def sum ( self , only_valid = True ) -> ErrorValue : """Calculate the sum of pixels , not counting the masked ones if only _ valid is True ."""
if not only_valid : mask = 1 else : mask = self . mask return ErrorValue ( ( self . intensity * mask ) . sum ( ) , ( ( self . error * mask ) ** 2 ) . sum ( ) ** 0.5 )
def _format_fields ( cls , declared_fields : typing . List [ tuple ] ) : """Process declared fields and construct a list of tuples that can be fed into dataclass constructor factory ."""
formatted_fields = [ ] for declared_field in declared_fields : field_name = field_type = field_defn = None # Case when only ( name ) , or " name " , is specified if isinstance ( declared_field , str ) or len ( declared_field ) == 1 : field_name = declared_field field_type = typing . Any field_defn = field ( default = None ) # Case when ( name , type ) are specified elif len ( declared_field ) == 2 : field_name = declared_field [ 0 ] field_type = declared_field [ 1 ] field_defn = field ( default = None ) # Case when ( name , type , field ) are specified elif len ( declared_field ) == 3 : field_name = declared_field [ 0 ] field_type = declared_field [ 1 ] # Process the definition and create a ` field ` object # Definition will be of the form ` { ' required ' : False , ' default ' : ' John ' } ` assert isinstance ( declared_field [ 2 ] , dict ) metadata = default = None if 'required' in declared_field [ 2 ] and declared_field [ 2 ] [ 'required' ] : metadata = { 'required' : True } if 'default' in declared_field [ 2 ] : default = declared_field [ 2 ] [ 'default' ] field_defn = field ( default = default , metadata = metadata ) formatted_fields . append ( ( field_name , field_type , field_defn ) ) return formatted_fields
def sleep ( self , time ) : """Sleep ( no action ) for * time * ( in millisecond )"""
target = 'wait for %s' % str ( time ) self . device ( text = target ) . wait . exists ( timeout = time )
def s3_download ( source , destination , exists_strategy = ExistsStrategy . RAISE , profile_name = None ) : """Copy a file from an S3 source to a local destination . Parameters source : str Path starting with s3 : / / , e . g . ' s3 : / / bucket - name / key / foo . bar ' destination : str exists _ strategy : { ' raise ' , ' replace ' , ' abort ' } What is done when the destination already exists ? * ` ExistsStrategy . RAISE ` means a RuntimeError is raised , * ` ExistsStrategy . REPLACE ` means the local file is replaced , * ` ExistsStrategy . ABORT ` means the download is not done . profile _ name : str , optional AWS profile Raises botocore . exceptions . NoCredentialsError Botocore is not able to find your credentials . Either specify profile _ name or add the environment variables AWS _ ACCESS _ KEY _ ID , AWS _ SECRET _ ACCESS _ KEY and AWS _ SESSION _ TOKEN . See https : / / boto3 . readthedocs . io / en / latest / guide / configuration . html"""
if not isinstance ( exists_strategy , ExistsStrategy ) : raise ValueError ( 'exists_strategy \'{}\' is not in {}' . format ( exists_strategy , ExistsStrategy ) ) session = boto3 . Session ( profile_name = profile_name ) s3 = session . resource ( 's3' ) bucket_name , key = _s3_path_split ( source ) if os . path . isfile ( destination ) : if exists_strategy is ExistsStrategy . RAISE : raise RuntimeError ( 'File \'{}\' already exists.' . format ( destination ) ) elif exists_strategy is ExistsStrategy . ABORT : return s3 . Bucket ( bucket_name ) . download_file ( key , destination )
def record_sets_list_by_dns_zone ( zone_name , resource_group , top = None , recordsetnamesuffix = None , ** kwargs ) : '''. . versionadded : : Fluorine Lists all record sets in a DNS zone . : param zone _ name : The name of the DNS zone ( without a terminating dot ) . : param resource _ group : The name of the resource group . : param top : The maximum number of record sets to return . If not specified , returns up to 100 record sets . : param recordsetnamesuffix : The suffix label of the record set name that has to be used to filter the record set enumerations . CLI Example : . . code - block : : bash salt - call azurearm _ dns . record _ sets _ list _ by _ dns _ zone myzone testgroup'''
result = { } dnsconn = __utils__ [ 'azurearm.get_client' ] ( 'dns' , ** kwargs ) try : record_sets = __utils__ [ 'azurearm.paged_object_to_list' ] ( dnsconn . record_sets . list_by_dns_zone ( zone_name = zone_name , resource_group_name = resource_group , top = top , recordsetnamesuffix = recordsetnamesuffix ) ) for record_set in record_sets : result [ record_set [ 'name' ] ] = record_set except CloudError as exc : __utils__ [ 'azurearm.log_cloud_error' ] ( 'dns' , str ( exc ) , ** kwargs ) result = { 'error' : str ( exc ) } return result
def _match_by_norm_func ( l1 , l2 , norm_fn , dist_fn , thresh ) : """Matches elements in l1 and l2 using normalization functions . Splits the elements in each list into buckets given by the normalization function . If the same normalization value points to a bucket from the first list and a bucket from the second list , both with a single element we consider the elements in the list as matching if the distance between them is less ( or equal ) than the threshold . e . g . l1 = [ ' X1 ' , ' Y1 ' , ' Y2 ' , ' Z5 ' ] , l2 = [ ' X1 ' , ' Y3 ' , ' Z1 ' ] norm _ fn = lambda x : x [ 0] dist _ fn = lambda e1 , e2 : 0 if e1 = = e2 else 1 thresh = 0 The buckets will then be : l1 _ bucket = { ' X ' : [ ' X1 ' ] , ' Y ' : [ ' Y1 ' , ' Y2 ' ] , ' Z ' : [ ' Z5 ' ] } l2 _ bucket = { ' X ' : [ ' X1 ' ] , ' Y ' : [ ' Y3 ' ] , ' Z ' : [ ' Z1 ' ] } For each normalized value : ' X ' - > consider ' X1 ' equal with ' X1 ' since the distance is equal with the thershold ' Y ' - > skip the lists since we have multiple possible matches ' Z ' - > consider ' Z1 ' and ' Z5 ' as different since the distance is greater than the threshold . Return : [ ( ' X1 ' , ' X2 ' ) ]"""
common = [ ] l1_only_idx = set ( range ( len ( l1 ) ) ) l2_only_idx = set ( range ( len ( l2 ) ) ) buckets_l1 = _group_by_fn ( enumerate ( l1 ) , lambda x : norm_fn ( x [ 1 ] ) ) buckets_l2 = _group_by_fn ( enumerate ( l2 ) , lambda x : norm_fn ( x [ 1 ] ) ) for normed , l1_elements in buckets_l1 . items ( ) : l2_elements = buckets_l2 . get ( normed , [ ] ) if not l1_elements or not l2_elements : continue _ , ( _ , e1_first ) = l1_elements [ 0 ] _ , ( _ , e2_first ) = l2_elements [ 0 ] match_is_ambiguous = not ( len ( l1_elements ) == len ( l2_elements ) and ( all ( e2 == e2_first for ( _ , ( _ , e2 ) ) in l2_elements ) or all ( e1 == e1_first for ( _ , ( _ , e1 ) ) in l1_elements ) ) ) if match_is_ambiguous : continue for ( e1_idx , e1 ) , ( e2_idx , e2 ) in zip ( l1_elements , l2_elements ) : if dist_fn ( e1 , e2 ) > thresh : continue l1_only_idx . remove ( e1_idx ) l2_only_idx . remove ( e2_idx ) common . append ( ( e1 , e2 ) ) l1_only = [ l1 [ i ] for i in l1_only_idx ] l2_only = [ l2 [ i ] for i in l2_only_idx ] return common , l1_only , l2_only
def get_first_line ( filepath , dialect ) : """Returns List of first line items of file filepath"""
with open ( filepath , "rb" ) as csvfile : csvreader = csv . reader ( csvfile , dialect = dialect ) for first_line in csvreader : break return first_line
def complete_info ( self , text , line , begidx , endidx ) : """completion for info command"""
opts = self . INFO_OPTS if not text : completions = opts else : completions = [ f for f in opts if f . startswith ( text ) ] return completions
def map_dual_axis ( low , high , centre , dead_zone , hot_zone , value ) : """Map an axis with a central dead zone and hot zones at each end to a range from - 1.0 to 1.0 . This in effect uses two calls to map _ single _ axis , choosing whether to use centre and low , or centre and high as the low and high values in that call based on which side of the centre value the input value falls . This is the call that handles mapping of values on regular joysticks where there ' s a centre point to which the physical control returns when no input is being made . : param low : The raw value corresponding to the strongest negative input ( stick far left / down ) . : param high : The raw value corresponding to the strongest positive input ( stick far right / up ) . : param centre : The raw value corresponding to the resting position of the axis when no user interaction is happening . : param dead _ zone : The proportion of each ( positive and negative ) part of the motion away from the centre which should result in an output of 0.0 : param hot _ zone : The proportion of each ( positive and negative ) part of the motion away from each extreme end of the range which should result in 1.0 or - 1.0 being returned ( depending on whether we ' re on the high or low side of the centre point ) : param value : The raw value to map : return : The filtered and clamped value , from - 1.0 at low to 1.0 at high , with a centre as specified mapping to 0.0"""
if value <= centre : return map_single_axis ( centre , low , dead_zone , hot_zone , value ) else : return map_single_axis ( centre , high , dead_zone , hot_zone , value )
def get ( account ) : """Returns the class object identified by ` account _ id ` Args : account ( ` int ` , ` str ` ) : Unique ID of the account to load from database Returns : ` Account ` object if found , else None"""
account = Account . get ( account ) if not account : return None acct_type = AccountType . get ( account . account_type_id ) . account_type account_class = get_plugin_by_name ( PLUGIN_NAMESPACES [ 'accounts' ] , acct_type ) return account_class ( account )
def parse ( cls , element ) : """Create a new Agent by parsing root . : param element : Element to be parsed into an Agent . : raises exceptions . ParseError : If element is not a valid agent ."""
if element . tag != cls . AGENT_TAG : raise exceptions . ParseError ( u"Agent got unexpected tag {}; expected {}" . format ( element . tag , cls . AGENT_TAG ) ) role = element . get ( u"ROLE" ) if not role : raise exceptions . ParseError ( u"Agent must have a ROLE attribute." ) if role == u"OTHER" : role = element . get ( u"OTHERROLE" ) or role agent_type = element . get ( u"TYPE" ) if agent_type == u"OTHER" : agent_type = element . get ( u"OTHERTYPE" ) or agent_type agent_id = element . get ( u"ID" ) try : name = element . find ( cls . NAME_TAG ) . text except AttributeError : name = None notes = [ note . text for note in element . findall ( cls . NOTE_TAG ) ] return cls ( role , id = agent_id , type = agent_type , name = name , notes = notes )
def deserialize ( self , value , ** kwargs ) : """Return a deserialized copy of the tuple"""
kwargs . update ( { 'trusted' : kwargs . get ( 'trusted' , False ) } ) if self . deserializer is not None : return self . deserializer ( value , ** kwargs ) if value is None : return None output_list = [ self . prop . deserialize ( val , ** kwargs ) for val in value ] return self . _class_container ( output_list )
def _git_enable_branch ( desired_branch ) : """Enable desired branch name ."""
preserved_branch = _git_get_current_branch ( ) try : if preserved_branch != desired_branch : _tool_run ( 'git checkout ' + desired_branch ) yield finally : if preserved_branch and preserved_branch != desired_branch : _tool_run ( 'git checkout ' + preserved_branch )
def requires_application_json ( f ) : """Decorator for enforcing application / json Content - Type"""
@ functools . wraps ( f ) def wrapped ( * args , ** kwargs ) : from flask import request if request . get_json ( silent = True ) is None : er = ErrorResponse ( description = 'Improper Content-Type header. Expecting "application/json"' ) return to_json_response ( er ) , HTTPStatus . BAD_REQUEST else : return f ( * args , ** kwargs ) return wrapped
def _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared ( u , E , Lz , I3U , delta , u0 , sinh2u0 , v0 , sin2v0 , potu0v0 , pot ) : # potu0v0 = potentialStaeckel ( u0 , v0 , pot , delta ) """The J _ R integrand : p ^ 2 _ u ( u ) / 2 / delta ^ 2"""
sinh2u = nu . sinh ( u ) ** 2. dU = ( sinh2u + sin2v0 ) * potentialStaeckel ( u , v0 , pot , delta ) - ( sinh2u0 + sin2v0 ) * potu0v0 return E * sinh2u - I3U - dU - Lz ** 2. / 2. / delta ** 2. / sinh2u
def toggle_service_status ( self , service_id ) : """Toggles the service status . : param int service _ id : The id of the service to delete"""
svc = self . client [ 'Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_' 'LoadBalancer_Service' ] return svc . toggleStatus ( id = service_id )
def cli_run_viz ( source = None , outputpath = "" , theme = "" , verbose = False ) : """This application is a wrapper on the main ontospy - viz script . It generates docs for all models in the local library . Using the Complex - html template . . @ todo allow to pass a custom folder . . > python - m ontospy . viz . scripts . export _ all - o ~ / Desktop / test / - - theme random"""
if outputpath : if not ( os . path . exists ( outputpath ) ) or not ( os . path . isdir ( outputpath ) ) : click . secho ( "WARNING: the -o option must include a valid directory path." , fg = "red" ) sys . exit ( 0 ) else : from os . path import expanduser home = expanduser ( "~" ) outputpath = os . path . join ( home , "ontospy-viz-multi" ) if source : source_folder = source [ 0 ] if not os . path . isdir ( source_folder ) : click . secho ( "WARNING: '%s' is not a valid directory path." % source_folder , fg = "red" ) sys . exit ( 0 ) files_list = [ f for f in os . listdir ( source_folder ) if os . path . isfile ( os . path . join ( source_folder , f ) ) ] click . secho ( "Exporting the directory: '%s'" % source_folder , fg = "green" ) click . secho ( "----------" , fg = "green" ) else : click . secho ( "Exporting the local library: '%s'" % get_home_location ( ) , fg = "green" ) click . secho ( "----------" , fg = "green" ) files_list = get_localontologies ( ) source_folder = get_home_location ( ) report_pages = [ ] for onto_name in files_list : full_uri = os . path . join ( source_folder , onto_name ) if theme : if theme == "random" : _theme = random_theme ( ) else : _theme = theme else : _theme = BOOTSWATCH_THEME_DEFAULT click . secho ( "Onto: <%s> Theme: '%s'" % ( onto_name , _theme ) , fg = "green" ) printDebug ( "Loading graph..." , dim = True ) g = Ontospy ( os . path . join ( source_folder , onto_name ) , verbose = verbose ) if g . sources : # if Ontospy graph has no valid ' sources ' = file passed was not valid RDF printDebug ( "Building visualization..." , dim = True ) onto_name_safe = slugify ( unicode ( onto_name ) ) onto_outputpath = os . path . join ( outputpath , onto_name_safe ) # note : single static files output path static_outputpath = os . path . join ( outputpath , "static" ) # v = KompleteViz ( g , theme = _ theme ) v = KompleteVizMultiModel ( g , theme = _theme , static_url = "../static/" , output_path_static = static_outputpath ) try : # note : onto _ outputpath is wiped out each time as part of the build url = v . build ( onto_outputpath ) report_pages . append ( "<a href='%s/index.html' target='_blank'>%s</a> ('%s' theme)<br />" % ( onto_name_safe , onto_name , _theme ) ) except : e = sys . exc_info ( ) [ 0 ] printDebug ( "Error: " + str ( e ) , "red" ) continue # generate a report page report_path = os . path . join ( outputpath , "index.html" ) html = """ <html> <head> <style media="screen"> a {font-size: 20px; padding: 15px; text-transform: capitalize; text-decoration: none;} a:hover {text-decoration: underline;} </style> </head> <body> <h1>Ontospy-generated documentation:</h1> %s </body> </html> """ with open ( report_path , "w" ) as text_file : text_file . write ( html % ( "" . join ( [ x for x in report_pages ] ) ) ) # open report webbrowser . open ( "file:///" + report_path ) raise SystemExit ( 1 )
def build_sdist ( source_dir , sdist_dir , config_settings = None ) : """Build an sdist from a source directory using PEP 517 hooks . : param str source _ dir : Source directory containing pyproject . toml : param str sdist _ dir : Target directory to place sdist in : param dict config _ settings : Options to pass to build backend This is a blocking function which will run pip in a subprocess to install build requirements ."""
if config_settings is None : config_settings = { } requires , backend = _load_pyproject ( source_dir ) hooks = Pep517HookCaller ( source_dir , backend ) with BuildEnvironment ( ) as env : env . pip_install ( requires ) reqs = hooks . get_requires_for_build_sdist ( config_settings ) env . pip_install ( reqs ) return hooks . build_sdist ( sdist_dir , config_settings )
def subsystems ( self ) : """Returns all subsystem types used by tasks in this goal , in no particular order ."""
ret = set ( ) for task_type in self . task_types ( ) : ret . update ( [ dep . subsystem_cls for dep in task_type . subsystem_dependencies_iter ( ) ] ) return ret
def filter ( resources , query ) : """Filter a list of resources according to a query expression . The search criteria specified in the query parameter has two parts : 1 . a VISA regular expression over a resource string . 2 . optional logical expression over attribute values ( not implemented in this function , see below ) . . . note : The VISA regular expression syntax is not the same as the Python regular expression syntax . ( see below ) The regular expression is matched against the resource strings of resources known to the VISA Resource Manager . If the resource string matches the regular expression , the attribute values of the resource are then matched against the expression over attribute values . If the match is successful , the resource has met the search criteria and gets added to the list of resources found . By using the optional attribute expression , you can construct flexible and powerful expressions with the use of logical ANDs ( & & ) , ORs ( | | ) , and NOTs ( ! ) . You can use equal ( = = ) and unequal ( ! = ) comparators to compare attributes of any type , and other inequality comparators ( > , < , > = , < = ) to compare attributes of numeric type . Use only global attributes in the attribute expression . Local attributes are not allowed in the logical expression part of the expr parameter . Symbol Meaning ? Matches any one character . \ Makes the character that follows it an ordinary character instead of special character . For example , when a question mark follows a backslash ( \ ? ) , it matches the ? character instead of any one character . [ list ] Matches any one character from the enclosed list . You can use a hyphen to match a range of characters . [ ^ list ] Matches any character not in the enclosed list . You can use a hyphen to match a range of characters . * Matches 0 or more occurrences of the preceding character or expression . + Matches 1 or more occurrences of the preceding character or expression . Exp | exp Matches either the preceding or following expression . The or operator | matches the entire expression that precedes or follows it and not just the character that precedes or follows it . For example , VXI | GPIB means ( VXI ) | ( GPIB ) , not VX ( I | G ) PIB . ( exp ) Grouping characters or expressions . : param resources : iterable of resources . : param query : query expression ."""
if '{' in query : query , _ = query . split ( '{' ) logger . warning ( 'optional part of the query expression not supported. ' 'See filter2' ) try : query = query . replace ( '?' , '.' ) matcher = re . compile ( query , re . IGNORECASE ) except re . error : raise errors . VisaIOError ( constants . VI_ERROR_INV_EXPR ) return tuple ( res for res in resources if matcher . match ( res ) )
def get_cpuinfo_field ( self , field ) : """Search / proc / cpuinfo for a field and return its value , if found , otherwise None ."""
# Match a line like ' Hardware : BCM2709 ' : pattern = r'^' + field + r'\s+:\s+(.*)$' with open ( '/proc/cpuinfo' , 'r' ) as infile : cpuinfo = infile . read ( ) . split ( '\n' ) for line in cpuinfo : match = re . search ( pattern , line , flags = re . IGNORECASE ) if match : return match . group ( 1 ) return None
def _upload_in_splits ( self , destination_folder_id , source_path , preflight_check , verbose = True , chunked_upload_threads = 5 ) : '''Since Box has a maximum file size limit ( 15 GB at time of writing ) , we need to split files larger than this into smaller parts , and chunk upload each part'''
file_size = os . stat ( source_path ) . st_size split_size = BOX_MAX_FILE_SIZE # Make sure that the last split piece is still big enough for a chunked upload while file_size % split_size < BOX_MIN_CHUNK_UPLOAD_SIZE : split_size -= 1000 if split_size < BOX_MIN_CHUNK_UPLOAD_SIZE : raise Exception ( 'Lazy programming error' ) split_start_byte = 0 part_count = 0 uploaded_file_ids = [ ] while split_start_byte < file_size : dest_file_name = '{0}.part{1}' . format ( os . path . basename ( source_path ) , part_count ) prev_uploaded_file_ids = self . find_file ( destination_folder_id , dest_file_name ) if len ( prev_uploaded_file_ids ) == 1 : if verbose : print ( '\nSkipping upload of split {0} of {1}; already exists' . format ( part_count + 1 , math . ceil ( file_size / split_size ) ) ) uploaded_file_ids . extend ( prev_uploaded_file_ids ) else : if verbose : print ( '\nUploading split {0} of {1}' . format ( part_count + 1 , math . ceil ( file_size / split_size ) ) ) uploaded_file_ids . append ( self . _chunked_upload ( destination_folder_id , source_path , dest_file_name = dest_file_name , split_start_byte = split_start_byte , file_size = min ( split_size , file_size - split_start_byte ) , # Take the min of file _ size - split _ start _ byte so that the last part of a split doesn ' t read into the next split preflight_check = preflight_check , verbose = verbose , upload_threads = chunked_upload_threads , ) ) part_count += 1 split_start_byte += split_size return uploaded_file_ids
def get_app_guid ( self , app_name ) : """Returns the GUID for the app instance with the given name ."""
summary = self . space . get_space_summary ( ) for app in summary [ 'apps' ] : if app [ 'name' ] == app_name : return app [ 'guid' ]
def plot ( self , filename , title = None , reciprocal = None , limits = None , dtype = 'rho' , return_fig = False , ** kwargs ) : """Standard plot of spectrum Parameters filename : string Output filename . Include the ending to specify the filetype ( usually . pdf or . png ) title : string , optional Title for the plot reciprocal : : class : ` reda . eis . plots . sip _ response ` , optional If another : class : ` reda . eis . plots . sip _ response ` object is provided here , use this as the reciprocal spectrum . limits : dict , optional A dictionary which contains plot limits . See code example below . dtype : string , optional Determines if the data plotted included geometric factors ( ' rho ' ) or not ( ' r ' ) . Default : ' rho ' return _ fig : bool , optional If True , then do not delete the figure object after saving to file and return the figure object . Default : False * * kwargs : dict kwargs is piped through to the _ plot function Returns fig : : class : ` matplotlib . Figure ` The figure object . Only returned if return _ fig is set to True Examples > > > from reda . eis . plots import sip _ response > > > import numpy as np > > > frequencies = np . array ( [ . . . 1.00000e - 03 , 1.77827941e - 03 , 3.16227766e - 03 , 5.62341325e - 03, . . . 1.00000e - 02 , 1.77827941e - 02 , 3.16227766e - 02 , 5.62341325e - 02, . . . 1.00000e - 01 , 1.77827941e - 01 , 3.16227766e - 01 , 5.62341325e - 01, . . . 1.00000e + 00 , 1.77827941e + 00 , 3.16227766e + 00 , 5.62341325e + 00, . . . 1.00000e + 01 , 1.77827941e + 01 , 3.16227766e + 01 , 5.62341325e + 01, . . . 1.00000e + 02 , 1.77827941e + 02 , 3.16227766e + 02 , 5.62341325e + 02, . . . 1.00000e + 03 ] ) > > > rcomplex = np . array ( [ . . . 49.34369772-0.51828971j , 49.11781581-0.59248806j , . . . 48.85819872-0.6331137j , 48.58762806-0.62835135j , . . . 48.33331113-0.57965851j , 48.11599009-0.50083533j , . . . 47.94405036-0.41005275j , 47.81528917-0.32210768j , . . . 47.72215469-0.24543425j , 47.65607773-0.18297794j , . . . 47.60962191-0.13433101j , 47.57706229-0.09755774j , . . . 47.55424286-0.07031682j , 47.53822912-0.05041399j , . . . 47.52697253-0.03601005j , 47.51904718-0.02565412j , . . . 47.51345965-0.01824266j , 47.50951606-0.01295546j , . . . 47.50673042-0.00919217j , 47.50476152-0.0065178j , . . . 47.50336925-0.00461938j , 47.50238442-0.00327285j , . . . 47.50168762-0.00231829j , 47.50119454-0.00164187j , . . . 47.50084556-0.00116268j ] ) > > > spectrum = sip _ response ( frequencies = frequencies , rcomplex = rcomplex ) > > > fig = spectrum . plot ( ' spectrum . pdf ' , return _ fig = True )"""
fig , axes = self . _plot ( reciprocal = reciprocal , limits = limits , title = title , dtype = dtype , ** kwargs ) fig . savefig ( filename , dpi = 300 ) if return_fig : return fig else : plt . close ( fig )
def attach_session ( self , target_session = None ) : """` ` $ tmux attach - session ` ` aka alias : ` ` $ tmux attach ` ` . Parameters target _ session : str name of the session . fnmatch ( 3 ) works . Raises : exc : ` exc . BadSessionName `"""
session_check_name ( target_session ) tmux_args = tuple ( ) if target_session : tmux_args += ( '-t%s' % target_session , ) proc = self . cmd ( 'attach-session' , * tmux_args ) if proc . stderr : raise exc . LibTmuxException ( proc . stderr )
async def post ( self , url_path : str , params : dict = None , rtype : str = RESPONSE_JSON , schema : dict = None ) -> Any : """POST request on self . endpoint + url _ path : param url _ path : Url encoded path following the endpoint : param params : Url query string parameters dictionary : param rtype : Response type : param schema : Json Schema to validate response ( optional , default None ) : return :"""
if params is None : params = dict ( ) client = API ( self . endpoint . conn_handler ( self . session , self . proxy ) ) # get aiohttp response response = await client . requests_post ( url_path , ** params ) # if schema supplied . . . if schema is not None : # validate response await parse_response ( response , schema ) # return the chosen type if rtype == RESPONSE_AIOHTTP : return response elif rtype == RESPONSE_TEXT : return await response . text ( ) elif rtype == RESPONSE_JSON : return await response . json ( )
def wraps ( __fn , ** kw ) : """Like ` ` functools . wraps ` ` , with support for annotations ."""
kw [ 'assigned' ] = kw . get ( 'assigned' , WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS ) return functools . wraps ( __fn , ** kw )
def pack ( self , value = None ) : """Pack the value as a binary representation . Returns : bytes : The binary representation ."""
if isinstance ( value , type ( self ) ) : return value . pack ( ) if value is None : value = self else : container = type ( self ) ( items = None ) container . extend ( value ) value = container bin_message = b'' try : for item in value : bin_message += item . pack ( ) return bin_message except exceptions . PackException as err : msg = "{} pack error: {}" . format ( type ( self ) . __name__ , err ) raise exceptions . PackException ( msg )
def update_stored_win32tz_map ( ) : """Downloads the cldr win32 timezone map and stores it in win32tz _ map . py ."""
windows_zones_xml = download_cldr_win32tz_map_xml ( ) source_hash = hashlib . md5 ( windows_zones_xml ) . hexdigest ( ) if hasattr ( windows_zones_xml , "decode" ) : windows_zones_xml = windows_zones_xml . decode ( "utf-8" ) map_zones = create_win32tz_map ( windows_zones_xml ) map_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) map_filename = os . path . join ( map_dir , "" ) if os . path . exists ( map_filename ) : reload ( win32tz_map ) current_hash = getattr ( win32tz_map , "source_hash" , None ) if current_hash == source_hash : return False map_file = open ( map_filename , "w" ) comment = "Map between Windows and Olson timezones taken from %s" % ( _CLDR_WINZONES_URL , ) comment2 = "Generated automatically from" map_file . write ( "'''%s\n" % comment ) map_file . write ( "%s'''\n" % comment2 ) map_file . write ( "source_hash = '%s' # md5 sum of xml source data\n" % ( source_hash ) ) map_file . write ( "win32timezones = {\n" ) for win32_name , territory , olson_name , comment in map_zones : if territory == '001' : map_file . write ( " %r: %r, # %s\n" % ( str ( win32_name ) , str ( olson_name ) , comment or "" ) ) else : map_file . write ( " %r: %r, # %s\n" % ( ( str ( win32_name ) , str ( territory ) ) , str ( olson_name ) , comment or "" ) ) map_file . write ( "}\n" ) map_file . close ( ) return True
def ring2nest ( nside , ipix ) : """Drop - in replacement for healpy ` ~ healpy . pixelfunc . ring2nest ` ."""
ipix = np . atleast_1d ( ipix ) . astype ( np . int64 , copy = False ) return ring_to_nested ( ipix , nside )
def dump ( bqm , fp , vartype_header = False ) : """Dump a binary quadratic model to a string in COOrdinate format ."""
for triplet in _iter_triplets ( bqm , vartype_header ) : fp . write ( '%s\n' % triplet )
def _get_callable ( obj , of_class = None ) : """Get callable for an object and its full name . Supports : * functions * classes ( jumps to _ _ init _ _ ( ) ) * methods * @ classmethod * @ property : param obj : function | class : type obj : Callable : param of _ class : Class that this method is a member of : type of _ class : class | None : return : ( qualname , Callable | None , Class | None ) . Callable is None for classes without _ _ init _ _ ( ) : rtype : ( str , Callable | None , Class | None )"""
# Cases o = obj if inspect . isclass ( obj ) : try : o = obj . __init__ of_class = obj except AttributeError : pass # Finish return qualname ( obj ) , o , of_class
def __grabHotkey ( self , key , modifiers , window ) : """Grab a specific hotkey in the given window"""
logger . debug ( "Grabbing hotkey: %r %r" , modifiers , key ) try : keycode = self . __lookupKeyCode ( key ) mask = 0 for mod in modifiers : mask |= self . modMasks [ mod ] window . grab_key ( keycode , mask , True , X . GrabModeAsync , X . GrabModeAsync ) if Key . NUMLOCK in self . modMasks : window . grab_key ( keycode , mask | self . modMasks [ Key . NUMLOCK ] , True , X . GrabModeAsync , X . GrabModeAsync ) if Key . CAPSLOCK in self . modMasks : window . grab_key ( keycode , mask | self . modMasks [ Key . CAPSLOCK ] , True , X . GrabModeAsync , X . GrabModeAsync ) if Key . CAPSLOCK in self . modMasks and Key . NUMLOCK in self . modMasks : window . grab_key ( keycode , mask | self . modMasks [ Key . CAPSLOCK ] | self . modMasks [ Key . NUMLOCK ] , True , X . GrabModeAsync , X . GrabModeAsync ) except Exception as e : logger . warning ( "Failed to grab hotkey %r %r: %s" , modifiers , key , str ( e ) )
def write_f90 ( self ) : """Writes the F90 module file to the specified directory ."""
from os import path self . _check_dir ( ) # Find the list of executables that we actually need to write wrappers for . self . _find_executables ( ) lines = [ ] lines . append ( "!!<summary>Auto-generated Fortran module for interaction with ctypes\n" "!!through python. Generated for module {}.</summary>" . format ( self . module . name ) ) lines . append ( "MODULE {}_c" . format ( self . module . name ) ) # Some of the variables and parameters will have special kinds that need to be imported . # Check each of the executables to find additional dependencies . lines . append ( " use {}" . format ( self . module . name ) ) lines . append ( " use ISO_C_BINDING" ) for modname in self . needs : lines . append ( " use {}" . format ( modname ) ) lines . append ( " implicit none" ) lines . append ( "CONTAINS" ) # We want everything in these wrapper modules to be public , so we just exclude the ' private ' . for execkey in self . uses : self . _write_executable_f90 ( execkey , lines ) lines . append ( "END MODULE {}_c" . format ( self . module . name ) ) fullpath = path . join ( self . f90path , "{}_c.f90" . format ( self . module . name ) ) with open ( fullpath , 'w' ) as f : f . write ( '\n' . join ( lines ) )
def format_item ( item , py = True ) : """: param py : python format or not"""
# for non python format , just output itself . # so the result is ` something ` instead of ` " something " ` if not py : return unicode ( item ) if isinstance ( item , ( str , unicode ) ) : # long int is prefixed by a # if item . startswith ( '#' ) : return unicode ( long ( item [ 1 : ] ) ) return u'"{0}"' . format ( item ) return unicode ( item )
def send ( self , request , ** kwargs ) : """Send a given PreparedRequest ."""
# Set defaults that the hooks can utilize to ensure they always have # the correct parameters to reproduce the previous request . kwargs . setdefault ( 'stream' , self . stream ) kwargs . setdefault ( 'verify' , self . verify ) kwargs . setdefault ( 'cert' , self . cert ) kwargs . setdefault ( 'proxies' , self . proxies ) # It ' s possible that users might accidentally send a Request object . # Guard against that specific failure case . if not isinstance ( request , PreparedRequest ) : raise ValueError ( 'You can only send PreparedRequests.' ) checked_urls = set ( ) while request . url in self . redirect_cache : checked_urls . add ( request . url ) new_url = self . redirect_cache . get ( request . url ) if new_url in checked_urls : break request . url = new_url # Set up variables needed for resolve _ redirects and dispatching of hooks allow_redirects = kwargs . pop ( 'allow_redirects' , True ) stream = kwargs . get ( 'stream' ) timeout = kwargs . get ( 'timeout' ) verify = kwargs . get ( 'verify' ) cert = kwargs . get ( 'cert' ) proxies = kwargs . get ( 'proxies' ) hooks = request . hooks # Get the appropriate adapter to use adapter = self . get_adapter ( url = request . url ) # Start time ( approximately ) of the request start = datetime . utcnow ( ) # Send the request r = adapter . send ( request , ** kwargs ) # Total elapsed time of the request ( approximately ) r . elapsed = datetime . utcnow ( ) - start # Response manipulation hooks r = dispatch_hook ( 'response' , hooks , r , ** kwargs ) # Persist cookies if r . history : # If the hooks create history then we want those cookies too for resp in r . history : extract_cookies_to_jar ( self . cookies , resp . request , resp . raw ) extract_cookies_to_jar ( self . cookies , request , r . raw ) # Redirect resolving generator . gen = self . resolve_redirects ( r , request , stream = stream , timeout = timeout , verify = verify , cert = cert , proxies = proxies ) # Resolve redirects if allowed . history = [ resp for resp in gen ] if allow_redirects else [ ] # Shuffle things around if there ' s history . if history : # Insert the first ( original ) request at the start history . insert ( 0 , r ) # Get the last request made r = history . pop ( ) r . history = history if not stream : r . content return r
def depth ( self ) : """Compute the depth of the tree ( depth of a leaf = 0 ) ."""
return self . fold_up ( lambda n , fl , fg : max ( fl + 1 , fg + 1 ) , lambda leaf : 0 )
def open ( self , name , mode = 'r' , compression = None ) : """Open a file pointer . Note that a file is * always * opened in text mode . The method inherits its input parameters from the constructor of : class : ` FileObject ` ."""
if compression == 'use_ext' : self . get_compression_type ( name ) else : self . ctype = compression if not self . ctype : self . fp = open ( name , mode ) elif self . ctype == 'gzip' : self . fp = gzip . open ( name , mode + 't' ) elif self . ctype == 'bzip2' : try : # Python 3 supports opening bzip2 files in text mode # therefore , we prefer to open them this way self . fp = bz2 . open ( name , mode + 't' ) except : # BZ2File opens a file in binary mode # thus , we have to use codecs . getreader ( ) # to be able to use it in text mode self . fp_extra = bz2 . BZ2File ( name , mode ) if mode == 'r' : self . fp = codecs . getreader ( 'ascii' ) ( self . fp_extra ) else : # mode = = ' w ' self . fp = codecs . getwriter ( 'ascii' ) ( self . fp_extra ) else : # self . ctype = = ' lzma ' # LZMA is available in Python 2 only if backports . lzma is installed # Python 3 supports it by default assert lzma_present , 'LZMA compression is unavailable.' self . fp = lzma . open ( name , mode = mode + 't' )
def _check_deprecated ( self , dest , kwargs ) : """Checks option for deprecation and issues a warning / error if necessary ."""
removal_version = kwargs . get ( 'removal_version' , None ) if removal_version is not None : warn_or_error ( removal_version = removal_version , deprecated_entity_description = "option '{}' in {}" . format ( dest , self . _scope_str ( ) ) , deprecation_start_version = kwargs . get ( 'deprecation_start_version' , None ) , hint = kwargs . get ( 'removal_hint' , None ) , stacklevel = 9999 )
async def digital_write ( self , pin , value ) : """Set the specified pin to the specified value . : param pin : pin number : param value : pin value : returns : No return value"""
# The command value is not a fixed value , but needs to be calculated # using the pin ' s port number port = pin // 8 calculated_command = PrivateConstants . DIGITAL_MESSAGE + port mask = 1 << ( pin % 8 ) # Calculate the value for the pin ' s position in the port mask if value == 1 : PrivateConstants . DIGITAL_OUTPUT_PORT_PINS [ port ] |= mask else : PrivateConstants . DIGITAL_OUTPUT_PORT_PINS [ port ] &= ~ mask # Assemble the command command = ( calculated_command , PrivateConstants . DIGITAL_OUTPUT_PORT_PINS [ port ] & 0x7f , ( PrivateConstants . DIGITAL_OUTPUT_PORT_PINS [ port ] >> 7 ) & 0x7f ) await self . _send_command ( command )
def byte ( self ) : """Return a byte representation of ControlFlags ."""
flags = int ( self . _in_use ) << 7 | int ( self . _controller ) << 6 | int ( self . _bit5 ) << 5 | int ( self . _bit4 ) << 4 | int ( self . _used_before ) << 1 return flags
def parse_pr_numbers ( git_log_lines ) : """Parse PR numbers from commit messages . At GitHub those have the format : ` here is the message ( # 1234 ) ` being ` 1234 ` the PR number ."""
prs = [ ] for line in git_log_lines : pr_number = parse_pr_number ( line ) if pr_number : prs . append ( pr_number ) return prs
def listDataTiers ( self , data_tier_name = "" ) : """API to list data tiers known to DBS . : param data _ tier _ name : List details on that data tier ( Optional ) : type data _ tier _ name : str : returns : List of dictionaries containing the following keys ( data _ tier _ id , data _ tier _ name , create _ by , creation _ date )"""
data_tier_name = data_tier_name . replace ( "*" , "%" ) try : conn = self . dbi . connection ( ) return self . dbsDataTierListDAO . execute ( conn , data_tier_name . upper ( ) ) except dbsException as de : dbsExceptionHandler ( de . eCode , de . message , self . logger . exception , de . message ) except ValueError as ve : dbsExceptionHandler ( "dbsException-invalid-input2" , "Invalid Input Data" , self . logger . exception , ve . message ) except TypeError as te : dbsExceptionHandler ( "dbsException-invalid-input2" , "Invalid Input DataType" , self . logger . exception , te . message ) except NameError as ne : dbsExceptionHandler ( "dbsException-invalid-input2" , "Invalid Input Searching Key" , self . logger . exception , ne . message ) except Exception as ex : sError = "DBSReaderModel/listDataTiers. %s\n. Exception trace: \n %s" % ( ex , traceback . format_exc ( ) ) dbsExceptionHandler ( 'dbsException-server-error' , dbsExceptionCode [ 'dbsException-server-error' ] , self . logger . exception , sError ) finally : if conn : conn . close ( )
def list_certs ( self , filters = None ) : """Retrieve loaded certificates . : param filters : retrieve only matching certificates ( optional ) : type filters : dict : return : list of installed trap , drop and bypass policies : rtype : list"""
_ , cert_list = self . handler . streamed_request ( "list-certs" , "list-cert" , filters ) return cert_list
def map2matrix ( data_map , layout ) : r"""Map to Matrix This method transforms a 2D map to a 2D matrix Parameters data _ map : np . ndarray Input data map , 2D array layout : tuple 2D layout of 2D images Returns np . ndarray 2D matrix Raises ValueError For invalid layout Examples > > > from modopt . base . transform import map2matrix > > > a = np . array ( [ [ 0 , 1 , 4 , 5 ] , [ 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 ] , [ 8 , 9 , 12 , 13 ] , [10 , 11 , 14 , 15 ] ] ) > > > map2matrix ( a , ( 2 , 2 ) ) array ( [ [ 0 , 4 , 8 , 12 ] , [ 1 , 5 , 9 , 13 ] , [ 2 , 6 , 10 , 14 ] , [ 3 , 7 , 11 , 15 ] ] )"""
layout = np . array ( layout ) # Select n objects n_obj = np . prod ( layout ) # Get the shape of the images image_shape = ( np . array ( data_map . shape ) // layout ) [ 0 ] # Stack objects from map data_matrix = [ ] for i in range ( n_obj ) : lower = ( image_shape * ( i // layout [ 1 ] ) , image_shape * ( i % layout [ 1 ] ) ) upper = ( image_shape * ( i // layout [ 1 ] + 1 ) , image_shape * ( i % layout [ 1 ] + 1 ) ) data_matrix . append ( ( data_map [ lower [ 0 ] : upper [ 0 ] , lower [ 1 ] : upper [ 1 ] ] ) . reshape ( image_shape ** 2 ) ) return np . array ( data_matrix ) . T
def _py_func_with_gradient ( func , inp , Tout , stateful = True , name = None , grad_func = None ) : """PyFunc defined as given by Tensorflow : param func : Custom Function : param inp : Function Inputs : param Tout : Ouput Type of out Custom Function : param stateful : Calculate Gradients when stateful is True : param name : Name of the PyFunction : param grad : Custom Gradient Function : return :"""
# Generate random name in order to avoid conflicts with inbuilt names rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad-' + '%0x' % getrandbits ( 30 * 4 ) # Register Tensorflow Gradient tf . RegisterGradient ( rnd_name ) ( grad_func ) # Get current graph g = tf . get_default_graph ( ) # Add gradient override map with g . gradient_override_map ( { "PyFunc" : rnd_name , "PyFuncStateless" : rnd_name } ) : return tf . py_func ( func , inp , Tout , stateful = stateful , name = name )
def list_parse ( name_list ) : """Parse a comma - separated list of values , or a filename ( starting with @ ) containing a list value on each line ."""
if name_list and name_list [ 0 ] == '@' : value = name_list [ 1 : ] if not os . path . exists ( value ) : log . warning ( 'The file %s does not exist' % value ) return try : return [ v . strip ( ) for v in open ( value , 'r' ) . readlines ( ) ] except IOError as e : log . warning ( 'reading %s failed: %s; ignoring this file' % ( value , e ) ) else : return [ v . strip ( ) for v in name_list . split ( ',' ) ]
def get_pairs ( self , format_string ) : """Tokenize a logging format string and extract field names from tokens . : param format _ string : The logging format string . : returns : A generator of : class : ` FormatStringToken ` objects ."""
for token in self . get_tokens ( format_string ) : match = self . name_pattern . search ( token ) name = match . group ( 1 ) if match else None yield FormatStringToken ( name = name , text = token )
def total_memory ( self , image = 'ubuntu' ) : '''Get the available ram fo the docker machine in Kb'''
try : ret = subprocess . check_output ( f'''docker run -t {image} cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal''' , shell = True , stdin = subprocess . DEVNULL ) # ret : MemTotal : 30208916 kB self . tot_mem = int ( ret . split ( ) [ 1 ] ) except Exception : # some system does not have cat or grep self . tot_mem = None return self . tot_mem
def import_components_from_dataframe ( network , dataframe , cls_name ) : """Import components from a pandas DataFrame . If columns are missing then defaults are used . If extra columns are added , these are left in the resulting component dataframe . Parameters dataframe : pandas . DataFrame cls _ name : string Name of class of component Examples > > > network . import _ components _ from _ dataframe ( dataframe , " Line " )"""
if cls_name == "Generator" and "source" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'source' for generators is deprecated, use 'carrier' instead." ) if cls_name == "Generator" and "dispatch" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'dispatch' for generators is deprecated, use time-varing 'p_max_pu' for 'variable' and static 'p_max_pu' for 'flexible'." ) if cls_name in [ "Generator" , "StorageUnit" ] and "p_max_pu_fixed" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'p_max_pu_fixed' for generators is deprecated, use static 'p_max_pu' instead." ) if cls_name in [ "Generator" , "StorageUnit" ] and "p_min_pu_fixed" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'p_min_pu_fixed' for generators is deprecated, use static 'p_min_pu' instead." ) if cls_name == "Bus" and "current_type" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'current_type' for buses is deprecated, use 'carrier' instead." ) if cls_name == "Link" and "s_nom" in dataframe . columns : logger . warning ( "'s_nom*' for links is deprecated, use 'p_nom*' instead." ) attrs = network . components [ cls_name ] [ "attrs" ] static_attrs = attrs [ attrs . static ] . drop ( "name" ) non_static_attrs = attrs [ ~ attrs . static ] # Clean dataframe and ensure correct types dataframe = pd . DataFrame ( dataframe ) dataframe . index = dataframe . index . astype ( str ) for k in static_attrs . index : if k not in dataframe . columns : dataframe [ k ] = static_attrs . at [ k , "default" ] else : if static_attrs . at [ k , "type" ] == 'string' : dataframe [ k ] = dataframe [ k ] . replace ( { np . nan : "" } ) dataframe [ k ] = dataframe [ k ] . astype ( static_attrs . at [ k , "typ" ] ) # check all the buses are well - defined for attr in [ "bus" , "bus0" , "bus1" ] : if attr in dataframe . columns : missing = dataframe . index [ ~ dataframe [ attr ] . isin ( network . buses . index ) ] if len ( missing ) > 0 : logger . warning ( "The following %s have buses which are not defined:\n%s" , cls_name , missing ) non_static_attrs_in_df = non_static_attrs . index . intersection ( dataframe . columns ) old_df = network . df ( cls_name ) new_df = dataframe . drop ( non_static_attrs_in_df , axis = 1 ) if not old_df . empty : new_df = pd . concat ( ( old_df , new_df ) , sort = False ) if not new_df . index . is_unique : logger . error ( "Error, new components for {} are not unique" . format ( cls_name ) ) return setattr ( network , network . components [ cls_name ] [ "list_name" ] , new_df ) # now deal with time - dependent properties pnl = network . pnl ( cls_name ) for k in non_static_attrs_in_df : # If reading in outputs , fill the outputs pnl [ k ] = pnl [ k ] . reindex ( columns = new_df . index , fill_value = non_static_attrs . at [ k , "default" ] ) pnl [ k ] . loc [ : , dataframe . index ] = dataframe . loc [ : , k ] . values setattr ( network , network . components [ cls_name ] [ "list_name" ] + "_t" , pnl )
def get_neighborhood_in_mask ( image , mask , radius , physical_coordinates = False , boundary_condition = None , spatial_info = False , get_gradient = False ) : """Get neighborhoods for voxels within mask . This converts a scalar image to a matrix with rows that contain neighbors around a center voxel ANTsR function : ` getNeighborhoodInMask ` Arguments image : ANTsImage image to get values from mask : ANTsImage image indicating which voxels to examine . Each voxel > 0 will be used as the center of a neighborhood radius : tuple / list array of values for neighborhood radius ( in voxels ) physical _ coordinates : boolean whether voxel indices and offsets should be in voxel or physical coordinates boundary _ condition : string ( optional ) how to handle voxels in a neighborhood , but not in the mask . None : fill values with ` NaN ` ` image ` : use image value , even if not in mask ` mean ` : use mean of all non - NaN values for that neighborhood spatial _ info : boolean whether voxel locations and neighborhood offsets should be returned along with pixel values . get _ gradient : boolean whether a matrix of gradients ( at the center voxel ) should be returned in addition to the value matrix ( WIP ) Returns if spatial _ info is False : if get _ gradient is False : ndarray an array of pixel values where the number of rows is the size of the neighborhood and there is a column for each voxel else if get _ gradient is True : dictionary w / following key - value pairs : values : ndarray array of pixel values where the number of rows is the size of the neighborhood and there is a column for each voxel . gradients : ndarray array providing the gradients at the center voxel of each neighborhood else if spatial _ info is True : dictionary w / following key - value pairs : values : ndarray array of pixel values where the number of rows is the size of the neighborhood and there is a column for each voxel . indices : ndarray array provinding the center coordinates for each neighborhood offsets : ndarray array providing the offsets from center for each voxel in a neighborhood Example > > > import ants > > > r16 = ants . image _ read ( ants . get _ ants _ data ( ' r16 ' ) ) > > > mask = ants . get _ mask ( r16) > > > mat = ants . get _ neighborhood _ in _ mask ( r16 , mask , radius = ( 2,2 ) )"""
if not isinstance ( image , iio . ANTsImage ) : raise ValueError ( 'image must be ANTsImage type' ) if not isinstance ( mask , iio . ANTsImage ) : raise ValueError ( 'mask must be ANTsImage type' ) if isinstance ( radius , ( int , float ) ) : radius = [ radius ] * image . dimension if ( not isinstance ( radius , ( tuple , list ) ) ) or ( len ( radius ) != image . dimension ) : raise ValueError ( 'radius must be tuple or list with length == image.dimension' ) boundary = 0 if boundary_condition == 'image' : boundary = 1 elif boundary_condition == 'mean' : boundary = 2 libfn = utils . get_lib_fn ( 'getNeighborhoodMatrix%s' % image . _libsuffix ) retvals = libfn ( image . pointer , mask . pointer , list ( radius ) , int ( physical_coordinates ) , int ( boundary ) , int ( spatial_info ) , int ( get_gradient ) ) if not spatial_info : if get_gradient : retvals [ 'values' ] = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'values' ] ) retvals [ 'gradients' ] = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'gradients' ] ) else : retvals = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'matrix' ] ) else : retvals [ 'values' ] = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'values' ] ) retvals [ 'indices' ] = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'indices' ] ) retvals [ 'offsets' ] = np . asarray ( retvals [ 'offsets' ] ) return retvals
def selected_subcategory ( self ) : """Obtain the subcategory selected by user . : returns : Metadata of the selected subcategory . : rtype : dict , None"""
item = self . lstSubcategories . currentItem ( ) try : return definition ( item . data ( QtCore . Qt . UserRole ) ) except ( AttributeError , NameError ) : return None
def to_gremlin ( self ) : """Return a unicode object with the Gremlin representation of this expression ."""
self . validate ( ) edge_direction , edge_name = self . fold_scope_location . get_first_folded_edge ( ) validate_safe_string ( edge_name ) inverse_direction_table = { 'out' : 'in' , 'in' : 'out' , } inverse_direction = inverse_direction_table [ edge_direction ] base_location_name , _ = self . fold_scope_location . base_location . get_location_name ( ) validate_safe_string ( base_location_name ) _ , field_name = self . fold_scope_location . get_location_name ( ) validate_safe_string ( field_name ) if not self . folded_ir_blocks : # There is no filtering nor type coercions applied to this @ fold scope . # This template generates code like : # ( m . base . in _ Animal _ ParentOf = = null ) ? # m . base . in _ Animal _ ParentOf . collect { entry - > entry . outV . next ( ) . uuid } template = ( u'((m.{base_location_name}.{direction}_{edge_name} == null) ? [] : (' u'm.{base_location_name}.{direction}_{edge_name}.collect{{' u'entry -> entry.{inverse_direction}{field_name}{maybe_format}' u'}}' u'))' ) filter_and_traverse_data = '' else : # There is filtering or type coercions in this @ fold scope . # This template generates code like : # ( m . base . in _ Animal _ ParentOf = = null ) ? # m . base . in _ Animal _ ParentOf # . collect { entry - > entry . outV . next ( ) } # . findAll { it . alias . contains ( $ wanted ) } # . collect { it . uuid } template = ( u'((m.{base_location_name}.{direction}_{edge_name} == null) ? [] : (' u'm.{base_location_name}.{direction}_{edge_name}.collect{{' u'entry -> entry.{inverse_direction}' u'}}' u'.{filters_and_traverses}' u'.collect{{entry -> entry.{field_name}{maybe_format}}}' u'))' ) filter_and_traverse_data = u'.' . join ( block . to_gremlin ( ) for block in self . folded_ir_blocks ) maybe_format = '' inner_type = strip_non_null_from_type ( self . field_type . of_type ) if GraphQLDate . is_same_type ( inner_type ) : maybe_format = '.format("' + STANDARD_DATE_FORMAT + '")' elif GraphQLDateTime . is_same_type ( inner_type ) : maybe_format = '.format("' + STANDARD_DATETIME_FORMAT + '")' template_data = { 'base_location_name' : base_location_name , 'direction' : edge_direction , 'edge_name' : edge_name , 'field_name' : field_name , 'inverse_direction' : inverse_direction , 'maybe_format' : maybe_format , 'filters_and_traverses' : filter_and_traverse_data , } return template . format ( ** template_data )
def zset ( self , name , key , score = 1 ) : """Set the score of ` ` key ` ` from the zset ` ` name ` ` to ` ` score ` ` Like * * Redis . ZADD * * : param string name : the zset name : param string key : the key name : param int score : the score for ranking : return : ` ` True ` ` if ` ` zset ` ` created a new score , otherwise ` ` False ` ` : rtype : bool > > > ssdb . zset ( " zset _ 1 " , ' z ' , 1024) True > > > ssdb . zset ( " zset _ 1 " , ' a ' , 1024) False > > > ssdb . zset ( " zset _ 2 " , ' key _ 10 ' , - 4) > > > ssdb . zget ( " zset _ 2 " , ' key1 ' ) 42"""
score = get_integer ( 'score' , score ) return self . execute_command ( 'zset' , name , key , score )
def populate_observable ( self , time , kind , dataset , ** kwargs ) : """TODO : add documentation"""
if kind in [ 'mesh' , 'orb' ] : return if time == self . time and dataset in self . populated_at_time and 'pblum' not in kind : # then we ' ve already computed the needed columns # TODO : handle the case of intensities already computed by # / different / dataset ( ie RVs computed first and filling intensities # and then lc requesting intensities with SAME passband / atm ) return new_mesh_cols = getattr ( self , '_populate_{}' . format ( kind . lower ( ) ) ) ( dataset , ** kwargs ) for key , col in new_mesh_cols . items ( ) : self . mesh . update_columns_dict ( { '{}:{}' . format ( key , dataset ) : col } ) self . populated_at_time . append ( dataset )
def var ( self ) : """Compute the variance across images ."""
return self . _constructor ( self . values . var ( axis = 0 , keepdims = True ) )
def get_billing_report_active_devices ( self , month , ** kwargs ) : # noqa : E501 """Get raw billing data of the active devices for the month . # noqa : E501 Fetch the raw billing data of the active devices for the currently authenticated commercial non - subtenant account . This is supplementary data for the billing report . The raw billing data of the active devices for subtenant accounts are included in their aggregator ' s raw billing data of the active devices . The endpoint returns the URL to download the gzipped CSV file . The first line is the header providing information on the active devices . For example , the ID of an active device . * * Example usage : * * curl - X GET https : / / api . us - east - 1 . mbedcloud . com / v3 / billing - report - active - devices ? month = 2018-07 - H ' authorization : Bearer { api - key } ' # noqa : E501 This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default . To make an asynchronous HTTP request , please pass asynchronous = True > > > thread = api . get _ billing _ report _ active _ devices ( month , asynchronous = True ) > > > result = thread . get ( ) : param asynchronous bool : param str month : Queried year and month of billing report . ( required ) : return : BillingReportRawDataResponse If the method is called asynchronously , returns the request thread ."""
kwargs [ '_return_http_data_only' ] = True if kwargs . get ( 'asynchronous' ) : return self . get_billing_report_active_devices_with_http_info ( month , ** kwargs ) # noqa : E501 else : ( data ) = self . get_billing_report_active_devices_with_http_info ( month , ** kwargs ) # noqa : E501 return data
def filter_reads ( self , input_bam , output_bam , metrics_file , paired = False , cpus = 16 , Q = 30 ) : """Remove duplicates , filter for > Q , remove multiple mapping reads . For paired - end reads , keep only proper pairs ."""
nodups = re . sub ( "\.bam$" , "" , output_bam ) + ".nodups.nofilter.bam" cmd1 = self . tools . sambamba + " markdup -t {0} -r --compression-level=0 {1} {2} 2> {3}" . format ( cpus , input_bam , nodups , metrics_file ) cmd2 = self . tools . sambamba + ' view -t {0} -f bam --valid' . format ( cpus ) if paired : cmd2 += ' -F "not (unmapped or mate_is_unmapped) and proper_pair' else : cmd2 += ' -F "not unmapped' cmd2 += ' and not (secondary_alignment or supplementary) and mapping_quality >= {0}"' . format ( Q ) cmd2 += ' {0} |' . format ( nodups ) cmd2 += self . tools . sambamba + " sort -t {0} /dev/stdin -o {1}" . format ( cpus , output_bam ) cmd3 = "if [[ -s {0} ]]; then rm {0}; fi" . format ( nodups ) cmd4 = "if [[ -s {0} ]]; then rm {0}; fi" . format ( nodups + ".bai" ) return [ cmd1 , cmd2 , cmd3 , cmd4 ]
def run ( self ) : """Begins simultaneous generation / acquisition : returns : numpy . ndarray - - read samples"""
try : if self . aotask is None : print u"You must arm the calibration first" return # acquire data and stop task , lock must have been release by # previous reset self . daq_lock . acquire ( ) self . aotask . StartTask ( ) self . aitask . StartTask ( ) # blocking read data = self . aitask . read ( ) # write task should always be shorter than read # self . aotask . WaitUntilTaskDone ( 10) self . nacquired += 1 self . aitask . stop ( ) self . aotask . stop ( ) except : print u'ERROR! TERMINATE!' self . daq_lock . release ( ) self . stop ( ) raise return data
def geoadd ( self , key , longitude , latitude , member , * args , ** kwargs ) : """Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set . : rtype : int"""
return self . execute ( b'GEOADD' , key , longitude , latitude , member , * args , ** kwargs )
def source ( inp , features = None , top = None , chunksize = None , ** kw ) : r"""Defines trajectory data source This function defines input trajectories without loading them . You can pass the resulting object into transformers such as : func : ` pyemma . coordinates . tica ` or clustering algorithms such as : func : ` pyemma . coordinates . cluster _ kmeans ` . Then , the data will be streamed instead of being loaded , thus saving memory . You can also use this function to construct the first stage of a data processing : func : ` pipeline ` . Parameters inp : str ( file name ) or ndarray or list of strings ( file names ) or list of ndarrays or nested list of str | ndarray ( 1 level ) The inp file names or input data . Can be given in any of these ways : 1 . File name of a single trajectory . It can have any of the molecular dynamics trajectory formats or raw data formats specified in : py : func : ` load ` . 2 . List of trajectory file names . It can have any of the molecular dynamics trajectory formats or raw data formats specified in : py : func : ` load ` . 3 . Molecular dynamics trajectory in memory as a numpy array of shape ( T , N , 3 ) with T time steps , N atoms each having three ( x , y , z ) spatial coordinates . 4 . List of molecular dynamics trajectories in memory , each given as a numpy array of shape ( T _ i , N , 3 ) , where trajectory i has T _ i time steps and all trajectories have shape ( N , 3 ) . 5 . Trajectory of some features or order parameters in memory as a numpy array of shape ( T , N ) with T time steps and N dimensions . 6 . List of trajectories of some features or order parameters in memory , each given as a numpy array of shape ( T _ i , N ) , where trajectory i has T _ i time steps and all trajectories have N dimensions . 7 . List of NumPy array files ( . npy ) of shape ( T , N ) . Note these arrays are not being loaded completely , but mapped into memory ( read - only ) . 8 . List of tabulated ASCII files of shape ( T , N ) . 9 . Nested lists ( 1 level ) like ) , eg . : [ [ ' traj1_0 . xtc ' , ' traj1_1 . xtc ' ] , ' traj2 _ full . xtc ' ] , [ ' traj3_0 . xtc , . . . ] ] the grouped fragments will be treated as a joint trajectory . features : MDFeaturizer , optional , default = None a featurizer object specifying how molecular dynamics files should be read ( e . g . intramolecular distances , angles , dihedrals , etc ) . This parameter only makes sense if the input comes in the form of molecular dynamics trajectories or data , and will otherwise create a warning and have no effect . top : str , mdtraj . Trajectory or mdtraj . Topology , optional , default = None A topology file name . This is needed when molecular dynamics trajectories are given and no featurizer is given . In this case , only the Cartesian coordinates will be read . You can also pass an already loaded mdtraj . Topology object . If it is an mdtraj . Trajectory object , the topology will be extracted from it . chunksize : int , default = None Number of data frames to process at once . Choose a higher value here , to optimize thread usage and gain processing speed . If None is passed , use the default value of the underlying reader / data source . Choose zero to disable chunking at all . Returns reader : : class : ` DataSource < pyemma . coordinates . data . _ base . datasource . DataSource > ` object See also : func : ` pyemma . coordinates . load ` If your memory is big enough to load all features into memory , don ' t bother using source - working in memory is faster ! : func : ` pyemma . coordinates . pipeline ` The data input is the first stage for your pipeline . Add other stages to it and build a pipeline to analyze big data in streaming mode . Examples Create a reader for NumPy files : > > > import numpy as np > > > from pyemma . coordinates import source > > > reader = source ( [ ' 001 . npy ' , ' 002 . npy ' ] # doctest : + SKIP Create a reader for trajectory files and select some distance as feature : > > > reader = source ( [ ' traj01 . xtc ' , ' traj02 . xtc ' ] , top = ' my _ structure . pdb ' ) # doctest : + SKIP > > > reader . featurizer . add _ distances ( [ [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 5 , 6 ] ] ) # doctest : + SKIP > > > calculated _ features = reader . get _ output ( ) # doctest : + SKIP create a reader for a csv file : > > > reader = source ( ' data . csv ' ) # doctest : + SKIP Create a reader for huge NumPy in - memory arrays to process them in huge chunks to avoid memory issues : > > > data = np . random . random ( int ( 1e6 ) ) > > > reader = source ( data , chunksize = 1000) > > > from pyemma . coordinates import cluster _ regspace > > > regspace = cluster _ regspace ( reader , dmin = 0.1) Returns reader : a reader instance . . autoclass : : pyemma . coordinates . data . interface . ReaderInterface : members : : undoc - members : . . rubric : : Methods . . autoautosummary : : pyemma . coordinates . data . interface . ReaderInterface : methods : . . rubric : : Attributes . . autoautosummary : : pyemma . coordinates . data . interface . ReaderInterface : attributes :"""
from pyemma . coordinates . data . _base . iterable import Iterable from pyemma . coordinates . data . util . reader_utils import create_file_reader from pyemma . util . reflection import get_default_args cs = _check_old_chunksize_arg ( chunksize , get_default_args ( source ) [ 'chunksize' ] , ** kw ) # CASE 1 : input is a string or list of strings # check : if single string create a one - element list if isinstance ( inp , _string_types ) or ( isinstance ( inp , ( list , tuple ) ) and ( any ( isinstance ( item , ( list , tuple , _string_types ) ) for item in inp ) or len ( inp ) is 0 ) ) : reader = create_file_reader ( inp , top , features , chunksize = cs , ** kw ) elif isinstance ( inp , _np . ndarray ) or ( isinstance ( inp , ( list , tuple ) ) and ( any ( isinstance ( item , _np . ndarray ) for item in inp ) or len ( inp ) is 0 ) ) : # CASE 2 : input is a ( T , N , 3 ) array or list of ( T _ i , N , 3 ) arrays # check : if single array , create a one - element list # check : do all arrays have compatible dimensions ( * , N , 3 ) ? If not : raise ValueError . # check : if single array , create a one - element list # check : do all arrays have compatible dimensions ( * , N ) ? If not : raise ValueError . # create MemoryReader from pyemma . coordinates . data . data_in_memory import DataInMemory as _DataInMemory reader = _DataInMemory ( inp , chunksize = cs , ** kw ) elif isinstance ( inp , Iterable ) : inp . chunksize = cs return inp else : raise ValueError ( 'unsupported type (%s) of input' % type ( inp ) ) return reader