24 values
9 values
bahan jamu
UD. Karya Mulia
Mahkota Sari Buah Merah
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Fructus</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Fructus
UD. Karya Tehnik
Yogi Noni
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
Jamu Bugar
<a href=""> Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Parkia biglobosa Semen</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizoma,Parkia biglobosa Semen,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
Jamu Hurate
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon spicatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Relieve pain and aching pains in the joints and arthritis due to excess uric acid in the blood.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Orthosiphon spicatus Folium,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
Jamu Prostok
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon grandiflorum Folium</a>,<a href=""> Parkia biglobosa Semen</a>
Prevent and help treat prostate enlargement
Urinary related problems
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Orthosiphon grandiflorum Folium,Parkia biglobosa Semen
Jamu Remacok
<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Lentera Agung Raya
Lentera Mahkota Dewa
<a href=""> Phaleria macrocarpa Fructus</a>
Useful in treating such diseases in the series of uric acid, high blood pressure, liver, allergies, kidneys, skin diseases and also may increase stamina and as supportive therapy in cancer.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Phaleria macrocarpa Fructus
UD. Pagoda Mas
Jamu Pereda panas Dalam (Dang Shan)
<a href=""> Chrysanthemum indicum Flos</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Imperata cylindrica Radix</a>,<a href=""> Lophatherum gracile Herba</a>,<a href=""> Mentha arvensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Plantago major Folium</a>,<a href=""> Prunella vulgaris Herba</a>
Relieve heartburn
Gastrointestinal disorders
Chrysanthemum indicum Flos,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Imperata cylindrica Radix,Lophatherum gracile Herba,Mentha arvensis Herba,Plantago major Folium,Prunella vulgaris Herba
UD. Pagoda Mas
Pegal Linu (Feng Shi San)
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon aristatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Orthosiphon aristatus Folium,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Putri Kinasih
Pegal Linu
<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Rahmat
Rahmat VCO
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Fructus</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Fructus
UD. Rejeki Jaya
Minyak Telon Revina
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
UD. Sambiroto
Pegal Linu Daun Sambiroto
<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Cinnamomum sintok Cortex,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum
UD. Sidomulyo
Pegal Linu Akar Liwa
<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Cinnamomum sintok Cortex,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum
UD. Sinar Kami
Minyak Gosok Menjangan Emas
<a href=""> Aleurites moluccana Semen</a>,<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Cymbopogon nardus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>,<a href=""> Parameria laevigata Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Relieve colds, flatulence
Aleurites moluccana Semen,Allium sativum Bulbus,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Cocos nucifera Oleum,Cymbopogon nardus Folium,Myristica fragrans Fructus,Nigella sativa Semen,Parameria laevigata Cortex,Piper nigrum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Sumatera Pasak Bumi
Jamu Pasak Bumi
<a href=""> Eurycoma longifolia Radix</a>
For men's stamina
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Eurycoma longifolia Radix
UD. Sumatera Pasak Bumi
Jamu Pasak Bumi Kapsul
<a href=""> Eurycoma longifolia Radix</a>
For men's stamina
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Eurycoma longifolia Radix
UD. Sumber Songo
Pegal Linu
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Piper cubeba Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Sumber Songo
Sarat Linu
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon spicatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Sonchus arvensis Folium</a>,<a href=""> Syzygium polyanthum Folium</a>
To cure soreness in muscles backache & weariness
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Orthosiphon spicatus Folium,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Sonchus arvensis Folium,Syzygium polyanthum Folium
UD. Sumber Songo
Sehat Pria
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
To maintain health and protect the body from disease for men who are always keen to work.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Piper cubeba Fructus,Piper nigrum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Tama Karya Mandiri
Sari Buah Merah Putri Baliem
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Oleum</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Oleum
UD. Thibbin Therapi
Stots Plus Jahe
<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>,<a href=""> Pimpinella anisum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Treating cold
Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Myristica fragrans Semen,Nigella sativa Semen,Pimpinella anisum Fructus,Piper nigrum Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Tugu Agung
Herbal Slim
<a href=""> Guazuma ulmifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Murraya paniculata Folium</a>,<a href=""> Punica granatum Pericarpium</a>,<a href=""> Theae sinensis Folium</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
Reduce excess fat in the body, so that the body becomes lean, singset and youthful look.
Disorders of appetite
Guazuma ulmifolia Folium,Murraya paniculata Folium,Punica granatum Pericarpium,Theae sinensis Folium,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
UD. Tugu Agung
Lancar Haid Nanas Merah
<a href=""> Achillea santolina Folium</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Piper betle Folium</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
To treat pain with urination, urine launched so as to prevent occurrence of bladder stones and clean channel.
Female reproductive organ problems
Achillea santolina Folium,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Piper betle Folium,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
UD. Tugu Agung
Rapet EM
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Galla halepensis Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Parameria laevigata Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Punica granatum Pericarpium</a>
Pressed and reduce mucus of womanhood, prevent leucorrhoea. Sexual arousal improve and refresh the body.
Female reproductive organ problems
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Galla halepensis Fructus,Parameria laevigata Cortex,Punica granatum Pericarpium
UD. Tugu Agung
Rapet Empot
<a href=""> Galla halepensis Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Parameria laevigata Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Piper betle Folium</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>
Pressed and reduce mucus of womanhood, prevent leucorrhoea. Sexual arousal improve and refresh the body.
Female reproductive organ problems
Galla halepensis Fructus,Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma,Parameria laevigata Cortex,Piper betle Folium,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum
UD. Tugu Agung
Tendon (Encok)
<a href=""> Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Effective to relieves muscles and joints pain.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Curcuma aeruginosa Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper nigrum Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
Usaha Bersama Rio Pinawa
VCO Rio Pinawa
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum
Usaha Nuri
Minyak Gosok Cap Nuri
<a href=""> Aleurites moluccana Semen</a>,<a href=""> Cassia alata Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Cymbopogon nardus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Euphorbia hirta Herba</a>
Relieve colds, flatulence
Aleurites moluccana Semen,Cassia alata Folium,Cocos nucifera Oleum,Cymbopogon nardus Folium,Euphorbia hirta Herba
W 1938 W
Morinda Indonesia
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
W 1938 W
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
WD Herbal
Kapsul Cacing Plus Curcuma Domestica
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>
Maintains liver health and helps to improves appetite.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma
Yayasan Ath-Thibbun Nabawi
Habbatus Sauda
<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Nigella sativa Semen
Yayasan Sarana Bhakti
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
Yayasan Sarana Bhakti
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>
Boost immunity.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Andrographidis paniculata Herba