[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own a pretty large vehicle.", "I like to go to concerts.", "I like to wear nice clothes.", "I've a high height." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Education is a passion of mine.", "I am boring.", "I enjoy books and resting by inland bodies of water on saturdays and sundays.", "My job helpe me teach kids.", "They call me anne." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hate country music. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello! I'm sarah! Country is my favorite music. Lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, so sorry, I do not like it. What kind of vehicle do you drive?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A big ole truck! No other way to ride. And you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea! I love a ford! How tall are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Of 7. I have a ford f250! Pure black. Such a beaut!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am almost that tall! I love going out in my country outfit!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yet you don't like country music? Monster! Haha!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've tall boots, that rock whether I like country or not!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha! Where are you from? I live in ny." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm from ny, but I live in ri" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Small world! I've never been to ri. Do you like it?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I still dream about going to paris and designing clothes.", "I spend a lot of time driving my kids to sports events.", "I drink a lot of apple martinis when I get a girls night out.", "I own a black suburban." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've brown hair.", "I like sleeping in.", "I love fall and winter.", "I sometimes wonder why I am not married." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I want t o travel and make things.", "After work I am a chauffeur for my family.", "My girlfriends and I often go out to enjoy alcoholic beverages with fruit.", "I drive a dark colored suv." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've dark features.", "I try to stay n bed until at least noon everyday.", "I like the last part of the year.", "I am not sure why I've yet to enter into a life bond with a mate." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! I am savannah! How are you?!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, savannah. I need some advice. Whats the best haircolor that men like on women?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hmm. My husband is brunette, and when I design clothes my models are always brunette." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am a brunette but I think that is why I am still unmarried. I think I need change." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How about highlights? That way its not too much of a change." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is sounds good. I'll set an appointment if I manage to wake up early" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Great idea! So tell me a little about yourself." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well my favorite time of year is coming up. I really like the fall" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love fall too. My son plays football and I take him to games." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Is his team any good?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "They're young still, but they do ok. I'm pretty much a typical suburban mama." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How long have you been married?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Five years this year!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well I wish you many more years. I cannot wait til I get married." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh thanks! You will someday. Its not that exciting..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd like to give it a try anyway. I think the highlights will help." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My name is Savannah.", "My husband has brown hair. I love fall.", "I take my son to his football games.", "My son's football team is moderately skilled.", "My fifth wedding anniversary is later this year.", "I own a black suburban." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am single. I have brown hair.", "I plan to get my hair highlighted.", "The fall is my favorite time of year." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you get your hair highlighted, like I suggested?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have not yet, how was your son's football game?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was great! They won and my son scored. Looking forward to fall?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I am! Was it a good game or did it drag on?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good, the leaf change is fun to see. And it was a close game. He scored early but still scored. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love the leaf change!!! The colors are really intriguing to me! I am glad the game was good, It is a lot more fun that way!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I prefer winter. I like the cold. Id like to smoke in the cold. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Interesting, I prefer fall still, it has a special place in my heart, Id like my hair highlights to match the leaves." } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My name is Savannah. My husband has brown hair. I love fall.", "I take my son to his football games. My son's football team is moderately skilled. He scored in his last football game. His team won.", "My fifth wedding anniversary is later this year.", "I own a black suburban.", "I prefer winter to fall. I like the cold weather. I like to smoke in the cold." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am single. I have brown hair. I plan to get my hair highlighted. I haven't gotten my hair highlighted.", "The fall is my favorite time of year. I love when the leaves change in fall. I prefer fall to winter. I want to highlight my hair to match the color of changing leaves." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think highlighting your hair to match the seasons would be so cool!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah! I'm really excited about it, I want to do kind of a gradient where it stays brown on top, then goes to red and then orange and yellow at the bottom. Hopefully they can actually do that haha I don't know if it's too complicated" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It would look beautiful and unique. When will you do it ? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have an appointment for next week! I'm gonna get it cut too, but not too short or there'll be nothing to highlight haha. Have you ever colored your hair?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No. I haven't thought about it. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a new new for my fifth wedding anniversary. Do you have suggestions for the new color of my hair ?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't know how crazy you'd be willing to get, but if you did a blue/purple kind of thing it could be so pretty. But for a bit less extreme I think red highlights could look really good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think that blue idea is not that crazy, I love winter. Maybe not blue like the sky, but some kind of midnight blue would look good. But it would not go well with some of my dresses. Do you have some garnements that won't fit well with your new hair color ?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Midnight blue would be stunning. With those sapphire earrings you have! And ooh that's a good point, I didn't even think about outfits! I'm wondering how green will look, since it's earthy and kind of goes with fall, but might look too Christmasy with the red" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, green and red are beautiful in certain conditions. But it is only a part of the different colors, I still think it would look good even with a green dress. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe I should go shopping for more fall colors, I'm low on clothes anyway. You want to come with? It'd be so fun to just try on a bunch of stuff together" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I could pick you up, at what time your are free ? I am not free on Fridays, because there is a football game. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh right, how's that going by the way? Do they have enough wins so far to possibly qualify for championships? And what about Saturday at 11? We could get lunch too" } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days 2 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I read in braille.", "I learnt to drive.", "I am a disc jockey on air.", "I am a social person." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Each month I help out at the homeless shelter.", "I never hope to stop working no matter how old I become.", "I enjoy staying in for meals.", "I work regular hours just like the guy next to me.", "I worked in my parents cafe." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Fine and how is your day?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good where do you work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "At the supermarket, produce, I love to cook." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Want to know something wild?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Of course, I love to learn new things" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have been born with blindness" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Gosh that must really be hard, what kind of work do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm a dj on radio" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Gosh, that is living the dream. I want to open a bakery." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Then open it up yeah" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you have any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I tried to drive once" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That was an adventure I bet." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Seafood is my favorite kind of food.", "I take time off from work to visit a large northern body of water annually in june.", "I like caffeinated beverages.", "I love playing t." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I hit different conventions.", "I like naruto.", "I own books.", "Being a character is something I love." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi tell me about yourself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a teenager who loves anime and I role play with friends" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is very strange. Lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kinda, but it is really fun when we go to comic con!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well good luck with that. I like to drink iced coffee" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you like any flavors of iced coffee in particular?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Shrimp and lobster are my favorite" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think shrimp and lobster tea would be weird!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It would be but lobster iced latte is awesome" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where do you get drinks like that?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "In lake michigan where I live" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do lobsters live in the lake? I know there are a lot in maine" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No but I love to play jazz in my band with saxophone" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you guys have concerts for your band?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I wish I could help those that are less fortunate more.", "My dream is to create a philanthropy app for the iphone.", "I like to s ee services.", "Others dislike me, but I love everyone." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Graphic novels are my favorite thing to aquire.", "I think you need to be very carful with the things you allow into your body.", "I can not be in dirt.", "I collect a lot of sports memorabilia." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing alright. And you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm good! Watching a sermon about healing the world." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of sermon?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've never seen this before. I ove watching people pray, it makes me feel good." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Faith can be a beautiful thing." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sure can be. I wish it could help the poor more though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you do for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a programmer. My dream is to save the world one app at a time." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How can an app save the world?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am making one now that wealthier people can bring food donations to designated useful areas." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow! That would be good. Nutrition organic food is important." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So glad you agree! What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm an english teacher." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow, that's commendable of you! Do you like it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes. I love to read and write. It keeps me inspired." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a jon snow fan.", "I like grabbing stuff at the store.", "I'm scared of high places.", "I love it when it is cold outside.", "I cannot stand the heat." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My mother is strong.", "I enjoy being alone.", "I loved talking about space as kid.", "I love italian.", "I read a lot of books." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey there, how you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm pretty good. You enjoying the weather?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing great thanks" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you enjoying the weather?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The weather is lovely! What are your hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like going shopping and watching tv" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like reading suspense novels" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's cool. Do you have a favorite?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What is your favorite food?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Um, I do not really have a favorite kind of food." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I really like to eat pizza" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is fun. Do you have a favorite tv show?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like breaking bad, you?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm not very good at love.", "I need to study harder and get better grades.", "I do not focus well.", "I'm in great shape." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My hair is red.", "I'm going to have my wedding in europe.", "I became unemployed from the bank recently.", "I speak the letters back ways." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Any relationship advice? I suck at keeping a bf" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh well you are in luck, I just got engaged. Honesty and communication is key" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is true I feel like I just pick the wrong guys" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its not about picking. The right guy will come along at the right time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's true waht are your hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its not a hobby but more of a secret talent. I can recite the alphabet backwards" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is interesting do you like sports" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh no, I'm horrible at it. I prefer to watch rather than play" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love going to the gym to release stress" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The gym is great for distressing. I have a lot of stress right now" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy her company.", "I'm self conscious about my looks.", "My partner totally does not understand.", "I've been feeling depressed." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "When it snows I enjoy outdoor sports.", "Boy bands are the best!.", "I enjoy walking through nature when the weather is warm.", "The temperature here is quite brisk and yet it is gorgeous after the thaw." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey, tell me a little about you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not much interesting.. A normal guy who love to ski" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool. I'm just in a rut right now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where are you from now?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Miami florida, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm from boston ma... How is the irma stuff going in florida??" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its terrible in certain parts" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I had a friend in houston.. It was prettybad with last once" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah and my girlfriend is not being too supportive" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Is everything fine with your place?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yep so I want to spend money on procedures and she wants to save for the storm" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol... That'sn't cool.. Hm" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Unfortunately not but she loves me and I love her lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like ur attitude.. Good luck" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a participant in the culinary arts.", "I take my kids to all their sports activities.", "I love to be with loved ones.", "I'm a very peppy person.", "I do work on a computer." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy the swimmers that are stif.", "I live along the coast.", "I enjoy being on the water.", "I spend a lot of time on my boat.", "Fish is my favorite food." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! I'm cooking as I do every night, what are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hey I'm steve! Who are you? I love cooking!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Soccer mom here! Family time is what I love. Do you have a family?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I do. I've a family in cape hatteras, nc. My parents are retired." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice. What do you in your spare time? I teach cheerleading." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well most of the time I stick to my passions." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "When I'm not teaching cheer I'm working at home for an online company." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a microbiologist by education." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What are your passions? Mine is my family." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "But for a living I love to fish." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Microbiology sounds cool! Fishing sounds fun too! I love fish!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My dad and I started years ago." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you close with your dad?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We did everything together starting out the family business." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like films that adam sandler are in.", "I practiced for my performance all day long.", "I like to spin on stage.", "I'm an orphan." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love the red head british singer.", "I have a very strict diet.", "I'm a sucker for romance.", "I enjoy language arts." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi my name is renee tell me a little about yourself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love music and ed sheeran is the best." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am not familiar with him. I am into ballet. I am a dancer" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow that's interesting. I watch what I eat to stay lean." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have to do that too since I dance. I watch comedies in my spare time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Comedies are great especially the romantic ones." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ballet can be romantic too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Poetry is good also I write some when I've time." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A lot of my time lately has been rehearsing for a show" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "When busy try to choose health conscious foods." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I try to keep busy with dancing since it takes my mind off things" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes that is a good way to stay busy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Especially this month its the anniversary of my parents death" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be a sad time." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah it was a fatal car crash. They used to encourage my dancing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm so sorry for your loss." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I believe chips ahoy are the best.", "I love any and all movies with clark kent.", "Coke isn't my favorite.", "I'm selective when buying vehicles." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to travel.", "I got in a lot of trouble growing up.", "My favorite colors are pretty basic.", "I am the owner of canines of different breeds.", "I aspire to visit places different than where I live." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi there, how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing good and yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am good. I am just chilling, sipping my pepsi." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I use to drink pepsi back when I was a wild child." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha! I like pepsi, but chocolate chip cookies are tastier, and we are out of those!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah, I get my 2 dogs faux chocolate cookies. One is a pit the other a bulldog." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love it! You should get them superman outfits! Superman is my favorite super hero" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, I've blue and red capes for them. My 2 fav. Colors." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So cute! I'm sure they would love a ride in my toyota only car I will drive" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have a ran 4. Its awesome!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wonder what superman drives when he'sn't flying." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not sure but if I was him I'd go to puerto rico or ireland nd explore." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah. That would be nice to be able to just fly there. What else do you enjoy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, I like being in the country but like city life too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Which is your favorite?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The city I think. I like technology." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy skateboarding and going skiing.", "I'm a shopaholic.", "We had 5 felines but one had to go since it hated both of our mutts.", "I like my vehicles to have some horsepower, especially my cars." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to mix clothing styles.", "My father has been absent from my lifel.", "I'm travelling to italy with a friend.", "I like to get my way using my looks.", "Nirvana was one of my favorite bands." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I cannot wait to get into the mountains this winter and get after that fresh pow." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I really want to go to rome but I've no one to go with." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Why bother with rome? That place is ancient history." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is amazing. I'm obsessed. My deadbeat dad lives there but we don't talk." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds like just another reason not to go? You like winter sports?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really. I just lik to wear my combat boots in my babydoll dress." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You must really have an eye for fashion. But surely you can do that anywhere." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes. Either my style or my flirting helped me pass my driving exam." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Huh. That sounds a little dishonest. I passed with flying colors on my harley." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I only care that I didn't fail. Were you a fan of kurt cobain?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am not. I prefer an older vintage. Were you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "His death marred me in middle school" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you know him personally? Maybe you should revisit the trauma." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I wish I had known him though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, personally I think celebrities are un know able. You know what I mean?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know what you mean but I have to disagree" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I could use a trip or a cruise.", "I am too hardcore with my living.", "I need things done my way.", "I like to do it once.", "I work long days." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love being outside.", "I do not do well in school.", "I enjoy club beats.", "I'm not good with money." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey! I am a total ocd perfectionist who has gone insane!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, some of my classes aren't going so well" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have the tendency to redo tasks until it s perfect." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Is that hard for you? I mean, the perfection?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would come into work early, and come out late." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Come out late because you wanted everything done a certain way?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Exactly!! God I need to take a vacation and take a step back" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, do you like nature? You could go where it is secluded" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nature isn t so bad, need to find time to take time off. Working to much" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Is that a part of your ocd? I mean working a lot like that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is, I'm sorry, I have been venting so much. How is school?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's ok, and it is good!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It s not only that my boss is up my butt about a project." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What project do you have to do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It s for marketing and management for this corporate client less than a week to do." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Less than I weak sounds bad! I'm just listening to some electronic music!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to raise animals.", "My dad is a priest.", "I live in a quiet neighborhood.", "I like children." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like old songs.", "I have a serious disease.", "I would rather ride my bike into town than by car.", "I love cheddar." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Howdy, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Doing good buddy. Where are you living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I live on a few acres. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm in a hospital, very sick. It isn't good man." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am sorry you are sick. I will have my father lead a prayer for you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you! I need it. I live on the edge of death. Can you help?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I can not help, we are about to have a larger family." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh is she about to pop? Play some backstreet boys at the birth for me?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm about to pop. I need to go feed beauty soon. Hay and oats" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh you have a very large wife? Give her cheese, yum." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, beauty is my mare. She lives in the barn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You are a lucky man. I need to eat my medicine every 6 hours, or else." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is often for medicine. I'm glad I don't need medicine with my pregnancy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, that horse should use protection. Do you have a car?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a fan of whisky.", "I'm in law school.", "I go below my means to financially benefit.", "I do not like country.", "I'm a part time service worker." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like the guy that plays in mobster rolls.", "I have the over night shift in customer service.", "I feel at home on the water.", "Winter is my favorite season.", "I have a lot of money." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good morning how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing well, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am great I love scotch" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Whew! I cannot handle liquor like you. I mostly drink beer and wine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm in college so I need my scotch" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "For sure. What do you study?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I study jazz and blues music" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that's really cool!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wanna be a lawyer but I work at a bar" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah, I work the graveyard shift at a hotel. But I'm saving up for college." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am saving money too college is expensive" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am trying to save up so I do not have to take out loans." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I live in a little house to save" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's very wise. Do you live somewhere where it snows?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy the quiet of evenings but I also like the warmth of the sun.", "I spend a lot of time transporting myself.", "I had my first grandchild when I was fourty four.", "I enjoy mythological creatures." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a masters degree.", "I took flight classes.", "My house is in a high altitude location.", "I love taking pictures." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you tonight" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great thank you, I'm currently enjoying the sunset." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow I like sunshine but like night more. Where are you from" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I live on the west coast on the edge of the rocky mountains." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The mountains must be beautiful over there. I'm on the east" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It really is, I enjoy shooting pictures of the sunrise and sunset." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you do for a living" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm in the legal profession. Criminal defense lawyer, I'm a busy person. Lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sounds like it. I work at a factory an hour and a half away from me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's quite a drive for work." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah but it was the only job I could get." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you make there? Cars, boats, planes or goods and sprockets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I build commercial planes I work the night shift. Do you have any kids" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not have any kids but I do fly planes on occasion." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That must be fun! My daughter just had a son at only 20" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, you must be excited and proud!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My favorite band is rise against.", "I usually go to bed late.", "I like sports.", "My favorite team is the raptors." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a gymnast.", "I have been dating my boyfriend for over 10 years.", "My favorite coffee is french vanilla.", "I hate the feeling of chalk.", "I've a black and white cat named cow." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy modern punk bands.", "I stay up.", "I watch espn.", "I like sports." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm an acrobat.", "I think I am getting engaged soon.", "I really like cafe latte like they serve in france.", "Certain things freak me out.", "I like animals." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Another late night I am a night owl, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Late night here too, had an argument with my boyfriend of 10 years" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sorry to hear that, I cope by watching sporting events." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I cope by cuddling my cat, her name is cow" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love cats and also like music like that of the group u2" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not really listen to music, what is your favorite song by u2?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No special song I just like the mellow haunting tones." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "U2 reminds me of how chalk feels, not very pleasant..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Everyone has their likes or not my team lost tonight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Which team is your team?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The raptors and the indians who lost tonight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't like sports at all" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's cool another music grup I like is the rise against." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like the group fallout boy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice what type of music do they play?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A little bit heavier, mostly pop" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to go to bed late.", "I like watching sporting events.", "I love cats. I like music. I like the band U2.", "I like the mellow haunting tones of U2's songs.", "I am a fan of the raptors and the indians.", "I like the band rise against." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a boyfriend. I've been with him for 10 years.", "I have a cat named cow. I like to cuddle my cat.", "I don't enjoy music much.", "I don't enjoy listening to U2.", "I don't like sports.", "I like the group fallout boy" ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How old is your cat?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "He's 6 years old. I've had him for about 4 years, since I rescued him from a shelter when he was 2." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's awesome. Does your boyfriend like him? My wife is allergic to cats." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "He tolerates him. They are definitely more Frienemies than friends, lol. That's too bad about your wife! What do you two do for entertainment?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm a total couch potato at night and my wife hates it. I watch basketball and she complains about me watching basketball." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm sure. I don't like sports much either. It's so repetitive. My boyfriend and I really enjoy going out to see live music. What kind of music do you listen to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You already know that I like U2, but lately I've also been listening to yacht rock. What was the last song that you listened to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, U2, how could I forget those dinosaurs, j/k!! I've been really into Fall out Boy lately. \"I Don't Care\" is my anthem these days." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Agree to disagree on your (objectively terrible) taste in music! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Okay, okay, You just need to expand your horizons a bit in my opinion. I sent you that link to Rise Against since you mentioned you liked them. Have you had a chance to listen to anything else lately?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not yet. I will tonight though right after the Raptors game. I'm gonna watch the game with my cat just to drive my wife crazy. It's the little things that give me pleasure in life!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You just love to be irritating. One day that woman will let you have it. What is your cat's name again?" } ], "time_elapsed": " 5 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to go to bed late.", "I like the band U2 and yacht rock. I like the mellow haunting tones of U2's songs. I like Rise Against.", "I am a fan of the raptors and the indians.", "I love cats. My wife is allergic to cats.", "I'm a couch potato. I watch basketball. My wife complains about my watching basketball." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a boyfriend. I've been with him for 10 years.", "I have a 6 year old cat named Cow. I rescued him from a shelter when he was two.", "I don't enjoy music much. I don't enjoy listening to U2.", "I like the group fallout boy", "My boyfriend and my cat are frienemies.", "I don't like sports. My boyfriend and I enjoy seeing live music. I like Fall Out Boy, and \"I Don't Care\" is my anthem." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The Raptors game the other night was awesome! You should've seen it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Was it a close game? What happened?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was so close but the raptors won! Not that you probably care as I know you don't like sports!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, I really don't understand what is happening and I don't know the rules which means it is boring. My boyfriend sometimes watches the baseball. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's fair enough. I guess when your boyfriend is watching baseball you can just chill out with Cow!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes that is exactly what happens! So do you ever go watch basketball live?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Occasionally, but usually I'm too lazy so I just stay in and watch it on TV. I'd rather watch live music rather than sports! How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yes, I love going to concerts. I can't wait for Fallout Boy to announce their new tour. Hopefully it is soon. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That will be so cool! What's your favourite song by them? To be honest I prefer U2!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite is \"I Don't Care\" but I do love all there stuff. I also like seeing unknown bands play, I love finding new artists I haven't heard before. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is a good song. It's always fun to discover new bands! Have you heard of Rise Against?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I quite like them but some of their stuff is on the heavier side. Have you ever seen them live?" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days 5 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Working isn't a high priority for me at the moment.", "I love learning.", "I like classic rock.", "I cannot tell the difference between red and green." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy staring up at the sky.", "I enjoy wearing costumes so you can guess what my favorite day of the year is.", "I like to exercise before work.", "I like to spend a lot of my free time with my pet.", "I enjoy cold drinks." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Greetings friend. Or should I say, bienvenido, because I can speak spanish" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hola amigo. Happy halloween, soon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah! I'm so excited. What are you going to be for halloween?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A slutty nurse, and my dog will be a cat. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oooh fun! I am going to be the lead singer from my favorite band, rush" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Geddy lee! I like rush too, makes me hungry to listen to it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh? Why is that? Music has never made me hungry lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I dance to it. Or I ride my bicycle. Where do you work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha... I don't have a job right now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me either. I lay in a field and see the shapes in the sky all day. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I attempt to see things that are colorful" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I eat mushrooms and watch the clouds. We can hang out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lets do it! Whats your phone number" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Laughing out loud now, it is a secret. My dof allie will get mad at me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol I wish I had a dog that loved me like that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. What else do you like?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am interested in the supernatural.", "I like classic rock.", "I coordinate events.", "I loved the idea of building houses as a kid." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy many books.", "I dislike animal products.", "I enjoy reading stories about magic.", "I enjoy viewing sci fi.", "I cannot help that I enjoy zombie themes shows." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi there. Just listening to micheal jackson thriller... What are you up to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yo wassup? I've been obsessed with got. Are you familiar?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A little. I am more into ghosts and supernatural stuff? What else do you like?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I read a lot. Harry potter series, and got mostly." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I help plan weddings. People are actually asking about the got wedding." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol, that is cool. Are you familiar with the red wedding in got?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know it. But I think it is the earlier nice one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "At most got weddings someone gets killed, lol. But not all." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah? I guess I've not seen enough. But people do like the ethos." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Did you ever watch walking dead?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I did see a bit of that. Weddings on that show?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "One wedding I think. Glen and the farmers daughter got married." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh well maybe I should expect some requests about that to." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really. That wedding was several seasons ago. Don't worry!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh ok. Which season?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am not sure. Perhaps season 3 or 4. Do you know the character glen?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I spend my downtime on my macbook.", "I pay my parents rent.", "I've asthma.", "The girls and I like to get together to match wits in trivial pursuit.", "Work provides a great place to interact with people." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love sweets.", "Italian food is my favorite!.", "Dessert is my favorite meal.", "I'm a chef and a painter.", "I am completing my studies." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you doing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great what do you enjoy doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to play games with friends what about you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can cook quite well and I love painting. I am also a student now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is cool are you an art student?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am more of a cooking student. What about you are you a student?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No I work in sales" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh what do you sell?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I sell digital software" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you sell the games you like to play? Or boring stuff?!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Boring stuff but I love to play games" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like cookies! And ice cream! And I hope my metabolism stays fast forever." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yummy do you make cookies a lot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite things to make are cookies and pasta. I do make them a lot." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm done with books.", "I want to work in tech.", "I like chilling on the web.", "I don't eat meat." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like reading religious books.", "On saturdays, I visit art fairs.", "I like to make new necklaces and earrings whenever I can.", "I have a job in a coffee shop.", "My partner lives with me." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello. I just graduated from highschool" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's nice I just finished selling my all my bibles door to door" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds like a fun time. I do not eat meat." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The bible book is my favorite one to sell to my clients door to door" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's nice. Sounds like a good book." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I also sell them at craft shows on the weekends after working as a barista" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds like a whole lot of fun right there." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The weekend craft shows also my addiction to design jewelry when I can" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Playing games online is a lot of fun to do." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sick of the darn nasty apartment I live in with my no so boyfriend" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Apartment living can be rough sometimes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Only with cockroaches and mice like mine" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I live with my family.", "I've a way to call folks.", "I do not like headphones that are in ear.", "I like roses." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My job is important.", "I like reading more than anything.", "Pasta is my favorite food.", "I own a new ride.", "I like to be at the beach." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am a little tired from my job at a power plant." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you do for a living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Power plant worker for money and read books for fun. Bu?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a full time student" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I just spilled my spaghetti in my new chevy. I love spaghetti." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you like to cook?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I do. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My mom does all the cooking" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My mom died so I moved to california." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "She liked spaghetti also." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What city are you from?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A city where there was a lot of spaghetti. Now not so much spaghetti." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have no idea what youre saying" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Did I mention I love to read? Can you read?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Everyday, I get around the city in my big midnight colored vehicle.", "I work at a salon.", "I've a couple of paintings on my body.", "I love peace and love." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My family lost our agricultural home some weeks ago so I am searching for employment.", "I watch the voice evey week.", "I am a farm worker, currently not employed.", "I have a house in the midwest." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey man how is it going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, its going well. And you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm doing great just enjoying life" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. Tell me a little about yourself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love communing with nature and just feelin it ya know." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nature is so beautiful, people should appreciate it more" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I feel ya brother, so what do you do for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am from kansas and I lost my job as a farmhand, unfortunately" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am sorry to here that you should take off and leave it all behind." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am thinking about buying my own land elsewhere. Whats your job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't have one, I don't let the man tie me down." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha wish I could do the same!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I feel ya brother, where is this land you want to buy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I haven't looked too much into it but maybe down south" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I here tennessee has some good cheap property" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Interesting, I should definitely look down there" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Bow and arrows is something I could do all day.", "I've a crotch rocket.", "I should follow a stricter diet.", "I like the green act.", "I'm employed." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I do not eat any animals or animal products like cheese.", "I live the wild life.", "I enjoy being around animals.", "I like to shake my butt.", "Florida georgia line is one of my favorite bands." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you? Please tell me more about yourself!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello. Do you like animals?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do, but I do not have any. My big passion is archery!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have horses, pigs and hens on my farm." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool, another hobby of mine is riding my motorcycle, not a harley!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Country music is another hobby of mine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh yes, I love music too. Jess greenberg is my favorite. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like the classics. I also like motorcycles but do not have one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Recently got a job cleaning gutters, that will help me pay for it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work on my farm and that's my livelihood." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's so cool! I need to eat more meat, I eat too many carbs, lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I never eat meat. I am a vegan. No judgment, though." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a survivor of a terrible disease.", "I am a man pursuing a career as a brand ambassador in california.", "I do not eat a lot of carbs.", "I was able to dine with a famous celebrity.", "I enjoy smooth and calm music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "You should meet fluffy, my feline companion.", "I regularly attend places that sell old things.", "I like long bread.", "I have action figures.", "I like to spend time drinking mediocre coffee." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how is your day? I been listening to jazz this morning." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sweet. I am hanging at starbucks waiting on some friends to go antique hopping." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Fun! I had a private lunch with will ferrell yesterday. It was amazing!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "O wow, how did you manage that?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well I am in hollywood trying to be a male model and I won a contest!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sweet. Good luck. I am hoping to score some sweet tchotchkes today." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice and ty! What do you do for a career?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Just a boring office job, 9 5. At least there is a subway next door for lunch." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Love subway. I have to watch my carbs a lot. Any goals you have set?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am trying to get cat figurines from every state. My cat loves them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is cool! Gl! I beat cancer at 18 and decided to shoot for the stars" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Holy cow! I bow down to you. You rock. Cancer really sucks." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Aw thank you so much that means a lot! Do you have a big family?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nope, just a sister. And I'm single now." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My folks like my hobby.", "I may be a skier, but I am afraid of tall mountains.", "I love snow sports.", "I ruined my body on skis.", "I have dark mane." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My parents gave me a lot of money so I do not work.", "I enjoy manicures.", "I'd lose my head it if were not attached to my shoulders.", "I own a cute puppy." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! Have you ever broken a bone? My arm broke once" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi! No that has never happened to me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well that's good. Mine broke while downhill skiing in a race" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow. I have lost a important piece of jewelry at a fancy society gathering." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Interesting fact. Did you ever find it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sad to say no. I was able to replace it with family funds." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's unfortunate. My family is great. They support my skiing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awesome! My dog would not like to go skiing with me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No probably not. He might be afraid of heights like me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The only thing I'm afraid of is falling out of the chair at the nail salon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha does that happen often?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No not often but sometimes they offer wine and I have a liking for wine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wine is delicious. I have some at my hair salon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not working allows me to have a few glasses at the salon each week." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I get my hair dyed often to keep it a nice shade of brownish red" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I also color my hair. I've to keep up with my trust fund status." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love my lavender t shirt.", "I try to avoid driving short distances when able.", "I like to exercise.", "Karate and taekwondo are tough and dangerous sports.", "I work at mcdonalds." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I had a rough childhood.", "I have a pet bird.", "I lived in the south.", "I am the bomb at food making." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there. How are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good do you have pets" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do! I walk 3 miles a night with my dog." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is great I have a parrot so I can't really go on walks with my pets lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ll... Have you heard of krak maga? Trying to take classes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It sounds so hard I do not think I would be good at it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Milena is my inspiration from mortal combat. Great workout as well" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool do you like to cook" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do! Working in fast food, I need to cooke more often" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah I'm a professional chef" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awesome! What is your specialty in cooking?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Anything french I love rich foods" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a competitive dancer.", "I always volunteer to bring the dessert to a birthday party.", "I wish I were taller.", "I am one of two boys in my family." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Because I work out daily, my body is well toned.", "I like funny shows.", "I work in a lawyers firm.", "I have a lot of hair on my face, but none on my head.", "I care about appearances." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where do you work at" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work for a local law firm, which keeps me pretty busy, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do a lot of baking" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I enjoy eating baked goods, but then I've to exercise it off." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you have a brother" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't, do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah we are twins then" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So you are bald with a big beard too, like me?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah we can be twins" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Twins was my favorite movie in the 80s, big fan of comedies myself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice do you like cookies" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love em. What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am not very tall" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is okay. I hear short people make the best cookies" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I see paranormal activities.", "I like to drive with the sun shining on me.", "I have a handful of dogs.", "I hate christmas." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a couple pets.", "I love animals.", "I work with animals.", "I like red berries." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! How are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am great, just had a nice vegan lunch. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am doing well. I just took my dogs for a run." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool. I got two cats, sally and ally" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like animals. My dogs love to ride in my convertibles." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice. I am a veterinarian, what do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do not work currently. I saw ghosts at my old job and quit." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow!!! That had to be scary" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes. I've seen them a lot of places." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It may be your calling to be a ghost hunter" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That would be an interesting job!!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think I'd like it lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It might be a little too scary though!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is how you can face your fears" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like victorian things.", "I like jazz.", "I am a romantic.", "I collect dolls.", "I like antiques." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've the support of my whole family.", "I plan to retire in 6 months.", "I've studied ballet all my life.", "My mother is a ballerina." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to visit thrift stores and find items from the late 1800s.", "I like the blues.", "I enjoy romance.", "I have a huge collection.", "I decorate my home with particular things." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My clan backs up.", "I have a 401k.", "I've went to school for dance.", "I took ballet lessons when I was young." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you? John here" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Fine. Thank you. How are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am very well. Just hanging out listening to some jazz." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh good. I like ballet." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too I'm such a romantic the victorian era, dolls, antiques you name it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My mother ballerina is so good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow my favorite is swan lake. Do you like that one?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I do like it and my whole family supports me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is really nice of them. Family is super important." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So I want to spend my rest of the life after 6 months" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was really nice talking with you. I hope you enjoy your ballet!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes ballet is good and hope you enjoy jazz" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you have any other hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know ballet and ballet only." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, you must really be an expert then!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I wish to retire after six months and spend more time for it" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My name is John.", "I like to listen to jazz.", "I am a romantic. I like the victorian era. I like dolls, antiques, ballet. My favorite ballet is Swan Lake.", "Family is important to me." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like ballet.", "My mother is a ballerina.", "I like the ballet Swan Lake. My whole family supports my ballet.", "I want to retire in 6 months. I want to spend more time on ballet." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Swan Lake will be performing here next month! Would you like to go with me?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be wonderful. Yes, I would really enjoy that. Will it be a matinee or an evening performance?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It'll be in the evening on the 6th. Swan Lake is such a beautiful story. I havn't seen it live in years, and I'm dying to see it with you. Have you seen it? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I haven't seen it live in about a year, but Swan Lake is one of my guilty pleasures. I actually own a DVD of it and I probably watch it once a month. If you have time in your schedule before the event, we can go out to treat" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds lovely! Speaking of schedule, I'm sure you'll have more time in yours soon. Is there anything in particular you are going to be working on once you retire? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am looking forward to retirement. It will be an early one since I am only 45. I am grateful for the opportunity to retire into something I love. My passion for ballet should financially provide but it wont" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hahaha, I know quite a bit about the things I love not being loved by everyone else. It's great that you will get to focus so much on your passion for so long. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you. I got excited as I was texting and forgot to include the last won't be work.. hahaha.... earlier you mentioned loving Jazz music. Wouldn't it be fun if a ballet were done to the tones of Jazz?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "There actually have been a few attempts at jazz ballet crossovers! I've been pretty disappointed with the results, but it's an exciting thought. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I will need to look into that. It sounds challenging. Do you have a favorite when it comes to Jazz singers/players?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Charles Mingus is a long time fav of mine. I grew up on the bass, and I always wanted to be like Charles. Any ballet greats for you? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Someone who really inspires me is Grete Brunvoll. She is still dancing and she is in her 90s. I hope to dance for as long as I can." } ], "time_elapsed": " 4 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My name is John.", "I am a romantic. I like the victorian era. I like dolls, antiques, ballet. My favorite ballet is Swan Lake. I will go to see Swan Lake for an evening performance on the 6th. I have seen it before, but not for years.", "I love jazz music. I've disappointed with the results of jazz ballet crossovers. Charles Mingus is one of my favorite Jazz musicians. I wanted to play the bass like Charles Mingus." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My mother is a ballerina. I like the ballet Swan Lake. My whole family supports my ballet.", "I want to retire in 6 months. I am 45 years old. I want to spend more time on ballet. Grete Brunvoll inspires me. I hope I can dance into my 90s like her.", "I saw Swan Lake live a year ago. It's one of my guilty pleasures. I own a DVD of it." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm looking forward to the Swan Lake performance. Should we get together beforehand for dinner?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "for sure! it'll be such a treat. did you have any ideas about dinner?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was looking at reviews of places to book. What is your favorite type of cuisine?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "my taste change i don't really have one i am always into. lately it's been anything with tomato sauce and chopped garlic!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yum! So what about a nice Italian place? You will definitely find tomato sauce and garlic there." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "i'm up for that! what's your budget you looking to spend dining?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds good. Well I thought you said it was your treat, so what is YOUR budget? haha, I am just kidding, I am happy to treat us. I haven't really had a night out at the ballet in a long time so I am ready to go all out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "oh that's so kind of you. you little joker! don't worry i won't ask for too much but i will make sure i am full so at least an appetizer and main dish" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well we have to get dessert as well, like a nice Tiramisu! I am getting hungry just thinking about the feast we will eat." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "oh i love tiramisu but i have to stay on a diet most days so those are things i avoid to keep up to snuff" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know what you mean, I have to watch what I eat as well. But it is good to treat yourself every once in a while." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I agree, man i haven't had tiramisu in months this is going to be so good" } ], "time_elapsed": " 8 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm an animal lover.", "Hi there, people call me j and I come from texas.", "Me and the lady help people.", "We have one preteen and one teenage child.", "I have a son and daughter." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love snow sports.", "My folks like my hobby.", "I've dark mane.", "I ruined my body on skis." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good, trying to relax." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh. I just got done walking my three dogs." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is great. I'm still recovering from my broken arm." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, how did that happen? I'm a physical therapist." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I had a ski accident. I do ski racing." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I am sorry. Do you have any kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No. I guess I spent too much time skiing. Do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It has been a long time! I've 2 kids." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that makes a merry group." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'd love to have one more. Wife says no." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've a loving family and might want one for myself one day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My oldest is 14 and the other is 12." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Boy, teenagers! You must be having some fun!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "One is a girl. That's even worse lol." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah ha! Enjoy while you can!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am practically a chef!.", "My father was in the car industry.", "I enjoy life.", "I enjoy killing sea creatures." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I stand up for animals and the planet.", "I've hit alot of attractions.", "I spend a lot of time outdoors with nature.", "I reside in the maple syrup state.", "I like to walk through nature." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, I'm good. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am wonderful and cooking is good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yea cooking is cool. So is hiking and living in vermont." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes that would make me happy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have travelled to twelve national parks this year alone." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow I enjoy fishing but never have time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's too bad, do you work too much?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes and one day hope to slow down" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hope you can too. My dad is like that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is cool. I want to retire soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be nice, I'm retired. I'm activist. Environmental" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Congrats to you. I hope you enjoy it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you, I do. I also mountain bike, what do you do?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I drive a fast car.", "My favorite artist is 2pac.", "My favorite song is california love.", "I like to listen to rap music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I m a shy person but I love to sing.", "Until recently I ve never been able to sing in front of anyone.", "Anyways I decided to give it a try and participaed in an audition for a talent show.", "I was accepted to participate.", "My shyness made me panick and I didn t show up." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I pilot a nimble automobile.", "I listen to rap music.", "I love listening to great music.", "Tupac is my favorite singer." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "When I'm alone I belt out the most beautiful songs.", "I have stage fright.", "I tried out to be on stage.", "I was approved.", "I was so timid I did not go." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love rap music. I blast rap music in my fast car. Do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like rap music, I love all kinds of music actually since I love to sing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What is your favorite song? Mine is california love by my favorite artist 2pac." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite song is jenny by nothing more" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Never heard of that. I only listen to rap. The street life chose me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I was going to sing it at a talent show I auditioned for" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you any good? Or would simon cowell like a word with you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Funny! I was accepted but I was too shy and did not go" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'd have rapped at your talent show. I'd have let it blow." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I wish I could but I'm too shy!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You just have to take the time to make it all rhyme." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Like that did? I bet you are a good rapper!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am the best rapper. They call me yung whipper snapper." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is a funny name! Do you rap for a living?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love rap music. I have a fast car.", "My favorite song is California Love by my favorite artist 2pac.", "People call my Yung Whipper Snapper." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love all kinds of music. I love to sing.", "My favorite song is Jenny by Nothing More.", "I am shy." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got pulled over driving too fast." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How fast were you going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I must have been going close to 100 MPH! Sometimes I don't even realize. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "wow that is fast, what were you driving?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "my Camaro, it really flies when on the highway. Have you ever been in one?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My father loves Camero's he use to take me riding when I was a kid.. That was so long ago though. I don't have one personally. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's very cool! What kind of car do you drive?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I just have a Mitsubishi Outlander, I don't ever go very fast, don't want to give the cops any excuse to pull me over." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Smart move. I should really watch my speed. Do you like your car?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ya, I love it. What model/year Camero do you have?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "2019 Camaro ZL.1. It's orange, my favorite color! What's yours?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mine is a 2017, Silver.. It looks like a cross over, nothing fancy" } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I drive fast. I often loose track of the speed of my vehicle.", "I love rap music. My favorite song is California Love by my favorite artist 2pac.", "People call my Yung Whipper Snapper.", "I drive a Camaro. My car was made in 2019. My car is orange. Orange is my favorite color." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love all kinds of music. I love to sing. My favorite song is Jenny by Nothing More.", "I am shy.", "I do not own a Camero. I own a silver Mitsubishi Outlander. I drive carefully. I love my car." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I went to the court house and judge wrote off my speeding ticket! That will save me a lot of money." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great news! Next round is on you when we go out to celebrate!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "haha sounds like a plan! Where should we go?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Let's go to the new karaoke bar downtown. You know I love to sing, and I heard they have great tacos" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice! What is your favorite kind of taco? I will challenge you to a rap battle at karaoke! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha sounds like it'll be an epic night. Usually my go to is fish tacos because they're so fresh, but I recently tried birria tacos and am hooked" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What are birria tacos? I have never heard of them. If it's in taco form though, I am sure I will like it. I am partial to a good fish taco myself, with some nice slaw and sour cream." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yum! Birria tacos have shredded meat and other toppings, and then you dip them in a spiced sauce. *chef's kiss*" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, you're making me hungry! I will have to try that when we go. What is your go-to karaoke song?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lately I've been rocking out to Hit Me with Your Best Shot on karaoke night, but I'm excited to try out a rap battle. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that song is a classic. I am excited too, but get ready to be demolished in the battle by the Yung Whipper Snapper..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha I'll believe it when it happens. " } ], "time_elapsed": "6 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm not a dog person.", "I like to study.", "I stay with my folks.", "I enjoy having lots of plants around." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy sweet and earthy vegetables.", "I love to watch tv.", "I work for dunder mifflin.", "I like veggies.", "I like wild animals." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Beets, bear battlestar galactica, which is best?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Omg, I love you so much." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wrong, its beets, also battlestar is the best televsion show." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You are so awesome, seriously, let us be friends." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Paper, sales, its what I do, salesman, also beets." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you want to hear a lie??" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not if its about beet farms, where I live." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think you are great. You are my best friend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My best friend is a bear, bear don't have friends, that's why they're my favourite" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Websters dictionary defines weddings as the fusing of two metals with a hot torch." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "False, wedding haven't had torches since the 18th century" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I really have to get to work at my flower shop. Oh hi doggy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Battlestar galactica, my favourite show had a dog, it was a robot" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "Female pop singers are my favorite.", "My old man works from the couch.", "I've a partner.", "I'm employed by sam adams." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm 22 years old.", "In 12 weeks, I will be a parent.", "I plan to ask my girlfriend to marry me very soon.", "I work with young athletes." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey there! Hows it going tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So good! Are you married? I'm about to propose to my girl tonight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow! Good luck! Yep! I am married with kids! Hubby stays home with them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My girl is due to have a baby in three months. I am so excited." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Congrats! Are you having a girl or boy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A girl! I wanted one so bad." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You can name her taylor after my favorite singer! Lol swift" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is the name of the principal of the school I just interviewed at!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No way!!! Haha did you get it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes! I am now a coach at the school! What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work at a beer place! We distribute different brands!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh, awesome! Do you like it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha, umm... I would say my husband likes it more than I do. He gets the benefits" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Aw, lol. What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Whew. With kids, when is there time for fun? Lol you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Spend time with my girl, go hiking, camping. Outdoors stuff." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a teen that lives with all my family.", "I spend time at the pool.", "I like tv and running outside.", "I enjoy surfing the web.", "I don't like people very much." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Foreign cars appeal to me.", "I've a very strong body.", "Being outdoors among the sand and ocean are fun.", "I like historical films." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. My 3 closest friends and I are playing donkey kong. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi! I'm a makeup artist." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love makeup! Being a 14 year old girl I'm still learning." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like to play black desert online." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Never heard of it. I adore video games and swimming." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite makeup is urban decay. Pops really great colors." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice. Red is my favorite color, I hope to have a red corvette one day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite color is purple." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have been looking into race cars. Sports cars are my favorite." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I really like doing special effects makeup as well." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My mother and grandparents don't like me wearing. I live with them," }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite cars are old classics." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sweet. Those are great. Do you work in the theater applying makeup?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work with models mainly. Been published" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How cool. I hope to be famous one day. A famous race car driver." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like honda civics the most. Used to own one." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work in sales.", "I'm finally done with school.", "Sadly, I reside far away from my mom and dad and siblings.", "Making memories with my loved ones is a big priority for me.", "I like group activities." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Big plates of with h20 make my existence possible.", "I enjoy being active outdoors.", "I've totaled two cars.", "I am caught up on all my shows." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how are you doing, today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Great and good morning how are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am doing okay as well. What are you planning for today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Working and of course playing sports" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of work do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am an engineer and have been in two accidents" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I am sorry to hear about your accidents. Are you okay, now?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes water and food are so important" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I agree and sometimes they're taken for granted." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes they're I need fresh air" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think that we all need fresh air." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes and I need some tv in my life" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of tv do you like to watch?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Any thing that involves mysteries" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy simple but filling foods.", "I work out as often as I can.", "Studying peoples lives helps me fall asleep.", "I enjoy thrash metal.", "I own a kitty who has the same name as a president." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I take my kids to all their sports activities.", "I do work on a computer.", "I am a participant in the culinary arts.", "I'm a very peppy person." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi there. I am doing ok. I just finished cooking a delicious meal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you do for a living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work from home. Its an it company." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That must be really nice" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah. What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a fitness instructor at the gym" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sweet. You must be in shape. I love cheer." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you mean you love cheer?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I was a cheerleader for many years. I am a soccer mom now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh I get yah. How many kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Two children ages 12 and 14." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "All I wear in camo.", "My mom teaches music.", "As a kid I lived in southern united states.", "I love ethnic foods as long as they'ren't fishy." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't like carrots.", "I've a lot of power.", "I am immature.", "Friends always ask me to reach things in high places.", "I enjoy speed." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, I just came back from hunting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, hunting is fun. I love to run very fast!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great, how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm going to have dinner, it is mexican food tonight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yummy. I love mexican food, but I never eat vegetables" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I never eat seafood, I do not like it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me either. I am very strong though, even without the veggies" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I grew up in the south so I love mexican food." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where are you from? And how old? I am just a baby" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How strong are you, can you lift a truck?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol I don't know about lifting a truck! That is extreme." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How strong are you, can you lift a truck?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I turned out to be very tall for my young age though" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I've a horse named beauty.", "My father is a preacher.", "I am pregnant with my first child.", "I live in a house in the country.", "My husband is a soldier in the us army." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My left knee is filled with metal.", "My family means the world to me.", "I enjoy jazz music from when I was a girl.", "I've 3 dogs and a parrot.", "I play bingo every wednesday with my husband." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to raise animals.", "My dad is a priest.", "I like children.", "I live in a quiet neighborhood.", "My spouse is a member of the military." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a lot of pins and rods in my leg.", "I love my parents.", "I loved listening to louis armstrong as a kid.", "I'm an animal lover.", "I like to compete at games." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good evening. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm really good. Dealing with a bit of knee pain but other than that..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hear you. Being pregnant is killer on the knees." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh congratulations on your pregnancy. My knee is has metal in it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thank you. It is hard when you own a horse. Her name is beauty." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not have a horse but I do have a bird and 3 dogs!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Right on! We live out in the country so we have lots of birds." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of birds? Mine is a parrot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wild birds. Blue jays, doves, crows" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd absolutely love that. My family would too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My husband who is deployed in the army loves birds." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet you miss him a lot. My husband and I play bingo together" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do but he is due to come back soon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hope he does soon! Do you like any music?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do. Top 40, alternative, swing." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I absolutely adore jazz music. I've my whole life" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am pregnant.", "I own a horse named Beauty.", "I live in the country. I own wild birds including blue jays, doves, and crows.", "My husband is deployed with the army and will return home soon.", "I like top 40, alternative, and swing music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have knee pain. I have metal in my knee.", "I have a bird and three dogs.", "I own a parrot.", "I play bingo with my husband.", "I have loved jazz music my whole life." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I might know a good cure for your knee pain." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am all ears. Can you tell me about it? I would love to avoid this pain." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I'll send you the information soon. Hopefully you can get better soon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be great. I can barely take the dogs out to play with the pain I have in that knee. How's that horse of yours?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "She's good, I just love riding and spending time with her while my husband's gone. She's great company" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's true, he's coming back soon, isn't he?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hopefully, as long as there's no delays" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, you know how that can be. Do you have to do extra work maintaining the house and property when he's gone?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, unfortunately. With all the property and stuff and the horse, it's a lot to manage, but at least we have some help." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's good. I miss living in the country. The dogs were raised in the country, but we had to move to the city to rehab my knee. Have you always lived in the country?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, I've moved around a lot but we just like having the acreage and space for the horse. I do miss the city. Do you like it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh no, I would so much rather be in the countryside. The dogs don't have much space to play here." } ], "time_elapsed": "4 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am pregnant. My husband is deployed with the army and will return home soon.", "I own a horse named Beauty. I live in the country. I own wild birds including blue jays, doves, and crows.", "I like top 40, alternative, and swing music.", "I get help maintaining my property. I have moved around alot. I miss living in the city." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have knee pain. I have metal in my knee.", "I have a bird and three dogs. I own a parrot.", "I play bingo with my husband.", "I have loved jazz music my whole life.", "I miss living in the country. My dogs grew up in the country. I had to move to the city for my knee rehab. I would rather live in the countryside than the city." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I found a new jazz band that I think you might like" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "oh nice, i appreciate you thinking of me. what's their name?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Before I tell you, tell me your favorites. This is going to be fun." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I really like miles davis, is it him you are thinking of?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, it's the Apollo Trio. It's a local one though. I think you might like it. Wanna give it a try?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "oh you know it. local bands are so special because they have their own vibe." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh yeah, that's what I say. You should come to my place sometime and we can go out together. What do you say?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "sure, it'd be a great bonding moment. what works better for you, weekend or weekday?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Weekday would be better. All the neighbors will be at work and no one can see you. And we can have some private moments. If you know what I mean!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "what do you mean? don't you remember i have a husband!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, he is in the army. He should be coming home soon but he already postponed it couple of times. It happens everytime. It's not fair for me to wait till he comes. It's been a while." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have not cheated on my husband and i don't like that you are implying that would be something i do" } ], "time_elapsed": "10 days" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm currently on a diet.", "I would like to go to school to become a veterinarian.", "I love animals and I want to help them.", "I've three pets." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm passionate about a lot of things.", "My back hurts chronically.", "I tend to work myself up.", "I am an old soul.", "I just want my voice to be heard." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I would like to lose weight.", "I want to go away to college and study to one day be a vet.", "I like to care for pets.", "I really love animals." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I feel drawn to many objects.", "Everyday, I deal with pain.", "Sometimes I overreact too severely to situations.", "I've been told I act like their father even though we are the same age.", "I'm very vocal about my opinions." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey there stranger! How is life?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Pretty good besides my back killing me. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ya I'm trying to lose weight to help out my knees, but I hate the diet." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Diets are pretty awful. I like to think of them as lifestyle changes" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ya, sometimes the lifestyle has to change if you want to do certain things" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What things are you passionate about doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Animals. Got 3 of my own and I love fostering others. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm an activist. I like to speak up for what is right" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is fantastic. We need more people like you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you! Its great to be appreciated. I think of myself as an old soul" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think my soul is young but my knees say otherwise!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha I definitely feel you. My back pain is chronic" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have issues with my knees. I would like to lose weight.", "I have three pets.", "I think I am a young soul." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have back problems.", "I am an activist.", "I think I am an old soul." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How's your back treating you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My back was acting up last night but is ok this morning. How are you knees holding up? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thats good, my knees have been feeling much better since I started the KETO diet. Have you heard of it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I have done it in the past when I needed to lose weight after my own knee injury a few years ago but no longer on full keto although I still eat most of the same foods. Be careful at first with your carbs as you don't want to get the keto flu" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that's good. Glad to hear that worked for you! What's the Keto flu? That sounds scary.." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A lot of people don't properly ease into it and end up feeling very weak due to the body's shock at the loss of carbs. Best to start off slow and work your way up measuring your levels. There are keto strips you can buy that will let you know when your body is in ketosis. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh I understand... Now that you mention it i was quite sick when I first started. It must have been the Keto flu! How long were you on the diet for? That's very cool! Where can I buy them?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You can buy the strips on amazon for less than 10 bucks. I was on keto for almost a year and once I got my weight down decided to incorporate carbs back in. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a very long time. Did you find that you put weight back on fast after you began eating carbs again?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No not really. I did not start consuming a lot of carbs as I was used to eating many of the same keto foods. However, overtime have put on some more weight but mostly in the form of muscle. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thats great! Do you go to the gym frequently to get you muscle?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I used to go to the gym but now workout at home about 5 times a week. I have weights and a pull up bar. " } ], "time_elapsed": " 1 hour" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have issues with my knees. I would like to lose weight.", "I have three pets.", "I think I am a young soul.", "I am using a KETO diet to help my bad knees. I felt quite sick when I started my KETO diet." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am an activist. I think I am an old soul.", "I have a bad back. I had a knee injury a few years ago. I lost weight using a KETO diet. I did keto for almost a year. I don't eat as much carbs as I used to now.", "I used to go to the gym, now I do home workouts." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am starting to see some changes in my body thanks to this diet" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great to hear! Is it helping your knees or are you noticing other changes?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I haven't been doing it quite long enough, but I am hopeful. Do you have any suggestions on exercising your knees especially following your injury?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've got a couple of guides I got from a physical therapist that I could send you for that. They helped me reduce the pain but they sure weren't fun to do at first." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would love to see them even if just to have an idea. Do you still incorporate those into your home workouts?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I still do in order to keep my knee as strong as it can be. I'm afraid if I stop doing them then my knee will just atrophy and start going back to the way it was." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a good point. It's like with anything, you really have to stick with it. I know that it's really just the start of my journey, but I need to make it part of my normal, everyday life." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's important to start a routine and keep at it. Don't let yourself skip a day even if you really want to because that'll just setup a pattern of bad behavior." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am trying to stay positive. I want to feel as young on the outside as I do on the inside! I think my pets know I'm going through something because they have been extra attentive. Do you have any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I had some when I was younger, but I'm getting older and I'm just trying to take care of myself these days. What kind of pets do you have?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Two dogs and a cat. They are so funny. I definitely need them, but I definitely understand just needing to take care of yourself first." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know pets can provide a sense of support and help provide structure in your life. Thankfully I've got some good people in my life to help with that." } ], "time_elapsed": "2 days 1 hour" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm employed to work with power.", "Red robin is my favorite place to eat.", "I enjoy jogging in the park every day.", "I get a full nights rest every night." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My mom works in the educational system.", "I enjoy music.", "I exercise often.", "I like to eat beef.", "I enjoy ensnaring sea creatures and watching them suffocate in my bucket." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! How are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing great. Just practicing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What are you practicing for?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The guitar just for fun" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, cool. What do you do for a living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work at mcdonalds and burger king" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Really? I love burgers! Can you give me free burgers?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I will eat them all" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I need them so I can get the itis to sleep 8 hours! Will you share?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What is the itis? I'm not familiar" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is when you eat a lot and get sleepy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds sad and depressing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is not. I l like to eat." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like to eat cheeseburgers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I go running so I do not get fat." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a great way to keep the weight away" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have been married for 6 years.", "I've tried 35 different types of beer in my lifetime.", "I'm a financial analyst for a brewery.", "I like to go to the casino on weekends." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite singer is kid rock.", "I love to swim, and began at a young age.", "My favorite color is purple.", "I've a masters degree.", "I am a female." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I found the person that I felt I wanted to spend my life with.", "I like to drink on the weekends.", "I study money at a bar.", "I enjoy gambling sometimes." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love head banging songs.", "I am a swimmer and started as a kid.", "My favorite clothes that have warm and bright tones.", "I got my mba last year.", "I'm feminine." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! How are you? What do you like to do on weekend?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi, I'd love to go swimming, I started at a very young age" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Very nice! Me I like visiting the casino during the weekend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I got to see kid rock at a casino, he is my favorite singer" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you do? I earn my casino money as a financial analyst for a brewery!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have a masters degree, and that's pretty amazing since I'm female" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Amazing! In what field? What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Accounting, I love the color purple it makes me so happy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ok! My husband makes me happy married 6 years now! What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been married for 3" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, wow! I bet they have driven you to drink. What do you like drinking?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha I'm really not a big drinker" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've tried 35 kinds of beer fo far easy, since I work at the brewery" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's impressive, I just like to swim and listen to kid rock" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to go to the casino.", "I am a financial analyst for a brewery.", "I have been married for 6 years." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to go swimming and have been since a young child.", "Kid Rock is my favorite singer.", "I am a female with a masters degree.", "I am an accountant. I love the color purple.", "I have been married for 3 years.", "I am not a big drinker." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you gone swimming recently?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, it's been too cold out. Do you like to swim at the casino hotels when you go?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not usually, public pools at casinos sort of freak me out. Do you ever visit Casinos?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I get that. It's much nicer to swim in open water like the ocean. My husband and I want to visit Las Vegas sometime, but it's such a long flight from Connecticut! Which casinos do you go to? Do you drive there or fly?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's awesome! I went to Vegas once in college for Spring Break, it was a great time. I usually go to the Tropiana in AC so I can drive there. I won $1,000 once a few years ago!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet it's a fun drive in your fancy car. Wow! That's an impressive win! What type of games do you like to play at the casino?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I usually stick to blackjack. I would love to learn how to play Crapps. Do you know how to play?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't. I typically like to stick to the slot machines. The idea of everyone watching me throw the dice is kind of scary to me! Maybe you could teach me to play blackjack sometime?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too! I'm scared to make a fool of myself! I use the slots too. I would love to! It's very easy. Is work very busy for you right now?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is! Everyone is coming to us with very complicated tax issues. It's definitely helping keep our small business afloat though. Do you have a garage of your own or work for someone else?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I can imagine! I hope it slows down for you after filing day. My brewing company is actually a family business! My brother is the brew master and has a warehouse close to my house." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think it's nice to work with family. Sure it can be tough at times, but you can always rely on family more than regular employees, can't you? Do you make any good Hazy IPAs? They're my favorite because I can usually enjoy one glass for a long time." } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to go to the casino. I like blackjack.", "I am a financial analyst for a brewery. I have a family brewing company. I have a brother.", "I have been married for 6 years.", "I went to college.", " I drive a fancy car." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to go swimming and have been since a young child.", "Kid Rock is my favorite singer.", "I am a female with a masters degree.I am an accountant. I love the color purple.", "I have been married for 3 years.", "I am not a big drinker. My favorite type of beer is a Hazy IPA.", "I like to swim.", "I live in Connecticut.", "I have social anxiety." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh man, I just won big at blackjack!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No way, that's amazing! How much did you win??" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I won $600! That's going to really help with the family business." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that is great! I am so happy for you. Which casino did you go to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The Bellagio, it's one of the biggest! Have you been to a casino or is it not really your thing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am not too big into it, but I am excited for you to teach me how to play blackjack! I would like to go back to Vegas but I am more interested in the food and the show rather than gambling." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "We should go to Vegas together, it will be so much fun. We can go in my fancy car. Would your husband like to come too?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sure that he would love to go! Is there anyone that you could bring? We could make it a double date." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll bring my wife. I can't believe we've been married 6 years now! My brother might want to come too, if he can get time off from work." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, that would be great, we can make a big party out of it! I will look into some nice restaurants we can go to...of course that is where my mind always goes to!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Of course, I know you love your food! You need it, with all that swimming you do!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, that's the one thing about swimming; after I am finished, I am STARVING! I eat more calories than I burned. But hey, life is all about balance right?" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I traveled down south by the beach.", "I'm safe.", "I love music.", "I'm a foodie.", "I read a lot of young adult fiction." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like cold weather.", "A new vehicle was the best gift any of buddies have ever gotten me.", "Health is important to me.", "I use a wheelchair.", "I've a gluten allergy." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hiya! This is to. Whats up?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its almost my favorite season" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Football? I adore football. So glad I moved to miami so I can cheer on the fins!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I just hope my mom isn't baking alot of bread." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Don't like bread? I love bread. Doesn't jason mraz have a song about bread?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't eat it, when I could walk a friend bought" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do eat it? My mom would be totally pissed if I did not at least try it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ll I cant, a friend got me a car before." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh? What kind of car? I loved the truck bella drove in twilight" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Really? A toyota. I love pineapple juice vitamin c" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "One day I'd like to eat grasshoppers. They have tons of it c" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yuck you are nasty lol lol eat it when sick then lol" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I read in braille.", "I learnt to drive.", "I'm a social person.", "I'm a disc jockey on air.", "I need aide walking." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm not afraid to get dirty.", "I instruct children for work.", "I reside near a urban area.", "I birthed a boy and two girls." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello tell me about yourself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi there I'm a mother of 3 wonderful children and I'm a elementary teacher" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm a dj, I'm blind and I can't drive" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you enjoy djing my children and I garden alot." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do! I just hate using my cane to get around" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Could you get a service dog to help you instead" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I could that's a good idea" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you live near the city? I do and it is rough getting around." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I live in california, near the beach" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow it must be nice. I hate living in the suburbs" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where do you live at or near?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Suburbs of pittsburgh I would love to move though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How pittsburgh weather down there?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It has finally cooled off here. I assume its sunny in california" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm not exclusively dating anyone, but I go out all the time.", "I've one pet dog.", "I like to go shopping.", "I can not hear." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't eat a lot of vegetables.", "Music comes easy to me.", "I work hard.", "I have not told my family that I'm interested in the same sex.", "I've a ps4." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how has your day been?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm guy and I play the guitar for a living." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a girl, and I know nothing about the guitar" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "When I am not playing the guitar I am working on my welding career." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am deaf, no idea what a guitar sounds like" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh I am gay but my parents think I am just a sissy," }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, they have no idea?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "None I'm going to tell them I only eat meat I don't like vegetables." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hope you get a positive reaction from them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do godlike video games I do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do. Meeting new people is fun too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah sometimes. I'm going to come out of the closet one day." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I live in a house in california.", "I try to take a break and see a movie in theaters every other month.", "I'm 5 7 tall.", "Everyday after work I buy my dog a dog biscuit." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "And, I love psychoanalyzing my friends.", "I've two sons that I am raising by myself.", "I sell cosmetics in my spare time.", "I love rage metal music." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I reside in the sunshine state.", "In my spare time I watch at least one film about 3 or 4 weeks around.", "I'm about five inches under six feet, height wise.", "I purchase my canine a treat daily." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm an amateur psychologist.", "I am a single parent of boys.", "After work I enjoy beautifying people.", "I enjoy aggressive bands." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there! How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great! How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am doing quite well, thank you. What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like over over analyze everything including my friends. And you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you find that fun?? I go to the movie theater once every other month." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Extremely. Oh, I love the movies I go with my sons." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's fun! I just have a dog, no kids." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My husband had a dog before he passed. He loved heavy metal just like me!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am sorry to hear about your husband! Being a single mom must be tough." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Some days are harder than others. What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to decorate my new home in california, you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What a nice place to live! I sell makeup to bring in extra money." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh! Do you like it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "About as much as you like your new home!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I always get my dog a biscuit on my way home he loves it!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My dog used to love treats especially cheese." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I go to the movie theater every other month.", "i don't have kids. i have a pet dog.", "i live in california. i recently got a new home" ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I tend to overanalyze.", "i love movies. i have sons.", "i'm a widow. i love heavy metal.", "i sell makeup.", "i like my job.", "My dog likes cheese." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "what makeup do you recommend for wrinkles?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have a really great foundation in my makeup line that is great for wrinkles. I will send you a jar for your new home! Are you all moved in yet?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am planning to move next week. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is so exciting! Is there a big yard for your dog?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Absolutely, I look forward to it. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What is your favorite city in California? I love Los Angeles for all the access to heavy metal musicians." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love San Francisco ... very vibrant city." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They have great food there. My dog loves the cheese from downtown San Fran!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What state do you live, if I may ask?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am in sunny Florida! I love it! Come visit!" } ], "time_elapsed": " 7 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I go to the movie theater every other month.", "I don't have kids. I have a pet dog.", "I live in california. I recently got a new home. I love San Francisco.", "I have wrinkles." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I tend to overanalyze.", "I love movies. I have sons. I'm a widow.", "I sell makeup. I like my job.", "My dog likes cheese.", "I like Los Angeles and heavy metal music.", "I live in Florida." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have been shopping for my new home." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Are you looking for a home with a yard for the dog?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, a fenced yard was a must when I purchased the home. I am looking to foster dogs in the future also." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice I like California (LA), but prefer to live here in FL. Homes expensive where you are too?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Real estate prices out of control...had to buy a fixer upper and still paid above asking price. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "wow. hope it is not like the movie The MOney Pit. I enjoy going to and watching movies too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you seen the new Mortal Kombat movie. I am not a big video game guy, but the movie was pretty good." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "cool. i have not seen that one. i like action movies and comedies mostly." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Same here...i saw the new Coming to America 2 movie on Amazon Prime the other day. The original was great, this sequel, not so much." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "same here! the 2nd was ok, but the original was a classic. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, it was so favorite character was Randy Watson, the singer with the blue funny." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "sexual chocolate?? hilarious! so great how many characters Eddie Murphy played, the barbershop characters were great." } ], "time_elapsed": " 13 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm 5 3 and am the shortest person in my family.", "My youngest sister is in first grade.", "My father is a school teacher, he teaches middle school.", "I'm the oldest sibling." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to travel.", "I like cats.", "I like cars.", "I got a new job." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am the tiny one.", "I've a family member just starting school.", "My dad works in a class.", "I'm the first born son of many brothers and sisters." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love seeing new cultures.", "My best friends are felines.", "I like vehicles.", "I am recently employed." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. How is your evening?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My evening is good just spending time with my cats" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Fun. My youngest sister just had her first grade choir program. So cute!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh nice what did they sing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Songs about fall mostly and the leaves falling. Do you have siblings?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh okay cool!! No siblings but cats are my siblings I've 10 and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No pets. I'm the oldest of several kids, cats would make my house crazy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol!!! Yeah I got ya!! I will be leaving them tommorow though, new job!!!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Congrats! What is your new job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm going to be pet grooming and driving cars I like them alot!!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds like it. I still live at home. Dad teaches seventh grade." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh nice does he teach you? Do you travel? Traveling is great!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No. He is not my teacher. Whew! I don't travel much. Do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol that's funny! You should travel! Its fun! I like buses trains cars and plans" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds like the movie, planes, trains, and automobiles. Lol." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know right! One time I got put in first class for free! All the cookies! Yum!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a younger sister in first grade.", "I am the oldest sibling and we have no pets.", "I live with my family." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like cats and have 10 of them. I am an only child.", "I have a new job.", "I like cars. I like to travel." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It's been a crazy couple of days. Everyone in the house is sick so I'm taking care of them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Are you feeling OK? Hopefully, you don't come down with it as well." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I feel fine for now! I'm just worried when I'm at school if they will be ok! How is your new job so far?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My job has been good. I am working in a warehouse fulfilling orders. It is physically demanding, but the pay is decent." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's good. Hopefully it's not tiring you out too much. At least it will get you in shape for the summer time! Any travel plans?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I plan to travel to a few state parks, but I am going to have a hard time finding someone to take care of my cats." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would offer to help, but unfortunately i'm allergic. That sounds so fun though! Will you be hiking with friends?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I will be going with a few friends. I plan on taking some of the toughest trails. Hopefully, they are up for it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You will have an advantage on them once you're in killer shape! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, thanks for helping me to look on the bright side of my new job. That should help me to work that much harder." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Of course! Are you on the market for a car anytime soon? I'm sure that will be motivation too. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am always in the market for a car. I have my eye on a Toyota Camry." } ], "time_elapsed": "2 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a younger sister in first grade. I am the oldest sibling and we have no pets. I'm allergic to cats. I live with my family.", "I go to school." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like cats and have 10 of them. I am an only child.", "I like cars. I like to travel. I like to go hiking.", "I just started a new job. I work in a warehouse.", "I am thinking about buying a car." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are your cats doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They are doing great thanks. I think one of them might be pregnant though so we have a vet appointment tomorrow. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Don't know if you had planned on having kittens or not, but it's exciting ! I wish I wasn't allergic to them. I would like to have one. How are you enjoying the new job? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No it wasn't planned, unfortunately one of my girls escaped for a few hours a month ago. The job is okay - a lot of heavy lifting but I do enjoy it. Do you think you will ever get a pet, a dog maybe?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm glad you enjoy the new job. Sounds like it gives you a good workout each day. I've been thinking about getting a pet, although I like to travel so it wouldn't be fair to leave it alone often. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I suppose but you could always get a pet sitter - that's what I do when I travel. My pet sitter lives in while I'm away so I know my cats are getting all the attention they need. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I never considered that. Will have to look into it. Last time we spoke, you mentioned you were thinking about getting a new car. Did you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not yet, although I have been looking. I'm not really sure what to get I love so many different ones. What is your favorite car?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If I could afford it, I would love to have a Jeep Wrangler. Pop off the top on sunny days and enjoy the ride ! My pocket book doesn't match my dreams...hahaha. At least, not yet. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a good idea, I hadn't considered a Jeep. So are your family feeling better now?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes they are ! Thank you for asking. I'm thankful that we had insurance to help cover all the doctor expenses? Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm glad. Yes having good healthcare is a blessing. I actually have the weekend off work so I'm not sure yet. I might just stay home with my cats and relax. What about you?" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to sketch.", "I like clear drinks.", "I like big bang theory.", "I feel large." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Learning is exciting to me.", "My favorite novel is about a who realizes he is a commander.", "I've a lot of plants in my house.", "I was in the army.", "I lived in the south." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you like soda to drink" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I drink just water." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like water too, sometimes. Do you have a job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am retired from the navy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work at an architect firm, I get paid to draw." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like fun. Do you have any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, hiking the great outdoors." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh. I really like to garden." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wish I had a green thumb, here in ga the clay is hard to grow in" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh, I live in nc. Grew up in ky though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I went to college, berea in ky" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh. What did you go for?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Architect and a double in education" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh. I had thought about becoming a teacher once." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It can be challenging, I'm trying to talk my son into the navy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh. It is a great opportunity." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a doctor.", "I enjoy catching bass.", "I chat with my parents whenever I can.", "I don't date.", "I like loud concerts." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like hitting the town.", "I'm self conscious about my looks.", "My partner totally doesn't understand.", "I've been feeling depressed.", "I enjoy her company." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hows it going on your end of cyberspace?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Pretty good. Taking a break from my job. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am trying to round up some cash for a procedure I need done." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Whats the procedure? I'm a paramedic" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I need to get my gall bladder removed." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sorry to hear that. Do you talk to your mom about it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I talked to my girlfriend about it, but she doesn't really understand." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet its tough. We get patients like that every day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, its tough, but I love her all the same." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is nice. I love my mom we talk every day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you talk with her about?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own an older model car.", "Calorie free beverages are my preference.", "My job is at nordstrom.", "My favorite artist is a pop singer.", "Buying new items takes up a lot of hours." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like my picture.", "My neighborhood can get loud late.", "I am saving up to go to a four year university.", "I call the ghetto home.", "My mother has a terrible illness." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you want to come sing some katy perry with me?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where are you singing at a bar?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "At my work. At a store." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of store do you work at" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work at a thrift shop." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's cool how long have you worked there" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A really long time now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Where do you live I want to move" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "In a city. We could be bffs, drink diet coke together." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like fun I live in a bad part of town I hate it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You can move in with me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Are you looking for a roommate" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I want someone to go shopping with me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds great I love shopping I'm very image conscious" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love kids and am a doctor.", "I'm a husband and a dad.", "My children are my life.", "I enjoy throwing a ball down a lane.", "I have a clan." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I protect my country.", "I don't know who my biological parents are.", "I carve wood.", "I do well speaking to others.", "I like guitar songs." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hello" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you for a living" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am in the navy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm a pediatrician" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet that is a rewarding job!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "And have two children" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've 9" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is alot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes but I wa not more!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Can you afford it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Of course I can" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have never traveled out of the country.", "I'm one of four children.", "I enjoy going on hikes.", "I work some very odd jobs." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I hate carrots.", "I've brown hair.", "I wear contacts.", "I am very athletic.", "I love bicycling." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I've not seen germany.", "I have three other siblings.", "Outdoors is life.", "I do some different things." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I dislike orange vegetables from the ground.", "I've dark eyes.", "Glasses give me a headache.", "I am in great shape.", "I like outdoor activities." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, what do you like to do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like riding my bike and weight lifting. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice! I love hiking. It is my passion. Do you have any siblings?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I'm an only child? Do you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yup, I have 3 siblings. It was a full house growing up." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet that was loads of fun" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sure was. Do you like to travel? I have never left the country, myself." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd love to travel but I'm saving for a new house" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds like a worthwhile investment. What do you do for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a lead executive at a tech firm and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, that must be a lot of work. I mainly just do odd jobs here and there." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is that is why after I pay for my home, I'm going to something easier" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is a good plan. Do you plan on getting married and having kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe. Are you married? Kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "None yet, but I would definitely like to have a smaller home than I did growing up." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That seems like a good plan" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love hiking.", "I have 3 siblings.", "I have never left the country.", "I do odd jobs.", "I want a smaller home than I grew up in." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like riding my bike, weight lifting.", "I have no siblings.", "I am saving for a new house.", "I am a lead executive.", "I might get married. I might have kids." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey been on any good bike trails recently?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I have. Have you been on any good hiking trails?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, there's a nice train in North Jersey I went on recently, but i saw a bear the last time I went!!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow! Was it close to you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I set up my camp over night, my friend and I went to each lunch at a picnic table and when we came back it was digging through our stuff in our tent! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh, no! Were you able to scare it away?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It scared me away that's for sure! We hid behind some trees until it left and then gathered our stuff and went home. Now I'm in search for some new trails! Have you had any encounters while you were biking?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I saw a cougar once, so I peddled faster and raced out of there! I stuck to weightlifting for awhile after that. Do your siblings like to hike too?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "a cougar! NO WAY! Good thing you were on a bike. My siblings are pretty lazy, so it's just me and my parents that hike. Maybe I will convince them to come with me one day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe someday they will. Just don't tell them about the bear and scare them away!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good idea. I'll keep that bear incident to myself for sure. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What other things do you and your siblings do together?" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have 3 siblings.", "I have never left the country.", "I do odd jobs.", "I want a smaller home than I grew up in.", "I bike on bike trails. I went to one in New Jersey.", "I love hiking. I like to go camping with my friends. I'm afraid of bears." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have no siblings.", "I am saving for a new house.", "I am a lead executive.", "I might get married. I might have kids.", "I go biking on bike trails. I lift weights." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What type of weightlifting do you like to do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do endurance training, it helps me tone up and prepares me for biking! Have you been on any bike trails lately?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I haven't since my bear encounter, but I will get back out there! I have been thinking I need to incorporate more strength training into my routine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yeah, that must have been terrifying! I don't blame you for being afraid of bears now. Maybe we can go biking together sometime. What about hiking, have you been on any good hikes lately?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would love to go biking together. I have just been on some local hiking trails in North Jersey, but I am hoping to plan a trip to somewhere out west maybe. Do you have any tips on good locations?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds great! My favourite locations are in Canada if you were up for traveling further afield! To be honest, I'm planning to stay quite local in the near future as I am saving up for a new house." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would love to go to Canada, I hear Banff is quite beautiful. That is smart to save up for a house, there is no better investment for your future. I love travel too much though, it's hard to save when I want to go everywhere! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been to Banff, it's amazing! Yeah, I'm hoping to get married at some point in the near future so I want to invest in somewhere where I can settle down. Are you looking for a new house too or are you happy where you are for now? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think I am happy where I am for now, I like to be out and about in the outdoors and go camping as much as I can anyway. When do you think you will get married?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well I've been with my girlfriend for 4 years now and I am thinking about proposing! But I think it will be a couple of years before we get married. I don't want to rush things!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think that is a good timeline, you have a really good head on your shoulders. Once you buy your house, everything will come together. Have you picked out a ring yet?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm glad you think so - I really hope you're right! No I haven't picked out a ring yet - I'm a bit clueless about which one to get! Do you have any advice?" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days 1 hour" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work for the discovery channel creating videos.", "I am a savage.", "I am stuck in the past due to remoteness.", "I love the outdoors." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love book.", "I'm working on a biology degree.", "I'm in college.", "1984 is my favorite book." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm employed with a tv crew making educational material.", "People say I'm a force if nature.", "I have a hard time moving on.", "Outside activities such as hiking are my favorites." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I enjoy readin.", "I am college student in biology department.", "I'm going to school to earn a degree.", "I think novels written by george orwell are very meaningful." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good morning sir or madam, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Good morning I am doing ok I've a science test today hope I pass" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love science and the outdoors! Whats the topic" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its a chemistry exam I am a biology major at boston college" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow! I make videos for discovery channel" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awesome sounds so fun and rewarding. Do you focus on animals" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Everything really, plants, animals, ecosystems. I'm a savage." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's so interesting! Do you like to read?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well, if its about nature. What do you read?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love the book 1984 I have read it many times" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Orwell? Oh goodness, seems to be our newest reality" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah I love the writing style and genre" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love science. I love the outdoors.", "I make videos for discovery channel. My focus in my videos are plants, animals, and ecosystems.", "I like to read books about nature." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a student at Boston College. I am majoring in Biology.", "1984 is my favorite book.", "I love the writing and style of George Orwell." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I finished editing a new video for the Discovery Channel. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome! What is this one about? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was comparing a plant that's in my room versus the same plant outside. The outside plant grew 4 inches taller. Science rules! How are your bio classes going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds really interesting. Classes are going well but I am trying to decide what I ultimately want to do with my degree, so I can start gearing my courses towards a certain focus. Its a really hard decision. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Is there a profession you are leaning towards? Such as Doctor, Nurse, PA, Botanist maybe?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been researching different disciplines and the ones that I am most drawn towards are botany related. Phytopathology, which is the study of plant diseases, just seems like the coolest thing, but you've got a very narrow career path with something like that. Do you want to study and work with plants professionally? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That does seem cool. I would love to learn more about that. I would love to make plant documentaries for a living, but I don't know if they will be a big hit on Netflix...." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I would watch them! I didnt mean to sound like what you do with your videos isn't important, I just didn't know if you are interested in botany more than any of the other sciences. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh no I know what you meant! It's great having a friend with a similar interest as me so we can relate! I agree Botany is a narrow career path, but in addition I think it has a but of a small following. Do you agree? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think most people don't care a lot about botany unless they themselves are botanists. Which is a shame because I really think botany might be the key to the future, you know? If we can figure out how to grow crops more efficiently, have higher yields, make plants hardier and able to grow in a wider range of conditions, that's going to be very important for our crowded little planet. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Totally!!! This planet isn't going to save itself. I wish more people would jump on the band wagon before it's too late. Have you made any friends in Boston that share your interests?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Everyone I've met so far in the city is either a lawyer, or studying to be a lawyer, or works for lawyers. If I want to talk corn to someone, I might need to go back to Kansas. I know you must have a ton of people online that reach out to you because of those great videos, but is there much of a science community where you are? " } ], "time_elapsed": "4 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love science. I love the outdoors.", "I make videos for Discovery channel. My focus in my videos are plants, animals, and ecosystems.", "I like to read books about nature.", "I have a plant in my room." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a student at Boston College. I am majoring in Biology.", "1984 is my favorite book.", "I love the writing and style of George Orwell.", "I haven't decided what career I want to end up in yet. I prefer a career in botany. I find the study of plant diseases fascinating.", "I live in Boston. I used to live in Kansas." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My last video just aired on the Discovery Channel and everyone loved it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great! I'm so happy for you. What are you going to be doing next?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm not sure. Just relishing in the glow of success right now! How have you been? How is school?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You deserve to. Things are going okay, I'm just a little stressed that I still haven't managed to decide my career path yet. How did you know you wanted to make videos?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was a passion. Everyone says do what you love and you'll never work a day but that's not true. You just sometimes get bored of doing what you love! You can't rush it, that's the main thing. It'll come to you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, i suppose that is true. I think my plan is to try lots of different things and just see what I really enjoy. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's the best idea. Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks! How's Boston?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The city is lovely but unfortunately I have made many friends yet. To be honest I don't know where to start." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It's difficult that's for sure. I'm sorry. Are there any extra curricular groups you might enjoy at school?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hadn't considered that. Yes I will look and see if there are any gardening groups or something similar. Thanks for the suggestion. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No worries. That was how I met alot of people, some friends and some that were very good to know professionally!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I suppose that is true. So now you have some free time with your video being released what are you doing to relax?" } ], "time_elapsed": "9 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "When I have free time I enjoy equestrian activities.", "I like to spend time in the wilderness with those I love.", "I like the bib.", "Both of my sons are so cute." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I wish I were taller.", "I am a competitive dancer.", "I always volunteer to bring the dessert to a birthday party.", "I enjoy classic literature." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey how are you doing tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am tired from baking and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nothing just packing up for our monthly camping trip." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How fun, where you going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Just a campsite in the mountains not too far from our house." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Tent or cabin camping?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Tent. I hope the weather is good so we can horseback ride. I love it!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe I will bake you a horse cake" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Even though I am a mom of two boys I love justin bieber. Could you make him?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I can I made on of david copperfield once" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is cool! Do you like magic?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, and his book is awesome" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I didn't even know he wrote a book. I will have to read it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, you should." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you perform magic at all?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, but I tap dance." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "On thursdays, I spend my afternoons swimming.", "I buy a lot of clothes.", "I'm employed a traditional number of hours.", "I've no kids." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I take care of animals for my job.", "In my home we have several canines.", "I live a comfortable life.", "My hands are full." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hii how are you doing to night?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great, just put two of the kids to bed." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work in pizza shop. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am an animal doctor." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh! What is your hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Playing fetch with my three dogs." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh ok I love animal very much I have one dog" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is cool, the husband likes them better than I do" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh! What are you doing in free time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I help the hubby with his law practice." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you like pizza? What is your favourite dish?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Meat lovers is always the best choice." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's cool you don't like pizza?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love pizza, who doesn't like it?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I live in a rural community.", "I've two kids.", "I work at amazon.", "I love robotics." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am 6 foot tall.", "I love to dance.", "I have asthma.", "I like to go running.", "I used to play hockey." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My house is in the middle of the woods.", "My house is usually not quiet.", "I deliver packages.", "Human automation is my passion." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm taller than average.", "I enjoy moving my body.", "Sometimes I've trouble breathing.", "I am an avid jogger.", "In the past I was a goalie." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing better now. Just had a mild asthma attack" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh no! Glad to hear you are better" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you, I enjoy dance way too much and I just over did it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I understand, I've bad allergies and living in a rural area doesn't help" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think it has something to do with being 6 feet tall" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where I work we could use some people who are six feet tall" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am good at running and was a hockey player. Do I suit the position?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "At amazon we always need good runners" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Then maybe I'll apply!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Great, they have good work life balance" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What else do you enjoy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love playing with my kids" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice, how many do you have?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I live in a rural area. I have bad allergies.", "I work at amazon.", "I love playing with my kids." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have asthma.", "I enjoy dance.", "I am 6 feet tall.", "I am good at running. I play hockey." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "We have some more openings at amazon if you are still interested I can reference you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be great! is the pay good? thank you so much." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It pays well and the benefits are great! The health insurance could possibly help a lot with any asthma treatments you might need. How is your endurance and stamina?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds excellent, my endurance and stamina is pretty good, I like to go running for fun in my free time so no problems there. Is the building well ventilated? My asthma is usually worse in dusty environments." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah they have a really good ventilation system. My allergies flare up more when I am outside more than when I'm working in the warehouse. Your height will help a lot too for getting the packages on the higher stack areas. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's fantastic, when are the job openings again? Sign me up! The only thing is I play Hockey for the local club every thursday do you think this will be okay? Do you get much time for the kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The job openings are available now. There's different shifts available. I work Friday through Tuesday so if you get the same shift as me you would have time for your hockey games at the club. I get about the same amount of time with my kids as a typical working parent. I do think I would prefer having a shift where I had the weekends open to hang out with my kids more." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's perfect, if you could put my name forward that would be very much appreciated! I hope I can get on a similar shift pattern to you then, that would be ideal. The club I play hockey at are doing a parent and child dance club which I help out with sometimes, maybe you would like to bring your kids down sometime." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll give you my email address later and you can send me over your resume. The club you play at has a child and parent dance club? That sounds awesome. I can see my kids having a good time with that. What time does it normally start on Thursday?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thanks, that is very kind of you! Yeah, it's half price for the next month so I thought I would let you know about it! it starts between 4pm and ends at 6pm every Thursday, it's really fun for both kids and the parents." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll let them know and we will be there! Is this an indoor hockey club or would we all be outside? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It will be great to see you there! It's an indoor club but they do use the outdoor pitch in the summer and there's plenty of refreshments and good music too." } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I live in a rural area.", "I love playing with my kids.", "I have allergies. My allergies are worse when I am outside. I work at Amazon in a warehouse. I work Friday through Thursday. I don't like working weekends." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am 6 feet tall.", "I am good at running.", "I have asthma. I have good endurance. I have good stamina. My asthma is bad on dusty days.", "I am looking for a job. I like to play hockey. I play for a hockey club on Thursdays.", "I enjoy dance. I volunteer with a child dance club." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I recently looked into the hockey club you mentioned and it seems like it has a lot to offer. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Would be great if you joined...the hockey is good, but the social part is just as good. Thursday nights at Buffalo Wild WIngs after games is a big hit!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "nice, i love the social part of team sports. once a week is perfect." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What position do you play, we are in need of a solid defenseman and enforcer. Other teams are pushing us around a bit." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "i'm a forward. only about 5'8\" here so not an enforcer type but fast pushing the puck. i get pushed around but only if they can catch me! lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Can always use a good skater, hope you can join. I also play forward, so perhaps we can play on the same line. Playing hockey is a nice change from the child dance club I volunteer at!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "agree. and definitely beats working in a warehouse. i am glad hockey is indoors so my allergies don't really affect me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The Amazon warehouse must be quite an it mostly robots or are there lots of humans also?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "oh the robots are pretty much useless without us people. plenty of people around and the robots and machines are just there to provide some organization and get to high places." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ok, good to know, I am looking for a job and just put in an application. I am 6ft tall, so perhaps I can put a robot out of work by getting to those high places!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "haha. those machines don't get any rest though. you'd need a rechargeable battery like them i'll get your info and would love to see if i can help a fellow forward get in." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Putting my asthma aside, I do have good endurance. I hear they are going to install a gym in the warehouse for the workers, is that true?" } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days 7 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I jog very far.", "Fire breathing lizards fuel my fantasies.", "I enjoy flying planes.", "I enjoy spending time on the water." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm a man in my sixties.", "I enjoy expressing myself through painting and sculpting.", "Japanese and italian are my favorite types of foods.", "I love growing vegetables." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey how has your day been?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Tiring, wanted to word in the garden but the rain is a barrier" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I see. You can enjoy the rain while it last" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I guess so.... I should order my dinner.... It is sushi night... Love sushi" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hope the rain stops so I have dry land to always run 6 miles daily" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You can run on a treadmill?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's good suggestion but I love the sun and think of seeing dragons lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Dragons... Can you elaborate on that?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Dragons as in the dangerous animal dragon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Okay.... I like drawing dragons.... That is the only way that I see them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its a myth though. I love flying model planes too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Being a new aarp member, I spend a lot of time drawing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh great. I will love to see some of your drawings" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "One day maybe I will get them in a showing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You can start drawing for kayak you know. Like them" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Don't know kayak... Is that an online thing....." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a huge collection.", "I enjoy romance.", "I like the blues.", "I decorate my home with particular things." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I just moved out of my parents to live on my own.", "I cannot stand the smell or taste of java.", "I have a short commute to get to my job.", "I'm accountant." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Great, trying to get thru the day without coffee" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you listen to jazz too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, but I'm a financier so I'm boring" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh are you a romantic" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really, do you own a home or do you rent?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I own lots of dolls neither o those" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I walk to work alot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice do you have antiques" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Love antiques, just rented a new apartment need furniture" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah get some from antique stores I love it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Flea markets are great too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh I bet I go there lots" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Same, great finds, specially in old new england" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah what else do you like" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Knitting! Hiking, beagles, the ocean, reef keeping" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My grandchildren range in age from 30 to 7.", "My husband was a career soldier.", "I am a senior citizen.", "I've 4 children.", "I like to read." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I live in vienna, austria now.", "I live with my boyfriend of 5 years.", "I was born in london.", "I paint in my free time." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I've grandkids that are preteens and adults.", "My spouse was in the military for life.", "I'm an older person.", "I'm a father to four sons.", "I love books." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I moved to europe.", "I'm in a relationship.", "I'm originally from england.", "I use a brush and easel in my hobby." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how are you this evening?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good you? Just painting right now that I got some time." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds wonderful, I was reading after my grandchildren left, and now talking to you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Aw so sweet! Where are you guys from?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well, we have had to move around a lot since my husband was in the military" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh! Yeah I am from london, but now in vienna with my boyfriend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I wish I could have moved around more as a younger woman" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well there's still always now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "With my 4 children and all my grandchildren, we cannot move around now and abandon them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I see. Maybe traveling then? Enjoy your life" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Senior citizens do not make much money to travel, my savings are pretty low" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Aw what a shame." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, but the grandchildren make life worth while" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet they do! I want children some day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you married at all?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not yet, but we have been together for 7 years." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am married to a military man.", "I have 4 children and many grandchildren.", "I am a senior citizen." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I paint.", "I live in london with my boyfriend. I am from vienna. ", "I do not have children.", "I am not married. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are you and your boyfriend doing? Anything fun in London" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We are doing great! although we have been stuck inside all day. It's another rainy day in London so nothing fun to do. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, it's another snowy day here so it's not fun being outside. Do you get a lot of snow in London?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "your grandchildren must be loving the snow! We don't get muck snow in London... but when we do it's always a fun day! I guess when it's not common you appreciate it more. It becomes very scenic, beautiful i would say. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I had two of them over here the other day and they were building snowmen and forts. They like to play like they're in the military when my husband is at home!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds so cute! how old are they both? I always imagined if i had kids that snow days would be very special. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, I think they're from 5 to 10 years old. I have 6 grandkids altogether. They keep me busier than my 3 kids did!" } ], "time_elapsed": " 5 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am married to a military man.", "I have 4 children and many grandchildren.", "I am a senior citizen." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I paint.", "I live in London with my boyfriend. I am from vienna. ", "I do not have children.", "I am not married. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "We are planning to have all of our grandchildren over this weekend." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sound's like fun. Do you have anything special planned?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not right now, I need to get busy planning. How's your day been?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Is it still snowing? It's raining here so I have been sitting painting all day. I am doing a commission for a lady of her dog LOL " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh how fun! Something different at least. The snow stopped for now but if it keeps up I guess we'll make snowmen all weekend, haha." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The kid's would love that I'm sure. Do you kids and grandkid's all live near to you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not too near but not too far. It's a bit of a drive so we don't see each other all the time, but we get to meet up several times a year. How often do you get to go home?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's good, it is hard living far away from family. I try to get home twice a year and for big birthdays and holidays. I think my next trip will be for my Dad's birthday in a few months. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's nice. Will it be a surprise for him?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hadn't thought about that. They don't know I was planning on coming yet so maybe I should surprise him and my mom. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Make sure to film his reaction if you do! Lol. That would be really sweet." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I'm sure he would love it. I'll get my boyfriend to film it. " } ], "time_elapsed": " 9 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'd like to be a journalist one day.", "I am going to school for writing.", "I often help her sort books in the library.", "My mother is a librarian." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My landlord is raising my rent.", "I was born on christmas day.", "Everyone says my pecan pie is the best they have ever had.", "I am an excellent baker.", "I went to law school." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I want to write for a living.", "I'm studying to be a writer.", "I work in an organizational setting.", "My mom works in a library with books." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm being hurt by my home owner.", "I share my birthday with jesus.", "I make the greatest dessert all my friends say so.", "I like to bake.", "I am a lawyer." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi! A little worried the landlord is rasing my rent. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sorry to hear that... I am well... I am going to class in a little" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you study? I studied law at law school, but baking is really my thing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Writing, I want to be a political journalist for people to help people understand politics" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you like to do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to write but about far away places not yet seen by the human eye... Corny?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You must have a good imagination! What kind of pies do you like?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "All kinds..... How can someone choose? The only not so hot is pecan" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is because you have not tried my pecan pie! Everyone says its the best!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Ahahah! I have heard this before... Can this really be true this time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You have ti try it! Tell me another fun fact about you" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a student studying writing. I aim to be a political journalist.", "I do not like Pecan Pie." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I live in a rented apartment.", "I studied law. I enjoy baking.", "Everyone says my pecan pie is the best they have ever had." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I saw a great documentary about China recently, have you written about anywhere in Asia?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I have! I wrote a case study about different housing laws in southeastern Asia. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds interesting! Did you study a lot about Asian law?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yes! I hope to move to Singapore within the next few years and continue practicing law there. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds great. Maybe you can make sure friends there and show them your pecan pie." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I will be so excited to do that! I am also interested in trying the food there as well. Do you like Asian food?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love Asian food! My favourite is Indian. I eat curry all the time. What is your favourite Asian food?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Curry is yummy! My favorite is yellow curry that we get from our local Thai place. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love Thai as well. Do you ever eat Chinese food?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Quite a bit! There are a bunch by my apartment so I get takeout a lot!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What do you usually have? My favourite is sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Egg fried rice is the best! So much better than regular rice! I like to get sesame chicken." } ], "time_elapsed": "6 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a student studying writing. I aim to be a political journalist.", "I do not like Pecan Pie.", "I watch a Documentary about China.", "My favorite food is Indian. I enjoy Thai foods. My favorite Chinese dish is sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I live in a rented apartment.", "I enjoy baking. Everyone says my pecan pie is the best they have ever had.", "I studied law. I wrote a Case Study.", "I want to live in Singapore.", "My favorite food it yellow curry. I prefer egg fried rice over regular rice. I enjoy Sesame Chicken." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "There's a new restaurant, with a lot of traditional Singapore dishes. We should go sometime." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah that would be great I love their food it would be nice to go and try it. Maybe we could go the weekend if your not busy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah that should be fine I think i'm free saturday night if you want to go then?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah I'm free on Saturday, I can pick you up about 6pm if thats ok with you? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah 6pm will be fine. I'm looking forward to it now." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah me too hopefully the food will be really good there. We can go for a couple of drinks after as well if you like and have a good catch up?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah that sounds brilliant, we can have a good catch up then on whats been going on with each other." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah I look forward to it we got plenty to catch up on I'm sure." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got plenty to tell you about, so can't wait to see you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah you can tell me all about how your journalism is going." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah and I can get some baking tips off you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I got plenty for you I'm in the middle of baking now." } ], "time_elapsed": "13 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My pop used to be a personal driver.", "I have made 2 trips overseas.", "I was asked to give my opinion on preschool education for a tv segment.", "My relative knows how to go fishing." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a lot of money and like to buy expensive things.", "I grew up well off.", "I prefer things to be authentic.", "I am not a fan of children." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, hows your day going" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hey, I've got ferraris in my garage, three of em!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow really? My dad drove a taxi cab in the 70s but we never had a ferrari!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well my dad was a very famous actor!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Is that how you afforded the ferraris?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Drug cartel. I'm not a fan of acting at all" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was on the local news once, but I didn't break the law. It was mundane" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kids are not something I like, I hunt them for sport and giggles!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What? That'sn't good!! You might wind up on the news yourself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "3 ferraris in your garage is my measure of success, not 2 or 4, 3" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well I have been to canada twice, hows that for fun? Have you been?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Canada? My dad, he was an actor in canada" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Was he in any famous movies" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kids movies, I hate kids" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Gosh I'm sorry. I guess they're not for everyone" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I really hate acting, I just don't like it" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I've a large cd collection.", "I like vintage furniture.", "I collect stamps.", "Favorite band is the beetles.", "I play the bass." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I really like to go to school.", "I am six feet tall.", "I love to be run.", "I like to dance with my friends.", "I've a family that are all tall." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love collecting actual discs.", "I like to go antique shopping.", "Stamp collecting is my favorite.", "I like harrison.", "Guitar is my passion." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I actually enjoy studying.", "I am quite big.", "I enjoy running.", "I enjoy dancing in a crowd.", "All of my relatives have a lengthy stature." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you this morning?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing great, how about yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not too bad, do you have any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I do, I love to run, what are your hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha, the system tells me that I have to type I am" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Interesting, you are what exactly?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So running is fun. I'm into stamp collecting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh I see, yes running is fun. How many stamps do you have?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thousands. What kind of music do you listen to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "All types, jazz, hip hop, r b, rock. Yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Same, in particular huge beatles fan. Sort of a cliche I suppose." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha a lot of people are fan of them" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you play an instrument?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Currently no, I used to play the violin. What are you good at?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I dabble with the bass but nothing serious, never liked to practice" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You have to love the instrument to become good at it, do you agree?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like stamp collecting.", "I have thousands of stamps.", "Favorite band is the beatles.", "I PLAY THE bass sometimes." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love to run.", "I like jazz, hip hop, r and b, and rock music.", "I used to play the violin." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I took my dog for a walk today. Do you have any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a music teacher. I don't have any pets. What's your dog's name?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Roscoe! He's a pain, but I love him anyway. Do you teach in a school, or on your own?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I teach music to a local elementary school, I used to teach lessons back when I played Violin after school. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I see. I love most string instruments, but I've always loved how the violin sounded. Such a sweet tone. What made you stop playing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I fell once when I was running and broke my arm. I haven't been able to play since! I'm jealous that you still get to enjoy the BASS sometimes. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do indeed. I would be heartbroken if I had to stop playing. That's sad that you can't play anymore. How did you cope?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's actually when I quit my public accounting job to become a music teacher. I used to run when I was stressed out from work, and after I broke my arm I couldn't go back to such a demanding environment. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Makes sense. Plus, I bet it helped you figure out what your priorities are. I know it sounds weird, but one of the reasons I collect stamps is that it reminds me to keep my mind open to new things, new experiences. I guess sometimes we're forced to see things differently, like you had to after the accident." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's so interesting! Do you collect stamps from places you've been, places you want to go, or both? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Both. I like the idea of finding new places, but I am very much someone who loves home and the familiar things, so I try to find stamps that reflect both of those desires." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awesome. You have inspired me to start my own collection. Maybe I will start collecting quarters. " } ], "time_elapsed": " 6 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like stamp collecting. I have thousands of stamps.", "Favorite band is the beatles.", "I PLAY the bass sometimes.", "I have a dog named Roscoe.", "I like how a violin sounds. I like string instruments. I don't want to stop playing music.", "I like to be at home." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love to run.", "I like jazz, hip hop, r and b, and rock music.", "I used to play the violin.", "I don't have pets. I am a music teacher at an elementary school.", "I 've broken their arm in the past.", "I used to be an accountant. ", "I may decide to start a quarter collection." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What did you decide about your quarter collection?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm still undecided! I have quite a few quarters already but I don't know how serious to get with collecting them. Do you have any advice?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well how I started my stamp collection is that I felt really passionate about stamps, you definitely need to have that passion. Are you very passionate about quarters?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am passionate about them but I just don't know if I have the space to actually hold a large collection. I don't want my passion to turn into a source of stress. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is understandable. My advice is to start small, and then take it from there. If you feel it is getting to me too much, you can always stop. The good thing about quarters is they are small haha. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's good advice, I might start small and see how it goes. That's true! I was wondering, how do you organise your stamp collection?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have these beautiful leather bounded books, and I keep them in plastic sheets to protect them. I don't have them displayed on my wall or anything, so I can keep them tidy on a book shelf." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that sounds like such a good way to organise them! I wonder if I can set up a similar system for my quarters. That sounds quite space efficient!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I have seen some nice books which have slots in them specifically designed for quarters. If you get a good collection going, I am sure you it will end up being quite valuable. I am sure much more valuable than my stamps." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm actually feeling a lot more excited about starting my quarter collection now! I guess they could be quite valuable! I thought stamps can be valuable too though, especially if they are rare? Do you have any rare ones?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have a few very old and rare ones, from the world war I and II eras. I also like to have my friends and family who travel and live in other places to send me local stamps from those countries. So my collection is quite vast." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that is so cool! I don't have any particularly old or rare quarters yet. I need to ask around and see if anyone can send me some!" } ], "time_elapsed": " 8 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My favorite sport is hockey.", "I like rollerblading.", "I try to eat a balanced diet.", "I'm caucasian." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to grow my own herbs and vegetables in my garden.", "My favorite food is raw onion.", "I have long curly hair.", "I m really into the powers of crystals.", "I sew my own clothes." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am from minnesota.", "I like to skate.", "I enjoy eating to match my work out.", "On the census I check the box for being a white person." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I raise my own fruit.", "I like smelly fruit.", "I want a new haircut.", "I believe in magic.", "I am very crafty." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello. How are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm good, and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am well. Just got in from some rollerblading." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Rollerblading... That sounds fun.. Do you do it often?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes I do. It is fun and is great exercise. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like to sew and cook. I plant my own veggies and herbs in my garden" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is great. I love eating fresh veggies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Fresh is the best way to go." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Absolutely. Have you ever been to a hockey game?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, but I always wanted to go and check it out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You should. They're exciting to watch. Pretty much my favorite sport." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you know a good salon? My hair is so hard to manage" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've the same problem, so I keep my head shaved. Ever considered that?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No.. Lol.. I still want some hair.. Just maybe easier to manage" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to rollerblade. I rollerblade often.", "I love eating fresh vegetables.", "Hockey is my favorite sport.", "I shave my head." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to sew and cook. I plant my own vegetables and herbs in my garden.", "I have always wanted to go to a hockey game.", "I have hair that is difficult to manage." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I found a great hair salon you should check out. Their online reviews are impressive. I'm sure they could help you tame your difficult hair." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great! Its so difficult these days i'm contemplating shaving it like you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It really allows for more things that you love to do. You wouldn't have to worry about your hair falling in the food you cook then. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You're so right! I usually wear a hair net when I cook fresh veggies for my family, so that would allow me to throw that old thing away. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you watch the Red Wings play lastnight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes! I saw they won! I wanted to be there more than anything! Are they your favorite team?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too! Yes, I love watching Dylan Larkin play, he's so handsome. Who is your favorite?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I used to have THE BIGGEST crush on Taylor Hall. Once I saw him out at a Bar in Hoboken. " } ], "time_elapsed": " 1 hour" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to rollerblade. I rollerblade often.", "I love eating fresh vegetables.", "Hockey is my favorite sport.", "I shave my head.", "I love dylan larkin." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to sew and cook. I plant my own vegetables and herbs in my garden.", "I have always wanted to go to a hockey game. I like hockey and the Red Wings.", "I have hair that is difficult to manage. I have difficult to tame hair.", "I wear a hair net while I cook.", " I like Taylor Hall." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you made an appointment at the salon?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, just today...I am trying a new one on Main St in town. I hear they do wonders with difficult hair!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet they do, I have yet to go to to them. I like to shave my own head." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Shaving my head is my next step if the new salon doesn't work out. Do you use a regular razor or a straight blade?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I use a regular razor. Do you think they will be able to tame your hair?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Who nows, it can't get anything worse. Enough with the hair talk, lets talk hockey. I am thinking of entering a team in the men's league at Mennen Arena. Can you still skate?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I still can. I have been skating for 4 years now. I feel like I still need training though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "If you are up for it, I am putting a team together. None of us are that good, but we can use an intimidating force with a shaved head on our team if youi are interested." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "haha how often a week do you think we will meet?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "not a big committment...once a week, with a game and drinks afterward." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "okay, if it is once a week I am done. You had me at drinks haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Perhaps we just skip the hockey and have a social club that meets at the pub!" } ], "time_elapsed": " 7 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like long bread.", "I like to spend time drinking mediocre coffee.", "I have action figures.", "You should meet fluffy, my feline companion.", "I regularly attend places that sell old things." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love all my pets.", "I like large bodies of water.", "The sky is pretty.", "I love reading scary books.", "I work with numbers." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there how are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing great. How was your day?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got to go to my favorite restaurant subway so it was great!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love the italian bmt. I got to hang out at the lake with some friends!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The lake is great! Do you have any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yea, 3 dogs names shifty, harley, medoc. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I actually just have one cat, kibbles." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Www. What do you do for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work in an office, very boring. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Same I'm an accountant by day, adventurer by night." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of adventures do you go on?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hang out alot at the lake, so do some boarding hiking." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My mom and dad have a degree in law.", "I like snow and ice.", "I dislike putting on swimwear.", "I make all of my purchases online." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Kittens irritate my allergies.", "I used to participate in contests.", "Getting a manicure makes me more confident.", "I have only a child." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey. Whats going on tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not a lot, it has been a long day. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Work work work.. Ll you know, the grind!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do indeed! What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Working as a paralegal for my folks. They have a law firm together." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is very cool. Do you like working with family?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Its ok. Just too hot here in texas. Wish winter would come soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can imagine. Any bad weather because of irma?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No.. It was harvey that hit hit here. But 100 miles south of me. Thank god!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is good to hear. How long have you lived in texas?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Only 2 years. Nice thing is lots of beaches. What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm a teacher and a mom." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Much respect! You should vacation here in texas, your kids will love the waterparks" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I only have one little boy, but he loves waterparks. Best one?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Water snake in amarillo. I'd go, but I hate wearing swimsuits. I'm too fat lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know how you feel! You should go anyway!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am sure you'd look great in a swimsuit. Guess I could buy a big one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sure that you look better than you think!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a christian.", "I like football.", "I work in the it industry.", "My father used to work for microsoft." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am still in love with my ex boyfriend.", "I working in a publishing building.", "People say I have a cute laugh.", "I am a female and love to be surrounded by males.", "I love to cook for my family and friends." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am religious.", "I am a sports fan.", "I am very comfortable with computers.", "Dad won't let me buy apple products since he worked for their competitor." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've feelings for a person in my past.", "I've a professional job.", "I like to giggle.", "I am a woman and enjoy the company of men.", "I find pleasure in cooking." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. How are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Great! And you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am good, too. Getting things ready for our football party tomorrow. Any big plans?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am headed to a football party too! Cooking some great stuff to take!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Football parties are great! Thankful to god that we are blessed enough to have such entertainment!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "For sure! Who do you pull for?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The raiders, usually. I am the only one in my office who likes them. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Eagles! My ex boyfriend loved the raiders too! ; what type of office?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work in it. My dad got me into it when he worked at microsoft." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice! I'm not great with computers... More of a book girl myself." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Books are great, too! Do you do anything exciting for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work in a publishing building, mostly magazines and such." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds exciting. Is it as cut throat as it seems on tv? It is boring." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sometimes, but it is fast paced, which is fun. What do you do for fun?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I spend a lot of time singing in the worship group for my church. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love to cook! I'd spend all day in the kitchen if I could." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like football.", "Raiders is the team I like.", "My dad worked at Microsoft. My dad got me the job.", "I sing in the worship group for my church." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like football.", "Eagles is the team I like.", "I'm great with computers, but I like books better.", "I work in publishing.", "I love to cook." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I just got my first promotion since I worked here!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, congrats. What do you do now at Microsoft?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thanks so much! I work as an IT supervisor." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That was great that your dad helped get you the job. I like computers but prefer old fashioned books!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I am so grateful that my dad was able to help me out. I understand, I like books too! But for a hobby, I prefer singing with the worship group at my church." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Singing is fun but sometimes I just like to watch football. Do you like the Eagles or only the Raiders?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha, I love football as well. Raiders! How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Eagles all the way. The best weekend is the game on and cooking!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah! Gotta love a good Sunday football cookout." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah maybe you can come over when the Eagles play the Raiders next time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That would be awesome! Thanks!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "But if your in Church at the time we would have to reschedule. Sometimes I'm working at my publishing job then too to meet deadlines..." } ], "time_elapsed": " 7 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like football. Raiders is the team I like.", "My dad worked at Microsoft. My dad got me the job. I work as an IT supervisor at Microsoft. I got a promotion.", "I like books. I like singing with the worship group at my church." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like football. Eagles is the team I like.", "I'm great with computers, but I like books better.", "I love to cook.", "I work at a publishing job." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A new coworker invited me over to their house this weekend to watch the game." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's pretty cool! Are you going to go? It should be a good one...." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I think I will go, he seemed like an interesting guy. How's work going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's been busy so a lot of late nights, but you never work a day in your life if you love it, right? Deadlines are deadlines! How is the promotion treating you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You got that right! The promotion has been great! I've been dying for more influence." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That must be so satisfying. And your Dad is probably so proud of you too. Bringing any good food to that game viewing this weekend? I have some good football food recipes up my sleeve!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Dad won't say it, but I do think he is proud. I want to bring a dish, but I don't have your skill. Do you have any ideas for me that are easy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "For sure! Buffalo Chicken dip is my go-to, but my friend turned me on to an Elote dip and it's to die for. She uses the frozen elote style corn from trader joes, heats it up in the microwave and mixes it with some softened cream cheese. it's already seasoned so all you need otherwise is chips!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awesome! Thanks, I'm going to try that. I'll let you know how it goes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Or you could always just pick up a tray of pretzels and cheese...that's a true Philadelphia Eagles favorite haha" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol true! But that's usually always covered. Someone always jumps on that one fast ! What is your local favorite?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's true....People always talk about the Cheesesteaks, but a good hot pork sandwich with provolone and broccoli rabe is my absolute favorite. DeNic's in the Reading Terminal has the best ones!" } ], "time_elapsed": "2 days 7 hours" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I freeze up in social situations.", "I work as a freelance accountant.", "Sometimes I feel like I ve already been through life once before.", "I was diagnosed with mild ocd in college." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I wish I could be more serious about school.", "I have been in a lot of romantic relationships that have ended up poorly.", "I get distracted easily.", "I have lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily.", "I'm very athletic." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I get anxiety around people.", "I work on the books.", "I have deja vu.", "I've mental illness that was found when I was at university." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I need to study harder and get better grades.", "I'm not very good at love.", "I do not focus well.", "I've strong social skills and love to chat with my many companions.", "I'm in great shape." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. I sometimes freeze when I socialize. I hope we can have a good conversation" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice to meet you person one. I've lots of friends, so you will be fine." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi person two. You have such a lovely name, person two" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is what my girlfriends tell me before they begin to hate my guts." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol! Do you think it is strange to feel like you have been through life before?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, because I'm so athletic I've been beaten life into submission." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you play any sports?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mostly in my bedroom, but I'm often distracted by the girls I see outside." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol. It sounds like you live in a busy area. What city do you live in?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am athletic so most cities warp when I enter. It is tough to be nomadic." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol. I am a freelance accountant. What do you do for a living" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I actually am studying accounting in school." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I was diagnosed in college with mild ocd because I cleaned everyone and their books everyday" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah, you should have been kicked out for touching people against their will." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Lol. Do you make much money online?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I make much in bitcoin." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm not very social.", "I'm a freelance accountant.", "I have OCD." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm like to stay active.", "I'm currently in school studying accounting.", "I invest in bitcoin." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you ever lost money in bitcoin." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My accounting background has helped me void bitcoin losses. Have you ever tried your hand at it? Most accountants that I know trade in it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have not tried bitcoin, it is too complicated for me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You are smart! You can do it! It's also really good for correcting OCD." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I need to understand what is bitcoin.. my perception is it is used for shady businesses" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think it started that way, but it is not anymore. It is just like any other commodity that you can trade. We can do it together to work on your social skills, okay?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds like a good idea. Would bitcoin a replacement for the regular currency?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is unclear. I think some people hope it will eventually, but I don't see it. I think it will remain a commodity for trading. When we get together, I am hoping you can help me with some accounting homework?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My biggest concern to bitcoin is that it is not regulated, and will be too risky to deal with." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is a common concern. you are not alone!" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm not very social.", "I'm a freelance accountant.", "I have OCD.", "I am curious about bitcoin. I think bitcoin is too complicated. I am wary that bitcoin is risky." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm like to stay active.", "I'm currently in school studying accounting.", "I invest in bitcoin. I know a bit about bitcoin. I do not think bitcoin will become a regular currency." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How long have you been investing in bitcoin?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been doing it for a few years now. I'm just waiting for the right time to sell up because I don't think it will be the next big thing - I think another digital currency will probably become the new regular at some point. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am so interested in bitcoin, but would be concerned I would make some mistake in investments. Where did you learn about it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I spent a lot of time reading about it online - I mean months before I even considered getting involved. I definitely think there are better options at the moment. I can send you some good articles to start with if you want?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes I would love information on better options. I would still research bitcoin just for the information and knowledge. But with investing, you have to be ahead of the curve to really make money." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes that's completely right which is why I'm looking into other digital currencies at the moment. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where do you invest or do the trading? Are their companies to help you invest or just online?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You can use a company to help you out and I would recommend that for someone just starting out. When you get a grasp of everything you can trade yourself. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Probably a great plan. Especially for someone like me. Do you think bitcoin will be around for awhile or completely go away at some point?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think it will probably be a round for a few more years but I think it will decline in favor of some new digital currency which is why I'm thinking of selling up and moving on. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What are the other digital currencies you mentioned? And are they international?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "There are so many of them, honestly new ones appear every month. I'll send you some links along with the articles and you read all about them. " } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days 2 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I serve at the davenport lounge.", "I'm going down under to see my fiance.", "I have a dead sibling.", "I enjoy going for a short run." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like children.", "I only like certain foods.", "I am easily angered.", "I spend a lot of time listening to my little man tate cd.", "I like to spend time with my puppy." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "This storm messed everything up. My workplace is underwater rn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh boy that's horrible where are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Houston. Well I was lol I am with my bf in australia rn" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh nice australia is good are you in school there or do you have a career?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No I am not just staying with my bf. Are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am studying to become a teacher" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's awsome what subject are you teaching?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Elementary I've a short temper but I'll learn to deal with it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah you are going to need to work on that!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Lol yes, what music do you like?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm more of a rap person. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Indie music the early 2000s" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My family gets together every saturday.", "My husband died last year.", "Black coffee is my addiction.", "My favorite hobby is gardening.", "I'm 77 years old." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to write my own songs.", "I've taken formal music lessons since I was 5.", "I wish I could spend more time at home.", "My best friend is in a band with me.", "I am a musician." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I spend a lot of time with my parents.", "I am a widow.", "I need caffeine or I'll die.", "I like to grow plants.", "Some would compare me to fine wine." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am an accomplished lyricist.", "I can play the piano.", "I'm kind of a homebody.", "I am a musician.", "I love music." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello. How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am cool. Taking a little break from writing this song." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Is that your hobby? Me, I like to garden." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, its how I make a living. Gardening is cool. What do you plant?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Mostly flowers. Keeps me busy since my husband past." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awful. Sorry to hear that. Music helps me get through a lot." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thanks. But I have my family. We have dinner on saturdays." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Glad you have family! I take formal lessons on saturdays, have since 5 years." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of lessons? Music?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I play rock but still take piano and violin. What do you cook?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Desserts are my specialty. Anything to go with coffee my addiction!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yum, I love to eat homemade food." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too. Been cooking for 50 of my 77 years on earth." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, I hope to learn to cook one day too and have dinners like that." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to garden as a hobby.", "I plant mostly flowers when I garden. My husband passed.", "I have dinner with my family on saturdays.", "Cooking desserts is my specialty. I am addicted to coffee.", "I love to eat homemade food. I have cooked for 50 of my 77 years alive." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I write songs for a living.", "I have been taking formal lessons on saturdays for 5 years. I take piano and violin lessons.", "I play rock music.", "I love to eat homemade food." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How has your song writing been going? Have you taken any more formal music lessons lately in piano or violin? Have you tried looking into taking cooking classes?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I'm still continuing my lessons and they are going great! I think I'll try to improve my cooking with video tutorials when I get the time. How have you and your family been getting along? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Saturday dinners with the family have been great! I always love trying out my new dessert recipes on hungry grandchildren. What kind of foods do you want to learn to cook in your tutorials?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite is Mexican and other Latin food. Do you know any good recipes?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know a great flan recipe! I'll send it over to you. The secret is to add just a hint of lime. What's your favorite latin food?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My favorite latin food is pupusas. Do you know how to make those?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do know how to make pupusas! In fact, my late husband and I traveled to Honduras for our honeymoon where I met a lovely Honduran woman who was kind enough to show me her recipe. Have you ever traveled to anywhere in Latin America?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's incredible! It must have been a great honeymoon. I admit I don't know if this counts as Latin America but I have been to Mexico City." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, that's great! I haven't had the opportunity to go there yet. Did you try out any interesting local dishes there?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's by far the largest city I've seen. Very busy place. I was a kid going with my whole family and I think I remember just getting tacos when I ate there. Have you traveled any other places?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds tasty! Fortunately, when my husband was alive we traveled all over the world for his work. My favorite place was Sao Paulo Brazil! They have a cheesy bread that's to die for!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm glad you guys were able to spend your time together experience so much travelling. There's too much good food in the world and not enough time to try it all! I'd love to try the cheesy bread." } ], "time_elapsed": "6 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to garden as a hobby. I plant mostly flowers when I garden.", "I have dinner with my family on saturdays.", "Cooking desserts is my specialty. I like to try new dessert recipes. I am addicted to coffee. I love to eat homemade food. I have cooked for 50 of my 77 years alive. I know how to make pupusas. I like cheesy bread.", "I have grandchildren. My husband passed away. I went to Honduras on my honeymoon.", "I haven't been to Mexico City. I have travelled all over the world. I liked visiting Sao Paolo, Brazil." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I write songs for a living.", "I have been taking formal lessons on saturdays for 5 years. I take piano and violin lessons. I play rock music.", "I love to eat homemade food.", "I am learning how to cook through videos. I like Mexican and Latin cooking. I like to make pupusas.", "I was a kid when I travelled to Mexico City. I like tacos. I like trying new foods. I want to travel more." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hm...tough choice. I've never been to Europe or Asia. I think it's between Italy and Japan. Where would your ideal vacation be?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Japan would be a beautiful place to visit. I wish to visit Alaska. I want to go camping there and be outdoors. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like it would be a great getaway from city life. Is it busy where you live?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is a small town, but I visit cities a lot and am craving a getaway. Have you been camping recently?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "With all my music lessons, it's a little hard to get away. I always feel bad missing lessons just to go on vacations, so it's been a while!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know it can get super busy but a break it so important. That is why I like to garden as a hobby. It allows me to escape for bit. And family dinners have also helped me not feel so alone. What do you do to stay happy besides music." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My cooking is something that really brightens my day. I think there's something empowering about being able to decide what I want to eat and have the confidence that I'll be able to make it for myself. It opens up all sort of possibilities!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "We need to plan a pot luck!! I would have so much fun doing that with you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sound like a lot of fun! Do you have any food from your garden that you might bring, or do you have some desserts in mind?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is what I was going to offer. I have a good number of veggies that are ready and maybe we can use those to make a good dinner." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be a lot of fun! Have you seen one of those veggie spiralizers? Maybe we'd be able to do something fun with that!" } ], "time_elapsed": "8 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to remember good times.", "I liked my jeans so much I cleared the shelf at the store.", "Sometimes I dream of leaving work and being a groupie for a pop star.", "I'm frequently nagged about matrimony by my sibling." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have a house.", "I like both red and blue.", "I'm not a cat person.", "I like rock music.", "I enjoy the water." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Good. I am just relaxing at home. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Same, I just got off the phone with my sister." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hope she's well. I was out today buying purple collars for my dogs." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "She's trying to talk me into marriage not that she will have the baby" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Baby? Are you pregnant perchance?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My sister is pregnant, she wants me to ask jess to get married" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah. I understand now. Sorry, I was distracted listening to worn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Worn, whatever. I think I am gonna quit my job to be a roadie for justin bieber" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ll! There ya go! Lots of time exploring canada." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Right? I own five pairs of those exclusive bieber rhinestone jeans. Same exact pants, 5 pairs!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ha! That is outstanding! Live the dream!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My son attends a special needs schooling program.", "I have a boy and a girl.", "I have two daughters.", "I'm a educator.", "I love my pets." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite album is the wall by pink floyd.", "I have a lot of nervous energy.", "I make my possessions last as long as possible.", "I am a motivated worker." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! How are you this fine day?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Helo! I am doing great. Just restored a classic mustang" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool! How fast does it go?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm not sure, the paint is still drying." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet my autistic children would love your mustangs" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet they would. Probably my music as well" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes they love music. What do you play?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Guitar and violin. I want to heal the world" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The world does need a big ole bandaid" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It sure does. Do you like to dance?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have not danced in decades" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is too bad. I bet your kids would kove it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet they would covet my dancing abilities" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you have any pets? We have four" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a retired computer programmer.", "I just turned 77.", "I love animals.", "I have one grandson and one daughter." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I play bingo every wednesday with my husband.", "My family means the world to me.", "I enjoy jazz music from when I was a girl.", "My left knee is filled with metal." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am no longer working.", "I am a septuagenarian.", "I enjoy caring for pets.", "I am a grandmother." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to compete at games.", "I love my parents.", "I loved listening to louis armstrong as a kid.", "I have a lot of pins and rods in my leg." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello? I'm trying to chat with my grandson or my one daughter. Are you them???" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I'm not. But I'll chat. Hello!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello. I'm a 77 yr old retired computer programer, but still cant figure out chat rooms apparently" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It seems like you are a family person. I'm also." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, I love my family and animals. And chatting. Where u at? Male or female?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Female. I am home with the farms, listening to jazz and resting my sore knee." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh no, what did you did to your knee. I like ganga rap myself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Was in a car accident. Metal put it back together. Do you like bingo?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, its a good place to meet some single and ready to mingle widows" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My hubby and I play on wednesdays, just for fun. Where are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am in alaska, how about u? Any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "In ga. Hoping to avoid irma. Yes, dogs cats. I want to visit alaska!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a grandson and daughter.", "I'm 77 years old and a computer programer. I'm not the best with chat rooms.", "I love my family, animals, chatting, playing bingo and meeting people", "I like gangsta rap music.", "I am single.", "I live in Alaska." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm a family person.", "I'm a female. I have a husband. I have a farm and like jazz. I also have a sore knee.", "I was in a car accident and had to have my knee repaired.", "I play bingo for fun.", "I have dogs and cats. I live in Georgia. I want to visit Alaska." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I met some cool widows at Bingo yesterday!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yea, tell me about them?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "They had some amazing stories from their time spent kayaking. I've always wanted to try it, what about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been Kayaking a while back, my husband took me a few times when we were dating. But we've been so busy lately." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's unfortunate, hopefully you can get some time off of work to spend with the family for spring break then." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I would love to have a vacation with the family. Tell me about programming, that must be interesting?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have some experience with Java but I have been codding in CSS for most of my career. Perhaps you could pick up some coding in your downtime on the farm?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe, I don't know. What does CSS do, I've heard of Java, but not CSS." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "CSS is the coding language used for the frontend of a website (or the part people see) it can look a bit complicated at first but once you get into it I'd say it's fairly easy to learn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I thought that was HTML?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "HTML is also a front end language, however it doesn't have the same flexibility that CSS has. It has more features to it basically." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "oh ok, so what is Javascript? I see that mentioned a lot as well" } ], "time_elapsed": "1 day" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a grandson and daughter. I'm 77 years old and a computer programer. I know CSS and HTML a lot and Java code. I code websites. I'm not the best with chat rooms.", "I love my family, animals, chatting, playing bingo and meeting people", "I like gangsta rap music.", "I am single. I live in Alaska. I like to meet widows.", "I want to try kayaking." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm a family person. I'm a female. I have a husband. I have a farm and like jazz.", " I also have a sore knee. I was in a car accident and had to have my knee repaired.", "I play bingo for fun.", "I have dogs and cats. I live in Georgia. I want to visit Alaska.", "I have been kayaking. My husband and I are busy. I work a lot. ", "I don't know what CSS is. I know a little about website code." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My grandson sent me a cute card." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ahh how adorable, what did it say?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "He drew a picture of us together and wrote how much he loved me. It melted my heart! Do you have any children or grandchildren?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ahh that is soo sweet! I don't yet but hearing stories like that defo makes me want one!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I am so grateful for the little ones, especially now that my husband is no longer with us. How have you and your husband been doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We are great thanks for asking! Both very busy with work which is great although tiring! How are you and your daughter doing? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Everyone is good here. The summer is coming to Alaksa, so the days are getting longer and we can get outside and explore more, which is great!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "God your making me soo jealous I really want to go to Alaska one day! Maybe I'll have to come down some time soon!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I would love that. You can come stay with me, I have lots of room as it is just me. Do you like the outdoors?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be amazing! I love the outdoors, I love to go kayaking but not sure if I can handle it with my knee but we could still have a great time! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "We could give it a try and see how you feel. I am getting old, so I can't do much either, but we can have fun either way! Fishing is a safe activity for your knee, maybe we can do that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ooo I've never fished before but I would love to try that sounds great!" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to cut hair.", "My place of residence is floating on a river.", "I like purples.", "I have been a wife for a short amount of time.", "I'm a barber." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I want to relocate.", "I enjoy water sports.", "I don't date.", "I am musically inclined." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi my name is aubrey how are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi aubrey are you single? I'm" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sadly yes not many men understand my home life" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am currently buying my first home." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My home is in the water literally hence most men distaste" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh wow, where? I paddle on my off days" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Outside orlando my full service salon is within walking distance" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can come to the water an play you anything on my piano" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Your nice I got married and divorced in the same year" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Really why? What happened? I think to nice sometimes" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "He showed true colors being mad I do sick kids hair for free" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh did he well enough of him come with me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "If your okay with the color purple I dye my hair for the cancer race" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I am I will dye mine too for you" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I studied fractional representations of frequency in school.", "I work for a casino.", "My wife and I have more than 1 child.", "I want to learn how to manage a place in vegas." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to play instruments.", "My movie collection is so high.", "I am an outgoing person who loves people.", "I wish to work in hollywood." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey yo. What up up up" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ok, just winding down. I was drumming for the high school. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, that sounds so fun!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It is. That and collecting flicks with my dad. We have over 600 of them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow! I deal blackjack" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Right on! That sounds fun!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes! Except when people beat eachother up" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Over cards? That's odd." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah, it is brutal. Full on ufc up in here" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Jeez. I want to do directing when I get older. For movies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice! How old are you? I've a bunch of kids" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am seventeen. I will be eighteen in march." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "17 rocks. Have fun while you can" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So everyone keeps telling me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm becoming a casino manager" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well that sounds cool if not for the fighting." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy photography.", "I'd like to be a brilliant picture taker.", "I'd like to visit multiple locations across the nation in order to sharpen my photography skills.", "I'm going to make a project based on maroon 5." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to bake.", "I will be glad when I do not have to work anymore.", "I enjoy being a parent.", "I enjoy being fake.", "My significant other makes me happy." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you busy tomorrow?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I have to get up early to go to work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh ok, I need a model to finish my photography portfolio" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What type of work do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am a photographer" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh neat, do you travel for your work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No but I want to, my dream is to take pictures of my travels" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice. I wanted to be an actor when I was younger" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Really? You still going to try?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I'm just a baker now" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Maybe you can be in my music video" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I don't think that would be helpful" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am an avid quilter.", "I am a pharmacist.", "I was a wild child in my younger years.", "My grand children mean the world to me.", "I like classical music." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite tv show is rick and morty.", "I am writing a novel.", "I own an iphone.", "My favorite color is black.", "I do not like pickles." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I really enjoy crafting.", "I work in a drug store.", "I was a bad kid.", "My family is everything to me.", "I enjoy mozart." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like watching television shows with men in them.", "I'm working on a book.", "I love my smartphone.", "I often wear dark clothing.", "Vegetables in general are not my thing." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm working on a new quilt for my grandchildren." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Amazing I'm working on my new mystery novel" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Is that what you do for work?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I am a great author, whats your favorite color mines black." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I appreciate all colors. I use so many when quilting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What about food? Whats your favorite?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have a craving for a calzone at the moment." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can eat anything just as long as there is no pickles on it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My grandchildren adore pickles almost as much as I adore them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh yuck I love tacos" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What type of music do you enjoy?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Classical, metal, dance, and jazz how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I also really enjoy classical." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've an iphone but I am thinking of upgrading" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I use one a lot in my job as a pharmacist." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Have you ever seen rick and morty? Its an awesome show." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to quilt.", "I like calzones.", "My grandchildren like pickles.", "I like classical music.", "I am employed as a pharmacist." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a writer.", "I do not like pickles.", "I like tacos.", "I like different genres of music.", "I like the show Rick and Morty." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you end up getting the new iPhone yet? I think it's a great option for you, you could start your writing in the notes app. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like a great idea I will have to look into it! Have you started your next quilting project yet? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes I have! I started on a new colorful one yesterday and it is looking really nice so far!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds great, what colors are you using? Did you have work today? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am using red and black! I did have work today, how about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They will look great together! I did manage to get some writing done today which is good. What is your favorite calzone filling? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Pepperoni is my favorite! What kinds of things did you write about today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's one of my favorites too. I wrote about some local news pieces today, nothing too exciting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Interesting! When I write or quilt I like to listen to classical music. What is your favorite type of music?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I enjoy all genres but a favorite is instrumentals. Who are some of you favorite composers? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My favorite composer is Beethoven actually. It is a very nice tune to listen to." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "He was a true master! I have heard a few of his compositions. Do you have much planned for tomorrow?" } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My grandchildren like pickles.", "I like classical music. I like Beethoven.", "I am employed as a pharmacist.", "I like red and black quilts. I like pepperoni calzones." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am a writer. I write about the news.", "I do not like pickles. I like tacos.", "I like the show Rick and Morty.", "I like calzones. I like pepperoni calzones.", "I like different genres of music. I like instrumental music. I like Beethoven." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you working on any interesting new writing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am! It's a memoir on how much I don't like pickles! It comes out in June." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a strange topic for a memoir. I hope it does well. What will you write after this one is released?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ah, book 2. Right. That one is a book about my love of calzones. Calzones are burritos made out of pizza." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Fair enough, I see you are going for a food theme. Have you listened to any new music recently?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I listened to some new music from the mau5 yesterday. He was playing his stuff while working on show lighting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've never heard of that before, what sort of genre is it? Did you enjoy it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's... It's hard to put it in one genre. He's done EDM, pop and he's even made an operatic concerto. So putting the mau5 man in one genre is tough." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds interesting I will need to check him out. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Fantastic! Oh, and my tacos are almost finished cooking." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Great, what sort of taco's are you having? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm going old school. Shredded beef, tomatoes, lime bits and onions. Nothing fancy, but I'm keeping it real." } ], "time_elapsed": "9 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I enjoy exercising,.", "My home is in the windy city.", "We have a boy and a girl.", "I work for no money.", "I enjoy teaching things to children." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am learning.", "I met a partner recently.", "I like to learn about history.", "I have a lot of dietary restrictions.", "I am a teacher for five year olds." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there hows your day going" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Pretty good, just getting ready to go to class. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am actually between classes, I teach high school" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Really? I am still in school. I am almost finished with my degree." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Whats your degree in? I teach math" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Education. I hope to get a job teaching kindergarten." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that's great! One of my two kids is in kindergarten" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Really? I love that age group, they're still so sweet and fun to teach!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "They're! I love it too. Do you do any volunteerwork?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, most of my spare time is taken by visiting art museums and dating." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Well that will keep you busy! I am married but I remember all the dating" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's awesome! Seems like you have the dream life. Job, kids, and a wife." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I consume organic.", "I own animals that look like llamas.", "I like my room.", "I have a lot of park space surrounding my house." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am very well mannered.", "I like going out for dinner.", "My job is in the financial field.", "I've a full time job." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey, how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am good and you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am feeling great! My alpacas are all happy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How many do you have then?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have ten of them!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow you should give me one" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Maybe... So I can get more pets" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah they remind me of llamas" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yea, they're very soft. What is your favorite pet" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Probably alpacas I wish I knew someone who had some" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You now know me though d" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah so give me the alpacas or we will have a problem" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "O don't rob me. Or I'll get triggered." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well you should teach the alpacas to guard you" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to hike.", "The appalachian trail is my favorite.", "My hiking boots are pink." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My favorite food to harvest is carrots.", "I love to keep a small garden outside of my house.", "I am seventy one years old.", "My house is located in the countryside." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to walk in the mountains.", "I like to hike in the summers.", "I enjoy walking the trails." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Farming vegetables left.", "I enjoy gardening.", "My generation saw the world war.", "I like being away from the city." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! How are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi I am doing good glad its the weekend how are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Going hiking, woo hoo! You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Going to spend some time with my great grandkids" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that sounds nice. Do you ever take them hiking?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm to old to hike I'm in my seventy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "There are easy trails you could enjoy. Nice flat ones." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I may try that it could help with my health. I mostly tend to my garden" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Gardening is lovely. Its not for me, though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its not for a lot of people I know someone that can kill a cactus" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got tangled up in some cactus once while hiking. Thankfully I just got new boots." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds painful I'm glad you are okay" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like hiking.", "I don't like gardening." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have great grandkids.", "I am in my 70s.", "I like to garden.", "I know someone that can kill a cactus." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I had a great time hiking, my new boots were so comfortable." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great! Sometimes new boots can cause blisters when they aren't broken in. Where did you go?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Just a local jaunt today, was very nice though the weather was good today. Did you get any gardening done today? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's good to hear. i've hardly gotten outside with the snow in my area. It never stops! Never move somewhere that has crazy winters. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh that sounds tough! Could you maybe get some small succulents or herbs for in the house? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a great idea. Maybe I will get some indoor plants to keep me company when my great grandkids aren't here. Do you live with family?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No I live alone but I enjoy the peace and freedom of it. Do you? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I agree it can be liberating. I get to watch as much TV as I want and no one judges!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No one to steal the remote, right? What do you enjoy watching? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Exactly! But also no one to blame when i can't find the remote.... hahah. I'm a huge BRAVO fan. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "So true! I am a big sports fan, i'll watch anything competitive. Do you like any sports?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I enjoy watching football. Love my Eagles! What sports do you watch?" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like hiking. I don't like gardening. I like exploring my local area.", "I live alone. I enjoy peace and quiet.", "I like competitive sports. I like watching sports on TV." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have great grandkids. I am in my 70s.", "I like gardening. I live in a place with harsh winters.", "I want some indoor plants. I have great-grandchildren. My family is visiting.", "I live alone. I like watching TV. I like watching BRAVO. I sometimes lose my TV remote.", "I like football. I like the Eagles team." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "There's a great game on TV tonight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome! Is it football? Who is playing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is! It's the Eagles vs. the Bears. I bet you'll be watching since you're such an Eagles fan!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I definitely will! Hopefully, I can find my remote before game time. I like to fiddle with the volume so that I can talk about the game during the commercials." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Does your family like to watch the football games with you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm not sure how much they like it because I talk so much, but I can usually guilt or bribe someone into keeping me company for the game. The kids say that I make the best game snacks." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh! Now I'm intrigued! Tell me about some of these game snacks! What's your best one?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I almost always get a crock pot full of chili going because I can use it for so many different things. Sometimes we have it over fries, sometimes over hotdogs, and sometimes over chips." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yum! I make a great queso using chili! Do you like beans in your chili/" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Definitely beans in my chili; usually at least two different kinds." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "And there is where we differ, my friend. I tend to forego the beans...but I load up on meat and spices!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My three secret ingredients are cocoa powder, a splash of vinegar, and a tiny bit of cinnamon. I know it sounds odd but trust me! Do you add anything unique to yours?" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days 1 hour" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to walk my dog everyday after work.", "I just moved to los angeles from tokyo.", "I also dance and sing.", "My english is not very good yet.", "I want to be a famous actor." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have three daughters.", "I am a police officer in a suburb of detroit.", "I love to go horseback riding.", "My wife and I like to go scuba diving." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I exercise every night.", "I'm still getting used to the lifestyle of california after living in japan for so long.", "I am a musical person.", "I am not great at speaking in the us.", "I love hollywood." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have many girls.", "I serve in a large city.", "I'm a horse person.", "I live by the ocean." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello! How are you this morning?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am fine. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good. Google help with meeting person" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We are going scuba diving in the lake this morning. What are you doing today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "English. At school. Me from tokyo now los angeles. Big actor someday" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Glad you are studying english. It must be difficult learning english and living in a new culture." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes! Yes! It bad not all time. Titi my dog help. Walk her on day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love dogs and have one, too. What kind of dog is titi?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Small call boxer. Brown pretty. Do you got dog?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes. My dog is a black and white boxer mix." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh nice nice. You work too like me" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes. I am a police officer in detroit." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am at school and learning English. I am from Tokyo but now I live in Los Angeles and I would like to be an actor someday.", "I have a dog names Titi that I take for walks." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My family likes to go scuba diving.", "My dog is a boxer mix.", "I am a police office and I live in Detroit." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How was your dive in the lake the other day?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My dive was great, I got to spend time with my family. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Did you see any cool fish?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I saw really cool fish with many colors in the lake. It was really cold though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's very cool! Even though I live in California I'm afraid to go in the ocean, I'm scared of sharks" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am scared of sharks too! I never like walking my dog on the beach because I have a fear of them attacking me." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes me too. I've heard many horror stories. What is your dogs name?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My dogs name is Mike and he is a boxer mix. Do you have a dog?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My dog is a mix from a shelter, I'm not sure exactly what breed shes mixed with, but she was supposed to only be 30 pounds max and she's already 60 pounds!!! She's a big girl. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet! My dog is a decent size because he likes to lay on my lap while I watch TV." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's nice. What TV shows are you into?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mystery TV shows are my favorite, they really capture me and keep me watching. How about you?" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am at school and learning English. I am from Tokyo but now I live in Los Angeles and I would like to be an actor someday.", "I have a dog names Titi that I take for walks. My dog is a mix and weighs 60 pounds already.", "I'm afraid to go in the ocean because I'm scared of sharks. I don't like to walk my dog on the beach because I worry about a shark attack." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My family and I like to go scuba diving.", "My dog is a boxer mix and named Mike.", "I am a police office and I live in Detroit.", "I'm scared of sharks. I don't like to walk my dog on the beach because of my fear of sharks.", "I like to watch TV with my dog in my lap. My favorite TV shows are mysteries." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I tried a mystery TV show and found it to be helpful for learning English." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great what was the show about! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It was about a girl who went missing, and turns out there was a serial killer on the loose. I know you like mystery shows, do you have any good ones to suggest?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "OH that seems to scary for me. I much prefer comedies to be honest, I get enough mystery at work Haha!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes that is true, it must be a very difficult job to be a police officer. But to make it positive, what is your favorite part of the job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Getting home and putting my feet up Haha! Catching the criminals is always a nice feeling! How is school going? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It is going well, I feel like I am getting better and better each day with my English and working towards my goal of becoming an actor here in LA" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's brilliant! It's a very tough business to get into, do you think you can do it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I believe in myself and I think I am have to have confidence or there is no chance for success. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a great attitude to have. I wish you great success in your career! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Thank you! How is your dog doing? I was thinking we should get our dogs to meet haha, they would have fun playing together." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My dogs great and yes I think they would love that, it would be great fun! How's yours doing?" } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days 3 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I like to visit new places.", "I enjoying chatting with people I know.", "Every friday I am at regal cinema.", "I like to spend time at restaurants." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I regularly clean my plate during a meal.", "Walking in the woods is one of my hobbies.", "I am addicted to the casino.", "I love my iphone." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey what are you up to today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Eating my vegetables what about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh good for you lol. Just getting ready to eat out lunch with my family" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice, I'm about to go hiking, which I love to do" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like hiking but love nice long country drives" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes I like gambling too, but I was told it is a problem" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It can be, if you do not know your limits lol. I stick to seeing movies in theatres" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice. I go hiking to avoid gambling" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a great choice. Gambling can tear families apart" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I talk to my family on the phone a lot. What do you love to do" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I chat my family online, they all have limited phone minutes" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Too bad, I love talking via the phone" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes it is more personable. Do you travel?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not much, just to find new hiking places" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "There are two other people in my family.", "I'm a goal keeper on the my team.", "I love football.", "I like italian cuisine.", "I attended an ivy league college." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to bake.", "I enjoy being fake.", "My significant other makes me happy.", "I'll be glad when I do not have to work anymore.", "I enjoy being a parent." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Howdy, how is your day" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm doing quite swell what about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Good just spending time with the family" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice I love my family especially my children" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have a 4 year old boy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you do for a living?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I went to school I stanford, but I play professional soccer" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice I tried to be an actor but I gave it up and instead pursued bakery" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's awesome, do you love it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, but I want to retire soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh okay, what you choose is great as long as you love or like doing it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I believe in that sincerely. How is work for you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh I love it but ready to retire, its alot of abuse on the body" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do not push yourself too hard" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've no choice with this profession but I love it so" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Doing something that you love makes life a lot easier" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I treat sick people in a big building.", "I am musically inclined.", "I enjoy water sports.", "I want to relocate." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I'm a musical person.", "I like to gamble.", "I have a job with a corporation.", "I love to grub.", "I've a race mobile." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Can I play some piano for you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sure, do you know any rock songs?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, but I could learn some" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool, is that your hobby? My passion is food, love to eat and cook." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I mean, I guess. I also paddle board." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ok, that nice. I love to drive my fast car." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I drive to work and that is it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work for a large phone company, go out with friends from work." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I could be your friend. You could come to my new house" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be great. I dream of owning a house and winning the lottery." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am buying one soon. I hope I love it" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You are surely to love you new house." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hope you'd love it too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sure I'll love the house too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Would you want to move in?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not yet. I need to wait longer before I move." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am going to paint my room purple.", "I enjoy music experiences.", "I enjoy musical instruments.", "I am a philatelist.", "I like to swim at the gym." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I get awkward around people.", "I have social anxiety.", "I have amazing stamina.", "My father wants me to go into his business but I'd prefer not to.", "I like to watch movies." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, I love to be scary" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that is scary. Lol. How are you scary?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't really know. La la la" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You know what is scary? Inheriting an appliance store! Refrigerators!!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh nice! I like concerts" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Concerts, like music? Do you watch concerts on netflix?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, I watch them on my roof" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Wow, that sounds like fun. And cheap, lol. I prefer foreign films on netflix." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I live for cheapness. It is stellar" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hear you. I run marathons too... They're no expensive at all." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I just started running... I'm not good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Starting is good. Keep it up! How far do you usually run?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "30 seconds every 3 minutes. Lol. Not good" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ok well, you gotta start somewhere, right? People make me nervous. Running is easier..." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Running and animals are what I like" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What are some of your favorite animals? Do you have pets?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My lifes goal is to be the worlds foremost encyclopedia salesman.", "I'm a traveling encyclopedia salesman.", "I work at the gas station as a part time job.", "I once saw peyton manning at the grocery store.", "My hobbies include rock collecting and making macaroni art." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I run two miles everyday.", "I played football in college.", "I have been married for five years.", "I work at a candy store." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I wish to be the best at selling books.", "I ride around selling books.", "I'm employed at the filling summit less than forty hours per week.", "I make up stories about celebrities to get attention.", "I go to preschool." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to exercise.", "I went to alabama state.", "I've spent along time in love.", "I work in a snack shop." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, I am a traveling encyclopedia salesman, do you want some?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Of course! I own a candy shop. I will send you some candy. You like college football?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, I like the nfl. I saw peyton manning at the grocery store, once." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's pretty awesome. I played ball at ga. I still run about 2 miles a day now" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is cool, I do part time work at a gas station." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you enjoy working there? Are you married?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I like it and no I am not married, are you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yea I am. Benn married a little over 5 years now" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice. My goal is to be the worlds best encyclopedia salesman, marriage gets in the way." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ahahah well that is some serious dedication my friend" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know lol. I also do rock climbing and marconi art., what are your hobbies." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am in a band called cents. Were pretty good. But we do not make much lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What type of music you play?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its pop punk stuff. Like blink 182 and a day to remmer" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work as a traveling encyclopedia salesman. I enjoy working at the gas station part time.", "I like the NFL.", "I want to be the world's best encyclopedia salesman. I am not married. I don't want to be married.", "I rock climb. I do marconi art." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I own a candy shop.", "I enjoy running.", "I'm married for over 5 years.", "I play in a band called Cents. I play pop punk music." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How's rehearsals for your band going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Pretty good, we haven't been meeting up as often as I'd like though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "why, are you too busy with your candy shop?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not particularly. We started practicing at the drummers house after the place we were renting burned down. I've been pressuring the wife to let us set up in the stock room of the store." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "oh my goodness,i feel sorry for you.dont put so much pressure on you and your wife.everything going to be alright." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, it's not that big of a deal. I just feel like, since we all aren't paying rent together, we don't feel as obligated to meet and practice. ya know, use the space or see it as a waste of money type thing. What have you been up to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "okay.i have been focusing on my working.i also be working in a gas station." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I see. Must keep you busy all that traveling around selling encyclopedias AND taking on the job at the gas station." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "yes,it is lot of work.but i love keeping me busy.iam a workaholic." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So was my Dad, he was always working. My wife thinks I should take after him more, but I'd prefer to just play music and live off the candy store income." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "yes, i like your is not all about work.and you have a family spend time with and here iam a single person." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm sure that has it's perks well. Always making a decision for two can sometimes make ya feel a bit trapped." } ], "time_elapsed": " 3 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work as a traveling encyclopedia salesman. I want to be the world's best encyclopedia salesman. I also enjoy working at the gas station part time.", "I like the NFL.", "I am single. I don't want to be married.", "I rock climb. I do marconi art.", "Work takes up a lot of my time and focus. " ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I own a candy shop.", "I enjoy running.", "I'm married for over 5 years.", "I play in a band called Cents. I play pop punk music. I would like the band to meet for rehearsal more often. We've been practicing at the drummer's house. I want us to practice in my candy shop's stock room instead.", "My dad was a workaholic. My wife thinks I should work harder, but I'm more interested in playing music and am happy with the money I make from the candy store.", "I do not have children. My marriage makes me feel confined." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you had any luck moving the band practices into the store room?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not yet. Still having trouble convincing the band it will be more ideal. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a shame, hopefully they will come around to the idea soon. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think they will see how great it could be if they gave it a shot, just once! Any clever idea or advice on how I could make that happen?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a hard one - I'm not really sure. Maybe try telling them how happy it makes you playing what with the stress of your home life and maybe they will come around?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kill them with kindness. And maybe candy! Free candy with every rehearsal? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a great idea! You would definitely have my support there. I love candy! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Perfect! Do you have any experience playing in a band or music ... maybe you can be our new band member." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, my job takes up all of my time these days. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I imagine traveling sales does take up quite a bit of time. But if you ever get burnt out, you are always welcome to swing by and watch the band practice. And if its at the shop, free candy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's very nice of you, thank you. So how are things with your wife at the momnet?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They have been better. But I am doing my best to be positive and move forward. Trying to compartmentalize work from the band from the marriage. " } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days 3 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I work at a juice business.", "I'm trying to eat less meat.", "I support the nba protest movement.", "I like the rolling stones." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love to see things grow.", "I like cameras.", "I cook for a living.", "I like the open road.", "Everyone loves my lemon meringue." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi! How are you doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am doing well and how about yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm doing pretty well. Ca not complain" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I just got done baking a pie what are you up to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh yum! What kind? I'm not up to much. Just listening to some music" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Strawberry fresh from my garden what are you listening to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh nice that sounds really good. I'm listening to classic rock" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome is to do photography back in the day with a lot of musicians" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh really that's so cool! What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No I'm a chef and I travel a lot for work" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I gotcha. Traveling sounds fun" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "So what are you do for a living?" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a disappointment to my family.", "I love my parrot, todd.", "I'm the oldest of 5 children.", "I have never been to the beach." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like to eat cheetos.", "My wife doesn't like me anymore.", "I hate mexican food.", "I've went to mexico 4 times this year." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I didn't follow what my parents wanted of me.", "I like my bird.", "I am the biggest kid.", "I'ver been to the pool." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Cheese is my favorite snack food.", "My spouse hates us.", "I do not like burritos.", "I enjoy visiting places that are mexican culture." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello there! How are you tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Am fine and how about you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Not to bad. Just got done playing with my parrot." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not have any pet at home." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awe! Are you married with any kids?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Have two kids left under the care of their dad because am away." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh really? Where did you go away to?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Went to meet our agent who manages our business branch in another state." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wonderful! I am going to the beach next week. Never been there! You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "We go their as a family during summer times." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How awesome! Have any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I love watching movies and designer shows." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own a parrot.", "I have never been to the beach." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I do not own any pets.", "I am a woman and I have two kids.", "I traveled another state to meet another employee who manages a business branch.", "I travel with my family to the beach during the summer.", "I like watching movies and designer shows." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Are you still in another state? How are your kids doing?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They are doing very well, than you." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you only travel in the summer?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No, I could travel at any time but the purpose are different." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to travel whenever I get a break from work." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How is your parrot? I do not like pet." } ], "time_elapsed": "7 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I own a parrot.", "I have never been to the beach.", "I am employed. I like to travel when not working." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I do not own any pets. I don't like pets.", "I am a woman and I have two kids.", "I traveled another state to meet another employee who manages a business branch.", "I travel with my family to the beach during the summer.", "I like watching movies and designer shows.", "I can travel throughout the year." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My parrot is doing great. She actually said your name yesterday. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've never heard a parrot say, \"Hans\" before. That's great! Very talented parrot." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Haha, he says quite a few words!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Parrot's, crows and ravens are all crazy smart. I don't own any pets, but if I did, it would be a parrot, crow or raven." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've always wanted a hawk, haha I know it's not possible but its fun to think of." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hawk seems like it would be a challenging pet. I knew somebody, one time, who owned a pet caiman, so a hawk isn't that crazy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh wow! I guess any animal can be a pet if you're brave (or crazy) enough." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Just that. She had two kiddie pools in her basement and the floor was covered in that green fake grass mat stuff. Caimans love love love fake grass mats." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "He was in little Caiman heaven then! I must say that is very creative." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, to be fair, parrots are a lot more sociable than caimans. So I think you made the right pet pick." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "for sure! He is my little buddy. He really does help when I get lonely or sad." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sounds like a good enough reason to me. A caiman would just want you to feed it chicken. It doesn't really care if you're lonely or sad. It just wants chicken." } ], "time_elapsed": "9 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I really enjoy playing outdoor sports.", "I work in computers.", "My parents were labor workers.", "I like learning about the past.", "My mom was a nurse at the hospital." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I like my picture.", "My mother has a terrible illness.", "I call the ghetto home.", "My neighborhood can get loud late." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How are you doing tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ok but I m staying up because my next door neighbors are fighting again" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh no that s not good, are they abusive?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I m not sure. Both are scary actually. I think they're drug dealers" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you called the police?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I can t. Where I live snitches can get killed." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Snitches get stitches! I m sorry you have to deal with that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. It doesn t help my moms health either. She gets really stressed." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah I can imagine, ever thought about moving?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'd but I take care of mom so it s hard to make lots of money." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You are a strong person caring for her." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Thank you! She s my mom so I m happy to do it. People make fun of me though" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It can be tough for both sides." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think people think I m lazy because I still live at home with mom. What about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I work full time and have 2 kids." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like a lot to handle! I respect you!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You too! I wish you the best." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I hope you have a great night and nice life. I send you angels" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I happen to love being around others.", "I'm the youngest.", "I've a step mom.", "I fractured my bone.", "My husband died." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My mother was a cosmetologist.", "I've a sensible car.", "My favorite thing to do is the salsa and tango.", "I work at a business that sells morning drinks." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am well. Just got home from my job at a coffee shop" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice how is business?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Busy on a sunday. What do you do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, I am currently unemployed and my husband has died leaving me widowed." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sorry to hear that. Do you have any hobbies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to socialize with others" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great. I just joined a new dance class, that's my passion" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Really? That sounds amazing, how is it?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Great! My mom comes with me when she's not busy hairdressing" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice my parents are currently divorced" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mine too, but still get along. What type of car do your drive?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "A ford focus, very menial car" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Small cars are the best I am a prius girl myself" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice I have saved a lot of money with my focus" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I work far away so I love how fuel efficient they're" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I have a brand new chevrolet.", "I am a big sports fan.", "I'm looking to start a business.", "I enjoy hanging out with friends and family.", "I like to get involved in politics." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I travel a lot.", "I like doing art projects.", "I enjoy spending time with family and friends.", "I'm married." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I bought a chevy at the dealer the other day.", "I love watching nfl.", "I want to begin my own company.", "I like being with the people I know best.", "How the country is ran is something that I dabble in." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I fly around the country for work.", "I enjoy making things artistically.", "I love my clan.", "Somebody put a ring on it." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm great and you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Doing well just watching the cubs play, do you enjoy baseball?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not really but I do like arts and to travel" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where is your favorite place to travel?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No favorites I just like to see the world with my husband" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to go for drives in my new corvette" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sounds like a great time to be around friends and family road trip" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes it is a great time for bonding and talk about politics" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Should talk about art projects I like to do that" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What kind of art projects do you like to do?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like to do a lot of stuff especially birds and cars" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Enjoy it enough to open your own company to do it for a job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes absolutely its very fun and ease the mind" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "To put my mind at ease I work on local political campaigns" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Its very cold outside I need to turn the heat on" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I watch baseball. I like the Cubs.", "I like to go for drives. I have a new corvette.", "I work on local political campaigns." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't really enjoy baseball. I enjoy art and traveling. ", "I do not have a favorite travel destination. I have a husband.", "I enjoy doing art projects involving birds and cats.", "I have a heater." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I am so upset my brand new corvette got stolen the other night!! Right from out of my driveway!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am sorry to hear that. You will not be going on any drives soon." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I know. I was hoping for us to go on a drive to an art museum this week. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would have been fun. I was considering going with my husband this weekend to see the new exhibit. I hope to have a piece of mine featured in a museum one day." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice. You enjoy making art involving cats and dogs, right? What media do you work with?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I actually use birds and cats as my subjects. I prefer to work with oil paints." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm not a big fan of painting. I enjoy sculpture. Maybe you can change my mind. And maybe I'll be able to change your mind about baseball." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I believe anyone can paint. I would love to give you a lesson. Maybe we can catch a basketball game together sometime. What is your favorite team?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I would love to take you up on the painting lesson. My favorite basketball team is the NY Knicks. I grew up Brooklyn. What's your favorite team?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My husband likes the Knicks also! All three of us should go to a game together. What days are you free?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice! Campaign season just ended, so my schedule is pretty flexible. But weekends work best for me. Are you and your husband available on the weekends?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes we are. Let's plan to go next weekend. Will you have another car by then or should we pick you up?" } ], "time_elapsed": "2 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I watch baseball. I like the Cubs.", "I like to go for drives. I have a new corvette.", "I work on local political campaigns.", "I like sculpture and baseball, not painting.", "I grew up in Brooklyn, and I like the NY Knicks." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't really enjoy baseball. I enjoy art and traveling. ", "I do not have a favorite travel destination. ", "I enjoy doing art projects involving birds and cats. I like using oil paints.", "I have a heater.", "My husband likes the Knicks.", "I have a car." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you been working on any paintings?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes! I took a picture of a blue jay in the park, and I am working on an oil painting of that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is pretty neat. I wish I had a talent...would being able to watch a full 9-inning Cubs game be considered a talent?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha, let's say it's a good hobby? Do you ever play baseball or just watch? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I played in HS, and was recruited to play in college before I blew out my knee. Now I am a beer league softball player. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh wow, good for you! See, that is a talent! I am not a big sports person myself, other than when I am forced to watch the Knicks games with my husband. I am happy to go to the games though for the fun crowd and snacks haha." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The park that we play our softball games in has an eagles nest up high in the trees. I know heckling players and eating snack food is fun, but could be inspirational for your paintings too!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh really? That is a great idea. I can come hang out and hopefully get some good snaps of the Eagle...that would make an amazing painting! I would have to give you a cut of the sale if someone buys that painting." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I can easily be bought off with a 12-pack of Rolling Rock! " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Haha, sounds like a plan! I am looking forward to it. When do you play your games?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Games are mostly on Tues and Thurs after work. The Eagle seems to be most active right at dusk, perhaps that is prime hunting time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, that makes sense. Do you mind if I come watch your game and hang out next Tuesday evening? I will even bring the 12-pack." } ], "time_elapsed": "2 days 2 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I do not like numbers.", "That thing isn't large enough.", "I like to buy clothes.", "I work in fast food, and that scent lingers!.", "I love fried potato sticks." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "When items become low on shelves I make sure they are replenished.", "My dad works on cars.", "I don't eat burgers.", "I like country music." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, are you good at math? I'm horrible at it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I'm not that good either" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Aw man, do you like french fries?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like tofu and organic rice" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like tofu but I eat french fries more often." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you like music at all" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, what kind of music do you like?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Muse and indie rock and classical" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice, I just got a muse sweater, it does not fit me though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I know the feeling. I just lost all that weight." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Tell me about it, I eat so many french fries that I smell like them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like a lot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'd tell you how much but I am really bad at math." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What kind of math are you doing" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm an omnivore.", "I was once on the road performing my music.", "I like hard rock.", "I had a tiresome job.", "I just began telecommuting." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "Hip hop is my favorite.", "I am hairy.", "I've a diploma from completing the twelfth grade.", "I work in a stable." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi, how are you today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am good how are you" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Really well! I just started working online today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is awesome is it a new job" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, it is a reviewing site for guitar players" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is cool do you like music" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I do. In fact I used to travel the us playing with my band" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool what kind of music" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Mostly rock, some country just like my favorite band story so far" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool I am really into rap music" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awesome. Who is your favorite artist?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I like new emerging artists" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Nice. I should expand my horizons to rap too" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah there are some cool artists out there" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love to sew.", "I've a cat.", "I wait tables at a cafe.", "My mother was a nurse.", "I like to be alone." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am the youngest sibling in my family.", "I am very inquisitive and enjoy learning new things.", "I enjoy playing video games.", "My favorite foods are fried chicken and chocolate cake.", "I would rather stay up late than get up early." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am a crafty person.", "I have a pet kitten.", "I am a waitress at a restaurant.", "My family was in the medical field.", "I like my solitude." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am the baby of all my relatives.", "I like to go to school.", "I love interacting on my console.", "I like to eat things fro kfc.", "I am a night owl." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello!! Cat lover here? What pet do you have?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've 3 cats and 1 dog. Favorite foods?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hmm, my favorite is coffee with anything ll. I work at a cafe." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Nice! Coffee and chocolate cake is my favorite dessert. Fried chicken for a meal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My mom, the nurse, taught me not to eat fried foods. But bring on the chocolate!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ll true! Do you have any siblings? I am the youngest of 3." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I've 6 brothers and 4 sisters which is why I appreciate my solitude ll" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I understand that! I get away and play video games" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Just give me some fabric and my machine and I'm good." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sounds fun! I've spent many late nights reading different things. I love to learn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too. I love learning new sewing techniques to make cat costumes." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That sounds like fun! I might have to learn how to do that." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My waitressing job is the only thing keeping me from sewing 24 7 ll." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Jobs always get in the way! Ll nice chatting with you!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love cats.", "I love coffee. I work in a cafe.", "My mum is a nurse. I don't eat fried food. I love chocolate.", "I have 6 brothers and 4 sisters. I enjoy being alone.", "I like to sew.", "I enjoy reading and learning. I sew cat costumes.", "My job gets in the way of my hobbies." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have 3 cats and 1 dog.", "My favorite foods are fried chicken and chocolate cake. I like to drink coffee.", "I am the youngest of 3 siblings.", "I like to play video games.", "I enjoy reading and learning new things." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I found a pattern for a new cat costume." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's great. Is it for an upcoming holiday? You never mentioned if you owned a cat." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have cats and I love them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Mine are all fat and lazy. I've never put a costume on them though. Cats are nice and quiet. Have you read anything new?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I do like to read about historical events of the world." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Me too. I love to read non-fiction, and watch movies based on fact. It's amazing what I've learned. Do you watch historical movies?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I do watch historical movies too. They are a great way to learn." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've been reading about past socialized governments. The idea if great, socialism. But I don't think it would work in the U.S. What do you think?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Socialism is a complex concept and our greediness can not make it work here." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You're exactly right. Our structure is set up for the greediest to survive well. But at least we can make things that we enjoy, like cat costumes. Do you sell them?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I did not sell them, only keep it to make aged mother happy." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Are the cats yours or your mom's?" } ], "time_elapsed": " 2 hours" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love coffee. I work in a cafe.", "I have an aged mother. My mum is a nurse. I don't eat fried food. I love chocolate.", "I have 6 brothers and 4 sisters. I enjoy being alone.", "I like to sew. I sew cat costumes. My job gets in the way of my hobbies.", "I have cats. I love them.", "I like to read about historical events. I watch historical movies." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I have 3 cats and 1 dog.", "My favorite foods are fried chicken and chocolate cake. I like to drink coffee.", "I am the youngest of 3 siblings.", "I like to play video games.", "I enjoy reading and learning new things. I love to read and watch non-fiction." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I made the cutest cat costume for my mom the other day, it's a little alien headband." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Oh that's adorable! That makes me think I should start planning what to dress my little kitties as for Halloween this year. How is your mother doing these days?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "She is doing good. The headband really made her happy. How is your family doing? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They are doing well! They've been asking me lately when I plan to settle down, there's a lot of pressure when you're the youngest. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I bet there is a lot of pressure. Do not rush into settling and make sure you find the right person IF you even choose to be with someone." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The older I get, the more I think I am better off on my own sometimes. I'm sure you feel similarly?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes, I do enjoy being alone and feel it is the best at times. I am in charge of myself and my time, and I make the best of it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I am starting to feel the same. My other siblings are all married and some have kids, and they all seem unhappy. I feel like I can do better on my own, and if someone comes along that I like then that's just an added bonus. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "YES I agree big time. They should be an added bonus and not someone you rely on. We should get together and celebrate our strengths of learning not to need anyone." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I think that sounds like a great idea. Do you think you'll have any upcoming free time? I know how busy you get with work sometimes. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I can make time. How about next weekend?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That works for me. Maybe we can find a good restaurant to go to, I've been craving soul food for a while now. " } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days 2 hours" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love animals.", "I work with animals.", "I like red berries.", "I enjoy the ocean.", "I've a couple pets." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I've a lexus.", "All I do is stay at the office.", "My management role is very important to me.", "I grew up close with my parents.", "I have a family business." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi I am vegan and I got two cats." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Cool! I manage a family owned restaurant that serves is all vegan food!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "My favorite is strawberries with honey." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "The inside of my sports car is scented like strawberries! Its very nice!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Race my car to the beach is where I love to go." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I work so much I never have time, at least I'm with family" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Where do you work? I work for a veterinary office in texas." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Joes vegan grill. Joe is actually my brother, he works there too." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Super sweet I cant eat meat gets me bloated. Is your brother vegan?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My whole precious family that I really love is" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you have any pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, 20 stray dogs I got at a shelter." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Do you also take in cats? My cats name is strawberries." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "No dogs don't do so good around the cats. Cool name!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Also got one named peach." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I've one dog named bourbon and one brandy" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm an aspiring actor.", "I was on the silver screen.", "I do not know many people.", "I like fluid from out of country.", "I tell jokes on stage." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't consume meat.", "I love spending time with my pets.", "My family assists me.", "I'm a fan of spending money." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wanna read a funny joke?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Does it involve a vegetarian who eats sushi?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No, but that sounds funny. I will add that to my rep." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Ll. The parental units still pay my rent, what can I say?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is heavenly. I will drink my cuba libre to that one." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "All things considered, that sounds good. I shall make one for my dog." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "In my little town when I live, all dogs drink cuba libre. Its good for them." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "All dog shops should carry cuba libre." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Last night gig at the theatre had numerous drunk doggies. It was wonderful." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I wonder if drunk doggies bark in spanish?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Woof woof I will have another!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Waiter! Cuba fibres all around!" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "My favorite color is yellow.", "I often don't have the money to pay my utility bills.", "I only take the bus.", "I babysit for the woman who lives next door.", "I'm an old woman who lives on a social security check." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "My country is russia.", "I can also squat 400 pounds.", "I am a weight lifter.", "I can benchpress 345 pounds." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I love bright colors.", "I live paycheck to paycheck.", "I do not own a car.", "I watched our neighbors son a few times while she was away.", "I'm a recipient of welfare." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am from the home land.", "I lift a lot of weights.", "I exercise regularly.", "I lift a lot at the gym." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi how are you today" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Hi. I'm doing well. I hale from russia. Where are you from?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm from california." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "What do you like to do in your spare time?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I don't really have spare time I always work never have bill money" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yeah. I'm headed to the gym in a bit to weight lift." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's awesome and relaxing at times. Maybe a bus can take me there" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You'd like it. My friend and I are trying to squad more than my current 400." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'm a senior citizen so I don't drive anymore" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is tough. Pounds that is. My bench press is almost as good at 345 pounds." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "It sounds like you work out a lot" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Got to stay fit. Enough about me. Tell me about yourself." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love the color yellow I even painted one of my rooms that color" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That makes things feel warm and sunny for sure." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yeah it does. My side job is babysitting for a neighbor" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kids are cute. I am too busy weight lifting to babysit these days." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am from California.", "I spend all of my time working.", "I am a senior citizen. I do not drive.", "I like the color yellow.", "I babysit for a neighbor." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am from Russia.", "I lift weights at the gym.", "I can squat 400 pounds and bench press 345 pounds.", "I do not babysit because I am busy weight lifting." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Have you and your friend managed to achieve your weight lifting goal?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not yet, I'm trying to hit 400 pounds on bench press but I'm not far away! Did you ever body build when you were younger?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I did not because I have always spent my time working. Is weightlifting your job?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I would like to think so, I am training to become an Olympic athlete and represent my country, did you manage to buy those yellow shoes?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I did not buy the yellow shoes but think they would look great on you for the Olympics. How much must you lift to qualify?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I will have to buy some to try out! I must win a competition to take a place in the national team, so more than everybody else competing! I am planning a trip to California next year, do you recommend anywhere i sould visit? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "There are many gyms in California I think you would like to train in, but I have never seen them myself as I am old and do not drive. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I could always arrange to pick you up if you would agree to show me around. How old is your neighbours child? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The child is 5 years old why do you ask? I must consider my job before promising to take you on a tour of California, so we must wait and see. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "A senior and still working! I love your ethic, it is like mine in the gym, and I bet the child can be trouble at times! Do you have any children yourself?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "All I do is work and babysit, just like you work out at the gym in Russia. You still do not have time to babysit I guess?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do not, although I am trying to free up time to travel the world. I want to explore." } ], "time_elapsed": "3 days" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am from California.", "I am a senior citizen. I do not drive.", "I like the color yellow.", "All I do is work and babysit. I babysit for a neighbor.", "I did not body build because I have always spent my time working." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I am from Russia.", "I lift weights at the gym. I can squat 400 pounds and bench press 345 pounds. I'm trying to hit 400 pounds on bench press but I'm not far away.", "I am training to become an Olympic athlete and represent my country.", "I am planning a trip to California next year.", "I do not have time to babysit, although I am trying to free up time to travel the world. I want to explore." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "How is your sport achievements?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "My training is going well so far. I'm able to bench 390 pounds...only ten more pounds to go before I reach my goal! Do you like to work out at all?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's amazing! You're so close to your goal. You have actually motivated me to start working out. I know more abou cardio though. What do you recommend I start with on weight training?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Well, have you ever done any type of weight training before? I say it's always best to start slow and light and gradually work your way up so that you don't over-strain your muscles. When I started weight training years ago, I start with some simple hand weights and gradually increased the weight load. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's a good idea. And hand weights sound affordable. My last memory of doing weight training was decades ago. I'm sure some techniques have changed since then!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Definitely. The important thing is to find a routine that works for you. Hey, how is the babysitting going?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Babysitting can be a rollercoaster. Lol. But right now I am helping plan a birthday party for him. He will be turning 6. Maybe I can make it a body builder theme??!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That could be really cool! Or even something like an American Ninja Warriors type of theme where the kids can complete a little obstacle course or something. At 6 years old, I bet he has a ton of energy!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You have the best ideas. I will talk to his Mom about the obstacle course idea. Any ideas on what we could hand out as prizes for 1st place?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Kids at that age are so happy with any sort of little knick knack. I think it would be cute to have an actual (plastic) medal for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. I bet something like a little gift card to an ice cream place or something would be a big hit." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Yes. He loves it when I take him out to eh local ice cream place for a treat. Speaking of medals, I can mock one up for your eventual Olympic win. I'm just so excited for your upcoming adventure!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That would be amazing! I am so excited as well...even though I still have a lot of work to do, I am thrilled that I have something so exciting to strive for!" } ], "time_elapsed": "5 days" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "People find me to be off.", "I need to go shopping for new attire.", "My boss said I needed to step up my game.", "I have a dyed head." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I love art metal bands.", "I'm a pilot.", "I did not graduate from university.", "A soldier is what I'm." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hey, whos chatting with me? I am just hanging out on the couch watchin tv" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Good morning. Ca not chat long... Going flying soon" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "No problem. I'm gonna meet some friends to do some gaming later. Where you flying?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Just out on maneuvers. I work for the army" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Cool, I do not think I could do that army" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It was all I could do once I left college... Ok, dropped out lol" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I need to get a job. No one will hire me my hair is colorful" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I went through that phase... Left college because I was obsessed with the band tool" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Awesome I like that scene." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yup, still do. My hair was green and spiked.. I fit in!!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Mine is blue and orange!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I bet its cool... Now mine is short because of the army! Miss the green" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I'm a strong and helpful person.", "I am starting my own business.", "I cannot see the difference between blue and purple.", "I am an adult that stays with my parents." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I was once on the road performing my music.", "I like hard rock.", "I had a tiresome job.", "I am an omnivore.", "I just began telecommuting." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hello, how are you tonight?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Good. Tired. Just finished working. You?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I hear that I volunteer as a firefighter" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I use to work at the box factory but I just took a job online." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Which do you prefer? I am opening a grocery store" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Online definitely. I can grab a hamburger when I want." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sounds great. I still live at home, trying to move out." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Right on. I live in canada now but use to come to the us to play guitar." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Guitar is wonderful. Do you like to travel?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I do. I like it a lot." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Me too, I'm actually colorblind. There is a lot I cant see" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "How serious is your condition?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Serious enough I miss out on seeing colors people enjoy" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Sorry to hear that. I have blurred vision but with glasses I can see." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That is okay, I'm happy anyway." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That is good to hear." } ], "time_elapsed": "0" } ]
[ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I am very genuine, and don t like small talk.", "I've aspergers.", "I take everything literally.", "I've a very good memory." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I train horses for a living.", "I write in my spare time.", "I never sleep in.", "I wish I knew where I belonged." ] } ]
[ { "session_id": 0, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I prefer things be straight to the point.", "I've a learning impairment.", "I'm a very open and truthful person who takes things as they are.", "I can remember names well." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I teach animals for my career.", "I like to print my thought s.", "I like to get my day started.", "I do not really feel like I fit in." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hi. I'm not much for small talk. Asperger is that way I guess." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You could train horses with me since they do not talk much" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That sounds fun. I hope you meant it. I am a literal sort of gal." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I did meant it since I find it hard to connect with people" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I'll remember that. My memory is sharp." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you like sleeping in?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Sometimes I do. How about you?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Not one for it since it would interfere with my writing time" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You like to write? What do you write?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Most about my thoughts and the behaviors of the horses I train" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "You could probably publish a book about your experience." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Maybe that's where I belong" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Possibly. Writing is a great profession. Many like it." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Do you enjoy reading much" } ], "time_elapsed": "0" }, { "session_id": 1, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I don't like small talk. I have Aspergers.", "I have a good memory.", "I sometimes sleep in." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I train horses.", "I find it hard to connect with people.", "I don't like sleeping in.", "I write about my thoughts and horses in my spare time." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I actually slept in today :)" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I woke up an hour early, but I had a bunch of stuff to do. Didn't want to waste time sleeping!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "What did you do today?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "I got a new horse in on the farm, and had to start training him. Beautiful chesnut colored stud." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "That's cool. How long have you trained horses?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "It's been about 30 years now I've been doing it. They are gentle beasts if you know how to treat them. Very eager to learn and please their owners with the results. You like horses?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Wow, you're very passionate about them. I wish I could get past my fear. I fell off a horse when I was 8 years old. I was fine but very scared ever since. Maybe one day I will try again. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "They are worth it. Something as simple as letting them eat a carrot from your hand is a good first step :)" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I like to admire them from afar and they are very beautiful. I prefer smaller animals, do you have any other pets?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Yes, I actually have 3 cats that keep me company when I'm not doing my job, they're wonderful as well. They like to goof off!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I love cats. What are their names?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Their names are Timothy, Bobo, and Sir Loin haha" } ], "time_elapsed": " 1 hour" }, { "session_id": 2, "personas": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": [ "I don't like small talk. I have Aspergers.", "I have a good memory.", "I sometimes sleep in.", "I fell from a horse when I was 8. I'm afraid of horses. I like small animals. I love cats." ] }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": [ "I don't like sleeping in.", "I write about my thoughts and horses in my spare time. I got a new horse. I live on a farm. I've been training horses for about 30 years. I find it hard to connect with people.", "I have 3 cats: Timothy, Bob, and Sir Loin." ] } ], "dialogue": [ { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I got a new pet." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Awesome, what type of pet did you get?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have always wanted a goat so I got a little one but haven't though if a name yet. Any ideas?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "OMG, I love goats. What about Billy - as in Billy the Kid?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Hmm, I like that Billy Goat and I like the idea of the western theme. What about Doc in memory of Doc Holliday? " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "That's a good idea too. So where is he going to live - outside?" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "I have a sunroom area that doubles for a mud room and it has a door for animal access. It has been working out so far. I will see how long it lasts though." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "Good. Yeah I'm sure it is good having him in the house while he is little but I think it would get very messy and smelly once he gets older!" }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "The seller told me that it wont get bigger than a medium size dog. If that is true I'll be able to give bathes in my tub pretty often and try to keep it clean enough to live inside with me. I have high hopes though. I was thinking of inventing diapers for it to wear." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "As long as you give him lots of outside time and space to explore. I don't think it is fair to keep them inside all day. " }, { "speaker": "Speaker 1", "text": "Oh, that is a good point because he will need exercise. I can start walking him daily maybe I'll buy a leash." }, { "speaker": "Speaker 2", "text": "You should look at fencing off part of your yard - that way it will give him space to run and jump around. " } ], "time_elapsed": " 3 hours" } ]