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2 classes
a joyless dud , a bucket of sludge when we're crying out for a glass of water
failing to live up to its own high standards
it's basically just explaining the rules of this world over and over again for what feels like an hour while taking the emotions of the characters for granted .
had the filmmakers taken a more easygoing approach , locked down might have landed in the realm of the thomas crown affair .
the wachowskis intended the matrix franchise to be a metaphor for their transgender identities .
the night forgets how to scare the audience entirely with each passing moment .
one hopes chan and schwarzenegger were well-compensated for lending their names to this disaster .
despite its head-fake toward current-events relevance , " the marksman " is a serviceable road thriller that demonstrates that liam neeson is slowly , inexorably , morphing into clint eastwood .
a good premise , a great cast , a terrible screenplay .
the wonderfully-named preston teagardin , another predatory and weirdly pot-bellied preacher played with great relish by robert pattinson , who once again turns up halfway through a netflix movie and ostentatiously walks off with it .
there's a lot to like here , but much like frances , the film needed to scale down a bit and recognize when to quit while you're ahead .
it's always sad when the highlight of a female-led film are the two male supporting characters .
if tenet were a beatles song , it would be revolution 9 : gun shots and car crashes , breaking glass and muffled words , all come together in a mix , made all the more unintelligible by segments happening forward and backward .
i didn't get a migraine , but there are stronger recommendations .
this haphazard documentary is centered around philip k . dick's fascinating lecture and leads up to a terrifying ending , but it's mostly pop culture references and unconvincing arguments .
there's only so much you can take of an actor loudly cursing at the skies before it tips over from tragic to hilarious , particularly when he's barely convincing as his paper-thin character to begin with .
emma is , admittedly , a singularly tough novel to adapt for the screen .
just because a film's made for children doesn't mean it has to be juvenile .
the film falls short of its predecessor on a number of levels and suffers from many of the problems that plague superhero sequels including an inability to achieve the same level of freshness .
holding this film back is something more significant , a flaccid script written around a half-decent premise that some of the best actors currently working can sell in moments , but not as a whole .
for some , this will be too miserable a cinematic experience to endure . for others , they'll be able to get on its dour wavelength and find things to appreciate .
compare how strong the film started to how weak it ends - the real mystery is how it got there .
the characterization in penguin bloom feels too generic for its own good -- there's a curious distance that the film maintains while prodding at their inner lives .
liman is known for his restless style and tight storytelling abilities , but he can't get past the inherent heaviness of " locked down , " which tries to play brightly , at least passably so , but it's dealing with grimness .
the challenge isn't grasping the big ideas , but connecting with these two characters .
directed by antonio campos , the devil takes itself very seriously , yet never manages to seem more than an arbitrary pileup of gloating misfortunes .
ww84 relies so heavily on cornball gimmicks and dumb coincidences that it might as well have been written in 1984 - the year of supergirl .
whatever points the little things scores for a morally ambiguous ending are washed away in the hours it takes to get there .
dewitt's zingers hit and miss , some sticking in the actors' mouth as proof that not every bon mot is as easily delivered as it is read . but then , maybe jacobs is the mismatch .
the old guard highlights the dilemma with fidelity being considered a merit in adaptationsthough [ it ] does not favour one audience over the other , it still fails to capture the appeal the comic book had for readers to the uninitiated viewers .
first-time director wright's efforts behind a feature film camera suffer from lots of silence and -- except for those undeniably showy gifts of nature -- little energy in a story we have seen played before with more vibrancy and less predictability .
hopes to dazzle audiences with grand spectacle and massive amounts of property damage , but offers little else worth paying attention to .
it felt like there were all these great pieces here , but they didn't really do anything terribly interesting with them . they threw them in a lab and [ added ] a whole bunch of john wick [ -esque ] scenes in hallways .
violent but blah mob drama has drinking , tons of language .
[ it ] has its moments , but slammed together into one feature , they feel like they're fighting for dominance from one scene to the next , resulting in a film that , for all the work that's clearly gone into it , just doesn't seem to know what it wants to say .
sam pollard's mlk/fbi documentary neglects to uncover or unravel any new facts that weren't already speculated on by the general public about martin luther king jr .
this has a few saving graces with chris pine and kristen wiig . i still love what this character represents but want them to have top quality and writing for the next one .
sono's films certainly aren't known for following a straight line from a to b , but this time around , there's barely any internal logic or rules or even stakes to make this jumble of genre tropes remotely interesting .
emma is far too slow and predictable for my taste . although , the costumes and scenery are worth a quick peek .
a timely , if not especially illuminating , look at the biggest conspiracy theory of them all .
there's a daftness to even the less surehanded eastwood films that lorenz , as a man of merely 55 years , cannot seem to replicate naturally .
like a play in the worst possible way . it feels stagy , claustrophobic , and overacted .
this forgettable action-thriller features decent combat scenes but threadbare storytelling .
though pedro pascal and kristen wiig do their best to inject life into their respective villains , wonder woman 1984 is a two and a half hour empty shell of pseudo-inspiration and laughably bad action .
the screenplay needed more work and the film in the can a lot more editing to make " the mauritanian " worthy of the talent on the set .
no amount of slick story beats and scene chewing from washington , malek , and leto can save such a thoughtlessly outdated premise .
a genre piece is seldom good if it's trying to so aggressively to evoke past texts : it tries hard to be " wise blood , " but the devil all the time is more of an annoying dud .
the latest in a string of recent action movies that frame the mexico-united states border as a fraught psychic terrain for america's aging white male warrior class .
shadow in the cloud marks the one time landis wrote a movie with any kind of female perspective and despite liang and moretz's best efforts it still feels that way .
when the most interesting choice in your thriller is jared leto's paunch you know you're in for a bad time .
keep your distance .
the map of tiny perfect things is plagued with an uninspired story , flat characters , and a pair of romantic leads that have zero chemistry . it's not overtly offensive , but it's certainly the kind of movie we won't remember two time-loops from now .
earwig's themes are so disjointed that it's not quite clear what the takeaway is .
other than an undeniably strange and compelling score from clint mansell , this is near-total waste of time and energy for all involved .
the swerve in tone undermines the film's aspirations for moral complexity .
all the potential -- for her character and for this sequel , her fighting abilities , the kinds of villains she could face , the action scenes -- feels dulled here . in the end somehow i wanted more of wonder woman .
cryptozoo exists at that delicate crossroads between arrogant and obnoxious where freshman cosmology majors tend to hang out , free-climbing the outside of the dorm and doing slackrope in the park .
the lackluster little fish banks on the automatic pathos of its subject matter , unaware that such delicate material actually requires greater skill and finesse to pull off , now more than ever .
it's abstractly tragic , about a vague idea of something rather than anything or anyone specific . dementia is scary and sad . that's about as particular as supernova gets .
though her nascent talents are honed towards the visual end , de wilde's storytelling sensibilities are not quite up to par .
it's significantly overlong while missing a lot of the things that worked so well about the original .
highlander said there can be only one , yet there kept being more . the old guard has the audacity to set up a sequel which surely netflix will do regardless of viewership who wants to watch these forever anyway ?
slick action scenes and visual effects can't save the tediously complex tenet .
it's not a cynical film , which is important , given the subject matter . however , it's not a terribly creative one either .
unfortunately to all the boys : always and forever is as painfully mediocre .
fennell doesn't beat around the bush in pointing out just how not nice these " nice guys " are , but her message gets lost in translation .
there is certainly some interesting moral ambiguity to explore when it comes to religion , but the nihilistic perspective of the devil all the time feels smug .
cage , dyed hair , beard and boots , brings home the b-movie bacon , as usual . it's just seriously undercooked this time out .
a missed opportunitya hapless mixture of drama and farce that wastes some good performances , including two by drew barrymore .
despite emma's veneer of snarky modernity , austen's characters and scenarios are rehashed rather predictably .
entertaining enough , and refreshingly light in many ways , but so vague in all its key points that it's hard to be especially invested .
wonder woman 1984 fails to capture the triumphant spirit of the titular character by applying archetypes that are as dated as the year it's set in .
it goes to show all the splashy action in the world does not get you anywhere , for this critic at least , if the characters aren't engaging and the story isn't interesting
in rosi's pursuit to win hearts and eyes , with notturno , the heart beats inauthentically .
early hopes of back to the future , an 80s film whose sequels bucked the trend , give way to a dawning sense of wonder woman's whip endlessly spinning out but never connecting .
for all its flash , " promising young woman " lacks the courage of its convictions .
" the mauritanian " is a moral muddle as well as a narrative one , and it leaves you wondering why our empathy for slahi has to be so mediated , negotiated and rationalized in the first place .
tenet can very likely be explained . i'm not sure it can be experienced .
of all the steadily slower-moving action pictures liam neeson has stumbled into the sunset with in the latter stages of his action hero career , " the marksman " stands out as the stupidest .
mediocre espionage sci-fi thriller .
in land , the sad , isolated feelings that come with bereavement saturate the story , but the film has surprisingly very little to say about grief .
much of the blame lies in steven knight's schizoid script , an amalgam of contradictions that is filled with all-too-convenient implausibilities to fully be taken at face value .
wonder woman 1984 is an appalling misfire .
for those who miss the floundering familiarities of a woody allen film but for moral reasons won't bring themselves to support the controversial filmmaker , french exit attempts to quench that desire .
there might not be 84 minutes of wonder woman in the two-and-a-half-hour wonder woman 1984
look kids - it's not great . entertaining , sure . funny in parts , of course . great , if disconnected , fight scenes . but it's a lot of something and too much of everything else .
a massive , sprawling , largely incomprehensible mess , albeit with nolan's usual slick action scenes and sense of weight .
it's as if you're trying to solve a math problem while cars crash around you and there's a variable you're constantly missing .
" no man's land " message of unity gets bogged down by lazy plot mechanics , including a half-minded redemption narrative that never takes off and cartoonish protagonists too illogical for audiences to take seriously .
there's not much in the way of academic or intellectual discussion here , just a cacophony of anecdotes and coincidences , intercut with footage from various films and video games , none of it carrying any weight .
how it ends is a pretty but meandering series of comedic cameos that offers a mixed bag of gags and not really anything interesting to say .
outside the wire repeatedly pushes the central irony of pairing an emotionally detached human with a compassionate killing machine without drawing any meaningful conclusions from their contrasting personalities .
i wish " tenet " exploited its own ideas more dynamically . nolan's a prodigious talent . but no major director , i suppose , can avoid going sideways from time to time .
everything " promising young woman " is trying to do has been done better .
like so many presents found under the tree this christmas day , there might be a lot of folks asking for a refund after viewing this sad excuse for a sequel .
on the positive side there is gal gadot . on the negative side there is the script , the setting , kristen wiig , pedro pascal , etcetera , etcetera , etcetera .
timberlake is going to have to find a way back to filmmakers like david fincher if he ever wants to make an actual go at this acting thing .
gonzo american action meets bonkers japanese martial arts cinema , and the results are predictably a muddled , if entertaining , goop of randomness .
you have this very empty movie , ultimately .
earwig and the witch is a disappointing hour and a half of plot set-up that feels like it ends before it begins