def set_proxy_bypass ( domains , network_service = "Ethernet" ) : '''Sets the domains that can bypass the proxy domains An array of domains allowed to bypass the proxy network _ service The network service to apply the changes to , this only necessary on macOS CLI Example : . . code - block : : bash salt ' * ' proxy . set _ proxy _ bypass " [ ' ' , ' localhost ' ] "'''
servers_str = ' ' . join ( domains ) cmd = 'networksetup -setproxybypassdomains {0} {1}' . format ( network_service , servers_str , ) out = __salt__ [ '' ] ( cmd ) return 'error' not in out
def clean ( self ) : """Checks for the identification and password . If the combination can ' t be found will raise an invalid sign in error ."""
identification = self . cleaned_data . get ( 'identification' ) password = self . cleaned_data . get ( 'password' ) if identification and password : self . user_cache = authenticate ( identification = identification , password = password ) if self . user_cache is None : raise forms . ValidationError ( _ ( u"Please enter a correct " "username or email address and password. " "Note that both fields are case-sensitive." ) ) return self . cleaned_data
def ppo_original_world_model_stochastic_discrete ( ) : """Atari parameters with stochastic discrete world model as policy ."""
hparams = ppo_original_params ( ) hparams . policy_network = "next_frame_basic_stochastic_discrete" hparams_keys = hparams . values ( ) . keys ( ) video_hparams = basic_stochastic . next_frame_basic_stochastic_discrete ( ) for ( name , value ) in six . iteritems ( video_hparams . values ( ) ) : if name in hparams_keys : hparams . set_hparam ( name , value ) else : hparams . add_hparam ( name , value ) # To avoid OOM . Probably way to small . hparams . optimization_batch_size = 1 hparams . weight_decay = 0 return hparams
def dtime ( sdat , tstart = None , tend = None ) : """Time increment dt . Compute dt as a function of time . Args : sdat ( : class : ` ~ stagpy . stagyydata . StagyyData ` ) : a StagyyData instance . tstart ( float ) : time at which the computation should start . Use the beginning of the time series data if set to None . tend ( float ) : time at which the computation should end . Use the end of the time series data if set to None . Returns : tuple of : class : ` numpy . array ` : dt and time arrays ."""
tseries = sdat . tseries_between ( tstart , tend ) time = tseries [ 't' ] . values return time [ 1 : ] - time [ : - 1 ] , time [ : - 1 ]
def _iter_full_paths ( path_list ) : """Iterates over all paths that are in a directory and its subdirectory , returning fully - specified paths ."""
for path in path_list : if not os . path . isdir ( path ) : full_path = os . path . realpath ( path ) yield path else : for root , dirs , filenames in os . walk ( path ) : for filename in filenames : full_path = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( root , filename ) ) yield full_path
def moderate_model ( ParentModel , publication_date_field = None , enable_comments_field = None ) : """Register a parent model ( e . g . ` ` Blog ` ` or ` ` Article ` ` ) that should receive comment moderation . : param ParentModel : The parent model , e . g . a ` ` Blog ` ` or ` ` Article ` ` model . : param publication _ date _ field : The field name of a : class : ` ~ django . db . models . DateTimeField ` in the parent model which stores the publication date . : type publication _ date _ field : str : param enable _ comments _ field : The field name of a : class : ` ~ django . db . models . BooleanField ` in the parent model which stores the whether comments are enabled . : type enable _ comments _ field : str"""
attrs = { 'auto_close_field' : publication_date_field , 'auto_moderate_field' : publication_date_field , 'enable_field' : enable_comments_field , } ModerationClass = type ( ParentModel . __name__ + 'Moderator' , ( FluentCommentsModerator , ) , attrs ) moderator . register ( ParentModel , ModerationClass )
def create_service ( self , name , ** kwargs ) : """Creates a service with a name . All other parameters are optional . They are : ` note ` , ` hourly _ rate ` , ` billable ` , and ` archived ` ."""
data = self . _wrap_dict ( "service" , kwargs ) data [ "customer" ] [ "name" ] = name return self . post ( "/services.json" , data = data )
def Kdiag ( self , X , target ) : """Compute the diagonal of the covariance matrix for X ."""
np . add ( target , self . variance , target )
def get_winfunc ( libname , funcname , restype = None , argtypes = ( ) , _libcache = { } ) : """Retrieve a function from a library / DLL , and set the data types ."""
if libname not in _libcache : _libcache [ libname ] = windll . LoadLibrary ( libname ) func = getattr ( _libcache [ libname ] , funcname ) func . argtypes = argtypes func . restype = restype return func
def _combine_coverages ( items , work_dir , input_backs = None ) : """Combine coverage cnns calculated for individual inputs into single file . Optionally moves over pre - calculated coverage samples from a background file ."""
out_file = os . path . join ( work_dir , "sample_coverages.txt" ) if not utils . file_exists ( out_file ) : with file_transaction ( items [ 0 ] , out_file ) as tx_out_file : with open ( tx_out_file , 'w' ) as out_f : for data in items : cov_file = tz . get_in ( [ "depth" , "bins" , "seq2c" ] , data ) with open ( cov_file ) as cov_f : out_f . write ( cov_f . read ( ) ) if input_backs : for input_back in input_backs : with open ( input_back ) as in_handle : for line in in_handle : if len ( line . split ( ) ) >= 4 : out_f . write ( line ) return out_file
def validate ( ctx , mapfiles , expand ) : """Validate Mapfile ( s ) against the Mapfile schema The MAPFILES argument is a list of paths , either to individual Mapfiles , or a folders containing Mapfiles . Wildcards are supported ( natively on Linux , and up to one level deep on Windows ) . Validation errors are reported to the console . The program returns the error count - this will be 0 if no validation errors are encountered . Example of validating a single Mapfile : mappyfile validate C : / Temp / valid . map Example of validating two folders containing Mapfiles , without expanding INCLUDES : mappyfile validate C : / Temp / * . map D : / GitHub / mappyfile / tests / mapfiles / * . map - - no - expand"""
all_mapfiles = get_mapfiles ( mapfiles ) if len ( all_mapfiles ) == 0 : click . echo ( "No Mapfiles found at the following paths: {}" . format ( "," . join ( mapfiles ) ) ) return validation_count = 0 errors = 0 for fn in all_mapfiles : fn = click . format_filename ( fn ) d = mappyfile . open ( fn , expand_includes = expand , include_position = True ) validation_messages = mappyfile . validate ( d ) if validation_messages : for v in validation_messages : v [ "fn" ] = fn msg = "{fn} (Line: {line} Column: {column}) {message} - {error}" . format ( ** v ) click . echo ( msg ) errors += 1 else : click . echo ( "{} validated successfully" . format ( fn ) ) validation_count += 1 click . echo ( "{} file(s) validated ({} successfully)" . format ( len ( all_mapfiles ) , validation_count ) ) sys . exit ( errors )
def _transform ( self , data , transform , step_size ) : '''Transform the data . If the transform is not supported by this series , returns the data unaltered .'''
if transform == 'mean' : total = sum ( data ) count = len ( data ) data = float ( total ) / float ( count ) if count > 0 else 0 elif transform == 'count' : data = len ( data ) elif transform == 'min' : data = min ( data or [ 0 ] ) elif transform == 'max' : data = max ( data or [ 0 ] ) elif transform == 'sum' : data = sum ( data ) elif transform == 'rate' : data = len ( data ) / float ( step_size ) elif callable ( transform ) : data = transform ( data ) return data
def sense_ttf ( self , target ) : """Sense for a Type F Target is supported for 212 and 424 kbps ."""
log . debug ( "polling for NFC-F technology" ) if target . brty not in ( "212F" , "424F" ) : message = "unsupported bitrate {0}" . format ( target . brty ) raise nfc . clf . UnsupportedTargetError ( message ) self . chipset . in_set_rf ( target . brty ) self . chipset . in_set_protocol ( self . chipset . in_set_protocol_defaults ) self . chipset . in_set_protocol ( initial_guard_time = 24 ) sensf_req = ( target . sensf_req if target . sensf_req else bytearray . fromhex ( "00FFFF0100" ) ) log . debug ( "send SENSF_REQ " + hexlify ( sensf_req ) ) try : frame = chr ( len ( sensf_req ) + 1 ) + sensf_req frame = self . chipset . in_comm_rf ( frame , 10 ) except CommunicationError as error : if error != "RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_ERROR" : log . debug ( error ) return None if len ( frame ) >= 18 and frame [ 0 ] == len ( frame ) and frame [ 1 ] == 1 : log . debug ( "rcvd SENSF_RES " + hexlify ( frame [ 1 : ] ) ) return nfc . clf . RemoteTarget ( target . brty , sensf_res = frame [ 1 : ] )
def generate_epochs_info ( epoch_list ) : """use epoch _ list to generate epoch _ info defined below Parameters epoch _ list : list of 3D ( binary ) array in shape [ condition , nEpochs , nTRs ] Contains specification of epochs and conditions , assuming 1 . all subjects have the same number of epochs ; 2 . len ( epoch _ list ) equals the number of subjects ; 3 . an epoch is always a continuous time course . Returns epoch _ info : list of tuple ( label , sid , start , end ) . label is the condition labels of the epochs ; sid is the subject id , corresponding to the index of raw _ data ; start is the start TR of an epoch ( inclusive ) ; end is the end TR of an epoch ( exclusive ) . Assuming len ( labels ) labels equals the number of epochs and the epochs of the same sid are adjacent in epoch _ info"""
time1 = time . time ( ) epoch_info = [ ] for sid , epoch in enumerate ( epoch_list ) : for cond in range ( epoch . shape [ 0 ] ) : sub_epoch = epoch [ cond , : , : ] for eid in range ( epoch . shape [ 1 ] ) : r = np . sum ( sub_epoch [ eid , : ] ) if r > 0 : # there is an epoch in this condition start = np . nonzero ( sub_epoch [ eid , : ] ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] epoch_info . append ( ( cond , sid , start , start + r ) ) time2 = time . time ( ) logger . debug ( 'epoch separation done, takes %.2f s' % ( time2 - time1 ) ) return epoch_info
def get_user ( self , user ) : """Get user ' s data ( first and last name , email , etc ) . Args : user ( string ) : User name . Returns : ( dictionary ) : User ' s data encoded in a dictionary . Raises : requests . HTTPError on failure ."""
self . project_service . set_auth ( self . _token_project ) return self . project_service . get_user ( user )
def create ( cls , ** kwargs ) : """Build and return a ` ScatterGather ` object"""
linkname = kwargs . setdefault ( 'linkname' , cls . clientclass . linkname_default ) # Don ' t use setdefault b / c we don ' t want to build a JobArchive # Unless it is needed job_archive = kwargs . get ( 'job_archive' , None ) if job_archive is None : job_archive = JobArchive . build_temp_job_archive ( ) kwargs . setdefault ( 'job_archive' , job_archive ) kwargs_client = dict ( linkname = linkname , link_prefix = kwargs . get ( 'link_prefix' , '' ) , file_stage = kwargs . get ( 'file_stage' , None ) , job_archive = job_archive ) link = cls . clientclass . create ( ** kwargs_client ) sg = cls ( link , ** kwargs ) return sg
def load ( self , filename ) : '''load points from a file . returns number of points loaded'''
f = open ( filename , mode = 'r' ) self . clear ( ) for line in f : if line . startswith ( '#' ) : continue line = line . strip ( ) if not line : continue a = line . split ( ) if len ( a ) != 2 : raise MAVFenceError ( "invalid fence point line: %s" % line ) self . add_latlon ( float ( a [ 0 ] ) , float ( a [ 1 ] ) ) f . close ( ) return len ( self . points )
def insert_before ( self , obj , value , recursive = True ) : """Insert * value * immediately before * obj * . * obj * can be either a string , a : class : ` . Node ` , or another : class : ` . Wikicode ` object ( as created by : meth : ` get _ sections ` , for example ) . If * obj * is a string , we will operate on all instances of that string within the code , otherwise only on the specific instance given . * value * can be anything parsable by : func : ` . parse _ anything ` . If * recursive * is ` ` True ` ` , we will try to find * obj * within our child nodes even if it is not a direct descendant of this : class : ` . Wikicode ` object . If * obj * is not found , : exc : ` ValueError ` is raised ."""
if isinstance ( obj , ( Node , Wikicode ) ) : context , index = self . _do_strong_search ( obj , recursive ) context . insert ( index . start , value ) else : for exact , context , index in self . _do_weak_search ( obj , recursive ) : if exact : context . insert ( index . start , value ) else : obj = str ( obj ) self . _slice_replace ( context , index , obj , str ( value ) + obj )
def filter_args_to_dict ( filter_dict , accepted_filter_keys = [ ] ) : """Cast and validate filter args . : param filter _ dict : Filter kwargs : param accepted _ filter _ keys : List of keys that are acceptable to use ."""
out_dict = { } for k , v in filter_dict . items ( ) : # make sure that the filter k is acceptable # and that there is a value associated with the key if k not in accepted_filter_keys or v is None : logger . debug ( 'Filter was not in accepted_filter_keys or value is None.' ) # skip it continue filter_type = filter_type_map . get ( k , None ) if filter_type is None : logger . debug ( 'Filter key not foud in map.' ) # hmm , this was an acceptable filter type but not in the map . . . # Going to skip it . continue # map of casting funcitons to filter types filter_cast_map = { 'int' : cast_integer_filter , 'datetime' : cast_datetime_filter } cast_function = filter_cast_map . get ( filter_type , None ) # if we get a cast function , call it with v . If not , just use v . if cast_function : out_value = cast_function ( v ) else : out_value = v out_dict [ k ] = out_value return out_dict
def gen_radio_edit ( sig_dic ) : '''editing for HTML radio control .'''
edit_zuoxiang = '''7 <label for="{0}"><span> <a class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" style="color: red;font-size: xx-small;"> </a>{1}</span> ''' . format ( sig_dic [ 'en' ] , sig_dic [ 'zh' ] ) dic_tmp = sig_dic [ 'dic' ] for key in dic_tmp . keys ( ) : tmp_str = ''' <input id="{0}" name="{0}" type="radio" class="form-control" value="{1}" {{% if '{0}' in postinfo.extinfo and postinfo.extinfo['{0}'] == '{1}' %}} checked {{% end %}} >{2} ''' . format ( sig_dic [ 'en' ] , key , dic_tmp [ key ] ) edit_zuoxiang += tmp_str edit_zuoxiang += '''</label>''' return edit_zuoxiang
def fog ( x , severity = 1 ) : """Fog corruption to images . Adding fog to images . Fog is generated by diamond - square algorithm . Args : x : numpy array , uncorrupted image , assumed to have uint8 pixel in [ 0,255 ] . severity : integer , severity of corruption . Returns : numpy array , image with uint8 pixels in [ 0,255 ] . Added fog ."""
c = [ ( 1.5 , 2 ) , ( 2. , 2 ) , ( 2.5 , 1.7 ) , ( 2.5 , 1.5 ) , ( 3. , 1.4 ) ] [ severity - 1 ] x = np . array ( x ) / 255. max_val = x . max ( ) mapsize = 512 shape = x . shape max_length = max ( shape [ 0 ] , shape [ 1 ] ) if max_length > mapsize : mapsize = 2 ** int ( np . ceil ( np . log2 ( float ( max_length ) ) ) ) tmp = plasma_fractal ( mapsize = mapsize , wibbledecay = c [ 1 ] ) tmp = tmp [ : x . shape [ 0 ] , : x . shape [ 1 ] ] tmp = tmp [ ... , np . newaxis ] x += c [ 0 ] * tmp x_clip = np . clip ( x * max_val / ( max_val + c [ 0 ] ) , 0 , 1 ) * 255 return around_and_astype ( x_clip )
def fetchThreadMessages ( self , thread_id = None , limit = 20 , before = None ) : """Get the last messages in a thread : param thread _ id : User / Group ID to get messages from . See : ref : ` intro _ threads ` : param limit : Max . number of messages to retrieve : param before : A timestamp , indicating from which point to retrieve messages : type limit : int : type before : int : return : : class : ` models . Message ` objects : rtype : list : raises : FBchatException if request failed"""
thread_id , thread_type = self . _getThread ( thread_id , None ) params = { "id" : thread_id , "message_limit" : limit , "load_messages" : True , "load_read_receipts" : True , "before" : before , } j = self . graphql_request ( GraphQL ( doc_id = "1860982147341344" , params = params ) ) if j . get ( "message_thread" ) is None : raise FBchatException ( "Could not fetch thread {}: {}" . format ( thread_id , j ) ) messages = [ Message . _from_graphql ( message ) for message in j [ "message_thread" ] [ "messages" ] [ "nodes" ] ] messages . reverse ( ) read_receipts = j [ "message_thread" ] [ "read_receipts" ] [ "nodes" ] for message in messages : for receipt in read_receipts : if int ( receipt [ "watermark" ] ) >= int ( message . timestamp ) : message . read_by . append ( receipt [ "actor" ] [ "id" ] ) return messages
def remove_column ( self , key ) : """: param key : str of the column to remove from every row in the table : return : None"""
if isinstance ( key , int ) : index = key key = self . row_columns [ key ] else : index = self . _column_index [ key ] for row in self . table : row . pop ( index ) self . row_columns = self . row_columns [ : index ] + self . row_columns [ index + 1 : ] self . pop_column ( key )
def enkf ( self ) : """Loop over time windows and apply da : return :"""
for cycle_index , time_point in enumerate ( self . timeline ) : if cycle_index >= len ( self . timeline ) - 1 : # Logging : Last Update cycle has finished break print ( "Print information about this assimilation Cycle ???" ) # should be handeled in Logger # each cycle should have a dictionary of template files and instruction files to update the model inout # files # get current cycle update information current_cycle_files = self . cycle_update_files [ cycle_index ] # (1 ) update model input files for this cycle self . model_temporal_evolotion ( cycle_index , current_cycle_files ) # (2 ) generate new Pst object for the current time cycle current_pst = copy . deepcopy ( self . pst ) # update observation dataframe # update parameter dataframe # update in / out files if needed # At this stage the problem is equivalent to smoother problem self . smoother ( current_pst )
def _wait_for_machine_finish ( self , name ) : """Interna method wait until machine is really destroyed , machine does not exist . : param name : str machine name : return : True or exception"""
# TODO : rewrite it using probes module in utils for foo in range ( constants . DEFAULT_RETRYTIMEOUT ) : time . sleep ( constants . DEFAULT_SLEEP ) out = run_cmd ( [ "machinectl" , "--no-pager" , "status" , name ] , ignore_status = True , return_output = True ) if out != 0 : return True raise ConuException ( "Unable to stop machine %s within %d" % ( name , constants . DEFAULT_RETRYTIMEOUT ) )
def is_magic ( self ) : """Return True iff this method is a magic method ( e . g . , ` _ _ str _ _ ` ) ."""
return ( self . name . startswith ( '__' ) and self . name . endswith ( '__' ) and self . name not in VARIADIC_MAGIC_METHODS )
def check_permission ( self , request , page , permission ) : """Runs the custom permission check and raises an exception if False ."""
if not getattr ( page , "can_" + permission ) ( request ) : raise PermissionDenied
def _get_primary_type ( ttypes , parent , logstream = stderr ) : """Check for multiple transcript types and , if possible , select one ."""
if len ( ttypes ) > 1 : if logstream : # pragma : no branch message = '[tag::transcript::primary_transcript]' message += ' WARNING: feature {:s}' . format ( parent . slug ) message += ' has multiple associated transcript types' message += ' {}' . format ( ttypes ) print ( message , file = logstream ) if 'mRNA' not in ttypes : message = ( 'cannot resolve multiple transcript types if "mRNA" is' ' not one of those types {}' . format ( ttypes ) ) raise Exception ( message ) ttypes = [ 'mRNA' ] return ttypes [ 0 ]
def trace ( self , * attributes ) : """Function decorator that traces functions NOTE : Must be placed after the @ app . route decorator @ param attributes any number of flask . Request attributes ( strings ) to be set as tags on the created span"""
def decorator ( f ) : def wrapper ( * args , ** kwargs ) : if self . _trace_all_requests : return f ( * args , ** kwargs ) self . _before_request_fn ( list ( attributes ) ) try : r = f ( * args , ** kwargs ) self . _after_request_fn ( ) except Exception as e : self . _after_request_fn ( error = e ) raise self . _after_request_fn ( ) return r wrapper . __name__ = f . __name__ return wrapper return decorator
def example_df ( ) : """Create an example dataframe ."""
country_names = [ 'Germany' , 'France' , 'Indonesia' , 'Ireland' , 'Spain' , 'Vatican' ] population = [ 82521653 , 66991000 , 255461700 , 4761865 , 46549045 , None ] population_time = [ dt . datetime ( 2016 , 12 , 1 ) , dt . datetime ( 2017 , 1 , 1 ) , dt . datetime ( 2017 , 1 , 1 ) , None , # Ireland dt . datetime ( 2017 , 6 , 1 ) , # Spain None , ] euro = [ True , True , False , True , True , True ] df = pd . DataFrame ( { 'country' : country_names , 'population' : population , 'population_time' : population_time , 'EUR' : euro } ) df = df [ [ 'country' , 'population' , 'population_time' , 'EUR' ] ] return df
def verify ( self , ** kwargs ) : """Authorization Request parameters that are OPTIONAL in the OAuth 2.0 specification MAY be included in the OpenID Request Object without also passing them as OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request parameters , with one exception : The scope parameter MUST always be present in OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request parameters . All parameter values that are present both in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Request and in the OpenID Request Object MUST exactly match ."""
super ( AuthorizationRequest , self ) . verify ( ** kwargs ) clear_verified_claims ( self ) args = { } for arg in [ "keyjar" , "opponent_id" , "sender" , "alg" , "encalg" , "encenc" ] : try : args [ arg ] = kwargs [ arg ] except KeyError : pass if "opponent_id" not in kwargs : args [ "opponent_id" ] = self [ "client_id" ] if "request" in self : if isinstance ( self [ "request" ] , str ) : # Try to decode the JWT , checks the signature oidr = OpenIDRequest ( ) . from_jwt ( str ( self [ "request" ] ) , ** args ) # check if something is change in the original message for key , val in oidr . items ( ) : if key in self : if self [ key ] != val : # log but otherwise ignore logger . warning ( '{} != {}' . format ( self [ key ] , val ) ) # remove all claims _keys = list ( self . keys ( ) ) for key in _keys : if key not in oidr : del self [ key ] self . update ( oidr ) # replace the JWT with the parsed and verified instance self [ verified_claim_name ( "request" ) ] = oidr if "id_token_hint" in self : if isinstance ( self [ "id_token_hint" ] , str ) : idt = IdToken ( ) . from_jwt ( str ( self [ "id_token_hint" ] ) , ** args ) self [ "verified_id_token_hint" ] = idt if "response_type" not in self : raise MissingRequiredAttribute ( "response_type missing" , self ) _rt = self [ "response_type" ] if "id_token" in _rt : if "nonce" not in self : raise MissingRequiredAttribute ( "Nonce missing" , self ) else : try : if self [ 'nonce' ] != kwargs [ 'nonce' ] : raise ValueError ( 'Nonce in id_token not matching nonce in authz ' 'request' ) except KeyError : pass if "openid" not in self . get ( "scope" , [ ] ) : raise MissingRequiredValue ( "openid not in scope" , self ) if "offline_access" in self . get ( "scope" , [ ] ) : if "prompt" not in self or "consent" not in self [ "prompt" ] : raise MissingRequiredValue ( "consent in prompt" , self ) if "prompt" in self : if "none" in self [ "prompt" ] and len ( self [ "prompt" ] ) > 1 : raise InvalidRequest ( "prompt none combined with other value" , self ) return True
def _get_state ( ) : '''Returns the state of connman'''
try : return pyconnman . ConnManager ( ) . get_property ( 'State' ) except KeyError : return 'offline' except dbus . DBusException as exc : raise salt . exceptions . CommandExecutionError ( 'Connman daemon error: {0}' . format ( exc ) )
def _get_and_write_fp ( self , iso_path , outfp , blocksize ) : # type : ( bytes , BinaryIO , int ) - > None '''An internal method to fetch a single file from the ISO and write it out to the file object . Parameters : iso _ path - The absolute path to the file to get data from . outfp - The file object to write data to . blocksize - The blocksize to use when copying data . Returns : Nothing .'''
try : return self . _get_file_from_iso_fp ( outfp , blocksize , None , None , iso_path ) except pycdlibexception . PyCdlibException : pass try : return self . _get_file_from_iso_fp ( outfp , blocksize , iso_path , None , None ) except pycdlibexception . PyCdlibException : pass self . _get_file_from_iso_fp ( outfp , blocksize , None , iso_path , None )
def _pre_job_handling ( self , job ) : """Some code executed before actually processing the job . : param VFGJob job : the VFGJob object . : return : None"""
# did we reach the final address ? if self . _final_address is not None and job . addr == self . _final_address : # our analysis should be termianted here l . debug ( "%s is viewed as a final state. Skip." , job ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) l . debug ( "Handling VFGJob %s" , job ) if not self . _top_task : l . debug ( "No more tasks available. Skip the job." ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) assert isinstance ( self . _top_task , FunctionAnalysis ) if job not in self . _top_task . jobs : # it seems that all jobs of the top task has been done . unwind the task stack # make sure this job is at least recorded somewhere unwind_count = None for i , task in enumerate ( reversed ( self . _task_stack ) ) : if isinstance ( task , FunctionAnalysis ) : if job in task . jobs : # nice unwind_count = i if unwind_count is None : l . debug ( "%s is not recorded. Skip the job." , job ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) else : # unwind the stack till the target , unless we see any pending jobs for each new top task for i in range ( unwind_count ) : if isinstance ( self . _top_task , FunctionAnalysis ) : # are there any pending job belonging to the current function that we should handle first ? pending_job_key = self . _get_pending_job ( self . _top_task . function_address ) if pending_job_key is not None : # ah there is # analyze it first self . _trace_pending_job ( pending_job_key ) l . debug ( "A pending job is found for function %#x. Delay %s." , self . _top_task . function_address , job ) raise AngrDelayJobNotice ( ) task = self . _task_stack . pop ( ) if not task . done : l . warning ( "Removing an unfinished task %s. Might be a bug." , task ) assert job in self . _top_task . jobs # check if this is considered to be a final state if self . _final_state_callback is not None and self . _final_state_callback ( job . state , job . call_stack ) : l . debug ( "%s.state is considered as a final state. Skip the job." , job ) self . final_states . append ( job . state ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) # increment the execution counter self . _execution_counter [ job . addr ] += 1 self . _top_task . jobs . remove ( job ) # set up some essential variables and parameters job . call_stack_suffix = job . get_call_stack_suffix ( ) job . jumpkind = 'Ijk_Boring' if job . state . history . jumpkind is None else job . state . history . jumpkind src_block_id = job . src_block_id src_exit_stmt_idx = job . src_exit_stmt_idx addr = job . state . solver . eval ( job . state . regs . ip ) input_state = job . state block_id = BlockID . new ( addr , job . call_stack_suffix , job . jumpkind ) if self . _tracing_times [ block_id ] > self . _max_iterations : l . debug ( '%s has been traced too many times. Skip' , job ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) self . _tracing_times [ block_id ] += 1 if block_id not in self . _nodes : vfg_node = VFGNode ( addr , block_id , state = input_state ) self . _nodes [ block_id ] = vfg_node else : vfg_node = self . _nodes [ block_id ] job . vfg_node = vfg_node # log the current state vfg_node . state = input_state # Execute this basic block with input state , and get a new SimSuccessors instance # unused result var is ` error _ occured ` job . sim_successors , _ , restart_analysis = self . _get_simsuccessors ( input_state , addr ) if restart_analysis : # We should restart the analysis because of something must be changed in the very initial state raise AngrVFGRestartAnalysisNotice ( ) if job . sim_successors is None : # Ouch , we cannot get the SimSuccessors for some reason # Skip this guy l . debug ( 'Cannot create SimSuccessors for %s. Skip.' , job ) raise AngrSkipJobNotice ( ) self . _graph_add_edge ( src_block_id , block_id , jumpkind = job . jumpkind , src_exit_stmt_idx = src_exit_stmt_idx )
def save ( self , update_site = False , * args , ** kwargs ) : """Set the site to the current site when the record is first created , or the ` ` update _ site ` ` argument is explicitly set to ` ` True ` ` ."""
if update_site or ( self . id is None and self . site_id is None ) : self . site_id = current_site_id ( ) super ( SiteRelated , self ) . save ( * args , ** kwargs )
def connections_from_graph ( env , G , edge_data = False ) : """Create connections for agents in the given environment from the given NetworkX graph structure . : param env : Environment where the agents live . The environment should be derived from : class : ` ~ creamas . core . environment . Environment ` , : class : ` ~ creamas . mp . MultiEnvironment ` or : class : ` ~ creamas . ds . DistributedEnvironment ` . : param G : NetworkX graph structure , either : class : ` networkx . graph . Graph ` or : class : ` networkx . digraph . DiGraph ` . The graph needs to have the same number of nodes as the environment has agents ( excluding the managers ) . : param bool edge _ data : If ` ` True ` ` , edge data from the given graph is copied to the agents ' : attr : ` connections ` . . . note : : By design , manager agents are excluded from the connections and should not be counted towards environment ' s agent count . The created connections are stored in each agent ' s : attr : ` ~ creamas . core . agent . CreativeAgent . connections ` and the possible edge data is stored as key - value pairs in the connection dictionary . The agents are sorted by their environments ' hosts and ports before each agent is mapped to a node in * * G * * . This should cause some network generation methods in NetworkX , e . g . : func : ` ~ networkx . generators . random _ graphs . connected _ watts _ strogatz _ graph ` , to create more connections between agents in the same environment and / or node when using : class : ` ~ creamas . mp . MultiEnvironment ` or : class : ` ~ creamas . ds . DistributedEnvironment ` ."""
if not issubclass ( G . __class__ , ( Graph , DiGraph ) ) : raise TypeError ( "Graph structure must be derived from Networkx's " "Graph or DiGraph." ) if not hasattr ( env , 'get_agents' ) : raise TypeError ( "Parameter 'env' must have get_agents." ) addrs = env . get_agents ( addr = True ) if len ( addrs ) != len ( G ) : raise ValueError ( "The number of graph nodes and agents in the " "environment (excluding the manager agent) must " "match. Now got {} nodes and {} agents." . format ( len ( G ) , len ( addrs ) ) ) # Sort agent addresses to the order they were added to the environment . addrs = sort_addrs ( addrs ) _addrs2nodes ( addrs , G ) conn_map = _edges2conns ( G , edge_data ) env . create_connections ( conn_map )
def comment_filter ( comment_text ) : """Passed comment text to be rendered through the function defined by the ` ` COMMENT _ FILTER ` ` setting . If no function is defined ( the default ) , Django ' s ` ` linebreaksbr ` ` and ` ` urlize ` ` filters are used ."""
filter_func = settings . COMMENT_FILTER if not filter_func : def filter_func ( s ) : return linebreaksbr ( urlize ( s , autoescape = True ) , autoescape = True ) elif not callable ( filter_func ) : filter_func = import_dotted_path ( filter_func ) return filter_func ( comment_text )
def saved ( name , source = 'running' , user = None , group = None , mode = None , attrs = None , makedirs = False , dir_mode = None , replace = True , backup = '' , show_changes = True , create = True , tmp_dir = '' , tmp_ext = '' , encoding = None , encoding_errors = 'strict' , allow_empty = False , follow_symlinks = True , check_cmd = None , win_owner = None , win_perms = None , win_deny_perms = None , win_inheritance = True , win_perms_reset = False , ** kwargs ) : '''. . versionadded : : 2019.2.0 Save the configuration to a file on the local file system . name Absolute path to file where to save the configuration . To push the files to the Master , use : mod : ` cp . push < salt . modules . cp . push > ` Execution function . source : ` ` running ` ` The configuration source . Choose from : ` ` running ` ` , ` ` candidate ` ` , ` ` startup ` ` . Default : ` ` running ` ` . user The user to own the file , this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion group The group ownership set for the file , this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion . On Windows , this is ignored mode The permissions to set on this file , e . g . ` ` 644 ` ` , ` ` 0775 ` ` , or ` ` 4664 ` ` . The default mode for new files and directories corresponds to the umask of the salt process . The mode of existing files and directories will only be changed if ` ` mode ` ` is specified . . . note : : This option is * * not * * supported on Windows . attrs The attributes to have on this file , e . g . ` ` a ` ` , ` ` i ` ` . The attributes can be any or a combination of the following characters : ` ` aAcCdDeijPsStTu ` ` . . . note : : This option is * * not * * supported on Windows . makedirs : ` ` False ` ` If set to ` ` True ` ` , then the parent directories will be created to facilitate the creation of the named file . If ` ` False ` ` , and the parent directory of the destination file doesn ' t exist , the state will fail . dir _ mode If directories are to be created , passing this option specifies the permissions for those directories . If this is not set , directories will be assigned permissions by adding the execute bit to the mode of the files . The default mode for new files and directories corresponds umask of salt process . For existing files and directories it ' s not enforced . replace : ` ` True ` ` If set to ` ` False ` ` and the file already exists , the file will not be modified even if changes would otherwise be made . Permissions and ownership will still be enforced , however . backup Overrides the default backup mode for this specific file . See : ref : ` backup _ mode documentation < file - state - backups > ` for more details . show _ changes : ` ` True ` ` Output a unified diff of the old file and the new file . If ` ` False ` ` return a boolean if any changes were made . create : ` ` True ` ` If set to ` ` False ` ` , then the file will only be managed if the file already exists on the system . encoding If specified , then the specified encoding will be used . Otherwise , the file will be encoded using the system locale ( usually UTF - 8 ) . See https : / / docs . python . org / 3 / library / codecs . html # standard - encodings for the list of available encodings . encoding _ errors : ` ` ' strict ' ` ` Error encoding scheme . Default is ` ` ` ' strict ' ` ` ` . See https : / / docs . python . org / 2 / library / codecs . html # codec - base - classes for the list of available schemes . allow _ empty : ` ` True ` ` If set to ` ` False ` ` , then the state will fail if the contents specified by ` ` contents _ pillar ` ` or ` ` contents _ grains ` ` are empty . follow _ symlinks : ` ` True ` ` If the desired path is a symlink follow it and make changes to the file to which the symlink points . check _ cmd The specified command will be run with an appended argument of a * temporary * file containing the new managed contents . If the command exits with a zero status the new managed contents will be written to the managed destination . If the command exits with a nonzero exit code , the state will fail and no changes will be made to the file . tmp _ dir Directory for temp file created by ` ` check _ cmd ` ` . Useful for checkers dependent on config file location ( e . g . daemons restricted to their own config directories by an apparmor profile ) . tmp _ ext Suffix for temp file created by ` ` check _ cmd ` ` . Useful for checkers dependent on config file extension ( e . g . the init - checkconf upstart config checker ) . win _ owner : ` ` None ` ` The owner of the directory . If this is not passed , user will be used . If user is not passed , the account under which Salt is running will be used . win _ perms : ` ` None ` ` A dictionary containing permissions to grant and their propagation . For example : ` ` { ' Administrators ' : { ' perms ' : ' full _ control ' } } ` ` Can be a single basic perm or a list of advanced perms . ` ` perms ` ` must be specified . ` ` applies _ to ` ` does not apply to file objects . win _ deny _ perms : ` ` None ` ` A dictionary containing permissions to deny and their propagation . For example : ` ` { ' Administrators ' : { ' perms ' : ' full _ control ' } } ` ` Can be a single basic perm or a list of advanced perms . ` ` perms ` ` must be specified . ` ` applies _ to ` ` does not apply to file objects . win _ inheritance : ` ` True ` ` True to inherit permissions from the parent directory , False not to inherit permission . win _ perms _ reset : ` ` False ` ` If ` ` True ` ` the existing DACL will be cleared and replaced with the settings defined in this function . If ` ` False ` ` , new entries will be appended to the existing DACL . Default is ` ` False ` ` . State SLS Example : . . code - block : : yaml / var / backups / { { opts . id } } / { { salt . status . time ( ' % s ' ) } } . cfg : netconfig . saved : - source : running - makedirs : true The state SLS above would create a backup config grouping the files by the Minion ID , in chronological files . For example , if the state is executed at on the 3rd of August 2018 , at 5:15PM , on the Minion ` ` core1 . lon01 ` ` , the configuration would saved in the file : ` ` / var / backups / core01 . lon01/1533316558 . cfg ` `'''
ret = __salt__ [ 'net.config' ] ( source = source ) if not ret [ 'result' ] : return { 'name' : name , 'changes' : { } , 'result' : False , 'comment' : ret [ 'comment' ] } return __states__ [ 'file.managed' ] ( name , user = user , group = group , mode = mode , attrs = attrs , makedirs = makedirs , dir_mode = dir_mode , replace = replace , backup = backup , show_changes = show_changes , create = create , contents = ret [ 'out' ] [ source ] , tmp_dir = tmp_dir , tmp_ext = tmp_ext , encoding = encoding , encoding_errors = encoding_errors , allow_empty = allow_empty , follow_symlinks = follow_symlinks , check_cmd = check_cmd , win_owner = win_owner , win_perms = win_perms , win_deny_perms = win_deny_perms , win_inheritance = win_inheritance , win_perms_reset = win_perms_reset , ** kwargs )
def encode_chunk ( dataframe ) : """Return a file - like object of CSV - encoded rows . Args : dataframe ( pandas . DataFrame ) : A chunk of a dataframe to encode"""
csv_buffer = six . StringIO ( ) dataframe . to_csv ( csv_buffer , index = False , header = False , encoding = "utf-8" , float_format = "%.15g" , date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" , ) # Convert to a BytesIO buffer so that unicode text is properly handled . # See : https : / / github . com / pydata / pandas - gbq / issues / 106 body = csv_buffer . getvalue ( ) if isinstance ( body , bytes ) : body = body . decode ( "utf-8" ) body = body . encode ( "utf-8" ) return six . BytesIO ( body )
def to_dict ( self ) : """Converts the set of parameters into a dict"""
return dict ( ( parameter . name , parameter . value ) for parameter in self . values ( ) )
def by_group ( self ) : # pragma : no cover """Display group membership sorted by group . Returns : Array with a dictionary of group membership . For example : { ' testgroup ' : [ ' test . user ' , ' test . user2 ' ] }"""
group_membership = { } for record in self . __get_groups_with_membership ( ) : group_membership [ record . cn . value ] = [ i for i in record . memberUid . values ] return group_membership
def cycle_string ( key_arn , source_plaintext , botocore_session = None ) : """Encrypts and then decrypts a string under a KMS customer master key ( CMK ) . : param str key _ arn : Amazon Resource Name ( ARN ) of the KMS CMK : param bytes source _ plaintext : Data to encrypt : param botocore _ session : existing botocore session instance : type botocore _ session : botocore . session . Session"""
# Create a KMS master key provider kms_kwargs = dict ( key_ids = [ key_arn ] ) if botocore_session is not None : kms_kwargs [ "botocore_session" ] = botocore_session master_key_provider = aws_encryption_sdk . KMSMasterKeyProvider ( ** kms_kwargs ) # Encrypt the plaintext source data ciphertext , encryptor_header = aws_encryption_sdk . encrypt ( source = source_plaintext , key_provider = master_key_provider ) # Decrypt the ciphertext cycled_plaintext , decrypted_header = aws_encryption_sdk . decrypt ( source = ciphertext , key_provider = master_key_provider ) # Verify that the " cycled " ( encrypted , then decrypted ) plaintext is identical to the source plaintext assert cycled_plaintext == source_plaintext # Verify that the encryption context used in the decrypt operation includes all key pairs from # the encrypt operation . ( The SDK can add pairs , so don ' t require an exact match . ) # In production , always use a meaningful encryption context . In this sample , we omit the # encryption context ( no key pairs ) . assert all ( pair in decrypted_header . encryption_context . items ( ) for pair in encryptor_header . encryption_context . items ( ) )
def run ( connection ) : """Ensure that we have snapshots for a given volume : type connection : boto . ec2 . connection . EC2Connection : param connection : EC2 connection object : returns : None"""
volumes = volume_manager . get_watched_volumes ( connection ) for volume in volumes : _ensure_snapshot ( connection , volume ) _remove_old_snapshots ( connection , volume )
def results ( self ) : """Print results"""
print ( "" ) per = int ( round ( ( float ( self . cf ) / ( self . cf + self . cn ) ) * 100 ) ) if per > 90 : color = self . meta . color [ "GREEN" ] elif per < 90 and per > 60 : color = self . meta . color [ "YELLOW" ] elif per < 60 : color = self . meta . color [ "RED" ] health = "{0}{1}%{2}" . format ( color , str ( per ) , self . meta . color [ "ENDC" ] ) self . msg . template ( 78 ) print ( "| {0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" . format ( "Total files" , " " * 7 , "Not installed" , " " * 40 , "Health" ) ) self . msg . template ( 78 ) print ( "| {0}{1}{2}{3}{4:>4}" . format ( self . cf , " " * ( 18 - len ( str ( self . cf ) ) ) , self . cn , " " * ( 55 - len ( str ( self . cn ) ) ) , health ) ) self . msg . template ( 78 )
def get_what_txt ( self ) : """Overrides the base behaviour defined in ValidationError in order to add details about the class field . : return :"""
return 'field [{field}] for class [{clazz}]' . format ( field = self . get_variable_str ( ) , clazz = self . validator . get_validated_class_display_name ( ) )
def host_diskpool_get_info ( self , disk_pool = None ) : """Retrieve diskpool information . : param str disk _ pool : the disk pool info . It use ' : ' to separate disk pool type and pool name , eg " ECKD : eckdpool " or " FBA : fbapool " : returns : Dictionary describing disk pool usage info"""
# disk _ pool must be assigned . disk _ pool default to None because # it is more convenient for users to just type function name when # they want to get the disk pool info of CONF . zvm . disk _ pool if disk_pool is None : disk_pool = CONF . zvm . disk_pool if ':' not in disk_pool : msg = ( 'Invalid input parameter disk_pool, expect ":" in' 'disk_pool, eg. ECKD:eckdpool' ) LOG . error ( msg ) raise exception . SDKInvalidInputFormat ( msg ) diskpool_type = disk_pool . split ( ':' ) [ 0 ] . upper ( ) diskpool_name = disk_pool . split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] if diskpool_type not in ( 'ECKD' , 'FBA' ) : msg = ( 'Invalid disk pool type found in disk_pool, expect' 'disk_pool like ECKD:eckdpool or FBA:fbapool' ) LOG . error ( msg ) raise exception . SDKInvalidInputFormat ( msg ) action = "get information of disk pool: '%s'" % disk_pool with zvmutils . log_and_reraise_sdkbase_error ( action ) : return self . _hostops . diskpool_get_info ( diskpool_name )
def _hash_to_sh_address ( script_hash , witness = False , cashaddr = True ) : '''bytes , bool , bool - > str cashaddrs are preferred where possible but cashaddr is ignored in most cases is there a better way to structure this ?'''
addr_bytes = bytearray ( ) if riemann . network . CASHADDR_P2SH is not None and cashaddr : addr_bytes . extend ( riemann . network . CASHADDR_P2SH ) addr_bytes . extend ( script_hash ) return riemann . network . CASHADDR_ENCODER . encode ( addr_bytes ) if witness : addr_bytes . extend ( riemann . network . P2WSH_PREFIX ) addr_bytes . extend ( script_hash ) return riemann . network . SEGWIT_ENCODER . encode ( addr_bytes ) else : addr_bytes . extend ( riemann . network . P2SH_PREFIX ) addr_bytes . extend ( script_hash ) return riemann . network . LEGACY_ENCODER . encode ( addr_bytes )
def check_stat ( self , path ) : """Checks logfile stat information for excluding files not in datetime period . On Linux it ' s possible to checks only modification time , because file creation info are not available , so it ' s possible to exclude only older files . In Unix BSD systems and windows information about file creation date and times are available , so is possible to exclude too newer files ."""
statinfo = os . stat ( path ) st_mtime = datetime . fromtimestamp ( statinfo . st_mtime ) if platform . system ( ) == 'Linux' : check = st_mtime >= self . start_dt else : st_ctime = datetime . fromtimestamp ( statinfo . st_ctime ) check = st_mtime >= self . start_dt and st_ctime <= self . end_dt if not check : logger . info ( "file %r not in datetime period!" , path ) return check
def setDocuments ( self , documenting_pid , documented_pid ) : """Add a CiTO , the Citation Typing Ontology , triple asserting that ` ` documenting _ pid ` ` documents ` ` documented _ pid ` ` . Adds assertion : ` ` documenting _ pid cito : documents documented _ pid ` ` Args : documenting _ pid : str PID of a Science Object that documents ` ` documented _ pid ` ` . documented _ pid : str PID of a Science Object that is documented by ` ` documenting _ pid ` ` ."""
self . _check_initialized ( ) documenting_id = self . getObjectByPid ( documenting_pid ) documented_id = self . getObjectByPid ( documented_pid ) self . add ( ( documenting_id , CITO . documents , documented_id ) )
def split_shard ( self , project_name , logstore_name , shardId , split_hash ) : """split a readwrite shard into two shards Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException . : type project _ name : string : param project _ name : the Project name : type logstore _ name : string : param logstore _ name : the logstore name : type shardId : int : param shardId : the shard id : type split _ hash : string : param split _ hash : the internal hash between the shard begin and end hash : return : ListShardResponse : raise : LogException"""
headers = { } params = { "action" : "split" , "key" : split_hash } resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str ( shardId ) ( resp , header ) = self . _send ( "POST" , project_name , None , resource , params , headers ) return ListShardResponse ( resp , header )
def vector_generate ( start_pt , end_pt , normalize = False ) : """Generates a vector from 2 input points . : param start _ pt : start point of the vector : type start _ pt : list , tuple : param end _ pt : end point of the vector : type end _ pt : list , tuple : param normalize : if True , the generated vector is normalized : type normalize : bool : return : a vector from start _ pt to end _ pt : rtype : list"""
try : if start_pt is None or len ( start_pt ) == 0 or end_pt is None or len ( end_pt ) == 0 : raise ValueError ( "Input points cannot be empty" ) except TypeError as e : print ( "An error occurred: {}" . format ( e . args [ - 1 ] ) ) raise TypeError ( "Input must be a list or tuple" ) except Exception : raise ret_vec = [ ] for sp , ep in zip ( start_pt , end_pt ) : ret_vec . append ( ep - sp ) if normalize : ret_vec = vector_normalize ( ret_vec ) return ret_vec
def xgboost_installed ( ) : """Checks that * xgboost * is available ."""
try : import xgboost except ImportError : return False from xgboost . core import _LIB try : _LIB . XGBoosterDumpModelEx except AttributeError : # The version is not recent enough even though it is version 0.6. # You need to install xgboost from github and not from pypi . return False from xgboost import __version__ vers = LooseVersion ( __version__ ) allowed = LooseVersion ( '0.7' ) if vers < allowed : warnings . warn ( 'The converter works for xgboost >= 0.7. Earlier versions might not.' ) return True
def get_baremetal_physnet ( self , context ) : """Returns dictionary which contains mac to hostname mapping"""
port = context . current host_id = context . host cmd = [ 'show network physical-topology hosts' ] try : response = self . _run_eos_cmds ( cmd ) binding_profile = port . get ( portbindings . PROFILE , { } ) link_info = binding_profile . get ( 'local_link_information' , [ ] ) for link in link_info : switch_id = link . get ( 'switch_id' ) for host in response [ 0 ] [ 'hosts' ] . values ( ) : if switch_id == host [ 'name' ] : physnet = host [ 'hostname' ] LOG . debug ( "get_physical_network: Physical Network for " "%(host)s is %(physnet)s" , { 'host' : host_id , 'physnet' : physnet } ) return physnet LOG . debug ( "Physical network not found for %(host)s" , { 'host' : host_id } ) except Exception as exc : LOG . error ( _LE ( 'command %(cmd)s failed with ' '%(exc)s' ) , { 'cmd' : cmd , 'exc' : exc } ) return None
def currentText ( self ) : """Returns the text that is available currently , if the user has set standard text , then that is returned , otherwise the hint is returned . : return < str >"""
text = nativestring ( self . text ( ) ) if text or not self . useHintValue ( ) : return text return self . hint ( )
def write_input ( self , output_dir , make_dir_if_not_present = True , write_cif = False , write_path_cif = False , write_endpoint_inputs = False ) : """NEB inputs has a special directory structure where inputs are in 00, 01 , 02 , . . . . Args : output _ dir ( str ) : Directory to output the VASP input files make _ dir _ if _ not _ present ( bool ) : Set to True if you want the directory ( and the whole path ) to be created if it is not present . write _ cif ( bool ) : If true , writes a cif along with each POSCAR . write _ path _ cif ( bool ) : If true , writes a cif for each image . write _ endpoint _ inputs ( bool ) : If true , writes input files for running endpoint calculations ."""
output_dir = Path ( output_dir ) if make_dir_if_not_present and not output_dir . exists ( ) : output_dir . mkdir ( parents = True ) self . incar . write_file ( str ( output_dir / 'INCAR' ) ) self . kpoints . write_file ( str ( output_dir / 'KPOINTS' ) ) self . potcar . write_file ( str ( output_dir / 'POTCAR' ) ) for i , p in enumerate ( self . poscars ) : d = output_dir / str ( i ) . zfill ( 2 ) if not d . exists ( ) : d . mkdir ( parents = True ) p . write_file ( str ( d / 'POSCAR' ) ) if write_cif : p . structure . to ( filename = str ( d / '{}.cif' . format ( i ) ) ) if write_endpoint_inputs : end_point_param = MITRelaxSet ( self . structures [ 0 ] , user_incar_settings = self . user_incar_settings ) for image in [ '00' , str ( len ( self . structures ) - 1 ) . zfill ( 2 ) ] : end_point_param . incar . write_file ( str ( output_dir / image / 'INCAR' ) ) end_point_param . kpoints . write_file ( str ( output_dir / image / 'KPOINTS' ) ) end_point_param . potcar . write_file ( str ( output_dir / image / 'POTCAR' ) ) if write_path_cif : sites = set ( ) l = self . structures [ 0 ] . lattice for site in chain ( * ( s . sites for s in self . structures ) ) : sites . add ( PeriodicSite ( site . species , site . frac_coords , l ) ) nebpath = Structure . from_sites ( sorted ( sites ) ) nebpath . to ( filename = str ( output_dir / 'path.cif' ) )
def sent_tokenize ( self , text , ** kwargs ) : """Returns a list of sentences . Each sentence is a space - separated string of tokens ( words ) . Handles common cases of abbreviations ( e . g . , etc . , . . . ) . Punctuation marks are split from other words . Periods ( or ? ! ) mark the end of a sentence . Headings without an ending period are inferred by line breaks ."""
sentences = find_sentences ( text , punctuation = kwargs . get ( "punctuation" , PUNCTUATION ) , abbreviations = kwargs . get ( "abbreviations" , ABBREVIATIONS_DE ) , replace = kwargs . get ( "replace" , replacements ) , linebreak = r"\n{2,}" ) return sentences
def get_fields ( model , fields = None ) : """Assigns fields for model ."""
include = [ f . strip ( ) for f in fields . split ( ',' ) ] if fields else None return utils . get_fields ( model , include )
def RS ( S , second_pass = False ) : """Compute a C / F splitting using Ruge - Stuben coarsening Parameters S : csr _ matrix Strength of connection matrix indicating the strength between nodes i and j ( S _ ij ) second _ pass : bool , default False Perform second pass of classical AMG coarsening . Can be important for classical AMG interpolation . Typically not done in parallel ( e . g . Hypre ) . Returns splitting : ndarray Array of length of S of ones ( coarse ) and zeros ( fine ) Examples > > > from pyamg . gallery import poisson > > > from pyamg . classical import RS > > > S = poisson ( ( 7 , ) , format = ' csr ' ) # 1D mesh with 7 vertices > > > splitting = RS ( S ) See Also amg _ core . rs _ cf _ splitting References . . [ 1 ] Ruge JW , Stuben K . " Algebraic multigrid ( AMG ) " In Multigrid Methods , McCormick SF ( ed . ) , Frontiers in Applied Mathematics , vol . 3. SIAM : Philadelphia , PA , 1987 ; 73-130."""
if not isspmatrix_csr ( S ) : raise TypeError ( 'expected csr_matrix' ) S = remove_diagonal ( S ) T = S . T . tocsr ( ) # transpose S for efficient column access splitting = np . empty ( S . shape [ 0 ] , dtype = 'intc' ) influence = np . zeros ( ( S . shape [ 0 ] , ) , dtype = 'intc' ) amg_core . rs_cf_splitting ( S . shape [ 0 ] , S . indptr , S . indices , T . indptr , T . indices , influence , splitting ) if second_pass : amg_core . rs_cf_splitting_pass2 ( S . shape [ 0 ] , S . indptr , S . indices , splitting ) return splitting
def get_user ( self , identified_with , identifier , req , resp , resource , uri_kwargs ) : """Return default user object ."""
return self . user
def _db_install ( self , db_name ) : """Install nipap database schema"""
self . _logger . info ( "Installing NIPAP database schemas into db" ) self . _execute ( db_schema . ip_net % ( db_name ) ) self . _execute ( db_schema . functions ) self . _execute ( db_schema . triggers )
def submit_msql_object_query ( object_query , client = None ) : """Submit ` object _ query ` to MemberSuite , returning . models . MemberSuiteObjects . So this is a converter from MSQL to . models . MemberSuiteObjects . Returns query results as a list of MemberSuiteObjects ."""
client = client or get_new_client ( ) if not client . session_id : client . request_session ( ) result = client . execute_object_query ( object_query ) execute_msql_result = result [ "body" ] [ "ExecuteMSQLResult" ] membersuite_object_list = [ ] if execute_msql_result [ "Success" ] : result_value = execute_msql_result [ "ResultValue" ] if result_value [ "ObjectSearchResult" ] [ "Objects" ] : # Multiple results . membersuite_object_list = [ ] for obj in ( result_value [ "ObjectSearchResult" ] [ "Objects" ] [ "MemberSuiteObject" ] ) : membersuite_object = membersuite_object_factory ( obj ) membersuite_object_list . append ( membersuite_object ) elif result_value [ "SingleObject" ] [ "ClassType" ] : # Only one result . membersuite_object = membersuite_object_factory ( execute_msql_result [ "ResultValue" ] [ "SingleObject" ] ) membersuite_object_list . append ( membersuite_object ) elif ( result_value [ "ObjectSearchResult" ] [ "Objects" ] is None and result_value [ "SingleObject" ] [ "ClassType" ] is None ) : raise NoResultsError ( result = execute_msql_result ) return membersuite_object_list else : # @ TODO Fix - exposing only the first of possibly many errors here . raise ExecuteMSQLError ( result = execute_msql_result )
def _apicall ( self , method , ** params ) : """Call an API method and return response data . For more info , see : https : / / ccp . netcup . net / run / webservice / servers / endpoint"""
LOGGER . debug ( '%s(%r)' , method , params ) auth = { 'customernumber' : self . _get_provider_option ( 'auth_customer_id' ) , 'apikey' : self . _get_provider_option ( 'auth_api_key' ) , } if method == 'login' : auth [ 'apipassword' ] = self . _get_provider_option ( 'auth_api_password' ) else : auth [ 'apisessionid' ] = self . api_session_id if not all ( auth . values ( ) ) : raise Exception ( 'No valid authentication mechanism found' ) data = self . _request ( 'POST' , url = '' , data = { 'action' : method , 'param' : dict ( params , ** auth ) , } ) if data [ 'status' ] != 'success' : raise Exception ( "{} ({})" . format ( data [ 'longmessage' ] , data [ 'statuscode' ] ) ) return data . get ( 'responsedata' , { } )
def delete_persistent_data ( role , zk_node ) : """Deletes any persistent data associated with the specified role , and zk node . : param role : the mesos role to delete , or None to omit this : type role : str : param zk _ node : the zookeeper node to be deleted , or None to skip this deletion : type zk _ node : str"""
if role : destroy_volumes ( role ) unreserve_resources ( role ) if zk_node : delete_zk_node ( zk_node )
def snake_case_backend_name ( self ) : """CamelCase - > camel _ case"""
s1 = re . sub ( '(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)' , r'\1_\2' , type ( self ) . __name__ ) return re . sub ( '([a-z0-9])([A-Z])' , r'\1_\2' , s1 ) . lower ( )
def find_resource ( r , * , pkg = 'cyther' ) : """Finds a given cyther resource in the ' test ' subdirectory in ' cyther ' package"""
file_path = pkg_resources . resource_filename ( pkg , os . path . join ( 'test' , r ) ) if not os . path . isfile ( file_path ) : msg = "Resource '{}' does not exist" raise FileNotFoundError ( msg . format ( file_path ) ) return file_path
def _add_ticks ( ax : Axes , h1 : Histogram1D , kwargs : dict ) : """Customize ticks for an axis ( 1D histogram ) . Parameters ticks : { " center " , " edge " } , optional Position of the ticks tick _ handler : Callable [ [ Histogram1D , float , float ] , Tuple [ List [ float ] , List [ str ] ] ]"""
ticks = kwargs . pop ( "ticks" , None ) tick_handler = kwargs . pop ( "tick_handler" , None ) if tick_handler : if ticks : raise ValueError ( "Cannot specify both tick and tick_handler" ) ticks , labels = tick_handler ( h1 , * ax . get_xlim ( ) ) ax . set_xticks ( ticks ) ax . set_xticklabels ( labels ) if ticks == "center" : ax . set_xticks ( h1 . bin_centers ) if ticks == "edge" : ax . set_xticks ( h1 . bin_left_edges )
def _read_para_hip_transport_mode ( self , code , cbit , clen , * , desc , length , version ) : """Read HIP HIP _ TRANSPORT _ MODE parameter . Structure of HIP HIP _ TRANSPORT _ MODE parameter [ RFC 6261 ] : 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 | Type | Length | | Port | Mode ID # 1 | | Mode ID # 2 | Mode ID # 3 | | Mode ID # n | Padding | Octets Bits Name Description 0 0 hip _ transport _ mode . type Parameter Type 1 15 hip _ transport _ mode . critical Critical Bit 2 16 hip _ transport _ mode . length Length of Contents 4 32 hip _ transport _ mode . port Port 6 48 hip _ transport _ mode . id Mode ID ? ? - Padding"""
if clen % 2 != 0 : raise ProtocolError ( f'HIPv{version}: [Parano {code}] invalid format' ) _port = self . _read_unpack ( 2 ) _mdid = list ( ) for _ in range ( ( clen - 2 ) // 2 ) : _mdid . append ( _TP_MODE_ID . get ( self . _read_unpack ( 2 ) , 'Unassigned' ) ) hip_transport_mode = dict ( type = desc , critical = cbit , length = clen , port = _port , id = tuple ( _mdid ) , ) _plen = length - clen if _plen : self . _read_fileng ( _plen ) return hip_transport_mode
def get_minions ( ) : '''Return a list of minions'''
log . debug ( 'sdstack_etcd returner <get_minions> called' ) ret = [ ] client , path = _get_conn ( __opts__ ) items = client . get ( '/' . join ( ( path , 'minions' ) ) ) for item in items . children : comps = str ( item . key ) . split ( '/' ) ret . append ( comps [ - 1 ] ) return ret
def align ( fastq_file , pair_file , ref_file , names , align_dir , data , extra_args = None ) : """Alignment with bowtie2."""
config = data [ "config" ] analysis_config = ANALYSIS . get ( data [ "analysis" ] . lower ( ) ) assert analysis_config , "Analysis %s is not supported by bowtie2" % ( data [ "analysis" ] ) out_file = os . path . join ( align_dir , "{0}-sort.bam" . format ( dd . get_sample_name ( data ) ) ) if data . get ( "align_split" ) : final_file = out_file out_file , data = alignprep . setup_combine ( final_file , data ) fastq_file , pair_file = alignprep . split_namedpipe_cls ( fastq_file , pair_file , data ) else : final_file = None if not utils . file_exists ( out_file ) and ( final_file is None or not utils . file_exists ( final_file ) ) : with postalign . tobam_cl ( data , out_file , pair_file is not None ) as ( tobam_cl , tx_out_file ) : cl = [ config_utils . get_program ( "bowtie2" , config ) ] cl += extra_args if extra_args is not None else [ ] cl += [ "-q" , "-x" , ref_file ] cl += analysis_config . get ( "params" , [ ] ) if pair_file : cl += [ "-1" , fastq_file , "-2" , pair_file ] else : cl += [ "-U" , fastq_file ] if names and "rg" in names : cl += [ "--rg-id" , names [ "rg" ] ] for key , tag in [ ( "sample" , "SM" ) , ( "pl" , "PL" ) , ( "pu" , "PU" ) , ( "lb" , "LB" ) ] : if names . get ( key ) : cl += [ "--rg" , "%s:%s" % ( tag , names [ key ] ) ] cl += _bowtie2_args_from_config ( config , cl ) cl = [ str ( i ) for i in cl ] cmd = "unset JAVA_HOME && " + " " . join ( cl ) + " | " + tobam_cl do . run ( cmd , "Aligning %s and %s with Bowtie2." % ( fastq_file , pair_file ) ) return out_file
def _GetElementDataTypeDefinition ( self , data_type_definition ) : """Retrieves the element data type definition . Args : data _ type _ definition ( DataTypeDefinition ) : data type definition . Returns : DataTypeDefinition : element data type definition . Raises : FormatError : if the element data type cannot be determined from the data type definition ."""
if not data_type_definition : raise errors . FormatError ( 'Missing data type definition' ) element_data_type_definition = getattr ( data_type_definition , 'element_data_type_definition' , None ) if not element_data_type_definition : raise errors . FormatError ( 'Invalid data type definition missing element' ) return element_data_type_definition
def refresh_committed_offsets_if_needed ( self ) : """Fetch committed offsets for assigned partitions ."""
if self . _subscription . needs_fetch_committed_offsets : offsets = self . fetch_committed_offsets ( self . _subscription . assigned_partitions ( ) ) for partition , offset in six . iteritems ( offsets ) : # verify assignment is still active if self . _subscription . is_assigned ( partition ) : self . _subscription . assignment [ partition ] . committed = offset . offset self . _subscription . needs_fetch_committed_offsets = False
def _get_approved_attributes ( self , idp , idp_policy , sp_entity_id , state ) : """Returns a list of approved attributes : type idp : saml . server . Server : type idp _ policy : saml2 . assertion . Policy : type sp _ entity _ id : str : type state : satosa . state . State : rtype : list [ str ] : param idp : The saml frontend idp server : param idp _ policy : The idp policy : param sp _ entity _ id : The requesting sp entity id : param state : The current state : return : A list containing approved attributes"""
name_format = idp_policy . get_name_form ( sp_entity_id ) attrconvs = idp . config . attribute_converters idp_policy . acs = attrconvs attribute_filter = [ ] for aconv in attrconvs : if aconv . name_format == name_format : all_attributes = { v : None for v in aconv . _fro . values ( ) } attribute_filter = list ( idp_policy . restrict ( all_attributes , sp_entity_id , idp . metadata ) . keys ( ) ) break attribute_filter = self . converter . to_internal_filter ( self . attribute_profile , attribute_filter ) satosa_logging ( logger , logging . DEBUG , "Filter: %s" % attribute_filter , state ) return attribute_filter
def is_valid_package_name ( name , raise_error = False ) : """Test the validity of a package name string . Args : name ( str ) : Name to test . raise _ error ( bool ) : If True , raise an exception on failure Returns : bool ."""
is_valid = PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX . match ( name ) if raise_error and not is_valid : raise PackageRequestError ( "Not a valid package name: %r" % name ) return is_valid
def update_result_ctrl ( self , event ) : """Update event result following execution by main window"""
# Check to see if macro window still exists if not self : return printLen = 0 self . result_ctrl . SetValue ( '' ) if hasattr ( event , 'msg' ) : # Output of script ( from print statements , for example ) self . result_ctrl . AppendText ( event . msg ) printLen = len ( event . msg ) if hasattr ( event , 'err' ) : # Error messages errLen = len ( event . err ) errStyle = wx . TextAttr ( wx . RED ) self . result_ctrl . AppendText ( event . err ) self . result_ctrl . SetStyle ( printLen , printLen + errLen , errStyle ) if not hasattr ( event , 'err' ) or event . err == '' : # No error passed . Close dialog if user requested it . if self . _ok_pressed : self . Destroy ( ) self . _ok_pressed = False
def install ( config_file , store , overwrite = False , hooks = False , hook_type = 'pre-commit' , skip_on_missing_conf = False , ) : """Install the pre - commit hooks ."""
if cmd_output ( 'git' , 'config' , 'core.hooksPath' , retcode = None ) [ 1 ] . strip ( ) : logger . error ( 'Cowardly refusing to install hooks with `core.hooksPath` set.\n' 'hint: `git config --unset-all core.hooksPath`' , ) return 1 hook_path , legacy_path = _hook_paths ( hook_type ) mkdirp ( os . path . dirname ( hook_path ) ) # If we have an existing hook , move it to pre - commit . legacy if os . path . lexists ( hook_path ) and not is_our_script ( hook_path ) : shutil . move ( hook_path , legacy_path ) # If we specify overwrite , we simply delete the legacy file if overwrite and os . path . exists ( legacy_path ) : os . remove ( legacy_path ) elif os . path . exists ( legacy_path ) : output . write_line ( 'Running in migration mode with existing hooks at {}\n' 'Use -f to use only pre-commit.' . format ( legacy_path ) , ) params = { 'CONFIG' : config_file , 'HOOK_TYPE' : hook_type , 'INSTALL_PYTHON' : sys . executable , 'SKIP_ON_MISSING_CONFIG' : skip_on_missing_conf , } with io . open ( hook_path , 'w' ) as hook_file : contents = resource_text ( 'hook-tmpl' ) before , rest = contents . split ( TEMPLATE_START ) to_template , after = rest . split ( TEMPLATE_END ) before = before . replace ( '#!/usr/bin/env python3' , shebang ( ) ) hook_file . write ( before + TEMPLATE_START ) for line in to_template . splitlines ( ) : var = line . split ( ) [ 0 ] hook_file . write ( '{} = {!r}\n' . format ( var , params [ var ] ) ) hook_file . write ( TEMPLATE_END + after ) make_executable ( hook_path ) output . write_line ( 'pre-commit installed at {}' . format ( hook_path ) ) # If they requested we install all of the hooks , do so . if hooks : install_hooks ( config_file , store ) return 0
def ecef2enuv ( u : float , v : float , w : float , lat0 : float , lon0 : float , deg : bool = True ) -> Tuple [ float , float , float ] : """VECTOR from observer to target ECEF = > ENU Parameters u : float or numpy . ndarray of float target x ECEF coordinate ( meters ) v : float or numpy . ndarray of float target y ECEF coordinate ( meters ) w : float or numpy . ndarray of float target z ECEF coordinate ( meters ) lat0 : float Observer geodetic latitude lon0 : float Observer geodetic longitude h0 : float observer altitude above geodetic ellipsoid ( meters ) deg : bool , optional degrees input / output ( False : radians in / out ) Returns uEast : float or numpy . ndarray of float target east ENU coordinate ( meters ) vNorth : float or numpy . ndarray of float target north ENU coordinate ( meters ) wUp : float or numpy . ndarray of float target up ENU coordinate ( meters )"""
if deg : lat0 = radians ( lat0 ) lon0 = radians ( lon0 ) t = cos ( lon0 ) * u + sin ( lon0 ) * v uEast = - sin ( lon0 ) * u + cos ( lon0 ) * v wUp = cos ( lat0 ) * t + sin ( lat0 ) * w vNorth = - sin ( lat0 ) * t + cos ( lat0 ) * w return uEast , vNorth , wUp
def geneways_action_to_indra_statement_type ( actiontype , plo ) : """Return INDRA Statement corresponding to Geneways action type . Parameters actiontype : str The verb extracted by the Geneways processor plo : str A one character string designating whether Geneways classifies this verb as a physical , logical , or other interaction Returns statement _ generator : If there is no mapping to INDRA statements from this action type the return value is None . If there is such a mapping , statement _ generator is an anonymous function that takes in the subject agent , object agent , and evidence , in that order , and returns an INDRA statement object ."""
actiontype = actiontype . lower ( ) statement_generator = None is_direct = ( plo == 'P' ) if actiontype == 'bind' : statement_generator = lambda substance1 , substance2 , evidence : Complex ( [ substance1 , substance2 ] , evidence = evidence ) is_direct = True elif actiontype == 'phosphorylate' : statement_generator = lambda substance1 , substance2 , evidence : Phosphorylation ( substance1 , substance2 , evidence = evidence ) is_direct = True return ( statement_generator , is_direct )
def sort_idxs ( cls , similarities ) : "Sorts ` similarities ` and return the indexes in pairs ordered by highest similarity ."
idxs = cls . largest_indices ( similarities , len ( similarities ) ) idxs = [ ( idxs [ 0 ] [ i ] , idxs [ 1 ] [ i ] ) for i in range ( len ( idxs [ 0 ] ) ) ] return [ e for l in idxs for e in l ]
def get_roles ( self ) : """Get the roles associated with the hosts . Returns dict of role - > [ host ]"""
machines = self . c_resources [ "machines" ] result = { } for desc in machines : roles = utils . get_roles_as_list ( desc ) hosts = self . _denormalize ( desc ) for role in roles : result . setdefault ( role , [ ] ) result [ role ] . extend ( hosts ) return result
def disable_paging ( self , command = "no pager" , delay_factor = 1 ) : """Disable paging"""
return super ( QuantaMeshSSH , self ) . disable_paging ( command = command )
def compute_between_collection_interval_duration ( self , prefix ) : """Calculates BETWEEN - collection intervals for the current collection and measure type and takes their mean . : param str prefix : Prefix for the key entry in self . measures . Negative intervals ( for overlapping clusters ) are counted as 0 seconds . Intervals are calculated as being the difference between the ending time of the last word in a collection and the start time of the first word in the subsequent collection . Note that these intervals are not necessarily silences , and may include asides , filled pauses , words from the examiner , etc . Adds the following measures to the self . measures dictionary : - TIMING _ ( similarity _ measure ) _ ( collection _ type ) _ between _ collection _ interval _ duration _ mean : average interval duration separating clusters"""
durations = [ ] # duration of each collection for collection in self . collection_list : # Entry , with timing , in timed _ response for first word in collection start = collection [ 0 ] . start_time # Entry , with timing , in timed _ response for last word in collection end = collection [ - 1 ] . end_time durations . append ( ( start , end ) ) # calculation between - duration intervals interstices = [ durations [ i + 1 ] [ 0 ] - durations [ i ] [ 1 ] for i , d in enumerate ( durations [ : - 1 ] ) ] # Replace negative interstices ( for overlapping clusters ) with # interstices of duration 0 for i , entry in enumerate ( interstices ) : if interstices [ i ] < 0 : interstices [ i ] = 0 self . measures [ prefix + 'between_collection_interval_duration_mean' ] = get_mean ( interstices ) if len ( interstices ) > 0 else 'NA' if not self . quiet : print print self . current_similarity_measure + " between-" + self . current_collection_type + " durations" table = [ ( self . current_collection_type + " 1 (start,end)" , "Interval" , self . current_collection_type + " 2 (start,end)" ) ] + [ ( str ( d1 ) , str ( i1 ) , str ( d2 ) ) for d1 , i1 , d2 in zip ( durations [ : - 1 ] , interstices , durations [ 1 : ] ) ] print_table ( table ) print print "Mean " + self . current_similarity_measure + " between-" + self . current_collection_type + " duration" , self . measures [ prefix + 'between_collection_interval_duration_mean' ]
def str_encode ( value , encoder = 'base64' ) : '''. . versionadded : : 2014.7.0 value The value to be encoded . encoder : base64 The encoder to use on the subsequent string . CLI Example : . . code - block : : bash salt ' * ' random . str _ encode ' I am a new string ' base64'''
if six . PY2 : try : out = value . encode ( encoder ) except LookupError : raise SaltInvocationError ( 'You must specify a valid encoder' ) except AttributeError : raise SaltInvocationError ( 'Value must be an encode-able string' ) else : if isinstance ( value , six . string_types ) : value = value . encode ( __salt_system_encoding__ ) if encoder == 'base64' : try : out = base64 . b64encode ( value ) out = out . decode ( __salt_system_encoding__ ) except TypeError : raise SaltInvocationError ( 'Value must be an encode-able string' ) else : try : out = value . encode ( encoder ) except LookupError : raise SaltInvocationError ( 'You must specify a valid encoder' ) except AttributeError : raise SaltInvocationError ( 'Value must be an encode-able string' ) return out
def is_protein_or_chemical ( agent ) : '''Return True if the agent is a protein / protein family or chemical .'''
# Default is True if agent is None if agent is None : return True dbs = set ( [ 'UP' , 'HGNC' , 'CHEBI' , 'PFAM-DEF' , 'IP' , 'INDRA' , 'PUBCHEM' , 'CHEMBL' ] ) agent_refs = set ( agent . db_refs . keys ( ) ) if agent_refs . intersection ( dbs ) : return True return False
def set_from_matrix44 ( self , mat ) : """Create a new Quat from a Matrix44. Note that the matrix and indexes are column major ."""
# Matrix trace trace = mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + 1.0 if trace > 0.00000001 : # n4 is norm of quaternion multiplied by 4. n4 = math . sqrt ( trace ) * 2 self . x = ( mat . data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] - mat . data [ 2 ] [ 1 ] ) / n4 self . y = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 0 ] - mat . data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / n4 self . z = ( mat . data [ 0 ] [ 1 ] - mat . data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) / n4 self . w = n4 / 4.0 return self # TODO : unittests for code below when trace is small . # matrix trace < = 0 if mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] > mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] and mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] > mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] : s = 2.0 * math . sqrt ( 1.0 + mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] - mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) self . x = s / 4.0 self . y = ( mat . data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) / s self . z = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s self . w = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 1 ] - mat . data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) / s return self elif mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] > mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] : s = 2.0 * math . sqrt ( 1.0 - mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] - mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) self . x = ( mat . data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) / s self . y = s / 4.0 self . z = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + mat . data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) / s self . w = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 0 ] - mat . data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s return self else : s = 2.0 * math . sqrt ( 1.0 - mat . data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] - mat . data [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + mat . data [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ) self . x = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 0 ] + mat . data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) / s self . y = ( mat . data [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + mat . data [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) / s self . z = s / 4.0 self . w = ( mat . data [ 1 ] [ 0 ] - mat . data [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) / s return self
def get_active_conditions ( self , manager ) : '''Returns a generator which yields groups of lists of conditions . > > > conditions = switch . get _ active _ conditions ( ) > > > for label , set _ id , field , value , exc in conditions : # doctest : + SKIP > > > print ( " % ( label ) s : % ( field ) s = % ( value ) s ( exclude : % ( exc ) s ) " > > > % ( label , field . label , value , exc ) ) # doctest : + SKIP'''
for condition_set in sorted ( manager . get_condition_sets ( ) , key = lambda x : x . get_group_label ( ) ) : ns = condition_set . get_namespace ( ) condition_set_id = condition_set . get_id ( ) if ns in self . value : group = condition_set . get_group_label ( ) for name , field in condition_set . fields . iteritems ( ) : for value in self . value [ ns ] . get ( name , [ ] ) : try : yield ( condition_set_id , group , field , value [ 1 ] , value [ 0 ] == EXCLUDE ) except TypeError : continue
def _set_flask_alembic ( ) : from flask_alembic import Alembic """Add the SQLAlchemy object in the global extension"""
application . app . extensions [ "sqlalchemy" ] = type ( '' , ( ) , { "db" : db } ) alembic = Alembic ( ) alembic . init_app ( application . app ) return alembic
def search ( self , category = None , cuisine = None , location = ( None , None ) , radius = None , tl_coord = ( None , None ) , br_coord = ( None , None ) , name = None , country = None , locality = None , region = None , postal_code = None , street_address = None , website_url = None , has_menu = None , open_at = None ) : """Locu Venue Search API Call Wrapper Args : * Note that none of the arguments are required category : List of category types that need to be filtered by : [ ' restaurant ' , ' spa ' , ' beauty salon ' , ' gym ' , ' laundry ' , ' hair care ' , ' other ' ] type : [ string ] cuisine : List of cuisine types that need to be filtered by : [ ' american ' , ' italian ' , . . . ] type : [ string ] location : Tuple that consists of ( latitude , longtitude ) coordinates type : tuple ( float , float ) radius : Radius around the given lat , long type : float tl _ coord : Tuple that consists of ( latitude , longtitude ) for bounding box top left coordinates type : tuple ( float , float ) br _ coord : Tuple that consists of ( latitude , longtitude ) for bounding box bottom right coordinates type : tuple ( float , float ) name : Name of the venue type : string country : Country where venue is located type : string locality : Locality . Ex ' San Francisco ' type : string region : Region / state . Ex . ' CA ' type : string postal _ code : Postal code type : string street _ address : Address type : string open _ at : Search for venues open at the specified time type : datetime website _ url : Filter by the a website url type : string has _ menu : Filter venues that have menus in them type : boolean Returns : A dictionary with a data returned by the server Raises : HttpException with the error message from the server"""
params = self . _get_params ( category = category , cuisine = cuisine , location = location , radius = radius , tl_coord = tl_coord , br_coord = br_coord , name = name , country = country , locality = locality , region = region , postal_code = postal_code , street_address = street_address , website_url = website_url , has_menu = has_menu , open_at = open_at ) return self . _create_query ( 'search' , params )
def plotE ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : """NAME : plotE PURPOSE : plot E ( . ) along the orbit INPUT : bovy _ plot . bovy _ plot inputs OUTPUT : figure to output device HISTORY : 2014-06-16 - Written - Bovy ( IAS )"""
if kwargs . pop ( 'normed' , False ) : kwargs [ 'd2' ] = 'Enorm' else : kwargs [ 'd2' ] = 'E' return self . plot ( * args , ** kwargs )
def panels ( self ) : """Add 2 panels to the figure , top for signal and bottom for gene models"""
ax1 = self . fig . add_subplot ( 211 ) ax2 = self . fig . add_subplot ( 212 , sharex = ax1 ) return ( ax2 , self . gene_panel ) , ( ax1 , self . signal_panel )
def column_stack_2d ( data ) : """Perform column - stacking on a list of 2d data blocks ."""
return list ( list ( itt . chain . from_iterable ( _ ) ) for _ in zip ( * data ) )
def to_pdf ( self , outFileName , imageFileName = None , showBoundingboxes = False , fontname = "Helvetica" , invisibleText = False , interwordSpaces = False , ) : """Creates a PDF file with an image superimposed on top of the text . Text is positioned according to the bounding box of the lines in the hOCR file . The image need not be identical to the image used to create the hOCR file . It can have a lower resolution , different color mode , etc ."""
# create the PDF file # page size in points ( 1/72 in . ) pdf = Canvas ( outFileName , pagesize = ( self . width , self . height ) , pageCompression = 1 ) # draw bounding box for each paragraph # light blue for bounding box of paragraph pdf . setStrokeColorRGB ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) # light blue for bounding box of paragraph pdf . setFillColorRGB ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) pdf . setLineWidth ( 0 ) # no line for bounding box for elem in self . hocr . findall ( ".//%sp[@class='%s']" % ( self . xmlns , "ocr_par" ) ) : elemtxt = self . _get_element_text ( elem ) . rstrip ( ) if len ( elemtxt ) == 0 : continue pxl_coords = self . element_coordinates ( elem ) pt = self . pt_from_pixel ( pxl_coords ) # draw the bbox border if showBoundingboxes : pdf . rect ( pt . x1 , self . height - pt . y2 , pt . x2 - pt . x1 , pt . y2 - pt . y1 , fill = 1 ) found_lines = False for line in self . hocr . findall ( ".//%sspan[@class='%s']" % ( self . xmlns , "ocr_line" ) ) : found_lines = True self . _do_line ( pdf , line , "ocrx_word" , fontname , invisibleText , interwordSpaces , showBoundingboxes , ) if not found_lines : # Tesseract did not report any lines ( just words ) root = self . hocr . find ( ".//%sdiv[@class='%s']" % ( self . xmlns , "ocr_page" ) ) self . _do_line ( pdf , root , "ocrx_word" , fontname , invisibleText , interwordSpaces , showBoundingboxes , ) # put the image on the page , scaled to fill the page if imageFileName is not None : pdf . drawImage ( imageFileName , 0 , 0 , width = self . width , height = self . height ) # finish up the page and save it pdf . showPage ( ) pdf . save ( )
def draw_instances ( self , X , y , ** kwargs ) : """Draw the instances colored by the target y such that each line is a single instance . This is the " slow " mode of drawing , since each instance has to be drawn individually . However , in so doing , the density of instances in braids is more apparent since lines have an independent alpha that is compounded in the figure . This is the default method of drawing . Parameters X : ndarray of shape n x m A matrix of n instances with m features y : ndarray of length n An array or series of target or class values Notes This method can be used to draw additional instances onto the parallel coordinates before the figure is finalized ."""
# Get alpha from param or default alpha = self . alpha or 0.25 for idx in range ( len ( X ) ) : Xi = X [ idx ] yi = y [ idx ] # TODO : generalize this duplicated code into a single function if isinstance ( yi , str ) : label = yi else : # TODO : what happens if yi is not in classes ? ! label = self . classes_ [ yi ] self . ax . plot ( self . _increments , Xi , color = self . _colors [ label ] , alpha = alpha , ** kwargs ) return self . ax
def export_image3d ( input , output , size = ( 800 , 600 ) , pcb_rotate = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , timeout = 20 , showgui = False ) : '''Exporting eagle . brd file into 3D image file using Eagle3D and povray . GUI is not displayed if ` ` pyvirtualdisplay ` ` is installed . If export is blocked somehow ( e . g . popup window is displayed ) then after timeout operation is canceled with exception . Problem can be investigated by setting ' showgui ' flag . : param input : eagle . brd file name : param output : image file name ( . png ) : param timeout : operation is canceled after this timeout ( sec ) : param showgui : eagle GUI is displayed : param size : tuple ( width , size ) , image size : rtype : None'''
input = norm_path ( input ) output = norm_path ( output ) ext = os . path . splitext ( input ) [ 1 ] if ext not in [ '.brd' ] : raise ValueError ( 'Input extension is not ".brd", brd=' + str ( input ) ) commands = [ ] eagle3d = Path ( __file__ ) . dirname ( ) / 'eagle3d' ulp = ( eagle3d / '3d50.ulp' ) . abspath ( ) commands += [ 'RUN ' + ulp ] commands += [ 'QUIT' ] def render ( dir , f ) : # povray has strange file access policy , # better to generate under tmp # cli doc : # http : / / library . thinkquest . org / 3285 / language / cmdln . html templ = '#local pcb_rotate_%s = %s' pov = Path ( f . replace ( '.brd' , '.pov' ) ) if pcb_rotate != ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) : s = pov . bytes ( ) s = s . replace ( templ % ( 'x' , 0 ) , templ % ( 'x' , pcb_rotate [ 0 ] ) ) s = s . replace ( templ % ( 'y' , 0 ) , templ % ( 'y' , pcb_rotate [ 1 ] ) ) s = s . replace ( templ % ( 'z' , 0 ) , templ % ( 'z' , pcb_rotate [ 2 ] ) ) pov . write_bytes ( s ) fpng = Path ( f . replace ( '.brd' , '.png' ) ) cmd = [ ] cmd += [ "povray" ] cmd += [ "-d" ] # no display cmd += [ "-a" ] # anti - aliasing cmd += [ '+W' + str ( size [ 0 ] ) ] # width cmd += [ '+H' + str ( size [ 1 ] ) ] # height cmd += [ '-o' + fpng ] cmd += [ '-L' + eagle3d ] cmd += [ pov ] p = Proc ( cmd ) . call ( ) if not fpng . exists ( ) : raise EagleError ( 'povray error, proc=%s' % p ) fpng . copy ( output ) command_eagle ( input = input , timeout = timeout , commands = commands , showgui = showgui , callback = render )
def plot_curvature ( self , curv_type = 'mean' , ** kwargs ) : """Plots the curvature of the external surface of the grid Parameters curv _ type : str , optional One of the following strings indicating curvature types - mean - gaussian - maximum - minimum * * kwargs : optional Optional keyword arguments . See help ( vtki . plot ) Returns cpos : list Camera position , focal point , and view up . Used for storing and setting camera view ."""
trisurf = self . extract_surface ( ) . tri_filter ( ) return trisurf . plot_curvature ( curv_type , ** kwargs )
def chemicals ( self ) : """List of namedtuples representing chemical entities in the form ( source , chemical _ name , cas _ registry _ number ) . In case multiple numbers given , they are joined on " ; " ."""
path = [ 'enhancement' , 'chemicalgroup' , 'chemicals' ] items = listify ( chained_get ( self . _head , path , [ ] ) ) chemical = namedtuple ( 'Chemical' , 'source chemical_name cas_registry_number' ) out = [ ] for item in items : for chem in listify ( item [ 'chemical' ] ) : number = chem . get ( 'cas-registry-number' ) try : # Multiple numbers given num = ";" . join ( [ n [ '$' ] for n in number ] ) except TypeError : num = number new = chemical ( source = item [ '@source' ] , cas_registry_number = num , chemical_name = chem [ 'chemical-name' ] ) out . append ( new ) return out or None
def stream_url ( self ) : '''stream for this song - not re - encoded'''
path = '/Audio/{}/universal' . format ( self . id ) return self . connector . get_url ( path , userId = self . connector . userid , MaxStreamingBitrate = 140000000 , Container = 'opus' , TranscodingContainer = 'opus' , AudioCodec = 'opus' , MaxSampleRate = 48000 , PlaySessionId = 1496213367201 # TODO no hard code )
def _split_python ( python ) : """Split Python source into chunks . Chunks are separated by at least two return lines . The break must not be followed by a space . Also , long Python strings spanning several lines are not splitted ."""
python = _preprocess ( python ) if not python : return [ ] lexer = PythonSplitLexer ( ) lexer . read ( python ) return lexer . chunks
def strftime ( self , date_format ) : """Convert to Index using specified date _ format . Return an Index of formatted strings specified by date _ format , which supports the same string format as the python standard library . Details of the string format can be found in ` python string format doc < % ( URL ) s > ` _ _ . Parameters date _ format : str Date format string ( e . g . " % % Y - % % m - % % d " ) . Returns Index Index of formatted strings . See Also to _ datetime : Convert the given argument to datetime . DatetimeIndex . normalize : Return DatetimeIndex with times to midnight . DatetimeIndex . round : Round the DatetimeIndex to the specified freq . DatetimeIndex . floor : Floor the DatetimeIndex to the specified freq . Examples > > > rng = pd . date _ range ( pd . Timestamp ( " 2018-03-10 09:00 " ) , . . . periods = 3 , freq = ' s ' ) > > > rng . strftime ( ' % % B % % d , % % Y , % % r ' ) Index ( [ ' March 10 , 2018 , 09:00:00 AM ' , ' March 10 , 2018 , 09:00:01 AM ' , ' March 10 , 2018 , 09:00:02 AM ' ] , dtype = ' object ' )"""
from pandas import Index return Index ( self . _format_native_types ( date_format = date_format ) )
def cancel ( self , username , project , build_num ) : """Cancel the build and return its summary ."""
method = 'POST' url = ( '/project/{username}/{project}/{build_num}/cancel?' 'circle-token={token}' . format ( username = username , project = project , build_num = build_num , token = self . client . api_token ) ) json_data = self . client . request ( method , url ) return json_data
def _get_I ( self , a , b , size , plus_transpose = True ) : """Return I matrix in Chaput ' s PRL paper . None is returned if I is zero matrix ."""
r_sum = np . zeros ( ( 3 , 3 ) , dtype = 'double' , order = 'C' ) for r in self . _rotations_cartesian : for i in range ( 3 ) : for j in range ( 3 ) : r_sum [ i , j ] += r [ a , i ] * r [ b , j ] if plus_transpose : r_sum += r_sum . T # Return None not to consume computer for diagonalization if ( np . abs ( r_sum ) < 1e-10 ) . all ( ) : return None # Same as np . kron ( np . eye ( size ) , r _ sum ) , but writen as below # to be sure the values in memory C - congiguous with ' double ' . I_mat = np . zeros ( ( 3 * size , 3 * size ) , dtype = 'double' , order = 'C' ) for i in range ( size ) : I_mat [ ( i * 3 ) : ( ( i + 1 ) * 3 ) , ( i * 3 ) : ( ( i + 1 ) * 3 ) ] = r_sum return I_mat