1 value
P贸藕niej dostrzeg艂em jednak znakomity dorobek tej korporacji, dziedziny, w kt贸rych zostawia艂a konkurencj臋 w tyle, na bardzo trudnych, konkurencyjnych rynkach.
But then I saw that this company was producing some pockets of excellence, areas in which they beat the competition in very tough, competitive sectors.
Dotyczy艂o to handlu, zarz膮dzania projektami, a przede wszystkim poszukiwania surowc贸w.
This was true in trading, in project management -- it was very true in exploration.
Our exploration team was finding more oil and gas than any other company in the world.
Nasz zesp贸艂 poszukiwawczy odnajdywa艂 wi臋cej z艂贸偶 ropy i gazu ni偶 jakakolwiek inna firma na 艣wiecie.
It was a phenomenon.
To by艂 fenomen.
Everyone was trying to figure out how this was possible.
Wszyscy si臋 g艂owili, jak to w og贸le mo偶liwe.
My艣la艂em, 偶e to szcz臋艣cie, ale po ka偶dym nowym odkryciu takie wyja艣nienie by艂o coraz bardziej w膮tpliwe.
I thought it was luck, but after each new discovery, that became less and less likely.
Czy mieli艣my specjalnie narz臋dzie?
So did we have a special tool? No.
Nie. Czy mieli艣my super program, kt贸rego nikt inny nie mia艂?
Did we have a killer application that no one else had? No.
Was it one genius who was finding oil for the whole team?
Nie. Czy by艂 w艣r贸d nas geniusz, kt贸ry sam robi艂 ca艂膮 robot臋?
No, we hadn't hired a senior guy in years.
Nie, nie zatrudnili艣my nikogo do艣wiadczonego od lat.
To co by艂o naszym przepisem na sukces?
So what was our secret sauce?
Przygl膮da艂em si臋 wnikliwie kolegom.
I started looking at them really carefully.
Spojrza艂em na przyjaciela, kt贸ry zrobi艂 siedem nieudanych odwiert贸w, co kosztowa艂o ponad miliard dolar贸w, i trafi艂 na rop臋 w 贸smym.
I looked at my friend, who drilled seven dry wells, writing off more than a billion dollars for the company, and found oil on the eighth.
I was nervous for him ...
Ja si臋 o niego martwi艂em,
a on by艂 ca艂kowicie wyluzowany.
but he was so relaxed.
Oni wiedzieli, co robi膮.
I mean, these guys knew what they were doing.
And then it hit me: it was about fairness.
I wtedy zrozumia艂em. Chodzi艂o o sprawiedliwo艣膰.
Ci ludzie pracowali w firmie, w kt贸rej nie musieli przejmowa膰 si臋 kr贸tkoterminowymi wynikami.
These guys were working in a company where they didn't need to worry about short-term results.
They weren't going to be penalized for bad luck or for an honest mistake.
Nikt nie kara艂 ich za pecha albo zwyk艂e pomy艂ki.
They knew they were valued for what they were trying to do, not the outcome.
Wiedzieli, 偶e s膮 cenieni za to, co staraj膮 si臋 robi膰, a nie za rezultaty.
Byli cenieni jako istoty ludzkie. Byli cz臋艣ci膮 wsp贸lnoty.
They were valued as human beings. They were part of a community.
Bez wzgl臋du na okoliczno艣ci mogli liczy膰 na wsparcie firmy.
Whatever happened, the company would stand by them.
And for me, this is the definition of fairness.
Dla mnie to jest w艂a艣nie definicja sprawiedliwo艣ci.
It's when you can lower those unfairness antennae, put them at rest.
To moment, kiedy mo偶na wy艂膮czy膰 radar niesprawiedliwo艣ci.
Wtedy zaczynaj膮 si臋 wspania艂e rzeczy.
Then great things follow.
Ludzie mogli skupi膰 si臋 na poszukiwaniu ropy i gazu.
These guys could be true to their purpose, which was finding oil and gas.
Nie kr臋powa艂a ich polityka firmy, chciwo艣膰 albo strach.
They didn't have to worry about company politics or greed or fear.
Mogli podejmowa膰 ryzyko, bo nie musieli si臋 broni膰, ale te偶 nie stawiali wszystkiego na jedn膮 kart臋 w pogoni za premi膮.
They could be good risk-takers, because they weren't too defensive and they weren't gambling to take huge rewards.
And they were excellent team workers.
A na dodatek tworzyli 艣wietny zesp贸艂.
They could trust their colleagues.
Mogli sobie nawzajem ufa膰.
Nie musieli mie膰 oczu z ty艂u g艂owy.
They didn't need to look behind their backs.
And they were basically having fun.
I mieli te偶 niez艂膮 zabaw臋.
Mieli tyle frajdy, 偶e jeden facet przyzna艂 si臋, 偶e lepiej bawi艂 si臋 na firmowej imprezie 艣wi膮tecznej ni偶 przez 艣wi臋ta z rodzin膮.
They were having so much fun, one guy even confessed that he was having more fun at the company Christmas dinner than at his own Christmas dinner.
Nie tylko poszukiwacze robili, co nale偶y.
And it wasn't just explorers who were doing the right thing.
Kierownik kadr zaproponowa艂 raz, 偶eby awansowa膰 na stanowisko kierownicze kogo艣 z firmy.
There was an HR director who proposed that I hire someone internally and give him a managerial job.
This guy was very good, but he didn't finish high school, so formally, he had no qualifications.
M贸j kandydat by艂 艣wietny, ale nie sko艅czy艂 szko艂y 艣redniej, wi臋c formalnie nie mia艂 odpowiednich kwalifikacji.
But he was so good, it made sense, and so we gave him the job.
By艂 jednak tak dobry, 偶e dali艣my mu prac臋.
Or the other guy, who asked me for a budget to build a cheese factory next to our plant in Ecuador, in the village.
By艂 te偶 inny facet, kt贸ry wypytywa艂 mnie o koszt budowy fabryki sera w wiosce obok naszej instalacji w Ekwadorze.
It didn't make any sense: no one ever built a cheese factory.
To nie mia艂o 偶adnego sensu. Nikt nie budowa艂 fabryk sera.
But this is what the village wanted, because the milk they had would spoil before they could sell it, so that's what they needed.
Ale mieszka艅cy wioski tego chcieli, bo mleko im si臋 marnowa艂o zanim je zd膮偶yli sprzeda膰, dlatego potrzebowali fabryki.
Wi臋c j膮 zbudowali艣my.
And so we built it.
So in these examples and many others, I learned that to be fair, my colleagues and I, we needed to take a risk and stick our head out, but in a fair system, you can do that.
Ten i wiele innych przypadk贸w nauczy艂o mnie, 偶e aby by膰 uczciwym musz臋 wraz z kolegami podj膮膰 ryzyko i wyj艣膰 przed szereg, a w sprawiedliwych warunkach mo偶na to robi膰.
Mo偶na odwa偶y膰 si臋 na sprawiedliwo艣膰.
You can dare to be fair.
So I realized that these guys and other colleagues were achieving great results, doing great things, in a way that no bonus could buy.
Zrozumia艂em, 偶e ludzie w firmie osi膮gali 艣wietne wyniki, robili 艣wietne rzeczy i 偶adna premia by ich do tego nie zmotywowa艂a.
So I was fascinated.
To mnie zafascynowa艂o.
I wanted to learn how this thing really worked, and I wanted to learn it also for myself, to become a better leader.
Chcia艂em zrozumie膰, jak to naprawd臋 dzia艂a, i sam chcia艂em si臋 tego nauczy膰, 偶eby zosta膰 lepszym liderem.
So I started talking to colleagues, to coaches, to headhunters and neuroscientists, and what I discovered is that what these guys were up to and the way they worked is really supported by recent brain science.
Zacz膮艂em rozmawia膰 z kolegami i instruktorami, z 艂owcami talent贸w i neurologami i odkry艂em, 偶e dzia艂ania tych ludzi i spos贸b ich pracy maj膮 poparcie w ostatnich osi膮gni臋ciach nauki o m贸zgu.
Odkry艂em te偶, 偶e to prawda dla wszystkich szczebli w dowolnej firmie.
And I've also discovered that this can work at all levels in any type of company.
You don't need the fixed salaries or the stable careers.
Nie potrzeba sta艂ych wynagrodze艅 ani stabilnych 艣cie偶ek kariery,
This is because science shows that humans have an innate sense of fairness.
bo badania naukowe pokazuj膮, 偶e ludzie maj膮 wrodzone poczucie sprawiedliwo艣ci.
Wiemy, co jest dobre i co jest z艂e, zanim nauczymy si臋 o tym m贸wi膰 lub my艣le膰.
We know what is right and what is wrong before we can talk or think about it.
My favorite experiment has six-month old babies watching a ball trying to struggle up a hill.
W moim ulubionym eksperymencie sze艣ciomiesi臋czne dzieci obserwuj膮, jak pi艂ka pr贸buje wtoczy膰 si臋 pod g贸rk臋.
Przyjazny kwadrat jej pomaga, a z艂o艣liwy tr贸jk膮t spycha j膮 w d贸艂.
And there's a helpful, friendly square that pushes the ball up the hill, and then a mean triangle pushes the ball back down.
Po kilkukrotnym obejrzeniu tej scenki dzieci musz膮 wybra膰, z kim chc膮 si臋 bawi膰.
After watching this several times, they ask the babies to pick, to choose what to play with.
They can pick a ball, a square or a triangle.
Mog膮 wybra膰 pi艂k臋, kwadrat lub tr贸jk膮t.
They never pick up the triangle.
Nigdy nie wybieraj膮 tr贸jk膮ta.
All the babies want to be the square.
Wszystkie dzieci chc膮 by膰 kwadratem.
And science also shows that when we see or perceive fairness, our brain releases a substance that gives us pleasure, proper joy.
Badania naukowe pokazuj膮 te偶, 偶e w obliczu sprawiedliwo艣ci m贸zg wydziela substancj臋 daj膮c膮 poczucie szcz臋艣cia, autentycznej rado艣ci.
But when we perceive unfairness, we feel pain ...
W obliczu niesprawiedliwo艣ci czujemy b贸l.
even greater pain than the same type of pain as if I really hurt myself.
B贸l nawet wi臋kszy ni偶 ten fizyczny.
That's because unfairness triggers the primitive, reptile part of our brain, the part that deals with threats and survival, and when unfairness triggers a threat, that's all we can think about.
To dlatego, 偶e niesprawiedliwo艣膰 pobudza prymitywny, gadzi obszar m贸zgu, odpowiedzialny za radzenie sobie z zagro偶eniami i prze偶ycie. W obliczu niesprawiedliwo艣ci my艣limy tylko o tym.
Motivation, creativity, teamwork, they all go way back.
Motywacja, kreatywno艣膰, duch pracy zespo艂owej schodz膮 na dalszy plan.
Takie dzia艂anie ma sens, bo jeste艣my spo艂ecznymi zwierz臋tami.
And it makes sense that we're wired this way, because we're social animals.
We need to be part of a community to survive.
Musimy nale偶e膰 do wsp贸lnoty, 偶eby prze偶y膰.
We're born so helpless that someone needs to look after us until we're maybe 10 years old, so our brain evolves towards food.
Rodzimy si臋 tak niezaradni, 偶e kto艣 musi si臋 nami zajmowa膰 przez dobre 10 lat. Zanim m贸zg dojrzeje i sami damy rad臋 si臋 wy偶ywi膰,
We need to be in that community.
potrzebujemy przynale偶no艣ci do wsp贸lnoty.
So whether I like it or not, not being invited to the friend's wedding, my lizard brain is generating the same response as if I'm about to be pushed out from my community.
Czy mi si臋 to podoba, czy nie, gdy nie zosta艂em zaproszony na 艣lub przyjaciela, m贸j jaszczurowaty m贸zg zachowa艂 si臋 tak, jakbym mia艂 zosta膰 wyrzucony ze spo艂eczno艣ci.
Powstaje pi臋kny kr膮g sprawiedliwo艣ci.
This creates a beautiful fairness circle.
But while we start off fair ...
Ale cho膰 zaczynamy od uczciwo艣ci,
wystarczy jedna kropla niesprawiedliwo艣ci, aby zanieczy艣ci膰 ca艂y basen i niestety do basenu spada wiele takich kropel.
one drop of unfairness contaminates the whole pool, and unfortunately, there's plenty of drops in that pool.
So our effort should be to filter out as much unfairness as we can from everywhere, starting from our communities, starting from our companies.
Dlatego trzeba odfiltrowa膰 jak najwi臋cej niesprawiedliwo艣ci, zaczynaj膮c od naszych wsp贸lnot i firm.
Bardzo si臋 tym przejmuj臋, bo kieruj臋 zespo艂em 3000 wspania艂ych os贸b, a 3000 szcz臋艣liwych, zmotywowanych, zgranych os贸b i 3000 pracownik贸w pilnuj膮cych tylko zegara to kolosalna r贸偶nica.
I worry about this a lot because I lead a team of 3,000 excellent people, and the difference between 3,000 happy, motivated team workers and 3,000 clock-watchers is everything.
Dlatego moj膮 krucjat臋 o sprawiedliwo艣膰 zaczynam od wymazania siebie z r贸wnania.
So the first thing I try to do in my fairness crusade is to try to take myself out of the equation.
Oznacza to, 偶e jestem 艣wiadomy moich uprzedze艅.
That means being aware of my own biases.
For example, I really like people who say yes to whatever I suggest.
Przyk艂adowo, lubi臋 ludzi, kt贸rzy m贸wi膮 "tak", niezale偶nie od tego, co powiem.
(艢miech) Ale to nic dobrego dla firmy ani dla kogokolwiek, kto my艣li inaczej.
(Laughter) But that's not very good for the company and not very good for anyone who has different ideas.
So we try to actively promote a culture of diversity of opinions and diversity of character.
Pr贸bujemy wi臋c aktywnie promowa膰 kultur臋 zr贸偶nicowanych opinii i zr贸偶nicowanych charakter贸w.
The second thing we do is a little more procedural.
Robimy te偶 co艣 bardziej sformalizowanego.
P贸藕niej sprawdzamy kultur臋 i motywacj臋 pod tym samym k膮tem.
We then look at the culture and the motivation for the same reasons.
Chodzi o to, 偶e niezale偶nie od tego, jak starannie sprawdzamy zasady, procesy, systemy, co trzeba zrobi膰, cho膰by艣my nie wiem jak pr贸bowali, to nigdy nie osi膮gniemy istoty sprawiedliwo艣ci.
But my point is that however hard you look at the rules, the processes, the systems -- and we have to do that -- but however hard we look, we're never going to do enough to get to the real essence of fairness.
That's because the last mile of fairness requires something else.
To dlatego, 偶e na finiszu d膮偶enia do sprawiedliwo艣ci trzeba czego艣 jeszcze.
Chodzi o ludzkie emocje, o ich pragnienia, o to, co si臋 dzieje w ich 偶yciu prywatnym, czego oczekuje spo艂ecze艅stwo.
It's about what people's emotions are, what their needs are, what's going on in their private lives, what society needs.
These are all questions and elements that are very hard to put into a spreadsheet, into an algorithm.
To s膮 zagadnienia i elementy, kt贸re bardzo trudno uj膮膰 w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym, w algorytmie.
W ich przypadku bardzo trudno podejmowa膰 racjonalne decyzje.
It's very hard to make them part of our rational decision.
But if we miss these, we're missing key important points, and the outcome is likely to feel unfair.
Je艣li jednak je pominiemy, to stracimy co艣 kluczowego i w efekcie uzyskamy co艣 nie do ko艅ca sprawiedliwego.
Dlatego trzeba sprawdza膰, czy decyzje s膮 w zgodzie z sumieniem.
So we should cross-check our decisions with our fairness center switched on.
Is it right that this guy should get the job he's really hoping to get?
Czy to w porz膮dku, 偶e ten facet dostanie prac臋, na kt贸r膮 tak liczy?
Is it right that this guy should be fired?
Czy to w porz膮dku, 偶e tamtego trzeba zwolni膰?
Is it right that we should be charging so much for this product?
Czy to w porz膮dku, 偶e na tyle wyceniamy produkt?
These are tough questions.
To trudne pytania.
Ale je艣li spokojnie przemy艣limy, czy racjonalny wniosek jest w艂a艣ciwy,
But if we take the time to ask ourselves whether the rational answer is the right one ...
to w g艂臋bi duszy znamy odpowied藕.
we all know deep inside what the answer is.
Wiemy to, odk膮d byli艣my dzie膰mi.
We've known since we were babies.
And to know what the right answer is is pretty cool for decision-making.
Je艣li wiesz, jaka jest w艂a艣ciwa odpowied藕, du偶o 艂atwiej jest podj膮膰 decyzj臋.
And if we turn on our hearts, that's the key to getting the real best out of people, because they can smell it if you care, and only when you really care will they leave their fears behind and bring their true selves to work.
S艂uchanie g艂osu serca wydobywa z ludzi to, co najcenniejsze, bo wyczuwaj膮, czy ci na nich zale偶y. Tylko wtedy, gdy naprawd臋 b臋dzie ci na nich zale偶a艂o, porzuc膮 strach, a w pracy b臋d膮 sob膮.
So if fairness is a keystone of life, why isn't every leader making it their priority?
Je艣li sprawiedliwo艣膰 jest tak wa偶na, to dlaczego ka偶dy lider nie traktuje jej priorytetowo?
Czy nie by艂oby fajnie pracowa膰 w bardziej sprawiedliwej firmie?
Wouldn't it be cool to work in a company that was more fair?
Czy nie by艂oby fajnie mie膰 koleg贸w i szef贸w, kt贸rych wybrano i szkolono pod k膮tem uczciwo艣ci i niez艂omno艣ci, a nie licz膮cych 60 lat standaryzowanych test贸w?
Wouldn't it be great to have colleagues and bosses that were selected and trained for fairness and for character and not based on 60-year-old GMATs?
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to knock on the door of a Chief Fairness Officer?
Czy nie by艂oby fajnie m贸c zapuka膰 do gabinetu koordynatora do spraw sprawiedliwo艣ci?
Dojdziemy do tego, ale dlaczego nie dzieje si臋 tak teraz?
We'll get there, but why is it not happening now?