24 values
9 values
bahan jamu
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
Jamu Herbacure Naxidan
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Vitis vinifera Semen</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Vitis vinifera Semen
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
Jamu Herbacure ProFegen
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Ficus deltoidea Herba</a>,<a href=""> Punica granatum Pericarpium</a>,<a href=""> Solanum verbacifolium Herba</a>,<a href=""> Woodfordia floribunda Flos</a>
Helps maintain the health of hormones and urogenital organs in women such as leucorrhoea, menstrual problems, menopause and female reproduction.
Female reproductive organ problems
Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Ficus deltoidea Herba,Punica granatum Pericarpium,Solanum verbacifolium Herba,Woodfordia floribunda Flos
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
Jamu Herbacure Proligads
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Centella asiatica Herba</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon spicatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Phyllanthus niruri Herba</a>
Helps maintain liver health and digestive function.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Centella asiatica Herba,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Orthosiphon spicatus Folium,Phyllanthus niruri Herba
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
Natur Prost
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon spicatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Sericocalyx crispus Folium</a>
Prevent and help treat prostate enlargement
Urinary related problems
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Orthosiphon spicatus Folium,Sericocalyx crispus Folium
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
<a href=""> Cymbopogon nardus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Orthosiphon spicatus Folium</a>,<a href=""> Syzygium polyanthum Folium</a>
Reduce levels of uric acid
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Cymbopogon nardus Folium,Orthosiphon spicatus Folium,Syzygium polyanthum Folium
PT. Terapi Alam Nabati
<a href=""> Eurycoma longifolia Radix</a>,<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Talinum paniculatum Radix</a>
Addressing male sexual dysfunction and increase stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Eurycoma longifolia Radix,Nigella sativa Semen,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Talinum paniculatum Radix
PT. Tifar Admanco
KMS Kopi Ginseng
<a href=""> Cordyceps sinensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Ligustici wallichi Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Panax notoginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Rosa chinensis Flos</a>
As a tonic to maintain health and help to improve stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Cordyceps sinensis Herba,Ligustici wallichi Rhizoma,Panax ginseng Radix,Panax notoginseng Radix,Rosa chinensis Flos
PT. Tifar Admanco
Slimming QR
<a href=""> Benincasa hispida Pericarpium</a>,<a href=""> Cassia fistula Semen</a>,<a href=""> Crataegus pinnatifida Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Laminaria japonica Thallus</a>,<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Prunella vulgaris Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Stigma Maydis</a>
Reduce excess fat in the body, so that the body becomes lean, singset and youthful look.
Disorders of appetite
Benincasa hispida Pericarpium,Cassia fistula Semen,Crataegus pinnatifida Fructus,Laminaria japonica Thallus,Morinda citrifolia Fructus,Prunella vulgaris Fructus,Stigma Maydis
PT. Tiga Putra Perkasa Pharmindo
Minyak Kayu Putih
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT. Tiga Putra Perkasa Pharmindo
Minyak Telon
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
PT. Tirtamas Megah
Mall (Masuk angin dan Linu-linu)
<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Mentha arvensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Paederia foetida Folium</a>,<a href=""> Parkia roxburghii Semen</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Treating cold
Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Mentha arvensis Herba,Paederia foetida Folium,Parkia roxburghii Semen,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Tirtamas Megah
Minyak Kayu Putih Arwana
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT. Tjahaja Baru
Bin Na Hong Sehat Hati (Lychee Brand)
<a href=""> Panax notoginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Stephania tetrandra Radix</a>
For healthy liver
Gastrointestinal disorders
Panax notoginseng Radix,Stephania tetrandra Radix
PT. Tjahaja Baru
Ganoderma Kapsul (Ling Zhi Jiaonang)
<a href=""> Ganoderma lucidum Herba</a>
Improve endurance
Gastrointestinal disorders
Ganoderma lucidum Herba
PT. Tjahaja Baru
Notoginseng Radix (Tien Chi Jiaonang)
<a href=""> Panax notoginseng Radix</a>
As a tonic to maintain health and help to improve stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Panax notoginseng Radix
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
Aromatherapy Body Massage Oil
Joyful - Breeze
<a href=""> Citrus aurantium Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Mentha piperita Oleum</a>
No data
Wounds and skin infections
PT. Tjahaja Baru
Sehat Ginjal (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan)
<a href=""> Alismatis orientalis Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Paeonia suffruticosa Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Prunus cerasus Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Rehmannia preparata Radix</a>,<a href=""> Wolfiporia extensa Herba</a>
For healthy kidneys.
Urinary related problems
Alismatis orientalis Rhizoma,Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma,Paeonia suffruticosa Cortex,Prunus cerasus Fructus,Rehmannia preparata Radix,Wolfiporia extensa Herba
PT. Tjahaja Baru
Sehat Lambung (Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan) Lychee Bran
<a href=""> Amomum kravanh Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Atractylodis Macrocephala Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Aucklandiae lappae Radix</a>,<a href=""> Citrus aurantium Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Citrus reticulata Pericarpium</a>,<a href=""> Cyperus rotundus Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Magnolia officinalis Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Pinella preparatum Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Pogostemon cablin Herba</a>,<a href=""> Wolfiporia extensa Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Ziziphus jujuba Fructus</a>
Cure ulcers with signs of: gums, tongue, lips and throat hurt and pain caused by heartburn.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Amomum kravanh Fructus,Atractylodis Macrocephala Rhizoma,Aucklandiae lappae Radix,Citrus aurantium Fructus,Citrus reticulata Pericarpium,Cyperus rotundus Rhizoma,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Magnolia officinalis Cortex,Pinella preparatum Rhizoma,Pogostemon cablin Herba,Wolfiporia extensa Herba,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma,Ziziphus jujuba Fructus
PT. Tresno Joyo
Madu Ginseng
<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>
As a tonic to maintain health and help to improve stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Panax ginseng Radix
PT. Tresno Joyo
Madu Kids Rasa Orange
<a href=""> Centella asiatica Herba</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Centella asiatica Herba,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
The Tropical Spa Natural Body Oil - Telon Oil
<a href=""> Clausena anisum-olens Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Clausena anisum-olens Oleum,Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia (IOT)
U-Trend Spiruplus Ginseng
<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Spirulina</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Panax ginseng Radix,Spirulina
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
To-Ye Minyak Esensial Jahe
<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Oleum</a>
Treating cold
Zingiber officinale Oleum
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
To-ye-Minyak kayu putih
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
To-ye-Minyak Pijat Rempah Jahe
<a href=""> Boesenbergia pandurata Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Citrus aurantium Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Citrus hystrix Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Mentha piperita Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Olea europaea Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Oleum</a>
Treating cold
Boesenbergia pandurata Oleum,Citrus aurantium Oleum,Citrus hystrix Oleum,Mentha piperita Oleum,Olea europaea Oleum,Zingiber officinale Oleum
PT. Toya Konsep Alam
To-ye-Minyak Telon
<a href=""> Clausena anisum-olens Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Clausena anisum-olens Oleum,Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
PT. Tresno Joyo
<a href=""> Cola acuminata Semen</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Cola acuminata Semen,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Panax ginseng Radix,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Tresno Joyo
Jamu Ginseng Plus
<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Mentha piperita Amylum</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
As a tonic to maintain health and help to improve stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Mentha piperita Amylum,Panax ginseng Radix,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Tresno Joyo
<a href=""> Aloe vera Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cassia angustifolia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Guazuma ulmifolia Folium</a>
Reduce excess fat in the body, so that the body becomes lean, and youthful look.
Disorders of appetite
Aloe vera Folium,Cassia angustifolia Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Guazuma ulmifolia Folium
PT. Tresno Joyo
Madu Lansa
<a href=""> Cola acuminata Semen</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cola acuminata Semen,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Panax ginseng Radix,Piper retrofractum Fructus
PT. Tresno Joyo
Madu Plus Rasa Jeruk
<a href=""> Centella asiatica Herba</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Centella asiatica Herba,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Tresno Joyo
Madu V-GRA
<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Tribulus terrestris Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
For men's stamina
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Panax ginseng Radix,Piper nigrum Fructus,Tribulus terrestris Herba,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Tresno Joyo
Sehat Wanita
<a href=""> Cola acuminata Semen</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Mentha piperita Amylum</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>
To maintain good health so as not lethargic, weak, tired or susceptible to disease, so it is always healthy and fresh.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Cola acuminata Semen,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Mentha piperita Amylum,Piper retrofractum Fructus
PT. Tresno Joyo
Tangkal Angin
<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Mentha arvensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Treating cold
Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Mentha arvensis Herba,Panax ginseng Radix,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Trias Sukses Dinamika
Imperial`s Redpapua
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Oleum</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Oleum
PT. Trias Sukses Dinamika
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Trias Sukses Dinamika
Javanony Special
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Trias Sukses Dinamika
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Oleum</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Oleum
PT. Trisugo
<a href=""> Anacardium occidentale Folium</a>,<a href=""> Apium graveolens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Syzygium polyanthum Folium</a>
To treat the symptoms of high blood pressure with signs: headache, dizzy eyes and blurred and palpitations.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Anacardium occidentale Folium,Apium graveolens Folium,Syzygium polyanthum Folium
PT. Trisugo
<a href=""> Lycopersicon esculentum Fructus</a>
Prevent and help treat prostate enlargement
Urinary related problems
Lycopersicon esculentum Fructus
PT. Trisugo
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Graptophyllum pictum Folium</a>
Cure and alleviate Hemorrhoids (piles) and varicose veins
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Graptophyllum pictum Folium
PT. Triyasa Nagamas Farma
Minyak Kayu Putih
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT. Trust Pharmaceutical Industries
Minyak Kayu Putih Jerapah
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT. Tulus Indojaya
Tjing Tjau Telon
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
PT. Ultra Prima Abadi
Kiranti Pegal Linu
<a href=""> Arenga pinnata Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Flos</a>,<a href=""> Paullinia cupana Semen</a>,<a href=""> Tamarindus indica Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Arenga pinnata Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Myristica fragrans Flos,Paullinia cupana Semen,Tamarindus indica Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Ultra Prima Abadi
Kiranti Sehat Datang Bulan
<a href=""> Arenga pinnata Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Paullinia cupana Semen</a>,<a href=""> Tamarindus indica Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Facilitate menstruation, body scent, refreshing and smoothing as well as streamline
Female reproductive organ problems
Arenga pinnata Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Paullinia cupana Semen,Tamarindus indica Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Ultra Prima Abadi
Kiranti Sehat Langsing
<a href=""> Arenga pinnata Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Garcinia cambogia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Guazuma ulmifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Nigella damascena Semen</a>,<a href=""> Tamarindus indica Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber purpureum Rhizoma</a>
Reduce excess fat in the body, so that the body becomes lean, and youthful look.
Disorders of appetite
Arenga pinnata Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Garcinia cambogia Fructus,Guazuma ulmifolia Folium,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Nigella damascena Semen,Tamarindus indica Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma,Zingiber purpureum Rhizoma
PT. Ultra Prima Abadi
Kiranti Sehat Wanita + Fiber
<a href=""> Arenga pinnata Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Garcinia cambogia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Guazuma ulmifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Piper betle Folium</a>,<a href=""> Tamarindus indica Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
To maintain good health so as not lethargic, weak, tired or susceptible to disease, so it is always healthy and fresh.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Arenga pinnata Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Garcinia cambogia Fructus,Guazuma ulmifolia Folium,Piper betle Folium,Tamarindus indica Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Schisandra chinensis Fructus</a>
Maintains liver health and helps to improves appetite.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Schisandra chinensis Fructus
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
Green Way Kapsul Buah Merah
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Oleum</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Oleum
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Cordyceps sinensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Epimedium brevicornum Herba</a>
For men's stamina
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Cordyceps sinensis Herba,Epimedium brevicornum Herba
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
Minyak Buah Merah
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Oleum</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Oleum
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
Panax Ginseng
<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>
As a tonic to maintain health and help to improve stamina.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Panax ginseng Radix
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>
Boost immunity.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Andrographidis paniculata Herba
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
Sambung Nyawa
<a href=""> Gynura procumbens Folium</a>
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Maag, Lever
Gastrointestinal disorders
Gynura procumbens Folium
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
Spirutrend 500
<a href=""> Anthrospira</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>
Maintains liver health and helps to improves appetite.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia
U-Trend Spiruplus KSP-20
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Sedum morganianum Herba</a>,<a href=""> Spirulina</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Sedum morganianum Herba,Spirulina
PT. Ultratrend Biotech Indonesia (IOT)
<a href=""> Spirulina</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Minyak Kayu Putih Spray Cap Gajah
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
Minyak Telon Spray Cap Gajah
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Oleum</a>
Eliminate the symptoms of colic and bloating for baby
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum,Eucalyptus alba Oleum,Foeniculum vulgare Oleum
PT. Wahida Indonesia
Habba Sauda (Ekspor)
<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Nigella sativa Semen
PT. Wahida Indonesia
Mahkota Dewa
<a href=""> Phaleria macrocarpa Fructus</a>
Useful in treating such diseases in the series of uric acid, high blood pressure, liver, allergies, kidneys, skin diseases and also may increase stamina and as supportive therapy in cancer.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Phaleria macrocarpa Fructus
PT. Wahida Indonesia
<a href=""> Andrographidis paniculata Herba</a>,<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
For diabetes melitus
Gastrointestinal disorders
Andrographidis paniculata Herba,Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Wahida Indonesia
Sari Buah Merah (Ekspor)
<a href=""> Pandanus conoideus Fructus</a>
Gastrointestinal disorders
Pandanus conoideus Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Bengkak Urat
<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Elaeocarpus grandiflora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Smilax zeylanica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Relieve pain and aching pains in the joints and arthritis due to excess uric acid in the blood.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Baeckea frutescens Folium,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Elaeocarpus grandiflora Fructus,Helicteres isora Fructus,Piper cubeba Fructus,Piper nigrum Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Smilax zeylanica Rhizoma,Usnea misaminensis Herba,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Centella asiatica Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Folium</a>,<a href=""> Phyllanthus niruri Folium</a>,<a href=""> Tinospora tuberculata Caulis</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
Clean the dirty blood, helps reduce itching, pimples and boils.
Wounds and skin infections
Baeckea frutescens Folium,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Centella asiatica Folium,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Folium,Phyllanthus niruri Folium,Tinospora tuberculata Caulis,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Citra Wanita
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Areca catechu Semen</a>,<a href=""> Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>
Special for married women. Alleviates excessive mucus, strengthens the uterus
Female reproductive organ problems
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Areca catechu Semen,Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Helicteres isora Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper cubeba Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Galian Parem
<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Flos</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma phaeocaulis Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Rheum officinale Radix</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Radix</a>
Useful to the mother after giving birth to reproduce, and purify milk, so the baby will grow up healthy, fresh and plump
Female reproductive organ problems
Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma,Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Cinnamomum sintok Flos,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Curcuma phaeocaulis Rhizoma,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Rheum officinale Radix,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum,Strychnos ligustrina Radix
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Galian Singset
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Flos</a>
Reduce excess fat in the body, so that the body becomes lean, singset and youthful look.
Disorders of appetite
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Flos
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Jahe Ginseng
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Treating cold
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Panax ginseng Radix,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PTIQ Al Furqon
Capsule Noni
<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>
Treat high blood pressure, diabetes
Gastrointestinal disorders
Morinda citrifolia Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Jampi Usus
<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Carum copticum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Grewia salutaris Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Woodfordia floribunda Flos</a>
Treat constipation due to poor digestion, thus causing halitosis, nausea, stomach feels full (sebah) and ill.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Carum copticum Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum sintok Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Grewia salutaris Cortex,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper cubeba Fructus,Piper nigrum Fructus,Sindora sumatrana Fructus,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum,Usnea misaminensis Herba,Woodfordia floribunda Flos
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Jamu Batuk
<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cassia angustifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Elaeocarpus grandiflora Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Jasminum sambac Folium</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>
Cure cough
Respiratory disease
Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Baeckea frutescens Folium,Cassia angustifolia Folium,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Cinnamomum sintok Cortex,Elaeocarpus grandiflora Lignum,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Jasminum sambac Folium,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper cubeba Fructus,Sindora sumatrana Fructus,Usnea misaminensis Herba
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>
Reduce cholesterol level in blood
Gastrointestinal disorders
Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Linu Pinggang
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Woodfordia floribunda Flos</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
To cure soreness in muscles backache & weariness
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Helicteres isora Fructus,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Usnea misaminensis Herba,Woodfordia floribunda Flos,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Majun I
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Panax ginseng Radix</a>,<a href=""> Tamarindus indica Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
Increase stamina
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Panax ginseng Radix,Tamarindus indica Fructus,Usnea misaminensis Herba,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Masuk Angin
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Carum copticum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cassia angustifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Oryza sativa Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Usnea misaminensis Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
Treating cold
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Carum copticum Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cassia angustifolia Folium,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Helicteres isora Fructus,Oryza sativa Fructus,Usnea misaminensis Herba,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Nafsu Makan
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Elaeocarpus grandiflora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>
Increase appetite
Disorders of appetite
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Elaeocarpus grandiflora Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Pegel Linu
<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper retrofractum Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum sintok Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Rheum officinale Radix</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>
Cure ulcers with signs of: gums, tongue, lips and throat hurt and pain caused by heartburn.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Cinnamomum sintok Cortex,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Helicteres isora Fructus,Rheum officinale Radix,Sindora sumatrana Fructus,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum
PTt. Argo Vico Industri Indonesia
VCO Island Coconut
<a href=""> Cocos nucifera Oleum</a>
Improve metabolism
Gastrointestinal disorders
Cocos nucifera Oleum
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Sariawan Usus
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Carum copticum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Grewia salutaris Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>
Relieve abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, feeling sebah for unhealthy food, defecate and rectal mucus is hot, also to strengthen the intestinal lining, and digestion.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Baeckea frutescens Folium,Carum copticum Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Grewia salutaris Cortex,Helicteres isora Fructus,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Sawan Angin
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Oryza sativa Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Rheum officinale Radix</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>
Treating cold
Allium sativum Bulbus,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Helicteres isora Fructus,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Oryza sativa Fructus,Piper cubeba Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Rheum officinale Radix,Sindora sumatrana Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Sehat Pria
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Morinda citrifolia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piperis Albi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Rheum officinale Radix</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Woodfordia floribunda Flos</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
To maintain health and protect the body from disease for men who are always keen to work.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Allium sativum Bulbus,Dioscorea hispida Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Glycyrrhiza glabra Radix,Helicteres isora Fructus,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Morinda citrifolia Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Piperis Albi Fructus,Rheum officinale Radix,Sindora sumatrana Fructus,Woodfordia floribunda Flos,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
Sehat Sendi
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Grewia salutaris Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Languas galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Folium</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>
Help to relieve muscle and joints pains, stiffness.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Baeckea frutescens Folium,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizoma,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Grewia salutaris Cortex,Languas galanga Rhizoma,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Folium,Sindora sumatrana Fructus
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Baeckea frutescens Folium</a>,<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Helicteres isora Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Myristica fragrans Semen</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Rheum officinale Radix</a>,<a href=""> Sindora sumatrana Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Woodfordia floribunda Flos</a>
Helps relieve headaches, dizzy, dizzy eyes, and blood flow throughout the body.
Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Baeckea frutescens Folium,Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Caryophyllus aromaticus Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Helicteres isora Fructus,Melaleuca cajuputi Fructus,Myristica fragrans Semen,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Rheum officinale Radix,Sindora sumatrana Fructus,Woodfordia floribunda Flos
PT. Wibowo Padmo Kencono
<a href=""> Allium sativum Bulbus</a>,<a href=""> Alstonia macrophylla Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Amomum cardamomum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Caesalpinia sappan Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Carum copticum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Coriandrum sativum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Lignum</a>,<a href=""> Strychnos ligustrina Radix</a>,<a href=""> Tinospora tuberculata Caulis</a>
Relieves headaches, coughs, colds, and sore throat.
Allium sativum Bulbus,Alstonia macrophylla Cortex,Amomum cardamomum Fructus,Caesalpinia sappan Lignum,Carum copticum Fructus,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Coriandrum sativum Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Strychnos ligustrina Lignum,Strychnos ligustrina Radix,Tinospora tuberculata Caulis
PT. Yanthi Utama
Minyak Kayu putih Cap Pinguin
<a href=""> Eucalyptus alba Oleum</a>
Nasal congestion, colds, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, insect bites, itch
Gastrointestinal disorders
Eucalyptus alba Oleum
PT.Sandai Farma
Lancar Haid Cap Fu Tji Yu
<a href=""> Achyranthes bidentata Radix</a>,<a href=""> Aloe vera Folium</a>,<a href=""> Carthamus tinctorius Flos</a>,<a href=""> Cinnamomum burmani Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Citrus aurantifolia Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma zedoaria Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Eupatorium fortunei Herba</a>,<a href=""> Paeonia lactiflora Radix</a>,<a href=""> Rubia cordifolia Radix</a>,<a href=""> Salvia miltiorrhiza Radix</a>,<a href=""> Scirpi yagara Rhizoma</a>
To treat pain with urination, urine launched so as to prevent occurrence of bladder stones and clean channel.
Female reproductive organ problems
Achyranthes bidentata Radix,Aloe vera Folium,Carthamus tinctorius Flos,Cinnamomum burmani Cortex,Citrus aurantifolia Fructus,Curcuma zedoaria Rhizoma,Eupatorium fortunei Herba,Paeonia lactiflora Radix,Rubia cordifolia Radix,Salvia miltiorrhiza Radix,Scirpi yagara Rhizoma
Pusaka Warisan Madura
Galian Rapet Madura
<a href=""> Amomum compactum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Areca catechu Semen</a>,<a href=""> Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Nigella sativa Semen</a>,<a href=""> Quercus lusitanica Folium</a>
Pressed and reduce mucus of womanhood, prevent leucorrhoea. Sexual arousal improve and refresh the body.
Female reproductive organ problems
Amomum compactum Fructus,Areca catechu Semen,Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma,Nigella sativa Semen,Quercus lusitanica Folium
Pusaka Warisan Madura
Pegal Linu
<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Justicia gendarussa Folium</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Murraya paniculata Folium</a>,<a href=""> Syzygium polyanthum Folium</a>
Eliminate fatigue, aching rheumatic pain, pain in muscles and bones throughout the body after work, exercise or to travel long distances, healthful and refreshing body.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Justicia gendarussa Folium,Kaempferia angustifolia Rhizoma,Murraya paniculata Folium,Syzygium polyanthum Folium
Pusaka Warisan Madura
Sehat Lelaki
<a href=""> Alpinia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Cryptocarya massoia Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Piper cubeba Flos</a>,<a href=""> Piper nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
To maintain health and protect the body from disease for men who are always keen to work.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Alpinia galanga Rhizoma,Cryptocarya massoia Cortex,Piper cubeba Flos,Piper nigrum Fructus,Piper retrofractum Fructus,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
Puspita Jelita
Pegagan Green tea
<a href=""> Centella asiatica Herba</a>,<a href=""> Ribes nigrum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Theae sinensis Folium</a>
Streamlining the flow of blood
Gastrointestinal disorders
Centella asiatica Herba,Ribes nigrum Fructus,Theae sinensis Folium
Putra Rakyat Jaya
Kunci Rapet (CP-SBY)
<a href=""> Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Guazuma ulmifolia Folium</a>,<a href=""> Parameria laevigata Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Punica granatum Pericarpium</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Pressed and reduce mucus of womanhood, prevent leucorrhoea. Sexual arousal improve and refresh the body.
Female reproductive organ problems
Boesenbergia pandurata Rhizoma,Guazuma ulmifolia Folium,Parameria laevigata Cortex,Punica granatum Pericarpium,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
Sido Muncul
Bancar Darah
<a href=""> Carthamus tinctorius Flos</a>,<a href=""> Curcuma domestica Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Elephantopus scaber Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Piper retrofractum Fructus</a>
Treat the symptoms coming months or less smoothly, too little and not so clean. Especially for women who approached the stopped menstruating.
Female reproductive organ problems
Carthamus tinctorius Flos,Curcuma domestica Rhizoma,Elephantopus scaber Fructus,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Piper retrofractum Fructus
Sido Muncul
<a href=""> Abrus precatorius Folium</a>,<a href=""> Cuminum cyminum Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Foeniculum vulgare Fructus</a>,<a href=""> Thymus vulgaris Herba</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber officinale Rhizoma</a>
Cure cough
Respiratory disease
Abrus precatorius Folium,Cuminum cyminum Fructus,Foeniculum vulgare Fructus,Thymus vulgaris Herba,Zingiber officinale Rhizoma
Sido Muncul
<a href=""> Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma</a>,<a href=""> Litsea odorifera Folium</a>,<a href=""> Parameria laevigata Cortex</a>,<a href=""> Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma</a>
For women after childbirth, improve circulation, cell-forming red blood cells, strengthens abdominal muscles / stomach contents to back into a slim singset not lax. Increase appetite and milk launched. Adding freshness and youthful body.
Female reproductive organ problems
Alyxia reinwardtii Cortex,Kaempferia galanga Rhizoma,Litsea odorifera Folium,Parameria laevigata Cortex,Zingiber aromaticum Rhizoma