89319798e-02 -7.98055753e-02 -2.66632289e-02 3.32423091e-01 1.74989954e-01 -3.35537732e-01 -2.25067660e-01 -1.02788150e-01 1.93377733e-01 1.50194973e-01 3.46919298e-01 3.54501963e-01 -3.47494215e-01 -2.51326174e-01 -1.85371742e-01 1.23842560e-01 2.57977039e-01 2.30784655e-01 -2.51610000e-02 -1.96873397e-01 1.86514422e-01 6.49284363e-01 1.60757020e-01 5.96009754e-02 1.59842134e-01 1.45966485e-01 2.11760513e-02 5.03665209e-02 7.64924064e-02 1.67352214e-01 -2.24132389e-01 4.46090177e-02 -1.16059028e-01 2.30140716e-01 1.23072043e-01 1.93750918e-01 -8.86146575e-02 -3.15613538e-01 -3.22996557e-01 -1.05290636e-01 2.81351153e-02 -7.45553151e-02 2.99591392e-01 1.77693874e-01 -1.32917777e-01 8.34565163e-02 1.44308701e-01 -3.03657036e-02 5.23309171e-01 -3.01327497e-01 2.88126748e-02 2.80047745e-01 5.75372344e-03 1.33059412e-01 1.90352008e-01 3.06905478e-01 -1.61192432e-01 -1.23380773e-01 3.89064699e-01 -2.03278512e-01 -2.48517096e-01 -3.47884506e-01 9.06679109e-02 1.35407388e-01 2.34815866e-01 -8.87472108e-02 1.75216332e-01 -2.53096819e-01 -5.39673448e-01 2.66463488e-01 3.94069314e-01 -2.78771013e-01 2.47877121e-01 3.00558452e-02 -2.91013330e-01 1.30608663e-01 -2.93826401e-01 6.55177310e-02 -5.14246151e-02 -5.19851856e-02 -2.38147244e-01 4.61410314e-01 2.14943916e-01 9.23396200e-02 -8.36527422e-02 3.57649326e-01 -8.05294216e-02 5.19264489e-02 4.45836261e-02 -1.32238701e-01 -1.38040865e-02 7.06842914e-02 1.69625625e-01 -5.50179064e-01 -2.55450606e-01 2.38787323e-01 -1.27712032e-02 -2.13779256e-01 1.03440218e-01 3.18683773e-01 2.85869598e-01 4.26322818e-02 -2.67244697e-01 4.86003980e-02 1.30604342e-01 -2.37063430e-02 -1.21417694e-01 -2.72259772e-01 1.21471249e-01 2.00001299e-01 2.00950995e-01 1.92329511e-01 -5.13446987e-01 -1.91998973e-01 3.81567210e-01 6.24159038e-01 7.23511055e-02 4.54044044e-01 -2.52929360e-01 -2.94372112e-01 -2.82536328e-01 1.39782697e-01 -2.81273782e-01 3.02336544e-01 7.04570338e-02 1.64573133e-01 1.12666383e-01 5.82000017e-01 1.57851756e-01 3.07556629e-01 -7.71674439e-02 6.70324489e-02 -3.62392843e-01 -6.36475086e-02 3.80268358e-02 1.26226485e-01 1.48715395e-02 2.99794048e-01 1.17867790e-01 -1.15464650e-01 -3.94663304e-01 -1.85919687e-01 4.95675772e-01 3.67637649e-02 -3.92970920e-01 -1.23876043e-01 3.63582134e-01 -3.97815615e-01 7.78986365e-02 -3.45275611e-01 -2.98233867e-01 4.03885357e-02 -1.58654168e-01 -1.31014973e-01 8.19725394e-02 -2.72063967e-02 -1.54799595e-01 -1.98049471e-01 4.11623716e-01 3.59497815e-02 -3.12842652e-02 -3.34532231e-01 -2.69769222e-01]
"The Brothers' Game" active "Item #: SCP-286 Object Class: Safe Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-286 is to be kept in a secure containment cell at Site-19 that allows an open, secure perimeter of at least 50m radius around SCP-286. Only D-Class personnel are permitted to have direct physical contact with SCP-286, and only as part of an approved experiment. Update 07/19/20██: Experiments with SCP-286 are hereby suspended until further notice. (see: Technical Note TN-286-55) —O5-██ Surveillance cameras are to be positioned to allow 360 degree monitoring of SCP-286 during experimentation. Recordings shall be maintained and cataloged of all Sigma states exhibited by SCP-286. The archive of these States is to be made available to any researchers with Level 2 clearance or higher. Update 03/11/20██: As of Incident I-286-5, surveillance of SCP-286 is to be continuous, and any initiation of a Sigma state is to immediately reported to Overwatch Command. Outside the immediate project directorate, the SCP-286 Sigma state archives and associated material are to be restricted to level 4 access. Under no circumstances are identified instances of SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2 to be prevented from having contact with SCP-286. —O5-██ Description: SCP-286 is a carved stone game board, measuring 83cm on a side. It bears markings consistent with the Chinese game of Liubo (六博).1 Based on artifacts found with SCP-286 during recovery, SCP-286 has been dated to at least the Shang Dynasty2, though all attempts to date the carvings directly have been inconclusive. Analysis of SCP-286’s composition has shown high concentrations of iron and nickel, and crystalline microstructures consistent with [REDACTED]. If any human being higher-order mammal touches SCP-286, it will initiate a Sigma state. A Sigma state is indicated by the appearance of 12 tokens on the surface of the game board. The tokens appear to be constructed of the same material as SCP-2863. Six tokens are “dark,” absorbing ~75% more ambient light than the board surface, while six tokens are “light,” emitting ~75% more ambient light than that which actually strikes them. Appearing with the tokens on the game surface are two eighteen-sided dice, apparently made of bronze.4 The dice share the anomalous reflective and absorption properties shown by the game tokens, one “light” and one “dark.” Otherwise the dice appear consistent with dice found with non-anomalous Liubo sets recovered from various Chinese archeological sites. A Sigma state will also manifest SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 to play a game. SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 are human beings higher-order mammals who have suffered temporary alterations in patterns of movement, cognition, behavior and vocalization. SCP-286-1 will appear agitated, movements will become jerky and imprecise, vocalizations will be quick, stuttering and aggressive. SCP-286-2 will appear sluggish, movements halting and slow, vocalizations will be low-pitched, throaty, and tend to be monosyllabic. Subjects capable of human speech will converse, but only to their opposite number during a Sigma event. Such conversations (or monologues in the case of a subject facing a non-human opponent) are conducted in a random sequence of human languages, sometimes shifting multiple times within a single statement. Only 45% of the recorded conversations between SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 have been successfully translated to date. The subject who initiated the Sigma state will become an instance of SCP-286-1 if they touched SCP-286 on an illuminated surface, or they will become an instance of SCP-286-2 if they touched SCP-286 on a surface that is in shadow. In either case, the subject will take a seated position to one side of the board5 and roll one of the two dice manifested by SCP-286.6 After the die is rolled, some other human being higher-order mammal will appear within 47m of SCP-286 and become the subject’s opposition (SCP-286-2 in the case where the subject is SCP-286-1, or SCP-286-1 in the case where the subject is SCP-286-2). This selection appears related to the result of the first die roll.7 After appearing, the subject's opposition will take a seated position facing the subject and will commence playing the first move. Game play then consists of SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 alternately rolling dice and moving pieces on the board in complex patterns. A game is won when the center square contains all of one side's tokens, and only that side's tokens.8 A winning move concludes a Sigma state. During a Sigma state, SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 will show no reaction to any external stimuli that does not physically interfere with SCP-286-1, SCP-286-2 and their interaction with the game. If something disrupts an ongoing game9 then either SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2 will stand and vocalize a statement that most commonly translates as “forfeit,” less commonly as “draw.” This event will also conclude a Sigma state. When a Sigma state concludes, players cease being designated SCP-286-1 or SCP-286-2, and Game tokens, dice, and the subject's opposing player all vanish.10 All observed subjects, and those opposing players who have been identified and examined, have shown no physical aftereffects from interaction with SCP-286. However, all cases have shown a marked increase in spirituality and interest in religious subjects including, but not limited to, adoption of new belief systems, taking on of vows, speaking in tongues, and prophetic visions.11 For the winning player, this new spirituality will tend to take an optimistic, messianic character. For the losing player, attitudes will tend toward the apocalyptic. Technical Note TN-286-55: SCP-286's Possible Relationship to Divination and/or Revelation Historically, Liubo was not only a game, but also used as a method of divination, the various spots on the game board corresponding to the sexagenary cycle used by Chinese to recount the passage of time since the earliest written texts. Given the propensity of subjects to have prophetic visions subsequent to their participation in a Sigma event, it has been theorized by several researchers that the moves during a Sigma event may themselves be of some prophetic significance. While the possible significance of individual moves during recorded Sigma events is ongoing and so far inconclusive, it has been determined that the act of winning does appear to correspond to significant events beyond the game itself. In particular, every instance of SCP-286-1 winning has been tied to intensification of sunspots, solar flares, and generally increased solar activity. SCP-286-2 winning has been associated with significant tectonic events, including [REDACTED] Because it is not known if these events were predicted by one side winning, or caused by one side winning, experimentation on SCP-286 has been suspended as an unacceptable risk. Document TR-286-27e: Excerpted Translation of Dialog Between SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2 During Sigma Event #27 Foreword: D-Class test subject was a male Caucasian 44 years of age, identified as SCP-286-1 after initiation of a Sigma state. Opposition player, SCP-286-2, was an as-yet unidentified Hispanic female approximately 20 years of age. The Sigma state lasted for 68 minutes, at which time SCP-286-1 achieved the winning move. During the Sigma event, the players conversed in 25 known languages and approximately 15 unknown languages. ~30% of their dialog was undecipherable or in an indeterminate language, marking this episode the most completely translated yet recorded. <Begin Transcript, 13:00 ██/██/████> SCP-286-1: You (move| rotate) (slowly| imprecisely) as [UNTRANSLATABLE] (matter |earth |universe) SCP-286-2: (have| possess) patience (my| our) brother and (still| quiet| silence) [UNTRANSLATABLE] (mind| thoughts| brain) SCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: [Laughs] (distress |discomfort |displeasure) [UNTRANSLATABLE] to you. SCP-286-1: Why would I [UNTRANSLATABLE] your (sins |perversions |abominations) SCP-286-2: [Laughs] SCP-286-1: You disgust me [UNTRANSLATABLE] (matter |earth |universe) disgusts me. SCP-286-2: You [UNTRANSLATABLE] in that meat skin. This amuses me. SCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: (move |process |sequence) SCP-286-1: Every (time |moment |eternity) my [UNTRANSLATABLE] closer. I (must |will |shall) (illuminate |enlighten) this [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: [Sighs] (move |process |sequence) SCP-286-1: You are too (comfortable |undisturbed) (enslaved |bound |chained) within [UNTRANSLATABLE] meat (doll |puppet). Do you [UNTRANSLATABLE] (love |arousal) [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: (move |process |sequence) or forfeit SCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] SCP-286-2: [UNTRANSLATABLE] (exiled |banished) me to (matter |earth |universe) [UNTRANSLATABLE] (know |understand) me more than you. SCP-286-1: [UNTRANSLATABLE] will (know |understand) me and be (consumed |engulfed |destroyed) by (knowledge |understanding) SCP-286-2: But, brother, I am so much closer. <End Transcript, 13:12 ██/██/████> Incident Report I-286-5: SCPs involved: SCP-286, SCP-286-1, SCP-286-2, SCP-435-1 Date: 03/11/20██ Location: SCP-286's containment area, Site-19 Description: At 05:31 UTC, standard security monitoring SCP-286's containment area detected the unauthorized presence of Dr. S███ S████, a Foundation researcher temporarily assigned to Site-19, most recently assigned to the study of SCP-435.12 All experimentation on SCP-286 had been suspended for the preceding eight months, and no activity with the object had been approved. A security team was dispatched, reaching Dr. S████ as she entered SCP-286’s containment area. Upon arrival, the security team discovered the presence of Dr. L██ W███, a researcher assigned to SCP-286, already seated behind the “dark” side of SCP-286. SCP-286 showed the signs of already being in a Sigma state. Both researchers showed behavioral anomalies consistent with SCP-286-1 and SCP-286-2. Believing an unauthorized experiment was underway, the security team restrained Dr. S████ before she could seat herself at SCP-286. In response, Dr. L██ stood and vocalized what has been identified as Vulgate Latin words for “Grand forfeit.” The Sigma state concluded at 05:45 UTC. Neither researcher could provide any explanation of how they were affected by SCP-286. Dr. S████ last recollection was having a cup of coffee at a staff commissary on the other side of the Site-19 complex from SCP-286, while Dr. L██ reported that he had been reading e-mails in his office when he blacked out. Simultaneously with the cessation of SCP-286's Sigma state, there was a sudden emergency in [REDACTED] when SCP-435-1 unexpectedly entered an active state, moving erratically and [REDACTED] impacting the ocean basin at [REDACTED] causing an [REDACTED]. Contingency 435-XK-Alpha had been initiated, but was cancelled when SCP-435-1 came to rest three minutes later. Note: SCP-286 classification is hereby upgraded to Euclid — O5-█ « SCP-285 | SCP-286 | SCP-287 » Cite this page as: "SCP-286" by sandrewswann, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: liubo_diagram.jpg Name: LiuboDivinationDiagram.png Author: BabelStone License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Liubo divination diagram dating from the Han Dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE)"
[-1.32993469e-02 -1.61151454e-01 -2.18757808e-01 3.93717080e-01 -3.62653941e-01 -4.22831059e-01 2.75840700e-01 1.23007692e-01 3.30559492e-01 2.81971574e-01 -8.40059146e-02 2.61000842e-01 -2.74082124e-02 1.76327601e-01 1.40706331e-01 1.52278870e-01 9.06846300e-02 1.89089596e-01 5.66153049e-01 -9.98666137e-02 -2.89912462e-01 -8.96735713e-02 -8.76295716e-02 2.42113233e-01 2.81770881e-02 -1.08596019e-01 -1.02349639e-01 1.29186273e-01 -1.31895840e-01 -4.87087935e-01 3.43398042e-02 1.94282010e-01 -2.35517286e-02 3.98751438e-01 -1.11057801e-04 -2.94995993e-01 1.38613611e-01 3.20069678e-02 -1.53095692e-01 3.08612972e-01 -2.38899514e-01 6.41103983e-02 -1.18608000e-02 -2.05688521e-01 2.19285443e-01 -3.85847569e-01 -1.23034984e-01 4.04536098e-01 3.65651190e-01 -2.19581909e-02 1.46234259e-01 1.87358037e-01 3.94108146e-01 6.68663159e-02 1.17798924e-01 -3.83753665e-02 -3.90003175e-02 -9.89785716e-02 1.60901368e-01 2.20718592e-01 1.75999299e-01 -1.20518036e-01 -3.22257489e-01 1.05079196e-01 -1.72233430e-03 -3.38087946e-01 1.35061398e-01 2.45448295e-02 -5.24222888e-02 1.35883629e-01 5.60059175e-02 1.82797447e-01 1.10489890e-01 1.17858671e-01 -1.77680627e-01 -4.65428792e-02 1.94481507e-01 1.88915417e-01 -1.30031243e-01 -1.56543292e-02 -2.08843157e-01 5.14101200e-02 -2.23685384e-01 1.75951779e-01 2.15557739e-02 5.21823645e-01 -1.31336153e-01 1.58238888e-01 1.52181629e-02 -5.29431179e-03 -1.12440795e-01 7.65388459e-03 1.10395364e-01 -3.85286771e-02 1.26936585e-01 -2.02773623e-02 5.09518743e-01 3.31418291e-02 5.20374849e-02 4.84425485e-01 4.77824867e-01 3.29597175e-01 3.45055237e-02 2.27927014e-01 -4.11571041e-02 -1.33328661e-01 4.14049864e-01 7.81910419e-02 -2.06553534e-01 4.34421420e-01 2.30877772e-01 3.66410851e-01 -3.39684725e-01 1.67610094e-01 -5.75256459e-02 3.99513729e-02 8.20780173e-02 -2.51597047e-01 -1.60840556e-01 6.31402433e-01 -2.62868822e-01 -2.80384682e-02 -2.82122735e-02 1.94761649e-01 3.57323825e-01 -2.29448929e-01 1.82589635e-01 -1.87954724e-01 -2.19804849e-02 -2.46159986e-01 -1.56209692e-01 -2.78647304e-01 3.14892866e-02 2.62387812e-01 9.08489153e-02 4.24081862e-01 -1.81755908e-02 1.20299287e-01 1.62093058e-01 1.74682975e-01 1.67375460e-01 -2.64347158e-02 7.27754593e-01 4.87612098e-01 -5.89526534e-01 -3.26423556e-01 1.03880025e-01 -2.56445646e-01 -2.47538045e-01 -1.95977520e-02 4.85636175e-01 1.75294485e-02 -1.77742124e-01 1.37603208e-01 -2.82896250e-01 1.67993069e-01 -1.61220148e-01 1.06798284e-01 -1.04302309e-01 -1.13653071e-01 5.28049588e-01 2.92460740e-01 -2.98206776e-01 -1.20009063e-02 1.72615305e-01 2.17461094e-01 -3.89442891e-01 -4.55777407e-01 1.29166633e-01 2.67333034e-02 2.40538437e-02 -9.54086483e-02 -2.41706625e-01 9.83039886e-02 -1.50913745e-02 3.40009153e-01 -4.90609616e-01 1.54746518e-01 -4.02583629e-01 -3.02921236e-01 -1.73467219e-01 2.41363108e-01 3.40800583e-01 -1.65648118e-01 3.62531632e-01 -1.05548240e-01 -3.67530957e-02 -1.74122021e-01 2.20465541e-01 -1.86362073e-01 -3.25487405e-01 -4.14881378e-01 2.13761047e-01 1.40434116e-01 -6.52401000e-02 -4.90847975e-01 3.61505389e-01 1.06993534e-01 6.99389353e-02 2.43282169e-01 -1.81109712e-01 -1.43491253e-01 4.06491727e-01 3.20887864e-01 -4.91193086e-02 -4.90418971e-02 2.33090401e-01 2.73528308e-01 5.24596334e-01 4.24689472e-01 -1.03997797e-01 -2.43032262e-01 9.45932940e-02 2.58733571e-01 -4.05228972e-01 -3.29154372e-01 1.77578524e-01 8.73635113e-02 -3.44657786e-02 -3.66587520e-01 2.21734773e-02 -1.66654766e-01 -1.30082533e-01 -2.91089743e-01 -2.45425222e-03 8.25446099e-02 -2.11311832e-01 -1.18567407e-01 -2.64727831e-01 -1.28675243e-02 2.97364593e-01 4.35387716e-02 7.32258186e-02 9.36519876e-02 -7.03238845e-02 -1.10859297e-01 2.24920496e-01 5.53049386e-01 -7.14507699e-02 -6.71814978e-02 4.66739088e-02 -3.34956981e-02 5.45964688e-02 1.36041567e-01 1.04138687e-01 2.63989896e-01 3.65561694e-01 3.02097768e-01 -2.81888187e-01 -3.11605215e-01 -9.60070789e-02 -5.46224155e-02 -2.48682220e-02 -2.34770607e-02 2.42998749e-01 7.12677240e-02 -6.40631914e-01 3.37380439e-01 -9.19783711e-02 6.34361744e-01 1.07673751e-02 -7.47905821e-02 3.26970935e-01 -3.15467447e-01 1.85604289e-01 -2.58395076e-01 3.65000665e-01 2.97624528e-01 -1.13910787e-01 -1.31476251e-02 -1.25267535e-01 -1.42948270e-01 -1.57751396e-01 -2.62247890e-01 -2.77006291e-02 1.94136649e-01 1.22143410e-01 1.14681259e-01 -2.00346485e-02 1.16438493e-01 -1.08041711e-01 9.17150360e-03 1.21444657e-01 -1.50015250e-01 -2.48027250e-01 2.11577386e-01 1.16165550e-02 2.38088548e-01 -8.50089714e-02 -1.43480003e-02 -5.91543280e-02 -3.59237567e-02 1.71208903e-01 -1.46284372e-01 -2.09889203e-01 6.41597807e-02 1.58033937e-01 5.12022078e-01 -2.75734127e-01 9.32723135e-02 -4.16307241e-01 -4.25945252e-01 2.38640085e-01 1.26898736e-01 -8.78595114e-02 2.04816833e-01 4.26132619e-01 -4.63165075e-01 -7.71108046e-02 -9.71659720e-02 -3.88147712e-01 4.92349528e-02 7.22223446e-02 -1.01197906e-01 1.46744505e-01 -2.01024860e-02 -1.06341340e-01 -5.99721432e-01 1.02777161e-01 -7.21387863e-01 -2.56696910e-01 5.51723018e-02 -2.66297191e-01 -2.26073921e-01 -1.52925700e-01 6.05481267e-02 -4.35849465e-02 -9.92607847e-02 4.45870101e-01 3.56326431e-01 3.06332827e-01 3.01765874e-02 1.40024289e-01 2.76844740e-01 -1.26319036e-01 4.82625246e-01 -3.10147643e-01 -2.28660360e-01 -1.71631381e-01 -1.88431978e-01 -2.25106571e-02 -9.64881778e-02 2.93521360e-02 3.84774566e-01 -1.45782530e-01 -1.56473026e-01 5.93221448e-02 1.78294197e-01 2.03298405e-01 2.06039339e-01 -1.81433946e-01 5.17507493e-02 2.27067292e-01 -3.35743487e-01 -2.99861375e-03 2.32098281e-01 6.79020584e-02 -2.17617735e-01 2.13803411e-01 -1.87208429e-01 1.26328155e-01 2.25442797e-01 4.81858611e-01 -2.38115564e-01 -2.04273880e-01 -1.22852467e-01 3.87875170e-01 1.92903891e-01 1.29544869e-01 -5.39616719e-02 4.72869962e-01 2.04284996e-01 -2.78967202e-01 9.35844257e-02 -2.88000554e-01 -5.42145781e-02 1.82839617e-01 1.10479705e-01 -5.94227493e-01 -3.68453652e-01 -2.46526688e-01 7.81442225e-01 4.27053049e-02 5.49942590e-02 -2.86604345e-01 4.24457453e-02 -4.11109738e-02 9.19672176e-02 5.46201132e-02 -3.37404490e-01 -3.02705308e-03 -1.76244870e-01 3.49462889e-02 -1.63564458e-01 2.80448675e-01 -8.60744193e-02 3.19064677e-01 -3.64977807e-01 -2.20502526e-01 2.59932548e-01 -2.22991198e-01 2.22632065e-01 5.80048800e-01 3.36324304e-01 2.45636642e-01 8.20317566e-02 -3.15258294e-01 -1.00637376e-01 -2.89842904e-01 7.95044973e-02 4.64429736e-01 -1.54512018e-01 -3.22199821e-01 -3.59517592e-03 9.91059318e-02 9.86519158e-02 -7.81898014e-03 3.62533554e-02 -3.45466018e-01 -6.53857319e-03 -5.11300683e-01 2.14170769e-01 6.00530673e-03 1.08374976e-01 -1.80398181e-01 -7.53917098e-02 -3.27512771e-02 2.70387560e-01 -4.05455939e-02 -2.09179968e-02 -5.27725406e-02 3.28634620e-01 -9.96358693e-02 4.63145733e-01 -1.83987856e-01 4.37879980e-01 1.35044038e-01 3.83701622e-02 2.74373293e-01 -1.04190201e-01 -1.51304686e-02 -2.63682246e-01 6.20195091e-01 -6.75369054e-02 3.05929631e-02 -2.77036518e-01 3.67408663e-01 -7.63276741e-02 -7.04533830e-02 -2.31944680e-01 2.25190043e-01 5.27700663e-01 -1.33942649e-01 1.65736794e-01 -8.18218812e-02 -3.53612423e-01 -1.07276291e-01 4.92497593e-01 4.95959669e-02 2.77105510e-01 3.53605628e-01 9.27698433e-01 -6.45058751e-02 7.29671940e-02 2.83679575e-01 1.91145003e-01 -4.72250534e-03 1.18421461e-03 -3.33224297e-01 -6.90319901e-03 -1.26919150e-01 7.69938380e-02 -1.29987612e-01 6.81463629e-02 2.62870312e-01 -4.05450314e-02 -8.15228745e-02 -3.29827756e-01 -2.61996716e-01 1.62633762e-01 -2.92702159e-03 4.12004858e-01 3.75448078e-01 2.09446833e-01 2.12526798e-01 -1.60375312e-02 -1.29548356e-01 -9.29504111e-02 2.40703061e-01 -1.34494573e-01 -1.29965976e-01 -3.90934229e-01 -9.27034989e-02 -2.98625290e-01 3.61158043e-01 -8.93387012e-03 -4.15039025e-02 -9.67317075e-02 -1.48540691e-01 1.17008515e-01 -1.86324313e-01 -4.01781052e-02 1.31504938e-01 4.91264105e-01 -2.12806821e-01 8.60120207e-02 8.34411383e-02 2.32715949e-01 1.04565024e-01 -2.33142227e-01 2.09728032e-01 -4.75948974e-02 -1.38129324e-01 -6.85251430e-02 1.52334109e-01 4.78487700e-01 1.59471124e-01 2.06277996e-01 -2.92367637e-01 -2.40798026e-01 -2.68734902e-01 1.55591041e-01 7.86553174e-02 -4.64590713e-02 -4.34920371e-01 -1.02179192e-01 -2.60196298e-01 -6.76830560e-02 3.25300425e-01 -9.08263624e-02 1.36449203e-01 -1.22961067e-01 1.95266426e-01 -2.66385943e-01 -2.77201444e-01 1.17283680e-01 -2.29672957e-02 -3.70273083e-01 -1.17220871e-01 7.02120597e-03 -3.92006725e-01 8.86460990e-02 6.09175503e-01 2.94381827e-01 -1.00882232e-01 -1.53467029e-01 -9.79207754e-02 -7.41962567e-02 2.19207197e-01 -1.84278160e-01 2.19964981e-01 3.50491732e-01 -1.35792136e-01 -1.79355502e-01 1.01951770e-01 -3.30694288e-01 3.44427824e-02 -5.49209297e-01 -6.54893145e-02 7.55276084e-02 -1.46406978e-01 -5.16355671e-02 -2.25795403e-01 -1.30766742e-02 1.40948957e-02 -1.05601460e-01 -2.62980670e-01 -8.02854821e-02 1.14255548e-01 1.62718430e-01 -5.05564213e-02 -2.89970160e-01 8.15999284e-02 2.35631004e-01 -1.03801712e-01 8.54195282e-02 2.48026848e-01 3.66175860e-01 1.64617583e-01 3.02322686e-01 2.35429928e-02 -7.82483220e-02 1.90069020e-01 5.69651015e-02 3.43778342e-01 -2.29892805e-01 9.18244419e-04 -4.51403797e-01 -4.48699594e-02 4.29817230e-01 4.64962721e-01 -2.03677177e-01 -1.58732489e-01 4.95959297e-02 1.07823402e-01 1.95457228e-02 1.77167773e-01 -1.34106711e-01 -6.44370262e-03 -2.49372616e-01 -3.73435527e-01 -2.48070776e-01 2.35049993e-01 7.28008002e-02 -2.54316837e-01 -2.90654957e-01 7.42701963e-02 1.44786229e-02 3.71683747e-01 4.86122705e-02 -5.31394243e-01 1.01849101e-02 1.66092291e-01 -4.46857929e-01 2.38067254e-01 1.90084383e-01 2.01388542e-03 -2.03753203e-01 -5.16830422e-02 3.48752558e-01 2.05398813e-01 1.12345614e-01 -3.94444540e-03 4.88004759e-02 2.74336487e-01 2.06267759e-01 3.31861109e-01 2.24692300e-01 1.14070058e-01 2.89771352e-02 1.15405798e-01 6.13229200e-02 -8.57257098e-02 6.87406138e-02 2.31045380e-01 -3.85359637e-02 -5.80149367e-02 2.92818353e-04 4.00563888e-02 1.83857363e-02 6.27865689e-03 3.93106155e-02 -1.26540437e-01 -3.31624329e-01 -2.54273921e-01 7.72498455e-03 -1.18631445e-01 -2.51697659e-01 -6.11656830e-02 -9.42340195e-02 -3.25457752e-01 -1.24541536e-01 1.98756799e-01 4.19221111e-02 -3.39008272e-01 -8.10607523e-02 2.18559980e-01 -1.04263529e-01 1.29444912e-01 5.72025485e-04 2.76577115e-01 -6.40002564e-02 -9.10795927e-02 -9.26925149e-03 -6.83774352e-02 -1.45780640e-02 -3.21953595e-01 -9.14972723e-02 1.41814709e-01 -2.13744953e-01 7.86732957e-02 7.73136690e-02 -2.47900352e-01 -9.03400540e-01 4.73288178e-01 4.19927448e-01 2.19012275e-01 3.28900456e-01 -5.93264043e-01 -3.10859174e-01 2.74332315e-01 3.15054357e-01 -4.38998848e-01 -1.64650250e-02 -3.51759970e-01 3.59571762e-02 1.91072986e-01 -2.99573123e-01 7.41454512e-02 -2.44745955e-01 3.37854207e-01 -5.81191201e-03 2.12055132e-01 2.92721391e-02 -3.54578495e-01 -4.39785153e-01 2.03804165e-01 3.84411365e-01 -2.96707451e-01 3.31988066e-01 2.19324917e-01 1.23266943e-01 3.01952899e-01 -2.16611892e-01 2.77981073e-01 1.72443211e-01 -2.36494198e-01 -2.16466203e-01 4.08724964e-01 1.50139675e-01 -3.48834187e-01 -8.17853734e-02 -5.71084954e-02 2.21800476e-01 -5.49910843e-01 1.25041664e-01 -8.37821662e-02 -2.01460227e-01 -1.42549779e-02 4.93605226e-01 4.70376223e-01 -2.32475758e-01 8.94184411e-02 -1.33410385e-02 -6.05384298e-02 1.80882350e-01 1.07594825e-01 1.46943340e-02 4.54943210e-01 -4.66758788e-01 -2.08209176e-02 9.27398577e-02 6.06007695e-01 1.74004555e-01 -4.96750474e-02 -1.32195175e-01 -1.22102037e-01 -3.09932679e-01 5.70488237e-02 -1.64863750e-01 -2.71050688e-02 -9.16835666e-02 2.95962185e-01 2.23320872e-01 -2.52849199e-02 -2.56248731e-02 -1.90015405e-01 4.31975722e-01 -5.67594282e-02 1.13578588e-01 -1.54207021e-01 1.43334299e-01 1.21642098e-01 -3.39977443e-01 -6.35312200e-01 -2.40775675e-01 -3.68188620e-02 2.08033100e-02 -5.23890793e-01 -7.53412023e-02 -4.60879683e-01 4.72711772e-02 -3.32529694e-01 1.95587173e-01 -5.07085994e-02 1.05834968e-01 -1.21761270e-01 -3.59764136e-02]
"Clark's Third Favorite Sword" active "Item #: SCP-287 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-287 is stored in a climate controlled secure locker in Site-22 in order to prevent additional deterioration. At this time, no additional testing is required, but may be approved by Dr. Sigurd Ólafsson. Sources of electricity are to be kept away from SCP-287's locker at all times. If testing with SCP-287 is required, insulated gloves are to be worn to prevent accidental discharge in to the hilt. SCP-287-1's remains are to be kept in storage until further notice. Research requests for SCP-287-1 can be routed to Dr. Zartion and are restricted to Level 4 Personnel, or Level 2 Personnel from the exobiology department. Description: SCP-287 is a Viking arming sword, measuring 78cm from pommel to tip and weighing 1077g. SCP-287 is in a state of significant decay due to exposure to outside elements for anywhere from 900 to 1100 years. SCP-287 was found in ██████, Iceland, alongside several written records. (See Discovery Log) SCP-287 is comprised primarily of iron, with several potentially anomalous components incorporated into its structure. Several of these materials have been detected by Foundation probes traveling within extra-solar regions of our galaxy, as well as probes which [REDACTED]. Carbon dating has placed SCP-287's creation to around the early 10th century CE. Samples of exo-planetary metals and materials have proven to be more difficult to date, and analysis is on-going. SCP-287's anomalous effect can be observed when an electrical current is applied through the metallic portions of the hilt exposed just below the guard. These exposed elements are in a noticeably better state than the iron portions of SCP-287. SCP-287's internal components will begin to emit several frequencies of EM radiation and varying sounds invariably described as distressing by research staff and test subjects. Radiation produced by SCP-287 causes all humans who are exposed to it to experience acute audio-visual hallucinations and severe headaches. SCP-287's specific hallucination takes the form of translucent human-like figures in the immediate vicinity, invariably outfitted as members of an armed force. The armament and armor worn by SCP-287's hallucinations varies by subject, with a general trend towards the individual's perception of what they consider to be modern armament. Testing with animals as well as non-anomalous EM fields and sounds of the exact same frequencies do not produce the same effect in any combination of cases. Higher amperage currents have increased this effect to a maximum of 437 individual hallucinations (See Document R27-287 for specific amperage/count levels). Further testing was deemed unnecessary. SCP-287-1 is believed to be an extra-terrestrial organism, found in the same location as SCP-287. The exact origin of SCP-287-1 is unknown at this time. A full report on SCP-287-1 can be found in document R27-287-1. (See Addendum B for a partial report). SCP-287-1's potential spacecraft (Designated SCP-287-2) (See Addendum B for a partial report) appears to be completely destroyed. The current working hypothesis for SCP-287-2 is that it was intended as some form of escape pod from a larger vessel. Discovery: SCP-287 was recovered from a burial mound outside of ██████, Iceland, on January ██, 20██. (See Addendum A for details). The remains found within the tomb proved to be non-human, and the Foundation took custody of SCP-287 and the remains were designated SCP-287-1. SCP-287-1's remains are skeletal, and are humanoid, though significantly different from human skeletal structure. Additionally, several written sources were found within the tomb, and acquired by the Foundation. Dr. Sigurd Ólafsson was consulted to help translate the writing, which is attached below (See Addendum A). The discovery of SCP-287 was predicated upon reports of "ghost soldiers" in an area outside of ██████, Iceland. A recent storm had struck the burial mound containing SCP-287, conducting current into SCP-287 through a crude lightning rod made of iron. The hallucinations created by SCP-287 affected an amateur film crew. The crew informed local authorities, and Foundation information gathering subroutines flagged these reports as potentially anomalous. [Keywords: Ghost, Specter, Crazy, Kids, Hallucination with a double-correlation factor of Gamma-6] Class A amnestics were administered to all witnessing parties, and the burial site was declared a "Heritage Dig Site" through a Foundation shell corporation. Within the burial mound, Foundation agents discovered SCP-287, SCP-287-1 and additional written materials dating back to the early 10th century CE. A transcription was created by Dr. Sigurd Ólafsson. Unintelligible sections are most likely proper nouns with no direct translation. I am Halvor Skadison, Skald of [Unintelligible] and I have been trusted with the tale of Thor's champion, the Meteor Lord. In the depths of winter, the year after the great raid, we saw a fiery meteor in the sky. It landed deep in the heart of the northern wastes, and we followed it. A wondrous thing it was, gleaming, and covered in ghost-lights. We approached, and found a man standing in a heavy cloak, examining the meteor. The ghost-lights went dark, and the figure pressed his hand to the outside of the star. A wondrous light filled our eyes, as the star opened. He disappeared into the meteor, and emerged to look at us with such fiery determination in his eyes, we knew he could only be a king, sent to us from Odin himself. He would protect us from the raids, and we would know prosperity again. Our prayers had been answered. Daily did the elders of our village come to his resting site, but his own tongue was blessed only to speak the language of the Aesir. Weeks passed, as he learned our language. When he learned of our plight, he appeared to grow angry, and charged back to the meteor, to fashion himself a mighty weapon, with which to defend the village. Weeks later, he emerged, with a sword in his hand, gleaming and mighty. He held it aloft, and his power was made manifest. Ghostly warriors, heroes from Valhalla stood around him, brandishing weapons. We threw ourselves on the ground, our heads aching with the glory of these Valhalla warriors, and this pleased the Meteor Lord. For years, when the raids came, we ran in supplication to the Meteor Lord. He emerged, and all fled from his flashing blade and burning eyes. We marked the way to the Meteor Lord's home with the cairn stones. During the battle of [unintelligible], the Meteor Lord's fall came. His powers failed him, and Odin recalled him to Valhalla. We buried him with all the honor we could muster, and fashioned a conduit for the great storms from Thor. On stormy nights, the heroes still come and watch over our village, their glory splitting the head of any man who dare look upon them. Tracing back from the story presented in the included writings, Foundation agents tracked down the "meteor" mentioned in the epic translated by Dr. Ólafsson. Excavating the object in question led to an almond-shaped craft made of an unknown material. Research regarding this craft can be found in Document R27-287. Within the craft, several records were found, written in an unknown language upon crude paper. It is hypothesized that this is some kind of journal of SCP-287-1. An exact translation is nearly impossible; however, using [REDACTED] a partial translation has been attempted: Timestamp: {Unknown symbology} Unknown place. Unknown people. Primitive. Violent. {untranslated} didn't survive. Everything is lost. Must find a way back, too many counting on me. Timestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several days later} They found me. Managed to put together {untranslated} hood. They won't see me. Must learn their language. Must keep them away from me. Unknown biology. May infect. Timestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several weeks later} I see their weapons. Mine non-functional. Made one like theirs, used last of the {untranslated}. Tuned to alien brain chemistry. Hope it scares them off. Not sure how much longer I can work on {untranslated}. Not having {most likely a proper noun} nearby is {unbearable?dying?breaking}. Timestamp: {Unknown symbology unknown time} They came back. I use the weapon, scares them. {untranslated} almost done, may be able to leave. Down to sixteen {cells?items?spheres}. Timestamp: {Unknown symbology unknown time} They brought others. I scared them again. Not sure if I can repair the {untranslated}. Thought I had enough { Closest match was a chemical formula matching SCP-148 }. Used {most likely a proper noun}'s necklace. Still not enough. Timestamp: {Unknown symbology theorized to be several years later} Won't stop coming. Only one {cells?items?spheres} left. Time running out. Power nearly gone. I can't repair {untranslated}. Too many {unit of time}. It is hypothesized that at this point, whatever power source SCP-287-1 was using to activate SCP-287 ran out. SCP-287-1 was most likely killed during the next raid, without SCP-287 to protect them. « SCP-286 | SCP-287 | SCP-288 » Cite this page as: "SCP-287" by DrMagnus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: 287sword Name: Saebo sword Bergen Museum.jpg Author: Viking_swords_at_Bergen_Museum.jpg: Arild Nybø from Førde, Norwa License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Filename: rsz_256px-codexrunicus.jpg Name: CodexRunicus.jpeg Author: Template:Asztalos Gyula License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-287 An example of materials found with SCP-287"
[ 5.88794053e-01 -4.11869735e-01 -9.92213115e-02 2.15000778e-01 -3.17559510e-01 -1.95949852e-01 3.05033237e-01 8.55734944e-02 9.41320416e-03 2.88889527e-01 8.32076296e-02 4.61044610e-01 -6.86107427e-02 -7.00433314e-01 1.64577201e-01 1.21819250e-01 4.68651533e-01 2.61428595e-01 -8.64082128e-02 -1.12720534e-01 2.18452010e-02 2.05702066e-01 -2.46612743e-01 6.85076788e-02 -3.98263857e-02 2.18940809e-01 2.58230255e-03 3.61652784e-02 -1.00035980e-01 -3.20112526e-01 2.17905611e-01 2.16166694e-02 -3.65427360e-02 1.24588162e-01 -1.13064780e-04 -1.53871223e-01 2.90346771e-01 9.97554287e-02 -2.06958875e-01 1.67480350e-01 2.81314552e-01 -6.02894463e-02 2.06025138e-01 -3.16008121e-01 5.70325134e-03 2.11134255e-01 -1.63486466e-01 2.99938291e-01 1.78368434e-01 6.63120598e-02 1.35988325e-01 -3.45063508e-01 -4.49962914e-02 -3.03291708e-01 4.20300454e-01 -2.64312457e-02 -2.45513722e-01 5.10555357e-02 2.07318664e-01 1.50367796e-01 2.27273777e-01 7.81687275e-02 -3.48197162e-01 7.94119760e-02 2.93595046e-01 -3.91410589e-01 -3.06669027e-01 1.82728425e-01 1.24442853e-01 2.51852781e-01 -2.38557477e-02 -7.04653263e-02 1.73838243e-01 -3.19745630e-01 2.50792414e-01 9.11868236e-04 3.29637438e-01 -8.96268636e-02 6.70670867e-02 -4.00636084e-02 3.76338363e-01 1.59257859e-01 -1.90360442e-01 4.76654656e-02 -2.74707824e-01 6.06155634e-01 -2.64639944e-01 7.91981891e-02 5.95351577e-01 -1.19846955e-01 -1.16409443e-01 1.43851623e-01 2.06972100e-02 -1.67632446e-01 -4.40753818e-01 -1.63464338e-01 7.41974637e-02 -2.80081093e-01 6.26295432e-02 3.31250787e-01 2.03499287e-01 2.41895750e-01 -9.80088208e-03 3.06346472e-02 -1.06115781e-01 -2.77685612e-01 1.41793638e-01 -3.12711716e-01 -2.32290760e-01 4.81108993e-01 -5.13477204e-03 4.08558473e-02 -2.26589471e-01 -1.05181351e-01 -1.51756003e-01 -1.63780168e-01 3.21432427e-02 -4.05156046e-01 -2.00293243e-01 2.67712831e-01 -3.31160903e-01 2.10530683e-02 3.76651203e-03 1.72588572e-01 1.85395926e-01 3.28469217e-01 -1.17467754e-01 -3.23671922e-02 -6.17846400e-02 -5.93359210e-02 -1.95388533e-02 9.14245248e-02 -8.81078094e-02 -1.83016747e-01 4.89984341e-02 5.27541995e-01 -2.75850028e-01 -2.17986524e-01 -1.28194481e-01 -9.59889889e-02 2.81234592e-01 3.47968424e-03 3.14924270e-01 2.49791503e-01 -2.36296445e-01 -1.83531761e-01 -1.39136851e-01 -1.55176073e-01 -2.68892199e-01 -1.94324683e-02 1.26811996e-01 -1.47897542e-01 -5.37258983e-01 1.67906582e-01 -3.64525884e-01 -1.66744485e-01 4.41346496e-01 8.32952932e-03 -4.87807728e-02 -1.59556091e-01 1.20104752e-01 7.77254477e-02 -2.15390280e-01 -5.72687760e-02 -6.39099330e-02 -7.03838766e-02 -4.17419583e-01 -3.51426974e-02 -3.37093830e-01 -9.23601761e-02 -9.06686783e-02 5.76790906e-02 -1.08978590e-02 -3.93299192e-01 -7.93168023e-02 1.70214191e-01 -3.07986766e-01 2.39267468e-01 -5.13004780e-01 -3.83028120e-01 -1.56927377e-01 1.91845596e-01 3.01943272e-01 -2.82469869e-01 1.93421558e-01 5.43484129e-02 -2.67332494e-01 -1.04683802e-01 5.55454969e-01 -1.77613169e-01 -2.16733053e-01 -4.93072361e-01 1.93749502e-01 5.00164740e-02 -2.28521883e-01 -4.50431943e-01 1.86985284e-01 -1.54319257e-02 1.01549491e-01 -1.05077274e-01 -1.14523070e-02 3.19821984e-01 5.07164538e-01 1.47648916e-01 -7.57725462e-02 -6.31717667e-02 -3.34762812e-01 1.22599140e-01 4.18885648e-01 1.16539769e-01 -1.08209655e-01 -2.25773931e-01 -4.41730842e-02 8.85776654e-02 1.00502502e-02 -1.57442361e-01 1.76726848e-01 -4.22069198e-03 1.47664815e-01 -9.98911709e-02 -2.04451621e-01 4.10959646e-02 -5.98172434e-02 -3.86526659e-02 7.30603039e-02 1.19185150e-01 -2.92898208e-01 1.05943289e-02 1.74144115e-02 6.16353333e-01 1.82940692e-01 -1.49192587e-02 1.70303136e-01 -1.05885543e-01 -7.49693960e-02 -7.98046812e-02 1.24463655e-01 4.65080857e-01 -5.53544164e-02 -7.18339086e-02 2.19881117e-01 -3.47042024e-01 -9.76881161e-02 8.10613409e-02 -3.85993898e-01 5.81989028e-02 5.15432298e-01 2.54211813e-01 -2.55776554e-01 -6.37681335e-02 -1.26355752e-01 -3.56031418e-01 -6.09764792e-02 -1.72551706e-01 3.14206779e-02 -1.64843112e-01 1.65135950e-01 1.45057440e-02 4.74087223e-02 9.33034196e-02 2.08091125e-01 -5.74199297e-02 1.13270372e-01 -3.02299820e-02 -1.24041811e-01 -8.68922845e-03 3.10681164e-01 6.35097802e-01 1.32882297e-02 1.98683485e-01 -7.43539557e-02 -2.39481792e-01 -9.13745016e-02 -1.91497043e-01 -1.48780465e-01 -5.30836880e-02 4.88537639e-01 8.52748007e-02 2.24723801e-01 2.50037909e-01 -1.17124384e-02 1.18983962e-01 6.07250631e-02 -1.35313943e-01 -2.64179315e-02 4.31973577e-01 -1.63625345e-01 5.41345663e-02 -2.50940502e-01 2.19265416e-01 -3.52096498e-01 -1.28774434e-01 -2.80034970e-02 -8.56689829e-03 -2.77779222e-01 -1.67877421e-01 -2.14473844e-01 3.39396060e-01 -4.89082709e-02 -9.29074213e-02 -1.21154919e-01 -1.65704414e-02 4.09196364e-03 4.16499116e-02 -5.49346171e-02 1.56430155e-02 6.32740319e-01 3.03312987e-01 -7.57011101e-02 9.53740324e-04 -2.41779774e-01 9.44770128e-02 2.00658798e-01 -6.75109148e-01 1.84745774e-01 -1.60645068e-01 8.91767517e-02 -4.14050221e-01 7.22686425e-02 -3.21059853e-01 8.46746191e-02 2.67993867e-01 -1.85385302e-01 -8.17631260e-02 -1.48342997e-01 1.30846754e-01 -3.92883308e-02 -2.53456328e-02 -2.06794277e-01 3.07314008e-01 3.18531394e-01 1.21070482e-01 1.86883599e-01 2.47397542e-01 -2.53282934e-01 2.13551655e-01 -2.27191091e-01 -2.03344196e-01 1.68287322e-01 -1.01074435e-01 -6.29792809e-02 1.38720674e-02 -1.80572733e-01 1.19107179e-01 -5.06913364e-01 -4.74437803e-01 -4.22051907e-01 -1.33802788e-02 2.62261510e-01 -1.40219033e-01 -2.51333088e-01 4.81337816e-01 -8.36664662e-02 -1.96751565e-01 -1.24510534e-01 -3.67602289e-01 1.23082317e-01 2.69699812e-01 5.01056433e-01 1.76890194e-01 -4.01172251e-01 5.64550340e-01 6.08207643e-01 -1.08419508e-01 -4.83119905e-01 -7.29775801e-02 2.87261814e-01 4.20927256e-03 3.43970269e-01 -1.94394752e-01 2.10728467e-01 -9.05327052e-02 2.91967809e-01 1.55603196e-02 1.08811939e-02 -5.28486609e-01 8.96143764e-02 2.33033985e-01 -2.76936263e-01 -2.17642590e-01 -2.37599574e-02 -4.23057452e-02 -1.77530184e-01 1.01345247e-02 8.54927301e-02 1.54191300e-01 1.10977888e-01 2.47096404e-01 -5.51579669e-02 -1.97486147e-01 -2.19449520e-01 5.61012840e-03 1.40824050e-01 -3.82868461e-02 1.34484351e-01 -2.88310647e-01 -6.74819015e-03 -3.34016234e-02 -2.01260388e-01 4.20083016e-01 -3.54827255e-01 2.82333493e-01 1.80044666e-01 6.37808293e-02 4.71144944e-01 2.51042359e-02 2.07665652e-01 -1.19136363e-01 3.98302414e-02 -1.97351143e-01 4.64069158e-01 -4.55917977e-02 -2.83672988e-01 -1.94489703e-01 1.86847419e-01 2.45391726e-01 -2.84130704e-02 -4.92654704e-02 1.13716602e-01 -4.90757124e-03 -3.23714435e-01 7.27315843e-02 -3.74627978e-01 7.30012208e-02 1.02947697e-01 4.12154160e-02 1.30873561e-01 2.24577636e-02 1.00901745e-01 1.85415417e-01 -1.36122316e-01 1.77825272e-01 -6.55468479e-02 3.95128012e-01 3.67292732e-01 -1.58978343e-01 4.40337449e-01 3.26648980e-01 4.30515520e-02 -2.81950206e-01 3.01333331e-02 7.39860758e-02 5.68898618e-01 3.67543429e-01 8.88334140e-02 2.79261936e-02 1.42028823e-01 3.90843190e-02 -5.76027744e-02 2.01972395e-01 -8.03103447e-02 3.83522242e-01 2.58456737e-01 4.91912365e-01 -2.47359410e-01 -2.49144837e-01 -4.80038464e-01 2.75720268e-01 -6.85429722e-02 3.54908884e-01 6.37857616e-01 1.09201443e+00 -7.72863850e-02 2.44183362e-01 -2.46507302e-02 -3.19374502e-01 3.82074535e-01 -3.40426296e-01 -2.85089701e-01 -3.62548292e-01 1.43904775e-01 1.56027779e-01 -1.97361872e-01 6.71271905e-02 -4.05843332e-02 -2.15633363e-01 -4.40040410e-01 1.67208210e-01 2.56804138e-01 1.72780175e-02 2.59950578e-01 3.83158058e-01 -3.05152774e-01 3.08957100e-01 2.02603295e-01 -9.22089443e-02 1.51651487e-01 1.72955826e-01 2.58565526e-02 -6.26299456e-02 -1.82859693e-02 -2.94254273e-01 1.79666147e-01 -2.39075884e-01 1.88564360e-01 2.93206453e-01 -8.70970905e-01 1.52550206e-01 -2.76125669e-02 -3.67411196e-01 1.73398599e-01 1.88420005e-02 2.36921132e-01 3.20433229e-01 -3.60394120e-01 7.30245337e-02 -1.08898848e-01 2.80462831e-01 -1.23413295e-01 -7.83831403e-02 2.24600360e-01 3.67467493e-01 -3.04611802e-01 2.04227775e-01 2.72960216e-01 1.13501132e-01 -2.77493745e-02 -4.28303152e-01 7.76167288e-02 5.20198606e-02 -2.32020333e-01 1.85230732e-01 1.53082281e-01 -3.12646866e-01 -2.33324289e-01 5.57634905e-02 8.69227871e-02 -1.39649417e-02 3.63119811e-01 -3.61623883e-01 -6.78802505e-02 -1.35312364e-01 2.75910825e-01 -1.30639613e-01 -3.24436337e-01 -1.18417494e-01 -5.40513873e-01 -1.47074014e-01 -3.48731965e-01 -2.11700901e-01 -5.35180449e-01 -3.42308015e-01 -2.28801593e-01 2.87352473e-01 -2.84883142e-01 -3.73504013e-01 2.13638246e-02 1.18074603e-01 -1.80656105e-01 -4.62668501e-02 3.37162048e-01 -2.51538336e-01 1.26942277e-01 -4.10418391e-01 9.96685699e-02 -3.37652862e-01 2.70267040e-01 1.87032986e-02 -9.32425559e-02 2.12352917e-01 -5.19948721e-01 -2.79992610e-01 -2.13253245e-01 2.05886588e-01 1.01055250e-01 6.98883757e-02 -2.40489185e-01 -2.63086945e-01 1.02878220e-01 2.86942124e-01 -1.14669397e-01 -1.14444569e-02 -4.53774743e-02 1.18909754e-01 8.54889974e-02 1.01595828e-02 -5.69930635e-02 2.56733805e-01 5.76297402e-01 -3.51352066e-01 1.68136612e-01 4.62563671e-02 2.20730394e-01 5.75646982e-02 4.97750580e-01 4.91762459e-02 6.47879615e-02 -1.56825572e-01 -5.74615300e-02 1.10469878e-01 3.30585569e-01 -4.93305683e-01 -1.26370475e-01 1.55955017e-01 -1.39794096e-01 2.93407235e-02 5.99261403e-01 -8.63911491e-03 1.76548377e-01 -4.24462348e-01 -2.54190296e-01 2.29405746e-01 2.09565192e-01 1.22277439e-01 -1.02459230e-01 3.21641080e-02 2.29409054e-01 -1.08778715e-01 2.23932609e-01 -1.24577604e-01 -2.31236666e-01 2.08668858e-01 1.59576938e-01 1.57747373e-01 9.52037722e-02 1.35184512e-01 1.11515531e-02 -9.81924124e-03 -1.77237406e-01 2.61985324e-02 -1.40062515e-02 4.31165695e-01 6.40828907e-01 1.93220899e-01 -1.77013367e-01 1.01088822e-01 2.75734663e-01 2.38929331e-01 3.13657314e-01 2.37456873e-01 2.91391402e-01 2.95893382e-02 -1.38749138e-01 1.86073616e-01 3.50530356e-01 -9.15908366e-02 -5.79815581e-02 -2.87929475e-01 3.18210036e-01 -3.94057221e-04 4.36608009e-02 -1.66597918e-01 3.02431230e-02 1.06308572e-01 -2.58416813e-02 -5.25772609e-02 -2.81944256e-02 3.09344649e-01 5.22477739e-03 8.80535021e-02 4.87442277e-02 2.03372210e-01 -2.38437820e-02 4.86641347e-01 -1.49269700e-01 -1.46683544e-01 4.65813220e-01 7.91854486e-02 -1.74658254e-01 -4.21318799e-01 4.11397189e-01 -2.12118700e-01 -4.50974435e-01 -1.00031056e-01 -2.76763022e-01 -1.85003683e-01 -6.93977252e-02 1.13705710e-01 1.44615881e-02 8.28990787e-02 5.19038320e-01 6.72546923e-02 -1.54087782e-01 -2.73849517e-01 3.68872344e-01 1.00196473e-01 -6.72604963e-02 -4.03515138e-02 -1.67874426e-01 -3.36142778e-01 -6.70476779e-02 1.82966113e-01 -1.30897269e-01 1.24729965e-02 -3.84575158e-01 1.07154794e-01 1.30920291e-01 -1.67149127e-01 6.04848824e-02 2.12342441e-02 1.46658763e-01 -1.96482897e-01 2.74185330e-01 6.62201494e-02 -2.10546032e-01 -3.21237087e-01 -2.35570446e-02 -2.03444704e-01 -2.66340077e-01 1.09745100e-01 1.61668763e-01 6.01420663e-02 3.05486143e-01 1.30013693e-02 2.27171600e-01 1.83283180e-01 2.50066165e-02 -3.81601155e-01 1.24235041e-01 1.39152423e-01 -4.68437761e-01 -4.40786071e-02 -1.85375661e-01 -8.74974579e-02 -5.09002954e-02 3.31134982e-02 1.66602693e-02 -1.09780706e-01 -7.13840574e-02 4.83608186e-01 4.06589687e-01 -5.35033308e-02 4.85317439e-01 4.52558585e-02 -2.52389073e-01 7.50718117e-02 4.69466984e-01 2.54174769e-02 7.93348402e-02 -1.90628171e-02 5.41717172e-01 1.54398918e-01 2.45899916e-01 2.46236846e-01 2.47491375e-01 2.19372109e-01 1.03366271e-01 -1.96708128e-01 1.04122773e-01 1.34165481e-01 1.61740050e-01 1.83275208e-01 2.02886164e-01 1.17659830e-01 -9.89698768e-02 -3.11201781e-01 -1.46851569e-01 3.52519065e-01 -3.56503949e-02 -9.19455513e-02 8.46165046e-02 3.04796904e-01 -8.19755718e-02 -1.53983891e-01 -2.59634882e-01 -1.88629761e-01 -1.13946661e-01 -1.95360273e-01 -2.08073705e-01 5.45442589e-02 1.42784730e-01 -2.15242341e-01 -6.27677515e-02 5.72199464e-01 1.14607401e-01 6.75611794e-02 -4.53076243e-01 -1.29132733e-01]
"The "Stepford Marriage" Rings" active "Item #: SCP-288 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-288 is to be kept in a locker, with only security personnel of level 2 clearance or higher given the combination. They are currently contained in the small, velvet-lined black box they were retrieved in. Personnel who have worn the rings during testing are to undergo full psychological exams afterward, and their experiences recorded. Description: SCP-288 consists of a women's engagement ring (hereafter referred to as SCP-288-1) and matching men's band (hereafter referred to as SCP-288-2), both silver in appearance, the ring containing a small diamond. They are relatively plain, and bear no marks as to their origin or make, but staff routinely describe them as seeming like "very nice wedding rings, if a little plain." They are completely normal in every sense, and have been damaged by endurance testing (and subsequently repaired through typical jeweling practices), and their effects are only observable while worn. When SCP-288-1 is worn by any adult female in a relationship, she immediately becomes what has been portrayed in popular media as an "ideal housewife". Women describe this experience as if they are not in control of their body, merely observing their own actions. They lose all ability to form their own opinions, and instead automatically agree with the opinions of their spouse, and display very few negative emotions, if any. They seem to gain an instinctive knowledge of cooking and baking, in the style considered to be the "traditional American" style, including such dishes as apple pie, or macaroni and cheese. These dishes are always professionally made regardless of prior skill. A similar knowledge is evidenced in the spheres of cleaning and light repair; subjects regularly display the ability to sew and knit even if they were not able to do so before donning SCP-288-1. Along with this knowledge, they feel an innate urge to cook, clean, and mend things around their home incessantly; they lose the will to have a job of their own and become exceedingly obedient and loyal to their spouse, as well as religious and authority figures. Many wearers of SCP-288-1 exhibit a fondness for rather modest dress, and are uncomfortable when wearing pants or more revealing clothing. They also develop a fondness for children, and if they do not already have children, express the urge to have them. When SCP-288-2 is worn by any adult male in a relationship, he undergoes a similar change, taking on the characteristics of popular media's portrayal of an "all-American dad", whether or not he has children of his own. Men describe the experience similarly to women, in that they feel they are not in control of their actions. He shows loyalty and obedience to political, religious, and authority figures, and an innate duty to his current professional management structure. He will work exceedingly long hours without complaint, and maintains an upbeat and motivated demeanor at his work. No matter the nature of his former personality, he becomes friendly and easy to approach, good with kids and fiercely loyal to his spouse. He is always willing to help around the house and willing to please with a shoulder rub. Men with children become attentive, engaged fathers, and men without children express a strong desire to have them. When used collectively, SCP-288 seems to recreate a model of a "Stepford Marriage". While this seems ideal and relatively harmless, SCP-288 has been responsible for numerous crimes, including spousal abuse, murder, and suicide. Both women and men report feeling trapped while wearing SCP-288, and out of control of their own life. After extended periods of wearing SCP-288, they often have intense feelings of depression and personality displacement. On a more sinister note, somebody wearing either instance of SCP-288 will take virtually any manner of abuse from a spouse without a word or raising a hand to defend themselves. In transsexual/transgender individuals, the ring appears to react to their gender identity. Therefore, a transsexual/transgender individual assigned male at birth would react to the female ring, rather than the male ring, whether or not they were pre- or post-gender reassignment surgery. Homosexual subjects are affected by their actual gender - a male homosexual will not react to the female ring, just as a female homosexual will not react to the male ring. More testing upon sex and gender is pending. The potential for SCP-288 to create a "domestic slave" proves disturbing to some and seems useful to others, and records show that is has been used in such a fashion before. [See Addendum 288-A] Preliminary testing of SCP-288 has proved inconclusive - the rings themselves display no physical anomalies compared to a normal wedding ring of similar type. It is theorized that the rings profile their subjects memetically, drawing on the experiences present in the subject to influence their behavior upon activation. This theory is supported by SCP-288's ability to differentiate subjects based on their self-perception of gender, rather than their physical sex. SCP-288 was discovered by Dr. Rights in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Thankfully, her boyfriend grew wary of her extreme mood changes and called the Emergency SCP Contact number she had left for him, delivering SCP-288 into the Foundation's hands. "I'm just glad I got suckered into it before somebody else did…even if it was horrible." -Dr. Rights It should be noted that both instances of SCP-288 resist being separated, and wearers may feel compelled to buy or even steal the rings in order to keep them nearby. Addendum 288-A: It has been revealed through extensive backtracking of SCP-288's history that it has been associated with upwards of twenty-five instances of homicide, between thirteen and fifteen suicides, and two (reported) cases of spousal abuse. It has regularly resurfaced in pawn shops across the United States for at least 80 years, though all attempts to track it past the early 20th century have failed to reveal further evidence. « SCP-287 | SCP-288 | SCP-289 » Cite this page as: "SCP-288" by agatharights, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: rings.jpg Name: silver ring on brown textile photo Author: Morgan Alley License: Unsplash License Source Link: Unsplash For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "Close-up image of SCP-288 taken during initial containment. Items were found in this position."
[ 1.59853045e-02 2.06751712e-02 -1.57978415e-01 3.57844010e-02 -2.76264727e-01 1.69515610e-01 5.89078702e-02 3.05710822e-01 6.79683626e-01 6.28568679e-02 1.30368799e-01 1.84496954e-01 -3.81607413e-01 2.57761538e-01 -2.41451159e-01 2.21184701e-01 -1.17821567e-01 4.71615463e-01 -7.03300387e-02 -7.43668079e-02 1.34045988e-01 -1.58816278e-01 3.20994034e-02 1.64814770e-01 2.26519972e-01 -3.35595995e-01 2.94511795e-01 3.09340239e-01 -4.01017480e-02 -5.01308702e-02 5.16729057e-03 4.88609612e-01 -1.98127806e-01 3.34708504e-02 -1.17336385e-04 -1.47131190e-01 3.18700224e-01 1.60593111e-02 -4.42410886e-01 1.38726562e-01 -3.65619004e-01 -1.78894565e-01 1.10251881e-01 -9.20013487e-02 2.62616813e-01 3.90527010e-01 -2.00200334e-01 2.48835787e-01 6.21024631e-02 -1.99026436e-01 1.75843179e-01 1.20937385e-01 -2.72181869e-01 2.07084045e-02 2.42378861e-01 5.09637237e-01 2.85060816e-02 1.41131915e-02 1.58698112e-01 6.61344780e-03 5.21095507e-02 -1.07214883e-01 -3.16269934e-01 2.36737356e-01 1.71472467e-02 -4.78627950e-01 3.85074824e-01 -2.59437710e-01 1.20022982e-01 6.05595075e-02 -8.06131065e-02 2.60686092e-02 1.43252149e-01 -2.11918160e-01 -8.09425712e-02 1.48772225e-01 2.29133144e-01 2.36369982e-01 -2.25559950e-01 -1.10149384e-01 -4.55028772e-01 3.61867957e-02 -1.52222708e-01 -3.05200610e-02 1.07945427e-01 3.18066657e-01 6.18782565e-02 8.79498422e-02 6.31553084e-02 -1.40024930e-01 -1.86262563e-01 -1.15931794e-01 1.73332751e-01 -1.15501381e-01 7.23505378e-01 -4.60214019e-02 1.63014159e-01 -4.62760031e-02 9.51715261e-02 -1.57339603e-01 -4.29569811e-01 5.29713929e-01 -2.40241185e-01 1.82889491e-01 1.83301017e-01 -5.34116216e-02 7.03163266e-01 -1.75790682e-01 -4.78238016e-01 3.98748815e-01 -4.73023281e-02 6.34615839e-01 1.66978151e-01 1.15901440e-01 -1.66718140e-01 -9.60532203e-02 -6.04046285e-02 -3.84287089e-01 -6.04960799e-01 5.12585521e-01 -2.82747775e-01 7.68288150e-02 2.48255834e-01 1.57884434e-01 4.01140362e-01 3.78994137e-01 4.74991649e-02 2.73362938e-02 -4.00648192e-02 -6.09984770e-02 -1.91798359e-01 7.90119395e-02 -9.95070040e-02 3.26428562e-01 1.62296385e-01 -3.25338304e-01 -6.72163665e-02 4.41932455e-02 9.74508822e-02 2.90681608e-02 -1.55871034e-01 1.88846678e-01 5.01552880e-01 3.23301673e-01 -2.58627653e-01 1.64893046e-01 1.51360333e-01 -4.24853981e-01 -2.78745573e-02 6.22786619e-02 7.01957271e-02 -1.90978542e-01 -1.05161689e-01 2.06735373e-01 -5.01201987e-01 1.10478863e-01 6.01122439e-01 1.70109570e-01 1.28141820e-01 1.44574102e-02 2.97767848e-01 -1.17378093e-01 -2.07629442e-01 -5.85514680e-02 -3.21392357e-01 4.57545608e-01 -1.93478987e-01 -1.19607588e-02 4.88418907e-01 -2.06829906e-01 2.10692495e-01 -3.78804058e-01 -9.14158449e-02 2.79190332e-01 -4.44482528e-02 -1.62845895e-01 8.60081166e-02 3.28319937e-01 -4.87333834e-02 -1.66289225e-01 -1.03105694e-01 1.70735031e-01 8.00822973e-02 -5.18225968e-01 -3.22284371e-01 -7.90241063e-02 -4.36588347e-01 -2.26684630e-01 2.16716811e-01 -2.94578797e-03 -3.39478701e-01 -6.15408778e-01 5.20883024e-01 1.89005598e-01 -1.20360874e-01 -2.52000690e-02 3.33679782e-04 -2.00106144e-01 3.97213101e-01 7.22120926e-02 -2.20743597e-01 1.68013964e-02 -7.69517571e-02 5.01542628e-01 -6.43625930e-02 -2.44128451e-01 8.39458704e-02 6.16419539e-02 2.98378974e-01 -1.55897468e-01 1.08629912e-01 -1.60057008e-01 -1.98263451e-01 7.81325474e-02 -1.99484929e-01 2.73010641e-01 1.04997516e-01 1.61966473e-01 7.36238360e-02 -5.64584196e-01 -9.65026990e-02 -3.91334631e-02 -4.76994365e-02 -2.44132280e-01 -2.45321486e-02 2.78109968e-01 -8.57796371e-02 -3.44179422e-01 -1.03669323e-01 5.20435691e-01 1.88316330e-01 4.17396203e-02 1.96138382e-01 1.75894760e-02 -1.64263770e-01 -4.17278484e-02 3.23637158e-01 4.91285622e-01 -1.97376683e-01 -6.51876116e-03 1.34692699e-01 -1.65052518e-01 9.00073647e-02 5.04569933e-02 -4.52171415e-01 6.11289203e-01 -7.46125877e-02 8.33487362e-02 -2.12604642e-01 1.32980883e-01 -2.27083817e-01 -1.04384042e-01 -1.97719961e-01 -5.86151421e-01 4.25315760e-02 -1.04270436e-01 -2.02410370e-01 -4.85684574e-02 -1.20445363e-01 4.27930087e-01 8.04925114e-02 -9.43633902e-04 4.06702697e-01 -1.03687607e-01 2.52657503e-01 -5.28394103e-01 -1.35773703e-01 1.08899184e-01 -1.65468037e-01 3.81222926e-02 1.05933197e-01 1.30093889e-02 -2.45125726e-01 -1.01042636e-01 -2.00008526e-02 3.10488105e-01 1.15159042e-01 1.13205932e-01 2.64302015e-01 -6.97751790e-02 -4.09829840e-02 1.44002616e-01 6.75548660e-03 1.35803139e-02 -2.71880776e-01 1.60348564e-01 -1.41346589e-01 1.85272172e-01 -1.67893887e-01 -1.57153577e-01 2.40908876e-01 -2.49439746e-01 7.02707767e-02 1.69195118e-03 -2.65949965e-01 -9.96666104e-02 1.52211800e-01 4.39025342e-01 -1.06001638e-01 5.99495426e-04 -3.04698944e-01 8.77182335e-02 2.22053587e-01 -8.55816081e-02 -1.39256651e-02 4.03416306e-01 4.43758607e-01 4.50426042e-02 5.69071062e-02 -2.72194833e-01 -5.32303095e-01 1.11687873e-02 2.88928092e-01 -4.86645639e-01 4.77749735e-01 -1.20641008e-01 1.58229858e-01 -5.27686715e-01 -1.11459633e-02 -2.83307791e-01 -1.67458169e-02 3.01927686e-01 -3.43130976e-01 -1.66330397e-01 -1.93253383e-01 -7.39324242e-02 -1.37351215e-01 4.61154990e-02 5.29579669e-02 1.98838308e-01 4.57920641e-01 2.44316384e-01 4.83243987e-02 1.63548931e-01 -4.59492236e-01 7.39763752e-02 -3.31082791e-01 6.34741783e-02 -2.99998015e-01 -8.39534029e-02 -8.69684666e-02 -5.26272058e-02 -3.76416482e-02 2.70881765e-02 -1.15608528e-01 -2.27548540e-01 -5.07687271e-01 1.66403845e-01 2.95026422e-01 -1.98801942e-02 -3.17813426e-01 4.58990574e-01 4.08845723e-01 -1.28355101e-01 -8.75724778e-02 -3.12104702e-01 3.67942691e-01 2.01993734e-01 -2.05711201e-01 -5.58620036e-01 1.55634597e-01 1.64118987e-02 4.83925164e-01 6.18054383e-02 -1.53943613e-01 -3.14280421e-01 2.57432014e-01 -1.80436656e-01 3.23139220e-01 -2.06983723e-02 4.03646380e-02 -6.74108863e-02 -6.91065788e-02 4.29374129e-01 -1.85839772e-01 -4.77439165e-01 -3.51199172e-02 1.89853117e-01 -1.72921672e-01 1.33409947e-01 -1.18760616e-01 1.08252317e-01 1.82355955e-01 -1.60984561e-01 -2.05751359e-01 -7.89753422e-02 4.44227867e-02 7.96575621e-02 -4.21787351e-02 -2.24624187e-01 4.59468625e-02 -1.22830577e-01 -2.97659785e-01 6.01628006e-01 2.72810180e-02 1.88127577e-01 4.15634125e-01 -2.05760941e-01 -3.29707712e-01 2.17225403e-01 -3.12830567e-01 -2.05535889e-01 1.49997532e-01 6.42333090e-01 1.63000241e-01 2.20924571e-01 -5.05955219e-01 -3.02992344e-01 -3.13673526e-01 4.58282471e-01 1.64026711e-02 1.66750953e-01 -2.28216901e-01 -1.85201645e-01 3.42028916e-01 2.76600905e-02 -4.08249267e-04 5.27675077e-02 9.64509905e-04 -5.60177155e-02 -1.47755519e-01 2.63263375e-01 -3.10966551e-01 1.23366803e-01 -1.97913200e-01 1.39184058e-01 3.97635639e-01 1.62587985e-01 2.60138214e-01 7.91359320e-02 -2.88892746e-01 2.37855300e-01 -1.65580347e-01 4.92806524e-01 1.43005580e-01 -4.30211633e-01 5.00993550e-01 1.80376440e-01 3.06449890e-01 -3.71369794e-02 -1.66416131e-02 7.39116445e-02 7.26014495e-01 1.18928105e-01 -2.72361245e-02 -1.36033475e-01 1.89972132e-01 -1.37877524e-01 -1.67883322e-01 -6.66687340e-02 1.30716236e-02 2.82560468e-01 -1.46334663e-01 2.65512645e-01 -2.78668642e-01 -3.30554962e-01 -2.99946606e-01 9.64127034e-02 2.29621306e-01 3.87615442e-01 4.75524217e-01 1.13130212e+00 2.51051962e-01 -7.82625824e-02 2.15041682e-01 -7.17601478e-01 -2.97424287e-01 1.74549729e-01 -4.13113445e-01 1.06418261e-03 3.91555935e-01 4.58380841e-02 -2.88788289e-01 1.35328561e-01 2.05203384e-01 -2.25885749e-01 -2.05250561e-01 -3.18327934e-01 -3.70515019e-01 1.22804418e-01 2.08194613e-01 -3.37755568e-02 5.13984039e-02 5.35946906e-01 1.60781935e-01 -1.28392354e-01 -9.54785198e-02 7.97598064e-03 -4.44384478e-02 6.31930828e-02 8.58478025e-02 -2.75987059e-01 7.59000033e-02 -2.53958970e-01 1.78206652e-01 1.37640491e-01 -3.91291022e-01 1.70789599e-01 -3.01090419e-01 -1.42388657e-01 -1.73045650e-01 -1.06611103e-01 -2.07777098e-02 8.99581891e-03 -3.50323506e-02 2.40366742e-01 3.40075225e-01 5.81624925e-01 2.55062543e-02 8.69460329e-02 5.73173612e-02 8.16573128e-02 4.91688102e-01 -3.81081998e-01 1.37745887e-01 2.61583209e-01 -2.51444489e-01 -1.50963843e-01 4.43719804e-01 7.81620592e-02 -8.22210312e-02 6.93916902e-02 9.65672806e-02 -1.97022840e-01 2.13314816e-02 -5.81365414e-02 -1.99579522e-01 6.24364503e-02 2.34380022e-01 -4.32484150e-02 2.89193749e-01 2.01525912e-01 1.14200022e-02 -2.81994134e-01 -4.12892133e-01 -1.47839382e-01 -3.91876489e-01 -5.12249827e-01 -2.15481192e-01 -9.36772302e-02 -5.36216915e-01 -7.23201260e-02 3.07642706e-02 -1.02899142e-01 7.99009278e-02 -4.72054362e-01 -9.24162269e-02 1.51707053e-01 -3.03703696e-01 2.60426849e-01 4.01309878e-01 -5.52000463e-01 -8.10096134e-03 -1.08807340e-01 3.30320559e-02 -3.13980728e-01 5.17168120e-02 8.27143565e-02 -1.04157478e-01 1.00349247e-01 -1.96860358e-01 -3.97175103e-01 -3.83792877e-01 5.93267456e-02 -2.14054972e-01 -1.64145783e-01 -1.44230887e-01 -2.63173226e-02 1.37798861e-01 8.99617448e-02 -1.23224676e-01 1.96613818e-01 8.03003460e-02 2.05392152e-01 1.16985187e-01 1.54481962e-01 1.43878102e-01 1.03086419e-01 2.30969727e-01 3.94704416e-02 5.51441796e-02 9.15147513e-02 -1.10870451e-01 -3.79529595e-02 3.23072702e-01 -1.27305537e-02 -1.83031663e-01 -1.88288376e-01 -1.43838510e-01 1.92669421e-01 3.83644909e-01 2.07623854e-01 -8.09601098e-02 3.83508541e-02 -1.29330814e-01 1.41929328e-01 5.08124828e-01 -1.98324859e-01 -1.91846132e-01 -2.52554715e-01 -1.79058816e-02 -6.07437156e-02 2.57514954e-01 3.65759246e-02 3.88472714e-02 -2.41680413e-01 1.10787265e-01 -1.93954155e-01 3.15757215e-01 1.01127833e-01 -2.87107706e-01 5.72768189e-02 1.72678530e-02 1.29130362e-02 8.12946912e-03 3.78970392e-02 2.49941140e-01 -1.49630576e-01 -2.61709869e-01 1.40782326e-01 1.07418396e-01 7.67100230e-03 -2.47387099e-03 4.74013358e-01 5.72560370e-01 4.59316343e-01 -8.41786191e-02 3.24868441e-01 2.70034194e-01 -2.55247504e-01 5.99373318e-02 2.77905405e-01 1.07047290e-01 -2.76899695e-01 4.30344760e-01 -4.97615337e-01 -2.38149334e-02 3.11902892e-02 -2.09643170e-02 1.81194797e-01 3.66329215e-02 2.28627473e-01 -4.06078808e-02 -2.94566870e-01 -1.53365865e-01 -1.24863036e-01 -8.04570541e-02 2.60298043e-01 -1.31815761e-01 -1.20393828e-01 5.25944456e-02 -3.00731778e-01 6.55420795e-02 1.65258095e-01 8.46925974e-02 1.84601218e-01 3.24244380e-01 -4.29837555e-02 1.07917085e-01 3.06524247e-01 2.47004792e-01 1.91219859e-02 -3.84165049e-01 -4.20855433e-02 -2.74754584e-01 -1.47660524e-01 -9.89417806e-02 2.57546157e-01 -3.75711871e-03 -1.62279010e-01 1.71108618e-02 1.26411572e-01 -1.60728082e-01 -2.83381015e-01 3.27824444e-01 1.20139316e-01 9.30110440e-02 2.09733173e-01 2.82983761e-02 -2.81274438e-01 2.11574882e-01 3.43600661e-02 -8.50503221e-02 -4.58752006e-01 6.78518713e-02 2.51982719e-01 3.14487398e-01 5.58729880e-02 4.25070301e-02 -5.32898940e-02 4.52105790e-01 -8.56344774e-02 2.19589442e-01 2.66108662e-01 -2.84453984e-02 -8.19812194e-02 9.36093647e-03 1.93939626e-01 -3.81423861e-01 1.75765641e-02 2.19496727e-01 3.10814437e-02 -2.49549434e-01 2.53251255e-01 3.24457079e-01 -8.03684467e-04 -3.91582280e-01 1.59607138e-02 3.45971078e-01 3.12627822e-01 -1.35618255e-01 -9.70920473e-02 -6.10214323e-02 8.76958072e-02 2.20072433e-01 9.84086841e-02 4.86380942e-02 -3.66707817e-02 -1.68145373e-01 2.58206785e-01 6.52932515e-03 -2.33345389e-01 2.91511893e-01 -1.15200005e-01 -8.68916288e-02 4.13674861e-02 8.83107707e-02 -6.15121461e-02 1.68513119e-01 -3.16150784e-01 2.90708929e-01 1.43738925e-01 4.54127789e-01 4.52126622e-01 -3.04615349e-01 -2.18049988e-01 2.68123537e-01 -3.07652891e-01 -5.64252166e-03 -1.12531573e-01 1.94599196e-01 4.48401235e-02 1.71957567e-01 1.93442941e-01 -9.46676210e-02 -2.82227278e-01 -1.55347526e-01 5.93738675e-01 1.92947775e-01 -2.48988986e-01 5.29615544e-02 2.33407855e-01 9.29380134e-02 1.86212454e-02 -4.73654777e-01 -4.80133921e-01 -9.87784937e-02 -3.97166945e-02 -2.21087053e-01 -2.30002776e-01 -2.07670763e-01 -4.00230587e-02 -1.71783432e-01 3.21717620e-01 4.60740067e-02 1.18243352e-01 1.32475883e-01 2.29301155e-02]
"Inertial Amplifier" active "Item #: SCP-289 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Currently located at Site-17 under the supervision of Dr. ███ ███████, SCP-289 is to be suspended on a 10 cm x 10 cm platform in the exact center of a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m concrete room. It is to be monitored at all times by no fewer than two mounted cameras whose video feeds will be recorded and archived if deemed necessary upon review. Every thirty (30) days, SCP-289 is to be moved to an identical housing facility on the other side of Site-17 to avoid unnecessary inertial buildup. No personnel are allowed to approach closer than a 1.6 m radius of SCP-289 unless they have prior authorization from two Level 3 supervisors attached to this project. Additionally, any personnel interacting with SCP-289 are to have read all authorized documents relating to SCP-289 and to have a thorough understanding of its capabilities and the time limits involved. Description: SCP-289 is an irregularly shaped mass of hematite (Fe2O3), with analysis showing trace amounts of aluminum, phosphorous, [DATA EXPUNGED], and water. SCP-289 has the unique property of intensifying the effects of inertia over objects in a 1.6 m radius over time. Objects that remain immobile will become more and more difficult to move, while objects maintaining a constant speed will become very difficult to stop. At best estimate, close proximity to SCP-289 increases an object’s inertia by 17% every 160 seconds, with a slightly slower reduction of inertia over time to base levels after being removed from SCP-289’s active radius. SCP-289 was retrieved in 1983 after a series of odd traffic accidents in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. On █/██/1983 a small car sped uncontrollably through the city for 17 minutes until it finally impacted with the side of a butcher’s shop and was stopped. All objects located inside the vehicle either exited through the front windshield or were forcibly pressed as far towards the front of the car as they could go. The driver, who remains unidentified, was announced dead at the scene and eventually loaded into an ambulance with some difficulty. On the way to the hospital the ambulance shared a similar fate as the previous car, with the driver reporting sluggish turning and braking at first, followed by an inability to turn or stop at all and an intense feeling of being drawn forwards. The ambulance came to a stop after plunging into the North Saskatchewan River. The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and found himself propelled across the river and into the surrounding woods at an estimated 30 km/h where he remained pinned to a tree for nearly 45 minutes before his inertia stabilized and he fell to the ground. SCP agents arrived within the week to retrieve the ambulance’s contents and were able to identify SCP-289 as the source of the disturbances. SCP-289 was eventually airlifted to Site-17 by being attached to the end of a long tether held below a helicopter to avoid any inertial buildup on the part of the vehicle. Addendum: Those with proper authorization to research the properties of or interact with SCP-289 should see document #289-01 for full safety procedures. Document #289-01: Testing Safety Procedures The radius of SCP-289’s action is precisely 1.6 m. There is never to be more than one person inside this radius at any time. Human interaction with SCP-289 is not necessarily dangerous, but stringent time restraints are in order. No Foundation personnel are to be inside the active radius for more than 90 seconds. During this time of exposure, personnel are advised to alter their speed, acceleration, and position as often as possible to avoid inertial buildup. Objects to be subjected to SCP-289’s active field should ideally be introduced to the field by automated means. Long handheld manipulating devices are also acceptable, and for particularly delicate objects or precise adjustments human interaction is allowed, so long as time restraints are not violated. Retrieval of stationary objects that remain inside SCP-289’s active field for more than 800 seconds is nearly impossible. Objects that maintain a constant speed inside the active field for a similar time are nearly impossible to slow or stop. Thus all experiments should conclude before this threshold time is reached. In the event that an object becomes irretrievable, researchers may petition Dr. ███ ███████ to have the object returned after SCP-289 is moved to its new enclosure during monthly transfer protocol and the requested object’s inertia has returned to standard levels. Transfer of SCP-289 from holding area Alpha to holding area Beta or back is to be performed every thirty (30) days. During this procedure, hallway 121 is to be completely evacuated and all adjoining doors are to be locked at security Level 3. SCP-289 is to be removed from its suspended platform and placed inside of one of the rubber spheres located in the adjoining storage area. The sphere is to be rolled down the hallway towards the opposite holding area at a speed of no greater than 0.5 km/h, which should remain steady for the duration of the relocation. Once the sphere comes to a stop, SCP-289 is to be removed and placed on the new suspended platform. « SCP-288 | SCP-289 | SCP-290 »" nan
[ 4.12188806e-02 -3.22097689e-01 -1.10692568e-01 1.75667740e-02 8.79294723e-02 -3.97159696e-01 1.05450630e-01 7.52845332e-02 2.18932312e-02 2.28792906e-01 8.34421813e-02 5.85710168e-01 -4.08382744e-01 -2.96803880e-02 9.13370550e-02 -8.89791995e-02 -1.97145835e-01 3.39086391e-02 -1.85516670e-01 -2.14754447e-01 -4.36313935e-02 6.03993870e-02 -2.06500620e-01 2.43029848e-01 -7.98099041e-02 1.91522390e-02 3.31401765e-01 -1.77508444e-01 -5.11932187e-03 -1.93773255e-01 1.09369271e-01 3.62016112e-01 1.70780450e-01 2.79816896e-01 -1.10108602e-04 -3.96237634e-02 1.92135461e-02 -7.37283938e-03 -7.34212473e-02 1.70419663e-01 -1.73879594e-01 -1.97249904e-01 -5.47814891e-02 -3.04189295e-01 2.59066317e-02 1.17130779e-01 -7.37844855e-02 -1.78352743e-02 2.30485499e-01 2.68791825e-01 1.80508271e-01 -1.04755782e-01 -1.88720167e-01 -1.96056783e-01 3.65071505e-01 1.20741993e-01 -2.50506610e-01 -1.88048989e-01 4.70562696e-01 3.82940806e-02 -9.15344357e-02 4.03970107e-02 -6.91055804e-02 -5.04567921e-02 5.96363425e-01 -2.48774573e-01 2.33219653e-01 2.64535155e-02 -4.37290072e-02 1.42080963e-01 -8.31419080e-02 -1.61210999e-01 -1.64341137e-01 -1.89325988e-01 6.57701492e-02 4.58878987e-02 1.95467807e-02 -2.72916913e-01 1.39159828e-01 -3.47900800e-02 -4.06568497e-01 1.60698161e-01 -3.85961026e-01 5.01223207e-02 -1.22433051e-01 2.98933953e-01 -2.82563239e-01 1.14749089e-01 4.91317421e-01 -1.18537605e-01 -4.21522170e-01 2.01237753e-01 4.12172735e-01 1.20056430e-02 -1.83500439e-01 -1.45641267e-01 8.21590647e-02 2.69305199e-01 -8.78867880e-03 -1.92108098e-02 2.36393183e-01 1.76941622e-02 2.01387733e-01 1.09806463e-01 -1.79217115e-01 2.94152230e-01 -7.98696503e-02 -1.01738654e-01 -2.83812016e-01 2.71756083e-01 -2.27908373e-01 1.57206759e-01 -2.26503238e-02 1.81874558e-01 3.51910293e-02 2.51628757e-02 -1.52734578e-01 5.57724871e-02 -3.94562334e-01 2.11447820e-01 -5.67070544e-01 4.20868099e-01 1.88862216e-02 1.24777779e-02 5.13687074e-01 1.67697802e-01 9.26840678e-02 1.65524989e-01 1.14690468e-01 -8.69594887e-02 -5.05405217e-02 3.37268025e-01 -3.98599267e-01 -2.35148389e-02 -1.03411702e-02 5.40700078e-01 -1.91777334e-01 -1.83286473e-01 -2.61774182e-01 8.33849236e-03 2.35020325e-01 4.52959761e-02 4.82235938e-01 4.03136104e-01 -2.28421792e-01 2.17443049e-01 -2.87387669e-01 -4.78506327e-01 -1.35972708e-01 -2.78147385e-02 2.50883371e-01 -1.62039980e-01 -2.31172204e-01 2.25846097e-01 -2.33591124e-01 -2.19342187e-01 3.40625525e-01 2.66479850e-01 -1.70192525e-01 -3.42029005e-01 4.26398307e-01 2.10499018e-01 -2.87880033e-01 -1.73315294e-02 1.18312627e-01 2.15065584e-01 -6.20079577e-01 -2.80306578e-01 -6.06310487e-01 6.06218614e-02 -7.94094205e-02 1.12449482e-01 -1.00992642e-01 5.19335330e-01 -1.24484263e-01 -1.06669024e-01 -4.38389063e-01 -2.18734100e-01 -2.51035839e-01 -2.34050021e-01 -4.91298199e-01 6.91838562e-02 2.37262562e-01 -1.87394738e-01 -1.51185021e-01 2.39423998e-02 -1.39361084e-01 6.52252436e-02 1.01599582e-01 -3.00857633e-01 -1.93856120e-01 -3.50391388e-01 1.81877255e-01 3.81591469e-01 6.95633292e-02 3.29505354e-02 -1.63828120e-01 1.38182342e-01 6.30257577e-02 2.61758536e-01 -3.27335782e-02 5.05479097e-01 2.04189032e-01 -1.75946310e-01 -1.87442124e-01 -2.87238002e-01 6.33118749e-02 -1.40109733e-01 1.93241149e-01 2.24425010e-02 -1.80247232e-01 -2.71043833e-03 -4.49747473e-01 9.64980349e-02 3.46778184e-02 -1.92024559e-01 2.86790907e-01 8.80006403e-02 2.97285244e-02 -2.15155497e-01 -5.61088473e-02 4.26189303e-01 1.67222649e-01 -3.48108798e-01 -2.49139145e-01 -7.02706501e-02 -1.05181508e-01 -7.93221742e-02 -2.28403717e-01 2.50367612e-01 -2.64796778e-03 -7.67114311e-02 2.65498132e-01 8.89710803e-03 -1.07619174e-01 3.05563331e-01 5.04392028e-01 7.90506005e-01 4.15179804e-02 9.42472145e-02 6.62628338e-02 -1.58170998e-01 2.42073208e-01 1.83192387e-01 -3.43616396e-01 2.59964973e-01 1.71347767e-01 -3.15769352e-02 6.08876124e-02 -7.22691491e-02 -4.05546650e-02 -4.55740064e-01 -2.07978919e-01 1.29617572e-01 1.05884112e-02 2.31972039e-01 -9.55891386e-02 1.38798475e-01 2.83981174e-01 7.49883503e-02 5.28603001e-03 6.79579913e-04 -4.48078252e-02 -8.21663961e-02 -2.73826361e-01 6.11082651e-04 1.99235026e-02 4.79443431e-01 -1.30863041e-01 6.74966052e-02 -1.99142229e-02 -1.11937009e-01 8.25791061e-02 -1.12212017e-01 6.65275156e-02 3.40688139e-01 7.50747100e-02 4.18006748e-01 2.58949548e-01 3.22851598e-01 -3.43239754e-01 -3.79797220e-01 1.34042993e-01 1.46685066e-02 -1.81235522e-01 1.52752325e-01 -4.57881093e-02 -3.58184218e-01 -6.19675629e-02 8.32136050e-02 1.06533580e-01 7.26244252e-05 1.99612752e-01 1.61114514e-01 -2.68415749e-01 3.02103996e-01 2.16385171e-01 7.68864810e-01 8.24188292e-02 -9.77197662e-02 -2.23900035e-01 4.02801007e-01 5.64915910e-02 3.25556211e-02 -3.14157844e-01 4.33846861e-02 4.65744644e-01 1.84933573e-01 2.27154627e-01 3.48998904e-02 -2.83143014e-01 1.41651183e-01 3.48376423e-01 -2.07692608e-01 3.64964865e-02 -3.99671823e-01 -2.78704524e-01 -4.22074467e-01 2.38031954e-01 -6.07636452e-01 2.29511544e-01 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-1.04190446e-01 1.62681818e-01 1.83763683e-01 -8.50813240e-02 8.00959095e-02 -2.18167379e-01 -2.23162130e-01 -4.32353109e-01 1.07602730e-01 -9.17915776e-02 3.55995409e-02 3.08502048e-01 -1.14514649e-01 -4.52116489e-01 2.86864012e-01 -1.30674988e-01 3.30404222e-01 -3.73371691e-01 1.39463961e-01 4.17770207e-01 -3.43195461e-02 -1.07880771e-01 -2.82225132e-01 -4.87379044e-01 5.25052175e-02 8.72997522e-01 1.78231001e-01 1.71184927e-01 -8.85899886e-02 -5.46771660e-02 -3.72349098e-02 1.11291558e-01 7.27300197e-02 2.20233455e-01 -2.70733774e-01 -6.90958500e-02 1.83774084e-01 3.27987283e-01 -3.72808397e-01 4.56196517e-01 6.34208918e-02 3.18740934e-01 3.33949447e-01 1.38625195e-02 -1.23523436e-01 -8.57813656e-02 2.28093445e-01 -1.35245562e-01 1.92831263e-01 1.67219341e-01 -1.82539597e-01 4.35457863e-02 -4.48530801e-02 6.93804994e-02 1.12181857e-01 1.73011839e-01 1.50227966e-02 5.08023858e-01 1.39708161e-01 2.12339699e-01 1.09281987e-02 2.47590140e-01 -3.03057283e-01 -1.53867260e-01 3.59055072e-01 -9.15353671e-02 3.93713027e-01 1.63131759e-01 3.23381960e-01 3.83286402e-02 -4.06894952e-01 -3.93030345e-01 2.76984006e-01 -7.85958916e-02 5.46302378e-01 6.07823096e-02 1.03158808e+00 2.86193043e-01 -1.34493690e-02 -6.33055791e-02 -7.80934095e-02 7.44470581e-02 -5.13289809e-01 6.86303899e-02 -1.49490207e-01 -2.58323669e-01 8.79774019e-02 -2.22050607e-01 -2.22001269e-01 8.46979767e-02 -2.07133651e-01 -4.77439284e-01 -2.91925997e-01 2.59134024e-01 1.51488185e-01 2.36768156e-01 3.45829353e-02 -2.64522396e-02 1.72236949e-01 2.33156472e-01 2.44966209e-01 1.87849715e-01 1.60185799e-01 -5.79452030e-02 2.05401734e-01 2.60661930e-01 -4.33220446e-01 8.60971957e-02 1.84519347e-02 1.97430387e-01 1.85084119e-02 1.36787146e-01 1.68081388e-01 -1.84191674e-01 -3.05398494e-01 -1.30716279e-01 -1.22009762e-01 3.86733234e-01 1.57183930e-01 1.22345835e-01 1.14203185e-01 -5.81148043e-02 3.88185173e-01 -8.76671448e-02 3.21571566e-02 3.25379744e-02 1.02883480e-01 -1.94559991e-01 2.92910308e-01 -1.45968467e-01 3.39822292e-01 -1.49257258e-01 3.70048195e-01 3.57565254e-01 -8.42686146e-02 -1.44608900e-01 1.42846480e-01 -2.72980183e-02 -1.99830249e-01 3.05312634e-01 -1.28101418e-02 -4.06899363e-01 4.40328382e-04 4.04151261e-01 3.98316495e-02 3.75522465e-01 -4.65795398e-02 -1.34372100e-01 -9.51274857e-02 -3.78213763e-01 -3.31126302e-02 -5.86011633e-02 -4.54796940e-01 1.36334777e-01 -1.63009912e-01 -2.59299725e-01 -4.16084677e-02 -1.44206122e-01 2.84562200e-01 -3.34886223e-01 -4.77348238e-01 -2.92602241e-01 5.30923568e-02 -4.79239337e-02 3.12045123e-03 1.67495757e-01 -1.92539692e-01 -1.89095009e-02 -2.89121792e-02 1.50891736e-01 -4.14176375e-01 4.01108712e-02 -1.96513653e-01 -1.46525115e-01 -8.58384445e-02 -4.40883607e-01 1.19897118e-03 -1.09369792e-01 1.31689429e-01 2.30730120e-02 -1.76258951e-01 -2.43969500e-01 -2.19464570e-01 1.30401209e-01 -2.08153296e-02 -7.02855662e-02 -1.32027194e-01 -2.07191467e-01 2.03746393e-01 2.34792337e-01 7.21829832e-02 2.63072520e-01 3.79991472e-01 4.34901804e-01 -2.32927158e-01 6.99701607e-02 2.84070093e-02 -1.65286258e-01 2.92859316e-01 -1.26583919e-01 1.70154512e-01 3.21544021e-01 -2.59410143e-02 -2.02463403e-01 -1.01751007e-01 1.78400695e-01 -6.35350645e-02 1.15730502e-01 1.64138064e-01 -1.02776162e-01 1.15833953e-02 3.05710047e-01 -6.73398897e-02 3.89028817e-01 -4.39186394e-01 -2.97021449e-01 -2.16243565e-01 2.84291476e-01 -7.86798671e-02 1.25439838e-01 -2.06464112e-01 1.56333029e-01 -2.12218538e-02 1.05449043e-01 2.37194628e-01 -2.14925408e-01 4.75772947e-01 8.27717185e-02 1.45450577e-01 4.17140663e-01 -2.39166051e-01 -1.09109327e-01 1.93772495e-01 -1.83926433e-01 2.10871901e-02 3.37386489e-01 3.22964877e-01 9.95141193e-02 3.13097358e-01 -7.01282127e-03 1.48819521e-01 2.63733953e-01 2.16516107e-01 3.15159768e-01 8.07559118e-02 5.10010540e-01 -2.38501161e-01 -2.03093201e-01 1.45132929e-01 2.43134201e-01 -9.80199352e-02 1.39265228e-02 -3.24593365e-01 -1.73619017e-01 1.40998373e-02 -5.46067767e-02 -9.15188808e-03 -2.63242304e-01 -5.08039534e-01 -5.48108071e-02 -6.58955872e-02 2.96410143e-01 3.42642426e-01 -8.57574716e-02 -2.46103719e-01 -2.01726332e-03 7.75631964e-02 -2.22731847e-02 3.94729763e-01 -3.21885407e-01 -8.66446868e-02 2.01384321e-01 -2.41741873e-02 -2.00690404e-02 3.16131227e-02 2.31493667e-01 -2.93880016e-01 -3.05885971e-01 1.32167339e-01 9.20790359e-02 -1.39154926e-01 -1.36363029e-01 3.46963972e-01 4.36478883e-01 1.06264874e-01 1.73280075e-01 1.53332144e-01 -1.62303627e-01 -9.45312604e-02 2.76704848e-01 2.66601086e-01 5.04974611e-02 6.90552443e-02 -3.82020101e-02 1.30655363e-01 -1.10136801e-02 -1.99326128e-01 -1.04415581e-01 2.48339446e-03 -1.07622199e-01 -1.53311551e-01 1.93291709e-01 -1.22465469e-01 5.90951778e-02 -3.76105279e-01 1.56372473e-01 3.59992325e-01 -4.23832657e-03 7.33235851e-02 -2.43422046e-01 -1.36007115e-01 1.11473165e-01 2.88876444e-02 -2.78139830e-01 3.70428041e-02 3.20127964e-01 1.13957532e-01 1.79055944e-01 7.67905684e-03 -1.11845046e-01 -4.40729350e-01 1.40111074e-01 -2.98622727e-01 3.16457152e-01 -3.12461182e-02 7.51866400e-02 8.64077508e-02 -1.08719543e-01 -7.41493329e-02 -1.38152733e-01 2.46845201e-01 -5.88655695e-02 -3.89916867e-01 -1.58163682e-01 4.08659011e-01 2.41754800e-01 -5.60235418e-02 2.51610667e-01 -2.90682405e-01 -5.07907458e-02 -1.13346688e-01 2.64961630e-01 -3.42303425e-01 -4.40476477e-01 7.01468363e-02 2.68980950e-01 1.92051530e-01 6.63163006e-01 3.87015641e-01 2.21219119e-02 -1.77632757e-02 6.82824478e-02 -2.28523299e-01 9.29173455e-02 -1.77466407e-01 2.31220856e-01 8.15250650e-02 2.41450220e-01 2.07777455e-01 7.77104720e-02 -3.42743963e-01 -9.37597826e-02 3.35238993e-01 2.17834041e-02 -2.32195079e-01 8.76446348e-03 2.65798867e-01 -1.58910342e-02 -6.55985996e-02 -3.32197517e-01 -3.87336940e-01 8.06414634e-02 -2.09805146e-01 -1.20110720e-01 2.25243524e-01 -1.26762688e-01 -3.01909536e-01 -7.10257515e-02 2.34029680e-01 1.00016199e-01 -2.09033668e-01 -2.52176017e-01 -9.64675397e-02]
"The Picasso Machine" active "Item #: SCP-290 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-290 is to be held in a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m cell at Site-19. Personnel are forbidden from interacting with SCP-290 except during an approved testing procedure, and any personnel who attempt to do so must be terminated with any force necessary. During any interaction with SCP-290, three guards with full knowledge of the object must flank the object's aperture; anyone (other than Class-D personnel) attempting to enter must be removed from the object's cell. Subjects who undergo reconfiguration are terminated at the conclusion of experimentation. Description: SCP-290 is a hollow metallic sphere 3 m in diameter, with a circular opening of diameter 90 cm cut into one side. This sphere is welded to four metal posts 50 cm in height. Scans have shown that SCP-290 is composed of a combination of aluminium and [DATA EXPUNGED], many of which do not match any known atomic structure. All attempts to take samples of the metal for more detailed analysis have failed. The external temperature of the sphere remains constant at 318 Kelvin (45 °C) regardless of the ambient conditions. As no power source for the device has been found, how it maintains this temperature is as yet unknown. Researchers have noted that personnel appear to display slightly elevated curiosity about SCP-290's function, although whether this is evidence of a psychological effect or simply due to its abnormality is not known. Should a subject enter SCP-290 through the circular opening, the aperture will shrink rapidly, rendering the inside section inaccessible. After 5-20 minutes, the aperture will reopen. No sound can be heard emanating from SCP-290 during this period. Subjects emerge from this process alive, conscious (albeit often in a state of extreme distress), but with their anatomy significantly altered. Limbs, facial features and [REDACTED] appear to be relocated randomly, yet without losing functionality. Fingers and toes are often removed from the hands and feet, and eyes rarely remain in a configuration lending itself to binocular vision. Almost all subjects report pain and discomfort in breathing and movement (if either remain possible), with most unable to walk or perform any type of effective locomotion. Autopsies performed on afflicted subjects reveal that a similar reconfiguration occurs internally, with organ placement changed and blood vessels/nerves lengthened to fit the new arrangement. Evidence of severe internal bleeding and haemorrhage of other bodily fluids is often present, although subjects display none of the connected symptoms on retrieval from SCP-290, and no subject has died as a direct result of exposure to the object. Subjects' bones show evidence of large-scale fracturing, but also rapid healing, ostensibly a part of the modification process. Subjects remain conscious throughout the reconfiguration - see Addendum 290-1 for details. Addendum 290-1: Experiment Log Subject: D-59414, male, 18. Supervisor: Dr. S███████, SCP-290 lead researcher Purpose: Ascertain the experiences of subjects within SCP-290 Procedure: D-59414 was exposed to SCP-290, having had no prior experience with the object. Subject immediately inquired as to its function, to which Dr. S███████ replied "That is what we intend to find out." After several subsequent inquiries from the subject were rebuffed, subject was provided with an IR-sensitive video camera and ordered to enter the object; subject complied without resistance. Aperture re-opened 17.4 minutes after closure, and subject and video camera were retrieved. The video camera was heavily damaged during the experiment due to the subject's violent convulsions, and around 65% of the footage is unintelligible. <A transcript of the video feed recovered from the camera follows> Video feed initially shows subject sitting calmly in the centre of SCP-290, looking around and examining his surroundings by touch at intervals. This continues for around 2 minutes, at which point the subject begins clutching his chest and groaning. Subject then begins to scream, including the phrase "I was only curious, but I know now. Please, let me go." Whether this indicates a secondary consciousness inhabiting the subject's mind with which he was conversing is unknown. It is at this point that the subject begins flailing, impacting the camera repeatedly and causing it to record only small fragments of footage. Fragments of interest are noted below (in chronological order): <End transcript> A debriefing interview was scheduled, but, owing to the subject's larynx being relocated away from his trachea, could not be conducted. Autopsy showed wide-scale reorganisation of the subject's internal organs, including small-scale fusing of parts of the small intestine and [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in contamination of the chest cavity [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite this, the subject had a normal volume of blood within his circulatory system, and levels of other bodily fluids such as bile were within normal parameters. How SCP-290 maintains or replenishes these fluids is unknown. « SCP-289 | SCP-290 | SCP-291 »" nan
[ 4.88088280e-02 -3.96833241e-01 -1.42556101e-01 -5.86407781e-02 -1.85753163e-02 -2.60797352e-01 2.96931416e-01 -2.50214804e-02 -1.23407543e-01 5.54783404e-01 1.52588710e-01 3.63809824e-01 -1.52460665e-01 -2.35677347e-01 5.99606447e-02 7.32139423e-02 1.23504221e-01 2.51823246e-01 -1.23164266e-01 -2.56885439e-01 -3.18272918e-01 -1.81151614e-01 -3.30065817e-01 -1.91491824e-02 3.60087872e-01 4.52796463e-03 2.20334530e-01 4.36467789e-02 -1.02705196e-01 -2.65437543e-01 -2.08297819e-01 3.84879470e-01 -2.36338839e-01 6.39193773e-01 -1.15522213e-04 -1.26260817e-01 -2.46368021e-01 -4.85321544e-02 -8.32009539e-02 -1.60811972e-02 -5.57197630e-02 -2.48381898e-01 -6.44394010e-03 -3.04103851e-01 -5.07640764e-02 -1.99649259e-01 -3.08683496e-02 1.63281057e-02 5.22542179e-01 1.91484019e-02 1.18898831e-01 1.26291379e-01 -1.17759123e-01 3.41410772e-03 -4.02806066e-02 1.39863551e-01 -2.74366051e-01 -3.81502926e-01 4.10300493e-01 2.96026081e-01 5.21701798e-02 2.40795329e-01 3.39487717e-02 -7.94033334e-02 6.61205277e-02 -4.57873255e-01 2.36063763e-01 -4.48023885e-01 4.60080296e-01 1.06934093e-01 8.04965571e-02 -6.76359907e-02 2.70008892e-02 -9.32094455e-02 1.58018082e-01 1.23344846e-01 -1.02700755e-01 2.97731429e-01 3.34628369e-03 -8.43181163e-02 -4.48453039e-01 1.80325836e-01 -2.57049471e-01 -1.92802504e-01 1.14197671e-01 3.71460989e-03 -1.66356415e-02 5.65149896e-02 8.41216147e-02 -5.37715293e-02 4.23221678e-01 1.46848768e-01 4.99196947e-01 1.56965241e-01 -5.93348444e-02 1.99700166e-02 -9.68387052e-02 4.23026569e-02 -7.45543838e-02 1.99807853e-01 2.89327145e-01 1.50390252e-01 2.99109340e-01 7.54689723e-02 -2.05530316e-01 -4.02881175e-01 -3.19339186e-01 -4.30050492e-01 -4.94343698e-01 3.48489523e-01 -2.19418928e-01 1.78416267e-01 -1.69065177e-01 -8.21801499e-02 5.81667833e-02 -1.65468797e-01 1.33707663e-02 6.11525066e-02 -1.00734137e-01 2.05903843e-01 -6.97153747e-01 1.94278240e-01 1.18488684e-01 2.35740483e-01 8.28824490e-02 3.12925607e-01 8.19043592e-02 -2.25989774e-01 -3.23364228e-01 7.71938786e-02 -2.84177035e-01 -2.96182511e-03 -5.28203428e-01 1.57639712e-01 -1.34090558e-01 1.26720145e-01 4.19141948e-02 2.69979298e-01 -1.48013055e-01 -1.39106840e-01 3.03715289e-01 -1.17784657e-01 8.03586245e-01 4.65929776e-01 -1.39817923e-01 -2.73980498e-01 -1.39095306e-01 -6.12499975e-02 8.06910731e-03 3.30965184e-02 2.69807667e-01 3.91219407e-02 -2.13297039e-01 1.53858230e-01 -2.59007394e-01 4.25234288e-01 6.69336200e-01 -5.49141578e-02 -2.89438903e-01 -4.19916987e-01 7.03103542e-02 -2.03838035e-01 -1.68198407e-01 -1.68521360e-01 3.00240576e-01 4.20807004e-01 -1.09779023e-01 -3.34785372e-01 2.19144940e-01 2.88408846e-01 3.26586187e-01 2.01535206e-02 -8.87675807e-02 2.48150706e-01 -6.29767105e-02 -7.82050267e-02 -4.35851187e-01 1.71709821e-01 -5.67934096e-01 -4.63917017e-01 -1.21273912e-01 4.09767091e-01 2.05044642e-01 -2.94089913e-01 1.21603265e-01 3.04783769e-02 8.81390832e-03 -3.56359512e-01 2.04919487e-01 -5.48980050e-02 -2.42443144e-01 -2.89996445e-01 5.09190798e-01 1.76103413e-01 3.43485564e-01 -2.16636900e-02 2.06847176e-01 4.80561763e-01 2.31688470e-01 6.84174523e-02 -4.84299093e-01 -4.80588861e-02 3.44616771e-02 -1.44382015e-01 -7.70578235e-02 -1.62167743e-01 -5.40716108e-03 -4.23364602e-02 3.63095850e-01 3.85860682e-01 4.02945057e-02 4.02342454e-02 -1.11589000e-01 3.24108824e-02 5.93358278e-03 -3.71839643e-01 2.04719201e-01 3.64206076e-01 -6.75798254e-03 -3.29547793e-01 -1.14503287e-01 2.43524849e-01 1.20985121e-01 -1.42914072e-01 -6.20961010e-01 2.38859002e-02 -7.18269423e-02 -1.62607267e-01 -1.57734707e-01 1.60056651e-01 1.58036008e-01 6.58210590e-02 1.47658825e-01 -2.78475702e-01 3.64275277e-02 4.40685563e-02 -5.39351515e-02 5.80028415e-01 -1.47114336e-01 2.17939526e-01 -1.78604633e-01 -1.56720892e-01 2.78294444e-01 1.61101356e-01 -4.97067012e-02 8.79203975e-02 8.05712864e-02 1.31543636e-01 2.23988205e-01 -1.25738725e-01 1.02358259e-01 -2.68962175e-01 -5.29261827e-01 8.46009254e-02 1.99292392e-01 3.14568609e-01 1.07582465e-01 8.55281949e-02 -2.41127744e-01 -9.65989828e-02 1.69649675e-01 -6.31858304e-04 1.66956350e-01 -1.04344361e-01 -5.77845611e-02 -1.64301202e-01 3.66515249e-01 3.31543028e-01 1.22347012e-01 3.26286554e-01 -1.35267586e-01 4.81856093e-02 -5.34460098e-02 -2.16890797e-01 -2.10371897e-01 1.08010150e-01 4.08211380e-01 2.10635081e-01 8.99035633e-02 3.13995332e-01 -2.50048935e-01 -1.23841807e-01 -1.42034918e-01 -1.49316221e-01 -2.78267682e-01 2.13703632e-01 -4.27586734e-02 1.51290670e-01 5.48085459e-02 3.79979491e-01 7.50653446e-03 6.27234206e-02 -1.40394196e-01 1.49532020e-01 -1.46067947e-01 2.86048949e-01 8.41628388e-02 7.42398322e-01 -3.10987234e-01 1.43104687e-01 -3.71091992e-01 9.40474868e-02 1.92410156e-01 4.01981138e-02 -3.28722358e-01 1.27250522e-01 3.07957441e-01 -1.84797645e-01 2.28942320e-01 -2.77686715e-02 -3.11401516e-01 1.47705168e-01 1.39534831e-01 -3.42085868e-01 -3.73160169e-02 -1.41683798e-02 1.00724712e-01 -1.17751546e-01 -4.65854667e-02 -4.44344908e-01 8.57955590e-02 3.60678919e-02 -7.36841187e-02 -1.42196402e-01 -1.29822910e-01 3.66482586e-01 -2.34506041e-01 -1.95403695e-01 2.89749384e-01 7.81621933e-02 1.54890418e-01 7.10791051e-02 1.47487715e-01 3.03508637e-06 2.43009686e-01 1.11412190e-01 -2.56633222e-01 -5.72166741e-01 -9.55704227e-02 1.57327075e-02 -6.75139353e-02 -2.86881894e-01 -2.25260809e-01 3.46589386e-01 4.33659911e-01 -2.15320036e-01 -2.42871940e-01 -5.38635924e-02 -1.20152570e-01 -2.72429526e-01 -4.91864160e-02 6.61296368e-01 1.00324899e-01 -2.01113790e-01 -2.79429466e-01 -4.36505497e-01 3.49887423e-02 3.47674519e-01 2.44730532e-01 -4.72329050e-01 -1.76792830e-01 3.40413094e-01 9.96522699e-03 -1.81952298e-01 -3.29269588e-01 -6.34296015e-02 1.24767236e-01 2.44479999e-01 2.32279137e-01 -3.72475475e-01 2.07396448e-01 7.61117116e-02 -4.59870577e-01 7.15273991e-02 -2.78984636e-01 -1.04551360e-01 5.39564434e-03 6.18376136e-02 -6.01762891e-01 -1.82261795e-01 5.88863827e-02 4.27895308e-01 2.13699952e-01 -1.17553875e-01 2.35951513e-01 -2.75242358e-01 1.98469177e-01 -1.03898622e-01 1.24527309e-02 3.85200441e-01 -1.07291386e-01 2.20637163e-03 2.39455402e-01 -1.39400914e-01 1.54197723e-01 -1.40527099e-01 1.85877040e-01 -4.33631331e-01 -1.06440946e-01 2.73444623e-01 -4.24607307e-01 3.45680237e-01 1.00737453e-01 2.05984086e-01 4.70854253e-01 -1.90137833e-01 -4.60681647e-01 -1.16029568e-01 -1.43295690e-01 8.45518801e-03 5.59663475e-01 2.39320636e-01 1.71927124e-01 -8.03599060e-02 1.07462881e-02 3.14171314e-02 6.06846660e-02 1.72231287e-01 2.58714939e-03 -5.54764152e-01 -2.20488384e-01 1.87970936e-01 -2.30878204e-01 -1.24818869e-01 9.73845646e-02 1.52956530e-01 -1.75261483e-01 -6.40877932e-02 1.21872596e-01 5.14655352e-01 -7.09480373e-03 2.36737192e-01 -2.30439112e-01 3.92545432e-01 2.49586910e-01 3.16100746e-01 2.49835372e-01 -3.35195400e-02 -4.59036708e-01 3.08944881e-01 9.48146656e-02 -1.44255489e-01 7.99912512e-01 2.19433263e-01 -2.71380488e-02 -3.58533524e-02 6.18631661e-01 -5.19526184e-01 1.65814295e-01 3.50660563e-01 -8.30069706e-02 3.10128838e-01 -2.25751340e-01 -4.00272384e-02 -2.49319464e-01 -2.72247791e-01 -5.20580858e-02 1.71734649e-03 -2.88813800e-01 6.36978924e-01 6.05431616e-01 1.26423264e+00 -1.52575616e-02 -1.15092412e-01 7.40669714e-03 -1.37850661e-02 7.30821490e-02 -2.61197209e-01 7.43476152e-02 -7.42496178e-02 -7.34716803e-02 2.86647361e-02 -3.64425987e-01 1.64901942e-01 1.51992515e-01 -2.10015133e-01 -2.21160695e-01 -2.15516582e-01 -7.33483955e-02 2.99786299e-01 2.40758017e-01 4.48942445e-02 -1.14932992e-01 -7.26435184e-02 1.90303341e-01 -1.34863958e-01 2.13315144e-01 2.62622330e-02 1.30283073e-01 -8.67585242e-02 2.05362707e-01 -2.31592283e-01 1.85739249e-01 -3.77442688e-01 6.62650168e-02 -1.38556987e-01 -2.07331687e-01 1.38536051e-01 9.37486291e-02 -1.07480116e-01 1.37329344e-02 4.32293005e-02 4.01130497e-01 5.12366354e-01 -2.26520687e-01 -2.39068083e-02 -1.51210430e-03 2.94052243e-01 -6.05607517e-02 1.85772893e-03 7.22014764e-03 1.57623008e-01 -1.18973078e-02 -2.25183144e-02 2.70253360e-01 5.27991235e-01 -3.14079314e-01 9.36523378e-02 5.61251678e-02 -3.84929702e-02 -2.05243304e-01 1.22702442e-01 -1.73831433e-01 -2.18773484e-01 3.34322333e-01 -9.82888713e-02 -2.91481435e-01 6.42025098e-02 6.61508217e-02 -1.53720547e-02 -1.56997353e-01 1.64645419e-01 -9.27410424e-02 -9.92106646e-02 -3.57730061e-01 2.50501186e-01 -8.82554948e-02 -2.93269694e-01 1.38739258e-01 -2.89958149e-01 -3.16123009e-01 -5.59637435e-02 -2.72078484e-01 1.20337620e-01 -3.59635651e-01 -3.90986174e-01 -2.50317752e-01 3.63039374e-01 -5.32490574e-02 -1.12881854e-01 2.01337174e-01 3.36388081e-01 8.31133872e-02 -1.23308890e-01 -1.75768929e-03 -3.58282179e-01 1.52901560e-01 -4.12127703e-01 -3.46572138e-02 -2.13741645e-01 -4.34564590e-01 -1.18594222e-01 -4.51230139e-01 7.90583938e-02 2.72816569e-01 -2.70750582e-01 -2.10763961e-01 -2.54928857e-01 1.18977316e-01 -1.25094846e-01 -9.86256748e-02 -1.19904466e-01 2.15655789e-01 2.36782521e-01 -1.74051356e-02 1.71251580e-01 1.94657430e-01 2.64882833e-01 2.26962283e-01 5.48400581e-02 2.26731524e-01 -7.51886740e-02 -3.10143568e-02 1.09580658e-01 5.64394295e-01 2.27546632e-01 1.89507067e-01 -1.28878817e-01 -5.32060340e-02 -1.27469242e-01 2.98036098e-01 2.66593024e-02 4.67223972e-02 1.92021817e-01 1.76188331e-02 2.43578479e-01 -1.21746816e-01 -1.46072134e-01 1.24983765e-01 -4.19921041e-01 -1.77187279e-01 -3.45600434e-02 2.11279213e-01 1.25145800e-02 4.90116049e-03 -1.55221447e-01 1.67000309e-01 1.05510712e-01 2.46968344e-01 -1.48327693e-01 -2.94295717e-02 -2.62721002e-01 -4.06595394e-02 3.27037126e-01 1.20234884e-01 1.93974793e-01 8.67326409e-02 -3.97571661e-02 4.53181863e-02 -2.54735053e-01 3.29905540e-01 6.23615533e-02 3.09861898e-01 5.36367536e-01 2.28233099e-01 2.07729965e-01 2.85315752e-01 2.47321248e-01 6.20630980e-02 -4.94749956e-02 9.63582397e-02 -8.77944827e-02 3.73749524e-01 -5.16880341e-02 -1.83802992e-01 -4.99896891e-02 -3.46983850e-01 -9.47865322e-02 1.71310946e-01 -4.72880434e-03 5.00789173e-02 -3.37962776e-01 -2.90879998e-02 -1.23542957e-01 -4.08189259e-02 1.33354455e-01 4.92523871e-02 -2.49013335e-01 -8.78341645e-02 7.74416029e-02 5.63403845e-01 -5.57723761e-01 8.86865407e-02 3.75013202e-01 -1.81716889e-01 -2.54379828e-02 4.79712576e-01 -1.11277588e-01 -1.60989136e-01 1.38520494e-01 4.47832406e-01 -1.58124343e-01 -4.83377397e-01 -2.17826385e-02 7.52093643e-02 7.55043477e-02 -1.21259131e-01 -1.33048475e-01 3.12273860e-01 2.39216983e-01 1.99580655e-01 1.60079464e-01 -1.66017801e-01 -2.79046446e-01 1.98300704e-01 4.71694827e-01 -8.79148468e-02 2.08992377e-01 -2.44183779e-01 -9.67559144e-02 1.86047778e-01 -1.22850144e-03 -2.26506963e-01 6.10080129e-03 7.85277560e-02 -2.11066291e-01 2.53600180e-01 -1.02748029e-01 7.19269440e-02 -1.45856559e-01 5.65114558e-01 -1.94862813e-01 3.81334990e-01 1.92564800e-02 -3.05310756e-01 4.98774126e-02 1.31520823e-01 1.81602910e-02 -3.33134800e-01 2.07446456e-01 3.48803848e-01 1.54615536e-01 4.35669124e-01 -1.86264306e-01 -5.39569817e-02 5.46238609e-02 1.85434103e-01 -3.00884128e-01 3.91888350e-01 3.28605503e-01 -1.46115705e-01 -7.26788398e-03 4.46297787e-03 1.84103847e-01 -4.41335231e-01 1.99073419e-01 2.11327061e-01 -1.03211090e-01 1.10261953e-02 2.71592110e-01 2.65039861e-01 1.82485376e-02 3.11587825e-02 -1.34446606e-01 -2.10498750e-01 7.82721937e-02 1.44526869e-01 -1.38984978e-01 7.59066939e-02 1.51762620e-01 4.44454253e-01 2.36290172e-01 2.88169906e-02 1.09369971e-01 -1.07787419e-02 2.82473098e-02 1.03685871e-01 -6.00295067e-02 -1.93690490e-02 4.90949452e-01 2.32241511e-01 1.17977470e-01 4.76276428e-01 6.98174350e-03 4.91109723e-03 -2.02061713e-01 -1.58615991e-01 6.20884657e-01 -1.17918454e-01 -4.03915972e-01 -1.60340279e-01 8.79211947e-02 -5.26093125e-01 -1.80604860e-01 -4.44563448e-01 -9.78233144e-02 -1.90540016e-01 -8.08286667e-02 -2.55958140e-01 -7.68257603e-02 -2.08077893e-01 -2.61227131e-01 5.42712919e-02 2.05643624e-01 7.01579005e-02 -8.67051110e-02 -3.28897536e-01 -9.55053195e-02]
"Disassembler/Reassembler" active "Item #: SCP-291 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-291 must remain disconnected from any power source when not in use for testing. A team of two personnel should remain on guard outside SCP-291's containment room, and will be swapped out weekly. While disconnected from a power supply, SCP-291 may be considered safe. SCP-291's main entryway closes and locks upon disconnection from a power supply, but the door may be opened manually from the interior in the event of any personnel being trapped. All blocks of disassembled organism are to be kept stored in a designated storage locker within the containment room, and are to be properly labeled with a sharpie marker. Personnel responsible for lost or damaged blocks will be moved to other projects. Description: SCP-291 was located in [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-291 resembles a small building in structure, a nearly featureless steel box measuring 10.5 m x 30.2 m at the base, and 15 m tall. On one of the narrow sides, there is a large door (5 m wide) that opens upwards, similar to a garage door, composed of metal slats a few inches high each. There is no handle on the exterior of the door, and while closed, all attempts to open it using non-destructive methods have failed. The interior of the door features a lock that can be opened manually to lift the door for a few seconds, before an unknown mechanism will force it shut again. At the other end of SCP-291 is a similar opening with a lock and handle on the exterior and interior, allowing the door to be opened from either side. Two small, similar hatches only 1 m x 1 m can be found to the left of both doors, and may be opened from the exterior. The materials that compose SCP-291 do appear to be only as strong as any other example would suggest, and a force that would normally bend or cut through steel will do the same to SCP-291. Such testing is currently not allowed due to the risk of damaging SCP-291. The interior of SCP-291 is not well-explored due to the extremely tight confines of the machinery and strong pulses of electromagnetic energy through various points while activated. When connected to a suitable power source, SCP-291 activates with mechanical clanks and buzzing, and the entryway door springs open. The room inside is 4 m x 2 m, with a rather simple console board, a large display screen, and what has been described as a Plexiglas 'coffin' to one side, suitable in size for most humans under 2.13 m (7 ft) in height who are not morbidly obese. The 'coffin' rests on a conveyor belt a meter in height, the coffin itself being approximately a meter deep with a blue-green gel 'cushion' of unidentified material lining the bottom. It has been described as pleasantly form-fitting and very cool and soft. Several tubes emerge from the side of the room over the coffin. Opposite the coffin, a number of 'cubbyholes' of various sizes with small doors that may be opened or closed are present on the wall. Their purpose shall be elaborated upon later. When a living animal (human or otherwise) is laid in the coffin (dead organisms, organisms with a mass of less than 1.6 kilograms, and groups of multiple organisms triggered no reaction), no matter their position, the control room moves into the 'ready' state. In this state, the display screen shows a scanned, grid-lined image of the organism in the coffin, and the buttons on the console board become operable. Some of the smaller buttons will trigger different effects in the displayed image, such as toggling the 'skin' and 'muscles' of the display on and off, and revealing certain organs and organ systems, whether in real-time or frozen depending upon more settings. There are no words, numbers, or symbols on the display or any of the buttons, and all buttons have two settings: 'On', in which they glow, and 'Off', in which they are unlit. Various combinations produce different effects, and Dr. Rights has been kind enough to spend enough time "playing with it" to work up a crude user's manual. Three large buttons, visibly different from the controls for the display, are available to the side. Provided that a living organism is lying in the coffin, the first button may be pressed (pressing any buttons under other circumstances yields no effect, and the button remains 'off' no matter how many times pressed) and the tubes extending over the coffin dispense a blue liquid into the coffin. This unidentified liquid acts as a sedative upon skin contact, and the occupant of the coffin quickly falls unconscious. The liquid can apparently be inhaled and swallowed without any harm - D-class personnel have reported the taste to be similar to "Kool-Aid". Samples have yielded little results in identification. Once the coffin is filled to the brim, the liquid quickly congeals into a thick syrup, and then to a solid gel. Over this period, the occupant's detectable bodily functions (such as breathing and heartbeat) cease. This may be observed on the display screen. Once the liquid fully solidifies, the display screen shuts off and the conveyor belt starts to move. All attempts to stop the conveyor belt and remove either the coffin or the occupant cause the entire process to shut down, after which the blue liquid evaporates within a few minutes and the subject regains consciousness unharmed. The conveyor belt carries the coffin and occupant through a small door that quickly locks closed, and the entire machine becomes a cacophony of mechanical clanking, whirring, and grinding. The display screen will only display a rectangle that slowly fills, like a loading bar, as SCP-291 does its work. Depending upon the size of the organism, SCP-291 finishes its as-of-yet-unknown process in approximately twenty to thirty minutes, at which point the product can be retrieved at the opposite end of SCP-291. The back door of SCP-291 leads to a similar chamber, also containing a conveyor belt similar to the one that holds the coffin in the entryway. There is also a series of two dozen 'cubbyholes' or 'lockers', identical to those found in the entry room. These cubbyholes may be pulled out to retrieve their contents: parts of the organism, disassembled and preserved in blocks of an unidentified, clear solid. These blocks are quite strong, but they can be melted by extremely high temperatures, or shattered by sharp blows from a pick. However, breaking the blocks ruins the preservation method of SCP-291, and results in the preserved object being unusable. The rest of the block quickly begins to dissolve into dust after a few minutes. (See addendum for block designation.) Whole blocks, however, may be stored indefinitely until being re-inserted into SCP-291, via the 'cubbyholes' in the entrance room. Each block has a distinct size, and will only fit snugly in its designated hole. Placing blocks in the wrong holes gets no reaction from the machine, and will prevent it from being re-activated until the problem is fixed. Cubbies may be left empty, however, and it will function as normal. It is ill-advised to leave a cubby containing a vital organ empty. When the blocks are placed correctly and the doors to them shut, the second button on the console may be pressed. This does not work if the display shows a loading bar, as another operation is taking place. The doors to the cubbyholes lock for a few seconds, during which SCP-291 removes them through some means, and the machinery of the device grows louder, accompanied by another 'loading bar' on the display screen. Re-assembly takes slightly longer, approximately forty-fifty minutes to finish, after which a Plexiglas container, similar to the initial coffin, emerges from a door on the conveyor belt in the exit room, holding a fully-assembled organism immersed in blue liquid that slowly evaporates as the organism wakes. Re-assembled organisms have no memory of the process, likening the experience to a very restful, dreamless sleep. They awaken with some slight disorientation, but this passes after a few minutes, and they complain about being very hungry. Tests reveal that they are re-assembled with their stomachs empty. Organisms are also re-assembled nude, and devoid of any hair. A block containing what has been identified as the contents of the organism's digestive system, hair, scraps of clothing, and any other objects on the organism is deposited into one of the small side-doors outside the main doors, and may be considered waste. Surveillance and scanning equipment sent inside the machine is disposed of in the same way, often twisted and wrecked. Later testing revealed that organisms can be reassembled in different, potentially malicious ways. See addendum for testing results. The third button is only to be used should something go wrong, when the production stops and the button blinks. It undoes whatever has been done the best it can, and shuts down the whole process while triggering some kind of cleaning and 'reset' method. Addendum: Blocks are clear, and therefore the organs and body parts contained within may be easily identified and observed. The body is divided up like such: Testing Results Reassembling a body without vital organs results in the production shutting down, requiring the use of the third button. The body will be re-deposited in block form at the exit, still inert. Reassembling a body without non-vital organs or body parts will result in that organ or body part being absent when the organism awakes, the wound sealed by unknown means that leave little to no scar tissue. Providing a body part for a missing body part will result in said body part being attached to its new body seemingly without fail. It has proved effective for heart transplants, limb transplants, and exchanging skin from one person to another. Swapping the brains of two people results in a complete transfer of that person's personality and memories, and may be reversed, although subjects are often very disoriented for several days and complain of psychological and physical discomfort, like "wearing shoes not quite the right size". Swapping body parts between different species has yielded mixed results. Dr. Rights has suggested that testing continue, and the request is pending. Only three successful cross-species transfers have occurred out of the twenty tests performed so far. 001 - A cat's left eye was swapped out for a human's left eye. The subject could use the eye fully, and mentioned they felt they had adapted to it rather well. Their new left eye displayed all the abilities of a cat's eye, including difficulty seeing colors and heightened perception in the dark. (Although this test was unauthorized, the results were considered to be mildly impressive enough to allow further testing.) The cat, given a human eye, clawed its human eye out in a week. 007 - A human's brain was successfully transferred into the body of an English mastiff, reportedly thanks to the dog's large skull size. He requested to be transferred back to his human body as soon as possible, though. The mastiff, in the human's body, learned to walk upright within a few hours and was disassembled again after an incident involving the humiliation of a female doctor. 016 - A female class-D personnel had her reproductive organs switched with those of a pregnant Labrador retriever. No tests involving using SCP-291 with other SCPs have yet been authorized. « SCP-290 | SCP-291 | SCP-292 »" nan
[-6.94068265e-04 -1.38145730e-01 -1.46009445e-01 1.67738438e-01 -1.10993097e-02 -4.04591188e-02 2.18420565e-01 6.91925064e-02 1.00903390e-02 1.16447739e-01 -2.40584597e-01 7.35007003e-02 -1.99892968e-02 3.14335704e-01 4.30438742e-02 8.00517127e-02 -8.07265490e-02 2.45301798e-01 -3.46405864e-01 -2.27353886e-01 -2.75049418e-01 6.53658658e-02 -2.53907174e-01 2.71087378e-01 1.95550099e-01 3.36429626e-02 -9.02265012e-02 1.55039966e-01 1.35379620e-02 -3.50885421e-01 2.30529070e-01 2.03633502e-01 -8.56884569e-03 5.48348248e-01 -1.04564599e-04 -8.09799582e-02 8.03896412e-02 5.42235114e-02 -4.24385548e-01 4.09497023e-02 -4.30505812e-01 -1.87665612e-01 -7.02186152e-02 -1.98478654e-01 5.55369183e-02 -2.29675114e-01 1.33365646e-01 -1.01457074e-01 3.60278249e-01 1.86144441e-01 2.55044192e-01 -1.45650402e-01 2.00248167e-01 -1.04075335e-01 1.13067597e-01 -2.11599153e-02 -8.94010141e-02 -3.16147894e-01 3.31330061e-01 1.84965357e-01 1.10597916e-01 -2.45981589e-01 3.11923996e-02 -1.55633092e-01 1.10591963e-01 -2.62686223e-01 2.01505736e-01 -3.13508958e-01 2.27421120e-01 3.59178931e-01 1.25064626e-01 7.15408847e-02 1.77514162e-02 -1.89684272e-01 -1.57150358e-01 -1.29012078e-01 2.53725529e-01 2.76004702e-01 8.24696496e-02 1.56869873e-01 -7.44193345e-02 1.57495096e-01 -2.69499958e-01 -1.70329764e-01 -1.16710961e-01 5.73542774e-01 -1.55505478e-01 1.39332443e-01 1.93974838e-01 1.64169058e-01 -2.19977880e-03 -1.23734027e-01 1.71973616e-01 7.64725450e-03 9.82804075e-02 -2.89285614e-04 3.15023184e-01 8.60084444e-02 1.03825897e-01 5.73357761e-01 -2.48808593e-01 -1.68392397e-02 3.65238190e-01 -6.96813762e-02 1.84871063e-01 3.14175636e-02 -4.11720462e-02 -2.23321676e-01 -3.67597699e-01 6.52106822e-01 -2.32384875e-01 1.12908743e-01 -9.07332823e-02 -5.64428791e-02 2.04572156e-01 9.20227617e-02 1.37753069e-01 -9.34476703e-02 -3.14990014e-01 2.15168744e-01 -5.90797365e-01 1.57317035e-02 -1.44414708e-01 1.39287531e-01 3.73937994e-01 1.00756675e-01 1.07559480e-01 -3.05384845e-01 -1.29729941e-01 -7.47512057e-02 -2.21894488e-01 4.67199907e-02 -5.07887185e-01 -2.59103328e-01 -2.13694900e-01 -3.01382840e-01 -2.54443526e-01 -4.71952744e-02 -4.95051779e-02 -1.71105191e-01 1.73216000e-01 -1.28511190e-01 5.17714858e-01 4.15344477e-01 -3.04856688e-01 -1.41156614e-01 -1.56870306e-01 -2.40943357e-01 -3.26024778e-02 -4.33804654e-02 2.80100793e-01 -8.05229098e-02 -2.76344299e-01 2.80625284e-01 -3.24259460e-01 7.64618069e-02 4.48877096e-01 -2.15695113e-01 -2.90914148e-01 -2.13010032e-02 1.22715376e-01 4.89870548e-01 -1.85683295e-02 -2.16071814e-01 9.53029692e-02 3.78127754e-01 -5.02940603e-02 1.51130855e-02 -1.93682194e-01 -2.60131568e-01 2.84639806e-01 8.13166499e-02 4.83378023e-02 4.08963144e-01 -3.53223562e-01 2.26960674e-01 -4.55576628e-01 -7.70276338e-02 -4.53936398e-01 8.18282887e-02 -3.60023975e-01 2.51331776e-01 3.79100293e-01 -3.49885017e-01 -2.14825571e-01 2.57271919e-02 -1.91488281e-01 1.53967649e-01 1.50096998e-01 -2.74031639e-01 -1.62246272e-01 -4.42652643e-01 3.90393972e-01 7.77059197e-02 1.06385499e-01 -3.97445913e-03 -4.65500131e-02 -3.63477431e-02 3.46824318e-01 1.47845354e-02 -2.76949674e-01 -2.25975037e-01 4.22976881e-01 -5.61607778e-02 -3.49957824e-01 -1.38133720e-01 -2.01539367e-01 3.84688787e-02 2.20088914e-01 1.66571215e-01 4.84240763e-02 9.24459919e-02 -2.10124746e-01 6.66088760e-02 -2.82397747e-01 -3.99133801e-01 3.93105805e-01 3.28481913e-01 1.05045484e-02 -3.47197652e-01 -6.93616122e-02 3.55701238e-01 2.26548731e-01 -9.42604989e-02 -4.04259823e-02 1.43785372e-01 -2.44742468e-01 1.05748519e-01 -1.69875830e-01 3.15830052e-01 2.35195622e-01 -1.82419345e-01 5.71300760e-02 1.92349330e-01 1.39333075e-02 1.35505497e-01 -6.26313388e-02 4.88977194e-01 -1.92290574e-01 1.40698120e-01 -1.88282788e-01 2.44351417e-01 1.57952905e-01 1.72375038e-01 -1.92104399e-01 9.18381959e-02 2.38666609e-02 3.12103659e-01 2.78617114e-01 -9.83249396e-02 1.52067468e-02 -6.12287283e-01 -1.29983217e-01 3.15703936e-02 3.05848807e-01 1.05339373e-02 -7.92007297e-02 4.91440624e-01 1.22212591e-02 -1.19346261e-01 2.35481143e-01 -9.99420136e-02 2.70828903e-01 -2.40460932e-01 -1.28823146e-01 -1.38239458e-01 3.99863690e-01 8.80414724e-01 -4.11685072e-02 1.27852246e-01 1.52120795e-02 1.32228332e-02 1.66927371e-02 -2.43356004e-01 -9.74616315e-03 9.78291854e-02 3.36385757e-01 3.47056448e-01 2.03390926e-01 1.56653300e-01 -2.27467135e-01 -1.65912136e-01 -2.27183804e-01 -1.90351903e-01 -8.16857070e-02 2.44175568e-01 8.49306509e-02 1.27789393e-01 -7.90113881e-02 4.31273609e-01 5.09479940e-01 -4.46045041e-01 -1.43596768e-01 -6.68137595e-02 -2.75623858e-01 -2.15712450e-02 8.36706311e-02 2.65449792e-01 -4.19348419e-01 1.57174498e-01 -4.96133007e-02 2.76750833e-01 -2.02454135e-01 1.83289275e-01 -1.45822749e-01 1.17665812e-01 4.28854913e-01 2.72093266e-02 2.07753792e-01 -2.57557273e-01 -2.88418800e-01 2.52549917e-01 1.34794563e-01 -2.96764225e-01 2.47126564e-01 -1.27032086e-01 2.03489810e-01 -4.08643872e-01 1.11836389e-01 -2.31008932e-01 6.23341389e-02 7.56612942e-02 -5.62627278e-02 8.51613581e-02 -1.03570320e-01 -5.95792271e-02 -1.45806402e-01 -2.53143251e-01 3.34106296e-01 9.12956595e-02 1.13617547e-01 3.53529245e-01 -3.68345082e-02 1.92288831e-01 1.21984798e-02 -3.69923338e-02 -2.45138258e-01 -3.32147568e-01 1.31034493e-01 3.67210805e-02 -5.50893471e-02 -2.93693095e-01 -1.68659538e-01 3.28735292e-01 1.64195314e-01 -2.95400769e-01 5.85714132e-02 -1.76463798e-01 -8.60620439e-02 -1.80518106e-01 1.60293225e-02 4.51532781e-01 1.61084205e-01 -3.57947230e-01 -1.33625925e-01 -8.90356749e-02 2.42183223e-01 2.46625483e-01 2.83107966e-01 -4.36765075e-01 2.10685320e-02 2.49338895e-01 3.05171788e-01 -1.99220441e-02 -2.86993861e-01 4.80199326e-03 1.93614617e-01 3.63568515e-01 2.06154749e-01 -1.66730672e-01 2.74546862e-01 2.35034004e-01 -4.63240534e-01 1.02331325e-01 -2.90667772e-01 -2.99246788e-01 3.49692721e-03 9.32278857e-02 -2.59096414e-01 -1.79380640e-01 1.24970032e-02 4.54143405e-01 2.63027430e-01 -5.00583835e-02 1.28441498e-01 8.36282372e-02 1.39234290e-01 1.32456735e-01 -1.04674660e-01 2.59297311e-01 -2.14023322e-01 -5.26543893e-02 -3.81928593e-01 -1.33817168e-02 -4.97854128e-03 -1.55642733e-01 2.16106638e-01 -7.70154148e-02 -3.20364535e-01 2.37268835e-01 -3.31078738e-01 -1.01081468e-01 -1.36789724e-01 3.52572203e-01 2.11124793e-01 1.43692821e-01 -2.59555411e-02 -1.70175895e-01 -3.18091631e-01 2.59582758e-01 1.54146492e-01 -3.96689326e-01 -2.67205954e-01 -1.37031227e-01 5.29897399e-03 8.88508558e-02 3.60045768e-02 5.46523742e-02 1.04004391e-01 -3.39268118e-01 -4.76007700e-01 -1.05779760e-01 -1.00551911e-01 -1.64861113e-01 1.49876587e-02 -3.70025039e-02 -1.16787910e-01 2.11469591e-01 1.03067964e-01 1.54618258e-02 5.34463115e-03 1.93330683e-02 -1.78426772e-01 2.27923036e-01 2.26344794e-01 2.31539547e-01 2.80352443e-01 -2.23133340e-01 -1.30739957e-01 3.08251791e-02 2.88661048e-02 8.99435207e-02 4.40215468e-01 -4.03450476e-03 -1.34598881e-01 -2.09287871e-02 3.15824747e-01 -4.55790073e-01 -1.88340783e-01 3.65471452e-01 2.02082157e-01 1.46209657e-01 7.35516399e-02 1.64870739e-01 -2.92095095e-01 -3.27181816e-01 -1.99434713e-01 2.86226749e-01 -2.70619005e-01 3.61674845e-01 2.21127540e-01 9.52057064e-01 -4.01647054e-02 6.09603673e-02 1.91964403e-01 -3.24574113e-01 2.49221437e-02 -1.67142466e-01 -2.23088209e-02 -1.05842672e-01 -2.09662709e-02 -2.97526345e-02 -1.99307278e-01 2.02180371e-02 2.81283021e-01 -3.38559717e-01 -3.53042260e-02 -6.93180263e-01 3.13834190e-01 1.67987347e-01 4.54721361e-01 1.44537151e-01 4.39082868e-02 -5.23145646e-02 2.53501147e-01 1.36536181e-01 3.47803563e-01 -6.85480163e-02 -1.57160833e-02 1.08147189e-01 3.44214320e-01 -3.86316866e-01 1.15273990e-01 -2.08916485e-01 3.51973981e-01 9.13939923e-02 -5.07894270e-02 1.89769015e-01 -7.72751868e-02 -6.18641789e-04 2.36694649e-01 -2.92044897e-02 2.19087794e-01 3.38710934e-01 -2.88561314e-01 -4.81350161e-02 6.76508853e-03 1.33593604e-01 3.98101620e-02 -8.33289996e-02 4.26336117e-02 -3.44613480e-04 -1.07648425e-01 8.08390453e-02 1.22406401e-01 1.32232562e-01 -3.28156024e-01 3.68084371e-01 6.64201230e-02 -3.23580712e-01 -2.10722744e-01 2.03055561e-01 5.95083684e-02 -1.47193357e-01 -1.64930001e-01 1.85340405e-01 -1.49048701e-01 7.42240474e-02 2.69332100e-02 1.99340075e-01 2.09452108e-01 3.61282796e-01 2.82154903e-02 -8.32233801e-02 -5.13409734e-01 1.46215171e-01 -2.02036966e-02 -1.26016755e-02 1.24306574e-01 -2.75176108e-01 -2.50017881e-01 -5.16271358e-03 1.56636536e-01 2.35575840e-01 -7.28616267e-02 -3.62791747e-01 -7.55749866e-02 3.32369190e-03 -4.15385365e-02 -3.02789025e-02 2.34062210e-01 -1.43245831e-01 2.69477159e-01 1.87554672e-01 1.42860040e-01 -4.50932086e-01 1.15794085e-01 -5.87568760e-01 -3.12711626e-01 5.96592784e-01 -2.42575228e-01 -1.79226696e-01 -2.85181105e-01 2.45222792e-01 -1.06879389e-02 -2.35590503e-01 -2.78092623e-01 9.45016276e-03 9.24313813e-02 7.57654160e-02 -1.46138057e-01 -1.69189163e-02 1.11652195e-01 5.20880409e-02 9.17141736e-02 -8.93015340e-02 -8.99288431e-02 3.08017582e-01 1.56954661e-01 1.31216556e-01 1.08126663e-01 -2.45045885e-01 -9.48771983e-02 -1.19929895e-01 1.32794484e-01 8.16731527e-02 -8.36677849e-02 -1.08261116e-01 -1.35364980e-01 2.00729281e-01 2.48250410e-01 2.05221072e-01 2.52947688e-01 2.13605016e-01 -1.62660517e-02 -5.95475771e-02 3.25066417e-01 -2.54372984e-01 2.68389255e-01 -2.59569705e-01 -2.50142455e-01 -3.05593997e-01 3.36215079e-01 -8.75717774e-02 1.11796997e-01 -4.57918286e-01 -1.09150549e-02 2.04758957e-01 2.72394657e-01 -5.03741726e-02 -1.77368701e-01 -3.45685780e-02 1.57501072e-01 -7.34978318e-02 6.33441582e-02 1.45721406e-01 4.01058376e-01 -1.77160189e-01 -9.65723768e-02 7.41783455e-02 -1.59229979e-01 2.49617964e-01 2.83187121e-01 2.84269869e-01 3.05619657e-01 2.38519982e-01 4.54089075e-01 3.91928196e-01 1.16788641e-01 -1.86975807e-01 4.82696712e-01 1.39267184e-02 -2.34526142e-01 -4.24095057e-03 5.18065207e-02 -1.31972238e-01 2.27556393e-01 -1.84284553e-01 1.37520313e-01 4.10005301e-02 -1.06029816e-01 2.08204150e-01 -2.51912117e-01 -1.70326412e-01 -1.20587751e-01 1.41292378e-01 -1.12588033e-01 2.33108878e-01 -2.38455534e-01 1.27908215e-01 3.21300626e-01 -2.23033968e-02 1.62181243e-01 4.04385895e-01 -2.83431619e-01 -3.06061395e-02 4.03352082e-01 -8.86431038e-02 -3.69320512e-02 1.24136932e-01 3.56235743e-01 -1.48100331e-01 -5.04660845e-01 1.62322953e-01 6.80288821e-02 -1.23025157e-01 -2.07985923e-01 7.82263353e-02 1.40964791e-01 -1.33310005e-01 2.17701420e-01 1.93821356e-01 -2.82877266e-01 -3.46704990e-01 1.81104347e-01 8.35830439e-03 -1.95900276e-01 1.95224658e-01 1.46342218e-02 -1.91208348e-01 4.10217233e-03 -4.76228893e-02 -9.03553367e-02 -4.90674973e-01 2.20126156e-02 -9.52240750e-02 2.05586597e-01 9.94477719e-02 1.30684197e-01 -4.58348170e-02 3.98805708e-01 -1.44641027e-01 3.18517178e-01 -2.27288395e-01 -4.44333732e-01 -3.50022018e-01 3.10970619e-02 -1.79080799e-01 -4.32992131e-01 -1.09650284e-01 2.50764549e-01 1.94890648e-02 2.18278617e-01 1.83646977e-02 4.34202641e-01 2.28646040e-01 -1.46967098e-01 -4.66787130e-01 8.80984068e-02 3.30133379e-01 -2.36069858e-01 -1.38857722e-01 -1.03034914e-01 6.09446578e-02 -2.14905757e-02 2.44849592e-01 1.52023554e-01 -9.93683040e-02 -1.75795108e-01 3.58540803e-01 3.49109977e-01 1.37353530e-02 5.14998250e-02 -1.16533197e-01 -3.43643129e-01 1.87367294e-02 2.16701940e-01 -1.40311822e-01 8.53108540e-02 3.83616127e-02 1.19530708e-01 9.77424458e-02 6.70021474e-01 5.41753285e-02 -3.30327511e-01 2.72448480e-01 5.13501763e-01 -4.90228325e-01 2.13630944e-01 -5.28675504e-02 1.70897529e-01 2.52699822e-01 3.05405289e-01 2.23067567e-01 -3.05882633e-01 -1.72415450e-01 -2.46824548e-01 4.35170263e-01 1.64117664e-01 -4.02658373e-01 -1.78511679e-01 1.79008141e-01 -2.43943065e-01 1.41308839e-02 -3.50992322e-01 -1.86318874e-01 -2.99181622e-02 -6.85019568e-02 -3.83993804e-01 -1.20445378e-01 -4.59529385e-02 -5.42222001e-02 1.58878975e-02 1.64037883e-01 1.64497420e-01 -1.04259364e-01 -4.51006413e-01 -4.31782007e-02]
"Egg Timer of Déjà Vu" active "Item #: SCP-292 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-292 is to be kept at Site-72, in a guarded room in a locked, padded container set up to avoid movement of or damage to SCP-292. Access to SCP-292 is prohibited without Level-3 authorization. Site personnel must report all incidents of déjà vu or related symptoms to Site Administration. Description: SCP-292 is a sixty-second brass hourglass, 10 cm tall. When all its sand is at the bottom and SCP-292 is flipped over, only two outcomes have ever been observed: either the sand runs out normally after one minute, or SCP-292 is knocked over on its side. (If SCP-292 is knocked over, anomalous properties do not again manifest until all the sand in SCP-292 is in one bulb.) At no time has SCP-292 ever been observed to be flipped over a second time within sixty seconds, except when knocked over as above. Any time SCP-292 is upright and all its sand is in its bottom bulb, and a subject attempts to flip SCP-292 over with the intent to flip it again before all its sand runs out, the subject and people nearby suddenly experience déjà vu. The intensity of déjà vu is inversely proportional to a person’s distance from SCP-292; the subject is often momentarily stunned by the experience. Persons experiencing déjà vu from the same event often describe similar “recalled” experiences. It is believed that when SCP-292 is flipped over, a process is started in which, if SCP-292 is flipped again before its sands run out, time flows in reverse to a point a couple of seconds before SCP-292 was initially flipped.1 Time then flows forward again as if SCP-292 were never flipped; déjà vu would thus be a side effect of this process. Prolonged exposure to SCP-292 can cause nausea, migraines, vertigo, hallucinations, seizures, and symptoms consistent with temporal disjunction (somatic, psychological, or both).2 Addendum 1: Experiment 292-31 Procedure: Subject 03101 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, and then shoot Subject 03102 to death and flip SCP-292 back over before it runs out. Results: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, both subjects as well as other personnel in the area reported feeling déjà vu. Subject 01 exhibited elevated levels of adrenaline, while Subject 02 exhibited pronounced apprehension in the presence of Subject 01. Addendum 2: Experiment 292-46 Procedure: Subject 04601 was instructed to flip SCP-292 over, wait thirty seconds, and flip SCP-292 back over. When déjà vu was experienced, Subject 04602 was instructed to do the same thing. When déjà vu was experienced a second time, Subject 04603 was instructed to do the same thing. Results: As Subject 01 reached for SCP-292, all subjects experienced déjà vu as expected. Subject 02 hesitated and was instructed to flip SCP-292. While reaching for SCP-292, Subject 02 fell to his knees, Subject 01 doubled over, and Subject 03 staggered. Subject 03 was instructed to flip SCP-292, and as he reached for SCP-292, all subjects appeared to exhibit temporal shock3 for ten to fifteen seconds before falling unconscious. Temporal symptoms subsided within five to seven days, while visual and audial hallucinations persisted for several months more. Addendum 3: Incident 292-04 While preparing for Experiment 292-75, Dr. █████████ suddenly clutched SCP-292 to his chest and reported he had just experienced déjà vu. Dr. █████████ said that he felt like he was about to drop SCP-292, and if he did, “something bad” would happen. Dr. ██████ has hypothesized that Dr. █████████ had indeed dropped SCP-292, but instead of breaking, SCP-292 reversed the flow of time until a moment before it was dropped. If SCP-292 does in fact possess such a self-preservation system, the potential consequences [DATA EXPUNGED]. Reclassification to Euclid approved ██/██/20██, until more information on SCP-292’s properties can be gathered and analyzed. « SCP-291 | SCP-292 | SCP-293 » Cite this page as: "SCP-292" by Quikngruvn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." nan
[ 6.56851456e-02 -4.31499988e-01 -1.50826603e-01 -2.39439216e-03 -4.17655200e-01 -1.70125753e-01 3.20692301e-01 -9.04655643e-03 2.46741563e-01 2.98442572e-01 2.91699946e-01 4.62268770e-01 -2.36967370e-01 -6.64124191e-02 8.42907117e-04 4.06839222e-01 7.11867139e-02 3.26267481e-01 -1.49789423e-01 -1.20839395e-01 -2.42781714e-01 -2.41660073e-01 -2.25992322e-01 4.03106995e-02 4.69645083e-01 1.71947926e-01 3.31602156e-01 1.67502418e-01 1.42542288e-01 -5.58912933e-01 -2.47777961e-02 -6.78232238e-02 -1.22229606e-01 3.45161885e-01 -1.09103501e-04 -1.81200072e-01 3.64545643e-01 8.29462484e-02 -2.23600879e-01 4.24565583e-01 -4.64088053e-01 -1.17114447e-01 -6.88987691e-03 -3.34298193e-01 1.65180907e-01 1.26127794e-01 1.75255269e-01 1.89207226e-01 5.61129570e-01 1.38840899e-01 1.63909763e-01 -5.74380420e-02 6.87932828e-03 -1.64081916e-01 2.78135121e-01 1.63697958e-01 2.42631659e-02 -3.11972778e-02 1.52581125e-01 1.91216804e-02 -2.62731332e-02 -1.12316862e-01 -7.83330426e-02 1.21331915e-01 1.99601248e-01 -3.77873093e-01 3.36670607e-01 3.30736786e-02 -8.55661556e-02 1.31878292e-03 4.59827073e-02 -8.14259350e-02 1.93159819e-01 1.43743068e-01 -1.63469970e-01 1.84273317e-01 -1.24681659e-01 -4.00330452e-03 7.00876340e-02 -1.16540819e-01 -1.16506211e-01 4.43093836e-01 -1.61451116e-01 -2.80100644e-01 2.49696657e-01 4.38031346e-01 1.59746148e-02 2.26878375e-01 7.29079321e-02 5.98380901e-02 4.70644146e-01 2.04603896e-02 9.47144404e-02 1.94025755e-01 1.18568584e-01 -1.62817597e-01 4.10881191e-01 2.28150368e-01 2.59595633e-01 3.86709243e-01 5.53127646e-01 2.02032655e-01 2.40623698e-01 -1.35704532e-01 5.30771762e-02 -1.48267290e-02 5.39787263e-02 -4.65490580e-01 -2.34123513e-01 3.79293799e-01 -5.90016097e-02 2.32732430e-01 1.34560212e-01 -8.26764554e-02 1.89340875e-01 1.40274748e-01 5.39419474e-03 -1.69114456e-01 -9.14517343e-02 2.11366698e-01 -5.23001075e-01 1.21568985e-01 4.27894033e-02 7.48825967e-02 2.14389786e-01 2.74022102e-01 9.26455483e-02 -4.84803319e-01 -3.84530514e-01 -4.65914667e-01 -2.79537380e-01 -8.09717476e-02 -5.11331141e-01 -4.68508303e-02 -1.77676395e-01 2.70769626e-01 -2.20340550e-01 3.82705718e-01 -2.47175172e-01 -2.42369160e-01 -1.15894027e-01 1.33828580e-01 3.08438182e-01 -5.78324609e-02 -2.26161107e-01 -1.15779288e-01 -6.51402697e-02 9.84842256e-02 -1.17439456e-01 8.97195749e-03 3.09830397e-01 -8.30058604e-02 2.96315607e-02 2.59380937e-01 -3.38422984e-01 2.21369728e-01 6.22097671e-01 -8.07195455e-02 -6.74575716e-02 -4.10956413e-01 1.34327814e-01 9.26144943e-02 -3.44899222e-02 -1.80714786e-01 1.94372728e-01 5.90331912e-01 -5.09759426e-01 8.14723745e-02 -8.82709622e-02 -1.19226221e-02 3.97453308e-02 -1.59811243e-01 -1.82677254e-01 2.84960698e-02 -3.05179417e-01 -5.61610758e-01 -8.77890944e-01 -1.14879116e-01 -1.83494687e-01 -4.60656464e-01 -3.89060408e-01 3.28328609e-01 1.97678432e-01 1.22351252e-01 -1.23021424e-01 -1.50173038e-01 -1.14474058e-01 -2.52685964e-01 1.08016446e-01 -1.62822530e-02 -2.73332536e-01 -2.05488205e-01 3.38592947e-01 -3.70384119e-02 -3.97128463e-02 3.67578343e-02 1.85381398e-01 4.81874347e-01 3.32653634e-02 1.38902664e-01 -7.53400847e-02 -1.14132809e-02 1.87281087e-01 -3.22984159e-02 7.01647028e-02 -1.16554193e-01 -1.11134343e-01 -1.03249036e-01 3.00914764e-01 3.04545909e-01 2.60206431e-01 3.44215445e-02 -1.53041363e-01 1.52662084e-01 4.12684679e-03 -4.45085764e-01 2.45501205e-01 1.91846162e-01 4.40535247e-01 1.24016657e-01 2.04195902e-01 -4.77947779e-02 3.05502862e-02 -2.16872513e-01 -2.71788210e-01 7.52278417e-02 -1.64926782e-01 -1.71663582e-01 -3.03663045e-01 3.35234031e-02 1.61452785e-01 7.74279460e-02 1.96955979e-01 -4.87728529e-02 -8.31328034e-02 2.63473392e-01 -1.29047796e-01 1.82175338e-01 -2.51110811e-02 -3.26599181e-01 4.26907569e-01 2.29116887e-01 7.85706416e-02 -1.98355794e-01 -2.93928832e-02 1.00841291e-01 3.21881711e-01 2.42147058e-01 1.07545052e-02 -1.66866049e-01 -3.80731136e-01 -3.27670425e-01 -1.39884040e-01 2.02502757e-01 1.72977880e-01 1.05213569e-02 -1.00848667e-01 1.39095843e-01 -2.42934674e-01 1.74608171e-01 -5.92534691e-02 -8.00625607e-02 -7.48859867e-02 -1.75233901e-01 -1.30160972e-01 -3.73292893e-01 2.47194111e-01 4.00988996e-01 -3.56274024e-02 2.87616372e-01 7.72308037e-02 -1.20707102e-01 -4.13377941e-01 -4.98358868e-02 -1.64719567e-01 -1.88498929e-01 2.70749867e-01 3.05328518e-01 3.74854177e-01 8.10142681e-02 -1.82143360e-01 -3.00418228e-01 8.50278419e-03 -1.33952141e-01 -9.47165787e-02 9.48715732e-02 2.83213239e-02 -5.03712054e-03 -1.40105993e-01 5.09123504e-01 3.15869629e-01 -1.50666997e-01 9.35020596e-02 1.29780278e-01 -3.18673104e-01 1.26530111e-01 1.55378148e-01 6.02557242e-01 -1.18921869e-01 1.35302007e-01 -3.35148066e-01 -2.27017984e-01 -9.91025269e-02 3.43035124e-02 -2.43427590e-01 7.79220238e-02 4.26720530e-01 9.69101787e-02 -1.01713933e-01 1.28452554e-01 -2.42107183e-01 1.00392044e-01 2.24747032e-01 -1.07423268e-01 -4.43247668e-02 8.43500812e-03 2.67428011e-01 -3.77623677e-01 2.11155176e-01 -5.18349707e-01 -1.08094662e-01 9.45841596e-02 1.21164955e-02 2.10184276e-01 -2.17949450e-01 4.70079146e-02 1.13534987e-01 -1.86829761e-01 2.65991062e-01 -2.60661938e-03 3.73190865e-02 2.40073711e-01 6.10890239e-02 2.11672902e-01 2.57877231e-01 2.23084409e-02 -2.41812557e-01 -1.29261181e-01 -4.02924679e-02 -1.51434779e-01 2.08615959e-02 -2.69840240e-01 -1.06833003e-01 -1.16744995e-01 -1.84632331e-01 -2.73976862e-01 -3.12641412e-01 6.28822148e-02 -1.95385680e-01 -1.48241892e-01 -2.06608504e-01 2.74790347e-01 2.08413273e-01 -3.21614504e-01 -8.77313688e-02 -1.29169106e-01 4.09997821e-01 -2.02816382e-01 1.96357355e-01 3.79566848e-02 1.32031236e-02 2.37584069e-01 5.55279970e-01 1.81573465e-01 -3.37138593e-01 -1.66119173e-01 7.38927126e-02 -1.26555741e-01 -5.64523153e-02 6.90765902e-02 1.84149474e-01 1.41242564e-01 -4.46606129e-01 1.44378260e-01 -1.66335404e-01 -1.89095572e-01 -6.97554946e-02 7.29443431e-02 -3.07800770e-01 -1.54621556e-01 -4.69726205e-01 5.19733429e-01 -8.71638134e-02 -2.32294604e-01 -3.14836502e-01 6.17844835e-02 8.77868012e-03 6.29666224e-02 -3.52283150e-01 8.81581157e-02 -1.85788348e-02 -2.19013453e-01 1.26275897e-01 8.36347137e-03 8.17855969e-02 -1.67453438e-01 9.85656083e-02 -3.26406777e-01 -3.41162294e-01 1.48825288e-01 -4.90901589e-01 7.15519309e-01 -2.73113232e-02 1.00238717e+00 1.18347056e-01 1.94126353e-01 -1.74670950e-01 -7.46155828e-02 -2.61330664e-01 -2.80790955e-01 1.52865067e-01 -4.23888564e-01 6.95254877e-02 1.10211253e-01 1.08762383e-01 7.12777227e-02 7.24808546e-03 -8.23712093e-04 2.56478101e-01 -1.42164975e-01 -1.89910337e-01 1.42671868e-01 -2.67517497e-03 -1.48272038e-01 1.04536138e-01 -1.35741904e-01 1.94949567e-01 1.62676916e-01 2.91707627e-02 7.57558867e-02 4.34768647e-02 1.38224617e-01 1.88477114e-01 2.21430540e-01 -3.95742983e-01 4.71810400e-01 2.23425269e-01 3.36523563e-01 4.85285707e-02 -8.31712224e-03 2.89348483e-01 -4.21207398e-01 6.09634817e-01 3.65252197e-01 -3.08703214e-01 -3.89506742e-02 3.09234560e-01 -4.82992202e-01 -3.75939280e-01 -6.80380687e-02 1.33043021e-01 2.86150090e-02 1.16840936e-01 1.57402948e-01 -1.20389201e-01 -2.83628166e-01 -1.32638469e-01 9.72853787e-03 -3.49288881e-01 3.68265897e-01 4.27929461e-01 1.05588353e+00 1.49821378e-02 1.49737999e-01 2.02950343e-01 -1.05639689e-01 2.66761333e-01 -3.72030765e-01 -2.44328409e-01 -9.35160369e-02 1.68116078e-01 1.84667051e-01 -2.30925396e-01 1.22097330e-02 2.14298010e-01 -2.64830440e-01 -2.63546944e-01 -6.64916813e-01 4.91984189e-02 2.00814888e-01 2.45389938e-01 2.35783428e-01 1.16152771e-01 5.72701216e-01 2.86526352e-01 1.05567127e-01 -3.13985236e-02 5.29956482e-02 4.53205034e-02 1.30970672e-01 1.09466560e-01 -4.06596154e-01 4.77390915e-01 1.18223399e-01 1.11768432e-01 -2.10716397e-01 -2.69955933e-01 -1.41543031e-01 1.32504061e-01 -3.06738377e-01 -4.52511273e-02 5.74729815e-02 2.06262156e-01 5.97785711e-01 6.12995028e-02 -9.47401151e-02 1.97092086e-01 2.87717819e-01 4.89867032e-02 -1.95849780e-02 1.90734088e-01 -8.88482481e-02 7.11364374e-02 -1.08744428e-01 2.42531493e-01 -4.32253033e-01 7.40628466e-02 -9.07412469e-02 4.14866000e-01 -2.17805386e-01 -5.30741066e-02 1.82298020e-01 -2.75142819e-01 -1.13376409e-01 -6.88115433e-02 -1.80667549e-01 -1.97851226e-01 -8.39077309e-02 1.24258310e-01 3.59218344e-02 1.69402659e-01 6.87571093e-02 3.08156639e-01 -1.19180746e-01 -3.14918697e-01 6.76358715e-02 -1.17109902e-01 -2.51892477e-01 1.90325171e-01 -5.56389034e-01 -1.86350364e-02 2.08917603e-01 -9.06687006e-02 6.49587885e-02 1.69156075e-01 -2.86332905e-01 4.46827896e-02 5.28364420e-01 1.63864180e-01 3.01243048e-02 2.98892945e-01 -1.94137901e-01 3.88095647e-01 -4.86837141e-02 -9.25068408e-02 -4.02950197e-01 -5.61360782e-03 -2.01631367e-01 4.92248544e-03 -2.67887831e-01 -1.32250905e-01 -1.51467308e-01 -1.62502840e-01 1.57827973e-01 1.95555851e-01 -3.16379786e-01 -2.10541025e-01 9.68071967e-02 5.59148714e-02 4.39908057e-02 -4.45420742e-02 -5.04049212e-02 -1.75644711e-01 2.60610968e-01 5.76515235e-02 8.63148794e-02 2.13731840e-01 1.07970506e-01 1.44287944e-01 1.30276263e-01 2.63696879e-01 2.85606325e-01 -3.15748341e-02 -8.94033462e-02 2.87520438e-01 5.12523502e-02 1.64911732e-01 -4.24961336e-02 1.71732064e-02 -3.96182775e-01 5.18257678e-01 -3.16028036e-02 -7.62208505e-03 3.46936993e-02 -1.33510027e-03 -1.54428527e-01 1.48130134e-01 7.81101137e-02 -3.71068045e-02 -4.10247892e-01 -2.58298844e-01 -7.73381591e-02 2.67396897e-01 6.12068959e-02 3.84681635e-02 -3.32991570e-01 1.30326718e-01 -6.57180250e-02 2.70815134e-01 -3.83072674e-01 -8.93576890e-02 2.46869072e-01 1.56376317e-01 9.23107937e-02 -2.70936966e-01 2.97849536e-01 -1.97227001e-01 -1.59204707e-01 -1.23746946e-01 -6.63857386e-02 3.60090584e-02 1.62150204e-01 2.47216508e-01 4.00144726e-01 -3.96635771e-01 3.86096478e-01 6.20501161e-01 -7.23633869e-03 2.44917035e-01 -1.36372730e-01 4.57590282e-01 -2.23971501e-01 2.02830359e-01 1.29341766e-01 3.21021497e-01 -1.59888878e-01 1.67131610e-02 -2.06794292e-01 1.45495906e-01 2.15106502e-01 -2.71500498e-02 6.01628721e-02 -2.43144289e-01 -5.48185892e-02 1.35469764e-01 2.65211225e-01 3.64742428e-02 1.42284542e-01 -1.12606203e-02 1.42674893e-01 -3.49274762e-02 -6.07403405e-02 -1.65775407e-03 3.61428261e-01 -2.28473663e-01 -3.51882614e-02 2.33519018e-01 -2.18435749e-01 -3.72890867e-02 3.59273143e-02 1.36585221e-01 5.92974760e-02 -2.60848224e-01 1.98424935e-01 -1.76706556e-02 -4.06417921e-02 -1.39401168e-01 -9.07454174e-03 5.65871894e-01 -1.72959596e-01 -1.00963889e-02 1.86704978e-01 -1.86636612e-01 -4.30176139e-01 2.61731148e-01 1.62587523e-01 4.30889167e-02 9.40662175e-02 -9.93120074e-02 1.91807881e-01 3.71296436e-01 4.61817496e-02 -4.91304725e-01 -2.78118402e-01 -4.18093532e-01 5.71669191e-02 2.04156693e-02 1.18639819e-01 9.03416649e-02 -4.61165726e-01 1.74550161e-01 -1.73751280e-01 4.40590739e-01 1.26430959e-01 -2.10985020e-01 6.17681220e-02 1.13619685e-01 -1.44812725e-02 -1.59593582e-01 1.49815157e-01 1.67040035e-01 -1.21936366e-01 1.57332376e-01 3.86679098e-02 -2.00249150e-01 -1.45994872e-01 3.63214821e-01 -8.57687443e-02 1.96019933e-01 5.38537316e-02 -1.62257016e-01 1.75335288e-01 -1.87254116e-01 1.34766009e-02 -1.71495989e-01 1.44021779e-01 1.36279896e-01 -6.80851042e-02 2.82185767e-02 1.09670758e-01 6.26009762e-01 -1.39904857e-01 4.15186703e-01 -3.33301686e-02 -3.60215157e-01 -9.36805084e-02 -9.82675925e-02 -1.88793048e-01 5.73223941e-02 -4.26812693e-02 5.02857305e-02 -1.36843994e-01 -5.73940426e-02 1.75783187e-01 1.61454871e-01 -3.17672379e-02 3.29148948e-01 -4.01673377e-01 -5.72281051e-03 -2.28098426e-02 2.06913084e-01 -8.81961826e-03 7.30067268e-02 2.29284465e-01 1.66458666e-01 -1.39471322e-01 -1.71792611e-01 4.36928034e-01 1.47503689e-01 4.92649376e-02 2.94666529e-01 4.76043075e-02 -4.47777778e-01 -4.96981800e-01 -5.89991689e-01 -3.38532418e-01 -5.80235310e-02 -1.19673209e-02 -2.38502577e-01 -3.89945693e-02 -3.69410247e-01 -3.00205767e-01 -4.14114352e-03 -2.25586221e-01 1.48555368e-01 -3.97125669e-02 5.97118661e-02 -2.59800125e-02]
"Obsession" active "Item #: SCP-293 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Any items affected by SCP-293 are to be contained in an opaque container, and kept sealed when not undergoing testing. Any items found to be affecting staff or subjects not undergoing testing are to be immediately destroyed. Any anomalous activity by SCP-293 affected items is to be reported to Site Command as soon as possible. Anyone interacting with items affected by SCP-293 must do so only in 30 minute shifts, with one week of time separating each interaction. This includes physical handling, observation (both physical and via camera or other recording device), testing, and any other activities that bring an SCP-293 affected item into contact with human beings. All staff working with SCP-293 affected items must submit to a psychological evaluation three times per week, to begin two weeks before interaction, and extending for three weeks after the end of interaction. Staff must also submit to any additional test as ordered by Site Command. Anyone found to be affected by SCP-293 will be placed in quarantine, and the item causing the effect is to be immediately destroyed. Any items used to interact with SCP-293 affected items are to be disposed of after one week. Description: SCP-293 is currently held to be some form of intangible force or presence. Questions have been raised regarding a possible intelligence behind SCP-293 in light of subject’s reactions; however, these are still unfounded. SCP-293 is most visible in its effect on human behavior, and is only detectable in very advanced cases as a very slight auditory disturbance. This lack of presence forms the major issue with SCP-293 detection, as it is almost impossible to detect if items or people are “infected” by SCP-293 without long-term observation. SCP-293 “bonds” to physical items, in most cases small, lightweight items; however, larger items, such as cars, trees, and, in one case, a two-story residential home, are not unknown. SCP-293 will spread to new items if they are left in close (2 meters or less) proximity for several weeks. SCP-293 does not appear to “bond” living things and its effect is only visible in humans. It is unknown how SCP-293 spreads to new items, or what the criteria are for an item to be “bonded”; however, there appears to be a higher probability of “bonding” for items that can be easily carried/transported in a human hand. SCP-293 causes those affected by it to become progressively obsessed with the item it is “bonded” to. This process appears to be accelerated by observation and physical contact with the item affected by SCP-293. Subject will rapidly become withdrawn and antisocial, and react violently to anyone attempting to touch or remove the item. Subject’s actions toward the bonded item will begin to take on “parental” aspects in 78% of cases, with the subject rocking, cleaning, and attending to the object as if it were not an inanimate object. Attempts to interrupt these rituals or bring attention to the inappropriateness of this behavior will cause the subject to enter an extreme state of fear, depression, or anger, which persists for an extended period of time. In many cases, the obsession and ritual cycle of SCP-293 will grow to the point where the subject is unable to function normally, needing constant contact with the SCP-293-bonded item. Subjects will show a marked and progressive impairment of performance in simple tasks, such as preparing food, engaging in personal hygiene, or sleeping. In the 22% of cases with non-parental attachment with SCP-293, subjects may also begin to engage in personal abuse and damage, believing they are being ordered to do so. Mental and physical degradation in both cases are often directly related to cause of death. Attempting to remove the item from the subject will cause the subject to enter a violent, fearful, depressed, hysterical, or one of many other mental states. These “episodes” are nearly impossible to end, except by the return of the item, or several months of separation. Subjects will become more and more erratic and hysterical the longer they are separated, and will violently attack others to re-acquire the item. Subjects will often commit suicide after several days of separation from, or loss of, the SCP-293 affected item. The Foundation currently has 182 items affected by SCP-293 in storage. It is unknown at this time how many items worldwide may be affected by SCP-293, and questions have been raised as to SCP-293 and its possible relationship to several other SCP items and the exploits of some serial murderers. « SCP-292 | SCP-293 | SCP-294 »" nan
[ 7.39832371e-02 -1.15001000e-01 -1.54524624e-01 -9.33317691e-02 -9.17931348e-02 -2.92937011e-01 2.90638804e-01 -8.72441530e-02 2.86899626e-01 2.40632817e-01 2.24044070e-01 2.84941822e-01 -3.88161540e-01 6.66563734e-02 -6.59158826e-02 5.19390106e-01 1.62420183e-01 3.35659295e-01 1.19237185e-01 -4.33454402e-02 -1.80901438e-01 -1.17054284e-01 9.12525877e-02 2.69991811e-02 -6.83809146e-02 -2.92350233e-01 1.24745496e-01 7.62467086e-02 -1.45120248e-01 -4.30574298e-01 2.40929008e-01 4.32941526e-01 -1.30897509e-02 1.06013507e-01 -1.13551061e-04 -2.04957426e-01 3.16151172e-01 1.70270637e-01 -2.92036533e-02 6.91706091e-02 -1.39027476e-01 -5.39479218e-02 3.39323789e-01 -1.66724816e-01 -6.40497450e-03 4.53449667e-01 4.67723142e-03 1.78949192e-01 4.93068665e-01 1.23845324e-01 1.52995437e-01 2.01687619e-01 1.34950027e-01 -1.48889115e-02 6.30760789e-01 1.75180271e-01 -9.92517993e-02 1.20887481e-01 3.22555363e-01 1.39154643e-01 2.23649040e-01 -7.08059594e-02 -1.56589657e-01 9.44660380e-02 6.27874851e-01 -3.63218248e-01 3.15153569e-01 -4.89932865e-01 3.11066676e-02 4.33238685e-01 -3.73881906e-01 1.46961212e-01 2.93589860e-01 -2.36669123e-01 4.05763574e-02 -3.07768375e-01 2.32901767e-01 -1.75765455e-01 1.57427296e-01 9.67035815e-03 2.21895874e-01 9.76746320e-04 -2.56855726e-01 -1.20673049e-02 -1.96536601e-01 1.41870514e-01 -1.69125557e-01 -1.93173601e-03 3.73260140e-01 -1.82739735e-01 -1.64605245e-01 -1.44658566e-01 -1.14176862e-01 7.32253119e-02 -1.18793555e-01 -1.03603490e-01 3.04585218e-01 9.18085575e-02 2.47895703e-01 1.21302605e-01 1.74626838e-02 2.01860845e-01 1.50232121e-01 2.98582971e-01 3.20737273e-01 1.02039631e-02 5.74690700e-02 -3.84658754e-01 -9.59081352e-02 4.54126090e-01 -1.42154500e-01 2.55889863e-01 -1.07091442e-01 1.69865757e-01 8.18207189e-02 -2.99914449e-01 1.68774322e-01 -2.46686265e-01 -3.40648443e-01 3.47142816e-01 -5.30081272e-01 1.83932170e-01 -1.41623784e-02 -8.80913362e-02 5.78676462e-01 4.83125627e-01 -1.08835243e-01 -1.12567216e-01 1.18678413e-01 1.16143778e-01 -7.43154809e-02 -1.46503942e-02 -3.47106159e-01 -1.71346813e-01 -5.76205552e-02 -6.32597655e-02 -1.46534741e-01 -4.50408496e-02 -5.18187284e-02 -1.21014550e-01 1.13100909e-01 -7.66992718e-02 3.76222998e-01 3.58922780e-01 -4.73216057e-01 -1.53002456e-01 -1.46546856e-01 -5.73367953e-01 -2.56369948e-01 -2.95073316e-02 2.12464705e-01 7.50597268e-02 -2.30046108e-01 2.14405343e-01 -4.38110232e-01 2.17634752e-01 2.62161911e-01 1.44671530e-01 -3.19204569e-01 9.52763483e-02 1.20383635e-01 -4.72730100e-02 5.37025481e-02 -1.66334644e-01 5.68635948e-02 2.76553392e-01 -8.34827870e-02 -2.18371853e-01 -5.15957251e-02 -1.79424524e-01 -1.16787776e-01 -1.24274930e-02 -8.73451773e-03 2.28471607e-01 -2.70862490e-01 -9.99990925e-02 -2.10057765e-01 -1.23920083e-01 -7.45419860e-01 -4.80941981e-02 -4.34663802e-01 2.96124697e-01 3.81765485e-01 -1.10751510e-01 1.58198141e-02 3.64447124e-02 -4.90073502e-01 4.75179888e-02 2.39823446e-01 -3.28186333e-01 -3.53444159e-01 -5.70665777e-01 8.04142058e-02 -2.54422203e-02 3.99368396e-03 3.68016101e-02 2.48417079e-01 4.40942228e-01 3.25666927e-02 2.08531782e-01 -2.62836516e-02 9.61326137e-02 6.78772151e-01 1.47342399e-01 -2.50202328e-01 -1.97661042e-01 -1.24157548e-01 -1.21443942e-01 2.36364946e-01 2.98989713e-01 -2.01418594e-01 -2.45836586e-01 -2.65568674e-01 1.93793789e-01 -1.38155045e-02 -3.62344652e-01 2.48660237e-01 1.80030376e-01 7.81658962e-02 -8.02573636e-02 -1.94335446e-01 9.34482515e-02 3.79659027e-01 -1.05772287e-01 -1.17821664e-01 -9.30582881e-02 -2.93336838e-01 -7.24567100e-02 -1.03963472e-01 3.17090005e-01 1.67134225e-01 -2.97917694e-01 3.11015725e-01 -1.03559159e-02 4.12824098e-03 -1.50736451e-01 3.16802293e-01 1.07533860e+00 1.29362270e-01 2.45515898e-01 -1.49119392e-01 -4.18932959e-02 1.59885645e-01 6.10089954e-03 -3.85589957e-01 2.66855031e-01 3.59252334e-01 2.69135475e-01 -7.53927380e-02 -3.24201770e-02 2.87050027e-02 -3.17512393e-01 -2.72687823e-01 -4.45965789e-02 6.85191378e-02 2.19865531e-01 8.08687210e-02 3.41433406e-01 -3.14556882e-02 1.31558016e-01 1.32718727e-01 7.30342343e-02 2.43506506e-01 -1.24370597e-01 -1.76305011e-01 -3.29552472e-01 -3.04981763e-03 4.68239844e-01 -7.85623416e-02 1.27060056e-01 -3.41752283e-02 -4.59273569e-02 -5.57264090e-02 -7.45713562e-02 -1.28351122e-01 1.08180933e-01 4.46140677e-01 3.09323579e-01 3.79633427e-01 2.21996546e-01 -1.00524418e-01 -3.39900821e-01 -3.28559697e-01 -3.24831083e-02 1.94432996e-02 -2.99063697e-02 9.06255934e-03 3.74143928e-01 -1.01082899e-01 3.29663992e-01 -1.67426556e-01 -3.13575655e-01 -8.60423408e-03 4.25400734e-02 -5.15771471e-02 -1.29896432e-01 -1.29482791e-01 6.70577228e-01 -1.84327111e-01 1.02889650e-01 -3.15064639e-01 -1.83247253e-01 -1.63764134e-01 6.09160140e-02 -1.75483197e-01 2.25880835e-02 3.45093310e-01 2.02989906e-01 1.09691843e-01 1.17371313e-01 -5.63187361e-01 2.09961101e-01 1.95830002e-01 2.09498983e-02 2.46270925e-01 -2.09036440e-01 -2.92378124e-02 -3.35616112e-01 5.94804548e-02 -5.62125087e-01 -1.42899796e-01 3.45313624e-02 -2.12767959e-01 -2.69349236e-02 -6.68838993e-02 1.92848951e-01 -3.01623940e-02 -1.26289040e-01 1.57965720e-01 1.74855575e-01 -3.06426026e-02 1.33758441e-01 -4.20826413e-02 2.44500726e-01 -2.07517460e-01 -1.47836804e-01 -1.65162623e-01 -2.55895764e-01 -2.04025775e-01 -1.66199699e-01 -1.95019498e-01 3.77767086e-02 -3.26179683e-01 1.33055851e-01 -1.77890547e-02 -4.31707859e-01 -4.06001896e-01 -6.44459128e-02 2.38573283e-01 -1.35315940e-01 -3.95454019e-01 9.98953432e-02 2.67938435e-01 -2.94841886e-01 -6.39248788e-02 -7.27315620e-02 3.67696464e-01 1.93685144e-01 8.53103325e-02 1.48136958e-01 -1.92003518e-01 4.66600358e-01 4.10734057e-01 -2.17581600e-01 -2.02688903e-01 4.35038358e-02 1.84303805e-01 1.85510889e-01 4.08743583e-02 -1.12654261e-01 2.84896314e-01 1.94628984e-01 -3.44639659e-01 1.72331467e-01 -1.94148242e-01 -6.54543862e-02 -2.31707841e-02 2.77426210e-03 -3.03586155e-01 -1.84468240e-01 -2.15867072e-01 3.14486861e-01 1.84880301e-01 -1.89170301e-01 -2.99337447e-01 3.39893043e-01 1.32116586e-01 2.34005347e-01 1.34003416e-01 -1.93057135e-01 1.52154965e-02 -3.99980724e-01 1.20658778e-01 -2.73639351e-01 7.27559626e-02 -5.85863054e-01 2.82611340e-01 -2.55129069e-01 -2.34774292e-01 2.34389856e-01 -4.46636230e-01 4.37492728e-01 9.78349745e-02 3.65075558e-01 3.01588416e-01 2.09663451e-01 -2.48275667e-01 -1.06304884e-01 -4.52137142e-01 -3.62444162e-01 3.37837279e-01 -1.30064726e-01 -1.79567516e-01 -7.91897550e-02 5.23043983e-02 -3.19034725e-01 7.07935318e-02 7.67191276e-02 1.98245868e-01 -4.41943645e-01 -3.72786522e-01 1.67368129e-01 -4.00750823e-02 -8.43390916e-03 9.01053995e-02 9.53636784e-03 -2.09044695e-01 1.76773325e-01 1.36979729e-01 -7.37203509e-02 -2.93297201e-01 2.57514656e-01 -5.02196364e-02 2.97388315e-01 4.06046063e-01 2.95388013e-01 3.78869236e-01 2.31457531e-01 -3.67895871e-01 -1.83138743e-01 -1.96264699e-01 4.86355647e-02 4.76497680e-01 1.49684384e-01 -2.79468391e-02 -1.73220575e-01 2.62149483e-01 -3.41879167e-02 1.18203565e-01 5.07537425e-01 -5.99790551e-03 2.98696667e-01 1.26403928e-01 2.47559845e-02 1.35833556e-02 -4.94401038e-01 -5.48662245e-01 -1.32460073e-01 -2.16229260e-01 7.10435927e-01 4.29775178e-01 1.19687247e+00 7.97455683e-02 9.72375721e-02 7.47908419e-03 -7.05302596e-01 4.20128673e-01 -2.80981243e-01 -1.03544384e-01 3.18916962e-02 1.31295435e-02 4.89757322e-02 -1.63165599e-01 2.03927502e-01 4.71051544e-01 -2.68363565e-01 -1.86603501e-01 -5.05459070e-01 -1.13118753e-01 -7.50579312e-02 4.74719554e-01 8.87158886e-02 5.50386831e-02 3.57923836e-01 2.83146679e-01 -1.54264811e-02 4.33753252e-01 1.26169741e-01 -4.72558476e-02 -1.71384797e-01 -9.49120149e-03 -1.82076275e-01 1.50566220e-01 -2.33284101e-01 4.02361341e-02 -1.11884795e-01 -2.04230115e-01 2.61120144e-02 -3.98155868e-01 -2.34406948e-01 -2.71640513e-02 -8.05368051e-02 2.80359209e-01 5.75071096e-01 -3.11216384e-01 1.66883513e-01 -5.80587238e-02 2.15147153e-01 -1.99548304e-02 2.46811695e-02 1.05311424e-01 1.38907373e-01 3.23697239e-01 6.80691600e-02 1.35077730e-01 2.84560919e-01 3.55101787e-02 -1.50040880e-01 3.70382071e-01 -2.27484554e-01 -8.91425088e-02 1.64363772e-01 1.01701342e-01 -1.26731902e-01 2.99954806e-02 -2.47106194e-01 -4.23682928e-02 -1.66721698e-02 1.63600981e-01 -6.81307912e-02 -1.21747419e-01 4.45859581e-02 -1.09218851e-01 -1.44329697e-01 -3.98665011e-01 3.37093949e-01 1.44421239e-03 -5.15138283e-02 -3.51839662e-02 7.32081831e-02 -3.86874110e-01 -9.90722999e-02 4.99179393e-01 3.29839438e-01 -1.16991811e-01 -3.45960259e-01 -1.26304731e-01 5.11585958e-02 -1.24740444e-01 -7.58418590e-02 4.71467614e-01 -2.68783540e-01 6.16082083e-03 -2.50134747e-02 3.91126305e-01 -3.91633898e-01 -3.89921479e-02 -3.39172781e-01 -1.27060562e-01 3.91530514e-01 -3.29096109e-01 -1.25790566e-01 -1.69821158e-01 1.11263394e-01 1.09138386e-02 -1.53274849e-01 -2.47136503e-01 -1.93731755e-01 1.49308980e-01 1.25784636e-01 2.03064546e-01 -1.19615622e-01 6.62227944e-02 3.29945415e-01 7.49118030e-02 1.14841074e-01 1.30251318e-01 9.41138789e-02 2.63994694e-01 -1.42702207e-01 9.35698599e-02 2.69053489e-01 7.36094341e-02 6.81503639e-02 1.82414114e-01 1.47059649e-01 8.10117461e-03 -9.54619423e-03 -3.54572795e-02 2.51906812e-01 3.25838268e-01 -6.27527609e-02 2.80155856e-02 3.94874141e-02 -8.90812725e-02 -3.52467418e-01 3.95816922e-01 -4.37805243e-02 1.21287949e-01 -2.05526590e-01 -2.10536465e-01 1.11974306e-01 2.94893950e-01 -1.69241175e-01 -1.48017630e-01 2.59408832e-01 7.56741166e-02 7.35942051e-02 3.27355742e-01 2.94426769e-01 -1.61504105e-01 -2.24240810e-01 1.05242290e-01 4.27097261e-01 -1.61596030e-01 9.17524621e-02 -1.91097841e-01 -3.62347327e-02 -2.97768950e-01 3.40481758e-01 2.33832583e-01 4.34462219e-01 1.04425281e-01 4.43619967e-01 -1.62541255e-01 4.93988454e-01 4.88495350e-01 3.80224586e-01 1.39050797e-01 -1.20318152e-01 2.77603120e-01 8.15593824e-02 2.20798492e-01 2.55329162e-02 8.62941220e-02 1.72223046e-01 -3.24600220e-01 1.61658406e-01 3.69411856e-02 2.49398544e-01 8.36261660e-02 2.06711572e-02 -8.93404409e-02 -4.55497295e-01 -1.63627043e-01 2.61968195e-01 -8.39024112e-02 1.26408800e-01 1.40998483e-01 5.90661690e-02 2.03580558e-02 -2.22513705e-01 1.11834884e-01 4.46547896e-01 -2.22535014e-01 -7.74418935e-02 -4.86413576e-03 1.14026710e-01 5.55878691e-02 2.90254146e-01 4.56013471e-01 6.31282106e-02 -3.82742107e-01 1.18036747e-01 -1.25375733e-01 -2.07098216e-01 -2.96846420e-01 3.92149240e-02 5.37817143e-02 -2.68111024e-02 9.73583162e-02 1.18208624e-01 -1.91656455e-01 -2.02546194e-01 1.31680146e-01 2.67178684e-01 -1.97300121e-01 -7.47110099e-02 6.40700907e-02 -2.90719748e-01 4.06434536e-02 2.42711678e-02 -4.74215209e-01 -2.24504262e-01 -2.28310034e-01 -2.49887973e-01 2.60692000e-01 -4.31277335e-01 5.65529503e-02 -1.64763480e-01 1.57164261e-01 9.05507654e-02 4.60622609e-01 -2.55514588e-02 -2.74207175e-01 -2.56064236e-01 9.21865851e-02 -2.07414627e-01 -5.37157774e-01 2.31086373e-01 1.76733881e-01 -2.12599024e-01 3.88706297e-01 -8.45017657e-02 1.97721839e-01 -1.81213275e-01 3.98326889e-02 -2.91245341e-01 5.38206875e-01 3.67314726e-01 -2.20257118e-01 8.71974975e-02 -7.03969747e-02 1.16085269e-01 -7.47345462e-02 5.49749173e-02 1.18989542e-01 -1.90050393e-01 2.02285554e-02 2.71437496e-01 5.36998093e-01 1.29026487e-01 3.47455107e-02 -1.18146718e-01 -2.57428855e-01 -1.22847080e-01 2.85340130e-01 -3.49691689e-01 4.10904065e-02 -2.03771949e-01 1.62337244e-01 -1.22015215e-01 1.91049814e-01 1.82443172e-01 -1.51441589e-01 6.51410520e-02 1.66945800e-01 -2.67383903e-01 -2.84420520e-01 -1.45216748e-01 2.62575001e-01 -4.64812405e-02 2.05171943e-01 1.42292008e-01 -1.70523256e-01 -1.41592249e-01 -8.91051069e-02 2.36337990e-01 8.90397131e-02 -7.51945376e-02 -4.80713174e-02 1.94634184e-01 -2.75594980e-01 -1.76261038e-01 -1.75283164e-01 -4.22814876e-01 9.19403359e-02 -3.19027714e-02 -2.39155918e-01 -1.29712224e-01 -2.21312195e-01 -2.46347591e-01 -3.01140435e-02 -3.94893810e-02 6.98641315e-02 1.04348049e-01 -4.73269314e-01 -4.35832515e-02]
"The Coffee Machine" active "Item #: SCP-294 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: There are no standard special containment procedures on file for Item SCP-294. However, only personnel of security clearance level 2 or higher are allowed to interact with it (see document SCP-294a). SCP-294 is currently being stored in the 2nd floor personnel break room and is monitored by two guards of security clearance level 3 at all times. Description: Item SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron and glass) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state. It is of note that after approximately fifty uses, the machine would not respond to further requests. After a period of approximately 90 minutes, the machine seemed to have restocked itself. It is also interesting to note that many caustic liquids that would have eaten through a normal paper cup seemed to have no effect on the cups dispensed by the machine. Testing is ongoing. As suggested, SCP-294 was moved to the 2nd floor personnel break room as a money-saving venture. Following incident 294-01, guards were stationed at the item and a security clearance became necessary to interact with it. Document SCP-294a (regarding incident 294-01): On August 21, 2005, Agent Joseph ██████ attempted to use Item SCP-294 to obtain coffee during his allotted break time at 9:30 AM. At the request of Agent █████ █████████ "to see what it would do", ██████ requested "a cup of Joe" from the item. Moments after confirming the selection, Agent Joseph ██████ began to sweat profusely and complained of dizziness before collapsing. After moving the unconscious agent to the infirmary, the medical team recovered the contents of the cup dispensed by Item SCP-294: a combination of blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. Testing revealed the DNA sequence of the biological material dispensed by SCP-294 matched that of Agent ██████. Agent ██████ made a complete recovery after four weeks of rest and intravenous hydration. X-rays and CAT scans showed no further signs of injury, and ██████ was released. Both agents were reprimanded. Additional security measures for SCP-294 have been recommended. Addendum [SCP-294f]: After reviewing documentation on SCP-294, ███████████ suggested testing SCP-294's ability to 'retrieve' specific liquids from a distance. Addendum [SCP-294h]: With the overseeing of O5-[DATA EXPUNGED] "a cup of SCP-075's secretion" was used as input. The product was proven to be the requested liquid and the cup was able to successfully contain the material. However, the report for incident 075-07 was acknowledged 2 hours after the test (See Addendum [SCP-075m]). A containment procedure breach had occurred exactly the same time this test was taking place, waking SCP-075 to its active stage. It was able to secrete an amount of basic solution equal to the capacity of a coffee cup before emergency containment procedure was applied and it was rendered passive. The liquid was not found in the post-incident investigation. Addendum [SCP-294i]: Researcher punched in request for "cup of gold". The machine dispensed a cup of molten gold. Researcher requested similar precious materials with the same result. Addendum [SCP-294j]: Researcher punched in (from a safe range) request for "cup of anti-water". The machine hummed briefly, then displayed "OUT OF RANGE" on entry pad. It is theorized that SCP-294 has a limited range of collection, and cannot reach into alternate universes/dimensions. Addendum [SCP-294k]: Researcher punched in request for "diamond". SCP-294 briefly hummed, then displayed "OUT OF RANGE" on entry pad. SCP-294 gives this result for all solid substances. As diamond is a solid crystalline form of carbon, it appears the machine will not dispense liquid carbon, as this does not result in a "diamond". When "cup of carbon" was subsequently punched in, the machine dispensed a cup of liquid carbon. SCP-294 was immune to the damaging effects of the dispensed liquid. Addendum [SCP-294m]: Testing for range of SCP-294's capacity for retrieval has been initiated. A unique compound has been formulated, composed of undisclosed ratios of ███████ brand bleach, █████ ██ ███ █ brand cola, MET-RX powder, and Garam masala. The fluid was created and placed in a sealed container 25 meters away from SCP 294. When requested, the fluid was dispensed. An equal amount of the mixture was no longer present in its original container. Addendum [SCP-294o-01]: Researcher ███ ██████, under observation of Level 4 personnel, keyed in a request of "the best drink I've ever had". SCP-294 dispensed a fluid similar in appearance to cola. The researcher identified it as a mixed drink he recalls having at a bar during his bachelor party, and was convinced it was "the best drink". ██████ did not know what ingredients were in the drink besides rum and cola. Further tests are scheduled to ascertain how SCP-294 gathers information. Addendum [SCP-294o-01a]: Under the same conditions, Agent ████████ "the best drink I've ever had". SCP-294 delivered a dark fluid topped with white foam which was later identified as Vienna lager. The cup was printed with a color picture of five (5) men and two (2) women drinking beer on the beach; ████████ was one of them. In his briefing, Agent ████████ confirmed that his favorite drink ever was a Vienna lager he consumed at the beach with his friends. It has now been confirmed that SCP-294 has the ability to directly gather information from someone's mind in order to comply with the given conditions. Addendum [SCP-294q-01]: Subject keyed "the perfect drink." The machine dispensed a cup containing an odorless lavender liquid. After drinking the liquid, subject appeared to go into shock. Subject later committed suicide, leaving a note which read "I'm sorry, but at this point everything's just one big letdown." Requesting such a drink again is highly discouraged. None of the components of the drink have yet been identified. Addendum [SCP-294t-01]: Subject keyed in "something Cassy will like". The device was heard to hum for about three seconds, before dispensing an empty cup. Printed on the side of the cup was an image of a traditional soda fountain glass, filled with something brown, and topped with whipped cream. Upon introduction to SCP-085, it was identified by her as a chocolate banana milkshake and judged 'delicious'. Addendum [SCP-294w]: Researcher keyed in request for "a cup of music". SCP-294 produced a clear, sparkling fluid that tasted vaguely alcoholic. Following ingestion, subject reported "feeling" and not hearing, a continuous rhythm, and demonstrated the ability to move and even dance with a certain fluidity that he had not previously shown. Testing on other abstract concepts is continuing. Addendum [SCP-294ab]: During a mass security breach, Agent ██████ requested "a cup of pertinent medical knowledge" while taking shelter inside the second floor break room. Of the four agents in the room, Agent ██████ was the only one who was not injured. SCP-294 poured a cup of clear green liquid. Following the ingestion of this substance, Agent ██████ began mending the other agents' wounds in a manner consistent with Foundation medical training. Agent ██████ no longer has the medical training that the liquid provided and other attempts to recreate the effect have failed. The agent has speculated that this event was an emergency measure taken by the object to ensure self-preservation. Addendum [SCP-294ac]: Dr.████████ requested "my life story" from SCP-294; SCP-294 made humming noises and shook violently for approximately 3 minutes before providing a highly viscous, opaque black liquid. Upon consumption, Dr.████████ reported that he remembered everything that had ever happened to him. Following this test, Dr.████████ entered his office and returned 48 hours later with a 538-page autobiography. Addendum [SCP-294ad]: Researcher produced request consisting solely of the phrase "surprise me". Device produced an opaque cup containing normal water, later determined to have been heated to approximately 200 degrees Celsius. Upon receiving vibration from transport, the contents of the cup turned into steam, violently spraying boiling water in a 2-meter radius. Addendum [SCP-294af]: Researcher produced request for "Blood of Christ". SCP-294 vibrated and produced the message "Hic est enim Calix Sánguinis mei", then produced a paper drinking cup containing approximately 0.12 liters of red grape wine. Addendum [SCP-294ag]: Researcher produced requests for "cup of Smilodon blood", "cup of passenger pigeon blood", and "cup of Thomas Jefferson's blood", and received three "OUT OF RANGE" errors. Addendum [SCP-294ah]: A D-class personnel with IQ of 99 and low curiosity scores was given written instructions about what to request. The D-class personnel produced a request for 'blood of canis lupus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as wolf blood. The D-class personnel next produced a request for 'saliva of equus ferus caballus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as horse saliva. The D-class personnel next produced a request for "urine of phascolarctos cinereus' and received a cup of liquid subsequently identified as koala urine. The D-class personnel next produced a request for "cerebrospinal fluid of phoberomys pattersoni" and received a cup of liquid currently undergoing analysis. It is to be noted that Phoberomys pattersoni went extinct during the late Miocene epoch, approximately 8 million years ago. Addendum [SCP-294ai]: Dr. King produced request for "a cup of room-temperature superconductor", and received a cup of apple juice with seeds floating in it. Addendum [SCP-294aj]: Dr. Menchu produced request for "cup of D-151839's leukemia", and received a cup of fluid; the fluid was microscopically examined and found to contain leukemic blast cells, which were a genetic match to D-151839. A second request for "cup of D-151839's leukemia" resulted in an "OUT OF RANGE" error. D-151839 was subsequently found to be free of leukemia; however, within 15 days, the leukemia had recurred. [ Other SCP-294 experiments are currently awaiting approval. ] « SCP-293 | SCP-294 | SCP-295 » Cite this page as: "SCP-294" by Arcibi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp_294_by_staticfactory-d4xwn6e.jpg Name: SCP-294 Author: StaticFactory License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-294 at time of recovery"
[ 1.41401321e-01 -3.92782837e-02 -1.25158057e-01 5.10760732e-02 -7.85375834e-02 -1.83197990e-01 3.35752010e-01 1.97602790e-02 2.72296201e-02 6.68812618e-02 5.21858156e-01 3.34259331e-01 -2.16107756e-01 2.06159130e-02 6.42829016e-02 1.55453742e-01 3.48667130e-02 -2.60484461e-02 3.08604687e-01 -6.34194762e-02 -2.81150974e-02 -1.76957995e-01 -1.42267287e-01 2.26313964e-01 -7.17580542e-02 7.47512877e-02 3.29898506e-01 -1.90749586e-01 1.27376899e-01 -4.61848021e-01 1.54338047e-01 1.96652800e-01 -1.98748544e-01 2.95487195e-01 -1.08409280e-04 -1.52803645e-01 9.81227085e-02 1.74052835e-01 -4.82203752e-01 -1.42839730e-01 -1.99533448e-01 -1.63118824e-01 1.52478628e-02 -1.04550518e-01 1.11023508e-01 -7.29092062e-02 -5.69083840e-02 4.82583977e-02 1.42861992e-01 1.89665511e-01 1.60448685e-01 -6.05121106e-02 -4.94143516e-02 -3.20548303e-02 2.14446887e-01 -4.98112410e-01 -5.81649467e-02 -2.11684763e-01 4.68195766e-01 2.96176940e-01 3.35711747e-01 -1.42264187e-01 1.02513045e-01 -1.28216907e-01 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-5.43785542e-02 2.82352604e-02 -1.99367419e-01 8.33521113e-02 -2.80560166e-01 5.20006381e-02 -1.94314495e-01 3.58061343e-01 -1.89943835e-01 6.40552118e-02 -3.57875168e-01 -2.78017461e-01 4.63968843e-01 -2.94723600e-01 4.28231627e-01 3.89783531e-01 -1.08301258e-02 -2.60551125e-01 1.58407599e-01 -3.06136236e-02 -2.32713297e-02 -8.76277611e-02 1.54834822e-01 -1.28348976e-01 -6.32141158e-02 2.03259751e-01 -1.28465056e-01 1.56844351e-02 4.74941403e-01 3.17261480e-02 1.15531795e-01 -1.31218880e-01 1.56991720e-01 -7.18651013e-03 -2.31097236e-01 -1.06215410e-01 -1.82110459e-01 2.60773212e-01 -2.44472161e-01 -9.55102518e-02 -4.18040246e-01 1.57016721e-02 1.63756192e-01 -1.39360532e-01 -2.37255231e-01 4.08442825e-01 7.73223676e-03 1.87274367e-01 -5.04918277e-01 -2.46049553e-01 -2.72760481e-01 -3.34853798e-01 -5.43488979e-01 5.01583695e-01 1.86705187e-01 -5.26595533e-01 -3.62377197e-01 1.82431675e-02 -3.24614048e-02 -3.99873525e-01 -1.22654505e-01 -3.24800104e-01 -2.87876159e-01 -5.36956847e-01 3.39223057e-01 -1.55635700e-01 2.86252797e-01 2.04577483e-02 4.52631637e-02 2.64841318e-01 6.19661920e-02 2.01951250e-01 -1.70796305e-01 -2.00150222e-01 4.94364381e-01 4.31971848e-01 -1.71487883e-01 1.21511057e-01 4.06358182e-01 -8.41142759e-02 4.35864329e-01 3.29027027e-01 2.71361887e-01 -1.95207402e-01 -2.62326539e-01 1.42234057e-01 -8.94652531e-02 -2.45908439e-01 3.20572942e-01 5.28280437e-01 -1.37022436e-01 1.48340628e-01 -2.55331825e-02 2.34616041e-01 7.17758015e-02 -2.27126017e-01 -1.97845995e-01 -2.76375622e-01 -1.93013474e-01 4.15135175e-02 -2.27489337e-01 1.80256575e-01 3.02983999e-01 -7.55573018e-03 7.31045473e-03 -7.04663694e-02 1.77631285e-02 2.35307440e-01 1.88445956e-01 5.27899444e-01 -1.15054600e-01 1.15686134e-01 -2.00300798e-01 1.58900335e-01 3.09623867e-01 4.09464389e-02 -1.70809820e-01 1.79059193e-01 6.14393875e-02 -2.32667699e-01 1.86331764e-01 -7.97209665e-02 1.27097741e-02 -3.58179510e-01 1.17451653e-01 -3.51256654e-02 2.03150734e-01 2.64628474e-02 7.08810836e-02 1.77474380e-01 2.32825354e-01 2.70720154e-01 2.00194493e-01 2.30762675e-01 2.40023181e-01 -1.16702326e-01 1.63442135e-01 -2.35754192e-01 2.66696602e-01 5.00625491e-01 1.56876460e-01 4.86747883e-02 -2.09948942e-01 -8.46346766e-02 2.90385813e-01 -1.91240475e-01 -1.43851355e-01 -6.85724989e-02 3.79568249e-01 2.88859218e-01 1.53782308e-01 2.60088801e-01 -1.46885961e-01 -1.79158121e-01 2.91137919e-02 3.48068960e-02 -1.92177624e-01 -1.20837502e-02 -2.96254963e-01 3.87679398e-01 -7.08395243e-02 7.76372194e-01 4.34664756e-01 -8.33360776e-02 -9.65038780e-03 1.37311861e-01 -3.95168476e-02 -1.56222761e-01 -3.54278564e-01 6.76951349e-01 -1.34034222e-02 1.22248113e-01 -2.45436475e-01 3.28515321e-02 -1.70524567e-01 1.34580702e-01 -2.77190417e-01 1.63482144e-01 4.98418480e-01 4.78608198e-02 -6.21796846e-02 2.24795207e-01 -3.27007085e-01 4.85603333e-01 1.99869752e-01 -3.09936851e-01 9.43767503e-02 -3.27074021e-01 -4.49406534e-01 -2.01762527e-01 -7.13417605e-02 -3.19317222e-01 4.19427529e-02 -4.10410091e-02 5.71176931e-02 -2.06471115e-01 2.08924599e-02 -1.00429922e-01 -2.88262784e-01 -4.16193567e-02 3.27429801e-01 -1.54144257e-01 2.15108395e-02 2.00144835e-02 2.55835876e-02 4.26577091e-01 7.75710866e-02 7.81389885e-03 -5.47200799e-01 -1.42779589e-01 -4.03121859e-01 -2.01810792e-01 -1.32031843e-01 -2.59591043e-01 6.28063232e-02 -1.68665171e-01 5.83548881e-02 -1.49915949e-01 1.59915090e-01 1.11767389e-01 -2.24489290e-02 5.27585074e-02 -2.57187277e-01 6.61752641e-01 -1.01297628e-02 -2.47269154e-01 -1.96891785e-01 -2.91190520e-02 1.31948188e-01 8.78580213e-02 2.48891309e-01 1.20117135e-01 -1.25302762e-01 5.68320096e-01 5.48258424e-01 -2.54183710e-01 -1.64418265e-01 6.66833892e-02 4.43923213e-02 7.18824193e-02 3.36091280e-01 -3.42275053e-01 3.51984322e-01 1.90360472e-01 -4.66963679e-01 2.79157490e-01 -2.76736975e-01 -1.24678522e-01 1.67257309e-01 3.73091340e-01 -5.67262411e-01 -1.64419025e-01 -5.44749349e-02 3.58669877e-01 1.42635867e-01 2.02593058e-02 -1.01068886e-02 -2.03173116e-01 -9.28035080e-02 -2.86479741e-01 1.58953648e-02 3.45219113e-02 -1.28812566e-01 -5.05165160e-01 -1.40218601e-01 -2.24739864e-01 -3.06816176e-02 -1.14181221e-01 5.29330015e-01 -5.85451365e-01 -2.57433236e-01 1.99279889e-01 -2.66810477e-01 1.73046798e-01 -2.51099437e-01 1.96198016e-01 4.85307604e-01 -5.76046892e-02 3.05855647e-02 1.19873951e-03 -2.77849019e-01 2.56875306e-01 4.60761130e-01 -4.41399932e-01 6.75909175e-03 3.23270075e-02 -7.98671395e-02 -1.54390559e-01 2.94885579e-02 1.56814918e-01 1.57300368e-01 -3.55294913e-01 -2.31487215e-01 1.88177466e-01 -2.80958474e-01 7.06663281e-02 -2.56951690e-01 6.80646598e-02 1.81876365e-02 2.50421554e-01 2.36308530e-01 1.26753643e-01 -1.25803158e-01 -1.95406061e-02 -2.85990328e-01 2.62936056e-01 1.78588722e-02 6.95396841e-01 2.05755085e-01 5.48839383e-02 -1.43142328e-01 2.18315333e-01 -2.59424239e-01 -1.54525012e-01 6.44436657e-01 -1.14827022e-01 -3.40194553e-02 -1.02921970e-01 1.90416381e-01 5.48270583e-01 -2.75200427e-01 3.40946764e-02 1.18597172e-01 3.06144297e-01 1.33413926e-01 1.60596371e-02 -2.19865553e-02 -4.74409729e-01 -2.89732009e-01 1.17255241e-01 -2.46827662e-01 5.84930480e-01 3.23868752e-01 1.05373883e+00 2.27421790e-01 -1.87511429e-01 1.16983339e-01 1.78819820e-01 1.63102627e-01 -8.45103443e-01 5.33410199e-02 -8.97483230e-02 3.60206328e-02 5.08314408e-02 -2.18707919e-01 1.62039623e-01 2.29490325e-01 -3.89160663e-01 -5.28110027e-01 -6.47232533e-01 2.94001475e-02 3.92524362e-01 3.07278782e-01 -2.70486951e-01 1.21200591e-01 1.21459588e-01 2.64854044e-01 4.38207418e-01 3.39757234e-01 -2.24601120e-01 1.22772336e-01 -1.43118024e-01 4.10518385e-02 -4.24004972e-01 2.07400676e-02 -5.44300675e-01 1.54542865e-03 5.33356592e-02 2.90091544e-01 1.69085246e-02 5.98064847e-02 2.35591128e-01 -1.00756004e-01 -5.40964752e-02 2.60588437e-01 3.97194684e-01 -1.04401633e-01 1.91584006e-01 -2.23531395e-01 3.83506924e-01 -3.89344171e-02 -6.65877163e-02 4.81270403e-02 1.85785014e-02 -4.23260093e-01 -8.55883583e-03 2.47616842e-01 1.19067833e-01 -1.46725923e-01 -3.37403208e-01 2.40853056e-01 -1.68097749e-01 -5.59452362e-02 1.71571821e-01 -1.03746697e-01 -1.01726435e-01 1.88931108e-01 4.77017350e-02 -1.74334705e-01 6.69231340e-02 1.47218749e-01 2.40884960e-01 -8.50970671e-02 6.97179884e-02 1.29685491e-01 5.79808094e-02 -4.53374237e-01 8.24677106e-03 1.58393458e-01 -1.71945736e-01 -5.72939850e-02 -5.11285663e-01 -3.81222457e-01 5.73849827e-02 3.43259759e-02 1.17723890e-01 6.49897605e-02 -1.56231761e-01 -3.83470118e-01 4.25078481e-01 -6.03348911e-02 2.52691031e-01 6.90758973e-02 5.38833626e-03 2.75047630e-01 -2.30259039e-02 1.16368011e-01 -3.65714580e-01 1.41567796e-01 -4.06249583e-01 -1.45476043e-01 1.86756134e-01 -1.03813950e-02 7.93198124e-02 -2.66767025e-01 9.31643322e-02 3.81540954e-01 -1.75514504e-01 -2.43938878e-01 -1.83298856e-01 1.39907390e-01 1.09491430e-01 -1.59165263e-01 -1.22882850e-01 3.11974704e-01 2.28457898e-01 1.74487472e-01 -9.26782936e-02 1.27560049e-01 1.35800615e-01 1.13406911e-01 6.32658675e-02 5.09259462e-01 5.24574630e-02 -8.63708779e-02 5.99877089e-02 2.23887533e-01 4.54995781e-02 1.13658190e-01 5.87435290e-02 -4.24520299e-02 2.34167248e-01 1.58039615e-01 1.86002165e-01 3.01238954e-01 3.77150215e-02 -7.09672086e-03 -3.52952853e-02 8.81060213e-02 -3.48356158e-01 5.88286035e-02 -4.68813866e-01 -8.51692110e-02 -5.96716926e-02 2.55432606e-01 1.43658653e-01 2.36008521e-02 -7.65275657e-02 1.06582128e-01 -1.40589952e-01 1.94885343e-01 2.17082620e-01 -9.80603695e-02 5.61202206e-02 2.58729219e-01 -4.47762460e-02 1.81217760e-01 1.95058361e-01 -4.67512161e-02 -3.89885068e-01 1.32166833e-01 -1.26088947e-01 -1.19172536e-01 1.28367677e-01 2.05862984e-01 2.78049469e-01 1.81281865e-01 4.11130220e-01 4.27887976e-01 6.17070422e-02 2.11885236e-02 1.91266954e-01 5.07045865e-01 -3.02668422e-01 8.79103467e-02 1.04562163e-01 -2.65728459e-02 8.07536170e-02 -3.07896763e-01 -3.16918969e-01 -3.07948943e-02 9.46642552e-03 3.71748698e-03 -9.17178094e-02 -1.97079360e-01 -4.91952986e-01 -2.37853155e-02 7.14830533e-02 1.15724001e-03 -8.12963396e-02 -1.00800293e-02 -1.07496090e-01 -1.32280752e-01 -2.47892380e-01 6.99675828e-02 2.74543613e-01 -1.84986621e-01 7.77295092e-03 -3.10053498e-01 -1.77205354e-01 -1.76426768e-01 2.09528163e-01 2.82047272e-01 8.92508179e-02 -1.93501636e-01 1.81902032e-02 -7.70744309e-02 1.49040163e-01 -1.32938534e-01 3.21804844e-02 4.23454940e-01 -8.23710337e-02 1.26838550e-01 4.47356403e-02 -1.49853840e-01 -2.10291535e-01 3.34156424e-01 1.07144015e-02 -8.75531510e-02 -2.83355951e-01 2.54462734e-02 1.83375463e-01 9.06308517e-02 2.43164599e-01 -1.89729765e-01 -8.74793679e-02 -2.32418869e-02 1.20499648e-01 3.71915638e-01 -2.77785540e-01 1.08522028e-01 1.55824535e-02 -1.92345828e-01 1.20909279e-02 -7.30497167e-02 -1.96367174e-01 -2.99870342e-01 -1.88779607e-01 2.66799152e-01 -7.55004287e-02 -2.42315471e-01 -1.55158743e-01 1.66909322e-01 -8.38400349e-02 3.75877440e-01 -1.13659590e-01 -3.02791178e-01 2.50800073e-01 1.20483086e-01 -2.09541798e-01 1.78426802e-01 2.35427499e-01 -1.36821672e-01 -1.12423949e-01 -1.37060329e-01 9.28980410e-02 -4.55306441e-01 2.12139726e-01 -3.80976319e-01 -5.81819773e-01 -2.40225330e-01 5.32577001e-02 6.33720517e-01 9.53915566e-02 2.63587624e-01 -1.29708961e-01 7.13869929e-02 -8.08323249e-02 4.14948404e-01 -3.05155456e-01 2.26869117e-02 -4.75084856e-02 -2.01267168e-01 2.31685877e-01 3.66604269e-01 2.50600815e-01 8.03578794e-02 3.06377500e-01 1.39966711e-01 -3.85328203e-01 1.07964277e-01 1.11775557e-02 6.69119358e-02 2.40312368e-01 5.33507764e-01 -6.30758107e-02 1.45547286e-01 -2.15794966e-01 1.04835033e-01 2.74326354e-01 -4.28004324e-01 -1.36879668e-01 -3.13177943e-01 2.60329038e-01 -1.95364002e-02 -3.75508010e-01 -1.60279144e-02 -3.14726412e-01 -6.12687133e-02 -4.31571268e-02 -2.21181914e-01 8.47364068e-02 -1.11670785e-01 -1.70825988e-01 -1.05814531e-01 -7.52192363e-02 -2.49672532e-02 1.79649722e-02 -2.67518431e-01 -1.99889280e-02]
"Cauterpillers" active "Item #: SCP-295 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-295 is to be contained within a 50 m x 50 m concrete room, with all surfaces coated with flame retardant material. All personnel entering and exiting containment must comply with level 3 contamination screening. Three (3) flame retardant exposure suits are to be maintained on the premises and are required for any and all testing involving SCP-295. Feeding will occur once per week, and consists of a meal of 20 kg of naturally grown pinewood, harvested near the Site-19 facility. Description: SCP-295 is a number of caterpillars resembling Syntomeida epilais in appearance. A single specimen of SCP-295 is capable of creating an unidentifiable substance, which has several unique qualities attributed to it. SCP-295 possesses similar physical attributes to a common caterpillar, with a notable exception being SCP-295’s incredible speed when in pursuit of sustenance. When flammable material is introduced into SCP-295’s environment, it will quickly move to attempt to consume it. The substance produced by SCP-295 (hereby known as SCP-295-1) is a viscous fluid that possesses natural bioluminescence of variable intensity, averaging at ~150,000 lm. The intensity fades over time, but sufficient heat is capable of renewing its incandescence. However, the danger lies in its other quality, which is its ability to cause violent combustion in any flammable object it comes in contact with. All matter destroyed in this manner leaves no ash or other byproducts behind, although an increase in mass has been observed in specimens of SCP-295 after combustion. A notable exception is living animal matter, which SCP-295-1 is incapable of affecting in all circumstances. SCP-295 is capable of reproduction given sufficient matter to combust, or when a specific mass has been attained. When this occurs, SCP-295 will pupate, forming a shell of dense carbon with a similar molecular structure to coal. Once a week has passed, both the pupa and the specimen will combust, while the ashes reform into two additional caterpillars, after which the process begins anew. Occasionally, only one specimen of SCP-295 will reform from the resultant ashes, rather than a pair. These ashes will not always reform immediately, and can remain inert. Ashes left on personnel’s clothing can reform later, and further spread SCP-295’s population. SCP-295 was discovered in ███████, Ukraine, after a series of improbable and volatile forest fires had reduced a large swathe of forests into barren wastes. Agent █████, who had family in the area, noted that the fires had left not a single thing in their wake. When Dr. ██████ was dispatched to investigate, he found a complete lack of life and vegetation, with the exception of a species of caterpillar that was not local to the area. What had alarmed him more, however, was the sudden destruction of his clothing and belongings by a swarm of starved SCP-295s. After several attempts and more than a few changes of clothing, SCP-295 was brought to Site-19 and safely contained. Addendum 295a: Despite months of regular feeding, the number of specimens have neither declined nor have they increased since being contained. The cycle of reproduction has stayed consistent, with the majority of recorded combustion resulting in two new specimens. How the population has kept itself in check is unknown at this time. Addendum 295b: See Incident 295-k Addendum 295c: It’s possible that there are still wild specimens of SCP-295 out in the world, considering the trouble we have containing it in the lab. Any attempts to contain populations of SCP-295 in the field are to be made on location, with the intent to isolate and terminate. Note: This stuff has some serious potential for weaponization, if we could get enough of it out of the little worms. Find a way to carry and dispense it and you’d put napalm to shame. –Agent █████ Addendum 295d: See Experiment Log 295-1-a Addendum 295e: See Experiment Log 295-1-b « SCP-294 | SCP-295 | SCP-296 »" nan
[-9.36178863e-02 -2.98464179e-01 -1.17216222e-01 6.25706166e-02 -6.63091838e-02 -3.16332221e-01 6.05124980e-02 8.07017013e-02 4.61830422e-02 -1.46099860e-02 3.47037725e-02 9.50175300e-02 -2.05625147e-01 1.48312360e-01 1.60861194e-01 3.71012896e-01 1.33631349e-01 1.65773377e-01 -7.01840296e-02 -3.76006365e-01 -2.90474951e-01 -1.08971111e-01 4.12923135e-02 3.00225437e-01 -2.18997911e-01 -9.88525450e-02 -1.01551181e-02 1.92042604e-01 -3.88963451e-03 -4.27646458e-01 3.39222610e-01 1.88215286e-01 2.17772245e-01 4.62510645e-01 -1.12755442e-04 -1.87794313e-01 4.46972437e-02 9.24839601e-02 -1.91021785e-01 1.42103210e-01 -4.52619195e-01 -4.00716037e-01 2.75098588e-02 -2.30368614e-01 1.19531453e-01 -1.04512647e-01 9.01072919e-02 1.93425834e-01 4.49119896e-01 -7.29041919e-03 1.22089095e-01 -3.50751311e-01 -1.28499776e-01 -9.60546546e-03 3.82613003e-01 5.08909971e-02 -3.55405450e-01 -4.45075892e-02 3.94815981e-01 -8.84413421e-02 3.21849175e-02 -3.93464044e-02 -7.21049160e-02 -2.34998703e-01 4.67701137e-01 -6.00795709e-02 5.07400751e-01 -2.23752201e-01 2.13581055e-01 1.88141331e-01 6.01916760e-02 -2.75037903e-02 -1.24049984e-01 5.50588593e-02 -2.79948354e-01 -2.12744817e-01 7.26319328e-02 2.63153285e-01 -3.20799872e-02 -7.29043037e-02 2.83655733e-01 1.56473052e-02 -3.38396341e-01 -2.26019502e-01 1.82851017e-01 5.28528452e-01 -1.98806208e-02 1.07915282e-01 2.17938915e-01 -1.12031445e-01 1.55814663e-01 -1.32492617e-01 2.67322093e-01 3.11067194e-01 9.63297561e-02 1.83481164e-02 -4.48790677e-02 8.21965933e-02 3.39206338e-01 1.38766095e-01 3.81498337e-01 3.73760350e-02 2.27807164e-01 8.26005563e-02 5.56071438e-02 -1.23511724e-01 2.68129766e-01 -8.00900012e-02 -1.57327488e-01 6.33715034e-01 -2.13240191e-01 1.03336141e-01 -2.31390864e-01 2.54803598e-02 1.24650113e-01 2.06164509e-01 1.53257847e-01 -2.87692368e-01 -3.53049338e-01 3.45475078e-01 -2.40150113e-02 1.41960248e-01 2.66767778e-02 3.98295641e-01 2.68709064e-01 3.47642392e-01 7.15034381e-02 -3.39252412e-01 -1.40982166e-01 -5.85930608e-02 -1.97784364e-01 2.74808556e-01 -5.54197669e-01 1.40031621e-01 -1.04616143e-01 2.03294978e-02 -3.45356792e-01 -4.59510759e-02 3.97289470e-02 2.05081657e-01 1.09302960e-01 -1.17757089e-01 4.72130954e-01 2.30860189e-01 -4.34994817e-01 -1.31265819e-02 5.22601195e-02 -8.00615177e-02 -7.59312958e-02 3.50272767e-02 2.83745319e-01 -6.35906830e-02 -4.64957029e-01 2.05545515e-01 -7.41423890e-02 1.56038180e-01 6.97589874e-01 4.97970618e-02 1.44655049e-01 -2.75630474e-01 2.87312362e-02 2.08340418e-02 -1.48615420e-01 -2.18395129e-01 8.52607340e-02 5.64964414e-01 -4.63697761e-01 6.25661295e-03 -1.94168128e-02 -6.88678473e-02 3.71824265e-01 5.09120245e-03 -4.07753475e-02 5.56602664e-02 -7.39478171e-02 -1.70090392e-01 -4.38726783e-01 -7.94573650e-02 -2.47007281e-01 -3.50362986e-01 -2.28131264e-01 2.18606845e-01 5.30805707e-01 -2.41330490e-01 -5.03800362e-02 -2.22456381e-01 4.99515198e-02 -6.57955557e-02 3.58883381e-01 -2.97350913e-01 -3.91930193e-01 -5.40574670e-01 4.65448618e-01 -3.43208969e-01 1.35886356e-01 -1.13669201e-03 1.60083979e-01 2.46071190e-01 3.91666256e-02 -3.23931649e-02 3.53385396e-02 6.24929704e-02 6.51317477e-01 -1.17264628e-01 1.86318889e-01 -7.57202730e-02 -4.58628625e-01 1.42243812e-02 -1.27275661e-01 1.90898314e-01 -1.70620978e-01 -2.38081411e-01 -2.51343429e-01 1.88069522e-01 -1.84053555e-01 -3.60333771e-01 2.47556165e-01 1.13033131e-01 1.80764005e-01 -3.91636044e-01 1.84530411e-02 -4.02201302e-02 -1.23381883e-01 -2.00769026e-02 -1.47568837e-01 -2.89385114e-02 -2.21001476e-01 -2.61606634e-01 -1.52513936e-01 4.44405712e-02 3.34567010e-01 1.64093718e-01 1.64312407e-01 9.81694236e-02 4.37295176e-02 1.62544534e-01 4.04472798e-01 6.69027686e-01 -7.59964734e-02 1.32247746e-01 -9.36022475e-02 -1.10391982e-01 2.66390115e-01 7.63004273e-02 -5.07389903e-01 -7.13752676e-03 1.60562351e-01 3.23886961e-01 -3.90433781e-02 -2.14171425e-01 -1.19505793e-01 -1.52088866e-01 -1.62461802e-01 1.20848387e-01 9.46774781e-02 1.41357616e-01 -1.65979773e-01 2.93255985e-01 7.39149973e-02 3.65608364e-01 -2.81070292e-01 -8.64073075e-03 2.40197182e-01 -2.92394489e-01 1.69393495e-01 -2.46115148e-01 4.26436841e-01 4.92836863e-01 -1.71606511e-01 1.36983325e-03 3.35860737e-02 -3.19125801e-01 -1.00748040e-01 4.36757831e-03 -6.79124892e-02 2.52691656e-02 -1.89026460e-01 1.36509895e-01 1.27904505e-01 2.16891930e-01 -1.32997856e-01 -1.97395533e-01 -9.93671864e-02 -1.33627549e-01 -2.08827123e-01 6.31480813e-02 -3.92150804e-02 1.61137253e-01 -8.99552777e-02 5.80544889e-01 6.94143996e-02 2.10101008e-02 3.69527452e-02 6.57242141e-04 -2.66659409e-01 1.43212005e-01 -1.85812086e-01 7.75502861e-01 -2.21415982e-03 2.62959831e-04 -5.78736007e-01 -3.29712182e-02 -1.29868284e-01 7.39195794e-02 -1.22609638e-01 4.66034889e-01 1.47015601e-01 6.35004789e-02 1.85929224e-01 -3.01831454e-01 -3.72875780e-01 5.25143519e-02 6.57934695e-02 -1.21271148e-01 1.44845501e-01 1.08672949e-02 4.12335545e-02 -5.54877520e-01 1.88115507e-01 -6.06368721e-01 1.01884812e-01 -2.04345122e-01 -2.43107915e-01 -1.83220342e-01 -1.70316413e-01 1.54972255e-01 -1.52134389e-01 -7.97188804e-02 -4.33299467e-02 2.93548554e-01 -1.39423490e-01 2.05181122e-01 1.06899023e-01 8.45572427e-02 -4.12417613e-02 -7.34250396e-02 -2.72753000e-01 -1.80509210e-01 1.67704612e-01 1.81725807e-02 -1.79273412e-01 -3.01153481e-01 -3.58667642e-01 2.42972150e-01 2.41680399e-01 -1.18743256e-01 2.60126851e-02 2.50690081e-03 -5.49869165e-02 2.06400305e-02 6.98869228e-02 1.52613029e-01 2.36627579e-01 -2.56687254e-01 -2.28028193e-01 -8.80277827e-02 2.28563011e-01 1.60277620e-01 4.48589057e-01 -3.80070984e-01 -2.01643273e-01 2.47258544e-01 7.15448081e-01 -3.44145656e-01 -1.85528070e-01 3.47956493e-02 1.70757249e-01 3.10060680e-01 5.00991344e-01 -3.34838212e-01 4.61197883e-01 4.08652686e-02 -6.58399463e-01 8.43201801e-02 -2.44527444e-01 1.10221073e-01 8.82603675e-02 8.37691128e-02 -2.15464324e-01 -6.88068196e-02 9.97034684e-02 5.57387888e-01 3.53564948e-01 7.86437765e-02 -2.78723329e-01 -1.64868951e-01 -1.35083631e-01 -9.81868431e-02 -9.49036330e-02 1.69173509e-01 9.50649977e-02 1.86717391e-01 -7.56405294e-02 -2.84739077e-01 9.69354212e-02 6.09647408e-02 1.61695689e-01 -3.27839315e-01 -1.55153096e-01 2.10393846e-01 -3.02996159e-01 2.10644543e-01 3.74883026e-01 3.11377525e-01 3.81018400e-01 -1.75597034e-02 -7.87867308e-02 -1.42008826e-01 -2.98531055e-01 1.42342255e-01 1.05446093e-01 -1.96546465e-01 -4.67264891e-01 -4.17126417e-02 -1.07035235e-01 1.30966946e-01 -6.08532056e-02 3.69179308e-01 -1.74315885e-01 -1.30766511e-01 -4.27513361e-01 2.19964996e-01 1.77077036e-02 -1.01870127e-01 -2.38449812e-01 -1.38997853e-01 4.43954945e-01 1.03952967e-01 2.75525987e-01 4.33938503e-01 2.91966349e-02 -2.89022941e-02 -9.76377502e-02 1.75895527e-01 1.67565178e-02 4.52684432e-01 3.31682980e-01 -1.00065380e-01 -5.33834815e-01 9.71200168e-02 1.30114764e-01 6.89615458e-02 4.58378553e-01 -4.83737960e-02 -5.67009859e-02 -4.54195030e-02 1.10994212e-01 3.16860348e-01 6.81644380e-02 2.88031369e-01 3.38362232e-02 -3.43983412e-01 -1.06969967e-01 4.16971028e-01 8.31930339e-02 -2.60739237e-01 -1.46244138e-01 1.52433097e-01 -1.57115713e-01 5.93819693e-02 6.37302279e-01 1.29960096e+00 9.48572010e-02 6.95838705e-02 -1.43917724e-01 1.34742126e-01 4.43764150e-01 -8.68693739e-03 -9.43044797e-02 -1.10187717e-01 -5.91324754e-02 1.44100025e-01 -1.79629564e-01 -3.97920562e-03 5.03672779e-01 -4.34106022e-01 7.06114396e-02 -5.81707895e-01 -2.25372612e-01 1.24735638e-01 3.63868684e-01 -6.31143600e-02 -8.42327178e-02 2.60423660e-01 2.34074548e-01 -9.64203477e-02 2.48400539e-01 -2.49001980e-01 6.23143390e-02 -5.86055368e-02 -4.56819944e-02 -1.75632745e-01 1.48018986e-01 -2.35431716e-01 2.95727015e-01 1.04564302e-01 -5.38276255e-01 -5.63605502e-02 -3.33122164e-01 -4.57313061e-01 -1.85953140e-01 -7.30556920e-02 2.60562748e-01 1.66693151e-01 -2.32261330e-01 -2.34041467e-01 -1.48600386e-02 2.34339163e-01 7.90192932e-02 1.31002665e-01 8.15701410e-02 -9.94169805e-03 -1.73616875e-02 4.33450282e-01 1.65048644e-01 4.20542657e-01 -2.73791105e-01 1.99386865e-01 8.13690200e-02 -1.85396403e-01 -2.00136513e-01 1.28286377e-01 1.80834889e-01 -1.93222612e-01 -8.66950080e-02 3.19507532e-02 -3.00728902e-02 4.61259447e-02 -3.16604860e-02 3.13268989e-01 5.52646965e-02 2.33131334e-01 -5.83635531e-02 -1.15661196e-01 -3.85731429e-01 1.67950802e-02 -1.46774307e-01 -4.76204276e-01 3.31251502e-01 -1.72397450e-01 -3.96334112e-01 -8.45192447e-02 9.19445395e-01 2.22395033e-01 -1.04032993e-01 -3.60087246e-01 -2.52662867e-01 8.80586505e-02 9.37641039e-02 -1.82451129e-01 3.38508904e-01 1.12743832e-01 4.02053982e-01 4.87230644e-02 -1.12250343e-01 -3.51728201e-01 -1.56048268e-01 -5.71966708e-01 -6.78050891e-02 2.84646124e-01 -1.21890917e-01 -2.75449067e-01 -7.44966716e-02 7.24057928e-02 2.18191966e-01 1.41826496e-01 -2.28006333e-01 -1.56124562e-01 1.41212419e-01 7.01520890e-02 1.24244459e-01 -5.31943262e-01 1.15823202e-01 1.59673035e-01 -8.35997704e-03 -9.51782838e-02 1.46729946e-01 2.38344818e-01 1.52903304e-01 1.23157851e-01 2.58026749e-01 1.31780893e-01 2.05814272e-01 -5.69285545e-03 2.36987956e-02 3.95794600e-01 2.44589016e-01 -1.90285653e-01 -2.20522527e-02 4.36479747e-01 2.30055988e-01 1.45501241e-01 3.11764091e-01 -4.61163297e-02 1.01932406e-01 -3.33419532e-01 2.31721073e-01 -1.76934928e-01 5.75491965e-01 -2.58039068e-02 -1.14991687e-01 2.08075736e-02 2.66885519e-01 -1.45393923e-01 -4.96447980e-02 -5.06225467e-01 -1.30577669e-01 -1.12027958e-01 1.96417585e-01 -1.66821882e-01 -4.25167233e-01 6.08290195e-01 2.58202761e-01 3.53901416e-01 4.63537872e-02 2.81392276e-01 -5.89030981e-02 -1.56484202e-01 -5.10104485e-02 3.39452475e-01 8.34686831e-02 3.68246704e-01 -8.88782367e-03 3.47073019e-01 -1.52786940e-01 3.44593078e-01 4.61983144e-01 2.28726909e-01 1.21321090e-01 -4.31373090e-01 4.58759703e-02 -4.60544191e-02 8.90574306e-02 -1.88613571e-02 2.47687593e-01 -5.29791117e-01 -1.79793477e-01 -1.63801536e-01 9.35361311e-02 9.81557295e-02 6.38578236e-02 1.07930861e-02 -2.58328561e-02 1.45652235e-01 -3.38772714e-01 1.41108379e-01 -4.80477139e-03 -1.67226493e-01 -2.99131066e-01 9.82102230e-02 2.69233346e-01 -3.83726865e-01 3.60865533e-01 4.49433446e-01 -1.29744142e-01 3.06655597e-02 3.63276273e-01 -1.95162326e-01 -1.30648762e-01 1.43136963e-01 5.10101140e-01 -2.58687399e-02 -4.53292280e-02 -1.18992507e-01 -1.21374736e-02 -6.43513575e-02 -1.93924919e-01 2.28475884e-01 2.93912083e-01 1.27057418e-01 1.90606445e-01 1.32856205e-01 -2.76743084e-01 -4.76966679e-01 3.35706562e-01 1.13002799e-01 1.40865194e-02 -1.52458623e-01 -1.50754675e-01 -2.99700528e-01 -2.32567582e-02 1.21520169e-01 -2.28857473e-01 -8.74462053e-02 -2.44635805e-01 -1.65043220e-01 1.96208015e-01 -1.19561270e-01 6.48164526e-02 9.81503502e-02 3.47270578e-01 1.78462379e-02 7.61370510e-02 -6.48853034e-02 -2.50359923e-01 -2.24039465e-01 1.89397037e-01 -2.17449442e-01 -4.13877785e-01 -1.08539060e-01 2.61921316e-01 -6.20651506e-02 1.59162909e-01 -8.67141336e-02 3.73108059e-01 -3.69642198e-01 -3.47133502e-02 -2.26276740e-01 1.84821516e-01 -5.45033067e-02 -1.30556464e-01 -2.49692742e-02 -4.11669090e-02 1.50408804e-01 7.26812109e-02 1.63824797e-01 8.69132951e-02 -6.14378214e-01 -1.17583410e-03 2.21891508e-01 4.98388499e-01 1.55586138e-01 1.12347372e-01 -1.77432597e-01 -6.31193668e-02 -3.77753317e-01 -1.27073273e-01 7.33201727e-02 9.70824957e-02 4.99135256e-02 -9.79415551e-02 1.55238479e-01 7.38893390e-01 1.65136635e-01 2.85318613e-01 1.57953992e-01 1.20815657e-01 2.83858366e-03 1.09092027e-01 -9.82410237e-02 -2.89916173e-02 -9.11064520e-02 4.09763426e-01 -4.23657857e-02 -4.55281138e-01 -2.00284898e-01 -1.78720936e-01 4.92036611e-01 -2.07338795e-01 -5.06730199e-01 -1.09986298e-01 7.78942481e-02 -2.47393429e-01 7.86943361e-02 -8.31368268e-02 -2.87873119e-01 -2.18337461e-01 1.07056707e-01 -3.64348799e-01 -3.32065314e-01 -2.70755887e-01 -8.66953731e-02 -1.01611204e-01 6.07390478e-02 3.07482839e-01 3.25058587e-02 -2.12026909e-01 -2.21811026e-01]
"Armed Containment Site-03" active "Item #: SCP-296 Object Class: Primary object classification: Safe, secondary object classification: Safe/Euclid/Keter Special Containment Procedures: Armed Containment Site-03 has been in the process of reconstruction since the discovery of SCP-296 in the geometric center of the destruction caused by enactment of Emergency Protocol XT-████ (refer to Document #1E-027, Addendum 1, viewable in ████████████). Re-installation of tactical thermonuclear devices in a primary perimeter between the established 100km quarantine perimeter and the exposed region of SCP-296 has also been initiated. As SCP-296 has already exhibited resilience in the face of annihilation-grade weaponry, it is suggested that the TTN devices be calibrated to deliver a high-yield, low-radius explosion so as to minimize damage to ACS-03's existing structures. All personnel, agents and researchers assigned to SCP-296 must have no criminal background, prior to and during SCP service. Any incidents approximating criminal behavior, as well as suspicions of possible criminal behavior, are to be considered disqualification for assignment to duties directly relating to SCP-296. Description: Upon examination of the blast crater occupying ACS-03's previous location, a stone channel was discovered in the crater's geometric center. The stone is of an unknown composition, and was utterly unaffected by the detonations of the fail-safe devices utilized by Emergency Protocol XT-████. It is unknown whether the structure designated SCP-296 existed prior to the annihilation of ACS-03's previous installations. However, the contents of SCP-296's interior suggest it was somehow created in the explosion. From the exterior, SCP-296's entry channel appears to simply be a set of carved, fitted stones arranged around a vertical, rectangular shaft. They extend into the ground for several feet before light simply ceases to penetrate and it enters into darkness. Initial attempts to investigate followed standard procedure using Class D personnel. Each maintained contact for a few moments before failing to report back. After several personnel were lost in this manner, robotic surveillance was initiated, and revealed the presence of an amphitheater-type structure, around which were seated fifty-six (56) figures of similar appearance. Each was roughly humanoid and made of a substance similar at first glance to ice. Thermal scans indicated a variety of temperatures, varying from figure to figure, and most did not conform to temperatures low enough to support solidification of water. Surveillance also discovered the remains of the Class D personnel. The deceased exhibited the following characteristics: Personnel A: A was found beside a figure, with cylindrical wounds extending through her skull - one each surrounding the previous location of each eye socket; one passing laterally through the skull and excising the ears and all associated organs; one excising the nose; one excising the mouth. Subject's skin had also been removed whole and rested beside the corpse, along with the cylinders of bone, flesh and viscera that have been removed from her skull, which rested atop the skin. Wounds confirmed to match those inflicted by Euclid Class SCP-███, confirmed to have been present at ACS-03 during initial installation's annihilation. Personnel B: B was found collapsed on the ground beside a second figure with what initially appeared to be total destruction of his skeletal system. Autopsy later revealed the complete liquefaction of all interior bodily systems. Damage confirmed to match those inflicted by Euclid Class SCP-███, also confirmed to have been present at ACS-03 during enactment of Emergency Protocol XT-████. Personnel C-G: Personnel C through G were found beside a third figure. All five personnel occupied roughly the same space at different angles. Still technically collectively alive, the resulting recombinant creature was quite obviously both insane and irreparably crippled and was later terminated on-site. Analysis of records pertaining to Keter Class SCP-███ indicated conformity to exposure to its exponential recombination effect. SCP-███ was also confirmed to have been contained within ACS-03 at time of annihilation. Surveillance was forcibly terminated before further information could be gathered. The final image transferred by the robot was that of the figure beside the still-active form of personnel C-G shattering and the form of SCP-███ appearing amidst its debris. 76 Class D personnel, 23 agents and 5 researchers were lost before sufficient information regarding SCP-███ could be dispatched to allow for the forced initiation of its hibernation cycle. SCP-███ has since been relocated to Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and subjected to containment in following with its original procedures. No further attempts to investigate SCP-296 have been made as of this time. Proposals for controlled systematic testing of each figure has been suggested by Dr. ██████ █████████, but have been denied on the grounds that the risk of releasing SCP-███, although its presence within the amphitheater has yet to be confirmed, is too great. Addendum 296-1: Dr. ██████ █████████ has proposed that the SCP objects lost during the destruction of ACS-03's original facility were somehow repositioned within SCP-296's interior. The reason for this is unknown, as is the cause for their apparent containment within the ice figures. The theory is supported by the remarkable similarity between the number of SCP objects thought lost to the detonation and the number of figures within SCP-296; however, the inexplicable fifty-sixth figure poses the significant possibility of a threat. Further investigation is postponed. Addendum 296-2: Dr. ██████ █████████ was discovered emerging from within the interior of SCP-296 on ██/██/200█. She was immediately apprehended and subjected to questioning, upon which several facts were made clear. Dr. ██████ █████████ had, against policy, falsified entry documents and passed the security checkpoints necessary to investigate SCP-296's interior. Upon her entry, she reported she had an instant of feeling psychically violated, followed by immediate unconsciousness. When she awoke, she claims one of the figures contacted her telepathically. She could not identify which one at that time, as there was no corresponding visible stimuli, but she insists it is the fifty-sixth figure - the additional figure not corresponding to an SCP object previously stored within ACS-03. The figure communicated that it was known, in our language, as "Judgment." The Class D personnel initially admitted to its interior were found, as Dr. ██████ █████████ put it, "guilty," and were summarily executed by way of utilization of the SCP objects contained within the figures. It equated the figures to jail cells, and implied the release of SCP-███ was analogous to early release for good behavior. She related that "Judgment" will allow innocent personnel entry to the interior of SCP-296, but that it would be responsible for ultimate assignment of guilt - or lack of guilt - of the personnel itself. Addendum 296-3: Communications between Dr. ██████ █████████'s research team and "Judgment" have revealed new information regarding the figures within SCP-296. They have compiled a list of the SCP objects contained within SCP-296's figures - identical to ACS-03's original contents - as well as a "map" of the figures and their correlating objects. "Judgment" has also supplied a number for each figure which he states corresponds to the number of "services" it must perform before release. It is assumed that the services to which "Judgment" refers are executions. As there is no way to know whether the information provided is accurate besides expending enough personnel to release the concerned object, further testing has been halted pending other possible detection methods. It is to be noted that SCP-███'s tally is quite low. All personnel are to be reminded that under no circumstances are any personnel with suspected criminal behavioral patterns, past or present, to be allowed access to SCP-296. Failure to adhere to this directive will result in termination for all parties involved. SCP-███ cannot be allowed to be released. « SCP-295 | SCP-296 | SCP-297 »" nan
[ 2.71095801e-02 -1.61092535e-01 -1.31626174e-01 5.05437315e-01 8.67867768e-02 -2.46558294e-01 3.11216891e-01 -8.73075873e-02 2.91851401e-01 2.24705547e-01 -2.11260647e-01 2.35793531e-01 -2.10001960e-01 3.06208711e-02 2.81074103e-02 3.79661381e-01 -1.74692795e-01 -1.07095309e-01 3.86973917e-02 -6.70697987e-02 -3.38440597e-01 -1.94089785e-02 -2.09875926e-01 1.06954232e-01 -2.05809593e-01 1.37650684e-01 1.37640750e-02 5.36084250e-02 -4.45571393e-02 -4.72418547e-01 1.22399524e-01 -1.04899004e-01 -1.46211803e-01 4.52108324e-01 -1.06543070e-04 -4.01023254e-02 -9.19252709e-02 -9.70279574e-02 -3.36730599e-01 3.87076378e-01 -7.41552263e-02 -1.19374499e-01 -1.31265983e-01 -3.16562086e-01 5.33228740e-02 5.68156019e-02 -4.40640263e-02 -1.45691723e-01 1.30088240e-01 -5.03514707e-02 1.85970575e-01 8.10865164e-02 -1.10849902e-01 1.15666941e-01 -8.49847198e-02 -1.55406430e-01 -1.79651171e-01 -3.86627495e-01 1.31068200e-01 2.86700308e-01 4.67690021e-01 1.08006038e-01 -2.05232680e-01 2.52583250e-02 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2.24656329e-01 -2.75494158e-01 1.22528091e-01 -8.89877304e-02 1.86362535e-01 -1.95683520e-02 2.29650080e-01 -1.70215443e-01 1.66401379e-02 3.00714463e-01 3.22203100e-01 1.06608793e-01 6.64394855e-01 -1.51087821e-01 2.62167305e-01 2.82126129e-01 -1.44669294e-01 -5.06193116e-02 2.05793977e-01 3.82632703e-01 -2.51426280e-01 -3.69822621e-01 1.88852772e-01 1.46556377e-01 -7.78064430e-02 -1.28868029e-01 8.49776343e-02 -2.07995949e-03 -1.28413439e-01 2.42858425e-01 1.40319467e-01 -2.12608933e-01 -5.61404347e-01 3.87394071e-01 5.08908592e-02 1.08102277e-01 5.33404090e-02 -4.04493779e-01 -1.53851673e-01 1.81384549e-01 1.85343653e-01 -1.04979001e-01 -6.13923371e-01 -2.54002869e-01 -1.71886876e-01 3.29409540e-01 -2.36566946e-01 8.95400420e-02 -1.21163219e-01 2.97956735e-01 8.66100565e-02 1.19246081e-01 6.62494600e-02 -4.56950039e-01 -4.65623587e-01 2.37597093e-01 1.71842262e-01 -4.19736713e-01 -9.86551195e-02 2.40695238e-01 2.14197695e-01 -3.79516021e-03 1.23248443e-01 2.25900188e-01 -7.09891394e-02 -1.16648816e-01 -5.38439512e-01 1.37254283e-01 2.97889143e-01 -8.89128000e-02 -1.89286053e-01 -1.66265905e-01 -3.22180018e-02 -1.36413751e-02 2.07512289e-01 1.18794382e-01 -2.15602726e-01 -1.05268575e-01 3.64725381e-01 1.67215094e-01 -2.28891317e-02 2.80387640e-01 -2.28063509e-01 -3.37439209e-01 3.25112380e-02 9.39545780e-02 9.73565802e-02 1.74358830e-01 9.58906785e-02 -5.14731780e-02 2.31944680e-01 3.74621332e-01 2.57806331e-01 1.50288418e-01 5.10052182e-02 2.55532891e-01 -3.36153328e-01 2.47787684e-02 -1.72941223e-01 1.24443397e-01 2.10274896e-03 1.31641015e-01 6.44598827e-02 -2.54224509e-01 -1.09200671e-01 -1.50338933e-01 4.33748841e-01 2.68118382e-01 -2.11180314e-01 -2.29455791e-02 2.40353897e-01 -1.19628176e-01 1.93637967e-01 -2.35114127e-01 -3.51871878e-01 2.26640366e-02 -1.41003504e-01 -5.97193718e-01 -1.05064832e-01 -1.11160152e-01 -2.42434829e-01 -9.77216884e-02 3.17198247e-01 3.31615321e-02 3.17271538e-02 -4.95049804e-01 -2.39265654e-02]
""Steely Dan"" active "Item #: SCP-297 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-297 is to be kept in a standard lockbox at Site 19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times, according to standard operating procedure. Personnel wishing to utilize SCP-297 for experimental or field purposes must fill out a Form-32 and submit it to the head of Research and Containment. Description: SCP-297 is a transparent plastic vibrator, approximately 30 cm in length, 5 cm in width. Examination has determined that the internal structure has been heavily altered, and that the standard 6 V power supply has been converted into what appears to be a micronized nuclear reactor powered by a small quantity of plutonium. In addition, the standard power/intensity controls have been altered from the normal on/off switch with secondary intensity dial, to a single five-stage selector switch. The bottom four intensity levels (off, low, medium, high) appear to be within normal parameters for such a device, and can be used safely for such purposes if so desired. When turned to the highest intensity setting (labeled "suicide"), SCP-297's vibration frequency swiftly increases to upwards of 200,000 kHz. If the upper portion of the device is touched to any solid material, SCP-297 will change frequency to one that causes a positive harmonic feedback loop in the object, causing the object to lose cohesion within sixty seconds of continual contact. This invariably kills organisms that it is exposed to. Experimentation has determined that SCP-297 can disintegrate a 1 meter cube of concrete into powder within ten seconds. The time required for other objects varies, based on the density and harmonic properties of the material. Due to the similarities between the effects of SCP-297 and SCP-1012, investigation into whether both effects are variations of the same phenomena are ongoing. Addendum: Circumstances of Retrieval: SCP-297 was retrieved from the third basement of the parking structure of a thirty-story apartment building in Los Angeles, California, on ██-██-████. According to eyewitnesses, the device bored a vertical hole through the entire building's northwestern corner, starting from the 30th floor and proceeding, floor by floor, through the entire structure, until a maintenance worker neutralized the device by turning it off. All witnesses were detained and administered Class A amnestics, and the device was retrieved by Foundation personnel. A large quantity of organic slurry (later identified as a liquefied human body) was found on the thirtieth floor, at the upper limit of the damage. For a list of all works by this author, click here. « SCP-296 | SCP-297 | SCP-298 »" nan
[ 2.14393005e-01 -4.96739537e-01 -1.34175554e-01 -6.09774068e-02 1.03261873e-01 -2.59938806e-01 2.84889430e-01 -5.02462797e-02 -5.99796744e-03 2.39991337e-01 -3.77083942e-02 4.97768253e-01 -4.72944945e-01 6.93859309e-02 2.13748232e-01 1.50955647e-01 7.45165199e-02 2.37929657e-01 -1.28216177e-01 -1.37233406e-01 1.08061358e-02 -2.37453505e-01 -3.00217450e-01 2.82593250e-01 1.03878975e-01 9.79860201e-02 3.04975092e-01 3.03445160e-01 8.78291354e-02 -4.21254933e-01 3.18566173e-01 3.11807603e-01 2.48706397e-02 5.49896240e-01 -1.11374218e-04 -1.86119244e-01 2.91190714e-01 7.10888803e-02 -2.50055850e-01 3.90180379e-01 -5.61028123e-01 -6.91693947e-02 -1.86279237e-01 -6.72119260e-02 1.40168473e-01 1.21889830e-01 -1.64535001e-01 -9.67513211e-03 4.86532778e-01 1.04851320e-01 1.39249176e-01 1.61498100e-01 3.17845672e-01 -1.48099348e-01 -1.20174319e-01 1.57120854e-01 -2.64483899e-01 2.42473874e-02 3.08118522e-01 2.53980458e-01 1.82105958e-01 -3.25596854e-02 -2.45697126e-01 4.27250192e-02 3.55882347e-01 -2.02086121e-01 1.09110117e-01 1.25386536e-01 4.22214925e-01 4.70883131e-01 -1.52054399e-01 2.31018141e-02 1.62538707e-01 -1.24145001e-01 -2.02295184e-01 -4.08570290e-01 -9.21597108e-02 3.54924053e-02 -3.05062890e-01 -1.14659183e-02 -1.64257601e-01 1.49173528e-01 -2.20550001e-01 -1.46977693e-01 -1.71873435e-01 1.23603702e-01 -1.78290576e-01 6.13679131e-03 2.58331686e-01 -2.03428701e-01 -2.03414530e-01 1.15930364e-02 3.02748859e-01 8.70077964e-03 1.21824458e-01 -5.33137582e-02 1.21557243e-01 -5.08685529e-01 4.91993278e-01 -1.90595351e-02 1.52385488e-01 2.33145937e-01 -4.54492345e-02 1.35011822e-01 -5.96249886e-02 9.76037085e-02 -1.05790026e-01 -1.08951472e-01 -2.93359458e-01 5.11657536e-01 4.07871641e-02 3.64270061e-01 -1.92147285e-01 2.76387930e-01 3.03187788e-01 -9.14680436e-02 1.11279063e-01 -2.36418545e-02 -2.62132496e-01 2.95657963e-01 -4.43498135e-01 1.11806303e-01 -1.62747622e-01 3.64957601e-01 5.73177934e-01 2.48080999e-01 -3.76564741e-01 -1.32681549e-01 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1.76945314e-01 3.86085838e-01 3.56226802e-01 2.52958257e-02 2.58814633e-01 2.13311702e-01 7.95391947e-02 3.67049277e-02 4.14805621e-01 1.20052949e-01 -7.04726651e-02 2.29401160e-02 -7.57384300e-02 3.57275456e-01 4.11456704e-01 -2.03335762e-01 5.70822582e-02 2.39472702e-01 -2.68193334e-01 -9.74727646e-02 2.17035711e-01 2.94281114e-02 2.04106912e-01 -4.23487842e-01 -9.19477120e-02 -8.75889957e-02 2.17530787e-01 1.25815487e-02 -2.05832675e-01 -3.67469072e-01 -1.32318437e-01 -3.67274173e-02 2.13938504e-01 -2.43568897e-01 -1.45993337e-01 -1.08600952e-01 1.04691163e-01 1.85690984e-01 2.82339728e-03 4.84277904e-02 3.31253141e-01 2.57039685e-02 -1.16789021e-01 -1.41704917e-01 2.57425904e-01 1.67531937e-01 3.31919461e-01 1.41309172e-01 2.73326844e-01 3.66075724e-01 3.57353419e-01 3.72257411e-01 1.58533186e-01 -1.57310575e-01 3.53537232e-01 -1.43473655e-01 7.11164949e-03 -1.31169287e-02 7.58006155e-01 -4.90388796e-02 -2.30450436e-01 -1.15351424e-01 -1.78430617e-01 1.97431922e-01 -1.18583314e-01 3.40799578e-02 -1.98373631e-01 -5.98185241e-01 -1.09338135e-01 4.83153500e-02 -1.44525558e-01 8.42009485e-02 -9.54712108e-02 -3.25644910e-02 5.29108159e-02 2.01768041e-01 -4.84842621e-02 1.15531646e-01 -1.00040719e-01 -9.13999602e-02 6.80982471e-01 1.61292493e-01 -1.62184816e-02 -1.68802902e-01 3.87829334e-01 -1.31420568e-01 -5.23134112e-01 1.46550372e-01 1.98629666e-02 -3.11928183e-01 -1.38450012e-01 1.33087873e-01 9.14464667e-02 -1.11295767e-01 -1.32531405e-03 9.26322043e-02 -2.33828291e-01 -8.84586200e-02 4.48707283e-01 5.25969684e-01 -4.79591526e-02 2.71580890e-02 -3.91185254e-01 -4.12922204e-02 1.31557323e-03 1.79082423e-01 -5.28063327e-02 1.00615963e-01 4.83566597e-02 -2.33166628e-02 1.79524273e-01 -7.62564391e-02 8.24105144e-02 -2.14702427e-01 2.35290602e-01 -1.69630229e-01 4.74812567e-01 -4.14878018e-02 8.51207078e-02 -2.34723076e-01 -2.52663321e-03 5.06176837e-02 -3.51340234e-01 -2.05851629e-01 1.60572216e-01 1.82199031e-01 5.01150072e-01 -9.52937361e-03 1.86457276e-01 2.94108272e-01 1.25879318e-01 -1.74911335e-01 9.24629942e-02 5.54215014e-01 -2.30514988e-01 1.29691228e-01 -3.76020253e-01 8.03877190e-02 -3.68436426e-01 2.18345687e-01 1.83080912e-01 -2.74522245e-01 -2.36122310e-01 4.00987476e-01 1.73163667e-01 -1.02582797e-01 2.48975188e-01 -7.93322027e-02 -3.84426057e-01 1.93135180e-02 2.96572030e-01 -7.03540146e-02 -1.09868698e-01 -6.32384866e-02 2.65004691e-02 1.31526217e-01 6.49868250e-01 1.04628779e-01 -1.22003123e-01 7.89647829e-03 1.97365642e-01 -5.64159691e-01 3.86884734e-02 -1.01945028e-01 6.42067641e-02 1.29437685e-01 3.83450910e-02 -8.28925893e-03 -9.64425579e-02 -2.37692535e-01 -2.02982202e-02 6.45025790e-01 1.35770753e-01 -3.20929050e-01 -1.54148176e-01 -7.04069212e-02 -5.92089631e-02 -1.49607837e-01 -4.25504506e-01 -7.05372170e-02 -2.30106384e-01 -4.19848189e-02 -3.32377881e-01 1.42715443e-02 -5.43654934e-02 -2.88266718e-01 -3.29477503e-03 3.95363361e-01 1.55351445e-01 -1.11957140e-01 -3.25324118e-01 -1.40044484e-02]
"The Blood Organ" active "Item #: SCP-298 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-298 is to remain disassembled at all times when experimentation is not being performed. As per standard protocol, each piece of SCP-298 has been stamped with an individualized serial number and radio transmitter. Due to SCP-298's effect on replacement parts, requests to replace original components of SCP-298 must receive special approval. Description: SCP-298 is a chamber organ of indeterminate manufacture. It is believed to have been created sometime in the 1400s, in the then Holy Roman Empire. As per all pipe organs created before 1450, it has no stop controls. It is unknown if SCP-298 has possessed the unexplained physical effects from playing it for the duration of its existence, or if an unknown event altered it at some time in the past. When played, SCP-298 induces the blood within human subjects to slowly expel itself from the subjects' bodies while simultaneously assuming the consistency of fibrous matter such as cellulose. SCP-298 has not been observed to affect the blood of subjects standing within a semi-circular arc of thirty (30) degrees with a radius of two (2) meters behind the keyboard of the organ. While this effect is taking place, surviving subjects report being paralyzed by a tremendous physical force. The effect of SCP-298 only lasts while the organ is being played. These effects prove fatal in most cases, correlated closely with the duration that SCP-298 is played. Those affected by SCP-298 show symptoms of shock consistent with blood loss or hypertension. It has been determined that the mechanism of effect of SCP-298 is purely sonic in nature. Though in physical proximity to SCP-298 while it was being played, subjects placed within a soundproofed chamber were completely unaffected by the device. Experimentation with active noise control has not yet been able to completely neutralize the effect of SCP-298. The most advanced noise control systems have reduced the effects to limited hypertension as well as feelings of intense pain and pressure as reported by experimental subjects. High-fidelity recordings of the tones emitted by SCP-298 do not replicate the effects of SCP-298. It appears there is an additional sonic component of the SCP which has not yet been discovered which provides for the physical transformation of the blood. Examination of the physical, chemical, and elemental composition of the altered blood has yielded some data. The blood expelled from the body retains its ability to absorb oxygen. In an oxygen-deprived environment, the blood assumes a dark brown color. In a vacuum environment, the hemoglobin deoxygenates, and assumes a purple color. Upon introduction of sufficient oxygen, the color change to bright red is nearly instantaneous. These effects are entirely consistent with the chemical properties of normal blood. Further analytic chemistry has, for the most part, been able to determine that the altered blood is identical to regular blood in terms of its chemistry. In terms of physical properties, however, blood affected by SCP-298 is a completely different material. It possesses extraordinary elastic properties. Stress experiments to date have not yet reached the yield limit. None of the observed deformations of the altered blood material displayed any degree of inelasticity. It has required an extraordinary amount of force to cause the tendrils of altered blood material to break. The greatest successes in this area have been achieved by actions altering the chemical composition of the blood (e.g. such as burning). Blood affected by SCP-298 will remain at a temperature of near 38°C (100°F) for the duration of the phenomena. Further changes to physical properties are inconsistent and appear to be somewhat related to the specific audible tones emitted by SCP-298. The changes are not permanent — if the organ has not been played for 47 seconds, any altered blood returns to a liquid state. The appearance that the altered blood takes once it expels itself from the body has been likened to leafless trees. Placing components of SCP-298 in other organs such that they become a working piece of the other organ will cause this organ to generate effects related to SCP-298. Though not as dramatic a physical transformation, affected organs have been able to generate spontaneous bleeding in test subjects as well as increased viscosity in blood. This generally includes the player as well. Over time, some of the original components of SCP-298 have required maintenance and replacement. Replacement of individual components with suitable replications do not seem to affect the functioning of the mechanism as a whole. Though this effect is not immediately observed in the replacement parts, over time these parts acquire the ability to generate effects when played in organs otherwise unrelated to SCP-298. SCP-298 will affect blood drawn from humans before they are exposed to its effects so long as such blood is near human body temperature. As such, further research with human subjects is to be suspended. Further tests into the physical properties of the altered blood can be continued with blood harvested from volunteers. Addenda: 298a: The pieces of SCP-298 are not to be destroyed. Further research into the extraphysical mechanism behind the sudden change in the physical properties of the blood of humans must be undertaken. The benefit of being able to replicate the mechanism of the transformation of the physical properties of common substances could revolutionize industry and construction. 298b: No. The pending request to use the Foundation's sensitive interferometer on research with 298 has been denied. While I do not wish to denigrate the research wing of our group, I really think you guys need to glance at the bottom line of some of the things you request. 298 is just not important enough to warrant the expense. O5-██ « SCP-297 | SCP-298 | SCP-299 »" nan
[ 1.04459740e-01 -2.70808011e-01 -6.13863720e-03 -7.93000236e-02 -8.25682208e-02 -1.31627187e-01 1.94380581e-01 -9.82286129e-03 -3.42590004e-01 3.45460236e-01 8.83938298e-02 1.11245401e-01 -1.66965157e-01 -1.79300949e-01 2.94246405e-01 8.74516219e-02 2.09253669e-01 2.88294673e-01 -4.41072136e-02 -2.83463657e-01 -8.33152086e-02 -9.92161185e-02 -3.91769350e-01 1.68172494e-01 1.49146214e-01 5.77280745e-02 1.13148913e-01 2.30464935e-01 -3.59417915e-01 -2.33104885e-01 1.00003118e-02 2.57801712e-01 -4.13358472e-02 5.29118180e-01 -1.17571057e-04 -3.02078962e-01 1.29852265e-01 -1.04426146e-02 -3.37291449e-01 2.18308583e-01 -4.39377487e-01 1.40508951e-03 -7.65400603e-02 -2.88784474e-01 1.51183560e-01 1.38883263e-01 -1.55063182e-01 -9.56533477e-02 -1.01219177e-01 1.65173188e-01 1.33899331e-01 2.01522902e-01 -1.16084397e-01 -1.53736636e-01 5.78833580e-01 1.71409190e-01 -1.83120936e-01 -1.92805111e-01 4.56579179e-01 1.70662835e-01 -1.20046334e-02 -2.60601677e-02 -2.32597694e-01 -4.46056165e-02 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1.21959662e-02 2.41506949e-01 8.23564157e-02 -1.56016396e-02 1.43889904e-01 4.08420712e-02 7.20867142e-02 1.08747944e-01 1.70927897e-01 -1.57430261e-01 -9.63920206e-02 2.84856409e-01 3.20401132e-01 1.98765576e-01 6.46827817e-02 1.97793975e-01 -1.65910676e-01 1.05774246e-01 2.19920948e-01 -7.55331293e-02 1.98034748e-01 -4.23176855e-01 1.53159991e-01 -8.23999792e-02 2.59830087e-01 2.62237638e-02 -2.37704784e-01 -3.72312069e-01 -2.41373375e-01 6.35024859e-03 1.22609884e-01 -6.49397969e-02 -2.59548634e-01 4.87522393e-01 -1.03449084e-01 4.28766102e-01 -4.42915447e-02 1.44400507e-01 -3.13110054e-02 4.25414853e-02 -1.46883756e-01 -9.73908976e-02 7.75616542e-02 -5.35700209e-02 2.20183626e-01 4.35317516e-01 1.69409104e-02 7.46128559e-01 7.98716322e-02 3.12399060e-01 3.47152799e-01 -3.00735742e-01 1.18133947e-01 -1.50577933e-01 6.84300587e-02 1.99041646e-02 8.53065178e-02 -3.28607321e-01 9.93444175e-02 -1.97372600e-01 -2.79102176e-01 2.65325814e-01 8.23272467e-02 -5.56684099e-02 -8.89937803e-02 -2.79745430e-01 -3.38712424e-01 -5.19933291e-02 4.22461241e-01 -1.29028773e-02 -5.98389171e-02 1.27636924e-01 2.35704452e-01 -2.38252908e-01 3.48117471e-01 3.16535652e-01 -2.84144104e-01 -3.01504955e-02 3.11300486e-01 2.20394239e-01 1.42054915e-01 3.81033361e-01 2.56953657e-01 1.23976663e-01 -3.64411622e-01 9.40190405e-02 -5.24547100e-02 -3.72262038e-02 3.24939564e-03 2.43313680e-03 4.56465662e-01 1.37984216e-01 1.20722537e-03 1.60197318e-01 -2.26285055e-01 -6.05607033e-01 2.84516454e-01 -2.90436655e-01 1.63784474e-02 -2.81098615e-02 -6.00141510e-02 2.65020393e-02 -8.75388235e-02 -5.53326607e-02 -2.47693639e-02 2.50059515e-01 5.36352284e-02 3.13574150e-02 2.34241411e-01 9.91902798e-02 6.42956793e-02 6.58464283e-02 1.75719023e-01 -6.25770912e-02 9.44168940e-02 3.02710682e-02 -4.65417325e-01 -3.27587128e-01 1.35004316e-02 -1.76321134e-01 -3.59147698e-01 2.35048890e-01 2.97882408e-01 3.88509989e-01 2.82878697e-01 -1.84467420e-01 -1.44117668e-01 -1.02662712e-01 1.62471905e-01 -1.22480392e-01 2.02551112e-01 4.20090437e-01 2.77525298e-02 -7.67294094e-02 -3.16843867e-01 6.88787326e-02 3.20769340e-01 8.28254744e-02 1.90525472e-01 -1.92747042e-01 -2.09634542e-01 -7.75038674e-02 -2.01180559e-02 1.28001720e-01 3.47617656e-01 -3.40397149e-01 -2.23203883e-01 -9.66741471e-04 2.48619765e-01 -2.02314481e-01 -6.04867004e-02 -1.39518797e-01 1.65495247e-01 3.85305822e-01 1.16442889e-01 1.78685486e-01 -2.66117573e-01 -1.93014279e-01 2.53949404e-01 -1.53567478e-01 5.05976528e-02 2.96422690e-01 3.44536394e-01 -2.10767761e-02 1.71614692e-01 -8.19079354e-02 1.01867862e-01 -3.35188866e-01 8.60090740e-03 5.54197729e-01 -2.76563764e-01 -1.47285968e-01 -1.18178196e-01 3.66543025e-01 -1.80898517e-01 -2.62378722e-01 -3.12503606e-01 -2.49564424e-01 -5.67647815e-02 6.56760558e-02 -1.26061946e-01 9.06211138e-03 -3.36015165e-01 -2.70385921e-01 3.80170206e-03 4.58149701e-01 1.71611205e-01 -1.66419670e-01 -1.09684996e-01 -3.82399261e-02]
"Infectious Tree" active "Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: A 200-metre-wide forest of SCP-299 is to be contained in an underground biodome (Area-299) in the [REDACTED] desert. All other specimens encountered are to be incinerated. No plant life is to come into contact with SCP-299 outside of controlled testing. Areas infested by SCP-299 should be considered class-8 hazard zones, firebombed immediately, and monitored for four (4) weeks. Any further infestation is to be incinerated, as well as all wildlife present on the site. Description: SCP-299 is an arboriform organism characterised by black, sharp-pointed branches. Closer inspection reveals that each instance of SCP-299 is connected to neighbouring trees by its roots. Prolonged contact converts these neighboring trees into another instance of SCP-299; this is SCP-299's only known method of reproduction. Addendum 299-1: SCP-299 infection will result from prolonged contact with any material from SCP-299. Conversion time varies by the size of the infectee. Generally, after a few minutes of exposure, the infected plant begins to shed its leaves. Low branches shift downward to a height of 30 to 100 centimetres and taper to a point. High branches retain leaves and shift toward the top of the tree, forming a dense canopy and making overhead identification impossible. Addendum 299-2: Microscopic analysis of low branches reveals that these points are composed of the same material as the rest of infected plant, and are remarkably sharp. Direct contact with the point of a branch from SCP-299 is unadvised, as even a sliver of SCP-299 material embedded in skin is known to produce disastrous results (see Experiment Log 299-1). Vine-like tendrils grow upward from the roots of SCP-299, reaching heights of up to two (2) metres. These tendrils are prehensile and elastic; organic objects entering close proximity are violently seized, impaled upon the lower branches, and incorporated into the organism via gradual conversion on the molecular level. Specimens of SCP-299 release chemicals known to spread throughout the immediate area and cause heightened paranoia and aggression in most animals, including humans. Under the influence of these chemicals, groups of people tend to split up and wander the forest alone, making them more likely to pass through an infested area. Addendum 299-3: Examination of material harvested from SCP-299 reveals that the 'wood' is brittle and similar in composition to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A single cell of SCP-299 will retain its infectious nature and is capable of re-configuring an entire organism upon introduction. Experiment Log-299-1 Item: Maple seedling (Acer saccharum) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record: A sample of matter from SCP-299 is introduced to seedling. Over forty-five (45) minutes, the seedling is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and approximate size. Seedling incinerated. Item: Oak tree (Quercus alba) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record Oak tree transplanted into containment area of SCP-299. Over three (3) hours, the tree is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and approximate size. Matter taken from new specimen is consistent with matter from neighbouring specimens. Item: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record: A sample of matter from SCP-299 is introduced to sunflower. Over ten (10) minutes, the plant is completely converted into a specimen of SCP-299, retaining its height and size. The flower petals have blackened and tapered into spikes, consistent with SCP-299 spike branches. Tendrils are frail and incapable of grasping large objects. Specimen's trunk snapped upon introduction of researcher's foot. Remains incinerated. Item: European Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera), confined to pot and growing upward along a trellis. (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record: Sample of matter from SCP-299 introduced to grape vine. Subject converted within thirty (30) minutes. Subject detached from trellis and adopted prehensile nature of SCP-299 tendrils. Spike protrudes from rooted area. Item: Results of previous experiment, pig (Sus domestica) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record: Pig introduced to testing area. Subject showed signs of agitation. Upon investigation of SCP-299, subject was violently seized and constricted, eventually suffocating before impalement upon a spike. Specimen was left in containment and observed for 3 days. Over that time, the mass of pig and tendril tissues were integrated into the main vine. Spikes grew from its base, the roots extended and tendrils grew from them, and branches grew from the top of the tree, sprouting buds and leaves. Specimen was incinerated. Notes: SCP-299 appears to not be limited to trees. Infected plants seem to react slightly differently, depending on their unique biology. All specimens, however, eventually become SCP-299 'trees' if given time to grow and change form. Item: Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record [DATA EXPUNGED] Addendum 299-4 O5 Command has requested that researchers refrain from experimentation with carnivorous plants. Item: Pig (Sus domestica) (x1) Researcher: Dr. ██████ Test Record Matter from SCP-299 injected into pig. Pig began squealing and moving uncontrollably, until it fell to the ground and convulsed. Upon expiration, fine rootlike hairs were observed to grow from the underside of the pig; the flesh of the pig underwent a transformation into SCP-299 material starting from point of injection. After two (2) hours, the pig was observed to have become another instance of SCP-299, complete with tendrils and leaves. Subject incinerated. Addendum 299-5: As of ██/██/20██, the trees in Area-299 have begun deviating from the standard form of SCP-299, with several growing what appears to be white flowers up to two (2) meters from ground level. Following standard protocol, D-class personnel were sent in to determine if the new mutation was dangerous. Upon approaching the flowers, the petals unfurled into highly mobile tendrils which immediately ensnared the head of one of the D-Class before pulling him back to the tree. All personnel were immediately removed from the area and placed in a 48-hour quarantine. Subject was observed emerging from the treeline approximately five (5) hours after being ensnared, apparently unharmed. Subject was then put in a separate 48-hour quarantine in accordance to protocol. Subject protested vocally against the quarantine, stating that he "had to see the sun". Ten (10) hours into the quarantine subject spontaneously lost consciousness and several branches of SCP-299 began growing from subject's head and torso. Subject was terminated and then incinerated along with the growths. Changes to the containment protocol to respond to this development are under review. « SCP-298 | SCP-299 | SCP-300 »" nan
[ 1.00745797e-01 -3.27951401e-01 -1.12929448e-01 -1.67712895e-03 8.79664272e-02 -4.85743582e-01 -5.07962890e-02 -7.22095668e-02 -1.39773831e-01 1.62430763e-01 7.41522834e-02 4.11336094e-01 -2.47114658e-01 2.09621489e-01 -1.06194898e-01 1.87772080e-01 3.71882208e-02 -3.74158248e-02 -2.27809474e-02 -1.23019494e-01 -9.56183746e-02 1.22957550e-01 1.33138612e-01 1.15433246e-01 -4.64115769e-01 -4.74689566e-02 -7.98362568e-02 2.95063585e-01 -1.65258925e-02 -5.00439167e-01 4.30221297e-02 -2.42780428e-02 2.76394367e-01 5.44995129e-01 -1.07946791e-04 -8.33257567e-03 5.36274053e-02 1.20198078e-01 -3.83300692e-01 2.62453645e-01 -2.99723819e-02 6.24283329e-02 2.18336254e-01 -4.80171740e-01 -1.09679110e-01 2.33450174e-01 1.18066616e-01 3.11452020e-02 5.35348892e-01 3.04772437e-01 2.05717206e-01 -2.62758225e-01 1.71205372e-01 9.42757875e-02 1.41517594e-01 4.51800555e-01 -5.21163456e-02 1.36069551e-01 3.06263179e-01 1.71541214e-01 -4.23041359e-02 -3.32065552e-01 3.99792828e-02 -2.28078455e-01 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2.33499840e-01 1.16506577e-01 4.50954437e-02 -3.12189221e-01 -3.86714160e-01 1.55761257e-01 -2.11478367e-01 2.46593162e-01 9.70500559e-02 3.59956235e-01 1.44989103e-01 -8.14077556e-02 3.44759412e-02 -5.35218678e-02 2.73406692e-02 1.80492565e-01 1.79237604e-01 1.23072855e-01 3.78498673e-01 5.38007259e-01 3.03654939e-01 2.33111650e-01 2.02062190e-01 -2.99764723e-01 -4.88903403e-01 -7.52889588e-02 -6.31177053e-02 -3.45998853e-01 3.39023441e-01 3.28279845e-02 -2.83794403e-01 1.00652855e-02 1.79852813e-01 1.37157850e-02 -1.56717524e-01 -1.08180411e-01 8.65309387e-02 -1.00553147e-01 8.56002644e-02 -1.29187703e-02 4.19116884e-01 -1.82864256e-02 1.65646076e-01 -3.40929955e-01 2.11019933e-01 -1.62633404e-01 1.43798947e-01 5.87179177e-02 1.56687483e-01 2.50132591e-01 -5.02431951e-02 2.05643222e-01 6.73137009e-02 -2.86979496e-01 -4.01059091e-02 1.79137677e-01 -4.97763790e-02 1.05517149e-01 1.23788424e-01 -1.63005248e-01 -6.03878200e-01 2.29428872e-01 -5.77857316e-01 -1.38887733e-01 6.68953657e-02 -1.90431354e-04 -2.29391381e-01 6.38084635e-02 -1.21837266e-01 -1.46573722e-01 -9.63874310e-02 1.25342712e-01 3.25693816e-01 9.86055005e-03 5.44518411e-01 6.87825754e-02 3.22231323e-01 2.55252272e-01 -9.21183228e-02 1.36629492e-01 -2.34992966e-01 -3.43366973e-02 3.70104723e-02 -1.88404411e-01 -2.49564081e-01 -9.84427482e-02 -1.40369505e-01 6.00220822e-03 -3.33114743e-01 -2.28197455e-01 1.39620736e-01 4.92198169e-01 -1.16722491e-02 -3.54333550e-01 2.05151901e-01 5.68577759e-02 -2.60094017e-01 3.95484082e-02 -1.32738769e-01 1.77538842e-01 2.23154977e-01 1.10611781e-01 -9.85389352e-02 3.13809007e-01 2.41941586e-01 9.33671817e-02 -1.85877010e-01 6.68466911e-02 3.15625742e-02 8.67657736e-02 7.14016706e-02 3.16112846e-01 -1.24532841e-01 6.00218654e-01 -7.76800364e-02 -5.00066102e-01 3.66852373e-01 -2.13735532e-02 -1.46915376e-01 1.21942093e-03 -5.16469777e-01 -2.41168886e-01 -1.52672783e-01 -1.56027734e-01 3.12587380e-01 1.61369845e-01 -1.92414209e-01 -5.37811697e-01 9.73746777e-02 -6.56345263e-02 1.92289144e-01 5.09202806e-03 -1.21428065e-01 1.97671697e-01 -8.21020901e-01 4.58983220e-02 -2.92614907e-01 4.26141731e-02 4.07671332e-02 1.28368974e-01 -1.64878517e-01 -6.33811206e-02 3.08210760e-01 -4.05738443e-01 1.41480371e-01 3.02165896e-01 4.78655517e-01 3.03975284e-01 -5.07932119e-02 -5.53839132e-02 -1.63702384e-01 -1.81722715e-01 5.01707196e-01 3.86446267e-01 -6.89383626e-01 -1.25939623e-01 -7.02910274e-02 2.59246975e-01 2.78898496e-02 3.42425220e-02 3.18531275e-01 -1.62382826e-01 -4.10603046e-01 -2.86813319e-01 1.95498496e-01 3.65488946e-01 5.67150265e-02 8.40729177e-02 1.50041692e-02 2.40348633e-02 -1.90576236e-03 1.80668443e-01 -8.75445642e-03 -1.46267936e-01 -5.78836314e-02 -2.92083710e-01 2.87598014e-01 2.35542148e-01 1.26972288e-01 5.39420068e-01 -3.38758409e-01 -3.35038424e-01 5.13670333e-02 -1.64242744e-01 3.56425256e-01 4.39615369e-01 1.17193341e-01 -1.60437852e-01 -1.15399778e-01 -7.37479255e-02 -7.53632979e-03 -1.02486148e-01 3.87676150e-01 5.45007661e-02 4.82177325e-02 1.49800315e-01 4.33440089e-01 9.79662538e-02 -2.93504715e-01 -4.02403682e-01 1.92388803e-01 -2.72722751e-01 2.55340546e-01 4.33323056e-01 1.11797190e+00 2.35513240e-01 -2.44426867e-03 1.00054890e-02 -2.11707577e-01 -1.18308246e-01 -2.60884851e-01 7.23708272e-02 -3.45049322e-01 -3.57149541e-01 -9.77488607e-02 -3.14793400e-02 1.52284846e-01 4.83764350e-01 -1.17177941e-01 -2.05612525e-01 -5.24123609e-01 2.35662222e-01 6.82429150e-02 4.56877798e-01 1.30394310e-01 9.37969014e-02 2.17367448e-02 2.73548633e-01 1.21924907e-01 8.56924728e-02 -6.62487149e-02 -4.10205945e-02 -1.04175374e-01 -1.53078839e-01 1.91171914e-02 2.32643664e-01 -3.62565249e-01 3.38152528e-01 4.75834683e-02 -2.75278777e-01 -2.49672696e-01 4.42546517e-01 -4.71300215e-01 -1.80270031e-01 1.35895520e-01 1.23458907e-01 1.24613300e-01 -2.34815985e-01 7.20503032e-02 2.01370269e-02 3.26769650e-01 -1.92558348e-01 -7.32297599e-02 2.99143761e-01 4.13237661e-02 -4.84641641e-02 3.04345697e-01 5.47141070e-03 5.11383116e-01 -2.19217479e-01 2.54364908e-01 -4.22451869e-02 -2.46236324e-01 -1.45628080e-01 1.17183506e-01 2.51780804e-02 -1.07881457e-01 -2.66228199e-01 1.92333296e-01 -8.78685936e-02 2.62731165e-02 1.54038668e-01 1.64220974e-01 4.01755065e-01 7.56205767e-02 3.95528153e-02 -1.22186616e-01 -3.14302117e-01 3.17862928e-01 -4.65480499e-02 -3.95555019e-01 1.33611798e-01 -6.33802712e-02 -2.63253003e-01 -7.57360905e-02 5.03303349e-01 6.92933649e-02 -2.60786623e-01 -1.33781523e-01 -4.32122320e-01 -6.77402243e-02 -1.11355400e-03 -9.47394893e-02 3.45664203e-01 1.08170219e-01 3.66956405e-02 9.18966755e-02 -1.01640768e-01 -3.78395140e-01 -1.57290488e-01 -3.04782122e-01 -1.42026976e-01 4.02476996e-01 -2.24135205e-01 9.83439311e-02 -1.50160238e-01 1.95868567e-01 6.13051292e-04 2.12066770e-01 -1.82997793e-01 -1.73649415e-01 1.28697410e-01 1.31622702e-01 5.59161976e-02 1.72729176e-02 -1.07177779e-01 1.44365087e-01 -3.54071185e-02 5.29302135e-02 1.51691511e-01 2.00457245e-01 4.32536341e-02 1.60930067e-01 6.76447377e-02 -4.36754115e-02 1.30228832e-01 -9.47376713e-02 -2.33189210e-01 -1.70573741e-02 1.56904057e-01 -2.10974962e-01 -1.93007942e-02 4.55432869e-02 1.64604381e-01 -4.58385721e-02 1.05710194e-01 1.20277599e-01 -5.33712842e-02 -2.39459693e-01 1.92130551e-01 -1.75366491e-01 1.12771221e-01 -4.01159704e-01 -5.08604571e-02 -1.29775763e-01 2.42964432e-01 -3.07754785e-01 -2.05578536e-01 -2.64706969e-01 -6.89616799e-02 -5.81725538e-02 3.65198880e-01 7.50932172e-02 -5.57300925e-01 3.84152383e-02 1.49994537e-01 1.99242279e-01 4.25292909e-01 1.16305955e-01 1.24095105e-01 -1.67578787e-01 -2.50739306e-01 1.92485556e-01 6.37314692e-02 2.94504255e-01 -1.12969965e-01 1.74398944e-01 1.25749782e-01 1.61133915e-01 3.94236743e-02 2.70145625e-01 4.40312207e-01 -1.08667195e-01 2.32672036e-01 2.15386059e-02 9.94302705e-02 3.22666645e-01 -2.24922523e-02 -2.43826509e-01 -2.80684084e-01 -2.70356208e-01 2.16415763e-01 -1.07343465e-01 2.48341531e-01 3.52071583e-01 -7.05335587e-02 -1.12426266e-01 -1.45783514e-01 -5.60314581e-02 2.89037656e-02 1.62047893e-01 -7.47743845e-02 1.20880485e-01 7.12563172e-02 1.42396092e-01 1.18448623e-01 6.80507362e-01 -2.92854697e-01 2.28890963e-02 3.41702700e-01 -8.91324952e-02 -1.82572678e-02 4.49484766e-01 4.91834164e-01 -9.47409645e-02 -1.99966669e-01 -1.04431204e-01 -5.20370016e-03 -2.24769801e-01 2.28293791e-01 9.04690400e-02 -3.04072388e-02 1.58547327e-01 2.74556100e-01 1.77803963e-01 -1.97852641e-01 -2.17972115e-01 2.87624329e-01 -2.03141775e-02 -1.45461455e-01 -9.14844200e-02 7.70160556e-02 -3.90188128e-01 1.14566833e-01 -7.98995495e-02 6.37186412e-03 -4.95332539e-01 -7.69532561e-01 -1.83116823e-01 1.79796875e-01 -2.20722139e-01 8.34830105e-02 1.81372583e-01 3.50882024e-01 -8.95185545e-02 1.14163049e-01 1.17637135e-01 -3.25574815e-01 -1.63575262e-01 -1.19753620e-02 -1.47525564e-01 -7.04624534e-01 1.88528523e-01 -2.96324879e-01 -7.09273368e-02 1.53532565e-01 -1.39964163e-01 1.39376387e-01 -4.47879255e-01 8.56395289e-02 -4.61985648e-01 1.55159846e-01 2.90012538e-01 4.67536747e-02 -1.09139621e-01 1.26804233e-01 1.45188197e-01 -1.58006072e-01 1.99331865e-01 -8.69203731e-02 -2.29083523e-01 -1.10322878e-01 1.16177656e-01 3.72480117e-02 1.27193674e-01 3.19957048e-01 -2.70687550e-01 -2.75566757e-01 3.25402208e-02 1.70570210e-01 -2.12146565e-01 3.41900527e-01 2.39612088e-01 2.62755811e-01 1.00911044e-01 2.84642994e-01 2.82056153e-01 -1.98095515e-01 -4.13331874e-02 1.57937437e-01 -1.73493534e-01 1.61723837e-01 -2.34255895e-01 4.15053040e-01 8.89493674e-02 2.72926569e-01 -9.12020579e-02 -2.30153799e-01 -8.71942192e-02 -3.29324126e-01 4.63697016e-01 -2.37298891e-01 -1.19856894e-01 -7.71123692e-02 1.52825996e-01 -8.35394710e-02 1.85959935e-01 -1.26096740e-01 -2.76404619e-01 -5.61384410e-02 1.34932235e-01 -4.47077990e-01 -4.38381322e-02 -1.67774513e-01 -2.81243265e-01 -4.12401408e-02 4.10737425e-01 -8.87942463e-02 -1.01409458e-01 -2.16265563e-02 -2.10872009e-01]
""A World in a Bottle"" active "Item #: SCP-300 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-300 is stored in a locked and climate-controlled container at Site ██. Experimentation on SCP-300 may only be performed with prior written permission from at least one (1) Level 3 Senior Researcher, and any observations made must be recorded for later analysis. Description: SCP-300 consists of an antique glass perfume bottle (SCP-300-1) containing approximately 2.4 cc of an unidentified colorless liquid (SCP-300-2). When a single drop of SCP-300-2 is extracted from SCP-300-1 and the drop is viewed through a standard optical microscope, an animated scene becomes visible. While no two drops have shown precisely the same scene, these scenes generally take the form of pastoral or woodland scenes consistent with that of Victorian-Era England. So far, attempts to analyze the exact chemical components of SCP-300-2 have inexplicably failed, with spectrometers reporting wildly variant or false data, thus making attempts at replicating it impossible. SCP-300-2 also invariably evaporates within 2-8 hours of being drawn outside of SCP-300-1, despite all attempts at stabilizing the substance or controlling laboratory conditions. SCP-300 was first documented along with [REDACTED] after being recovered from the attic of a row home in [REDACTED], UK on ██/█/1863 following a raid by agents of the Royal Society for the Security, Containment, and Protection of Anomalous Artefacts. SCP-300 was transferred to SCP Foundation possession on █/██/19██. Addendum 300-1: Experiment Log (Abridged) Date: ██/██/19██ Procedure: A single drop (approximately 0.07 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video recorded for approximately 3 hours before SCP-300-2 evaporated harmlessly. Details: Visible scene consists of a dirt road lined with trees of an unidentified species. Coloration of leaves suggested that the scene was taking place in autumn. A light breeze is blowing, causing some of the yellowed leaves to fall to the ground. At approximately 1:07:18, a horse-drawn carriage with a driver and two passengers passes through the scene. Clothing worn by the individuals seem to be consistent with that worn in Victorian-Era England. No other significant events are recorded. Date: ██/██/19██ Procedure: A single drop (approximately 0.08 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video record lasts approximately 5 hours. Details: Visible scene consists of a rural farm. Size of wheat plants visible in scene indicate late summer time period. A family consisting of two adults and three children of varying age are periodically visible in various areas of the farm, performing chores. Clothing of family consistent with previously established time period. Date: █/█/19██ Procedure: A single drop (approximately 0.07 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide. Video record lasts approximately 2 hours. Details: Visible scene consists of the interior of a well-furnished residence. Within the visible area are a lit fireplace and several armchairs. Three well-dressed individuals, two men and one woman, are seen conversing while enjoying a bottle of what is presumably red wine. Lip-reading analysis of their conversation is incomplete, but fragments developed so far indicate a casual political discussion regarding issues appropriate for the year 18██, again in Victorian England. Date: █/██/19██ Procedure: Two drops (approximately 0.15 cc) of SCP-300-2 transferred to microscope slide for experimentation. Video record lasts approximately 3 hours. Details: Video record is blurry and indecipherable. Although a few fragments of video have been analyzed, no useful information is gathered. Further experimentation is to be limited to a single drop of SCP-300-2. Addendum 300-2: Incident 300-012 On ██/█/19██, Dr. █████ was found dead in Laboratory C, with cause of death being self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Laboratory video surveillance showed Dr. █████ obsessively viewing a recent recording from a SCP-300 experiment and becoming increasingly agitated until he pulled out his sidearm and took his own life. Upon investigation, the recording was identified and analyzed as a 3-hour long recording made during an experiment on ██/█/19██. The recording shows a young woman of approximately ██ years of age, sitting in an armchair and embroidering an article of clothing while singing to herself. Further investigation showed a startling resemblance between the woman and Dr. █████'s late wife, who died during [REDACTED], up to and including a birthmark visible on the left side of her neck. Experimentation on SCP-300 has been temporarily placed on hold pending research into possible telepathic or memory-affecting capabilities. Addendum 300-3: Inscription Located on Back of SCP-300 « SCP-299 | SCP-300 | SCP-301 » Cite this page as: "SCP-300" by Aelanna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: scp300-2.png Author: Debbie Anderson License: CC BY 2.0 Derivative of: Flickr Filename: AW-signature.png Author: Laneous does not match any existing user name License: CC BY-SA 3.0 For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List." "SCP-300, photographed prior to Foundation containment"
[ 1.54890761e-01 3.45475110e-03 -1.54666170e-01 1.85596421e-01 -1.88633248e-01 -4.34563786e-01 2.63524801e-01 1.05095111e-01 3.55145172e-03 2.93176532e-01 4.40598130e-01 2.71371245e-01 -2.71363169e-01 2.90005773e-01 2.55684793e-01 -2.61732489e-01 4.45586443e-02 1.19481035e-01 9.77128521e-02 -3.93328145e-02 1.66539639e-01 3.80238034e-02 -8.27493817e-02 8.36392269e-02 5.42152263e-02 -2.41299957e-01 6.92481026e-02 1.23637944e-01 -8.53889659e-02 -2.93287009e-01 -5.49019985e-02 8.61403421e-02 1.99045852e-01 4.20933247e-01 -1.08389737e-04 -2.24201962e-01 3.06505144e-01 -2.07119524e-01 -2.05616400e-01 1.99359525e-02 -1.02685846e-01 4.56459373e-01 1.25443697e-01 -2.12226272e-01 -1.70787886e-01 6.91434974e-03 1.00984303e-02 -7.39258826e-02 2.87163079e-01 3.01846415e-02 1.98396981e-01 3.10798019e-01 -3.62477787e-02 1.26823306e-01 5.66295028e-01 -1.20695479e-01 3.07177398e-02 8.40267390e-02 5.59738576e-01 1.30619809e-01 -9.82730314e-02 2.47138828e-01 -2.16863722e-01 -1.22261994e-01 1.22211419e-01 -3.42675865e-01 -2.21685350e-01 -4.18901116e-01 -9.93869826e-02 2.05451950e-01 2.07271278e-01 -4.76399586e-02 -2.38838702e-01 1.01595223e-02 -1.49157211e-01 -2.01446652e-01 -2.07851768e-01 2.83391744e-01 -2.09711671e-01 6.99354634e-02 1.59565061e-01 3.73254448e-01 -4.00430232e-01 1.06916837e-01 5.29171303e-02 6.17727399e-01 -1.99416772e-01 1.66126847e-01 -4.26585861e-02 7.76684508e-02 -1.18972041e-01 1.08169146e-01 8.45787153e-02 -2.05015257e-01 2.52392232e-01 -5.61317392e-02 4.63636488e-01 4.68792528e-01 -1.03547193e-01 2.15923294e-01 2.77671158e-01 -5.83074391e-02 4.42677975e-01 1.50060236e-01 1.45468965e-01 2.30381668e-01 1.32791474e-01 -4.32159454e-01 -3.48620594e-01 2.46453658e-01 -2.86686152e-01 1.59918033e-02 -9.88862067e-02 5.23378793e-03 -2.82869697e-01 -4.03975435e-02 1.77985862e-01 -2.72026390e-01 -3.59573781e-01 1.70796111e-01 -4.22295749e-01 1.62891999e-01 -7.23176152e-02 2.67379075e-01 2.93835282e-01 3.72913480e-01 2.75491238e-01 -1.66854993e-01 -1.19849920e-01 -1.00970462e-01 -2.66239047e-01 1.96865007e-01 -1.42472476e-01 3.71868256e-04 -1.62759274e-01 2.17883766e-01 -1.53458547e-02 5.74445352e-02 -4.49755251e-01 -7.93750137e-02 2.52847582e-01 -7.69148171e-02 5.48084557e-01 3.08435410e-01 -6.93771094e-02 -2.00287580e-01 1.29771262e-01 -2.24736258e-01 -1.70264125e-01 -2.20308378e-02 1.64073303e-01 -2.17956737e-01 -5.18782496e-01 1.94940656e-01 -3.60607952e-01 -5.68788983e-02 4.53585446e-01 2.52523690e-01 -1.30662709e-01 4.47533280e-02 1.54007867e-01 2.05759749e-01 -1.11108460e-01 -2.11627290e-01 -8.01763907e-02 3.95934552e-01 -5.23033321e-01 -1.51573032e-01 4.28164974e-02 -7.60104805e-02 1.55327767e-02 -2.08459780e-01 -2.70171285e-01 2.22538993e-01 -1.53734908e-01 -1.96531042e-01 -2.64849156e-01 -3.87790442e-01 -1.36632383e-01 1.26193911e-02 -3.33860904e-01 3.19535434e-01 5.13112605e-01 -2.45367199e-01 2.47917071e-01 -2.94672959e-02 -7.15151057e-02 -1.38364024e-02 8.70172083e-02 -2.23475263e-01 -1.09601766e-01 -2.29774132e-01 1.81106105e-01 7.66539248e-03 -2.37983122e-01 -2.17563242e-01 3.92318405e-02 -1.62596762e-01 4.26141918e-01 1.49156570e-01 3.27409804e-02 1.49298593e-01 3.62389326e-01 6.25305414e-01 -2.51526207e-01 -6.46051094e-02 1.81813151e-01 -3.45660225e-02 8.96402597e-02 1.59283116e-01 -4.02782075e-02 -3.75571370e-01 1.30666658e-01 1.68516725e-01 -3.02550886e-02 -5.56370914e-01 2.98753738e-01 1.03481054e-01 -8.13482255e-02 -6.29735366e-02 -2.32019536e-02 1.24063641e-01 2.75265962e-01 -2.97902226e-01 -3.02419394e-01 -6.28990903e-02 -2.83067167e-01 -2.62673557e-01 -2.03468680e-01 1.39700055e-01 7.52615780e-02 -1.24735723e-03 2.03593299e-01 -1.06872208e-01 -1.46967590e-01 6.72798380e-02 2.29127631e-01 3.28103691e-01 -2.80057520e-01 -2.18825921e-01 -2.11803056e-02 -1.07846688e-02 1.74111575e-01 2.53528833e-01 -5.53173780e-01 3.16709340e-01 1.60323724e-01 1.36734098e-01 1.47180155e-01 -2.77515277e-02 2.70487536e-02 -4.29478794e-01 -4.29766595e-01 -2.00979367e-01 1.71872824e-01 -2.23378137e-01 3.09573170e-02 1.76896021e-01 9.62757245e-02 4.23815638e-01 4.04691584e-02 1.11500829e-01 2.34327912e-01 1.80468470e-01 -1.80718392e-01 -1.89145923e-01 2.72137702e-01 4.64244723e-01 -1.35846324e-02 3.40518504e-01 -3.12695280e-02 -2.28004992e-01 1.53521672e-01 1.31541304e-02 5.22100069e-02 1.74874768e-01 4.81976897e-01 2.50428468e-01 9.23940241e-02 3.59529227e-01 -2.77985841e-01 -5.05332053e-01 -2.93962777e-01 -1.05685508e-02 1.45297926e-02 4.41002518e-01 -9.31553394e-02 -1.13935553e-01 -8.46177191e-02 -4.97846790e-02 3.29486161e-01 -2.10794732e-01 -6.67630360e-02 3.46852720e-01 -4.08601344e-01 6.30688369e-02 -1.21272936e-01 1.92167386e-01 -1.00101955e-01 7.03500723e-03 -2.42245778e-01 -1.22454457e-01 -1.45990998e-01 1.41716897e-01 -9.08632204e-02 2.00368807e-01 7.94402242e-01 -2.06818178e-01 8.80293362e-03 -4.36587371e-02 -7.15399802e-01 3.10801685e-01 2.32222557e-01 1.93584502e-01 1.70933828e-01 5.50946333e-02 -1.07014991e-01 -1.15527287e-01 7.69063234e-02 -3.22432399e-01 1.70538807e-03 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4.09463122e-02 -1.44087907e-03 -9.13976952e-02 3.16820800e-01 2.93411016e-01 1.40244469e-01 3.02852038e-02 2.82532096e-01 -3.55234951e-01 -6.25692829e-02 4.27208468e-02 7.41723254e-02 -4.47095931e-01 -2.59077668e-01 1.03470623e-01 -3.85931462e-01 5.56960464e-01 2.19050452e-01 5.00932336e-01 1.92248315e-01 1.22064404e-01 -3.15653980e-01 5.11491224e-02 -4.06913400e-01 -2.40563214e-01 5.33700921e-02 -1.12183794e-01 6.93692081e-03 -1.22953855e-01 1.93802491e-01 -6.47564530e-02 1.73807777e-02 1.20595396e-01 -2.02906325e-01 -3.38570684e-01 -4.58142966e-01 2.35788345e-01 2.23602310e-01 -2.04161450e-01 -8.00285712e-02 -1.09861761e-01 5.12467250e-02 3.93544465e-01 3.07442784e-01 6.39216229e-02 1.22347996e-01 -2.01335505e-01 -2.98338681e-01 9.01559070e-02 3.69511843e-02 1.72848418e-01 3.06054801e-01 8.16761032e-02 1.36662319e-01 1.85362622e-01 6.79842532e-02 5.00822067e-02 7.10431039e-01 -7.11419657e-02 -6.30922094e-02 -1.29564432e-02 2.88820624e-01 -2.00779438e-01 -1.55691013e-01 1.05843924e-01 1.27104014e-01 2.65413553e-01 2.57346600e-01 4.08664763e-01 -1.66122764e-01 -3.85872394e-01 -3.90920550e-01 8.81360844e-02 -2.16867864e-01 8.24076891e-01 3.24019730e-01 1.23060763e+00 1.67154595e-01 3.21002871e-01 1.30723462e-01 -3.89158934e-01 -4.26421650e-02 2.46446460e-01 -1.18095055e-01 -3.45800996e-01 -7.95523673e-02 -6.49563968e-02 -2.43928447e-01 6.37462139e-02 2.25081280e-01 -3.06827009e-01 -1.18026577e-01 -2.46905282e-01 2.12322492e-02 3.71934116e-01 1.83461100e-01 3.72630000e-01 2.75730133e-01 2.47154370e-01 2.68029571e-01 -1.47157507e-02 4.92214710e-01 -2.73043990e-01 -1.16985694e-01 -2.18372434e-01 3.92114110e-02 -3.34692866e-01 2.38971397e-01 -1.33145407e-01 1.31622061e-01 -2.24686220e-01 -3.59326750e-01 -3.22052389e-01 2.49433637e-01 -4.63115215e-01 -2.35396102e-01 1.45106297e-03 2.84769595e-01 3.81705254e-01 -2.28340387e-01 3.04099262e-01 -6.83029070e-02 2.16220945e-01 -1.55936792e-01 -8.29915516e-03 -1.27612561e-01 -7.16281531e-04 -1.76976353e-01 -8.45876429e-03 7.99553394e-02 7.40074754e-01 1.98996793e-02 -3.98980230e-01 5.33444770e-02 -2.95218319e-01 -2.05267876e-01 1.34943187e-01 -1.76072687e-01 1.29253194e-02 -2.02347487e-01 6.28251396e-03 -2.80867405e-02 3.18248197e-02 1.79044336e-01 8.89082775e-02 5.01360714e-01 -1.20123059e-01 5.67530155e-01 -1.51677147e-01 -3.76630515e-01 2.62392443e-02 -3.21921527e-01 -5.77324331e-01 2.37087399e-01 1.72352895e-01 -2.86284089e-01 -1.09739542e-01 -5.43154851e-02 1.53541386e-01 -5.00016361e-02 -1.92457318e-01 -4.18689758e-01 1.40467703e-01 1.19075261e-01 2.61719059e-02 3.74446005e-01 -1.13070779e-01 1.56437114e-01 -3.94601710e-02 -1.35399110e-03 -4.29865986e-01 4.96920105e-03 1.77179217e-01 -6.87940344e-02 3.02713871e-01 -2.10611016e-01 -1.48847073e-01 -2.23175302e-01 1.29264385e-01 -3.35028060e-02 4.79794927e-02 -3.24926853e-01 -1.59247234e-01 1.03295803e-01 -1.00126401e-01 -7.36300200e-02 1.95012212e-01 9.60099027e-02 2.93595135e-01 2.39826329e-02 2.39901647e-01 3.23198140e-01 2.80600190e-01 8.91615376e-02 -4.95659001e-02 1.62660718e-01 -1.71890765e-01 5.85492514e-02 -7.66550079e-02 4.13858116e-01 -8.94460529e-02 1.31689738e-02 -1.27481343e-02 -3.00829317e-02 -5.23381680e-02 1.20554745e-01 6.73484430e-02 2.76635736e-01 -2.44105812e-02 -4.50332686e-02 -1.63849890e-02 1.46894366e-01 -7.83080235e-03 -3.60984206e-01 -4.58913445e-01 -2.07099319e-01 5.57605550e-02 2.92949855e-01 -2.41492927e-01 2.44101420e-01 -4.74717349e-01 -3.58563848e-02 -1.31466120e-01 1.18031882e-01 -5.47345169e-02 7.70586804e-02 -1.88803345e-01 1.48609012e-01 1.08163051e-01 4.54941899e-01 1.66711479e-01 -8.03129151e-02 -2.32387297e-02 2.78288405e-02 1.05994649e-01 1.63753748e-01 2.61774212e-01 3.44024688e-01 4.70261812e-01 1.70334685e-03 1.59246162e-01 4.07678664e-01 -1.23176940e-01 1.52932316e-01 8.91055986e-02 3.36733848e-01 1.75470337e-01 2.04072803e-01 -3.74480970e-02 -8.87645558e-02 -5.88207645e-03 1.41268997e-02 -9.66014788e-02 2.19254494e-01 4.48914133e-02 -1.87266693e-01 1.84962198e-01 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