stringlengths 29
| implementation
stringlengths 0
def request ( self , url : str , method : str , raise_for_status : bool = True , path_to_errors : tuple = None , * args , ** kwargs ) -> tuple :
"""A wrapper method for : meth : ` ~ requests . Session . request ` ` , which adds some defaults and logging
: param url : The URL to send the reply to
: param method : The method to use
: param raise _ for _ status : Should an exception be raised for a failed response . Default is * * True * *
: param args : Additional args to be sent to the request
: param kwargs : Additional args to be sent to the request
: return : Dict of response body or original : class : ` requests . Response `""" | session = kwargs . get ( "session" , requests . Session ( ) )
log . debug ( "sending a %s request to %s with args: %s kwargs: %s" , method . upper ( ) , url , args , kwargs , )
rsp = session . request ( method , url , * args , ** kwargs )
log . debug ( "response: %s" , rsp . text )
errors = None
if raise_for_status :
try :
rsp . raise_for_status ( )
except requests . RequestException as e :
if e . response is not None :
rsp = e . response
if path_to_errors :
try :
errors = rsp . json ( )
for arg in path_to_errors :
if errors . get ( arg ) :
errors = errors [ arg ]
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError :
errors = [ rsp . text ]
else :
errors = [ rsp . text ]
if not isinstance ( errors , list ) :
errors = [ errors ]
else :
rsp = None
errors = [ str ( e ) ]
log . debug ( "errors when trying to access %s: %s" , url , errors )
log . debug ( "returning response %s, errors %s" , rsp , errors )
return rsp , errors |
def get_logs ( self , container_id ) :
"""Return the full stdout / stderr of a container""" | stdout = self . _docker . containers . get ( container_id ) . logs ( stdout = True , stderr = False ) . decode ( 'utf8' )
stderr = self . _docker . containers . get ( container_id ) . logs ( stdout = False , stderr = True ) . decode ( 'utf8' )
return stdout , stderr |
def stop ( pid ) :
"""Shut down a specific process .
Args :
pid : the pid of the process to shutdown .""" | if psutil . pid_exists ( pid ) :
try :
p = psutil . Process ( pid )
p . kill ( )
except Exception :
pass |
def mdgel_metadata ( self ) :
"""Return consolidated metadata from MD GEL tags as dict .""" | for page in self . pages [ : 2 ] :
if 'MDFileTag' in page . tags :
tags = page . tags
else :
return None
result = { }
for code in range ( 33445 , 33453 ) :
name = TIFF . TAGS [ code ]
if name not in tags :
result [ name [ 2 : ] ] = tags [ name ] . value
return result |
async def getChatMember ( self , chat_id , user_id ) :
"""See : https : / / core . telegram . org / bots / api # getchatmember""" | p = _strip ( locals ( ) )
return await self . _api_request ( 'getChatMember' , _rectify ( p ) ) |
def output_prefixdata_code ( prefixdata , outfilename , module_prefix , varprefix , per_locale , chunks ) :
"""Output the per - prefix data in Python form to the given file""" | sorted_keys = sorted ( prefixdata . keys ( ) )
total_keys = len ( sorted_keys )
if chunks == - 1 :
total_chunks = int ( math . ceil ( total_keys / float ( chunk_size ) ) )
else :
chunk_size = int ( math . ceil ( total_keys / float ( chunks ) ) )
total_chunks = chunks
outdirname = os . path . dirname ( outfilename )
longest_prefix = 0
for chunk_num in range ( total_chunks ) :
chunk_index = chunk_size * chunk_num
chunk_keys = sorted_keys [ chunk_index : chunk_index + chunk_size ]
chunk_data = { }
for key in chunk_keys :
chunk_data [ key ] = prefixdata [ key ]
chunk_file = os . path . join ( outdirname , '' % chunk_num )
chunk_longest = output_prefixdata_chunk ( chunk_data , chunk_file , module_prefix , per_locale )
if chunk_longest > longest_prefix :
longest_prefix = chunk_longest
with open ( outfilename , "w" ) as outfile :
if per_locale :
prnt ( PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % { 'module' : module_prefix } , file = outfile )
else :
prnt ( PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % { 'module' : module_prefix } , file = outfile )
prnt ( COPYRIGHT_NOTICE , file = outfile )
prnt ( "%s_DATA = {}" % varprefix , file = outfile )
for chunk_num in range ( total_chunks ) :
prnt ( "from .data%d import data" % chunk_num , file = outfile )
prnt ( "%s_DATA.update(data)" % varprefix , file = outfile )
prnt ( "del data" , file = outfile )
prnt ( "%s_LONGEST_PREFIX = %d" % ( varprefix , longest_prefix ) , file = outfile ) |
def dw ( self ) :
r"""The weighted degree of vertices .
For undirected graphs , the weighted degree of the vertex : math : ` v _ i ` is
defined as
. . math : : d [ i ] = \ sum _ j W [ j , i ] = \ sum _ j W [ i , j ] ,
where : math : ` W ` is the weighted adjacency matrix : attr : ` W ` .
For directed graphs , the weighted degree of the vertex : math : ` v _ i ` is
defined as
. . math : : d [ i ] = \ frac12 ( d ^ \ text { in } [ i ] + d ^ \ text { out } [ i ] )
= \ frac12 ( \ sum _ j W [ j , i ] + \ sum _ j W [ i , j ] ) ,
i . e . , as the average of the in and out degrees .
Undirected graph :
> > > graph = graphs . Graph ( [
. . . [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ,
. . . [ 1 , 0 , 2 ] ,
. . . [ 0 , 2 , 0 ] ,
> > > print ( graph . d ) # Number of neighbors .
[1 2 1]
> > > print ( graph . dw ) # Weighted degree .
[1 3 2]
Directed graph :
> > > graph = graphs . Graph ( [
. . . [ 0 , 1 , 0 ] ,
. . . [ 0 , 0 , 2 ] ,
. . . [ 0 , 2 , 0 ] ,
> > > print ( graph . d ) # Number of neighbors .
[0.5 1.5 1 . ]
> > > print ( graph . dw ) # Weighted degree .
[0.5 2.5 2 . ]""" | if self . _dw is None :
if not self . is_directed ( ) : # Shortcut for undirected graphs .
self . _dw = np . ravel ( self . W . sum ( axis = 0 ) )
else :
degree_in = np . ravel ( self . W . sum ( axis = 0 ) )
degree_out = np . ravel ( self . W . sum ( axis = 1 ) )
self . _dw = ( degree_in + degree_out ) / 2
return self . _dw |
def compose ( self , * args ) :
"""Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions , each
consuming the return value of the function that follows .""" | args = list ( args )
def composed ( * ar , ** kwargs ) :
lastRet = self . obj ( * ar , ** kwargs )
for i in args :
lastRet = i ( lastRet )
return lastRet
return self . _wrap ( composed ) |
def load_yaml ( yaml_file : str ) -> Any :
"""Load YAML from file .
: param yaml _ file : path to YAML file
: return : content of the YAML as dict / list""" | with open ( yaml_file , 'r' ) as file :
return ruamel . yaml . load ( file , ruamel . yaml . RoundTripLoader ) |
def persons_significant_control ( self , num , statements = False , ** kwargs ) :
"""Search for a list of persons with significant control .
Searches for persons of significant control based on company number for
a specified company . Specify statements = True to only search for
officers with statements .
Args :
num ( str , int ) : Company number to search on .
statements ( Optional [ bool ] ) : Search only for persons with
statements . Default is False .
kwargs ( dict ) : additional keywords passed into requests . session . get
* params * keyword .""" | baseuri = ( self . _BASE_URI + 'company/{}/persons-with-significant-control' . format ( num ) )
# Only append statements to the URL if statements is True
if statements is True :
baseuri += '-statements'
res = self . session . get ( baseuri , params = kwargs )
self . handle_http_error ( res )
return res |
def get_function_for_aws_event ( self , record ) :
"""Get the associated function to execute for a triggered AWS event
Support S3 , SNS , DynamoDB , kinesis and SQS events""" | if 's3' in record :
if ':' in record [ 's3' ] [ 'configurationId' ] :
return record [ 's3' ] [ 'configurationId' ] . split ( ':' ) [ - 1 ]
arn = None
if 'Sns' in record :
try :
message = json . loads ( record [ 'Sns' ] [ 'Message' ] )
if message . get ( 'command' ) :
return message [ 'command' ]
except ValueError :
arn = record [ 'Sns' ] . get ( 'TopicArn' )
elif 'dynamodb' in record or 'kinesis' in record :
arn = record . get ( 'eventSourceARN' )
elif 'eventSource' in record and record . get ( 'eventSource' ) == 'aws:sqs' :
arn = record . get ( 'eventSourceARN' )
elif 's3' in record :
arn = record [ 's3' ] [ 'bucket' ] [ 'arn' ]
if arn :
return self . settings . AWS_EVENT_MAPPING . get ( arn )
return None |
def ekssum ( handle , segno ) :
"""Return summary information for a specified segment in a specified EK .
http : / / naif . jpl . nasa . gov / pub / naif / toolkit _ docs / C / cspice / ekssum _ c . html
: param handle : Handle of EK .
: type handle : int
: param segno : Number of segment to be summarized .
: type segno : int
: return : EK segment summary .
: rtype : spicepy . utils . support _ types . SpiceEKSegSum""" | handle = ctypes . c_int ( handle )
segno = ctypes . c_int ( segno )
segsum = stypes . SpiceEKSegSum ( )
libspice . ekssum_c ( handle , segno , ctypes . byref ( segsum ) )
return segsum |
def _collate ( * iterables , key = lambda a : a , reverse = False ) :
"""Helper for ` ` collate ( ) ` ` , called when the user is using the ` ` reverse ` `
or ` ` key ` ` keyword arguments on Python versions below 3.5.""" | min_or_max = partial ( max if reverse else min , key = itemgetter ( 0 ) )
peekables = [ peekable ( it ) for it in iterables ]
peekables = [ p for p in peekables if p ]
# Kill empties .
while peekables :
_ , p = min_or_max ( ( key ( p . peek ( ) ) , p ) for p in peekables )
yield next ( p )
peekables = [ x for x in peekables if x ] |
def account_setup ( remote , token = None , response = None , account_setup = None ) :
"""Setup user account .""" | gh = GitHubAPI ( user_id = token . remote_account . user_id )
with db . session . begin_nested ( ) :
gh . init_account ( )
# Create user < - > external id link .
oauth_link_external_id ( token . remote_account . user , dict ( id = str ( gh . account . extra_data [ 'id' ] ) , method = "github" ) ) |
def hash_and_serialize_chunk ( chunk_pii_data , # type : Sequence [ Sequence [ str ] ]
keys , # type : Sequence [ Sequence [ bytes ] ]
schema # type : Schema
) : # type : ( . . . ) - > Tuple [ List [ str ] , Sequence [ int ] ]
"""Generate Bloom filters ( ie hash ) from chunks of PII then serialize
the generated Bloom filters . It also computes and outputs the Hamming weight ( or popcount ) - - the number of bits
set to one - - of the generated Bloom filters .
: param chunk _ pii _ data : An iterable of indexable records .
: param keys : A tuple of two lists of secret keys used in the HMAC .
: param Schema schema : Schema specifying the entry formats and
hashing settings .
: return : A list of serialized Bloom filters and a list of corresponding popcounts""" | clk_data = [ ]
clk_popcounts = [ ]
for clk in stream_bloom_filters ( chunk_pii_data , keys , schema ) :
clk_data . append ( serialize_bitarray ( clk [ 0 ] ) . strip ( ) )
clk_popcounts . append ( clk [ 2 ] )
return clk_data , clk_popcounts |
def set_data ( self , data ) :
"""Sets the content data .
arg : data ( osid . transport . DataInputStream ) : the content data
raise : InvalidArgument - ` ` data ` ` is invalid
raise : NoAccess - ` ` Metadata . isReadOnly ( ) ` ` is ` ` true ` `
raise : NullArgument - ` ` data ` ` is ` ` null ` `
* compliance : mandatory - - This method must be implemented . *""" | if data is None :
raise errors . NullArgument ( 'data cannot be None' )
if not isinstance ( data , DataInputStream ) :
raise errors . InvalidArgument ( 'data must be instance of DataInputStream' )
dbase = JSONClientValidated ( 'repository' , runtime = self . _runtime ) . raw ( )
filesys = gridfs . GridFS ( dbase )
self . _my_map [ 'data' ] = filesys . put ( data . _my_data )
data . _my_data . seek ( 0 )
self . _my_map [ 'base64' ] = base64 . b64encode ( data . _my_data . read ( ) ) |
def is_intercepted ( target ) :
"""True iif input target is intercepted .
: param target : target to check such as an intercepted target .
: return : True iif input target is intercepted .
: rtype : bool""" | result = False
# get interception function from input target
function = _get_function ( target )
result = hasattr ( function , _INTERCEPTED )
return result |
def kill_speech_dispatcher ( self ) :
'''kill speech dispatcher processs''' | if not 'HOME' in os . environ :
pidpath = os . path . join ( os . environ [ 'HOME' ] , '.speech-dispatcher' , 'pid' , '' )
if os . path . exists ( pidpath ) :
try :
import signal
pid = int ( open ( pidpath ) . read ( ) )
if pid > 1 and os . kill ( pid , 0 ) is None :
print ( "Killing speech dispatcher pid %u" % pid )
os . kill ( pid , signal . SIGINT )
time . sleep ( 1 )
except Exception as e :
pass |
def list_objects ( self , prefix = None , delimiter = None ) :
"""List the objects for this bucket .
: param str prefix : If specified , only objects that start with this
prefix are listed .
: param str delimiter : If specified , return only objects whose name
do not contain the delimiter after the prefix .
For the other objects , the response contains
( in the prefix response parameter ) the name
truncated after the delimiter . Duplicates are
omitted .""" | return self . _client . list_objects ( instance = self . _instance , bucket_name = self . name , prefix = prefix , delimiter = delimiter ) |
def Normalize ( self , period , start_time , stop_time , mode = NORMALIZE_MODE_GAUGE ) :
"""Normalize the series to have a fixed period over a fixed time range .
Supports two modes , depending on the type of data :
NORMALIZE _ MODE _ GAUGE : support gauge values . If multiple original data
points lie within an output interval , the output value is an average of
the original data point . if no original data points lie within an
output interval , the output value is None .
NORMALIZE _ MODE _ COUNTER : supports counter values . Assumes that the sequence
is already increasing ( typically , MakeIncreasing will have been
called ) . Each output value is the largest value seen during or before
the corresponding output interval .
Args :
period : The desired time between points . Should be an rdfvalue . Duration or
a count of microseconds .
start _ time : The first timestamp will be at start _ time . Should be an
rdfvalue . RDFDatetime or a count of microseconds since epoch .
stop _ time : The last timestamp will be at stop _ time - period . Should be an
rdfvalue . RDFDatetime or a count of microseconds since epoch .
mode : The type of normalization to perform . May be NORMALIZE _ MODE _ GAUGE or
Raises :
RuntimeError : In case the sequence timestamps are misordered .""" | period = self . _NormalizeTime ( period )
start_time = self . _NormalizeTime ( start_time )
stop_time = self . _NormalizeTime ( stop_time )
if not self . data :
self . FilterRange ( start_time , stop_time )
grouped = { }
for value , timestamp in self . data :
offset = timestamp - start_time
shifted_offset = offset - ( offset % period )
grouped . setdefault ( shifted_offset , [ ] ) . append ( value )
self . data = [ ]
last_value = None
for offset in range ( 0 , stop_time - start_time , period ) :
g = grouped . get ( offset )
v = None
if g :
v = sum ( g ) / len ( g )
self . data . append ( [ v , offset + start_time ] )
else :
if g :
for v in g :
if v < last_value :
raise RuntimeError ( "Next value must not be smaller." )
last_value = v
self . data . append ( [ last_value , offset + start_time ] ) |
def fetch_liked_projects ( self , ** kwargs ) :
"""List liked projects
Fetch projects that the currently authenticated user likes .
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default . To make an
asynchronous HTTP request , please define a ` callback ` function
to be invoked when receiving the response .
> > > def callback _ function ( response ) :
> > > pprint ( response )
> > > thread = api . fetch _ liked _ projects ( callback = callback _ function )
: param callback function : The callback function
for asynchronous request . ( optional )
: return : PaginatedProjectResults
If the method is called asynchronously ,
returns the request thread .""" | kwargs [ '_return_http_data_only' ] = True
if kwargs . get ( 'callback' ) :
return self . fetch_liked_projects_with_http_info ( ** kwargs )
else :
( data ) = self . fetch_liked_projects_with_http_info ( ** kwargs )
return data |
def registration_settings ( request ) :
'''Expose selected settings to templates''' | context = { }
context [ setting ] = getattr ( settings , setting , None )
return context |
def decode ( self , text ) :
"""Decode a Lua string to an dictionary
: type text : str
: rtype : dict
: param text : string to decode
: return : dictionary""" | LOGGER . debug ( 'decoding text to dictionary' )
if not text or type ( text ) is not str :
raise SLTPParsingError ( ERRORS [ 'unexp_type_str' ] )
LOGGER . debug ( 'extracting qualifier' )
qual = re . compile ( r'^(?P<value>(dictionary|mission|mapResource|warehouses) = ?)\n' )
match = qual . match ( text )
if match is None :
raise ValueError ( 'qualifier not found; first line: {}' . format ( text . split ( '\n' ) [ 0 ] ) )
self . qual = match . group ( 'value' )
text = qual . sub ( '' , text )
reg = re . compile ( r' -- .*[^(\\|",)]$' , re . M )
text = reg . sub ( '' , text )
self . text = text
self . at , self . ch , self . depth = 0 , '' , 0
self . len = len ( text )
self . next_chr ( )
result = self . value ( )
return result , self . qual |
def _readBatchOutputForFile ( self , directory , fileIO , filename , session , spatial , spatialReferenceID , replaceParamFile = None , maskMap = None ) :
"""When batch mode is run in GSSHA , the files of the same type are
prepended with an integer to avoid filename conflicts .
This will attempt to read files in this format and
throw warnings if the files aren ' t found .""" | # Get contents of directory
directoryList = os . listdir ( directory )
# Compile a list of files with that include the filename in them
batchFiles = [ ]
for thing in directoryList :
if filename in thing :
batchFiles . append ( thing )
numFilesRead = 0
for batchFile in batchFiles :
instance = fileIO ( )
instance . projectFile = self
if isinstance ( instance , WMSDatasetFile ) :
instance . read ( directory = directory , filename = batchFile , session = session , maskMap = maskMap , spatial = spatial , spatialReferenceID = spatialReferenceID )
else :
instance . read ( directory , batchFile , session , spatial = spatial , spatialReferenceID = spatialReferenceID , replaceParamFile = replaceParamFile )
# Increment runCounter for next file
numFilesRead += 1
# Issue warnings
if '[' in filename or ']' in filename :
log . info ( 'A file cannot be read, because the path to the ' 'file in the project file has been replaced with ' 'replacement variable {0}.' . format ( filename ) )
elif numFilesRead == 0 :
log . warning ( '{0} listed in project file, but no such ' 'file exists.' . format ( filename ) )
else :
log . info ( 'Batch mode output detected. {0} files read ' 'for file {1}' . format ( numFilesRead , filename ) ) |
async def listener ( self ) :
"""Listener task for receiving ops from Lavalink .""" | while self . _ws . open and self . _is_shutdown is False :
try :
data = json . loads ( await self . _ws . recv ( ) )
except websockets . ConnectionClosed :
raw_op = data . get ( "op" )
try :
op = LavalinkIncomingOp ( raw_op )
except ValueError :
socket_log . debug ( "Received unknown op: %s" , data )
else :
socket_log . debug ( "Received known op: %s" , data )
self . loop . create_task ( self . _handle_op ( op , data ) )
self . ready . clear ( )
log . debug ( "Listener exited: ws %s SHUTDOWN %s." , self . _ws . open , self . _is_shutdown )
self . loop . create_task ( self . _reconnect ( ) ) |
def bifurcate_base ( cls , newick ) :
"""Rewrites a newick string so that the base is a bifurcation
( rooted tree )""" | t = cls ( newick )
t . _tree . resolve_polytomies ( )
return t . newick |
def release ( self , connection ) :
"""Releases the connection back to the pool""" | self . _checkpid ( )
if connection . pid == self . pid :
idx = connection . _pattern_idx
self . _in_use_connections [ idx ] . remove ( connection )
self . _available_connections [ idx ] . append ( connection ) |
def tcp_traceflow ( packet , timestamp , * , data_link , count = NotImplemented ) :
"""Trace packet flow for TCP .""" | if getattr ( packet , 'ip' , None ) :
ip = packet [ 'ip' ]
elif getattr ( packet , 'ip6' , None ) :
ip = packet [ 'ip6' ]
else :
return False , None
tcp = getattr ( ip , 'tcp' , None )
if tcp is not None :
flags = bin ( tcp . flags ) [ 2 : ] . zfill ( 8 )
data = dict ( protocol = data_link , # data link type from global header
index = count , # frame number
frame = packet2dict ( packet , timestamp , data_link = data_link ) , # extracted packet
syn = bool ( int ( flags [ 6 ] ) ) , # TCP synchronise ( SYN ) flag
fin = bool ( int ( flags [ 7 ] ) ) , # TCP finish ( FIN ) flag
src = ipaddress . ip_address ( ip . src ) , # source IP
dst = ipaddress . ip_address ( ip . dst ) , # destination IP
srcport = tcp . sport , # TCP source port
dstport = tcp . dport , # TCP destination port
timestamp = timestamp , # timestamp
return True , data
return False , None |
def start_background_task ( self , target , * args , ** kwargs ) :
"""Start a background task using the appropriate async model .
This is a utility function that applications can use to start a
background task using the method that is compatible with the
selected async mode .
: param target : the target function to execute .
: param args : arguments to pass to the function .
: param kwargs : keyword arguments to pass to the function .
This function returns an object compatible with the ` Thread ` class in
the Python standard library . The ` start ( ) ` method on this object is
already called by this function .""" | return self . server . start_background_task ( target , * args , ** kwargs ) |
def _get_edge_sign ( im , edge ) :
"""Get the polarity of the influence by examining the edge sign .""" | edge_data = im [ edge [ 0 ] ] [ edge [ 1 ] ]
# Handle possible multiple edges between nodes
signs = list ( set ( [ v [ 'sign' ] for v in edge_data . values ( ) if v . get ( 'sign' ) ] ) )
if len ( signs ) > 1 :
logger . warning ( "Edge %s has conflicting polarities; choosing " "positive polarity by default" % str ( edge ) )
sign = 1
else :
sign = signs [ 0 ]
if sign is None :
raise Exception ( 'No sign attribute for edge.' )
elif abs ( sign ) == 1 :
return sign
else :
raise Exception ( 'Unexpected edge sign: %s' % edge . attr [ 'sign' ] ) |
def should_sample ( self , trace_id ) :
"""Make the sampling decision based on the lower 8 bytes of the trace
ID . If the value is less than the bound , return True , else False .
: type trace _ id : str
: param trace _ id : Trace ID of the current trace .
: rtype : bool
: returns : The sampling decision .""" | lower_long = get_lower_long_from_trace_id ( trace_id )
bound = self . rate * MAX_VALUE
if lower_long <= bound :
return True
else :
return False |
def bottomAt ( self , offset = 0 ) :
"""Returns point in the center of the region ' s bottom side ( offset to the bottom
by ` ` offset ` ` )""" | return Location ( self . getX ( ) + ( self . getW ( ) / 2 ) , self . getY ( ) + self . getH ( ) + offset ) |
def value ( self ) :
"""Read the value from BACnet network""" | try :
res = self . properties . device . properties . network . read ( "{} {} {} presentValue" . format ( self . properties . device . properties . address , self . properties . type , str ( self . properties . address ) , ) )
self . _trend ( res )
except Exception :
raise Exception ( "Problem reading : {}" . format ( self . properties . name ) )
if res == "inactive" :
self . _key = 0
self . _boolKey = False
else :
self . _key = 1
self . _boolKey = True
return res |
def ssh_interface ( vm_ ) :
'''Return the ssh _ interface type to connect to . Either ' public _ ips ' ( default )
or ' private _ ips ' .''' | ret = config . get_cloud_config_value ( 'ssh_interface' , vm_ , __opts__ , default = 'public_ips' , search_global = False )
if ret not in ( 'public_ips' , 'private_ips' ) :
log . warning ( 'Invalid ssh_interface: %s. ' 'Allowed options are ("public_ips", "private_ips"). ' 'Defaulting to "public_ips".' , ret )
ret = 'public_ips'
return ret |
def update_saved_search ( self , id , ** kwargs ) : # noqa : E501
"""Update a specific saved search # noqa : E501
# noqa : E501
This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default . To make an
asynchronous HTTP request , please pass async _ req = True
> > > thread = api . update _ saved _ search ( id , async _ req = True )
> > > result = thread . get ( )
: param async _ req bool
: param str id : ( required )
: param SavedSearch body : Example Body : < pre > { \" query \" : { \" foo \" : \" { \\ \" searchTerms \\ \" : [ { \\ \" type \\ \" : \\ \" freetext \\ \" , \\ \" value \\ \" : \\ \" foo \\ \" } ] } \" } , \" entityType \" : \" DASHBOARD \" } < / pre >
: return : ResponseContainerSavedSearch
If the method is called asynchronously ,
returns the request thread .""" | kwargs [ '_return_http_data_only' ] = True
if kwargs . get ( 'async_req' ) :
return self . update_saved_search_with_http_info ( id , ** kwargs )
# noqa : E501
else :
( data ) = self . update_saved_search_with_http_info ( id , ** kwargs )
# noqa : E501
return data |
def compress ( func ) :
"""Compress route return data with gzip compression""" | @ wraps ( func )
def wrapper ( * args , ** kwargs ) :
result = func ( * args , ** kwargs )
if ( 'gzip' in bottle . request . headers . get ( 'Accept-Encoding' , '' ) and isinstance ( result , string_type ) and len ( result ) > 1024 ) :
if isinstance ( result , unicode ) :
result = result . encode ( 'utf-8' )
tmp_fo = BytesIO ( )
with gzip . GzipFile ( mode = 'wb' , fileobj = tmp_fo ) as gzip_fo :
gzip_fo . write ( result )
result = tmp_fo . getvalue ( )
bottle . response . add_header ( 'Content-Encoding' , 'gzip' )
return result
return wrapper |
def load_template ( self , template : str ) -> Template :
"""Load a Jinja2 template from the source directory .""" | env = dict ( trim_blocks = True , lstrip_blocks = True , keep_trailing_newline = False )
jinja2_ext = ".jinja2"
if not template . endswith ( jinja2_ext ) :
self . _log . error ( "Template file name must end with %s" % jinja2_ext )
raise ValueError
if not template [ : - len ( jinja2_ext ) ] . endswith ( ".md" ) :
self . _log . error ( "Template file should be a Markdown file." )
raise ValueError
if not os . path . isabs ( template ) :
template = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , template )
with open ( template , encoding = "utf-8" ) as fin :
template_obj = Template ( fin . read ( ) , ** env )
template_obj . filename = template
self . _log . info ( "Loaded %s" , template )
return template_obj |
def GetAttachmentIdFromMediaId ( media_id ) :
"""Gets attachment id from media id .
: param str media _ id :
: return :
The attachment id from the media id .
: rtype : str""" | altchars = '+-'
if not six . PY2 :
altchars = altchars . encode ( 'utf-8' )
# altchars for ' + ' and ' / ' . We keep ' + ' but replace ' / ' with ' - '
buffer = base64 . b64decode ( str ( media_id ) , altchars )
resoure_id_length = 20
attachment_id = ''
if len ( buffer ) > resoure_id_length : # We are cutting off the storage index .
attachment_id = base64 . b64encode ( buffer [ 0 : resoure_id_length ] , altchars )
if not six . PY2 :
attachment_id = attachment_id . decode ( 'utf-8' )
else :
attachment_id = media_id
return attachment_id |
def delete_row ( self , index ) :
"""" Deletes the row from the worksheet at the specified index .
: param index : Index of a row for deletion .
: type index : int""" | body = { "requests" : [ { "deleteDimension" : { "range" : { "sheetId" : self . id , "dimension" : "ROWS" , "startIndex" : index - 1 , "endIndex" : index } } } ] }
return self . spreadsheet . batch_update ( body ) |
def _get_datatable_options ( self ) :
"""Helps to keep the promise that we only run ` ` get _ datatable _ options ( ) ` ` once .""" | if not hasattr ( self , '_datatable_options' ) :
self . _datatable_options = self . get_datatable_options ( )
# Convert sources from list to tuple , so that modern Column tracking dicts can hold the
# field definitions as keys .
columns = self . _datatable_options . get ( 'columns' , [ ] )
for i , column in enumerate ( columns ) :
if len ( column ) >= 2 and isinstance ( column [ 1 ] , list ) :
column = list ( column )
column [ 1 ] = tuple ( column [ 1 ] )
columns [ i ] = tuple ( column )
return self . _datatable_options |
def set_broad_fig_style ( self ) :
'''4 times width , 1.5 times height''' | plt . rcParams . update ( { 'figure.figsize' : [ self . frontierswidth / self . inchpercm * 4 , self . frontierswidth / self . inchpercm * 1.5 ] , } ) |
def create_title_node ( field_name , field , field_id , state , lineno ) :
"""Create docutils nodes for the configuration field ' s title and
reference target node .
field : ` ` lsst . pex . config . Field ` `
A configuration field .
state : ` ` docutils . statemachine . State ` `
Usually the directive ' s ` ` state ` ` attribute .
` ` docutils . nodes . title ` `
Title containing nodes for the title of the ` ` field ` ` and reference
target .""" | # Reference target
env = state . document . settings . env
ref_target = create_configfield_ref_target_node ( field_id , env , lineno )
# Title is the field ' s attribute name
title = nodes . title ( text = field_name )
title += ref_target
return title |
def _initializer_wrapper ( actual_initializer , * rest ) :
"""We ignore SIGINT . It ' s up to our parent to kill us in the typical
condition of this arising from ` ` ^ C ` ` on a terminal . If someone is
manually killing us with that signal , well . . . nothing will happen .""" | signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , signal . SIG_IGN )
if actual_initializer is not None :
actual_initializer ( * rest ) |
def copy ( self ) :
"""Copies the BeliefState by recursively deep - copying all of
its parts . Domains are not copied , as they do not change
during the interpretation or generation .""" | copied = BeliefState ( self . __dict__ [ 'referential_domain' ] )
for key in [ 'environment_variables' , 'deferred_effects' , 'pos' , 'p' ] :
copied . __dict__ [ key ] = copy . deepcopy ( self . __dict__ [ key ] )
return copied |
def translate ( line , ascent , offs = 0 ) :
"""offs - > shifts parallel to line
ascent - > rotate line""" | # TODO : why do I have thuis factor here ?
ascent *= - 2
offs *= - 2
l0 = length ( line )
# change relative to line :
t0 = offs
# - h + offs
t1 = l0 * ascent + offs
return translate2P ( line , t0 , t1 ) |
def is_instance_running ( self , instance_id ) :
"""Checks if the instance is up and running .
: param str instance _ id : instance identifier
: return : bool - True if running , False otherwise""" | instance = self . _load_instance ( instance_id )
if instance . update ( ) == "running" : # If the instance is up & running , ensure it has an IP
# address .
if not instance . ip_address and self . request_floating_ip :
log . debug ( "Public ip address has to be assigned through " "elasticluster." )
self . _allocate_address ( instance )
instance . update ( )
return True
else :
return False |
def compile_theme ( theme_id = None ) :
"""Compiles a theme .""" | from engineer . processors import convert_less
from engineer . themes import ThemeManager
if theme_id is None :
themes = ThemeManager . themes ( ) . values ( )
else :
themes = [ ThemeManager . theme ( theme_id ) ]
with ( indent ( 2 ) ) :
puts ( colored . yellow ( "Compiling %s themes." % len ( themes ) ) )
for theme in themes :
theme_output_path = ( theme . static_root / ( 'stylesheets/%s_precompiled.css' % theme . id ) ) . normpath ( )
puts ( colored . cyan ( "Compiling theme %s to %s" % ( theme . id , theme_output_path ) ) )
with indent ( 4 ) :
puts ( "Compiling..." )
convert_less ( theme . static_root / ( 'stylesheets/%s.less' % theme . id ) , theme_output_path , minify = True )
puts ( colored . green ( "Done." , bold = True ) ) |
def from_dict ( cls , d ) :
"""Returns a SlabEntry by reading in an dictionary""" | structure = SlabEntry . from_dict ( d [ "structure" ] )
energy = SlabEntry . from_dict ( d [ "energy" ] )
miller_index = d [ "miller_index" ]
label = d [ "label" ]
coverage = d [ "coverage" ]
adsorbates = d [ "adsorbates" ]
clean_entry = d [ "clean_entry" ] = self . clean_entry
return SlabEntry ( structure , energy , miller_index , label = label , coverage = coverage , adsorbates = adsorbates , clean_entry = clean_entry ) |
def obfn_g1var ( self ) :
r"""Variable to be evaluated in computing the : math : ` \ ell _ 1 `
regularisation term , depending on the ` ` gEvalY ` ` option value .""" | # Use of self . block _ sep1 ( self . AXnr ) instead of self . cnst _ A1 ( self . X )
# reduces number of calls to self . cnst _ A0
return self . var_y1 ( ) if self . opt [ 'gEvalY' ] else self . block_sep1 ( self . AXnr ) |
def with_output ( verbosity = 1 ) :
"""Decorator that configures output verbosity .""" | def make_wrapper ( func ) :
@ wraps ( func )
def wrapper ( * args , ** kwargs ) :
configure_output ( verbosity = verbosity )
return func ( * args , ** kwargs )
return wrapper
return make_wrapper |
def determine_drift ( self ) :
"""Determine the drift of the stack .
Args :
Returns :
Good or Bad ; True or False""" | try :
response = self . _cloud_formation . detect_stack_drift ( StackName = self . _stack_name )
drift_request_id = response . get ( 'StackDriftDetectionId' , None )
if drift_request_id :
logging . info ( 'drift_request_id: %s - polling' , drift_request_id )
drift_calc_done = False
while not drift_calc_done :
time . sleep ( self . nap_time )
response = self . _cloud_formation . describe_stack_drift_detection_status ( StackDriftDetectionId = drift_request_id )
current_state = response . get ( 'DetectionStatus' , None )
logging . info ( 'describe_stack_drift_detection_status(): {}' . format ( current_state ) )
drift_calc_done = current_state in CALC_DONE_STATES
drift_answer = response . get ( 'StackDriftStatus' , 'UNKNOWN' )
logging . info ( 'drift of {}: {}' . format ( self . _stack_name , drift_answer ) )
if drift_answer == 'DRIFTED' :
if self . _verbose :
self . _print_drift_report ( )
return False
else :
return True
else :
logging . warning ( 'drift_request_id is None' )
return False
except Exception as wtf :
logging . error ( wtf , exc_info = True )
return False |
def pause ( self , container_id = None , sudo = None ) :
'''pause a running OciImage container , if it exists
Equivalent command line example :
singularity oci pause < container _ ID >
container _ id : the id to stop .
sudo : Add sudo to the command . If the container was created by root ,
you need sudo to interact and get its state .
return _ code : the return code to indicate if the container was paused .''' | return self . _state_command ( container_id , command = 'pause' , sudo = sudo ) |
def encryption_key ( self , alg , ** kwargs ) :
"""Return an encryption key as per
http : / / openid . net / specs / openid - connect - core - 1_0 . html # Encryption
: param alg : encryption algorithm
: param kwargs :
: return : encryption key as byte string""" | if not self . key :
self . deserialize ( )
try :
tsize = ALG2KEYLEN [ alg ]
except KeyError :
raise UnsupportedAlgorithm ( alg )
if tsize <= 32 : # SHA256
_enc_key = sha256_digest ( self . key ) [ : tsize ]
elif tsize <= 48 : # SHA384
_enc_key = sha384_digest ( self . key ) [ : tsize ]
elif tsize <= 64 : # SHA512
_enc_key = sha512_digest ( self . key ) [ : tsize ]
else :
raise JWKException ( "No support for symmetric keys > 512 bits" )
logger . debug ( 'Symmetric encryption key: {}' . format ( as_unicode ( b64e ( _enc_key ) ) ) )
return _enc_key |
def to_phalf_from_pfull ( arr , val_toa = 0 , val_sfc = 0 ) :
"""Compute data at half pressure levels from values at full levels .
Could be the pressure array itself , but it could also be any other data
defined at pressure levels . Requires specification of values at surface
and top of atmosphere .""" | phalf = np . zeros ( ( arr . shape [ 0 ] + 1 , arr . shape [ 1 ] , arr . shape [ 2 ] ) )
phalf [ 0 ] = val_toa
phalf [ - 1 ] = val_sfc
phalf [ 1 : - 1 ] = 0.5 * ( arr [ : - 1 ] + arr [ 1 : ] )
return phalf |
def new ( self ) : # type : ( ) - > None
'''A method to create a new UDF Partition Volume Descriptor .
Parameters :
None .
Returns :
Nothing .''' | if self . _initialized :
raise pycdlibexception . PyCdlibInternalError ( 'UDF Partition Volume Descriptor already initialized' )
self . desc_tag = UDFTag ( )
self . desc_tag . new ( 5 )
# FIXME : we should let the user set serial _ number
self . vol_desc_seqnum = 2
self . part_flags = 1
# FIXME : how should we set this ?
self . part_num = 0
# FIXME : how should we set this ?
self . part_contents = UDFEntityID ( )
self . part_contents . new ( 2 , b'+NSR02' )
self . part_contents_use = UDFPartitionHeaderDescriptor ( )
self . part_contents_use . new ( )
self . access_type = 1
self . part_start_location = 0
# This will get set later
self . part_length = 3
# This will get set later
self . impl_ident = UDFEntityID ( )
self . impl_ident . new ( 0 , b'*pycdlib' )
self . implementation_use = b'\x00' * 128
# FIXME : we should let the user set this
self . _initialized = True |
def iter_predict_proba ( self , X , include_init = False ) :
"""Returns the predicted probabilities for ` ` X ` ` at every stage of the boosting procedure .
Arguments :
X ( array - like or sparse matrix of shape ( n _ samples , n _ features ) ) : The input samples .
Sparse matrices are accepted only if they are supported by the weak model .
include _ init ( bool , default = False ) : If ` ` True ` ` then the prediction from
` ` init _ estimator ` ` will also be returned .
Returns :
iterator of arrays of shape ( n _ samples , n _ classes ) containing the predicted
probabilities at each stage""" | utils . validation . check_is_fitted ( self , 'init_estimator_' )
X = utils . check_array ( X , accept_sparse = [ 'csr' , 'csc' ] , dtype = None , force_all_finite = False )
probas = np . empty ( shape = ( len ( X ) , len ( self . classes_ ) ) , dtype = np . float64 )
for y_pred in super ( ) . iter_predict ( X , include_init = include_init ) :
if len ( self . classes_ ) == 2 :
probas [ : , 1 ] = sigmoid ( y_pred [ : , 0 ] )
probas [ : , 0 ] = 1. - probas [ : , 1 ]
else :
probas [ : ] = softmax ( y_pred )
yield probas |
def blue ( self , memo = None ) :
"""Constructs a BlueDispatcher out of the current object .
: param memo :
A dictionary to cache Blueprints .
: type memo : dict [ T , schedula . utils . blue . Blueprint ]
: return :
A BlueDispatcher of the current object .
: rtype : schedula . utils . blue . BlueDispatcher""" | memo = { } if memo is None else memo
if self in memo :
return memo [ self ]
from . utils . dsp import map_list
from . utils . blue import BlueDispatcher , _parent_blue
memo [ self ] = blue = BlueDispatcher ( executor = self . executor , name = self . name , raises = self . raises , description = self . __doc__ )
dfl = self . default_values
key_map_data = [ 'data_id' , { 'value' : 'default_value' } ]
pred , succ = self . dmap . pred , self . dmap . succ
def _set_weight ( n , r , d ) :
d = { i : j [ 'weight' ] for i , j in d . items ( ) if 'weight' in j }
if d :
r [ n ] = d
for k , v in sorted ( self . nodes . items ( ) , key = lambda x : x [ 1 ] [ 'index' ] ) :
v = v . copy ( )
t = v . pop ( 'type' )
del v [ 'index' ]
if t == 'data' :
method = 'add_data'
combine_dicts ( map_list ( key_map_data , k , dfl . get ( k , { } ) ) , base = v )
elif t in ( 'function' , 'dispatcher' ) :
method = 'add_%s' % t
if t == 'dispatcher' :
t = 'dsp'
v [ '%s_id' % t ] = k
del v [ 'wait_inputs' ]
_set_weight ( 'inp_weight' , v , pred [ k ] )
_set_weight ( 'out_weight' , v , succ [ k ] )
if 'function' in v :
v [ t ] = _parent_blue ( v . pop ( 'function' ) , memo )
blue . deferred . append ( ( method , v ) )
return blue |
def read_moc_fits ( moc , filename , include_meta = False , ** kwargs ) :
"""Read data from a FITS file into a MOC .
Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the
astropy . io . fits . open method .""" | hl = fits . open ( filename , mode = 'readonly' , ** kwargs )
read_moc_fits_hdu ( moc , hl [ 1 ] , include_meta ) |
def __wait_and_restart ( ) :
"""Delay and then execute the restart . Do not call directly . Instead , call
` do _ restart ( ) ` .""" | log . info ( 'Restarting server' )
sleep ( 1 )
# We can use the default event loop here because this
# is actually running in a thread . We use aiohttp here because urllib is
# painful and we don ’ t have ` requests ` .
loop = asyncio . new_event_loop ( )
loop . run_until_complete ( _resin_supervisor_restart ( ) ) |
def AddTrip ( self , schedule = None , headsign = None , service_period = None , trip_id = None ) :
"""Add a trip to this route .
Args :
schedule : a Schedule object which will hold the new trip or None to use
the schedule of this route .
headsign : headsign of the trip as a string
service _ period : a ServicePeriod object or None to use
schedule . GetDefaultServicePeriod ( )
trip _ id : optional trip _ id for the new trip
Returns :
a new Trip object""" | if schedule is None :
assert self . _schedule is not None
schedule = self . _schedule
if trip_id is None :
trip_id = util . FindUniqueId ( schedule . trips )
if service_period is None :
service_period = schedule . GetDefaultServicePeriod ( )
trip_class = self . GetGtfsFactory ( ) . Trip
trip_obj = trip_class ( route = self , headsign = headsign , service_period = service_period , trip_id = trip_id )
schedule . AddTripObject ( trip_obj )
return trip_obj |
def from_http ( cls , raw_body : MutableMapping , verification_token : Optional [ str ] = None , team_id : Optional [ str ] = None , ) -> "Event" :
"""Create an event with data coming from the HTTP Event API .
If the event type is a message a : class : ` slack . events . Message ` is returned .
Args :
raw _ body : Decoded body of the Event API request
verification _ token : Slack verification token used to verify the request came from slack
team _ id : Verify the event is for the correct team
Returns :
: class : ` slack . events . Event ` or : class : ` slack . events . Message `
Raises :
: class : ` slack . exceptions . FailedVerification ` : when ` verification _ token ` or ` team _ id ` does not match the
incoming event ' s .""" | if verification_token and raw_body [ "token" ] != verification_token :
raise exceptions . FailedVerification ( raw_body [ "token" ] , raw_body [ "team_id" ] )
if team_id and raw_body [ "team_id" ] != team_id :
raise exceptions . FailedVerification ( raw_body [ "token" ] , raw_body [ "team_id" ] )
if raw_body [ "event" ] [ "type" ] . startswith ( "message" ) :
return Message ( raw_body [ "event" ] , metadata = raw_body )
else :
return Event ( raw_body [ "event" ] , metadata = raw_body ) |
def export_c ( self , target = C_TARGET , c_indent = C_INDENTATION , headerf = None ) :
'''Export the grammar to a c ( source and header ) file which can be
used with the libcleri module .''' | language = [ ]
indent = 0
enums = set ( )
for name in self . _order :
elem = getattr ( self , name , None )
if not isinstance ( elem , Element ) :
if not hasattr ( elem , '_export_c' ) :
language . append ( '{indent}cleri_t * {name} = {value};' . format ( indent = c_indent , name = name , value = elem . _export_c ( c_indent , indent , enums ) ) )
for name , ref in self . _refs . items ( ) :
language . append ( '{indent}cleri_ref_set({name}, {value});' . format ( indent = c_indent , name = name , value = ref . _element . _export_c ( c_indent , indent , enums , ref ) ) )
pattern = self . RE_KEYWORDS . pattern . replace ( '\\' , '\\\\' )
if not pattern . startswith ( '^' ) :
pattern = '^' + pattern
enums = ',\n' . join ( [ '{}{}' . format ( c_indent , gid ) for gid in sorted ( enums ) ] ) + ','
header_file = '"{}.h"' . format ( target ) if headerf is None else headerf
fun = target . strip ( '/' ) . replace ( '/' , '_' )
return ( self . __class__ . C_TEMPLATE_C . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , target = target , header_file = header_file , fun = fun , indent = c_indent , datetime = time . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time . localtime ( ) ) , language = '\n' . join ( language ) , re_keywords = pattern ) , self . __class__ . C_TEMPLATE_H . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , target = target , fun = fun , guard = target . upper ( ) . replace ( '/' , '_' ) . replace ( '\\' , '_' ) , datetime = time . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' , time . localtime ( ) ) , language = '\n' . join ( language ) , enums = enums ) ) |
def merge_configs ( a , b , copy_trees = False ) :
"""Merge config b into a
: param a : target config
: type a : ConfigTree
: param b : source config
: type b : ConfigTree
: return : merged config a""" | for key , value in b . items ( ) : # if key is in both a and b and both values are dictionary then merge it otherwise override it
if key in a and isinstance ( a [ key ] , ConfigTree ) and isinstance ( b [ key ] , ConfigTree ) :
if copy_trees :
a [ key ] = a [ key ] . copy ( )
ConfigTree . merge_configs ( a [ key ] , b [ key ] , copy_trees = copy_trees )
else :
if isinstance ( value , ConfigValues ) :
value . parent = a
value . key = key
if key in a :
value . overriden_value = a [ key ]
a [ key ] = value
if a . root :
if b . root :
a . history [ key ] = a . history . get ( key , [ ] ) + b . history . get ( key , [ value ] )
else :
a . history [ key ] = a . history . get ( key , [ ] ) + [ value ]
return a |
def filter ( self , info , releases ) :
"""Remove all release versions that match any of the specificed patterns .""" | for version in list ( releases . keys ( ) ) :
if any ( pattern . match ( version ) for pattern in self . patterns ) :
del releases [ version ] |
def _get_conda_version ( stdout , stderr ) :
"""Callback for get _ conda _ version .""" | # argparse outputs version to stderr in Python < 3.4.
# http : / / bugs . python . org / issue18920
pat = re . compile ( r'conda:?\s+(\d+\.\d\S+|unknown)' )
m = pat . match ( stderr . decode ( ) . strip ( ) )
if m is None :
m = pat . match ( stdout . decode ( ) . strip ( ) )
if m is None :
raise Exception ( 'output did not match: {0}' . format ( stderr ) )
return m . group ( 1 ) |
def transfer ( self , receiver_address , amount , sender_account ) :
"""Transfer a number of tokens from ` sender _ account ` to ` receiver _ address `
: param receiver _ address : hex str ethereum address to receive this transfer of tokens
: param amount : int number of tokens to transfer
: param sender _ account : Account instance to take the tokens from
: return : bool""" | self . _keeper . token . token_approve ( receiver_address , amount , sender_account )
self . _keeper . token . transfer ( receiver_address , amount , sender_account ) |
def _add ( self , codeobj ) :
"""Add a child ( namespace , function , variable , class ) to this object .""" | assert isinstance ( codeobj , ( CodeNamespace , CodeClass , CodeFunction , CodeVariable ) )
self . children . append ( codeobj ) |
def iterallitems ( self , key = _absent ) :
'''Example :
omd = omdict ( [ ( 1,1 ) , ( 1,11 ) , ( 1,111 ) , ( 2,2 ) , ( 3,3 ) ] )
omd . iterallitems ( ) = = ( 1,1 ) - > ( 1,11 ) - > ( 1,111 ) - > ( 2,2 ) - > ( 3,3)
omd . iterallitems ( 1 ) = = ( 1,1 ) - > ( 1,11 ) - > ( 1,111)
Raises : KeyError if < key > is provided and not in the dictionary .
Returns : An iterator over every item in the diciontary . If < key > is
provided , only items with the key < key > are iterated over .''' | if key is not _absent : # Raises KeyError if < key > is not in self . _ map .
return self . iteritems ( key )
return self . _items . iteritems ( ) |
def _init_metadata ( self ) :
"""stub""" | super ( edXNumericResponseQuestionFormRecord , self ) . _init_metadata ( )
QuestionTextFormRecord . _init_metadata ( self )
QuestionFilesFormRecord . _init_metadata ( self ) |
def blockstart_tolineno ( self ) :
"""The line on which the beginning of this block ends .
: type : int""" | if self . name :
return self . name . tolineno
if self . type :
return self . type . tolineno
return self . lineno |
def connectionLost ( self , reason ) :
"""Called when the response body has been completely delivered .
@ param reason : Either a twisted . web . client . ResponseDone exception or
a twisted . web . http . PotentialDataLoss exception .""" | self . remaining . reset ( )
try :
result = json . load ( self . remaining )
except Exception , e :
self . finished . errback ( e )
returnValue = result
if self . heartbeater :
self . heartbeater . nextToken = result [ 'token' ]
returnValue = ( result , self . heartbeater )
self . finished . callback ( returnValue ) |
def is_running ( self ) :
"""Return true if the node is running""" | self . __update_status ( )
return self . status == Status . UP or self . status == Status . DECOMMISSIONED |
def get_pinned_version ( ireq ) :
"""Get the pinned version of an InstallRequirement .
An InstallRequirement is considered pinned if :
- Is not editable
- It has exactly one specifier
- That specifier is " = = "
- The version does not contain a wildcard
Examples :
django = = 1.8 # pinned
django > 1.8 # NOT pinned
django ~ = 1.8 # NOT pinned
django = = 1 . * # NOT pinned
Raises ` TypeError ` if the input is not a valid InstallRequirement , or
` ValueError ` if the InstallRequirement is not pinned .""" | try :
specifier = ireq . specifier
except AttributeError :
raise TypeError ( "Expected InstallRequirement, not {}" . format ( type ( ireq ) . __name__ , ) )
if ireq . editable :
raise ValueError ( "InstallRequirement is editable" )
if not specifier :
raise ValueError ( "InstallRequirement has no version specification" )
if len ( specifier . _specs ) != 1 :
raise ValueError ( "InstallRequirement has multiple specifications" )
op , version = next ( iter ( specifier . _specs ) ) . _spec
if op not in ( '==' , '===' ) or version . endswith ( '.*' ) :
raise ValueError ( "InstallRequirement not pinned (is {0!r})" . format ( op + version , ) )
return version |
def terminate ( self , devices ) :
"""Terminate one or more running or stopped instances .""" | for device in devices :
self . logger . info ( 'Terminating: %s' , device . id )
try :
device . delete ( )
except packet . baseapi . Error :
raise PacketManagerException ( 'Unable to terminate instance "{}"' . format ( device . id ) ) |
def wait ( self , task_id ) :
"""Blocking method which wait end of task .
It ' s prefered to use : class : ` carotte . Task ` object directly
: param string task _ id : Task ID
: returns : Task dict
: rtype : dict""" | data = { 'action' : 'wait' , 'id' : task_id }
self . __send_pyobj ( data )
task = self . __recv_pyobj ( notimeout = True )
return task |
def Connect ( self , Skype ) :
"""Connects this call channel manager instance to Skype . This is the first thing you should
do after creating this object .
: Parameters :
Skype : ` Skype `
The Skype object .
: see : ` Disconnect `""" | self . _Skype = Skype
self . _Skype . RegisterEventHandler ( 'CallStatus' , self . _CallStatus )
del self . _Channels [ : ] |
def get_jobs_from_argument ( self , raw_job_string ) :
"""return a list of jobs corresponding to the raw _ job _ string""" | jobs = [ ]
if raw_job_string . startswith ( ":" ) :
job_keys = raw_job_string . strip ( " :" )
jobs . extend ( [ job for job in self . jobs ( job_keys ) ] )
# we assume a job code
else :
assert "/" in raw_job_string , "Job Code {0} is improperly formatted!" . format ( raw_job_string )
host , job_name = raw_job_string . rsplit ( "/" , 1 )
host_url = self . _config_dict . get ( host , { } ) . get ( 'url' , host )
host = self . get_host ( host_url )
if host . has_job ( job_name ) :
jobs . append ( JenksJob ( None , host , job_name , lambda : self . _get_job_api_instance ( host_url , job_name ) ) )
else :
raise JenksDataException ( "Could not find Job {0}/{1}!" . format ( host , job_name ) )
return jobs |
def _to_reader_home ( self ) :
"""Navigate to the Cloud Reader library page .
Raises :
BrowserError : If the KCR homepage could not be loaded .
ConnectionError : If there was a connection error .""" | # NOTE : Prevents QueryInterface error caused by getting a URL
# while switched to an iframe
self . switch_to_default_content ( )
self . get ( _KindleCloudReaderBrowser . _CLOUD_READER_URL )
if self . title == u'Problem loading page' :
raise ConnectionError
# Wait for either the login page or the reader to load
login_or_reader_loaded = lambda br : ( br . find_elements_by_id ( 'amzn_kcr' ) or br . find_elements_by_id ( 'KindleLibraryIFrame' ) )
self . _wait ( 5 ) . until ( login_or_reader_loaded )
try :
self . _wait ( 5 ) . until ( lambda br : br . title == u' Sign In' )
except TimeoutException :
raise BrowserError ( 'Failed to load Kindle Cloud Reader.' )
else :
self . _login ( ) |
def create_migration ( self , app , fixture_path ) :
"""Create a data migration for app that uses fixture _ path .""" | self . monkey_patch_migration_template ( app , fixture_path )
out = StringIO ( )
management . call_command ( 'makemigrations' , app . label , empty = True , stdout = out )
self . restore_migration_template ( )
self . stdout . write ( out . getvalue ( ) ) |
def clear_alert_destination ( self , destination = 0 , channel = None ) :
"""Clear an alert destination
Remove the specified alert destination configuration .
: param destination : The destination to clear ( defaults to 0)""" | if channel is None :
channel = self . get_network_channel ( )
self . set_alert_destination ( '' , False , 0 , 0 , destination , channel ) |
def validate_config_has_one_of ( config , one_of_keys ) :
"""Validate a config dictionary to make sure it has one and only one
key in one _ of _ keys .
Args :
config : the config to validate .
one _ of _ keys : the list of possible keys that config can have one and only one .
Raises :
Exception if the config does not have any of them , or multiple of them .""" | intersection = set ( config ) . intersection ( one_of_keys )
if len ( intersection ) > 1 :
raise Exception ( 'Only one of the values in "%s" is needed' % ', ' . join ( intersection ) )
if len ( intersection ) == 0 :
raise Exception ( 'One of the values in "%s" is needed' % ', ' . join ( one_of_keys ) ) |
def cli_main ( pid , include_greenlet , debugger , verbose ) :
'''Print stack of python process .
$ pystack < pid >''' | try :
print_stack ( pid , include_greenlet , debugger , verbose )
except DebuggerNotFound as e :
click . echo ( 'DebuggerNotFound: %s' % e . args [ 0 ] , err = True )
click . get_current_context ( ) . exit ( 1 ) |
def iter_processed_text ( self , file , encoding = None , base_url = None ) :
'''Return the file text and processed absolute links .
Args :
file : A file object containing the document .
encoding ( str ) : The encoding of the document .
base _ url ( str ) : The URL at which the document is located .
Returns :
iterator : Each item is a tuple :
1 . str : The text
2 . bool : Whether the text a link''' | for text , is_link in self . iter_text ( file , encoding ) :
if is_link and base_url :
new_link = urljoin_safe ( base_url , text , allow_fragments = False )
if new_link :
yield ( new_link , is_link )
else :
yield ( new_link , False )
else :
yield ( text , is_link ) |
def is_false ( self ) :
"""Ensures : attr : ` subject ` is ` ` False ` ` .""" | self . _run ( unittest_case . assertFalse , ( self . _subject , ) )
return ChainInspector ( self . _subject ) |
def split_key ( d , key , new_keys , before = True , list_of_dicts = False , deepcopy = True ) :
"""split an existing key ( s ) into multiple levels
d : dict
or dict like
key : str
existing key value
new _ keys : list [ str ]
new levels to add
before : bool
add level before existing key ( else after )
list _ of _ dicts : bool
treat list of dicts as additional branches
> > > from pprint import pprint
> > > d = { ' a ' : 1 , ' b ' : 2}
> > > pprint ( split _ key ( d , ' a ' , [ ' c ' , ' d ' ] ) )
{ ' b ' : 2 , ' c ' : { ' d ' : { ' a ' : 1 } } }
> > > pprint ( split _ key ( d , ' a ' , [ ' c ' , ' d ' ] , before = False ) )
{ ' a ' : { ' c ' : { ' d ' : 1 } } , ' b ' : 2}
> > > d2 = [ { ' a ' : 1 } , { ' a ' : 2 } , { ' a ' : 3 } ]
> > > pprint ( split _ key ( d2 , ' a ' , [ ' b ' ] , list _ of _ dicts = True ) )
[ { ' b ' : { ' a ' : 1 } } , { ' b ' : { ' a ' : 2 } } , { ' b ' : { ' a ' : 3 } } ]""" | list_of_dicts = '__list__' if list_of_dicts else None
flatd = flatten ( d , list_of_dicts = list_of_dicts )
newd = { }
for path , v in flatd . items ( ) :
if key in path :
newk = [ ]
for k in path :
if k == key :
if before :
newk = newk + new_keys + [ k ]
else :
newk = newk + [ k ] + new_keys
else :
newk . append ( k )
newd [ tuple ( newk ) ] = v
else :
newd [ path ] = v
return unflatten ( newd , list_of_dicts = list_of_dicts , deepcopy = deepcopy ) |
def members ( self , ref , cuts = None , order = None , page = None , page_size = None ) :
"""List all the distinct members of the given reference , filtered and
paginated . If the reference describes a dimension , all attributes are
returned .""" | def prep ( cuts , ref , order , columns = None ) :
q = select ( columns = columns )
bindings = [ ]
cuts , q , bindings = Cuts ( self ) . apply ( q , bindings , cuts )
fields , q , bindings = Fields ( self ) . apply ( q , bindings , ref , distinct = True )
ordering , q , bindings = Ordering ( self ) . apply ( q , bindings , order , distinct = fields [ 0 ] )
q = self . restrict_joins ( q , bindings )
return q , bindings , cuts , fields , ordering
# Count
count = count_results ( self , prep ( cuts , ref , order , [ 1 ] ) [ 0 ] )
# Member list
q , bindings , cuts , fields , ordering = prep ( cuts , ref , order )
page , q = Pagination ( self ) . apply ( q , page , page_size )
q = self . restrict_joins ( q , bindings )
return { 'total_member_count' : count , 'data' : list ( generate_results ( self , q ) ) , 'cell' : cuts , 'fields' : fields , 'order' : ordering , 'page' : page [ 'page' ] , 'page_size' : page [ 'page_size' ] } |
def sessions_scope ( local_session , commit = False ) :
"""Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations .""" | try :
yield local_session
if commit :
local_session . commit ( )
logger . debug ( "DB session auto-committed as requested" )
except Exception as e : # We log the exception before re - raising it , in case the rollback also
# fails
logger . exception ( "Exception during scoped worker transaction, " "rolling back." )
# This rollback is potentially redundant with the remove call below ,
# depending on how the scoped session is configured , but we ' ll be
# explicit here .
local_session . rollback ( )
raise e
finally :
local_session . remove ( )
logger . debug ( "Session complete, db session closed" ) |
def great_circle_distance ( pt1 , pt2 ) :
"""Return the great - circle distance in kilometers between two points ,
defined by a tuple ( lat , lon ) .
> > > brussels = ( 50.8503 , 4.3517)
> > > paris = ( 48.8566 , 2.3522)
> > > great _ circle _ distance ( brussels , paris )
263.9754164080347""" | r = 6371.
delta_latitude = math . radians ( pt1 [ 0 ] - pt2 [ 0 ] )
delta_longitude = math . radians ( pt1 [ 1 ] - pt2 [ 1 ] )
latitude1 = math . radians ( pt1 [ 0 ] )
latitude2 = math . radians ( pt2 [ 0 ] )
a = math . sin ( delta_latitude / 2 ) ** 2 + math . cos ( latitude1 ) * math . cos ( latitude2 ) * math . sin ( delta_longitude / 2 ) ** 2
return r * 2. * math . asin ( math . sqrt ( a ) ) |
def callback_result ( self ) :
"""Block the main thead until future finish , return the future . callback _ result .""" | if self . _state in [ PENDING , RUNNING ] :
self . x
if self . _user_callbacks :
return self . _callback_result
else :
return self . x |
def read_authentication_config ( self ) :
"""Read configuration options in section " authentication " .""" | section = "authentication"
password_fields = [ ]
if self . has_option ( section , "entry" ) :
for val in read_multiline ( self . get ( section , "entry" ) ) :
auth = val . split ( )
if len ( auth ) == 3 :
self . config . add_auth ( pattern = auth [ 0 ] , user = auth [ 1 ] , password = auth [ 2 ] )
password_fields . append ( "entry/%s/%s" % ( auth [ 0 ] , auth [ 1 ] ) )
elif len ( auth ) == 2 :
self . config . add_auth ( pattern = auth [ 0 ] , user = auth [ 1 ] )
else :
raise LinkCheckerError ( _ ( "missing auth part in entry %(val)r" ) % { "val" : val } )
# read login URL and field names
if self . has_option ( section , "loginurl" ) :
val = self . get ( section , "loginurl" ) . strip ( )
if not ( val . lower ( ) . startswith ( "http:" ) or val . lower ( ) . startswith ( "https:" ) ) :
raise LinkCheckerError ( _ ( "invalid login URL `%s'. Only " "HTTP and HTTPS URLs are supported." ) % val )
self . config [ "loginurl" ] = val
self . read_string_option ( section , "loginuserfield" )
self . read_string_option ( section , "loginpasswordfield" )
# read login extra fields
if self . has_option ( section , "loginextrafields" ) :
for val in read_multiline ( self . get ( section , "loginextrafields" ) ) :
name , value = val . split ( ":" , 1 )
self . config [ "loginextrafields" ] [ name ] = value
self . check_password_readable ( section , password_fields ) |
def add_unique_template_variables ( self , options ) :
"""Update map template variables specific to heatmap visual""" | # set line stroke dash interval based on line _ stroke property
if self . line_stroke in [ "dashed" , "--" ] :
self . line_dash_array = [ 6 , 4 ]
elif self . line_stroke in [ "dotted" , ":" ] :
self . line_dash_array = [ 0.5 , 4 ]
elif self . line_stroke in [ "dash dot" , "-." ] :
self . line_dash_array = [ 6 , 4 , 0.5 , 4 ]
elif self . line_stroke in [ "solid" , "-" ] :
self . line_dash_array = [ 1 , 0 ]
else : # default to solid line
self . line_dash_array = [ 1 , 0 ]
# check if choropleth map should include 3 - D extrusion
self . extrude = all ( [ bool ( self . height_property ) , bool ( self . height_stops ) ] )
# common variables for vector and geojson - based choropleths
options . update ( dict ( colorStops = self . color_stops , colorProperty = self . color_property , colorType = self . color_function_type , defaultColor = self . color_default , lineColor = self . line_color , lineDashArray = self . line_dash_array , lineStroke = self . line_stroke , lineWidth = self . line_width , extrudeChoropleth = self . extrude , highlightColor = self . highlight_color ) )
if self . extrude :
options . update ( dict ( heightType = self . height_function_type , heightProperty = self . height_property , heightStops = self . height_stops , defaultHeight = self . height_default , ) )
# vector - based choropleth map variables
if self . vector_source :
options . update ( vectorColorStops = self . generate_vector_color_map ( ) )
if self . extrude :
options . update ( vectorHeightStops = self . generate_vector_numeric_map ( 'height' ) )
# geojson - based choropleth map variables
else :
options . update ( geojson_data = json . dumps ( self . data , ensure_ascii = False ) ) |
def handle_basic_executor_options ( options , parser ) :
"""Handle the options specified by add _ basic _ executor _ options ( ) .""" | # setup logging
logLevel = logging . INFO
if options . debug :
logLevel = logging . DEBUG
elif options . quiet :
logLevel = logging . WARNING
util . setup_logging ( level = logLevel ) |
def getOrDefault ( self , param ) :
"""Gets the value of a param in the user - supplied param map or its
default value . Raises an error if neither is set .""" | param = self . _resolveParam ( param )
if param in self . _paramMap :
return self . _paramMap [ param ]
else :
return self . _defaultParamMap [ param ] |
def listar_por_grupo_equipamento ( self , id_grupo_equipamento ) :
"""Lista todos os direitos de grupos de usuário em um grupo de equipamento .
: param id _ grupo _ equipamento : Identificador do grupo de equipamento para filtrar a pesquisa .
: return : Dicionário com a seguinte estrutura :
{ ' direito _ grupo _ equipamento ' :
[ { ' id _ grupo _ equipamento ' : < id _ grupo _ equipamento > ,
' exclusao ' : < exclusao > ,
' alterar _ config ' : < alterar _ config > ,
' nome _ grupo _ equipamento ' : < nome _ grupo _ equipamento > ,
' id _ grupo _ usuario ' : < id _ grupo _ usuario > ,
' escrita ' : < escrita > ,
' nome _ grupo _ usuario ' : < nome _ grupo _ usuario > ,
' id ' : < id > ,
' leitura ' : < leitura > } , . . . demais direitos . . . ] }
: raise InvalidParameterError : O identificador do grupo de equipamento é nulo ou inválido .
: raise DataBaseError : Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados .
: raise XMLError : Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta .""" | if not is_valid_int_param ( id_grupo_equipamento ) :
raise InvalidParameterError ( u'O identificador do grupo de equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.' )
url = 'direitosgrupoequipamento/egrupo/' + str ( id_grupo_equipamento ) + '/'
code , map = self . submit ( None , 'GET' , url )
key = 'direito_grupo_equipamento'
return get_list_map ( self . response ( code , map , [ key ] ) , key ) |
def escape_url ( url , lowercase_urlencoding = False ) :
"""escape the non - safe symbols in url
The encoding used by ADFS 3.0 is not compatible with
python ' s quote _ plus ( ADFS produces lower case hex numbers and quote _ plus produces
upper case hex numbers )
: param url : the url to escape
: type url : str
: param lowercase _ urlencoding : lowercase or no
: type lowercase _ urlencoding : boolean
: return : the escaped url
: rtype str""" | encoded = quote_plus ( url )
return re . sub ( r"%[A-F0-9]{2}" , lambda m : m . group ( 0 ) . lower ( ) , encoded ) if lowercase_urlencoding else encoded |
def get_domain_resolver ( self , domain_name , cur = None ) :
"""Get the last - knwon resolver entry for a domain name
Returns None if not found .""" | get_cmd = "SELECT resolver FROM {} WHERE domain=? AND resolver != '' AND accepted=1 ORDER BY sequence DESC, parent_zonefile_index DESC LIMIT 1;" . format ( self . subdomain_table )
cursor = None
if cur is None :
cursor = self . conn . cursor ( )
else :
cursor = cur
db_query_execute ( cursor , get_cmd , ( domain_name , ) )
rowdata = cursor . fetchone ( )
if not rowdata :
return None
return rowdata [ 'resolver' ] |
def _set_meter_id ( self , v , load = False ) :
"""Setter method for meter _ id , mapped from YANG variable / openflow _ state / meter _ id ( container )
If this variable is read - only ( config : false ) in the
source YANG file , then _ set _ meter _ id is considered as a private
method . Backends looking to populate this variable should
do so via calling thisObj . _ set _ meter _ id ( ) directly .""" | if hasattr ( v , "_utype" ) :
v = v . _utype ( v )
try :
t = YANGDynClass ( v , base = meter_id . meter_id , is_container = 'container' , presence = False , yang_name = "meter-id" , rest_name = "meter-id" , parent = self , path_helper = self . _path_helper , extmethods = self . _extmethods , register_paths = True , extensions = { u'tailf-common' : { u'callpoint' : u'openflow-meter-info-meter-id-1' } } , namespace = '' , defining_module = 'brocade-openflow-operational' , yang_type = 'container' , is_config = False )
except ( TypeError , ValueError ) :
raise ValueError ( { 'error-string' : """meter_id must be of a type compatible with container""" , 'defined-type' : "container" , 'generated-type' : """YANGDynClass(base=meter_id.meter_id, is_container='container', presence=False, yang_name="meter-id", rest_name="meter-id", parent=self, path_helper=self._path_helper, extmethods=self._extmethods, register_paths=True, extensions={u'tailf-common': {u'callpoint': u'openflow-meter-info-meter-id-1'}}, namespace='', defining_module='brocade-openflow-operational', yang_type='container', is_config=False)""" , } )
self . __meter_id = t
if hasattr ( self , '_set' ) :
self . _set ( ) |
def query ( self , coords , order = 1 ) :
"""Returns the P & G ( 2010 ) correction to the SFD ' 98 E ( B - V ) at the specified
location ( s ) on the sky . If component is ' err ' , then return the
uncertainty in the correction .
Args :
coords ( : obj : ` astropy . coordinates . SkyCoord ` ) : The coordinates to query .
order ( Optional [ : obj : ` int ` ] ) : Interpolation order to use . Defaults to ` ` 1 ` ` ,
for linear interpolation .
Returns :
A float array containing the P & G ( 2010 ) correction ( or its
uncertainty ) to SFD ' 98 at every input coordinate . The shape
of the output will be the same as the shape of the coordinates
stored by : obj : ` coords ` .""" | return super ( PG2010Query , self ) . query ( coords , order = order ) |
def get_outside_collaborators ( self , filter_ = github . GithubObject . NotSet ) :
""": calls : ` GET / orgs / : org / outside _ collaborators < http : / / developer . github . com / v3 / orgs / outside _ collaborators > ` _
: param filter _ : string
: rtype : : class : ` github . PaginatedList . PaginatedList ` of : class : ` github . NamedUser . NamedUser `""" | assert ( filter_ is github . GithubObject . NotSet or isinstance ( filter_ , ( str , unicode ) ) ) , filter_
url_parameters = { }
if filter_ is not github . GithubObject . NotSet :
url_parameters [ "filter" ] = filter_
return github . PaginatedList . PaginatedList ( github . NamedUser . NamedUser , self . _requester , self . url + "/outside_collaborators" , url_parameters ) |
def parse_raw ( s , lineno = 0 ) :
"""Parse a date from a raw string .
The format must be exactly " seconds - since - epoch offset - utc " .
See the spec for details .""" | timestamp_str , timezone_str = s . split ( b' ' , 1 )
timestamp = float ( timestamp_str )
try :
timezone = parse_tz ( timezone_str )
except ValueError :
raise errors . InvalidTimezone ( lineno , timezone_str )
return timestamp , timezone |